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PINNACLE General Studies English PDF

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S. No. Subject Name Page no. Number of Questions.

1. Static G.K. 1-153 1689

2. History 154-235 848

3. Polity 236-283 459

4. Geography 284-360 840

5. Economics 361-400 378

6. Physics 401-421 234

7. Chemistry 422-448 307

8. Biology 449-495 505

9. Current affairs 1-122 (QR code) 1267 (QR code)

TOTAL 495+122=617 6527

Static G.K.

S. No. Chapter Name Page no. Question no. No. of question

1. Dance 1-13 01-136 136

2. First in India/World 13-23 137-240 104

3. Sports 23-40 241-440 200

4. Cricket 40-44 441-486 46

5. Books and authors 44-61 487-678 192

6. Famous Personality 61-64 679-707 29

7. Important days 64-67 708-737 30

8. States G.K. 67-77 738-861 124

9. Organisation 77-80 862-887 26

10. Fairs 8-81 888-902 15

11. Festivals 81-91 903-1000 98

12. Songs 91-94 1001-1043 43

13. World G.K. 94-98 1044-1088 45

14. Computer 98-111 1089-1233 145

15. Full form 111-112 1234-1252 19

16. Religious Places 112-118 1253-1307 55

17. Awards 118-124 1308-1380 73

18. Painting/ Dress/ Tribes 124-128 1381-1417 37

19. Important events 128-133 1418-1485 68

20. Instruments 133-135 1486-1501 16

21. Miscellaneous 135-146 1502-1623 122

22. Founder 146-147 1624- 1636 13

23. Entertainment 147-148 1637- 1647 11

24. Schemes 148-152 1648-1687 40

25 Military Exercise 152-153 1688-1689 2


Ancient History
S. No. Chapter Name Page no. Question no. No. of question

1. Prehistoric And Indus Valley 154-156 1-30 30

2. Vedic Age 156-157 31-44 14

3. Jainism 157-158 45-50 6

4. Buddhism 158-160 51-72 22

5. Mahajanapadas 160-163 73-98 26

6. Mauryan Empire 163-165 99-120 22

7. Gupta Dynasty 165-166 121-134 14

8. Vardhana Dynasty 166-167 135-146 12

9. Miscellaneous 167-174 147-217 71

Medieval History
S. No. Chapter Name Page no. Question no. No. of question

1. Foreign Invasions 174-175 218-234 17

2. Delhi Sultanate 175-177 235-251 17

3. Slave Dynasty 177-178 252-263 12

4. Khilji Dynasty 178-179 264-271 8

5. Tuglaq dynasty 179-180 272-281 10

6. Sayyid Dynasty 180 282-283 2

7. Lodi Dynasty 180 284-286 3

8. Babur 180-182 287-300 14

9. Humayun and Sher Shah Suri 182 301-308 8

10. Akbar 182-184 309-328 20

11. Jahangir 184-185 329-338 10

12. Shah Jahan 185-186 339-345 7

13. Aurangzeb 186-187 346-356 11

14. Sikh Guru 187-188 357-370 14

15. Marathas 188-189 371-376 6

16. Vijaynagar Empire 189-190 377-387 11

17. Wars and Treaties 190-193 388-415 28

18. Miscellaneous 193-201 416-502 87

Modern History
S. No. Chapter Name Page no. Question no. No. of question

1. The Revolt of 1857 201-203 503-520 18

2. Governor and Viceroys 203-204 521-529 9

3. British acts and Policies 204-208 530-570 41

4. Partition of Bengal and swadeshi 208-209 571-581 11


5. Gandhian era 209-213 582-623 42

6. Expansion of British Rule 213-214 624-633 10

7. The Revolutionaries 214-217 634-661 28

8. Struggle for Independence 217-222 662-712 51

9. Socio religious reforms 222-226 713-755 43

10. Indian National Congress and its 226-228 756-773 18

11. Muslim league 228-229 774-781 8

12. Miscellaneous 229-235 782-848 67


S. No. Chapter Name Page no. Question no. No. of question

1. Constitution 236-239 1-31 31

2. Sources of Indian Constitution 239-240 32-40 9

3. Article, Schedule, Parts and list 240-254 41-178 138

4. Amendments 254-257 179-210 32

5. Fundamental Rights and Duties 257-259 211-227 17

6. Committee Report 259-261 228-241 14

7. Parliament 261-268 242-313 72

8. President, Vice President and Prime 268-270 314-336 23


9. Government Bodies 270-272 337-357 21

10. Five-year plans 272-273 358-359 2

11. Polity of neighboring countries 273 360-369 10

12. Miscellaneous 273-283 370-459 90


S. No. Chapter Name Page no. Question no. No. of question

1. Solar system and its planets 284-288 1-54 54

2. Longitudes and latitudes 288-290 55-78 24

3. continents and oceans 290-294 79-119 41

4. Neighboring countries of India 294-297 120-150 31

5. Indian drainage system 297-315 151-365 215

6. World drainage system 315-316 366-375 10

7. Mineral and energy resources in India 316-318 376-398 23

8. Agriculture 318-321 399-430 32

9. Soils 321-324 431-458 28

10. Vegetation 324-326 459-483 25

11. Industries 327-328 484-504 21

12. Biosphere reserves 328-335 505-572 68

13. Physiographic division of India 335-344 573-681 109

14. Transportation 344-346 682-703 22

15. Population 346-348 704-719 16

16. Atmosphere 348-351 720-744 25

17. Rocks 351-352 745-757 13

18. Tribes 352 758-760 3

19. Mountain 352-358 761-822 62

20. Volcano 358-359 823-832 10

21. World geography and map 359-360 833-840 8


S. No. Chapter Name Page no. Question no. No. of question

1. Basics of economy 361-364 1-38 38

2. Concepts of demand and supply 364-366 39-48 10

3. Costs, Production, Consumptions 366-368 49-71 23

and market

4. National income, Inflation, Budget, 368-373 72-123 52

Taxation and GDP

5. Money banking and financial 373-384 124-229 106


Navratna /Maharatna/PSU Etc 384-385 230-237 8

International organisations 385-386 238-242 5

Government schemes 386 243- 247 5

Indian economy: Central problems 386-390 248-285 38

and Planning

Stock, Debentures and Foreign trade 390-391 286-297 12

Miscellaneous 391-400 298-378 81


S. No. Chapter Name Page no. Question no. No. of question

1. Light and Optics 401-403 1-30 30

2. Heat and thermodynamics 403-404 31-40 10

3. Fluid Mechanics 404-405 41-48 8

4. Electric current and its effects 405-407 49-65 17

5. Force and Pressure 407-408 66-81 16

6. Sound 408-409 82-94 13

7. Gravitation 409-410 95-104 10

8. Work and Energy 410-411 105-113 9

9. Waves 411-412 114-123 10

10. Radioactivity 412-413 124-129 6

11. Discoveries 413-414 130-148 19

12. Units and measurements 414-419 149- 209 61

13. Miscellaneous 419-421 210-234 25


S. No. Chapter Name Page no. Question no. No. of question

1. Structure of Atom 422-423 1-14 14

2. Metals Non-metals and alloys 423-426 15-62 48

3. Acid Bases and Salt 426-429 63-90 28

4. Metallurgy 429-430 91-103 13

5. Organic chemistry 430-432 104-127 24

6. Periodic table 432-434 128-153 26

7. Ideal Gas Law 434-435 154-159 6

8. Chemical properties 435-436 160-171 12

9. Solutions 436-437 172-182 11

10. Chemistry in Everyday life 437- 441 183-225 43

11. Discoveries 441 226-229 4

12. Common name 441-443 230-254 25

13. Miscellaneous 443-448 255-307 53


S. No. Chapter Name Page no. Question no. No. of question

1. Scientific name 449-450 1-14 14

2. Nutrition in Animal 450-452 15-38 24

3. Nutrition in plant 452-454 39-63 25

4. Deficiency and Diseases 454-463 64-161 98

5. Reproduction in animals 463-464 162-170 9

6. Reproduction in Plant 465-465 171-183 13

7. Cell : Basic unit of life 465-468 184-208 25

8. Sensory Organs 468-469 209-224 16

9. Circulatory System 469-471 225-250 26

10. Excretory System 471-472 251-261 11

11. Endocrine/Exocrine system 472-473 262-270 9

12. Respiratory system 473-474 271-280 10

13. Digestive system 474-476 281-304 24

14. Nervous system 4777-478 305-317 13

15. Skeleton system 478-479 318-332 15

16. Plant kingdom 479-482 333-358 26

17. Animal Kingdom 482-483 359-378 20

18. Micro organism 483-484 379-387 9

19. Enzymes and Hormones 484-485 388-401 14

20. Discoveries and Vaccines 485-488 402-427 26

21. Scientific Study 488-490 428-448 21

22. Miscellaneous 490-495 449-505 57

Current affairs
QR Code Chapter name Page no. Question No. No. of Question

1. Sports 1-22 1-242 242

2. Ranking Reports and Survey 22-29 243-319 77

3. Summits 29-32 320-350 31

4. Special Days 32-34 351-372 22

5. Miscellaneous 34-59 373-622 250

6. Awards 59-79 623-835 213

7. Persons 79-100 836-1053 218

8. States 100-112 1054-1180 127

9. Schemes and projects 112-122 1181-1267 87

Pinnacle Static GK

STATIC G.K Q.4. _______ is the traditional musical Federally Administered Tribal Areas of
instrument of the Limboo community of Pakistan, is a large area and has a
DANCES Sikkim. particular Pashtun culture.
SSC CGL 04/06/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) Chyap-Brung (b) Jeurum Silly Q.8. ‘Kandyan Dance’ is the common
Q.1. ________ dance, performed by
(c) Naumati (d) Chutkay dance of _______ country.
Buddhists to ward off evil spirits, is a
SSC-CGL 11th June 2019 (Afternoon)
dance form of Himachal Pradesh.
Sol.(a) Limboo or Subba is a traditional (a) India (b) Bhutan
SSC CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning)
Folk Dance of the Sikkimese. In this (c) Sri Lanka (d) Nepal
(a) Chham (b) Natya
dance, the dancers hang the
(c) Dham (d) Gogra
'Chyap-Brung', a musical instrument Sol.(c) Kandyan dance is folk dance of
around their neck. The drum is beaten Sri Lanka. Kandyan dance encompasses
Sol.(a) Chham dance, performed by
with a palm on one side and with a stick various dance forms popular and native
Buddhists to ward off evil spirits, is a
on the other side. to the area called Kandy of the Central
dance form of Himachal Pradesh.The
hills region known as Udarata. But today
ritual is performed for the greater good
Q.5. Poush Mela displays local artisans it has been widespread to other parts of
of humanity, destruction of bad spirits
displaying folk dances, music, food and the country.
and for moral instruction to viewers.
culture of____.
SSC CGL 06/06/2019 (Afternoon) Q.9. Bhavai is a traditional dance form
Q.2. ‘Thoda’ a sport dance belongs to
(a) Gujarat (b) West Bengal of ____.
which of the following states?
(c) Rajasthan (d) Uttarakhand SSC-CGL 11th June 2019 (Afternoon)
SSC CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning)
(a) Gujarat (b) Bihar
(a) Sikkim (b) Andhra Pradesh
Sol.(b) Poush Mela is an annual fair and (c) Punjab (d) Maharashtra
(c) Haryana (d) Himachal Pradesh
festival that takes place in Santiniketan,
in Birbhum District of West Bengal, Sol.(a) Bhavai is a genre of folk dance
Sol.(d) 'Thoda' sport is a form of martial
marking the harvest season. The key popular in Rajasthan and Gujarat states
art belonged to the state of Himachal
characteristics of this fair include live in western India. The men from these
Pradesh.Thoda, the impressive martial
performances of Bengali folk music, communities offer the music to this
art form of Himachal Pradesh, relies on
such as baul, kirtan and Kobigan. dance, using string and percussion
one's archery prowess, dating back to the
instruments. Bhavai dance is often
days of the Mahabharata, when bows
Q.6. "Viyahula Giddha" is a popular folk misinterpreted from 'Bhavai' which is a
and arrows were used in the epic battles,
dance performed during marriages in folk theatre form of Gujarat.
between the Pandavas and the Kauravas,
Indian state of:
residing in the picturesque valleys of
SSC CGL 10/06/2019 (Afternoon) Q.10. Which of the following art forms
Kullu and Manali.
(a) Odisha (b) Gujarat of Kerala is in UNESCO’s list of the
(c) Punjab (d) Jharkhand Intangible Cultural Heritage of
Q.3. _______ is a group folk dance of
Sikkim performed in honour of Mount
Sol.(c) "Viyahula Giddha '' is a popular SSC CHSL 1 July 2019 (Evening)
Khangchendzonga, the guardian deity of
folk dance performed during marriages (a) Theyyam
the Sikkimese people.
in Indian state of Punjab and also in (b) Kutiyattam
SSC CGL 04/06/2019 (Afternoon)
Pakistan.Viyagula Giddha is danced in a (c) Chakyar Koothu
(a) Zo-Mal-Lok
circle. The girls form a ring. One of (d) Thiruvathirakali
(b) Tendong Lo Rum Faat
them uses a (dholki) while sitting in the
(c) Chu-Faat
centre. Sol.(b) Koodiyattam (Kutiyattam),
(d) Kinchum-Chu-Bomsa
meaning "combined acting" in
Q.7. Which tribe of Pakistan performs a Malayalam, combines Sanskrit theatre
Sol.(c) Chu-Faat is a group folk dance of
traditional dance form called ‘Waziri performance with elements of traditional
Sikkim performed in honour of Mount
Dance’? Koothu. It is traditionally performed in
Khangchendzonga, the guardian deity of
SSC CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning) temple theatres known as
the Sikkimese People.This dance is
(a) Sindhi (b) Baloch Koothambalams. This art form of Kerala
performed with carrying butter lamps
(c) Pashtu (d) Brahuis is in UNESCO’s list of intangible
and green bamboo leaves with the
Cultural heritage of Humanity.
devotional songs.
Sol.(c) The Pashtun tribe of Pakistan
performs a traditional dance form called Q.11. ‘Ottamthullal’ is a traditional
‘Waziri Dance’. Waziristan, a region of dance form that is popular in the state of: Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 1

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‘SSC-CHSL 1 JULY 2019 (Evening) SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (afternoon) Q.19. The _________ dance is
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Karnataka (a) Bihar (b) West Bengal performed by shepherd community of
(c) Kerala (d) Tamil Nadu (c) Rajasthan (d) Gujarat Goa during Navratri.
SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Evening)
Sol.(c) Ottan Thullal is a dance and Sol.(a) Jhijhiya is a famous cultural (a) Lava (b) Dhangar
poetic performance form of Kerala, dance of Bihar region. It is mostly done (c) Fugdi (d) Kolkali
India. It was introduced in the eighteenth during the period of the dussehra.
century by Kunchan Nambiar, one of the Women balance the lantern made up of Sol.(b) Dhangar Dance is a well known
Prachina Kavithrayam. clay on their head and dance. Goan dance form performed by a
shepherd community known as
Q.12. To which state does the traditional Q.16. Which of the following is a dance Dhangars. It is considered a Navratri
folk dance ‘Gotipua’ belong? form from Karnataka? dance which involves a fusion of
SSC-CHSL 3 JULY 2019 (Evening) SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening) adoration, a vigorous session of worship
(a) West Bengal (b) Odisha (a) Rouf (b) Karma and dance performed to please and
(c) Bihar (d) Chhattisgarh (c) Lava (d) Bayalata worship "Bira Deva" or "Biruba" for his
blessings.The Dhangar dance also
Sol.(b) Gotipua is a traditional dance Sol.(d) Dollu Kunitha is a major form of known as the Dhangari Gaja Dance is
form in the state of Odisha, India, and folk-dance performance in Karnataka. performed in traditional Marathi dresses
the precursor of Odissi classical dance. It The Dollu Kunitha is characterized by which include a Kathiawari-styled white
has been performed in Orissa for vigorous drum beats, quick movement dress and turban with colorful
centuries by young boys, who dress as and synchronized group formations. It is handkerchiefs.
women to praise Jagannath and Krishna. accompanied by singing.
Q.20. Karma is a dance form from
Q.13. Who amongst the following Q.17. Which of the following is a dance which of the following state?
established an institution named form from Rajasthan? SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Evening)
'Kalashram' for imparting training in SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening) (a) Jharkhand (b) Rajasthan
dance and associated disciplines? (a) Jhulan (b) Kumi (c) Gujarat (d) Maharashtra
SSC CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon) (c) Dappu (d) Maruni
(a) Shambhu Maharaj Sol.20.(a) Karma dance which is also
(b) Pandit Birju Maharaj Sol.(a) Jhulan is a folk dance form of popularly known as Karma Naachis
(c) Sitara Devi rajasthan. performed by the tribes of Jharkhand,
(d) Lachhu Maharaj Kummi is a folk dance, popular in Tamil Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar,
Nadu and Kerala in India, danced mostly Orissa and other regions of the
Sol.(b) Pandit Birju Maharaj established by Tamil women in a circle. country. This tribal dance is
an institution named ‘Kalashram’ for Dappu dance is from Andhra Pradesh. performed during the autumnal
imparting training in dance and Maruni is a Nepali Dance of Western festival of Karma Puja. The tribal
associated disciplines. Kalashram and Eastern Nepal, Sikkim and group presents this folk dance
focuses on imparting training especially Darjeeling. in front of the Karam tree that
in the field of Kathak. symbolises the Karam Devta.
Q.18. The dance form ‘Dandia’ is
Q.14. The famous dancer Chemancheri synonymous with____ Q.21. ‘Rauf is a folk dance associated
Kunhiraman Nair is associated with SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) with the state of______.
which of the following dance forms? (a) Bihu (b) Navratri SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Morning)
SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening) (c) Onam (d) Ganesh Chaturthi (a) Haryana
(a) Sattriya (b) Mohiniyattam (b) Punjab
(c) Kathakali (d) Manipuri Sol.(b) The dance form ‘Dandia’ is (c) Rajasthan
synonymous with Navratri. Dandiya is (d) Jammu and Kashmir
Sol.(c) Chemancheri Kunhiraman Nair is the socio-religious folk dance originating
a veteran in the art form of from the Indian state of Gujarat and Sol.(d) The Rauf is a folk dance form
Kathakali.The Government of India popularly performed in the festival of which is mainly practiced by the women
awarded him the fourth highest civilian Navratri. The dance is performed in the folk of the Kashmir valley. There are
honor of the Padma Shri in 2017. Marwar region of Rajasthan too. several folk dance forms which have
particularly originated and flourished in
Q.15. Jhijhia dance originated in the the state of Jammu and Kashmir. In this
Indian state of _________. beautiful dance form, there are women Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 2

Pinnacle Static GK

who line up in two rows facing each prominent ritual of the Satnami has been awarded the Sangeet Natak
other and perform this beautiful dance community of Chhattisgarh. The Akademi Award in 1996 and Padma Shri
during the spring time in beautiful community celebrates the anniversary of in 2007, awarded by the Government of
costumes. the birth of Guru Ghasidas on Maghi India.
Purnima. The panthi is performed on this
Q.22. The _____dance form originated day. Q.28. Pung Cholam is a folk dance of
as tribal dance in the forests of Odisha in which state?
the 18th century and attained the status Q.25. With which of the following folk SSC CPO 16/03/19 (Evening)
of a martial art-based dance form in the dances, India has made its entry in the (a) Kerala
19th century. Guinness Book of World Records in the (b) Manipur
SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Morning) year 2015? (c) Madhya Pradesh
(a) Chhobia (b) Kalaripayattu SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Morning) (d) Karnataka
(c) Chhau (d) Bawai (a) Nati (b) Garba
(c) Bihu (d) Bhangra Sol.(b) The Pung cholom (meaning "roar
Sol.(c) The Chhau dance form originated of the drums") is a Manipuri dance. It is
as a tribal dance in the forests of Odisha Sol.(a) The Kullu district administration the soul of Manipuri Sankirtana music
in the 18th century and attained the has received a certificate of Guinness and classical Manipuri dance. The Pung
status of a martial art-based dance form World Record for the largest Nati dance cholom is a unique classical dance of
in the 19th century. Chhau dance, also by 9,892 dancers, mostly women, on Manipur. This dance may be performed
spelled as Chau or Chhaau, is a October 26, 2015. The dancers by men or women and is usually a
semi-classical Indian dance with martial, performance took place during the prelude to the Ras Lila.
tribal and folk traditions, with origins in weeklong Dussehra festivities in Kullu.
eastern India. The Chhau Dance draws Q.29. 'Paithani' is a form of____ from
inspiration from martial arts and Q.26. Which of the following is NOT Maharashtra.
combative training. recognised as an Intangible Cultural SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
Heritage( ICH) by UNESCO? (a) Dance
Q.23. Which among the following is a SSC CPO 15/03/19 (Morning) (b) Textile weaving
dance form from the state of Arunachal (a) Sitar Vadan (b) Yoga (c) Agriculture
Pradesh? (c) Kumbh Mela (d) Chhau dance (d) Classical music
SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning)
(a) Popir (b) Bhavai Sol.(a) Sitar Vadan is not recognised as Sol.(b) Paithani is a variety of sari,
(c) Sattriya (d) Purbi an Intangible Cultural Heritage( ICH) by named after the Paithan town in
UNESCO. The National List of Aurangabad, Maharashtra state where
Sol.(a) Popir is one among the most Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) of they are woven by hand. Made from
popular dance forms of Arunachal India is an attempt to recognize the very fine silk, it is considered as one of
Pradesh. It is an indigenous dance form diversity of Indian culture embedded in the most expensive saris in India.
of Adi tribes. This beautiful dance form its intangible heritage.
shows great resemblance with the Q.30. Bhawai is a folk dance of which
Ponung Dance. Popir Dance is usually Q.27. This contemporary Indian dancer state?
conducted on the occasion of Mopin who merged Kathak and Kathakali with SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning)
Festival. The dance is mainly performed other dance forms has been awarded the (a) Haryana (b) Maharashtra
by young girls; the performers wear Sangeet Natak Akademi Award in 1996 (c) Gujarat (d) Rajasthan
white dresses and elaborate headgears. and Padma Shri in 2007. His/her name
Popir dance is also performed by Galos. is: Sol.(d) Bhavai is a genre of folk dance
SSC CPO 16/03/19 (Evening) popular in Rajasthan and Gujarat states
Q.24. Panthi is a dance form from which (a) Birju Maharaj (b) Jailal Misra in western India.
of the following states? (c) Astad Deboo (d) Uday Shankar The men from these communities offer
SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning) the music to this dance, using string and
(a) Odisha (b) Rajasthan Sol.(c) Astad Deboo is an Indian percussion instruments. Bhavai dance is
(c) Chhattisgarh (d) Bihar contemporary dancer and choreographer, often misinterpreted from 'Bhavai' which
who employs his training in Indian is a folk theatre form of Gujarat.
Sol.(c) Panthi Dance, Folk Dance of classical dance forms of Kathak as well
Chhattisgarh is one of the important as Kathakali to create a dance form that Q.31. Which of the following is a folk
dance forms of Chhattisgarh State of is unique to him, and has become a dance of Goa ?
India. This Indian folk dance is a pioneer of modern dance in India. He SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 3

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(a) Fagua (b) Fugadi and around Palakana, a small village in

(c) Bihu (d) Manch Q.35. Which of the following is the Kendrapara.
traditional theatre of Jammu and
Sol.(b) Fugdi and Dhalo are the most Kashmir? Q.39. Which of the following is a
common folk dances of Goa. The Kunbi SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening) traditional theatre form of Haryana ?
is a tribal folk dance. Women holding (a) Jatra (b) Swaang SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning)
lamps on their heads perform the lamp (c) Maach (d) Bhand Pather (a) Swang (b) Tamasha
dance during the Shigmo festival. (c) Dashavatar (d) Nautanki
Morulem is another traditional folk Sol.(d) The popular folk theatre of
dance presented by the backward Kashmir is called Bhand Pather as it is a Sol.(a) Saang , also known as Swang
community during Shigmo. combination of two words Bhand & (meaning "initiation") or Svang , is a
Pather. Bhand means “actor” or “artist” popular folk dance–theatre form in
Q.32. In which of the following is Pather in Kashmiri language means “to Rajasthan, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and
reference to Indian Dance forms found? act” or “to imitate” or “to pretend”. Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh.
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening) Swang incorporates suitable theatrics
(a) Abhang Q.36. In which of the following states and mimicry (or naqal) accompanied by
(b) Natya Shastra ‘Hampi Dance Festival is celebrated? song and dialogue.
(c) Kama Sutra SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning)
(d) Brahma Sutra (a) Kerala (b) Karnataka Q.40. Lavani is a folk dance of which of
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Telangana the following states of India?
Sol.(b) The Nāṭya Śāstra is a Sanskrit SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon)
text on the performing arts. The text is Sol.(b) Hampi Festival or Vijaya Utsav (a) Rajasthan
attributed to sage Bharata Muni, and its is one of the most marvellous festivals in (b) Jharkhand
first complete compilation is dated to Karnataka. It is a cultural extravaganza (c) Gujarat
between 200 BCE and 200 CE, but which has been celebrated since the (d) Maharashtra
estimates vary between 500 BCE and times of the Vijayanagar reign.
500 CE. Sol.(d) In the state of Maharashtra, a
Q.37. The famous dancer Chemancheri combination of traditional songs and
Q.33. Which of the following is NOT Kunhiraman Nair is associated with folk dances is performed to the beat of
correctly matched? SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning) Dholki. Lavani folk dance is also
SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon) (a) Kathakali (b) Manipuri popular in other states of Madhya
(a) Mohiniattam - Odisha (c) Odissi (d) Sattriya Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
(b) Yakshgan - Karnataka
(c) Garba - Gujarat Sol.(a) Through his long career, Shri Q.41. In which state is the Rann Utsav
(d) Kuchipudi - Andhra Pradesh Kunhiraman Nair has acquired a celebrated ?
reputation both as a performer and SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening)
Sol.(a) Mohiniyattam, is one of the eight teacher of Kathakali. He has performed (a) Maharashtra (b) Madhya Pradesh
classical dances of India that developed various challenging roles including the (c) Gujarat (d) Rajasthan
and remained popular in the state of Sri Krishna Vesham in
Kerala. Kathakali is another classical Santhanagopalam. He has also Sol.(c) Rann Utsav is an awesome
dance form of Kerala. choreographed several dance-dramas festival of Kutch, Gujarat, India. It is a
and presented them on prestigious Carnival of Music, Dance, nature beauty
Q.34. The Jagoi Dance is a dance form platforms all over India. of White Rann and much more than that
of which state ? when visited under the full Moon.
SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning) Q.38. Which of the following puppet
(a) Odisha (b) Manipur dances is performed in Orissa? Q.42. Which of these is the famous art
(c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Assam SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) form of Karnataka that combines dance,
(a) Pavakoothu (b) Kandhei music, dialogue, costume, make-up and
Sol.(b) Manipuri dance, also known as (c) Kathputli (d) Putul Nautch stage techniques to create a unique
Jagoi, is one of the major Indian experience?
classical dance forms, named after the Sol.(b) Sakhi kandhei is a string SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening)
region of its origin – Manipur, a state in puppetry show popular in the Indian (a) Yakshagana (b) Kalaripayattu
northeastern India bordering Myanmar state of Odisha, especially in the (c) Kathakali (d) Ottamthullal
(Burma), Assam, Nagaland and Kendrapara district of Odisha. This form
Mizoram. of art is still performed by local artists in Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 4

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Sol.(a) Like most theatre forms found in Sol.(a) Originated from the folk songs of performed by groups known as
South India, Yakshajana combines ancient Punjab, 'Tappa' often depicts the 'Banjaras' and 'Kanjars', the dance is an
dance, music, dialogue, costume, make plight of a lover. Bhangra is the most expression of joy and hence is a part of
up as well as stage techniques and as popular folk music of Punjab. It is also the Holi celebrations.
such it closely resembles western opera. one of the oldest forms of music in
In Karnataka, it is sometimes simply India. The music is often accompanied Q.51. Natyanjali Dance Festival pays
referred to as 'the play'. by the famous Bhangra dance. tribute to which deity ?
SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening)
Q.43. In which of the following dances Q.47. _____ is the form of Martial (a) Lord Brahma (b) Lord Vishnu
the women dance like a parrot ? Dance in Punjab. (c) Lord Ganes (d) Lord Shiva
SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon) SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) Jawara (b) Teratali (a) Baga (b) Daga Sol.(d) Many classical dancers
(c) Bhagoria (d) Suva (c) Laga (d) Panga performed in the festival and paid their
homage to Lord Shiva. Natyanjali is an
Sol.(d) Suva Sol.(a) According to Dhillon (1998), annual dance festival commemorating
Explanation: Suva is a Tribal Dance Bhangra is related to the Punjabi dance Hindu deity Shiva. It originated around
form related to Chhattisgarh. 'bagaa', which is a martial dance of 1981.
Q.44. The Tiger Dance or Bagh Nach of Q.52. Of which Indian state ‘Gamocha’
Odisha is done in which Hindu month ? Q.48. During which festival the a cultural symbol?
SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening) Nongkrem dance is performed by the SSC CGL 10/06/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) Falgun (b) Bhadra Khasi tribes ? (a) Kerala (b) Assam
(c) Chaitra (d) Baishakh SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening) (c) Rajasthan (d) Haryana
(a) Wangla (b) Jatara
Sol.(c) Baagha Naacha or Tiger Dance is (c) Cherav (d) Bihu Sol.(b) Gamocha is a cultural symbol of
performed in Binka, Sonepur of Assamese culture equivalent to a towel.It
Subarnapur district and Brahmapur and Sol.(a) Nongkrem Dance Festival (held is primarily a white rectangular piece of
clothing that is made from Pat Silk
in some parts of Ganjam district in annually in November) is a five day
traditionally.It has red borders on three
Odisha. It is performed in the month of festival which is celebrated for the of its sides and red woven motifs on the
chaitra. In this, the male dancer paints harvest thanksgiving by the Khasi tribe. fourth one.
himself like a tiger. The Nongkrem Dance is the most
important festival of the Khyrim state. Q.53. Leshalaptu’ is a folk dance of
Q.45. The Karma dance is performed which Indian state?
during the Karma Pooja. This festival is Q.49. Which of the following state-folk SSC CPO 9/12/19 Morning
celebrated in ______. art pairs is not correct ? (a) Kerala (b) Nagaland
SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning) SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening) (c) Karnataka (d) Goa
(a) Spring Season (a) Madhubani Painting - Bihar
(b) Summer Season (b) Thanjavur Art - Rajasthan Sol.(b) The major folk dances of
(c) Winter Season (c) Pattachitra - Odisha Nagaland include Modse,
(d) Autumn Season (d) Kalmejuthu - Tamilnadu Agurshikukula, Butterfly Dance,
Aaluyattu, Sadal Kekai, Changai Dance,
Sol.(d) It is performed in the State of Sol.(d) Kalimuthu is the Dance form of Kuki Dance, Leshalaptu, Khamba Lim,
Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Tamil Nadu. Kalmejuthu is not any Mayur Dance, Monyoasho, Rengma,
Pradesh, Odisha and West Bengal. dance. Seecha and Kukui Kucho, Shankai and
Karma means 'fate'. This folk dance is Moyashai etc, however, the prominent
performed during the worship of the god Q.50. ______ dance is performed only ones are War Dance and Zeliang Dance.
of fate which is known as Karam Devta. by the unmarried girls of the Malwa
community. Q.54. In which state is the Ponung folk
Q.46. The ______, originated from the SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning) dance practised?
folk songs of Punjab, often shows the (a) Kaksar (b) Saila SSC CPO 9/12/19 Evening-shift
soreness of a lover. (c) Phulpati (d) Karma (a) Manipur (b) Arunachal Pradesh
SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning) (c) Sikkim (d) Assam
(a) Tappa (b) Jugni Sol.(c) Performed only by the unmarried
(c) Bhangra (d) Jhoda girls of the Malwa community, Phulpati
dance celebrates nature. Mainly Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 5

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Sol.(b) Ponung dance is a popular and Sol.(a) Cheraw dance is a traditional SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Morning)
the most common folk art form practiced cultural dance performed in Mizoram, (a)Dalkhai-Karnataka
in the Arunachal Pradesh state of India. India, consisting of mostly six to eight (b)Kalbelia-HimachalPradesh (c)Thang
people holding a pair of bamboo staves Ta-Bihar
Q.55. Which of the following traditional on another horizontally placed bamboo (d)Padayani-Kerala
dances is NOT a martial art form? on the ground.
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 Morning Sol.(d) Padayani literally means “row of
(a) Chhau (b) Lazim Q.59. Which of the following is NOT a warriors” is a dance form belonging to
(c) Bhavai (d) Kalaripayattu folk dance belonging to the union Kerala. Performed in honour of
territory of Jammu and Kashmir? “Bhadrakali” (i.e. an avatar of Lord
Sol.(c) Bhavai may derive from the SSC CGL 4/3/2020 (morning) Shiva) this dance form has its origins in
Sanskrit word Bhava, meaning (a) Dhumal (b) Hafiza the Pathanamthitta district in Kerala.
expression or emotion. It is also (c) Rouf (d) Dangi
associated with Hindu goddess Amba. Q.63. Who wrote the play
Bhav means universe and Aai means Sol.(d) The Dangi is a Folk Dance of 'Mricchakatika' (The Little Clay Cart), a
mother, so it may be considered an art Gujarat not J&K. The Dance performed social drama with touches of grim
form dedicated to the Mother of the by Dangis is called Dangi Nrutya. Men reality?
Universe, Amba. Bhavai is also known and women join to make a chain making SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Afternoon)
as Vesha or Swang, which literally serpentine movements with one of them (a) Raidasa (b) Magh
means 'get-up'. leading. One of the amazing sights of (c) Kalidasa (d) Sudraka
this Dance is creation of the human
Q.56. The famous dancer T pyramids. Sol.(d) Mrichchhakatika means ‘The
Balasaraswati was an exponent of which little clay cart’ written by sidraka.
of the following dance forms ? Q60. In which state has the Jawara Poverty is the main theme of this play.
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning) Dance, a dance form to celebrate wealth,
(a) Kuchipudi (b) Bharatnatyam originated? Q.64. Dhimsa is an official folk dance of
(c) Kathak (d) Kathakali SSC CGL 4/3/2020 (afternoon) which state?
(a) Rajasthan (b) Gujarat CHSL 17-03-2020 (Evening)
Sol.(b) Balasaraswati, was a celebrated (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Kerala (a) Maharashtra (b) Andhra Pradesh
Indian dancer, and her rendering of (c) Rajasthan (d) Karnataka
Bharatanatyam, a classical dance style Sol.(c) originated from Madhya Pradesh
originated in the South Indian state of state and originally it was considered as Sol.(b) Dhimsa is a tribal dance form of
Tamil Nadu, made this style of dancing the symbol of the reaping of good Andhra Pradesh that is performed
well known in different parts of India harvest. It is regarded as one of the best primarily by Porja caste women. A
and many parts of the world. dance forms for any event or occasion group of 15-20 women form a circle and
performed at prosperity time. dance praising the deity for the welfare
Q.57. In which state of India did the of their domestic life. They also dance at
Kuchipudi dance originate? Q61. Bhavai and Kalbelia as traditional weddings since the women pray for a
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) dance forms , owe their genesis to which peaceful and happy married life.
(a) Gujarat (b) Karnataka Indian state?
(c) Andhra pradesh (d) Maharashtra SSC CGL 4/3/2020 (evening) Q.65. The ‘Kathakali’ dance is a
(a) Punjab (b) Rajasthan harmonious combination of ______
Sol.(c) Kuchipudi is a dance form of (c) Assam (d) Odisha forms of fine art.
Andhra Pradesh and is one among the CHSL 18-03-2020 (Morning)
eleven major dance forms of India. Sol.(b) Bhavai and Kalbelia are (a) four (b) six
traditional dance forms of Rajasthan. In (c) five (d) seven
Q.58. Cherava is an ancient traditional Bhavai Women wear colourful dresses
dance of which state? such as Ghaghra cholis and dupattas and Sol.(c) Kathakali is a classical dance
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) they balance a number of earthen pots on form of Kerala. It is a harmonious
(a) Mizoram their head and dance. Kalbelia dance is combination of 5 forms of fine art -
(b) Chhattisgarh performed by a tribe of people known by Literature (Sahithyam), Music
(c) Himachal Pradesh the same name, Kalbelia. (Sangeetham), Painting (Chithram),
(d) Goa Acting (Natyam) and Dance (Nritham).
Q.62. Select the correct pair of dance
form and its state. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 6

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Q.66. With which of the following on another horizontally placed bamboo move in circles following the rhythm
states/union territories is the Dumhal on the ground. produced by the sticks. The sticks are
folk dance associated? held by the dancers in hands and are
Q.70. 'Dhimsa' is a tribal dance form of
CHSL 18-03-2020(Afternoon) used as props while dancing. Though
which Indian state?
(a) Haryana beginning at a slow pace, the dance
CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning)
(b) Andaman and Nicobar Islands slowly gathers speed.
(a) Madhya Pradesh
(c) Jammu and Kashmir
(b) Arunachal Pradesh
(d) Arunachal Pradesh Q.73. 'Behdienkhlam' is a traditional
(c) Himachal Pradesh
dance festival in which state?
(d) Andhra Pradesh
Sol.(c) Dumhal is a dance performed in CHSL 19-10-2020 (Morning)
the Indian territory of Jammu and (a) Tamil Nadu (b) Gujarat
Sol.(d) Dhimsa is a tribal dance of the
Kashmir only by men of the Watal tribe. (c) Chhattisgarh (d) Meghalaya
tribes in the eastern part of Andhra
Pradesh, like Araku valley near Vizag.
Q.67. ‘Mayurbhanj Chhau’ is a folk Sol.(d) 'Behdienkhlam' (chasing away
This tribal dance is performed by the
dance form of which state? the Demon of Cholera) is celebrated
Porja caste women praising deity for
SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Morning) annually in July after the sowing period
welfare of the domestic life. Nearly
(a) Odisha (b) Rajasthan and is the most important dance festival
15-20 women form a chain and dance
(c) Karnataka (d) Maharashtra of the Jaintia tribes of Meghalaya.
wearing typical tribal dresses and
ornaments. The leading women carry a
Sol.(a) Mayurbhanj Chhau is originally a Q.74. In which state did the 'Saila' dance
peacock feather in her hand. It is a must
tribal dance which originated from the originate? The dance is performed by
for newly wed because on this day the
forests of Mayurbhanj, Odisha in the boys after the harvest season.
women pray for a peaceful and happy
18th century and later got the status of a CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon)
married life. The members play
martial art form in the 19th century. (a) Bihar (b) Jharkhand
instruments like Mori, Thuduma and
There are 3 styles of Chhau named after (c) Chhattisgarh (d) Odisha
the location where they are performed,
i.e., the Purulia Chau of Bengal, the Sol.(c) ‘Saila’ dance originated in the
Q.71. 'Matki' is a popular folk dance of
Seraikella Chau of Jharkhand, and the state of Chattisgarh. This dance is
which of the following states?
Mayurbhanj Chau of Odisha. While the performed only by boys after the harvest
CHSL 16-10-2020 (Afternoon)
Purulia and Seraikela subgenres of season in the Hindu month of Aghan
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Assam
Chhau use masks during the dance, the (November-December). The participants
(c) Rajasthan (d) Bihar
Mayurbhanj Chhau uses none. are given paddy by the villagers as a sign
of gratitude. The group of Saila dancers
Q.68. ‘Sattriya’ is a traditional Hindu Sol.(a) Performed by women dressed in
go to each house and adjoining villages
classical dance form of which state? traditional attire, the women dance while
to perform this dance.
SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Afternoon) balancing earthen pots or matkis on their
(a) Manipur (b) Assam heads. The dance is performed on the
(c) Goa (d) Odisha Q.75. Which of the following Indian
beats of a dhol, which is a
classical dancers has been
double-headed drum. It is also called the
Sol.(b) ‘Sattriya’ or ‘Sattriya Nritya’ is a INCORRECTLY matched with
major Indian classical dance. It is a pitcher dance and belongs to the state of
her dance form?
dance-drama performance art with Madhya Pradesh, particularly to the
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening)
origins in the Krishna-centered Malwa region.
(a) Madhavi Mudgal – Odissi
Vaishnavism monasteries of Assam and
(b) Nandini Singh – Kathak
attributed to the 15th century Bhakti Q.72. Which of the following is a
movement scholar and saint Mahapurush (c) Radha Reddy – Kuchipudi
popular dance form of Lakshadweep
Srimanta Sankardev. (d) Saswati Sen – Bharatanatyam
CHSL 16-10-2020 (Evening)
Q.69. What is the traditional bamboo Sol.(d) Saswati Sen is a Kathak dancer.
(a) Kuchipudi (b) Koli
dance of Mizoram called?
(c) Kathak (d) Kolkali
CHSL 15-10-2020 (Afternoon) Q.76. The ‘Loor dance’ is a traditional
(a) Maanch (b) Cheraw dance folk dance, performed only by women,
Sol.(d) The Kolkali dance means a stick
(c) Thang ta (d) Yak Chaam in the state of:
dance. This specific Indian folk dance is
CHSL 21-10-2020 (Morning)
very popular in the Lakshadweep
Sol.(b) Cheraw dance is a traditional (a) Haryana (b) Madhya Pradesh
cultural dance performed in Mizoram, islands. Only men can participate in this
(c) Punjab (d) Rajasthan
India, consisting of mostly six to eight dance form as women are not allowed to
people holding a pair of bamboo staves take part. The dancers make pairs, which Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 7

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Sol.(a) Girls perform the Loor during the Q.80. Birhor dance is a tribal folk dance Sol.(b) ‘Aaluyattu' is a folk-dance form
month of ‘Phalguna’. This dance is from ______. from the state of Nagaland. This dance is
named so because the word ‘Loor’ SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) performed by the Konyak tribe of
means girl in the Bhangra areas of (a) Himachal Pradesh (b) Punjab Nagaland. Some other folk dances of
Haryana. It is specially performed during (c) Jharkhand (d) Karnataka Nagaland are Modse, Agurshikukula,
the Holi festival. This dance marks the Butterfly Dance, Sadal Kekai, Changai
arrival of the pleasant spring season and Sol.(c) Birhor dance is a tribal folk Dance, Kuki Dance etc.
with it the sowing of the Rabi crops in dance from Jharkhand. The Birhors are a
the farms. tribal community which is scattered Q.84. ‘Bolak-aat’ is a ______ from the
throughout the state Jharkhand and they state of Karnataka.
Q.77. The traditional rod puppet of mainly perform this Dance Form. SSC CGL 16/08/21(Morning)
Bihar is known as ______. (a) music form (b) painting form
CHSL 26-10-2020 (Morning) Q.81. kadsa is a dance style performed (c) dance form (d) sculpting form
(a) Bommalattam by women in Jharkhand, carrying a
(b) Sakhi Kundhei _____. Sol.(c) Bolak-aat’ is a dance form from
(c) Yampuri SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening) the Kodagu region of the state of
(d) Malasutri Bahulya (a) Kalasha (b) Kamandalu Karnataka. This dance form is performed
(c) Kumbha (d) Kapala by Kodava men in the back of an oil
Sol.(c) Yampuri is a traditional puppetry lamp in an open field. The men hold
art form of Bihar. The puppets employed Sol.(a) Kadsa dance is a dance style chiavari (yak fur) in one hand and the
in this art form are made of wood and performed carrying a ‘Kalasha’ (earthen Kodava short sword (odi-kathi) in the
manipulated by strings. These puppets pot). This is a female dominated dance. other while performing this dance.
are in one piece and have no joints. In Normally in this dance style, women
rod puppetry, puppets are larger in size perform carrying a ‘Kalash’ on their Q.85. The ‘Lezim’ dance form is
than glove puppetry and are manipulated shoulders or heads. Usually male are not peculiar to which of the following
by rods. included in this dance style. Men just states?
play instruments. SSC CGL 18/08/21 (Morning)
Q.78. Bhand Pather theatre is a tradition (a) Karnataka (b) Bihar
primarily of which of the following Q.82. Bhootada Kola is a spiritual folk (c) Maharashtra (d) Gujarat
States/UTs of India? dance in which some rituals involve
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) walking on a bed of hot coal and is Sol.(c) The ‘Lezim’ dance form is
(a) Dadra and Nagar Haveli practised in coastal districts of ____. peculiar to Maharashtra. Lezim is
(b) Goa SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening) especially popular in rural Maharashtra,
(c) Jammu and Kashmir (a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Karnataka often played during the Ganesh festival.
(d) Kerala (c) Tamil Nadu (d) Kerala The other main folk dances of
Maharashtra are Lavani, Dhangarigaja,
Sol.(c) Bhands are the traditional folk Sol.(b) Bhootada Kola is a spiritual folk Koli, Gondhal, and Tamasha.
entertainers and plays of the Bhands are dance in which some rituals involve
called panther. It is predominantly walking on a bed of hot coal and is Q.86. ______ is one of the most popular
practised in Jammu & Kashmir. practised in coastal districts of folk dances of Odisha.
Karnataka. SSC CGL 23/08/21(Evening)
Q.79. Hallisaka is a group dance native It is a ritual folk dance from the coastal (a) Giddha (b) Hojagiri
to ______. districts and some parts of malenadu of (c) Dalkhai (d) Rauf
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) Karnataka, India. The dance is highly
(a) Rajasthan (b) Goa stylized and held in honor of the local Sol.(c) Dalkhai is one of the most
(c) Maharashtra (d) Gujarat deities worshiped by the Tulu speaking popular folk dances of Odisha. Other
population. It has influenced Yakshagana folk dances belonged to– Gidha
Sol.(d) Hallisaka is a group dance native folk theatre. (Punjab), Hojagiri (Tripura) and Rauf
to Gujarat. It is a type of group dance in (Jammu and Kashmir).
which a young man stands in the middle Q.83. 'Aaluyattu' is a folk-dance form
of damsels who form a circular ring by from the state of ______. Q.87. Ghoomar is a folk-dance form
joining hands. The time (tala) is kept by SSC CGL 13/08/21 (Evening) from the state of ______.
clapping and is accompanied by singing. (a) Goa (b) Nagaland SSC CGL 24/08/21(Morning)
(c) Kerala (d) Haryana (a) Tripura (b) Rajasthan
(c) Bihar (d) Jharkhand Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 8

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Q.90. ‘Ranapa’, a folk dance form of dance of Chakma community, Cheraw

Sol.(b) Ghoomar is a folk-dance form Odisha, consists of enacting chapters and Welcome dances of Lusai
from the state of Rajasthan. This dance from the life of community Hai-Hak dance of Malsum
is performed by the Bhil tribe of Lord ______. community, Wangala dance of Garo
Rajasthan to worship the goddess SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Afternoon) Community, Sangraiaka, Chimithang,
Sarasvati. Other folk dances of (a) Indra (b) Ram Padisha and Abhangma dances of Mog
Rajasthan include Bhavai, Chakri, Chari, (c) Krishna (d) Hanuman community, Garia dances of Kalai and
Drum dance, Fire Dance and many Jamatia communities, Gajan, Dhamail
more. Sol.(c) Ranapa is the most famous dance Sari and Rabindra dances of Bengali
of the Southern State of Odisha, which is
community and Basanta Rash and Pung
Q.88. Which of the following is a dance the part of culture. Ranapa literally
chalam dances of Manipuri community.
form in Mizoram participated means a stilt. It is performed on the stilt
Each community has its own traditional
exclusively by 'village guests'? and accompanies by drum music, along
musical instruments. To name a few are
SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Afternoon) with songs related to Lord Krishna
– ‘Khamb ( Drum)', Bamboo flute,
(a) Khuallam (b) Cheraw childhood stories.
'Lebang,', 'Sarinda', 'Do- Tara', and
(c) Solakia (d) Chailam
Q.91. To which of the following states 'Khengrong', etc.
Sol.(a) Khuallam literary means 'Dance does the dance drama ‘Khyal’ belong?
of the Guests'. It is a dance usually SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Evening) Q.94. Kalbelia folk songs and dance
performed in the ceremony called (a) Rajasthan (b) Gujarat forms are an expression of the Kalbelia
'Khuangchawi'. In order to claim a (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Punjab community’s traditional way of life. It is
distinguished place in society and to associated with which of the following
have a place in paradise or Pialral one Sol.(a) Khayal dance is Performed by states?
has to attain the coveted title of the Bhawai tribe of Rajasthan. SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Morning)
'Thangchhuah'. There are two ways of Other popular Folk Dances of (a) Maharashtra (b) Haryana
attaining this title. Guests invited from Rajasthan:- Ghoomar, Kalbeliya, (c) Rajasthan (d) Punjab
the other villages at the Khuangchawi Bhavai, Kathputli, Kachchhi Ghodi,
ceremony enter the arena dancing Gair, Chari, Chang. Sol.(c) Kalbelia folk songs and dance
Khuallam. Traditional handwoven Mizo forms are an expression of the Kalbelia
cloth known as Puandum is wrapped Q.92. Which of the following is a dance community’s
over the shoulders and the dance is form of West Bengal where there is a traditional way of life. It is associated
performed by swaying the cloth. confluence of dancing, singing, drama with Rajasthan.
Puandum has the colors black, red, and recital?
yellow, and green stripes. SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Afternoon) Q.95. “Bhand Pather” is the dance form
Other dance forms of mizoram : Cheraw, (a) Bhavai (b) Alkap of which of the following states? SSC
Sarlamkai/Solakia, Chailam, (c) Tippani (d) Hudo CHSL 12/8/2021 (Afternoon)
Chawnglaizawn, Chheihlam, Tlanglam, (a) Goa (b) Kashmir
Zangtalam etc. Sol.(b) Alkap is a famous dancing, (c) Haryana (d) Sikkim
singing and drama event of West Bengal.
Q.89. With which of the following It is used to portray the mythological Sol.(b) Bhand Pather is a form of
classical dances is ‘Kottakkal stories, injustice in the societies and Theatre dance performed in Kashmir. It
Sivaraman’ associated? much more in modern times. shows the normal lives, traditions, and
SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Afternoon) evils prevailing in society. Folk Dances
(a) Mohiniyattam (b) Odissi Q.93. 'Maimata' is a popular dance of the of Kashmir - Kud, Dumhal, Rouf,
(c) Kathakali (d) Bharatanatyam Kaloi community from the state of Bachha Nagma, Hafiza Dance, Bhand
______. Jashan, Wuegi-Nachun.
Sol.(c) ‘Kottakkal Sivaraman’ is SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Evening)
associated with classical dance (a) Chattisgarh (b) Odisha Q.96. Which of the following is a dance
Kathakali. Kathakali comes from (c) Tripura (d) Assam form in Mizoram participated
southwestern India, around the state of exclusively by 'village guests'?
Kerala. Like Bharatanatyam, kathakali is Sol.(c) The main folk dances of Tripura SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Afternoon)
a religious dance. It draws inspiration are – Hozagiri dance of Reang (a) Khuallam (b) Cheraw
from the Ramayana and stories from community, Garia, Jhum, Maimita, (c) Solakia (d) Chailam
Shiva traditions. Masak Sumani and Lebang boomani
dances of Tripuri community, Bijhu Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 9

Pinnacle Static GK

Sol.(a) Khuallam literary means 'Dance Q.99. To which of the following states
of the Guests'. It is a dance usually does the dance drama ‘Khyal’ belong? Q.102. Kalbelia folk songs and dance
performed in the ceremony called SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Evening) forms are an expression of the Kalbelia
'Khuangchawi'. In order to claim a (a) Rajasthan (b) Gujarat community’s traditional way of life. It is
distinguished place in society and to (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Punjab associated with which of the following
have a place in paradise or Pialral one states?
has to attain the coveted title of Sol.(a) Khayal dance is Performed by SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Morning)
'Thangchhuah'. There are two ways of the Bhawai tribe of Rajasthan. (a) Maharashtra (b) Haryana
attaining this title. Guests invited from Other popular Folk Dances of (c) Rajasthan (d) Punjab
the other villages at the Khuangchawi Rajasthan:- Ghoomar, Kalbeliya,
ceremony enter the arena dancing Bhavai, Kathputli, Kachchhi Ghodi, Sol.(c) Kalbelia folk songs and dance
Khuallam. Traditional handwoven Mizo Gair, Chari, Chang. forms are an expression of the Kalbelia
cloth known as Puandum is wrapped community’s traditional way of life. It is
over the shoulders and the dance is Q.100. Which of the following is a associated with Rajasthan.
performed by swaying the cloth. dance form of West Bengal where there
Puandum has the colors black, red, is a confluence of dancing, singing, Q.103. “Bhand Pather” is the dance form
yellow, and green stripes. drama and recital? of which of the following states? SSC
Other dance forms of mizoram : Cheraw, SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Afternoon) CHSL 12/8/2021 (Afternoon)
Sarlamkai/Solakia, Chailam, (a) Bhavai (b) Alkap (a) Goa (b) Kashmir
Chawnglaizawn, Chheihlam, Tlanglam, (c) Tippani (d) Hudo (c) Haryana (d) Sikkim
Zangtalam etc.
Sol.(b) Alkap is a famous dancing, Sol.(b) Bhand Pather is a form of
Q.97. With which of the following singing and drama event of West Bengal. Theatre dance performed in Kashmir. It
classical dances is ‘Kottakkal It is used to portray the mythological shows the normal lives, traditions, and
Sivaraman’ associated? stories, injustice in the societies and evils prevailing in society. Folk Dances
SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Afternoon) much more in modern times. of Kashmir - Kud, Dumhal, Rouf,
(a) Mohiniyattam (b) Odissi
Bachha Nagma, Hafiza Dance, Bhand
(c) Kathakali (d) Bharatanatyam Q.101. 'Maimata' is a popular dance of
Jashan, Wuegi-Nachun.
the Kaloi community from the state of
Sol.(c) ‘Kottakkal Sivaraman’ is ______.
Q.104. Cheraw Dance is a traditional
associated with classical dance SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Evening)
dance form of which state?
Kathakali. Kathakali comes from (a) Chattisgarh (b) Odisha
SSC MTS 05/10/21(Afternoon)
southwestern India, around the state of (c) Tripura (d) Assam
(a) Assam (b) Mizoram
Kerala. Like Bharatanatyam, kathakali is
(c) Sikkim (d) Arunachal Pradesh
a religious dance. It draws inspiration Sol.(c) The main folk dances of Tripura
from the Ramayana and stories from are – Hozagiri dance of Reang
Sol.(b) Cheraw Dance is a traditional
Shiva traditions. community, Garia, Jhum, Maimita,
dance form of Mizoram. Cheraw dance
Masak Sumani and Lebang boomani consists of mostly six to eight people
Q.98. ‘Ranapa’, a folk dance form of dances of Tripuri community, Bijhu holding pairs of bamboo staves on
Odisha, consists of enacting chapters dance of Chakma community, Cheraw another horizontally placed bamboo on
from the life of and Welcome dances of Lusai the ground.
Lord ______. community Hai-Hak dance of Malsum
SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Afternoon) community, Wangala dance of Garo Q.105. With which of the following
(a) Indra (b) Ram
Community, Sangraiaka, Chimithang, states is the folk dance named 'Terah
(c) Krishna (d) Hanuman
Padisha and Abhangma dances of Mog Taali' traditionally associated?
community, Garia dances of Kalai and SSC MTS 05/10/21(Evening)
Sol.(c) Ranapa is the most famous dance
Jamatia communities, Gajan, Dhamail (a) Rajasthan (b) Maharashtra
of the Southern State of Odisha, which is
Sari and Rabindra dances of Bengali (c) Assam (d) Telangana
the part of culture. Ranapa literally
community and Basanta Rash and Pung
means a stilt. It is performed on the stilt
chalam dances of Manipuri community. Sol.(a) The folk dance named 'Terah
and accompanies by drum music, along
Each community has its own traditional Taali' is traditionally associated with
with songs related to Lord Krishna
musical instruments. To name a few are Rajasthan. This folk dance is performed
childhood stories.
– ‘Khamb ( Drum)', Bamboo flute, by the Kamada tribes who are traditional
'Lebang,', 'Sarinda', 'Do- Tara', and snake charmers.
'Khengrong', etc. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 10

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Q.106. ______ is a dance which Q.110. Rathwa ni Gher is a dance Q.114. The name of Guru Kelu Charan
combines speech, mime and pure dance. performed on the occasion of ______ by Mohapatra is primarily associated with
SSC MTS 06/10/21(Morning) the Rathwa tribe of Gujarat. which of the following dances?
(a) Kathakali (b) Bharatanatyam SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Evening) SSC MTS 12/10/21(Evening)
(c) Mohiniattam (d) Kuchipudi (a) Janmashtami (b) Holi (a) Mohiniattam (b) Sattariya
(c) Makar Sankranti (d) Dussehra (c) Kathak (d) Odissi
Sol.(d) Kuchipudi is a dance that
combines speech, mime, and pure dance. Sol.(b) Rathwa ni Gher is a dance Sol.(d) The name of Guru Kelu Charan
Kuchipudi is one of the eight major performed on the occasion of Holi by the Mohapatra is primarily associated with
Indian classical dances. It originated in a Rathwa tribe of Gujarat. The Rathwas Odissi. Kelucharan Mohapatra was a
village named Kuchipudi in the Indian are found in the hilly region of Southern legendary Indian classical dancer, guru
state of Andhra Pradesh. Gujarat and they are known for their of Odissi dance. He was the first person
vibrant culture. to receive the Padma Vibhushan from
Q.107. Which of the following is a Odisha.
dance form from the state of Q.111. 'Ratvai' is a dance form
Uttarakhand? associated with the ______ tribes of
Q.115. Which of the following terms is
SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Afternoon) India.
associated with the 'Bharatanatyam'
(a) Therukoothu (b) Choliya SSC MTS 11/10/21(Morning)
dance form?
(c) Rouf (d) Kutiyattam (a) Mewati (b) Khasi
SSC MTS 13/10/21(Morning)
(c) Jatapus (d) Bhil
(a) Tillana (b) Mangalacharan
Sol.(b) Choliya is a dance form from the
(c) Tharijham (d) Batunritya
state of Uttarakhand. Choliya is a martial Sol.(a) 'Ratvai' is a dance form
art dance performed on a marriage associated with the Mewati tribes of Sol.(a) Tillana is associated with the
procession by the Kumauni people of India. It is performed during the 'Bharatanatyam' dance form. Thillana is
Uttarakhand. monsoons to the accompaniment of large one of the presentation styles in
drums. Bharatanatyam that is generally
Q.108. The ‘Veeragase’ dance,
performed at the end of a concert.
performed during the Dussehra festival Q.112. Rauf and Hikat are the dance
holds a special place in the folk dances Tillana is widely used in classical Indian
forms of ______.
of the state of ______ dance performances.
SSC MTS 12/10/21(Afternoon)
SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Evening) . (a) Odisha (b) Jammu and Kashmir
(a) Karnataka (b) Assam (c) Manipur (d) Sikkim Q.116. Meenakshi Srinivasan is an
(c) Odisha (d) Sikkim exponent of which of the following
dance forms?
Sol.(b) Rauf and Hikat are the dance
Sol.(a) The ‘Veeragase’ dance, SSC MTS 13/10/21(Afternoon)
forms of Jammu and Kashmir. More
performed during the Dussehra festival (a) Kathakali (b) Bharatnatyam
dance forms are Kud, Dumhal Dance,
holds a special place in the folk dances (c) Kuchipudi (d) Kathak
Rouf, Bhand Pather, Bachha Nagma,
of the state of Karnataka. It is primarily Hafiza Dance, Bhand Jashan, Bacha
performed during the Hindu months of Sol.(b) Meenakshi Srinivasan is an
Nagma, Wuegi-Nachun .
Shravana and Karthika. exponent of Bharatnatyam dance forms.
Bharatanatyam is the oldest Indian
Q.113. ‘Kolkali’ is one of the traditional
Q.109. 'Povada dance' is a performing classical dance form that originated in
folk dances of which state? SSC MTS
art from the state of ______. the Tanjore district of Tamil Nadu.
SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Morning) Meenakshi Srinivasan is a classical
(a) Andhra Pradesh
(a) Gujarat (b) Maharashtra dancer of the Pandanallur style of
(b) Nagaland
(c) Rajasthan (d) Kerala Bharatnatyam.
(c) Kerala
(d) Arunachal Pradesh
Sol.(b) 'Povada dance' is a performing Q.117. 'Dhangari Gaja' is a dance form
art from the state of Maharashtra. mainly related to:
Sol.(c) ‘Kolkali’ is one of the traditional
Povada dance form describes the life SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Evening)
folk dances of Kerala. Best traditional
events of Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji (a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Jharkhand
dance forms of Kerala are - Kathakali,
Maharaj, presented in the Marathi ballad (c) Maharashtra (d) Chhattisgarh
Mohiniyattam, Thirvathirakali,
Ottamthullal, Koodiyattam, Chakyar
Sol.(c) 'Dhangari Gaja' is a dance form
Koothu, Oppana.
which is mainly performed by the people Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 11

Pinnacle Static GK

of Gadaria caste, known as 'Dhangar' of and panned out to its variants in the Sol.(d) 'Chad Sukra', a popular
Sholapur district of Maharashtra. Often states of West Bengal and Jharkhand. traditional dance festival of Meghalaya,
these songs are in the form of poetry.. is celebrated as a Sowing festival. Major
Q.122. With which dance form is the festivals of Meghalaya include Shad Suk
Q.118. Gambhira, Dhali and Jatra are the noted classical dancer Shovana Narayan Mynsiem, Nongkrem Festival,
famous dance forms of which state? associated? Behdienkhlam Festival, Shad Sukra,
SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Evening) SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Afternoon) Wangala Festival.
(a) Punjab (b) West Bengal (a) Manipuri (b) Mohiniyattam
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Uttar Pradesh (c) Kuchipudi (d) Kathak Q.126. Which of the following
communities of Sikkim is traditionally
Sol.(b) Gambhira, Dhali and Jatra are the Sol.(d) The noted classical dancer associated with the folk dance known as
famous dance forms of the state of West Shovana Narayan is associated with 'Chu-Faat'?
Bengal. Kathak. Kathak is the state dance of SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Afternoon)
Uttar Pradesh. The Sangeet Natak (a) Nepalese (b) Tamang
Q.119. Which of the following is the Academy recognizes eight classical (c) Lepcha (d) Bhutia
state dance of Rajasthan? dance forms – Bharatanatyam, Kathak,
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Evening) Kuchipudi, Odissi, Kathakali, Sattriya, Sol.(c) Lepcha communities of Sikkim
(a) Kachhi Ghodi (b) Kalbelia Manipuri, and Mohiniyattam. are traditionally associated with the folk
(c) Kathputli (d) Ghoomar dance known as 'Chu-Faat’. Chu-Faat:
Q.123. The ‘Dhangari Gaja’ The meaning of Chu is the Snowy Range
Sol.(d) Ghoomar is the state dance of traditional/folk dance belongs to which and that of Faat is Worship. It is a folk
Rajasthan. Kathputli, Bhopa, Chang, of the following states? dance of Sikkim performed in honour of
Teratali, Ghindr, Kachchhighori, Tejaji, SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Afternoon) Mount Khangchendzonga.
etc. are examples of the traditional (a) Meghalaya (b) Madhya Pradesh
Rajasthani culture. (c) Maharashtra (d) Manipur Q.127. Rukmini Devi Arundale is a
famous classical dancer of:
Q.120. With which of the following Sol.(c) The ‘Dhangari Gaja’ SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Evening)
states is the folk theatre form ‘Ranmale’ traditional/folk dance belongs to (a) Kathak (b) Bharatnatyam
traditionally associated? SSC MTS Maharashtra. There are six popular folk (c) Mohiniattam (d) Kuchipudi
14/10/2021 (Evening) dances of Maharashtra. These are
(a) West Bengal (b) Goa Lavani, DhangariGaja, Lezim, Koli, Sol.(b) Rukmini Devi Arundale is a
(c) Jharkhand (d) Chhattisgarh Gondhal and Tamasha dance. famous classical dancer of
Bharatnatyam. The world-famous
Sol.(b) The folk theatre form ‘Ranmale’ Q.124. To which state does the 'Gheriya Kathak dancer, Pandit Birju Maharaj is
traditionally associated with Goa. Nritya' belong? the face of the Kalka-Bindadin Gharana
Ranmale is a ritualistic and folk theatre SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Evening) of Lucknow. Smitha Rajan is a famous
form based on mythological stories from (a) Gujarat (b) Maharashtra Mohiniyattam, Bharatanatyam,
the popular Indian epics, the Ramayana, (c) Punjab (d) Haryana Kathakali, Kuchipudi dancer.
and the Mahabharata. Zagor is a form of
a traditional folk drama performed in Sol.(a) The 'Gheriya Nritya' belongs to Q.128. What is the traditional bamboo
many villages in Goa. Gujarat. Folk dances of Gujarat include dance of Mizoram called?
famous dance forms like Garba, SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Afternoon)
Q.121. Which of the following dance Dandiya, Bhavai, Tippani, Hudo, among (a) Cheraw (b) Yak Chaam
forms is derived from martial arts others. (c) Thang Ta (d) Maanch
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Morning) Q.125. 'Chad Sukra', a popular Sol.(a) Cheraw is the traditional bamboo
(a) Chhau (b) Jhora traditional dance-festival of Meghalaya, dance of Mizoram. This form of dance is
(c) Bharatanatyam (d) Ghoomar is celebrated as a ______. SSC MTS performed on 'Chapchar Kut', which is
18/10/2021 (Evening) one of the most significant festivals of
Sol.(a) Chhau dance forms are derived (a) community marriage festival the people of Mizoram. Yak Cham
from martial arts practices. Chhau dance (b) thanksgiving festival Dance brings you theatre under the open
is a semi-classical Indian dance with (c) birth festival sky. It is one of the most popular folk
martial and folk traditions, with origins (d) sowing festival dances of Sikkim. Thang-Ta is the
in the Kalinga region from Mayurbhanj, exclusive martial arts dance from Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 12

Pinnacle Static GK

Manipur. Maach is a form of folk theatre Q.132. In which of the following cities Meghalaya, Ronf dance- Jammu and
from the Malwa region of the Indian is the Jawaharlal Nehru Manipur Dance Kashmir, Thora Dance- Uttar Pradesh.
state of Madhya Pradesh. Academy located?
SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Morning) Q.136. With which of the following
Q.129. 'Ponu Yoksi', a sword like (a) Guwahati (b) Bengaluru states is the dance form ‘Povadas’
instrument used during ceremonial (c) Imphal (d) Hyderabad associated?
dances performed by the priests, belongs SSC MTS 2/1/2021 (Evening)
to: Sol.(c) The Jawaharlal Nehru Manipur (a) Odisha (b) Bihar
SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Morning) Dance Academy is located at Imphal. (c) Maharashtra (d) West Bengal
(a) Himachal Pradesh The Jawaharlal Nehru Manipur Dance
(b) Madhya Pradesh Academy, a constituent Unit of the Sol.(c) The dance form ‘Povadas’ is
(c) Uttar Pradesh Sangeet Natak Akademi, New Delhi. associated with Maharashtra. Povadas
(d) Arunachal Pradesh are presented in the Marathi ballads form
Q.133. 'Kamsale' is a dance form There are six popular folk dances of
Sol.(d) 'Ponu Yoksi', a sword-like traditional to the state of ______. Maharashtra. These are Lavani,
instrument used during ceremonial SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Evening) DhangariGaja, Lezim, Koli, Gondhal
dances performed by the priests, belongs (a) Karnataka (b) Gujarat and Tamasha dance.
to Arunachal Pradesh. Some popular (c) Goa (d) Assam
folk dances in Arunachal Pradesh are Aji FIRST IN INDIA/WORLD
Lamu, Chalo, Hiirii Khaniing, Popir, Sol.(a) 'Kamsale' is a dance form
Ponung, Pasi Kongki, Rekham Pada, traditional to the state of Karnataka. Q.137. Who was the first female
Roppi, Lion and Peacock dance. There are about five types of this dance Director General of Police in
in Karnataka -Sannatas, Parijata, Puducherry?
Q.130. In which of the following states Doddatas, Yakshagana, and Dasarata. SSC CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning)
is the ‘Mathuri’ folk dance practiced? (a) Aswathy Tonge
SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Afternoon) Q.134. 'Rikhampada' is a traditional (b) Kanchan Choudhary
(a) Telangana (b) Haryana dance of ______. (c) Kiran Bedi
(c) Uttarakhand (d) Uttar Pradesh SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Evening) (d) Sundari Nanda
(a) Arunachal Pradesh
Sol.(a) The ‘Mathuri’ folk dance is (b) Uttar Pradesh Sol.(d) Puducherry will have its first
practiced in Telangana. The most (c) Himachal Pradesh woman director general of police (DGP)
popular folk dances of Telangana are (d) Madhya Pradesh as S Sundari Nanda.
Perini Sivatandavam, Dappu Dance,
Lambadi, Oggu Katha, Chindu Sol.(a) 'Rikhampada' is a traditional Q.138. Name the first ever female prime
Bhagavatam, Gussadi Dance, Tholu dance of Arunachal Pradesh. Some minister in the world.
Bommalata. popular folk dances in Arunachal SSC CGL 04/06/2019 (Afternoon)
Pradesh are Aji Lamu, Chalo, Hiirii (a) Indira Gandhi
Q.131. Which of the following is a Khaniing, Popir, Ponung, Pasi Kongki, (b) Sirimavo Bandaranaike
performing art from the state of Rekham Pada, Roppi, Lion and Peacock (c) Golda Meir
Maharashtra? dance. (d) Elisabeth Domitien
SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Evening)
(a) Kalbelia (b) Kheliran Q.135. Which of the following dance Sol.(b) The first ever female Prime
(c) Dandi Gair (d) Lavani forms is popular in Himachal Pradesh? Minister in the world was Sri Lankan
SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Afternoon) Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranaike
Sol.(d) Lavani is a combination of (a) Laho (b) Nati in 1960. The first female Prime Minister
traditional song and dance in (c) Ronf (d) Thora was educated in Catholic,
Maharashtra. There are six popular folk English-medium schools, but remained a
dances of Maharashtra. These are Sol.(b) Nati dance forms are popular in Buddhist and spoke Sinhala as well as
Himachal Pradesh. More dance forms English.Sirimavo Bandaranaike in 1975
Lavani, DhangariGaja, Lezim, Koli,
from Himachal Pradesh are Chham created the Ministry of Women and
Gondhal and Tamasha dance. Kalbelia -
Dance, Chhanak Chham, Dandras, Kullu Child Affairs in Sri Lanka.
Rajasthan, Dandi Gair - Rajasthan.
Nati, Lahauli, Losar Shona Chuksam
Q.139. Who was the first female chief
and Thoda Dance. Laho Dance-
justice of a state high court in India?
SSC CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 13

Pinnacle Static GK

(a) Syeda Tahira (b) Leila Seth (c) PANET (d) ARPANET SSC CGL 06/06/2019 (Afternoon)
(c) Ruma Pal (d) Fatima Bibi (a) Justice A K Sikri
Sol.(d) The first workable prototype of (b) Justice N V Ramana
Sol.(b) Leila Seth (20 October 1930 – 5 the Internet came in the late 1960s with (c) Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghose
May 2017) was the first woman judge in the creation of ARPANET, or the (d) Justice S A Bobde
Delhi High Court and later she became Advanced Research Projects Agency
the first woman to become Chief Justice Network. It was Originally founded by Sol.(c) Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghose
in the High Court of Himachal Pradesh.. the U.S. Department of Defense, Explanation: Pinaki Chandra Ghose
ARPANET used packet switching to (born 28 May 1952) is the first Lokpal
Q.140. Who was the first ever female allow multiple computers to of India appointed on 19 March 2019.
secretary general of SAARC (South communicate on a single network. He is a retired judge of the Supreme
Asian Association for Regional Court of India. At the time of
Cooperation)? Q.143. Name the Indian Space Research appointment,
SSC CGL 04/06/2019 (Afternoon) Organisation (ISRO) chairman and
(a) Antonio Guterres Padma Bhushan awardee who created Q.146. Flying Officer ________ of the
(b) Fathimath Dhiyana Saeed and unleashed a historical moment when Indian Air Force (IAF) Created history
(c) Jeremiah Nyamane Kingsley Mars Orbiter became the first Indian by becoming the first Indian Woman to
(d) Madeleine Albright spacecraft to enter Martian orbit in a fly her first solo fighter flight in a
maiden attempt. Russian made MIG-21 fighter.
Sol.(b) Fathimath Dhiyana Saeed is a SSC CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning) SSC CGL 07/06/2019 (Evening)
Maldivian diplomat, and was the (a) Sundar pichai (a) Bhawana Kanth
Secretary-General of the South Asian (b) K Radhakrishnan (b) Anjali Gupta
Association for Regional Cooperation (c) Fali Nariman (c) Mohana Singh
(SAARC). She was the first woman to (d) Nandan Nilekani (d) Avani Chaturvedi
hold this post since the organization's
inception in 1985. The South Asian Sol.(b) K Radhakrishnan is the Indian Sol.(d) Flying officer Avani Chaturvedi
Association for Regional Cooperation Space Research Organisation (ISRO) from Madhya Pradesh has scripted
(SAARC) was established in Dhaka on 8 chairman and Padma Bhushan awardee history by becoming the first Indian
December 1985. Originally there were 7 who created and unleashed a historical Woman to fly her first solo fighter flight
members in the SAARC. moment when Mars Orbiter became the in a Russian made MIG-21 fighter.
first Indian spacecraft to enter Martian
Q.141. Name the first Indian carrier to orbit in a maiden attempt. The Q.147. Who among the following who
join the International Air Transport 65-year-old avionic engineer graduated was the first indian origin recipient of
Association (IATA). in engineering from Kerala University in the prestigious Pulitzer ?
SSC CGL 04/06/2019 (Afternoon) 1970. SSC CGL 10/06/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) Indigo (b) Spice jet (a) Geeta Anand
(c) Go Air (d) Jet Airways Q.144. Who was the first female chief (b) Gobind Bihari Lal
justice of a state high court in India? (c) Siddhartha Mukharjee
Sol.(b) Indian low-cost airline SpiceJet SSC CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening) (d) Jhumpa Lahiri
has joined the International Air (a) Syeda Tahira (b) Leila Seth
Transport Association (IATA).SpiceJet is (c) Ruma Pal (d) Fatima Bibi Sol.(b) Govind Bihari Lal the first Indian
the first Indian budget carrier to join the origin recipient of the prestigious
IATA, which has over 290 airlines as Sol.(b) Leila Seth was the first woman Pulitzer. Gobind Behari Lal was born in
members. judge on the Delhi High Court and she Delhi in 1889 was a journalist and
International Air Transport Association : became the first woman to become Chief independence activist. He coined the
International Air Transport Association Justice of a state High Court on 5 August term “Science Writer” and served as a
(IATA) is the trade association for the 1991. science editor for The San Francisco
world’s airlines and represents some 290 Fatima Bibi is the first female judge to Examiner. He later went on to work for
airlines which contribute to about 82% be a part of the Supreme court of India, other newspapers and took interviews of
of total air traffic. and the first Muslim woman to be noble personalities like Albert Einstein
appointed to any of the higher judiciaries and Mahatma Gandhi and so on.
Q.142. Which of the following is the in country.
first working prototype of the Internet? Q.148. Who became the first Indian
SSC CGL 04/06/2019 (Afternoon) Q.145. Who among the following was player to represent India at the
(a) APNE (b) ANET appointed as India’s first Lokpal? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 14

Pinnacle Static GK

Wimbledon Tennis Championship of CHSL 09/07/2019 (Morning)

Independent India? Q.151. Who among the following was (a) Sarojini Naidu
SSC CGL 10/06/2019 (Afternoon) the first chief minister of Kerala? (b) Aruna Asif Ali
(a) Ramesh Krishnan SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 afternoon (c) Vijay Laxmi Pandit
(b) Vijay Amritraj (a) Pattom A Thanu Pillai (d) Krishna Hutheesing
(c) Leander Peas (b) R Shankar
(d) Ramanathan Krishnan (c) C Achutha Menon Sol.(a) Sarojini Naidu was the first
(d) E M S Nambo Odiripad female governor of an Indian state. She
Sol.(d) Ramanathan Krishnan became governed Uttar Pradesh from 15 August
the first Indian player to represent India Sol.(d) E M S Nambo Odiripad 1947 to 2 March 1949.
at the Wimbledon Tennis Championship The first chief minister of Kerala is E M
of Independent India. In 1954, he S Nambo Osiripad. He was an Indian Q.156. The first defence minister of
became the first Asian player to win the communist politician and theorist, who independent India was:
boys' singles title at Wimbledon. served as the first Chief Minister of CHSL 09/07/2019 (Afternoon)
Kerala in 1957-59 and then again (a) C Rajagopalachari
Q.149. Who was the first female shooter 1967-1969. (b) Baldev Singh
from India to reach number 1 in world (c) Shri Jagjivan Ram
ranking by the International Shooting Q.152. Who among the following was (d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
Sport Federation in 2014? the first president of the Republic of
SSC CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning) China? Sol.(b) The first defence minister of
(a) Heena Sidhu SSC-CGL 11th June 2019 (Afternoon) independent India was Baldev Singh,
(b) Anjali Bhagwat (a) Yuan Shikai (b) Li Xiannian who served under the Prime Minister
(c) Shreyasi Singh (c) Yang Sangkun (d) Hu Jintao Jawaharlal Nehru's government during
(d) Anisha Sayyed 1947–52.
Sol.(a) Yuan Shikai is the first president
Sol.(a) Heena Sidhu was the first female of the Republic of China. Q.157. ______ Bank has become the
shooter from India to reach number 1 in first bank in the country to introduce Iris
world ranking by the International Q.153. _______was the first Chief Scan Authentication
Shooting Sport Federation in 2014. In Election Commissioner of India. CHSL 10 JULY 2019 MORNING
2013, Sidhu became the first Indian SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Evening) (a) Axis (b) Canara
pistol shooter to win a gold medal in an (a) Sukumar Sen (b) T N Seshan (c) Bandhan (d) Yes
ISSF World Cup finals when she won (c) Sunil Arora (d) M S Gill
the 10 metre air pistol event. Sol.(a) Axis Bank has become the first
Sol.(a) Sukumar Sen bank in the country to introduce Iris
Q.150. Who was the first Indian to Explanation: Sukumar Sen (1898–1963) Scan Authentication feature for
receive the Ramon Magsaysay award for was an Indian civil servant and the first Aadhaar-based transactions through its
his contribution to community Chief Election Commissioner of India, micro ATM tablets.
leadership? who served from 21 March 1950 to 19
SSC CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning) December 1958. Q.158. Indian mountaineer___is the first
(a) Baba Amte woman in the world to climb Mount
(b) Acharya Vinoba Bhave Q.154. The First Health Minister of Everest twice and the first woman to
(c) Verghese Kurien Independent India was? successfully climb Mt. Everest from
(d) Arvind Kejriwal SSC-CHSL 4 JULY 2019 (Morning) Kangshung Face.
(a) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening)
Sol.(b) Acharya Vinoba Bhave was the (b) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (a) Malavath Purna
first Indian to receive the Ramon (c) Vijayalakshmi Pandit (b) Santosh Yadav
Magsaysay award for his contribution to (d) Rajkumari Amrit Kau (c) Premlata Agarawal
community leadership. Acharya Vinoba (d) Arunima Sinha
Bhave was the first Indian to win this Sol.(d) Amrit Kaur was the first health
prestigious award. First Indian who won minister of independent India. She was Sol.158.(b) Santosh Yadav is an Indian
the Ramon Magsaysay award for also the first Indian woman to hold a mountaineer. She is the first woman in
Journalism, Amitabh Chowdhury. First cabinet rank. the world to climb Mount Everest twice,
India who won this award for and the first woman to successfully
community leadership – Acharya Vinoba Q.155. Who was the first woman to climb Mt. Everest from Kangshung
Bhave. become the governor of an Indian state? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 15

Pinnacle Static GK

Face. She climbed the peak first in May Sol.(d) Apsara is the oldest of India's
1992 and then again in May 1993. research reactors. The reactor was
designed by the Bhabha Atomic
Q.159. From which city did Jeevan Research Center (BARC) and built with Q.166. .India's oldest operating refinery
Rekha, the world’s first hospital train assistance from the United Kingdom is at_____.
start its journey on July 16,1991? (which also provided the initial fuel SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Morning) supply consisting of 80 percent enriched (a) Jamnagar (b) Paradip
(a) Bangalore (b) New Delhi uranium). Apsara first went critical on 4 (c) Panipat (d) Digboi
(c) Varanasi (d) Bombay August 1956.
Sol.(d) The small town of Digboi in the
Sol.(d) Jeevan Rekha, the world’s first Q.163. India’s first 3D planetarium is remote north eastern corner of the
hospital train, started its journey on July located in_______. country is the birthplace of the Oil
16, 1991 from Mumbai. The Lifeline SSC CPO 15/03/19 (Morning) Industry in India. Digboi Refinery,
Express, or Jeevan Rekha Express, is a (a) Bengaluru (b) Mangalore commissioned on 11th December 1901,
hospital train that runs in India is a (c) Hyderabad (d) Kochi is India's oldest operating refinery and
collaboration between the Impact India one of the oldest operating refineries in
Foundation (IIF), Indian Railways (IR) Sol.(b) Swami Vivekananda Planetarium the world.
and the Health Ministry. at Pilikula in Mangalore is the first 3D
planetarium in India. It is also the first Q.167. _____is referred to as the 'Father
Q160. In which city of India was the planetarium in the country with 8K of Indian Civil Aviation'.
first ever Formula One race held? digital and opto-mechanical (hybrid) SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Morning) projection systems. (a) Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata
(a) Mumbai (b) Pune (b) Parvez Damania
(c) Greater Noida (d) Faridabad Q.164. _____was the first Indian board (c) Homi Bhabha
member of the World Editors Forum. (d) Jamshedji Nusserwanji Tata
Sol.(c) The 2011 Indian Grand Prix, SSC CPO 15/03/19 (Morning)
formally the 2011 Formula 1 Airtel (a) Behram Contractor Sol.(a) Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata
Grand Prix of India, was a first ever (b) Bachi Karkaria Explanation: J R D Tata is known as the
Formula One motor race that was held (c) Shobhaa De father of civil aviation in India. On
on 30 October 2011 at the Buddh (d) Khuswant Singh February 10, 1929, J R D became the
International Circuit in Greater Noida, first Indian to pass the pilot's
Uttar Pradesh, India. Sol.(b) Bachi Karkaria is among India's examination with No 1 endorsed on his
seniormost journalists, and was the first flying license.
Q.161. The first woman Secretary Indian board member of the World
General of SAARC is from which Editors Forum. She has served as an Q.168. Which of the following is NOT a
country? editor at The Times of India and has also part of India's first indigenous
SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Morning) helped create new brands for the Bennett anti-nuclear medical kit?
(a) India (b) Maldives Coleman & Co Ltd media group. SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
(c) Bhutan (d) Sri Lanka (a) Saline solution
Q.165. India's first mission on moon (b) Prussian blue tablet
Sol.(b) Fathimath Dhiyana Saeed is a Chandrayaan-1 was started from (c) Anti-gamma ray skin ointment
Maldivian diplomat, and was the ____________SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (d) Ca-EDTA Respiratory Fluid
Secretary-General of the South Asian (Evening)
Association for Regional Cooperation (a) Srisailam (b) Srikalahasti Sol.(a) Saline solution is NOT a part of
(SAARC). She was the first woman to (c) Srikakulam (d) Sriharikota India's first indigenous anti-nuclear
hold this post since the organization's medical kit. Saline solution is a mixture
inception in 1985. Sol.(d) Chandrayaan-1, India's first of salt and water. Normal saline solution
mission to the Moon, was launched contains 0.9 percent sodium chloride
Q.162. _____is India’s oldest research successfully on October 22, 2008 from (salt), which is similar to the sodium
reactor. SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota. The concentration in blood and tears.
SSC CPO 15/03/19 (Morning) spacecraft was orbiting around the Moon
(a) Kamini (b) Circus at a height of 100 km from the lunar Q.169. Who was the first recipient of the
(c) Dhruva (d) Apsara surface for chemical, mineralogical and Jnanpith Award?
photo-geologic mapping of the Moon. SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
(a) G. Sankara Kurup Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 16

Pinnacle Static GK

(b) Mahadevi Verma diameter, so the approximate value of π (b) Chanda Kochhar
(c) Amitav Ghosh is 3. (c) Kiran Mazumdar Shaw
(d) Krishna Sobti (d) Kalpana Morparia
Q.173. Who was the first woman Chief
Sol.(a) Akkitham is the sixth writer to Minister of an Indian state? Sol.(a) Indra Nooyi was appointed as the
bag the Jnanpith Award for Malayalam SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) Chief Executive Officer of Pepsico in
literature. In 1965, famous Malayalam (a) Indira Gandhi 2006.
writer G Sankara Kurup became the first (b) Sucheta Kriplani
winner of the Jnanpith Award. (c) Sarojini Naidu Q.177. ____has become the youngest
(d) Mamta Banerjee man in the world to have scaled seven
Q.170. Who among the following was highest peaks and volcanic summits
the first Indian women to swim across Sol.(b) Sucheta Kripalani was an Indian across continents.
the English Channel? freedom fighter and politician. She was SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Morning)
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning) India's first woman Chief Minister who (a) Raj Singh Dharmashaktu
(a) Arati Saha served in Uttar Pradesh from 1963 to (b) Satyarup Siddhanta
(b) Ujwala Rai 1967. (c) Mohan Singh
(c) Nisha Millet (d) Santosh Yadav
(d) Karnam Malleswari Q.174. Who is the first Indian woman to
successfully climb Mount Makalu? Sol.(b) Satyarup Siddhanta has become
Sol.(a) Arati Saha, aged 19, became the SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning) the youngest man in the world to have
first Asian woman to swim across the (a) Kami Rita Sherpa scaled seven highest peaks and volcanic
English Channel on 29th September (b) Gauri Sawant summits across continents. Satyarup
1959. Arati Saha (née) Gupta was born (c) Bhavna Kanth summited Mt. Sidley at 6:28 IST, at a
in 1940 in Kolkata, West Bengal. She (d) Priyanka Mohite temperature of minus 40-degree Celsius
took to swimming at a young age and according to the inReach Satellite
was encouraged by her coach Sachin Sol.(d) Priyanka Mohite, the 26-year-old Communicator he was carrying.Satyarup
Nag to participate in competitive events. Satara based mountaineer, has become achieved the feat at the age of 35 years
the first Indian woman to successfully 262 days while Australia's Daniel Bull
Q.171. Launch vehicle of Mars Orbiter scale Mount Makalu — the fifth-highest did it aged 36 years 157 days.
Mission was _____. mountain in the world at 8,481 metres.
SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon) Earlier, in May 2018, Priyanka managed Q.178. ____was officially
(a) PSLV C-42 (b) PSLV C-25 to scale Mount Lhotse, which is the acknowledged as the most recorded
(c) PSLV C-45 (d) PSLV C-46 fourth highest mountain in the world. artist in music history by the Guinness
Book of World Records in 2011.
Sol.(b) PSLV C-25 Q.175. Who has been awarded the first SSC CPO 16/03/19 (Evening)
Explanation: The Mars Orbiter Mission Philip Kotler President Award ? (a) Mariah Carey
probe lifted-off from the First Launch SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon) (b) Asha Bhosle
Pad at Satish Dhawan Space Centre (a) Rajnath Singh (b) Arun Jaitley (c) Lata Mangeshkar
Andhra Pradesh, using a Polar Satellite (c) Amit Shah (d) Narendra Modi (d) Beyonce
Launch Vehicle (PSLV) rocket C25 on 5
November 2013. The launch window Sol.(d) Prime Minister Narendra Modi Sol.(b) Asha Bhosle entered the
was approximately 20 days long and Monday received the first-ever Philip Guinness World Records in 2011 and
started on 28 October 2013. Kotler Presidential award here. The was awarded a certificate for the most
award focuses on the triple bottom-line studio recordings(singles) for recording
Q.172. Who among the following of 'people, profit and planet'. It will be up to 11,000 solo, duet and chorus
calculated the value of ‘pi’ first? offered annually to the leader of a backed songs and in over 20 Indian
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) nation, a statement from the Prime Languages since 1947. She was
(a) Budhayana (b) Aryabhatta Minister's office said. conferred with this honour at the Asian
(c) Bhaskaracharya (d) Sridharacharya awards function held in London.
Q.176. Name the woman of Indian
Sol.(a) Ancient Indian mathematician Origin who was appointed Chief Q.179. Who has become India’s first
Baudhayana is perhaps the first person to Executive Officer of PepsiCo in the year woman IPS officer to successfully
calculate the value of ‘pi’. In his text 2006. complete the South Pole expedition?
Baudhayana Shulba Sutra, he mentions CGL 11/06/2019 (Afternoon) SSC CPO 9/12/19 Evening-shift
that the perimeter of the pit is thrice its (a) Indra Nooyi (a) Malavath Purna Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 17

Pinnacle Static GK

(b) Chhanda Gayen (d) Premlata Agarwal (b) Indira Gandhi

(c) Aparna Kumar (c) Abul Kalam Azad
(d) Kalpana Dash Sol.(a) India's Arunima Sinha is the (d) Triguna Sen
world's first female amputee to climb
Sol.(c) Aparna Kumar has become the Mount Everest in 2013. She is also the Sol.(c) National Education Day (11
first woman IPS DIG and Indo-Tibetan first female amputee to climb Mount November) is an annual observance in
Border Police (ITBP) officer to Vinson, the highest peak of Antarctica. India to commemorate the birth
successfully complete the South Pole anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam
expedition. She has already scaled the Q.184. Who is the first General of the Azad, the first education Minister of
top six mountain peaks of the six Indian Army, whose retirement day is independent India.
continents of the globe. celebrated as the 'Armed Forces Veterans
Day' every year? Q188. Who was the first Chief Election
Q.180. Asia's largest wholesale spice SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Morning) Commissioner of India?
market is located in _____. (a) General Maharaj Rajendra Sinhji CHSL 19-03-2020 (Morning)
SSC CGL (4/3/2020 morning) (b) General S.M. Srinagesh (a) Sukumar Sen
(a) Kolkata (b) Bengaluru (c) General K.S. Thimayya (b) Mihir Sen
(c) Ahmedaba (d) Delhi (d) General K.M. Cariappa\ (c) Kalyan Sundaram
(d) Om Prakash Rawat
Sol.(d) Khari Baoli is a street in Delhi, Sol.(d) Armed Forces Veterans Day is
India known for its wholesale grocery observed each year on 14th January as a Sol.(a) Sukumar Sen was the first Chief
and Asia’s largest wholesale spice mark of respect and recognition of the Election Commissioner of India.
market selling all kinds of species, nuts, services rendered by Field Marshal KM
herbs and food products like rice and tea. Cariappa OBE - the first Indian Q.189. What is the name of the first
Commander-in-Chief of the Indian crude oil pipeline constructed in India?
Q.181. Freedom Fighter Sucheta Armed Forces who retired on 14 Jan 53. CHSL 12-10-2020 (Afternoon)
Kriplani, became the first woman chief (a) Naharkatia-Nunmati-Barauni
minister of which state? Q.185. On which lake is the world's only Pipeline
SSC CGL 4/3/2020 (afternoon) floating post office situated? (b) Kandla-Bhatinda Pipeline
(a) Rajasthan (b) Andhra Pradesh SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Afternoon) (c) Hajira-Bijapur-Jagdishpur (HBJ) Gas
(c) Gujarat (d) Uttar Pradesh (a) Wular Lake (b) Dal Lake Pipeline
(c) Chilika Lake (d) Loktak Lake (d) Mumbai
Sol.(d) Sucheta Kripalani, was an Indian High-Mumbai-Ankleshwar-Kayoli
freedom fighter and politician. She was Sol.(b) The floating post office is located Pipeline
India's first woman Chief Minister, in the beautiful city of Srinagar in
serving as the head of the Uttar Pradesh Kashmir, amidst picturesque snow-clad Sol.(a) The Naharkatia-
government from 1963 to 1967.. mountains on a huge houseboat in Dal Nunmati-Barauni pipeline is the first
Lake. crude oil pipeline constructed in India.
Q.182. Who was the first Governor of The pipeline between Naharkatia and
Madhya Pradesh? Q.186. In which state of India does the Nunmati became operational in 1962
SSC CGL 4/3/2020 (afternoon) sunrise first appear? and that between Nunmati and Barauni
(a) BD Sharma (b) Dr. Sitaramayya CHSL 18-03-2020 (Evening) in 1964. It is further extended to Kanpur,
(c) GP Singh (d) NN Wanchu (a) Arunachal Pradesh U.P. Construction work on the pipeline
(b) Odisha from Barauni to Kanpur and Haldia was
Sol.(b) Dr. Sitaramayya Explanation: (c) Meghalaya completed in 1966.
Sitaramayya was the First Governor of (d) West Bengal
Madhya Pradesh in India from 1952 to Q190. Who is the only Indian to have
1957 . He is also the founder of the Sol.(a) Dong village in Arunachal won the United Nations Award in the
Andhra bank. Pradesh, which is known as the field of human rights?
easternmost village in India, witnesses CHSL 13/10/2020 (Morning)
Q.183. Name the first female amputee to the earliest sunrise in the country. (a) Verghese Kurien
climb Mount Everest. (b) Ela Bhatt
SSC CGL 5/3/2020 (afternoon) Q187. The first Education Minister of (c) Kanshi Ram
(a) Arunima Sinha Independent India was ______. (d) Baba Amte
(b) Poorna Malavath CHSL 18-03-2020 (Evening)
(c) Anshu Jamsenpa (a) Pranab Mukherjee Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 18

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Sol.(d) Baba Amte is the only Indian to Q.195. Who was India’s first Chief of
have won the United Nations Award in Defence Staff? Sol.(c) Bipin Rawat was India's first
the field of human rights in 1988. CHSL 16-10-2020 (Evening) Chief of Defence Staff.
(a) General Bipin Rawat
Q191.Who was the first Asian player to (b) General Arjan Singh Q.200. The first Backward Classes
win the Junior Wimbledon's Boys (c) General Vijay Kumar Singh Commission of India was headed by
singles title? (d) General Manoj Mukund Naravane ______.
CHSL 13/10/2020 (Morning) CHSL 20-10-2020 (Evening)
(a) Sumit Nagal Sol.(a) General Bipin Rawat was India’s (a) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(b) Mahesh Bhupathi first Chief of Defence Staff. (b) Kaka Kalelkar
(c) Vijay Amritraj (c) Lokmanya Tilak
(d) Ramanathan Krishnan Q196. What is the name of the first (d) Nanaji Deshmukh
research station in Antarctica built by the
Sol.(d) Ramanathan Krishnan was the Government of Sol.(b) The first Backward Classes
first Asian tennis player to win the boy’s India? Commission of India was set up by a
singles title at Wimbledon CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening) Presidential Order in 1953 under the
Championship 1954 beating Ashley (a) Vaishali (b) Maitri chairmanship of Kaka Kalelkar.
Cooper of Australia in the finals. (c) Bharati (d) Dakshin Gangotri
Q201. Which of the following is a dance
Q.192. In terms of area, which is the Sol.196.(d) Dakshin Gangotri was the form of Meghalaya?
smallest Union Territory of India? first scientific base station of India CHSL 26-10-2020 (Evening)
CHSL 15-10-2020 (Afternoon) situated in Antarctica, part of the Indian (a) Laho (b) Cheraw
(a) Ladakh Antarctic Programme. It is currently (c) Dalkhai (d) Rangma
(b) Jammu and Kashmir being used as a supply base and transit
(c) Lakshadweep camp. Sol.(a) Laho Dance is a colourful and
(d) Daman and Diu vibrant festival of the Jaintias or Pnars. It
Q.197. Pasi Kongki is folk dance of includes the participation of the men and
Sol.(c) Lakshadweep is the smallest which state? women of the community as they link
Union Territory of India. CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) their arms together and perform
(a) Haryana (b) Goa synchronized steps. Accompanying the
Q193. Which of the following parks is
(c) Kerala (d) Arunachal Pradesh dancing entourage, there would usually
India's first 'Mixed World Heritage Site'
be a narrator who spontaneously recites
on UNESCO’s World Heritage list?
Sol.(d) Pasi Kongki is a folk dance of entertaining verses.
CHSL 15-10-2020 (Evening)
Adi tribe of Arunachal Pradesh.
(a) Gir National Park
Q.202. Where was the first Earth
(b) Kanha National Park
Q198. Which of the following dance Summit held?
(c) Nagarhole National Park/
forms is also known as the 'Royal Dance SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(d) Khangchendzonga National Park
of Ladakh'? (a) New York (b) Johannesburg
CHSL 20-10-2020 (Afternoon) (c) Rio de Janeiro (d) Stockholm
Sol.(d) Khangchendzonga National Park,
(a) Yak dance (b) Jabro dance
Sikkim is India's first 'Mixed World
(c) Shondol dance (d) Koshan dance Sol.(c) United Nations Conference on
Heritage Site' on UNESCO’s World
Environment and Development
Heritage list
Sol.(c) Shondol dance is also known as (UNCED), byname Earth Summit,
the 'Royal Dance of Ladakh'. It is a conference held at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Q194. Which of the following is the
famous dance which was earlier used to to reconcile worldwide economic
largest delta in the world?
be performed by artists for the King of development with the protection of the
CHSL 15-10-2020 (Evening)
Ladakh on special occasions. environment.
(a) Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta
(b) Amazon Delta
Q199. Who was India's first Chief of Q203. Who was the founder of the first
(c) Indus River Delta
Defence Staff? search engine called ‘Archie’?
(d) Danube Delta
CHSL 20-10-2020 (Evening) SSC-CHSL 1 JULY 2019 (Evening)
(a) Ajit Doval (a) David Filo (b) Alan Emtage
Sol.(a) Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta is the
(b) Gopal Gurunath Bewoor (c) Matthew Gray (d) Martjin Koster
largest delta in the world.
(c) Bipin Rawat
(d) Sam Manekshaw Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 19

Pinnacle Static GK

Sol.(b) Alan Emtage was the founder of (c) Mohana Singh Jitarwal Q.211. Who among the following
the first search engine called ‘Archie’. (d) Avani Chaturvedi became the first Indian javelin thrower
The first few hundred web sites began in to win an Asian Games gold medal in
1993 and most of them were at colleges, Sol.(b) Bhawna Kanth is the first-ever 2018?
but long before most of them existed woman fighter pilot to have taken part in SSC CGL 20/08/21(Evening)
came Archie. a Republic Day Parade. She was (a) Vipin Kasana (b) Devender Singh
declared as the first combat pilot along (c) Neeraj Chopra (d) Shivpal Singh
Q.204. Who among the following was with two of her cohorts Mohana Singh
the first Finance Minister of Independent and Avani Chaturvedi. Sol.(c) Neeraj Chopra became the first
India? Indian javelin thrower to win an Asian
SSC CGL 18/08/21(Evening) Q.208. In which of the following years Games gold medal in 2018. Chopra gave
(a) KC Neogy were the first Commonwealth Games his best throw of 87.58m to bag the gold
(b) CD Deshmukh held in Canada? medal.
(c) RK Shanmukham Chetty SSC CGL 20/08/21(Evening)
(d) Liaquat Ali Khan (a) 1930 (b) 1909 Q.212. Who among the following was
(c) 1912 (d) 1956 the first Indian badminton player to
Sol.(c) RK Shanmukham Chetty was the qualify for two events - mixed doubles
first finance minister of Independent Sol.(a) In 1930 were the first and women’s doubles - in the Olympics?
India when the country's first budget was Commonwealth Games held in SSC CGL 23/08/21(Morning)
tabled in Parliament on 26 November Hamilton, Canada. England was the (a) PV Sindhu (b) Saina Nehwal
1947. winning country with 61 medals (c) Jwala Gutta (d) Ashwini Ponnappa
followed by Canada with 54 medals on
Q.205. What was the name of the first the list. Sol.(c) Jwala Gutta was the first Indian
artificial satellite launched by India in badminton player to qualify for two
1975? Q.209. Who was the first events in the Olympics. Later, Saina
SSC CGL 18/08/21(Evening) Director-General of Archaeological Nehwal became the first Indian to win
(a) Panini (b) Sushruta Survey of India? an Olympic medal in badminton in 2012.
(c) Aryabhatta (d) Charaka SSC CGL 20/08/21(Evening) PV Sindhu stepped up to keep the trend
(a) Lord Curzon alive in the next two games by winning a
Sol.(c) Aryabhatta was the name of the (b) Alexander Cunningham silver at Rio 2016 and a bronze at Tokyo
first artificial satellite launched by India (c) Mortimer Wheeler 2020 Olympics.
in 1975. (d) John Marshall
Q.213. In which of the following
Q.206. Who among the following was Sol.(b) Alexander Cunningham was the countries was the first hockey
the first Indian to win a seat in the House first Director-General of the association formed?
of Commons? Archaeological Survey of India. ASI is SSC CGL 23/08/21(Afternoon)
SSC CGL 20/08/21(Afternoon) an Indian government agency (a) Spain (b) The UK
(a) MN Roy responsible for archaeological research (c) The US (d) India
(b) Dadabhai Naoroji and the conservation and preservation of
(c) WC Bonnerjee cultural monuments in the country. Sol.(b) The first hockey association was
(d) Hasrat Mohani formed in the UK in 1876 and also drew
Q.210. Who among the following is the up the first formal set of rules. India has
Sol.(b) Dadabhai Naoroji was the first first female from India to win a Grammy recently won a bronze medal in the 2020
Indian to win a seat in the House of award? Tokyo Olympics in Men’s Hockey Title.
Commons. The House of Commons is SSC CGL 20/08/21(Evening)
the lower house (democratically elected (a) Monali Thakur (b) Palak Muchhal Q.214. Who among the following was
house) and de facto primary chamber of (c) Tanvi Shah (d) Neeti Mohan the first player from the Indian
the Parliament of the United Kingdom. subcontinent to play for a
Sol.(c) Tanvi Shah is the first female European Football club (Celtic FC)?
Q.207. Who among the following is the from India to win a Grammy award for SSC CGL 24/08/21(Morning)
first-ever woman fighter pilot to have her work in Jai Ho in Slumdog (a) Sailen Manna
taken part at a Republic Day Parade? Millionaire. Grammy award is presented (b) Mohammed Salim
SSC CGL 20/08/21(Evening) to recognize outstanding achievements (c) Neville D'Souza
(a) Anny Divya in the music industry. (d) Pradeep Kumar Banerjee
(b) Bhawna Kanth Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 20

Pinnacle Static GK

Sol.(b) Mohammed Salim was the first Q.222. Who among the following was
player from the Indian sub-continent to Sol.(a) The first Law Commission was the first Indian Governor of the Reserve
play for a European Football club (Celtic established during the British Raj era in Bank of India?
FC). The Celtic Football Club is a 1834 by the Charter Act of 1833. It was SSC CHSL 05/08/21 (Morning)
Scottish professional football club based presided by Lord Macaulay After that, (a) KC Neogy
in Glasgow, which plays in the Scottish three more Commissions were (b) CD Deshmukh
Premiership. established in pre-independent India. (c) Liaquat Ali Khan
The first Law Commission of (d) Morarji Desai
Q.215. In which of the following independent India was established in
countries were the first modern Olympic 1955 for a three-year term. Sol.(b) Chintaman Dwarkanath
Games held? Deshmukh was the first Indian Governor
SSC CGL 24/08/21(Morning) of the Reserve Bank of India. The first
Q.219. Which of the following satellites
(a) the United Kingdom (b) Greece Governor of the Reserve Bank of India
is India’s first Earth imaging satellite in
(c) Spain (d) China was Sir Osborn Smith. Sir Benegal
a geostationary orbit?
Rama Rau is the longest-serving
SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Morning)
Sol.(b) The first modern Olympic Games Governor of the Reserve Bank of India.
(a) RISAT-1A (b) RISAT-2BR2
were held in Athens, Greece in 1896. Amitav Ghosh is the shortest-serving
(c) GISAT-1 (d) Oceansat-3
Governor of the Reserve Bank of India.
Q.216. In which of the following years
Sol.(c) The EOS-03 (GISAT-1) is India's
was the first rocket launched in India? Q.223. Which of the following was the
first Earth-imaging satellite in a
SSC CGL 24/08/21(Evening) first High Court established in India?
geostationary orbit. India currently has
(a) 1948 (b) 1973 SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Evening)
two Earth observation satellites in a
(c) 1963 (d) 1977 (a) Bombay
geostationary orbit — the INSAT-3D
(b) Calcutta
(launched in 2013) and INSAT-3DR
Sol.(c) The first rocket was launched in (c) Delhi
1963 in India. The launchpad for the first (launched in 2016), both for weather (d) Madras
rocket ‘RH200’ was Thumba Balasore monitoring.
and took off from Thumba near Sol.(b) The Calcutta High Court is the
Thiruvananthapuram. Q.220. Who among the following oldest high court in the country,
became the first Lokpal of India? established on 2 July 1862.
Q.217. Who among the following was SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Morning)
appointed as the first woman (a) Dilip B Bhosale Q.224. Which Indian film was the first
Chairperson of BCCC (b) Pradip Kumar Mohanty film to win the ‘Palme d'Or’ at Cannes
(Broadcasting Content Complaints (c) Pinaki Chandra Ghose Film Festival?
Council) by IBF (Indian Broadcasting (d) Ajay Kumar Tripathi SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Afternoon)
Foundation)? (a) Mother India
SSC CGL 24/08/21(Evening) Sol.(c) Former Supreme Court judge (b) Mughal-e-Azam
(a) Indra Nooyi Pinaki Chandra Ghose became the first (c) Neecha Nagar
(b) Kiran Mazumdar Lokpal of the country with his (d) Ram Aur Shyam
(c) Chitra Ramakrishna appointment along with other eight
(d) Gita Mittal members. He is a retired judge of the Sol.(c) Neecha Nagar (1946) was the
supreme Court of India. first film to win the Palme d'Or at the
Sol.(d) Justice Gita Mittal was appointed Cannes Film Festival. The movie is
as the first woman Chairperson of BCCC Q.221. In which year did India host the directed by Chetan Anand and produced
(Broadcasting Content Complaints Commonwealth Games? by India Pictures. The film portrayed a
Council) by IBF. She has also served as SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Afternoon) contrasting picture of the rich and the
the first woman Chief Justice of Jammu (a) 2018 (b) 2010 poor society.
& Kashmir High Court. (c) 2006 (d) 2014
Q.225. Who among the following was
Q.218. When was the First Law Sol.221.(b) In 2010, India hosted the the first Indian to win the Miss World
Commission set up in independent Commonwealth Games. The event was beauty pageant?
India? first held in 1930, and with the exception SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Morning)
SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Afternoon) of 1942 and 1946, has taken place every (a) Reita Faria
(a) 1955 (b) 1951 four years since then. (b) Aishwarya Rai
(c) 1952 (d) 1956 (c) Diana Hayden Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 21

Pinnacle Static GK

(d) Priyanka Chopra Language in India. Six languages in SSC MTS 13/10/21(Afternoon)
India namely Tamil, Telugu, Sanskrit, (a) RK Shanmukham Chetty
Sol.(a) Reita Faria won the Miss World Kannada, Malayalam and Odia have (b) TT Krishnamachari
beauty pageant in 1966. She was the first been given the status of classical (c) Syama Prasad Mukherjee
Indian to win the Miss World. language. (d) Jagjivan Ram

Q.226. Where was the first jute mill set Q.230. Which state became the first Sol.(a) RK Shanmukham Chetty was the
up at Kolkata in 1859? fully organic farming state in India in first Finance Minister of independent
SSC MTS 05/10/21(Morning) 2016? India when the country's first budget was
(a) Sreerampur (b) Mesra SSC MTS 11/10/21(Morning) tabled in Parliament on 26 November
(c) Howrah (d) Rishra (a) Assam (b) Sikkim 1947.
(c) Punjab (d) Goa
Sol.(d) The first jute mill was set up at Q.234. Who was the first woman
Rishra in Kolkata in 1859. The mill was Sol.(b) Sikkim became the first fully Election Commissioner of Maharashtra?
set up on the riverbank of Hooghly in organic farming state in India in 2016. In SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Evening)
Kolkata. The jute spinning machinery 2003, Sikkim stopped imports of (a) Neela Satyanarayan
was brought by George Acland from chemical fertilizers in the State and since (b) Rekha Sharma
Dundee. then the cultivable land there is (c) Minati Behera
practically organic and farmers of (d) Sugatha Kumari
Q.227. Who among the following is the Sikkim are traditional users of organic
first Indian to get an Oscar Award? SSC manure. Sol.(a) Neela Satyanarayan was the first
MTS 07/10/21 (Morning) woman Election Commissioner of
(a) Bhanu Athaiya (b) Satyajit Ray Q.231. Which Indian Lawn Tennis Maharashtra. Neela Satyanarayanan was
(c) AR Rahman (d) Resul Pookutty player became the first Asian player to an Indian author and civil servant. After
win the Boys’ Singles title at her retirement from civil service, she
Sol.(a) Bhanu Athaiya is the first Indian Wimbledon in 1954? was appointed as the State Election
to get an Oscar Award. She was a SSC MTS 11/10/21(Morning) Commissioner in Maharashtra,
costume designer in more than 100 (a) Ramanathan Krishnan succeeding Nand Lal, and held the
movies and won an Oscar award in 1983 (b) Ramesh Krishnan position until July 2014
for the movie ‘Gandhi’. (c) Anand Amritraj
(d) Vijay Amritraj Q.235. In 1862, the High Court was first
Q.228 In which Olympic games did established at:
India win the gold medal in men's Sol.(a) Ramanathan Krishnan became SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Morning)
hockey, for the first time the first Asian player to win the Boys’ (a) Madras (b) Delhi
post-independence? Singles title at Wimbledon in 1954. (c) Gwalior (d) Jhansi
SSC MTS 08/10/21 (Morning)
(a) London (b) Sydney Q.232. Who among the following was Sol.(a) In 1862, the High Court was first
(c) Barcelona (d) Athens the first Finance Minister of independent established at Madras. High Courts were
India? first established in the three Presidency
Sol.(a) In London, India won the gold SSC MTS 13/10/21(Afternoon) cities of Calcutta, Bombay, and Madras
medal in men's hockey, for the first time (a) RK Shanmukham Chetty in 1862.
post-independence. The Indian field (b) TT Krishnamachari
hockey team defeated the British team to (c) Syama Prasad Mukherjee Q.236. Who among the following was
win the country's first gold medal at the (d) Jagjivan Ram the first-ever Indian to receive the Bharat
1948 Summer Olympics. Ratna award? SSC MTS 18/10/2021
Sol.(a) RK Shanmukham Chetty was the (Afternoon)
Q.229. Which of the following was the first Finance Minister of independent (a) Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya
first language conferred with the status India when the country's first budget was (b) Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman
of Classical Language in India? SSC tabled in Parliament on 26 November (c) Pandurang Vaman Kane
MTS 08/10/21 (Afternoon) 1947. (d) Purushottam Das Tandon
(a) Kannada (b) Sanskrit
(c) Tamil (d) Malayalam Q.233. Who among the following was Sol.(b) CV Raman. Bharat Ratna was
the first Finance Minister of independent introduced on 2nd January 1954. The
Sol.(c) Tamil was the first language India? First 3 persons to receive Bharat
conferred with the status of Classical Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 22

Pinnacle Static GK

Ratna(1954) - C Rajagopalachari, S Q.239. ______ became the first Indian to

Radhakrishnan & CV Raman. win the under-18 title in the Orange Q242. Special Olympics, held every
First-person to receive Bharat Ratna - C Bowl tournament in 2008. ________ years, is a global movement
Rajagopalachari. The first scientist to SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Evening) of people creating a new world of
receive Bharat Ratna - CV Raman. First (a) Rohan Bopanna (b) ManasDhamne inclusion, where every single person is
Prime Minister to receive Bharat Ratna - (c) Leander Paes (d) Yuki Bhambri accepted and welcomed, regardless of
Jawaharlal Nehru. First President to their ability or disability.
receive Bharat Ratna - Dr. Rajendra Sol.(d) Yuki Bhambri became the first SSC CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning)
Prasad. First-person to receive Bharat Indian to win the under-18 title in the (a) five (b) two
Orange Bowl tennis tournament in 2008. (c) three (d) four
Ratna posthumously - Lal Bahadur
Shastri. The first woman to receive
Q.240. Who among the following was Sol.(b) Special Olympics, held every
Bharat Ratna - Indira Gandhi. The first
the first woman commando trainer in two years, is a global movement of
woman to receive Bharat Ratna
India? people creating a new world of
posthumously - Aruna Asif Ali. The first
SSC MTS 2/1/2021 (Evening) inclusion, where every single person is
foreigner to receive Bharat Ratna - Khan
(a) Avani Chaturvedi accepted and welcomed, regardless of
Abdul Gaffar Khan. The second their ability or disability.Special
(b) Damyanti Beshra
foreigner to receive Bharat Ratna - Olympics is a global movement of
(c) Dr. Seema Rao
Nelson Mandela. The first sportsperson people creating a new world of
(d) Rani Rampal
to receive Bharat Ratna - Sachin inclusion, where every single person is
Tendulkar. The youngest person to Sol.(c) Dr. Seema Rao is the first woman accepted and welcomed, regardless of
receive Bharat Ratna - Sachin Tendulkar. commando trainer in India. India's first their ability or disability. The Special
First Indian to receive the Nobel Prize - female jawan in the Indian army is Olympics are held every two years and
Rabindranath Tagore. Shanti Tigga. The first woman officer in alternates between summer and winter.
the Indian Air Force, Vijayalakshmi
Q.237. Which country launched the first Q.243. The term ‘ Putt’ is used in the
Ramanan. Punita Arora was the first
artificial satellite Sputnik 1? sport _______
woman in the Indian Armed Forces to be
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Evening) SSC CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning)
promoted to a three-star rank.
(a) USSR (b) France (a) Cricket (b) Table Tennis
(c) USA (d) Germany (c) Golf (d) Football
Sol.(a) Sputnik 1 was the first artificial Sol.(c) The term ‘Putt’ is used in the
Earth satellite. It was launched into an sport Golf. Miniature golf, also known
elliptical low Earth orbit by the USSR Q.241. Asian Games, also named as as minigolf, mini-putt, crazy golf, or
Asiad, is a multi sport event held every putt-putt, is an offshoot of the sport of
on 4 October 1957 as part of the Soviet
__________ years among athletes from golf focusing solely on the putting aspect
space program. Launch site: Gagarin's
all over Asia. of its parent game.
Start, Rocket: Sputnik 8K71PS.
SSC CGL 07/06/2019 (Evening)
(a) six (b) four Q244. The term ‘Cherry Picking’ is used
Q.238. Who among the following has
(c) five (d) three in which sport?
been the first sportsperson to receive the
Padma Shri award from the Government SSC-CGL 11/ 06 2019 (Morning)
Sol.(b) The Asian Games, also known as (a) Table Tennis (b) Swimming
of India?
Asiad, is a continental multi-sport event (c) Basketball (d) Cricket
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Evening)
held every four years among athletes
(a) Balbir Singh Dosanjh
from all over Asia. The Games were Sol.(c) The term Cherry picking is used
(b) Milkha Singh
regulated by the Asian Games in basketball. Cherry picking in
(c) Manpreet Singh
Federation (AGF) from the first Games basketball refers to play where one
(d) Dhanraj Pillay
in New Delhi, India, until the 1978 player does not play defense with the
Games. Since the 1982 Games they have rest of the team but remains near the
Sol.(a) Balbir Singh Dosanjh has been
been organized by the Olympic Council opponents' goal.
the first sportsperson to receive the of Asia (OCA), after the breakup of the
Padma Shri award from the Government Asian Games Federation. The Games are Q.245. The Indian Badminton player
of India. recognized by the International Olympic who won the canadian open Women’s
Committee (IOC) and are described as Doubles title in 2015 along with
the second largest multi-sport event after Ashwini Ponnappa was ________.
the Olympic Games. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 23

Pinnacle Static GK

SSC-CGL 11/06/ 2019 (Afternoon) Q250. Paan Singh Tomar, who was a (d) Sports Authority of India
(a) Saina Nehwal (b) Jwala Gutta seven time national champion, was
(c) P C Tulasi (d) P V Sindhu associated with which of the following Sol.(a) K. Govindaraj has been
sports? unanimously re-elected as president of
Sol.(b) The Indian women's doubles pair SSC CHSL 2/07/ 2019 (Morning) the Basketball Federation of India (BFI)
of Jwala Gutta and Ashwini Ponnappa (a) Hockey (b) Swimming
has clinched the 2015 Canada Open title. (c) Shot Put (d) Steeplechase Q254. Which of the following sports is
played in a velodrome?
Q246. Who among the following is the Sol.(d) The story of Paan Singh Tomar, CHSL 3 JULY 2019 (Afternoon)
only Indian to have won the Amateur an Indian athlete and seven-time national (a) Cycling (b) Fencing
World title in both, snooker and steeplechase champion who becomes (c) Boxing (d) Wrestling
billiards? one of the most feared dacoits in
SSC CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening) Chambal Valley after his retirement. Sol.(a) The velodrome is the home of
(a) Geet Sethi track cycling, where the speedsters of
(b) Michael Ferreira Q251. The world body Governing of the sport fly around at up to 60mph. It
(c) Subhash Agrawal which sport has introduced a new game hosts a variety of events - the individual
(d) Pankaj Advani format called ‘Triples’? pursuit, the points race, the madison and
SSC-CHSL 3/07/ 2019 (Morning) the keirin among others.
Sol.(d) Pankaj Advani is the only Indian (a) Table Tennis (b) Tennis
to have won the Amateur World Title in (c) Badminton (d) Squash Q.255. Rafael Nadal, one of the top male
both snooker and billiards. tennis players in the world hails from
Sol.(c) The Badminton World Federation which European
Q247. The term ‘Dolphin Kick’ is (BWF) has launched two new formats of country?
associated with which sport? badminton games namely, AirBadminton SSC CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon)
SSC-CGL 12/06/ 2019 (Morning) and Triples. In contrast to traditional (a) Spain (b) Switzerland
(a) Football (b) Rugby competitive badminton which is an (c) Serbia (d) Austria
(c) Swimming (d) Cricket indoor game the Air badminton is an
outdoor game. Sol.(a) Rafael Nadal Parera is a Spanish
Sol.(c) “Dolphin Kick” is associated professional tennis player, hails from
with Swimming. In Dolphin Kick, the Q.252. The helmet of the wicket keeper spain.
motion that propels the swimmer is kept on the ground and the ball that
forward underwater after he dives in and the batsman strikes hits the helmet. How Q.256. With which of the following
at the turns. many penalty runs are given to the sports is the term 'Jab' associated?
batting team for this occurrence? SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening)
Q248. With which of the following SSC CHSL 3 JULY 2019 (Afternoon) (a) Cricket (b) Boxing
sports is Karan Chandhok associated? (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) Billiards (d) Basketball
SSC CHSL 1/07/2019 (Evening) (c) 6 (d) 5
(a) Lawn Tennis (b) Badminton Sol.(b)‘Jab’ is a type of quick punch that
(c) Table Tennis (d) Car Racing Sol.252(d) 5 is used in boxing. A jab is when the
Explanation: As per the rules: Five fighter throws a quick punch that starts
Sol.(d) Karun Chandhok is an Indian penalty runs are awarded to the batting from their chin and hits the target that is
racing driver and television presenter. He team (or to the batsman in some cases) in a direct line in front of them.
competed for Hispania Racing in if: The ball strikes a fielder's helmet
Formula One in 2010. when it is on the field but not being Q257. With which sport is the Indian
worn. A fielder willfully fields the ball player Neeraj Chopra associated?
Q249. Scissor Cup is associated with other than with his person (for example, (a) Boxing (b) Swimming
which sports? using a cap or other item of clothing). (c) Javelin Throw (d) Billiards
SSC-CHSL 1/07/ 2019 (Evening)
(a) Badminton (b) Cricket Q253. In March 2019, K. Govindaraj has Sol.(c) Neeraj Chopra belongs to
(c) Hockey (d) Football been unanimously re-elected as president Panipat, Haryana.He is the junior
of which of the following organizations? commissioned officer of the Indian
Sol.(d) The Scissor Cup is related to SSC-CHSL3/07/ 2019 (Afternoon) Army.He represented India in 2018
football. (a) Basketball Federation of India Asian games where he won the gold
(b) All India Tennis Association medal.
(c) Table Tennis Federation of India Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 24

Pinnacle Static GK

Q258. With which of the following (a) Cricket (b) Golf

sports is the term 'bib' associated? The (c) Swimming (d) Hockey Sol.(d) Mumbai Indians is a cricket
word refers to sheets team. It plays T20 cricket with seven
printed with numbers. Sol.(b) The term 'address' is used in other teams in a tournament Indian
SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon) Golf. This term is used in golf to Premier League. Mumbai Indians won
(a) Hockey (b) Football describe when the player takes their the title in 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 and
(c) Lawn Tennis (d) Running stance and places the golf club head 2020.
behind the ball, preparing to take a
Sol.(d) Bib is a term used for a garment stroke on the ball. Q.267. The IAAF Male Athlete of the
that is worn to identify different teams in Year Award has been won by Usain Bolt
a playground. These are used by the Q.263. The term 'Jamming' is associated ______ time(s).
umpire to identify player’s positions so it with which of the following sports? CHSL 10 JULY 2019 (Afternoon)
can be determined who is within their SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (afternoon) (a) one (b) five
allowed area. (a) Boxing (b) Swimming (c) six (d) two
(c) Lawn Tennis (d) Cricket
Q.259. With which of the following Sol.(c) The IAAF Male Athlete of the
sports is the term 'tumble turns' Sol.263.(c) Jamming is related to Lawn Year Award has been won by Usain Bolt
associated? Tennis. six time(s) in 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012,
SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon) 2013 and 2016.
(a) Long Jump (b) Cycling Q.264. ________ created history and
(c) Swimming (d) Running became the first Indian medalist at the Q.268. Pradeep Kumar Banerjee, who
2003 World Athletics Championships in bagged the ESPN Multi-Sports Award
Sol.259.(c) A tumble turn or flip turn is Paris when she won a bronze medal in for Lifetime Achievement, is related to
associated with swimming and it is used women's long jump (6.70 m). ______.
to reverse the direction in which the SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (afternoon) CHSL 10 JULY 2019 (Afternoon)
person is swimming. (a) Dutee Chand (a) shooting (b) football
(b) Anju Bobby George (c) hockey (d) archery
Q.260. With which of the following (c) KM Beenamol
sports is the term 'twiddle' associated? (d) Jyotirmoyee Sikdar Sol.(b) Pradeep Kumar Banerjee, who
SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening) bagged the ESPN Multi-Sports Award
(a) Table Tennis (b) Cricket Sol.(b) Anju Bobby George created for Lifetime Achievement, is related to
(c) Rugby (d) Hockey history and became the first Indian Football. He played as a striker for India.
medalist at the 2003 World Athletics He also captained the national team and
Sol.(a) The term 'Twiddle' is associated Championships in Paris. She won a later became the coach of the National
with Table Tennis. Twiddling in table bronze medal in women's long jump team.
tennis is the act of flipping the paddle so (6.70 m).
that the ball is played with the rubber on Q269. Apart from the first edition, New
the other side to gain a competitive Q265. With which of the following Delhi also hosted the ___edition of the
advantage. sports is the Derby Trophy associated? Asian Games.
SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (Evening) SSC-CPO 16 /03/2019 (Morning)
Q261. Humpy Koneru' is associated with (a) Horse Racing (b) Snooker (a) 7th (b) 9th
which of the following sports? (c) Chess (d) Golf (c) 8th (d) 11th
SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (morning)
(a) Swimming (b) Cricket Sol.(a) Derby Trophy is related to Horse Sol.(b) The 9th Asian Games were held
(c) Badminton (d) Chess Racing It is a set of four trophies that are from November 19, 1982 to December
awarded to the winning connections of 4, 1982, in Delhi, India. 74 Asian and
Sol..(d) GM Humpy Koneru is one of America's most famous race. Asian Games records were broken at the
the top female chess players in the event. This was also the first Asiad to be
world. Koneru is a well-rounded player Q266. Which of the following is a held under the aegis of the Olympic
who is comfortable in positional and ProKabbadi Team? Council of Asia. Delhi joined Bangkok
tactical positions alike. SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (Evening) as the only cities to host multiple
(a) Telugu Titans editions of the Asian Games up to this
Q262. The term 'address' is associated (b) Sunrisers Hyderabad point.
with which of the following sports? (c) Delhi Capitals
SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (morning) (d) Mumbai Indians Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 25

Pinnacle Static GK

Q270. The Union Government bestows SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) (b) Saina Nehwal
national sports awards every year to (a) 2028 (b) 2024 (c) Mary Kom
recognize and reward excellence in (c) 2020 (d) 2032 (d) Sakshi Malik
sports of India. Which of the following
is NOT one of these awards? Sol.(d) During a meeting with the IOC Sol.(a) Karnam Malleswari (born 1 June
SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening) President Thomas Bach, Indian Olympic 1975) is a retired Indian weightlifter. She
(a) Arjuna Award Association (IOA) President Narinder is the first Indian woman to win a medal
(b) Khelo India Award Batra expressed India's interest in at the Olympics. In 1995, she received
(c) Dhyan Chand Award hosting the 2032 Summer Olympics with the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna, India's
(d) Dronacharya Award Mumbai as the host city. highest sporting honour, and in 1999, the
civilian Padma Shri award.
Sol.270.(b) The Union Government Q274. The Khelo India Youth Gaes was
bestows national sports awards every previously called_____. Q277. Who among the following is the
year to recognize and reward excellence SSC CPO 15/03/19 (Morning) highest-rated visually impaired chess
in sports of India. These awards include (a) Khel Khelo India player in India?
Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award, (b) Chalo India School Games SSC CPO 16/03/19 (Evening)
Dronacharya Award, Arjuna Award, (c) Khelo Bharat School Games (a) Darpan Inani
Dhyan Chand Award, Maulana Abul (d) Khelo India School Games (b) Baskaran Adhiban
Azad (MAKA) Trophy and Rashtriya (c) Krishnan Sasikiran
Khel Protsahan Puraskar. The Khelo Sol.(d) Khelo India Youth Games (d) Pentala Harikrishna
India Award is not one of these awards. (KIYG), formerly Khelo India School
Games (KISG), meaning Play India Sol.(a) Darpan Inani is a prolific blind
Q.271. In which year did Independent Youth Games, held annually in January Indian chess player from Vadodara. He
India win its first Olympic gold medal? or February, are the national level is the highest rated blind chess player in
SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Evening) multidisciplinary grassroot games in India with an ELO rating of 2053 as of
(a) 2008 (b) 1948 India held for two categories, namely Nov 2013. Rated 2053, he has been a
(c) 1972 (d) 1960 under-17 years school students and bronze medalist at the 2013 World
under-21 college students. Junior Championship in Belgrade. He is
Sol.271.(b) The Indian field hockey the only Indian visually impaired chess
team defeated the British team to win the Q.275. ______was constructed in 1994 player to have ever won international
country's first gold medal at the 1948 for the National Games, 1994. first prize at the Creon open chess
Summer Olympics. It was the country's SSC CPO 15/03/19 (Morning) tournament in France in August 2018.
first Olympic gold medal since India (a) Shree Shiv Chhatrapati Sports
became independent. Complex, Pune Q.278. _____was Independent India's
(b) DY Patil Stadium, Navi Mumbai first individual Olympic medalist.
Q272. A minor planet is named after (c) Kalinga Stadium, Bhubaneshwar SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
which of the following legends? (d) Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, Kochi (a) Norman Pritchard
SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Morning) (b) KD Jadhav
(a) Milkha Singh Sol.(a) Shree Shiv Chhatrapati Sports (c) Leander Paes
(b) A.R. Rehman Complex, Pune was constructed in 1994 (d) Karnam Malleshwari
(c) Viswanathan Anand for the National Games, 1994. The 2008
(d) Sachin Tendulkar Commonwealth Youth Games were Sol.(b) Khashaba Dadasaheb Jadhav
hosted here. In 2008 the World Junior (January 15, 1926 – August 14, 1984)
Sol.(c) Viswanathan Anand, the Chess Table Tennis Circuit was successfully was an Indian athlete. He is best known
GrandMaster of India now has a planet held here. The 2009 FIVB Men's Junior as a wrestler who won a bronze medal at
named after him, called '4538 World Championship was held here. The the 1952 Summer Olympics in Helsinki.
Vishyanand'. The newly named planet is city is also the host of FIBA Asia He was one of the first athletes from
a minor planet which was discovered by Under-16 Championship for Women India to win a medal in the Olympics.
Kenzo Suzuki of Japan in Toyota 2009. The sports complex is also venue
Observatory in 1988 but was unnamed for Khelo India Youth Games, 2019 Q279. Dibyendu Barua is associated
until now. with which of the following sports?
Q.276. Who was the first Indian woman SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning)
Q.273. The Indian Olympic Association to win an Olympic medal? (a) Chess (b) Hockey
expressed interest to host SSC CPO 16/03/19 (Evening) (c) Snooker (d) Tennis
the__________summer Olympics. (a) Karnam Malleswari Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 26

Pinnacle Static GK

Sol.(a) Dibyendu Barua is a renowned Sol.(d) Praggnanandhaa is from (c) Switzerland (d) America
chess player of India. He was the second Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. He won the
Indian to become a Grandmaster after World Youth Chess Championship Sol.(d) Michael Fred Pheleps II was
Viswanathan Anand. He is one of the Under-8 title in 2013, earning him the born in Baltimore,Maryland,U.S and he
pioneers of this game in India who gave title of FIDE Master at the age of 7. plays for United states of America.His
impetus to the young generation and nickname is “The Baltimore Bullet” and
inspired them. Q284. How many players are there in “The flying fish”
Q.280. Gurjeet kaur is associated with SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning) Q288. Dipa Karmakar is associated with
which sport? (a) 7 (b) 8 which of the following sports?
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon) (c) 10 (d) 12 SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening)
(a) Hockey (a) Golf (b) Gymnastics
(b) Wrestling Sol.(d) Each kho-kho team consists of (c) Tennis (d) Badminton
(c) Weight lifting 12 players, but during a contest only 9
(d) Swimming players from each team take the field. A Sol.(b) Karmakar represented India at
match consists of two innings. In an the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de
Sol.(a) Gurjit Kaur is an Indian female innings, each team gets seven minutes Janeiro, becoming the first Indian female
field hockey player. She plays the for chasing and seven for defending. gymnast ever to compete in the
position of a defender and is also the Olympics, and the first Indian gymnast
Indian team's designated drag flicker. Q285. Pranti Nayak is associated with to do so in 52 years. She attained fourth
She has represented India which Sport? position in the Women's Vault
internationally, most recently at the SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning) Gymnastics event at Rio, with an overall
Hockey World Cup 2018. (a)Gymnastics (b)Golf score of 15.066.
(c)Boxing (d)Scating
Q281. Which of the following is referred Q.289. Bruny Surin, the Olympian
to as Dhing Express? Sol.(a) Indian gymnast Pranati Nayak athlete belongs to which of the following
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening) clinched a bronze medal in the vault countries?
(a) Hima Das (b) Milkha Singh event at the Senior Asian Artistic SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(c) Dutee Chand (d) P.T. Usha Gymnastics Championships in (a) Spain (b) Austria
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The 23-year-old (c) Mexico (d) Canada
Sol.(a) Hima Das, nicknamed the Dhing from West Bengal, who had qualified for
Express, is an Indian sprinter from the vault finals with a sixth place, came up Sol.(d) Bruny Surin. Bruny Surin (born
state of Assam. with a score of 13.384 to claim the July 12, 1967) is a Canadian track and
bronze medal. field athlete, winner of a gold medal in
Q.282. The term ‘time trial’ is associated the 4×100 metres relay at the 1996
with which of the following sports? Q286. Dronacharya Award is related to Summer Olympics. In 2008 he was
SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning) which field ? inducted into Canada's Sports Hall of
(a) Cycling (b) Hockey SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Afternoon) Fame as part of the 1996 Summer
(c) Shooting (d) Swimming (a) Education (b) Dance Olympics 4x100 relay team.
(c) Music (d) Sports
Sol.(a) Time trial, French Course Contre Q290. King Jay Adams is associated
La Montre, (“race against the watch”), in Sol.(d) The Dronacharya Award, with which of the following Sports?
bicycle racing, a form of competition in officially known as Dronacharya Award SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening)
which individual cyclists or teams are for Outstanding Coaches in Sports and (a) Horce Racing (b) Billiards
sent out at intervals to cover a specified Games, is a sports coaching honour of (c) Skateboarding (d) Golf
distance on a road course. The contestant the Republic of India. The award is
with the fastest time for the distance named after Drona, often referred as Sol.(c) The team became famous as the
wins. "Dronacharya" or "Guru Drona", a Z-boys. Jay Adams was the true king of
character from the Sanskrit epic Skateboarding. Also known as “the
Q283. R. Pragnananda is associated with Mahabharata of ancient India. Original Seed” of the sport, he gave a
which sport? new definition to the game.
SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q287. The famous swimmer Micheal
(a) Badminton (b)Tennis Philips belongs to _____. Q291. What is the National Game of
(c) Golf (d) Chess SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Afternoon) USA?
(a) Australia (b) Norway SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 27

Pinnacle Static GK

(a) Baseball (b) Basketball (c) London (d) Beijing

(c) Cricket (d) Football Q295. Divya Kakran is associated with
which of the following sports? Sol.(a) Host city selection: The IOC
Sol.(a) The national game of the USA is SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) voted to select the host city for the 2020
Baseball not by law but through de facto. (a) Swimming (b) Gymnastics Summer Olympics on 7 September 2013
Baseball is a bat-and-ball game played (c) Wrestling (d) Weightlifting at the 125th IOC Session at the Buenos
between two opposing teams who take Aires Hilton in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
turns batting and fielding. The game Sol.(c) Divya Kakran is a freestyle
proceeds when a player on the fielding wrestler from India. Divya has won 60 Q.300. FIFA was established in ______.
team, called the pitcher, throws a ball medals, including 17 gold medals in the SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening)
which a player on the batting team tries Delhi State Championship, and has won (a) Italy (b) France
to hit with a bat. the Bharat Kesari title eight times. (c) England (d) Spain

Q.292. Vaibhav Yadav is associated with Q296. Deepika Kumari is associated Sol.(b) FIFA was founded in 1904 to
which of the following sports? with which Sport? oversee international competition among
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning) SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) the national associations of Belgium,
(a) Boxing (b) Badminton (a) Archery (b) Squash Denmark, France, Germany, the
(c) Tennis (d) Weightlifting (c) Swimming (d) Badminton Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and
Switzerland. Headquartered in Zürich,
Sol.(a) Indian pro boxer Vaibhav Yadav Sol.(a) Deepika Kumari is an Indian its membership now comprises 211
became World Boxing Council (WBC) athlete who competes in the event of national associations
Asia silver Welterweight Champion after archery, is currently ranked World No. 9,
winning the title bout held in Pattaya, and is a former world number one. She Q301. Mouma Das is associated with
Thailand. won a gold medal in the 2010 which sport?
Commonwealth games in the women's SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening)
Q293. The first modern Olympic Games individual recurve event. (a) Shooting (b) Table Tennis
were held in which of the following (c) Hockey (d) Archery
cities ? Q.297. Bhavisha Singh is associated
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning) with which of the following sports? Sol.(b) Mouma Das (born 24 February
(a) Athens (b) Stockholm SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning) 1984) is an Indian table tennis player.
(c) Paris (d) London (a) Karate (b) Badminton Born and brought up in Kolkata, West
(c) Table Tennis (d) Volleyball Bengal, she has represented India in
Sol.(a) On April 6, 1896, the first international events since the early
modern Olympic Games were held in Sol.(a) Bhavisha Singh is associated 2000s. Mouma Das has won multiple
Athens, Greece, with athletes from 14 with Karate.She has won over 142 gold, medals at the Commonwealth Games
countries participating. The International 11 silver medals and 13 bronze medals. including a gold in the Women's Team
Olympic Committee met for the first Competition in 2018.
time in Paris in June 1894 and chose Q298. Which of the following
Greece as the site of the inaugural Trophy/Cup is associated with the game Q.302. Which of the following colours is
modern Olympiad. ‘Bridge’? NOT present in the Olympic Ring?
MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning) SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning)
Q.294. Which of the following game is (a) Holkar Trophy (a) Pink (b) Green
originated in India? (b) Amit Diwan Trophy (c) Blue (d) Red
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) (c) Thomas Cup
(a) Tennis (b) Chess (d) Jai Laxmi Cup Sol.(a) The Olympic flag has a white
(c) Skating (d) Snooker background, with five interlaced rings in
Sol.(a) Holkar Trophy is associated with the centre: blue, yellow, black, green and
Sol.(b) The most commonly held belief Bridge sport. Bridge is the ultimate red. This design is symbolic; it
is that chess originated in India, where it tricky card game that four people can represents the five continents of the
was called Chaturanga, which appears to play with a pack of 52 cards. world, united by Olympism, while the
have been invented in the 6th century six colours are those that appear on all
AD. Although this is commonly Q299. Which city will be the host of the the national flags of the world at the
believed, it is thought that Persians Summer Olympic 2020? present time.
created a more modern version of the SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon)
game after the Indians. (a) Tokyo (b) Paris Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 28

Pinnacle Static GK

Q303. Which of the following is not a from 26 May to 9 June, comprising the India national football team as a
weight classification in Boxing ? singles, doubles and mixed doubles play. forward. The current captain of the India
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning) national team, he is the country's all-time
(a) Underweight (b) Heavy Weight Q307. In which country 2020 summer top goalscorer and most-capped player.
(c) Middleweight (d) Light Weight Olympics Games will be held?
SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening) Q311. To which sports are the terms
Sol.(a) Designed to limit the number of (a) South Korea (b) Japan ‘Wazir, Knight, King and Queen’
mismatches between opponents of (c) China (d) Brazil associated ?
different sizes, over the years the number SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon)
of weight classes has grown from the Sol.(b) The 2020 Summer Olympics, (a) Badminton (b) Billiards
original eight divisions (flyweight, officially known as the Games of the (c) Chess (d)Tennis
bantamweight, featherweight, XXXII Olympiad and commonly known
lightweight, welterweight, as Tokyo 2020, is an upcoming Sol.(c) A chess piece, or chessman, is
middleweight, junior middleweight and international multi-sport event that is any of the six different types of movable
heavyweight) to the 17 divisions used scheduled to take place from 24 July to 9 objects used on a chessboard to play the
today. August 2020 in Tokyo, Japan. game of chess. It consists of 1 king.1
queen.2 rooks.2 bishops.2 knights.8
Q.304. Which of the following countries Q.308. Which of the following pawns on both sides of the chess board.
hosted the first South Asian Games? organisations is the governing body of
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon) World Tennis? Q.312. Which of the following sport has
(a) Nepal (b) India SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning) Not been played at the Olympics since
(c) Bangladesh (d) Pakistan (a) Tennis Council 1900?
(b) International Tennis Council SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening)
Sol.(a) The first South Asian Games (c) Tennis Federation (a) Cricket (b) Badminton
were hosted by Kathmandu, Nepal in (d) International Tennis Federation (c) Hockey (d) Archery
1983 and have since been held every two
years, except for some occasions. Sol.(d) The International Tennis Sol.(a) Cricket was to be played in the
Federation (ITF) is the governing body 1896 Olympics, but never took place due
Q305. Which of the following awards of world tennis, wheelchair tennis, and to a lack of participants. In 1900, four
are given to recognise players ‘Lifetime beach tennis. It was founded in 1913 as teams played (Holland, Belgium, France,
Achievement in Sports’? the International Lawn Tennis and England), but two (France and
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening) Federation by twelve national England) played only one match. Cricket
(a) Dronacharya Award associations, and as of 2016, is affiliated was to be played at the 1904 Olympics,
(b) Dhyan Chand Award with 211 national tennis associations and but never took place due to a lack of
(c) Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna six regional associations. facilities.
(d) Arjuna Award
Q309. Indian boxer Mary Kom belongs Q313. Which of the following
Sol..(b) Dhyan Chand Award: Instituted to which North-Eastern State ? Traditional sports-State pair is
in 2002, this is India's highest award for SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon) INCORRECT?
lifetime achievement in sports and (a) Mizoram (b) Tripura SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening)
games. The award is named after the (c) Meghalaya (d) Manipur (a) Thang-ta - Manipur
legendary Indian hockey player Dhyan (b) Silambam - Madhya Pradesh
Chand. Sol.(d) Mary Kom is an Indian boxer. (c) Mukna - Manipur
Kom is a member of the Kom tribe of (d) Gatka - Punjab
Q.306. Where is the Roland Garros north-east India. She was born in
Grand Slam of Tennis held? Kangathei, Churachandpur, Manipur. Sol.(b) Silambam is a weapon-based
SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon) martial art of India, more specifically
(a) Brussels (b) Paris Q.310. Sunil Chhetri represents India in from Tamilakam (now Tamil Nadu
(c) London (d) Zurich which sport ? region) in the Indian subcontinent. This
SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening) ancient fighting style is mentioned in
Sol.(b) The 2019 French Open was a (a) Basketball (b) Football Tamil Sangam literature 400 BCE.
Grand Slam tennis tournament played on (c) Cricket (d) Hockey
outdoor clay courts. It was held at the Q.314. Usain Bolt is associated with
Stade Roland Garros in Paris, France, Sol(b) Sunil Chhetri is an Indian which sport ?
professional footballer who represents SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 29

Pinnacle Static GK

(a) Boxing (b) Gymnastics Q.318. International Kabaddi Federation (a) Cyrus Poncha
(c) Athletics (d) Keno Sprint was founded in which year ? (b) Ramit Tandon
SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon) (c) Saurav Ghosal
Sol.(c) Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt (a) 2015 (b) 2004 (d) Mahesh Mangaonkar
(born August 21, 1986) is arguably the (c) 1950 (d) 2010
fastest man in the world, winning three Sol.(c) Saurav Ghosal (born 10 August
gold medals at the 2008 Olympic Games Sol.(b) The International Kabaddi 1986, in Kolkata, West Bengal) is a
in Beijing, China, and becoming the first Federation is the international governing professional squash player from India
man in Olympic history to win both the body of Kabaddi. Its membership and reached a career-high world ranking
100-meter and 200-meter races in record comprises 31 national associations. The of World No.10 in April 2019.
times. federation was formed in 2004. The
founder and current president is Q323. In which city are the summer
Q315. What is the name of the Janardan Singh Gehlot from India. Olympic Games 2024 to be held?
International Organisation that regulates SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening)
basketball in the world ? Q319. Which of the following (a) Beijing (b) Los Angeles
SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon) sportsperson is not associated to Hockey (c) London (d) Paris
(a) FIBA (b) NBA ?
(c) IBA (d) RBA SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening) Sol.(d) The 2024 Summer Olympics,
(a) Harmanpreet Kaur officially known as the Games of the
Sol.(a) The International Basketball (b) P.A. Raphael XXXIII Olympiad , and commonly
Federation, (FIBA from its French name (c) Sardar Singh known as Paris 2024, is a forthcoming
Fédération Internationale de (d) S.V. Sunil international multi-sport event that is
Basket-ball), is an association of national scheduled to take place from 26 July to
organizations which governs Sol.(a) Harmanpreet Kaur is an Indian 11 August 2024.
international competition in basketball. cricketer. She plays for the Indian
women's cricket team and was awarded Q.324. Which athlete won a Gold Medal
Q.316. Knockout and Knockdown are the prestigious Arjuna Award for Cricket for India in the Men's triple jump event
the terms related to which sport ? in the year 2017 by the Ministry of after a gap of 48 years in the Asian
SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening) Youth Affairs and Sports. Games?
(a) Hockey (b) Boxing SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening)
(c) Cricket (d) Badminton Q.320. Who became the first player of (a) Amarjeet Singh
Indian origin to play in an NBA game? (b) Renjith Maheshwary
Sol.(b) The boxer has to have at least SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning) (c) Rakesh Babu
one part of his body other than his feet (a) Sim Bhullar (b) Palpreet Singh (d) Arpinder Singh
on the ground for it to be considered a (c) Amjyot Singh (d) Satnam Singh
knockdown. A knock out is an automatic Sol.(d) Arpinder Singh is an Indian triple
win for the opponent, and refers to a Sol.(a) Sim Bhullar Becomes 1st Player jumper. He was a gold medalist at the
player being knocked down for more of Indian Descent to Play in NBA Game. 2018 Asian Games..
than 10 seconds.
Q321. Who is the first Indian rower to Q325. What was India’s rank in the
Q317. The player who has won _____ win a gold at the Asian Games in the Commonwealth Games 2018 in terms of
Grand Slam Tournaments along with the year 2010? number of gold medals won?
Olympic Gold Medal is awarded with SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning) SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening)
the Golden Slam. (a) sawarn Singh (a) Fourth (b) First
SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon) (b) Bajrang Lal Takhar (c) Third (d) Second
(a) 3 (b) 5 (c) Dattu Baban Bhokanal
(c) 4 (d) 2 (d) Dushyant Chauhan Sol.(c) India competed at the 2018
Commonwealth Games at Gold Coast,
Sol.(c) The Golden Slam, or Golden Sol.(b) Bajrang Lal Takhar wins first Australia from 4 to 15 April 2018. It was
Grand Slam, is a term created in 1988 rowing gold for India in 2010. India's 18th appearance at the
when Steffi Graf won all four Grand Commonwealth Games.. With 26 Gold
Slam tournaments and the gold medal in Q.322. Who became the first Indian medals and a total of 66 medals, India
tennis at the Summer Olympics in the Squash player to enter the top ten in PSA finished 3rd for the tournament.
same calendar year world rankings?
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 30

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Q.326. With which sport is Dattu netted in less than 11 seconds for Turkey Q335. Who was the first Indian to
Bhokanal associated? against South Korea in 2002. receive the International Shooting
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening) Federation (ISSF) Blue Cross?
(a) Kabaddi (b) Archery SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Evening)
Q331. Where was the venue of the US
(c) Equestrian (d) Rowing (a) Ronjan Sodhi
Open Tennis Championship before it
shifted to the Flushing Meadows? (b) Vijay Kumar
Sol.(d) Dattu Baban Bhokanal is an SSC CPO 11/12/2019 Evening (c) Abhinav Bindra
Indian rower who has qualified for the (a) Forest Hills (b) Plaza District (d) Gagan Narang
2016 Rio Summer Olympics.. (c) Woodmond Hills (d) Lexington
Sol.(c) On 30 November 2018, Bindra
Q327. As per the data released by the Sol.(a) Forest Hills was the venue of the became the first Indian to receive the
Sample Registration System for the year US Open Tennis Championship before it prestigious Blue Cross, the ISSF's
2016, what is the infant mortality rate in shifted to the Flushing Meadows .In highest honour. Abhinav Bindra won the
India? 1978, the US Open moved to the new gold medal in men’s 10m air rifle at the
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening) USTA National Tennis Center at Beijing Olympics 2008.
(a) 34 per 1000 live births Flushing Meadows, in the New York
(b) 23 per 1000 live births City borough of Queens. Q.336. The major component of modern
(c) 47 per 1000 live births Olympic gold medals is ______.
(d) 43 per 1000 live births Q.332. Who among the following SSC CGL (4/3/2020 morning)
female Indian boxers does NOT hold the (a) Bronze (b) Gold
Sol.(a) In 2016, Infant mortality rate was distinction of reaching the final at the (c) Silver (d) Copper
34. World Boxing Championships in her
debut? Sol.(c) Olympic Gold medals are
Q.328. Sultan of Johor Cup is a SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening) required to be made from at least 92.5%
tournament of which sport? (a) Manju Rani (b) Sonia Chahal silver, and must contain a minimum of 6
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning) (c) Jamuna Boro (d) Sarjubala Devi grams of gold. All olympics medals
(a) Badminton (b) Cricket must be at least 60 mm in diameter and
(c) Football (d) Hockey Sol.(c) Manju Rani, Sonia Chahal, 3mm thick. It is the responsibility of the
Sarjubala Devi are Indian female boxers Olympic host to mint the medal proper.
Sol.(d) The Sultan of Johor Cup is an that hold the distinction of reaching the
annual, international under–21 men's final at the World Boxing Championship Q337. To which of the following Indian
field hockey tournament held in in their debut. states does Mardani Khel, one of the
Malaysia. famous martial art forms in India
Q333. Indian sportsperson Lakshya Sen belong?
Q329. Sportsperson Duryodhan Singh is a ______ player. CGL 6-03-2020 (Morning)
Negi renowned for which sport ? SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening) (a) Maharashtra (b) Uttar Pradesh
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 Morning (a) judo (b) badminton (c) Rajasthan (d) Madhya Pradesh
(a) Archery (b) Boxing (c) kabaddi (d) wrestling
(c) lawn Tennis (d) Shooting Sol.(a) Mardani khel is an armed Indian
Sol.(b) Lakshya Sen is an Indian martial art from Maharashtra. It is
Sol.(b) Duryodhan Singh Negi is a world badminton player. He belongs to particularly known for its use of the
renowned boxer. He has won gold at the Almora,uttarakhand. uniquely Indian patta (sword) and vita
national championship. (corded lance).
Q.334. Eight times world champion
Q.330. Who holds the record of scoring squash player Nicol David belongs to Q338. With which sport is Archana
the fastest goal (in the eleventh second) which country? Kamath associated?
in a FIFA World Cup match? SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Afternoon)
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening) (a) Germany (b) Malaysia (a) Table Tennis (b) Badminton
(a) Hakan Sukur (c) Ghana (d) Argentina (c) Squash (d) Lawn Tennis
(b) Pele
(c) Cristiano Ronaldo Sol.(b) Eight time world squash Sol.(a) Archana Kamath was introduced
(d) Kylian Mbappe champion Nicol David hails from to the sport of Table Tennis when she
Malaysia. She was world no. 1 squash was 9. What started off as a recreational
player between 2006-15. game soon became the passion that
Sol.(a) Hakan Sukur scored soccer's
drove the teen into making
fastest ever World Cup goal when he Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 31

Pinnacle Static GK

accomplishments at the international (a) Chess (b) Lawn Tennis (a) Germany (including West Germany)
level. (c) Squash (d) Badminton (b) Argentina
(c) France
Q339. On which date is National Sports
Sol.(a) Magnus Carlsen is a Norwegian (d) Brazil
Day observed in India?
Chess player.
SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Evening)
Sol.(d) Brazil won the FIFA World Cup
(a) 4th May (b) 5th July the most number of times.
Q.344. How many times did Pankaj
(c) 29th August (d) 17th September
Advani win the ‘IBSF World Billiards
Q349. How many gold medals did India
Sol.(c) The National Sports Day in India win at the ‘1986 Asian Games’ held in
CHSL 12-10-2020 (Morning)
is celebrated on 29th August every year, Seoul, South Korea?
(a) 24 (b) 21 (c) 22 (d) 20
on the birth anniversary of the legendary CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning)
hockey Olympian, Dhyan Chand Singh. (a) 9 (b) 5
Sol.(c) Pankaj Advani is an Indian
The National Sports Day which is also (c) 6 (d) 8
billiards and snooker player and has won
known as the Rashtriya Khel Divas was
the ‘IBSF World Billiards
first inducted into the long list of Sol.(b) India won 5 gold medals at the
Championship’ 22 times.
celebratory days in 2012. ‘1986 Asian Games’ held in Seoul,
South Korea.
Q345. National Sports Day of India is
Q.340. Where was the Pullela
celebrated on 29 August every year in
Gopichand Badminton Academy Q.350. With which of the following
honour of which
founded in 2008? sports is Manika Batra associated?
CHSL 17-03-2020 (Afternoon) CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning)
CHSL 12-10-2020 (Evening)
(a) New Delhi (a) Badminton (b) Cricket
(a) Balbir Singh Sr.
(b) Bangalore (c) Table Tennis (d) Gymnastics
(b) Milkha Singh
(c) Hyderabad
(c) Leslie Walter Claudius
(d) Mumbai Sol.(c) Manika Batra is an Indian table
(d) Major Dhyan Chand Singh
tennis player. She was awarded the Rajiv
Sol.(c) Pullela Gopichand Badminton Gandhi Khel ratna award in 2020.
Sol.(d) National Sports Day of India is
Academy was founded in 2008 in
celebrated on the birth anniversary of
Hyderabad. Q351. Who among the following is NOT
hockey wizard Major Dhyan Chand
a lawn tennis champion?
Q341. How many Grand Slam CHSL 19-10-2020 (Morning)
tournaments are played in a year in Q.346. The Maharaja Ranjit Singh Gold (a) Leander Paes (b) Rohan Bopanna
tennis? Cup is associated with _______. (c) Sania Mirza (d) Manika Batra
CHSL 19-03-2020 (Morning) CHSL 13/10/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 5 (a) Football (b) Polo Sol.(d) Manika Batra is an Indian table
(c) Cricket (d) Hockey tennis player.
Sol.(c) There are 4 Grand Slam
Sol.(d) The Maharaja Ranjit Singh Gold
tournaments in tennis - the Q.352. ‘Santosh Trophy’ is an award for
Cup is associated with Hockey.
championships of Australia, France, the winning team of ______.
Britain (Wimbledon) and the United Q347. Which among the following is CHSL 19-10-2020 (Morning)
States. NOT an Indian weightlifter? (a) hockey (b) football
CHSL 14/10/2020 (Morning) (c) volleyball (d) basketball
Q.342. Where were the first Winter (a) Dipika Pallikal
Paralympics Games held? (b) Karnam Malleswari Sol.(b) The Santosh Trophy is an
CHSL 19-03-2020 (Morning) (c) Rakhi Haldar association football knock-out
(a) Italy (b) Korea (d) Mirabai Chanu competition contested by the regional
(c) Russia (d) Sweden state associations and government
Sol.(a) Dipika Pallikal is Indian institutions under the All India Football
Sol.(d) In 1976, the first Winter Games professional squash player. Federation.
in Paralympics history were held in
Sweden. Q.348. Which of the following nations
won the FIFA World Cup the most
Q343. Magnus Carlsen is associated number of times? Q353. Who among the following was
with which game? CHSL 15-10-2020 (Afternoon) given the ‘Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna’
19-03-2020 (Evening) award and which Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 32

Pinnacle Static GK

game did she/he excel in? moves and hold various poses on a medal for india in 2008 beijing olympics
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening) vertical wooden pole. in 10m air rifle shooting events.
(a) Gagan Narang – Shooting CHSL 20-10-2020 (Evening)
(b) Sania Mirza – Table Tennis (a) Kalaripayattu Q361. Who among the following has
(c) Yogeshwar Dutt – Boxing (b) Nadan Panthu Kali been a goalkeeper of the Indian national
(d) Ranjan Sodhi – Weightlifting (c) Mallakhamb football team in the 1980s?
(d) Yubi Lakpi SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning)
Sol.353.(a) Gagan Narang was given the (a) Atanu Bhattacharya
‘Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna’ award for Sol.(c) Mallakhamb is a traditional (b) Inder Singh
2010 for shooting. Indian sport, whereby athletes perform (c) Gautam Sarkar
various types of gymnastics moves and (d) IM Vijayan
Q354. Vinesh Phogat is an ace Indian hold various poses on a vertical wooden
______. pole. Yubi Lakpi is a traditional football Sol.(a) Atanu Bhattacharya is an Indian
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening) game played in Manipur using a football Goalkeeper Coach at Kingfisher
(a) Boxer coconut. East Bengal FC in the I-League. He
(b) Wrestler played for India in the 1984 Asian Cup.
(c) Sprinter Q.358. ______ is the oldest hockey During his playing career, he has
(d) Sumo Wrestler tournament in India. represented Kingfisher East Bengal and
CHSL 26-10-2020 (Morning) Mohammedan Sporting Club.
Sol.354.(b) Vinesh Phogat is an ace (a) Beighton Cup
Indian Wrestler. (b) Bombay Gold Cup Q.362. The term ‘Penalty Corner’ is
(c) Obaidullah Khan Gold Cup associated with which of the following
Q355. Who had proposed the motto of (d) MCC Murugappa Gold Cup games?
Olympics? SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning)
CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) Sol.(a) Beighton Cup is the oldest (a) Hockey (b) Football
(a) Didon hockey tournament in India which was (c) Volleyball (d) Basketball
(b) Pierre de Coubertin instituted in 1895.
(c) Hirohito Sol. (a In hockey when the defending
(d) Moon Jae-in Q359. ‘Tenpins’ refers to the game of team makes a fouls in the shooting
______. circle, or if the defender sends the ball
Sol.(b) The Olympic motto is made up CHSL 26-10-2020 (Morning) over the end line intentionally, a penalty
of three Latin words: CITIUS - ALTIUS (a) baseball (b) basketball corner is awarded to the attacking team.
- FORTIUS (FASTER - HIGHER - (c) billiards (d) bowling
STRONGER). Pierre de Coubertin Q363. With which sport do you associate
proposed the motto, having borrowed it Sol.(d) Ten-pin bowling is a type of the name of Koneru Humpy?
from his friend Henri Didon. bowling in which a bowler rolls a SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening)
bowling ball down a wood or synthetic (a) Basketball (b) Chess
Q356. 'A Shot At History: My Obsessive lane toward ten pins positioned evenly in (c) Volleyball (d) Table Tennis
Journey to Olympic Gold' is the four rows in an equilateral triangle at the
autobiography of which far end of the lane. The objective is to Sol.(b) Koneru Humpy is an Indian
Indian shooter? knock down all ten pins on the first roll chess player. She is the youngest woman
CHSL 20-10-2020 (Afternoon) of the ball or failing that on the second to get the title of grandmaster at the age
(a) Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore roll. of 15 years.
(b) Jitu Rai
(c) Abhinav Bindra Q360. Who is the only Indian to have Q.364. Who among the following is the
(d) Gagan Narang won an individual Olympic gold medal? only Indian shuttler to have won a
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) Summer Olympics silver medal?
Sol.(c) 'A Shot At History: My (a) PV Sindhu SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning)
Obsessive Journey to Olympic Gold' is (b) Leander Paes (a) Prakash Padukone
the autobiography of Indian shooter. (c) Abhinav Bindra (b) Saina Nehwal
(d) Karnam Malleswari (c) Pullela Gopichand
Q357. ______ is a traditional Indian (d) PV Sindhu
sport, whereby athletes perform various Sol.(c) Abhinav bindra is the only
types of gymnastics individual to win the olympic gold Sol.(d) P.V.Sindhu represented India at
the 2016 summer olympics. She was the Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 33

Pinnacle Static GK

first Indian player to reach the final. She (a) Water polo (b) Bridge (c) Kidambi Srikanth
lost to Spain’s Carolina Marin and won (c) Badminton (d) Swimming (d) PV Sindhu
the silver medal for India for the first
time in History. Sol.(b) Ruia Gold Cup is associated with Sol.(d) PV Sindhu is India's first
Bridge. Other awards associated with badminton world champion in 2019. On
Q365. sagol kangjei, an indigenous Bridge include Basalat Jha Trophy, August 25, 2019 PV Sindhu beat
game of manipur is similar to the Holkar Trophy and Singhania Trophy. Nozomi Okuhara of Japan to win gold at
modern day sports of : the BWF World Championships.
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) Q.369. Lakshya Sen is associated with
(a) cricket (b) polo which of the following sports? Q.373. With which of the following
(c) hockey (d) boxing SSC CGL 13/08/21(Afternoon) sports do you associate the term '16-yard
(a) Lawn tennis (b) Badminton hit'?
Sol.(b) Polo is known by its another (c) Basketball (d) Table tennis SSC CGL 18/08/21(Afternoon)
name in Manipur sagol Kangjei. Sagol (a) Lawn tennis (b) Golf
means horse and kang means ball. The Sol.(b) Lakshya Sen is an Indian (c) Field hockey (d) Cricket
game is played by the upper class people badminton player. Sen, born in Almora,
of the society but in manipur almost belongs to a badminton family. His Sol.(c) Field hockey is associated with
every person plays this game. father, DK Sen, is a coach in India and the term '16-yard hit'. A 16-yard hit is
his brother, Chirag Sen, is also an awarded to the defense when a foul is
Q.366. How many medals in total did international badminton player. committed inside their striking circle by
India win at the Summer Olympic the opposition or when the ball is hit
Games, 2012? Q.370. With which of the following over the backline by the opposing team.
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) sports is the term ‘Chinaman’
(a) 6 (b) 4 associated? Q.374. In which of the following sports
(c) 2 (d) 3 SSC CGL 16/08/21(Morning) is the shakehand grip used?
(a) Cricket (b) Table tennis SSC CGL 23/08/21(Afternoon)
Sol.(a) India won 6 medals at the (c) Polo (d) Swimming (a) Badminton (b) Squash
summer Olympic games held in London. (c) Cricket (d) Table tennis
It was a successful tournament for India . Sol.(a) The term ‘Chinaman’ is
India bagged 2 silver and 4 bronze associated with Cricket. Chinaman Sol.(d) The ‘shakehand’ grip is used in
Medals at the Olympics. bowling is a left-arm unorthodox spin, Table tennis. It is the typical European
where the bowler spins the ball into a type grip where the head of the racket
Q367. Which of the following right-handed batsman. faces up, and your hand looks like it's
statements is NOT true about the game ready to shake a person's hand. ‘Penhold
of Kho Kho? Q.371. Who among the following is an grip’, ‘Common grip’ and ‘Forehand’
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening) Indian Paralympic swimmer? grip are some of the other grips used in
(a) It is one of the oldest traditional tag SSC CGL 16/08/21(Evening) Table tennis.
games of India (a) Gaurav Khanna
(b) It is a team game (b) Sukant Kadam Q.375. Hima Das is an Indian ______.
(c) Three defenders of opposite team try (c) Pramod Bhagat SSC CGL 24/08/21(Afternoon)
to avoid being touched by the chasers (d) Sharath M Gayakwad (a) boxer (b) swimmer
(d) Ten players take the field in the (c) sprinter (d) cricketer
beginning to start the match Sol.(d) Sharath M Gayakwad is an
Indian Paralympic swimmer from Sol.(c) Hima Das is an Indian sprinter.
Sol.(d) Kho Kho is a game invented in Bangalore. At the 2014 Asian Games, he She is the first and only Indian athlete
Maharashtra which is played by 12 broke the record of P.T. Usha for the who won a gold medal in the IAAF
nominated players of which 9 enter the most number of medals by an Indian at World U20 Championships. She is 21
field who sit on their knees(chasing any multi-discipline event by winning 6 years old and belongs to Assam and also
team), and 3 extra (defending team) medals. holds the current Indian national record
who try to avoid being touched by the in 400 meters with a timing of 50.79
members of the opposite team. Q.372. Who became India's first seconds.
badminton world champion in 2019?
Q.368. With which of the following SSC CGL 17/08/21(Afternoon) Q.376. Who among the following
sports is the Ruia Gold Cup associated? (a) Saina Nehwal cricketers is a left-arm pace bowler?
SSC CGL 13/08/21(Afternoon) (b) Jwala Gutta SSC CGL 24/08/21(Afternoon) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 34

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(a) Ashish Nehra SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Morning) annual scholarship of ₹5 lakh for 8 years
(b) Ishant Sharma (a) judo (b) squash to prepare them for international
(c) Bhuvneshwar Kumar (c) discus throw (d) kabaddi sporting events.
(d) Umesh Yadav
Sol.(b) Joshna Chinappa is an Indian Q.385. In which Olympic Games did
Sol.(a) Ashish Nehra is a left-arm pace professional squash player. She was the Karnam Malleswari become India’s first
bowler among the above-given options. first Indian to win the British Junior woman to win an Olympic medal?
Squash Championship title in 2005 in SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Afternoon)
Q.377. Birdie, eagle and albatross are all the under-19 category and was also the (a) Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games
terms used in ______. youngest Indian women's national (b) Brazil 2016 Olympic Games
SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Morning) champion. (c) London 2012 Olympic Games
(a) golf (b) polo (d) Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
(c) baseball (d) football Q.382. Which of the following animals
is made to race in the traditional sport Sol..(d) Karnam Malleswari is a retired
Sol.(a) Some Terms used in Golf - par, called 'Kambala' in Karnataka? SSC Indian weightlifter. She is the first Indian
birdie, eagle, double eagle or albatross, CHSL 13/04/21 (Morning) woman to win a medal at the Sydney
bogey, double bogey, triple bogey, ace, (a) Horse (b) Dog Olympics in 2000. In 1994, she received
handicap, etc. Some terms use Baseball- (c) Buffalo (d) Goat the Arjuna Award and in 1999, she
strikeout, base, walk, home run hit, bat, received the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna
batter, etc. Sol.(c) Kambala is an annual buffalo award and the civilian Padma Shri
race held in the southwestern Indian award.
Q.378. Who among the following state of Karnataka.
became the first ever Indian female Q.386. Who among the following was
wrestler to win an Olympic medal? SSC the first para-athlete to receive the Rajiv
Q.383. In which of the following cities
CHSL 12/04/21(Afternoon) Gandhi Khel Ratna?
is the headquarters of the All India
(a) Sakshi Malik (b) Babita Kumari SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Afternoon)
Chess Federation situated?
(c) Kavita Devi (d) Vinesh Phogat (a) Mariyappan Thangavelu
SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Afternoon)
(b) Devendra Jhajharia
(a) Chennai (b) Bengaluru
Sol.(a) Sakshi Malik became the first (c) Varun Singh Bhati
(c) Hyderabad (d) Mumbai
Indian woman to win a medal in (d) Naresh Kumar Sharma
Wrestling. She won the Bronze medal in Sol.(a) The headquarters of ‘All India
Sol.(b) Devendra Jhajharia is the first
Women's 58 kg freestyle wrestling in the Chess Federation (AICF) is situated in
para-athlete to be honoured with the
2016 Summer Olympics held in Rio. Chennai. AICF is the central
Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna- the highest
administrative body for the game of
sports award in the country. He is an
Q.379. With which sport are Vijay chess in India, founded in 1951 which is
Indian Paralympic javelin thrower
Amritraj and Anand Amritraj affiliated with Fédération Internationale
competing in F46 events.
associated? des Échecs (FIDE), the world body for
SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Afternoon) chess. The organization is also in charge
Q.387. ______ was the first Test cricket
(a) Table tennis (b) Cricket of managing women's chess in India.
captain of an independent Indian team.
(c) Lawn tennis (d) Football
SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Afternoon)
Q.384. Where is the headquarters of the
(a) Vijay Hazare
Sol.(c) Vijay Amritraj and Anand Khelo India Youth Games?
(b) Hemu Adhikari
Amritraj are associated with Lawn SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Morning)
(c) Bishan Singh Bedi
tennis. (a) Mumbai (b) New Delhi
(d) Lala Amarnath
(c) Guwahati (d) Kolkata
Q.380. Manitombi Singh was a ______ Sol.(d) Lala Amarnath Bharadwaj
player from Manipur. SSC CHSL Sol.(b) The headquarters of the Khelo
known as the father of Indian Cricket
12/04/21 (Evening) India Youth Games is situated in New
was the first cricket captain of
(a) hockey (b) football Delhi. Khelo India Youth Games
independent India and captained India in
(c) volleyball (d) cricket (KIYG) are the national level
the first Test series and won against
multidisciplinary grassroots games in
Pakistan in 1952.
Sol.(b) football India held for two categories, namely
He was the first batsman ever to score a
under-17 years school students and
century for India in Test cricket. He was
Q.381. Indian athlete Joshna Chinappa under-21 college students. Every year
represents the country in: the best 1,000 kids will be given an Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 35

Pinnacle Static GK

also awarded the Padma Bhushan by the has won one ATP singles tournament,
Government of India. Sol(b) Samiya Imad Farooqui is the 2021 emilia-Romagna Open.
associated with Badminton. She is an
Q.388. Which of the following nations Indian Badminton player specializing in Q.395. Who among the following is the
won the first T20 World Cup in 2007? Women’s singles and doubles who first Indian pistol shooter to
SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Evening) represent India in BWF tournaments. reach number one in world rankings by
(a) Pakistan (b) Sri Lanka the International Shooting Sport
(c) India (d) Bangladesh Q.392. In which of the following states Federation?
are the snake boat races held in the SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Morning)
Sol.(c) The first T20 World Cup was months of August and September? SSC (a) Heena Sidhu (b) Kajal Saini
won by India, played in South Africa in CHSL 16/04/21 (Afternoon) (c) Tejaswini Sawant (d) Suma Shirur
2007. The T20 world cup is the (a) Jharkhand (b) Arunachal Pradesh
international championship. Organized (c) Kerala (d) Telangana Sol.(a) Heena Sidhu is the first
by cricket’s governing body, the ICC Indian pistol shooter to reach number
which currently consists of 16 teams. Sol.(c) In Kerala the snake boat races one in world rankings by the
held in the months of August and International Shooting Sport Federation.
Q.389. Who among the following is a September. This boat race is conducted She holds many records but as the queen
professional Indian gymnast? during the festival of Onam, the Annual of 10 m air pistol events, she is the
SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Evening) Harvest Festival of Kerala. Finals World record holder with a final
(a) Ngangom Bala Devi Kerala CM: Pinarayi Vijayan. score of 203.8.
(b) Dipa Karmakar Kerala Governor: Arif Mohammed
(c) Mary Kom Khan. Q.396. With which of the following
(d) Yashasvi Jaiswal sports is Murugappa Gold Cup
Q.393. At the 1992 Summer Olympics, associated?
Sol.(b) Dipa Karmakar first gained ______ became the first woman to carry SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Evening)
attention when she won a bronze medal the flag of India at the opening (a) Table tennis (b) Hockey
at the 2014 Commonwealth Games in ceremony of any Olympics. (c) Football (d) Cricket
Glasgow becoming the first Indian SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Evening)
female gymnast to do so in the history of (a) Karnam Malleswari Sol.(b) Murugappa Gold Cup
the Games. (b) Shiny Abraham Wilson tournament associated with Hockey.
(c) PT Usha The Durand Cup, Rovers cup are
Q.390. Which two Indians became the (d) Nilima Ghose associated with football.
first pair to reach the finals of all Grand Asia cup, Bose Trophy, Duleep Trophy
Slams in a year in the Open era, winning Sol.(b) The first woman flag-bearer for are associated with cricket.
the French Open and Wimbledon as top India was Shinu Abraham Wilson. She is The European cup, Aggrawal cup, and
seeds? SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Morning) an Asian Games gold medal winner and Australasia cup are associated with
(a) Leander Paes and Mahesh Bhupathi the first Indian woman to reach the badminton
(b) Yuki Bhambri and Leander Paes semi-finals of an Olympic event. The
(c) Rohan Bopanna and Mahesh first-ever Indian flag bearer in the Q.397. Indian boxer Lovlina Borgohain
Bhupathi Olympics was Purma Banerjee. He was plays in which of the following
(d) Rohan Bopanna and Yuki Bhambri a sprinter participating in the Men’s categories?
SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Morning)
100-meter event at the Olympics hosted
(a) 69 kg (b) 91 kg
Sol.(a) Leander Paes and Mahesh by Belgium in 1920. (c) 81 kg (d) 75 kg
Bhupathi In 1999, the duo reached the
finals of all four Grand Slams, winning Q.394. With which of the following Sol.(a) Lovlina Borgohain played in the
Wimbledon and the French, thus sports is Sebastian Korda associated? 69kg women's welterweight category in
becoming the first Indians to win a SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Evening) boxing and secured a bronze medal at
doubles event at a Grand Slam. (a) Cricket (b) Badminton the Tokyo Olympics. Lovlina, in fact,
(c) Volleyball (d) Tennis became the first woman from Assam to
Q.391. With which of the following qualify. She was also awarded the
sports is Samiya Imad Farooqui Sol.(d) Sebastian Korda is an American Arjuna award in 2020.
associated? professional tennis player. Korda's
SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Afternoon) career-high ATP singles ranking of No. Q.398. What was the total number of
(a) Basketball (b) Badminton 45 was achieved on 2 August 2021. He gold medals won by India at
(c) Tennis (d) Boxing Commonwealth Games 2018?
SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Morning) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 36

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(a) 44 (b) 33 (c) 26 (d) 18 SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Morning)

(a) Beijing Olympics Q.406. Who among the following won a
Sol.(c) A total of 26 gold medals were (b) Atlanta Olympics bronze medal at the World Athletics
won by India at Commonwealth Games (c) Sydney Olympics Championship in Paris in 2003?
2018, which were organized in Gold (d) Barcelona Olympics SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Evening)
Coast, Australia. Overall, India finished (a) Krishna Poonia
with 66 medals - 26 Gold, 20 Silver, 20 Sol.(b) Shabana Akhtar was Pakistan's (b) Seema Punia
Bronze while Australia stood first with first woman to compete at the Olympics (c) PT Usha
198 medals in the medal tally. when she took part in the women's long (d) Anju Bobby George
jump at the 1996 Summer Olympics in
Q.399. With which of the following Atlanta, United States. Sol.(d) Anju Bobby George is a retired
sports is Indian sportsperson Bhavani Indian athlete. She made history when
Devi associated? Q.403. How many bits does an IP she won the bronze medal in the long
SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Afternoon) address consist of? jump at the 2003 World Championships
(a) Wrestling (b) Boxing SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Afternoon) in Athletics in Paris and became the first
(c) Fencing (d) Rowing (a) 24 (b) 32 (c) 16 (d) 12 Indian athlete ever to win a medal in a
World Championships in Athletics
Sol.(c) Bhavani Devi competes in the Sol.(b) An IP address consists of 32 bits, jumping 6.70 m.
sport of Fencing. She is the first Indian often shown as 4 octets of numbers from
fencer to ever qualify for the olympics 0-255 represented in decimal form Q.407. Which player from Pakistan is
after qualifying for the 2020 Summer instead of binary form. Eg. The IP credited with 10 British Open titles and
Olympics. address: in binary form six World Championship crowns in
is professional squash?
Q.400. Who among the following is the 10101000.11010100.11100010.1100110 SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Morning)
only Indian to have won an individual 0. (a) Jahangir Khan
gold medal at (b) Azam Khan
the Olympics? Q.404. Who among the following is the (c) Hashim Khan
SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Afternoon) first table tennis player to win the Rajiv (d) Farhan Zaman
(a) Vijender Singh Gandhi Khel Ratna Award? SSC CHSL
(b) Abhinav Bindra 9/8/2021 (Afternoon) Sol.(a) Jahangir Khan is a former World
(c) P. V. Sindhu (a) Manika Batra No. 1 professional Pakistani squash
(d) Karnam Malleswari (b) Sharath Kamal player. He won the World Open six
(c) Poulomi Ghatak times, and the British Open ten
Sol.(b) Abhinav Bindra is the only (d) Soumyajit Ghosh consecutive times. He also won 555
Indian to win an individual gold medal
consecutive matches, one of the longest
at the Olympics. He won a gold medal in Sol.(a) Manika Batra is the first table winning streaks ever by any top athlete
shooting at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. tennis player to win the Rajiv Gandhi in any sports. Jahangir Khan is widely
Presently, Neeraj Chopra also won the Khel Ratna Award while Vishwanathan regarded as the greatest squash player of
gold medal in javelin throw in the 2020 Anand is the first player to win the Rajiv
Olympics, Tokyo. all time.
Gandhi Khel Ratna Award. Recently, in
August 2021 Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna
Q.401. Who among the following Q.408. Which of the following schools
Award was renamed as Major Dhyan
represented India at the international in Shillong is the first Khelo India Sports
Chand Khel Ratna Award.
level in shooting? school in North East India?
SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Evening) SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Morning)
Q.405. With which of the following
(a) Aditi Chauhan (b) Anjum Moudgil (a) Mawroh Government LP School
sports is the FedEx Cup associated?
(c) Amit Panghal (d) Ashalata Devi (b) Assam Rifles Public School
SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Afternoon)
(c) Army Public School
(a) Golf (b) Tennis
Sol.(b) Anjum Moudgil is an Indian (d) Government Boys Higher Secondary
(c) Football (d) Badminton
sport shooter who represented India at School
the International level in the shooting. Sol.(a) The FedEx Cup is associated
She is from Chandigarh, Punjab. Sol.(b) Assam Rifles Public School
with Golf. Other awards associated with
Golf are Walker cup, Ryder Cup,
Q.402. In which Olympic Games did Q.409. Who among the following was
Augusta Masters, British open, Canada
Shabana Akhtar, the first female athlete the first female hockey player to have
to represent Pakistan, participate? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 37

Pinnacle Static GK

won the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna become the first Indian to win that Q.418. The Indian Super League (ISL) is
Award? competition? a ______ championship.
SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Afternoon) SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Afternoon) SSC MTS 06/10/21(Morning)
(a) Gurjit Kaur (b) Reena Khokhar (a) Anjali Bhagwat (b) Manu Bhaker (a) cricket (b) kabaddi
(c) Rani Rampal (d) Lilima Minz (c) Rahi Sarnobat (d) Anisa Sayyed (c) kho-kho (d) football

Sol.(c) The first female hockey player to Sol.(a) Anjali Bhagwat is a professional Sol.(d) The Indian Super League (ISL) is
have won the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Indian shooter. She became the World a football championship. It is organized
Award is Rani Rampal. Number One in the 10m Air Rifle in by the All India Football
2002. Federation(AIFF) and their commercial
Q.410. ______ was the first athlete to partners Football Sports Development
win an Olympic medal for Sri lanka. Q.414. Who among the following is a Limited(FSDL). This league was
SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Evening) professional football player? founded in 2013 with 11 team members.
(a) Parami Wasanthi Maristela SSC MTS 05/10/21(Morning) Current champion of this league is
(b) Duncan White (a) Boris Gelfand (b) Sadio Mane Mumbai City FC.
(c) Greshan Dananjaya (c) Peter Svidler (d) Magnus Carlsen
(d) Susanthika Jayasinghe Q.419. The European Champions Cup or
Sol.(b) Sadio Mane is a professional Heineken Cup is associated with which
Sol.(b) Duncan White was the first football player. He plays for Premier sport?
athlete to win an Olympic medal for Sri League club Liverpool and the Senegal SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Evening)
Lanka. national team. (a) Rugby (b) Cricket
(c) Football (d) Hockey
Q.411. Annu Rani is the first Indian Q.415. Which of the following
woman to cross a distance of 60 m in Sol.(a) The European Champions Cup or
sportspersons won a silver medal at the
______ throw. Heineken Cup is associated with Rugby.
2012 London Olympics?
SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Evening) It is the top-tier competition for clubs
SSC MTS 05/10/21(Evening)
(a) javelin (b) discus whose countries' national teams compete
(a) Saina Nehwal (b) Sushil Kumar
(c) Shot put (d) hammer in the Six Nations Championship.
(c) Gagan Narang(d) MC Mary Kom

Sol.(a) Annu Rani is an Indian javelin Q.420. Which of the following is NOT
Sol.(b) Sushil Kumar won a silver medal
thrower from Bahadurpur, Meerut, Uttar an Olympic event?
at the 2012 London Olympics.
SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Evening)
Pradesh. She was the 1st Indian to reach
(a) Rhythmic gymnastics
the finals of the women's javelin throw Q.416. In which of the following weight
(b) Artistic gymnastics
event in the World Athletics categories did Sakshi Malik win an
(c) Acrobatic gymnastics
Championships, Doha, 2019. Olympic medal in the year 2016? SSC
(d) Trampoline gymnastics
MTS 05/10/21(Evening)
Q.412. Who is the second Indian (a) 53 kg (b) 63 kg
Sol.(c) Acrobatic gymnastics is NOT an
footballer to play 100 international (c) 58 kg (d) 48 kg
Olympic event. Acro is not yet an
games? Olympic sport. However, acro is
SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Morning) Sol.(c) Sakshi Malik won an Olympic
included in the World Games, the
(a) Bhaichung Bhutia medal in the weight category of 58 kg in
European Games, and has its own
(b) Sunil Chhetri the year 2016.
Acrobatic World Championships held in
(c) Gurpreet Singh Sandhu even-numbered years.
(d) Udanta Singh Q.417. Which of the following
badminton players has NEVER won an
Q.421. Who among the following was
Sol.(b) Sunil Chhetri is the second Arjuna Award?
India's first world champion in any sport
Indian footballer to play 100 SSC MTS 06/10/21(Morning)
after independence?
international games. First Indian - (a) PV Sindhu
SSC MTS 08/10/21 (Morning)
Bhaichung Bhutia. (b) Neha Pandit
(a) Milkha Singh
(c) Parul Parmar
(b) Lila Ram
(d) Ashwini Ponnappa
Q.413. Who among the following won (c) Ramanathan Krishnan
the 2002 International Shooting Sport (d) Wilson Jones
Sol.(b) Neha Pandit has NEVER won an
Federation (ISSF) Champion of
Arjuna Award.
Champions combined-air-rifle event to Sol.(d) Wilson Jones was India's first
world champion in any sport after Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 38

Pinnacle Static GK

independence. He won both the national Trophy, Jules Rimet Trophy, Merdeka SSC MTS 13/10/21(Morning)
billiards and snooker titles in 1952 and Cup, European Champions Cup, (a) Basketball (b) Shooting
1954. In London, he played his first Bandodkar Trophy, Chakoia Gold (c) Tennis (d) Hockey
World Billiards Championship in 1951. Trophy, Durand Cup, Rovers Cup,
Santosh Trophy, Subroto Cup, Dr. B.C. Sol.(d) Dhanraj Pillay is associated with
Q.422. With which of the following Roy Trophy: Football (Junior), Hockey. He also looks after the Air India
games/sports is the ‘Sultan Azlan Shah Federation Cup. Sports Promotion Board as a Joint
Cup’ associated? Secretary based in Mumbai.
SSC MTS 08/10/21 (Afternoon) Q.426. Anju Bobby George is associated
(a) Tennis (b) Hockey with which of the following sports? Q.430. Name the country which has the
(c) Kabaddi (d) Shooting SSC MTS 12/10/21(Afternoon) most AFC (AFC) Asian Cup titles.
(a) Boxing (b) Athletics SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Evening)
Sol.(b) The ‘Sultan Azlan Shah Cup’ is (c) Shooting (d) Hockey (a) South Korea (b) Saudi Arabia
associated with Hockey. (c) Japan (d) Iran
Sol.(b) Anju Bobby George is a retired
Q.423. What kind of a traditional sport Indian athlete. Anju Bobby George made Sol.(c) Japan has the most AFC Asian
is 'Vallam Kali'? history when she won the bronze medal Cup titles.
SSC MTS 11/10/21(Morning)
in long jump at the 2003 World
(a) Boxing (b) Running Q.431. Which state in India houses The
Championships in Athletics in Paris.
(c) Boat racing (d) Wrestling National Institute of Water Sports?
Q.427. The gymnast Dipa Karmakar SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Afternoon)
Sol.(c) 'Vallam Kali' is Boat racing. (a) Maharashtra (b) Goa
belongs to the state of ______.
Vallam kali is a traditional boat race in (c) Karnataka (d) Assam
SSC MTS 12/10/21(Evening)
Kerala. It is a form of canoe racing, and
(a) Maharashtra (b) Haryana
uses paddled war canoes. It is mainly (c) Manipur (d) Tripura Sol.(b) Goa state in India houses The
conducted during the season of the National Institute of WaterSports.The
harvest festival Onam in spring. Sol.(d) The gymnast Dipa Karmakar National Institute of Water Sports
belongs to the state of Tripura. Dipa (NIWS) is a designated centre under the
Q.424. Which of the following is the Karmakar is an Indian artistic gymnast. Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel
oldest tennis tournament in the world? Management (IITTM) which is run by
She won a bronze medal at the 2014
SSC MTS 11/10/21(Evening) the Tourism Ministry, India. The
Commonwealth Games in Glasgow.
(a) Wimbledon (b) French Open National Institute of Water Sports was
(c) Australian Open (d) US Open established in July 1990.
Q.428. Produnova is related to which of
the following sports?
Sol.(a) Wimbledon is the oldest tennis Q.432. 'Sagol Kangjei' of Manipur has
SSC MTS 13/10/21(Morning)
tournament in the world. Wimbledon is been adapted worldwide by the
(a) cycling
played in the United Kingdom(London) enthusiasts of this
(b) Gymnastics
on grass courts. The French Open(Paris, sport as ______.
(c) Diving
France) is played on Clay Court. The US SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Afternoon)
(d) Solitary swimming
Open(New York ) is played on Laykold (a) Polo (b) Fencing
while the Australian Open(Melbourne) is (c) Rugby (d) Judo
Sol.(b) Produnova is related to women's
played on GreenSet, both acrylic-topped artistic Gymnastics vault consisting of a
hard court surfaces. Sol.(a) 'Sagol Kangjei' of Manipur has
front handspring onto the vaulting horse
been adapted worldwide by the
and two front somersaults in a tucked enthusiasts of this sport as Polo. Sagol
Q.425. The La Liga Trophy is associated position off it. Dipa Karmakar is one of Kangjei is the name of the game of polo
with which sport? five women gymnasts in the world to played in Manipur. Sagol means pony or
SSC MTS 12/10/21(Afternoon)
have successfully executed the horse; kang means a ball or round object,
(a) Tennis (b) Football
highly-difficult Produnova vault. Dipa and jei is a stick used for hitting.
(c) Weightlifting (d) Cricket
Karmakar finished in fourth place at the
Rio 2016 Olympics. Q.433. Which soccer player holds the
Sol.(b) The La Liga Trophy is associated
distinction of having the most wins of
with Football. Football trophies - FIFA
Q.429. With which of the following the FIFA World Cup by any player? SSC
World Cup, Chakola Gold Trophy,
sports disciplines is Dhanraj Pillay MTS 18/10/2021 (Afternoon)
Nagjee Trophy, G.V. Raja Memorial
associated? (a) Pele Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 39

Pinnacle Static GK

(b) Diego Maradona Sol.(a) Saurabh Chaudhary is an ace (c)MS Dhoni (d)Gautam Gambhir
(c) Zinedine Zidane pistol shooter. Manu Bhaker is the
(d) George Best female ace pistol shooter. Sol.(a) The Test of My Life is an
autobiography of Yuvraj Singh in which
Sol.(a) Pele(Brazil) holds the Q.438. Who among the following was he describes the ups and downs of his
distinction of having the most wins of the first Indian swimmer to swim across career. “The story of his toughest days
the FIFA World Cup by any player. Pele the English Channel in 1958? and how he managed to come out of it.”
is known as ‘The Black Pearl’, ‘The SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Evening) It’s the story of not just his triumphs but
King of Football’. Brazil won FIFA five (a) Shamsher Khan one of the biggest setbacks and his
times. Present FIFA president is Gianni (b) Mihir Sen comeback from life threatening cancer
Infantino. Its headquarters is in Zurich, (c) Brojen Das that could have ended his career.
Switzerland. (d) Virdhawal Khade
Q.442. Which cricketer made his Test
Sol.(b) Mihir Sen was the first Indian debut in Karachi at the age of 16?
Q.434. For which of the following
swimmer to swim across the English SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
countries does cricketer Ben Stokes
Channel in 1958. Arati Saha the first (a)Rahul Dravid
Asian woman to swim across the English (b)Hardik Pandya
SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Afternoon)
Channel. Gertrude Ederle becomes the (c)Shanthakumaran Sreesanth
(a) South Africa (b) Australia
first woman to swim across the English (d)Sachin Tendulkar
(c) New Zealand (d) England
Channel. Matthew Webb was the first
Sol..(d) Sachin Tendulkar, the man who
Sol.(d) Ben Stokes plays cricket for swimmer to swim across the English
would go on to turn cricket into religion
England. He earned man of the match in Channel.
and become the God himself in a
the final match of ICC Cricket world cup
country of over a billion people, played
2019. Q.439. Who is known as the ‘Wizard of
his first Test in Karachi at the age of 16
years and 205 days.
Q.435. With which of the following SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Morning)
sports/games is Rani Rampal associated? (a) Balbir Singh
Q443. _____was the coach of the World
SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Evening) (b) Dhanraj Pillay
Cup winning Indian Cricket team in
(a) Hockey (b) Badminton (c) Mohammed Shahid
(c) Cricket (d) Boxing (d) Major Dhyan Chand
SSC CPO 15/03/19 (Morning)
(a) Gary Kirsten (b) Duncan Fletcher
Sol.(a) Rani Rampal is associated with Sol.(d) Major Dhyan Chand is known as
(c) John Wright (d) Greg Chappell
hockey. She is the captain of the Indian the ‘Wizard of Hockey’. Major Dhyan
female hockey team. Under her Chand Sport Jewel Award), formerly
Sol.(a) Gary Kirsten (born 23 November
captaincy, India secured 4th position at known as the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna 1967) is a former South African
Tokyo Olympics 2020. Award in Sports and Games, is the cricketer, and the World Cup winning
highest sporting honour of India. coach of the Indian cricket team.
Q.436. Niki Poonacha is a professional
______ player. Q.440. With which of the following Q.444. Gautam Gambhir made his One
SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Morning) sports is Fouaad Mirza associated? SSC Day International debut in 2003
(a) squash (b) polo MTS 27/10/2021 (Evening) in_____.
(c) tennis (d) basketball (a) Swimming (b) Rugby SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
(c) Judo (d) Equestrian (a) Mumbai (b) Dhaka
Sol.(c) Niki Poonacha is a professional (c) Colombo (d) Kolkata
tennis player. Sol.(d) Fouaad Mirza is associated with
Equestrian. An equestrian is an expert Sol.(b) One of the most successful
Q.437. Who among the following is an horseback rider. Indian openers, Gautam Gambhir made
ace pistol shooter? his international debut on April 11,
SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Morning) CRICKET 2003, against Bangladesh in Dhaka in
(a) Saurabh Chaudhary Sachin Tendulkar's absence.
(b) Pankaj Advani Q441. The Test of My Life is an
(c) Sandeep Chaudhary autobiography of: Q445. Sachin Tendulkar scored his
(d) Amit Panghal SSC CPO 16/03/19 (Evening) 100th century at_____stadium.
(a)Yuvraj Singh (b)Sachin Tendulkar SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 40

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(a) Eden Gardens Q.448. Vijay Hazare was a famous Q.452. Which of the following batsmen
(b) Lord's Cricket Ground Indian player associated with the sport of has become the fastest batsman to score
(c) Shere Bangla Cricket Stadium _______ 20,000 international runs?
(d) Wankhede Stadium SSC-CGL 11/06/ 2019 (Morning) MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening)
(a) Football (b) Cricket (a)Virat Kohli (b)Rohit Sharma
Sol.(c) Sachin Tendulkar became the (c) Rifle Shooting (d) Boxing (c)Shikhar Dhawan(d)M.S. Dhoni
first batsman to make a 100 international
centuries, getting to the milestone Sol.(b) Vijay Hazare was an Indian Sol.(a) Virat Kohli became the fastest
against Bangladesh at the Shere Bangla cricketer. He captained India in 14 batsman in history to reach 20,000
stadium in Mirpur. matches between 1951 and 1953. In international runs during India's World
India's 25th Test match, nearly 20 years Cup match against West Indies.
Q.446. ___________ created history in after India achieved Test status, he led
its second Twenty20 International Indinnings and eight runs in a match. Q453. Who is known as ‘Haryana
against Ireland by achieving the highest Hurricane’?
ever T20 total at the Rajiv Gandhi Q449. Which Indian batsman was the SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning)
International Cricket Stadium in first to hit six consecutive sixes in (a) Kapil Dev
Dehradun, Uttarakhand. first-class cricket? (b) Joginder rao
CGL 06/06/2019 (Afternoon) CGL 12th June 2019 (Morning) (c) Virendra Sehwag
(a) Pakistan (b) India (a) Ravi Shastri (b) Sunil Gavaskar (d) Yuzvendra Chahal
(c) Afghanistan (d) Australia (c) Virat Kohli (d)Sachin Tendulkar
Sol.(a) Kapil Dev, also known as the
Sol.(c) Afghanistan has created history Sol.(a) Ravi Shastri became the first Haryana Hurricane, was born the 6th
in its second Twenty20 International Indian batsman and second in the world January, 1959 in Chandigarh. Kapil Dev
against Ireland at the Rajiv Gandhi after Sir Gary’s in 1985 to hit six played his first competitive game of
International Cricket Stadium in consecutive sixes in first-class cricket. cricket at the age of 13.
Dehradun, Uttarakhand. India hosted the
home series for Afghanistan and is Q.450. Who among the following was Q.454. ______ hosted the first Cricket
providing all infrastructural facilities for the First Indian Cricketer to hit a century World Cup in 1975.
the country to enhance its excellence in in the very first session of a Test Match? SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening)
the game. CHSL 4 JULY 2019 (Morning) (a) South Africa (b) England
(a) Shikhar Dhawan(b) Rishabh Pant (c) New Zealand (d) Australia
Q447. Superstars, a new platform to (c) Prithvi Shaw (d) Virat Kohli
analyse the game of cricket, comprises Sol.(b) The very first ICC Cricket World
three metrics. Which of the following is Sol.(a) On 14 June 2018, against Cup was played in England in 1975.
NOT one of them? Afghanistan, he became the sixth West Indies won both initial ICC World
SSC CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning) batsman, and the first for India, to score Cups held in 1975 and 1979.
(a) Score Index (b) Luck Index a century before lunch on day one of a
(c) Smart Stats (d) Forecaster Test. Q.455. Fine leg, Gully, and Midwicket
are terms associated with which Sport?
Sol.(a) Researchers from Indian Institute Q451. The 1979 Cricket World Cup was SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning)
of Technology Madras (IIT-M), Gyan won by _________. (a) Football (b) Cricket
Data (an IIT-M incubated company) SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (Evening) (c) Volleyball (d) Hockey
together with experts from ESPNcricinfo (a) West Indies (b) Sri Lanka
have launched Superstats, a new metric (c) England (d) Australia Sol.(b) All these terms are associated
to analyse the game of cricket. with Cricket.
Superstats comprises three metrics: Luck Sol.(a) ODI World cup winners
Index, Forecaster, and Smart Stats. West Indies: 1975 and 1979 Q.456. Who is the first Indian Batsman
Taking into account score-cards i.e. ball India : 1983 and 2011 to score four centuries in the World Cup
by ball database of all IPL matches Australia : 1987, 1999, 2003, 2007 and ?
played in India in the last ten years, 2015 SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning)
researchers have developed an algorithm Pakistan: 1992 (a) K.L.Rahul (b) Rohit Sharma
based on a machine learning system. And Sri lanka in 1996 (c) Shikhar Dhavan (d) Virat Kohli

Sol.(b) Rohit Sharma became the first

batsman to score five centuries in a Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 41

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single World Cup. In India's last match by the Football Sports Development Q465. In which year, the Indian cricket
against Bangladesh, Rohit had equalled (FSDL) and governed by the All India team won the ODI World Cup for men
Kumar Sangakkara's tally of four Football Federation (AIFF). for the second time?
hundreds in a single edition of a World SSC-CHSL 3/07/ 2019 (Morning)
Cup. Q461. ‘A Century Is Not Enough’ is an (a) 2011 (b) 2003
autobiography of: (c) 2015 (d) 2007
Q457. Who was the captain of Indian SSC CPO 9/12/19 Morning
Cricket Team which won the 1983 (a) Sachin Tendulkar Sol.(a) The Indian cricket team are two
World Cup ? (b) Rahul Dravid times World Champions. In addition to
SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) (c) Sourav Ganguly winning the 1983 Cricket World Cup,
(a) Navjot Singh Sidhu (d) Anil Kumble they triumphed over Sri Lanka in the
(b)Chetan Sharma 2011 Cricket World Cup on home soil-
(c)Kapil Dev Sol.(c) Century is Not Enough: My "A remarkable achievement". They were
(d)Sunil Gavaskar Roller-coaster Ride to Success (2018) is also runners-up at the 2003 Cricket
an English autobiography written by World Cup, and semifinalists four
Sol.(c) Kapil Dev famously became the former Indian cricketer and captain times(1987, 1996, 2015, 2019).
first Indian captain to lift the Cricket Sourav Ganguly.
World Cup on the 25 June 1983. Q466. Which of the following stadiums
Q462. Only one Indian batsman has is the largest Cricket Stadium in the
Q458. Name the cricketer who became scored a triple century in test cricket world ?
the first ever batsman to score 5000 runs other than Virender Sehwag. Name this SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon)
in the IPL format. batsman. (a) Perth Stadium
SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning) SSC CGL 4/3/2020 (evening) (b) Lord’s Cricket Stadium
(a) Virat Kohli (a) Ajinkya Rahane (b) Rohit Sharma (c) Eden Garden
(b) Shikhar Dhawan (c) Shikhar Dhawan (d) Karun Nair (d) Melbourne Cricket Ground
(c) Suresh Raina
(d) Mahendra Singh Dhoni Sol.(d) Karun Nair is the only indian Sol.(d) Currently, the Melbourne Cricket
cricket other than Virendra Sehwag to Ground is the world's largest cricket
Sol.(c) Chennai Super Kings' Suresh score triple hundred in the test match. He stadium in the world with a total
Raina became the first batsman to breach scored 303 runs against England batting capacity of 100,024 while Kolkata's
the 5000-run mark in the IPL. He got to at number 5. Eden Gardens is reportedly No. 2 with a
the milestone with a single. Raina now capacity of 66,000.
has 5,034 runs from 178 matches, Q463. Sachin Tendulkar scored his first
including 35 fifties and one hundred. ODI century in his ____ match. Q467. Who holds the record of most
CHSL 17-03-2020 (Morning) 150-plus runs in a test match innings as a
Q459. India had defeated which country (a) 76th (b) 79th (c) 78th (d) 77th captain?
in the Quarter Finals of the 2011 world SSC CPO 11/12/2019 Evening
cup ? Sol.(c) Sachin Tendulkar scored his first (a) Ricky Ponting (b) Wally Hammond
SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon) ODI century in his 78th match. (c) Virat Kohli (d) Don Bradman
(a) England (b) Australia
(c) Sri Lanka (d) Pakistan Q464. Which is the correctly matched Sol.(c) India skipper Virat Kohli in
option of captain of cricket team and October,2019 surpassed Australian
Sol.(b) India defeated Australia in the year of World batting legend Don Bradman by
2011 World Cup Quarter Final. Cup victory? amassing the most 150 plus scores as
CHSL 12-10-2020 (Evening) captain in international cricket.
Q460. Which of the following is NOT a (a) Imran Khan – 1996
Cricket tournament ? (b) Kapil Dev – 1983 Q468. How many times has India won
SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening) (c) Michael Clarke – 2007 the ICC U-19 World Cup?
(a) Indian Premier League (d) Ricky Ponting – 2011 SSC CPO 11/12/2019 Evening
(b) Syed Mushtaq Ali Troph (a) Two (b) One
(c) Indian Super League Sol.(b) Imran Khan - 1992 (c) Four (d) Three
(d) Vijaya Hazare trophy Kapil Dev - 1983
Michael Clarke - 2015 Sol.(c) Indian team has won the
Sol.(c) The Indian Super League is a Ricky Ponting - 2003 and 2007 Under-19 World Cup four times . In
football league in India. It is organized 2000, they won it under the captaincy of Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 42

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Mohammad Kaif, in 2008, they won it (a) Sunil Gavaskar (b) Ravi Shastri Q.477. Who among the following was
under Virat Kohli's leadership, in 2012 (c) Dilip Vengsarkar (d) Kapil Dev the founder and the first Chairman and
under Unmukt Chand and in 2018 under Commissioner of the Indian Premier
Prithvi Shaw. Sol.(d) Kapil Dev belongs from League (IPL)?
Haryana so he is called Haryana SSC CGL 20/08/21(Morning)
Q469. Which indian cricket player has Hurricane. He is a former Indian cricket (a) Jagmohan Dalmiya
scored two test triple centuries? Team Captain and a widely known one (b) Raj Singh Dungarpur
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) of the greatest All Rounders world (c) Sandeep Patil
(a) Karun Nair (b) Virendra sehwag cricket has ever witnessed. and Indian (d) Lalit Modi
(c) Virat Kohli (d) Sunil Gavaskar team won the 1983 World cup under his
captaincy. Sol.(d) Lalit Modi was the founder and
Sol.(b) Virendra Sehwag is the first the first Chairman and Commissioner of
Indian to score a triple century (300 or Q474. Which among the following IPL. He is currently working with
more runs), and has done so twice—309 bowlers was hit for six consecutive sixes Reliance Industries Limited as its CEO -
against Pakistan in Multan in 2004 and in an over in a T20 International Men’s Sports. He was working for the BCCI
319 against South Africa in Chennai in World Cup match? and was the Chief Operating Officer of
2008. SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) the highly successful Indian Premier
(a) James Anderson (b) Ben Stokes League from its inception in 2008 to
Q470. Which Indian cricketer has scored (c) Stuart Broad (d) Moeen Ali 2015.
the most number of runs in a single
World Cup? Sol.(c) Stuart Broad was hit for six sixes Q.478. Who among the following was a
CHSL 16-10-2020 (Afternoon) in an over by an Indian Batsman Yuvraj World War II veteran, also associated
(a) Kapil Dev (b) Rohit Sharma Singh in 2007 in a T20 world cup match with cricket?
(c) Rahul Dravid (d) Sachin Tendulkar held in South Africa. SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Afternoon)
(a) Brad Friedel (b) Alan Burgess
Sol.(d) Sachin Tendulkar has scored the Q.475. In cricket, which of the following (c) Ivan Cordoba (d) Erik Karlsson
most number of runs in a single World fielding positions is behind the batsman?
Cup.. SSC CGL 13/08/21 (Evening) Sol.(b) Alan Burgess, New Zealand
(a) Mid-wicket (b) First slip first-class cricketer, and World War II
Q471. Which of the following cricketers (c) Mid off (d) Cover veteran. He was a tank driver in World
is NOT a part of the Sri Lankan team? War II. In June 2020, Burgess became
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Morning) Sol..(b) A slip fielder is placed behind the world’s oldest living first-class
(a) Lasith Malinga (b) Angelo Perera the batsman on the off side of the field. cricketer.
(c) Thushara Perera (d) Kedar Jadhav A first slip is alongside the
wicketkeeper, with second slip, third slip Q.479. Who is the first Indian cricketer
Sol.(d) Kedar Jadhav is an Indian etc following in the same direction. First to have twin centuries in his maiden
cricketer. slip is normally about a foot or so behind appearance as a Test opener?
the wicketkeeper. SSC MTS 05/10/21(Morning)
Q472. The Maharaja of ______ was the (a) Shikhar Dhawan
first Indian cricketer to serve as Q.476. What is the abbreviated form of (b) MS Dhoni
President of the Board the IPL franchise cricket team from (c) Virat Kohli
of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI). Chennai? (d) Rohit Sharma
CHSL 20-10-2020 (Evening) SSC CGL 16/08/21(Evening)
(a) Rewa (b) Vizianagaram (a) CSK (b) GCW Sol.(d) Rohit Sharma is the first Indian
(c) Baroda (d) Mysore (c) CL (d) CA
cricketer to have twin centuries in his
maiden appearance as a Test opener.
Sol.(b) The Maharaja of Vizianagaram Sol.(a) CSK is the abbreviated form of
was the first Indian cricketer to serve as Chennai Super Kings, the IPL franchise
Q.480. Which of the following teams
President of the Board cricket team from Chennai. The IPL
won the inaugural Cricket World Cup in
of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI). (Indian Premier League) is a
professional Twenty20 Cricket League,
SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Afternoon)
Q473. Fondly called the ‘Haryana contested by ten teams based out of ten
(a) East Africa (b) Australia
Hurricane’, ______ made his test debut Indian cities. The league was founded by
(c) England (d) West Indies
in the year 1978. the BCCI in 2007.
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 43

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Sol.(d) West Indies won the inaugural Q.484. Which Indian cricketer has
Cricket World Cup in 1975. The 1975 featured in the most number of Sol.(a) “A passage to England” book is
Cricket World Cup was the inaugural international cricket matches? written by Nirad C Chaudhuri.
men's Cricket World Cup, and the first SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Afternoon)
major tournament in the history of One (a) Mohammad Azharuddin Q488. Who authored ‘A Century is not
Day International (ODI) cricket. (b) Sachin Tendulkar Enough’?
Organized by the International Cricket (c) Sourav Ganguly SSC CGL 10/06/2019 (Afternoon)
Conference (ICC), it took place in (d) Mahendra Singh Dhoni (a) Sourav Ganguly
England between 7 June and 21 June (b) Sachin Tendulkar
Sol.(b) Sachin Tendulkar has featured in (c) M S Dhoni
the most number of international cricket (d) Virat Kohli
Q.481. Which Indian cricket player's Matches. Sachin Tendulkar played 664
international cricket matches in total, Sol.(a) A Century is Not Enough: My
autobiography is titled 'Playing It My
scoring 34,357 runs. He is the youngest Roller-coaster Ride to Success (2018) is
to receive Bharat Ratna Award in 2014. an English autobiography written by
SSC MTS 08/10/21 (Morning)
former Indian cricketer and captain
(a) Ravi Shastri
Q.485. Which cricket team did India Sourav Ganguly. The book was first
(b) Kapil Dev
defeat in the finals of Men's Cricket published by Juggernaut on 24 February
(c) Sourav Ganguly
World Cup 1983? 2018.
(d) Sachin Tendulkar
SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Morning)
(a) Australia (b) West Indies Q489. Who among the following wrote
Sol.(d) Sachin Tendulkar's
(c) Pakistan (d) England the book ‘ A History of The Sikhs’?
autobiography is titled 'Playing It My
SSC-CGL 11th June 2019 (Morning)
Way' published in 2014. ‘Playing It My
Sol.(b) India defeated West Indies in the (a) Bhai Vir Singh
Way’ entered the Limca Book of
finals of Men's Cricket World Cup 1983. (b) Khushwant Singh
Records for being the best-selling adult
(c) Amrita Pritam
hardback across both fiction and Captain(India)- Kapil Dev, West Indies-
(d) Gurbachan Singh Talib
non-fiction categories. Clive Lloyd. India defeated Srilanka in
the finals of Men's Cricket World Cup
Sol.(b) “History of the Sikhs” book
Q.482. Which of the following countries 2011 under the captaincy of Mahendra
written by Khushwant Singh.
is an 'Associate Member' of the ICC Singh Dhoni.
(International Cricket Council)?
Q490. Which Indian author wrote the
SSC MTS 11/10/21(Afternoon) Q.486. Which of the following is the book ‘The English Teacher’?
(a) Afghanistan (b) Pakistan only Indian spinner to take six wickets in SSC-CGL 11th June 2019 (Evening)
(c) Bangladesh (d) Nepal Women's One Day International Cricket? (a) Ruskin Bond (b)Khushwant Singh
SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Morning) (c) R K Narayan (d) Vikram Seth
Sol.(d) Nepal is an 'Associate Member' (a) Poonam Yadav
of the ICC (International Cricket (b) Deepti Sharma Sol.(c) The English Teacher is a 1945
Council). It is also a member of the (c) Shafali Verma novel written by R. K. Narayan. It is a
Asian Cricket Council (ACC). (d) Smriti Mandhana part of a series of novels and collections
of short stories set in "Malgudi".
Q.483. With which of the following Sol.486.(b) Deepti Sharma is the only
games is the Duckworth-Lewis-Stern Indian spinner to take six wickets in Q491. Which of the following Indian
method associated? Women's One Day International Cricket. authors is one of the four screenplay
SSC MTS 12/10/21(Morning)
writers of the movie ‘Kai Po che’?
(a) Football (b) Hockey BOOKS AND AUTHORS CGL 11th June 2019 (Evening)
(c) Polo (d) Cricket
(a) Amish Tripathi
Q487. Who among the following is the (b) Chetan bhagat
Sol.(d) The Duckworth-Lewis-Stern author of the book ‘ A Passage to (c) Ravinder singh
method is associated with Cricket. It is a England’? (d) Durjoy Datta
mathematical formulation designed to SSC CGL 10/06/2019 (Afternoon)
calculate the target score (number of (a) Nirad C Chaudhuri Sol.(b) The film Kai Po Che is inspired
runs needed to win) for the team batting (b) V S Naipaul by Chetan Bhagat's novel The 3
second in a limited overs. (c) Salman Rushdie Mistakes of My Life.
(d) Khushwant Singh Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 44

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Q492. Who is the author of the book (b) Harivansh Rai Bachchan Sol.(a) The autobiography of Sachin
‘India Shastra: Reflections on the Nation (c) Bhawani Prasad MIshra Tendulkar - the highest scoring batsman
in our Time’? (d) Prabha Kiran Jain of all time and cricket legend. His story
CGL 12th June 2019 (Morning) has been turned into a huge new film: A
(a) Narendra Modi Sol.(a) Amrita Pritam was an Indian Billion Dreams.
(b) Shashi Tharoor maverick writer and poet. She is
(c) Manmohan singh considered the first eminent female Q499. Who is the author of the book
(d) A P J Abdul Kalam Punjabi writer, novelist and poet of the 'Changing India'?
20th century. Her writing is equally SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening)
Sol.(b) “Reflections on the Nation in loved by the people of India and (a) Narendra Modi
Our Time”, by Shashi Tharoor, offers Pakistan. (b) Shashi Tharoor
insight into India's transformation, (c) APJ Abdul Kalam Azad
transition, and evolution as one of the Q496. Who is the author of the book (d) Manmohan Singh
most influential countries in the world. ‘Cricket World Cup : The Indian
Challenge’? Sol.(d) The former prime minister of
Q493. Veteran journalist and TV anchor SSC-CHSL 3/07/ 2019 (Afternoon) India Dr. Manmohan singh has written
Karan Thapar is the author of which of (a) Harsha Bhogle (b) Sanjay Manjrekar the book ‘Changing India’.
the following books? (c) Ashis Ray (d) Narottam Puri ‘Exam warriors’ is a famous book
CHSL 1 JULY 2019 (Evening) written by prime minister modi.
(a) Happiness Sol.(c) The book 'Cricket World Cup: ‘An era of darkness, why i am a hindu,
(b) Rebel Sultans The Indian Challenge' has been authored the paradoxical prime minister ‘ are
(c)Devil’s Advocate:The Untold Story by veteran broadcaster and writer Ashis some famous books written by Shashi
(d) Why I Am a Hindu Ray. It is a book on the history of the tharoor.
tournament from an Indian perspective ‘Wings of fire’ is an autobiography of
Sol.(c) Veteran journalist and TV anchor that has been formally unveiled by the A.P.J. Kalam.
Karan Thapar is the author of Devil’s chief executive of the England and
Advocate. Wales Cricket Board, Tom Harrison. Q.500. Who among the following wrote
Karan Thapar is an Indian journalist and the book 'The Namesake'?
television commentator and interviewer, Q497. Which of the following books SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning)
working with Tiranga TV. was NOT written by the great Indian (a) Arundhati Roy
poet and dramatist Mahakavi Kalidas? (b) Jhumpa Lahiri
Q494. Who among the following is the CHSL 4 JULY 2019 (Morning) (c) Amitav Ghosh
author of ‘Kamayani’ , the epic poem (a) Shakuntala (d) Siddhartha Mukherjee
that is considered as one of the greatest (b) Ritusamhara
literary works in Hindi? (c) Malatimadhava Sol.(b) The Namesake (2003) is the
CHSL 2 JULY 2019 (Morning) (d)Malavikagnimitram debut novel by American author Jhumpa
(a) Mohan Rakesh Lahiri. It was originally published in The
(b) Jaishankar Prasad Sol.(c) Malatimadhava is written by New Yorker and was later expanded to a
(c) Premchand Bhavabhuti. Bhavabhuti was an full-length novel.
(d) Ramdhari Singh Dinkar 8th-century scholar of India noted for his
plays and poetry, written in Sanskrit. His Q501. Who wrote the book 'An Era of
Sol.(b) Kamayani (1936) is a Hindi epic plays are considered the equal of the Darkness: The British Empire in India'?
poem (Mahakavya) by Jaishankar Prasad works of Kalidasa. Bhavbhuti was born SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon)
. It is considered one of the greatest in Padampura, Vidarbha, in Gondia (a) Sudha Murthy
literary works written in modern times in district, on the Maharashtra and Madhya (b) Shashi Tharoor
Hindi literature. It also signifies the Pradesh border. (c) Ramchandra Guha
epitome of Chhayavadi school of Hindi (d) A P J Abdul Kalam
poetry which gained popularity in late Q498. Who is the author of the
19th and early 20th centuries. autobiography ‘Playing It My Way’? Sol.(b) Some famous books written by
SSC CHSL 4/07/ 2019 (Morning) Shashi Tharoor
Q495. Which Eminent Novelist and Poet (a) Sachin Tendulkar 1.An Era of Darkness: The British
of the 20th century is the author of (b) Mahesh Bhupati Empire in India
‘Pinjar’? (c) Kapil Dev 2.Nehru: The Invention of India
SSC CHSL 2/07/ 2019 (Evening) (d) Leander Paes 3.Why I am a Hindu
(a) Amrita Pritam 4.Bookless in Baghdad Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 45

Pinnacle Static GK

5.Kerala: God's Own Country SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Evening)

6.India: The Future Is Now Q.506. 'Freedom in Exile' is the (a) Jyotiba Phule
7.The Great Indian Novel autobiography of : (b) Swami Vivekanand
8. The Paradoxical Prime Minister SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (Evening) (c) Vinoba Bhave
(a) Mahatma Gandhi (d) Swami Dayanand Saraswati
Q.502. Who among the following wrote (b) Nelson Mandela
the book 'Wise and Otherwise'? (c) Dalai Lama Sol.(a) Indian Socio-religious Reformer,
SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening) (d) Jiddu Krishnamurti Thinker Mahatma Jyotiba Phule has
(a) Gita Piramal (b) Jhumpa Lahiri written this book “Gulamgiri”. This
(c) Arundhati Roy (d) Sudha Murthy Sol.(c) Freedom of Exile is written by book is dedicated to the people in the US
Dalai Lama. His other famous books are who were working to end slavery.
Sol.502.(d) Wise & Otherwise: A Salute The art of Happiness, The book of Joy, Basically the meaning of the Gulamgiri
to life is a non-fiction book written by Ancient Wisdom Modern World etc. He is Slavery.
Sudha Murthy, chairperson of the is regarded as the the spiritual leader of
Infosys Foundation and the wife of the Tibetan people. Q511. “The origin of Species” was
Narayan Murthy. written by:
Q507. The book 'Target 3 Billion' is CPO 12/03/2019 (Morning)
Q503. The book 'Delhi is not far' is written by ______. (a) Charles Darwin
written by which of the following CHSL 10 JULY 2019 MORNING (b) Carolus Linnaeus
authors? (a) Pranab Mukherjee (c) Erasmus Darwin
SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (morning) (b) Shankar Dayal Sharma (d) William Paley
(a) Khushwant Singh (b) Anita Desai (c) A.P.J Abdul Kalam
(c) Arundhati Roy (d) Ruskin Bond (d) Ram Nath Kovind Sol.(a): On the Origin of Species by
Means of Natural Selection, or the
Sol.(d) 'Delhi is not far' written by Sol..(c) The book 'Target 3 Billion' is Preservation of Favoured Races in the
Ruskin Bond. written by A.P.J Abdul Kalam and Srijan Struggle for Life (John Murray, London,
In this book Ruskin Bond Presenting Pal Singh. 1859) by Charles Darwin which is
picture of a small-town India with considered to be the foundation of
characteristic sympathy and quiet Q.508. The book titled 'Every Vote evolutionary biology. Darwin's book
wisdom. Counts - The Story of India’s Elections’ introduced the scientific theory that
was written by ______. populations evolve over the course of
Q.504. The book titled 'Social Harmony' CHSL 10 JULY 2019 (Afternoon) generations through a process of natural
is written by: (a) JM Lyngdoh. (b) Hamid Ansari selection. It presented a body of
SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (afternoon) (c) SY Qureshi (d) Navin Chawla evidence that the diversity of life arose
(a) Lal Krishna Advani by common descent through a branching
(b) Narendra Modi Sol.(d) The book titled 'Every Vote pattern of evolution.
(c) Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Counts - The Story of India’s Elections’
(d) Atal Bihari Vajpayee was written by Naveen Chawla. Q.512. Who is the author of the book,
‘The Google Story’?
Sol.(b) Social Harmony is a book Q509. Who wrote the book ‘The CPO 14/03/2019 (Morning)
written by Narendra Modi. The book Audacity of Hope’? (a) Frederick Forsyth
Shows his love for the under-privileged CPO 16 March 2019 (Morning) (b) Vikram Seth
and his endeavour to share the joys (a) George Bush (b) Barack Obama (c) David A. Vise
(c) Bill Clinton (d) Bill Gates (d) Shobha Dey
Q505. Who is the author of the book
'The End of Imagination'? Sol.509.(b) The Audacity of Hope: Sol.(c) The Google Story is a book by
SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (Evening) Thoughts on Reclaiming the American David Vise and Mark Malseed that takes
(a) Shobha De (b) Arundhati Roy Dream is the second book written by an in-depth look who founded the
(c) Amitav Ghosh (d) Chetan Bhagat then-Senator Barack Obama. In the company and why it is unique. Through
book, Obama expounds on many of the this book, readers will learn about the
Sol.(b) End of imagination is a book subjects that became part of his 2008 founders, the company, and the culture
written by Arundhati Roy. She is best campaign for the presidency. that Google is known for. This book is in
known for the book ‘The God of Small English and was published on November
things’ for which she won the Man Q.510. Who wrote the book, 15, 2005.
Booker prize in 1997. “Gulamgiri”? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 46

Pinnacle Static GK

Q513. The Hindi film ‘Kai Po Che’ is (d)As You Like It directed by Gulzar and produced by
based on the book titled____by Chetan Doordarshan.
Bhagat. Sol.(d) Jacques has spoken this famous
SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) phrase in Act-II, Scene-VII of the play Q519. Who is the author of the famous
(a) Two States As You Like It. He says, “All the world's book 'Kamayani'?
(b) Five Point Someone a stage, And all the men and women SSC CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening)
(c) One Night At The Call Centre merely players.” (a) Sumitranandan Pant
(d) Three Mistakes Of My Life (b) Mahadevi Verma
Q517. The Book ‘capital And Growth’ is (c) Jaishankar Prasad
Sol.(d) Kai Po Che! is a 2013 Indian written by: (d) Maithili Sharan Gupt
buddy drama film directed by Abhishek CPO 14/03/2019 (Evening)
Kapoor based on Chetan Bhagat's novel (a) Adam Smith (b) A.R. Redon Sol.(c) Kamayani is a Hindi epic poem
The 3 Mistakes of My Life, with music (c) John Hicks (d) Keneath Ero (Mahakavya) by Jaishankar Prasad . It is
by Amit Trivedi and lyrics by Swanand considered one of the greatest literary
Kirkire. The film title Kai Po Che! is Sol.(c) ‘Capital And Growth’ book has works written in modern times in Hindi
originally a Gujarati phrase thatmeans "I been written by John Richard Hicks . literature.
have cut". Sir John Richard Hicks (8 April 1904 –
20 May 1989) was a British economist. Q.520. Who is the writer of
Q.514. Arundhati Roy won Man Booker He was considered one of the most ‘Becoming’?
Prize in 1997 for her book: important and influential economists of SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning)
SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) the twentieth century. In 1972 he (a) Jhumpa Lahiri (b) Sudha Murthy
(a) History of Wolves received the Nobel Memorial Prize in (c) Michelle Obama (d) Hillary Clinton
(b) The God of Small Things Economic Sciences (jointly) for his
(c) 2 States pioneering contributions to general Sol.(c) Becoming is the memoir of
(d) The Ministry of Utmost Happiness equilibrium theory and welfare theory. former United States first lady Michelle
Obama published in 2018.
Sol.(b) Arundhati Roy won the Booker Q.518. Who is the author of ‘Godaan’?
Prize in 1997 for her novel, The God of SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) Q521. Who is the author of ‘The Silent
Small Things. In 2002, she won the (a) Munshi Premchand Cry’ ?
Lannan Cultural Freedom Prize. (b) Shrilal Shukla SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(c) Harivansh Rai Bachchan (a)Haruki Murakami
Q515. ____is the biography of Sachin (d) Manmohan Shyam Joshi (b)Kenzaburo O A
Tendulkar. (c)John Milton
SSC CPO 16/03/19 (Evening) Sol.(a) Godan is a Hindi novel by (d)Michael Madhusudan Dutt
(a) The Test of My Life Munshi Premchand, translated into
(b) Playing to Win English as The Gift of a Cow. Sol.(b) The Silent Cry is a novel by
(c) Playing It My Way It was first published in 1936 and is Japanese author Kenzaburo Oe, first
(d) Ace Against Odds considered one of the greatest Hindi published in Japanese in 1967 and was
novels of modern Indian literature. awarded the Tanizaki Prize that year.
Sol.(c) Playing It My Way is the Themed around socio economic
autobiography of former Indian cricketer deprivation as well as the exploitation of Q522. Which Ex Chief Naval Admiral
Sachin Tendulkar. It was launched on 5 the village poor, the novel was the last has authored the book named ‘A Prime
November 2014 in Mumbai. The book complete novel of Premchand. It was Minister to Remember - Memories of A
summarises Tendulkar's early days, his translated into English in 1957 by Jai Military Chief’ ?
24 years of international career and Ratan and P. Lal translation; a 1968 SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon)
aspects of his life that have not been translation by Gordon C. Roadarmel is (a) Sushil Kumar (b) Arun Prakash
shared publicly. now considered "a classic in (c) Devendra Kumar (d) Nirmal Kumar
itself".Godaan was made into a Hindi
Q.516. ‘All the world's a stage, And all film in 1963, starring Rajkumar, Sol.(a) A book titled ‘A Prime Minister
the men and women merely players’- is Mehmood and Shashikala. In 2004, to Remember- Memories of a Military
a phrase from the play: Godan was part of the 26-episode TV Chief’, authored by former Navy Chief
SSC CPO 16/03/19 (Evening) series, Tehreer.... Munshi Premchand Ki, Admiral Sushil Kumar recently released
(a)Macbeth based on the writing of Premchand, highlights the key defence related
(b)Julius Ceaser starring Pankaj Kapur and Surekha Sikri, decisions taken by former Prime
(c)The Merchant of Venice Minister of India Late Atal Bihari Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 47

Pinnacle Static GK

Vajpayee. Admiral Kumar served as President Nelson Mandela, and it was (d) R.K. Narayan
Navy Chief between 1998 and 2001 and first published in 1994. This book is
also oversaw the Kargil conflict in 1999. about his early life, coming of age, Sol.(a) The Room on the Roof is a novel
education and 27 years in prison. written by Ruskin Bond. It was Bond's
Q523. Book ‘A brief history of time’ is first literary venture. Bond wrote the
written by: Q527. Which of the following books is novel when he was seventeen and won
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening) NOT written by Chetan Bhagat? the John Llewellyn Rhys Memorial Prize
(a) John Green SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening) in 1957. The novel revolves around
(b) J K Rowling (a) Revolution 2020 Rusty, an orphaned seventeen-year-old
(c) Suzame Colling (b) Making India Awesome Anglo-Indian boy living in Dehradun.
(d) Stephen Hawking (c) Wise and Otherwise
(d) One Indian Girl Q531. ‘Broom and groom’ book is
Sol.(d) A Brief History of Time: From co-authored by:
the Big Bang to Black Holes is a Sol.(c) Wise and Otherwise is written by SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon)
popular-science book on cosmology (the Sudha Murty. This book narrates 51 (a) Salman Rushdie
study of the universe) by British stories which the author has experienced (b) Shashi Tharoor
physicist Stephen Hawking. It was first herself by travelling through the length (c) Kiran Bedi
published in 1988. Hawking wrote the and breadth of India. (d) Narendra Modi
book for non specialist readers with no
prior knowledge of scientific theories. Q.528. Who is the author of ‘Freedom in Sol.(c) Broom & Groom, by co-authors
Exile’? Pavan Choudary and Kiran Bedi, is a
Q.524. The book ‘War and Peace’ is MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning) 2010 book on hygiene and manners
written by: (a) Dalai Lama intended to awaken "the right to civic
SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning) (b) Abdul Kalam Azad sense" among the people of India.
(a) Leo Tolstoy (b) Dalai Lama (c) Nelson Mandela
(c) maroof Raza (d) H.G. Wells (d) Shashi Tharoor Q.532. Who is the Author of the book “
The Bachelor of Arts”?
Sol.(a) Leo Tolstoy a great 19th century Sol.(a) Freedom in Exile:-The SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Russian writer. "War and Peace" is Autobiography of the Dalai Lama is the (a) Ruskin Bond
considered one of his greatest novels, as second autobiography of the 14th Dalai (b) R.K. Narayan
well as one of the greatest novels of all Lama, released in 1991. The Dalai (c) Rudyard Kiplimg
time. The book is long but a must-read. Lama's first autobiography, My Land (d) Vikram Seth
and My People, was published in 1962, a
Q525. Who has authored the book few years after he reestablished himself Sol.(b) The Bachelor of Arts (1937) is a
‘Every Child Matters’ ? in India and before he became an novel written by R. K. Narayan. It is the
SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon) international celebrity. second book of a trilogy that begins with
(a) Jawahar Lal Nehru Swami and Friends and ends with The
(b) Kailash Satyarthi Q529. Who is the writer of the book English Teacher. It is again set in
(c) Chetan Bhagat ‘Thoughts on Pakistan’? Malgudi, the fictional town Narayan
(d) Arun Shorry SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening) invented for his novels.
(a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Sol.(b) Kailash Satyarthi is an Indian (b) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Q533. Who is the writer of novel ‘The
social reformer who campaigned against (c) Mahatma Gandhi White Tiger’?
child labour in India and elsewhere and (d) Rajendra Prasad MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning)
advocated the universal right to (a) R.K. Narayan (b) Arvind Adiga
education. Sol.(b) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar is the writer (c) Vikram Seth (d) Shashi Tharoor
of the book ‘Thoughts on Pakistan’.
Q.526. ’Long Walk to Freedom’ is an Sol.(b) The White Tiger is the debut
Autobiography of : Q.530. Who among the following is the novel by Indian author Aravind Adiga. It
MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening) writer of the novel ‘The room on the was first published in 2008 and won the
(a) Kofi Annan (b) John F Kennedy roof’? 40th Man Booker Prize in the same year.
(c) Nelson Mandela (d) Abrahm Linkon SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning)
(a) Ruskin Bond Q.534. Which of the following novels is
Sol.(c) Long Walk to Freedom is an (b) Khushwant Singh NOT written by Amish Tripathi?
autobiography written by South African (c) Manohar Malgonkar SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 48

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(a) The Secret of Nagas Q.538. ’My Life, My Mission’ is an views on Swaraj, modern civilization,
(b) Sita-Warrior of Mithila autobiography of _____. mechanisation etc.
(c) The Immortals of Meluha SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening)
(d) One Indian Girl (a) Baba Ramdev (b) Guru Ram Rahim Q.542. “The General Theory of
(c) Ratan Tata (d) Mahatma Gandhi Employment, Interest and Money”
Sol.(d) One Indian Girl is the seventh (1936) was written by______.
fictional novel and the ninth overall Sol.(a) The book titled “My Life, My SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning)
book written by the Indian author Chetan Mission” is the autobiography of Yoga (a) Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Azad
Bhagat. guru Baba Ramdev and is co-authored (b) Adam Smith
with senior journalist Uday Mahurkar. (c) John Maynard keynes
Q535. ’Michael Madhusudan Dutt’ was The book addresses the major (d) Amartya sen
_____ by occupation. controversies, turning points and
MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) achievements of Ramdev's life. Sol.(c) The General Theory of
(a) Sportsperson (b) Politician Employment, Interest and Money of
(c) Writer (d) Actor Q539. Who wrote the book ‘An enquiry 1936 is the last and most important book
into the Nature’? by the English economist John Maynard
Sol.(c) Michael Madhusudan Dutt, or SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon) Keynes.
Michael Madhusudan Dutta was a (a) Benjamin Frankli
popular 19th-century Bengali poet and (b) Charles Darwin Q543. Who has written the book ‘Five
dramatist. He was a pioneer of Bengali (c) Rabindranath Tagore Point Someone ?
drama. His famous work Meghnad Badh (d) Adam Smith MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Kavya, is a tragic epic. It consists of nine (a) Gurucharan Das
cantos and is exceptional in Bengali Sol.(d) Adam Smith's Inquiry into the (b) Vidhu Vinod Chopda
literature both in terms of style and Nature and Causes of the Wealth of (c) Chetan Bhagat
content. Nations, and he also had published the (d) Amish Tripathi
three-volume third edition of the Wealth
Q.536. Who is the writer of the book of Nations, which incorporated Sol.(c) Five Point Someone, What not to
‘Anandmath’? Additions and Corrections and, for the do at IIT is a 2004 novel written by
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning) first time, an index. Indian author Chetan Bhagat.
(a) Dadabhai Naoroji
(b) Atal Bihari Vajpayee Q.540. ’Lessons Life Taught Q.544. What is the name of the famous
(c) Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay Unknowingly’ is an autobiography of collection of animal fables composed by
(d) Annie Besant which actor? Vishnu Sharma ?
SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening) MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening)
Sol.(c)‘Anandmath’ was written by (a) Sunil Shetty (b) Amitabh Bachchan (a) Hitopadesha (b) Kathasaritasagar
Bankim Chandra Chatterjee. The theme (c) Anupam Kher (d) Sanjay Dutt (c) Panchtantra (d) Jataka
of the Bengali novel 'Anandamath' was
set in the backdrop of the Sannyasi Sol.(c) Lessons Life Taught Me, Sol.(c) The Panchatantra is a collection
Rebellion in the 18th century. Unknowingly - It is An Autobiography of folktales and fables that were believed
of Anupam Kher. He is a well known to have been originally written in
Q537. Who is the writer of ‘Revolution Bollywood actor and he has worked in Sanskrit by the great Hindu Scholar
2020’? many Bollywood Films. Pandit Vishnu Sharma more than 2500
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon) years ago. It offers insight into human
(a) Chetan Bhagat Q541. Hind Swaraj’ was written by behaviour though the characters are
(b) Amish Tripathi _______. entirely from the animal kingdom.
(c) Ravindra Singh MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening)
(d) Vikram Seth (a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Q545. Which of the following books is
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru NOT written by Jawahar Lal Nehru?
Sol.(a) Revolution 2020: Love, (c) Vallabhbhai Patel SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Corruption, Ambition is a 2011 novel by (d) Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (a) An Autobiography
Chetan Bhagat. Its story is concerned (b) The Broken Wing
with a love triangle, corruption and a Sol.(d) Hind Swaraj or Indian Home (c) A Bunch of Old Letters
journey of self-discovery. Rule is a book written by Mohandas K. (d) The Discovery of India
Gandhi in 1909. In it he expresses his Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 49

Pinnacle Static GK

Sol..(b) The Broken Wing is written by Mitra in 1858–1859. The play was Sol.(d) The Book Timeless Laxma is
Adam Lee. Rest all the books are written published in Dhaka in 1860, under a based on the life of R.K.Laxman. He
by Jawahar Lal Nehru. pseudonym of the author. was an Indian cartoonist and a humorist.

Q.550. “A Comparison Between Woman

Q.546. The book ‘Experiments with Q.554. Who is the author of the book
and Man” is written by _______.
Truth’ is based on whose life ? ‘The Free Voice: On Democracy, Culture
MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon)
SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) and the Nation’?
(a) Tarabai Shinde
(a) Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi SSC CPO 9/12/19 Morning
(b) Begum Rukaiya Sakhawat Hussain
(b) Subhash Chandar Bose (a) Ravish Kumar (b) Arnab Goswami
(c) Pandit Ramabai
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru (c) Barkha Dutt (d) Rahul Kanwal
(d) Jyotiba Phule
(d) Lala Lajpat Rai
Sol.(a) Ravish Kumar is the writer of the
Sol.(a) Tarabai Shinde (1850–1910) was
Sol..(a) The Story of My Experiments book ‘The free voice :On Democracy,
a feminist activist who protested
with Truth is the autobiography of Culture and the Nation’ .
patriarchy and caste in 19th century
Mohandas K. Gandhi, covering his life
India. She is known for her published
from early childhood through to 1921. Q555. The novel titled ‘Quichotte’ is
work, Stripurush Tulana ("A
authored by:
Comparison Between Women and
Q547. ’Unbreakable’ is an SSC CPO 11/12/2019 Morning
Men"), originally published in Marathi
autobiography of ? (a) Amit Chaudhuri
in 1882.
SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon) (b) Salman Rushdie
(a) Mary kom (c) Sukumar Sen
Q551. ‘Wings of Fire’ is an
(b) Saniya Mirza (d) VS Naipaul
Autobiography of _______.
(c) Wasim Akram
MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(d) Chris Gayle Sol.(b) Quichotte is a 2019 novel by
(a) Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam
Salman Rushdie. It is his fourteenth
(b) Bhagat Singh
Sol.(a) Unbreakable: An Autobiography novel, published on 29 August 2019 by
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru
is the autobiography of the unbreakable Jonathan Cape in the United Kingdom
(d) Mahatma Gandhi
Mary Kom who never let anything come and Penguin Books India in India.
in between her and her quest for
Sol.(a) Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam
winning. Q.556. Who is the author of 'Swami
Explanation: Wings of Fire: An
Vivekananda in the West: New
Autobiography of A P J Abdul Kalam
Q.548. ‘India: The Future is Now’ is Discoveries'?
(1999), former President of India. It was
written by whom ? SSC CPO 11/12/2019 Evening
written by Dr. Kalam and Arun Tiwari.
SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening) (a) Marie Louise Burke
(a) Natwar Singh (b) Romain Rolland
Q.552. Who is the author of ‘Black
(b) Arundhati Ray (c) Sister Nivedita
(c) Shashi Tharoor (d) Swami Ranganathananda
SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning)
(d) Amish Tripathi
(a) Charles Dickens (b) Carlo Collodi
Sol.(a) Swami Vivekananda in the West:
(c) Mark Twain (d) Anna Sewell
Sol.(c) Shashi Tharoor is an acclaimed New Discoveries is a series of
writer, having authored 18 bestselling biographical books on Swami
Sol.(d) Black Beauty is an 1877 novel by
works of fiction and non-fiction since Vivekananda written by Marie Louise
English author Anna Sewell. It was
1981, which are centred on India and its Burke, who is popularly known as Sister
composed in the last years of her life,
history, culture, film, politics, society, Gargi.
during which she remained in her house
foreign policy, and more related themes.
as an invalid.
Q557. Who among the following is the
Q549. Who is the author of the book author of the book ‘What Happened’ ?
Q553. The book ‘Timeless laxma’ is
“Neel Darpan”? SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
based on the life of which of the (a) Shashi Tharoor (b) Hillary Clinton
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening)
following person. (c) Jean Dreze (d) Shimon Peres
(a) Abanindranath Tagore
SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(b) Mumtaz Ali
(a) O.P. Laxman Sol.(b) What Happened is a 2017
(c) Dina Bandhu Mitra
(b) R.K. Narayan memoir by Hillary Clinton about her
(d) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
(c) V.V.S Laxman experiences as the Democratic Party's
(d) R.K. Laxman nominee and general election candidate
Sol.(c) Darpan (The Indigo Mirror) is a
Bengali play written by Dinabandhu for President of the United States in the Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 50

Pinnacle Static GK

2016 election. Published on September Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak, a Sol.(b) Dreams from My Father: A Story
12, 2017, it is her seventh book with her mathematician turned astronomer, of Race and Inheritance (1995) is a
publisher, Simon & Schuster. historian, journalist, philosopher and memoir by Barack Obama, that explores
political leader of India during 1880 to the events of his early years in Honolulu
Q.558. Who among the following has 1920. and Chicago up until his entry into law
co-authored the book titled 'Bridgital school in 1988.
Nation: Solving Technology’s People Q.562. Who is the author of the book
Problem'? 'The Reluctant Family Man: Shivaji in Q.566. Who is the author of the book
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening) Everyday Family Life'? 'Wise and Otherwise : A Salute to Life?'
(a) Sundar Pichai SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Morning)
(b) Nandan Nilekani (a) M N Deepak Nambiar (a) Kiran Desai (b) Sudha Murthy
(c) N Chandrasekaran (b) Reema Huja (c) Zoya Hasan (d) Amrita Pritam
(d) Sam Pitroda (c) Neelima Chitagopekar
(d) Moolchand Sharma Sol.(b) Sudha Murty's book Wise and
Sol.(c) Bridgital Nation: Solving otherwise will take you to a journey
Technology's People Problem is written Sol.(c) The Reluctant Family Man: across the length and breadth of India
by N Chandrasekaran, Roopa Shiva in Everyday Life is written by through narrations of 51 stories inspired
Purushothaman. Nilima Chitgopekar. by the extensive travels of the author
Q559. The collection of poems titled Q563. Which of the following is not
'Pakkaki Ottigilite' has been composed written by Salman Rushdie? Q567. Who is the author of the book
by: CGL 3-3-2020 (morning) titled 'The Anarchy: The East India
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening) (a) Shame Company, Corporate Violence, and the
(a) Kasturi Murali Krishna (b) The Satanic Verses Pillage of an Empire'?
(b) K Siva Reddy (c) An Area of Darkness SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Afternoon)
(c) Varavara Rao (d) Midnight's Children (a)VP Menon
(d) Suryadevara Rammohan Rao (b)William Dalrymple
Sol.(c) An area of Darkness is a book by (c)Shashi Tharoor
Sol.(b) K Siva Reddy (born 1943), is a V.S. Naipaul whereas Salman Rushdie’s (d)Pankaj Mishra
Telugu language poet from India and He books include Shame, The Satanic
won Sahitya Akademi Award in Telugu, Verses, Midnight Children, Quichotte, Sol.(b) William Dalrymple is the author
1996 for his Poetry work Harun and Sea of stories, The Golden of the book 'The Anarchy: The East
Mohana-O-Mohana and was awarded House, etc. India Company, Corporate Violence, and
the Saraswati Samman in 2018 for his the Pillage of an Empire’
poetry collection Pakkaki Ottigilite. Q.564. Who is the author of the book
'Hazaar Chaurasi Ki Maa'? Q.568. The 'Great Indian Novel' is
Q.560.. Who is the author of the Book SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Afternoon) authored by:
the ‘Ministry of Utmost Happiness’? (a) Krishna Sobti (b) Rita Kothari SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Evening)
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) (c) Sugathakumari (d) Mahasweta Devi (a) Vikram Seth (b) Chitra Banerjee
(a) Jhumpa Lahiri (b) Arundhati Roy (c) Shashi Tharoor (d) Arvind Adiga
(c) Anita Desai (d) Amitav Ghosh Sol.(d) ‘Hazaar Chaurasi Ki
Explanation: Maa’ is an Indian feature Sol.(c) The Great Indian Novel is a
Sol.(b) The Ministry of Utmost film that deals with the life of a woman
satirical novel by Shashi Tharoor, first
Happiness is the second novel by Indian who loses her son, a Naxalite, to the
violence that is a result of his adopted published by Viking Press in 1989. It is a
writer Arundhati Roy, published in 2017. fictional work that takes the story of the
ideology. Mahasweta Devi's Bengali
1974 novel Hajar Churashir Maa . The Mahabharata, the Indian epic, and
Q561. Who is the author of the book screenplay is written by Nihalani and the recasts and resets it in the context of the
‘Arctic Home of the Vedas’? dialogues by Tripurari Sharma. Indian Independence Movement and the
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) first three decades post-independence.
(a) Bipin Chandra Pal Q565. Who is the author of the book
(b) Max Muller ‘Dreams From My Father’?
Q569. Who is the author of the book
(c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Evening)
'Kerala: God's Own Country'?
(d) Aurobindo Ghosh (a) Olivia Lange (b) Barack Obama
CHSL 17-03-2020 (Morning)
(c) Navin Chawla (d) Charles Darwin
(a) Thakazhi Sivasankara Pillai
Sol.(c) The Arctic Home in the Vedas is (b) Shashi Tharoor
a book on the origin of Aryans by Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 51

Pinnacle Static GK

(c) Sudha Murthy (a) Amitav Ghosh

(d) Jeet Thayil (b) Jawaharlal Nehru Q.578. Who is the author of the Ben-Hur
(c) Rabindranath Tagore : A Tale of the Christ?
Sol.(b) Shashi Tharoor is the author of (d) M.K. Gandhi CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning)
the book 'Kerala: God's Own Country'. (a) Lewis Carroll
Sol.(d) ‘My Experiments with Truth’ is (b) Jules Verne
Q.570. Who wrote the book 'An era of the autobiography of Mohandas K. (c) Ben Jonson
Darkness'? Gandhi covering his life from early (d) Lew Wallace
CHSL 17-03-2020 (Afternoon) childhood through to 1921.
(a) Jerry Pinto Sol.(d) Lew Wallace is the author of the
(b) Anees Salim Q574. Who is the author of the book Ben-Hur : A Tale of the Christ.
(c) Shashi Tharoor 'The Blue Umbrella'?
(d) Mamang Dai CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning) Q579. Which of the following books
(a) Suketu Mehta (b) Ruskin Bond was translated as ‘The Razmnama’
Sol.(c) Shashi Tharoor wrote the book (c) Vikram Seth (d) Vikram Chandra (Book of Wars) during the
'An era of Darkness'. reign of Akbar?
Sol.(b) Ruskin Bond is the author of the CHSL 20-10-2020 (Afternoon)
Q571. Who wrote the famous book 'The book 'The Blue Umbrella'. (a) Ramayana (b) Babur Nama
God of Small Things'? (c) Mahabharata (d) Akbar Nama
19-03-2020 (Evening) Q575. Who is the author of the book
(a) Arundhati Roy 'Bridgital Nation – Solving Technology's Sol.(c) Mahabharata was translated as
(b) Kiran Desai People Problem'? ‘The Razmnama’ (Book of Wars) during
(c) Ruskin Bond CHSL 16-10-2020 (Afternoon) the reign of Akbar.
(d) Chetan Bhagat (a) Nandan Nilekani
(b) Ratan Tata Q.580. Who is the author of the book
Sol.(a) Arundhati Roy wrote the famous (c) N Chandrasekaran ‘The Judgement: Inside Story of the
book 'The God of Small Things'. (d) Narayana murthy Emergency in India’?
CHSL 21-10-2020 (Afternoon)
Q572. ‘Aatish-i-Chinar’ (Flames of Sol.(c) N Chandrasekaran is the author (a) KM Munshi (b) Indira Gandhi
Chinar) is the autobiography of which of the book 'Bridgital Nation – Solving (c) Kuldip Nayar (d) Jawaharlal Nehru
politician? Technology's People Problem'.
CHSL 12-10-2020 (Morning) Sol.(c) Kuldip Nayar wrote the book
(a) M Hidayatullah Q576. Who is the author of the book ‘The Judgement: Inside Story of the
(b) APJ Abdul Kalam ‘Reset: Regaining India's Economic Emergency in India’.
(c) Benazir Bhutto Legacy’?
(d) Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah 'CHSL 16-10-2020 (Evening) Q581. Which Nobel laureate wrote the
(a) Suketu Mehta book ‘India: A Million Mutinies Now’?
Sol.(d) ‘Aatish-i-Chinar’ is the (b) Abhijeet Banerjee CHSL 26-10-2020 (Afternoon)
autobiography of ‘Sheikh Muhammad (c) Subramanian Swamy (a) Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul
Abdullah’. His fearlessness earned him (d) Raghuram Rajan (b) Olga Tokarczuk
the title of ‘Sher-e-Kashmir’. He (c) Peter Handke
devoted his life to the preservation of the Sol.(c) Subramanian Swamy is the (d) Patrick Modiano
Kashmiri identity, and paid a heavy price author of the book ‘Reset: Regaining
for it, spending half his life in jail. The India's Economic Legacy. Sol.(a) Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul
man who was instrumental in mobilizing wrote the book ‘India: A Million
Muslim opinion in the valley in favour Q577. Who is the author of 'Sabka Mutinies Now.
of India after partition was later accused Saath, Sabka Vikas'?
of being anti-national and jailed, first by CHSL 19-10-2020 (Morning) Q.582. Who is the author of the book ‘A
his friend and fellow Kashmiri (a) Prem Chand Better India: A Better World’?
Jawaharlal Nehru, and then by Indira (b) Sushma Swaraj CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning)
Gandhi. (c) Ravi Shankar Prasad (a) Gurcharan Das
(d) Narendra Modi (b) Shashi Tharoor
Q573. Who wrote the book ‘My (c) Ratan Tata
Experiments with Truth’? Sol.(a) Prem Chand is the author of (d) NR Narayana Murthy
CHSL 12-10-2020 (Evening) 'Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas'. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 52

Pinnacle Static GK

Sol.(d) ‘A Better India: A Better World’ (c) Tamil (d) Telugu Sol.(c) “Annihilation of Caste” is an
book is written by NR Narayana Murthy undelivered speech in book form written
This book focuses on the main problems Sol.(c) Ramavataram, popularly referred in 1936 by B.R.Ambedkar also known as
of India which will make people aware to as Kamba Ramayanam, is a Tamil BabaSaheb. He wrote this book for the
and they will try to find solutions to epic written by the Tamil poet Kambar 1936 meeting of a group of liberal Hindi
them. during the 12th century. It is Based on caste reformers in Lahore.
Valmiki's Ramayana which is in
Q583. Who wrote the book ‘India Wins Sanskrit. Q591. Who is the author of the book
Freedom’? ‘Crossed Swords: Pakistan, Its Army and
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) Q587. ‘The Substance and the Shadow’ the War Within’?
(a) Shyama Prasad Mukherjee is the autobiography of ______. SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning)
(b) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) (a) SD Muni (b) Shashi Tharoor
(c) Mahatma Gandhi (a) Dilip Kumar (b) Dev Anand (c) JN Dixit (d) Shuja Nawaz
(d) Vijay Lakshmi Pandit (c) Guru Dutt (d) Shammi Kapoor
Sol.(d) Shuja Nawaj wrote the book
Sol.(b) India wins freedom is written by Sol.(a) The Substance and the Shadow is Crossed Swords: Pakistan, Its Army and
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. He was the the autobiography of famous Indian the War Within. It was written and
first education minister of India who Actor Dilip Kumar. It is written by printed in 2008. This book is a detailed
served from 15th August 1947 to 2nd Udaya Tara Nagar. study of the Military’s involvement in
February 1958. His birthday 11 the evolution of Pakistan.
November is celebrated as National Q.588. Which of the following poems is
Education Day. He received Bharat NOT written by Sarojini Naidu? Q.592. ‘Those Days’ is the translated
ratna(posthumously) in 1992. SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) version of a Sahitya Akademi Award
(a) A Love song for the north winning historical novel originally
Q.584. The book ‘The Life Divine’ was (b) The banyan Tree written by:
written by: (c) My Dead Dream SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning)
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) (d) In The Forest (a) Nandita Das
(a) Swami Vivekananda (b) Sunil Gangopadhyay
(b) Dayanand Saraswati Sol.(b) “The Banyan Tree” was written (c) Sumitranandan Pant
(c) Sri Aurobindo by Ruskin Bond. (d) Bhartendu Harishchandra
(d) Amrita Pritam
Q.589. Which of the following books is Sol.(b) Those Days Novel is written by
Sol.(c) The life divine is written by Sri NOT authored by Nirad C. Chaudhuri? Sunil Gangopadhyay.
Aurobindo. The book describes the SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) He got Sahitya Academy Award for this
concept of the ‘Internal yoga’, ‘theory of (a) Autobiography of an Unknown Novel in 1985.
spiritual evolution’ and how man can Indian
attain divine life on earth. (b) The Continent of Circe: An Essay on Q593. ‘The Man-Eater of Malgudi’ is
People of India written by:
Q585. Who is the author of the book (c) A Passage to India SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening)
‘We Are Displaced’? (d) Scholar Extraordinary (a) KR Narayanan (b) RK Laxman
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning) (c) KR Laxman (d) RK Narayan
(a) Amrit Singh (b) Arnab Goswami Sol.(c) A Passage to India is a novel
(c) Amrita Pritam (d) Malala Yousafzai written by an English author E.M.Forster Sol.(d) ‘The Man-Eater of Malgudi’ is
in 1924 which is mainly focussed on the written by RK Narayan. It was published
Sol.(d) “We are displaced” is a book Indian Independence Movement in 1961. In this he used the historical
written by Malala Yousafzai. She is a Struggle in the 1920s. reference of Bhasmasura.
Pakistani activist for Female education
and she is the youngest Nobel Prize Q.590. Which among the following Q.594. By whom was the play ‘Caesar
laureate.she got Nobel Prize at the age of books was written by BR Ambedkar? and Cleopatra’ written?
17. SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning)
(a) Satyarth Prakash (a)Joy Adamson
Q.586. Kamban wrote the Ramayana in (b) The New Economic Menace of India (b)Thomas Powers
which of the following languages? (c) Annihilation of Caste (c)George Bernard Shaw
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning) (d) Savitri (d)Ernest Hemingway
(a) Malayalam (b) Kannada Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 53

Pinnacle Static GK

Sol.(c) Caesar and Cleopatra is a play works include India after Gandhi, The Cricket'. Mukul Kesavan is an Indian
written in 1898 by George Bernard Shaw Unquiet Woods, Savaging the Civilized. historian, novelist, and political and
that depicts a fictionalized account of the social essayist.
relationship between Julius Caesar and Q.598. Who among the following is the
Cleopatra. It was first published with author of the book ‘Interpreter of Q.602. Who among the following is the
Captain Brassbound's Conversion and Maladies’? author of the book 'Inglorious Empire:
The Devil's Disciple in Shaw's 1901 SSC CGL 16/08/21(Afternoon) What the British Did to India'?
collection Three Plays for Puritans. (a) Arundhati Roy (b) Anita Nair SSC CGL 20/08/21(Afternoon)
(c) Sudha Murty (d) Jhumpa Lahiri (a) Ramchandra Guha
Q.595. Who among the following had (b) Shashi Tharoor
written Kitab-ul-Hind that gave an Sol.(d) Jhumpa Lahiri is the author of (c) Ashwin Sanghi
incisive description of early 11th the book ‘Interpreter of Maladies’. She (d) VS Naipaul
Century India? also wrote ‘The Namesake’ (2003)
SSC CGL 13/08/21(Morning) ‘Unaccustomed Earth’ (2008)and ‘The Sol.(b) Shashi Tharoor is the author of
(a) Al-Kindi (b) Al-Bukhari Lowland’ (2013). She won the Pulitzer the book 'Inglorious Empire: What the
(c) Al-Biruni (d) Al-Khwarizmi Prize for Fiction. British Did to India’. He is a senior
Congress leader who has authored
Sol.(c) Al-Biruni had written Q.599. Who wrote the book 'The Quest famous books like ‘The great Indian
Kitab-ul-Hind which is a book written for Equity in Development'? SSC CGL novel’, ‘India : From midnight to
about the Indian subcontinent. Al-Biruni 17/08/21(Morning) Millennium’, ‘An Era of Darkness: The
was born in 973 AD, in Khwarizm in (a) Amartya Sen British Empire in India' and many more.
present-day Uzbekistan. (b) Montek Singh Ahluwalia
(c) Raghuram Rajan Q.603. Who among the following is the
Q.596. Who among the following wrote (d) Manmohan Singh author of the book ‘Abode of Love’?
the novel ‘Rangbhumi: The Arena of SSC CGL 20/08/21(Afternoon)
Life’? SSC CGL 13/08/21(Afternoon) Sol.(d) The Quest for Equity in (a) Shankar Dayal Sharma
(a) Mahatma Gandhi Development was written by Manmohan (b) Narendra Modi
(b) Munshi Pemchand Singh. He is the former Prime Minister (c) APJ Abdul Kalam
(c) Abanindranath Tagore of India. (d) Manmohan Singh
(d) Rabindranath Tagore
Q.600. Who among the following wrote Sol.(b) Narendra Modi is the author of
Sol.(b) Dhanpat Rai Srivastava ‘The Light of Asia: The Poem that the book Abode of Love.
popularly known by his pen name, Defined the Buddha’ that will narrate the Other major works of the authors are–
Munshi Pemchand, wrote the novel phenomenal poem ‘The Light of Asia’? Shankar Dayal Sharma (the ninth
‘Rangbhoomi: The Arena of Life’. It is a SSC CGL 17/08/21(Afternoon) president of India (1992-1997)-- Chetna
Hindi language novel inspired by (a) Shashi Tharoor (b) Salman Rushdie Ke Srot, Hamare Chintan ki Muladhara,
Manavata ki Hamari virasat.
Gandhian values. Other important works (c) Chetan Bhagat (d) Jairam Ramesh
APJ Abdul Kalam– Transcendence: My
by Munshi Premchand include Godan, Spiritual Experiences with Pramukh
Gaban, Mansarovar, Idgah and many Sol.(d) Jairam Ramesh wrote ‘The Light Swamiji (last book), Thirukkural by
more. of Asia: The Poem that Defined the Thiruvalluvar (Kalam’s favorite book).
Buddha’. It is a biblio-biography of Manmohan Singh– Changing India, The
Q.597. Who among the following is the Edwin Arnold’s palpably fresh grasp of a Quest for Equity for Development, To
author of the book 'Democrats and complex philosophy and a worthy the Nation, for the Nation: Selections
from Selected Speeches of Dr.
Dissenters'? contribution to modern Buddhist studies.
Manmohan Singh.
SSC CGL 16/08/21(Morning)
(a) Arun Shourie (b) Ramchandra Guha Q.601. Who is the author of the book, Q.604. Who is the author of the book,
(c) Nalini Singh (d) Gurucharan Das 'Men in White - A Book of Cricket'? 'Walking with the Comrades'? SSC CGL
SSC CGL 18/08/21(Afternoon) 20/08/21(Evening)
Sol.(b) Ramchandra Guha has written (a) Boria Mazumdar (a) Pupul Jayakar (b) Prakash Karat
the book 'Democrats and Dissenters’. He (b) Mukul Kesavan (c) Sitaram Yechury (d) Arundhati Roy
is an Indian historian, writer and public (c) Harsha Bhogle
intellectual whose research interests (d) Sanjay Manjrekar Sol.(d) 'Walking with the Comrades' is
include social, political, contemporary, an eyewitness account of the
environmental and cricket history, and Sol.(b) Mukul Kesavan is the author of Naxal-Maoist insurgency by Indian
the field of economics. His other major the book, 'Men in White - A Book of author Arundhati Roy. The book covers Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 54

Pinnacle Static GK

her time in 2010 spent living with Q.608. Who among the following is one of India, Narendra Modi. The book was
Naxalite communist guerillas deep of the authors of ‘The Hitman: The released on 26 October 2018 by
within the forests of rural Chhattisgarh. Rohit Sharma Story’? Manmohan Singh, P. Chidambaram,
SSC CGL 24/08/21(Morning) Arun Shourie and Pavan Varma.
Q.605. Identify the author of the book (a) G Krishnan (b) S Hareesh
'The English Teacher'. (c) Sanjana Desai (d) Anupam Kher Q.612. Who among the following
SSC CGL 23/08/21(Afternoon) authored ‘Poverty and Un-British Rule
(a) Salman Rushdie (b) Vikram Seth Sol.(a) G Krishnan is one of the authors in India’? SSC CGL 24/08/21(Evening)
(c) RK Narayan (d) Khushwant Singh of ‘The Hitman: The Rohit Sharma (a) Jawaharlal Nehru
Story’. He authored the book along with (b) Mahatma Gandhi
Sol.(c) The author of the book 'The Vijay Lokapally and they are well (c) Rabindranath Tagore
English Teacher’ is RK Narayan. known sports journalists. (d) Dadabhai Naoroji
Salman Rushdie (The Satanic Verses,
Quichotte), Vikram Seth (Mappings, Q.609. Who authored the book Sol.(d) Dadabhai Naoroji authored
Beastly Tales), Khushwant Singh (Train ‘Reporting India: My Seventy-Year ‘Poverty and Un-British Rule in India’.
to Pakistan, A History of the Sikh). Journey as a Journalist’? He was a Parsi scholar and has authored
SSC CGL 24/08/21(Afternoon) great books such as ‘Poverty of India’,
Q.606. Who among the following wrote (a) Khushwant Singh The wants and means of India and many
the novel ‘Gora’? (b) Anjan Sundaram others.
SSC CGL 23/08/21(Afternoon) (c) Chetan Bhagat
(a) Rabindranath Tagore (d) Prem Prakash Q.613. Who is the author of the book
(b) Premchand 'Pathway to God'?
(c) Mahatma Gandhi Sol.(d) Prem Prakash authored the book SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Morning)
(d) Abanindranath Tagore ‘Reporting India: My Seventy-Year (a) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
Journey as a Journalist’. (b) Mahatma Gandhi
Sol.(a) Rabindranath Tagore wrote the (c) Sri Aurobindo
novel, Gora. He was an Indian Q.610. Who among the following is the (d) Jawaharlal Nehru
playwright, poet, philosopher, social author of the book 'Sea of Poppies'?
reformer, and painter. He was the first SSC CGL 24/08/21(Afternoon) Sol.(b) Mahatma Gandhi.
non-european to win the noble prize in (a) Amitav Ghosh (b) Salman Rushdie The Story of My Experiments with Truth
literature for his book Gitanjali in 1913. (c) Rohinton Mistry (d) Vikram Chandra is the autobiography of Mahatma
Some of his other works are Gandhi. It is authored by Mahatma
Ghare-Baire, Jana Gana Mana, Rabindra Sol.(a) Amitav Ghosh is the author of Gandhi.
Sangeet, and Amar Shonar Bangla. the book Sea of Poppies. He was
shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize in Q.614. Who among the following is the
Q.607. Who is the author of the book 2008. Sea of Poppies is the first volume author of the book 'Amnesty'? SSC
'Ethical Religion'? of the Ibis trilogy (comprising Sea of CHSL 12/04/21(Afternoon)
SSC CGL 23/08/21(Evening) Poppies, River of Smoke, and Flood of (a) Chetan Bhagat (b) Aravind Adiga
(a) Bipan Chandra Fire). Other famous books by Amitav (c) Amish Tripathi (d) Vikram Seth
(b) Vinoba Bhave Ghosh are River of Palace, The Glass
(c) Swami Vivekananda Palace, and The Shadow Lines. Sol.(b) Aravind Adiga
(d) Mahatma Gandhi
Q.611. Who among the following wrote Q.615. Who among the following is the
Sol.(d) Mahatma Gandhi (Mohandas the non-fiction ‘The Paradoxical Prime author of the book ‘40 years with Abdul
Karamchand Gandhi) is the author of the Minister: Kalam - Untold Stories’?
book 'Ethical Religion'. He was an Narendra Modi and His India’? SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Morning)
Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist SSC CGL 24/08/21(Evening) (a) Chetan Bhagat (b) YS Rajan
and political ethicist who employed (a) Shashi Tharoor (b) Arundhati Roy (c) Sivathanu Pillai (d) Sarabjit Singh
nonviolent resistance to lead the (c) Salman Rushdie (d) Chetan Bhagat
successful campaign for India's Sol.(c) The Vice President of India, M
independence from British rule, and to Sol.(a) ‘The Paradoxical Prime Minister:
Venkaiah Naidu has released the book
later inspire movements for civil rights Narendra Modi and His India’ is a 2018
titled “40 Years with Abdul Kalam-
and freedom across the world. non-fiction book written by a senior
Untold Stories”, a book on the life of the
leader of the Indian national congress,
former President of India Dr. APJ Abdul
Shashi Tharoor, about the Prime minister Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 55

Pinnacle Static GK

Kalam. The book was authored by Dr. A. (c) 40 years with Abdul Kalam - Untold
Sivathanu Pillai. Q.620. Who among the following wrote Stories
the book 'Indomitable Spirit'? SSC (d) The Wrong Family
Q.616. Who is the author of the book CHSL 16/04/21 (Morning)
‘Hit Refresh'? (a) Amartya Sen Sol.(a) 'Night of the Restless Spirits'
SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Evening) (b) S Radhakrishnan which is based on recounting of the Sikh
(a) Kazi Nazrul Islam (c) APJ Abdul Kalam massacre of 1984, is authored by
(b) Jagmohan Bhanver (d) Raghuram Rajan Sarbpreet Singh, a writer, podcaster, and
(c) Aishwarya Rai commentator.
(d) Satya Nadella Sol.(c) Indomitable Spirit is a book Grandparents’ Bag of Stories written by
authored by A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, the Sudha Murty.
Sol.(d) “Hit Refresh: The Quest to former president of India. The cover 40 years with Abdul Kalam - Untold
Rediscover Microsoft's Soul and page of the book says it "brings together Stories written by A. Sivathanu Pillai.
Imagine a Better Future for Everyone” is the values, thoughts, and ideas of The Wrong Family is written by Tarryn
a nonfiction book by Satya Nadella and President Kalam as reflected in his Fisher.
co-authors Jill Tracie Nichols and Greg speeches and addresses.
Shaw, with a foreword by Bill Gates, Q.624. Who is the author of the book
published in 2017. Q.621. ‘Wings of Fire’ is an 'My Master'?
autobiography of ______. SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Evening)
Q.617. Who is the author of the book SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Morning) (a) Swami Vivekananda
'Wise and Otherwise'? (a) Mahatma Gandhi (b) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Morning) (b) Sachin Tendulkar (c) Sri Aurobindo
(a) Sudha Murty (b) Amish Tripathy (c) Barack Obama (d) Rabindranath Tagore
(c) Arundhati Roy (d) Chetan Bhagat (d) APJ Abdul Kalam
Sol.(a) ‘My Master’ is an English book
Sol.(a) The author of the book 'Wise and Sol.(d) ‘Wings of Fire’ is an combined from two lectures delivered by
Otherwise' is Sudha Murty. Sudha Murty autobiography of former Indian Swami Vivekananda in New York and
is an Indian engineering teacher, author, President APJ Abdul Kalam. The book England.
and social worker. She is also the covers his life before he became the
chairperson of the Infosys Foundation. President of India and commanded the Q.625. Who among the following
armed forces. authored the book 'The Great Indian
Q.618. Who among the following is the Novel'?
author of the book ‘A Fine Balance’? Q.622. The book 'Indian Parliamentary SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Evening)
SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Afternoon) Diplomacy - Speaker's Perspective' is (a) Rohinton Mistry
(a) Amitav Ghosh (b) Shashi Tharoor authored by ______. (b) Vikram Seth
(c) Rohinton Mistry (d) Arvind Adiga SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Afternoon) (c) Shashi Tharoor
(a) Om Birla (b) Meira Kumar (d) Khushwant Singh
Sol.(c) ‘A Fine Balance’ is the second (c) Shivraj Patil (d) Balram Jhakar
novel by Rohinton Mistry, published in Sol.(c) ‘The Great Indian Novel’ is a
1995. Set in an unidentified city in India, Sol.(b) Former Lok Sabha speaker Meira satirical novel by Shashi Tharoor, first
initially in 1975 and later in 1984 during Kumar is the author of “Indian published by Viking Press in 1989.
the turmoil of The Emergency. Parliamentary Diplomacy – Speaker's Shashi Tharoor is an international
Perspective”. It is also a collection of diplomat, politician, writer, and public
Q.619. Who among the following is the selected speeches and reports by Kumar intellectual from India who has been
author of the book 'Cross Connection: during her stint as Lok Sabha speaker serving as a Member of Parliament, Lok
The Big Circus Adventure'? and as leader of Indian parliamentary Sabha from Thiruvananthapuram,
SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Afternoon) delegations at several international fora. Kerala, since 2009.
(a) Aditya Chopra (b) Rajkumar Rao
Q.626. Whose autobiography is titled
(c) Harman Baweja (d) Jugal Hansraj Q.623. Sarbpreet Singh is the author of 'The Substance and the Shadow'?
which of the following books?
SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Afternoon) SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Morning)
Sol.(d) Jugal Hansraj is the author of the
book 'Cross Connection: The Big Circus (a) Night of the Restless Spirits: Stories (a) Kishore Kumar (b) Rajesh Khanna
Adventure'. He is a feature film actor, from 1984 (c) Raj Kapoor (d) Dilip Kumar
writer and National Award-winning film (b) Grandparents’ Bag of Stories
director based in Mumbai. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 56

Pinnacle Static GK

Sol.(d) ‘The Substance and the Shadow’ was shortlisted for the 2020 Booker
is the autobiography of the veteran actor, Prize. Q.634. Which of the following books is
Yousuf Khan, popularly known as Dilip written by Rajendra Prasad?
Kumar. Q.630. Which of the following books SSC MTS 05/10/21(Morning)
did the famous cricketer Sunil Gavaskar (a) India Divided
Q.627. Who authored the book 'Jinnah: author? SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Evening) (b) An Autobiography: Towards
His Successes, Failures, and Role in (a) Democracy’s XI: The Great Indian Freedom
History'? Cricket Story (c) The Discovery of India
SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Morning) (b) Runs 'n Ruins (d) Glimpses of World History
(a) Khushwant Singh (b) Intizar Husain (c) Playing It My Way
(c) Ishtiaq Ahmed (d) Ishrat Husain (d) Captain Cool Sol.(a) ‘India Divided’ is written by
Rajendra Prasad. This book was written
Sol.(c) Ishtiaq Ahmed authored the book Sol.(b) Runs' and Ruins is authored by in prison and published in 1946. An
'Jinnah: His Successes, Failures, and Sunil Gavaskar. Autobiography: Towards Freedom, The
Role in History'. He is a Swedish Democracy’s XI: The Great Indian Discovery of India, and Glimpses of
political scientist and author of Pakistani Cricket Story (Rajdeep Sardesai). World History all are written by
descent. Playing It My Way autobiography of Jawaharlal Nehru.
Sachin Tendulkar.
Q.628. Who among the following is the Captain Cool by Gulu Ezekiel (story of Q.635. Which of the following books
author of ‘The Brahma Sutra – The MS Dhoni). was written by James Mill, a Scottish
Philosophy of Spiritual life’? SSC CHSL economist, in 1817?
9/8/2021 (Evening) Q.631. Who is the author of the book SSC MTS 05/10/21(Morning)
(a) Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan 'Poskem'? (a) Poverty and Un-British Rule in India
(b) Indira Gandhi SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Morning) (b) A Passage to India
(c) Sarojini Naidu (a) Rohit Bal (c) The History of British in India
(d) Rajendra Prasad (b) Manish Malhotra (d) The Great Mutiny
(c) Sabyasachi Mukherjee
Sol.(a) Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan has (d) Wendell Rodricks Sol.(c) The History of British in India
written the book ‘The Brahma Sutra –
was written by James Mill, a Scottish
The Philosophy of Spiritual Life’. Sol.(d) Wendell Rodricks has authored
economist, in 1817. He published the
Indira Gandhi was the first Indian two books - Moda Goa: History and
history of company rule in India in his
woman prime minister and she was also Style. Poskem : Goans in the Shadow on
book. He also denounced Indian culture
the first Indian woman to get the Bharat your Kindle in under a minute.
and tradition.
Ratna. Sarojini Naidu was the first
Indian woman Governor of Uttar Q.632. Who among the following had
Q.636. Who is the author of the book
Pradesh from 15 August 1947 to 2 authored ‘Buddha Gaya: The Hermitage
March 1949. Rajendra Prasad was an of Sakya Muni’ in 1878? SSC CHSL
SSC MTS 05/10/21(Afternoon)
Indian independence activist, lawyer, 12/8/2021 (Morning)
(a) Salman Rushdie (b) Charles Dickens
scholar and subsequently the first (a) Alexander Cunningham
(c) Rudyard Kipling (d) Eric Segal
President of India, in office from 1950 to (b) Rajendralala Mitra
1962. He was also the head of the (c) HH Cole
Sol.(a) Salman Rushdie is the author of
constituent assembly. (d) John Marshall
the book ‘Shame’ he has also authored
many novels including Grimus,
Q.629. Who is the author of the novel Sol.(b) Rajendralala Mitra
Midnight's Children, The Satanic Verses,
‘Burnt Sugar’?
The Moor's Last Sigh, The Ground
SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Afternoon) Q.633. Who among the following is the Beneath Her Feet, Fury, and Shalimar
(a) Avni Doshi (b) Salman Rushdie author of the epic story 'Manucharitra'? the Clown.
(c) Kiran Desai (d) Vikas Bahl SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Afternoon)
(a) Banbhatt (b) Ponna Q.637. The book titled 'My Journey:
Sol.(a) Avni Doshi is an American (c) Chand Bardai (d) Allasani Peddana Transforming Dreams into Actions' is an
novelist currently based in Dubai. Her
autobiography of:
debut novel, Girl in White Cotton, was Sol.(d) Allasani Peddana wrote SSC MTS 05/10/21(Evening)
published in India in 2019. In 2020, it 'Manucharitra'. He was a Telugu poet (a) Pratibha Patil
was published in the United Kingdom
and one of the Ashtadiggajalu in the (b) Atal Bihari Vajpayee
under the title Burnt Sugar. The novel
Vijayanagara Empire. (c) APJ Abdul Kalam Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 57

Pinnacle Static GK

(d) Lal Krishna Advani (b) Jawaharlal Nehru Sol.(c) 'Boy : Tales of Childhood' is an
(c) Sarojini Naidu autobiographical book by Roald Dahl.
Sol.(c) The book titled 'My Journey: (d) ZA Bhutto This book describes his life from birth
Transforming Dreams into Actions' is an until leaving school, focusing on living
autobiography Sol.(c) Sarojini Naidu was the author of conditions in Britain in the 1920s and
of: APJ Abdul Kalam. the book ‘The Golden Threshold’. 1930s, the public school system at the
time, and how his childhood experiences
Q.638. Which of the following is a book Q.642. The two epics, ‘Raghuvamsha’ led him to write as a career.
by former Prime Minister of India, and ‘Kumarasambhava’ are works of Author : Book
Indira Gandhi? ______ Mark Twain : The Adventures of Tom
SSC MTS 06/10/21(Morning) SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Evening) . Sawyer (1876) and Adventures of
(a) Discovery of India (a) Valmiki (b) Ramdas Huckleberry Finn (1885)
(b) Wings of Fire (c) Sivananda (d) Kalidas Ruskin Bond : The Room on the Roof
(c) My Experiments with Truth Lewis Carroll : Alice's Adventures in
(d) My Truth Sol.(d) The two epics, ‘Raghuvamsha’ Wonderland (1865) and Through the
Looking-Glass, And What Alice
and ‘Kumarasambhava’ are works of
Found There (1872)
Sol.(d) My Truth is a book by former Kalidas. Raghuvamsha means the
Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi. dynasty of Raghu and Kumarasambhava Q.646. Who among the following was
Discovery of India (by Jawahar Lal means the birth of kumaras. the author of the book 'Waiting for a
Nehru), Wings of Fire (by Dr. APJ Visa'?
Abdul Kalam), My Experiments with Q.643. Who is the author of the book SSC MTS 08/10/21 (Morning)
Truth (by Mahatma Gandhi). 'The Best Thing About You is You'? (a) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Morning) (b) Mahatma Gandhi
Q.639. Which of the following books (a) Amitabh Bachchan (c) Dr. BR Ambedkar
has been written by Munshi Premchand? (b) Anil Kapoor (d) Jawaharlal Nehru
SSC MTS 06/10/21(Morning) (c) Anupam Kher
(a) Gitanjali (d) Annu Kapoor Sol.(c) Dr. BR Ambedkar was the author
(b) Gora of the book 'Waiting for a Visa'. Waiting
(c) Chokher Bali Sol.(c) Anupam Kher is the author of the for a Visa is a 20-page autobiographical
(d) Nirmala book 'The Best Thing About You is You'. life story of B. R. Ambedkar. The book
this book describes the life experiences was written in the period of 1935–36. It
Sol.(d) ‘Nirmala’ has been written by of Anupam Kher. consists of reminiscences drawn by
Munshi Premchand. Nirmala is a Hindi Ambedkar, related to his experiences
fiction novel. Gitanjali, Gora, Chokher Q.644. Who among the following is the with untouchability
Bali all are written by Rabindranath author of the book ‘The Testaments’?
Tagore SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Afternoon) Q.647. Which of the following works
(a) Jokha Alharthi was written by Bernardin Evaristo?
Q.640. Which of the following is a book (b) Andrew Sean Greer SSC MTS 08/10/21 (Afternoon)
by Lewis Carroll? (c) Anna Burns (a) Ducks, Newburyport
SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Afternoon) (d) Margaret Atwood (b) 10 Minutes 38 Seconds in This
(a) Rikki-Tikki-Tavi Strange World
(b) The Man Who Would be King Sol.(d) Margaret Atwood is the author of (c) An Orchestra of Minorities
(c) The Jungle Book the book ‘The Testaments’. The (d) Girl, Woman, Other
(d) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Testaments is a sequel to ‘The Handmaid
Tales’. The Testaments was joint winner Sol.(d) ‘Girl, Woman, Other’ is written
Sol.(d) Alice's Adventure in Wonderland of the 2019 Booker Prize, alongside by Bernardine Evaristo.Girl, Woman,
is a book by Lewis Carroll.
Bernardine Evaristo's novel Girl, Other is the eighth novel written by
Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, The Man Who Would
Woman, Other. Bernardine Evaristo, published in 2019
be King and The Jungle Book is written
by Hamish Hamilton. It follows the lives
by Rudyard Kipling
Q.645. 'Boy : Tales of Childhood' is an of 12 characters in the United Kingdom
autobiographical book by ______. over the course of several decades
Q.641. Who was the author of the book
SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Evening)
‘The Golden Threshold’?
(a) Mark Twain (b) Ruskin Bond Q.648. Who is the author of the book
SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Evening)
(c) Roald Dahl (d) Lewis Carroll 'Quichotte'? SSC MTS 08/10/21
(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(Afternoon) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 58

Pinnacle Static GK

(a) Vikram Seth (b) Salman Rushdie Includes an English translation of ‘Lalita (a) Anita Desai (b) Srilal Shukla
(c) Kiran Desai (d) Margaret Atwood Sahasranama’? (c) Gopinath Bordoloi (d) RK Narayan
SSC MTS 12/10/21(Afternoon)
Sol.(b) Quichotte is a 2019 novel by (a) Rishi Singh Gherwal Sol.(d) RK Narayan is the author of the
Salman Rushdie. It is his fourteenth (b) Rabindranath Tagore book 'Waiting for the Mahatma'. Shri RK
novel, published on 29 August 2019 by (c) Vikram Seth Narayan is also the author of The
Jonathan Cape in the United Kingdom (d) Dr. S Radha Krishnan Malgudi Days (1942), Swami and
and Penguin Books India in India. Friends (1935) and The Guide (1958).
Sol.(a) Rishi Singh Gherwal wrote the
Q.649. ‘Ace against Odds’ is an book ‘Kundalini: The Mother of the Q.657. Who was the author of the
autobiography by ______. Universe’, which Includes an English three-act play, 'Post Office'?
SSC MTS 11/10/21(Morning) translation of ‘Lalita Sahasranama’. SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Evening)
(a) Hima Das (b) Sania Mirza Other famous books by him are (a) Vishnu Sharma
(c) Dutee Chand (d) Mary Kom ‘Great Masters of the Himalayas: Their (b) Karan Singh
Lives and Temple Teachings’, ‘Yoga (c) MK Gandhi
Sol.(b) ‘Ace against Odds’ is an Vasistha or Heaven Found', ‘Lexicon of (d) Rabindranath Tagore
autobiography by Sania Mirza. The book Hindu Terms of Yoga and Vedanta
is her official biography chronicling her Philosophies’, ‘Patanjali's Raja Yoga: A Sol.(d) Rabindranath Tagore was the
journey to becoming one of India and Revelation Of Science Of Yoga’. author of the three-act play, 'Post Office'.
the world's top female tennis players. In 1913, he won the Nobel Prize in
Q.654. Who is the author of the book Literature for the poetry of Gitanjali. He
Q.650. 'The Adventures of Huckleberry ‘Beyond the Lines’? SSC MTS is sometimes referred to as "the Bard of
Finn' is a book written by ______. SSC 12/10/21(Afternoon) Bengal".
MTS 11/10/21(Afternoon) (a) Vishnu Sharma (b) Omar Khayyam
(a) Ruskin Bond (b) Mark Twain (c) Kuldip Nayar (d) VV Giri Q.658. What is the name of the
(c) Rudyard Kipling (d) Lewis Carroll biography of actor and politician
Sol.(c) Kuldip Nayar is the author of the Shatrughan Sinha? SSC MTS
Sol.(b) 'The Adventures of Huckleberry book ‘Beyond the Lines’. More Famous 14/10/2021 (Afternoon)
Finn' is a book written by Mark Twain. books by Kuldip Nayar- Scoop!, India (a) Anything but Khamosh
after Nehru, Without Fear, India House, (b) The Substance and The Shadow
Q.651. Who is the author of the book Tales of two cities, Distant Neighbours (c) Khullam Khulla
'The Tales of Beedle The Bard'? A Tale Of The Subcontinent, Emergency (d) And Then One Day: A Memoir
SSC MTS 11/10/21(Afternoon) Retold, In Jail, Bhagat Singh ka phashi
(a) Lewis Carroll (b) EB White ka sach, The Judgement, The martyr: Sol(a) Anything but Khamosh is the
(c) Roald Dahl (d) JK Rowling name of the biography of actor and
Bhagat Singh experiments in revolution.
politician Shatrughan Sinha. He is the
Sol.(d) The author of the book 'The Tales first-ever Bollywood superstar to
Q.655. Who among the following is the
of Beedle The Bard' is JK Rowling. become a Union Minister.
author of the book 'Kanthapura'?
SSC MTS 12/10/21(Evening)
Q.652. Who among the following is the Q.659. Which Indian author was
(a) Nirad Choudhuri
author of the book titled 'Speaking Truth awarded the John Llewellyn Rhys Prize
(b) Sitakanta Mohapatra
to Power: My Alternative View'? SSC for ‘The Room on the Roof’ in 1957, a
(c) Raja Rao
MTS 12/10/21(Morning) book which he wrote at the age of 17?
(d) Kamala Das
(a) Subramanian Swamy SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Afternoon)
(b) Mani Shankar Aiyar (a) Salman Rushdie
Sol.(c) Raja Rao is the author of the
(c) P Chidambaram (b) Ruskin Bond
book 'Kanthapura'. It is the story of how
(d) Arun Shourie (c) Khushwant Singh
Gandhi's struggle for independence from
(d) Amitav Ghosh
the British came to a typical village,
Sol.(c) P Chidambaram is the author of
Kanthapura, in South India. Sol.(b) Ruskin Bond Indian author was
the book titled 'Speaking Truth to Power:
My Alternative View'. awarded the John Llewellyn Rhys Prize
Q.656. Who among the following is the for ‘The Room on the Roof’ in 1957, a
author of the book 'Waiting for the book which he wrote at the age of 17.
Q.653. Who wrote the book ‘Kundalini:
Mahatma'? SSC MTS
The Mother of the Universe’, which
13/10/21(Morning) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 59

Pinnacle Static GK

Q.660. Whose autobiography is titled Q.663. Who among the following is the Sol.(c) Fakir Hassen is the author of the
'Sunny Days'? SSC MTS 14/10/2021 author of the book 'Dollar Bahu'? book ‘150 Years of Celebrating the
(Afternoon) SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Evening) Mahatma – the South African Legacy'.
(a) Sourav Ganguly (a) Tasleema Nasreen (b) Jhumpa Lahiri Gandhiji returned to India on 9 January
(b) Sachin Tendulkar (c) Sudha Murty (d) Arundhati Roy 1915 from South Africa.
(c) Sunil Gavaskar
(d) Anil Kumble Sol.(c) Sudha Murty is the author of the Q.667. Who among the following is the
book 'Dollar Bahu'. More famous books author of the book titled ‘A Woman Is
Sol.(c) Sunil Gavaskar's autobiography by Sudha Murthy are- Wise And No Man’?
is titled 'Sunny Days'. Sunil Manohar Otherwise, Gently Falls the Bakula, The SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Evening)
Gavaskar is an Indian cricket Old Man and His God: Discovering the (a) Etaf Rum
commentator and former cricketer. He Spirit of India, House of Cards, The (b) Jokha Alharthi
was the first person to score centuries in Mother I Never Knew, Something (c) Margaret Atwood
both innings of a Test match three times. Happened on the Way to Heaven: 20 (d) Andrew Sean Greer
He was the first Test batsman to score
Inspiring Real-Life Stories.
10,000 Test runs in a career and now Sol.(a) Etaf Rum is the author of the
stands at number 12 in the group of 13 book titled ‘A Woman Is No Man’. Evil
Q.664. Who among the following is the
players with 10,000-plus Test runs. Eye: A Novel is the latest novel written
author of the book 'Amnesty'? SSC MTS
Gavaskar is a recipient of the Indian by Etaf Rum.
18/10/2021 (Evening)
civilian honours of the Padma Shri and
(a) Vikram Seth (b) Amish Tripathi
the Padma Bhushan.
(c) Shashi Tharoor (d) Aravind Adiga Q.668. Who among the following is the
author of the book 'Imaginary
Q.661. Who among the following is the
Sol.(d) Aravind Adiga is the author of Homelands'? SSC MTS 26/10/2021
author of the Hindi poetry book
the book 'Amnesty'. The Most Popular (Morning)
‘Chheelate Hue Apne Ko'?
Books by Aravind Adiga are ‘The White (a) Salman Rushdie
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Evening)
Tiger’, ‘Amnesty, Selection Day’, ‘Last (b) Khushwant Singh
(a) Nand Kishore Acharya
Man in Tower’, ‘Between The (c) Ruskin Bond
(b) Javed Akhtar
Assassinations’. (d) Arvind Adiga
(c) Rahat Indori
(d) Gulzar
Q.665. The book ‘Gitanjali’ is authored Sol(a) The author of the book 'Imaginary
by: Homelands' is Salman Rushdie. Famous
Sol.(a) Nand Kishore Acharya is the
SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Evening) books of Salman Rushdie are Midnight's
author of the Hindi poetry book ‘
(a) Ganga Das Children (for which he won the Booker
Chheelate Hue Apne Ko'. More famous
(b) Harivansh Rai Bachchan Prize in 1981, the Booker of Bookers in
books by him- Sanskriti ka Vyakarna,
(c) Rabindranath Tagore 1993, and, in 2008, the Best of the
Sabhyata ka Vikalp, Gulam Badshah,
(d) Devaki Nandan Khatri Booker), The Satanic Verses, Haraon
etc. He was awarded Sahitya Akademi
and the Sea of Stories, The Portable
Award 2019 in Hindi literature.
Sol.(c) The book ‘Gitanjali’ is authored Atheist: Essential Readings for the
by Rabindranath Tagore. Famous Books Non-believer, Quichotte.
Q.662. Which book among the
by Rabindranath Tagore· The Home and
following did Kiran Desai author? SSC
the World, The Postmaster, Chokher Q.669. Who is the author of the book
MTS 18/10/2021 (Morning)
Bali, Fireflies, The Post Office, Gora, 'The End of Imagination'? SSC MTS
(a) The Glass Palace
Waiting, Friend, On the Nature of Love, 26/10/2021 (Morning)
(b) The Interpreter of Maladies
Paperboats. (a) Sudha Murty (b) Arundhati Roy
(c) The God of Small Things
(c) Kiran Desai (d) Jhumpa Lahiri
(d) The Inheritance of Loss
Q.666. Who among the following is the
author of the book ‘150 Years of Sol.(b) The author of the book 'The End
Sol.(d) The Inheritance of Loss is the
Celebrating the Mahatma – the South of Imagination’ Arundhati Roy. The
second novel by Indian author Kiran
African Legacy'? SSC MTS 22/10/2021 God of Small Things( won the Man
Desai. Other famous books are
(Afternoon) Booker Prize for Fiction in 1997), The
‘Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard’, ‘
(a) Daniel Woodrell (b) Fareed Zakaria Ministry of Utmost Happiness, The Cost
AIDS Sutra: Untold Stories from India’,
(c) Fakir Hassen (d) Frederic Tuten of Living, An Ordinary Person's Guide
‘Generation 1.5’.
to Empire, Capitalism: A Ghost Story. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 60

Pinnacle Static GK

Q.670. Which Indian actor is the author (c) Maharashtra (d) Rajasthan Relentless Rise of the East India
of the book 'Mrs Funnybones: She's just Company’?
Like You and a Lot Like Me'? SSC MTS Sol.(c) Bhavartha Dipika and SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Afternoon)
26/10/2021 (Evening) Amritanubhava are the sacred books of (a) Shoshana Zuboff
(a) Twinkle Khanna (b) Sonali Bendre the people of Maharashtra. Author of (b) Sumit Sarkar
(c) Madhuri Dixit (d) Aishwarya Rai the book Bhavartha Dipika( (c) Shashi Tharoor
Dnyaneshwari) and Amritanubhava is (d) William Dalrymple
Sol.(a) Twinkle Khanna is the author of Sant Dyaneshwar.
the book 'Mrs Funnybones: She's just Sol.(d) William Dalrymple is the author
Like You and a Lot Like Me'. More Q.674. Who is the author of the book of the book ‘The Anarchy: The
books by Twinkle Khanna- “The Legend 'Why I am an Atheist'? SSC MTS Relentless Rise
of Lakshmi Prasad” , “Mrs Funnybones 27/10/2021 (Evening) of the East India Company’. More
(PB)” , “Pyjamas are forgiving”. (a) Jyotiba Phule famous books by him are- ‘Kohinoor:
(b) Raja Ram Mohan Roy The Story of the World’s Most Infamous
Q.671. Who among the following is the (c) Bhagat Singh Diamond’, ‘Return of a King’, ‘The Last
author of ‘Being Gandhi’? (d) BR Ambedkar Mughal’, ‘Nine Lives’, ‘White
SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Morning) Mughals’, ‘From the Holy Mountain’.
(a) Ashis Ray (b) Paro Anand Sol.(c) Bhagat Singh is the author of the
(c) Nirupama Yadav (d) V Pattabhi Ram book 'Why I am an Atheist. In 1926, Q.678. Who among the following is the
Bhagat Singh founded the 'Naujawan author of ‘Vishesh: Code To Win’? SSC
Sol.(b) Paro Anand is the author of the Bharat Sabha (Youth Society of India) MTS 2/1/2021 (Evening)
book ‘Being Gandhi’. She won the and joined the Hindustan Republican (a) Vishesh Bhriguvanshi
Sahitya Akademi Bal Sahitya Puruskar Association (later known as Hindustan (b) Chetan Anand
in 2017 for her anthology Wild Child Socialist Republican Association). (c) Nirupama Yadav
and Other Stories (now published as (d) Ashis Ray
"Like Smoke: 20 Teens 20 Stories''). Q.675. The first printed edition of the
Ramcharitmanas by Tulsidas was Sol.(c) Nirupama Yadav is the author of
Q.672. 'My Experiments With Truth' is published from ______ in 1810. ‘Vishesh: Code To Win’. Nirupama
an autobiography of: SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Morning) Yadav is a Basketball player.
SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Afternoon) (a) Delhi
(a) Bipin Chandra Pal (b) Calcutta/Kolkata FAMOUS PERSONALITY
(b) Subhash Chandra Bose (c) Madras/Chennai
(c) Mahatma Gandhi (d) Bombay/Mumbai Q679. ____was affectionately called
(d) Jawaharlal Nehru ‘Ba’.
Sol.(b) The first printed edition of the SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
Sol.(c) 'My Experiments With Truth' is Ramcharitmanas by Tulsidas was (a) Indira Gandhi
an autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi. published from Calcutta in 1810. (b) Kasturba Gandhi
List of Famous Books Written By (c) Vijayalaxmi Pandit
Mahatma Gandhi- ‘Inspirational Q.676. Willy Wonka is a fictional (d) Sarojini Naidu
Thoughts’, ‘The Bhagavad Gita character from the children's story book
According to Gandhi’, ‘The Essential '______'. SSC MTS 2/11/2021 Sol.(b) Kasturbai "Kasturba" Mohandas
Gandhi’, ‘Gandhi on Non-Violence’, (Morning) Gandhi was the wife of Mohandas
‘The Power of Nonviolent Resistance, (a) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Karamchand Gandhi.She was very
Selected Writings’ ’Mohandas Gandhi: (b) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory influenced by her husband Mohandas
Essential Writings’, ‘Hind Swaraj or (c) Matilda Karamchand Gandhi or Mahatma
Indian Home Rule’, ‘The Words of (d) Charlotte's Web Gandhi. In India Kasturba was referred
Gandhi’, ‘What is Hinduism?’, ‘Third to as "Ba" or Mother, because she served
Class in Indian Railways. Sol.(b) Willy Wonka is a fictional as mother of the ashrams in India.
character from the children's storybook
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Q.680. Who was affectionately called ‘
Q.673. Bhavartha Dipika and
The Grand Old Man of India’?
Amritanubhava are the sacred books of
Q.677. Who among the following is the SSC CGL 05/07/2019 (Morning)
the people of ______.
author of the book ‘The Anarchy: The (a) Dadabhai Naoroji
SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Evening)
(b) Lal Bahadur Shastri
(a) Haryana (b) Gujarat
(c) Rajendra Prasad Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 61

Pinnacle Static GK

(d) Bipin Chandra Pal (b) Bhim Rao Ambedkar (c) Atal Bihari Vajpayee
(c) Swami Vivekananda (d) BR Ambedkar
Sol.(a) Dadabhai was affectionately (d) Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
known as the Grand Old Man of India. Sol.688.(c) On the birth anniversary of
He is most famous for his drain of Sol.(d) Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi our former prime minister Atal Bihari
wealth theory.Dadabhai Naoroji, became
is known as the 'Father of the Nation' in Vajpayee Good Governance day is
the president of Indian National
Congress(INC) three times. India. celebrated every year on December 25.
It was established in 2014 to honour our
Q681. The famous mathematician Q685. Who among the following was former prime minister by inculcating
Srinivasa Ramanujan was born in: known as 'Andhra Kesari'? awareness among Indian People of
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 Evening (a) T. Prakasam accountability in Government.
(a) Madras (now Chennai) (b) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
(b) Kumbakonam (c) Mahatma Gandhi Q689. Who among the following
(c) Namakkal (d) Chittaranjan Das politicians used the title ‘Babu’ before
(d) Erode his name?
Sol.(a) Tanguturi Prakasam Pantulu was SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning)
Sol.(d) Srinivasa Ramanujan was an an Indian politician and freedom fighter, (a) K Kamraj (b) Jagjivan Ram
Indian mathematician born on 22 chief minister of the Madras Presidency, (c) JB Kripalani (d) Morarji Desai
December 1887 into a Tamil Brahmin and subsequently became the first chief
Iyengar family in Erode district in Tamil minister of the new Andhra state, created Sol.(b) Jagjivan Ram was a politician
Nadu. by the partition of Madras State along and an independence activist from
linguistic lines. He was also known as Bihar.He used the title “BABU” before
Q.682. Veteran freedom fighter, social Andhra Kesari. his name. He was the youngest minister
reformer and feminist Savithribai Phule in the Jawaharlal Nehru’s Interim
hailed from which of the following states Q.686. Jayaprakash Narayan was fondly government in 1946.
of India? known as:
SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Morning) SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) Q.690. How is Dhanpat Rai Srivastava
(a) Maharashtra (b) Odisha (a) Loknayak (b) Dinbandhu better known?
(c) Rajasthan (d) Gujarat (c) Deshbandhu (d) Rajarishi SSC CGL 17/08/21(Morning)
(a) Agyeya (b) Dinkar
Sol.(a) Savitribai phule was an indian Sol.(a) Jayprakash Narayan is known as (c) Nirala (d) Premchand
social reformer, educationist and poet JP or Lok Nayak. He is known for his
from Maharashtra. She was the first support in the quit india movement and Sol.(d) Dhanpat Rai Srivastava is better
female teacher of India. also known for his revolution against known as Premchand. Premchand was
Indira Gandhi government during mid an Indian writer known for his modern
Q683. Who among the following is 1970’s. Hindustani literature. Some of his works
known as the 'father of Muslim include Godaan, Karambhoomi, Gaban,
renaissance' in Bengal? Q687. Jayprakash Narayan was given Mansarovar, Idgah.
SSC CGL 4-3-2020 (Evening) the title of ‘______’.
(a) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) Q.691. Siddhendra Yogi, a doyen of the
(b) Amir Ali (a) Loknayak (b) Deenbandhu ______ dance form, was lauded as Adi
(c) Nawab Abdul latif khan (c) Jana Nayak (d) Deshbandhu Guru.
(d) nawab Sallimulah khan SSC CGL 18/08/21(Morning)
Sol.(a) Jay Prakash Narayan was a very (a) Bharatanatyam (b) Kuchipudi
Sol.(c) Father of Muslin Renaissance in popular leader among the masses. So he (c) Kathakali (d) Kathak
Bengal is Nawab Abdul Latif Khan. His was popularly known as Lok Nayak. For
title, Nawab, was awarded by the British his social work he was awarded Bharat Sol.(b) Siddhendra Yogi is a doyen of
in 1880. He was one of the first Muslim Ratna in 1999 after his death. the Kuchipudi dance form. He is the
in nineteenth centuary India to embrace author of 'Bhama Kalapam', the jewel of
the idea of modernization. Q.688. India observes ‘Good Kuchipudi and he is the one who
Governance Day’ on the birth brought a distinctive style to Kuchipudi.
Q684. Who is known as the 'Father of anniversary of ______. Kuchipudi is one of the eight major
the Nation' in India? SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) Indian classical dances and originated in
CHSL 18-03-2020 (Evening) (a) Jyoti Basu the state of Andhra Pradesh.
(a) Mahadev Govind Ranade (b) Jai Prakash Narayan Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 62

Pinnacle Static GK

Q.692. Ustad Iqbal Ahmed Khan, a

recipient of the Sangeet Natak Academy Sol.(a) Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali Khan Q.699. Mario de Miranda was a ______
Award, belongs to the ______ Gharana. was an Indian Hindustani classical from the state of Goa.
SSC CHSL 05/08/21 (Morning) vocalist from the Patiala gharana. SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Evening)
(a) Delhi (b) Jaipur-Atrauli (a) designer (b) vocalist
(c) Gwalior (d) Agra Q.696. Who among the following (c) cartoonist (d) poet
athletes was the first ever youth
Sol.(a) Ustad Iqbal Ahmed Khan, a ambassador of United Nations Sol.(c) Mario de Miranda was an Indian
recipient of the Sangeet Natak Academy International Children's Emergency cartoonist and painter based in Loutolim
Award, belongs to the Dilli Gharana. Fund (UNICEF) India? SSC CHSL in the Indian state of Goa.
The Delhi Gharana of tabla was founded 10/8/2021 (Morning)
in the early 18th century by Sidhar (a) Dutee Chand (b) KT Irfan Q.700. With which of the following
Khan. (c) Neeraj Chopra (d) Hima Das fields was Kishori Amonkar associated?
SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Afternoon)
Q.693. Who among the following Sol.(d) United Nations International (a) Indian classical music
politicians was the Home Minister of Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) (b) Western music
India in Rajiv Gandhi's cabinet from is a United Nations agency responsible (c) Indian classical dance
1986 to 1989? for providing humanitarian and (d) Indian classical instrument
SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Afternoon) developmental aid to children
(a) Madhavrao Scindia worldwide. UNICEF was created on Sol.(a) Kishori Amonkar was associated
(b) Ajit Kumar Panja December 11, 1946, in New York. Hima with the field of Indian classical music.
(c) Buta Singh Das appointed first ever youth She was a vocalist from Jaipur
(d) Ashoke Kumar Sen ambassador of UNICEF India.
Gharana(musical community). She was a
performer of the classical genre khyal
Sol.(c) Buta Singh was the Home Q.697. Who among the following
and the light classical genres thumri and
Minister of India in Rajiv Gandhi's singers was called ‘Mallika-e-Ghazal’ or
cabinet from 1986 to 1989. He was the the queen of Ghazal?
Union Home Minister of India, SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Afternoon)
Q.701. Rukmini Devi Arundale is
Governor of Bihar, and was chairman of (a) Iqbal Bano (b) Begum Akhtar
associated with which of the following
the National Commission for Scheduled (c) Suraiya (d) Roshan Ara Begum
dance forms?
Castes from 2007 to 2010. SSC MTS 08/10/21(evening)
Sol.(b) Begum Akhtar was an Indian
(a) Kathakali (b) Bharatnatyam
Q.694. With which of the following singer and actress. She is regarded as
(c) Kathak (d) Kuchipudi
musical instruments is the musician one of the greatest singers of ghazal,
Zakir Hussain associated? SSC CHSL Dadra, and thumri genres of Hindustani
Sol.(b) Rukmini Devi Arundale is
6/8/2021 (Afternoon) classical music. She was also called
associated with Bharatnatyam dance
(a) Tabla (b) Tanpura ‘Mallika-e-Ghazal’ or the queen of
Ghazal. forms. Rukmini Devi Arundale was an
(c) Vichitra veena (d) Dhol
Indian classical dancer who led the
Q.698. With which of the following renaissance of the 'Bharatnatyam' dance
Sol.(a) Zakir Hussain is India's most
literary magazines was poet and writer form and founded the Kalakshetra
famous tabla player. He is a recipient of
Amrita Pritam associated? Foundation in Madras (now Chennai).
the Padma Bhushan, Padma Shri and the
Sangeet Natak Akademi Award. He is SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Morning)
(a) Shabad (b) Nagmani Q.702. Who among the following was
additionally a composer, percussionist,
(c) Awaaz (d) Preetlari the prime minister of India in 1978?
music producer and film actor.
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Morning)
Sol(b) Amrita Pritam was an Indian (a) Gulzari Lal Nanda
Q.695. To which of the following
novelist, essayist and poet, who wrote in (b) Charan Singh
Gharanas did the Hindustani classical
Punjabi and Hindi. She is considered the (c) Lal Bahadur Shastri
vocalist Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali Khan
first prominent female Punjabi poet, (d) Morarji Desai
SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Morning) novelist, essayist and the leading
20th-century poet of the Punjabi Sol.(d) Morarji Desai was the prime
(a) Patiala Gharana
language. She edited Nagmani, a minister of India in 1978. He was
(b) Jaipur-Atrauli Gharana
(c) Kirana Gharana monthly literary magazine in Punjabi for leading the government formed by the
(d) Gwalior Gharana several years. Janata Party. He is the oldest person to Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 63

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hold the office of prime minister, at the effect by Indian physicist Sir
age of 81, in the history of Indian Sol.(c) 400-meter Indian runner Prachi C.V.Raman on 28 February 1928.
politics. Choudhary, is from Uttar Pradesh. 15 March-World Consumer Rights Day

Q.703. Who among the following is an Q.707. Ustad Bismillah Khan was Q711. When is World Hypertension Day
international shooting player? famous for playing which musical celebrated?
SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Morning) instrument? SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (morning)
(a) Jamuna Boro SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Afternoon) (a) 23rd January (b) 17th May
(b) Manju Rani (a) santoor (b) sita (c) 16th February (d) 14th April
(c) Laishram Sarita Devi (c) shehnai (d) tabla
(d) Anjum Moudgil Sol.(b) 17th May is celebrated as World
Sol.(c) Ustad Bismillah Khan was Hypertension Day
Sol.(d) Anjum Moudgil is an famous for playing shehnai. He was 23 January is celebrated as Parakram
international shooting player. Indian awarded India's highest civilian honour, Diwas to honor the freedom fighter,
shooter Anjum Moudgil won two silver the Bharat Ratna, in 2001. Subash Chandra Bose.
medals in the 10m air rifle events 14 April is the birthday of Bhimrao
(individual & team) at the prestigious Ambedkar. It is celebrated as Ambedkar
ISSF World Championships in 2018 in
Changwon, South Korea. Q.708. The ‘World Blood Donor Day’
Q.712. When is the national Science day
was celebrated around the world on
celebrated to commemorate the
Q.704. Who among the following is a __________ 2019 with the theme ‘Safe
contribution of CV Raman?
famous Santoor player? Blood For All’.
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening)
SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Evening) SSC-CHSL 2/07/2019 (evening)
(a) 28 February (b) 14 February
(a) Pandit Shivkumar Sharma (a) 16th March (b) 29th April
(c) 19 December (d) 16 November
(b) Pandit Ravi Shankar (c) 14th June (d) 25th May
(c) Ustad Bismillah Khan
Sol.(a) National Science Day is
(d) Ustad Zakir Hussain Sol.(c) The ‘World Blood Donor Day’
celebrated in India on 28 February each
was celebrated around the world every
year to mark the discovery of the Raman
Sol.(a) Pandit Shivkumar Sharma is a year on 14 June, 2019 with the theme
effect by Indian physicist Sir C. V.
famous Santoor player. Pandit Ravi ‘Safe Blood For All’.
Raman on 28 February 1928. For his
Shankar is a famous sitar player. Ustad
discovery, Sir C.V. Raman was awarded
Bismillah Khan was a famous shehnai Q709. When is the World Thyroid Day
the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930.
player. Ustad Zakir Hussain is an Indian observed every year?
tabla virtuoso. SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning)
Q713. The birth anniversary of_____is
(a) 5th September (b) 25th May
celebrated as 'International Nurses Day'
(c) 15th January (d) 25th October
Q.705. With which of the following every year.
language films is the eminent music SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Evening)
Sol.(b) World Thyroid Day-25th May
composer Ilaiyaraaja primarily (a) Clara Barton
World thyroid awareness week-25 may
associated? (b) Alice Walker
-31 may
SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Evening) (c) Florence Nightingale
(theme-thyroid tissue :mother and baby)
(a) Kannada (b) Telugu (d) Mother Teresa
National teachers’ day- 5th September /
(c) Malayalam (d) Tamil
5 िसतंबर
Sol..(c) International Nurses Day is
National Army Day- 15th January / 15
Sol.(d) Ilaiyaraaja (R. Gnanathesikan) is observed on 12th May. It is celebrated to
primarily associated with Tamil honour the birth anniversary of Florence
Language films. He is an Indian film Nightingale and to thank all the nursing
Q.710. When is National Science Day
composer, conductor-arranger, singer, staff for their tireless efforts and their
observed in India every year?
and lyricist. contributions.
SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon)
(a) 15th March (b) 2nd January
Q.706. 400-metre Indian runner Prachi Q.714. When is 'International Ozone
(c) 5th May (d) 28th February
Choudhary, is from which state? Day' celebrated?
SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Evening) CHSL 17-03-2020 (Morning)
Sol.(d) National Science Day is
(a) Rajasthan (b) Madhya Pradesh (a) 2 October (b) 31 October
celebrated in India on 28 February each
(c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Maharashtra (c) 9 August (d) 16 September
year to mark the discovery of the Raman Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 64

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(c) 12 May (d) 24 January

Sol.(d) In 1994, the United Nations Sol.(d) National Voters Day is observed
General Assembly proclaimed 16 Sol.(d) On 24 January is the National on 25 January by the Election
September the International Day for the Girl Child Day observed annually in Commission of India. The objective of
Preservation of the Ozone Layer, India. It was started by the Ministry of this day is to encourage young voters to
commemorating the date of the signing, Women and Child Development and the take part in the political process. It was
in 1987, of the Montreal Protocol on Government of India in 2008. The started on 26 January 2011 to mark the
Substances that deplete the Ozone layer. purpose of the celebration is to spread Election Commission’s foundation.
awareness among people about all the
Q715. Whose birth anniversary is inequalities faced by girls in Indian Q.724. The birth anniversary of ______
celebrated as National Sports Day every society. was observed as ‘Rashtriya Ekta Diwas’
year on 29 August? (National
CHSL 15-10-2020 (Evening) Q.720. When is the Hindi Diwas Unity Day) on 31st October 2020.
(a) Dhyan Chand observed annually? SSC CGL 24/08/21(Afternoon)
(b) Ranjitsinhji Vibhaji Jadeja SSC CGL 16/08/21(Afternoon) (a) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) Dilip Sardesai (a) 14 March (b) 6 April (b) Rajendra Prasad
(d) PT Usha (c) 14 September (d) 2 October (c) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(d) Indira Gandhi
Sol.(a) The birth anniversary of Major Sol.(c) The Hindi Diwas is observed
Dhyan Chand is celebrated as National annually on 14 September and aims to Sol.(c) The birth anniversary of Sardar
Sports Day every year on 29 August. raise awareness about the language and Vallabhbhai Patel was observed as
also commemorate the event when Hindi ‘Rashtriya Ekta Divas (National Unity
Q.716. Which day is celebrated every was adopted as one of the official Day) on 31st October 2020. It was
year as ‘World Environment Day’? languages of India. introduced in 2014 by the government of
CHSL 15-10-2020 (Evening) India. Sardar Patel was an Indian
(a) 5th April (b) 5th May Q.721. When is the statehood day of Politician from Gujrat and served as the
(c) 5th June (d) 5th March Tripura observed? First Deputy Prime Minister and first
SSC CGL 16/08/21(Evening) home minister of India from 1947 to
Sol.(c) every year as ‘World (a) 21 January (b) 12 March 1950. He played a leading role in the
Environment Day’. (c) 21 February (d) 3 October country’s struggle for independence.

Q717. India’s ‘National Sports Day’ Sol.(a) Tripura was conferred statehood Q.725. When is Martyr’s Day observed
coincides with the birthday of which on 21 January. January 21, 2021 marked in India every year?
sportsperson? the 49th statehood day of northeastern SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Morning)
CHSL 16-10-2020 (Evening) states Manipur, Tripura, and Meghalaya. (a) 12 March (b) 19 September
(a) Milkha Singh(b) Syed Abdul Rahim (c) 25 October (d) 30 January
(c) Kapil Dev (d) Dhyan Chand Q.722. On which of the following days
is National Disaster Response Force Sol.(d) 30th January is observed as
Sol.(d) India’s ‘National Sports Day’ Raising Day celebrated annually? Martyr’s Day in India every year. The
coincides with the birthday of Major SSC CGL 18/08/21(Evening) date was chosen as it marks the
Dhyan Chand (a) 21 September (b) 23 October assassination of Mohandas Karamchand
(c) 19 January (d) 6 March Gandhi in 1948, by Nathuram Godse.
Q.718. On which date International Day
of Biological Diversity is celebrated? Sol.(c) National Disaster Response Q.726. On which of the following dates
CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) Force came into existence on January is the Good Governance Day observed in
(a) 22nd June (b) 20th May 19, 2006. NDRF celebrates its raising India every year?
(c) 17th May (d) 22nd May day annually on 19 January. This year it SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Afternoon)
celebrated its 16th anniversary. (a) 12 September (b) 4 October
Sol.(d) International Day of Biological (c) 25 December (d) 5 July
Diversity is celebrated on 22nd May. Q.723. When is the National Voters Day
observed by the Election Commission of Sol.(c) Good Governance Day is
Q.719. When is National Girl Child Day India? observed in India annually on 25
observed annually in India? SSC CGL 24/08/21(Afternoon) December, the birth anniversary of
SSC CGL 16/08/21(Morning) (a) 6 May (b) 26 June former-Prime Minister Atal Bihari
(a) 5 June (b) 9 September (c) 15 August (d) 25 January Vajpayee. Good Governance Day was Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 65

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established in 2014 to honor Prime the study and treatment of thyroid atone for their sins. This is the
Minister Vajpayee by fostering diseases worldwide. significance of Pateti.
awareness among the Indian people of 17th June– World Day to Combat
accountability in government. Desertification and Drought. Q.734. When is National Consumer Day
23rd March– World Meteorological Day. observed in India?
Q.727. Good Governance Day is SSC MTS 11/10/21(Evening)
observed annually on 25 December on Q.731. When is the National Consumer (a) 26th December
the birth anniversary of Rights Day observed in India every (b) 24th December
______. year? (c) 24th November
SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Evening) SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Morning) (d) 26th November
(a) Atal Bihari Vajpayee (a) 13 March (b) 2 October
(b) Rajiv Gandhi (c) 24 December (d) 24 November Sol.(b) National Consumer Day is
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru observed on 24th December. On this day
(d) PV Narasimha Rao Sol.(c) National consumer day is the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 had
celebrated every year on 24th December. received the assent of the president.
Sol.(a) Good Governance Day is This day was made to protect consumers'
observed annually on 25 December on rights and to make people aware of it. Q.735. When is National Handloom Day
the birth anniversary of Atal Bihari celebrated?
Vajpayee. It was established in 2014 to Q.732. Statistics Day of India is SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Morning)
honor Prime Minister Vajpayee by celebrated each year on 29 June to mark (a) 23rd August (b) 18th November
fostering awareness among the Indian the birth anniversary of: (c) 15th September (d) 7th August
people of accountability in government. SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Afternoon)
(a) KC Sreedharan Pillai Sol.(d) National Handloom Day
Q.728. Which day in May 2020 was (b) CR Rao celebrated on 7th August. National
observed as 'International Tea Day'? (c) Raghu Raj Bahadur Handloom Day is celebrated to mark the
SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Morning) (d) PC Mahalanobis beginning of Swadeshi Andolan on
(a) 21 May (b) 1 May
August 7, 1905. In 2021 the theme of the
(c) 15 May (d) 23 May Sol.(d) Statistics Day of India is day was – “Hand Loom – An Indian
celebrated each year on 29 June to mark Legacy.”
Sol.(a) 21 May is observed as the birth anniversary of PC Mahalanobis.
International Tea Day every year. National Statistics Day was first Q.736. When is World Nature
celebrated on 29th December 2007. The Conservation Day observed?
Q.729. On which of the following days
contribution of Late Professor Prasanta SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Morning)
is World Computer Literacy Day
Chandra Mahalanobis in the field of (a) 12th July (b) 5th August
economic planning and statistical (c) 28th July (d) 30th May
SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Evening)
development was outstanding and hence
(a) 5 June (b) 2 December
his birth anniversary is celebrated as Sol.(c) World Nature Conservation Day
(c) 13 May (d) 30 September
National Statistics Day. is observed every year on July 28 to
Sol.(b) December 2: World Computer raise awareness to protect Mother Earth.
Literacy Day. Q.733. 'Pateti' or the day of repentance is The theme for this year's World Nature
June 5: World Environment Day. an important day of the ______ calendar. Conservation Day 2021 is "Forests and
30 September: International Translation SSC MTS 08/10/21 (Afternoon) Livelihoods: Sustaining People and
Day. (a) Parsi (b) Buddhist Planet".
(c) Jain (d) Christian
Q.730. World Thyroid Day is observed Q.737. On which of the following dates
on ______. Sol.(a) 'Pateti' or the day of repentance is is International Tiger Day observed?
SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Afternoon) an important day of the Parsi calendar. SSC MTS 2/1/2021 (Evening)
(a) 30th April (b) 17th June On the day Of Pateti, the Parsi people (a) 12th May (b) 10th January
(c) 25th May (d) 23rd March promise to be good in thought, deed, and (c) 5th November (d) 29th July
actions in the future. It is an important
Sol.(c) World Thyroid Day is celebrated day for Parsis and provides them a Sol.(d) International Tiger Day is
on May 25th. It is dedicated to thyroid chance to start new and begin fresh. celebrated on July 29 every year. The
patients and to all who are committed to They think about all the wrongs which theme for the 2021 International Tiger
they have done in the previous year and Day is “Their survival is in our Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 66

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hands”.“Project Tiger” launched on 1st modernized by the Airports Authority of Borra caves are located on the east coast
April 1973. The highest number of India (AAI). of India in the ananthagiri hills of Araku
tigers as recorded in the last census in valley ,visakhapatnam Andhra pradesh.
2018 is in the state of Madhya Pradesh. Q741. Sanjhi Art is associated with
which of the following states of India? Q745. Paithani Saree belongs to the state
STATES GK SSC CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon) of_____.
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Rajasthan SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening)
(c) West Bengal (d) Gujarat (a) Maharashtra (b) Karnataka
Q.738. Which of the following states is
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Kerala
NOT famous for the Bhut Jolokia
Sol.(a) Sanjhi is associated to Uttar
Pradesh mainly in Mathura and Sol.(a) Paithani sari is named after the
SSC CPO 16/03/19 (Evening)
Vrindavan. Paithan town in Aurangabad from the
(a) Odisha (b) Nagaland
The term Sanjhi is derived from Sanjh or state of Maharashtra where the saree was
(c) Manipur (d) Assam
dusk. It is related to the ritualistic first made by hand. Present day Yeola
practice of unveiling the rangoli in the town in Nashik, Maharashtra is the
Sol.(a) Odisha is not famous for the Bhut
temples with chanting at dusk. largest manufacturer of Paithani.
Jolokia pepper. Nagaland and Assam are
famous for the Bhut Jolokia pepper. The
Q.742. Which of the following states is Q.746. The hill station of Chail is
Bhut jolokia also known as ghost pepper,
the biggest Jute producer in India? located in __________.
ghost chili and ghost jolokia, is an
SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning) SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning)
interspecific hybrid chili pepper
(a) West Bengal (b) Nagaland (a) Himachal Pradesh
cultivated in the Northeast Indian states
(c) Karnataka (d) Rajasthan (b) Uttar Pradesh
of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland
(c) Arunachal Pradesh
and Manipur. It is a hybrid of Capsicum
Sol.(a) West Bengal is the largest jute (d) Madhya Pradesh
chinense and Capsicum frutescens and is
producer state in India.
closely related to the Naga Morich of
Sol.(a) Chail is a hill station in Himachal
Nagaland and Bangladesh
Q743. Which of the districts listed as Pradesh, India.. It is known for its
options is not one of the three districts in salubrious beauty and forests and also
Q.739.Which day has been proclaimed
the Chambal division of the state of well known for its architecture:
as The International Day for Biological
Madhya Pradesh?
Diversity (IDB) to increase
SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning) Q747. Which of the following is the
understanding and awareness of
(a) Bhind (b) Chhindwara capital of the Union Territory Dadra and
biodiversity issues by The United
(c) Sheopur (d) Morena Nagar Haveli?
SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning)
SSC-CHSL 3/07/2019 (Evening)
Sol.(b) Chambal division is a part of (a) Port Blair (b) Kavaratti
(a) 18 October (b) 10 November
Chambal Valley of Madhya Pradesh. The (c) Daman (d) Silvassa
(c) 24 April (d) 22 May
three districts of Madhya Pradesh
Sheopur, Morena and Bhind are under Sol.(d) The capital of the Union
Sol.(d) 22 May has been proclaimed as
Chambal division. Territory Dadra and Nagar Haveli is
the International day for Biological
Diversity to increase understanding and
Q.744. Which one of the following
awareness of Biodiversity Issues.
caves is situated in Maharashtra? Q.748. Jawaharlal Nehru port is located
SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening) in:
Q.740. In which city of India would you
(a)Badami (b)Amarnath SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon)
find the Swami Vivekananda Airport?
(c)Ellora (d)Borra (a) Kerala (b) Maharashtra
SSC CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon)
(c) Andhra Pradesh (d) West Bengal
(a) Kanyakumari (b) Raipur
Sol.(c) Ellora cave is located in
(c) Ranchi (d) Durgapur
Aurangabad district of is Sol.(b) Jawaharlal Nehru Port also
also listed in UNESCO world heritage known as Nhava Sheva Port, is the
Sol.(b) The airport at Raipur in
site. largest container port in India.Located
Chattisgarh is known as Swami
Badami cave is a hindu and jain cave east of Mumbai in Navi Mumbai’s
Vivekananda Airport and is located
temple located in Badami of Karnataka. Raigad district, this port on the Arabian
around 15 km south of Raipur. Earlier
Amarnath is a hindu shrine located in Sea is accessed via Thane Creek.
called as Mana airport, the Airport is one
of the 35 non-metro airports, recently Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 67

Pinnacle Static GK

Q749. The National Institute of Mental Sol.753.(b) Gol Gumbaz at Bijapur is the
Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS) mausoleum of king Ibrahim Adil Shah Q757. Which of the following
is located in: II, Adil Shah Dynasty. Construction of Monument-Place pairs is correct ?
SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (Evening) the tomb, located in SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning)
(a) Bengaluru (b) Puducherry Vijayapura,Karnataka, India, was started (a)Hawa Mahal - Punjab
(c) Kolkata (d) Indore in 1626 and completed in 1656. The (b)Victoria Mahal - West Bengal
name is based on Gola gummata derived (c)Nalanda - Assam
Sol.(a) National Institute of Mental from Gol Gumbad meaning "circular (d)Lal Kila - Uttar Pradesh
Health and Neuro Sciences is located in dome".
Bengaluru. It is a multidisciplinary Sol.(b) The Victoria Memorial is a large
institute for patient care and academic Q.754. What was the name of the only marble building in Kolkata, West
pursuit in the field of mental health and female Orangutan of India which died in Bengal, India, which was built between
neurosciences. the zoo of Odisha ? 1906 and 1921. It is dedicated to the
SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening) memory of Queen Victoria and is now a
Q.750. The Hill station of Matheran is (a)Pinny (b)Tinny museum and tourist destination under
located in ______. (c)Binny (d)Ginny the auspices of the Ministry of Culture.
(a) Maharashtra (b) Manipur Sol(c) A 41-year-old orangutan at Q.758. Which of the following is NOT a
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Kerala Odisha's Nandankanan Zoological Park twin city of India? /
was the only female orangutan which SSC CGL 4/3/2020 (afternoon)
Sol.(a) The Hill station of Matheran is died in the zoo of Odisha. She had (a) Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar
located in the Raigad district of respiratory tract infection. (b) Hubli and Dharwad
Maharashtra. (c) Thrissur and Thiruvalla
Q755. Red Panda is a state animal of (d) Cuttack and Bhubaneswar
Q751. The Khurja pottery is associated which of the following state?
with which state of India? SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) Sol.(c) As per Government of India
CHSL 10 JULY 2019 MORNING (a) Mizoram (b) Manipur there is no special definition of twin city
(a) Andhra Pradesh (c) Meghalaya (d) Sikkim in India but due to the location of the
(b) Uttar Pradesh cities and the culture,tradition, festivals,
(c) Madhya Pradesh Sol.(d) The red panda is a mammal language etc experienced by the people
(d) Himachal Pradesh native to the eastern Himalayas and are same so the cities are called as twin
southwestern China. It is listed as cities. Some famous twin cities of India
Sol.(b) Khurja pottery is traditional Endangered on the IUCN Red List are:
Indian pottery work manufactured in because the wild population is estimated • Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar
Khurja of the Bulandshahr district in at fewer than 10,000 mature individuals • Cuttack and Bhubaneswar
Uttar is also tagged with and continues to decline due to habitat • Munger and Jamalpur
geographical indications. loss and fragmentation, poaching, and • Hubli and Dharwad
inbreeding depression. • Hyderabad and Secunderabad
Q.752. Blue Jay or Indian Roller is the • Vijayawada and Amaravati
state bird of how many Indian states? Q.756. In which city of India is the • Kochi and Ernakulam
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning) multi-art complex called Bharat Bhavan • Kolkata and Howrah
(a) 4 (b) 5 located? It was inaugurated by the then • Mumbai, Thane
(c) 2 (d) 3 Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi in • Jalpaiguri and Siliguri,
1982. • Ranchi and Hatia
Sol.(d) The Indian roller has been SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening)
chosen as the state bird by the Indian (a) Lucknow (b) Bhopal Q759. Minhaj-i-Siraj, a chronicler used
states of Odisha, Karnataka and (c) Banglore (d) Pune the term “Hindustan” to represent the
Telangana. areas of _______.
Sol.(b) Bharat Bhavan is an autonomous SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Q753. In which state of India is Gol multi-arts complex and museum in the (a) Afghanistan, Iran, and India
Gumbaz situated ? state of capital Bhopal, established and (b)Punjab, Haryana and lands between
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon) funded by the Government of Madhya Ganga and Yamuna
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Karnataka Pradesh. Inaugurated in 1982 by the then (c) Central India and Deccan
(c) Maharashtra (d) Kerala Prime Minister of India - Mrs. Indira (d) Punjab and Sindh
Gandhi. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 68

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Sol.(b) The term Minhaj-i-Siraj means Q.764. In which year did Telangana CHSL 13/10/2020 (Evening)
the areas of Punjab, Haryana and the become the 29th state of India? (a) Sikkim (b) Tamil Nadu
lands between the Ganga and Yamuna. CHSL 18-03-2020 (Afternoon) (c) Kerala (d) Odisha
(a) 2011 (b) 2002
Q.760. Amaravati Stupa is located in (c) 2004 (d) 2014 Sol.(a) As per state census 2011, Uttar
which state of India? Pradesh is the most populous state and
SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon) Sol.(d) In 2014, Telangana became the Sikkim is the least populous state in
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Chhattisgarh 29th state of India after bifurcation from India.
(c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Maharashtra Andhra Pradesh.
Q769. As per Census 2011, which of the
Sol.(c) The Amarāvatī Stupa, popularly Q765. Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant following is the most thickly populated
known as the great stūpa at Amarāvathī, in Tamil Nadu is set up in collaboration state in India?
is a ruined Buddhist monument, with: CHSL 14/10/2020 (Evening)
probably built in phases between the CHSL 18-03-2020 (Evening) (a) Bihar (b) West Bengal
third century BCE and about 250 CE, at (a) US (b) France (c) Goa (d) Maharashtra
Amaravathi village, Guntur district, (c) Russia (d) Australia/
Andhra Pradesh, India. Sol.(a) As per Census 2011, Bihar is the
Sol.(c) The Kudankulam Nuclear Power most thickly populated state in India.
Q761. Which state of India is given the Plant in Tamil Nadu is a joint venture
popular name of ‘India’s bread- basket’? between India and Russia. Q.770. In which of the following
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 Morning states/union territories are you more
(a) Punjab (b) Maharashtra Q.766. Salsette Island is situated in likely to find the natural habitat of the
(c) Assam (d) Uttar Pradesh which state of India? one-horned rhinoceros (Indian Rhino)?
CHSL 19-03-2020 (Afternoon) CHSL 15-10-2020 (Evening)
Sol.(a) Punjab is known as ‘India’s (a) Tamil Nadu (b) Andhra Pradesh (a) Sikkim (b) Jammu & Kashmir
Granary’ or ‘India’s bread and basket’ (c) Maharashtra (d) Kerala (c) Assam (d) Ladakh
because it has the most fertile land
which has five tributaries of River Indus Sol.(c) Salsette island is an island in the Sol.(c) Kaziranga National Park of
flowing through it. state of Maharashtra on India’s west Assam is a World Heritage Site and the
coast. The metropolis of Mumbai and natural habitat of the one-horned
Q.762. Which city of India is known as the cities of Thane and Mira-Bhayander rhinoceros (Indian Rhino).
'Athens of the East'? lie on it, making it very populous and
SSC CGL 4/3/2020 (afternoon) one of the most densely populated Q771. Tagore Centre for the Study of
(a) Allahabad (b) Patna islands in the world. Culture and Civilization is located in
(c) Madurai (d) Kochi ______.
Q767. Vivekananda Rock Memorial is in CHSL 15-10-2020 (Morning)
Sol.(c) Madurai is called “The Athens which state of India? (a) Madhya Prades
of the East” due to similarities with CHSL 19-03-2020 (Afternoon) (b) Himachal Pradesh
Athens. Situated on the banks of river (a) Tamil Nadu (b) Maharashtra (c) West Bengal
Vaigai, Madurai has a rich cultural (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Kerala (d) Andhra Pradesh
heritage passed on from the great Tamil
era more than 2500 years old. Sol.(a) Vivekananda Rock Memorial is Sol.(b) Tagore Centre for the Study of
a popular tourist monument in Vavaturai, Culture and Civilization is located in
Q763. ______ is also known as the Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu. It was built Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. The
'Golden City'. in 1970 in honour of Swami objectives of the Centre include: to
SSC CGL 5/3/2020 (afternoon) Vivekananda who is said to have encourage the study of Tagore’s work;
(a) Jaisalmer (b) Jodhpur attained enlightenment on the rock. support translations of Tagore’s work
(c) Dungarpur (d) Bundi According to the local legends, it was on into other Indian languages; promote
this rock that Goddess Kumari comparative study of his work with
Sol.(a) 'Jaisalmer' means “the Hill Fort performed tapas in devotion to Lord poets, artists and writers in other parts of
of Jaisal”. Jaisalmer is also known as Shiva. India and the world; study the elements
“Golden City of India”. of his Humanist philosophy and his
Jodhpur is known as a blue city. Q.768. As per state census 2011, which cosmopolitanism; and explore his
of the following is the least populous concerns regarding the relationship
state of India? between science and society. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 69

Pinnacle Static GK

Sol.(c) Paika akhada is an Odia term

Q.772. Which of the following tiger Q777. Which state in India was the first meaning “warrior gymnasium”. In
reserves is NOT located in Karnataka? to introduce the 'Mid-day Meal Scheme' former times, they served as the training
CHSL 26-10-2020 (Morning) for school schools of the peasant-militias in Odisha.
(a) Bhadra (b) Pench children? Gatka is the name of an Indian martial
(c) Dandeli-Anshi (d) Nagarhole CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) art associated with the Sikhs of the
(a) Maharashtra (b) Gujarat Punjab who practice an early variant of
Sol.(b)Pench National Park is in Madhya (c) Tamil Nadu (d) Kerala the martial art. It is a style of
Pradesh. stick-fighting, with wooden sticks
Sol.(c) In 1956, the first 'Mid-day Meal intended to simulate swords.
Q773. The Buddhist sites Vaishali and Scheme' was launched in Tamil Nadu for Kalaripayattu is an Indian martial art and
Nalanda are situated in which of the school children. fighting style that originated in
following states? modern-day Kerala.
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Morning) Q.778. The Indian Government annexed Silambam is a weapon-based Indian
(a) Chhattisgar (b) Bihar/ ______ in 1948 under the code name martial art originating in modern-day
(c) Telangana (d) Odisha 'Operation Polo'. Tamil Nadu.
CHSL 20-10-2020 (Evening)
Sol.(b) The Buddhist sites Vaishali and (a) Hyderabad (b) Gwalior Q.782. At which place was the Saffron
Nalanda are situated in Bihar. (c) Mysore (d) Baroda Mission initiated in 2010?
CHSL 26-10-2020 (Evening)
Q774. Which of the following places in Sol.(a) Operation Polo was the code (a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Karnataka
India would you visit to see Mughal name of the Hyderabad “police action” (c) Jammu and Kashmir (d) Haryana
emperor in September 1948, by the then newly
Humayun's library? independent Dominion of India against Sol.(c) The Saffron Mission was
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening) Hyderabad State. It was a military initiated in 2010 with the objective of
(a) Aurangabad (b) Agra operation in which the Indian Armed increasing saffron production, quality
(c) Aligarh (d) New Delhi Forces invaded the Nizam-ruled princely and boosting the growers income. It was
state, annexing it into the Indian Union. aimed to employ scientific techniques to
Sol.(d) Sher Mandal or Humayun’s rejuvenate saffron bulbs as well as to
library is a 16th century historic building Q779. Yadgir, Bidar and Gadag are provide groundwater irrigation through
within the Purana Qila fort located in districts in the state of ______. borewells and sprinklers, power tillers
Delhi, India. CHSL 20-10-2020 (Evening) and a high-tech saffron park with
(a) Karnataka (b) Tamil Nadu mechanised processing as well as a
Q775. At which of the following hill (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Kerala testing laboratory and e-trading facility.
stations can tourists visiting in winter
experience living Sol.(a) Yadgir, Bidar and Gadag are Q783. ‘Kalamezhuthu' is a ritual art
in igloos? districts in the state of Karnataka. form found in:
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening) CHSL 26-10-2020 (Evening)
(a) Nainital (b) Shimla Q780. National Highway 18 does NOT (a) Maharashtra (b) Kerala
(c) Kashmir (d) Manali pass through which of the following (c) Karnataka (d) Tamil Nadu
Sol.(d) In Manali, tourists visiting in CHSL 21-10-2020 (Morning) Sol.(b) Kalamezhuthu is an ancient art
winter experience living in igloos. (a) Bihar (b) West Bengal woven into the ritualistic mores of
(c) Odisha (d) Jharkhand Bhagavati, Naga and Ayyappa temples
Q.776. The Char-Dham Highway in Kerala. It refers to the pictorial
Project will connect four holy places: Sol.(a) NH 18 passes through the states representation of deities on the floor
Yamunotri, Gangotri, of West Bengal, Jharkhand and Odisha. using coloured powders during
Kedarnath and Badrinath. To which ceremonies.
Indian state do these places belong? Q781. Which of the following forms of
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening) martial arts is from Kerala? Q.784. ‘Aloo Posto’ is a traditional
(a) Uttarakhand (b) Madhya Pradesh CHSL 21-10-2020 (Afternoon) delicacy of which state of India?
(c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Jharkhand (a) Paika Akhada (b) Gatka SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning)
(c) Kalarippayattu (d) Silambam (a) Haryana (b) Uttarakhand
Sol.(a) Yamunotri, Gangotri, Kedarnath (c) Gujarat (d) West Bengal
and Badrinath are present in Uttrakhand. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 70

Pinnacle Static GK

Sol.(d) Aloo posto is a famous delicious world and it has been certified by the SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning)
dish of West Bengal. Guinness World Records as the largest (a) Kolkata (b) New Delhi
studio complex in the world.It was built (c) Prayagraj (d) Mumbai
Q785. Which of the following states was by Telugu film producer Ramoji Rao in
formed in the year 2000? 1966.The Guardian described Ramoji Sol.(b) Nehru Memorial Museum and
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) film city as a city within the city. Library is located in New Delhi.It aims
(a) Odisha (b) Uttarakhand to preserve and reconstruct the history of
(c) Goa (d) Sikkim Q789. The Silent Valley Movement was Indian Independence Movement.
started in 1973 in the state of:
Sol.(b) Three states were formed in 2000 SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning) Q793. Which of the following states
Uttarakhand, Chhattisgarh and (a) Kerala (b) Himachal Pradesh came into being as the 23rd, 24th and
jharkhand. Uttarakhand was the part of (c) Odisha (d) Andhra Pradesh 25th states of the Indian Union in 1987?
Uttar pradesh. Chhattisgarh was the part SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning)
of Madhya Pradesh and Jharkhand was Sol.(a) The Silent Valley Movement was (a) Uttarakhand, Jharkhand,
the part of Bihar. started in 1973 in the state of Kerala.It Chhattisgarh
was started in 1973 and was led by (b) Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan
Q.786. The Barabati Sports Stadium is school teachers and the Kerala Sastra (c) Manipur, Tripura, Meghalaya
located in the state of: Sahitya Parishad (KSSP). Their main (d) Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, Goa
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) motive was to save the Silent valley
(a) Goa (b) Himachal Pradesh from being flooded by a Hydroelectric Sol.(d) Goa (1987): Even after the indian
(c) Assam (d) Odisha project.This Valley was also declared as independence this state was under the
Silent valley National park in 1985. rule as Portuguese colony but liberated
Sol.(d) The Barabati sports stadium is in by the Indian Army in 1961 made an
Cuttack in Odisha. It was established in Q790. Vailankanni (Velankanni) is a Union Territory, along with Daman and
1958 by the Odisha cricket association. pilgrim centre located in the ______ Diu. The state of Goa was formed on 30
This stadium organises football events district of Tamil Nadu. May 1987. Arunachal Pradesh (1987): In
such as santosh trophy and several SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning) 1972, it became a Union Territory and in
one-day international and national (a) Theni (b) Salem 1987 became an independent state of
cricket leagues. (c) Nagapattinam (d) Madurai India with Itanagar as its capital.
Mizoram (1987): It got statehood on 20
Q787. In which state is the hill station Sol.(c) Vailankanni (Velankanni) is a February 1987. Initially it was a district
Matheran located? pilgrim centre located in the of Assam. In 1972 it was declared a
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) Nagapattinam district of Tamilnadu. It is Union Territory but Mizo National Front
(a) Maharashtra (b) Madhya Pradesh also known as the Lourdes of the East. opposed it and later on it got full
(c) Karnataka (d) Tamil Nadu This city is famous for the church of statehood.
Mother Mary. It is also famous for its
Sol.(a) Matheran also known as the handlooms and silk. Q.794. ______ is famous for Muga silk.
cutest hill station of India.It is located on CHSL 26-10-2020 (Morning)
the western ghats at an elevation of Q791. The longest continuous wall in (a) Nagaland (b) Assam
around 2625 feet above sea level in India, the second longest in the world, is (c) Odisha (d) Manipur
Raigad District of Maharashtra. at ______ Fort.
Matheran means “Forest on the SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) Sol.(b) Muga silk is a variety of wild
forehead”. It is an eco sensitive region (a) Kumbhalgarh (b) Chittorgarh silk geographically tagged to the state of
declared by the Indian Government. It is (c) Mehrangarh (d) Kangra Assam in India. The silk is known for its
Asia’s only automobile free Hill Station. extreme durability and has a natural
Sol.(a) The longest continuous wall in yellowish-golden tint with a
Q.788. ‘Ramoji Film City’ is located India, the second longest in the world is shimmering, glossy texture.
close to which of the following cities? at Kumbhalgarh Fort.The wall that
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) surrounds the ancient fort of Q.795. ‘Margomkali’, a ritual folk art
(a) Pune (b) Hyderabad Kumbhalgarh is one of the best kept form, is from the state of ______.
(c) Mumbai (d) Gurugram secrets of India. SSC CGL 17/08/21(Afternoon)
(a) Assam (b) Kerala
Sol.(b) Ramoji film city is located in Q.792. At which of the following places (c) Nagaland (d) Punjab
Hyderabad.It is spread over 1666 acres. is the Nehru Memorial Museum and
It is the largest integrated film city in the Library located? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 71

Pinnacle Static GK

Sol.(b) ‘Margomkali’, a ritual folk art Rajasthan. It is a pilgrimage site for small islands called Adam's Bridge span
form of Kerala. It is a dance form of the Hindus and Sikhs. 30 km from Rameswaram in southern
Syrian Christians of Kottayam and India to Tarai Mannar in Sri Lanka.
Thrissur districts in which dancers sing Q.800. In which present-day state will
and dance around a lighted wick lamp you find the Megudi temple? Q.804. In which state is India’s least
(Nilavilakku). SSC CGL 24/08/21(Morning) densely populated district Dibang Valley
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Odisha located as per Census 2011?
Q.796. The language ‘Idu Mishmi’ is (c) Karnataka (d) Kerala SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Afternoon)
spoken in the state of ______. (a) Himachal Pradesh
SSC CGL 17/08/21(Evening) Sol.(c) The Megudi temple is present in (b) Nagaland
(a) Kerala
Karnataka. Megudii Jain temple is a (c) Telangana
(b) Punjab
(c) Arunachal Pradesh monument in Aihole, constructed in 634 (d) Arunachal Pradesh
(d) Madhya Pradesh AD in Dravidian style of architecture.
Sol.(d) As per Census 2011, Dibang
Sol.(c) The language Idu Mishmi is Q.801. Which of the following is the Valley is located in Arunachal Pradesh.
spoken by the Mishmi people of most literate district in India as per Dibang is a district of Arunachal Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh. Census 2011? named after the Dibang River or the
SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Morning) Talon as the Mishmis call it, is the least
Q.797. Virupaksha Temple is situated in (a) Ernakulam (b) Kottayam populated district in India and has an
which of the following districts of (c) Serchhip (d) Champhai area of 9,129 square kilometers (3,525
Karnataka? sq mi).
SSC CGL 20/08/21(Evening) Sol.(c) Serchhip district of Mizoram
(a) Chikkaballapur (b) Bidar with 97.91% is the most literate district Q.805. Where is the Kudremukh iron ore
(c) Ballari (d) Bagalkot in India as per Census 2011. State with mine located?
highest literacy rate - Kerala. State with SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Evening)
Sol.(c) Virupaksha Temple is situated in lowest literacy rate - Bihar. (As per (a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Bihar
the Billari district of Karnataka. It is part Census 2011) (c) Odisha (d) Karnataka
of the Group of Monuments at Hampi,
designated as a UNESCO World Q.802. Which of the following cities is Sol.(d) KIOCL LIMITED (Formerly
Heritage Site. The temple is dedicated to situated on the banks of river Saryu? Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Limited)
Lord Virupaksha, a form of Shiva. SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Morning) is a Government of India undertaking
(a) Ahmedabad (b) Jaipur established in the year 1976 and is
Q.798. 'Panche' is a traditional sarong (c) Hyderabad (d) Ayodhya operating Iron ore Pellet plant and Pig
worn by the men in the state of ______. Iron plant at Panambur, Mangalore,
SSC CGL 23/08/21(Morning) Sol.(d) Ayodhya is situated on the banks Karnataka.
(a) Kerala (b) Karnataka of river Saryu.
(c) Assam (d) Sikkim Q.806. In which of the following
Ahmedabad - Sabarmati, Jaipur -
Banganga, Hyderabad - Musi districts of Gujarat is the ‘Statue of
Sol.(b) Panche is a traditional sarong Unity’ located?
worn by the men in the state of SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Evening)
Q.803. Which of the following Indian
Karnataka. Another name of Panche is (a) Narmada (b) Navsari
states has the famous tourist destination
‘Dhoti’. This unstitched cloth is wrapped (c) Surat (d) Vadodara
called Pamban Island?
around the legs and knotted around the
SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Afternoon)
waist. Sol.(a) The Statue of Unity - the world's
(a) Kerala (b) Andhra Pradesh
(c) Odisha (d) Tamil Nadu tallest statue — was built to honor the
Q.799. Which of the following cities is memory of the iconic leader and
closest to the location of Pushkar Fair? architect of United India Sardar
Sol.(d) Pamban Island or Rameswaram
SSC CGL 23/08/21(Afternoon) Vallabhbhai Patel sees a high footfall of
Island is an island located between
(a) Ahmedabad (b) Ajmer tourists every single day. Located in
peninsular India and Sri Lanka, on the
(c) Prayagraj (d) Amravati Gujarat’s Narmada district.
Adam's Bridge archipelago. Pamban
Sol.(b) Ajmer is closest to the location of Island belongs to India and forms the
Q.807. In which of the following
Pushkar Fair. Pushkar Fair is held every Rameswaram taluk of the
states/union territories is India’s highest
year in Pushkar city in Ajmer district of Ramanathapuram district of the state of
Meteorological Centre situated?
Tamil Nadu. In the Palk Strait between SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Morning)
southern India and Sri Lanka, seven Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 72

Pinnacle Static GK

(a) Assam known as Srisailam Temple is a historic Q.815. Which present day Indian state
(b) Meghalaya temple dedicated to Shiva and Parvati. came into existence as the Mysore state
(c) Ladakh in 1953?
(d) Jammu and Kashmir Q.811. The Sufi shrine Charar-e-Sharief SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Morning)
(or Sharif) is located near ______ city. (a) Kerala (b) Karnataka
Sol.(c) India’s highest Meteorological SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Afternoon) (c) Tamil Nadu (d) Andhra Pradesh
Centre is situated in Leh, Ladakh. The (a) Srinagar (b) Mumbai
Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) (c) Hyderabad (d) Lucknow Sol.(b) Originally known as the state of
launched a new Meteorological Centre Mysore, it was renamed Karnataka in
in Leh Ladakh which would provide Sol.(a) The Sufi shrine Charar-e-Sharief 1973. Karnataka is the largest state in
localized weather forecasts thus (or Sharif) is located near Srinagar city. South India and the sixth-largest in
strengthening weather-related early Charar-e-Sharief, famous for the shrine India. It was formed on 1 November
warning systems for the region. of Sufi saint - Sheikh Noor-ud-Din 1956.
Q.808. In which of the following states Q.816. 'Rahide' is a long scarf worn by
is the famous Chitradurga Fort located? Q.812. 'Puanchei' is the traditional dress the women of ______ to protect their
SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Evening) of ______. head from cool breeze as well as to show
(a) Kerala (b) Karnataka SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Morning) their traditional social affinity.
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Rajasthan (a) Karnataka (b) Mizoram SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Morning)
(c) Goa (d) Sikkim (a) Madhya Pradesh
Sol.(b) The famous Chitradurga Fort is (b) Himachal Pradesh
located in the Chitradurga District, Sol.(b) Mizo Puanchei is a kind of shawl (c) Uttar Pradesh
Karnataka. The fort was built in stages of Mizoram which is draped around the (d) Arunachal Pradesh
between the 11th and 13th centuries by waist by tucking the opposite ends onto
the dynastic rulers of the region, the side. Sol.(b) Rahide is a long head scarf worn
including the Chalukyas and Hoysalas, by the women of Himachal Pradesh to
later the Nayakas of Chitradurga of the Q.813. Which of the following is the protect their heads from cool breeze and
Vijayanagar Empire. state flower of Manipur? also to depict their tradition. Woven in
SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Morning) all shapes and sizes, Rahide comes in
Q809. In which of the following cities is (a) Foxtail Orchids different fabrics and patterns. The most
the corporate centre of State Bank of (b) Shirui Lily commonly used pattern is the floral print
India (SBI) situated? (c) Pink Rhododendron that denotes the rich flora and fauna of
SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Morning) (d) Retusa the state and its surroundings.
(a) Hyderabad (b) Kolkata
(c) Mumbai (d) Bengaluru Sol.(b) Shirui Lily or Lilium mackliniae Q.817. In which of the following states
is the state flower of Manipur. Foxtail is the Ajanta caves situated?
Sol.(c)The Corporate Centre of State Orchids (Rhynchostylis retusa) or Kopou SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Afternoon)
Bank of India is in Mumbai. The bank Flower is a flower of Assam. Pink (a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Maharashtra
descends from the Bank of Calcutta, Rhododendron is a flower of Himachal. (c) Kerala (d) Madhya Pradesh
founded in 1806 via the Imperial Bank
of India (1955), making it the oldest Q.814. Which of the following states Sol.(b) The Buddhist Caves in Ajanta
commercial bank in the Indian emerged as a separate state in 1963? are approximately 30 rock-cut Buddhist
Subcontinent. SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Morning) cave monuments dating from the 2nd
(a) Nagaland century BCE to about 480 CE in the
Q.810. In which of the following states (b) Mizoram Aurangabad district of Maharashtra.
is Sri Bhramaramba Mallikarjuna (c) Arunachal Pradesh
Temple located? (d) Tripura Q.818. Which of the following states
SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Evening) was NOT formed in the year 2000?
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Odisha Sol.(a) Nagaland became the 16th state SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Evening)
(c) Maharashtra (d) Tamil Nadu of India on 1 December 1963. Other (a) Jharkhand (b) Telangana
states were conferred statehood on (c) Uttarakhand (d) Chhattisgarh
Sol.(a) Sri Bhramaramba Mallikarjuna Mizoram (20 February 1987), Arunachal
Temple is located in Srisailam, district Pradesh (20 February 1987), Tripura (21 Sol.(b) Telangana was formed on June 2,
Kurnool, in Andhra Pradesh. Sri January 1972). 2014, as the 29th and the youngest state
Bhramaramba Mallikarjuna Temple, also in the Union of India. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 73

Pinnacle Static GK

and Kashmir. It is an officially

Q.819. Which modern-day Indian state Sol.(a) The State of Himachal Pradesh recognized language in India.
was created on 1 April 1937 as the Act was passed by Parliament on 18th
United Provinces by the Britishers? December 1970 and the new state came Q.828. Which of the following states
SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Morning) into being on 25th January 1971. Thus was popularly known as the ‘Land of
(a) Andhra Pradesh H.P. emerged as the eighteenth state of Gods’? It got a separate identity as a
(b) Arunachal Pradesh the Indian Union. state on 9 November 2000.
(c) Uttar Pradesh SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Evening)
(d) Madhya Pradesh Q.824. 'Sandalwood' is the state tree of (a) Telangana (b) Goa
______. (c) Karnataka (d) Uttarakhand
Sol.(c) Uttar Pradesh came into SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Evening)
existence on 1 April 1937 as a result of (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Karnataka Sol.(d) Uttarakhand is known as "the
the shortening of "United Provinces of (c) Punjab (d) Rajasthan land of the gods" (Devbhumi) because of
Agra and Oudh". Arunachal Pradesh - 20 its number of Hindu pilgrimage sites.
February 1987 - 55th constitutional Sol.(b) Mysore city of Karnataka is also
amendment act, 1987. Sikkim - 26 April, known as ‘Sandalwood city of India’ and Q.829. Litti Chokha is a famous cuisine
1975 - 36th constitutional amendment Sandalwood is the state tree of of which of the following states?
act, 1975. Karnataka. SSC MTS 05/10/21(Afternoon)
(a) Maharashtra (b) Bihar
Q.820. Which state in India has the Q.825. In which state will you find (c) Gujarat (d) Odisha
highest number of Districts? SSC CHSL Mayurbhanj district, the last among the
11/8/2021 (Morning) princely states, that merged with the Sol.(b) Litti Chokha is a famous cuisine
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Tamil Nadu state? of Bihar. It basically consists of wheat
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Rajasthan SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Morning) and sattu. Litti Chokha of Bihar
(a) Kerala (b) Jharkhand originated centuries ago as a staple food
Sol.(a) Number of districts of some (c) Odisha (d) Chhattisgarh in the court of Magadha.
important states:- Uttar Pradesh (75),
Tamil Nadu (38), Madhya Pradesh (55), Sol.(c) After the independence of India, Q.830. In the context of the culture of
Rajasthan (33) the Mayurbhanj state under Maharaja Uttarakhand, 'Kafuli' is the name of a:
Pratap Chandra Bhanjdeo acceded to the SSC MTS 05/10/21(Evening)
Q.821. India's first lithium Indian Union on 1 January 1949 and was (a) cuisine (b) folk dance
refinery, which will process lithium ore (c) festival (d) style of painting
merged with Orissa Province (Odisha).
to produce battery-grade material, will
be set up in: Sol.(a) In the context of the culture of
Q.826. In 2020, _______ becomes the
SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Afternoon) Uttarakhand, 'Kafuli' is the name of a
first state to provide 100% piped tap
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Rajasthan cuisine. Kafuli is a delicacy of
water to rural households.
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Gujarat Uttarakhand prepared out of leafy greens
SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Afternoon)
such as palak (spinach) and methi
(a) Mizoram (b) Kerala
Sol.(d) India's first lithium refinery will (fenugreek) leaves. It is also known as
(c) Sikkim (d) Goa
be set up in Gujarat. Dhapdi in Garhwal.
Sol.(d) Goa becomes the first state to
Q.822. In which year was Jharkhand Q.831. In which of the following states
provide 100% piped tap water to rural
made a separate state of India? SSC of India is the buffalo breed named
CHSL 11/8/2021 (Evening) 'Banni' mainly reared?
(a) 1997 (b) 1999 SSC MTS 05/10/21(Evening)
Q.827. Dogri language is mainly spoken
(c) 2004 (d) 2000 (a) Kerala (b) West Bengal
in which of the following states/union
(c) Gujarat (d) Odisha
Sol.(d) Jharkhand was formed from the SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Evening)
Sol.(c) The buffalo breed named 'Banni'
southern portion of Bihar in 2000. (a) Uttarakhand (b) Jammu and Kashmir
is mainly reared in Gujarat. Banni
(c) Lakshadweep (d) Assam
buffalo is also known as "Kutchi" or
Q.823. In which year did the state of
"Kundi". It is a breed of buffalo found
Himachal Pradesh come into existence? Sol.(b) Dogri is spoken by
primarily in the Kutch district of
SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Evening) approximately 2.3 million people, most Gujarat, India.
(a) 1971 (b) 1947 commonly in the Indian state of Jammu
(c) 1956 (d) 1965 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 74

Pinnacle Static GK

Q.832. Which State/Union Territory is traditional geometric patterns belong to

traditionally associated with a Sol.(c) Bishnupur, famous for terracotta the state of ______.
yogurt-based gravy dish called 'Yakhni'? temples, is located in West Bengal. SSC MTS 11/10/21(Morning)
SSC MTS 05/10/21(Evening) These terracotta temples were built by (a) Telangana (b) Tamil Nadu
(a) Jammu and Kashmir the Malla rulers. Most of them are Radha (c) Karnataka (d) Kerala
(b) Uttar Pradesh Krishna temples built during 1600-1800
(c) Madhya Pradesh CE. Sol.(a) Pochampally Ikat sarees and
(d) Jharkhand dress materials, famous for their
Q.836. Which of the following palaces is traditional geometric patterns belong to
Sol.(a) Jammu and Kashmir is located in Thiruvananthapuram? SSC the state of Telangana. Telangana is one
traditionally associated with a MTS 07/10/21 (Evening) of the ancient Ikat weaving centers in
yogurt-based gravy dish called 'Yakhni'. (a) Chowmahalla Palace India, along with Gujarat and
Yakhni is a yogurt-based mutton gravy (b) Amber Palace neighboring Odisha.
that seems to have originated in Persia (c) Ujjayanta Palace
and percolated to Kashmir. (d) Kanakakkunnu Palace Q.839. 'Muya Awandru' is a traditional
food of this Indian state.
Q.833. ______ is a palace in Jaipur, built Sol.(d) Kanakakkunnu Palace is located SSC MTS 11/10/21(Morning)
by Sawai Pratap Singh. in Thiruvananthapuram. Kanakakkunnu (a) Gujarat (b) Karnataka
SSC MTS 06/10/21(Morning) Palace is situated in (c) Chhattisgarh (d) Tripura
(a) Lallgarh Palace (b) Umaid Bhavan Thiruvananthapuram near the Napier
(c) Hawa Mahal (d) Sajjangarh Palace museum, India. It is India's first digital Sol.(d) 'Muya Awandru' is a traditional
garden, created by Akhilesh S. V. Nair food of Tripura. Muya awandru is a dish
Sol.(d) Sajjangarh Palace is a palace in and A. Gangaprasad, University of prepared with bamboo shoots, berma
Jaipur, built by Sawai Pratap Singh. Kerala, Department of Botany. It is said (fermented fish), parsley, and green
Maharaja Sawai Pratap Singh was a to be built by Sree Moolam Thirunal. chilies. Muya awandru has a rice
Kachwaha ruler of Jaipur from 1778 to Chowmahalla Palace : Chowmahallat is flour-based gravy.
1803. He is also known for constructing the palace of the Nizams of Hyderabad
the Hawa Mahal. Lallgarh Palace is a State in Hyderabad. Q.840. Which of the following is NOT a
palace and heritage hotel in Bikaner Amber Palace : Amber Fort or Amer town of Karnataka?
(Rajasthan) and it was built for Sir Fort is a fort located in Amber,
SSC MTS 12/10/21(Evening)
Ganga Singh, Maharaja of Bikaner. Rajasthan,
Ujjayanta Palace : The Ujjayanta Palace (a) Chikmagalur (b) Bijapur
Umaid Bhavan is located in Jodhpur
is a museum and the former palace of the (c) Chitradurga (d) Bhusawal
(Rajasthan) and was built by Maharaja
Kingdom of Tripura situated in Agartala.
Umaid Singh.
Sol.(d) Bhusawal is NOT a town of
Q.837. Janapada Geete, which includes Karnataka. Bhusawal is a city as well as
Q.834. Which of the following Indian
the vachanas of Basavanna, is associated a municipal council (established in
states was one of the worst affected by
with the state of ______. SSC MTS 1882) in the Jalgaon district in the Indian
the tsunami on 26th December 2004?
08/10/21 (Morning) state of Maharashtra. Bhusawal is
SSC MTS 06/10/21(Morning)
(a) Odisha (b) Kerala
(a) Bihar (b) Maharashtra situated on the banks of the Tapi river.
(c) West Bengal (d) Karnataka
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Uttar Pradesh
Q.841. The Hemkund Sahib Gurudwara
Sol.(d) Janapada Geete, which includes
Sol.(c) Tamil Nadu was one of the worst is located in the state of : SSC MTS
the vachanas of Basavanna, is associated
affected by the tsunami on 26th 13/10/21(Morning)
with the state of Karnataka. In Janapada
December 2004. The tsunami was (a) Uttarakhand (b) Bihar
Geete, Jana means people or tribe and
primarily caused by vertical (c) Himachal Pradesh (d) Punjab
pada means verse/rhyme. Karnataka
displacement of the seafloor, in response
Janapada tradition finds expression not
to slip on the inter-plate thrust fault. Sol.(a) The Hemkund Sahib Gurudwara
in the form of writing but in the form of
is located in the state of Uttarakhand.
the spoken word or song(Janapada
Q.835. In which of the following states
Geethe) which is transmitted and
is Bishnupur, famous for terracotta Q.842. Bombay state was split along
perpetuated by oral tradition.
temples, located? linguistic lines, forming Maharashtra
SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Afternoon) and ______, in the year 1960.
Q.838. Pochampally Ikat sarees and
(a) Telangana (b) Gujarat SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Afternoon)
dress materials, famous for their
(c) West Bengal (d) Meghalaya (a) Gujarat (b) Karnataka Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 75

Pinnacle Static GK

(c) Rajasthan (d) Goa bommalata – "puppet dance"). The (a) Mango (b) Jammi
various dance forms that existed (c) Banyan (d) Ashok
Sol.(a) Bombay State was split along throughout the state's history are
linguistic lines, forming Maharashtra Chenchu Bhagotam, Kuchipudi, Sol.(a) Mango is the State Tree of
and Gujarat , in the year 1960. The Bhamakalapam, Burrakatha, Maharashtra. Scientific name of Mango
States Reorganisation Committee report Veeranatyam, Butta bommalu, Dappu, is Mangifera indica. Amba(Marathi),
was to be implemented in 1956. It Tappeta Gullu, Dhimsa, and Kolaatam. Family: Anacardiaceae.
caused a great political stir and led to the
establishment of the Samyukta Q.846. In which Indian state is the Q.850. Which of the following is the
Maharashtra Samiti. The Samiti 'Pookode Lake' located? state bird of Rajasthan?
spearheaded the demand for the creation SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Evening) SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Morning)
of a separate Maharashtra state including (a) Punjab (b) Gujarat (a) Indian Roller
Mumbai out of the bilingual Bombay (c) Kerala (d) Tamil Nadu (b) Crane Crane
State using violent means. The (c) Asian Cuckoo
Samyukta Maharashtra Samiti achieved Sol.(c) The 'Pookode Lake' is located in (d) Son Chidiya (Great Indian Bustard)
its goal in 1960, Gujarati-speaking areas
Kerala. 10 Lakes in Kerala That Will
of Bombay State were partitioned into Sol.(c) Son Chidiya (Great Indian
Enchant You With Their Stunning
the state of Gujarat. Bustard) is the state bird of
Beauty Ashtamudi Lake, Periyar Lake,
Vembanad Lake, Pookode Lake, Rajasthan.State Animal: Chinkara and
Q.843. In which Indian state is the Gazelle. State Dance- Ghoomer, State
Vellayani Lake, Paravur Lake,
Tsomgo Lake located?
Punnamada Lake, Sasthamkotta Lake, tree- Prosopis Cineraria, State Flower-
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Afternoon)
Mananchira Lake, Veeranpuzha Lake. Tecomella Undulata.
(a) Nagaland (b) Arunachal Pradesh
(c) Sikkim (d) Mizoram
Q.847. In which state of India does the Q.851. The Mattancherry palace is
'Weinia Falls' lie? situated in:
Sol.(c) Tsomgo Lake is located in
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Evening) SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Evening)
Sikkim. Tsomgo Lake, also known as
(a) Sikkim (b) Himachal Pradesh (a) Odisha (b) Kerala
Changgu Lake, is a glacial lake in East
(c) Meghalaya (d) Goa (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Tamil Nadu

Sol.(c) The 'Weinia Falls' lies in Sol.(b) The Mattancherry Palace is a

Q.844. In which of the following states
Meghalaya. Weinia Falls is also known Portuguese palace popularly known as
is the Stanley Reservoir located? SSC
as Kshaid Weinia. Kunchikal Falls in the Dutch Palace, in Mattancherry,
MTS 14/10/2021 (Evening)
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Goa Shimoga District of Karnataka is the Kochi, in the Indian state of Kerala.
(c) Maharashtra (d) Andhra Pradesh highest waterfall in India and the second
biggest waterfall in Asia. Q.852. Which state among the following
Sol.(a) Stanley Reservoir is one of the is the largest producer of coffee?
largest fishing reservoirs in South India. Q.848. Churahi, Mandeali and Keonthali SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Evening)
Its main source of water is the River are dialects spoken in the state of: (a) Karnataka (b) Tamil Nadu
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Evening) (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Kerala
Kaveri. The Stanley reservoir on the
Cauvery river in Tamilnadu is also (a) Madhya Pradesh
(b) Arunachal Pradesh Sol.(a) Karnataka is the largest producer
known as the Mettur dam.
(c) Uttar Pradesh of coffee. Kodagu Chikmagalur and
(d) Himachal Pradesh Hassan districts of Karnataka are major
Q.845. 'Tholu Bommalatta', a shadow
coffee producer regions of the state.
puppet theatre tradition, belongs to the
Sol.(d) The Pahari dialects of Sirmauri Coffea is a genus of flowering plants in
state of:
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Evening) and Keonthali are spoken in the region the family Rubiaceae. Order- Madder
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Karnataka of Simla. Some of the other Pahari Family.
(c) Kerala (d) Maharashtra dialects spoken in Himachal Pradesh are
Chambiali, Churahi, Mandeali, Q.853. The caves of Bagh, which are a
Sol.(a) 'Tholu Bommalatta', a shadow Himachali, and Kuluhi. marvellous vestige of Indian rock-cut
puppet theatre tradition, belongs to the architecture, are situated in:
state of Andhra Pradesh. Tholu Q.849. Which of the following is the SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Afternoon)
bommalata literally means "the dance of State Tree of Maharashtra? (a) Bihar
SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Morning) (b) Chhattisgarh
leather puppets" (tholu – "leather" and Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 76

Pinnacle Static GK

(c) Punjab 7. Pork Sorpotel · 8. Mussel Rawa Fry

(d) Madhya Pradesh 9. Caldeirada, 10. Pork Vindaloo. Sol.(c) Chutka Atomic Power Plant is
situated at Mandla district, Madhya
Sol.(d) The caves of Bagh, which are a Q.857. ‘Tolu Bommalata’ (leather Pradesh. Presently, India has 22 nuclear
marvellous vestige of Indian rock-cut shadow puppet show) is a traditional art power reactors. Kudankulam Nuclear
architecture, are situated in Madhya form from the state of: Power Plant is the largest nuclear power
Pradesh. The Bagh Caves are a group of SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Evening) station in India, situated in Kudankulam
nine rock-cut monuments, situated (a) Karnataka (b) Kerala Tamil Nadu. Tarapur Atomic Power
among the southern slopes of the (c) Tamil Nadu (d) Andhra Pradesh Station (1969) is located in Tarapur,
Vindhyas in Bagh town of Dhar district Maharashtra is the first atomic power
in Madhya Pradesh state in central India. Sol.(d) Tholu bommalata is the shadow plant in India.
puppet theatre tradition of the state of
Q.854. Kakinada, which enjoys a special Andhra Pradesh in India. Tholu means Q.861. ‘Kafuli’ is a delicacy of which of
place in the gas pipeline network of leather in Telugu and bommalu means the following states’ cuisine?
India, is located in: dolls. Traditional Art Forms of Andhra SSC MTS 2/1/2021 (Evening)
SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Afternoon) Pradesh · 1. Kuchipudi, 2. Kalamkari (a) Punjab (b) Assam
(a) Kerala (b) Odisha Paintings, 3. Buta Bommalu, 4. Lambadi (c) Sikkim (d) Uttarakhand
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Andhra Pradesh 5.Nirmal Painting · 6. Kolattam · 7.
Bhamakalapam · 8.Veeranatyam Sol.(d) Kafuli is a delicacy of
Sol.(d) Kakinada, which enjoys a special 9.Burrakatha 10. Dhimsa. Uttarakhand prepared out of leafy greens
place in the gas pipeline network of such as palak (spinach) and methi
India, is located in Andhra Pradesh. Q.858. Who was the first woman chief (fenugreek) leaves. It is also known as
secretary of Punjab? Dhapdi in Garhwal.
Q.855. Kavaratti is the capital of which SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Afternoon)
of the following Union Territories? SSC (a) Akanksha Juneja
MTS 22/10/2021 (Evening) (b) Dr. Navjot Kaur Sidhu ORGANISATIONS
(a) Jammu and Kashmir (c) Vini Mahajan
(b) Ladakh (d) Kiran Bedi Q862. Which country houses the
(c) Andaman and Nicobar Islands headquarters of the intergovernmental
(d) Lakshadweep Sol.(c) Vini Mahajan was the first organisation, ‘The
woman chief secretary of Punjab. International Bureau of Weights and
Sol.(d) Kavaratti is the capital of Kamran Ali Afzal is the present chief Measures’?
Lakshadweep. India's smallest Union secretary of Punjab. SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning)
Territory Lakshadweep is an archipelago (a) Austria (b) Belgium
consisting of 36 islands with an area of Q.859. Which of the following is a site (c) Switzerland (d) France
32 sq km. It is a uni-district Union of archaeological importance in Jammu
Territory and comprises 12 atolls, three and Kashmir? Sol.(d) The headquarters of the
reefs, five submerged banks, and ten SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Morning) intergovernmental organisation, ‘The
inhabited islands. (a) Maski (b) Burzahom International Bureau of Weights and
(c) Brahmagiri (d) Watkal Measures’ is situated in
Q.856. ‘Balchão’ and ‘Sorpotel' are the sevres,France.The headquarters of
traditional culinary dishes of: Sol.859.(b) Burzahom is a site of International Chamber of
SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Morning) archaeological importance in Jammu and Commerce(ICC),United Nations
(a) Karnataka Kashmir. Maski is a town and an Educational Scientific and Cultural
(b) Uttarakhand archaeological site in the Raichur district Organisation (UNESCO),Organisation
(c) Goa of the state of Karnataka. Brahmagiri is a for Economic Cooperation and
(d) Punjab mountain range in the Western Ghats of Development (OECD) are also situated
south India. in France.
Sol.(c) ‘Balchão’ and ‘Sorpotel' are the
traditional culinary dishes of Goa. Q.860. Chutka Atomic Power Plant is Q863. NASA’s_____spacecraft has been
Famous dishes of Goa are- 1. Goan Fish situated in which of the following states? studying Jupiter for almost two years
Curry · 2. Prawn Balchao · 3. Fish SSC MTS 2/1/2021 (Evening) since the year 2016.
Recheado · 4. Chicken Xacuti · 5. (a) Haryana (b) Gujarat SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning)
Chicken Cafreal · 6. Shark Ambot Tik · (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Rajasthan (a) Muno (b) Bruno Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 77

Pinnacle Static GK

(c) Juno (d) Luno Q.867. Which of the following Indian said during her maiden Budget speech
Actress is a part of the global ‘Girl Up’ on Friday.
Sol.(c) NASA Solar System Missions, campaign by the United Nations ?
Space Probe to Outer Planets. NASA's SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning) Q870. The World Food Program (WFP)
Juno Mission is exploring Jupiter from (a) Priyanka Chopra is the food assistance branch of the
orbit, beaming back amazing photos, (b) Karina Kapoor United Nations. Where is it
atmospheric data and other observations (c) Katrina Kaif headquartered?
about the largest planet in our solar (d) Aishwarya Rai Bachan SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (morning)
system. The Juno probe launched Aug. (a) Rome (b) Paris
5, 2011 and arrived in orbit around Sol.(a) Priyanka Chopra is known for (c) New York (d) Brussels
Jupiter on July 4, 2016. her contribution to social causes and for
being a voice for children's education. Sol.(a) World Food Program, the food
Q864. Which amongst the following is She has been a part of the United assistance branch of the United Nations
NOT the member of the BASIC group? Nations global "Girl Up" Campaign and is headquartered in Rome, Italy. It helps
SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Morning) is associated with several NGOs in India people who cannot obtain enough food
(a) South Africa (b) India to raise awareness about ways to for themselves and their families
(c) Australia (d) Brazil improve the education, health and safety
of girl child in India. Q871. Which of the following countries
Sol.(c) Australia is not a member of the is NOT a member of the SAARC
BASIC group. The BASIC countries Q.868. Amnesty International is Association?
(also Basic countries or BASIC) are a associated with which of the following ? SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Evening)
group of four large newly industrialized SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening) (a) Pakistan (b) Bhutan
countries – Brazil, South Africa, India (a) Human Rights (c) Nepal (d) China
and China – formed by an agreement on (b) Cultural Heritage Protection
28 November 2009. (c) Forest Conservation Sol.(d) SAARC: South Asian
(d) Animal Rights Association of Regional Cooperation.
Q865. Minamata Convention is signed to Members: 8 -- India, Afghanistan,
tackle the issue of : Sol.(a) Amnesty International was Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal,
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) founded in London in 1961, following Maldives, SriLanka.
(a) Nuclear radiations (b) Ozone gas the publication of the article "The Observers: 9.
(c) CFC and HFC (d) Mercury Forgotten Prisoners" in The Observer on Founded : in Dhaka on 8 December,
28 May 1961, by the lawyers Peter 1985
Sol.(d) The Minamata Convention on Benenson and Philip James. Amnesty Headquarter: Kathmandu, Nepal
Mercury is an international treaty draws attention to human rights abuses China is an Observer country of
designed to protect human health and the and campaigns for compliance with SAARC.
environment from anthropogenic international laws and standards.
emissions and releases of mercury and Q872. India signed Panchsheel Treaty
mercury compounds. Q869. Which among the following with which country?
institutions was proposed to fund, CHSL 17-03-2020 (Afternoon)
Q866. How many non-permanent coordinate and promote research in the (a) Nepal (b) Pakistan
members does UN Security Council country? (c) China (d) Bangladesh
have? SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning)
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening) (a) Research and Development Centre Sol.(c) India signed Panchsheel Treaty
(a) 10 (b) 12 (b) India Research Centre with China on April 29, 1954.
(c) 7 (d) 5 (c) National Research Foundation
(d) All India Research Institution Q873. The headquarters of the World
Sol.(a) The Council is composed of 15 Trade Organization is located at:
Members: Five permanent members: Sol.869.(c) The government has plans to SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning)
China, France, Russian Federation, the set up a National Research Foundation (a) Geneva (b) Paris
United Kingdom, and the United States, (NRF) with an aim to catalyse and (c) Bonn (d) Dubai
and ten non-permanent members elected energise research and innovation across
for two-year terms by the General all academic disciplines, particularly at Sol.(a) The Headquarters of the World
Assembly (with end of term year). the university and college levels, Trade Organization is in Geneva,
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman Switzerland.Its main function is to
ensure that the Trade Flows as smoothly Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 78

Pinnacle Static GK

and efficiently as possible. It was in Malaysia. It is the international (a) 1840 (b) 1830
established on January 1, 1995. The governing body for the sport of (c) 1891 (d) 1835
WTO has 164 members and 24 observer badminton recognized by the
governments. International Olympic Committee. It was Sol.(c) The National Archives of India
founded in 1934 as the International was established in 1891. The National
Q874. India joined the United Nations Badminton Federation with nine member Archives of India is the custodian of the
after ratifying the UN Charter in ______. nations (Canada, Denmark, England, records of the enduring value of the
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) France, Ireland, Netherlands, New Government of India. Established at
(a) May 1946 Zealand, Scotland and Wales). Calcutta (Kolkata) as the Imperial
(b) December 1945 Record Department. It is the biggest
(c) October 1945 Q.878. Which of the following archival repository in South Asia.
(d) February 1946 organizations releases the Global
Innovation Index? Q.882. When did the World Trade
Sol.(c) India after ratifying the United SSC CGL 23/08/21(Morning) Organization come into existence? SSC
Nations charter on October 30, 1945 (a) WEF MTS 06/10/21 (Evening)
joined the United Nations India was (b) INSEAD, Cornell University, WIPO (a) 1990 (b) 2000
among the 50 countries to sign it. (c) UNDP (c) 1995 (d) 2005
(d) WTO
Q.875. Where is the headquarters of the Sol.(c) The World Trade Organization
International Hockey Federation (FIH) Sol.(b) The Global Innovation Index is came into existence in 1995. The World
located? an annual ranking of countries by their Trade Organization (WTO) is an
SSC CGL 16/08/21(Afternoon) capacity and success in innovation. It intergovernmental organization that
(a) Australia (b) Nepal was started in 2007 by INSEAD and regulates and facilitates international
(c) Switzerland (d) Bhutan World Business. It was published by the trade between nations. The headquarter
World Intellectual Property Organization of WTO is in Geneva, Switzerland.
Sol.(c) The headquarters of the (WIPO).
International Hockey Federation (FIH) is Q.883. Human Development Report is
located in Switzerland. FIH is the Q.879. In which of the following published by:
international governing body of field countries is the headquarters of SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Afternoon)
hockey and indoor field hockey. Its International Table Tennis Federation (a) United Nations Conference on Trade
current president is Dr. Narinder Dhruv situated? and Development
Batra. SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Afternoon) (b) United Nations Child and Education
(a) Japan (b) Thailand Fund
Q.876. In which of the following states (c) England (d) Switzerland (c) United Nations Development
is the headquarters of IDBI (Industrial Program
Development Bank of India) located? Sol.(d) The International Table Tennis (d) United Nations Capital Development
SSC CGL 20/08/21(Morning) Federation (ITTF) was founded in 1926 Fund
(a) Haryana (b) Maharashtra by William Henry Lawes. The
(c) Karnataka (d) West Bengal headquarters of the ITTF is in Lausanne, Sol.(c) Human Development Report is
Switzerland published by: United Nations
Sol.(b) The headquarters of IDBI are Development Program. First Human
located in Maharashtra. It was Q.880. National Rifle Association of Development Report was published in
established in 1964 by an act to provide India was founded in: 1990. This report includes a summary
credit and other financial facilities for SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Evening) measure of average achievement in key
the development of the fledgling Indian (a) 1956 (b) 1964 dimensions of human development: a
industry. (c) 1951 (d) 1948 long and healthy life, being
knowledgeable, and having a decent
Q.877. Where is the headquarters of the Sol.(c) National Rifle Association of standard of living.
Badminton World Federation located? India (NRAI) was founded in 1951 with
SSC CGL 23/08/21(Morning) a view to promote and popularize the Q.884. In which year was the South
(a) Malaysia (b) Japan
shooting sports in India. Asian Association for Regional
(c) Singapore (d) Switzerland
Cooperation (SAARC) established? SSC
Q.881. In which year was the National MTS 12/10/21(Morning)
Sol.(a) The headquarters of the
Archives of India established? (a) 1987 (b) 1985
Badminton World Federation is located
SSC MTS 05/10/21(Afternoon) (c) 1980 (d) 1983 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 79

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(MoEF&CC). Its headquarters is in New

Sol.(b) The South Asian Association for Delhi. Sol.(c) The Pushkar Fair, also called the
Regional Cooperation (SAARC) was Pushkar Camel Fair or locally as Kartik
established in 1985. SAARC comprises FAIRS Mela or Pushkar ka Mela is an annual
eight Member States: Afghanistan, multi-day livestock fair and cultural fete
Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Q888. In which state is the 'Tarnetar' fair held in the town of Pushkar (Rajasthan,
Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. SAARC celebrated annually? India). The Pushkar fair is one of India's
is headquartered in Kathmandu, Nepal. SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning) largest camel, horse and cattle fairs.
(a) Gujarat (b) Telangana
Q.885. What is the name of the Centre (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Manipur Q892. The Purna Kumbh Mela takes
for the Study of Culture and Civilization place every_____years at one of the four
in Shimla? Sol.(a) Tarnetar fair is celebrated places by rotation, Prayag, Haridwar,
SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Evening) annually in Surendranagar district of Ujjain and Nashik.
(a) International Centre gujarat. SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning
(b) Abdul Kalam Centre Bhavnath Mahadev Mela ,Dangs (a) 12 (b) 2
(c) Tagore Centre Darbar,Chitra—Vichitra Mela,Dhrang (c) 6 (d) 3
(d) Nehru Centre Fair,Trinetreshwar Mahadev Fair,Vautha
Mela ,Shamlaji Melo,Kutch Sol.(a) The Purna Kumbh Mela takes
Sol.(c) Tagore Centre is the name of the Utsav,Sanskruti kunj Fair are other place every 12 years at one of the four
Centre for the Study of Culture and famous fairs of Gujarat. places by rotation, Prayag, Haridwar,
Ujjain and Nashik. Kumbh Mela or
Civilization in Shimla. It was established
Q889. Minjar Mela is a popular fair of Kumbha Mela is a mass Hindu
in 2013.
which of the following states? pilgrimage of faith in which Hindus
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning) gather to bathe in a sacred or holy river.
Q.886. In which year did India become a
(a) Uttrakhand The main festival site is located on the
signatory to the CITES (Convention on
(b) Jammu & Kashmir banks of a river: the Ganges (Ganga) at
International Trade in Endangered
(c) Himachal Pradesh Haridwar; the confluence (Sangam) of
Species on Wild Fauna and Flora)?
(d) Punjab the Ganges and the Yamuna and the
SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Morning)
invisible Sarasvati at Allahabad; the
(a) 1980 (b) 1983
Sol.(c) The Minjar Fair has been Godavari at Nashik; and the Shipra at
(c) 1976 (d) 1975
declared as one of the state fairs of Ujjain. Bathing in these rivers is thought
Himachal Pradesh and thus, it is widely to cleanse a person of all their sins.
Sol.(d) In 1975 India became a signatory
to the CITES (Convention on covered by the media. It is held on the
second Sunday of the Hindu month of Q893. Traditionally, Four Fairs Are
International Trade in Endangered
Shravana. Widely Recognized As The Kumbh
Species on Wild Fauna and Flora). It is
Melas. These Four Fairs Are Not Held
also known as the Washington
Q890. In which union territory of India, Periodically At One Of The Following
Convention which is a multilateral treaty
Bastille Day is celebrated? Places By Rotation:
to protect endangered plants and SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Evening)
SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening)
animals. Location- Geneva, Switzerland. (A) Haridwar (B) Ujjain
(a) Lakshadweep
(b) Daman & Diu (C) Prayagraj (D) Pune
Q.887. Wildlife Crime Control Bureau
(c) Dadra and Nagar Haveli
(WCCB) is a statutory multi-disciplinary Sol.(d) Four Fairs Are Widely
(d) Puducherry
body under the Ministry of Environment, Recognized As The Kumbh Melas.
Forest and Climate Change These Four Fairs Are Not Held
Sol.(d) Bastille Day in Pondicherry
(MoEF&CC). Its headquarters is in: Periodically At Pune. Kumbh Mela is a
(Puducherry) Each festival which is
SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Afternoon) mass Hindu pilgrimage of faith in which
celebrated has a long history associated
(a) New Delhi (b) Nagpur Hindus gather to bathe in a sacred or
with it. So does this day which is
(c) Kolkata (d) Port Blair holy river. Traditionally, four fairs are
popularly known as 'Bastille Day.
widely recognized as the Kumbh Melas:
Sol.(a) Wildlife Crime Control Bureau the Prayagraj Kumbh Mela, Haridwar
Q891. Name the annual fair of Rajasthan
(WCCB) is a statutory multi-disciplinary Kumbh Mela, the
at which camel trading is a major event?
body under the Ministry of Environment, SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Morning) Nashik-Trimbakeshwar Simhastha, and
Forest and Climate Change (a) Suraj Kund Mela (b) Maru Mela Ujjain Simhastha.
(c) Pushkar Mela (d) Sonepur Mela Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 80

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Q894. Kumbh Mela is NOT held at : during monsoon in the Kamakhya

SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) temple at Guwahati, Assam. Sol.(d) Dhamoni Urs is a fair held at the
(a) Allahabad (b) Ujjain shrine of Mastan Shah Vali. It is
(c) Puri (d) Haridwar Q898. In which of the following states of organised in the month of April-May at
India is the ‘Ambubachi Mela’ held Dhamoni in Sagar district in Madhya
Sol.(c) Kumbh Mela is held every third every year? Pradesh.
year at one of the four places by rotation SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening)
Haridwar, Allahabad , Nashik and (a) Assam (b) Kerala Q.901. The Nanda Devi Fair is
Ujjain. The rivers at these four places are (c) Sikkim (d) Gujarat organised in the Kumaon region in the
the Ganges at Haridwar, the confluence month of ______ every year.
or Sangam of the Ganges and Yamuna Sol.(a) Ambubachi Mela is a Hindu SSC MTS 11/10/21(Afternoon)
and the mythical Saraswati at Allahabad, Mela which is held every year at (a) December (b) May
the Godavari at Nashik and the Shipra at Kamakhya temple in Guwahati, (c) February (d) September
Ujjain. Assam.This yearly mela is celebrated
during the Monsoon season. It is the Sol.(d) The Nanda Devi Fair is
Q895. In which of the following states is celebration of the early menstruation organised in the Kumaon region in the
the Madhavpur Mela celebrated? course of goddess Kamakhya. It is month of September every year. Nanda
SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Afternoon) believed that the Devi Kamakhya the Devi Mela is organized in places like
(a) Gujarat (b) Madhya Pradesh Presiding Goddess of the temple goes Almora, Nainital, Bageshwar, Bhowali,
(c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Bihar through the annual cycle of menstruation and Kot along with the far-flung villages
during this period. of Johar. Almora is the place where the
Sol.(a) The Madhavpur Mela is main fair is held.
organised is celebrated in Porbandar Q.899. Which of the following is a cattle
district Gujarat, India. fair celebrated in the state of Himachal
Q.902. Which among the following is
NOT one of the four locations of the
Q896. In memory of whom is the SSC CGL 24/08/21(Afternoon)
‘Kumbh Mela’?
Madhavpur Mela of Gujarat celebrated? (a) Doongri Festival
CGL 5/3/2020 (evening) SSC MTS 13/10/21(Afternoon)
(b) Manimahesh Fair
(a) Lord Krishna and Rukmini (a) Ujjain (b) Haridwar
(c) Ashwin Mela
(b) Lord Krishna and Draupadi (c) Prayagraj (d) Varanasi
(d) Nalwari Fair
(c) Lord Krishna and Radha
(d) Lord Shiva and Parvati Sol.(d) Varanasi is NOT one of the four
Sol.(d) Nalwari Fair is a cattle fair
locations of the ‘Kumbh Mela’. Kumbha
Sol.(a) Madhavpur (Ghed) is a small but celebrated in the Bilaspur district of
Mela is celebrated 4 times over the
culturally significant village in the state Himachal Pradesh. It takes place every
course of 12 years. The site of the
of Gujarat, India. Krishna married year in the month of March. This fair
observance rotating between 4 places on
Rukmini at Madhavpur after first was started by W Goldstein who was the
superintendent of Shimla in 1889. four sacred rivers— at Haridwar on the
kidnapping her. This event is
Doongri Festival also known as Hidimba Ganges River, at Ujjain on the Shipra, at
memorialised with a temple dedicated to
lord Madhavrai and by an annual fair Devi Fair is celebrated in Kullu on the Nashik on the Godavari, and at
held in the village. occasion of Basant Panchami. Prayagraj at the confluence of the
Manimahesh Fair is a 14 day fair Ganges, the Jamuna, and the mythical
Q897. In which of the following temples celebrated in Himachal Pradesh on the Sarasvati.
is the Ambubasi Fair celebrated every occasion of the birth of Lord Vishnu.
year? Ashwin Navratri Mela is celebrated in FESTIVALS
CGL 6-03-2020 (Evening) Himachal Pradesh and Ashwin
(a) Kashi Vishwanath temple Amavasya Mela is celebrated in Uttar Q903. The famous festival of ‘Tsokum
(b) Kamakhya temple Pradesh. Samai’ is celebrated by the people of
(c) Kedarnath temple which state to invoke blessings for a rich
(d) Jagannath temple Q.900. Which of the following is a fair harvest?
held at the shrine of Mastan Shah Vali? SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Morning)
Sol.(b) The Ambubasi Fair is one of the SSC MTS 08/10/21 (Morning) (a) Mizoram (b) Assam
numerous religious fairs and festivals (a) Pir Budhan fair (c) Meghalaya (d) Nagaland
celebrated across India. The three-day (b) Hira Bhumia fair
traditional fair is organized every year (c) Karam fair Sol.(d) The famous festival of 'Tsokum
(d) Dhamoni Urs Samai' is celebrated by the people of Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 81

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Nagaland to invoke blessings for a rich Q907. The festival of_____is dedicated
harvest. The Tsokum Festival is a to Goddess Durga and her nine avatars. Sol.(c) Thimithi is an annual festival of
week-long festival celebrated in the SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) Tamil Nadu celebrated every year during
month of October every year in (a) Holi (b) Navratri the month of Aippasi in Tamil calendar,
Nagaland. The festival is celebrated with (c) Diwali (d) Sankranti that falls between the month of October
great fun and gaiety, especially by the and November according to the
Khiamniungan Tribe found in the Sol.(b) The festival of Navaratri is Gregorian calendar. It is celebrated in
Tuensang district of Nagaland. This is dedicated to Goddess Durga and her nine honour of Draupadi Amman.
the pre harvesting festival. People avatars. It is a major festival held in
harvest their crops after thanking God honour of the divine feminine. Navratri Q911. What is known as Hunter’s Moon
for good crops during the Tsokum occurs over 9 days during the month of in the West, is called as____in India.
Festival. Ashvin, or Ashvina.The 9 days of SSC CPO 16/03/19 (Evening)
Navratri are dedicated to the worship of (a) Pausha Purnima
Q904. ___is a New Celebration of 9 forms of the Goddess – Shailaputri, (b) Magha Purnima
Sikkimese Bhutia which falls in the 10th Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, (c) Chaitra Purnima
month of the Sikkimese Lunar calendar. Kushmanda, Skandamata, Katyayani, (d) Kartik Purnima
SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning) Kaalaratri, Mahagauri, Durga.
(a) Ashura (b) Sonam Losoong Sol.(d) Hunter’s Moon in the West is
(c) Vesak (d) Thai Pongal Q908. The festival of ____is also known called Kartik Purnima in India, and it is
as Phagwa. a sacred festival celebrated all over
Sol.(b) Vesak is a New Celebration of SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) India. Kartika Purnima is a Hindu, Sikh
Sikkimese Bhutia which falls in the 10th (a) Sankranti (b) Holi and Jain holi festival, celebrated on the
month of the Sikkimese Lunar calendar. (c) Diwali (d) Ganesh Chaturthi Purnima (full moon) day or the fifteenth
The festival commemorates the birth, lunar day of Kartik
enlightenment, and death of Gautama Sol.908(b) Phagwah or Holi as it is (November–December). It is also known
Buddha in Theravada and Tibetan commonly called is an annual Hindu as Tripuri Purnima and Tripurari
Buddhism. Festival of Colours celebrating the Purnima. It is sometimes called
arrival of Spring. Holi is a popular Deva-Diwali or Deva-Deepawali - the
Q905. Vesak commemorates the birth ancient Hindu festival, originating from festival of lights of the gods.
of______. the Indian subcontinent.
SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning) The first evening is known as Holika Q.912. _____locally known as 'Vallam
(a) Christ (b) Mahavir Dahan (burning of demon holika) or Kali' is a traditional game, mainly
(c) Judas (d) Buddha Chhoti Holi and the following day as conducted during the harvest festival
Holi, Rangwali Holi, Dhuleti, Dhulandi, Onam in Kerala.
Sol.(d) Vesak, also known as Waisak or Phagwah. SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
Day, is celebrated annually in Indonesia (a) Boat races (b) Cock fights
on the full moon of the month of May Q909. Paryushan is an important festival (c) Elephant races (d) Bull fights
and commemorates the birth, for the ______community.\
enlightenment, and death of the Buddha. SSC CPO 15/03/19 (Morning) Sol.912(a) Boat race locally known as
(a) Buddhist (b) Jew 'Vallam Kali' is a traditional game,
Q.906. Eid-ul-Fitr is celebrated on the (c) Jain (d) Zoroastrian mainly conducted during the harvest
first day of Shawwal, which falls in festival Onam in Kerala.Vallam kali
the____month of Islamic calendar. Sol.(c) Paryushan Parva is celebrated includes races of many kinds of paddled
SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) every year by members of the Jain longboats, the traditional boats of
(a) eighth (b) sixth community for spiritual upliftment and Kerala. Each team spent about 6 lakh
(c) tenth (d) twelfth self purification. Paryushana is the rupees for the Nehru trophy.
annual holy event for Jains and is
Sol.(c) Eid ul-Fitr is celebrated on the usually celebrated in August or Q913. Bumchu' is a unique cultural
first day of Shawwal, the tenth month of September. festival celebrated in the Indian state of:
the Islamic calendar. It marks the end of SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening)
Ramadan. Muslims use a lunar calendar Q910. The Thimithi festival in Tamil (a) West Bengal
which differs in length from the Nadu is celebrated in the honor of: (b) Odisha
Gregorian calendar used worldwide. SSC CPO 16/03/19 (Evening) (c) Assam
(a) Padmavati (b) Sita (d) Sikkim
(c) Draupadi (d) Surpanakha Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 82

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Sol.913.(d) Bumchu is a famous festival, SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning) during the second week of November
celebrated by the Buddhists living in (a) Chhattisgarh each year.
Sikkim. The literal meaning of Bumchu (b) Nagaland
is a "sacred pot. (c) Arunachal Pradesh Q921. Which of the following
(d) Karnataka festival-pairs is NOT correct ?
Q.914. Which of the following festivals SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon)
is celebrated in Odisha ? Sol.917.(d) The term Ugadi is used by (a) Gudi Parva - Maharashtra
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon) the people of Andhra Pradesh and (b) Baishakhi - Uttar Pradesh
(a) Bonalu (b) Chhadap Mela Karnataka, in Maharashtra it is known as (c) Chhath Pooja - Bihar
(c) Bali Tritiya (d) Hornbill Gudi Padwa. Ugadi is celebrated around (d) Durga Pooja - West Bengal
the month of April. This one day
Sol.(c) Bali Tritiya Festival falls on the celebration unites all the people of the Sol.(b) Gudi Padwa - Maharashtra
third day of the Shukla Paksha of the state so that they can enjoy to the fullest. Baisakhi - Punjab
Bhadra month in Orissa. On this day Chhath Pooja - Bihar
married women observed fasting and Q.918. Where is Tansen Samaroh Durga Pooja - West Bengal
worshipped the Lord Shiva (Maheshwar) celebrated?
and Goddess Parvati (Uma). SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q.922. Bathukamma festival is
(a) Gwalior (b) Indore celebrated in which state of India?
Q915. What is Parsi New Year known (c) Jabalpur (d) Bhopal SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning)
as? (a) Punjab (b) Telangana
SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning) Sol.(a) Tansen Samaroh or Tansen (c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Maharashtra
(a) Ugadi Sangeet Samaroh is celebrated every
(b) Navroz year in the month of December in Behat Sol.922.(b) Bathukamma is a floral
(c) Pateti village of Gwalior district, Madhya festival celebrated predominantly by
(d) Puthandu Pradesh. It is a 4-day musical Telangana and some parts of Andhra
extravaganza. Pradesh. Every year this festival is
Sol.(b) The Parsi New Year, also known celebrated as per the Satavahana
as Navroz is celebrated to mark the Q919. Which of the following is a calendar for nine days starting
beginning of the Iranian calendar. The harvest festival of India? Bhadrapada Pournami till Durgashtami.
tradition began some 3000 years ago, SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening)
and is observed by the Parsi community (a) Darpka Teshi (b) Lohri Q923. Ravindra Sangeet is a collection
around the world. The day is also known (c) Teej (d) Bonalu of folk songs which are sung during the
as Jamshed-i-Nowruz after the Persian festivals and rituals of a state _____.
King, Jamshed, who introduced the Parsi Sol.(b) In Punjab, the harvest festival SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)
calendar. Lohri is marked by eating sheaves of (a) Himachal Pradesh (b) Maharashtra
roasted corn from the new harvest. The (c) West Bengal (d) Bihar
Q.916. In which state of India is Moatsu January sugarcane harvest is celebrated
Festival Celebrated ? in the Lohri festival. Sugarcane products Sol.(c) Also known as Tagore Songs,
SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning) such as gurh and gachak are central to Rabindra Sangeet is a set of folk songs,
(a) Tripura (b) West Bengal Lohri celebrations, as are nuts which are written and composed by eminent poet
(c) Nagaland (d) Assam harvested in January. Rabindranath Tagore. Tagore wrote over
2,230 songs during his lifetime, all of
Sol.(c) The Ao tribe of Nagaland has one Q.920.Wangala festival is celebrated in which are sung during festivals and other
such special festival, known as the which of the following states of India? rituals in West Bengal.
Moatsu festival. The festival is set to be SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning)
held on May 1, 2019. The festival (a) Bihar (b) Kerala Q.924. Kanthuri Utsav is celebrated in
celebrates the Ao people of the state, and (c) Tamil Nadu (d) Meghalaya which state of India ?
is celebrated after seeds have been sown SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon)
in the fields. People redecorate their Sol.(d)Wangala is the greatest traditional (a) Telangana (b) Tamil Nadu
homes and come out in numbers to festival of Garo tribes, who live in (c) Karnataka (d) Kerala
celebrate. Meghalaya, India, Assam and Greater
Mymensingh in Bangladesh. The tribes Sol.924.(b) The Kanthuri Festival is held
Q917. In which of the following states celebrate this festival at every harvesting at the commemoration of Saint
the Ugadi Festival is considered period in late autumn. The festival falls Quadirwali in Tamil Nadu.
important ? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 83

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Q925. One of the most important music It is mainly celebrated in union territory
forms of Uttrakhand, _____was of Ladakh. Sol.(d) Sarhul festival is one of the most
originally performed in royal courts. popular festival celebrated across the
SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning) Q929. ‘Ali-Aye-Ligang’ , a spring Jharkhand region. 'Sar' refers to Year and
(a) Maand (b) Somar festival, is associated with which state? 'Hul' means set to begin.
(c) Thadya (d) Baryi SSC CPO 9/12/19 Morning
(a) Sikkim (b) Odisha Q.934. In which state of India is the
Sol.(c) One of the most important music (c) Assam (d) Bihar harvest festival of 'Kailpodh' celebrated
forms of Uttarakhand is 'Thadya' . It by an indigenous community?
was originally performed in royal courts. Sol.(c)“Ali-Aye-Ligang” is a spring SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening)
This is a form of folk music that is sung festival associated with agriculture, (a) Odisha (b) Madhya Pradesh
by a group of singers, comprising both especially with the beginning of the Ahu (c) Jharkhand (d) Karnataka
men and women folk. paddy cultivation. It is celebrated by the
Mising or Mishing an indigenous tribe of Sol.(d) Kalipodh is an indigenous
Q.926. All the festivals listed below are Assam, India. The festival marks the harvest festival of Croog,Karnataka.
festivals of Assam. Of these, which of onset of sowing seeds.
the following festivals is specifically Q935. Which of the following religious
hosted in the Kamakhya Devi temple in Q.930. In which of the following states groups annually celebrates the '
Guwahati ? is ‘Me-Dam-Me-Phi’ the festival of Paryushan Parva' for self purification
SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon) ancestor worship celebrated? and uplift by adhering to the ten
(a) Ambubachi Festival SSC CPO 9/12/19 Morning universal virtues in practical life?
(b) Bihu Festival (a) Odisha (b) Chattisgarh SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening)
(c) Baishagu Festival (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Assam (a) Jains (b) Parsis
(d) Majuli Festival (c) Sikhs (d) Hindus
Sol.(d) Me-dam-me-phi is a state holiday
Sol.(a) The Ambubachi Mela is an observed in Assam on January 31st. This Sol.(a) Paryushan Parva is celebrated
annual Hindu mela held at Kamakhya festival is celebrated by the Ahom every year by members of the Jain
Temple in Guwahati, Assam. This yearly people in memory of the departed. community for spiritual upliftment and
mela is celebrated during the monsoon self purification. This festival is the most
season that happens to fall during the Q931. In which state is the Madai sacred festival of their entire year.
Assamese month Ahaar. festival celebrated?
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening) Q.936. In which of the following
Q927. Jallikattu-Bull fight takes place in (a) Chhattisgarh (b) Jharkhand festivals the meaning is 'merry making
_____. (c) Odisha (d) Jammu and Kashmir of the gods'?
SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening) SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Afternoon)
(a) Maharashtra (b) Kerala Sol.(a) Madai Festival is one of the most (a) Diwali (b) Pongal
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Andhra Pradesh spectacular festivals of cultural (c) Li Haroba (d) Makar Sankranti
Chhattisgarh and reflects the fascinating
Sol.(c) Jallikattu is a traditional spectacle tradition and culture of this tribal region. Sol.(c) Lai Haraoba is the ritual
played in Tamil Nadu, India as a part of ceremonial festival of Manipur which is
Pongal celebrations on Mattu Pongal Q.932.. ‘Mysuru Peta’ is traditional believed to be the act of re-enactment of
day. attire worn on the: the creation of the universe by the gods
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 Morning and goddesses at the sacred site
Q.928. The ‘Hemis Tsechu’ Festival (a) waist (b) wrist Haraothel of Koubru Hill.
commemorates the birth anniversary of: (c) shoulder (d) head
SSC CPO 9/12/19 Morning Q937. In which of the following Indian
(a) Dalai Lama Sol.(d) Mysuru Peta is a traditional attire states is the Lai Haraoba festival
(b) Gautama Buddha worn by the kings of Mysore on their celebrated?
(c) Guru Padmasambhava head. It is made up of silk and decorated SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Evening)
(d) adi shankaracharya with bejewelled golden thread laces. (a) Goa (b) Karnataka
(c) Manipur (d) Kerala
Sol.(c) Hemis Festival is celebrated to Q933. In which state is the Sarhul
commemorate the birth anniversary of festival celebrated? Sol.(c) Lai Haraoba is a ritualistic
Guru Padmasambhava and it means SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning) festival of the Meiteis observing from
'precious master' in English. (a) Gujarat (b) Chattisgarh the ancient times. It mirrors the entire
(c) Assam (d) Jharkhand culture of Manipur and depicts the close Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 84

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affinities between the hill and plain (a) Sikkim (b) Tripura summer originated in the state of
people. It is in fact the combination of (c) Manipur (d) Assam ______.
religious recitations, traditional music CHSL 12-10-2020 (Evening)
and dance, traditional social values and Sol.(a) Saga Dawa is a month-long (a) Jharkhand (b) Mizoram
ancient cultural aspects. festival celebrated in the state of Sikkim. (c) Maharashtra (d) Madhya Pradesh
It honors Buddha Sakyamuni whose
Q.938. In which state is the festival of birth, enlightenment and nirvana all took Sol.(a) ‘Bhagta Parab', a tribal festival
Uttarayan uniquely celebrated? place in the same month. that is celebrated between the period of
SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Afternoon) spring and Summer. Among the tribal
(a) Jharkhand (b) Uttar Pradesh Q.942. ‘Saga Dawa’ is one of the people of Jharkhand, Bhagta Parab is
(c) Kerala (d) Gujarat biggest Buddhist festivals. In which one best known as the worship of Budha
of the following states is it celebrated? Baba. People fast during the day and
Sol.(d) Uttarayan, as Makar Explanation: CHSL 12-10-2020 (Morning) carry the bathing Pahan the priest, to the
Sankranti is called in Gujarati, is a major (a) Odisha (b) Kerala tribal mandir called Sarana Mandir. The
festival in the state of Gujarat which (c) Sikkim (d) Jharkhand Pahan sometimes called Laya, gets out
lasts for two days. 14 January is of the pond, the devotees make a chain,
Uttarayan and 15 January is Sol.(c) Saga Dawa is called the “month locking their thighs with each other and
Vasi-Uttarayan (Stale Uttarayan). of merits” for Tibetan Buddhists. Dawa come forward to offer their bare chest to
means “month” in Tibetan and “Saga” is Laya for a walk over. After worship in
Q939. ‘Gurpurab’ is the most important the name of a star prominent in the sky the evening, devotees take part in Chhau
and sacred festival of the Sikh during the fourth lunar month of the dance. The next day is full of primitive
community. In which of the following Tibetan calendar when Saga Dawa is sports of bravery. This festival is more
months of the Hindu calendar is it observed. Saga Dawa usually begins in popular in the Tamar region of
celebrated? May and ends in June. The Saga Dawa Jharkhand.
CHSL 18-03-2020 (Morning) Festival celebrates the birth, parinirvana
(a) Vaisakha (b) Kartik (death) and enlightenment of Buddha Q945. Which festival marks the
(c) Shravana (d) Jyaistha and it is believed that all positive and beginning of the Tibetan New Year?
negative actions are multiplied as a CHSL 13/10/2020 (Evening)
Sol.(b) ‘Gurpurab’ is the most important result. For Tibetan Buddhists, the month (a) Saga Dawa Festival
and sacred festival of the Sikh of Saga Dawa is the most auspicious (b) Losar festival
community which is celebrated in the time for meritorious actions which (c) Shoton Festival
month of Kartik. includes pilgrimages to sacred places (d) Ongkor Festival
and the most auspicious place is the holy
Q.940. Sankranti, the harvest festival, is Mt. Kailash. Sol.(b) Losar festival is celebrated on the
celebrated in the month of Magh of the 1st day of the lunisolar Tibetan calendar
Hindu calendar and is known by Q943. ‘Rongali Bihu’ one of the major also called Tibetan New Year. Losar is a
different names in different parts of festivals of Assam, is celebrated in the festival in Tibetan Buddhism.
India. What is it called in month of______.
Gujarat? CHSL 12-10-2020 (Evening) Q946. Which of the following states will
CHSL 18-03-2020 (Evening) (a) October (b) March you go to enjoy the famous Gaura-Gauri
(a) Uttarayan (b) Pana Sankranti (c) June (d) April Puja that is celebrated every year?
(c) Lohri (d) Maghi CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon)
Sol.(d) Bihu is a festival of Assam and is (a) Gujarat (b) Chattisgarh
Sol.(a) Sankranti is one of the major primarily a collection of three different (c) Rajasthan (d) Uttarakhand
Indian harvest festivals celebrated on festivals, namely Rongali or Bohag Bihu
14th of January every year. It is known (April), Kangali or Kati Bihu (October) Sol.(b) Gaura-Gauri Puja is celebrated in
by various names in different states: and Bhogali or Magh Bihu (January). Chhattisgarh on the day after Diwali.
Haryana - Sakraat Magh Bihu symbolises the end of the The festival celebrates the pastoral life
Punjab - Maghi harvest season. Rongali Bihu comes as of the people of Chhattisgarh. The
Gujarat - Uttarayan Assamese New Year while Kati Bihu gathering sees the rituals of ‘gedi’, ‘raut
Himachal Pradesh - Magha Saaji celebrates the harvest season. nacha’ and ‘panthi nritya’ in the
traditional attire.
Q941. Saga Dawa is the festival of Q944. ‘Bhagta Parab', a tribal festival
which state? that is celebrated between the period of
19-03-2020 (Evening) spring and Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 85

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Q947. The ______ festival is celebrated every year. Ambubachi means spoken Sol.(d) The festival of Sekrenyi is a
by the Ahom people of Assam on 31st with water and it also implies that the major annual festival of the Angami
January every rains expected during this month make Nagas, a tribe which lives in Nagaland.
year in memory of the departed. the earth fertile and ready for It is also known as Phousanyi.
CHSL 20-10-2020 (Evening) procreation.
(a) Me-Dam-Me-Phi (b) TirthaMukh Q955. ______ is a festival of Zoroastrian
(c) Lampra Puja (d) Ashokastami Q951. ‘Bathukamma’ and ‘Bonalu’ are origin which marks the day of the vernal
state festivals of: equinox in March every year and is
Sol.(a) Me-Dam-Me-Phi is the most SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning) celebrated by Parsis in India.
important Ancestor worship communal (a) Karnataka (b) Tamil Nadu _____
festival in the Ahom religion celebrated (c) Kerala (d) Telangana SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening)
by the Ahom people on 31 January every (a) Frawardigan (b) Khordad Sal
year in the memory of the departed. It is Sol.(d) Bathukamma’ and Bonalu are (c) Jamshedi Navroz (d) Pateti
the manifestation of the concept of state festivals of Telangana. Telangana
ancestor worship that the Ahoms share got separated from Andhra Pradesh and Sol.(c) Jamshedi Navroz is a festival of
with other peoples originating from the it was declared a full fledged state on 2 Zoroastrian origin which marks the day
Tai stock. June 2014. of vernal equinox in March every year
and is celebrated by Parsis in India. It is
Q948. The Hornbill Festival is Q952. Sakewa is a religious festival also known as Parsian New Year. They
celebrated in which state? celebrated by the Kirat Khambu Rai follow the Zorostrian, a monothestic
CHSL 21-10-2020 (Afternoon) community of ______. religion, all over the world.
(a) Assam (b) Meghalaya SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening)
(c) Nagaland (d) Arunachal Pradesh (a) Arunachal Pradesh (b) Sikkim Q.956. In which of the following months
(c) Meghalaya (d) Nagaland is the ‘Valvil Ori Vizha’ festival of Tamil
Sol.(c) The Hornbill Festival (also Nadu celebrated?
known as ‘Festival of Festivals’) is a Sol.(b) Sakewa is a religious festival SSC CGL 17/08/21(Afternoon)
celebration held every year from 1 to 10 celebrated by the Kirat Khambu Rai (a) June (b) January
December in Nagaland. Its aim is to community of Sikkim (c) May (d) August
revive, protect, sustain and promote the It is also known as Bhoomi Pooja or
richness of the Naga heritage and Chandi Puja ( puja of mother earth) . Sol.(d) The ‘Valvil Ori Vizha’ festival of
traditions. Tamil Nadu is celebrated in August. It is
Q953. Baliyatra, literally meaning celebrated in a grand manner in the Kolli
Q949. In which state is the ‘Chapchar ‘voyage to Bali’, is a festival celebrated Hills of Tamil Nadu.
Kut’ festival celebrated in the month of particularly in ______ with great fanfare.
March every year? SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) Q.957. ______ festival in the Bastar
CHSL 21-10-2020 (Evening) (a) Kochi (b) Cuttack region is celebrated along with the
(a) Mizoram (b) Odisha (c) Gurgaon (d) Vellore worship of the local goddess, Kesharpal
(c) Nagaland (d) Uttarakhand Kesharpalin Devi.
Sol.(b) Bali Jatra is held in Cuttack. It is SSC CGL 18/08/21(Afternoon)
Sol.(a) The Chapchar Kut is a festival of a city in Odisha located on the banks of (a) Madai (b) Khatarua
Mizoram. It is celebrated during March Mahanadi river. (c) Harela (d) Phool Dei
after completion of their most arduous It is Asia's largest open trade fair. This
task of jhum operation. festival is celebrated every year From Sol.(a) Madai festival in the Bastar
the date of Kartika Purnima (full moon region is celebrated along with the
Q950. Which festival is also known as day on the day of Kartika) according to worship of the local goddess, Kesharpal
‘Mahakumbh of the East’? the Odia calendar. Kesharpalin Devi.
CHSL 26-10-2020 (Afternoon)
(a) Hornbill Festival (b) Moatsu Mong Q954. The festival of Sekrenyi is Q.958. Makaravilakku is an annual
(c) Ambubachi Mela (d) Bihu Festival celebrated in the month of February by festival held on Makar Sankranti in
the Angami tribe of: which of the following states?
Sol.(c) Ambubachi Mela is one of the SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) SSC CGL 18/08/21(Evening)
biggest congregations of Eastern India. It (a) Rajasthan (b) Maharashtra (a) Karnataka (b) Tamil Nadu
is the most important festival of (c) Chhattisgarh (d) Nagaland (c) Kerala (d) Odisha
Kamakhya temple in Guwahati, Assam
and is celebrated in the month of June Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 86

Pinnacle Static GK

Sol.(c) Makaravilakku is an annual SSC CGL 24/08/21(Evening) Baishagu, Ambubashi, Bare Saharia
festival held on Makar Sankranti in (a) Lord Vishnu Bhaona, Doul Utsav etc.
Kerala at the shrine of Sabarimala. The (b) Lord Shiva
festival includes the Thiruvabharanam (c) Lord Padmasambhava Q.966. Teeyan is a festival celebrated in
(sacred ornaments of Lord Ayyappan) (d) Lord Ganesha Punjab, which celebrates the onset of
procession and a congregation at the hill ______.
shrine of Sabarimala. Sol.(c) The ‘Hemis Festival’ which is SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Afternoon)
celebrated in Ladakh is dedicated to (a) winter (b) monsoon
Q.959. In which of the following states Lord Padmasambhava. (c) summer (d) spring
is the ‘Eco Retreat’ festival held every
year? Q.963. Which of the following festivals Sol.(b) A cultural festival observed by
SSC CGL 20/08/21(Morning) of Tamil Nadu is dedicated to Lord and for women, Teeyan or Punjabi Teej
(a) Bihar (b) Assam Muruga? marks the onset of the monsoon season.
(c) Odisha (d) Tamil Nadu SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Morning) Known to be one of the best festivals of
(a) Onam (b) Pongal Punjab, Teeyan begins on the third day
Sol.(c) The ‘Eco Retreat’ festival is held (c) Thai Poosam (d) Aadi Perukku of Saawan Maas and ends on Saawan
every year in Odisha. The objective of Purnima, spanning a total of thirteen
this festival is to attract tourists as well Sol.(c) Thaipusam or Thaipoosam is a days.
as private sectors for investment here. festival celebrated by the Tamil Hindu
community on the full moon in the Q.967. ‘Nuakhai’ is the greatest
Q.960. With which of the following Tamil month of Thai in harvesting festival of Odisha, celebrated
states is the ‘Sao Joao’ festival January/February. This festival is one day after of which of the following
associated? dedicated to Lord Muruga. festivals?
SSC CGL 20/08/21(Afternoon) SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Morning)
(a) Karnataka (b) Kerala Q.964. Which of the following is an (a) Diwali (b) Dussehra
(c) Goa (d) Tamil Nadu animal trading festival of Gujarat? (c) Ganesh Chaturthi (d) Holi
SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Afternoon)
Sol.(c) The ‘Sao Joao’ festival is (a) Madhavpur Mela (b) Vautha Mela Sol.(c) Nuakhai is celebrated precisely a
associated with Goa. It is an annual (c) Ambubachi Mela (d) Kumbh Mela day after Ganesh Chaturthi in the
Catholic festival celebrated on June 24. 'Panchami tithi' or fifth day of the lunar
During this festival young Goan Sol.(b) Festival of Gujarat:- Vautha fortnight that mostly falls in August or
Catholic men leap into and swim in local Mela- Animal trade festival, Navratri, September. The Nuakhai festival 2021
wells, streams and ponds as a tribute to Rann Utsav – As the white desert date is 11th September.
St. John, The Baptist. Q.968. ‘Sakewa’ is a religious festival
merges with the lively heritage,
celebrated in the state of ______.
Uttarayan (International Kite Festival),
Q.961. ‘Float Festival’ is one of the SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Morning)
Shamlaji Melo, Rath Yatra, Bhavnath
main festivals celebrated in ______. (a) Punjab (b) Assam
Mahadev Fair- Belong of a dynamic
SSC CGL 20/08/21(Evening) (c) Sikkim (d) Goa
(a) Kannur (b) Madurai
(c) Puducherry (d) Kanyakumari Sol.(c) Sakewa is a religious festival
Q.965. 'Ali Ai Ligang Festival' is a
celebrated by the Kirat Khambu Rai
festival celebrated in the state of ______.
Sol.(b) ‘Float Festival’ is one of the community of Sikkim. It is also known
SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Morning)
main festivals celebrated in Madurai. It as the Bhoomi puja or Chandi puja
(a) Chhattisgarh (b) Kerala
takes place on the full moon night of the (worship of mother earth). Other
(c) Bihar (d) Assam
Tamil month, Thai, which falls between festivals celebrated in Sikkim: Losar,
mid-January and mid-February. The Ramnawami (Chaite Dasain), Maghe
Sol.(d) Ali-Aye-Ligang is a spring
concept of the festival dates back to the Sankranti, Sonam Lochar, Sakewa, saga
festival associated with agriculture,
17th century when it was celebrated for Dawa, Pang Lhabsol, Tamu Lochar.
especially with the beginning of the Ahu
the first time by King Thirumalai Nayak
paddy cultivation. It is celebrated by the
Q.969. Which of the following festivals
Mising or Miri tribe of Assam.
Q.962. The ‘Hemis Festival’ is is celebrated as a kite-flying festival
Fairs and Festivals of Assam: Bihu,
celebrated in Ladakh on the 10th day of across India?
Me-Dum-Me-Phi, Majuli, Dehing
the Tibetan Lunar SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Evening)
Patkai, Kaziranga Elephant, Junbeel
month. To which of the following lords (a) Holi (b) Durga Puja
Mela, Rongker & Chomangkan,
is the festival dedicated? (c) Janmashtami (d) Makar Sankranti Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 87

Pinnacle Static GK

8.Pang Lhabsol: Celebrates The month of Mithuna from which the

Sol.(d) The kite-flying festival in India Harmony Between Communities. season of rain starts.
falls on the 14th of January every year, 9.Tihar: Diwali Of Sikkim.
marking the arrival of spring and the 10.Annual Sikkim Paragliding Festival: Q.975. Which of the following festivals
transition of the sun into the Makara For Ultimate Fun. is celebrated for fertility and better
Rashi. In quite a few states in India, 11.Mangan Music Festival: To Uplift fortune in Jharkhand?
Makar Sankranti is considered a major The Mood. SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Evening)
harvest festival. Its significance lies in (a) Karam (b) Sarhul
its commemoration of Goddess Q.972. 'Kati Bihu' in Assam is (c) Sohrai (d) Jawa
Sankranti’s triumph over evil and the celebrated by lighting a lamp in front of
brutal Rakshasa Sankarasur, who would a ______ tree / plant. Sol.(d) Unmarried tribal girls celebrate
torture and kill humans. SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Morning) the Jawa festival in Jharkhand, which
(a) banyan (b) tulsi has its own kind of songs and dance.
Q.970. In which festival of Maharashtra (c) banana (d) neem This is held mainly for the expectation
and Chhattisgarh, are the bullocks and of good fertility and better households.
other cattles used for agriculture Sol.(b) 'Kati Bihu' in Assam is Other festivals of Jharkhand:- Sarhul,
worshipped? celebrated by lighting a lamp in front of Karam, Tusu Parab or Makar, Hal
SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Evening) a Tulsi tree/plant. Kati Bihu, also called Punhya, Bhagta Parab, Rohini, Bandna,
(a) Ganga Dussehra (b) Pola festival Kongali Bihu unlike the other Bihu's, is Jani-Shikaar.
(c) Vata Poornima (d) Jiviti Puja not a flamboyant festival and the
festivities are graver in nature. Kati Bihu Q.976. Which of the following festivals
Sol.(b) Pola is a thanksgiving festival is celebrated on the first day of ‘Kati is called the month of merits and is
celebrated by farmers in Maharashtra, to month’ in the Assamese Calendar. celebrated between May and June?
acknowledge the importance of bulls and SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Evening)
oxen, who are a crucial part of Q.973. Shigmotsav is essentially a (a) Saga Dawa (b) Bhanu Jaati
agriculture and farming activities. It falls festival of the masses, celebrated on the (c) Losar (d) Losoong
on the day of the Pithori Amavasya (the full moon day in the month of Phalguna
new moon day) in the month of (March). Which state celebrates this Sol.(a) Saga Dawa is the most
Shraavana (usually in August). During festival? significant and sacred for the followers
Pola, farmers don't work their bulls in SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Evening) of Mahayana Buddhism who, on this
the farmland, and the day is a school (a) Haryana (b) Meghalaya auspicious occasion, commemorate Lord
holiday in the rural parts of Maharashtra. (c) Sikkim (d) Goa Buddha’s birth, his attainment of
enlightenment and salvation from this
Q.971. In which of the following states Sol.(d) The Shigmo or Shigmotsav corporeal world. It is celebrated in
is the Losoong festival celebrated? festival is celebrated in the month of Sikkim. Losar festival is a New Year’s
SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Morning) Phalguna (March) from the 9th moon celebration of the traditional schedule of
(a) Sikkim (b) Andhra Pradesh day to full moon day as per the Hindu Tibetan Buddhism. Losoong is the
(c) Karnataka (d) Himachal Pradesh calendar. It is the biggest festival for the Sikkimese New Year, of the Bhutia tribe,
Hindus in Goa. celebrated every year in the month of
Sol.(a) Losoong festival(Sikkimese New December.
Year) is celebrated in Sikkim. Q.974. Raja Parba is a unique festival
Main festivals Of Sikkim are: celebrating the onset of monsoon and the Q.977. The ‘Hornbill Festival’ is a
1.Sonam Lhochhar Festival: An earth’s womanhood. It is celebrated in celebration held every year from 1 to 10
Extravagant Celebration. which of the following states? December in ______.
2.Losar: Celebrating A Farmer’s Hard SSC CHSL 05/08/21 (Morning) SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Afternoon)
Work. (a) Bihar (b) Odisha (a) Haryana (b) Kerala
3.Bhumchu: To Predict The Future. (c) Meghalaya (d) Uttar Pradesh (c) Nagaland (d) Uttarakhand
4.Chaite Dashain: Ram Navami Of
Sikkim. Sol.(b) Raja Parba is a unique festival Sol.(c) The Hornbill Festival, 'Festival of
5.Saga Dawa: Lord Buddha’s Birthday. celebrating the onset of the monsoon and Festivals is a celebration held every year
6.Tendong Lho Rum Faat: An Ancient the earth’s womanhood. It is celebrated from 1 to 10 December, in Nagaland.
Celebration. in Odisha. It is a 3-days unique festival.
7.Indrajatra Festival: Celebrates A It takes place on Mithuna Sankranti, Q.978. Which of the following Hindu
Journey. where the second day of the festival festivals is celebrated in the last month
signifies the beginning of the solar of the Hindu calendar? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 88

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SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Afternoon) Sol.(b) The Kodava community of (a) Ramnavami (b) Janmashtami
(a) Holi Coorg worships weapons during the (c) Sankranti (d) Ugadi
(b) Diwali Kailpodh festival. Kailpoldu is
(c) Raksha Bandhan celebrated on 3 September. Kail means Sol.(b) Janmashtami is an Indian festival
(d) Makara Sankranti weapon or armor and Pold means celebrated by suspending a pot
festival. The day signifies the containing butter, curd, etc. high above
Sol.(a) Holi is a popular ancient Indian completion of "nati" – meaning the the ground with people trying to break it
festival, also known as the "Festival of transplantation of the rice (paddy) crop. by forming human pyramids.
Love", the "Festival of Colours" and the On the day of Kailpoldu, weapons are
"Festival of Spring". The festival Q.986. Which one of the following is a
taken out of the Pooja room, cleaned,
celebrates the eternal and divine love of Jain festival celebrated for eight days by
and decorated with flowers.
Radha Krishna. the Shwetambar community and ten
days as Dasalakshan Parva by the
Q.982. ______, a festival of the Galo
Q.979. Arthunkal Feast and Vettukad Digambar community?
tribe of Arunachal Pradesh, is celebrated
Festival are church festivals from the SSC MTS 08/10/21(evening)
in April every year.
state of ______. (a) Gyan Panchami
SSC MTS 05/10/21(Morning)
SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Morning) (b) Kartik Purnima
(a) Doljatra (b) Ali Ai Ligang
(a) Nagaland (b) Goa (c) Navpad Oli
(c) Mopin (d) Me Dum Me Phi
(c) Sikkim (d) Kerala (d) Paryushan festival
Sol.(c) Mopin, a festival of the Galo
Sol.(d) Arthunkal Feast and Vettukad Sol.(d) Paryushan festival is a Jain
tribe of Arunachal Pradesh, is celebrated
Festival are church festivals from the festival celebrated for eight days by the
in April every year. People of Galo tribe
state of Kerala. Shvetambar community and ten days as
smear rice powder on each other’s faces,
Other Church festivals of Kerala : Dasalakshan Parva by the Digambar
this is considered a holy ritual of Galo
Bharananganam, Edappally Perunal, community.
Edathua, Kadamattom, Kallooppara
Perunal, Koratty, Malayattur, Q.987. Which of the following festivals
Q.983. The tenth day after ______
Manjinikkara , Maramon Convention, is also known as the 'Manipuri New
Navratri is celebrated as Dussehra or
Niranam, Rakkuli Thirunal, St. Dominic Year'?
SSC MTS 11/10/21(Evening)
Syrian, Thumpoly, Vettukad. SSC MTS 06/10/21(Morning)
(a) Cheiraoba (b) Heikru Hidongba
(a) Sharad (b) Ashadha Gupt
(c) Gang-Ngai (d) KUT
Q.980. Ugadi is a famous festival of (c) Chaitra (d) Magha Gupt
which of the following state?
Sol.(a) Cheiraoba festival is also known
SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Afternoon) Sol.(a) The tenth day after Sharad
as the 'Manipuri New Year'. List of
(a) Punjab (b) Andhra pradesh Navratri is celebrated as Dussehra or
festivals in Manipur are - Gang-Ngai,
(c) Uttar pradesh (d) Goa Vijayadashmi.
Lui-Ngai-Ni, Yaosang, Cheiraoba: The
Sol.(b) Ugadi/Yugadi (Samvatsaradi) is Q.984. ______ is the harvest festival of Manipuri New Year. Kang: The Ratha
the New Year of Andhra Pradesh, the Kodava community of Coorg. Yatra of Manipur, Heikru Hitongba,
Telangana and Karnataka. It is SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Afternoon) Ningol Chak-Kouba: A social festival of
celebrated on the first day of Hindu (a) Madai (b) Bhagoria the Manipuris, Kut: Festival of Kuki-
calendar month of Chaitra, typically in (c) Theyyam (d) Puttari Chin- Mizo.
April of the Gregorian calendar. This
day people draw color patterns on the Sol.(d) Puttari is the harvest festival of Q.988. In which of the following states
the Kodava community of Coorg. This is the festival called 'Yaoshang'
floor called Muggulu and Mango leaf
day is celebrated at the time of rice traditionally celebrated?
decorations on doors called torana.
harvesting in late November or SSC MTS 12/10/21(Morning)
December. (a) Sikkim (b) Chhattisgarh
Q.981. The Kodava community of
(c) Jharkhand (d) Manipur
Coorg worships weapons during the
Q.985. Which of the following Indian
______ festival.
festivals is celebrated by suspending a Sol.(d) The festival called 'Yaoshang' is
SSC MTS 05/10/21(Morning)
pot containing butter, curd, etc. high traditionally celebrated in Manipur. The
(a) Madai (b) Kailpodh
above the ground with people trying to spring festival of Holi is celebrated as
(c) Thaipusam (d) Bhagoriya
break it by forming human pyramids? Yaoshang by the Meitei tribe in the state
SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Afternoon) of Manipur, lasting about six days. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 89

Pinnacle Static GK

(a) Gudi Padwa (b) Hola Mohalla (b) Rajasthan

Q.989. To which of the following (c) Dhanu Yatra (d) Thiruvonam (c) Arunachal Pradesh
incarnations of Vishnu is Dhanuyatra of (d) Chhattisgarh
Odisha's Bargarh district dedicated? Sol.(c) Dhanu Yatra is a popular festival
SSC MTS 12/10/21(Morning) of Odisha. Dhanu Yatra is an annual Sol.(c) The Mopin Festival is an
(a) Lord Rama (b) Lord Vamana drama-based open-air theatrical agricultural festival celebrated by the
(c) Lord Varaha (d) Lord Krishna performance celebrated in Bargarh, Galo tribe of Arunachal Pradesh.
Odisha. Famous Festivals in Arunachal
Sol.(d) Incarnation of Vishnu is Pradesh-Siang River Festival, Pangsau
Dhanuyatra of Odisha's Bargarh district Q.993. Which state in India celebrates Pass Winter Festival, Ziro Festival of
dedicated to Lord Krishna. Dhanu Jatra the 'Sundareswara Festival'? Music, Solung, Nyokum, Losar Festival,
or Dhanu Yatra is an annual SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Afternoon) Dree Festival, Boori Boot,
drama-based open-air theatrical (a) Madhya Pradesh Loku, Sanken.
performance celebrated in Bargarh, (b) Himachal Pradesh
Odisha. It is based on the mythological (c) Kerala Q.997. With which of the following
story of Krishna (locally known as (d) Goa states is the ‘Banganga’ Festival
Krushna), and his demon uncle Kansa.
Sol.(c) Kerala state in India celebrates SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Morning)
the 'Sundareswara Festival'. The Sri (a) Punjab (b) Sikkim
Q.990. Which of the following festivals
Sundareswara temple is dedicated to (c) Uttarakhand (d) Maharashtra
is dedicated to the Sun God and his wife
Usha? Lord Shiva. Every year a festival is
celebrated where hundreds of devotees Sol.(d) The ‘Banganga’ Festival
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Morning)
attend the festival. associated with Maharashtra. Ganesh
(a) Chehllum (b) Chitragupta Pooja
(c) Chhath Pooja (d) Basant Panchami Chaturthi is considered as the most
Q.994. The festival ‘Anthurium’ is important festival in Maharashtra.
Sol.(c) Chhath Pooja is dedicated to the celebrated in: Shivaji Jayanti, Jivati Pooja, Ajanta
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Morning) Ellora Festival, Elephanta Festival,
Sun God and his wife Usha. Chhath is an
(a) Nagaland (b) Mizoram Narali Poornima are other famous
ancient Hindu festival historically native
(c) Manipur (d) Assam festivals of Maharashtra.
to the Indian subcontinent, more
specifically, the Indian states of Bihar,
Sol.(b) The festival ‘Anthurium’ is Q.998. Which festival among the
Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, and the
celebrated in Mizoram. three famous following is celebrated in Odisha?
southern parts of Nepal.
festivals are celebrated in Mizoram: SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Afternoon)
Chapchar Kut, Pawl Kut, and Mim Kut. (a) Ambubachi (b) Chapchar Kut
Q.991. Kaveri Sankramana is a festival
(c) Namsong (d) Nabakalebara
celebrated in ______ in the month of
Q.995. Drukpa Tsechi, a festival
celebrated in Sikkim, is associated with Sol.(d) Nabakalebara is celebrated in
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Morning)
which of the following personalities? Odisha. The Ambubachi Mela is an
(a) Telangana (b) Andhra Pradesh
SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Morning) annual Hindu mela held at Kamakhya
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Karnataka
(a) Mahavir Swami Temple in Guwahati, Assam. The
(b) Lord Rama Chapchar Kut is a festival of Mizoram,
Sol.(d) Kaveri Sankramana is a festival
(c) Lord Buddha India. Namsoong festival celebrated in
celebrated in Karnataka in the month of
(d) Lord Krishna Sikkim.
October. Kaveri Sankaramana is
celebrated at Talakaveri in Kodagu
Sol.(c) Drukpa Tsechi, a festival
district in Karnataka. The river Kaveri is Q.999. In which state is the Madai
celebrated in Sikkim, is associated with
known to spring from the fountainhead Festival celebrated?
Lord Buddha. This festival celebrates SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Afternoon)
located in Talakaveri temple. Thousands
Lord Buddha's first preaching of the (a) Odisha
of devotees arrive in Talakaveri and
Four Noble Truths to his first five (b) Jharkhand
Bhagamandala to take holy baths in this
disciples at Sarnath. (c) Jammu and Kashmir
(d) Chhattisgarh
Q.996. 'Mopin', a festival to drive away
Q.992. Which of the following is a
evil spirits, is celebrated in the state of: Sol.(d) The Madai Festival is celebrated
popular festival of Odisha?
SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Evening) in Chhattisgarh. Bastar Dussehra is the
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Afternoon)
(a) Kerala main festival of Chhattisgarh. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 90

Pinnacle Static GK

Bhoramdeo Mahotsav Festival, Rajim ‘Boondein’ with Mohit Chauhan as the Q1007. Dhenka is a well-known musical
Kumbh Mela, Kajari Festival are other lead? instrument of which one of the following
main festivals of Chhattisgarh. SSC-CHSL 3 JULY 2019 (Morning) Indian state?
(a) Pentagram (b) 13AD SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (morning)
Q.1000. With which of the following (c) Silk Route (d) Lost Stories (a) Odisha (b) Goa
countries is the ‘Navanna’ festival (c) Kerala (d) Maharashtra
associated? Sol.(c) Silk Route was an Indian band
SSC MTS 2/1/2021 (Evening) consisting of Mohit Chauhan (lead Sol.(a) Dhenka is a well known musical
(a) Sri Lanka (b) Bhutan vocals, backing guitars), Atul Mittal instrument of Odisha. The instrument
(c) Nepal (d) Bangladesh (lead guitars, clarinet and backing Dhenka is alone responsible for the
vocals), Kem Trivedi (keyboards), and composition of a number of poems by
Sol.(d) Navanna is a Bengali harvest Kenny Puri (percussion and drums). The Kavisurya Baladeva Ratha through its
celebration usually celebrated with food band is much endeared for the song novel melodious tunings.
and dance and music in Bangladesh and Dooba-Dooba from their acclaimed
in the Indian states of West Bengal. debut album in 1998, Boondein. Q.1008. Ghumot is indigenous
traditional percussion instrument of
Q.1004. Devotional folk songs called ______.
'Zikir' belong to the Indian state of: CHSL 10 JULY 2019 MORNING
SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening) (a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Goa
Q1001. The festival of Marabats and
(a) West Bengal (b) Assam (c) Punjab (d) Assam
Badgyas celebrated in____directly
(c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Odisha
confronts social evils and criticise their
Sol.(b) Ghumot, Goa's indigenous
perpetrators through a procession with
Sol.(b) This song is sung by the traditional percussion instrument made
assamese muslim community of from an earthen vessel, has been notified
SSC CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening)
Assam.'Zari’ is also a folk song of as a heritage instrument of Goa.
(a) Jabalpur (b) Panaji
(c) Nagpur (d) Hyderabad
Q1009. Which Gharana of classical
Q1005. To which of the following states singing did the late Pandit Bhimsen
Sol.(c) The festival of Marabats and
does the folk song 'Bhawaiya' belong? Joshi belong to?
Badgyas is celebrated in Nagpur directly
SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon) SSC CPO 16/03/19 (Evening)
confronts social evils and criticises their
(a) Chhattisgarh (b) Odisha (a) Etawah (b) Malhar
perpetrators through a procession with
(c) West Bengal (d) Jharkhand (c) Kirana (d) Dhrupad
effigies. In the evening a festival of toy
bulls, called ‘Tanha Pola’, is celebrated
Sol.(c) Bhawaiya is a musical form or a Sol.(c) Pandit Bhimsen Gururaj Joshi
by children. Marabat and Badgyas are
popular folk music that originated in was a legendary Indian vocalist in the
female and male representations
Northern Bengal. Hindustani classical tradition trained
under Sawai Gandharva. He was known
Q.1006. Chakri' is a type of traditional as the "living superstar of the Kirana
Q1002. Which of the following is NOT a
music that is popular in the Indian state Gharana''.
vocal form of Hindustani classical
of ______.
SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon) Q.1010. The chorus singing ‘Sabad’ is
SSC CGL 06/06/2019 (Evening)
(a) Rajasthan associated with _____.
(a) Pakhawaj (b) Drupad
(b) Madhya Pradesh SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(c) Tarana (d) Dhamar
(c) Jammu and Kashmir (a)Guru Parv (b)Muharram
(d) Punjab (c)Buddha Purnima(d)Mahavir Jayanti
Sol.(a) Pakhawaj is not a vocal form of
Hindustani Classical Music.Hindustani
Sol.(c) Chakri is one of the most popular Sol.(a) In Sikhism the term Shabad has
classical music is the traditional music
types of traditional music played in two primary meanings. The first context
of northern regions of the Indian
Jammu & Kashmir. Chakri is a of the term is to refer to a hymn or
subcontinent.The major vocal forms or
responsorial song form with instrumental paragraphs or sections of the Holy Text
styles associated with Hindustani
parts, and it is played with instruments that appears in Guru Granth Sahib, the
classical music are dhrupad, khyal,
like the harmonium, the rubab, the main holy scripture of the Sikhs. The
dhamar and tarana.
sarangi, the nout, the geger, the script used for the Shabad in Gurmukhi.
tumbaknaer and the chimta.
Q1003. Which popular Indian band of
the 90s released their first album Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 91

Pinnacle Static GK

Q1011. Folk music ‘Mand’ is associated accompanied with vigorous dancing and Q1020. 'Turi', 'Bungal' and 'Pava' are
with which state ? the music has a piercing and eerie folk musical instruments from the state
SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon) character. of:
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Manipur SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening)
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Rajasthan Q.1016. Which city is declared as ‘City (a) West Bengal (b) Karnataka
of Music’ by UNESCO? (c) Odisha (d) Gujarat
Sol.(d) Mand or Maand is a style of SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning)
singing in Rajasthan, used in folk songs. (a) Delhi (b)Varanasi Sol.(d) 'Turi', 'Bungal' and 'Pava' are folk
It is similar to the thumri and the ghazal. (c) Jaipur (d)Mumbai musical instruments of Gujrat.

Q.1012. ’Kajri’ folk song is related to Sol.(b) Varanasi has been chosen as a Q1021. Who among the following was a
which of the following state? part of the 'Cities of Music' under famous 'Qawwali singer'?
SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening) UNESCO's cultural division, the SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Evening)
(a) Maharashtra (b) Uttar Pradesh Creative Cities Network. It has been (a) Bade Ghulam Ali Khan
(c) Himachal Pradesh(d) Rajasthan chosen in the music category under (b) Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
UNESCO's “field of excellence” plan. (c) Begum Akhtar
Sol.(b) Kajri is a folk song sung by (d) Nazia Hassan
women, from Uttar Pradesh and adjacent Q1017. Which of the following music is
regions, during the rainy season. not related to Uttar Pradesh ? Sol.(b) Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, born
SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon) Pervez Fateh Ali Khan, was a Pakistani
Q1013. Which of the following is (a) Tappa (b) Birha vocalist, musician and music director
regional music of Goa? (c) Kajari (d) Rasia primarily a singer of Qawwali, a form of
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning) Sufi Islamic devotional music.
(a) Sohar (b)Pandavani Sol.(a) Tappa is a form of semi classical
(c) Mando (d) Lotia vocal music inspired by the folk songs of Q1022. Which of the following
academies organise the Tansen Sangeet
camel riders in the Punjab area. Tappa,
Samaroh in Gwalior?
Sol.(c) Mando or Manddo (Konkani in Punjabi and Pashto language, is set in SSC CGL 5/3/2020 (evening)
mānḍô) is a musical form that evolved ragas generally used for the semi (a) Ustad Alauddin Khan Kala Evam
during the 19th and 20th century among classical forms. It is characterized by Sangeet Academy
Goan Catholics of Goa, India. It jumpy and flashy tonal movements with (b) Multirama Sangeet Academy
represents the meeting point of Indian rhythmic and rapid notes. (c) Ravindra Jain Sangeet Academy
and western musical traditions. (d) Renuka Sangeet Academy
Q1018. ‘Mahuri’ is a traditional musical
Sol.(a) Ustad Alauddin khan kala Evam
Q.1014. Which of the following musical instrument belonging to the state of:
Sangeet Academy organised Tansen
instrumentis a reed instrument? SSC CPO 11/12/2019 Morning
Samaroh in Gwalior. Tansen Samaroh is
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) (a) Kerala
the oldest and esteemed classical music
(a)Shehnai (b)Manjira (b) Odisha
festival in India.
(c)Tabla (d)Bansuri (c) Himachal Pradesh
(d) Arunachal Pradesh
Q1023. The wood of which of the
Sol.(a) A reed is a thin strip of material
following trees is used to make the large
that vibrates to produce a sound on a Sol.(b) The Mahuri is a traditional wind
plucked string instrument used in
musical instrument. Most woodwind instrument belonging to the state of
Carnatic classical music known as
instrument reeds are made from Arundo Odisha. It is mostly used in auspicious
Bobbili Veena/Saraswathi Veena?
donax or synthetic material. occasions such as weddings, Social and
SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Morning)
religious occasions..
(a) Teak wood
Q1015. ”Bhuta Song” belongs to which
(b) Jackfruit wood
of the following Indian States? Q1019. With which of the following
(c) Walnut wood
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning) musical instruments is the musician
(d) Sandal wood
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Uttar Pradesh Sikkil Mala Chandrashekhar associated ?
(c) Bihar (d) Kerala SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
(a) Flute (b) Sitar Sol.(b) Bobbili Veena is carved from a
(c) Saraswati Veena (d) Sehnai single piece of jack wood.
Sol.(d) The basis of Bhuta song is rooted
in superstitions. Some communities of
Sol.(a) Sikkil Mala Chandrasekhar is a Q1024. Lavani is a folk music of which
Kerala do Bhuta rituals to send away the
noted South Indian carnatic flautist. state?
evil ghost and spirits. This ritual is
CHSL 19-03-2020 (Afternoon) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 92

Pinnacle Static GK

(a) Odisha (b) Kerala Sol.(d) Daskathia is a traditional Odia Sol.(d) A Shadava Raga has only 6 notes
(c) Karnataka (d) Maharashtra folk art. In the performance, the in its scale. A raga or raag is a melodic
performers use a pair of wooden framework for improvisation akin to a
Sol.(d) Lavani is a folk music of instruments to create music. The melodic mode in Indian classical music.
Maharashtra. It is a combination of performance is usually done by two There are around 83 ragas in Indian
traditional song and dance which people. One who leads is called Gayyaka classical music.
particularly performed to the beats of and one performer follows, called Palia.
Dholki, a percussion instrument. The performance is usually a form of Q.1033. ‘Maand’ is primarily a
ballad singing. traditional folk singing style from
Q1025. Ustad Alladiya Khan belongs to ______.
which gharana of Hindustani music? Q1029. 'Khuang' is a traditional musical SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Morning)
(a) Agra gharana instrument of which state? (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Jharkhand
(b) Benaras gharana CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) (c) Rajasthan (d) Bihar
(c) Gwalior gharana (a) Jharkhand (b) West Bengal
(d) Jaipur gharana (c) Assam (d) Mizoram Sol.(c) Maand (Marwar) festival is
celebrated in the month of October every
Sol.1025.(d) Ustad Alladiya Khan was Sol.(d) Khuang (drum) is a traditional year in memory of heroes of Rajasthan.
an Indian Hindustani classical singer musical instrument of Mizoram. It is It falls on the Ashwin month on the
who founded the Jaipur-Atrauli gharana. made up of a hollow tree, wrapped on full-moon of sharad- purnima according
both sides with animal skin. to Hindu calendar.
Q1026. Bhatiali is the folk music of
which of the following states? Q.1030. Padavali Kirtan refers to songs Q.1034. Which of the following songs
CHSL 12-10-2020 (Afternoon) composed in the medieval period of do the peasants of Rajasthan sing while
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Kerala West Bengal (15th to 17th century) in working in fields?
(c) Karnataka (d) West Bengal praise of ______. SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Evening)
SSC CGL 20/08/21(Morning) (a) Pankhida (b) Pandavani
Sol.(d) Bhatiali is a form of folk music (a) Shakti (b) Vishnu (c) Chhakri (d) Barhamasa
in both Bangladesh and West Bengal. (c) Shiva (d) Brahma
Bhatiali is a river song mostly sung by Sol.(a) Pankhida is sung by the peasants
boatmen while going down streams of Sol.(b) The term padavali literally means of Rajasthan while doing work in the
the river. The word Bhatiali comes from "gathering of songs". Padavali Kirtan fields. The peasants sing and speak
bhata meaning “ebb” or downstream. It refers to songs composed in praise of while playing algoza and manjira.
is mostly sung in several parts of the Vishnu.
greater riparian Bengal delta. Q.1035. Who among the following was
Q.1031. Thullal is a solo satiric dance the founder of the Kirana Gharana of
Q1027. Who among the following is form belonging to the state of ______. classical music?
NOT a well known Tabla player in SSC CGL 24/08/21(Morning) SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Morning)
Hindustani classical (a) Arunachal Pradesh (b) Haryana (a) Abdul Karim Khan
style of music? (c) Kerala (d) Goa (b) Pran Nath
CHSL 12-10-2020 (Evening) (c) Imdad Khan
(a) Latif Ahmed Sol.(c) Thullal is a satiric dance form (d) Bade Ghulam Ali Khan
(b) Swapan Chowdhury belonging to the state of Kerala. It was
(c) Zakir Hussain introduced by renowned poet Kunchan Sol.(a) Kirana Gharana got its name
(d) Amjad Ali Nambiar. There are three versions of the from a small town called Kerana in
art form - Seethankan Thullal, Parayan North India and founded by Ustad Abdul
Sol.(d) Amjad Ali Khan is an Indian Thullal and Ottan Thullal - with separate
Karim Khan
classical sarod player. costumes.
Q.1036. With which of the following
Q1028. ‘Daskathia’ is a form of ballad Q.1032. A Shadava Raga has only
states is the ‘Mand’ or ‘Maand' style of
singing prevalent in ______. ______ notes in its scale.
singing associated?
CHSL 15-10-2020 (Morning) SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Afternoon)
SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Evening)
(a) Sikkim (b) Telangana (a) seven (b) eight
(a) Rajasthan (b) Gujarat
(c) Goa (d) Odisha (c) five (d) six
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Uttar Pradesh Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 93

Pinnacle Static GK

Sol.(a) Mand or Maand is a style of with Manwa-Patwa, Satvantin, Thag, love song of the people of Goa. Dhalo is
singing in Rajasthan, used in folk songs. and Big. a popular ritual folk dance form Goa.
It is similar to the thumri and the ghazal. The major art forms of the Goa include
Q.1040. Which of the following is a bamboo craft, woodcarving, brass
Q.1037. Owi, a typical folk song which form of devotional poetry sung in praise metals, seashell craft, Papier-Mache, and
is made up of couplets describing of God Vithoba? wooden lacquerware.
women’s maternal and marital homes SSC MTS 12/10/21(Evening)
and is sung by village womenfolk while (a) Shabad (b) Abhang
performing routine chores throughout (c) Tevaram (d) Bhatiali WORLD GK
the day, belongs to which state?
SSC MTS 05/10/21(Afternoon) Sol.(b) Abhang is a form of devotional Q.1044. The currency of Japan is
(a) Mizoram (b) Goa poetry sung in praise of God Vithoba, _________ .
(c) Assam (d) Maharashtra also known as Vitthal. Abhangs are sung SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning)
during the pilgrimage to the temples of (a) Renminbi (b) Euro
Sol.(d) Owi, a typical folk song which is Pandharpur, by the devotees. (c) Yen (d) Dollar
made up of couplets describing women’s
maternal and marital homes and is sung Q.1041. Bhalari is one of the popular Sol.(c) The Japanese Yen is the official
by village womenfolk while performing folk songs of ______, sung by farmers currency of Japan. It is the third most
routine chores throughout the day, while working in their fields. traded currency in the foreign exchange
belongs to Maharashtra. SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Evening) market after the United States Dollar and
(a) Rajasthan (b) Maharashtra the Euro.
Q.1038. Filmmaker Utpal Borpujari’s (c) Himachal Pradesh (d) Bihar
documentary, 'Songs of the _______' is Q1045. ‘Janko’ is a unique cultural
based on the folk songs and culture of Sol.(b) Bhalari is one of the popular folk custom followed in ________ as a
the Naga tribes. songs of Maharashtra, sung by farmers celebration of life.
SSC MTS 12/10/21(Afternoon) while working in their fields. SSC CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning)
(a) Blue River (b) Blue Sky (a) Sri Lanka (b) Nepal
(c) Blue Earth (d) Blue Hills Q.1042. Chakradhar Samaroh is (c) Bhutan (d) Pakistan
organised by the Ustad Allaudin Khan
Sol.(d) Filmmaker Utpal Borpujari’s Sangeet Academy and the Chakradhar Sol.(b) ‘Janko’ is a unique cultural
documentary, 'Songs of the Blue hills' is Lalit Kala Kendra to commemorate the custom followed in Nepal as a
based on the folk songs and culture of glorious memory of Maharaja celebration of life. Janku is a celebration
the Naga tribes. The major folk dances Chakradhar Singh who founded the of life. It’s sort of a traditional grand
of Nagaland include Modse, ______ Gharana in music. birthday celebration when a person
Agurshikukula, Butterfly Dance, SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Evening) reaches a certain age.
Aaluyattu, Sadal Kekai, Changai Dance, (a) Allahabad (b) Lucknow
Kuki Dance, Leshalaptu, Khamba Lim, (c) Gwalior (d) Raigarh Q.1046. ‘Marfati’ songs are traditional
Mayur Dance, Monyoasho, Rengma, folk songs of _______.
Seecha and Kukui Kucho, Shankai and Sol.(d) Chakradhar Samaroh is CGL 11th June 2019 (Morning)
Moyashai, etc, however, the prominent organised by the Ustad Allaudin Khan (a) Afghanistan (b) Bangladesh
ones are War Dance and Zeliang Dance. Sangeet Academy and the Chakradhar (c) Pakistan (d) Nepal
Lalit Kala Kendra to commemorate the
Q.1039. 'Pandavani' is the most glorious memory of Maharaja Sol.(b) “Marfati” songs are traditional
celebrated folklore of ______. Chakradhar Singh who founded the folk songs of Bangladesh.
SSC MTS 12/10/21(Afternoon) Raigarh Gharana in music.
(a) Maharashtra (b) Chhattisgarh Q1047. Kazi Nazrul Islam is the national
(c) Rajasthan (d) Karnataka Q.1043. Mando is a form of folk songs poet of _______
from the state of ______. CGL 11th June 2019 (Afternoon)
Sol.(b) 'Pandavani' is the most celebrated SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Morning) (a) Bangladesh (b) Afghanistan
folklore of Chhattisgarh. List of (a) Bihar (b) Manipur (c) Indonesia (d) Pakistan
folktales of Chhattisgarh are- Mohna de (c) Goa (d) Rajasthan
Sol.(a) Kazi Nazrul Islam was a Bengali
Gori Kayina, Dhola Maru, Fox and
Sol.(c) Mando is a form of a folk song poet, writer, musician, anti-colonial
Mahadev, Sada Brij Saaranga,
from the state of Goa. The Mando is the revolutionary and the national poet of
Vikramāditya as Bikai, Vikramāditya
Bangladesh.Popularly known as Nazrul, Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 94

Pinnacle Static GK

he produced a large body of poetry and CHSL 18-03-2020 (Afternoon)

music with themes that included Q.1052. _______is the largest city in Sri (a) It is the highest lake in India.
religious devotion and rebellion against Lanka. (b) It was formed due to the
oppression. SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Evening) hypervelocity impact of a comet.
(a) Colombo (b) Kandy (c) It drains into the Arabian sea.
Q.1048. When was the constitution of (c) Negombo (d) Jaffna (d) It is the largest inland salt lake in
Pakistan enforced? India.
CGL 11th June 2019 (Evening) Sol.(a) Colombo is the largest city of Sri
(a) 1973 (b) 1947 Lanka. Sol.(d) The Sambhar Salt Lake, India’s
(c) 1965 (d) 1952 largest inland salt lake, is located in
Q1053. 'Kiribath' is a rice dish Rajasthan. This inland lake receives
Sol.(a) Pakistan Constitution was from_____. water from five rivers namely, Samaod,
enforced with effect from 23rd March SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Evening) Khari, Mantha, Khandela, Medtha and
1956. Under this Constitution, Pakistan (a) Bhutan (b) Sri Lanka Roopangarh.
became an Islamic Republic, hence 23rd (c) Myanmar (d) Nepal
March became our Republic day. Q.1058. To scale Mount Everest,
Sol.(b) Kiribath is a traditional Sri mountaineers need to go to ______.
Q1049. Dashain’ is the grandest festival Lankan dish made from rice. It is CHSL 18-03-2020 (Evening)
of ____. prepared by cooking rice with coconut (a) Afghanistan (b) Bhutan
CGL 12th June 2019 (Morning) milk,and is made in the shape of a cake. (c) Nepal (d) Myanmar
(a) Bangladesh (b) Bhutan
(c) Sri Lanka (d) Nepal Q1054. The ______ in China is the Sol.(c) Mount Everest is Earth’s highest
world’s longest man-made waterway. mountain above sea level, located in the
Sol.(d) Dashain, also known as Bijaya SSC CGL 5/3/2020 (afternoon) Mahalangur Himal subrange of the
Dashami, is the grandest, longest and (a) Corinth Canal (b) Kiel Canal Himalayas. It is located between Nepal
most auspicious festival in Nepal. It (c) Suzhou Canal (d) Grand Canal and Tibet.
takes place in Nepali Ashwin month
(September to October in Solar Sol.(d) The Grand Canal of China is the Q1059. World's largest field hockey
Calendar) and lasts for 15 days. world's longest man-made waterway. stadium based on the seating capacity is
The waterway is the link of the Yellow located in which
Q.1050. The “Gho” is the traditional and river and Yangtze River. Country ?
national dress for men in _____. CHSL 19-03-2020 (Morning)
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q1055. Which is the largest uranium (a) Australia (b) Pakistan
(a) Thailand (b) Cambodia producing country in the world? (c) Netherlands (d) India
(c) Bhutan (d) Vietnam CHSL 18-03-2020 (Morning)
(a) Uzbekistana (b) Kazakhstan Sol.(b) National Hockey Stadium
Sol.(c) In Bhutan, a tiny Himalayan (c) USA (d) India (Gaddafi Hockey Stadium) is located in
kingdom tucked between China and Lahore, Pakistan. It is the biggest field
India, it's obligatory for everyone to Sol.(b) Kazakhstan is the largest hockey stadium in the world.
wear the national dress. For men this uranium producing country in the world.
means the gho, a knee-length gown tied Q.1060. In which year were the
at the waist by a belt called a keram. Q.1056. Tummalapalle, believed to have ‘Kalbelia’ folk songs and dances of
one of the largest uranium reserves in the Rajasthan included in UNESCO’s
Q1051.Which of the following countries world, is situated in which of the representative list of Intangible Cultural
is known as the country of wind? following states? Heritage?
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning) CHSL 18-03-2020 (Morning) CHSL 12-10-2020 (Morning)
(a) Portugal (a) Karnataka (b) Tamil Nadu (a) 2012 (b) 2017
(b) China (c) Telangana (d) Andhra Pradesh (c) 2010 (d) 2015
(c) France
(d) Denmark Sol.(d) Tummalapalle, believed to have Sol.(c) Kalbelia folk songs and dances of
one of the largest uranium reserves in the Rajasthan were included in 2010 in
Sol.(d) Denmark ranks first in the world world, is situated in Andhra Pradesh. UNESCO’s representative list of
to produce electricity from Wind. Intangible Cultural Heritage.Songs and
Therefore, Denmark is known as a Q1057. Which of the following dances are an expression of the Kalbelia
country of "winds". statements about Sambhar lake is true? community’s traditional way of life. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 95

Pinnacle Static GK

Women in flowing black skirts dance CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening) Uttarakhand, India, after Nanda Devi
and swirl, replicating the movements of (a) Serbia (b) Mexico and rest all others are in Nepal.
a serpent, while men accompany them (c) India (d) Brazil
on the Khanjari percussion instrument Q1069. How many times has Pakistan
and the Pungi, a woodwind instrument Sol.(d) Brazil is called the ‘Coffee Bowl reached the final of ICC Men’s World
traditionally played to capture snakes. of the World’. Cup?
The dancers wear traditional tattoo SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening)
designs, jewellery and garments richly Q1065. Which of the following is the (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 0 (d) 1
embroidered with small mirrors and second largest artificial lake in Asia?
silver thread. Kalbelia songs disseminate CHSL 21-10-2020 (Afternoon) Sol.(b) Pakistan reached the final of ICC
mythological knowledge through stories (a) Chilika Lake in Odisha Men’s World Cup 2 times first in
while special traditional dances are (b) Chandubi Lake in Assam 1992(champion) and then 1999(runner-
performed during Holi, the festival of (c) Kolleru Lake in Andhra Pradesh up). Australia won the world cup in
colours. The songs also demonstrate the (d) Dhebar Lake in Rajasthan 1999.
poetic acumen of Kalbelia, who are
reputed to compose lyrics spontaneously Sol.(d) Miyun Reservoir is the largest Q1070. ‘Sagarmatha’ is the Nepali name
and improvise songs during artificial lake in Asia and Jaisamand for:
performances. Lake or Dhebar Lake is the second CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening)
largest artificial lake in Asia. (a) Makalu (b) Lhotse
Q1061. New Delhi's Lotus Temple was (c) Kanchenjunga (d) Mount Everest
designed by an architect from ______. Q.1066. Who was appointed as the
CHSL 12-10-2020 (Afternoon) Curator of Ancient Monuments in 1880? Sol.(d) Mount Everest in Nepal is also
(a) Germany (b) Iran CHSL 21-10-2020 (Evening) known as Sagarmatha which means
(c) UAE (d) Japan (a) HH Cole “goddess of sky”. It is the highest peak
(b) John Marshall in the world. Height of Mount Everest is
Sol.(b) The Bahai Lotus temple in New (c) Alexander Cunningham 8848 m.In 1953 Edmund Hillary and
Delhi was designed by Iranian architect (d) James Fergusson Tenzing Norgay were the first persons to
Fariborz Sahba in the shape of a lotus as climb Mount Everest .
it is common to several religions Sol.(a) HH Cole was appointed as the
including Hinduism and Buddhism. Curator of Ancient Monuments in 1880. Q1071. The Summer Olympic Games
2000 were held at:
Q.1062. What was the magnitude of the Q1067. In Vienna, there's a statue of SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning)
Indian Ocean Tsunami 2004? Indian hockey player ______ holding (a) Paris (b) Sydney
CHSL 12/10/2020 Afternoon four hockey sticks in four (c) Athens (d) Seoul
(a) 7.4 (b) 8.9 (c) 9.1 (d) 8.6 Hands.
CHSL 26-10-2020 (Morning) Sol.(b) The summer olympics 2000 were
Sol.(c) The tsunami magnitude or Mt is a (a) Dhyan Chand held at Sydney Australia.
number used to compare sizes of (b) Dhanraj Pillay
tsunamis generated by different (c) Udham Singh Kular Q.1072. In the context of Sri Lankan
earthquakes. Indian Ocean tsunami 2004 (d) Bharat Kumar Chettri Civil War, what does the first ‘T’ in
had a magnitude of 9.1. LTTE stand for?
Sol.(a) In Vienna, there's a statue of SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning)
Q1063. The National Game of Bhutan Indian hockey player Dhyan Chand (a) Tamil (b) Tigers
is: holding four hockey sticks in four hands. (c) Tarantulas (d) Triumph
CHSL 12/10/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) archery (b) shooting Q1068. Which among the following Sol.(b) LTTE stands for The Liberation
(c) taekwondo (d) wrestling peaks is NOT located in Nepal Tigers of Tamil Eelam. LTTE was a
Himalayas? military separatist group fighting for an
Sol.(a) The National Game of Bhutan is SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) independent homeland for Hindu Tamils
archery. (a) Lhotse (b) Mount Everest in Northeastern Sri Lanka.
(c) Annapurna (d) Kamet
Q.1064. Which country is called the Q1073. Greta Thunberg , the teenage
‘Coffee Bowl of the World’? Sol.(d) Kamet is the second highest sensation and global climate change
िकस दे श को िव म ‘कॉफ़ी का कटोरा’ mountain in the Garhwal region of crusader is from which of the following
कहा जाता है ? Europian countries? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 96

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CHSL 2 JULY 2019 (Afternoon) Q.1077. A gold lion passant holding a members of the New Development Bank
(a) Germany (b) Finland sword in its right forepaw, is the national include Brazil, Russia, India, China, and
(c) Belgium (d) Sweden symbol of ______. South Africa.
SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Evening) Headquarters: Shanghai, China.
Sol.(d) Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman (a) Sri Lanka (b) Bhutan
Thunberg born 3 January 2003) is a (c) Myanmar (d) Pakistan Q.1081. Who is the founder of the
Swedish environmental activist on Grameen Bank of Bangladesh?
climate change whose campaigning has Sol.(a) The flag of Sri Lanka also called SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Evening)
gained international recognition. the Sinha Flag or Lion Flag consists of a (a) Professor Muhammad Gawas
golden lion holding a kastane sword in (b) Professor Muhammad Zaheer
Q.1074. With reference to the its right fore-paw in a maroon (c) Professor Muhammad Shah
development of a country, which of the background with four gold bo leaves, (d) Professor Muhammad Yunus
following countries is associated to the one in each corner.
Gross National Happiness? Sol.(d) Professor Muhammad Yunus is
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening) Q.1078. The international agreement the founder of the Grameen Bank of
(a)Bhutan (b)Belgium Montreal Protocol is related to: Bangladesh. Grameen Bank, a
(c)Bangladesh (d)Indonesia SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Evening) Bangladeshi bank founded by economist
(a) Wildlife Muhammad Yunus as a means of
Sol.(a) Gross national happiness is a (b) Ramsar sites providing small loans to poor individuals
measure of economic and moral progress (c) the ozone layer in 1983. In 2006, Yunus was awarded
that the King of Bhutan introduced in the (d) World Heritage sites the Nobel Prize for Peace.
1970s as an alternative to gross domestic
product. Rather than focusing strictly on Sol.(c) The Montreal Protocol on Q.1082. In which year did Gongsa
quantitative economic measures, gross Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer Ugyen Wangchuck become the first
national happiness takes into account an (the Montreal Protocol) is an monarch of Bhutan?
evolving mix of quality-of-life factors. international agreement made in 1987. It SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Morning)
was designed to stop the production and (a) 1901 (b) 1910
Q1075. In which of the following import of ozone-depleting substances (c) 1905 (d) 1907
neighbouring countries of India is the and reduce their concentration in the
famous Katas Raj Temples complex, atmosphere to help protect the earth's Sol.(d) Ugyen Wangchuck founded the
with shrines of multiple faiths, located? ozone layer. monarchy in Bhutan. He was the first
SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Afternoon) Druk Gyalpo (King of Bhutan) from
(a) Pakistan (b) Sri Lanka Q.1079. In which year was Bank of 1907 to 1926.
(c) Afghanistan (d) Myanmar Bhutan Limited, the oldest bank of
Bhutan, established? Q.1083. Bangladesh was a part of
Sol.(a) The Shri Katas Raj Temples is a SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Evening) Pakistan from ______.
complex of several Hindu temples (a) 1956 (b) 1971 SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Morning)
connected to one another by walkways (c) 1947 (d) 1968 (a) 1947 - 1973 (b) 1948 - 1975
and located in Pakistan's Punjab (c) 1948 - 1979 (d) 1947 - 1971
province. Sol.(d) Bank of Bhutan (BoB) is the
oldest bank in the country. It was Sol.(d) Bangladesh was a part of
Q.1076. In which of the following years established by a Royal Charter in May Pakistan from 1947 - 1971.
was ADB (Asian Development Bank) 1968. Bhutan is a landlocked country in
established? SSC CHSL 13/04/21 South Asia and its capital is Thimphu. Q.1084. Which one of the following is
(Morning) the largest valley in Asia?
(a) 1978 (b) 1980 Q.1080. New Development Bank (NDB) SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Morning)
(c) 1966 (d) 1959 is a multilateral development bank (a) Alai valley (b) Dang valley
established in 2014. How many (c) Chuy valley (d) Fergana valley
Sol.(c) Asian Development Bank (ADB) countries are members of NDB? SSC
- Established on: 19 December 1966 - CHSL 19/04/21 (Morning) Sol.(b) At a distance of nearly 500 km
Headquarters: Manila, Philippines - (a) 25 (b) 12 (c) 9 (d) 5 from Kathmandu city lies the largest
Current President: Masatsugu Asakawa valley of Asia, Dang valley.
Sol.(d) New Development Bank (NDB)
is a multilateral development bank Q.1085. What is the currency of
established in 2014. The five founding Myanmar? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 97

Pinnacle Static GK

SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Morning) Milwaukee Depth, the deepest point in (c) Rapid Access Memory
(a) Myanmar Riel the Atlantic Ocean. (d) Regular Access Memory
(b) Myanmar Dong
(c) Myanmar Kyat COMPUTER Sol.(a) RAM is an acronym for random
(d) Myanmar Ringgit access memory, a type of computer
Q1089. AIX is the operating system of memory that can be accessed randomly;
Sol.(c) Myanmar Kyat is the currency of which company? that is, any byte of memory can be
Myanmar. SSC-CHSL 1/7/ 2019 (Evening) accessed without touching the preceding
(a) Apple (b) Unisys bytes. RAM is found in servers, PCs,
Q.1086. Dashain is the longest and the (c) IBM (d) Microsoft tablets, smartphones and other devices,
most important festival of ______. SSC such as printers.
MTS 11/10/21(Afternoon) Sol(c) AIX (Advanced Interactive
(a) Myanmar (b) Bhutan eXecutive) is “an open operating system Q1093. In the world of Computers, what
(c) Sri Lanka (d) Nepal from IBM that is based on a version of is ‘Ubuntu’?
UNIX. AIX/ESA was designed for CHSL 2/7/2019 (Afternoon)
Sol.(d) Dashain is the longest and the IBM's System/390 or large server (a) A firewell developed by Microsoft
most important festival of Nepal. hardware platform. (b) Open Source Linux Operating
Goddess Durga severed Mahisasur, the System
demon who terrorised the whole world, Q.1090. In which year was Google (c) An ERP system from SAP
so the Dashain is celebrated for the incorporated as a private company? (d) Latest financial software package by
victory of good over evil. CHSL 2/7/2019 (Morning) Infosys
(a) 2000 (b) 2005
Q.1087. The town of Paro is a famous (c) 2002 (d) 1998 Sol.(b) Ubuntu is an open-source
tourist destination of ______. operating system (OS) based on the
SSC MTS 13/10/21(Morning) Sol.(d) Google is incorporated, Debian GNU/Linux distribution. Ubuntu
(a) Sri Lanka (b) Bangladesh September 4, 1998. Google was is primarily designed to be used on
(c) Bhutan (d) India incorporated as a privately-held personal computers, although a server
company on September 4, 1998, by edition does also exist. Ubuntu is an
Sol.(c) The town of Paro is a famous founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin. African word that literally means
"humanity to others."
tourist destination in Bhutan. Paro is a
valley town in Bhutan, west of the Q1091. A region of computer memory
where frequently accessed data can be Q.1094. ‘Pivot Table’ is a feature of
capital, Thimphu. This town is famous
stored for rapid access is called: which of the following softwares?
for its Druk Choeding temple which was
CHSL 2/7/2019 (Morning) CHSL 2/7/2019 (Evening)
built by Ngawang Chogyel, the
(a) Cookie (b) Plug-in (a) Microsoft Excel
prince-abbots of Ralung in Tibet in
(c) Token (d) Cache (b) Microsoft Word
1525. (c) Microsoft Access
Sol.(d) A region of computer memory (d) Microsoft Powerpoint
Q.1088. Which of the following oceans
is the third largest in the world? where frequently accessed data can be
stored for rapid access is called Cache. Sol.(a) ‘Pivot Table’ is a feature of
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Morning) Microsoft Excel. A pivot table is a data
(a) Atlantic ocean Cache is a collection of data duplicating
original values stored elsewhere or summarization tool that is used in the
(b) Indian Ocean context of data processing. Pivot tables
(c) Pacific Ocean computed earlier, where the original data
is expensive to fetch (owing to longer are used to summarize, sort, reorganize,
(d) Arctic Ocean group, count, total or average data stored
access time) or to compute, compared to
the cost of reading the cache. In other in a database. It allows its users to
Sol.(b) the Indian Ocean is the transform columns into rows and rows
words, a cache is a temporary storage
third-largest in the world. It makes up into columns. It allows grouping by any
area where frequently accessed data can
approximately 20% of the Earth's water data field.
be stored for rapid access.
surface. The Pacific Ocean is the largest
and deepest of the world's ocean basins. Q1095. Which of the following is NOT
Q.1092. In computer terminology, what
The second-largest is the Atlantic Ocean. one of the tools of Robotics Process
is the full form of RAM?
The Java Trench is the deepest point in CHSL 2/7/2019 (Morning) Automation?
the Indian Ocean. The Mariana Trench is (a) Random Access Memory SSC-CHSL 3/7/2019 (Morning)
the deepest point of the Pacific Ocean. (b) Repeated Access Memory (a) Blue Prism Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 98

Pinnacle Static GK

(b) Ui Path The second generation, introduced in and controls incoming and outgoing
(c) Automation Anywhere 1960, used transistors and were the first network traffic based on predetermined
(d) Power Center successful commercial computers. security rules.
SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (afternoon)
Sol.(d) Power center is not the tool of Q1099. Who among the following (a) cookie (b) spyware
RPA. Others are popular tools for RPA. pioneered Binary Logic and Arithmetic (c) spam (d) firewall
in Computers Programming?
Q.1096. A database used by Microsoft SSC-CHSL 4/7/2019 (Morning) Sol.(d) A Firewall is a network security
Windows for storing configuration (a) Noam Chomsky device that monitors and filters incoming
information is known as: (b) Leslie Lamport and outgoing network traffic based on an
SSC-CHSL 3/7/2019 (Afternoon) (c) John Backus organization's previously established
(a) Registry (b) Record (d) Claude Shannon security policies. At its most basic, a
(c) Cookie (d) Cache firewall is essentially the barrier that sits
Sol.(d) Claude Shannon not only between a private internal network and
Sol.(a) The system registry is one of the pioneered binary logic and arithmetic, he the public Internet.
most important parts of a invented a whole new subject area -
Windows-based computer system. Not to information theory and still had time to Q1103. Who among the following
be tampered with lightly, the registry is a have fun with computer chess and invented the World Wide Web (www) in
system-defined database used by the Theseus, the amazing maze running 1989?
Windows operating system to store relay mouse. SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (afternoon)
configuration information. (a) Bill Gates
Q.1100. Desktop Computers, Laptop (b) Steve Wozniak
Q1097. Who among the following Computers, tablets and smartphones are (c) Tim Berners-Lee
invented the Computer language, different types of ________. (d) Charles Babbage
COBOL? SSC-CHSL 4/7/2019 (Morning)
SSC-CHSL 3/7/2019 (Evening) (a) Supercomputers Sol.(c) Tim Berners-Lee, a British
(a) Grace Murray Hopper (b) Mainframe Computers scientist, invented the World Wide Web
(b) John McCarthy (c) Microcomputers (WWW) in 1989, while working at
(c) Guido van Rossum (d) Minicomputers CERN. The web was originally
(d) Brendan Eich conceived and developed to meet the
Sol.(c) Desktop computers, laptops, demand for automated
Sol.(a) COBOL was designed in 1959 by personal digital assistants (PDA), tablets information-sharing between scientists
CODASYL and was partly based on & smartphones are all types of in universities and institutes around the
previous programming language design microcomputers. world.
work by Grace Hopper, commonly The micro-computers are widely used &
referred to as "the (grand)mother of the fastest growing computers. These Q.1104. Which of the following is NOT
COBOL". It was created as part of a US computers are the cheapest among the an anti-virus software?
Department of Defense effort to create a other three types of computers. SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (Evening)
portable programming language for data (a) Avast (b) Linux
processing. Q1101. ________ is the smallest unit of (c) Norton (d) Kaspersky
data in a computer.
Q.1098. Second Generation computers SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (morning) Sol.(b) Linux is not an antivirus
can be characterized largely by their use (a) Gigabyte (b) Bit Software. It is an open source operating
of : (c) Byte (d) Terabyte software. Rest all others are antivirus
SSC-CHSL 3/7/2019 (Evening) software for Microsoft Windows,
(a) Integrated Circuits Sol.(b) Bit is the smallest unit of data in macOS, Android and iOS.
(b) Vacuum Tubes a computer.
(c) Microprocessors 8 bit = 1 byte Q1105. Which of the following is a
(d) Transistors 1024 byte = 1 Kilobyte supercomputer developed by India?
1024 Kilobyte = 1 Megabyte SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (Evening)
Sol.(d) Generations of computers are 1024 Megabyte = Gigabyte (a) Param Yuva 2 (b) Onshape
characterized by their technology. First 1024 Gigabytes = 1 Terabyte (c) Venngage (d) Pixir
generation digital computers, developed
mostly in the U.S. after World War II, Q.1102. In computing, ________ is a Sol.(a) Param yuva 2 is a supercomputer
used vacuum tubes and were enormous. network security system that monitors developed by India. It has a memory of Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 99

Pinnacle Static GK

14144GB and is one the oldest Sol.(d) A roadeo is a competitive driving CHSL 17-03-2020 (Morning)
supercomputers of India. event for motor vehicle drivers. (a) Bit (b) Half bit
Typically, drivers compete to pass (c) Half byte (d) Byte
Q.1106. In the context of digital through a variety of obstacles in the
computer, which of the following pairs smallest amount of time, although the Sol.(c) Nibble is also called Half byte.
of digits is referred to as competitions may include other
binary code? components, such as a written test. Q1115. Which company manufactured
CHSL 10 JULY 2019 MORNING the first microprocessor 4004?
(a) 3 and 4 (b) 0 and 1 Q.1110. Which shortcut key is used for CHSL 17-03-2020 (Afternoon)
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 2 previewing the page before printing? (a) ENOcean Private Company
CHSL 17-03-2020 (Afternoon) (b) NVIDIA Corporation
Sol.(b) In the context of digital (a) CTRL + F6 (b) CTRL + F10 (c) PLX Devices
computer, 0 and 1 is referred to as binary (c) CTRL + F2 (d) CTRL + F5 (d) INTEL Corporation
Sol.(c) Ctrl + F2 is used for previewing Sol.(d) INTEL Corporation
Q1107. In the field of information and the page before printing. manufactured the first microprocessor
communication technology, what is the 4004.
full form of FDD? Q1111. Who designed the first analog
CHSL 10 JULY 2019 (Morning) computer in India? भारत म पहला Q.1116. Python is a _______.
(a) Folder Disk Drive CHSL 13/10/2020 (Evening) CHSL 17-03-2020 (Evening)
(b) Floppy Disk Drive (a) Samarendra Kumar Mitra (a) high level language
(c) Folder Data Drive (b) Deb Kumar Bose (b) assembly language
(d) Floppy Data Drive (c) Subodh Chandra Das Gupta (c) low level language
(d) Bimal Kumar Bhattacharyya (d) machine language
Sol.(b) The full form of FDD in the field
of Information and Communication Sol.(a) Samarendra Kumar Mitra was an Sol.(a) Python is a high level language.
Technology is Floppy Disk Drive.It is a Indian scientist and mathematician. He
type of disk storage composed of a disk designed India’s first computer in 1954 Q1117. Linux is ______.
of thin and flexible magnetic storage at Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta. CHSL 17-03-2020 (Evening)
medium, sealed in a rectangular plastic (a) an interpreter
enclosure lined with fabric that removes Q1112. Which of the following is NOT (b) an operating system
dust particles. Floppy disks are read and an e-commerce website? (c) an assembly language
written by a Floppy Disk Drive (FDD). CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning) (d) a high level language
(a) Uber (b) Swiggy
Q.1108. In the context of digital (c) Flipkart (d) Google Maps Sol.(b) Linux is an operating system.
computer, which of the following pairs
of digits is referred to as Sol.(d) An e-commerce website is a site Q1118. In the context of memory size in
binary code? that sells products and services through computer data storage, one gigabyte is
CHSL 10 JULY 2019 (Morning) means of data transfer and funds over equal to how many
(a) 3 and 4 (b) 0 and 1 the internet. megabytes?
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 2 CHSL 18-03-2020 (Morning)
Q1113. The first barcode system was (a) 32 MB (b) 1012 MB
Sol.(b) In computers all data is developed by: (c) 64 MB (d) 1024 MB
represented as binary codes. That is, all CHSL 21-10-2020 (Afternoon)
data is represented as strings of 0s and (a) Norman Joseph Woodland Sol.(d) In the context of memory size in
1s. (b) John Mc Carthy computer data storage, one gigabyte is
(c) John Barger equal to 1024 MB.
Q1109. What is 'Roadeo'? (d) David Bradley
SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) Q1119. A hard disk is an example of
(a) A robot that cleans city roads Sol.(a) In 1952, Norman Joseph which type of data storage device?
(b) A robot that fills potholes Woodland developed the first barcode CHSL 18-03-2020 (Morning)
(c) A robot that drives taxis system. (a) Primary Storage
(d) A robot that helps maintain traffic (b) Secondary Storage
Q.1114. 'Nibble' in computer (c) Offline Storage
terminology is also called _________. (d) Tertiary Storage Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 100

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Q1123. Which of the following options CHSL 19-03-2020 (Afternoon)

Sol.(b) Secondary storage devices are correctly defines a firewall (in the (a) F4 (b) F3 (c) F1 (d) F2
storage devices that operate alongside context of computing)?
the computer’s primary storage, RAM CHSL 18-03-2020 (Evening) Sol.(c) F1 is used for opening help.
and cache memory. Examples include (a) It is the name of a software.
external hard drives, USB flash drives (b) It is a hardware device. Q1127. In the field of computing, what
and tape drives. (c) It is a combination of both software does VGA stand for?
and hardware devices to permit or deny CHSL 19-03-2020 (Evening)
Q1120. Which of the following is an network transmission based on a set of (a) Visual Graphics Array
input device that utilises a light-sensitive rules. (b) Video Graphics Array
detector to select (d) It is a combination of software and (c) Video Graphics Audio
objects on a display screen? hardware-based devices to permit any (d) Visual Graphics Audio
CHSL 18-03-2020 (Afternoon) and every
(a) Light pen network transmission. Sol.(b) VGA stands for Video Graphics
(b) Barcode reader Array. It is a high-resolution standard for
(c) Optical mark recognition (OMR) Sol.(c) A firewall is a security device - displaying text, graphics and colors on
(d) Magnetic ink character recognition computer hardware or software that can computer monitors.
(MICR) help protect your network by filtering
traffic and blocking outsiders from Q1128. In a computer, which unit is
Sol.(a) A light pen is a computer input gaining unauthorized access to the responsible for processing data and is
device in the form of a light-sensitive private data on your computer. also called the electronic brain of the
wand used in conjunction with a computer?
computer’s cathode-ray tube display. It Q1124. Which technology do third CHSL 12-10-2020 (Morning)
allows the user to point to displayed generation computers use? (a) Central Processing Unit(CPU)
objects or draw on the screen in a similar CHSL 19-03-2020 (Morning) (b) Hard Disk
way to a touchscreen but with greater (a) Integrated circuits (c) RAM
positional accuracy. (b) Transistors (d) Keyboard
(c) Microprocessors
Q1121. The speed of the Central (d) Vacuum tubes Sol.(a) Central Processing Unit is
Processing Unit (CPU) is measured considered as the electronic brain of the
in_________, which represents a CPU Sol.(a) First Generation Computers - computer. It consists of a Memory,
cycle. Vacuum tube based Control Unit and Arithmetic Logic Unit.
CHSL 18-03-2020 (Afternoon) Second Generation Computers - The CPU performs basic arithmetic,
(a) Gigabyte (GB) Transistor based logic, controlling and input/output (I/O)
(b) Hertz (Hz) Third Generation Computers - Integrated operations specified by the instructions
(c) Terabyte (TB) Circuit based in the program.
(d) Kilobyte (KB) Fourth Generation Computers - VLSI
Microprocessor based Q1129. The F7 key is commonly used in
Sol.(b) The speed of the Central Microsoft programs such as Microsoft
Processing Unit (CPU) is measured in Q1125. In the field of computing, what Word, Outlook,
Hertz (Hz), which represents a CPU does VRML stand for? etc. for:
cycle. CHSL 19-03-2020 (Morning) CHSL 12-10-2020 (Afternoon)
(a) Virtual Reality MarkUp Language (a) opening help
Q1122. Which unit of the computer is (b) Visual Reality MarkUp Language (b) checking spellings and grammar
considered as the brain of the computer? (c) Virtual Reality Machine Language (c) searching content in various apps (d)
CHSL 18-03-2020 (Evening) (d) Visual Reality Machine Language renaming files and folders
(a) Memory unit (b) Input unit
(c) CPU (d) Output unit Sol.(a) Virtual Reality MarkUp Sol.(b) The F7 key is commonly used in
Language (VRML) is an open-standard Microsoft programs such as Microsoft
Sol.(c) Central Processing Unit (CPU) is programming language created to design Word, Outlook, etc. for checking
considered as the brain of the computer three-dimensional and Web-based spellings and grammar.
because it contains all the circuitry models, textures and illusion.
needed to process input, store data and Q1130. In the field of computing, what
output results Q1126. Which function key is used for does ENIAC stand for?
opening help? CHSL 12-10-2020 (Afternoon) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 101

Pinnacle Static GK

(a) Electronic Numerical Integrator and (b) Primary read-only memory Sol.(c) A digitizer is a machine that
Computer (c) Programmable read-only memory converts an analog object, image or
(b) Electronic Numerical Integrated (d) Program read-output memory signal into a digital (computer- readable)
Advanced Computer format.
(c) Electronic Numerals Integration and Sol.(c) PROM or Programmable
Computing read-only memory is a computer Q1137. In the context of computing,
(d) Electronic Numbers Integration and memory chip that can be programmed what is the full form of URL?
Computer once after it is created. Once the PROM CHSL 14/10/2020 (Afternoon)
is programmed, the information written (a) Undistributed Resource Locator
Sol.(a) ENIAC stands for Electronic is permanent and cannot be erased or (b) Unified Resource Locator
Numerical Integrator and Computer. It deleted. (c) Uniform Resource Locator
was the first programmable, electronic, (d) Uniform Region Locator
general-purpose digital computer. It was Q1133. Which function key displays the
Turing-complete and able to solve a Print Preview window in Microsoft Sol.(c) A Uniform Resource Locator
large class of numerical problems Office? (URL) is a reference to a web resource
through reprogramming. CHSL 13/10/2020 (Afternoon) that specifies its location on a computer
(a) Alt+F2 (b) Alt+Ctrl+F2 network and a mechanism for retrieving
Q1131. Which of the following (c) Ctrl+F2 (d) Shift+F2 it.
statements about firewall (in the context
Sol.(c) Ctrl +F2 displays the Print
of computing) is Q.1138. Which of the following is used
Preview window in Microsoft Office.
INCORRECT? to receive and send computer files over
CHSL 12-10-2020 (Evening) Q.1134. In which year did the JavaScript telephone lines?
(a) It permits network transmission Programming language come into CHSL 14/10/2020 (Afternoon)
based on a set of rules. existence? (a) Modem (b) MICR device
(b) It is a combination of both software CHSL 13/10/2020 (Afternoon) (c) Floppy disk (d) Light pen
and hardware devices. (a) 2000 (b) 1990
(c) It is frequently used to protect a (c) 1995 (d) 1999 Sol.(a) Modulator Demodulator
computer network from unauthorised (Modem) is a hardware component that
Sol.(c) JavaScript Programming
(d) It is unable to permit legitimate allows a computer or another device,
language came into existence in 1995.
communication to pass. such as a router or switch, to connect to
Q1135. Which of the following is a lever the Internet. It converts or “modulates”
Sol.(d) In computing, a firewall is a that can be moved in several directions an analog signal from a telephone or
network security system that monitors to control the movement of an image on cable wire to digital data that a computer
and controls incoming and outgoing a computer monitor or similar display can recognize. Similarly, it converts
network traffic based on predetermined screen? digital data from a computer or other
security rules. It establishes a barrier CHSL 14/10/2020 (Morning) device into an analog signal that can be
between a trusted network and an (a) MIDI Devices sent over standard telephone lines.
untrusted network. (b) Optical Mark Reader
Firewalls are categorized as a (c) Joystick Q1139. Which of the following is an
network-based or a host-based system. (d) Visual Display Unit input device used to enter motion data in
Network-based firewalls can be computers or other electronic devices?
positioned anywhere within a LAN or Sol.(c) Joystick is an input device CHSL 14/10/2020 (Evening)
WAN. They are either a software consisting of a lever that can be moved (a)Monitor (b)Trackball
appliance running on general purpose in several directions to control the (c)Plotter (d)Joystick
hardware, a hardware appliance running movement of an image on a computer
on special-purpose hardware, or a virtual monitor or similar display screen. Sol.(b) A trackball is a pointing input
appliance running on a virtual host. device. It consists of a ball held by a
Host-based firewalls are deployed Q.1136. Which of the following converts socket containing sensors to detect a
directly on the host itself to control analogue information into digital form? rotation of the ball about two axes. The
network traffic or other computing CHSL 14/10/2020 (Morning) user rolls the ball with the thumb, fingers
resources. (a) Optical Mark Reading or the palm of the hand to move a cursor.
(b) Barcode reader
Q.1132. What is the full form of PROM? (c) Digitizer Q.1140. In the context of computing, a
CHSL 13/10/2020 (Morning) (d) Gamepad byte is equal to ______ bits.
(a) Program read-only memory CHSL 15-10-2020 (Morning) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 102

Pinnacle Static GK

(a) 4 (b) 16 (c) 24 (d) 8 (b) CD-RW Sol.(a) ‘=’ must be used before a
(c) DVD-ROM formula in a Microsoft Excel sheet.
Sol.(d) In the context of computing, a (d) CD-ROM
byte is equal to 8 bits. Q.1148. What is the full form of BASIC
Sol.(a) A USB flash drive is a plug and in context of the BASIC computer
Q1141. Which of the following is a type play portable storage device that uses language?
of memory and is similar to RAM? It is flash memory. A USB flash drive can be CHSL 16-10-2020 (Afternoon)
used by computers to move data between used in place of a compact disc. When a (a) Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic
the RAM and the CPU. user plugs the flash memory device into Input Code
CHSL 15-10-2020 (Morning) the USB port, the computer’s operating (b) Beginner’s All-purpose Systematic
(a) Hypertext Link (b) ROM system recognizes the device as a Instruction Code
(c) Cache (d) I Beam removable drive and assigns it a drive (c) Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic
letter. Input-output Code
Sol.(c) Cache Memory is a very (d) Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic
high-speed memory and is used to speed Q1145. ______ is the fastest to read Instruction Code
up and synchronize with high-speed from and write to than the other kinds of
CPU. It is an extremely fast memory storage in a computer. Sol.(d) BASIC stands for “Beginner’s
type that acts as a buffer between RAM CHSL 15-10-2020 (Evening) All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code”.
and the CPU. It holds frequently (a) CD ROM It is a computer programming language
requested data and instructions so that (b) Floppy Disk that was developed to provide a way for
they are immediately available to the (c) RAM students to write simple computer
CPU when needed. (d) Hard Disk programs.

Q.1142. Which of the following is a very Sol.(c) RAM (Random Access Memory) Q1149. Third generation computers
high-speed semiconductor memory is a form of computer memory that can used:
which can speed up the CPU? be read and changed in any order, CHSL 16-10-2020 (Evening)
CHSL 15-10-2020 (Afternoon) typically used to store working data and (a) vacuum tubes
(a) Cache Memory machine code. A random-access (b) integrated circuits
(b) Main Memory memory device allows data items to be (c) Transistors
(c) Secondary Memory read or written in almost the same (d) VLSI technique
(d) Primary Memory amount of time irrespective of the
physical location of data inside the Sol.(b) First generation: Vacuum tube
Sol.(a) Cache Memory is a very memory. based.
high-speed memory and is used to speed Second generation: Transistor based.
up and synchronize with high-speed Q.1146. ______ is a diagrammatic Third generation: Integrated circuit
representation of a program logic. based.
Q1143. Which of the following consists CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning) Fourth generation: VLSI microprocessor
of an electronic writing area and a (a) Process (b) Flowchart based.
special ‘pen’ that works with it? (c) Data (d) Legend Fifth generation: ULSI microprocessor
CHSL 15-10-2020 (Afternoon) based.
(a) Trackball (b) Plotters Sol.(b) A flowchart is simply a graphical
(c) Abacus (d) Graphics Tablet representation of steps. It shows steps in Q.1150. ____ is the central server in
sequential order and is widely used in computer network which lets the
Sol.(d) A graphics tablet is a computer presenting the flow of algorithms, concerned user utilize the storage
input device that enables a user to workflow or processes. A flowchart capacity of the server.
hand-draw images, animations and shows the steps as boxes of various and CHSL 16-10-2020 (Evening)
graphics, with a special pen like stylus, their order by connecting them with (a) Application Server (b) File Server
similar to the way a person draws arrows. (c) Print Server (d) Web Server
images with a pencil and paper.
Q1147. Which of the following symbols Sol.(b) A file server is a central server in
Q.1144. ______ is a small, portable flash
must be used before a formula in a a computer network that provides file
memory card that plugs into a
Microsoft Excel sheet? systems or at least parts of a file system
computer’s USB port and functions as a
CHSL 16-10-2020 (Afternoon) to connected clients. File servers
portable hard drive.
(a) = (b) & (c) $ (d) @ therefore offer users a central storage
CHSL 15-10-2020 (Evening)
place for files on internal data media,
(a) Flash drive/ ैश डाइव Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 103

Pinnacle Static GK

which is accessible to all authorized Q1156. Which of the following is not a (b) Hyper Level Language
clients. softcopy devices? (c) High Level List
CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) (d) High Level Language
Q1151. Which of the following devices (a) Plotter (b) Projector
is NOT used to enter data into a (c) Monitor (d) Speaker Sol.(d) A High Level Language (HLL) is
computer? a programming language such as C,
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Morning) Sol.(a) Soft copy devices allow the FORTRAN or PASCAL that enables a
(a) Mouse (b) Keyboard viewing of information that can be programmer to write programs that are
(c) Scanner (d) Monitor rearranged, modified or corrected to suit more or less independent of a particular
your needs. Some examples of soft copy type of computer. Such languages are
Sol.(d) Monitor is an output device. output devices are monitors, projectors, considered high-level because they are
video display terminals. Soft copy is an close to human languages and further
Q.1152. What is the shortcut key for the electronic display of digital information, from machine languages.
central alignment of a line or text in MS such as files viewed on the pc monitor.
Office software? Q1161. In which of the following
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon) Q1157. In the context of computers, countries was the first Electronic
(a) Ctrl+E (b) Ctrl+C WORM is an acronym of: Numerical Integrator and Computer, the
(c) Ctrl+G (d) Ctrl+A CHSL 20-10-2020 (Afternoon) first programmable general purpose
(a) Write Once, Read Many electronic digital computer, developed?
Sol.(a) ‘Ctrl+E’ is the shortcut key for (b) Wireless Operating, Read Module CHSL 21-10-2020 (Morning)
the central alignment of a line or text in (c) Word Optical, Recognition Malware (a) United Kingdom
MS Office software. (d) Word On, RAM Memory (b) China
(c) Japan
Q1153. Which of the following is an Sol.(a) WORM is an acronym for “Write (d) United States of America
input device of a computer? Once, Read Many”. It is an optical
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening) storage technology that allows a disc to Sol.(d) ENIAC was developed in the
(a) Speaker (b) Printer be written only once but read an USA. It was invented at the University
(c) Scanner (d) Monitor unlimited number of times. of Pennsylvania to calculate artillery
firing tables for the United States
Sol.(c) Scanner is an input device. Q1158. Who has developed the Army’s Ballistic Research Laboratory.
Automatically Programmable Tool
Q1154. Which of the following is NOT a (APT)? Q.1162. Trackball is which of the
portable device? CHSL 20-10-2020 (Evening) following devices?
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening) (a) Gary Kildall (b) Douglas T Ross CHSL 21-10-2020 (Afternoon)
(a) iPods (c) Ralph H Baer(d) Jonathan Fletcher (a) Input device (b) Touchpad
(b) Laptops (c) Output device (d) Barcode reader
(c) Desktop computers Sol.(b) Automatically Programmable
(d) Thumb drives Tool (APT) has been developed by Sol.(a) A trackball is a pointing input
Douglas T Ross. It is a program which device. It consists of a ball held by a
Sol.(c) A portable device is any device consists of instructions/statements which socket containing sensors to detect a
that can be carried easily. Desktop are used to specify the path of the tool to rotation of the ball about two axes. The
computers are not portable devices. follow for producing a given part. user rolls the ball with the thumb, fingers
or the palm of the hand to move a cursor.
Q1155. Transistors belong to which of Q1159. 1 Petabyte (PB) = 1024_____.
the following generations of the CHSL 20-10-2020 (Evening) Q1163. In Microsoft Office 2016, which
computers? (a) Zettabytes (b) Exabytes shortcut key is used to open the Design
CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) (c) Terabytes (d) Gigabytes tab?
(a) First (b) Second CHSL 21-10-2020 (Evening)
(c) Third (d) Fourth Sol.(c) 1 Petabyte (PB) = 1024 Terabytes (a) Ctrl + A (b) Shift + F3
(TB) (c) Alt + G (d) Ctrl + K
Sol.(b) First Generation -Vacuum Tubes
Second Generation - Transistors Third Q.1160. What does HLL stand for in Sol.(c) In Microsoft Office 2016, ‘Alt +
Generation - Integrated Circuits Fourth computing? G’ is used to open the Design tab.
Generation - Microprocessors CHSL 21-10-2020 (Morning)
(a) High Low Language Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 104

Pinnacle Static GK

Q.1164. Which type of computers is (d) Leslie Lamport Q.1173. In the context of computers,
used to control air traffic and radar of what is Ubuntu?
national defence? Sol.(b) John McCarthy has created LISP, SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Afternoon)
(a) Personal computers the Programming Language for Artificial (a) An open-source operating system
(b) Analogue computers Intelligence. sponsored by Canonical Ltd.
(c) Hybrid computers (b) A search engine by Mozilla
(d) Digital computers Q1169. A computer on the Internet that Foundation.
uses HTTP protocol is known as: (c) An anti-virus software by Microsoft.
Sol.(c) Hybrid computers exhibit CHSL 26-10-2020 (Evening) (d) An android-based search engine by
features of analog computers and digital (a) LAN (b) Web Server Microsoft.
computers. Hybrid computers are used to (c) WAP (d) WLAN
control air traffic and radar of national Sol.(a) Ubuntu is an open-source
defence. Sol.(b) A computer on the Internet that operating system sponsored by
uses HTTP protocol is known as Web Canonical Ltd.
Q1165. ______ was a web browser Server.
developed by the National Centre for Q.1174. A file with the ______ file
Supercomputing Application Q.1170. Which of the following is an extension is a Word Open XML
(NCSA). extension of a temporary file? Macro-Enabled Document file.
CHSL 26-10-2020 (Morning) SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Morning) SSC CHSL 12/04/21 (Evening)
(a) Opera (b) Mosaic (a) .tnt (b) .tar (a) .docm (b) .pdf
(c) Navigator (d) Safari (c) .tmp (d) .txt (c) .docx (d) .org

Sol.(b) Mosaic was a web browser Sol.(c) .tmp is an extension of a Sol.(a) A file with the ‘.docm’ file
developed by the National Centre for temporary file. The full form of JPG or extension is a Word Open XML
Supercomputing Application(NCSA). JPEG is Joint Photographic Expert Macro-Enabled Document
Group. PDF stands for Portable file.
Q.1166. How many function keys are Document Format.
present on a standard PC keyboard? Q.1175. Which of the following is the
CHSL 26-10-2020 (Morning) Q.1171. Which of the following is NOT output device of a computer?
(a) 10 (b) 9 (c) 12 (d) 15 an open-source operating system? SSC CHSL 12/04/21 (Evening)
SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Morning) (a) Plotter (b) Pen drive
Sol.(c) There are 12 function keys on a (a) Windows (b) Ubuntu (c) Joystick (d) Scanner
standard PC keyboard. (c) Linux (d) Drupal
Sol.(a) An output device is any piece of
Q1167. Which of the following pairs is Sol.(a) An Open-source Operating computer hardware equipment that
NOT matched correctly? System is the Operating System in which converts information into
CHSL 26-10-2020 (Morning) source code is visible publicly and human-readable form. It can be text,
(a) Alt + E – Edit options in current editable. The generally known Operating graphics, tactile, audio, and video. Some
program Systems like Microsoft’s Windows, of the output devices are Monitor,
(b) Alt + Shift + D – Insert the current Apple’s iOS, and Mac OS, are closed Printer graphic Output devices, Plotters,
date Operating systems.
(c) Ctrl + K – Cut selected text Speakers, etc.
(d) Ctrl + A – Select all text Q.1172. What do you call an event
Q.1176. A ______ is an ordered list in
where a computer becomes unresponsive
Sol.(c) Ctrl + X is used to cut selected which all insertions and deletions are
due to either a program or the system
text. Ctrl + K is used to insert a made at one end. SSC CHSL 13/04/21
itself becoming unresponsive and no
hyperlink in MS word. (Morning)
longer taking input?
(a) front (b) rear
SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Afternoon)
Q.1168. Who has created LISP, the (c) stack (d) queue
(a) Booting (b) Hanging
Programming Language for Artificial (c) Ejecting (d) Moving
Intelligence? Sol.(c) A stack is an ordered list in
CHSL 26-10-2020 (Evening) which all insertions and deletions are
Sol.(b) Hanging. Booting is the process
(a) Grace Hopper made at one end.
of starting a computer.
(b) John McCarthy
(c) Charles Bachman Q.1177. While working in MS Office
software, which of the following Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 105

Pinnacle Static GK

commands will you give on a US replicates itself by modifying other Q.1184. In which year was Microsoft’s
keyboard layout to undo the previous computer programs and inserting its own Windows operating system first
action? code. If this replication succeeds, the introduced?
SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Morning) affected areas are then said to be SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Afternoon)
(a) Ctrl + U (b) Ctrl + Z "infected" with a computer virus, a (a) 1985 (b) 1989
(c) Ctrl + C (d) Ctrl + N metaphor derived from biological (c) 1991 (d) 1993
Sol.(b) Ctrl + Z Sol.(a) Microsoft introduced an
Q.1181. Which of the following operating environment named Windows
Q.1178. ______ is the easy way to check languages is an example of a on November 20, 1985, as a graphical
your favorite websites for updates fourth-generation language in computer operating system shell for MS-DOS in
without having to visit them all. SSC programming? response to the growing interest in
CHSL 13/04/21 (Afternoon) SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Evening) graphical user interfaces (GUIs).
(a) PDF (b) RSS (a) ALGOL (b) SQL
(c) HTML (d) URI (c) SNOBOL (d) Pascal Q.1185. Which of the following is the
core of an operating system?
Sol.(b) RSS (RDF Site Summary or Sol.(b) The fourth-generation language SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Evening)
Really Simple Syndication) is a web is also called a non–procedural (a) Kernel (b) Xenix
feed that allows users and applications to language/ 4GL. It enables users to access (c) Device Driver (d) Ventura
access updates to websites in a the database. Examples: SQL, Foxpro,
standardized, computer-readable format, Focus, etc. Many fourth-generation Sol.(a) The kernel is a computer
is the easy way to check your favorite languages use Structured Query program at the core of a computer's
websites for updates without having to Language (SQL) as the basis for operating system and has complete
visit them all. Subscribing to RSS feeds operations. SQL was developed at IBM control over everything in the system. It
can allow a user to keep track of to develop information stored in is the "portion of the operating system
different websites in a single news relational databases. code that is always resident in memory",
aggregator, which constantly monitors and facilitates interactions between
sites for new content, removing the need Q.1182. LCD is a basic type of monitor. hardware and software components.
for the user to manually check them. What is the full form of LCD?
SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Morning) Q.1186. What kind of file has the
Q.1179. Which of the following is a (a) Laser Crystal Display extension .png? SSC CHSL 15/04/21
pointing device used to move an object (b) Liquid Crystal Diode (Evening)
on the screen of a computer in any (c) Light Component Device (a) Document file (b) Video file
direction? (d) Liquid Crystal Display (c) Audio file (d) Image file
SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Afternoon)
(a) Modem (b) Joystick Sol.(d) LCD is a basic type of monitor Sol.(d) A PNG file is an image saved in
(c) Floptical (d) Server and the full form of LCD is Liquid the Portable Network Graphic (PNG)
Crystal Display. It is a type of flat panel format. It is the most frequently used
Sol.(b) The isotonic joystick is a handle display which uses liquid crystals in its uncompressed raster image format on
stick which is a pointing device used to primary form of operation. the internet, having the ability to display
move an object on the screen of a transparent backgrounds.
computer in any direction where the user Q.1183. Chad Hurley and Steve Chen
can freely change the position of the are computer innovators credited with Q.1187. In which year was the
stick, with more or less constant force. co-founding ______. first-ever version of Microsoft
SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Morning) Word - Word 1.0 launched?
Q.1180. Which type of malware is a (a) Instagram (b) Facebook SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Morning)
program or piece of code that is loaded (c) WhatsApp (d) YouTube (a) 1985 (b) 1996
onto a person's computer without his (c) 1992 (d) 1983
knowledge and runs against his wishes? Sol.(d) Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and
SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Evening) Jawed Karim launched YouTube in Sol.(d) The first Word version, Word 1.0,
(a) adware (b) phishing February 2005 and In October 2006, at a was released in October 1983 for Xenix
(c) trojan horse (d) computer virus later time, YouTube was bought by and MS-DOS. It was followed by four
Google for $1.65 billion. very similar versions that were not very
Sol.(d) A computer virus is a type of successful.
computer program that, when executed, Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 106

Pinnacle Static GK

Q.1188. JPEG is a commonly used Q.1191. GIMP is a/an ______. Q.1194. An/A ______ is a finite set of
method of lossy compression for digital SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Evening) instructions which, when followed,
images. What is the full form of JPEG? (a) application software accomplish a particular task. SSC CHSL
SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Morning) (b) diagnostic utility program 19/04/21 (Morning)
(a) Jet Prints Editing Graphics (c) text editor (a) array (b) algorithm
(b) Joint Photographic Experts Group (d) operating system (c) data (d) node
(c) Jet Protocol Experts Group
(d) Joint Pages Enhanced Graphics Sol.(a) GIMP stands for “GNU Image Sol.(b) An algorithm is a finite set of
Manipulation Program”, a instructions that, when followed,
Sol.(b) JPEG stands for “Joint self-explanatory name for an application accomplish a particular task. The
Photographic Experts Group”. It's a that processes digital graphics. GIMP is algorithm is a finite sequence of
standard image format for containing a free and open-source raster graphics well-defined, computer-implementable
lossy and compressed image data. editor used for image manipulation and instructions, typically to solve a class of
Despite the huge reduction in file size, image editing, free-form drawing, specific problems or to perform a
JPEG images maintain reasonable image transcoding between different image file computation.
quality. formats, and more specialized tasks.
Q.1195. A ______ is a computer
Q.1189. Which of the following is a Q.1192. A ______ is a software program program that can self-replicate and
small piece of software that uses that travels the web locating and propagate over the network with or
computer networks and security holes to indexing websites for search engines. without human intervention and has
replicate itself? SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Evening) malicious intent.
SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Afternoon) (a) bug (b) spider SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Afternoon)
(a) Trojan horse (b) Application (c) python (d) penguin (a) kernel (b) virus
(c) Worm (d) Operating System (c) trojan horse (d) worm
Sol.(b) A search engine spider, also
Sol.(c) Worm is a small piece of known as a web crawler, is an Internet Sol.(d) A worm is a computer program
software that uses computer networks bot that crawls websites and stores that can self-replicate and propagate
and security holes to replicate itself. A information for the search engine to over the network with or without human
copy of the worm scans the network for index. Their purpose is to index the intervention and has malicious intent. It
another machine that has a specific content of websites all across the internet often uses a computer network to spread
security hole. so that those websites can appear in itself relying on security failures on the
A Trojan horse is a type of malware that search engine results. target computer to access it.
downloads onto a computer disguised as
a legitimate program. Q.1193. Which of the following is the Q.1196. A User Interface is the part of
full form of ASCII? ______ that allows the user to enter and
Q.1190. Which of the following SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Morning) receive information.
operating systems guarantees a response (a) American Standard Code for SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Afternoon)
within specified time constraints? Information Interchange (a) computer network
SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Afternoon) (b) Asian Standard Code for Information (b) operating system
(a) Time sharing operating system Interchange (c) computer hardware
(b) Distributed operating system (c) Analytical Scientific Code for (d) data science
(c) Real-time operating system Information Interchange
(d) Interactive operating system (d) Analytical Standard Code for Sol.(b) A User Interface is the part of the
Intermitted Information operating system that allows the user to
Sol.(c) A real-time operating system enter and receive information. An
guarantees a response within specified Sol.(a) The full form of ASCII: operating system (OS) is system
time constraints. A real-time operating American Standard Code for software that manages computer
system (RTOS) is an operating system Information Interchange. American hardware, software resources, and
(OS) intended to serve real-time Standard Code for Information provides common services for computer
applications that process data as it comes Interchange, is a character encoding programs. Popular Operating Systems
in, typically without buffer delays. standard for electronic communication. include Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X,
Processing time requirements (including ASCII codes represent text in computers, and Linux.
any OS delay) are measured in tenths of telecommunications equipment, and
seconds or shorter increments of time. other devices. Q.1197. Which of the following is an
input device? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 107

Pinnacle Static GK

SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Evening) keys, PageUp, PageDown, Home and and accented letters and non-alphabetic
(a) Speaker (b) Scanner End keys. characters.
(c) Projector (d) Monitor
Q.1201. Which of the following Q.1204. Which of the following devices
Sol.(b) An input device is a piece of keyboard shortcuts will you press in accepts the results produced by the
equipment used to provide data and order to minimise all programs on a computer in a machine-readable form?
control signals to an information computer screen and display the SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Evening)
processing system such as a computer or desktop? (a) Microphone (b) Printer
information appliance. Examples of SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Afternoon) (c) Graphics tablet (d) Mouse
input devices include keyboards, mouse, (a) Windows + C
scanners, cameras, joysticks, and (b) Windows + M Sol.(b) The printer accepts the results
microphones. (c) Windows + F produced by the computer in a
(d) Windows + D machine-readable form. A printer is a
Q.1198. A topology for a Local Area peripheral machine that makes a
Network in which all nodes are Sol.(d) Windows + D should be pressed persistent representation of graphics or
individually connected to a central in order to minimize all programs on a text, usually on paper. The first
connection point like a hub or switch is computer screen and display the desktop. electronic printer was the EP-101,
called: invented by Japanese company Epson
SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Evening) Q.1202. CorelDraw is an example of and released in 1968.
(a) star topology (b) tree topology a/an:
(c) ring topology (d) bus topology SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Afternoon) Q.1205. Which of the following is one
(a) database software of the file formats used for web
Sol.(a) A topology for a Local Area (b) accounting software graphics?
Network in which all nodes are (c) spreadsheet software SSC CHSL 05/08/21 (Morning)
individually connected to a central (d) desktop publishing software (a) gif (b) .exe (c) .txt (d) .docx
connection point like a hub or switch is
called star topology. Sol.(d) CorelDraw is an example of a Sol(a) gif is one of the file formats used
desktop publishing software. CorelDraw for web graphics. GIF or Graphics
Q.1199. ______ is the process of turning is developed by an Ottawa-based Interchange Format files are widely used
on a computer and powering up the software company, allows users to do for web graphics, because they are
system. things like adding special effects such as limited to only 256 colors, can allow for
SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Morning) borders to images, in addition to transparency, and can be animated.
(a) Booting (b) Loading allowing for contrast adjustment, color
(c) Saving (d) Execution balancing, and more. Q.1206. Which of the following is a
single user operating system?
Sol.(a) Booting is the process of turning Q.1203. Which of the following is the SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Afternoon)
on a computer and powering up the full form of EBCDIC? (a) Windows 7 (b) MS-DOS
system. When we start our computer SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Evening) (c) Windows NT (d) Linux
then there is an operation which is (a) Extended Binary-Coded-Decimal
performed automatically by the Interchange Code Sol.(b) The single-user operating system
computer which is also called Booting. (b) Extended Binary-Control-Device is the operating system in which only
Interchange Code one user can access the computer system
Q.1200. What do you call a key on a (c) Electronic Binary-Coded-Device at a time, and Ms-DOS is the best
computer keyboard that is used to move Interchange Code example of a single-user operating
the pointer (cursor) around on the (d) Electronic Binary-Control-Decimal system.
screen? Interchange Code
SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Morning) Q.1207. How many terabytes are in a
(a) Navigation key (b) Numeric key Sol.(a) EBCDIC, in full extended petabyte?
(c) Function key (d) Control key binary-coded decimal interchange code, SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Afternoon)
data-encoding system, developed by (a) 1048 (b) 1042
Sol.(a) A navigation key is a key on a IBM and used mostly on its computers, (c) 1084 (d) 1024
computer keyboard that is used to move that uses a unique eight-bit binary code
the pointer (cursor) around on the for each number and alphabetic Sol.(d) There are 1,024 terabytes (TB) in
screen. They include the four Arrow character as well as punctuation marks a petabyte. A petabyte is a measure of
memory or data storage capacity that is Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 108

Pinnacle Static GK

equal to 2 to the 50th power of bytes. A insert a new worksheet for Windows 10 Q.1216. Second-generation computers
Terabyte (TB) is a measure of computer operating system? (1955-1964) were made of:
storage capacity that is approximately 2 SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Afternoon) SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Afternoon)
to the 40th power (a) Shift + F12 (b) Shift + F7 (a) large scale integrated circuit chips
(c) Shift + F5 (d) Shift + F11 (b) vacuum tubes
Q.1208. Which type of storage device is (c) transistors
a hard disk? SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 Sol.(a) F11 keyboard shortcut in (d) small scale integrated circuit chips
(Evening) Microsoft Excel 2016 should be used to
(a) Secondary (b) Tertiary insert a new worksheet for Windows 10 Sol.(c) Second Generation computers
(c) Off-line (d) Primary operating system. F11 also has other used transistors. While first-generation
uses depending on the computer and computers used vacuum tubes,
Sol.(a) The hard drive is the secondary program third-generation computers used
storage standard in modern computing. It integrated circuits, fourth-generation
is usually installed internally in a Q.1213. Which of the following was the computers used microprocessors and
computer, attached directly to the disk first operating system written in 'C' fifth-generation computers are based on
controller of the computer's language? Artificial Intelligence(AI).
motherboard. SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Evening)
(a) UNIX (b) Windows 95 Q.1217. A message that tries to trick a
Q.1209. What is the use of the (c) Xenix (d) LINUX person into providing information such
functional key F7 in Microsoft Word as his social security
2010? Sol.(a) The C programming language number, bank account information or
SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Evening) came out of Bell Labs in the early 1970s login username and password for a
(a) It is used to open the Help window. by Dennis Ritchie. The C programming website is a type
(b) It is used to run spell-check and language was devised in the early 1970s of malware called:
grammar check. as a system implementation language for SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Evening)
(c) It is used for renaming files and the nascent Unix operating system. (a) Worms (b) Zombie
folders (c) Macro Virus (d) Phishing
(d) It is used as a search key. Q.1214. Which of the following is a
primary storage device in a personal Sol.(d) Phishing is the fraudulent
Sol.(b) F7 key is most often used to run computer? practice of sending emails purporting to
spell-check and grammar check. SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Morning) be from reputable companies in order to
(a) Hard disk induce individuals to reveal personal
Q.1210. Which of the following file (b) Compact disk information such as passwords and
formats does MS Paint use to open (c) Pen drive credit card numbers.
and save files in Windows? (d) Random-access memory
SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Morning) Q.1218. Which of the following types of
(a) .DOC (b) .XlS Sol.(d) Random-access memory. RAM is computer is used in climate research and
(c) .JPEG (d) .PPT a form of computer memory that can be weather forecasting? SSC CHSL
read and changed in any order, typically 10/8/2021 (Morning)
Sol.(c) .JPEG file formats MS Paint use used to store working data and machine (a) Mainframe computers
to open and save files in Windows. code. (b) Micro-computers
(c) Supercomputers
Q.1211. Which of the following is a Q.1215. Which one of the following is a (d) Mini-computers
computer application software? computer virus?
SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Morning)
SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Morning) Sol.(c) Climate research and weather
(a) Word processor (b) RAM
(c) Visual Basic (d) Java (a) Penguin (b) Panda forecasting requires exceedingly
(c) Spider (d) Creeper high-speed computations. Therefore,
Sol.(a) Word processor is a computer Supercomputers are used in climate,
application software. A word processor Sol.(d) The Creeper virus is the first scientific and engineering work.
is a software or a device that allows computer virus ever developed by Bob
users to create, edit, and print in 1971. Q.1219. Which of the following keys
documents. will you press in Windows 10 to turn
the volume up? SSC CHSL 10/8/2021
Q.1212. Which keyboard shortcut in (Morning)
Microsoft Excel 2016 should you use to (a) F4 (b) F5 (c) F6 (d) F8 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 109

Pinnacle Static GK

Q.1224. Where in a computer would you

Sol.(d) F8 key is pressed to turn the use a 'joystick' for computer games and Sol.(c) First Generation: 1946-1959.
volume up in Windows 10. Also, F9 is assistive technology? SSC CHSL Vacuum tube-based.
pressed to turn the volume down. 11/8/2021 (Morning) Second Generation: 1959-1965.
(a) Mail merge Transistor-based.
Q.1220. On a computer keyboard, the (b) Cursor control Third Generation: 1965-1971. Integrated
Shift and Alt keys are examples of: SSC (c) Increase memory Circuit based.
CHSL 10/8/2021 (Afternoon) (d) Storage space Fourth Generation: 1971-1980. VLSI
(a) numeric keys microprocessor-based.
(b) modifier keys Sol.(b) Cursor control Fifth Generation: 1980-onwards. ULSI
(c) function keys
(d) cursor movement keys Q.1225. Which of the following is a part
of the central processing unit of a Q.1229. Who created FORTRAN — the
Sol.(b) The Shift and Alt keys are computer? first high-level computer programming
examples of modifier keys on a SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Morning) language?
computer keyboard. (a) Mouse (b) Scanner SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Evening)
(c) Memory registers (d) Joystick (a) Dan Bricklin
Q.1221. Which of the following is the
(b) Marc Andreessen
slowest type of internet connection? SSC Sol.(c) The memory address register (c) Larry Ellison
CHSL 10/8/2021 (Afternoon) (MAR) is the CPU register that either (d) John Backus
(a) Dial-up stores the memory address from which
(b) Satellite data will be fetched to the CPU or the Sol.d) John Backus
(c) Cable address to which data will be sent and
(d) Digital subscriber line (DSL) stored. Q.1230. Which of the following is a
method of describing computer
Sol.(a) Internet connection speed in
Q.1226. Which of the following is an algorithms using a combination of
decreasing order:- Fiber - Cable -
open-source operating system? natural language and programming
Satellite - DSL - Wireless - Dial-up.
SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Afternoon) language?
(a) Windows 10 (b) Windows Vista SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Morning)
Q.1222. The ______ is a three or four
(c) Android (d) iOS (a) Node (b) Pseudocode
letter abbreviation that signifies the file
(c) Flowchart (d) Array
type. SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Evening)
Sol.(c) Android
(a) extension (b) search
Sol.(b) Pseudocode is a method of
(c) virus (d) name
Q.1227. Which of the following is an describing computer algorithms using a
input device used to verify the combination of natural language and
Sol.(a) The extension is a three or four
legitimacy or originality of paper programming language.
letter abbreviation that signifies the file
documents, especially cheques?
SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Afternoon) Q.1231. ______ is an interpreted,
(a) Non-impact printer high-level and general-purpose
Q.1223. Which of the following ports is
(b) Optical mark reader programming language.
used to connect a computer to a wired
(c) Electronic card reader SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Morning)
(d) Magnetic ink character recognition (a) Python (b) Spider
SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Evening)
(a) Universal serial bus port (c) Penguin (d) Cookie
Sol.(d) Magnetic ink character
(b) Ethernet port
recognition is an input device used to Sol.(a) Python is an interpreted,
(c) Parallel port
verify the legitimacy or originality of high-level and general-purpose
(d) Super-video port
paper documents, especially cheques. programming language.
Sol.(b) Ethernet is a family of wired
computer networking technologies Q.1228. What is the other name for Q.1232. ______ contains and manages
commonly used in local area networks 'transistor computer'? all the programs and applications that a
(LAN), metropolitan area networks SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Evening) computer or other device is able to run.
(MAN) and wide area networks (WAN). (a) First Generation Computer SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Afternoon)
(b) Third Generation Computer (a) Data Science
(c) Second Generation Computer (b) Operating system
(d) Fourth Generation Computer Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 110

Pinnacle Static GK

(c) Computer hardware remote keyless systems, and other registered under the Societies
(d) Computer software electronic devices to store relatively Registration Act, 1860.
small amounts of data.
Sol.(b) Operating system Q.1240. What is the full form of MoU?
Q1237. In the context of Cloud SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning)
Q.1233 What is the keyboard shortcut to Computing , what is the full form of (a) Monetary of Union Territory
add a new row above a given row in PaaS? (b) Memorandum of Understanding
Microsoft Excel? SSC-CHSL 3 /7/2019 (Morning) (c) Memory of Undertaking
SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Afternoon) (a) Protocol as a Service (d) Memory of Understanding
(a) Alt + I + R (b) Alt + C + I (b) Performance as a Service
(b) Shift + Spacebar (d) Shift + I + R (c) Payment as a Service Sol.(b) A memorandum of
(d) Platform as a Service understanding (MoU) is a type of
Sol.(a) Alt + I + R. Shift+Space Bar - agreement between two (bilateral) or
Select Row in Excel. Sol.(d) Platform as a service (PaaS) is a more (multilateral) parties. It expresses a
cloud computing model in which a convergence of will between the parties,
Q.1234. Which of the following is NOT third-party provider delivers hardware indicating an intended common line of
an example of an optical disk? SSC and software tools, usually those needed action.
CHSL 12/8/2021 (Evening) for application development -- to users
(a) Blue Ray Disk (b) PROM over the internet. A PaaS provider hosts Q1241. In the context of NITI Aayog,
(c) CD ROM (d) DVD the hardware and software on its own what does 'T' stand for in NITI?
infrastructure. SSC CPO 11/12/2019 Evening
Sol.(b) An optical disc is most (a) travel (b) Training
commonly used as a CD player, CD-RW, Q.1238. In the context of IT services , (c) to transform (d) to move
DVD, Blu-ray player what is the full form of BCP?
SSC-CHSL 3 /7/2019 (Afternoon) Sol.(c) The National Institution for
(a) Business Continuity Plan Transforming India, also called NITI
Q.1235. A device or program that
(b) Business Confirmation Protocol Aayog, was formed via a resolution of
enables a computer to transmit data over
(c) Business Continuity Protocol the Union Cabinet on January 1, 2015.
telephone or cable
(d) Business Confirmation Plan NITI Aayog is the premier policy 'Think
lines is called:
Tank' of the Government of India,
SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Evening)
Sol.(a) Business continuity planning providing both directional and policy
(a) motherboard (b) modem
(BCP) is the process a company inputs.
(c) monitor (d) mouse
undergoes to create a prevention and
recovery system from potential threats Q.1242. What does 'T' stand for in
Sol.(b) modem
such as natural disasters or ATM?
cyber-attacks. BCP is designed to protect SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Morning)
FULL FORM personnel and assets and make sure they (a)Teller (b)Trunk
can function quickly when disaster (c)Translation (d)Transfer
Q.1236. In the field of Information and strikes.
Communication Technology , what is the Sol.(a) The full form of ATM is
full form of EEPROM? Q1239. The full form INTACH is : Automated Teller Machine. An ATM is
SSC-CHSL 2/7/2019 (Evening) SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon) an electro-mechanical machine that is
(a) Electrically Erasable Programmable (a) Indian National Trust for Art and used for making financial transactions
Read Only Memory Culture Heritage from a bank account. These machines
(b) Electrically Efficient Portable Read (b) Indian National Trust for are used to withdraw money from
only Memory Archaeological and Cooperative personal bank accounts.
(c) Electrically Efficient Programmable Heritage.
Read Only Memory (c) Indian National Trust for Q1243. In DASD, what is the full form
(d) Enhanced Electrical Portable Read Architectural and Calligraphic Heritage. of ‘A’?
only Memory (d) Indian National Trust for Art and CHSL 13/10/2020 (Evening)
Cooperative Heritage (a) Around (b) Accessible
Sol.(a) EEPROM stands for Electrically (c) Arithmetic (d) Access
Erasable Programmable Read-Only Sol.(a) The Indian National Trust for Art
Memory and is a type of non-volatile and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) is a Sol.(d) A Direct-access storage device is
memory used in computers, integrated in non-profit charitable organisation a secondary storage device in which
microcontrollers for smart cards and Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 111

Pinnacle Static GK

each physical record has a discrete UNFCCC. What is the full form of (a) United Nations Disinflation
location and a unique address. DASD UNFCCC? Programme
includes hard disk, magnetic drums, SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Evening) (b) United Nations Development
optical discs etc. (a) United Nations Framework of Programme
Central Climate Change (c) United Nations Defaulting
Q.1244. Which of the following (b) United Nations Fellowship of Central Programme
abbreviations related to categories of Climate Change (d) United Nations Deregulation
Indian Civil Services is INCORRECT? (c) United Nations Framework Programme
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening) Convention on Climate Change
(a) IAS (b) ICS (d) United Nations Fellowship Sol.(b) In the context of Economics,
(c) IPS (d) IFS Convention on Climate Change UNDP stands for United Nations
Development Programme. UNDP helps
Sol.(b) IAS (Indian Administrative Sol.(c) India has engaged actively in countries eliminate poverty and achieve
Services), IFS (Indian Foreign Services), multilateral negotiations in the sustainable economic growth and human
IPS (Indian Police Services) are UNFCCC. UNFCCC stands for United development. It’s headquarter is in New
categories of Indian Civil Services. Nations Framework Convention on York City, USA. UNDP annually
Climate Change. The Convention has publishes the Human Development
Q1245. In the context of the banking near-universal membership (197 Parties) Report.
sector, what does ‘F’ stand for in IFSC? and is the parent treaty of the 2015 Paris
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) Agreement.
Q.1251. In the context of BHIM UPI,
(a) Functional (b) Forum
what does 'I' stand for in BHIM?
(c) Fiscal (d) Financial Q.1248. Which of the following is the
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Morning)
correct full form of JPEG?
(a) Insurance (b) Identity
Sol.(d) IFSC stands for Indian Financial SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Evening)
(c) Interfere (d) Interface
system Code.It is an 11 digit (a) Joint Pixel Experts Group
alphanumeric code used to uniquely (b) Joint Photographic Experts Group
Sol.(d) In the context of BHIM UPI, 'I'
identify bank branches within the (c) Joint Pixel Exports Group
stands for Interface in BHIM. Bharat
National Electronic Funds transfer (d) Joint Photography Exports Group
Interface for Money (BHIM) is an app
(NEFT) network by the central bank.
that lets you make simple, easy, and
Sol.(b) JPEG:- Joint Photographic
quick payment transactions using
Q.1246. ICAR is an autonomous body Experts Group
Unified Payments Interface (UPI).
responsible for coordinating agriculture
and research in India. What is the full Q.1249. CSIR as an autonomous body is
form of ICAR? SSC CHSL 19/04/21 the largest research and development Q.1252. What does the letter 'V' stand
(Afternoon) organisation in India. What does CSIR for in HVJ pipeline, which is India's first
(a) Institute of Central Aviation Research stands for? inter-state inland natural gas pipeline?
(b) Indian Centre of Agriculture and SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Afternoon) SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Morning)
Research (a) Council of Scientific and Industrial (a) Vadodara (b) Vaikom
(c) Indian Council of Agricultural Research (c) Vadnagar (d) Vijaipur
Research (b) Council of Space and Industrial
(d) Institute of Central Agricultural Research Sol.(d) The letter 'V' stands for Vijaipur
Research (b) Centre of Space and Industrial in the HVJ pipeline, which is India's first
Research inter-state inland natural gas pipeline.
Sol.(c) The ICAR (Indian Council of (d) Chamber of States and Industrial The pipeline runs from Hazira, Gujarat
Agricultural Research) has its Research through Vijaipur, Madhya Pradesh to
headquarters in New Delhi. The Council Jagdishpur, Uttar Pradesh.
is the apex body for coordinating, Sol.(a) CSIR - Council of Scientific and
guiding, and managing research and Industrial Research. Headquarters - New RELIGIOUS PLACE
education in agriculture including Delhi, Established on - 26 September
horticulture, fisheries, and animal 1942. Q1253. The famous Dwarkadheesh
sciences in the entire country. Temple of Gujarat is located on the
Q.1250. What does UNDP stand for in banks of which of the following rivers?
Q.1247. India has engaged actively in the context of Economics? SSC MTS (a) Narmada (b) Tapti
the multilateral negotiations in the 13/10/2021 (Evening) (c) Gomti (d) Luni Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 112

Pinnacle Static GK

Sol.(c) The famous Dwarkadheesh gold ornaments and jewels said to be world cut from monolithic rock,
Temple of Gujarat is located on the worth over 26 billion dollars were UNESCO World Heritage Site.
banks of Gomti River. It is also called discovered in the temple's secret
the Trilok Sundar or the most beautiful chambers vaults in cellars under the Q.1260. The Wailing Wall is associated
shrine in the three worlds of Hindu temple. It is currently said to be one of with:
mythology. the richest temples in the world. SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
(a)Jews (b)Bahais
Q.1254. The Mahabodhi Temple Q1257. It is believed that Lord Shiva (c)Shias (d)Catholics
in____is the pilgrimage site of the assumed the form of____and married
Buddhists. Parvati at the site of the Meenakshi Sol.(a) The Western Wall, or “Wailing
SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening) Temple in South India. Wall”, is the most religious site in the
(a) Bihar (b) Madhya Pradesh SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning) world for the Jewish people. Located in
(c) Odisha (d) Assam (a) Pashupati (b) Harihara the Old City of Jerusalem, it is the
(c) Nataraja (d) Sundareshwarar western support wall of the Temple
Sol.(a) The Mahabodhi Temple in Bihar Mount. Thousands of people journey to
is the pilgrimage site of the Buddhists. It Sol.(d) The temple is dedicated to the wall every year to visit and recite
is famous as it is the place where Meenakshi, a form of Parvati, and her prayers. These prayers are either spoken
Gautama Buddha is said to have attained consort, Sundareshwar, a form of Shiva. or written down and placed in the cracks
Enlightenment under what became The belief is that the location of the of the wall.
known as the Bodhi Tree. temple is the place where Lord Shiva
assumed the form of Sundareswarar (the Q1261. In which state are the Dilwara
Q1255. Navakalevara is a ritual that handsome one) and married Parvati Jain Temples situated?
takes place in a temple in_____. (Meenakshi) SSC CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening)
SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) (a) Rajasthan (b) Bihar
(a) Shirdi (b)Sabarimala Q.1258. _____temple in Karnataka is (c) Maharashtra (d) Madhya Pradesh
(c) Tirupati (d) Jagannath Puri the most extravagant architectural
showpiece of Hampi. Sol.(a) The Dilwara Temples or Delvada
Sol.(d) The Nabakalebara 2015 is a SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Morning) Temples are a group of svetambara Jain
celebration of the ancient ritual of the (a)Meenakshi (b)Lingaraj temples located about 2.5 kilometres
Nabakalebara associated with most of (c)Vittala (d)Akshardham from the Mount Abu settlement,
the Jagannath Temples when the idols of Rajasthan's only hill station. The earliest
Lord Jagannath, Balabhadra, Subhadra Sol.(c) The Vittala Temple or Vitthala were built by Vimal Shah and
and Sudarshan are replaced by a new set Temple in Hampi is an ancient supposedly designed or at least financed
of idols. It is a festival the period of monument that is well-known for its by Vastupala, Jain minister of Dholka.
which is chosen according to the Hindu exceptional architecture and unmatched
Calendar conforming to the astrological craftsmanship. It is considered to be one Q1262. In which state is the Kamakhya
planetary positions. More than 5 million of the largest and the most famous Temple situated?
devotees are expected to participate in structures in Hampi. The temple is SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning)
these rituals held in and around the located in the north eastern part of (a) Arunachal Pradesh
temple complex of the Jagannath Hampi, near the banks of the (b) Chhattisgarh
Temple, Puri, Odisha. Tungabhadra River, Karnataka. (c) Assam
(d) Jharkhand
Q.1256. As per the Guinness World Q1259. Kailasa temple in
Records, which of the following was the the______Caves is the largest rock-cut Sol.(c) The Kamakhya Temple is
world’s richest temple in 2011? monument in the world. dedicated to the mother goddess
SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) SSC CPO 15/03/19 (Morning) kamakhya. It is one of the oldest of the
(a) Jagannath Temple (a) Elephanta (b) Ajanta 51 Shakti pithas Situated on the Nilachal
(b) Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple (c) Ellora (d) Karla Hill in western part of Guwahati city in
(c) Golden Temple Assam.
(d) Tirumala Tirupati Venkateswara Sol.(c) Kailasa temple in the Ellora
Temple Caves is the largest rock-cut monument Q1263. The famous Kandariya temple is
in the world. There are 34 rock-cut located at:
Sol.(b) In June 2011, Sri Buddhist, Hindu and Jain temples and CHSL 10 JULY 2019 (Afternoon)
Padmanabhaswamy temple became well monasteries from 7th to 10th centuries at (a) Khajuraho
known across the globe when news of Ellora. It is the largest monument in the (b) Vidisha Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 113

Pinnacle Static GK

(c) Hampi of Bhubaneswar city and one of the (c) Brahma (d) Shiva
(d) Gangaikondacholapuram major tourist attractions of the state.
Sol.(d) Kapaleeshwarar Temple is a
Sol.(a) The famous Kandariya temple is Q1267. The Chaiturgarh Fort in Korba, Hindu temple dedicated to lord Shiva
located at Khajuraho. It is dedicated to Chhattisgarh is home to a famous and located in Mylapore, Chennai in the
the Lord Shiva. It was built by King unique temple. Which is that temple? Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The form of
Vidyadhar of the Chandel dynasty in SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening) Shiva's consort Parvati worshipped at
1025-1050 AD. (a) Adi Shankaracharya temple this temple is called Karpagambal is
(b) Varaha Murthy temple from Tamil ("Goddess of the
Q1264. Which of the following (c) Yudhistira temple Wish-Yielding Tree").
Jyotirlingas is in Maharashtra? (d) Mahishasura Mardini temple
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) Q1271. With reference to the famous
(a) Mahakaleshwar Sol.(d) Mahishasura Mardini temple monasteries of India, which of the
(b) Baidyanath Chaiturgarh or Lafagarh is a fort about following pairs is incorrect?
(c) Grishneshwar 19 kilometres (12 mi) from Pali, SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning)
(d) Mallikarjuna Katghora tehsil, Korba district, (a) Tawang-Arunachal Pradesh
Chhattisgarh, India, on the (b) Key-Himachal Pradesh
Sol.(c) The five Jyotirlingas in Korba–Bilaspur road. It is an (c) Rumtek-Sikkim
Maharashtra are Bhimashankar, Archaeological Survey of India (d) Ghum-Jammu and Kashmir
Trimbakeshwar, Grishneshwar, Nagnath protected monument. ... The famous
in Aundha and Parli Vaijnath. These 5 Mahishasur Mardini temple is situated Sol.(d) Ghum is in Darjeeling, West
jyotirlingas together are also known as here. Bengal. It was established in 1975 Ghum
Pancha Jyotirlingas. They are dedicated Railway station is also the highest
to Lord Shiva. You can visit these Q.1268. Charupallam, ‘the village of the railway station in India.
jyotirlingas in four days either from incline’ is located near which temple?
Pune or Mumbai. SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening) Q.1272. In which city of India the only
(a) Jagannath Puri temple of Brahma is situated?
Q1265. The World famous Borobudur (b) Tirupati Temple SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Temple is situated in: (c) Rajarajeshwara Temple (a) Jaipur (b) Delhi
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) (d) Konark temple (c) Udaipur (d) Pushkar
(a) Vietnam (b) Indonesia
(c) Cambodia (d) Japan Sol.(c) The Rajarajeswara temple is a Sol.(d) Jagatpita Brahma Mandir is a
Shiva temple located in Taliparamba in Hindu temple situated at Pushkar in the
Sol.(b) The Borobudur Temple is located the Kannur district of Kerala, South Indian state of Rajasthan, close to the
in the Kedu Valley, in the southern part India. sacred Pushkar Lake to which its legend
of Central Java, at the centre of the has an indelible link.
island of Java, Indonesia. The Q1269. Where is Shore Temple located
Borobudur Temple Compounds is one of in India? Q1273. Meenakshi Temple is located in
the greatest Buddhist monuments in the SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning) which state?
world, and was built in the 8th and 9th (a) Kanchipuram (b) Chennai SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening)
centuries AD during the reign of the (c) Sarnath (d) Mahabalipuram (a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Kerala
Sailendra Dynasty. (c) Tamil Nadu (d) Karnataka
Sol.(d) The Shore Temple is so named
Q1266. The famous Lingaraj Temple is because it overlooks the shore of the Bay Sol.(c) Meenakshi Temple, is a historic
situated in which city ? of Bengal. It is a structural temple, built Hindu temple located on the southern
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning) with blocks of granite, dating from the bank of the Vaigai River in the temple
(a) Bhopal (b) Bhubaneshwar 8th century AD. At the time of its city of Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India. It is
(c) Kolkata (d) Ujjain creation, the site was a busy port during dedicated to Meenakshi, a form of
the reign of Narasimhavarman II of the Parvati, and her consort, Sundareshwar,
Sol.(b)Lingaraja Temple is a Hindu Pallava dynasty. a form of Shiva.
temple dedicated to Shiva and is one of
the oldest temples in Bhubaneswar, the Q.1270. Kapaleeswarar Temple in Tamil Q.1274. The Somnath Temple is situated
capital of the Indian state of Odisha. The Nadu is dedicated to which Indian God? on the coast of which state ?
temple is the most prominent landmark SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning) SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening)
(a) Vishnu (b) Durga (a) Maharashtra (b) Goa Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 114

Pinnacle Static GK

(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Gujarat SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)

(a) Sikkim (b) Himachal Pradesh Q.1282. Which tales are related with the
Sol.(d) The Somnath temple located in (c) Karnataka (d) West Bengal painting and sculptures of the Ajanta
Prabhas Patan near Veraval in Saurashtra caves?
on the western coast of Gujarat, is Sol.(b) Kardang Monastery or Gompa is SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Afternoon)
believed to be the first among the twelve a famous Drukpa Lineage monastery, (a) Hitopadesha Tales
jyotirlinga shrines of Shiva. It is an and is the most important monastery in (b) Panchatantra Tales
important pilgrimage and tourist spot of the Lahaul valley in Himachal Pradesh. (c) Pentamerone Tales
Gujarat. (d) Jataka Tales
Q1279. The Biraja Temple, the Rajarani
Q1275. In which of the following states Temple and the Samaleswari Temple are Sol.(d) The paintings in the Ajanta caves
is the famous Vaishno Devi Shrine all located in predominantly narrate the Jataka tales.
located? ? These are Buddhist legends describing
SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon) SSC CGL (4/3/2020 morning) the previous births of the Buddha. These
(a) Jammu & Kashmir (a) Odisha (b) Tamil Nadu fables embed ancient morals and cultural
(b) Uttar Pradesh (c) Assam (d) Kerala lores that are also found in the fables and
(c) Himachal Pradesh legends of Hindu and Jain texts.
(d) Madhya Pradesh Sol.(a) Biraja Temple, Rajarani temple,
Samaleswari Temple are the famous Q1283. In which of the following states
Sol.(a) Vaishno Devi Mandir is a Hindu temples situated in Odisha. Biraja is the Phodong monastery situated?
temple located in Katra at the Trikuta Temple is a historic hindu temple CHSL 18-03-2020 (Afternoon)
Mountains within the Indian state of situated in the jajpur Odisha. Rajarani (a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Bihar
Jammu and Kashmir. Temple is an 11th-century Hindu temple (c) Arunachal Pradesh (d) Sikkim
located in Bhubaneswar, the capital city
of Odisha.Samaleswari Temple is a Sol.(d) Phodong monastery is a Buddhist
Q.1276. The temple at Lepakshi famous Hindu temple in Sambalpur, Western monastery situated in Sikkim.
for its hanging pillars and constructed in
Vijayanagara style is also
called________ temple. Q.1284. In which of the following places
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 Evening Q.1280. ‘Dharmaraja (Yudhishthir) are the Dilwara temples of Jainism
(a) Mahalakshmi (b) Veerabhadra Ratha’, ‘Bhima Ratha’, ‘Arjuna Ratha’ located?
(c) Mahakaal (d) Murugan and ‘Nakula Sahadeva Ratha’ are four of CHSL 18-03-2020 (Evening)
the Panch Rathas at Mahabalipuram. (a) Mount Abu (b) Bhubaneswar
What is the name of the fifth Ratha? (c) Indore (d) Jaipur
Sol.(b) The Veerabhadra temple is in SSC CGL 5/3/2020 (afternoon)
Lepakshi in the Anantapur district of the (a) Draupadi Ratha (b) Bhishma Ratha Sol.(a) The Dilwara Temples are a group
Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. Built in (c) Krishna Ratha (d) Karna Ratha of Svetambara Jain temples located near
the 16th century, the architectural
the Mount Abu settlement, Rajasthan.
features of the temple are in the Sol.(a) The names of the five Rathas are
Vijayanagara styles.. Dharmaraja Ratha, Bhima Ratha, Arjuna Q1285. Bylakuppe Monastery
Ratha, Nakula Sahadeva Ratha, and (Namdroling) is situated in which state
Q1277. Gnana Saraswati temple of Draupadi Ratha. of India?
southern India is located at:
CHSL 19-03-2020 (Morning)
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 Evening Q1281. Which of the following (a) Arunachal Pradesh
(a) Basar (b) Puducherry monasteries is located in Sikkim? (b) Maharashtra
(c) Tirunelveli (d) Thrissur SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Morning) (c) Himachal Pradesh
(a)Kye (b)Hemis (d) Karnataka
Sol.(a) Gnana Saraswati Temple is a (c)Tabo (d)Rumtek
Hindu temple of Goddess Saraswati
Sol.(d) Bylakuppe is a small village in
located on the banks of Godavari River Sol.(d) Rumtek Monastery, also called southern Karnataka and the second
at Basar, Telangana, India. It is one of the Dharmachakra Centre, is a gompa largest Tibetan settlement in India. The
the two famous Saraswati temples in the located in the Indian state of Sikkim near most famous is Namdroling Monastery,
Indian subcontinent, the other being the capital Gangtok. It is a focal point also known as the Golden Temple.
Sharada Peeth. for the sectarian tensions within the
Karma Kagyu school of Tibetan Q1286. Shore temple is situated in
Q.1278. In which of the following states Buddhism that characterize the Karmapa which state of India?
is Kardang Monastery situated? controversy. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 115

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CHSL 19-03-2020 (Afternoon)

(a) Odisha (b) Tamil Nadu Q1289. Kartarpur Sahib corridor Q1293. Peacock Island Temple is also
(c) Maharashtra (d) Kerala connects Dera Baba Nanak Shrine in known as _____.
Gurdaspur, India to Kartarpur SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning)
Sol.(b) The Shore Temple is so named Gurudwara in Pakistan, which is located (a) Umananda Temple
because it overlooks the shore of the Bay near the banks of the river _____. / (b) Kailashnath Temple
of Bengal. It is located near CHSL 19-10-2020 (Morning) (c) Tirupati Temple
Chennai in Tamil Nadu. It is a structural (a) Ravi (b) Jhelum (d) Jagannath Temple
temple, built with blocks of granite, (c) Sutlej (d) Chenab
dating from the 8th century AD. Sol.(a) Also known as Peacock Island
Sol.(a) Kartarpur Sahib corridor due to its resemblance to peacock
Q1287. Which of the following temples connects Dera Baba Nanak Shrine in feathers, one historically prominent
has Panchayatana Style of architecture? Gurdaspur, India to Kartarpur place here is Umananda temple. This
CHSL 13/10/2020 (Evening) Gurudwara in Pakistan, which is located temple was built in 1964 by Ahom King
(a) Sun Temple near the banks of the river Ravi. Gadadhar Singha and attracts thousands
(b) Kashi Vishwanath temple of devotees.
(c) Brihadeeswara Temple Q.1290. Kadam Rasul Mosque, whose
(d) Dashavatara Temple construction is characterised by the use Q.1294. The female devotee, Andal
of bricks and black marble, is situated at belonged to which part of India?
Sol.(d) Panchayatana is an architectural ______. SSC CGL 23/08/21(Afternoon)
style where the main shrine is built on a SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) (a) Western (b) Northern
rectangular plinth with four smaller (a) Purnea (b) Alwar (c) Southern (d) North-eastern
subsidiary shrines at the four corners and (c) Mandu (d) Gaur
making it a total of five shrines. Sol.(c) Andal belonged to the Southern
Example, Dashavatara Vishnu Temple, Sol.(d) Kadam Rasool Mosque is at part of India. She is the human
Deogarh, U.P. Gour, Malda in West Bengal, India. This incarnation of Goddess Bhudevi and the
mosque was built by Sultan Nasseruddin only female Alvar among the 12 Alvar
Q1288. Where is Bishnupur, which is Nusrat Shah in the year 1530.The saints of South India. The Alvar saints
famous for terracotta temples, located? Kadam Rasul Mosque houses the stone are known for their affiliation to the
CHSL 14/10/2020 (Afternoon) which contains the footprints of the Srivaishnava tradition of Hinduism.
(a) Rajasthan (b) Gujarat Prophet Muhammad. This shrine is
(c) West Bengal (d) Assam revered by a large number of Muslims. Q.1295. Swami Vivekananda
championed the supremacy of Vedantic
Sol.(c) Bishnupur is a town in the Q1291. In which of the following places philosophy in the Chicago (The US)
eastern Indian state of West Bengal. It is is the Govardhan Math located? Conference of World Religions held in
known for its Hindu temples made from SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning) the year ______. SSC CGL
local terracotta, such as the (a) Badrinath (b) Dwarka 24/08/21(Afternoon)
pyramid-shaped Rasmancha, established (c) Sringeri (d) Puri (a) 1878 (b) 1893 (c) 1884 (d) 1898
around 1600. Ornate carvings adorn the
walls of Jor Bangla Temple. Madan Sol.(d) Govardhan Math or Govardhan Sol.(b) Swami Vivekananda championed
Mohan Temple is decorated with scenes Peetham Is one amongst the four the supremacy of Vedantic philosophy in
from Hindu legends, including the cardinal peethams established by the 8th the Chicago (The US) Conference of
“Mahabharata”. The Bishnupur Museum century philosopher-saint Adi Shankara World Religions held in the year 1893.
displays manuscripts and ancient to preserve and propagate Sanatana He was an Indian Hindu monk and
sculptures. Dharma. It is located in Puri,Orissa. philosopher. He was a key figure in the
introduction of the Indian teachings of
Q1288. Which of the following cities is Q.1292. Which of the following places Vedanta to the Western world.
home to one of the famous is closest to the Hemis Monastery?
Swaminarayan Akshardham temples in SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) Q.1296. Phodong Monastery is located
India? (a) Gangtok (b) Dharamshala in ______. SSC CHSL 12/04/21
CHSL 15-10-2020 (Afternoon) (c) Leh (d) Darjeeling (Evening)
(a) New Delhi (b) Madurai (a) Ladakh (b) Bihar
(c) Vadodara (d) Mysore Sol.(c) Hemis Monastery is a Himalayan (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Sikkim
Buddhist Monastery which is situated in
Sol.(a) New Delhi has the famous Ladakh India. 45 Kms away from Leh.
Swaminarayan Akshardham temple. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 116

Pinnacle Static GK

Sol.(d) Phodong Monastery (or (c) Lord Shiva 19th century in marble and copper
Phodang) is a Buddhist monastery in (d) Lord Krishna overlaid with gold foil.
Sol.(b) Alfredo Covelli, an Italy-based Q.1304. The Kamakhya Temple is
Q.1297. How many monasteries and author has launched his new book located in ______. SSC MTS
temples are there in Ellora caves? Vahana Masterclass for children and the 05/10/21(Morning)
SSC CHSL 12/04/21 (Evening) Young Audience. The books will be (a) Guwahati (b) Kohima
(a) 33 (b) 31 (c) 32 (d) 34 illustrated and published by Scholastic (c) Imphal (d) Agartala
India. Alfredo had a keen interest in our
Sol.(d) Ellora is a UNESCO World Indian culture and mythology which Sol.(a) The Kamakhya Temple is located
Heritage Site located in the Aurangabad inspired him to write a story on Lord in Guwahati. The Kamakhya temple is
district of Maharashtra. There are over Ganesh for children. located in Nilachal hills, Guwahati,
100 caves at the site, 34 of which are Assam. The temple is dedicated to the
open to the public. These consist of 12 Q.1301. In which of the following states goddess Kamakhya. It is known for
Buddhist (caves 1–12), 17 Hindu (caves is Sabarimala Sree Dharma Sastha Ambubachi Mela.
Temple located?
13–29), and 5 Jain (caves 30–34) caves.
SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Morning) Q.1305. A 7 meter high sculpture known
Ajanta Caves - Maharashtra - Mainly
(a) Karnataka (b) Telangana as 'Sadashiva', representing three aspects
(c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Kerala of Lord Shiva is found at ______ Caves.
Q.1298. Hoysaleswara Temple is located SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Morning)
Sol.(d) Sabarimala Sree Dharma Sastha (a) Khandagiri (b) Udayagiri
in which of the following states? SSC
Temple is the most famous and (c) Bhimbetka (d) Elephanta
CHSL 13/04/21 (Afternoon)
prominent among all the Sastha temples
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Odisha
in Kerala. The temple is dedicated to Sol.(d) A 7-meter high sculpture known
(c) West Bengal (d) Karnataka
Lord Ayyappa Swamy. Kerala's as 'Sadashiva', representing three aspects
renowned Sabarimala Temple is to be of Lord Shiva is found at Elephanta
Sol.(d) Hoysaleswara temple also
renamed Sabarimala Sree
referred simply to as the Halebidu Caves. The image of Sadashiva is 6 m
Ayyappaswamy Temple.
temple, is a 12th-century Hindu temple (20 ft) in height, depicts a three-headed
dedicated to Shiva. It is the largest Shiva, representing Panchamukha Shiva
Q.1302. Where is Kandariya Mahadev
monument in Halebidu, a town in the and also known as Maheshmurti. The
Temple situated?
state of Karnataka, India, and the former caves are hewn from solid basalt rock.
SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Evening)
capital of the Hoysala Empire. The carvings on the walls of caves
(a) Khajuraho (b) Modhera
(c) Deogarh (d) Aurangabad narrate Hindu mythologies, with the
Q.1299. Shaikh Muinuddin Sijzi large monolithic 20 feet (6.1 m) Trimurti
(Moinuddin Chishti) dargah is situated Sadashiva (three-faced Shiva), Nataraja
Sol.(a) The Kandariya Mahadev Temple
in which of the following cities? (Lord of dance), and Yogishvara (Lord
meaning “the Great God of the Cave” is
SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Morning) of Yoga).
the largest and most ornate Hindu temple
(a) Jalandhar (b) Ajmer
in the medieval temple group found at
(c) Panipat (d) Patna Q.1306. Who established the
Khajuraho in Madhya Pradesh, India.
Dedicated to the Hindu Lord Shiva, this International Society for Krishna
Sol.(b) Ajmer Sharif Dargah, Ajmer
revered shrine was built by Vidyadhara - Consciousness (ISKCON)?
Dargah, Ajmer Sharif or Dargah Sharif
a powerful Chandela king. (a) Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
is a Sufi tomb (dargah) of the revered
(b) Sri Chaitanya
Sufi saint, Moinuddin Chishti, located at
Q.1303. Where is Harmandir Sahib (c) Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati
Ajmer, Rajasthan, India. The shrine has (Golden Temple) situated? (d) Sri Ramakrishna
Chishti's grave (Maqbara). SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Morning)
(a) Amritsar (b) Patiala
Sol.(a) Bhaktivedanta Swami
Q.1300. On which of the following idols (c) Ludhiana (d) Jalandhar
Prabhupada established the International
of Hindu mythology has Italian
Sol.(a) Harmandir Sahib (also known as Society for Krishna Consciousness
screenwriter-film producer Alfredo
Golden Temple) is situated in Amritsar. (ISKCON). ISKCON was founded in
Covelli authored ‘Vahana Masterclass’, a
book for kids? It was built in 1604 by Guru Arjan Dev. 1966 in New York City by A. C.
SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Afternoon) It was destroyed several times by Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Its
(a) Lord Vishnu Afghan invaders and rebuilt in the early core beliefs are based on Hindu
(b) Lord Ganesha scriptures, particularly the Bhagavad Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 117

Pinnacle Static GK

Gita and the Bhagavata Purana, and the (c) Veer Chakra Sol.(c) In 2019, Minty Agarwal became
Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition. (d) Param Veer Chakra the first woman to be given the Yudh
Seva Medal. The award is the wartime
Q.1307. Who among the following was Sol.(d) Order of precedence of these equivalent of the Vishisht Seva Medal,
a saint from Maharashtra? awards is the Param Vir Chakra, the which is a peacetime distinguished
SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Morning) Ashoka Chakra, the Mahavir Chakra, the service decoration.
(a) Dadu Dayal (b) Chokhamela Kirti Chakra, the Vir Chakra and the
(c) Bhakhan (d) Sundar Das Shaurya Chakra. Q.1314. Who among the following
received the Sahitya Akademi Award in
Sol.(b) Chokhamela was a saint from Q1311. Who was the first woman to win 1968?
Maharashtra. Dadu Dayal was a the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903? SSC CPO 11/12/2019 Evening
poet-saint from Gujarat. Sunderdas was SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (morning) (a) Kaifi Azmi
a noted saint, poet, philosopher, and (a) Alva Myrdal (b) Jane Addams (b) Buddhadeb Basu
social reformer of medieval India. He (c) Marie Curie (d) Jody Williams (c) Harivansh Rai Bachchan
was a disciple of Dadu Dayal. (d) Amrita Pritam
Sol.(c) Madam Curie is the first woman
to win the Nobel prize in 1903. Sol.(c) In 1968, Harivansh rai bachan
Alva Myrdal won the Nobel Peace prize received the Sahitya Akademi award.
in 1982.
Q.1308. Which Indian received the
Jane Addams won the Nobel peace prize Q1315. Who among the following was
Nobel Peace Prize after Mother Teresa?
in 1931. For her efforts made during the the First army officer of Independent
SSC CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning)
first world war. India to be conferred the rank of Field
(a) K Radhakrishnan
Jody Williams won the Nobel Peace Marshal?
(b) Fali Nariman
prize in 1997. SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
(c) P Sathasivam (a) Om Prakash Malhotra
(d) Kailash Satyarthi (b) Gopal Gurunath Bewoor
Q.1312. The Nobel Prize is awarded in 6
categories each year. Which of the (c) Tapishwar Narain Raina
Sol.(d) Kailash Satyarthi is an Indian (d) Sam Manekshaw
following is NOT one of them?
'Children's rights' activist. He is a Nobel
SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Morning)
Peace Prize recipient and founder of Sol.(d) Sam Manekshaw, was the Chief
(a) Mathematics (b) Literature
Bachpan Bachao Andolan, Global of the Army Staff of the Indian Army
(c) Physics (d) Economics
March Against Child Labour, Global during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971,
Campaign for Education, Kailash and the first Indian Army officer to be
Sol.(a) The Nobel Prize Swedish definite
Satyarthi Children's Foundation, and promoted to the rank of field marshal.
form is a set of annual international
Rugmark now known as GoodWeave
awards bestowed in several categories
International. Q.1316. Who among the following
by Swedish and Norwegian institutions
in recognition of academic, cultural, or British Prime Ministers had announced
Q1309. To which state does the noted the Communal Award in 1932 during
scientific advances.
Padma Shree awardee and Sufi saint India’s Freedom Movement?
The will of the Swedish scientist Alfred
Abraham Sutar belong? SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
Nobel established the five Nobel prizes
CHSL 4 JULY 2019 (Morning) (a) Herbert Henry Asquith
in 1895. The prizes in Chemistry,
(a) Karnataka (b) Telangana (b) Andrew Bonar Law
Literature, Peace, Physics, and
(c) Kerala (d) Andhra Pradesh (c) David Lloyd George
Physiology or Medicine were first
awarded in 1901. The prizes are widely (d) James Ramsay MacDonald
Sol.(a) Ibrahim Sutar is a social worker
regarded as the most prestigious awards
from Karnataka, India; and recipient of Sol.(d) The Communal Award was made
available in the fields of chemistry,
India's fourth highest civilian award, the by the British prime minister Ramsay
literature, peace activism, physics, and
Padma Shri. He is nicknamed the "Kabir MacDonald on 16 August 1932 and it
physiology or medicine.
of Kannada". extended to a separate electorate. The
Q1313. Who is the first woman to have Communal Award also known as
Q.1310. Which of the following is the MacDonald Award was announced after
been awarded the Yudh Seva Medal?
highest award (in order of precedence) the Round Table Conference and
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 Evening
for military services? extended the separate electorate to
(a) Bhawana Kanth (b) Shaliza Dhami
SSC-CHSL 3/7/ 2019 (Evening) depressed Classes and other minorities.
(c) Minty Agarwal (d) Aparna Kumar
(a) Kirti Chakra
(b) Ashok Chakra Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 118

Pinnacle Static GK

Q1317. When was the Government of (c) Ministry of Home Affairs,

India established the Lalit Kala Akademi Government of India/ Q1323. Who is the first Indian to be
(National Academy of Arts) to promote (d) Indira Gandhi National Open awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics?
and advertise Indian art, inside and University SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening)
outside the country? (a) Subramanyan Chandrasekhar
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) Sol.(a) The Indira Gandhi Award for (b) Venkatraman Ramakrishnan
(a) 1971 (b) 1954 (c) 1960 (d) 1948 National Integration was given by the (c) Har Gobind Khorana
Indian National Congress after Indira (d) Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman/
Sol.(b) The Lalit Kala Akademi or Gandhi. This award was given for the
National Academy of Art is India's first time in 1985. And after that it is Sol.(d) Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman
national academy of fine arts. It is an given annually to distinguished is the first Indian to be awarded the
autonomous organisation, established in personalities or Institutions for Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930.He
New Delhi in 1954 by the Government promoting national integration and received nobel prize for the discovery of
of India to promote and propagate understanding and fellowship amongst Raman Effect.
understanding of Indian art, in and religious groups, communities, ethinic The Raman Effect is related to the
outside the country. groups, cultures, languages and scattering of light.
traditions of India and the strengthening,
Q.1318. The 55th Jnanpith Award was through thought and actions of the Q.1324. The Ashok Chakra Class-III
given to ______. nation’s sense of Solidarity. It is given was renamed as the ______ in 1967.
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) on Marytr’s day and it carries an amount SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening)
(a) Bhalchandra Nemade of 5 lakh in cash and a citation. (a) Kirti Chakra (b) Shaurya Chakra
(b) Akkitham Achuthan Namboothiri (c) Vir Chakra (d) Mahavir Chakra
(c) Amitav Ghosh Q1321. Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award
(d) Raghuveer Chaudhari is accorded annually by the: Sol.(b) In 1967 The decorations were
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning) removed from the class base system and
Sol.(b) The 55th jnanpith award was (a) Ministry of Human Resource all I,II,III were renamed.
won by Akkitham Achuthan Development, Govt. of India
Namboothiri, a malayalam poet. He has (b) Indian National Congress Q1325. Who among the following was
authored 55 books out of which 45 are (c) Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Trust popularly known as ‘Frontier Gandhi’?
collections of poems including 'Khanda (d) Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, CHSL 14/10/2020 (Evening)
Kavyas', 'Katha Kavyas', 'Charitha Govt. of India (a) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
Kavyas' and songs. (b) Abdul Gaffar Khan
Sol.(d) Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award (c) Hasrat Mohani
Q1319. Who among the following is is accorded annually by the Ministry of (d) Ashfaqulla Khan
NOT a Bharat Ratna recipient? Youth Affairs and Sports, Govt. of India.
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) It is the highest sporting honour of the Sol.(b) Abdul Gaffar Khan was
(a) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan Republic of India.It was first awarded to popularly known as ‘Frontier Gandhi.
(b) Mother Teresa sports personalities in 1991-92. Till
(c) Nelson Mandela 2020 a total 43 persons have been Q.1326. To whom did Mahatma Gandhi
(d) Baldev Singh awarded with this prize. give the title ‘Deen Bandhu’?
CHSL 15-10-2020 (Morning)
Sol.(d) All other three received Bharat Q.1322. Which of the following persons (a) Rabindranath Tagore
ratna except Baldev singh. Khan Abdul was the recipient of the inaugural (b) CF Andrews
Gaffar Khan was the first non Indian to Infosys Prize for Social Sciences – (c) Abdul Ghaffar Khan
get bharat ratna. Mother Teresa History, 2009? (d) Rajendra Prasad
(naturalised Indian citizen) got bharat SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning)
ratna in 1980 and Nelson Mandela got (a) Amlan Datta (b) Krishna Kumar Sol.(b) Mahatma Gandhi gave CF
bharat ratna in 1990. (c) Hari Vasudevan (d) Upinder Singh Andrews the title ‘Deen Bandhu’ (Friend
of the poor) for his contributions to the
Q.1320. The Indira Gandhi Award for Sol.(d) Upinder Singh was the recipient Indian Independence Movement.
National Integration is accorded by the: of the inaugural Infosys Prize for Social
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) Sciences – History, 2009. She was Q1327. Birthplace of Guru Nanak,
(a) Indian National Congress recognised for her rich contributions as known as Nankana Sahib today, was
(b) Ministry of Human Resource an outstanding historian of ancient and earlier called.
Development, Government of India early Medieval India. CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 119

Pinnacle Static GK

(a) Roda (b) Umarkot the year 1991. It is given annually for an Q.1334. Which of the following was
(c) Rai Bhoi di Talwandi (d) Luni outstanding literary work written in any honoured with the Nobel Prize in the
official Indian languages and published youngest age?
Sol.(c) Birthplace of Guru Nanak known during the preceding 10 years. It carries SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Afternoon)
as Nankana Sahib today, was earlier a cash purse of Rs 15 lakh, apart from a (a) William Lawrence Bragg
called Rai Bhoi di Talvandi. citation and a plaque. (b) James Watson
(c) Marie Curie
Q.1328. Padma Vibhushan is the Q1331. Select among the following who (d) Kenneth Arrow
_____civilian award of India. are not honoured with ‘Bharat Ratna’?
SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening) Sol.(a) Among the options (a) is correct.
(a) highest (a) Morarji Desai But in fact, Malala Yousafzai is the
(b) fourth highest (b) M.G. Ramachandar youngest Nobel Laureate who got the
(c) third highest (c) Shyam Prasad Mukherjee Peace Prize in 2014 at the age of just 17
(d) second highest (d) Vinoba Bhave years.
Bragg was knighted in 1941. As of 2018,
Sol.(d) The Padma Vibhushan is the Sol.(c) Syama Prasad Mukherjee was an he is the youngest ever Nobel laureate in
second-highest civilian award of the Indian politician, barrister and physics, having received the award at the
Republic of India, second only to the academician, who served as the Minister age of 25 years
Bharat Ratna. Instituted on 2 January for Industry and Supply in Prime
1954, the award is given for "exceptional Minister Jawaharlal Nehru's cabinet. Q1335. Which of the following awards
and distinguished service", without is given to a University for its all-round
distinction of race, occupation, position, Q.1332. Which award is often referred good performance in sports?
or sex. The award criteria include to as the ‘Nobel Prize of architecture’? SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening)
"service in any field including service SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Afternoon) (a) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Trophy
rendered by Government servants'' (a) Pritzker prize (b) Dhyan Chand Award
including doctors and scientists, but (b) Jawaharlal Nehru Prize (c) Arjuna Award
excluding those working with the public (c) Abel prize (d) Dronacharya Award
sector undertakings. (d) Raman Magsaysay
Sol.(a) The Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
Q1329. Name the Nobel Laureate who Sol.(a) The Pritzker Architecture Prize is Trophy is awarded annually to the
helped crack the genetic code. an international award established by the university, which has given the best all
SSC CPO 15/03/19 (Morning) Pritzker family through their Hyatt round performance during the year of
(a) Venkataraman Ramakrishnan Foundation in 1979. It is often referred award. Rashtriya Khel Protsahan
(b) Abdus Salam to as “the Nobel Prize of Architecture” Puruskar aims to promote corporate
(c) Subramaniam Chandrasekar and “the profession's highest honor.” involvement in the promotion and
(d) Har Gobind Khorana development of sports in the country.
Q1333. Which of the following Indian is
Sol.(d) In 1968 Nirenberg won the NOT honoured with the Nobel Prize? Q.1336. Arundhati Roy is the recipient
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Afternoon) of which of the following International
for his seminal work on the genetic code. (a) Mahatma Gandhi awards?
He shared the award with Har Gobind (b) Kailash Satyarthi SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning)
Khorana (University of Wisconsin), who (c) Hargobind Khurana (a) Ramon Magsaysay
mastered the synthesis of nucleic acids, (d) Rabindranath Tagore (b) Nobel Prize
and Robert Holley (Cornell University), (c) Pulitzer Prize
who discovered the chemical structure of Sol.(a) Mahatma Gandhi never won the (d) Man Booker Prize
transfer-RNA. Nobel Peace Prize.
His final nomination came just weeks Sol.(d) The publication of ‘The God of
Q.1330. In which field ‘saraswati after his assassination in January 1948. Small Things’ catapulted Roy to
Samman’ award is given? At that point in its history, the Nobel international fame. It received the 1997
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning) Committee had never awarded a prize Booker Prize for Fiction and was listed
(a) Music (b) Literature posthumously, though its original as one of The New York Times Notable
(c) Journalism (d) Dance governing charter did allow for this in Books of the Year.
extenuating circumstances.
Sol.(b) Saraswati Samman Award was
instituted by the KK Birla Foundation in Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 120

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Q1337. Sveriges Riksbank Prize in of valour in the presence of the enemy. (b)Ravi Bachval
Economics Sciences is awarded every Introduced on 26th January 1950, this (c)Bharat Agnihotri
year in the memory of ______. award may be given posthumously. (d)Jeet Aulakh
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(a)John Keynes (b)Karl Marx Q1341. Which of the following awards Sol.(a) An Allahabad-born scientist of
(c)Alfred Nobel (d)Adam Smith is NOT given by the Madhya Pradesh Indian origin has been given Canada's
Government? highest civilian award - the Order of
Sol.(c) Every year the Academy awards SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon) Canada. Shrawan Kumar was honoured
the Nobel Prizes in Physics and in (a) Kishore Kumar Award for his three decades of pioneering
Chemistry, the Sveriges Riksbank Prize (b) Rani Laxmi Bai Award research on workplace injury and the
in Economic Sciences in Memory of (c) Kalidas Award spine at the University of Alberta.
Alfred Nobel, the Crafoord Prize and a (d) Lata Mangeshkar Award
number of other large prizes". Q1345. Which is the gallantry award
Sol.(b) A special scheme has been given in the event of an indirect
Q1338. The Lalit Kala Academy is the implemented by the government of Uttar confrontation with the enemy?
apex cultural government institute of Pradesh for Honouring the eminent SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning)
which sector ? players of the state by Rani Laxmi Bai/ (a) Ashoka Chakra
SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon) Laxman Award. Under this scheme, (b) Veerta Chakra
(a) Theatre (b) Visual Arts sports players that are Honoured with (c) Paramveer Chakra
(c) Performing Arts (d) Music this award are given a citation, bronze (d) Shaurya Chakra
statue of Rani Laxmi Bai/ Laxman and a
Sol.(b) The Lalit Kala Akademi or cash prize . Sol.(d) This is awarded for gallantry
National Academy of Art is India's other than in the face of the enemy. This
national academy of fine arts. It is an Q1342. Who among the following has award may be granted to civilians or to
autonomous organisation, established in NOT received ‘Bharat Ratna’? military personnel and may be awarded
New Delhi in 1954 by the Government SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon) posthumously.
of India to promote and propagate (a) Mahatma Gandhi
understanding of Indian art, in and (b) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Q1346. Who is the only IAF officer to
outside the country. (c) Atal Bihari Vajpayee have been awarded by the Param Vir
(d) Sachin Tendulkar Chakra ?
Q1339. Which of the following is the SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon)
highest civilian award of India? Sol.(a) Mahatma Gandhi has NOT (a) Karam Singh
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning) received ‘Bharat Ratna’. (b) Somnath Singh
(a) Padma Bhushan (b) Bharat Ratna (c) Yogendra Singh Yadav
(c) Padam Shri (d) Jnanpith Award Q1343. Who among the following (d) Nirmal Jeet Singh Sekhon
Indian has NOT received the ‘Nobel
Sol.(b) Highest civilian award in India is Prize’? Sol.(d) As of January 2018, Flying
Bharat Ratna which is followed by SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening) Officer Nirmal Jit Singh Sekhon, who
Padma Vibhushan, Padma bhushan and (a) Mother Teresa was awarded the Param Vir Chakra
Padma Shri in the past. (b) Kailash Satyarthi posthumously in 1971, is the only Indian
(c) Amartya Sen Air Force officer to have been honoured
Q1340. _______ is the highest gallantry (d) Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam with the medal.
award for officers and other enlisted
personnel of all military branches of Sol.1343.(d) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Q1347. Which is the biggest award
India. received Padma Bhushan, Padma given by the International Shooting
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) Vibushan and Bharat Ratna but he never Sport Federation ?
(a) Param Vir Chakra received a Nobel Prize. SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)
(b) Shaurya Chakra (a) Black Cross (b) Red Cross
(c) Mahavir Chakra Q.1344. Which Indian-origin scientist (c) Blue Cross (d) White Cross
(d) Kirti Chakra was awarded Canada's Best Citizen
Award, "The Order of Canada", for Sol.(c) The Blue Cross is the highest
Sol.(a) Param Vir Chakra (PVC) is the pioneering research on workplace injury recognition conferred by the parent body
highest gallantry award for officers and and spine? of international shooting, the ISSF.
other enlisted personnel of all military SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon) Bindra is the first Indian to be awarded
branches of India for the highest degree (a)Shravan Kumar the Blue Cross. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 121

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having won 28 medals in both individual Sol.(c) Pritzker Architecture Prize,

Q.1348. Who was the youngest person and team events (23 gold, 3 silver, and 2 international award given annually to
before Malala Yusufjai to be awarded bronze). recognize the contributions of a living
with the Nobel Prize ? architect. It has often been called the
SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening) Q.1352. Who was the first Indian to win Nobel Prize of architecture.
(a) William Lawrence Bragg the All England Badminton
(b) Friedrich Pasi Championship? Q.1356. Name the first actor to win the
(c) Mary Curie SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning) Oscar Awards?
(d) Jean Henry Dunant (a) Prakash Padukone SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Morning)
(b) Saina Nehwal (a) Warner Baxter
Sol.(a) Before Malala the youngest (c) Srikanth Kidambi (b) Emil Jannings
person to receive a Nobel Prize was Sir (d) P.V. Sindhu (c) Lionel Barrymore
William Lawrence Bragg at the age of (d) Charlie Chaplin
25 for physics in 1915. Sol.(a) Prakash Padukone was the first
Indian to win the All England Sol.(b) The first Academy Awards
Q.1349. Who is the first to receive a Badminton Championship. ceremony was held in Hollywood on
Nobel Prize in Physics? The All England win catapulted May 16, 1929. The name Oscar was not
SSC MTS 21/08/2019(Morning) Padukone to the number one world used for another few years. Emil
(a) John Henry Dunet badminton ranking, making him the first Jannings was the first Best Actor and
(b) Wangari Mathayi Indian to achieve that status. Janet Gaynor Best Actress.
(c) Wilhem Konrad Roentgen
(d) Linus Pauling Q1357. Where is the Sultan Azlan Shah
Q1353. The Padma Awards are Cup held every year?
Sol.(c) Wilhelm Roentgen discovered announced around ______ every year. CHSL 17-03-2020 (Afternoon)
the X-rays. He got the first Nobel prize SSC CGL 5/3/2020 (afternoon) (a) Malaysia (b) India
in physics in 1901. William Thomson (a) Republic Day (c) South Korea (d) Germany
invented the international system of (b) Hindi Diwas
absolute temperature. (c) Sadbhavana Diwas Sol.(a) The Sultan Azlan Shah Cup is an
(d) Independence Day annual invitational international men’s
Q.1350. Who is the first Indian to get the field hockey tournament held in
ISSF Blue Cross ? Sol.(a) The Padma award is one of the Malaysia.
SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening) highest awards in India. It is given by
(a) Sania Mirza the president once a year. Q.1358. Which American President won
(b) Abhinav Bindra the Nobel Peace Prize?
(c) Sachin Tendulkar Q1354. The SASTRA - Ramanujan CHSL 12-10-2020 (Evening)
(d) Rahul Dravid Prize is awarded in the field of: (a) Bill Clinton
SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Afternoon) (b) George Washington
Sol.(b) Abhinav Bindra (born 28 (a) Literature (b) Dance (c) Barack Obama
September 1982) is an Indian (c) Mathematics (d) Chemistry (d) Abraham Lincoln
businessman and retired professional
shooter who is a World titlist and Sol.(c) SASTRA Ramanujan Prize was Sol.(c) The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was
Olympic gold medalist in the 10-metre established in 2005 and is awarded awarded to United States President
Air Rifle event. annually for outstanding contributions Barack Obama for his “extraordinary
by young mathematicians to areas
efforts to strengthen international
influenced by Srinivasa Ramanujan.
Q1351. Which player has won the The SASTRA Ramanujan prize for 2019 diplomacy and cooperation between
maximum gold medals in the history of was awarded to mathematician Adam people.”
the Olympics ? Harper, Assistant Professor with the
SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening) University of Warwick. Q1359. The award given to the best
(a) Michael Phelps coach among coaches of all the different
(b) Larisa Latynina Q1355. The Pritzker prize is an games is known
(c) Usain Bolt international award given to recognise as ______.
(d) Muhammad Ali contribution in the field of_____. CHSL 12-10-2020 (Evening)
SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Morning) (a) Ashoka Chakra Award
Sol.(a) American swimmer Michael (a) literature (b) mathematics (b) Arjuna Award
Phelps is the most decorated Olympian, (c) architecture (d) medicine (c) Dronacharya Award Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 122

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(d) Phalke Award (a) Anant Ram (b) Aruna Reddy SSC CGL 18/08/21(Afternoon)
(c) Ashish Kumar (d) Dipa Karmakar (a) Deenanath Mangeshkar Award
Sol.(c) Dronacharya Award is awarded (b) Dronacharya Award
annually to coaches for their Sol.(d) Dipa Karmakar became the first (c) Jnanpith Award
“outstanding and meritorious work on a gymnast to receive the Rajiv Gandhi (d) Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar (SSB)
consistent basis and enables Khel Ratna Award. Award
sportspersons to excel in international
events” over a period of 4 years. The Q.1364. Who is the first Indian to have Sol.(d) Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar (SSB)
award comprises a bronze statue of won the Pulitzer Prize? is an award for contribution in the field
Dronacharya, a certificate, ceremonial SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) of science and technology. It is an award
dress, and a cash prize of Rs. 15 lakh. (a) Gobind Behari Lal given annually by the Council of
(b) Sanghamitra Kalita Scientific and Industrial Research
Q.1360. Who among the following was (c) Jhumpa Lahiri (CSIR) for notable and outstanding
the first non-Indian to receive the Bharat (d) Geeta Anand research in the field of science and
Ratna, the highest Indian honour that can technology. It was first awarded in 1958.
be given to civilians? / CHSL Sol.(a) Gobind Behari Lal was an
14/10/2020 (Afternoon) Indian-American journalist and Q.1368. The Arjuna Awards are given
(a) Josip Broz Tito independence activist. He won the by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and
(b) Nelson Mandela Pulitzer in 1937 in the journalism Sports to recognise outstanding
(c) Mikhail Gorbachev category. He shared the prize with four achievement in sports and games. It was
(d) Abdul Ghaffar Khan other reporters for covering science at instituted in ______. SSC CGL
Harvard University. 18/08/21(Afternoon)
Sol.(d) Abdul Ghaffar Khan (also (a) 1969 (b) 1956 (c) 1961 (d) 1947
known as Frontier Gandhi) was the first Q.1365. The Ramon Magsaysay Award
non-Indian to receive the Bharat Ratna, was established in the year ______. Sol.(c) The Arjuna Awards are given by
the highest Indian honour that can be SSC CGL 13/08/21 (Evening) the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports
given to civilians. (a) 1957 (b) 1982 (c) 1962 (d) 1965 to recognize outstanding achievements
in sports and games. It was instituted in
Q1361. Who among the following was Sol.(a) The Ramon Magsaysay Award 1961.
the first recipient of the Rajiv Gandhi was established in 1957. It is an annual
Khel Ratna Award? award established to perpetuate former Q.1369. Which of the following
CHSL 15-10-2020 (Afternoon) Philippine President Ramon organizations awards the Nobel
(a) Vijay Amritraj Magsaysay's example of integrity in Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences?
(b) PT Usha governance, courageous service to the SSC CHSL 12/04/21 (Evening)
(c) Sachin Tendulkar people, and pragmatic idealism within a (a) Norwegian Nobel Committee
(d) Viswanathan Anand democratic society. (b) Karolinska Institute
(c) The Royal Swedish Academy of
Sol.(d) Viswanathan Anand was the first Q.1366. The ICTP Ramanujan Prize is Sciences
recipient of the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna awarded annually for excellence in (d) Swedish Academy
Award. ______. SSC CGL 13/08/21 (Evening)
(a) Chemistry (b) Physics Sol.(c) Laureates in the Memorial Prize
Q.1362. Which award is given to the
(c) Mathematics (d) Biology in Economics are selected by the Royal
best coach in sports and games?
Swedish Academy of Sciences. It was
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening)
Sol.(c) The ICTP Ramanujan Prize is first awarded in 1969 to Dutch
(a) Dhyan Chand award
awarded annually for excellence in economist Jan Tinbergen and Norwegian
(b) Dronacharya award
Mathematics by the International Centre economist Ragnar Frisch "for having
(c) Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award
for Theoretical Physics in Italy. The developed and applied dynamic models
(d) Arjuna award
prize is named after the Indian for the analysis of economic processes
mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan. It
Sol.(b) Dronacharya award is given to
was first awarded in 2005 to Marcelo Q.1370. Who among the following has
the best coach in sports and games.
Viana. written the novel ‘The Awasthis of
Q1363. Who became the first gymnast to Aamnagri’? SSC CHSL 04/08/21
Q.1367. Which of the following is an (Evening)
receive the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna
award for contribution in the field of (a) Shubha Sharma
science and technology? (b) Debashish Panigrahi
CHSL 26-10-2020 (Afternoon) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 123

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(c) Sarabjit Singh were Satyendra Nath Bose, Nandalal

(d) Chetan Bhagat Q.1374. The Gitanjali Literary Prize is Bose, Zakir Husain, Balasaheb
awarded in association with which Gangadhar Kher, V. K. Krishna Menon,
Sol.(a) Subha Sharma has written the country? and Jigme Dorji Wangchuck, who were
novel ‘The Awasthis of Aamnagri’. SSC MTS 08/10/21 (Afternoon) honoured in 1954.
Shubha Sharma, (a) Germany (b) England
Commissioner-cum-Secretary of (c) France (d) The US
Handloom, Textiles and Handicrafts Q.1378. Pritzker Prize is commonly
Department. Sol.(c)The Gitanjali Literary Prize is known as the Nobel Prize given for the
awarded in association with France. field of ______. SSC MTS 27/10/2021
Q.1371. Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize "The prize has two aims: to contribute to (Morning)
is associated with which of the following the promotion of the French language in (a) science (b) economics
disciplines? India and also to the promotion of Indian (c) architecture (d) arts
SSC CHSL 05/08/21 (Morning) works in France.
(a) Sports Sol.(c) Pritzker Prize is commonly
(b) Literature Q.1375. The 'Amrita Devi Bishnoi known as the Nobel Prize given for the
(c) Music National Award ' is given for: field of architecture.Anne Lacaton and
(d) Science and Technology SSC MTS 12/10/21(Morning) Jean-Philippe Vassal won the Pritzker
(a) environment protection Prize for 2021. The Pritzker Prize was
Sol.(d) Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar (SSB) (b) energy protection founded in 1979 by Jay and Cindy
Prize is given each year for outstanding (c) wildlife protection Pritzker of Chicago.
contributions to science and technology. (d) biodiversity protection
Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar (SSB) Prize is
Q.1379. Which classical dancer among
given annually by the Council of Sol.(c) The 'Amrita Devi Bishnoi the following was the youngest recipient
Scientific and Industrial Research National Award ' is given for: wildlife of the Padma
(CSIR) for notable and outstanding
protection. The award is in remembrance Bhushan in 1992?
research, applied or fundamental, in
of Amrita Devi Bishnoi, who died in the SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Afternoon)
biology, chemistry, environmental
1731 Khejarli massacre while trying to (a) Mallika Sarabhai
science, engineering, mathematics,
protect a grove of Khejri trees in (b) Yamini Krishnamurthy
medicine, and Physics.
Khejarli, Rajasthan. (c) Shovana Narayan
(d) Sonal Mingh
Q.1372. Who among the following is the
first Indian to get an Oscar Award? SSC Q.1376. In which year did Amartya Sen
receive the Nobel Prize for Economics? Sol.(d) Sonal Mansingh was the
MTS 07/10/21 (Morning)
(a) Bhanu Athaiya (b) Satyajit Ray SSC MTS 12/10/21(Evening) youngest recipient of the Padma
(c) AR Rahman (d) Resul Pookutty (a) 1998 (b) 2004 (c) 1997 (d) 1999 Bhushan in 1992. Sonal Mansingh is an
Indian classical dancer and Guru
Sol.(a) Bhanu Athaiya is the first Indian Sol.(a) Amartya Sen received the Nobel Bharatanatyam and Odissi dancing style.
to get an Oscar Award. She was a Prize for Economics in 1998 for his
costume designer in more than 100 contributions to welfare economics and Q.1380. Which of the following folk
movies and won an Oscar award in 1983 social choice theory and for his interest songs and dances was inscribed on the
for the movie ‘Gandhi’. in the problems of society's poorest UNESCO Representative List of the
members. Intangible Cultural Heritage of
Q.1373. The Sangeet Natak Akademi Humanity in 2010? SSC MTS 2/11/2021
Award for contribution to Performing Q.1377. Who among the following was (Morning)
Arts has been conferred on artists since the first recipient of Padma Vibhushan? (a) Gair (b) Chari
the year ______. SSC MTS 12/10/21(Evening) (c) Kalbelia (d) Bhavai
SSC MTS 08/10/21 (Morning) (a) JRD Tata
(a) 1950 (b) 1961 (c) 1952 (d) 1959 (b) Satyendra Nath Bose Sol.(c) Kalbelia (Rajasthan) folk songs
(c) Hargobind Khorana and dances were inscribed on the
Sol.(c) The Sangeet Natak Akademi (d) John Matthai UNESCO Representative List of the
Award for contribution to Performing Intangible Cultural Heritage of
Arts has been conferred on artists since Sol.(b) Satyendra Nath Bose was the Humanity in 2010. Gair, Chari, and
the year 1952. It is the highest Indian first recipient of Padma Vibhushan. The Bhavai are dance forms of Rajasthan.
recognition given to practicing artists. first recipients of the Padma Vibhushan Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 124

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SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)

Sol.(d) Originating in present-day (a)Ikat (b)Chanderi
Telangana, this dying art form is (c)Bandhani (d)Paithani
Painting/Dress/Tribes practised by the Nakashi family only,
where it has been passed down for many Sol.(c) Bandhani is a type of tie-dye
Q1381. The colourful art named Nandna generations. The tradition of long scrolls textile decorated by plucking the cloth
block print, which uses graceful yet and Kalamkari art influenced the with the fingernails into many tiny
aligned arrangements of motifs on Cheriyal scrolls, a much more stylised bindings that form a figurative design.
fabric, is practiced in Tarapur village of version of Nakashi art. The term bandhani is derived from the
_______. Sanskrit verbal root bandh ("to bind, to
SSC CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning) Q1385. From which Indian state did tie"). Today, most Bandhani making
(a) Uttarakhand (b) Madhya Pradesh 'Warli Art' originate? centers are situated in Gujarat,
(c) Odisha (d) Maharashtra SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning) Rajasthan, Sindh, Punjab region and in
(a) Maharashtra (b) Rajasthan Tamil Nadu where it is also known as
Sol.(b) Nandna block print practised in (c) Kerala (d) Madhya Pradesh Sungudi.
Tarapur village of Neemuch district.
Popular among the Bhil tribe, the art Sol.(a) Warli painting is a form of tribal Q1389. Which of the following is a
includes graceful yet aligned art mostly created by the tribal people traditional painting of Odisha?
arrangements of motifs on the fabric. from the North Sahyadri Range in SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning)
Maharashtra.The Warli Painting tradition (a)Warli (b)Pattachitra
Q.1382. To which of the following in Maharashtra are among the finest (c)Sanjhi (d)Madhubani
Indian states does the tribe of ‘Nyishi’ examples of the folk style of paintings.
Belong? Sol.(b) Pattachitra is a traditional
SSC-CGL 12th June 2019 (Morning) Q.1386. The 'Pattachitra' style of painting of Odisha, India. These
(a) Tamil Nadu painting is one of the oldest and most paintings are based on Hindu mythology
(b) Bihar popular art forms of _______. and specially inspired by Jagannath and
(c) Arunachal Pradesh SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning) Vaishnava sect. All colours used in the
(d) Chhattisgarh (a) West Bengal (b) Assam Paintings are natural and paintings are
(c) Odisha (d) Rajasthan made fully in the traditional way by
Sol.(c) Nyishi (Nishi), also called Chitrakars that is Oriya Painter.
Bangni and Dafla, tribal people of Sol.(c) Pattachitra style of painting is
eastern Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh one of the oldest and most popular art Q.1390. Famous Cartoonist R.K
(formerly North East Frontier Agency), a forms of Odisha. The name Pattachitra Laxman had made the cartoon ‘Gattu’
mountainous state in northeastern India. has evolved from the Sanskrit words for which company ?
They speak the Tibeto-Burman language patta, meaning canvas, and chitra, SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning)
of the Sino-Tibetan family. meaning picture. (a) Onida (b) Nirma
(c) Asian Paints (d) Amul
Q1383. Which of the following places is
famous for Chikankari Embroidery? Q1387. Which of the following states Sol.(c) Laxman also created a popular
SSC-CHSL 2 JULY 2019 (Evening) has been given a GI tag for Kasuti mascot for the Asian Paints Ltd group
(a) Indore (b)Hyderabad embroidery ? called "Gattu" in 1954. He also wrote a
(c) Chennai (d) Lucknow CHSL 10 JULY 2019 MORNING few novels, the first one of which was
(a) Telangana (b) Karnataka titled The Hotel Riviera. His cartoons
Sol.(d) Lucknow is the most famous (c) Rajasthan (d) Bihar have appeared in Hindi films such as Mr.
place among these for chikankari work & Mrs.
i.e., art of embroidery. Sol.(b) Kasuti is a traditional form of
folk embroidery practiced in the state of Q1391. Which of the following tribes
Q.1384. The Cheriyal Scrolls is a dying Karnataka. GI is an indication used on belongs to Sikkim?
art form of India practised by one family products that have a specific SSC CPO 9/12/19 Evening-shift
called the Nakashi family for many geographical origin and possess the (a) Angami (b) Bhutia
generations. Name the modern day State qualities or reputation that are due to that (c) Gond (d) Chenchu
which owns this art form? origin.
SSC-CHSL 4 JULY 2019 (Morning) Sol.(b) Bhutia tribes are of Tibetan
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Karnataka Q.1388. _____is a textile art from origin. They migrated to Sikkim around
(c) West Bengal (d) Telangana Gujarat/ Rajasthan. the16th century. In the northern part of Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 125

Pinnacle Static GK

Sikkim where they are the major (d) Abanindranath tagore CHSL 17-03-2020 (Morning)
inhabitants, they are known as the (a) Tripura (b) Odisha
Lachenpas and Lachung Pass.. Majority Sol.(d) Bharat Mata is a work painted by (c) West Bengal (d) Assam
of the Bhutias are concentrated in the the Indian painter Abanindranath Tagore
dry valley of the north Sikkim. in 1905. The work depicts Bharat Mata, Sol.(d) Mekhela Chador' is a traditional
or Mother India, in the style of a Hindu attire worn by Assamese women.
Q.1392. Name the famous Indian painter Goddess.
who was honoured with the Q.1400. Pablo Picasso, Claude Monet,
Kaisar-i-Hind gold medal by the British Q.1396. Prolific Indian Painter Maqbool Salvador Dali, Vincent Van Gogh were
Viceroy of India, Lord Curzon. Fida Hussain predominantly used which famous for
SSC CPO 9/12/19 Evening-shift of these animals to depict a lively and their______.
(a) Jamini Roy free spirit in his paintings? CHSL 18-03-2020 (Evening)
(b) Abanindranath Tagore SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (morning) (a) artwork
(c) Raja Ravi Varma (a) Tigers (b) Cows (b) western music
(d) Nandalal Bose (c) Elephants (d) Horses (c) social work
(d) ballet performances
Sol.(c) In 1904, Viceroy Lord Curzon Sol.(d) Maqbool Fida Hussain also
awarded Raja Ravi Varma with the known as M.F. Hussain predominantly Sol.(a) Pablo Picasso, Claude Monet,
Kaisar-i-Hind Gold Medal. The used horses in his painting to depict a Salvador Dali, Vincent Van Gogh were
Kaisar-i-Hind Medal for Public Service lively and free spirit. He was awarded famous for their artwork.
in India was a medal awarded by the Padma Shri in 1966, Padma Bhushan
Emperor/Empress of India. in1973 and Padma Vibhushan in 1991. Q1401. Which of the following is a well
known place for Chikankari embroidery?
Q1393. To which state does the Bagh Q1397. The process of coating grooves CHSL 14/10/2020 (Afternoon)
style of textile art printing belong? or engravings in ornaments with (a) Ranchi (b) Lucknow
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening) coloured enamels is called_____. (c) Raipur (d) Indore
(a) Telangana (b) Gujarat SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Evening)
(c) Rajasthan (d) Madhya Pradesh (a) Phulkari (b) Zardozi Sol.(b) Lucknow is a well known place
(c) Meenakari (d) Chikankari for Chikankari embroidery.
Sol.(d) Bagh Print is a traditional Indian
handicraft originating in Bagh, Dhar Sol.(c) Meenakari designing basically Q.1402. Which of the following pairs is
district of Madhya Pradesh, India. refers to the process of coating grooves INCORRECT with reference to
or engravings in ornaments with colored paintings in India?
Q.1394. Which of the following styles of enamels. A wide variety of metals can be SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning)
painting belongs to Maharashtra? used for meenakari designing which (a) Saura Paintings – Odisha
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening) include brass, copper, silver and gold. (b) Bagh Paintings – Madhya Pradesh
(a) Kalam (b) Madhubani (c) Phad Paintings – Rajasthan
(c) Miniature (d) Warli Q.1398. Which city in India is world (d) Guler Paintings – Karnataka
renowned for one of the most traditional
Sol.(d) Warli painting is a style of tribal embroidery styles, Chikankari? Sol.(d) Guler State is famous as the
art mostly created by the tribal people SSC CGL 4/3/2020 (afternoon) birthplace of Kangra painting in the first
from the North Sahyadri Range in India. (a) Ahmedabad (b) Lucknow half of the 18th century when a family of
This range encompasses cities such as (c) Hyderabad (d) Udaipur Kashmiri painters trained in Mughal
Dahanu, Talasari, Jawhar, Palghar, painting sought shelter at the court of
Mokhada, and Vikramgad of Palghar Sol.(b) Chikankari is a traditional Raja Dalip Singh. It is famous in
district. This tribal art originated in embroidery style from Lucknow, India. himachal pradesh.
Maharashtra, where it is still practiced It is also popular by the name Lucknow
today. chikan or Lucknow Chikankari or Q1403. Languages like Nyishi, Apatani
Chikan Embroidery. It is believed that and Bokar are widely spoken in ______.
Q1395. The painting of Bharat Mata was the wife of Jahangir, Nur jehan SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening)
originally done by_____ introduced this embroidery. (a) Mizoram
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) (b) Arunachal Pradesh
(a) Rabindranath tagore (c) Nagaland
(b) Jamini Roy Q.1399. Mekhela Chador' is a traditional (d) Assam
(c) Nandalal Bose dress from the state of: Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 126

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Sol.(b) Nyishi, Apatani and Bokar are after most of the Indian Buddhist Caves
widely spoken in Arunachal Pradesh. had been built. Q.1411. In which of the following states
Nyishi, Apatani and Bokar fall under the is Bhiti Chitra (fresco painting) a
Tani dialect which is a type of Q1407. ‘Jadopatiya’ is a form of ______ popular art form?
Tibeto-Burman Language and is widely popular in the state of Jharkhand. SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Morning)
spoken in Arunachal Pradesh. SSC CGL 16/08/21(Evening) (a) Karnataka (b) Nagaland
(a) music (b) dance (c) Haryana (d) Maharashtra
Q.1404. ______ is one of the important (c) painting (d) sculpture
crafts of Uttar Pradesh which entails Sol.(c) Bhiti Chitra (fresco painting) is a
delicate traditional hand embroidery on Sol.(c) Jadopatiya is a form of painting popular art form in Haryana. Mata
fabrics like chiffon, muslin, organza, popular in the state of Jharkhand. These Mansa Devi Temple, Kalayat Kapil
organdie and silk. paintings are generally practised by the Muni Temple, and Havelis at Bhiwani
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening) Santhals in which the artisans make possess illustrious examples of such
(a) Knitting (b) Crochet scrolls called Jado or Jadopatia and are paintings, which portray stories from the
(c) Chikankari (d) Needle lace drawn with natural inks and colors. Jatakas through folk motives and also
These are used as visual aids in tell the stories of social development of
Sol.(c) Chikankari is one of the storytelling and are said to have magical that time.
important crafts of Uttar Pradesh which and healing powers and depict scenes of
entails delicate traditional hand the afterlife and the Santhal belief of
Q.1412. The ‘Paitkar’ paintings are
embroidery on fabrics like chiffon, tiger God etc.
unique cultural symbols of ______. SSC
muslin, organza, organdie and silk.
MTS 08/10/21 (Morning)
Chikan in literal sense means Q.1408. 'Eravalla, Kadar, Muduvar ' are
(a) Jharkhand (b) Chhattisgarh
embroidery. This art form is known to be languages spoken by the tribes primarily
(c) Telangana (d) Karnataka
introduced by Mughals. in the state of
______. SSC CHSL 11/8/2021
Sol.(a) The ‘Paitkar’ paintings are
Q1405. Raja Ravi Varma, considered as (Morning)
unique cultural symbols of Jharkhand.
one of the greatest painters of India, (a) Tamil Nadu (b) Kerala
Paitkar painting is a folk painting found
hailed from which of these states? (c) Karnataka (d) Maharashtra
in East India in the form of scrolls. The
SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning)
Paitkar. painting occurs in the bordering
(a) Maharashtra (b) Karnataka Sol.(a) 'Eravalla, Kadar, Muduvar ' are
areas of Jharkhand, West Bengal and
(c) West Bengal (d) Kerala languages spoken by the tribes primarily
Orissa and is considered as the old age
in the state of Tamil Nadu. tribal painting of India.
Sol.(d) Raja Ravi Varma, considered as
one of the greatest painters of India, Q.1409. Where in India can we find the Q.1413. To which of the following states
hailed from Kerala. Raja Ravi Varma Jarawa and the Onge tribes? do 'Kajali Paintings', in which no brush
was closely related to the royal family of SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Morning) is used, traditionally belong? SSC MTS
Travancore of present-day Kerala state (a) Daman and Diu 08/10/21 (Afternoon)
in India. (b) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (a) Jharkhand (b) Tamil Nadu
(c) Chhattisgarh (c) Kerala (d) Rajasthan
Q.1406. The popular Bagh cave (d) Arunachal Pradesh
paintings are found in_________.
Sol.(d) 'Kajali Paintings', in which no
SSC CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning) Sol.(b) Tribes of Andaman and Nicobar brush is used, traditionally belong to
(a)Madhya pradesh Islands:- Onges, Jarwas, Shompen, and Rajasthan. Kajali paintings are made
(b)Himachal pradesh the dangerously reclusive Sentinelese. from black kajal and stone colors, and
require extensive hard work and expert
(d)Odisha Q.1410. 'Bauhche' is a traditional hands.
bridegroom’s sword worn during a tribal
Sol.(a) The Bagh Caves are a group of wedding ceremony in:
nine rock-cut monuments, situated Q.1414. Which of the following is NOT
SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Evening) a tribal group traditionally living in
among the southern slopes of the (a) Andhra Pradesh
Vindhyas in Bagh town of Dhar district Andaman and Nicobar Islands? SSC
(b) Uttar Pradesh MTS 11/10/21(Evening)
in Madhya Pradesh state in central (c) Madhya Pradesh
India.The Bagh Caves were quarried in (a) Sentinelese (b) Onge
(d) Arunachal Pradesh (c) Jarawa (d) Munda
the 5th -6th century AD, in the very late
stages of Buddhism in India, and long Sol.(d) Arunachal Pradesh Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 127

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Sol.(d) The Munda are found in the

northern areas of east India concentrated Q.1418. What is the approximate Sol.(d) Bharat Ratna Award is one of the
in the states of Jharkhand, Odisha, and playing time of the full version of the highest civilian awards of the Republic
West Bengal, they are also found in the Indian National Anthem? of India. The award was instituted in
Rangpur division of Bangladesh. At SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) 1954 to recognise the exceptional
present Dec 2021, Ministry of Tribal (a) 68 seconds (b) 52 seconds service or performance of the highest
Affairs is under Shri Arjun Munda. (c) 48 seconds (d) 62 seconds order without distinction of race,
occupation, position, or sex. The Padma
Q.1415. ‘Bagurumba’ is a ______ of the Sol.(b) Playing time of the full version Bhushan is the third-highest civilian
Bodo Community in Assam. of the national anthem is approximately award in the Republic of India, after
SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Morning) 52 seconds. A short version consisting of Bharat Ratna and Padma Vibhushan,
(a) local sport the first and last lines of the stanza is followed by Padma Shree.
(b) folk dance also played on certain occasions.
(c) painting style Q.1422. The Serum Institute of India
(d) ceremonial procession Q1419. Sunita Williams, renowned launched the oral polio vaccine in_____.
astronaut of Indian origin, spent a record SSC CPO 15/03/19 (Morning)
Sol.(b) ‘Bagurumba’ is a folk dance of of _____days in space. (a) 2012 (b) 2013 (c) 2014 (d) 2011
the Bodo community in Assam. Folk SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
(a) 150 (b) 195 Sol.(b) The Serum Institute of India
dances of Assam include the Bihu and
(c) 200 (d) 175 launched the oral polio vaccine in 2013.
the Bagurumba (both danced during
Serum Institute of India was founded in
festivals held in the spring), the Bhortal,
Sol.(b) Sunita Williams, renowned 1966 by Dr. Cyrus Poonawalla with the
the Ojapali dance.
astronaut of Indian origin, spent a record aim of manufacturing life-saving
of 195 days in space. Sunita Pandya Lyn immuno-biologicals, which were in
Q.1416. Which one of the following is a
Williams is an American astronaut and shortage in the country and imported at
ritual folk art traditional to the state of United States Navy officer of high prices.
Kerala? Indo-Slovenian descent. She formerly
SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Evening) held the records for total spacewalks by Q1423. In which year did Independent
(a) Margomkali (b) Manjari a woman and most spacewalk time for a India win its first Olympic Gold in the
(c) Phad (d) Pithora woman (50 hours, 40 minutes). game of Hockey?
SSC CGL 10/06/2019 (Afternoon)
Sol.(a) Margomkali is a ritual folk art of Q.1420. The Drishyakala-Exhibition (a) 1952 (b) 1960 (c) 1948 (d) 1956
the Syrian Christians of Kottayam and held at the Red Fort showcased art
Thrissur districts. Phad is an indigenous works from ___________ till India’ s Sol.(c) In 1948 did Independent India
painting style of the state of Rajasthan. independence. win its first Olympic Gold in the game
Pithora paintings are highly enriched SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Evening) of Hockey.
folk art culture of Gujarat. (a) 11th century (b) 12th century The India national field hockey team
(c) 16th century (d) 10th century was the first non-European team to be a
Q.1417. Which goats' underfur is woven part of the International Hockey
into fine shawls called Pashmina Sol.(c) The Drishyakala- Exhibition on Federation. It was the country's first
shawls? Indian Art showcases artwork from the Olympic gold medal since India became
SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Evening) 16th century till India's independence. It independent.
(a) Kashmiri goat (b) Jamnapari goat has paintings by Amrita Shergil and Raja
(c) Alpine goat (d) Boer goat Ravi Varma on display. Titled Q.1424. The first complete census in
Drishyakala, the exhibition, mounted on India was held in the year ______.
Sol.(a) Kashmiri goat underfur is woven the walls of a newly-restored former CHSL 10 JULY 2019 MORNING
into fine shawls called Pashmina shawls. British barrack inside the Red Fort, tells (a) 1881 (b) 1873 (c) 1891 (d) 1885
The Changthangi goat of Ladakh which the tale of a rich and diverse land and its
produces the finest fibre or cashmere people passing through colonial rule. Sol.(a) The first complete census in
also called pashmina wool. And in turn, India was held in 1881 under the British
it is Kashmir, where the best quality Q1421. Bharat Ratna and Padma viceroy lord Ripon(1880-1884).
Pashmina shawls are found. Vibhushan Awards in India were
instituted in the year______. Q1425. In which year was the ‘National
SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Morning) Food for Work Programme’ launched in
Important events (a)1964 (b)1958 (c)1968 (d)1954 India? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 128

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SSC CPO 9/12/19 Morning greeting the arrival of King-Emperor Sol.(a) Originally the commission had
(a) 2000 (b) 1991 (c) 2002 (d) 2004 George V and Queen Empress Mary, the only a Chief Election Commissioner. It
first British monarch to visit India currently consists of the Chief Election
Sol.(d) The 'National Food for Work . Commissioner and two Election
Programme(NFWP), 2004 was launched Q1430. In which period was the Commissioners. For the first time two
by the minister of rural development, legendary Victoria Terminus Station additional Commissioners were
The central government launched this (currently Chhtarpati Shivaji Maharaj appointed on 16th October 1989 but they
scheme November 14, 2004 in 150 in the Terminus), Mumbai built? / had a very short tenure till 1st January
most backward districts of India with the SSC CGL 4/3/2020 (afternoon) 1990.
objective of generating supplementary (a) 1878 to 1883 (b) 1843 to 1853
wage employment. (c) 1933 to 1943 (d) 1911 to 1921 Q1434. Which of the following years is
called the Year of the Great Divide in the
Q.1426. ‘Jnanpith Award’ , one of Sol.(a) The Chhatrapati Shivaji station, demographic history of India?
India’s highest literary award, was formerly known as Victoria Terminus, SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Morning)
conceived in the year: began to be built in 1878 and completed (a)1951 (b)1921 (c)1931 (d)1911
SSC CPO 9/12/19 Morning in 1888. It is designed by the British
(a) 1972 (b) 1961 (c) 1957 (d) 1969 architect F.W. Stevens. Sol.(b) The year 1921 is a “year of the
great divide” in the demographic history
Sol.(b) The Jnanpith award is the highest of India when mortality started to
literary honour conferred in India. It was Q1431. In which year was the Currency decline leading to acceleration in the rate
founded by the Sahu Jain family in 1961. Building in the BBD Bagh or Dalhousie of population growth (the second stage).
area of Kolkata constructed?
Q1427.. In which year was the World SSC CGL 5/3/2020 (morning) Q1435. In which year was UNICEF
Trade Organization established? (a) 1900 (b) 1833 (c) 1850 (d) 1910 founded?
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 Evening CHSL 17-03-2020 (Morning)
(a) 1952 (b) 1942 (c) 1947 (d) 1995 Sol.(b) The Currency Building in (a) 1948 (b) 1946 (c) 1945 (d) 1949
Kolkata was built in the year 1833 which
Sol.(d) The WTO officially commenced lies in the city's Dalhousie region. The Sol.(b) UNICEF was created in 1946 to
on 1 January 1995 and signed by 123 beautiful colonial building was designed provide relief to children in countries
nations on 15 April 1994, replacing the in Italian style with Venetian windows. devastated by World War II.
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade This building was the office of the
(GATT), which commenced in 1948. It Reserve Bank of India till the year
is the largest international economic 1937. Q.1436. How many districts are there in
organization in the world. the Union Territory of Ladakh?
Q1432. In which year did D.C. Sircar CHSL 17-03-2020 (Afternoon)
Q.1428. In which year did the Tibetan publishes Indian Epigraphy and Indian (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 1 (d) 4
Spiritual Leader the Dalai Lama seek Epigraphical Glossary?
political asylum in India? SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Morning) Sol.(a) There are 2 districts in the Union
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) (a) 1965-66 (b) 1967-68 Territory of Ladakh, Kargil district and
(a) 1973 (b) 1957 (c) 1959 (d) 1962 (c) 1966-67 (d) 1964-65 Leh district.

Sol.(c) Dalai Lama was given political Sol.(a) D.C.Sircar published Indian Q1437. When was the Indian Reform
asylum by PM Jawaharlal Nehru in epigraphy and Indian epigraphical Association formed?
1959. glossary in 1965-66. This book is useful CHSL 17-03-2020 (Afternoon)
to people interested in ancient Indian (a) 1885 (b) 1870 (c) 1860 (d) 1865
Q1429. In which year was the history in general, and Indian
foundation stone for the Gateway of inscriptions in particular. Sol.(b) Indian Reform Association was
India laid in Bombay (now Mumbai)? formed in 1870 with Keshub Chunder
SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Afternoon) Q1433. In which of the following years Sen as President. It represented the
(a) 1913 (b) 1915 (c) 1905 (d) 1920 were two additional Commissioners secular side of the Brahmo Samaj.
appointed to the Election commission of
Sol.(a) The foundation stone for the India for the first time? Q.1438. When was the construction of
gateway was laid on 31 March 1913 by SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Evening) the Rashtrapati Bhavan completed?
then governor of Bombay, Sir George (a) 1989 (b) 1991 (c) 1990 (d) 1998 CHSL 17-03-2020 (Afternoon)
Sydenham Clarke. It was built in (a) 1929 (b) 1953 (c) 1949 (d) 1959 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 129

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promotion and development of (a) 1998 (b) 2003 (c) 2001 (d) 2002
Sol.(a) The construction of the agriculture, small-scale industries,
Rashtrapati Bhavan was completed in cottage and village industries, Sol.(b) Safari, a web browser, was first
1929. handicrafts and other rural crafts and released in 2003 on desktop by Apple. A
other allied economic activities in rural mobile version has been bundled with
Q1439. The first Commonwealth Games areas with a view to promoting iOS devices since the iPhone’s
were held in: integrated rural development and introduction in 2007.
CHSL 17-03-2020 (Evening) securing prosperity of rural areas.
(a) 1920 (b) 1935 (c) 1930 (d) 1925 Q.1448. In which year did the
Q1443. When was the Rovers Cup convention on wetlands, the 'Ramsar
Sol.(c) The first Commonwealth Games started? Convention', come into
were held in 1930 in Hamilton, Canada. CHSL 19-03-2020 (Afternoon) force in India?
(a) 1891 (b) 1952 (c) 1981 (d) 1931 CHSL 12-10-2020 (Evening)
Q.1440. How many windows are there (a) 1984 (b) 1978 (c) 1982 (d) 1991
on the outside walls of Hawa Mahal of Sol.(a) The Rovers Cup was a football
Jaipur? tournament held in India. It was started Sol.(c) Ramsar Convention is a treaty for
CHSL 17-03-2020 (Evening) by British football enthusiasts at the conservation and sustainable use of
(a) 965 (b) 964 (c) 953 (d) 973 Bombay in 1891. Wetlands signed at Ramsar, Iran in 1971.
India signed it on 1st February 1982.
Sol.(c) Hawa Mahal of Jaipur was Q.1444. When was WhatsApp
designed by Lal Chand Ustad with 953 incorporated? Q1449. In which year did UNESCO
small windows. CHSL 19-03-2020 (Afternoon) include Yoga in its Intangible Cultural
(a) 2008 (b) 2007 (c) 2009 (d) 2010 Heritage list?
Q1441. The first Regional Rural Bank CHSL 13/10/2020 (Morning)
was established in India in the year: Sol.(c) WhatsApp was founded by Brian (a) 2014 (b) 2016 (c) 2018 (d) 2015
CHSL 17-03-2020 (Evening) Acton and Jan Koum in 2009.
(a) 1982 (b) 1980 (c) 1975 (d) 1991 Sol.(b) In 2016, UNESCO included
Q1445. When was the Secretariat of the Yoga in its list of Intangible Cultural
Sol.(c) The Regional Rural Banks were SAARC set up? Heritage of humanity UNESCO List of
established in 1975 under the provisions CHSL 19-03-2020 (Evening) Intangible Cultural Heritage include
of the Ordinance promulgated in 1975 (a) 1987 (b) 1984 (c) 1986 (d) 1985 those intangible elements that help
and Regional Rural Banks Act, 1976 demonstrate diversity of cultural heritage
with a view to develop the rural Sol.(a) The SAARC Secretariat was and raise awareness about its
economy by providing credit and other established in Kathmandu in 1987. Its importance.
facilities to small and marginal farmers, role is to coordinate and monitor the UNESCO maintains three lists under its
agricultural labourers, artisans and small implementation of SAARC activities, Intangible Cultural Heritage banner:
entrepreneurs for the purpose of service the meetings of the association a) The list of intangible cultural
development of agriculture, trade, and serve as the channel of heritage in need of urgent
commerce, industry and other productive communication between SAARC and safeguarding.
activities in the rural areas. Prathama other international organizations. b) The list of the intangible
Bank was the first Regional Rural Bank cultural heritage of humanity.
established in India in 1975. Q.1446. When was the Eden Gardens c) Register of good safeguarding
Stadium, Kolkata established? practices.
Q.1442. The National Bank for CHSL 19-03-2020 (Evening)
Agriculture and Rural Development (a) 1875 (b) 1854 (c) 1885 (d) 1864 Q.1450. In which year did the Dalai
(NABARD) was established in: Lama cross over into India and take
CHSL 19-03-2020 (Afternoon) Sol.(d) Established in 1864, Eden asylum?
(a) 1991 (b) 1987 (c) 1975 (d) 1982 Gardens Stadium is the oldest and CHSL 15-10-2020 (Afternoon)
second largest cricket stadium in India (a) 1957 (b) 1959 (c) 1962 (d) 1952
Sol.(d) The National Bank for after the newly built Sardar Patel
Agriculture and Rural Development Stadium. Sol.(b) On March 31, 1959, the Dalai
(NABARD) was established in 1982. Lama fought his way through the snow
NABARD is a Development Bank with Q1447. When was Safari first released to reach Chutangmu, a tiny Assam Rifles
outpost near Tawang, to request asylum
a mandate for providing and regulating by Apple?
in India.
credit and other facilities for the CHSL 19-03-2020 (Evening) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 130

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Q1451. In which year was the Bharat the United Nations Development CHSL 26-10-2020 (Afternoon)
Ratna award instituted? Programme. It was first published in (a) 2012 (b) 2009 (c) 2010 (d) 2011
CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning) 1990.
(a) 1956 (b) 1950 (c) 1954 (d) 1953 Sol.(c) On 15 July 2010, the new Indian
Q.1456. In which year did NITI Aayog Rupee symbol was officially adopted by
Sol.(c) The Bharat Ratna is the highest come into existence? the Government of India.
civilian award of the Republic of India, CHSL 21-10-2020 (Afternoon)
instituted on 2 January 1954. The award (a) 2014 (b) 2013 (c) 2015 (d) 2016 Q.1462. In which year was the Rigveda
is conferred in recognition of manuscript included in the UNESCO's
exceptional service/performance of the Sol.(c) NITI Aayog came into existence Memory of the World Register?
highest order, without distinction of race, in 2015 after replacing the Planning CHSL 26-10-2020 (Afternoon)
occupation, position or sex. Commission. (a) 2005 (b) 2006 (c) 2004 (d) 2007

Q.1452. In which year was a separate Q1457. Telangana became the 29th state Sol.(d) In 2007, the Rigveda manuscript
Andhra state formed after the linguistic of India in which year? was included in UNESCO's Memory of
reorganisation of the then Madras CHSL 21-10-2020 (Afternoon) the World Register. The Memory of the
province? (a) 2015 (b) 2014 (c) 2016 (d) 2017 World Register lists documentary
CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning) heritage which has been recommended
(a) 1950 (b) 1952 (c) 1956 (d) 1947 Sol.(b) Telangana became the 29th state by the International Advisory Committee
of India in June 2014 after the and endorsed by the Director-General of
Sol.(b) Freedom fighter Potti Sriramulu bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh. UNESCO, as corresponding to the
wanted the capital of Andhra Pradesh to selection criteria regarding world
be built in Rayalaseema, and it was due Q.1458. In which year was the ‘Ramnath significance and outstanding universal
to his 56 day fast that in 1952, a separate Goenka Excellence in Journalism’ award value.
Andhra state was carved out of the instituted in India?
erstwhile Madras Presidency with CHSL 21-10-2020 (Evening) Q1463. In which year were the first
Kurnool as its capital. (a) 2010 (b) 2006 (c) 2008 (d) 2007 modern Summer Olympic games held?
CHSL 26-10-2020 (Evening)
Q1453. When was the PIN Code (Postal Sol.(b) ‘Ramnath Goenka Excellence in (a) 1897 (b) 1898 (c) 1896 (d) 1894
Index Code) introduced in India? Journalism’ award was instituted in 2006
CHSL 16-10-2020 (Afternoon) in India. Sol.(c) The first modern Summer
(a) 1949 (b) 1969 (c) 1972 (d) 1963 Olympics games were held in 1896 in
Q1459. What is the height of Mt. Athens, Greece.
Sol.(c) PIN Code (Postal Index Code) Godwin Austen, also known as Mt. K2?
was first introduced in India on August CHSL 21-10-2020 (Evening) Q.1464. When was the National Stock
15, 1972. (a) 8611 m (b) 8511 m Exchange of India established?
(c) 8481 m (d) 8091 m CHSL 26-10-2020 (Evening)
Q.1454. In which year was the (a) 1991 (b) 1994 (c) 1993 (d) 1992
Dronacharya Award instituted? Sol.(a) Mt. K2 is located on the
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon) China-Pakistan border and has an Sol.(d) National Stock Exchange of
(a) 1978 (b) 1985 (c) 1997 (d) 1991 elevation of 8611m. India Limited is the leading stock
exchange of India, located in Mumbai. It
Sol.(b) The Dronacharya Award was Q.1460. The world wide web was was established in 1992 as the first
instituted in 1985 and is awarded to invented in the year ______. dematerialized electronic exchange in
outstanding coaches in Sports and CHSL 26-10-2020 (Morning) the country.
Games. (a) 1985 (b) 1989 (c) 1987 (d) 1982
Q1465. During which of the following
Q1455. When was the Human Sol.(b) The world wide web was periods did Morarji Desai serve as the
Development Report first published? invented in the year 1989 by English Deputy Prime Minister of India?
CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) scientist Tim Berners Lee. SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning)
(a) 1980 (b) 2000 (c) 1990 (d) 1981 (a) 1966-1967 (b) 1970-1971
Q1461. In which year was the new (c) 1967-1969 (d) 1964-1966
Sol.(c) Human Development Report is Indian Rupee symbol officially adopted
an annual report published by the by the Government of Sol.(c) Morarji Desai worked as deputy
Human Development Report Office of India? prime minister of India from 21 march Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 131

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1967 to 6 December 1969. He was the medal by fraction of a second. His film session, the first star guild awards
second deputy prime minister of India nickname is “The Flying sikh”. ceremony was held on 28th May 2004 in
after Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel from 15 Mumbai.
august 1947 to 15 december 1950. Q1470. In which of the following years
was the National Food Security Act Q.1474. The Sahitya Akademi Award
Q.1466. The Government of India added enacted in India? was instituted in the year ______.
the prefix ‘MG’ to the National Rural SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning)
Employment Guarantee Act in the year (a) 2013 (b) 2009 (c) 2012 (d) 2011 (a) 1960 (b) 1954 (c) 1992 (d) 1989
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) Sol.(a) National Food Security act was Sol.(b) The Sahitya Akademi Award was
(a) 2008 (b) 2007 (c) 2012 (d) 2009 enacted in July 2013 by the Government instituted in the year 1954. The first
of India.It gives legal entitlement to 67% award was given in 1955.
Sol.(d) To give the honour to our of the population (75% in rural areas and The most outstanding books of literary
honourable Mahatma Gandhi(MG) in 67% in urban areas) to receive highly merit published in any of the major
2009 goverment added the prefix MG to subsidized food grains. Indian languages are awarded this
NREGA under Prime Minister Dr. prestigious award. The Award amount
Manmohan singh government. Q1471. In which year was ‘Ramlila’ has been increased to 1,00,000 after
inscribed on the UNESCO 2009.
Q1467. In which year did Afghanistan Representative List of the Intangible
join SAARC? Cultural Heritage of Humanity? Q1475. The first Indian satellite,
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) Aryabhata, was launched on 19 April
(a) 2007 (b) 2008 (c) 2005 (d) 2006 (a) 2010 (b) 2008 (c) 2006 (d) 2012 ______.
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning)
Sol.(a) With Afghanistan joining the Sol.(b) In 2008 Ramlila was inscribed on (a) 1975 (b) 1976 (c) 1977 (d) 1974
association in april 2007, there are now the UNESCO representative list of the
eight member countries in SAARC Intangible cultural heritage of Humanity. Sol.(a) The first Indian satellite,
namely Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Till date a total of 13 intangible cultural Aryabhata, was launched on 19 April
Nepal, Maldives, Pakistan and Sri heritages have been inscribed on the 1975. Named after a famous Indian
Lanka. UNESCO’s Representative List. astronomer Aryabhata.It was completely
indigenous in nature and it was launched
Q.1468. Project Elephant was launched Q1472. In which year did the first by a Soviet Rocket Kosmos 3-M.
in India in the year ______. SAARC summit take place?
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning)
(a) 1972 (b) 1992 (c) 1973 (d) 1985 (a) 1972 (b) 1990 (c) 1985 (d) 1992 Q.1476. Lal Bahadur Shastri served as
the Prime Minister of India from ______
Sol.(b) Project Elephant was launched in Sol.(c) The first SAARC summit was to ______.
1992. The main aim of the project is to held in Dhaka, Bangladesh on 7-8 SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning)
increase the population of elephants by December 1985. (a) 1966; 1977 (b) 1980; 1984
giving them protection. SAARC stands for South Asian (c) 1977; 1979 (d) 1964; 1966
Association for Regional Cooperation.
Q1469. In which Summer Olympic Currently there are 8 member countries Sol.(d) Lal Bahadur Shastri served as the
Games did PT Usha miss the bronze in SAARC. Prime Minister of India from 1964 to
medal by 0.01 second in the Women’s Member countries of SAARC include 1966. After the death of India’s first
400 m Hurdles race? Nepal, Bhutan, Srilanka, Maldives, prime minister Jawahar Lal Nehru in
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and 1964 Lal Bahadur Shastri became the
(a) 1984 (b) 1992 (c) 1988 (d) 1980 Afghanistan. prime minister of India. His tenure lasted
for only 19 months due to his sudden
Sol.(a) PT Usha missed a medal by Q1473. The first Star Guild Awards death in Tashkent(Soviet Union).
one-hundredth of a second during the ceremony was held in Mumbai in the
Los Angeles Olympics 1984. She year: Q1477. Lal Bahadur Shastri was born on
participated in the 400m hurdle event SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) ______.
Her nickname is payyoli Express. (a) 2005 (b) 2007 (c) 2006 (d) 2004 SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening)
Earlier in the Rome olympics 1960 the (a) 2 October 1869
legendary athlete Milkha Singh lost his Sol.(d) To honour outstanding film and (b) 12 October 1904
television achievements of the 2003-04 (c) 12 October 1869 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 132

Pinnacle Static GK

(d) 2 October 1904 Q.1481. In which year the post of support to wildlife management efforts
National Security Advisor was created in by states for their free-ranging
Sol.(d) Lal Bahadur Shastri was born on India? populations of wild Asian Elephants.
October 2 1904 at Mughalsarai UP .He SSC MTS 08/10/21 (Afternoon)
served as the second Prime Minister of (a) 2000 (b) 1998 (c) 2003 (d) 1999 Q.1485. India hosted the
India. The Iconic slogan “Jai Jawan Jai Commonwealth Games in:
Kishan” was given by him. Sol.(b) The post of National Security SSC MTS 12/10/21(Evening)
Advisor in India was created in the year (a) 2012 (b) 2018 (c) 2006 (d) 2010
Q.1478. Which Indian finance minister 1998. Brajesh Mishra was appointed as
was India’s delegate to the World the first National Security Advisor of Sol.(d) India hosted the Commonwealth
Monetary Conference at Bretton Woods India. Ajit Kumar Doval is the current Games in 2010. It was held in Delhi
in 1944? National Security Advisor of India from 3 to 14 October in 2010.
SSC MTS 06/10/21(Morning)
(a) KC Neogy Q.1482. In which year did India give INSTRUMENTS
(b) CD Deshmukh shelter to the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan
(c) John Mathai spiritual leader? SSC MTS Q.1486. Pandit Shivkumar Sharma, who
(d) RK Shanmukham Chetty 11/10/21(Morning) is a recipient of Padma Vibhushan, is
(a) 1962 (b) 1957 (c) 1960 (d) 1959 associated with which of the following
Sol.(d) RK Shanmukham Chetty was
India’s delegate to the World Monetary Sol.(d) India gave shelter to Dalai Lama, SSC-CHSL 3/7/2019 (Morning)
Conference the Tibetan spiritual leader in 1959. On (a) Santoor (b) Flute
at Bretton Woods in 1944. He was an
29 April 1959, the Dalai Lama (c) Tabla (d) Violin
Indian lawyer, economist, and politician
established the independent Tibetan
who served as independent India's first
government in exile in the north Indian Sol..(a) A renowned santoor player,
finance minister from 1947 to 1948.
hill station of Mussoorie, which then Pandit Shivkumar Sharma is single
moved in May 1960 to Dharamshala, handedly responsible for making the
Q.1479. The ______ is celebrated at
where he resides. instrument a popular in classical music.
Shilpgram in February every year. SSC
Recipient of the Padma Shree and
MTS 07/10/21 (Evening)
Q.1483. In which year was the first Padma Vibhushan awards, he has also
(a) Taj Mahotsav
meeting of National Integration Council won accolades around the world.
(b) Natyanjali Nritya Utsav
(c) Tansen Music Festival held?
(d) Ziro Festival SSC MTS 12/10/21(Morning)
(a) 1955 (b) 1962 (c) 1951 (d) 1965 Q1487. Which renowned tabla player’s
son is also a famous tabla player who
Sol.(a) The Taj Mahotsav is celebrated at
Sol.(b) The first meeting of the National has collaborated with international
Shilpgram in February every year. Taj
Integration Council was held in 1962. bands?
Mahotsav is an annual 10-day event at
SSC CPO 16/03/19 (Evening)
Shilpgram in Agra, India. In 2017 the The National Integration Council (NIC)
(a)Ustad Bismillah Khan
theme for Taj Mahotsav is "In the is a group of senior politicians and
(b)Ustad Amjad Ali
shadow of Heritage". public figures in India that looks for
(c)Ustad Allah Rakha
ways to address the problems of
(d)Ustad Rashid Khan
Q.1480. Which year was observed as the communalism, casteism, and
International Year of Freshwater? SSC regionalism.
Sol.(c) Ustad Allah Rakha, renowned
MTS 08/10/21 (Morning)
tabla player’s son is also a famous tabla
(a) 2000 (b) 2009 (c) 2007 (d) 2003 Q.1484. In which year was ‘Project player who has collaborated with
Elephant’ launched by the Government international bands. He was awarded the
Sol.(d) The International Year of of India as a Padma Shri in 1977 and the Sangeet
Freshwater was observed in 2003. The Centrally Sponsored Scheme? SSC MTS Natak Akademi Award in 1982. He was
United Nations General Assembly 12/10/21(Morning) also featured in a Google doodle on 29
proclaimed 2003 as the International (a) 1984 (b) 1992 (c) 1988 (d) 1997 April 2014 on the occasion of his 95th
year of freshwater to aware people about
the scarcity of freshwater. Sol.(b) ‘Project Elephant’ was launched
in 1992 by the Government of India as a
Centrally Sponsored Scheme. This Q.1488. Who among the following is a
scheme provides financial and technical flute player ? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 133

Pinnacle Static GK

SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening) Q.1492. In which state is Ponu Yoksi, a Sol.(c) Ustad Bismillah Khan was
(a) Hariprasad Chaurasia sword-like instrument, used during associated with shehnai which is a
(b) Zakir Hussain ceremonial dances performed by priests? subcontinent woodwind instrument in
(c) Shiv Kumar Sharma SSC CGL 16/08/21(Afternoon) India. This instrument is played in
(d) Ravi Shankar (a) Uttar Pradesh auspicious ceremonies like welcome
(b) Arunachal Pradesh ceremonies, marriage, and festivals.
Sol.(a) Hariprasad Chaurasia is an Indian (c) Madhya Pradesh
music director and classical flautist, who (d) Himachal Pradesh Q.1496. The traditional binding
plays the bansuri, an Indian bamboo instrument called "Pena" is related to
flute, in the Hindustani classical Sol.(b) In Arunachal Pradesh, Ponu which of the following state?
tradition. Yoksi, a sword-like instrument, is used SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Afternoon)
during ceremonial dances performed by (a) Sikkim (b) Kerala
Q1489. With which of the following priests. Ponu yoksi is a solid instrument. (c) Goa (d) Manipur
musical instruments was the musician Another Musical instruments popular in
Palghat Mani Iyer associated? Arunachal Pradesh are Ujuk Tapu (wind Sol..(d) The traditional binding
CHSL 15-10-2020 (Evening) instrument), Jingre Tapu (wind instrument called "Pena" is related to the
(a) Mridangam (b) Flute instrument), Pipe Tapu (wind state of Manipur. Pena is also known as
(c) Sitar (d) Shehnai instrument), kiring (solid instrument), Tingtelia is a mono string instrument
Emul (solid instrument), Pui (string falling in the lute category, similar to
Sol.(a) Palghat T.S. Mani Iyer was one instrument), Guga (string instrument). some of the traditional Indian stringed
of the leading mridangists in the field of musical instruments such as
Carnatic music. He, along with his Q.1493. The Kamaicha is a bowed flute Ravanahatha, Ubo or the Kenda, found
contemporaries Palani Subramaniam played by the Manganiars of: SSC CGL in various parts of the country.
Pillai and Ramanathapuram C. S. 18/08/21(Afternoon)
Murugabhoopathy, are revered as the (a) west Rajasthan (b) west Goa Q.1497. Which of the following musical
“Holy Trinity of Mridangam”. (c) west Bihar (d) west Kerala instruments is an example of the stringed
instruments played by the Manganiars of
Q.1490. Who among the following Sol.(a) The Kamaicha is a bowed lute west Rajasthan?
is/was a famous Tabla player? played by the Manganiars of west SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Evening)
CHSL 16-10-2020 (Afternoon) Rajasthan. It is a stringed instrument (a) Jhanj (b) Kamaicha
(a) TN ,मल Krishnan made of steel, parchment, gut, metal, (c) Manjira (d) Toomba
(b) Bhimsen Joshi shisham, and horsehair.
(c) Alla Rakha Sol.(b) Kamaicha is an example of the
(d) Hariprasad Chaurasia Q.1494. 'Chinkara' is a ______ musical stringed instruments played by the
instrument popular in the state of Manganiars of west Rajasthan. The
Sol.(c) Ustaad Alla Rakha Qureshi was Madhya Pradesh. seventeen-string kamaicha, or
an Indian tabla player who specialized in SSC CGL 24/08/21(Afternoon) khamaycha, is a string instrument
Hindustani classical music. (a) plate (b) membrane constructed out of a piece of mango
(c) stringed (d) wind wood, featuring a round resonator
Q1491. The ______ is a single string covered in goat leather.
musical instrument made using bamboo Sol.(c) Chinkara is a stringed musical
and a gourd, mostly used by traditional instrument popular in the state of Q.1498. The musical instrument 'Kartal'
folk singers in Maharashtra. Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. It is from the state of Rajasthan comes under
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening) made of parchment, wood and steel. This the category of ______.
SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Morning)
(a) Edakka (b) Ekkalam instrument is used by the ‘Pradhan’
(a) electrophones (b) membranophones
(c) Esraj (d) Ektara community of Madhya Pradesh and the (c) chordophones (d) idiophones
‘Meo’ community of Rajasthan.
Sol.(d) The Ektara is a drone flute Sol.(d) Khartal, also known as kartal or
consisting of a gourd resonator covered Q.1495. With which of the following khar taal, is an idiophone percussion
with skin, through which a bamboo neck musical instruments was the musician instrument originating in Rajasthan,
is inserted. Bismillah Khan associated? India. It is classified as an idiophone
Ektara means “one string” SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Evening) because the entire instrument vibrates to
(a) Sitar (b) Harmonium produce a sound on it's own.
(c) Shehnai (d) Bansuri Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 134

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Q.1499. With which of the following Science and Technology of the (d) Rahul Gandhi
musical instruments is the musician Government of India.
Pandit Shiv Kumar Sharma associated? SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening) Sol.(c) Shashi Tharoor Is the Congress
SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Evening) (a) Prayog Prasar(PP) leader who is known for his
(a) Dholak (b) Sarangi (b) Arogya Prasar(AP) extraordinary oratory skills. He is a
(c) Santoor (d) Sarod (c) Vigyan Prasar(VP) member of Indian National Congress
(d) Vidhan Prasar(VP) Party (INC). From 1978 to 2007,
Sol.(c) Pandit Shiv Kumar Sharma is a Tharoor was a career official at the
Santoor Player. The Indian santoor Sol.(d) Vigyan Prasar (VP), an United Nations, rising to the rank of
instrument is a trapezoid-shaped autonomous organisation under the Under-Secretary General for
hammered dulcimer and a variation of Department of Science and Technology, Communications and Public Information
the Iranian Santur. The instrument is Government of India, was set up in 1989 in 2001.
generally made up of walnut and has 25 to take on large-scale science and
bridges. technology popularisation programmes. Q.1506. Which of the following is not a
transit point on the border of India?
Q.1500. Which of the following Q1503. Which ex-Prime Minister of SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
instruments is normally played in a India is known as "Chanakya of Modern (a) Ganda Singh Wala (b) Vagha
vertical position and with India"? (c) Atari (d) Sikar
an arched bow? SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
SSC MTS 08/10/21(evening) (a) Charan Singh (b) VP Singh Sol.(d) Sikar is a city located midway
(a) Sitar (b) Sarangi (c) PV Narasimha Rao (d) IK Gujral between Agra and Bikaner on the
(c) Shehnai (d) Veena National Highway 52 in the state of
Sol.(c) PV Narsimha Rao was the 9th Rajasthan in India. It is the
Sol.(b) Sarangi is normally played in a Prime Minister of India (1991-1996). He administrative headquarters of the Sikar
vertical position and with an arched bow. is also referred to as Chanakya of District. Sikar is a historical city and
The Sarangi is a fretless, bowed string Modern India’ for his ability to get contains many old havelis (large houses
instrument used in Hindustani classical legislation passed even while heading a with Mughal-era architecture). It is
music and folk traditions of north India. minority government. The duo of PV located 114 km from Jaipur, 320 km
Narasimha Rao (PM) and Manmohan from Jodhpur, 215 km from Bikaner, and
Q.1501. ______ is a medical instrument Singh (Finance Minister) led the 280 km from Delhi.
used for listening to sounds produced Economic reforms of 1991 and saved
within the body, chiefly in the heart or India from an Economic crisis. Q1507. ‘Expectation is the root of all
lungs. heartache’ is a quote by______.
SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Evening) Q.1504. Name the Chief Minister of SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) Stethoscope (b) Periscope Gujarat who did not take a single day off (a) William Shakespeare (b) Dalai Lama
(c) Kaleidoscope (d) Telescope in the 13 years of service. (c) Mahavir (d) Buddha
SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
Sol.(a) Stethoscope is a medical (a) Narender Modi Sol.(a) ‘Expectation is the root of all
(b) Chimanbhai Patel heartache’ is a quote by William
instrument used for listening to sounds
(c) Shankarsingh Vaghela Shakepeare.
produced within the body, chiefly in the But there is no proof that it is actually
heart or lungs. A periscope is an optical (d) Keshubhai patel
said by whom.
instrument that uses a system of prisms,
Sol.(a) Narendra Modi is the Chief Q.1508. What is the height of the Statue
lenses, or mirrors to reflect images
Minister of Gujarat who did not take a of Unity that is located in Gujarat?
through a tube. Kaleidoscope, optical
single day off in the 13 years of service. SSC-CHSL 1 /7/2019 (Evening)
device consisting of mirrors that reflect
He is a member of Indian Bharatiya (a) 93 m (b) 120 m
images of bits of coloured glass in a
janata party(BJP). (c) 153 m (d) 182 m
symmetrical geometric design through a
viewer. Telescope, device used to form Q1505. Name the Congress leader who
magnified images of distant objects. Sol.(d) Statue of Unity is located in the
is known for his/her extraordinary state of Gujarat, India. It is the world's
oratory skills. tallest statue with a height of 182 metres.
SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) The statue of unity is the statue of Indian
Miscellaneous (a) Jyotiraditya Scindia statesman Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.
(b) Sonia Gandhi
Q.1502. ____is an autonomous (c) Shashi Tharoor
organisation under the Department of Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 135

Pinnacle Static GK

Q1509. Rani-ki-Vav (The Queen’s 18-year-old___ and his team from (d) Phytoremediation
Stepwell), which is in the UNESCO Tamilnadu.
World Heritage List, is located in: SSC-CPO 16 /3/ 2019 (Morning) Sol.(b) Biofuels are being considered as
SSC-CHSL 2/07/2019 (Morning) (a) Khursheed Rifath an alternative to reduce the country’s
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Gujarat (b) Rifath Sharook crude oil imports worth rs 7 lakh crore.
(c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Rajasthan (c) Sharook Rashid It can also be a potential weapon to fight
(d) Salman Rashid increasing pollution. Biofuels are liquid
Sol.(b) Rani-ki-Vav (The Queen’s or gaseous fuels produced from biomass
Stepwell), which is in the UNESCO Sol.(b) NASA launched the world’s resources and used in place of, or in
World Heritage List, is located in smallest and lightest satellite, Kalamsat addition to, diesel, petrol or other fossil
Gujarat. It is an astonishing example of on 22 June 2017 devised by 18-year-old fuels for transport, stationary, portable
Royal Steep Well and was constructed Rifath Sharook and his team from and other applications. These are
between 1022 and 1063 AD. Tamilnadu. KalamSat is named after the efficient sources which can satisfy these
former president and one of India's energy requirements in an
Q.1510. Who is the Managing Director greatest nuclear scientists Dr APJ Abdul environmentally stable and cost-effective
and Editor in Chief of Republic TV? Kalam. It was made using reinforced manner thereby reducing dependence on
SSC-CHSL 3 /7/ 2019 (Afternoon) carbon fiber polymer and weighs lesser import of fossil fuels.
(a) Barkha Dutt than a smartphone's weight.
(b) Prannoy Roy Q1515. The BHIM app was launched by
(c) Rajdeep Sardesai Q1513. A study by Gitanjali Katlam and Prime Minister Narendra Modi on:
(d) Arnab Goswami Soumya Prasad from Jawaharlal Nehru SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
University, Mohit Agarwal from Asian (a) 15th August, 2016
Sol.(d) Republic TV is an Indian Adventuress and Raman Kumar from (b) 31st October, 2016
television news channel. It is Nature Science Initiative examined the (c) 26th January, 2016
majority-owned by its editor-in-chief, relationship between _____which was (d) 30th December, 2016
managing director and co-founder Arnab published in the journal ‘Current
Goswami and minority-owned by Science’. Sol.(d) BHIM (Bharat Interface for
Asianet News. The news channel was SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Morning) Money) is a mobile payment App
launched on 6 May 2017. (a) animal and plant life developed by the National Payments
(b) different animal species and their Corporation of India (NPCI), based on
Q1511. Under which of the following food the Unified Payments Interface (UPI). It
acts did the Government of India set up (c) water scarcity and animals was launched by Prime Minister
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (d) animal type and behavior vis-a-vis Narendra Modi at the DigiDhan Mela at
(TRAI)? the risk of plastic ingestion Talkatora Stadium in New Delhi on 30
SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Morning) December 2016.
(a) Telecom Regulatory Authority of Sol.(d) A study by Gitanjali Katlam and
India Act,2001 Soumya Prasad from School of Life Q.1516. Smiling Buddha is a code name
(b) Telecom Regulatory Authority of Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University for____.
India Act,1997 (JNU); Mohit Agarwal from Asian SSC CPO 15/03/19 (Morning)
(c) Telecom Regulatory Authority of Adventures and Raman Kumar from (a) India’s first nuclear bomb test
India Act,2003 Nature Science Initiative, examined the (b) India’s first unmanned tank
(d) Telecom Regulatory Authority of relationship between animal type and (c) The Father of the Indian Nuclear
India Act,2005 behaviour vis-à-vis the risk of plastic Program
ingestion. The Study was published in (d) India’s largest power plant
Sol.(b) Telecom Regulatory Authority of the journal Current Science.
India (TRAI) was established in the year Sol.(a) 'Smiling Buddha' was the
1997 in pursuance of TRAI (Ordinance) Q.1514. _____is being considered an assigned code name of India's first
1997, which was later replaced by an alternative to reduce the country’s crude successful nuclear bomb test. India's first
Act of Parliament, to regulate the oil imports worth rs 7 lakh crore. It/They successful nuclear bomb test on 18 May
telecommunication services. can also be a potential weapon to fight 1974. The bomb was detonated on the
increasing pollution. army base, Pokhran Test Range (PTR),
Q.1512. NASA launched the world’s SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Morning) in Rajasthan by the Indian Army under
smallest and lightest satellite, Kalamsat (a) Extractor fans the supervision of several key Indian
on 22 June 2017 devised by (b) BIofuels generals.
(c) Air purifiers Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 136

Pinnacle Static GK

(A) Preserve Heritage Q1524. The historical Sher Shah Suri

Q1517. Which of the following is NOT (B) Work With Mission Marg is called as:
another name for Ram Setu? (C) Development With Dignity SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon)
SSC CPO 15/03/19 (Morning) (D) Go With Art (a) National Highway Number 23
(a) Adam’s Bridge (b) Setu Banda (b) National Highway Number 11
(c) Nala Banda (d) Nala Setu Sol.(c) Hunar Haat is to ensure (c) National Highway Number 1
‘Development with Dignity’ to Artisans (d) National Highway Number 8
Sol.(c) Nala Banda is not another name and Craftsmen of the Country.
for Ram Setu. Ram Setu is also called Sol.(c) The historical Sher-Shah-Suri
Adam's Bridge, Nala Setu and Setu Q1521. What is Ask Disha? Marg is called National Highway No. 1.
Banda. Ram Setu as it was built by SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) NH-1 is the Grand Trunk (GT) road that
Rama and his army. It is called Nala (a) A navigation website also existed during the reign of
Setu because it was Nala who was the (b) A chatbot on the Indian Railways Chandragupta Maurya.
architect of the bridge in Ramayana. The website
name Adam's Bridge comes from some (c) A web mapping service that provides Q1525. Badhti ka naam zindagi' is the
ancient Islamic texts referring to Adam's real-time traffic tagline of which of the following banks?
Peak in Sri Lanka. (d) Helpline set up by Ministry of Road CHSL 10 JULY 2019 (Afternoon)
Transport and Highways (a) Syndicate (b) Axis
Q.1518. The Sanskrit phrase” Atithi (c) Corporation (d) Indian
Devo Bhava” means: Sol.(d) The Indian Railway Catering and
SSC CPO 16/03/19 (Evening) Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) recently Sol.(b) Badhti ka naam zindagi' is the
(a) I salute you launched a chatbot to help its users tagline of Axis Bank. It's headquarter is
(b) The guest is God answer various queries . The AI in Mumbai.
(c) Good day chatbot-- Ask Disha- is powered by
(d) See you soon artificial intelligence (AI) and it is aimed Q.1526. In the domain names, the
at facilitating accessibility by answering expression .au stands for ______.
Sol.(b) Atithi Devo Bhava is a Sanskrit users' queries pertaining to various CHSL 10 JULY 2019 (Afternoon)
verse, translated literally it means “The services offered by IRCTC. (a) Antigua (b) Austria
guest is equivalent to God”. It is taken (c) African Union (d) Australia
from ancient Hindu scripture and has Q.1522. The ratio of the length to the
become part of the codes of conduct for height (width) of the national Flag shall Sol.(d) In the domain names, the
the Hindu society. be? expression .au stands for Australia.
MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening)
Q1519. Devanagari evolved from the (a) 3 : 1 (b) 4 : 1 (c) 4 : 2 (d) 3 : 2 Q1527. The tomb of Sufi Saints is
_____script. known as ____.
SSC CPO 16/03/19 (Evening) Sol.(d) The national flag shall be SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening)
(a) Brahmi (b) Inuktikut rectangular in shape. The ratio of the (a) Cul-de-Sac (b) Eidgah
(c) Hebrew (d) Kana length to the height (width) of the flag (c) Dargah (d) Khankah
shall be 3:2.It was designed by pingali
Sol.(a) Brahmi is an abugida that thrived Venkayya. Sol.(c) A dargah is a shrine built over
in the Indian subcontinent and uses a the grave of a revered religious figure,
system of diacritical marks to associate Q1523. Which one of the following is a a Sufi saint or dervish. Sufis often visit
vowels with consonant symbols. It Japanese word that means 'harbour the shrine for ziyarat, a term associated
evolved into a host of other scripts, wave',? with religious visits and pilgrimages..
called the Brahmic scripts, that continue SSC CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening)
to be in use today in South and Central (a) Gneiss (b) Jishin Q1528. Tiger belongs to which category
Asia. (c) Volcano (d) Tsunami under IUCN ?
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Q.1520. Hunar Haat Plays An Important Sol.(d) Tsunami means “harbor wave” in (a) Endangered
Role In National And International Japanese, A tsunami is a series of waves (b) Critically endangered
Branding Of The Heritage Of Master caused by earthquakes or undersea (c) Extinct
Artisans In India. It Is Aimed At ____of volcanic eruptions. While tsunamis are (d) Vulnerable
The Artisans And Craftsmen From The often referred to as tidal waves.
Minority Communities. Sol.(a) The Tiger is listed as Endangered
SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Evening) under criterion C1 because the Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 137

Pinnacle Static GK

population of mature individuals may be Q1532. Raj Ghat is the memorial of SSC CPO 11/12/2019 Evening
fewer than 2,500 individuals. _______. (a) English (b) Arabic
SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning) (c) Japanese (d) Chinese
Q1529. Which of the following (a) Indira Gandhi
institutions is India’s National Academy (b) Rajiv Gandhi Sol.(c) Japanese is not official language
of Letters? (c) Mahatma Gandhi of United Nations..There are only six
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening) (d) Jawaharlal Nehru official languages of United Nations: i.e
(a) Sahitya Akademi Arabic, Chinese, English, French,
(b) Indira Gandhi National Centre for Sol.(c) Raj Ghat is a memorial of Russian and Spanish.
Arts Mahatma Gandhi. It is situated in New
(c) Lalit Kala Akademi delhi.
(d) Centre for Culture Resources and Q1536. Rajwada palace (Cultural
Training Q1533. Edward Lutyens and Herbert Heritage Project) is located at:
Baker are two architects credited to have SSC CPO 11/12/2019 Evening
Sol.(a) The Sahitya Akademi, India's designed the city of : (a) Jabalpur (b) Mandu
National Academy of Letters, is an SSC CPO 9/12/19 Morning (c) Ujjain (d) Indore
organisation dedicated to the promotion (a) Allahabad(Prayagraj)
of literature in the languages of India. (b) Chandigarh Sol.(d) Rajwada is a historical palace in
Founded on 12 March 1954, it is (c) Raipur Indore city. It was built by the Holkars
supported by, though independent of, the (d) New Delhi of the Maratha Empire about two
Indian government. Its office is located centuries ago and it’s a seven storied
in Rabindra Bhavan near Mandi House Sol.(d) The names of Edwin Lutyens, structure located near the Chhatris and
in Delhi . architect and designer of the imperial serves today as a fine example of royal
capital of Delhi, and leading architect grandeur and architectural skills.
Q1530. When was the Environmental Herbert Baker are indelibly linked with
Protection Act passed ? the construction of the crown jewels of Q.1537. 'Powa Mecca' in Assam is the
SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon) New Delhi – the Viceroy's House (now tomb of___ _.
(a)1972 (b)1986 (c)1982 (d)1992 Rashtrapati Bhavan) and the twin SSC CPO 11/12/2019 Evening
secretariat buildings (now the North and (a) Pir Giasuddin Auliya
Sol.(b) Environment Protection Act, South Blocks). (b) Shujauddin Mohammed Shah
1986. is an Act of the Parliament of (c) Khwaja Bande Nawaz
India. After the 1984 Bhopal Tragedy, Q.1534. The 10 per cent reservation in (d) Sheikh Salim Chisti
the Government of India enacted the central government jobs under
Environment Protection Act of 1986 economically weaker sections (EWS) Sol.(a) Power Mecca in Assam is the
under Article 253 of the Constitution category is available to the persons tomb of Pir Giyas Uddin Auliya. In
which was passed in March 1986. whose family income is below: 1657 AD Sujauddin Muhammad Shah
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening) had built this mosque.
Q1531. Indira Sahni and Others Vs VOI (a) ₹7 lakh (b) ₹8 lakh
case is related to which subject ? (c) ₹5 lakh (d) ₹6 lakh Q.1538. As per the UN criteria, a city
SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening) qualifies as a mega city when its
(a) Panchayat Elections Sol.(b) As per 124th constitutional population is a
(b) Reservation amendment bill, the criteria defined for minimum of:
(c) Women Exploitation at the workplace getting EWS is those having an annual SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening)
(d) Police Reforms household income of less than eight lakh (a) 5 million (b) 10 million
Rupees or those having agricultural land (c) 15 million (d) 12 million
Sol.(b) Supreme court in Indira Sawhney of less than 5 acres or having a house
& Ors v. Union of India. AIR 1993 SC smaller than 1,000 square feet or have a Sol.(b) A megacity is a very large city,
477 : 1992 Supp (3)SCC 217 upheld residential plot smaller than 100 yards in typically with a population of more than
Implementation of separate reservation a municipality or a residential plot of 10 million people.
for other backward classes in central less 200 yards in a non-notified
government jobs. Ordered to exclude municipality are going to be eligible. Q1539. Which of the following
Creamy layer of other backward classes languages does NOT belong to the
from enjoying reservation facilities. Q1535. Which of the following is NOT Indo-Aryan language family?
an official language of the United SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening)
Nations? (a) Munda (b) Punjabi
(c) Dogri (d) Assamese Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 138

Pinnacle Static GK

name has been changed to Deen Dayal directly proportional to the potential
Sol.(a) Mundari (Muɳɖa) is a Munda Upadhyay Junction on 16 October 2017. difference and inversely proportional to
language of the Austroasiatic language It is the fourth busiest railway junction the resistance which gives a
family spoken by the Munda people in in India. mathematical relationship as V=IR.
eastern Indian state of Jharkhand, Odisha
and West Bengal. It is closely related to Q1544. Which of the following ports in Q.1548. The Indus Waters Treaty was
Santali. India has been renamed Deendayal Port? signed between India and Pakistan on
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) ______.
Q1540. Name the queen associated with (a) Tuticorin (b) Cochin SSC CGL 5/3/2020 (afternoon)
the Maheshwari saree. (c) Mormugao (d) Kandla (a) 16 December 1963
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) (b) 19 September 1960
(a) Ahilyabai Holkar (b) Lakshmibai Sol.(d) Kandla Port Trust renamed as (c) 18 October 1969
(c) Kunti (d) Mehrunnisa Deendayal Port Trust with effect from (d) 12 November 1959
25th of September, 2017. Kandla Port,
Sol.(a) The origin of the Maheshwari located on the Gulf of Kutch in Gujarat, Sol.(b) The Indus Waters Treaty (IWT)
sarees dates back to the 18th century, is one of the twelve major ports in the was signed in Karachi on September 19,
when the state of Indore in Madhya country. 1960 by the first Prime Minister of India
Pradesh was ruled by Queen Ahilyabai Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and then
Holkar. Q1545. Which of the following was President of Pakistan Ayub Khan.
previously known as 'the Lady
Q1541. The line ‘Khoob lari mardani wo Willingdon Park'. Q1549. Which of the following
to jhansi wali Rani thi’, was written SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Afternoon) monuments is NOT a part of the Qutub
by______ (a) Buddha Jayanti Park Complex?
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) (b) Mughal Gardens SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Afternoon)
(a) Subhadra Kumari Chauhan (c) Deer Park (a) Buland Darwaza
(b) Suryakant Tripathi (d) Lodhi Gardens (b) Qutub Minar
(c) Mahadevi verma (c) Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque
(d) Ramdhari Singh Dinkar Sol.(d) Lady Willingdon Park, was (d) Alai Darwaza
inaugurated in April 1936. It was
Sol.(a) Subhadra Kumari Chauhan wrote renamed Lodhi Gardens after 1947. Sol.(a) Buland Darwaza is not a part of
in the Khariboli dialect of Hindi,khoob the Qutub Complex it is situated in
ladi mardani woh to jhansi wali rani thi. Q1546. The 14th Dalai Lama resides in Fatehpur Sikri UP. Following are the
parts of Qutub minar: Alai Darwaza,
Qutub Minar, Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque,
Q1542. Dhoti-Gamosa is the indigenous SSC CGL (4/3/2020 morning) Iron pillar.
textile symbol of______. (a) Gangtok (b) Dharamsala Tombs: Tomb of Iltutmish, Tomb of
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) (c) Kalimpong (d) Shillong Imam Zamin, Ala-ud-din Khilji's tomb
(a) Meghalaya (b) Uttar Pradesh and madrasa, Alai Minar of Khalji.
(c) Nagaland (d) Assam Sol.(b) Dalai lama lives in Dharamshala
in Himachal pradesh. He has been living
Sol.(d) Dhoti-Gamosa is part and parcel there since 1959, when he was forced to Q.1550. Which ISO certification
of the most celebrated festival Bihu of escape into exile after the brutal pertains to Environmental Management
Assam. It is also known as Bihuwaan suppression of Tibetean national Systems?
uprising by the Chinese troops.. SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Afternoon)
Q1543. The Mughal sarai Railway (a) 9001 (b) 22000
Station has been renamed after_____ Q1547. Georg Simon Ohm in whose (c) 14001 (d) 27001
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) honor we have the famous Ohm's Law,
(a) Gopal Krishna Gokhale hailed from which country? Sol.(c) ISO 14001 is the international
standard that specifies requirements for
(b) Madan Mohan Malviya SSC CGL 4-3-2020 (Afternoon)
an effective environmental management
(c) Deen Dayal Upadhyaya (a) Germany (b) Spain system. It provides a framework that an
(d) Ram manohar lohia (c) Poland (d) Russia organization can follow, rather than
establishing environmental performance
Sol.(c) Mughalsarai Junction railway Sol.(a) Georg Simon Ohm was a requirements.
station station is a famous Railways German physicist, best known for his
station in the Indian state of Uttar “Ohm's Law”, which states that the
Pradesh and Station Code Is (MGS). Its current flow through a conductor is Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 139

Pinnacle Static GK

Q1551. Which of the following martial (a) A P J Abdul Kalam

art forms is practiced in the state of Q1555. Who designed the logo for (b) Homi Bhabha
Punjab and West Bengal? Lokpal in India? (c) Amartya Sen
(d) Atal Bihari Vajpayee
SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Afternoon) SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Morning)
(a) Lathi (b) Mardaani Khel (a) Deepak Punia Sol.(a) A P J Abdul Kalam said “Don’t
(c) Kalaripayattu (d) Thang-ta (b) Prashant Mishra take rest after your first victory because
(c) Kamareddy if you fail in second, more lips are
Sol.(a) Lathi or stick martial arts (d) B.P.Raju waiting to say that your first victory was
practiced in Punjab and Bengal region of just luck”.
India. Lathi still remains a popular sport Sol.(b) The Logo for Lokpal was
Q.1560. In which state was the 8th
in Indian villages. designed by Prashant Mishra, a resident
edition of the India-China joint military
of Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. exercise ‘Hand-in-Hand 2019’ held?
Q.1552. The Mission of the Ramsar CHSL 13/10/2020 (Afternoon)
Convention is to conserve______. Q1556. Which of the following is NOT (a) Maharashtra (b) Manipur
SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Evening) a credit rating agency in India ? (c) Meghalaya (d) Kerala
(a) wetlands (b) deserts CHSL 18-03-2020 (Morning)
(c) rivers (d) oceans (a) CRISIL (b) ICRA Sol.(c) The 8th edition of the
India-China joint military exercise
(c) RBI (d) CARE
‘Hand-in-Hand 2019’ was held in
Sol.(a) The Ramsar Convention on Meghalaya. The major objective of this
Wetlands of International Importance Sol.(c) RBI is the central bank of India. joint military exercise is to promote
especially as Waterfowl Habitat is an mutual cooperation in the fight against
international treaty for the conservation Q1557. Who is/was the 13th President of terrorism. The purpose is to build and
and sustainable use of wetlands. It is also India? promote strong relations between the
armies of India and China.
known as the Convention on Wetlands. It CHSL 19-03-2020 (Afternoon)
is named after the city of Ramsar in Iran, (a) APJ Abdul Kalam
Q1561. The patriotic song ‘Sare Jahan
where the Convention was signed in (b) Pratibha Patil
Se Accha’ was composed by:
1971. (c) Pranab Mukherjee .
CHSL 14/10/2020 (Morning)
(d) Ram Nath Kovind
(a) Rabindranath Tagore
Q1553. Which of the following animals
(b) Allama Muhammad Iqbal
does NOT find a place in the National Sol.(c) Pranab Mukherjee was the 13th
(c) Bismil Azimabadi
Emblem of India? President of India.
(d) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Evening)
(a) Horse (b) Camel Q.1558. Who founded the Indian
Sol.(b) The patriotic song ‘Sare Jahan Se
(c) Lion (d) Bull Statistical Institute (ISI) in Calcutta?
Accha’ was composed by Allama
CHSL 12-10-2020 (Morning)
Muhammad Iqbal.
Sol.(b) The Emblem is a replica of the (a) JM Sengupta
Lion of Sarnath, near Varanasi, Uttar (b) RN Mookerjee
Q.1562. Which of the following is a
Pradesh. The abacus is girded by four (c) Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis
Rabi crop?
smaller animals - guardians of the four (d) Subhendu Sekhar Bose
CHSL 14/10/2020 (Afternoon)
directions: the lion of the north, the
(a) Bajra (b) Jowar
elephant of the east, the horse of the Sol.(c) Indian Statistical Institute is a
(c) Tur (d) Wheat
south and the bull of the west. The public research university which is
abacus rests on a lotus in full bloom, recognized as an institute of national
Sol.(d) Rabi crops are sown in winter
exemplifying the fountainhead of life importance in the 1959 act of the Indian
and harvested in the spring in India.
and creative inspiration. Parliament. It grew out of the Statistical
Common Rabi crops include wheat,
Laboratory set up by Prasanta Chandra
barley, gram, mustard, rapeseed, bajra,
Q.1554. Jai Prakash Narayan Museum Mahalanobis in Presidency College,
linseed etc.
of Socialism is situated in: Kolkata.
SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Morning)
Q1563. Who among the following was
(a) New Delhi (b) Lucknow Q1559. Which famous personality said
the following? popularly known as ‘Frontier Gandhi’?
(c) Amritsar (d) Vadodara
“Don’t take a rest after your first victory CHSL 14/10/2020 (Evening)
because if you fail in second, more lips (a) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
Sol.(b) Jai Prakash Narayan museum of are waiting to say that your first victory (b) Abdul Gaffar Khan
socialism is situated in Gomti Nagar, was just luck?” (c) Hasrat Mohani
Lucknow. CHSL 13/10/2020 (Afternoon)
(d) Ashfaqulla Khan Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 140

Pinnacle Static GK

Sol.(a) The Chipko movement was a expanse of water by which they are
Sol.(b) Abdul Gaffar Khan was non-violent agitation in 1973 that was otherwise separated.
popularly known as ‘Frontier Gandhi. aimed at protection and conservation of A peninsula is a landform surrounded by
trees.It was started by Sundarlal water on the majority of its border while
Q.1564. In which color are the railway Bahuguna. being connected to a mainland from
lines and telephone lines shown in the which it extends.
topographic map? Q.1568. Translated into English, the
CHSL 14/10/2020 (Evening) motto of the Indian National Army Q.1572. The script ‘Gurumukhi’ for
(a) Blue (b)Yellow (INA) was ______. / Punjabi language was invented by the
(c) Black (d) Red CHSL 16-10-2020 (Afternoon) Sikh guru ______.
(a) Do or Die CHSL 19-10-2020 (Morning)
Sol.(c) Brown - Topographic contours (b) Unity and Discipline (a) Guru Angad
Blue - Lakes, streams, irrigation ditches (c) Service before self (b) Guru Har Kishan
and other hydrographic features (d) Unity, Faith, Sacrifice (c) Guru Ramdas
Red - Land grids and important roads (d) Guru Har Rai
Black - Railroads, boundaries, telephone Sol.(d) The motto of the Indian National
lines Army (INA) was Ittehad, Itmad aur Sol.(a) The script ‘Gurumukhi’ for
Qurbani (Unity, Faith and Sacrifice). Punjabi language was invented by the
Q1565. Which of the following is a Sikh guru Guru Angad Dev.
system designed to transmit information Q1569. The fifth incarnation of Vishnu
between electronic musical instruments? is known as: Q1573. Who among the following is the
CHSL 14/10/2020 (Evening) CHSL 16-10-2020 (Evening) 15th Chairman of the Finance
(a) Barcode reader (a) Varaha (b) Krishna Commission of India?
(b) Optical Mark Reader (c) Vamana (d) Narasimha CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon)
(c) MIDI devices (a) Y. V. Reddy
(d) Visual Display Unit Sol.(c) There are a total 10 incarnations (b) Vijay L. Kelkar
of Lord Vishnu. The fifth incarnation of (c) C. Rangarajan
Sol.(c) MIDI is a standard protocol Vishnu is known as Vamana. (d) N.K Singh
between music devices. It can make
devices communicate by sending out and Q.1570. 'Piklihal' and 'Utnur' are Sol.(d) N K Singh is the 15th Chairman
receiving datas through MIDI cables. important ______ sites. of the Finance Commission of India.
CHSL 16-10-2020 (Evening)
Q.1566. Which of the following animals (a) Monolithic (b) Paleolithic Q.1574. Who proposed the Wardha
is used for transport in Tibet? (c) Megalithic (d) Neolithic Scheme or Basic Education?
CHSL 15-10-2020 (Morning) CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning)
(a) Bullock (b) Llama Sol.(d) 'Piklihal' (Karnataka) and 'Utnur' (a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(c) Yak (d) Camel (Andhra Pradesh) are important (b) Mahatma Gandhi
Neolithic sites. The people in Piklihal (c) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
Sol.(c) Yak is used for transport in Tibet. were cattle-herders. They domesticated (d) Jawaharlal Nehru
Yak has a bulky physiology with strong sheep, goats and cattle.
well built legs and large red blood cells Sol.(b) Mahatma Gandhi proposed the
for proper transport of oxygen that help Q1571. Part of the land that is ‘Wardha Scheme’ or ‘Basic Education’
them to climb up the steep elevations surrounded by water on its every side at the All India Education Conference in
during hiking. but on one side it is linked with a 1937.
Q1567. Which of the following (a) Strait (b) Island Q1575. Which of the following is not a
environmental movements/conflicts of (c) Isthmus (d) Peninsula Planetarium?
India was directly related to the CHSL 21-10-2020 (Morning)
prevention of felling of trees? / Sol.(d) A strait is a narrow passage of (a) Roman house goddess
CHSL 15-10-2020 (Morning) water connecting two seas or two other (b) Saptarshi Mandal
(a) Chipko Movement large areas of water. (c) Jalvayal
(b) Tehri Dam Conflict An island is any piece of subcontinental (d) Virgo
(c) Narmada Bachao Andolan land that is surrounded by water.
(d) Save Silent Valley Movement An isthmus is a narrow piece of land Sol.(a) Roman house goddess is not a
connecting two larger areas across an Planetarium. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 141

Pinnacle Static GK

Demography studies human populations

Q1576. Who among the following is mostly with respect to their size, their Q1584. In the context of forest
nicknamed the ‘Baltimore Bullet’? structure and their development. conservation, Navadanya Movement was
CHSL 21-10-2020 (Afternoon) founded in 1987 by ______.
(a) Tom Jager (b) Ian Thorpe Q1580. Which of the following SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening)
(c) Matt Biondi (d) Michael Phelps Presidents of India also served as the (a) Medha Patkar
Union Labour Minister? (b) Vandana Shiva
Sol.(d) Michael Phelps is known as the SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) (c) Baba Amte
‘Baltimore Bullet’ and ‘Flying Fish’.He (a) V.V. Giri (b) Ramnath Kovind (d) Pandurang Hegde
is an American former competitive (c) Zakir Hussain (d) N Sanjeeva Reddy
swimmer. Sol.(b) Navdanya Movement was
Sol.(a) V.V Giri was appointed as founded in 1987 by Vandana Shiva. She
Q1577. On whose birth anniversary did Minister of Labour from 1952 to 1954. started Navdanya seed savers movement
Kanshi Ram found the Bahujan Samaj He was elected the third vice president with the goal of conserving remaining
Party? of India on 13 May 1967, he held this crop diversity and assisting farmers in
CHSL 21-10-2020 (Evening) post for years till 3 May 1969. He was retaining seed sovereignty by developing
(a) BR Ambedkar the first vice president to not complete and sustaining village-level seed supply
(b) Waman Chindhuji Meshram his full term in office on account of systems and traditional farming
(c) Jyotirao Phule being elevated to the office of the practices.
(d) Periyar Ramasamy president and was the only president to
be elected as an independent candidate. Q1585. Standing in an open ground on a
Sol.(a) Kanshi Ram founded the Bahujan cloudless day, at what time will your
Samaj Party in 1984 on the birth Q1581. ‘Femto’ means ten raised to the shadow be the shortest?
anniversary of BR Ambedkar. power of ______. SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning)
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) (a) 12:00 (b) 15:00 (c) 09:00 (d) 07:00
Q1578. ______ is also known as the ‘All (a) –16 (b) –15 (c) –20 (d) –12
India War Memorial’. Sol.(a) In the afternoon the shadows are
CHSL 26-10-2020 (Morning) Sol.(b) Femto is 10−15. the shortest.
(a) India Gate If the angle which sun rays form with the
(b) Gateway of India Q1582. Who was the President of India object is larger then the shadow will be
(c) Raj Ghat when Rajiv Gandhi was sworn in as longer and if the angle is shorter then the
(d) Victory at Sea Memorial Prime Minister? shadows will be shortest.
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) During the afternoon the sun rays are
Sol.(a) India Gate is also known as the (a) Shankar Dayal Sharma vertically above so they form the least
‘All India War Memorial’. (b) N Sanjiva Reddy angle and that's why the shadows are
(c) R Venkataraman shortest.
Q1579. Which of the following (d) Giani Zail Singh
disciplines studies human populations Q1586. ‘The Name you can Bank Upon’
mostly with respect to their Sol.(d) Giani Zail Singh was the seventh is the slogan of which of the following
size, their structure and their president of India serving from 1982 to banks?
development? 1987. Rajiv Gandhi, youngest prime SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning)
SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Afternoon) minister, took oath on 31 december (a) Canara Bank
(a) Geomorphology (b) Anthropology 1984. (b) Punjab National Bank
(c) Sociology (d) Demography (c) HDFC Bank
Q1583. Who among the following poets (d) State Bank of India
Sol.(d) Geomorphology is the study of wrote under the pen name ‘Nirala’?
landforms, their processes, form and SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) Sol.(b) The Name You Can Bank Upon
sediments at the surface of the earth. (a) Maithili Sharan Gupta is the slogan of the Punjab National
Anthropology is the study of aspects of (b) Suryakant Tripathi Bank. Punjab National Bank was
humans within past and present (c) Jaishankar Prasad founded in 1894. It is the second largest
societies. (d) Ramdhari Singh Dinkar public sector Bank in India.
Sociology is the study of human social
relationships and institutions. Sol.(b) Pen name of Suryakant Tripathi Q1587. Actor Kamal Haasan is the
is nirala. He was an Indian poet, story Founder President of the political party
writer and novelist. ______. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 142

Pinnacle Static GK

SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening) (c) Forensic science (d) Kalology emphasizes unconscious mental
(a) Makkal Needhi Maiam processes and is sometimes described as
(b) Thayaka Marumalarchi Kazhagam Sol.(c) Forensic science is the use of depth psychology.
(c) Dhiravida Thelugar Munnetra scientific methods or expertise to
Kalagam investigate crimes or examine evidence Q.1594. The colour of an emerald is
(d) Marumalarchi Thamizhagam that might be presented in a court of law. generally ______.
Forensic science comprises a diverse SSC CGL 18/08/21 (Morning)
Sol.(a) Actor Kamal Haasan founded array of disciplines, from fingerprint and (a) green (b) blue
Makkal Needhi Maiam Party in DNA analysis to anthropology and (c) yellow (d) red
Tamilnadu state and union territory of wildlife forensics.
Puducherry.The party was founded on Sol.(a) The color of an emerald is
February 21 2018 in Madurai. Q.1591. Who among the following was generally green. Emeralds are formed
the founder of Homeopathy? when chromium, vanadium, and iron are
Q1588. The picture shown here is the SSC CGL 13/08/21(Afternoon) present in the mineral beryl.
symbol of the _____. (a) Samuel Hahnemann
(b) FG Hopkins Q.1595. The scientific study of birds is
(c) Robert Koch called ______.
(d) Selman Waksman SSC CGL 20/08/21(Morning)
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening) (a) ornithology (b) pomology
(a) All India Trinamool Congress Sol.(a) Samuel Hahnemann was the (c) ichthyology (d) gerontology
(b) Janata Dal (United) founder of Homeopathy. Dr Hahnemann
(c) Samajwadi Party espoused the law of cure known as Sol.(a) The scientific study of birds is
(d) Communist Party of India Marxist "Similia Similibus Curentur", or "Like called ornithology. Pomology studies
Cures Like". It means that a remedy that fruit and its cultivation. Ichthyology is
Sol.(b) Arrow with a green sign is produces symptoms in a healthy person the study of fish. Gerontology is the
symbol of Janta Dal(United). will cure those with the same symptoms study of the physical aspects of ageing,
It is a political party of BIhar. Nitish when manifested by a person in a as well as the mental, social and societal
Kumar who is currently the chief diseased state. implications of ageing.
minister of Bihar belongs to Janta
Dal(United). Q.1592. Where is the famous pilgrim Q.1596. Which of the following is the
spot of Sikhs, Sri Harmandir Sahib largest sea bird with the longest
Q.1589. Unique Transaction Reference located? wingspan?
number is a ______ character code used SSC CGL 13/08/21 (Evening) SSC CGL 20/08/21(Morning)
to uniquely identify a transaction in the (a) Patna (b) Manali (a) Frigatebird (b) Booby
RTGS system. (c) Jalandhar (d) Amritsar (c) Wandering Albatross (d) Auk
SSC CGL 13/08/21(Morning)
(a) 17 (b) 34 (c) 22 (d) 45 Sol.(d) The famous pilgrim spot of Sol.(c) Wandering Albatross is the
Sikhs, Sri Harmandir Sahib (Golden largest sea bird with the longest
Sol.(c) Unique Transaction Temple), is located in Amritsar. The wingspan of up to 11 feet. It is the
Reference(UTR) number is a 22 gurdwara was built by the fourth Sikh largest member of its genus - Diomedea.
character code used to uniquely identify Guru, Guru Ram Das, in 1577. In 1604, They are great gliders and can soar
a transaction in the RTGS system. A Guru Arjan placed a copy of the Adi through the sky without flapping their
UTR number is a unique reference code Granth in Harmandir Sahib. wings for several hours.
that is attached to every transfer sent to
India and the exact format of the number Q.1593. Who among the following is the Q.1597. ‘Oolong’ is a variant of ______.
can differ according to payment method. founder of the field of psychoanalysis? SSC CGL 20/08/21(Evening)
SSC CGL 18/08/21 (Morning) (a) jute (b) tea
Q.1590. Which of the following is the (a) Carl Jung (b) Kai T Erikson (c) rubber (d) coffee
application of sciences such as physics, (c) Jean Piaget (d) Sigmund Freud
chemistry, biology, computer science Sol..(b) ‘Oolong’ is a variant of tea. It is
and engineering to matters of law and to Sol.(d) Sigmund Freud is the founder of a traditional semi-oxidized Chinese tea
the identification of various facts of the field of psychoanalysis. produced by a process including
civilian investigation? Psychoanalysis is a method of treating withering the plant under strong sun and
SSC CGL 13/08/21(Morning) mental disorders, shaped by oxidation before curling and twisting.
(a) Psychology (b) Morphology psychoanalytic theory, which Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 143

Pinnacle Static GK

Q.1598. In medicine, ______ is a device Sol.(a) Hakki, Pikki and Siddi are the SSC CHSL 05/08/21 (Morning)
such as a small metal plate or needle that languages of Karnataka. These (a) Computer science
carries electricity from an instrument to languages are critically endangered in (b) Data science
a patient for treatment or surgery. Karnataka. (c) Software development
SSC CGL 23/08/21(Morning) (d) Computer programming
(a) a venturimeter (b) an electrode Q.1602. As per the standards set by the
(c) a machmeter (d) an electrolyte Department of Telecom, Government of Sol.(b) Data science is an advanced
India, for all the new designs of mobile discipline that teaches students how to
Sol.(b) An electrode is a device such as handsets, the permissible Specific analyze and find patterns in large
a small metal plate or needle that carries Absorption Rate (SAR) limit is ______ amounts of data. It uses techniques and
electricity from an instrument to a averaged over 1 gram of human tissue theories drawn from many fields within
patient for treatment or surgery. with effect from 1st September 2012. the context of mathematics, statistics,
Venturimeter is a type of flowmeter that SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Afternoon) computer science, information science,
works on the principle of Bernoulli's (a) 1.8 W/kg (b) 2.1 W/kg and domain knowledge.
Equation. It is widely used in the water, (c) 1.6 W/kg (d) 2.2 W/kg
chemical, pharmaceutical, and oil & gas Q.1606. In which year was the Marine
industries to measure the flow rates of Sol.(c) 1.6 W/kg Products Export Development Authority
fluids inside a pipe. Electrolytes are (MPEDA) established in India? SSC
minerals in our blood and other body Q.1603. When was the Federation of CHSL 5/8/2021 (Evening)
fluids that carry an electric charge. Indian Chambers of Commerce and (a) 1948 (b) 1974 (c) 1947 (d) 1972
Machmeter is an instrument in an Industry (FICCI) established in India?
aircraft indicating airspeed as a Mach SSC CHSL 12/04/21 (Evening) Sol.(d) The Marine Products Export
number. (a) 1939 (b) 1948 (c) 1927 (d) 1952 Development Authority (MPEDA) is a
statutory body that was established in
Q.1599. Which of the following is a Sol.(c) India's largest, oldest, and apex 1972 under the Ministry of Commerce &
flightless bird? business organization, The Federation of Industry for the promotion of the export
SSC CGL 23/08/21(Evening) Indian Chambers of Commerce & of marine products from India.
(a) Peacock (b) Crane Services offered by MPEDA-
Industry (FICCI) is a non-governmental
(c) Hen (d) Kiwi (i) Registration of infrastructure facilities
trade association and advocacy group for Seafood Export trade.
based in India. It was established in (ii)Collection and dissemination of trade
Sol.(d) Kiwi is a flightless bird. It has
1927, on the advice of Mahatma Gandhi information.
tiny wings, but cannot fly. It is the only (iii)Projection of Indian marine products
by Mr. G.D. Birla and Purshottamdas
bird in the world with nostrils at the end in overseas markets by participation in
Thakurdas. Current president of FICCI -
of its beak. Its sense of smell is second overseas fairs and organizing
to none. Sanjiv Mehta international seafood fairs in India.

Q.1600. The rupee symbol, which was Q.1604. Hampi was declared as a World Q.1607. Since 2000, Euro norms are
introduced in India in 2010, is an Heritage Site by UNESCO in which of followed in India under the name
amalgamation of the Devanagari ‘Ra’ the following years? ______ Stage Emission Standards for
and the ______ ‘R’ without the stem. SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Afternoon) four wheeled vehicles.
SSC CGL 23/08/21(Evening) (a) 1999 (b) 1980 (c) 1990 (d) 1986 SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Afternoon)
(a) Roman (b) Ol Chiki (a) Bharat (b) Jagat
(c) Cyrillic (d) Brahmi Sol.(d) Hampi was declared as a World (c) India (d) Hindustan
Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1986. The
Sol.(a) The rupee symbol is an temple was built by Lakkan Dandesha, Sol.(a) Since 2000, Euro norms have
amalgamation of the Devanagari ‘Ra’ under the ruler Deva Raya II also known been followed in India under the name
and the Roman ‘R’ without the stem. as Prauda Deva Raya of the Bharat Stage Emission Standards for
Vijayanagara Empire. Hampi, capital of four wheeled vehicles. Vehicle emission
Q.1601. Hakki, Pikki and Siddi are the Vijayanagara empire, is situated on norms were introduced in India in 1991
the banks of the Tungabhadra River in for petrol and in 1992 for diesel vehicles.
_________ from Karnataka.
the eastern part of central Karnataka.
SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Morning)
(a) language (b) Theater form Q.1608. Where in India will you find
Q.1605. ______ is an advanced India's largest tulip garden?
(c) Music type (d) dance form
discipline that teaches students how to SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Evening)
analyse and find patterns in large (a) Munsiyari (b) Srinagar
amounts of data. (c) Lansdowne (d) Dehradun Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 144

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SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Evening) Number One. The SDGs of the United
Sol.(b) Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip (a) Lucknow (b) Gwalior Nations include 17 goals that end
garden formerly known as Siraj Bagh is (c) Agra (d) Bhopal poverty in all forms and dimensions by
a tulip garden in Srinagar in Jammu and 2030. This involves targeting the most
Kashmir. It is the largest tulip garden in Sol.(a) The Rumi Darwaza of Lucknow vulnerable, increasing basic resources
Asia spread over an area of about 30 is located in Uttar Pradesh. It is an and services, and supporting
hectare (74 acres). It was opened in 2007 imposing gateway that was built by communities affected by conflict and
with the aim to boost floriculture and Nawab Asaf-Ud-Daula in 1784. climate-related disasters.
tourism in the Kashmir Valley.
Q.1613. The United Nations Sustainable
Q.1616. For which of the following
Q.1609. India's longest LPG pipeline is Development Goal 6 strives to ______.
productions is the Ramagundam power
from Jamnagar to ______. SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Afternoon)
plant famous?
SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Afternoon) (a) achieve gender equality and
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Evening)
(a) Vijaynagar (b) Namrup empower all women and girls
(a) hydroelectricity
(c) Hazira (d) Loni (b) end hunger, achieve food security
(b) nuclear energy
and improved nutrition and promote
(c) thermal energy
Sol.(d) India's longest LPG pipeline is sustainable agriculture
(d) Bio-gas
from Jamnagar (Gujrat) to Loni (c) ensure healthy lives and promote
(Ghaziabad, UP). The then Prime well-being for all at all ages
Sol.(c) The Ramagundam power plant is
Minister, Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee, (d) ensure availability and sustainable
famous for the production of thermal
dedicated Gas Authority of India Ltd's management of water and sanitation for
energy in the Peddapalli district in
(GAIL) Jamnagar-Loni LPG pipeline to all
Telangana, India. It is the current largest
the nation on 9 May 2001. The Rs.1,250
power station in South India.
crore, 1,270 km long pipeline is the Sol.(d) The United Nations Sustainable
world’s largest LPG pipeline. Development Goal 6 strives to ensure
Q.1617. Which of the following is the
availability and sustainable management
name of the spacecraft developed by
Q.1610. When was the Editors Guild of of water and sanitation for all.
SpaceX for NASA’s manned mission to
India founded?
the International Space Station?
SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Morning) Q.1614. Who among the following is
SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Afternoon)
(a) 1982 (b) 1978 (c) 1956 (d) 1989 NOT a former President of India? SSC
(a) Crew Centaurus (b) Crew Dragon
MTS 12/10/21(Evening)
(c) Crew Shark (d) Crew Aries
Sol.(b) The Editors Guild was founded (a) KR Narayanan
in 1978 with the twin objectives of (b) Shankar Dayal Sharma
Sol.(b) Crew Dragon is the name of the
protecting press freedom and raising the (c) Vishwanath Pratap Singh
standards of editorial leadership of (d) Giani Zail Singh spacecraft developed by SpaceX for
newspapers and magazines. NASA’s
Sol.(c) Vishwanath Pratap Singh is NOT manned mission to the International
Q.1611. Where was the first factory of a former President of India. Vishwanath Space Station. NASA headquarters is in
the Indian Iron and Steel Company Pratap Singh was the 8th Prime Minister Washington DC.
(IISCO) set up? of India from 1989 to 1990.
SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Morning) Q.1618. In which of the following
(a) Durgapur (b) Jabalpur Q.1615. With reference to the languages did Adikavi Pampa create his
(c) Jamshedpur (d) Hirapur Sustainable Development Goals of the compositions?
United Nations, which of the following SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Afternoon)
Sol.(d) The first factory of the Indian is Goal Number One? SSC MTS (a) Malayalam (b) Kannada
Iron and Steel Company was Established 12/10/21(Evening) (c) Telugu (d) Tamil
in 1918. IISCO Steel Plant of Steel (a) No poverty
Authority of India Limited is an (b) Industry, innovation and Sol.(b) Adikavi Pampa created his
integrated steel plant located at Hirapur infrastructure compositions in Kannada Languages.
(later to be called Burnpur) in the (c) Reduced inequalities The first well known Kannada poet was
Asansol subdivision of Paschim (d) Zero hunger Adikavi Pampa who wrote in an archaic
Bardhaman district, West Bengal. style of Kannada called Halegannada
Sol.(a) With reference to the Sustainable (figuratively "Old Kannada").
Q.1612. Where is the Rumi Darwaza Development Goals (SDGs) of the
located? United Nations, No poverty is Goal Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 145

Pinnacle Static GK

Q.1619. Which of the following is the Modhera - Gujarat, and Ossian temple, Sol.(b) Biocon Limited was incorporated
smallest Union Territory of India in Gujarat. in the year 1978 as a joint venture
terms of area? between Biocon Biochemicals Limited
SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Afternoon) Q.1623. In which of the following years of Ireland and an Indian entrepreneur
(a) Lakshadweep was the National Archives of India Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw. Biocon
(b) Puducherry established? manufactured and exported enzymes to
(c) Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman SSC MTS 2/1/2021 (Evening) the USA and Europe during the year
and Diu (a) 1991 (b) 1891 1979 as the first of its kind.
(d) Chandigarh (c) 1876 (d) 1956
Q1627. Who among the following
Sol.(a) Lakshadweep is the smallest Sol.(b) The National Archives of India founded the Bombay Stock Exchange?
Union Territory of India in terms of area. was established on 11 March 1891 at SSC CGL 5/3/2020 (evening)
It consists of 36 islands with an area of Calcutta (Kolkata) as the Imperial (a) Ashishkumar Chauhan
(b) Premchand Roychand
32 sq km. Capital- Kavaratti. It was Record Department, it is the biggest (c) Vikramjit Sen
formed on 1 November 1956. archival repository in South Asia. (d) Roychand Deepchand

Q.1620. Which is the national heritage FOUNDER Sol.(b) The Bombay stock exchange was
animal of India? founded by Premchand Roychand. He
SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Evening) made a fortune in the stockbroking
Q1624. _______ is the founder of business and came to be known as the
(a) Lion (b) Horse Facebook. Cotton King, the Bullion King or just the
(c) Tiger (d) Elephant SSC CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning) Big Bull.
(a) Mark Zuckerberg (b) Brian Acton
Sol.(d) The elephant was declared as the (c) Jimmy Wales (d) Larry Page Q1628. Who among the following is the
National Heritage Animal of India in co-founder of Twitter?
2010. Project Elephant (PE) was Sol.(a) Facebook, Inc. is an American CHSL 17-03-2020 (Morning)
launched by the Government of India in online social media and social (a) Tim Berners-Lee (b) Jack Dorsey
the year 1992. networking service company based in (c) Narayan Murthy (d) Bill Gates
Menlo Park, California. It was founded
Q.1621. Where is the FIFA World Cup by Mark Zuckerberg.. It is considered Sol.(b) Twitter was founded by Jack
2026 scheduled to be held? SSC MTS one of the Big Four technology Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone and Evan
26/10/2021 (Afternoon) companies along with Amazon, Apple, Williams in March, 2006.
(a) The US, Canada, Mexico and Google.
(b) Germany, Italy, France
(c) North Korea, South Korea, Japan Q1629. Who among the following
(d) Australia, New Zealand, Fiji Q1625. Google was founded in 1998 by invented the aeroplane?
Larry Page and ________. CHSL 15-10-2020 (Afternoon)
Sol.(a) The FIFA World Cup 2026 is SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon) (a) Auguste and Louis Lumière
scheduled to be held in The US, Canada, (a) Peter Thiel (b) Steve Wozniak (b) Alexander Graham Bell
Mexico. FIFA World Cup 2022 - Qatar. (c) Sergey Brin (d) Elon Musk (c) Orville and Wilbur Wright
Federation Internationale de Football (d) Louis Pasteur and Alexander
Sol.(c) Google was founded in Fleming
Association(FIFA) President - Gianni
Infantino, Headquarters- Zurich, September 1998 by Larry Page and
Sergey Brin while they were Ph.D. Sol.(c) The Wright brothers, Orville and
Switzerland. It was founded in 1904.
students at Stanford University in Wilbur Wright invented the aeroplane.

Q.1622. 'Nagara' temples typically have California.

a ______ style of architecture. SSC MTS Q1630. Select the correctly matched pair
2/11/2021 (Morning) Q1626. Who is the founder of the of names of the company and its
(a) South Indian (b) East Indian biotech Indian company called founder.
(c) North Indian (d) mixed ‘Biocon’? CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening)
SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) (a) ITC – GD Birla
Sol.(c) 'Nagara' temples typically have a (a) Indu Jain (b) Wipro – Mohammed Hashim Premji
North Indian style of architecture. (b) Kiran Mazumdar Shaw (c) Infosys – Azim Premji
(c) Ratan Tata (d) Reliance – Mukesh Ambani
Nagara-style temples in India are- Sun
(d) Mukesh Ambani
temple - Konark - Odisha, Sun temple at Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 146

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Sol.(b) ITC was initially a British Robert Koch for Tuberculosis ( hosted one of the famous shows Ek
owned company registered in Calcutta. Tuberculin vaccine ). FG Hopkins Minute on Zee Tv 90s. He made his
Mohammed Hashim Premji is the discovered Vitamins. directorial debut with the 2014
founder of Wipro. biographical sports drama Mary Kom
Infosys was founded by N.R Narayana Q.1635. Which of the following firms is starring Priyanka Chopra. The film was
Murthyy, Nandan Nilekani, S.D. run by billionaire Warren Buffet? SSC a critical and commercial success.
Shibulal, Kris Gopalakrishnan, Ashok MTS 11/10/21(Evening)
Arora, N.S. Raghavan and K.Dinesh. (a) American Express Company Q1639. Name the theatre and film actor
Dhirubhai Ambani was the founder of (b) Berkshire Hathaway who apart from training contestants for
Reliance. (c) Bank of America the Miss India pageant has also hosted a
(d) JP Morgan Chase popular quiz show in the 1970s.
Q1631. Jeff Bezos is the CEO of: SSC CPO 15/03/19 (Morning)
(a) Myntra (b) Amazon Sol.(b) Berkshire Hathaway firms are (a) Sabira Merchant (b) Padma Laxmi
(c) Snapdeal (d) Flipkart run by billionaire Warren Buffet. He is (c) Tabassum (d) Simi Garewal
known as the "Oracle of Omaha,"
Sol.1631.(b) Jeff Bezos is the CEO of Warren Buffett is one of the most Sol.(a) Sabira Merchant is a Miss India
Amazon. successful investors of all time. trainer and actor based in Mumbai. She
is a top etiquette trainer in India. She
Q1632. Which of the following was Q.1636. Who among the following made started acting as a theatre artiste in
invented by Walter Hunt? the first compound microscope? Bombay.
CHSL 21-10-2020 (Afternoon) SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Afternoon)
(a) Ship (b) Safety pin (a) William Gilbert Q1640. Which ad filmmaker also played
(c) Scooter (d) Safety lamp (b) Zacharias Jansen a role in the historical film ‘Gandhi’?
(c) John Harrington SSC CPO 15/03/19 (Morning)
Sol.(b) Walter Hunt invented the safety (d) Galileo Galilei (a) Saeed Jaffrey
pin in 1849.He also invented a sewing (b) Alyque Padamsee
machine in 1833. Sol.(b) Zacharias Jansen made the first (c) Gerson da Cunha
compound microscope in 1590. (d) Roshan Seth
Q.1633. Who among the following Sikh
Gurus founded the Tarn Taran Sahib? Sol.(b) Alyque Padamsee was an Indian
SSC CGL 20/08/21(Evening) theatre personality and ad film maker.
(a) Guru Ram Das He is probably best known in the
(b) Guru Arjan Dev English-speaking world for playing
Q1637. Which of the following Indian
(c) Guru Nanak Dev Muhammad Ali Jinnah in the film
film-makers was given the title of
(d) Guru Gobind Sikh Gandhi. Besides being involved in
‘Ambassador of Interlaken’ in 2011 at
Indian theatre as an actor and producer,
Sol.(b) The Tarn Taran Sahib was Padamsee was an advertising
CGL 12th June 2019 (Morning)
founded by the sikh guru, Guru Arjan professional who once headed the
(a) Yash Johar (b) Raj Kapoor
Devji. He was the fifth Sikh Guru and advertising company Lintas Bombay.
(c) Subhash ghai (d) Yash Chopra
laid the foundation of this city in 1596.
Sol.(d) Indian film-maker Yash Chopra
Q.1634. Who among the following Q1641. A character in the Hindi feature
was given the title of ‘Ambassador of
developed the Polio vaccine? film ‘3 idiots’ was inspired by_____, an
Interlaken’ in 2011 in Switzerland.
SSC CGL 24/08/21(Afternoon) engineer based in Ladakh.
(a) Edward Jenner (b) Jonas Salk SSC CPO 15/03/19 (Morning)
Q1638. Who is the director of the film
(c) FG Hopkins (d) Robert Koch (a) Phunsukh Wangchuk
‘PM Narender Modi’?
(b) Phunsuk Wangdu
CHSL 2 JULY 2019 (Morning)
Sol.(c) Jonas Salk developed the Polio (c) Sonam Wangchuk
(a) Tigmanshu Dhulia
vaccine. Salk vaccine contains killed (d) Sonam Wangdu
(b) Omung Kumar
poliovirus and is given by injection.
(c) Rakyesh Omprakash Mehra
Another polio vaccine is the Sabin Sol.(c) The inspiration behind Aamir
(d) Hansal Mehta
vaccine which contains a live attenuated Khan's 'Phunsukh Wangdu' character in
virus or weakened virus. Sabin vaccine 3 Idiots has been awarded for changing
Sol.(b) Omung Kumar is an Indian film
is an oral polio vaccine. Edward Jenner the world with his innovative thinking
director, and production designer, known
developed the vaccine for smallpox and and dynamism. Aamir Khan's character
for his works in Hindi cinema. He had Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 147

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in 3 Idiots was inspired by Sonam Q1645. Which of the following films is (b) Pradhan Mantri Digi Dhan Vyapar
Wangchuk, a Leh engineer. set in the backdrop of the India-China Yojana
War of 1962? (c) Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas
Q1642. Which was India's first SSC CPO 11/12/2019 Evening Yojana
full-length 'talkie' film? (a) Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi (d) Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra
SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon) (b) Haqeeqat Kalyan Yojana
(a) Shirin Farhad (b) Bhakta Prahlada (c) Roja
(c) Indrasabha (d) Alam Ara (d) Aakrosh Sol.(d) Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra
Kalyan Yojana (PMKKKY) is a new
Sol.(d) Alam Ara was the first talkie film Sol.(b) Haqeeqat (1964) is a Hindi programme by the central government
of India released in 1931. It was directed war-film directed by Chetan Anand. The meant to provide for the welfare of areas
by Ardeshir Irani. film stars are: Balraj Sahni, Dharmendra, and people affected by mining related
Priya Rajvansh, Sudhir, Sanjay Khan operations, using the funds generated by
Q1643. The movie ‘Pather Panchali’ is and Vijay Anand. The movie is based on District Mineral Foundations (DMFs).
directed by : the 1962 Sino-Indian War.
SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q1649. The Swadesh Darshan Scheme
(a) Soumitra Chatterjee Q1646. The Indian movie star Rahul aims to promote international and
(b) Raj Kapoor Bose was associated with ______ sport domestic tourism across India. Which of
(c) Satyajit Ray of India. the following is NOT one of the 13
(d) Dadasaheb Phalke SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening) thematic circuits under the scheme of the
(a) Football (b) Rowing Ministry of Tourism?
Sol.(c) Satyajit Ray was an Indian (c) Rugby (d) Squash SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening)
filmmaker, screenwriter, music (a) Tribal Circuit
composer, graphic artist, lyricist and Sol.(c) Rahul Bose (born 27 July 1967) (b) Ramayana Circuit
author, widely regarded as one of the is an Indian film actor, director, (c) Desert Circuit
greatest filmmakers of all time. Ray was screenwriter, social activist, and rugby (d) Mahabharata Circuit
born in Calcutta into a Bengali family player. And In 1998, he was part of the
which was prominent in the field of arts first Indian national rugby team to play Sol.(d) Mahabharata Circuit is not one of
and literature. This film is based on in an international event, the Asian the 13 thematic circuits under the
Bibhutibhusan Bandhopadhyay’s Rugby Football Union Championship. scheme of the Ministry of Tourism. The
Bengali novel of the same name and is Modi Government had launched the
Ray’s directorial debut. Q1647. The film ‘Shatranj Ke Khiladi’ Swadesh Darshan Scheme to promote
is based on a short story by ______. international and domestic tourism
Q1644. Who is the manufacturer of the SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) across the country. These are:
favorite drink ‘Rooh Afza’ made from (a) Jaishankar Prasad North East India Circuit, Buddhist
the fruits? (b) Ramdhari Singh Dinkar Circuit, Himalayan Circuit, Coastal
SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon) (c) Suryakant Tripathi Nirala Circuit, Krishna Circuit, Desert Circuit,
(a) Dabur India (d) Munshi Premchand Tribal Circuit, Eco Circuit, Rural
(b) Glaxosmithkline Pharmaceuticals Circuit, Spiritual Circuit, Ramayana
Limited Sol.(d) Shatranj Ke Khilari (English: Circuit, Heritage Circuit, Wildlife
(c) Nestle India The Chess Players) is a 1977 Indian film Circuit.
(d) Hamdard Laboratories ( India ) written and directed by Satyajit Ray,
based on Munshi Premchand's short Q1650. Who among the following has
Sol.(d) Rooh Afza is a concentrated story of the same name. served as the Chief Economic Advisor of
squash. It was formulated in 1906 in the Government of India, the governor
Ghaziabad, British India by Naqi Ali Schemes of the Reserve Bank of India and the
Shah, and launched from Old Delhi, head of the Planning Commission all
India. Currently, Rooh Afza is Q.1648. ____is aimed at the welfare of three positions in his bureaucratic
manufactured by the company founded areas and people affected by career?
by him and his sons, Hamdard mining-related operations, using the SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
Laboratories (Waqf) Pakistan, Hamdard funds generated by District Mineral (a) Arun Jaitley
(Wakf) Laboratories, India and Hamdard Foundations( DMFs). (b) Subramanian Swamy
(WAQF) Laboratories, Bangladesh. SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Morning) (c) Manmohan Singh
Since 1948. (a) Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (d) P. Chidambaram Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 148

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Sol.(c) Manmohan Singh has served the Sol.(d) Members of Parliament Local SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Evening)
Chief Economic Advisor of the Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) (a) Under The Scheme, A Group Of
Government of India, the governor of is a scheme formulated by Government Indian Diaspora Will Be Taken On A
the Reserve Bank of India and the head of India on 23 December 1993 that Government-sponsored Tour Of
of the Planning Commission all three enables the Members of parliament (MP) Religious Places In India Twice A Year.
positions in his bureaucratic career. to recommend developmental work in
their respective constituencies with an (b) Those Selected Would Be Taken To
Q1651. Which of the following emphasis on creating durable community Religious Places Of All Major Religions
ministries implemented the Midday assets based on locally felt needs. In India
Meal scheme? (c) People Of Indian-origin Aged 40 To
SSC CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning) Q1654. Sakhi centre or One stop Centre 70 Can Apply Can Avail The Benefits
(a) Ministry of Social Justice and is a fully sponsored of the central Under The Scheme.
Empowerment government under the ministry of (d) Government Will Bear The Entire
(b) Ministry of Home Affairs ________. Expenditure Of The Trip, Including Air
(c) Ministry of Human Resource SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Evening) Travel From The Group's Country
Development (a) Women and Child Development
(d) Ministry of Social Welfare (b) Housing and Urban Affairs Sol.(c) Prime Minister Narendra Modi
(c) Culture Introduced The Pravasi Teerth Darshan
Sol.(c) The Midday Meal Scheme is an (d) Law and justice Yojana, People Of Indian-origin Aged
Indian Government school meal 40 To 70 Can Apply and Avail The
programme designed to improve the Sol.(a) Sakhi centre or One Stop Centre Benefits Under The Scheme is not one
nutritional standing of school-age (OSC) is a fully sponsored scheme of the of Its Characteristics. All people of
children across the nation..The Central Government. These centres are Indian-origin aged 45 to 65 can apply
programme supplies free lunch on set up through the Nirbhaya Fund under and a group will be selected.
working days for children in primary and the National Mission for Empowerment
upper primary classes in government of Women by the Ministry of Women Q1657. When was the Central Rural
schools. Now the Ministry of Human and Child Development. One Stop Sanitation Programme launched?
Resource Development is known as the Centres (OSC) is intended to support SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning)
Education ministry. women affected by violence, in private (a)1982 (b)1990 (c)1975 (d)1986
and public spaces, within the family,
Q1652. Project ‘Mausam’ which was community and at the workplace. Sol.(d) The Central Rural Sanitation
launched in June 2014, is an initiative of Programme, which was started in 1986,
________. Q1655. Pravasi Teerth Darshan Yojana, was one of India's first efforts for
CHSL 3 JULY 2019 (Afternoon) People Of Indian Origin And Girmitiya providing safe sanitation in rural areas.
(a) Ministry of Earth Sciences Countries Are Given Priority. Which Of
(b) Ministry of Environment and Forests The Following Countries Is Not One Of Q1658. What is the amount of insurance
and Climate Change Them? cover available for accidental death
(c) Ministry of Tourism SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Evening) under the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha
(d) Ministry of Culture (a) Mauritius (b) Austria Bima Yojana (PMSBY)?
(c) Fiji (d) Guyana SSC CPO 9/12/19 Evening-shift
Sol.(d) Project 'Mausam' is the initiative (a) ₹1 lakh (b) ₹4 lakh
of the Ministry of Culture to be Sol.(b) Austria is not one of them. The (c) ₹2 lakh (d) ₹3 lakh
implemented by the Archaeological group will be taken to the religious
Survey of India (ASI) as the nodal places of all major religions in India. PM Sol.(c) Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima
agency with research support of the Pravasi Teerth Darshan Yojana was Yojana provides life coverage of Rs.. 2
Indira Gandhi National Centre for the started by the Indian Prime Minister Mr lakh for the accidental demise and
Arts (IGNCA) and National Museum as Narendra Modi on 22 January 2019. permanent total disability and Rs.. 1 lakh
associate bodies. This scheme will sponsor a Non for permanent partial disability.
Residential Indian (NRI) Religious Tour
Q1653. Members of Parliament Local in India. Q1659. Which organisation is operating
Area Development Scheme( MPLADS) the Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana
were introduced in December________. Q1656. Prime Minister Narendra Modi Yojana of the Government of India?
SSC CHSL 08/07/2019 (Afternoon) Introduced The Pravasi Teerth Darshan SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening)
(a) 2014 (b) 2004 (c) 1991 (d) 1993 Yojana, Which Of The Following Is Not (a) Unit Trust of India
One Of Its Characteristics? (b) Post Office Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 149

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(c) LIC of India MUDRA Yojana is Rs.. 10 lakhs. A a scheme named ‘SAGY’ was launched.
(d) State Bank of India start-up can only apply for a loan of up What does the 'A' in SAGY stand for?
to Rs. 50,000 (Shishu loan).It was SSC CGL 18/08/21(Afternoon)
Sol..(c) Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana launched by Prime Minister Narendra (a) Apna (b) Anubhav
Yojana (PMVVY) is a pension scheme Modi on 8 April 2015. (c) Adarsh (d) Atma Nirbhar
available for senior citizens.. The
scheme offers a guaranteed payout of Q1663. What is the minimum amount of Sol.(c) In connection with the issue of
pension at a specified rate for 10 years.. monthly pension permissible under the the adoption of villages by
It also offers a death benefit in the form Atal Pension Yojana. parliamentarians, a scheme named
of return of purchase price to the SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning) ‘SAGY’ was launched. The 'A' in SAGY
nominee. LIC has been given sole (a) Rs 4000 (b) Rs 1000 stands for Adarsh. Sansad Adarsh Gram
privilege to operate this scheme. (c) Rs 2000 (d) Rs 3000 Yojana (SAGY) is an initiative of the
Indian Government, implemented for the
Q1660. What is the maximum age for Sol.(b) Atal Pension Yojana (APY), a growth and development of rural
joining Atal Pension Yojana? pension scheme for citizens of India infrastructures.
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening) focussed on the unorganised sector
(a) 45 year (b) 35 years workers. Under the APY, guaranteed Q.1667. AMRUT scheme was launched
(c) 50 years (d) 40 years minimum pension of Rs. 1,000/-, under the sanitation programme in 2015.
2,000/-, 3,000/-, 4,000 and 5,000/- per What is the full form of AMRUT?
Sol.(d) The Atal Pension Yojana (APY) month will be given at the age of 60 SSC CGL 20/08/21(Evening)
is open to all Indians between the age of years depending on the contributions by (a) Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and
18 and 40. This allows an individual to the subscribers. Urban Transformation
contribute for at least 20 years before (b) Amar Mission for Renewable and
reaping the benefits of the scheme. Any Q.1664. Which of the following Ultra Transmission
bank account holder who is not a schemes is aimed at helping accelerate (c) Aqua Mission for Renewable and
member of any statutory social security the uptake of broadband internet Ultra Transformation
scheme can avail of the scheme. services? SSC CGL 13/08/21(Morning) (d) Aqua Mission for Rejuvenation and
(a) PM-DHWANI (b) PM-WANI Urban Transmission
Q1661. The infrastructure development (c) PM-VAARTA (d) PM-INTERNET
project with the aim of promoting Sol.(a) The full form of AMRUT is Atal
‘port-led development’ in India has been Sol.(b) The PM-WANI framework Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban
named: envisages the provision of Broadband Transformation. Jawaharlal Nehru
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 Morning through Public Wi-Fi Hotspot providers. National Urban Renewal Mission was
(a) Bharatmala (b) Sagarmata It will consist of elements such as Public renamed as AMRUT scheme in 2015
(c) Sagarnaman (d) Sagarmala Data Office (PDO), Public Data Office with the focus to establish an
Aggregator (PDOA), App Provider and infrastructure that could ensure adequate
Sol.(d) Sagarmala is an government Central Registry. robust sewage networks and water
initiative to enhance the performance of supply for urban transformation by
the country's logistics sector. Q.1665. ‘Swasthya Sathi’ scheme is the implementing urban revival projects.
Sagarmatha is the name of Mount health insurance scheme that covers the
Everest in Nepal. entire population of which of the Q.1668. When was the flagship scheme
Bharatmala project is the Central following states? of Skill India Mission launched in India?
government project to renovate the old SSC CGL 16/08/21(Evening) SSC CGL 24/08/21(Afternoon)
and make new highways in India. (a) Assam (b) West Bengal (a) 2019 (b) 2008 (c) 2015 (d) 2010
(c) Meghalaya (d) Bihar
Q1662. What is the maximum amount of Sol.(c) The flagship scheme of Skill
Sol.(b) Swasthya Sathi scheme is the India Mission was launched in 2015.
loan permissible under Pradhan Mantri
health insurance scheme that covers the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana
MUDRA Yojana? entire population of West Bengal. Under (PMKVY) is the flagship scheme of the
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 Evening this scheme, basic health insurance cover Ministry of Skill Development &
(a) ₹12 lakhs (b) ₹5 lakhs up to Rs 5 lakh is provided for both Entrepreneurship (MSDE) implemented
(c) ₹3 lakhs (d) ₹10 lakhs tertiary and secondary medical care for by National Skill Development
each family. Corporation.
Sol.(d) The maximum amount of loan
Q.1666. In connection with the issue of
permissible under Pradhan Mantri
adoption of villages by parliamentarians, Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 150

Pinnacle Static GK

Q.1669. In which year was the ‘Target improving online infrastructure and by of India to provide nutritional support to
Olympic Podium Scheme’ (‘TOPS’) increasing internet connectivity? SSC ______ patients.
formulated by the Ministry of Youth CHSL 19/04/21 (Evening) SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Morning)
Affairs and Sports? (a) Digital India (a) diabetes (b) arthritis
SSC CGL 24/08/21(Evening) (b) Stand Up India (c) tuberculosis (d) cancer
(a) 2015 (b) 2014 (c) 2013 (d) 2016 (c) AMRUT Plan
(d) Pradhan Mantri SVANidhi Scheme Sol.(c) Nikshay Poshan Yojana is
Sol.(b) ‘Target Olympic Podium associated with tuberculosis. It is a
Scheme’ (‘TOPS’) was formulated by Sol.(a) Digital India was launched with government scheme in India to provide
the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports the objective of delivering government 500 rupees per month for tuberculosis
in 2014. TOPS facilitates selected services to citizens electronically by patients to buy food.
athletes with support staff and training improving online infrastructure and by
personnel, sports psychologists, increasing internet connectivity. The Q.1676. In which of the following years
physiotherapists etc including direct program was launched on July 1, 2015, PM-KISAN (Pradhan Mantri Kisan
financial support of 50,000 rupees per by Hon' Prime Minister Shri Narendra Samman Nidhi) was formally launched?
month. Modi. SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Morning)
(a) 2019 (b) 2014 (c) 2015 (d) 2017
Q.1670. In which year was National Q.1673. In which of the following years
Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) did the Prime Minister of India, Sol.(a) PM-KISAN (Pradhan Mantri
registered as a society under the Narendra Modi, launch Atal Pension Kisan Samman Nidhi) was formally
Societies Registration Act 1860? Yojana? launched in 2019.
SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Evening) SSC CHSL 05/08/21 (Morning)
(a) 2018 (b) 2014 (c) 2011 (d) 2009 (a) 2014 (b) 2018 (c) 2020 (d) 2015 Q.1677. 'Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana
(Urban)-PMAY (U)’s mission is to
Sol.(c) National Mission for Clean Sol.(d) Atal Pension Yojana was achieve the goal of Housing for All in
Ganga (NMCG) is the implementation launched by Prime Minister Narendra urban areas by:
wing of the National Ganga River Basin Modi on 9 May 2015 in Kolkata. The SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Evening)
Authority (NGRBA). It is a registered scheme assures a monthly pension of at (a) 2020 (b) 2023 (c) 2022 (d) 2021
society originally formed by the least ₹3,000 after attaining the age of 60.
Ministry of Environment, Forests and The aim is to benefit 10 crore informal Sol.(c) Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana
Climate Change (MoEFCC) on 12th sector workers in five years. (Urban) Mission launched on 25th June
August 2011 under the Societies 2015 which intends to provide housing
Registration Act, 1860. Q.1674. 'Per Drop More Crop' is the for all in urban areas by the year 2022.
goal for which Government of India
Q.1671. When was the Jal Jeewan scheme?
SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Morning) Q.1678. The Namami Gange
Mission launched by the Prime Minister, Programme was approved by the
(a) Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee
with the goal of ‘Har Ghar Jal’? SSC Yojana (PMKSY) Government of India in the year ______.
CHSL 19/04/21 (Morning) (b) Pradhan Mantri Awaas SSC MTS 11/10/21(Afternoon)
(a) 2015 (b) 2019 (c) 2014 (d) 2020 Yojana Gramin (PMAY-G) (a) 2014 (b) 2018 (c) 2019 (d) 2015
(c) Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan
Sol.(b) 2019 was the Jal Jeewan Mission Yojana (PMJDY)
Sol.(a) Namami Gange Programme was
launched by the Prime Minister, with the (d) Pradhan Mantri MUDRA
Yojana (PMMY) approved by the Government of India in
goal of ‘Har Ghar Jal’. Jal Jeevan
the year 2014 to accomplish the twin
Mission, the government's flagship Sol.(a) Per Drop More Crop is the objectives of effective abatement of
scheme to make piped water available to component of Pradhan Mantri Krishi pollution, conservation, and rejuvenation
all, has achieved the milestone of Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY- PDMC). It of the National River Ganga.
providing tap water to every household is implemented by the Department of
in at least 100,000 villages across India Agriculture Cooperation & Farmers' Q.1679. Under Prime Minister Mudra
within 23 months since its launch in Welfare. The PMKSY- PDMC focuses Yojna, loans for income-generating
August 2019. on enhancing water use efficiency at the activities up to ______ are termed as
farm level through Micro Irrigation Shishu loans.
Q.1672. Which of the following technologies. SSC MTS 13/10/21(Afternoon)
government schemes was launched with
(a) ₹50,000 (b) ₹75,000
the objective of delivering government Q.1675. ‘Nikshay Poshan Yojana’ is a (c) ₹60,000 (d) ₹40,000
services to citizens electronically by scheme introduced by the Government Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 151

Pinnacle Static GK

Sol.(a) Under Prime Minister Mudra Urban Transformation and then India for development and refinancing
Yojna, loans for income-generating relaunched by Prime Minister of India activities relating to micro units. There
activities up to ₹50,000 are termed as Narendra Modi in June 2015. are three types of mudra loan schemes,
Shishu loans. namely Tarun( 5 Lakhs - 10 Lakhs),
Q.1683. When was a massive Kishore (50000- 5 Lakhs), and Shishu
Q.1680. Which of the following employment-cum-rural public works (till 50000).
government schemes was launched with campaign named ‘Garib Kalyan Rojgar
the objective of achieving inclusive Abhiyaan’ (GKRA) launched by the
growth, by developing skills and Government of India to empower and Q.1686. ‘Mission Antyodaya’ is a
productive capacity of the rural youth provide livelihood opportunities to mission mode project envisaged by the:
from poor families? migrant workers? SSC MTS 27/10/2021 SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Afternoon)
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Afternoon) (Morning) (a) Ministry of Urban Development
(a) Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay (a) June 2019 (b) June 2020 (b) Ministry of Rural Development
Shramev Jayate Yojana (PDUSJY) (c) June 2018 (d) June 2017 (c) Ministry of Health Development
(b) Mission Indradhanush (d) Ministry of Transport Development
(c) Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Sol.(b) A massive
Yojana (DDUGJY) employment-cum-rural public works Sol.(b) ‘Mission Antyodaya’ is a mission
(d) Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen campaign named ‘Garib Kalyan Rojgar mode project envisaged by the Ministry
Kaushalya Yojana (DDUGKY) Abhiyan’ (GKRA) was launched by the of Rural Development. Mission
Government of India to empower and Antyodaya is a convergence and
Sol.(d) Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen provide livelihood opportunities to accountability framework aiming to
Kaushalya Yojana (DDUGKY) was migrant workers in June 2020. bring optimum use and management of
launched with the objective of achieving resources. It was adopted in the Union
inclusive growth, by developing skills Q.1684. What is the amount of unit Budget 2017-18.
and productive capacity of the rural assistance provided under Pradhan
youth from poor families . Launch Year- Mantri Awas Yojana Gramin in hilly Q.1687. What is the maximum amount
2014. Sector- Rural Development. states? of bank loan permissible under the
SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Evening) Kishor scheme of Pradhan Mantri Mudra
Q.1681. In which year was the ‘Pradhan (a) ₹1.15 lakh (b) ₹1.50 lakh Yojana?
Mantri Annadata Aay Sanrakshan (c) ₹1.25 lakh (d) ₹1.30 lakh SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Afternoon)
Abhiyan’ (PM AASHA) launched by the (a) ₹20 lakh (b) ₹10 lakh
Government of India? Sol.(d) The amount of unit assistance (c) ₹15 lakh (d) ₹5 lakh
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Afternoon) provided under Pradhan Mantri Awas
(a) 2016 (b) 2015 (c) 2018 (d) 2017 Yojana Gramin in hilly states is ₹1.30 Sol.(d) The maximum amount of bank
lakh. PMAY, or the Pradhan Mantri loan permissible under the Kishor
Sol.1681.(c) In 2018 the ‘Pradhan Awas Yojana, is a government scheme scheme of Pradhan Mantri Mudra
Mantri Annadata Aay Sanrakshan that focuses on providing housing for all Yojana is 5 lakhs. There are three types
Abhiyan’ (PM AASHA) was launched by 2022. of mudra loan schemes, namely Tarun(5
by the Government of India. Pradhan lakh- 10 lakh), Kishor(50000- 5lakh),
Mantri Annadata Aay SanraksHan Q.1685. Under which of the following and Shishu(till 50000). It was started on
Abhiyan (PM-AASHA) is an umbrella schemes has a new institution been set April 8, 2015.
scheme aimed at ensuring remunerative up by the Government of India for
prices to the farmers for their produce. development and refinancing activities
relating to micro units?
Military Exercise
Q.1682. Which of the following short SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Morning)
forms stands for Union Government (a) Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana
Q.1688. SIMBEX is a military exercise
Program for Urban Development? (b) Pradhan Mantri Ayushman Bharat
conducted between the defense forces of
SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Morning) Yojana
which of the following nations? SSC
(a) UJJWALA (b) UDAY (c) Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima
CGL 17/08/21(Afternoon)
(c) UJALA (d) Amrut (AMRUT) Yojana
(a) India and Thailand
(d) Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana
(b) India and Singapore
Sol.(d) Jawaharlal Nehru National
(c) India and the US
Urban Renewal Mission was renamed to Sol.(a) Under Pradhan Mantri Mudra
(d) India and Sri Lanka
Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Yojana (April 8, 2015) a new institution
has been set up by the Government of Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 152

Pinnacle Static GK

Sol.(b) SIMBEX is a military exercise

conducted between the defense forces of
India and Singapore.
Countries Military Exercise

India and Maitree, CORPAT


India and Vajra Prahar, Yudh

the US Abhyas

India and Mitra Shakti

Sri Lanka

Q.1689. ‘Malabar 2020’, a naval

exercise conducted in November 2020,
saw the participation of ______
SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Evening)
(a) two (b) four
(c) three (d) one

Sol.(b) The 24th edition of the

MALABAR maritime exercise
concluded in the Arabian Sea involving
participation by the Indian Navy (IN),
United States Navy (USN), Japan
Maritime Self Defense Force (JMSDF),
and Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 153

Pinnacle History

HISTORY (d) Yajur-Veda-knowledge of the SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening)

sacrificial formulas (a) Karnataka (b) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Gujarat (d) Maharashtra
Prehistoric And Indus Valley
Sol.(a) Sama-Veda-knowledge of
Science Sol.(d) Inamgaon is a post-Harappan
Q.1. Which of the following was a port
The basic Vedic texts are the Samhita agrarian village and archaeological site
city of the Indus Valley Civilization?
“Collections” of the four Vedas: located in Maharashtra, western India.
SSC CGL 11/06/19 (Evening)
Rig-Veda “Knowledge of the Hymns of Situated along the right bank of the
(a) Kalibangan (b) Lothal
Praise”, for recitation. Ghod River, it is considered to be the
(c) Rakhigarhi (d) Dholavira
Sama-Veda “Knowledge of the 'regional centre' of the Bhima Valley.
Melodies”, for chanting.
Sol.(b) Lothal is one of the most
Yajur-Veda “Knowledge of the Q.8. _____ is considered to be the oldest
prominent cities of the ancient Indus
Sacrificial formulas”, for liturgy. discovery of the Indus Valley
valley civilization, located in the Bhal
Atharva-Veda “Knowledge of the Magic Civilization ?
region of the modern state of Gujarat
formulas”, named after a kind of group SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon)
and dating from 3700 BCE. It is the port
of priests. (a) Bhirdana (b) Mohenjodaro
city of the Indus Valley Civilisation.
(c) Rakhigarhi (d) Allhdino
Q.5. The______is an ancient Indian
Q.2. The Samkhya School of Philosophy
treatise on statecraft, economic policy Sol.(a) Bhirdana is considered to be the
was founded by ______.
and military strategy that was written in oldest discovery of the Indus Valley
SSC CGL 11/07/2019 (Morning)
Sanskrit. Kautilya is traditionally Civilization. Its history stretches back to
(a) Patanjali (b) Kapila
credited as the author of the text. pre-Harappan times, as revealed by
(c) Kumarila Bhatta (d) Gautama
SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening) archaeological discoveries.
(a) Rigveda (b) Puranas
Sol.(b) Kapila is traditionally credited as
(c) Charaka Samhita (d) Arthashastra Q.9. Which of the following is an
a founder of the Samkhya school.
ancient poem written by Banabhatta?
Samkhya is the oldest of the Aastika or
Sol.(d) The Arthashastra is an ancient SSC MTS 5/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Orthodox philosophical systems in
Indian treatise on statecraft, economic (a) Kadambari (b) Mrichchhakatika
Hinduism. Samkhya means
policy and military strategy, written in (c) Meghaduta (d) Gita Govinda
Sanskrit. Likely to be the work of
several authors over centuries, Kautilya, Sol.(a) Kadambari is a romantic novel in
Q.3. Which of the following texts gives
also identified as Vishnugupta and Sanskrit. It was substantially composed
a detailed account of the kings of
Chanakya, is traditionally credited as the by Banabhatta in the first half of the 7th
Kashmir ?
author of the text. The latter was a century CE, who did not survive to see it
SSC CGL 11/07/2019 (Morning)
scholar at Takshashila, the teacher and through completion. The novel was
(a) Rajatarangini
guardian of Emperor Chandragupta completed by Banabhatta's son Bhushan
(b) Dipavamsa
Maurya. However, scholars have Bhatt, according to the plan laid out by
(c)Vinaya Pitaka
questioned this identification. his late father.
(d) Katha Sarit Sagar
Q.6. In which of the following periods Q.10. Mohenjo Daro is situated on the
Sol.(a) Rajatarangi is a metrical
Ostriches were found in India ? bank of which river ?
legendary and historical chronicle of the
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon) SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Afternoon)
north-western Indian subcontinent,
(a) Palaeolithic Period (a) Sarasvati (b) Ravi
particularly the kings of Kashmir. It was
(b) Neolithic Period (c) Ghaggar (d) Sindhu
written in Sanskrit by Kashmiri historian
(c) Mesolithic Period
Kalhana in the 12th century CE.
(d) Megalithic Period Sol.(d) Mohenjo-daro, group of mounds
and ruins is on the right bank of the
Q.4. Which one of the following is
Sol.(a) Ostriches were found in India Indus River, northern Sindh province,
during the paleolithic period. Large southern Pakistan.
SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
quantities of ostrich egg shells were
(a)Sama-Veda-knowledge of Science
found at Patne in Maharashtra. Designs Q.11. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
(b) Rig Veda-knowledge of the Hymns
were engraved on some pieces, while is associated with which of the following
of Praise
beads were also made out of them. ancient cultures ?
(c) Atharva-Veda-knowledge of the
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning)
magic formulas
Q.7. The archeological site Inamgaon is (a) Egyptian (b) Mesopotamia
situated in : (c) Chinese (d) Harappan Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 154

Pinnacle History

site contains both pre-Harappan and (a) Mehrgarh (b) Burzahom

Sol.(b) The Hanging Gardens of Harappan remains. (c) Rana Ghundai (d) Palavoy
Babylon were the fabled gardens which
adorned the capital of the Q.16. The Rig Veda is divided into Sol.(b) Burzahom is an archeological
Neo-Babylonian Empire, built by its ______ books or mandalas. site which has evidence of pit - dwelling.
greatest king Nebuchadnezzar II. One of SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning) It is a primitive dwelling consisting of a
the Seven Wonders of the Ancient (a) 34 (b) 10 pit excavated in the earth and roofed
World, they are the only wonder whose (c) 8 (d) 12 over.
existence is disputed amongst historians.
Sol.(b) The Rig Veda is divided into 10 Q.20. Burzahom, the neolithic site, is
Q.12. Which of the following sites of books or mandals. It is one of the oldest located in ________.
Indus valley civilization is not on the and sacred books of Hinduism. It SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (Evening)
bank of river Indus? consists of a collection of 1028 poems (a) Karnataka (b) Goa
SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) grouped into 10 mandals. (c) Mizoram (d) Jammu and Kashmir
(a) Chanhudaro (b) Mohenjodaro
(c) Ropar (d) Kot-Diji Q.17. Which of the following is a part of Sol.(d) Burzahom is a neolithic site in
the ‘Sutta Pitaka’? Jammu and Kashmir. It is a UNESCO
Sol.(c) Ropar is located on the banks of SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) World Heritage Site These sites are at
river Sutlej. (a) Dhammasangani the altitude of 1800 metres, it is the
(b) Majjhima Nikaya northernmost Neolithic site and These
Q.13. How many Vedangas are there in (c) Dipavamsa Neolithic sites have roof materials made
total ? (d) Manu Smriti of Burzahom trees.
SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Afternoon)
(a) Ten (b) Six (c) Five (d) Two Sol.(b) Majjhima Nikaya is a part of the Q.21. In which province of Pakistan is
‘Sutta Pitaka the site of the ancient civilisation of
Sol.(b) Vedangas are six auxiliary Sutta Pitaka is divided under following MohenjoDaro located.
disciplines associated with the study and sections:- SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
understanding of the Vedas. Six Anguttara Nikaya which comprises the (a) Balochistan (b) Sindh
Vedangas are - Shiksha (Phonetics), numerical. (c) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (d) Punjab
Kalpa (Ritual Canon), Vyakaran Digha Nikaya, which comprises the long
(Grammar), Nirukta (explanation), discourses. Sol.(b) Mohenjo-daro meaning 'Mound
Chhanda ( Vedic meter) and Jyotisha Khuddaka Nikaya which comprises the of the Dead Men’ is an archaeological
(Astrology). minor collection. site in the province of Sindh, Pakistan.
Majjhima Nikaya, which comprises the Built around 2500 BCE, it was one of
Q.14. What is the Rigvedic name of the middle length. the largest settlements of the ancient
river Ravi? Samyutta Nikaya which comprises the Indus Valley Civilisation.
SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Evening) connected discourses of Buddha.
(a) Vitasa (b) Asikini Q.22. The skull of a 'Homo erectus' was
(c) Shutudri (d) Parushni Q.18. In which state is the found in which of the following
archaeological site of Surkotada situated prehistoric Indian sites?
Sol.(d) Vitasta - Jhelum ? SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening)
Askini - Chenab SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning) (a) Pachmarhi (b) Hathnora
Shutudri - Satluj (a) Rajasthan (b) Karnataka (c) Patne (d) Sanganakallu
Parushni - Ravi (c) Haryana (d) Gujarat
Sol.(b) The skull cap from Hathnora is
Q.15. Which among the following is a Sol.(d) Surkotada is an archaeological considered as the oldest belonging to the
mature-phase Harappan site situated in site located in Rapar Taluka of Kutch Homo erectus of the Middle Pleistocene.
the state of Rajasthan? district, Gujarat, India. During 1972, the
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) Archaeological Survey of India Q.23. From which of the following
(a) Manda (b) Kalibangan undertook excavation in this site by Harappan era sites has the evidence of
(c) Chanhudaro (d) Nageshwar J.P.Joshi. ploughed fields been found ?
Sol.(b) Kalibangan, ancient site of the Q.19. Which of the following (a) Mohenjodaro (b) Chanhudaro
Indus valley civilization, in northern archaeological sites has evidence of pit- (c) Kalibangan (d) Harappa
Rajasthan state, northwestern India. The dwellings?
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 155

Pinnacle History

Sol.(c) The furrows discovered in the mines located in the surrounding area. It Q.31. Which of the following is false as
pre-Harappan phase at Kalibangan also might have connections with tin per Vedic theory?
(Rajasthan) indicate that the fields were trade (found in Afghanistan) and camel SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)
ploughed during the Harappan period. trade, along with other Afghan (a)The Kshatriyas, or warrier rulers,
valuables. came from Purusha’s arms
Q.24. ‘Microliths’ were ______ used by (b)The Vaishyas, or the commoners,
early humans. Q.28. Which among the following is a came from Purusha’s thighs
SSC MTS 06/10/21(Morning) Harappan city? (c)The Brahmans, or priests, came from
(a) coins (b) stone tools SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Evening) Purusha’s ears
(c) clothes (d) earthen pots (a) Kosala (b) Lumbini (d)The Shudras, or labourers and
(c) Dholavira (d) Hampi servants, came from Purusha’s feet
Sol.(b) ‘Microliths’ were stone tools
used by early humans. The microliths Sol.(c) Harappan cities include Sol.(c) The Brahmins, or priests, came
were used in spear points and Harappa, Ganeriwala, and Mohenjo-daro from Purusha's mouth; the Kshatriyas, or
arrowheads. These tools were used to in modern-day Pakistan, and Dholavira, warrior rulers, came from Purusha's
cut, pound, crush, and access new Kalibangan, Rakhigarhi, Rupar, and arms; the Vaishyas, or commoners such
foods—including meat from large as landowners and merchants, came
Lothal in modern-day India. Indus
animals. from Purusha's thighs; and the Shudras,
civilization also called Indus valley
or laborers and servants, came from
civilization or Harappan civilization is
Q.25. Which of the following is a Purusha's feet.
the earliest known urban culture of the
Palaeolithic site of archaeological
Indian subcontinent.
importance in India? Q.32. With reference to the Vedangas,
SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Afternoon) which of the following terms denotes
Q.29. Which metal did the Harappans
(a) Chirand (b) Burzahom 'Ritual'?
get from the present day Rajasthan?
(c) Hunasagi (d) Mehrgarh SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Morning)
SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Afternoon)
(a) Vyakarana (b) Chada
(a) Iron (b) Aluminium
Sol.(c) Hunasagi is a Palaeolithic site of (c) Kalpa (d) Shiksha
(c) Copper (d) Calcium
archaeological importance in India.
Some old Stone Age stone-cutting Sol.(c) Kalpa ritual instructions.This
Sol.(c) Harappans got Copper from the
equipment have been found and kept in field focused on standardizing
the Hunasagi Grampanchayat office. present-day Rajasthan. Khetri is situated procedures for Vedic rituals, rites of
at the foothills of the Aravalli Range and passage rituals associated with major life
Q.26. Of the following sites of Harappan is famous for copper mines. events such as birth, wedding and death
Civilization, which one is NOT located in family, as well as discussing the
in Pakistan? Q.30. Lothal, a prominent city of the personal conduct and proper duties of an
SSC MTS 12/10/21(Morning) ancient Indus Valley Civilisation, is individual in different stages of his life.
(a) Kot Diji (b) Chanhudaro situated in which of
(c) Shortughai (d) Balakot the following states? Q.33. Which of the following rivers was
SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Afternoon) known as Purushni in the Vedic period?
Sol.(c) Shortughai site of Harappan (a) Gujarat SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Afternoon)
Civilization is NOT located in Pakistan. (b) Himachal Pradesh (a) Ravi (b) Chenab
Shortughai site of harappa civilization is (c) Rajasthan (c) Sutlej (d) Beas
present in Darqad District of northern (d) Punjab
Afghanistan. Sol.(a) The Ravi river was known as
Sol.(a) Lothal, a prominent city of the Parushni or Iravati to Indians in Vedic
Q.27. Which of the following Harappan ancient Indus Valley Civilisation, is times and as Hydraotes to the Ancient
sites is located in Afghanistan? situated in Gujrat. Lothal is located Greeks.
SSC MTS 12/10/21(Evening) between the Sabarmati river and its
(a) Shortughai (b) Balakot tributary Bhogavo, in the Saurashtra Q.34. The words ‘Satyameva Jayate’ on
(c) Nageswar (d) Kalibangan region. The dockyard at Indus valley the state emblem has been taken from
civilization was found in Lothal. It was which Upanishad?
Sol.(a) Shortughai Harappan site is first excavated in 1957 by S R Rao. SSC CHSL 17-03-2020 (Afternoon)
located in Afghanistan. Shortugai was a (a) Katha (b) Prasna
trading post of Harappan times and it Vedic Age (c) Kena (d) Mundaka
seems to be connected with lapis lazuli Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 156

Pinnacle History

Sol.(d) The words ‘Satyameva Jayate’ and its relationship with the society. The (c) Yajur Veda (d) Atharva Veda
on the state emblem has been taken from four goals determining a person’s
Mundaka Upanishad. approach are Kama, Artha, Dharma and Sol.(a) Sama Veda - The earliest
Moksha. reference for singing. The Samaveda is
Q.35. At one stage in the Vedic Age, the considered as the root of Indian classical
king was called 'gopati' which meant Q.39. According to 'The Ramayana', music and dance. This Veda is related to
'______'. Ratnakar was the other name of ______.
public worship, Rig Veda- It is the
SSC CGL 17/08/21(Evening)
SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Morning) earliest form of Veda, Yajurveda- It is
(a) Vishvamitra (b) Gautam
(a) lord of the universe (c) Durbasa (d) Valmiki called the book of prayers, Atharvaveda-
(b) lord of the people The book of magic and charms.
(c) lord of land Sol.(d) According to 'The Ramayana',
(d) lord of cattle Ratnakar was the other name of Valmiki. Q.43. Which of the following is the
Valmiki was born as Agni Sharma to a oldest of the Vedas?
Sol.(d) ‘Gopati’ meant lord of cattle. Brahmin named Pracheta (also known as SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Morning)
Sumali) of Bhrigu gotra. According to (a) Yajurveda (b) Rigveda
Q.36. The collections of Vedic hymns or legend he once met the great sage (c) Samaveda (d) Atharvaveda
mantras are known as ______. Narada and had a discourse with him on
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) his duties. Sol.(b) Rigveda is the oldest of the
(a) Jnati (b) Bali
Vedas. There are four Vedas- Rig Veda It
(c)Samhita (d) Vidatha Q.40. The main collections of Vedic is the earliest form of Veda, Samaveda -
hymns are called ______. The earliest reference for singing,
Sol.(c) The collection of vedic hymns or SSC CGL 18/08/21 (Morning) Yajurveda- It is also called the book of
mantras is called as Samhitas.There are (a) Sutra (b) Pad
prayers, Atharvaveda - The book of
four vedic samhitas. (c) Samhita (d) Mukh
Rig-Veda, Yajur-Veda, Sama-Veda, and magic and charms. Rig Veda- 1028
Atharva-veda.This is the oldest layer of hymns deal with deities including Agni,
Sol.(c) The main collections of Vedic
vedic texts which were composed Indra and are attributed and dedicated to
hymns are called Samhita. The Rigveda
between circa 1500-1200 BCE. a sage rishi
Samhita is the oldest known Vedic
Sanskrit text. It is a collection of 1,028
Q.37. According to the Puranas, Lord Q.44. In which year were 30 Rig Veda
Vedic Sanskrit hymns and 10,600 verses
Vishnu took the shape of ______ in manuscripts dating from 1800 to 1500
in all, organized into ten books
order to rescue the earth, which had sunk BC included in the UNESCO's Memory
(Sanskrit: mandalas). The hymns are
into the water. of the World Register?
dedicated to Rigvedic deities.
SSC CGL 16/08/21(Morning) SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Morning)
(a) a lion (b) a boar (a) 2008 (b) 2005
Q.41. ‘Purusha Sukta’ is a hymn from
(c) a tiger (d) an elephant (c) 2009 (d) 2007
which Veda?
SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Afternoon)
Sol.(b) According to the Puranas, Lord Sol.(d) In 2007 30 Rig Veda manuscripts
(a) Atharvaveda (b) Yajurveda
Vishnu took the shape of a boar in order (c) Rigveda (d) Samaveda dating from 1800 to 1500 BC were
to rescue the earth, which had sunk into included in the UNESCO's Memory of
the water. Varaha, (Sanskrit: “Boar”) Sol.(c) Purusha sukta is the hymn of the the World Register. The Rigveda is
third of the 10 incarnations (avatars) of Rigveda. The most commonly used divided into ten books which are known
the Hindu god Vishnu. According to portion of the Sukta contains 24 mantras as Mandalas. It is a collection of 10,600
Hindu iconography, the boar is a symbol or stanzas.Purusha Suktam is dedicated verses and 1,028 hymns. It is the oldest
of all aspects of sacrifice. text in any Indo-European language. It
to Lord Vishnu, who is described as the
great Purusha in the hymn.Purusha has originated as early as 1700 BC.
Q.38. A person's Vedic approach and his
Suktam is one of the Pancha Suktam (5
relationship with society are determined Jainism
Suktams) – Purusha Suktam, Vishnu
by the four goals of life. Which of the
Suktam, Sri Suktam, Bhu Suktam, and
following is not among these goals? Q.45. In which of the following states
Nila Suktam.
SSC CGL 17/08/21(Morning) was Lord Mahavira born ?
(a) sidhi (b) artha SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(c) moksha (d) dharma Q.42. Which of the following Vedas
dealt with music? (a) Maharashtra (b) Karnataka
SSC MTS 12/10/21(Afternoon) (c) Bihar (d) Gujarat
Sol.(a) Sidhi is not the goal which
determines vedic approach of a person (a) Sama Veda (b) Rig Veda Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 157

Pinnacle History

Sol.(c) In the Jain tradition, it is accepted Q.49. Mahavira, who was known in Pali (c) Bharhut (d) Lalitgiri
that Mahavira was born in the early part literature as Nigantha Nataputta,
of the 6th century BCE into a royal founded a religion called ______. Sol.(b) One of the prominent Buddhist
SSC CGL 17/08/21(Evening)
Kshatriya Jain family in present-day structures in India, Damekh Stupa at
(a) Zoroastrianism (b) Baháʼí
Bihar, India. He abandoned all worldly (c) Jainism (d) Sikhism Sarnath was constructed by the great
possessions at the age of about 30 and Mauryan king, Ashoka.Dhamek Stupa is
left home in pursuit of spiritual Sol.(c) Mahavira founded a religion the Sanskrit version of Dharmarajika
awakening, becoming an ascetic. called Jainism. Mahavira is also known Stupa. According to Buddhist literature,
as Vardhamana. He was the 24th this stupa was built on the spot where the
Q.46. The __________ is a Jain text Tirthankara of Jainism. Buddha gave the first sermon to his first
containing the biographies of the Jain five Brahmin disciples after attaining
Tirthankaras, most notably Parshvanath Q.50. Where did Lord Mahavira attain enlightenment, "revealing his Eightfold
and Mahavira. salvation? Path leading to nirvana".
SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Evening) SSC MTS 13/10/21(Afternoon)
(a)Uttaradhyayana (b)Adi Purana (a) Sonagiri Q.53. The concept of ‘The Four Noble
(c)Mahapurana (d)Kalpa Sutra (b) Pawapuri Truths’ belongs to which of the
(c) Shravanabelagola following religions?
Sol.(d) The Kalpa Sutra is a Jain text (d) Mount Abu SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening)
containing the biographies of the Jain (a)Jainism (b)Sikhism
Tirthankaras, notably Parshvanatha and Sol.(b) Lord Mahavira attained (c)Hinduism (d)Buddhism
Mahavira. The Kalpa-sutra is also salvation in Pawapuri. Pawapuri or Pawa
important for its contents, set out in three is located in the Nalanda district in the Sol.(d) Four Noble Truths, Pali
parts. The first two parts contain details Bihar state. It is also called Apapapuri, Chattari-ariya-saccani, Sanskrit
of the lives of the 24 Jinas, who are the meaning 'the Sinless town'. Chatvari-arya-satyani, one of the
source of Jain teachings, and their early fundamental doctrines of Buddhism, said
followers. The third part establishes to have been set forth by the Buddha, the
rules for monastic conduct during the founder of the religion, in his first
rainy season, which is an exceptional sermon, which he gave after his
Q.51. ________ is famous for
period in the life of mendicants. enlightenment.
outstanding specimens of Buddhirt art
and architecture , belonging to the period
Q.47. According to the Jain Philosophy, Q.54. Which of the following sites is
between the third century B.C. and the
the term 'Jina' means _____. associated with the birth of Gautama
12th century A.D.
SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Evening) Budhha?
SSC-CGL 07/06/19(Evening)
(a)Iord SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning)
(a) Satna (b) Vidisha
(b)free from fetters (a)Sarnath (b)Lumbini
(c) Sanchi (d) Dewas
(c)worthy (c)Kushinagar (d)Bodh Gaya
(d)the conqueror
Sol.(c) Sanchi is famous for
Sol.(b) Lumbini, the Birthplace of the
outstanding specimens of Buddhirt art
Sol.(d) Jina- one who according to Lord Buddha. Siddhartha Gautama, the
and architecture , belonging to the period
Jainism has conquered temporal and Lord Buddha, was born in 623 B.C. in
between the third century B.C. and the
material existence through the famous gardens of Lumbini, which
12th century A.D.The major attractions
self-discipline and attained a soon became a place of pilgrimage.
of Sanchi include a number of Buddhist
transcendent and external state of bliss Among the pilgrims was the Indian
stupas, monasteries, temples and pillars.
and is venerated as a tirthankara. emperor Ashoka, who erected one of his
Sanchi is famous for outstanding
commemorative pillars there.
specimens of Buddhist art and
Q.48. Name the holy city recognized as
architecture, belonging to the period
the birthplace of the first and fourth Jain Q.55. The Chaitya and Viharas were
between the third century BC and the
Tirthankaras. constructed for the monks of which
twelfth century AD.
SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Morning) religion ?
(a) Varanasi (b) Dwaraka SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Q.52. One of the prominent Buddhist
(c) Ayodhya (d) Gaya (a) Judaism (b) Christianity
structures in India, __________ Stupa at
(c) Buddhism (d) Hinduism
Sarnath was constructed by the great
Sol.(c) Ayodhya is recognized as the
Mauryan king, Ashoka.
birthplace of the first (Rishabhdev) and Sol.(c) Buddhism, Chaityas were the
SSC-CGL 10/06/19 (Morning)
fourth (Abhinandannath) Jain place of worship in Buddhism, whereas
(a) Dhauli (b) Dhamekh
Tirthankaras. Viharas were dwelling places of monks. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 158

Pinnacle History

The salient features of Chaityas and SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) Fourth - Kanishka (protector),
Viharas are discussed below: 1. A square (a) Italy (b) Belgium Kundalban (Location ), Vasumitra
mandapa was constructed inside the (c) Hungary (d) Greece (President), 72 AD
cave, which was surrounded by the
dwelling places for the monks. Sol.(d)Greece Q.63. Which of the following Buddhist
The combination of these Greco-Roman sites is located in Uttar Pradesh?
Q.56. Lomas Rishi Cave, constructed for and Indian ideas along with the influence SSC CGL 13/08/21 (Evening)
Buddhist monks is located in which state of other foreign traditions such as from (a) Karle (b) Sarnath
? China and Iran resulted in the formation (c) Amaravati (d) Sanchi
SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening) of a distinct style known as the
(a)Madhya Pradesh (b)Chhattisgarh Gandhara School of art. Sol.(b) Sarnath is one of the famous
(c)Jharkhand (d)Bihar Buddhist sites located in Uttar Pradesh.
Q.60. Which of the following terms is Sarnath is located near the confluence of
Sol.(d)Bihar associated with the architecture of a the Ganges and the Varuna rivers. It was
The Lomas Rishi Cave, also called the Buddhist Stupa? here that the Buddha gave his first
Grotto of Lomas Rishi, is one of the SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) sermon after enlightenment, setting the
man-made Barabar Caves in the Barabar (a) Gopuram (b) Mandapam wheel of the dharma (truth) in motion.
and Nagarjuni hills of Jehanabad district (c) Garbhagriha (d) Harmika
in the Indian state of Bihar. Q.64. The place of Gautama Buddha’s
Sol.(d)Harmika birth was a grove known as ______.
Q.57. Which Mauryan ruler became a A square railing around the mount of SSC CGL 16/08/21(Afternoon)
follower of Buddhism? dirt, at the very top of the stupa is known (a) Mangar Bani (b) Kavus
SSC CHSL 19-10-2020 (Morning) as Harmika. As a symbol of honour and (c) Lumbini (d) Mawphlang
(a) Samudragupta (b) Brihadratha respect sometimes an umbrella is also
(c) Ashoka (d) Chandragupta mounted on the top of the stupa . Sol.(c) The place of Gautama Buddha’s
birth was a grove known as Lumbini,
Sol.(c) Ashoka Q.61. Which of the following Stupa sites located in the Terai plains of southern
The lethal war with Kalinga formed the is NOT located in the state of Uttar Nepal.
vengeful Emperor Ashoka into a stable Pradesh?
and peaceful emperor and he became a SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) Q.65. The rules made for the ______
patron of Buddhism. (a) Chaukhandi (b) Dhamek were written down in a book called
(c) Bharhut (d) Ramabhar ‘Vinaya Pitaka’.
Q.58. Which historical site is located in SSC CGL 18/08/21(Afternoon)
Jogad in Odisha? Sol.(c)Bharhut (a) Lingayats
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) Bharhut Stupa site is located in the Satna (b) Vaishnavites
(a) Royal semicircular auditorium of district of Madhya pradesh.It is known (c) Buddhist sangha
Gupta dynasty for its famous relics from a Buddhist (d) Shakta cult
(b) Ashoka's rock inscription site stupa. The most famous donor for the
(c) Ancient artwork site of Maurya Bharhut stupa was King Dhanabhuti. Sol.(c) The rules made for the Buddhist
Empire sangha were written down in a book
(d) Palace of the Nawabs of Bengal Q.62. In which city was the third called ‘Vinaya Pitaka’. The Tripitaka is
Buddhist council held? considered to be a record of the words of
Sol.(b) Ashoka's rock inscription site SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) the Buddha. Vinaya Piṭaka is the oldest
Jaugada is a ruined fortress in the (a) Shravasti (b) Taxila and smallest of the three sections of
Ganjam district in Odisha. Jaugada lies (c) Pataliputra (d) Rangoon Tipiṭaka. Vinaya Pitaka contains the
35 km north-west of Berhampur and 160 rules telling monks and nuns how to
km south-west of Bhubaneshwar. Once a Sol.(c) First - Ajatashatru (Guardian) - behave with each other and within
provincial Mauryan fortified capital of Rajgir (Place) - Mahakashyapa society.
the newly conquered province of (President), 483BC
Kalinga, Jaugada is famed by its version Second - Kalasoka (patron),Vaishali - Q.66. At which of the following places
of the monumental stone-cut edicts in (Location ) Sabkami (President) , 383BC did Lord Buddha give his first sermon
Prakrit of the Mauryan emperor Ashoka. Third - Ashoka (protector), Pataliputra ( on the Four Noble Truths?
Location), Mowgliputta (President) 250 SSC CGL 20/08/21(Morning)
Q.59. The ‘Gandhara’ School of Art was BC (a) Bodh Gaya (b) Lumbini
influenced by the art from which of the (c) Rajgir (d) Sarnath
following European countries? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 159

Pinnacle History

Sol.(d) At Sarnath, Lord Buddha gave (c) Ajatashatru (2nd–1st centuries BCE) kings issued
his first sermon on the Four Noble (d) Chandragupta Maurya their coins from Ayodhya.
Truths: the existence of suffering, the
cause of suffering, that the cause of Sol.(c) The First Buddhist Council is Q.74. ____ assumed the title of
suffering can end and the path to the end said to have been patronised by ‘Gangaikondachola’ or the conqueror of
of suffering. Ajatashatru. He was a king of the the river Ganga.
Haryanka dynasty of Magadha. He was SSC-CGL 11/06/19 -(Evening)
Q.67. At which of the following places the son of King Bimbisara and was a (a) Rajadhiraja Chola
did Lord Buddha attain enlightenment? contemporary of both Mahavira and (b) Rajaraja Chola I
SSC CGL 20/08/21(Evening) Gautama Buddha. (c) Rajendra Chola I
(a) Vaishali (b) Sarnath (d) Vijayalaya Chola
(c) Bodh Gaya (d) Rajgir Q.71. 'Chethiyagiri Vihara' is a ______
festival celebrated in Sanchi. Sol.(c) 'Rajendra Chola 1' assumed the
Sol.(c) Lord Buddha attained SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Afternoon) title of 'Gangaikonda' and it means one
enlightenment in Bodh Gaya. The (a) Jain (b) Sikh who has conquered places up to the
Buddha delivered his last sermon at (c) Hindu (d) Buddhist Ganga river.
Vaishali and announced his Nirvana
here. Gautama Buddha delivered his first Sol.(d) 'Chethiyagiri Vihara' is a Q.75. The monuments of Khajuraho in
sermon at Sarnath. Both Mahavira and Buddhist festival celebrated in Sanchi. It the state of Madhya Pradesh are fine
Buddha taught their beliefs in Rajgir. is a festival celebrated to attract denotations of the ______dynasty.
thousands of Buddhists monks and SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening)
Q.68. One of the major events of pilgrims to Sanchi to see the relics of Sai (a) Chola (b) Chalukya
Ashoka’s reign was the convening of the Puttha and Maha Moggallana, two of (c) Chandela (d) Pallava
______ Buddhist Sangha (council) in Buddha's earliest disciples.
250 BCE in the capital Pataliputra. Sol.(c) The monuments of Khajuraho in
SSC CGL 23/08/21(Morning) Q.72. The earliest Buddhist texts were the state of Madhya Pradesh are fine
(a) First (b) Fourth written in: denotations of the Chandela dynasty
(c) Third (d) Second SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Afternoon) between 950 and 1050 AD.The
(a) Pali (b) Apabhramsha Chandela dynasty was a central Indian
Sol.(c) The third Buddhist Sangha (c) Prakrit (d) Sanskrit dynasty that ruled over the Bundelkhand
(council) was organized in 250 BCE in region of India between the 9th and 13th
Pataliputra during the reign of Ashoka. 4 Sol.(a) The earliest Buddhist texts were centuries.
Buddhist councils were held in total
written in pali. Pali canon, also called
under the patronage of different rulers. Q.76. Temple for Goddess
Tipitaka (Pali: “Triple Basket”), is the
Nishumbhasudini was built by ______.
complete canon, first recorded in Pali, of
Q.69. ______’s foster mother SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon)
the Theravada (“Way of the Elders”)
Mahapajapati Gotami was the first (a) Pallavas (b) Cholas
branch of Buddhism.
woman to be ordained as a (c) Gupta Dynasty (d) Muttaraiyar
SSC CHSL 05/08/21 (Morning) Mahajanapadas Sol.(b) The temple was built by the
(a) Ashoka (b) Buddha founder of Chola Empire, Vijayalaya in
(c) Arjuna (d) Bindusara Q.73. Which of the following is NOT 850 AD. Vijayalaya was the first
one of the monarchical states that existed feudatory of the Pallavas of Kanchi. He
Sol.(b) Buddha’s foster mother or in the 7th and early 6th centuries BC in captured Tanjore in 850 A.D. It is
maternal aunt was Mahapajapati Gotami. India? dedicated to goddess Nishumbhasudini
In the Buddhist tradition, she was the SSC-CGL 04/06/19 (Afternoon) (Durga).
first woman to seek ordination for (a) Magadha (b) Vaishali
women, which she did from Gautama (c) Avanti (d) Kosala Q.77. Ajatshatru, a ruler of the Haryanka
Buddha directly, and she became the Dynasty, was the son of _______.
first bhikkhuni (Buddhist nun). Sol.(d) According to the Puranas and the SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Afternoon)
Ramayana epic, Ayodhya was the capital (a) Naga-Dasak (b) Udayin
Q.70. The First Buddhist Council is said of Kosala during the reign of Ikshvaku (c) Anurudha (d) Bimbisara
to have been patronised by: and his descendants. Shravasti is
SSC MTS 13/10/21(Afternoon) recorded as the capital of Kosala during Sol.(d) Ajatashatru (492 to 460 BCE or
(a) Porus the Mahajanapada period (6th–5th early 4th century BCE) was a king of the
(b) Ashoka centuries BCE), but post-Maurya Haryanka dynasty of Magadha in East Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 160

Pinnacle History

India. He was the son of King Bimbisara Q.82. Which dynasty built the pancha Q.85. Who was the founder of the
and was a contemporary of both rathas of Mahabalipuram? Chalukya dynasty?
Mahavira (Nigantha Nataputta) and SSC CGL 5-3-2020 (Morning) SSC-CGL 04/06/19(afternoon)
Gautama Buddha. (a) Chera (b) Pallava (a)Narasimhavarman
(c) Satavahana (d) Chola (b) Mangalesa
Q.78. The famous physician Jeevaka (c) Kirtivarman
was appointed by the court of: Sol.(b) Pancha Rathas are the (d) Pulakesin I
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening) monolithic chariot structures at
(a) Krishnadeva Raya Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu. They were Sol.(d) The Chalukya dynasty was
(b) Samudragupta constructed during the reign of Pallava established by Pulakeshin I in 543 A.D.
(c) Ashoka Kings Mahendravarman I and Pulakeshin I took Vatapi (modern
(d) Bimbisara Narasimhavarman I. An interesting Badami in Bagalkot district, Karnataka)
aspect is that each ratha is named after under his control and made it his capital.
Sol.(d) The famous physician Jeevaka the Pandavas of the Mahabharata fame.
was appointed in the court of Bimbisara. Q.86. The Vikramasila University was
He is generally known as ‘King of Q.83. Which of the following is an founded by ________.
Medicine’.He lived in Rājagṛha, example of a Chola empire temple? SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning)
present-day Rajgir, in the 5th century SSC CHSL 17-03-2020 (Morning) (a) Ashoka (b) Dharmapala
BCE. (a) Badami cave temple (c) Chandragupta-I (d) Bimbisara
(b) Chennakesava temple
Q.79. Who among the following was the (c) Airavatesvara temple Sol.(b) Vikramashila was founded by
last ruler of the Nanda dynasty? (d) Virupaksha temple Pāla king Dharmapala in the late 8th or
SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Afternoon) early 9th century. It prospered for about
(a) Dhanananda (b) Panduka Sol.(c) Airavatesvara temple is a Hindu four centuries before it was destroyed by
(c) Govishanaka (d) Kaivarta temple of Dravidian architecture located Bakhtiyar Khilji along with the other
in Tamil Nadu. It was built by Rajaraja major centres of Buddhism in India
Sol.(a) Dhana Nanda (died 321 BCE) Chola II and is a UNESCO World around 1193.
was the last ruler of the Nanda dynasty. Heritage Site.
He was the youngest of the eight Q.87. Vikramshila University was
brothers of the dynasty's founder Q.84. How many great powers founded by_____ a Pala King.
Ugrasena. The Nanda dynasty ended (Mahajanpadas) existed in the 7th and SSC-CGL 04/06/19(Evening)
with him in about 321BCE when early 6th centuries BC, during the (a) Rajendra Chola(b) Pulakeshin I
Chandragupta led the foundation of lifetime of Lord Gautam Buddha? (c) Mihira Bhoja (d) Dharmapala
Gupta Dynasty. SSC-CGL 04/06/19 (Afternoon)
(a) 16 (b) 13 (c) 11 (d) 17 Sol.(d) Vikramashila was founded by
Q.80. ______ was the capital of Pāla king Dharmapala in the late 8th or
Magadha before the 4th century BCE. Sol.(a) During the lifetime of Lord early 9th century. It prospered for about
SSC CGL 4-3-2020 (Morning) Gautam Buddha, sixteen great powers four centuries before it was destroyed by
(a) Rajagriha (b) Pataliputra (Mahajanpadas) existed in the 7th and Bakhtiyar Khilji along with the other
(c) Varanasi (d) Mathura early 6th centuries BC. major centres of Buddhism in India
The ancient and modern names of the 16 around 1193.
Sol.(a) Rajagriha was the capital of mahajanapadas :
magadha before 425BC and pataliputra (1) Kashi (Benaras), (2) Kosal Q.88. Mihira Bhoja was the ruler of
was the capital of magadha after 425BC. (Lucknow), (3) Malla (Gorakhpur), (4) ________ .
Vatsa (Allahabad), (5) Chedi SSC-CGL 04/06/19(Evening)
Q.81. In the 4th century BCE, the capital (Kanpur),(6)Kuru(Delhi),(7) Panchal (a) Rashtrakuta (b) Chola
of Magadha was shifted to ______. (Rohilkhand),(8) Matsya (Jaipur),(9) (c) Pratihara (d) Chalukya
SSC CGL 4-3-2020 (Morning) Shurasen(Mathura),(10)Ashmak
(a) Mathura (b) Varanasi (Aurangabad,Maharashtra), (11) Avanti Sol.(c) Mihira Bhoja (836–885 CE) or
(c) Panipat (d) Pataliputra (Ujjain), (12) Ang (Champa East Bihar), Bhoja I was a ruler of the
(13) Magadha (South Bihar), (14) Vrijji Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty of India.
Sol.(d) Shishunaga founded his dynasty (North Bihar), (15) Gandhara Bhoja was a devotee of Vishnu and
in 413 BCE with its capital in Rajgir and (Peshawar), (16) Kamboj (Near adopted the title of Adivaraha which is
later Patliputra(now in present Bihar). Gandhara). inscribed on some of his coins. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 161

Pinnacle History

Tripartite struggle among SSC CGL 10/07/2019 (Evening) Chola kings gave to their people:
Pratihara,Rashtrakuta and Palas over (a)Solankis (b)Gahadavalas vellanvagai was land for non-Brahmana,
kannauj. (c)Chalukyas (d)Chandelas peasant proprietors brahmadeya was
land gifted to Brahmanas shalabhoga
Q.89. The Badami Chalukyas first had Sol.(d) The Khajuraho Group of was land for the maintenance of a school
their capital at ________before they Monuments (Temples) in Madhya devadana / tirunamattukkani was land
moved it to Badami. Pradesh is a splendid saga of gifted to temples palli chhandam was
SSC-CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning) architectural brilliance that draws land donated to Jaina institutions.
(a)Pattadakal (b)Aihole tourists from all over the world. The
(c)Hubli (d)Bijapur temples of Khajuraho were
commissioned by the Rajput rulers of Q.96. Despite being a powerful
Sol.(b) Chalukyas ruled from Raichur Chandella Dynasty who ruled over Mahajanapada, Magadha was under
Doab which was situated between the central India from the 10th to the 13th another form of administration in
rivers of Krishna and Tungabhadra. Century CE. The temples were built Vaishali (Bihar) including its capital
Aihole (city of temples) was the first about 57 Km from the city of Mahoba, Vajji which was called ____.
capital of Chalukyas and it was the the capital of the Chandela dynasty SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening)
centre of trade which was later rulers. (a) Socialism (b) democracy
developed into religious centre having (c) Gana or Sangha (d) Panchayati
number of temples around. The capital Q.93. Settlements of peasants under
of Chalukyas was later moved to Badami Chola Dynasty were known as ____. Sol.(c) Maghada emerged as a prominent
during Pulakesin I. Badami is also SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon) mahajanapada under the rule of the
known as Vatapi. (a) Nadu (b) Muvendavelan Nanda dynasty. However, Maghada was
(c) Ur (d) Taluka a monarchy and Vajji was
Q.90. The present day city of Bhopal democratically ruled. The government at
was built by which of the following Sol.(c) Settlements of the peasants were that time was Gana or Sangha.
Pratihara rulers? known as 'ur', became prosperous with
SSC CGL 08/07/2019 (Morning) the spread of irrigation and agriculture. Q.97. Rulers of mahajanapadas in
(a) Mahendra Bhoja (b) Rajyapala Group of such villages formed larger ancient India collected a tax called
(c) Vijayasena (d) Mihir Bhoja units called 'nadu'. ‘Bhaga’ from the ______ in their region.
SSC MTS 06/10/21(Morning)
Sol.(d) The present day city of Bhopal Q.94. The first ruler of Magadha from (a) farmers
was built by Mihir Bhoja. He recovered the Haryanka dynasty was_____. (b) herders
Kanauj (Kanyakubja) by 836, and it SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Evening) (c) crafts persons
remained the capital of the Pratiharas for (a)Bimbisara (b)Prasenajit (d) hunters and gatherers
almost a century. He built the city (c)Ashoka (d)Ajatshatru
Bhojpal (Bhopal). Raja Bhoja and other Sol.(a) Rulers of mahajanapadas in
valiant Gujara kings faced and defeated Sol.(a) Bimbisara led the foundation of ancient India collected a tax called
many attacks of the Arabs from the west. the Haryanka dynasty after conquering ‘Bhaga’ from the farmers in their region.
the Kingdom of Anga(now West Usually, a crop tax was 1/6th of the
Q.91. The present day city of Bhopal Bengal). Bimbisara was killed by his son produce.
was built by which of the following Ajatashatru.
Pratihara rulers? Q.98. Rivers such as the Ganga and Son
SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning) Q.95. What did the term ‘shalabhoga' flowed through ______, a mahajanapada
(a) Mahendra Bhoja (b) Rajyapala stand for, with respect to revenue in ancient India.
(c) Vijayasena (d) Mihir Bhoja administration under the Imperial Cholas SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Afternoon)
? (a) Kamboja (b) Kosala
Sol.(d) The greatest ruler of the SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning) (c) Magadha (d) Machcha
Pratihara dynasty was Mihir Bhoja. He (a) Land donated for the maintenance of
built the city Bhojpal (Bhopal). Bhopal irrigation facilities Sol.(c) Rivers such as the Ganga and
was originally known as Bhojpal.The (b) A newly settled village Son flowed through Magadha, a
modern Bhopal city was established by (c) Land donated for the maintenance mahajanapada in ancient India. The
Dost Mohammad Khan (1672–1728). of the school Mahājanapadas were sixteen kingdoms
(d) Land donated to a warrior or oligarchic republics that existed in
Q.92. The famous Khajuraho group of Northern ancient India from the sixth to
Monuments was constructed by the Sol.(c) According to Chola inscriptions, fourth centuries BCE during the second
_______. there were five types of 'land gifts' that Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 162

Pinnacle History

urbanisation period. Kamboja, kosala has been partially reconstructed from the Ashvamedha is a horse sacrifice ritual
and Machcha are some mahajanapadas. writings of the later authors. followed by the Śrauta tradition of Vedic
Q.102. Who has written the book religion. It was used by ancient Indian
Mauryan Empire “Arthashastra” ? kings to prove their imperial sovereignty
SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening) in which a horse accompanied by the
Q.99. Name the state Chandragupta-I (a) Kautilya (b) Abul Fazal king's warriors would be released to
got in dowry from the Licchavis. (c) Bhaskara (d) Vikram Seth wander for a period of one year.
SSC-CGL 04/06/19(afternoon) Muvendavelan was a prominent military
(a) Ujjain (b) Pataliputra Sol.(a) The Arthashastra is the title of a officer for a king of the Chola Throne.
(c) Prayaga (d) Saketa handbook for running an empire, written
by Kautilya (also known as Chanakya, c. Q.105. Under Mauryan administration
Sol.(b) The first famous king of the 350-275 BCE) an Indian statesman and the 'Sitadhyaksha' was the officer in
Gupta dynasty was Ghatotkacha's son philosopher, chief advisor and Prime charge of:
Chandragupta I. He married Minister of the Indian Emperor SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening)
Kumaradevi, the daughter of the chief of Chandragupta, the first ruler of the (a) royal harem (b) customs
the Licchavis. This marriage was a Mauryan Empire. (c) mines (d) agriculture
turning point in the life of Chandragupta
I. He got Pataliputra in dowry from the Q.103. Which of the following is the Sol.(d) During the Mauryan rule, the
Licchavis. only correct pair as described by Chola 'Sitadhyakshas' were the superintendents
inscriptions? or officials, who were in charge of
Q.100. The Barabar Caves, the oldest SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Evening) agriculture.They were highly skilled and
surviving rock-cut caves in India, mostly (a)Pallichchhandam- land donated to experienced in the field of agriculture
belong to which of the following Jaina institutions and were appointed by the 'Amatyas'
periods? (b)Shalabhoga- land gifted to Brahmanas who were the highest in administrative
SSC CGL 04/07/2019 (Afternoon) (c)Vellanvagai-land of Brahmana or judicial echelons of the king.
(a) Chola Dynasty (b) Gupta Empire peasant proprietors
(c) Mauryan Empire (d) Chera Dynasty (d)Brahmadeya-land gifted to temples Q.106. The Barabar Caves, the oldest
surviving rock-cut caves in India, mostly
Sol.(a) Pallichchhandam- land donated belong to which of the following
Sol..The Barabar Caves, the oldest to Jaina institutions with reference to the periods?
surviving rock-cut caves in India, mostly Chola inscriptions: SSC CPO 4-7-2019 (Afternoon)
belong to the Mauryan Empire.The Shalabhoga was land for the (a) Chola Dynasty (b) Gupta Empire
Barabar caves are in the Barabar hills, in maintenance and the management of (c) Maurya Empire (d) Chera Dynasty
Jehanabad District of Bihar. These caves schools. Vellanvagai was land for
were built during the reign of Asoka and non-Brahmins, peasant proprietors. Sol.(c) Barabar Caves belongs to the
his grandson Dasharatha. Brahmadeya was a tax free land gift, Mauryan Empire. Dasharatha Maurya
either in form of single plot or whole built these caves. It is located in
Q.101. Megasthenes, a Greek historian villages donated to Brahmanas in early Makhdumpur region of jehanabad
visited India in the reign of _____in the medieval India. district of Bihar.
4th century B.C.
SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening) Q.104. Which of the following was NOT Q.107. Chandragupta led a revolt against
(a) Ashoka a type of sacrifice performed by kings in the ______ and overthrew them.
(b) Bindusara ancient India to establish their position ? SSC CGL 18/08/21(Morning)
(c) Chandragupta Maurya SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Evening) (a) Shishunagas (b) Kushans
(d) Alexander (a) Vajapeya (b) Rajasuya (c) Haryankas (d) Nandas
(c) Ashvamedha (d) Muvendavelan
Sol.(c) Megasthenes, a Greek historian Sol.(d) Chandragupta Maurya led a
visited India in the reign of Sol.(d) Vajapeya is a Soma Yajna, which revolt against the Nandas and overthrew
Chandragupta Maurya in the 4th century involves minor animal sacrifice. It is them. He was the founder of the
B.C. Megasthenes was an ancient Greek performed by the Brahmins and the Mauryan empire and built one of the
historian, diplomat and Indian Kshatriyas and is one of the greatest largest empires on the Indian
ethnographer and explorer in the Soma yajnas of its kind. subcontinent.
Hellenistic period. He described India in Rajasuya (Imperial Sacrifice or the
his book Indika, which is now lost, but king's inauguration sacrifice) is a Srauta Q.108. A type of court called
ritual of the Vedic religion. It is a 'Kantakasodhana' was prevalent in the
consecration of a king. ______ Empire. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 163

Pinnacle History

SSC CGL 20/08/21(Morning) SSC CGL 23/08/21(Afternoon) Sol.(d) Magadha was the first empire in
(a) Kushana (b) Mauryan (a) Alexander Cunningham ancient India to use elephants in its war
(c) Chola (d) Rashtrakuta (b) James Prinsep on a large scale. The Maurya Empire
(c) James Taylor was a geographically extensive Iron Age
Sol.(b) 'Kantaka Shodhana' was a type of (d) V Gordon Childe historical power in South Asia based in
court prevalent in the Mauryan Empire. Magadha, founded by Chandragupta
It literally means ‘removal of the thorns’ Sol.(b) James Prinsep was the first Maurya in 322 BCE. King Porus used
and was used in reference to criminal scholar to decipher the Ashokan edicts. elephants against Alexander in the battle
justice in ancient India. Kautilya also Most of the dialects of Ashokan edicts of hydaspes. Chandragupta Maurya did
mentioned the cases that are subject to were written in Prakrit language using
use elephants in his conquest of the
kantaka shodhana in his book Brahmi and Kharosthi scripts.
whole of India.
Arthashastra. Alexander Cunningham is also known as
the father of Indian Archaeology.
Q.115. In Indian history, who were
Q.109. Who among the following Vere Gordon Childe was an Australian
referred to as the 'atavika rajya'?
published a set of Ashokan inscriptions archaeologist who specialized in the
SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Evening)
in 1877? study of European prehistory.
(a) South Indian kingdom
SSC CGL 20/08/21(Afternoon)
(b) Republican state
(a) DC Sircar Q.112. Who among the following rulers
(c) Forest kingdom
(b) MS Vats inscribed his messages to his subjects
(d) Mughal empire
(c) Alexander Cunningham and officials on stone surfaces?
(d) Colin Mackenzie SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Morning)
Sol.(c) Atavika rajyas refers to the tribal
(a) Ashoka
people living in the forest . Their early
Sol.(c) Alexander Cunningham (b) Chandragupta I
reference is found in the Mauryan
published a set of Ashokan inscriptions (c) Bindusara
period. During the age of Mahajanpadas,
in the year 1877. He was the founder of (d) Chandragupta Maurya
Jharkhand state was a part of Magadha
the Archaeological Survey of India. In
and Anga. In the Mauryan period, this
1851, he explored the Buddhist Sol.(a) Ashoka inscribed his messages to
region was ruled by a number of states,
monuments of Central India. He had his subjects and officials on stone
which were collectively known as the
conducted excavations at Sarnath, surfaces. Ashoka was one of the greatest
Atavika (forest) states.
Sankasya and Sanchi. He also published rulers known to history and on his
‘The Bhilsa Topes’, an attempt to instructions, inscriptions were inscribed
Q.116. Who was the last king of the
establish the history of Buddhism based on pillars, as well as on rock surfaces.
Mauryan dynasty?
on architectural evidence. Other major
SSC MTS 08/10/21(evening)
works included the first volume of Q.113. Who among the following kings
(a) Devavarman (b) Satadhanvan
‘Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum’ founded the Maurya empire in ancient
(c) Brihadratha (d) Samprati
(1877) which included copies of the India?
edicts of Ashoka, ‘The Stupa of SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Evening)
Sol.(c) Brihadratha was the last king of
Bharhut’ (1879) and ‘The Book of (a) Dasaratha (b) Ashoka
the Mauryan dynasty. He ruled from 187
Indian Eras’ (1883) which allowed the (c) Bindusara (d) Chandragupta
dating of Indian antiquities. to 184 BCE, when he was killed by his
Sol.(d) Chandragupta founded the general, Pushyamitra Shunga, who went
Q.110. According to Ashokan edicts, Maurya Empire in ancient India in 322 on to establish the Shunga Empire.
how many years after becoming the king BCE. Chandragupta Maurya raised an
did Ashoka wage war on Kalinga? army, with the assistance of Chanakya, Q.117. Which dynasty ruled India
SSC CGL 23/08/21(Morning) author of Arthasastra, and overthrew the between 320 AD and 550 AD?
(a) Five (b) Eight (c) Six (d) Seven Nanda Empire in  322 BCE. SSC MTS 12/10/21(Afternoon)
(a) Mauryan Dynasty
Sol.(b) According to Ashokan edicts, (b) Hoysala Dynasty
eight years after becoming the king, Q.114. Which was the first empire in (c) Magadha Dynasty
Ashoka waged war on Kalinga. The ancient India to use elephants in its war (d) Gupta Dynasty
records of the Kalinga war were on a large scale?
portrayed in rock edict XIII. SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Afternoon) Sol.(d) Gupta Dynasty ruled India
(a) Shunga (b) Chola between 320 AD and 550 AD. The first
Q.111. Who among the following was (c) Kushans (d) Magadha ruler of the empire was Chandra Gupta I.
the first scholar to decipher the Ashokan The Gupta Empire was founded by Sri
edicts? Gupta in 240 AD. The Mauryan Empire, Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 164

Pinnacle History

which formed around 321 B.C.E. and Q.121. Which of the following was NOT
ended in 185 B.C.E, Hoysala dynasty, a a part of the ‘Navratna’ at Q.125. The last recognised king of the
family that ruled in India from about Vikramaditya’s court ? Gupta line was_____.
1006 to about 1346 CE. SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Evening)
(a) Surdas (b) Vararuchi (a) Samudragupta
Q.118. Emperor Ashoka embraced (c) Kshapanaka (d) Kalidasa (b) Vishnugupta
Buddhism after the: (c) bimbisara
SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Evening) Sol.(a) Surdas was NOT a part of the (d) Ashoka
(a) Kalinga War 'Navratna' at Vikramaditya's court.
(b) Battle of Buxar Sol.(b) The last recognised king of the
(c) Battle of Haldighati Q.122. Which pillar inscriptions have Gupta Era was: Vishnugupta also
(d) Battle of Tarain recorded the achievements of Samudra identified as Kautilya or Chankya. The
Gupta, who was known as the 'Napoleon reign of the Gupta Empire is from the
Sol.(a) Emperor Ashoka embraced of India' for his conquests? mid-to-late 3rd century CE to 543 CE. It
Buddhism after the Kalinga War. SSC CGL 4-3-2020 (Afternoon) is known as the Golden Age of India.
Kalinga war was fought in 261 BCE (a) Iron Pillar
between the Mauryan Empire under (b) Sun Pillar Q.126. The Gupta imposed a fine
(c) Vijaya Stambha called_____which was a plough tax paid
Ashoka and the state of Kalinga located
(d) Allahabad Pillar by every cultivator owing a plough.
on the east coast, in the present-day state
SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Evening)
of Odisha and northern parts of Andhra
Sol.(d) Allahabad pillar inscription (a) Hiranya (b) Kara
Pradesh. The bloodshed and destruction
describes Samudragupta as “Napoleon of (c) Sulka (d) Halvakara
that happened in the Kalinga war made
India''. It tells that he defeated several
Ashoka to renounce war and embrace
kings of northern India. Pillar is a Sol.(d) Halivakara was a kind of tax for
Buddhism. those who owned a plough during the
prashasti (eulogy) composed by his
courtier harishan. Gupta administration.
Q.119. Which of the following rulers did
NOT belong to the Mauryan Dynasty? Q.127. Who was the founder of
Q.123. During the Gupta period, Gold
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Morning) Vakataka dynasty in the third century?
coins were called by which names?
(a) Ashoka (b) Chandragupta SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
SSC-CHSL 3/07/19 -(Afternoon)
(c) Bimbisara (d) Bindusara (a) Nagabhata (b) Vindhya shakti
(a) Rupaka (b) Tanka
(c) Drama (d) Dinaras (c) Pravarasena (d) Rudrasena
Sol.(c) Bimbisara did NOT belong to the
Mauryan Dynasty. Bimbisāra was a King Sol.(b) Vindhyashakti was the founder of
Sol.(d) During the Gupta period, Gold
of Magadha and belonged to the coins were called Dinaras. The gold the Vakataka dynasty. His name is
Haryanka dynasty. coins of the Gupta rulers are derived from the name of the goddess
extraordinary examples of artistic Vindhya.
Q.120. What was the name of King excellence.
Ashoka’s daughter whom he appointed Q.128. Who among the following was a
to carry out the duties of a Buddhist Q.124. The _____period has been Gupta ruler?
missionary? described as the ‘golden age’ of Indian SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning)
SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Evening) history. (a) Vima Kadphises (b) Vikramaditya
(a) Padmavati (b) Charumati SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon) (c) Dhana nanda (d) Kanishka
(c) Asandhimitra (d) Sanghamitra (a) Mughal (b) Maratha
(c) Gupta (d) Buddhist Sol.(b) Vikramaditya was a Gupta ruler.
Sol.(d) Sanghamitra was the name of The following were Gupta rulers
King Ashoka’s daughter whom he Sol.(c) The Gupta period has been between 319AD- 540AD : Chandragupta
appointed to carry out the duties of a described as the ‘golden age’ of Indian I(319-334 AD) - Samudragupta(335-380
Buddhist missionary. Mahendra his son history. The period between the 4th AD) - Chandragupta II (380-414 AD)
also was on the duties of a Buddhist century and 6th century AD is known as also known as Vikramaditya -
missionary. They both went to the Golden Age of India because of the Kumargupta (415- 455 AD) -
Lakshadweep and Sri Lanka. large achievements Indians made in the Skandagupta (455- 467 AD).
fields of mathematics, astronomy,
sculpting and painting during the Gupta Q.129. Who among the following rulers
Gupta Dynasty
Empire. is called the ‘Napoleon of India’?
SSC CGL 16/08/21(Evening) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 165

Pinnacle History

(a) Samudragupta (b) Chandragupta I of the Western Countries’.

(c) Bindusara (d) Ashoka Q.133. In the context of Gupta Harshavardhana ruled North India from
administration, the term 'vithi' referred to 606-647 CE. He was the ruler of the
Sol.(a) Samudragupta is called the a/an: Vardhana dynasty.
‘Napoleon of India. A V Smith called SSC MTS 05/10/21(Evening)
him ‘Napolean of India’ because of his (a) elephantry unit Q.136. During the reign of which of the
great military conquests known from the (b) administrative unit following kings did Chinese traveller
'Prayag Prashasti' written by his courtier (c) personal guard of the king Xuanzang visit India?
and poet Harisena, who also describes (d) soldier SSC CGL 04/07/2019 (Afternoon)
him as the hero of a hundred battles. (a) Harshavardhana
Sol.(b) In the context of Gupta (b) Prabhakara Vardhana
Q.130. Who wrote Samudragupta's administration, the term 'vithi' referred to (c) Chandragupta Maurya
prashasti (a eulogy written in the form of an: administrative unit. In Gupta's (d) Ashoka
poetry or prose, usually by court poets) period, there was a hierarchy of
at Allahabad? administrative divisions from top to Sol.(a) The Chinese traveler Xuanzang
SSC CGL 24/08/21(Evening) bottom. The empire was called by came to India during the reign of
(a) Kalidasa (b) Vagabhatta various names such as Rajya, Rashtra, Harshavardhana. Harshavardhana
(c) Harishena (d) Amarsimha Desha, Mandala, Prithvi, and Avani. It (606-647 A.D.) ascended the throne of
was divided into provinces, which were Thaneshwar and Kannauj on the death of
Sol.(c) Prashasti is a Sanskrit word that further divided into Vishayas. A his brother, Rajyavardhana. He
means 'in praise of'. Harishena Vishayapati administered the Vishaya. A maintained diplomatic relations with
composed the prashasti in praise of part of the Vishaya was called Vithi. China and sent envoys, who exchanged
Samudragupta. This prashasti describes ideas of the Chinese rulers and
Samudragupta as a great warrior. Q.134. Who among the following Gupta developed their knowledge about each
rulers married a girl from the Lichchhavi other.
Q.131. Prabhavati Gupta, the Queen clan?
Regent of the Vakataka empire, was the SSC MTS 08/10/21 (Afternoon) Q.137. Banabhatta was the court poet of
daughter of Kuberanaga and ______. (a) Samudragupta (b) Sri Gupta which of the following Indian King?
SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Evening) (c) Chandragupta-I (d) Ramagupta SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Evening)
(a) Skandagupta (a) Harshavardhana
(b) Chandragupta I Sol.(c) Chandragupta-I was a Gupta (b) Chandra Gupta II
(c) Chandragupta II ruler and married a girl from the (c) Pulkesin II
(d) Kumaragupta Lichchhavi clan. Chandragupta married (d) Yasovarman
a girl named Kumaradevi who belonged
Sol.(c) Prabhavati Gupta was a Gupta to the Lichchavi clan. The Lichchhavi Sol.(a) Banabhatta was the court poet of
princess and Vakataka queen who was clan was headquartered at Vaishali in King Harshavardhana of Vardhana
the consort of Maharaja Rudrasena II. present-day Bihar during the time of dynasty. Banabhatta has written the
She ruled the Vakataka kingdom as Gautama Buddha. biography of ‘Harshavardhana’ and
regent from about 390 to 410. Prabhavati called it ‘Harshacharita’.Harshcharita
Gupta was the daughter of Chandragupta was the first historical biography in the
Vardhana Dynasty
II, the ruler of the Gupta empire, and Sanskrit language.
queen Kuberanaga.
Q.135. During whose reign did the
Q.138. Hiuen Tsang, hailed as the prince
Chinese traveller Hiuen Tsang visit India
Q.132. Who among the following rulers of pilgrims, visited India during the
belonged to the Tuluva dynasty? SSC region of king_____.
SSC-CGL 07/06/19(Evening)
CHSL 10/8/2021 (Evening) SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Evening)
(a) Chandragupta Vikramaditya
(a) Pushyamitra Sunga (a) Ashoka (b) Samudragupta
(b) Samudragupta
(b) Vishnuvardhana (c) Harsha (d) Vishnugupta
(c) Chandragupta I
(c) Simha Vishnu
(d) Harshavardhana
(d) Krishnadeva Raya Sol.(c) The Chinese traveller Hiuen
Tsang visited India during the period of
Sol.(d) During Harshavardhan reign did
Sol.(d) Krishna Deva Raya (1509–1529) emperor Harsha Vardhan in the 7th
the Chinese traveller Hiuen Tsang visit
belonged to the Tuluva dynasty. century BCE. After going back to China
India. Hiuen Tsang wrote a detailed
Pushyamitra Sunga (Shunga dynasty), he wrote a book about his experience in
description of India during the reign of
Vishnuvardhana (Hoysala), Simha India.
Harsha in his book ‘Si-yu-ki’ or ‘Record
Vishnu (Pallava). Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 166

Pinnacle History

Q.139. King Harshavardhan ascended Sol.(b) Pulakeshin II defeated Sol.(d) King Shashanka, against whom
the throne of Thaneshwar and Kannauj HarshaVardhan on the banks of Harshvardhana declared war, was a ruler
on the death of his brother, ______. Narmada in the winter of 618–619. of the Gauda kingdom. Karnasubarna
SSC CGL 4-3-2020 (Morning) was the capital of Gauda Kingdom
(a) Indravardhan Q.143. Pushyabhuti, who ruled from during the reign of Shashanka, the first
(b) Suryavardhan Thaneswar, was the founder of ______ important king of ancient Bengal who
(c) Rajyavardhana dynasty. ruled in the 7th century.
(d) Chandravardhan SSC CGL 17/08/21(Morning)
(a) Vardhana (b) Chera Miscellaneous
Sol.(c) Harshavardhana ascended the (c) Pandya (d) Chalukya
throne after the death of his elder brother
Q.147. Who attacked and looted the
Rajyavardhana, also known as Rajya Sol.(a) Pushyabhuti was the founder of
famous Somnath temple in 1026 AD ?
Vardhan, was the eldest son of Vardhana dynasty. Prabhakar Vardhana
SSC-CGL 04/06/19 -(Morning)
Prabhakaravardhana and member of the was the first notable king of the
(a) Muhammad Ghori
Pushyabhuti Dynasty. He ascended the Vardhana Dynasty. The dynasty reached
(b) Mahmud of Ghazni
throne after his father's death and was its glory under the last king of this
(c) Nadir Shah
succeeded by his younger brother dynasty, Harshavardhana.
(d) Genghis Khan
Q.144. Harshacharita’ (The Deeds of
Sol.(b) In 1026 AD, Somnath Temple
Q.140. The Harshacharita is a biography Harsha), which is the biography of
was destroyed and plundered by the
of Harshavardhana, the ruler of Kannauj, Indian Emperor Harsha, was written by
Afghan ruler, Mahmud of Ghazni. The
composed in Sanskrit by his court poet, _______
temple was dedicated to Lord Shiva, was
_____. SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Evening) .
rebuilt by the Paramara king Bhoja of
SSC CGL 4-3-2020 (Morning) (a) Banabhatta
Malwa and the Solanki king Bhimdev I
(a) Dandin (b) Kamban (b) Swami Sivananda
of Anhilwara between1026 and 1042
(c) Banabhatta (d) Jinsena (c) Valmiki
(d) Rabindranath Tagore
Sol.(c) Banabhatta wrote the book
Q.148. Who is the author of the book
Harshacharita in Sanskrit which Sol.(a) ‘Harshacharita’ (The Deeds of
describes the deeds of the harshvardhan. Harsha) is the biography of Indian
SSC-CGL 04/06/19(Evening)
Banabhatta is the well known Sanskrit Emperor Harsha, written by Banabhatta.
(a) Banabhatta (b) Kalhana
writer of the 7th century. He was the Asthana Kavi, meaning
(c) Kalidasa (d) Somadeva
Court Poet, of Harsha.
Q.141. During the reign of which of the
Sol.(b) Kalhana was the author of
following kings did Chinese traveller Q.145. 'Banabhatta', well known for his
Rajatarangini (River of Kings), an
Xuanzang visit India? literary works, flourished during the
account of the history of Kashmir. He
SSC CPO 4-7-2019 (Afternoon) reign of ______.
wrote the work in Sanskrit between 1148
(a) Harshavardhana SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Afternoon)
and 1149.
(b) Prabhakara Vardhana (a) Ashoka (b) Bindusara
Banabhatta: Notable work - kadambari
(c) Chandragupta Maurya (c) Chandragupta II (d) Harshavardhana
and harshacharita.
(d) Ashoka
Kalidasa:Notable work -
Sol.(d) 'Banabhatta', well known for his
Sol.(a) Xuanzang was a Chinese literary works, flourished during the
Buddhist monk, scholar, traveler, and reign of Harshavardhana. Banabhatta's
translator who traveled to India in the principal works include a biography of
Somadeva:The Kathasaritsagara is a
seventh century and described the Harsha, the Harshacharita, and one of
famous 11th-century collection of Indian
interaction between Chinese Buddhism the world's earliest novels, Kadambari.
legends, fairy tales and folk tales as
and Indian Buddhism during the reign of
retold in Sanskrit by a Shaiva named
Harsha Q.146. King Shashanka, against whom
Harshvardhana declared war, was a ruler
Q.142. Who among the following of the ______kingdom.
Q.149. The Khajuraho Temples are
defeated HarshaVardhan in 618 CE? SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Evening)
located in the state of _________.
SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon) (a) Kanyakubja (b) Junagarh
SSC-CGL 06/06/19(Evening)
(a) Chandragupta I (b) Pulakeshin II (c) Magadha (d) Gauda
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Andhra Pradesh
(c) Pushyamitra (d) Alexander
(c) Uttarakhand (d) Uttar Pradesh Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 167

Pinnacle History

Sol.(a) The Khajuraho Temples are Q.153. Panchavati, a key part of the (c) Chandragupta I
located in the state of Madhya Valmiki Ramayana, is located in which (d) Bimbisara
Pradesh.Inscriptions at the Khajuraho state of India?
temples indicate that these shrines were SSC-CHSL 2/07/2019 (Morning) Sol.(b) Vikramasila University was
constructed from the period of 950 to (a) Tamil Nadu (b) Uttar Pradesh founded by Dharmpala. It prospered for
1050 AD. (c) Maharashtra (d) Uttrakhand about four centuries before it was
destroyed by Bakhtiyar Khilji along with
Q.150. The ‘Tanakh’ is the sacred text of Sol.(c) Panchavati, a key part of the the other major centres of Buddhism in
which religion/sect? Valmiki Ramayana is located in India around 1193.
SSC-CGL 11/06/19(Evening) Maharashtra. The entire Aranya Kanda
(a) Judaism (b) Taoism of Ramayana is set in Panchavati. Q.158.________ attacked the southern
(c) Zen Buddhism (d)Confucianism coast of Kathiawar along the Arabian
Q.154. Who among the following Sea, where he sacked the city of
Sol.(a) The Jewish Bible is known in defeated Harsha Vardhan in 618 CE? Somnath and its renowned Hindu temple
Hebrew as the Tanakh, an acronym of SSC CGL 05/07/2019 (Afternoon) in 1026.
the three sets of books which comprise (a) Chandragupta I (b) Pulakeshin II SSC CGL 08/07/2019 (Afternoon)
it. The Torah is part of the larger text (c) Pushyamitra (d) Alexander (a) Firoz Shah Tugalaq
known as the Tanakh or the Hebrew (b) Mahmud of Ghazni
Bible, and supplemental oral tradition Sol.(b) Pulakeshin II defeated Harsha (c) Ahmed Shah Tughlaq
represented by later texts such as the Vardhan in 618 CE. Pulakeshin II was (d) Muhammad Ghori
Midrash and the Talmud. With between the most famous ruler of the Chalukya
14.5 and 17.4 million adherents dynasty. Sol.(b) Mahmud of Ghazni attacked the
worldwide, Judaism is the tenth largest southern coast of Kathiawar along the
religion in the world. Q.155. Konark Temple in Odisha was Arabian Sea, where he sacked the city of
built by which of the following kings? Somnath and its renowned Hindu temple
Q.151. The former princely state of SSC CGL 05/07/2019 (Evening) in 1026. He attacked India 17 times. He
Tripura in the north-eastern part of India (a) Bhanu Deva made his 16th attack on the Somnath
was ruled by _____ Dynasty. (b) Anantavarman Chodagangadeva temple in 1025 just to plunder the gold.
SSC-CGL 11/06/19 -(Evening) (c) Narasimha Deva I
(a) Haihaya (b) Manikya (d) Ananga Bhima Deva Q.159. Which of the following Indian
(c) Nagvanshi (d) Ahom rulers was defeated by Mahmud Ghazni
Sol.(c) Konark Temple in Odisha was in his first attack in the year 1001 AD?
Sol.(b) The Manikya dynasty was built by Narasimha Deva I. He was the SSC CGL 09/07/2019 (Afternoon)
founded when Ratna Fha assumed the ruler of Eastern Ganga Dynasty about (a) Anandpal (b) Chandrapal
title in 1280 CE. The former princely 1250 CE. This temple is dedicated to the (c) Jaipal (d) Sukhpal
state of Tripura was ruled by Mnikya Hindu Sun God Surya. It was built in the
Dynasty. 13th century. Sol.(c) Mahmud of Ghazni first invaded
modern Afghanistan and Pakistan in
Q.152. Sant Kabir received his spiritual Q.156. Alexander invaded India in 1000 AD. He defeated Hindu shahi
training from his preceptor named__. _________ . kingdom ruler Jaya Pala, who killed
SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) SSC CGL 05/07/2019 (Evening) himself later, and his son Ananda Pala
(a) Muktanand (a)467 BC (b)323 BC became his successor.
(b)ChidaNanda Swami (c)454 BC (d)326 BC
(c) Sarvanand Q.160. Guru___is known as the cobbler
(d) Ramanand Sol.(d) Alexander invaded India in 326 saint.
BC, after crossing the river Indus he SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
Sol.(d) Sant Kabir received his spiritual advanced towards Taxila. He then (a)Ravidas (b)Narahari
training from his preceptor named challenged king Porus , ruler of the (c)Jiva Goswami (d)Ayya Vaikundar
Ramanand. Ramananda was the first kingdom between the rivers Jhelum and
Bhakti saint and founder of Bhakti Chenab. Sol.(a) Saint Ravidas, was an Indian
Movement of northern India.He saint of the 15th century. He belonged to
championed the pursuit of knowledge Q.157. The Vikramasila University was a family of leather workers.
and direct devotional spirituality, and did founded by____. Traditionally, in Hinduism such families
not discriminate based on birth family, SSC CGL 08/07/2019 (Morning) belong to the Shudra group, the lowest
gender or religion. (a) Ashoka level of traditional Hindu society.
(b) Dharmapala Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 168

Pinnacle History

Q.161. The first Invasion of Muhammad then challenged king Porus , ruler of the monasteries forming the magnanimous
Ghori was in ___when he attacked kingdom between the rivers Jhelum and Ellora Caves.
Multan. Chenab.
SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) Q.168. Who wrote the book
(a)1089 AD (b) 1475 AD Q.165. Kalhana penned the book named ‘Amuktamalyada’ ?
(c) 1175 AD (d) 1287 AD ____in the 12th century which is a SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon)
metrical chronicle of the kings of (a) Krishna Dev Rai (b) Brahmadev Rai
Sol.(c) Muhammad Ghori was an Kashmir. (c) Bucca Rai (d) Harihar Rai
ambitious leader. His invasions in India SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning)
were Conquest of Multan and Sindh, (a)Tarikh-i-FiruzShahi Sol.(a) Amuktamalyada is written by
1175-1178.The first invasion of (b)Nuh Sipihr Krishnadevaraya.Krishnadevaraya hailed
Muhammad Ghori was in 1175 AD (c)Rajatarangini from the Vijayanagara Empire and was
when he attacked Multan, defeated the (d)Padmavat an emperor who ruled from 1509 to
ruling Ismailian Heretics and was 1529.
successful in capturing Multan. Sol.(c) Kalhana penned the book named
Rajatarangini in the 12th century which Q.169. Which dynasty had developed
Q.162. The second battle of Tarain was is a metrical chronicle of the kings of the Gandhara School of Art in ancient
fought in the year __________. Kashmir. The Rajatarangini ( “The River India ?
SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Evening) of Kings”) is a metrical historical SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning)
(a) 1345 AD (b) 1294 AD chronicle of north-western Indian (a) Kushana dynasty (b) Gupta dynasty
(c) 1079 AD (d) 1192 AD subcontinent, particularly the kings of (c) Mauryan dynasty (d) Chola dynasty
Kashmir, written in Sanskrit by
Sol.(d) The Second Battle of Tarain was Kashmiri Brahman Kalhana in 12th Sol.(a) The Gandhara art flourished
again fought between the Ghurid army century CE. during the Kushana rule in India. It was
of Mohammed Ghori and the Rajput during his reign that Gandhara School of
army of Prithviraj Chauhan. The battle Q.166. Kanishka was a _____king. art flourished. According to V. A. Smith,
took place in 1192 A.D near Tarain. In SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon) the Gandhara style of art that developed
this battle, Prithviraj Chauhan was (a)Kushan (b)Gupta in sculpture was a fusion of
defeated by Mohammed Ghori. (c)Maurya (d)Chola Greco-Roman and Indian styles.”

Q.163. The Battle of ____was fought in Sol.(a) Kanishka was a Kushan

326 BC by Alexander, the Great against king.The capital of his empire was Q.170. Which of the following books is
King Porus. Purushpura (Peshawar). Under his rule, written by Varaha Mihira?
SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning) the Kushan Empire extended from SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning)
(a) Hydaspes (b) Tarain Uzbekistan, Tajikistan to Mathura and (a) Kumarasambhava
(c) Panipat (d) Plassey Kashmir. Kanishka I or Kanishka the (b) Shakuntala
Great, an emperor of the Kushan dynasty (c) Brihat Samhita
Sol.(a) The Battle of Hydaspes was in the second century (c. 127–150 CE), (d) Ritusamhara
fought in 326 BC by Alexander, the is famous for his military, political, and
Great against King Porus. The battle spiritual achievements. Sol.(c) Varahamihira also called Varaha
resulted in a Greek victory and the or Mihira, was a Hindu polymath who
surrender of Porus. Large areas of the Q.167. Which of the following temples lived in Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh, India).
Punjab between the Hydaspes (Jhelum) was built by the Rashtrakutas Dynasty ? He was born in the Avanti region,
and Hyphasis (Beas) rivers were SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning) roughly corresponding to modern-day
absorbed into the Alexandrian Empire, (a) Kailash Temple Malwa, Adityadisha, who was himself
and Porus was reinstated as a (b) Adi Kumbeswarar an astronomer. According to one of his
subordinate ruler. (c) Brihadeshwara Temple own works, he was educated at
(d) Chennakeshava Temple Kapitthaka.
Q.164. Alexander invaded India
in_____.CE Sol.(a) Kailash temple was built by the Q.171. Which of the following religions
SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening) Rashtrakutas Dynasty. It was built by the NOT originated in India?
(a)467 BC (b)323 BC 8th century Rashtrakuta King Krishna I SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(c)454 BC (d)326 BC between the year 756 and 773 AD. The (a)Zoroastrianism (b)Buddhism
Kailash Temple is the sixteenth cave, (c)Sikhism (d)Jainism
Sol.(d) In 326 BC, Alexander invaded and it is one of the 32 cave temples and
India, after crossing the river Indus. He Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 169

Pinnacle History

Sol.(a) Zoroastrianism is one of the SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) the last Hindu monarchs to rule large
world's oldest monotheistic religions. It (a) Vesara Style (b) Nagar Style parts of Gujarat, before the Muslim
was founded by the Prophet Zoroaster in (c) Dravid Style (d) Gothic Style conquest of the region. Medieval bardic
ancient Iran approximately 3500 years literature includes them among the
ago. It is centered in a dualistic Sol.(d) Gothic architecture is a style that Agnivashi Rajput dynasties.
cosmology of good and evil and an flourished in Europe during the High and
eschatology predicting the ultimate Late Middle Ages. It evolved from Q.179. Which of the following books is
conquest of evil with theological Romanesque architecture and was written by Varaha Mihira?
elements of succeeded by Renaissance architecture. SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning)
henotheism,monotheism/monism,and Originating in 12th-century France, it (a) Kumarasambhava (b) Shakuntala
polytheism. was widely used, especially for (c) Brihat Samhita (d) Ritusamhara
cathedrals and churches, until the 16th
Q.172. Who among the following was century. Sol.(c) Brihat Samhita is a compilation
the greatest ruler of the Pratihara of an assortment of topics that provides
Dynasty? Q.176. Who had built the grand interesting details of prevailing beliefs.
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon) ‘Chariot’ cave temples in Brihat Jataka is a book on astrology.
(a) Nagabhata (b) Ramabhadra Mahabalipuram ? However, the most famous work by
(c) Mihir Bhoja (d) Samantha Sena SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon) Varahamihira is the treatise on
(a)Maharana Pratap Singh (b)Narsimha mathematical astronomy called the
Sol.(c) The greatest ruler of the Pratihara (c)Ashok (d)Akbar Parica-siddhantika and dated 575 AD.
dynasty was Mihir Bhoja. He recovered
Kanauj (Kanyakubja) by 836, and it Sol.(b) The magnificent 'Ratha' cave Q.180. National Emblem of India is
remained the capital of the Pratiharas for temples of Mahabalipuram were built by taken from Mauryan Pillar located at
almost a century. He built the city the Pallava king Narsimha in the 7th and ______.
Bhojpal (Bhopal). Raja Bhoja and other 8th centuries. The beauty of the rock-cut SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon)
valiant Gujara kings faced and defeated sculpture of the temple is reflective of (a) Sarnath (b) Amravati
many attacks of the Arabs from the west. the artistic tastes of the erstwhile Pallava (c) Delhi (d) Meerut
Q.173. Which of the following is Sol.(a) The State Emblem of India, as
associated to the Sanskrit Mahabharata ? Q.177. The goddess Aryani is the the national emblem of Republic of India
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening) goddess of ____ as per the Rigvedic is called, is an adaptation of the Lion
(a) Gitagovinda (b) Yuddha Kanda period. Capital of Ashoka from 250 BCE at
(c) Shanti Parva (d) Kathasaritasagar SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening) Sarnath, preserved in the Sarnath
(a)Dawn (b)Forest Museum near Varanasi, India.
Sol.(c) The Shanti Parva is the twelfth of (c)Wind (d)Earth
eighteen books of the Indian Epic Q.181. ______________is An Epic
Mahabharata. The Shanti parva recites Sol.(b) In Hinduism, Aranyani is a Poem In The Sanskrit Mahakavya Style
the duties of the ruler, dharma and good goddess of the forests and the animals On The Life And Nirvana Of Gautama
governance, as counseled by the dying that dwell within them. She is believed Buddha By Aśvaghoṣa.
Bhishma and various Rishis. to be the mother of them all. Her name SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Evening)
comes from the word, Aranya, which (a) Buddhacarita (b) Shishupal Vadh
Q.174. The archaeological site of means forest in Sanskrit. Goddess (c) Arthashastra (d) Kiratarjuniya
Koldihwa is located at : Aranyani animates and protects the
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening) forest, and provides food for humankind. Sol.(a) Buddhacharita (Acts of the
(a)Maharashtra (b)Bihar Buddha) is an epic poem in the Sanskrit
(c)Uttar Pradesh (d)Madhya Pradesh Q.178. What was the name of that last mahakavya style on the life of Gautama
Hindu dynasty of Gujarat, which ruled Buddha by Asvaghosa composed in the
Sol.(c) The archaeological site of from 1244 to 1304? early second century CE.
Koldihwa is located in Uttar Pradesh. SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning)
The site represents three occupational (a) Gujjar Dynasty (b) Janpad Dynasty Q.182. _______created a new system of
levels: the Neolithic, Chalcolithic, and (c) Vaghela Dynasty (d) Nand Dynasty musicology called 'Indraprastha Mata' or
Iron Age phases. 'Chaturdandi Sampradaya'.
Sol.(c) The Vaghela dynasty was a SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
Q.175. Which of the following styles is short-lived Indian dynasty that ruled (a) Ali Azmat
not a Temple Architecture Style in India Gujarat from their capital Dholka during (b) Ustad Ghulam Ali
? the 13th century CE. The Vaghelas were (c) Bhimsen Joshi Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 170

Pinnacle History

(d) Amir Khusro Sol.(d) Gopala was the founder of Pala 4. The Fourth Avatar: Narasimha (The
Dynasty which ruled in Bihar and Man-Lion)
Sol.(d) Amir Khusro created a new Bengal. 5. The Fifth Avatar: Vamana (The
system of musicology, called Dwarf)
'Indraprastha Mata' or 'Chaturdandi Q.187. Who among the following was 6. The Sixth Avatar: Parasurama (The
Sampradaya' . He also brought into associated with Vaisheshika School of Angry Man)
circulation the two specific musical Philosophy ? 7. The Seventh Avatar: Lord Rama (The
genres of 'tarana' and 'kaul', SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) Perfect Man)
(a) Kanada (b) Patanjali 8. The Eighth Avatar: Lord Krishna (The
Q.183. Kolathunadu, Valluvanad and (c) Gautama (d) Jaimini Divine Statesman)
Thekkumkoor were ancient small-time 9. The Ninth Avatar: Balarama
kingdoms in which state of India? Sol.(a) Vaisheshika was proposed by (Krishna's Elder Brother)
SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Morning) Maharishi Kanada. It postulates that all 10. The Tenth Avatar: Kalki (The
(a) Gujarat (b) Karnataka objects in the physical universe are Mighty Warrior)
(c) Kerala (d) Bihar reducible to a finite number of atoms. It
accepted only perception and Q.191. Who among the following was
Sol.(c) Kolathunadu, Valluvanad and interference. known as ‘Devanam Piya’?
Thekkumkoor were ancient small time SSC CGL 11/07/2019 (Afternoon)
kingdoms in the indian state Kerala. Q.188. The famous caves of Udayagiri (a) Kanishka (b) Amoghavarsha
and Khandagiri are located in : (c) Ashoka (d) Kharavela
Q.184. When did the Vikrama Era SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening)
begin? (a) Tripura (b) Uttarakhand Sol.(c) Ashoka in his Rock and Pillar
SSC CGL 6-3-2020 (Morning) (c) Odisha (d) Chhattisgarh Edicts used his name as Devnampriya or
(a) 47 BC (b) 55 BC Priyadarshi. He has mentioned his name
(c) 57 BC (d) 50BC Sol.(c) Udaygiri and Khandagiri caves as Ashoka only in one Edict named as
are located in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Maski Edict.
Sol.(c) The Vikram era, or Vikram These caves were built in the 1 BCE and
samvat is a Nepali calendar starting in are on two adjacent hills known as Q.192. Tolkappiyar is a famous ancient
57 BC. The Vikram Samvat calendar Udayagiri and Khandagiri hills. grammarian of the _________ language.
starts half a century before the Gregorian SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning)
calendar and works on an Indian Q.189. The ‘Kathasaritsagara’ is written (a) Tamil (b) Telugu
calendar cycle. The first day of the by: (c) Kannada (d) Oriya
Vikram Samvat calendar is celebrated SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning)
after Diwali in the states of Gujarat and (a) Somadeva (b) Jayadeva Sol.(a) Tolkappiyar (epithet), the author
Maharashtra. (c) Kalidasa (d) Bhasa of Tolkappiyam, which is the oldest
extant Tamil grammar, is believed by
Q.185. In which state The Jaugada Rock Sol.(a) Kathasaritsagara is written by various traditions to be one of the twelve
Edict of Asoka is located? Somadeva. It is a famous 11th-century disciples of Agattiyar.
SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Evening) collection of Indian legends, fairy tales
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Gujarat and folk tales as retold in SSol.krit by Q.193. As per ancient Indian philosophy,
(c) Odisha (d) Uttarakhand the Shaivite Somadeva. the Purusharthas or the four aims of life
does NOT include:
Sol.(c) Jaugada Rock edict is located in Q.190. In the context of Hindu SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening)
Dhauli hills, close to 10 kms from Mythology, which of the following (a) kama (b) moksha
Bhubaneswar, Odisha. It is located near options is not among the ten avatars of (c) artha (d) yasha
the historical site of the Kalinga war Lord Vishnu ?
which is said to trSol.form Samrat SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Afternoon) Sol.(d) The purusharthas refers to four
Ashok. The edicts are engraved on a (a)Garud (b)Matsya proper goals or aims of a human life.
large piece of rock, written in Pali (c)Kurm (d)Varah (i)Artha(Economic value)
literature. (ii)Kama(pleasure)
Sol.(a) 10 Avtars of Lord Vishnu- (iii)Dharma(moral values)
Q.186. Who was the founder of the Pala 1. The First Avatar: Matsya (The Fish) (iv)Moksha(spiritual values)
Dynasty? 2. The Second Avatar: Kurma (The
SSC CHSL 17-03-2020 (Afternoon) Tortoise) Q.194. Konark Temple in Odisha was
(a) Dharampala (b) Mahipala 3. The Third Avatar: Varaha (The Boar) built by which of the following kings?
(c) Ramapala (d) Gopala SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 171

Pinnacle History

(a) Bhanu Deva intricate details as well as mythological Sol.(a) The story of Maynamati and
(b) Anantavarman Chodaganga Deva narratives and folktales. Gopichandra is a part of Nath literature.
(c) Narasimha Deva I It includes stories concerning the
(d) Ananga Bhima Deva Q.198. The Sun Temple of Odisha was worship of Dharma Thakur, and fairy
built in the 12th Century AD by which tales, folk tales and ballads.
Sol.(c) Konark sun Temple (the Black of the following emperors?
Pagoda)of Puri in Odisha was built by SSC CGL 13/08/21 (Evening) Q.202. Who among the following
the king Narasimha Deva I of the eastern (a) Kharavela (b) Dharmapala established the Rashtrakuta Kingdom?
ganga dynasty about 1250 CE. (c) Narasimha Deva I (d) Vijaya Sena SSC CGL 18/08/21(Evening)
(a) Krishna I (b) Dantidurga
Q.195. In which of the following Sol.(c) The Sun Temple of Odisha was (c) Ashoka (d) Amoghavarsha
temples will you find Gopurams? built in the 12th Century AD by
SSC CGL 13/08/21(Afternoon) Narasimha Deva I. 'Langula' Narasingha Sol.(b) Dantivarman or Dantidurga (735
(a) Shiva Temple, Chidambaram Deva I was a powerful monarch and – 756) was the founder of the
(b) Bhabatarini Temple, Dakshineswar warrior of the Eastern Ganga Dynasty or Rashtrakutas dynasty. Rashtrakutas were
(c) Golden Temple, Amritsar suryavamsha of early medieval Odisha originally known to be the feudatories of
(d) Dilwara Temple, Mount Abu who reigned from 1238 to 1264. the Western Chalukyas of Vatapi. They
ruled from Manyakheta in Karnataka.
Sol..(a) A gopuram or gopura is a Q.199. Which of the following is a work
monumental tower, usually ornate, at the on statecraft written by Q.203. Which of the following books
entrance of any temple, especially in Krishnadevaraya? was written by Panini?
Southern India. They are a prominent SSC CGL 16/08/21(Morning) SSC CGL 20/08/21(Evening)
feature of koils, Hindu temples built in (a) Karpuramanjari (b) Amuktamalyada (a) Raghuvamsam (b) Ashtadhyayi
the Dravidian style. They are topped by (c) Tolkappiyam (d) Kadambari (c) Manusmriti (d) Kathasaritsagara
the kalasam, a bulbous stone finial.
Nataraja temple in Chidambaram, Tamil Sol.(b) Amuktamalyada is a work on Sol.(b) Ashtadhyayi was written by
Nadu is one of the famous examples of statecraft written by Krishnadevaraya. It Panini. Panini was a Sanskrit
Gopuram. Nataraja temple is also is a Telugu epic poem. Krishnadevraya grammarian who gave a comprehensive
referred to as the Chidambaram Nataraja was the Vijayanagara Emperor in the and scientific theory of phonetics,
temple or Thillai Nataraja temple. early 16th century. Karouramanjri is the phonology, and morphology. Sanskrit
work of Rajashekhara. Tolkappiyam is was the classical literary language of the
Q.196. The Mysore Palace was the the work of Tholkappiyar and Indian Hindus and Panini is considered
residence of the ______. Kadambari is the work of Banabhatta. to be the founder of the language and
SSC CGL 13/08/21(Afternoon) literature.
(a) Chandelas (b) Palas Q.200. Who among the following wrote
(c) Bundelas (d) Wodeyars the basic text of Vaisheshika Q.204. Gautamiputra Satakarni was a
philosophy? ______ ruler.
Sol.(d) The Mysore Palace was the SSC CGL 17/08/21(Morning) SSC CGL 23/08/21(Evening)
residence of the Wodeyar Dynasty, the (a) Kanada (b) Shankaracharya (a) Satavahana (b) Eastern Ganga
rulers of Mysore from 1399 to 1950. (c) Patanjali (d) Jaimini (c) Mauryan (d) Parthian
Mysore Palace, also called Amba Vilas
Palace, is one of the most magnificent Sol.(a) Kanada wrote the basic text of Sol.(a) Gautamiputra Satakarni was the
and largest palaces in India. Vaisheshika philosophy. It is an ancient greatest ruler of the Satavahana Dynasty
Sanskrit text at the foundation of the in the present-day Deccan region of
Q.197. Pattachitra art form is dedicated Vaisheshika school of Hindu philosophy. India. The information available about
to which Lord in Hindu mythology? The sutra was authored by the Hindu him comes from his coins, the
SSC CGL 13/08/21(Afternoon) sage Kanada, also known as Kashyapa. Satavahana inscriptions, and the royal
(a) Lord Jagannath genealogies in the various Puranas
(b) Lord Ganesha Q.201. The story of Maynamati and which suggests that he revived the
(c) Lord Brahma Gopichandra is a part of which of the Satavahana power after a decline caused
(d) Lord Shiva following literary works? by Saka invasions.
SSC CGL 17/08/21(Evening)
(a) Nath literature
Sol.(a) Pattachitra art form is dedicated (b) Chandimangal Kavya Q.205. Yashovigraha, Mahichandra and
to Lord Jagannath. Pattachitra means (c) Manasamangal Kavya Chandradeva were the first three rulers
'cloth-picture/painting' in Sanskrit. It is a (d) Sanskrit epics of ______ dynasty.
cloth-based scroll painting known for its SSC CGL 24/08/21(Afternoon) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 172

Pinnacle History

(a) Maratha (b) Chauhans (a) Assam (b) Odisha (c) Mirzapur (d) Sringaverapura
(c) Gahadavala (d) Wadiyar (c) Kerala (d) Bihar
Sol.(d) Sringaverapura had a water
Sol.(c) Yashovigraha, Mahichandra and Sol.(a) Assam was known as harvesting system channeling the flood
Chandradeva were the first three rulers Pragjyotisha or the place of eastern water of the Ganga river in the first
of Gahadavala dynasty. Yashovigraha astronomy during the epic period and century B.C.
was the founder of the Gahadavala later named Kamrupa.
dynasty. The majority of the Gahadavala Q.214. With reference to early Indian
epigraphic records were discovered in Q.210. In which of the following caves history, who among the following was
Uttar Pradesh. is the painting named ‘Padmapani famous in the field of medicine?
Bodhisattva’ found? SSC MTS 13/10/21(Morning)
Q.206. Who founded Vikramshila SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Afternoon) (a) Banabhatta (b) Visakhadatta
University and revived Nalanda (a) Ajanta Cave No. 4 (c) Harisena (d) Charaka
University? (b) Ajanta Cave No. 2
SC CGL 24/08/21(Afternoon) (c) Ajanta Cave No. 3 Sol.(d) With reference to early Indian
(a) Dharampala (b) Vasudeva (d) Ajanta Cave No. 1 history, Charaka was famous in the field
(c) Gopala (d) Shri Gupta of medicine. Charaka was the author of
Sol.(d) The iconic Ajanta paintings Charaka Smaitha.
Sol.(a) Dharmapala founded the Padmapani and Vajrapani glorify the
Vikramshila University and revived the walls of the Cave 1 of Ajanta. Cave 1 of Q.215. Gautamiputra Satakarni was the
Nalanda University. This university was Ajanta was built in the second phase of greatest ruler of the ______ Empire in
the popular learning center of Buddhism. excavation under the patronage of King the 2nd century CE.
Harisena of the Vakataka dynasty. SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Afternoon)
Q.207. Who among the following was (a) Chera (b) Rashtrakuta
NOT a ruler of the Kushana dynasty? Q.211. Bhaskaravarman of the Varman (c) Chola (d) Satavahana
SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Afternoon) dynasty ruled in the ______ region.
(a) Nahapana (b) Vasishka SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Afternoon) Sol.(d) Gautamiputra Satakarni was the
(c) Vasudeva (d) Huvishka (a) Kamarupa (b) Ujjain greatest ruler of the Satavahana Empire
(c) Magadha (d) Vaishali in the 2nd century CE. By his
Sol.(a) Nahapana was an important ruler achievements as a conqueror and as an
of the Western Kshatrapas, a descendant Sol.(a) Bhaskara Varman of the Varman able administrator he raised the prestige
of the Indo-Scythians, in northwestern dynasty ruled in the kamarupa region. of the Satavahana Dynasty to a new
India, who ruled during the 1st or 2nd His name has been immortalized in the height and came to be regarded as its
century CE. accounts of the Chinese Buddhist greatest monarch.
pilgrim, Xuanzang, who visited
Q.208. The Chalukya dynasty was a Kamarupa during his reign. Q.216. The Caves of Elephanta are
major kingdom in the ______ part of predominantly dedicated to which of the
India. Q.212. Ancient Indian manuscripts were following deities?
SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Evening) usually written on palm leaves or the SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Afternoon)
(a) eastern (b) northern bark of the ______ tree, which grows in (a) Lord Shiva (b) Lord Krishna
(c) southern (d) western the Himalayas. (c) Lord Rama (d) Lord Ganesha
SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Afternoon)
Sol.(c) The Chalukya dynasty was a (a) boxwood (b) maple Sol.(a) The Caves of Elephanta are
Classical Indian dynasty that ruled large (c) birch (d) cedar predominantly dedicated to Lord Shiva.
parts of southern and central India The caves of Ellora Elephanta were built
between the 6th and the 12th centuries. Sol.(c) Ancient Indian manuscripts were by the Rashtrakuta rulers. They are on
The rule of the Chalukyas marks an usually written on palm leaves or the
Elephanta Island, or Gharapuri, in
important milestone in the history of bark of the birch tree, which grows in
Mumbai Harbour. There are about 34
South India and a golden age in the the Himalayas.
caves. These are declared a World
history of Karnataka. Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1987.
Q.213. Which place had water
Q.209. Identify the Indian state which harvesting system channeling the flood
Q.217. Chola inscriptions describe
was known as 'Pragjyotisha' during the water of the Ganga river in the first
Tirunamattukkani as '______'.
epic period. century B.C?
SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Morning)
SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Morning) SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Evening)
(a) land gifted to Brahmanas
(a) Kanpur (b) Gorakhpur Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 173

Pinnacle History

(b) land of non-Brahmana peasant Sol.(a) In the First Battle of Tarain Sol.(d) In 1024, during the reign of
proprietors which happened in 1191 Prithiviraj Bhima I, the prominent Turkic ruler
(c) land donated to Jaina institutions Chauhan (III) defeated Mohammad Mahmud of Ghazni raided Gujarat,
(d) land gifted to temples Ghori. In the second Battle of Tarain in plundering the Somnath temple and
year 1192 Mohammad Ghori defeated breaking its jyotirlinga. He took away a
Sol.(d) There were five types of 'land Prithiviraj Chauhan (III). booty of 20 million dinars.
gifts' that Chola kings gave to their
people: Vellanvagai was land for Q.220. Prithviraj Chauhan defeated Q.224. The first Invasion of Muhammad
non-Brahmana, peasant proprietors. Muhammad Ghori in a battle in the year Ghori was in ___when he attacked
Brahmadeya was land gifted to ______ but lost to him the following Multan.
Brahmanas. Shalabhoga was Land for year. SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
the maintenance of a school. Devadana / SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Morning) (a) 1089 AD (b) 1475 AD
Tirunamattukkani was land gifted to (a) 1176 (b) 1191 (c) 1175 AD (d) 1287 AD
temples. Pallichchhandam was land (c) 1163 (d) 1182
Sol.(c) Muhammad Ghori was an
donated to Jaina institutions.
Sol.(b) In First Battle of Tarain (1191), ambitious leader. His invasions in India
Prithviraj Chauhan defeated Muhammad were Conquest of Multan and Sindh,
Ghori. In Second Battle of Tarain (1192), 1175-1178.The first invasion of
Prithviraj Chauhan was defeated by Muhammad Ghori was in 1175 AD
Muhammad Ghori. when he attacked Multan, defeated the
ruling Ismailian Heretics and was
Q.221. Prithviraj Chauhan defeated successful in capturing Multan.
Medieval History Muhammad Ghori in a battle in the year
______ but lost to him Q.225. The second battle of Tarain was
the following year. fought in the year __________.
Foreign Invasions SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Morning) SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Evening)
(a) 1176 (b) 1191 (a) 1345 AD (b) 1294 AD
(c) 1163 (d) 1182 (c) 1079 AD (d) 1192 AD
Q.218. _____________ attacked the
southern coast of Kathiawar along the Sol.(b) In First Battle of Tarain (1191), Sol.(d) The Second Battle of Tarain was
Arabian Sea, where he sacked the city of Prithviraj Chauhan defeated Muhammad again fought between the Ghurid army
Somnath and its renowned Hindu temple Ghori. In Second Battle of Tarain (1192), of Mohammed Ghori and the Rajput
in 1026. Prithviraj Chauhan was defeated by army of Prithviraj Chauhan. The battle
SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon) Muhammad Ghori. took place in 1192 A.D near Tarain. In
(a) Firoz Shah Tughlaq this battle, Prithviraj Chauhan was
(b) Mahmud of Ghazni Q.222. Which of the following Indian defeated by Mohammed Ghori.
(c) Ahmed Shah Tughlaq rulers was defeated by Mahmud Ghazni
(d) Muhammad Ghori in his first attack in the year 1000 AD ? Q.226. Queen Naikidevi is remembered
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) as the woman who defeated_____in
Sol.(b) Mahmud of Ghazni attacked the (a) Chandra Pala (b) Anand Pala 1178 CE.
southern coast of Kathiawar along the (c) Jaya Pala (d) Sukh Pala SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Morning)
Arabian Sea, where he sacked the city of (a) Muhammad bin Tughlaq
Somnath and its renowned Hindu temple Sol.(c) Mahmud of Ghazni first invaded (b) Muhammad al-Baqir
in 1026, where he destroyed and modern Afghanistan and Pakistan in (c) Al-Salih Muhammad
plundered the Somnath temple.Somnath 1000 AD. He defeated Hindu shahi (d) Muhammad Ghori
temple is located in Gujrat and believed kingdom ruler Jaya Pala, who killed
to be the first among the twelve himself later, and his son Ananda Pala Sol.(d) Queen Naikidevi is remembered
“Jyotirlingas” shrines of Shiva. became his successor. as the woman who defeated Muhammad
Ghori in 1178 CE.This victory is
Q.219. Mohammad Ghori was defeated Q.223. Who attacked Somnath Temple chronicled by local Hindu as well as
by a ______ ruler in 1191. of Gujarat ? Muslim chroniclers.Naikidevi was a
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning) Solanki queen. Naikidevi was daughter
(a) Chauhan (b) Chalukya (a) Jalal-ud-din Khalji of the Kadamba ruler
(c) Garhwal (d) Maurya (b) Ibrahim Lodi Mahamandalesvara Permadi of Goa and
(c) Ahmad Shah Durrani she took over the kingship after the
(d) Mahmud of Ghazni death of his husband. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 174

Pinnacle History

Q.227. _____was born to the Chauhan (c) Prithviraj Chauhan Q.234. Who among the following built
King Someshwara and his queen (d) Rana Kumbha the first European fort in India in the
Karpura Devi in 1166 CE. year 1503?
SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) Sol.(c) Muhammad Ghori attacked SSC MTS 11/10/21(Morning)
(a) Maharaja Man Singh Bhatinda in 1191, a strategic point for (a) Dutch (b) British
(b) Maharana Pratap Prithviraj Chauhan. (c) French (d) Portuguese
(c) Maharaja Suraj Mal
(d) Prithviraj Chauhan Q.231. Prithviraj Chauhan and Sol.(d) The first European fort in India
Muhammad Ghori fought the battle of was built by the Portuguese in the year
Sol.(d) Prithviraj Chauhan was born to ______. 1503. Fort Emmanuel was built in 1503
the Chauhan King Someshwara and his SSC CGL 23/08/21(Afternoon) by the Portuguese. Situated at Fort
queen Karpura Devi in 1166 CE. He (a) Tallikota (b) Chanderi Kochi, it was once a symbol of the
ruled Sapadalaksha, the traditional (c) Chausa (d) Tarain alliance between the ruler of Kochi and
Chahamana territory, in present-day the monarch of Portugal.
north-western India. He controlled much Sol.(d) Prithviraj Chauhan and
of present-day Rajasthan, Haryana, and Muhammad Ghori fought the battle of Delhi Sultanate
Delhi; and some parts of Madhya Tarain. Muhammad Gori was Turk ruler
Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. and Prithviraj Chauhan was the Rajput
Q.235. Who was the Mughal Emperor at
ruler of India. They fought two battles of
the time of Battle of Plassey?
Q.228. Which of the following Tarain, in 1191 AD, Prithviraj Chauhan
SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Evening)
Governor- Generals introduced a code defeated Ghori. In 1192 AD, Ghori
(a) Alamgir II
which provided for the separation of defeated and killed Prithviraj Chauhan.
(b) Siraj- Ud- Daulah
revenue administration from judicial
(c) Mir Qasim
administration ? Q.232. Who among the following had
(d) Shah Alam II
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning) invaded India in 712 AD?
(a) Lord Wellesley SSC CGL 24/08/21(Morning)
Sol.(a) Aziz-ud-din Alamgir II was the
(b) Lord Cornwallis (a) Muhammad Bin-Quasim
Mughal Emperor at the time of Battle of
(c) William Bentink (b) Qutub-ud-Din Aibak
(d) Warren Hastings (c) Mahmud of Ghazni
(d) Muhammad Ghori
Q.236. Who introduced ‘Charbagh’ style
Sol.(b) Lord Cornwallis introduced a
of architecture in India?
code which provided for the separation Sol.(a) Muhammad Bin-Qasim had
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon)
of revenue administration from judicial invaded India in 712 AD. He was an
(a) Mughals (b) Rajputs
administration. This code contained Arab military commander in the service
(c) Mauryas (d) Marathas
significant provisions governing policing of the Umayyad Caliphate who led the
and judicial and civil administration. Muslim conquest of Sindh from the last
Sol.(a) Charbagh: Char represents four
Hindu king, Raja Dahir in the battle of
whereas bagh represents garden. This
Q.229. Which of the following Indian Aror. He was the first Muslim to have
concept was introduced to India by the
rulers was defeated by Mahmud Ghazni successfully captured Hindu territories
Mughal king “Babur" who is the founder
in his first attack in the year 1001 AD ? and initiated early Islamic India in 712
of mughal dynasty in India.
SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (afternoon) CE.
(a) Anandpal (b) Chandrapal
Q.237. Who among the following was
(c) Jaipal (d) Sukhpal Q.233. In 711 CE, Arab general ______
popularly known as the parrot of India?
conquered Sindh, which became a part
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning)
Sol.(c) In 1001AD when Mohmud of of the Caliph’s domain.
(a) Tansen (b) Ibn Battuta
Ghazni invaded India for the purpose of SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Evening)
(c) Amir Khosrow (d) Ziauddin Barani
loot. He was attacked by the Hindu (a) Qutub-ud-din Aibak
Shahi army of Jaypala, near Peshawar. (b) Muhammad-Bin-Tughlaq
Sol.(c) Amir Khusro, the Parrot of India.
Jayapala got defeated in the battle. (c) Muhammad Bin Qasim
Amir Khusro is often considered the first
(d) Muhammad Ghori
Urdu poet. He lived from 1263 to 1325
Q.230. Muhammad Ghori attacked
CE and was a Sufi poet, musician, and
Tabarhinda (Bhatinda) in 1191, a Sol.(c) In 711 AD, Sindh was conquered
scholar and worked in the royal courts of
strategic point for______. by Mohammad bin Qasim. He defeated
various kings and sultans. He was also
SSC CGL 23/08/21(Morning) Dahir, the king of Sind in his third
called 'Tut-e-Hind'.
(a) Maharana Pratap Singh attempt and conquered Sindh.
(b) Hem Chandra Vikramaditya Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 175

Pinnacle History

Q.238. The period between _______ in just west of Agra, founded by a Q.244. A pillar containing inscriptions
India’s history is known as the Delhi 16th-century Mughal emperor. Red from three different periods,i.e. The
Sultanate period. sandstone buildings cluster at its center. Mauryan Period, Gupta period and
SSC-CGL 04/06/19 (Evening) Buland Darwaza gate is the entrance to Mughal period , is located at:
(a) 1206 A.D. and 1526 A.D. Jama Masjid mosque. SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning)
(b) 1456 A.D. and 1675 A.D. (a) Lauriya Nandangarh
(c) 745 A.D. and 1245 A.D. Q.241. The Drishyakala-Exhibition held (b) Topra
(d) 1105 A.D. and 1445 A.D. at the Red Fort showcased art works (c) Allahabad (Prayagraj)
from ___________ till India’ s (d) Rummindei
Sol.(a) The period between 1206 A.D. independence.
and 1526 A.D. in India's history is SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Evening) Sol.(c) A pillar containing inscriptions
known as the Delhi Sultanate period. (a) 11th century (b) 12th century from three different periods, is located at
During this period of over three hundred (c) 16th century (d) 10th century Allahabad pillar. It contains information
years, five dynasties ruled in Delhi : that praises the Samudragupta from
1.Mamluk (Slave) dynasty Sol.(c) The Drishyakala- Exhibition on Gupta dynasty, Ashoka from the
2.Khaljis dynasty Indian Art showcases artwork from 16th Mauryan Dynasty and mughal emperor
3.Tughlaq dynasty century till India's independence. It has jahangir.
4.Sayyid dynasty paintings by Amrita Shergil and Raja
5.Lodi dynasty Ravi Varma on display. Titled Q.245. In the context of state and
Drishyakala, the exhibition, mounted on administration in the Delhi Sultanate, the
Q.239. In the context of the Mughals, the walls of a newly-restored former term ‘muqti’ means:
which of the following statements is British barracks inside the Red Fort, tells SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning)
NOT correct ? the tale of a rich and diverse land and its (a) a head of Gram Panchayat
SSC CGL 10/07/2019 (Afternoon) people passing through colonial rule. (b) the holder of a land assignment
(a) The Mughal court chronicles called ‘iqta’
describe them as the descendents of a Q.242. The Mahabharata translated from (c) the head of a village community
legendary Iranian king Afrasiyab. Sanskrit to Persian in the Mughal period (d) a district level judicial official
(b) Babur was pushed out of his is known as ______.
homeland Farghana by Uzbeks. SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening) Sol.(b) Administration and
(c) Babur was related to Ghenghis Khan (a)Tutinama (b) Shahnama Consolidation under the Khaljis and the
from his mother's side. (c) Razmnama (d) Badshahnama Tughlaqs.. ... The Khaljis and the
(d) They were the descendants of Taimur Tughlaqs appointed local commanders
on the paternal side. Sol.(c) In the 1580s, Emperor Akbar called 'iqtadar' or' muqti', and the lands
ordered the translation of the Sanskrit given to them to manage were called
Sol.(a) Mughal court chronicles were Mahabharata into Persian. The newly 'iqtas'. The 'iqtadars' led military
written in Persian. Under the Sultans of minted Mughal epic, called the campaigns, maintained law and order,
Delhi it flourished as a language of the Razmnama (Book of War), would prove collected taxes, and paid their soldiers.
court and of literary writings, alongside a seminal work in imperial circles for
north Indian languages, especially decades. Q.246. In the context of the Mughals,
Hindavi and its regional variants. As the which of the following statements is
Mughals were Chaghtai Turks by origin, Q.243. Which of the following is an NOT correct?
Turkish was their mother tongue. Their INCORRECT sequence of CHSL 10 JULY 2019 (AFTERNOON)
first ruler Babur wrote poetry and his Mughal-rulers? (a) The Mughal court chronicles
memoirs in this language. SSC CGL 4-3-2020 (Evening) describe them as the descendents of a
(a) Jahangir, Shah Jahan, Aurangzeb legendary Iranian king Afrasiyab.
Q.240. The city of victory, Fatehpur (b) Akbar, Shah Jahan, Jahangir (b) Babur was pushed out of his
Sikri in_____was built during the (c) Babur, Humayun, Akbar homeland Farghana by Uzbeks.
glorious reign of the Mughals. (d) Akbar, Jahangir, Shah Jahan (c) Babur was related to Ghenghis Khan
SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening) from his mother’s side.
(a) Jaipur (b) Bidar Sol.(b) Correct order of Mughals Rulers (d) They were the descendants of Taimur
(c) Aligarh (d) Agra are as follows - on the paternal side.
Babar, Humayun, Akbar, Jahangir, Shah
Sol.(d) The city of victory, Fatehpur Jahan, Aurangeb Sol.(a) The Mughal court chronicles
Sikri in Agra was built during the So option B is wrong describe them as the descendents of a
glorious reign of the Mughals. Fatehpur legendary Iranian king Afrasiyab
Sikri is a small city in northern India, Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 176

Pinnacle History

Option (b), (c), and (d) are correct about as the Prime Minister of the Empire (a) Ajmer (b) Ajodhan
Mughals. Option (a) is not correct. between 1246 AD and 1266 AD and (c) Delhi (d) Agra
Mughal rulers referred to themselves as married the Sultan's daughter.
Timurids, as descendants of the Turkish Sol.(c) Dargah of Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar
ruler Timur on the paternal side. Q.250. Who was the ruler of Delhi Kaki in Mehrauli, Delhi. Qutb ul Aqtab
sultanate when Ibn Batuta came to Khwaja Sayyid Muhammad Bakhtiyar
Q.247. Who was the first and last India? AlHussaini Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki
woman ruler of Delhi Sultanate? SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Afternoon) (born 1173-died 1235) was a Muslim
SSC CGL 20/08/21(Morning) (a) Alauddin Khilji Sufi mystic, saint and scholar of the
(a) Rani Durgavati (b) Firuz Shah Tughlaq Chishti Order from Delhi, India.
(b) Nur Jahan (c) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
(c) Sultana Chand Bibi (d) Ibrahim Lodi Q.254. The ____dynasty which ruled
(d) Razia Sultana North India from 1206 to 1290 was
Sol.(c) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq was the established by Qutubuddin Aibak.
Sol.(d) Razia Sultana was the first and ruler of the Delhi sultanate when Ibn SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning)
last woman ruler of the Delhi Sultanate Batuta came to India. Muhammad bin (a) Lodi (b) Tughlaq
from 1236-1240. She was the first Tughluq was the Sultan of Delhi from (c) Khilji (d) Slave
Muslim woman associated with the 1325 to 1351 from the Tughluq Dynasty.
Delhi Sultanate throne. She succeeded Sol.(d) The Slave dynasty which ruled
her father Shams-ud-din Iltutmish and Q.251. During the reign of which of the North India from 1206 to 1290 was
became the Sultanate of Delhi in 1236 following Sultans of Delhi was actual established by Qutubuddin Aibak. The
but was later killed in Kaithal, Haryana. power enjoyed by Balban? slave dynasty was the first Muslim
SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Morning) dynasty to rule India. It is said that
Q.248. Who among the following is the (a) Aram Shah Muhammad Ghori did not have a natural
author of the book 'Tabaqat-i-Nasiri'? (b) Ruknuddin Feroze heir to the throne and he the habit of
SSC CGL 23/08/21(Afternoon) (c) Alauddin Masud treating his slaves like his own children.
(a) Minhaj-us-Siraj (b) Al-Biruni (d) Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah गोरी के पास िसंहासन का ाकृितक
(c) Ziauddin Barani (d) Amir Khusrau उ रािधकारी नहीं था और उ अपने दासों
Sol.(d) Balban enjoyed actual power को अपने ब ों के प म मानने की आदत
Sol.(a) Minhaj-us-Siraj is the author of during the reign of Nasiruddin Mahmud थी।
the book 'Tabaqat-i-Nasiri'. Al-Bruni Shah Sultans of Delhi. Nasir-ud-din
was an Iranian scholar and traveled to Mahmud died in 1266 and Balban Q.255. Which was the first Muslim
India in 1017 AD and wrote a treatise on ascended the throne by assuming the title dynasty that ruled India?
Indian Culture Tarikh-al-Hind. Ziauddin of SSC-CGL 06/06/19(Morning)
Barani was a Muslim political thinker of (a) Slave dynasty (b) Tughlaq dynasty
the Delhi Sultanate and wrote a book, (c) Lodhi dynasty (d) Khilji dynasty
Slave Dynasty (1206 - 1290 )
Tarikh-i-Firoz Shahi ( a work on
medieval India ). Amir Khusrau was an Sol.(a) Slave Dynasty was the first
Q.252. Which of the following Dynasty
Indo-Persian Sufi singer, scholar and Muslim dynasty that ruled India.
was founded by Qutb-ud-din-Aibak ?
poet often referred to as “voice of India” Qutub-ud-din Aibak, a slave of
SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning)
or “ father of Urdu literature” Muhammad Ghori, who became the
(a) Chera Dynasty (b) Nanda Dynasty
ruler after the death of his master,
(c) Shunga Dynasty (d) Slave Dynasty
Q.249. Who among the following founded the Slave Dynasty.
sultans of the Delhi Sultanate appointed
Sol.(d) Slave dynasty, (1206–90), line
Ghiyasuddin Balban as his/her Prime Q.256. ___________ was the first and
of sultans at Delhi, India, that lasted for
Minister? only Muslim woman to ever sit on the
nearly a century. Their family name was
SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Morning) throne of Delhi.
Muizzi. The Slave dynasty was founded
(a) Raziyya SSC-CGL 06/06/19(Evening)
by Quṭb al-Din Aibak, a favourite slave
(b) Nasiruddin Mahmud (a) Fatima Ali Fihri (b) Gevher Sultan
of the Muslim general and later sultan
(c) Muizuddin Bahram (c) Shajarat Al Durr (d) Razia Begum
Muhammad of Ghur.
(d) Shamsuddin Iltutmish
Sol.(d) Razia Begum was the first and
Q.253. The Dargah of Sheikh Khwaja
Sol.(b) When Sultan Nasir-ud-din only Muslim woman to ever sit on the
Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki is located
Mahmud ascended the throne of the throne of Delhi.She is notable for being
Delhi Sultanate, Balban was appointed the first female Muslim ruler of the
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 177

Pinnacle History

Subcontinent, and the only female 1369 during a flash of lightning, the top
Muslim ruler of Delhi. Sol.(d) Iltutmish organized his trusted storey of the minar was destroyed so, the
nobles into a group of forty known as contemporary ruler Firoz shah Tuglaq
Q.257. Who among the following Turkan-i-Chahalgani. built the damaged storey and added one
constructed the Charminar ? Turkan-i-Chahalgani, also known as more to it. At present Qutub minar has 5
SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning) ‘Dal Chalisa’. These nobles storeys.
(a) Quli Qutub Shah administered the Delhi Sultanate.
(b) Iltutmish Iltutmish (1210-1236 AD) was the third Khilji Dynasty (1290-1320)
(c) Qutubuddin Aibak ruler of the Mamluk dynasty of Delhi of
(d) Alauddin Khilji Turkic origin. Ghiyas ud din Balban Q.264. Who was the last ruler of
(1266–1286) broke the Vaghela Dynasty of Gujarat after whose
Sol.(a) The fifth ruler of the Qutb Shahi Turkan-i-Chahalgani. defeat the kingdom was passed to
dynasty, Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah, Alauddin Khilji?
built the Charminar in 1591 after shifting Q.261. Who among the following SSC-CGL 12/06/19 (Morning)
his capital from Golkonda to the newly chroniclers wrote about Raziyya and (a) Arjuna Deva (b) Saranga Deva
formed city of Hyderabad. recognized that she was more able and (c) Karandev (d) Rama
qualified than all her brothers?
Q.258. Hauz-e-Sultani is a ______. SSC CGL 23/08/21(Afternoon) Sol.(c) Around 1296 CE, Sarangadeva
SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning) (a) Amir Khusrau (b) Zia-ud-din Barani was succeeded by Rama's son Karna. In
(a) Tower (b) Big Reservoir (c) Minhaj-i-Siraj (d) Ibn Battuta 1299, the Delhi Sultan Alauddin Khalji
(c) Palace (d) Mosque sent an army to ransack Gujarat.
Sol.(c) Minhaj-i-Siraj wrote about
Sol.(b) Hauz-i-Sultani is a water storage Raziyya and recognized that she was Q.265. The Chola Empire was invaded
reservoir or tank built by Iltutmish of the more able and qualified than all her by ______ in the early 14th century A.D.
Slave Dynasty in 1230 CE, at a location brothers. Minhaj-i-Siraj, a Persian SSC CGL 08/07/2019 (Afternoon)
revealed to him in a dream by the historian, wrote about the Islamic world (a) Malik Kafur (b) Taimur
Islamic prophet Muhammad. in his book Tabaqat-i Nasiri. (c) Muhammad Ghori (d) Genghis Khan

Q.259. Who among the following Delhi Q.262. Who was the founder of the Sol.(a) The Chola Empire was invaded
Sultans traced his descent to the ancient Mamluk dynasty in India? by Malik Kafur in the early 14th century
hero Afrasiyab in order to fabricate a SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Evening) A.D. He was a prominent eunuch
noble birth for himself ? (a) Qutb al-Din Aibak slave-general of the Delhi Sultanate
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening) (b) Bakhtiyar Khilji ruler, Alauddin Khalji. He was captured
(a) Qutb-ud-din Aibak (c) Razia Sultan by Alauddin's general Nusrat Khan
(b) Iltutmish (d) Iltutmish during the 1299 invasion of Gujarat, and
(c) Balban rose to prominence in the 1300s.
(d) Alauddin Khilji Sol.(a) Qutb al-Din Aibak was the
founder of the Mamluk dynasty in India. Q.266. The Khalji of Khilji dynasty,
Sol.(c) Balban traced his descent to the The Mamluk Dynasty is also called the founded by Jalal-ud-din Firuz Khalji
ancient hero Afrasiyab in order to Slave Dynasty. Mamluk refers to a ruled large parts of the Indian
fabricate a noble birth for himself. He powerful military caste called Mamluks subcontinent between_____.
gave up drinking wine and which originated in the 9th century CE SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening)
pleasure-parties, kept himself aloof, in the Islamic Empire of the Abbasid (a) 1320 and 1377
maintained dignified reserve and stopped caliphs. (b) 1190 and 1220
meeting not only the people but also the (c) 1290 and 1320
nobles.He never showed his happiness Q.263. Who among the following started (d) 1220 and 1290
and sorrow in public. the construction of the Qutub Minar?
SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Afternoon) Sol.(c) The Khalji or Khilji dynasty was
Q.260. ______ organised his trusted (a) Akbar (b) Jahangir a Muslim dynasty which ruled large
nobles into a group of forty known as (c) Iltutmish (d) Qutb al-Din Aibak parts of the Indian subcontinent between
Turkan-i-Chahalgani. 1290 and 1320. It was founded by Jalal
SSC CGL 16/08/21(Afternoon) Sol.(d) Construction of the Qutub Minar ud din Firuz Khalji and became the
(a) Ala-ud-Din Khilji was started by Qutb-al Din Aibak but second dynasty to rule the Delhi
(b) Balban after the completion of the basement of Sultanate of India.The dynasty is known
(c) Qutub-Ud-Din Aibak the minar he died and later on it was for their faithlessness and ferocity,
(d) Iltutmish completed by his successor Iltutmish. In Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 178

Pinnacle History

conquests into the Hindu south, and for (c) Muhammad Ghori Q.274. The Qutub Minar was named
successfully fending off the repeated (d) Genghis Khan after the Sufi sant _______
Mongol invasions of India. SSC-CGL 07/06/19(Evening)
Sol.(a) The Chola Empire was invaded (a) Syed Waheed Ashraf
Q.267. _____was the first Muslim ruler by Malik Kafur in the early 14th century (b) Alauddin Sabir Kaliyari
whose empire covered almost the whole A.D.Malik Kafur, a eunuch slave and (c) Khwaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki
of India up to its extreme south. military commander of Alauddin Khalji, (d) Qutb-ud-Din Aibak
SSC-CGL 06/06/19(Morning) invaded it in 1311.
(a) Alauddin Khilji Sol.(c) The Qutub Minar was named
(b) Jalal-ud-din Khilji Q.271. The Khilji Dynasty ruled over after the Sufi saint Khwaja Qutbuddin
(c) Ghiyas ud din Balban Delhi from ______. Bakhtiyar kaki.Qutub Minar in Delhi is
(d) Feroz Shah Tughlaq SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Morning) the tall minaret was constructed in 1192
(a) 1290 to 1320 (b) 1206 to 1290 by Qutab-ud-din Aibak, and later
Sol.(a) Alauddin Khilji was the first (c) 1320 to 1414 (d) 1414 to 1451 completed by his successor Iltutmish.
Muslim ruler whose empire covered
almost the whole of India up to its Sol.(a) The Khilji Dynasty ruled over Q.275. _____, a Moroccon traveller who
extreme south. He fought many battles, Delhi from 1290 to 1320. The Khalji is known for his extensive travels, came
conquered Gujarat, Ranthambore, Dynasty was founded by Jalal ud din to India during the regime of
Chittor, Malwa, and Deccan. Firuz Khalji. Khusro Khan ended the Muhammad bin Tughlaq ?
Khalji dynasty in 1320. The Mamluk SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening)
Q.268. Alai-Darwaza, the southern Dynasty (1206–1290) the Khilji Dynasty (a) Nikolai (b) Ralph Fisch
gateway of the Quwwat-ul-Islam (1290–1320) the Tughlaq Dynasty (c) Ibn Battuta (d) Tsang Hee
mosque in Delhi, was (1320–1414) the Sayyid Dynasty
constructed by ______. (1414–1451). Sol.(c) Ibn Battuta, a Moroccon traveller
SSC CGL 5-3-2020 (Afternoon) who is known for his extensive travels,
(a) Ahmad Shah Durrani came to India during the regime of
Tuglaq dynasty (1320-1413)
(b) Mu'izz ad-Din Muhammad Ghori Muhammad bin Tughlaq Ibn Battuta was
(c) Ala-ud-din Khilji a Muslim Moroccan scholar, and
Q.272. The invasion of Delhi by Taimur
(d) Muhammad bin Tughluq explorer who widely travelled the
in __________ A.D marked the end of
medieval world. Ibn Battuta is
the Tughlaq empire.
Sol.(c) The Alai Darwaza is the main considered one of the greatest travelers
SSC-CGL 06/06/19(Morning)
gate from the southern side of the of all time. He came to India during the
(a) 1645 (b) 1398
Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque in the Qutub regime of Muhammad binTughlaQ.
(c) 1425 (d) 1215
Minar complex . Built by Allaudin Khilji
the Sultan of Delhi in 1311 AD. Q.276. In the reign of Iltutmish, the
Sol.(b) The invasion of Delhi by Timur
specific slaves were bought for military
in 1398 A.D marked the end of the
Q.269. ‘Siri’, the second city of Delhi, services, who were called as _____.
Tughlaq empire.He crossed Indus and
was built by ______. SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning)
captured Multan, and just walked over to
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) (a) feudal (b) Bandagan
Delhi without much resistance.
(a) Sher Shah Suri (c) Iqtadar (d) Muktis
(b) Firuz Shah Tughlaq
Q.273. Who among the following was
(c) Prithviraj Chauhan Sol.(b) In the reign of Iltutmish, the
one of the Governors during the reign of
(d) Alauddin Khilji specific slaves were bought for military
Alauddin Khilji ?
services, who were called as
SSC-CGL 06/06/19(Afternoon)
Sol.(d) Alauddin Khilji built the city Bandagan.
(a) Jalal-ud-din Khilji
Siri between 1297 and 1307 to defend
(b) Shams-ud-din Iltutmish
themselves against Mongol Invasion. Q.277. During whose reign did the
(c) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
This fort served as the seat of his power Moroccan traveller Ibn Battuta visit
(d) Nasiruddin Mahmud
during his attempt to enlarge his India in the 14th century?
territory. SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening)
Sol.(c) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq was one of
Q.270. The Chola Empire was invaded (a) Feroz Shah Tughlaq
the Governors during the reign of
by _______ in the early 14th century (b) Jalaluddin Khalji
Alauddin Khilji. He ruled Delhi
A.D. (c) Alauddin Khilji
between 1320- 24.
SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon) (d) Mohammad Bin Tughlaq
(a) Malik Kafur
(b) Taimur Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 179

Pinnacle History

Sol.(d) lbn Batuta was a famous (a) Marco Polo (b) Nicolo Conti
Moroccan traveller he visited India (c) Ibn Battuta (d) Al Masudi Q.285. The _____ sultanate is ruled by
during the reign of Sultan Muhammad the Sharqi dynasty.
Bin TughlaQ Sol.(c) Ibn Battuta was appointed in the SSC CGL 18/08/21(Afternoon)
state service by Muhammad bin (a) Agra (b) Delhi
Q.278. Which Sultan established a TughlaQ. Marco Polo was a Venetian (c) Jaunpur (d) Bharatpur
separate department (Diwan-i-Amir merchant, explorer, and writer. Nicolo
Kohi) to take care of agriculture? Conti, an Italian traveller, visited India at Sol.(c) The Jaunpur sultanate was ruled
SSC CGL 24/08/21(Morning) the Vijayanagara Empire. Al-Masudi by the sharqi dynasty. It was founded by
(a) Khizr Khan was an Arab historian, geographer and Khwajah-i-Jahan Malik Sarwar in 1394.
(b) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq traveler. He is sometimes referred to as In 1479, Sultan Hussain Khan was
(c) Tughril Beg the "Herodotus of the Arabs". defeated by the forces of Afghan
(d) Jalal-ud-din Khalji chieftain Bahlul Lodhi and this dynasty
came to an end.
Sayyid Dynasty (1414-1451)
Sol.(b) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
established a separate department Q.286. Who among the following was
Q.282. Who founded the Sayyid dynasty
(Diwan-i-Amir Kohi) to take care of the last ruler of the Lodi dynasty of
agriculture. This department was headed Delhi?
SSC-CGL 06/06/19(Afternoon)
by officer Amir-e-Kohi with the aim to SSC MTS 13/10/21(Morning)
(a)Nizam Shah
improve the condition of cultivation in (a) Ibrahim Lodi (b) Sikander Lodi
doab. They also provided support and (c) Barbak Shah (d) Bahlul Lodi
(c) Khizr Khan
loans to farmers.
(d) Bahlul Khan
Sol.(a) Ibrahim Lodi was the third and
Q.279. Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq was the last ruler of the Lodi Dynasty. The Lodi
Sol.(c) Khizr Khan, who founded the
governor of ______ during the reign of dynasty ruled the Delhi Sultanate from
Sayyid Dynasty and took over as the
Ala-ud-din Khilji. 1451 to 1526. He was defeated and
first ruler in 1414, originally did not take
SSC CGL 24/08/21(Afternoon) killed by Babur in the First battle of
the title of sultan and continued to be
(a) Rajasthan (b) Punjab Panipat in 1526.
Rayat-i-Ala or Vassal of Timurdis.
(c) Kashmir (d) Bengal
Babur (1526-1530)
Sol.(b) Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq was the
Q.283. Who among the following was
governor of Punjab during the reign of Q.287. _________ was the first Mughal
the first Sayyid ruler of Delhi?
Ala-ud-din Khilji. Ghiasuddin Tughlaq emperor in India.
SSC-CHSL 2/07/19 (Morning)
or Ghazi Malik was the founder of the SSC-CGL 07/06/19(Morning)
(a) Mubarak Shah (b) Alam Shah
Tughlaq dynasty in India (1320 to 1325). (a) Shah Jahan (b) Humayun
(c) Muhammad Shah (d) Khizr Khan
He also founded the city of (c) Babur (d) Akbar
Sol.(d) Khizr Khan was the first Sayyid
ruler of Delhi. He and his three Sol.(c) Babur was the first Mughal
Q.280. Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq emperor in India. He confronted and
successors occupied themselves in raids
transferred his capital from Delhi to defeated Lodhi in 1526 at the first battle
to collect revenue, barely maintaining
______. of Panipat, and so came to establish the
themselves against the Sharqī sultans to
SSC MTS 13/10/21(Morning) Mughal Empire in India. Babar ruled
the east and the Khokars to the
(a) Chunar (b) Jaunpur until 1530, and was succeeded by his son
(c) Murshidabad (d) Daulatabad Humayun.
Lodi Dynasty (1451-1526)
Sol.(d) In 1327, Q.288. Who was the first Mughal
Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq transferred his emperor in India ?
Q.284. When did Ibrahim Lodhi become
capital from Delhi to Daulatabad (also SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon)
the Sultan of Delhi?
known as Devagiri), which is in (a) Babur (b) Shahjahan
SSC CHSL 17-03-2020 (Evening)
present-day Maharashtra. (a) 1526 (b) 1527 (c) Humayun (d) Akbar
Q.281. Who among the following (c) 1516 (d) 1517
foreign travellers was appointed in the Sol.(a) Babur, born as Zahir ud-Din
state service by Muhammad bin Sol.(d) Ibrahim Lodi became the Sultan Muhammad, was the founder and first
Tughlaq? of Delhi in 1517 after the death of his Emperor of the Mughal dynasty in the
SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Morning) father Sikandar Lodi. Indian subcontinent. Babur was born in Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 180

Pinnacle History

Andijan, Fergana Valley, in modern Q.293. Who defeated Ibrahim Lodi in Q.297. In 1526, ______ defeated
Uzbekistan. He was the great grandson the first Battle of Panipat? Ibrahim Lodi at Panipat and captured
of Timurlane and Genghis Khan. SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Afternoon) Delhi and Agra.
(a) Sher Shah (b) Mohammad Ghori SSC MTS 11/10/21(Afternoon)
Q.289. Who among the following did (c) Babur (d) Akbar (a) Genghis Khan (b) Miran Shah
Babur defeat in the year 1528 at (c) Babur (d) Timur
Chanderi? Sol.(c) The First Battle of Panipat was
SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) fought in 1526 between Babur and Sol.(c) In 1526, Babur defeated Ibrahim
(a) Muhammad Lodhi (b) Ibrahim Lodi Ibrahim Lodi in which Ibrahim Lodi was Lodi at Panipat and captured Delhi and
(c) Bappa Rawal (d) Medini Rai defeated. Agra.

Sol.(d) In 1528 AD, the Battle of Q.294. In which of the following years Q.298. When was the first battle of
Chanderi was fought between Medini was the Mughal empire established by Panipat fought?
Rai (one of Rana Sanga’s most Babur? SSC MTS 12/10/21(Afternoon)
distinguished Lieutenants) and Babur. SSC CGL 13/08/21(Afternoon) (a) 1479 (b) 1326
(a) 1699 (b) 1578 (c) 1526 (d) 1632
Q.290. In which year did Babur defeat (c) 1526 (d) 1634
the Sultan of Delhi, Ibrahim Lodi, at Sol.(c) The First Battle of Panipat was
Panipat and capture Sol.(c) In 1526, Babur established the fought between the invading forces of
Delhi and Agra ? Mughal empire. Ibrahim Lodi invited Babur and the Lodi Empire, which took
SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Evening) Babur to invade India. Babur fought the place on 21 April 1526. Second Battle of
(a) 1526 (b) 1543 first battle of Panipat in 1526 and killed Panipat (1556), fought between the
(c) 1530 (d) 1494 Ibrahim Lodi. His victory led to the Hindu king Hemu and the Mughals
establishment of the Mughal Empire in
under Akbar. The third battle of Panipat
Sol.(a) The First Battle of Panipat was India.
(14 January 1761) was fought between
fought in 1526 between the armies of
the Marathas and Ahmad Shah Abdali,
Babur and Ibrahim Lodi. Q.295. The Battle of Khanwa was
the ruler of Afghanistan.
fought between Babur and ______.
Q.291. Who had defeated Rana Sanga in SSC CGL 23/08/21(Evening)
Q.299. Who was the first Mughal
the battle of Khanwa in 1527 ? (a) Rana Sanga (b) Hemu
SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning) (c) Todar Mal (d) Sher Shah Suri
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Morning)
(a) Babur (b) Jahangir
(a) Sher Shah Suri (b) Humayun
(c) Humayun (d) Akbar Sol.(b) The Battle of Khanwa was
(c) Jahangir (d) Babur
fought between Babur and Rana Sanga
Sol.(a) The Battle of Khanwa was fought in 1527 in the Bharatpur district of
Sol.(d) Babur (Zahir ud-Din
near the village of Khanwa, in Bharatpur Rajasthan. Rana Sanga was defeated by
district of Rajasthan on March 16, 1527. Babur in this battle. Muhammad) was the first Mughal
It was fought between the invading emperor. Babur (1526-1530) and five of
forces of the first Mughal emperor Babur Q.296. ‘Memoirs of Babur’ or his lineal descendants: Humayun, Akbar,
and the Rajput force led by Rana Sanga ‘Baburnama’, also known as ‘Tuzk-e Jahangir, Shah Jahan, and Aurangzeb.
of Mewar, after the Battle of Panipat. Babri’, was written by: First Battle of Panipat(1526) - Babur Vs
SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Afternoon) Ibrahim Lodi - Babur Won. Battle of
Q.292. In which year did the battle of (a) Faizi Khanwa(1527) - Babur Vs Rana Sunga -
Khanua(Khanwa) take place between (b) Abdul Rahim Khan-i-Khanan Babur Won. Autobiography of Babur -
Babur and the Rajput forces led by Rana (c) Babur Tuzak-i Babari. Babur’s Tomb -
Sanga? (d) Talib Amah Afghanistan. Monuments built by Babur
SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Afternoon) - Babri Masjid, Panipat Mosque or
(a) 1529 (b) 1522 Sol.(c) ‘Memoirs of Babur’ or Kabuli Bagh Mosque, etc.
(c) 1527 (d) 1526 ‘Baburnama’, also known as ‘Tuzk-e
Babri’, was written by Babur. The Q.300. The Mughals were descendants
Sol.(c) The Battle of Khanwa was fought founder of the Mughal Empire in India, of:
on March 16, 1527. It was fought Babur, recorded his impressions about SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Afternoon)
between the Mughal Emperor Babur and India in his autobiography, (a) Ghiyasuddin Balban
the Rajput forces led by Rana Sanga of Tuzk-e-Babri. (b) Genghis Khan
Mewar. (c) Mir Jumla Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 181

Pinnacle History

(d) Muhammad Tughluq Empire. The battle took place on 17 May (a) Rohtasgarh (b) Sasaram
1540. It was the 2nd battle between both (c) Chausa (d) Delhi
Sol.(b) The Mughals were descendants of them as they have been involved in
of Genghis Khan. He was the ruler of Battle of Chausa one year before the Sol.(b) The tomb of Sher Shah Suri is
the Mongol tribes, China and Central battle of Kannauj. located in the Sasaram town of Bihar.
Asia. The foundation of the Mughal
empire was laid in 1526 by Ẓahīr al-Dīn Q.304. The Battle of Chausa was fought Q.308. ‘Memoirs of Babur’ or
Muḥammad Bābur, a Chagatai Turk. between Humayun and Sher Shah Suri ‘Baburnama’, also known as ‘Tuzk-e
Babur and five of his lineal descendants: on 26 June in the year_____. Babri’, was written by:
Humayun, Akbar, Jahangir, Shah Jahan, SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Morning) SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Afternoon)
and Aurangzeb. (a) 1729 (b) 1539 (a) Faizi
(c) 1639 (d) 1440 (b) Abdul Rahim Khan-i-Khanan
(c) Babur
Humayun(1508-1556) and Sher
Sol.(b) The Battle of Chausa was fought (d) Talib Amah
Shah Suri (1486-1545) between Humayun and Sher Shah Suri
on 26 June in the year 1539. The Battle Sol.(c) ‘Memoirs of Babur’ or
Q.301. Humayun’s heir, ________ , was of Chausa was a notable military ‘Baburnama’, also known as ‘Tuzk-e
born in exile and was only 13 years old engagement between the Mughal Babri’, was written by Babur. The
when his father died. emperor, Humayun, and the Afghan, founder of the Mughal Empire in India,
SSC-CGL 07/06/19(Afternoon) Sher Shah Suri. Babur, recorded his impressions about
(a) Akbar (b) Shah Jahan India in his autobiography,
(c) Jahangir (d) Babur Q.305. Who among the following is Tuzk-e-Babri.
NOT associated with the Mughal empire
Sol.(a) Humayun’s heir, Akbar, was ? Akbar (1542-1605)
born in exile and was only 13 years old SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening)
when his father died.Akbar succeeded (a) Kamran Mirza (b) Sher Shah Suri Q.309. __________ died in 1605, nearly
his father, Humayun, under a regent, (c) Shah Alam II (d) Dara Sikoh 50 years after his ascension to the
Bairam Khan, who helped the young
throne. He was buried outside of Agra at
emperor expand and consolidate Mughal Sol.(b) Sher Shah Suri (1486 – 22 May Sikandra.
domains in India. 1545), born Farid Khan, was the founder SSC-CGL 10/06/19 - (Morning)
of the Suri Empire in the northern part of (a) Akbar (b) Aurangzeb
Q.302. The Suri King ________ was the Indian subcontinent, with its capital (c) Shah Jahan (d) Jahangir
defeated by Humanyun to regain his in Sasaram in modern-day Bihar. He
kingdom. re-introduced the currency of rupee. An Sol.(a) Akbar died in 1605, nearly 50
SSC-CGL 07/06/19(Evening) ethnic Pashtun, Sher Shah took control years after his ascension to the throne.
(a) Mahmood Suri of the Mughal Empire in 1538. After his He was buried outside of Agra at
(b) Sher Shah Suri accidental death in 1545, his son Islam Sikandra.Akbar reigned from 1556 to
(c) Sikander Suri Shah became his successor. 1605.
(d) Bahalol Suri
Q.306. The Battle of Chausa was fought Q.310. The terms 'Jat and Sawar' are
Sol.302.(c) The Suri King Sikander Suri between Humayun and ______. related to which of the following
was defeated by Humanyun to regain his SSC CGL 6-3-2020 (Afternoon) administrative systems?
kingdom.He was the founder of the Suri (a) Krishnadevaraya (b) Nadir Shah SSC-CGL 07/06/19(Morning)
Empire and ruled from (c) Sher Shah Suri (d) Hemu (a) Zamindari System
1538-1545.Sikandar Shah Suri was the
(b) Iqtadari System
sixth ruler of Suri dynasty. Sol.(c) The Battle of Chausa was a (c) Mansabdari System
notable military engagement between the (d) Jotedari System
Q.303. When was the 'Battle of Kanauj' Mughal emperor, Humayun, and the
fought? Afghan, Sher Shah Suri. It was fought Sol.(c) Jat and Sawar are ranks in
SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Morning) on 26 June 1539 at Chausa, 10 miles Mansabdari system, prevalent in Mughal
(a) 1540 (b) 1524 southwest of Buxar in modern-day time especially efficient in Akbar's
(c) 1556 (d) 1536 Bihar, India. reign.Zat rank was conferred by the
kings on the Mansabdar and Sawar was
Sol.(a) The Battle of Kanauj was fought Q.307. Where is the tomb of Sher Shah decided based on cavalry.
between Mughal Emperor Humayun and Suri located?
Sher Shah Suri (Sher Khan) of the Sur SSC CHSL 17-03-2020 (Morning) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 182

Pinnacle History

Q.311. Which emperor’s army did (a) Jahangir (b) Shahjahan

Maharana Pratap fight in the Battle of (c) Akbar (d) Aurangzeb Q.318. Who among the following
Haldighati ? initiated 'Din-i-Ilahi'?
SSC-CHSL 3/07/19 -(Evening) SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Afternoon)
(a) Mahmud Shah (b) Humayun Sol.(c) The construction of the Agra fort (a) Jahangir (b) Babur
(c) Ibrahim Lodi (d) Akbar was started around 1565, when the initial (c) Akbar (d) Humayun
structures were built by the Mughal
Sol.(d) The Battle of Haldighati was a Emperor Akbar, and subsequently taken Sol.(c) Din-i Ilahi “the religion of God”
battle fought on 18 June 1576 between over by his grandson Shah Jahan, who was a system of religious beliefs
the armies of the Rana of Mewar, added most of the marble creations to introduced by the Mughal emperor
Maharana Pratap, and the Mughal the fort. Akbar in 1582 CE to combine some of
emperor Akbar’s forces, led by Man the elements of the religions of his
Singh I of Amber. Although the battle Q.315. The author of Ain-e-Akbari was empire to reconcile the differences that
ended in defeat for the forces of Mewar, : divided his subjects. The elements were
Maharana Pratap escaped, continuing his SSC MTS 2/08/2019 (Afternoon) mainly drawn from Islam, Hinduism and
valiant resistance against the Mughal (a) Khafi Khan (b) Abul Fazal Zoroastrianism and some others were
Empire. (c) Akbar (d) Bhimsen also taken from Christianity, Buddhism
and Jainism.
Q.312. Akbar commissioned _____to Sol.(b) The Ain-i-Akbari or the
chronicle the story of his father "Administration of Akbar", is a Q.319. Whose administration became a
Humayun, ‘Humayun-nama’. 16th-century detailed document model that was followed by Akbar when
SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening) recording the administration of the he consolidated the Mughal Empire?
(a) Jagat Gosain Begum Mughal Empire under Emperor Akbar, SSC CGL 17/08/21(Morning)
(b) Maraim-uz-Zamani written by his court historian, Abul Fazal (a) Sher Shah Suri
(c) Jodha Begum in the Persian language. (b) Ghiyas ud din Balban
(d) Gulbadan Begum (c) Iltutmish
Q.316. Military Commanders during the (d) Bahlul Lodi
Sol.(d) Gulbadan Begum was a Mughal Rule of Akbar were known as______.
princess and the youngest daughter of SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening) Sol.(a) Sher Shah Suri’s administration
Emperor Babur, the founder of the (a) Kotwal (b) Faujdars became a model for Akbar. The Suri
dynasty ruled for only fifteen years
Mughal Empire and the first Mughal (c) Bakhshi (d) Sadr
(1540-1555). He introduced an
emperor. She is best known as the author administration that borrowed elements
of Humayun-Nama, the account of the Sol.(b) Faujdar was a title awarded by from Alauddin Khalji and made them
life of her half-brother, Emperor Mughal and other Muslim rulers in more efficient.
Humayun, which she wrote on the South Asia to garrison commanders. In
request of her nephew, Emperor Akbar. pre-Mughal times, the term referred to a Q.320. Who among the following issued
military officer but did not refer to a Mahzarnama in 1579?
Q.313. ’Akbarnama’ and ‘Ain-i-Akbari’ specific rank. With the administrative SSC CGL 23/08/21(Evening)
are written by ______. reforms performed by Mughal emperor (a) Humayun (b) Jahangir
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning) Akbar, this rank was systematised. (c) Shah Jahan (d) Akbar
(a) Akbar
(b) Ziauddin Barani Q.317. Name the author of the book Sol.(d) Akbar issued Mahzarnama in
(c) Abul Fazal 'Ain-i-Akbari' ? 1579. It is a declaration that gives
(d) Abdul Qadir Badayuni SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Morning) authority to change the religious laws of
(a) Abul Fazl Islam.
Sol.(c) The Ain-i-Akbari or the (b) Dara Shikoh
"Administration of Akbar", is a (c) Abdul Rahim Khan-I-Khana Q.321. Who authored ‘Akbarnama’?
16th-century detailed document (d) Todar Mal SSC CGL 24/08/21(Evening)
recording the administration of the (a) Faizi (b) Abdus Samad
Mughal Empire under Emperor Akbar, Sol.(a) The Ain-i-Akbari or the (c) Abdul Latif (d) Abul Fazl
written by his court historian, Abu'l Fazl "Administration of Akbar", is a
in the Persian language. 16th-century detailed document Sol.(d) Abul Fazl is the author of
recording the administration of the ‘Akbarnama’. Akbarnama is a
Q.314. Which Mugal emperor had built Mughal Empire under the Emperor contemporary biography of Akbar,
the Agra fort ? Akbar, written by his court historian, written in Persian. This book took 12
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon) Abu'l Fazl in the Persian language. years to complete. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 183

Pinnacle History

often controlled the fort of a major town and 1585 AD. It was constructed using
Q.322. Which Mughal emperor built the or an area of smaller towns on behalf of red sandstone. It was built in the honor
city called 'Makhsudabad' later popularly another ruler. During the Mughal rule, of Sufi Saint Sheikh Salim Chishti.
known as Murshidabad? the status of Diwan in the province was
SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Afternoon) equal to the status of a modern-day Jahangir (1569-1627)
(a) Bahadur Shah Zafar (b) Humayun finance minister. His main
(c) Akbar (d) Shah Jahan responsibilities were the collection of Q.329. In Which year did Vasco De
taxes on behalf of the emperor. Gama landed in Calicut (Kizikode)?
Sol.(c) Mughal emperor Akbar built the SSC-CGL 11/06/19 -(Afternoon)
city called 'Makhsudabad' later known as Q.326. Of the following battles fought (a) 1442 (b) 1458
Murshidabad. by Akbar, which one was the latest as (c) 1472 (d) 1498
compared to the rest of the battles?
Q.323. In the context of Mughal SSC MTS 12/10/21(Morning) Sol.(d) In 1498 Vasco De Gama landed
administration, which of the following is (a) Battle of Tukaroi in Calicut (Kizikode).Vasco Da Gama
the most appropriate definition of (b) Battle of Haldighati was a Portuguese explorer and navigator,
‘Abwab’? (c) Battle of Thanesar and the first person to sail directly from
SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Evening) (d) Second Battle of Panipat Europe to India.
(a) A clerk in the government treasury
(b) A court jester Sol.(b) Battle of Haldighati was the last
(c) A tax levied on the lands over and battle fought by Akbar as compared to Q.330. Akbar was succeeded by his son,
above the original rent the rest of the battles. The Battle of Salim, who took the title of
(d) A reward for good governance Haldighati was fought on 18 June 1576 ___________, meaning ‘Conqueror of
between cavalry and archers supporting the World’.
Sol.(c) A tax levied on the lands over SSC-CGL 07/06/19(Afternoon)
the Rana of Mewar, Maharana Pratap,
and above the original rent in Mughal (a) Shah Jahan (b) Jahangir
and the Mughal emperor Akbar's forces,
India all temporary and circumstantial (c) Badshah (d) Jahapana
led by Man Singh I of Amber.
taxes and impositions levied by the
government over and above regular Sol.(b) Akbar was succeeded by his son,
Q.327. ‘Akbar Nama’ is a
taxes were called “abwab”. Salim, who took the title of Jahangir,
______-volume history of Akbar’s reign,
meaning ‘Conqueror of the
written by Abul Fazl.
Q.324. ‘Memoirs of Babur’ or World’.Jahangir was the only surviving
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Morning)
‘Baburnama’, also known as ‘Tuzk-e son of Akbar who after his father’s death
(a) five (b) three
Babri’, was written by: ascended the throne in 1604, at the age
(c) four (d) two
SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Afternoon) of 34 years.
(a) Faizi
Sol.(b) ‘Akbar Nama’ is a three-volume
(b) Abdul Rahim Khan-i-Khanan Q.331. ______ married Mehr-un-Nisa
history of Akbar’s reign, written by Abul
(c) Babur whom he gave the title of 'Nur Jahan'
Fazl. The first volume dealt with Akbar's
(d) Talib Amah (light of the world).
forefathers, while the second volume
SSC-CGL 10/06/19(Morning)
Sol.(c) ‘Memoirs of Babur’ or described Akbar's reign. The Ain-i (a) Shah Jahan (b) Aurangzeb
‘Baburnama’, also known as ‘Tuzk-e Akbari is the third volume. It deals with (c) Akbar (d) Jahangir
Babri’, was written by Babur. The Akbar's administration, household, army,
founder of the Mughal Empire in India, revenues, and the geography of his Sol.(d) Jahangir married Mehr-un-Nisa
Babur, recorded his impressions about empire. and gave her the title of ‘Nur Jahan’
India in his autobiography, (light of the World). She was the
Tuzk-e-Babri. Q.328. In honour of which saint did twentieth (and last) wife of the Mughal
Akbar built Fatehpur Sikri? emperor Jahangir.
Q.325. Military commanders in Akbar’s SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Afternoon) Q.332. Sir Thomas Roe visited the court
empire were called ‘______’. (a) Sheikh Shihabuddin Suhrawardi of Mughal ruler ____ as the ambassador
SSC MTS 11/10/21(Afternoon) (b) Sheikh Nizamat Ullah of the King of England.
(a) faujdars (b) bakhshis (c) Khwaja Pir Mohammad SSC CGL 12/06/2019 (Evening)
(c) kotwals (d) diwans (d) Sheikh Salim Chisti (a) Humayun (b) Jahangir
(c) Shah Jahan (d) Akbar
Sol.(a) Military commanders in Akbar’s Sol.(d) Mughal emperor Akbar built his
empire were called ‘faujdars’. Kotwals capital at Fatehpur Sikri between 1572 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 184

Pinnacle History

Sol.(b) Sir Thomas Roe visited the court (c) Akbar (d) Aurengzeb (a) Shah Jahan (b) Jahangir
of Mughal ruler Jahangir as the (c) Aurangzeb (d) Akbar
ambassador of the King of England. Sol.(a) Thomas Roe was the first
James instructed Sir Thomas Roe to visit ambassador to visit India during the Sol.(a) Shah Jahan has been called the
the Mughal Emperor Jahangir to arrange reign of Jahangir in 1615-1618. His "architect king" as during his reign, the
for a commercial treaty. In return, the objective was to obtain protection for the world witnessed a unique development
company offered to provide the Emperor East India company’s factory at Surat. of arts and culture of the Mughal
with goods and rarities from the Empire.Taj Mahal at Agra, Red Fort at
European Market. Q.336. Mehrunisa who was known as Delhi, Moti Masjid at Agra, Jama Masjid
Nur Jahan was the wife of ______. at Delhi are some of his remarkable
Q.333. The East India Company sent SSC CGL 6-3-2020 (Morning) Architectural contributions.
Captain William Hawkins to the court of (a) Akbar (b) Aurangzeb
the Emperor_____ in 1608 to seek (c) Shah Jahan (d) Jahangir Q.340. The Red Fort and the Jama
permission to open a factory at Surat. Masjid in Delhi stand out as towering
SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Evening) Sol.(d) Nur Jahan was the twentieth achievements of architecture during the
(a) Humayun (b) Shah Jahan wife of the Mughal emperor Jahangir. reign of _______.
(c) Akbar (d) Jahangir Nur Jahan was born Mehr-un-Nisa, the SSC-CGL 07/06/19(Afternoon)
daughter of a Grand Vizier who served (a) Shah Jahan (b) Akbar
Sol.(d) The East India Company sent under Akbar. (c) Jehangir (d) Aurangzeb
Captain William Hawkins to the court of
Emperor Jahangir in 1608 to seek Q.337. In which year did Prince Salim Sol.(a) The Red Fort and the Jama
permission to open a factory at Surat. ascend the Mughal throne? Masjid in Delhi stand out as towering
William Hawkins was a representative of SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) achievements of architecture during the
the English East India Company notable (a) 1572 (b) 1605 reign of Shah Jahan.The Red Fort and
for being the commander of Hector, the (c) 1625 (d) 1558 the Jama Masjid, both in Delhi, stand out
first company ship to anchor at Surat in as towering achievements of both civil
India on 24 August 1608. Hawkins Sol.(b) Prince Salim is later known as engineering and art. Jama Masjid was
travelled to Agra to negotiate consent for Jahangir ascended the throne in 1605 built in 1656 AD.
a factory from Emperor Jahangir in after the death of his father Akbar. He
1609. ruled till his death in 1627. Jahangir Q.341. Who built the Taj Mahal, for his
means the ‘conqueror of the world’ wife Mumtaj Mahal along the banks of
Q.334. Captain Hawkins and Sir the Yamuna river in Agra?
Thomas Roe visited India in the reign of Q.338. The tomb of Itimad-ud-Daulah, SSC-CGL 07/06/19(Afternoon)
______. inlaid with Pietra dura decoration, is (a) Aurangzeb (b) Akbar
SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon) located at: (c) Jahangir (d) Shah Jahan
(a) Humayun (b) Akba SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning)
(c) Jahangir (d) Babar (a) Aurangabad (b) Alwar Sol.(d) Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal,
(c) Agra (d) Ajmer for his wife Mumtaj Mahal along the
Sol.(c) Sir Thomas Roe and Captain banks of the Yamuna river in
Hawkins visited India at the reign of Sol.(c) The tomb of Itimad-ud-Daulah, Agra.Constructed over a 20-year period
Jahangir. Captain William Hawkins went inlaid with Pietra dura decoration, is on the southern bank of the Yamuna
to the court of Emperor Jahangir in 1608 located at Agra, Uttar Pradesh. It is also River in Agra, India, the famed complex
to seek permission to open a factory at described as a Jewel Box. It is also is one of the most outstanding examples
Surat. Thomas Roe was the first regarded as a draft of the Taj Mahal. It of Mughal architecture, which combined
ambassador to visit India during the was commissioned by Nur Jahan, wife Indian, Persian and Islamic influences.
reign of Jahangir in 1615-1618. His of Jahangir.
objective was to obtain protection for Q.342. Prince Khurram grew up to be
the East India company’s factory at Shah Jahan (1628-1658) known as:
Surat. SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)
Q.339. _________ has been called the (a) Akbar (b) Humayun
Q.335. Sir Thomas came as an official "architect king" as during his reign, the (c) Shah Jahan (d) Jahangir
ambassador from King James I of world witnessed a unique development
England to which Mughal emperor's of arts and culture of the Mughal Sol.(c) Prince Khurram grew up to be
court ? Empire. known as Shah Jahan. He was the fifth
SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Morning) SSC-CGL 10/06/19 (Morning) Mughal emperor, who reigned from
(a) Jahangir (b) Shah Jahan 1628 to 1658. He built the famous Taj Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 185

Pinnacle History

Mahal during his reign. His reign Q.350. Who had built the Badshahi
represented the height of the Mughal Sol.(b) It was under the reign of Masjid in Lahore ?
architecture. Aurangzeb that the Mughal Empire SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)
reached its peak in matters of area. (a) Shahjahan (b) Humayun
Q.343. The peacock Throne was Aurangzeb ascended the throne in 1658 (c) Aurangzeb (d) Akbar
commissioned by_____. and ruled supreme till 1707. Thus
SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) Aurangzeb ruled for 50 years, matching Sol.(c) The Badshahi Mosque or
(a)Akbar (b)Aurangzeb Akbar's reign in longevity. During his 50 "Emperor's Mosque" was built in 1673
(c)Humayun (d)Shah Jahan years of rule, Aurangzeb tried to fulfill by the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb in
his ambition of bringing the entire Lahore, Pakistan. It is one of the city's
Sol.(d) The Peacock Throne was a Subcontinent under one rule. best known landmarks and a major
famous jeweled throne that was the seat tourist attraction epitomising the beauty
of the Mughal emperors of India. It was Q.347. The Mughal emperor ________ and grandeur of the Mughal era.
commissioned in the early 17th century adopted the title of Alamgir.
by emperor Shah Jahan and was located SSC CGL 10/07/2019 (Evening) Q.351. Who among the following
in the Red Fort of Delhi. (a) Akbar (b) Shah Jahan Mughal Emperors was called Darvesh or
(c) Aurangzeb (d) Jahangir a Zinda Fakir ?
Q.344. Who among the following had SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning)
been given the title of ‘Sultan Buland Sol.(c) Muhi-ud-Din Muhammad (a) Aurangzeb (b) Shah Jahan
Iqbal’ by Shah Jahan? commonly known by the sobriquet (c) Humayun (d) Babur
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) Aurangzeb or by his regnal title Alamgir,
(a) Shuja (b) Murad was the sixth Mughal emperor, who Sol.(a) Aurangzeb sat on the throne of
(c) Dara (d) Aurangzeb ruled over almost the entire South Asia Mughal empire in 1658 with the title
for a period of 49 years. Alamgir. Aurangzeb was an ardent
Sol.(c) In September 1642 Shah Jahan follower of Islam.He lived like a Fakir
declared Dara Shikoh as his heir and Q.348. The Mughal empire reached its and that’s why he was called jinda
granted him the title of ‘Sultan Buland greatest extent under: Fakir.He never tasted wine and slept on
Iqbal’. SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon) the ground.He made skull caps in his
(a) Jahangir (b) Shah Jahan free time.
Q.345. Who among the following had (c) Akbar (d) Aurangzeb
written the book ‘Char Chaman’, during Q.352. Fatwa-i-Alamgiri , a digest of
the reign of Shah Jahan, describing the Sol.(d) Aurangzeb was emperor of India Muslim laws , was written during the
Mughal nobility? from 1658 to 1707, the last of the great period of which of the following kings?
SSC CGL 16/08/21(Afternoon) Mughal emperors. Under him the SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
(a) Chandrabhan Brahman Mughal Empire reached its greatest (a) Nadir Shah
(b) Gulbadan Begum extent, although his policies helped lead (b) Aurangzeb
(c) Muhammad Waris to its dissolution. Babur was emperor (c) Tipu Sultan
(d) Abu’l Dazl (1526–30) and founder of the Mughal (d) Feroz Shah Tughlaq
dynasty of northern India.
Sol.(a) Chandrabhan Brahman had Sol.(b) Fatawa 'Alamgiri also known as
written the book ‘Char Chaman’, during Q.349. Which mughal ruler had Al-Fatawa al-'Alamgiriyya or Al-Fatawa
the reign of Shah Jahan, describing the constructed the Moti Masjid of Delhi ? al-Hindiyya is a sharia based
Mughal nobility. He was the highly SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning) compilation on statecraft, general ethics,
valued minister in the court of Shah (a) Akbar (b) Humayun military strategy, economic policy,
Jahan and is credited with writing the (c) Aurangzeb (d) Shahjahan justice and punishment, that served as
first collection of Urdu poetry. the law and principal regulating body of
Sol.(c) The mosque was built by the the Mughal Empire, during the reign of
Aurangzeb (1618-1707) Mughal emperor Aurangzeb at the Red the Mughal emperor Muhammad
Fort complex in Delhi, India, from Muhiuddin Aurangzeb Alamgir.
Q.346. It was under the reign of 1659-1660 for his 2nd wife Nawab Bai. Heralded as "the greatest digest of
_________ that the Mughal Empire The mosque was also used by the ladies Muslim law made in India.
reached its peak in matters of area. of the Zenana. The mosque was
SSC-CGL 10/06/19 (Morning) constructed at a cost of Rs. 160,000. The Q.353. Who is the author of the book
(a) Jahangir (b) Aurangzeb prayer hall has three arches, and it is ‘Tarikh-i Dilkusha'?
(c) Shah Jahan (d) Akbar divided into two aisles. SSC CGL 17/08/21(Evening)
(a) Panini (b) Bhimsen Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 186

Pinnacle History

(c) Sushruta (d) Charaka (a)Guru Angad (b) Guru Ram Das SSC-CGL 12/06/19 (Morning)
(c)Guru Arjan Dev (d) Guru Har Rai (a) Maha Singh (b) Ranjit Singh
Sol.(b) Bhimsen is the author of the (c) Duleep Singh (d) Charat Singh
book ‘Tarikh-i Dilkusha'. Bhimsen, as a Sol.(c) The mainstream Sikh tradition
historian, is of the reign of Aurangzeb recognised Guru Arjan as the fifth Guru, Sol.(b) Maharaja Ranjit Singh is
and is remarkable for his ability to think and Hargobind as the sixth Guru. Arjan, well-known for the golden beautification
independently and record these thoughts at age 18, became the fifth Guru in 1581 of the Harmandir Sahib Gurdwara in
on paper. AD inheriting the title from his father. Amritsar, famously known as the Golden
After his execution by the Muslim Temple. He is also known as the
Q.354. Alamgir was the title of which officials of the Mughal Empire, his son Sher-e-Punjab (Lion of Punjab) for his
Mughal emperor? Hargobind became the sixth Guru in bravery and is respected as one of the
SSC CGL 18/08/21(Afternoon) 1606 CE. most revered heroes in the Indian
(a) Shah Jahan (b) Babur history.
(c) Akbar (d) Aurangzeb Q.358. Who was the fifth of the ten Sikh
Gurus? Q.361. Which Sikh Guru compiled the
Sol.(d) Alamgir was the title of SSC-CGL 07/06/19 (Evening) Adi Granth the holy scripture of
Aurangzeb. Aurangzeb received a sword (a) Guru Angad Sikhism?
called Alamgir 'World-Seizer' as a (b) Guru Ramdas SSC CGL 08/07/2019 (Evening)
present from his father, Emperor Shah (c) Guru Arjan Dev (a)Guru Hargobind (b)Guru Amar Das
Jahan. (d) Guru Hargobind (c)Guru Arjan Dev (d)Guru Ram Das

Q.355. Which of the following Sol.(c) Guru Arjan Dev was the fifth of Sol.(c) Guru Arjan (15 April 1563 – 30
monuments is also known as the ‘Taj of the ten Sikh Gurus.He became the first May 1606) was the first of the two
the Deccan’? SSC MTS 06/10/21 martyr of Sikh faith and on 16 June Gurus martyred in the Sikh faith and the
(Evening) every year, the Martyrdom of Guru fifth of the ten total Sikh Gurus. He
(a) Qutb Minar (b) Bibi ka Maqbara Arjan Dev is commemorated. This day compiled the first official edition of the
(c) Chand Minar (d) Mahabat Maqbara has been marked to honour him and has Sikh scripture called the Adi Granth,
been commemorated since 1606. which later expanded into the Guru
Sol.(b) Bibi ka Maqbara monument is को उ स ािनत करने के िलए िचि त Granth Sahib.
also known as the ‘Taj of the Deccan’. It िकया गया है और 1606 ई से मनाया जाता
is located in Aurangabad, Maharashtra. है । Q.362. The Gurmukhi script was created
It was built by Aurangzeb in memory of in the 16th century CE by the second
his wife Dilras Banu Begum. It was also Q.359. _________ built the world Sikh guru _________________.
known as the obscene copy of the Taj famous Harmandir Sahib, popularly SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Evening)
Mahal of Agra. known as Golden Temple in Amritsar. (a) Guru Arjan (b) Guru Angad
SSC-CGL 07/06/19 (Evening) (c) Guru Ram Das (d) Guru Amar Das
Q.356. Who among the following was (a) Guru Angad Dev
defeated by Aurangzeb in the Battle of (b) Guru Arjan Dev Sol.(b) The Gurmukhi script is tightly
Deorai? (c) Guru Siri Har Rai associated with the Sikh religion, as the
SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Afternoon) (d) Guru Ram Das words guru-mukhî literally mean "from
(a) Shah Jahan (b) Shah Shuja the mouth of the guru". It was created in
(c) Dara Shikoh (d) Murad Baksh Sol.(b) Guru Arjan dev built the world the 16th century CE by the second Sikh
famous Harmandir Sahib, popularly guru, Guru Angad, to write the Punjabi
Sol.(c) Dara Shikoh was defeated by known as Golden Temple in Amritsar. It language.
Aurangzeb in the Battle of Deorai(1659). is situated in the known as 'sarovar'. The
Aurangzeb is known for being the construction of the Gurudwara was Q.363. The Gurmukhi script was created
emperor of India from 1658 to 1707. He initiated by Guru Arjan Dev Ji but the in the 16th century CE by the second
was the last of the great Mughal foundation stone of Harmandir Sahib Sikh guru _________________.
emperors. was laid by a Sufi Saint Mian Mir in SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Evening)
December 1588 and it was completed in (a) Guru Arjan (b) Guru Angad
Sikh Guru 1604. (c) Guru Ram Das (d) Guru Amar Das

Q.357. Who was the fifth guru in Q.360. ____ is well-known for the Sol.(b) The Gurmukhi script is tightly
Sikhism ? golden beautification of the Harmandir associated with the Sikh religion, as the
SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning) Sahib gurudwara in Amritsar, famously words guru-mukhî literally mean "from
known as the Golden Temple. the mouth of the guru". It was created in Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 187

Pinnacle History

the 16th century CE by the second Sikh SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning) He compiled the first official edition of
guru, Guru Angad, to write the Punjabi (a) Guru Ram Das the Sikh scripture called the Adi Granth,
language. (b) Guru Hargobind which later expanded into the Guru
(c) Guru Tegh Bahadur Granth Sahib. He completed the
Q.364. Guru Gobind Singh commanded (d) Guru Angadb construction of the Golden Temple in
Sikhs to wear five items all the time. Amritsar.
Which of the following is NOT one of Sol.(d) Gurmukhi was developed by
these five items ? Angad, the second Sikh Guru in order to Marathas
SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Morning) correct certain inadequacies in the
(a) Kesh (b) Kara Lahnda script so that sacred literature Q.371. In the year ___, the Maratha
(c) Kangha (d) Kila might be accurately recorded. Gurmukhi empire ceased to exist with the surrender
is used in Punjab as the official script of of the Marathas to the British, ending the
Sol.(d) In Sikhism, the Five Ks are five the Punjabi language. third Anglo-Maratha War.
items that Guru Gobind Singh SSC-CGL 12/06/19 (Morning)
commanded Khalsa Sikhs to wear at all Q.368. Which Sikh Guru compiled the (a) 1792 (b) 1811
times in 1699. They are: Kesh (uncut ‘Adi Granth’ the holy scripture of (c) 1818 (d) 1806
hair), Kangha (a wooden comb for the Sikhism ?
hair), Kara (an iron bracelet), Kachera SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening) Sol.(c) The Third Anglo-Maratha War
(100% cotton tieable undergarment (not (a) Guru Hargobind (b) Guru Amar Das (1817–1818) was the final and decisive
an elastic one) and Kirpan (an iron (c) Guru Arjan Dev (d) Guru Ram Das conflict between the British East India
dagger large enough to defend oneself). Company (EIC) and the Maratha Empire
Sol.(c) Adi Granth, the holy book of in India. The war left the Company in
Q.365. The fifth Sikh Guru compiled Sikhs was compiled by Guru Arjan Dev, control of most of India.
Adi Granth, the first official edition of who was the fifth guru of Sikhs in 1604
the Sikh scripture. AD. It is also known as 'Granth of Q.372. Who among the following was
SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Morning) Granth Sahib'. It is a collection of 6000 killed by Chatrapati Shivaji in the Battle
(a) Guru Arjan Dev hymns of Sikh Guru. of Pratapgarh?
(b) Guru Gobind Singh SSC CGL 04/07/2019 (Morning)
(c) Guru Ram Das Q.369. Who among the following Sikh (a) Afzal Khan (b) Asghar Khan
(d) Guru Amar Das Gurus laid the foundation of ‘Khalsa (c) Shaista Khan (d) Shuja Khan
Sol.(a) Guru Arjan was the first of the SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Afternoon) Sol.(a) Afzal Khan was killed by
two Gurus martyred in the Sikh faith and (a) Guru Gobind Singh Chatrapati Shivaji in the Battle of
the fifth of the ten total Sikh Gurus. He (b) Guru Arjan Dev Pratapgarh. The Battle of Pratapgad was
compiled the first official edition of the (c) Guru Teg Bahadur a land battle fought on 10 November
Sikh scripture called the Adi Granth, (d) Guru Nanak Dev 1659 at the fort of Pratapgad near the
which later expanded into the Guru town of Satara, Maharashtra, India
Granth Sahib. Sol.(a) Guru Gobind Singh laid the between the forces of the Maratha king
foundation of ‘Khalsa Panth’ on April Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and the
Q.366. Where was Guru Nanak Dev 13, 1699, situated in Punjab. It is a name Adilshahi general Afzal Khan. The
born ? given to the religious structure and the Marathas defeated the Adilshahi forces
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning) community that manages the affairs of despite being outnumbered.
(a) Gurdaspur (b) Jalalabad the global Khalsa community.
(c) Talwandi (d) Phillaur Q.373. Shivaji’s son from Saibai was
Q.370. Who among the following Sikh named ______.
Sol.(c) Nanak was born on 15 April spiritual gurus is said to have assisted SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
1469 at Rai Bhoi Di Talwandi village in Khusrau, the rebellious son of Jahangir? (a) Sambhaji (b) Bajirao
the Lahore province of the Delhi SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Morning) (c) Shahaji (d) Shahu
Sultanate (present day Nankana Sahib, (a) Guru Angad Dev
Punjab, Pakistan), although according to (b) Guru Ramdas Sol.(a) Shivaji’s son from Saibai was
one tradition, he was born in the month (c) Guru Amar Das named Sambhaji.He was the second
of Kartik (November). (d) Guru Arjun Dev Chhatrapati and ruler of Maratha
Empire. He was born in 1657 and died in
Q.367. Name the Sikh Guru who Sol.(d) Guru Arjun Dev assisted 1689. He was the successor of the
developed the Gurumukhi script for Khusrau, the rebellious son of Jahangir. Shivaji Maharaj. He married Yesubai.
writing the punjabi language ? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 188

Pinnacle History

He had one son and one daughter Q.377. Hampi, the ancient capital of Sol.(d) In the 18th century, Pune became
namely Chhatrapati Sahu and Bhavani Vijayanagara is located in: the political center of the Indian
Bai. SSC CGL 11/07/2019 (Evening) subcontinent, as the seat of the Peshwas,
(a) Kerala (b) Tamil Nadu who were the prime ministers of the
Q.374. Representatives of the Maratha (c) Karnataka (d) Telangana Maratha Empire. After the fall of the
Empire and the British East India Peshwa rule in 1818, the new British
Company Signed the ‘Treaty of Salbai’ Sol.(c) Hampi, also referred to as the rulers made the city one of their major
in which year? Group of Monuments at Hampi, is a military bases.
SSC CPO 9/12/19 Morning UNESCO World Heritage Site located in
(a) 1782 (b) 1769 east-central Karnataka, India. It became Q.381. Chhatrapati Shivaji and
(c) 1758 (d) 1771 the centre of the Hindu Vijayanagara Soyarabai named their son_____.
Empire capital in the 14th century. SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
Sol.(a) The Treaty of Salbai was signed (a) Shambhaji (b) Narayan
on 17 May 1782, by representatives of Q.378. ‘Sardeshmukhi’ in the Maratha (c) Shahaji (d) Rajaram
the Maratha Empire and the British East regime was a:
India Company after long negotiations to SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon) Sol.(d) Rajaram Bhosle I was the second
settle the outcome of the First (a) Designation equivalent to Peshwa son of Maratha ruler Shivaji, and
Anglo-Maratha War. (b) A coin during the Maratha regime younger half-brother of Sambhaji. He
(c) Tax levied on revenue took over the Maratha Empire as its third
Q.375. Who among the following was (d) Name given to Shivaji Chattrapati after his brother's death at
killed by Chatrapati Shivaji in the Battle the hands of the Aurengzeb in 1689.
of Pratapgarh? Sol.(c) Chauth was a regular tax or
SSC CHSL 4-7-2019 (Morning) tribute imposed, from the early 18th Q.382. The ruins of the ancient city of
(a) Afzal Khan (b) Asghar Khan century, by the Maratha Empire in India. Hampi - the capital of Vijayanagara is
(c) Shaista Khan (d) Shuja Khan It was an annual tax nominally levied at located in which present-day Indian
25% on revenue or produce, hence the state?
Sol.(a) Afzal Khan was killed by name. It was levied on the lands which SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Morning)
Chatrapati Shivaji in the Battle of were under nominal Mughal rule. The (a) Telangana (b) Haryana
Pratapgarh.The Battle of Pratapgad was sardeshmukhi was an additional 10% (c) Bihar (d) Karnataka
a battle fought on 10 November 1659 at levy on top of the chauth. It is a tribute
the fort of Pratapgad near the town of paid to the king. It was started by Raja Sol.(d) Ancient city Hampi - the capital
Satara, Maharashtra, India between the Som Shah of Ramnagar State. of the Vijayanagar dynasty during 14th to
forces of the Marathas under the 16th century CE; is situated on the bank
Maratha king Shivaji and the Adilshahi Q.379. The third battle of Panipat was of Tungabhadra river in Karnataka near
troops under the Adilshahi general Afzal fought between whom ? the state border with Andhra Pradesh.
Khan. The Marathas defeated the SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning)
Adilshahi forces. (a) Maratha Empire and Durrani Q.383. Which of the following pairs is
(b)Prithviraj Chauhan and Muhammad associated with the taxation system of
Q.376. In which year was the Treaty of Ghori the Marathas ?
Salbai signed? (c) Sikhs and Mughals SSC CGL 6-3-2020 (Afternoon)
SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Morning) (d)Akbar and Hemchandra Vikramaditya (a) Chauth and Sardeshmukhi
(a) 1773 (b) 1799 (b) Zat and Sawar
(c) 1794 (d) 1782 Sol..(a) The Third Battle of Panipat was (c) Iqta and Jagir
a major battle of Indian history, fought (d) Polaj and Parauti
Sol.(d) The Treaty of Salbai was signed on 14th January 1761. It was fought
in 1782, by representatives of the between the Afghan forces of Ahmad Sol.(a) Chauth and Sardeshmukhi pairs
Maratha Empire and the British East Shah Durrani along with his local are associated with the taxation system
India Company after long negotiations to Rohilla and other Pathan and Oudh of the Marathas. These two taxes were
settle the outcome of the First allies, against the Maratha Empire. the most important taxes in the taxation
Anglo-Maratha War it was signed Q.380. _____ became the capital of the system during the Marathas ruler which
between Warren Hastings and Mahadaji Maratha Empire after the peshwas won was founded by a great Maratha leader
Shinde. over Shivaji. Shivaji (1627-1680).
SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening)
(a) Nagpur (b) Ujjain Q.384. In which year was the Second
Vijaynagar Empire
(c) Baroda (d) Poona Anglo-Mysore war fought between the Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 189

Pinnacle History

Kingdom of Mysore and the British East in the region between the river Krishna
India Company? and Tungabhadra. Q.390. British East India Company
SSC CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon) defeated the Portuguese in the ____.
(a) 1785-1789 (b) 1769-1775 Q.387. The ancient city of Hampi was SSC CGL 12/06/2019 (Evening)
(c) 1766-1769 (d) 1780-1784 the capital of the ______ empire. (a) Battle of Chamkaur
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Evening) (b) Battle of Suvali
Sol.(d) The Second Anglo-Mysore war (a) Rashtrakuta (b) Nayaka (c) Battle of Plassey
was fought between the Kingdom of (c) Maratha (d) Vijayanagar (d) Battle of Buxar
Mysore and the British East India
Company from 1780-1784. Sol.(d) The ancient city of Hampi was Sol.(b) British East India Company
Causes of the war: the capital of the Vijayanagar empire. defeated the Portuguese in the Battle of
(a) The Marathas attacked Mysore in Suvali. Battle of Suvali, took place on
Harihara and Bukka founded the
1771. But the British refused to honour 29–30 November 1612 off the coast of
Vijayanagara Kingdom and had been
the treaty of Madras signed in 1769 and Suvali a village near the Surat city. This
administrators in the Kakatiya kingdom.
did not give support to Hyder Ali. relatively small naval battle is
It was founded in 1336. The most
(b) As a result, Hyder Ali’s territories historically important as it marked the
famous king of the Vijayanagara Empire
were taken by the Marathas. He had to beginning of the end of Portugal’s
was Krishnadeva Raya(Tuluva Dynasty).
buy peace with the Marathas for a sum commercial monopoly over India, and
of Rs. 36 lakh and another annual the beginning of the ascent of the
tribute. Wars and Treaties English East India Company’s presence
(c) This angered Hyder Ali. in India.
(d) When the English attacked Mahe, a Q.388. In which year was the ‘Battle of
French possession under Hyder Ali’s Goa’ fought? Q.391. Tipu Sultan and british East India
dominion, he declared war on the SSC-CGL 11/06/19 (Evening) Company signed the Treaty of
English in 1780. (a) 1510 (b) 1524 Mangalore in the year ____.
(c) 1502 (d) 1514 SSC CGL 12/06/2019 (Evening)
Q.385. Which of the following empires (a) 1792 (b) 1784
was founded by Harihara and Bukka in Sol.(a) Battle of Goa, (9–10 December (c) 1764 (d) 1799
1336? 1510). The first part of India to fall to
SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Afternoon) European colonial rule was Goa on the Sol.(b) Tipu Sultan and british East
(a) Chera empire west coast. After the Portuguese naval India Company signed the Treaty of
(b) Vijayanagara empire victory at Diu in 1509, Francisco de Mangalore in the year 1784.The Treaty
(c) Kushan empire Almeida was replaced as Portugal's of Mangalore was signed between he
(d) Maratha empire overall commander in the Indian Ocean British East India Company and Tipu
by Albuquerque. Sultan who had defeated the British and
Sol.(b) Vijayanagara empire was left a powerful message to them
founded by Harihara and Bukka in 1336. Q.389. British East India Company providing that it is not easy to win India.
The Vijayanagara Empire was ruled by defeated the Portuguese in the ____. It was signed in Mangalore and brought
four dynasties: SSC CGL 12/06/2019 (Evening) an end to the Second Anglo-Mysore
1. Sangama Dynasty (a) Battle of Chamkaur War.
2. Saluva Dynasty (b) Battle of Suvali
3. Tuluva Dynasty (c) Battle of Plassey Q.392. When was the 'Battle of Tukaroi'
4. Aravidu Dynasty (d) Battle of Buxar fought?
SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Morning)
Q.386. In which of the following years Sol.(b) British East India Company (a) 1532 (b) 1565
was the Vijayanagar empire founded? defeated the Portuguese in the Battle of (c) 1575 (d) 1546
SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Morning) Suvali. Battle of Suvali, took place on
(a) 1456 (b) 1229 29–30 November 1612 off the coast of Sol.(c) The Battle of Tukaroi was fought
(c) 1412 (d) 1336 Suvali a village near the Surat city.This on 3 march, 1575. It is also known as the
relatively small naval battle is Battle of Bajaura or the Battle of
Sol.(d) In 1336 the Vijayanagar empire historically important as it marked the Mughulmari.It was fought in Orissa
was founded. When Muhammad beginning of the end of Portugal’s (between Midnapore and Jaleswar) and
Tughlaq was losing his power in Deccan, commercial monopoly over India, and it was fought between Mughal Empire
the two Hindu princes, Harihar and the beginning of the ascent of the and the Sultanate of Bengal and Bihar.
Bukka founded an independent kingdom English East India Company’s presence
in India. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 190

Pinnacle History

Q.393. The Treaty of Sagauli was signed provisions of Mughal Emperor

between the British and the ______. Sol.(b) After the Battle of Buxar (1764), Farrukhsiyar farman of 1717.
SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Morning) the Company appointed Residents in
(a) Gurkhas Indian states. They were political or Q.400. The British annexed Punjab after
(b) Nawab of Bengal commercial agents and their job was to defeating the Sikhs in the Anglo-Sikh
(c) Nawab of Awadh serve and further the interests of the War in the year ______.
(d) Marathas Company. Through the Residents, the SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening)
Company officials began interfering in (a) 1835 (b) 1839
Sol.(a) The Treaty of Sagauli was the internal affairs of Indian states. (c) 1849 (d) 1845
signed between the British and the
Gurkhas.This ended the second invasion Q.397. Battle of Plassey was fought Sol.(c) The British annexed Punjab after
of the Himalayan kingdom during the between______. defeating the Sikhs in the Anglo-Sikh
Anglo Nepalese War(1814-1816). SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening) War in the year 1849. This war resulted
(a) Alivardi Khan and British Army in the fall of the Sikh Empire and The
Q.394. The Battle of Karnal in 1739 was (b) Siraj Ud Daulah and British Army East India Company annexed Punjab and
fought between Nadir Shah and whom (c) Mir Qasim and British Army it became part of North West Frontier
among the following ? (d) Marathas and British Army Province.
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning)
(a) Akbar Shah Sol.(b) The battle was between Siraj Q.401. Who ruled Mysore under the
(b) Bahadur Shah Zafar ud-Daulah, the last independent Nawab subsidiary alliance with the British after
(c) Aurangzeb of Bengal, and the British East India the defeat of Tipu Sultan at the Battle of
(d) Muhammad Shah Company. The fighting took place about Seringapatam?
150 kilometres (93 mi) north of Calcutta. SSC CPO 9/12/19 Morning
Sol.(d) On February 24, 1739, the Battle This was near Murshidabad which was (a) Gangas (b) Kadambs
of Karnal was fought between the the capital of Bengal at the time. Plassey (c) Wodeyars (d) Pandyans
Mughal Emperor Muhammad Shah and is the anglicised version of Palashi.
the invading Iranian army of Nader Sol.(c) In the battle of Seringapatam
Shah. Nader Shah had a crushing Q.398. The Battle Of Plassey Was Tipu sultan, Mysore's ruler was killed in
victory. Nader Shah was the Shahanshah Fought Siraj-ud-daulah And British East the action. The British restored the
of the Persian Empire. He belonged to India Company On Wodeyar dynasty to the throne after the
the Afsharid dynasty. SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Evening) victory, but retained indirect control of
(a) 23 June 1757 (b) 21 June 1780 the kingdom.
Q.395. The famous battle of Plassey in (c) 25 May 1765 (d) 15 May 1761
1757 was fought in which region of Q.402. Which king inscribed the
India ? Hathigumpha (Elephant Cave)
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon) Sol.(a) 23 June 1757,The Battle of inscription in Udayagiri Hills, Odisha?
(a) Rajasthan (b) Punjab Plassey took place at palashi(plassey) on SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening)
(c) Ladakh (d) West Bengal the banks of the Hooghly river, about (a) Galaveya (b) Sobhanaraja
150 kilometres (93 mi) north of Calcutta (c) Kharavela (d) Vaduka
Sol.(d) The Battle of Plassey was a and south of Murshidabad, then capital
major battle that took place on 23 June of Bengal (now in Nadia district in West Sol.(b) The Hathigumpha Inscription,
1757 at Palashi, Bengal. It was an Bengal) on 23 June 1757. from Udayagiri, near Bhubaneswar in
important British East India Company Odisha, was inscribed by Kharavela,
victory over the Nawab of Bengal and Q.399. Who signed the treaty of then Emperor of Kalinga in India.
his French allies. It let the British East Alinagar with the British?
India Company take control of this part SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Afternoon) Q.403. In which year was the battle of
of the Indian subcontinent. (a) Mir Qasim (b) Siraj-ud-Daula Buxar fought?
(c) Alivardi Khan (d) Mir Jafar SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening)
Q.396. After which battle did East India (a) 1758 (b) 1757
Company start appointing the residents Sol.(b) The Treaty of Alinagar was (c) 1765 (d) 1764
in Indian states ? signed on 9 February 1757 between
SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon) Robert Clive of the British East India Sol.(d) The Battle of Buxar was fought
(a) Battle of Haldighati Company and the Nawab of Bengal, on 22 October 1764, between the British
(b) Battle of Buxar Mirza Muhammad Siraj Ud Daula. East India Company, led by Hector
(c) Battle of Plassey Based on the terms of the accord, the Munro, and the combined army of an
(d) Third Battle of Panipat Nawab would recognize all the Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 191

Pinnacle History

alliance of Indian states including (b) Battle of Saragarhi Sol.(a) Mir Jafar was made the Nawab of
Bengal, Awadh, and the Mughal Empire. (c) Battle of Chinhat Bengal following the Battle of Plassey.
(d) Battle of Najafgarh He was the commander-in-chief in Siraj
Q.404. In the context of medieval Sufi ud-Daulah’s army. He betrayed Siraj
tradition, the term 'wali' meant: Sol.(c) In the Battle of Chinhat did ud-Daulah’s in the Battle of Plassey and
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening) Maulvi Ahmadullah Shah fight, became a nawab of Bengal.
(a) hermitage (b) order defeating the forces
(c) disciple (d) saint under Henry Lawrence. In the Battle of Q.411. Who emerged victorious in ‘The
Chinhat, Barkat Ahmad was declared Siege of Arcot’ in 1751 AD? SSC MTS
Sol.(d) Wali is an Arabic word whose Chief Army Officer of the rebels. The 05/10/21(Afternoon)
literal meanings include "master", Battle of Chinhat was fought on the (a) French (b) Dutch
"authority", "custodian", "protector" and morning of 30 June 1857, between (c) Portuguese (d) British
"friend". In the vernacular, it is most British forces and Indian rebels.
commonly used by Muslims to indicate Sol..(d) British emerged victorious in
an Islamic saint, otherwise referred to by Q.408. In the Battle of Swally ‘The Siege of Arcot’ in 1751 AD. The
the more literal "friend of God" (1612) the British fought
Siege of Arcot was the battle between
against the ______.
SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 British and combined forces of French
Q.405. Srirangapatnam Fort is located in and Nawab of Arcot. Robert Clive
__________. (a) Danish (b) Portuguese captured the Arcot after the battle. The
SSC CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening) (c) French (d) Dutch war ended with the Treaty of
(a) Kerala (b) Karnataka Pondicherry in 1754 which made
(c) Telangana (d) Tamil Nadu Sol.(b) The British fought against the Mohammad Ali Khan Walajah as Nawab
Portuguese in the Battle of Swally. The of Arcot.
Sol.(b) Srirangapatna Fort is located in battle took place on 29–30 November
Karnataka. Srirangapatna Fort is a 1612 off the coast of Suvali, a village Q.412. The First Battle of Tarain was
historical fort located in Srirangapatna , near Surat city. This relatively small fought in the year ______. SSC MTS
the historical capital city in the South naval battle is historically important as it 08/10/21 (Morning)
Indian state of Karnataka. Built by marked the beginning of the end of (a) 1213 (b) 1157
Timmanna Nayaka in 1454. Portugal’s commercial monopoly over (c) 1204 (d) 1191
India and the beginning of the ascent of
Q.406. After the battle of ________ in the English East India Company’s Sol..(d) The First Battle of Tarain was
1757, the British achieved political presence in India. fought in 1191. The First Battle of Tarain
power in india. was fought in 1191 between the Ghurids
SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening) Q.409. The Battle of Bedara was fought against the Chahamanas and their allies,
(a) Aliwal (b) Buxar between the British Army and the Dutch near Tarain (modern Taraori in Haryana,
(c) Plassey (d) Saragarhi Army in: India).
SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Afternoon)
Sol..(c) After the battle of Plassey in (a) 1760 (b) 1759 Q.413. In which year was the Treaty of
1757, the British achieved political (c) 1772 (d) 1764 Versailles signed? SSC MTS 13/10/2021
power in india. The Battle of Plassey (Evening)
was fought in north-eastern India on 23 Sol.(b) The Battle of Bedara or (a) 1921 (b) 1919
June 1757. Troops of the British East Chinsurah or Hooghly took place near (c) 1933 (d) 1940
India Company, led by Robert Clive, Chinsurah on 25 November 1759 during
came up against the forces of the Seven Years' War between a force of Sol..(b) The Treaty of Versailles was
Siraj-ud-Daulah, the last Nawab of signed in 1919. The defeated Germany
British troops mainly of the British East
Bengal, and his French allies. Clive's
India Company and a force of the Dutch after the First World War signed the
victory eventually led to the British
East India Company. Treaty of Versailles on 28 June 1919. As
becoming the greatest economic and
a result, Germany lost a large part of its
military power in India.
Q.410. Who was made the Nawab of land, banned the occupation of other
Bengal following the Battle of Plassey? states, limited the size of its army, and
Q.407. Which of the following battles
SSC MTS 05/10/21(Morning) imposed heavy indemnities.
did Maulvi Ahmadullah Shah fight,
(a) Mir Jafar (b) Alivardi Khan
defeating the forces under Henry
(c) Sirajuddaulah (d) Mir Qasim Q.414. Which of the following regions
SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Evening) was annexed by the British East India
(a) Battle of Kintoor Company through the Treaty of Yandabo Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 192

Pinnacle History

(1826)? SSC MTS 20/10/2021 southern edge of the central Indian (a) 1612 (b) 1605
(Morning) plateau. Dr V. S. Wakankar (one of the (c) 1600 (d) 1596
(a) Assam (b) Kashmir most renowned archeologists) ,
(c) Odisha (d) Ladakh discovered these caves in 1958. Sol..(c) In 1600 was the East India
Company incorporated for the
Sol..(a) Assam was annexed by the Q.418. Which Indian monument was exploitation of trade with East and
British East India Company through the built by Maharaja Sawai Pratap Singh in Southeast Asia and India.The company
Treaty of Yandabo (1826). Treaty was the year 1799? received a Royal Charter from Queen
signed between Myanmar and the United SSC-CGL 07/06/19(Afternoon) Elizabeth-I.
Kingdom. (a) Hawa Mahal
(b) Leh Palace Q.422. Which of the following places
Q.415. In 1818, the Holkar Dynasty (c)Mattancherry Palace was ruled by the Wadiyar dynasty?
signed the Treaty of Mandsaur with the (d) Mysore Palace SSC CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning)
______. SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (a) Mysore (b) Guwahati
(Evening) Sol..(a) Hawa Mahal was built by (c) Jabalpur (d) Patna
(a) Danish (b) Dutch Maharaja Sawai Pratap Singh in the year
(c) British (d) French 1799.The Hawa mahal is in the shape of Sol..(a) Mysore was ruled by the
the turban of Krishna. It has 953 small Wadiyar dynasty. Wadiyar dynasty was
Sol..(c) In 1818, the Holkar Dynasty windows called Jharokhas decorated established by Vijaya and ruled Mysore
signed the Treaty of Mandsaur with the with intricate. from 1399 CE to 1423 CE.After getting
British . After Malhar Rao II was independence from the British rule in
Q.419. Safdarjung's tomb, set in the 1947, the Kingdom of Mysore joined in
defeated in the battle of Mahidpur(1818)
middle of a garden, was built byS the subsequent unification of Indian
the treaty of Mandsaur was signed.
Shuja-ud-Daulah in __________ dominion and princely states into the
SSC-CGL 10/06/19(Morning) Republic of India.
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Uttarakhand
(c) Delhi (d) Bihar Q.423. Which state of India was ruled
Q.416. Which queen died fighting
by the Ahom Dynasty?
Mughal armies while defending Garha
Sol..(c) Safdarjung's tomb, set in the SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Afternoon)
Katanga in 1564?
middle of a garden, was built by (a) Karnataka (b) Assam
SSC-CGL 04/06/19 (Morning)
Shuja-ud-Daulah in Delhi. It was built in (c) Rajasthan (d) Odisha
(a) Rani Avantibai
the late 18th century as the mausoleum
(b) Rani Rudrambara
of Safdarjung, a statesman who Sol..(b) The state of Assam in India was
(c) Rani Durgavati
remained the Wazir ul-Hindustan during ruled by the Ahom dynasty.The Ahom
(d) Rani Ahilyabai
the reign of Ahmad Shah Bahadur. dynasty ruled the Ahom kingdom in
present-day Assam, for about 598 years.
Sol..(c) Rani Durgavati Madavi (October
Q.420. Which of the following kings is The dynasty was established by
5, 1524 – June 24, 1564) was a ruling
regarded as the founder of the kingdom Sukaphaa, a Shan prince of Mong Mao
Queen of Gondwana from 1550 until
of Nepal? who came to Assam after crossing the
1564. Rani Durgavati's achievements
SSC CGL 10/06/2019 (Evening) Patkai mountains.
further enhanced the glory of her
(a) Rana Bahadur Shah
ancestral tradition of courage and
(b) Tribhuvan Bir Bikram Shah Q.424. Who among the following was
patronage.She died fighting Mughal
(c) Prithvi Narayan Shah the last Nawab of Awadh?
armies while defending Garha Katanga
(d) Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Afternoon)
in 1564.
(a)Amjad Ali Khan
Sol..(c) The Kingdom of Nepal was (b)Muhammad Mukim
Q.417. Which of the following is a
founded on 25 September 1768 by (c)Wajid Ali Shah
heritage site of Madhya Pradesh?
Prithvi Narayan Shah who succeeded in (d)Saadat Ali Khan
SSC CGL 6-3-2020 (Afternoon)
unifying the kingdoms of Kathmandu,
(a) Bhimbetka (b) Sasaram
Patan, and Bhaktapur into a single state. Sol..(c) Wajid Ali Shah was the last
(c) Hampi (d) Lepakshi
Nawab of Awadh. He was the last in a
Q.421. In which year was the East India long line of Nishapuri kings who had
Sol..(a) Bhimbetka caves are located in
Company incorporated for the reigned over Oudh and he had held the
the Raisen District of Madhya Pradesh.
exploitation of trade with East and title for just two days short of nine years.
These Rock Shelters are in the foothills
Southeast Asia and India?
of the Vindhya Mountains on the
SSC-CGL 11/06/19 (Morning) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 193

Pinnacle History

Q.425. What was the historical name of Bengal. Dual Administration was
the city of Guwahati? Q.428. Calcutta became the capital of introduced in the year 1765 by Robert
SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Evening) British India in _____. Clive (1754-1772).
(a) Purushapura SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
(b) Bhagyanagara (a) 1765 (b) 1727 Q.431. The daughter of Moropant
(c) Machilipatnam (c) 1772 (d) 1756 Tambe and Bhagirathi Sapre became
(d) Pragjyotishpur famous as______.
Sol..(c) Calcutta became the capital of SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Morning)
Sol..(d) Pragjyotishpura was the British India in 1772. From 1912 to (a) Ahilyabai Holka
historical name of the city of Guwahati. India's Independence in 1947, it was the (b) Rani Laxmibai
Guwahati is the largest city of the state, capital of all of Bengal. After (c) Rajmata Gayatri Devi
Assam and also of the entire North Independence, Calcutta remained the (d) Jijabai
Eastern Region of India. It is situated on capital of the Indian state of West
the southern banks of the mighty river, Bengal. Sol..(b) The daughter of Moropant
Brahmaputra. Dotted with ancient Tambe and Bhagirathi Sapre became
temples, Guwahati is also known as the Q.429. Who started the Asiatic Society famous as Rani Laxmibai.Lakshmibai,
‘City of Temples’.It is one of the fastest of Bengal in 1784? the Rani of Jhansi was the queen of the
developing cities of India. SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Evening) princely state of Jhansi in North India
(a) William Jones currently present in Jhansi district in
Q.426. In 19th century, the Satnami (b) William Adam Uttar Pradesh, India.
movement in central India was founded (c) William Wordsworth
by _______. (d) William Carey Q.432. Which city of Pakistan is called
SSC CGL 10/07/2019 (Afternoon) the ‘Gardens of the Mughals or City of
(a) Haridas Thakur Sol..(a) William Jones started the Asiatic Gardens’?
(b) Keshab Chandra Sen Society of Bengal in 1784. SSC CGL 09/07/2019 (Afternoon)
(c) Narayan Guru The Asiatic Society was founded by civil (a) Peshawar (b) Multan
(d) Guru Ghasidas servant Sir William Jones on 15 January (c) Karachi (d) Lahore
1784 in a meeting presided over by Sir
Sol.4.(d) The most-important Satnami William Jones, Justice of the Supreme Sol..(d) Lahore is the heart of Pakistan.
group was founded in 1820 in the Court of Judicature at Fort William at Lahore came to fame with Islam in
Chattisgarh region of middle India by the Fort William in Calcutta, then capital South Asia, Known as the Gardens of
Ghasidas, a farm servant and member of of the British Raj, to enhance and further the Mughals or City of Gardens, after the
the Chamar caste (a Dalit caste whose the cause of Oriental research. The significant rich heritage of the Mughal
hereditary occupation was leather society owns an art collection that Empire.
tanning, a task regarded by Hindus as includes paintings by Peter Paul Rubens
polluting). and Joshua Reynolds. The society’s Q.433. Hampi, the ancient capital of
library contains some 100,000 general Vijayanagara is located in:
Q.427. The Drishyakala-Exhibition held volumes, and its Sanskrit section has SSC CGL 11/07/2019 (Evening)
at the Red Fort showcased art works more than 27,000 books, manuscripts, (a) Kerala (b) Tamil Nadu
from ___________ till India’ s SSC prints, coins, and engravings. The (c) Karnataka (d) Telangana
CPO 13/03/2019 (Evening) Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal
(a) 11th century is published regularly. Sol..(c) Hampi, also referred to as the
(b) 12th century Group of Monuments at Hampi, is a
(c) 16th century Q.430. Post the Anglo-Mysore wars, UNESCO World Heritage Site located in
(d) 10th century whom did the East India Company east-central Karnataka, India. It became
appoint as the Governor of Bengal? the centre of the Hindu Vijayanagara
Sol..(c) The Drishyakala- Exhibition on SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning) Empire capital in the 14th century.
Indian Art showcases artwork from 16th (a) Robert Clive
century till India's independence. It has (b) Sir Charles Metcalfe Q.434. Who among the following was
paintings by Amrita Shergil and Raja (c) Lord Hardinge one of the main proponents of the
Ravi Varma on display. Titled (d) Warren Hastings Vaishnava Sect during the 15th century
Drishyakala, the exhibition, mounted on in Assam?
the walls of a newly-restored former Sol..(a) Post the Anglo-Mysore wars, SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening)
British barracks inside the Red Fort, tells Robert Clive did the East India (a) Jaidev (b) Ghasidas
the tale of a rich and diverse land and its Company appointment as the Governor (c) Raidas (d) Shankardev
people passing through colonial rule. of Bengal. He was the first governor of Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 194

Pinnacle History

Sol..(d) Sankardev(1449–1568) was a caliyans. The raw fabric was dyed and (b) Andal
15th–16th century Assamese polymath: printed in bright hues, and calico prints (c) Ramanuj
a saint-scholar, poet, playwright, became popular in Europe. (d) Karaikal Ammaiyar
social-religious reformer and a figure of
importance in the cultural and religious Q.438. Which of the following options is Sol..(a) Lingayats are followers of
history of Assam. true ? Basavanna, the 12th-century social
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening) reformer who rebelled against Hindu
Q.435. In the context of Medieval India, (a) The person who could read, write and society and established a new dharma.
which of the following pairs is correct ? teach Arabic was called Munshi (b) The Veerashaivism, as the name suggests, is
SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening) graffiti is hanging rock painting an order of Shaiva faith, which in turn is
(a) Marco Polo- Morocco (c) Gul Faroshan is a festival of flowers one of the two major Vedic faiths – the
(b) Al-Biruni - Turki (d) Aurang was a kind of Horse Cart other one being the Vaishnava faith.
(c) Franswa Bernier - Spain
(d) Duarte Barbosa - Portugal Sol..(c) Phool Walon Ki Sair or Q.442. 18th century freedom fighter
Sair-e-Gul Faroshan is a three-day Veerapandya Kattabomman was from
Sol..(d) Duarte Barbosa was a festival held in the month of September which present state ?
Portuguese writer and officer from in the region of Mehrauli, Delhi. Phool SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Portuguese India. He was a scrivener in Walon Ki Sair meaning "procession of (a) Kerala (b) Tamil Nadu
a factory in Cannanore, and an the florists" is an annual celebration by (c) Telangana (d) Karnataka
interpreter of the local language, the flower sellers of Delhi.
Malayalam. Barbosa wrote the Book of Sol..(b) Veerapandiya Kattabomman was
Duarte Barbosac. 1516, making it one of Q.439. Which among the following an 18th-century Palayakarrar and
the earliest examples of Portuguese pillars shows the rock-cut pillars ? chieftain from Panchalankurichi in Tamil
travel literature. SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning) Nadu, India.
(a) Achaemenian Pillar
Q.436. Bagh caves are situated in which (b) Gothic Pillar Q.443. Which of the following
state ? (c) Mauryan Pillar Monument-Place pairs is correct ?
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon) (d) Persian Pillars SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening)
(a) Madhya Pradesh (a) Alai Darwaza - Thanjavur
(b) Uttar Pradesh Sol..(c) Even though constructing pillars (b) Taj Mahal- Meerut
(c) Karnataka are very old, Mauryan pillars are (c) Golconda Fort - Hyderabad
(d) Assam different from the pillars in the other (d) Red Fort - Jaipur
parts of the world as they are rock cut
Sol..(a) The Bagh Caves are a group of pillars thus displaying the carver's skills. Sol..(c) Golconda Fort, also known as
nine rock-cut monuments, situated along Stone pillars were erected all over the Golkonda is a fortified citadel and an
the southern slopes of the Vindhyas in Mauryan Empire. early capital city of the Qutb Shahi
Bagh town of Dhar district in Madhya dynasty, located in Hyderabad,
Pradesh. Q.440. Ajanta and Ellora caves are Telangana, India.
located in which of the following state of
Q.437. What was known as ‘Calico’ India? Q.444. Who wrote the ‘Amuktamalyada’
during the pre-imperialism period? SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon) ?
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening) (a) Goa SSC MTS 2/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) Coal (b) Rice (b) Madhya Pradesh (a) Krishna Dev Rai
(c) Iron (d) Cotton (c) Bihar (b) Brahma Dev Rai
(d) Maharashtra (c) Bukka Rai
Sol..(d) Calico is a plain-woven textile (d) Harihar Rai
made from unbleached and often not Sol..(d) Ajanta and Ellora caves, that are
fully processed cotton. It may contain considered to be one of the finest Sol..(a) Amuktamalyada is an epic poem
unseparated husk parts, for example. The examples of ancient rock-cut caves, are in Telugu composed by Krishnadevaraya
fabric is far less fine than muslin, but located near Aurangabad in of the Vijayanagar Dynasty.
less coarse and thick than canvas or Maharashtra, India. Amuktamalyada translates to A garland
denim, but it is still very cheap owing to of pearls.
its unfinished and undyed appearance. Q.441. In the 12th century Karnataka, Q.445. Manikarnika Tambe is better
The fabric was originally from the city the followers of Veershaiv were ______. known in history as______.
of Calicut in southwestern India. It was SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning) SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
made by the traditional weavers called (a) Basavanna (a) Ahilyabai Holkar Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 195

Pinnacle History

(b) Rani Laxmibai Q.449. The Council of Ministers during city of state Mysore during the rule of
(c) Jodhabai the time of Shivaji Maharaj was known Tipu Sultan.
(d) Rani Padmini as:
SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Morning) Q.453. The medieval traveller Marco
Sol..(b) She was born on November 19, (a) Agraharam Polo was from:
1828, in the town of Varanasi into a (b) Ashtadiggajas SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning)
Marathi Karhade Brahmin family. She (c) Ashta Pradhan (a) Venice (b) Zurich
was named Manikarnika Tambe and was (d) Navaratnas (c) Istanbul (d) Paris
nicknamed Manu.
Sol..(c) The coronation of Shivaji Sol..(a) Marco Polo from Venice visited
Q.446. In which year Sanchi was Maharaj was held in 1674, at the fort of asia between 1271 and 1295. He is
discovered after being abandoned for Raigad in present-day Indian state of famous for his book The travels of
nearly 600 years? Maharashtra. On that occasion, Shivaji Marco Polo which describes his journey
SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Morning) Maharaj formalized the institution of a and experience in Asia.
(a) 1818 (b) 1816 council of eight ministers to guide the
(c) 1820 (d) 1814 administration of his nascent state. This Q.454. Who among the following was
council came to be known as the Ashta the first Portuguese viceroy of India?
Sol..(a) Sanchi stupa was discovered in Pradhan. SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening)
1818 after being abandoned for 600 (a) Alfonso de Albuquerque
years. It was discovered in 1818 by Q.450. In which year did the Portuguese (b) Duarte de Menezes
General Taylor. Sanchi is a Buddhist capture Goa? (c) Francisco de Almeida
complex, famous for its Great Stupa, on SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Morning) (d) Lopo Soares de Albergaria
a hilltop at Sanchi Town in Raisen (a) 1510 AD (b) 1540 AD
District of the State of Madhya Pradesh, (c) 1610 AD (d) 1475 AD Sol..(c) In 1505 Francisco de Almeida
India. was the first portuguese viceroy of india.
Sol..(a) The Portuguese conquest of Goa He was given the credit of portuguese
Q.447. The Gol Gumbad (Gumbaz) of occurred when the governor of possession in india. His policy was to
______ is the mausoleum of Muhammad Portuguese India Afonso de maintain a strong naval army over indian
Adil Shah. Albuquerque captured the city in 1510. ocean.
SSC CGL 4-3-2020 (Morning)
(a) Allahabad (b) Agra Q.451. In which language were the Q.455. Who among the following did
(c) Bijapur (d) Delhi Mughal court chronicles written? NOT belong to the Rajput kingdom of
SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Evening) Marwar?
Sol..(c) Gol Gumbaz at Bijapur is the (a) Sanskrit (b) Hindi SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning)
mausoleum of king Muhammad Adil (c) Persian (d) Urdu (a) Rao Jodha
Shah, Adil Shah Dynasty. Construction (b) Rao Chanda
of the tomb started in 1626 and got Sol..(c) Mughal chronicles were written (c) Rana Kumbha
completed in 1656. The name is based mostly by Mughal courtiers, who mainly (d) Maldeva
on Gola gummata derived from Gol focused on the events related to the
Gombadh meaning "circular dome". rulers, their family, the court and wars Sol..(c) Rana Kumbha was associated
and the administration. Persian was used with the Mewar Kingdom whereas All of
Q.448. Who was the Governor General as the main language. Paintings were the rest 3 belonged to the Marwar
of Bengal during the 3rd Anglo-Mysore done on the chronicles to make them Kingdom.
war? attractive. Two most important
SSC CGL 6-3-2020 (Evening) illustrated Mughal official histories were Q.456. Kalinjar Fort, which was
(a) John Macpherson Akbar Nama and Badshah Nama. strategically important during medieval
(b) 2nd Earl Cornwallis times, is located in:
(c) John Shore Q.452. During the rule of Tipu Sultan, SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning)
(d) Warren Hastings which was the capital city of his state (a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Rajasthan
Mysore? (c) Punjab (d) Sind
Sol..(b) British forces were commanded SSC CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening)
by Governor-General Cornwallis. The (a) Bidar (b) Srirangapatnam Sol..(a) Kalinjar fort is located in the
resultant war lasted three years and was (c) Madurai (d) Bangalore Banda district of Uttar Pradesh.
a resounding defeat for Mysore. Sol..(b) Srirangapatnam (currently
located in Karnataka) was the capital Q.457. Lord Hastings initiated the
______ where the East India Company Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 196

Pinnacle History

claimed that its authority was supreme death of Alivardi Khan. Alvardi Khan (d) Water tank
and hence its power was greater than was the nawab of Bengal from 1740 to
that of Indian states. 1756. Sol..(b) In medieval Indo-Islamic
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) architecture, the meaning of ‘Pishtaq’ is
(a) Policy of ‘Paramountcy’ Q.461. Which explorer discovered a sea a tall gateway. Pishtaq is a Persian/Farsi
(b) Doctrine of Lapse route to India in 1498? word that means ‘front of arch’. It is a
(c) Imperial Policy SSC CPO 9/12/19 Morning rectangular frame around an arched
(d) Government's Stores Policy (a) Thomas Coryat opening of a building like mosques and
(b) Megasthenes palaces.
Sol..(a) When Lord Hastings became the (c) Marco Polo
governor general in 1813 he initiated (d) Vasco da gama Q.465. Mughal Emperor Shah Alam
the policy of aggressive territorial appointed the British East India
explanation under the name ‘Policy of Sol..(d) Portuguese explorer Vasco da Company as the Diwan of the province
‘Paramountcy’.Under this policy the east Gama discovered a sea route to India in of Bengal in the year ______. SSC CGL
India company claimed that its authority 1497-1498. Actually, an unnamed Indian 17/08/21(Afternoon)
was paramount or supreme and it can navigator he hired in Kenya directed the (a) 1835 (b) 1765
annex or threaten any Indian state. journey from the east coast of Africa to (c) 1917 (d) 1623
what is now Kozhikode, India.
Sol..(b) Mughal Emperor Shah Alam
Q.458. In which year the administration Q.462. Who among the following first appointed the British East India
of India was transferred into the hands of translated the 'Bhagavad Gita' into Company as the Diwan of the province
the British Monarch by the Proclamation English ? of Bengal in the year 1765. This was a
of Queen Victoria? SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (Evening) treaty (Treaty of Allahabad) between the
SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (afternoon) (a) George Yule Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II, son of
(a) 1887 (b) 1842 (b) Vincent Arthur Smith the late Emperor Alamgir II, and Robert
(c) 1864 (d) 1858 (c) Max Muller Clive, of the East India Company, in the
(d) Charles Wilkins aftermath of the Battle of Buxar of 23
Sol..(d) In 1958, after the first war for October 1764. This allowed the
Independence 1957, the administration Sol..(d) In 1785, Sir Charles Wilkins company to collect revenue directly
of India was transferred into the hands of translated the Bhagavad gita in the from the people of Bengal, Bihar, and
the British Monarch by the Proclamation english. It is done on the special interest Odisha. In return, the Company paid an
of Queen Victoria. It repealed the pre shown by Warren Hasting, the Governor annual tribute of twenty-six lakhs of
war policies such as Doctrine of lapse. General Of India. rupees (equal to 260,000 pounds
sterling) while securing for Shah Alam
Q.459. In which year did King George V Q.463. Who among the following was II the districts of Kora and Allahabad.
assume the Crown of India? the Nizam of Hyderabad in 1947? SSC
SSC CPO 9/12/19 Morning CGL 16/08/21(Morning) Q.466. Which Mughal prince translated
(a) 1917 (b) 1906 (a) Mir Mahbub Ali Khan the Upanishads into Persian in 1657?
(c) 1923 (d) 1911 (b) Osman Ali SSC CGL 17/08/21(Afternoon)
(c) Akbar Ali Khan (a) Sultan Luftallah
Sol..(d) The Imperial Crown of India is (d) Nasir Jung (b) Dara Shikoh
the crown used by King George V in his (c) Murad Mirza
capacity as Emperor of India at the Delhi Sol..(b) Osman Ali was the Nizam of (d) Shah Suja
Durbar of 1911. Hyderabad in 1947. He was the last
Nizam (ruler) of the Princely State of Sol..(b) Dara Shikoh translated the
Q.460. Who became the Nawab of Hyderabad. He ruled the Kingdom of upanishads into Persian in 1657. He
Bengal after the death of Alivardi Khan Hyderabad between 1911 and 1948. completed the translation of fifty
in 1756? upanishads from their original Sanskrit
SSC CPO 9/12/19 Morning Q.464. Which of the following is the to Persian in 1657 so that they could be
(a) Mir Jafar meaning of ‘Pishtaq’ in the context of studied by muslim scholars.
(b) Murshid Kuli khan medieval Indo-Islamic
(c) Siraj-ud-daulah Architecture? SSC CGL Q.467. Alivardi Khan was a Nawab of
(d) Sujan Khany 16/08/21(Morning) ______. SSC CGL 18/08/21 (Morning)
(a) Dome (a) Deccan
Sol..(c) Sirajud-Daulah(1756-1757) (b) Tall gateway (b) Malabar
became a Nawab of Bengal after the (c) True arch (c) Awadh Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 197

Pinnacle History

(d) Bengal (d) Colin Mackenzie during (1500-1516) and wrote about the
trade and society in South India in his
Sol..(d) Alivardi Khan was the Nawab of Sol..(d) Colin Mackenzie was the first manuscript, ‘The Book of Duarte
Bengal from 1740 to 1756. He is also Surveyor General of India from 1815 to Barbosa’.
known for his victory during the Battle 1821. The Surveyor General of India is a
of Burdwan against the Maratha Empire Department under the Ministry of Q.475. Who founded the famous
during the Maratha invasions of Bengal. Science and Technology of the Vikramashila University in the ninth
Government of India. century? SSC CHSL 10/8/2021
Q.468. Prophet Muhammad founded the (Afternoon)
faith of Islam in the ______ century. Q.472. How many storeys does Qutub (a) Ballala Sena (b) Gopala
SSC CGL 24/08/21(Morning) Minar have in Delhi? SSC CHSL (c) Samanta Sena (d) Dharmapala
(a) sixth (b) eighth 5/8/2021 (Evening)
(c) seventh (d) ninth (a) Five (b) Eight Sol..(d) Vikramashila was established by
(c) Seven (d) Six the Pala emperor Dharmapala (783 to
Sol..(c) Prophet Muhammad founded the 820 AD). It was destroyed by the forces
faith of Islam in the seventh century. It is Sol..(a) Qutub Minar has five distinct of Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar Khalji
one of the largest religions present in the storeys. It is 73 meters high built. The around 1193.
world. first three storeys of the Qutub Minar are
made of red sandstone and the last two Q.476. Who among the following
Q.469. Who among the following was are made of marble and sandstone. The travellers came to India from Uzbekistan
appointed as the curator of ancient construction of the Qutub Minar was in the 11th century? SSC CHSL
monuments in year 1880? SSC CHSL started by Qutub-ud-Din Aibak, but he 10/8/2021 (Evening)
15/04/21 (Morning) only constructed the basement. The (a) Abdur Razzaq Samarquandi
(a) Alfred Foucher construction of the tower was later taken (b) François Bernier
(b) HH Cole over by his successor Iltutmish who (c) Ibn Battuta
(c) John Marshall constructed three more stories. The last (d) Al-Biruni
(d) Rajendra Lal Mitra two storeys were completed by Firoz
Shah Tuglak. Sol..(d) Abu Rayhan al-Biruni was an
Sol..(b) HH Cole was appointed as the Iranian scholar and polymath during the
curator of ancient monuments in the year Q.473. Which part of India did the Islamic Golden Age. He is also called
1880. He was a British civil servant and Nizams of Asaf Jahi dynasty rule? SSC "founder of Indology", "Father of
inventor who facilitated many CHSL 10/8/2021 (Morning) Comparative Religion", "Father of
innovations in commerce and education. (a) Western kingdoms modern geodesy", and the first
(b) Eastern states anthropologist.
Q.470. Which of the following dynasties (c) Deccan provinces
made Kanauj (Kanyakubja) its capital (d) Northern India Q.477. Which of the following is a
city? SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Afternoon) replica of the famous Taj Mahal built in
(a) Pala dynasty Sol..(c) The Asaf Jahi was a Muslim 1679? SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Evening)
(b) Pratihara dynasty dynasty that ruled the Kingdom of (a) Zeenat-ul-Masjid
(c) Sena dynasty Hyderabad. It was founded by Nizam (b) Pari Mahal
(d) Chola dynasty al-Mulk who was intermittently viceroy (c) Bibi ka Maqbara
of the Deccan (peninsular India) under (d) Allahabad Mahal
Sol..(b) The Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty the Mughal emperors from 1713 to 1721
was an imperial power during the Late and who resumed the post again under Sol..(c) Bibi Ka Maqbara also called the
Classical period on the Indian the title Āṣaf Jāh in 1724. 'Taj of the Deccan' in Aurangabad
subcontinent that ruled much of (Maharashtra) was built by Aurangzeb
Northern India from the mid-8th to the Q.474. Who among the following was a as a replica of the original Taj.
11th century. They ruled first at Ujjain Portuguese writer who wrote about the
and later at Kannauj. trade and society in South India? SSC Q.478. Who among the following
CHSL 10/8/2021 (Morning) foreign travellers is NOT correctly
Q.471. Who was appointed as the first (a) Niccolao Manucci matched with their respective country
Surveyor General of India in 1815? SSC (b) Francois Bernier they hail from? SSC CHSL 12/8/2021
CHSL 05/08/21 (Morning) (c) Jean-Baptiste Tavernier (Evening)
(a) John Hodgson (d) Duarte Barbosa (a) Marco Polo – Italy
(b) Thomas Hickey Sol..(d) Duarte Barbosa was the (b) Peter Mundy – China
(c) Henry Walpole Portuguese writer who visited India Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 198

Pinnacle History

(c) Ibn Battuta – Morocco Q.482. Which of the following was the (b) Daulatabad
(d) Al-Biruni – Uzbekistan first English language newspaper of (c) Aḥsanabad
India? SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Evening) (d) Berar
Sol..(b) Peter Mundy was a (a) Hicky’s Bengal Gazette
seventeenth-century British merchant (b) Maratha Sol..(c) Aḥsanabad became the capital of
trader, traveller and writer. He was the (c) The Madras Courier Bahamani sultanate immediately after its
first Briton to record, in his Itinerarium (d) The Bombay Herald foundation.
Mundi, tasting Chaa (tea) in China and
travelled extensively in Asia, Russia and Sol..(a) Hicky’s Bengal Gazette was the Q.486. Generally, In the Mughal
Europe. first English language newspaper of provincial administration, generally,
India. It was founded in Calcutta, the what was the meaning of Diwani? SSC
Q.479. In the context of Sufi traditions, capital of British India at the time, by MTS 08/10/21(evening)
what is the meaning of the word 'sama'? Irishman James Augustus Hicky in 1779. (a) Administration of law and order and
SSC MTS 05/10/21(Evening) criminal justice
(a) recitation of sacred songs Q.483. ______ was one of the first (b) Criminal Jurisprudence and
(b) Magical feat Indian rulers to lead an armed rebellion Administration of Prisons
(c) disciple against the British East India Company (c) Revenue Administration
(d) Ashram in 1824 against the implementation of (d) Criminal Justice System
the Doctrine of Lapse. SSC MTS
Sol..(a) In the context of Sufi traditions, 07/10/21 (Morning) Sol.4(c) In the Mughal provincial
the word 'sama' means recitation of (a) Kittur Chennamma administration, generally, Diwani meant
sacred songs. (b) Titumir revenue administration.
(c) Jayi Rajaguru
Q.480. Hafiz (Hafez) was a ______ (d) Pazhassi Raja Q.487. The Chalukya Dynasty ruled in
century poet whose collection of poems Vatapi which is in the modern-day
is known as 'Diwan' or 'Diwan-e-Hafiz'. Sol..(a) Kittur Chennamma was one of Indian state of ______. SSC MTS
SSC MTS 05/10/21(Morning) the first Indian rulers to lead an armed 11/10/21(Morning)
(a) 14th (b) 15th rebellion against the British East India (a) Kerala (b) Gujarat
(c) 16th (d) 17th Company in 1824 against the (c) Karnataka (d) Tamil Nadu
implementation of the Doctrine of
Sol..(a) Hafiz (Hafez) was a Lapse. Sol..(c) The Chalukya Dynasty ruled in
14th-century poet whose collection of Vatapi which is in the modern-day
poems is known as 'Diwan' or Q.484. Which of the following texts Indian state of Karnataka. The Chalukya
'Diwan-e-Hafiz'. Hafez was an Iranian gives the most detailed account of the dynasty was established by Pulakeshin I.
poet. His collection of poems ‘Diwan’ is history of Kashmir? SSC MTS 07/10/21 Pulakeshin I took Vatapi (modern
in Persian language. Most of the parts of (Afternoon) Badami in Bagalkot district, Karnataka)
‘Diwan’ are Ghazals. (a) Ritusamhara under his control and made it his capital.
(b) Rajatarangini Pulakeshin I and his descendants are
(c) Abhijnana Shakuntalam
Q.481. Under the rule of which king was referred to as "Chalukyas of Badami".
(d) Meghadutam
the Sun Temple at Konark built? SSC
MTS 06/10/21 (Evening) Q.488. Rani Rudrama Devi was a
Sol..(b) Rajatarangini’s text gives the
(a) Anantha Padmanbhan famous ruler of the ______ dynasty. SSC
(b) Samudragupta most detailed account of the history of
MTS 11/10/21(Morning)
(c) Narasimhadeva 1 Kashmir. It was written in Sanskrit by (a) Pandya (b) Kakatiya
(d) Anantavarman Chodaganga Kashmiri historian Kalhana in the 12th (c) Chola (d) Chera
century CE. The work consists of 7826
Sol..(c ) The Sun Temple at Konark was verses, which are divided into eight Sol..(b) Rani Rudrama Devi was a
built under the rule of Narasimhadeva 1. books called Tarangas ("waves"). famous ruler of the Kakatiya dynasty.
Konark Sun Temple is located at Konark Rudrama Devi was a monarch of the
about 35 kilometres from Puri on the Q.485. Which of the following cities Kakatiya dynasty in the Deccan Plateau
coastline of Odisha. The temple is became the capital of Bahamani from 1263 to 1289 until her death. She
attributed to king Narasimhadeva I of the sultanate immediately after its was one of the very few women to rule
Eastern Ganga dynasty about 1250 CE. foundation? SSC MTS 08/10/21
as monarchs in India and promoted a
male image in order to do so. This was a
(a) Devagiri Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 199

Pinnacle History

significant change and one that was (b) Ganga Gujarat. Gol Gumbaz of Muhammed
followed by her successor and also by (c) Rashtrakuta Adil Shah was constructed in 1656 by
the later Vijayanagara Empire (d) Pallava architect Yaqut of Dabul. Jama Masjid
was constructed in 1650–56 by the
Q.489. Which of the following Sol..(a) Vikramaditya VI, whose Mughal emperor Shah Jahan.
monuments is located in the state of biography was composed by his court
Karnataka? SSC MTS poet Bilhana, was a ruler of Chalukya Q.495. 'Rang Ghar', one of Asia's oldest
11/10/21(Afternoon) dynasty. The Chalukya dynasty was amphitheatres, was built by the king of
(a) Gol Gumbaz established by Pulakeshin I in 543. the ___dynasty. SSC MTS 18/10/2021
(b) Bara Imambara (Evening)
(c) Charminar Q.493. Badami was the earliest capital (a) Sen (b) Ahom
(d) Qutub Minar of the: SSC MTS 12/10/21(Evening) (c) Mughal (d) Gupta
(a) Chalukyas (b) Sungas
Sol..(a) Gol Gumbaz is located in (c) Pallavas (d) Mauryas Sol..(b) 'Rang Ghar', one of Asia's oldest
Bijapur district of Karnataka. It is the amphitheaters, was built by the king of
tomb of king Mohammed Adil Shah. Sol..(a) Badami was the earliest capital the Ahom
of the: Chalukyas. Chalukyas of Badami Dynasty. Rang Ghar, constructed by the
Q.490. Murshid Quli Khan was the were the successors of the Vakatakas in Ahom King Swargadeo Pramatta
Nawab of ______. SSC MTS western Deccan. They established their Singha.
11/10/21(Afternoon) capital at Vatapi, modern Badami in the
(a) Awadh Bijapur district, which forms a part of Q.496. Who among the following was
(b) Lucknow Karnataka. the founder of the Bhakti sect named
(c) Bengal 'Pushtimarg'? SSC MTS 20/10/2021
(d) Hyderabad Q.494. Which of the following forts was (Morning)
built by the Kakatiya dynasty? SSC (a) Vallabhacharya
Sol..(c) Murshid Quli Khan was the MTS 12/10/21(Evening) (b) Kabir
Nawab of Bengal. Murshid Quli Khan (a) Panhala (b) Raigad (c) Shankaracharya
was originally a Hindu and named as (c) Neemrana (d) Golconda (d) Ramanuja
Surya Narayan Mishra. At the age of
around ten years, he was sold to a Sol..(d) Golconda fort was built by the Sol..(a) Vallabhacharya founded the
Persian named Haji Shafi who Kakatiya dynasty. The Kakatiya dynasty Krishna-centered PushtiMarg sect of
circumcised him and raised him with the built the Golconda fort in the 13th Vaishnavism in the Braj region of India,
name Mohammad Hadi. century to defend the western part of and the philosophy of Shuddha advaita
their kingdom. The fort was built on top (Pure Nondualism). Pushtimarg is a form
Q.491. To which of the following of a granite hill. Rani Rudrama Devi and of Krishna worship for adoration.
dynasties did Queen Rudramadevi her successor Prataparudra strengthened
belong? SSC MTS 11/10/21(Evening) the fort further. Later the fort was given Q.497. Lal Ded, a female saint of the
(a) Vakataka to the rulers of Bahmani sultanate by 14th century, was one of the earliest and
(b) Western Ganga Musunuri Kapaya Nayak. best-known ______ poetesses. SSC
(c) Kakatiya MTS 22/10/2021 (Afternoon)
(d) Chola Q.494. Which of the following was built (a) Tamil (b) Punjabi
by Muhammed Quli Qutub Shah? SSC (c) Kashmiri (d) Bengali
Sol..(c) Queen Rudramadevi belongs to MTS 18/10/2021 (Morning)
the Kakatiya dynasty. The most powerful (a) Buland Darwaza Sol..(c) Lal Ded(Lalleshwari), a female
ruler of this kingdom was Ganapatideva. (b) Gol Gumbaz saint of the 14th century, was one of the
Kakatiyas of Warangal- Rudradeva (c) Char Minar earliest and best-known Kashmiri
1(founder). It was Prola II, who (d) Jama Masjid poetesses.
established the Kakatiya Dynasty as a
sovereign dynasty. Sol..(c) Char Minar was built by Q.498. Who among the following is
Muhammed Quli Qutub Shah. It was regarded as the founder of Aurangabad
Q.492. Vikramaditya VI, whose built in the year 1591 AD. Buland city? SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Morning)
biography was composed by his court Darwaza, or the "Door of Victory", was (a) Nizam Shah
poet Bilhana, was a ruler of ______ built in 1575 A.D. by Mughal emperor (b) Qutub Shah
dynasty. SSC MTS 11/10/21(Evening) Akbar to commemorate his victory over (c) Bahlaul Lodi
(a) Chalukya (d) Malik Ambar Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 200

Pinnacle History

Sol..(d) Malik Ambar is regarded as the Q.502. The Portuguese explorer Vasco Sepoys in the Presidency of Bengal
founder of Aurangabad city in 1610. The da Gama landed in ______ in the year revolted against their British
city, originally known as Khadki. It’s 1498. officers.Charles Canning was the
known for the 17th-century marble Bibi SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Evening) Governor-General of India during the
ka Maqbara shrine, styled on the Taj (a) Tuticorin (b) Calicut rebellion. Lord Dalhousie, the
Mahal. (c) Nagarcoil (d) Calangute Governor-General of India from 1848 to
1856, who devised the Doctrine of
Q.499. Who among the following was Sol.(b) The Portuguese explorer Vasco Lapse.
the founder of the Suryavamsi Gajapati da Gama landed in Calicut (now
dynasty that ruled parts of Orissa and Kozhikode) in 1498. He was the first Q.506. Who among the following was
Andhra Pradesh in the 15th century? European to find an ocean trading route appointed as the first Viceroy of British
SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Morning) to India. India?
(a) Bhanu Deva SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (Evening)
(b) Vasu Deva Modern History (a) Lord Canning (b) Lord Wavell
(c) Surendra Deva (c) Lord Irwin (d) Lord Mayo
(d) Kapilendra Deva
THE REVOLT OF 1857 Sol.(a) First Viceroy of British India is
Sol..(d) Kapilendra Deva was the Lord Canning Last Viceroy of British
Q.503. Veer Kunwar Singh Jayanti is India is Lord Mountbatten.
founder of the Suryavamsi Gajapati
celebrated in order to recognise the First governor of Bengal in British India
dynasty that ruled parts of Orissa and
achievements of Kunwar Singh during was Lord William Bentinck.First
Andhra Pradesh in the 15th
the Indian rebellion of 1857. governor general of India was Warren
century(1434–66 CE) in 1434.
(a) Himachal Pradesh (b) Bihar Hasting.
(c) Uttarakhand (d) Uttar Pradesh
Q.500. Who among the following first
Q.507. Mangal Pandey was hanged in
deciphered the Brahmi script in 1837? Sol.(b) Veer Kunwar Singh Jayanti is 1857 for attacking the British officers in:
SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Afternoon) celebrated in jagdishpur, bihar in order SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) Dayaram Sahni to recognise the achievements of (a) Allahabad (b) Benaras
(b) Alexander Cunningham Kunwar Singh during the Indian (c) Calcutta (d) Barrackpore
(c) John Marshall rebellion of 1857.
(d) James Prinsep Kunwar Singh (1777 – 26 April 1858) Sol.(d) Mangal Pandey was hanged in
was a notable leader during the Indian 1857 for attacking the British officers in
Sol.(d) James Prinsep deciphered the Rebellion of 1857. Barrackpore. The primary reason behind
Brahmi script in 1837. Brahmi Script is
Mangal Pandey's behavior was because
also known as Gandhari Script. He was Q.504. The Sepoy Mutiny in India of a new type of bullet cartridge used in
the founding editor of the Journal of started from ________. the Enfield P - 53 rifle.
Asiatic Society of Bengal, in 1837. He SSC-CGL 11/06/19 -(Morning)
also deciphered kharosthi script. (a) Rajkot (b) Meerut Q.508. Who was the organizer of revolt
(c) Bareilly (d) Champaran of 1857 in Bihar ?
Q.501. Which city was the capital of the SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening)
French Colony in India? SSC MTS Sol.(b) The Sepoy Mutiny in India (a) Bahadur Shah
26/10/2021 (Evening) started from Meerut.The Sepoy Mutiny (b) Nana Sahib
(a) Cochin (b) Tuticorin was a violent and very bloody uprising (c) Maulvi Ahmadullah
(c) Pondicherry (d) Panjim against British rule in India in 1857. (d) Kunwar Singh

Sol.(c) Pondicherry was the capital of Q.505. The Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 took Sol.(d) Kunwar Singh led the Indian
the French Colony in India. Five French place when_____was the Governor Rebellion of 1857 in Bihar. At the age of
colonies are Pondicherry, Karaikal in General of India. 80, he led a select band of armed
Tamil Nadu and Yanaon in Andhra SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Morning) soldiers against the troops under the
Pradesh on the Coromandel Coast, Mahe (a) Lord Bentinck (b) Lord Wellesley command of the British East India
in Kerala on the Malabar Coast and (c) Lord Dalhousie (d) Lord Canning Company. He was the chief organiser of
Chandernagore in West Bengal. the fight against the British in Bihar. He
Sol.(d) Indian Mutiny, also called Sepoy is popularly known as Veer Kunwar
Mutiny or First War of Independence, Singh.
widespread but unsuccessful rebellion
against British rule in India in 1857–59. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 201

Pinnacle History

Q.509. After the revolt of 1857, Which (a) Kunwar Singh Sol.(b) The Indian Mutiny which began
of the following changes was not made (b) Maulvi Ahmadullah from Meerut on 10 May 1857 ended in
by british government ? (c) Begum Hazrat Mahal Gwalior on 20 June 1858
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning) (d) Khan Bahadur
(a) The secretary of State for India was Q.516. ______ was the Mughal emperor
appointed Sol. (b) Ahmadullah Shah, born in during the revolt of 1857. SSC CHSL
(b) The number of Indian soldiers was 1787, more famously known as Maulavi 12/04/21 (Evening)
increased in the British Army of Faizabad, was one of the leading (a) Bahadur Shah I (b) Shah Alam II
(c) The rights of East India Company figures of the great Indian revolt of (c) Bahadur Shah II (d) Akbar II
were handed over to the British Empire 1857. In the Awadh region, Maulavi
(d) The Governor General of India Ahmadullah Shah was known as the Sol.(c) Bahadur Shah II was the Mughal
became the Viceroy of India 'Lighthouse of Rebellion'. emperor during the revolt of 1857.

Sol.5(b) The number of Indian soldiers Q.513. In which of the following years Q.517. The Indian Mutiny of 1857
was increased in the British Army.The did the revolt in the countryside of the effectively ended in the city of ______.
Indian army was carefully reorganized Bombay Deccan occur? SSC CGL SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Morning)
after 1858. Some changes were made 16/08/21(Evening) (a) Gwalior (b) Amritsar
necessary by the transfer of power to the (a) 1905 (b) 1890 (c) Lucknow (d) Vadodara
Crown. The domination of the army by (c) 1790 (d) 1875
its European branch was carefully Sol.(a) The Indian Mutiny of 1857
guaranteed. Sol.(d) The revolt in the countryside of effectively ended in the city of Gwalior.
the Bombay Deccan occurred in 1875.
Q.510. Who among the following was The purpose of revolt was to obtain and Q.518. Whose proclamation of
NOT associated with the revolt of 1857? destroy the bonds, decrees, and other November 1, 1858 declared that
SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Afternoon) documents in possession of the thereafter India would be governed by
(a) Kunwar Singh moneylenders. and in the name of the British Monarch
(b) Begum Hazrat Mahal through a Secretary of State? SSC MTS
(c) Mangal Pandey Q.514. Who among the following was 08/10/21 (Morning)
(d) Bhagat Singh one of the leaders of the Santhal (a) King Louis’
rebellion? (b) King Philips’
Sol.(d) Bhagat Singh was not associated SSC CGL 20/08/21(Afternoon) (c) Queen Victoria’s
with the revolt of 1857. (a) Sidhu Manjhi (d) Queen Elizabeth’s
(b) Surya Sen
Q.511. Bihar Diwas is celebrated on (c) BR Ambedkar Sol.(c) Queen Victoria’s proclamation of
_________ across the state to (d) Swami Vivekanand November 1, 1858, declared that
commemorate the day when Bihar was thereafter India would be governed by
carved out of the Bengal Presidency in Sol.(a) Sidhu Manjhi was one of the and in the name of the British Monarch
the year 1912. leaders of the Santhal rebellion. Sidhu through a Secretary of State.
SSC-CGL 07/06/19 (Morning) Murmu and Kanhu Murmu were
(a) 21st December (b) 21st January brothers and the leaders of the Santhal Q.519. Who spearheaded the Revolt of
(c) 22nd February (d) 22nd March rebellion, which started in 1855, in 1857 rebellion in Bihar?
present-day Jharkhand and Bengal in SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Afternoon)
Sol.(d) Bihar Diwas (Bihar Day) is eastern India against both the British (a) Tatya Tope (b) Nana Sahib
observed every year on March 22, colonial authority and the corrupt (c) Kunwar Singh (d) Bakht Khan
marking the formation of the state of 'zamindari' system.
Bihar. It was on this day when the Sol.(c) Kunwar Singh spearheaded the
British carved out the state from Bengal Q.515. The Indian Mutiny began from Revolt of 1857 rebellion in Jagdishpur
Presidency in 1912.Bihar Diwas is an Meerut on 10 May 1857 and ended in: (Bihar). Lucknow- Begum Hazrat
annual celebration that marks the SSC CGL 23/08/21(Evening)
Mahal, Delhi- Bahadur Shah II and
foundation day of the east Indian state of (a) Gwalior on 20 June 1858
Bakth Khan, Barrackpore- Mangal
Bihar. (b) Kolkata on 13 May 1858
Pandey, Jhansi- Rani Laxmibai, Kanpur-
(c) Delhi on 18 September 1859
Tantia Tope,
Q.512. During the 1857 uprising, who (d) Jhansi on 15 August 1860
among the following took up the
Q.520. In which of the following years
leadership at Faizabad?
was Bahadur Shah II deposed by the
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 202

Pinnacle History

British and exiled to Rangoon? SSC (a) Lord Cornwallis Q.526. The Sati Pratha was abolished
MTS 2/1/2021 (Evening) (b) Lord Wellesley under the Governor- Generalship of:
(a) 1698 (b) 1798 (c) Lord William Bentick SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning)
(c) 1857 (d) 1834 (d) Warren Hastings (a) Lord Ellenborough
(b) Lord Auckland
Sol..(c) In 1857 Bahadur Shah II was Sol.(c) Lord William Bentick was the (c) Lord Metcalfe
deposed by the British and exiled to Governor General of British India When (d) Lord William Bentinck
Rangoon. Bahadur Shah II was the last sati pratha became Illegal and
Mughal emperor. Rangoon is the old punishable. William Bentick alongwith Sol.(d) The Sati pratha was banned by
name of the city Yangon(former Capital Raja Ram Mohan Roy is given the the then Governor General Lord William
of Myanmar). credit for abolishment of Sati pratha and Bentinck.In 1829.It was said that the Sati
declaring it’s as a crime. It was abolished System which is burning alive the
in 1829. widows of Hindus is revolting to the
feelings of human nature. It was
VICEROYS Q.524. Which of the following Viceroys declared illegal and punishable by the
of India addressed the Bengal famine of criminal courts.
Q.521. Who among the following was 1943 by ordering the army to distribute
appointed as the first Viceroy of British relief supplies to the starving rural Q.527. Who was the Governor-General
India? Bengalis? of Bengal when the Permanent
SSC CGL 09/07/2019 (Evening) SSC CGL 5-3-2020 (Evening) Settlement was introduced
(a)Lord Canning (b)Lord Wavell (a) Lord Wavell there in 1793?
(c)Lord Irwin (d)Lord Mayo (b) Lord Mountbatten SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Afternoon)
(c) Lord Willington (a) Warren Hastings
Sol.(a) After the 1857 War, the British (d) Lord Linlithgow (b) Sir John Shore
Parliament directly transferred power (c) Sir John Macpherson
from the East India Company to the Sol.(d) Lord Linlithgow was the viceroy (d) Lord Cornwallis
Crown. Hence, Queen Victoria became of India during the Bengal famine 1943.
Empress of India, and Lord Canning He distributed relief supplies to rural Sol.(d) Lord Cornwallis was the
(who was the Governor-General in the Bengalis. It is believed that the Bengal Governor-General of Bengal in 1793,
1857 War) became the first Viceroy of famine of 1943 which is estimated to who introduced the Permanent
India. The last Viceroy of India was have killed up to three million people Settlement. It was a land revenue system
Lord Louis Mountbatten. was not caused by drought but instead in which the rajas and taluqdars were
was a result of a "complete policy recognised as zamindars. They were
Q.522. Who was the Governor General failure" of the then-British Prime asked to collect rent from the peasants
of India during the first Anglo-Sikh War Minister Winston Churchill. and pay revenue to the Company.
SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Morning) Q.525. Which of the following Viceroys Q.528. Who was the Governor-General
(a) Lord Cornwallis(b) Lord Hardinge appointed the Hunter Commission in of Bengal when the Permanent
(c) Lord Dalhousie (d) Lord Canning 1882? Settlement was introduced
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning) there in 1793?
Sol.(b) Lord Hardinge was the Governor (a) Lord Lytton (b) Lord Minto SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Afternoon)
General of India during the first (c) Lord Mayo (d) Lord Ripon (a) Warren Hastings
Anglo-Sikh War. The First Anglo-Sikh (b) Sir John Shore
War was fought between the Sikh Sol.(d) The Hunter Commission in 1882 (c) Sir John Macpherson
Empire and the East India Company was appointed by Lord Ripon. He was (d) Lord Cornwallis
between 1845 and 1846. It resulted in the viceroy of India then. Hunter
partial subjugation of the Sikh kingdom Commission was constituted on 3rd Sol.(d) Lord Cornwallis was the
and cession of Jammu and Kashmir as a April 1882. The objective of this Governor-General of Bengal in 1793,
separate princely state under British commission was to who introduced the Permanent
suzerainty. (a) enquire into the execution of Wood’s Settlement. It was a land revenue system
Dispatch of 1854 in which the rajas and taluqdars were
Q.523. Who was the then (b) Consider different aspects of recognised as zamindars. They were
Governor-General of British India when education in India, paying particular asked to collect rent from the peasants
'Sati Pratha' became illegal and attention to primary Education. and pay revenue to the Company.
SSC CGL 4-3-2020 (Evening) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 203

Pinnacle History

Q.529. Who was the first in the person of Queen Victoria (who, in
Governor-General of British India from Q.532. As a reaction to the Rowlatt Act, 1876, was proclaimed Empress of India).
1773 to 1785? ________was organised as National
SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Afternoon) Humiliation Day. Q.535. The first complete census in
(a) Sir John Shore SSC-CGL 10/06/19 -(Evening) India was held in the year ______ .
(b) Warren Hastings (a) 14 June 1921 (b) 6 April 1919 SSC CGL 10/07/2019 (Morning)
(c) Lord Cornwallis (c) 2 February 1913 (d) 8 May 1920 (a) 1881 (b) 1873
(d) Lord Wellesley (c) 1891 (d) 1885
Sol.(b) As a reaction to Rowlatt Act, 6
Sol.(b) Warren Hastings was the first April 1919 was organised as National Sol..(a) The first synchronous census in
Governor-General of British India from Humiliation Day.This act effectively India was held in 1881. Since then,
1773 to 1785. He established the system authorized the government to imprison censuses have been undertaken
of civil administration that was the basis any person suspected of terrorism living uninterrupted once every ten year.
of Anglo-Indian security and prosperity. in British India for up to two years
Regulating Act 1773 created the post of without a trial, and gave the imperial Q.536. In pre-independent India, the
Governor-General of India. authorities power to deal with all British moved the capital of India from
revolutionary activities. Calcutta to Delhi in ________.
SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
Q.533. During the passage of the Royal (a)1911 (b)1924
Titles Act 1876, the office of the British (c)1921 (d)1913
Prime Minister was occupied by:
POLICIES SSC-CHSL 2/07/19 -(Morning) Sol.(a) The British moved the capital of
(a) William Ewart Gladstone India from Calcutta to Delhi in 1911. By
Q.530. The _____________ was a group (b) Arthur Balfour the latter half of the 19th century, Shimla
of seven Members of Parliament from (c) John Russell had become the summer capital. King
the United Kingdom, constituted to (d) Benjamin Disraeli George V proclaimed the transfer of the
suggest constitutional reforms for British capital from Calcutta to Delhi at the
India. Sol.(d) The Royal Titles Act 1876 was climax of the 1911 Imperial Durbar on
(a) Fraser Commission an Act of the Parliament of the United 12 December 1911.
(b) Hunter Commission Kingdom which officially recognized
(c) Sargent Commission Queen Victoria (and subsequent Q.537. India was divided into India and
(d) Simon Commission monarchs) as “Empress of India”. This Pakistan by the _____Act.
title had been assumed by her in 1876, SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)
Sol.(d) The Simon Commission was a under the encouragement of the Prime (a) Government of India
group of seven Members of Parliament Minister Benjamin Disraeli.This act (b) Division of India
from the United Kingdom, constituted to officially recognized Queen Victoria as (c) Partition of India
suggest constitutional reforms for British “Empress of India”. (d) India Independence
India.The commission arrived in British
India in 1928 to study constitutional Q.534. In which year the administration Sol.(d) India was divided into India and
reform in Britain's largest and most of India was transferred into the hands of Pakistan by the India Independence Act.
important possession. the British Monarch by the Proclamation The Indian Independence Act was
of Queen Victoria? passed in 1947. The act created two new
Q.531. Which of the following was the SSC CGL 09/07/2019 (Afternoon) independent dominions; India and
most important characteristic of India’s (a) 1887 (b) 1842 Pakistan.
trade throughout the colonial period? (c) 1864 (d) 1858
SSC-CGL 07/06/19 (Afternoon) Q.538. The ______Commission was set
(a) Import surplus Sol.(d) The British Raj was ruled by the up to investigate the Jallianwala Bagh
(b) Import deficiency British Crown on the Indian massacre.
(c) Export deficiency subcontinent from 1858 to 1947. The SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Morning)
(d) Export surplus rule is also called Crown rule in India, or (a) Hunter (b) Butler
direct rule in India. This system of (c) Sadler (d) Campbell
Sol.(d) Export Surplus was the most governance was instituted on 28 June
important characteristic of India’s trade 1858, when, after the Indian Rebellion of Sol.(a) The Hunter Commission was set
throughout the colonial period. This 1857, the rule of the British East India up to investigate the Jallianwala Bagh
surplus came of a huge cost to the Company was transferred to the Crown massacre. Lord William Hunter led the
country's economy. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 204

Pinnacle History

investigating committee. The Sol.(c) The Government of India Act Q.545. Which british official was
commission was formed on 29th 1858, marked the beginning of a new responsible for the Jallianwala Massacre
October 1919. It started in November chapter in the constitutional history of ?
and took testimony over a period of 46 India. The Act known as the Act for the SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening)
days. Good Government of India, provided for (a) General Dyer (b) General Irwin
liquidation of East India Company, and (c) General Clive (d) General Sanders
Q.539. The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, transferred the powers of government,
Also Known As The Amritsar Massacre, territories and revenues to the British Sol.(a) Brigadier-General Reginald
Took Place In Jallianwala Bagh, Crown. Edward Harry Dyer CB was a British
Amritsar, Punjab On- Indian Army officer responsible for
SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Evening) Q.542. In which province of British Jallianwala Bagh massacre.
(A) 13 April 1919 (B) 13 August 1867 India was the Ryotwari system
(C) 17 March 1909(D) 4 May 1929 implemented to collect revenue ? Q.546. Which act allowed the British
SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning) government to increase political activity
Sol.(a) The Jallianwala Bagh massacre, (a) North India (b) South India and detain political prisoners without
also known as the Amritsar massacre, (c) Western India (d) Eastern India trial for 2 years?
took place on 13 April 1919 when troops SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon)
of the British Indian Army under the Sol.(b) Ryotwari system, one of the three (a) Rowlatt Act (b) Albert Act
command of Acting Brigadier-General principal methods of revenue collection (c) Arms Act (d) Vernacular Act
Reginald Dyer fired rifles into a crowd in British India. It was prevalent in most
of unarmed Punjabi civilians who had of southern India, being the standard Sol.(a) Rowlatt Act gave enormous
gathered in Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar, system of the Madras Presidency. powers to the government to repress
Punjab. The civilians had assembled for political activities. It allowed detention
a peaceful protest to condemn the arrest Q.543. Who had given the Doctrine of of political prisoners without trial for
and deportation of two national leaders, Lapse ? two years. On 6th April, 1919; Gandhiji
Satya Pal and Saifuddin Kitchlew, and to SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning) launched a nationwide satyagraha
honour the Sikh festival of Baisakhi. (a) Lord Cornwallis (b) Lord Bentinck against the proposed Rowlatt Act.
(c) Lord Dalhousie (d) Lord Canning
Q.540. Which act is known as Q.547. Under which Governor General
Montagu-Chelmsford reforms ? Sol.(c) Doctrine of lapse was the policy did Britishers adopt “ Policy of
SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning) of Dalhousie, the then Governor Paramountcy” ?
(a) Indian Independence Act, 1947 General, to annex the independent Indian SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening)
(b) Indian Government Act, 1919 States in 1848 A.D. This doctrine was (a) Lord Dalhousie (b) Lord Clive
(c) Pits India Act, 1784 based on the idea that in case a ruler of a (c) Lord Cornwallis (d) Lord Hastings
(d) Charter Act, 1813 dependent state died childless, the right
of ruling over the State reverted or Sol.(d) Lord Hastings was the first
Sol.(b) Indian Government Act, 1919 'lapsed' to the sovereign. Governor General of India from 1813.
Government of India Act, 1919 also Under Lord Hasting a new policy of
known as Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms Q.544. Indian Statutory Commission "paramountcy" was introduced in India.
which came into force in 1921 . It was 1928 was headed by _______. Under this policy the Company claimed
instituted in the British Indian polity to SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening) that its authority was paramount or
introduce the Diarchy, i.e., rule of two (a) Daniel RadCliffe supreme, hence its power was greater
which means executive councilors and (b) Viceroy Lord Irwin than that of Indian states.
popular ministers. (c) Sir John Simon
(d) Viceroy Lord Chelmsford Q.548. Ilbert Bill, A Controversial
Q.541. Which act of the British Measure Proposed In 1883 By____.
Parliament transferred the powers of the Sol.(c) The Indian Statutory SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Evening)
East India Company to the British Commission, commonly referred to as (a) Lord Hesting (b) Lord Ripon
Crown? the Simon Commission, was a group of (c) Lord Dalhousie (d) Lord Curzon
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening) seven British Members of Parliament
(a) Charter Act, 1853 under the chairmanship of Sir John Sol.(b) The Ilbert Bill was a bill
(b) Charter Act, 1835 Simon. The commission arrived in introduced in 1883 during the
(c) Govt of India Act, 1858. British India in 1928 to study Viceroyship of the Marquess of Ripon,
(d) Charter Act, 1818 constitutional reform in Britain's largest which was written by Sir Courtenay
and most important possession. Peregrine Ilbert (The law member of the
Viceroy's Council). Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 205

Pinnacle History

agreed to keep British forces in his of Charles Earl (Lord) Cornwallis, who
Q.549. The Act that transferred the territory ? served as Governor of Bengal from 1786
power from the British East India SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Afternoon) to 1793.
Company to the British Crown in India (a) Lord Wellesley
was: (b) Lord Cornwallis Q.556. Which of the following
SSC CGL 6-3-2020 (Afternoon) (c) Lord William Bentick statements is correct?
(a) Government of India Act, 1947 (d) Lord Mayo SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Evening)
(b) Government of India Act, 1835 (a) In 1774, the Asiatic Society was
(c) Government of India Act, 1858 Sol.(a) Lord Wellesley introduced the founded by Sir Williams Jones.
(d) Government of India Act, 1833 policy of Subsidiary Alliance, under (b) In 1775, the Siraj ud-Daulah was
which the Indian ruler agreed to keep defeated in the Battle of Plassey.
Sol.(c). The Government of India Act British forces in his territory. (c) In 1776, the first railway service
1858 was an Act of the British began from Bombay to Thane.
parliament that transferred the Q.553. After the battle of ______ in (d) In 1793, the Cornwallis code was
government and territories of the East 1757, the British achieved political enacted.
India Company to the British Crown. power in India.
The company's rule over British SSC CGL 08/07/2019 (Evening) Sol.(d) In 1793, the Cornwallis Code
territories in India came to an end and it (a) Aliwal (b) Buxar was enacted. It was enacted by Lord
was passed directly to the British (c) Plassey (d) Saragarhi Cornwallis, governor-general of India,
government. gave legal form to the complex of
Sol.(c) After the battle of Plassey in measures that constituted the
Q.550. Who among the following was 1757, the British achieved political administrative framework in British
NOT a minister of Cabinet Mission Plan, power in India. And their paramountcy India and also known as the Bengal
1946 ? was established during the tenure of System.
SSC CGL 6-3-2020 (Evening) Lord Dalhousie, who became the
(a) Sir Stafford Cripps Governor- General in 1848. He annexed Q.557. Which of the following princely
(b) Lord Wavell Punjab, Peshawar and the Pathan tribes states was annexed by the British under
(c) Sir Pethick Lawrence in the north-west of India. the pretext of 'misgovernment of the
(d) Alexander Nawab'?
Q.554. In which of the following years SSC MTS 05/10/21(Morning)
Sol.(b) Lord Wavell was not a minister was the Indian Independence Act passed (a) Udaipur (b) Awadh
of the Cabinet Mission Plan, 1946. The by the British Parliament? SSC CGL (c) Nagpur (d) Satara
members of the Cabinet Mission were 18/08/21(Evening)
Lord Penthick Lawrence, Secretary of (a) 1945 (b) 1942 Sol.(b) Awadh was annexed by the
State for India, Sir Stafford Cripps, (c) 1946 (d) 1947 British under the pretext of
President of the Board of Trade, and A.V 'misgovernment of the Nawab'. The
Alexander, First Lord of Admiralty. Sol.(d) The Indian Independence Act Nawab of Awadh was forced to give half
was passed by the British Parliament in of his territory to the British Company in
Q.551. Who was the Prime Minister of 1947. The Act received Royal Assent on 1801. The Nawab failed to pay for the
Britain/UK when the British Parliament 18 July 1947 and thus India and “subsidiary forces”. Later, in 1858, the
passed an independence bill for India in Pakistan, comprising West (modern day state of Awadh was annexed by the
July 1947? Pakistan) and East (modern day British on the charges of
SSC CHSL 18-03-2020 (Afternoon) Bangladesh) regions, came into being on
mismanagement of the state.
(a) Clement Attlee 15th August.
(b) Neville Chamberlain
Q.558. Which of the following Acts was
(c) Ramsay Macdonald Q.555. In which of the following years
enacted in British India in the year
(d) Winston Churchill was the Cornwallis Code enacted?
SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Evening)
SSC MTS 05/10/21(Morning)
Sol.(a) Clement Attlee was the Prime (a) 1857 (b) 1793
(a) Indian Contract Act
Minister of Britain/UK when British (c) 1805 (d) 1723
(b) Transfer of Property Act
Parliament passed an independence bill
(c) Vernacular Press Act
for India in July 1947. Sol.(b) The Cornwallis Code, a body of
(d) East India Stock Dividend
legislation enacted in 1793 by the East
Redemption Act
Q.552. Which governor general India Company to improve the
introduced the policy of Subsidiary governance of its territories in India. The
Alliance, under which the Indian ruler Code was developed under the guidance Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 206

Pinnacle History

Sol.(c) Vernacular Press Act was enacted officially announced as the capital of Sol.(d) In order to curb the East India
in British India in the year 1878. Lord British Raj by Emperor George V, on Company traders’ unrestrained
Lytton passed the Vernacular Press Act December 12, 1911. commercial activities and to bring about
1878 that authorised the government to some order in territories under the
confiscate newspapers that printed Q.562. By which British statute were Company control, the British Parliament
'seditious material'. He also passed the Indian representatives, for the first time, enacted a series of laws among which
Arms Act 1878 that prohibited Indians allocated seats for election in Indian the Regulating Act of 1773 stood first.
from carrying weapons of any kind Legislative Councils? It provided for the establishment of the
without licenses. SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Evening) Supreme Court at Calcutta (1774).
(a) Government of India Act, 1833
Q.559. Whose proclamation of (b) Indian Councils Act, 1892 Q.565. Who among the following was a
November 1, 1858 declared that (c) Government of India Act, 1915 great advocate of English education in
thereafter India would be governed by (d) Indian Councils Act, 1861 India?
and in the name of the British Monarch SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Afternoon)
through a Secretary of State? SSC MTS Sol.(b) By Indian Councils Act, 1892, (a) TB Macaulay (b) Jonathan Duncan
08/10/21 (Morning) Indian representatives, for the first time, (c) William Jones (d) Warren Hastings
(a) King Louis’ allocated seats for election in Indian
(b) King Philips’ Legislative Councils. The act made a Sol.(a) TB Macaulay was a great
(c) Queen Victoria’s limited and indirect provision for the use advocate of English education in India.
(d) Queen Elizabeth’s of election in filling up some of the He is considered primarily responsible
nonofficial seats both in the Central and for introducing the Western education
Sol.(c) Queen Victoria’s proclamation of provincial legislative councils. The word system in India.
November 1, 1858, declared that “election” was, however, not used in the
thereafter India would be governed by act. The process was described as a Q.566. In which year did the British
and in the name of the British Monarch nomination made on the Government announce Morley-Minto
through a Secretary of State. recommendation of certain bodies. Reforms in India?
Q.563. Which law was imposed in India SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Morning)
Q.560. In 1877, which of the following during the command of General Dyer? (a) 1905 (b) 1919
viceroys organised a durbar to SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Evening) (c) 1932 (d) 1909
acknowledge Queen Victoria as the (a) Preventive detention
Empress of India? (b) Discrimination law Sol.(d) In 1909 the British Government
SSC MTS 12/10/21(Evening) (c) Simon law announced Morley-Minto Reforms in
(a) Lord Lytton (b) Lord Ripon (d) Martial law India. The Morley-Minto Reforms
(c) Lord Minto (d) Lord Dufferin became law in 1909 as the Indian
Sol.(d) Martial law was imposed in Councils Act. The main provisions of
Sol.(a) In 1877, Lord Lytton organised a India during the command of General Morley - Minto Reform are the
durbar to acknowledge Queen Victoria Dyer. General Dyer enacted an Act on introduction of a separate electorate for
as the Empress of India. This was the April 13, 1919, called martial law stating the Muslims.
culmination of the transfer of control of that no more than 2 people can form a
British India from the East India group and meet at a place. Q.567. In which year was the office of
Company to the Crown. the first Accountant General established
Q.564. In order to curb the East India in India?
Q.561. The capital of the British Indian Company traders’ unrestrained SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Morning)
Empire was transferred from Calcutta to commercial activities and to bring about (a) 1858 (b) 1845
Delhi in: some order in territories under the (c) 1890 (d) 1867
SSC MTS 13/10/21(Afternoon) Company control, the British Parliament
(a) 1911 (b) 1905 enacted a series of laws among which Sol.(a) In 1858(the year the British took
(c) 1907 (d) 1909 the ______ stood first. SSC MTS over administrative control of India from
22/10/2021 (Evening) the East India Company) the office of
Sol.(a) The capital of the British Indian (a) Charter Act of 1813 the first Accountant General was
Empire was transferred from Calcutta to (b) Government of India Act 1833 established in India. In 1860 Sir Edward
Delhi in:1911. The British government (c) Regulating Act of 1780 Drummond was appointed as the first
believed that ruling India from Delhi (d) Regulating Act of 1773 Auditor-General.
was easier and more convenient than
from Calcutta. Therefore, Delhi was Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 207

Pinnacle History

Q.568. Which Committee among the

following was formed in Bombay in PARTITION OF BENGAL Q.574. The Governor-General of India
March 1919? AND SWADESHI was given the title of Viceroy for the
SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Afternoon) first time in:
(a) Hunter Committee SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening)
(b) Khilafat Committee (a) 1859 (b) 1858
Q.571. The Swadeshi Movement started
(c) Sargent Committee (c) 1856 (d) 1857
in India during_______.
(d) Sapru Committee
SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Morning)
Sol.(b) After the revolt of 1857, the
(a) Anti-Bengal Partition agitation
Sol.(b) Khilafat Committee was formed company's rule ended and crown
(b) The first non-cooperation movement
in Bombay in March 1919. Hunter administration started under which the
of 1919-22
Commission - The Commission on Government of India Act 1858 passed.
(c) The Champaran Satyagrah of gandhi
Indian Education, prepared in 1882 by This changed the name of post Governor
(d) The protest against Rowlatt Act
William Wilson Hunter. The Jallianwala General of India to Viceroy of India.
Bagh massacre Hunter Commission in
Sol.(a) The Swadeshi Movement started
1919. The Sargent Committee outlined Q.575. In which year did Lord Curzon
in India during Anti- Bengal Partition
the future development of literacy and order the partition of Bengal?
agitation. The Swadeshi movement
education in India. The Sapru SSC CHSL 18-03-2020 (Evening)
started with the partition of Bengal by
(a) 1905 (b) 1930
Committee recommended that the the Viceroy of India, Lord Curzon in
(c) 1945 (d) 1915
Fundamental Rights “must” be included 1905 and continued up to 1911. It was
in the Constitution. the most successful of the pre-Gandhian
Sol.(a) In 1905, Lord Curzon ordered
movement. Its chief architects were
the partition of Bengal to separate the
Q.569. Which of the following Acts Aurobindo Ghosh, Lokmanya Bal
largely Muslim eastern areas from the
ended the monopoly of the East India Gangadhar Tilak, Bipin Chandra Pal and
largely Hindu western areas.
Company over trade Lala Lajpat Rai, V. O. Chidambaram
with India? Pillai, Babu Genu.
Q.576. Which of the following events
SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Afternoon)
did NOT occur in 1919?
(a) Regulating Act of 1793 Q.572. To which of the following events
SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Afternoon)
(b) Charter Act of 1813 Lord Curzon is related?
(a) Jallianwala Bagh tragedy place
(c) Charter Act of 1833 SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning)
(b) Montague Chelmsford Reform was
(d) Regulating Act of 1773 (a) Partition of Bengal
(b) Setting up of Durand Commission
(c) Partition of Bengal took place
Sol.(b) Charter Act of 1813 ended the (c) Bhutan War
(d) Rowlatt Act was passed
monopoly of the East India Company (d) Introduction to system to Budget
over trade with India. The Regulating Sol.(c) The partition of the Bengal
Act of 1773 was an Act of the Sol.(a) Partition of Bengal, (1905),
province came into effect on 16th
Parliament of Great Britain intended to division of Bengal carried out by the
October, 1905 under the viceroyalty of
overhaul the management of the East British viceroy in India, Lord Curzon,
Lord Curzon. However, Montague
India Company's rule in India. The despite strong Indian nationalist
Chelmsford reform, Jallianwala
charter act of 1833 legalized the British opposition. It began a transformation of
massacre and Rowlatt act took place in
colonization of India and the territorial the Indian National Congress from a
possessions of the company were middle-class pressure group into a
nationwide mass movement.
allowed to remain under its government. Q.577. Which Indian personality was
Q.573. In which of the following years given knighthood by the British monarch
Q.570. Indian Universities Commission but he returned it after the Jallianwala
did India come under the direct rule of
was set up in which of the following massacre?
the British crown?
years? SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening)
SSC CHSL 18-03-2020 (Morning)
SSC MTS 2/1/2021 (Evening)
(a) 1868 (b) 1888 (a) Rabindranath Tagore
(a) 1902 (b) 1897
(c) 1878 (d) 1858 (b) Motilal Nehru
(c) 1882 (d) 1909
(c) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
Sol.(d) After the Revolt of 1857, in
Sol.(a) The Indian Universities (d) Aurobindo Ghosh
1858, the rule of British East India
Commission was a body appointed in
Company ended and came under the
1902 on the instructions of Lord Curzon.
direct rule of the British crown. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 208

Pinnacle History

Sol.(a) Rabindranath Tagore returned the and sell salt legally and for their own
Knighthood award to British government Q.581. In which year was the partition private use.
in 1918 to protest against the Jallianwala of Bengal carried out by the British
Bagh Massacre. Due to the same reason Viceroy Lord Curzon? Q.583. Mahatma Gandhi formed the
Gandhi returned the Kaiser-i-Hind Gold SSC MTS 05/10/21(Afternoon) Natal Indian Congress in the year
medal given to him by British (a) 1905 (b) 1901 ________.
government for his work during the Boer (c) 1907 (d) 1911 SSC-CGL 10/06/19 -(Afternoon)
war. (a) 1874 (b) 1894
Sol.(a) In 1905, the partition of Bengal (c) 1854 (d) 1863
Q.578. ‘Amar Sonar Bangla’, the was carried out by the British Viceroy
national anthem of Bangladesh was Lord Curzon. The real motive of Sol.(b) Mahatma Gandhi formed the
composed by_____ Britishers behind the partition was to Natal Indian Congress in the year
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) weaken Bengal and divide Muslims and 1894.The Natal Indian Congress (NIC)
(a) Ravindra nath tagore Hindu on the basis of their religion. was an organisation that aimed to fight
(b) Dwijendranath tagore discrimination against Indians in South
(c) Devendra tagore GANDHIAN ERA Africa. It was founded by Mahatma
(d) Arvind Nath tagore Gandhi in 1894.
Q.582. Which one of the following was
Sol.(a) "Amar Sonar Bangla" also NOT a condition laid down in the Q.584. ‘India of My Dreams’ book is the
known as "My Golden Bengal" is the Gandhi-Irwin Pact ? collection of whose speeches and notes?
national anthem of Bangladesh. An Ode SSC-CGL 06/06/19 (Evening) SSC-CGL 11/06/19 -(Afternoon)
to Mother Bengal, the lyrics were (a) The Indian National Congress should (a) Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
written by Bengali polymath stop the civil disobedience movement. (b) Jawahar Lal Nehru
Rabindranath Tagore in 1905. (c) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Removal of salt tax; allowing to (d) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
Q.579. Who among the following was produce, trade and sell legally
responsible for the partition of Bengal in (c) Withdrawal of tax on khadi Sol.(c) ‘India of my Dreams’ book the
1905? production collection of Mahatma Gandhi speeches
SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Evening) (d) Participation in the Round Table and notes .
(a) Lord Mayo (b) Lord Canning Conference by the Indian National
(c) Lord Ripon (d) Lord Curzon Congress Q.585. The mother of Mahatma Gandhi
Sol.(d) The first Partition of Bengal was Sol.(c) The 'Gandhi-Irwin Pact' was a SSC-CHSL 2/07/19 -(Afternoon)
a territorial reorganization of the Bengal political agreement signed by Mahatma (a) Putlibai (b) Heerabai
Presidency on 19 July 1905 by Lord Gandhi and Lord Irwin, the then Viceroy (c) Kamlabai (d) Kasturba Bai
Curzon. of India, on 5 March 1931 before the
second Round Table Conference in Sol.(a) The mother of Mahatma Gandhi
Q.580. Moved by the Swadeshi London. was Putlibai.She was a true devotee of
Movement, ______ painted his famous Below are the proposed conditions:- God. She would not have food until she
image of Bharat Mata portraying her as 1. Discontinuation of Salt March by the finished her puja (prayer) rituals. She
an ascetic figure. SSC MTS Indian National Congress would go to the temple regularly.
05/10/21(Morning) 2. Participation by the Indian National
(a) Satyendranath Tagore Congress in the Second Round Table Q.586. Who was affectionately called ‘
(b) Abanindranath Tagore Conference The Grand Old Man of India’?
(c) Jyotirindranath Tagore 3. Withdrawal of all ordinances issued SSC CGL 05/07/2019 (Morning)
(d) Dwijendranath Tagore by the Government of India imposing (a) Dadabhai Naoroji
curbs on the activities of the Indian (b) Lal Bahadur Shastri
Sol.(b) Moved by the Swadeshi National Congress (c) Rajendra Prasad
Movement, Abanindranath Tagore 4. Withdrawal of all prosecutions (d) Bipin Chandra Pal
painted his famous image of Bharat relating to several types of offenses
Mata portraying her as an ascetic figure except those involving violence Sol.(a) Dadabhai was affectionately
in 1905. The painting is depicted as a 5. Release of prisoners arrested for known as the Grand Old Man of India.
participating in the Salt March. He is most famous for his drain of
saffron-clad divine woman, holding a
6. Removal of the tax on salt, which wealth theory.Dadabhai Naoroji, became
book, sheaves of paddy, a piece of white
allowed the Indians to produce, trade, the president of Indian National
cloth, and a rosary in her four hands.
Congress(INC) three times. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 209

Pinnacle History

“A flag is a necessity for all nations. 1932. The agreement was signed by Pt
Q.587. In which year was the Millions have died for it.” Madan Mohan Malviya and Dr. B. R.
Non-Cooperation Movement launched? SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) Ambedkar and some Dalit leaders at
SSC CGL 05/07/2019 (Morning) (a) Sarojini Naidu Yerwada Central Jail in Pune, to break
(a) 1877 (b) 1920 (b) Mahatma Gandhi Mahathma Gandhi's fast unto death.
(c) 1856 (d) 1919 (c) Bhikaji Cama
(d) Jawaharlal Nehru Q.594. Who among the following was
Sol.(b) The Non-Cooperation Movement called as ‘Ajatshatru’ by Gandhiji ?
was a significant phase of the Indian Sol.(b) Mahatma Gandhi said, ‘A flag is SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon)
independence movement from British a necessity for all nations. Millions have (a) Lala Lajpat Rai
rule. It was led by Mohandas died for it. It is no doubt a kind of (b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
KaramchandGandhi after the Jallianwala idolatry which would be a sin to destroy. (c) Bhagat Singh
Bagh Massacre. ... The non-cooperation For, a flag represents an Ideal.’ The (d) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
movement was launched on 31st August, national flag is the banner that imparts a
1920. nation its own unique identity. Sol.(d) Gandhiji called Dr. Rajendra
Prasad as Ajatashatru, meaning, “he who
Q.588._______ was awarded the Q.591. When did the Quit India has no enemies.”Rajendra Prasad (3
‘Kaiser-i-Hind’ in 1915 by Lord Movement start? December 1884 – 28 February 1963)
Hardinge of Penshurst for his ambulance SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning) was the first President of India. A
services in South Africa. (a) 1930 (b) 1942 supporter of Mahatma Gandhi, Prasad
SSC CGL 05/07/2019 (Afternoon) (c) 1932 (d) 1940 was imprisoned by British authorities.
(a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak He also responded to the call by Gandhi
(b) Mahatma Gandhi Sol.(b) The Quit India Movement, or the to boycott Western education.
(c) Subhas Chandra Bose August Movement, was a movement
(d) Muhammad Iqbal launched at the Bombay session of the Q.595. Which British Viceroy of India
All-India Congress Committee by was Associated with the Ilbert Bill
Sol.(b) Mahatma Gandhi was awarded Mahatma Gandhi on 8 August 1942, enacted in 1884?
the ‘Kaiser-i-Hind’ in 1915 by Lord during World War II, demanding an end SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
Hardinge of Penshurst for his ambulance to British Rule of India. (a) Lord Rippon (b) Lord Dufferin
services in South Africa.The title (c) Lord Northbrook (d) Lord Napier
Kaisar-i-Hind was coined in 1876 by the Q.592. The noted freedom fighter
orientalist G.W. Leitner. Saheed Laxman Nayak belonged to the Sol.(a) The Ilbert Bill was a bill
state of _____ formally introduced on 9 February 1883
Q.589. In 1917, Mahatma Gandhi SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) during the Viceroyship of the Marquess
organised a Satyagraha in Kheda district (a) Gujrat (b) Chhattisgarh of Ripon, which was drafted by Sir
of Gujarat in support of the: (c) Uttar pradesh (d) Odisha Courtenay Peregine Ilbert. It concerned
SSC CGL 10/07/2019 (Morning) the jurisdiction of Magistrates or
(a) cotton mill workers who were Sol.(d) Sessions Judges to try charges against
demanding better wages Lakshman Naik was the famous tribal European British subjects if they were
(b) tribals whose customary rights were leader of Orissa in the independence themselves not European. It is named
being violated movement. The heroism and patriotism after Courtenay Ilbert, who had proposed
(c) women who were struggling against displayed by Lakshman Naik during the it as a compromise between two
the oppressive patriarchal system Quit India Movement forms a glorious previously suggested bills.
(d) peasants who were affected by crop landmark in the history of the freedom
failure and a plague epidemic movement in Orissa. Q.596. The Khurda Uprising took place
in the year :
Sol.(d) It was the third Satyagraha Q.593. In the context of the National SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon)
movement after Champaran Satyagraha Movement in India, when was the Poona (a) 1817 (b) 1822
and Ahmedabad mill strike. Gandhi Pact signed ? (c) 1917 (d) 1875
organised this movement to support the SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon)
peasants of Kheda district. People of (a) 1923 (b) 1922 Sol.(a) It's 202 years since the army led
Kheda were unable to pay the high taxes (c) 1932 (d) 1933 by the King of Khurda revolted against
levied by the British due to crop failure the British on April 2, 1817.
and a plague epidemic. Sol.(c) An agreement between Dr.
Babasaheb Ambedkar and Mahatma Q.597. Who built the Sheesh Mahal
Q.590. Who said the following words? Gandhi was signed on September 24, Patiala? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 210

Pinnacle History

SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon) 1932. This was just a nominal (c) 1919 (d) 1930
(a) Yadavindra Singh conference, Congress refused to attend it
(b) Baba Ala Singh Sidhu (not invited, in fact) and in Britain, the Sol.(d) The First Round Table
(c) Maharaja Narinder Singh Labor party also refused to not to attend Conference was officially inaugurated
(d) Bhalindra Singh it. So, only 46 people reached out there. by his Majesty George V on November
12, 1930 in the Royal Gallery House of
Sol.(c) Sheesh Mahal is one of the most Q.601. WHich Indian had established Lords at London and chaired by the
magnificent structures in Patiala. The the Nettle Indian Congress ? Prime Minister. Ramsay MacDonald was
palace was built by Maharaja Narinder SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon) also chairman of a subcommittee on
Singh in the year 1845 to 1862 behind (a) Jawaharlal Nehru minority representation, while for the
the main Moti Bagh Palace. The (b) Govind Ranade duration his son, Malcolm MacDonald,
architecture of the palace is an (c) Mahatma Gandhi performed liaison tasks with Lord
amalgamation of both the Mughal and (d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak Sankey's constitutional committee.
European styles.
Sol.(c) The Natal Indian Congress (NIC) Q.605. ______ was a mentor to both
Q.598. Who among the following was an organisationthat aimed to fight Mahatma Gandhi and Mohammed Ali
established the Depressed Class discrimination against Indians in South Jinnah.
Association ? Africa. The Natal Indian Congress was SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Evening)
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening) founded by Mahatma Gandhi in 1894. A (a) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(a) Babu Jagjivan Ram constitution was put in place on 22 (b) Rabindranath Tagore
(b) Mahatma Gandhi August 1894. (c) Lala Lajpat Rai
(c) Dr. B R Ambedkar (d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Q.602. Mahatma Gandhi formed the
Natal Indian Congress in the year Sol.(a) Gopal Krishna Gokhale was a
Sol.(c) "All India Depressed Class ________. mentor to both Mahatma Gandhi and
Association" was organized by SSC CGL 10/06/2019 (Afternoon) Mohammed Ali Jinnah.
Dr.B.R.Ambedkar at Nagpur on August (a) 1874 (b) 1894
8, 1930. (c) 1854 (d) 1863 Q.606. In which month of 1915 did
Mahatma Gandhi finally return from
Q.599. Poona Pact, 1932, was signed Sol.(b) The Natal Indian Congress was South Africa after his
between ______. founded by Mahatma Gandhi in 1894. It successful agitation against the racist
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon) was an organisation that aimed at regime?
(a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and Mahatma fighting discrimination against Indians in SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning)
Gandhi South Africa. (a) July (b) January
(b) Mahatma Gandhi and Viceroy Irvin (c) May (d) March
(c) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and Jawaharlal Q.603. Raj Ghat is a memorial of _____.
Nehru SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning) Sol.(b) Gandhi ji returned to indian with
(d) Mahatma Gandhi and Mcdonald (a) Indira Gandhi his wife kasturba on 9th january 1915 .
(b) Rajiv Gandhi Nowadays this day is celebrated as
Sol.(a) An agreement between Dr. (c) Mahatma Gandhi pravasi bhartiya diwas.
Babasaheb Ambedkar and Mahatma (d) Jawaharlal Nehru
Gandhi was signed on September 24, Q.607. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
1932. The agreement was signed by Pt Sol.(c) Raj Ghat is a memorial dedicated returned to India in the year ______ after
Madan Mohan Malviya and Dr. B. R. to Mahatma Gandhi in Delhi, India. two decades of residence abroad.
Ambedkar and some Dalit leaders at Originally it was the name of a historic SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening)
Yerwada Central Jail in Pune, to break ghat of Old Delhi (Shahjahanabad). (a) 1869 (b) 1893
Mahathma Gandhi's fast untill death. Close to it, and east of Daryaganj was (c) 1915 (d) 1905
Raj Ghat Gate of the walled city,
Q.600. The third round table conference opening at RajGhat to the west bank of Sol.(c) After staying in South africa for
was held in the year _____ the Yamuna River. 21 years Mahatma Gandhi came to India
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) on January 9 1915.After coming to
(a) 1932 (b) 1931 Q.604. In which year was the first India he organised many campaigns and
(c) 1933 (d) 1930 Round Table Conference held in protests in favour of peasants, farmers
London? and labourers protesting against
Sol.(a) Third Round Table Conference SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Morning) excessive land-tax and discrimination.
was held in London on November 17, (a) 1907 (b) 1923 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 211

Pinnacle History

Q.608. Who, before going to the Q.611. In 1917, Mahatma Gandhi Indian-Muslim leaders like Maulana
gallows, had expressed his desire for organised a Satyagraha in the Kheda Azad, Mukhtar Ahmed Ansari, Hakim
keeping his ashes intact till India is district of Gujarat in support of the: Ajmal Khan, Abbas Tyabji, Maulana
reunited and throwing them into the CHSL 10 JULY 2019 MORNING Muhammad Ali Jauhar, and Maulana
Indus after the reunification has been (a) cotton mill workers who were Shaukat Ali.
achieved? demanding better wages
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening) (b) tribals whose customary rights were Q.614. C Rajagopalachari led the Salt
(a)Uddham Singh(b) Nathuram Godse being violated Satyagraha in which of the following
(c) Surya Sen (d) Bhagat Singh (c) women who were struggling against states?
the oppressive patriarchal system SSC CGL 20/08/21(Morning)
Sol.(b) Nathuram Godse expressed his (d) peasants who were affected by crop (a) Gujarat (b) Maharashtra
desire for keeping his ashes intact till failure and a plague epidemic (c) Tamil Nadu (d) Rajasthan
India is reunited and throwing them into
the Indus after the reunification has been Sol.(d) peasants who were affected by Sol.(c) Salt Satyagraha was launched by
achieved. “The ashes will be immersed crop failure and a plague epidemic Mahatma Gandhi in Gujarat to
in the Sindhu river (Indus) only when - In 1917, Mahatma Gandhi organised a commence the Civil Disobedience
Godse’s dream of Akhand Bharat Satyagraha in the Kheda district of Movement in many parts of India. In
(undivided India) is fulfilled” its Godse’s Gujarat in support of the peasants who Tamil Nadu, the salt satyagraha was led
statement. were affected by crop failure and a by C Rajagopalachari.
plague epidemic.
Q.609. The famous Irwin Declaration on Q.615. Who among the following earned
31 October 1929 promised: Q.612. In which of the following years the sobriquet ‘Bharat Kokila’ from
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening) was the Second Round Table Conference Mahatma Gandhi? SSC CGL
(a) independence of princely states in London held? SSC CGL 23/08/21(Evening)
(b) total integration of princely states 13/08/21(Morning) (a) Sarojini Naidu (b) Annie Besant
with the rest of India (a) 1925 (b) 1939 (c) Toru Dutt (d) Sucheta Kriplani
(c) universal adult franchise in India (c) 1931 (d) 1941
(d) a dominion status for India Sol.(a) Sarojini Naidu was given the title
Sol.(c) The Second Round Table of Bharat Kokila or the Nightingale of
Sol.(d) A dominion status for India Conference was held in London in 1931. India by Mahatma Gandhi. She was an
The Irwin Declaration was a statement Mahatma Gandhi attended the Second Indian political activist and poet. She
made by Lord Irwin, then Viceroy of Round Table Conference to discuss was famous for the imaginative and
India, on 31 October 1929 regarding the constitutional reform in India. lyrical quality of her poems.
status of India in the British empire. That
declaration promised a dominion status Q.613. Who among the following was Q.616. Champaran Satyagraha was
for India . one of the leaders who was instrumental launched in which of the following
in convincing Mahatma Gandhi about years? SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Morning)
Q.610. _______was awarded the the need to start a non-cooperation (a) 1935 (b) 1917
'Kaiser-i-Hind' in 1915 by Lord movement in support of The Khilafat? (c) 1928 (d) 1945
Hardinge of Penshurst for his SSC CGL 16/08/21(Evening)
contribution to ambulance services in (a) Shaukat Ali Sol.(b) The Champaran Satyagraha of
South Africa. (b) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad 1917 was the first Satyagraha movement
SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon) (c) Abdul Ghaffar Khan led by Mahatma Gandhi. It was a
(a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (d) Mohammad Ali Jinnah farmer's uprising, they were protesting
(b) Mahatma Gandhi against having to grow indigo with
(c) Subhash Chandra Bose Sol.(a) Shaukat Ali was one of the barely any payment for it, that took place
(d) Muhammad Iqbal leaders who was instrumental in in the Champaran district of Bihar. (First
convincing Mahatma Gandhi about the Civil Disobedience movement by
Sol.(b) Mahatma Gandhi was awarded need to start a non-cooperation Mahatma Gandhi.)
the Kaiser-i-Hind in 1915 by The lord movement in support of The Khilafat.
Hardinge for his contribution to The non-cooperation movement was
Q.617. The second Round Table
ambulance services in South Africa. launched on 4 September 1920. The
Conference was held in 1931 in which of
main objective of this movement was to
the following countries?
grant self-governance and full
SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Morning)
independence (Purna Swaraj) to India.
(a) The UK (b) USA
Gandhi received extensive support from Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 212

Pinnacle History

(c) South Africa (d) Italy He called for determined, but passive one-year contract. Pravasi Bharatiya
resistance that signified the certitude that Divas is celebrated on 9th January every
Sol.(a) The Second Round Table Gandhi foresaw for the movement, best year.
Conference was held in London, United described by his call to Do or Die.
Kingdom (UK) or Britain from 7 EXPANSION OF BRITISH
September 1931 to 1 December 1931 Q.621. Which newspaper was founded
with the participation of Gandhi and the by Mahatma Gandhi in South Africa in
Indian National Congress. 1903?
Q.624. The Victoria Memorial,
SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Evening)
conceived by Lord Curzon, represents
Q.618. What was the outcome of the (a) Young India (b) Indian Opinion
the architectural climax of _________
Gandhi-Irwin Pact of 1931? (c) Swaraj Hind (d) Navajivan
SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Evening) SSC-CGL 07/06/19(afternoon)
(a) Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, and Sukhdev Sol.(b) Indian Opinion was founded by
(a) Jaipur (b) Kolkata
were to be given a fair trial. Mahatma Gandhi in South Africa in
(c) Mumbai (d) Delhi
(b) Indian provincial elections were 1903. The Indian Opinion was an
announced. important newspaper established in 1903
Sol.(b) The Victoria Memorial,
(c) Indian National Congress agreed on a in Durban, South Africa, by Mahatma conceived by Lord Curzon, represents
peaceful partition of Bengal. Gandhi and M. H. Nazar. It was a the architectural climax of Kolkata
(d) Indian National Congress agreed to primary communication organ of the city.It was built between 1906 and 1921
end the Civil Disobedience Movement. Natal Indian Congress. in memory of Queen Victoria of
Sol.(d) As an outcome of the Q.622. In 1917, Mahatma Gandhi
Gandhi-Irwin Pact of 1931, was that the organised a satyagraha for the peasants Q.625. The first Anglo Burmese war
Indian National Congress agreed to end of Kheda district of ended with the signing of the ______.
the Civil Disobedience Movement. The Gujarat. The satyagraha was for the SSC-CGL 10/06/19 -(Afternoon)
Gandhi-Irwin Pact was a political demand of: (a) Treaty of Yandabo
agreement signed by Mahatma Gandhi SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Morning) (b) Treaty of Titalia
and Lord Irwin, Viceroy of India, on 5 (a) relaxation in revenue collection (c) Treaty of Purandar
March 1931 before the second round (b) improvement in irrigation facilities (d) Treaty of Salbai
table conference in London. (c) better quality seeds
(d) a health centre Sol.(a) The first Anglo Burmese war
Q.619. After over 21 years stay in South ended with the signing of the Treaty of
Africa, Gandhiji returned to India in Sol.(a) In 1917, Mahatma Gandhi Yandabo.It was the peace treaty that
______. organized a satyagraha for the peasants resulted at the end of the First Anglo
SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Afternoon) of the Kheda district of Gujarat. The Burmese War. The Treaty was signed on
(a) 1915 (b) 1916 satyagraha was for the demand of 24 February 1826 after two years of the
(c) 1917 (d) 1919 relaxation in revenue collection. The 4 war between the British and Burmese.
Satyagrahas are very important in the
Sol.(a) Gandhi ji returned to India in overall freedom movement as they mark Q.626. Bihar Diwas is actually
1915 at the request of Gopal Krishna the coming of Gandhiji on the national celebrated on ___ to commemorate the
Gokhale. stage. 1. Champaran Satyagraha-1917, 2. day Bihar was carved out from the
Ahmedabad Satyagraha- 1918, 3. Kheda Bengal Presidency.
Q.620. Gandhiji delivered the famous Satyagraha- 1918, 4. Rowlatt SSC CGL 12/06/2019 (Evening)
'Do or Die' speech on ______. (a) 22nd March (b) 27th March
Satyagraha- 1919.
SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Evening) (c) 17th March (d) 13th March
(a) 14 July 1942
Q.623. Mahatma Gandhi returned to
(b) 23 March 1942 Sol.(a) Bihar Diwas is actually
India from South Africa in:
(c) 24 September 1942 celebrated on 22nd March to
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Afternoon)
(d) 8 August 1942 commemorate the day Bihar was carved
(a) November 1915 (b) January 1915
(c) August 1915 (d) February 1915 out from the Bengal Presidency. It is
Sol.(d) Gandhiji delivered the famous observed as an open holiday in the
'Do or Die' speech on 8 August 1942. Indian state of Bihar. This day marks the
Sol.(b) Mahatma Gandhi returned to
The Quit India speech is a speech made formation of the state of Bihar.
India from South Africa on 9 January
by Mahatma Gandhi on 8 August 1942,
1915. Gandhi traveled to South Africa in
on the eve of the Quit India movement.
early 1893 to practice law under a Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 213

Pinnacle History

Q.627. Who among the following Q.630. Which monument was built in arrived via sea route at Surat in the year
designed the famous structure the 1924 to welcome King George V and 1608 for the purpose of establishing
Gateway of India? Queen Mary? trade with India.
SSC CGL 09/07/2019 (Morning) SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Morning)
(a) Edward Lyutens (a) Gateway of India THE REVOLUTIONARIES
(b) James Miller (b) Bombay Castle
(c) George Wittet (c) Victoria Memorial Q.634. On March 23rd, India observes
(d) Alexander Thompson (d) Chattri Brighton ________ day/divas as a tribute to
Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru on
Sol.(c) The Gateway of India was Sol.(a) Gateway of India was built in their death anniversary.
designed by Scottish architect, George 1924 to welcome King George V and SSC CGL 07/06/2019 (Afternoon)
Wittet and the construction work was Queen Mary. The Gateway of India is an (a) Vidroh diwas (b) Shaheed diwas
carried out by Gammon India Limited, Arch-Monument built in the early 20th (c) Protest day (d) Tribute day
the only construction company in India century in the city of Mumbai.
boasting an ISO 9001: 1994 accredited Sol.(b) On March 23rd, India observes
certification in all fields of civil Q.631. In which year did the East-India Shaheed day/divas as a tribute to Bhagat
engineering at that time. Company acquire the Diwani of Bengal? Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru on their
SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Evening) death anniversary.30 January is observed
Q.628. The last Nizam of Hyderabad: (a) 1791 (b) 1765 as Martyr's Day or Shaheed Diwas in the
SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) (c) 1782 (d) 1773 memory of Mahatma Gandhi.
(a) Muzafar Jung
(b) Mir Osman Ali Khan Sol.(b) In 1765 when the Mughal Q.635. In 1872, Lord Mayo , the
(c) Nasir Jung Emperor Shah Alam granted the Diwani Viceroy of India was assassinated in:
(d) Qulich Khan of Bengal - the right to collect the land SSC-CHSL 2/07/19 -(Afternoon)
revenue - to the East India Company. (a) Port Blair (b) Diu
Sol.(b) The last Nizam of Hyderabad From then on, the Diwani became the (c) Delhi (d) Kolkata
was Mir Osman Ali Khan.Mir Osman main source of British revenue from
Ali Khan ruled Hyderabad from 1911 to India. Sol.(a) In 1872, Lord Mayo, the Viceroy
1948 before it was taken over by India. of India was assassinated in Port
Q.632. In which of the following years Blair.He started the process of
Q.629. In which of the following years was the Supreme Court set up in decentralization of finance.
was the Diwani of Bengal transferred to Calcutta by the East India Company?
the East India Company? SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Morning) Q.636. The quote “The shots that hit me
SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Afternoon) (a) 1734 (b) 1850 are the last nails to the coffin of British
(a) 1678 (b) 1765 (c) 1890 (d) 1773 rule in India.” belongs to which of the
(c) 1880 (d) 1554 following freedom fighters ?
Sol.(d) The Supreme Court was set up in SSC-CHSL 2/07/19 -(Evening)
Sol.(b) In the year 1765, the Diwani of Calcutta by the East India Company in (a) Lala Lajpat Rai
Bengal transferred to the East India 1773. The Supreme Court of Judicature (b) Chandra Shekhar Azad
Company through the ‘Treaty of at Fort William in Calcutta (Kolkata), (c) Bhagat Singh
Allahabad’ which was signed on 12 was founded in 1774 by the Regulating (d) Ram Prasad Bismil
August 1765, between the Mughal Act of 1773. It replaced the Mayor's
Emperor Shah Alam II, son of the late Court of Calcutta and was British India's Sol..(a) The quote “The shots that hit
Emperor Alamgir II, and Robert Clive of highest court from 1774 until 1862. me are the last nails to the coffin of
the East India Company, in the aftermath British rule in India.” belonged to the
of the Battle of Buxar of 23 October Q.633. The first English factory was set revolutionary leader of the Independence
1764. The Treaty marked the political up on the banks of the river ______ in movement, Lala Lajpat Rai.He played a
and constitutional involvement and the 1665. pivotal role in the Indian Independence
beginning of British rule in India. Based SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Evening) movement. He was popularly known as
on the terms of the agreement, Alam (a) Mandovi (b) Narmada Punjab Kesari.
granted the East India Company Diwani (c) Godavari (d) Hugli
rights, or the right to collect taxes on Q.637. The quote’ “Bombs and Pistols
behalf of the Emperor. Sol.(d) The first English factory was set do not make a revolution. The sword of
up on the banks of the river Hugli in revolution is sharpened on the
1651. The East India Company first whetting-stone of ideas.” belongs to Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 214

Pinnacle History

which of the following freedom fighters (a) Surya Sen

? Sol.(b) The Non-cooperation movement (b) Madan Lal Dhingra
SSC-CHSL 3/07/19 -(Morning) was withdrawn because of the Chauri (c) Sukhdev Thapar
(a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak Chaura incident. Although he had (d) Khudiram Bose
(b) Subhash Chandra Bose stopped the national revolt
(c) Bhagat Singh single-handedly, on 10 March 1922, Sol.(b) Madan Lal Dhingra was an
(d) Lala Lajpat Rai Gandhi was arrested. On 18 March 1922, Indian revolutionary independence
he was imprisoned for six years for activist. While studying in England, he
Sol.(c) Revolutionary leader Bhagat publishing seditious materials. assassinated Sir William Hutt Curzon
Singh quotes “Bombs and Pistols do not Wyllie, a British official, cited as one of
make a revolution. The sword of Q.641. Members of which National the first acts of revolution in the Indian
revolution is sharpened on the Association were led by Chandrashekhar independence movement in the 20th
whetting-stone of ideas.” Azad and Bhagat Singh ? century.
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning)
Q.638. Mitra Mela was a revolutionary (a) Hindustan Socialist Republican Q.644. Veer Surendra Sai was a freedom
organisation founded by Veer Savarkar Association fighter from:
in the year ____. (b) Indian National Congress SSC CGL 13/08/21(Afternoon)
SSC CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon) (c) Rashtriya Seva Sangh (a) Nagaland (b) Sikkim
(a) 1899 (b) 1864 (d) Communist Party of India (c) Telangana (d) Odisha
(c) 1873 (d) 1900
Sol.(a) Hindustan Socialist Republican Sol.(d) Veer Surendra Sai was a freedom
Sol.(a) (None of the given options was Association (HSRA) was a revolutionary fighter from Odisha. Sai was born on
correct in this question(1856 was given organisation, also known as the January 23rd, 1809 in his ancestral home
instead of 1899) In 1899, V.D. Savarkar Hindustan Socialist Republican Army, at Khinda in Sambalpur district
and his brother Ganesh Savarkar established in 1928 at Feroz Shah Kotla (Odisha). He started his revolt against
established a revolutionary society in New Delhi by Chandrasekhar Azad, British rule long before 1857 and
‘Mitra Mela’, which influenced the Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev Thapar and continued his guerrilla war against the
members to fight for “absolute political Ramprasad Bismil . British authority from 1857 till 1864
independence” of India. It was the long after the struggle led by the Rani of
precursor of Abhinav Bharat Society, Q.642. Who among the following Jhansi, Tantia Tope, Kunwar Singh and
founded by the Savarkar Brothers in conceived the Kakori train robbery in others had subsided.
1904. 1925?
SSC CGL 5-3-2020 (Evening) Q.645. In which of the following years
Q.639. Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and (a) Baikuntha Shukla was the All-India Harijan Sevak Sangh
Sukhdev were hanged in the year_____. (b) Ram Prasad Bismil and Ashfaqullah founded?
SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Morning) Khan SSC CGL 13/08/21 (Evening)
(a) 1930 (b) 1935 (c) Ubaidullah Sindhi (a) 1932 (b) 1942
(c) 1933 (d) 1931 (d) Manmath Nath Gupta and Matangini (c) 1928 (d) 1919
Sol.(d) Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sol..(a) All-India Harijan Sevak Sangh
Sukhdev were hanged in the year 1931, Sol.(b) The Kakori Conspiracy (or was founded in 1932. It is a non-profit
in the Lahore jail against the scheduled Kakori train robbery or Kakori Case) organisation founded by Mahatma
execution on March 24. They were was a train robbery that took place Gandhi to eradicate untouchability in
sentenced to death in the Lahore between Kakori and, near Lucknow, on 9 India.
conspiracy case wherein they were August 1925 during the Indian
found guilty of murdering senior British Independence Movement against the Q.646. Who among the following was
police officer John Saunders. British Indian Government. Ram Prasad the first Indian to unfurl the tricolour on
Bismil, Ashfaqulla Khan and Roshan foreign land?
Q.640. Which event led to the Singh were hanged to death for their SSC CGL 16/08/21(Morning)
termination of Non-Cooperation - involvement in the Kakori conspiracy (a) Annie Besant
Khilafat Movement by Gandhiji? (1925). (b) Lakshmi Sehgal
SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning) (c) Bhikaiji Cama
(a) Passing of Rowlatt Act Q.643. Who among the following (d) Begum Hazrat Mahal
(b) Chauri-Chaura Incident assassinated Sir William Hutt Curzon
(c) Death of Bal Gangadhar Tilak Wyllie in London? Sol..(c) Bhikaiji Cama was the first
(d) Jallianwala Bagh Massacre SSC CGL 13/08/21(Afternoon) Indian to unfurl the tricolor on foreign Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 215

Pinnacle History

land at the International Socialist (c) Durgawati Devi (c) Jai Jawan Jai Kisan
Congress in Stuttgart, Germany in 1907. (d) Matangini Hazra (d) Satyameva Jayate

Q.647. In which of the following years Sol.(b) Rani Gaidinliu was a Naga Sol..(d) Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya is
was the Indian Association established? spiritual and political leader who led a credited with popularising the slogan '
SSC CGL 17/08/21(Morning) revolt against British rule in India. At the Satyameva Jayate’. He was an Indian
(a) 1876 (b) 1881 age of 13, she joined the Heraka scholar, educational reformer, and leader
(c) 1903 (d) 1856 religious movement established by her of the Indian nationalist movement.
Sol.(a) The Indian Association was cousin Haipou Jadonang in Manipur. Malaviya also served on the Imperial
established in 1876. It was founded by The movement later turned into a Legislative Council (1909–20).
Surendranath Banerjee and Ananda political movement seeking to drive out
Mohan Bose. The objectives of this the British from Manipur and the Q.654. Who among the following killed
association were to promote by every surrounding Naga areas. Michael O'Dwyer, the British officer
legitimate means, the political, responsible for the Jallianwala Bagh
intellectual and material advancement of Q.651. Identify the revolutionary from massacre?
the people. West Bengal who participated in the SSC MTS 08/10/21(evening)
freedom movement. (a) Ram Prasad Bismil
Q.648. Who was the first general SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Afternoon) (b) Udham Singh
secretary of the All India Farmer’s (a) Khudiram Bose (c) Chandrashekhar Azad
Congress? (b) Balakrishnan Nair (d) Bhagat Singh
SSC CGL 17/08/21(Afternoon) (c) Puli Thevar
(a) Acharya Narendra Dev (d) Mukunda Kakati Sol.(b)The British officer responsible for
(b) Swami Sahjanand Saraswati the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, Michael
(c) Sardar Vallabhai Patel Sol.(a) Born at Medinipur in West O'Dwyer, was killed by Udham
(d) N.G. Ranga Bengal, Khudiram Bose was among the Singh.O'Dwyer, was shot dead at a joint
youngest martyrs of India's freedom meeting of the East India Association
Sol..(d) NG Ranga was the first general struggle against the British. At just 15, and the Central Asian Society in Caxton
secretary of the All India Farmer’s he had joined Anushilan Samiti and took Hall in Westminster, London, on 13
Congress. He was a freedom fighter part in several revolutionary activities March 1940, by an Indian revolutionary,
from Andhra Pradesh and also received against British Raj. Udham Singh, in retaliation for the
Padma Vibhusan from the President of massacre in Jallianwala Bagh Amritsar.
India for his contributions to the Q.652. Who among the following
peasants' movement. revolutionaries was popularly known as Q.655. Who among the following Indian
'Master Da'? revolutionaries conceived an armed
Q.649. In which of the following years SSC MTS 05/10/21(Evening) insurrection against the British in
did the Kakori Conspiracy case take (a) Ashfaqulla Khan cooperation with Germany?
place? (b) Batukeshwar Dutt SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Evening)
SSC CGL 24/08/21(Evening) (c) Ram Prasad Bismil (a) Prafulla Chaki
(a) 1919 (b) 1909 (d) Surya Sen (b) Ashfaqulla Khan
(c) 1932 (d) 1925 (c) Khudiram Bose
Sol.(d) Surya Sen was popularly known (d) Bagha Jatin
Sol.(d) The Kakori Conspiracy case took as 'Master Da'. He was a Bengali
place in 1925. This incident was a train revolutionary who contributed a lot to Sol.(d) Bagha Jatin conceived an armed
robbery that took place at Kakori, a the Indian independence movement
insurrection against the British in
village near Lucknow, on 9 August 1925 against British rule. He was best known
cooperation with Germany. The epithet
during the Indian Independence for leading the 1930 Chittagong armoury
'Bagha Jatin' was earned by young
Movement against British Rule. The raid against the British government. Sen
Jatindranath Mukherjee in 1906 when he
event was organized by the Hindustan was a school teacher by profession and
fought with a Royal Bengal tiger all
Republican Association (HRA). was popularly known as Master Da.
alone for three hours and killed it using a
Q.650. Who among the following was a Q.653. Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya is dagger.
leader who led a revolt against British credited with popularising the slogan
rule from North East India? SSC CHSL '______'. Q.656. Who among the following
13/04/21 (Afternoon) SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Evening) leaders was NOT an accused in the
(a) Pritilata Waddedar (a) Vande Mataram Kakori Train Robbery case?
(b) Rani Gaidinliu (b) Inquilab Zindabad SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Morning) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 216

Pinnacle History

(a) Bhagat Singh SSC MTS 08/10/21(evening)

(b) Rajendra Nath Lahiri (a) Ram Prasad Bismil
(c) Ramprasad Bismil (b) Udham Singh STRUGGLE FOR
(d) Roshan Singh (c) Chandrashekhar Azad INDEPENDENCE
(d) Bhagat Singh
Sol.(a) The Kakori Train robbery was a
Q.662. The Hindustan Socialist
train robbery that took place at Kakori, a Sol.(b)The British officer responsible for
Republican Association (HSRA) was
village near Lucknow, on 9 August the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, Michael formed in the year _____ with an aim to
1925. Ram Prasad Bismil, Ashfaqullah O'Dwyer, was killed by Udham overthrow the British.
Khan, Rajendra Lahiri, Keshav Singh.O'Dwyer, was shot dead at a joint SSC-CGL 10/06/19 -(Evening)
Chakraborty, Mukundi Lal, Banwari Lal meeting of the East India Association (a) 1930 (b) 1922
were accused in the case. The Uttar and the Central Asian Society in Caxton (c) 1928 (d) 1921
Pradesh government has renamed the Hall in Westminster, London, on 13 Sol.(c) The Hindustan Socialist
'Kakori Kand' to 'Kakori Train action'. March 1940, by an Indian revolutionary, Republican Association (HSRA) was
Udham Singh, in retaliation for the formed in the year 1928 with an aim to
Q.657. Who among the following massacre in Jallianwala Bagh Amritsar. overthrow the British. It was founded by
revolutionaries was popularly known as Chandrasekhar Azad, Bhagat Singh,
'Master Da'? Q.660. Who among the following Indian Sukhdev Thapar in 1928 at Feroze Shah
SSC MTS 05/10/21(Evening) revolutionaries conceived an armed Kotla in New Delhi.
(a) Ashfaqulla Khan insurrection against the British in
(b) Batukeshwar Dutt cooperation with Germany? Q.663. The Khilafat Movement of 1920
(c) Ram Prasad Bismil SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Evening) was organised as a protest against the
(d) Surya Sen (a) Prafulla Chaki injustice done to _______.
(b) Ashfaqulla Khan SSC-CGL 10/06/19 -(Evening)
Sol.(d) Surya Sen was popularly known (c) Khudiram Bose (a) Turkey (b) Egypt
as 'Master Da'. He was a Bengali (d) Bagha Jatin (c) Afghanistan (d) Iraq
revolutionary who contributed a lot to
the Indian independence movement Sol.(d) Bagha Jatin conceived an armed Sol.(a) The Khilafat Movement of 1920
against British rule. He was best known insurrection against the British in was organised as a protest against the
for leading the 1930 Chittagong armoury cooperation with Germany. The epithet injustice done to Turkey. The Khilafat
raid against the British government. Sen 'Bagha Jatin' was earned by young movement, also known as the Indian
was a school teacher by profession and Jatindranath Mukherjee in 1906 when he Muslim movement (1919-24), force that
was popularly known as Master Da. fought with a Royal Bengal tiger all arose in India in the early 20th century
alone for three hours and killed it using a as a result of Muslim fears for the
Q.658. Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya is integrity of Islam.
credited with popularising the slogan
'______'. Q.664. When was Patharughat peasant
Q.661. Who among the following
SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Evening) revolt held against Britishers taxation
leaders was NOT an accused in the
(a) Vande Mataram policy in Assam?
Kakori Train Robbery case?
(b) Inquilab Zindabad SSC-CGL 11/06/19 -(Afternoon)
SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Morning)
(c) Jai Jawan Jai Kisan (a) 1894 (b) 1862
(a) Bhagat Singh
(d) Satyameva Jayate (c) 1873 (d) 1885
(b) Rajendra Nath Lahiri
(c) Ramprasad Bismil
Sol.(d) Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya is Sol.(a) In 1894 Patharughat peasant
(d) Roshan Singh
credited with popularising the slogan ' revolt held against Britishers taxation
Satyameva Jayate’. He was an Indian policy in Assam.This incident is one of
Sol.(a) The Kakori Train robbery was a
scholar, educational reformer, and leader the most tragic & inspiring episodes in
train robbery that took place at Kakori, a
of the Indian nationalist movement. the saga of Indian freedom movement
Malaviya also served on the Imperial village near Lucknow, on 9 August
but rarely features in mainstream
Legislative Council (1909–20). 1925. Ram Prasad Bismil, Ashfaqullah
historical discourse of freedom struggle.
Khan, Rajendra Lahiri, Keshav
Q.659. Who among the following killed Chakraborty, Mukundi Lal, Banwari Lal Q.665. Surendranath Banerjee and
Michael O'Dwyer, the British officer were accused in the case. The Uttar Ananda Mohan Bose founded______in
responsible for the Jallianwala Bagh Pradesh government has renamed the Bengal in 1876.
massacre? 'Kakori Kand' to 'Kakori Train action'. SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Morning) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 217

Pinnacle History

(a) Bengal Association Singh Jatin Das and Ajay Ghosh in a Sol.(b) The Non-cooperation movement
(b) Indian Association series of dramatic actions in different was launched on 4 September 1920 by
(c) Tathagat Association parts of India in HSRA targeting some Mahatma Gandhi with the aim of self
(d) Oriental Association other symbols of British power. governance and to get full independence
(Purna Swaraj).
Sol.(b) Surendranath Banerjee and Q.669. The firing order issued
Ananda Mohan Bose founded Indian by_____on a gathering of people on Q.673. In which of the following peasant
Association. Surendranath Banerjee later Baisakhi Day, 1931 became a turning uprisings, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel took
joined Indian National Congress, he point in India’s freedom struggle. part?
supported the Montagu-Chelmsford SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Morning) SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon)
reforms in contrast to congress. Later he (a) Lord Wellesley (a) Eka Movement
left congress and formed Indian National (b) General Dyer (b) Tebhaga Movement
Liberation Federation in 1919. (c) Lord Cornwallis (c) Kisan Sabha
(d) Warren Hastings (d) Bardoli Satyagraha
Q.666. In which year was the Battle of
Saragarhi fought? Sol.(b) The firing order issued by Sol.(d) The Bardoli Satyagraha, 1928
SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Afternoon) General Dyar on a gathering of people was a movement in the independence
(a) 1867 (b) 1897 on Baisakhi Day, 1931 became a turning struggle led by Sardar Vallabhai Patel for
(c) 1854 (d) 1878 point in India’s freedom struggle. the farmers of Bardoli against the unjust
raising of taxes.In January 1928, farmers
Sol.(b) The Battle of Saragarhi was Q.670. When was the Indian National in Bardoli invited Vallabhai Patel to
fought on 12 September 1897 between Flag adopted ? launch the protest movement wherein all
the British Indian Empire and the SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning) of them resolved not to pay taxes.
Afghan tribesmen. It occurred in the (a) 12 July, 1947
North-West Frontier Province. 21 Sikh (b) 12 August, 1947 Q.674. Who renounced his Knighthood
soldiers fought on behalf of the British (c) 22 August, 1947 against the Jallianwala Bagh atrocity?
Indian Army against 10,000 Pashtun (d) 22 July, 1947 SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening)
Orakzai tribesmen. (a) Syed Ahmad Khan
Sol.(d) The National Flag of India was (b) S subramania Iyer
Q.667.Who was affectionately called ‘ adopted in its present form during the (c) Mahatma Gandhi
The Grand Old Man of India’? meeting of Constituent Assembly held (d) Rabindranath Tagore
SSC CGL 05/07/2019 (Morning) on 22 July 1947, a few days before
(a) Dadabhai Naoroji India's independence from the British on Sol.(d) Rabindranath Tagore received
(b) Lal Bahadur Shastri 15 August, 1947. the news of the massacre by 22 May
(c) Rajendra Prasad 1919. He tried to arrange a protest
(d) Bipin Chandra Pal Q.671. When did the Non-Cooperation meeting in Calcutta and finally decided
Movement end ? to renounce his British knighthood as "a
Sol.(a) Dadabhai was affectionately SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening) symbolic act of protest".
known as the Grand Old Man of India. (a) 1930 (b) 1925
He is most famous for his drain of (c) 1922 (d) 1920 Q.675.Swaraj Party was formed by
wealth theory.Dadabhai Naoroji, became ______.
the president of Indian National Sol.(c) The Non-cooperation movement SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Congress(INC) three times. was withdrawn because of the Chauri (a) C.R. Das and Jawaharlal Nehru
Chaura incident. Although he had (b) C.R. Das and Motilal Nehru
Q.668. Who among the following stopped the national revolt (c) Motilal Nehru and Sardar
leaders was NOT a founding member of single-handedly, on 10 March 1922, Vallabhbhai Patel
the Hindustan Socialist Republican Gandhi was arrested. On 18 March 1922, (d) Subhas Chandra Bose and Jawaharlal
Army ? he was imprisoned for six years for Nehru
SSC CGL 10/07/2019 (Evening) publishing seditious materials.
(a) Ajoy Ghosh (b) Jatin Das Sol.(b) Swaraj Party, Indian political
(c) Bhagat Singh (d) Badruddin Tyabji Q.672. In which year was the party established in late 1922–early 1923
Non-Cooperation Movement launched? by members of the Indian National
Sol.(d) In 1928, the Hindustan socialist SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning) Congress (Congress Party), notably
Republican army (HSRA) was founded (a) 1877 (b) 1920 Motilal Nehru, one of the most
at a meeting in feroz shah Kotla ground (c) 1856 (d) 1919 prominent lawyers in northern India (and
in Delhi. Among it's leaders were Bhagat the father of political leader Jawaharlal Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 218

Pinnacle History

Nehru), and Chitta Ranjan Das, a the Samana Ranges on 12 September SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon)
nationalist politician. 1897, when anywhere between 10,000 (a) 1922 (b) 1916
and 12,000 Pashtun tribes launched an (c) 1912 (d) 1920
Q.676. Who led the Civil Disobedience all out attack for many days.
Movement in India? Sol.(b) Tilak founded the first home rule
SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q.680. Which freedom fighter had league at the Bombay provincial
(a) William Webberburn established the Indian National Army to congress at Belgaum in April,1916.
(b) Mahatma Gandhi free India from British rule ? Unification of moderates and radicals as
(c) Annie Besant and Bal Gangadhar SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) well as unity between Muslim League
Tilak (a) Bhagat Singh and Indian National Congress was a
(d) Chelmsford (b) Subhash Chandra Bose remarkable achievement of Annie
(c) Chandra Shekhar Azad Besant.
Sol.(b) On March 12, 1930, Indian (d) Veer Savarkar
independence leader Mohandas Gandhi Q.684. When was Satyagraha Sabha
began a defiant march to the sea in Sol.(b) Subhash Chandra Bose (23 established by Gandhiji ?
protest of the British monopoly on salt, January 1797 - unknown or 18 August SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)
his boldest act of civil disobedience yet 1945) was an Indian freedom fighter (a) 1912 (b) 1922
against British rule in India. who believed that violent protest against (c) 1925 (d) 1919
British rule was justified. He founded
Q.677. Who returned his Knighthood the famous Azad Hind Fauj. Sol.(d) Anti-Rowlatt Satyagraha
title after the Jallianwala Massacre ? movement was started by Gandhi Ji
SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening) Q.681. In which national movement did against The Rowlatt Act,1919 for the
(a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Mahatma Gandhi give the slogan, “Do exclusion of freedom of press and
(b) Rabindranath Tagore or Die” ? detention without trial set up a
(c) Mahatma Gandhi SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) Satyagraha Sabha on 24th February
(d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (a) Swadeshi Movement 1919 at Bombay.
(b) Quit India Movement
Sol.(b) Rabindranath Tagore received (c) Non-Cooperation Movement Q.685. What was the Rowlatt Act (1919)
the news of the massacre by 22 May (d) Civil-disobedience Movement consolidated?
1919. He tried to arrange a protest SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening)
meeting in Calcutta and finally decided Sol.(b) The Quit India speech is a speech (a) It allowed the peaceful procession
to renounce his British knighthood as "a made by Mahatma Gandhi on 8 August to take place.
symbolic act of protest". 1942, on the eve of the Quit India (b) It was formulated to prohibit all
movement. He called for determined, but kinds of mass movements.
Q.678. Mahatma Gandhi had violated passive resistance that signified the (c) It was against the non-cooperation
the ‘Salt Law’ in which coastal city ? certitude that Gandhi foresaw for the movement.
SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening) movement, best described by his call to (d) It suppressed political activities and
(a) Ahmedabad (b) Dandi ‘Do or Die’. allowed political prisoners to be detained
(c) Sabarmati (d) Surat for two years without any trial.
Q.682. Who among the following had
Sol.(b) It was the start of the civil played the lead role in the Bardoli Sol.(d) Rowlatt Act,1919 was a
disobedience movement which Satyagraha ? legislation passed by the Imperial
commenced as Mahatma Gandhi broke SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) Legislative Council allowing certain
the salt law on the coastal town of Dandi (a) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel political cases to be tried without juries
on the Arabian Sea on April 5. Dandi (b) Tilka Manjhi and permitted internment of suspects
March is also known as Namak (c) Chandra Shekhar Azad without trial.
Satyagrah or Salt Satyagraha. (d) Subhash Chandra Bose
Q.686. In which of the following were
Q.679. In which year was the Battle of Sol.(a) The Bardoli Satyagraha, 1928 the Satyagraha movements organised by
Saragarhi fought? was a movement in the independence Mahatma Gandhi ?
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning) struggle led by Sardar Vallabhai Patel for SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) 1880 (b) 1870 the farmers of Bardoli against the unjust (a) Dandi March, Rowlatt, Champaran,
(c) 1897 (d) 1890 raising of taxes. Kheda
(b) Dandi March, Champaran, Rowlatt,
Sol.(c) The fabled Battle of Saragarhi Q.683. When was the Home Rule Kheda
took place at a small British outpost in League started by Bal Gangadhar Tilak ? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 219

Pinnacle History

(c) Champaran, Kheda, Rowlatt, Dandi given by british. The Jallianwala Bagh Q.694. The Swaraj Party was founded
March massacre took place on April 13,1919. by:
(d) Champaran, Kheda, Dandi March, SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Evening)
Rowlatt Q.690. Who used the pseudonym (a) Bhimrao Ambedkar and Sardar
'Bhanusingha'? Vallabhbhai Patel
Sol.(c) Champaran, Kheda, Rowlatt, SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening) (b) Sukhdev and Rajguru
Dandi March (a)Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay (c) Aruna Asaf and Subhash Chandra
Champaran satyagraha-1917 (b) Sunil Gangopadhyay Bose
Kheda satyagraha - 1918 (c) Rabindranath Tagore (d)Motilal Nehru and Chittaranjan Das
Rowlatt Acts - 1919 (d) Michael Madhusudan Dutt
Dandi March - 1930 Sol.(d) The Swaraj Party was established
Sol.(c) Rabindranath Tagore wrote his in 1923 by Motilal Nehru and
Q.687. In which city was the Jhanda first substantial poems titled Chittaranjan Das in order to provide
Satyagraha or Flag Satyagraha of 1923 Bhanusimha Thakurer Padabali in political freedom to the people of India
held? Brajabuli under the pseudonym from British colonialism and sought
SSC CGL 4-3-2020 (Afternoon) Bhānusiṃha ("Sun Lion") when he was greater self-government.
(a) Bombay (b) Nagpur just sixteen.
(c) Calcutta (d) Ahmedabad Q.695._______was executed at Lahore
Q.691. The Gadar (or Ghadar) Party was in November 1915 for his role in the
Sol.(b) Flag Satyagraha is a part of civil formed in the year ______. Ghadar Conspiracy in February 1915.
disobedience during the Indian SSC CGL 5-3-2020 (Afternoon) SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Evening)
independence movement. Its main aim (a) 1918 (b) 1915 (a)Kartar Singh Sarabha
was to exercise the right and freedom to (c) 1913 (d) 1921 (b)Tantia Mama
hoist the nationalist flag. It was held in (c)Maganbhai Patel
Ahmedabad in 1923. Sol.(c) Gadar (or Ghadar) Party was (d)Vijay Singh Pathik
formed in 1913 by Har dayal and sohan
Q.688. In which of the following singh. Sol.(a) In November 1915 at Lahore,
locations was the Quit India Movement Karatar Singh was executed for his role
launched by Mahatma Gandhi in 1942? Q.692. In which of the following years in the Ghadar Conspiracy when he was
SSC CGL 5-3-2020 (Morning) was the Congress Socialist Party (CSP) just 18 years old.
(a) August Kranti Maidan founded?
(b) Shivaji Park SSC CGL 5-3-2020 (Evening) Q.696. In which year was the Chicago
(c) Jallianwala Bagh (a) 1934 (b) 1924 (USA) Conference of World Religions
(d) Pragati Maidan (c) 1943 (d) 1914 held that included Swami Vivekananda's
talk on religion as one of its highlights?
Sol.(a) Quit India Movement was Sol.(a) The Congress Socialist Party was SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (Morning)
launched by August Kranti Maidan in founded in 1934 by Congress members (a) 1889 (b) 1882
the greater Mumbai district of who rejected what they saw as the (c) 1893 (d) 1978
Maharashtra. Mahatma Gandhi on 8th anti-rational mysticism of M. Gandhi .
August 1942 started the Quit India Founders: Jayaprakash Narayan, Ram Sol.(c) Swami Vivekanand in 1893 gave
Movement with a Speech that British Manohar Lohia, Narendra Deva, Minoo the speech in chicago. He said that ‘I am
must leave India immediately or else Masani. proud to belong to a religion which has
mass agitations would take place. taught the world both tolerance and
Q.693. In which year was the Hindustan universal acceptance. We believe not
Q.689. ______ renounced his Socialist Republican Association only in universal toleration, but we
knighthood in protest for Jalianwalla (HSRA) founded ? accept all religions as true”.
Bagh mass killing. SSC CGL 6-3-2020 (Evening)
SSC CGL 5-3-2020 (Afternoon) (a) 1926 (b) 1929 Q.697. Who gave the slogSol. ‘Dilli
(a) Surendranath Banerjee (c) 1930 (d) 1928 Chalo’ and ‘Give me blood and I will
(b) Rabindranath Tagore give you Freedom’?
(c) Shivajirao Holkar Sol.(d) Hindustan Socialist Republican SSC CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening)
(d) Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy Association (HSRA) established in 1928 (a) Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
at Feroz Shah Kotla New Delhi by (b) Jawaharlal Nehru
Sol.(b) Rabindra nath Tagore renounced Chandrasekhar Azad, Bhagat Singh, (c) Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
his title knighthood after the Jallianwala Sukhdev Thapar and others. (d) Subhash Chandra Bose
Bagh massacre. The knighthood title was Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 220

Pinnacle History

Sol.(d) Subhash Chandra Bose gave the of early HRA efforts is the Kakori SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Afternoon)
slogSol. ‘Dilli Chalo’ and ‘Give me Conspiracy case of 1925 (a) 1928 (b) 1934
blood and I will give you Freedom’. (c) 1919 (d) 1943
Q.702. Who among the following laid
Q.698. The birth place of Subhash the foundations of the Indian National Sol.(a) The Bardoli Satyagraha, in the
Chandra Bose is: Movement by founding the Indian state of Gujarat, India during the British
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening) Association at Calcutta in 1876? Raj, was a major episode of civil
(a) Cuttack (b) Hazaribagh SSC CGL 16/08/21(Evening) disobedience and revolt in the Indian
(c) Patna (d) Kolkata (a) Aurobindo Ghose Independence Movement in 1928. The
(b) Womesh Chandra Banerjee movement was eventually led by
Sol.(a) Subhash Chandra Bose was born (c) Dadabhai Naoroji Vallabhbhai Patel, and its success gave
on 23 January 1897 in Cuttack in (d) Surendranath Banerjee rise to Patel becoming one of the main
Odisha. leaders of the independence movement.
Sol.(d) Surendranath Banerjee laid the
Q.699. Which of the following foundations of the Indian National Q.706. Which maharaja of Manipur
movements was started in the year 1930 Movement by founding the Indian signed the Instrument of Accession with
by Mahatma Gandhi? Association at Calcutta in 1876. The the Government of
SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Afternoon) objectives of this association were to India?
(a) Non-Cooperation Movement promote by every legitimate means, the SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Afternoon)
(b) Civil Disobedience Movement political, intellectual, and material (a) Kulachandra Singh
(c) Khilafat Movement advancement of the people. (b) Bodhchandra Singh
(d) Quit India Movement (c) Nara Singh
Q.703. Who among the following, along (d) Gambhir Singh
Sol.(b) Civil Disobedience Movement with Motilal Nehru was instrumental in
In 1930, Mahatma Gandhi began the the creation of the Swaraj Party? Sol.(b) The Maharaja of Manipur,
SSC CGL 17/08/21(Evening)
Civil Disobedience Movement to the sea Bodhachandra Singh, signed the
(a) Bipin Chandra Pal
in protest of the imposing of tax on salt (b) Chittaranjan Das Instrument of Accession with the Indian
by the British. (c) Subhash Chandra Bose government on the assurance that the
(d) Surendranath Banerjee internal autonomy of Manipur would be
Q.700. Who among the following was maintained. ‘Instrument of Accession’
one of the founders of the Congress Sol.(b) Chittaranjan Das along with which meant that their state agreed to
Socialist Party? Motilal Nehru was instrumental in the become a part of the Union of India.
SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) creation of the Swaraj Party. In
These two states’ merger was done out
(a) C Natarajan Annadurai December 1922, Chittaranjan Das,
of ‘pure miscalculation’ and ‘unrealistic
(b) SK Patil Narasimha Chintaman Kelkar and
comprehension’ that the then Dominion
(c) Atulya Ghosh Motilal Nehru formed the
of India would become a loose
(d) Ram Manohar Lohia Congress-Khilafat Swarajya Party with
confederation of states and provinces
Das as the president and Nehru as one of
like it existed under British colonial
Sol.(d) Ram Manohar Lohia was one of the secretaries.
the founders of the Congress Socialist
Party. Q.704. What was the name of the
women's regiment in the Indian National Q.707. When did the Indian Army
Q.701. Who among the following was Army founded by Subhash Chandra liberate Goa from the Portuguese and
one of the founders of the Hindustan Bose? SSC CGL 18/08/21(Evening) declare it a Union Territory?
Republic Association? (a) Rani of Jhansi Regiment SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Morning)
SSC CGL 13/08/21(Morning) (b) Rani Ahilyabai Regiment (a) 1967 (b) 1961
(a) Ram Prasad Bismil (c) Rani Padmawati Regiment (c) 1952 (d) 1969
(b) Lala Lajpat Rai (d) Rani of Didda Regiment
(c) Surya Sen Sol.(b) The Indian Army liberate Goa
(d) Jatindranath Mukherjee Sol.(a) Rani of Jhansi Regiment was the from the Portuguese and declare it a
name of the women's regiment in the Union Territory in 1961. The Portuguese
Sol.(a) Hindustan Republican Indian National Army founded by colonised India in 1510 and conquered
Association was founded by Ram Prasad Subhash Chandra Bose. many western parts of India like Goa,
Bismil, Sachindra Nath Bakshi, Daman, Diu, Dadar Nagar Haveli, and
Sachindranath Sanyal and Jogesh Q.705. When did the peasant movement Anjediva island. On 18-19 December
Chandra Chatterjee. The most prominent in Bardoli begin? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 221

Pinnacle History

1961, the Indian army captured Goa and (c) Tirupati (d) Madurai around the world. In 1979, Mother
the governor-general of Portuguese India Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace
resigned. Sol.(a) C. Rajagopalachari broke the salt Prize and became a symbol of charitable,
law in 1930 at Vedaranyam, a small selfless work.
Q.708. ______ succumbed to injuries coastal town in the then Tanjore District.
inflicted on him during a peaceful The first governor of free India was C. Q.715. The book ‘Gulamgiri’ was
demonstration against the Simon Rajagopalachari. written by:
Commission. SSC-CHSL 1/07/19 -(Evening)
SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Evening) Q.712. From which of the following (a) Jyotirao Phule (b) Haridas Thakur
(a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak cities was the Quit India Movement (c) Narayana Guru (d) Ramabai Shinde
(b) Gopal Krishna Gokhale launched by Mahatma Gandhi?
(c) Bipin Chandra Pal SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Evening) Sol.(a) The book ‘Gulamgiri’ was
(d) Lala Lajpat Rai (a) Karachi (b) Madras written by Jyotirao Govindrao Phule
(c) Lahore (d) Bombay (Mahatma) He was born in Pune,and
Sol.(d) Lala Lajpat Rai succumbed to was a great social reformer. He
injuries inflicted on him during a Sol.(d) The Quit India Movement was dedicated his book Gulamgiri to the
peaceful demonstration against the launched by Mahatma Gandhi on 8 American movement to free slaves, he
Simon Commission in Lahore in 1928. August 1942 at the Bombay session of linked the conditions of the black slaves
the All India Congress Committee in America with those of the lower
castes in India.
(AICC). The first time Indian tricolour
flag was hosted by Aruna Asif Ali in the
Q.709. In which of the following regions Q.716. In which year was Satya
Gowalia tank Maidan.
did Baba Ramchandra mainly lead the Shodhak Samaj founded by Jyotirao
peasant Phule ?
struggle during colonial rule?
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Evening) REFORMS (a) 1865 (b) 1873
(a) Awadh (b) Mysore (c) 1861 (d) 1870
(c) Jodhpur (d) Hyderabad Q.713. Who was the first Indian to
receive the Ramon Magsaysay award for Sol.(b) In 1873 Satya Shodhak Samaj
Sol.(a) Baba Ramchandra mainly led the his contribution to community leadership founded by Jyotirao Phule.Satya
peasant struggle during colonial rule in ? Shodhak Samaj was founded by Jyotiba
Awadh. He led a peasant movement in SSC-CGL 10/06/19 -(Evening) Phule in 1873 in Maharashtra. The
Awadh against Talukdars and Landlords. (a) Baba Amte Satyashodhak Samaj aimed to spread
(b) Acharya Vinoba Bhave education among the lower caste people
Q.710. The onus of the Jallianwala Bagh (c) Verghese Kurien to make them aware of their rights.
massacre that happened in 1919 was on (d) Arvind Kejriwal
which General of the British Army? Q.717. Who was the founder of the
SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Evening) Sol.(b) Acharya Vinoba Bhave was the Satyashodhak Samaj in the 19th
(a) General Kitchener first Indian to receive the Ramon century?
(b) General Dyer Magsaysay award for his contribution to SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening)
(c) General Stringer Lawrence community leadership.First Indian who (a) Swami Vivekananda
(d) General Robert won Ramon Magsaysay award for (b) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
Journal. (c) BR Ambedkar
Sol.710.(b) The onus of the Jallianwala (d) Jyotiba Phule
Q.714. Mother Teresa, the founder of
Bagh massacre that happened in 1919
‘Missionaries of Charity’ was born on Sol.(d) The Satya Shodhak Samaj was
was on General Dyer. The Jallianwala
_________. founded by Mahatma Jyotiba Govindrao
Bagh massacre, also known as the
SSC-CGL 10/06/19 -(Evening) Phule in 1873 for the uplift of lower
Amritsar massacre, took place on 13
(a) 13 January 1912 (b) 26 August 1910 caste.
April 1919.
(c) 2 February 1913 (d) 15 May 1907

Q.711. At which of the following places Q.718. The Aligarh Movement was
Sol.(b) Mother Teresa, the founder of started by_______.
did C. Rajagopalachari break the salt law ‘Missionaries of Charity’ was born on
in the year 1930? SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Morning)
26th August 1910.Mother Teresa was a (a) Dr Maghfoor Ahmad Ajazi
SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Morning) Roman Catholic nun who devoted her
(a) Vedaranyam (b) Tiruchi (b) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
life to serving the poor and destitute Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 222

Pinnacle History

(c) Maulana Manzoor Ahsan (a) Lala Lajpat Rai

(d) Syed Ahmed Khan Sol.(d) Government of India Act 1935 (b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Government of India Act 1935 ended (c) Dadabhai Naoroji
Sol.(d) The Aligarh Movement was the system of dyarchy introduced by (d) Bipin Chandra Pal
started by Syed Ahmed Khan. A GOI Act 1919.
systemic movement aimed at reforming Sol.(b) Kesari is a Marathi newspaper
the social, political and educational Q.722. Aurbindo Ghosh Born In which was founded in 1881 by
aspects of the Muslim community. He Calcutta In The Year: Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak, a
founded the Scientific Society in 1863 to SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Evening) prominent leader of the Indian
translate major works in the sciences and (a) 15 August 1872 Independence movement.
modern arts into Urdu. (b) 15 August 1972
(c) 29 October 1765 Q.726. Who had started the self-respect
Q.719. Who founded the Servants of (d) 25 September 1860 movement ?
India Society in 1905? SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon)
SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) Sol.(a) Sri Aurobindo was an Indian (a) E. V Ramaswami Naikar
(a) Sayid Ahmed Khan philosopher, yogi, guru, poet, and (b) Jyotiba Phule
(b) Annie Besant nationalist. He joined the Indian (c) Dr. B. R Ambedkar
(c) Raja Ram Mohan Roy movement for independence from (d) Mahatma Gandhi
(d) Gopal Krishna Gokhale British rule, for a while was one of its
influential leaders and then became a Sol.(a) Erode Venkatappa Ramasamy
Sol.(d) Servants of India Society was spiritual reformer, introducing his (17 September 1879 – 24 December
founded on 12 June 1905 by Gopal visions on human progress and spiritual 1973), commonly known as Periyar, also
Krishna Gokhale. Along with him were evolution. referred to as Thanthai Periyar, was an
a small group of educated Indians, as Indian social activist, and politician who
Natesh Appaji Dravid, Gopal Krishna Q.723. Dada Bhai Nauroji was editor of started the Self-Respect Movement and
Deodhar and Anant Patwardhan who which of the following newspapers ? Dravidar Kazhagam.
wanted to promote social and human SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon)
development and overthrow the British (a) Som Prakash (b) Rast Goftar Q.727. Lala Lajpat Rai was the founder
rule in India.The publication of The (c) Mahratta (d) Samvad Kaumudi of which of the following banks ?
Hitavada, the organ of the Society in SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning)
English from Nagpur commenced in Sol.(b) Rast Goftar was an (a) Union Bank of India
1911. Anglo-Gujarati paper operating in (b) State Bank of India
Bombay that was started in 1854 by (c) Bank of Baroda
Q.720. Who started the temple entry Dadabhai Naoroji and Kharshedji Cama (d) Punjab National Bank
movement in 1927? and championed social reform among
SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) Parsis in Western India. Sol.(d) Lala Lajpat Rai was popularly
(a) Medha Patkar known as Panjab Kesri. He was one of
(b) Bhimrao Ambedkar Q.724. “Neel Darpan” was written by the three Lal Bal Pal triumvirates. He
(c) Vinoba Bhave Dinabandhu Mitra to portray the was also associated with activities of
(d) Mahatma Gandhi oppression faced by peasants to grow Punjab National Bank and Laxmi
indigo in : Insurance Company in their early stages
Sol.(b) Ambedkar belonged to a Mahar SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) in 1894.
family. In 1927, he started a temple entry (a) Madras (b) Assam
movement, which was resented by the (c) Gujarat(d) Bengal Q.728. Which among the following
Brahman priests. Ambedkar led three books were written by Jyotiba Phule?
such movements for temple entry Sol.(d) Dinabandhu Mitra, one of the SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening)
between 1927 and 1935. most powerful dramatists of 19th (a) Gulamgiri
century Bengal, wrote his first play Neel (b) Discovery of India
Q.721. The abolition of Dyarchy in the Darpan (1860) 2 on the oppressive (c) Wings of Fire
provinces was recommended by the behaviour of the white Indigo planters in (d) My experiment with Truth
_____ Bengal in the 1850s.
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) Sol.(a) Indian socio-religious Reformer,
(a) Government of India Act of 1947 Thinker Mahatma Jyotiba Phule has
(b) Government of India Act 1858 Q.725. Who started the magazine written the book GULAMGIRI. This
(c) Government of India Act 1919 ‘Kesari’ ? book is dedicated to the people in the US
(d) Government of India Act 1935 SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening) who were working to end slavery. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 223

Pinnacle History

(c) Rajasthan (d) Gujarat Dayanand Saraswati - Arya Samaj

Q.729. Which of the following Rama Ram Mohan Roy - Brahmo Samaj
newspapers was NOT launched by Lala Sol.(a) Savitribai phule was an indian Swami Vivekananda - Ramakrishna
Lajpat Rai ? social reformer, educationist and poet Mission
SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening) from Maharashtra. She was the first
(a) The People female teacher of India. Q.736. Who was the founder of the
(b) Young India Ramakrishna Mission ?
(c) Regenerator of Aryavarta Q.733. Who among the following is SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning)
(d) The Punjabee known as the 'father of Muslim (a) Debendranath Tagore
renaissance' in Bengal? (b) Atmaram Pandurang
Sol.(b) Young India was a weekly paper SSC CGL 4-3-2020 (Evening) (c) Swami Vivekananda
or journal in English published by (a) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan (d) Swami Dayanand
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi from (b) Ameer Ali
1919 to 1931. (c) Nawab Abdul Latif Khan Sol.(c) Swami Vivekananda founded
(d) Nawab Salimullah Khan Ramakrishna Mission in 1897 to spread
Q.730. After Acquittal Of Sri Aurobindo the teachings of Vedanta as embodied in
Ghosh From Jail In 1909, He Launched Sol.(c) Father of Muslin Renaissance in the life of the Hindu saint Ramakrishna
Two Weekly Journal ___________and Bengal is Nawab Abdul Latif Khan. His and to improve the social conditions of
___________. title, Nawab was awarded by the British the Indian people.
SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Evening) in 1880. He was one of the first Muslim
(a) Dainik Jagran (Hindi) And in nineteenth centuary India to embrace Q.737. In which year was the Chicago
Manorama (Malayalam) the idea of modernization. (USA) Conference Of World Religions
(b) Anand Bazar (Hindi) And Manorama held that included Swami Vivekananda’s
(Malayalam) Q.734. Who among the following talk on religion as one of its highlights?
(c) Karmayogin (English) And Dharma scholars is associated with the SSC CGL 09/07/2019 (Morning)
(Bengali) Tibet-home theory of the Aryans? (a) 1889 (b) 1882
(d) Dainik Jagran (Hindi) And Anand SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Evening) (c) 1893 (d) 1978
Bazar (Hindi) (a) Dayanand Saraswati
(b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak Sol.(c) In 1893 was the Chicago (USA)
Sol.(c) After his acquittal in the Alipore (c) MacDonell Conference Of World Religions held that
Bomb case, Sri Aurobindo launched (d) Max Muller included Swami Vivekananda’s talk on
Karmayogin, a weekly English journal religion as one of its highlights. This led
conceived as 'A Weekly Review of Sol.(a) In his book Satyarth Prakash, to a new series of conferences under the
National Religion, Literature, Science, Swami Dayanand Saraswati propounded official title Parliament of the World's
Philosophy. that the original home of the Aryans was Religions with the same goal of trying to
Tibet. The logic behind was that the sun create a global dialogue of faiths.
Q.731.The Satya Shodhak Samaj was and fire were worshipped in Tibet due to
founded by: extreme cold and the flora and fauna Q.738. What was the paternal name of
SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) mentioned in Rig-Veda were found in Swami Dayanand Saraswati?
(a) Swami Dayanand Saraswati Tibet. SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Morning)
(b) Swami Vivekanand (a) Narayan Shankar (b) Mool Shankar
(c) Jyotiba Phule Q.735. Identify the correctly matched (c) Krishna Shankar (d) Om Shankar
(d) Raja Ram Mohan Roy pair of the founder and the
social/socio-religious organisation Sol.(b) Mool Shankar was the paternal
Sol.(c) Satyashodhak Samaj founded. name of Swami Dayanand Saraswati.
(Truth-seekers' Society) was a social SSC CHSL 18-03-2020 (Evening) He founded the Arya Samaj that brought
reform society founded by Jyotirao (a) Dayanand Saraswati – Brahmo about changes in the religious perception
Phule in Pune, Maharashtra, on 24 Samaj of Indians. He voiced his opinions
September 1873. (b) Raja Ram Mohan Roy – Arya Samaj against idolatry and the pointless
(c) Rama Krishna Paramahamsa – emphasis on empty ritualism, and
Q.732. Veteran freedom fighter, social Ramakrishna Mission man-made dictates that women are not
reformer and feminist Savithribai Phule (d) Swami Vivekananda – Ramakrishna allowed to read the Vedas. His idea of
hailed from which of the following states Mission denouncing the caste system inherited by
of India? oneself in lieu of their birth was nothing
SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Morning) Sol.(d) Swami Vivekananda – short of radical.
(a) Maharashtra (b) Odisha Ramakrishna Mission Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 224

Pinnacle History

Q.739. Where were the first in 1897. It is located on the west bank of SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Morning)
headquarters of the Arya Samaj? Hooghly River, West Bengal. (a) Dhondo Keshav Karve
SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening) (b) Puli Thevar
(a) Nasik (b) Bombay Q.743. Who among the following was (c) Nanaji Deshmukh
(c) Calcutta (d) Lahore NOT a Nayanar saint? (d) Tatya Tope
SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Evening)
Sol.(b) The Arya Samaj was established (a) Sundarar (b) Appar Sol.(a) Dhondo Keshav Karve founded
in Bombay on 7 April 1875 by (c) Sambandar (d) Andal an educational institution, Hindu
Dayananda Saraswati. An alternative Widows Home, in Poona in the year
date for the foundation of the samaj is 24 Sol.(d) Andal was not a Nayanar saint. 1896. The Home for Widows was then
June 1877 because it was then, in Lahore The Nayanars were a group of 63 named "Hingne Stree Shikshan
when the samaj became more than just a poet-saints living in Tamil Nadu during Samstha" and the school was named
regional movement based in Punjab. the 3rd to 8th centuries CE who were "Mahilashram High School". Later the
devoted to the Hindu god Shiva. Along institution was renamed "Maharshi
Q.740. The leader of the Bhakti with the Alwars, their contemporaries Karve Stree Shikshan Samstha".
movement focusing on Lord Rama was who were devoted to Vishnu, they Q.747. Which of the following
_________. influenced the Bhakti movement in early organisations was the earliest to be
SSC-CGL 07/06/19(Morning) medieval South India. established, as compared with the other
(a) Namdeva (b) Ramananda
three during British rule?
(c) Jayadeva (d) Vivekananda Q.744. Which of the following is NOT a SSC MTS 11/10/21(Evening)
correct match of Dargah and its (a) Brahmo Samaj
Sol.(b) The leader of the bhakti respective location? (b) Satya Shodhak Samaj
movement focusing on the Lord as Rama SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Evening) (c) Prarthana Samaj
was Ramananda. Ramananda focused on (a) Shaikh Nizamuddin Auliya Dargah - (d) Paramahansa Mandali
Rama as Supreme Lord, and love, Agra
devotion and chanting his sacred name is (b) Khwaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki Sol.(a) Brahmo Samaj, (Sanskrit:
the source of liberation. Dargah - Delhi “Society of Brahma”) Brahmo also
(c) Haji Ali Dargah - Mumbai spelled Brahma, the theistic movement
Q.741. Which of the following (d) Shaikh Muinuddin Sijzi (chishti)
within Hinduism, founded in Calcutta
statements about Swami Dayanand Dargah - Ajmer
[now Kolkata] in 1828 by Raja Ram
Saraswati is INCORRECT?
Mohun Roy. Satyashodhak Samaj was
SSC CGL 13/08/21(Morning) Sol.(a) Shaikh Nizamuddin Auliya
(a) His birthplace was Gujarat. founded by Jyotiba Phule in Pune,
Dargah is the Dargah of the Sufi saint
(b) He authored the book 'Satyarth Maharashtra, on 24 September 1873.
Khwaja Nizamuddin Auliya. It is located
Prakash'. Prarthana Samaj was founded by
in the Nizamuddin West area of Delhi
(c) He was the founder of Arya Samaj. Atmaram Pandurang on 31 March 1867.
(d) He was the founder of Brahmo Q.745. In which of the following cities Paramahansa Mandali was a secret
Samaj. was the Veda Samaj established in 1864? socio-religious group, established in
SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Evening) 1849 by Durgaram Mehtaji, Dadoba
Sol.(d) The Brahmo Samaj was founded (a) Bombay (now Mumbai) Pandurang.
by Raja Rammohan Roy along with (b) Madras (now Chennai)
Dwarkanath Tagore and others on (c) Calicut Q.748. Who among the following was
August 20, 1828. (d) Calcutta (now Kolkata) the founder of Prarthana Samaj? SSC
MTS 12/10/21(Morning)
Q.742. Swami Vivekananda established Sol.(b) The Veda Samaj was established (a) MG Ranade
Ramakrishna Mission in the year in 1864 in Madras (now Chennai). The (b) RC Bhandarkar
______. SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Morning) Veda Samaj was inspired by the Brahmo (c) Atmaram Pandurang
(a) 1876 (b) 1897 Samaj. It worked to abolish caste (d) Jyotiba Phule
(c) 1899 (d) 1882 distinctions and promote widow
remarriage and women's education Sol.(c) Atmaram Pandurang was the
Sol.(b) Ramakrishna Mission founder of Prarthana Samaj. Prarthana
(headquartered in Belur math) was Q.746. Who among the following social Samaj was a movement for religious and
founded by Swami Vivekananda, a chief reformers founded an educational social reforms in Bombay, India. It was
disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, institution, Hindu Widows Home, in founded by Dadoba Pandurang and his
Poona in the year 1896? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 225

Pinnacle History

brother Atmaram Pandurang in 1867 to Q.752. Who among the following (a) 1914 (b) 1915
make people believe in one God. founded the Arya Samaj in 1875? (c) 1917 (d) 1916
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Afternoon)
Q.749. Who among the following (a) Mahadev Govind Ranade Sol.(d) The Home Rule Movement
founded the organisation ‘East India (b) Ram Mohan Roy started in 1916. BG Tilak founded the
Association’? (c) Keshab Chandra Sen first home rule league at the Bombay
SSC MTS 13/10/21(Afternoon) (d) Dayanand Saraswati provincial congress at Belgaum in April
(a) Gopal Krishna Gokhale 1916 then after this Annie Besant
(b) George Yule Sol.(d) Dayanand founded the second league at Adyar
(c) Womesh Chandra Bonnerjee Saraswati(Mulshankar) founded the Madras in September 1916.
(d) Dadabhai Naoroji Arya Samaj in 1875. It promoted values
and practices based on the beliefs of the INDIAN NATIONAL
Sol.(d) Dadabhai Naoroji founded the Vedas. Satyarth Prakash(The True
organization ‘East India Association’ in Exposition) was his famous work. He
1867. Dadabhai Narooji is also known as gave the slogan “Back to the Vedas”.
the "Grand Old Man of India" and
"Unofficial Ambassador of India". One Q.756. The Indian National Association
Q.753. Who among the following
was established in 1876 by _______ in
of his famous books is “Poverty and founded the 'Servants of India Society'?
Un-British Rule in India”. SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Evening)
SSC CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning)
(a) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(a) Badruddin Tyabji
Q.750. ______ fought for the rights of (b) Sarojini Naidu
(b) V K Chiplunkar
the Dalit community. (c) Gopinath Bordoloi
(c) Anand Mohan Bose
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Morning) (d) Ramabai Ranade
(d) Sisir Kumar Ghosh
(a) Subhash Chandra Bose
(b) Bipin Chandra Pal Sol.(a) The Servants of India Society
Sol.(c) The Indian National Association
(c) Bhimrao Ambedkar was formed in Pune, Maharashtra, on
was established in 1876 by Anand
(d) Krishnaji Gopal Karve June 12, 1905, by Gopal Krishna
Mohan Bose in Calcutta. Indian National
Gokhale. Gopal Krishna Gokhale was
Association was the first declared
Sol.(c) Bhimrao Ambedkar fought for known to be Mahatma Gandhi's political
Nationalist Organization founded in
the rights of the Dalit community. mentor.
British India in1876.
Ambedkar fought for the rights of
It was originally established as Bharat
workers and peasants. In the late 1920s Q.754. Who among the following wrote Sabha and held its first annual
and early 1930s, he had formed his the Brahmo Covenant, which was a conference in Calcutta. It merged with
Independent Labour Party. statement of the creed of the Brahmo INC in 1885
Samaj and made a list of the duties and
Q.751. Which of the following obligations of its members? Q.757. Maharani Gayatri Devi was a
associations/organisations was founded SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Afternoon) member of the_____.
by Jyotiba Phule? (a) Keshab Chandra Sen SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Morning)
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Morning) (b) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar (a) Swatantra Party
(a) Brahmo Samaj (c) Debendranath Tagore (b) Bharatiya Janata Party
(b) Arya Samaj (d) Rammohan Roy (c) Bahujan Samaj Party
(c) Prarthana Samaj (d) Indian National Congress Party
(d) Satyashodhak Samaj Sol.(c) Debendranath Tagore wrote the
Brahmo Covenant, which was a Sol.(a) Maharani Gayatri Devi was a
Sol.(d) Satyashodhak Samaj was statement of the creed of the Brahmo member of the swatantra party.She
founded by Jyotiba Phule in Pune, Samaj and made a list of the duties and continued to hold the seat from
Maharashtra, on 24 September 1873. It obligations of its members. He was the 1967-1971 as a member of the Swatantra
espoused a mission of education and founder in 1848 of the Brahmo religion, Party, founded by C Rajagopalachari,
increased social rights and political which today is synonymous with running against the Indian National
access for underprivileged groups, Brahmoism. In 1863 he founded Congress Party.
focused especially on women, Shudras, Shantiniketan (“Abode of Peace”).
and Dalits, in Maharashtra. Q.758. Who headed the 19th session of
Q.755. In which year was the Home Indian National Congress ?
Rule Movement started? SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon)
SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Afternoon) (a) Gopal Krishan Gokhle Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 226

Pinnacle History

(b) Sir Henry Cotton (a) Karachi Session 1934 Sol.(d) Dadabhai Naoroji is known as
(c) Lal Mohan Ghosh (b) Lahore Session 1927 the Grand Old Man of India, was a Parsi
(d) Surendranath Banerjee (c) Kanpur Session 1922 intellectual, educator, cotton trader, and
(d) Surat Session 1907 an early Indian political and social
Sol.(c) The 19th session of the INC was leader.
held in Madras in 1903.It was headed by Sol.(d) The Congress split at Surat took
Lal Mohan Ghosh. place in the year 1907 in the month of Q.766. The National Anthem of India,
December. Around this time, ‘Jana Gana Mana’ was first sung at the
Q.759. Who was the President of revolutionary terrorism had gained ______ Session of the Indian National
Congress during the Belgaum Summit of momentum. These 2 events were Congress.
Congress in 1924 ? seemingly connected. SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning)
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening) In December 1905, at the Benaras (a) Calcutta (b) Lahore
(a) K.L Nehru (b) Charu Majumdar session of the Indian National Congress (c) Belgaum (d) Tripuri
(c) J.L. Nehru (d) M.K. Gandhi presided over by Gokhale, the
Moderate-Extremist differences came to Sol.(a) The National Anthem of India,
Sol.(d) Belgaum was chosen as the the front. ‘Jana Gana Mana’ was first sung at the
venue of the 39th session of the Indian 1911 Session of the Indian National
Q.763. The non-cooperation movement
National Congress in December 1924 Congress on 27 December, in Calcutta.
was adopted in which congress session ?
under the presidency of Mahatma The national anthem was written by
SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening)
Gandhi. The city served as a major RabindraNath Tagore.This session was
(a) Bombay Session 1921
military installation for the British Raj, headed by Bishan Narayan Dhar.
(b) Nagpur Session 1920
primarily due to its proximity to Goa,
(c) Madras Session 1927
which was then a Portuguese territory. Q.767. ______ was elected as President
(d) Lahore Session 1916
of the Indian National Congress in
Q.760. In which Congress Session, was December 1929 at its annual session in
Sol.(b) Under the leadership of Mahatma
the demand for ‘Purna Swaraj’ adopted? the city of Lahore.
Gandhi, Indian National Congress(INC)
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening) SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening)
launched The non-cooperation
(a) Karachi Session (b) Surat Session (a) Jawaharlal Nehru
movement in Nagpur Session.
(c) Kanpur Session (d) Lahore Session (b) Lal Bahadur Shastri
(c) Subhas Chandra Bose
Q.764. Who was the President of the
Sol.(d) The demand for 'poorna swaraj' (d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
Congress Session held in Calcutta in
or complete independence was adopted
at Lahore session of Congress in Sol.(a) At the Lahore session in
SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning)
December 1929. December 1929 Jawahar lal nehru was
(a) Gopal Krishan Gokhle
elected as president of Indian National
(b) Dadabhai Naoroji
Q.761. Who presided over the Congress. In the Lahore session the
(c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
conference of nationalist representatives Historic “Purna Swaraj” resolution was
(d) Lala Lajpat Rai
in Surat in December 1907? passed for the first time.
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening)
Sol.(b) Dadabhai Naroji was elected
(a) Ferozeshah Mehta Q.768. Who among the following
president of the congress for a third time. presided over the special session of
(b) Sri Aurobindo
Naroji was staunch moderate within the Congress in September 1923 and at the
(c) Lala Lajpat Rai
Congress, during the phase when age of 35 became the youngest man to
(d) Dada Bhai Naoroji
opinion in the party was split between be elected as the President of the
the moderates and extremists. Congress?
Sol.(b) Surat split,1907 mainly referred SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Morning)
to split of the INC into moderates and (a) Mahadev Govind Ranade
Q.765. Which leader of India's freedom (b) Ram Manohar Lohia
extremists. The moderate leaders were
movement was called the 'Grand Old (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Pherozeshah
Man of India'? (d) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
Mehta and Surendranath Banerjee and
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
the extremists were led by Lokmanya
(a) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Sol.(d) In 1923 Abul Kalam Azad
Tilak, Lajpat Rai, V. O. Chidambaram
(b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak became the youngest person at an age of
Pillai and Sri Aurobindo.
(c) Lala Lajpat Rai 35 to serve as the President of the INC.
(d) Dadabhai Naoroji He was also a noted writer, poet and
Q.762. The split of Congress occurred in
journalist. He was a prominent political
which of the following sessions?
SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 227

Pinnacle History

leader and was elected as Congress (a) Indira Gandhi at its Lucknow session on December 29
President in 1923 and 1940. (b) Annie Besant and by the league on Dec. 31, 1916.
(c) Sucheta Kripalani
Q.769. Who was the President of the (d) Nellie Sengupta Q.776. What was the important feature /
Indian National Congress when India result of the 1916 Lucknow Pact?
won its freedom in the Sol.(b) Annie Besant was the first SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening)
year 1947? woman to be elected as the President of (a) The Congress did not agree for a
SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Evening) the Indian National Congress in 1917. separate election for Muslims in the
(a) Abul Kalam Azad Annie Besant founded the Home Rule provincial council elections.
(b) Vallabhbhai Patel League in India in 1916. New India was (b) This led to the partition of Bengal.
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru a daily newspaper published in India by (c) It further increased the distance
(d) J. B. Kripalani Annie Besant. between Hindus and Muslims.
(d) It referred to the reunification of the
Sol.(d) Jivatram Bhagwandas Kripalani Q.773. The Lucknow Pact was signed in moderate and hardline cults of the
also known as Acharya Kriplani was the ______. Congress.
president of the Indian National SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Evening)
Congress during the transfer of power. (a) 1920 (b) 1922 Sol.(d) It referred to the reunification of
He was the husband of Suchitra (c) 1916 (d) 1930 the moderate and hardline cults of the
Kriplani, who was the first woman chief Congress. The Lucknow Pact was seen
minister (Uttar Pradesh). Sol.(c) The Lucknow Pact was an as a beacon of hope to Hindu-Muslim
unity. The Lucknow Pact also helped in
agreement reached between the Indian
Q.770. Who among the following was establishing cordial relations between
National Congress and the Muslim
elected as the President of the Indian the two prominent groups within the
League (AIML) at a joint session of both
National Congress in the year 1938 and Indian National Congress – the
the parties held in Lucknow in
1939? SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Afternoon) ‘extremist’ faction led by the Lal Bal Pal
December 1916. It was signed between
(a) Subhash Chandra Bose trio and the ‘moderate’ faction led by
Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Muhammad
(b) Dr. Rajendra Prasad Gopal Krishna Gokhale until his death in
(c) C Rajagopalachari Ali Jinnah. 1915 and later represented by Gandhi.
(d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
MUSLIM LEAGUE Q777. When was the Muslim League
Sol.(a) Subhash Chandra Bose was founded?
elected as the President of the Indian Q.774. Who among the following was SSC CHSL 17-03-2020 (Evening)
National Congress in the year 1938 and given the title ‘Quaid-i-Azam’? (a) 1906 (b) 1905
1939. SSC CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon) (c) 1901 (d) 1903
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru
Q.771. The Indian National Congress (b) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Sol.(a) The Muslim League was founded
was founded in December 1885 at: (c) Mahatma Gandhi in 1906 in Dhaka with the aim of
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Afternoon) (d) Muhammad Ali Jinnah representing the interests of Indian
(a) Calcutta (b) Bombay Muslims.
(c) Delhi (d) Lucknow Sol.(d) The title of Quaid e Azam was
given to Mohammad Ali Jinnah by Q.778. Khilafat Committee was formed
Sol.(b) The Indian National Congress Maulana Mazharuddin Shaheed in 1938. by Ali brothers in _____.
was founded in December 1885 at SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening)
Q.775. In which year the Congress and (a) Bombay in 1919 (b) Madras in 1920
Gokuldas Tejpal Sanskrit College in
the Muslim League signed the historic (c) Kolkata in 1919 (d) Delhi,1920
Bombay, with 72 delegates in
Lucknow pact ?
attendance. Allan Octavian Hume -
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon) Sol.(a) The Khilafat movement, also
"father of the Indian National Congress,"
(a) 1915 (b) 1906 known as the Indian Muslim movement
. Womesh Chunder Bonnerjee of
(c) 1916 (d) 1917 (1919–24), was a pan-Islamist political
Calcutta was elected president.
protest campaign launched by Muslims
Sol.(c) Lucknow Pact, (December 1916), of British India led by Shaukat Ali,
Q.772. Who was the first woman to be agreement made by the Indian National Mohammad Ali Jauhar and Abul Kalam
elected as the President of the Indian Congress headed by Maratha leader Bal Azad to restore the caliph of the
National Gangadhar Tilak and the All-India Ottoman Caliphate, who was considered
Congress? Muslim League led by Muhammad Ali the leader of Sunni Muslims.
SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Afternoon) Jinnah; it was adopted by the Congress Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 228

Pinnacle History

MISCELLANEOUS Sol.(a) Sirimavo Bandaranaike was not

Q.779. The Lucknow Pact of December only Sri Lankan’s first woman Prime
1916 was an understanding between the Q.782. The Vivekananda Rock Minister, but also the first woman Prime
Indian National Congress and the Memorial is located in ___________. Minister in the world.Sirimavo
______. SSC-CGL 07/06/19(Morning) Bandaranaike also served as the Minister
SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Morning) (a) Andaman (b) Srinagar of Defence and External Affairs of Sri
(a) Swatantra Party (c) Kanyakumari (d) Ladakh Lanka.
(b) Muslim League
(c) Communist Party Sol.(c) The Vivekananda Rock Q.786. ‘Jorwe Culture’ was a
(d) Hindu Mahasabha Memorial is located in Kanyakumari. It Chalcolithic archaeology site located in
was built in 1970 in honour of swami the present day Indian state of _______
Sol.(b) The Lucknow Pact was an vivekanand who is said to have attained SSC-CGL 11/06/19 -(Morning)
agreement reached between the Indian enlightenment on the rock. (a) Assam (b) Maharashtra
National Congress and the Muslim (c) Gujarate (d) Bihar
League (AIML) at a joint session of both Q.783. The leading light of the Rama
the parties held in Lucknow in cult was saint-poet _________ who also Sol.(b) ‘Jorwe Culture’ was a
December 1916. Through the pact, the wrote the poem ‘Ramacharitamanasa’. Chalcolithic archaeology site located in
two parties agreed to allow SSC-CGL 07/06/19(Morning) the present day Indian state of
representation to religious minorities in (a) Chaitanya (b) Vallabhacharya Maharashtra.
the provincial legislatures. (c) Tulsidas (d) Nimbarka The Jorwe culture was a Chalcolithic
archaeological culture which existed in
Q.780. The All India Muslim League Sol.(c) The leading light of the Rama large areas of what is now Maharashtra
was founded in 1906 at: cult was saint-poet Tulsidas who also state in Western India, and also reached
SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Afternoon) wrote the poem north into the Malwa region of Madhya
(a) Lahore (b) Bombay ‘Ramacharitamanasa’.Tulsidas belonged Pradesh. It is named after the type site of
(c) Lucknow (d) Dacca to the saguna school of Bhakti and Jorwe.
dedicated Ramcharitramanas to the life
Sol.(d) The All India Muslim League of lord Rama. Q.787. Who was the Indian Army Chief
was founded in 1906 at Dacca. The at the time of the Bangladesh Liberation
founder of the All India Muslim League Q.784. The Bangladesh Liberation War War?
was Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Khwaja ended on _______ SSC-CGL 11/06/19 -(Morning)
Salimullah, Aga Khan III, Hakim Ajmal SSC-CGL 10/06/19 -(Afternoon) (a) Roy Bucher (b) Rob Lockhart
Khan. It was formed to safeguard the (a) 14 November 1972 (c) K M Cariappa (d) Sam Manekshaw
rights of Muslims. (b) 16 December 1971
(c) 17 October 1971 Sol.(d) Sam Manekshaw was the Indian
Q.781. India and Pakistan had signed the (d) 2nd October 1974 Army Chief at the time of Bangladesh
______, under which the two countries Liberation War.
agreed to sort out differences and Sol.(b) The Bangladesh Liberation War
disputes bilaterally. ended on 16 December 1971.It was the Q.788. Who among the following was
SSC MTS 11/10/21(Morning) peace treaty that resulted at the end of India’s Defence Minister during the
(a) Calcutta Pact (b) Shimla Pact the First Anglo Burmese War. The 1971 war between India and Pakistan?
(c) Lucknow Pact (d) Agra Pact Treaty was signed on 24 February 1826 SSC-CHSL 1/07/19 -(Evening)
after two years of the war between (a) Yashwantrao Chavan
British and Burmese. (b) Indira Gandhi
Sol.(b) India and Pakistan had signed the
(c) Swaran Singh
Shimla Pact, under which the two
Q.785. _________ was not only Sri (d) Jagjivan Ram
countries agreed to sort out differences
and disputes bilaterally. The treaty was Lankan’s first woman Prime Minister,
but also the first woman Prime Minister Sol.(d) Jagjivan Ram was India’s
signed in Simla in 1972 by Zulfiqar Ali
in the world. Defence Minister during the 1971 war
Bhutto, the President of Pakistan, and
SSC-CGL 10/06/19 -(Evening) between India and Pakistan. He was
Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister of instrumental in the creation of the 'Joint
(a) Sirimavo Bandaranaike
India. The agreement also paved the way Command' of Bangladesh and Indian
(b) Upeksha Swarnamali
for diplomatic recognition of Bangladesh Forces for the final assault which led to
(c) Rosy Senanayake
by Pakistan. victory.
(d) Chandrika Kumaratunga Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 229

Pinnacle History

Q.789. For which specific reason is (c) 29th December 1951 Sol.(d) Charles Wilkins first translated
Pingali Venkayya remembered even (d) 26th January 1948 the ‘Bhagavad Gita’ into English.He was
today? an English typographer and founding
SSC-CHSL 3/07/19 -(Morning) Sol.(a) The 'Instrument of Surrender' member of The Asiatic Society.
(a) He composed the music for the which ended Portuguese rule in India
National Anthem was signed on 19th December 1961, Q.796. Who became the acting prime
(b) He helped in the annexation of Goa ending 450 years of Portuguese rule in minister of India after the death of
(c) He designed the Indian National Flag India. Jawaharlal Nehru in 1964?
(d) He helped in annexation of SSC CGL 11/07/2019 (Afternoon)
Hyderabad Q.793. The Cheriyal Scrolls is a dying (a) V P Singh (b) Morarji Desai
art form of India practised by one family (c) Gulzarilal Nanda (d) Charan Singh
Sol.(c) Pingali Venkayya designed the called the Nakashi family for many
Indian National Flag. A postage stamp generations. Name the modern day State Sol.(c) Gulzarilal Nanda (4 July 1898 –
was issued to commemorate him in 2009 which owns this art form? 15 January 1998) was an Indian
and he also published a book in 1916 SSC CGL 04/07/2019 (Morning) politician and economist who specialized
offering thirty designs of what could (a) Tamil Nadu (b) Karnataka in labour issues. He was the Acting
make the Indian flag. (c) West Bengal (d) Telangana Prime Minister of India for two short
periods following the deaths of
Q.790. Opium war were fought between Sol.(d) The Cheriyal Scrolls is a dying Jawaharlal Nehru in 1964 and Lal
the British and ____. art form of India practised by one family Bahadur Shastri in 1966.
SSC CGL 12/06/2019 (Evening) called the Nakashi family for many
(a) China (b) Bhutan generations.In modern times, the owner Q797. The Nehru-Liaquat Pact was
(c) Myanmar (Burma) (d) Afghanistan of this art form is the Telangana signed in____.
State.The tradition of long scrolls and SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
Sol.(a) Opium wars were fought Kalamkari art influenced the Cheriyal (a) 1947 (b) 1949
between the British and China.The scrolls, a much more stylised version of (c) 1948 (d) 1950
Opium Wars consisted of two wars, Nakashi art.
spanning the years of 1839 to 1842 and Sol.(d) The treaty was signed in New
1856 to 1860. In this time of war, the Q.794. Who among the following Delhi by the Prime Minister Jawahar Lal
weakening of China’s government and establishes an institution named Nehru and the Prime Minister Liaquat
system was critical to the survival of ‘Kalasharam’ for imparting training in Ali Khan on April 8, 1950. The treaty
revolutionary ideals spread by the opium dance and associated disciplines? was the outcome of six days of talks
trade. SSC CGL 04/07/2019 (Afternoon) sought to guarantee the rights of
(a) Shambhu Maharaj minorities in both countries after the
Q.791. Which of the following Indians (b) Pandit Birju Maharaj Partition of India and to avert another
was one of the founders of Dartington (c) Sitara Devi war between them.
Hall School in Japan? (d) Lachhu Maharaj
SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Morning) Q.798. _____founded the ‘Bal Charkha
(a) Subhash Chandra Bose Sol.(b) Pandit Birju Maharaj Sangh’, where children were taught to
(b) Dadabhai Naoroji Pandit Birju Maharaj established an spin & weave.
(c) Swami Vivekananda institution named ‘Kalasharam’ for SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)
(d) Rabindranath Tagore imparting training in dance and (a) Sarojini Naidu (b) Vinoba Bhave
associated disciplines.Pandit Birju (c) Indira Gandhi (d) Mahatma Gandhi
Sol.(d) Rabindranath Tagore was one of Maharaj is a direct descendant of
the founders of Dartington Hall School Ishwari Prasadji, the first known Kathak Sol.(c) Indira Gandhi founded the ‘Bal
in Japan.The Dartington Hall School was teacher. Charkha Sangh’, where children were
a progressive coeducational institution, taught to spin & weave. In her early
in Japan, Tagore influenced such figures Q.795. Who among the following first childhood she founded the Bal Charkha
as Nobel laureate Yasunari Kawabata. translated the ‘Bhagavad Gita’ into Sangh and in 1930, the 'Vanar Sena' of
English? children to help the Congress party
Q.792. The 'Instrument of Surrender' SSC CGL 09/07/2019 (Evening) during the Non-Cooperation Movement.
which ended the Portuguese rule in India (a) George Yule She was imprisoned in September 1942,
was signed on _____. (b) Vincent Arthur Smith and worked in riot-affected areas of
SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Evening) (c) Max Muller Delhi in 1947 under Gandhiji's guidance.
(a) 19th December 1961 (d) Charles Wilkins
(b) 15th August 1947 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 230

Pinnacle History

Q.799. When was the National Anthem (a) Nandlal Bose (d) Leh Palace
adopted in its Hindi version? (b) Abindranath Tagore
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning) (c) Debendranath Tagore Sol.(a) Mattancherry Dutch Palace in
(a) 24 January, 1950 (d) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee Ernakulam. It came to be known as the
(b) 26 January, 1950 Dutch Palace as it underwent major
(c) 2 October, 1948 Sol.(b) Bharat Mata is a work painted by repairs at the hands of the Dutch. It is
(d) 15 August, 1947 the Indian painter Abanindranath Tagore famous for its long and spacious halls
in 1905. The work depicts Bharat Mata, along with its central courtyard. It is also
Sol.(a) The National Anthem of India or Mother India, in the style of a Hindu the home of the deity of the royal family,
Jana-gana-mana, composed originally in Goddess. The painting was the first Pazhayannur Bhagavathy (the deity of
Bengali by Rabindranath Tagore, was illustrated depiction of the concept, and Pazhayannur).
adopted in its Hindi version by the was painted with Swadesh ideals during
Constituent Assembly as the National the larger Indian Independence Q.806. Who is known as the Iron Man of
Anthem of India on 24 January 1950. It movement. India ?
was first sung on 27 December 1911 at SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)
the Kolkata Session of the Indian Q.803.The painting ‘Damayanthi’ was (a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
National Congress. painted by ______. (b) Raja Ram Mohan Rai
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon) (c) Vallabhbhai Patel
Q.800. Which of the following became a (a) Raja Ravi Varma (d) Jawaharlal Nehru
Union Territory of India in 1954 after (b) Kalidas
about 280 years of French rule ? (c) Johann Zoffany Sol.(c) India's first home minister and
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning) (d) Abanindranath Tagore also the first deputy prime minister,
(a) Dadra and Nagar Haveli Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel died today 67
(b) Daman and Diu Sol.(a) The painting ‘Damayanthi’ was years ago, at the age of 75. Known as the
(c) Puducherry painted by Raja Ravi Verma.This piece "IronMan" of India, Patel was
(d) Lakshadweep produced in the Ravi Varma Press shows instrumental in uniting the country
King Nara's wife Damayanti and Hamsa, through merger of small princely states.
Sol.(c) On November 1, 1954, the the bird of love, from the great Indian
French possessions in India were de epic "Mahabarata," based on Varma's oil Q.807. Which palace came to be known
facto transferred to the Indian Union and painting. as Dutch Palace ?
Puducherry became a Union Territory. SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)
About 280 years of French rule finally Q.804. What was the real name of Sister (a) Mattancherry Palace
came to an end. Nivedita ? (b) Hawa Mahal
SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon) (c) Mysuru Palace
Q.801. National Youth Festival is (a) Agnesi Gonkshe Bojushu (d) Leh Palace
celebrated on the birth anniversary of (b) Eileen Matthews
which of the following personalities? (c) Margaret Elizabeth Nobel Sol.(a) Mattancherry Dutch Palace in
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) (d) Madeleine Slade Ernakulam. It came to be known as the
(a) Milkha Singh Dutch Palace as it underwent major
(b) Chandrashekhar Azad Sol.(c)Margaret Elizabeth Noble repairs at the hands of the Dutch. It is
(c) Bhagat Singh Margaret Elizabeth Noble was the real famous for its long and spacious halls
(d) Swami Vivekanand name of Sister Nivedita. Sister Nivedita along with its central courtyard. It is also
was an Irish teacher, author, social the home of the deity of the royal family,
Sol.(d) Celebrated to commemorate the activist, school founder and disciple of Pazhayannur Bhagavathy (the deity of
birth anniversary of youth icon Swami Swami Vivekananda. She spent her Pazhayannur).
Vivekananda, it is organized by the childhood and early youth in Ireland.
Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, From her father, a college professor, she Q.808. Who among the following is
Government of India in collaboration learned the ideal of service to mankind known as ‘Loknayak’ ?
with one of the State Governments. Thus as the true service to God. SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Afternoon)
it is held in a different state each year (a) Atal Bihari Vajpayee
during National Youth Week, 12 to 16 Q.805. Which palace came to be known (b) Jaiprakash Narayan
January every year. as Dutch Palace ? (c) APJ Abdul Kalam
SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening) (d) Rajeev Gandhi
Q.802. The painting ‘My Mother’ was (a) Mattancherry Palace
made by : (b) Hawa Mahal Sol.(b) Jayaprakash Narayan popularly
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening) (c) Mysuru Palace referred to as JP or Lok Nayak (People's Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 231

Pinnacle History

Leader), was an Indian independence (c) Dadabhai Naoroji Q.816. The first Cotton Mill in India
activist, theorist, socialist and political (d) Subhash Chandra Bose was set up as a spinning mill in 1854 in
leader. _______.
Sol.(b) In 1947, Economic Programme SSC CGL 09/07/2019 (Morning)
Q.809. In which of the following cities Committee (EPC) was formed by All (a) Delhi (b) Bombay
is the tomb of Rani of Jhansi situated? India Congress Committee and (c) Madras (d) Calcutta
SSC CGL 5-3-2020 (Evening) Jawaharlal Nehru was its chairman. The
(a) Jabalpur (b) Gwalior aim of this committee was to make a Sol.(b) Bombay Spinning and Weaving
(c) Indore (d) Ujjain plan which could balance private and Company was the first cotton mill to be
public partnership and urban and rural established in Bombay, India on 7 July
Sol.(b) The Samadhi of Rani Lakshmi economies. 1854 at Tardeo by Cowasjee Nanabhoy
Bai is situated at Phool Bagh. It is to Davar (1815-73) and his associates. The
commemorate the great woman warrior Q.813. Who among the following was Company was designed by Sir William
of Jhansi, Gwalior. Rani Lakshmi Bai, one of the speakers after Jawaharlal Fairbaim.
popularly known as Jhansi Rani, fought Nehru to address the Parliament on the
the battle against the British Raj during midnight of 15 August 1947? Q.817.Who became the Nawab of
the Indian rebellion of 1857. SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) Bengal after Alivardi Khan?
(a) Rajendra Prasad SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning)
Q.810. Which leader gave us the C R (b) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (a) Sarfaraaz Khan
Formula? (c) C Rajagopalachari (b) Shuj-ud-din Muhammad Khan
SSC CGL 6-3-2020 (Morning) (d) Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan (c) Siraj-ud-Daulah
(a) C.Rajagopalachari (d) Mir Zafar
(b) Tilak Sol.(d) Before the speech of Jawaharlal
(c) C.R. Das Nehru, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishan Sol.(c) Siraj ud-Daulah became a Nawab
(d) Mahatma Gandhi delivered his speech before midnight and of Bengal after the death of Alivardi
spoke about India’s unique achievement. Khan.
Sol.(a) Rajagopalachari's formula (or C. Alvardi Khan was a nawab of Bengal
R. formula or Rajaji formula) was a Q.814. The princely state from 1740 to 1756. He succeeded the
proposal formulated by Chakravarti of Hyderabad was brought under the Nasiri Dynasty and took power from the
Rajagopalachari to solve the political Indian Union in the year ______. nawab.
deadlock between the All India Muslim SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning)
League and the Indian National (a) 1950 (b) 1952 Q.818. Guru Gobind Singh was the
Congress on the independence of British (c) 1948 (d) 1963 _____Sikh Guru.
India. SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Morning)
Sol.(c) On 17 september 1948 The (a) eighth (b) tenth
Q.811.______was awarded the Nobel Princely state of Hyderabad was brought (c) ninth (d) fifth
Prize in 1913 and a knighthood in 1915. into the Indian Union. After the State
SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Evening) Reorganisation Act 1956 it was merged Sol.(b) Guru Gobind Singh was the
(a) Sarojini Naidu with Andhra state and later renamed as Tenth Sikh Guru. Guru Gobind Singh
(b) Mahatma Gandhi Andhra Pradesh. was the only son of Guru Tegh Bahadur,
(c) Rabindranath Tagore the ninth Sikh guru, and Mata Gujri. He
(d) Mother Teresa Q.815.Who among the following first was born in Patna, Bihar in the Sodhi
translated the ‘Bhagavad Gita’ into Khatri family.
Sol.(c) In 1913, Rabindranath Tagore English?
became the first non-European to receive SSC CGL 09/07/2019 (Evening) Q.819. Who started the Tamil weekly
the Nobel Prize for his literary work. He (a) George Yule magazine ‘Kudi Arasu’?
was awarded a knighthood in 1915 by (b) Vincent Arthur Smith SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning)
King George V. (c) Max Muller (a) Chinnaswami Subramanya Bharathi
(d) Charles Wilkins (b) T M Nair
Q.812. Who was the chairman of the (c) Periyar EV Ramasamy
Economic Programme Committee (EPC) Sol.(d) Charles Wilkins first translated (d) C Natesa Mudaliar
that was formed by the ‘Bhagavad Gita’ into English.He was
All India Congress Committee in 1947? an English typographer and founding Sol.(c) Periyar EV Ramasam
SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Afternoon) member of The Asiatic Society. Periyar EV Ramasamy started Kudi
(a) Purshottamdas Thakurdas Arasu. It was an tamil weekly magazine
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru in the Madras Presidency in Tamil Nadu. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 232

Pinnacle History

Q.820. The Aitchison Commission, Spinning mill is said to be the true Manipur. Japanese armies attempted to
1886, was appointed to make foundation of the modern Cotton destroy the allied forces at Imphal and
recommendations for reforms in the: industry in India. invade India but were driven back into
Aitchison Commission, Burma with heavy losses.
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening) Q.824. Chandernagore (Chandannagar)
(a) armed forces was a ______ colony captured by the Q.828. In which of the following years
(b) Indian judicial system British Navy on 23 March 1757. was the Asiatic Society at Calcutta
(c) Indian civil services SSC CGL 13/08/21 (Evening) (Kolkata) founded by Sir William Jones?
(d) administration of princely states (a) French (b) Dutch SSC CGL 20/08/21(Afternoon)
(c) Danish (d) Portuguese (a) 1784 (b) 1767
Sol.(c) Indian civil services (c) 1800 (d) 1820
The Aitchison Commission 1886 Sol.(a) Chandernagore (Chandannagar)
chairman:- Sir Charles Umpherston was a French colony captured by the Sol.(a) The Asiatic Society at Calcutta
Aitchison British Navy on 23 March 1757. (Kolkata) was founded by Sir William
Purpose:-to make recommendations for Chandannagar is a city in the Hooghly Jones in 1784 in a meeting presided over
reform in public service commissions or district in the Indian state of West by Justice Robert Chambers. The aim of
Indian civil services. Bengal. this society was to rediscover India's
glorious past, promote western culture in
Q.821. In which novel did the National Q.825. In which year did Atal Bihari India and fight social and religious evils
Song of India Feature? Vajpayee undertake a bus journey to present in the society.
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) Lahore to sign a Peace
(a) Sevasadan (b) Devi Chaudhurani Declaration?
(c) Anandamath (d) Durgeshnandini SSC CGL 17/08/21(Morning) Q.829. In which of the following years
(a) 1994 (b) 1991 was the Bombay Reorganization Act
Sol.(c) Vande Mataram' is the national (c) 1999 (d) 1997 passed? SSC CGL 20/08/21(Evening)
song of india. It was written by Mr. (a) 1980 (b) 1960
Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay on 7th Sol.(c) Atal Bihari Vajpayee undertook a (c) 1956 (d) 1975
November, 1875. Originally this song bus journey to Lahore in 1999 to sign a
had been published in the novel Peace Declaration also known as Lahore Sol.(b) The Bombay Reorganization Act
'Anandmath' a Bengali fiction novel Declaration on 21 February 1999. It is a was passed in 1960. After this act,
written by the Bankim Chandra. bilateral agreement and governance Bombay State was dissolved and split on
treaty between India and Pakistan. linguistic lines into the two states of
Q.822. Which of the following nations Gujarat (Gujarati speaking population)
hosted the 2019 World Rugby Cup? Q.826. Who among the following and Maharashtra ( Marathi speaking
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) freedom fighters wrote the poem 'Vande population).
(a) Japan (b) Australia Mataram' in 1875?
(c) England (d) France SSC CGL 17/08/21(Afternoon) Q.830. Who among the following is one
(a) Bipin Chandra Pal of the founder members of Bhartiya Jana
Sol.(a) The 2019 Rugby World Cup was (b) Bhagat Singh Sangh? SSC CGL 24/08/21(Morning)
the ninth edition of the Rugby World (c) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee (a) KM Munshi
Cup, the quadrennial world (d) Rabindranath Tagore (b) Minoo Masani
championship for men's rugby union (c) Baldev Singh
teams. It was hosted in Japan from 20 Sol.(c) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee (d) Shyama Prasad Mukherjee
September to 2 November in 12 venues wrote the poem 'Vande Mataram' in
all across the country. 1875. This is also included in his Sol.(d) Shyama Prasad Mukherjee is one
Bengali novel ‘Anandmath’ in 1882. of the founder members of Bhartiya Jana
Q.823. The first Cotton Mill in India Sangh. BJS was an Indian right-wing
was set up as a spinning mill in 1854 in Q.827. In which of the following years political party that existed from 1951 to
________. did Japan invade India resulting in the 1977 and was the political arm of
SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (Morning) Battle of Imphal? Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a
(a) Delhi (b) Bombay SSC CGL 18/08/21 (Morning) Hindu nationalist volunteer organization.
(c) Madaras (d) Calcutta (a) 1944 (b) 1901
(c) 1862 (d) 1899 Q.831. A large area of land demarcated
Sol.(b) Bombay Spinning and Weaving as Damin-i-Koh in 1832 was declared as
Company was the first cotton mill to be Sol.(a) In 1944, Japan invaded India the land of the ______.
established in Bombay, in 1854. Bombay resulting in the Battle of Imphal in SSC CHSL 12/04/21 (Evening) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 233

Pinnacle History

(a) Warlis (b) Paharias (c) Traders (d) Jobbers as 'Deshbandhu'? SSC MTS 08/10/21
(c) Murias (d) Santhals (Afternoon)
Sol.(a) Peasants was the meaning of (a) Dadabhai Naoroji
Sol.(d) A large area of land demarcated ‘Ryot’ in British records in the 18th (b) Chittaranjan Das
as Damin-i-Koh in 1832 was declared as century. While zamindars were (c) Ashutosh Mukherjee
the land of the Santhals. landlords, raiyats were tenants and (d) Madan Mohan Malaviya
cultivators and served as hired labor.
Q.832. Which one of the following was Sol.(b) Chittaranjan Das was a
the last imperial dynasty to rule China? Q.836. In which of the following years nationalist leader popularly known as
SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Evening) did the Santhal Revolt take place? 'Deshbandhu'. Chittaranjan Das,
(a) Ming dynasty (b) Qing dynasty SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Morning) popularly called Deshbandhu (Friend of
(c) Yuan dynasty (d) Sui dynasty (a) 1848-49 (b) 1874-75 the Nation), was an Indian freedom
(c) 1825-26 (d) 1855-56 fighter, political activist and lawyer
Sol.(b) The Qing dynasty or the Qing during the Indian independence
Empire, officially the Great Qing, was Sol.(d) The Santhal rebellion started on movement and founder-leader of the
the last dynasty in the imperial history of june 30, 1855 in present-day Jharkhand
Swaraj Party in Bengal during the period
china. It was established in 1636 and and ended on November 10, 1855 . It
of British colonial rule in India.
ruled China from 1644 to 1912. was a revolt by the Santhal against both
the East India Company ( EIC ) and the
Q.840. What was the name of the
Q.833. Fort Saint Louis was a ______ zamindari system. It was started in
operation that led to the annexation of
fort that stood in Pondicherry on the present-day Jharkhand.
the Hyderabad State into India? SSC
eastern coast of India.
MTS 14/10/2021 (Afternoon)
SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Morning) Q.837. Who was the Nawab of Bhopal
(a) Operation Sunrise
(a) French (b) Danish that ruled from 1868 to 1901? SSC
(b) Operation Unity
(c) Dutch (d) British CHSL 11/8/2021 (Morning)
(c) Operation Polo
(a) Shah Jahan Begum
(d) Operation Gateway
Sol.(a) Fort Louis or Fort Saint Louis (b) Begum Sajida Sultan
was a French fort that stood in (c) Sikander Jahan Begum
Sol.(c) Operation Polo was the name of
Pondicherry on the eastern coast of (d) Sultan Kaikhusrau Jahan Begum
the operation that led to the annexation
India. The fort was built around 1701 by
of the Hyderabad State into India.
Francois Martin and completed Sol.(a) Nawab of Bhopal that ruled --
Operation Polo was the code name of the
posthumously around 1706. Nawab Sikandar Begum:- 1860-1868,
Hyderabad "police action" in September
Begum Sultan Shah Jehan:-1844-1860
1948. It was a military operation in
Q.834. When did Bangladesh get and 1868-1901
which the Indian Armed Forces invaded
independence from Pakistan? Begum Kaikhusrau Jahan:- 1901-1926, the Nizam-ruled princely state, annexing
SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Afternoon) Begum Sajida Sultan:- 1961-1995 it into the Indian Union.
(a) 1949 (b) 1976
(c) 1965 (d) 1971 Q.838. Avadh Kisan Sabha was set up in Q.841. Which state of India was ruled
the year ______. by the Ningthouja dynasty?
Sol.(d) Bangladesh got independence SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Evening) SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Afternoon)
from Pakistan in 1971. The violent (a) 1918 (b) 1920 (a) Manipur (b) Haryana
crackdown by the Pakistan Army led to (c) 1921 (d) 1924 (c) Gujarat (d) Assam
Awami League leader Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman declaring East Pakistan's Sol.(b) The Oudh Kisan Sabha was set Sol.(a) Manipur state of India was ruled
independence as the state of Bangladesh up in the year 1920. Oudh Kisan Sabha by the Ningthouja dynasty. It has 125
on 26 March 1971. (OudhFarmers Association) was an extended families. It was apparently
Present PM of Bangladesh: Sheikh association formed by Baba Ram founded by King Nongda Lairen
Hasina(As of Aug 2021). Chandra in 1920. He was a trade Pakhangba in 33 CE.
Present CJI of Bangladesh: Syed unionist who organized the farmers of
Mahmud Hossain(As of Aug 2021). Oudh and led the first protest against the Q.842. Who among the following
landlords. founded the Asiatic Society of Bengal in
Q.835. What was the meaning of ‘Ryot’
in British records in the 18th century? Q.839. Who among the following SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Afternoon)
SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Evening) nationalist leaders was popularly known (a) Jonathan Duncan
(a) Peasants (b) Weavers
(b) Warren Hastings Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 234

Pinnacle History

(c) Lord Cornwallis Q.846. Which Indian Prime Minister

(d) William Jones took a bus journey to Lahore to sign a
peace declaration in the year 1999?
Sol.(d) William Jones founded the SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Morning)
Asiatic Society of Bengal in 1784. The (a) Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Asiatic Society was formed mainly with (b) IK Gujaral
an objective to initiate and enlighten the (c) PV Narsimha Rao
oriental knowledge available in history, (d) HD Deve Gowda
scriptures, or regional texts in India or
Indian subcontinent. Sol.(a) Atal Bihari Vajpayee took a bus
journey to Lahore to sign a peace
Q.843. The Portuguese explorer Vasco declaration in the year 1999. The
da Gama landed in ______ in the year Delhi–Lahore Bus, officially known as
1498. SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Evening) Sada-e-Sarhad. The Samjhauta Express
(a) Tuticorin (b) Calicut is a bi-weekly train — Thursday and
(c) Nagarcoil (d) Calangute Monday — that runs between Delhi and
Attari in India and Lahore in Pakistan.
Sol.(b) The Portuguese explorer Vasco
da Gama landed in Calicut (now Q.847. Who among the following was a
Kozhikode) in 1498. He was the first freedom fighter, based on whose design
European to find an ocean trading route the present Indian National Flag is
to India. designed?
SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Evening)
Q.844. Which one of the following is (a) Tanguturi Prakasam
not one of the writings of Lala Lajpat (b) Pingali Venkaiah
Rai? SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Morning) (c) Badal Gupta
(a) The Story of My Deportation (d) Tirot Sing
(b) Unhappy India
(c) India Wins Freedom Sol.(c) Pingali Venkaiah was a freedom
(d) Arya Samaj fighter, based on whose design the
present Indian National Flag is designed.
Sol.(c) India wins freedom, is the story The design of the National Flag was
of the Indian freedom movement adopted by the Constituent Assembly of
through the words of the great son of India on 22 July 1947. The ratio of width
mother India, Maulana Abul Kalam of the flag to its length is two to three.
Azad. The Story of My Deportation,
Unhappy India, Arya Samaj was written Q.848. The ______ movement was led
by Lala Lajpat Rai. by Chaudhary Devi Lal in 1987.
SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Evening)
Q.845. With whom is the 'Patharughat (a) Sangharsh Yudh (b) Insaaf Yudh
Uprising' associated? (c) Maha Yudh (d) Nyaya Yudh
SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Morning)
(a) Lawyers' uprising Sol.(d) The Nyaya Yudh (Struggle for
(b) Soldiers’ uprising Justice) movement was led by
(c) Teachers' uprising Chaudhary Devi Lal in 1987. He
(d) Peasants’ uprising founded the Lok Dal party.

Sol.(d) The Patharughat uprising

associated with the Peasant Uprising. It
was against the tax policies of the British
in 1894. Patharughat is a place in Assam
and is currently known as Patharighat. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 235

Pinnacle Polity

POLITY SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening)

Sol.(a) B. N. Rau was a jurist and (a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Constitution appointed as constitutional adviser to (b) Jawaharlal Nehru
the Constituent assembly. Rau prepared (c) V. P. Menon
the original draft of the constitution. (d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
Q1. As per the Constitution of India,
Panchayats at the intermediate level Q5. Which of the following is NOT a Sol.(a) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar was the
may NOT be constituted in a State Constitutional body ? head of the Constituent Assembly of
having a population not exceeding: .SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon) India and presented the final draft of
SSC-CHSL 3/07/2019 Evening (a) Finance Commission the Indian Constitution to Dr. Rajendra
(a) Thiry Lakhs (b) Forty Lakhs (b) NITI Aayog Prasad on 25 November 1949.
(c) Ten Lakhs (d) Twenty Lakhs (c) National Commision for Scheduled
Tribes Q9. Who headed the Provincial
Sol.(d) Panchayats at the intermediate (d) Election Commission Constitution Committee?
level may not be constituted in a State SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon)
having a population not exceeding Sol.(b) NITI AYOG (former Planning (a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
twenty lakhs. commission) has never been passed as (b) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
an act of Parliament nor has it been (c) V.P. Menon
Q2. The First Health Minister of mentioned anywhere in the (d) Jawaharlal Nehru
Independent India was? Constitution and thus it is definitely
SSC-CHSL 4/07/2019 Morning neither a statutory nor a constitutional Sol.(b) The Constituent Assembly
(a) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad body. It was formed on 1 January 2015. appointed a total of 13 committees to
(b) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel The Prime Minister is always the deal with different tasks of
(c) Vijayalakshmi Pandit Chairperson of Niti Aayog. constitution-making. Out of these, eight
(d) Rajkumari Amrit Kaur were major committees and the others
Q6. Which of the following adjectives were minor committees. The Provincial
Sol.(d) Rajkumari Bibiji Amrit Kaur (2 is NOT a part of the Preamble ? Constitution Committee was headed by
February 1889 – 6 February 1964) was SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.
an Indian activist and politician. She (a) Liberty (b) Tolerant
was appointed as the first Health (c) Sovereign (d) Secular Q10. Which type of Citizenship is
Minister of India in 1947 provided by the Constitution of India?
Sol.(b) Tolerant is not a part of the SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening)
Q3. The inaugural session of the Preamble. Preamble declares India to (a) Single citizenship
Supreme Court of India took place be a sovereign, socialist, secular and (b) Regional citizenship
on____. democratic republic. The six objectives (c) Dual citizenship
SSC-CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) of Preamble are Unity, Justice, (d) Temporary citizenship
(a) 28th January 1950 Tranquility, Defense, Welfare, Liberty.
(b) 29th January 1950 Sol.(a) The Constitution of India
(c) 31th January 1950 Q7. How many members were there in provides a single and uniform
(d) 26th January 1950 the drafting committee of the Indian citizenship to every citizen of the
Constitution? country. Any citizen, irrespective of his
Sol.(a) The inauguration took place on SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning) birth or residence, is entitled to enjoy
28 January, 1950 at 9:45 am, when the (a)5 (b)7 (c)3 (d)10 civil and political rights throughout the
judges took their seats in the Supreme country.
Court. Sol.(b) The drafting committee of the
Indian constitution had seven members. Q11. When did the Constituent
Q4. Who was appointed as Assembly’s Seven members were B. R. Ambedkar Assembly adopt the Constitution of
Constitutional Adviser in 1946 during (Chairman), K. M. Munshi, A. K. India?
the framing of Indian Constitution ? Ayyar, N. Gopalaswami, Md. Sadullah, SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning)
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning) B.L. Mitter and DP Khaitan. This (a) 26th November 1949
(a) B. N. Rau committee was appointed on 29 August (b) 26th January 1950
(b) B. R. Ammi Ayengar 1947. (c) 26th November 1947
(c) K.M. Munbedkar (d) 26th January 1947
(d) Gopalswashi Q8. Who had headed the drafting
committee of the constitution ? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 236

Pinnacle Polity

Sol.(a) The Constitution of India is the Sol.(a) Mahatma Gandhi was not a Sol.(b) Kanhaiyalal Maniklal Munshi
supreme law of India. It was adopted part of the Constituent Assembly described the preamble of Indian
by the Constituent Assembly of India responsible to draft the constitution. Constitution as the 'Political horoscope
on 26 November 1949 and became of the Indian Constitution' because it
effective on 26 January 1950. Q15. Who was the Chairman of the defined the establishment of
Drafting Committee of the Constituent governance in the country.
Q12. In 1967, which of the following Assembly of India?
languages was included in the list of SSC CHSL 18-03-2020 (Morning) Q19. When was the first Constituent
state languages of the Indian (a) Rajendra Prasad Assembly election held in India?
Constitution ? (b) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Afternoon)
(a)1947 (b)1946
SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening) (c) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c)1949 (d)1948
(a) Bengali (b) Sindhi (d) BR Ambedkar
(c) Telugu (d) Tamil Sol.(b) The first Constituent Assembly
Sol.(d) B.R.Ambedkar was the election was held in 1946 in India. The
Sol.(b) Sindhi was included in the list Chairman of the Drafting Committee of Republic is governed in terms of the
of state languages of the Indian the Constituent Assembly of India. Constitution of India which was
Constitution in 1967. 14 languages adopted by the Constituent Assembly
on 26th November, 1949 and came into
were initially included in the
force on 26th January, 1950.
Constitution. As per Articles 344(1) Q16. On which day is Constitution Day
and 351 of the Indian Constitution, the celebrated every year in India? Q20. In which year did Motilal Nehru
eighth schedule includes the SSC CHSL 12-10-2020 (Morning) (Chairman) and eight other Congress
recognition of the 22 languages: (a) 30 November (b) 15 October leaders draft a constitution for India?
Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, (c) 26 November (d) 2 October SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Evening)
Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, (a) 1925 (b) 1950
Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Sol.(c) 26 November is celebrated as (c) 1928 (d) 1930
Oriya, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Sindhi, Tamil, Constitution Day every year to
Telugu, Urdu, Bodo, Santhali, Maithili commemorate the adoption of the Sol.(c) The Motilal Nehru Report 1928
and Dogri. Constitution of India. On 26 November was made by a committee headed by
1949, the Constituent Assembly of Pt. Motilal Nehru. This committee was
Q13. Who is considered as the father India adopted the Constitution of India created when Lord Birkenhead,
of the Indian Constitution ? and it came into effect on 26 January, Secretary of State of India asked the
SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning) 1950. Indian leaders to draft a constitution for
(a) Rajendra Prashad the country.
(b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak Q17. Who was the chairman of the
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru drafting committee of the Constitution Q21. Which of the following is NOT a
(d) Bhim Rao Ambedkar of India? feature of the Indian Federal System?
SSC CHSL 12-10-2020 (Evening) SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Morning)
Sol.(d) Popularly known as Babasaheb (a) Mohammad Saadullah (a) Written Constitution
Ambedkar, Dr Bhimrao Ramji (b) B.R. Ambedkar (b) Independent judiciary to settle
Ambedkar was one of the greatest (c) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel disputes
leaders of modern India and has been (d) K.M. Munshi (c) Single-tier government
considered as the father of the Indian (d) Division of powers between the
Constitution. Sol.(b) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was the Centre and the States
chairman of the drafting committee of
Q14. Who among the following was the Constitution of India. Sol.(c) Single-tier government is not a
not a part of the Constituent Assembly feature of the Indian Federal System.
responsible to draft the constitution ? Q18. Who described the preamble of India has three levels of government,
SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening) Indian Constitution as the 'Political Union government, State government
(a) Mahatma Gandhi horoscope of the Indian Constitution'? and Local government.
(b) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Morning)
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru (a) NA Palkhiwala Q22. The ideals of Liberty, Equality
(d) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (b) Kanhaiyalal Maniklal Munshi and Fraternity (contained in the
(c) Thakurdas Bhargav Preamble of the Constitution of India)
(d) Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar are borrowed from the constitution of
which country? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 237

Pinnacle Polity

SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Afternoon) India on 24 January 1950. On that day Sol.(c) The Constitution of India was
(a) Australia (b) Canada was the last meeting of the Constituent hand-written by Prem Behari Narain
(c) Germany (d) France Assembly and the 'Constitution of Raizada.Raizada took six months to
India' ( with 395 articles, 8 handwrite 395 articles, 8 schedules, and
Sol. (d) The ideals of Liberty, Equality schedules, 22 parts ) was signed and a preamble of the constitution in both
and Fraternity (contained in the accepted by all. English and Hindi.
Preamble of the Constitution of India) Major Committees of the Constituent
are borrowed from France. Assembly : Q.29. When did the first meeting of the
1. Drafting Committee – B. R. Constituent Assembly take place? SSC
Q.23. In 1946, who among the Ambedkar. MTS 18/10/2021 (Morning)
following was made the interim 2. Union Power Committee, States (a) December 1946
president of the Indian Constituent Committee, and Union Constitution (b) August 1945
Assembly? Committee – Jawaharlal Nehru. (c) January 1950
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) 3. Provincial Constitution Committee – (d) July 1948
(a) Sarojini Naidu Vallabhbhai Patel.
(b) Sachchidananda Sinha Sol.(a) The first meeting of the
(c) S Subramaniya Iyer Q.26. In which of the following years Constituent Assembly took place on
(d) Sachindra Nath Sanyal did the Indian National Congress make
9th December 1946. Dr. Sachidananda
the demand for a
Sinha was the first president of the
Sol.(b) Interim president of Indian Constituent Assembly?
Constituent Assembly. Later, Dr.
Constituent assembly during 1946 was SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Morning)
Rajendra Prasad was elected its
Dr Sachhinadand Sinha. He was from (a) 1939 (b) 1919
president. Chairman of the Constitution
Arrah,Bihar. He was by profession a (c) 1928 (d) 1934
Drafting Committee- B. R. Ambedkar.
lawyer. Dr Rajendra Prasad was elected
the permanent president of the Sol.(d) An idea for a Constituent
Constituent Assembly 2 days later on Assembly was proposed in 1934 by M. Q.30. What is the minimum age
December 11 1946. prescribed by the Constitution of India
N. Roy, a pioneer of the Communist
for appointment as Governor of a
movement in India. It became an
Q.24.The total membership of the State? SSC MTS 22/10/2021
official demand of the Indian National
Constituent Assembly was 389, of (Afternoon)
Congress in 1935.
which ______ were representatives of (a) 35 years (b) 21 years
princely states. (c) 25 years (d) 30 years
Q.27. _______ helps in presenting a set
SSC CGL 18/08/21(Evening) of rules and principles. on which all the
(a) 84 (b) 102 (c) 109 (d) 93 Sol.(a) The minimum age prescribed by
people of the country can agree as the
the Constitution of India for
basis for the way in which they want
Sol.(d) The total membership of the appointment as Governor of a State is
the country to be governed. SSC CHSL
Constituent Assembly was 389, of 35 years. There shall be a Governor for
12/8/2021 (Afternoon)
which 292 were representatives of the each state (Articles 153 of the
(a) Constitution (b) Preamble
provinces, 93 represented the princely Constitution of India). Articles from
(c) Document (d) Contract
states and 4 were from the chief 153 to 167 in Part VI of the
commissioner provinces of Delhi, Sol.(a) Constitution helps in presenting constitution deal with the state
Ajmer-Merwara, Coorg and British a set of rules and principles on which executive.
all the people of the country can agree
as the basis for the way in which they Q.31. The Constitution of India
Q.25. The members of the Constituent adopted many institutional details and
want the country to be governed.
Assembly signed the Constitution of procedures from the: SSC MTS
India on ______. SSC CHSL 16/04/21 27/10/2021 (Afternoon)
Q.28. The Constitution of India was
(Afternoon) (a) Government of India Act, 1935
hand-written by ______. SSC MTS
(a) 26 November 1948 (b) Indian Partnership Act, 1932
14/10/2021 (Morning)
(b) 24 January 1950 (c) Indian Registration Act, 1930
(a) Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi
(c) 26 November 1949 (d) Indian Companies Act, 1930
(b) Balasaheb Gangadhar Kher
(d) 24 January 1952
(c) Prem Behari Narain Raizada
Sol.(a) The Constitution of India
(d) Shyama Prasad Mukherjee
Sol.(b) The members of the Constituent adopted many institutional details and
Assembly signed the Constitution of procedures from the Government of Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 238

Pinnacle Polity

India Act, 1935. Salient Features of the authority to declare three types of
Government of India Act 1935 were as Q34. The power of judicial review in emergencies: National Emergency,
follows: Abolition of provincial the Indian constitution and the State Emergency and Financial
dyarchy and introduction of dyarchy at provision of independence of judiciary Emergency.
centre. Government of India Act, 1935 is taken from which country?
was a major step towards the SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening) Q.38. Which of the following
Independence of India. (a) Australia (b) Germany provisions and the constitutions of
(c) Japan (d) America different countries from which they
have been adopted in the Constitution
Sources of Indian Constitution
Sol.(d) The power of judicial review in of India has been INCORRECTLY
the Indian constitution and the paired? SSC CHSL 9/8/2021
Q32. The idea of residual powers in
provision of independence of judiciary (Afternoon)
Indian constitution has been taken from
are taken from the United States of (a) The idea of the rule of law - British
the constitution of:
America. Constitution
SSC CGL 04/06/2019 (Afternoon)
(b) Charter of Fundamental rights -
(a) South Africa (b) Canada
Q35. In the Indian Constitution, the United States Constitution
(c) Japan (d) USA
Principle of Liberty is borrowed from (c) Directive Principles of State Policy
which of the following countries? - Irish Constitution
Sol.(b) The idea of residual powers in
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) (d) Principles of Liberty, Equality and
the Indian Constitution has been
(a) UK (b) Japan Fraternity - Canadian Constitution
borrowed from the Constitution of
(c) France (d) Germany
Canada. However, according to the
Sol.(d) Principles of Liberty, Equality
Article 248 (2) of Indian constitution,
Sol.(c) “The Principle of Liberty” has and Fraternity were borrowed from the
Parliament has exclusive power to
been borrowed from France to the French constitution. Federation with a
make any law with respect to any
Indian Constitution. strong centre, residual power with the
matter not enumerated in list II and III.
centre and distribution of the power
South Africa: Election of members of
Q36. The makers of the Indian between the centre and the state is
the Rajya Sabha and Amendment of the
constitution took the principle of borrowed from the Canadian
freedom, equality and fraternity from constitution.
Japan: Concept of “procedure
which constitution ?
established by Law”
SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning) Q.39. The procedure for the
USA : Impeachment of the president,
(a) French Constitution nomination of members to the Rajya
Functions of president and
(b) Canada’s Constitution Sabha in the Constitution of India is
vice-president, Removal of Supreme
(c) British Constitution borrowed from which of the following
Court and High Court judges,
(d) Ireland’s Constitution countries’ constitutions? SSC MTS
Fundamental Rights, Judicial review &
06/10/21 (Evening)
the Preamble of the constitution.
Sol.(a) The Principle of Liberty, (a) Russia (b) Germany
Equality and Fraternity” as an ideal has (c) Ireland (d) The US
Q33. Which of the following features
been borrowed from France to the
of the Indian constitution was taken
Indian constitution. Sol.(c) The procedure for the
from the Soviet Socialist Republic ?
nomination of members to the Rajya
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Q.37. Financial Emergency provisions Sabha in the Constitution of India is
(a) Fundamental Rights
of Indian Constitution have been borrowed from Ireland’s constitutions.
(b) Five-year plans
borrowed from_______
(c) Preamble
SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q.40. The ‘Procedure for Amendment
(d) Concurrent list
(a) Canadian Constitution of the Constitution’ in the Indian
(b) American Constitution Constitution is borrowed from which of
Sol.(b) The feature of Five-year plans
(c) Irish Constitution the following country’s constitutions?
was taken from the Soviet Socialist
(d) German Constitution SSC MTS 12/10/21(Afternoon)
Republic. Fundamental Rights was
(a) Russia (b) Germany
borrowed from the USA's constitution.
Sol.(d) The provisions of financial (c) South Africa (d) Canada
Concurrent list was borrowed from
emergency in the Indian Constitution
Australia’s constitution. The preamble
have been borrowed from the German Sol.(c) The ‘Procedure for Amendment
of the Indian constitution has been
Constitution However, the Indian of the Constitution in the Indian
borrowed from the USA's constitution.
Constitution gives the President the Constitution is borrowed from South Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 239

Pinnacle Polity

Africa’s constitutions. Article 368- fundamental right under Article 19 of

Power of Parliament to amend the Indian Constitution. Article 24 Q.47. Which article of the Constitution
Constitution and procedure. Election of Prohibition of employment of children of India provides that each Indian state
members of Rajya Sabha is also in factories, etc. Article 21 of will have a governor?
borrowed from South Africa. Constitution of India: Protection of Life SSC-CGL 12/06/2019 Morning
and Personal Liberty. Article 14 of the (a) Article 152 (b) Article 153
Constitution of India provides for (c) Article 151 (d) Article 154
Article, Schedule, Parts and equality before the law or equal
protection of the laws within the Sol.(b) Article 153 of the Indian
list territory of India. Constitution says that there shall be a
Governor for each state. It also
Q.41. Which of the following Articles
Q.44. Which of the following articles facilitates the appointment of the same
of the Constitution of India deals with
promote equal justice and free legal aid person as governor for two or more
the Uniform Civil Code?
for all citizens? states. Article 152- Executive power of
SSC CGL 04/06/2019 (Afternoon)
SSC CGL 06/06/2019 (Afternoon) State. Article 151 - Audit Reports.
(a) Article 43 (b) Article 44
(a) 39A (b) 32A Article 154- The executive power of
(c) Article 45 (d) Article 46
(c) 43A (d) 48A the State shall be vested in the
Sol.(b) Uniform Civil Code- Article
Sol.(a) Article 39-A directs the State to
44. Article 43 - Living wage, etc., for
ensure justice on the basis of equal Q.48. ________ of the Constitution of
workers. Article 45 Provision for free
opportunity and provide free legal aid India deals with emergency due to war,
and compulsory education for children.
by suitable legislation. external aggression or armed rebellion.
Article 46, "The State shall promote
SSC-CHSL 5/07/2019 Afternoon
with special care the educational and
(a) Article 350 (b) Article 352
economic interests.
Q.45.. Article __________ of the (c) Article 347 (d) Article 269
Constitution of India gives the Election
Q42. In which part of the Indian
Commission the power to supervise Sol.(b) Article 352 of the Indian
Constitution are centre-state relations
elections to the Parliament and state Constitution deals with the national
legislatures.| emergency. National emergency is
SSC CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening)
SSC CGL 06/06/2019 (Evening) imposed whenever there is a serious
(a) Part IV (Article 227 to 234)
(a) 314 (b) 342 (c) 324 (d) 341 threat to the security of India or any of
(b) Part XI (Article 245 to 255)
its territory due to war, external
(c) Part X (Article 234 to 240)
Sol.(c) Article 324 gives the Election aggression or armed rebellion. Article
(d) Part XII (Article 265 to 277)
Commission of India the power to 350- Language to be used in
supervise elections to the Parliament, representations for redress of
Sol.(b) Part XI (Article 245 to 255)
President, Vice President and State grievances. Article 347- Special
The centre-state relations are divided
Legislative Assemblies in the country. provision relating to language spoken
into three parts, which are as follows:
by a section of the population of a
(A) Legislative Relations (Article
Q.46. Which article of the Constitution State. Article 269- Taxes levied and
of India talks about the provisions for collected by the Union but assigned to
(B) Administrative Relations (Article
impeachment of the President of India? the States.
SSC CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning)
(C) Financial Relations (Article
(a) Article 51 (b) Article 61 Q.49. The powers, privileges and
(c) Article 54 (d) Article 63 immunities of either the House of
Parliament and of its Committees and
Q.43.. Right to move freely throughout
Sol.(b) Article 61 of the Indian Members have mainly been laid down
the territory of India’ is a fundamental
Constitution states the provisions for in article _______ of the Constitution
right under____ of the Constitution of
the impeachment of the President of of India.
India. However, the charge shall be SSC-CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon)
SSC CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning)
preferred by either House of (a) 115 (b) 107 (c) 105 (d) 102
(a) Article 24 (b) Article 21
Parliament. Article 51: for international
(c) Article 14 (d) Article 19
peace and security. Article 54: Sol.(c) The powers, privileges and
"Election of President". Article 63: immunities of either the House of
Sol.(d) The Right to move freely
There shall be a Vice-President of Parliament and of its Committees and
throughout the territory of India is a
India. Members have mainly been laid down Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 240

Pinnacle Polity

in article 105 of the Constitution of the head to aid and advise the President
India. in the exercise of his functions". Q.55. The Judges of the Supreme Court
are appointed by the President under
Q.50. Which article of the Constitution Q.52. Which of the following articles Article_____of the Constitution of
of India provisions for reservations of of the Indian Constitution provides for India.
seats for scheduled castes and the appointment of a Finance (a) 217 (b) 124(2)
scheduled tribes in the House of Commission? (c) 224(1) (d) 21
People? CHSL 10 JULY 2019 (MORNING)
SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (Morning) (a) Article 300 (b) Article 290 Sol.(b) Article 124(2) in the
(a) Article 325 (b) Article 321 (c) Article 320 (d) Article 280 Constitution of India states that every
(c) Article 330 (d) Article 335 judge of the Supreme Court shall be
Sol.(d) Article 280 of Indian appointed by the President after
Sol.(c) Article 330 of the Indian Constitution provides for the consultation with the Judges of the
Constitution has the provision of appointment of a Finance Commission. Supreme Court and High Courts.
reservation for the Scheduled Tribes It is constituted by the President.
and Scheduled caste in the house of Article 300: No person shall be
People. deprived of his property save by Q.56. Which article of Indian
Article 325 : no person to be ineligible authority of law. Article 290 : Constitution deals with discrimination
for inclusion in, or to claim to be Adjustment in respect of certain against any Indian citizens on various
included in a special, electoral roll on expenses and pensions.Article 320 grounds?
grounds of religion, race, caste or sex. Functions of Public Service SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning)
Article 321 : It is related to the working Commissions. (a) Article 11 (b) Article 19
procedure of the Union public service (c) Article 13 (d) Article 15
commission and State public service Q.53. Which of the following articles
commission. of the Constitution of India is related to Sol.(d) Article 15 of the Indian
Article 355 : states that the duties of the the system of election of the President? Constitution states that the state shall
government concerning individual SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) not discriminate against any citizen on
states ensure that the governance of all (a) Article 55 (b) Article 61 the basis of race, religion, caste, sex
states is according to the constitution (c) Article 65 (d) Article 51 and place of birth.
during an emergency. Article 11- Parliament to regulate the
Sol.(a) As per Article 55(3) of the right of citizenship by law.
Q.51. Which of the following Articles Constitution of India, the election of Article 19-Freedom of Speech and
of the Constitution of India is the President shall be held in Expression.
associated with the election of the accordance with the system of Article 13- of the Indian Constitution
President of India ? proportional representation by means describes the means for judicial review.
SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (Evening) of single transferable vote and the
(a) Article 103 (b) Article 78 voting at such election shall be by Q.57. How many Schedules are there
(c) Article 74 (d) Article 54 secret ballot. in the Indian Constitution?
Article 65- The Vice President to act as SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning)
Sol.(d) Article 54: It states that the President or to discharge his functions (a) 14 (b) 12 (c) 11 (d) 13
President is elected by an electoral during casual vacancies in the office.
college consisting of the elected Sol.(b) At present, the Constitution of
members of both Houses of Parliament Q.54. Under Article___ of the India has 12 schedules, 25 parts and
and of the Legislative Assemblies of Constitution of India, the quorum to 448 articles. There are 103
the States. constitute a sitting of the House is amendments have been made in the
Article 103 : It deals with the decision one-tenth of the total number of Indian constitution so far.
on question as to disqualification of the Members of the House.
member SSC-CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) Q.58. In which article of the Indian
Article 78 : To communicate to the (a) 100 (b) 101 (c) 102 (d) 103 Constitution, the eradication of
President all decisions of the council of untouchability has been mentioned ?
Ministers relating to the administration Sol.(a) Under article 100 of the SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening)
of the affairs of the union and proposals Constitution, the quorum to constitute a (a) Article 16 (b) Article 21
for legislation meeting of either House of Parliament (c) Article 25 (d) Article 17
Article 74: There shall be a Council of is one-tenth of the total number of
Ministers with the Prime Minister at members of the House. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 241

Pinnacle Polity

Sol.(d) Under Article 17 of the Indian items in the list in Schedule Seven to maintain a distinct identity and
Constitution , eradication of the Constitution of India. Originally exclusiveness of tribals.
Untouchability has been mentioned. there were 97 subjects in the union list
Untouchability is abolished now and its but now it is 100 subjects in the union Q.65. Which part of the Indian
practice in any form is forbidden and list.And in the concurrent list there Constitution contains the provisions on
an offence in accordance with the law. were 47 subjects but now it is 52 the Union Territories?
Article 16 of the Constitution of India, subjects in the concurrent list. SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning)
talks about the right of equal (a) Part VIII (b) Part VII
opportunity in the matters of public Q.62. Which Schedule of the Indian (c) Part IX (d) Part IXB
employment. Article 25 of the Constitution contains the provisions on
Constitution guarantees freedom of Panchayat Raj Institutions? Sol.(a) PART VIII of the Indian
religion to all persons in India. SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning) Constitution contains the provisions on
Q.59. Which of the following Articles (b) Eleventh Schedule
is related to Jammu & Kashmir state of (c) Ninth Schedule Q.66. Which of the Article of Indian
India ? (d) Twelfth Schedule Constitution tells about the election of
SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening) the President?
(a) Article 378 (b) Article 374 Sol.(b) The eleventh schedule of the SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(c) Article 370 (d) Article 366 constitution created by the 73rd (a) Article 51 A (b) Article 54
Amendment Act contains the (c) Article 51 (d) Article 53
Sol.(c) Article 370 provisions on Panchayati Raj
Explanation: Article 370 of the Indian Institutions. However, Article 243H Sol.(b) Article 54 of the Indian
constitution gave special status to empowers the State Legislature to Constitution talks about the election of
Jammu and Kashmir—a state in India, make law provision for imposing taxes president.
which has been the subject of dispute etc. by the panchayat.
between India, Pakistan, and China Q.67. Which article of the Indian
since 1947. Q.63. Which of the following articles is Constitution gives guarantees for the
related to Right to Freedom of Religion protection of life and individual
Q.60. Which article in the Indian in the Indian Constitution? freedom ?
Constitution states about Fundamental SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening)
Duties ? (a) Article 20 (b) Article 30 (a) Article 21 A (b) Article 20
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning) (c) Article 15 (d) Article 25 (c) Article 21 (d) Article 22
(a) Article 31 C (b) Article 21 A
(c) Article 15 (d) Article 51 A Sol.(d) Article 25 to Article 28 of the Sol.(c) Article 21 of the Indian
Indian Constitution guarantees the right constitution states that no individual
Sol.(d) Article 51 'A' is contained in to freedom of religion to all the citizens can be deprived of his/her personal life
Part IV A of the Constitution and deals who are residing within the territorial or liberty except according to the
with Fundamental Duties. boundaries of the country. procedures laid down by the law.
The Constitution (Eighty-sixth
Amendment) Act, 2002 inserted Article Q.64. The Sixth Schedule of the Indian Q.68. Which part was added in the
21-A in the Constitution of India to Constitution does NOT exercise its Indian Constitution by the 73rd
provide free and compulsory education control to the tribal areas of which of constitutional act ?
of all children in the age group of six to the following states? SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening)
fourteen years as a Fundamental Right SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) (a) Part IX (b) Part IX-B
in such a manner as the State may, by (a) Manipur (b) Tripura (c) Part IX-A (d) Part X
law, determine. (c) Assam (d) Meghalaya
Sol.(a) The 73rd Constitutional
Q.61. The Subject of Sports comes Sol.(a) This schedule makes separate Amendment Act 1992 added a new
under which list of Indian Constitution? provisions for the administration of Part IX to the constitution titled “The
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon) tribal areas in the states of Assam, Panchayats” ranging provisions from
(a) Union list (b) State list Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram. Article 243 to 243(O) and a new
(c) Residuary list (d) Concurrent list These provisions have been made in Eleventh Schedule.
exercise of the enabling provisions
Sol.(b) The State List or List-II is a list given in Articles 244 (2) and 275 (1) of
of 61 items. Initially there were 66 the Constitution. The objectives are to Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 242

Pinnacle Polity

Q.69. Under which article, every

citizen of India has been given the right Q.73. Originally, how many articles Sol.(b) Article 3 of Indian Constitution
to health ? were in the Indian Constitution ? provides for the Formation of new
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning) SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon) States and alteration of areas,
(a) Article 19 (b) Article 20 (a) 440 (b) 395 (c) 310 (d) 442 boundaries or names of existing States.
(c) Article 21-A (d) Article 21 Article 1 in the Constitution states that
Sol.(b) The Indian Constitution India, that is Bharat, shall be a Union
Sol.(d) The Indian Constitution and originally had 395 Articles. However, of States. Article 2 says: “Parliament
even the Supreme Court has declared it is the world's lengthiest written may by law admit into the Union, or
that the Right to Health is a constitution which had been divided establish, new States on such terms and
fundamental right under Article 21. into 22 parts and 8 schedules at the conditions as it thinks fit.” Article 9 of
time of commencement. But, now the Indian Constitution prohibits dual
Q.70. Which part of the Indian Indian Constitution has 448 articles in citizenship to Indians voluntarily
Constitution enlists the Fundamental 25 parts and 12 schedules. There are acquiring citizenship of a foreign state.
Rights? 104 amendments have been made in
SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening) the Indian constitution as of 25 January Q.77. The powers, privileges and
(a) Part-IV (b) Part-V 2020 immunities of either House Parliament
(c) Part-III (d) Part-II and of its Committees and Members
Q.74. Which article of the Indian have mainly been laid down in article
Sol.(c) Part III of the Indian Constitution states that the ‘Law SSC CHSL 08/07/2019 (Afternoon)
Constitution enlists the fundamental declared by the Supreme Court is to be (a) 115 (b) 107 (c) 105 (d) 102
rights guaranteed to the citizens of the binding on all courts’ within the
country. territory of India ? Sol.(c) The powers, privileges and
SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning) immunities of either House of the
Q.71. Agriculture as a subject is (a) Article 127 (b) Article 133 Indian Parliament and of its Members
included in which list of the (c) Article 147 (d) Article 141 and committees are laid down in
Constitution? Article 105 of the Indian Constitution.
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning) Sol.(d) Article 141 of the Indian
(a) Residuary Powers Constitution states that the law declared Q.78. Matters, which are not points of
(b) Union list by the Supreme Court shall be binding order, can be raised by way of Special
(c) State list in all courts within the territory of Mentions under Rule _______ of Lok
(d) Concurrent list India. Sabha.
SSC CHSL 08/07/2019 (Evening)
Sol.(c) Agriculture is a state subject, Q.75. Under which article of the (a) 377 (b) 302 (c) 223 (d) 214
i.e. it forms a part of the state list of our constitution of India can members of
Constitution, which essentially means the Anglo Indian community be Sol.(a) Under Rule 377 of the Rules of
that states are solely responsible for nominated to the Lok Sabha by the Procedure and Conduct of Business in
addressing all the issues related to President? Lok Sabha, Members of Parliament are
agriculture. SSC CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon) allowed to raise matters which are not
(a) 326 (b) 330 (c) 342 (d) 331 Points of Order or which have not been
Q.72. According to which article of the raised during the same session under
Indian Constitution, the president rule Sol.(d) Article 331: Representation of any other rule. In the Rajya Sabha,
is implemented in a state ? the Anglo-Indian Community in Lok Members are allowed to make a
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon) Sabha. It says that the President may mention of matters of public
(a) Article 368 (b) Article 356 appoint two members from the importance under the rule 180A-E.
(c) Article 350 (d) Article 325 Anglo-Indian Community to Lok Such matters raised in the Lok Sabha
Sabha. are commonly known as ‘matters raised
Sol.(b) Article 356 of the Indian under Rule 377’ and mentions made in
Constitution talks about State Q.76. In India, which of the following the Rajya Sabha under Rule 180A-E as
emergency also called as President articles of the Constitution of India ‘Special Mentions’.
Rule. Emergency can be declared in provides for the formation of a new
any state of India under article 356 on state? Q.79. Which article of the Constitution
the recommendation of the governor of SSC CGL 12/06/2019 (Evening) of India provisions for reservations of
the state in case of failure of the state's (a) Article 1 (b) Article 3 seats for scheduled castes and
machinery. (c) Article 2 (d) Article 9 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 243

Pinnacle Polity

scheduled tribes in the House of (a) Residuary list (b) State list
People? Sol.(c) The Third Schedule of the (c) Union list (d) Concurrent list
SSC CHSL 09/07/2019 (Morning) Indian Constitution contains the format
(a) Article 325 (b) Article 321 of oaths to be taken by different Sol.(b) Under the Indian Constitution,
(c) Article 330 (d) Article 335 constitutional functionaries. Animal Husbandry is a State subject
The fourth Schedule contains and the Centre has not enacted any law
Sol.(c) Article 330 of the Constitution provisions as to the allocation of seats for preservation, protection or welfare
of India provides for the reservation of in the Council of States. The Fifth of animals except that antiquated piece
seats in the Lok Sabha for the Schedule of the Constitution deals with of toothless legislation called
Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled the administration and control of 'Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act,
Tribes. Scheduled Areas as well as of 1960'.
Scheduled Tribes residing in any State
Q.80. Which of the following Articles other than the States of Assam, Q.86. Article 17 of the Constitution of
of the Constitution of India is Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram. The India deals with the abolition of _____.
associated with the election of the second schedule contains provisions of SSC CGL (4/3/2020 morning)
President of India? the President, Governors of States, (a) sati (b) untouchability
SSC CHSL 09/07/2019 (Evening) Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the (c) titles (d) slavery
(a) Article 103 (b) Article 78 House of the People etc.
(c) Article 74 (d) Article 54 Sol.(b) Article 17 in The Constitution
Q.83. According to which article of the Of India deals with the Abolition of
Sol.(d) Article 54 of the Indian constitution of India shall the council Untouchability. Untouchability is
Constitution states that The President of ministers be collectively responsible abolished and its practice in any form is
shall be elected by the members of an to the Lok Sabha? forbidden. The enforcement of any
electoral college consisting of the SSC CHSL 11/07/2019 (Morning) disability arising out of untouchability
elected members of both Houses of (a) Article 29 (b) Article 75 shall be an offence punishable in
Parliament; and the elected members of (c) Article 35 (d) Article 302 accordance with law.
the Legislative Assemblies of the
States. Sol.(b) Article 75(3) states that the Q.87. Which Article of the Indian
Council of Ministers shall be Constitution prohibits discrimination
Q.81. Which of the following articles collectively responsible to the House of on the grounds of religion, race, caste,
of the Indian Constitution provides for the People. Article 29- Protection of sex and place of birth?
the appointment of a Finance interests of minorities. Article 35 gives SSC CGL(4/3/2020 morning)
Commission? Parliament the exclusive power to (a) Article 23 (b) Article 25
SSC CHSL 10/07/2019 (Afternoon) make laws relating to Articles 16. (c) Article 19 (d) Article 15
(a) Article 300 (b) Article 290 Article 302- Power of Parliament to
(c) Article 320 (d) Article 280 impose restrictions on trade, commerce Sol.(d) Prohibition of discrimination on
and intercourse. grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or
Sol.(d) Article 280 of the Indian place of birth is discused in article 15.
Constitution states that The President Q.84. Which Article of the Constitution
shall, at the expiration of every fifth of India states that ‘all authorities, civil Q.88. Part VIII of the Constitution of
year or at such earlier time as the and judicial, in the territory of India India deals with ______.
President considers necessary, shall act in aid of the Supreme Court’? SSC CGL 5/3/2020 (afternoon)
constitute a Finance Commission SSC CPO 9/12/19 Morning (a) Panchayats (b) Union Territories
which shall consist of a Chairman and (a) Article 137 (b) Article 121 (c) Municipalities (d) States
four other members to be appointed by (c) Article 144 (d) Article 157
the President. Sol.(b) Part VIII of constitution deals
Sol.(c) Article 144 obliges all with the Administration of Union
Q.82. Which of the following authorities (civil and judicial) in the Territories
schedules of the Constitution of India country to act in aid of the Supreme Part IX of constitution deals with the
contains the format of oaths to be taken Court. Panchayats
by different constitutional Part IX-A of the constitution deals with
functionaries? Q.85. As per the Constitution of India , the Municipalities.
SSC CHSL 10/07/2019 (Evening) the subject of ‘Livestock and animal Part VI of the constitution deals with
(a) 4th schedule (b) 5th schedule husbandry’ is included in the: States.
(c) 3rd schedule (d) 2nd schedule SSC CPO 9/12/19 Morning Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 244

Pinnacle Polity

Q.89. The National Commission for all our laws derive their authority and salary and emoluments of the various
Backward Classes (NCBC) was formed force. posts such as president, vice president,
by insertion of Article ______ in the chairman, deputy chairman, judges of
Constitution of India. Q.93. Which of the following Articles supreme court and high court and many
SSC CGL 5/3/2020 (afternoon) of the Constitution of India gurantees more.
(a) 338B (b) 338A the Right to Freedom of Religion?
(c) 328B (d) 328A SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Morning) Q.96. Article_______of the
(a) Articles 14-18 (b) Articles 19-22 Constitution of India deals with
Sol.(a) The NCBC Bill, passed by (c) Articles 23-24 (d) Articles 25-28 provisions related to the administration
Parliament of India inserted Article and control of Scheduled Areas and
338B into the Constitution after Sol.(d) Article 25. Freedom of Scheduled Tribes
Articles 338 and 338A which deal with conscience and free profession, practice (a) 222(1) (b) 244(1)
the National Commission for and propagation of religion. (c) 222(2) (d) 244(2)
Scheduled Castes (SC) and National Article 26. Freedom to manage
Commission for Scheduled Tribes (ST) religious affairs. Sol.(b) Article 244(1) in The
respectively. Article 27. Freedom as to payment of Constitution Of India 1949, deals with
taxes for promotion of any particular the provisions related to the
Q.90. Under which Article of the religion. administration and control of the
Indian Constitution are special Article 28. Freedom as to attendance at Scheduled Areas and Scheduled Tribes
provisions provided to language spoken religious instruction or religious in any State other than the States of
in a section of the population?
worship in certain education Assam Meghalaya, Tripura and
SSC CGL 5/3/2020 (evening)
(a) Article 337 (b) Article 357 institutions. Mizoram.
(c) Article 347 (d) Article 374
Q.94. Which of the following is one of Q.97. Which of the following states is
Sol.(c) Under part XVII, article 347 of the Articles of the Constitution of India included in the sixth schedule of the
the indian constitution : Special that mentions the Comptroller and Constitution of
Provision Relating to Language Spoken Auditor General of India? India?
by a Section of the Population of a SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Afternoon) SSC CHSL 17-03-2020 (Morning)
State (a) 156 (b) 352 (c) 280 (d) 148 (a) Nagaland (b) Manipur
(c) Mizoram (d) Arunachal Pradesh
Q.91. Under which Article can the Sol.(d) Article 148: Comptroller and
Parliament amend the Constitution? Auditor-General of India Sol.(c) The Sixth Schedule consists of
SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Afternoon) There shall be a Comptroller and provisions for the administration of
(a) Article 374 (b) Article 74 Auditor-General of India who shall be tribal areas in Assam, Meghalaya,
(c) Article 269 (d) Article 368 appointed by the President by warrant Tripura and Mizoram, according to
under his hand and seal and shall only Article 244 of the Indian Constitution.
Sol.(d) Part-xx Article 368 (1) of the be removed from office in like manner
Constitution of India grants constituent and on the like grounds as a Judge of Q.98. Which of the following articles
power to make formal amendments and the Supreme Court. of the Constitution of India has a
empowers Parliament to amend the provision for financial
Constitution by way of addition,
Q.95. Which of the following emergency?
variation or repeal of any provision
according to the procedure laid down schedules of the Constitution of India SSC CHSL 18-03-2020 (Morning)
therein, which is different from the has been INCORRECTLY matched (a) Article 365 (b) Article 356
procedure for ordinary legislation. with its content? (c) Article 330 (d) Article 360
SSC CGL 07-03-2020 (Afternoon)
Q.92. Which of the following Articles (a) Second-Schedule-Languages Sol.(d) Article 360 states that if the
is related to the Ancillary powers of the (b) First Schedule-The states and the President is satisfied that a situation has
Supreme Court? union territories arisen whereby the financial stability or
SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Evening) (c) Third Schedule-Forms of oath or the credit of India or any part thereof is
(a) Article 150 (b) Article 143 affirmations threatened, the President may declare a
(c) Article 138 (d) Article 140 (d) Fourth Schedule-Allocation of seats state of financial emergency.
in the council of state
Sol.(d) Article 140 – Ancillary powers Q.99. Which article of the Constitution
of the Supreme Court. The Constitution Sol.(a) The second schedule of the of India mentions that the Lok Sabha
of India is the fountainhead from which Indian constitution tells about the Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 245

Pinnacle Polity

must have a Speaker and a Deputy monuments and places and objects of of his functions, act in accordance with
Speaker? natural importance. such advice: Provided that the
SSC CHSL 12-10-2020 (Morning) President may require the council of
(a) Article 93 (b) Article 85 Q.102. Which of the following articles Ministers to reconsider such advice,
(c) Article 100 (d) Article 97 of the Constitution of India provides either generally or otherwise, and the
constitutional remedies for the President shall act in accordance with
Sol.(a) Article 93 of the Constitution enforcement of fundamental rights? the advice tendered after such
states that’ The House of the People SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Evening) reconsideration.
shall, as soon as may be, choose two (a)Article 40 (b)Article 36
members of the House to be (c)Article 38 (d)Article 32 Q.105. The Constitution under Article
respectively Speaker and Deputy ______ mandates the Election
Speaker thereof and, so often as the Sol.(d) Article 32 provides Commission, to conduct elections to
office of Speaker or Deputy Speaker constitutional remedies for the the Parliament and the State
becomes vacant, the House shall enforcement of fundamental rights. Legislatures.
choose another member to be Speaker A person has the right to move to the SSC CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning)
or Deputy Speaker, as the case may be. Supreme court directly if any of his (a) 312 (b) 324 (c) 330 (d) 298
fundamental rights are violated.
Q.100. Which of the following Articles Therefore, it is called the heart and soul Sol.(b) Article 324 of the Constitution
of the Constitution of India has a of the Constitution. Article 40- provides that the power of
provision for the Constitution of Organisation of village panchayats. The superintendence, direction and control
Legislatures in States? State shall take steps to organize village of elections to parliament, state
SSC CHSL 12-10-2020 (Afternoon) panchayats. Article 36- The State shall legislatures, the office of President of
(a) 167 (b) 168 (c) 163 (d) 165 strive to promote the welfare of the India and the office of vice president of
people. Article 38- State to secure a India shall be vested in the Election
Sol.(b) According to Article 168 of the social order for the promotion of Commission.
Indian Constitution, there shall be a welfare of the people.
legislature in every State and it shall Q.106. Which article in the
consist of the Governor. Article 167 Q.103. As per Article 80 of the Constitution of India empowers the
casts on the Chief Minister the duty to Constitution of India, what can be the President of India to promulgate
keep the Governor informed of all maximum strength of Rajya Sabha? ordinances when the Parliament is in
decisions of the Council of Ministers in SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Evening) recess?
regard to administration and legislation. (a) 245 (b) 250 (c) 235 (d) 240 SSC CHSL 16-10-2020 (Afternoon)
Article 163- There shall be a Council of (a) Article 232 (b) Article 312
Ministers with the Chief Minister as the Sol.(b) According to Article 80 of the (c) Article 123 (d) Article 213
head to aid and advise the Governor in Constitution of India, the Composition
the exercise of his functions. Article of the Council of States includes: Sol.(c) Article 123 in the Constitution
165- Advocate General for the State. a) Twelve members to be nominated of India empowers the President of
by the President. India to promulgate ordinances when
Q.101. What is the provision of Article b) Not more than 238 representatives the Parliament is in recess.Article 232-
49 of the Constitution of India? / of the States and of the Union Appointment of district judges. Article
SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Evening) territories. 312 of the Indian Constitution, the
(a) Provision for free and compulsory Parliament is entitled to create one or
education for children Q.104. Which Article of the more All India services (including an
(b) Protection of monuments and places Constitution of India provides that All India Judicial Service) common to
and objects of natural importance there shall be a Council of Ministers the Union and the States. Article 213 of
(c) Prohibition of employment of with the Prime Minister as its head? the Constitution of India deals with the
children (Under the age of 14) in SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Evening) ordinance making power Governor.
factories and mines (a) Article 74(1) (b) Article 34
(d) Promotion of international peace (c) Article 44 (d) Article 21(1) Q.107. How many fundamental duties
and security are set out in Part IV-A (Article 51A)
Sol.(a) According to the Article 74 of of the Constitution of India?
Sol.(b) Article 49 of the Constitution the Constitution, there shall be a SSC CHSL 16-10-2020 (Afternoon)
falls under Directive Principles of State Council of Ministers with the Prime (a) 9 (b) 11 (c) 10 (d) 12
Policy and is related to protection of Minister at the head to aid and advise
the President who shall, in the exercise Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 246

Pinnacle Polity

Sol.(b) There are 11 fundamental duties and encourage settlement of

set out in Part IV A (Article 51A) of international disputes by arbitration. Sol.(d) As per Article 19 of the
the Constitution of India. The Constitution, all citizens shall have the
Fundamental duties were added on the Q111. Which Article of the right:
recommendations of the Swaran Singh Constitution deals with formation of (a)To freedom of speech and
committee in 1976. Initially they were New States? expression;
10 in number but with the 86th CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) (b)To assemble peacefully and without
Constitutional Amendment Act, the (a) Article 4 (b) Article 2 arms;
11th such duty was added. (c) Article 5 (d) Article 3 (c)To form associations or unions;
(d) To move freely throughout the
Q.108. As per the eighth Schedule of Sol.(d) Under the Constitution of India, territory of India;
the Constitution of India, how many Article 3 deals with the formation of (e)To reside and settle in any part of the
languages are referred to as scheduled new States and alteration of areas, territory of India;
languages? boundaries or names of existing States. (f)To practise any profession or to carry
SSC CHSL 16-10-2020 (Evening) Article 4 allows for consequential on any occupation, trade or business.
(a) 14 (b) 20 (c) 22 (d) 18 changes in the Ist Schedule i.e. names
of the States in the Union of India and Q.115. Which article of the
Sol.(c) As per the eighth Schedule of IVth Schedule i.e. a number of seats Constitution of India states that no
the Constitution of India, there are 22 allotted in the Rajya Sabha for each citizen can be discriminated against
languages referred to as scheduled state. Article 2- Establishment of new on the basis of his/her religion, race,
languages. States. Article 5 : Citizenship at the caste, sex or place of birth?
commencement of the Constitution. SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Evening)
Q.109. Which of the following Articles (a) Article 15 (b) Article 45
ensures to provide free and compulsory Q.112. Who among the following (c) Article 23 (d) Article 39
education to all children in the age drafted Article 370 of the Constitution
group of six to fourteen years as a of India? Sol.(a) Article 15 of the Constitution of
Fundamental Right to Education? SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) India states that no citizen can be
SSC CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon) (a) Jawaharlal Nehru discriminated against
(a) 20A (b) 14 (c) 18A (d) 21A (b) Bhim Rao Ambedkar on the basis of his/her religion, race,
(c) Gopalaswami Ayyangar caste, sex or place of birth. Article
Sol.(d) Article 21A ensures to provide (d) Raghubar Das 45-Provision for free and compulsory
free and compulsory education to all education for children.
children in the age group of six to Sol.(c) Article 370 of the Constitution
fourteen years as a Fundamental Right which gave special status to Jammu Q.116. Which article of the Indian
to Education. and Kashmir was drafted by Constitution prohibits trafficking in
Gopalaswami Ayyangar. human beings and forced
Q.110. Which Article of the Labour?
Constitution of India states the Q.113. The definition of ‘money bills’ SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Evening)
directive principles of state policy on is given in which article of the (a) Article 25 (b) Article 23
‘promotion of international peace and Constitution of India? (c) Article 13 (d) Article 5
security’? CHSL 20-10-2020 (Afternoon)
SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) (a) Article 44 (b) Article 110 Sol.(b) Article 23 of the Indian
(a) Article 49 (b) Article 51 (c) Article 33 (d) Article 93 Constitution prohibits trafficking in
(c) Article 69 (d) Article 62 human beings and forced labour.
Sol.(b) The definition of ‘money bills’
Sol.(b) According to Article 51 of the is given under Article 110 of the Q.117. Which among the following
Indian Constitution, the State shall Constitution of India. Articles of the Constitution of India
endeavour to deals with the right to free and
(a) promote international peace and Q.114. Under which Article of the compulsory education of all children in
security; Indian Constitution are Indian citizens the age group of 6-14 years?
(b)maintain just and honourable guaranteed the right to six fundamental SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning)
relations between nations; freedoms? (a) 74 (b) 21A (c) 101 (d) 31A
(c)foster respect for international law CHSL 21-10-2020 (Morning)
and treaty obligations in the dealings of (a) Article 1 (b) Article 31 Sol.(b) Article-21A of the constitution
organised peoples with one another; (c) Article 26 (d) Article 19 provides for free and compulsory Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 247

Pinnacle Polity

education to all children in the age Q.121. Which of the following Articles legislative powers between the Centre
group of 6-14 years. It was inserted in of the Constitution of India prohibits and the provinces?
the Indian constitution by the 86th employment of children in factories SSC CGL 13/08/21(Afternoon)
amendment act 2002. etc.? (a) The Government of India Act, 1858
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning) (b) The Government of India Act, 1935
(a) 24 (b) 21 (c) 17 (d) 31 (c) The Government of India Act, 1919
Q.118. The State is obligated to protect (d) Indian Councils Act, 1909
every monument, place and object of Sol.(a) Article 24 of the Constitution of
national importance and historic India prohibits employment of children Sol.(b) The Government of India Act,
interest under Article ______ of the in factories 1935 introduced federal features and
Constitution of India. The article says that No child below the provincial autonomy in the legislature
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) age of fourteen years shall be employed and also made provisions for the
(a) 46 (b) 48 (c) 49 (d) 47 to work in any factory or mine or distribution of legislative powers
engaged in any other hazardous between the centre and the provinces.
Sol.(c) Article 49 of Indian constitution employment.
states that one should protect one’s Q.125. The concept of Reservation of
monuments and places and objects of Q.122. Part IV of the Indian seats for Scheduled Castes and
national importance. Constitution contains the provisions on: Scheduled Tribes in
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning) The House of the People is highlighted
Q.119. Which of the following Articles (a) Fundamental Rights in Article ______ of the Constitution of
of the Constitution of India abolishes (b) Directive Principles of State Policy India. SSC CGL 13/08/21 (Evening)
untouchability? (c) Elections (a) 361 (b) 345 (c) 330 (d) 326
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) (d) Citizenship
(a) 19 (b) 20 (c) 17 (d) 18 Sol.(c) The concept of ‘Reservation of
Sol.(b) Part IV of the Indian seats for Scheduled Castes and
Sol.119.(c) Article 17 of the Indian Constitution consists of all the DPSP Scheduled Tribes in
Constitution abolishes Untouchability. (Directive Principles of State Policy). It The House of the People’ is highlighted
Article 17 of the Indian Constitution covers the Articles from 36 to 51. in Article 330 of the Constitution of
says Untouchability is abolished and its Article 36 of Part IV defines the term India.
practice in any form is forbidden.The “State” as the one, who has to keep in (a) 361 (b) 345 (c) 330 (d) 326
enforcement of any disability arising mind all the DPSP before formulating
out of Untouchability shall be an any policy or law for the country Q.126.Which of the following articles
offence or punishable according to the of the constitution of India provides for
Law. Q.123. Which of the following Articles the creation of a GST Council?
of the Constitution of India states that SSC CGL 16/08/21(Morning)
Q.120. Which of the following subjects there will be a Vice-President of India? (a) Article 246A(b) Article 279A
is covered in the Eleventh Schedule of SSC CGL 13/08/21(Afternoon) (c) Article 269A(d) Article 323A
the Constitution of India? (a) Article 45 (b) Article 56
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) (c) Article 75 (d) Article 63 Sol.(b) Article 279A of the
(a) Major forest produce Constitution of India provides for the
(b) Health and sanitation Sol.(d) Article 63 of the Indian creation of a GST Council. It
(c) Large scale industries Constitution states that there shall be a empowers the president to constitute a
(d) Police and public order Vice President of India. The Vice joint forum of the central and states
President acts as President in the namely, Goods and Services Tax
Sol.(b) The 11th schedule of the Indian absence of the president due to death, Council. The GST Council is a
constitution was added in 1992 by the resignation, impeachment, or other constitutional body for making
73rd constitutional Amendment Act. situations. He is also ex officio recommendations to the union and state
This schedule contains 29 subjects. Chairperson of the Rajya Sabha. government on issues related to Goods
These include Health and Sanitation, and Service Tax.
Rural electrification, Fisheries, Q.124. Which of the following Acts
drinking water, Fodder, Animal introduced federal features and Q.127. Article 21A of the Constitution
Husbandry, dairying and Poultry, provincial autonomy in the of India provides Right to ______.
Agriculture and Land Improvement. The legislature and also made SSC CGL 16/08/21(Evening)
provisions for the distribution of (a) Education (b) Privacy
(c) Equality (d) Work Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 248

Pinnacle Polity

Q.131. As per Article ______ of the Q.135. According to which of the

Sol.(a) Article 21A of the Constitution Constitution of India, English is the following Articles of the Constitution
of India provides the Right to official language for all the high courts of India can the Parliament amend the
in the country.
Education. Under Article 21-A, a Constitution?
SSC CGL 17/08/21(Evening)
provision of free and compulsory (a) 329 (1) (b) 336 (1) SSC CGL 24/08/21(Evening)
education is provided to all children in (c) 315 (1) (d) 348 (1) (a) Article 368 (b) Article 103
the age group of six to fourteen years (c) Article 129 (d) Article 234
as a Fundamental Right. Sol.(d) As per Article 348 (1) of the
Constitution of India, English is the Sol.(a) According to Article 368 of the
Q.128. Which of the following Articles official language for all the high courts Constitution of India can the
of the Constitution of India adopted in the country. Parliament amend the Constitution.
Hindi in Devanagari script as the
official language of the Union? Q.132. Which of the following Articles Q.136. Which of the following Articles
SSC CGL 17/08/21(Morning) of the Constitution of India defines for of the Constitution of India states that
(a) Article 343 (1) (b) Article 231 a separate secretarial staff for each there would be no tax levied or
(c) Article 108 (d) Article 123 House of the Parliament? collected EXCEPT by the authority of
SSC CGL 18/08/21(Evening) law?
Sol.(a) Article 343 (1) of the (a) Article 98 (b) Article 123 SSC CGL 24/08/21(Evening)
Constitution of India adopted Hindi in (c) Article 155 (d) Article 34 (a) Article 107 (b) Article 123
Devanagari script as the official (c) Article 265 (d) Article 301
language of the Union. Sol.(a) Articles 98 of the Constitution
of India defines a separate secretarial Sol.(c) Article 265 of the Constitution
Q.129. Which Article of the staff for each House of the Parliament. of India states that there would be no
Constitution of India deals with the tax levied or collected EXCEPT by the
'Pardoning Power of the Governor'? Q.133. Which Schedule of the Indian authority of law. Therefore, no tax can
SSC CGL 17/08/21(Afternoon) Constitution demarcates the powers of be levied or collected in India, unless it
(a) Article 150 (b) Article 173 the Union and the States, that is Union is explicitly and clearly authorized by
(c) Article 189 (d) Article 161 List, State List and Concurrent List? way of legislation.
SSC CGL 23/08/21(Morning)
Sol.(d) Article 161 of the Constitution (a) Fourth Schedule Q.137. Which Article of the
of India deals with the 'Pardoning (b) First Schedule Constitution of India affirms the right
Power of the Governor’. Article 161 (c) Seventh Schedule to move the Supreme Court by
grants the governor, the power to grant (d) Third Schedule appropriate proceedings for the
pardons, reprieves, respites or enforcement of the rights conferred in
remissions of punishment or to Sol.(c) Seventh Schedule of the Indian Part III of the Constitution? SSC
suspend, remit or commute the Constitution demarcates the powers of CHSL 12/04/21(Afternoon)
sentence. The governor can do so for the Union and the States i.e. Union (a) Article 46 (b) Article 32
any person convicted of any offence List, State List and Concurrent List. (c) Article 37 (d) Article 21
against any law relating to a matter to Centre and state both have the right to
which the executive power of the state make a law on topics described in the Sol.(b) Article 32 (Right to
extends. concurrent list. constitutional remedies). It states that a
person can move to the Supreme court
Q.130. According to which of the Q.134. According to which of the if he/she wants to get their fundamental
following Articles of the Constitution following Articles of the Constitution rights protected. This right comes
of India shall a Money Bill NOT be of India shall a Money Bill not be under article 32 for the Supreme court
introduced in the Council of States? introduced in a Legislative Council? and article 226 for the high court.
SSC CGL 17/08/21(Afternoon) SSC CGL 23/08/21(Morning)
(a) Article 109 (b) Article 354 (a) Article 333 (b) Article 198
Q.138. In 1959, the Central
(c) Article 298 (d) Article 193 (c) Article 451 (d) Article 189
Government of India undertook the
governance in Kerala under______ of
Sol.(a) Article 109 of the Constitution Sol.(b) According to Article 198 of the
the Constitution of India. SSC CHSL
of India states that a Money Bill can Constitution of India, a Money Bill
12/04/21 (Evening)
NOT be introduced in the Council of shall not be introduced in a Legislative
(a) Article 356 (b) Article 352
States. Council.
(c) Article 360 (d) Article 349 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 249

Pinnacle Polity

Q.141. Which of the given Articles of

Sol.(a) Article 356 gives wide powers the Constitution of India mentions the Sol.(d) Article 48 of the Constitution of
to the Union government to assert its following? India deals with the organisation of
authority over a state if civil unrest "There shall be a council of Ministers agriculture and animal husbandry. The
occurs and the state government does with the Prime Minister at the head to State shall endeavour to organise
not have the means to end it. Types of aid and advise agriculture and animal husbandry on
emergency in India - National the President who shall in the exercise modern and scientific lines and shall, in
Emergency (Article 352), of his functions, act in accordance with particular, take steps for preserving and
Constitutional Emergency (Article such advice." SSC CHSL 04/08/21 improving the breeds, and prohibiting
(Afternoon) the slaughter, of cows and calves and
356), Financial Emergency (Article
(a) Article 71(1) (b) Article 71(2)
360). other milch and draught cattle.
(c) Article 74(1) (d) Article 74(2)
Q.139. In which of the following Q.144. According to Article 24 of the
Sol.(c) Articles 74(1) of the
Articles of the Constitution of India is Constitution of India, a person below
Constitution of India mentions the
the right to property mentioned? SSC ______ years of age shall not be
CHSL 13/04/21 (Evening) employed to work in any factory. SSC
(i) "There shall be a council of
(a) Article 301 B (b) Article 300 B CHSL 6/8/2021 (Afternoon)
Ministers with the Prime Minister at
(c) Article 300 A (d) Article 301 A (a) 14 (b) 25 (c) 19 (d) 21
the head to aid and advise the President
who shall in the exercise of his
Sol.(d) The right to property is Sol.(a) According to Article 24 of the
functions, act in accordance with such
mentioned in Article 300A of the Constitution of India, a person below
Constitution of India. It conveys 14 years of age shall not be employed
(ii) The question if any, and if so what,
‘Persons not to be deprived of property to work in any factory. This Article is
advice was tendered by Ministers to the
save by authority of law. No person for the welfare of the children and
President shall not be inquired into in
shall be deprived of his property save ensures a safe and healthy life of
any court.
by authority of law’. children. It is a fundamental right and
is justiciable in nature.
Q.142. According to which of the
Q.140. Which of the following Articles
following Schedules to the Constitution
of the Constitution of India states that Q.145. Which of the following Articles
provides for
'The President, or the Governor or of the Constitution of India details
allocation of seats to the states and
Rajpramukh of a State, shall not be 'Prohibition of discrimination on
union territories in Rajya Sabha? SSC
answerable to any court for the exercise grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or
CHSL 04/08/21 (Evening)
and performance of the powers and place of birth'? SSC CHSL 9/8/2021
(a) Fourth (b) Sixth
duties of his office'? SSC CHSL (Afternoon)
(c) Seventh (d) Second
16/04/21 (Evening) (a) Article 22 (b) Article 27
(a) Article 396 (b) Article 361 (c) Article 15 (d) Article 10
Sol.(a) Fourth Schedules to the
(c) Article 384 (d) Article 352
Constitution provides for the allocation
Sol.(c) Article 15: Prohibition of
of seats to the states and union
Sol.(b) The President or the Governor discrimination on grounds of religion,
territories in Rajya Sabha. As per the
of a State, shall not be answerable to race, caste, sex or place of birth.
Fourth Schedule to the Constitution of
any court for the exercise and Article 22: Protection against arrest and
India on 26 January 1950, the Rajya
performance of the powers and duties detention in certain cases.
Sabha was to consist of 216 members
of his office or for any act done or Article 27: Freedom as to payment of
of which 12 members were to be
purporting to be done by him in the taxes for promotion of any particular
nominated by the President and the
exercise and performance of those religion.
remaining 204 elected to represent the
powers and duties: Provided that the Article 10: Every person who is or is
conduct of the President may be deemed to be a citizen of India under
brought under review by any court, any of the foregoing provisions of this
Q.143. Which of the following Articles
tribunal or body appointed or Part shall, subject to the provisions of
of the Constitution of India deals with
designated by either House of any law that may be made by
the organisation of
Parliament for the investigation of a Parliament, continue to be such a
agriculture and animal husbandry? SSC
charge under article 61. citizen.
CHSL 5/8/2021 (Afternoon)
(a) Article 84 (b) Article 92
(c) Article 29 (d) Article 48 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 250

Pinnacle Polity

Q.146. Which of the following Articles to the Parliament of India to regulate Q.152. What does Article 360 of the
of the Constitution of India makes the right of citizenship by law. Constitution of India provide with?
provision for protection in respect of SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Evening)
conviction for offences? SSC CHSL Q.150. Part ______ of the Constitution (a) Right to life
10/8/2021 (Afternoon) of India deals with amendment of the (b) Financial emergency
(a) Article 21 (b) Article 19 Constitution. SSC MTS 06/10/21 (c) Right to property
(c) Article 20 (d) Article 18 (Afternoon) (d) Fundamental duties
(a) 18 (b) 13 (c) 20 (d) 10
Sol.(c) Article 20 provides protection Sol.(b) Article 360 of the Constitution
with respect to a conviction for Sol.(c) Part 20 of the Constitution of of India provides for Financial
offences. Other articles– India deals with amendment of the emergency. It only mentions that if any
Article 21:- Protection of life and Constitution. Part-20 Article 368 (1) of financial stability or credit situation is
personal liberty. the Constitution of India grants threatened, a financial emergency can
Article 18:- Abolition of titles. constituent power to make formal be imposed.
Article 19:- right to freedom of opinion amendments and empowers Parliament
and expression. to amend the Constitution by way of Q.153. Which of the following Articles
addition, variation or repeal of any of the Constitution of India empowered
Q.147. Which of the following Articles provision according to the procedure the Parliament to provide by law for
of the Constitution of India is related to laid down therein, which is different continued use of English for official
the oath or affirmation by the from the procedure for ordinary purposes even after 25 January 1965?
President? SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 legislation. SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Afternoon)
(Evening) (a) Article 348 (2) (b) Article 348 (3)
(a) Article 57 (b) Article 60 Q.151. Article 57 of the Constitution of (c) Article 343 (3) (d) Article 343 (2)
(c) Article 66 (d) Article 54 India states that ______. SSC MTS
06/10/21 (Afternoon) Sol.(c) Article 343 (3) of the
Sol.(b) Article 60 (a) A person who holds, or who has Constitution of India empowered the
held, office as President shall, subject Parliament to provide by law for
Q.148. Which of the following Articles to the other provisions of this continued use of English for official
of the Constitution of India states that Constitution, be eligible for re-election purposes even after 25 January 1965.
the Parliament has exclusive powers to to that office.
make laws with respect to any of the (b) The executive power of the Union Q.154. Part ______ of the Constitution
matters enumerated in the Union List? shall be vested in the President and of India provides for freedom of trade
SSC MTS 05/10/21(Evening) shall be exercised by him either and commerce within the country. SSC
(a) Article 287 (b) Article 246 directly or through officers subordinate MTS 07/10/21 (Evening)
(c) Article 362 (d) Article 352 to him in accordance with this (a) 20 (b) 10 (c) 15 (d) 13
Sol.(b) Article 246 of the Constitution (c) The President shall hold office for a Sol.(d) Part 13 (Articles 301 to 307) of
of India states that the Parliament has term of five years from the date on the Constitution of India provides for
exclusive powers to make laws with which he enters upon his office. freedom of trade and commerce within
respect to any of the matters (d) The President shall be elected by the country.
enumerated in the Union List. the members of an electoral college
consisting of— (a) the elected members Q.155. Which of the following articles
Q.149. Which Part of the Constitution of both Houses of Parliament; and (b) of the Constitution of India gives us a
of India deals with citizenship? SSC the elected members of the Legislative description of ‘Money Bill’? SSC MTS
MTS 06/10/21(Morning) Assemblies of the States. 08/10/21 (Morning)
(a) Part 6 (b) Part 3 (a) 127 (b) 110 (c) 95 (d) 123
(c) Part 2 (d) Part 5 Sol.(a) Article 57 of the Constitution of
India states that A person who holds, or Sol.(b) Article 110 of the Constitution
Sol.(c) Part II of the Constitution of who has held, office as President shall, of India gives us a description of
India (Articles 5-11) deals with the subject to the other provisions of this ‘Money Bill’. Money bills are
Citizenship of India. Article 5 speaks Constitution, be eligible for re-election concerned with financial matters like
about the citizenship of India at the to that office. taxation, public expenditure, etc. The
commencement of the Constitution bill is significant for Indian Polity and
(Nov 26, 1949). Article 11 gave powers governance as many important issues Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 251

Pinnacle Polity

like the Aadhar Bill, Insolvency and system. Part VII - Repealed by Const.
Bankruptcy Bill are also related to it. (7th Amendment) Act, 1956. Sol.(a) Part XII of the Constitution of
India deals with finance, property,
Q.156. Which Article of the Q.159. What does Article 21 of the contracts and suits.
Constitution of India declares that laws Indian Constitution deal with? SSC
inconsistent with Part III before the MTS 12/10/21(Afternoon) Q.163. Article ______ of the
commencement of the Constitution of (a) Right to property Constitution of India defines Uniform
India, 1950, are void? SSC MTS (b) Fundamental duties Civil Code. SSC MTS 14/10/2021
08/10/21 (Morning) (c) Right to life (Morning)
(a) 10 (b) 17 (c) 13 (d) 19 (d) National emergency (a) 42 (b) 24 (c) 22 (d) 44

Sol.(c) Article 13 of the Constitution Sol.(c) Article 21 of the Indian Sol.(d) Article 44 of the Constitution of
of India declares that laws inconsistent Constitution deals with Right to life. India defines Uniform Civil Code.
with Part III before the commencement The Constitution originally provided Article 44 says, 'The State shall
of the Constitution of India, 1950, are for the right to property under Articles endeavour to secure for the citizens a
void. 19 and 31. Fundamental duties come Uniform Civil Code throughout the
under article 51A. Article 352- territory of India. ' The article is a part
Q.157. As per Article 80 of the Proclamation of Emergency. of the Directive Principles of State
Constitution of India, the total number
of members of the Rajya Sabha cannot
Q.160. As of July 2020, how many
be more than: SSC MTS
fundamental duties are meant for a Q.164. In which year did the Indian
citizen of India? SSC MTS Constituent Assembly adopt Article
(a) 260 (b) 250 (c) 235 (d) 240
13/10/21(Morning) 370 of the Constitution of India,
(a) 11 (b) 12 (c) 10 (d) 16 ensuring special status and internal
Sol.(c) Article 80 of the Constitution
autonomy for Jammu and Kashmir?
lays down the maximum strength of Sol.(a) As of July 2020, 11 SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Afternoon)
Rajya Sabha as 250, out of which 12 fundamental duties are meant for a (a) 1952 (b) 1949
members are nominated by the citizen of India. By 42nd Constitution (c) 1961 (d) 1950
President and 238 are representatives of (Amendment) Act, 1976, a list of 10
the States and of the two Union Fundamental Duties for citizens were Sol.(b)The Indian Constituent
Territories. The present strength of added through a new Chapter IV-A Assembly adopted Article 370 of the
Rajya Sabha, however, is 245, out of which consists of only one Article i.e Constitution of India in 1949, ensuring
which 233 are representatives of the 51-A. Later on, by 86th Constitution special status and internal autonomy for
States and Union territories of Delhi (Amendment) Act 2002, 11th Jammu and Kashmir.
and Puducherry and 12 are nominated Fundamental duty was added.
by the President. The members Q.165. Which Article of the
nominated by the President are persons Q.161. Which schedule of the Constitution of India provides that
having special knowledge or practical Constitution of India deals with the there will be Governors of States? SSC
experience in respect of such matters as allocation of seats in the Council of MTS 18/10/2021 (Evening)
literature, science, art, and social States? SSC MTS 13/10/21(Morning) (a) 136 (b) 148 (c) 124 (d) 153
service. (a) Fifth (b) Fourth
(c) Eighth (d) Sixth Sol.(d) Article 153 of the Constitution
Q.158. Which part of the Constitution of India provides that there will be
of India deals with the relation between Sol.(b) Schedule Fourth of the Governors of States. Article 136-
the Union and the States? SSC MTS Constitution of India deals with the Special leave to appeal by the Supreme
12/10/21(Afternoon) allocation of seats in the Council of Court. Article 148 - Comptroller and
(a) Part VIII (b) Part XI States. Auditor-General of India. Article 24 -
(c) Part VII (d) Part IX There shall be a Supreme Court of
Q.162. Which Part of the Constitution India consisting of a Chief Justice of
Sol.(b) Part XI of the Constitution of of India deals with finance, property, India.
India deals with the relation between contracts and suits? SSC MTS
the Union and the States. Part VIII 13/10/2021 (Evening) Q.166. Which Article of the
deals with the Union Territories. Part (a) Part XII (b) Part IX Constitution of India directs the State
IX provides for a 3 tier Panchayat (c) Part X (d) Part VIII to secure a social order for the Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 252

Pinnacle Polity

promotion of welfare of the people? livelihood?SSC MTS 22/10/2021 the Uniform Civil Code for the
SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Morning) (Morning) citizens? SSC MTS 22/10/2021
(a) Article 42 (b) Article 44 (a) Article 29 (b) Article 39 (Evening)
(c) Article 38 (d) Article 45 (c) Article 27 (d) Article 33 (a) Article 44 (b) Article 42
(c) Article 45 (d) Article 40
Sol.(c) Article 38 of the Constitution of Sol.(b) Article 39 of the Indian
India directs the State to secure a social Constitution directs the State to ensure Sol.(a) Article 44 of the Constitution of
order for the promotion of welfare of the right of citizens to adequate means India is related to the Uniform Civil
the people. Article 42 (Draft Article 33) of livelihood. Article 29- Protection of Code for the citizens. Article 42- The
seeks to ensure humane work interests of minorities. Article 27- protection of civic and political rights
conditions and provide for maternity Freedom as to payment of taxes for and freedoms. Article 45 - Provision
relief. Article 44 -Uniform Civil Code. promotion of any particular religion. for free and compulsory education for
Article 45- Provision for free and Article 33 - It empowers the Parliament children. Article 40- the State shall take
compulsory education for children . to restrict or abrogate fundamental steps to organise village panchayats.
Q.167. Which Article of the Q.173. Which of the following Articles
Constitution of India states that there Q.170. Which of the following articles of the Constitution of India provides
shall be a President of India? SSC MTS of the Constitution of India provides the procedure for impeachment of the
20/10/2021 (Morning) that Hindi in Devanagari script shall be President? SSC MTS 26/10/2021
(a) Article 54 (b) Article 52 the official language of the Union? SSC (Afternoon)
(c) Article 58 (d) Article 55 MTS 22/10/2021 (Afternoon) (a) Article 61 (b) Article 51
(a) Article 343 (2) (b) Article 344 (1) (c) Article 67 (d) Article 52
Sol.(b) Article 52 of the Constitution of (c) Article 343 (1) (d) Article 343 (3)
India states that there shall be a Sol.(a) Article 61 of the Constitution
President of India. Article 54- the Sol.(c) Article 343 (1) of the of India provides the procedure for
President is elected by an Electoral Constitution of India provides that impeachment of the President. Article
College. Article 58- Qualifications for Hindi in Devanagari script shall be the 51- international peace and security .
election as President. Article 55- official language of the Union. 14 Article 67 - Term of office of
Manner of election of President. September is celebrated as Hindi Vice-President. The president (article
Diwas. Part 17 of the constitution of 52) is the head of the Indian state. He is
Q.168. Which of the following Articles India (Articles 343 to Article 351) called the first citizen of the country,
of the Constitution of India lays down makes elaborate provisions dealing head of all armed forces.
the duties and functions of the Union with the official language of the
and State Public Service Commissions Republic of India. Q.174. 'Police and Public Order' are
in India? SSC MTS 20/10/2021 State subjects under the ______
(Afternoon) Q.171. Which of the following posts is Schedule of the Constitution of India.
(a) Article 312 (b) Article 320 a constitutional post under Article 76 of SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Evening)
(c) Article 308 (d) Article 316 the Constitution of India? SSC MTS (a) 5th (b) 9th (c) 7th (d) 12th
22/10/2021 (Afternoon)
Sol.(b) Article 320 of the Constitution (a) Additional Solicitor General Sol.(c) 'Police and Public Order' are
of India lays down the duties and (b) Solicitor General of India State subjects under the seventh
functions of the Union and State Public (c) Additional Standing Counsels schedule of the Constitution of India.
Service Commissions in India. Article (d) Attorney-General for India The Seventh Schedule to the
312- All India Services. Articles (308 – Constitution of India defines and
314)-Contain provisions with regard to Sol.(d) Attorney-General for India is a specifies allocation of powers and
All India Services, Central services and constitutional post under Article 76 of functions between Union & States. It
state services. Article-316 - the Constitution of India. The 15th and contains three lists; i.e. 1) Union
Appointment and term of office of current Attorney General is K. K. List(100 subjects), 2) State List(61
members. Venugopal. It is the highest law officer items) and 3) Concurrent List(52
in India. Currently, the Solicitor items).
Q.169. Which one of the following General of India is Tushar Mehta.
Articles of the Indian Constitution Q.172 Which of the following Articles Q.175. Which of the following Articles
directs the State to ensure the right of of the Constitution of India is related to of the Constitution of India states that
citizens to adequate means of Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 253

Pinnacle Polity

Hindi in Devanagari script shall be the shall be ineligible for inclusion in the Sol.(c) The 86th Constitutional
official language of the Union? SSC electoral roll on the grounds only of Amendment Act, 2002 provides the
MTS 27/10/2021 (Morning) religion, race, caste, sex, or any one of right to free and compulsory
(a) Article 343(2) (b) Article 354(2) these. Article 253- Legislation for elementary education to all children in
(c) Article 343(1) (d) Article 343(3) giving effect to international the age group of 6-14 years. It is a
agreements. fundamental right in part-III of the
Sol.(c) Article 343(1) of the constitution.
Constitution of India states that Hindi Q.178. Which of the following Articles
in Devanagari script shall be the of the Constitution of India deals with Q.181. The Constitution of India was
official language of the Union. Article the duties and powers of the amended for the first time in which
343(2) -The Constitution adopted in Comptroller and Auditor-General of year?
1950 stipulated that English and Hindi India? SSC MTS 2/1/2021 (Evening) SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 Evening
would be used for the Union's official (a) Article 234 (b) Article 149 (a) 1951 (b) 1954
business for a period of fifteen years. (c) Article 189 (d) Article 354 (c) 1961 (d) 1960
Article 354(2)- Whoever commits the
Sol.(b) Article 149 of the Constitution Sol.(a) The constitutional (first
offence of stalking shall be punished on
of India deals with the duties and amendment) act, 1951 was moved by
first conviction with imprisonment of
the then Prime Minister of India,
either description for a term which may powers of the Comptroller and
Jawaharlal Nehru, on 10 may 1951 and
extend to three years. Auditor-General of India. Article
enacted by parliament on 18 june 1951.
234-"Appointments of persons other
Q.176. Which Article of the than district judges to the judicial
Q.182. The 124th Amendment Bill,
Constitution of India defines the power service of a State shall be made by the
2019 deals with:
of the President to grant pardons, etc, Governor. Article 189-Voting in
SSC-CHSL 2/07/2019 Afternoon
and to suspend, remit or commute Houses, power of Houses to act (a) Triple Talaq
sentences in certain cases? SSC MTS notwithstanding vacancies and quorum. (b) Privatisation of Air India
27/10/2021 (Evening) Article 354-Application of provisions (c) GST
(a) Article 72 (b) Article 81 relating to the distribution of revenues (d) Economic Reservation
(c) Article 55 (d) Article 63 while a Proclamation of Emergency.
Sol.(d) Lok Sabha passed the (124th
Sol.(a) Article 72 of the Constitution of
Constitutional Amendment) Bill 2019
India defines the power of the President
Amendement to provide 10 per cent reservation in
to grant pardons, etc, and to suspend, jobs and educational institutions to
remit or commute sentences in certain Q.179. In 1978, the _______ Economically Weaker Sections in the
cases. Article 81 of the Constitution amendment eliminated the right to general category.
defines the composition of the House acquire, hold and dispose of property as
of the People or Lok Sabha. Article a fundamental right. Q.183. Which part of the constitution is
55-- Manner of election of the SSC CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening) related to the amendments in the
President. Article 63 of Indian (a) 41st (b) 43rd (c) 44th (d) 42nd constitution ?
Constitution states that "There shall be SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Afternoon)
a vice president of India." Sol.(c) The Right to Property was (a) Part XV (b) Part X
initially presented under part III (c) Part VIII (d) Part XX
Q.177. Article ______ of the (Fundamental Right) of Indian
Constitution of India deals with constitution. However, The 44th Sol.(d) Part-XX, Article 368 (1) of the
'Proclamation of Emergency'. SSC Amendment Act in 1978 removed the Constitution of India grants constituent
MTS 2/11/2021 (Morning) right to property from the list of power to make formal amendments and
(a) 235 (b) 352 (c) 325 (d) 253 fundamental rights. empowers Parliament to amend the
Q.180._________Constitution Constitution by way of addition,
Sol.(b) Article 352 of the Constitution Amendment Act, 2002 provided for variation or repeal of any provision
of India deals with the 'Proclamation of free and compulsory elementary according to the procedure laid down
Emergency'. Article 235- Control over education to all children. therein, which is different from the
subordinate courts The control over SSC CGL 07/06/2019 (Evening) procedure for ordinary legislation.
district courts and subordinate courts. (a) 84th (b) 85th (c) 86th (d) 87th
Article 325 provides that no person Q.184. When was the first amendment
made to the Indian Constitution ? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 254

Pinnacle Polity

SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening) Sol.(d) 42nd amendment act , 1976: It (a) 11th (b) 10th (c) 9th (d) 12th
(a) 1954 (b) 1951 was called as the Mini constitution of
(c) 1953 (d) 1952 India and was brought during national Sol.(d) The 74th Amendment Act of
emergency. 1992 added the Twelfth Schedule in the
Sol.(b) The formal title of the 1. Preamble: It inserted words Socialist, Indian Constitution. It contains the
amendment is the Constitution (First Secular and Integrity in the preamble. powers, authority and responsibilities
Amendment) Act, 1951. It was moved 2. Legislature: Life of Lok Sabha and of Municipalities.
by the then Prime Minister of India, state assemblies was extended from 5
Jawaharlal Nehru, on 10 May 1951 and to 6 years. Q.191. Under which constitutional
enacted by the Parliament on 18 June 3. President: Article 74 was amended amendment act, the Preamble of the
1951. which states that the president shall act Constitution was amended ?
in accordance with the advice of the SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning)
Q.185. Article 21-A was introduced by council of ministers. (a) 52nd (b) 56th (c) 44th (d) 42nd
which Constitutional Amendment Act? 4. Fundamental Rights: All DPSP were
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon) given precedence over the fundamental Sol.(d) The 42nd Amendment Act
(a) 93rd (b) 85th (c) 73rd (d) 86th rights under articles 14, 19 and 31. amended the Preamble of constitution
5. Part IVA was added having article and changed the description of India
Sol.(d) The 86th Amendment Act, 2002 51A containing Fundamental Duties of from a "sovereign democratic republic"
inserted the Article 21-A in the the citizens. to a "sovereign, socialist secular,
Constitution of India that states free democratic republic", and also changed
and compulsory education to all Q.188. Which part was added in the the words "unity of the nation" to
children in the age group of six to Indian Constitution by the 74th "unity and integrity of the nation".
fourteen years as a Fundamental Right. Amendment Act of 1992?.
SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q.192. Which amendment made it
Q.186. Which Constitutional (a) IX A (b) IX mandatory for the President to give his
Amendment Act introduced (c) IX C (d) IX B assent to the Constitutional
Anti-Defection Provisions in the Amendment bills?
Constitution? Sol.(a) The 74th Amendment Act 1992 SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning)
SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon) added Part IX A in the constitution. (a)24th (b)58th (c)44th (d)28th
(a) 52nd Constitutional Amendment The Amendment Act defined the
Act municipal area and the municipality. Sol.(a) The 24th Amendment Act of
(b) 44th Constitutional Amendment Further, it lays down the rules & the Constitution of India enables the
Act regulations regarding the organisation Parliament to amend any provision of
(c) 86th Constitutional Amendment Act powers, functions and finances of the the Constitution. It also makes it
(d) 43rd Constitutional Amendment institutions of Urban Local obligatory for the President to give his
Act Government. assent, when a Constitution
Amendment Bill is presented to him.
Sol.(a) The 52nd Constitutional Q.189. Which amendment limited the
Amendment Act, 1985 added schedule size of the council of ministers to 15% Q.193. _________ Constitution
10 in the Indian Constitution and of the total size of the house ? Amendment Act, 2002 provided for
provided provisions related to SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening) free and compulsory elementary
anti-defection. It laid down the process (a) 74th (b) 86th (c) 91st (d) 61st education to all children.
by which legislators may be SSC CGL 07/06/2019 (Afternoon)
disqualified on the grounds of Sol.(c) The 91st amendment Act, 2003 (a) 84th (b) 85th (c) 86th (d) 87th
defection. of the Indian Constitution states that
the total number of Ministers, including Sol.(c) The Constitutional 86th
Q.187. Which amendment of the the Prime Minister, in the Council of Amendment Act, 2002 provided for the
Constitution is called as the ‘mini Ministers shall not exceed 15% of the right to free and compulsory education
constitution of India’ and was brought total number of members of the House to all the children of the age group of
in during the national emergency in the of the People (Lok Sabha ). 6-14 years.
year 1976?
SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning) Q.190. Which schedule of the Indian Q.194. Under which of the following
(a) 54th (b) 25th (c) 24th (d) 42nd Constitution is related to the Amendments to the Constitution of
Municipalities ? India is defection to another party after
SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening) election made illegal? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 255

Pinnacle Polity

SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Afternoon) ‘unity of the nation’ to ‘unity and the number of ministers, including the
(a) 92nd (b) 61st integrity of the nation’. Chief Minister, in a state shall not be
(c) 52nd (d) 86th less than 12.
Q.198. Which of the following articles
Sol.(c) Constitution’s 52nd Amendment of the Constitution of India was Q.200. As of 30th June 2020, the
Act, 1985 provided provisions related invoked by the Kerala government to Preamble to the Indian Constitution
to anti-defection in India. In this
file a petition against the Citizenship was amended ______.
amendment, articles 101, 102, 190 and
191 were changed. It laid down the (Amendment) Act (CAA) in the SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening)
process by which legislators may be Supreme Court on 14 January 2020? / (a) twice (b) five times
disqualified on grounds of defection SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Afternoon) (c) once (d) thrice
and inserted schedule 10. (a) Article 131 (b) Article 23
(c) Article 368 (d) Article 17 Sol.(c) Preamble of the constitution of
Q.195. In which year was the first India was amended only once in the
amendment to the Constitution of India Sol.(a) Article 131 of the Constitution year 1976 under the 42nd amendment
made? of India was invoked by the Kerala of the constitution. In the preamble
SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Morning) government to file a petition against the three important words were added to
(a)1950 (b)1952 Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA) the constitution i.e., Socialist, Secular,
(c)1951 (d)1953 in the Supreme Court on 14 January and Integrity. As there were so many
2020. Article 368- Power of Parliament changes made in this amendment, this
Sol.(c) The Constitution (First to amend the Constitution and amendment is also known as ‘Mini
Amendment) Act, 1951, enacted in Procedure constitution’.
1951, made several changes to the
Fundamental Rights provisions of the Q.199. As per the Constitution Q.201. The first hour of every
Indian constitution. It provided against ninety-first amendment act, 2003, the parliamentary meeting is for _____.
abuse of freedom of speech and total number of Ministers, including the SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon)
expression, validation of zamindari Chief Minister, in the Council of (a) Point of Order
abolition laws, and clarified that the Ministers in a State cannot exceed (b) Discussion on Money bill
right to equality does not bar the ______ of the total number of members (c) Question hour
enactment of laws which provide of the Legislative Assembly of that (d) Zero hour
"special consideration" for weaker State.
sections of society. SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Morning) Sol.(c) The first hour of a sitting
(a) 15% (b) 10% (c) 20% (d) 25% session of Lok Sabha is named as
Q.196. When was the 44th Question hour which is devoted to
Constitutional Amendment Act Sol.(a) Following amendments were questions that the Members of
enacted? made during the 91st Amendment Act, Parliament raise about any aspect of
SSC CHSL 19-03-2020 (Evening) 2003 to limit the size of Council of administrative activity.
(a) 1978 (b) 1975 Ministers, to debar defectors from
(c) 1976 (d) 1972 holding public offices and to strengthen Q.202. Which of the following
the anti-defection law: Amendment Acts of the Constitution of
Sol.(a) The 44th Constitutional (a) The total number of ministers, India conferred
Amendment Act was enacted in 1978. including the Prime Minister, in the statehood to Goa and formed a new
Central Council of Ministers, shall not union territory comprising of Daman
Q.197. Which of the following words exceed 15% of the total strength of the and Diu? SSC CGL
was inserted in the Preamble by the Lok Sabha. 20/08/21(Afternoon)
Constitution (42nd Amendment) Act, (b) A member of either house of (a) 23rd Amendment Act
1976? Parliament or State Legislature (b) 56th Amendment Act
SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Afternoon) belonging to any political party who is (c) 67th Amendment Act
(a) Equality (b) Liberty disqualified on the ground of defection (d) 45th Amendment Act
(c) Justice (d) Socialist shall also be disqualified to be
appointed as a minister. Sol.(b) 56th Amendment Act of the
Sol.(d) The 42nd Constitutional (c) The total number of ministers, Constitution of India conferred
Amendment Act, 1976 changed including the Chief Minister, in the statehood to Goa and formed a new
‘sovereign democratic republic’ to a Council of Ministers in a state shall not union territory comprising Daman and
‘sovereign, socialist secular democratic exceed 15% of the total strength of the Diu. Initially, Goa was a Portuguese
republic’ and also changed the words Legislative Assembly of that state. But, colony, which the Indian government Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 256

Pinnacle Polity

annexed on 19 Dec 1961. After that, it "unity of the nation" to "unity and Q.209. Which Constitutional
was conferred the title of a union integrity of the nation". The 42nd Amendment gave constitutional status
territory comprising Goa, Daman and Amendment is also called as Mini to the Panchayati Raj Institutions? SSC
Diu. Later on, in 1987, it was given the constitution MTS 2/11/2021 (Afternoon)
title of state by the 56 Amendment Act (a) 86th Amendment Act, 2002
of the Indian Constitution. Q.206. (c) Which amendment of the (b) 71st Amendment Act, 1992
Constitution of India incorporated Goa, (c) 73rd Amendment Act, 1992
Q.203. Through which amendment was Daman and Diu as the eighth union (d) 92ndAmendment Act, 2003
the Tenth Schedule added to the territory of India, by amending the First
Constitution of India? Schedule to the Constitution? SSC Sol.(c) 73rd Amendment Act, 1992
SSC CGL 23/08/21(Evening) CHSL 12/8/2021 (Morning) gave constitutional status to the
(a) 52nd (b) 53rd (a) 13th (b) 10th (c) 12th (d) 18th Panchayati Raj Institutions. The 86th
(c) 42nd (d) 43rd Constitutional Amendment (2002)
Sol.(c) 12th constitutional amendment inserted Article 21A in the Indian
Sol.(a) The Tenth Schedule was added Act,1962 incorporated Goa, Daman, Constitution which states: “The State
to the Constitution of India through the and Diu as the eighth Union territory of shall provide free and compulsory
52nd Amendment Act of 1985. It is India, by amending the First Schedule education to all children of 6 to 14
also called Anti-defection law and it to the Constitution. years.71st Amendment Act, 1992
provides for the disqualification of the
amended the Eighth Schedule to the
members of Parliament and the state Q.207. In which year did the Constitution. 92nd Amendment Act,
legislatures on the ground of deflection Government of India pass the 2003, amended the Eighth Schedule to
of one political party to another. Disabilities Act? SSC MTS 18/10/2021 the Constitution so as to include Bodo,
(Morning) Dogri, Maithili, and Santali languages,
Q.204. What is the minimum age to be (a) 1995 (b) 1993
thereby raising the total number of
an eligible voter for Lok Sabha (c) 1997 (d) 1992
elections? SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 languages listed in the schedule to 22.
(Evening) Sol.(a) In 1995 the Government of
(a) 17 years (b) 15 years Q.210. In which of the following
India passed the Disabilities Act. This
(c) 18 years (d) 16 years sections of the Punjab Reorganisation
law states that persons with disabilities
Act, 1966 is
have equal rights and that the
Sol.(c) The 61st Amendment of the Chandigarh defined as a Union
government should make possible their Territory? SSC MTS 2/1/2021
constitution of India lowered the voting
full participation in society. (Evening)
age of elections to the Lok Sabha and
to the legislative assemblies of states (a) Section 3 (b) Section 6
Q.208. As per Section 2 of the (c) Section 4 (d) Section 1
from 21years in 1989.
Antiquities and Art Treasures Act,
1972, ‘Antiquities’ include Sol.(c) Section 4 of the Punjab
Q.205. By which amendment of the
'any manuscript, record or other Reorganisation Act, 1966 defined
Constitution of India were the terms
document which is of scientific, Chandigarh as a Union Territory.
‘socialist’ and ‘secular’
historical, literary or
added in the preamble? SSC CHSL
aesthetic value and which has been in
5/8/2021 (Evening)
existence for not less than ______
(a) Constitution (Forty-First Fundamental Rights and
years'. SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Morning)
Amendment) Act, 1976 Duties
(a) 125 (b) 150 (c) 50 (d) 75
(b) Constitution (Forty-Third
Amendment) Act, 1977 Q.211. Which of the following writs
Sol.(d) As per Section 2 of the
(c) Constitution (Forty-Fourth provides a remedy for a person who has
Antiquities and Art Treasures Act,
Amendment) Act, 1978 been unlawfully held in prison ?
1972, ‘Antiquities’ include
(d) Constitution (Forty-Second SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening)
'any manuscript, record or other
Amendment) Act, 1976 (a) Certiorari (b) Habeas Corpus
documents which is of scientific,
(c) Mandamus (d) Prohibition
Sol.(d) The 42nd Amendment changed historical, literary or
the description of India from a aesthetic value and which has been in
Sol.(b) Habeas Corpus (You may have
"sovereign democratic republic" to a existence for not less than 75 years.
the body) - To release the person who
"sovereign, socialist secular democratic
republic", and also changed the words Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 257

Pinnacle Polity

has been detained unlawfully whether Sol.(c) The Right of Children to Free to the Constitution of India by the 42nd
in prison or in private custody. and Compulsory Education Act 2009 Amendment?
Mandamus (We command)- To secure (RTE Act) was passed by the Indian SSC CGL 24/08/21(Afternoon)
the performance of the public duties by Parliament on 4 August 2009 which (a) 1950 (b) 1976
lower court, tribunal or public came into force from 1 April 2010. It (c) 1982 (d) 1964
authority. provides free and compulsory
Certiorari (To be certified)- To quash elementary education to all the children Sol.(b) In 1976, the Fundamental
the order already passed by an inferior in the age group of 6–14 years. Duties of citizens were added to the
court, tribunal or quasi judicial Constitution of India by the 42nd
authority. Q.215. The Right against exploitation Amendment. The 42nd Amendment is
Prohibition- To prohibit an inferior is a _____. also called the mini-constitution of
court from counting the proceedings in SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon) India because of the voluminous
a particular case where it has no (a) Constitutional Right changes made in the constitution.
jurisdiction to try. (b) Method
QuoWarronto(What is your authority)- (c) Fundamental Right Q.219. Features of Fundamental Rights
To restrain a person from holding a (d) Legal Right in the Indian Constitution partly derives
public office which he is not entitled to. its inspiration from the Bill of Rights,
Sol.(c) The right against exploitation is enshrined in the Constitution of
Q.212. Which of the following is NOT one of the most important fundamental ______. SSC CHSL 15/04/21
related to fundamental rights ? rights provided by the Indian (Morning)
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening) Constitution to every citizen of the (a) United States of America
(a) Right to form association country. This right aims at protecting (b) Canada
(b) Right to education citizens from being subjugated to (c) Australia
(c) Right to life environmental, domestic and work (d) Ireland
(d) Right to property hazards.
Sol.(a) Features of Fundamental Rights
Sol.(d) The 44th Amendment of 1978 Q.216. When was the right to property in the Indian Constitution partly derives
removed the right to property from the removed from the list of fundamental its inspiration from the Bill of Rights,
list of fundamental rights by the then rights? enshrined in the Constitution of the
ruling Janta Party. SSC CHSL 17-03-2020 (Afternoon) United States of America. Directive
(a) 1975 (b) 1980 Principles of State Policy were adopted
Q.213. Forming an association in India (c) 1978 (d) 1977 from the Irish Constitution. Centrifugal
is ______. form of federalism where the center is
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening) Sol.(c) The 44th Amendment Act in stronger than the states was adopted
(a) Fundamental Right 1978 removed the right to property from Canada. The concept of the
(b) Legal right from the list of fundamental rights. Concurrent list was adopted from
(c) Natural Right Australia.
(d) Constitutional Right Q.217. India is called a secular country
because citizens have the fundamental Q.220. ______ is a draft of a legislative
Sol.(a) Article 19(1) (c) of the right to: proposal before the House. SSC CHSL
Constitution of India guarantees to all SSC CHSL 19-10-2020 (Morning) 15/04/21 (Afternoon)
its citizens the right “to form (a) Freedom of speech and expression (a) A bill (b) A revocation
associations, unions or Co- Operative (b) Move freely throughout India (c) A provision (d) An act
Societies.” (c) Live with human dignity
(d) Freedom to profess religion of one's Sol.(a) All legislative proposals have to
Q.214. The Right of Children to Free choice be brought in the form of Bills before
and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, Parliament. A Bill is a statute in the
which gives every child aged 6-14 the Sol.(d) As per Article 25, citizens have draft and cannot become law unless it
fundamental right for education, was the fundamental right to freedom of has received the approval of both the
assented to in which year? conscience and free profession, practice Houses of Parliament and the assent of
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning) and propagation of religion. the President of India.
(a) 2001 (b) 1975
(c) 2009 (d) 1947 Q.218. In which year were the Q.221. The total number of
Fundamental Duties of citizens added fundamental duties provided by the Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 258

Pinnacle Polity

Constitution of India is: SSC CHSL (a) Part IVA (b) Part II These fundamental duties of India are
10/8/2021 (Afternoon) (c) Part X (d) Part III added to promote unity & harmony in
(a) 29 (b) 11 (c) 32 (d) 19 the country. 42nd Constitutional
Sol.(a) Part IVA of the Constitution of Amendment Act 1976, introduced
Sol.(b) The fundamental duties of India deals with the duties of citizens. Article 51 A in the constitution. The
citizens were added to the constitution Fundamental duties were added by the 42nd Amendment Act, 1976 is called a
by the 42nd Amendment in 1976, upon 42nd and 86th Constitutional mini-constitution. Number of
the recommendations of the Swaran Amendment acts. The Fundamental fundamental duties - 11.
Singh Committee. There are 11 Duties are defined as the moral
fundamental duties in India, which are obligations of all citizens to help
written in Part IV-A of the promote a spirit of patriotism and to
Committee Report
Constitution, to promote patriotism and uphold the unity of India.
strengthen the unity of India.
Q.228. The Malimath Committee
Q.225. What does Article 32 of the
Report deals with :
Q.222. Which of the following writs is Indian Constitution deal with? SSC
SSC CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning)
a challenge to the legality of a MTS 05/10/21(Afternoon)
(a) Judicial delays
prisoner's detention? SSC CHSL (a) Right to Life
(b) textile sector reforms
11/8/2021 (Afternoon) (b) Right to Property
(c) criminal justice system reforms
(a) Mandamus (b) Quo Warranto (c) Right to Constitutional Remedies
(d) stock market reforms
(c) Habeas corpus (d) Prohibition (d) Financial Emergency

Sol.(c) The Malimath committee

Sol.(c) Habeas corpus:- This writ is Sol.(c) Article 32 of the Indian
submitted its report in 2003 which
used to release a person who has been Constitution deals with the Right to
made recommendations on crime
unlawfully detained or imprisoned. Constitutional Remedies or affirms the
investigation and punishment. The key
Mandamus:- It is issued by the Court right to move the Supreme Court by
recommendations of the committee
against a public official, public appropriate proceedings for the
include stringent punishment for false
corporation, tribunal, inferior court, or enforcement of the rights conferred in
registration of cases, strong scrutiny of
the government to direct a public Part III of the Constitution.
the proof submitted in criminal cases
authority to perform the legal duties and considering the confessions made
which it has not or refused to perform. Q.226. Article ______ of the
before a superintendent level officer as
Constitution of India deals with
evidence in a court of law.
freedom to manage religious affairs.
Q.223. According to the fundamental
SSC MTS 06/10/21(Morning)
rights provided by the Constitution of Q.229. Which panel set up by the
(a) 21 (b) 26
India, the state is bound to provide free Government of India suggested total
(c) 51 (d) 56
and compulsory education to all decontrol of the sugar industry?
children from the age of: SSC CHSL SSC CGL 04/06/2019 (Afternoon)
Sol.(b) Article 26 of the Constitution of
12/8/2021 (Evening) (a) RamSevak Panel
India deals with the freedom to manage
(a) 4 to 15 years (b) 6 to 14 years (b) Rangarajan Panel
religious affairs. Article 26 provides
(c) 4 to 18 years (d) 3 to 18 years (c) RadheShyam Panel
every religious group a right to
(d) Sri Krishna Panel
establish and maintain institutions for
Sol.(b) Article 21-A of the
religious and charitable purposes,
Constitution of India provides for free Sol.(b) The Government of India set up
manage its affairs, properties as per the
and compulsory education of all Rangarajan Panel for total decontrol of
children in the age group of 6 to 14 the sugar industry in November 2012.
years as a Fundamental Right. The 86th
Q.227. Fundamental Duties of citizens
Constitutional Amendment in 2002, Q.230. The _____________ was a
were added to the Constitution of India
provided the Right to Education as a group of seven Members of Parliament
in the year ______. SSC MTS
fundamental right in Part-III of the from the United Kingdom, constituted
2/11/2021 (Morning)
Constitution. to suggest constitutional reforms for
(a) 1976 (b) 1983
British India.
(c) 1967 (d) 1951
Q.224. Which part of the Constitution SSC CGL 06/06/2019 (Evening)
of India deals with the duties of (a) Fraser Commission
Sol.(a) Fundamental Duties(Part IVA)
citizens? SSC MTS (b) Hunter Commission
of citizens were added to the
05/10/21(Afternoon) (c) Sargent Commission
Constitution of India in the year 1976. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 259

Pinnacle Polity

(d) Simon Commission Q.237. Who among the following is

Q.234. Second Backward Classes NOT a part of the committee, which is
Sol.(d) Simon Commission, was a Commission is also known as _______. constructed to provide suggestions to
group of seven British Members of SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening) the Prime Minister regarding the
Parliament under the chairmanship of (a) Mandal Commission appointment of a chief commissioner of
Sir John Simon. The commission (b)Tendulkar Commission the Central Information Commission?
arrived in British India in 1928 to study (c) Nehru Commission SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Evening)
constitutional reforms in India. (d)Ambedkar Commission (a) Speaker of the Lok Sabha
(b) A Union Cabinet Minister
Q.231. Which of the following Sol.(a) The second Backward Classes appointed by Prime Minister
committees recommended inclusion of Commission is also called the Mandal (c) Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha
fundamental duties? Commission which was established by (d) Prime Minister
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning) the then Indian Government.
(a) Tarapore Committee Sol.(a) A chief commissioner of the
(b) Radha Krishnan Committee Q.235.______ are the guidelines laid Central Information Commission is
(c) Swaran Singh Committee down by the Supreme Court for appointed by the President on the
(d) Balwantrai Mehta Committee specific requirements and procedures, recommendation of a committee
which the police have to follow to consisting of the Prime Minister as
Sol.(c) The 42nd Constitutional arrest, detain and interrogate any Chairperson, the Leader of Opposition
Amendment Act in 1976 added The person. in the Lok Sabha, and a Union Cabinet
Fundamental Duties of citizens on the SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) Minister nominated by the Prime
recommendations of the Swaran Singh (a)K.C Roberto Guidelines Minister.
Committee that was constituted by the (b)D. K Basu Guidelines
government. (c)Menka Guidelines Q.238. Which of the following persons
(d)Vishakha Guidelines was NOT a part of the Committee of
Q.232. The Inter-State Council was set Administrators (CoA) appointed by the
up by the recommendations of which Sol.(b) D. K. Basu Guidelines are the Supreme Court of India in 2017, to
committee? specific requirements and procedures oversee the implementation of the
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) laid down by the Supreme Court of Lodha reforms in the Board of Control
(a) Sarkaria committee India for the police and other agencies for Cricket in India (BCCI)? SSC MTS
(b) Y V Reddy Committee to follow during the arrest, detention 06/10/21(Morning)
(c) TSR Subramanian committee and interrogation of any person. (a) Vinod Rai
(d) Chandrababu Naidu committee (b) Mahim Verma
Q.236. When did the Sarkaria (c) Vikram Limaye
Sol.(a) The Inter-State Council is a Commission submit its report? (d) Ramachandra Guha
non-permanent constitutional body set SSC CHSL 12-10-2020 (Afternoon)
up by a presidential order on the (a) 1986 (b) 1984 Sol.b) Mahim Verma was NOT a part
recommendation of Sarkaria (c) 1985 (d) 1988 of the Committee of Administrators
Commission in 1990. (CoA) appointed by the Supreme Court
Sol.(d) The Sarkaria Commission was of India in 2017, to oversee the
Q.233. The Vijay Kelkar Committee set up in 1983 under the Chairmanship implementation of the Lodha reforms
was formed to study and evaluate of Justice Ranjit Singh Sarkaria and in the Board of Control for Cricket in
_______. submitted its report in 1988. It was set India (BCCI). The Supreme Court of
SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning) up to examine the relationship and India had appointed 4 eminent
(a) Public-Private participation model balance of power between state and personalities - former CAG Vinod Rai,
(b) The state of sugar mills central governments in the country and historian Ramachandra Guha, former
(c) Privatisation of Air India suggest changes within the framework India women's captain Diana Edulji
(d) Poverty in India of the Constitution. Despite the large and Vikram Limaye, managing director
size of the report, the Commission and CEO of IDFC (Infrastructure
Sol.(a) The Kelkar committee was recommended, by and large, status quo Development Finance Corporation).
constituted to study and evaluate the in the Centre-State relations, especially
Public Private participation model and in the areas relating to legislative Q.239. Which Commission
to improve capacity building in matters, the role of Governors and the recommended 27% reservation for
Government for their effective use of Article 356. OBC candidates in all levels of
implementation. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 260

Pinnacle Polity

government services? SSC MTS Q.242. Name the first ever judge of the resignation to the Vice President of
07/10/21 (Morning) Supreme Court against whom the India
(a) Sarkaria Commission motion of impeachment was introduced
(b) Mandal Commission into Parliament in Independent India. Q.245. Who was the prime minister of
(c) Balwant Commission SSC CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning) India during “the Emergency” between
(d) Kothari Commission (a) Justice Viraswami the years 1975 to 1977?
(b) Justice Ramaswami SSC CGL 07/06/2019 (Afternoon)
Sol.(b) Mandal Commission (c) Justice Mahajan (a) Indira Gandhi(b) Rajiv Gandhi
recommended 27% reservation for (d) Justice Subba Rao (c) Morarji Desai (d) Charan Singh
OBC candidates in all levels of
government services. The Commission Sol.(b) V.Ramaswami was the first Sol.(a) During the period of Emergency
recommended that members of OBCs judge of the Supreme Court of India which lasted for a period of 19 months
be given 27 percent reservations for against whom removal proceedings (1975-1977) , Indira Gandhi was the
jobs under the Central government and were initiated in independent India. prime minister of India.
public sector undertakings. Other judges to face removal
proceedings are Soumitra Sen of Q.246. The maximum number of
Q240. The ‘Second Backward Classes Calcutta High Court and Chief Justice nominated members to Lok Sabha is:
Commission’ in 1979 was headed by: Dinakaran of Sikkim High Court. SSC CGL 07/06/2019 (Evening)
SSC MTS 08/10/21(evening) (a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 1 (d) 2
(a) Jai Prakash Narayan Q.243. In case of death of the President
(b) BP Mandal and the Vice President of India, the Sol.(d) Maximum strength of the
(c) VK Sahni ____________ will act as the President Lower House is 552 members - 530
(d) BR Ambedkar of India. members come from States, 20
SSC CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning) members to represent the Union
Sol.(b) The ‘Second Backward Classes (a) Parliament chosen candidate Territories and 2 members to be
(b) Prime Minister of India nominated by the President from the
Commission’ in 1979 was headed by:
(c) Chief Justice of India Anglo-Indian Community.
BP Mandal. In 1979, the Morarji Desai
(d) Attorney General of India
government chose Bindeshwari Prasad
Q.247. The power to summon the
Mandal, a former chief minister of
Sol.(c) The Indian parliament has Houses of Parliament is vested with the
Bihar, to head the Second Backward
enacted the law—The President _______.
Class Commission.
(Discharge of Functions) Act, 1969 for SSC CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning)
the discharge of the functions of the (a) Prime Minister (b) Speaker
Q.241. In 1990, the Dinesh Goswami president when vacancies occur in the (c) Vice President (d) President
Committee was formed to make office of the president and the
recommendations on: SSC MTS vice-president simultaneously, owing to
20/10/2021 (Morning) removal, death, resignation of the Sol.(d) The President alone has the
(a) centre-state relations incumbent.. In such a case, the Chief power to summon the House from time
(b) police reforms Justice of the Supreme Court of India is to time and prorogue the House or
(c) electoral reforms available—discharges the functions of either Houses, and to dissolve the
(d) fundamental duties the president until a newly elected House of the People(Lok Sabha).
President resumes his/her office.
Sol.(c) In 1990, the Dinesh Goswami Q.248. The Parliament of India consists
Committee was formed to make Q.244. In case the President of India of __________.
recommendations on electoral wants to resign, he would address his SSC CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning)
reforms.The Ministry of Law and resignation to the _____________. (a) President, House of the People and
Justice, Government of India, has SSC CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning) Council of States
constituted a Committee on Electoral (a) Chief Justice of India (b) House of the People
Reforms. (b) Vice President of India (c) House of the People and Council of
(c) Chief Election Commissioner of States
India (d) Council of States
Parliament (d) Prime Minister of India
Sol.(a) Parliament is a bicameral
Sol.(b) In case the President of Indian legislature composed of the President
wants to resign, he would address his of India and the two houses: the Rajya Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 261

Pinnacle Polity

Sabha (Council of States) and the Lok Sol.(a) The quorum to constitute a Sol.(a) Matters, which are not points of
Sabha (House of the People). sitting of the Lok Sabha is one-tenth of order, can be raised by way of Special
the total number of Members of the Mentions under Rule 377 of Lok
Q.249. Which of the following is called House under article 100(3) of the Sabha.
the ‘popular chamber’? Constitution of India.
SSC-CGL 12/06/2019 Morning Q.257. After 1994, how many sessions
(a) State Assembly(b) Rajya Sabha Q.253. The first session of the first Lok of the Rajya Sabha are usually held in a
(c) Lok Sabha (d) Gram Sabha Sabha commenced on ________. year?
SSC-CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning) SSC-CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
Sol.(c) Lok Sabha is called the popular (a) 26th January 1950 (a) four (b) two (c) three (d) six
chamber. The Lok Sabha, (b) 15th August 1947
constitutionally the House of the (c) 15th August 1951 Sol.(c) Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha,
People, is the lower house of India's (d) 13th May 1952 meet every year to consider legislative
bicameral Parliament, with the upper measures on the multiple bills
house being the Rajya Sabha. Sol.(d) The First Lok Sabha was introduced and pending approval.
constituted on 17 April 1952 after There are three sessions of the
Q.250. The power to enquire into and India's first general election.The First Parliament including both the houses -
decide all the doubts and disputes Session of this Lok Sabha commenced Budget, Monsoon and Winter seasons.
arising out of election of the president on 13 May 1952.
is vested in: Q.258. ____was the Chief Justice of
SSC-CHSL 3/07/2019 Evening Q.254. Who decides the admissibility India from January 1950 to November
(a) The Chairman of Rajya Sabha of Questions in Lok Sabha? 1951.
(b) The Prime Minister of India SSC-CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning) SSC-CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
(c) The Supreme Court (a) Speaker (a) Bijan Kumar Mukherjea
(d) The Election Commission (b) Prime Minister (b) Harilal Jekisundas Kania
(c) Deputy Speaker (c) Mehr Chand Mahajan
Sol.(c) The Supreme Court inquires all (d) Vice President (d) Bhuvaneshwar Prasad Sinha
doubts and disputes arising out in
connection with the election of the Sol.(a) The speaker of Lok Sabha Sol.(b) Justice Sir Harilal Jekisundas
president.. decides the admissibility of Questions Kania (3 November 1890 – 6
in Lok Sabha. November 1951) was the first Chief
Q.251. Who presides over the joint Justice of India from 1950 to 1951.
sitting of the two Houses of Q.255. In Parliamentary proceedings,
Parliament? how many matters per day as per their Q.259. Who appoints the chief justice
SSC-CHSL 5/07/2019 (Evening) priority in the ballot are allowed to be of India ?
(a) Prime Minister raised during 'Zero Hour'? SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(b) The Speaker of the Lok Sabha SSC-CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening) (a)Prime Minister
(c) The Vice President (a) 21 (b) 18 (c) 19 (d) 20 (b)Loksabha Speaker
(d) President (c)Vice-President
Sol.(d) Lok Sabha, only 20 matters can (d)President
Sol.(b) According to the Article 108 of be raised during the Zero Hour. In
the Indian Constitution, The joint Rajya Sabha, the total number of Sol.(d) According to the Article 124(2)
sitting of the Parliament is called by the requests is not allowed to exceed seven of the Indian Constitution, The Chief
President and is presided over by the on a single day. The total time allocated Justice of India and the Judges of the
Speaker. for Zero Hour is 30 minutes wherein a Supreme Court are appointed by the
member gets three minutes to raise the President.
Q.252. The quorum to constitute a issue.
sitting of the Lok Sabha is_____of the Q.260. Who among the following
total number of Members of the House Q.256. Matters, which are not points of became the country’s Vice President
under article 100(3) of the Constitution order, can be raised by way of Special twice ?
of India. Mentions under SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening)
SSC-CHSL 5/07/2019 (Evening) Rule ________ of Lok Sabha. (a) Bhairon Singh Shekhawat
(a) one-tenth (b) one-fifth SSC-CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening) (b) Mohammad Hidayatullah
(c) one-third (d) half (a) 377 (b) 302 (c) 223 (d) 214 (c) Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
(d) K R Narayanan Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 262

Pinnacle Polity

However, the maximum validity of an (c) Vidhan Parishad

Sol.(c) Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan was ordinance is 6 months and 6 weeks. (d) Vidhan Sabha
elected as the first Vice-President of
India and elected for two consecutive Q.264. As per Article 274 of Sol.(b) India's legislative system
terms between 1952- 1962. constitution, whose prior consists of the President, the Rajya
recommendation is required to the Bills Sabha (Council of States) as the upper
Q.261. Which of the following affecting taxation ? house and the Lok Sabha (House of the
statements regarding the Lok sabha is SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning) People) as the lower house.
NOT correct ? (a) Chairman of Rajya Sabha
SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon) (b) Union Finance Minister Q.267. Who has to resign when the
(a) Central council of ministers is (c) President No-Confidence Motion is passed in the
collectively responsible to the Lok (d) Prime MInister Lok Sabha ?
Sabha SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(b) Whether the bill is a money bill or Sol..(c) Article 274 {Prior (a) Lok Sabha Speaker
not, the final decision will be taken by recommendation of President required (b) The leader of Opposition
the leader of the opposition. to Bills affecting taxation in which (c) Council of Ministers
(c) Money bill can be presented only in States are interested}. No Bill or (d) President
the Lok Sabha amendment which imposes or varies
(d) The No-confidence motion against any tax or duty in which States are Sol.(c) A total of 175 votes of the MPs
the council of ministers can be interested shall be moved in either are needed in the favour of a
presented only in the Lok Sabha House of Parliament except on the declaration of a no confidence motion.
recommendation of the President. However, if an individual Minister
Sol.(b) It is incorrect to say the leader loses the confidence motion , he/she
of the opposition decides whether the Q.265. Who among the following takes must resign. If , in case, the Prime
bill is a money bill or not. part in the election of the President of Minister of India loses the no
A Money Bill can be introduced in Lok India? confidence motion, his/her entire
Sabha only. If any question arises SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) government must also resign.
whether a Bill is a Money Bill or not, (a) Elected Members of both the houses
the decision of the Speaker thereon is of Parliament and Legislative Q.268. Any act passed by the
final. Assemblies of the states. parliament becomes a law only after
(b) Elected and nominated members of the approval of _______.
Q.262. When was the first Lok Sabha both the houses of Parliament. SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening)
constituted ? (c) Elected members of both the houses (a) Law Minister
SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning) of Parliament only. (b) President
(a)1950 (b)1948 (d) Elected and nominated members of (c) Supreme Court
(c)1952 (d)1951 both the houses of Parliament and (d) Prime Minister
Legislative Assemblies of the states.
Sol.(c) The First Lok Sabha was Sol.(b) A bill is the draft of a legislative
constituted on 17 April 1952 after Sol.(a) The President is chosen by an proposal, which becomes a law after
India's first general election. The electoral college consisting of the receiving the approval of both the
tenure of the 1st Lok Sabha was five elected members of both the houses of houses of the Parliament and the assent
years and it was dissolved on 4 April Parliament (M.P.s), the elected of the President. Without the assent of
1957. members of the State Legislative the President, an act cannot become a
Assemblies (Vidhan Sabha) of all law.
Q.263. Who among the following has States and the elected members of the
the power to promulgate ordinance ? legislative assemblies (MLAs) of two Q.269. Who among the following does
SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening) union territories, i.e., National Capital NOT take part in the election of the
(a) Prime Minister Territory (NCT) of Delhi and Union President of India ?
(b) President Territory of Puducherry. SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening)
(c) Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (a) Elected Members of State Assembly
(d) Defence Minister Q.266. The Upper House of the Indian (b) Elected Members of the Lok Sabha
Parliament is also known as _____. (c) Elected Member of Rajya Sabha
Sol.(b) The President can issue an SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning) (d) Nominated Members of Parliament
ordinance when one of the houses of (a) Lok Sabha
the Parliament is not in session. (b) Rajya Sabha Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 263

Pinnacle Polity

Sol.(d) Only the elected members of (c) Deputy speaker(d) Vice president
both Houses of Parliament and of the Sol.(b) The final decision on whether a
State Legislative Assemblies are the bill is related to finance or money is Sol.(a) The Speaker decides the
members of the Electoral College of made by the Lok Sabha Speaker when admissibility of Questions in Lok
Presidential Election. Therefore, passed by the Lok Sabha and then sent Sabha.
nominated members cannot vote in the to Rajya Sabha.
election of the President of India. Q.277. In Parliamentary proceedings,
Q.273. In the context of the Indian how many matters per day as per their
Q.270. Who presides over the joint parliament what is 'Zero Hour'? priority in the ballot are allowed to be
sitting of Lok Sabha and the Rajya SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Morning) raised during ‘Zero Hour’?
Sabha? (a) Time immediately after Question SSC CHSL 08/07/2019 (Evening)
SSC CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon) Hour (a)21 (b)18 (c)19 (d)20
(a) Speaker of Lok Sabha (b) Time in the last half of the
(b) Deputy Speaker of Lok sabha parliamentary proceeding Sol.(d) In Parliamentary proceedings,
(c) Prime Minister (c) Time before Question Hour 20 matters per day as per their priority
(d) Vice President (d) Time in the first half of the in the ballot are allowed to be raised
parliamentary proceeding during ‘Zero Hour’.
Sol.(a) According to the Article 108,
The joint sitting of the Parliament is Sol.(a) In the context of Indian Q.278. Which of the following
summoned by the President and is parliament, the time immediately after Parliamentary Committee does NOT
presided over by the Speaker of Lok the Question Hour is 'Zero Hour'. It is draw any members from Rajya Sabha?
Sabha or, in his absence, by the Deputy referred to as the time gap between the SSC CHSL 10/07/2019 (Morning)
Speaker of the Lok Sabha. end of Question Hour and the (a) Committee on Estimates
beginning of the regular business (b) Committee on Petitions
Q.271. Rule ____ (of the Rules of (c) Committee on Public Undertakings
Procedure and conduct of business in Q.274. How many sessions of the Lok (d) Committee on Public Accounts
Lok Sabha) does NOT involve formal Sabha are normally held in a year?
motion before the Parliament House, SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Afternoon) Sol.(a) The Estimates Committee is a
hence no voting. (a) 7 (b) 5 (c) 3 (d) 2 Parliamentary Committee in India
SSC CGL 12/06/2019 (Evening) consisting of 30 members, elected
(a) 158 (b) 186 Sol.(c) There are generally three every year by the Lok Sabha - from
(c) 149 (d) 193 sessions of Lok Sabha that take place in amongst its Members, to examine the
a year: Budget session: February to budget estimates of the Union
Sol.(d) Rule 193: Any member May. Monsoon session: July to Government.
desirous of raising discussion on a September. Winter session: November
matter of urgent public importance may to mid December. Q.279. On any issue pertaining to the
give notice in writing to the disqualification of any member of Lok
Secretary-General specifying clearly Q.275. The first session of the Lok Sabha under the 10th Schedule of
and precisely the matter to be raised: Sabha commenced on_______. Indian Constitution, the final decision
Provided that the notice shall be SSC CHSL 08/07/2019 (Morning) is taken by_______.
accompanied by an explanatory note (a) 26th January 1950 SSC CHSL 10/07/2019 (Afternoon)
stating reasons for raising discussion on (b) 15th August 1947 (a) Speaker, Lok Sabha
the matter in question: Provided further (c) 15th August 1951 (b) Vice-President of India
that the notice shall be supported by the (d) 13th May 1952 (c) President of India
signatures of at least two other (d) Election Commision of India
members. Sol.(d) The First Lok Sabha was
constituted on 17 April 1952 after Sol.(a) If any question arises as to
Q.272. In Parliament, who takes the India's first general election. However, whether a member of a House in
final decision on whether a Bill is a the First Session of this Lok Sabha Parliament has become subject to
Money Bill or not? commenced on 13 May 1952. disqualification under the 10th
SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Morning) Schedule, the question shall be referred
(a) Vice President Q.276. Who decides the admissibility for the decision of the Chairman or, as
(b) Speaker of Questions in Lok Sabha? the case may be, the Speaker of the
(c) Finance Minister SSC CHSL 08/07/2019 (Morning) House and his decision shall be final.
(d) Prime Minister (a) Speaker (b) Prime minister Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 264

Pinnacle Polity

Q.280. Who appoints the Advocate suspend, remit or commute a death (a) The Governor of India
General of states? sentence. (b) The Prime Minister of India
SSC CGL 07-03-2020 (Evening) (c) The Chief Minister of India
(a) Governor of the state Q.282. The process of impeachment of (d) The President of India
(b) Chief Minister of the state the President of India can be initiated
(c) Chief Justice of the high court in: Sol.(d) The President of India and
(d) President of India SSC CHSL 18-03-2020 (Afternoon) Chief Justice of India are removed by
(a) Rajya Sabha but not in Lok Sabha the process of impeachment.
Sol.(a) An advocate general is a legal (b) Either house of the parliament
advisor to a state government and (c) Lok Sabha but not in Rajya Sabha Q.285. How many members of the
assists the state government in all its (d) Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha or any Rajya Sabha can be nominated by the
legal matters. He is the highest law state legislative assembly President of India?
officer in the state. The post of SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Afternoon)
advocate general is created by the Sol.(b) The only condition for the (a) 14 members (b) 10 members
constitution of India under Article 165. initiation of impeachment of the Indian (c) 16 members (d) 12 members
Whereas, the Governor of each State President is the ‘violation of the
shall appoint a person who is qualified constitution’. The process of Sol.(d) The President of India can
to be appointed as Judge of a High impeachment of the President of India nominate 12 members to Rajya Sabha.
Court as the Advocate General. The can be initiated in either house of the The nominated members are usually
office of the Advocate General in state Parliament. amongst persons having special
corresponds to the office of Attorney (i) Consider, Lok Sabha has initiated knowledge or practical experience in
General of India. the impeachment charges. Then, the literature, science, art and social
impeachment charges are signed by service.
Q.281. Which of the following one-fourth of the members of the Lok
statements is correct? Sabha and a 14 days notice is given to Q.286. Which of the following
SSC CHSL 18-03-2020 (Morning) the President of India. statements is correct?
(a) The Governor has no power to grant (ii) Lok Sabha passes the impeachment SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Morning)
pardon in respect of punishment or charges with two-third majority and (a) The President submits his
sentence inflicted by Court Martial. sends it to Rajya Sabha. Lok Sabha resignation to the Speaker of the Lok
(b) The President has no power to grant after signing the charges passes them to Sabha.
pardon in respect of punishment or Rajya Sabha for Investigation. (b) The President submits his
sentence inflicted by Court Martial. (iii) While Rajya Sabha is investigating resignation to the Vice-President.
(c) The Governor has power to grant the charges, the President has the right (c) The President submits his
pardon in case of a death sentence. to sit in the proceedings. resignation to the Chief Justice of
(d) The Governor has no power to (iv) If Rajya Sabha agrees to the India.
suspend, remit or commute a sentence charges and passes it with two-third (d) The President submits his
of death. majority, the President stands removed. resignation to the Prime Minister.
Sol.(a) The scope of the pardoning Q.283. Who acts as the President Sol.(b) The President submits his
power of the President under Article 72 during a casual vacancy that arises due resignation to the Vice-President.
is wider than the pardoning power of to the death of the President? Explanation: The President may resign
the Governor under Article 161 as SSC CHSL 19-03-2020 (Morning) from his office by submitting his
follows: (a) Nominated Lok Sabha member resignation to the Vice-President.
i) The power of the President to grant (b) Vice-President
pardon extends in cases where the (c) Lok Sabha Speaker Q287. Which of the following
punishment or sentence is by a court (d) Chief Justice of India statements is correct?
martial but Article 161 does not SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Afternoon)
provide any such power to the Sol.(b) Vice-President acts as the (a) The Vice-President can dissolve the
Governor. President during a casual vacancy that Legislative Council of a State.
ii)The President can grant pardon in all arises due to the death of the President. (b) The Governor can dissolve the
cases where the sentence given is the Legislative Assembly of a State
sentence of death but the pardoning Q.284. Who among the following can (c) The Speaker of the Lok Sabha can
power of the Governor does not extend be removed by the process of dissolve the Lok Sabha.
to death sentence cases. Governor can impeachment? (d) The President can dissolve the
SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Morning) Rajya Sabha. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 265

Pinnacle Polity

Q.291. Who was elected as the protem (b) Chief Justice of Supreme Court
Sol.(b) The President can dissolve the Speaker of the 17th Lok Sabha? (c) President
Lok Sabha. The Governor can dissolve SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Afternoon) (d) Chief Election Commissioner
the Legislative Assembly of a State. (a) Somnath Chatterjee
The Legislative Council of a State and (b) Om Birla Sol.(c) President appoints the Speaker
Rajya Sabha are not subject to (c) Virendra Kumar 'Pro tem' of the Lok Sabha. He is a
dissolution. (d) Sumitra Mahajan temporary speaker appointed for a
limited period of time to conduct the
Q.288. Which of the following Sol.(c) Virendra Kumar was elected as works in the Lower House of
statements is NOT correct about Rajya the protem Speaker of the 17th Lok Parliament after the General elections.
Sabha? Sabha. Pro-tem speaker is the
SSC CHSL 16-10-2020 (Evening) temporary speaker who presides over Q.295. How many members are
(a) It has powers that protect the rights the first meeting of the lower House of nominated by the President in the
of states against the union. Parliament after the general elections Rajya Sabha? SSC CHSL 13/04/21
(b) It can amend a money bill. besides presiding over the sitting in (Afternoon)
(c) Twelve of its members are which the Speaker and Deputy Speaker (a) 12 (b) 14 (c) 7 (d) 9
nominated by the President. are elected as it is a newly constituted
(d) It is the upper house of the House. Sol.(a) 12 members are nominated by
Parliament of India. the President in Rajya Sabha for their
Q.292. Of the 552 members of the Lok contributions to art, literature, science,
Sol.(b) A Money Bill may only be Sabha, ______ members represent the and social services. According to
introduced in Lok Sabha, on the states. Article 80 of the Indian Constitution,
recommendation of the President. It SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) the potential seating capacity of the
must be passed in Lok Sabha by a (a) 550 (b) 530 (c) 520 (d) 540 Rajya Sabha is 250 (238 elected, 12
simple majority of all members present appointed).
and voting. Following this, it may be Sol.(b) There are total 552 members in
sent to the Rajya Sabha for its the Lok Sabha in which 530 represent Q.296. In which of the following years
recommendations, which Lok Sabha the states, 20 members represent the was the Council of States (Rajya
may reject if it chooses to. If such union territories and 2 members are Sabha) first constituted? SSC CHSL
recommendations are not given within nominated by the president from the 13/04/21 (Afternoon)
14 days, it will be deemed to be passed Anglo-Indian Community. In January (a) 1949 (b) 1954
by Parliament. 2020, the Anglo-Indian reserved seats (c) 1950 (d) 1952
in the Parliament and State Legislatures
Q.289. The President of India can hold of India were discontinued by the 126th Sol.(d) The Rajya Sabha or the Council
office for a term of ______ year/s. / Constitutional Amendment Bill of of States held its first sitting on 13 May
SSC CHSL 19-10-2020 (Morning) 2019, when enacted as 104th 1952. In the Indian federal structure,
(a) 5 (b) 3 (c) 1 (d) 10 Constitutional Amendment Act, 2019. the Rajya Sabha is the upper house of
the bicameral parliament of India.
Sol.(a) Article 56(1) of the Constitution Q.293. In which of the following years
provides that the President of India was the Rajya Sabha first constituted? Q.297. Which of the following
shall hold office for a term of 5 years SSC CGL 18/08/21 (Morning) statements regarding the functioning of
from the date on which he enters upon (a) 1952 (b) 1947 Rajya Sabha is correct? SSC CHSL
his office. (c) 1950 (d) 1948 13/04/21 (Evening)
(a) Rajya Sabha is dissolved every
Q.290. In which year did the first Sol.(a) The Rajya Sabha was first second year.
Elected Parliament with two houses constituted in 1952. Dr. S (b) Rajya Sabha is dissolved after the
come into being in India? Radhakrishnan was the first chairman dissolution of the Lok Sabha.
CHSL 21-10-2020 (Afternoon) of the Rajya Sabha, also the first Vice (c) Rajya Sabha is dissolved after the
(a) 1952 (b) 1953 President of the nation. assent of the President of India.
(c) 1954 (d) 1955 (d) Rajya Sabha is not subject to
Q.294. Who among the following dissolution.
Sol.(a) In April 1952, the first Elected appoints the Speaker 'Pro tem' of the
Parliament with two houses came into Lok Sabha? Sol.(d) Membership to the Rajya Sabha
being in India. SSC CGL 23/08/21(Evening) is a permanent body and cannot be
(a) Prime Minister dissolved at any time. However, every Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 266

Pinnacle Polity

second year, one-third of the members SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 of the Lok Sabha or in his absence, the
are retired and vacancies are filled up (Morning) Deputy-Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.
by fresh elections and Presidential (a) Speaker
(b) Minister of Parliamentary Affairs
nomination at the beginning of every Q.305. The Indian Parliament passed
(c) Minister of Information and
third year. Broadcasting the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill in
(d) Vice President the year ______. SSC MTS
Q.298. ______ is a draft of a legislative 11/10/21(Afternoon)
proposal before the House. SSC CHSL Sol.(a) Speaker holds office from the (a) 2017 (b) 2019
15/04/21 (Afternoon) date of his/her election till immediately (c) 2015 (d) 2016
(a) A bill (b) A revocation before the first meeting of the Lok
(c) A provision (d) An act Sabha after the dissolution of the one to Sol.(b) The Indian Parliament passed
which he/she was elected. A speaker is the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill in
Sol.(a) All legislative proposals have to responsible for maintaining the the year 2019. The Bill was introduced
be brought in the form of Bills before decorum of the lower house. in 17th Lok Sabha by the Minister of
Parliament. A Bill is a statute in the Home Affairs Amit Shah on 9
draft and cannot become law unless it Q.302. The normal term of every Lok December 2019 and was passed on 10
has received the approval of both the Sabha is ______ years. SSC CHSL
December 2019.
Houses of Parliament and the assent of 6/8/2021 (Afternoon)
the President of India. (a) 12 (b) 5 (c) 10 (d) 7
Q.306. Which of the following
statements is correct? SSC MTS
Q.299. Who among the following is the Sol.(b) The normal term of every Lok
ex-officio Chairman of Rajya Sabha? Sabha is 5 years. It can be dissolved
(a) Twelve members of the Rajya
SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Evening) earlier by the President on the advice of
Sabha are nominated by the Chairman
(a) President of India the Council of Ministers.
of the Rajya Sabha.
(b) Vice-President of India
(b) Twelve members of the Rajya
(c) Speaker of the Parliament Q.303. According to which article of
Sabha are nominated by the President.
(d) Prime Minister the Indian Constitution, a person shall
(c) Fifteen members of the Rajya Sabha
not be qualified to be chosen to fill a
are nominated by the Prime Minister.
Sol.(b) The Vice President of India is seat in the Parliament unless he is a
(d) Fifteen members of the Rajya
the ex-officio Chairman of Rajya Sabha citizen of India.SSC CHSL 12/8/2021
Sabha are nominated by the President.
and presides over its sessions, (Afternoon)
mentioned in article 64 of the Indian (a) Article 76 (b) Article 84
Sol.(b) Twelve members of the Rajya
Constitution. Muppavarapu Venkaiah (c) Article 61 (d) Article 52
Sabha are nominated by the President.
Naidu is an Indian politician serving as
This statement is correct. These twelve
the 13th and current vice president of Sol.(b) According to Article 84 of the
members are nominated by the
India since 2017. Indian Constitution, a person shall not
President for six-year terms for their
be qualified to be chosen to fill a seat in
contributions towards arts, literature,
the Parliament unless he is a citizen of
Q.300. How many Rajya Sabha seats sciences, and social services.
come from the state of Assam? SSC
CHSL 04/08/21 (Evening) Q.307. The Speaker of the House of the
Q.304. Who among the following
(a) 7 (b) 15 (c) 9 (d) 18 People may submit his resignation to
presides over the joint sitting of both
the: SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Afternoon)
the Houses of Parliament? SSC MTS
Sol.(a) Seven Rajya Sabha seats come (a) Deputy Speaker of the House of the
from the state of Assam. Sri Himanta People
(a) Union Minister of Parliamentary
Biswa Sarma is the 15th Chief Minister (b) President
of Assam. Jagdish Mukhi is the (c) Prime Minister
(b) Speaker of the Lok Sabha
Governor of Assam. (d) Vice-President
(c) Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha
(d) Chairman of Rajya Sabha
Q.301. ______ holds office Sol.(a) The Speaker of the House of
from the date of his/her the People may submit his resignation
Sol.(b) The joint sitting of the
election till immediately to the Deputy Speaker of the House of
Parliament is called by the President
before the first meeting of the the People. Om Birla is the present
Lok Sabha after the and is presided over by the Speaker or,
(2021) speaker of the Lok Sabha. As
dissolution of the one to in his absence, by the Deputy Speaker
which he/she was elected. per Article 93 of the Indian Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 267

Pinnacle Polity

Constitution, the Lok Sabha has a (a) 552 (b) 540 (c) 640 (d) 652 citizen of India and is qualified for
Speaker and a Deputy Speaker. election as a member of the Council of
Sol.(a) As per the Constitution of India, States.
Q.308. Which of the following States the total number of members in the Lok
has a Legislative Council? SSC MTS Sabha Cannot be more than 552. Q.315. Former President Pranab
18/10/2021 (Afternoon) Currently, the house has 543 seats. Mukherjee won the first Lok Sabha
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Uttar Pradesh Election in the year ______.
(c) Gujarat (d) West Bengal Q.312. In the Lok Sabha, discussion SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning)
under which rule of the Constitution of (a) 1980 (b) 1991
Sol.(b) Uttar Pradesh has a Legislative India does not involve a formal motion (c) 2004 (d) 1998
Council. Currently, six states in India before the House? SSC MTS
have a legislative council. These states 26/10/2021 (Morning) Sol.(c) When the Congress-led United
are Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, (a) Rule 123 (b) Rule 193 Progressive Alliance (UPA) came into
Bihar, Maharashtra, Karnataka, and (c) Rule 146 (d) Rule 157 power in 2004, former President
Telangana. The Legislative Council is Pranab Mukherjee won a Lok Sabha
the upper house of the state. Its Sol.(b) In the Lok Sabha, the seat for the first time.
institution is outlined in Article 169 of discussion under rule 193 of the
Constitution of India does not involve a Q.316. Who appoints Governor of the
the Constitution of India.
formal motion before the House. The state in India ?
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Q.309. In the year 2009, who among First Lok Sabha was constituted on 17
(a) PMO
the following was appointed as the April 1952. Present(Dec 2021) speaker
(b) Prime Minister
Leader of Opposition in the 15th Lok of Lok Sabha is Om Birla. Seats- 543.
(c) President
Sabha? SSC MTS 20/10/2021 Secretary-General- Utpal Kumar Singh.
(d) Cabinet Committee on
(a) Arun Jaitley Q.313. What is the total number of
(b) Sushma Swaraj female Members of Parliament in the
Sol.(c) The governor of a state is
(c) Anantha Kumar 17th Lok Sabha? SSC MTS 27/10/2021
appointed by the President of India for
(d) Smriti Irani (Evening)
a term of five years, and holds office at
(a) 56 (b) 64 (c) 78 (d) 81
the President's pleasure.
Sol.(b) Sushma Swaraj was appointed
as the Leader of Opposition in the 15th Sol.(c) The total number of female
Q.317. Who was the President of India
Lok Sabha in 2009. Leader of Members of Parliament in the 17th Lok during the emergency of 1975-1977?
Opposition in Rajya Sabha at present - Sabha is 78. Currently, the house has SSC CHSL 19-03-2020 (Evening)
Mallikarjun Kharge. 543 seats. The maximum membership (a) R Venkataraman
Q.310. Who is the chairperson of the of the House allotted by the (b) Varahagiri Venkatagiri
Rajya Sabha? SSC MTS 20/10/2021 Constitution of India is 550. (c) Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed
(Evening) (d) Giani Zail Singh
(a) The President of India
(b) The Governor of India President, Vice President and Sol.(c) Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed was the
(c) The Vice-President of India President of India during the
Prime Minister
(d) The Chief Justice of India emergency of 1975-1977. The
emergency was imposed based on the
Sol.(c) The Vice-President of India is rationale that there were imminent
Q.314 The minimum age criteria for
the chairperson of the Rajya Sabha. internal and external threats to the
appointment as the Vice President of
Venkaiah Naidu is the current vice Indian state.
India is____.
president of India. Rajya Sabha seats:
SSC-CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
245 (233 Elected + 12 Nominated). Q.318. Who became the acting prime
(a) 30 (b) 21 (c) 35 (d) 25
article 80 of the Indian Constitution minister of India after the death of
(Rajya Sabha). Sol.(c) According to the Article 66 of Jawaharlal Nehru in 1964?
the Indian constitution, no person shall SSC CHSL 11/07/2019 (Afternoon)
Q.311. As per the Constitution of India, be eligible for the election of (a) V P Singh
the total number of members in the Lok Vice-President unless he has completed (b) Morarji Desai
Sabha CANNOT be more than: SSC the age of thirty-five years, he is a (c) Gulzarilal Nanda
MTS 22/10/2021 (Evening) (d) Charan Singh Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 268

Pinnacle Polity

SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening) Q.326. Who hoists the national flag at
Sol.(c) Gulzarilal Nanda was the Prime (a) President of USA the Red Fort on Independence Day?
Minister of India twice for thirteen (b) President of China SSC-CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
days each: the first time after the death (c) President of Turkey (a) Governor (b) Chief Justice
of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru in (d) Queen of Britain (c) Prime Minister (d) President
1964, and the second time after the
death of Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Sol.(d) The Indian Government system Sol.(c) On the eve of Independence
Shastri in 1966. is a cabinet form of government. The Day i.e 15 August, the then Prime
Indian President is, therefore, a Minister hoisted the Indian flag on the
Q.319. Who among the following is the constitutional head similar to the King ramparts of Red Fort in Delhi.
longest serving President of India? or Queen of Britain and that is why all
SSC CHSL 09/07/2019 (Afternoon) the executive powers are Q.327. Who among the following
(a) Neelam Sanjiva Reddy constitutionally vested in him. replaced Morarji Desai as the Prime
(b) Shankar Dayal Sharma Minister of India in 1979?
(c) Rajendra Prasad Q.323. Who is the head of the State SSC CGL 13/08/21(Morning)
(d) R Venkataraman and is the highest formal authority in (a) Chandrasekhar (b) Devi Lal
India ? (c) Jagjivan Ram (d) Charan Singh
Sol.(c) Rajendra Prasad, from Bihar, SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening)
was the first president of independent (a) Prime Minister(b) President Sol.(d) Charan Singh replaced Morarji
India and also the longest-serving (c) Parliament (d) Vice-President Desai as the Prime Minister of India in
president, as the only president to serve 1979. Morarji Desai was the 4th Prime
two or more terms in office. Sol.(b) The President is the highest Minister of India and served between
formal authority in India. 1977 and 1979. He was India's first
Q.320. Who is the Supreme non-Congress PM. Charan Singh was
Commander of the defence forces of Q.324. Who appoints the Comptroller further replaced by Indira Gandhi.
India ? and Auditor General of India ?
SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon) SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening) Q.328. Which of the following Articles
(a) President (a) Prime Minister of the Constitution of India provides
(b) Chief of Defence (b) President power to the President for
(c) Prime Minister (c) Chief Justice of India promulgating ordinances?
(d) Defence Minister (d) Supreme Court SSC CGL 13/08/21 (Evening)
(a) Article 77 (b) Article 143
Sol.(a) The Indian Armed Forces are Sol.(b) The Comptroller and (c) Article 123 (d) Article 111
under the management of the Ministry Auditor-General of India is appointed
of Defence (MoD) of the Government by the President of India followed by Sol.(c) Article 123 of the Constitution
of India. However, The President of the recommendation of the Prime of India provides power to the
India is the Supreme Commander of Minister. President for promulgating ordinances.
the Indian Armed Forces.
Q.325.Which of the following Prime Q.329. Who among the following
Q.321. In which of the following Ministers has served a term of 13 days never became the Vice President of
countries, the Presidential System of ? India? SSC CGL 16/08/21(Morning)
Government does not exist? SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon) (a) Gulzarilal Nanda (b) VV Giri
SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon) (a) Atal Bihari Vajpayee (c) Zakir Husain (d) BD Jatti
(a) USA (b) Russia (b) Morarji Desai
(c)Turkey (d) India (c) Charan Singh Sol.(a) Gulzarilal Nanda never became
(d) Jawaharlal Nehru the Vice President of India. Gulzarilal
Sol.(d) India has a parliamentary Nanda was an Indian politician and
system of Government. Articles 74 and Sol.(a) Atal Bihari Vajpayee ; 25 economist who served as interim Prime
75 of the constitution deals with the December 1924 – 16 August 2018) was Minister twice following the deaths of
parliamentary system at the centre and an Indian politician and a statesman Jawaharlal Nehru in 1964 and Lal
Article 163 and article 164 deals with who served three terms as the Prime Bahadur Shastri in 1966 respectively.
the Parliamentary system at the states. Minister of India including a term of
13 days in 1996. Q.330. Who among the following was
Q.322.The President of India has the the first Vice President of India?
same powers and functions as ______. SSC CGL 16/08/21(Afternoon) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 269

Pinnacle Polity

(a) Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Q.336. Who among the following was

(b) Varahagiri Venkata Giri Q.333. What does Article 61 of the the president of the Constituent
(c) Gopal Swarup Pathak Indian Constitution deal with? SSC Assembly? SSC MTS 27/10/2021
(d) Zakir Hussain MTS 13/10/2021 (Evening) (Afternoon)
(a) Fundamental Duties (a) Jagjivan Ram
Sol.(a) Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, born (b) Impeachment of the President (b) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
on 5 Sept 1888, was the first Vice (c) Financial Emergency (c) Jawaharlal Nehru
President of India in 1952. He also (d) National Emergency (d) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
served as the second president of India
from 1962 to 1967. His birthday has Sol.(b) Article 61 of the Indian Sol.(d) Dr Rajendra Prasad was the
been celebrated as Teacher's Day in Constitution deals with Impeachment president of the Constituent Assembly.
India. of the President. Founded on 6 December 1946.
Temporary Chairman- Sachchidananda
Q.331. Which Indian president used the Q.334. Who among the following is the Sinha, Chairman of the drafting
pocket veto for the Indian Post Office 'Visitor' to all central universities of committee - Dr . B. R Ambedkar,
(Amendment) Bill, 1986? SSC CHSL India? SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Evening) Constitutional Advisor- B. N. Rau.
19/04/21 (Evening) (a) President of India
(a) APJ Abdul Kalam (b) Chairman, University Grants Government Body
(b) KR Narayanan Commission
(c) Giani Zail Singh (c) Union Minister of Human Q.337. The National Board for Micro,
(d) Dr Rajendra Prasad Resources Development Small and Medium Enterprises meets
(d) Vice-President of India once every _________ month in a year.
Sol.(c) Giani Zail Singh used the
SSC CGL 06/06/2019 (Evening)
pocket veto for the Indian Post Office Sol.(a) President of India is the 'Visitor' (a) 2 (b) 6 (c) 3 (d) 9
(Amendment) Bill, 1986. A pocket veto to all central universities of India.
is a legislative maneuver that allows a According to Article 52 of the Sol.(b) The National Board for Micro,
president or another official with veto Constitution of India, the President is Small and Medium Enterprises meets
power to exercise that power over a bill the head of state of the Republic of once every 6 months in a year.
by taking no action (keeping it in their India. Article 61 of the Constitution of The Ministry of Micro, Small and
pocket) instead of affirmatively vetoing
India prescribes the procedure for Medium Enterprises is a branch of the
impeachment of the President. Government of India, which is
responsible for the formulation and
Q.332. According to the Constitution
Q.335. Which of the following administration of rules, regulations and
of India a Judge of the Supreme Court
government authorities can appoint the laws related to micro, small and
cannot be removed
Chief Election Commissioner of India? medium enterprises in India.
from the office except by an order of
SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Morning)
the ______. SSC CHSL 05/08/21
(a) The Prime Minister Q.338. What is the term of the elected
(b) The President representatives of a Gram Panchayat?
(a) Vice President
(c) The Vice President SSC CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning)
(b) Attorney General
(d) Chief Justice of Supreme Court (a) 5 years (b) 3 years
(c) Prime Minister
(c) 2 years (d) 4 years
(d) President
Sol.(b) The President can appoint the
Chief Election Commissioner of India. Sol.(a) The term of the elected
Sol.(d) A Judge of the Supreme Court
Sushil Chandra is the present election representatives of a Gram Panchayat is
cannot be removed from office except
commissioner of India. Article 324 is five years.
by an order of the President passed
after an address in each House of related to the election commission. The
Presidents appoint The chief justice and Q.339. What is the tenure of a
Parliament supported by a majority of
other judges of the Supreme Court of Panchayat as per the 73rd constitutional
the total membership of that House and
India and state/union territory high amendment act ?
by a majority of not less than
courts. The Chief Minister of the SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning)
two-thirds of members present and
National Capital Territory of Delhi (a) 4 years (b) 3 years
voting, and presented to the President
(c) 6 years (d) 5 years
in the same Session for such removal (Article 239 AA 5 of the constitution).
on the ground of proved misbehavior or The Comptroller and Auditor General.
incapacity. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 270

Pinnacle Polity

Sol.(d) A term of five years has been (Political Parties Registration Tracking
provided for every panchayat according Management System)? Sol.(a) The tenure of the Chief Election
to the 73rd amendment act in the Indian SSC CGL 5/3/2020 (evening) Commissioner of India is 6 years or up
(a) The Union Public Service
Constitution. to the age of 65 years, whichever is
(b) National Human Rights earlier.
Q.340. Elections to Panchayats in a Commission
State are conducted by _____. (c) Election Commission of India Q.347. How many agro-climatic zones
SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning) (d) The Supreme Court (ACZ) are characterized by the
(a) Election Commission of India Planning Commission of India?
Sol.(c) Election Commission of India SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Afternoon)
(b) Joint Public Service Commission
implemented “Political Parties (a) 30 (b) 15 (c) 10 (d) 20
(c) State Election Commission
(d) Gram Sabha Registration Tracking Management
System” (PPRTMS) The Election Sol.(b)An “Agro-climatic zone” is a
land unit in terms of major climates,
Sol.(c) According to part IX of the Commission of India has reviewed the
suitable for a certain range of crops.
Indian constitution, the state system and process of registration of The Planning Commission divided the
government has the responsibility of political parties. country into fifteen broad agro-climatic
conducting Panchayat elections in the zones based on physiography, soils,
Q.344. Who was the first president of geological formation, Climate,
state after every five years.
Independent India? cropping patterns and development of
irrigation and mineral resources for
Q.341. On which date did the NITI CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening)
broad agricultural planning and
Aayog replace the Planning (a) Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan developing future strategies. 14 regions
Commission? (b) Rajendra Prasad were in the mainland and the remaining
SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning) (c) Ram Nath Kovind 1 in the islands of Bay of Bengal and
(a) 1st of January 2017 (d) Pranab Mukherjee the Arabian Sea.
(b) 1st of January 2014
Sol.(b) Rajendra Prasad was the first Q.348. When was the Backward and
(c) 1st of January 2016
president of Independent India. Minority Communities Employees
(d) 1st of January 2015
Federation (BAMCEF) established in
Q345. The Supreme Court has declared India?
Sol.(d) The Union Government of India
access to the internet a fundamental SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Afternoon)
announced the formation of NITI
right under Article ________ of the (a) 1979 (b) 1980
(National Institution for Transforming
Indian Constitution. (c) 1978 (d) 1989
India) Aayog on January 1, 2015 by
passing a cabinet resolution which SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Morning)
(a) 17 (b) 21 (c) 14 (d) 19 Sol.(c) The All India Backward and
replaced the former Planning
Minority Communities Employees
Sol.(d) In a significant ruling, the Federation (BAMCEF) was established
Supreme Court on Friday said that in 1978. The origin of BAMCEF lies in
Q.342. How many tiers are there in a
access to the Internet is a fundamental the organisation for employees of
Panchayati Raj structure?
right under Article 19 of the oppressed communities that was
SSC CPO 9/12/19 Morning
Constitution, and asked the Jammu and established in 1971 by Kanshi Ram, D.
(a) Three (b) Four
Kashmir administration to review K. Khaparde and Dinabhai.
(c) Five (d) Two
within a week all orders imposing
curbs in the Union Territory. Q.349. The election to constitute a
Sol.(a) In India, the Panchayati Raj
Panchayat should be completed before
now functions as a system of
Q.346. What is the tenure of the Chief the expiration of a period of ______
governance in which gram panchayats
Election Commissioner of India? from the date of its dissolution.
are the basic units of local
SSC CHSL 17-03-2020 (Evening) SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Evening)
administration. The system has three
(a) 6 years or up to the age of 65 years, (a) eight months (b) one year
levels: Gram Panchayat (village level),
whichever is earlier. (c) six months (d) two months
Mandal Parishad or Block Samiti or
Panchayat Samiti (block level), and (b) 4 years or up to the age of 65 years,
whichever is earlier. Sol.(c) According to Article 243E(3),
Zila Parishad (district level).
(c) 5 Years or up to the age of 65 years, the election to constitute a Panchayat
whichever is earlier. should be completed before the
Q.343. Which of the following
(d) 3 years or up to the age of 65 years, expiration of a period of six months
authorities launched PPRTMS
whichever is earlier. from the date of its dissolution. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 271

Pinnacle Polity

Q.350. Union Legislature alone can Q.353. What is the tenure of the Q.356. The Planning Commission was
make laws on matters related to chairman of the State Public Service established by an executive decision of
______. Commission? SSC CHSL 12/04/21 Government of India in ______. SSC
SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Morning) (Evening) MTS 12/10/21(Afternoon)
(a) public health (a) 5 years or the age of 65 years, (a) 1955 (b) 1945
(b) police whichever is earlier (c) 1960 (d) 1950
(c) railways (b) 6 years or the age of 62 years,
(d) local self-government whichever is earlier Sol.(d) The Planning Commission was
(c) 5 years or the age of 60 years, established by an executive decision of
Sol.(c) Public health, Police and local whichever is earlier Government of India in 1950. The
self-government are subjects mentioned (d) 6 years or the age of 60 years, Government of India constituted NITI
in the State List whereas Railways is a whichever is earlier (National Institution for Transforming
subject of the Union List. India) Aayog to replace the Planning
Sol.(b) The tenure of the chairman of Commission on 1st January 2015. Shri
Q.351. Who implements Model Code the State Public Service Commission is Amitabh Kant, CEO, Dr. Rajiv Kumar
of Conduct for elections in India ? 6 years or the age of 62 years, is Vice Chairman, Shri Narendra Modi
SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) whichever is earlier. Tenure of is the Chairperson.
(a) Parliament chairman of UPSC - 6 years or up to 65
(b) Supreme Court years of age. Q.357. The 15th Finance Commission
(c) Returning Officer
has been constituted by the President of
(d) Election Commission Q.354. As per the Constitution of India, India for a period of ______ years. SSC
a member of Union Public Service MTS 20/10/2021 (Evening)
Sol.(d) The Election Commission of Commission holds office for a period (a) three (b) six
India has the sole right to implement of six years or till he/she attains the age (c) four (d) five
the Model Code of Conduct for of ______ years. SSC MTS
elections in India. It is a set of 11/10/21(Evening) Sol.(d) The 15th Finance Commission
guidelines issued for the conduct of (a) 60 (b) 62 (c) 65 (d) 68 has been constituted by the President of
political parties and candidates during
India for a period of five years led by
elections mainly with respect to Sol.(c) As per the Constitution of India, chairman Shri N K Singh. The Finance
speeches, polling day, polling booths, a member of Union Public Service
portfolios, election manifestos, Commission is constituted by the
Commission holds office for a period President under article 280 of the
processions and general conduct.
of six years or till he/she attains the age Constitution.
of 65 years. UPSC is a Constitutional
Q.352. Who among the following is the
Body under Article 315-323 Part XIV
Chairman of Planning Commission and
Chapter II of the Constitution of India
National Integration Council of India? FIVE YEAR PLAN
to discharge their duties, functions, and
SSC CGL 20/08/21(Morning)
obligations assigned under Article 320. Q.358. When was the five-year plan
(a) The Attorney General
(b) The Vice President started in India ?
(c) The Prime Minister Q.355. The Finance Commission of SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(d) The President India is constituted by the ______ (a) 1958 (b) 1951
under Article 280 of the Constitution. (c) 1955 (d) 1947
Sol.(c) The Planning Commission was SSC MTS 11/10/21(Evening)
set up in 1951 with the Prime Minister (a) Supreme Court (b) Vice-President Sol.(b) The first Indian Prime Minister,
as its chairperson. It was later on (c) President (d) High Court Jawaharlal Nehru, presented the First
replaced by NITI aayog in 2015. The Five-Year Plan to the Parliament of
National Integration Council of India is Sol.(c) The Finance Commission of India. The First Five-year Plan was
an extra-constitutional body chaired by India is constituted by the President launched in 1951 which mainly focused
the Prime Minister of India. It was under Article 280 of the Constitution. on the development of the primary
constituted in 1962 with the main task The Finance Commission was set up on sector.
of the council being to examine the 22 November 1951. N. K Singh is the
problem of national integration in all its present chairman of the Finance Q.359. The Mahalanobis Plan of
aspects and make necessary Commission. K. C Neogy was the first development was adopted during which
recommendations to deal with it. chairman of the Finance Commission. Five Year Plan? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 272

Pinnacle Polity

SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening) SSC CGL 10/06/2019 (Evening) (a) Nepal (b) Sri Lanka
(a) Third (b) Fourth (a) 350 (b) 340 (c) 322 (d) 363 (c) Bhutan (d) Burma
(c) First (d) Second
Sol.(a) The current Bangladesh Sol.(d) The Indian Peace Keeping
Sol.(d) Second Plan (1956 – 1961) The Parliament contains 350 seats. Force (IPKF) was sent to Sri Lanka in
Mahalanobis Plan of development was the year 1987. It was formed under the
adopted during the Second Five Year Q.364. When was the constitution of mandate of the 1987 Indo-Sri Lankan
Plan. It was based on an economic Pakistan enforced? Accord that aimed to end the Sri
development model developed by the SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 Evening Lankan Civil War between Sri Lankan
Indian statistician Prasanta Chandra (a) 1973 (b) 1947 Tamil militant groups such as the
Mahalanobis. The plan attempted to (c) 1965 (d) 1952 Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
evaluate the optimal allocation of funds (LTTE) and the Sri Lankan military.
among productive sectors in order to Sol. (*) SSC Answer 1973
maximise economic growth of the Correct answer 1956 Q.368. In which year was a new
country. Explanation: After nine years of efforts, Constitution adopted in Sri Lanka
Pakistan was successful in framing a creating the 'Democratic The Socialist
constitution. The Constituent Assembly Republic of Sri Lanka'? SSC CHSL
adopted it on 29 February 1956, and it 15/04/21 (Evening)
Polity of neighboring countries
was enforced on 23 March 1956, (a) 1978 (b) 1965
proclaiming Pakistan to be an Islamic (c) 1982 (d) 1980
Q.360. How many members are present
in the Sri Lankan Parliament? republic.
The 3rd Constitution of Pakistan was Sol.(a) The Constitution of the
SSC CGL 10/06/2019 (Afternoon)
enforced on 23rd March 1973. Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri
(a) 210 (b) 215 (c) 232 (d) 225
Lanka has been the constitution of the
Q.365. Who among the following island nation of Sri Lanka since its
Sol.(d) Sri Lanka has 225 Members of
is/was the longest serving Prime original promulgation by the National
Minister of Bangladesh? State Assembly on 7 September 1978.
Q.361. Who among the following was SSC CGL 11/06/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) Khalida Zia Q.369. In which year did Nepal adopt
the first President of Pakistan?
(b) Sheikh Mujibur Rahman its first democratic constitution? SSC
SSC CGL 10/06/2019 (Afternoon)
(c) Shah Azizur Rahman CHSL 11/8/2021 (Evening)
(a) Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
(d) Sheikh Hasina (a) 2010 (b) 2015
(b) Yahya Khan
(c) 2013 (d) 2017
(c) Iskander Mirza
(d) Ayub Khan Sol.(d) Sheikh Hasina Wazed, was
appointed on 6 January 2009 by the Sol.(b) Nepal is governed according to
President of Bangladesh and she is the the Constitution which came into effect
Sol.(c) Iskander Ali Mirza was a
Pakistani army Major-General and the longest serving prime minister in the on Sept 20, 2015. The constitution of
first President of Pakistan elected in country's history. Nepal is divided into 35 parts, 308
1956. Articles, and 9 Schedules.
Q.366. How many provinces is the
Q.362. Which of the following country of Nepal divided into? Miscellaneous
countries has the largest parliament in SSC CGL 10/06/2019 (Evening)
the world? (a) 5 (b) 7 (c) 4 (d) 6 Q.370. Who among the following
SSC CGL 10/06/2019 (Afternoon) is/was the longest serving governor of
(a) UK (b) India Sol.(b) The Provinces of Nepal were an Indian state?
(c) China (d) Japan formed on 20 September 2015 in SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Afternoon)
accordance with Schedule 4 of the (a) Lakshmi Kant Jha
Sol.(c) China has the largest parliament Constitution of Nepal. The seven (b) Padmaja Naidu
in the world. The indirectly elected provinces were formed by grouping the (c) N D Tiwari
National People's Congress of China is existing districts. (d) Sarojini Naidu
the largest legislature in the world with
2980 members. Q.367. To which neighbouring country Sol.(b) Padmaja Naidu is the
was the Indian Peace Keeping Force longest-serving female governor of
(IPKF) sent in the year 1987?
Q.363. The maximum strength of India with 11-year long tenure in West
SSC CGL 17/08/21(Evening)
Bangladeshi parliament is _____ . Bengal. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 273

Pinnacle Polity

Sol.(b) Sol.(a) The provision of National

First ministers of India emergency comes under Article 352 of
Q.371. Which one of the following Prime minister : Jawaharlal Nehru the Indian Constitution. Such an
Union Territories has been granted with President : Rajendra Prasad emergency was declared in India
a partial statehood ship? Home Minister : Sardar vallabhbhai during 1962 war (China war), 1971 war
SSC-CHSL 2/07/2019 Evening Patel (Pakistan war), and 1975 internal
(a) Puducherry Minister of Law : B R Ambedkar disturbance (declared by Indira
(b) Daman and Diu Defence Minister : Baldev Singh Gandhi).
(c) Dadra and Nagar Haveli Education Minister :Maulana Abul
(d) Lakshadweep Kalam Azad Q.378. Our National Anthem ‘Jan Gan
Minister of Health : Amrit Kaur Man’ is adopted from which language?
Sol.(a) Puducherry and New Delhi are Ministry of Labour : Jagjivan Ram SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Afternoon)
allowed to have legislative assemblies (a) Hindi (b) Marathi
considering the population of these Q.375. Which party government (c) Assamese (d) Bangla
territories. However, Pondicherry has announced the formation of a second
been given partial state-hood, and that backward classes commission in 1978? Sol.(d) "Jana Gana Mana" is the
is why it has its own assembly, SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning) national anthem of India. It was
elections and ministers.. (a) Indian National Congress Party originally written in Bengali, it is the
(b) Bharatiya Janata Party first of five stanzas of a poem written
Q.372. The Lok Sabha elected after the (c) Janata Party and later set to notations by
2019 elections is the ________ Lok (d) United Democratic Party Rabindranath Tagore. It was first sung
Sabha. in the Calcutta Session of the Indian
SSC-CHSL 3/07/2019 Afternoon Sol.(c) The Mandal Commission, or the National Congress on December 27,
(a) 18th (b) 16th (c) 15th (d) 17th Socially and Educationally Backward 1911.
Classes Commission (SEBC), was
Sol.(d) The 17th Lok Sabha was established in India by the Janata Party Q.379. In which year the National
formed by the members elected in the government on 1 January 1979 under Food Security Act was passed in India
2019 Indian general elections. Prime Minister Morarji Desai with a ?
purpose to identify the socially or SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning)
Q.373. Who was the first woman to educationally backward classes in (a) 2011 (b) 2013
become the governor of an Indian India. (c) 2012 (d) 2014
SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (Morning) Q.376. In which year was the Sol.(b) The National Food Security
(a) Sarojini Naidu Communist Party formed in India ? Act, 2013 is an act of the Parliament of
(b) Aruna Asaf Ali SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon) India which aims at providing
(c) Vijay Laxmi Pandit (a) 1925 (b) 1922 subsidized food grains to the two thirds
(d) Krishna Hutheesing (c) 1927 (d) 1930 of India’s population.

Sol.(a) Sarojini Naidu was the first Sol.(a) As per the CPI’s official history, Q.380. The High Court of Kerala and
female to become the governor of an the party was founded in late 1925 in Lakshadweep is situated at :
Indian state. She governed Uttar Kanpur(Uttar Pradesh). However, SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Pradesh from 15 August 1947 to 2 earlier in the decade, a number of (a) Ernakulam (b) Thrissur
March 1949. Her daughter, Padmaja people, both within and outside India, (c) Kochi (d) Kannur
Naidu, is the longest-serving female attempted to establish a communist
governor with 11-year tenure in West presence on the subcontinent which Sol.(c) The High Court of Kerala is the
Bengal. eventually called for the creation of a highest court for Kerala and the Union
communist party in India. Territory of Lakshadweep. It is located
Q.374. The first defence minister of in Kochi.
independent India was: Q.377. How many times has the
SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (Afternoon) National Emergency been declared by Q.381. Which of the following
(a) C Rajagopalachari the President in the country ? countries was the earliest to give
(b) Baldev Singh SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon) women the right to vote?
(c) Shri Jagjivan Ram (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 1 SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (a) Australia (b) France
(c) UK (d) USA Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 274

Pinnacle Polity

reason is that it has historically been an

Sol.(a) New Zealand was the first Q.385. Which one is the largest empire and empires like to have total
country to give women the right to appellate court of India ? control or at least they make it look like
vote. The second country was SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning) they do. Hence, China is a unitary state.
Australia, and the third was Finland (a) High Court
etc. (b) District Court Q.389. Who among the following
(c) Supreme Court presented the Union budget of India for
Q.382. Andaman and Nicobar (d) Consumer Court maximum times?
jurisdiction comes under which High SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning)
Court ? Sol.(c) The Supreme Court of India is (a) RK Shanmukham Chetty
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening) the highest judicial court and the final (b) Pranab Mukherjee
(a) Andhra Pradesh court of appeal in the country under the (c) Morarji Desai
(b) Calcutta Constitution of India, which has the (d) P. Chidambaram
(c) Madras power of judicial review.
(d) Odisha Sol.(c) As of now, Morarji Desai has
Q.386. Who was the first Chief Justice presented 10 budgets which is the
Sol.(b) The High Court of Calcutta is of Independent India? highest count followed by P
the oldest High Court in India. It has SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon) Chidambaram's 9 and Pranab
jurisdiction over the state of West (a) B.K. Mukherjee Mukherjee's 8.
Bengal and the Union Territory of (b) S.R. Das
Andaman and Nicobar Islands. (c) M. Patanjali Sastri Q.390. Who presided over the 15th
(d) Harilal J. Kania Finance Commission ?
Q.383. In which year the Union and SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Railway budgets were merged ? Sol.(d) Sir Harilal Jekisundas Kania (a) Y.V Reddy (b) N.K Singh
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening) was the first Chief Justice of India. He (c) Amitabh Kant (d) Urjit Patel
(a) 2017 (b) 2016 was the Chief Justice from 1950 to
(c) 2018 (d) 2015 1951. Sol.(b) The commission's 15th
chairman is N. K. Singh, with its
Sol.(b) The Railway Budget was Q.387. Who conducts the elections of full-time members as Ajay Narayan
separately presented every year till Lok Sabha in India? Jha, Ashok Lahiri and Anoop Singh.,
2016. Thereafter, on 21 September SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening)
2016 The Modi government approved (a) Election Commission Q.391. Which of the following is NOT
the merger of the Rail and General (b) Union Public Service Commission a scheduled language of India ?
budgets from next year, ending a (c) Parliament SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Afternoon)
92-year-old practice of a separate (d) Delimitation Commission (a) Rajasthani (b) Sindhi
railway budget. (c) Manipuri (d) Bodo
Sol.(a) The Election Commission of
Q.384. The decisions given by the India is an autonomous constitutional Sol.(a) At present, the Eighth Schedule
Supreme Court of India are to _____. body responsible for administering of Indian Constitution contains 22
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning) Union and State election processes in languages-Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati,
(a) Any region of a state India. Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani,
(b) All states and union territories It conducts elections to the Lok Sabha, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali,
except Jammu and Kashmir Rajya Sabha, State Legislative Oriya, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Sindhi, Tamil,
(c) Only district courts Assemblies and the offices of the Telugu, Urdu, Bodo, Santhali, Maithili
(d) All Indian courts President and Vice President. and Dogri.

Sol.(d) According to the Article 141 of Q.388. Which of the following is NOT Q.392. When was the Nationalist
the Indian Constitution, all the courts a Federal country ? Congress Party formed ?
within the territory of the country are SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening) SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Afternoon)
obliged to follow the laws declared by (a) Canada (b) Brazil (a) 1999 (b) 1992
the Supreme Court because it is the (c) China (d) Australia (c) 1980 (d) 1984
highest court in India and has the
ultimate judicial authority to interpret Sol.(d) China is a unified multiethnic Sol.(a) The Nationalist Congress Party
the Constitution and decide questions country with a unitary political system. is one of the eight National Parties in
of national law. It is not a federal country, and the India and it was formed in 1999 by Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 275

Pinnacle Polity

Sharad Pawar, P.A. Sangma and Tariq SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning)
Anwar. Sol.(b) The Ministry of Finance issues (a) 1951 (b) 1949
a Budget Circular each year. However, (c) 1955 (d) 1945
Q.393. Which of the following Articles A Gender Budget Statement (popularly
of the Constitution of India mentions known as Statement 20) was introduced Sol.(a) The Representation of the
'Continuance of the in the Union Budget in the year People Act, 1951 is an act of
rights of citizenship'? SSC MTS 2005-06. Parliament of India to provide for the
06/8/2021 (Afternoon) conduct of election of the Houses of
(a) Article 12 (b) Article 10 Q.397. What is the election called in a Parliament and to the House or Houses
(c) Article 9 (d) Article 11 political parliamentary / assembly of the Legislature of each State, the
constituency to fill the vacancy arising qualifications and disqualifications for
Sol.(b) Article10: continuance of the during the tenure of the government? membership of those Houses, the
rights of citizenship. Other articles SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon) corrupt practices and other offences at
state– (a) Bypolls or in connection with such elections
Article 9: persons voluntarily acquiring (b) Council Elections and the decision of doubts and disputes
citizenship of a foreign state not to be (c) Mini Elections arising out of or in connection with
citizens. (d) Tri-Elections such elections.
Article 11: parliament to regulate the
right of citizenship by law. Sol.(a) A by-election, also spelled as Q.401. Under Article 21 of the
bypoll in India, is an election used to constitution the right to livelihood as
fill a post in the office that has become part of the right to life was retained due
Q.394. In which of the following states vacant during general elections. to which case?
there is a bicameral legislature. SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon)
SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning) (a) Shankari Prasad Case
(a) Punjab (b) Goa Q.398. First full time female Finance (b) Olga Tellis vs Bombay Municipal
(c) Bihar (d) Sikkim Minister of India is ______. Corporation
SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) (c) Maneka Gandhi vs VOI case
Sol.(c) Presently, Seven Indian States (a) Sarojini Naidu (d) N Nagaraj Vs VOI case
such as Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, (b) Maneka Gandhi
Bihar, Jammu-Kashmir, Karnataka, (c) Nirmala Sitharaman Sol.(b) In 1985, Olga Tellis v. Bombay
Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh, have (d) Indira Gandhi Municipal Corporation decided to
bicameral Legislatures, these are called retain the Right to livelihood under the
legislative councils (Vidhan Parishad), Sol.(c) On 31 May 2019, Nirmala Right to Life (Article 21) of the Indian
one third of whom are elected in every Sitharaman was appointed as the Union Constitution. The bench was
two years. finance and corporate affairs minister. constituted by five Judges of the
She is India's first full-time female Supreme Court of India.
Q.395. Who was the first National finance minister.
Security Advisor of India? Q.402. In which form of government,
SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning) Q.399. When was the Citizenship act rulers are directly elected by the people
(a) Pankaj Singh passed ? of the country?
(b) Manmohan Singh SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon) SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(c) Prof. Rajinder Khanna (a) 1952 (b) 1955 (a) Democracy (b) Dictatorship
(d) Brajesh Mishra (c) 1960 (d) 1965 (c) Autocracy (d) Republic

Sol.(d) In 1998 , the Atal Bihari Sol.(b) The conferment of a person, as Sol.(a) Democracy means "rule of the
Vajpayee Government appointed a citizen of India, is governed by people", is a system in which the
Brajesh Mishra as the first National Articles 5 to 11 of the Constitution of government of the country or their
Security Advisor of India. India. The legislation related to this representatives are directly elected by
matter is the Citizenship Act which was the citizens of the country and forms a
Q.396. In which year, the first Gender passed in 195 and has been amended governing body, such as parliament.
Budget Statement appeared in the by the Citizenship Acts of 1986, 1992,
Union Budget of India ? 2003, 2005, 2015 and 2019. Q.403. Who among the following was
SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning) appointed as the first Deputy Speaker
(a)2001-02 (b)2005-06 Q.400. When was the Representation of the Lok Sabha?
(c)2010-11 (d)2007-08 of the People Act passed ? SSC CHSL 09/07/2019 (Evening) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 276

Pinnacle Polity

(a) M. Ananthasayanam Ayyangar Sol.(b) Veeraswami Ramaswami was a SSC CHSL 19-03-2020 (Afternoon)
(b) G V Mavalankar judge of the Supreme court of India and (a) 28 (b) 20 (c) 25 (d) 30
(c) Vithalbhai J Patel the first judge against whom removal
(d) V Narahari Rao proceedings were initiated in Sol.(c) There are 25 Lok Sabha
independent India. constituencies in Rajasthan.
Sol.(a)Ananthasayanam Ayyangar was
the first Deputy Speaker of the Lok Q.407. How many policies does the Q.411.. Who appoints the Chief Justice
Sabha (30 May 1952 – 7 March 1956). Institutional Mechanism of Federalism of India?
accommodate? SSC CHSL 12-10-2020 (Evening)
Q.404. As per the Table of Precedence, SSC CPO 9/12/19 Morning (a) President of India in consultation
who among the following enjoys the (a) Two (b) One with senior judges of Supreme Court
highest ceremonial protocol? (c) Four (d) Three and High Court
SSC CHSL 10/07/2019 (Evening) (b) President of India in consultation
(a) Holders of Bharat Ratna Sol.(a) Essentially, federalism is an with senior judges of Supreme Court
(b) Judges of the Supreme Court of institutional mechanism to (c) President of India
India accommodate two sets of polities—one (d) Judges of Supreme Court and High
(c) Cabinet ministers of the Union at the regional level and the other at the Court
(d) Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha national level. Each government is
autonomous in its own sphere. In some Sol.(b) Chief Justice of India is
Sol.(c) The Order of precedence is the federal countries, there is even a system appointed by the President of India.
protocol list in which the officials and of dual citizenship. The senior most judge of the Supreme
functionaries are listed as per their rank Court considered fit to hold the office
and office in the Government of India. Q.408. As of Feb 2020, how many is appointed as the Chief Justice of
The order of precedence for the given members represent the state of Uttar India. The recommendations of the
options is as follows: Pradesh in Lok outgoing Chief Justice of India are
*Cabinet Ministers Sabha? sought for the appointment of the next
*Holder of Bharat Ratna SSC CHSL 17-03-2020 (Morning) Chief Justice of India.
*Judges of Supreme Court (a) 48 (b) 80 (c) 62 (d) 39
*Deputy chairman of Rajya Sabha. Q.412. Bangladesh was a part of
Sol.(b) As of Feb 2020, 80 members Pakistan from ______ to ______.
Q.405. Ram Vilas Paswan is the represent the state of Uttar Pradesh in SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning)
president of which party? Lok Sabha. (a) 1947; 1962 (b) 1947; 1971
SSC-CHSL 2 JULY 2019 (Afternoon) (c) 1947; 1958 (d) 1947; 1989
(a) Bahujan Samaj Party Q.409. Which among the following
(b) Republican Party of India states has the highest representation in Sol.(b) Bangladesh was a part of
(c) Samajwadi Party the Lok Sabha? Pakistan from 1947 to 1971.
(d) Lok Janshakti Party SSC CHSL 18-03-2020 (Afternoon) After separation from India in 1947
(a) Rajasthan Pakistan was formed so Bangladesh
Sol.(d) Ram Vilas Paswan, Indian (b) Andhra Pradesh also became a part of Pakistan after the
politician and government official who (c) Tamil Nadu separation. In 1971 Bangladesh was
was a long-serving national (d) Uttar Pradesh finally separated from Pakistan into an
parliamentarian and was the founder autonomous country. India also helped
and longtime leader of the Lok Sol.(d) Uttar Pradesh has the highest Bangladesh to become an autonomous
Janshakti Party (LJP), a regional representation in the Lok Sabha. The state.
political party in Bihar state, eastern maximum size of the Lok Sabha as
India. outlined in the Constitution of India is Q.413. On the night of ______ 1975,
550 members made up of up to 530 Indira Gandhi recommended the
Q.406. In which year was the first ever members representing people of the imposition of Emergency to
motion to remove a Supreme court states of India and up to 20 members president Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed.
justice signed by 108 members of the representing people from the Union SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening)
Parliament? Territories on the basis of their (a) 1st June (b) 22nd May
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning) population. (c) 25th June (d) 1st July
(a) 1984 (b) 1991
(c) 1978 (d) 1996 Q.410. How many Lok Sabha Sol.(c) The third emergency of India
constituencies are there in Rajasthan? started at the mid night of 25th june Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 277

Pinnacle Polity

1975 and was extended till 21 march Sol.(d) Speaker of the Lok Sabha is the Q.420. The Indian Forest Act 1927 was
1977.main reason of this emergency ex-officio President of the Indian enacted after repealing which of the
was “internal disturbances” First Parliamentary Group (IPG), set up in following Indian forest acts?
emergency of india was from 26 1949, which functions as the national SSC CGL 23/08/21(Morning)
october 1962 to 10 january 1968 during group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (a) Indian Forest Act, 1882
india-china war second emergency was (IPU) and the main branch of the (b) Indian Forest Act, 1922
during India-pakistan war from 3-17 Commonwealth Parliamentary (c) Indian Forest Act, 1865
december 1971. Association (CPA) in India. (d) Indian Forest Act, 1878

Q.414. What does the writ of Q.417. In 1977, who became the Sol.(d) The Indian Forest Act 1927 was
'Mandamus' mean? President of the Janata Party, which enacted after repealing the Indian
SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Morning) formed a coalition government at the Forest Act, 1878. The Indian Forest
(a) By what Warrants centre with Morarji Desai as the Prime Act of 1878 divided Indian forests into
(b) We Command Minister? reserved forests (completely
(c) To be Certified SSC CGL 18/08/21(Afternoon) government-controlled), protected
(d) You May Have the Body (a) Charan Singh forests (partially
(b) George Fernandes government-controlled) and village
Sol.(b) A writ of mandamus (which (c) Chandra Shekhar forests (controlled by abutting
means "we command") is a judicial (d) Madhu Dandavate villages). The act was further amended
remedy, and is "issued by a superior and succeeded by the Indian Forest Act
court to compel a lower court or a Sol.(c) In 1977, Chandra Shekhar of 1927.
government officer to perform became the President of the Janata
mandatory or purely ministerial duties Party, which formed a coalition Q.421. Who has the power to
correctly". government at the center with Morarji recommend the dismissal of the state
Desai as the Prime Minister. government and suspension or
Q.415. In which of the following years dissolution of the state assembly?
was the origin and enactment of the Q.418. In which of the following states SSC CGL 23/08/21(Afternoon)
Indian Age of Consent Act passed? does the Governor have special (a) Chief Minister
SSC CGL 16/08/21(Afternoon) responsibility under Article 371H of (b) Prime Minister
(a) 1834 (b) 1901 the Constitution with respect to law and (c) Governor
(c) 1891 (d) 1889 order and in discharge of his functions (d) Speaker of the legislative assembly
in relation thereto?
Sol.(c) The origin and enactment of SSC CGL 20/08/21(Morning) Sol.(c) Governor has the power to
the Indian Age of Consent Act was (a) Nagaland recommend the dismissal of the state
passed in 1891. Through this act, the (b) Sikkim government and suspension or
age limit of girls for marriage was (c) Mizoram dissolution of the state assembly. He is
raised from 10 to 12. Hence, the (d) Arunachal Pradesh the executive head of the state.
marriage of girls under the age of 12
was prohibited by law. Sol.(d) Article 371H of the Q.422. When was the State
Constitution confers special Reorganisation Act passed by the
Q.416. Who is the ex-officio President responsibilities to the Governor of Government of India? SSC CHSL
of the Indian Parliamentary Group Arunachal Pradesh. 15/04/21 (Morning)
(IPG), set up in 1949, which functions (a) 1962 (b) 1947
as the national group of the Q.419. Which of the following is the (c) 1969 (d) 1956
Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and expanded form of the abbreviation
the main branch of the Commonwealth 'Rep.' used in the text of the Sol.(d) State Reorganisation Act was
Parliamentary Association (CPA) in Constitution of India? passed by the Government of India in
India? SSC CGL 20/08/21(Evening) 1956. The States Reorganisation Act
SSC CGL 16/08/21(Afternoon) (a) Repealed (b) Republic was a major reform of the boundaries
(a) Prime Minister (c) Report (d) Representative of India's states and territories,
(b) Vice President organizing them along linguistic lines.
(c) President Sol.(a) Repealed is the expanded form
(d) Speaker of the Lok Sabha of the abbreviation 'Rep.' used in the Q.423. The polity of a country is
text of the Constitution of India. designed according to its ______ and
any change to the polity is possible Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 278

Pinnacle Polity

only when an amendment is made. SSC do not misuse their position of universal adult franchise? SSC CHSL
CHSL 19/04/21 (Morning) advantage to gain an unfair edge. 9/8/2021 (Morning)
(a) Constitution (b) People (a) Assam (b) Tripura
(c) Government (d) Preamble Q.426. In which of the following years (c) Manipur (d) Bihar
did Telangana became the 29th state of
Sol.(a) The polity of a country is India after the Sol.(c) Manipur was the first state to
designed according to its constitution reorganisation of the state of Andhra hold an election based on universal
and any change to the polity is possible Pradesh? SSC CHSL 04/08/21 adult franchise in June 1948. Maharaja
only when an amendment is made. A (Morning) of Manipur Bodhchandra Singh signed
constitution is an aggregate of (a) 2014 (b) 1994 the instrument of accession with the
fundamental principles or established (c) 2010 (d) 1998 Indian government on the assurance
precedents that constitute the legal that the internal autonomy of Manipur
basis of a polity, organization, or other Sol.(a) Telangana became the 29th would be maintained.
types of entity and commonly State of India with Hyderabad as its
determine how that entity is to be capital on 2 June 2014. There are 28 Q.430. What is the minimum age
governed and it can be amended states and 8 Union territories in the requirement for appointment as a
whenever required. country. Union Territories are Governor? SSC CHSL 9/8/2021
administered by the President through (Evening)
Q.424. In which of the following years an Administrator appointed by him/her. (a) 26 years (b) 35 years
did the Supreme Court of India come (c) 25 years (d) 42 years
into existence after Independence? SSC Q.427. In which year did the Central
CHSL 19/04/21 (Morning) Government of India appoint the States Sol.(b) The minimum age for being a
(a) 1955 (b) 1948 Reorganisation Commission? SSC Governor, Vice-president and president
(c) 1950 (d) 1952 CHSL 05/08/21 (Morning) is 35 years. The minimum age for an
(a) 1958 (b) 1953 MP (Lok Sabha) and MLA is 25 years.
Sol.(c) After India attained (c) 1950 (d) 1951 The minimum age for MP (Rajya
independence in 1947, the Constitution Sabha) and MLC is 30 years. The
of India came into being on 26 January Sol.(b) The States Reorganisation minimum age for being a member of
1950. The Supreme Court of India also Commission (SRC) was constituted by Municipality and Panchayat is 21 years
came into existence and its first sitting the Central Government of India on 22 and the minimum age for being a voter
was held on 28 January 1950. December 1953 to recommend the is 18 years.
1st CJI after independence: H. J. Kania. reorganization of state boundaries.
Present CJI: N. V. Ramana(48th). States Reorganisation Commission Q.431. Which of the following does the
consisted of Fazal Ali, K. M. Panikkar Special Marriage Act 1954 NOT
Q.425. ______ is a set of norms and and H. N. Kunzru. Its main support? SSC CHSL 11/8/2021
guidelines to be followed by the recommendations were to organize (Morning)
political parties and contesting states on a language basis as well as the (a) Inter-caste marriage
candidates during election time. SSC boundaries of state could reflect the (b) Strict endogamy
CHSL 19/04/21 (Afternoon) linguistic aspects also. (c) Inter-faith marriage
(a) Constitutional Norms (d) Communal harmony
(b) Constitutional Rules Q.428. One-third of the members of the
(c) Code of Conduct Vidhan Parishad retire every ______ Sol.(b) The Special Marriage Act, 1954
(d) Rigging year/s. SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Morning) is an Act of the Parliament of India
(a) four (b) one
with provisions for civil marriage.
(c) three (d) two
Sol.(c) Code of Conduct is a set of Applicability
norms and guidelines to be followed by Sol.(d) One-third of the members of the 1. Any person, irrespective of religion.
the political parties and contesting State Legislative Council retire after 2. Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Jains,
candidates during election time. The every two years. Vidhan Parishad or Sikhs, Christians, Parsis, or Jews can
Model Code of Conduct comes into Legislative Council is a permanent also perform marriage under the
force immediately on the body, which can be formed or Special Marriage Act, 1954.
announcement of the election schedule abolished when the Legislative 3. Inter-religion marriages are
by the commission for the need of Assembly passes a special resolution. performed under this Act.
ensuring free and fair elections. Its
4. This Act is applicable to the entire
main purpose is to ensure that ruling Q.429. Which was the first part of territory of India and extends to
parties, at the Centre and in the States, India to hold an election based on Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 279

Pinnacle Polity

intending spouses who are both Indian Q.438. Which of the following was
nationals living abroad. Sol.(a) It prevents the State from NOT included in the definition of
5. Indian national living abroad. making any law in matters of religion. 'children' by the Maintenance and
This statement about the Constitution Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens
Q.432. The monthly maintenance of India is NOT true. Act, 2007? SSC MTS 07/10/21
amount of ₹ ______ payable by (Evening)
children to parents, set by the Q.435. How many seats are allocated (a) Adult son (b) Adult daughter
Maintenance and Welfare of Parents to Bihar in the Lok Sabha as per the (c) Minor son (d) Adult grandson
and Senior Citizens Bill, 2007, was statewise list of the 17th Lok Sabha?
removed by the Maintenance and SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Evening) Sol.(c) Minor son was NOT included in
Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens (a) 60 (b) 40 (c) 78 (d) 48 the definition of 'children' by the
(Amendment) Bill, 2019. SSC MTS Maintenance and Welfare of Parents
05/10/21(Morning) Sol.(b) 40 seats are allocated to Bihar and Senior Citizens Act, 2007.
(a) 10,000 (b) 5,000 in the Lok Sabha as per the state-wise According to this act, it is a legal
(c) 12,000 (d) 8,000 list of the 17th Lok Sabha. obligation for children and heirs to
provide maintenance to senior citizens
Sol.(a) The monthly maintenance Q.436. Which of the following Union and parents, by monthly allowance.
amount of ₹ 10,000 payable by children Ministries organises All India Whips’ Children include son, daughter,
to parents set by the Maintenance and Conference to establish suitable links grandson, grand daughter, son-in-law,
Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens among the whips of various political daughter-in-law but does not include a
Bill, 2007, was removed by the parties at the centre and the minor.
Maintenance and Welfare of Parents states/union territories who are
concerned with the practical working of Q.439. Which Prime Minister among
and Senior Citizens (Amendment) Bill,
the legislatures? SSC MTS 07/10/21 the following had signed the Assam
(Afternoon) Accord with the All Assam Gana
(a) Ministry of Home Affairs Sangram Parishad in 1985? SSC MTS
Q.433. We celebrate 'Samvidhan Divas'
(b) Ministry of Information and 08/10/21 (Morning)
on ______ every year, to commemorate
Broadcasting (a) PV Narasimha Rao
the adoption of the Constitution of
(c) Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs (b) Rajiv Gandhi
India. SSC MTS 06/10/21(Morning)
(d) Ministry of Human Resource (c) IK Gujral
(a) 26th January (b) 26th November
Development (d) VP Singh
(c) 15th September (d) 15th August

Sol.(c) Ministry of Parliamentary Sol.(b) Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi

Sol.(b) We celebrate 'Samvidhan Divas'
Affairs organizes All India Whips’ had signed the Assam Accord with the
on 26th November every year, to
Conference to establish suitable links All Assam Gana Sangram Parishad in
commemorate the adoption of the
among the whips of various political 1985. The Assam Accord was a
Constitution of India. On 26 November
parties at the centre and the Memorandum of Settlement (MoS)
1949, the Constituent Assembly of
states/union territories who are signed between representatives of the
India adopted the Constitution of India,
concerned with the practical working of Government of India and the leaders of
and it came into effect on 26 January
the legislatures. the Assam Movement. According to
the Assam Accord, the government has
Q.437. As per the Constitution of India, to protect, preserve and promote the
Q.434. Which of the following
what is the maximum number of states cultural, social, linguistic identity and
statements about the Constitution of
for which the same person can be heritage of the Assamese people.
India is NOT true? SSC MTS 06/10/21
(Afternoon) appointed as Governor? SSC MTS
07/10/21 (Afternoon) Q.440. According to the Motor
(a) It prevents the State from making
(a) There is no limit (b) One state Vehicles Act, 1988, no person under
any law in matters of religion.
(c) Two states (d) Three states the age of ______ years shall be
(b) Its makers chose the model of a
granted a learner’s license to drive a
secular state.
Sol.(a) As per the Constitution of India, motorcycle without gear except with
(c) It provides all individuals and
the consent in writing of the person
communities the freedom to profess, There is no limit of maximum number
having the care of the person desiring
practice and propagate any religion. of states for which the same person can
the learner’s license. SSC MTS
(d) It prohibits discrimination on be appointed as Governor.
grounds of religion.
(a) twenty (b) eighteen Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 280

Pinnacle Polity

(c) seventeen (d) twenty-one Sol.(c) Kamal Nath was the Pro-tem
speaker of the 16th Lok Sabha. Pro-tem Q.447. A Panchayat continues for
Sol.(b) According to the Motor speaker is the temporary speaker who ______ from the date appointed for its
Vehicles Act, 1988, no person under presides over the first meeting of the first meeting. SSC MTS 18/10/2021
the age of eighteen years shall be Lower House of Parliament. (Afternoon)
granted a learner’s license to drive a (a) 14 years (b) 11 years
motorcycle without gear except with Q.444. As per the Consumer Protection (c) 5 years (d) 9 years
the consent in writing of the person Act, 1986 a complaint can be filed in
having the care of the person desiring the District Consumer Disputes Sol.(c) Article 243E- A Panchayat
the learner’s Redressal Forum if the value of the continues for five years from the date
License. claim is up to: SSC MTS appointed for its first meeting. The
12/10/21(Evening) 73rd Amendment 1992 added a new
Q.441. Which of the following Acts (a) ₹5 lakh (b) ₹15 lakh Part IX to the constitution titled “The
was passed by the Government of India (c) ₹20 lakh (d) ₹10 lakh Panchayats” covering provisions from
to inquire into allegations of corruption Article 243 to 243(O); and a new
against certain public functionaries? Sol.(c) As per the Consumer Eleventh Schedule covering 29 subjects
SSC MTS 11/10/21(Afternoon) Protection Act, 1986 a complaint can within the functions of the Panchayats.
(a) Delimitation Act be filed in the District Consumer
(b) Prevention of Money Laundering Disputes Redressal Forum if the value Q.448. In which year was the
Act of the claim is up to:₹20 lakh. Communist Party of India - Marxist
(c) Central Vigilance Commission Act (CPI-M) formed? SSC MTS
(d) The Lokpal and Lokayukta Act Q.445. Which of the following states 18/10/2021 (Evening)
has the highest number of Legislative (a) 1951 (b) 1964
Sol.(d) The Lokpal and Lokayukta Act Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) (c) 1962 (d) 1972
was passed by the Government of India Constituencies? SSC MTS
to inquire into allegations of corruption 13/10/21(Afternoon) Sol.(b) In 1964 the Communist Party
against certain public functionaries. (a) Rajasthan of India - Marxist (CPI-M) was formed.
(b) Maharashtra Leadership: Sitaram Yechury
Q.442. Who among the following was (c) Uttar Pradesh (Secretary-General). Founders- Jyoti
the President of India when a national (d) Madhya Pradesh Basu, E. M. S. Namboodiripad, A. K.
emergency was declared in 1975? SSC Gopalan.
MTS 11/10/21(Evening) Sol.(c) Uttar Pradesh has the highest
(a) Zakir Husain number of Legislative Assembly Q.449. Which of the following union
(b) Varahagiri Venkata Giri (Vidhan Sabha) Constituencies. Uttar territories has representation in the
(c) Neelam Sanjiva Reddy Pradesh has 404 members in its Council of States? SSC MTS
(d) Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Assembly. 20/10/2021 (Afternoon)
(a) Chandigarh
Sol.(d) Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed was the Q.446. The ______ states that no (b) Lakshadweep
President of India when a national woman shall be arrested after sunset (c) Andaman and Nicobar Islands
emergency was declared in 1975. Prime and before sunrise. SSC MTS (d) Puducherry
Minister was Smt Indira Gandhi. 14/10/2021 (Morning)
Article 352 of the Constitution provides except under exceptional Sol.d) Puducherry has representation in
for the provision of National circumstances. the Council of States. Andhra Pradesh,
Emergency which can be applied if any (a) Probation of Offenders Act Karnataka, Telangana, Maharashtra,
extraordinary situation arises. (b) Indian Penal Code Bihar and Uttar Pradesh have council
(c) Police Act of states.
Q.443. Who was the Pro-tem speaker (d) Code of Criminal Procedure
of the 16th Lok Sabha? SSC MTS Q.450. The Supreme Court of India
12/10/21(Morning) Sol.(d) The Code of Criminal was established on: SSC MTS
(a) Meira Kumar Procedure states that no woman shall 20/10/2021 (Evening)
(b) M Thambidurai be arrested after sunset and before (a) 25 January 1954
(c) Kamal Nath sunrise except under exceptional (b) 30 January 1950
(d) Manohar Parrikar circumstances. It was enacted in 1973 (c) 15 January 1952
and came into force on 1 April 1974. (d) 26 January 1950 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 281

Pinnacle Polity

in the Lok Sabha and the State Vidhan (a) 1957 (b) 1962
Sol.(d) The Supreme Court of India Sabhas. (c) 1977 (d) 1971
was established on 26 January 1950.
The current(48th) Chief Justice of India Q.454. Who among the following has Sol.(d) In 1971 the Congress Party led
is N. V. Ramana. First Chief Justice of the power to nominate some members by Indira Gandhi gave the slogan of
India - Justice Harilal Jekisundas in the Legislative Council of a state? ‘Garibi Hatao’ (‘Remove poverty’) in
Kania. SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Evening) the Lok Sabha elections. It was part of
(a) The Governor of the concerned the 5th Five-Year Plan.
Q.451. An official enumeration of state
population done periodically is known (b) The Prime Minister of India Q.457. Which of the following is a
as: SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Evening) (c) The Chief Minister of the concerned consumer right? SSC MTS 27/10/2021
(a) national register of citizens state (Afternoon)
(b) demographic count (d) The Chairman of the Legislative (a) Right to Move or Settle
(c) census Council of the concerned state (b) Right to Manufacture Goods
(d) national population register (c) Right to Seek Redressal
Sol.(a) The Governor of the concerned (d) Right to Constitutional Remedies
Sol.(c) An official enumeration of state has the power to nominate some
population done periodically is known members in the Legislative Council of Sol.(c) Consumer Rights- Right To
as Census. In the British Empire, the a state. Articles from 153 to 167 in Redressal, Right To Safety, Right To
'1871 Indian Census' was India's first Part VI of the constitution deals with Information, Right To Choose, Right
census under British Viceroy Lord the state executive. The state executive To Be Heard, Right To Consumer
Mayo. The first complete census was consists of the Governor, the Chief Education.
taken in 1881. Minister, the Council of Ministers, and
the Advocate General of the State.
Q.452. Electoral roll is commonly Q.458. Which country has veto power
known as: SSC MTS 20/10/2021 Q.455. Which of the following in the United Nations? SSC MTS
(Evening) statements is correct? SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Afternoon)
(a) election count (b) voter's list 26/10/2021 (Afternoon) (a) India (b) Bhutan
(c) election list (d) serial list (a) The minimum age requirement for (c) China (d) Bangladesh
appointment as Governor is 30 years.
Sol.(b) The electoral roll is commonly (b) The Governor holds office during Sol.(c) The United Nations Security
known as the voter's list. An electoral the pleasure of the Chief Minister. Council "veto power" refers to the
roll is a compilation that lists persons (c) The Governor submits his power of the five permanent members
who are entitled to vote for particular resignation to the Prime Minister. of the UN Security Council (China,
elections in a particular jurisdiction. (d) The Governor is appointed by the France, Russia, the United Kingdom,
President. and the United States) to veto any
Q.453. National Commission for "substantive" resolution.
Scheduled Tribes came into existence Sol.(d) The Governor(Article 152-162)
as a separate commission in which of is appointed by the President. The Q.459. As per the Constitution of India,
the following year?SSC MTS Governor of a State shall be appointed every person who is arrested and
22/10/2021 (Morning) by the President by warrant under his detained in custody shall be produced
(a) 2000 (b) 2006 hand and seal (Article 155). Powers of before the nearest magistrate within a
(c) 2004 (d) 2002 Governor- Approval of State Budgets period of ______ hours of such arrest
and Appropriations, Enactment of excluding the time necessary for the
Sol.(c) National Commission for Legislation, Veto Power, Confirmation journey from the place of arrest to the
Scheduled Tribes came into existence of Appointments, Legislative court of the magistrate. SSC MTS
as a separate commission in 2004. Oversight. 2/11/2021 (Afternoon)
Preceding commission- National (a) six
Commission for Scheduled Castes and Q.456. In which of the following years (b) thirty-six
Scheduled Tribes 1978. Article 334 did the Congress Party led by Indira (c) twenty-four
provides for the reservation of seats for Gandhi give the slogan of ‘Garibi (d) twelve
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Hatao’ (‘Remove poverty’) in the Lok
Sabha elections? SSC MTS 27/10/2021 Sol.(c) As per the Constitution of India,
(Morning) every person who is arrested and Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 282

Pinnacle Polity

detained in custody shall be produced

before the nearest magistrate within a
period of Twenty four hours of such
arrest excluding the time necessary for
the journey from the place of arrest to
the court of the magistrate. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 283

Pinnacle Geography

SOLAR SYSTEM AND ITS (c) Nainital (d) Banglore Q.8. The approximate diameter of the
PLANETS sun is_____ times the diameter of Earth.
Sol.(d) The Indian Institute of SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Evening)
Astrophysics, with its headquarters in (a) 92 (b) 109
Q.1. The theory that dinosaurs were
Bangalore, is a National Research (c) 146 (d) 123
driven to extinction by the aftermath of a
Institute of India. IIA conducts research
large asteroid impact on Earth was given
primarily in the areas of astronomy, Sol.(b) The Sun is 864,400 miles
by _______.
astrophysics and related subjects. It is (1,391,000 kilometers) across. This is
SSC CGL 07/06/2019 (Evening)
widely recognised as a leading research about 109 times the diameter of Earth.
(a) Wilhelm Rontgen
center for astrophysics in India. The Sun weighs about 333,000 times as
(b) Luis Alvarez
much as Earth. It is so large that about
(c) Henry Moseley
Q.5.. About 70% of the Sun is made up 1,300,000 planet Earths can fit inside of
(d) William Crookes
of ____. it.
SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening)
Sol.(b) The theory that dinosaurs were
(a) Hydrogen (b) Oxygen Q.9. ______ is the hottest planet in the
driven to extinction by the aftermath of a
(c) Carbon (d) Helium solar system.
large asteroid impact on earth was given
SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Evening)
by Luis Alvarez. Luis Walter Alvarez
Sol.(a) The Sun is a huge, glowing (a) Mercury (b) Mars
was an American experimental physicist,
sphere of hot gas. Most of this gas is (c) Venus (d) Earth
inventor, and professor who was
hydrogen (about 70%) and helium
awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in
(about 28%). Carbon, nitrogen and Sol.(c) Venus is the hottest planet in the
1968. The American Journal of Physics
oxygen make up 1.5% and the other solar system. Although Mercury is
commented, "Luis Alvarez was one of
0.5% is made up of small amounts of closest to the sun Venus is hottest
the most brilliant and productive
many other elements such as neon, iron, because its dense atmosphere traps heat
experimental physicists of the twentieth
silicon, magnesium and sulfur. in a runaway version of the greenhouse
effect that warms Earth.
Q.6. The term ‘Blood Moon’ is used to
Q.2. About 70% of the Sun is made up
refer to _____. Q.10. In the solar system, among the
of ____.
SSC CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon) planets listed below, which planet is
SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening)
(a) Solar Eclipse farthest from the sun?
(a) Hydrogen (b) Oxygen
(b) Crescent Moon SSC CHSL 02/07/2019 (Evening)
(c) Carbon (d) Helium
(c) Lunar Eclipse (a) Mars (b) Jupitor
(d) Full Moon (c) Neptune (d) Venus
Sol.(a) The Sun is a mixture of many
gases. Hydrogen (about 70%) and
Sol.(c) A total lunar eclipse is sometimes Sol.(c) Neptune is the eighth and farthest
helium (about 28%). Carbon, nitrogen
called a Blood Moon, because of the known planet from the Sun in the Solar
and oxygen make up 1.5% and the other
reddish tinge the Full Moon takes on System.
0.5% is made up of small amounts of
when fully eclipsed. The term is also
many other elements like neon, iron,
frequently used to describe four total Q.11. In India the Ursa Major
silicon, magnesium and sulfur.
lunar eclipses that occur in a row. Earth's Constellation is also known as:
atmosphere filters out blue light. SSC CHSL 08/07/2019 (Evening)
Q.3. Which one of the following is the
(a) Devarshi (b) Maharshi
brightest star in the Orion Constellation?
Q.7. Which one of the following is the (c) Saptarshi (d) Swadeshi
SSC-CGL 10/06/2019 (Afternoon)
largest recognised constellation?
(a) Betelgeuse (b) Alnilam
SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Morning) Sol.(c) Ursa Major is known as
(c) Rigel (d) Eta Orionis
(a) Hydra (b) Dorado Saptarshi, each of the stars representing
(c) Antilla (d) Crux one of the Saptarshis or Seven Sages viz.
Sol.(c) Orion is the brightest and most
Bhrigu, Atri, Angiras, Vasishtha,
beautiful of the winter constellations.
Sol.(a) Hydra is the largest of the 88 Pulastya, Pula
Some of its stars, including Betelgeuse
modern constellations, measuring 1303
and Rigel, are among the brightest stars.
square degrees, and also the longest at Q.12. The uppermost layer of earth’s
Q.4. The headquarters of the Indian
over 100 degrees. Its southern end abuts surface is called -
Institute of Astrophysics is located in
Libra and Centaurus and its northern end SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning)
borders Cancer. (a) Mental (b) Core
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(c) Magma (d) Crust
(a) Shillong (b) Indore Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 284

Pinnacle Geography

Sol.(d) The Earth's crust is a thin shell Q.16. Europa is the natural satellite of: SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
on the outside of the Earth, which SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning) (a) 1/10th (b) 1/6th
accounts for less than 1% of Earth's (a) Saturn (b) Uranus (c) 1/8th (d) 1/4th
volume. It is the top component of the (c) Jupiter (d) Mars
lithosphere, which is a division of Sol.(b) Mass of the moon is 1/100 times
Earth's layers that includes the crust and Sol.(c) Europa is the smallest of the four and radius of moon is 1/4 times that of
the upper part of the mantle. The Galilean moons orbiting Jupiter, and the the earth. Therefore, the gravitational
lithosphere is broken into tectonic plates sixth-closest to the planet of all the 79 attraction on the moon is about one sixth
that move, allowing heat to escape from known moons of Jupiter. It is also the of that on the earth. Hence, the weight of
the interior of the Earth into space. sixth-largest moon in the Solar System. an object on the moon is 1/6 th of the
weight on the earth.
Q.13. Which of the following is known Q.17. In the life cycle of a star , the
as the study of earthquakes? stage nebula refers to: Q.21. Which of the following statements
SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Morning) SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning) about Ganymede is NOT correct?
(a) Seismology (b) Lithology (a) the stage when the outer layers SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening)
(c) Semiology (d) Histology expand, cool down and become less (a) It is bigger than Mercury.
bright (b) It is the largest natural satellite in our
Sol.(a) Seismology is the scientific study (b) the last stage of its life solar system.
of earthquakes and the propagation of (c) a cloud of dust and hydrogen (c) It is the only moon known to have its
elastic waves through the Earth or (d) the outer shell of a star own internally generated magnetic field.
through other planet-like bodies. (d) It revolves around Saturn.
Sol.(c) a cloud of dust and hydrogen
Q.14. Which of the following is the Explanation: Life Cycle of a Star. Stars Sol.(d) Ganymede orbits Jupiter at a
outer layer of the Earth that is made of are formed in clouds of gas and dust, distance of 1,070,400 km and completes
plates which fit together like a jigsaw known as nebulae. However, the a revolution every seven days and three
puzzle? hydrogen fuel that powers the nuclear hours.
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning) reactions within stars will begin to run
(a) Lithosphere (b) Biosphere out, and they will enter the final phases Q.22. What is the periodicity of Halley’s
(c) Mesosphere (d) Asthenosphere of their lifetime. comet?
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning)
Sol.(a) The rigid outer layer of the Earth, Q.18. Which of the following planet is (a) 30-31 years
called the lithosphere, is made of plates NOT a jovian planet? (b) 45-46 years
which fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning) (c) 85-86 years
These solid but lightweight plates seem (a) Mars (b) Jupiter (d) 75-76 years
to "float" on top of a more dense, fluid (c) Uranus (d) Saturn
layer underneath. Sol.(a) In our solar system, Jupiter, Sol.(d) Halley's Comet is arguably the
Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are gas most famous comet. It is a "periodic"
Q.15. The solar eclipse occurs when: giants, also known as Jovian planets. comet and returns to Earth's vicinity
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening) about every 75-76 years, making it
(a) an asteroid comes between the sun Q.19. Baily's beads can be observed possible for a human to see it twice in
and the moon during a/an: his or her lifetime.
(b) the moon moves too far away from SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening)
the sun (a) occultation of Jupiter Q.23. The bodies glowing in the night
(c) the sun comes between the moon and (b) partial solar eclipse sky are known as ______.
the earth (c) lunar eclipse SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Afternoon)
(d) the moon comes between the earth (d) total solar eclipse (a) Celestial bodies (b) Asteroids
and the sun (c) Planetarium (d) Meteorite
Sol.(d) A solar eclipse occurs when the Sol.(d) Baily's beads can be observed
moon gets between Earth during a total solar eclipse Sol.(a) Celestial Bodies : A celestial
and the sun, and the moon casts a The Baily's beads effect, or diamond body can be defined as any natural body
shadow over Earth. A solar eclipse can ring effect, is a feature of total and outside of the Earth's atmosphere.
only take place at the phase of a new annular solar eclipses.. Celestial bodies or heavenly bodies are
moon, when the moon passes directly objects in space such as the sun, moon,
between the sun and Earth and its Q.20. The weight of an object on the planets and stars.
shadows fall upon Earth's surface. moon is equal to ____ of its weight on
the earth. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 285

Pinnacle Geography

Q.24. Lucifer is another name for the Q.28. Which of the following is the Q.32. Which planet is made up of thick
planet______. outermost solid part of the Earth? white and yellowish clouds of sulfuric
SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Evening) SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Evening) acid?
(a) Jupiter (b) Mars (a) Mantle (b) Crust SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Evening)
(c) Venus (d) Saturn (c) Core (d) Caldera (a) Mars (b) Uranus
(c) Neptune (d) Venus
Sol.(c) As the meaning of the word Sol.(b) The structure of the Earth is
Lucifer in Classical Mythology means divided into four major concentric Sol.(d) Venus (Earth’s twin) has a thick,
“Light- bringer”. Venus is also known by layers: inner core, outer core, mantle and toxic atmosphere filled with carbon
the name Lucifer due to its feature of crust (the outermost layer). The crust is dioxide and it’s perpetually shrouded in
being the brightest planet. made up of tectonic plates, which are in thick, yellowish, clouds of mostly
constant motion. sulfuric acid that trap heat, causing a
Q.25. Planetary scientists call the thin runaway greenhouse effect.
gaseous envelope around the Moon as Q.29. What is the radius of the moon?
the ______. SSC CHSL 19-03-2020 (Morning) Q.33. The _____ is responsible for
SSC CGL 4/3/2020 (morning) (a) 1.78 × 10^6 m Earth's magnetic field.
(a) lunar exosphere (b) 1.79 ×10^6 m SSC CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning)
(b) lunar stratosphere (c) 1.74 ×10^5 m (a) inner core (b) mantle
(c) lunar thermosphere (d) 1.74 ×10^6 m (c) outer core (d) crust
(d) lunar endosphere
Sol.(d) The radius of the moon is 1.74 x Sol.(c) The outer core is responsible for
Sol.(a) The thin gaseous envelope 10^6 m. Earth’s magnetic field. On Earth,
around the Moon is called a lunar flowing liquid metal in the outer core of
exosphere, bounded by the emptiness of Q.30. During the phenomenon of the planet generates electric currents.
space and the Moon’s surface , is an aphelion, the approximate distance The rotation of Earth on its axis causes
atmosphere so thin that atoms really between the earth and the sun is: these electric currents to form a
collide. CHSL 12-10-2020 (Afternoon) magnetic field which extends around the
(a) 137 million km planet.
Q.26. In the sequence of planets in the (b) 152 million km
solar system, which planet comes in (c) 147 million km Q.34. The moon is an example of a
between Mars and Saturn? (d) 142 million km ______ object.
SSC CGL 4/3/2020 (afternoon) CHSL 16-10-2020 (Afternoon)
(a) Venus (b) Mercury Sol.(b) During the phenomenon of (a) transparent (b) translucent
(c) Uranus (d) Jupiter aphelion, the approximate distance (c) luminous (d) non-luminous
between the Earth and Sun is 152
Sol.(d) sequence of planets in the solar million km. Aphelion is the point of the Sol.(d) Moon is non-luminous. It shines
system Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Earth’s orbit that is farthest away from by reflecting the sunlight falling on it.
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune the Sun. Perihelion is the point of the
Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun Earth’s orbit that is nearest to the Sun. Q.35. The process that moves, elevates
and the largest in the Solar System. or builds up portions of the earth’s crust
Q.31. ______ is no longer considered as is called:
Q.27. How many degrees does the Earth a planet within Earth's Solar system. CHSL 16-10-2020 (Afternoon)
rotate about its own axis in one hour? SSC CHSL 12-10-2020 (Evening) (a) denudation (b) volcanism
SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Afternoon) (a) Neptun (b) Pluto (c) weathering (d) diastrophism
(a) 10 (b) 20 (c) Mars (d) Uranus
(c) 24 (d) 15 Sol.(d) Diastrophism is the process of
Sol.(b) Since 2006, as per the deformation of Earth’s crust which
Sol.(d) On its axis, the earth rotates 360 International Astronomical Union’s involves folding and faulting.It is
degrees every 24 hours. Or you can look planetary criteria, Pluto isn’t considered considered as a part of geotectonics.
at it as it takes one day to complete a full Denudation involves the processes that
a planet because it hasn’t cleared the
circle. Divided up into an hourly rate,
neighbourhood around its orbit of other cause the wearing away of the Earth’s
the earth rotates 15 degrees every hour
(360/24). This number plays an objects. However, it is considered a surface by moving water, by ice, by
important role in determining time dwarf planet. wind and by waves, leading to a
zones. reduction in elevation and in relief of
landforms and of landscapes. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 286

Pinnacle Geography

Q.36. When are neap tides produced? Sol.(c) Saturn has overtaken Jupiter as (a) Perigee (b) Eclipse
SSC CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening) the planet with the most moons, (c) Apsis (d) Apogee
(a) When the sun and moon are at right according to US researchers. A team
angles to the earth. discovered a haul of 20 new moons Sol.(a) Perigee is the point in the orbit of
(b) When the sun partially contracts pull orbiting the ringed planet, bringing its the moon or a satellite at which it is
of the earth total to 82; Jupiter, by contrast, has 79 nearest to Earth. The perigee refers
(c) When the earth and moon are in a natural satellites. specifically to orbits around the Earth
straight line. and is equivalent to the periapsis of a
(d) When the sun lowers the Q.40. How many brightest stars is the general orbit.
gravitational pull of the moon. constellation called the Great Bear made
up of? SSC CGL 24/08/21(Morning) Q.44. IC 1101 is a ______. SSC CHSL
Sol.(a) A neap tide is a tide in which the (a) Three (b) Seven 6/8/2021 (Evening)
difference between high and low tide is (c) Five (d) Nine (a) asteroid (b) galaxy
the least. Neap tides occur twice a month (c) supernova (d) satellite
when the Sun and Moon are at right Sol.(d) The constellation called the Great Sol.(b) IC 1101 is a supergiant elliptical
angles to the Earth. In this position, their Bear is made up of seven stars. A galaxy at the center of the Abell 2029
total gravitational pull on the Earth’s constellation is an area on the celestial galaxy cluster and is one of the largest
water is weakened because it comes sphere in which a group of visible stars known galaxies.
from two different directions. forms a perceived outline or pattern,
typically representing an animal, Q.45. Which of the following celestial
Q.37. Which of the following planets is mythological person or creature, or an bodies has a natural satellite named
known as a gas giant? inanimate object. ‘Charon’? SSC MTS 05/10/21(Evening)
CHSL 26-10-2020 (Afternoon) (a) Haumea (b) Pluto
(a) Earth (b) Mercury Q.41. Which of the following planets (c) Mars (d) Saturn
(c) Venus (d) Jupiter has the most number of moons? SSC
CHSL 12/04/21(Morning) Sol.(b) Pluto has a natural satellite
Sol.(d) Jupiter is composed of mostly (a) Jupiter (b) Saturn named ‘Charon’. Charon is known as
hydrogen and helium, with large mantles (c) Uranus (d) Neptune Pluto I. It is the largest of the five known
of metallic hydrogen and only small natural satellites of the dwarf planet
cores of rock and ice. Therefore, it is Sol.(b) According to NASA, the number Pluto. It has a mean radius of 606 km,
known as a gas giant. of satellites of the planets of solar with half the diameter and one-eighth the
system are as follows - Mercury - 0, mass of Pluto.
Q.38. The approximate period between Venus - 0, Earth - 1, Mars - 2, Jupiter -
two consecutive new moons is ______ 79 (53 confirmed, 26 provisional), Q.46. Which of the following planets
days. Saturn - 82 (53 confirmed, 29 does NOT have any moon? SSC MTS
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning) provisional), Uranus - 27, Neptune - 14 07/10/21 (Afternoon)
(a) 15.5 (b) 28.5 (a) Saturn (b) Venus
(c) 29.5 (d) 15 Q.42. Big Bang theory explains: SSC (c) Uranus (d) Jupiter
CHSL 19/04/21 (Afternoon)
Sol.(c) The approximate period between (a) origin of Universe Sol.(b) Venus does NOT have any moon.
two new moons is 29.5 days. (b) origin of Stars Neither Mercury nor Venus has a moon
The time interval between a full moon (c) origin of Galaxies because they are so close to the sun and
and the next repetition of the same (d) origin of Solar System its gravity. Any moon with too great a
phase, a synodic month, averages about distance from these planets would be in
29.53 days. Therefore, in those lunar Sol.(a) The widely accepted theory for an unstable orbit and be captured by the
calendars in which each month begins on the origin and evolution of the universe Sun. If they were too close to these
the day of the new moon, the full moon is the Big Bang model, given by Georges planets they would be destroyed by tidal
falls on either the 14th or 15th day of the Lemaître, which states that the universe gravitational forces.
lunar month. began as an incredibly hot, dense point
roughly 13.7 billion years ago. Q.47. What do you call one of the most
Q.39. How many natural satellites does
famous constellations that we can see
the planet Venus have? Q.43. What do you call the point in the during summertime in the early part of
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning) orbit of the moon or a satellite at which the night? SSC MTS 11/10/21(Morning)
(a) 1 (b) 2 it is nearest to (a) Cassiopeia (b) Ursa Minor
(c) 0 (d) 3 Earth? SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Afternoon) (c) Orion (d) Ursa Major Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 287

Pinnacle Geography

Q.51. After full moon day, every night Sol.(a) Mercury has no satellite of its
Sol.(d) The most famous constellation the size of the bright part of the moon own. Jupiter has 79 satellites. Saturn has
that we can see during summertime in appears to become thinner and thinner. 82 Satellites. The two natural satellites
the early part of the night is Ursa Major. On the fifteenth day, the moon is not of Mars are Phobos and Deimos.
It is also known as the Big Dipper, the visible. This day is known as: SSC MTS Ganymede is the biggest natural satellite
Great Bear or the Saptarshi. There are 18/10/2021 (Afternoon) of the solar system. Moon is the satellite
seven prominent stars in this (Evening) of the Earth.
constellation. It appears like a big ladle (a) half-moon day
or a question mark. (b) full moon day
(c) new moon day
Q.48. Which of the following is a dwarf (d) moon day
planet in our solar system? SSC MTS Q.55. What is the term used to describe
12/10/21(Morning) Sol.(c) After a full moon day, every
the angular distance of a place North or
(a) Europa (b) Callisto night the size of the bright part of the
South of Earth’s equator?
(c) Makemake (d) Ganymede moon appears to become thinner and
SSC-CGL 10/06/2019 (Evening)
thinner. On the fifteenth day, the moon is
(a) Hemisphere (b) Pole
Sol.(c) Makemake is a dwarf planet and not visible. This day is known as new (c) Longitude (d) Latitude
perhaps the second-largest Kuiper belt moon day.
object in the classical population, with a Sol.(d) It is the angular distance of a
diameter approximately two-thirds that Q.52. In which of the following periods place north or south of the earth's
of Pluto. It has one known satellite. Its is the meteor shower named Quadrantids equator, or of the equator of a celestial
extremely low average temperature, generally object, usually expressed in degrees and
about 40 K, means its surface is covered visible from Earth? SSC MTS minutes.
with methane, ethane, and possibly 20/10/2021 (Afternoon)
(a) August/September Q.56.The summer solstice 2019 in the
nitrogen ices.
(b) October/November Northern Hemisphere occurs on
(c) May/June ________
Q.49. How many natural satellites did
(d) December/January SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning)
Jupiter have as of 31st July 2020? SSC
MTS 14/10/2021 (Evening) (a) 24 June (b) 21 June
Sol(d) The meteor shower named (c) 26 June (d) 20 June
(a) 79 (b) 75
Quadrantids is generally visible from
(c) 82 (d) 86
Earth in December/January. The Sol.(b) The summer solstice, also known
Sol.(a) Jupiter has 79 natural satellites. Quadrantids can produce over 100 as midsummer, occurs when one of the
Saturn has 82 natural satellites, Mars has meteors per hour in a moonless sky. Earth's poles has its maximum tilt
two natural satellites called Phobos and toward the Sun. It happens twice yearly,
Deimos. Ganymede, a satellite of Q.53. In which of the following months once in each hemisphere.
Jupiter, is the largest and most massive may the meteor shower named Lyrids be
seen from Earth? SSC MTS 20/10/2021 Q.57. What is known as Hunter’s Moon
of the Solar System's moons. Titan is the
(Afternoon) in the West, is called as____in India.
largest satellite of Saturn. Earth has one
(a) April (b) February SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
natural satellite which is called the
(c) June (d) August (a) Pausha Purnima
(b) Magha Purnima
Sol.(a) The meteor shower named (c) Chaitra Purnima
Q.50. Which of the following is the (d) Kartik Purnima
Lyrids can be seen from Earth in April.
windiest planet in the solar system? SSC
The radiant point for the Lyrid meteor
MTS 14/10/2021 (Evening) Sol.(d) Hunter’s Moon in the West is
shower is near the constellation Lyra,
(a) Neptune (b) Uranus called Kartik Purnima in India, and it is
which has the bright star Vega in the
(c) Saturn (d) Mars a sacred festival celebrated all over
Sol.(a) Neptune is the windiest planet in Kartika Purnima is a Hindu, Sikh and
the solar system. Neptune is the eighth Q.54. Which of the following planets
has no satellite of its own? SSC MTS Jain holy festival, celebrated on the
and farthest-known Solar planet from the Purnima (full moon) day or the fifteenth
22/10/2021 (Afternoon)
Sun. It is 17 times the mass of Earth. lunar day of Kartik
(a) Mercury (b) Jupiter
Neptune is dark, cold, and very windy. (November–December).
(c) Saturn (d) Mars Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 288

Pinnacle Geography

Q.58. Which of the following at 23 30'

◦ SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon) every year on 20 march and 23
N divides India into almost two halves? (a) Mizoram (b) Gujarat September.
SSC CHSL 04/07/2019 (Evening) (c) Tripura (d) Maharashtra Summer Solstice is on 21 June.
(a) Equator Winter Solstice is on 22 December.
(b) Tropic of Capricorn Sol.(d) The tropic of cancer passes
(c) Prime Meridian through 8 Indian states. They are Q.65. Name the state capital located 53
(d) Tropic of Cancer Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, metres above the sea level between 93
Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, West Bengal, East longitude and 27 North latitude.
◦ Tripura and Mizoram. SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Evening)
Sol.(d) Tropic of cancer at 23 30' N
(a) Dispur (b) Itanagar
divides India into almost two halves.
Q.62. The Physics Phenomenon when, (c) Patna (d) Hyderabad
The Tropic of Cancer passes through 8
in Polar regions like Alaska and
states in India including Rajasthan,
Northern Canada, a splendid display of Sol.(b) Itanagar, the capital of Arunachal
Gujarat, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh,
colours is seen in the sky is called a/an: Pradesh, is located at an altitude of 530
Jharkhand, West Bengal, Mizoram, and
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning) meters above sea level between 93 east
Tripura. The Indian city that is closest to
(a) aurora borealis longitude and 27 north latitude.
the Tropic of Cancer is Mayapur, West
(b) star shower
Bengal which is located at 23.438°N
(c) active galactic nucleus Q.66. India is located to the North of the
88.392°E, only 0.0012055° away from
(d) star’s intrinsic luminosity ______.
the Tropic of Cancer.
SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Afternoon)
Sol.(a) An aurora (plural: auroras or (a) Tropic of Capricorn
Q.59. The Indian Standard Time is
aurorae), sometimes referred to as polar (b) Tropic of Cancer
calculated from the clock tower of
lights, northern lights (aurora borealis), (c) Equator
or southern lights (aurora australis), is a (d) Prime Meridian
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning)
natural light display in the Earth's sky,
(a) Hamirpur (b) Rampur
predominantly seen in the high-latitude Sol.(c) India is situated north of the
(c) Mirzapur (d) Sambalpur equator between 8° 4' and 37° 6' north
regions (around the Arctic and
Antarctic). latitude, and 68° 7' and 97° 25' east
Sol.(c) The Indian Standard Time is longitude.
computed on the basis of 82.5 degrees
Q.63. Which among the following has
East longitude from a clock tower in Q.67. 1° latitude is equal to
its latitude within one degree of that of
Mirzapur near Allahabad in the state of approximately ______ km.
New Delhi?
Uttar Pradesh, as it is near the CHSL 16-10-2020 (Afternoon)
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening)
corresponding longitude reference line. (a) 111 (b) 145
(a) Amarnath Cave
The Indian Standard time has been (c) 133 (d) 122
(b) City of Islamabad
observed for two hundred years (5½ Sol.(a) 1° latitude is equal to
(c) City of Dhaka
hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time approximately 111 km.
(d) Mount Everest
Q.68. Through which of the following
Q.60. On which day does the Summer Sol.(d) The latitude of Mount Everest is states does the Tropic of Cancer run?
Solstice occur in the Northern 27.9^N, 86.9^E while that of New Delhi CHSL 16-10-2020 (Afternoon)
Hemisphere ? is 28.61^N, 77.2^E. Hence, Mount (a) Assam (b) Mizoram
SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening) Everest is within one degree latitude (c) Nagaland (d) Manipur
(a) 22nd December (b) 21st March from New Delhi.
(c) 23rd September (d) 21st June Sol.(b) The Tropic of Cancer passes
Q.64. When does the entire earth through 8 states in India, Gujarat,
Sol.(d) The summer solstice occurs experience equal days and nights? Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh,
sometime between June 20 and June 22 SSC CGL 4/3/2020 (evening) Jharkhand, West Bengal, Tripura and
in the Northern Hemisphere and between (a) Day of winter solstice Mizoram.
December 20 and December 23 in the (b) Day of summer solstice
Southern Hemisphere. (c) At orbital plane Q.69. On which day of the year is the
(d) Day of equinox earth farthest from the sun, at a position
Q.61. The Tropic of Cancer does NOT called aphelion?
pass through which of the following Sol.(d) Equinox is the day when day and SSC CHSL 19-10-2020 (Morning)
Indian states ? night are equal. This occurs two times (a) 19 August (b) 23 October
(c) 12 May (d) 4 July Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 289

Pinnacle Geography

SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning) (b) 14°N and 34°N

Sol.(d) On 4 July, the earth is farthest (a) Meghalaya (b) Sikkim (c) 12°N and 32°N
from the sun, at a position called (c) Bhutan (d) Bangladesh (d) 10°N and 30°N
Sol.(b) :The 90 degree East Meridian Sol.(d) The Ganga-Brahmaputra basin
Q.70. Lines joining located at equal passes through state Meghalaya in India lies between 10°N and 30°N latitudes.
travel time from a common centre are and it crosses Bhutan and Bangladesh. The Ganga-Brahmaputra basin is formed
called: in the Indian subcontinent by tributaries
SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Morning) Q.74. The Indian Standard Time of rivers Ganga and Brahmaputra.
(a) Isohalines (b) Isochrones corresponds to the longitude ______
(c) Isobar (d) Isobronts degrees East. Q.78. The Tropic of Cancer does NOT
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) pass through which of the following
Sol.(b) Isohaline - A line drawn on a (a) 85 (b) 85.5 Indian states? SSC MTS 22/10/2021
map to indicate connecting points of (c) 76.5 (d) 79.5 (Evening)
equal salinity in the ocean. (a) Chhattisgarh (b) Assam
Isochrones - Lines joining located at Sol.(a):The Indian Standard Time (c) Tripura (d) Jharkhand
equal travel time from a common centre. corresponds to 82.5° East Longitude. It
Isonomal - A line on a chart connecting passes through the city Mirzapur Uttar Sol.(b) The Tropic of Cancer passes
points of equal abundance values of a Pradesh. through eight states in India: Gujarat
plant species sampled in different (Jasdan), Rajasthan (Kalinjarh), Madhya
sections of an area. Q.75. Which longitude has been selected Pradesh (Shajapur), Chhattisgarh
Isobronts - A line drawn through as the Standard Meridian of India? SSC (Sonhat), Jharkhand (Lohardaga), West
geographical points at which a given CGL 23/08/21(Afternoon) Bengal (Krishnanagar), Tripura
phase of thunderstorm activity occurred (a) 82°30'E (b) 81°30'E (Udaipur) and Mizoram (Champhai).
simultaneously. (c) 82°32'E (d) 82°31'E
Q.71. The Tropic of Cancer does NOT Sol.(a) 82°30'E longitude has been
pass through which of the following selected as the Standard Meridian of
Q.79. Tsunami is caused by ________.
Indian states? India. It passes through five Indian
SSC-CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning)
CHSL 21-10-2020 (Afternoon) states- Uttar Pradesh ( Mirzapur ),
(a) underwater volcanic activity
(a) Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Orissa,
(b) lower atmospheric pressure
(b) West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh.
(c) rocks underground suddenly breaking
(c) Andhra Pradesh
(d) strong winds driving water onshore
(d) Gujarat Q.76. Which of the following parallels
of latitude represent the Tropic of
Sol.(a)Most tsunamis are caused by
Sol.(c) The Tropic of Cancer passes Capricorn? SSC MTS
underwater tectonic activity (movement
through eight states in India- Gujarat, 05/10/21(Evening)
of the earth's plates) and therefore occur
Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, (a) 23½° in the Northern Hemisphere
along plate boundaries and as a result of
Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, West Bengal, (b) 66½° in the Southern Hemisphere
earthquake and rise or fall in the sea
Tripura and Mizoram. (c) 23½° in the Southern Hemisphere
floor, causing water to be displaced.
(d) 66½° in the Northern Hemisphere
Q.72. All parallel circles from the
Q.80. _________ strait separates the
Equator to the poles are known Sol.(c) 23½° in the Southern
islands of Java (east) and Sumatra.
as______ Hemisphere parallels of latitude
SSC-CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning)
SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Evening) represent the Tropic of Capricorn.
(a) Sunda (b) Yucatan
(a) Parallels of Latitude 23½° in the Northern Hemisphere :
(c) Malacca (d) Cook
(b) Arctic Circle Tropic of cancer
(c) Tropic of Cancer 66½° in the Southern Hemisphere :
Sol.(a) Sunda Strait is the strait between
(d) Antarctic Circle Antarctica circle
66½° in the Northern Hemisphere : the Indonesian islands of Java and
Arctic circle Sumatra. It connects the Java Sea to the
Sol.(a) :All parallel circles from the
Indian Ocean.
Equator to the poles are known as Q.77. The Ganga-Brahmaputra basin lies
Parallels of Latitude. between ______ latitudes. SSC MTS Q.81. Which of the following Indian
06/10/21 (Afternoon) Islands lies in the Bay of Bengal?
Q.73. The 90 degree East Meridian does (a) 16°N and 36°N SSC-CGL 10/06/2019 (Afternoon)
NOT pass through: Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 290

Pinnacle Geography

(a) Andaman and Nicobar Sol.(b) An archipelago is a group of connects Folkestone in Kent, UK, with
(b) Lakshadweep islands closely scattered in a body of Coquelles in Pas-de-Calais, France.
(c) Diu water. Usually, this body of water is the
(d) Daman ocean, but it can also be a lake or river. Q.88. Where is the Great Barrier Reef
Most archipelagoes are made of oceanic located ?
Sol.(a) The Andaman and Nicobar islands. This means the islands were SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Islands, one of the seven union formed by volcanoes erupting from the (a) Australia (b) Bahrain
territories of India comprising 572 ocean floor. (c) Peru (d) Mexico
islands of which 37 are inhabited, are a
group of islands at the juncture of the Q.85. In the context of plate tectonics, Sol(a) The Great Barrier Reef is the
Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea. It which of the following statements is world's largest coral reef system
comprises two island groups, the NOT correct? composed of over 2,900 individual reefs
Andaman Islands (partly) and the SSC CHSL 10/07/2019 (Morning) and 900 islands stretching for over 2,300
Nicobar Islands, separated by the 150 (a) Eurasian plate is largely an oceanic kilometres over an area of approximately
km wide Ten Degree Channel. The plate. 344,400 square kilometres. The reef is
Andaman Sea lies to the east and the (b) The major tectonic plates are located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of
Bay of Bengal to the west. surrounded by young fold mountain Queensland, Australia.
ridges, trenches, and/or faults
Q.82. Which one of the following is a (c) Tectonic plates move horizontally
Japanese word that means ‘harbour over the asthenosphere. Q.89. Bab-el-Mandeb strait connects
wave’? (d) Earth’s surface is divided into seven which water bodies?
SSC CHSL 04/07/2019 (Evening) major plates. SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening)
(a)Gneiss (b)Jishin (a) Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman
(c)Volcano (d)Tsunami Sol.(a) The Eurasian Plate is a tectonic (b) Baffin Bay and Labrador Sea
plate which includes most of the (c) Red Sea and Gulf of Aden
Sol.(d) Tsunami is a Japanese word from continent of Eurasia (a landmass (d) Black Sea and Sea of Azov
a double root: tsu, meaning port or consisting of the continents of Europe
harbour, and nami means wave. and Asia), with the notable exceptions of Sol.(c) The Bab-el-Mandeb ("Gate of
the Indian subcontinent, the Arabian Tears") is a strait located between
Q.83. Name the sea that separates Asia subcontinent, and the area east of the Yemen on the Arabian Peninsula and
and Africa with countries such as Egypt Chersky Range in East Siberia. Djibouti and Eritrea in the Horn of
and Sudan on the African side and Saudi Africa. It connects the Red Sea to the
Arabia on the Asian side. Q.86. The____Channel separates the Gulf of Aden.
CHSL 05/07/2019 (Afternoon) Andaman and Nicobar group of Islands.
(a) Caspian Sea SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Morning)
(b) Black sea (a) Ten Degree (b) Six Degree Q.90. Which of the following is a cold
(c) Red sea (c) Eight Degree (d) Twelve Degree ocean current ?
(d) Mediterranean sea SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning)
Sol.(a) The Ten Degree Channel (a) Gulf Stream
Sol.(c) The Red Sea is a strip of water separates the Andaman Islands and (b) Agulhas stream
and an inlet of the Indian Ocean Nicobar Islands from each other in the (c) Labrador Stream
occupying the area separating the Bay of Bengal. (d) Alaska Stream
continent of Africa from Asia. It is
linked to the ocean on the south via the Q.87. The Channel Tunnel is the name Sol.(a) The Labrador Current is a cold
Bab el Mandeb strait and the Gulf of of an undersea tunnel connecting: ocean current in the North Atlantic
Aden. The northern portion of the Red SSC CHSL 10/07/2019 (Evening) Ocean which flows from the Arctic
Sea is the Gulf of Suez which links to (a)France and Germany Ocean south along the coast of Labrador
the famous Suez Canal. (b)France and England and passes around Newfoundland,
(c)France and Spain continuing south along the east coast of
Q.84. A chain of islands closely (d)Spain and Morocco Nova Scotia. It is a continuation of the
scattered in a body of water is called: West Greenland Current and the Baffin
SSC CHSL 08/07/2019 (Evening) Sol.(b) The Channel Tunnel, or Island Current.
(a) Canyon (b) Archipelago "Chunnel" is a 50km-long undersea rail
(c) Strait (d) Reef tunnel below the Strait of Dover in the Q.91. What is the main mineral
English Channel. It is the longest component of the continental mass ?
undersea tunnel in the world and SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 291

Pinnacle Geography

(a) Oxygen and Alumina Q.95. In which ocean is the Island active region and Zone II is the least
(b) Magnesium and Silica country Fiji situated ? active.
(c) Alumina and Magnesium SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
(d) Silica and Alumina (a) Indian Ocean Q.100. Which zone separates the crust
(b) Arctic Ocean and mantle?
Sol(d) Silica and Alumina are the main (c) Atlantic Ocean SSC CHSL 19-03-2020 (Morning)
mineral components of the continental (d) Pacific ocean (a) Moho (b) Stratosphere
mass. It is thus called Sial (Si-silica and (c) Lithosphere (d) Asthenosphere
Al-alumina). However, the oceanic crust Sol.(d) Fiji, a country in the South
mainly consists of silica and magnesium Pacific, is an archipelago of more than Sol.(a). There are five discontinuities
and it is therefore called Sima (si-silica 300 islands inside the earth:
and ma-magnesium). Conrad Discontinuity - Transition zone
Q.96. The rhythmic rise and fall of between SIAL and SIMA.
Q.92. Which of the following is NOT a ocean water twice in a day is called Mohorovicic Discontinuity - Transition
coastal landform ? ______. zone between the Crust and Mantle.
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning) SSC CHSL 18-03-2020 (Morning) Repiti Discontinuity - Transition zone
(a) Moraines (b) Sea Cliff (a) Wave (b) Tide between Outer mantle and Inner mantle.
(c) Sea Caves (d) Sea Stacks (c) Tsunami (d) Current Gutenberg Discontinuity - Transition
zone between Mantle and Core.
Sol.(a) A moraine is any accumulation Sol.(b) The rhythmic rise and fall of Lehman Discontinuity - Transition zone
of unconsolidated debris , sometimes ocean water twice in a day is called tide. between Outer core and Inner core.
referred to as glacial till, that occurs in
both currently and formerly glaciated Q.97. The earthquake waves are Q.101. What is the range of the intensity
regions, and that has been previously recorded by an instrument called: scale used in measuring earthquakes?
carried along by a glacier or ice sheet. CHSL 18-03-2020 (Afternoon) SSC CHSL 12-10-2020 (Morning)
Hence, moraines are not a coastal (a) seismograph (a) 1 to 12 (b) 1 to 7
landform. (b) richter scale (c) 1 to 5 (d) 1 to 15
(c) speedometer
Q.93. A narrow passage of water (d) odometer Sol.(a) Mercalli Scale is used to measure
connecting two large reservoirs like seas the intensity of an earthquake. It is a
and oceans is called _____. Sol.(a) The earthquake waves are twelve-point scale ranging from I
SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) recorded by an instrument called (virtually imperceptible) to XII (total
(a) Lagoon (b) Isthmus Seismograph. destruction).
(c) Strait (d) Bay
Q.98. What is the normal air pressure at Q.102. What is the name of the force
Sol.(c) A narrow passage of water sea level? with which earth pulls everything
connecting two large reservoirs like seas SSC CHSL 19-03-2020 (Morning) towards itself?
and oceans is called Strait. Straits can (a) 1013.25 millibars SSC CHSL 12-10-2020 (Evening)
be created by movement in the Earth's (b) 886.13 millibars (a) Thrust (b) Air pressure
plates, or when a body of water (c) 985.14 millibars (c) Gravity (d) Resistance
overflows an area of land. (d) 1100.12 millibars
Sol.(c) Gravity is the force with which
Q.94. The narrow zone of contact Sol.(a) :The standard atmospheric earth pulls everything towards itself.
between the Lithosphere , hydrosphere pressure at sea level is 1013.25 millibars.
and Atmosphere where general Q.103. Which instrument records the
vegetation and wildlife exist is called Q.99. India is divided into how many waves reaching the surface during an
the: earthquake zones (seismic zones)? earthquake?
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning) SSC CHSL 19-03-2020 (Morning) SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Evening)
(a) exosphere (b) geosphere (a) 2 (b) 4 (a) Barograph (b) Seismograph
(c) biosphere (d) troposphere (c) 5 (d) 6 (c) Manometer (d) Chronometer

Sol.(c) Natural vegetation and wildlife Sol.(b) The Bureau of Indian Standards Sol.(b) Barograph records Atmospheric
exist only in the narrow zone of contact has classified regions in India into 4 Pressure. Seismograph records waves
between the lithosphere, hydrosphere seismic zones on the basis of historical reaching the surface during an
and atmosphere that we call biosphere. seismic activity. These are zones II, III, earthquake.
IV and V. Zone V is the most seismically Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 292

Pinnacle Geography

Manometer is an instrument used to Q.107. What was the name of the following does NOT figure among these
measure the pressure acting on a column mega-ocean that surrounded the single elements? SSC CGL 17/08/21(Morning)
of fluid. continental mass before the continental (a) Carbon (b) Oxygen
Chronometer records time with greater drift as described by Alfred Wegener? (c) Calcium (d) Silicon
accuracy. CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon)
(a) Panama (b) Panthalassa Sol.(a) Almost 98% of Earth's crust is
Q.104. Millions of years ago the Indian (c) Pigmalion (d) Pangaea made up of eight elements-– oxygen,
subcontinent was separated from the silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium,
mainland by a large sea known as the: Sol.(b) Panthalassa was the name of the sodium, potassium, and magnesium.
SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Morning) mega-ocean that surrounded the single Carbon is not present among these
(a) Tethys (b) Aegina continental mass, Pangaea before the elements.
(c) Prometheus (d) Typhon continental drift as described by Alfred
Wegener. Q.112. Which of the following is one of
Sol.(a) Millions of years ago the Indian the main causes of tides? SSC CGL
subcontinent was separated from the Q.108. To which continent of the world 17/08/21(Afternoon)
mainland by a large sea known as the do India, China and Japan belong? (a) Rotation of Earth
Tethys. Tethys sea separated the SSC CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening) (b) Gravitational pull of the Sun and the
supercontinent of Laurasia in the north (a) Asia (b) Antarctica Moon
from Gondwana in the south. (c) Africa (d) Europe (c) Solar flares
(d) Closed orbits of planets
Q.105. What is the Palk Strait? Sol.(a) India, China and Japan form a
SSC CHSL 15/10/2020 Afternoon part of Asia Continent. Sol.(b) Tides are the rise and fall of sea
(a) It is the border line between China levels caused by the combined effects of
and India in the western side. Q.109. In the context of ocean energy the gravitational forces exerted by the
(b) It is the boundary line between India conversion, ‘T’ in OTEC stands for: Moon and the Sun and the rotation of the
and Pakistan. SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) Earth.
(c) It is a water body that separates India (a) Tidal
and Sri Lanka. (b) Thermal Q.113. ______ boundaries occur when
(d) It is the boundary line between (c) Technological plates collide and one plate is pushed
northeastern India and China. (d) Thermodynamic under the other. SSC CGL
Sol.(c) The Palk Strait is a water body Sol.(b) OTEC stands for Ocean Thermal (a) Convergent (b) Transform
between the Tamil Nadu state of India Energy Conversion is a process that can (c) Continental (d) Divergent
and the Jaffna district of the Northern produce electricity by using the
Province of the island nation of Sri
temperature difference between deep Sol.(a) Convergent boundaries occur
cold ocean water and warm tropical when plates collide and one plate is
Q.106. Which of the following plates surface waters. pushed under the other. A transform
has the slowest rate of movement at less plate boundary occurs when two plates
than 2.5 cm/year? Q.110. Which of the following water slide and move horizontally. A divergent
CHSL 16-10-2020 (Afternoon) bodies is closest to the Palk Strait? boundary is when two plates move away
(a) Arctic Ridge SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) from each other.
(b) North American Plate (a) Mahim Creek
(c) Mid-Atlantic Ridge (b) Chilika Lake Q.114. ______ is made of lower density
(d) East Pacific Rise (c) Gulf of Mannar felsic rocks, such as andesite and granite.
Sol.(a) The movement of the crustal (d) Gulf of Khambhat SSC CGL 23/08/21(Afternoon)
plates (due to convection currents in the (a) Outer core
mantle) causes the formation of various Sol(c) Palk Strait and Gulf of Mannar (b) Oceanic crust
landforms and is the principal cause of both lie between India and Srilanka. (c) Inner core
all earth movements.The Arctic Ridge So the Gulf of Mannar is closest to the (d) Continental crust
has the slowest rate (less than Palk Strait.
2.5cm/year) and the East Pacific Rise in Chilika lake is in Odisha and it is the Sol.(d) Continental crust is made of
the South Pacific (about 3,400 km west largest brackish water lake in India. lower density felsic rocks, such as
of Chile), has the fastest rate (more than andesite and granite. The Continental
15cm/year). Q.111. Almost 98% of earth's crust is crust is the outermost layer of the earth’s
made up of eight elements. Which of the lithosphere. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 293

Pinnacle Geography

The outer core is a fluid layer about Q.121. Name the national bird of
2400 km thick and composed mostly of Q.118. Which of the following Bhutan.
iron and nickel. statements about tides is INCORRECT? SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning)
The Oceanic crust is the uppermost layer SSC MTS 06/10/21(Morning) (a) Magpai (b) Peacock
of the oceanic portion of a tectonic plate. (a) High tides occur when the moon is in (c) Parrot (d) Raven
The inner core is the innermost layer of its first and last quarter.
earth and is primarily solid with a radius (b) Low tides are also called neap tides. Sol.(d) The national bird of Bhutan is
of about 1220km. (c) Tides are caused by the gravitational “Raven”. It is the most prominent
pull exerted by the sun and the moon on component of the royal crown. In
Q.115. Which of the following was NOT Earth’s surface. Bhutan, the raven represents the deity
a part of Gondwanaland? SSC CGL (d) Spring tides occur on full moon and Gonpo Jarodongchen, the raven-headed
23/08/21(Evening) new moon days. Mahakala, one of the country's chief
(a) Australia (b) South America guardian deities.
(c) India (d) North America Sol.(a) High tides occur when the moon
is in its first and last quarter. This Q.122. In which province of China is the
Sol.(d) North America was NOT a part statement about tides is INCORRECT. Huangguoshu National Park located
of Gondwanaland. The ancient which houses the World’s largest
supercontinent Gondwana incorporated Q.119. Name the only sea in the world waterfall cluster?
present-day South America, Africa, that does NOT have a land boundary. SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening)
Arabia, Madagascar, India, Australia, SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Evening) (a) Jiangu (b) Shandon
and Antarctica. (a) Sargasso Sea (c) Guizhou (d) Yunnan
(b) Pechora Sea
Q.116. Through which of the following (c) Amundsen Sea Sol.(c) Huangguoshu National Park of
actions does the lithosphere move over (d) Iroise Sea China is located in west Guizhou 128
the asthenosphere? SSC CGL km and 45 km from Anshun, a tourist
24/08/21(Morning) Sol.(a) Sargasso Sea is the only sea in destination in West China.
(a) Continental drift the world that does NOT have a land
(b) Plate tectonics boundary. It is a part of the Atlantic Q.123. Which one of the following is the
(c) Deposition Ocean. Instead of having the land highest altitude lake of Pakistan?
(d) Weathering boundary, it is bounded by four ocean SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening)
currents: on the west by the Gulf Stream, (a) Rush Lake
Sol(b) The theory of plate tectonics on the north by the North Atlantic (b) Paristan Lake
states that the Earth's solid outer crust, Current, on the east by the Canary (c) Satpara Lake
the lithosphere, is separated into plates Current, and on the south by the North (d) attabad Lake
that move over the asthenosphere, the Sol.(b) The highest lake in Pakistan is
Atlantic Equatorial Current. Sargasso
molten upper portion of the mantle. the Rush Lake, which is also the 25th
Sea is named so because of the presence
Oceanic and continental plates come highest lake is the world at an altitude of
of brown Sargassum seaweed.
together, spread apart, and interact at over 4,700 meters.
boundaries all over the planet.
NEIGHBOURING COUNTRIES Q.124. The ‘Friendship highway’ is a
Q.117. ______ are gently sloping areas OF INDIA road that connects China to ____.
of the ocean basins. SSC CHSL SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening)
04/08/21 (Morning) Q.120. Which of the following is the (a) India (b) Nepal
(a) Deep sea plains busiest sea port in Pakistan? (c) Pakistan (d) Myanmar
(b) Continental shelves SSC-CGL 10/06/2019 (Evening)
(c) Continental slopes (a) Port of Keti
(d) Oceanic deeps (b) Gwadar Port Q.125. Which country in the world has
(c) Port of Karachi the largest no. of international borders?
Sol.(a) Deep-sea plains are gently (d) Port of Qasim SSC CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon)
sloping areas of the ocean basins. The (a) India (b) Pakistan
deep-sea plains are also called the Sol.(c) The Port of Karachi is the busiest (c) Nepa (d) China
Abyssal plain. An abyssal plain is an sea port in Pakistan. It is one of South
underwater plain on the deep ocean Asia's largest and busiest deep-water Sol.(d) China has the maximum number
floor, usually found at depths between seaports, handling about 60% of the of neighbours touching its border. The
3,000 metres (9,800 ft) and 6,000 metres nation's cargo. 14 countries touching its border are:
(20,000 ft). India, Pakistan(depends upon the Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 294

Pinnacle Geography

conflicts between India and Pakistan), Sol.(a) The Bhutan–India border is the was a disputed territory claimed by India
Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, international border separating Bhutan until 1976
Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, North and India. The border is 699 km long,
Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, and adjoins the Indian states of Assam Q.134. The boundary of which of the
Bhutan and Nepal. (267 km), Arunachal Pradesh (217 km), following countries does not touch India
West Bengal (183 km), and Sikkim(32 ?
Q.126. Which of the following is the km). SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Afternoon)
longest river in Pakistan that originates (a) Nepal (b) Iran
from Lake Mansarovar? Q.130. Which of the following countries (c) Myanmar (d) Bangladesh
SSC CGL 12/06/2019 (Evening) are India's neighboring country?
(a) Indus (b) Kabul SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) Sol.(b) There are seven countries that
(c) Sutlej (d) Chenab (a) Pakistan, Singapore Sri Lanka, India shares this long land borders with.
Bhutan These countries are China, Pakistan,
Sol.(a) The Indus river is the longest (b) Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Myanmar
river in Pakistan, originating from the Bangladesh and Bangladesh. Hence,India does not
Himalayan region. It is also the world's (c) Pakistan, Australia, Russia share its boundary with Iran.
21st largest river in terms of annual (d) Pakistan, Nepal, Indonesia
water flow. With a total length of 3,180 Q.135. In which country is Hambantota
kilometres, it is also Pakistan's lifeline. Sol.(b) There are 9 neighbouring port situated ?
The Indus River originates from the countries of India Pakistan, Afghanistan, SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening)
Tibetan plateau near Lake Mansarovar in Nepal, China, Bangladesh, Bhutan, (a)Pakistan (b)Maldives
China. Myanmar(Land Neighbours) Srilanka (c)Bangladesh (d)Sri Lanka
and Maldives {Maritime Neighbours}
Q.127. Which of the following is the Sol.(d) The Hambantota Port (also
highest peak in Sri Lanka? Q.131. Sri Lanka is situated off the known as the Magampura Mahinda
SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Afternoon) southeast coast of India across the Palk Rajapaksa Port) is a maritime port in
(a) Kirigalpotta (b) Hakgala Strait and Gulf of _______. Hambantota, Sri Lanka.
(c) Mount Pedro (d) Bible Rock SSC CHSL 09/07/2019 (Morning)
(a)Kutch (b)Mannar Q.136. Which of the following is the
Sol.(c) Pidurutalagala Mountain Sri (c)Khambhat (d)Cambay tallest small of Sri Lanka?
Lanka SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Sri Lanka's highest peak, also known as Sol.(b) The Gulf of Mannar is a large (a) Ritigala (b) Piduruthalagala
Mount Pedro, rises 2524m (8281ft) shallow bay forming part of the (c) Mihintale (d) Namunukula
above sea level, immediately behind the Laccadive Sea in the Indian Ocean. It
town. lies between the west coast of Sri Lanka Sol.(b) Pidurutalagala, or Mount Pedro
and the southeastern tip of India, in the in English, is the tallest mountain in Sri
Q.128. Which of the following is the Coromandel Coast region. Lanka, at 2,524 m above sea level. It is
smallest neighbouring country of India situated North-East from the town of
in terms of population? Q.132. The _______ is the longest river Nuwara Eliya.
CHSL 05/07/2019 (Afternoon) in Sri Lanka.
(a) Afghanistan (b) Maldives CHSL 09/07/2019 (Afternoon) Q.137.Which Sri Lankan mountain is
(c) Bangladesh (d) Nepal (a) Kelani (b) Maha named Bible Rock by the people of
(c) Mahaweli (d) Kalu Europe?
Sol.(b) The current population of SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)
Maldives is 534,026 is lowest among Sol.(c) The Mahaweli River , is 335 km (a) Gongala (b) Namunukula
four options as of July 5, 2019(Date of (208 mi) long river, ranking as the (c) Hunnasgiriya (d) Bathalegala
the examination), based on longest river in Sri Lanka.
Worldometers elaboration of the latest Sol.(d) Bathalegala Mountain – Kegalle
United Nations data. Q.133. An island between India and Sri Sri Lanka
Lanka is____. Named as Bible Rock by Europeans.
Q.129. The border between India and SSC CHSL 11/07/2019 (Evening) This fascinating mountain is situated in
Bhutan adjoins_______Indian states. (a) Chorao (b) Divar the Aranayaka, an ecologically
SSC CHSL 08/07/2019 (Morning) (c) Ilha grande (d) Kachchatheevu important area in central hills.
(a) Four (b) Three
(c) Five (d) Two Sol.(d) Katchatheevu is an uninhabited Q.138.______the world's highest polo
island administered by Sri Lanka and ground, is located in Pakistan. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 295

Pinnacle Geography

SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Evening) (120sQ. mi). Bhutan is the smallest the Eastern Rivers (Ravi, Beas, Sutlej) to
(a) Shandur (b) Okara land-locked neighbour country of India. India. Mohenjo-Daro is located on the
(c) Kasur (d) Attock Indus river in Larkana District, Sindh,
Q.143. Which Indian state is surrounded Pakistan.
Sol.(a) Shandur polo ground is the by Bangladesh on its north, west and
highest polo ground situated in Gilgit, south? SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Evening) Q.147. Which of the following is a hill
Pakistan and called the ‘Roof of the (a) Tripura (b) Assam pass located between India and China?
world’. (c) Mizoram (d) West Bengal SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Afternoon)
(a) Khyber Pass
Q.139. What is the length of the Indian Sol.(a) Tripura, the third-smallest state (b) Pangsau Pass
border with Afghanistan? is a state in northeastern India. It is (c) Karakoram Pass
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) bordered by Bangladesh to the north, (d) Zojila Pass
(a) 106 km (b) 601 km south, and west, and the Indian states of
(c) 575 km (d) 755 km Assam and Mizoram to the east. Sol.(c) Karakoram Pass is a hill pass
located between India and China. The
Sol.(a) The length of the Indian border Q.144. LAC (Line of Actual Control) is Khyber Pass is a mountain pass in the
with Afghanistan is 106 Km. The border the effective border between India and: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of
between India and Afghanistan is named SSC MTS 13/10/21(Afternoon) Pakistan, on the border with
as Durand Line. (a) Bangladesh (b) Myanmar Afghanistan. Pangsau Pass lies on the
(c) Afghanistan (d) China crest of the Patkai Hills on the
Q.140. With which of the following
India–Myanmar border. Zojila Pass, the
states does Bangladesh NOT share its Sol.(d) LAC (Line of Actual Control) is world's second coldest road, is the
border? SSC CGL 18/08/21(Afternoon) the effective border between India and: strategic link connecting Ladakh to
(a) Nagaland (b) Tripura China. The term is said to have been
(c) Assam (d) Meghalaya Srinagar and the rest of India.
used by Zhou Enlai in a 1959 letter to
Jawaharlal Nehru. Q.148. In which year was Sri Lanka
Sol.(a) Nagaland does not share its
border with Bangladesh. The states discovered by the Portuguese? SSC
Q.145. With which country does India MTS 27/10/2021 (Morning)
which share a border with Bangladesh
share the longest border? SSC MTS (a) 1545 (b) 1678
are West Bengal ( 2217 km ), Tripura (
18/10/2021 (Afternoon) (c) 1505 (d) 1670
856 km ), Meghalaya ( 443 km ), Assam
(a) Myanmar (b) Bangladesh
( 262 km ), and Mizoram ( 180 km )
(c) Bhutan (d) China Sol.(c) Sri Lanka was discovered by the
Q.141. LAC (Line of Actual Control) is Portuguese (Dom Lourenço de Almeida)
Sol.(b) India shares the longest border in 1505. Srilanka got independence on
an effective border between India and
_____. SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Morning) with Bangladesh. Bangladesh and India February 4, 1948. Capital-Official: Sri
(a) Bhutan (b) Pakistan share a 4,096-kilometer-long (2,545 Jayawardenapura Kotte De facto:
(c) Sri Lanka (d) China miles) international border, the Colombo, currency- Rupee (LKR).
fifth-longest land border in the world. Q.149. What is the main religion of
Sol.(d) Line of Actual Control is an
Bangladesh is bordered by the Indian Myanmar? SSC MTS 27/10/2021
effective border between India and
states of West Bengal to the west and (Morning)
China. The concept of LAC came in a
north, Assam to the north, Meghalaya to (a) Islam (b) Jainism
bilateral agreement in 1993, although
the north and northeast, and Tripura and (c) Christianity (d) Buddhism
there was no concrete settlement on
ground positions between these two Mizoram to the east.
countries. Sol.(d) The main religion of Myanmar is
Q.142. Which of the following nations is Q.146. Which water treaty has been Buddhism. On 4 January 1948 at 4.20
the smallest neighbour of India in terms signed between India and Pakistan in the am, the nation became an independent
of area? SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 year 1960? republic. Naypyitaw is the modern
(Afternoon) SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Morning) capital of Myanmar (Burma). The
(a) Nepal (b) Bangladesh (a) Chenab (b) Beas Myanmar Kyat (MMT) is Myanmar's
(c) Afghanistan (d) Maldives (c) Indus (d) Jhelum national currency.

Sol.(d) The Republic of Maldives is the Sol. (c) Indus water treaty was signed
Q.150. Which of the following is the
smallest neighbour of India in terms of between India and Pakistan in 1960. The highest mountain in Bhutan? SSC MTS
area, with a total area of 300 sQ. km Treaty allocates the Western Rivers 2/1/2021 (Evening)
(Indus, Jhelum, Chenab) to Pakistan and Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 296

Pinnacle Geography

(a) Gangkhar Puensum (b) Assam

(b) Kula Kangri (c) Nagaland Sol.(c) A canyon or gorge is a deep cleft
(c) Jomolhari (d) Uttar Pradesh between escarpments or cliffs resulting
(d) Gipmochi from weathering and the erosive activity
Sol.(b) Majuli Island is the largest river of a river over geologic timescales. A
Sol.(a) Gangkhar Puensum(7,570 island in the world and the first island canyon may also refer to a rift between
meters) is the highest mountain in district of the country. It is formed by the two mountain peaks, such as those in
Bhutan. Thimphu is the capital of Brahmaputra River in the south and ranges including the Rocky Mountains,
Bhutan. Ngultrum is the currency of Kherkutia Xuti, another branch of the Alps, the Himalayas or the Andes.
Bhutan. Brahmaputra, joined by the Subansiri Usually a river or stream and erosion
River in the north. carve out such splits between mountains.
Q.154. ____________ is the largest Q.158. Which of the following is India’s
Q.151. The Musi and Bhima are river island in the world. third highest waterfall?
tributaries of the river _______. SSC-CGL 06/06/2019 (Evening) SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 (Afternoon)
SSC-CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning) (a) Umananda (b) Munroe (a) Agya Gangai
(a) Mahanadi (b) Krishna (c) Majuli (d) Bhavani (b) Suruli Waterfall
(c) Kaveri (d) Brahmaputra (c) Kuttalam Waterfall
Sol.(c) The Guinness World Records has (d) Thaliyar Waterfall
Sol.(b) The Krishna River is one of the declared Majuli in Assam as the largest
major sources of irrigation for river island in the world. The beautiful Sol.(d) From the above mentioned
Maharashtra, Karnataka, Telangana and river island is situated on the options (d) is the highest from rest.
Andhra Pradesh. Brahmaputra river. Thalaiyar Falls is located in the
The Krishna river's source is at Devadanapatti of Theni District, Tamil
Mahabaleshwar near the Jor village in Q.155. Which of the following is the Nadu State, South India. It is 975 ft (297
Satara District, Maharashtra in the west longest river in India? m) tall and is the highest waterfall in
and empties into the Bay of Bengal at SSC-CGL 07/06/2019 (Afternoon) Tamil Nadu, the sixth highest waterfall
Hamsaladeevi (near Koduru) in Andhra (a) Kaveri (b) Godavari in India and the 267th highest in the
Pradesh, on the east coast. (c) Brahmaputra (d) Ganga world.
Left: Bhima, Dindi, Peddavagu , Musi, Sol.(c) Ganga is the largest river in Q.159. The Indus Water Treaty was
Paleru, Munneru India. length(2525 k.m.) signed between India and _____.
Right: Veena, Koyna, Panchganga, SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening)
Dudhaganga, ghataprabha, Malaprabha, Q.156. The Almatti dam project on the (a) Pakistan (b) China
Tungabhadra Krishna River was an issue between (c) Afghanistan (d) Bangladesh
which states?
Q.152. Baglihar Dam is constructed on SSC-CGL 07/06/2019 (Evening) Sol.(a) The Indus Waters Treaty is a
which river? (a) Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh water-distribution treaty between India
SSC-CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening) (b) Karnataka and Goa and Pakistan, brokered by the World
(a) Chenab (b) Ravi (c) Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu Bank to use the water available in the
(c) Sutlej (d) Indus (d) Karnataka and Tamil Nadu Indus System of Rivers located in India.
It was signed in Karachi on September
Sol.(a) Baglihar Dam is built on Chenab Sol.(a) The Almatti Dam is a 19, 1960 by the first Prime Minister of
River in the Doda district of Jammu & hydroelectric project on the Krishna India Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and the
Kashmir. The hydro power project River at the Bagalkot district in North then President of Pakistan Ayub Khan
'BagliharHydroelectric Power Project', is Karnataka. It is an issue between
a run-of-the-river power project on the Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh Q.160. The Walayar Dam is in which
Chenab River. This project was district of Kerala?
conceived in 1992, approved in 1996 Q.157. What is the geographic name SSC-CHSL 1/07/2019 (Evening)
and construction began in 1999. given to a deep and narrow valley (a) Kasaragod (b) Palakkad
consisting of steep sides created by (c) Thrissur (d) Idukki
Q.153. Majuli, the largest river island in weathering and erosion by rivers, wind,
the world is located in rain and tectonic activity? Sol.(b) Walayar Dam is a dam in
SSC-CGL 06/06/2019 (Afternoon) SSC-CGL 10/06/2019 (Afternoon) Palakkad district of Kerala, south India.
(a) Arunachal Pradesh (a) Buttes (b) Ridge This dam is constructed across the
(c) Canyon (d) Basin Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 297

Pinnacle Geography

Walayar River which is a tributary of the ancient Sastha temple located on its Spanning several districts in the state of
Kalpathipuzha River. banks. Kerala.

Q.161. The river Ganga emerges from Q.165. Indira Sagar Dam which is a Q.169. Kolleru Lake which is one of the
Gangotri Glacier and ends at ____. concrete gravity dam is located in which largest freshwater lakes in India is
SSC CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon) of the following states of India? located in which state?
(a) Pacific Ocean (b) Bay of Bengal SSC CHSL 03/07/2019 (Morning) SSC CHSL 03/07/2019 (Evening)
(c) Indian Ocean (d) Arabian Sea (a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Maharashtra (a) Jammu & Kashmir
(c) Chattisgarh (d) Madhya Pradesh (b) Andhra Pradesh
Sol.(b) The Gangotri glacier is situated (c) Manipur
in the Uttarkashi district of Uttarakhand. Sol.(d) Indira sagar dam built on the (d) Rajasthan
The Ganga River flows from here and Narmada river with a height of 92m. is
falls into the Bay of Bengal. concrete gravity dam, located in Sol.(b) Kolleru Lake is one of the largest
Khandwa district of Madhya Pradesh. freshwater lakes in India located in the
Q.162. Which of the following is called The Indira sagar project was the key state of Andhra Pradesh and forms the
the 'Grand Canyon of India' ? project on Narmada river providing an largest shallow freshwater lake in Asia,
SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Morning) excellent storage site of water. 15 kilometers away from the city of
(a) Gangani Grand Canyon Eluru. Kolleru is located between
(b) Laitlum Canyon Q.166. The distributary of which river Krishna and Godavari delta.
(c) Chambal River Canyon takes the name ‘Padma’ in Bangladesh?
(d) Great Canyon of Gandikota SSC CHSL 03/07/2019 (Morning) Q.170. On which river is Polavaram
(a) Jhelum (b) Ganga irrigation project being built?
Sol.(d) The almost forgotten gorge of (c) Brahmaputra (d) Indus SSC CHSL 03/07/2019 (Evening)
Gandikota is situated on the Pennar (a) Son
River in Andhra Pradesh and is known Sol.(b) The Padma is a major river in (b) Tungabhadra
as the Grand Canyon of India. Bangladesh and India It is the main (c) Godavari
distributary of the Ganges, flowing (d) Kaveri
Q.163. In which state is Sambhar, the generally southeast for 120 kilometres
largest inland salt water lake of India (75 miles) to its confluence with the Sol.(c) Polavaram Project is an under
located? Meghna River near the Bay of Bengal. construction multi-purpose National
SC CHSL 02/07/2019 (Evening) project on the Godavari River in the
(a) Maharashtra (b) Odisha Q.167. Which river is known as the West Godavari District and East
(c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Rajasthan ‘Handmaid’ of the Narmada? Godavari District in Andhra Pradesh.
CHSL 03/07/2019 (Afternoon)
Sol.(d) Sambhar Salt Lake of Rajasthan (a) Mahi (b) Sabarmati Q.171. All the four rivers mentioned
is the largest inland salt lake of India and (c) Luni (d) Tapti below are rivers of Kerala. Which of
an extensive saline wetland. The these is the southernmost river of the
Sambhar lake is India’s largest saline Sol.(d) The Tapti (also known as the state?
lake and designated as a Ramsar site due Tapi) is the second largest west flowing SSC CHSL 04/07/2019 (Morning)
to thousands of pink flamingos and river of Peninsular India and is known as (a) Neyyar River (b) Periyar River
waterfowl birds. 'the twin' or 'the handmaid' of the (c) Kuppam River (d) Chaliyar River
Narmada. It originates near Multai
Q.164. In which state is Sasthamcotta reserve forest in Madhya Pradesh at an Sol.(a) The River Neyyar is the
Lake located? elevation of 752 m. southernmost River in the State of
SSC CHSL 03/07/2019 (Morning) Kerala.
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Telangana Q.168. Vembanad Lake, which is the
(c) Kerala (d) Karnataka largest lake of India is in which state? Q.172. Which of the following is the
CHSL 03/07/2019 (Afternoon) largest river island in India?
Sol.(c) Sasthamkotta or Sasthamcotta is (a) Tamil Nadu (b) Karnataka CHSL 05/07/2019 (Afternoon)
a village in the Kunnathoor Tehsil of (c) Kerala (d) Andhra Pradesh (a) Divar Island (b) Diu Island
Kollam district in the state of Kerala, (c) Majuli Island (d) Gundu Island
India. Kunnathoor taluk headquarters is Sol.(c) Vembanad (Vembanad Kayal or
located at Sasthamkotta. Sasthamkotta Vembanad Kol) is the longest lake in Sol.(c) The Guinness World Records has
freshwater lake is the largest freshwater India, and the largest lake in the state of declared Majuli in Assam as the largest
lake in Kerala. The lake is named after Kerala [Mangrove with area 2114 Km is river island in the world. The beautiful
the largest Ramasar site in India] Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 298

Pinnacle Geography

river island is situated on the (c) Narmada (d) Gomati

Brahmaputra river. Sol.(a) Peninsular Rivers are seasonal
Sol.(c) River Narmada emerges from rivers because their flow primarily
Q.173. Which of the following Amarkantak Hill of Maikal Range. depends on the rainfall. Most of the
waterfalls is created by river Sharavathi, Other rivers originating from this range : peninsular rivers arise from the Western
the highest waterfall in India? Son river is the largest of southern Ghats and flow towards the east and
SSC CHSL 05/07/2019 (Evening) tributaries of Ganga that originates near drain into the Bay of Bengal. However,
(a) Dhuandhar Falls Amarkantak in Madhya Pradesh near the The Alaknanda is a Himalayan river in
(b) Athirappilly Falls source of Narmada River. Damodar the state of Uttarakhand.
(c) Jog Falls originates in Chandwa on the Chota
(d) Dudhsagar Falls Nagpur Plateau. The Tapi River Q.181. The Hirakud Dam is built across
originates in the Betul district. the river:
Sol.(c) Jog Falls is created by the SSC CHSL 09/07/2019 (Evening)
Sharavathi River dropping 253 m (830 Q.177. A/an _______ is the wide end of (a) Damodar (b) Tungabhadra
ft), making it the second-highest plunge a river that meets the sea. (c) Mahanadi (d) Koyna
waterfall in India after the Nohkalikai SSC CHSL 08/07/2019 (Evening)
Falls with a drop of 335 m (1100 ft) in (a) Creek (b) Estuary Sol.(c) Hirakud Dam is built across the
Meghalaya. (c) Gorge (d) Meander Mahanadi River, about 15 kilometres
from Sambalpur in the state of Odisha. It
Q.174. Which of the following lakes is Sol.(b) Eventually a river meets the sea has a reservoir named Hirakud Reservoir
the largest man-made lake in India? and the place where it does is called the which is 55 km long. It is one of the
SSC CHSL 05/07/2019 (Evening) mouth. The last of the mud is deposited first major multipurpose river valley
(a) Maharana Pratap Sagar at the river's mouth. A wide mouth is projects started after India's
(b) Govind Vallabh Pant Sagar called an estuary. Some estuaries are independence.
(c) Rajsamand Lake enormous – the estuary of the Amazon is
(d) Dhebar Lake 333 kilometres wide! Q.182.Which of the following rivers
originates from Mahabaleshwar?
Sol.(b) Gobind Ballabh Pant Sagar Q.178. In which of the following states SSC CHSL 09/07/2019 (Evening)
located in Sonebhadra district, Uttar is Ashtamudi Lake situated? (a) Cauvery (b) Krishna
Pradesh, is the biggest man-made lake of SSC CHSL 09/07/2019 (Evening) (c) Tapi (d) Sabarmati
India. The lake is created by the (a) Tamil Nadu (b) Odisha
reservoir of Rihand Dam. Similarly, (c) Kerala (d) Andhra Pradesh Sol.(b) The Krishna river originates in
Dhebar Lake, which is also called as the Western Ghats near Mahabaleshwar
Jaisamand Lake and is located in Sol.(c) Ashtamudi Lake (Ashtamudi in Maharashtra, at an elevation of about
Udaipur district of Rajasthan, is the Kayal) is in the Kollam District of the 1,300 metres. It is one of the longest
second biggest man-made lake. Indian state of Kerala. It is the most rivers in India. The Krishna river is
visited backwater and lake in the state. around 1,400 km in length.
Q.175. Which of the following is a
Floating National Park of India? Q.179. What Is The Vedic Name Of Q.183. Which of the following rivers is
SSC CHSL 05/07/2019 (Evening) Ravi River? NOT a part of the Ganga River System?
(a) Namdapha (b) Similipal SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Evening) SSC CHSL 10/07/2019 (Evening)
(c) Eravikulam (d) Keibul Lamjao (a) Kalindi (b) Parushni (a) Dhansari (b) Hindan
(c) Shatudri (d) Askini (c) Son (d) Mandakini
Sol.(d) Keibul Lamjao National Park is a
national park in the Bishnupur district of Sol.(b) Sol.(a) Dhansiri is the main river of
the state of Manipur in India. It is 40 Rig-Vedic name - Modern name Golaghat District of Assam and the
km2 (15.4 sq mi) in area, the only Sindhu - Indus Dimapur District of Nagaland. It
floating park in the world, located in Vitasta - Jhelum originates from Laisang peak of
North East India, and an integral part of Askini - Chenab Nagaland and flows through a distance
Loktak Lake. Purushni - Ravi of 352 kilometres from south to north
before joining the Brahmaputra on its
Q.176. Which of the following rivers Q.180.Which of the following is NOT a south bank.
originates in Amarkantak Hill in Peninsular river?
Madhya Pradesh? SSC CHSL 09/07/2019 (Evening) Q.184. Which one of the following is
SSC CHSL 08/07/2019 (Morning) (a) Alaknanda (b) Krishna NOT a tributary of river Kaveri?
(a) Periyar (b) Ravi (c) Narmada (d) Mahanadi SSC CHSL 11/07/2019 (Morning) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 299

Pinnacle Geography

(a) Vaigai (b) Kabini Q.188. The Gandikota canyon, also in the Kangri Garpo range, where it is
(c) Bhavani (d) Amravati known as the grand canyon of India is known as the Zayu River. Further, it
located in ______. enters Arunachal Pradesh in India and
Sol.(a) The Kaveri basin has an area of SSC CHSL 11/07/2019 (Evening) flows for 200 kilometres before entering
around 72,000 km2 with many tributaries (a) Andhra Pradesh(b) Karnataka the plains of Assam where it is known as
including the Shimsha, the Hemavati, (c) West Bengal (d) Kerala the Lohit River.
the Arkavati, Honnuhole, Lakshmana
Tirtha, Kabini, Bhavani River, the Sol.(a) The gorge of Gandikota is Q.192. Which is the longest tributary of
Lokapavani, the Noyyal and the situated on the Pennar River in Andhra the river Indus?
Amaravati River. Hence, Vaigai is not Pradesh and is known as the Grand SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Morning)
the tributary of the kaveri river. Canyon of India. (a) Jhelum
(b) Chenab
Q.185. The Salal Project is constructed Q.189. The ______waterfalls in (c) Sutlej
on the river: Chhattisgarh are also known as the (d) Beas
SSC CHSL 11/07/2019 (Morning) Niagara Falls of India.
(a) Chenab (b) Bhima SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) Sol.(c) The Sutlej River is the largest
(c) Krishna (d) Manjra (a) Magod (b) Dudhsagar tributary of the Indus river. It is the
(c) Chitrakoot (d) Hebbe longest of the five major rivers that flow
Sol.(a) Salal Dam, also known as Salal through the region of Punjab in northern
Hydroelectric Power Station, is a Sol.(c) The Chitrakoot Falls is a natural India and Pakistan. It is the easternmost
run-of-the-river power project on the waterfall located in Bastar Chhattisgarh, and the longest tributary of the Indus
Chenab River in the Reasi district of India. They are also known as the mini River. The source of the river is at Lake
Jammu and Kashmir, India. Niagara Falls of India. Rakshastal near Mount Kailash., in
Q.186. Which of the following is a Q.190. The Maharana Pratap Sagar
western flowing river? reservoir on the river Beas in Himachal Q.193. Surajkund Lake is situated in
SSC CHSL 11/07/2019 (Morning) Pradesh is also known as_____. which of the following states ?
(a) Sabarmati (b) Gomti SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Morning) SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(c) Mahanadi (d) Krishna (a) Pong Dam (b) Ukai Dam (a) Haryana (b) Gujarat
(c) Dharoi Dam (d) Tehri Dam (c) Punjab (d) Rajasthan
Sol.(a) Sabarmati River is one of the Sol.(a) Surajkund is an ancient reservoir
major rivers in the western India. It Sol.(a) Maharana Pratap Sagar reservoir of the 10th century located on the
originates in Dhebar Lake of Aravalli also known as Pong Reservoir was southern Delhi ridge of Aravalli range in
Hills, in Rajasthan. The river travels created in 1975 by building the highest the city of Faridabad of Haryana state
through the state of Gujarat for the earthfill dam in India on the Beas River
entirety apart from a few initial in the Kangra district of Himachal Q.194. Which of the following rivers
kilometers. It travels a distance of 371 Pradesh. Named in the honour of falls in the Arabian Sea ?
km before it enters the Arabian Sea Maharana Pratap (1540–1597), the SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning)
through the Gulf Of Cambay. reservoir or the lake is a well-known (a) Indus (b) Godavari
wildlife sanctuary and one of the 27 (c) Brahmaputra (d) Krishna
Q.187.Which of the following rivers is a international wetland sites declared in
left bank tributary of India by the Ramsar Convention. The Sol.(a) The Indus River Delta is formed
Ganga? reservoir covers an area of 24,529 when the Indus River flows into the
CHSL 11/07/2019 (Afternoon) hectares and the wetlands portion is Arabian Sea in Pakistan. The delta
(a) Son (b) Betwa 15,662 hectares. covers an area of about 16,000 square
(c) Ken (d) Gandak miles (41,440 km²), and is
Q.191. Which of the following is NOT a approximately 130 miles across where it
Sol.(d) Gandaki River (also known as tributary of the Indus River? meets the sea.
the Narayani and the Gandak) is one of SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning)
the major rivers of Nepal and a left bank (a) Zaskar (b) Nubra Q.195. Which of the following rivers is
tributary of the Ganges in India. (c) Shyok (d) Lohit not an eastward flowing river ?
However, Son, Ken and Betwa are major SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon)
right bank tributaries of Ganga. Sol.(d) The Lohit River or Zayu River (a) Vaigai (b) Swarnarekha
is a river in India and China. It is a (c) Vanshdhara (d) Mahi
tributary to the Brahmaputra River. The
river rises in Tibet Autonomous Region, Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 300

Pinnacle Geography

Sol.(d) Mahi is one of the major west Amarkantak Plateau near Anuppur Tributaries of Ganges from the South:
flowing rivers of India. It originates district. Chambal, Son, Betwa, Ken..
from the northern slopes of Vindhyas at
an altitude of 500 m in the Dhar district Q.200. Which of the following is the Q.204. Which of the following rivers is
of Madhya Pradesh and drains into the largest peninsular river in India? not a part of the Himalayan Drainage
Arabian Sea through the Gulf of SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning) System ?
Khambhat. (a) Godavari (b) Narmada SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning)
(c) Krishna (d) Mahanadi (a) Godavari (b) Indus
Q.196. Nagarjuna Sagar Dam is situated (c) Brahmaputra (d) Ganges
on which of the following rivers ? Sol.(a) Godavari is the longest river of
SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening) peninsular India. Sol.(a) Godavari is the largest peninsular
(a) Godavari (b) Krishna Godavari, also known as 'Dakshin river system, due to which, it is also
(c) Cauvery (d) Mahanadi Ganga' – the South Ganges, is the called the Dakshin Ganga. It rises in
longest river of peninsular India, and the Nasik district of Maharashtra and
Sol.(b) Nagarjuna Sagar Dam is a second longest river of India after the discharges its water into the Bay of
masonry dam across the Krishna river at Ganges. Bengal.
Nagarjuna Sagar which straddles the
border between Guntur district in Q.201. Which of the following rivers Q.205. In the context of physical
Andhra Pradesh and Nalgonda district in does NOT drain into a sea? characteristics of India, What is Kayal ?
Telangana. SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning)
(a) Ganga (b) Mahanadi (a) Alluvial floodplains in the north-east
Q.197. Which of the following rivers (c) Luni (d) Godavari (b) Lake formed by the tectonic
originates from Madhya Pradesh ? activities
SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning) Sol.(c) Luni (also known as Lonari, (c) Backwaters
(a) Mahanadi (b) Tapti Lavanavari, Lavanavati, Salt river) is a (d) thick deposition of glacial clay
(c) Krishna (d) Godavari river in Rajasthan. It originates in the
Pushkar valley of the Aravalli Range, Sol.(c) A backwater is a part of a river
Sol.(b) The Tapi River originates from a near Ajmer, passes through the which has a little or no current. It can
place called Mulati in the Betul district southeastern portion of the Thar Desert, refer to a branch of a main river, which
of Madhya Pradesh. and ends in the marshy lands of Rann of lies alongside it and then rejoins it, or to
Kutch in Gujarat. Hence, it does not a body of water in a main river, backed
Q.198. ‘Dhansiri’ is the tributary of drain into the sea. up by the tide or by an obstruction such
which of the following rivers ? as a dam.
SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening) Q.202. Bhagirathi is the main stream of
(a) Ganga (b) Narmada which of the following river? Q.206. Susu Dolphin is found in the
(c) Brahmaputra (d) Indus SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning) waters of which river?
(a) Indus (b) Narmada SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Sol.(c) Dhansiri is the left-bank tributary (c) Brahmaputra (d) Ganga (a) Jhelum (b) Indus
of the Brahmaputra river. It rises from (c) Chenab (d) Ganga
the Liasang peak of Nagaland. It is the Sol.(d) The Bhagirathi is a turbulent
main river of the Golaghat district of Himalayan river in the Indian state of Sol.(d) The south Asian river dolphin is
Assam and the Dimapur district of Uttarakhand, and one of the two sources an endangered freshwater or river
Nagaland. (headstreams) of the Ganges. In Hindu dolphin found in the region of the Indian
faith and culture, the Bhagirathi is subcontinent, which is split into two
Q.199. Which of the following rivers considered the source stream of the subspecies, the Ganges river dolphin and
originates in Amarkantak Hill in Ganges. the Indus river dolphin. However, in
Madhya Pradesh? India, Susu dolphins are found in the
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning) Q.203 Ghagra and Son are tributaries of Ganga river.
(a) Periyar (b) Ravi which river ?
(c) Narmada (d) Gomti SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening) Q.207. Trimbkeshwar is the source of
(a) Chambal (b) Yamuna which of the following rivers ?
Sol.(c) The Narmada River, also called (c) Ganges (d) Brahmaputra SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening)
the Rewa, is a river in central India. It is (a) Godavari (b) Kaveri
also known as the "Life Line of Gujarat Sol.(c) Tributaries of Ganges from the (c) Krishna (d) Mahanadi
and Madhya Pradesh" for its huge north: Yamuna, Ramganga, Karnali
contribution. Narmada rises from (Ghagra), Tapti, Gandak, Kosi. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 301

Pinnacle Geography

Sol.(a) Trimbakeshwar town is an (a)Godavari (b)Narmada Ghazipur, Buxar, Balia, Patna, Hajipur,
ancient Hindu Pilgrim centre located at (c)Banas (d)Ganga Munger, Bhagalpur etc.
the source of the Godavari River, the Jaipur is in Rajasthan and River Ganga
longest river in peninsular India, that Sol.(c) Luni river , Banas river, and does not flow through Rajasthan.
originates from Brahmagiri mountains Ropen river in Rajasthan do not merge
and meets the sea near Rajahmundry. in the sea. They either enter into salt Q.215. Son River which is one of the
lakes or disappear into sand. largest southern tributaries of Ganga
Q.208. Which of the following rivers originates in which state ?
drains into the Bay of Bengal ? Q.212. Which of the following SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening)
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening) landforms does NOT depict the youthful (a) Assam
(a) Krishna (b) Sutlej Stage of rivers ? (b) West Bengal
(c) Tapi (d) Narmada SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening) (c) Uttar Pradesh
(a) V-Shaped Valleys (b) Delta (d) Madhya Pradesh
Sol.(a) The source of the Krishna river (c) Rapids (d) Gorge Sol.(d) Son River is the largest southern
is at Mahabaleshwar near the Jor village, tributary of Ganga that originates near
Satara District, Maharashtra and it Sol.(b) Upper Course / Stage of Youth Amarkantak in Madhya Pradesh and
empties into the Bay of Bengal at (Erosion dominates): flows northwest through Madhya
Hamsaladeevi (near Koduru) in Andhra Streams are few, with poor integration. Pradesh before turning sharply eastward
Pradesh.. As the river flows down with high where it meets the southwest-northeast
Q.209. Which process leads to the velocity, vertical erosion or downward running Kaimur mountain Range.
formation of river deltas ? cutting will be high which results in the
SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning) formation of V-Shaped Valleys. Q.216. Which of the following rivers of
(a) Erosion (b) Deposition Waterfalls, rapids, and gorges exist Bangladesh is also known as Barak
(c) Evaporation (d) Sedimentation where the local hard rock bodies are River?
exposed. Hence, Delta does not depict SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)
Sol.(b) A river delta is a landform the youthful stage of rivers. (a) Tista (b) Raidek
created by deposition of sediment that is Deltas are formed when a river enters a (c) Surma (d) Aitreyi
carried by a river as the flow leaves its standing or low-energy body of water (a
mouth and enters slower-moving or lake, lagoon or sea). Velocity drops Sol.(c) Surma River is also called Barak
stagnant water. This occurs where a river partly because of the lack of tidal river in northeastern India and eastern
enters an ocean, sea, estuary, lake, currents (which would transport Bangladesh. It rises in the Manipur state,
reservoir, or (more rarely) another river sediment away), but also because of the India, where it is called Barak, and then
that cannot carry away the supplied shallower gradient at the mouth of a flows southwest into Mizoram state.
sediment. river.
Q.217. Which of the following rivers is
Q.210. Which of the following is NOT a Q.213. The largest inhabited riverine NOT a tributary of the Godavari River ?
major basin in India? island is located on which river ? SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning)
SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon) SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning) (a) Sarbari (b) Indravati
(a) Luni Basin (a) Brahmaputra (b) Godavari (c) Manjira (d) Barakar
(b) Krishna Basin (c) Ganga (d) Krishna
(c) Indus Basin Sol.(d) The Barakar River is the main
(d) Ganga- Brahmaputra Basin Sol.(a) Majuli, in the Brahmaputra river tributary of the Damodar River. It
is the largest inhabited riverine island in originates in Hazaribagh district of
Sol.(a) Luni (also known as Lonari, the world. It has an area of 1,250 square Jharkhand and flows across the northern
Lavanavari, Lavanavati, Salt river) is a km. part of the Chota Nagpur Plateau, before
river in Rajasthan. It originates in the joining the Damodar river in Asansol,
Pushkar valley of the Aravalli Range, Q.214. Which of the following cities is Bardhaman district of West Bengal.
near Ajmer, passes through the not situated on the bank of Ganges ?
southeastern portion of the Thar Desert, SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q.218. Which of the following is the
and ends in the marshy lands of Rann of (a) Varanasi (b) Allahabad Perennial River System of India ?
Kutch in Gujarat. Hence, it is not a (c) Kanpur (d) Jaipur SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon)
major river basin in India. (a) Tapo (b) Indus
Sol.(d) The cities on the bank of River (c) Krishna (d) Tapi
Q.211. Which of the following rivers Ganga are as follows – Rishikesh,
does NOT drain into the sea ? Haridwar, Farrukhabad, Kanpur, Sol.(b) Perennial rivers are those rivers
SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning) Allahabad, Mirzapur, Varanasi, which are full of water throughout the Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 302

Pinnacle Geography

year because they receive their water Sol.(a) The major tributaries of the
from the mountainous snowy regions or Sol.(c) Rudraprayag is a town in the Dibang River are Dri, Mathun, Talon,
glaciers. There are 10 perennial rivers in Indian state of Uttarakhand. Eme, Ahi, Emra and Awa.
India, and most of them are in the Rudraprayag is one of the Panch Prayags
northern region. They are Ganga, (five confluences) of Alaknanda River Q.227. Surma River, also known as the
Yamuna, Indus, Brahmaputra, Narmada, and the point of confluence of rivers Barak River, originates in the :
Mahanadi, Tapti, Garghara (Saraswati), Alaknanda and Mandakini. SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning)
Sutlej and the sole perennial river in the (a) Manipur hills
south is Thamirabarani. Q.223. The ancient name of the river (b) Mizo hills
Tungabhadra was: (c) Patkai Boom Hills
Q.219. Hundru Waterfalls is located on SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) (d) Naga Hills
which river ? (a) Sindhu (b) Kubha
SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening) (c) Pampa (d) Vitasta Sol.(a) Surma River, also called Barak,
(a) Swarnrekha River river in northeastern India and eastern
(b) Krishna River Sol.(c) In the epic Ramayana, the Bangladesh, 560 miles (900 km) in
(c) Godavari River Tungabhadra River was known by the length. It rises in the Manipur Hills in
(d) Cauvery River name of Pampa. It travels through the northern Manipur state, India, where it is
state of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and called the Barak, and flows west and
Sol.(a) The Hundru Falls is a waterfall ultimately joins the Krishna River in then southwest into Mizoram state.
located in the Ranchi district of Mehaboobnagar district of Telangana.
Jharkhand. It is created on the course of Q.228. River kabini is the tributary of
the Subarnarekha river where it falls Q.224. Bhupen Hazarika Setu, also the:
from a height of 98 metres (322 ft) called Dhola-Sadiya Bridge which SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning)
creating one of the highest waterfalls in connects Assam and ________. (a) Krishna (b) Mahanadi
the state. SSC-CHSL 2/07/2019 (Morning) (c) Godavari (d) Kaveri
(a) Sikkim
Q.220. The Kaveri river basin falls in (b) Meghalaya Sol.(d) River kabini is a tributary of the
how many states of India ? (c) West Bengal river Cauvery in southern India. It
SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening) (d) Arunachal Pradesh originates in the Wayanad District of
(a)2 (b)5 Kerala state by the confluence of the
(c)4 (d)3 Sol.(d) The Dhola–Sadiya Bridge, also Panamaram River and the
referred to as the Bhupen Hazarika Setu, Mananthavady River. It flows eastward
Sol.(d) The Kaveri river basin covers is a beam bridge in India, connecting the to join the Kaveri River at Tirumakudalu
three states and a Union Territory as northeast states of Assam and Arunachal Narasipura in Karnataka..
follows: Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala Pradesh.
and Puducherry. Q.229. Which among the following is
Q.225. Which of the following rivers is the confluence of Alaknanda and
Q.221. Which is the largest freshwater popularly known as ‘Dakshin Ganga’? Mandakini?
lake in India? SSC-CHSL 2/07/2019 (Afternoon) SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening)
SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Morning) (a) Tungabhadra (b) Godavari (a) Vishnuprayag(b) Nandprayag
(a) Chilika Lake (b) Pangong Tso (c) Periyar (d) Krishna (c) Rudraprayag (d) Devprayag
(c) Wular Lake (d) Udai Sagar
Sol.(b) The Godavari River is known as Sol.(c) Rudraprayag is one of the Panch
Sol.(c) Wular Lake is the largest 'Dakshina Ganga' i.e. “River Ganga of Prayag (five confluences) of Alaknanda
freshwater lake in India and one of the South India”. River Godavari is the River, the point of confluence of rivers
largests in Asia. It is situated in the largest river of south India. Alaknanda and Mandakini.
Bandipora district in the Indian state of
Jammu and Kashmir. The lake is fed by Q.226. Which river has tributaries by the Q.230. Hirakud dam is built across the
the Jhelum River. name of Dri, Mathun, Talon, Eme, Ahi, river:
Emra and Awa? SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening)
Q.222. _____is situated at the SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning) (a) Betwa (b) Mahanadi
confluence of Alaknanda and Mandakini (a) Dibang (b) Godavari (c) Krishna (d) Godavari
rivers. (c) Kaveri (d) Lohit
SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) Sol.(b): Hirakud Dam is built across the
(a) Nandaprayag (b) Vishnuprayag Mahanadi River, about 15 kilometres
(c) Rudraprayag (d) Karnaprayag Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 303

Pinnacle Geography

from Sambalpur in the state of Odisha in Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna (a) Tapi (b) Tungabhadra
India. Rivers in the Bay of Bengal, is spread (c) Luni (d) Narmada
across India and Bangladesh. It is also
Q.231. At the location of which city in home to the Bengal tiger. With the Sol.(d) The Dhuandhar Falls are located
Assam, the river Brahmaputra goes Ramsar tag, Sundarbans is now the on Narmada River in Bhedaghat and are
south bound breaking away from its largest protected wetland in the country. 30 meters high. The Narmada River,
westward course and enters into making its way through the
Bangladesh? Q.235. The term Peninsula means a world-famous Marble Rocks, narrows
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening) piece of land surrounded by water on: down and then plunges in a waterfall
(a) Bongaigaon (b) Tezpur SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) known as Dhuandhaar.
(c) Dhubri (d) Barpeta (a) Three sides (b) one side
(c) two sides (d) four sides Q.240. The tidal mouth of a river where
Sol.(c) The River Brahmaputra flows fresh and saline water get mixed is
westward, till the city of Dhubri and Sol.(a) Peninsula is an area of land known as a/an ______.
thereafter turns southward in the Garo surrounded by water on three sides. SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Afternoon)
hills region and enters into Bangladesh (a) Gorge (b) Archipelago
near Goalpara. Q.236. A ____ is a deep valley with (c) Fold (d) Estuary
steep to straight sides is almost equal in
Q.232. Which of the following rivers has width at its top and its bottom? Sol.(d) An estuary is an area where a
its origin in Mahabaleshwar? SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) freshwater river or stream meets the
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning) (a) Strait (b) Canyon ocean.
(a) Kaveri (b) Narmada (c) Gorge (d) Relief Gorge is a narrow valley with steep sides
(c) Tapti (d) Krishna and a river running through it.
Sol. (c) A Gorge is a deep valley with Archipelago is a group of islands with
Sol.(d) The Krishna river's source is at steep to straight sides is almost equal in sea surrounding it.
Mahabaleshwar near the Jor village in width at its top and its bottom. A fold is a bend in the rock strata.
the extreme north of Wai Taluka, Satara Folding: Is a type of earth movement
District, Maharashtra in the west and Q.237. Which of the following is the resulting from the horizontal
empties into the Bay of Bengal at longest river of peninsular India? compression of rock layers by internal
Hamsaladeevi (near Koduru) in Andhra SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) forces of the earth along plate
Pradesh, on the east coast. (a) Krishna (b) Narmada boundaries.
(c) Godavari (d) Luni
Q.233. The Netravati River flows Q.241. Which is the largest river island
through which of the following cities? Sol.(c) Godavari, also known as in the world?
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening) 'Dakshin Ganga' – the South Ganges, the SSC CHSL 17-03-2020 (Morning)
(a) Karwar (b) Mangaluru second longest river of India after the (a) Majuli Island
(c) Bengaluru (d) Shivamogga Ganges, is the longest river of peninsular (b) Srirangam Island
India. (c) Agatti Island
Sol.(b) Netravati river :- (d) Bhavani Island
origin-kudremukh,Karnataka Q.238. Which of the following is an east
Flows through the Mangalore city of flowing river? Sol.(a) Majuli island situated on the
karnataka SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Afternoon) Brahmaputra river is the largest river
It joins the Kumaradhara river at (a) Brahmani (b) Sharavati island in the world.
uppinangady before flowing to The (c) Mahi (d) Sabarmati Q.242. In which of the following states
Arabian sea. is the Nizam Sagar Dam situated?
Sol.(a) The Brahmani is an east flowing SSC CHSL 17-03-2020 (Evening)
Q.234. Which of the following sites is river. The Brahmani is a major seasonal (a) West Bengal (b) Karnataka
the largest protected wetland in India? river in the Odisha state of Eastern India. (c) Telangana (d) Andhra Pradesh
The Brahmani is formed by the
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening)
confluence of the Sankh and South Koel
(a) Pulicat Lake Sol.(c) Nizam Sagar dam is a reservoir
(b) Sundarbans constructed across the Manjira river, a
(c) Upper Ganga River Q.239. Which of the following rivers tributary of the Godavari river in
(d) Vembanad-Kol forms the Dhuandhar waterfall near Telangana.
Sol.(b) Sundarbans, the mangrove forest SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Morning) Q.243. Which of the following rivers
in the delta formed by the confluence of flows into the Bay of Bengal? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 304

Pinnacle Geography

CHSL 18-03-2020 (Afternoon) (c) 270.5 m (d) 250.5 m Sol.(c). A point bar is a depositional
(a) Sutlej (b) Beas feature made of alluvium that
(c) Krishna (d) Ravi Sol.(b). The Tehri dam is the tallest dam accumulates on the inside bend of
in India with a height of 260.5 m. It is a streams and rivers below the slip-off
Sol.(c). A number of large rivers - the multi-purpose rock and earth-fill slope.
Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna and embankment dam on the Bhagirathi river A floodplain is an area of land adjacent
Kaveri on the west and the Ganga and near Tehri in Uttarakhand. to a stream or river which stretches from
Brahmaputra on the north - flow into the the banks of its channel to the base of
Bay of Bengal. Q.248. Which is the second largest river the enclosing valley walls and which
basin in India that covers 10% of the experiences flooding during periods of
Q.244. In Tibet, the Brahmaputra river is country’s area? high discharge.
known as: SSC CHSL 12-10-2020 (Morning) Alluvial fans are depositional landforms
CHSL 19-03-2020 (Afternoon) (a) Krishna (b) Mahanadi which are formed when streams flowing
(a) Tsangpo (b) Debung (c) Godavari (d) Narmada from higher levels break into foot slope
(c) Lohit (d) Dihang plains of low gradient.
Sol.(c) The Godavari is India’s second
Sol.(a). Brahmaputra is known as largest river after the Ganga. Its source is Q.252. Which is the source of Krishna
Yarlung Tsangpo in Tibet, Dihang or in Trimbakeshwar, Maharashtra. It flows river?
Siang in Arunachal Pradesh and Jamuna east for 1465 kms draining the states of SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning)
in Bangladesh. Maharashtra, Telangana, Andhra (a) Multai (b) Tala
Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Odisha. (c) Mahabaleshwar(d) Amarkantak
Q.245. Where are the Dudhsagar
waterfalls located? Q.249. Which river originates from Sol.(c). The source of Krishna river is at
CHSL 19-03-2020 (Afternoon) Tibet and enters India through Arunachal Mahabaleshwar near Jor village in the
(a) Kerala (b) Maharashtra Pradesh? extreme north of Wai Taluka, Satara
(c) Goa (d) Karnataka SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Morning) District, Maharashtra in the west and
(a) Chambal River empties into the Bay of Bengal at
Sol.(c). The river Mandovi, which is the (b) Godavari River Hamsaladeevi (near Koduru) in Andhra
main river of Goa begins on the Deccan (c) Brahmaputra River Pradesh, on the east coast.
plateau in the state of Karnataka. (d) Kaveri River Q.253. Which of the following rivers is
Winding its way through the Western the fifth largest river and the largest west
Ghats, this river plummets over the Sol.(c) The Brahmaputra river is a large flowing river?
highest peaks on the border of Goa and trans-Himalayan river originating in CHSL 20-10-2020 (Afternoon)
Karnataka, thus forming the Dudhsagar southern Tibet (China) and enters India (a) Narmada river
falls. The water forms a deep green pool through Arunachal Pradesh. (b) Arvari river
at the base of the falls, before continuing (c) Godavari river
westward to join the Arabian Sea. Q.250. Which river is also called (d) Subarnarekha river
'Dihang' in India?
Q.246. The kaveri river rises in : SSC CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning) Sol.(a) Narmada river is the fifth largest
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) (a) Brahmaputra (b) Indus river and the largest west flowing river.
(a)The Brahmagiri Hills (c) Ganges (d) Tapti It rises from Amarkantak Plateau in
(b) The trimbak Hills Anuppur district Madhya Pradesh.
(c) The Amarkantak Plateau Sol.(a) The Brahmaputra is called
(d) Mahabaleshwar Yarlung Tsangpo in Tibet, Siang/Dihang Q.254. The famous cultural site
river in Arunachal Pradesh and Luit, Rani-ki-Vav (the Queen's Stepwell) is
Sol.(a) Kaveri river rises on Brahmagiri Dilao in Assam. situated on the banks of which river?
Hill of the Western Ghats in CHSL 20-10-2020 (Afternoon)
southwestern Karnataka state, flows in a Q.251. What kind of depositional (a) Saraswati River(b) Yamuna River
southeasterly direction for 475 miles landforms are formed when streams (c) Hooghly River(d) Mahanadi
(765 km) through the states of Karnataka flowing from higher levels break into
and Tamil Nadu, and descends the foot slope plains of low gradient? Sol.(a) Rani ki Vav is a stepwell situated
Eastern Ghats in a series of great falls. SSC CHSL 19-10-2020 (Morning) in the town of Patan in Gujarat. It is
(a) Point bars (b) Flood plains located on the banks of Saraswati river.
Q.247. What is the height of Tehri Dam? (c) Alluvial fans (d) Natural levees Its construction is attributed to
SSC CHSL 19-03-2020 (Evening) Udayamati, daughter of Khengara of
(a) 280.5 m (b) 260.5 m Saurashtra. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 305

Pinnacle Geography

Tilaiya barrage is in the Koderma district called ______. SSC CGL

Q.255. Where is the Baglihar Dam of Jharkhand. 13/08/21(Afternoon)
located? (a) Flow channel
SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Evening) Q.259. Which of the following dams is (b) Groundwater table
(a) Gujarat constructed across the river Krishna? (c) Lift channel
(b) Himachal Pradesh SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) (d) Warabandi system
(c) Jammu & Kashmir (a) Nagarjuna Sagar(b) Tehri
(d) Telangana (c) Bhakra Nangal(d) Hirakud Sol.(c) A channel of the canal where
water is forced to flow against the slope
Sol.(c) Baglihar dam is a run-of-the-river Sol.(a). Nagarjuna Sagar Dam is of land by upliftment is called the Lift
power project on the Chenab river in the constructed over the river Krishna. It is channel. It is used when the main source
Ramban district of the Indian union situated in the Guntur district of Andhra is at a lower level than the supply level.
territory of Jammu and Kashmir. Pradesh.It is one of the earliest
multipurpose irrigation and hydroelectric Q.264. Which of the following is a
Q.256. Which of the following dams is projects in India. tributary of the river Brahmaputra that
located in Jharkhand? flows through Bhutan? SSC CGL
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) Q.260. The mouth of which of the 13/08/21 (Evening)
(a) Koyna (b) Maithon following rivers lies to the north of the (a) Wang Chhu River
(c) Mettur (d) Sardar Sarovar Tropic of Cancer? (b) Sittaung River
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) (c) Ayeyarwady River
Sol.(b). Maithon dam is on the river (a) Mahanad (b) Krishna (d) Chindwin River
Barakar in the district Dhanbad of (c) Indus (d) Godavari Sol.(a) Wang Chhu River is a tributary
Jharkhand. It has an underground power of the Brahmaputra that flows through
station, the first of its own kind in the Sol.(c) Out Of Mahanadi Krishna Indus Bhutan. Bhutan has four major rivers,
whole of SouthEast Asia. and Godavari only Indus lies to the north named Drangme Chhu, Mo Chhu, Wang
of the tropic of Cancer. Chhu and Torsa Chhu. The Brahmaputra
Q.257. Which of the following cities Mahanadi Krishna and Kaveri are all is one of the largest rivers of the Indian
does NOT lie on the path of river rivers of the South so they lie to the Subcontinent with its origin in the
Ganga? south of tropic of cancer. Mansarovar lake region near Mount
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) Kailash in Tibet. Some of its important
(a) Lucknow (b) Prayagraj Q.261. Which of the following is NOT a tributaries are Lohit, Dibang, Subansiri,
(c) Kanpur (d) Patna town/city on the west coast of India? Jiabharali, Dhansiri, Manas, Torsa,
SSC CGL 13/08/21(Morning) Sankosh, and Teesta.
Sol.(a) Lucknow is situated on the bank (a) Karwar (b) Surat
of river Gomti. (c) Mangalore (d) Gopalpur Q.265. Tapovan Vishnugad
River Ganga passes through important Hydroelectric Project is located in: SSC
cities such as Haridwar, Kanpur, Sol.(d) Gopalpur is a coastal town on the CGL 16/08/21(Morning)
Allahabad, Varanasi, Patna etc. It Bay of Bengal coast in the Ganjam (a) Ladakh
originates when Bhagirathi and district of Odisha. (b) Jammu and Kashmir
Alaknanda meet in Devprayag. (c) Uttarakhand
Q.262. Gurdwara Patalpuri Sahib is (d) Himachal Pradesh
Q.258. Which of the following located on the bank of river ______.
barrages/dams is closest to the SSC CGL 13/08/21(Morning) Sol.(c) Tapovan Vishnugad
India-Bangladesh border? (a) Yamuna (b) Ganga Hydroelectric Project is located in
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) (c) Sutlej (d) Beas Uttrakhand. It is constructed on the
(a) Tilaiya (b) Farakka Dhauliganga River in Chamoli District
(c) Durgapur (d) Massanjore Sol.(c) Gurdwara Patalpuri Sahib is of Uttarakhand. Other hydroelectric
located on the banks of the River Sutlej. projects in Uttarakhand are- Tehri Dam
Sol.(b) Farakka Barrage is built across Guru Hargobind Ji in 1644 as well as Project on the Bhagirathi river and
the Ganga river located in the Guru Har Rai Ji in 1661 were cremated VishnuPrayag Project on the Alaknanda
murshidabad district of West Bengal. It here. river.
is around 18 kms away from the
Bangladesh border. It was opened in Q.263. A channel of the canal where Q.266. What is the name of the river
1972. Farakka barrage lies closest from water is forced to flow against the slope formed by the confluence of
the India Bangladesh border. of land by upliftment is Sankh River and South Koel River at Ve Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 306

Pinnacle Geography

dvyas in Odisha? SSC CGL Nait stream meets the river on its left Nidagodu village near Masthikatte in the
16/08/21(Afternoon) bank. Shimoga district of Karnataka. The
(a) Brahmani (b) Subarnarekha height of this majestic waterfall is 455
(c) Pennar (d) Sabarmati Q.270. Where does the river mt (1,493 ft) making it the highest
Brahmaputra originate? SSC CGL waterfall in India.
Sol.(a) Brahmani river is formed by the 17/08/21(Afternoon)
confluence of (a) Glaciers of Mapchachungo Q.274. In which of the following states
Sankh River and South Koel River at Ve (b) Milam glacier in the Nepal is Kolleru Lake located? SSC CGL
dvyas in Odisha. It winds generally Himalayas 18/08/21(Evening)
southeast past Bonaigarh and Talcher (c) Garhwal hills near Gairsain (a) Madhya Pradesh
and then turns east to join northern (d) Chemayungdung glacier of the (b) Kerala
branches of the Mahanadi River, which Kailash range (c) Andhra Pradesh
then empties into the Bay of Bengal at (d) Tamil Nadu
Palmyras Point. Sol.(d) The river Brahmaputra originates
from the Chemayungdung glacier of the Sol.(c) Kolleru Lake is located in
Q.267. In which of the following states Kailash range, which covers the slopes Andhra Pradesh. It is one of the largest
is Anchar Lake located? SSC CGL of the Himalayas about 60 miles (100 freshwater lakes in India.
16/08/21(Evening) km) southeast of Lake Mapam in
(a) Jammu and Kashmir southwestern Tibet. The river travels Q.275. Which of the following rivers
(b) Assam parallel to the eastern Himalayas before empties into the Gulf of Cambay of the
(c) Bihar entering India through a gorge. Arabian Sea, in the state of Gujarat?
(d) Meghalaya SSC CGL 20/08/21(Morning)
Q.271. Yerla, Warna and Dindi are (a) Krishna (b) Godavari
Sol.(a) Anchar Lake is located in Jammu tributaries of the ______ river system. (c) Tapti (d) Cauvery
and Kashmir. It is located near the Soura SSC CGL 17/08/21(Evening)
(a) Brahmaputra (b) Godavari
area in the city of Srinagar, Jammu and Sol.(c) Tapti river empties into the Gulf
(c) Kaveri (d) Krishna
Kashmir. The lake is connected with the of Cambay of the Arabian Sea, in the
famous Dal Lake via a channel "Amir Sol.(d) Yerla, Warna and Dindi are state of Gujarat. It is a river in central
Khan Nallah" which passes through tributaries of the Krishna river system. India located to the south of the
Gilsar and Khushal Sar. Krishna river has a number of tributaries Narmada river which flows westwards
but Tungabhadra is its principal before draining into the Arabian Sea.
Q.268. Which of the following Indian tributary. Other tributaries include the The river has a length of around 700km
cities is situated on the banks of Lake Mallaprabha, Koyna, Bhima, and flows through the states of
Pichola? SSC CGL 17/08/21(Afternoon) Ghataprabha, Yerla, Warna, Dindi, Musi Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Madhya
(a) Ahmedabad (b) Kurnool and Dudhganga. The river drains into the Pradesh.
(c) Udaipur (d) Agra Bay of Bengal at Hamsaladeevi.
Q.276. Where is the Jai Hind bridge
Sol.(c) Udaipur is situated at the banks Q.272. The river Ganga divides the state located in India? SSC CGL
of Lake Pichola. Pichola Lake was built of Bihar into ______ parts. SSC CGL 20/08/21(Evening)
in 1362 AD by "Banjara" tribesmen. 17/08/21(Evening) (a) Kolkata (b) Hyderabad
Later, Maharana Udai Singh enlarged the (a) five (b) four (c) Mumbai (d) Chennai
lake by constructing a stone masonry (c) three (d) two
dam in the Badipol region on the shore Sol.(a) West Bengal Chief Minister
Sol.(c) The river Ganga divides the state
of the lake. Mamta Banerjee named the newly built
of Bihar into three parts. It enters Bihar
‘Majerhat Bridge’ in Kolkata as the ‘JAI
through Bauxar district and exits in
Q.269. The river Giri is an important HIND’ bridge to commemorate the
Bhagalpur district.
tributary of the ______. SSC CGL 125th birth anniversary of Netaji
17/08/21(Afternoon) Subhash Chandra Bose. The new bridge
Q.273. In which of the following Indian
(a) Brahmaputra (b) Yamuna has been made in place of an old one
states will you find the ‘Kunchikal
(c) Godavari (d) Cauvery that collapsed in September 2018. It is a
Falls’? SSC CGL 18/08/21(Evening)
650 meters long bridge and connects the
(a) Kerala (b) Karnataka
Sol (b) The river Giri is an important central part of Kolkata to the
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Telangana
tributary of the Yamuna. The major southwestern suburbs of Behala and
tributaries of the Giri River are Ashani others.
Sol.(b) ‘Kunchikal Falls’ is formed on
which meets Giri close to Chail and Jalal
Varahi river in Karnataka. It is located in
which joins it at Dachau. The Palar and Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 307

Pinnacle Geography

Q.277. The area served by a canal Karnataka), Dudhsagar waterfall

system through the supply of water for (Mandovi river in Goa). Sol.(d) A saturated geological unit that
irrigation and other can yield water to the wells at a
purposes is called a ______. SSC CGL Q.280. Which of the following is NOT a sufficient rate to support a well is called
23/08/21(Morning) traditional water storage structure? SSC an aquifer. An aquifer is an underground
(a) command area CGL 23/08/21(Evening) layer of water-bearing permeable rock,
(b) net sown area (a) Johad (b) Kund rock fractures, or unconsolidated
(c) net irrigated area (c) Tanka (d) Haryali materials (gravel, sand, or silt).
(d) gross irrigated area Groundwater from aquifers can be
Sol.(d) Haryali is NOT a traditional extracted using a water well.
Sol(a) The area served by a canal system water storage structure. The other three
through the supply of water for irrigation structures Johad, Kund and Tanka are Q.284. A channel of a canal where water
and other purposes is called a command traditional ways of water storage. flows under the influence of gravity is
area. It is the total area that can be Hariyali is a watershed development called ______. SSC CGL
economically irrigated from an irrigation project with an aim to ensure the overall 24/08/21(Evening)
scheme without considering the development of rural areas through the (a) lift channel
limitations of water. It includes gram panchayats and create regular (b) command area
cultivable land, roads, wastelands, sources of income for the panchayats (c) warabandi system
forests, barren lands. from the rainwater harvesting and (d) flow channel
Q.278. When a river originates from a Sol.(d) A channel of the canal where
hill and flows in all directions, the Q.281. A/an ______ is a natural water flows under the influence of
drainage pattern is geo-hydrological unit of land, which gravity is called a flow channel. It is the
known as ______. SSC CGL collects water and drains it through a flow of water induced by the effect of
23/08/21(Morning) common point by a system of streams. gravity. The surface of the flowing liquid
(a) centripetal (b) trellis SSC CGL 24/08/21(Morning) is at atmospheric pressure and free to air.
(c) dendritic (d) radial (a) warabandi (b) aquifer The example of open channel flow
(c) watershed (d) reservoir includes flow in canal, river, etc.
Sol.(d) When a river originates from a
hill and flows in all directions, it is Sol.(c) A watershed is a natural Q.285. Through which of the following
known as a radial pattern. geo-hydrological unit of land that drains states does the Rushikulya river pass?
Other types of drainage patterns are– all the streams and rainfall to a common SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Afternoon)
Centripetal– when rivers discharge their outlet such as the outflow of a reservoir, (a) Tamil Nadu (b) Odisha
waters from all directions into a mouth of a bay, or any point along a (c) Kerala (d) Andhra Pradesh
depression. Eg. Loktak lake in Manipur. stream channel.
Trellis– when the primary tributaries of Sol.(b) The Rushikulya River is one of
main rivers flow parallel to each other Q.282. Which of the following places is the major rivers in the state of Odisha.
and secondary tributaries join them at NOT located on the banks of river
right angles.
Ganga? SSC CGL 24/08/21(Morning) Q.286. In which state is Renuka Lake
Dendritic–looks like the branching
pattern of tree roots. (a) Varanasi (b) Hazaribagh located? SSC CHSL
(c) Kanpur (d) Phaphamau 12/04/21(Afternoon)
Q.279. Which of the following (a) Himachal Pradesh
waterfalls is located in Madhya Pradesh? Sol.(b) Hazaribagh is NOT located on (b) Madhya Pradesh
SSC CGL 23/08/21(Evening) the banks of river Ganga. Hazaribagh is (c) Uttar Pradesh
(a) Dhuandhar a city and a municipal corporation in the (d) Arunachal Pradesh
(b) Khandadhar Hazaribagh district in Jharkhand. It is
(c) Shivasamudram the divisional headquarters of the North Sol.(a) Renuka Lake and Macchial Lake
(d) Dudhsagar Chotanagpur division. It is also popular are Low Altitude Lakes in Himachal
for Hazaribagh Wildlife Sanctuary. Pradesh.
Sol.(a) Dhuandhar waterfall is located on
the Narmada river in Madhya Pradesh. Q.283. A saturated geological unit Q.287. Which of the following states
Khandadhar waterfall (Sundargarh which can yield water to the wells at a leads in sunflower cultivation? SSC
district in Odisha), Shivasamudram sufficient rate to support a well is called CHSL 12/04/21 (Evening)
waterfall (Chamarajanagar district of ______. SSC CGL 24/08/21(Afternoon) (a) Karnataka (b) Uttar Pradesh
(a) karst (b) estuary (c) Punjab (d) Rajasthan
(c) reservoir (d) aquifer Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 308

Pinnacle Geography

Sol.(c) Peacock Island or Umananda (c) Godavari (d) Brahmaputra

Sol.(a) Karnataka with a production of Island is the smallest inhabited river
3.04 lakh tonnes is the leading and large island in the middle of river Sol.(d) Dihing or Burhi Dihing is a large
producer of sunflowers in the country. Brahmaputra, flowing through the city of tributary of the Brahmaputra River in
Leading Producer of different crops: Guwahati in Assam, a state in Upper Assam in northeastern India. The
Coffee - Karnataka, Tea - Assam, Cotton northeastern India. Its name derives from river originates at 2,375 metres above
- Gujarat (Maharashtra has the largest Assamese Uma. A British officer named sea level in the Eastern Himalayas (the
number of cotton mills), Millets( jowar the island Peacock Island for its Patkai Hills) in Arunachal Pradesh and
-sorghum, bajra - pearl millet and ragi - structure, which he thought resembled flows through Tinsukia (Tinicukeeya)
finger millet) - Rajasthan, Sugarcane - the splayed feathers of a peacock. It is and Dibrugarh Districts in Assam to its
also known as Bhasmachal. confluence with the Brahmaputra at
Uttar Pradesh, Jute - West Bengal, Rice -
West Bengal (Rice Bowl of India -
Q.291. Alaknanda river originates from
Andhra Pradesh), Wheat - Uttar Pradesh.
______ and Bhagirathi Kharak glacier. Q.295. Which of the following rivers
SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Afternoon) originates from the 'Rakas Lake'? SSC
Q.288. Sardar Sarovar Dam is situated in
(a) Zemu (b) Gangotri CHSL 15/04/21 (Afternoon)
the state of ______ and on the river
(c) Satopanth (d) Pindari (a) Chenab (b) Beas
______. SSC CHSL 12/04/21 (Evening)
(c) Sutlej (d) Jhelum
(a) Rajasthan, Chambal
Sol.(c) Alaknanda river originates from
(b) Gujarat, Narmada
Satopanth and Bhagirathi Kharak glacier Sol.(c) The Sutlej River originates from
(c) Maharashtra, Krishna
in Uttarakhand and meets the Sarasvati the Rakas Lake, which is connected to
(d) Uttar Pradesh, Ganga
River tributary at Mana, India, 21 km the Manasarovar lake by a stream, in
from Tibet. Three km below Mana the Tibet. It flows in a north-westerly
Sol.(b) The Sardar Sarovar Dam is a
Alaknanda flows past the Hindu direction and enters Himachal Pradesh at
concrete gravity dam built on the
pilgrimage center of Badrinath. the Shipki Pass, where it is joined by the
Narmada river in Navagam near
Spiti river.
Kevadiya in the Narmada district in Q.292. Which of the following is
Gujarat. The largest dam of India - Tehri Uttarakhand’s first gravity dam? SSC Q.296. Which one of the following is the
Dam(Bhagirathi River - Uttarakhand), CHSL 15/04/21 (Morning) longest river of Nepal? SSC CHSL
Highest dam of India - Tehri dam, (a) Tehri dam (b) Baigul dam 15/04/21 (Evening)
Highest gravity dam of India - Bhakra (c) Dhora dam (d) Song dam (a) River Koshi
dam (Sutlej - Himachal Pradesh), (b) River Narayani
Longest dam of India - Hirakud dam Sol.(d) The first gravity dam of (c) River Karnali
(Mahanadi - Odisha). Uttarakhand is the ‘Song dam’ which is (d) River Seti
to be built on the foothills of Mussoorie
Q.289. Which of the following on the Song river to meet the water Sol.(c) Karnali is the longest river in
waterfalls is located in Jharkhand? SSC shortage of the state during the summers. Nepal. Karnali, also called Ghaghara is a
CHSL 12/04/21 (Evening) perennial transboundary river originating
(a) Dudhsagar waterfall Q.293. Siang, Tirap and Kameng are on the Tibetan Plateau near Lake
(b) Hundru waterfall rivers found in the state of: SSC CHSL Manasarovar.
(c) Jog waterfalls 15/04/21 (Morning)
(d) Chulia waterfall (a) Madhya Pradesh Q.297. ‘Ong’ and ‘Tel’ are tributaries of
(b) Arunachal Pradesh the river ______. SSC CHSL 16/04/21
Sol.(b) Hundru waterfall. Kunchikal (c) Uttar Pradesh (Morning)
Falls in Shimoga District Karnataka is (d) Andhra Pradesh (a) Krishna (b) Ganga
the highest waterfall in India with a (c) Kaveri (d) Mahanadi
height of 1493 feet. Sol.(b) Siang, Tirap, and Kameng are
rivers found in the state of Arunachal Sol.(d) Tributaries of Mahanadi -
Q.290. On which river is Peacock Island Pradesh. The major river of the Seonath, Hideo, Jonk, Mand, Ib, Ong,
located? SSC CHSL 13/04/21 Arunachal Pradesh is the Brahmaputra Tel.
(Afternoon) and all the rivers are its tributaries. Tributaries of Krishna - Tungabhadra,
(a) Mahanadi (b) Ganga Ghataprabha, Malaprabha, Bhima,
(c) Brahmaputra (d) Yamuna Q.294. Identify the river system in Vedavati, Koyna.
which you will find the river ‘Dihang’. Tributaries of Ganga - Gomti, Ghaghra,
SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Afternoon) Gandak, Kosi, Yamuna, Son,
(a) Indus (b) Ganga Ramaganga. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 309

Pinnacle Geography

Tributaries of Kaveri - Kabini, Sol.(b) Banas river originates from the

Hemavathi, Simsha, Arkavati, Bhavani. Sol.(a) Linganamakki Dam is built state of Rajasthan. Banas river is a
across the Sharavathi river. Sharavati is a tributary of the Chambal River, which
Q.298. Jog Falls is the most thrilling river that originates and flows entirely itself is a tributary of the Yamuna, which
spectacle in the entire western region of within the state of Karnataka in India. in turn merges into the Ganga.
______. SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Morning)
(a) Andaman and Nicobar Q.302. Kolhapur city is located on the Q.306. Which of the following is the
(b) Arunachal Pradesh banks of which of the following rivers? largest brackish water lake in Asia? SSC
(c) Nagaland SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Morning) CHSL 04/08/21 (Afternoon)
(d) Karnataka (a) Panchganga (b) Sarau (a) Loktak (b) Pulicat
(c) Chambal (d) Misu (c) Wular (d) Chilka
Sol.(d) The most thrilling spectacle in
the entire western region of Karnataka is Sol.(a) Kolhapur city is located on the Sol.(d) Lake Chilika is the largest
the world-famous Jog Falls. Jog falls is a banks of Panchganga. Kolhapur is a brackish water lake in Asia. Located
waterfall on the Sharavati river located historic and ancient holy city situated in south of the mouth of the Mahanadi
in the Western Ghats near Sagar Taluk of the Indian state of Maharashtra, India. River in unspoiled Orissa, this lake was
Shivamogga district, Karnataka. once a bay of the ocean until it was
Q.303. Which of the following rivers silted up by the monsoon tides.
Q.299. The drainage pattern formed does NOT culminate in the Arabian Sea?
when rivers discharge their waters from SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Afternoon) Q.307. Which of the following rivers
all directions in a lake or depression is (a) Sabarmati (b) Tapti rises in the west of Rohtang Pass in the
known as ______. SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (c) Indus (d) Godavari Kullu hills of
(Afternoon) Himachal Pradesh and flows through the
(a) dendritic (b) radial Sol.(d) Godavari does not culminate in Chamba valley of the state? SSC CHSL
(c) trellis (d) centripetal the Arabian Sea. The major rivers of 04/08/21 (Evening)
India flowing into the Arabian Sea are (a) Satluj (b) Ravi
Sol.(d) The drainage pattern formed Narmada, Tapi, Indus, Sabarmati, Mahi, (c) Beas (d) Chenab
when rivers discharge their waters from Purna.
all directions in a lake or depression is Sol.(b) Ravi rises west of the Rohtang
known as centripetal. Centripetal Q.304. Which type of dam is a pass in the Kullu hills of Himachal
patterns are produced where drainage temporary dam constructed to exclude Pradesh and flows through the Chamba
converges on a single outlet or sink, as water from the specific area? SSC CHSL valley of the state. It is the smallest
in some craters, eroded structural domes 19/04/21 (Afternoon) amongst the five rivers of Punjab.
with weak cores, parts of some (a) Coffer (b) Impounding
limestone country, and enclosed desert (c) Detention (d) Debris Q.308. Suryadhar lake is located in
depressions. which of the following states? SSC
Sol.(a) A cofferdam is a temporary dam CHSL 04/08/21 (Evening)
Q.300. In which of the following states constructed to exclude water from a (a) Himachal Pradesh
is Sambhar Lake located? SSC CHSL specific area. It is built to permit (b) Arunachal Pradesh
16/04/21 (Evening) damming, diversion, or dewatering and (c) Uttarakhand
(a) Punjab (b) Gujarat construction of a permanent structure in (d) Meghalaya
(c) Mizoram (d) Rajasthan a dry area.
A detention dam is a dam built to catch Sol.(c) Suryadhar lake is located in
Sol.(d) The Sambhar Salt Lake is located surface runoff and stream water flow to Uttarakhand, Built at a cost of Rs 50.25
80 km southwest of the city of Jaipur regulate the water flow in areas below crore, the lake has a holding capacity of
and 64 km northeast of Ajmer in the dam. Detention dams are commonly 77,000 cubic meters of water.
Rajasthan. Wular Lake is one of the used to reduce the damage caused by Uttarakhand Chief Minister- Trivendra
largest freshwater lakes in Asia. It is flooding or to manage the flow rate Singh Rawat.
situated in the Bandipora district in through a channel. Governor of Uttarakhand -Baby Rani
Jammu and Kashmir. Maurya
Q.305. Which of the following rivers
Q.301. Linganamakki Dam is built originates from the state of Rajasthan? Q.309. Which of the following is a
across which of the following rivers? SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Afternoon) salt-water lake? SSC CHSL 05/08/21
SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Morning) (a) Narmada (b) Banas (Morning)
(a) Sharavathi (b) Yamuna (c) Mahi (d) Chambal (a) Pangong Tso (b) Kolleru
(c) Krishna (d) Tunga Bhadra (c) Nainital (d) Loktak Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 310

Pinnacle Geography

Sol.(d) Lohit River is a river in (c) Hemavati (c) Amravati

Sol.(a) Pangong Tso, one of the most Arunachal Pradesh in India. It is a
famous lakes in Leh Ladakh, is a tributary of the Brahmaputra River. It Sol. The Krishna river originates in
salt-water lake. The lake is in the process rises in the eastern Tibet region. Mahabaleshwar, Maharashtra.
of being identified under the Ramsar Tributaries of Krishna :- Venna River,
Convention as a wetland of international Q.313. In which of the following states Tungabhadra, Malaprabha, Ghataprabha,
importance. is Sambhar Salt Lake situated? SSC Dudhaganga, Panchganga, Koyna,
CHSL 5/8/2021 (Evening) Mand, Tarali/Kali Ganga, Urmodi, Doni,
Q.310. The world's only floating (a) Rajasthan (b) Gujarat Bhima, Dindi, Musi, Paleru, Munneru,
national park, Keibul Lamjao National (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Punjab etc.
Park, is located in ______. SSC CHSL
5/8/2021 (Afternoon) Sol.(a) Sambhar lake is located in Q.318. Purna, Manjira and Pranhita are
(a) Manipur (b) Assam Rajasthan. It is the largest inland salt tributaries of: SSC CHSL 9/8/2021
(c) Nagaland (d) Tripura lake in India. It represents the depression (Afternoon)
of the Aravalli Range. (a) Godavari (b) Indus
Sol.(a) The world's only floating (c) Yamuna (d) Chambal
national park, Keibul Lamjao National Q.314. In which of the following states
Park, is located in Manipur. It is 40 km2 is the Loktak Lake located? SSC CHSL Sol.(a) Tributaries of Godavari: Dharna,
in area, the only floating park in the 6/8/2021 (Afternoon) Pravara, Sindphana, Manjira,
world. The park is situated on the (a) Rajasthan (b) Sikkim Peddavagu, Maner, Purna, Pranhita,
southern shore of the Loktak Lake. (c) Manipur (d) Haryana Indravathi and Sabari river.
Known for the patches and rings of Tributaries of Indus: Beas, Chenab, Gar,
biomass called phumdis. Sol.(c) Loktak Lake is the largest natural Gilgit, Gomal, Hunza, Jhelum, Kabul,
freshwater lake in India. The lake is Kunar, Kurram, Panjnad, Ravi, Shyok,
located at Moirang in Manipur state. It is Soan, Suru, Satluj, Swat, Zanskar and
Q.311. Which of the following
famous for the phumdis (heterogeneous Zhob river.
watershed development projects is
mass of vegetation, soil and organic Tributaries of Yamuna: Tons, Chambal,
sponsored by the Central Government
matter at various stages of Hindon, Betwa, Ken, Giri, Sind,
aims at enabling the rural population to
decomposition) floating over it. Uttangan, Sengar and Rind river.
conserve water? SSC CHSL 5/8/2021
Tributaries of chambal: Banas, Mej,
Q.315. In which of the following states Parbati river.
(a) Jal Kranti Abhiyan
is the Sirki Waterfall located? SSC
(b) Haryali
CHSL 6/8/2021 (Afternoon) Q.319. Which of the following is NOT
(c) Neeru-Meeru
(a) Arunachal Pradesh one of the three parallel ranges of the
(d) Arvary Pani Sansad
(b) Andhra Pradesh Himalayas in its
(c) Himachal Pradesh longitudinal extent? SSC CHSL
Sol.(b) Haryali watershed development
(d) Madhya Pradesh 9/8/2021 (Evening)
projects sponsored by the Central
(a) Shiwaliks (b) Himshikha
Government aims at enabling the rural
Sol.(a) Sirki Waterfall is located about (c) Himachal (d) Himadri
population to conserve water.
10 kilometres away from Pasighat in
The objectives of projects under Hariyali
Arunachal Pradesh. Sol.(b) Except Himshikha, Himachal,
will be 1. Harvesting every drop of Himadri and Shivalik are the parallel
rainwater for purposes of irrigation, Q.316. Ujjain is on the banks of river mountain ranges of the Himalayas.
plantations including horticulture and ______. SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Evening)
floriculture, pasture development, (a) Kshipra (b) Dibang Q.320. Which river has the tributaries by
fisheries etc. to create sustainable (c) Sarayu (d) Saraswati the name of Mayurakshi, Damodar,
sources of income for the village Kangsabati and Rupnarayan? SSC
community as well as for drinking water Sol.(a) Ujjain city is located on the CHSL 11/8/2021 (Morning)
supplies. Malwa Plateau on the east side of the (a) Godavari (b) Yamuna
Sipra (Shipra) River, a tributary of the (c) Hooghly (d) Brahmaputra
Q.312. Lohit river is a tributary of: SSC Chambal River.
CHSL 5/8/2021 (Evening) Sol.(c) Mayurakshi, Damodar,
(a) Ghaghara (b) Yamuna Q.317. Which of the following rivers is Kangsabati and Rupnarayan are
(c) Chambal (d) Brahmaputra a tributary of Krishna River? SSC CHSL tributaries of Hooghly.
6/8/2021 (Evening)
(a) Bhavani (b) Tungabhadra Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 311

Pinnacle Geography

Q.321. Chulia waterfall is situated on and the land to the east of the river was
Chambal River in ______. SSC CHSL Q.326. Sur Sarovar, also known as called India.
11/8/2021 (Afternoon) Keetham Lake, is a man-made reservoir.
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Gujarat In which of the following years was it Q.330. Which of the following is a
(c) Rajasthan (d) Madhya Pradesh added in the list of Ramsar Sites? SSC tributary of the river Ganga? SSC MTS
CHSL 12/8/2021 (Afternoon) 06/10/21(Morning)
Sol.(c) Chulia waterfall is situated on the (a) 1992 (b) 2020 (a) Sabarmati (b) Mahi
Chambal River in Rajasthan. (b) 2015 (d) 1998 (c) Ghaghra (d) Bhima

Q.322. Which river is adored by some as Sol.(b) Keetham (Sur Sarovar) lake is a Sol(c) Ghaghra is a tributary of the river
‘the Ganga of the South’? SSC CHSL scenic lake on the Agra - Delhi highway Ganga. It rises as the Karnali River in
11/8/2021 (Evening) (NH 2). It was added in Ramsar site in the high Himalayas of southern Tibet
(a) Narmada (b) Godavari 2020. Autonomous Region, China, and flows
(c) Kaveri (d) Krishna southeast through Nepal.
Q.327. Which of the following is a
Sol.(b) The Kaveri is a river in India that snow-fed river? SSC MTS Q.331. Which of the following is a tidal
flows through Karnataka and Tamil 05/10/21(Morning) port? SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Morning)
Nadu. It is also known as the Dakshin (a) Yamuna (b) Godavari (a) Vishakapatnam (b) Kandla
Ganga or the Ganga of the South. (c) Kaveri (d) Narmada (c) Tuticorin (d) Chennai

Sol.(a) Yamuna is a snow-fed river. The Sol.(b) Kandla is a tidal port. The
Q.323. Rain is liquid ______. SSC
CHSL 12/8/2021 (Morning) Yamuna is the main and the longest right Kandla Port is located at the head of the
(a) precipitation (b) condensation bank tributary of river Ganga. It is a Gulf of Kutch along a tidal creek known
(c) decantation (d) sedimentation snow-fed, braided river that rises from as “Kandla creek” in the state of Gujarat.
Yamunotri glacier near Bandarpoonch
Sol.(a) Precipitation is any product of peak of the higher Himalaya. Q.332. Name of which river among the
the condensation of atmospheric water following got associated with the water
vapor that falls under gravitational pull disputes tribunal of 1990 aimed at
Q.328. Which of the following rivers
resolving the old issue of water sharing
from clouds. The main forms of form Kunchikal waterfall in Karnataka?
between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu?
precipitation include drizzling, rain, SSC MTS 05/10/21(Evening)
SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Morning)
sleet, snow, ice pellets, graupel and hail. (a) Mandavi (b) Varahi
(a) Godavari (b) Tapti
(c) Urmodi (d) Kabini
(c) Krishna (d) Cauvery
Q.324. Chambal is a tributary of which
of the following rivers? SSC CHSL Sol.(b) Varahi rivers form Kunchikal
Sol.(d) Cauvery got associated with the
12/8/2021 (Morning) waterfall in Karnataka. Kunchikal Falls
is located in Nidagodu village near water disputes tribunal of 1990 aimed at
(a) Narmada (b) Yamuna
Masthikatte in Shimoga district of state resolving the old issue of water sharing
(c) Ganga (d) Brahmaputra
Karnataka. Kunchikal falls cascade between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
Sol(b) Chambal is a tributary of the down rocky boulders and the total height
of fall is 455 meters. Q.333. Which of the following rivers
Yamuna river.
flows into the Bay of Bengal? SSC MTS
Q.329. The river Indus was called 07/10/21 (Afternoon)
Q.325. A ______ is a hydraulic structure
______ by the Iranians and the Greeks (a) Narmada (b) Mahanadi
of impervious material built across a
about 2500 years ago.SSC MTS (c) Tapi (d) Indus
river to create a reservoir on its upstream
side for impounding water for various 06/10/21(Morning)
(a) Vitasta (b) Karnali Sol.(b) Mahanadi flows into the Bay of
purposes. SSC CHSL 12/8/2021
(c) Vipasa (d) Hindos Bengal. The Mahanadi is one of the
major east flowing peninsular rivers in
(a) block (b) dam
(c) fold (d) drainage Sol.(d) The river Indus was called India, originating in Dhamtari district of
Hindos by the Iranians and the Greeks Chhattisgarh and draining into the Bay
Sol.(b) A dam is a hydraulic structure of about 2500 years of Bengal.
impervious material built across a river ago. The Iranians and the Greeks who
to create a reservoir on its upstream side came through the northwest about 2500 Q.334. About 50% of the ______ Basin
years ago and were familiar with the lies in Maharashtra. SSC MTS 07/10/21
for impounding water for various
indus, called it the Hindos or the Indos, (Evening)
purposes. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 312

Pinnacle Geography

(a) Godavari (b) Kaveri (c) Ghaghra (d) Chambal Brahmaputra rivers discharge into the
(c) Mahanadi (d) Narmada Bay of Bengal.
Sol.(d) Chambal is a tributary of
Sol.(a) About 50% of the Godavari Yamuna river. The Chambal River is a Q.342. Kolleru lake is located in the
Basin lies in Maharashtra. The Godavari tributary of the Yamuna River in central state of ______. SSC MTS
River is the largest river in peninsular India, and thus forms part of the greater 12/10/21(Evening)
India, also known as the 'Dakshina Gangetic drainage system. The Chambal (a) Uttarakhand
Ganga'. The Godavari Basin is the and its tributaries drain the Malwa (b) Tamil Nadu
second-largest basin after the Ganges region of northwestern Madhya Pradesh, (c) Andhra Pradesh
basin and accounts for nearly 9.50 % of while its tributary, the Banas, which rises (d) Kerala
the total geographical area of the
in the Aravalli Range, drains
country. The main river flows through Sol.(c) Kolleru lake is located in the
southeastern Rajasthan.
the States of Maharashtra, Telangana, state of Andhra Pradesh. Kolleru Lake is
Chhattisgarh, and Andhra Pradesh and one of the largest freshwater lakes in
Q.339. Which of the following rivers
finally falls into the Bay of Bengal. India and the largest shallow freshwater
does NOT rise in the Nepal Himalayas?
SSC MTS 11/10/21(Afternoon) lake in Asia. It is 15 kilometers away
Q.335. Which of the following dams is from Eluru and 65 km from
(a) Kosi (b) Narmada
located in Madhya Pradesh? SSC MTS Rajamahendravaram. It is located
(c) Gandak (d) Ghaghara
07/10/21 (Evening)
between Krishna and Godavari deltas.
(a) Tawa (b) Ujjani
Sol.(b) Narmada does NOT rise in the
(c) Koyna (d) Isapur
Nepal Himalayas. The Narmada is the Q.343. Which of the following
largest west-flowing river of the waterfalls is in the state of Goa? SSC
Sol.(a) Tawa dam is located in Madhya
Peninsula, rises near the Amarkantak MTS 12/10/21(Evening)
Pradesh. It is located in Itarsi of
range of mountains in Madhya Pradesh. (a) Dudhsagar
Hoshangabad District of Madhya
(b) Duduma
Q.340. On which of the following rivers (c) Gokak
is Pakistan constructing a dam named (d) Shivasamudram
Q.336. The groundwater stored between
layers of hard rock below the water table 'Diamer Basha' dam? SSC MTS
12/10/21(Morning) Sol.(a) Dudhsagar waterfall is in the
is called: SSC MTS 08/10/21 (Morning)
(a) Indus (b) Jhelum state of Goa. Dudhsagar Fall is a
(a) glacier (b) hot spring
(c) Sutlej (d) Chenab four-tiered waterfall located on the
(c) geyser (d) aquifer
Mandovi River in the Indian state of
Sol.(a) Pakistan constructed a dam Goa.
Sol.(d) The groundwater stored between
layers of hard rock below the water table named 'Diamer Basha' dam on the Indus.
is called: aquifer. It is also known as It is located between Kohistan district in Q.344. Which of the following ports is
water-bearing stratum. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Diamer in Gujarat? SSC MTS
district in Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan 13/10/21(Morning)
Q.337. Which of the following rivers has administered Kashmir. Its foundation (a) Paradip (b) Kandla
Spiti river as its subsidiary? SSC MTS stone was laid by the then Prime (c) Mormugao (d) Panambur
08/10/21 (Afternoon) Minister of Pakistan in 1998.
(a) Chenab (b) Ravi Sol.(b) Kandla port is in Gujarat on the
(c) Sutlej (d) Beas Gulf of Kutch on the northwestern coast
Q.341. Which of the following is the
world’s largest delta? SSC MTS of India. Ministry of Shipping has
Sol.(c) River Sutlej has Spiti river as its 12/10/21(Afternoon) renamed Kandla Port Trust as Deendayal
subsidiary. The Sutlej River is also (a) Irrawaddy Delta Port Trust with effect from 25th of
known as Satadree. It is the easternmost (b) Rhine-Meuse Delta September, 2017.
tributary of the Indus River. Spiti river, (c) Ganges–Brahmaputra Delta
which originates from Kunzum range, is (d) Amazon Delta Q.345. Which of the following is NOT a
the tributary of Satluj river. tributary of the river Ganga? SSC MTS
Sol.(c) Ganges–Brahmaputra Delta is the 13/10/21(Morning)
world’s largest delta. The Ganges (a) Son (b) Ramganga
Q.338. Which of the following is a
Brahmaputra Delta, also named Ganges (c) Kali (d) Penganga
tributary of Yamuna river? SSC MTS
08/10/21 (Afternoon) Delta, Sunderban Delta, or Bengal Delta
is situated in Asia where the Ganges and Sol.(d) Penganga is NOT a tributary of
(a) Gandak (b) Son
the river Ganga. Penganga river is a Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 313

Pinnacle Geography

major tributary of the Wardha river and Chinaman's Falls, Dhobi Waterfall, tributaries? SSC MTS 20/10/2021
rises in the Ajanta range. Sahastrakund waterfalls, Zenith Falls, (Afternoon)
Vihigaon Waterfall. (a) Sutlej (b) Chenab
Q.346. Which of the following is the (c) Ravi (d) Jhelum
largest west flowing river in Rajasthan? Q.350. Which of the following rivers
SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Evening) flows into the Arabian Sea? SSC MTS Sol.(d) Jhelum river has the
(a) Luni (b) Chambal 18/10/2021 (Afternoon) Kishanganga river as one of its major
(c) Banganga (d) Banas (a) Tapi (b) Ganges tributaries.
(c) Yamuna (d) Brahmaputra
Sol.(a) Luni is the largest west-flowing Q.354. Which of the following rivers
river in Rajasthan. It originates in the Sol.(a) The major rivers of India are: originates at Trimbakeshwar in
Pushkar valley of the Aravalli Range, Flowing into the Arabian Sea: Narmada, Maharashtra? SSC MTS 22/10/2021
near Ajmer, passes through the Tapi, Sindhu, Sabarmati, Mahi, Purna. (Morning)
southeastern portion of the Thar Desert, The Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, and (a) Krishna (b) Damodar
and ends in the marshy lands of Rann of Kaveri (Cauvery) on the west and the (c) Godavari (d) Mahanadi
Kutch in Gujarat. Ganges (Ganga) and Brahmaputra on the
north—flow into the Bay of Bengal. Sol.(c) Godavari originates at
Q.347. The river Indus lies to the Trimbakeshwar (Bramhagiri mountains)
______ of the Great Indian Desert. SSC Q.351. Which of the following states has in Maharashtra. Trimbakeshwar town is
MTS 14/10/2021 (Morning) the largest catchment area of Godavari an ancient Hindu Pilgrim center located
(a) West (b) north Basin? SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Morning) at the source of the Godavari River, the
(c) east (d) south (a) Karnataka longest river in peninsular India.
(b) Maharashtra
Sol.(a) The river Indus lies to the West (c) Madhya Pradesh Q.355. In which State/Union Territory is
of the Great Indian Desert. The Thar (d) Telangana the Jog waterfall located? SSC MTS
Desert is bordered by the irrigated Indus Sol.(b) Maharashtra has the largest 22/10/2021 (Afternoon)
River plain to the west, the Punjab Plain catchment area of Godavari Basin. (a) Punjab
to the north and northeast, the Aravalli Banganga, Kadva, Shivana, Purna, (b) Ladakh
Range to the southeast, and the Rann of Kadam, Pranahita, Indravati, Taliperu, (c) Jammu and Kashmir
Kachchh to the south. Sabari, Nasardi, Pravara, Sindphana, (d) Karnataka
Q.348. Which of the following is NOT Manjira, Manair, Kinnerasani are
an east-flowing river of Karnataka? SSC Sol.(d) Jog Falls is a waterfall on the
tributaries of Godavari river. Godavari
MTS 14/10/2021 (Evening) Sharavathi river located in the Western
river is called Dakshina Ganga (Ganges
(a) Tungabhadra (b) Bhima Ghats near Sagar Taluk of Shivamogga
of the South).
(c) Mandavi (d) Manjra District, Karnataka, India. It is the
second-highest plunge waterfall in India.
Q.352. Which of the following river
Sol.(c) The Mandovi River is one of the systems has Wardha river as one of its Also known by alternative names of
main West Flowing Rivers of Goa State. significant rivers? SSC MTS 20/10/2021 Gersoppa Falls, and Jogada Gundi.
Tungabhadra, Bhima, Manjra are east (Afternoon)
flowing rivers of Karnataka. (a) Godavari (b) Mahanadi Q.356. Identify the city which is situated
(c) Ganga (d) Krishna on the banks of the river Sarayu. SSC
Q.349. In which of the following states MTS 26/10/2021 (Morning)
is the Bhambavli Vajrai Waterfall Sol.(a) Godavari river system has (a) Ayodhya (b) Bhopal
located? SSC MTS 14/10/2021 Wardha river as one of its significant (c) Kanpur (d) Haridwar
(Evening) rivers. The principal tributaries of the
(a) Odisha (b) Andhra Pradesh river are the Pravara, the Purna, the Sol.(a) Ayodhya is situated on the banks
(c) Karnataka (d) Maharashtra Manjra, the Penganga, the Wardha, the of the river Sarayu. Lower Ghaghara is
Wainganga the Pranhita (combined flow also popularly known as Sarayu in India.
Sol.(d) The Bhambavli Vajrai Waterfall of Wainganga, Penganga, Wardha), the Haridwar and Kanpur are situated on the
is located in Maharashtra. The waterfall Indravati, the Maner and the Sabri. river Ganga.
is situated in the district of Satara in
western Maharashtra. More famous Q.353. Which of the following rivers has Q.357. In which Indian state will you
waterfalls in Maharashtra -Malshej Falls, Kishanganga river as one of its major find the river Muhuri? SSC MTS
Pandavkada waterfall, Randha Falls, 26/10/2021 (Morning)
(a) Punjab (b) Madhya Pradesh Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 314

Pinnacle Geography

(c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Tripura (c) Godavari-Krishna

Sol.(a) Brahmaputra marks the (d) Ganga-Brahmaputra
Sol.(d) Muhuri is a transnational river easternmost boundary of the Himalayas.
between India and Bangladesh. Rising in The Brahmaputra, also known as the Sol.(d) The Sunderban Delta is the
Tripura, it flows into Bangladesh where Yarlung Tsangpo in Tibet, the largest delta in India formed by the
it merges with the Feni near the latter's Siang/Dihang River in Arunachal Ganga, Brahmaputra, and Meghna
mouth to the Bay of Bengal. Pradesh, and Luit, Dilao in Assam. The rivers. The Sundarbans is a cluster of
principal tributaries of the river joining low-lying islands in the Bay of Bengal,
Q.358. In which Indian state is the from the right are the Lohit, the Dibang, spread across India and Bangladesh,
'Bhushi Lake' located? SSC MTS the Subansiri, the Jiabharali, the famous for its unique mangrove forests.
26/10/2021 (Evening) Dhansiri, the Manas, the Torsa, the
(a) Punjab (b) Rajasthan Sankosh and the Teesta. Q.365. In which of the following states
(c) Gujarat (d) Maharashtra is Pichola Lake located? SSC MTS
Q.362. Which river creates the Jog Falls, 2/1/2021 (Evening)
Sol.(d) The 'Bhushi Lake' is located in also called Gersoppa Falls? SSC MTS (a) Sikkim (b) Manipur
Maharashtra. Popular Lakes in 27/10/2021 (Evening) (c) Rajasthan (d) Maharashtra
Maharashtra -Upvan Lake, Vihar Lake, (a) Kabini river
Powai Lake, Rankala Lake, Panshet (b) Kali river Sol.(c) Lake Pichola, situated in
Lake, Ganesh Lake, Venna Lake, Lonar (c) Shimsha river Udaipur city in the Indian state of
Lake . (d) Sharavati river Rajasthan, is an artificial freshwater
lake. More lakes in Rajasthan are
Q.359. Which Indian state is the source Sol.(d) Sharavati river creates the Jog Sambhar Lake, Ana Sagar Lake Ajmer,
of the rivers Brahmani, Kharkai and Falls, also called Gersoppa Falls. It is Anand Sagar Lake, Dailab Lake, Fateh
Subarnarekha? SSC MTS 26/10/2021 the second-highest plunge waterfall in Sagar Lake, Gadsisar Lake, Jaisamand
(Evening) India. Jog or Gerosoppa waterfall was Lake, Kaylana Lake.
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Bihar renamed as Mahatma Gandhi Waterfall.
(c) Jharkhand (d) Uttar Pradesh WORLD DRAINAGE SYSTEM
Q.363. Which of the following
Sol.(c) Jharkhand is the source of the statements about the river Brahmaputra Q.366. Name the longest river in Asia.
rivers Brahmani, Kharkai and is INCORRECT? SSC MTS 2/11/2021 SSC-CGL 07/06/2019 (Afternoon)
Subarnarekha. More rivers in (Morning) (a) Yenisei (b) Amazon
Jharkhand-Sone river, Barakar river, (a) It rises in Tibet. (c) Nile (d) Yangtze
Damodar river, Ajay river, South Koel (b) It flows eastwards parallel to the
river, Shankh river, North Koel river. Himalayas. Sol.(d) The Yangtze River is the third
(c) Most of its course lies outside India. longest worldwide and the longest river
Q.360. Bhojtal, formerly known as (d) It enters India in Arunachal Pradesh in Asia with a length of 6,300 km. The
Upper Lake, is situated in which of the where it is called the Dibang. other long Asian rivers are the Yellow
following states? SSC MTS 27/10/2021 River of 5,464 km, River Mekong of
(Morning) Sol.(d) The Brahmaputra's source is the 4,909 km and Brahmaputra and Indus
(a) Odisha Chemayungdung Glacier. The Rivers with a length of 2,900 km each.
(b) Madhya Pradesh Brahmaputra passes through the Tibet
(c) Rajasthan Autonomous Region of China, the Q.367. The river Nile does not flow in
(d) Uttar Pradesh Indian states of Arunachal Pradesh and which of the following countries ?
Assam, and Bangladesh. The SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Sol.(b) Bhojtal, formerly known as Brahmaputra is also known as the (a) Kenya (b) Egypt
Upper Lake, is situated in Madhya Yarlung Tsangpo in Tibet, the (c) Algeria (d) Tanzania
Pradesh. Popular Lakes in Maharashtra- Siang/Dihang River in Arunachal
(Upvan, Vihar, Powai, Rankala, Panshet, Pradesh, and Luit, Dilao in Assam. Sol.(c) The Nile river flows northward
Ganesh,Venna, Lonar) Lake. through the tropical climate of eastern
Africa and into the Mediterranean Sea. It
Q.364. The Sunderban Delta is created
Q.361. Which river marks the passes through 11 countries namely,
by the ______ rivers. SSC MTS
easternmost boundary of the Himalayas? 2/11/2021 (Afternoon) Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, the
SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Afternoon) (a) Sindhu-Brahmaputra Democratic Republic of the Congo,
(a) Brahmaputra (b) Kali (b) Ganga-Sindhu Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, South Sudan,
(c) Dihang (d) Tista Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 315

Pinnacle Geography

Sudan and Egypt. Hence, it does not greatest surface area at 31,700 square Sol.(d) Ten Degree Channel waterway
pass through Algeria. miles (82,103 square kilometers). separates the Andaman and the Nicobar
Islands from each other in the Bay of
Q.368. Which river passes through the Q.372. Piece of land surrounded by Bengal.
maximum number of countries? water on 3 sides is known as ______.
SSC-CGL 07/06/2019 (Afternoon) SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon) MINERAL AND ENERGY
(a) Rhine (b) Danube (a) Strait RESOURCES IN INDIA
(c) Amazon (d) Volga (b) Lagoon
(c) Peninsula Q.376. Which of the following is mined
Sol.(b) The Danube is the river that (d) Gulf in the Badampahar mines of Odisha?
passes through the maximum number of SSC-CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning)
countries. It passes through Germany, Sol.(c) A piece of land almost (a) Azurite (b) Dolomite
Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, surrounded by water but connected to (c) Bauxite (d) Hematite
Croatia, Serbia,Slovakia. the mainland (via an isthmus) is known
as Peninsula. Therefore, a peninsula is Sol.(d) In Badampahar Mines high grade
Q.369. Which one of the following is the defined as land surrounded by water on hematite ore is found. It was the second
deepest gorge in the world? three sides. iron mine developed by TATA.
SSC CGL 12/06/2019 (Evening)
(a) Kali Gandaki Gorge Q.373.The city of______is located at the Q.377. Jaduguda, in Singhbhum district,
(b) Garganta del Cares mouth of the Yangtze River. Jharkhand is an important mine for
(c) Tiger Leaping Gorge SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Evening) which of the following?
(d) Vikos Gorge (a) Shanghai (b) Beijing SSC CHSL 05/07/2019 (Morning)
(c) Lhasa (d) Guangzhou (a) Manganese (b) Emerald
Sol.(a) The Kali Gandaki(NEPAL) (c) Uranium (d) Coal
separates two of the world's 10 highest Sol.(a) Shanghai city of China is situated
mountains, and when measured from the at the mouth of Yangtze river. It is the Sol.(c) The Jaduguda Mine is a uranium
tip of Dhaulagiri to the riverbed – a longest river of both China and Asia. It mine in Jaduguda village in the Purbi
vertical distance of about 5.5 kilometres is approximately 6300Km long. Singhbhum district of the Indian state of
– it's considered to be the deepest gorge Jharkhand. It commenced operation in
in the world. Q.374. Which of the following channels 1967 and was the first uranium mine in
or straits is located between the Great India.
Q.370. The strait of _______ connects Nicobar Island and Indonesia's Sumatra
the Mediterranean Sea with the Atlantic Island? SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Evening) Q.378. Which among the following is
Ocean. (a) 10 degree channel the largest coalfield in India?
SSC CHSL 10/07/2019 (Evening) (b) Palk Strait CHSL 05/07/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) Bonifacio (b) Kerch (c) Grand channel (a) Talcher (b) Rampur
(c) Gibraltar (d) Messina (d) 9 degree channel (c) Yellandu (d) Jharia

Sol.(c) The Strait of Gibraltar is a Sol.(c) The Grand Channel is between Sol.(d) Jharia Coalfield is a large coal
narrow strait that connects the Atlantic the Great Nicobar islands and the field located in the east of India in
Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea. Sumatra islands of Indonesia. The Coco Jharia, Jharkhand. Jharia represents the
Strait is between the North Andaman largest coal reserves in India having
Q.371. Which is the largest lake in the islands and the Coco Islands of estimated reserves of 19.4 billion tonnes
world in terms of surface area? Myanmar. Minicoy channel is a small of coking coal.
SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning) eight-degree channel that separates
(a) Lake Huron Maldives and Lakshadweep. Sumatra Q.379. Which mine has gold deposits in
(b) Lake Tanganyika and Java are separated by Sunda Strait. India?
(c) Lake Superior SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning)
(d) Caspian Sea Q.375. Identify the waterways which (a) Jaduguda
separate the Andaman and the Nicobar (b) Noamundi
Sol.(d) Caspian Sea is a saltwater lake Islands? SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Evening) (c) Kolar
that has the greatest surface area of (a) Palk Strait (d) Singhbhum
143,200 square miles (370,886 square (b) Maliku Kandu
kilometers) in the world. However, Lake (c) Duncan Passage Sol.(c) Kolar Gold Fields or KGF is a
Superior, on the United States/Canada (d) Ten Degree Channel mining region and belongs to a KGF
border, is a freshwater lake with the Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 316

Pinnacle Geography

taluk in Kolar District of Karnataka Sol.(c) The most abundant mineral in the Sol.(b) Khetri is a town in the Jhunjhunu
state, India. Robertsonpet is the Earth’s continental crust is Feldspar. district of Rajasthan. Khetri is
headquarters of Kolar Gold Fields. Over well-known for its Copper mines. It was
the years, it had produced tonnes and Q.384. Which of the following states has built by and is under the control of
tonnes of gold. one of the richest monazite deposits in Hindustan Copper Limited.
Q.380. Which mineral is known as SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Evening) Q.389. Which of the following is the
‘buried Sunshine’ ? (a) Kerala (b) Gujarat only state in India that produces
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning) (c) Jharkhand (d) Rajasthan diamonds? SSC CHSL 19/04/21
(a) Iron (b) Bauxite (Morning)
(c) Mica (d) Coal Sol.(a) Kerala has one of the richest (a) Andhra Pradesh
monazite deposits in India. (b) Kolkata
Sol.(d) The coal which we are using (c) Uttarakhand
today was formed millions of years ago Q.385. The Jharia and Chandrapura coal (d) Madhya Pradesh
when giant ferns and swamps got buried fields are located in the state of ______.
under the layers of Earth. Therefore Coal SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Evening) Sol.(d) Madhya Pradesh is the only state
is referred to as 'buried sunshine'. (a) Jharkhand (b) Uttarakhand in India that produces diamonds. Panna
(c) Nagaland (d) Gujarat is a city and a municipality in the Panna
Q.381. What is Jaduguda known for? district in the Indian state of Madhya
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening) Sol.(a) The Jharia and Chandrapura Pradesh which is famous for its diamond
(a) Sandalwood forests coalfields are located in the state of mines.
(b) Handloom industry Jharkhand.
(c) One-horned rhinoceros Q.390. Amarkantak plateau in
(d) Uranium deposits Q.386. In which of the following states Chhattisgarh contains an abundant
are the Sundargarh deposits of deposit of which of the following
Sol.(d) The Jaduguda Mine is a uranium Manganese located? minerals? SSC CHSL 19/04/21
mine in Jaduguda village in the Purbi SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) (Evening)
Singhbhum district of the Indian state of (a) Odisha (b) Maharashtra (a) Iron ore (b) Mica
Jharkhand. It commenced operation in (c) Kerala (d) Gujarat (c) Bauxite (d) Coal
1967 and was the first uranium mine in
India. The deposits at this mine were Sol.(a) Sundargarh deposits of Sol.(c) Amarkantak plateau in
discovered in 1951. Manganese are located in Odisha. Chhattisgarh contains an abundant
Dolomite is also available plentily in the deposit of Bauxite.
Q.382. Which state is the largest Sundargarh District. India ranks fifth on the list of top bauxite
producer of mica in India? producers in the world.
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning) Q.387. In India, tertiary coals occur in
(a) Madhya Pradesh(b) Rajasthan Assam , Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland Q.391. Which of the following is the
(c) Jharkhand (d) Andhra Pradesh and ____. largest bituminous coalfield in India?
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening) SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Afternoon)
Sol.(d) Andhra Pradesh is the largest (a) Gujarat (b) Meghalaya (a) Yellandu (b) Talcher
producer of Mica. Nellore district of (c) Tripura (d) Mizoram (c) Rampur (d) Jharia
Andhra Pradesh is famous for its mica
(crude) production. On the other hand, Sol.(b) Tertiary coal reserves are mainly Sol.(d) Jharia represents the largest coal
mica (waste and scrap) is largely found in four Indian states. reserves in India having estimated
produced by the states of Andhra Meghalaya and Assam in northeast India reserves of 19.4 billion tonnes of
Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar and contain 73 % of the total tertiary coal cooking coal. It is located in Jharkhand.
Jharkhand. reserves. Nagaland and Arunachal
Q.383. Which is the most abundant Pradesh contribute 21 % and 6 % of the Q.392. Which of the following states has
mineral found in the Earth's continental total tertiary coal reserves, respectively. the highest coal reserve? SSC MTS
crust? 06/10/21 (Evening)
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) Q.388. Which of the following places is (a) Chhattisgarh (b) Odisha
(a) Rhinestone (Quartz) famous for a copper mine? SSC CGL (c) Jharkhand (d) West Bengal
(b) pyroxenes 13/08/21(Morning)
(c) Feldspar (a) Gaya (b) Khetri Sol.(c) Jharkhand has the highest coal
(d) asbestos (mica) (c) Keonjhar (d) Satna reserve with an estimated reserve of
83,152 million tonnes. Jharia mines in Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 317

Pinnacle Geography

Dhanbad district is one of the principal (d) China

coal mines of the state. Magadh mines in Q.397. The impression of the body part
Chatra district is expected to be Asia's of a dead insect on hardened mud is an Sol.(d) China is the largest wheat
biggest coal mine by 2019-20. example of a/an ______. SSC MTS producing country in terms of global
13/10/21(Morning) wheat production by country with an
Q.393. Which of the following is one of (a) sediment (b) artifact estimated annual output of around 130
the main mineral constituents of the (c) compost (d) fossil million tons at the end of 2017.
continental mass of the earth? SSC MTS
07/10/21 (Morning) Sol.(d) The impression of the body part Q.401. Which of the following states is
(a) Bronze (b) Copper of a dead insect on hardened mud is an NOT famous for the Bhut Jolokia
(c) Silica (d) Gypsum example of a fossil. This occurs in pepper?
animals with hard body parts, like SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
Sol.(c) Silica is one of the main mineral exoskeletons, teeth, or shells. Such (a) Odisha (b) Nagaland
constituents of the continental mass of organisms get trapped in a porous, (c) Manipur (d) Assam
the earth. The earth’s crust consists of sedimentary rock, where water flows
27.72% of silica. through it and dissolves the soft tissue of Sol.(a) The Bhut jolokia also known as
the body leaving behind the impression ghost pepper, ghost chili and ghost
Q.394. Which of the following is an jolokia, is an interspecific hybrid chili
of the hard body parts on the remaining
Export Processing Zone (EPZ) set up in pepper cultivated in the Northeast Indian
hardened mud.
West Bengal? SSC MTS 08/10/21 states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam,
(Morning) Nagaland and Manipur. It is a hybrid of
Q.398. Which of the following is NOT a
(a) Farakka (b) Falta Capsicum chinense and Capsicum
product made from crude oil? SSC MTS
(c) Haldia (d) Midnapur frutescens and is closely related to the
22/10/2021 (Afternoon)
Naga Morich of Nagaland and
(a) Asphalt (b) Anthracite
Sol.(b) Falta is an Export Processing Bangladesh.
(c) Diesel (d) Gasoline
Zone (EPZ) set up in West Bengal. An
Export Processing Zone (EPZ) is a Q.402. Considered one of the best in
Sol.(b) Anthracite is NOT a product
Customs area where one is allowed to India, Temi Tea garden is the only tea
made from crude oil. Anthracite, also
import plant, machinery, equipment and estate in the state of:
known as hard coal, is a hard, compact
material for the manufacture of export CHSL 04/07/2019 (Afternoon)
variety of coal that has a submetallic (a) West Bengal (b) Sikkim
goods under security, without payment
luster. It has the highest carbon content. (c) Assam (d) Odisha
of duty.

Q.395. Naharkatiya oil field is located in AGRICULTURE Sol.(b) The Temi Tea Garden in Temi,
which state? SSC MTS established in 1969 by the Government
08/10/21(evening) Q.399. ‘Shifting Cultivation’ is also of Sikkim, is located in South Sikkim in
(a) Assam (b) West Bengal named as ________ in North East India. the northeastern Indian state of Sikkim.
(c) Maharashtra (d) Gujarat SSC-CGL 07/06/2019 (Evening) It is the only tea garden in Sikkim and
(a) Ladang (b) Chena considered one of the best in India and in
Sol.(a) Naharkatiya oil field is located (c) Jhum (d) Logan the world. Top quality tea is produced,
in the state of Assam. which is in demand in the international
Sol.(c) Shifting Cultivation is also market. The garden is laid over a
known as Jhum in North East India. gradually sloping hill. The tea produced
Q.396. In which of the following states
Jhum cultivation, also known as slash in this garden is also partly marketed
is the Tilaiya Ultra Mega Power Project
and burn agriculture, is the process of under the trade name “Temi Tea”.
located? SSC MTS 11/10/21(Evening)
growing crops by first clearing the land
(a) Madhya Pradesh
of trees and vegetation and burning them Q.403. Which of the following states is
(b) Gujarat
thereafter. the biggest Jute producer in India?
(c) Jharkhand
(d) Maharashtra SSC CHSL 05/07/2019 (Morning)
Q.400. Which of the following countries (a) West Bengal (b) Nagaland
is the largest producer of wheat in the (c) Karnataka (d) Rajasthan
Sol.(c) Tilaiya Ultra Mega Power Project
(UMPP) is an upcoming 3,960 MW
SSC-CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning) Sol.3.(a) West Bengal is the largest
power project at Hazaribagh district,
(a) Bangladesh producer of Jute in India, followed by
Jharkhand. It is the third UMPP in
(b) Myanmar (Burma) Bihar, Assam and Andhra Pradesh.
Reliance Power's power portfolio.
(c) India Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 318

Pinnacle Geography

Q.404. In the context of agriculture, the (b) Afforestation Sol.(a) Kharif cropping season in India
term ‘barani’ refers to______. (c) Preventing the felling of trees coincides with the South-West monsoon.
CHSL 10/07/2019 (Afternoon) (d) Sustainable development The crops which grow under the kharif
(a) dry farming season are rice,jowar, tur, etc. Kharif
(b) rainfed farming Sol.(b) The Chipko Movement was an crops also are known as monsoon crops.
(c) mixed farming Afforestation movement. This was done These are the crops that are cultivated in
(d) irrigated farming by farmers in Uttarakhand state of India the monsoon season. The Kharif season
(then part of Uttar Pradesh) to protest differs in every state of the country but is
Sol.(b) Rainfed agriculture is a type of against the felling of trees. They were generally from June to September
farming that relies on rainfall for water. opposing deforestation by the state forest
It provides much of the food consumed department contractors and asserting Q.412. Which of the following crops is
by poor communities in developing their traditional rights over them. an example of Kharif Crops?
countries. CHSL 18-03-2020 (Afternoon)
Q.409. The Green revolution is related (a) gram
Q.405. Silver Fiber Revolution is to ______. (b) peas
associated to : SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning) (c) Wheat
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning) (a) Production of coffee (d) Cotton
(a) Leather (b) Oil seeds (b) Production of milk
(c) Jute (d) Cotton (c) Production of wheat Sol.(d) Kharif crops are the crops
(d) Production of barley cultivated in the monsoon season. The
Sol.(d) The Silver Fiber Revolution is Kharif crops include rice, maize,
associated with cotton. Sol.(c) The Green Revolution within sorghum, bajra, millet, arhar, soybean,
Q.406. Who is known as the father of India commenced in 1958 that led to an groundnut, cotton etc.
Blue Revolution in India? increase in food grain production,
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning) especially in the state of Punjab, Q.413. The ______ water utilisation is
(a) Verghese Kurien Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh. Major very high in the states of Punjab,
(b) Sam Pitroda milestones under the Green Revolution Haryana, Rajasthan, and Tamil Nadu.
(c) Hiralal Chaudhuri were the development of high-yielding SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening)
(d) M.S. Swaminathan varieties of wheat and rust resistant (a) river (b) sea
strains of wheat. (c) ground (d) rain
Sol.(c) Dr. Hiralal Chaudhuri and Dr.
Arun Krishnan is known as the Father of Q.410. Which one of the following Sol.(c) The ground water utilisation is
the Blue Revolution. states is the largest producer of pulses in very high in the states of Punjab,
India? Haryana, Rajasthan, and Tamil Nadu.
Q.407. Muga silk is associated with SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening) The reason behind this is these states are
which of the following states of India ? (a) Haryana (b) Bihar advanced agricultural states and the
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening) (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Uttarakhand share of the agriculture sector in water
(a) Assam utilisation is much higher than any other
(b) Bihar Sol.(c) Madhya Pradesh is India's sectors.
(c) Arunachal Pradesh largest pulse producing state, which
(d) Maharashtra accounts for 23% of total pulse Q.414. Which one of the following is
production in the country. Madhya NOT a natural fibre.
Sol.(a) Muga Silk is largely associated Pradesh is followed by Uttar Pradesh SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
with the state of Assam and other (a) Terylene (b) Wool
(18%), Maharashtra (14%), Rajasthan
north-eastern states and recently spread (c) Flax (d) Jute
(11%) and Andhra Pradesh (9%).
to West Bengal. About 80% of the silk
produced in the country is of mulberry Sol.(a) : Terylene is a synthetic polyester
Q.411. The kharif season in India largely
silk which is majorly produced in three fibre or fabric based on the terephthalic
coincides with the _____.
southern States of Karnataka, Andhra acid , characterized by the lightness and
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning)
Pradesh and Tamil Nadu followed by crease resistance and used for clothing ,
(a) Southwest monsoon
West Bengal and Jammu & Kashmir. sheets , ropes , sails.
(b) southeast monsoon
Common natural
(c) Northeast monsoon
Q.408. The Chipko movement is fibers sourced from the plant kingdom-
(d) Northwest monsoon
associated with: cotton, flax, hemp, bamboo, sisal, jute.
CPO 16 March 2019 (Morning) Their main component is cellulose.
(a) Transparency in public life Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 319

Pinnacle Geography

From animals, popular fibers - wool, by dry-rice cultivators of the forested hill
silk, angora, mohair. Q.418. What kind of soil is most suitable country of Southeast Asia.
for growing cashew nuts? SSC CHSL
Q.415. A policy which involves fixing 12/04/21(Morning) Q.421. Which of the following is a
the maximum size of land which could (a) Red and yellow soil variety of oilseed? SSC CHSL 16/04/21
be owned by an individual is called (b) Alluvial soil (Evening)
____. (c) Black soil (a) Taramira (b) Arabica
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening) (d) Red laterite soil (c) Robusta (d) Liberica
(a) Land mapping
(b) Land jamming Sol.(d) Red laterite soils in Tamil Nadu, Sol.(a) Taramira is an important oilseed
(c) Land ceiling Andhra Pradesh, and Kerala are most crop of drier regions of north-western
(d) Land capping suitable for cashew nuts. Black soil is India. The oil is not directly eaten,
ideal for growing crops like cotton, although it is mixed with mustard oil to
Sol.(c). The policy which involves fixing sugarcane, tobacco, wheat, millets, and increase the pungency of the latter.
the maximum size of land which could oilseeds. It is also known as regur soil. Arabica, Robusta, and the less common
be owned by an individual is called Land The black soil is found in the Deccan Liberica and Excelsa are the four main
Ceiling. Land ceiling can be defined as trap region because this region is formed types of coffee beans.
the process of fixing the maximum limit due to the deposition of lava produced
of land holdings that an individual can Q.422. Which of the following factors is
by the volcanic eruption.
own.The Urban Land Ceiling was a Law NOT responsible for the loss of fertility
in India that was passed in 1976. of agricultural land? SSC CHSL
Q.419. Which of the following states
04/08/21 (Evening)
leads in sunflower cultivation? SSC
Q.416. ______ is a practice of (a) Salinisation of soil
CHSL 12/04/21 (Evening)
establishing and managing individual (b) Higher cation exchange capacity of
(a) Karnataka (b) Uttar Pradesh
trees generally for amenity soil
(c) Punjab (d) Rajasthan
purposes. SSC CGL (c) Alkalisation of soil
16/08/21(Afternoon) (d) Waterlogging
Sol.(a) Karnataka with a production of
(a) Silviculture
3.04 lakh tonnes is the leading and large
(b) Viniculture Sol.(b) The higher cation exchange
producer of sunflowers in the country.
(c) Floriculture capacity of soil factors is not responsible
Leading Producer of different crops:
(d) Arboriculture for the loss of fertility of agricultural
Coffee - Karnataka, Tea - Assam, Cotton land. For all the fertility losses there are
Sol.(d) Arboriculture is a practice of - Gujarat (Maharashtra has the largest various causes in the different regions of
establishing and managing individual number of cotton mills), Millets( jowar the country, in totality, the major cause
trees generally for amenity Purposes. -sorghum, bajra - pearl millet and ragi - of soil fertility decline is land
Silviculture is the practice of controlling finger millet) - Rajasthan, Sugarcane - degradation which is caused through
the growth, composition/structure, and Uttar Pradesh, Jute - West Bengal, Rice - different agents such as soil erosion,
quality of forests to meet values and West Bengal (Rice Bowl of India - deforestation, overgrazing,
needs, specifically timber production. Andhra Pradesh), Wheat - Uttar Pradesh. sedimentation, continuous farming, and
Viniculture is the cultivation and pollution.
harvesting of grapes. Floriculture is the Q.420. Which form of farming is called
cultivation of flowering and ornamental slash and burn agriculture? SSC CHSL Q.423. Which of the following is a
plants 16/04/21 (Morning) Kharif crop in North India and a Rabi
(a) Primitive subsistence farming crop in South India? SSC CHSL
Q.417. Terrace farming is done on which (b) Intensive subsistence farming 5/8/2021 (Afternoon)
of the following types of land? SSC (c) Hydroponic farming (a) Wheat (b) Sesamum
CGL 24/08/21(Evening) (d) Commercial farming (c) Finger millet (d) Barley
(a) Forests (b) Deserts
(c) Plains (d) Hills Sol.(a) Primitive subsistence farming is a Sol.(b) Sesamum is a kharif crop in
form of farming which is called slash north and rabi crop in south India. Crops
Sol.(d) Terrace farming is commonly and burn agriculture. slash-and-burn that are grown in the winter season, from
done in hilly areas. It is also known as agriculture, a method of cultivation in November to April are called Rabi
step farming. Steps on hill slopes slow which forests are burned and cleared for Crops. Some of the important rabi crops
down the momentum of flowing water planting. Slash-and-burn agriculture is are wheat, barley, peas, gram, and
and this flowing water is used for often used by tropical-forest root-crop mustard. Kharif crops are the crops that
irrigation. farmers in various parts of the world and Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 320

Pinnacle Geography

are grown with the arrival of monsoon in Sol.(b) Sesamum is a Kharif crop in the
different parts of the country and are north and Rabi crop in south India. Q.431. Fertile riverine alluvial soil is
harvested in September-October. Main Cotton, groundnut, maize, and rice are best suited for producing _______
kharif crops are rice, maize, jowar, bajra, examples of Kharif crops. Barley, gram, SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning)
moong, cotton, jute, and groundnut. peas, and wheat are examples of Rabi (a) Rice (b) Tea
crops. (c) Cotton (d) Corn
Q.424. Which of the following crops is
grown throughout the year in the Q.428. Which of the following is a Sol.(a) Fertile riverine alluvial soil is
southern states of India? SSC CHSL well-known variety of coffee initially best suited for producing rice.
10/8/2021 (Evening) brought to India from
(a) Sorghum (b) Maize Yemen? SSC MTS 14/10/2021 Q.432. In which of the following states
(c) Finger millet (d) Rice (Morning) Marshy/ Peaty soil is NOT
(a) Gesha (b) Arabica predominantly found?
Sol.(d) Rice is grown throughout the (c) Canephora (d) Charrieriana SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning)
year in the southern states of India. India (a) Kerala (b) Madhya Pradesh
is the world's second-largest producer of Sol.(b) Arabica is a well-known variety (c) Odisha (d) West Bengal
rice and the largest exporter of rice in the of coffee initially brought to India from
world. Yemen. It is grown in the hills of Sol.(b) Marshy soils are low in
phosphate and potash content. They are
Karnataka (Kodagu, Chikkamagaluru,
Q.425. Which state of India has the found in a few districts of Kerala and in
and Hassan), Kerala (Malabar region),
highest percentage of cropped land coastal areas of Tamil Nadu, Bihar,
and Tamil Nadu (Nilgiris District,
under irrigation?SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 Almora district of Uttarakhand and
Yercaud and Kodaikanal).
(Afternoon) Sunderbans of West Bengal.
(a) Tamilnadu (b) Gujrat Q.429. Which of the following comes in
(c) Punjab (d) Karnataka Q.433.Which of the following regions of
the category of plantation crop? SSC
northern plains is the most fertile ?
MTS 14/10/2021 (Afternoon)
Sol.(c) Punjab in terms of land under SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) Potato (b) Cucumber
irrigation leads in the country's States (a)Khadar (b)Terai
(c) Coffee (d) Millet
and UT's with 98.8 % of its cropland. (c)Bhabar (d)Bhanger

Sol.(c) Coffee comes in the category of

Sol.(a) : Khadar is the most fertile
Q.426. Who among the following helped plantation crop. The term plantation crop
region in the northern part of India. It is
Kaira District Co-operative Milk refers to those crops which are cultivated
composed of newer alluvium and forms
Producers’ Union Ltd expand its work, on an extensive scale in contiguous
the flood plains along the river banks.A
ushering in the White Revolution? SSC areas, owned and managed by an
new layer of alluvium is deposited by
MTS 11/10/21(Morning) individual or a company. The crops
river floods almost every year. This
(a) Verghese Kurien include tea, coffee, rubber, cocoa,
makes them the most fertile soils of
(b) Azar Iqbal coconut, arecanut, oil palm, palmyrah
(c) Baba Amte and cashew.
(d) Sunderlal Bahuguna
Q.434. Khadar is _______.
Q.430. Which of the following options is
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning)
Sol.(a) Verghese Kurien helped Kaira INCORRECTLY paired? SSC MTS
(a) Old alluvial soil
District Co-operative Milk Producers’ 2/11/2021 (Morning)
(b) New alluvial soil
Union Ltd expand its work, ushering in (a) Guavas – Telangana
(c) A crop
the White Revolution. He was a social (b) Apples – Himachal Pradesh
(d) Type of laterite soil
entrepreneur whose "billion-litre idea", (c) Oranges – Nagpur
Sol.(b) :Khadir soil consists of new
Operation Flood, made dairy farming (d) Banana – Kerala
alluvial soil relatively higher in new silt
India's largest self-sustaining industry. content from the river, and gets
Sol.(a) In India, major guava-producing
recharged with each flooding cycle, and
Q.427. Which of the following is a states include Maharashtra(leading), is often very fertile.
Kharif crop in north and Rabi crop in Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh,
south India? SSC MTS Rajasthan, Karnataka, Gujarat, Uttar Q.435. Black soil is mostly found in
12/10/21(Afternoon) Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu. Scientific which part of India ?
(a) Ragi (b) Sesamum name- Psidium guajava. SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning)
(c) Sunflower (d) Sugarcane (a)Himalayas
SOILS (b)Peninsular Plateau Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 321

Pinnacle Geography

(c)Desert (b) Chota Nagpur Plateau Sol.(d). The Soil Survey of India was
(d)Coastal Plains (c) Rajasthan established in 1956 to carry out scientific
(d) Nilgiri Hills surveys of
Sol.(b) :Black soil or regur soil is found soils.
in the Peninsular Plateau in India. It is a Sol.(c) Rajasthan soils are low in fertility
soil formed by the flow of lava. These levels as compared to the soils of other Q.444. Which of the following is
soils have a rich black colour due to the parts of India. Most of the soils are INCORRECTLY paired?
abundance of lime, iron, magnesium, completely dry in nature and highly SSC CHSL 12-10-2020 (Morning)
aluminium, and potassium. It has a mean in Nitrogen, and phosphorus. (a) Anthropology – Cultural geography
clayey texture which is likely influenced (b) Demography – Population geography
by the clim Q.440. Which among the following is (c) Hydrology – Oceanography
NOT a characteristic of Black soil ? (d) Pedology – Phyto geography
Q.436. Alluvial soils are spread in about MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning)
_____ percent of the total area of India. (a) It is best soil for cotton cultivation Sol.(d). Pedology is a discipline within
SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) (b) It has low water retaining capacity soil science which focuses on
(a)50 (b)30 (c)It is rich in iron, lime and magnesium understanding and characterizing soil
(c)40 (d)25 (d) The texture is clayey formation, evolution and the theoretical
frameworks through which we
Sol.(c) Alluvial soils are spread in about Sol.(b) Black soil has high moisture understand a soil body, often in the
[43%] of the total area of India. It is the holding capacity (150-250 mm/m), yet context of the natural environment.
most available soil in India. water is not available to plants because it
is strongly held by the smectitic clay. Q.445. Robert has sandy soil in his
Q.437. Khadar and Bangar are _____ Black soils are extremely sticky when fields. The ideal crop for his field is:
types of soil . wet. Hence, it has low water retaining SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Morning)
SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening) capacity . (a) Gram
(a)Red (b)Alluvial (b) Corn
(c)Laterite (d)Black Q.441. Black soil is NOT found in (c) Cabbage
which State of India? (d) Wheat
Sol.(b) Khadar and Bhangar are two SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening)
different types of alluvial soils in the (a) Madhya Pradesh Sol.(b). Gram can be grown on a wide
Gangetic plains. Bhangar represents a (b) Punjab range of soil. But well drained medium
system of older alluvium, deposited (c) Andhra Pradesh to black cotton soils are very suitable. It
away from the flood plains. However, (d) Maharashtra can also be grown in light alluvial soils
Khadar is the new alluvium and is which are rich in organic matter. It
deposited by floods annually, which Sol.(b) Black soil is found in the central, cannot grow well on water logged and
enriches the soil by depositing fine silts. western and southern states of India and acidic soils. Corn requires rich, moist,
Punjab lies in northern India. well-drained sandy soil.
Q.438. ______ soil is also known as the Cabbage grows well on a wide range of
Omnibus group. Q.442. Laterite soil is rich in: soils from light sand to heavier clays, but
SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning) SSC CHSL 17-03-2020 (Morning) well-drained sandy loam to clay loam
(a) Black (b) Desert (a) Potassium soils are ideal for its best growth.
(c) Red (d) Laterite (b) Iron oxide Soils with a clay loam or loam texture,
(c) Phosphorus good structure and moderate water
Sol.(c) Red soil is mainly present in low (d) Calcium carbonate holding capacity are ideal for wheat
rainfall areas. It is also known as the cultivation.
Omnibus group. It is deficient in lime, Sol.(b) Laterite soil is rich in iron oxide
phosphate, manganese, nitrogen, humus and aluminium. Q.446. ______ are thick deposits of
and potash. It is red in colour because of glacial clay and other materials
ferric oxide. However, Wheat, cotton, Q.443. In which year was the Soil embedded with moraines. SSC CGL
pulses, tobacco, oilseeds, potatoes etc Survey of India established to carry out 18/08/21(Morning)
are cultivated. scientific surveys of soils? (a) Karewas (b) Bhabars
SSC CHSL 18-03-2020 (Evening) (c) Duars (d) Duns
Q.439. Dry soil is found in which of the (a) 1962 (b) 1950
following regions of India ? (c) 1947 (d) 1956 Sol.(a) Karewas are thick deposits of
SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening) glacial clay and other materials
(a) Gangetic Plains embedded with moraines. Karewas are Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 322

Pinnacle Geography

lacustrine deposits (deposits in a lake) in nutrients and water, which are necessary gravity, chemical interaction, living
the valley of Kashmir and in the for the growth of plants. As soil organic organisms and pressure differences all
Bhaderwah valley of the Jammu division matter is derived mainly from plant help break down parent material.
of Jammu and Kashmir. These are the residues, it contains all of the essential
flat-topped mounds that border the plant nutrients. Therefore, accumulated Q.453. Which of the following
Kashmir valley on all sides. organic matter is a storehouse of plant statements is NOT correct about alluvial
nutrients. soil? SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Evening)
Q.447. ______ is a deep red soil found (a) Deltas of Mahanadi, the Godavari
in tropical regions and often developed Q.450. Which of the following types of and the Krishna are made from alluvial
on mafic igneous rocks are formed by the lithification soil.
bedrock. SSC CHSL 16/04/21 process? SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (b) Old alluvial is called ‘bangar’ and
(Afternoon) (Afternoon) new alluvial is called ‘khadar’.
(a) Arid (b) Pedocal (a) Sedimentary rocks (c) In the Himalayan region we find
(c) Laterite (d) Saline (b) Metamorphic rocks alluvial soil.
(c) Igneous rocks (d) Northern plains are made of alluvial
Sol.(c) Laterite is a deep red soil found (d)Primary rocks soil.
in tropical regions and often developed
on mafic igneous bedrock. Sol.(a) Sedimentary rocks are formed by Sol.(c) The type of soil found in the
Arid soils are formed from the the lithification process. Sedimentary Himalayan region of India is mountain
fragmentation of adjacent rocks and are rocks are formed on or near the Earth's soil.
largely blown from the Indus valley area surface, in contrast to metamorphic and
and coastal regions. Saline soils are igneous rocks, which are formed deep Q.454. Which part of the soil contains
formed whenever climate, soil, and within the Earth. humus? SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Afternoon)
hydrological conditions favor the Sedimentary rocks include common (a) A-horizon (b) C-horizon
accumulation of soluble salts in the root types such as chalk, limestone, (c) Bedrock (d) B-horizon
zone. sandstone, clay, and shale.
Sol.(a) A-horizon is a part of the soil
Q.448. As per ‘Soils of India, National Q.451. Which of the following soils is containing humus. This layer is known
Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use found in areas of heavy rainfall and high as a humus layer and is mainly rich in
Planning report: Publication Number 94’ humidity? SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 organic materials.
which type of soil (order) is most (Evening) C-horizon : This soil layer lies beneath
abundantly available? SSC CHSL (a) Saline soil the B horizon and consists essentially of
16/04/21 (Evening) (b) Peaty soil the more or less weathered parent rock.
(a) Mollisols (b) Alfisols (c) Red soil Bedrock : Bedrock in geology is a
(c) Inceptisols (d) Aridisols (d) Yellow soil solid rock that lies under loose softer
material within the crust of Earth or
Sol.(c) As per Soils of India, National Sol.(b) Peaty soil or marshy soils are a another terrestrial planet.
Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use result of waterlogging and anaerobic B-horizon : The B horizon is typically a
Planning report: Publication Number conditions. They are found in areas of mineral subsurface horizon and is a zone
of accumulation, called illuviation.
94’, ‘Inceptisols’ type of soil (order) is heavy rainfall and high humidity, where
most abundantly available. Inceptisols there is a good growth of vegetation.
Q.455. Which soils are widespread in
are a soil order in USDA soil taxonomy.
the northern plains and the river valleys
They form quickly through the alteration Q.452. Which of the following factors is
and cover about 40% of the total area of
of the parent material. They are more NOT responsible for soil formation?
India? SSC MTS 12/10/21(Afternoon)
developed than Entisols. SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Evening)
(a) Black soil (b) Laterite soil
(a) Topography
(c) Red soil (d) Alluvial soil
Q.449. Which part of soil has organic (b) Cattle grazing
materials incorporated with the mineral (c) Parent material
Sol.(d) Alluvial soils are widespread in
matter, nutrients and (d) Biotic agents
the northern plains and the river valleys
water? SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Morning)
and covers about 40% of the total area of
(a) Horizon D (b) Horizon C Sol.(b) Soil minerals form the basis of
India. Mainly found in the plains of
(c) Horizon A (d) Horizon B soil. They are produced from rocks
Gujarat, Punjab, Haryana, UP, Bihar,
(parent material) through the processes
Jharkhand, etc. It is rich in Potash and
Sol.(c) 'Horizon A' is the topmost zone, of weathering and natural erosion.
where organic materials have got Lime.
Water, wind, temperature change,
incorporated with the mineral matter, Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 323

Pinnacle Geography

Q.456. Which of the following processes (b) Himalayan mountains temperatures throughout the year and
of soil conservation is called 'mulching'? (c) tropical deciduous forests with its highest seasonal rainfall in the
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Afternoon) (d) mangrove forests summer. The savanna is characterized by
(a) Stones, grass and soil are used to grasses and small or dispersed trees that
build barriers along contours. Sol.(d) Sundari is a well-known species do not form a closed canopy, allowing
(b) The bare ground between plants is of trees in mangrove forests after which sunlight to reach the ground
covered with a layer of organic matter Sunderbans have been named.
like straw. Tropical rainforests are rainforests that Q.463. Mosses, Lichens and small
(c) Different crops are grown in alternate occur in areas of tropical rainforest shrubs are found in which type of
rows to protect the soil from rain wash. climate in which there is no dry season . vegetation?
(d) Rocks are piled up to slow down the well known plant species are SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon)
flow of water. Epiphytes,Bromeliads,Orchids etc. (a) Mangrove
(b) Tundra
Sol.(b) The bare ground between plants Q.460. Botanical Survey of India(BSI) (c) Tropical Evergreen Forest
is covered with a layer of organic matter Headquarter is located in which city? (d) Coral Reefs
like straw. This process of soil SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening)
conservation is called 'mulching'. The (a)Assam (b)New Delhi Sol.(b) Only mosses, lichens and very
material used for covering is called (c)Kolkata (d)Bhopal small shrubs are found in the polar
'Mulch'. ' Mulching is usually practiced regions, and this type of vegetation is
when cultivating commercially Sol.(c) Botanical Survey of India (BSI) called Tundra.
important crops, fruit trees, vegetables, located in Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
flowers, nursery saplings, etc. The Botanical Survey of India (BSI) was Q.464. Taiga forest is found in which of
established in 1890 with the objectives the following countries ?
Q.457. The entire northern plains of of exploring the plant resources of the SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon)
India are made of: SSC MTS 18/10/2021 country and identifying plant species (a) Brazil (b) Australia
(Morning) with economic virtue. (c) Russia (d) India
(a) black soil (b) yellow soil
(c) arid soil (d) alluvial soil Q.461. In which part of India the Sol.(c) Taiga forest stretches across
tropical evergreen forests are not found ? Canada, the USA's Alaska, Sweden,
Sol.(d) The entire northern plains of SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning) Finland and Norway, Russia, northern
India are made of alluvial soil. Alluvial (a) Eastern Ghats Kazakhstan, northern Mongolia, and
soil is found in the regions of (b) Andaman and Nicobar northern Japan.
Indo-Gangetic plains, Punjab, Haryana, (c) North-eastern region
Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, (d)Western ghats Q.465. As per the India State of Forest
Assam, Gujarat. Report 2017, which of the following
Sol.(a) The Tropical Evergreen forests of states has the maximum percentage of
Q.458. Which among the following is a India are found in the Andaman and forest cover in relation to its area?
method of soil conservation? SSC MTS Nicobar Islands, the Western Ghats, SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening)
27/10/2021 (Afternoon) which fringe the Arabian Sea, the (a) Maharashtra (b) Odisha
(a) Overgrazing (b) Mulching coastline of peninsular India and the (c) Assam (d) Mizoram
(c) Deforestation (d) Landslides greater Assam region in the north-east
India . Small remnants of evergreen Sol.(d) As per India State of Forest
Sol.(b) Mulching is a method of soil forest are found in Odisha state. They Report 2017, Mizoram has the highest
conservation. Soil Conservation are not found in the Eastern Ghats. forest cover with respect to total
geographical area. However, Madhya
Practices-Conservation Tillage, Contour
Q.462. Which of the following pair of Pradesh had the largest forest cover in
Farming, Strip Cropping, Windbreaks,
Tropical Grassland - Location is correct terms of area in the country.
Crop Rotation, Cover Crops, Buffer
Strips, Grassed Waterways.
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q.466. In terms of area, which state has
(a) Campas - Venezuela the largest forest cover in India?
VEGETATION (b) Los Llanos - Brazil SSC CGL 5/3/2020 (morning)
(c) Savanna - Africa (a) Madhya Pradesh
Q.459. Sundari, a well known species of (d) Steppe - Greenland (b) Odisha
trees, is found in: (c) Maharashtra
SSC-CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning) Sol.(c) The African savanna ecosystem (d) Kerala
(a) tropical rainforests is a tropical grassland with warm Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 324

Pinnacle Geography

Sol.(a) Area-wise Madhya Pradesh has (d) Mediterranean Vegetation

the largest forest cover in the country Q.470. Which forest is also referred to
followed by Arunachal Pradesh, as ‘Monsoon Forests’? Sol.(c) Hardwood trees like sal, teak,
Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Maharashtra. SSC CHSL 12-10-2020 (Morning) neem and shisham (useful for making
Arunachal Pradesh is the state with the (a) Montane Forests furniture, transport and constructional
maximum percentage (79.63%) of forest (b) Mangrove Forests material) are found in Tropical
cover. According to a report by the (c) Tropical Deciduous Forests Deciduous Forests.
Union Environment Ministry in (d) Tropical Evergreen Forests
December 2019, Total Forest and Tree Q.473. Which of the following trees will
Cover rises to 24.56 percent of the total Sol.(c) Tropical Deciduous Forests are you find in the Littoral forests?
geographical area of the Country. called Monsoon Forests because the CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon)
trees in these forests shed their leaves (a) Chinar (b) Ebony
Q.467. The Arid Forest Research during the dry season and regrow during (c) Sundari (d) Cypress
Institute is located in ______. monsoon.
SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Afternoon) Sol.(c). Littoral forests are forests along
(a) Dehradun (b) Jaipur Q.471. Which are the biodiversity the coast and cayes featuring
(c) Jodhpur (d) Ahmedabad hotspots of India? salt-tolerant vegetation
SSC CHSL 12-10-2020 (Evening)
Sol.(c) Arid Forest Research Institute is (A) Western Ghats Q.474. Which of the following is the
a research institute situated in Jodhpur, (B) North East India most dominant species of trees found in
Rajasthan, India. It functions under the (C) Sunderland the Tropical
Indian Council of Forestry Research and
(a) A, B and C (b) A and B Deciduous Forests of India?
Education (ICFRE)(Ministry of
Environment and Forests). In the hot (c) Only B (d) Only A SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Evening)
arid and semi-arid regions of Rajasthan (a) Teak tree (b) Coconut tree
and Gujarat, the Institute conducts Sol.(a) Biodiversity is referred to as the (c) Deodar tree (d) Rubber tree
scientific research in forestry to provide variation of plant and animal species in a
technologies to increase the vegetative particular habitat. Species evenness and Sol.(a) Teak, Sal, Peepal and Neem are
cover and to preserve biodiversity. species richness form the major the most dominant species of trees found
components of biodiversity. Biodiversity in the Tropical Deciduous Forests of
Q.468. Considered one of the best in
hotspots are the regions known for their India.
India, Temi Tea garden is the only tea
high species richness and endemism.
estate in the state of:
According to Conservation International, Q.475. Sandalwood grows in which type
SSC CPO 16/03/19 (Evening)
a region must fulfil following two of forests? SSC CGL 18/08/21(Morning)
(a) West Bengal (b) Sikkim
criteria to qualify as a hotspot: (a) Savanna forests
(c) Assam (d) Odisha
(a) The region should have at least 1500 (b) Equatorial evergreen forests
species of vascular plants, i.e., it should (c) Tropical rainforests
Sol.(b) The Temi Tea Garden in Temi,
have a high degree of endemism. (d) Tropical deciduous forests
established in 1969 by the Government
(b) It must contain 30% (or less) of its
of Sikkim, is located in South Sikkim in
original habitat, i.e., it must be Sol.(d) Sandalwood grows in tropical
the northeastern Indian state of Sikkim.
threatened. deciduous forests. Teak is the most
It is the only tea garden in Sikkim and
There are 4 biodiversity hotspots in dominant species of this forest.
considered one of the best in India and in
India: Bamboos, sal, shisham, sandalwood,
the world. Top quality tea is produced,
a) The Himalayas khair, kusum, arjun, mulberry are other
which is in demand in the international
b) Indo-Burma region commercially important species.
market. The garden is laid over a
c) The Western Ghats Tropical deciduous forests are the most
gradually sloping hill.
d) Sundaland widespread forests of India.

Q.469. Velds are grasslands of:

Q.472. Hardwood trees like sal, teak, Q.476. Which of the following is a main
SSC CHSL 19-03-2020 (Morning)
neem and shisham (useful for making species of moist deciduous forests? SSC
(a) Africa (b) Australia
furniture, transport and constructional CHSL 5/8/2021 (Afternoon)
(c) America (d) Asia
material) are found in which type of (a) Sandalwood (b) Khejri
forests? (c) Amaltas (d) Neem
Sol.(a) The temperate grasslands of
SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Morning)
South Africa are known as the velds.
(a) Coniferous Forests Sol.(a) Sandalwood is the main species
Veld is a flat area covered in grass or
(b) Temperate Deciduous Forests of moist deciduous forests.
low scrub
(c) Tropical Deciduous Forests Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 325

Pinnacle Geography

Moist deciduous forests are the mixture extinct and they are found in a few (a) Lone Cypress
of trees and grasses. The moist selected regions only. (b) Redwood tree
deciduous forests are found along the (c) Tree of Life
foothills of the Himalayas, eastern slopes Q.480. Which of the following can be (d) Bristlecone pines
of the Western Ghats, and Odisha. These classified as an artificial ecosystem?
forests are found in areas of moderate SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Morning) Sol.(d) Bristlecone pines are the oldest
rainfall of 100 to 200 cm per annum. (a) Ponds (b) Forests living tree species on Earth. The term
(c) Lakes (d) Gardens bristlecone pine covers three species of
Q.477. Coringa is a beautiful ______ pine tree (family Pinaceae, genus Pinus,
forest where the Godavari joins the Sol.(d) Gardens can be classified as an subsection Balfourianae).
backwaters of Bay of Bengal. SSC artificial ecosystem. Gardens contain a
CHSL 12/8/2021 (Morning) community of plants, birds, pollinators, INDUSTRIES
(a) evergreen (b) coniferous and other wildlife (including those in the
(c) mangrove (d) deciduous soil, water, and air) that work together to Q.484. The Tata Iron and Steel company
form a cohesive, balanced system. (TISCO) was established by Dorabji
Sol.(c) Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary is a Hence, Gardens can be classified as an Tata in :
wildlife sanctuary and estuary situated in artificial ecosystem. SSC-CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning)
Andhra Pradesh. It is the second-largest (a) 1919 (b) 1913
stretch of mangrove forests with 24 Q.481. In which of the following states (c) 1907 (d) 1911
mangrove tree species and more than is the Ramsar Wetland Site named
120 bird species. It is home to the Renuka Wetland located? SSC MTS Sol.(c) Tata Iron and Steel Company was
critically endangered white-backed 20/10/2021 (Morning) founded by Jamsetji Tata and established
vulture and the long-billed vulture. (a) Telangana by Dorabji Tata on 26 August 1907, and
(b) Andhra Pradesh began producing steel in 1912 as a
(c) Madhya Pradesh branch of Jamsetji's Tata Group. By
Q.478. Which of the following
(d) Himachal Pradesh 1939, it operated the largest steel plant in
statements about forests is
the British Empire.
(Afternoon) Sol.(d) Renuka Wetland located in
Himachal Pradesh.There are 46 Ramsar Q.485. In which state is the Mundra
(a) In a forest, trees form the uppermost
sites in India. These are wetlands Power Plant located?
layer of vegetation.
deemed to be of "international SSC CHSL 02/07/2019 (Evening)
(b) Forests protect the soil from erosion.
importance" under the Ramsar (a) Gujarat (b) Madhya Pradesh
(c) In a forest, shrubs form the lowest
(c) Chattisgarh(d) Odisha
layer of vegetation. Convention. Sundarbans Wetland is the
(d) Forests influence climate, water largest wetland site in India.
Sol.(a) Mundra Thermal Power Station
cycle and air quality.
is located at Mundra in Kutch district in
Q.482. Which among the following is a
the Indian state of Gujarat. The power
Sol.(c ) In a forest, shrubs form the biotic component of an ecosystem?SSC
plant is one of the coal-based power
lowest layer of vegetation. This MTS 27/10/2021 (Afternoon)
plants of Adani Power. The coal for the
statement about forests is INCORRECT. (a) Wind (b) Rainfall power plant is imported primarily from
(c) Grass (d) Minerals Bunyu, Indonesia. Source of water for
Q.479. In 1972, the West Bengal Forest
the power plant is sea water from the
Department recognised its failures in Sol.(c) The biotic component of an
reviving the degraded ______ forests in Gulf of Kutch
ecosystem has been classified into three
South Western districts of the State. SSC groups: Producers (green plants), Macro Q.486. The expansion project of
MTS 12/10/21(Evening)
consumers (usually animals), Micro Numaligarh Refinery involves setting up
(a) Palash (b) Sal
consumers or decomposers (organisms a crude oil pipeline from ______ to
(c) Piyal (d) Segun
like bacteria and fungi). In biology, Numaligarh.
abiotic factors can include water, light, SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Evening)
Sol.(b) In 1972, the West Bengal Forest
radiation, temperature, humidity, (a) Paradip (b) Banauni
Department recognised its failures in
atmosphere, acidity, and soil. (c) Haldia (d) Bina
reviving the degraded Sal forests in
South-Western districts of the State. Sal
Q.483. ______ are the oldest living tree Sol. .(a) It involves setting up of crude
forests are located in the south west of
species on Earth. SSC MTS 2/1/2021 oil pipeline from Paradip to Numaligarh
West Bengal. These trees are now almost
(Evening) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 326

Pinnacle Geography

and product pipeline from Numaligarh to (b) Soil Mixing

Siliguri at a cost of Rs.22,594 crore. Sol.(a) The Institute is located in Surat, (c) Mulching
Gujarat, India and is 263 km away from (d) Contour Ploughing
Q.487. ______ is India’s largest research Mumbai. Indian Diamond Institute is an
reactor. Authorised Assayer of the Department Sol.(c) Mulching: The bare ground
SSC CPO 15/03/19 (Morning) of Customs, Government of India. between plants is covered with a layer of
(a) Dhruva (b) Apsara organic matter like straw. It helps to
(c) Circus (d) Kamini Q.491. In which of the following states retain soil moisture.
of India the only floating park in the
Sol.(a) Dhruva is India’s largest world is situated ? Q.495. In which of the following place
research reactor. The Dhruva reactor is SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening) silk textile industry is NOT present ?
India's largest nuclear research reactor. (a)Meghalaya (b)Manipur SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening)
Located in the Mumbai (Bombay) (c)Tripura (d)Assam (a) Baramulla (b) Mysore
suburb of Trombay at the Bhabha (c) Mirzapur (d) Belgaum
Atomic Research Centre (BARC), it is Sol.(b) Keibul Lamjao National Park is
India's primary generator of a national park in the Bishnupur district Sol.(c) In India, about 97% of the raw
weapons-grade plutonium-bearing spent of the state of Manipur in India. It is an mulberry silk is produced in the five
fuel for its nuclear weapons program. integral part of Loktak Lake and the only Indian states of Karnataka, Andhra
floating park in the world. Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and
Q.488. Which of the following is NOT a Jammu and Kashmir. Mysore and North
nuclear power station? Q.492. With reference to the GI Tag in Bangalore. Mirzapur is a city located in
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning) India, which of the following pairs is the state of Uttar Pradesh.
(a) Ramagundam correct ?
(b) Rawat Bhata SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning) Q.496. As of October 2019, how many
(c) Narora (a) Chanderi Saree - Maharashtra nuclear power plants are there in India?
(d) Kalpakkam (b) Arunmula Kannadi - Karnataka SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning)
(c) East India Leather - Tamil Nadu (a) 11 (b) 7
Sol.(a) Apart from its culture, (d) Kani Shawl - Gujarat (c) 9 (d) 5
Ramagundam is also known for its
sightseeing attractions like the temple of Sol.(c) Many products from Tamil Nadu Sol.(b) There are total of 7 Nuclear
Lord Rama, National Thermal Power have been accredited with the GI tag. power plants (Tarapur, Rawatbhata,
Corporation, etc. Handicrafts like Thanjavur paintings, Kudankulam, Kaiga, Kakrapar,
Arani silk, and Toda embroidery; Kalpakkam, Narora ) in India until
Q.489. With reference to the steel plants agricultural items like Madurai malli and october 2019.
in India, which of the following pairs is erode turmeric; and manufactured
corrected? products like Coimbatore Wet Grinder Q.497. Which of the following
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening) and East India Leather have all been industries is NOT included in the ‘Eight
(a) Durgapur - Odisha given the GI tag. Core Industries’ of India?
(b) Salem - Tamil Nadu SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning)
(c) Rourkela - west Bengal Q.493.First cotton mill in India was set (a) Fertilizers (b) Steel
(d) Bokaro - Bihar up in which city? (c) Cotton (d) Natural gas
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening)
Sol.(b) There are more than 50 iron and (a) Ahmedabad (b) Nashik Sol.(c) Eight Core Industries are
steel industries in India. Given below are (c) Bombay (d) Madras Electricity , steel, refinery products,
major steel plants: crude oil, coal, cement, natural gas and
Durgapur Steel Plant- Duragspur, West Sol.(c) The first Indian cotton mill, "The fertilizers.. So cotton is not a part of
Bengal. Bombay Spinning Mill", was opened in Eight Core Industries.
1854 in Bombay by Cowasji Nanabhai
Salem Steel Plant- Tamil Nadu.
Rourkela Steel Plant-Odisha. Q.498. Where in India is the first
Bokaro Steel Plant- Jharkhand. Q.494. The bare ground between plants indigenously built atomic power plant
is covered with a layer of organic matter located?
Q.490. The National Diamond Institute like straw. It helps to retain soil SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening)
is located in _____. moisture’. Identify the process. (a) Trombay (b) Kota
SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon) SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening) (c) Kalpakkam (d) Tarapur
(a)Surat (b)Vapi (a) Contour Building
(c)Gandhinagar (d)Vadodara Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 327

Pinnacle Geography

Sol.(c) The first indigenously built Q.502. The Paithani saree weaving tigers in their natural habitats, protecting
nuclear power station in India is industry is in which state? SSC MTS them from extinction.
Kalpakkam. 06/10/21 (Evening)
The Madras Atomic Power Station (a) Rajasthan (b) Gujarat Q.506. 'Mithun', a cattle breed, is found
(MAPS) in Kalpakkam is located within (c) Maharashtra (d) Assam in______.
30 kilometers of Chennai City . SSC-CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening)
Sol.2.(c) The Paithani saree weaving (a) Tamil Nadu
Q.499. Under which Five Year Plan, the industry is in Maharashtra. They are (b) Arunachal Pradesh
steel plants of Rourkela, Bhilai and woven by hand. It is considered as one (c) Kerala
Durgapur were established? of the richest sarees in Maharashtra as (d) Maharashtra
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening) they are made from very fine mulberry
(a) Fourth (b) Seventh silk. Sol.(b) Mithun, also known as 'Cattle of
(c) Third (d) Second Mountain” is an important bovine
Q.503. Imphal valley of Manipur is an species of north-eastern hill region of
Sol.(d) Under the second five year plan, important centre of ______ craft. SSC India and also of China, Myanmar,
the Industrial Policy Resolution of 1956, MTS 07/10/21 (Morning) Bhutan and Bangladesh.
Public Sector Steel Plants were (a) Kauna (b) Godna
established at Rourkela in Odisha, Bhilai (c) Butta (d) Mirijims Q.507. Where is the Bandipur National
in MP and Durgapur in West Bengal. Park located?
Sol.3.(a) The Imphal valley of Manipur SSC-CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning)
Q.500. In which state is the Chamera is an important centre of Kauna craft. (a) Karnataka
HydroElectric Project located? This is often used for making mats, (b) Kerala
CHSL 03/07/2019 (Afternoon) chairs, cushions, coasters, bags, moorah (c) Gujarat
(a) Maharashtra etc. (d) Sikkim
(b) Gujarat
(c) Himachal Pradesh Q.504. Which is the second most Sol.(a) Bandipur National Park was
(d) Punjab important metallurgical industry in established in 1974 as a tiger reserve
India? SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Morning) under Project Tiger, is a national park
Sol.(c) The Chamera Dam impounds the (a) Iron (b) Copper located in the Indian state of Karnataka,
River Ravi and supports the (c) Aluminium (d) Zinc which is the state with the highest tiger
hydroelectricity project in the region. It population in India. It is one of the
is located near the town of Dalhousie, Sol.(c) Aluminium is the second most premier Tiger Reserves in the country
Chamba district in the state of Himachal important metallurgical industry in India along with the adjoining Nagarhole
Pradesh in India The reservoir of the after the iron and steel industry. national park.
dam is the Chamera Lake. Aluminum is light, resistant to corrosion,
Q.508. Silent Valley National Park is
a good conductor of heat, malleable, and
Q.501. In which of the following places located in the Indian state of ________.
becomes strong when it is mixed with
is a steel plant under SAIL located? SSC SSC-CGL 10/06/2019 (Afternoon)
other metals. It is used to manufacture
CGL 13/08/21 (Evening) (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) West Bengal
aircraft, utensils, and wires.
(a) Raigarh (c) Kerala (d) Uttarakhand
(b) Bhilai
BIOSPHERE RESERVES Sol.8.(c) Silent Valley National Park is a
(c) Korba
(d) Bilaspur national park in Kerala, India. It is
Q.505. In India, Project Tiger was located in the Nilgiri hills.
Sol.1.(b) Steel plant under SAIL is started in ______.
located in Bhilai. Steel Authority of SSC-CGL 04/06/2019 (Afternoon) Q.509. Gahirmatha Sanctuary is the only
India Limited (SAIL) is a (a) 1979 (b) 1973 Sanctuary for _________ in Odisha.
government-owned steel producer based (c) 1992 (d) 1982 CHSL 03/07/2019 (Afternoon)
in New Delhi, India. SAIL operates and (a) Elephants (b) Turtles
owns five integrated steel plants at Sol.5.(b) The Project Tiger was started (c) Crocodiles (d) Deer
Bhilai, Rourkela, Durgapur, Bokaro, and in April 1973 by the Government of
Burnpur (Asansol) and three special India during the tenure of Prime Minister Sol.(b) Gahirmatha Beach is a beach in
steel plants at Salem, Durgapur, and Indira Gandhi from Jim Corbett National the Indian state of Odisha. The beach
Bhadravathi. Park, Uttarakhand. The project aims at separates the Bhitarkanika mangroves
ensuring a viable population of Bengal from the Bay of Bengal and is the
world's most important nesting beach for Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 328

Pinnacle Geography

Olive Ridley Sea Turtles. Gahirmatha is Sol.(a) Dudhwa National Park is situated name of the park literally stands for "ten
the only marine wildlife sanctuary of in the Terai belt of marshy grasslands of villages" which could be in memory of
Odisha. northern Uttar Pradesh, India It covers the ten villages that were relocated for
an area of 490.3 km², with a buffer zone its formation.
Q.510. The Valley of Flowers National of 190 km². It is a part of the Dudhwa
Park is located in ________. Tiger Reserve covering the areas of Q.517. Pin Valley National Park is
SSC CHSL 03/07/2019 (Morning) Kheri and Lakhimpur districts of Uttar situated in :
(a) Uttarakhand Pradesh. SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning)
(b) Jammu & Kashmir (a) Andhra Pradesh
(c) Himachal Pradesh Q.514. _____ located in Thekkady, (b) Arunachal Pradesh
(d) Meghalaya Kerala is the perfect example of nature’s (c) Himachal Pradesh
bounty with great scenic beauty and rich (d) Madhya Pradesh
Sol.(a) Valley of Flowers National Park biodiversity.
is an Indian national park, located in SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Morning) Sol.(c) Pin Valley National Park is a
North Chamoli, in the state of (a) Wild Ass Sanctuary National park of India located within the
Uttarakhand and is known for its (b) Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary Lahaul and Spiti district, in the state of
meadows of endemic alpine flowers and (c) Pakhal Sanctuary Himachal Pradesh.
the variety of flora. (d) Dachigam National Park
Q.518. Dugong is a main animal of
Q.511. Periyar wildlife sanctuary is Sol.(b) Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary, which biosphere reserve ?
located in_____state. located in Thekkady is the perfect SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon)
SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) example of nature's bounty with great (a) Simlipal
(a) Madhya Pradesh scenic beauty and rich biodiversity. It is (b) Bay of Mannar
(b) Maharashtra considered as the most protected area for (c) Manas
(c) Kerala the elephants and tigers. (d) Great Rann of Kutch
(d) Uttar Pradesh
Q.515. Manas Tiger Reserve is located Sol.(b) Dugong is a vulnerable marine
Sol.(c) Periyar National Park and in which Indian state? mammal, which is a flagship mammal
Wildlife Sanctuary (PNP) is a protected SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Evening) of the biosphere reserve. However, the
area near Thekkady in the districts of (a) Assam Gulf of Mannar is an important habitat
Idukki, Kottayam and Pathanamthitta in (b) Maharashtra for the Cetaceans: Indo-Pacific
Kerala, India. It is notable as an elephant (c) Karnataka bottlenose dolphin, Finless porpoise,
reserve and a tiger reserve.. (d) Rajasthan Spinner dolphin, Common dolphin,
Risso's dolphin, Melon-headed whale,
Q.512. Sariska Tiger Reserve is located Sol.(a) Manas National Park or Manas and Dwarf sperm whale.
in ______. Wildlife Sanctuary is an UNESCO
CHSL 11/07/2019 (Afternoon) Natural World Heritage site, a Project Q.519. Kishtwar National Park is
(a) Rajasthan Tiger reserve, an elephant reserve and a located in :
(b) Uttrakhand biosphere reserve in Assam, India. The SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening)
(c) Madhya Pradesh park is known for its rare and (a) Jharkhand
(d) Maharashtra endangered endemic wildlife such as the (b) Jammu and Kashmir
Assam roofed turtle, hispid hare, golden (c) Himachal Pradesh
Sol.(a) Sariska Tiger Reserve is situated langur and pygmy hog and the wild (d) Uttrakhand
in the Alwar district, Rajasthan, India. It water buffalo.
stretches over an area of 866 km² Sol.(b) Kishtwar National Park is located
comprising scrub-thorn arid forests, dry Q.516. Where is the Dachigam in the Kishtwar district of Jammu and
deciduous forests, grasslands, and rocky sanctuary located? Kashmir, India. It is bounded to the
hills. It was a hunting preserve and was SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Morning) north by Rinnay river, south by Kibar
declared a wildlife reserve in 1955. (a) Jammu and Kashmir Nala catchment, east by main divide of
(b) Assam Great Himalaya and west by Marwa
Q.513. Which of the following national (c) Chhattisgarh river.
parks is situated in Uttar Pradesh? (d) Karnataka
SSC CHSL 11/07/2019 (Evening) Q.520. Gir National Park is situated in
(a) Dudhwa (b) Dachigam Sol.(a) Dachigam National Park is SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening)
(c) Van Vihar (d) Hemis located 22 kilometers from Srinagar in (a) West Bengal
the state of Jammu and Kashmir. The (b) Gujarat Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 329

Pinnacle Geography

(c) Rajasthan SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning) international cooperation for the
(d) Assam (a) Chhattisgarh conservation and meticulous use of
(b) Madhya Pradesh wetlands and their resources.
Sol.(b) Gir National Park and Wildlife (c) Uttar Pradesh
Sanctuary, also known as Sasan Gir, is a (d) Bihar Q.528. Where is Guindy National Park
forest and wildlife sanctuary near Talala situated ?
Gir in Gujarat, India. Sol.(a) Guru Ghasidas National park is a SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon)
beautiful place, located in the Koriya (a) Andhra Pradesh
Q.521. Which of the following Indian district of Chhattisgarh. It is marked as (b) Telangana
states is home to the Manas National one of the most important protected (c) Tamil Nadu
Park ? areas in Chhattisgarh. (d) Himachal Pradesh
SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning)
(a) West Bengal (b) Odisha Q.525. Katarniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary Sol.(c) Guindy National Park is a 2.70
(c) Assam (d) Sikkim is located in which state ? km² protected area in Chennai, Tamil
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon) Nadu. It is the 8th-smallest National
Sol.(c) Manas Wildlife Sanctuary, a (a) Uttar Pradesh Park in India and one of the very few
biodiversity hotspot, is located in the (b) Karnataka national parks situated inside a city
State of Assam, covering an area of (c) Madhya Pradesh
39,100 hectares It spans the Manas river (d) Bihar Q.529. The narrow area of contact
and is bounded to the north by the between land, air and water is called
forests of Bhutan. Sol.(a) The Katarniaghat Wildlife ______.
Sanctuary is a protected area of 400.6 SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Q.522. Which of the following pairs is km² in the Upper Gangetic plain in Uttar (a) Lithosphere
correct ? Pradesh, India.. (b) Biosphere
SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Afternoon) (c) Atmosphere
(a) Kevladeo Dense National Park - Q.526. The Vikramshila Gangetic (d) Hydrosphere
Assam Dolphin Sanctuary is located in :
(b) Gir National Park - Maharashtra SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning) Sol.(b) The biosphere is a zone of
(c) Nanda Devi National Park - Uttar (a) Haridwar contact between air, water as well as
Pradesh (b) Allahabad land. It is in this zone that life, that is
(d) Great Himalayan National Park - (c) Bhagalpur unique to Earth exists and flourishes.
Himachal Pradesh (d) Visakhapatnam The biosphere is divided into two
kingdoms, Plant kingdom, and the
Sol.(d) The Great Himalayan National Sol.(c) Vikramshila Gangetic Dolphin Animal kingdom.
Park is located in Kullu region in the Sanctuary is located in Bhagalpur
state of Himachal Pradesh. The park was District of Bihar, India. The sanctuary is Q.530. Which of the following
established in 1984 and is spread over an a 60 km stretch of the Ganges River Biosphere Reserves was the first to be
area of 1,171 km² at an altitude of which was designated in 1991. It is a established by the Government of India?
between 1500 and 6000 m above sea protected area for the endangered SSC-CGL 04/06/2019 (Afternoon)
level.. Gangetic dolphins in Asia. (a) Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve
(b) Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
Q.523. In which of the following states Q.527. The Ramsar Convention is an (c) Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve
of India the only floating park in the intergovernmental treaty that provides (d) Sundarbans
world is situated ? the framework for the conservation of
SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening) ______. Sol.(b) The first Biosphere Reserve to be
(a) Meghalaya (b) Manipur SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning) established by the Government of India
(c) Tripura (d) Assam (a) Tiger is the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve spread
(b) Traditional Seeds in the states of Tamil Nadu, Kerala and
Sol.(b) Keibul Lamjao National Park is (c) Tribal Language Karnataka in 1986. It lies in Western
a national park in the Bishnupur district (d) Wetlands Ghats. It is a part of Wayanad Wildlife
of the state of Manipur in India. It is an Sanctuary, Nagarhole Wildlife
integral part of Loktak Lake and the only Sol.(d) The Convention on Wetlands of Sanctuary, Bandipur Wildlife Sanctuary,
floating park in the world. International Importance, called the Nilambur National Park and Silent
Ramsar Convention, is an Valley National Park.
Q.524. Guru Ghasidas National Park is intergovernmental treaty that provides
located in : the framework for national action and Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 330

Pinnacle Geography

Q.531. In which of the following states protected forest area in Gujarat, India. It (d) Convention on Biological Diversity -
is the Similipal Biosphere Reserve is majorly known for the pure breed of Nagoya
located ? Asiatic Lions (Panthera leo leo).
SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning) Sol. (b) The Rotterdam Convention
(a) West Bengal (b) Odisha Q.535. The ______in Kerala has its own (formally, the Rotterdam Convention on
(c) Maharashtra (d) Uttar Pradesh elephant sanctuary. the Prior Informed Consent Procedure
SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Morning) for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and
Sol.(b) The Similipal Biosphere is (a) Sabarimala Sree Ayyappa Temple Pesticides in International Trade) is a
located in the Mayurbhanj district of (b) Guruvayoor Temple multilateral treaty to promote shared
Odisha with a forest area of 2750 sq km (c) Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple responsibilities in relation to importation
and it is one of the biggest Wildlife (d) Chottanikkara Devi Temple of hazardous chemicals. Rotterdam is the
Sanctuaries in the country 2nd largest city of the Netherlands.
Sol.(b) Guruvayur Sri Krishna Temple is
Q.532. What percent of solar energy is a Hindu temple dedicated to the Hindu Q.538. With reference to the biosphere
absorbed by the terrestrial ecosystem ? god Guruvayurappan (a four-armed protected area of India, which of the
SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon) affiliation of the Hindus God Vishnu), following is not a biosphere protected
(a) 2% (b) 0.1% located in the town of Guruvayur in area?
(c) 0.5% (d) 1% Kerala, India. SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning)
The Elephant Camp is located in (a) Dachigam (b) Achanakmar
Sol.(d) Most solar energy occurs at Punnathur Kotta, at a distance of 3 km (c) Agasthyamalai (d) Nokrek
wavelengths unsuitable for from the Guruvayur Temple. This
photosynthesis. Between 98 and 99 Elephant Camp is considered to be one Sol.(a) There are mainly 18 biosphere
percent of solar energy reaching the of the largest elephant sanctuaries reserves in India. Nilgiri Biosphere
Earth is reflected from leaves and other housing around 60 elephants. Reserve(Tamil Nadu); Nanda Devi
surfaces and absorbed by other Biosphere Reserve(Uttrakhand); Gulf of
molecules, which convert it to heat. Q.536. Home to the snow leopard, the Mannar(TamilNadu);Nokrek(Meghalaya
Thus, only 1 to 2 percent is available to Hemis National Park is located ); Sundarbans(West Bengal);
be captured by plants. in_______ Manas(Assam); Simlipal(Odisha);
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening) Dihang-Dibang(Arunachal Pradesh);
Q.533. _____Tiger reserve in Karnataka (a) Lakshadweep Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve(Madhya
is home to the largest number of Asian (b) Himachal Pradesh Pradesh); Achanakmar-Amarkantak
elephants in the world. (c) Arunachal Pradesh Biosphere Reserve(Madhya Pradesh,
SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Morning) (d) Ladakh Chattisgarh); Great Rann of
(a) Nagarhole Tiger reserve Gujarat(Gujarat); Cold Desert (Himachal
(b) Ranthambore Tiger Project Sol.(d) Hemis National Park (or Hemis Pradesh); Khangchendzonga(Sikkim);
(c) Kanha National Park High Altitude National Park) is a high Agasthyamalai Biosphere
(d) Bandhavgarh National Park altitude national park in the eastern Reserve(Kerala, Tamil Nadu); Great
Ladakh Union Territory of the Republic Nicobar (Andaman and Nicobar
Sol.(a) Nagarhole National Park (also of India. Globally famous for its snow Islands); Dibru-Saikhowa(Assam);
known as Rajiv Gandhi National Park), leopard. Seshachalam Hills(Andhra Pradesh);
is a national park located in Kodagu Panna (Madhya Pradesh).
district and Mysore district in Karnataka, Q.537. In the context of various
India. It is one of India's premier Tiger environment protection treaties/protocols Q.539. The language of geology in
Reserves. and the places associated with them, which dinosaurs are studied is an
which of the following is NOT correctly example of a branch of ________.
Q.534. Gir National Park is known for paired? SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning)
its _______. SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening) (a) Paleontology
SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) (b) Histology
(a) Orangutan (a) Protocol on Biosafety - Cartagena (c) Petrology
(b) Cherry blossom (b) Convention on the Prior Informed (d) Sophrology
(c) Red silk Cotton Consent Procedure for Certain
(d) Asiatic Lions Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in Sol.(a) Paleontology is the scientific
International Trade - Stockholm study of life that existed prior to, and
Sol.(d) Gir Forest National Park and (c) Convention on the Control of sometimes including, the start of the
Wildlife Sanctuary, also known as Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Holocene Epoch. It includes the study of
Sasan-Gir, is a wildlife sanctuary and Wastes and their Disposal - Basel fossils to determine organisms' evolution Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 331

Pinnacle Geography

and interactions with each other and (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Rajasthan enhancement of geotourism. Gingee Fort
their environments. (c) Maharashtra (d) Karnataka Villupuram District, Tamil Nadu has not
been notified as a National Geo-heritage
Q.540. In which district of Karnataka is Sol.(d) Bankapura Peacock Sanctuary is Monument by the Geological Survey of
the Brahmagiri Wildlife Sanctuary situated in Karnataka. India (GSI).
SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Afternoon) Q.544. Dachigam National Park is in Q.547. Where is Valmiki Tiger Reserve
(a) Hassan (b) Mandya which state of India? located?
(c) Udupi (d) Kodagu SSC CHSL 19-03-2020 (Evening) SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Evening)
(a) Himachal Pradesh (a) West Champaran, Bihar
Sol.(d) The Brahmagiri wildlife (b) West Bengal (b) Chandrapur, Maharashtra
sanctuary is located in the Kodagu (c) Uttarakhand (c) Ranthambore, Rajasthan
(Coorg) district, Karnataka state and is (d) Jammu and Kashmir (d) Lakhimpur Kheri, Uttar Pradesh
part of the Western Ghats. It is situated
on the border between Wayanad District Sol.(d). Dachigam National Park is in Sol.(a) Valmiki National Park, Tiger
of Kerala state on the south and Kodagu Jammu and Kashmir. It was initially Reserve and Wildlife Sanctuary is
District in Karnataka on the north side. established to ensure the supply of clean located at the India-Nepal border in the
drinking water to Srinagar city. The park West Champaran district of Bihar, India
Q.541. Which National Park among the is best known as the home of the Hangul on the bank of river Gandak.
following is the largest protected area in or Kashmir Stag.
the Eastern Himalayan sub-region? Q.548. Which wildlife sanctuary is a
SSC CGL 5/3/2020 (morning) Q.545. Which sanctuary is famous for tri-state protected area in northern India?
(a) Keibul Lamjao National Park endangered Estuarine Crocodiles It is also famous for the Critically
(b) Namdapha National Park conservation in India? Endangered gharial, the red-crowned
(c) Jim Corbett National Park SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Morning) roofed turtle and the Endangered Ganges
(d) Bandipur National Park (a) Indira Gandhi Wildlife Sanctuary river dolphin?
(b) Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary, CHSL 20-10-2020 (Afternoon)
Sol.(b) Namdapha National Park is the Odisha (a) National Chambal Sanctuary
largest protected area in the Eastern (c) Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala (b) Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary
Himalayan sub-region in Arunachal (d) Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary, (c) Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary
Pradesh. It has more than 1,000 floral Karnataka (d) Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary
and about 1,400 faunal species, it is a
biodiversity hotspot in the Eastern Sol.(b) Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary, Sol.(a). : National Chambal Sanctuary is
Himalayas. Keibul lamjao national park: Odisha is a Ramsar site and is one of located on the Chambal river near the
bishnupur, Manipur Jim corbett national India’s biggest estuarine crocodile tripoint of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh
park : nainital, uttrakhand habitats and a major coastal ecosystem. and Uttar Pradesh. It is also famous for
Bandipur national park: Karnataka the Critically Endangered gharial, the
Q.546. Which of the following red-crowned roofed turtle and the
Q.542. Which of the following is NOT monuments has NOT been notified as a Endangered Ganges river dolphin.
located in Odisha? National Geo-heritage Monument by the
SSC CGL 5/3/2020 (afternoon) Geological Survey of India (GSI)? Q.549. The Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve
(a) Mahanadi Elephant Reserve SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Evening) is located in the state of ______.
(b) Mayurbhanj Elephant Reserve (a) Pillow Lava in iron Ore belt at SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Evening)
(c) Sonitpur Elephant Reserve Nomira, Odisha (a) Rajasthan
(d) Sambalpur Elephant Reserve (b) Peninsular Gneiss Lalbagh, (b) Uttarakhand
Karnataka (c) Andhra Pradesh
Sol.(c) Except Kameng-Sonitpur (c) Nagahill Ophiolite site near Pungro, (d) Madhya Pradesh
Elephant Reserve , All reserves are in Nagaland
Odisha. The Kameng-Sonitpur Elephant (d) Gingee Fort Villupuram District, Sol.(d) The Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve
Reserve (KSER) is located in the eastern Tamil Nadu is located in the state of Madhya
hill forests of Arunachal Pradesh and Pradesh.
Assam in India. Sol.(d). National Geological Monuments
are geographical areas of national Q.550. In which year was the Kaziranga
Q.543. In which state is the Bankapura importance and heritage, as notified by National Park declared as a Reserved
Peacock Sanctuary situated? the Geological Survey of India, for their Forest?
SSC CHSL 17-03-2020 (Evening) maintenance, protection, promotion and SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Evening) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 332

Pinnacle Geography

(a) 1925 (b) 1940 (c) Hemis (d) Gir Park is located in the south of Garo Hills
(c) 1908 (d) 1900 in Meghalaya.
Sol.(c) Hemis National Park is in
Sol.(c) In 1908, Kaziranga National Ladakh. It is a high-altitude national Q.558. Laokhowa Wildlife Sanctuary
Park, Assam was declared as a Reserved park in Ladakh which is famous for its lies on the southern bank of which river
Forest. snow leopards. Manas National Park is in the northeastern states of India ?
in Assam, Namdapha National Park is in SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Morning)
Q.551. The wetland of Ashtamudi is Arunachal Pradesh and Gir National (a) Barak (b) Brahmaputra
located in: Park is in Gujrat. (c) Subansiri (d) Gomti
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning)
(a) Assam (b) Tamil Nadu Q.555. In which Indian state will you Sol.(b) Laokhowa Wildlife Sanctuary is
(c) Kerala (d) Karnataka find the Borail Wildlife Sanctuary? SSC protected area located in the state of
CGL 16/08/21(Afternoon) Assam in India. This wildlife sanctuary
Sol.(c) Ashtamudi Lake is located in the (a) Karnataka (b) West Bengal covers 70.13 km2, on the south bank of
Kollam District of Kerala. It has a (c) Odisha (d) Assam the Brahmaputra River in Nagaon
unique wetland ecosystem and a large district. It is situated 40 km downstream
palm shaped waterbody. Ashtamudi Sol.(d) Borail Wildlife Sanctuary is of the Kaziranga National Park and 30
Wetland is included in the list of located in the Cachar and Dima Hasao km northwest of the Orang National
wetlands of international importance. districts of Assam. Other important Park on the other side of the river
Wildlife sanctuaries of Assam are
Q.552. Baghmara Pitcher Plant Kaziranga National Park, Chakrashila
Sanctuary is located in which of the Wildlife Sanctuary, Hoollongapar
Q.559. Which of the following states has
following states? Gibbon Sanctuary, Laokhowa Wildlife
a marine sanctuary called Gahirmatha
SSC CGL 13/08/21(Morning) Sanctuary, etc
Marine Sanctuary?
(a) Meghalaya (b) Goa
SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Morning)
(c) Karnataka (d) Assam Q.556. In which of the following states
(a) Goa (b) Odisha
is the Bhitarkanika National Park
(c) Kerala (d) Tamil Nadu
Sol.(a) Baghmara Pitcher Plant situated?
Sanctuary is located in the South Garo SSC CGL 17/08/21(Morning)
Sol.(b) Gahirmatha Marine Sanctuary is
Hills District of Meghalaya. The (a) Kerala (b) Meghalaya
a marine wildlife sanctuary located in
sanctuary is named after a rare (c) Goa (d) Odisha
Odisha and is a very popular tourist
insectivorous Pitcher Plant that is
attraction of Odisha in India. It is the
endemic to this region only. Sol.(d) Bhitarkanika National Park is
world's largest nesting beach for Olive
situated in Odisha. It is located in
Q.553. In which of the following states Odisha's Kendrapara district which Ridley Turtles.
is the Rowa Wildlife Sanctuary situated? shares borders with the famous
SSC CGL 13/08/21(Afternoon) Gahirmatha beach and is surrounded by Q.560. In which of the following Indian
(a) Tripura (b) Assam the Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary. states is the Bar Navapara Wildlife
(c) Punjab (d) Haryana Sanctuary located?
Q.557. Which of the following is the SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Afternoon)
Sol.(a) The Rowa Wildlife Sanctuary is only floating national park in India and (a) Assam (b) Karnataka
situated in the North Tripura district. It is the world? SSC CGL 24/08/21(Evening) (c) Sikkim (d) Chhattisgarh
a small wildlife sanctuary covering an (a) Gugamal National Park
area of 0.86 square kilometers (0.33 sq (b) Nagarhole National Park Sol.(d) Bar Navapara (Barnawapara)
mi). It is a paradise for botanists, (c) Keibul Lamjao National Park Wildlife Sanctuary is located in
environmentalists, and ecologists. The (d) Balpakram National Park Balodabazar district, Chhattisgarh. It
wonderful vegetation consists of herbs was established in 1976 under the
of great medicinal importance, aromatic Sol.(c) Keibul Lamjao National Park is Wildlife Protection Act. The Jonk River
plants, fruits, fodder, spices, horticulture the only floating national park in India flows through the sanctuary, which is a
plants, ornamental flowers, and much and the world. It is located in Loktak tributary of the Mahanadi river.
more exquisite flora. lake in the Bishnupur district of
Manipur. Gugamal National Park is Q.561. In which of the following states
Q.554. ______ National Park is in located in Amravati, Maharashtra. is Kali Tiger Reserve located? SSC
Ladakh. Nagarhole National Park is located in CHSL 16/04/21 (Morning)
SSC CGL 13/08/21 (Evening) Mysore, Karnataka. Balpakram National (a) Arunachal Pradesh
(a) Manas (b) Namdapha (b) Karnataka Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 333

Pinnacle Geography

(c) Telangana Karnataka and is located on the banks of SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Evening)
(d) Assam River Kali. Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary (a) Rajasthan (b) Haryana
is a bird watcher's paradise, housing (c) Gujarat (d) Karnataka
Sol.(b) Kali Tiger Reserve is a protected nearly 200 species of birds, most famous
area and tiger reserve in Uttara Kannada for the great hornbill and the Malabar Sol.(a) Sariska Tiger Reserve is located
district, in Karnataka. The park is a pied hornbill. in the Alwar district of Rajasthan.
habitat of Bengal tigers, black panthers,
and Indian elephants, amongst other Q.565. In which of the following states Q.569. The Buxa Tiger Reserve in West
distinctive fauna. The Kali River flows is the Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary Bengal is threatened by the ongoing:
through the whole tiger reserve. located? SSC MTS 05/10/21(Morning)
SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Evening) (a) dolomite mining
Q.562. Peppara Wildlife Sanctuary is (a) West Bengal (b) Karnataka (b) copper mining
situated in which of the following states (c) Bihar (d) Gujarat (c) magnetite mining
? (d) hematite mining
SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Afternoon) Sol.(b) Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary is
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Meghalaya located in the midst of the Western Ghats Sol.(a) The Buxa Tiger Reserve in West
(c) Punjab (d) Kerala in the Chikmagalur and Shimoga Bengal is threatened by the ongoing:
districts of Karnataka. The area was first dolomite mining. Deforestation and
Sol.(d) Peppara Wildlife Sanctuary is declared as 'Jagara Valley Wildlife large-scale developmental projects are
situated in Kerala. Other Wildlife Sanctuary' in 1951 by the then the main reasons for the depletion of the
Sanctuaries in Kerala: government of Mysore. It was renamed Buxa Tiger Reserve.
Eravikulam National Park. Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary in 1974.
Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary.
Q.570. Khangchendzonga Biosphere
Shendurney Wildlife Sanctuary. Q.566. Which of the following national
Reserve is located in which of the
Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary. parks is situated in Kerala? SSC CHSL
following state?
Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary. 6/8/2021 (Evening)
SSC MTS 08/10/21(evening)
Idukki Wildlife Sanctuary. (a) Tadoba National Park
(a) Jharkhand
Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary. (b) Kaziranga National Park
(b) Sikkim
Thattekad Wildlife Sanctuary. (c) Sanjay Gandhi National Park
(c) Himachal Pradesh
(d) Eravikulam National Park
(d) Kerala
Q.563. In which of the following states
is Buxa National Park situated? SSC Sol.(d) National park of kerala:-
Sol.(b) Khangchendzonga Biosphere
CHSL 04/08/21 (Evening) Eravikulam, Anamudi Shola,
Reserve, India. Located in the state of
(a) Punjab (b) Haryana Kumarakom, Periyar, Silent Valley,
Sikkim, bordering Nepal to the west and
(c) Karnataka (d) West Bengal Pampadum Shola.Wildlife Sanctuary of
Tibet (China) to the north-west, this
Kerala:- Muthanga, Chinnar, Peppara,
biosphere reserve is one of the highest
Sol.(d) Buxa National Park is located in Aralam.
ecosystems in the world, reaching
the Jalpaiguri district of the state of West
Bengal. It was established as a National Q.567. In which of the following states elevations of 1,220 to 8,586 metres
Park in the year of 1992. Its northern is Neora Valley National Park situated ? above sea level.
boundary runs along the international SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Afternoon)
border with Bhutan. Buxa National park (a) Maharashtra Q.571. In which state is the Nokrek
is rich with biodiversity and has a great (b) Kerala Biosphere Reserve located ?
collection of rare orchids and medicinal (c) Himachal Pradesh SSC MTS 11/10/21(Evening)
plants. (d) West Bengal (a) Meghalaya
(b) Arunachal Pradesh
Q.564. Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary is Sol.(d) Neora Valley National Park, (c) Nagaland
located in which of the following states? established in 1986 is a national park in (d) Sikkim
SSC CHSL 05/08/21 (Morning) Kalimpong district, West Bengal. Other
(a) Karnataka National Park in West Bengal:- Buxa, Sol.(a) The Nokrek Biosphere Reserve is
(b) Jharkhand Gorumara, Singalila, Sunderban, located in the northeast of India on the
(c) Sikkim Jaldapara. Tura Range, which forms part of the
(d) Kerala Meghalaya Plateau. It was established in
Q.568. Where is the Sariska Tiger 1986. UNESCO added the Nokrek
Sol.(a) The Dandeli wildlife sanctuary is Reserve located ? Biosphere Reserve to its list of
the second largest sanctuary in Biosphere Reserves in May 2009. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 334

Pinnacle Geography

Q.575. The popular Bagh cave paintings 1919 in West Bengal, it is the fine arts
Q.572. In which of the following states are found in_________. faculty of the Visva-Bharati University,
is the Srivilliputhur Elephant Reserve SSC-CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning) Shantiniketan, established by Nobel
located? SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (a) Madhya pradesh laureate Rabindranath Tagore.
(Afternoon) (b) Himachal pradesh
(a) Karnataka (b) Telangana (c) Sikkim Q.578. Which of the following passes
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Andhra Pradesh (d) Odisha connects Tawang with Lhasa?
SSC-CGL 06/06/2019 (Afternoon)
Sol.(c) The Srivilliputhur Elephant Sol.(a) The Bagh Caves are a group of (a) Chankan Pass
Reserve is located in Tamil Nadu. There nine rock-cut monuments, situated (b) Bum La Pass
are 32 Elephant Reserves in India. The among the southern slopes of the (c) Hpungan Pass
very first elephant reserve or elephant Vindhyas in Bagh town of Dhar district (d) Kumjung Pass
sanctuary was the Singhbhum Elephant in Madhya Pradesh state in central
Reserve of Jharkhand. India.The Bagh Caves were quarried in Sol.(b) Bum La is situated at an
the 5th -6th century AD, in the very late elevation of 2600 m to the east of
stages of Buddhism in India, and long Bhutan in the Greater Himalayas in
after most of the Indian Buddhist Caves Arunachal Pradesh at the Indo-China
OF INDIA had been built, many of them since the border. It connects Arunachal Pradesh
2nd or 1st centuries BCE.They are with Lhasa, Tibet.
Q.573. Name the pass in Uttarakhand believed to have been built by the Chankan Pass : Chaukan Pass is on the
which is used by pilgrims to Satavahana dynasty during the 5-7th Myanmar- India border.
Kailash-Mansarovar Yatra. century.
SSC-CGL 04/06/2019 (Afternoon) Q.579. Which of the following passes is
(a) Pensi La (b) Lipu Lekh Q.576. _____ , which connects Sikkim known as the gateway connecting
(c) Banihal Pass (d) Khardung La with Tibet, was closed after the Chinese Jammu and Srinagar?
aggression on India in 1962 but was SSC-CGL 06/06/2019 (Afternoon)
Sol.(b) Lipu Lekh pass, in Uttarakhand, reopened in 2006 as the goverments of (a) Lanak-La Pass
is used by pilgrims to Kailash- the two countries decided to enhance (b) Chang-La Pass
Mansarovar Yatra. It is situated at a sub their trade through land routes. (c) Banihal Pass
district of Pithoragarh, district in SSC-CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning) (d) Aghil Pass
Kumaon region where it links the valley (a) Imis la (b) Pensi La
with Nepal and Tibet. Pensi-la is a (c) Lanak La (d) Nathu La Sol.(c) Banihal Pass is a mountain pass
mountain pass in the Ladakh union across the Pir Panjal. Banihal has
territory of India. Sol.(d) Nathu La, which connects always been known as the gateway
Banihal Pass is a mountain pass. It Sikkim with Tibet, was closed after the connecting Jammu and Srinagar.Lanak
connects the Kashmir Valley in the union Chinese aggression on India in 1962 but La or Lanak Pass is a mountain pass in
territory of Jammu and Kashmir was reopened in 2006 as the Tibet Autonomous Region, China. It is
Khardung La is a mountain pass in the governments of the two countries on the southeastern boundary of the
Leh district of the Indian union territory decided to enhance their trade through Aksai Chin region that is controlled by
of Ladakh. land routes. Imis La - between China.Chang La Pass(elevation 5,360 m
Ladakh(India) and Tibet(China) Pensi or 17,590 ft) is a high mountain pass in
Q.574. The Nanda Devi Peak is located La - at Ladakh region of Jammu and Ladakh, Jammu & Kashmir, IndiaAghil
in______. Kashmir, a gateway to Zaskar. Lanak La pass is the Trans Himalayan pass. It is
SSC-CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening) - is in Tibet Autonomous Region. located on the northern boundary of the
(a) Sikkim Shaksgam Valley, which was annexed by
(b) Jammu and Kashmir Q.577. Kala Bhavana, founded in 1919, China.
(c) Uttarakhand is a noted institution of education and
(d) Assam research in visual arts. It is located in Q.580. ___________ in Himachal
_____. Pradesh is a famous tourist attraction.
Sol.(c) The Nanda Devi Peak : is part of SSC-CGL 06/06/2019 (Afternoon) SSC-CGL 06/06/2019 (Afternoon)
the Garhwal Himalayas, and is located in (a) Bihar (b) Uttar Pradesh (a) Aghil Pass (b) Chang-La Pass
Chamoli district of Uttarakhand, (c) West Bengal (d) Sikkim (c) Mintaka Pass (d) Rohtang Pass
between the Rishiganga valley on the
west and the Goriganga valley on the Sol.(c) Kala Bhavana (Institute of Fine Sol.(d) It is a high mountain pass on the
east. Arts) is a noted institution of education eastern Pir Panjal Range of the
and research in visual arts, founded in Himalayas around 51 km (32 mi) from Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 335

Pinnacle Geography

Manali. It connects the Kullu Valley (a) Zoji La (b) BaraLacha La Sol.(a) Gujarat is strategically located
with the Lahaul and Spiti Valleys of (c) Shipki La (d) Muling La with the largest share in India’s
Himachal Pradesh, India. Mintaka Pass coastline, followed by Andhra Pradesh
is a mountain pass in the Karakorum Sol.(d) Muling La Pass connects and Tamil Nadu.
Mountains, between Pakistan and Uttarakhand and Tibet and is situated in
Xinjiang in China. the north of Gangotri at an elevation of Q.589. Which state has proposed to set
5669 m in the Great Himalayas. up the first ‘Blockchain District’ in
Q.581. Varkala Chowara, Chavakkad India?
and Nattika are beaches in the state of Q.585. The ‘Diphu Pass’ which is the SSC-CHSL 1/07/2019 (Evening)
______________. tri-junction between India, Myanmar and (a) Gujarat (b) Maharashtra
SSC-CGL 06/06/2019 (Evening) China is on this border line? (c) Telangana (d) Tamil Nadu
(a) Maharashtra (b) Kerala SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 (Afternoon)
(c) Karnataka (d) Tamil Nadu (a) Palk Strait Sol.(c) Telangana has proposed to set up
(b) Radcliffe Line the first ‘Blockchain District’ in India
Sol.(b) As Kerala is a coastal state, some (c) Durand Line
of the most popular tourist destinations (d) McMahon Line Q.590. The Sunauli Border is a
in Kerala are beaches like Kovalam, well-known transit point between India
Varkala, Chowara, Chavakkad, Nattika, Sol.(d) Diphu Pass is a mountain pass and _________.
Cherai. around the area of the disputed tripoint SSC-CHSL 1/07/2019 (Evening)
borders of India, China, and Myanmar. (a) Myanmar (b) Nepal
Q.582. _________ is the oldest golf Diphu Pass is also a strategic approach (c) Pakistan (d) Bhutan
course outside the United Kingdom. to eastern Arunachal Pradesh. It lies on
SSC-CGL 06/06/2019 (Evening) the McMahon Line. Sol.(b) The Sunauli Border is a
(a) Royal Calcutta Golf Club, Kolkata well-known transit point between India
(b) Tollygunge Golf Club, Kolkata Q.586. Daringbadi Hill Station is located and Nepal. It is a town in Maharajganj
(c) Classic Golf Resort, New Delhi in the Indian State of _______. district Uttar Pradesh.
(d) Royal Springs Golf Course, SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 (Afternoon)
Srinagar (a) Kerala (b) Maharashtra Q.591. Which is the coldest place in
(c) Odisha (d) West Bengal India?
Sol.(a) The Royal Calcutta Golf Club is SSC-CHSL 1/07/2019 (Evening)
the oldest golf club outside the United Sol.(c) Daringbadi is a hill station in (a) Amarnath (b) Dras
Kingdom and is the second-oldest Kandhamal district of Odisha state of (c) Leh (d) Srinagar
outside Scotland. The oldest club outside Odisha in eastern India. Widely known
Scotland is The Royal Blackheath in as "Kashmir of Odisha", (for its climatic Sol.(b) The village of Dras is located in
London, established in 1766. similarity), it is situated at a height of the Kargil district of Jammu and
3000 ft and is a popular tourist Kashmir. It is India's coldest inhabited
Q.583. _________ is an important road destination. place, Temperatures here drop to as low
link between Srinagar on one side and as -22°C. Dras is often called the
Kargil and Leh on the other side. Q.587. Which of the following is the 'Gateway to Ladakh'
SSC-CGL 07/06/2019 (Evening) highest mountain peak in Maharashtra?
(a) Muling La (b) Shipki La SSC-CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning) Q.592. Chhattisgarh does NOT share its
(c) Zoji La (d) Qara Tag La (a) Kalsubai Shikhar (b) Anjaneri boundary with:
(c) Salher (d) Taramati SSC-CHSL 1/07/2019 (Evening)
Sol.(c) Zoji La is an important road link (a) West Bengal
between Srinagar on one side and Kargil Sol.(a) Kalsubai is a mountain in the (b) Uttar Pradesh
and Leh on the other side.Zoji La is a Western Ghats, located in the Indian (c) Madhya Pradesh
high mountain pass in the Indian state of state of Maharashtra. Its summit situated (d) Telangana
Jammu and Kashmir, located on at an elevation of 1646 metres (5400
National Highway 1 between Srinagar feet) is the highest point in Maharashtra. Sol.(a) The border of Chhattisgarh is
and Leh in the western section of the shared by Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand,
Himalayan mountain range. Q.588. Which state of India has the Odisha, Telangana, Maharashtra and
longest mainland coastline? Madhya Pradesh. West Bengal doesn’t
Q.584. __________pass connects SSC-CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning) share any border with Chhattisgarh.
Uttarakhand and Tibet and is situated in (a) Gujarat (b) Odisha
the north of Ganagotri. (c) Kerala (d) Maharashtra Q.593. The easternmost point of India
SSC-CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning) is_______. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 336

Pinnacle Geography

SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Morning) Q.597. Which of the following states

(a) Kibithu shares the longest boundary with China ? Q.601. Which Indian State/Union
(b) Wokha SSC-CHSL 2 /7/2019 (Morning) Territory has the shortest coastline?
(c) Mokokchung (a) Sikkim SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
(d) Doulchara (b) Arunachal Pradesh (a) Gujarat (b) Maharashtra
(c) Himachal Pradesh (c) Puducherry (d) Tamil Nadu
Sol.(a) Kibithu, an army settlement (d) Uttarakhand
about 17 km from Dong, is the Sol.(c) The total coastline of India
easternmost motorable point of India. On Sol.(b) Arunachal Pradesh is the Indian measures about 7,517 km, which is
a clear day you can see Chinese villages State that has the longest border with distributed among nine coastal states and
from Kibithu across the border. Kibithu china. Indian States that share four Union Territories; and almost the
was the entry point for the Chinese army international borders with China are entire coast of India falls within the
in 1962, when they were able to reach Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, tropics. Gujarat is strategically located
upto Walong. Uttarakhand, Sikkim and Arunachal with the largest share in India’s coastline
Pradesh. These 5 states' borders are with 1915.29 km.
Q.594. Name the westernmost point of located with China. Puducherry has a coastline of 45 km.
India. which is the shortest coastline in India.
SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Evening) Q.598. The city of Belagavi is located in
(a) Amreli (b) Dahod the state of : Q.602. Which mountains are on India’s
(c) Bharuch (d) Ghuar Moti CHSL 02/07/2019 (Afternoon) Eastern border with Myanmar?
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Gujarat SSC CHSL 04/07/2019 (Morning)
Sol.(d) Westernmost Point – The (c) Kerala (d) Karnataka (a) Satpura (b) Vindhya
westernmost point of India is the small (c) Karakoram (d) Purvanchal
inhabited village of Ghuar Moti, located Sol.(d) Belgaum (or Belagavi) is a city
in Kutch District of Gujarat. in the southwest Indian state of Sol..(d) The Purvanchal Mountains, or
Karnataka. Circled by a moat, the large Eastern Mountains, are a sub-mountain
Q.595. The Sahyadri Mountains run Belgaum Fort contains centuries-old range of the Himalayas in northeast
from________to Kanyakumari, the mosques and the Kamal Basti, a Jain India. Purvanchal Range The Purvanchal
southernmost part of India. temple. hills lie in the north easternmost part of
SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Morning) India lying near Myanmar . They are the
(a) Uttar Pradesh Q.599. The famous Dwarkadheesh eastern extension of himalayas . they
(b) Madhya Pradesh Temple of Gujarat is located on the cover the states of assam, manipur,
(c) Gujarat banks of which of the following rivers? tripura, nagaland
(d) Rajasthan CHSL 02/07/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) Narmada (b) Tapti Q.603. Bugyals are high meadows and
Sol.(c) The Sahyadri starts from the (c) Gomti (d) Luni pastures in the Himalayan slopes. In
border of Gujarat and Maharashtra, which state would you find them most.
south of the Tapti River, and runs Sol.(c) The Dwarkadhish temple is CHSL 04/07/2019 (Afternoon)
approximately 1,600 km through the located in the town of Dwarka, on the (a) Assam (b) Tamil Nadu
states of Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, banks of the Gomati River, in the district (c) Sikkim (d) Uttarakhand
Kerala and Tamil Nadu ending at of Jamnagar in Gujarat.
Kanyakumari, at the southern tip of Sol..(d) Bugyals are alpine pasture lands,
India. Q.600. The Himalayas belong to which or meadows, in higher elevation range
of the following categories of between 3,300 metres (10,800 ft) and
Q.596. Name the smallest district in mountains? 4,000 metres (13,000 ft) of the
India. SSC CHSL 02/07/2019 (Evening) Himalayas in the Indian state of
SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Evening) (a) Plateau Mountain Uttarakhand, where they are called
(a) Hailakandi (b) Guntur (b) Fault-Block Mountain "nature's own gardens".
(c) Alirajpur (d) Mahe (c) Fold Mountain
(d) Dome Mountain Q.604.How many states/Union
Sol.(d) Mahe of Puducherry is the Territories does Uttar Pradesh share its
smallest (9 km2) district of India by area Sol.(c) The rugged, soaring heights of borders?
while Kutch of Gujarat is the largest the Himalayas, Andes, and Alps are all CHSL 04/07/2019 (Afternoon)
(45,652 km2) district of India by area. active fold mountains. The Himalayas (a) 7 (b) 8
stretch through the borders of China, (c) 9 (d) 6
Bhutan, Nepal, India, and Pakistan. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 337

Pinnacle Geography

Sol..(c) Although Uttar Pradesh comes at Q.607. In which state are the Dilwara Q.611. Which of the following is the
the fourth place in terms of area, the Jain Temples situated? capital of the Union Territory Dadra and
state shares its borders with as many as 9 SSC CHSL 04/07/2019 (Evening) Nagar Haveli?
states/Union Territories, apart from (a) Rajasthan (b) Bihar SSC CHSL 08/07/2019 (Morning)
sharing the International border with (c) Maharashtra (d) Madhya Pradesh (a) Port Blair (b) Kavaratti
Nepal. In the north, Uttar Pradesh shares (c) Daman (d) Silvassa
its border with the states of Uttarakhand Sol..(a) The Dilwara Temples or
and Himachal Pradesh, in west with the Delvada Temples are located about 2½ Sol.(d) Dadra and Nagar : It is composed
states of Haryana, Delhi and Rajasthan, kilometres from the Mount Abu of two separate geographical entities:
in South with Madhya Pradesh and settlement, Rajasthan's only hill station. Nagar Haveli, wedged between
Chhattisgarh and in the east with the Maharashtra and Gujarat, and 1 km to
states of Jharkhand and Bihar. Q.608. Which of the districts listed as the northwest, the smaller enclave of
options is not one of the three districts in Dadra, which is surrounded by Gujarat.
Q.605. Maps showing natural features of the Chambal division of the state of Silvassa is the capital of Dadra and
the earth such as mountains, plateaus, Madhya Pradesh? Nagar Haveli.
rivers, plains, oceans, etc. are known as SSC CHSL 05/07/2019 (Morning)
_______. (a) Bhind (b) Chhindwara Q.612. Kalumar Peak is the highest
SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Morning) (c) Sheopur (d) Morena point in ______ range.
(a) Relief Map CHSL 08/07/2019 (Afternoon)
(b) Topographic Map Sol..(b) Chambal Division is an (a) Karakoram (b) Satpura
(c) Political Map administrative geographical unit of (c) Vindhya (d) Aravalli
(d) Thematic Map Madhya Pradesh state of India. Morena
is the administrative headquarters of the Sol.(c) Kalumar Peak/Sadbhavna Peak
Sol..(a) Relief Map - Maps showing division. As of 2012, the division (Mandu, Madhya Pradesh) is the highest
natural features of the earth such as consists of the three districts of Bhind peak of the Vindhya Range.
mountains, plateaus, rivers, plains, district, Morena and Sheopur.
oceans, etc. Q.613. The Hill Station of Matheran is
Topographic Map - Map showing Q.609. In which state is the Kamakhya located in______.
different physical landscape features. Temple situated? SSC CHSL 10/07/2019 (Morning)
This map uses contour lines to show SSC CHSL 05/07/2019 (Morning) (a) Maharashtra
changes in the landscape. (a) Arunachal Pradesh (b) Manipur
Political Map - It focuses solely on the (b) Chhattisgarh (c) Madhya Pradesh
state and national boundaries of a place. (c) Assam (d) Kerala
Thematic map - Focuses on a particular (d) Jharkhand
theme or special topic. Sol.(a) Matheran is one of the smallest
Sol..(c) The Kamakhya Temple also hill stations in India. It is located on the
Q.606. Which of the following mountain known as Kamrup-Kamakhya temple, Western Ghats range at an elevation of
ranges is home to the second highest Kamakhya Devalaya, is a Hindu temple around 800 m above sea level.
peak of the world, K2? dedicated to the mother goddess
SSC CHSL 04/07/2019 (Evening) Kamakhya. It is one of the oldest of the Q.614. .Daringbadi hill station is located
(a) Pir Panjal Range 51 Shakti Pithas. in ______.
(b) East Karakoram Range CHSL 11/07/2019 (Afternoon)
(c) Ladakh Range Q.610.The hill station of Chail is located (a) Madhya Pradesh
(d) Zanskar Range in ________. (b) Jharkhand
SSC CHSL 08/07/2019 (Morning) (c) West Bengal
Sol..(b) K2, also called Mount Godwin (a) Himachal Pradesh (d) Odisha
Austen, the world’s second highest peak (b) Uttar Pradesh
(28,251 feet [8,611 metres]), second (c) Arunachal Pradesh Sol.(d) Daringbadi is a hill station in
only to Mount Everest. K2 is located in (d) Madhya Pradesh Kandhamal district of Odisha, India. It is
the Karakoram Range and lies partly in a widely known as the "Kashmir of
Chinese-administered enclave of the Sol.(a) Chail is a hill station in Himachal Odisha” for its climatic similarity. It is
Kashmir region within the Uygur Pradesh, India. It is 44 kilometres from situated at a height of 3000 ft and is a
Autonomous Region of Xinjiang, China, Shimla and 45 kilometres from Solan. It popular tourist destination.
and partly in the is known for its salubrious beauty and
virgin forests. Q.615. The smallest Union Territories is
______. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 338

Pinnacle Geography

SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Morning) (part of Great Andaman) to the north and Q.623. 11-degree channel divides which
(a) Puducherry Little Andaman to the south. of the following groups of islands ?
(b) Lakshadweep SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(c) Dadra and Nagar Haveli Q.619. The Tropic of Cancer passes (a) Minicoy and Lakshadweep
(d) Daman and Diu through 8 Indian states. Which of the (b) Andaman and Nicobar
following is NOT one of them? (c) Maldives and Lakshadweep
Sol.(b) The smallest Union Territory of SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning) (d) Aminideev and Kannanor
India is Lakshadweep. It is an (a) Rajasthan (b) Assam
archipelago consisting of 36 islands with (c) West Bengal (d) Chhattisgarh Sol.(d) The Laccadive Islands or
an area of 32 sq km. Cannanore Islands are one of the three
Sol.(b) The Tropic of Cancer passes island subgroups in the Union Territory
Q.616. Which of the following states through 8 Indian States namely, Gujarat, of Lakshadweep, India. It is the central
does NOT share a border with Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, subgroup of the Lakshadweep, separated
Bangladesh? Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, West Bengal, from the Amindivi Islands subgroup
SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Morning) Tripura and Mizoram. roughly by the 11- degree channel.
(a) Meghalaya (b) Manipur
(c) Tripura (d) Mizoram Q.620. Which of the following states of Q.624. Which of the following states
India has the longest coastline ? shares the longest boundary with China?
Sol.(b) India and Bangladesh share a SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon) SSC-CHSL 2/07/2019 (Morning)
4,096-kilometer long international (a) Kerala (b) Odisha (a) Sikkim
border, the fifth-longest land border in (c) Maharashtra (d) Gujarat (b) Arunachal Pradesh
the world. However, West Bengal with (c) Himachal Pradesh
2,217 km shares the longest border with Sol.(d) Gujarat has the longest mainland (d) Uttarakhand
Bangladesh. Other states that share a coastline in India. However, the total
boundary with Bangladesh are Assam, length of India's coastline is 7516.6 Sol.(d) 5 Indian States that share
Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya. kilometers. Of this, the length of the International boundaries with China are
mainland is 5422.6 kilometers whereas J&K, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand,
Q.617. Dadra and Nagar Haveli is a the length of the Island territories is Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh amongst
union territory located between the states 2094 kilometers. which Arunachal Pradesh shares the
of Maharashtra and _____. longest boundary with China.
SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Morning) Q.621. Which of the following states has
(a) Uttarakhand the longest coastline of India ? Q.625. Which of the following states
(b) Andhra Pradesh SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Afternoon) separates Nepal from Bhutan?
(c) West Bengal (a) Maharashtra (b) Goa SSC-CHSL 2/07/2019 (Morning)
(d) Gujarat (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Tamil Nadu (a) Bihar (b) Sikkim
(c) Odisha (d) Assam
Sol.(d) Dadra and Nagar Haveli is a Sol.(c) Andhra Pradesh has the second
Union territory of India, situated longest coastline in India after Gujrat. It Sol.(b) Sikkim separates Nepal from
between the states of Gujarat to the north stretches around 975 km. Bhutan. The capital is Gangtok, in the
and Maharashtra to the south. It lies southeastern part of the state.
some 24 km from the Arabian Sea and Q.622. Which of the following is Coral
about 30 km north of Mumbai. Island ? Q.626. Which of the following states
SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon) does NOT share its boundary with
Q.618. Where is the Duncan Pass (a) Lakshadweep Bhutan?
located? (b) Wheeler’s Island SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Afternoon)
SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning) (c) Andaman & Nicobar (a) Sikkim (b) Meghalaya
(a) Goa (d) Sri Lanka (c) Arunachal Pradesh(d) West Bengal
(b) Telangana
(c) Andhra Pradesh Sol.(a) The Union territory of Sol.(b) Meghalaya does not share its
(d) The Andaman and Nicobar Islands Lakshadweep is a congregation of coral boundary with Bhutan. The Indian states
islands. (The name Lakshasweep comes of West Bengal, Arunachal Pradesh,
Sol.(d) Duncan Pass is located between from Sanskrit and means “one hundred Sikkim and Assam share their borders
with Bhutan. The Kingdom of Bhutan
the south and little Andaman. It is a thousand islands''). They are part of a
and the Republic of India are divided by
strait in the Indian Ocean. It is about 48 long chain that extends close to the an international boundary that is about
km wide, it separates Rutland Island Maldives. 699 km long. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 339

Pinnacle Geography

Q.627. Which of the following states Lanka, Maldives and Indonesia. (b) Arunachal Pradesh
does NOT share its boundary with (c) Assam
Bangladesh? Q.632. Which of the following Indian (d) Himachal Pradesh
SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Morning) states does NOT share its boundaries
(a) Tripura (b) Meghalaya with Nepal? Sol.(b) The Bomdi-La pass connects
(c) Assam (d) Manipur SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Morning) Arunachal Pradesh with Lhasa, the
(a) Assam (b) West Bengal capital city of Tibet. It is located in the
Sol.(d) Indian states that share borders (c) Uttarakhand (d) Sikkim east of Bhutan. This pass connects
with Bangladesh are: Assam, West Arunachal Pradesh with Myanmar.
Bengal, Mizoram, Meghalaya and Sol.(a) Indian states that share borders
Tripura. with Nepal are Uttrakhand, Uttar Q.637. Which state does not share its
Pradesh, Sikkim, West Bengal and Bihar. boundary with Myanmar?
Q.628. Which of the following states The border was formed after the Sugauli SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning)
does NOT share its boundary with treaty of 1816 between Nepal and the (a) Mizoram
Madhya Pradesh? British Raj. (b) Sikkim
SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Evening) (c) Manipur
(a) Gujarat (b) Odisha Q.633. The Thar Desert, also known as (d) Arunachal Pradesh
(c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Rajasthan the Great Indian Desert, lies towards the
western Sol.(b) Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland,
Sol.(b) Madhya Pradesh shares its border margins of ______ hills. Manipur and Mizoram share an
with 5 states namely Uttar Pradesh, CHSL 14/10/2020 (Afternoon) international boundary with Myanmar.
Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Gujarat and (a) Udgalakal (b) Aravali
Rajasthan. (c) Shevroy (d) Javadi Q.638. The Bomdila Pass is located in
which state?
Q.629. How many Indian states share Sol.(b) The Thar Desert, also known as CHSL 21-10-2020 (Afternoon)
borders with Bhutan? the Great Indian Desert, lies towards the (a) Nagaland
SSC CHSL 19-03-2020 (Evening) western (b) Arunachal Pradesh
(a) 4 (b) 5 margins of Aravali hills. (c) Sikkim
(c) 2 (d) 3 (d) Himachal Pradesh
Q.634. River Sutlej enters India through
Sol.(a) Bhutan shares borders with the which pass? Sol.(b) The Bomdi-La pass connects
Indian states of Arunachal Pradesh in its CHSL 16-10-2020 (Afternoon) Arunachal Pradesh with Lhasa, the
east, Sikkim in the west and Assam and (a) Shipki la (b) Lipulekh capital city of Tibet. It is located in
West Bengal in the south. (c) Zoji la (d) Nathula Arunachal Pradesh. This pass connects
Arunachal Pradesh with Myanmar.
Q.630. With which neighboring country Sol.(a) River Satluj enters India near
does Gujarat share its border? Shipki La Pass from where it traverses Q.639. Which among the following is a
SSC CHSL 12-10-2020 (Evening) through the many Himalayan valleys western coast island?
(a) Pakistan (b) Nepal before it merges with Chenab in Pakistan SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Evening)
(c) Bangladesh (d) Bhutan before landing into Indus. (a) Pamban (b) Elephanta
(c) Parikud (d) Sriharikota
Sol.(a) Gujarat is bordered by the Q.635. Which of the following is NOT a
Pakistani province of South to the west. North East Indian sister state? Sol.(b). Elephanta island is located in
SSC CHSL 19-10-2020 (Morning) Mumbai Harbour of the Arabian Sea.
Q.631. India shares its land boundaries (a) Odisha (b) Manipur
with which countries in the east? (c) Meghalaya (d) Tripura Q.640. Which Indian state is bordered
CHSL 13/10/2020 (Afternoon) by Bangladesh on its north, south and
(a) Pakistan and Afghanistan Sol.(a) Seven Sister States include west?
(b) Myanmar and Bangladesh
Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning)
(c) Bhutan and Afghanistan
(d) China, Nepal and Bhutan Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and (a) Assam (b) Meghalaya
Tripura. (c) Tripura (d) West Bengal
Sol.(c) India shares land borders with
China, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, Q.636. In which of the following states Sol.(c) Tripura is a state in North-East
Afghanistan in the north or north-west of India is the Bomdi-La Pass located? India which borders Bangladesh,
and Bangladesh, Myanmar in the east. CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon) Mizoram and Assam. It is surrounded by
India shares water borders with Sri
(a) Sikkim Bangladesh on its north, south and west: Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 340

Pinnacle Geography

the length of its international border is (b) Jharkhand waterfall is 175 meters (574 ft) in height
856 km (84 percent of its total border) (c) Bihar and is formed by the Machkund river.
(d) West Bengal
Q.641. Which of the following cities is
situated along the Coromandel Coast? Sol.(c) Odisha shares a border with West Q.648. Deserts, rain forests, coral reefs,
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) Bengal and Jharkhand in the North. and mangroves are features of ______
(a) Tiruchirappalli Chhattisgarh lies in its west which also diversity. SSC CGL 16/08/21(Evening)
(b) Tuticorin shares the boundary with odisha.Odisha (a) genetic (b) cultural
(c) Vellore also shares boundaries with Andhra (c) species (d) ecological
(d) Tirunelveli Pradesh.
Sol.(d) Deserts, rain forests, coral reefs,
Sol.(b) Coromandel coastal plains are Q.645. Which Indian state is bordered and mangroves are features of ecological
the plains of the eastern ghats in Tamil by Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh to the diversity. Ecological diversity includes
Nadu.Tuticorin port is situated in the north; Nagaland and Manipur to the east; species diversity, genetic diversity, and
tamil nadu and is also known as “Sea Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram and ecosystem diversity. They are
Gateway of Tamil nadu”. The port has a Bangladesh to the south; and West collectively considered biodiversity. It is
great significance as all industrial Bengal to the west? the sum of all kinds of animals and
activities of south india take place from SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening) plants living on this earth along with
this port. (a) Assam their habitat.
(b) Tripura
Q.642. Which of the following cities is (c) Sikkim Q.649. ______ is the largest union
farthest from the southernmost tip of the (d) Arunachal Pradesh territory in India in terms of area. SSC
mainland of India? CGL 18/08/21(Afternoon)
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) Sol.(a) Assam is bordered by Bhutan (a) Chandigarh
(a) Nanded (b) Kodaikanal and Arunachal Pradesh to the (b) Ladakh
(c) Bengaluru (d) Warangal north,Nagaland and Manipur to the east; (c) Puducherry
Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram and (d) Jammu and Kashmir
Sol.(a) Nanded city is farthest from the Bangladesh to the south and West
southernmost tip of the mainland of Bengal to the west. Sol.(d) Jammu and Kashmir is the
India.Nanded is in Maharashtra. largest union territory in India in terms
Kodaikanal is in Tamilnadu. Q.646. Which of the following locations of area. Lakshadweep is the smallest in
Warangal is in Telangana has the highest altitude? SSC CGL terms of area.
Bengaluru is in Karnataka. 16/08/21(Morning)
On the Indian map we can clearly see (a) Patna (b) Kolkata Q.650. Which of the following is a
that Maharastra is farthest from the (c) Ranikhet (d) Moradabad district-cum-tourism hotspot of
southern most tip of the Mainland of Arunachal Pradesh? SSC CGL
India. Sol.(c) Ranikhet has the highest altitude 18/08/21(Afternoon)
amongst the given locations. It is a (a) Kalimpong
Q.643. What is the total area of the state famous hill station in Uttarakhand at an (b) Alipurduar
of Goa? altitude of 1,869 meters (6,132 ft) above (c) Jalpaiguri
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) sea level and within sight of the western (d) Tawang
(a) 4702 km2 (b) 1702 km2 peaks of the Himalayas.
(c) 2702 km (d) 3702 km2 Sol.(d) Tawang is a district-cum-tourism
Q.647. Which of the following is NOT hotspot of Arunachal Pradesh.
Sol.(d) The total area of Goa state is in Karnataka? SSC CGL Kalimpong, Alipurduar, and Jalpaiguri
3702 sq Kms. Goa is the smallest state in 16/08/21(Evening) are the districts in West Bengal.
India area wise and it is the fourth (a) Hampi
smallest state by Population.Also Goa (b) Bannerghatta National Park Q.651. The archaeological site of
has the highest GDP per capita Income (c) Mysore Palace Atranjikhera is located in ______. SSC
in India. (d) Duduma Waterfall CGL 18/08/21(Afternoon)
(a) Himachal Pradesh
Q.644. Which among the following Sol.(d) Duduma waterfall is NOT in (b) Uttarakhand
states does NOT share its border with Karnataka. Duduma waterfall is situated (c) Uttar Pradesh
Odisha? on the border of Koraput (Odisha) and (d) Maharashtra
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) Visakhapatnam district (Andhra
(a) Chhattisgarh Pradesh) of India. This horsetail-type Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 341

Pinnacle Geography

Sol.(c) The archaeological site of Sol.(a) The capital of India, Delhi shares (d) Goa - Maharashtra
Atranjikhera is located in Uttar Pradesh. its border with Haryana, Uttar Pradesh,
This site was first identified by Sir and Rajasthan. Sol.(a) Nallamala Forest is located in the
Alexander Cunningham in 1862 but Indian state of Andhra Pradesh and
excavated by R C Gaur in 1962. Q.656. Which of the following is located Telangana. It is a range of parallel hills
in Gujarat? SSC CGL and valleys of the part of Eastern Ghats.
Q.652. Nathu La Pass connects India 23/08/21(Evening)
with which of its neighbouring (a) Humayun Tomb Q.660. In which of the following states
countries? SSC CGL (b) Rani-ki-Vav is the Khetri Copper Belt located? SSC
20/08/21(Afternoon) (c) Alai Darwaza CHSL 15/04/21 (Evening)
(a) Nepal (b) Bangladesh (d) Bibi Ka Maqbara (a) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Bhutan (d) China (b) Rajasthan
Sol.(b) Rani-ki-Vav is located in Gujarat. (c) Jharkhand
Sol.(d) Nathu La Pass connects India It is a stepwell located on the banks of (d) Madhya Pradesh
with China. It is a mountain pass in the the Saraswati river.
Himalayas between the Indian state of Humayun Tomb (Delhi), Alai Darwaza Sol.(b) Khetri Copper Belt or Khetri
Sikkim and China's Tibet Autonomous (Delhi), Bibi Ka Maqbara (Aurangabad, Copper Complex is situated at the
Region, Yadong County. Maharastra). foothills of the Aravalli Range in
Rajasthan, which hosts copper
Q.653. In which of the following states Q.657. Which is the largest of the mineralization, giving rise to an 80 km
are the Son Bhandar Caves located? SSC following Duns with an approximate long metallogenic province from
CGL 20/08/21(Afternoon) length of 35-45 km and a width of 22-25 Singhana.
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Assam km? SSC CHSL 12/04/21 (Evening)
(c) Bihar (d) Odisha (a) Nalagarh Dun (b) Harike Dun Q.661. Which of the following is NOT a
(c) Kota Dun (d) DehraDun plateau situated in India? SSC CHSL
Sol.(c) The SonBhandar Caves are 19/04/21 (Evening)
located in Bihar. These are artificial Sol.(d) Dehradun in Uttarakhand is the (a) Chota Nagpur
caves located in Rajgir in the state of largest of Duns with an approximate (b) Maikal
Bihar. They belonged to the Jain length of 35-45 km and a width of 22-25 (c) Bundelkhand
community in the past. km. (d) Malwa

Q.654. In which Indian state will you Q.658. What is the outermost layer Sol.(b) Maikal is not a plateau, it is a hill
find the Kathiawar peninsula? SSC CGL (range) of the Himalayas? SSC CHSL located in Madhya Pradesh state, central
20/08/21(Afternoon) 13/04/21 (Evening) India. It runs in a north-south direction
(a) Rajasthan (b) Maharashtra (a) Lesser Himalayas and forms the eastern base of the
(c) Gujarat (d) Mizoram (b) Siwalik mountain range triangular Satpura Range.
(c) Himadri
Sol.(c) Kathiawar peninsula is associated (d) Para Himalayas Q.662. Mirzai and bandi (types of
with Gujarat. It is located near the far jackets in white or black) are popular in
north of India's west coast, of about Sol.(b) Siwalik Range, also called the ______ region/s. SSC CHSL
61,000 km² bordering the Arabian Sea. It Siwalik Hills or Outer Himalayas is a 04/08/21 (Afternoon)
is bounded by the Gulf of Kutch in the sub-Himalayan range of the northern (a) Ladakh and Kashmir
northwest and by the Gulf of Khambhat Indian subcontinent. It extends (b) Bundelkhand and Malwa
in the east. west-northwestward for more than 1,000 (c) Western Ghat
miles (1,600 km) from the Teesta River (d) North Eastern
Q.655. Which of the following states in Sikkim state, northeastern India,
does the capital of India, Delhi share its through Nepal, across northwestern Sol.(b) Mirzai and Bandi (types of
border with? SSC CGL India, and into northern Pakistan. jackets in white or black) are popular in
20/08/21(Afternoon) the Bundelkhand and Malwa regions.
(a) Haryana Q.659. Which states of India have the The clothes are colorful and vibrant as
(b) Punjab Nallamala range of forests? SSC CHSL people in Madhya Pradesh like to add
(c) Himachal Pradesh 15/04/21 (Morning) colors to their appearance.
(d) Rajasthan (a) Andhra Pradesh - Telangana
(b) Tamil Nadu - Karnataka Q.663. Which of the following is a pass
(c) Tamil Nadu - Kerala on the Pir Panjal Range? SSC CHSL
9/8/2021 (Morning) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 342

Pinnacle Geography

(a) Fotu La Himalayas is from southwest to The Meghalaya Plateau is located on the
(b) Zoji La northeast. northeastern flank of Peninsular India.
(c) Banihal
(d) Khardung La Q.667 Which of the following islands Q.671. In which of the following regions
is/are located in the Bay of Bengal? of India is the natural habitat of
Sol.(c) The Banihal pass is a mountain SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Morning) White-bellied Heron largely distributed?
pass across the Pir Panjal Range, lies at (a) Meeru SSC MTS 05/10/21(Evening)
the head of the Jhelum River at the (b) Minicoy (a) North-east
southern end of the Kashmir Valley . It (c) Diu (b) Northern plains
connects the Kashmir Valley in the union (d) Andaman and Nicobar (c) Deccan plateau
territory of Jammu and Kashmir to the (d) Western coast
outer Himalaya and the plains to the Sol.(d) Andaman and Nicobar islands
south. are located in the Bay of Bengal. Sol.(a) North-east of India is the natural
Minicoy is located in the Arabian Sea. habitat of White-bellied Heron, largely
Q.664. Which natural port is located Diu in Gujarat and the Arabian Sea, distributed.
along the west coast of India? SSC
CHSL 9/8/2021 (Morning) Q.668. Which of the following mountain Q.672. Which of the following
(a) Visakhapatnam (b) Haldia passes is situated in the state of statements about the city of Ahmedabad
(c) Chennai (d) Marmagao Uttarakhand?SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 is NOT true? SSC MTS 06/10/21
(Afternoon) (Afternoon)
Sol.(d) Major Ports on West Coast of (a) Nathu La Pass (a) The first mill in Ahmedabad was
India :- Kandla Port (Gujarat), Mumbai (b) Baralacha La Pass established in the year 1895.
(Maharashtra), Navasheva (Jawaharlal (c) Bomdi La Pass (b) Ahmedabad is located on the banks
Nehru Port), Murmagoa (Goa), New (d) Mangsha Dhura Pass of the river Sabarmati.
Mangalore (Karnataka), Kochi (Kerala) (c) Ahmedabad was often referred to as
Sol.(d) Mangsha Dhura Pass is situated the ‘Manchester of India’.
Q.665. Which of the following valleys is in the state of Uttarakhand (d) Ahmedabad is situated very close to
NOT located in Himachal Pradesh? SSC cotton growing areas.
Other passes in Uttarakhand:- Kalindi
CHSL 9/8/2021 (Afternoon)
Pass, Lipulekh Pass, Mana Pass, Auden's
(a) Silent Valley Sol.(a) The first mill in Ahmedabad was
Col, Muling La, Nama Pass, Niti Pass,
(b) Malana Valley established in the year 1895. This
Sin La, Traill's Pass.
(c) Markha Valley statement about the city of Ahmedabad
(d) Chumbi Valley is NOT true. The Ahmedabad Spinning
Q.669. Which Indian state is divided
and Weaving Company Ltd. was the first
into Majha, Doaba and Malwa regions?
Sol.(a) Silent valley is a national park in textile mill and garments company
SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Morning)
Kerala not in Himachal Pradesh. It was established in 1861.
(a) Assam (b) Karnataka
established in 1985. This national park
(c) Punjab (d) Madhya Pradesh
has some rare species of flora and fauna. Q.673. Which of the following is the
National Parks of Kerala are: Anamudi largest mangrove forest in the world?
Sol.(c) Punjab state is divided into
Shola National Park, Kumarakom SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Afternoon)
Majha, Doaba and Malwa regions.
National Park, Periyar National Park, (a) Godavari-Krishna Mangroves
Eravikulam National Park, Pampadum (b) Pichavaram Forest
Shola National Park and Silent Valley Q.670. The ______ plateau is (c) Gulf of Panama Mangroves
National Park. sub-divided into the Garo Hills, the (d) Sundarbans Reserve Forest
Khasi Hills, and the Jaintia Hills, named
Q.666. In the state of ______, the after the tribal groups inhabiting the Sol.(d) Sundarbans Reserve Forest is the
general direction of the Himalayas is region. SSC MTS 05/10/21(Afternoon) largest mangrove forest in the world.
from southwest to northeast. SSC CHSL (a) Chota Nagpur
The Sundarbans Reserve Forest (SRF),
11/8/2021 (Morning) (b) Baghelkhand
located in the southwest of Bangladesh
(a) Manipur (c) Malwa
between the river Baleswar in the East
(b) Nagaland (d) Meghalaya
and the Harindanga in the West,
(c) Mizoram adjoining the Bay of Bengal.
(d) Arunachal Pradesh Sol.(d) The Meghalaya plateau is
subdivided into the Garo Hills, the Khasi
Sol.(d) In the state of Arunachal Hills, and the Jaintia Hills, named after
Pradesh, the general direction of the the tribal groups inhabiting the region. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 343

Pinnacle Geography

Q.674. Which of the following Sol.(b) The Deccan Plateau is a Sol.(c) The Andaman and Nicobar
statements is NOT true about plateaus? triangular-shaped plateau bounded by Islands comprise about 572 islands. The
SSC MTS 11/10/21(Afternoon) the Satpura range in the North. Satpura 10 Degree Channel separates the
(a) The Deccan plateau is one of the Range rises in eastern Gujarat and runs Andaman Islands from the Nicobar
oldest plateaus in India. through the border of Maharashtra and Islands in the Bay of Bengal. The
(b) A plateau is an elevated flat land. Madhya Pradesh and ends in Andaman and Nicobar Islands are
(c) Plateaus are rich in mineral deposits. Chhattisgarh. It runs parallel to the submerged parts of a mountain range
(d) The Marwar plateau is the highest Vindhya Range, which is in the North called Arakan Yoma.
plateau in the world. with respect to the Satpuras. Together
these two ranges divide the Indian Q.681. With how many States and
Sol.(d) The Marwar plateau is the
Subcontinent into the Indo-Gangetic Union Territories of India does Uttar
highest plateau in the world. This Pradesh share its borders?SSC MTS
plain and the Deccan Plateau.
statement is NOT true about plateaus. 26/10/2021 (Afternoon)
Marwar is a sandy plain lying northwest (a) 7 (b) 9
Q.678. What is the approximate length
of the Aravalli Range, which runs of India’s coastline, including island (c) 10 (d) 5
southwest-northeast through Rajasthan territories? SSC MTS 18/10/2021
state. (Afternoon) Sol.(b) Uttar Pradesh shares its borders
(a) 5516.6 kilometres with 9 States and Union Territories of
Q.675. In which of the following states (b) 11516.6 kilometres India(Rajasthan, Haryana,Himachal
are Mahadeo Hills mainly spread? SSC (c) 9516.6 kilometres Pradesh,Delhi, Uttarakhand, Bihar
MTS 11/10/21(Evening) (d) 7516.6 kilometres Madhya Pradesh Jharkhand and
(a) Madhya Pradesh Chhattisgarh). There are 28 states and 8
(b) Uttar Pradesh Sol.(d) The approximate length of Union territories in India.
(c) Chhattisgarh India’s coastline, including island
(d) Jharkhand territories, is 7516.6 km. Gujarat state
has the longest Coastline in India, lies on TRANSPORTATION
Sol.(a) Mahadeo Hills, sandstone hills the Kathiawar region and is bounded by
located in the northern part of the the Arabian Sea. Goa is the smallest Q.682. Which is the longest national
Satpura Range, in southern Madhya Indian state with a coastline of 131 km highway in India?
Pradesh state, central India. The long. SSC-CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning)
Mahadeo hill is famous because it has a
(a) National Highway 48
Lord Shiva shrine. Q.679. Where is Havelock Island, a (b) National Highway 44
popular tourist destination located?SSC (c) National Highway 53
Q.676. Which of the following wetlands MTS 22/10/2021 (Morning) (d) National Highway 27
is located in Kerala? SSC MTS (a) Goa
12/10/21(Morning) (b) Lakshadweep Sol.(b) National Highway 44 (NH 44) is
(a) Nandur Madhameshwar (c) Andaman and Nicobar Islands the longest-running major north–south
(b) Hokera Wetland (d) Kerala National Highway in India. It begins
(c) Sasthamkotta Lake from Srinagar and terminates in
(d) Sandi Bird Sanctuary Sol.(c) Havelock Island, a popular Kanyakumari; the highway passes
tourist destination located in Andaman through the states of Jammu & Kashmir,
Sol.(c) Sasthamkotta Lake is a wetland and Nicobar Islands. Havelock Island is Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh,
located in Kerala. It is the largest part of Ritchie’s Archipelago, in India’s Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra,
freshwater lake in Kerala. Andaman Islands. It’s known for its dive Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka,
sites and beaches, like Elephant Beach, and Tamil Nadu.
Q.677. The Deccan Plateau is a
with its coral reefs.
triangular-shaped plateau and is bounded Q.683. The highest railway station in
by the ______ range in the North. SSC India is located in the state of
Q.680. The Andaman and Nicobar
MTS 13/10/21(Afternoon) ______________.
Islands comprise about ______ islands.
(a) Arravalis SSC-CGL 06/06/2019 (Evening)
SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Afternoon)
(b) Satpura (a) West Bengal
(a) 372 (b) 472
(c) Western Ghats (b) Uttar Pradesh
(c) 572 (d) 672
(d) Vindhya (c) Jammu & Kashmir
(d) Sikkim Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 344

Pinnacle Geography

Sol.(a) Ghum railway station of the (b) Chennai Port the names of Nhava and Sheva villages
Darjeeling Himalayan Railway is the (c) Mumbai Port that were situated here.
highest railway station in India. It is (d) Visakhapatnam Port
situated at an altitude of 2,258 metres . Q.691. According To The Lloyds
Ghum (also spelt Ghoom) is a small Sol.(a) The Kolkata port was constructed Report, Which Is The Only Port In India
hilly locality in the Darjeeling by the British East India company . It is That Has Got Listed Amongst The Top
Himalayan hill region of West Bengal. the oldest operating port in India. The 30 Container Ports Globally?
port has two distinct dock systems – Lloyds रपोट के अनुसार, __________
Q.684. Which Indian state has the Kolkata Docks at Kolkata and a deep SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Evening)
maximum number of sea ports? water dock at Haldia (a) Port Blair
SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon) (b) Tuticorin Port
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Maharashtra Q.688. Mormagao Port is located (c) Panambur Port
(c) Gujarat (d) Karnataka in_____. (d) Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust
SSC CHSL 04/07/2019 (Evening)
Sol.(b) Maharashtra with 53 ports has (a) Odisha (b) West Bengal Sol.(d) The Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust
the highest number of ports in India. (c) Gujarat (d) Goa (JNPT) got listed amongst the top 30
Maharashtra is followed by Gujarat (40) container ports globally, as per the latest
and Andhra Pradesh (12). Sol.(d) Mormugao Port Trust is a port on Lloyds Report. This is a validation of all
the western coast of India, in the coastal the efforts and strategic initiatives being
Q.685. 'Wings India’, Asia’s largest civil state of Goa. Commissioned in 1885 on implemented at JNPT in order to
aviation event, will be held at Begumpet the site of a natural harbour, it is one of enhance overall port efficiency.Various
airport, Hyderabad India's oldest ports. The port employs new processes activated under the ‘ease
in March 2020. What will be the theme around 2,600 employees and has about of doing business’ initiative have not
of this event? 4,000 pensioners. only helped in overall growth of the port
SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Afternoon) business, but also allowed the EXIM
(a) Flying for All Q.689. The historical Sher Shah Suri trade to save time and cost which in turn
(b) Born to Fly Marg is called as: have accentuated the growth story.
(c) Flying Everyone CHSL 08/07/2019 (Afternoon)
(d) Women to Fly (a) National Highway Number 23 Q.692. National waterway No. 2 is
(b) National Highway Number 11 located on which river?
Sol.(a) The theme of the ‘Wings India’ (c) National Highway Number 1 SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening)
event held in March 2020 is ‘Flying for (d) National Highway Number 8 (a) Brahmaputra
All’. (b) Ganga
Sol.(c) National Highway No 1 is called (c) Cauvery
Q.686. Which of the following is the as Shershah Suri Marg. NH-1 is actually (d) Mahanadi
largest container port of India? the Grand Trunk (GT) road that existed
SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Afternoon) during the reign of Chandragupta Sol.(a) National Waterway 2 (NW-2) is a
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru Port Maurya, extending from the mouth of section of the Brahmaputra River having
(b) Ennore Port the Ganges to the north-western frontier a length of 891 km between the
(c) Chhatrapati Shivaji Port of the Empire. It is the oldest route in Bangladesh border near Dhubri and
(d) Paradip Port India. Sadiya in Assam.

Sol.(a) Jawaharlal Nehru port (Mumbai) Q.690. Jawaharlal Nehru port is located Q.693. In which of the following states
is the largest container port in India and in: is Kandla port situated?
is also known by Nhava Sheva. It CHSL 08/07/2019 (Afternoon) SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon)
accounts for more than half of total (a) Kerala (b) Maharashtra (a) Goa
container volumes handled at India's 12 (c) Andhra Pradesh(d) West Bengal (b) Gujarat
public ports and around 40 percent of the (c) Odisha
nation's overall containerized ocean Sol.(b) Jawaharlal Nehru Port, (d) Maharashtra
trade. abbreviated as JNPT, also known as
Nhava Sheva, is the largest container Sol.(b) Kandla, also known as the
Q.687. Name the oldest operating port in port in India. Located east of Mumbai in Kandla Port Trust or Deendayal Port
India built by the British East India Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, this port on Trust is a seaport in Kutch District of
Company. the Arabian Sea is accessed via Thane Gujarat, near the city of Gandhidham. It
SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Evening) Creek. Its common name derives from is one of the major ports on the west
(a) Kolkata Port coast of India. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 345

Pinnacle Geography

(c) Tamralipti (a) Maharashtra (b) Kerala

Q.694. Which of the following ports is (d) Palur (c) Odisha (d) Tamil Nadu
NOT located in Gujarat?
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning) Sol.(b) Muziris Port was an ancient Sol.2.(a) The ancient port,
(a) Sikka Port harbour and urban centre situated on the Sopara(capital of the ancient Aparanta)
(b) Mundra Port malabar coast( at present Kerala) and it is located in Maharashtra. The ancient
(c) Okha Port is in existence since 1st century B.C port of Sopara was the most important
(d) Dighi Port port in western India after the celebrated
Q.699. National Highway No. 7 port of Cambay.
Sol.(d) Sikka, Mundra and Okha ports connects: SSC CHSL 11/8/2021
are located in Gujarat while Dighi Port is (Afternoon) Q.703. Which pair of cities does the
located in Mumbai (a) Fazilka to Mana Yamuna Expressway connect to? SSC
(b) Kashmir to Kanyakumari MTS 2/11/2021 (Afternoon)
Q.695. What was National Highway 66 (c) Varanasi to Kanyakumari (a) Agra – Panipat
(NH 66) previously known as? (d) Kanpur to Silchar (b) Greater Noida – Agra
SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Evening) (c) Delhi – Jaipur
(a) NH2 (b) NH8 Sol.(a) National Highway No. 7 (d) Lucknow – Allahabad
(c) NH5 (d) NH 17 connects:
Fazilka(Punjab)-Rishikesh-Badrinath-M Sol.3.(b) Yamuna Expressway connects
Sol.(d) National Highway 66 (NH 66) ana(Uttarakhand) the cities of Noida (Greater Noida) and
was previously known as NH 17.It
Agra via Mathura along the Yamuna
connects Panvel in Maharashtra to Q.700. National Waterway-1 of India River.
Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu state. covers: SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Evening)
(a) Haldia-Allahabad stretch of the
Q.696. What is the approximate length POPULATION
Ganga-Bhagirathi-Hooghly river
of the navigable inland waterways of (b) Assam-Mizoram stretch of Barak
India? Q.704. Which is the most populous state
SSC CHSL 17-03-2020 (Evening) according to the 2011 census?
(c) Sadiya-Dhubri stretch of the
(a) 14,500 km SSC-CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning)
Brahmaputra river
(b) 15,600 km (a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Bihar
(d) Kollam-Kottapuram stretch of West
(c) 16,400 km (c) Maharashtra (d) Rajasthan
Coast Canal and Champakara and
(d) 12,800 km Udyogmandal canals
Sol.4.(a) According to the State Census
Sol. .(a) The approximate length of the 2011, the most populated state in India is
Sol.(a) National Waterway-1 of India
navigable inland waterways of India is Uttar Pradesh with a population of 19.96
covers Haldia-Allahabad stretch of the
14,500 km. crores. The least populated state in the
Ganga-Bhagirathi-Hooghly river.
country is Sikkim with a population of
Q.697. Which among the following is a 60, 7688.
Q.701. The ancient port, Sopara is
seaport of Bangladesh? located in which of the following
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) Q.705. Which city in India is the least
state?SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Morning)
(a) Chittagong according to the 2011 census?
(a) Maharashtra
(b) Faridpur SSC-CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning)
(b) Kerala
(c) Rajshahi (a) Kapurthala (b) Datia
(c) Odisha
(d) Dhaka (c) Nagda (d) Banswara
(d) Tamil Nadu

Sol.(a) Chittagong, positioned a little Sol.5.(a) The census 2011 total

Sol..(a) The ancient port, Sopara(capital
way up the Karnaphuli River on the population of India is 1.21 billion of
of the ancient Aparanta) is located in
northeast curve of the Bay of Bengal, which Mumbai of Maharashtra most
Maharashtra. The ancient port of Sopara
has always been the largest and by far populated hosts 1.25 crores of
was the most important port in western population figures. The second most
most important seaport in Bangladesh.
India after the celebrated port of populated city in the country is Delhi .
Cambay. The least populated city is Kapurthala, a
Q.698. Which of the following ancient
ports was situated on the Malabar Coast? city in punjab.
Q.702. The ancient port, Sopara is
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning)
located in which of the following
(a) Barygaza
state?SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Morning)
(b) Muziris Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 346

Pinnacle Geography

Q.706. According to Census 2011, Q.709. As per census 2011, which of the 7, the total forest cover in the country is
which state has the highest density of following states is home to the largest now at 6,92,027 sq km. This accounts
population? rural population ? for 21.05 per cent of the total
SSC CHSL 03/07/2019 (Evening) SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon) geographical area of India.
(a) West Bengal (a) Maharashtra
(b) Bihar (b) Uttar Pradesh Q.713. As per the 2011 census, Hindi
(c) Uttar Pradesh (c) Punjab has retained its position as a
(d) Maharashtra (d) Madhya Pradesh predominant language spoken by about
________ of the population.
Sol.6.(b) The records of population Sol.9.(b) According to the Census 2011, SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening)
density 2011 of India state that the Uttar Pradesh has the largest rural (a) 0.3936 (b) 0.4625
density 2011 has increased from a figure population in India. 77.73 percent of the (c) 0.37 (d) 0.4363
of 324 to that of 382 per square total population of Uttar Pradesh live in
kilometer. Bihar is the most thickly the villages of rural areas with a rural Sol.(d) As per the 2011 census, 43.63
populated state (1106 persons/sq km.) population of around 155,317,278. percent of Indians speak Hindi as their
followed by west bengal-1028 and mother tongue.
Kerala 860. Q.710. According to the Census 2011,
what is the literacy rate of India ? Q.714. Which Indian state has
Q.707. As per the Census 2011, which SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening) the.second highest population after Uttar
of the following states/UTs claimed (a) 0.7404 (b) 0.9401 Pradesh as per Census 2011?
second rank in terms of literacy rate? (c) 0.6440 (d) 0.8402 SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
CHSL 10/07/2019 (Afternoon) (a) Bihar
(a) Lakshadweep Sol.(a) As per the 2011 Census, literacy (b) West Bengal
(b) Mizoram rate in India has been reported as (c) Maharashtra
(c) Goa 74.04% with a 14% increase to that in (d) Madhya Pradesh
(d) Puducherry 2001, whereas the hike is maximum for
rural women at 26% in the last decade, Sol.(c) Maharashtra is the second most
Sol.7.(a) Literacy rate in Lakshadweep which may be attributed to the literacy populous state with more than 120
has seen an upward trend and is 91.85 % mission of the Government of India. million people living here closely
as per 2011 population census. Of that, followed by Bihar is at third place.
male literacy stands at 95.56 percent Q.711. According to Census 2011,
while female literacy is at 87.95 percent. which of the following states has the Q.715. As per Census 2011 , which state
It is placed in the second position in highest density of population in India? of india has the lowest sex ratio, i.e.,
terms of literacy rate. SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) number of females per 1000 males ?
As per Census 2011, Kerala has the (a) Uttar Pradesh SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
highest total literacy rate and female (b) West Bengal (a) Uttarakhand (b) Haryana
literacy rate whereas Lakshadweep has (c) Bihar (c) Bihar (d) Maharashtra
the highest male literacy rate. Bihar has (d) Maharashtra
the lowest total literacy rate. Sol.(b) Haryana has the lowest sex ratio
Sol.(c) The records of population density (877) in Indian states while in union
2011 of India state that the density in territory Daman Diu has lowest sex ratio
Q.708. According to the Census 2011, 2011 has increased from a figure of 324 of 618. Kerala has the highest sex ratio
what is the population density of India? to that of 382 per square kilometer. Bihar of 1084 in the all Indian states
SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning) is the most thickly populated state (1106
(a) 372 per sQ. km persons/sq km.) followed by west Q.716. According to the Demographic
(b) 382 per sQ. km bengal-1028 and Kerala 860. Transition Theory, the third stage in a
(c) 352 per sQ. km demographic cycle is marked by:
(d) 362 per sQ. km Q.712. The total forest cover in India as SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening)
(a) high fertility low mortality
per the 2011 census is_____.
(b) low fertility low mortality
Sol.8.(b) According to the Census 2011, SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Morning)
(c) high mortality low fertility
the population density of India is 382 (a)17.80% (b)23.42%
(d) high fertility high mortality
persons per square kilometre which has (c)21.05% (d)22.07%
been increased from 325 persons per
Sol.(b) Following are the four stages of
square kilometre in 2001. Sol.(c) According to the India State of
demographic transition theory:
Forest Report, 2011, released by the
Forest Survey of India (FSI) on February Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 347

Pinnacle Geography

Stage I is characterised by high birth scientific study of people, their spatial Stratosphere;Troposphere; Earth's
rate, death rate and low rate of distributions, and density. Surface.
population growth.
Stage II is characterised by high and ATMOSPHERE Q.723. Which of the following is the
stationary birth rate, rapidly declining lowermost layer of the Atmosphere?
death rate and very rapid increase in Q.720. World ________ day 2019 was SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Afternoon)
population. observed on 23rd March with the theme, (a) Troposphere
Stage III is characterised by a falling ‘The Sun , The Earth and The Weather’. (b) Thermosphere
birth rate, low and stationary death rate SSC-CGL 07/06/2019 (Afternoon) (c) Exosphere
and rapidly rising population. (a) Geographical (b) Geological (d) Mesosphere
Stage IV is characterised by low birth (c) Astrological (d) Meteorological
rate and low death rate with stationary Sol.(a) The Troposphere is the lowest
population at a low level. Sol.(d) World Meteorological Day is layer of the Earth's atmosphere. This
celebrated every year on 23 March to layer contains most of Earth’s clouds and
Q.717. What is the literacy rate in India is the location where weather primarily
commemorate the entry into force in
as per census 2011? occurs. The troposphere is heated from
1950 of the convention that created the
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) the ground, so temperature decreases
World Meteorological Organization.
(a) 78.04 % (b) 72.04 % with altitude. The surface of the Earth
Recent theme of World Meteorological
(c) 76.04 % (d) 74.04 % absorbs energy and heats up faster than
day have been :
The Sun, the Earth and the Weather, 23 the air does.
Sol.(d) As per the data published by the
March 2019.
2011 census India has managed to Q.724. In the context of the mesosphere,
achieve an effective literacy rate of which of the following statements is
Q.721. The energy derived from the heat
74.04 per cent in 2011. NOT correct?
of the earth is called _______
SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning) SSC CHSL 12-10-2020 (Morning)
Q.718. The total population per net (a) It is the third layer of the atmosphere.
(a) Geothermal Energy
cultivated area of a country refers to its (b) In this layer temperature rises very
(b) Solar Energy
______. SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 rapidly with increasing height.
(c) Biogas
(Evening) (c) Meteorites burn up in this layer on
(d) Tidal Energy
(a) physiological density entering from space.
(b) population density (d) It is directly above the stratosphere.
Sol.(a) Geothermal energy is heat
(c) agricultural density
derived within the sub-surface of the
(d) livestock density Sol.(b) The Mesosphere is the third layer
earth. Water and/or steam carry the
geothermal energy to the Earth's surface. of Earth’s atmosphere which lies directly
Sol.(a) The total population per net above the Stratosphere and below the
cultivated area of a country refers to its Q.722. Which of the following Thermosphere.
physiological density. A higher statements about the ionosphere is NOT The boundary between the mesosphere
physiological density suggests that the correct? and thermosphere above it is called the
available agricultural land is being used SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening) mesopause.
by more and may reach its output limit (a) Radio waves transmitted from the Most meteors vaporize in the
sooner than a country that has a lower earth are reflected back to the earth by mesosphere. Some material from
physiological density. this layer. meteors lingers in the mesosphere,
(b) It contains charged particles. causing this layer to have a relatively
Q.719. Population Geography is a (c) It is ionised by solar and cosmic high concentration of iron and other
branch of ______ SSC MTS 07/10/21 radiation. metal atoms.
(Afternoon) (d) It is located immediately above the In this layer, temperature decreases with
(a) Settlement Geography stratopause. increasing height due to decreased
(b) Cultural Geography absorption of solar radiation by the
(c) Human Geography Sol.(d) The ionosphere is the part of the rarefied atmosphere and increasing
(d) Physical Geography atmosphere that is ionized by solar cooling by Co2 radiative emission.
radiation. It plays an important part in
Sol.(c) Population Geography is a atmospheric electricity and forms the Q.725. Most of the atmospheric Ozone
branch of Human Geography. Population inner edge of the magnetosphere. is found in which layer of atmosphere?
geography is a branch of human The 7 Layers of Earth in Order are: CHSL 12-10-2020 (Afternoon)
geography that is focused on the Exosphere; Ionosphere; Thermosphere; (a) Troposphere
Mesosphere; Ozone Layer; (b) Stratosphere Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 348

Pinnacle Geography

(c) Thermosphere is the densest and almost all weather is Sol.(d) Cherrapunji lies on the windward
(d) Mesosphere in this region. side of the Khasi hills and receives
SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Morning) rainfall from the
Sol.(b) Ozone is found in the (a) Stratosphere (b) Troposphere Bay of Bengal branch of monsoon, while
Stratosphere. (c) Mesosphere (d) Ionosphere Shillong lies on the leeward side of the
Khasi hills, which forms the rain shadow
Q.726. The ______ layer is the upper Sol.(b) The Troposphere layer starts at area. Therefore, Shillong gets around
limit of our atmosphere. It extends from Earth's surface and extends 8 to 14.5 km 200 cm of rainfall annually; whereas
the top of the high (5 to 9 miles). This part of the Cherrapunji, which is around 30 km
thermosphere up to 10,000 km (6,200 atmosphere is the densest and almost all away (as the crow flies), gets over 1250
miles). weather is in this region. cm of rainfall annually.
SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Morning)
(a) Ionosphere (b) Exosphere Q.728. The centre of a cyclone is a calm Q.730. Which is the second most
(c) Troposphere (d) Mesosphere area. It is called the ______ of the storm. abundant gas in Earth's atmosphere?
CHSL 15-10-2020 (Afternoon) SSC CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning)
Sol.(c) Different layers of atmosphere (a) heart (b) head (a) Oxygen (b) Nitrogen
are: (c) eye (d) arm (c) Hydrogen (d) Carbon dioxide
It starts at the Earth’s surface and Sol.(c) The eye is a region of mostly Sol.(a) The most abundant naturally
extends 8 to 14.5 km high. This part of calm weather at the center of strong occurring gas is Nitrogen which makes
the atmosphere is the most dense. tropical cyclones. The eye of a storm is a up about 78% of air. Oxygen is the
roughly circular area, typically 30-65
Almost all weather is in this region. second most abundant gas at about 21%.
kilometers in diameter. It is surrounded
Stratosphere: by the eyewall, a ring of towering
It starts just above the troposphere and thunderstorms where the most severe Q.731. Batholith is a type of:
extends to 50 km high. The ozone layer, weather and highest winds occur. SSC CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning)
which absorbs and scatters the solar (a) secondary pollutant
ultraviolet radiation, is in this layer. Q.729. Which statement best explains (b) valley
Mesosphere: why Shillong gets around 200 cm (c) ocean current
It starts just above the stratosphere and rainfall annually; whereas Cherrapunji, (d) igneous rock
extends to 85 km high. Meteors burn up which is around 30 km away (as the
in this layer. crow flies), gets over 1250 cm of rainfall Sol.(d) A batholith is a large mass of
Thermosphere: annually? intrusive igneous rock, larger than 100
It starts just above the mesosphere and SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Evening) square kilometers in area, that is formed
extends to 600 km high. Aurora and (a) Cherrapunji gets rainfall from from cooled magma deep in the Earth’s
satellites occur in this layer. rain-laden clouds coming from the crust. Batholiths are almost always made
Ionosphere: Himalayas, mostly of felsic or intermediate rock
It is an abundant layer of electrons and whereas Shillong gets rainfall from the types, such as granite, quartz, monzonite
ionized atoms and molecules that Malabar branch of monsoon. or diorite.
stretches from about 48 km above the (b) Cherrapunji lies on the leeward side
surface to the edge of space at about 965 of the Khasi hills and Shillong lies on Q.732. A force due to which moving
km, overlapping into the mesosphere and the objects (wind and water current) tend to
thermosphere. This dynamic region windward side of the Khasi hills, and deflect to the right in Northern
grows and shrinks based on solar thus, gets only wind and no rain. hemisphere and left in Southern
conditions. The ionosphere is a critical (c) The average temperature of Shillong hemisphere is known as:
link in the chain of Sun-Earth has gone up due to excessive SSC CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning)
interactions. This region makes radio deforestation (a) Coriolis force
communications possible. and pollution. (b) Endogenic force
Exosphere: (d) Cherrapunji lies on the windward (c) Magnetic force
This is the upper limit of our side of the Khasi hills and receives (d) Applied force
atmosphere. It extends from the top of rainfall from the
the thermosphere up to 10,000 km. Bay of Bengal branch of monsoon, while Sol.(a) If the Earth did not rotate on its
Shillong lies on the leeward side of the axis, the atmosphere would only
Q.727. The ______ layer starts at Earth's Khasi hills, which forms the rain shadow circulate between the poles and the
surface and extends 8 to 14.5 km high (5 area. equator in a simple back-and-forth
to 9 miles). This part of the atmosphere motion. Because the Earth rotates on its
axis, circulating air is deflected toward Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 349

Pinnacle Geography

the right in the Northern Hemisphere and SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening) (a) It protects us from rainfall.
toward the left in the Southern (a) subtropical humid climate (b) It protects us from ultraviolet
Hemisphere. This deflection is called the (b) mountain climate radiation.
Coriolis effect. (c) tropical dry climate (c) It protects us from snowfall.
(d) tropical monsoon rainforest climate (d) It protects us from acidic rainfall.
Q.733. Cirrus and cumulus are types of
______. Sol.(d) With the "Tropical Monsoon Sol.(b) The ozone layer protects us from
SSC CHSL 19-10-2020 (Morning) Rainforest Climate, Assam is temperate ultraviolet radiation. Ozone protects the
(a) mountains (b) clouds (summer 35–39°C and winter Earth from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays
(c) waves (d) soil min. at 5–8 °C) and experiences heavy from the Sun. Without the Ozone layer
rainfall and high humidity. The climate in the atmosphere, life on Earth would
Sol.(b) Citrus clouds are wispy, veil-like is characterized by heavy monsoon be very difficult. Plants cannot live and
clouds that form in the upper downpours, which reduces summer grow in heavy ultraviolet radiation, nor
troposphere while cumulus clouds are temperatures, enabling formation of can the planktons that serve as food for
stacked, dense and fluffy and they form foggy nights and mornings in winters most of the ocean life. With a weakening
much closer to the ground. . of the Ozone Layer shield, humans
Q.738. ____is a naturally occurring would be more susceptible to skin
Q.734. Which environmental phenomenon that is responsible for the cancer, cataracts, and impaired immune
phenomenon has been linked to heating of the Earth’s surface and systems.
synthetic chemicals like atmosphere.
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)? SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening) Q.741. Which of the following is the
SSC CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon) (a) Radiation closest layer to the Earth's surface in
(a) Electromagnetic interference (b) Global warming which all weather occurs?
(b) Tidal flow (c) Greenhouse effect SSC MTS 05/10/21(Afternoon)
(c) Ozone depletion (d) Global heating (a) Mesosphere
(d) Wave propagation (b) Troposphere
Sol.(c) GreenHouse Effect is a naturally (c) Ionosphere
Sol.(c) Chlorofluorocarbons destroy the occurring phenomenon that is (d) Stratosphere
earth’s protective ozone layer. responsible for the heating of the Earth’s
surface and atmosphere. Sol.(b) Troposphere is the closest layer
Q.735. Above which layer of the The greenhouse effect is a natural to the Earth's surface in which all
atmosphere does the Exosphere lie? process that warms the Earth's surface. weather occurs. Starting from ground
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon) When the Sun's energy reaches the level, it extends upward to about 10 km
(a) Stratosphere Earth's atmosphere, some of it is above sea level. Earth’s atmosphere has
(b) Thermosphere reflected back to space and the rest is five major and several secondary layers.
(c) Mesosphere absorbed and re-radiated by greenhouse From lowest to highest, the major layers
(d) Troposphere gases. The absorbed energy warms the are the troposphere, stratosphere,
atmosphere and the surface of the Earth. mesosphere, thermosphere, and
Sol.(b) The Exosphere is the outermost exosphere.
layer of the Earth’s atmosphere and lies Q.739. Which of the following is NOT a
above the Thermosphere. greenhouse gas? Q.742. What is the approximate
SSC CGL 17/08/21(Morning) percentage contribution of argon in
Q.736. The term ‘monsoon’ is derived (a) Helium Earth's atmosphere?
from a/an: (b) Water vapour SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Evening)
CHSL 21-10-2020 (Afternoon) (c) Surface-level ozone (a) 1% (b) 2%
(a) Italian word (d) Nitrous oxide (c) 3% (d) 4%
(b) Latin word
(c) Arabic word Sol.(a) Helium is NOT a greenhouse gas. Sol.(a) Earth's atmosphere is composed
(d) Greek word Greenhouse gases include water vapour, of about 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent
carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, oxygen, 0.9 percent argon, and 0.1
Sol.(c) The term ‘monsoon’ is derived ozone and some artificial chemicals such percent other gases. From lowest to
from an Arabic word ‘mausim’, which as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). highest, the major layers are the
means weather. troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere,
Q.740. What is the importance of the thermosphere, and exosphere.
Q.737. The climate of Assam can be ozone layer for life on Earth?
described as: SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Evening) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 350

Pinnacle Geography

Q.743. Which layer of the atmosphere

can experience the burning up of Q.746. The scientific discipline Sol.(b) Weathering is the breaking down
meteorites? concerned with the description of rock or dissolving of rocks and minerals on
SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Evening) successions and their interpretations in the surface of the Earth . Once a rock has
(a) Mesosphere terms of a general time scale is called: been broken down, a process called
(b) Exosphere SSC-CHSL 3/7/2019 (Afternoon) erosion transports the bits of rock and
(c) Thermosphere (a) Paleontology (b) Stratigraphy minerals away. Water, acids, salt, plants,
(d) Stratosphere (c) Mineralogy (d) Geodesy animals, and changes in temperature are
all agents of weathering.
Sol.(a) Mesosphere (layer of the Sol.(b) Stratigraphy, scientific discipline
atmosphere) experiences the burning up concerned with the description of rock Q.750. The breaking up and decay of
of meteorites. From lowest to highest, successions and their interpretation in exposed rocks by temperature changes,
the major layers are the troposphere, terms of a general time scale. It provides frost action, plants, animals and human
stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, a basis for historical geology, and its activity is called:
and exosphere. principles and methods have found SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning)
application in such fields as petroleum (a) Weathering (b) Smelting
Q.744. In the upper reaches of the geology and archaeology. (c) deforestation (d) erosion
atmosphere, a molecule containing three
atoms of oxygen is found. This forms a Q.747. __________ is a metamorphic Sol.(a) Weathering describes the
layer called: rock form characterized by banding breaking down or dissolving of rocks
SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Afternoon) caused by segregation of different types and minerals on the surface of the Earth.
(a) mesosphere (b) exosphere of rock, typically light and dark silicates. Water, ice, acids, salts, plants, animals,
(c) thermosphere (d) ozone SSC CHSL 03/07/2019 (Evening) and changes in temperature are all agents
(a) Gneiss (b) Quartzite of weathering.
Sol.(d) In the upper reaches of the (c) Slate (d) Marble
atmosphere, a molecule containing three Q.751. Rocks that are formed by the
Sol.(a) Gneiss is a metamorphic rock cooling of Magma are called :
atoms of oxygen is found. This forms a
form characterized by banding caused by SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening)
layer called Ozone. From lowest to
segregation of different types of rock, (a) rock salts
highest, the major layers are the
typically light and dark silicates. Rather (b) metamorphic rocks
troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere,
than an indication of specific mineral (c) igneous rocks
thermosphere and exosphere.
composition, the term is an indication of (d) sedimentary rocks
texture. ... Gneiss can also form from
ROCKS gabbro or shale. Sol.(c) Igneous rock, or magmatic rock,
is one of the three main rock types, the
Q.745. A scientific study of rocks that Q.748. Which of the following is an others being sedimentary and
deals with their composition, texture and igneous rock? metamorphic. Igneous rock is formed
structure; their occurrence and CHSL 11/07/2019 (Afternoon) through the cooling and solidification of
distribution; and their origin in relation (a) Limestone (b) Slate magma or lava.
to physicochemical conditions is called (c) Marble (d) Granite
____. Q.752. Slate is a type of ______ rock.
SSC CGL 12/06/2019 (Evening) Sol.(d) Granite is a light-colored igneous CHSL 16-10-2020 (Afternoon)
(a) Geology rock with grains large enough to be (a) metamorphic (b) sedimentary
(b) Lithology visible with the naked eye. It is created (c) igneous (d) volcanic
(c) Geomorphology by the slow crystallization of magma
(d) Petrology below the surface of the Earth. It is Sol.(a) Slate is a fine-grained, foliated,
composed mainly of quartz and feldspar homogeneous metamorphic rock derived
Sol.(d) Petrology, scientific study of with minor amounts of mica, from an original shale-type sedimentary
rocks that deals with their composition, amphiboles, and other minerals. rock composed of clay or volcanic ash
texture, and structure; their occurrence through low-grade regional
and distribution; and their origin in Q.749. The breaking process of rocks metamorphism.
relation to physicochemical conditions due to wind, water and climate is known
and geologic processes. It is concerned as ______. Q.753. Which of the following is NOT a
with all three major types of SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening) metamorphic rock?
rocks—igneous, metamorphic, and (a) Landslide (b) Weathering SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Evening)
sedimentary. (c) Erosion (d) Solification (a) Marble (b) Sandstone Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 351

Pinnacle Geography

(c) Quartzite (d) Diamond include common types such as chalk, Sol.(d) Chenchus are Adivasi, a
limestone, sandstone, clay, and shale. designated Scheduled Tribe in the Indian
Sol.(b) Sandstone is a sedimentary rock states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana,
composed of sand-size grains of mineral, Q.757. Which of the following rocks Karnataka and Odisha.
rock or organic material. floats in water?
Metamorphic rocks are formed from SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Evening) MOUNTAIN
other rocks that are changed because of (a) Granite (b) Obsidian
heat or pressure. (c) Pumice (d) Slate Q.761._______ is a large mass of snow
and ice at a high altitude that slides
Q.754. Which of the following is a Sol.(c) Pumice floats in water. Pumice is down the mountain slopes.
coarse grained igneous rock that a light-colored, extremely porous CHSL 08/07/2019 (Afternoon)
contains quartz and feldspar? igneous rock that forms during explosive (a) Volcano (b) Hurricane
SSC CGL 18/08/21(Evening) volcanic eruptions. Obsidian has been (c) Avalanche (d) Cyclone
(a) Granite (b) Basalt used across history to make weapons,
(c) Marble (d) Andesite implements, tools, ornaments, and Sol.(c) Avalanche is a sudden flow of a
mirrors. Granites are a type of hard and large mass of snow or ice down a slope
Sol.(a) Granite is a coarse-grained compact igneous rock formed by quartz, or cliff sometimes at speeds exceeding
igneous rock that contains quartz and feldspar, as well as mica. Slate is a type 160 km per hour.
feldspar and plagioclase. It forms from
of metamorphic rock.
magma with a high content of silica and Q.762. Which of the following
alkali metal oxides that slowly cool and statements about the Himalayan
solidify. underground.
Mountains is NOT correct?
SSC CHSL 10/07/2019 (Morning)
Q.755. ______ plains are formed due to Q.758. Byopa is a traditional headgear
(a) The range lying to the immediate
the weathering of soluble rocks such as of tribes belonging to______.
south of the Himadri is called the
limestone and SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Afternoon)
dolomite. (a) Jharkhand
(b) The Shiwalik ranges are composed of
SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Morning) (b) Arunachal Pradesh
unconsolidated sediments brought down
(a) Glacial (b) Karst (c) Kerala
by rivers.
(c) Deposition (d) Desert (d) Goa
(c) The core of the Himadri is made of
Sol.(b) Karst plains are formed due to Sol.(b) Byopa is a traditional headgear
(d) Its northernmost part is called the
the weathering of soluble rocks such as of tribes belonging to Nyishi tribes of
limestone and Arunachal Pradesh.
Dolomite. Karst regions contain aquifers Sol.(a) The Himalayas are divided into
that are capable of providing large Q.759. “Garha Katanga” was the
three ranges which includes The Greater
supplies of water. Typical karst forms kingdom of which of the following
Himalayas(the first range) also known as
include sinkholes, caves, natural bridges tribes?
"Himadri", the Lesser Himalayas(the
and sinking streams. SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning)
second range) also known as "Himachal"
(a) Baiga (b) Kolis
and the Outer Himalayas(the third range)
Q.756. Which of the following types of (c) Gond (d) Bhil
also known as Shiwaliks
rocks are formed by the lithification .
process? Sol.(c) Gond tribe, Bastar area, Madhya
Pradesh. Garha Katanga was a rich state. Q.763. Garo hills lie in ___________
SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Afternoon) state.
It earned much wealth by trapping and
(a) Sedimentary rocks exporting wild elephants to other SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Evening)
(b) Metamorphic rocks kingdoms. When the Mughals defeated (a) Nagaland
(c) Igneous rocks the Gonds, they captured a huge booty of (b) Meghalaya
(d)Primary rocks precious coins and elephants. (c)Manipur
Sol.(a) Sedimentary rocks are formed by Q.760. Chenchus schedule tribe belongs
the lithification process. Sedimentary to which state of India?
Sol.(b) The Garo Hills are part of the
rocks are formed on or near the Earth's SSC CHSL 19-03-2020 (Morning)
Garo-Khasi range in Meghalaya, India.
surface, in contrast to metamorphic and (a) West Bengal (b) Kerala
It is one of the wettest places in the
igneous rocks, which are formed deep (c) Nagaland (d) Telangana
world. People who reside in the Garo
within the Earth. Sedimentary rocks Hills are known as the Garos. Besides Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 352

Pinnacle Geography

the Garo hills, there are Garo settlements that form a part of the Eastern Ghats in 13,999 ft, is a high mountain pass in
in the plains of Assam and Bangladesh. the southern Indian state of Andhra Sikkim and connects India with Tibet
Pradesh.Javadi Hills, a range of hills, Autonomous Region, China.
Q.764. _____ among the following is the one of the larger of the Eastern Ghats, in Nathu La is a mountain pass in the
highest peak of Eastern Ghats. northern Tamil Nadu state, southeastern Himalayas in East Sikkim district. It
SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening) India. connects the Indian state of Sikkim with
(a) Dodabetta China's Tibet Autonomous Region. The
(b) Mahendragiri Q.767. Which of the following passes pass, at 4,310 m above sea level, forms a
(c) Kolaribetta are NOT correctly matched with their part of an offshoot of the ancient Silk
(d) Anamudi location ? Road. Nathu means "listening ears" and
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon) La means "pass" in Tibetan.
Sol.(b) Mahendragiri, is a mountain peak (a) Zojila pass - Jammu and Kashmir
in the Paralakhemundi (or Parlakimidi) (b) Mana pass - Uttarakhand Q.771. Southernmost point of the
subdivision of the district of Gajapati, (c) Shipki - la pass - Arunachal Pradesh Peninsular Plateau is marked by which
Odisha, India. It is situated amongst the (d) Nathu - la pass - Sikkim of the following hills ?
Eastern Ghats at an elevation of 1,501 SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning)
metres (4,925 ft). It is the highest peak Sol.(c) Shipki - la pass is located in (a) Velikonda (b) Girnar
of the Eastern Ghats. Kinnaur district in the state of Himachal (c) Nilgiri (d)Anaconda
Pradesh, India, and Ngari Prefecture in
Q.765. Gurushikhar is the highest peak Tibet, China. Sol.(c) The southernmost point of the
of which of the following mountain peninsular plateau is formed by the
ranges ? Q.768. .Mawsynram is located on which Nilgiri Hills which is the conjunction
SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning) hills of Meghalaya? point of the Eastern Ghats and the
(a) Aravali Range SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) Western Ghats.
(b) Vindhya Range (a) Garo (b) Jaintia
(c) Deccan Plateau (c) Diphu (d) Khasi Q.772. Where is Kalimpong Hill Station
(d) Satpura Range located ?
Sol.(d) Mawsynram is located at an SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Sol.(a) Gurushikhar is the highest altitude of about 1,400 metres (4,600 ft) (a) West Bengal
mountain peak of Aravalli range located and 15 km west of Cherrapunji, in the (b) Sikkim
in Rajasthan at a height of 1,722 m. It is Khasi Hills of Meghalaya, India. (c) Jammu and Kashmir
situated in Sirohi District and allows (d) Arunachal Pradesh
nature's view of the surroundings of Mt. Q.769. Ladakh is located between _____
Abu. . Sol.(a) Kalimpong is a city located at an
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening) average elevation of 1,250 metres (4,101
Q.766. Arrange the following hills (a) Shivalik and Zanskar Mountain ft) in the state of West Bengal. The city
according to their location from north to (b) Karakoram Range and Zanskar is the headquarters of the Kalimpong
south: Mountain district. The Indian Army's 27 Mountain
1.Nallamala hills (c) Mid Himalaya and Shivalik Division is located on the outskirts of the
2.Shevaroy hills (d) Great Himalaya and Shivalik city.
3.Palkonda hills
4.Javadi hills Sol.(b) Ladakh is situated on the western Q.773. The formation of mountains on
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon) end of the Himalayas between the the surface of earth is the result of which
(a) 4-2-1-3 (b) 1-3-2-4 Karakoram Range and the Zanskar of the following forces ?
(c) 1-3-4-2 (d) 3-1-4-2 mountain. This region's elevation varies SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening)
between 8,000 and 15,000 feet above sea (a) Magnetic force
Sol.(c)1-3-4-2 level (b) Gravitational Force
The Nallamalas are a section of the (c) Exogenous Force
Eastern Ghats which forms the eastern Q.770. Nathu la and Jelep la Passes are (d) Endogenous Force
boundary of Rayalaseema region of the located in which mountain range ?
state of Andhra Pradesh and SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon) Sol.(d) The variation in thermal
Nagarkurnool district of the state of (a) Sahyadri (b) Himalayas conditions and temperature inside the
Telangana.Shevaroy Hills, are a (c) Aravalli (d) Vindhya Hills earth caused the contraction and
towering mountain range near the city of expansion of rocks which ultimately
Salem, in Tamil Nadu state, southern Sol.(b) Jelep La or Jelep Pass (also resulted in the formation of Endogenic
India.Palkonda Hills are a range of hills spelled Jelap), elevation 4,267 m or forces. These forces are responsible for Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 353

Pinnacle Geography

creation of many landforms. For SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening) captivating scenic landscapes, steep
example Mountain building forces, (a) Gongola hills, rivers and lakes .
earthquakes, volcanism etc. (b) Namunukula
(c) Hunnasgiriya Q.781. Which of the following is a block
Q.774. Which of the following hills is (d) Bathalegala mountain ?
not found in the Indian Peninsular SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Plateau? Sol.(d) Bathalegala Mountain – Kegalle (a) Purvanchal
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon) Sri Lanka named as Bible Rock by (b) Satpura
(a) Javadi Hills Europe. This fascinating mountain is (c) Himalayas
seen from Kadugannawa pass on the
(b) Lushai Hills (d) Mahabharat range
Kandy Colombo Road. It is located in
(c) Velikonda Hills Aranayaka, an ecologically important
(d) Nallamala Hills area in the central hills. Sol.(b) A block mountain is generally
formed by natural faults in the earth’s
Sol.(b) The Lushai Hills are a mountain Q.778. Which of the following is the crust. In the central- western part of the
range in the state of Mizoram and World's highest Plateau ? Indian subcontinent, the mountain
Tripura, India. The range is part of the SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening) ranges Satpura and Vindhya are block
Patkai range system and its highest point (a) Tibet Plateau mountains which were made when the
is 2,157 m high Phawngpui, also known (b) Meghalaya Plateau block of earth known as the Rift Valley
as 'Blue Mountain'. Hence, it is not (c) Chota Nagpur Plateau was depressed.
found in the Indian Peninsular Plateau . (d) Deccan Plateau
Q.782. Which hills are located at the
Q.775. Himalaya runs through how Sol.(a) Pamir mountain, called the "roof junction of Eastern and Western Ghats ?
many states in India ? of the world", is the largest and highest SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening)
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening) plateau in the world. It is formed by the (a) Nilgiri (b) Palconda
(a)7 (b)8 collisions of the Indo-Australian and (c) Satpura (d) Vindhyas
(c)9 (d)10 Eurasian tectonic plates. The Tibetan
plateau covers approximately 2,500,000 Sol.(a) Nilgiri Hills is the junction point
Sol.(d) The Indian Himalayan Region km2 (970,000 sq mi) and at 5,000 m of the Eastern Ghats and Western Ghats.
(IHR) is the section of the Himalayas (16,000 ft) above sea level. The Eastern Ghats are a discontinuous
within India extended across 11 Indian range of mountains along India's eastern
states and UTs, namely, UTs of Jammu Q.779. Which of the following is the coast whereas Western Ghats are a
& Kashmir And Ladakh and states of highest peak of the Eastern Ghats ? mountain range that runs parallel to the
Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning) western coast of the Indian peninsula.
Nagaland, Tripura, Meghalaya, (a) Dhupgarh (b) Kalumar Peak
Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Mizoram (c) Arma Konda (d) Namcha Barwa Q.783. Which among the following is
and Sikkim and West Bengal. NOT one of the three parallel ranges of
Sol.(c) Arma Konda also known as Himalayas in its longitudinal extent?
Q.776. Dhauladhar Range forms part of Jindhagada, is the highest mountain peak SSC CPO 09/12/2019 (Morning)
which Himalayas ? in the state of Andhra Pradesh with a (a) Himadri (b) Himshikha
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening) height of 1,690 metres (5,540 ft) above (c) Shiwaliks (d) Himachal
(a) Lesser Himalayas sea level. It is also the tallest peak of the
(b) Greater Himalayas Eastern Ghats. Sol.(b) The three parallel ranges of
(c) Shiwaliks Himalayas are the Greater Himalayas or
(d) Purvanchal Q.780. Which of the following hills is Himadri, Lesser Himalayas or Himachal
known as the Blue Mountain ? and Shivaliks.
Sol.(a) The Dhauladhar range is part of SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning) .
the lesser Himalayan chain of (a) Khasi Hills Q.784. _____ is the highest peak of
mountains. It rises from the plains of (b) Nilgiri Hills satpura range.
India to the north of Kangra and Mandi. (c) Cardamom Hills SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
Dharamsala, the headquarters of Kangra (d) Annamalai Hills (a) Jarga (b) Dhupgarh
district, lies on its southern spur above (c) Amarkantak (d) Delwara
the Kangra Valley, which divides it from Sol.(b) Nilgiri Hills are situated in the
Chamba. Western Ghats and are called the 'Blue Sol.(b) A very popular spot for viewing
Mountains' for the bluish hue in their sunsets. Mount Dhupgarh or Dhoopgarh
Q.777. Which mountain of Srilanka was fine natural setting. It has some is the highest point in the Satpura Range
named Bible Rock by the Europians: ? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 354

Pinnacle Geography

and in Madhya Pradesh. Located in CHSL 19-03-2020 (Afternoon)

Pachmarhi, it has an elevation of 1,350 Sol. (d) Lipulekh is a Himalayan pass on (a) Himachal Pradesh
metres (4,429 ft). It is the highest point the border between India's Uttarakhand (b) Jammu and Kashmir
of Madhya Pradesh. state and the Tibet region of China, near (c) Uttarakhand
their trijunction with Nepal. Nepal has (d) Assam
Q.785. Which of the following is NOT a ongoing claims to the southern side of
part of the Meghalaya Plateau? the pass, called Kalapani territory, which Sol.(c) Lipulekh is a Himalayan pass on
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) is controlled by India. the border between India’s Uttarakhand
(a) Jaintia Hills (b) Khasi Hills state and the Tibet region of China, near
(c) Garo Hills (d) Palamu Hills Q.789. In which part of India are the their trijunction with Nepal.
Patkai Bum hills located?
Sol.(d) Meghalaya plateau's western, SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Afternoon) Q.793. Garo-Khasi range is located in
northern, and southern escarpments are (a) Southern part of India which Indian state?
called the Garo, Khasi, and Jaintia hills, (b) Eastern part of India SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Morning)
respectively.Palamu hills are in (c) Northern part of India (a) Meghalaya
Jharkhand. (d) Western part of India (b) Sikkim
(c) Mizoram
Q.786. In which of the following Sol.(b) The Pat-kai or Patkai Bum are (d) Odisha
Himalayan ranges is the Banihal Pass the hills on India's north-eastern border
situated? with Burma or Myanmar. They were Sol.(a) Garo-Khasi-Jaintia range is
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) created by the same tectonic processes located in Meghalaya.
(a) Great Himalayas(b) Pir Panjal that created the Himalayas in the
(c) Ladakh (d) Zaskar Mesozoic. Q.794. Which Indian mountain looks
like a giant pyramid and has a flat
Sol.(b) Banihal Pass is a mountain pass Q.790. The Kumaon Himalayas lie summit area and two peaks?
across the Pir Panjal Range at a between which two rivers? SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Evening)
maximum elevation of 2,832 m. It CHSL 17-03-2020 (Afternoon) (a) Mamostong Kangri
connects the Kashmir Valley in the union (a) Kali-Tista (b) Saltoro Kangri
territory of Jammu and Kashmir to the (b) Satluj-Kali (c) Kamet
outer Himalaya and the plains to the (c) Tista-Dihang (d) Nanda Devi
south. In the Kashmiri language, (d) Indus-Sutlej
"Banihāl" means blizzard Sol.(c) Kamet is the second highest
Sol.(d) The Kumaon Himalayas lie in mountain in the Garhwal region of
Q.787. Borra Caves are situated on the Uttarakhand and extend from the Satluj Uttarakhand. It lies in the Chamoli
East Coast of India in which of the to the Kali river. district of Uttarakhand. Its appearance
following hills? resembles a giant pyramid topped by a
SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Afternoon) Q.791. Which among the following is flat summit area with two peaks.
(a) Nallamala Hills the oldest mountain/hill range in India?
(b) Horsley Hills CHSL 18-03-2020 (Afternoon) Q.795. Which of the following
(c) Nagari Hills (a) Himalayas Himalayan regions is known as
(d) Ananthagiri Hills (b) Aravalli Hills ‘Shivaliks’?
(c) Eastern Ghats SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Morning)
Sol.(d) The Borra Caves, also called (d) Western Ghats (a) Greater Himalayas
Borra Guhalu, are located on the East (b) Lesser Himalayas
Coast of India, in the Ananthagiri hills of Sol.(b).Aravalli hills is the oldest (c) Outer Himalayas
the Araku Valley of the Visakhapatnam mountain range in India starting near (d) Inner Himalayas
district in Andhra Pradesh Delhi and passing through southern
Haryana and Rajasthan and ending in Sol.(a) Himalayas consist of parallel
Q.788. Which of the following pairs is Gujarat. These are fold mountains of mountain ranges - Shivaliks or outer
CORRECT with reference to mountain which rocks are formed primarily of Himalayas, Lesser or Middle Himalayas
passes? folded crust, when two convergent plates or the Greater Himalayas.
SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Morning) move towards each other by the process
(a) Rohtang-Sikkim called orogenic movement. Q.796. Which of the following passes
(b) Nathula-Arunachal Pradesh cuts through Pir Panjal range and links
(c) Bomdila-Himachal Pradesh Q.792. Lipulekh Pass is in which state of Manali and Leh by road?
(d) Lipulekh- Uttarakhand India? CHSL 14/10/2020 (Afternoon) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 355

Pinnacle Geography

(a) Rohtang Pass (c) Rohtang Pass is an isolated four-sided pyramid-shaped

(b) Banihal Pass (d) Palghat Pass peak.
(c) Nathula Pass
(d) None Sol.(d) The Karakoram pass is a Q.802. Identify the state in which you
mountain pass between India and China will find the highest peak of the Deccan
Sol.(a). Rohtang Pass cuts through the in the Karakoram range. Plateau, Anai Mudi.
Pir Panjal range of the Himalayas and Rohtang Pass is a high mountain pass on SSC CGL 23/08/21(Afternoon)
links Manali and Leh by road. The the eastern end of the Pir Panjal Range (a) Tamil Nadu
Leh-Manali Highway connects the of the Himalayas from Manali. (b) Kerala
Manali Solang valley to the Lahaul and Palakkad Gap or Palghat Gap is a low (c) Karnataka
Spiti valleys in Himachal Pradesh and mountain pass in the Western Ghats (d) Andhra Pradesh
the Zanskar valley in Ladakh. between Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu and
Palakkad in Kerala. The pass is located Sol..(b) The highest peak of the Deccan
Q.797. Which of the following between the Nilgiri hills to the north and Plateau, Anamudi, is located in Kerala.
Himalayan ranges extends from the Anaimalai Hills to the south. It has an elevation of 2695 meters.
northern side of Leh to the Tibetan
border and comprises Digar La Pass and Q.800. ______ is created by the collision Q.803. Which of the following is the
Khardung La Pass? of convergent plate boundaries. highest hill station in India?
SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Evening) SSC CGL 16/08/21(Morning) SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Afternoon)
(a) Dhauladhar Range (a) Mid-ocean ridge (a) Leh
(b) Pir Panjal Range (b) Land erosion (b) Jogimatti
(c) Ladakh Range (c) Oceanic trench (c) Manali
(d) Zanskar Range (d) Mountain building (d) Ponmudi

Sol.(c) Ladakh Range extends from the Sol.(d) Mountain building is created by Sol..(a) Situated at an altitude of 3,505
northern side of Leh to the Tibetan the collision of convergent plate metres, amidst the Himalayan and
border and comprises Digar La Pass and boundaries. A convergent boundary is an Karakoram mountain ranges, Leh, the
Khardung La Pass. area on earth where two or more headquarters of the Ladakh region in
lithospheric plates converge or collide Kashmir is the highest hill station in
Q.798. Which of the following and one plate eventually slides beneath India.
mountains is situated near the Siachen the other.
region of Ladakh in India? Q.804. 'Pidurutalagala' is the highest
CHSL 20-10-2020 (Afternoon) Q.801. Which of the following mountain peak in ______.
(a) Kirat Chuli Mountain Himalayan peaks is NOT located in SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Evening)
(b) Kabru Mountain Nepal? (a) Bhutan
(c) Kanchenjunga Mountain SSC CGL 20/08/21(Evening) (b) Sri Lanka
(d) K12 Mountain (a) Kamet (c) Myanmar
(b) Annapurna (d) Nepal
Sol.(d) Kirat Chuli or Tent Peak is a (c) Mount Everest
mountain in the Himalayas. (d) Makalu Sol..(b) Pidurutalagala or Mount Pedro
Kabru is a mountain in the Himalayas on in English, is an ultra prominent peak
the border of eastern Nepal and India. Sol..(a) Kamet Himalayan peaks are and the tallest mountain in Sri Lanka, at
Kanchenjunga is part of the Great NOT located in Nepal. Kamet is the 2,524 m situated in the town of Nuwara
Himalaya Range. second highest mountain in the Garhwal Eliya.
K12 is the second highest peak in the region of Uttarakhand. Annapurna is a
Saltoro Mountains, a subrange of the massif in the Himalayas in north-central Q.805. Which of the following hills is
Karakoram range in the Siachen region, Nepal with an elevation of 8,091 m. situated in Assam?
in Ladakh. Mount Everest is the world's highest SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Evening)
mountain peak above sea level, located (a) Aravali Hills
Q.799. Which of the following passes is in the Mahalangur Himal sub-range of (b) Karbi Anglong Hills
located between Nilgiri Hills to the north the Himalayas in Nepal with an (c) Javadi Hills
and Anaimalai elevation of 8,849 m. Makalu is the fifth (d) Shevaroy Hills
Hills to the south? highest mountain in the world with an
CHSL 20-10-2020 (Afternoon) elevation of 8,463 meters. It is located in Sol..(b) Karbi Anglong Hills is situated
(a) Aghil Pass the Mahalangur Himalayas in Nepal, 19 in Assam situated in the Karbi Anglong
(b) Karakoram Pass km southeast of Mount Everest. Makalu district of central Assam. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 356

Pinnacle Geography

(b) Sikkim Q.813. In which of the following states

Q.806. Where is Mount Diavolo, an (c) Andhra Pradesh is the Shatrunjaya Hills located? SSC
important mountain peak in the (d) Himachal Pradesh CHSL 10/8/2021 (Evening)
Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Located? (a) Gujarat
SSC CHSL 05/08/21 (Morning) Sol..(b) Mount Jopuno is a prime (b) Andhra Pradesh
(a) Great Nicobar attraction among mountaineers from all (c) Madhya Pradesh
(b) North Andaman around the blue planet. A trekker can (d) Karnataka
(c) Middle Andaman relish the mesmerizing views of some of
(d) South Andaman the most wonderful mountains of the Sol.(a) Shatrunjaya hills are located in
Sikkim Himalayas. Gujarat. Other prominent hills in Gujarat
Sol..(d) Mount Diavolo is situated in include– Bhujia Hill, Dhinodhar, Girnar,
south Andaman Island. It has an Q.810. Which of the following is NOT Kalo Dungar, Pavagadh Hill,
elevation of 295 meters. Middle one of the three parallel ranges of the Thaltej-Jodhpur Tekra, Wilson Hills.
Andaman is separated from North Himalayas in its
Andaman Island by Austen Strait, and longitudinal extent? Q.814. Which of the following is the
from Baratang Island at the south by SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Evening) third highest mountain in the world?
Homfray's Strait. (a) Shiwaliks SSC MTS 05/10/21(Afternoon)
(b) Himshikha (a) Everest
Q.807. Which of the following is the (c) Himachal (b) Kanchenjunga
world's third-highest mountain that (d) Himadri (c) K2
connects the borders of India and Nepal (d) Annapurna
? Sol.(b) Except Himshikha, Himachal,
SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Evening) Himadri and Shivalik are the parallel Sol.(b) Kanchenjunga is the third highest
(a) Nanga Parbat mountain ranges of the Himalayas. mountain in the world. Its height is
(b) Kanchenjunga 8,586 meters. It lies between Nepal and
(c) K2 Q.811. Mount Jopuno is situated in Sikkim, India, with three of the five
(d) Broad Peak which of the following states? peaks (Main, Central, and South)
SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Evening) directly on the border, and the remaining
Sol..(c) Kanchenjunga is the world's (a) Uttarakhand two (West and Kangbachen) in
third-highest mountain with Mount (b) Sikkim Taplejung District, Nepal.
Everest ( 8848 m) being the highest (c) Andhra Pradesh
followed by. K2 (8611). Kanchenjunga (d) Himachal Pradesh Q.815. Which of the following hills is
is the highest mountain peak in India NOT located in Meghalaya?
with an elevation of 8,586 m (28,169 ft). Sol.(b) Mount Jopuno is a prime SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Morning)
attraction among mountaineers from all (a) Khasi (b) Garo
Q.808. In which of the following around the blue planet. A trekker can (c) Jaintia (d) Javadi
mountain ranges will you find the Guru relish the mesmerizing views of some of
Shikhar peak? the most wonderful mountains of the Sol.(d) The Javadhu Hills is an extension
SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Afternoon) Sikkim Himalayas. of the Eastern Ghats spread across parts
(a) Karakoram of the Vellore and Tiruvannamalai
(b) Vindhya Q.812. Which of the following hills is districts in Tamil Nadu. Garo, Khasi,
(c) Satpura situated in Andhra Pradesh? Jaintia Hills are situated on the
(d) Aravalli SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Afternoon) Meghalaya plateau.
(a) Kaimur Hills
Sol..(d) Guru Shikhar is the highest point (b) Pachmarhi Hills Q.816. Mahendragiri is the highest peak
of the Aravalli Range with a total (c) Nagari Hills in the:
elevation of 1722m. It is named (d) Girnar Hills SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Evening)
Guru-Shikhar or the peak of guru after (a) Western Ghats
Dattatreya, an incarnation of Vishnu, and Sol.(c) Nagari hills are situated in (b) Eastern Ghats
a cave at the summit contains a temple Andhra Pradesh. Other hill stations in (c) Himalayan Range
landmark of Guru Dattatreya. AP include Tirumala, Araku Valley, (d) Satpura Range
Horsley Hills, Lambasingi, Ananthagiri,
Q.809. Mount Jopuno is situated in Nallamala Hills. Sol.(b) Mahendragiri, is a mountain in
which of the following states? Rayagada subdivision of the district of
SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Evening)
Gajapati, Odisha, India. It is situated
(a) Uttarakhand Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 357

Pinnacle Geography

amongst the Eastern Ghats at an Rockies mountains are some examples (c) Barren Island
elevation of 1,501 meters. of young fold mountains. The Aravali (d) Narcondam Island
Range, the Appalachian and the Ural
Q.817. In which of the following states Mountains are some examples of old Sol.(c) Barren Island is an island located
is Vindhya Range NOT located? SSC fold mountains. in the Andaman Sea. It is the only active
MTS 22/10/2021 (Evening) volcano along a chain of volcanoes from
(a) Gujarat Q.820. Which Indian city has the Sumatra to Myanmar and the only
(b) Madhya Pradesh Nilachal Hills? confirmed active volcano in South Asia.
(c) Rajasthan SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Evening)
(d) Uttar Pradesh (a) Bareilly (b) Guwahati Q.824. On which of the following
(c) Indore (d) Gangtok Islands India’s only active volcano is
Sol.(c) Vindhya Ranges- Madhya situated ?
Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Southern Sol.(b) The Nilachal Hills is situated in SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon)
parts of Uttar Pradesh, and Bihar. the outskirts of Guwahati, Assam. The (a) Sound Island
Borders on- Satpura Range and Chota famous Kamakhya temple(Goddess (b) Barren Island
Nagpur Plateau. (c) Smith Island
Durga) is situated at the top of Nilachal
(d) Belle Island
Q.818. Which of the following is a
Sol.(b) Barren Island is located on the
mountain peak that rises above the Q.821. Generally, a steep hill with an
easternmost region of the Andaman
surrounding peaks at the mountainous elevation of more than ______ metres is
Islands and is the only confirmed active
border of the Indian state of Nagaland classified as a mountain.
volcano in India. It lies some 135 kms
and the Sagaing region of Myanmar? SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Morning)
northeast of the territory's capital, Port
SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Evening) (a) 600 (b) 500
(a) Mount Kalsubai (c) 1000 (d) 800
(b) Mount Doddabetta
Q.825. Batholiths are landforms created
(c) Mount Saramati Sol.(a) Generally, a steep hill with an
(d) Mount Dhupgarh elevation of more than 600 meters is
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning)
classified as a mountain.
(a) Ground water
Sol.(c) Mount Saramati is a mountain
(b) Fluvial action
peak that rises above the surrounding Q.822. Which of the following mountain (c) Glaciers
peaks at the mountainous border of the ranges is home to the second highest (d) Volcanic activities
Indian state of Nagaland and the Sagaing peak of the world, K2? SSC MTS
region of Myanmar. Doddabetta is the 2/11/2021 (Afternoon) Sol.(d) Batholiths are the landform
highest mountain in the Nilgiri (a) Karakoram Range created by the volcanic eruption.
Mountains at 2,637 metres (b) Ladakh Range Batholith is a type of igneous rock that
.Kalsubai(highest point) is a mountain in (c) Pir Panjal Range forms when magma rises into the earth’s
the Western Ghats, located in the Indian (d) Zanskar Range crust, but does not erupt onto the
state of Maharashtra. Mount Dhupgarh is surface.
the highest point in the Mahadeo Hills Sol.(a) Karakoram Ranges is home to
(Satpura Range), Madhya Pradesh, the second-highest peak of the world, K2 Q.826. Which of the following is an
India. (28,251 feet [8,611 meters]). The example of the most explosive type of
Karakoram Range is known as the volcano?
'backbone of high Asia'. It is also known CHSL 13/10/2020 (Afternoon)
Q.819. Which type of mountains in the
(a) Cinder cones volcanoes
northwest, north and northeast bind as Krishnagiri which is situated in the
(b) Flood basalt volcanoes
India? northernmost range of the (c) Shield volcanoes
SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Afternoon) Trans-Himalayan ranges. (d) Calderas volcanoes
(a) Block mountains
(b) Dome mountains Sol.(d) Calderas volcanoes are the most
(c) Plateau mountains explosive type of volcano. A caldera is a
bowl-shaped depression formed when a
(d) Young fold mountains Q.823.______ is the only active volcano volcano collapses into the void left when
in South Asia. its magma chamber is emptied. Rhyolite
Sol.(d) Young fold mountains in the CHSL 10/07/2019 (Afternoon) caldera complexes are the most
northwest, north and northeast bind (a) Dhinodhar Hills explosive of Earth’s volcanoes but often
India. The Himalayas, the Andes and the (b) Tosham Hills don’t even look like volcanoes. They are
usually so explosive that when they Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 358

Pinnacle Geography

erupt they end up collapsing in on crustal blocks along faults formed when Sol.(d) Famines caused by rat infestation
themselves rather than building any tall tensional forces pull apart the crust. during the flowering of Melocanna
structure. Plateaus can be formed by a number of baccifera bamboo in parts of North-East
processes, including upwelling of India are known as the ‘Mautam’
Q.827. An elastic wave generated by an
volcanic magma, extrusion of lava, and famines. At every 48 years, a particular
impulse such as an earthquake or an
erosion by water and glaciers. species of bamboo flowers after which
explosion is called
______. the population of rats becomes
Q.830. Which of the following is NOT tremendously high, and this is referred
SSC CGL 13/08/21(Afternoon)
an effect of an earthquake? SSC CHSL as Rat Flood (Mautam or Bamboo
(a) seismic wave
19/04/21 (Evening)
(b) tectonic shift Death). This rat flood destroys entire
(a) Avalanche
(c) sound wave villages, crops, and farm yields.
(b) Tsunami
(d) epicentre
(c) Heavy rainfall
(d) Soil liquefaction
Sol.(a) A seismic wave is generated by MAP
an impulse such as an earthquake or an
Sol.(c) from the following options
explosion whereas a sound wave is a Q.833. Which of the following is a
Heavy rainfall is not an effect of an
mechanical wave that results from the landlocked country?
earthquake.The primary effects of
back and forth vibration of the particles CHSL 10/07/2019 (Afternoon)
earthquakes are ground shaking, ground
of the medium through which the sound (a) Turkey (b)Eritrea
rupture, landslides, tsunamis, and
wave passes. (c) Mongolia (d) Syria
liquefaction. Fires are probably the
single most important secondary effect
Q.828. Which of the following is NOT Sol.(c) Mongolia is a landlocked country
of earthquakes.
an outcome of endogenic forces? SSC in East Asia. It is the largest landlocked
CGL 13/08/21 (Evening) country that does not border a closed sea
Q.831. Famines caused by rat infestation
(a) Earthquakes and also the world's second-largest
during the flowering of Melocanna
(b) Volcanic eruptions landlocked country after Kazakhstan.
baccifera bamboo in parts of North-East
(c) Sea waves
India are known as the ‘______’
(d) Landslides Q.834. Which is the seventh largest
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Morning) country in the world by land area?
Sol.(c) Sea waves are not an outcome of SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
(a) Doji Bara (b) Chalisa
endogenic forces. Sea waves are most (a) India (b) Brazil
(c) Upper Doab (d) Mautam
commonly caused by wind. The (c) Argentina (d) Australia
horizontal and vertical movements
Sol.(d) Famines caused by rat infestation
caused by the forces coming from the Sol.(a) India is the second largest
during the flowering of Melocanna
origin of the earth are known as country in terms of population and the
baccifera bamboo in parts of North-East
endogenic forces. The contractions and seventh largest in terms of area.
India are known as the ‘Mautam’
expansions of rocks due to variation in
famines. At every 48 years, a particular
thermal conditions and temperature
species of bamboo flowers after which
inside the earth generate these forces. Q.835 In terms of total land area, what is
Earthquakes are an outcome of the population of rats becomes
India’s rank in the world in the list of
endogenic forces. tremendously high, and this is referred
largest countries ?
as Rat Flood (Mautam or Bamboo
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning)
Q.829. ______ are built up by the liquid Death). This rat flood destroys entire
(a) 4 (b) 5
and solid rock erupting from the earth’s villages, crops, and farm yields.
(c) 6 (d) 7
SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Afternoon) Q.832. Famines caused by rat infestation
Sol.(d) Below is the list of countries in
(a) Volcanoes during the flowering of Melocanna
terms of area:
(b) Fault-block mountains baccifera bamboo in parts of North-East
(c) Erosional mountains India are known as the ‘______’
(d) Plateaus famines.
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Morning)
Sol.(a) Volcanoes are built up by the (a) Doji Bara (b) Chalisa
liquid and solid rock erupting from the (c) Upper Doab (d) Mautam
earth’s interior. Fault-block mountains 7.India
are formed by the movement of large Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 359

Pinnacle Geography

Q.836. A major portion of 'Sufed Koh' Sol.(a) France has the most time zones in
mountain range lies in ______. the world
SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Morning)
(a) Pakistan (b) China Q.840. In terms of abundance of metals
(c) India (d) Myanmar in Earth’s solid crust, which place does
iron enjoy?
Sol.(a) Safed Koh is a mountain range SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Morning)
on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. It (a) Second (b) First
parallels the Kabul River. A spur of the (c) Fourth (d) Third
range is crossed by the Khyber Pass.
Sol.(a) 10 Most Abundant Elements In
Q.837. A mass of snow and ice that Earth's Crust- Oxygen - 46.1%, Silicon -
moves slowly under the influence of 28.2%, Aluminium - 8.23%, Iron -
gravity along a confined 5.63%, Calcium - 4.15%, Sodium -
course away from its place of 2.36%, Magnesium - 2.33%, Potassium -
accumulation is called a ______. SSC 2.09%, Titanium - 0.565%, Hydrogen -
CHSL 9/8/2021 (Evening)
(a) lagoon (b) glacier
(c) block mountain (d) plateau

Sol.(b) A glacier is a slowly moving

mass or river of ice formed by the
accumulation and compaction of snow
on mountains or near the poles. A lagoon
is a stretch of saltwater separated from
the sea by a low sandbank or coral reef.
A plateau is a flat area of land that is
elevated above sea level.

Q.838. What percent of the total

geographical area of the world does
India account for (rounded off to the
nearest whole number)?
SSC MTS 08/10/21(evening)
(a) 4 (b) 2
(c) 5 (d) 1

Sol.(b) 2 percent of the total

geographical area of the world does
India account for (rounded off to the
nearest whole number). India accounts
for about 2.4 percent of the total
geographical area of the world but
supports the second largest population of
the world. The total area of Indian land
mass is around 3.28 million Km².

Q.839. Which country has the most time

zones in the world?
SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Evening)
(a) France
(b) United States of America
(c) Russia
(d) United Kingdom Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 360

Pinnacle Economics

ECONOMICS sector of the economy, not the primary

Q.4. The National Board for Micro, sector.
Small and Medium Enterprises meets
once every _________ months in a year. Q.8. Based on economic activities, how
SSC CGL 06/06/2019 (Evening) many sectors are there in Indian
Q.1. Which of the following best
(a) 2 (b) 6 (c) 3 (d) 9 economy?
describes the nature of the Indian
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning)
economy ?
Sol.(b) The Ministry of Micro, Small (a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 5
SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening)
and Medium Enterprises, meets once in
(a) Mixed Economy.
every 6 month.This is a branch of the Sol.(b) They are three sectors in the
(b) Socialist Economy
Government of India, to administer and Indian economy, they are; primary
(c) Communist Economy
formulate law for the micro, small and economy, secondary economy, and
(d) Capitalistic Economy
medium enterprises in India. tertiary economy. In terms of operations,
the Indian economy is divided into
Sol.(a) In India both the private and
Q.5. The Micro, Small and Medium organized and unorganized. While for
public sectors exist simultaneously
Enterprises Development Act was ownership, it is divided into the public
which is a feature of a mixed economy.
passed in the year_____. sector and the private sector.
SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Evening)
Q.2. Which of the following economic
(a) 2006 (b) 2004 Q.9. What should be the investment of
activities employs the maximum number
(c) 2008 (d) 2002 Micro enterprises in plant & machinery
of people in india?
(Manufacturing Sector) ?
SSC CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening)
Sol.(a) The Micro, Small and Medium SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) Tourism (b) Manufacturing
Enterprises Development Act, 2006 (a) Between twenty five lakh and fifty
(c) Agriculture (d) Mining
("Act") was enacted with a view to lakh
facilitate the promotion and development (b) More than fifty lakh
Sol.(c) In India the maximum number of
of micro, small and medium enterprises (c) Not more than twenty five lakh
people are employed in the Agriculture
("MSMEs") and to enhance the (d) More than twenty five lakh
sector which contributes to one-fifth of
competitiveness between them.
the total GDP and nearly half of the
Sol.(c) A micro enterprise is an
working population is employed in
Q.6. Who among the following is also enterprise where investment in plant and
Agriculture. The share of IndiSol
known as the founder of machinery does not exceed Rs. 25 lakh.
working in agriculture is declining, but
macroeconomics as a separate
still the maximum number of persons
discipline? Q.10. Which of the following is NOT a
are employed in agriculture.
SSC CHSL 10/07/2019 (Evening) capital good?
(a) Adam Smith SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning)
Q.3. Which of the following come
(b) Fischer Black (a) Tools (b) Food and Clothing
under the Quaternary sector?
(c) Robert Merton (c) Machine (d) Truck
SSC CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning)
(d) John Maynard Keynes
(a) Information Technology
Sol.(b) Food and Clothing , The physical
(b) Mining
Sol.(d) J..M.Keynes is the founder of Asset that a company uses in the
(c) Manufacturing
macroeconomics. Macroeconomics is production process and manufacturing
(d) Fisheries
that branch of the economy which deals process and services Capital goods
with the behaviour of the market at the mainly consist of buildings, machinery,
Sol. (a) The three main sectors of the
large level. equipment, vehicles, and tools. Food and
economy are:
Clothing is not a capital income.
1. Primary sector – deals with the
Q.7. Which of the following is NOT a Q.11. Which Economist developed
extraction of raw materials – mining,
primary activity? international trade theory in 1817 based
fishing, and agriculture.
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening) on comparative advantage and
2. Secondary/manufacturing sector –
(a) Agriculture (b) Construction specialisation ?
deals with producing finished goods, e.g.
(c) Mining (d) Fishing SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning)
making toys, cars, food, and clothes.
(a) Paul Krugman
3. Service / ‘tertiary’ sector – include
Sol.(b) The primary sector of the (b) Gary Becker
both production and exchange. Tertiary
economy extracts or harvests products (c) Milton Friedman
sector = White collar jobs.
from the earth, such as raw materials and (d) david Ricardo
4. Quaternary jobs involve research and
basic foods. Construction is an
development e.g. IT.
industry that is part of the secondary Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 361

Pinnacle Economics

Sol.(d) david Ricardo , David Ricardo Q.15. Which of the following is working Q.19. Depreciation is an annual
developed the classical theory of capital in the farming sector? allowance for the wear and tear of
comparative advantage in 1817 to SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) ______.
explain why countries engage in (a) threshing machine (b) money SSC CGL 5/3/2020 (afternoon)
international trade even when one (c) tractor (d) land (a) finished goods (b) capital goods
country's workers are more efficient at (c) work in progress (d) land
producing every single goods than Sol. (b) Money , Working Capital is
workers in other countries. current assets, which can be turned to Sol.(b) Depreciation is an annual
cash in one year or less, minus current decrease in the price of a capital good
Q.12 Which of the following activities is liabilities due within one year. Working over a year due to wear and tear and
capital measures financial liquidity, some other reasons.
also referred to as 'Gold Collar'
which is the ability to sell assets without
profession? disrupting normal business operations. Q.20. Which of the following activities
CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening) can be classified as a part of secondary
Q.16.In_____ economies, all productive sector of an
(a) Secondary (b) Quaternary
resources are owned and controlled by Economy ?
(c) Primary (d) Quinary the government. CHSL 18-03-2020 (Afternoon)
SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Evening) (a) Legal consulting
Sol. (d) tertiary activities are classified (a) dual (b) capitalist (b) Tea plantation
into quaternary and quinary activities. (c) mixed (d) socialist (c) Farm equipment manufacturing
Quinary, also known as 'gold collar' (d) Banking
professions which represents special and Sol. (d) A socialist economy is a system
highly paid skills of senior business of production where goods and services Sol.(c) Farm equipment manufacturing ,
executives, government officials, are produced directly for use. In this type Secondary sector is also known as the
research scientists, financial and legal of economy there is less or no manufacturing sector. Farm equipment
consultants, etc. competition as the state is the only manufacturing is a part of the secondary
entrepreneur. sector of an economy.
Q.13. For the calculation of the
'wholesale price index' in 2019, _____ is Q.17. Private ownership of the meSol of Q.21. The mixed economy is :-
taken as the base year. production is a feature of a ______ CHSL 19-03-2020 (Morning)
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening) economy. (a) presence of subsistence and
(a) 2013-14 (b) 2014-15 (SSC CGL 4/3/2020 morning) commercial farming
(c) 2011-12 (d) 2012-13 (a) capitalist (b) socialist (b) co-existence of traditional and
(c) mixed (d) dual modern industries
Sol. (c) 2011-2012 was taken as the (c) a market system of resource
base year for the calculation of the Sol.(a) Capitalism is an economic allocation, commerce, and trade in
‘Wholesale price index 2019. system based on private ownership. In which free markets coexist with
this type of system private firms are the government intervention
Q.14. In which year was the first key players, they actually focus on their (d) presence of domestic and foreign
Industrial Policy based on the mixed profit and the quality of service provided investments
economy principle announced in India? by them is also better.
The policy clearly demarcated the areas Sol. (c) A mixed economic system is a
of operation of the public and private Q.18. John Maynard Keynes, best system that combines aspects of both
sectors. known for his economic theories capitalism and socialism. A mixed
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening) (Keynesian theories), hailed from which economic system protects private
(a) 1959 (b) 1948 country? property and allows a level of economic
(c) 1950 (d) 1962 SSC CGL 4/3/2020 (afternoon) freedom in the use of capital, but also
(a) Sweden (b) Denmark allows for governments to interfere in
Sol. (b) 1948 , On April 6,1948 the (c) Australia (d) England economic activities in order to achieve
government of India announced the first social aims.
industrial policy based on a mixed Sol.(d) John Maynard Keynes, belongs
economy principle.this policy was to England. He is also known as the Q.22. Which of the following is an
proposed to the parliament by the Father of Macroeconomics. economic system in which capital goods
industry minister of that time Dr.Shyama are owned by private individuals or
Prasad Mukharji. businesses and the production of goods Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 362

Pinnacle Economics

and services is based on supply and Q.25. 'Income and employment theory'
demand in the general market? is the other name for which branch of Sol. (b) The concepts of wages, rent,
CHSL 14/10/2020 (Morning) Economics? interest and profit are studied under
(a) Mixed Economy CHSL 16-10-2020 (Afternoon) Microeconomics.
(b) Capitalistic Economy (a) International economics
(c) State Economy (b) Public finance Q.28. People like small farmers and
(d) Communist Economy (c) Microeconomics seasonal workers who regularly move in
(d) Macroeconomics and out of poverty are categorised as
Sol. (b) In a Mixed economy, the private ________.
sector (Capitalism) and public sector Sol.(d) Microeconomics is a branch of CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening)
(Socialism) exist side by side. In a economics that studies the behavior of (a) occasionally poor
Capitalistic economy, capital goods are individuals and firms in making (b) churning poor
owned by private individuals or decisions regarding the allocation of (c) always poor
businesses and the production of goods scarce resources and the interactions (d) usually poor
and services is based on supply and among these individuals and firms.
demand in the general market. In a Macroeconomics is the branch of Sol. (b) Churning poor are those people
communist economy, the government economics that studies the behavior and who regularly move in or out of poverty.
owns most of the factors of production performance of an economy as a whole. When they get employed or their harvest
and decides the allocation of resources It focuses on the aggregate changes in is good they are above the poverty line
and what products and services will be the economy such as unemployment, but when they are unemployed or in bad
provided. growth rate, gross domestic product, and climatic years they are below the poverty
inflation. line. Example seasonal workers or small
Q.23. Which of the following is a farmers .
tertiary economic activity? Q.26. ______ is defined as the study of
CHSL 14/10/2020 (Afternoon) behavior of individual decision-making Q.29. An unexpected rise in sales of a
(a) Farming (b) Trading units, such as consumers, resource product leads to ______.
(c) Hunting (d) Weaving owners and firms. CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening)
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Morning) (a) Planned accumulation of inventory
Sol.(b) Primary economic activity (a) Microeconomics (b) Planned decumulation of inventory
involves getting raw materials from the (b) Macroeconomics (c) Unplanned decumulation of
natural environment like mining, (c) Health economics inventory
farming and fishing. Secondary (d) Econometrics (d) Unplanned accumulation of
economic activity involves inventory
manufacturing like making cars and Sol. (a) Microeconomics is a branch of
steel. Tertiary activities include economics that studies the behaviour of Sol.(c) Unplanned accumulation of
providing services such as trade, individuals and firms in making inventory refers to the unexpected
transport, financial operations, business decisions regarding the allocation of increase in the stock of goods due to the
services, personal services, scarce resources and the interactions fall in sales. Unplanned decumulation of
accommodation and food service among these individuals and firms. inventory refers to the unexpected
activities, real estate, education, health Macroeconomics is the branch of decrease in the stock of goods due to the
etc. economics that studies the behaviour and rise in sales.
performance of an economy as a whole. Q.30. Which of the following statements
Q.24. An industrial economy is best It focuses on the aggregate changes in is related to positive economics ?
defined as an economy whose 50% or the economy such as unemployment, SSC CGL 17/08/21(Evening)
(a) Inflation is better than deflation.
more produce value comes from the growth rate, gross domestic product and
(b) Inequalities in the distribution of
_______ sector. inflation. wealth and incomes should be reduced.
CHSL 14/10/2020 (Evening) (c) More production of luxury goods is
(a) banking (b) secondary Q.27. The concepts of wages, rent, not good for a less developed country.
(c) tertiary (d) primary interest and profit are studied under (d) An increase in money supply implies
which branch of a price rise in an economy.
Sol; (b) An industrial economy is best Economics?
defined as an economy whose 50% or CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening) Sol..(d) An increase in money supply
more production value comes from the (a) Macroeconomics implies a price rise in an economy is
secondary sector. (b) Microeconomics related to positive economics.
(c) Econometrics
(d) Health economics Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 363

Pinnacle Economics

Q.31. Which branch of economics deals (a) M4 = M3 + Total deposits with post and give equal importance to
with the depletion of natural resources office savings organisations (excluding non-economic aspects of wellbeing.
stock and pollution, which are a result of national savings certificates)
rapid economic development ? (b) M1 = Currency (notes + coins) + Q.37. In the context of Economics, what
SSC CGL 23/08/21(Afternoon) Demand deposits does P stand for in EPF? SSC MTS
(a) Environmental Economics (c) M2 = M1 + Savings deposits with 12/10/21(Afternoon)
(b) Developmental Economics post office savings banks (a) Planning (b) Profit
(c) International Economics (d) M3 = M1 + Net time deposits of post (c) Promotion (d) Provident
(d) Public Economics office savings
Sol.(d) Employees Provident Fund
Sol.(a) Environmental Economics deals Sol.(d) M4 = M3 + total deposits with (EPF) is a scheme in which retirement
with the depletion of natural resources post office savings organisations benefits are accumulated. For EPF, an
stock and pollution, which are a result of (exclding national savings certificate); employee contributes 12 percent of the
rapid economic development. M1 = Currency (notes + coins) + basic salary.
Development economics deals with the Demand deposits; M2 = M1 + Savings
economic aspects of the development deposits with post office savings banks. Q.38. Which of the following is NOT
process in low-income countries. Public
important for individual health? SSC
economics is the study of government Q.35. Which of the following formulas MTS 18/10/2021 (Morning)
policy through the lens of economic related to monetary and liquidity (a) Social equality
efficiency and equity. International aggregates is NOT correct ? (b) Public cleanliness
economics is concerned with the effects SSC CHSL 12/04/21 (Evening) (c) Harmony
on economic activity from international (a) M4 = M3 + Total deposits with (d) Public transport
differences. post office savings organisations
(excluding national savings Sol.(d) Public transport is not important
Q.32. An economy in which both the certificates) for individual health. Living a healthy
private sector and the government are (b) M1 = Currency (notes + coins) + lifestyle can help prevent chronic
involved is known as a/an ______. Demand deposits diseases and long-term illnesses.
economy. (c) M2 = M1 + Savings deposits with
SSC CGL 24/08/21(Morning) post office savings banks
(a) mixed (b) blended CONCEPTS OF DEMAND
(d) M3 = M1 + Net time deposits of
(c) parallel (d) amalgam post office savings AND SUPPLY
Sol.(d) M4 = M3 + total deposits with
Sol.(a) An economy in which both the post office savings organisations Q.39. In economic terms, what do we
private sector and the government are mean by ‘Intermediate Goods’?
(exclding national savings certificate);
involved is known as a mixed economy. SSC CGL 10/06/2019 (Evening)
M1 = Currency (notes + coins) +
An Indian economy is a mixed form of (a) Goods sold between industries for
Demand deposits; M2 = M1 + Savings
economy. resale or production of other goods.
deposits with post office savings banks.
(b) Goods in transit before reaching
Q.33. All monetary transfers or kinds the consumers.
Q.36. Which of the following concepts
sent by migrants to their place of origin (c) Price of goods without GST.
implies that sustainable development
are called ______. (d) Fixed assets used by
should take a holistic approach towards
SSC CGL 24/08/21(Evening) manufacturers.
notions of progress and give equal
(a) bills (b) drafts
importance to non economic aspects of
(c) remittances (d) payments Sol. (a) Goods sold between industries
wellbeing ?
for resale or production of others
SSC MTS 05/10/21(Morning)
Sol.(c) All monetary transfers or kinds Intermediate goods, producer goods or
(a) Gross Domestic Product
sent by migrants to their place of origin semi-finished products are goods, which
(b) Gross National Product
are called remittances. In remittance, are partly finished goods, and are used
(c) Gross National Happiness
money can be transferred from one for the production of the other good
(d) Net National Product
country to another country by migrants which eventually makes the final
to their families and communities. product. For ex. If a mobile is to be
Sol.(c) The concept of Gross National
exported then it’s battery is an
Q.34. Which of the following formulas Happiness implies that sustainable intermediate good.
related to monetary and liquidity development should take a holistic
aggregates is NOT correct ? approach towards notions of progress Q.40. The demand for a commodity or
SSC CHSL 12/04/21 (Evening) service which is a consequence of the Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 364

Pinnacle Economics

demand for something else is called Q.45.What is the change in total utility
______. due to consumption of one additional
SSC CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning) unit of an item called ?
(a) Income Demand SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning)
(b) Direct Demand (a) Marginal Utility
(c) Composite Demand (b) Maximum Utility
(d) Derived Demand (c) Minimum Utility
(d) Change Utility
Sol. (d) The demand for a commodity or
service which is a consequence of the Sol.(a) Marginal Utility is the additional
demand for something else is called Satisfaction that a customer gets for an
derived demand. For example if the additional unit of consumption or
demand of the printer increases then the additional unit of service.
demand of the paper will also increase,
The increase in the demand of the paper Q.46 As per the law of demand, if all
due to the increase in the demand of the other commodities remain the same, then
printer is known as derived demand. the relation between the demand and
From the diagram When the price of the price of a commodity is
Q.41. What effect will a decrease in product increases then the customer will SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening)
demand and an increase in supply have move to its substitute product and (a) Negative
on equilibrium price? suddenly the demand for the substitute (b) No Relation
SSC CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning) product will rise From D to D’ which (c) May be Positive or Negative
(a) Equilibrium price will fall| meansthat there is an outward shift in the (d) Positive
(b) Equilibrium price will rise graph.
(c) Equilibrium price will be constant Sol.(a) The Law of Demand states that
(d) Sometimes price will rise and Q.43._______ is a type of good for when the price of a commodity rises,
sometimes it will fall. which demand increases as its price then its demand fall and vice versa
Sol. (a) Equilibrium price will fall rises. keeping all other things constant. So, if
SSC CHSL 08/07/2019 (Evening) the demand and price are inversely
(a) Giffen Good (b) Capital Good proportional to each other.
(c) none (d) Consumer Good
Q.47. What kind of relationship exists
Sol.(a) Giffen Good , A Giffen good is a between income and demand in case of
product that people consume more of as normal goods ?
the price rises and vice versa—violating SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning)
the basic law of demand in (a) There is no impact of income on
microeconomics. For ex Iphone as it demand
shows the standard of living. (b) Sometime there is a direct and
An decrease in demand and an increase sometimes an inverse relationship
in supply will decrease the equilibrium Q.44. For economists, ______ refers to (c) There is a direct relationship
price and vice versa but the effect on the amount of a product or service that (d) There is an inverse relationship
equilibrium quantity cannot be people are both willing and able to buy.
determined. SSC CHSL 09/07/2019 (Morning) Sol47.(c) There is a direct relationship.
(a) Demand (b) Supply In the case of normal goods, income and
Q.42. What would happen to the demand (c) Price (d) Income demand are directly related, which
curve when there is an increase in the means an increase in income will cause
price of substitute products? Sol.(a) According to Economics demand to rise and a decrease in income
SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Morning) demand refers to the willingness to causes demand to fall.
(a) Outward shift purchase , ability to pay and willingness
(b) Remains constant to pay. A consumer may be able to Q.48. Which of the following is a
(c) Initially inward and then after a differentiate between a need and a want, private good ?
period outward shift but from an economist's perspective they SSC CGL 16/08/21(Afternoon)
(d) Inward shift are the same thing. (a) A good that is available to everyone
to consume, regardless of who pays for it
Sol.(a) Outward shift and who does not.
(b) Spillover benefits Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 365

Pinnacle Economics

(c) Non-rival in consumption and (c) Opportunity Cost

non-excludable Sol.(d) The Budget Line, also called as (d) Fixed Cost
(d) A good that is consumed by a single
person or household Sol.(a) Real Cost : It is the overall
actual expense involved in creating a
Sol.(d) A private good means a good good or service for sale to
which is consumed by a single person or consumers.The real cost of production
household. Private goods are excludable for a business typically includes the
and rivalrous. Food, clothing, cars, value of all tangible resources such as
parking spaces, etc are private goods. raw materials and labor that are used in
the production process.
CONSUMPTIONS AND Q.55.A marketplace in which final
goods or service is bought and sold is
called ____.
SSC CGL 12/06/2019 (Evening)
Q.49.Which amongst the following is Budget Constraint shows all the (a) Equity Market
NOT one of the four main factors of combinations of two commodities that a (b) Factor Market
production? consumer can afford at given market (c) Commodity Market
SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning) prices and within the particular income (d) Product Market
(a) Land (b) Labour level.
(c) Expenditure (d) Entrepreneurship Q.52. Which economist gave the theory Sol.(d) The product market is the market
of Opportunity cost? where final goods or services are sold to
Sol. (c) Economists divide the factors of SSC CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning) the customer for example the
production into four categories: land, (a) Milton Friedman pharmaceutical sector, smart- phones. In
labor, capital, and entrepreneurship. So, (b) Adam Smith this type of market trading of raw does
Expenditure is not the factor of the (c) John Keynes not happen both company and customer
production. (d) Gottfried Haberler deals with the finished product.

Q.50.What does the Lorenz curve Sol. (d) Gottfried Haberier gave the Q.56. A market structure which is
indicate ? theory of the opportunity cost. dominated by only a small number of
SSC CGL 07/06/2019 (Evening) Opportunity cost in microeconomics is firms is called:
(a) Relationship between the price of a the loss of the benefit that could have SSC CHSL 03/07/2019 (Afternoon)
certain commodity and its demand. been taken by making the alternative (a) Perfect Competition
(b) Income distribution option that was available at the time of (b) Monopoly
(c) Rate of employment selection. (c) Oligopoly
(d) Taxable income elasticity
(d) Monopolistic Competition
Q.53.When the output is equal to zero,
Sol.(b) The Lorenz curve is a graphical the variable cost is _______. Sol.(c) The monopolistic competition is
representation of the distribution of SSC CGL 11/06/2019 (Afternoon) also called a competitive market, where
income or of wealth. (a) Constant (b) Zero there is a large number of producers,
The graph represents the population (c) Minimum (d) Maximum each producer has a small share in the
percentile on X-axis and Y-axis
market with slightly different products.
represent the cumulative frequency Sol.(b) Total Variable cost = total
quantity of output ×variable cost per Q.57. In Economics, buying an asset in
Q.51. What is the name given to the unit. If output is equal to zero then the one market and simultaneously selling
graph that shows all the combinations of variable cost is equal to zero. an identical asset in another market at a
two commodities that a consumer can Total cost = variable cost +fixed cost higher price is termed as_____.
afford at given market prices and within
SSC CHSL 08/07/2019 (Afternoon)
the particular income level in economic Q.54. What is the value of all tangible (a) Depreciation (b) Mortgage
terms ? resources such as raw materials and (c) Arbitrage (d) Devaluation
SSC CGL 10/06/2019 (Afternoon) labour that are used in the production
(a) Demand Curve process called ? Sol.(c) Arbitrage is the practice of taking
(b) Isocost Line SSC CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon) advantage of a price difference between
(c) Supply Curve (a) Real Coast two or more markets. In this type of
(d) Budget Line (b) Variable Cost trade one is profited by selling similar Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 366

Pinnacle Economics

assets in different markets and in (c) Imputed cost

different forms. Sol.(c) The expenses leading to the (d) Sunk cost
increment in production capacity are
Q.58. The ______ shows all the Investment expenditure. It is the Sol.(d) Replacement cost is the cost of
combinations of two commodities that a expenditure that an organisation makes replacing an asset, plant, machinery,
consumer can afford at given market for the creation of the new assets like equipment etc. Opportunity cost refers to
prices and within the particular income machinery, building etc. the cost of the next best alternative
level. foregone in order to pursue the chosen
SSC CHSL 09/07/2019 (Afternoon) Q.62. In the context of capital markets , action. Imputed cost are hypothetical
(a) Utility line (b) Supply line the abbreviation ‘FPO’ stands for: costs which are considered just for the
(c) Demand line (d) Budget line CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning) purpose of decision making and do not
(a) Free Public Offer involve any actual cash outflow.
Sol.(d) The Budget Line, also called as (b) First Portfolio Operation Sunk cost is the cost which is not altered
Budget Constraint shows all the (c) Follow- on Public Offer by a change in current business activity.
combinations of two commodities that a (d) First Public offer It can be understood as an irrevocable
consumer can afford at given market cost of the past business activity which
prices and within the particular income Sol.(c) Follow- on Public Offer has to be incurred now and is irrelevant
level. The process by which the company, to the current business scenario.
Q.59. Which of the following is not which is already listed on the stock
included in the factors of production ? exchange can issue new shares to the Q.65. Which of the following is NOT a
SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon) investors or existing shareholders is central economic problem, solved by the
(a) Capital (b) Labour known as FPO (Follow on Public Offer). Production Possibility Curve (PPC) ?
(c) Tax (d) Land CHSL 16-10-2020 (Evening)
Q.63. The 'transformation curve' is also (a) Full utilisation of resources
Sol.(c) Factors of production are the known as the: (b) Sustainable consumption
inputs needed for the creation of a good CHSL 12-10-2020 (Evening) (c) Economic efficiency
or service. The factors of production (a) production possibility curve (d) Economic growth
include land, labor, entrepreneurship, (b) indifference curve
and capital. Tax is not the factor of (c) supply curve Sol. (b) The Production Possibilities
production. (d) demand curve Curve (PPC) is a model used to show the
trade offs associated with allocating
Q.60. Pricing Policy of Minimum Sol. (a) production possibility curve resources between the production of two
support price follows which approach? The transformation curve is defined as goods. The PPC can be used to illustrate
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning) the maximum amount of commodity X the concepts of scarcity, opportunity
(a) Cost plus approach obtainable for any given amount of cost, efficiency, inefficiency, economic
(b) Investment plus approach commodity Y, and vice versa. It is also growth and contractions.
(c) Land plus approach known as production-possibility curve.
(d) Loan plus approach Q.66. What is Gini coefficient used for ?
CHSL 15-10-2020 (Evening)
Sol.(a) Minimum Support Price (MSP) is (a) To measure income equality
a form of market intervention by the (b) To measure income inequality
Government of India to insure (c) To measure distribution of income
agricultural producers against any sharp (d) To measure profit and loss
fall in farm prices.
Cost of production (CoP) is one of the Sol. (b) To measure income inequality
important factors in the determination of Gini coefficient is used to measure
MSP of mandated crops. income inequality. A value of ‘0’
represents absolute equality, a value of
Q.61. The expenses leading to the 100 represents absolute inequality.
increment in production capacity are
which type of expenses ? Q.64. ______ refers to money that has Q.67. A higher ______ index represents
SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning) already been spent and which cannot be inequality in income distribution.
(a) Revenue Expenditure recovered. CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning)
(b) Production Expenditure CHSL 12-10-2020 (Afternoon) (a) CPI (b) Gini
(c) Investment Expenditure (a) Replacement cost (c) GDP (d) NDP
(d) Capital Expenditure (b) Opportunity cost Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 367

Pinnacle Economics

Sol. (b) Gini coefficient measures the Q.71. What is the full form of WPI? kept on increasing. When the general
inequality in income distribution. A SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Afternoon) price level rises, each unit of currency
value of 0 represents absolute equality, a (a) Wholesale Product Index will buy fewer goods and services,
value of 100 represents absolute (b) Wholesale Price Information finally decreasing the purchasing power
inequality. (c) World Product Index of the currency.
(d) Wholesale Price Index
Q.68. Which of the following does NOT Q.75 A _________ occurs when a
have an opportunity cost ? Sol.(d) A wholesale price index (WPI) government’s total expenditures exceed
SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Afternoon) measures and tracks the changes in the the revenue that is generated, excluding
(a) Soap (b) Software price of goods before they reach money from borrowings.
(c) Sunlight (d) Stylus consumers. WPI= (Current Price / Base SSC CGL 07/06/2019 (Afternoon)
Period Price) × 100 (a) Current Account Deficit
Sol.(c) Opportunity costs represent the (b) Budgetary Deficit
potential benefits an individual, investor, (c) Revenue Deficit
or business misses out on when choosing (d) Fiscal Deficit
one alternative over another. From the
given options ‘Sunlight’ does not have TAXATION AND GDP Sol. (d) Fiscal Deficit = Total
an opportunity cost. Expenditure - Total Revenue(without
Q.72. Which country was the first to borrowing)Current Account Deficit is
implement Goods and Services Tax when a country’s import exceeds it’s
Q.69. The Cabinet Committee on
export.Budgetary deficit is the sum of
Economic Affairs (CCEA) increased the (GST)?
revenue account deficit and capital
Minimum Support SSC CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning) account deficit. If revenue expenses of
Prices (MSPs) of cotton (long staple) to (a) France (b) USA the government exceed revenue receipts,
₹______ per quintal for marketing (c)Germany (d) Canada it results in revenue account deficit.
season 2020-21.
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Morning) Sol.(a) The Goods and Service Tax is Q.76. A situation where the expenditure
(a) 7,285 popularly known as GST was first of the government exceeds its revenue is
(b) 5,825 introduced in France in 1954. It came called:
(c) 6,855 into effect in India from 1 July 2017(also SSC CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning)
(d) 8,525 known as GST day) by the 101st (a) Default Financing
amendment of the constitution . GST (b) Deficit Revenue
Sol.(b) The Cabinet Committee on replaced the existing tax system of India (c) Budget Deficit
Economic Affairs (CCEA) increased the into a single tax. (d) Default Revenue
Minimum Support Prices (MSPs) of
Q.73. If there is a lack of money supply Sol. (c) A budget deficit occurs when the
cotton (long staple) to ₹5,825 per quintal
in comparison to the supply of goods expenditure of the company exceeds the
for marketing season 2020-21.
and services, then the possible revenue collected by the country. The
consequence would be_____. government generally uses the term
Q.70. Which department of the
SSC CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening) budget deficit when referring to
Government of India declares the
(a) Hyperinflation (b) Deflation spending rather than businesses or
minimum support prices ?
(c) Devaluation (d) Inflation individuals.
SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Evening)
(a) Department of Economic Affairs
Sol. (b) Deflation refers to the state Q.77. A substantial increase in capital
(b) Department of Agriculture and
when the price of the goods and services expenditure or revenue deficit leads to
is kept on decreasing. Negative inflation ___.
(c) Department of Disinvestment
is also known as Deflation. SSC CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning)
(d) Department of Expenditure
(a) Budgetary Deficit
Q.74. A sustained rise in the general (b) Fiscal Deficit
Sol.(b) Department of Agriculture and
price level in an economy is called (c) Primary Deficit
Cooperation Department of the
___________. (d) Revenue Deficit
Government of India declares the
SSC CGL 06/06/2019 (Afternoon)
minimum support prices. As of now, Sol. (b) A substantial increase in capital
(a) Disinflation (b) Deflation
CACP recommends MSPs of 23 expenditure or revenue deficit leads to
(c) Inflation (d) Stagflation
commodities. The MSP system was Fiscal deficit. A fiscal deficit occurs
started in 1966-67. Sol. (c) Inflation refers to the state when when a government's total expenditures
the price of the goods and services is Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 368

Pinnacle Economics

exceed the revenue that it generates, provider. All the service providers are an annual publication titled 'National
excluding money from borrowings. under the same format number which Accounts Statistics' containing Gross
consist of 16 digits. Domestic Product, Fixed Capital
Q.78. When the deficit is high, what Q.81. In which year was the Central Formation and other macroeconomic
happens to prices ? Board of Revenue Act in India aggregates.
SSC CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon) promulgated?
(a) Prices decrease SSC CHSL 03/07/2019 (Morning) Q.84. _____ is the final value of all the
(b) there is no direct impact on prices (a) 1983 (b) 1963 finished goods and services produced
(c) Prices remain stable (c) 1973 (d) 1953 within a country’s borders in a specific
(d) Prices increase time period.
Sol.(b) Central Board of Revenue Act SSC CHSL 08/07/2019 (Morning)
Sol. (d) When the deficit is high then separates Board of revenue for direct (a) Government revenue
mainly government borrows from taxes and excise and customs. (b) Net National Product
reserve bank of India or sells it (c) Gross Domestic Product
property(Disinvestment), printing of new Q.82. Name the Nobel Prize winning (d) Gross National Product
notes is also an option this increases the American economist whose report to the
liquidity in the market which eventually US Congress titled “National Income, Sol.(c) Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
causes condition of inflation in the 1929-35” paved the way for the is the total monetary or market value of
market and thus the price increases. calculation of Gross Domestic Product all the finished goods and services
(GDP) as the ultimate measure of a produced within a country's borders in a
Q.79. What is the economic impact of country’s overall welfare. specific time period. As a broad measure
increase in productivity of firms? SSC CHSL 04/07/2019 (evening) of overall domestic production, it
SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Morning) (a) Paul Samuelson functions as a comprehensive scorecard
(a) Decrease in Gross Domestic (b) John Maynard Keynes of the country’s economic health.
Product (c) Simon Kuznets
(b) No change in Gross Domestic (d) Kenneth Arrow Q.85. Which of the following are the
Product major state taxes in India?
(c) The impact may vary among Sol.(c) Simon Kuznets, a SSC CHSL 11/07/2019 (Evening)
nations and their economic Russian-American development (a) Stamp duty and registration
conditions economist and statistician, was awarded (b) Income tax
(d) Increase in Gross Domestic the 1971 Nobel Memorial Prize in (c) Corporation tax
Product Economics for his research on economic (d) Customs duty
growth. He is best known for his work
Sol. (d) Increase in Gross Domestic on the calculation of Gross Domestic Sol.(a) Stamp duty and registration ,
Product means the increase in revenue, Product (GDP) as the ultimate measure Registration fee is the cost levied by the
which means that to export more at the of a country’s overall welfare. government to record the property
same input which eventually increases details, and stamp duty is a tax levied on
the productivity of the firm. Q.83. Which one of the following brings the legal recognition of the property
out an annual publication titled 'National documents. However, the stamp duty
Q.80. What is the full form of GSTIN in Accounts Statistics' containing Gross and registration charges depend on the
relation to GST ? Domestic Product, Fixed Capital ownership type and the transaction value
SSC CHSL 02/07/2019 (Morning) Formation and other macroeconomic of the property.
(a) Goods and Services Tax aggregates?
Identification Note SSC CHSL 05/07/2019 (Afternoon) Q.86.How many members are there in
(b) Goods and Services Tax (a) The Indian Statistical Institute the GST Council ?
Identification Number (ISI) SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(c) Goods and Services Tax (b) The Central Statistics Office (a) 33 (b) 35 (c) 25 (d) 23
Information Number (CSO)
(d) Goods and Services Taxation (c) The NAtional Sample Survey Sol.(a) 33 , GST Council is the
Income Number Office (NSSO) governing body of GST having 33
(d) The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) members, out of which 2 members are of
Sol.(b) Goods and Services Tax centre and 31 members are from 29
Identification Number , Under GST a Sol.(b) The Central Statistics Office states and 3 Union territories with
service tax registration number by the (CSO) , The Central Statistics Office is a legislation.
Central given to each and every service governmental agency in India under the
Board of Excise and Custom (CBEC) Ministry of Statistics which brings out Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 369

Pinnacle Economics

Q.87. What is the meaning of Fiscal (a) The GDP that is calculated in Sol.(d) Securities Transaction Tax
Deficit ? terms of cryptocurrency. STT is a kind of financial Transaction
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon) (b) The GDP that is calculated by tax which is similar to tax collected at
source (TCS). STT is a direct tax levied
(a) Total revenue collected by the govt taking a base year as a determinant
on every purchase and sale of securities
(b) The difference between total (c) The GDP that is calculated at the that are listed on the recognized stock
revenue and total expenditure of current market price. exchanges in India.
the govt (d) The GDP that excludes all exports
(c) Total expenditure of the govt and imports in the calculation. Q.95. Which of the following statements
(d) Total amount of loan taken by the regarding Goods and Services Tax is
govt Sol.(c)The GDP that is calculated at the INCORRECT ?
current market price. Gross Domestic SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning)
Sol.(b) The difference between total Product (GDP) is the total monetary or (a) It has no Compliance Cost
revenue and total expenditure of the govt market value of all the finished goods (b) This eliminates the far-reaching
. Fiscal Deficit can be expressed as: and services produced within a country's effects of tax.
Fiscal Deficit = Total Expenditure – borders in a specific time period. (c) It resolves disputes related to the
Total Receipts (Excluding Borrowings). classification of goods and services
Q.92. In which year, the first Gender (d) Goods and services tax will not be a
Q.88. Fiscal Policy is formulated by Budget Statement appeared in the Union cost for registered retailers, so there will
______ in India. Budget of India? be no hidden tax.
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening) SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning)
(a) NITI Ayog (b) Finance Ministry (a) 2001-02 (b) 2005-06 Sol.(a) It has no Compliance Cost Goods
(c) RBI (d) Different Banks (c) 2010-11 (d) 2007-08 and services tax (GST) has no
compliance cost.
Sol.(b) In India, Fiscal Policy is Sol.(b) In 2005-06 the first gender
formulated by the Ministry of Finance. Budgeting Cell budget was introduced in Q.96. Which among the following
Governments use fiscal policy to parliament. In December 2004, the indirect taxes is charged by the Central
promote strong and sustainable growth Department of Economic Affairs, Government ?
and reduce poverty. Ministry of Finance, issued instructions SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning)
to all Ministries and Departments to (a) Service Tax (b) Luxury tax
Q.89. GST council is headed by : establish a 'Gender Budgeting Cell' by (c) Purchase tax (d) Taxes on Lottery
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening) 1st January 2005.
(a) Union Finance Minister Sol.(a)Service Tax
(b) CAG Q.93.The financial resources of an Indirect taxes are those taxes that can be
(c) RBI Governor economy cannot be mobilized transferred to another person. Service tax
(d) Prime Minister SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon) comes under the central government
(a) Public Savings whereas all others options are state
Sol.(a) The council is headed by the (b) Individual Savings government taxes.
union finance minister Nirmala (c) Taxation
Sitharaman assisted with the finance (d) Inflation Q.97. Current Account of Balance of
minister of all the states of India. payments does NOT include which of
Sol.(d) Inflation , The financial the following?
Q.90. GST is NOT applicable on which resources of an economy cannot be SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening)
of the following goods or services ? mobilized by Inflation. It can be (a) Investments
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) mobilized by Public Savings, Initial (b) Transfer Payments
(a) Automobiles savings taxation etc. (c) Trade in Goods
(b) Salon services (d) Trade in Services
(c) Restaurant services Q.94. _______ is a type of direct Tax
(d) Alcohol which is levied at the time of Sol.(a) The current account on the
sale/purchase of securities through the balance of payments measures the
Sol.(d) The products which are Indian Stock Exchanges. inflow and outflow of goods, services,
exempted from GST are Alcohol, SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening) investment incomes, and transfer
petroleum and Electricity bill. Rest all (a) Stamp Duty payments. The main components of the
the commodity comes under GST. (b) Shares and Securities Tax current account are Trade in goods
Q.91.What is the National Gross (c) Stamp and Securities Tax (visible balance) Trade in services
Domestic Product(GDP) ? (d) Securities Transaction Tax (invisible balance), e.g. insurance and
SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning) services. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 370

Pinnacle Economics

GST in the country income method, expenditure method and

Q.98.Which of the following relations is (c) Centre holds 100 per cent stake in ______ method.
true? SSC CGL 5/3/2020 (afternoon)
GST network
SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening) (a) spending
(a) GNP = GDP * Net factor income (d) GST council is a statutory body (b) product / value added
from abroad (c) deposit
(b) GNP = GDP - Net factor income (d) lending
Sol. (a) GST network was formed under
from abroad
the Companies Act.Goods & Services
(c) GNP = GDP + Net factor income Sol.3 (b) product / value added , The
Tax Council is a constitutional body for
from abroad value-added method of calculating
making recommendations to the Union
(d) GNP = GDP / Net factor income national income focuses on the value
and State Government on issues related
from abroad added to a product at each stage of
to Goods and Service Tax. The GST in
the country was introduced through the
Sol.(c) GNP = GDP + Net factor income
101st amendment. As of October 2019,
from abroad , GNP (Gross National Q.104. A situation where the
the Centre will own a 50 percent stake in
Product) = GDP + net property income expenditure of the government exceeds
the GST Network and the remainder will
from abroad. This net income from its revenue is known as______.
be held by the states on a pro-rata basis
abroad includes dividends, interest and SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Afternoon)
in the new structure.
profit. GNI (Gross National Income) = (a) Default
(similar to GNP) includes the value of (b) Devaluation
Q.101. Which of the following may be
all goods and services produced by (c) Deficit Financing
classified as a 'Pigouvian tax'?
nationals – whether in the country or not. (d) Morbidity
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening)
(a) Long term capital gain tax
Q.99. Which of the following statements (b) Corporate tax Sol.(c) Deficit Financing , A situation
is true regarding disinflation ? (c) Carbon tax where the expenditure of the government
CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning) (d) Income tax exceeds its revenue is known as Deficit
(a) A scenario when inflation is mainly financing. To make up with this deficit
due inflation of only a few commodities Sol.1(c) Carbon tax , A Pigovian tax is a the government generally disinvest,
and not of all commodities tax on any market activity that generates borrowing of loSol or minting of new
(b) An overall decrease in prices over a negative impacts on the environment or currency.
specific period society. The tax is intended to correct an
(c) A decrease in the rate of inflation in a undesirable or inefficient market Q.105.What does GNP stand for ?
specific period. outcome. A carbon tax is a tax levied on SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Morning)
(d) A sudden sharp decrease in prices the carbon content of goods and (a) Gramin Nisak Praman
due to unexpected reasons.. services. (b) Gramin Nigam Parishad
(c) Gross National Product
Sol.(c) A decrease in the rate of inflation Q.102. Who among the following (d) Gross National Produce
in a specific period. Disinflation is a publishes the Economic Survey of India
decrease in the rate of the inflation. ? Sol.(c) Gross national product (GNP) is
Disinflation occurs when the increase in SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Evening) an estimate of the total market value of
the “consumer price level” slows down (a) Ministry of Finance all goods and services produced in one
from the previous period when the price (b) Indian Statistical Institute year by labour and property supplied by
were rising. For example, if the annual (c) National Development Council the residents of a country.
inflation rate for the month of january is (d) Institute of finance
5% and it is 4% in the month of Q.106.Under which Amendment to the
February, the prices disinflated by 1% Sol.2 (a) Ministry of Finance , Economic Constitution of India was Goods and
but are still increasing by a 4% annual survey of India is published by the Services Tax imposed ?
rate. Ministry of Finance. The Department of SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Afternoon)
Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance (a) 101st (b) 99th
Q.100. Which among the following presents the survey in parliament every (c) 103rd (d) 97th
regarding GST is correct ? year, just before the union budget.
CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening) Sol.(a)101st , The Constitution (One
(a) GST network was formed under Q.103. The aggregate value of goods Hundred and First Amendment) Act,
Companies Act and services produced in an economy 2016, introduced Goods and Services
can be calculated by three methods: Tax (GST) in India which came into
(b) The 100th Amendment introduced
effect from 1 July 2017. It replaces all Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 371

Pinnacle Economics

indirect taxes levied on goods and Programme Implementation is Base Year of the GDP Series in India
services by the Central and state responsible for preparation of National was revised from 2004-05 to ______
governments with a single nation wide Income estimates in India. with effect from January 2015. SSC
tax. MTS 06/10/21 (Afternoon)
Q.111. Goods and Services Tax (GST) (a) 2011-12 (b) 2013-14
Q.107. GST was introduced by which was enacted by Parliament vide (c) 2005-06 (d) 2009-10
amendment act of the Constitution ? ______Constitutional Amendment Act,
CHSL 19-03-2020 (Afternoon) 2016 on 8th September 2016. Sol.(a) As per the recommendations of
(a) 102 (b) 107 CHSL 15-10-2020 (Morning) the National Statistical Commission, the
(c) 101 (d) 106 (a) 103rd (b) 105th Base Year of the GDP Series in India
(c) 107th (d) 101st was revised from 2004-05 to 2011-12
Sol. (c) 101 , GST was introduced by with effect from January 2015.
101st Constitutional Amendment Act. Sol.(d) 101st , Goods and Services Tax
(GST) was enacted by Parliament vide Q.115. Ronald Reagan, the 40th
Q.108 Which of the following sectors of 101st Constitutional Amendment Act, President of the US, signed the largest
the economy has the highest share in 2016 on 8th September 2016. tax cut in the history of their country in
India's GDP ? 1981. Which economic theory was this
CHSL 12-10-2020 (Afternoon) Q.112. The GST council is headed by policy centred around? SSC MTS
(a) Agriculture (b) Industrial the: 06/10/21 (Evening)
(c) Manufacturing (d) Service CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning) (a) Laffer Curve
(a) Prime minister (b) Lorenz Curve
Sol.(d) The services sector is estimated (b) SEBI chairman (c) Kuznets Curve
to contribute 55.3% to India’s GVA in (c) RBI governor (d) Sweezy's Kinked Demand Curve
2019-20. (d) Union finance minister
Sol.(a) Ronald Reagan, the 40th
Q.109. Which of the following best Sol. (d) Union finance minister , The President of the US, signed the largest
defines Net National Income ? GST Council consists of the Union tax cut in the history of their country in
CHSL 14/10/2020 (Morning) Finance Minister (as Chairman), the 1981. This policy was centered around
(a) NDP – Depreciation Union Minister of State in charge of the economic theory of the Laffer Curve.
(b) GNP + Depreciation Revenue or Finance and the Minister in
(c) GDP – Depreciation charge of Finance or Taxation or any Q.116. The difference between Revenue
(d) GNP – Depreciation other Minister, nominated by each State Receipts plus Non-debt Capital Receipts
government. (NDCR) and total expenditure is called
Sol.9(d) GNP – Depreciation , Gross ______.
National Product is Gross Domestic Q.113. Tax reforms are concerned with SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Evening) .
Product (GDP) plus net factor income the reforms in the government’s taxation (a) Revenue Deficit
from abroad. It measures the monetary and public expenditure policies, which (b) Fiscal Deficit
value of all the finished goods and are collectively known as its ______. (c) Effective Revenue Deficit
services produced by the country’s CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) (d) Primary Deficit
factors of production irrespective of their (a) fiscal reforms
location. When depreciation is deducted (b) fiscal policy Sol.(b) The difference between Revenue
from the GNP, we get Net National (c) financial policy Receipts plus Non-debt Capital Receipts
Income. (d) financial reforms (NDCR) and total expenditure is called
Fiscal Deficit. A fiscal deficit is a
Q.110. Who among the following is Sol.(b) fiscal policy , Tax reforms are shortfall in a government's income
responsible for preparation of National concerned with the reforms in the compared with its spending. The
Income estimates in India ? government’s taxation and public government that has a fiscal deficit is
CHSL 14/10/2020 (Afternoon) expenditure policies, which are spending beyond its means. A fiscal
(a) Central Statistical Organization collectively known as its Fiscal deficit is calculated as a percentage of
(b) IRDA Policy.Through fiscal policy the gross domestic product (GDP), or simply
(c) Finance Commission government adjusts its spendings and tax as total dollars spent in excess of
(d) NITI Aayog rate to monitor and influence the nation’s income.
Sol.(a) Central Statistical Organization , Q.117. India's average exponential
Central Statistical Organization, working Q.114. As per the recommendations of growth rate (population) for the period
under Ministry of Statistics and the National Statistical Commission, the Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 372

Pinnacle Economics

2001-2011 was ______% per annum. Q.121. Which of the following best (a) Its main objective is to provide
SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Evening) represents the concept of Net Domestic financial assistance to promote Indian
(a) 3.82 (b) 1.64 Product (NDP) ? exports
(c) 0.46 (d) 2.38 SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Morning) (b) It is a premier export finance
(a) GDP – Income from abroad institution of India.
Sol.(b) India's average exponential (b) GDP + Income from abroad (c) The Bank provides assistance in
growth rate (population) for the period (c) GNP – Depreciation helping Indian firms in their
2001-2011 was 1.64 % per annum. (d) GDP – Depreciation globalization efforts
(d) It was established in 2014 under the
Q.118. In which year was the Value Sol.(d) GDP – Depreciation best Export-Import Bank of India Act
Added Tax introduced in India? SSC represents the concept of Net Domestic
MTS 08/10/21 (Afternoon) Product (NDP). Net domestic product Sol.(d) It was established in 2014 under
(a) 2007 (b) 2005 (NDP) is an annual measure of the the Export- Import Bank of India Act.
(c) 2002 (d) 2010 economic output of a nation that is Export–Import Bank of India is a finance
adjusted to account for depreciation. It is institution in India, established in 1982
Sol.(b) The Value Added Tax was calculated by subtracting depreciation under Export-Import Bank of India Act
introduced in India in 2005. VAT has from the gross domestic product (GDP). 1981. Since its inception, Exim Bank of
been implemented in all the states and This concept determines the economic India has been both a catalyst and a key
union territories of India except player in the promotion of cross border
health of a country.
Pondicherry, Andaman and Nicobar trade and investment.
Islands, and Lakshadweep Island. Q.122. Which among the following is
Q.125. Which of the following banks is
included in the gross domestic product?
Q.119. In which year did the NOT a public sector bank?
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Morning)
Government of India introduce SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Morning)
(a) Sale of used goods
value-added tax (VAT) as an indirect tax (a) Jammu and Kashmir Bank Ltd
(b) Bartered goods and services
in the Indian taxation system to replace (b) Canara Bank
(c) Sales of final goods
the existing general sales tax? SSC MTS (c) State Bank of India
(d) Transfer payments
08/10/21(evening) (d) IndusInd Bank
(a) 2005 (b) 2011 Sol.(c) Sales of final goods are included
(c) 2013 (d) 2007 Sol.(d) Indusind Bank , Public Sector
in the gross domestic product. GDP
Banks (PSBs) are a major type of bank
measures the monetary value of final
Sol.(a) In 2005, the Government of in India, where a majority stake (i.e.
goods and services. GDP is the most
India introduced value-added tax (VAT) more than 50%) is held by a
commonly used measure of economic government. The shares of these banks
as an indirect tax in the Indian taxation activity. are listed on stock exchanges. There are
system to replace the existing general
a total of 18 Public Sector Banks
sales tax. Q.123. The Union Budget, 2020-21, alongside 1 state-owned Payments Bank
increased deposit insurance coverage for in India.
Q.120. Which of the following items bank deposits to ₹______ per depositor.
does NOT directly affect the Current SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Afternoon) Q.126.The currency printing press of
Account Balance of India? (a) 1 lakh (b) 2 lakh India is NOT located in___.
SSC MTS 11/10/21(Evening) (c) 5 lakh (d) 3 lakh SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
(a) Net income abroad
(a) Dewas (b) Kochi
(b) Foreign aid Sol.(c) The Union Budget, 2020-21, (c) Mysore (d)Salboni
(c) Trade gap increased deposit insurance coverage for
(d) Revenue income bank deposits to ₹5 lakhs per depositor. Sol. (b) Kochi All Indian currency notes
are printed in the RBI’s currency
Sol.(d) Revenue income does not
MONEY BANKING AND printing press centers. At the current
directly affect the Current Account
FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS time there are four currency printing
Balance of India. Revenue is the total
presses in India worked under RBI.
amount of income generated by the sale These are Currency Note Press, Nashik
Q.124. Which of the following
of goods or services related to the (Maharashtra) Bank Note Press,
statements is NOT true about the
company's primary operations. Dewas(Madhya Pradesh), Bharatiya
Export-Import Bank of India (EXIM
BANK)? Reserve Bank Note Mudran Pvt. Ltd.
SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Morning) Maysor (Karnatak), Salboni (West
Bengal) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 373

Pinnacle Economics

(a) rate of inflation

Q.127. Which of the following is NOT a (b) net demand and time liabilities Sol.(a) State Bank of India , At 29
nationalized bank? (c) credit growth authorised Branches of SBI were
SSC CPO 16/03/19 (Evening) (d) savings of customers allowed to use and encash the electoral
(a) South Indian Bank bonds in the months of March, April and
(b) Syndicate Bank Sol.(b) Net demand and time liabilities , May 2019.
(c) Canara Bank The cash reserve Ratio (CRR) is the total
(d) Vijaya Bank fund that the banks have to keep with the Q.134. In which year was the State
RBI all the time. If the RBI decides to Financial Corporation Act passed ? The
Sol. (a) South Indian Bank Limited increase the CRR, the available liquidity Act provides for the establishment of
(SIB) is a major private sector bank of the market comes down. The RBI state financial corporations.
headquartered at Thrissur in Kerala, uses the CRR to drain out excessive SSC CHSL 03/07/2019 (Morning)
India. South Indian Bank has 857 money from the system. (a) 1972 (b) 1983
branches, 4 service branches, 54 ext. (c) 1951 (d) 1947
counters and 20 Regional Offices spread Q.131. In the context of the banking
across more than 27 states and 3 union sector of India, what is the full form of Sol.(c) 1951 , STATE FINANCIAL
territories in India. IMPS ? CORPORATION ACT, 1951. An Act to
SSC CHSL 01/07/2019 (Evening) provide for the establishment of State
Q.128.The Banking Regulation Act was (a) Instant Payment Service Financial Corporations. The Union
passed in India in _________. (b) Instant Payment Sector Parliament passed the State Financial
SSC CGL 06/06/2019 (Evening) (c) Immediate Payment Sector Corporation Act on September 28, 1951
(a) 1949 (b) 1974 (d) Immediate Payment Service empowering the state governments to
(c) 1965 (d) 1951 establish financial corporations for their
Sol.(d) Immediate Payment Service , respective regions.
Sol.(a) 1949, The Banking Regulation Immediate Payment Service (IMPS) is
Act, 1949 is a legislation in India that an instant payment inter-bank electronic Q.135. Which committee was appointed
regulates all banking firms in India. funds transfer system in India. IMPS to give a detailed report on the Non
Passed as the Banking Companies Act offers an inter-bank electronic fund Performing Assets of the Public Sector
1949, it came into force from 16 March transfer service through mobile phones. Banks ?
1949 and changed to Banking SSC CHSL 03/07/2019 (Morning)
Regulation Act 1949 from 1 March Q.132. Which of the following terms (a) Malegam Committee
1966. refer to the running down or payment of (b) Srikrishna Committee
a loan in installments? (c) Pannir Selvam Committee
Q.129.The Interest Rate charged by SSC CHSL 02/07/2019 (Morning) (d) Mandal Committee
banks on short term to their largest, (a) Discounted Cash Flow
most secure, and most creditworthy (b) Credit Creation Sol.(c) Pannir Selvam Committee , The
customers is called _______ (c) All Pannir Selvam Committee was
SSC CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening) (d) Amortisation appointed to provide a detailed
(a) Prime Lending Rate explanation on the non performing
(b) Amortised Rate Sol.(d) Amortisation , In business, assets.Non Performing Assets is a loan
(c) Discount Rate amortization refers to spreading according to the Reserve bank of India
(d) Variable Rate payments over multiple periods. The that is overdue from more than 90 Days.
term is used for two separate processes:
Sol. (a) Prime Lending Rate , A prime amortization of loSol and amortization Q.136. Which one of the following is a
rate or prime lending rate is an interest of assets. In the latter case it refers to monetary principle stating that “Bad
rate used by banks, usually the interest allocating the cost of an intangible asset money drives out good” ?
rate at which banks lend to favored over a period of time. SSC CHSL 03/07/2019 (Evening)
customers—i.e., those with good credit. (a) Pareto Efficiency
Some variable interest rates may be Q.133. Which of the following banks (b) The multiplier effect
expressed as a percentage above or was authorised to issue Electoral Bonds (c) Marshall’s scissors analysis
below the prime rate. ? (d) Gresham’s Law
SSC CHSL 02/07/2019 (Afternoon)
Q.130. Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) is (a) State Bank of India Sol.(d) Gresham’s Law , In economics,
calculated as a percentage of each bank’s (b) HDFC Bank Gresham's law is a monetary principle
___. (c) ICICI Bank stating that "bad money drives out
SSC CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening) (d) Corporation Bank good". For example, if there are two Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 374

Pinnacle Economics

forms of commodity money in (c) Prime Lending Rate (c) Real Time Gain Settlement
circulation, which are accepted by law as (d) Bank Rate (d) Reel Time Gain Settlement
having similar face value, the more
valuable commodity will gradually Sol.(d) Bank Rate , A bank rate is the Sol.(a) Real-Time Gross Settlement. The
disappear from circulation. interest rate at which a nation's central term real-time gross settlement (RTGS)
bank lends money to domestic banks, refers to a funds transfer system that
often in the form of very short-term
Q.137. Which one of the following is allows for the instantaneous transfer of
loSol. Managing the bank rate is a
defined as “The proportion of highly method by which central banks affect money and/or securities.
liquid assets held by financial economic activity.
institutions, to ensure their ongoing Q.143. RBI does not transfer olact the
ability to meet short-term obligations? Q.140. In the context of the banking business of which of the following State
SSC CHSL 04/07/2019 (Morning) system in India, what does IFSC stand governments?
(a) Liquidity Coverage Ratio for ? SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening)
(b) Base Rate SSC CHSL 11/07/2019 (Morning) (a) Bihar
(c) Statutory Liquidity Ratio (a) Indian Financial Structural Code (b) Jammu and Kashmir
(d) Cash Reserve ratio (b) Indian Functional System (c) Telangana
Calculation (d) Meghalaya
Sol.(a) Liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) (c) Indian Financial System Code
The liquidity coverage ratio is the cash (d) Indian Financial Social Code Sol.(b)Jammu and Kashmir , State
held by the bank to meet the shortage of Government transactions are carried out
the market lasting food as long as 30 Sol..(c) IFSC (Indian Financial System by RBI in terms of the agreement
days. During the period of stress in the Code) is an 11-digit alphanumeric code entered into with the State Governments
market bank can compensate with that helps to identify different bank in terms of section 21A of the Act. As of
Liquidity coverage Ratio. branches that deal with online fund now, such agreements exist between RBI
transfer either via NEFT (National and all the State Governments except
Q.138. The responsibility of regulating Electronic Funds transfer ), IMPS with the Governments of Jammu and
and supervising primary (urban) (Immediate Payment Service) or RTGS Kashmir and Sikkim.
cooperative banks, which are (Real Time Gross Settlement). First four
popularly known as Urban Cooperative characters of the IFSC code are letters Q.144. Who among the following was
Banks(UCBs) is vested with which one which indicate the name of the bank and NOT a Governor of the Reserve Bank of
of the following ? the other seven are digits. India ?
SSC CHSL 04/07/2019 (evening) SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning)
(a) The Department of Non-Banking (b) Q.141. With reference to Banking (a) Manmohan Singh
The Urban Banks Department of System of India, what does NEFT stand (b) Sunil Arora
the Reserve Bank of India for ? (c) Urjit Patel
(c) State Co-operative Banks SSC CHSL 11/07/2019 (Afternoon) (d) Raghuram Rajan
(d) The Department of Corporate (a) National Equity Finance
Services of the Reserve Bank of transactions Sol.(b) Sunil Arora is the current and
India. (b) National Equity Funds transactions 23rd Chief Election Commissioner of
(c) National Electronic Finance India. He is also the chairman for
Sol.(b) The Urban Banks Department of Transfer Association of World Election Bodies.
the Reserve Bank of India , Urban Banks (d) National Electronic Fund Transfer
Department functions in close Q.145. How many digits are there on a
coordination with other regulators viz., Sol.(d)) National Electronic Funds debit card?
RCSs and CRCS. The Banking Transfer is an electronic funds Transfer SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning)
Regulation Act, 1949(AACS) provides system maintained by the Reserve Bank (a)15 (b)16 (c)14 (d)17
for submission of periodical returns by of India. Started in November 2005, the
UCBs to the Reserve Bank of India. setup was established and maintained by Sol.(b) On the front face of the debit
the Institute for Development and card, a 16 digits' code is written. First 6
Q.139. The rate of interest on which Research in Banking Technology. digits are Bank Identification Number
commercial banks borrow money from and the rest 10 digits are Unique
RBI to meet their short term credit needs Q.142. In context of Banking system in Account Number of the card holder.
is known as: India what is the fullform of RTGS?
SSC CHSL 10/07/2019 (Morning) SSC CHSL 11/07/2019 (Evening) Q.146. In India, Monetary policy is
(a) Sub- Prime Lending Rate (a) Real Time Gross Settlement formed by _____ .
(b) Statutory Lending Rate (b) Random Time Gross Settlement SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 375

Pinnacle Economics

(a) Central Government SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning) Sol.(c) Reserve Bank of India , The
(b) SBI (a) Allahabad Bank currency notes on behalf of the Central
(c) Various Banks (b) Bandhan Bank Government are issued by the Reserve
(d) Reserve Bank of India (c) Punjab National Bank Bank of India (RBI) only.
(d) Dena Bank
Sol.(d) Reserve Bank of India , The RBI Q.154.Which Index is used by RBI to
implements the monetary policy in India. Sol..(b) Bandhan Bank is not a decide repo rate and measure Inflation?
There are three main tools of monetary nationalized bank, it is a private bank, SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon)
policies are reserve requirement, similar to ICICI Bank, HDFC, AXIS etc. (a) CPI-Rural (b) CPI-Combined
discount rate, and open market Currently there are 19 nationalised banks (c) IIP (d) WPI
operation. in India as per the RBI. Nationalization
refers to the Transfer of public sector Sol.(d) WPI , The Reserve Bank of India
Q.147. ’Rani ki vav’ motif is present on assets to be operated or owned by the (RBI) primarily used WPI inflation for
which of the following currency notes ? state or central government. the formulation of monetary policy
SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening) under monetary targeting framework as
(a) 50 Rupee Note Q.151.Who is the founder of Indian well as under multiple indicator
(b) 200 Rupee Note Overseas Bank ? approach (MIA)— although inflation
(c) 10 Rupee Note SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon) measured by other indices was also
(d) 100 Rupee Note (a) M. Chidambaram Chettyar monitored/ analysed.
(b) V.G. Kale
Sol.(d) 100 Rupee Note A 100 rupee (c) Devkaran Nanjee Q.155. Who acts as Banker to the Indian
note has ‘Rani ki Vav’ printed at its (d) Rana Kapoor Government ?
backside. It is a UNESCO World SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening)
Heritage site in Gujarat. 200 rupee note Sol.(a) M. Chaidambaram chetttar was (a) International Monetary Fund
has Sachi stupa.10 rupee note has the founder of the Indian overseas bank. (b) Reserve Bank of India
Konark Temple , 50 rupee note has On 10 February 1937, he founded the (c) World Bank
Hampi Indian Overseas Bank, With the (d) State Bank of India
initiative to improve the country’s
Q.148.Which of the following is industrial sector. It is headquartered in Sol.(b) The Reserve Bank of India is
working capital? Chennai, India. known as the Banker’s bank. It is the
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) bank from which the Government
(a) Building (b) Money Q.152.Who decides repo rate, reverse borrows during the time of deficit. RBI
(c) Machine (d) Tool repo rate and bank rate ? also has the responsibility to maintaining
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon) the monetary policies and currency
Sol.(b) In financial speak, working (a) SEBI printing throughout the India
capital is the Current Assets and the (b) NABARD
current Liabilities. Working capital is in (c) Reserve Bank of India Q.156.Which department is the nodal
the form of cash, Short term debit or (d) SBI department for overseeing the public
inventory. financial management system in the
Sol.(c) Reserve Bank of India , The Central govt of India?
Q.149. India’s foreign reserves does monetary policies are regulated by the SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening)
NOT consist of which of the following ? Reserve bank of India. These policies (a)Department of Expenditure
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) include Repo rate, Reverse Repo rate, (b)Department of Revenue
(a) Gold Bank Rate. by these rates RBI use to (c)Department of Financial Services
(b) Carbon Bonds maintain the flow of the liquidity in the (d)Department of Economic Affairs
(c) Reserve Tranche Position (RTP) market.
(d) Special Drawing Rights (SDR) Sol.(a) Department of Expenditure
Q.153. Which central agency issues The Department of Expenditure is the
Sol.(b) Carbon Bonds, Forex reserves currency notes on behalf of the Central nodal Department for overseeing the
consist of foreign currency assets, Government ? public financial management system in
Special drawing rights, gold and reserve SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening) the Central Government and matters
position in the IMF. Carbon copy is (a) IRDA connected with State finances.
absent in the Forex reserve. (b) SEBI
(c) Reserve Bank of India Q.157. Which of the following
Q.150. Which of them is not a (d) State Bank of India Monetary policy tools is used by RBI to
nationalist bank? control inflation ? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 376

Pinnacle Economics

SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon) Sol..(a) 16th Part of a Rupee , An anna Sol.(d) Bank Rate , A bank rate is the
(a)Fiscal Drag (or ānna) was a currency unit formerly interest rate at which a nation's central
(b)Parsimoniousness Measures used in British India, equal to 1⁄16 of a bank lends money to domestic banks,
(c)Repo Rate rupee. It was subdivided into four (old) often in the form of very short-term
(d)Fiscal Boost Paisa or twelve pies (thus there were 192 loans. Managing the bank rate is a
pies in a rupee). When the rupee was method by which central banks affect
Sol.(c)Repo Rate decimalised and subdivided into 100 economic activity.
Repo rate is the rate at which RBI lends (new) paise, one anna was therefore
to its clients generally against equivalent to 6.25 paise. Q.164. Which of the following options is
government securities. Reduction in repo NOT correct about the Payment Banks ?
rate helps the commercial banks to get Q.161. Which of the following is a SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon)
money at a cheaper rate and increase in nationalized bank in India ? (a) Giving loSol to the primary sector is
repo rate discourages the commercial SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening) not mandatory
banks to get money as the rate increases (a) Axis Bank (b) CRR /SLR requirements should be
and becomes expensive. (b) State Bank of India fulfilled
(c) ICICI Bank (c) Credit Cards can be issued
Q.158. If RBI increases Repo Rate, then (d) Yes Bank (d) No NRI deposits
what may be its impact on the Indian
Economy? Sol.(b) State Bank of India , The Central Sol.(c) Credit Cards can be issued ,
SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon) Bank of India - RBI, in its official Payment banks cannot lend or offer
(a) Inflation will reduce website has listed the following 19 banks credit advance to customers like
(b) Inflation will increase as nationalized banks. The major traditional banks. They can issue cheque
(c) Reverse Repo Rate will decrease nationalized banks in India are State books and debit cards but not credit
(d) Credit will be cheaper Bank of India (SBI), Punjab National cards. Also, unlike traditional banks, you
Bank (PNB), Bank of Baroda (BOB), can keep a limited sum in a payment
Sol.(a) Inflation will reduce , If the repo Canara Bank, Union Bank of India and bank account, currently capped at Rs 1
rate is increased then the commercial so on. lakh per account.
bank will not take borrow from the RBI
thus the liquidity of the market will go Q.162.The percentage of deposits that a Q.165. Who is the Chairman of the
down resulting in an increase of bank must keep as cash reserves with Monetary Policy Committee ?
inflation. itself is known as ______. SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening)
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning) (a) Finance Minister of India
Q.159.How many members are there in (a) Liquidity Reserve Ratio (b) President of India
the Indian Monetary Policy Committee? (b) Statutory Liquidity Ratio (c) Governor of the Reserve Bank of
SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon) (c) Capital Output Ratio India
(a) 6 (b) 5 (c) 21 (d) 3 (d) Cash Reserve Ratio (d) Prime Minister of India

Sol.(a) 6 , The meetings of the Monetary Sol.(d) Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) is a Sol.(c) Governor of the Reserve Bank of
Policy Committee are held at least 4 specified minimum fraction of the total India , The composition of the current
times a year and it publishes its deposits of customers, which and first monetary policy committee is
decisions after each such meeting. The commercial banks have to hold as as follows: Governor of the Reserve
committee comprises six members - reserves either in cash or as deposits Bank of India – Chairperson, ex officio -
three officials of the Reserve Bank of with the central bank. CRR is set Shaktikanta Das. Deputy Governor of
India and three external members according to the guidelines of the central the Bank, in charge of Monetary
nominated by the Government of India. bank of a country. Policy—Member, ex officio - BP
Q.160. In the older monetary system of Q.163. On which rate does the Reserve
India, ‘One Anna’ used to be what part Bank of India provide loSol to the Q.166. Which of the following is not
of ‘One Rupee’? commercial banks ? considered as a valid currency ?
SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon) SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon) SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning)
(a) 16th Part of a Rupee (a) Repo Rate (a) Gold
(b) 20th part of a Rupee (b) Reverse Repo Rate (b) Demand Draft
(c) 10th Part of a Rupee (c) Penalty Rate (c) Currency
(d) Sixth part of a Rupee (d) Bank Rate (d) Coin Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 377

Pinnacle Economics

Sol.(a) Gold , Demand draft, Currency payments and settlement systems in

coin all are the legal form of currency. Q.170. Which central agency regulates India.
Even though gold is no longer used as a and monitors the housing sector in India
primary form of currency in developed ? Q.173. What is the minimum amount
nations, it continues to have a strong SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon) which can be remitted through Real
impact on the value of those currencies. (a) RERA (b) RBI Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) ?
(c) LIC (d)SEBI SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
Q.167.Which central institution in India (a) Rs 2,00,000 (b) Rs 1,00,000
monitors and regulates agricultural credit Sol.(a) RERA , The Real Estate (c) Rs 5,00,000 (d) Rs 3,00,000
? (Regulation and Development) Act, Sol. (a) Rs 2,00,000, The RTGS system
SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) 2016 is an Act of the Parliament of India is primarily meant for large value
(a) SEBI (b) NABARD which seeks to protect home-buyers as transactions. The minimum amount to be
(c) IRDA (d) RBI well as help boost investments in the real remitted through RTGS is Rs 2 lakh. The
estate industry. maximum limit is Rs 10 lakh per day.
Sol.(b) NABARD is an Development Bill published on: 14 August 2013.
Bank authorised for providing and Q.174. Which of the following
regulating credit and other facilities for Q.171. Which of the following bodies is institutions does NOT regulate capital
the promotion and development of primarily concerned with maintaining markets in India ?
agriculture, small-scale industries, the integrity of the international financial SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening)
cottage and village industries, system ? (a) RBI (b) SEBI
handicrafts and other rural crafts and CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning) (c) Ministry of Finance (d) IRDA
other allied economic activities in rural (a) IMF (b) AIIB
areas with a view to promote integrated (c) FATF (d) ADB Sol. (d) IRDA , The Securities &
rural development and prosperity and for Exchange Board of India (SEBI),The
matters connected therewith. Sol.(c) FATF , The Financial Action Ministry of Finance (MoF), and the
Task Force (FATF) is primarily Reserve Bank of India (RBI) are the
Q.168. Under Banking Regulation Act, concerned with maintaining the integrity three regulatory authorities governing
1934, The Reserve Bank was established of the international financial system. The Indian capital markets.
in 1935 with the capital of Rs. ______ . Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is
SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning) the global money laundering and Q.175. In which year was the Reserve
(a) 5 crore (b) 4 crore terrorist financing watchdog. The Bank of India established?
(c) 3 crore (d) 2 crore inter-governmental body sets SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening)
international standards that aim to (a) 1925 (b) 1935
Sol.(a) The Reserve Bank of India was prevent these illegal activities and the (c) 1939 (d) 1945
established on April 1, 1935bt the harm they cause to society.
Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 with a Sol. (b) 1935 , The Reserve Bank of
share capital of Rs. 5 crores on the Q.172. What is the full form of NPCI India is India's central bank, which
recommendation of Hilton Young controls the issue and supply of the
which is an umbrella organisation for all
Commission. Indian rupee. It was established on 1
retail payments systems in India ? April,1935 under the RBI act, 1934.
Q.169.Which central agency manages CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening)
the public debt of the central and state (a) National Payments Corporation of Q.176. Which of these Institutions fixes
government? the repo rate and reverse repo rate in
India India ?
SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) FICCI (b) IRDA (b) Non-cash Payments Corporation SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (morning)
(c) SEBI (d) RBI of India (a) Comptroller and Auditor General
of India
(c) Non-cash Payments Cooperative
Sol.(d) The RBI manages public debt on (b) Ministry of Finance
Inc. (c) State Bank of India
behalf of the Central and the State
Governments. Reserve Bank of India is (d) Net Payments Company Inc. (d) Reserve Bank of India
known as the Banker’s bank. It is the
bank from which the Government Sol.(a) National Payments Corporation Sol. (d) Reserve Bank of India decides
borrows during the time of deficit. RBI of India , The National Payments repo rate and reverse repo rate to control
also has the responsibility to maintaining Corporation of India is an umbrella liquidity and inflation in the economy.
the monetary policies and currency organisation for operating retail The monetary policies are regulated by
printing throughout the India. the Reserve bank of India. These Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 378

Pinnacle Economics

policies include Repo rate, Reverse Repo before accepting debit and credit cards (c) State Bank of India
rate, Bank Rate. by these rates RBI use as payment. (d) Reserve Bank of India
to maintain the flow of the liquidity in
the market. Q.180. Which of the following Acts was Sol. (d) Reserve Bank of India prints the
amended to provide a statutory basis for currency notes in India.
Q.177. Which of the following is NOT a the implementation of the flexible
nationalised bank? inflation targeting (FIT) framework ? Q.184. Who among the following
SSC CGL 4/3/2020 (afternoon) SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Morning) formulates the monetary policy in India
(a) United Bank of India (a) Deposit Insurance and Credit ?
(b) State Bank of India Guarantee Corporation Act, 1961 CHSL 15-10-2020 (Morning)
(c) Punjab National Bank (b) Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (a) Reserve Bank of India
(d) Punjab and Sind Bank (c) Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Act, (b) NITI Aayog
1934 (c) Finance Commission of India
Sol. (b) State Bank of India ( SBI ) is not (d) The Industrial Finance (d) The Ministry of Statistics and
a nationalized bank. It is a PUBLIC Corporation of India Act, 1948 Programme Implementation
SECTOR BANK. There are a total of 12
Public Sector Banks alongside 1 Sol.. (c) Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Sol.(a) Reserve Bank of India is
state-owned Payments Bank in India. Act, 1934 , In May 2016, The Reserve responsible for formulating the monetary
Bank of India Act of 1934 was amended policy in India.
Q.178. If the inflation in an economy is to provide a legal basis for the execution
rising steadily, the Central Bank might of the flexible inflation targeting agenda. Q.185. Reserve Bank of India, which
______. The edited RBI Act also provides for the acts as a banker to the Central
SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Morning) inflation target to be set by the Indian Government, was established on: CHSL
(a) keep the repo rate unchanged Government, after discussing with the 15-10-2020 (Afternoon)
(b) decrease the repo rate Reserve Bank, once in every five years. (a) 1st April 1935 (b) 1st April 1948
(c) decrease the reverse repo rate (c) 1st April 1950 (d) 1st April 1945
(d) increase the repo rate Q.181. Which among the following
financial institutions was nationalised in Sol.(a) 1st April 1935 , Reserve Bank of
Sol. (d) increase the repo rate , The 1949? India, which acts as a banker to the
inflation in an economy is rising steadily CHSL 18-03-2020 (Afternoon) Central Government, was established on
1st April 1935, in accordance with the
then the central bank might increase the (a) RBI (b) SIDBI
provisions of the Reserve Bank of India
repo rate. (c) PNB (d) IFCI Act, 1934.

Q.179. Merchant discount rate refers to Sol.(a) RBI was nationalised in 1949 on Q.186. Which section of the RBI Act
_______. the basis of the Reserve Bank of India empowers the Central Government to
SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Morning) (Transfer to Public Ownership) Act, supersede the RBI board and issue
(a) only taxes that a digital payment 1948. directions considered to be ‘necessary in
entails public interest’ to the RBI, after
(b) the total discount a merchant Q.182. Which of the following is the consulting the Governor of the bank?
offers on online transactions apex banking institution of India that CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning)
(c) the rate charged to a merchant for regulates the monetary policy? (a) Section 5 (b) Section 7
payment processing services on CHSL 18-03-2020 (Afternoon) (c) Section 3 (d) Section 1
debit and credit card transactions. (a) Reserve Bank of India
(d) the total discount a bank offers to (b) Axis Bank Sol. (b) Section 7 , The Section 7 of the
the merchant for promoting online (c) State Bank of India RBI Act empowers the government to
transactions ions. (d) Bank of India give directions to the central bank on
matters of public interest.
Sol.(c) the rate charged to a merchant for Sol. (a) Reserve Bank of India is the
payment processing services on debit apex banking institution of India that Q.187. The Coinage Act, 2011, allows
and credit card transactions The regulates the monetary policy. issue of coins up to the denomination of
merchant discount rate is the rate ₹______ in India.
charged to a merchant for payment Q.183. Which of the following banks CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening)
processing services on debit and credit prints the currency notes in India? (a) 1,000 (b) 500
card transactions. The merchant must set CHSL 12-10-2020 (Afternoon) (c) 100 (d) 5,000
up this service and agree to the rate (a) NABARD
(b) ICICI Bank Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 379

Pinnacle Economics

Sol. (a) 1,000 , The Coinage Act, 2011, will have an impact on the domestic Q.194. What happens to Indian exports
allows issue of coins up to the economy. when Indian rupee is devalued ? SSC
denomination of ₹ 1000 in India. Coins CHSL 04/08/21 (Morning)
in India are minted as per the Coinage (a) Export prices fluctuate
Act,2011. RBI prints the currency notes Q.191. What do you call the amount of (b) Exports become cheaper
as per the provisions of the Reserve monetary or other returns, either earned (c) Export prices remain stable
Bank of India, Act 1934. or unearned, accruing over a period of (d) Exports become dearer
time? SSC CGL 17/08/21(Morning)
Q.188 I-Sprint’21 is a FinTech (a) Price (b) Value Sol.(b) A fall in the value of any
Hackathon Series launched by ? (c) Services (d) Income country's currency is not negative in
SSC CGL 13/08/21(Afternoon) every situation. A fall in the value of a
(a) RBI (b) SEBI Sol.(d) The amount of monetary or other currency makes imports of that country
(c) NPCI (d) IFSCA returns, either earned or unearned, expensive and its exports cheap.
accruing over a period of time is called
Sol. (d) The International Financial Income. There are three types of Q.195. Which of the following is used as
Services Centres Authority (IFSCA) income- earned, portfolio and passive. a primary means of implementing the
along with GIFT city has launched the Earned income consists of income you monetary policy of the Reserve Bank of
FinTech Hackathon Series named earn while you are working a full-time India ?
“I-Sprint’21”. The first series of the job or running a business. Passive SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Evening)
Hackathon is “Sprint01: BankTech” with income is income earned from rents, (a) Repo rate
a special focus on Banking. royalties, and stakes in limited (b) Call money
The IFSCA was established in April 202 partnerships. Portfolio income is income (c) Mumbai Interbank Offer Rate
under the provision of the IFSCA Act from dividends, interest, and capital (d) Promissory notes
2019. It is headquartered at GIFT City – gains from stock sales.
Gandhinagar. Sol.(a) Repo Rate is used as a primary
Q.192. ______ is an alphanumeric code means of implementing the monetary
Q.189. Where is the corporate office of that uniquely identifies a bank-branch policy of the Reserve Bank of India. A
RBL Bank located? SSC CGL participating in the repurchase agreement, also known as a
13/08/21(Afternoon) NEFT system. repo, RP, or sale and repurchase
(a) Patna (b) Mumbai SSC CGL 18/08/21 (Morning) agreement, is a form of short-term
(c) Srinagar (d) Bengaluru (a) IFSC (b) STP borrowing, mainly in government
(c) SFMS (d) RTGS securities.
Sol.(b) The corporate office of RBL
Bank is located in Mumbai. RBL Bank, Sol.(a) IFSC is an alphanumeric code Q.196. Ministry of Finance introduced a
formerly known as Ratnakar Bank, is an that uniquely identifies a bank branch new form called Form 26AS for: SSC
Indian private sector bank headquartered participating in the NEFT system. Indian CHSL 6/8/2021 (Evening)
in Mumbai. It was founded in 1943. Financial System Code (IFSC) is a (a) school admission application
unique eleven-digit number that is a (b) taxpayers
Q.190. Which of the following is one of combination of alphabets and numerals. (c) e-Visa application
the three 'Domestic Systemically It is used to transfer funds online for (d) job application
Important Banks' in India? SSC CGL NEFT, IMPS, and RTGS transactions.
17/08/21(Morning) Sol.(b) Form 26AS is introduced by the
(a) State Bank of India (SBI) Q.193. Which of the following hills is Ministry of Finance for taxpayers. It is
(b) Federal Bank situated in Assam ? an annual statement that includes all the
(c) RBL Bank SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Evening) details about the tax deducted at the
(d) Axis Bank (a) Aravali Hills source, information regarding the tax
(b) Karbi Anglong Hills collected by your collectors, and
Sol..(a) State Bank of India (SBI) is one (c) Javadi Hills information regarding the refund you
of the three 'Domestic Systemically (d) Shevaroy Hills have received over a financial year.
Important Banks' (D-SIB) in India.
Systemically important banks are Sol.(b) Karbi Anglong Hills is situated Q.197. The concept of fiscal policy is
considered as “too big to fail”. These in Assam situated in the Karbi Anglong based fundamentally on the ideas of
banks are large in size and have complex district of central Assam. ______.
judicial systems. SBI, ICICI Bank and SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Morning)
HDFC Bank are D-SIBs, which means (a) Warren Buffett
that the distress or failure of these banks (b) Elinor Ostrom Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 380

Pinnacle Economics

(c) John Maynard Keynes Sol..(a) RBI liberalized the licensing (a) Hot money
(d) Milton Friedman policy for Urban Co-operative Banks in (b) Grey money
1993. (c) Cold cash
Sol.(c) Fiscal policy is largely based on (d) High powered money
the ideas of British economist John Q.201. In which of the following years
Maynard Keynes. who argued that did the Government of India set up the Sol.(d) The total liability of the
economic recessions are due to a Monetary Policy Committee? SSC monetary authority of the country is
deficiency in the consumer spending and CHSL 11/8/2021 (Morning) called the monetary base or high
business investment components of (a) 2008 (b) 2019 powered money.
aggregate demand. (c) 2010 (d) 2016
Q.205. Which of the following
Q.198. The legal provisions governing Sol.(d) The Reserve Bank of India Act, statements about the Reserve Bank of
the management of foreign exchange 1934 was amended by Finance Act India is INCORRECT ?
reserves are laid down in the Reserve (India), 2016 to constitute MPC which SSC MTS 05/10/21(Morning)
Bank of India Act, ______. SSC CHSL will bring more transparency and (a) In 1931, the Indian Central Banking
10/8/2021 (Afternoon) accountability in fixing India's Monetary Enquiry Committee revived the issue of
(a) 1947 (b) 1971 Policy. The committee is answerable to the
(c) 1923 (d) 1934 the Government of India if the inflation establishment of the Reserve Bank of
exceeds the range prescribed for three India as the Central Bank for India.
Sol.(d) Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 consecutive quarters. (b) The Reserve Bank of India
laid down the legal provisions governing commenced operations in 1935.
the management of foreign exchange (c) In 1929, the Hilton Young
Q.202. Which of the following is the
reserves. Commission recommended the
correct definition of bank rate?
SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Afternoon) establishment of a central
Q.199. What is the meaning of the term bank to be called the 'Reserve Bank of
(a) It is the rate of interest payable by
'collateral' in the context of the banking India'.
commercial banks to RBI.
system ? (d) The Reserve Bank of India Act was
(b) It is the rate of interest payable by a
SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Afternoon) enacted in 193(d)
scheduled bank at which RBI lends
(a) Collateral is an asset of the
government that is used for the Sol.(c) In 1929, the Hilton Young
(c) It is the rate of interest payable by a
protection of Commission recommended the
consumer to commercial banks.
consumers. establishment of a central bank to be
(d) It is the rate of interest payable by
(b) Collateral is an asset that a borrower called the 'Reserve Bank of India'. This
RBI to commercial banks.
owns and uses this as a guarantee to a
statement is INCORRECT about the
Sol.(a) It is the rate of interest payable Reserve Bank of India. The Royal
until the loan is repaid.
by commercial banks to RBI. Commission on Indian Currency (Hilton
(c) Collateral is an asset that a borrower
Young Commission) recommended the
took as a loan.
Q.203. The mutual funds industry in establishment of a central bank to be
(d) Collateral is an asset that the
India is regulated by which of the called the 'Reserve Bank of India' in
government provides to farmers.
following organisations?SSC CHSL 1926.
12/8/2021 (Evening)
Sol.(b) Collateral is an asset that a
(a) IRDA and IFCI Q.206. The ______ was nationalised in
borrower owns and uses this as a
(b) SEBI and RBI the year 1949.
guarantee to a lender until the loan is
(c) NITI Aayog and IIFCL SSC MTS 05/10/21(Evening)
(d) Ministry of Commerce and SIDBI (a) Union Bank of India
Q.200. In which of the following years (b) Reserve Bank of India
Sol.(b) The mutual funds in India are (c) Central Bank of India
did the Reserve Bank of India liberalise
regulated by the Securities and (d) Imperial Bank of India
the licensing policy for Urban
Co-operative Banks? SSC CHSL Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and the
10/8/2021 (Evening) Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Sol.(b) The Reserve Bank of India was
(a) 1993 (b) 1998 nationalized in the year 1949. The
(c) 1995 (d) 2001 Q.204. The total liability of the Reserve Bank of India was nationalized
monetary authority of the country, with effect from 1st January 1949 on the
Reserve Bank of India, is called: basis of the Reserve Bank of India Act,
SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Evening) 1948. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 381

Pinnacle Economics

(a) ₹2,00,000 (b) ₹3,00,000 (b) Fiscal policy includes tax policy,
Q.207. To which of the following sectors (c) ₹5,00,000 (d) ₹1,00,000 expenditure policy, investment or
of the economy do Basel III norms disinvestment strategies and debt or
belong ? Sol..(a) ₹2,00,000 is the minimum surplus management.
SSC MTS 06/10/21(Morning) amount that can be remitted through (c) Fiscal policy is linked with general
(a) Banking (b) Capital market Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS). economic policy strategy of the country.
(c) Automobile (d) Aviation The term real-time gross settlement (d) The government deals with fiscal
(RTGS) refers to a funds transfer system policy.
Sol.(a) Basel III norms of economy that allows for the instantaneous transfer
belong to the Banking sector. Basel III is of money and/or securities Sol.(a) Fiscal policy deals with the
the regulatory norm for setting common supply of money in the economy and the
standards for banks across different Q.211. A paper instructing the bank to rate of interest. This statement is NOT
countries. The motive of Basel III norms pay a specific amount from a person's true. Fiscal policy deals with taxation
is to enhance the regulation, supervision, account to another person in whose and government spending and is often
and risk management in the banking name it has been issued is known as: administered by a government
industry. SSC MTS 11/10/21(Morning) department; while monetary policy deals
(a) cash (b) cheque with the money supply, interest rates and
Q.208. Which of the following is NOT a (c) passbook (d) currency is often administered by a country's
public sector insurance company ?
central bank.
SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Afternoon) Sol.(b) A paper instructing the bank to
(a) United India Insurance Company pay a specific amount from a person's Q.214. In which year was the Reserve
account to another person in whose Bank of India established ?
(b) The New India Assurance Company
name it has been issued is known as a SSC MTS 11/10/21(Afternoon)
cheque. (a) 1942 (b) 1932
(c) SBI Life Insurance
(c) 1947 (d) 1935
(d) General Insurance Corporation of
Q.212. Which of the following is a
comprehensive and in-depth analysis of Sol.(d) The Reserve Bank of India was
a country’s financial sector, done jointly established in 1935. The Central Office
Sol.8.(c) SBI Life Insurance is NOT a
by the World Bank and IMF in of the Reserve Bank was initially
public sector insurance company. SBI
developing and emerging market established in Kolkata but was
Life Insurance is a joint venture life
countries ? permanently moved to Mumbai in 1937.
insurance company between State Bank
SSC MTS 11/10/21(Afternoon)
of India (SBI), the largest state-owned
(a) Evaluation and Monitoring of the Q.215. In the context of the banking
banking and financial services.
Financial Sector sector in India, what does 'G' stand for in
(b) Developing Economies Financial 'RTGS' ?
Q.209. The 'Clean Note Policy' was
Audit Scheme SSC MTS 13/10/21(Morning)
announced by the Reserve Bank of India
(c) Financial Sector Assessment (a) Gradual (b) Grand
in the year ______.
Program (c) Gross (d) Gain
SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Evening)
(d) Finance and Socio Economic
(a) 1992 (b) 1999
Audit Scheme Sol.(c) In the context of the banking
(c) 1997 (d) 1995
sector in India, RTGS stands for
Sol.(c) Financial Sector Assessment Real-Time Gross Settlement. It is the
Sol.(b) The 'Clean Note Policy' was
Program is a comprehensive and process of continuous (real-time)
announced by the Reserve Bank of India
in-depth analysis of a country’s financial settlement of funds, which occurs
in the year 1999. The objective of the
Reserve Bank's Clean Note Policy is to sector, done jointly by the World Bank individually, on an order by order basis,
give the citizens good quality currency and IMF in developing and emerging without netting. In other words, your
notes and coins while the soiled notes market countries. request to transfer or settle funds is
are withdrawn out of circulation. In carried out immediately, instead of the
2002, under the clean note policy, the Q.213. Which of the following same happening in batches (as is the
RBI advised banks to stop stapling statements is NOT true? case in NEFT).
currency notes. SSC MTS 11/10/21(Afternoon)
Q.210. What is the minimum amount (a) Fiscal policy deals with the supply of
Q.216. In which year was the Securities
which can be remitted through Real money in the economy and the rate of
Appellate Tribunal (SAT) established in
Time Gross Settlement (RTGS)? SSC interest.
India? SSC MTS 13/10/21(Afternoon)
MTS 08/10/21(evening) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 382

Pinnacle Economics

(a) 1990 (d) Granting loans and advances

(b) 1992 Sol.(c) Instruments of RBI to control
(c) 1994 Sol.(d) Granting loans and advances are monetary policy: Cash Reserve Ratio,
(d) 1997 the functions of a bank would you Statutory Liquidity Ratio, Bank Rate,
associate the term 'collateral'. Collateral Repo Rate, Reverse Repo Rate, and
Sol.(b) The Securities Appellate is property or something valuable that Open Market Operations. Goods and
Tribunal (SAT) was established in 1992 you agree to give to somebody if you Service Tax (GST) is levied on the
in India. Securities Appellate Tribunal cannot pay back money that you have supply of goods and services. The tax
was mainly established to hear an appeal borrowed. came into effect on 1 July 2017. The
against the order passed by the SEBI GST council has fitted over 1300 goods
(Securities and Exchange Board of Q.220. What is the full form of SIDBI ? and 500 services under four tax slabs of
India) or by an adjudicating officer SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Evening) 5%, 12%, 18%, and 28% under GST.
under the SEBI Act. It is a three-member (a) Service Industries Development RBI controls the inflation and liquidity
tribunal and is currently headed by Bank of India in the economy.
Justice Tarun Agarwala, former Chief (b) Service Investment Development
Justice of the Meghalaya High Court. Bank of India Q.223. The Reserve Bank of India also
(c) Small Investment Development acted as the central bank for _______ till
Q.217. The Central Board of Directors Bank of India April 1947.
of the RBI (Reserve Bank of India) is (d) Small Industries Development SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Morning)
appointed/nominated for a period of Bank of India (a) Burma (b) Nepal
_____ years. (c) Bhutan (d) Sri Lanka
SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Evening) Sol..(d) The full form of SIDBI is the
(a) five (b) six Small Industries Development Bank of Sol.(a) The Reserve Bank of India also
(c) three (d) four India. SIDBI is the Primary Financial acted as the central bank for Burma till
Institution for promoting, developing, April 1947. Burma (Myanmar) seceded
Sol.(d) The Central Board of Directors and financing MSME (Micro, Small, and from the Indian Union in 1937 but the
of the RBI (Reserve Bank of India) is Medium Enterprise) sector. Founded: 2 Reserve Bank continued to act as the
appointed/nominated for a period of four April 1990, Headquarters: Lucknow, Central Bank for Burma till the Japanese
years. RBI is India's central bank and Sivasubramanian Ramanan, (Chairman Occupation of Burma.
regulatory body under the jurisdiction of & MD).
Ministry of Finance. It is responsible for Q.224. In which year was the National
the issue and supply of the Indian rupee Q.221. Which of the following helps Bank for Agriculture and Rural
and the regulation of the Indian banking borrowers to overcome the problem of Development Bank (NABARD)
system. lack of collateral? established ?
SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Afternoon) SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Evening)
Q.218. In which year was the State Bank (a) Civil Societies (a) 1952 (b) 1962
of India created following the passage of (b) Self Help Groups (c) 1982 (d) 1972
the Imperial Bank of India into state (c) Pressure Groups
ownership ? (d) Non-Governmental Organizations Sol. (c) In 1982 the National Bank for
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Afternoon) Agriculture and Rural Development
(a) 1947 (b) 1965 Sol.(b) Self Help Groups help Bank (NABARD) was established. The
(c) 1955 (d) 1950 borrowers to overcome the problem of major functions of NABARD include
lack of collateral. Members can take promotion and development,
Sol.(c) The State Bank of India created small loans from the group itself to meet refinancing, financing, planning,
following the passage of the Imperial their needs without any collateral. monitoring, and supervision. Agency
Bank of India into state ownership in Executive(DEC 2021)- Harsh Kumar
1955. Q.222. Which of the following is NOT Bhanwala( Chairperson). It is under the
an instrument of the monetary policy of jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance,
Q.219. With which of the following the Reserve Bank of India? SSC MTS
Government of India. The headquarters
functions of a bank would you associate 20/10/2021 (Evening)
is in Mumbai.
the term 'collateral' ? (a) Liquidity Adjustment Facility
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Evening) (LAF)
Q.225. In which year was the National
(a) Accepting deposits (b) Repo rate
Bank for Agriculture and Rural
(b) Portfolio management (c) Goods and Services Tax (GST)
(c) Collection of cheques Development Bank (NABARD)
(d) Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 383

Pinnacle Economics

established? SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (d) tax revenues Fertilizers Limited

(Evening) (b) Coal India Limited
(a) 1952 (b) 1962 Sol. (d) Fiscal policy helps the (c) Steel Authority of India
(c) 1982 (d) 1972 government of a country to control the (d) Engineers India Limited
flow of tax revenues. Governments
Sol. (c) In 1982 the National Bank for typically use fiscal policy to promote Sol.(d) Engineers India Limited
Agriculture and Rural Development strong and sustainable growth and There are 16 Navratna CPSEs as
Bank (NABARD) was established. The reduce poverty. following:
major functions of NABARD include 1. Bharat Electronics Limited
promotion and development, Q.229. In which of the following years
2. Container Corporation of India
refinancing, financing, planning, was the Reserve Bank of India Limited
monitoring, and supervision. Agency nationalized ? 3. Engineers India Limited
Executive(DEC 2021)- Harsh Kumar SSC MTS 2/1/2021 (Evening) 4. Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
Bhanwala( Chairperson). It is under the (a) 1935 (b) 1949 5. Hindustan Petroleum
(c) 1927 (d) 1965 Corporation Limited
jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance,
6. Mahanagar Telephone Nigam
Government of India. The headquarters Limited
is in Mumbai. Sol.(b) The Reserve Bank of India was
7. National Aluminium Company
nationalized with effect from 1st January Limited
Q.226. Which aspect of the financial 1949 on the basis of the Reserve Bank of 8. National Buildings
system do the Basel Norms focus on? India (Transfer to Public Ownership) Construction Corporation
Act, 1948. The Reserve Bank of India Limited
SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Evening)
9. NMDC Limited
(a) Share market was set up on the basis of the
10. Neyveli Lignite Corporation
(b) Insurance recommendations of the Hilton Young Limited
(c) Banking Commission. Founded on 1st April 1935 11. Oil India Limited
(d) Commodity market at Kolkata. Headquarters- Mumbai. 12. Power Finance Corporation
Present RBI Governor- Shaktikanta Das. Limited
13. Power Grid Corporation of
Sol.(c) Basel norms or Basel accords are Sir Osborne Smith was the first
India Limited
the international banking regulations Governor of the Reserve Bank. 14. Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited
issued by the Basel Committee on 15. Rural Electrification
Banking Supervision. NAVRATNA/MAHARATNA Corporation Limited
16. Shipping Corporation of India
/PSU ETC Limited
Q.227. To which of the following
countries did the Export-Import Bank of Q.232. Which of the following is NOT
Q.230.Which of the following Public
India extend a $250 million line of credit an Indian Multinational Company ?
Sector Undertakings was accorded the
for improving power supply quality in SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning)
Maharatna status in February 2013?
the country? SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (a) Mahindra Group
SSC CGL 04/06/2019 (Afternoon)
(Morning) (b) Unilever
(a) BHEL (b) ONGC
(a) Nepal (b) Mozambique (c) Infosys
(c) OIL (d) CIL
(c) Bangladesh (d) Sri Lanka (d) Aditya Birla Group
Sol. (a) Bharat Heavy Electricals
Sol.(b) Export-Import Bank of India Limited (BHEL) and Gas Authority of Sol.(b) Unilever Hindustan Unilever
extended a $250 million line of credit for India Ltd. (GAIL) was given the status Limited (HUL) is a British-Dutch
improving power supply quality in the of Maharatna in February 2013. The manufacturing company. Unilever now
country of Mozambique. Mozambique main reason behind this step was to holds 67.25% equity in the company. It
Capital- Maputo, Currency- increase the financial and functional is an MNC not an Indian company.
Mozambican metical. autonomy. Presently there are 8 PSUs MNC means Multinational Company i.e
with Maharatna status. Bharat Petroleum A company having its business operation
Q.228. The fiscal policy helps the Corporation Ltd. is the latest to be added in many countries.
government of a country to control the in this list.
flow of .. Q.233. Which of the following is NOT a
SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Morning) Q.231. Which of the following Navratna Company ?
(a) equity market companies is a Navratna company ? SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(b) angel investment SSC CHSL 09/07/2019 (Evening) (a) Bharat Electronics Limited
(c) personal expenditure (a) Rashtriya Chemicals and (b) Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 384

Pinnacle Economics

(c) Hindustan Petroleum Corporation (b) Engineers India Limited INTERNATIONAL

Limited (c) GAIL (India) Limited ORGANISATIONS
(d) Steel Authority of India Limite (d) Coal India Limited
Q.238. Which of the following
Sol.(d) Steel Authority of India Limited Sol.(b) Engineers India Limited is a
Countries is NOT a member of the
(SAIL) is the largest steel-making Navratna public-sector undertaking
World Trade Organization ?
company in India and one of the seven which was setup in 1965 to provide
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Maharatnas of the country’s Central engineering and related technical
(a) Israel (b) Iran
Public Sector Enterprises. services for petroleum refineries and
(c) Guinea (d) Norway
other industrial projects.
Q.234. Which of the following pairs is
Sol.(b) Iran has an observer status at the
INCORRECTLY matched ? Q.236. ONGC ______ is a subsidiary of
World Trade Organization (WTO) since
CHSL 13/10/2020 (Evening) the Indian public sector enterprise, Oil
2005. The United States has consistently
(a) Indian Oil Corporation Limited – and Natural Gas Corporation.
blocked Iran's bid to join the WTO.All
Maharatn CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening)
other are the member of the of WTO
(b) Hindustan Aeronautics Limited – (a) Vishesh (b) Videsh
Israel is a member since 21 april Guinea
Navratna (c) Vinesh (d) Vighnesh
is a member since 25 october 1995And
(c) Airport Authority of India –
Norway has been a member Since 1
Navratna Sol. (b) ONGC Videsh Limitedis a
january 1995.
(d) Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited – subsidiary of the Indian public sector
Miniratna enterprise, Oil and Natural Gas
Q.239. Which organisation publishes a
Corporation and it is working globally
Human Development Report ?
Sol. (c) Airport Authority of India – for the energy security of India.It has
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning)
Navratna. The government has divided expanded its business to 17 countries so
(a) WTO (b) ILO
all the Public Sector Undertakings far.
(c) World Bank (d) UNDP
mainly in three categories namely
Maharatna, Navratna and Miniratna. Q.237. Which of the following public
Sol.(d) UNDP ,. The Human
Airport Authority of India is a sector enterprises falls under the status
Development Report (HDR) is an annual
Miniratna. ‘Maharatna’?
report published by the Human
Criteria for grant of Miniratna status to CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening)
Development Report Office of the
CPSEs: (a) Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
United Nations Development
Miniratna Category-I status: The CPSEs (b) Steel Authority of India Limited
Programme (UNDP).
which have made profit in the last three (c) Mahanagar Telephone Nigam
years continuously, pre-tax profit is Rs. Limited
30 crores or more in at least one of the (d) Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
three years and have a positive net worth
Q.240. In the context of UN Sustainable
are eligible to be considered for grant of Sol.(b) Steel authority of India is a
Development Goals, which of the
Miniratna-I status.Miniratna Category-I Maharatna Company. There are a total of
following pairs is INCORRECT ?
status: The CPSEs which have made 10 Maharatna companies in India. There
SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Evening)
profit for the last three continuously and are certain standards that must be met by
(a) Zero Hunger - SDG 2
have a positive net worth are eligible to the companies to be listed under a
(b) Decent Work and Economic
be considered for grant of Miniratna-II Maharatna Status. (a).Having Navratna
Growth - SDG 8
status. status (b).Listed on Indian stock
(c) No Poverty - SDG 1
(i) Miniratna CPSEs should have not exchange with minimum prescribed
(d) Quality Education - SDG 3
defaulted in the repayment of loans public shareholding under SEBI
interest payment on any loSol due to the regulations (c).An average annual
Sol..(d) Sustainable Development Goal
Government. turnover of more than Rs. 25,000 crore
4 (SDG 4) is the education goal. It aims
(ii) Miniratna CPSEs shall not depend during the last 3 years (d).An average
to “ensure inclusive and equitable
upon budgetary support or Government annual net worth of more than Rs.
quality education and promote lifelong
guarantees. 15,000 crore during the last 3 years
learning opportunities for all.”
(e).An average annual net profit after tax
Q.235. Which of the following Public of more than Rs. 5,000 crore during the
Q.241. UNDP’s ‘Human Development
Sector Undertakings does NOT have last 3 years(f).Should have significant
Report’ (HDR) measures development
'Maharatna' status? global presence/international operations.
by combining which of the following
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Morning)
three indicators ?
(a) Steel Authority of India Limited Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 385

Pinnacle Economics

CHSL 14/10/2020 (Evening) better the nutritional standing of against 12 life threatening diseases to 26
(a) Health, education and average school-age children nationwide.The million children annually.
salary programme supplies free lunches on
(b) Health, education and agricultural working days for children in primary and Q.247. The Mahatma Gandhi National
growth upper primary classes in government, Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005
(c) Health, education and standard of government aided, local body, Education aims to provide_____ days of wage
living Guarantee Scheme, and alternate employment to every household to
(d) Health, industrial growth and innovative education centres. ensure livelihood security in rural areas.
standard of living SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Morning)
Q.244. The Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi (a) 250 (b) 45
Sol.(c) UNDP’s ‘Human Development Mandhan Yojana was launched by (c) 365 (d) 100
Report’ (HDR) measures development _____________.
by combining Health, education and SSC CGL 06/06/2019 (Evening) Sol.(d) The Mahatma Gandhi National
standard of living. (a) Arun Jaitley Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005
(b) Ram Nath Kovind aims to provide 100 days of wage
Q.242. With reference to the United (c) Smriti Zubin Irani employment to every household to
Nations’ Sustainable Development (d) Narendra Modi ensure livelihood security in rural areas.
Goals, which of the Following is the It is Indian labor law and social security
SDG 10? Sol.(d) Prime Minister Narendra Modi measure that aims to guarantee the 'right
CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning) on March 5, 2019 launched the Pradhan to work'.
(a) Climate action Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan Yojana,
(b) Reduced inequalities a mega pension scheme for the
(c) Zero hunger unorganised sector, from Gandhinagar,
(d) Decent work and economic growth Gujarat. CENTRAL PROBLEMS AND
Sol. (b) Reduced inequalities , Q.245. Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana
Sustainable Development Goal 10 is aims at providing shelter to everyone by Q.248. Which panel set up by the
about reduced inequality and is one of _____. Government of India suggested total
the 17 Sustainable Development Goals SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning) decontrol of the sugar industry?
established by the United Nations in (a) 2021 (b) 2022 SSC CGL 04/06/2019 (Afternoon)
2015. The full title is: "Reduce (c) 2023 (d) 2024 (a) RamSevak Panel
inequality within and among countries". (b) Rangarajan Panel
The Goal has ten targets to be achieved Sol.(b) PMAY Scheme is an initiative (c) RadheShyam Panel
by 2030. It was started in 2015. It’s provided by the Government of India (d) Sri Krishna Panel
mission was to reduce inequality within which aims at providing affordable
and among countries. housing to the urban poor. The mission Sol.(b). The Rangarajan Panel was set
is to provide housing for all by the year up by the Government of India for total
GOVERNMENT SCHEMES 2022, by that time Nation completes 75 decontrol of the sugar industry in
years of its Independence. November 2012. In April 2013, the
Q.243. Which of the following government announced partial decontrol
ministries implemented the Mid day Q.246. The Mission Indradhanush, an of sugar.
Meal scheme? initiative of Govt. of India, is associated
SSC CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning) with: Q.249. Minimum Support Price (MSP)
(a) Ministry of Social Justice and SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Evening) is recommended by _________.
Empowerment (a) immunisation SSC CGL 06/06/2019 (Evening)
(b) Ministry of Home Affairs (b) highway development (a) The Commission for Weights and
(c) Ministry of Human Resource (c) digitalisation Measures
Development (d) cleanliness (b) The Food Safety and Standards
(d) Ministry of Social Welfare Authority of India
Sol. (a) immunisation , The Mission (c) The Farmer's Welfare Society
Sol.(c) Ministry of Human Resources Indradhanush aims to cover all those (d) The Commission for Agricultural
and Development is implementing children by 2020 who are either Costs and Prices
Mid-day Meal Scheme. The Midday unvaccinated, or are partially vaccinated
Meal Scheme is a school meal program against vaccine preventable diseases. Sol.(d) The Commission for Agricultural
of the Government of India designed to India's Universal Immunisation Costs and Prices
Programme (UIP) provides free vaccines Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 386

Pinnacle Economics

MSP is recommended by the Commision Q.253.Which one of the following is

for Agricultural Costs and used for indexing dearness allowance to Q.256. In whose guidance the economic
Prices(CACP). Every year Cabinet government employees for increase in survey of India is prepared ? SSC MTS
Committee of Economic Affairs (CCEA) prices in India ? 09/08/2019 (Evening)
announce a minimum support price for SSC CHSL 05/07/2019 (Afternoon) (a) Finance Commission
various types of crops. MSP is the (a) Interest rates (b) Finance Minister
minimum . (b) Consumer Price Indices (CPI)/ (c) RBI Governor
(c) Bank rates (d) Chief Economic Advisor
Q.250. The base financial year for the (d) Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)
calculation of the All India Index of Sol.(d) The Department of Economic
industrial production (IIP) is: Sol.(b) Industrial Dearness Allowance Affairs, Ministry of Finance presents the
SSC CGL 07/06/2019 (Evening) (IDA) applies to the Public sector Economic Survey of India in the
(a) 2010-2011 (b) 2004-2005 employees of the Central Government. Parliament every year, just before the
(c) 2011-2012 (d) 2005-2006 The Industrial Dearness Allowance for Union Budget. It is prepared under the
public sector employees undergoes guidance of the Chief Economic Adviser
Sol.(c) 2011-2012 , The base year in quarterly revision depending on the attached to the Ministry of Finance.
economics is used to set the starting Consumer Price Index to help offset the
point of the comparison. The Central impact of rising levels of inflation. Q.257. Who maintains a Buffer Stock of
Statistics Office (CSO) revised the base Food grains in India ?
year of the all-India Index of Industrial Q.254. A savings fund in which both, SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening)
Production (IIP) from 2004-05 to the employer and the employee (a) NAFED
2011-12 on 12 May 2017. contribute regularly in the interest of the (b) FICCI
employee is known as: (c) Ministry of Agriculture
Q.251. As per Mankiw’s Principles of SSC CHSL 09/07/2019 (Evening) (d) FCI
Economics , the standard of living of a (a) Index Fund Sol. (d) FCI
country depends on the country’s (b) Mutual Fund FCI is a government body Works under
_______. (c) Provident Fund the Food and Public Distribution,
SSC CGL 11/06/2019 (Afternoon) (d) Balanced Fund Ministry of Consumer Affairs. Its main
(a) Government Policies work is to store the buffer stock of the
(b) Nominal Wages Sol. 254.(c) The EPF is one of the main food.
(c) Average Wages platforms of savings for all employees
(d) Ability to produce goods and working in Government, Public or Q.258. For how many mandated crops,
services Private sector Organizations. It is a type Minimum Support Price (MSP) is
of scheme in which a certain part of announced by the government ?
Sol.(d) Mankiw's eighth principle of one’s salary is deducted and the SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon)
economics is: a country's standard of employer also adds a certain amount into (a) 22 (b) 42
living depends on its ability to produce it and then the complete amount is put (c) 32 (d) 12
goods and services. into a savings account.
Sol.(a) Government announces
Q.252.Which theory in economics Q.255. The Minimum Support Price is minimum support prices (MSPs) for 22
proposes that countries export what they declared by ______. mandated crops and fair and
can most efficiently and plentifully SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening) remunerative price (FRP) for sugarcane.
produce ? (a) Finance Ministry The mandated crops are 14 crops of the
SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Afternoon) (b) Ministry of Agriculture kharif season, 6 rabi crops and two other
(a) Solow-Swan Model (c) The Cabinet committee of commercial crops.
(b) Heckscher-Ohlin Model/ economic affairs
(c) Input-Output Model (d) Chamber of Commerce Q.259. For which crop, fair and
(d) Cournot Competition remunerative price is announced instead
Sol.(c) The Cabinet Committee on of minimum support price?
Sol.(b) Heckscher-Ohlin Model Economic Affairs chaired by Prime SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening)
The Heckscher–Ohlin model (H–O Minister Shri Narendra Modi declares (a) Rice (b) Sugarcane
model) states that countries export what the MSP every year. The minimum (c) Pulses (d) Wheat
they can most efficiently and plentifully support price (MSP) is an agricultural
produce. product price, set by the Government of Sol.(b) Sugarcane , Government
India to purchase directly from the announces minimum support prices
farmer. (MSPs) for 22 mandated crops and a fair Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 387

Pinnacle Economics

and remunerative price (FRP) for CHSL 17-03-2020 (Afternoon) (d) the police system
sugarcane. The mandated crops are 14 (a) 2012-2017 (b) 2007-2012
crops of the kharif season, 6 rabi crops (c) 2002-2007 (d) 1997-2002 Sol. (a) The viceroy filled with the
and two other commercial crops. imperialistic design was not in favor of
Sol. (a) 2012-2017 The period of 12th giving any power to the IndiSol. He
Q.260. The period of second five year Five Year Plan was 2012-2017. concluded the Indian Universities and
plan in India was: the colleges were slowly becoming a
CHSL 19-03-2020 (Morning) Q.264. Minimum Support Price (MSP) cradle of propaganda against the
(a) 1961-66 (b) 1969-74 of the agricultural crops in India is fixed government. Therefore, Lord Curzon
(c) 1956-61 (d) 1951-56 by the government on the appointed Raleigh Commission under
recommendations of the: Sir Thomas Raleigh. The Rayleigh bill,
Sol. (c) 1956-61 , The second five year CHSL 17-03-2020 (Afternoon) when became an act, was called Indian
plan (1956-61) was based on the (a) Reserve Bank of India Universities Act 1904.
Mahalanobis model and accorded high (b) Commission for Agricultural Costs
priority to industrialization. and Prices (CACP) Q.267. The first Five-Year Plan’s main
(c) Food Corporation of India (FCI) emphasis was to improve the condition
Q.261. The fund into which the proceeds (d) NABARD of agriculture in India. The plan began in
from disinvestment of Central Public the year:
Sector Enterprises are channelised is Sol. (b) Commission for Agricultural CHSL 15-10-2020 (Afternoon)
known as ______. Costs and Prices (CACP) , Minimum (a) 1953 (b) 1952
SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon) Support Price (MSP) of the agricultural (c) 1951 (d) 1949
(a) National Fund crops in India is fixed by the government
(b) National Infrastructure Fund on the recommendations of the Sol. (c) 1951 , The First Five Year plan
(c) National Investment Fund Commission for Agricultural Costs and began in 1951.
(d) National Rural and Urban Fund Prices (CACP).
Q.268. Which of the following is the
base year of a new WPI series effective
Sol. (c) The fund into which the Q.265. Identify the INCORRECT from April 2017 ?
proceeds from disinvestment of Central statement about Public Distribution CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning)
Public Sector Enterprises are System (PDS) in India. (a) 2010-11 (b) 2013-14
channelized is known as national CHSL 18-03-2020 (Afternoon) (c) 2012-13 (d) 2011-12
Investment Fund. (a) From 1997, PDS became TPDS for
targeted consumers. Sol. (d) Wholesale Price Index measures
Q.262. The minimum support price (b) PDS was envisaged in 1967 as a the changes in the prices of goods sold
protects farmers against which of the price support program to help and traded in bulk by wholesale
following ? consumers. businesses to other businesses. 2011-12
SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon) (c) Those living below the poverty is the base year of a new WPI series
(a) Crop failure due to unexpected line get food grains at subsidized effective from April 2017.
diseases or insect infections prices
(b) The high rate of interest from the (d) PDS has been abandoned in the Q.269. In the context of Colonial India,
local currency lenders country since 2007. the Hartog Committee Report is related
(c) Extreme drought, flood or any to which of the following fields ?
other natural disaster Sol. (d) PDS has been abandoned in the CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening)
(d) Excess fall in prices during country since 2007. The public (a) Education (b) Urbanisation
bumper production distribution system is a (c) Irrigation (d) Health
government-sponsored chain of shops
Sol.(d) Excess fall in prices during entrusted with the work of distributing Sol.(a) Education , The Hartog
bumper production , MSP provides a the basic food and non-food committee in 1929 submitted its report
guarantee to the farmer that their commodities to the needy sections of on education. The committee stated that
production will be sold at least at the society at very cheap prices. in India people leave their school before
price which is pre-decided by the completing a particular level of
government. So, during the condition of Q.266. The Raleigh Commission (1902) education.
bumper production farmers have a was appointed to recommend reforms in:
security that price will not fall. CHSL 19-03-2020 (Evening) Q.270. Planned economic development
(a) the education system in India began in ______ with the
Q.263. The period of 12th Five Year (b) draught management inception of the First Five Year Plan.
Plan was: (c) the judicial system Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 388

Pinnacle Economics

CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) (c) Raj Krishna minimum price for agricultural produce
(a) 1951 (b) 1956 (d) Bimal Jalan which is decided by the Government of
(c) 1948 (d) 1958 India to purchase directly from the
Sol.(c) The terminology 'Hindu Rate of farmers. It provides economic security to
Sol. (a) 1951 , Planned economic Growth' was coined by Raj Krishna. The the farmers.
development in India began in 1951 after Hindu rate of growth is a term referring
the inception of five year plans. to the low annual growth rate of the Q.277. A government budget is an
The first five year plan was introduced economy of India before the economic annual financial statement that outlines
in 1951 whose prime focus was on the reforms of 1991, which stagnated around estimated government expenditures and
development of the primary sector. It 3.5% from 1950s to 1980s, while per expected government receipts or
was introduced by The first Prime capita income growth averaged around revenues for the forthcoming fiscal year.
Minister of India Jawahar Lal Nehru for 1.3%. Depending on the feasibility of these
effective and balanced utilization of estimates, which of the following is
resources. Q.274. Which of the following is NOT a NOT the budget type? SSC CHSL
feature of food security? SSC CGL 19/04/21 (Afternoon)
Q.271. Atal Tinkering Labs is an 16/08/21(Morning) (a) Deficit budget
initiative by which of the following (a) Availability (b) Balanced budget
institutions ? (b) Affordability (c) Economy budget
SSC CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning)
(c) Acceptability (d) Surplus budget
(a) National AYUSH Mission
(b) Central Board of Secondary (d) Accessibility
Education Sol.(c) Depending on the feasibility of
(c) Reserve Bank of India Sol.(c) Acceptability is not a feature of these estimates, Budgets are of three
(d) Niti Aayog food security. The four features of food types - a balanced budget, surplus
security are availability, accessibility, budget, and deficit budget.
Sol. (d) NITI Aayog , Atal Tinkering utilization, and stability. Acceptability A budget is said to be a balanced budget
Labs is the initiative of the National
means access to culturally acceptable if the estimated government expenditure
Institution for Transforming India (NITI
Aayog). The objective of this scheme is food, which is produced and obtained in is equal to expected government receipts
to foster curiosity, creativity, and ways that do not compromise people's in a particular financial year.
imagination in young minds and dignity, self-respect, or human rights. A budget is said to be a surplus budget
inculcate skills such as design mindset, if the expected government revenues
computational thinking, adaptive Q.275. IPR 1956 formed the basis of the exceed the estimated government
learning, physical computing etc. ______ Five Year Plan of India. SSC expenditure in a particular financial year.
CGL 18/08/21(Afternoon) A budget is said to be a deficit budget if
Q.272. In which of the following years
(a) First (b) Second the estimated government expenditure
was the Planning Commission of India
(c) Third (d) Fourth exceeds the expected government
set up ?
revenue in a particular financial year.
SSC CGL 13/08/21(Morning)
Sol.(b) IPR 1956 formed the basis of the
(a) 1945 (b) 1950
Second Five Year Plan of India. IPR Q.278. Which of the following
(c) 1958 (d) 1962
stands for Industrial policy resolution recommends Minimum Support Prices
and is a resolution adopted by the Indian for crops in India?
Sol.(b) The Planning Commission was
Parliament in April 1956. According to SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Evening)
set up by a resolution of the Government
this resolution, the objective of the social (a) Commission for Agricultural Costs
of India in March 1950 with the Prime
and economic policy in India was the & Prices
Minister as the ex officio chairman.
establishment of a socialistic pattern of (b) NITI Aayog
Formulating a plan for the most effective
society. (c) Indian Council of Agricultural
and balanced utilization of the country’s
resources has been one of its functions.
Q.276. In the context of agricultural (d) Fiscal Prudence Commission
It was scrapped in 2014 and replaced by
costs in India, what is MSP? SSC CGL
NITI Aayog in 2015.
20/08/21(Evening) Sol.(a) Commission for Agricultural
(a) Model Stability Product Costs & Prices (CACP) recommends
Q.273. Who among the following
(b) Midterm Supply Plan Minimum Support Price for 22 crops in
economists coined the terminology
(c) Maximum Selling Price India.
'Hindu Rate of Growth'? SSC CGL
(d) Minimum Support Price
13/08/21 (Evening)
Q.279. 10 per cent reservation in central
(a) Amiya Kumar Bagchi
Sol.(d) MSP is known as the Minimum government jobs under economically
(b) Vijay Kelkar
Support Price. It is a guaranteed weaker sections (EWS) category is Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 389

Pinnacle Economics

available to persons whose family Joseph Stalin implemented the first FYP
income is below: SSC MTS 07/10/21 Q.283. Who among the following is the in the Soviet Union in the late 1920s.
(Morning) chairman of NITI Aayog?SSC MTS
(a) ₹10 lakh (b) ₹8 lakh 22/10/2021 (Morning) STOCK, DEBENTURES AND
(c) ₹3 lakh (d) ₹5 lakh (a) Rajeev Kumar FOREIGN TRADE
(b) Narendra Modi
Sol.(b) 10 percent reservation in central (c) Amitabh Kant Q.286. Which theory is used to make
government jobs under economically (d) Nirmala Sitharaman long-run predictions about exchange
weaker sections (EWS) category is rates in a flexible exchange rate system ?
available to persons whose family Sol.(b) Narendra Modi is the chairman SSC CGL 13/06/2019 (Evening)
income is below:₹8 lakh of NITI Aayog. The NITI Aayog is a (a) Purchasing Power Parity Theory/
Q.280. Infant Mortality Rate (or IMR) public policy think tank of the (b) Balance of Payment Theory
indicates the number of children that die Government of India. Formed: 1 (c) Interest Rate Approach
before the age of ______ as a proportion January 2015. Shri Amitabh Kant is (d) Portfolio Balance Approach
of 1000 live children born in that presently posted as CEO. Dr. Rajiv
particular year. SSC MTS Kumar is Vice Chairman. Sol.(a) The Purchasing Power Parity
12/10/21(Afternoon) (PPP) theory is used to make long-run
(a) 6 months (b) 3 months Q.284. Who among the following was predictions about exchange rates in a
(c) 1 year (d) 3 years the Chairperson of the Disinvestment flexible exchange rate system.
Commission, Ministry of Industry
Sol..(c) Infant Mortality Rate (or IMR) (Department of Public Enterprises) Q.287. A/an _______ stock is the stock
indicates the number of children that die established in 1996? SSC MTS of a large, well-established and
before the age of one year as a 26/10/2021 (Morning) financially sound company that has
proportion of 1000 live children born in (a) Arundhati Roy operated for many years.
that particular year. In 2020, infant (b) NK Singh SSC CHSL 08/07/2019 (Evening)
mortality rate for India was 29.07 deaths (c) Arvind Mehta (a) Cyclical (b) Defensive
per thousand live births. (d) GV Ramakrishna (c) Blue-chip (d) Income

Q.281. What was the literacy rate of Sol.(d) GV Ramakrishna was the Sol.(c) Blue-chip stocks are popular
India as per the Census of 2011? SSC Chairperson of the Disinvestment stocks to buy because they represent
MTS 13/10/21(Afternoon) Commission, Ministry of Industry stable companies that often pay
(a) 72.0% (b) 61.0% (Department of Public Enterprises) attractive dividends. There is no official
(c) 74.0% (d) 81.5% established in 1996. It was set up to definition for a blue chip stock, but in
advise, supervise, monitor, and publicize general they are large, well-established
Sol.(c) 74.0% was the literacy rate of the gradual disinvestment of Indian and financially sound companies that
India as per the Census of 2011. Literacy PSUs. have operated for many years.
rate among females is 65.5 percent
whereas the literacy rate among males is Q.285. Launched in 1951, India’s first Q.288. In economic, IPO stands
five-year plan was based on which of the for_______.
82.1 percent.
following economic models to focus on SSC CHSL 09/07/2019 (Morning)
agriculture and irrigation to boost farm (a) Inclusive Property Offer
Q.282. The five-year plans of India were
output? SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Evening) (b) Initial Public Offering
centralised economic and social growth
(a) Heckscher-Ohlin Model (c) Indented Performance Objective
programmes modelled after those
(b) Harrod-Domar Model (d) Inventory Performance Output
prevalent in ______. SSC MTS
14/10/2021 (Afternoon) (c) Mundell-Fleming Model
(d) Cobb-Douglas Model Sol.(b) Initial Public Offering IPO"
(a) the USSR (b) the US
stands for "initial public offering." When
(c) Germany (d) Norway
Sol.(b) India’s first five-year plan was the news media report that a company is
"going public," this means that company
Sol.(a) The five-year plans of India were based on the Harrod-Domar Model
is making an initial public offering. This
centralised economic and social growth economic models to focus on agriculture
meSol that the company is offering its
programmes modelled after those and irrigation to boost farm output. It
shares for sale to the public for the first
prevalent in the USSR. It was based on was launched in 1951. The concept of
the Harrod-Domar model that sought to the 5-year plan was borrowed from the
boost economic growth through higher USSR into the Indian constitution.
savings and investments. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 390

Pinnacle Economics

Q.289. Which central agency is SSC CGL 18/08/21 (Morning) the pulse of the domestic stock markets
responsible for the regulation of the (a) diamond (b) silver in India.
Stock Market in India ? (c) platinum (d) equity
SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening) Q.296. In which year was the Foreign
(a) RERA (b) NABARD Sol.(c) Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) Exchange Management Act (FEMA)
(c) IRDA (d) SEBI became the first stock exchange in India enacted to replace the Foreign Exchange
to launch commodity derivatives Regulation Act (FERA)? SSC MTS
Sol.(d) The Securities and Exchange contracts in gold and silver. BSE was 18/10/2021 (Evening)
Board of India (SEBI) is the regulatory established in 1875 by cotton merchant (a) 1999 (b) 1988
authority established under the SEBI Act Premchand Roychand and is located in (c) 2014 (d) 1992
1992 and is the principal regulator for Dalal Street, Mumbai. It is the oldest
Stock Exchanges in India. Stock Exchange in Asia. Sol.(a) The Parliament has enacted the
Foreign Exchange Management
Q.290. _____ is a situation of very low Q.293. In which year was the Bombay Act,1999 to replace the Foreign
rate of interest in the economy where Stock Exchange established ? Exchange Regulation Act, 1973. This
every economic agent expects the SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Evening) Act came into force on the 1st day of
interest rate to rise in future and (a) 1864 (b) 1893 June, 2000.
consequently bond prices to fall, causing (c) 1875 (d) 1882
capital loss.
Q.297. Bombay Stock Exchange is the
CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening) Sol.(c) Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)
______ stock exchange of Asia.
(a) Paradox of thrift Established in 1875 and located on Dalal SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Morning)
(b) Parametric shift Street in Mumbai is the oldest stock (a) first (b) second
(c) Revenue deficit exchange in South Asia and also the (c) fourth (d) third
(d) Liquidity trap tenth oldest in the world.
Sol.(a) Bombay Stock Exchange is the
Sol. (d) Liquidity trap Q.294. Which of the following is the first stock exchange in Asia. BSE, the
Liquidity Trap is a situation of very low oldest stock exchange in India? SSC first-ever stock exchange in Asia
rate of interest in the economy where MTS 08/10/21 (Morning) established in 1875 and the first in the
every economic agent expects the (a) DSE (b) BSE country. The Dutch East India Company
interest rate to rise in future and (c) CSE (d) NSE
(founded in 1602) was the first
consequently bond prices to fall, causing
capital loss. Liquidity Trap is a joint-stock company to get a fixed
Sol.(b) BSE is the oldest stock exchange
contradictory economic situation in capital stock and as a result, continuous
in India. The Bombay Stock Exchange
which interest rates are very low and trade in company stock occurred on the
(BSE) is the first and largest securities
saving rates are high, Rendering Amsterdam Exchange.
market in India and was established in
economic policy ineffective. 1875.
Q.291. In which year was the first Q.295. The index titled SENSEX of
Exchange-traded Index Derivative BSE (erstwhile Bombay Stock Q.298.The Imperial Bank of India was
Contract traded on the Bombay Stock Exchange) is an index of trading of top renamed as ____in 1955.
Exchange (BSE)? ______ companies in terms of their SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Morning)
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) volume of trade and their share prices. (a) Central Bank of India
(a) 2000 (b) 1994 SSC MTS 13/10/21(Afternoon) (b) The State Bank of India
(c) 1991 (d) 2004 (a) ten (b) thirty (c) Allahabad Bank
(c) hundred (d) fifty (d) Punjab National Bank
Sol. (a) 2000 , BSE created history on
June 9, 2000 by launching the first Sol.(b) The index titled SENSEX of Sol.(b) State Bank of India , Imperial
Exchange-traded Index Derivative BSE (erstwhile Bombay Stock Bank of India in 1955 was renamed as
Contract in India i.e. futures on the Exchange) is an index of trading of the State bank of India. The Bank of Madras
capital market benchmark index - the top thirty companies in terms of their was merged with the other two, Bank of
BSE Sensex. Calcutta and the Bank of Bombay, to
volume of trade and their share prices.
The full form of SENSEX is the form the Imperial Bank of India.
Q.292. Bombay Stock Exchange became
Sensitive Index. Published on 1 January
the first stock exchange in India to Q.299. When was NABARD established
1986, the BSE SENSEX is regarded as
launch commodity derivatives contracts ?
in gold and ______. SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Morning) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 391

Pinnacle Economics

(a)1982 (b)1980 introduced the policy of LPG Which The headquarters of Union Bank of India
(c)1986 (d)1984 revived the Indian economy is in the prestigious Nariman Point area
of Mumbai, a stone's throw from the
Sol. (a) National Bank for Agriculture Q.303. Which of the following is the famous Marine Drive.
and Rural Development (NABARD) is first port in India to become a public
an apex development financial company? Q.307. In which year was the State
institution in India, headquartered at SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) Financial Corporation Act passed ? The
Mumbai with regional offices all over (a) Kandla (b) Mangalore Act provides for the establishment of
India. NABARD was established on the (c) Ennore (d) Mormugao state financial corporations.
recommendations of the B.Sivaraman SSC CHSL 03/07/2019 (Morning)
Committee, on 12 July 1982. Sol.3.(c) Ennore port is a port in (a) 1972 (b) 1983
coromandel cost 18km north of chennai (c) 1951 (d) 1947
Q.300. Who was the economist who is one of the major ports of south india
wrote the book ‘Small is beautiful”? and india is the first port in India to Sol.7(c) STATE FINANCIAL
SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) become a public company. CORPORATION ACT, 1951. An Act to
(a) Karl Marx provide for the establishment of State
(b) David Ricardo Q.304. Who founded the Indian Financial Corporations. The Union
(c) E.F. Schumacher Statistical Institute on 17 December Parliament passed the State Financial
(d) Amartya Sen 1931? Corporation Act on September 28, 1951
SSC CGL 06/06/2019 (Afternoon) empowering the state governments to
Sol.(c) E.F. Schumacher , Small is (a) P.C. Mahalanobis establish financial corporations for their
beautiful is a book written by E.F. (b) R.A. Fischer respective regions.
Schumacher. It was published in 1973. (c) F. Yates
(d) M.H. HSolen
Q.301. Who among the following was Q.308. Which of the following banks
NOT a governor of the Reserve Bank of Sol.(a) Established in 1931, by was founded by Muttaiya Chidambaram
India? P.C.Mahalanobis. It is one of the most Chettiar in Chennai in 1937 ?
SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) prestigious institutions of statistics in SSC CHSL 03/07/2019 (Morning)
(a) D. Subbarao India. In 1959, it was recognised as the (a) Canara Bank
(b) Manmohan Singh institute of national importance. ISI has (b) Indian Overseas Bank
(c) M Narasimham its headquarters in Baranagar, Kolkata, (c) Syndicate Bank
(d) M S Gill West Bengal. (d) Dhanlaxmi Bank

Sol.(d) M S Gill Q.305. The Khadi and Village Industries Sol.(b) Indian Overseas Bank ,
Manohar Singh Gill is an Indian Commission Act was passed in the Chidambaram Chettiar was the founder
politician, of the Indian National year______. of the Indian overseas bank. On 10
Congress party, has served as the SSC CGL 13/06/2019 SHIFT 3 February 1937, he founded the Indian
Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports. He (a)1956 (b)1948 Overseas Bank, With the initiative to
represents Punjab in the Rajya Sabha, (c)1964 (d)1965 improve the country’s industrial sector. It
the upper house of the Indian is headquartered in Chennai, India.
Parliament. He has never acted as a Sol.(a) 1956, The Khadi and Village
Governor of RBI. Industries Commission Act 1956. An Q.309. A company that has been
Act to provide for the establishment of a founded after 2003 and that has a current
Q.302. Name the ‘Father of Indian Commission for the development of valuation of more than 1 billion USD is
Economic Reforms’ Khadi and village industries and for referred to as in the industry by which
SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) matters connected therewith. term?
(a) Narendra Modi SSC CHSL 05/07/2019 (Morning)
(b) PV Narasimha Rao Q.306. Which of the following cities (a) Unicorn Startup Company
(c) Manmohan Singh houses the headquarters of the Union (b) Blue Moon Startup Company
(d) Yashwant Sinha Bank of India? (c) Stratosphere Startup Company
SSC-CHSL 02 /07/ 2019 (Afternoon) (d) 5th Gear Startup Company
Sol. (b) PV Narasimha Rao, Former (a) Mumbai (b) Lucknow
Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao is (c) Mangalore (d) Kolkata Sol.9. (a) Unicorn startup companies are
known as the father of Indian economic the companies which are set up after
reforms. He along with Dr. Manmohan Sol .306 (a) Mumbai 2003 and have a net worth of more than
Singh, Finance minister of that time 1 billion US dollar. There are a total 39 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 392

Pinnacle Economics

Indian companies certified under this (a) Pune (b) Kolkata Q.318. Which of the following motif is
title. (c) Vadodara (d) Mumbai present on 2000 Rupee Note of Indian
currency ?
Q.310. Who among the following is Sol.(c) Vadodara , The Headquarters of SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning)
co-founder of e-commerce store Flipkart Bank of Baroda is in Vadodara. (a) Mangalyaan
? (b) Sanchi Stupa
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q.315. What is the tagline of UCO Bank (c) Sun Temple
(a) Peyush BSolal ? (d) Hampi with Chariot
(b) Vishal Sikka SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening)
(c) Binny BSolal (a) Where every individual is Sol318.(a)Mangalyaan , The new note
(d) Rohit BSolal committed. has Motif of Mangalyaan (Mars mission)
(b) Faithful and friendly on the reverse. The colour of the note is
Sol.(c) Binny Bansal along with Sachin (c) Honours your Trust magenta and the size is 66 mm × 166
BSolal is the founder of one of the (d) Good people to Bank with mm. Sanchi stupa is on the 200 rupee
largest e-commerce company Flipkart. note Sun temple is on 10 rupee note ,
Sol.(c)Honours your Trust , The Hampi the chariot is on 50 rupee note
Q.311.______ Bank has become the first background has remained yellow since
bank in the country to introduce Iris the beginning as well. The motto UCO Q.319 Where is the headquarters of
Scan Authentication feature for Bank is "Honours your Trust".Place Allahabad Bank situated?
Aadhaar-based transactions through its founded: Kolkata SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning)
micro ATM tablets. (a) Allahabad (b) Hyderabad
SSC CHSL 10/07/2019 (Morning) Q.316. Which organization publishes (c) Mumbai (d) Kolkata
(a) Axis (b) Canara ‘World Development Report’?
(c) Bandhan (d) Yes SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Afternoon) Sol.(d) Kolkata , Allahabad Bank is a
(a) United Nations Development nationalised bank with its headquarters
Sol.(a) Axis , Mumbai, Aug 09, 2018: Programme (UNDP) in Kolkata, India. It is the oldest joint
Axis Bank has become the first bank in (b) World Economic Forum stock bank in India. On 24 April 2014,
the country to introduce Iris Scan (c)International Monetary Fund (IMF) the bank entered into its 150th year of
Authentication feature for (d) World Bank establishment. The bank was founded in
Aadhaar-based transactions through its Allahabad in 1865.
micro ATM tablets. Sol.(d) World Bank , World
Development Report-The World Q.320. Which of the following
Q.312. Badhti ka naam zindagi’ is the Development Report (WDR) is an departments publishes the Index of
tagline of which of the following banks ? annual report published since 1978 by Industrial Production(IIP) ?
SSC CHSL 10/07/2019 (Afternoon) the International Bank for SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) Syndicate (b) Axis Reconstruction and Development (a) Central Statistics Office
(c) Corporation (d) Indian (IBRD) or World Bank. Each WDR (b) National Sample Survey
provides in-depth analysis of a specific Organisation
Sol.(b) Axis , Tagline of Axis Bank is aspect of economic development. (c) Department of Industrial Policy
‘Badhti ka naam zindagi’. and Promotion
Q.317. ’Rani ki vav’ motif is present on (d) Labour Bureau
Q.313. The name of UTI Bank was which of the following currency notes ?
changed to _____ in 2007. SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening) Sol.(a) Central Statistics Office
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning) (a) 50 Rupee Note The Central Statistics Office (CSO) is a
(a) HDFC Bank (b) IDBI Bank (b) 200 Rupee Note department under "Ministry of Statistics
(c) Centurion Bank (d) Axis Bank (c) 10 Rupee Note and Program Implementation" which
(d) 100 Rupee Note collects and publishes data related to the
Sol.(d) Axis Bank , The name of the Index of Industrial Production (IIP)
country's third largest private sector Sol.(d) 100 Rupee Note , A 100 rupee since 1950.
lender UTI Bank has been officially note has ‘Rani ki Vav’ printed at its back
changed to Axis Bank Ltd with effect side. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Q.321._______, the code-breaker during
from 30 July, 2007. site in Gujarat. World War II has been chosen by Bank
200 rupee note has Sachi stupa of England to feature on Britain’s new
Q.314. Where is the headquarters of 10 rupee note has Konark Temple E50 note.
Bank of Baroda located? 50 rupee note has hampi. SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening)
SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening) (a) Michael Faraday Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 393

Pinnacle Economics

(b) Sir Christopher Wren Oriya, Punjabi, SSolkrit, Tamil, Telugu, comprehensive Health report released by
(c) Sir John Houblon and Urdu. Apart from these languages the National Institution for transactions
(d) Alan Turing Hindi and English language is also India (NITI Aayog).
written on the Indian currency.
Sol.(d) Alan Turing, the computing
pioneer who became one of the most Q.325. Where is the head office of Q.329.The situation in an economy
influential code breakers of World War Syndicate Bank situated ? where unemployment is prevailing is
II, has been chosen by the Bank of SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) known as _______.
England to be the new face of its (a) Bangalore (b) New Delhi SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon)
50-pound note. (c) Manipal (d) Kolkata (a) Galloping Inflation
(b) Stagflation
Q.322. Which of the following quality Sol.(c) Manipal , Headquarter of (c) Hyperinflation
marks are NOT correctly matched ? Syndicate bank is in Manipal, (d) Individual Debt
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening) Karnataka.
(a) AGMARK - agricultural products Sol.(b) Stagflation , A stagflation is a
(b) HALLMARK - silver jewelry Q.326. On which of the following notes condition when the economic rate is
(c) FPO - processed food products the motif of Sanchi Stupa is present? slow, Inflation is high and
(d) ISI - semi-processed food products SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) Unemployment is also high.
(a) 2000 Rupee Note
Sol.(d) The ISI mark is a (b) 100 Rupee Note Q.330. Who will be the beneficiaries
standards-compliance mark for industrial (c) 500 Rupee Note under ‘Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi
products in India since 1955. The mark (d) 200 Rupee Note Maandhan Scheme’?
certifies that a product conforms to an SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening)
Indian standard (IS) developed by the Sol.(d)200 Rupee Note (a) Widows working in organised
Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), the Motif of 2000 note is Mangalyaan sector
national standards body of India. Motif of 500 note is Red Fort (b) Grade-D govt employees
Motif of 200 note is Sanchi Stupa (c) People working in unorganised
Q.323. PRASAD Scheme has been Motif of 100 note is Rani ki Vav sector
launched under which Ministry? (d) People working in organised sector
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening) Q.327. Asian Infrastructure Investment
(a) Ministry of External Affairs (b) bank headquarter is located in which city Sol.(c) People working in unorganised
Ministry of Tourism ? sector , The Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi
(c) Ministry of Housing and Urban SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) Maan-dhan scheme is meant for old-age
affairs (a) Philippines (b) Gurugram protection and social security of
(d) Ministry of Culture (c) Shanghai (d) Beijing unorganised workers. This scheme is
mainly for mid-day meal workers,
Sol.(b) Ministry of Tourism , It was Sol.(d) Beijing , The Asian rickshaw pullers, street vendors, head
launched by the Union Ministry of Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is loaders, brick kiln workers, cobblers, rag
Tourism. It aims at integrated a multilateral development bank pickers, and similar peoples like them.
development of pilgrimage destinations headquartered in Beijing. Like other
in planned, prioritised and sustainable development banks, its mission is to Q.331. Which Economic Survey was
manner to provide complete religious improve social and economic outcomes also called ‘Pink Economic Survey’?
tourism experience. in its region, Asia, and beyond. SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning)
(a) Economic Survey 2017-18
Q.328.“Healthy States, Progressive (b) Economic Survey 2015-16
Q.324. How many languages are there India” Report has been published by (c) Economic Survey 2016-17
on the language panel of Indian currency which of the following institutions? (d) Economic Survey 2018-19
notes ? SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening)
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning) (a) Ministry of Health and Family Sol.(a) Economic Survey 2017-18 , The
(a) 12 (b) 17 (c) 15 (d) 10 Welfare Economic Survey 2017-18 is printed in
(b)WHO pink colour to underline the importance
Sol.(c) 15 , There are 15 languages (c) United Nations of gender issues to the economy. The
written on the Indian currency language (d) Niti Aayog survey points out that the North-Eastern
panel. These languages are Assamese, states (a model for the rest of the
Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Kashmiri, Sol.(d) Niti Aayog , Healthy States, country) consistently out-perform others.
Konkani, Malayalam, Marathi, Nepali, Progressive India Report is a Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 394

Pinnacle Economics

Q.332. Where is the head office of Viticulture is the cultivation and

Vijaya Bank situated? Sol.(d) Multi-brand product retail harvesting of grapes. Horticulture is the
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning) trading , In August 2019, the agriculture of plants mainly for food,
(a) Kolkata (b) Banglore government has allowed 100% FDI in materials, comfort and beauty for
(c) Mumbai (d) Delhi contract manufacturing and single brand decoration.
Sol.(b) Banglore , Vijaya Bank was a Q.340. What type of unemployment is
public sector bank with its corporate Q.336. In which city is the head office of generally found in the agricultural sector
office in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. It the Insurance Regulatory and of India?
was one of the nationalised banks in Development Authority of India CHSL 19-03-2020 (Evening)
India. (IRDAI) situated ? (a) Voluntary unemployment
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning) (b) Structural unemployment
Q.333. Which central agency is (a) Hyderabad (b) Mumbai (c) Frictional unemployment
responsible for promoting cooperative (c) Kolkata (d) New Delhi (d) Disguised unemployment
marketing of agricultural produce to
benefit the farmers? Sol. (a) Hyderabad , The headquarters of Sol. (d) Disguised unemployment,
SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon) Insurance Regulatory and Development Voluntary unemployment - A person
(a) FCI (b) RBI Authority (IRDA) of India is located in able but not willing to work.
(c) SEBI (d) NEFED Hyderabad. Structural unemployment -
unemployment arising from the
Sol.(d) National Agricultural Q.337. In which year was NABARD mismatch between the jobs available in
Cooperative Marketing Federation of established ? the market and skills of the available
India Ltd. (NAFED) was established 2nd SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Afternoon) workers in the market.
October 1958. Nafed was set up with the (a) 1979 (b) 1982 Frictional unemployment - Time lag
objective to promote Cooperative (c) 1981 (d) 1978 between the jobs when an individual is
marketing of Agricultural Produce to searching for a new job or is switching
benefit the farmers. Sol.(b) 1982 ,NABARD was established between the jobs.
on the recommendations of B. Disguised unemployment - A
Sivaraman Committee, (by Act 61, 1981
Q.334. Which of the following is an phenomenon wherein more people are
of Parliament) on 12 July 1982 to
international agreement between implement the National Bank for employed than actually needed. It is
governments that aims to ensure that Agriculture and Rural Development Act prevalent mostly in the agricultural
international trade in specimens of wild 1981. sector.
animals and plants does not threaten
their survival ? Q.338. The term 'white revolution' is Q.341. With which of the following is
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning) related with : 'Operation Flood' related ?
(a) CITES (b) BRICS CHSL 17-03-2020 (Evening) CHSL 15-10-2020 (Evening)
(c) OPEC (d) GATS (a) crops (b) fish (a) India’s poultry industry
(c) milk (d) egg (b) India’s farming industry
Sol.(a) CITES (the Convention on Sol.(c) milk , The White Revolution also (c) India’s dairy industry
International Trade in Endangered known as Operation Flood was launched (d) India’s mining industry
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) is an in the 1970s to make India self
international agreement between dependent in milk production. Dr. Sol. (c) India’s dairy industry
governments.. Its aim is to ensure that Verghese Kurien is known as the Father Operation Flood launched on 13 January
international trade in specimens of wild of the White Revolution in India. 1970 was the world’s largest dairy
animals and plants does not threaten development program and a landmark
their survival. Q.339. ______ is the term used for project of India’s National Dairy
breeding of fish in specially constructed Development Board.
Q.335. In which of the following tanks and ponds.
sectors, 100% FDI in equity in India is CHSL 18-03-2020 (Morning) Q.342. Related area of Golden
NOT permitted as per India’s FDI policy (a) Pisciculture (b) Agriculture Revolution is:
? (c) Viticulture (d) Horticulture CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning)
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (evening) (a) Eggs (b) Oilseeds
(a) Wholesale trading Sol.(a) Pisciculture is the term used for (c) Fruits (d) Fish
(b) Single-brand product retail trading breeding of fish in specially constructed
(c) E-commerce activities tanks and ponds. Sol. (c) Fruits , The period between 1991
(d) Multi-brand product retail trading to 2003 is known as the period of Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 395

Pinnacle Economics

Golden Revolution in India. The Golden Sol.(d) Soviet Union , The steel plant at Q.349. Which among the following
Revolution is related to the production of Bokaro was built in collaboration with organisations releases the Index of
honey and horticulture. Nirpakh Tutej is Soviet Union. The first prime minister of Economic Freedom?
considered to be the Father of the India Jawahar Lal Nehru desired to CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning)
Golden Revolution in India. establish a steel plant in the region. (a) International Monetary Fund
(b) Heritage Foundation
Q.343. The Great Leap Forward (GLF) Q.346. The phrase ‘Gross National (c) Fraser Institute
was a campaign initiated in ______ in Happiness’ was first coined in: (d) World Bank
1958 aimed at industrialising the country CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening)
on a massive scale. (a) New Zealand (b) Bhutan Sol.(b) Heritage Foundation releases
CHSL 26-10-2020 (Morning) (c) Sweden (d) India Index of Economic Freedom.
(a) India (b) Bangladesh The Index of Economic Freedom is an
(c) China (d) Sri Lanka Sol.(b) Bhutan , The Phrase ‘gross annual index and ranking created in
national happiness’ was first coined in 1995 by right-wing libertarian think-tank
Sol. (c) The Great Leap Forward was a Bhutan.It is an index which is used to The Heritage Foundation and the
five-year plan of forced agricultural measure the collective happiness and editorially right-wing The Wall Street
collectivization and rural well being of a population. The concept Journal to measure the degree of
industrialization that was instituted by of gross national happiness is defined by economic freedom in the world's
the Chinese Communist Party in 1958, four pillars. (a) good governance , (b) nations.
which resulted in a sharp contraction in sustainable socio economic
the Chinese economy and between 30 to development, (c)cultural preservation,(d) Q.350.______ is a land which is left
55 million deaths by starvation, environmental conservation. fallow (Uncultivated ) for more than five
execution, torture, forced labour and years and can be bought under
suicide out of depression. The initiative Q.347. The Tata Iron and Steel cultivation after improving it through
was led by Mao Zedong. Company (TISCO) is located at which of reclamation practices.
The goal was to rapidly evolve China the following places? CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening)
from an agrarian economy into a modern CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning) (a) permanent pastures
industrial society with greater ability to (a) Bhilai (b) Rourkela (b) Current fallow
compete with Western industrialized (c) Jamshedpur (d) Durgapur (c) Forest land
nations. (d) Culturable wasteland
Sol.(c) Jamshedpur , TISCO is located in
Q.344. ‘A Plan of Economic Jamshedpur in Jharkhand. The industry Sol.(d) Culturable wasteland is the land
Development for India’, which was is located on the banks of Subarnarekha which was either a cultivable land or not
prepared by a cross-section of and Kharkai river. These rivers help in but from the last 5 years or more
India’s leading capitalists in 1944, was the industrial uses and water treatment cultivation over the land is not possible
popularly known as the ______ Plan. for the industry. Jamshedpur is also due to various reasons including the
CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) known as Tata City. current year. It can be used for the
(a) Mysore (b) Allahabad purpose of cultivation after improving its
(c) Bombay (d) Calcutta fertility level.
Q.348. Viticulture refers to the:
Sol.(c) Bombay , The Bombay plan was CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning) Q.351. ‘An Enquiry into the Nature and
authored by top industrialists such as (a) cultivation of grapes Cause of the Wealth of Nations’ is an
JRD Tata, GD Birla and Lal Shri Ram. (b) breeding of fish influential work by economist ______.
The economists who helped draft the (c) commercial rearing of silkworm CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening)
plan were John Mathai (who went on to (d) growing of vegetables (a) Millicent Fawcett
become the finance minister in Nehru’s (b) Adam Smith
cabinet), Ardheshir Dalal, AD Shroff Sol.(a) Viticulture refers to the science (c) John Maynard Keynes
and PS Lokanathan. study and production of grapes. (d) Alfred Marshall
Breeding and rearing of fish is called
Q.345. The steel plant at Bokaro was set Pisciculture.Growing of vegetables is Sol.(b) Adam Smith , ‘An Enquiry into
up in collaboration with ______. called Oreiculture. Sericulture or Silk the Nature and Cause of the Wealth of
CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) farming is the cultivation of silkworms Nations’ is an influential work by
(a) France (b) United Kingdom to produce silk. economist Adam Smith. It was published
(c) Germany (d) Soviet Union in 1776.the book offers one of the
world's first collected descriptions of
what builds nations' wealth, and is today Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 396

Pinnacle Economics

a fundamental work in classical Malthuswho, stated that the human (c) Inequality and tax revenue
economics. population increases geometrically, (d) Inequality and per capita income
while food production increases
Q.352. What is the objective of the arithmetically. Under this paradigm, Sol.(b) The environmental Kuznets
'Doughnut Model' of development? SSC humans would eventually be unable to curve depicts the relationship between
CGL 16/08/21(Morning) produce enough food to sustain environmental degradation and per
(a) It envisions total abandonment of themselves. capita income.
technology to live at peace with the
environment. Q.355. Which of the following is a Q.358. According to the 2011 Census of
(b) It envisions the food processing characteristic of human wants in terms India, which of the following is the
industry as the center of development. of economics? second most populous state in the
(c) It envisions rapid development at an SSC CGL 20/08/21(Afternoon) country ?
environmental cost, then makes up for it (a) Wants are limited. SSC CGL 24/08/21(Afternoon)
later. (b) Wants do not become habits. (a) Gujarat
(d) It envisions a world in which people (c) Wants are satiable. (b) Maharashtra
and the planet can thrive in balance. (d) Wants are not competitive. (c) Madhya Pradesh
(d) Rajasthan
Sol.(d) The objective of the 'Doughnut Sol.(c) ‘Wants are satiable’ is a
Model' of development is to envision a characteristic of human wants in terms Sol.(b) According to the 2011 Census of
world in which people and the planet can of economics. All the desires, aspirations India, Maharashtra is the second most
thrive in balance. The Doughnut model and motives of humans are known as populous state in the country. According
of economics was proposed by Kate human wants in economics. to the census,
Raworth. And the wants that can be satisfied with
goods and services of any kind are Uttar Pradesh is on the top of the list,
Q.353. SHG promotes thrift in small economic wants. For eg. food, shelter, followed by Maharashtra on second and
proportion by a minimum contribution clothing etc are common economic Bihar on the third position and Sikkim is
from each member of the group. What human wants. the least populous.
does 'H' stand for in SHG? SSC CGL
16/08/21(Evening) Q.356. Which of the following is a Q.359. Which of the following states of
(a) Habitat (b) Harvest characteristic of human wants in terms India has the maximum number of
(c) Heavy (d) Help of economics ? inhabited villages as per Census 2011?
SSC CGL 20/08/21(Afternoon) SSC CGL 24/08/21(Afternoon)
Sol.(d) In SHG, H stands for ‘help’. (a) Wants are limited. (a) Odisha
SHG promotes thrift in small proportion (b) Wants do not become habits. (b) Bihar
by a minimum contribution from each (c) Wants are satiable. (c) Madhya Pradesh
member of the group. Self-Help Groups (d) Wants are not competitive. (d) West Bengal
(SHGs) are informal associations of
people who choose to come together to Sol.(c) ‘Wants are satiable’ is a Sol.(b) Bihar has the maximum number
find ways to improve their living characteristic of human wants in terms of inhabited villages as per Census 2011.
conditions. It can be defined as a of economics. All the desires, aspirations It is the 3rd largest state by population
self-governed, peer-controlled and motives of humans are known as and 12th largest by territory, with an area
information group of people with similar human wants in economics. of 94,163 km2 (36,357 sq mi).
socio-economic backgrounds and having And the wants that can be satisfied with
a desire to collectively perform a goods and services of any kind are Bihar borders Uttar Pradesh to its west,
common purpose. economic wants. For eg. food, shelter, Nepal to the north, the northern part of
clothing etc are common economic West Bengal to the east, and Jharkhand
Q.354. According to Malthusian theory, human wants. to the south. Bihar is also the world’s
which of the following grows in fourth-most populous entity.
geometric progression? Q.357. What are the two variables
SSC CGL 18/08/21(Evening) whose relationship is given by the Q.360. Which economic thought talks
(a) Poverty (b) Employment environmental Kuznets curve? about methodological individualism or
(c) Population (d) Food supply SSC CGL 23/08/21(Evening) the idea that people will act in
(a) Environmental degradation and tax meaningful ways which can be analyzed
Sol.(c) According to Malthusian theory, revenue ?
the population grows in geometric (b) Environmental degradation and SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Afternoon)
progression. This theory, proposed by per capita income (a) Washington consensus Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 397

Pinnacle Economics

(b) Keynesian theory Q.363. Which of the following

(c) Monetarist institutions conducts the survey on Q.366. As per a report of the Ministry of
(d) Austrian economic thought employment and unemployment? SSC Statistics and Programme
CHSL 9/8/2021 (Afternoon) Implementation (Government of India),
(a) NITI Aayog India recorded an Infant Mortality Rate
Sol..(d) Austrian economic thought talks (b) National Institution of Economic (IMR) of ______ to 1000 live births in
about methodological individualism or and Social Research the year 2016. SSC MTS
the idea that people will act in (c) National Council of Applied 06/10/21(Morning)
meaningful ways which can be analyzed. Economic Research (a) 68 (b) 55
This doctrine was introduced as a (d) National Sample Survey (c) 34 (d) 47
methodological precept for the social Organisation
sciences by Max Weber. Sol.(c) As per a report of the Ministry of
Sol.(d) The survey on employment and Statistics and Programme
Q.361. Which of the following is the unemployment is conducted by National Implementation (Government of India),
correct full form of CACP? SSC CHSL Sample Survey Organisation(NSSO). It India recorded an Infant Mortality Rate
15/04/21 (Morning) is the largest independent organization (IMR) of 34 to 1000 live births in the
(a) Commission for Agricultural Costs since 1950 in the country for conducting year 2016.
and Prices the socio-economic survey.
(b) Centre for Agricultural Q.367. In which year did the
Commission and Prices Q.364. As per the Companies Act, 2013, Government of India set up the first
(c) Chamber of Agro Chemicals and dividend declared by a company but not mutual fund by an Act of Parliament?
Pesticides paid or claimed within ______ days SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Afternoon)
(d) Center for Agricultural costs and from the date of declaration is to be (a) 1979 (b) 1982
Policies transferred to the Unpaid Dividend (c) 1963 (d) 1971
Sol.(a) CACP: Commission for SSC MTS 05/10/21(Morning) Sol. (c) The Government of India set up
Agricultural Costs and Prices was (a) 120 (b) 60 the first mutual fund by an Act of
established on 8th January 1965 as the (c) 30 (d) 90 Parliament in 1963. The Mutual Fund
Agricultural Prices Commission which industry in India started in 1963 with the
later became commission for Sol.(c) As per the Companies Act, 2013, formation of UTI in 1963 by an Act of
Agricultural Costs and Prices in 1985. It the dividend declared by a company but Parliament and functioned under the
is a statutory body attached to the not paid or claimed within 30 days from Regulatory and administrative control of
Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers the date of declaration is to be the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
Welfare, Government of India. The main transferred to the Unpaid Dividend
objective of CACP is to work on various Account. The Companies Act 2013 is an Q.368. In which year did the companies
formulas for deciding the prices of the Act of the Parliament of India on Indian IBM and Coca Cola shut down their
crops Minimum Support Price. company law which regulates operations for not being able to comply
incorporation of a company, with the Foreign Exchange Regulation
Q.362. Which committee was appointed Act that mandated foreign investors
responsibilities of a company, directors,
by SEBI to advise on the development of cannot own over 40% in Indian
dissolution of a company.
appropriate regulatory framework for enterprises? SSC MTS 07/10/21
derivatives trading in India in the year (Morning)
Q.365. 'Thalinomics' was introduced in
1996 ? (a) 1964 (b) 1981
the Economic Survey for ______. SSC
SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Morning) (c) 1956 (d) 1977
MTS 05/10/21(Afternoon)
(a) Balwant Rai Committee
(a) 2017-18 (b) 2019-20
(b) L.C. Gupta Committee Sol.(d) IBM and Coca-Cola companies
(c) 2016-17 (d) 2018-19
(c) Dinesh Mehta Committee shut down their operations in 1977 for
(d) Ravi Tripathi Committee not being able to comply with the
Sol.(b) 'Thalinomics' was introduced in
Foreign Exchange Regulation Act that
the Economic Survey for 2019-20. The
Sol.(b) L.C.Gupta Committee was mandated foreign investors cannot own
term “Thalinomics” means “the
appointed by SEBI to advise on the over 40% in Indian enterprises.
economics of a plate of food in India”. It
development of appropriate regulatory
is an attempt to figure out how much a
framework for derivatives trading in
meal costs in India. This term was given
India in the year 1996.
by Raghuram G. Rajan and
Krishnamurthy Subramanian. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 398

Pinnacle Economics

Q.369. ______ is a type of fraud where a members his ability, to each according to his
small electronic device is used to steal (d) To organise the rural poor into the needs”? SSC MTS 20/10/2021
debit/credit formation of groups (Afternoon)
card information during an authorized (a) David Ricardo
banking transaction. Sol.(a) The main objective of Self Help (b) John Stuart Mill
SSC MTS 12/10/21(Morning) Groups (SHGs) does NOT include (c) Adam Smith
(a) Phishing (b) Skimming providing loans with collateral. In fact, (d) Karl Marx
(c) Smishing (d) Vishing SHGs provide collateral-free loans i.e.
loans without the need of any collateral.
Sol.(b) Skimming is a type of fraud Hence, SHGs become a vehicle of Sol.(d) Karl Marx popularised the
where a small electronic device is used change for the poor and marginalized following phrase: "From each according
to steal debit/credit card information sections of the society. to his ability, to each according to his
during an authorized banking needs”. He is famous for his theories
transaction. Q.373. Who among the following has about capitalism and communism.
served as the Deputy Chairman of the Famous work-"The Communist
Q.370. Of the following abbreviations, Planning Commission of India? SSC Manifesto". Karl Marx wrote "Das
which one is primarily an umbrella MTS 14/10/2021 (Evening) Kapital" .
organization for operating retail (a) Pranab Mukherjee
payments and settlement systems in (b) Ramaswamy Venkataraman Q.376. According to the 2011 Census of
India? (c) Pratibha Patil India, the decadal growth rate of India
SSC MTS 12/10/21(Morning) (d) Giani Zail Singh was around:SSC MTS 22/10/2021
(a) NPCI (b) NABARD (Morning)
(c) SIDBI (d) IRDAI Sol.(a) Pranab Mukherjee has served as (a) 19.3% (b) 15.6%
the Deputy Chairman of the Planning (c) 17.7% (d) 20.5%
Sol..(a) NPCI is primarily an umbrella Commission of India. Bharat Ratna
organisation for operating retail 2019- Nanaji Deshmukh (Posthumous) Sol.(c) According to the 2011 Census of
payments and settlement systems in Bhupen Hazarika (Posthumous) Pranab India, the decadal growth rate of India
India. NPCI provides online transaction Mukherjee. He was the 13th president of was around 17.7%.
routing, processing, and settlement India.
services to members participating in Q.377. Consumer Protection Act was
UPI. enacted in ______. SSC MTS
Q.374. Who among the following is 27/10/2021 (Afternoon)
credited with giving a theory of (a) 1990 (b) 1986
Q.371. An asset that has remained in the population growth in his work titled (c) 1992 (d) 1985
substandard category for a period of 12 'Essay on Population' (1798)? SSC MTS
months is classified as a _____ asset by 20/10/2021 (Morning) Sol. (b) The Consumer Protection Act,
a bank. (a) Thomas Robert Malthus 1986 was enacted to provide simpler and
SSC MTS 12/10/21(Evening) (b) Karl Marx quicker access to redressal of consumer
(a) liquid (b) non-performing (c) Adam Smith grievances.
(c) doubtful (d) loss (d) Friedrich Engels
Q.378. Which economist took the
Sol.(c) An asset that has remained in the Sol.(a) Thomas Robert Malthus is subject of economics away from
substandard category for a period of 12 credited with giving a theory of approaches that focus exclusively on
months is classified as a doubtful asset population growth in his work titled income, growth, and utility, with an
by a bank. 'Essay on Population' (1798). In increased emphasis on individual
it,Malthus theorized that populations entitlements, capabilities, freedoms, and
would continue expanding until growth rights?
Q.372. Which of the following does is stopped or reversed by disease, SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Afternoon)
NOT figure among the main objectives famine, war, or calamity.
of the Self Help Groups in India? (a) Robert Lucas
SSC MTS 13/10/21(Morning) Q.375. Which classical economist (b) Amartya Sen
(a) To provide loans with collateral popularised the following phrase: "From (c) Milton Friedman
(b) To provide a platform to discuss each according to (d) Adam Smith
and act on domestic violence
(c) To collect savings of their Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 399

Pinnacle Economics

Sol.(b) Amartya Sen took the subject of

economics away from approaches that
focus exclusively on income, growth,
and utility, with an increased emphasis
on individual entitlements, capabilities,
freedoms, and rights. Amartya Sen is
famous for his significant contributions
to welfare economics (for which he was
awarded the 1998 Nobel Prize in
economics). Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 400

Pinnacle Physics

PHYSICS Sol.(c) Cornea is the front part of the

eye. It allows light to enter the eye. Iris Sol.(b) When the object is placed
Light and Optics controls the diameter and size of the between the pole and focus of the
pupil. Optic nerves carry neural signals. concave mirror. Image will be virtual,
erect and enlarged.
Q.1. The amount of light entering into
Q.5. The lens-type commonly used for
eye can be controlled and regulated by-
correcting presbyopia is ______. Q.10. Twinkling of stars is mainly due to
SSC-CGL 04/06/19 (Evening)
(a) iris (b) cornea SSC CHSL 10/06/2019(Afternoon) which phenomenon ?
(c) pupil (d) retina (a) bifocal lens (b) cylindrical lens SSC MTS 07/08/2019(Evening)
(c) convex lens (d) concave lens (a) Diffraction (b) Refraction
Sol.(c) Pupile controls the amount of (c) Reflection (d) Advection
light entering into the eye.Iris controls Sol.(a) The lens-type commonly used
the diameter and size of the pupil.Cornea for correcting presbyopia is bifocal lens . Sol.(b) Light coming from the star
is the front part of the eye. It allows light concave lens is commonly used for undergoes continuous refraction due to
to enter the eye. Retina is like a screen of correcting Myopiaconvex lens is change in density of air.This results in
the eye. It forms an image of the object. commonly used for correcting Long twinkling of stars.
It also converts light energy into neural Sightedness.Cylindrical lenses are
signals and sends it to the brain. prescribed to correct astigmatism. Q.11. Which of the following is the
instrument used in submarines to view
Q.2. Which instrument is used to Q.6. The Tyndall Effect is due to: objects above sea level ?
measure the intensity of light produced SSC-CPO 12/03/19 (Evening) SSC MTS 14/08/2019(Evening)
by an unknown source in terms of a (a) Scattering of Light (a) Odometer (b) Pyrheliometer
standard source? (b) Dispersion of LIght (c) Hypsometer (d) Periscope
SSC-CGL 11/06/19 (Afternoon) (c) Refraction of Light
(a) Photometer (b) Calipers (d) Reflection of Light Sol.(d) Periscope - Periscope is used for
(c) Ammeter (d) Dynamometer the navigation of the ships while
Sol.(a) When light rays pass through remaining under water or submerged.
Sol.(a) Photometer-It is used to measure collide it scatters after striking fine Odometer - It is used to measure
the intensity of light. Calipers - It is used particles. This shows the Tyndall effect. distance travelled by vehicle.
to measure the dimension of an Pyrheliometer - It is used to measure
Q.7. The sky appears blue due to: direct beam solar irradiance
object.Ammeter- It is used to measure
SSC-CPO 12/03/19 (Morning) Hypsometer - A hypsometer is an
the current. Dynamometer - A device for
(a) Refraction of light instrument for measuring height or
measuring mechanical force, or power,
(b) Dispersion of light elevation.
transmitted by a rotating shaft.
(c) Scattering of light
(d) Reflection of light Q.12. Mirror used by dentists to see
Q.3. Rajat has hypermetropia. What type
large images of teeth of patients is
of lens will the ophthalmologist
Sol.(c) Blue light has shorter ______.
recommend to correct his vision?
wavelengths. It scatters in the sky after SSC MTS 19/08/2019(Evening)
SSC-CGL 11/06/19 (Afternoon)
striking on fine particles. (a) ZigZag Mirror (b) Plane Mirror
(a) Bifocal (b) Concave
(c) Convex Mirror (d) Concave Mirror
(c) Progressive (d) Convex
Q.8. Fulminology is the study of:
SSC-CPO 16/03/19 (Afternoon) Sol.(d) Concave Mirror - Concave
Sol.(d) Hypermetropia is also known as
(a) Volcanic eruptions (b) Lightening mirrors are used to form an enlarged
far-sightedness is corrected by convex.
(c) Natural gases (d) Atmosphere image and upright image. So, dentist use
In this condition the patient is able to see
it to view larger profiles of teeth to find
far objects clearly but unable to see
Sol.(b) The study of Lightning - the decay in it. A plane mirror is a mirror
close objects clearly.
Fulminology.The study of Volcanic with a flat reflective surface. For light
eruptions - Volcanology rays striking a plane mirror, the angle of
Q.4. Light rays enter the eye through the
reflection equals the angle of incidence.
outer, transparent structure at the front of
Q.9. What will be the size of the image A convex mirror or diverging mirror is a
the eye called the______.
formed by a concave mirror when an curved mirror in which the reflective
SSC-CHSL 05/07/19 (Evening)
(a) Lens (b) Iris object placed between Pole and Focus? surface bulges towards the light source.
(c) Cornea (d) Optic nerve SSC MTS 07/08/2019(Morning) Convex mirrors reflect light outwards,
(a) Same Size (b) Enlarged therefore they are not used to focus light.
(c) Point Size (d) Diminished Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 401

Pinnacle Physics

Such mirrors always form a virtual off of clouds after sunset or before they pass from one medium to another,
image. sunrise, or to direct sunlight that occurs is called ____
near sunset or sunrise. SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening)
Q.13. Image formed by a Plane Mirror is (a) obstruction (b) reflection
always ______. Q.16. What is the colour of the light (c) Diffraction (d) Refraction
SSC MTS 21/08/2019(Afternoon) emitted by the Sun ?
(a) Virtual and Erect SSC CGL 5-3-2020 (Morning) Sol.(d) Refraction is the change in
(b) Real and Erect (a) Yellow (b) Orange direction of a wave passing from one
(c) Real and Inverted (c) Red (d) White medium to another or from a gradual
(d) Virtual and Inverted change in the medium. Some common
Sol.(d) The light emitted by the Sun is examples of refraction are formation of
Sol.(a) characteristics of a plane mirror white, which consists of all visible rainbow, mirage etc.
image are Virtual and Erect frequencies of light red, orange, yellow,
Image is formed behind the mirror green, blue, indigo and violet all of Q.20. Which phenomenon deals with the
Size of the image is equal Distance of which form the colors of the rainbow scattering of light by molecules of a
image and mirror is equal to the distance and to remember the colour pattern medium when they are excited to
of object and mirror. Laterally inverted remember a word ‘VIBGYOR’ which is vibrational energy levels?
image (image of right hand will be formed by the starting letters, in reverse SSC CGL 24/08/21(Evening)
shown at the left side) and To see the order. (a) Huygens Effect (b) Maxwell Effect
full image of an object, a plane mirror (c) Raman Effect (d) Rayleigh Effect
should be half of the object. Q.17. The total number of images
formed by two mirrors inclined at 120° Sol.(c) Raman Effect deals with the
Q.14. The part of the eye which is to each other is ______. scattering of light by molecules of a
responsible for the conversion of image SSC CGL 5-3-2020 (Afternoon) medium when they are excited to
of an object into neural signals is: (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 3 vibrational energy levels. Huygens'
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening) principle states that every point on a
(a) iris (b) optic nerve Sol.(b) The number of images formed wavefront may be considered as a source
(c) vitreous humour (d) retina when two mirrors are placed at an angle of secondary waves. Maxwell Effect is a
theta to each other is given by: phenomenon of electromagnetic
Sol.(d) Retina is responsible for the n = (360° / θ ) - 1 induction in which an electric charge,
conversion of the image of an object into So, here, we have the mirrors placed near a solenoid in which current changes
neural signals. It has a thin layer of perpendicular to each other. So, theta = slowly, feels an electromotive force
tissue that lines the back of the eye on 90 degree (e.m.f.) even if the magnetic field is
the inside and it is located near the optic => n = no. of images formed practically static inside and null outside.
nerve. The purpose of the retina is to => n = ( 360° /120° ) - 1 Rayleigh Effect is a phenomenon of
receive light that the lens has focused, => n = 3 - 1 scattering of light or other
convert the light into neural signals, and => n = 2 electromagnetic radiation by particles
send these signals on to the brain for So, a total of two images will be formed. much smaller than the wavelength of the
visual recognition. radiation.
Q.18. Which among the following has
Q.15. What is the name of the its refractive index closest to that of Q.21. How many colours does sunlight
phenomena (derived by scattering of the crown glass ? consist of?
light) in which mountain tops acquire a SSC CGL 7-3-2020 (Morning) SSC MTS 05/10/21(Morning)
rosy or orange hue around sunrise and (a)Canada balsam (b)Sapphire (a) Three (b) Two
sunset ? (c)Diamond (d)Ruby (c) Seven (d) Five
SSC CGL 4-3-2020 (Evening)
(a) Brillouin scattering Sol.(a) Due to its high optical quality Sol.(c) Sunlight consists of seven colors.
(b) Circle of confusion and the similarity of its refractive index Sun rays are white in color and a mixture
(c) Alpenglow to that of crown glass (n = 1.55), of seven colors i.e violet, indigo, blue,
(d) Barrel distortion purified and filtered Canada balsam was green, orange, and red. We usually call it
traditionally used in optics as an VIBGYOR.
Sol.(c) Alpenglow is the phenomenon by invisible when dry glue for glass, such as
which mountain tops acquire a rosy or lens elements. Q.22. The absolute refractive index of
orange hue around sunrise and sunset. It ______ is 2.42.
is either the indirect sunlight reflection Q.19. The phenomenon of deviation of SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Evening)
light rays from their original path, when Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 402

Pinnacle Physics

(a) air (b) diamond right side of the object appears on the Sol.(b) LED, in full light-emitting diode,
(c) crown glass (d) water left side behind the mirror. in electronics, a semiconductor device
that emits infrared or visible light when
Sol.(b) The absolute refractive index of Q.26. People who wear bifocal lenses charged with an electric current.
diamond is 2.42. The absolute refractive have ______.
index of diamond is 2.42 and glass is SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Afternoon) Q.30. ‘Myopia’ is also known as:
1.50. Refractive index, also called the (a) hypermetropia (b) myopia SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Afternoon)
index of refraction, measures the (c) presbyopia (d) cataract (a) near-sightedness (b) astigmatism
bending of a ray of light when passing (c) presbyopia (d) far-sightedness
from one medium into another. Sol.(c) People who wear bifocal lenses
have presbyopia. Bifocal lenses are used Sol.(a) ‘Myopia’ is also known as
Q.23. Apart from the red and green for people who are both nearsighted and near-sightedness. Myopia is corrected by
wavelengths of sunlight, which other farsighted. spectacles or contact lenses with lenses
wavelength of sunlight is absorbed by that are 'minus' or concave in shape. In
water molecules in the ocean? Q.27. The colour of the clear sky is blue order to correct astigmatism, we must
SSC MTS 08/10/21 (Morning) due to the phenomenon of: use a cylindrical lens. Presbyopia can be
(a) Orange (b) Blue SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Morning)
corrected by using bi-focal lenses.
(c) Violet (d) Yellow (a) dispersion of light
Convex lenses are used in eyeglasses for
(b) reflection of light
correcting farsightedness.
Sol.(d) Apart from the red and green (c) scattering of light
wavelengths of sunlight, the wavelength (d) refraction of light
of Yellow sunlight is absorbed by water Heat and thermodynamics
molecules in the ocean. The red, yellow, Sol.(c) The color of the clear sky is blue
and green wavelengths of sunlight are due to the phenomenon of scattering of Q.31. ___________ codified the first
absorbed by water molecules in the light. Raman was awarded the Nobel two laws of thermodynamics and
ocean. When sunlight hits the ocean, deduced that the absolute zero of
prize in Physics in 1930 for his
some of the light is reflected back temperature is -273.15°C. He was
discovery of Raman scattering
directly but most of it penetrates the honored for this with the naming of the
(Scattering of light). The Tyndall effect
ocean surface and interacts with the Kelvin temperature scale.
is the phenomenon of the scattering of
water molecules that it encounters. SSC-CGL 07/06/19 (Afternoon)
light by colloidal particles. (a) William Crookes
Q.24. Which of the following mirror is (b) William Thomson
Q.28. An image formed on a screen is (c) Luis Alvarez
used in vehicles as a headlight?
called a ______ image, whereas the (d) Robert Hooke
SSC MTS 08/10/21(evening)
image formed by a plane mirror is called
(a) Double Convex mirror
a ______ image. Sol.(b) The first law, also known as the
(b) Plane mirror
SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Afternoon) Law of Conservation of Energy, states
(c) Concave mirror
(a) real; virtual(b) parabolic; perpetual that energy cannot be created or
(d) Convex mirror
(c) virtual; real (d) vector; layered destroyed in an isolated system. The
Sol.(c) A concave mirror is used in second law of thermodynamics states
Sol.(a) An image formed on a screen is that the entropy of any isolated system
vehicles as a headlight because when the
called a real image, whereas the image always increases.
bulb of the headlight is placed at the
formed by a plane mirror is called a
focus of the concave mirror, it allows the
virtual image. Real image is formed by Q.32. Which of the following is also
light to spread out to infinity (longer
the actual intersection of light rays. called the First Law of Thermodynamics
Virtual image is formed when the light ?
rays appear to be originating from a SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening)
Q.25. Which of the following types of (a) Boyle’s Law
point but do not actually meet.
mirrors show a lateral inversion of light? (b) Law of Conservation of Energy
SSC MTS 13/10/21(Afternoon) (c) Charles's Law
Q.29. What is the full form of LED?
(a) Convex mirror (b) Concave mirror (d) Law of Conservation of Mass
SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Morning)
(c) Rectangle mirror (d) Plane mirror
(a) Linear Emergency Device
(b) Light Emitting Diode Sol.(b) The first law of thermodynamics
Sol.(d) Plane mirrors show a lateral is also known as the Law of
(c) Liquid Emitting Display
inversion of light. Lateral inversion is Conservation of Energy. It states that
(d) Light Emitting Device
the reversal of a mirror image where the energy can neither be created nor be Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 403

Pinnacle Physics

destroyed, energy can only be when cooled. The Eiffel Tower gets Sol.(c) Steam point is the temperature at
transferred or changed from one form to taller by up to 6 inches during the which the maximum vapour pressure of
another. summer. water is equal to one atmosphere. It has
the value of 100° on the Celsius scale
Q.33. The innovative concept of using Q.37. Name the law in Physics which and 212°F on the Fahrenheit scale.
sunshine to keep houses warm in states that equal volume of all gases
freezing winters is called______. under the same conditions of Fluid Mechanics
SSC-CPO 15/03/19 (Morning) temperature and pressure contain equal
(a) latent solar heating numbers of molecules.
Q.41. When pressure is applied to a
(b) conductive solar heating SSC CGL 5-3-2020 (Morning)
fluid, the pressure change is transmitted
(c) radiation heating (a) Avogadro’s Law (b) Charles's Law
to every part of the fluid without any
(d) passive solar heating (c) Ohm’s Law (d) Boyle's Law
loss. Which of the following laws
explains this phenomenon ?
Sol.(d) passive solar heating traps heat Sol.(a) Avogadro's law states that "equal
SSC-CHSL 03/07/19 (Morning)
from the sun in the building and releases volumes of all gases, at the same (a) Hooke’s Law (b) Bernoulli’s Law
that heat when the sun is absent. temperature and pressure, have the same (c) Avogadro’s Law (d) Pascal’s Law
number of molecules
Q.34. The sun heats the earth 𝑉1 𝑉2
Sol.(d) According to Pascal's law, any
= ; 𝑉1= first volume, 𝑉2= second
through_______. 𝑛1 𝑛2
force applied to a confined fluid is
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening) volume, 𝑛1= first amount of gas(in transmitted uniformly in all directions
(a) Convention (b) Radiation moles), 𝑛2= second amount of gas(in throughout the fluid regardless of the
(c) Conduction (d) Fission shape.
Sol.(b) The sun heats the earth through Q.42. Which force helps swimmers float
radiation. Since there is no medium (like Q.38. Heat, in ______, is a type of
energy transfer from a warmer substance in water ?
the gas in our atmosphere) in space, SSC-CHSL 03/07/19 (Evening)
to a colder one.
radiation is the primary way that heat SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Morning) (a) Muscular Force(b) Frictional Force
travels in space. When the heat reaches (a) gravity (b) friction (c) Buoyant Force (d) Magnetic Force
the earth it warms the molecules of the (c) thermodynamics (d) magnet
atmosphere, and they warm other Sol.(c) Buoyant Force is an upward
molecules and so on. Sol.(c) Heat is a type of energy transfer
force exerted on an object that is
in thermodynamics. During energy
partially or completely immersed in
Q.35. The process of transformation of a transfer, the energy moves from the
substance in a gaseous state into a liquid hotter object to the colder object. This
state due to change in pressure or means that the hotter object will cool
Q.43. A fuse protects an electric circuit
temperature of the substance is down and the colder object will warm
called_______. up. The energy transfer will continue
SSC CGL 20/08/21(Afternoon)
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening) until both objects are at the same
(a) inducing current
(a) Evaporation (b) Saturation temperature. Heat is measured in joules
(b) converting one form of energy into
(c) Condensation (d) transformation (J).
Sol.(c) Condensation is the change of the (c) overloading
physical state of matter from the gas Q.39. A clinical thermometer reads the
(d) carrying current
phase into the liquid phase, and is the temperature from ______.
reverse of vaporization. SSC MTS 11/10/21(Afternoon)
Sol.(c) A fuse protects an electric circuit
(a) 25°C to 32°C (b) 38°C to 48°C
from overloading. It contains a thin strip
Q.36. _______ expansion makes the (c) 32°C to 38°C (d) 35°C to 42°C
of metal that melts if the current flowing
Eiffel Tower taller during summers. through that circuit exceeds the amount
SSC CGL 4-3-2020 (Morning) Sol.(d) A clinical thermometer reads the
for which that fuse is rated.
(a) thermal (b) slope temperature from 35°C to 42°C.
(c) gravitational (d) chemical Q.44. Why do water droplets always
Q.40. What is the Steam Point on the take a round shape when dropped onto
Sol.(a) The Eiffel tower gets taller in Fahrenheit scale? plane surfaces ?
summer because of the thermal SSC MTS 13/10/21(Morning) SSC-CPO 12/03/19 (Morning)
expansion. Thermal expansion is a (a) 32°F (b) 100°F (a) Due to gravity
phenomenon due to which the metal (c) 212 F (d) 80°F (b) Due to atmospheric pressure
expands when heated and contracts Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 404

Pinnacle Physics

(c) Due to presence of Eddy Currents

in the air Q.48. The buoyant force exerted on an Sol.(a) Electric current = Voltage/
(d) Due to exertion of surface tension object fully or partially submerged in a Resistance
by the molecules fluid medium ( gas or liquid ) is equal to Explanation: Ohm's law states that the
the weight of the fluid that the body electrical Current (I) flowing in
Sol.(d) Surface tension is the tendency displaces.” This principle is : a circuit is proportional to the voltage
of liquid surfaces to shrink into the SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon) (V) and inversely proportional to the
minimum surface area possible.This (a) Newton's second law of motion resistance (R).
inward forces on the surface molecules (b) Boyle's principle
of the liquid droplet tend to cause the (c) Archimedes' principle Q.52. Magnetic Field inside the solenoid
surface to volume ratio as small as (d) Charles' principle is ______.
possible. SSC MTS 22/08/2019(Afternoon)
Sol.(c) Archimedes' principle states that (a) increases from one end to another
Q.45. What will happen if a glass bottle the upward buoyant force that is exerted (b) zero at the middle
is completely filled with water, sealed on a body immersed in a fluid, whether (c) varies from point to point
with a lid and put into a freezer ? fully or partially submerged, is equal to (d) uniform
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening) the weight of the fluid that the body
(a) The glass bottle will be deformed displaces. Sol.(d)
due to atmospheric pressure on the
bottle after the water freezes. Electric current and its effects
(b) Eventually, the ice will burst the
glass bottle. Q.49. Who founded and named the
(c) Nothing will happen. science of electromagnetism? The magnetic field inside a solenoid is
(d) Weight of the glass bottle will SSC-CGL 06/06/19 (Morning) proportional to the current, number of
increase after water freezes into ice. (a) Michael Faraday turns and inversely proportional to
(b) James Clerk length. so , there is no direct relationship
(c) Hans Christian Oersted between the position of the solenoid and
Sol.(b) If a glass bottle is completely
(d) Andre Marie Ampere the magnetic field, so the magnetic field
filled with water, sealed with a lid and
put into the freezer, it will eventually inside the solenoid is uniform
Sol.(d) Electromagnetism is named by throughout
result in a burst of glass bottle.
Andre Marie Ampere. Michael Faraday
discovered electromagnetic induction , Q.53. Which of the following is NOT a
Q.46. Lactometers (used to determine
diamagnetism and electrolysis. primary force which influences ocean
the purity of a sample of milk) and
hydrometers (used to determine the currents ?
Q.50. Which of the following are the SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening)
density of liquids) are based on the
highest-frequency electromagnetic (a) Magnetic fields of the earth
_______ principle.
waves? (b) Heating by the sun
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
(a) Archimedes (b) special relativity SSC-CHSL 02/07/19 (Morning) (c) Gravity
(a) Gamma Rays (b) Radio Waves (d) Coriolis force
(c) relativity (d) Uncertainty
(c) Ultraviolet Rays (d) Microwaves
Sol. (a)Lactometers and Hydrometers Sol.(a) Magnetic fields of the earth
Sol.(a) Gamma rays have the highest Explanation: Ocean currents can be
work on the principle of Archimedes
frequencies, the shortest wavelengths, caused by wind(coriolis force), density
principle that a solid suspended in a fluid
and the highest energies. Radio waves differences in water masses caused by
will be buoyed up by a force equal to the
have the lowest frequencies, longest temperature and salinity variations,
weight of the fluid displaced
wavelengths, and lowest energies of EM gravity, and events such as earthquakes
radiation. or storms.
Q.47. What is the relative density of
silver ?
Q.51. Ohm’s Law states that: Q.54. Which of the following
SSC CHSL 19-03-2020 (Evening)
SSC-CPO 16/03/19 (Afternoon) instruments can detect the presence of a
(a) 9.5 (b) 7.2
(a) Electric current = Voltage/ current in a circuit ?
(c) 10.4 (d) 10.8
Resistance SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning)
(b) Power = Voltage + Current (a) Galvanometer
Sol.(d) The relative density of silver is
10.8.Relative density of silver = density (c) Power= Voltage × Current (b) Sphygmomanometer
of silver/ density of water (d) Electric current = Resistance/ (c) Barometre
Voltage (d) Magnetometer Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 405

Pinnacle Physics

circuit. Its essential component is a Bromine is a very poor conductor of

Sol.(a) Galvanometer can detect the metal wire or strip that melts when too electricity.
presence of a current in a circuit. A much current flows through it, thereby
galvanometer is an electromechanical stopping or interrupting the current. Q.61. Which of the following statements
instrument used for detecting and is correct?
indicating an electric current. A Q.58. Electrical conductance through SSC CGL 18/08/21 (Morning)
galvanometer works as an actuator, by metals is called electronic conductance (a) Magnetic flux is a vector quantity.
producing a rotary deflection, in and it ______. (b) Two magnetic field lines may
response to electric current flowing SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) intersect.
through a coil in a constant magnetic (a) decreases with increase in (c) The net magnetic flux through any
field. temperature closed surface is zero.
(b) increases with increase in (d) Earth's magnetic poles coincide with
Q.55. Which law of physics states that temperature the geographic poles.
the force between the two electric (c) decreases with decrease in
charges reduces to a quarter of its former temperature Sol.(c) The net magnetic flux through
value when the distance between them is (d) does not depend on temperature any closed surface is zero. This is a
doubled ? correct statement because magnetic field
SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Afternoon) Sol.(a) Metals are good conductors due lines are continuous loops, all closed
(a) Coulomb's law (b) Stefan's law to the presence of free electrons and surfaces have as many magnetic field
(c) Pascal's law (d) Hooke's law when we increase the temperature the lines going in as coming out. Hence, the
metal ions start vibrating which lead to net magnetic flux through a closed
Sol.(a) Coulomb's law : The magnitude the increase in resistance so the surface is zero.
of the electrostatic force of attraction or conductivity is decreased.
repulsion between two point charges is So conductivity decreases with the Q.62. Which of the following is not a
directly proportional to the product of increase in temperature. good conductor of electricity?
the magnitudes of charges and inversely SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Afternoon)
proportional to the square of the distance Q.59. Electrical conductance through (a) Graphite (b) Gold
between them. The force is along the metals is called electronic conductance (c) Diamond (d) Soil
straight line joining them. and it ______.
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) Sol.(c) Diamond is not a good conductor
Q.56. The rating for a fuse used in a (a) decreases with increase in of electricity. As diamond is a giant
household electric circuit is provided on temperature covalent structure, the four outermost
the basis of: (b) increases with increase in electrons, four carbon atoms, are
SSC CGL 9-3-2020 (Afternoon) temperature engaged or trapped in the covalent bonds
(a) voltage (b) current (c) decreases with decrease in which means that there are no free
(c) power (d) resistance temperature electrons. So diamonds are a bad
(d) None of the above conductor of electricity.
Sol.(b) A fuse rating is the current need
to blow (break) the fuse. When a fuse Sol.(a) Metals are good conductors due Q.63. Who among the following
has blown, it removes electrical power to the presence of free electrons and introduced the concept of electric field
from an electrical circuit. The fuse rating when we increase the temperature the for the first time?
is usually defined in metal ions start vibrating which leads to SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Morning)
the increase in resistance so the (a) Blaise Pascal
Q.57. Among various electrical safety conductivity is decreased. So (b) Michael Faraday
devices, one based on the heating effect conductivity decreases with the increase (c) Charles Augustin de Coulomb
of electric current is called a: in temperature. (d) Joseph Henry
िविभ िवद् युत सुर ा उपकरणों म से, कौन
सा िवद् युत धारा के ऊ ा भाव पर Q.60. Which of the following is NOT a Sol.63.(b) Michael Faraday introduced
आधा रत है ? good conductor of electricity? the concept of electric field. An electric
SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Evening) SSC CHSL 14-10-2020 (Morning) field is created by a charged body in the
(a) Fuse (b) Surge protector (a) Silver (b) Copper space that surrounds it and results in a
(c) Protective relay(d) Capacitor (c) Bromine (d) Graphite force exerted on any other charges
placed within the field.
Sol.(a) A fuse is an electrical safety Sol.(d) Non-metals are bad conductors
device that operates to provide of electricity except Graphite, therefore Q.64. What is the total charge of an
overcurrent protection of an electrical electric dipole? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 406

Pinnacle Physics

SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Morning) position. Inertia is directly proportional (a) Volume (b) Area
(a) −10 (b) +1 (c) 0 (d) 10 to mass. (c) Density (d) Mass

Sol.(c) An electric dipole is a pair of Q.68. Which of the following Sol.(b) Thrust acting per unit area is
equal and opposite charges, therefore the equations represents Pressure in Physics known as pressure i.e. Pressure=
total charge in an electric dipole will be ?
zero. SSC MTS 08/08/2019(Afternoon)
Q.73. ______ is the external agency
(a) Mass/Acceleration
applied on a body to change its state of
Q.65. In the symbol for the electric cell, (b) Force / Area
rest or uniform motion.
the thicker, shorter line represents the: (c) Mass × Acceleration
SSC CGL 18/08/21(Morning)
SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Afternoon) (d) Force × Area
(a) Heat (b) Power
(a) positive terminal (c) Energy (d) Force
(b) ring terminal Sol.(b) Pressure is defined as force
(c) negative terminal exerted per unit area. P = 𝐴 Sol.(d) Force is the external agency
(d) neutral terminal applied on a body to change its state of
Q.69. A barometer is used to measure rest or uniform motion. The SI unit of
Sol.(c) In the symbol for the electric cell, which one of the following? force is Newton.
the thicker, shorter line represents the SSC MTS 14/08/2019(Afternoon)
negative terminal. The longer, thinner (a) Current (b) Atmospheric Pressure Q.74. Which of the following is a
vertical line in the symbol of a cell (c) Humidity (d) Altitude characteristic of conservative force? SSC
represents the positive terminal. CGL 20/08/21(Evening)
Sol.(b) Barometer is used to measure (a) Energy is dissipated as heat energy.
Force and Pressure Atmospheric pressure. (b) Work done by it in a round trip is not
Humidity is measured by a Hygrometer. zero.
Q.66. According to ______ , pressure is Altitude is measured by Altimeters. (c) Work done by it depends upon the
equal to the force divided by the area on Current is measured by Ammeter. path.
which it acts. (d) Work done by it is completely
SSC-CGL 11/06/19 (Afternoon) Q.70. Which of the following is NOT a recoverable.
(a) Pascal’s Law scalar quantity ?
(b) Hooke’s Law SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Morning) Sol.(d) ‘Work done by it is completely
(c) Stefan Boltzmaan’s Law (a) Volume (b) Temperature recoverable’ is a characteristic of a
(d) Newton’s Law (c) Torque (d) Time conservative force. A conservative force
is one in which work done by or against
Sol.(a) Pascal’s Law states that pressure Sol.(c) Torque is a vector quantity it depends only on the starting and
is equal to the force divided by the area having both magnitude and direction. ending points of a motion. It does not
on which it acts. depend upon the path taken during the
P = F/A Q.71. Which instrument is used to work. The stored energy is recoverable
Hooke’s Law states that the measure the level of humidity? as work.
displacement or size of the deformation CHSL 21-10-2020 (Afternoon)
is directly proportional to the deforming (a) Fathometer (b) Galvanometer Q.75. Which of the following statements
force or load. It is also known as the law (c) Hygrometer (d) Hydrometer is correct?
of elasticity. SSC CGL 23/08/21(Afternoon)
Stefan Boltzmaan’s Law states that the Sol.(c) Fathometer is used in measuring (a) If the constituents of the medium
amount of radiation is directly the depth of water. oscillate along the direction of wave
proportional to the fourth power of Galvanometer is used for detecting and propagation, we call the wave a
temperature. indicating an electric current. transverse wave.
Newton gave three laws of motion. Hygrometer is used to measure the level (b) The minimum distance between two
of humidity. points in a wave having the same phase
Q.67. Inertia is proportional to: Hydrometer is used to measure the at a particular instant of time is called
SSC-CPO 16/03/19 (Afternoon) relative density of liquids based on the the wave length.
(a) Mass (b) Weight concept of buoyancy. (c) If the constituents of the medium
(c) Length (d) Height oscillate perpendicular to the direction of
Q.72. With what do you divide thrust in wave propagation, we call the wave a
Sol.(a) Inertia is a characteristic of an a liquid to obtain the value of pressure? longitudinal wave.
object due to which object resists its SSC CGL 13/08/21(Afternoon) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 407

Pinnacle Physics

(d) Frequency of a wave is the number Sol.78.(d) If two forces act on an object (c) The speed of sound is twice the
of oscillations of each constituent from opposite directions, then the speed of light.
particle in the magnitude of the net force acting on it is (d) The speed of sound is same as the
vibrating medium per minute. the difference of the magnitudes of the speed of light.
two forces.
Sol.(b) The correct statement is that the Sol.(a) The sound of thunder is heard
minimum distance between two points in Q.79. Friction depends on the much later than the flash of light is seen.
a wave having the same phase at a smoothness of the surfaces. The force of This shows the speed of sound is much
particular instant of time is called the friction always ______ the applied less than the speed of light. The speed
wavelength. forces. of sound in the air is about 343 metres
A transverse wave is a wave whose SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Afternoon) per second. Light from a stationary
oscillations are perpendicular to the (a) reflects (b) conducts source travels at 300,000 km/sec
direction of wave propagation. (c) opposes (d) adds up to (186,000 miles/sec). Light from Moon to
A longitudinal wave is a wave in which Earth: 1.3 s, from Sun to Earth (1 AU):
the vibration of the medium is parallel to Sol.(c) Friction depends on the 8.3 min.
the direction of wave propagation. smoothness of the surfaces. The force of
The frequency of a wave is the number friction always opposes the applied
of oscillations of each constituent
forces. Friction is the force resisting the
particle in the vibrating medium per
relative motion of solid surfaces, fluid Q.82. Which of the following creatures
layers, and material elements sliding use ultrasonic sound to catch their prey ?
against each other. SSC-CPO 16/03/19 (Morning)
Q.76. The inertia of an object is
Friction force: (a) Bats (b) Cats
measured by its ______.
(c) Hawks (d) Dogs
SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Afternoon)
(a) volume (b) speed
f=friction force, µ=coefficient of Sol.(a) The bats emit ultrasonic waves of
(c) mass (d) area
friction, N=normal force frequency 20 to 100 Kilohertz and
returning echo of the sound waves give
Sol.(c) The inertia of an object is
Q.80. What is the melting point of ice at information about prey.
measured by its mass. Basically, our idea
the sea-level at normal atmospheric
of inertia goes back to Sir Issac
pressure and at 45 degree latitude? SSC Q.83. Sound cannot travel
Newton's first two laws of physics: MTS 26/10/2021 (Morning) through______.
(a). An object at rest tends to stay at rest. (a) 256.14 K (b) 273.16 K SSC-CPO 16/03/19 (Morning)
(b). An object in motion tends to stay in (c) 245.18 K (d) 222.14 K (a) vacuum (b)soil
motion. (c)water (d)fire
Sol.(b) The melting point of ice at the
Q.77. Which of the following quantities sea level at normal atmospheric pressure Sol.(a) Sound needs medium to travel. It
is measured using a torsion balance? and at 45-degree latitude is 273.16 does not travel in vacuum
SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Evening) K(32°F (0°C). At sea level, pure water
(a) Magnetism (b) Charge boils at 212 °F (100°C). At the lower Q.84. The audible range of sound for
(c) Pressure (d) Force atmospheric pressure on the top of human beings is from::
Mount Everest, pure water boils at about SSC-CPO 12/03/19 (Morning)
Sol.(d) Torsion balance is used to (a) 20 Hz to 200 kHz
154 °F (68°C). In the deep oceans, under
measure small forces. It is based on the (b) 10 Hz to 100 kHz
immense pressure, water remains liquid
principle that a wire or thread resists (c) 20 Hz to 20 kHz
at temperatures of 750°F (400°C) around
twisting with a force that is proportional (d) 10 Hz to 10kHz
hydrothermal vents.
to the stress.
Sol.(c) audible range of sound for human
Q.78. If two forces act on an object from Q.81. The sound of thunder is heard
beings is from 20 Hz to 20 kHz
opposite directions, then the magnitude much later than the flash of light is seen.
of the net force acting on it is the ______ What does this show?
Q.85. The audible range of sound for an
of the magnitudes of the two forces. SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Afternoon)
average adult human being is ______.
SSC MTS 11/10/21(Morning) (a). The speed of sound is much less
SSC CHSL 10/06/2019 (Morning)
(a) product (b) sum than the speed of light.
(a) 2 Hz - 20000 Hz
(c) ratio (d) difference (b) The speed of sound is thrice the
(b) 2 Hz - 2000 Hz
speed of light.
(c) 20 Hz - 2000 Hz Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 408

Pinnacle Physics

(d) 20 Hz - 20000 Hz CHSL 21-10-2020 (Afternoon)

Q.89. What is the approximate speed of (a) Frequency of the sound
Sol.(d) 20 Hz - 20000 Hz sound in distilled water at 25°C (77°F) ? (b) Intensity of the sound
Explanation:-The audible range of sound SSC CHSL 12-10-2020 (Evening) (c) Wavelength of the sound
for an average adult human being is 20 (a) 1498 m/s (b) 1284 m/s (d) Loudness of the sound
Hz - 20000Hz. (c) 3980 m/s (d) 1598 m/s
More than 20000Hz sound is considered Sol.(a) Frequency of the sound is
damaging. Sol.(a) The speed of sound in a medium measured in hertz (Hz).
can be determined by the equation:
Q.86. When the speed of an object v =(Kp)-1/2 Q.93. If an object executes 10
exceeds the velocity of sound, Then it is Where oscillations per second, then its
said to be moving with ______ speed. v = speed of sound, frequency in kilohertz is equal to:
SSC MTS 19/08/2019(Afternoon) K = compressibility and p = density. SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening)
(a) Subsonic Speed Speed of sound in air = 343 m/s (a) 1 (b) 0.01
(b) Supersonic speed Speed of sound in water (at normal (c) 0.1 (d) 10
(c) Ultrasonic Speed temperature and pressure) = 1498 m/s
(d) 1 Mach speed Speed of sound in solid = 5000 m/s Sol.(b) 1 kilohertz = 1000 oscillation per
Sol.(b) Mach number (m) Q.90. In which medium does sound 10 oscillation per second =
= 0.01
𝑂𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 travel faster ?
𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑆𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 Kilohertz
SSC CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning)
If m < 1 it is subsonic
(a) Gas (b) Liquid
m=1 transonic Q.94. Vibration of which among the
(c) Solid (d) Vacuum
m > 1 supersonic following produces only odd harmonics?
m > 5 hypersonic SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning)
Sol.(c) Solids are packed together tighter
(a) An air column in a closed organ
than liquids and gases, hence sound
Q.87. What is the velocity of sound in pipe
travels fastest in solids. The distance in
air ? (b) A vibrating string fixed at two
liquids is shorter than in gases, but
SSC CGL 7-3-2020 (Evening) (c) An air column in an open organ
longer than in solids. Liquids are more
(a)220 m/sec (b)232 m/sec pipe
dense than gases, but less than solids, so
(c)343 m/sec (d)110 m/sec (d) A vibrating rod fixed at two ends
sound travels second fast in liquids. In
gases, sound travels the slowest because
Sol.(c) The speed of sound is the Sol.(a) In the first mode of vibration of
they are the least dense, the molecules in
distance travelled per unit time by a the air column, there is one node and one
gases are very far apart, compared to
sound wave as it propagates through an antinode. In the second mode of
solids and liquids.
elastic medium. At 20 °C, the speed of vibration of the air column, two nodes
sound in air is about 343 metres per and two antinodes are formed. ...This
Q.91. Bats search out prey and fly in
second, or a kilometre in 2.9 s or a mile shows that only odd harmonics are
dark night by emitting and detecting
in 4.7 s. present in the modes of vibrations of the
reflections of which type of Sound
air column closed at one end.
waves ?
Q.88. What is the approximate speed of
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon)
sound in distilled water at 25°C (77°F) ? Gravitation
(a) Sonic waves
CHSL 12-10-2020 (Afternoon)
(b) Hypersonic waves
(a) 1498 m/s (b) 1284 m/s Q.95. Kepler’s first law is known law of
(c) Subsonic waves
(c) 3980 m/s (d) 1598 m/s _______ ?
(d) Ultrasonic waves
SSC MTS 20/08/2019(Evening)
Sol.(a) The speed of sound in a medium (a) Ellips (b) Harmonis
Sol.(d) Bats use to detect their prey with
can be determined by the equation: (c) Motion (d) Equal Area
the help of Ultrasonic waves. They emit
v =(Kp)-1/2
and collect the rays emitted by them. If
Where Sol.(a) Kepler’s law is also known as the
the complete rays are collected then
v = speed of sound, law of Ellipse. His laws are related to the
there is prey in the path of the bat.
K = compressibility and p = density. planetary motif the earth and planets
Otherwise there is no prey in its path.
Speed of sound in air = 343 m/s with sun at the centre. The shape of the
Speed of sound in water (at normal orbit is elliptical so, kepler’s law is also
Q92. Which of the following
temperature and pressure) = 1498 m/s known as the law of Ellipse.
characteristics of sound is measured in
Speed of sound in solid = 5000 m/s
hertz (Hz) ? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 409

Pinnacle Physics

Q.96. Once a satellite has been launched SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) (b) Law of reflection
into orbit, the only force governing its (a) Friction (b) Tension (c) Law of inertia
motion is the force of ______ . (c) Gravitation (d) Pull (d) Law of refraction
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening)
(a)gravity (b) elasticity Sol.(c) Action at a distance forces are Sol.(a) The Law of gravitation explains
(c) friction (d) fuel drive those forces which can act even when about the tides due to the moon and the
the bodies are not in the physical sun. Newton's law of universal
Sol. (a) Once a satellite launched into contact. Ex. Gravitational force magnetic gravitation is usually stated as that every
orbit, the only force governing the force. Friction, tension and pull are particle attracts every other particle in
motion of a satellite is the force of contact forces. They will only act when the universe with a force that is directly
gravity. the bodies are in physical contact. proportional to the product of their
masses and inversely proportional to the
Q.97. Which of the following helps keep Q.101. Who among the following is square of the distance between their
earth's atmosphere in place? credited with postulating three laws of
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) planetary motion?
(a) Gravitational force of earth SSC CGL 16/08/21(Morning)
Q.104. The force of the Earth’s gravity
(b) Rotation of earth on its axis (a) Isaac Newton
on every kilogram is about:
(c) Gravitational force of the sun (b) Tycho Brahe
SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Afternoon)
(d) Gravitational force of the moon (c) Johannes Kepler
(a) 20 N (b) 10 N
(d) Galileo Galilei
(c) 5 N (d) 15 N
Sol.(a) Gravitation is a natural
phenomenon by which all things with Sol.(c) Johannes Kepler proposed three
Sol.(b) The force of the Earth’s gravity
mass and energy including planets, stars, laws of planetary motion. The three laws
galaxies and even light are brought on every kilogram is about 10N. The
state that:
towards each other. On earth, gravity gravitational force or the force of gravity
1.The orbit of a planet is an ellipse with
gives weight to physical objects and the is a force that attracts any object with
the Sun at one of the two foci.
Moon’s gravity causes oceanic tides. mass.
2. A line segment joining a planet and Newton’s Law of Gravitation F= G
the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal 𝑚1 𝑚2
Q.98. What is the value of g ? (g stands
intervals of time. 𝑟×𝑟
for acceleration due to gravitational
F- Force, m1= mass of object 1, m2
force of the earth ) 3. The square of a planet's orbital period
mass of object 2, r= distance between
CHSL 17-3-2020 (Morning) is proportional to the cube of the length
center of masses.
(a) 5.2 m/s2 (b) 9.8 m/s2 of the semi-major axis of its orbit.
(c) 7.8 m/s2 (d) 6.7 m/s2
Q.102. Who among the following was
Work and Energy
Sol.(b) The value of g is 9.8 m/s . the first to conclude that in vacuum all
objects fall with the same acceleration g Q.105. Which of the following
Q.99. Which instrument was used to and reach the ground at the same time? quantities is NOT a vector quantity ?
SSC CGL 17/08/21(Evening) SSC MTS 08/08/2019(Afternoon)
detect gravitational waves for the very
(a) Thomas Alva Edison (a)Work (b)Velocity
first time? (b) Galileo Galilei
CHSL 17-3-2020 (Evening) (c)Acceleration (d)Force
(c) Albert Einstein
(a) WIGO (b) LIGO (d) Isaac Newton
(c) TRIGO (d) GIGO Sol.(a) Quantity which has both
Sol.(b) Galileo Galilei was the first to magnitude and direction is vector
Sol.(b) LIGO was used to detect conclude that in a vacuum all objects fall quantity. In the given option except work
gravitational waves for the very first with the same acceleration g and reach all quantities have magnitude and
time. The Laser Interferometer the ground at the same time. Galileo direction.
Gravitational-Wave Observatory is a Galilei was from modern-day Italy and
large-scale physics experiment and has been called the father of Q.106. Which of the following energy is
observatory to detect cosmic observational astronomy and modern NOT from sea?
gravitational waves and to develop physics. SSC MTS 09/08/2019(Afternoon)
gravitational-wave observations as an (a) Wave energy
astronomical tool. Q.103. Which law explains about the (b) Geothermal energy
tides due to the moon and the sun? SSC (c) Ocean Thermal energy
Q.100. Which among the following is an MTS 20/10/2021 (Evening) (d) Tidal energy
‘action-at-a-distance’ force? (a) Law of gravitation Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 410

Pinnacle Physics

Sol.(b) Geothermal energy is heat within Q.111. Mechanical energy is the sum of SSC MTS 09/08/2019(Afternoon)
the earth surface. potential energy and ______ energy. (a) Velocity (b) Nature
SSC MTS 06/10/21(Morning) (c) Wavelength (d) Amplitude
Q.107. Power exerted by an object (a) kinetic (b) heat
moving in a straight line is equal to (c) electrical (d) chemical Sol.(b) Sound wave can be described by
Force multiplied by ______. five characteristics: Wavelength,
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) Sol.(a) Mechanical energy is the sum of Amplitude, Time-Period, Frequency and
(a) Velocity (b) Work potential energy and kinetic energy. Velocity or Speed.
(c) Acceleration (d) Displacement
Q.112. The English physicist James Q.116. What is the unit of loudness ?
Sol.(a) Power exerted by an Object Prescott Joule outlined the basis of the SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening)
moving in a straight line = Force × ______. (a) Bel (b) Phon
Velocity SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Afternoon) (c) Decibel (d) All of the above
(a) principle of conservation
Q.108. The energy derived from the heat (b) phenomenon of gravitation Sol.(d) The sensation of a sound
of the earth is called _______ (c) theory of vibrating receptacle perceived in an ear is measured by
SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning) (d) concept of diffusion of gases another term called loudness which
(a) Geothermal Energy (b)SolarEnergy depends on the intensity of sound and
(c) Biogas Sol.(a) The English physicist James sensitiveness of the ear. Unit of loudness
(d) Tidal Energy Prescott Joule outlined the basis of the is a bel. A practical unit of loudness is
principle of conservation which in turn the decibel (dB) which is 1/10th of bel.
Sol.(a) Geothermal energy is heat led to the development of the first law of Another unit of loudness is phon.
derived within the sub-surface of the thermodynamics.
earth. Water and/or steam carry the Q.117. _____ waves include visible light
geothermal energy to the Earth's Q.113. Kinetic and potential energies of waves, X-rays,gamma rays, radio waves, is also used to produce a body are the components of its ______ microwaves,
electricity. energy. ultraviolet and infrared waves.
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Evening) SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening)
Q.109. What is represented by the (a) chemical (b) electrical (a) Mechanical (b) Magnetic
product of force with displacement in the (c) mechanical (d) heat (c) Electromagnetic (d) Electric
direction of force?
SSC CGL 17/08/21(Morning) Sol.(c) The kinetic and potential energies Sol.(c) Electromagnetic waves include
(a) Momentum (b) Power of a body are the components of its visible light waves, X-rays,gamma rays,
(c) Impulse (d) Work mechanical energy. The potential energy radio waves, microwaves, ultraviolet and
of an object depends on the position of infrared waves.
Sol.(d) Work is represented by the the body, kinetic energy is the energy of
product of force with displacement in the motion for that same body. Q.118. ______ are also known as heat
direction of the force. The SI unit of waves.
work is Joule(J). SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening)
(a) X-rays (b) Light waves
Q.110. Which of the following is an (c) Infrared waves (d) Gamma rays
Q.114. The waves used in radar systems
example of gravitational potential
are _______ waves.
energy? Sol.(c) When materials are exposed to
SSC CHSL 10/06/2019 (Morning)
SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Afternoon) the infrared radiation, the water
(a) ultraviolet (b) infrared
(a) Moving car molecules of the material absorb this
(c) micro (d) radio
(b) Bullet fired from a gun radiation. This results in the increase of
(c) Water that is behind a dam thermal motion of the water molecules in
Sol.(c) Microwaves are generally used in
(d) Foot kicking a ball that material. This is the reason why
RADAR systems due to the fact that
infrared radiations are also known as
they have longer wavelengths and low
Sol.(c) ‘Water that is behind a dam’ is an heat waves.
frequencies. So they can be focussed
example of gravitational potential
along a straight line without much
energy. Potential energy is the stored Q.119. For a wave, wavelength divided
energy of position possessed by an by the time period is equal to
object. SSC CGL 13/08/21 (Evening)
Q.115. Which of the following is NOT a
(a) amplitude (b) phase difference
characteristic of sound waves ?
(c) frequency (d) wave velocity Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 411

Pinnacle Physics

(c) Nuclear Fission

Sol.(d) Wavelength divided by the time (d) Addition Reaction
period is equal to wave velocity. Wave
velocity means distance traversed by a Sol.(a) Hydrogen bombs are based on
periodic, or cyclic, motion per unit time. the principle of Nuclear Fusion. Nuclear
The velocity of a wave is equal to the fusion is a reaction in which two
product of its wavelength and frequency. Q.122. The ‘to and fro’ or ‘back and different nuclei fuses together to form a
forth’ motion of an object is termed as: bigger and heavier nuclei.
Q.120. What is the rate at which a wave SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Afternoon)
moves through the water, and is (a) convulsion (b) impulse Q.126. Nuclear fusion reaction is based
measured in knots? (c) swing (d) vibration upon which of the following equations ?
SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Evening) SSC MTS 21/08/2019(Evening)
(a) Wave height Sol.(d) The ‘to and fro’ or ‘back and (a) E = mc2 (b) E = m2c
(b) Wave crest and trough forth’ motion of an object is termed as (c) C = em (d) e2 = mc
(c) Wave frequency vibration. Convulsion-a sudden violent
(d) Wave speed movement of the body that you cannot Sol.(a) Nuclear fusion is a reaction in
control. Impulse is a force that starts a which two different nuclei fuses together
Sol.(d) Wave speed - It is the rate at body into motion. to form a bigger and heavier nuclei. The
which the wave moves through the main Formula of this theory is E=mc2
water. It is measured in knots. Q.123. The SI unit for frequency is E= Energy
Wave height - the vertical distance ______. m = mass
between the trough of a wave and the SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Morning) c = Speed of light
following crest. (a) ohm (b) hertz
Wave crest and trough - A crest point on (c) volt (d) joule Q.127. Name the high frequency
a wave is the maximum value of upward radiation produced in nuclear reactions
displacement within a cycle. A crest is a Sol.(b) The SI unit for frequency is and also emitted by radioactive nuclei
point on a surface wave where the hertz. The ohm (symbol: Ω) is the that is used in medicine to destroy
displacement of the medium is at a cancer cells.
SI-derived unit of electrical resistance.
maximum. A trough is the opposite of a SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning)
The volt (symbolized V) is the Standard
crest, so the minimum or lowest point in (a) X-rays (b) Gamma rays
International (SI) unit of electric
a cycle. (c) Ultraviolet waves (d) Light waves
potential or electromotive force. The
Wave frequency - The number of waves
joule is a derived unit of energy.
that pass a fixed point in unit time; also, Sol.(b) Gamma rays are the high
the number of cycles or vibrations frequency radiation produced in nuclear
undergone during one unit of time by a Radioactivity reactions and also emitted by radioactive
body in periodic motion. nuclei that is used in medicine to destroy
Q.124. ________ received the very first cancer cells.
Q.121. A simple pendulum consists of a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901 for his Gamma rays have very high penetrating
small metallic ball or a piece of stone discovery of X - rays. power.
suspended from a rigid stand by a thread. SSC-CGL 07/06/19 (Afternoon)
The metallic ball is called the ______ of (a) Wilhelm Rontgen Q.128. Which of the following
the pendulum. (b) William Thomson represents an alpha particle ?
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Afternoon) (c) Louis Pasteur SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning)
(a) bob (b) knob (d) William Crookes 2 2
(a) 1
𝐻𝐸 (b) 2
(c) hinge (d) head
1 4
Sol.(a) Wilhelm Rontgen discovered the (c) 𝐻𝐸 (d) 𝐻𝐸
1 2
Sol.(a) A simple pendulum consists of a X-rays. He got the first nobel prize in
small metallic ball or a piece of stone physics in 1901. William Thomson
Sol.(d) Alpha particles consist of two
suspended invented the international system of
Protons and two Neutrons bound
Absolute temperature.
from a rigid stand by a thread. The together into a particle exactly like a
metallic ball is called the bob of the helium nucleus. They are generally
Q.125. Hydrogen Bomb is based on
pendulum. produced in the process of alpha decay.
which reaction ?
So option d will be the correct answer.
SSC MTS 21/08/2019(Evening)
(a) Nuclear Fusion
(b) Heavy water Reaction Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 412

Pinnacle Physics

Q.129. With which of the following type (c) Pierre and Marie Currie Astronomer and played a crucial role in
of fuels is the device named ‘tokamak’ (d) Ronald Ross establishing the field of extragalactic
associated? astronomy and observational cosmology.
SSC MTS 12/10/21(Morning) Sol.(c) Pierre and Marie Currie
(a) Hydel (b) Tidal Explanation: Radium is alkaline earth Q.138. Who among the following
(c) Geothermal (d) Atomic metals with symbol Ra and atomic scientists invented the Cotton Gin?
number 88. SSC CGL 5-3-2020 (Evening)
Sol.(d) The device named ‘tokamak’ is (a) George Washington Carver
(b) Sonny Perdue
associated with Atomic fuel. Tokamak is Q.134. The Wright brothers completed
(c) Eli Whitney
a device used in nuclear-fusion research the world’s first successful controlled (d) Norman Borlaugh
for magnetic confinement of plasma. powered flight in:
The fusion reaction in the Tokamak will SSC-CPO 16/03/19 (Afternoon) Sol.(c) In 1794, Eli Whitney invented
be powered with deuterium and tritium, (a)1908 (b)1909 the cotton gin, a machine that
(c)1911 (d)1903 revolutionized the production of cotton
two isotopes of hydrogen.
by greatly speeding up the process of
removing seeds from cotton fiber.
Sol.(d) On December 17, 1903, Wilbur
and Orville Wright made four brief Q.139. Who among the following
flights at Kitty Hawk with their first scientists invented Kevlar?
Q.130. Who invented the atomic battery
powered aircraft. SSC CGL 6-3-2020 (Evening)
in 1912 ?
SSC-CGL 07/06/19 (Afternoon) (a) Marry Anderson
(a) Alessandro Volta Q.135. The names of Wright brothers (b) Stephanie Louise Kwolek
(b) Henry Moseley credited with inventing the aeroplane (c) Steve Wozniak
(c)Benjamin-Franklin were: (d) George Eastman
(d) Louis Pasteur SSC-CPO 16/03/19 (Afternoon)
(a)William and Oliver Sol.(b) Stephanie Louise Kwolek
Sol.(b) Henry Moseley invented the (b)William and Orville Explanation: Stephanie Louise Kwolek
atomic battery in 1912. (c)Wilbur and Orville was an American chemist who is known
(d)Wilbur and Oliver for inventing Kevlar. Stephanie Kwolek
Q.131. Who is known as the ‘Father of was a chemist at the DuPont company in
Indian Nuclear Programme’? Sol.(c) Wilbur and Orville Wright made Wilmington, Delaware, when she
SSC-CPO 16/03/19 (Morning) four brief flights at Kitty Hawk with invented the stronger-than-steel fibre in
(a) CV Raman their first powered aircraft. 1965.
(b) Vikram Sarabhai
(c) Homi Jehangir Bhabha Q.136. Name the physicist who is Q.140. Who among the following
(d) APJ Abdul Kalam credited with the discovery of the scientists invented dynamite?
Neutron. This 1932 discovery led to his CHSL 18-03-2020 (Morning)
Sol.(c) Homi Jehangir Bhabha was an winning the Nobel Prize? (a) Alfred Nobel
Indian nuclear physicist, and also known SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Morning) (b) Benjamin Franklin
as the ‘Father of Indian Nuclear (a) Max Planck (b) James Chadwick (c) Rudolf Diesel
Programme’. (c) J.S. Fleming (d) Enrico Fermi (d) Thomas Alva Edison

Q.132. The spectrum of light was first Sol.(b) Neutron was discovered by Sol.(a) Alfred Nobel invented dynamite.
explained by____. James Chadwick in 1932. Then in 1935,
SSC-CPO 12/03/19 (Morning) he was conferred with nobel prize. Q.141. What did Wilhelm Conrad
(a) Neils Bohr (b) Issac Newton Roentgen discover?
(c) Albert Einstein (d) Galileo Galilei Q.137. The American scientist Edwin CHSL 19-03-2020 (Afternoon)
Hubble's name is associated with which (a) Thermodynamics
Sol.(b) Isaac Newton discovered that of these theories? (b) X-Rays
prisms can disassemble and reassemble SSC CGL 4-3-2020 (Evening) (c) Electric bulb
white light into different light spectrums. (a) Lattice Gauge Theory (d) Conservation of electric charge
(b)Quantum Chromodynamics Theory
Q.133. Who discovered radium? (c) Partial Coherence of Light Theory Sol.(b) Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen was a
SSC-CPO 16/03/19 (Afternoon) (d) The Big Bang Theory German mechanical engineer and
(a) Abdus Salam physicist who in 1895 produced and
(b) Alexander Fleming Sol.(d) Edwin Hubble is associated with detected electromagnetic radiation in a
the Big Bang theory. He is an American Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 413

Pinnacle Physics

wavelength range known as X-rays, an SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) Sol.(c) LE Waterman invented the
achievement that earned him the first (a) Einstein capillary feed fountain pen. Alfred
Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901. (b) Rutherford Nobel's most famous invention was
(c) Planck and Fermi dynamite. Ian Donald was an
Q.142. Which scientist won the Nobel (d) Faraday and Henry obstetrician who developed ultrasound
prize in Physics in 1918 for the diagnostics. David Hughes invented the
discovery of ‘Energy Quanta’? Sol.(d) The discovery and understanding Carbon Microphone.
CHSL 20-10-2020 (Afternoon) of electromagnetic induction is based on
(a) Louis de Broglie a long series of experiments carried out
Units and measurements
(b) Werner Heisenberg by Faraday and Henry in 1831. The
(c) James Chadwick principle of electromagnetic induction
Q.149. A nautical mile is equal to
(d) Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck states that the EMF induced in a loop by
a changing magnetic flux is equal to the
SSC-CGL 10/06/19 (Morning)
Sol.(d) Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck rate of change of magnetic flux
(a) 2000 metres (b) 1852 metres
won the Nobel prize in Physics in 1918 threading the loop.
(c) 1672 metres (d) 2450 metres
for the discovery of ‘Energy Quanta’.
Q.146. Which scientist/s proposed the
Sol.(b) Nautical mile is used in air and
Q.143. In the context of the contribution theory of relativity?
water navigation as a unit of
of scientists for which they were SSC CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening)
awarded Nobel Prize, (a) Watson and Crick
which of the following pairs is (b) Albert Einstein
Q.150. Hertz is the SI unit of:
INCORRECT? (c) John Dalton
SSC-CHSL 02/07/19 (Evening)
CHSL 20-10-2020 (Afternoon) (d) Charles Darwin (a)Frequency (b) Force
(a) Light scattering – CV Raman (c) Pressure (d) Energy
(b) Diffraction of X-rays – Max Von Sol.(b) Theory of relativity was
Laue proposed by Albert Einstein. It Sol.(a)
(c) Zeeman Effect – Hendrik Lorentz encompasses two interrelated theories: SI unit of Frequency - Hertz (Hz)
(d) Quantum mechanics – Galileo special relativity and general relativity. SI unit of Force - Newton(N)
Galilei Special relativity applies to all physical SI unit of Pressure - pascal (P)
phenomena in the absence of gravity. SI unit of Energy - joule (J)
Sol.(d) Werner Karl Heisenberg received General relativity explains the law of
the Nobel Prize in Physics 1932 for the gravitation and its relation to other Q.151. What is the SI unit of pressure?
creation of quantum mechanics. forces of nature. SSC-CHSL 04/07/19 (Morning)
(a) Ohm (b) Pascal
Q.144. Superconductivity was Q.147. What do you call the effect of (c) Volt (d) Ampere
discovered by ______, who was also splitting of a spectral line into several
awarded the Noble Prize for components in the presence of a static Sol.(b) SI unit of pressure - Pascal
Physics in 1911. magnetic field? SI unit of resistance - Ohm
CHSL 26-10-2020 (Afternoon) SSC CGL 16/08/21(Evening) SI unit of voltage - Volt
(a) Robert Bunsen (a) Bezold effect (b) Domino effect SI unit of current - Ampere
(b) Johannes Diderik van der Waals (c) Askaryan effect(d) Zeeman effect
(c) Heike Kamerlingh Onnes Q.152. Which of the following is the SI
(d) Gustav Kirchhoff Sol.(d) The effect of splitting a spectral unit of temperature ?
line into several components in the SSC CHSL 10/06/2019 (Morning)
Sol.(c) Superconductivity was presence of a static magnetic field is (a) Kelvin (b) Réaumur scale
discovered by Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, called the Zeeman effect. It is named (c) Candela (d) Ampere
who was also awarded the Nobel Prize after the Dutch physicist Pieter Zeeman,
for Physics in 1911. When he cooled the who discovered it in 1896 and received a Sol.(a) Kelvin -SI unit of temperature
Mercury to the temperature of liquid Nobel prize for this discovery. Réaumur scale - temperature measuring
helium, 4 degrees Kelvin, its resistance scale
suddenly disappeared. Q.148. Who invented the capillary feed Ampere -SI unit of electric current
fountainpen? Candela -SI unit of luminous intensity
Q.145. The discovery and understanding SSC MTS 12/10/21(Afternoon)
of electromagnetic induction is based on (a) David Hughes (b) Ian Donald Q.153.Which of the following is the SI
a long series of experiments carried out (c) LE Waterman (d) Alfred Nobel unit of temperature?
by ______. SSC CHSL 10/07/2019 (Morning) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 414

Pinnacle Physics

(a) Kelvin (b) Reaumur scale pyrheliometer-A pyrheliometer is an SSC MTS 05/08/2019(Afternoon)
(c) Candla (d) Ampere instrument designed specifically to (a) Joul (b) Dioptre
measure the direct beam solar irradiance. (c) KWH (d) Watt
Sol.(a) The SI base unit for Cathetometer-It is a device used for
thermodynamic temperature T is kelvin accurate measurement of small vertical Sol.(b) Unit of Power of a lens - Dioptre
(lower case) with the symbol K (upper distances. Unit of Energy - Joule
Q.158. Identify the SI unit of electrical Q.163. Horsepower has how many Watt
Q.154. Identify the unit of measuring the resistance. ?
intensity of sound. SSC-CPO 14/03/19 (Morning) SSC MTS 05/08/2019(Evening)
SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 (Afternoon) (a)Ohm (b)Watt (a) 766 Watt (b) 746 Watt
(a) Knots (b) Ampere (c)Coulomb (d)Ampere (c) 756 Watt (d) 736 Watt
(c) Candela (d) Decibels
Sol.(a) SI unit of electrical resistance - Sol.(b) Horsepower (hp) is a unit of
Sol. (d) Intensity of sound is measured in Ohm. measurement of power, or the rate at
Decibels. The difference between the SI unit of power- Watt which work is done, usually in reference
loudest and faintest sounds that human SI unit of charge - Coulomb to the output of engines or motors.
can hear is about 120 dB, a range of SI unit of current - Ampere
one-million in amplitude. The range of Q.164. 1 pound = _____ ounces.
human hearing is generally considered to Q.159. Which of the following is the SSC MTS 08/08/2019(Evening)
be 20 Hz to 20 kHz, but it is far more unit of Magnetic field strength? (a) 16 (b) 18 (c) 12 (d) 20
sensitive to sounds between 1 kHz and 4 SSC-CPO 14/03/19 (Morning)
kHz. (a)Gauss (b)Ohm Sol.(a) The pound is a unit of mass. 1
(c)Tesla (d)Weber pound is equal to 16 ounces.
Q.155. The SI unit of radioactivity is
____________. Sol.(c) unit of Magnetic field strength - Q.165. What is the SI unit of
(a) ampere (b) becquerel Tesla Momentum ?
(c) decibel (d) cobalt unit of measurement of magnetic SSC MTS 13/08/2019(Morning)
induction - Gauss (a) Ampere (b) Kg m/sec
Sol.(b) SI unit of radioactivity is unit of Resistance - Ohm (c) Joule (d) Kg m
Becquerel. unit of magnetic flux - Weber
SI unit of Sound is Decibel. Sol.(b) Kg m/sec is the SI unit of
SI unit of Current is Ampere. Q.160. Which of the following has an Momentum.
Cobalt is a metal. odometer ? Ampere is the SI unit of current
SSC-CPO 16/03/19 (Afternoon) Joule is the SI unit of Energy
Q.156. The power of a lens is measured (a)Water heater
by: (b)Car Q.166. Which of the following physical
SSC-CPO 13/03/19 (Evening) (c)Blood pressure monitoring device quantity - SI unit pairs is correctly
(a) Ampere (b) Kelvin (d)Air pump matched ?
(c) Candela (d) Diopter SSC MTS 14/08/2019(Afternoon)
Sol.(b) An odometer or odograph is a (a) Power-Kilogram
Sol.(d) Power of the lens is measured in device used for measuring the distance (b) Inductance-Henry
the diopter. Diopter is equal to the travelled by a vehicle, such as a bicycle (c) Capacitance-Ohm
reciprocal of focal length of the lens. or car. (d) Force-Newton

.157. Which of the following Q.161. Which of the following Sol.(d) Force - Newton
instruments measures infra-red radiation quantities have its SI unit named after Power - Watt
? Blaise Pascal ? Inductance - henry
SSC-CPO 14/03/19 (Morning) SSC MTS 05/08/2019(Morning) Capacitance - Farad
(a) Phenograph (b) Pyrheliometer (a) Energy (b) Pressure
(c) Cathetometer (d) Bolometer (c) Work (d) Power Q.167. What is the S.I. unit of Energy ?
SSC MTS 16/08/2019(Morning)
Sol.(d) Bolometer-It is a device to Sol.(b) SI unit of Pressure - Pascal (a)Joule (b)Newton
measure infra-red radiation. (c)Hertz (d)Pascal
Q.162. What is the unit of Power of a
lens ? Sol.(a) S.I. unit of frequency - Hertz Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 415

Pinnacle Physics

S.I. unit of pressure - Pascal current(ampere); Temperature(kelvin); Sol.(c) For pressure, the SI unit is Pascal
Luminous Intensity(candela); (Pa), which is N/m² (Newton per square
Q.168. In Physics, what is Hubble Mass(kilogram). meter). the standard atmospheric
Constant ? pressure is 101325 Pa absolute.
SSC MTS 16/08/2019(Afternoon) Q.172. Heinrich Rudolph Hertz laid the
(a)Total energy of Electromagnetic foundation for the future development of Q.176. ' Tor ' is a unit of _____
radiations radio, telephone and telegraph. The SI SSC CGL 7-3-2020 (Evening)
(b)Permittivity in the free space unit of ____ was named as 'Hertz' as his (a) force (b) pressure
(c)Unit of measurement which explains honour. (c) power (d) energy
the expansion of universe SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening)
(d)Velocity of light in vacuum (a) Sound (b) Heat Sol.(b) The torr (symbol: Torr) is a unit
(c) Light (d) Frequency of pressure based on an absolute scale,
Sol.(c) The Hubble Constant is the unit defined as exactly 1760 of a standard
of measurement used to describe the Sol.(a) Heinrich Rudolf Hertz was a atmosphere (101325 Pa). Thus one torr
expansion of the universe. The cosmos German physicist who first conclusively is exactly 101325760 pascals (≈ 133.32
has been getting bigger since the Big proved the existence of the Pa).
Bang kick-started the growth about electromagnetic waves. The unit of
13.82 billion years ago. frequency, cycle per second, was named Q.177. Which of the following is the SI
the "hertz" in his honor. He laid the unit of thermodynamic temperature ?
Q.169. At which temperature are foundation for future development of CHSL 18-03-2020 (Evening)
Fahrenheit and Celsius equal? radio, telephone and telegraph. (a) Radian (b) Celsius
SSC MTS 22/08/2019(Evening) (c) Kelvin (d) Fahrenheit
(a) -30 (b) -40 (c) -10 (d) -20 Q.173. 1 horsepower = approximately
____watts. Sol.(c) Kelvin is the SI unit of
Sol.(b) C = F × (9/5) + 32 SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Evening) thermodynamic temperature.
When both are same let them x (a) 647 (b) 674
x = 1.8x +32 (c) 764 (d) 746 Q.178. Since the clinical thermometer is
x = -40 designed to measure the temperature of
Sol.(d) Horsepower is a unit of the human body only, it displays the
Q.170. The SI (international system of measurement of power, or the rate at range of 35 degree Celsius to ________.
units) unit of length is ________ which work is done. 1 Horsepower is SSC CHSL 14-10-2020 (Evening)
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) equal to 746 watt. (a) 46 degree Celsius
(a) metre (b) centimetre (b) 48 degree Celsius
(c) millimetre (d) kilometre Q.174. The power of a lens is -2.0 D. (c) 42 degree Celsius
Here 'D' stands for: (d) 44 degree Celsius
Sol. (a) There are seven SI units of SSC CGL 7-3-2020 (Morning)
measurement as per International (a) distance (b) dilation Sol.(c) The clinical thermometer
systems: (c) dioptre (d) degree displays the range of 35 degree Celsius
Length(metre); Time(second); Amount to 42 degree Celsius.
of substance(mole); Electric Sol.(c) A dioptre is a unit of
current(ampere); Temperature(kelvin); measurement of the optical power of a Q.179. Identify the unit of measurement
Luminous Intensity(candela); lens or curved mirror, which is equal to of energy.
Mass(kilogram). the reciprocal of the focal length SSC CHSL 19-10-2020 (Morning)
measured in metres. (1 dioptre = 1 m−1.) (a) Ampere/ (b) Joule
It is thus a unit of reciprocal length. (c) Volt (d) Watt
Q.171. The SI (international system of
units) unit of length is ________. Q.175. Which one of the following Sol.(b) The unit of measurement of
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) statements is INCORRECT ? energy is Joule.
(a) metre (b) centimetre SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Afternoon)
(c) millimetre (d) kilometre (a)Brass is a mixture of 30% zinc and Q.180. Which of the following is the
70% copper basic SI unit of thermodynamic
Sol.(a) There are seven SI units of (b)Evaporation causes cooling temperature ?
measurement as per International (c)The measurable unit of pressure is SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning)
systems: denoted in Metre (a) Mole (b) Candela
Length(metre); Time(second); Amount (d)Matter is made up of small particles (c) Metre (d) Kelvin
of substance(mole); Electric Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 416

Pinnacle Physics

Sol.(d) Kelvin is the basic SI unit of (c) 4.2 (d) 2.4 represented as Mass×Velocity. Impulse
thermodynamic temperature. is the increase or decrease of an object’s
Sol.(c) 1 calorie of heat energy is momentum. Therefore, the dimensional
Q.181. The difference in temperature approximately equal to 4.2 Joules. formulas of Momentum and impulse are
between two bodies is 30 degree 1 calorie is defined as the amount of heat the same. The dimension of stress is [M
centigrade. What is the required at a of 1 standard atmospheric L-1T-2] and its unit is Pascal; energy is
difference in degree Fahrenheit? pressure to raise the temperature of 1 [ML2T-2] and its unit is Joule and the
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) gram of water by 1 ° centigrade. dimension of Work is [ML2T-2] and its
(a) 72 (b) 54 (c) 64 (d) 86 unit is Joule.
Q.186. 30˚Celcius = ______ Kelvin
Sol.(b) Change in degree fahrenheit = (approximately) Q.190. How many microns are there in a
1.8× change in degree centigrade. SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) metre?
Change in degree fahrenheit = 1.8 ×30 = (a) 303 (b) –243 SSC CGL 17/08/21(Evening)
(c) 130 (d) –30 (a) 10000 (b) 1000
(c) 1000000 (d) 100000

Q.182. Which one among the following Sol.(a) 0˚Celsius = 273.15°Kelvin

Sol.(c) There are 1000000 microns in a
measures the same quantity as that is So 30˚Celsius = (273.15°+30˚)Kelvin
meter. A micron is a unit of measure in
measured by the SI unit ‘pascal’? =303.15°Kelvin≅303° Kelvin
the metric system. It equals
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) one-millionth of a meter and
(a) newton (b) joule Q.187. Which of the following would
one-thousandth of a millimeter.
(c) watt (d) torr you associate with ‘dioptre’?
SSC-CPO 16/03/19 (Afternoon) Q.191. Weber per second is equivalent
Sol.(d) Pascal is SI unit of pressure (a) Urology (b) Ophthalmology to ______.
Newton is SI unit of force (c) Neurology (d) Oncology SSC CGL 18/08/21(Afternoon)
Joule is SI unit of work done Sol.(b) Dioptre is the unit of (a) volt (b) coulomb
Watt is SI unit of power measurement of power of a lens. Lens is (c) ohm (d) ampere
Torr is used to measure pressure used to correct the eye disorder.
Ophthalmology is a branch of medicine Sol.(a) Weber per second is equivalent to
Q.183. 1 horse power is equal to which deals with diagnosis of eye volt. Coulomb is the SI unit of Electric
approximately ______ watts. disorders. charge, Ohm is the SI unit of Electric
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning) Resistance and Ampere is the SI unit of
(a) 500 (b) 250 Q.188. Electron-volt is a unit of ______. Electric current.
(c) 1000 (d) 750 SSC CGL 13/08/21(Morning)
(a) current (b) energy Q.192. Which of the following is the SI
Sol.(d) One Horse power is (c) power (d) potential difference unit for measuring the amount of a
approximately equal to 746 watts. substance?
Sol.(b) Electron-volt is a unit of energy. SSC CGL 18/08/21(Afternoon)
Q.184. ‘mho’ is the unit of ______ of a It is commonly used in atomic and (a) metre (m) (b) mole (mol)
substance. nuclear physics. (c) kelvin (K) (d) candela (cd)
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) One electron volt is equal to 1.602 ×
−12 −19
(a) conductance (b) resistivity 10 erg, or 1.602 × 10 joule. The Sol.(b) mole (mol) is the SI unit for
(c) resistance (d) conductivity SI unit of Current is Ampere, Power is measuring the amount of a substance.
Watt and Potential difference is Joules Kelvin is the SI unit of temperature and
Sol.(a) ‘mho’ is the unit of electrical per coulomb. Candela is the SI unit of Luminous
conductivity of a substance. Intensity.
The unit of resistance is ohm. Resistance Q.189. Which of the following has the
and conductance are inverse of each same dimension as that of linear Q.193. Parsec is a unit of ______.
1 momentum? SSC CGL 18/08/21(Afternoon)
other that is why mho is 𝑜ℎ𝑚
SSC CGL 13/08/21(Morning) (a) acceleration (b) time
(a) Impulse (b) Stress (c) length (d) speed
Q.185. One calorie of heat energy is
(c) Work (d) Energy
equivalent to approximately ______
Sol.(c) Parsec is a unit of length. Parsec
joules of mechanical
Sol.(a) Linear momentum is is the distance from the Sun to an
dimensionally represented as [M1 L1 T-1]. astronomical object that has a parallax
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning)
Momentum is mass in motion and
(a) 0.24 (b) 0.48 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 417

Pinnacle Physics

angle of one arcsecond. It is used to formulas of Momentum and impulse are Q.202. Coulomb per second is
measure very large distances. the same. The dimension of stress is [M equivalent to ______.
L-1T-2] and its unit is Pascal; energy is SSC CGL 24/08/21(Morning)
Q.194. Coulomb per second is [ML2T-2] and its unit is Joule and the (a) ohm (b) ampere
equivalent to ______. dimension of Work is [ML2T-2] and its (c) volt (d) joule
SSC CGL 24/08/21(Morning) unit is Joule.
(a) ohm (b) ampere Sol.(b) Coulomb per second is
(c) volt (d) joule Q.198. How many microns are there in a equivalent to ampere. Ampere is the SI
metre? unit of electric current. Ohm is the SI
Sol.(b) Coulomb per second is SSC CGL 17/08/21(Evening) unit of electrical resistance. Joule is the
(a) 10000 (b) 1000
equivalent to ampere. Ampere is the SI SI unit of work. Volt is the SI unit of
(c) 1000000 (d) 100000
unit of electric current. Ohm is the SI potential difference.
unit of electrical resistance. Joule is the Sol.(c) There are 1000000 microns in a
SI unit of work. Volt is the SI unit of meter. A micron is a unit of measure in Q.203. In terms of SI prefixes 10(-15)is
potential difference. the metric system. It equals called:
one-millionth of a meter and SSC CGL 24/08/21(Afternoon)
Q.195. In terms of SI prefixes 10(-15)is one-thousandth of a millimeter. (a) Yocto (b) Zepto
called: (c) Atto (d) Femto
SSC CGL 24/08/21(Afternoon) Q.199. Weber per second is equivalent
(a) Yocto (b) Zepto to ______. Sol.(d) In terms of SI prefixes, 10(-15) is
(c) Atto (d) Femto SSC CGL 18/08/21(Afternoon) called: Femto. It is a unit prefix in the
(a) volt (b) coulomb metric system denoting a factor of 10−15.
Sol.(d) In terms of SI prefixes, 10(-15) is (c) ohm (d) ampere It was added to the International System
called: Femto. It is a unit prefix in the of Units (SI) in 1964.
metric system denoting a factor of 10−15. Sol.(a) Weber per second is equivalent to
It was added to the International System volt. Coulomb is the SI unit of Electric Q.204. Which among the following
of Units (SI) in 1964. charge, Ohm is the SI unit of Electric instruments is used to measure either
Resistance and Ampere is the SI unit of direct or alternating electric current?
Q.196. Electron-volt is a unit of ______. Electric current. SSC MTS 05/10/21(Afternoon)
SSC CGL 13/08/21(Morning) (a) Wattmeter (b) Hygrometer
(a) current (b) energy Q.200. Which of the following is the SI (c) Ammeter (d) Pyrometer
(c) power (d) potential difference unit for measuring the amount of a
substance? Sol.(c) Ammeter is used to measure
Sol.(b) Electron-volt is a unit of energy. SSC CGL 18/08/21(Afternoon) either direct or alternating electric
It is commonly used in atomic and (a) metre (m) (b) mole (mol) current.
nuclear physics. (c) kelvin (K) (d) candela (cd) Wattmeter : The wattmeter is an
One electron volt is equal to 1.602 × instrument for measuring the electric
erg, or 1.602 × 10
joule. The Sol.(b) mole (mol) is the SI unit for active power in watts of any given
SI unit of Current is Ampere, Power is measuring the amount of a substance. circuit.
Watt and Potential difference is Joules Kelvin is the SI unit of temperature and Hygrometer : A hygrometer is an
Candela is the SI unit of Luminous instrument used in meteorological
per coulomb.
science to measure the humidity or
amount of water vapour in the air.
Q.197. Which of the following has the Pyrometer : A pyrometer is a type of
same dimension as that of linear Q.201. Parsec is a unit of ______. remote-sensing thermometer used to
momentum? SSC CGL 18/08/21(Afternoon) measure the temperature of distant
SSC CGL 13/08/21(Morning) (a) acceleration (b) time objects.
(a) Impulse (b) Stress (c) length (d) speed
Q.205. Of the units mentioned in the
(c) Work (d) Energy
options, which one is the largest as
Sol.(c) Parsec is a unit of length. Parsec
compared to the others?
Sol.(a) Linear momentum is is the distance from the Sun to an
SSC MTS 05/10/21(Evening)
dimensionally represented as [M1 L1 T-1]. astronomical object that has a parallax
(a) Hecto (b) Deca
Momentum is mass in motion and angle of one arcsecond. It is used to
(c) Tera (d) Giga
represented as Mass×Velocity. Impulse measure very large distances.
is the increase or decrease of an object’s
Sol.(c) Of the units mentioned in the
momentum. Therefore, the dimensional
options, Tera is the largest as compared Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 418

Pinnacle Physics

to the others. Tera is a unit prefix in the Ampere is the S.I. unit of electric Sol.(d) As light travels faster than sound,
metric system denoting multiplication by current. hence light is seen before sound is heard
one trillion, or 1012 or 1000000000000. during lightning.
Hecto means hundred or 102. Deca Miscellaneous
means 10. Giga means 109. Q.214. The term 'Askaryan effect' is
Q.210. Which of the following metals is associated with which functional area of
Q.206. A ______ is an instrument used the most ductile metal? science?
for measuring electrical potential SSC-CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning) SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening)
difference between two points in an (a) Tin (b) Gold (a) Physics (b) Geology
electric circuit. (c) Copper (d)Aluminium (c) Chemistry (d) Biology
SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Afternoon)
(a) voltmeter (b) galvanometer Sol.(b) Ductility is the ability of material Sol.(a) The Askaryan radiation also
(c) ammeter (d) bolometer to change into wire. Malleability, a known as Askaryan effect is the
similar property, is a material's ability to phenomenon whereby a particle
Sol.(a) A voltmeter is an instrument used form a thin sheet by hammering or traveling faster than the phase velocity
for measuring the electrical potential rolling. of light in a dense dielectric (such as
difference between two points in an salt, ice or the lunar regolith) produces a
electric circuit. Q.211. A high tensile alloy steel called shower of secondary charged particles.
_____was used to construct Howrah
Q.207. What is the unit to measure the Bridge. Q.215. Which among the following is
wavelength of light? SSC-CPO 15/03/19 (Morning) responsible for the rotation of the plane
SSC MTS 12/10/21(Afternoon) (a) TISCAL (b) TISCBROM of oscillation of Foucault's pendulum ?
(a) Faraday (b) Candela (c) TISCOP (d) TISCROM SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening)
(c) Dyne (d) Angstrom (a) Centripetal force
Sol.(d) Angstrom is the unit to measure Sol.(d) Howrah Bridge (Rabindra Setu) (b) Viscous drag of air
the wavelength of light. Angstrom (Å), is On River Hooghly in kolkata.A high (c) Centrifugal force
unit of length, equal to 10-10 metre, or 0.1 tensile alloy steel called TISCROM as (d) Coriolis force
nanometre. Faraday, also called Faraday used to construct Howrah Bridge.
constant, unit of electricity. The candela Sol.(d) The Coriolis force is an inertial
is the SI unit of luminous intensity. Q.212. ________ is the process by or fictional force that acts on objects that
Dyne, unit of force in the centimetre which water vapour in the air is changed are in motion within a frame of reference
-gram-second. into liquid water. that rotates with respect to an inertial
SSC CHSL 08/07/2019 (Afternoon) frame.Coriolis force is responsible for
(a) Decantation (b) Precipitation the rotation of the plane of oscillation of
Q.208. Which instrument is used to
(c) Evaporation (d) Condensation Foucault's pendulum. Foucault's
measure very high temperature?
pendulum is an easy experiment
SSC MTS 12/10/21(Afternoon)
Sol.(d) Condensation is the process by demonstrating the Earth's rotation
(a) Fathometer (b) Manometer
(c) Salinometer (d) Pyrometer which water vapour in the air is changed
into liquid water. Q.216. Twin paradox is associated with:
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening)
Sol.(d) Pyrometer is used to measure
Q.213. During the occurrence of thunder (a) the theory of relativity
very high temperatures. 'Fathometer' is
and lightning: (b) particle physics
used to measure Ocean Depth. A
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening) (c) hydrodynamics
Manometer is a device to measure
(a) whether lightning is seen first or (d) quantum mechanics
pressures. Salinometer used to measure
the salinity of a solution. thunder is heard first will depend upon
the distance and angle of the clouds Sol.(a) The twin paradox is a thought
vis-a-vis earth experiment in special relativity involving
Q.209. Which of the following is identical twins, one of whom makes a
equivalent to coulomb per second? SSC (b) lightning is seen at the same time as
thunder is heard journey into space in a high-speed rocket
MTS 13/10/21(Morning) and returns home to find that the twin
(a) Faraday (b) Ohm (c) thunder is heard before lightning is
seen who remained on Earth has aged more.
(c) Volt (d) Ampere
(d) lightning is seen before thunder is
heard Q.217. What would you call the area
Sol.(d) Ampere (symbol: A) is under the curve of a velocity-time graph
equivalent to coulomb per second. included between itself and two time
ordinates? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 419

Pinnacle Physics

SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening) light source is placed in a magnetic element making up about 47% of the
(a) Speed (b) Displacement field? earth's mass.
(c) Velocity (d) Acceleration SSC CGL 4-3-2020 (Evening)
(a) Lumen Effect Q.224. In the Millikan’s Oil Drop
Sol.(b) You can use a velocity vs. time (b) Alpenglow Effect experiment, the oil drop is subjected to
graph to calculate the displacement of an (c) Zeeman Effect such forces whose nature does NOT fall
object in straight-line motion. The area (d) Raman Effect under the category of:
between the graph line and the time axis SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning)
equals the object's displacement over Sol.(c) Zeeman Effect is a phenomena in (a) electrostatic (b) viscous
that time period. physics and astronomy which involves (c) gravitational (d) magnetostatic
the splitting of a spectral line into two or
Q.218. Which one of the following more components of slightly different Sol.(d) Millikan's oil drop experiment
attributes is NOT true for uniform frequency when the light source is measured the charge of an electron.
circular motion? placed in a magnetic field. Electrically charged oil droplets entered
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening) the electric field and were balanced
(a)The distance is always equal to the Q.221. Car moving on a straight road is between two plates by altering the field.
displacement an example of ______ motion. When the charged drops fell at a
(b) Velocity is always perpendicular to SSC MTS 20/08/2019(Afternoon) constant rate, the gravitational and
the radius of the circle (a) Periodic (b) Curvilinear electric forces on it were equal. In the
(c) The speed of the body remains (c) Rectilinear (d) Random whole experiment magnetostatic force
constant doesn't come into play.
(d) The velocity of the body is Sol.(c) Rectilinear motion is the motion
continuously changing in which the path is a straight line with Q.225. A set of equations involving
constant velocity. So, a car moving in electric and magnetic fields, and their
Sol.(a) For a uniform circular motion, the straight path is an example of a sources, the charge and current densities
velocity of a body is continuously Rectilinear motion. are known as ______ equations.
changing and is perpendicular to radius SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening)
of the circle. Also the speed of the body Q.222. Which of the following scientists (a) Einstein’s (b) Newton’s
remains constant.The distance is not was awarded a Nobel Prize for his (c) Maxwell’s (d) Bhor’s
equal to the displacement. services to Theoretical Physics, and
especially for his discovery of the Law Sol.(c) A set of equations involving
219. Which one of the following of the Photoelectric Effect ? electric and magnetic fields, and their
attributes is NOT true for uniform SSC CHSL 18-03-2020 (Morning) sources, the charge and current densities
circular motion? (a) Albert Einstein are known as maxwell’s equations
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening) (b) Nikola Tesla Maxwell first used the equations to
(a)The distance is always equal to the
(c) Thomas Edison propose that light in an electromagnetic
(d) Ernest Rutherford phenomenon.
(b) Velocity is always perpendicular to
Newton’s equation is related to
the radius of the circle
Sol.(a) Albert Einstein was awarded a kinematics and motion
(c) The speed of the body remains
Nobel Prize in 1921 for his services to Einstein’s equation is related to the
Theoretical Physics, and especially for Theory of relativity.
(d) The velocity of the body is
his discovery of the Law of the Bohr's equation is related to atomic
continuously changing
Photoelectric Effect. physics

Sol.(a) For a uniform circular motion,

Q.223. Which of the following elements Q.226. Solids can be classified as
velocity of a body is continuously
occurs most abundantly in our universe? ______ on the basis of the nature of
changing and is perpendicular to radius
CHSL 14-10-2020 (Afternoon) order present in the arrangement of their
of the circle. Also the speed of the body
(a) Nitrogen (b) Oxygen constituent particles.
remains constant.The distance is not
(c) Hydrogen (d) Silicon SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening)
equal to the displacement.
(a) conductor or non-conductor
Sol.(c) Hydrogen being the simplest (b) metallic or non-metallic
Q.220. What is the name of the
element is the most abundant element in (c) magnetic or non-magnetic
phenomena in physics and astronomy
the universe.Oxygen is the third most (d) crystalline or amorphous
which involves the splitting of a spectral
abundant element of the universe. On
line into two or more components of
earth, oxygen is the most common Sol.(d) On the basis of the nature of
slightly different frequency when the
order present in the arrangement of their Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 420

Pinnacle Physics

constituent particles Solids are classified (d) Frequency of a wave is the number (d) Reading newspaper
into Amorphous and Crystalline. of oscillations of each constituent
Crystalline solids have well defined particle in the Sol.(c) In the ringing of the alarm clock
edges and faces whereas Amorphous vibrating medium per minute. lies the quantum mechanics, as the clock
solids have irregular or curved surfaces. marks time using the oscillating electric
Sol.(b) The correct statement is that the current coming out of the wall plug,
Q.227. Which of the following is NOT a minimum distance between two points in which is designed to be oscillating
fossil fuel? a wave having the same phase at a exactly 60 times per second and that
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) particular instant of time is called the oscillating current is itself regulated by
(a) Biomass (b) Asphalt wavelength. using quantum physics.
(c) Bitumen (d) Petroleum A transverse wave is a wave whose
oscillations are perpendicular to the Q.233. Which of the following cells is
Sol.(a) Fossil fuels are formed when the direction of wave propagation. NOT used in watches?
remains of plants and animals are buried A longitudinal wave is a wave in which SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Evening)
for millions of years. Biomass is an the vibration of the medium is parallel to (a) Silver oxide cell (b) Mercury cell
alternative for fossil fuels, it is a the direction of wave propagation. (c) Zinc air cell (d) Lead acid cell
non-conventional form of energy. The frequency of a wave is the number
of oscillations of each constituent Sol.(d) The lead-acid cell is not used in
Q.228. Which of the following is a particle in the vibrating medium per watches. It is a type of rechargeable
characteristic of conservative force? SSC second. battery first invented in 1859 by French
CGL 20/08/21(Evening) physicist Gaston Plante. It is the first
(a) Energy is dissipated as heat energy. Q.230. ______ is used to measure the type of rechargeable battery ever
(b) Work done by it in a round trip is not pressure inside the eyes of a person. SSC created.
zero. CGL 24/08/21(Afternoon)
(c) Work done by it depends upon the (a) Tonometer (b) Machmeter Q.234. What does LED stand for? SSC
path. (c) Odometer (d) Viscometer CHSL 11/8/2021 (Morning)
(d) Work done by it is completely (a) Light Emitting Diode
recoverable. Sol.(a) Tonometer is used to measure the (b) Light Energy Device
pressure inside the eyes of a person. (c) Light Efficient Device
Sol.(d) ‘Work done by it is completely Viscometer is used to measure the (d) Light Emitting Decoder
recoverable’ is a characteristic of a viscosity of fluids. An odometer is an
conservative force. A conservative force instrument used to measure the speed of Sol.(a) LED:- Light Emitting Diode
is one in which work done by or against a vehicle like a bicycle or a car.
it depends only on the starting and Machmeter is a flight instrument that
ending points of a motion. It does not gives a ratio of airspeed and speed of
depend upon the path taken during the sound.
work. The stored energy is recoverable
as work. Q.231. Which of the following is a
vector quantity?
Q.229. Which of the following SSC CHSL 05/08/21 (Morning)
statements is correct? (a) Electric charge (b) Electric flux
SSC CGL 23/08/21(Afternoon) (c) Electric field (d) Electric current
(a) If the constituents of the medium
oscillate along the direction of wave Sol.(c) Electric field strength is a vector
propagation, we call the wave a quantity, it has both magnitude and
transverse wave. direction. Other examples of vector
(b) The minimum distance between two quantity are displacement, velocity, and
points in a wave having the same phase acceleration, while speed (the magnitude
at a particular instant of time is called of velocity), time, and mass are scalars.
the wave length.
(c) If the constituents of the medium Q.232. Which everyday morning ritual
oscillate perpendicular to the direction of is part of quantum mechanics?
wave propagation, we call the wave a SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Afternoon)
longitudinal wave. (a) Brushing teeth
(b) Making tea
(c) Ringing of an alarm clock Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 421

Pinnacle Chemistry

CHEMISTRY James P Joule discovered the law of Sol.(a) The atomicity of argon is 1.
conservation of energy. Atomicity is defined as the number of
Structure of Atom atoms present in one molecule of an
Q.5. If the size of the nucleus of an atom element. The atomicity of all noble gases
is compared with a cricket ball, then the (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn) is 1.
Q.1. J J Thomson received the Nobel
radius of the atom is approximately
Prize in Physics for the discovery of
equal to how many kilometres? Q.10. How many oxygen atoms are
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) present in a molecule of potassium
SSC-CGL 04/06/19 (Morning)
(a) protons (b) electrons (a) 5 (b) 0.5 permanganate?
(c) neutrons (d) positrons (c) 0.05 (d) 0.005 SSC CGL 23/08/21(Evening)
(a) One (b) Four
Sol.(b) J.J. Thomson received the Nobel Sol.(a) The radius of the atom is 10
−10 (c) Three (d) Two
Prize in Physics for the discovery of m, and the radius nucleus is 10
m. if
Electron. Proton was discovered by Sol.(b) Four oxygen atoms are present in
a cricket ball represents a nucleus, then
Rutherford. Neutron was discovered by a molecule of potassium
the radius of atom would be about 5 km
James Chadwick. permanganate(KMnO4).
Positron was discovered by Carl Q.6. Cathode rays are a beam of:
Andersons. Q.11. Who among the following is
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning)
considered as the ‘Father of Modern
(a) positrons (b) neutrons
Q.2. Electron was discovered in the year Atomic Theory’?
(c) protons (d) electrons
1897 by __________. SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Morning)
SSC-CGL 07/06/19 (Afternoon) (a) Robert Boyle (b) John Dalton
Sol.(d) Cathode rays are streams of
(a) T. A. Edison (b) Nikola Tesla (c) Willard Gibbs (d) Otto Hahn
electrons observed in discharge tubes.
(c) J J Thomson (d) Isaac Newton
Sol.(b) John Dalton is considered the
Q.7. Which one of the following element
Sol.(c) Electron was discovered by J. J. ‘Father of Modern Atomic Theory’. The
is a Monatomic unit?
Thomson. T.A. Edison invented the SSC CGL 17/08/21(Evening) modern atomic theory states that atoms
electric bulb. Issac Newton gave three (a) Phosphorus (b) Gold of one element are the same, while
laws of motion and universal law of (c) Sulphur (d) Hydrogen atoms of different elements are different.
gravity. Nikola Tesla is best known for
his contributions to the design of the Sol.(b) Gold is a monatomic unit. In Q.12. Which of the following states of
modern alternating current (AC) physics and chemistry, monatomic is a matter is also known as the
electricity supply system. combination of the words "mono" and Bose-Einstein condensate? SSC MTS
"atomic" which means "single atom". 11/10/21(Evening)
Q.3. The first electron shell which is the Monoatomic elements are elements that (a) Second (b) Third
nearest to the nucleus never holds more are stable as single atoms. (c) Fourth (d) Fifth
than 'n' electrons, where 'n' is equal to:
SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Afternoon) Q.8. Atoms of which element combines Sol.(d) The five phases of matter. There
(a) 2 (b) 8 (c) 4 (d) 6 with hydrogen to give water? are four natural states of matter: Solids,
SSC CGL 18/08/21(Afternoon) liquids, gases, and plasma. The fifth
Sol.(a) Each shell can contain only a (a) Nitrogen (b) Iodine state is the man-made Bose-Einstein
fixed number of electrons: The first shell (c) Carbon (d) Oxygen condensates.
can hold up to two electrons, the second
shell can hold up to eight (2 + 6) Sol.(d) Atoms of the oxygen element
electrons, the third shell can hold up to Q.13. How many oxygen atoms are there
combine with hydrogen to give water. A in a molecule of ozone? SSC MTS
18 (2 + 6 + 10) and so on. The general
formula is that the nth shell can in water molecule (formally known as 12/10/21(Evening)
principle hold up to 2(n2) electrons. dihydrogen monoxide) is composed of (a) One (b) Four
two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen (c) Two (d) Three
Q.4. Who among the following is atom.
credited with the discovery of neutrons? Sol.(d) Three oxygen atoms are there in
CHSL 14-10-2020 (Afternoon) Q.9. In reference to atomicity, argon is: a molecule of ozone. It is formed
(a) J Chadwick (b) James P Joule SSC CGL 20/08/21(Evening) naturally through solar ultraviolet
(c) E Rutherford (d) JJ Thomson (a) diatomic (b) polyatomic
radiation with molecular oxygen. The
(c) triatomic (d) monoatomic
ozone protects us from the sun's harmful
Sol.(a) In 1932, James Chadwick
UV rays.
discovered the neutrons. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 422

Pinnacle Chemistry

Q.21. Which of the following gases

Q.14. According to Dalton’s atomic Q.17. Iron boils at about____degree causes explosions in coal mines?
theory, atoms combine in the ratio of Celius. SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning)
small whole numbers to form ______. SSC-CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) (a)Carbon dioxide (b)Nitrogen
SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Morning) (a)3182 (b)2181 (c)Butane (d)Methane
(a) neutrons (b) molecules (c)2861 (d)3861
(c) protons (d) compounds Sol.(d) Methane explosions occur in
Sol.(c) Boiling point of Iron 2861 degree mines when a buildup of methane gas, a
Sol.(d) According to Dalton’s atomic celsius. Iron is a chemical element with byproduct of coal, comes into contact
theory, atoms combine in the ratio of symbol Fe and atomic number 26. It is a with a heat source, and there is not
small whole numbers to form metal that belongs to the first transition enough air to dilute the gas to levels
compounds. Dalton's atomic theory series and group 8 of the periodic table. below its explosion point.
(1803) was the first complete attempt to It is the fourth most common element
describe all matter in terms of atoms and and by mass the most common element Q.22. Which of the following gases is
their properties. in the Earth's crust, forming much of used for anesthesia ?
Earth's outer and inner core.. SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(a)Xenon (b)Argon
Metals Non-metals and alloys
Q.18. Which element is used to make (c)Neon (d)Helium
the coils used in water heaters?
Q.15. Which of the following metals is
SSC-CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening) Sol.(a) Xenon is used in many different
the most reactive metal?
(a) Copper ways, from high-intensity lamps to jet
SSC-CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning)
(b) Nichrome propellant. But, the anesthetic properties
(a) Copper (b) Calcium
(c) A mixture of aluminium and copper of Xenon were discovered in 1939.
(c) Iron (d) Zinc
(d)A mixture of iron and steel Xenon exerts its anesthetic properties
through the noncompetitive inhibition of
Sol.(b) The elements potassium, sodium,
Sol.(b) Nichrome is generally used to N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors.
lithium and calcium are very reactive
make the coils used in water heaters
The reactivity series of elements is:
because of its relatively high resistance Q.23. Which of the following elements
and high melting point. It consists of found in water is responsible for cancer?
80% nickel, 20% chromium. Nichrome SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning)
80/20 is an ideal material. It forms an (a) Arsenic (b) Iron
adherent layer of chromium oxide when (c)Chlorine (d)Fluorine
it is heated for the first time.
Sol.(a) Several researches have
Q.19. Which of the following established that drinking water
elements/chemical compounds has the contaminated with arsenic causes skin
highest density? cancer and several internal cancers such
SSC-CPO 13/03/2019 (Evening) as lung, bladder and kidney cancer, as
(a) Mercury (b) Osmium well as cardiovascular disease and
(c) Zinc (d) Nickel others.

Sol.(b) Osmium is the most dense Q.24. What is the chemical symbol of
Q.16. At what temperature does iron
naturally occurring element on earth, Gold?
with an experimentally measured(using SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Afternoon)
SSC-CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
x-ray crystallography) density of 22.59 (a)Mg (b)Hg (c)Ag (d)Au
(a)1538°C (b)1683°C
(c)1583°C (d)1638°C
Sol.(d) Au is the chemical symbol for
Q.20. Brass is an alloy of : Gold. Mg -Magnesium.
Sol.(a) Iron is a chemical element with
SSC-CPO 15/03/19 (Morning) Hg - Mercury. Ag- Silver.
symbol Fe and atomic number 26. It is a
(a)zinc and iron (b)lead and copper
metal that belongs to the first transition
(c)iron and lead (d)copper and zinc Q.25. Arrange the following metals in
series and group 8 of the periodic table.
the decreasing order of reactivity :
It is the fourth most common element
Sol.(d) Brass is an alloy of copper and SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening)
and by mass the most common element
zinc (a)Iron > sodium > silver > gold
in the Earth's crust, forming much of
(b)Sodium > silver > iron > gold
Earth's outer and inner core.
(c)Gold > silver > iron > sodium Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 423

Pinnacle Chemistry

(d)Sodium > iron > silver > gold name tungsten comes from the former Q.33. Which mineral is also known as
Swedish name for the tungstate mineral ‘fool’s gold’?
Sol.(d) Following table shows the scheelite, tungsten or "heavy stone". SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning)
reactivity order: (a) Quartz (b) Magnetite
Q.29.Which of the following is not used (c) Pyrite (d) Fluorite
in the manufacturing of stainless steel?
SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon) Sol.(c) Pyrite is considered the most
(a)Carbon (b)Sulphur common of the sulfide minerals.. Pyrite's
(c)Nickel (d)Chromium metallic luster and pale brass-yellow hue
give it a superficial resemblance to gold,
Sol.(b) Stainless steel is a group of hence the well-known nickname of fool's
iron-based alloys that contain a gold.
minimum of 11% chromium. However,
different types of stainless steel include Q.34. Which of the following is NOT a
the elements carbon, nitrogen, silicon, noble gas?
aluminium, nickel , titanium, etc. SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning)
(a) Neon (b) Hydrogen
Q.30.Talonite is a combination of cobalt (c) Helium (d) Argon
Q.26. What is the colour of copper and _______. Sol.(b) Hydrogen is not a noble gas, it
sulphate ? SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon) behaves as both halogen and alkali
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening) (a)chromium (b)zinc metals.. Noble gas are Helium, Neon,
(a) Colourless (b) Blue (c)copper (d)iron Argon, Krypton,Xenon and Radon.
(c) Black (d) Red
Sol.(a) Talonite is a combination of Q.35. Which of the following is NOT a
Sol.(b) Copper sulphate solution is Blue Cobalt and Chromium. compound?
in colour. However, the solid may be SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning)
white or blue. The white form of copper Q.31. _______ gas gives an orange glow (a) Sodium chloride
sulphate powder is the dehydrated form, when electricity is passed through it. It is (b) Carbon monoxide
which contains no water. The hydrated generally used in fluorescent lighting. (c) Iron
form of copper sulphate powder is blue CHSL 08/07/2019 (Afternoon) (d) Water
in colour. (a)Nitrogen (b)Hydrogen
(c)Neon (d)Oxygen Sol.(c) Among the given options, only
Q.27. Which of the following is a metal iron(Fe) is an element while others are
? Sol.(c) The neon gas is used in Neon compounds.
SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon) Lamp. A neon lamp (also neon glow
(a)Sulphur (b)Iodine lamp) is a miniature gas discharge lamp. Q.36. Name the only metal that is
(c)Iron (d)Carbon The lamp typically consists of a small antibacterial.
glass capsule that contains a mixture of SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Morning)
Sol.(c) Iron is a chemical element with neon and other gases at a low pressure (a) Sodium (b) Copper
the symbol Fe and atomic number 26. It and two electrodes (an anode and a (c) Iron (d) Aluminium
is a metal that belongs to the first cathode). When sufficient voltage is
transition series and group 8 of the applied and sufficient current is supplied Sol.(b) Copper and its alloys (brasses,
periodic table. It is by mass the most between the electrodes, the lamp bronzes, cupronickel,
common element on Earth, forming produces an orange glow discharge. copper-nickel-zinc, and others) are
much of Earth's outer and inner core. natural antibacterial materials. Ancient
Q.32. Which of the following metals in civilizations exploited the antibacterial
Q.28. Which metal was earlier called pure form has the highest melting point? properties of copper long before the
Wolfram ? SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning) concept of microbes became understood
SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning) (a) Tungsten (b) Copper in the nineteenth century.
(a)Tungsten (b)Molybdenum (c) Platinum (d) Gold
(c)Zinc (d)Radium Q.37. How many types of isotopes does
Sol.(a) Of all metals in pure form, Scandium have?
Sol.(a) Tungsten is also called wolfram, tungsten has the highest melting point , SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Evening)
which is a chemical element with the the lowest vapor pressure and the highest (a) 7 (b) 13 (c) 10 (d) 9
symbol W and atomic number 74. The tensile strength. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 424

Pinnacle Chemistry

Sol.(b) Scandium has 13 isotopes whose (a) 23 (b) 25 (c) 28 (d) 29 CHSL 12-10-2020 (Afternoon)
half-lives are known, with mass numbers (a) Sn (b) Si (c) Ta (d) Ti
40 to 52. Naturally occurring scandium Sol.(d) Atomic number of copper is 29.
consists of its one stable isotope, 45Sc. Sol.(a) Sn - Tin
Q.43. Which of the following is an Si- Silicon
Q.38. What is the atomic mass of example of a pair of Isobars? Ta - Tantalum
Zirconium? SSC CHSL 17-03-2020 (Evening) Ti - Titanium
SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Evening) (a) Chlorine and oxygen
(a) 91.22 (b) 90.22 (b) Calcium and argon Q.49. Which is the rarest element?
(c) 88.22 (d) 89.22 (c) Oxygen and carbon CHSL 26-10-2020 (Afternoon)
(d) Hydrogen and Helium (a) Astatine (b) Radon
Sol.(a) Zirconium is a chemical element (c) Uranium (d) Lithium
with the symbol Zr and atomic number Sol.(b) Calcium and argon are isobars as
40. The name zirconium is taken from they have same mass number i.e. 40 but Sol.(a) Astatine is the rarest element in
the name of the mineral zircon, the most different atomic numbers. the earth’s crust occurring only as the
important source of zirconium. decay product of various heavier
Q.44. What is the atomic weight of elements. All of astatine’s isotopes are
Q.39. Which among the following is a Lithium? short-lived. Most stable is astatine-210,
cation? CHSL 19-03-2020 (Afternoon) with a half-life of 8.1 hours.
SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Morning) (a) 9.012 amu, g/mol
(a)Ammonium (b)lodide (b) 10.811 amu, g/mol Q.50. Which of the following elements
(c)Fluoride (d)Chloride (c) 003 amu, g/mol is a metalloid?
(d) 6.941 amu, g/mol SSC-CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning)
Sol.(a) The ammonium cation is a (a) Tin (b) Bismuth
positively charged polyatomic ion with Sol.(d) The atomic weight of Lithium is (c) Silicon (d)Phosphorus
the chemical formula NH4+ . It is formed 6.941 amu, g/mol.
by the protonation of ammonia. Sol.(c) Metalloids have the properties of
Q.45. What is the Atomic Number of the both metal and nonmetals. Ex:- boron
Q.40. Protium, deuterium and tritium are element Einsteinium? (B), silicon (Si), germanium (Ge),
the naturally occurring isotopes of: SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) arsenic (As), antimony (Sb), tellurium
SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Morning) (a) 99 (b) 98 (c) 101 (d) 100 (Te), polonium (Po) and astatine (At)
(a) carbon (b) hydrogen
(c) nitrogen (d) gold Sol.(a) Einsteinium (Es), synthetic Q.51.Which of the following is NOT a
chemical element of the actinoid series metalloid?
Sol.(b) Hydrogen has three naturally of the periodic table, atomic number 99. SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning)
occurring isotopes: 1H (protium), 2H (a)Boron (b)Carbon
(deuterium), and 3H (tritium). The most Q.46. What is the chemical symbol of (c)Arsenic (d)Silicon
stable radioisotope of hydrogen is Arsenic?
tritium, with a half-life of 12.32 years. SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) Sol.(b) The six commonly recognised
(a) Ar (b) An (c) As (d) Ac metalloids are boron, silicon,
Q.41. Constantan is an alloy of copper germanium, arsenic, antimony, and
and_____. Sol.(c) Chemical symbol of Arsenic is tellurium. Five elements are less
SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Afternoon) As. Ar is a chemical symbol of Argon. frequently classified: carbon, aluminium,
(a)aluminium (b)tin Ac is a chemical symbol of Actinium selenium, polonium, and astatine.
(c)nickel (d)iron
Q.47. Which of the following is used as Q.52. Which of the following is one of
Sol.(c) Constantan is a copper–nickel a substitute of mercury in thermometers? the metals used in LED semiconductor
alloy also known as Eureka, Advance, SSC CGL 5-3-2020 (Evening) technology? SSC CGL
and Ferry. It usually consists of 55% (a) Selenium (b) Arsenic 16/08/21(Afternoon)
(c) Bromine (d) Galinstan
copper and 45% nickel. Its main feature (a) Iron (b) Copper
is the low thermal variation of its Sol..(d) Galinstan is used as a mercury (c) Gallium (d) Zinc
resistivity, which is constant over a wide replacement in thermometers due to its
range of temperatures. nontoxic properties. Sol.(c) Gallium is one of the metals used
in LED semiconductor technology.
Q.42. Atomic number of copper is: Q.48. What is the symbol of Tin? Gallium is a metallic material that is
CHSL 17-03-2020 (Afternoon) found as a trace element in coal, bauxite, Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 425

Pinnacle Chemistry

and other minerals. Other metals such as (c) Metals have high melting points. Sol.(b) Kieserite is the ore of
arsenic, indium, and the rare-earth (d) Lead and mercury are best Magnesium. Kieserite is a magnesium
elements (REEs) cerium, europium, conductors of heat. sulphate mineral. It is used in the
gadolinium, lanthanum, terbium, and production of Epsom salt and as a
yttrium are also used in LED Sol.(d) Lead and mercury are the best fertilizer in agriculture.
semiconductor technology. conductors of heat. This statement is
INCORRECT. Lead and mercury are Q.61. Which of the metals listed in the
Q.53. Which of the following metals poor conductors of heat and electricity. options is the least reactive? SSC MTS
reacts with the moist carbon dioxide in 20/10/2021 (Morning)
the air and slowly loses its shiny brown Q.57. Due to which property of iron a (a) Copper (b) Iron
surface and gains a green coat? SSC piece of hot iron can be beaten into a (c) Gold (d) Magnesium
CHSL 16/04/21 (Afternoon) knife? SSC MTS 08/10/21(evening)
(a) Silver (b) Iron (a) malleability (b) lustrousness Sol.(c) The Series of metal from most
(c) Zinc (d) Copper (c) ductility (d) sonority reactive to least reactive:- (Most
reactive) Potassium> Sodium>
Sol.(d) Copper reacts with the moist Sol.(a) Iron has the property of Calcium> Magnesium> Aluminium>
carbon dioxide in the air and slowly malleability, due to which a piece of hot Carbon> Zinc> Iron> Tin> Lead>
loses its shiny brown surface and gains a iron can be beaten into a knife. Hydrogen> Copper> Silver> Gold>
green coat. This green substance is basic
Platinum(Least Reactive).
copper carbonate. Q.58. Which of the following is a
low-grade brown coal that is soft with Q.62. Identify the alloy among the
Q.54. Which of the following statements high moisture content? following of which lead is a component.
about bromine is correct? SSC CHSL SSC MTS 11/10/21(Morning) SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Morning)
5/8/2021 (Evening) (a) Bituminous (b) Anthracite (a) Alnico (b) Solder
(a) It is a metal. (c) Peat (d) Lignite (c) Nickel (d) Constantan
(b) It is a gas at room temperature.
(c) It is a solid at room temperature. Sol.(d) Lignite is a low-grade brown Sol.(b) Solder is a metal alloy usually
(d) It is a liquid at room temperature. coal that is soft with high moisture made of tin and lead. Alnico -aluminium
content. Lignite coal or brown coal, is (Al), nickel (Ni), and cobalt (Co).
Sol.(d) Bromine is liquid at room
the lowest grade coal with the least Constantan - a copper-nickel alloy used
temperature. It is a chemical element in
concentration of carbon. Lignite has a in electrical work for its high resistance.
group 17 of the periodic table with the
low heating value and is mainly used in
symbol Br and atomic number 35. It is
electricity generation. Acid bases and salt
used in many areas such as agricultural
chemicals, dyestuffs, insecticides,
Q.59. Which of the following is a Q.63. Metal oxides are ________ in
pharmaceuticals, and chemical
property of silicon dioxide? nature.
SSC MTS 11/10/21(Evening) SSC-CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning)
(a) It conducts electricity. (a) acidic (b) organic
Q.55. Which one of the following
(b) It is soft. (c) basic (d) neutral
features is NOT shown by metals? SSC
(c) It is soluble in water.
CHSL 9/8/2021 (Morning)
(d) It has a high melting point. Sol.(c) Metal oxides are always basic in
(a) Looks dull
(b) Can be pounded into shape nature. For example, Magnesium Oxide
Sol.(d) Silicon dioxide(SiO2) has a high is a metallic oxide. It will be basic
(c) Can be made into a wire
(d) Conducts heat melting point. It has melting and boiling because by adding water to it it will
points as 1713º C and 2950º C, become Mg(OH)2 (Magnesium
Sol.(a) Physical properties of metals: respectively. The density is about 2.648 Hydroxide) which is a base.
high melting points, good conductors of g/cm3 Non Metallic oxides are always acidic in
electricity, good conductors of heat, high nature.
density, malleable, ductile Q.60. Which of the following minerals
has kieserite as its ore? Q.64. Blue litmus paper turns ___ on
Q.56. Which of the following statements SSC MTS 12/10/21(Morning) contact with an acidic solution.
is INCORRECT? SSC MTS (a) Silver (b) Magnesium SSC-CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning)
05/10/21(Morning) (c) Potassium (d) Iron (a) red (b) brown
(a) Pure metals have a shining surface. (c) green (d) yellow
(b) Metals are good conductors of heat. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 426

Pinnacle Chemistry

Sol.(a) Blue litmus paper turns red when Q.69. A reaction between an acid and a Sol.(b) Lemon juice and lime juice are
in contact with acidic solution. Red base is known as _______. rich sources of citric acid, containing
litmus turns blue when in contact with SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon) 1.44 and 1.38 g/oz. The citric acid
the basic solution. (a)Evaporation (b)Sublimation content of commercially available
(c)Neutralization (d)Acidification lemonade and other juice products varies
Q.65. The pH of pure water (H2O) widely, ranging from 0.03 to 0.22 g/oz.
is____at 25 degree Celsius. Sol.(c) The reaction of an acid with a
SSC-CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) base is called a neutralization reaction. Q.73. Which of the following has pH
(a)7 (b)6 (c)8 (d)9 The products of this reaction are salt and value nearest to zero?
water. SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)
Sol.(a) As the temperature of water goes (a)Concentrated Hydrochloric Acid
down, its pH goes up. For the following Q.70. Salinity is the amount of salt in (b)Baking Soda
temperatures in degrees °C, 25, 20, 10, grams present in ______. (c)Ammonia
0, correspond to pHs of 7.0, 7.08, 7.27, SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon) (d)Pure Water
and at 0 degrees C, 7.47. But, at different (a)1000 grams of water
pHs, water still is at a neutral pH. (b)100 grams of water Sol.(a) The usual range of pH values lies
(c)10000 grams of water between 0 and 14, with 0 being the value
Q.66. Which of the following gases turn (d)10 grams of water for concentrated hydrochloric acid (1 M
lime water milky? HCl). However, the pH value for pure
SSC-CPO 13/03/2019 (Evening) Sol.(a) Salinity is the saltiness or amount water (neutral pH) is 7, and the pH value
(a) Hydrogen (b) Oxygen of salt dissolved in a body of water, for concentrated sodium hydroxide (1 M
(c) Nitrogen (d)Carbon dioxide called saline water. This is usually NaOH) is 14.
measured in g salt k g sea water.
Sol.(d) When carbon dioxide is passed However, the commonest way to record Q.74. Within what pH range does the
through lime water for a short time, it salinity is to measure the amount of salt human body work?
turns lime water milky due to the in 1,000 g of water, so it is referred to as SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning)
formation of a white precipitate of 'parts per thousand' or ppt. Most of the (a) 8.2 to 8.9 (b) 6 to 6.2
calcium carbonate. ocean has a salinity of between 34 ppt (c) 7 to 7.8 (d) 9.3 to 9.6
and 36 ppt.
Q.67.Which gas is produced when Sol.(c) The human body must keep its
metals react with Dilute Acids? Q.71. Which of the following pairs of pH within a very narrow range in order
SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening) Base-Source are correctly matched ? to survive and function. The 'normal'
(a)Nitrogen (b)Hydrogen SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening) range is 7.35 - 7.45 for arterial blood
(c)Carbon Dioxide (d)Oxygen (a)Calcium Hydroxide - Soap (b)Sodium (which is where we measure it
Hydroxide - Milk of magnesia medically).
Sol.(b) Dilute acids react with relatively (c)Ammonium Hydroxide - Window
reactive metals such as magnesium, cleaner Q.75. What is the chemical name of the
aluminium, zinc and iron. The products (d)Magnesium Hydroxide - Lime water salt found abundantly in seawater?
of the reaction are a Salt and Hydrogen SSC CHSL 18-03-2020 (Evening)
gas. Here's a good way to remember it: Sol.(c) Ammonium hydroxide is a (a) Sodium Nitrite
MASH (M+A → S+H). solution of ammonia in water. It has (b) Sodium Acetate
multiple applications such as bathroom, (c) Sodium Chloride
Q.68. At what pH value tooth starts to floor, glass, carpet, metal, upholstery, (d) Sodium Tartrate
decay? and all-purpose cleaners as well as
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning) starches, disinfectants, and stain treaters. Sol.(c) Sodium Chloride is found in
(a)11.2 (b)6.5 Most household ammonia contains 5 to abundance in seawater.
(c)5.5 (d)7.5 10 percent ammonium hydroxide.
Q.76. The pH of a liquid was found to
Sol.(c) Tooth decay can occur when the Q.72.Which of the following acid-source be 7. Which liquid is it likely to be?
pH level in the mouth is 5.5. For pairs is correctly matched? SSC CHSL 18-03-2020 (Evening)
reference, the neutral level is 7.0. When SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening) (a) Alkali (b) Acid
we consume acidic foods and drinks, the (a)Formic Acid - Tamarind (c) Water (d) Saline
pH within the mouth decreases and can (b)Citric Acid - Lemon
cause the pH in the dental plaque to fall (c)Acetic Acid - Ant’s sting Sol.(c) Pure water has a pH of 7.
rapidly below 5.0. (d)Lactic Acid - Vinegar Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 427

Pinnacle Chemistry

Q.77. When blue litmus was added to an presence of the water-soluble vacuolar
unknown liquid in a test tube, it turned Sol.(a) Litmus paper changes to blue pigment named Anthocyanin.
red. What was the liquid? colour when put in soap water. Soap
SSC CHSL 19-10-2020 (Morning) water being alkaline in nature changes Q.86. All acids generate ______ gas
(a) An acid (b) Saline the colour of litmus paper to blue while reacting with metals.
(c) An alkali (d) Water acidic solutions changes the colour of SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Evening)
litmus paper to red. (a) hydrogen (b) nitrogen
Sol.(a) When a litmus is added to an (c) chlorine (d) oxygen
acid, it turns blue litmus paper to red. Q.82. In which of the following options
is the substance INCORRECTLY paired Sol.(a) All acids generate hydrogen gas
Q.78. What is the pH of rainwater with the acid present in that substance? reacting with metals. Acids react with
during acid rain? SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Afternoon) most metals and, when they do, salt is
SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Afternoon) (a) Tomato - Oxalic Acid produced.
(a) More than 5.6 (b) Between 6 to 8.5 (b) Vinegar - Acetic Acid
(c) Equal to 5.6 (d) Less than 5.6 (c) Orange - Citric Acid Q.87. When an ant bites, it injects acidic
(d) Lemon - Lactic Acid liquid (formic acid) into the skin. What
Sol.(d) The pH of rainwater during acid among the following should be applied
rain is less than 5.6. Sol.(d) Lactic acid is present in sour to the skin to neutralise it?
milk, cheese and butter while citric acid SSC MTS 08/10/21 (Morning)
Q.79. Which of the following liquids has is present in lemon. (a) Lime juice
the highest pH? (b) Tomato pulp
SSC CGL 23/08/21(Morning) Q.83. What is the molecular formula for (c) Moist baking soda
(a) Human blood hydrochloric acid? (d) Bleaching powder
(b) Milk of magnesia SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Evening)
(c) Lemon juice (a) H2SO4 (b) HNO3 Sol.(c) When an ant bites, it injects
(d) Orange juice (c) KOH (d) HCl acidic liquid (formic acid) into the skin.
Moist baking soda should be applied to
Sol.79.(b) Milk of magnesia has the Sol.(a) HCl - Hydrochloric Acid. The the skin to neutralize it. Because the base
highest pH with a pH value of 10.5 Names of other acids are H2SO4 - is present in baking soda and when an
because it is basic by nature. Sulphuric Acid, HNO3 - Nitric Acid, acid reacts with the base it neutralizes &
pH value of Human Blood (7.40), KOH - Potassium hydroxide (commonly we get relief.
Lemon Juice (2-3), Orange juice known as Caustic Potash).
(3.3-4.2). Q.88. Which of the following is another
Q.84. What is the pH value of acidic name of folic acid? SSC MTS 08/10/21
Q.80. Primarily, an ant’s sting has which substances? (Afternoon)
of the following? SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Morning) (a) Lactic acid
SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Evening) (a) Below 1.0 (b) Below 3.0 (b) Pteroylglutamic acid
(a) Tartaric acid (c) Below 2.0 (d) Below 7.0 (c) Ascorbic acid
(b) Magnesium hydroxide (d) Glycolic acid
(c) Citric acid Sol.(d) The pH value of acidic
(d) Formic acid substances is Below 7.0. Sol.(b) Pteroylglutamic acid is another
name of folic acid. Folic acid, also called
Sol.(d) Primarily, an ant’s sting has Q.85. Which of the following is NOT a pteroylglutamic acid, folate, or folacin,
Formic acid. Formic Acid or methanoic natural acid-base indicator? is a water-soluble vitamin of the B
acid, represented by HCOOH is mainly SSC MTS 05/10/21(Morning) complex that is essential in animals and
found in the stings and bites of many (a) Geranium flowers plants for the synthesis of nucleic acids.
insects, including bees and ants. The (b) Red cabbage leaves Folic acid was isolated from liver cells
wood ants from the genus Formica can (c) Petunia flowers in 1943.Pteroylglutamic.
spray formic acid on their prey or defend (d) Thyme leaves
the nest.
Q.89. What does ‘p’ stand for in ‘pH’?
Sol.(d) Thyme leaves are NOT a natural SSC MTS 13/10/21(Morning)
Q.81. Litmus paper changes to ______ acid-base indicator. Thyme is a herb and (a) Precipitation (b) Percentage
colour when put in soap water. also has medicinal use. Geranium (c) Potency (d) Potenz
SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Afternoon) flowers, Petunia flowers, and Red
(a) blue (b) red cabbage act as a pH indicator due to the
(c) yellow (d) orange Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 428

Pinnacle Chemistry

Sol.(d) ‘p’ in pH stands for the German sylvanite, nagyagite, petzite or

word Potenz which means power or Sol.(d) Corundum is an alloy of krennerite.
concentration and the H for the hydrogen aluminium. It is a crystalline form of Mercury is either found as a native metal
ion (H+). Hence, pH is a measure of the aluminum oxide (Al2O3) with traces of (rare) or in cinnabar, metacinnabar,
concentration of protons (H+) in a iron, titanium and chromium. It is a corderoite, living stoneite and other
solution and therefore, its acidity or rock-forming mineral. minerals.
alkalinity. The "pH" value varies Greenockite is a rare cadmium bearing
between 0 and 14 that indicates whether Q.94. Which among the following is a metal sulfide mineral consisting of
a solution is acidic (pH < 7), basic (pH > copper mineral? cadmium sulfide in crystalline form.
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening) Major ores of aluminium are Bauxite,
7) or neutral (pH = 7).
(a) azurite (b) bauxite Corundum, Felspar, Cryolite, Alunite
(c) halite (d) Hematite and Kaolin.
Q.90. Which acid does vinegar contain?
Smelite is an ore of Cobalt.
SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Afternoon)
Sol.(a) Copper is found in many
(a) Tartaric acid (b) Nitric acid
minerals which occur in deposits large Q.98. Cinnabar (HgS) is an ore of which
(c) Acetic acid (d) Citric acid
enough to mine. These include: azurite, metal?
malachite, chalcocite, acanthite, SSC CHSL 13-10-2020 (Afternoon)
Sol.(c) Vinegar contains acetic acid (a)Gold (b)Silver
chalcopyrite and bornite. Azurite is a
(CH3COOH), also called ethanoic acid. (c)Mercury (d)Aluminium
soft, deep-blue copper mineral produced
Tartaric acid is present in grapes, apples,
by weathering of copper ore deposits. Sol.(c) Cinnabar (HgS) is an ore of
cherries, papaya, peach, pear, pineapple,
strawberries, mangos, and citrus fruits.
Q.95. Pyrolusite is an ore of:
Citric acid is a weak acid that is found SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening) Q.99. According to a law postulated by
naturally in all citrus fruits. (a) manganese (b) chromium ______, the amounts of different
(c) titanium (d) uranium substances liberated by the same
Metallurgy quantity of electricity passing through
Sol.(a) Pyrolusite is a mineral consisting the electrolytic solution are proportional
Q.91. Which of the following metals has essentially of manganese dioxide and is to
an ore called Galena? important as an ore of manganese. It is a their chemical equivalent weights.
SSC-CHSL 2/07/2019 (Morning) black, amorphous appearing mineral, SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening)
(a) Nickel (b) Copper often with a granular, fibrous, or (a) Joseph Fourier (b) John Dalton
(c) Iron (d) Lead columnar structure, sometimes forming (c) Michael Faraday (d) Alfred Nobel
reniform (kidney-shaped) crusts.
Sol.(d) Galena, also called lead glance, Sol.(c) According to a law postulated by
is the natural mineral form of lead(II) Q.96. Which of the following is NOT an Michael Faraday the amounts of
sulfide (PbS). Galena is one of the most ore of iron? different substances liberated by the
abundant and widely distributed sulfide SSC CGL 5-3-2020 (Afternoon) same quantity of electricity passing
minerals. (a) Haematite (b) Magnetite through the electrolytic solution are
(c) Cuprite (d) Siderite proportional to their chemical equivalent
Q.92. Dolomite is an ore of which of the weights.
following metals? Sol.(c) Except Cuprite, all are the ore of Faraday Law of Electrolysis states that
SSC-CHSL 3/07/2019 (Morning) iron. Cuprite is the ore of copper. the amount of chemical change produced
(a) Strontium (b) Potassium by current at an electrode-electrolyte
(c) Aluminium (d) Calcium Q.97. With reference to metals and their boundary is proportional to the quantity
ores, which of the following pairs is of electricity used, and the amounts of
Sol.(d) Dolomite is an anhydrous INCORRECT? chemical changes produced by the same
carbonate mineral composed of calcium SSC CHSL 13-10-2020 (Morning) quantity of electricity in different
magnesium carbonate, ideally (a) Gold (Au) – Calaverite substances are proportional to their
CaMg(CO3)2. The term is also used for a (b) Mercury (Hg) – Greenockite equivalent weights.
sedimentary carbonate rock composed (c) Aluminium (Al) – Cryolite
mostly of the mineral dolomite. (d) Cobalt (Co) – Smelite Q.100. ______ is a process of forming a
thick oxide layer of aluminium. SSC
Q.93. Corundum is an ore of: Sol.(b) Gold is usually found alone or CHSL 12/8/2021 (Morning)
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning) alloyed with mercury or silver, but can (a) Galvanisation (b) Ductility
(a) Copper (b) Silver also be found in ores such as calaverite, (c) Corrosion (d) Anodising
(c) Iron (d) Alumunium Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 429

Pinnacle Chemistry

Sol.(d) Anodising is a process of these isomers. In the IUPAC suffix -al to aldehydes. For example, 𝐻2
forming a thick oxide layer usually on nomenclature, however, "butane" refers C=O is methanal, more commonly
aluminum or its alloys. only to the n-butane isomer (which is the called formaldehyde. Propanone belongs
isomer with the unbranched structure). to the ketonic group. -one is added to
Q.101. Which of the following fibers is ketones.
used to make rayon cloth?SSC CHSL Q.105. The property of catenation is Propanol belongs to an alcoholic group.
12/8/2021 (Afternoon) predominant in _______. -ol is added to alcoholic groups.
(a) Gum (b) Cellulose SSC-CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning) Propine belongs to the alkalinic group.
(c) Pectin (d) Mucilage (a) sulphur (b) nitrogen
(c) silicon (d) carbon Q.109. Which of the following are
Sol.(b) Rayon is made from natural amongst the few carbon- containing
sources of regenerated cellulose. It is a Sol.(d) Catenation is the bonding of compounds NOT classified as organic?
synthetic fiber such as wood and related atoms of the same element into a series, SSC-CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning)
agricultural products. called a chain. Catenation occurs most (a) Methane (b) Nucleic acids
readily with carbon, which forms (c) Cyanides (d) Propane
Q.102. Dolomite is an ore of: covalent bonds with other carbon atoms
SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Morning) to form longer chains and structures. Sol.(c) Cyanides is the only compound
(a) magnesium (b) aluminium This is the reason for the presence of the that contains carbon but isn't organic.
(c) potassium (d) sodium vast number of organic compounds in Other examples include carbon
nature. monoxide (CO), sodium bicarbonate,
Sol.(a) Magnesium is found in minerals Carbon dioxide, and carbon
Q.106. Buckminsterfullerene is an tetrachloride.
such as magnesite, dolomite, brucite,
allotrope of :
serpentinite, etc. and is mostly recovered
SSC-CGL 04/06/2019 (Afternoon) Q.110. Name the element that must be
from seawater, brines and bitterns.
(a) Boron (b) Iron present in a compound to classify it as an
Dolomite formula- MgCO3·CaCO3.
(c) Phosphorus (d)Carbon organic compound.
Q.103. Cinnabar is the ore of which of SSC-CHSL 2/07/2019 (Morning)
Sol.(d) Buckminsterfullerene is an (a) Carbon (b) Iron
the following metals?
allotrope of Carbon. Buckminster (c) Ammonia (d) Zinc
SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Morning)
-fullerene has formula of C₆₀. It has a
(a) Gold (b) Mercury
cage-like fused-ring structure that Sol.(a) The most common elements
(c) Platinum (d) Gallium
resembles a soccer ball (football),The present in organic compounds are
other two allotropes of Carbon are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen.
Sol.(b) Cinnabar is the ore of Mercury.
Graphite and Diamond. With carbon and hydrogen present, other
The primary mineral of gold is the native
metal and electrum (a gold-silver alloy). elements, such as phosphorus, sulfur,
Q.107. Which of the following has a silicon, and the halogens, may exist in
The main minerals of platinum ores are strong fruity fragrance? organic compounds. Compounds that do
pyrrhotite, chal-copyrite, pentlandite, SSC-CGL 04/06/2019 (Afternoon) not pertain to this rule are called
and cubanite. Bauxite is the primary ore (a) Methyl chloride inorganic compounds.
from which most of the world's gallium (b) Methanoic acid
is produced. (c) Methanol Q.111.Which of the following is a sweet
(d) Ethyl acetate smelling substance?
Organic chemistry SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning)
Sol.(d) Ethyl acetate is used in (a) Ammonia (b) Methanol
Q.104. Methylpropane is an isomer of: decaffeinating tea, glues, nail polish (c) Esters (d)Ethanol
SSC-CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning) removers and coffee.It is colourless Sol.(c) Esters are sweet-smelling
(a) n-hexane\ (b) n-butane liquid and has a strong fruity fragrance. substances and are used in making
(c) n-propane (d) n-pentane perfumes. They are produced when
Q.108. Which of the following is an carboxylic acids are heated with alcohols
Sol.(b) Butane is an organic compound aldehyde? in the presence of an acid catalyst. The
with the formula C4H10 that is an alkane SSC-CGL 04/06/2019 (Afternoon) catalyst is usually concentrated sulphuric
with four carbon atoms. The term may (a) Propanel (b) Propanol acid.
refer to either of two structural isomers, (c) Propanone (d) Propine
n-butane or isobutane (also called Q.112. Which of the following is NOT
"methylpropane"), or to a mixture of Sol.(a) The IUPAC system of an unsaturated carbon compound?
nomenclature assigns a characteristic Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 430

Pinnacle Chemistry

SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning) RCHO: Aldehyde Sol.(a) The compounds in solid, liquid or
(a)Acetylene (b)Pentene The Halogen group does not contain gaseous state which contain carbon in its
(c)Butane (d)Benzene Oxygen. molecules are known as organic
Sol.(c) Saturated hydrocarbons are Q.115. How many carbon and hydrogen
compounds containing only single atoms are there in Propane, respectively? Q.119. What is the chemical formula of
covalent bonds which are also known as SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Evening) dichlorodifluoromethane?
alkanes. Butane is an alkane with the (a)2,4 (b)3,8 (c)2,6 (d)4 SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Evening)
formula C4H10.. .However, Unsaturated (a) CHClF2 (b) C2HCl2F3
hydrocarbons are the straight chain Sol.(b) Propane is a three-carbon alkane, (c) CH2FCF3 (d) CCl2F2
compounds which contain double or with a chemical formula of C3H8. It has a
triple covalent bonds. Hydrocarbons chain of three carbon atoms because a Sol.(d) CCl2F2 is the chemical formula of
with a double chain of three carbons requires 2(3)+2 dichlorodifluoromethane.
bonds between carbon atoms are known hydrogen atoms, which equals eight.
as alkenes. Q.120. Which of the following is the
Q.116. What is the formula of butane allotropic form of carbon?
Q.113. Which of the following is not an gas? SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Evening)
Allotrope of Carbon? SSC CHSL 19-03-2020 (Morning) (a) Coal (b) Graphite
SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning) (a) C4H6 (b) C4H10 (c) Charcoal (d) Lamp black
(a)Graphite (c) C5H10 (d) C44H8
(b)Methane Sol.(b) Graphite is the allotropic form of
(c)Diamond Sol.(b) The formula of Butane gas is carbon.
(d)C-60 Buckminsterfullerene C4H10.
Q.121. With symbols having their usual
Sol.(b) Allotropy or allotropism is the Q.117. The three-carbon molecules meanings, which one among the
property of some chemical elements to broken down from six-carbon molecules following is used as the standard for
exist in two or more different forms, in of glucose during the first step in the defining atomic mass unit?
the same physical state, known as process of nutrition in all organisms is SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning)
allotropes of the elements. Allotropes are called: (a) C-12 (b) H-1
different structural modifications of an SSC CHSL 12-10-2020 (Evening) (c) N-14 (d) O-8
element, the atoms of the element are (a) methane (b) butane
bonded together in a different manner. (c) pyruvate (d) ethane Sol.(a) Atomic mass is defined as mass
There are several allotropes of carbon equal to one twelfth of the mass of a
like Diamond, Graphite, Lonsdaleite, Sol.(c) Pyruvate is generated through Carbon Atom. The mass of any isotope
C-60 (Buckminsterfullerene or glycolysis. Glycolysis begins with the of any element is expressed in relation to
buckyball), six-carbon monosaccharide - glucose. In Carbon-12 standard.
C-540, C-70, Amorphous carbon, the first few steps, glucose undergoes
single-walled carbon nanotube, or phosphorylation and isomerization to Q.122.What is the bond angle (in
buckytube. Methane is not an allotrope produce fructose-6-phosphate. Another degrees) in the structure of a benzene
of carbon. phosphorylation reaction facilitates the molecule?
splitting of this hexose sugar into two SSC CGL 7-3-2020 (Evening)
Q.114..In which of the following carbon 3-carbon molecules - glyceraldehyde (a)150 (b)90 (c)120 (d)60
functional groups there is no oxygen? phosphate (G3P) and dihydroxyacetone
SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) phosphate (DHAP). These initial steps Sol.(c) Benzene is an organic chemical
(a)Alcohol (b)Halogen require the input of energy and utilize compound with the molecular formula
(c)Aldehyde (d)Keton two molecules of ATP for every C6H6. The benzene molecule is
molecule of glucose, but result in the composed of six carbon atoms joined in
Sol.(b) Oxygen-containing functional major transformation of a hexose into a planar ring with one hydrogen atom
groups are alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, two triose molecules. attached to each, where all the bonds are
ketones and carboxylic acids as well as a identical. It has a shape of a regular
variety of derivatives of carboxylic acids Q.118. Organic compounds are hexagon, with bond angles of 120°. The
such as the amides, esters and acid compounds of the element ____. delocalisation of the electrons that there
halides. SSC CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening) aren't alternating double and single
RCOOH: Carboxylic Acid (a) carbon (b) lead bonds.
RCOX: Acid Halide (c) silicon (d) nitrogen
RC=OR’: Ketone Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 431

Pinnacle Chemistry

Q.123. How many naturally occurring Sol.(d) Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Sol.(d) He found that hydrogen forms
isotopes does carbon have? is a blend of light hydrocarbon oxides like alkali earth metal with
SSC MTS 11/10/21(Evening) compounds. It mainly consists of butane formula H20 as Na2O. He also found that
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 3 (C4H10) or propane (C3H8) or a mixture H is similar to halogens in forming
of both. Ethyl Mercaptan is used as an diatomic molecule H2 like CI2, Br2. So
Sol.(d) Carbon occurs naturally in three additive to odorless gases like butane, he could not assign a fixed position to H.
isotopes: carbon 12, which has 6 propane, and petroleum to give them a
neutrons (plus 6 protons equals 12), warning odor. Q.131. Who among the following gave
carbon 13, which has 7 neutrons, and the "Law of Octaves"?
carbon 14, which has 8 neutrons. SSC-CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning)
Q.127. Which of the following is the
An isotope is one of two or more species (a) Lavoisier (b) Mendeleev
largest component of natural gas?
of atoms of a chemical element with the (c) Newlands (d) Dobereiner
SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Afternoon)
same atomic number and position. (a) Methanol (b) Ethanol
Sol.(c) John Newlands gave the law of
(c) Ethane (d) Methane
Q.124. Unsaturated carbon compounds octaves in which he arranged all the
burn with a: elements known at that time into a table
Sol.(d) Methane (CH4) is the largest
SSC MTS 12/10/21(Morning) in order of relative atomic mass. When
component of natural gas. Wetlands are
(a) orange sooty flame he did this, he found that each element
the largest natural source of methane.
(b) white sooty flame was similar to the element eight places
This produces 78% of natural methane
(c) red sooty flame further on.
emissions. Methane (CH4) is the second
(d) yellow sooty flame most important greenhouse gas.
Q.132. Molecular mass of Sulphurous
Sol.(d) Unsaturated carbon compounds acid is:
Periodic table SSC-CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning)
burn with a:yellow sooty flame. On
(a)96.04 (b)98.07
burning, unsaturated carbon compounds
Q.128. Which of the following elements (c)87.06 (d)82.07
like ethylene produce yellow sooty
is an actinide?
flame due to incomplete combustion in SSC-CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning) Sol.(d) Molar mass of Sulphurous acid is
air. (a) Ytterbium (b) Lutetium 82.0791 g/mol. Sulfurous acid is a
(c) Curium (d) Erbium chemical compound with the formula
Q.125. Which of the following is NOT a
property of graphite? Sol.(c) Any of the series of fifteen
SSC MTS 12/10/21(Morning) metallic elements from actinium (atomic Q.133. Graphene is
(a) It is a conductor of electricity. number 89) to lawrencium (atomic SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening)
(b) It has low melting point. number 103) in the periodic table. They (a)Isotope of Boron
(c) It has a lower density than diamond. are all actinide,radioactive. (b)An alloy of iron
(d) It is a conductor of heat..
(c)Allotrope of Carbon
Q.129. Which of the following elements (d)An alloy of tin
Sol.(b) It has a low melting point. This is a lanthanide?
statement is NOT a property of graphite. SSC-CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning) Sol.(c) Graphene is a monolayer material
The melting point of graphite is slightly (a) Actinium (b) Francium composed of carbon atoms in the
larger than the melting point of diamond (c) Cerium (d) Polonium honeycomb lattice and has various
because in graphite C-C bonds have a remarkable characteristics such as
partial double-bond character and hence Sol.(c) The lanthanide or lanthanoid mechanical strength, chemical stability,
are stronger and more difficult to break. series of chemical elements comprises high thermal conductivity and electrical
the 15 metallic chemical elements with and optical properties relating to two
Q.126. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) atomic numbers 57 through 71, from dimensions.
used for cooking in homes is a lanthanum through lutetium.
combination of: Q.134.Which of the following is not a
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Morning) Q.130. In his periodic table, Mendeleev metal ?
(a) methane and butane could NOT assign a correct position to SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(b) methane and propane ________. (a)Iron (b)Copper
(c) hexane and propane SSC-CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning) (c)Tin (d)Selenium
(d) propane and butane (a) Oxygen (b) Carbon
(c) Nitrogen (d) Hydrogen Sol.(d) Selenium is a chemical element
with the symbol Se and atomic number Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 432

Pinnacle Chemistry

34. It is a non-metal (more rarely which has an electronegativity of 0.7.

considered a metalloid) with properties This value is measured using the Pauling Sol.(d) Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev
that are intermediate between the scale. However, according to The Allen arranged the Periodic Table of Elements
elements above and below in the scale, the element with the lowest in the order of increasing atomic masses.
periodic table, sulphur and tellurium and electronegativity value is cesium, with a
also has similarities to arsenic. value of 0.659. Francium has an Q.142. Halogens have ______ electrons
electronegativity of 0.67 on that scale. in their outermost shells. SSC CGL
Q.135. What is the symbol of element 16/08/21(Morning)
Lead? Q.138. Noble gas belongs to which of (a) eight (b) seven
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon) the following groups of the periodic (c) five (d) six
(a)S (b)Ag (c)Pb (d)K table ?
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon) Sol.(b) Halogens have seven electrons in
Sol.(c) Pb is a chemical symbol for (a)16 (b)18 (c)13 (d)15 their outermost shells. The halogens are
Lead. S is a chemical symbol for all highly reactive, which means they're
Sulphur. K chemical symbol for Sol.(b) Noble gas belongs to the Group quick to form bonds with other elements.
Potassium. Ag chemical symbol for 18 of the periodic table. The elements of There are five halogens in the periodic
Silver. Group 18 are helium (He), neon (Ne), table: fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine,
argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe), and astatine.
Q.136. How many elements are there in radon (Rn), and oganesson (Og).
the periodic table such that for every Q.143. Of the known elements in the
element name there is a single alphabet Q.139. Among the given elements, periodic table, only ______ are gases
that symbolically represents it ( for which comes first in the periodic table of under normal atmospheric conditions.
example, B-Boron, C-Carbon etc.)? elements? SSC CGL 16/08/21(Afternoon)
SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning) SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening) (a) 10 (b) 13 (c) 11 (d) 12
(a)10 (b)17 (c)7 (d)14 (a) Sodium (b) Neon
(c) Potassium (d) Silicon Sol.(c) Of all the known elements in the
Sol.(d) Following table lists all these periodic table, only eleven are gases
elements: Sol.(b) As per periodic table, atomic no. under normal atmospheric conditions.
Elements with one letter symbols of Neon is 10, Sodium is 11, Potassium These elements are Hydrogen, Helium,
is 19 and Silicon is 14. So Neon(10) Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine, Chlorine,
Sym Element Sy Element
comes first in the periodic table among Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, and
bol mb
ol these other options. Radon.

B Boron P Phosphoru Q.140. Potassium is a chemical element Q.144. The elements of the groups 3 to
s with the symbol: 12 are called ______ elements or
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) transition elements.
C Carbon K Potassium (a) Na (b) S (c) Ca (d) K SSC CGL 16/08/21(Afternoon)
F Fluorine S Sulfur (a) c-block (b) a-block
Sol.(d) Potassium is a chemical element (c) d-block (d) b-block
H Hydrogen W Tungsten with the symbol K and atomic number
19. Potassium is a silvery-white metal Sol.(d) The elements of groups 3 to 12
I Iodine U Uranium that is soft enough to be cut with a knife are called d-block elements or transition
with little force. Potassium metal reacts elements. They are called d block
N Nitrogen V Vanadium
rapidly with atmospheric oxygen to form elements because their valence electron
O Oxygen Y Yttrium flaky white potassium peroxide in only falls in the d-orbital.
seconds of exposure.
Q.145. In the periodic table, the highly
Q.141. Which scientist arranged the electronegative halogens and the highly
Q.137. Which of the following elements
Periodic Table of Elements in the order electropositive alkali metals are
has the lowest electronegativity?
of increasing atomic separated by:
SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)
masses? SSC CGL 16/08/21(Evening)
(a)Osmium (b)Francium
SSC CHSL 13-10-2020 (Evening) (a) Noble metals
(c)Hydrogen (d)Tungsten
(a) Robert Boyle (b) Rare earth elements
(b) Henry Moseley (c) Alkaline earth metals
Sol.(b) The element with the lowest
(c) William Ramsay (d) Noble gases
electronegativity value is francium,
(d) Dmitri Mendeleev Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 433

Pinnacle Chemistry

Sol.(d) In the periodic table, the highly water, resulting in the displacement of Q.154."At a constant temperature, the
electronegative halogens (group 17) and hydrogen. amount of a given gas that dissolves in a
the highly electropositive alkali metals liquid is directly proportional to the
(group 1) are separated by noble gases Q.150. Which one of the following is partial pressure of that gas in equilibrium
which are present in group 18. NOT a halogen element? with that liquid." Which law is this ?
SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Evening) SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning)
Q.146. The horizontal rows in the (a) Fluorine (b) Iodine (a)Henry’s Law (b)Boyle’s Law
modern periodic table are called: SSC (c) Selenium (d) Astatine (c)Charles’ Law (d)Newton’s Law
CGL 23/08/21(Afternoon)
(a) clusters (b) periods Sol.(c) The halogens are a group in the Sol.(a) Henry's law is one of the gas
(c) groups (d) families periodic table consisting of five laws that states that the amount of
chemically related elements: fluorine dissolved gas in a liquid is proportional
Sol.(b) The horizontal rows in the (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), iodine to its partial pressure above the liquid.
modern periodic table are called periods (I), and astatine (At). In the modern The proportionality factor is called
and the vertical rows are called groups. IUPAC nomenclature, this group is Henry's law
known as group 17.
Q.147. Which of the following is known Q.155. Which chemical law proposes
as alkaline earth metal? Q.151. Which of the following is the that ‘soft drinks and soda bottles are
SSC CGL 24/08/21(Morning) chemical symbol of Curium? SSC MTS sealed under high pressure to increase
(a) Magnesium (b) Cobalt 12/10/21(Evening) the solubility of CO2’ ?
(c) Copper (d) Platinum (a) Cr (b) Cm (c) Ci (d) Cu SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning)
(a) Rault’s law (b) Henry’s law
Sol.147.(a) Magnesium is an alkaline Sol.(b) Cm is the chemical symbol of (c) Ohm’s law (d) Dalton’s law
earth metal amongst the given options. Curium. Curium is a transuranic,
The alkaline earth metals are six radioactive chemical element with the Sol.(b) This is an application of Henry's
chemical elements in group 2 of the symbol Cm and atomic number 96. Law. The solubility of a gas in a liquid is
periodic table. They are beryllium, directly proportional to the pressure of
magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, Q.152. As per Newlands’ Octaves, the gas..So in order to increase the
and radium. They have very similar which of the following has the same solubility of CO2 in soft drinks, the
properties: they are all shiny, properties as sodium? bottle is sealed under high pressure.
silvery-white, somewhat reactive metals SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Morning)
at standard temperature and pressure. (a) Beryllium (b) Magnesium Q.156. Who among the following made
(c) Potassium (d) Lithium the first observation on Platinum as a
Q.148. The Periodic Law as we know it catalyst and discovered similar triads of
today owes its development to: SSC Sol.(d) As per Newlands’ Octaves, elements that led to the development of
CGL 24/08/21(Evening) Lithium has the same properties as the periodic table of elements?
(a) Niels Bohr (b) Ernest Rutherford sodium because sodium is the eighth SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning)
(c) Dmitri Mendeleev (d) JJ Thomson element after lithium. (a) Dmitri Mendeleev
(b) Hans Christian Oersted
Sol.(c) The Periodic Law as we know it (c) Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner
Q.153. Which of the following is NOT a
today owes its development to Dmitri (d) Michael Faraday
noble gas?
Mendeleev and the German chemist,
SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Morning)
Lothar Meyer. Sol.(c) Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner (13
(a) Neon (b) Krypton
December 1780 – 24 March 1849) was a
(c) Argon (d) Oxygen
Q.149. Alkali metals react vigorously German chemist who is best known for
with cold water resulting in the work that foreshadowed the periodic law
Sol.(d) Noble gas, any of the seven
displacement of ______. for the chemical elements, and for
chemical elements that make up Group
SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Evening) inventing the first lighter, which was
18 (VIIIA) of the periodic table. The
(a) nitrogen (b) hydrogen known as the Döbereiner's lamp.He used
elements are helium (He), neon (Ne),
(c) oxygen (d) carbon dioxide platinum as a catalyst, and for a lighter,
argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe),
known as Döbereiner's lamp.
radon (Rn), and oganesson (Og).
Sol.(b) The alkali metals (Li, Na, K, Rb,
Cs, and Fr) are the most reactive metals Q.157. Which law states that the volume
in the periodic table - they all react Ideal Gas Law of an ideal gas at constant pressure is
vigorously or even explosively with cold directly
proportional to the absolute temperature? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 434

Pinnacle Chemistry

SSC CHSL 13-10-2020 (Morning) of a substance is the temperature at conductor of electricity, so it is a useful
(a) Joule's law (b) Boyle's law which the vapor pressure of a liquid component of electrical switches.
(c) Charles's law (d) Avogadro's law equals the pressure surrounding the
liquid and the liquid changes into a Q.163. Which of the following
Sol.(c) Joule’s law states that the vapor. The melting point of a substance observations DOES NOT help in
internal energy of an ideal gas depends is the temperature at which it changes determining whether a chemical
only upon its temperature irrespective of state from solid to liquid. At the melting reaction has taken place?
volume and pressure. point, the solid and liquid phases exist in SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning)
Boyle’s law states that the pressure of a equilibrium. (a) Change in height
gas is inversely proportional to the (b) Change in colour
Volume. Chemical properties (c) Change in state
Charles’s law states that the volume of (d) Evolution of a gas
an ideal gas at constant pressure is Q.160. Metals produce ringing sound
directly when hit another metal because they are Sol.(a) A change in height is not a
proportional to the absolute temperature. ______. criteria to determine whether a chemical
Avagadro’s law states that equal SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) reaction has taken place.
volumes of all gases, at the same (a)Malleable (b)Ductile
temperature and pressure, have the same (c)Sonorous (d)Lustrous Q.164. Which of the following has the
number of molecules. lowest melting point?
Sol.(c) Sonority is the property of a SSC CGL 6-3-2020 (Morning)
Q.158. ______ states that for a solution metal in producing a ringing sound when (a) Zinc (b) Tin
of volatile liquids, the partial vapour struck. All metals are highly sonorous. (c) Lead (d) Silver
pressure of each component of the Due to very low electronegativity,
solution is directly proportional to its electron bonding in metals is highly Sol.(b) Zinc is a fair conductor of
mole fraction present in delocalized. When hit, the electron cloud electricity. For a metal, zinc has
solution. moves easily and the dissipation of relatively low melting point (419.5 °C).
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) energy is less. Tin has 232°C melting point.
(a) Raoult’s law (b) Faraday’s law
(c) Dalton’s law (d) Boyle’s law Q.161. Atoms of different elements with Q.165. Which of the following
different atomic numbers, having the statements is NOT true about
Sol.(a) Raoult’s law states that for a same mass number is known as compounds?
solution of volatile liquids, the partial _______. SSC CHSL 14-10-2020 (Morning)
vapour pressure of each component of SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning) (a) The composition of each new
the solution is directly proportional to its (a)Isobars (b)Isohalines substance is always fixed.
mole fraction present in solution. (c)Isotopes (d)Ion (b) The constituents can be separated
Faraday’s law is a law which says how a only by chemical or electrochemical
magnetic field interacts with the electric Sol.(a) Isobars are atoms (nuclides) of reactions.
circuit to produce an electromotive force different chemical elements that have the (c) Elements react to form new
Dalton’s law says the total pressure of same number of nucleons. compounds.
mixture of gases is equal to the sum of Correspondingly, isobars differ in atomic (d) Compounds have a variable
partial pressure of individual gases. number (or number of protons) but have composition.
Boyle’s law says that pressure at a given the same mass number. An example of a
temperature varies inversely with its series of isobars would be 40S, 40Cl, 40Ar, Sol.(d) A compound is a material formed
volume. 40
K, and 40Ca. by chemically bonding two or more
chemical elements. The type of bond
Q.159. The lowest temperature at which Q.162.Which among the following is keeping elements in a compound
a substance catches fire is called its: NOT an insulator? together may vary: covalent bonds and
SSC CGL 23/08/21(Evening) SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Morning) ionic bonds are two common types. The
(a) normal temperature (a)Ebonite (b)Glass elements are always present in fixed
(b) ignition temperature (c)Dry Paper (d)Mercury ratios in any compound.
(c) boiling point
(d) melting point Sol.(d) Mercury is a heavy, silvery-white Q.166. Which of the following
liquid metal. Compared to other metals, elements’ salts are most soluble?
Sol.(b) The lowest temperature at which it is a poor conductor of heat, but a fair SSC CGL 17/08/21(Morning)
a substance catches fire is called its conductor of electricity. It is also a good (a) Lithium (b) Sodium
ignition temperature. The boiling point (c) Rubidium (d) Potassium Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 435

Pinnacle Chemistry

uranium. Carnotite is a bright to

Sol.(b) Sodium salts are the most soluble greenish-yellow mineral. The primary Q.174. ______ are homogeneous
because sodium readily combines with uranium ore mineral is uraninite (UO2) mixtures of two or more components.
water forming covalent bonds. (previously known as pitchblende). SSC CGL 5-3-2020 (Afternoon)
(a) Amalgams (b) Solutions
Q.167. What is the boiling point of Q.171. Barium nitrate is used in signal (c) Emulsions (d) Enzymes
water at sea level? flares and fireworks that burns in bright
SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Morning) ______ colour. Sol.(b) A solution is a homogeneous
(a) 250°C (b) 50°C SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Morning) mixture of two or more substances. It
(c) 150°C (d) 100°C (a) orange (b) blue consists of a solute and a solvent. The
(c) yellow (d) green solute dissolved in the solvent. For
Sol.(d) At lower pressure or higher example, in a saline solution, salt is the
altitudes, the boiling point is lower. At Sol.(d) Barium nitrate is used in signal solute dissolved in water as the solvent.
sea level, pure water boils at 212 °F flares and fireworks that burn in bright
(100°C). At the lower atmospheric green colour. Strontium yields deep reds; Q.175. ____ Law of independent
pressure on the top of Mount Everest, copper produces blues, and sodium migration of ions states that limiting
pure water boils at about 154 °F (68°C). yields yellow colour. molar conductivity of an electrolyte can
be represented as the sum of the
Q.168. Which of the following is a polar individual contributions of the anion and
Solutions cation of the electrolyte.
SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Morning) SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening)
(a) Carbon tetrachloride Q.172. ____is one of the most important (a) Dirac (b) Feynman
(b) Carbon dioxide techniques for the separation of a (c) Schrodinger (d) Kohlrausch
(c) Benzene mixture by passing it in solution or
(d) Water suspension through a medium in which Sol.(d) Kohlrausch Law of independent
the components move at different rates. migration of an ion at infinite dilution is
Sol.(d) A polar molecule is a molecule SSC-CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning) dependent on the nature of the solvent
containing polar bonds where the sum of (a)Filtration (b)Distillation and on the potential gradient but not on
all the bond's dipole moments is not (c)Evaporation (d)Chromatography the other ions present.
zero. Examples of Polar Molecules: Kohlrausch Law helps in determination
Water (H2O), Ethanol, Ammonia (NH3), Sol.(d) Chromatography is a laboratory of limiting molar conductivities for any
Sulfur dioxide (SO2), Hydrogen sulfide technique for the separation of a electrolyte. Weak electrolytes have lower
(H2S) mixture. The mixture is dissolved in a molar conductivities and lower degree of
fluid called the mobile phase, which dissociation at higher concentrations.
Q.169. The mineral named ‘Calaverite’ carries it through a structure holding
is a telluride mineral containing: another material called the stationary Q.176. Which among the following is
SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Morning) phase. The various constituents of the NOT true about a solution and the solute
(a) zinc (b) gold mixture travel at different speeds, concerned?
(c) silver (d) copper causing them to separate. SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning)
(a) The particles of the solute do not
Sol.(b) Calaverite, or gold telluride, is an Q.173. Which one of the following can scatter a beam of light
be categorised as a solution? (b) The particles of the solute settle
uncommon telluride of gold, a metallic
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning) down at the bottom when the solution is
mineral with the chemical formula
(a) Diamond (b) Sea Water kept undisturbed.
AuTe2, with approximately 3% of the
(c) Salt (d) Gold (c) The particles of the solute cannot be
gold replaced by silver.
seen with unaided eyes.
Sol.(b) Seawater is a mixture of pure (d) A solution is a homogeneous mixture
Q.170. The mineral Carnotite is an water and dissolved ionic substances..
important source of: Water is a very good solvent. Solvents
SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Morning) Sol.(b) Only the particles of a Solute in a
are liquids that dissolve other Heterogeneous solution settle down at
(a) copper (b) zinc substances.. Most of the water on earth,
(c) uranium (d) iron the bottom when the solution is left
including the water in oceans, lakes, undisturbed.
rivers, and ponds, contains many In a homogenous solution the solute gets
Sol.(c) Carnotite, radioactive, solutes..
bright-yellow, soft, and earthy vanadium dissolved completely in the solvent. For
All the other three options are elements example salt or sugar in water gets
mineral that is an important source of that exist in solid forms.. completely dissolved. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 436

Pinnacle Chemistry

stratosphere. Ozone Can be destroyed

Q.177. Solubility of gases in liquids Q.180. The mineral named ‘Calaverite’ more quickly than it is naturally created.
_____ with decrease in temperature. is a telluride mineral containing:
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening) SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Morning) Q.184. Which of the following acid is
(a) Remains constant (a) zinc (b) gold found in Apple?
(b) First decreases and then increases (c) silver (d) copper SSC-CGL 06/06/2019 (Evening)
(c) Increases (a) Malic Acid (b) Nitric Acid
(d) decreases Sol.(b) Calaverite, or gold telluride, is an (c) Formic Acid (d) Sulphuric Acid
uncommon telluride of gold, a metallic
Sol.(c) Solubility of gases in liquids mineral with the chemical formula Sol.(a) Malic acid is a naturally
increases with decrease in temperature AuTe2, with approximately 3% of the occurring substance found in many fruits
and it decreases with the increase in gold replaced by silver. and vegetables, and is largely
temperature. Adding heat to the solution responsible for the sour taste found in
provides thermal energy that overcomes Q.181. The mineral Carnotite is an apples and pears.
the attractive forces between the gas and important source of:
the solvent molecules, thereby SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Morning) Q.185. What is the dominant chemical
decreasing the solubility of the gas and (a) copper (b) zinc present in Vinegar?
when we decrease the temperature (c) uranium (d) iron SSC-CGL 10/06/2019 (Afternoon)
solubility increases. (a) Malic Acid (b) Formic Acid
Sol.(c) Carnotite, radioactive, (c) Sulphuric Acid (d) Ethanoic Acid
Q.178. ______ is a process in which bright-yellow, soft, and earthy vanadium
impure water is boiled and the steam is mineral that is an important source of Sol.(d) Vinegar consists of Ethanoic
collected and Acid (CH3COOH), water and some
uranium. Carnotite is a bright to
condensed in a separate container, amounts of other chemicals.
greenish-yellow mineral. The primary
leaving many of the solid contaminants Malic acid is found in apples.
uranium ore mineral is uraninite (UO2)
behind. Formic Acid found in ants.
(previously known as pitchblende).
SSC CGL 23/08/21(Afternoon)
(a) Decantation (b) Distillation Q.186. A traditional ‘Battery’ contains
Q.182. Barium nitrate is used in signal
(c) Filtration (d) Sedimentation which of the following chemicals?
flares and fireworks that burns in bright
SSC-CGL 10/06/2019 (Evening)
______ colour.
Sol.(b) Distillation is a process involving (a)Ethylene Glycol
SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Morning)
the conversion of a liquid into vapour (b) Sulphuric Acid
(a) orange (b) blue
that is subsequently condensed back to (c)Sodium Bicarbonate
(c) yellow (d) green
liquid. Decantation is a process for the (d) Ethanol
separation of mixtures of immiscible
Sol.(d) Barium nitrate is used in signal
liquids or of a liquid and a solid mixture Sol.(b) Lead and lead dioxide, the active
such as a suspension. Sedimentation is a flares and fireworks that burn in bright materials on the battery's plates, react
physical water treatment process using green colour. Strontium yields deep reds; with sulfuric acid in the electrolyte to
gravity to remove suspended solids from copper produces blues, and sodium form lead sulfate.
water. yields yellow colour.
Q.187. Which of the following acids is
Q.179. ______ is the process of allowing Chemistry in Everyday life present in ant bites?
particles in suspension in water to settle SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning)
out of the A suspension under the effect Q.183. Which of the following destroys (a) Formic Acid (b) Malic Acid
of gravity. the ozone layer? (c) Perchloric Acid (d) Nitric Acid
SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Morning) SSC-CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning)
(a) Filtration (b) Decantation (a)Sulphur (b)Carbon Sol.(a) The acid produced by ants is
(c) Sedimentation (d) Distillation (c)Chlorine (d)Silicon called formic acid.
Malic acid is found in apples
Sol.(c) Sedimentation is the process of Sol.(c) When chlorine and bromine
allowing particles in suspension in water atoms come into contact with ozone in Q.188. What is the dominant chemical
to settle out of the suspension under the the stratosphere, they destroy ozone present in detergent powder?
effect of gravity. The particles that settle molecules. One chlorine atom can SSC-CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning)
out from the suspension become destroy over 100,000 ozone molecules (a) Hydrochloric acid
sediment, and in water treatment is before it is removed from the (b)Sodium carbonate
known as sludge. (c)Calcium carbonate Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 437

Pinnacle Chemistry

(d)Sodium alkyl sulphate or moisture or by bacterial action, Sol.(c) Sodium benzoate is a

resulting in an unpleasant taste and odor. preservative commonly used in fruit
Sol.(b) Detergent powder, or commonly Oxidative rancidity is associated with pies, jams, beverages, salads, pickle,
known as “bleach” are mixtures of many the degradation by oxygen in the air. The relishes, and sauerkraut mainly in foods
chemical compounds which are similar double bonds of unsaturated fatty acid that have an acidic pH. When sodium
to soap but are less affected by hard can be cleaved by free-radical reactions benzoate is combined with water,
water. involving molecular oxygen. benzoic acid is produced. Benzoic acid
Thisreaction causes the release of is the active form of the preservative
Q.189. Which of the following gases has malodorous and highly volatile which protects foods.
an odour that is similar to the odour of aldehydes and ketones.
rotten eggs? Q.196. In food packaging industry,
SSC-CHSL 2/07/2019 (Morning) Q.193. Which of the following synthetic which gas is used to avoid the oxidation
(a)Hydrogen Sulfide chemicals is responsible for ozone layer of chips?
(b)Dimethylcyclohexane depletion? SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening)
(c) Chlorine SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning) (a)Nitrogen (b)Hydrogen
(d) Ammonia (a)Biopolymer (c)Helium (d)Carbon
Sol.(a) Hydrogen sulfide gas produces a (c)Polyvinyl Chloride Sol.(a) Chips packets are filled with
"rotten egg" or "sulfur water" odor and (d)Methanol nitrogen because it is an inert gas, which
taste in the water. prevents the oxidation of oils present in
Sol.(b) Researchers found evidence that chips.
Q.190. ______ is the primary acid the presence of chlorofluorocarbons
present in ripe bananas. (CFCs) and the other halogen-source Q.197. Which of the following
SSC-CHSL 5/07/2019 (Evening) gases in the stratosphere are responsible substances is used as a substitute for
(a)Formic acid (b)Sulphuric acid for the depletion of the ozone layer. chlorine in bleaching?
(c)Malic Acid (d)Hydrochloric acid Ozone-depleting substances (ODS) are SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning)
synthetic chemicals, which were used (a) Ethanal
Sol.(c) As the bananas progresses around the world in a wide range of (b) Liquid Carbon dioxide
through the ripening stage, malic acid is industrial and consumer applications. (c) Hydrogen Peroxide
metabolized in the process of respiration, (d) Tetrachloroethene
and by harvest, its concentration could Q.194. What is the chemical name of
be as low as 1 to 9 g/l. salt ? Sol.(c) Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening) used as a substitute for chlorine in
Q.191. Ozone gas is present in which (a)Magnesium Dioxide bleaching. It is a very pale blue liquid,
layer of atmosphere ? (b)Calcium Chloride slightly more viscous than water. It is
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening) (c)Sodium Sulphate used as an oxidizer, Bleaching agent and
(a)Stratosphere (b)Troposphere (d)Sodium Chloride antiseptic.
(c)Ionosphere (d)Mesosphere
Sol.(d) Sodium chloride is the chemical Q.198. When we cut an onion, the
Sol.(a) The ozone layer or ozone shield name of salt. It is an ionic compound synthase enzyme converts the amino
is a region of Earth's stratosphere that with the chemical formula NaCl, having acid sulfoxides of the onion into which
absorbs most of the UV rays from the a 1:1 ratio of sodium and chloride ions. acid?
Sun. It contains a high concentration of With molar masses of 22.99 and 35.45 SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Afternoon)
ozone (O3) in relation to the other parts g/mol respectively, 100 g of NaCl (a) Sulfenic acid (b) Citric acid
of the atmosphere.. contains 39.34 g Na and 60.66 g Cl. (c) Nitric acid (d) Sulphuric acid

Q.192.Which of the following gas Q.195. Which of the following chemical Sol.(a) The synthase enzyme converts
causes rancidity in food products? compounds is used as a preservative in the amino acids sulfoxides of the onion
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning) pickle ? into sulfenic acid. When we cut onion it
(a)Oxygen (b)Hydrogen SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening) actually breaks the microscopic cell
(c)Nitrogen (d)Carbon Monoxide (a)Calcium Metabisulphite filled with enzymes which after reaction
(b)Sodium Nitrate with air makes a lachrymatory
Sol.(a) Rancidification is the complete or (c)Sodium Benzoate compound which is similar to the
incomplete oxidation or hydrolysis of (d)Calcium Benzoate compound of tear gas.
fats and oils when exposed to air, light, Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 438

Pinnacle Chemistry

Q.199. Which of the following is the and odour resulting from freshly cut
major component of vinegar? Sol.(a) Argon is an inert gas which is onions? SSC CGL 18/08/21(Evening)
SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Afternoon) commonly used to fill incandescent light (a) Citric acid (b) Ascorbic acid
(a) Citric acid (b) Lactic acid bulbs because it increases the life of the (c) Acetic acid (d) Sulphuric acid
(c) Nitric acid (d) Acetic acid bulb by preventing the evaporation of
tungsten filaments. Other gases such as Sol.(d) Sulphuric acid is responsible for
Sol.(d) The main constituent of Vinegar helium, neon, nitrogen and krypton are the tears and odour resulting from
is acetic acid. It consists of about 5–20% also used in lighting. The gases used in freshly cut onions.
acetic acid (CH3COOH), water, and light bulbs are known as inert gases.
other trace chemicals. vinegar has been Q.208. Which of the following acids is
generally used as a preservative or as an Q.204. Oxalic Acid Is Found In- used in the purification of gold and
acid for cooking. SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Evening) silver? SSC CGL 18/08/21(Evening)
(a) Myrobalan (b) Tamarind (a) Maleic acid (b) Formic acid
Q.200. Which of the following acids is (c) Lemon (d) Spinach (c) Acetic acid (d) Nitric acid
NOT present in grapes?
SSC CGL 5-3-2020 (Evening) Sol.(d) Raw spinach contains oxalic Sol.(d) Nitric acid is used in the
(a) Malic acid (b) Citric acid acid, an organic substance that can purification of gold and silver since it
(c) Acetic acid (d) Tartaric acid
interfere with the absorption of essential dissolves the impurities like various
nutrients like calcium and iron. Oxalic metal oxides present on the surface of
Sol.(c) The organic acids found in
acid binds with calcium, making it gold. Gold is insoluble in HNO3.
grapes are tartaric, malic, and citric
unavailable for use by our bodies.
Q.209. Which of the following minerals
Q.201. Ozone at the higher level of the Q.205. Which of the following is a produces green color in fireworks?
atmosphere is a product of ______ process in which hot, less dense SSC CGL 20/08/21(Morning)
acting on oxygen molecules. materials rise upward and are replaced (a) Barium (b) Sodium
SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Afternoon) by colder, more dense materials? (c) Copper (d) Zinc
(a) UV radiation (b) gamma rays SSC CGL 13/08/21(Morning)
(c) IR radiation (d) x-rays (a) Condensation (b) Radiation Sol.(a) Barium produces green colour in
(c) Conduction (d) Convection fireworks and can also help stabilize
Sol.(a) In the stratosphere, ozone is other volatile elements. Further talking
created primarily by ultraviolet Sol.(d) Convection occurs when about the other minerals, Sodium
radiation. When high-energy ultraviolet particles with a lot of heat energy in a produces yellow color. Copper produces
rays strike ordinary oxygen molecules liquid or gas move and take the place of blue color and Zinc produces
(O2), they split the molecule into two particles with less heat energy. The bluish-white color.
single oxygen atoms, known as atomic liquid or gas in hot areas is less dense
oxygen. A freed oxygen atom then
than the liquid or gas in cold areas, so it Q.210. ______ is generally called as
combines with another oxygen molecule
to form a molecule of ozone. rises into the cold areas. Convection milk sugar as it is found in milk.
explains why hot air balloons rise. SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Morning)
Q.202. In which of the following is citric (a) Glucose (b) Fructose
acid present? Q.206. Which of the following is NOT (c) Maltose (d) Lactose
SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Morning) used to make toothpaste?
(a)Lemon (b)Tamarind SSC CGL 13/08/21(Afternoon) Sol.(d) Lactose (glucose + galactose) is
(c)Black Gram (d)Curd (a) Silica (b) Limestone generally called as milk sugar as it is
(c) Aluminium Oxide (d) Galena found in milk.
Sol.(a) Lemon juice does indeed contain
citric acid. In fact, compared to other Sol.(d) Galena is not used to make Q.211. Which of the following is
citrus fruits, such as oranges and toothpaste. Galena is also called lead responsible for producing green light in
grapefruits, lemons and limes contain a glance. It is the natural mineral form of fireworks?
noticeably higher concentration of citric lead (II) sulfide (PbS) and the most SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Afternoon)
acid. important ore of lead and an important (a) Potassium (b) Barium
Q.203. Which of the following is an source of silver. (c) Silicon (d) Sodium
inert gas most commonly found in light
bulbs? Q.207. When we cut an onion, the Sol.(b) Barium is responsible for
SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Evening) vegetable emits an odour and our eyes producing green light in fireworks.
(a)Argon (b)Hydrogen tear up. Which of the following Barium chloride (green) is unstable at
(c)Oxygen (d)Radon compounds is responsible for the tears Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 439

Pinnacle Chemistry

room temperatures, so barium must be Q.215. A wooden bat can be classified as a fire extinguisher. When heated to a
combined with a more stable compound as a/an ______ object. high temperature, the chemical
(e.g., chlorinated rubber). In this case, SSC MTS 06/10/21(Morning) properties of this salt make it produce
the chlorine is released in the heat of the (a) translucent (b) opaque lots of carbon dioxide and remove
burning of the pyrotechnic composition, (c) lustrous (d) transparent oxygen. This reduces the amount of
to then form barium chloride and oxygen and puts the fire out.
produce the green color. Sol.(b) A wooden bat can be classified
as an opaque object. Objects which do Q.219. Which of the following processes
Q.212. Which chemical reaction takes not allow light rays to pass through them converts liquid directly into its vapour
place during the cooking of meat? SSC are known as opaque objects. Common form?
CHSL 15/04/21 (Afternoon) examples of opaque objects are wood, SSC MTS 13/10/21(Afternoon)
(a) The Finkelstein reaction stone, metals, concrete, etc. (a) Evaporation (b) Sublimation
(b) The Swartz reaction (c) Condensation (d) Vaporisation
(c) The Gattermann reaction Q.216. Synthetic fibres catch fire easily.
(d) The Maillard reaction However, the uniforms of firemen have a Sol.(d) Vaporization converts liquid
coating of ______ plastic to make them directly into its vapour form.
Sol.(d) The browning reactions that flame resistant. SSC MTS 07/10/21 Vaporization of an element or substance
occur when meat is roasted or seared are (Afternoon)
is a phase transition from the liquid
complex and occur mostly by Maillard (a) nylon (b) melamine
phase to vapor. There are two types of
browning with contributions from other (c) acrylic (d) rayon
vaporization: evaporation and boiling.
chemical reactions, including the
breakdown of the tetrapyrrole rings of Sol.(b) Synthetic fibres catch fire easily.
Q.220. Which of the following elements
the muscle protein myoglobin. Maillard However, the uniforms of firemen have a
can be used to treat/purify water?
reactions also occur in dried fruit. coating of melamine plastic to make
SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Evening)
them flame resistant. It is also used in
(a) Potassium (b) Magnesium
Q.213. Which among the following is airplanes, buses, etc. to prevent the
used as the fining agent in wine? (c) Chlorine (d) Lead
spread of fire.
SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Morning)
(a) Gelatin (b) Chlorine Sol.(c) Chlorine element can be used to
(c) Sodium (d) Baking Soda Q.217. Which of the following is one of treat/purify water. Water chlorination is
the main active sulphur-containing used to kill bacteria, viruses, and other
Sol.(a) Gelatin is used as the fining agent compounds present in garlic and onion?
microbes in water. In particular,
in wine. Fining is the process where a SSC MTS 11/10/21(Morning)
chlorination is used to prevent the spread
substance (fining agent) is added to the (a) Allicin (b) Cellulose
of waterborne diseases such as cholera,
wine to create an adsorbent, enzymatic (c) Ethanol (d) Phenol
dysentery, and typhoid.
or ionic bond with the suspended
particles, producing larger molecules and Sol.(a) Allicin is one of the main active
Q.221. Which of the following gases is
larger particles that will precipitate out sulphur-containing compounds present
used in electric bulbs?
of the wine more readily and rapidly. in garlic and onion. Allicin is an oily,
SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Evening)
slightly yellow liquid that gives garlic its
(a) Halogen (b) Nitrogen
Q.214. Due to which of the following unique odor.
(c) Carbon dioxide (d) Hydrogen
reactions are household bleaching agents
using phosphorous, sulphur and chlorine Q.218. Complete the statement: Sodium Sol.(b) Nitrogen gas is used in electric
formed? hydrogen carbonate is used ______.
SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Morning) bulbs. A bulb is filled with an inert gas
SSC MTS 11/10/21(Afternoon)
(a) Decomposition reaction such as argon or nitrogen. It slows down
(a) for removing permanent hardness of
(b) Displacement reaction the evaporation of the tungsten filament
(c) Combination reaction compared to operating it in a vacuum.
(b) as a cleaning agent for domestic
(d) Disproportionation reaction This allows for greater temperature and
therefore results in greater efficiency of
(c) in soda-acid fire extinguishers
Sol.(d) Disproportionation is a redox (d) in the manufacture of borax filament life.
reaction in which one compound of an
intermediate oxidation state converts to Sol.(c) Complete the statement: Sodium Q.222. Which one of the following is the
two compounds, one of higher and one hydrogen carbonate is used in soda-acid primary component of natural gas? SSC
of lower oxidation states. MTS 18/10/2021 (Evening)
fire extinguishers. Sodium hydrogen
(a) Helium (b) Carbon Dioxide
carbonate or sodium bicarbonate is used Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 440

Pinnacle Chemistry

(c) Nitrogen (d) Methane sulfuric acid, sodium hydroxide, elements each. So he called these groups
magnesium hydroxide and sodium 'triads'.
Sol.(d) Methane (CH4) is a hydrocarbon acetate.
that is a primary component of natural Q.229. Who is the only scientist in the
gas. Methane is also a greenhouse gas Discoveries world to have won the Nobel Prize in
(GHG), so its presence in the Chemistry twice?
atmosphere affects the earth's Q.226. William Crookes was a physical SSC CGL 4-3-2020 (Evening)
temperature and climate system. It also chemist who discovered and named the (a) Linus Carl Pauling
includes ethane, propane, butane, and element __________ . (b) Roger D.Kornberg
pentane. SSC-CGL 07/06/2019 (Afternoon) (c) Madame Curie
(a) plutonium (b) germanium (d) Fraderick Sanger
Q.223. Whitewashed walls appear to be (c) thallium (d) beryllium
shiny after three to four days due to the Sol.(d) Fredrick Sanger is the Scientist
formation of: Sol.(c) Sir William Crookes discovered to win two Nobel prizes in Chemistry.
SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Evening) the element thallium and invented the He won his first Nobel prize in1963 and
(a) calcium nitrate radiometer, second in 1980.
(b) calcium sulphate Plutonium was discovered by Enrico
(c) calcium oxide Fermi. He has been called the "architect Common name
(d) calcium carbonate of the nuclear age " and the " architect of
the atomic bomb". Q.230. Which gas in its solid state is
Sol.(d) Whitewashed walls appear to be Germanium was discovered by Clemens also known as dry ice?
shiny after three to four days due to the Winkler. SSC-CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning)
formation of calcium carbonate Beryllium was discovered by Louis (a) Nitrogen (b)Carbon D
(CaCO3). Calcium carbonate (also Nicolas Vauquelin. (c)Oxygen (d) Hydrogen
known as chalk), mined as calcite, is the
most commonly used filler for PVC. Q.227. __________ was the first person Sol.(b) Dry ice is the solid form of
to isolate methane gas. He discovered carbon dioxide. It is used primarily as a
Q.224. Which of the following is used as
that methane mixed with air could be cooling agent. Its advantages include
a preservative?
exploded with an electric spark. lower temperature than that of water ice.
SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Morning)
SSC-CGL 07/06/2019 (Evening) It is useful for preserving frozen foods
(a) Magnesium Silicate
(a) Alessandro Volta where mechanical cooling is
(b) Sodium Palmitate
(b)William Thomson unavailable.
(c) Dipropylene Glycol
(d) Sodium Chloride (c) Louis Pasteur
(d) William Crookes Q.231.Which among the following gases
is also known as ‘Laughing Gas’?
Sol. (d) Sodium Chloride(Nacl) is used
Sol.(a) Alessandro Volta was the first SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
as a preservative. sodium nitrite, spices,
person to isolate methane and (a) Sulphur dioxide
vinegar, and alcohol have been used to (b) Nitrogen oxide
preserve foods. Sodium benzoate, Discovered methane mixed with air
could be exploded using an electric (c) Carbon dioxide
calcium propionate, and potassium (d) carbon Monoxide
spark: this is the basis of the internal
sorbate are used to prevent microbial
combustion engine.
growth that causes spoilage and to slow Sol.(b) Nitrous oxide, commonly known
changes in color, texture, and flavor. as laughing gas or nitrous, is a chemical
Q.228. In year 1817________ tried to
sort the elements with the same compound, an oxide of nitrogen with the
Q.225. Which of the following properties in groups. formula N2O. At room temperature, it is
household items contains sulphuric acid? SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning) a colourless non-flammable gas, with a
SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Evening) (a)Ammi Mother (b)Henry Moosly slight metallic scent and taste.
(a) Toothpaste (b) Vinegar (c)Dobereiner (d)Mendeleev
(c) Battery (d) Butter Q.232. Which is the more common
Sol.(c) In the year 1817, Johann name for solid carbon dioxide?
Sol.(c) Battery contains sulphuric acid. Wolfgang Döbereiner, a German SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Morning)
The chemicals which are electrolytes chemist, tried to arrange the elements (a) dry Ice (b) quick silver
include: Sodium chloride, chloric acid, with similar properties into groups. He (c) potash (d) epsom
nitric acid, potassium nitrate, identified some groups having three
hydrochloric acid, potassium nitrate, Sol.(a) Dry ice is the common name of
solid carbon dioxide. It does not melt Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 441

Pinnacle Chemistry

into liquid when heated but changes Sol.(d) Calcium hydroxide (traditionally
directly into gas through a process called slaked lime) is an inorganic Sol.(c) Sulfuric or sulphuric acid, also
sublimation. compound with the chemical formula known as oil of vitriol, is a mineral acid
Ca(OH)2.It is a colorless crystal or white composed of the elements sulfur, oxygen
Q.233. What is the popular name of “ powder and is produced when quicklime and hydrogen. It is a colourless,
Ascorbic Acid”? is mixed, or slaked with water. It has odourless and viscous liquid that is
SSC-CGL 10/06/2019 (Afternoon) many names including hydrated lime, soluble in water and iis synthesized in
(a) Vitamin A (b) Vitamin B-12 caustic lime, builders' lime, slack lime, reactions that are highly exothermic.
(c) Vitamin K (d) Vitamin C cal, or pickling lime
Q.241. Which of the following gas is
Sol.(d) Vitamin C, also known as Q.237. Calcium sulphate dihydrate is referred to as ‘laughing gas’?
ascorbic acid is used to prevent and treat commonly known as____. SSC CHSL 14-10-2020 (Evening)
scurvy. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Evening) (a)Sulfur dioxide (b)Carbon monoxide
involved in the repair of tissue. It is (a)glass (b)gypsum (c)Carbon dioxide(d)Nitrous oxide
required for the functioning of several (c)asbestos (d)limestone
enzymes and is important for immune Sol.(b) dihydrate (CaSO4.2H2O) also Sol.(d) Nitrous oxide is referred to as
system function. It also functions as an known as Gypsum is a white odorless ‘laughing gas.
antioxidant. crystalline solid. It is used as a fertilizer
and is the main constituent of plaster of Q.242. Which of the following is the
Q.234. Which of the following is the paris, blackboard chalk, and drywall. chemical formula for Nitre (saltpeter)?
chemical name of baking soda? CHSL 20-10-2020 (Afternoon)
SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 (Afternoon) Q.238. Methane is colourless, odourless (a) KCl.MgCl2 (b) KNO3
(a)Sodium Carbonate non-toxic but flammable gas. What is its (c) KCl (d) KAl2O3
(b) Sulphate common name?
(c)Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate SSC CGL 4-3-2020 (Afternoon) Sol.(b) Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) is the
(d)Calcium Hydroxide (a) Blue Vitriol (b) Laughing Gas chemical formula for Nitre (saltpeter).
(c) Heating Gas (d) Marsh Gas
Sol.(c) Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate or Q.243. Aqua regia is a freshly prepared
Sodium bicarbonate, commonly known Sol.(d) Methane is known as marsh gas mixture of concentrated hydrochloric
as baking soda, . because it is the product of swamp and acid and concentrated nitric acid. What
Sodium carbonate is commonly referred marshes beneath the underwater and in is the ratio of this mixture?
to as washing soda. a musk. The production and combustion SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Evening)
Calcium hydroxide is commonly of natural gas and coal is the main (a) 2 : 3 (b) 2 : 1
referred to as slaked lime. source of methane. (c) 2 : 2 (d) 3 : 1

Q.235. What is the chemical name of Q.239. Which of the following is also Sol.(d) Aqua regia is a freshly prepared
Dry Ice ? known as Epsom salt? mixture of concentrated hydrochloric
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening) SSC CGL 5-3-2020 (Evening) acid and concentrated nitric acid in the
(a)Oxidane (b)Nitrogen Oxide (a) Sodium Sulphate ratio 3:1.
(b) Magnesium Sulphate
(c)Sulphur Dioxide(d)Carbon Dioxide
(c) Ferrous Sulphate
(d) Calcium Sulphate Q.244. Saltpetre is another name for
Sol.(d) Dry Ice is the common name for ______.
solid carbon dioxide (CO2). It gets this Sol.(b) Epsom salt is also known as SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening)
name because it does not melt into a magnesium sulfate(MgSO4). It gets its (a) potassium nitrate
liquid when heated, instead, it changes name from the town of Epsom in Surrey, (b) potassium chloride
directly into a gas (This process is England, where it was originally (c) sodium chloride
known as sublimation). discovered. (d) sodium hydroxide

Q.236. What is the chemical name of Q.240. What is the chemical name of Sol.(a) Salt Petre is a common name for
slaked lime? ‘oil of vitriol’? Potassium Nitrate.
SSC CHSL 08/07/2019 (Evening) SSC CHSL 13-10-2020 (Evening) Common name of Potassium chloride is
(a)Calcium Nitrate (a) Calcium hydroxide Sylvite.
(b)Sodium Chloride (b) Methyl alcohol Common name of Sodium Chloride is
(c)Calcium Chloride (c) Sulfuric acid Common salt.
(d)Calcium Hydroxide (d) Sodium chloride/ Common name of Sodium Hydroxide is
Caustic soda. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 442

Pinnacle Chemistry

(a) It can be used as a cleaning agent for Sol.(b) Silica is the primary component
Q.245. What is the chemical symbol of domestic purposes. of quartz. Silicon dioxide, also known as
magnesium? (b) It is used in glass, soap and paper silica, is an oxide of silicon with the
SSC CGL 23/08/21(Afternoon) industries. chemical formula SiO2, commonly found
(a) Mg (b) Ma (c) Ms (d) Mn (c) It is used to make drinking water free in nature as quartz.
from germs.
Sol.(a) Mg is the chemical symbol of (d) It is used for removing permanent Q.253. Ethanoic acid is also known as
magnesium with atomic number 12. It is hardness of water. glacial acetic acid as it:
a shiny gray solid in group 2 of the SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Morning)
periodic table. Mn is the chemical Sol.(c) “It is used to make drinking (a) crystallizes easily
symbol of Manganese with the atomic water free from germs” is not a use of (b) is volatile during winter
number 25. washing soda. Washing soda is a (c) freezes in cold climate
chemical compound with the formula (d) is a liquid during winter
Q.246. Which of the following is the Na2CO3, also known as sodium
common name of a natural admixture carbonate, and it's a salt of carbonic acid. Sol.(c) Ethanoic acid (CH₃COOH) is
mineral of zinc carbonate and hydrous Some use washing soda to make also known as glacial acetic acid as it
zinc silicate? homemade laundry detergent, to clean freezes in cold climates. It is also known
SSC CGL 24/08/21(Afternoon) especially in hard water, and some even
as Acetic Acid and classified as
(a) Chalk (b) Borax use it as a laundry additive to soften
Carboxylic acid. Ethanoic acid is formed
(c) Calamine (d) Benzol water.
when ethanol is oxidized. Ethanoic acid
is found in Vinegar.
Sol.(c) Calamine is the common name of Q.250. Which of the following elements
a natural admixture mineral of zinc is NOT a component of baking soda?
Q.254. Five to eight per cent solution of
carbonate (ZnCO3 or smithsonite) and SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Evening)
acetic acid in water is known as: SSC
hydrous zinc silicate (a) Hydrogen (b) Calcium
MTS 26/10/2021 (Evening)
(Zn4Si2O7(OH)2·H2O or hemimorphite). (c) Sodium (d) Oxygen
(a) vinegar (b) lime
(c) alcohol (d) quicklime
Q.247. Which of the following is the Sol.(b) Calcium is NOT a component of
other name for 'Marsh Gas'? baking soda. Baking soda has four
Sol.(a) Five to eight per cent solution of
SSC CGL 24/08/21(Afternoon) components: sodium, hydrogen, carbon
(a) Methane (b) Propane and oxygen. acetic acid in water is known as
(c) Ethane (d) Butane vinegar(CH₃COOH).
Q.251. Which of the following is the Acetic acid is also called ethanoic acid.
Sol.(a) Methane is also known as Marsh scientific name of the mineral called
Gas because it is found in marshy land chromite? Miscellaneous
where anaerobic bacterial decomposition SSC MTS 11/10/21(Evening)
of vegetable matter produces methane (a) Aluminium chromium oxide Q.255. Rust needs three components to
gas. (b) Copper chromium oxide occur, i.e., _______________
(c) Silver chromium oxide SSC-CGL 06/06/2019 (Afternoon)
Q.248. What is the generic name of (d) Iron chromium oxide (a) Steel, iron and oxygen
calcium sulphate hemihydrate? (b) Iron, oxygen and moisture
SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Afternoon) Sol.(d) The scientific name of the (c) Iron, nitrogen and moisture
(a) Baking soda (b) Plaster of Paris mineral called chromite is Iron (d) Helium, hydrogen and nitrogen
(c) Detergent powder (d) Vinegar chromium oxide. Chromite is used as a
refractory in the production of steel, Sol.(b) Rusting is an oxidation reaction.
Sol.(b) The generic name of calcium copper, glass, and cement. Chromite In which Iron reacts with oxygen in
sulfate hemihydrate is plaster of Paris. occurs as a primary accessory mineral in presence of moisture.
Plaster of Paris is also referred to as basic and ultrabasic igneous rocks.
Gypsum plaster. The chemical formula Q.256. The explosion of crackers is an
of plaster of Paris is - CaSO4·H2O or Q.252. Which of the following is the example of _________
2CaSO4·H2O. primary component of quartz? SSC-CGL 10/06/2019 (Afternoon)
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Evening) (a) Combustion (b) Precipitation
Q.249. Which of the following is NOT a (a) Aluminium (b) Silica (c) Decomposition (d)Evaporation
use of washing soda? (c) Zinc (d) Iron
SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Afternoon) Sol.(a) Explosion of crackers is an
example of explosive combustion in Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 443

Pinnacle Chemistry

which a large amount of light,heat and Sol.(a) Common compounds used as temperatures very close to absolute zero
sound is produced. A large amount of active ingredients in antiperspirants are (-273.15 °C).
gases is released quickly. It is the rapid aluminum chlorohydrate, aluminum
expansion of these gases which causes a zirconium trichlorohydrex glycine, Q.264. Which state is necessary for
large sound. aluminum chlorohydrate and aluminum rusting of iron ?
hydroxybromid. Hence, Aluminium is SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Q.257. The joint process of the most common element used in (a)Absence of O2 (b)Presence of CO2
vapourisation and condensation is called: antiperspirants (c)Absence of Water(d)Presence of O2
SSC-CHSL 2/07/2019 (Morning)
(a) Sublimation (b) Chromatography Q.261. Which of the following ions are Sol.(d) Rust is a type of corrosion. It
(c) Distillation (d) Crystallisation responsible for hardness of water? happens to Iron and its alloys when it is
SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening) exposed to air(oxygen) or water for a
Sol.(c) Distillation is the process of (a)Sodium and Magnesium ions long time. Rust slowly decomposes iron
separating the components or substances (b)Calcium and Magnesium ions into other chemicals. However,
from a liquid mixture by using selective (c)Potassium and Calcium ions impurities in the iron, the presence of
boiling and condensation. The process of (d)Sodium and Calcium ions water vapor, acids, salts and carbon
distillation begins with heating a liquid dioxide hastens rusting. Pure iron does
to boiling point. The liquid evaporates, Sol.(b) Hardness in water is generally not rust in dry and carbon dioxide free
forming a vapor. The vapor is then caused by compounds of Calcium (Ca2+) air
cooled, usually by passing it through and Magnesium(Mg2+). Calcium is
pipes or tubes at a lower temperature. dissolved in water as it passes over and Q.265. What is deposited on iron in the
through limestone deposits. Magnesium process of galvanization?
Q.258. Which of the following gases is dissolved as water passes over and SSC-CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning)
causes explosion in coal mines? through dolomite and other magnesium (a)Copper (b)Zinc
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning) bearing formations. (c)Tin (d)Aluminium
(a)Carbon dioxide (b)Nitrogen
(c)Butane (d)Methane Q.262. Which of the following is NOT a Sol.265.(b) Galvanization is the process
process of water cycle? of applying a protective zinc coating to
Sol.(d) Methane explosions occur in SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon) steel or iron, to prevent rusting. The
mines when a buildup of methane gas, a (a)Ammonification (b)Transpiration most common method is hot-dip
byproduct of coal, comes into contact (c)Evaporation (d)Condensation galvanizing, in which the parts are
with a heat source, and there is not submerged in a bath of molten zinc.
enough air to dilute the gas to levels Sol.(a) When a plant or animal dies or an
below its explosion point. animal expels waste, the initial form of Q.266. Rusting of iron is an example of
nitrogen is organic. Further, Bacteria or _______.
Q.259.Which of the following is a fungi convert the organic nitrogen within SSC CHSL 08/07/2019 (Morning)
Secondary Pollutant? the remains back into ammonium (NH4+) (a) combustion (b) corrosion
SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon) through a process called (c) evaporation (d) condensation
(a)Smog (b)Carbon Monoxide Ammonification. Hence, it is not a
(c)Fly Ash (d)Carbon Dioxide process of water cycle Sol.(b) Corrosion is the process of
deterioration of materials as a result of
Sol.(a) Smog formation in general Q.263. What is the state of a matter chemical, electrochemical or other
depends on both primary and secondary called which is made after cooling a gas reactions. Rusting is a part of corrosion
pollutants. Primary pollutants are of very low density at a very low and is a chemical process which results
emitted directly from a source, such as temperature? in the formation of red or orange coating
emissions of sulphur dioxide from coal SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning) on the surface of metals.
combustion. Secondary pollutants, such (a)Solid
as ozone, are formed when primary (b)Plasma Q.267. _______ gas gives an orange
pollutants undergo chemical reactions in (c)Liquid glow when electricity is passed through
the atmosphere. (d)Bose-Einstein Condensation it. It is generally used in fluorescent
Q.260. Which of the following elements lighting.
is used in antiperspirant deodorant ? Sol.(d) A Bose–Einstein Condensate (BEC) SSC CHSL 08/07/2019 (Morning)
SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning) is a state of matter (also called the fifth state (a) Nitrogen (b) Hydrogen
(a)Aluminium (b)Iron of matter), which is formed when a gas of (c) Neon (d) Oxygen
(c)Copper (d)Sodium bosons at low densities is cooled to Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 444

Pinnacle Chemistry

Sol.(c) Neon gas gives an orange glow SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning) 99% of cotton is made up of which
when electricity is passed through it. It is (a)Hydrogen (b)Tungsten polymer?
generally used in fluorescent lighting. (c)Osmium (d)Fluorine SSC CHSL 08/07/2019 (Evening)
(a)Epoxy (b)Cellulose
Q.268. Salt is obtained from seawater by Sol.(c) The chemical element with the (c)Proteins (d)Teflon
which process ? lowest density is Hydrogen and the
SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening) highest density is Osmium. Sol.(b) After scouring and bleaching,
(a)Sedimentation (b)Galvanisation cotton is 99% cellulose. Cellulose is a
(c)Evaporation (d)Sublimation Q.272. Which among the following is a polysaccharide consisting of a linear
secondary pollutant? chain of several hundred to many
Sol.(c) Evaporation is the process by SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning) thousands of 𝛃(1--4) linked D-glucose
which the common salt is obtained from (a)Ozone units.
sea water. When the sea water is heated (b)Nitrogen Oxide
or evaporated, the solid salt is left (c)Carbon Monoxide Q.275._______ is one of the liquids
behind. Artificial set ups are made so (d)Sulphur Dioxide commonly used in liquid-in-glass
that the salt can be collected and thermometers.
transported for commercial or industrial Sol.(a) Tropospheric, or Ground-level CHSL 10/07/2019 (Afternoon)
purposes. ozone is a colorless and highly irritating (a)Liquid nitrogen (b)Alcohol
gas that forms just above the earth's (c)Water (d)Liquid hydrogen
Q.269. What is the peculiarity of the surface. It is called a "secondary"
compound Yttrium Barium Copper pollutant because it is produced by Sol.(b) The two common liquids used in
Oxide (YBCO)? chemical reactions between two primary liquid-in-glass thermometers are alcohol
SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning) pollutants, namely, Oxides of Nitrogen (ethanol) and mercury, which have
(a)It is a highly radioactive material (NOx) and volatile organic compounds melting points and boiling points of
(b)It is a high temperature (VOCs). -114°C, 79°C and -39°C, 357°C.
(c)It is an almost 100% transparent Q.273. Rusting of iron is an example Q.276. Which of the following fuels has
material of__________. calorific value equal to petrol?
(d)It has got very high malleability and CHSL 08/07/2019 (Afternoon) SSC CHSL 10/07/2019 (Evening)
ductility (a)Addition reaction (a)Methane (b)Kerosene
(b)Displacement reaction (c)CNG (d)LPG
Sol.(b) Yttrium barium copper oxide (c)Dissociation reaction
(YBCO) is a family of crystalline (d)Redox Reaction Sol.(b) From the given table we can
chemical compounds, famous for compare and conclude that Kerosene has
displaying high-temperature Sol.(d) The reaction in which oxidation the same calorific value as that of petrol.
superconductivity. It includes the first and reduction occurs simultaneously is
material ever discovered to become called Redox reaction. Rust of iron is
superconducting above the boiling point nothing but hydrate of iron oxide
of liquid nitrogen (77 K) at about 92 K. (Fe2O3.nH2O) and iron(III) oxide
-hydroxide (FeO(OH)Fe(OH)3). It is an
Q.270. Which of the following is not a electrochemical process, half reactions
type of Combination Reaction? of which are as follows.
SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening) 1. O2 + 4e− + 2H2O → 4 OH− Here
(a)Adding water to quicklime oxygen gains electrons thus, it is
(b)Heating of Calcium Carbonate oxidizing agent.
(c)Formation of Water
(d)Burning of Coal 2. Fe → Fe2 + 2e− as you can see from
this half cell reaction Fe by loses
Sol.(b) Calcium carbonate is strongly electron and thus it is reducing agent.
Q.277. Sapphire and ruby are varieties
heated until it undergoes thermal of natural:
Thus in rusting of iron reduction and
decomposition to form calcium oxide SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening)
oxidation occurs indeed, and hence it is a
and carbon dioxide. Hence, it is not a (a) aluminium sulphide
Redox reaction.
combination reaction. (b) aluminium hydroxide
Q.274. After going through the (c) aluminium carbonate
Q.271. Which among the following processes of scouring and bleaching, (d) aluminium oxide
elements has the highest density? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 445

Pinnacle Chemistry

(a) Palladium (b) Barium Sol.(a) Galvanisation is the process of

Sol.(d) Sapphire and ruby are varieties (c) Iron (d) Tungsten applying a protective zinc coating to iron
of natural aluminium oxide. Aluminium or steel, to prevent rusting.
forms one stable oxide, known by its Sol.(a) Hydrogenation reaction is a Annealing is a heat treatment process
mineral name corundum ( corundum is a chemical reaction between hydrogen and that changes the physical and the
crystalline form of aluminium oxide other compound in presence of catalyst chemical properties of a material to
(Al2O3).Sapphire and ruby are impure Barium increase ductility and reduce the
corundum contaminated with trace hardness to make it more workable.
amounts of other metals. Q.282. Which of the following is used to Welding is a fabrication process that
remove the green colour from glass? joins materials, usually metals or
Q.278. Which among the following SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Evening) thermoplastics, by using high heat to
combinations is present in higher (a) Manganese dioxide melt the parts together and allowing
amount in hard water? (b) Silicon dioxide them to cool, causing fusion.
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening) (c) Sulphur dioxide Smelting is a process of applying heat to
(a) Calcium and magnesium (d) Titanium dioxide ore in order to extract a base metal.
(b) Calcium and sodium
(c) Sodium and magnesium Sol.(a) Sodium Permanganate is Q.286. NPK is a:
(d) Sodium and manganese produced by using Manganese dioxide to SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Morning)
remove green from glass that results (a) Fertilizer used for increasing fertility
Sol.(a) Calcium and magnesium from the presence of Iron. of soil
combination is present in higher (b) Medicine used to control pests
amounts in hard water . When water Q.283. Which of the following is used (c) Brand of sprinkler for irrigation
percolates through limestone or gypsum for removing permanent hardness of (d) Sanitizer used to clean dusty leaves
which is high in calcium and magnesium water?
content then Hard water is formed . SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Afternoon) Sol.(a) NPK stands for “Nitrogen,
(a)Lime (b)Washing soda Phosphorus and Potassium”, the three
Q.279. In the Canada Deuterium (c)Bleaching powder (d)Baking soda nutrients that compose complete
Uranium (CANDU) reactor, a natural fertilizer.
uranium-fuelled reactor, the function of Sol.(b) Permanent Hardness of Water
moderator and coolant is performed by: can be removed by the washing Q.287. ______ is the inflammatory
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening) soda(Sodium Carbonate). Insoluble compound in pepper spray.
(a) heavy water (b) light water carbonates are formed when washing SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Morning)
(c) carbon dioxide (d) sodium soda reacts with sulfide and chloride (a) CFC (b) curcumin
salts of magnesium and calcium and thus (c) gingerol (d) capsaicin
Sol.(a) The CANDU reactor uses either hard water is converted to soft water
light or heavy water for its coolant. Sol.(d) Capsaicin is the inflammatory
Q.284. Name the densest stable element compound in pepper spray which causes
Q.280. Which acid makes the known on earth. burning, pain and tears when it comes
atmosphere of venus have thick white SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Evening) into contact with a person’s eyes.
and yellowish clouds? (a)Rhodium (b)Osmium
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) (c)Aluminium (d)Tungsten Q.288. Iron nails become ______ after
(a) Sulphuric acid (b) Nitric acid being dipped in copper sulphate solution.
(c) Acetic acid (d) Hydrochloric acid Sol.(b) Osmium has a blue-gray tint and SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening)
is the densest stable element, it is (a) greenish (b) bluish
Sol.(a) The atmosphere of Venus is made approximately twice as dense as lead and (c) brownish (d) greyish
up mainly of carbon dioxide, and thick slightly denser than iridium.
clouds of sulfuric acid completely cover Sol.(c) Iron nails become brownish in
the planet. The atmosphere traps the Q.285. In which process is a protective colour and the blue colour of copper
small amount of energy from the sun zinc coating applied on iron to prevent it sulphate solution fades because when an
that does reach the surface along with from rusting? iron nail is dipped in the copper sulphate
the heat the planet itself releases. SSC CHSL 12-10-2020 (Morning) solution because iron is more reactive
(a) Galvanisation (b) Annealing than copper therefore the colour of
Q.281. Which of the following can be (c) Welding (d) Smelting copper sulphate solution changes.
used as a catalyst in Hydrogenation
SSC CGL 5-3-2020 (Afternoon) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 446

Pinnacle Chemistry

Q.289. What is the number of hydrogen conductors in the Solid state. Example of dyes, pigments, and paint, and coating
atoms in a molecule of calcium ionic solid is table salt. additives.
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning) Q.293. Topaz is a ______ of fluorine Q.297. Chemicals called ______ link to
(a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 4 (d) 0 and aluminum. form proteins.
SSC CGL 16/08/21(Evening) SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Morning)
Sol.(a) calcium bicarbonate, also called (a) sulphate (b) phosphate (a) oxalic acids (b) amino acids
calcium hydrogen carbonate, has a (c) carbonate (d) silicate (c) citric acids (d) nitric acids
chemical formula Ca(HCO3)2. So the
number of Hydrogen atoms is equal to Sol.(d) Topaz ( Al₂SiO₄(FOH)₂) is a Sol.(b) Proteins are large biomolecules
two. silicate of fluorine and aluminum. It is and macromolecules that comprise one
used as a gemstone in jewelry and other or more long chains of amino acid
Q.290. What is the meaning of the adornments. residues. The amino acids link to form
Greek origin word, ‘Elektron’? proteins.
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning) Q.294. What is the boiling point at
(a) Charge (b) Negative standard atmospheric pressure at sea Q.298. Which of the following has a
(c) Amber (d) Ebonite level and 45° latitude of water on the tetragonal crystal system?
Celsius scale? SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Morning)
Sol.(c) The word "elektron" in Greek SSC CGL 20/08/21(Morning) (a) Potassium nitrate
means amber, the yellow fossilized resin (a) 150°C (b) 100°C (b) Zinc oxide
of evergreen trees, a "natural plastic (c) 50°C (d) 200°C (c) Cadmium sulphide
material" already known to the ancient (d) Calcium sulphate
Greeks. Sol.(b) Boiling point is the temperature
at which a liquid starts to boil. The Sol.(c) Calcium sulphate has a tetragonal
Q.291. In a galvanic cell, the half-cell in boiling point at standard atmospheric crystal system.
which oxidation takes place is called pressure at sea level and 45° latitude of Structure of others– Potassium nitrate
______ and it has a negative potential water on the Celsius scale is 100°C. (an orthorhombic crystal structure), Zinc
with respect to the solution. oxide (Hexagonal wurtzite and cubic
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening) Q.295. Which of the following gases is zincblende), Cadmium sulphide
(a) cathode (b) anode naturally formed via the anaerobic decay (hexagonal wurtzite structure).
(c) diode (d) triode of phosphorus-containing
organic matter? Q.299. ‘PVC’ is a high strength
Sol.(b) Oxidation takes place at anode. SSC CGL 24/08/21(Evening) thermoplastic material widely used in
And reduction happens at the cathode in (a) Perchloryl fluoride applications, such as pipes, medical
a galvanic cell. (b) Phosgene devices, wire and cable insulation. What
Since the reaction at the anode is the (c) Phosphine is the full form of PVC?
source of electrons for the current, the (d) Phosphorus pentafluoride SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Afternoon)
anode is the negative terminal of the (a) Polyvinyl Carbazole
galvanic cell. Sol.(c) Phosphine gases are naturally (b) Polyvinyl Chloride
formed via the anaerobic decay of (c) Polyvinyl Calcium
Q.292. ______ solids are formed by the phosphorus-containing organic matter. (d) Polyvinyl Carbonate
three-dimensional arrangements of
cations and anions Q.296. Which of the following is a weak Sol.(b) Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is the
bound by strong coulombic electrolyte? world's third-most widely produced
(electrostatic) forces. SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Afternoon) synthetic plastic polymer after
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening) (a) Sodium chloride polyethylene and polypropylene.
(a) Metallic (b) Molecular (b) Calcium chloride
(c) Ionic (d) Covalent (c) Ethanoic acid Q.300. To which group of organic
(d) Magnesium sulphate molecules does 'Monosaccharides'
Sol.(c) Ionic solids are formed by the belong?
three-dimensional arrangements of Sol.(c) Ethanoic acid is a weak SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Afternoon)
cations and anions electrolyte. Acetic acid (CH3COOH), (a) Lipids (b) Nucleic acids
bound by strong coulombic also called ethanoic acid, is the most (c) Carbohydrates (d) Proteins
(electrostatic) forces. They have very important of the carboxylic acids.
high melting point and are poor Ethanoic or acetic acid is used in making Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 447

Pinnacle Chemistry

Sol.(c) Monosaccharides are the simplest (c) one (d) four Sol.(d) The transition of a substance
form of carbohydrates with only one directly from the solid to the gas phase
simple sugar. Sol.(d) Process of formation of hydrogen without passing is the process of
by passing steam over red hot iron is sublimation. Dry ice, Polar evaporation,
Q.301. Zinc + Sulphuric acid → Zinc presented by the following balanced Snow in the mountains, The
sulphate + ______ chemical equation: 3Fe + 4H2O --> 4H2 disappearance of naphthalene, Arsenic
SSC MTS 05/10/21(Morning) + Fe3O4.. As it can be seen from the treatment, Iodine treatment, Frost
(a) Hydrogen (b) Nitrogen equation, there are 4 water molecules on formation, Planetary accretion.
(c) Carbon (d) Chlorine the left-hand side of the equation.

Sol.(a) Zinc + Sulphuric acid → Zinc Q.305. How many pollutants are
sulphate + Hydrogen. included to measure the Air Quality
Index in India?
Q.302. Which of the following elements SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Morning)
has the highest thermal conductivity of (a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 6 (d) 12
any element and the highest light Sol.(b) 8 pollutants are included to
reflectance? measure the Air Quality Index in India.
SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Morning) Eight pollutants namely particulate
(a) Aluminium (b) Copper matter (PM) 10, PM 2.5, Ozone (O3),
(c) Brass (d) Silver Sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide
(NO2), carbon monoxide (CO), lead (Pb)
Sol.(d) Silver has the highest thermal and ammonia (NH3) act as major
conductivity of any element and the parameters in deriving the AQI of an
highest light reflectance. It is also the area.
most electrically conductive element
followed by copper and gold. Q.306. Burning of coal is a ______
Q.303. Which of the following is one of SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Morning)
the six pollutants under Kyoto Protocol (a) displacement
regulations? (b) decomposition
SSC MTS 08/10/21 (Afternoon) (c) combination
(a) Chlorine (d) double displacement
(b) Phosgene
(c) Carbon monoxide Sol.(c) Burning of coal is a combination
(d) Perfluorocarbons reaction. A combination reaction is a
reaction where two or more elements or
Sol.(d) Perfluorocarbon is one of the six
compounds combine to form a single
pollutants under Kyoto Protocol
regulations. The six greenhouse gases
under Kyoto Protocol are carbon dioxide
Q.307. Which of the following
(CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide statements best explains the process of
(N2O), and the so-called sublimation?
F-gases(hydrofluorocarbons and SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Afternoon)
perfluorocarbons) and sulphur (a) The process of water movement
hexafluoride (SF6). through a plant and its evaporation from
aerial parts.
Q.304. When the process of formation of (b) The process by which water vapour
hydrogen by passing steam over red hot in the air is changed into liquid water.
iron is presented in the form of a (c) The process by which water changes
balanced chemical equation, then the from a liquid to a gas or vapour.
number of water molecules on the (d) The transition of a substance directly
left-hand side of the equation are from the solid to the gas phase without
______. passing
SSC MTS 13/10/21(Morning)
(a) three (b) two Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 448

Pinnacle Biology

BIOLOGY The scientific name of the pigeon is Bos taurus. The scientific name of
Columbidae. The scientific name of the Buffalo is Bos taurus.
parrot is Psittaciformes.
Scientific name
Q.9. What is the scientific name of
Q.5. Which of the following flowers is peacock ?
Q.1.’Canis lupus’ is commonly known
botanically known as Narcissus? SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning)
SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) (a) Psittacula Eupartia
SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
(a) Rose (b) Carnation (b) Pavo Cristatus
(a) Cow (b) Goat
(c) Lily (d) Daffodil (c) Eudynamys scolopaceus
(c) Gray wolf (d) Hen
(d) Molpastes Cafer
Sol.(d) Daffodil is Botanically known as
Sol.(c) The wolf (Canis lupus), also Narcissus.The scientific name of Rose is Sol.(b) The Indian peafowl, also known
known as the gray/grey wolf, timber Rosa. The scientific name of Carnation as the common peafowl, and blue
wolf, or tundra wolf. Scientific name of is Dianthus caryophyllus. The scientific peafowl, is a large and brightly coloured
the cow is Bos taurus. The scientific name of Lily is Lilium. bird, is a species of peafowl native to the
name of Goat is Capra aegagrus
Indian subcontinent, but introduced in
hircus.The scientific name of Hen is Q.6. Malus pumila is the botanical name many other parts of the world.
Gallus domesticus. of the _____tree.
SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) Q.10. The Lion Tailed Macaque is also
Q.2.’Capra aegagrus hircus’ is (a) Banana (b) Apple called _______.
commonly known as_____. (c) Orange (d) Watermelon SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening)
SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
(a) Silver Baboon
(a) Cow (b) Goat Sol.(b) The accepted scientific name of (b) Beard Baboon
(c) Hen (d) Dog the apple, common apple, and paradise (c) Black Baboon
apple is Malus pumila. (d) Houler Baboon
Sol.(b) The domestic goat or simply goat The scientific name of Banana is Musa.
(Capra aegagrus hircus) is a subspecies The scientific name of Orange Citrus X Sol.(b) The lion-tailed macaque (Macaca
of Cap Aegagrus domesticated from the sinensis. The scientific name of silenus), or the wanderoo, is an Old
wild goat of Southwest Asia and Eastern Watermelon is Citrullus lanatus. World monkey endemic to the Western
Ghats of South India.
Q.7. Citrullus lanatus is the botanical
Q.3. ‘Megaptera novaeangliae’ is name for______. Q.11. Cobalamin is the scientific name
commonly known as_____. SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) of Vitamin _____.
SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) (a) Apple (b) Watermelon SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening)
(a) African wild cat (c) Orange (d) Banana (a) B1 (b) C (c) B12 (d) E
(b) Bumblebee
(c) Tree frog
Sol.(b) Citrullus lanatus is the botanical Sol.(c) Vitamin B12 also known as
(d) Humpback whale
name of Watermelon. cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin
The scientific name of Banana is Musa. involved in the metabolism of every cell
Sol.(d) The humpback whale (Megaptera
The scientific name of Orange Citrus X of the human body: it is a cofactor in
novaeangliae) is a species of baleen
sinensis. The scientific name of DNA synthesis, and in both fatty acid
whale. The scientific name of
Watermelon is Citrullus lanatus. and amino acid metabolism.
Bumblebee is Bombus. The scientific
name of Tree frog is Hyla. The scientific
Q.8. Bos mutus is the scientific name Q.12. _______ are commonly known as
name of the African wild cat is Felis
for: comb jellies.
SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning)
(a) Wild Yak (b) Horse (a) Platyhelminthes
Q.4. Passer Domesticus is commonly
(c) Ox (d) Buffalo (b) Arthropoda
known as ___________.
(c) Ctenophora
SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Evening)
Sol.(a) The wild yak scientific name Bos (d) Mollusca
(a) Parrot (b) Lark
mutus is a large wild bovid native to the
(c) Sparrow (d) Pigeon
Himalayas. It is the ancestor of the Sol.(c) Ctenophores, variously known as
domestic yak (Bos grunniens). comb jellies, sea gooseberries, sea
Sol.(c) Passer domesticus is commonly
The scientific name of Horse Equus is walnuts, or Venus's girdles, are
known as sparrow.
caballus. The scientific name of Ox is voracious predators. Unlike cnidarians, Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 449

Pinnacle Biology

with which they share several superficial SSC-CHSL 2/07/2019 (evening) organisms at the bottom of the food
similarities, they lack stinging cells. (a) Bones (b) Lungs chain are called Autotrophs, organisms
Instead, in order to capture prey, (c) Brain (d) Kidney that make their own energy.
ctenophores possess sticky cells called
colloblasts. Sol.(a) Osteoporosis, or porous bone, is Q20. Which vitamin is prepared by our
a disease characterized by low bone body in the presence of sunlight?
Q.13. What is the botanical name of mass and structural deterioration of bone SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Morning)
mango? tissue, leading to bone fragility and an (a) Vitamin A (b) Vitamin C
SSC CGL 17/08/21(Evening) increased risk of fractures of the hip, (c) Vitamin D (d) Vitamin B
(a) Mangifera indica
spine, and wrist. It is a condition in
(b) Cocos nucifera
(c) Monoon longifolium which bones become weak and brittle. Sol.(c) The naturally occurring vitamin
(d) Casuarina is cholecalciferol, which is formed from
Q.17. Deficiency of which of the 7-dehydrocholesterol in the human skin
Sol.(a) Mangifera indica is the botanical following nutrients is the most common by exposure to sunlight. Sunlight is a
name of mango. Cocos nucifera is the cause of goiters? natural source of Vitamin D. The
botanical name of coconut. Monoon SSC-CHSL 3/07/2019 (Evening) provitamin 7-dehydrocholesterol is
longifolium is the botanical name of (a) Iron (b) Vitamin C activated to D3 by the ultraviolet rays of
false Ashoka. Casuarina is the botanical (c) Calcium (d) Iodine sunlight.
name of ironwood, Australian pine.
Sol.(d) Goitre is swelling in the neck due Q21. Human body creates
Q.14. Which of the following vitamins is to an enlarged thyroid gland. The main Vitamin____from sunlight.
also called ‘cyanocobalamin’? reason behind this is the iodine SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Morning)
SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Morning) deficiency. (a) D (b) B (c) C (d) A
(a) Vitamin B1
(b) Vitamin B6 Q.18. Which of the following is a Sol.(a) Human skin can make large
(c) Vitamin B12 fat-soluble vitamin that plays a role in amounts of vitamin D when lots of skin
(d) Vitamin B3 blood clotting, bone metabolism and is exposed and the sun is high in the sky.
regulating blood calcium levels. Our body gets the vitamin D it needs by
Sol.(c) SSC CHSL 09/07/2019 (Morning) producing it when our skin is exposed to
Vitamin B12- Cyanocobalamin, (a) Vitamin C (b) Vitamin B sunlight. The part of the sun's rays that is
Vitamin B1-Thiamin, (c) Vitamin K (d) Vitamin A important is ultraviolet B (UVB).
Vitamin B6-Pyridoxine,
Vitamin B3 -Niacin. Sol.(c) Vitamin K refers to a group of Q.22. Which of the following is richest
fat-soluble vitamins that play a role in in Vitamin C?
blood clotting, bone metabolism, and SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening)
Nutrition in Animal
regulating blood calcium levels. The (a) Soya Milk (b) Apple
body needs vitamin K to produce (c) Amla (d) Carrot
Q.15. Which of the following has the
prothrombin, a protein and clotting
highest protein content per gram?
factor that is important in blood clotting Sol.(c) The richness of amla can be
SSC-CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening)
and bone metabolism. gauged from the fact that an average
(a) Apple (b) Soyabean
(c) Wheat (d) Groundnut quality piece of the fruit, weighing about
Q.19. There are three types of 100 grams, may contain up to 800 mg of
heterotrophs. Which of the following is vitamin C, much more than a
Sol.(b) Soybeans are the richest source
NOT one of them? commercially available tablet.
of protein. They contain 36 grams of
SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning)
protein per 100 grams.
(a) Consumers (b) Carnivores Q.23. For the autotrophic form of
Apples: are extremely rich in important
(c) Omnivores (d) Herbivores nutrition, _____ is necessary.
antioxidants, flavonoids, and dietary
fiber. SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Sol.(a) As per SSC the right answer is (a) Chlorophyll and oxygen
Wheat: is rich in carbohydrates.
option (a). But All the given options are (b) Methane
Groundnut:are rich in the vitamins
heterotrophs. (c) Carbon monoxide and water
niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, thiamin,
Consumers in a food chain are living (d) Carbon dioxide, water, chlorophyll
riboflavin, choline, Vitamin B6 and
creatures that eat organisms from a and sunlight
Vitamin E
different population. They are
Q.16. Which part of the human body
heterotrophs because they get energy by
gets affected by the illness osteoporosis?
consuming other organisms; the Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 450

Pinnacle Biology

Sol.(d) Autotrophic nutrition is a process Sol.(b) The amount of energy at each Q.32. Proteins are assembled from how
in which the organism produces their trophic level decreases as it moves many amino acids?
food from simple inorganic materials through an ecosystem. As little as 10 SSC CHSL 19-03-2020 (Evening)
such as water, carbon dioxide and percent of the energy at any trophic level (a) 10 (b) 5 (c) 20 (d) 15
mineral salts in the presence of sunlight. is transferred to the next level; the rest is
.They make their own food with the help lost largely through metabolic processes Sol.(c) The linear sequence of amino
of water, solar energy, and carbon as heat. acids within a protein is considered the
dioxide by the method of photosynthesis. primary structure of the protein. Proteins
Q.28. Which of the following nutrients are built from a set of only 20 amino
Q.24. Which of the following vitamin is stores maximum energy per gram? acids, each of which has a unique side
related to Osteoporosis? SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning) chain. The side chains of amino acids
SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening) (a) Vitamins (b) Proteins have different chemistries. The largest
(a) Vitamin B (b) Vitamin A (c) Fat (d) Roughage group of amino acids have nonpolar side
(c) Vitamin C (d) Vitamin D chains.
Sol.(c) Fat is the body's most
Sol.(d) Vitamin D is just as important for concentrated source of energy, providing Q.33. Amino acids are often referred to
keeping bones strong and preventing more than twice as much potential as the building blocks of ______.
bone disease osteoporosis. Vitamin D energy as carbohydrate or protein. SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Afternoon)
helps our intestines absorb calcium from During exercise, stored fat in the body (a) sugar (b) carbohydrates
the food we the deficiency of (in the form of triglycerides in adipose (c) fats (d) proteins
Vitamin D causes Osteoporosis. or fat tissue) is broken down into fatty
acids. Sol.(d) Amino acids are often referred to
Q.25. In which of the following type of as the building blocks of proteins.
organisms autotrophic nutrition is Q.29. Select the water soluble vitamin Amino acids are organic compounds that
found? among the following? combine to form proteins. Amino acids
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) and proteins are the building blocks of
(a) Fungi (b) Virus (a) Vitamin K (b) Vitamin D life. When proteins are digested or
(c) Protozoa (d) Bacteria (c) Vitamin C (d) Vitamin A broken down, amino acids are left. The
human body uses amino acids to make
Sol.(d) Bacteria make their own food by Sol.(c) Water soluble vitamins- B and C. proteins to help the body:
converting light energy, chemical energy Fat soluble vitamins- A, D, E and K.
or inorganic substances into usable Q.34. Vitamin B12 is generally NOT
energy that these single celled organisms Q.30. Vitamin B Complex consists of present in ______.
need to live. That is why bacteria are how many vitamins? SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Morning)
called autotrophs SSC CHSL 17-03-2020 (Afternoon) (a) milk products (b) plant foods
(a) 5 (b) 8 (c) 6 (d) 7 (c) fish products (d) poultry products
Q.26. The commonly used Vitamin B
Complex is constituted of how many Sol.(b) Vitamin B Complex consists of 8 Sol.(b) Vitamin B12 is generally not
vitamins ? vitamins - B1 (thiamine), B2 present in plant foods. Vitamin B12 is
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning) (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 only found in animal and fortified foods,
(a) 8 (b) 12 (c) 10 (d) 6 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 as well as in small amounts in certain
(biotin), B9 (folate) and B12 types of seaweed. Vitamin B12 is an
Sol.(a) Vitamin B complex is composed (cobalamin). essential nutrient that’s almost
of eight B vitamins: - B-1 (thiamine), exclusively found in animal-sourced
B-2 (riboflavin), B-3 (niacin), B-5 Q.31. Which of the following is a water foods, such as fish, meat, dairy products,
(pantothenic acid), B-6 (pyridoxine), B-7 soluble vitamin? and eggs. Vitamin B12 is also known as
(biotin), B-9 (folic acid), B-12 SSC CHSL 17-03-2020 (Morning) Cobalamin.
(cobalamin). (a) Vitamin C (b) Vitamin D
(c) Vitamin A (d) Vitamin K Q.35. From which of the following
Q.27. What percent of energy is sources does the brain get energy?
transmitted from one trophic level to Sol.(b) The water-soluble vitamins SSC CHSL 09/08/2021 (Evening)
another in a food chain? include ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), (a) Nucleic acids (b) Fatty acids
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening) thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, (c) Amino acids (d) Glucose
(a) 0.2 (b) 0.1 (c) 0.15 (d) 0.05 folacin, Vitamin B12, biotin and
pantothenic acid. Sol.(d) The brain uses glucose as the
primary source of energy. When glucose Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 451

Pinnacle Biology

enters the brain's cells, it gets turned into Nutrition in plant Q.42. Photosynthesis process occurs in
adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a the presence of _____.
complex organic chemical for storing Q.39. During photosynthesis, green SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon)
and transferring energy in cells by the plants use energy from sunlight to (a) Sulphur
mitochondria. synthesize ____________ with carbon (b) Chlorophyll and Sunlight
dioxide and water. (c) Nitrogen
Q.36. Starch and sugar in our food are SSC-CGL 06/06/2019 (Evening) (d) Cadmium
forms of _____. (a) Sucrose (b) Glucose
SSC MTS 06/10/21(Morning) (c) Galactose (d) Fructose Sol.(b) The process of making food by
(a) Protein (b) fat green plants in the presence of sunlight
(c) Vitamins (d) Carbohydrate Sol.(b) Plants use energy from sunlight and chlorophyll is known as
to turn water and carbon dioxide into an photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the
Sol.(d) Starch and sugar are forms of energy rich sugar called glucose. This combination of two words- Photo +
carbohydrates in our food. process is called photosynthesis, which Synthesis. 'Photo' means light and
Carbohydrates are the main source of means “making things with light”. 'Synthesis' means to make.
energy for the body. They are sugars, Photosynthesis takes place inside
starches and dietary fibers that occur in capsules in the leaf cells, called Q.43. In plants, Phloem is responsible
plant foods and dairy products. Chloroplasts.. for the transportation of ______.
SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning)
Q.37. When the breakdown of food Q.40. Name the tissue that transport (a) Food (b) Carbon Dioxide
(glucose) occurs without the use of food to various parts of a plant. (c) Water (d) Minerals
oxygen, it is called: SSC-CGL 12/06/2019 (morning)
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Afternoon) (a) Parenchyma (b) Xylem Sol.(a) Phloem is the vascular tissue
(a) aerobic respiration (c) Phloem (d) Sclerenchyma responsible for the transport of sugars
(b) cellular respiration from source tissues (ex. photosynthetic
(c) capillary respiration Sol.(c) The xylem tissue transports water leaf cells) to sink tissues. Other
(d) anaerobic respiration and minerals from the roots to the leaves molecules such as proteins and mRNAs
whereas the phloem tissue transports are also transported throughout the plant
Sol.(d) When the breakdown of food food from the leaves to the other parts of via phloem.
(glucose) occurs without the use of the plant.
oxygen, it is called anaerobic respiration Q.44. Which process helps in the
. Aerobic respiration is the process by Q.41. ___________ Is The Result Of absorption and upward movement of
which organisms use oxygen to turn The Covalent Bonding Of A Sugar water and minerals from the roots to the
fuel, such as fats and sugars, into Molecule, Such As Glucose Or Fructose leaves?
chemical energy. Cellular respiration, the To A Protein Or Lipid Molecule, SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening)
process by which organisms combine Without The Controlling Action Of An (a) Sedimentation (b) Condensation
oxygen with foodstuff molecules. Blood Enzyme. (c) Accumulation (d) Transpiration
from the heart flows through these SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Evening)
(a) Glycation Sol.(d) Transpiration helps in the
capillaries and collects oxygen from the
(b) Cellular Respiration absorption and upward movement of
(c) Phosphorylation water and minerals dissolved in it from
(d) Pyruvate Oxidation roots to the leaves. Transpiration also
Q.38. Which organism among the
helps in the temperature regulation (in
following breaks down the food material
Sol.(a) Glycation is the result of the plants).
outside the body and then absorbs it?
SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Afternoon) covalent bonding of a sugar molecule,
such as glucose or fructose, to a protein Q.45. Which plant tissue is responsible
(a) Ticks (b) Leeches
or lipid molecule without the controlling for transport of water and minerals from
(c) Yeast (d) Lice
action of an enzyme. Glycation may roots to the leaves?
occur either inside the body or outside SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening)
Sol.(c) Yeast breaks down the food
the body. It is a haphazard process that (a) Phloem (b) Xylem
material outside the body and then
impairs the functioning of biomolecules, (c) Stomata (d) Pith
absorbs it . Mushroom, Yeast, and Bread
and does not require the expenditure of
mould are saprophytic. They break down Sol.(b) Xylem and Phloem tissues are
food outside the body and absorb the present throughout the plant. They begin
simpler digested particles. at the root and then move up to the stem,
branches, and leaves. The xylem tissue Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 452

Pinnacle Biology

transports water and minerals from the Sol.(b) In aerobic conditions, the process plant hormone in gaseous form that
roots to the leaves whereas the phloem converts one molecule of glucose into regulates fruit ripening in plants.
tissue transports food from the leaves to two molecules of pyruvate (pyruvic Cytokinin promotes cell division in plant
the other parts of the plant. acid), generating energy in the form of roots and shoots. Gibberellin regulates
two net molecules of ATP. Four various developmental processes,
Q.46. Which of these is the energy molecules of ATP per glucose are including germination, dormancy,
conversion that happens in the process actually produced, however, two are flowering, flower development, and leaf
called photosynthesis? consumed as part of the preparatory and fruit senescence.
SSC CGL 4/3/2020 (evening) phase.
(a) Potential Energy to Chemical Energy Q.53. The application of plant and soil
(b) Light Energy to Chemical Energy Q.50. Which of the following does NOT science to crop production is known as
(c) Heat Energy to Chemical Energy figure among the main functions of the _______.
(d) Heat Energy to Light Energy root system of a plant? SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Morning)
SSC CGL 17/08/21(Evening)
(a) Agrostology (b) Bryology
(a) Supply of food to plant parts
Sol.(b) Photosynthesis is a process by (b) Providing a proper anchorage to the (c) Agronomy (d) Anatomy
which green plants and certain other plant parts
organisms make their own food by (c) Absorption of water from the soil Sol.(c) Agronomy is the study of the
transforming the light energy into (d) Absorption of minerals from the soil intersection of crop genetics/ physiology,
chemical energy. their management, and the environment,
Sol.(a) The supply of food to the plant including soils, in which they are grown.
Q.47. Which part of a plant cell traps part is not the main function of the root
sunlight to make sugar? system of a plant. The main function of Q.54. Tiny pores present on the surface
SSC CHSL 18-03-2020 (Evening) the root system is to transport water and of leaves are known as:
(a) Chloroplast (b) Starch grain minerals to the plant. Food is transported SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Evening)
(c) Chromoplast (d) Leucoplast by phloem tissue in the vascular system (a) cytoplasm (b) stomata
of plants. (c) mitochondria (d) nucleus
Sol.(a) Chloroplasts are the part of plants
that carry out photosynthesis, the Q.51. ______ is the water transporting Sol.54.(b) Stomata or stoma (plural
process of converting light energy to tissue in plants. stomata or stomas), any of the
energy stored in the form of sugar and SSC CGL 20/08/21(Evening) microscopic openings or pores in the
other organic molecules that plants use (a) Stele (b) Xylem epidermis of leaves and young stems.
as food. (c) Cortex (d) Phloem Stomata are generally more numerous on
the underside of leaves. A stomata opens
Q.48. Autotrophic organisms’ carbon Sol.(b) Xylem is the water transporting and closes in response to the internal
and energy related needs are fulfilled by tissue in plants. The stele is the central pressure of two sausage-shaped guard
______ process. part of the root or stem containing the cells that surround it.
CHSL 16-10-2020 (Evening) tissues derived from the procambium.
(a) Photoautotrophs Cortex is an outer layer of a stem or root Q.55. Which of the following is one of
(b) Photosynthesis in a plant, lying below the epidermis but the basic plant nutrients of fertilizers that
(c) Hibernation outside of the vascular bundles. Phloem are commonly used in agriculture?
(d) Bio Synthesis is the living tissue in vascular plants that SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Evening)
transports the soluble organic (a) Sodium (b) Mercury
Sol.(b) Autotrophic nutrition is a process compounds made during photosynthesis, (c) Arsenic (d) Potassium
in which the organism produces its food in particular the sugar sucrose, to parts
from simple inorganic materials such as of the plant where needed. Sol..(d) Most fertilizers that are
water, carbon dioxide and mineral salts commonly used in agriculture contain
in the presence of sunlight. All the green Q.52. Which of the following plant the three basic plant nutrients: nitrogen,
plants have an autotrophic mode of hormones regulates growth, particularly phosphorus, and potassium. Some
nutrition. by stimulating cell elongation in stems? fertilizers also contain certain
SSC CGL 23/08/21(Morning) "micronutrients," such as zinc and other
Q.49. How many molecules of ATP are (a) Auxin (b) Ethylene metals, that are necessary for plant
obtained by the respiration of one (c) Cytokinin (d) Gibberellin growth.
molecule of glucose?
SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Afternoon) Sol.(a) Auxin plant hormone regulates Q.56. A mango tree is an example of
(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 38 (d) 36 growth, particularly by stimulating cell a/an:
elongation in stems. Ethylene is the only Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 453

Pinnacle Biology

SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Afternoon) (c) Sepal (d) Stamen Photoperiodism is the physiological
(a) pseudotroph (b) ambitroph reaction of organisms to the length of
(c) heterotroph (d) autotroph Sol.(a) Petiole is a part of a leaf. The night or a dark period. Photosynthesis is
petiole is a stalk that connects the blade the process by which green plants and
Sol.(d) The mango tree is an example of with the leaf base. The blade is the major certain other organisms transform light
an autotroph. An autotroph is an photosynthetic surface of the plant and energy into chemical energy. A tropism
organism that can produce its own food appears green and flattened in a plane is growth toward or away from a
using light, water, carbon dioxide, or perpendicular to the stem. stimulus.
other chemicals. Because autotrophs
produce their own food, they are Q.61. The ______ is the term used for Deficiency and Diseases
sometimes called producers. the reactions of photosynthesis that use
the energy stored by the light-dependent Q.64. Which of the following is a
Q.57. Which of the following gases is reactions to form glucose and other communicable disease?
released in the process of carbohydrate molecules. SSC-CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening)
photosynthesis? SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Afternoon) (a) Measles (b) Scurvy
SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Evening) (a) Bloom cycle (c) Asthma (d) Diabetes
(a) Nitrous dioxide (b) Carbon dioxide (b) Rock cycle
(c) Oxygen (d) Nitrogen (c) Macroscopic cycle Sol.(a) Measles: is a communicable
(d) Calvin cycle disease.It is caused by a virus.
Sol.(c) In the process of Photosynthesis,
Encephalitis, inflammation of the brain
oxygen gas is released from plants, Sol.(d) The Calvin cycle is the term used is a serious disease which is caused by
algae, and Cyanobacteria. for the reactions of photosynthesis that measles.
use the energy stored by the Scurvy: a disease caused by the lack of
Q.58. Which of the following is an light-dependent reactions to form vitamin C (ascorbic acid).
autotroph? glucose and other carbohydrate Asthma: it is an incurable disease but it
SSC MTS 08/10/21 (Morning) Molecules. can be controlled. Its symptoms are
(a) Animal (b) Plant
chest pain,breathing problems etc.
(c) Fungi (d) Human Q.62. Energy and carbon requirements Diabetes: too much spike in blood sugar
of the autotrophic organism are fulfilled level is termed as diabetes. In Diabetes
Sol.58.(b) The plant is an autotroph. by ______. pancreas doesn't secrete enough insulin
Because plants can prepare their food by SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Evening) or it doesn't utilize it effectively.
themselves therefore they are called (a) lysis (b) photosynthesis
autotrophs whereas animals, humans, (c) prognosis (d) glycolysis Q.65. During photosynthesis, green
and fungi can not make their food by
plants use energy from sunlight to
themselves therefore are called Sol.(b) Energy and carbon requirements synthesize ____________ with carbon
heterotrophs. of the autotrophic organism are fulfilled dioxide and water.
by photosynthesis. Lysis refers to the SSC-CGL 06/06/2019 (Evening)
Q.59. Which of the following is an breakdown of a cell caused by damage (a) Sucrose (b) Glucose
essential element used in the synthesis of to its plasma (outer) membrane. (c) galactose (d) fructose
proteins in plants? Prognosis is the likely outcome or course
SSC MTS 11/10/21(Morning)
of a disease; the chance of recovery or Sol.(b) Plants use energy from sunlight
(a) Calcium (b) Sodium
recurrence. Glycolysis is the process in to turn water and carbon dioxide into an
(c) Chlorine (d) Nitrogen
which glucose is broken down to energy rich sugar called glucose. This
produce energy. process is called photosynthesis.
Sol.(d) Nitrogen is an essential element
Photosynthesis takes place inside
used in the synthesis of proteins in plants capsules in the leaf cells, called
Q.63. Plants release water into the air by
because plants are not capable of Chloroplasts.
the process of ______.
producing nitrogen, therefore, plants
SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Morning)
obtain nitrogen with the help of Q.66. Which of the following is NOT a
(a) photoperiodism
nitrogen-fixing bacteria like Rhizobium. (b) transpiration symptom of Wilson's disease?
(c) photosynthesis SSC-CGL 06/06/2019 (Evening)
Q.60. Which of the following is a part of (d) tropism (a) Problems with speech, swallowing or
a leaf? physical coordination
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Morning) Sol.(b) Plants release water into the air (b) Uncontrolled movements or muscle
(a) Petiole (b) Pistil by the process of transpiration. stiffness Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 454

Pinnacle Biology

(c) Fluid build-up in the legs or abdomen SSC-CHSL 3/07/2019 (Evening) the deficiency of functional plasma
(d) Night blindness (a) Typhoid (b) Mumps clotting factor VIII(FVIII), which may
(c) Hepatitis (d) Cholera be inherited or arise from spontaneous
Sol.(d) Night blindness also called mutation?
nyctalopia is the inability to see well at Sol.70 (b) Mumps is a disease which is SSC CHSL 05/07/2019 (Afternoon)
night or in poor light. Its causes include caused by viral infection that affects our (a) Multiple Myeloma
glaucoma medications and cataracts. salivary glands. It can be prevented (b) Leukemia
Wilson's disease- In a healthy body, the easily by a vaccine. (c) Venous Thrombosis
liver filters out excess copper and (d) Haemophilia A
releases it through urine. When it is not Q.71. Which of the following is NOT a Sol.(d) Haemophilia A is a recessive
eliminated properly and an extra amount water borne disease? disorder caused by the deficiency of
of copper is built up in the body then it is CHSL 04/07/2019 (Morning) functional plasma clotting factor VIII. It
named as Wilson’s disease. (a) Typhoid (b) Mumps causes increased bleeding and it is
Symptoms include swelling, fatigue, (c) Hepatitis (d) Cholera inherited as an X- linked excessive trait.
abdominal pain, problems with speech,
swallowing or physical coordination. Sol.(c) Hepatitis refers to an Q.75. Hypokalaemia is caused by the
inflammatory condition of the liver. It's deficiency of ________.
Q.67. A deficiency of ____________ is commonly caused by a viral infection, SSC CHSL 11/07/2019 (Morning)
a disease of rickets. but there are other possible causes of (a) Iodine (b) Potassium
SSC-CGL 06/06/2019 (Evening) hepatitis. These include autoimmune (c) Iron (d) Calcium
(a) Vitamin C (b) Vitamin A hepatitis and hepatitis that occurs as a
(c) Vitamin B (d) Vitamin D secondary result of medications, drugs, Sol.(b) In hypokalemia, the level of
toxins, and alcohol. potassium in blood is too low. A low
Sol.(d) Rickets is a skeletal disorder potassium level can make muscles feel
which is caused due to lack of vitamin Q.72. The Bacille Calmette-Guerin weak, cramp, twitch, or even become
D, calcium, or phosphate. These vaccine (popularly called BCG vaccine) paralyzed, and abnormal heart rhythms
nutrients are important for the is a vaccine to prevent which of these develop as well. It can cause cardiac
development of strong, healthy bones. diseases? arrest as well.
So those who are suffering from rickets CHSL 05/07/2019 (Morning)
have weak and soft bones. (a) Jaundice (b) Typhoid Q.76. Identify the disease caused by the
(c) Tuberculosis (d) Polio deficiency of Vitamin B1.
Q.68. The deficiency of which nutrient SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening)
causes night blindness? Sol.(c) BCG, or bacille Calmette Guerin, (a) Ariboflavinosis (b) Beriberi
SSC-CGL 07/06/2019 (Evening) is a vaccine for tuberculosis (TB) (c) Rickets (d) Glossitis
(a) Vitamin K (b) Vitamin C disease. Tuberculosis is an infectious
(c) Proteins (d) Vitamin A disease which affects our lungs and it Sol.(b) Beriberi is a disease caused by a
gets spread from one person to another vitamin B-1 deficiency, also known as
Sol.(d) Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) or through tiny droplets released into the air thiamine deficiency. There are two types
hypovitaminosis A is a lack of vitamin A through coughing. of the disease: wet beriberi and dry
in blood and tissues. Nyctalopia (night beriberi. Wet beriberi affects the heart
blindness) is one of the first signs of Q.73. Which part of the human body and circulatory system. In extreme cases,
VAD.. gets affected by the illness osteoporosis? wet beriberi can cause heart failure.
CHSL 05/07/2019 (Morning)
Q.69. Night blindness is caused by the (a) Bones (b) Lungs Q.77. __________ is an inherited blood
deficiency of vitamin _____. (c) Brain (d) Kidney disorder due to which people suffering
SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening) from this condition are unable to make
(a) K (b) A (c) C (d) B12 Sol.(a) Osteoporosis, or porous bone, is haemoglobin.
a disease characterized by low bone SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Evening)
Sol.(b) Night blindness (nyctalopia) is mass and structural deterioration of bone (a) Bone Marrow failure
the inability to see well at night or in tissue, leading to bone fragility and an (b) Thalassemia
poor light. Its causes include glaucoma increased risk of fractures of the hip, (c) Stroke
medications and cataracts. It is caused spine, and wrist. It is a condition in (d) Thrombosis
due to the deficiency of Vitamin A. which bones become weak and brittle.
Sol.(b) Thalassemia is an inherited blood
Q.70. Which of the following is NOT a Q.74. Which one of the following is an disorder in which our body makes an
water borne disease? X-linked, recessive disorder caused by abnormal form of haemoglobin and Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 455

Pinnacle Biology

because of this the oxygen carrying Sol.(c) The disease is caused by the
capacity of our blood is also affected Sol.(b) In diabetes the level of blood rubella virus, a togavirus that is
which ends up in fatigue weakness and sugar in the body becomes very enveloped and has a single-stranded
slow growth of the body. high.The reason behind this is that our RNA genome. The virus is transmitted
body doesn't make enough insulin or it by the respiratory route and replicates in
Q.78. Which of the following is the doesn't utilize the insulin effectively. the nasopharynx and lymph nodes. The
vector of Malaria? virus is found in the blood 5 to 7 days
SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Morning) Q.82. Which Of The Following Factors after infection and spreads throughout
(a) Aedes Mosquito Does Not Affect the Level Of Glycated the body.
(b) Anopheles Mosquito Hemoglobin?
(c) Sand Fly SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Evening) Q.86. Which of the following diseases is
(d) Fleas (a) Blood Deficiency caused by severe deficiency of proteins?
(b) Iron Deficiency SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning)
Sol.(b) Malaria is caused by Plasmodium (c) Memory Loss (a) Kwashiorkor (b) Anaemia
parasites. The parasites are spread to (d) Pregnancy (c) Osteoporosis (d) Goiter
people through the bites of infected
female Anopheles mosquitoes, called Sol.(c) Glycated hemoglobin is a form Sol.(a) Kwashiorkor is a severe form of
"malaria vectors." of hemoglobin that is covalently bound malnutrition associated with a deficiency
to glucose. Hemoglobin carries oxygen in dietary protein. The extreme lack of
Q.79. Poor vision in humans can be due in the blood. When hemoglobin is protein causes an osmotic imbalance in
to the deficiency of ______ exposed to glucose in the blood, they are the gastro-intestinal system causing
SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Morning) bound together through the glycation swelling of the gut diagnosed as an
(a) Iron (b) Vitamin A process. HbA1c is a measure of the edema or retention of water.
(c) Iodine (d) Vitamin D beta-N-1-deoxy fructosyl component of
hemoglobin. Q.87. Hepatitis is caused by _____
Sol.(b) A lack of vitamin A causes the SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning)
cornea to become very dry, leading to Q.83. Nyctophobia is the fear of: (a) Parasite (b) Bacteria
clouding of the front of the eye, corneal SSC-CPO 14/03/19 (Morning) (c) Virus (d) Fungi
ulcers and vision loss. Vitamin A (a) Birds (b) Darkness
deficiency also causes damage to the (c) Animals (d) Light Sol.(c) Hepatitis refers to an
retina, which also contributes to inflammatory condition of the liver. It's
blindness. Sol.(b) fear of darkness - Nyctophobia commonly caused by a viral infection,
fear of birds - Ornithophobia but there are other possible causes of
Q.80. _______is a commonly used fear of animals - Zoophobia hepatitis. These include autoimmune
medicine that can help treat pain and fear of light - Photophobia hepatitis and hepatitis that occurs as a
reduce high body temperature. secondary result of medications, drugs,
SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Morning) Q.84. Beri Beri is caused due to lack of toxins, and alcohol.
(a) Dextromethorphan ____.
(b) Bismuth SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q.88. Which of the following is a
(c) Paracetamol (a) vitamin B3 (b) vitamin B6 Communicable disease?
(d) Guaifenesin (c) vitamin B1 (d) vitamin B12 SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening)
(a) Measles (b) Asthma
Sol.(c) Paracetamol is a commonly used Sol.(c) Beriberi is a disease caused by a (c) Diabetes (d) Alzheimer
medicine that can help treat pain and vitamin B-1 deficiency, also known as
reduce a high temperature (fever). It's thiamine deficiency. There are two types Sol.(a) Measles is a highly contagious
typically used to relieve mild or of the disease: wet beriberi and dry virus that lives in the nose and throat
moderate pain, such as headaches, beriberi. In extreme cases, wet beriberi mucus of an infected person. It can
toothache or sprains, and reduce fevers can cause heart failure. spread to others through coughing and
caused by illnesses such as colds and flu. sneezing. Also, measles virus can live
Q.85. Which of the following diseases is for up to two hours in an airspace where
Q.81. Diabetes is a condition in which caused by a virus? the infected person coughed or sneezed.
the level of _____in an individual’s SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening)
blood becomes too high. (a) Tetanus (b) Leprosy Q.89. Rotavirus vaccine is used to
SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Morning) (c) Rubella (d) Malaria prevent which disease?
(a) sucrose (b) glucose MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(c) galactose (d) maltose (a) Polio (b) Diarrhoea Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 456

Pinnacle Biology

(c) AIDS (d) Hepatitis that can not be spread from one person (a) Hepatitis A (b) Measles
Sol.(b) Rotavirus vaccine is a vaccine to another. It is a disease that takes many (c) Typhoid (d) Cholera
used to protect against rotavirus years to develop. Diabetes is a defect in
infections, which are the leading cause the way that our bodies process sugar, Sol.(b) Measles is caused by a virus and
of severe diarrhea among young impairing the removal of sugar from the it is passed directly through contact and
children. The vaccines prevent 15–34% bloodstream. through air as well.
of severe diarrhea in the developing Waterborne diseases are caused by
world and 37–96% of severe diarrhea in Q.94. Anthrax is caused by : drinking contaminated or dirty water.
the developed world. SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening) Contaminated water can cause many
(a) Virus (b) Bacteria types of diarrheal diseases, including
Q.90. Which of the following diseases is (c) Fungus (d) Protozoa Cholera, and other serious illnesses such
caused by a virus? as Guinea worm disease, Typhoid, and
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening) Sol.(b) Anthrax is a rare but serious Dysentery.
(a) Ringworm (b) Cholera illness caused by a spore-forming
(c) Measles (d) Typhoid bacterium, Bacillus anthracis. Anthrax Q.98. The deficiency of which of the
mainly affects livestock and wild game. following leads to Pellagra disease ?
Sol.(c) Measles is caused by infection Usually, anthrax bacteria enter the body SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning)
with the rubeola virus. The virus lives in through a wound in the skin. You can (a) Vitamin B5 (b) Vitamin B2
the mucus of the nose and throat of an also become infected by eating (c) Riboflavin (d) Niacin
infected child or adult. The disease is contaminated meat or inhaling the
contagious for 4 days before the rash spores. Sol.(d) Pellagra is a disease caused by
appears, and it continues to be low levels of niacin, also known as
contagious for about 4 to 5 days after. Q.95. Kala Azar is caused by which vitamin B-3. It's marked by dementia,
organism ? diarrhea, and dermatitis, also known as
Q.91. Goitre is caused due to lack of SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning) “the three Ds”. If left untreated, pellagra
which hormone in the body ? (a) Escherichia coli can be fatal as well.
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening) (b) Azotobacter
(a) Thyroxine (b) Adrenaline (c) Clostridium Q.99. Which mosquito carries the
(c) Testosterone (d) Estrogen (d) Leishmania parasite of malaria ?
MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Sol.(a) Hypothyroidism is the result of Sol.(d) Kala Azar is caused by a (a) Female Anopheles
an underactive thyroid gland, and this protozoan parasite of the Leishmania (b) Male Anopheles
causes goiter. Because the gland genus. Kala Azar is a slow advancing (c) Male Aedes Egypti
produces too little thyroid hormone, it is and naturally occuring disease.In India (d) Female Aedes Egypti
stimulated to produce more, leading to the parasite which causes this disease is
the swelling. Leishmania Donovani. Sol.(a) Female Anopheles carries the
parasite of malaria. Female Anopheles
Q.92. In humans, the deficiency of Q.96. Typhoid and T.B are which kind mosquitoes pick up the parasite from
which vitamin leads to the disease Berry of diseases ? infected people when they bite to obtain
Berry ? MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon) blood needed to nurture their eggs.
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening) (a) Bacterial (b) Virus caused
(a) Vitamin D (b) Vitamin A (c) Protozoa (d) Fungal Q.100. What is the mode of transmission
(c) Vitamin C (d) Vitamin B1 of disease ‘Yellow vein mosaic of bhindi
Sol.(a) Typhoid and T.V are bacterial (okra)’?
Sol.(d) Beriberi is a disease caused by a diseases. Bacteria are a type of MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon)
vitamin B-1 deficiency, also known as microorganism, which are tiny forms of (a) Insect (b) Seeds
thiamine deficiency. life that can only be seen with a (c) Water (d) Air
microscope. Bacterial diseases occur
Q.93. Which of the following is not a when pathogenic bacteria get into the Sol.(a) The virus is transmitted by the
communicable disease ? body and begin to reproduce and crowd whitefly (Bemisia tabaci,. Parbhani
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning) out healthy bacteria, or to grow in tissues Kranti, Janardhan, Haritha, Arka
(a) Diabetes (b) TB that are normally sterile. Anamika and Arka Abhay. The disease
(c) Chicken Pox (d) Cholera is transmitted by whitefly insects.
Q.97. Which of the following is not a
Sol.(a) Diabetes is called a water-born disease ? Q.101. Which of the following diseases
non-communicable disease–that is, one SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) has been eradicated worldwide ? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 457

Pinnacle Biology

SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning) among children and women of

(a) Dracunculiasis Sol.(d) Pernicious anemia is caused by reproductive age. Nyctalopia (night
(b) Chicken Pox the deficiency vitamin B12. It is a blindness) is one of the first signs of
(c) Plague disease in which the body can’t absorb VAD.
(d) Smallpox enough B12.
Q.110. Haemophobia is the fear of:
Sol.(d) Smallpox has existed for at least Q.106. Which of the following diseases SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Evening)
3,000 years and was one of the world's is NOT transmitted from one person to (a) darkness (b) heights
most feared diseases until it was another? (c) water (d) blood
eradicated by a collaborative global SSC CGL 6-3-2020 (Morning)
vaccination programme led by the World (a) Cirrhosis (b) Hepatitis B Sol.(d) Blood phobia, also known as
Health Organization. The last known (c) AIDS (d) Syphilis hematophobia or haemophobia is an
natural case was in Somalia in 1977. extreme irrational fear of blood.
Smallpox was officially declared Sol.(a) Cirrhosis is not transmitted from
eradicated in 1979. one person to another. The harmful use Q.111. Which causative microorganism
of alcohol contributes to over 200 health is responsible for the common cold and
Q.102. The name of which disease conditions, the majority of which are influenza (flu)?
among the following means 'evil NCDs, including cancers, cardiovascular SSC CHSL 18-03-2020 (Afternoon)
influence of the stars'? diseases, and liver cirrhosis. (a) Viruses (b) Protozoa
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening) (c) Fungi (d) Bacteria
(a) Cholera (b) Plague Q.107. Which of the following can be
(c) Influenza (d) Typhoid diagnosed with the Widal test? Sol.(a) Viruses are responsible for the
SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Afternoon) common cold and influenza (flu).
Sol.(c) Influenza means evil influence (a) Typhoid fever (b) Tuberculosis
of the stars.. It is generally known as the (c) Cancer (d) AIDS Q.112. What disease is caused by insulin
flu and it is caused by influenza virus.. deficiency?
Sol.(a) The Widal test is one method that SSC CHSL 12-10-2020 (Morning)
Q.103. Which one of the following is used to help make a presumptive (a) Multiple Sclerosis
diseases is caused mainly by the diagnosis of enteric fever, also known as (b) Diabetes mellitus
deficiency of Vitamin C?
typhoid fever (c) Scleroderma
(a) Goitre (b) Rickets
(c) Scurvy (d) Kwashiorkor (d) Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

Sol.(c) The deficiency of Vitamin C can Q.108. Which of the following is caused Sol.(b) Multiple Sclerosis is a potentially
lead to a condition called scurvy. by a virus named 'Varicella Zoster'? disabling disease of the brain and spinal
Symptoms of scurvy include easy SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Afternoon) cord. In this, the immune system attacks
bruising, easy bleeding and joint and (a) Chickenpox (b) Polio the protective sheath (myelin) that
muscle pains. Vitamin C deficiency can (c) Cholera (d) Rabies covers nerve fibers and causes
be treated with supplements of vitamin C communication problems between the
and a diet rich in vitamin C. Sol.(a) Chickenpox is caused by brain and the rest of the body.
Varicella zoster. Chickenpox is most Diabetes Mellitus is a condition defined
Q.104. Xerophthalmia is caused due to commonly affecting children, teens and by persistently high levels of sugar
the deficiency of vitamin ______. young adults. It is an airborne disease (glucose) in the blood. Pancreas produce
SSC CGL 4/3/2020 (morning) that is easily transferred from one a hormone called insulin, which is
(a) C (b) K (c) D (d) A person to another by sneezing and essential to help glucose enter the body’s
coughing. cells. In a person without diabetes, the
Sol.(d) Xerophthalmia is an eye disorder pancreas produces more insulin
that is caused due to the deficiency of Q.109. Deficiency of which of the whenever blood levels of glucose rise
vitamin A. Abnormal dryness of the following vitamins causes Night and the insulin signals the body’s cells to
conjunctiva and cornea of the eye, with Blindness? take in the glucose. In diabetes, either
inflammation and ridge formation is SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Morning) the pancreas’s ability to produce insulin
Xerophthalmia. (a) Vitamin C (b) Vitamin A or the cells’ response to insulin is
Q.105. Pernicious anaemia is caused by (c) Vitamin D (d) Vitamin B altered.
the deficiency of vitamin ______. Scleroderma is a long-lasting disease
SSC CGL 5/3/2020 (afternoon) Sol.(b) Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) or that affects skin, connective tissue and
(a) B1 (b) B2 (c) B6 (d) B12 hypovitaminosis A is a lack of vitamin A internal organs. It happens when the
in blood and tissues. It is common immune system causes the body to make Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 458

Pinnacle Biology

too much of the protein collagen, an Q.117 Which of the following viruses is not spread to other parts of the body and
important part of skin. As a result, the responsible for causing influenza? cause little damage are called ______
skin gets thick and tight, and scars can SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Morning) tumours.
form on lungs and kidneys. (a) Varicella virus SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening)
Rheumatoid arthritis is a long-term, (b) Rubeola virus (a) premalignant (b) benign
progressive and disabling autoimmune (c) Myxovirus (c) active (d) malignant
disease. It causes inflammation, swelling (d) Poliovirus
and pain in and around the joints and Sol.(b) A benign tumor is a mass of cells
other body organs. Sol.(c) Myxovirus is responsible for (tumor) that lacks the ability to either
causing influenza. invade neighbouring tissue or get spread
Q.113. Which of the following eye throughout the body. Whereas Malignant
disorders is known as ‘lazy eye’? / Q.118. Conjunctivitis is an infection tumors are the one which can invade
SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Morning) primarily related to ______. nearby tissue and get spread to the other
(a) Myopia (b) Presbyopia SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) parts of the body.
(c) Hypermetropia (d) Amblyopia (a) Knee (b) Heart
(c) Eye (d) Stomach Q.122. Which part of the body is
Sol.(d) Amblyopia is a type of poor associated with the rickets disorder?
vision that happens in just one eye. It Sol.(c) Conjunctivitis means SSC CGL 16/08/21(Morning)
develops when there’s a breakdown in 'inflammation of the conjunctiva', and (a) Eyes (b) Skin
how the brain can’t recognize the sight the commonest cause is infection by (c) Bones (d) Heart
from one eye. Over time, the brain relies viruses or bacteria. Conjunctivitis can
more and more on the stronger eye while also be due to chemical irritants, Sol.(c) Bones are associated with the
vision in the weaker eye gets worse. traditional eye remedies or allergy. It is rickets disorder. The main cause of
usual for both eyes to be affected in rickets is a lack of vitamin D which
Q.114. Deficiency of thiamine results in infectious cases. results in reduced absorption of calcium
______. and phosphorus in bones. This condition
SSC CHSL 16-10-2020 (Afternoon) Q.119. Polio is caused by which of the leads to softening and weakening of
(a) Rickets (b) Pellagra following organisms? bones.
(c) Beriberi (d) Scurvy SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning)
(a) Fungi (b) Bacteria Q.123. Which of the following is a
Sol.(c) Deficiency of Vitamin (c) Protozoa (d) Virus water-soluble vitamin?
B1(thiamin) results in Beriberi. SSC CGL 16/08/21(Morning)
Sol.(d) Polio is a disabling and (a) Vitamin D (b) Vitamin C
Q.115. 'Leukopenia' is an abnormal life-threatening disease caused by the (c) Vitamin A (d) Vitamin K
______. poliovirus. The virus spreads from
SSC CHSL 16-10-2020 (Evening) person to person and can infect a Sol.(b) Vitamin C is a water-soluble
(a) increase in red blood cells person's spinal cord, causing paralysis vitamin. Vitamin C and B are water
(b) decrease in white blood cells (can't move parts of the body). soluble vitamins whereas vitamin A, D,
(c) decrease in red blood cells E, K are fat soluble vitamins.
(d) increase in white blood cells Q.120. Leukaemia is a cancer of the:
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning) Q.124. Which of the following diseases
Sol.(b) ‘Leukopenia’ is an abnormal (a) skin (b) blood is caused by a parasite?
decrease in white blood cells. (c) lungs (d) uterus SSC CGL 16/08/21(Morning)
(a) Goiter (b) Pneumonia
Q.116. Depression is a ______ disorder. Sol.(b) Leukaemia is a cancer of the (c) Plague (d) Malaria
SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Evening) Blood. Leukaemia affects white blood Sol.(d) Malaria is caused by a parasite
(a) mood cells and can be classified by the type of called Plasmodium. It is transmitted to
(b) dissociative white cell affected (myeloid or people through the bites of infected
(c) schizophrenic lymphatic) and by the way the disease female Anopheles mosquitoes. Goitre is
(d) somatoform progresses (acute or chronic). Acute and a swelling in the neck resulting from an
chronic do not refer to how serious the enlarged thyroid gland usually caused by
Sol.(a) Depression is a mood disorder. It disease is but to how rapidly it iodine deficiency. Pneumonia is an
may be described as feelings of sadness, progresses. infection that inflames the air sacs in one
loss or anger that interfere with a or both lungs which causes cough with
person’s everyday activities. Q.121. Tumours that normally remain phlegm or pus, fever, chills, and
confined to their original location and do difficulty breathing. A variety of Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 459

Pinnacle Biology

organisms, including bacteria, viruses, Q.129. AMR occurs when bacteria, characterized by a high blood sugar level
fungi, can cause pneumonia. Humans viruses, fungi and parasites change over over a prolonged period of time.
usually get plague after being bitten by a time and no longer respond to medicines Symptoms often include frequent
rodent flea that is carrying the plague making infections harder to treat and urination, increased thirst, and increased
bacterium Yersinia pestis increasing the risk of disease spread, appetite.
severe illness and death. What is the full
Q.125. Which of the following diseases form of AMR? Q.133. Trachoma is a preventable
is caused by bacteria? SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Morning) disease that results from poor hygiene
SSC CGL 18/08/21(Afternoon) (a) Acute Microbial Resistance and sanitation. Which of the following
(a) Diphtheria (b) Polio (b) Antimalarial Resistance body parts does it affect?
(c) Rubella (d) Zika fever (c) Anti Measles Resistance SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Morning)
(d) Antimicrobial Resistance (a) Eye (b) Ear
Sol..(c) Diphtheria is caused by bacteria. (c) Stomach (d) Heart
Other diseases caused by bacteria are Sol.(d) Antimicrobial Resistance
Tuberculosis, Malaria, Ringworm, etc. Sol.(a) Trachoma is a disease of the eye
Polio, Rubella, and Zika Fever are Q.130. Leprosy is caused by a bacterium caused by infection with the bacterium
caused by viruses. called: Chlamydia trachomatis. Blindness from
SSC CHSL 12/04/21 (Evening) trachoma is irreversible.
Q.126. Kala-azar disease is caused by (a) Mycobacterium leprae
______. (b) Haemophilus pertussis Q.134. Down Syndrome, which causes
SSC CGL 20/08/21(Afternoon) (c) Mycobacterium tuberculosis learning difficulties and physical health
(a) fungi (b) viruses (d) Neisseria gonorrhoeae development delays
(c) bacteria (d) protozoa and disabilities, is a:
Sol.(a) Leprosy or Hansen's disease SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Afternoon)
Sol.(d) Kala-azar disease is caused by a (HD), is caused by the bacteria (a) bacterial disease
protozoan parasite of the genus Mycobacterium leprae or (b) genetic disease
Leishmania. Other diseases caused by Mycobacterium lepromatosis. (c) viral disease
protozoan include malaria, amoebic Mycobacterium leprae damages the (d) fungal disease
dysentery (gastrointestinal infection), nerves, respiratory tract, skin, and eyes.
babesiosis and many others. Sol.(b) Down Syndrome, which causes
Q.131. What is another name for the learning difficulties and physical health
Q.127. Which of the following is NOT a disorder called 'parasomnia'? development delays and disability is a
disease caused by a virus? SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Afternoon) genetic disease. Down syndrome is a
SSC CGL 23/08/21(Afternoon) (a) Night blindness (b) Seasickness chromosomal condition that is associated
(a) AIDS (b) Ebola (c) Sleepwalking (d) Stammering with intellectual disability, a
(c) Plague (d) Zika characteristic facial appearance, and
Sol.131.(c) A parasomnia is a sleep weak muscle tone (hypotonia) in
Sol.(c) Plague disease is NOT caused by disorder that involves unusual and infancy.
a virus. Plague is caused by Bacteria undesirable physical events or Q.135. Which of the following diseases
(bacterium Yersinia pestis). AIDS, experiences that disrupt your sleep. A is caused by Helicobacter pyroli?
Ebola, and Zika are caused by Viruses. parasomnia can occur before or during SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Evening)
sleep or during arousal from sleep. If (a) Gastritis (b) Ringworm
Q.128. The liver is affected and skin and you have parasomnia, you might have (c) Chikungunya (d) Rubella
eyes turn yellow due to the deposit of abnormal movements, talk, express
bile pigments. Which of the following emotions or do unusual things. Sol.(a) Gastritis is caused by
digestive disorders is described here? Helicobacter pyroli. Helicobacter pylori
SSC CGL 23/08/21(Evening) Q.132. Which of the following is not is a type of bacteria that causes infection
(a) Diarrhoea (b) Jaundice water or hygiene-related disease? SSC in the stomach. It is the main cause of
(c) Vomiting (d) Constipation CHSL 16/04/21 (Afternoon) peptic ulcers, and it can also cause
(a) Diabetes (b) Trachoma gastritis and stomach cancer.
Sol.(b) In Jaundice, skin and eyes turn (c) Schistosomiasis (d) Buruli ulcer
yellow because of high levels of Q.136. Which of the following diseases
bilirubin. It is a disease that affects the Sol.(a) Diabetes is not a water or is caused by Leishmania, a protozoan
liver of the human body. hygiene-related disease. Diabetes is a organism?
group of metabolic disorders SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Afternoon)
(a) Sleeping sickness (b) Kala-azar Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 460

Pinnacle Biology

(c) Malaria (d) Acne pressure inside the eyes slowly rises. Q.143. ______ is caused when a child’s
However, recent findings now show that growing bones fail to develop due to a
Sol.(b) Kala-azar is caused by glaucoma can occur with normal eye lack of vitamin D.
Leishmania, a protozoan organism. pressure. SSC MTS 05/10/21(Afternoon)
Leishmaniasis caused by the protozoan (a) Night blindness (b) Rickets
Leishmania prevails where climatic Q.140. Which one of the following is a (c) Goitre (d) Scurvy
factors favour the propagation of rare disease caused by the deficiency of
sandflies, particularly South America, Vitamin D that causes the bones to Sol.(b) Rickets is caused when a child’s
Africa, the Mediterranean basin, and become soft and to bend? growing bones fail to develop due to a
Asia. SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Evening) lack of vitamin D.
(a) Pernicious anemia
(b) Atrophic gastritis Q.144. Which of the following factors is
Q.137. The cause of Siderosis is
(c) Lupus responsible for the disease called 'Mad
excessive deposition of ______ in the
(d) Rickets Hatter Disease'?
body tissue.
SSC MTS 05/10/21(Evening)
SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Evening)
Sol.(d) Rickets is a rare disease caused (a) inhaling iron dust
(a) iron (b) aluminium
by the deficiency of Vitamin D (b) inhaling silica dust
(c) coal (d) zinc
that causes the bones to become soft and (c) mercury poisoning
to bend. It most commonly occurs in (d) Vitamin-D deficiency
Sol.(a) The cause of Siderosis is
excessive deposition of iron in the body people when they have inadequate
Sol.(c) Mercury poisoning factor is
tissue. Siderosis is a type of occupational sunlight exposure. Vitamin D deficiency
responsible for the disease called 'Mad
lung disease caused by inhaling iron can also be caused by inadequate
hatter’ disease.
particles through dust or fumes. This can nutritional intake of vitamin D.
happen during welding, grinding,
Q.145. Which of the following body
foundry work, paint manufacture, or iron Q.141. Rickets and night-blindness are
parts is directly affected in the disease
ore mining among other similar caused by the deficiency of ______ and
called rickets?
occupations where a person is exposed ______.
SSC MTS 05/10/21(Evening)
to fine iron dust or fumes. SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Evening)
(a) Eyes (b) Tongue
(a) Vitamin D, Vitamin A
(c) Spleen (d) Bones
Q.138. Which of the following is a (b) Vitamin D, Vitamin C
vector-borne disease? (c) Vitamin B1, Vitamin C
Sol.(d) Bones are directly affected by the
SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Evening) (d) Vitamin E, Vitamin A
disease called rickets. Rickets occur due
(a) Pneumonia (b) Malaria
to the lack of vitamin D in the body.
(c) Mumps (d) Cholera Sol.(a) Vitamin D deficiency results in
Q.146. Nyctalopia, more commonly
rickets. Vitamin A is also called as
known as Night Blindness, is caused by
Sol.(b) It is a disease that results from an retinol. The deficiency of this vitamin the deficiency of which nutrient?
infection transmitted to humans and results in loss of eyesight or night SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Evening)
other animals by blood-feeding blindness. (a) Vitamin C (b) Magnesium
arthropods such as mosquitoes, ticks,
(c) Potassium (d) Vitamin A
and fleas. Eg. Dengue fever, West Nile Q.142. Which of the following diseases
Virus, Lyme disease and malaria. is NOT caused by ingesting polluted Sol.(d) Nyctalopia, more commonly
water? known as Night Blindness, is caused by
Q.139. Which of the following diseases SSC MTS 05/10/21(Morning) the deficiency of Vitamin A.
damages the eye’s optic nerve and (a) Typhoid (b) Cholera
results in vision loss and blindness and (c) Rabies (d) Meningitis Q.147. Which causative agent is
occurs when the normal fluid pressure
responsible for spreading AIDS?
inside the eyes slowly rises? Sol.(c) Rabies disease is NOT caused by SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Afternoon)
SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Afternoon)
ingesting polluted water. Rabies caused (a) Bacteria (b) Virus
(a) Vitiligo (b) Psoriasis
by the Rabies virus is usually transmitted (c) Protozoa (d) Fungus
(c) Gonorrhoea (d) Glaucoma
by infected animals. While Typhoid,
Cholera, and Meningitis are caused by Sol.(b) Virus is responsible for spreading
Sol.(d) Glaucoma is a group of diseases
ingesting polluted water. AIDS. AIDS (Acquired
that can damage the eye’s optic nerve
immunodeficiency syndrome) is caused
and result in vision loss and blindness.
Glaucoma occurs when the normal fluid Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 461

Pinnacle Biology

by the human immunodeficiency SSC MTS 13/10/21(Afternoon) SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Afternoon)
virus(HIV). (a) Tuberculosis (a) Chikungunya (b) Malaria
(b) Dementia (c) Kala Azar (d) Polio
Q.148. The deficiency of Vitamin (c) Pulmonary hypertension
______ causes Pellagra. (d) Diabetes Sol.(c) Kala Azar is caused by a
SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Afternoon) protozoa parasite of the Leishmania
(a) B3 (b) B6 (c) B2 (d) B12 Sol.(a) Tuberculosis is an example of an species. Chikungunya virus is spread to
infectious disease that mainly affects the people by the bite of an infected
Sol.(a) The deficiency of Vitamin B3 lungs. The bacteria that cause mosquito. Malaria is caused by the
causes Pellagra. Long-term deficiency of tuberculosis are spread from person to Plasmodium parasite. Polio, or
vitamin B3 may result in the 4 D's: person through tiny droplets released poliomyelitis, is a disabling and
diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia, and into the air via coughs and sneezes. life-threatening disease caused by the
possibly even death. Dementia : Dementia is a group of poliovirus.
conditions characterized by impairment
Q.149. Which microorganism among the of at least two brain functions, such as Q.156. Kwashiorkor disease occurs due
following causes Cholera? memory loss and judgment. to severe deficiency of ______ in the
SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Evening) Pulmonary hypertension : Pulmonary body.
(a) Fungi (b) Bacteria hypertension happens when the pressure SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Morning)
(c) Protozoa (d) Virus in the blood vessels leading from the (a) Vitamin K (b) Calcium
heart to the lungs is too high. (c) Iron (d) Protein
Sol.(b) Bacteria causes Cholera. Cholera Diabetes : Diabetes is a disease that
is caused by intestinal infection by the occurs when your blood glucose, also Sol.(d) Kwashiorkor disease occurs due
toxin-producing bacterium Vibrio called blood sugar, is too high. to severe deficiency of protein in the
cholera. body. The main symptom of vitamin K
Q.153. Which of the following causative deficiency is bleeding (hemorrhage).
Q.150. Which of the following diseases Hypocalcemia, also known as calcium
agents causes the disease ‘kala-azar’?
is NOT caused by a flavivirus? deficiency disease, occurs when the
SSC MTS 13/10/21(Afternoon)
SSC MTS 11/10/21(Evening)
(a) Bacteria (b) Fungus blood has low levels of calcium. Iron
(a) Polio
(c) Protozoa (d) Virus deficiency anemia is due to insufficient
(b) Yellow fever
(c) Dengue
Sol.(c) Protozoa causes the disease
(d) Japanese encephalitis
‘kala-azar’. Kala Azar is also known as Q.157. Which of the following diseases
Visceral leishmaniasis (VL). It is the marked by dementia, diarrhoea, and
Sol.(a) Poliomyelitis (polio) is a disease
most severe form of leishmaniasis and is dermatitis, is also known as ‘the three
caused by the poliovirus. It invades the
highly fatal. Leishmaniasis is a disease Ds’? SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Evening)
nervous system and can cause total
caused by protozoan parasites of the (a) Pellagra
paralysis in a matter of hours.
genus Leishmania. (b) Osteoporosis
(c) Xerophthalmia
Q.151. Vitamin K deficiency in our body (d) Scurvy
Q.154. Which of the following body
leads to:
parts is directly affected by the disease
SSC MTS 12/10/21(Afternoon) Sol.(a) Pellagra diseases marked by
called ‘trachoma’?
(a) delayed clotting of blood dementia, diarrhoea, and dermatitis, are
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Evening)
(b) interference with reproduction
(a) Eyes (b) Teeth also known as ‘the three
(c) night-blindness
(c) Lungs (d) Liver Ds’.Osteoporosis causes bones to
(d) scurvy
become weak and brittle. Xerophthalmia
Sol.(a) Eyes are directly affected by the is abnormal dryness of the conjunctiva
Sol.(a) Vitamin K deficiency in our body
disease called ‘trachoma’. Trachoma is a and cornea of the eye, with inflammation
leads to delayed clotting of blood.
disease of the eye caused by infection and ridge formation, typically associated
Vitamin A deficiency can cause Night
with the bacterium Chlamydia with vitamin A deficiency. Scurvy is the
blindness. Vitamin C deficiency causes
trachomatis. name for a vitamin C deficiency.
Scurvy. Vitamin A deficiency affects
reproductive functions.
Q.155. Which of the following diseases Q.158. Which causative agent causes the
is caused by a protozoa parasite of disease of malaria? SSC MTS
Q.152. Which of the following is an
Leishmania species? 22/10/2021 (Evening)
example of an infectious disease? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 462

Pinnacle Biology

(a) Virus (b) Bacteria Q162. Which of the following is the Sol.(a) Reproduction in human beings is
(c) Fungi (d) Parasite third stage in the metamorphosis of a by sexual reproduction where both the
butterfly? male and female gametes fertilize to give
Sol.(d) Parasite is a causative agent that SSC-CGL 10/06/2019 (Evening) rise to an embryo. The fertilization of
causes the disease of malaria. Malaria is (a) Egg human embryos occurs inside the body
caused by the Plasmodium parasite. The (b) Pupa of the female. Thus, it is called Internal
parasite can be spread to humans (c) Adult Fertilization.
through the bites of infected mosquitoes. (d) Larva
Q.166. During fertilisation in living
Q.159. Which bacterium is responsible Sol.(b) All butterflies have "complete beings, fusion of male and female
for peptic ulcers? SSC MTS 27/10/2021 metamorphosis." To grow into an adult gametes takes place to form a cell called
(Afternoon) they go through 4 stages: egg, larva, :
(a) Helicobacter pylori pupa and adult. Each stage has a SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening)
(b) Campylobacter different goal - for instance, caterpillars (a) Ovum (b) Sperm
(c) Bacillius cereus need to eat a lot, and adults need to (c) Embryo (d) Zygote
(d) Escherichia coli reproduce.
Sol.(d) Zygote is a eukaryotic cell
Sol.(a) Helicobacter pylori bacterium is Q.163. Which of the creatures is formed by a fertilization event between
responsible for peptic ulcers. oviparous? two gametes. The zygote's genome is a
Campylobacteriosis is an infection SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning) combination of the DNA in each gamete,
(a) Frog (b) Rabbit and contains all of the genetic
caused by bacteria you can get from
(c) Mouse (d) Squirrel information necessary to form a new
contaminated food and water. Bacillus
individual. In multicellular organisms,
cereus is a Gram-positive, rod-shaped,
Sol.(a) Frogs are oviparous. They lay the zygote is the earliest developmental
facultatively anaerobic, motile,
eggs, which then develop outside of the stage.
beta-hemolytic, spore-forming
mother. Ovoviviparous animals develop
bacterium. Escherichia coli are bacteria
from eggs, but the mother does not lay Q.167. Which of the following is the
found in the environment, foods, and eggs, the eggs remain inside the mother's primary sex organ in females?
intestines of people and animals. body and hatch while still inside the SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Morning)
mother, the young are then born (a) Fallopian tube (b) Ovary
Q.160. Which of the following causative sometime after the eggs hatch. (c) Uterus (d) Vagina
agents causes the disease Ebola?
SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Afternoon) Q.164. In humans, fertilisation usually Sol.(b) Primary sex organs in a female
(a) Bacteria takes place in the ______. consist of a pair of ovaries which are
(b) Fungus SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening) oval bodies lying at the back of the
(c) Virus (a) Ovary (b) Vagina abdomen below the kidney. Each ovary
(d) Protozoan (c) Fallopian tube (d) Uterus consists of many ovarian follicles. Each
follicle can produce an egg. The
Sol.160.(c) Ebola is caused by viruses in Sol.(c) A pregnancy starts with secondary sex organs in a female are
the Ebolavirus and Filoviridae family. fertilization, when a woman's egg joins fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina.
with a man's sperm. Fertilization usually
Q.161. Which of the following diseases takes place in a fallopian tube that links Q.168. The phenomenon whereby the
is caused by fungus? an ovary to the uterus. If the fertilized female gamete undergoes development
SSC MTS 2/1/2021 (Evening) egg successfully travels down the to form new organisms without
(a) Ringworm (b) Diarrhoea fallopian tube and implants in the uterus, fertilisation in some organisms like
(c) Smallpox (d) Polio an embryo starts growing. honey bees, some lizards and birds is
Sol.(a) Ringworm is caused by fungus. Q.165. Reproduction in Humans occurs SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening)
Athlete's foot (tinea pedis), Jock itch, through which type of fertilisation ? (a) Budding
yeast infection. onychomycosis, or SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon) (b) Fragmentation
fungal infection of the nail. Diarrhea, (a) Internal Fertilisation (c) Apomixis
Smallpox, Polio are viral diseases. (b) In Vitro Fertilisation (d) Parthenogenesis
(c) External Fertilization
Reproduction in animals (d) Ex Vitro Fertilization Sol.(d) The phenomenon whereby the
female gamete undergoes development
to form new organisms without Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 463

Pinnacle Biology

fertilisation in some organisms like and prevents proper oxygen carrying Q.175. Which type of reproduction
rotifers, honey bees, some lizards and capacity. occurs in hydra?
birds is called Parthenogenesis. It is a SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning)
type of asexual reproduction in which Q.172. In which part of the female (a) Fragmentation
growth and development of an embroyo flower does fertilisation take place? (b) Budding
from an unfertilized egg cell. SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening) (c) Binary Fission
(a) Ovary (b) Stigma (d) Spore Formation
Q.169. How many arteries are there in (c) Filament (d) Style
an umbilical cord? Sol.(b) Organisms such as hydra use
SSC CGL 13/08/21 (Evening) Sol.(a) Fertilization takes places in the regenerative cells for reproduction in the
(a) One (b) Two ovary of the female flower.When a process of budding. In hydra, a bud
(c) Four (d) Three carrying agent like wind/water/animals develops as an outgrowth due to
carry pollen grains from male anthers to repeated cell division at one specific site.
Sol.(b) There are two arteries in an the female flower part i.e. stigma, a These buds develop into tiny individuals
umbilical cord. The umbilical cord is a pollen tube forms and the pollen grain and, when fully mature, detach from the
tube that connects the mother with the travels down the style and finally parent body and become new
baby in her womb during pregnancy. It reaches the ovary where it fertilizes an independent individuals.
normally contains two arteries (the ovule.
umbilical arteries) and one vein (the Q.176. Which among the following is
umbilical vein). Q.173. Which of the following are the male part of a flower ?
flowerless plants that produce cones and SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
Q.170. ______ is the ability of a single seeds in which seeds are not encased (a) Stigma (b) Stamen
cell to produce a fertile, adult individual. within an ovary? (c) Pistil (d) Style
SSC CGL 17/08/21(Morning). SSC-CHSL 3/07/2019 (Evening)
(a) Pluripotency (b) Totipotency (a) Gymnosperms Sol.(b) Stamen is the male part of the
(c) Cloning (d) Mutation (b) Angiosperms flower.The pistil is a plant's female part.
(c) Bryophytes It generally is shaped like a bowling pin
Sol.(b) Totipotency is the ability of a (d) Hydrophytes and is located in the flower's center. It
single cell to produce a fertile adult consists of a stigma, style and ovary.
individual. Pluripotency is defined as the Sol.(a) Gymnosperms- They are
capacity of individual cells to initiate all flowerless plants that produce cones and Q.177. How do Pteridophytes
lineages of the mature organism. seeds in which seeds are not encased reproduce?
Cloning is a technique scientists use to within an ovary. SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening)
make exact genetic copies of living Bryophytes are flowerless plants that (a) With the help of budding
things. A mutation occurs when a DNA produce cones and seeds in which seeds (b) With the help of spores
gene is damaged or changed in such a are not encased within an ovary. (c) With the help of pollens
way as to alter the genetic message Angiosperms-In angiosperms seed is (d) With the help of seeds
carried by that gene. produced by flowering plants and is
enclosed within an ovary. They rely on Sol.(b) Ferns are seedless vascular plants
animals for their reproduction. that reproduce and spread through
spores; these plants contain vascular
Reproduction in Plant
Q.174. Which of the following are tissue,but do not flower or seed.
Q.171. Which of the following gases flowerless plants that produce cones and
seeds in which seeds are not encased Q.178. What is the term used for
reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of
within an ovary? pollination by wind?
the blood?
SSC CHSL 04/07/2019 (Morning) SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning)
SSC-CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning)
(a) Gymnosperms (a) Endophile (b) Siciophily
(a) Nitric oxide
(b) Angiosperms (c) Anemophily (d) Angioplasty
(b) Carbon dioxide
(c) Carbon Monoxide (c) Bryophytes
(d) Hydrophytes Sol.(c) Anemophily or wind pollination
(d) Nitrous oxide
is a form of pollination whereby pollen
Sol.(a) Gymnosperms- They are is distributed by wind
Sol.(c) The gas that reduces the capacity
of the blood to carry oxygen is Carbon flowerless plants that produce cones and
seeds in which seeds are not encased Q.179. The development of a fruit
Monoxide. It gets deposited in the
within an ovary. without fertilization is called______?
haemoglobin of Red Blood Cells (RBCs)
SSC CGL 4/3/2020 (afternoon) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 464

Pinnacle Biology

(a) Gametogamy roots, stems, leaves and buds are known Q.186._____are called suicidal bags of
(b) Parthenocarpy as: the cell.
(c) Hybridogenesis SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Afternoon) SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening)
(d) Apomixis (a) layering propagation (a) Golgi Apparatus
(b) grafting propagation (b) Lysosomes
Sol.(b) Parthenocarpy is the natural or (c) budding propagation (c) Ribosomes
artificially induced production of fruit (d) vegetative propagation (d) Mitochondria
without fertilisation of ovules, which
makes the fruit seedless. Sol.(d) A type of asexual reproduction in Sol.(b) Lysosomes are
which new plants are produced from membrane-enclosed organelles that
Q.180. What is the yellow dust present roots, stems, leaves, and buds are known contain an array of enzymes capable of
in the middle of a flower called? as vegetative propagation. Layering is a breaking down all types
SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Morning) technique of plant propagation where the of biological polymers—proteins,
(a) Stomata (b) Pollen new plant remains at least partially nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids.
(c) Sperm (d) Zygote attached to the mother plant while
forming new roots. Grafting is a method Q.187. _________is The Most Abundant
Sol.(b) The yellow powder present in the of asexual plant propagation that joins Molecule In Cells, Accounting For 70%
middle of a flower is called pollen, Or More Of Total Cell Mass.
plant parts from different plants together.
which is present on the anthers pollen SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Evening)
Budding propagation is in which a plant
grains, and the stick that holds it is (a) Nucleic Acid (b) Lipid
bud is grafted onto the stem of a
called a stamen. Flowers reproduce (c) Protein (d) Water
rootstock plant.
when bees or other pollinators carry
pollen between flowers. Sol.(d) Cells are composed of water,
inorganic ions, and carbon-containing
Q.181. The innermost part of a flower is Cell : Basic unit of life (organic) molecules. Water is the most
called the: SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 abundant molecule in cells, accounting
(Afternoon) Q.184. DNA is stored majorly in ___ of for 70% or more of total cell mass.
(a) stamen (b) petal the cell.
(c) pistil (d) sepal SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening) Q.188. Which of the following cell
(a) golgi body organelles is known as a suicidal bag?
Sol.(c) The pistil is the innermost part of (b) cytoplasm SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon)
a flower. Style is centrally located on the (c) plasma membrane (a) Golgi Apparatus
pistil, while the stigma is present on the (d) nucleus (b) Mitochondria
top. At the base of the pistil, a swollen (c) Lysosome
structure is present which is called the Sol.(d) DNA is mainly stored in the cell (d) Endoplasmic reticulum
ovary. The ovary comprises small bead- nucleus (where it is called nuclear
like structures called ovules. DNA), but a small amount of DNA is Sol.(c) It bursts to eat a dead cell.
also stored in the mitochondria (where it A lysosome is an organelle of cells. It is
Q.182. Which part of a flower is the is called mitochondrial DNA or filled with enzymes that can digest
sticky surface at the top of the pistil, it mtDNA). things. When a cell is about to die,
traps and holds the pollen? lysosome bursts to eat up the dead cells
SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Morning) Q.185. The term ‘Mitochondria’ was leaving space for new cells to come.
(a) Style (b) Stigma coined by:
(c) Sepal (d) Ovary SSC-CHSL 3/07/2019 (Afternoon) Q.189. Which of the following cell
(a) J E Salk organelle contains DNA apart from
Sol.(b) Stigma part of a flower is the (b) Carl Benda nucleus?
sticky surface at the top of the pistil, it (c) Charles Laveran SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning)
traps and holds the pollen. During the (d) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (a) Cytoplasm
process of pollination, pollen moves (b) Golgi Apparatus
from the male parts to the female parts Sol.(b) Mitochondria was coined by Carl (c) Mitochondria
i.e stigma where pollen germinates. Benda in 1898. Mitochondria is referred (d) Ribosome
to as the “powerhouse of the cell”
Q.183. A type of asexual reproduction in because they are responsible for Sol.(c) Nuclear DNA and mitochondrial
which new plants are produced from releasing energy from food. DNA differ in many ways, starting with
location and structure. Nuclear DNA is
located within the nucleus of eukaryotic Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 465

Pinnacle Biology

cells and usually has two copies per cell Q.193. Which cell organelle has its own promoter sequence near the beginning of
while mitochondrial DNA is located in DNA and Ribosomes ? a gene (directly or through helper
the mitochondria and contains 100-1,000 SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon) proteins).
copies per cell. (a) Leukoplast Q.197. ____is known as the suicide bag
(b) Chromoplast of the cell ?
Q.190. Which of the following is NOT a (c) Cell Vacuole SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening)
feature of Eukaryotic cells? (d) Mitochondria (a) Lysosome (b) Cellulose
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) (c) Lignin (d) Protoplasm
(a) Nucleus well organized Sol.(d) The eukaryotic cell organelles
(b) Mitochondria present that possess their own DNA and Sol.(a) Lysosomes are known as a
(c) Chloroplast absent in plant cells ribosomes are only chloroplast and suicidal bag of cells because it is capable
(d) Nuclear membrane present mitochondria. They have 70S ribosomes of destroying its own cell in which it is
and single circular chromosomes just present.
Sol.(c) Like mitochondria, chloroplasts like prokaryotes.
also have their own DNA and Q.198. The scentific study of a cell is
ribosomes. Chloroplasts function in Q.194. Which protein protects the called:
photosynthesis and can be found in epithelial cells from damage? SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Morning)
eukaryotic cells such as plants and algae. SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening) (a) cytology (b) histology
(a) Collagen (b) Elastin (c) physiology (d) taxonomy
Q.191. Which cell organelle helps in (c) Actin (d) Keratin
keeping the cell clean by digesting any Sol.(a) Cytology: the branches of
external matter and bad cell organelles? Sol.(d) Keratin is the key structural biology and medicine concerned with
SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon) material making up hair, nails, feathers, the structure and function of plant and
(a) Golgi Apparatus horns, claws, hooves, calluses, and the animal cells.
(b) Mitochondria outer layer of skin among vertebrates.. It Histology is the branch of biology
(c) Plastits also protects epithelial cells from which studies the microscopic anatomy
(d) Lysosome damage or stress.. of biological tissues.
Physiology is the scientific study of
Sol.(d) Lysosomes are a kind of waste Q.195. The entire content of a living cell functions and mechanisms in a living
disposal system of the cell. Lysosomes is known as ______ which includes the system.
help to keep the cell clean by digesting cytoplasm and the nucleus. Taxonomy is the science of naming,
any foreign material as well as worn-out SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning) defining and classifying groups of
cell organelles. Foreign materials (a) mitochondria biological organisms on the basis of
entering the cell, such as bacteria or (b) lysosomes shared characteristics.
food, as well as old organelles end up in (c) protoplasm
the lysosomes, which break them up into (d) cell membrane Q.199.______are called the
small pieces. 'Powerhouses' of the cell.
Sol.(c) The entire content of a living cell SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Morning)
Q.192. Which cell organelle is also is known as protoplasm. It includes the (a) Lungs
known as ‘powerhouse of Cell’? cytoplasm and the nucleus. (b) Mitochondria
SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening) (c) Pituitary glands
(a) Lysosome Q.196. In normal cells, the process of (d) Arteries
(b) Mitochondria the flow of genetic information from
(c) Golgi Apparatus DNA to RNA is called: Sol.(b) Mitochondria are tiny organelles
(d) Plastids SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening) inside cells that are involved in releasing
(a) transportation energy from food. This process is known
Sol.(b) Mitochondria are known as the (b) transcription as cellular respiration. It is for this
powerhouses of the cell. They are (c) translocation reason that mitochondria are often
organelles that act like a digestive (d) translation referred to as the powerhouses of the
system which takes in nutrients, breaks cell.
them down, and creates energy rich Sol.(b) Transcription is the process in
molecules for the cell. The biochemical which a gene's DNA sequence is copied Q.200. Which of the following cell
processes of the cell are known as (transcribed) to make an RNA molecule. organelles is responsible for the storage,
cellular respiration. RNA polymerase is the main modification and
transcription enzyme. Transcription packaging of products in vesicles?
begins when RNA polymerase binds to a SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Evening) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 466

Pinnacle Biology

(a) Mitochondria apparatus. The endoplasmic reticulum's

(b) Plastids Q.203. The nucleus of a cell is function is to produce proteins for the
(c) Golgi apparatus surrounded by a jelly-like substance rest of the cell to function. Lysosomes
(d) Endoplasmic reticulum called: function as the digestive system of the
SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Afternoon) cell. Lysosomes are known as suicide
Sol.(c) Mitochondria is known as the (a) cytoplasm bags of the cell.
powerhouse of the cell. They help turn (b) deltoid
the energy we take from food into (c) stomata Q.207. Which of the following is/are
energy that the cell can use. (d) cell membrane called the ‘powerhouse of the cell’?
Plastids are the site of manufacture and SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Afternoon)
storage of important chemical Sol.(a) The nucleus of a cell is (a) White blood cells
compounds used by the cells of surrounded by Cytoplasm. It is a thick (b) Plasma membrane
autotrophic eukaryotes. They often solution that fills each cell and is (c) Mitochondria
contain pigments used in photosynthesis. enclosed by the cell membrane. It is (d) Red blood cells
Golgi apparatus is responsible for the mainly composed of water, salts, and
storage, modification and packaging of proteins. Sol.(c) Mitochondria is called the
products in vesicles. ‘powerhouse of the cell’. Mitochondria
Endoplasmic reticulum is a large, Q.204. Which of the following is the function as batteries that produce more
dynamic structure that serves many roles largest cell in the human body?
than 90% of the energy in your body's
in the cell including calcium storage, SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Morning)
cells. White blood cells are part of the
protein synthesis and liquid metabolism. (a) Sperm (b) Ovum
body's immune system. The plasma
(c) Neurons (d) Osteoclast
membrane is selectively permeable and
Q.201. ______ include/s glycogen,
is made of glycerophospholipids. Red
poly-β- hydroxybutyrate granules, Sol.(b) Ovum is the largest cell in the
blood cells contain a protein called
sulphur granules and gas vesicles. human body. It is a reproductive cell in
SSC CGL 20/08/21(Morning) hemoglobin, which carries oxygen from
the female body. It is 10 times bigger
(a) Cytoplasm the lungs to all parts of the body.
than male sperm.
(b) Mesosomes
(c) Flagella Q.208. In animal cells, which of the
Q.205. Which of the following are the
(d) Plasma membrane following are the cell’s ‘garbage
cellular structures responsible for protein
Sol..(a) Cytoplasm include/s glycogen, SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Afternoon)
SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Afternoon)
poly-β- hydroxybutyrate granules, (a) Vacuoles
(a) Lysosomes
sulphur granules and gas vesicles. The (b) Vesicles
(b) Mitochondria
cytoplasm or protoplasm of a bacterial (c) Lysosomes
(c) Golgi apparatus
cell is a gel-like matrix composed of (d) Endoplasmic reticulum
(d) Ribosomes
80% water, enzymes, nutrients, wastes,
gases, inorganic ions, and many low Sol.(c) In animal cells, Lysosomes are
Sol.(d) Ribosomes are the cellular
molecular weight compounds. the cell’s ‘garbage disposal’. Lysosomes
structures responsible for protein
are known as suicide bags of the cell. A
synthesis. Ribosomes play an important
Q.202. ______ was the first person who vacuole is a membrane-bound cell
role in protein synthesis by assembling
discovered cells. organelle. Vesicles can help transport
amino acids.
SSC CHSL 12/04/21 (Evening) materials that an organism needs to
(a) Alexander Fleming survive and recycle waste materials. The
Q.206. The sorting, tagging, packaging,
(b) Francis Crick endoplasmic reticulum can either be
and distribution of lipids and proteins in
(c) Ernest Rutherford smooth or rough and in general, its
the human body take place in the:
(d) Robert Hooke function is to produce proteins for the
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Afternoon)
(a) Peroxisomes rest of the cell to function.
Sol.(d) The first person who discovered
(b) Golgi apparatus
cells was Robert Hooke in 1665. Cells Sensory Organs
(c) Endoplasmic reticulum
(Dead cells) were first observed by (d) Lysosomes
Robert Hooke. Living cells were first Q209. Where is Rhodopsin , also called
observed by Anton Van Leeuwenhoek. Sol.(b) The sorting, tagging, packaging, visual purple , located in the human
Matthias Schleiden and Schwann and distribution of lipids and proteins in body?
together proposed the cell theory. the human body take place in the Golgi SSC-CHSL 3/07/2019 (Afternoon) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 467

Pinnacle Biology

(a) Hair (b) Hand SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Morning) Sol.(d) The arrector pili muscles are
(c) Nail (d) Eye (a) Nose (b) Tongue small muscles attached to hair follicles
(c) Ears (d) Eyes in mammals.. Contraction of these
Sol. (d) Rhodopsin , also called visual muscles causes the hairs to stand on end,
purple, is found in the retina of the Sol.(a) Olfactory receptors (ORs) are known colloquially as goose bumps.
eyes.It is extremely sensitive to light. It located in our nose. Olfactory receptors
enables vision in low light conditions. are also called as smell receptors capable
Q.218. The function of the retina is to:
of binding odour molecules that play an
Q.210. Which of the following important role in the sense of smell. SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening)
instruments is used for visual (a) close the eyes through the eyelids
examination of eardrum? Q.214. Snuff Indicators Indicate to prevent damage to the lens from
SSC CHSL 04/07/2019 (Afternoon) Changes In The Following excessive light
(a) Phonograph (b) Polygraph SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Evening) (b) process the information gathered by
(c) Otoscope (d) Optometer (a) Chemical State photoreceptor cells and send it to the
(b) Physical State brain to decide what the picture is
Sol.(c) An otoscope or auriscope is a (c) Colour (c) lubricate the eye by releasing tears
medical device which is used to look (d) Smell in a controlled way
into the ears. Health care providers use (d) adjust the focus of the lens for
otoscopes to screen for illness during Sol.214(d) Snuff indicators indicate formation of a clear image
regular check-ups and also to investigate changes in smell not in colour, physical
ear symptoms. An otoscope potentially state or chemical state.
gives a view of the ear canal and Sol.(b) process the information
gathered by photoreceptor cells and
tympanic membrane or eardrum. Q.215. Skin is which of the following
send it to the brain to decide what the
types of membrane ? picture is. The purpose of the retina is
Q.211. The pigment that gives human SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning) to receive light that the lens has
skin, hair and eyes their colour is called: (a) Serous membrane focused, convert the light into neural
SSC CHSL 09/07/2019 (Morning) (b) Cutaneous membrane signals, and send these signals on to
(a) phthalocyanine (b) melanin (c) Synovial membrane the brain for visual recognition.
(c) quinacridone (d) alizarin (d) Mucous membrane
Q219. The____helps in equalising the
Sol.(b) Melanin: The pigment that gives Sol.(b) The skin is an epithelial pressure on either side of the eardrum.
human skin, hair, and eyes their color. membrane also called the cutaneous SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Evening)
Dark-skinned people have more melanin membrane. It is a stratified squamous (a) cochlear nerve
in their skin than light-skinned people epithelial membrane resting on top of (b) malleus
have. Melanin is produced by cells connective tissue. (c) incus
called melanocytes. (d) eustachian tube
Q.216. Which part of Human ear
Q.212. Tears in the eyes are produced by collects sound from its surroundings? Sol.(d) The eustachian tube controls the
which of the following glands? SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening) pressure within the middle ear,
SSC CHSL 09/07/2019 (Evening) (a) Pinna (b) Anvil maintaining pressure equal to outside the
(a) Lacrimal gland (c) Cochlea (d) Hammer body. It is a canal that connects the
(b) Thyroid gland middle ear to the nasopharynx, which
(c) Pituitary gland Sol.(a) The auricle (pinna) is the visible consists of the upper throat and the back
(d) Hypothalamus gland portion of the outer ear. It collects sound of the nasal cavity.
waves and channels them into the ear
Sol.(a) In human physiology, the canal , where the sound is amplified. Q.220. Which of the following body
lacrimal glands are paired, parts behaves like a stretched rubber
almond-shaped exocrine glands, one for Q.217. Which muscles in the skin sheet? SSC CGL 23/08/21(Evening)
each eye, that secrete the aqueous layer contract to make the hairs on our skin (a) Tongue (b) Eye lens
of the tear film. They are situated in the stand up straight (goosebumps) when we (c) Nostril (d) Eardrum
upper lateral region of each orbit, in the are cold or frightened?
lacrimal fossa of the orbit formed by the SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning) Sol..(d) Eardrum behaves like a
frontal bone. (a) Elastin (b) Epidermis stretched rubber sheet. It is a part of the
(c) Collagen (d) Arrector pili ear that separates the middle ear from
Q.213. Olfactory receptors are located in the outer ear.
our: Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 468

Pinnacle Biology

Q.221. The size of the pupil of the eye is Typically, it sits at the center and divides
controlled by the ______. Q.225. Which cells in our body are the nostrils evenly.
SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Afternoon) popularly called "soldiers of the human
(a) blind spot (b) retina body"? Q.228. The right pulmonary artery
(c) cornea (d) iris SSC-CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening) is_____.
(a) Eosinophils SSC CHSL 11/07/2019 (Evening)
Sol.(d) The size of the pupil of the eye is (b) White blood cells (a) longer than the left
controlled by the iris. (c) Red blood cells (b) wider than the left
(d) Basophils (c) shorter than the left
Q.222. What is the coloured ring of (d) of the same size as the left
tissue behind the cornea called, that Sol.(b) White blood cells: they protect
regulates the amount of light entering the our body against foreign bodies and Sol.(a) A pulmonary artery is an artery
eye, by adjusting the size of the pupil? infectious diseases. They flow with the in the pulmonary circulation that carries
SSC MTS 08/10/21(evening) blood and kill any foriegn host that can deoxygenated blood from the right side
(a) Fovea (b) Retina make us ill so they are called as soldiers of the heart to the lungs. The largest
(c) Choroid (d) Iris of the human body pulmonary artery is the main pulmonary
Eosinophils- are a type of artery or pulmonary trunk from the
Sol..(d) Iris is the coloured ring of tissue disease-fighting white blood cells. They heart, and the smallest ones are the
behind the cornea called, that regulates are usually linked with allergic diseases arterioles, which lead to the capillaries
the amount of light entering the eye, by and certain infections. They are made in that surround the pulmonary alveoli.
adjusting the size of the pupil. bone marrow and then it flows to
different tissues. Q.229. Which of the following is the
Q.223. What do you call the transparent Red blood cells: Red blood cells are universal recipient blood group?
front part of the eye? SSC MTS made in bone marrow and they live for SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening)
11/10/21(Morning) around 120 days. Their main function is (a) O (b) B
(a) Cornea (b) Retina to carry oxygen from lungs to the rest of (c) A (d) AB
(c) Pupil (d) Iris our body.
Basophils: are a type of white blood cell. Sol.(d) People with AB blood group are
Sol.(a) The transparent front part of the They are produced in the bone marrow, universal recipients because they have
eye is known as Cornea. The cornea's They're part of our immune system and no antibodies to A,B or Rh in blood so
main function is to refract or bend light. play a role in its proper function. they can easily receive blood from
people of any blood group.
Q.226. Which of the following gases
Q.224. Which tissue among the
reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of Q.230. The process of blood clotting is
following is a protective tissue in the
the blood? called_____.
animal body? SSC MTS 20/10/2021
SSC-CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning) SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Morning)
(a) Nitric oxide (a) coagulation
(a) Muscular tissue
(b) Carbon dioxide (b) thrombocytopenia
(b) Nervous tissue
(c) Carbon Monoxide (c) haemophilia
(c) Connective tissue
(d) Nitrous oxide (d) homophobia
(d) Epithelial tissue

Sol.(c) The gas that reduces the capacity Sol.(a) Coagulation is also known as
Sol.(d) Epithelial tissue is a protective
of the blood to carry oxygen is Carbon clotting, is the process by which blood
tissue in the animal body. The four major
Monoxide. It gets deposited in the changes from a liquid to a gel, forming a
classes of simple epithelium are (1)
haemoglobin of Red Blood Cells (RBCs) blood clot. It potentially results in
simple squamous, (2) simple cuboidal,
and prevents proper oxygen carrying hemostasis, the cessation of blood loss
(3) simple columnar, and (4)
capacity. from a damaged vessel, followed by
pseudostratified. The types of connective repair.
tissue include cartilage, bone, collagen Q.227. Which of the following is NOT a
fibers, reticular fibers, elastic fibers, valve of the Heart? Q.231. Which component of blood
blood, hematopoietic/lymphatic, adipose SSC CHSL 10/07/2019 (Evening) fights against the germs entering into the
tissue, bone marrow, and lymphoid (a) Mitral (b) Aortic human body ?
tissue. (c) Tricuspid (d) Septum SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening)
(a) Haemoglobin
Circulatory System Sol.(d) The septum is the cartilage in the (b) Red Blood Cells
nose that separates the nostrils. (c) Platelets Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 469

Pinnacle Biology

(d) White Blood Cells the mitral valve into the left ventricle , or intima, the inner layer lined by a smooth
the left lower chamber. tissue called endothelium.
Sol.(d) White blood cells (also called
leukocytes) are a key part of the immune Q.235.______ carries oxygenated blood Q.238. Blood clot is formed because of
system. The immune system helps the from the lungs to the heart. the presence of certain cells presence in
body defend itself against infection. SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening) blood called :
Different types of white blood cells (a) Aorta SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening)
(WBCs) fight germs, such as bacteria (b) Renal artery (a) lymphocytes
and viruses . (c) Pulmonary vein (b) erythrocytes
(d) Vena Cava (c) chondrocytes
Q.232. Which reptile has a (d) platelets
four-chambered heart? Sol.(c) The pulmonary artery carries
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon) deoxygenated blood from the right Sol.(d) Platelets are tiny blood cells that
(a) Tortoise (b) King Cobra ventricle into the lungs for oxygenation. help the body form clots to stop
(c) Chameleon (d) Crocodile The pulmonary veins carry oxygenated bleeding.
blood from the lungs into the left atrium
Sol.(d) Crocodiles have been classified where it is returned to systemic Q.239. Which part of the body is
as reptiles in spite of having four circulation. The aorta is the largest artery responsible for the red blood cells?
chambered hearts because they have dry, in the body. SSC CGL 4/3/2020 (afternoon)
non glandular skin, epidermal scales are (a) Lungs (b) Heart
also present. They are cold (c) Brain (d) Bone Marrow
blooded,oviparous, etc. All these Q.236. Which of the following
features are specific for reptiles, so statements is NOT correct regarding the Sol.(d) In an Adult human all the Red
crocodiles are reptiles. ‘Bombay blood group’? blood cells (RBC) are produced by bone
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning) marrow. Production takes place under
Q.233. Which of the following has a (a) a person with this blood group may the control of the hormone
two-chambered heart? receive blood only from a person with O erythropoietin (EPO).
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening) blood group.
(a) Human beings (b) Sparrows (b) It was first discovered in 1952 by Dr. Q.240. Who performs the task of
(c) Monkey (d) Fishes Y M Bhende| capturing oxygen in the blood?
(c) It is deficiency in expressing h SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Morning)
Sol.(d) Fish have a single circuit for antigen (a) Red blood cells
blood flow and a two-chambered heart (d) It has neither A nor B antigen. (b) Chlorophyll
that has only a single atrium and a single (c) White blood cells
ventricle. The atrium collects blood that Sol. (a) a person with this blood group (d) Haemoglobin
has returned from the body and the may receive blood only from a person
ventricle pumps the blood to the gills with O blood group Hh or the Bombay Sol.(d) Hemoglobin captures oxygen and
where gas exchange occurs and the blood group, is a rare blood type. This transports it through the bloodstream by
blood is reoxygenated. This is called gill blood phenotype was first discovered in binding oxygen to each of its four heme
circulation. Bombay, now known as Mumbai, in groups. These heme groups are
India, by Dr. Y. M. Bhende in 1952. It is prosthetic groups; they are non-protein
Q.234. Which chamber of the human mostly found in South Asia and parts of chemical compounds that are associated
heart gets oxygen rich blood from the the Middle East such as Iran. with hemoglobin and are necessary for
lungs ? its function.
SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q.237. The blood vessels that carry
(a) Left Ventricle blood from the heart to the various parts Q.241. Which of the following blood
(b) Left Atrium of the body are called: groups is called the ‘Universal
(c) Right Ventricle SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning) Receiver’?
(d) Right Atrium (a) arteries (b) veins SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Morning)
(c) septum (d) capillaries (a) AB+ (b) O+
Sol.(b) Oxygen-rich blood flows from (c) A+ (d) O–
the lungs back into the left atrium , or Sol.(a) The arteries are the blood vessels
the left upper chamber of the heart, that deliver oxygen-rich blood from the Sol.(a) AB+ can receive blood from any
through four pulmonary veins. heart to the tissues of the body. Each blood group and is called the ‘Universal
Oxygen-rich blood then flows through artery is a muscular tube lined by Receiver’.
smooth tissue and has three layers: The Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 470

Pinnacle Biology

Q.242. Which of the following carries Q.246. Lymph is a light clear fluid made Sol.(b) When the valves do not work
blood from the heart to the kidneys? up of white blood cells that attack properly, they allow blood to back up
SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Morning) harmful ______ in the blood. into the vein. The vein swells from the
(a) Renal vein SSC CGL 13/08/21 (Evening) blood that collects there, which causes
(b) Coronary artery (a) protozoa (b) fungi varicose veins. Varicose veins are
(c) Vena cava (c) viruses (d) bacteria common and affect more women than
(d) Renal artery men.
Sol.(d) Lymph is a light clear fluid made
Sol.(d) Oxygenated blood comes to the up of white blood cells that attack Q.250. Which of the following is NOT a
kidneys from the right and left renal harmful bacteria in the blood. It has a type of blood cell made by the bone
arteries off the abdominal aorta. composition similar but not identical to marrow?
Deoxygenated blood leaves the kidneys blood plasma. SSC MTS 05/10/21(Afternoon)
via the right and left renal veins that run (a) Osteoclasts
into the inferior vena cava. Q.247. Which of the following is a large (b) Red blood cells
bean-shaped lymphoid organ in the (c) Platelets
Q.243. The sino-artrialnode is located in human body? (d) White blood cells
the ______. SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Evening)
SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Evening) (a) Thymus (b) Spleen Sol.(a) Osteoclasts are NOT a type of
(a) bladder (b) heart (c) Lymph node (d) Tonsil blood cell made by the bone marrow.
(c) brain (d) stomach Osteoclast, a large multinucleated cell
Sol.(b) The spleen is a bean-shaped responsible for the dissolution and
Sol.(b) The sinoatrial node is a group of organ that stores erythrocytes, absorption of bone. Red blood cells,
cells located in the wall of the right lymphocytes, and phagocytes. It filters platelets, and white blood cells are types
atrium of the heart. These cells have the the bloodstream by trapping blood-borne of blood cells made by bone marrow.
ability to spontaneously produce an pathogens in its cells.
electrical impulse that travels through
Excretory System
the heart via the electrical conduction Q.248. Which of the following
system causing it to contract. statements about blood pressure is
Q.251. Which organ is responsible for
correct? SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Evening)
removing the Nitrogenous waste from
Q.244. Crocodiles have ______ heart (a) The normal systolic pressure is about
the human body ?
chambers. 80 mm of Hg and diastolic pressure is
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning)
SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) 120 mm of Hg.
(a) Liver
(a) three (b) four (b) The normal systolic pressure is about
(b) Kidneys
(c) five (d) two 72 mm of Hg and diastolic pressure is 35
(c) Lungs
mm of Hg.
(d) Pancreas
Sol.(c) Mammals and birds have four (c) The normal systolic pressure is about
chambered hearts but their heart act as 160 mm of Hg and diastolic pressure is
Sol.(b) Humans have two kidneys and
three chambered when they dive and act 80 mm of Hg.
each kidney is supplied with blood from
otherwise normally. Amphibians have a (d) The normal systolic pressure is about
the renal artery. The kidneys remove
three chambered heart while fishes have 120 mm of Hg and diastolic pressure is
from the blood the nitrogenous wastes
two chambered heart. 80 mm of Hg.
such as urea, as well as salts and excess
water, and excrete them in the form of
Q.245. A healthy individual has 12-16 Sol.(d) The normal systolic pressure is
grams of haemoglobin in every ______ about 120 mm of Hg and diastolic
ml of blood. pressure is 80 mm of Hg.
Q.252. Gloremulus and Bowman’s
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning)
capsule are parts of which organ of the
(a) 100 (b) 1000 Q.249. Swollen bluish veins resulting
body ?
(c) 10000 (d) 100000 from the valves that do not close
SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning)
properly are called ______.
(a) Heart (b) Kidneys
Sol.(a) Per 100 ml of Blood, a healthy SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Evening)
(c) Lungs (d) Liver
individual has 12-16 ml of haemoglobin (a) systemic veins
in his Blood. It varies from (12-16) in (b) varicose veins
Sol.(b) Bowman's capsule (or the
women to (13.5-18) in Men . (c) deep veins
Bowman capsule, capsula glomeruli, or
(d) superficial veins
glomerular capsule) is a cup-like sack at
the beginning of the tubular component Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 471

Pinnacle Biology

of a nephron in the mammalian kidney (c) Albumin (d) Creatinine

that performs the first step in the Sol.(d) Sweating is the body's way of
filtration of blood to form urine. regulating its temperature. When we're Sol.(b) Urobilin or urochrome is the
hot, we sweat. That moisture then chemical primarily responsible for the
Q.253. Dialysis is advised to the patient evaporates and cools us down. yellow color of urine.
in case of which human organ is
damaged or not functioning properly? Q.257. With regard to kidneys and its Q261. The nephron is the microscopic
SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) functions, which of the following structural and functional unit of the: SSC
(a) Kidneys (b) Liver statements is NOT correct? CHSL 11/8/2021 (Afternoon)
(c) Stomach (d) Heart SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning) (a) kidney (b) heart
(a) They maintain water balance and (c) lung (d) liver
Sol.(a) When our kidneys can't perform expel metabolic waste.
these functions due to disease or injury, (b) Reptiles have relatively more Sol.(a) The nephron is the minute or
dialysis can help keep the body running nephrons than birds.. microscopic structural and functional
as normally as possible. Without (c) Each nephron has two parts - the unit of the kidney.
dialysis, salts and other waste products glomerulus and the renal tubule
get accumulated in the blood, poison the (d) Their basic functional units are called
Endocrine/Exocrine system
body, and damage other organs. nephrons.
Q.262. Name the gland that controls the
Q.254. Before Urination, In which part Sol.(b) Reptile kidneys are relatively
functioning of other endocrine glands.
of the excretory system in the human simple in structure compared with birds
SSC-CGL 04/06/2019 (Afternoon)
body does the urine get stored ? and mammals.. They contain fewer
(a) Pancreas (b) Pituitary gland
SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon) nephrons and lack a loop of henle.
(c) Pineal gland (d) Adrenal gland
(a) Ureter Therefore the kidney cannot produce
(b) Bowman's Capsule hypertonic urine.
Sol.(b) Pituitary gland controls the
(c) Urethra
functioning of other endocrine glands.It
(d) Urinary Bladder Q.258. Which of these is an excretory
is also known as master gland because it
organ of the human body?
controls the activity of most other
Sol.(d) The urine gets stored in the SSC CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon)
hormone secreting glands
urinary bladder which passess from the (a) Heart (b) Skin
Pancreas - It is part of the digestive
kidneys through the ureter. During (c) Brain (d) Muscles
system and produces insulin and other
urination the urine is passed from the
important enzymes and hormones that
bladder through the urethra to the Sol.(b) The skin plays a role in excretion
help break down foods.
outside of the body. through the production of sweat by
Pineal gland - The pineal gland is a
sweat glands. Sweating eliminates
small, pea-shaped gland in the brain. It is
Q.255. Identify the organ which is excess water and salts, as well as a small
used to regulate melatonin hormone
located on both sides in the human body. amount of urea, a byproduct of protein
which is responsible for regulating
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening) catabolism.
sleeping patterns.
(a) Spleen (b) Liver
Adrenal gland - The adrenal glands are
(c) Kidney (d) Bladder Q.259. ______ is the structural and
also known as suprarenal glands.They
functional unit of the kidney.
produce a variety of hormones like
Sol.(c) The kidneys are located in the SSC CGL 13/08/21(Morning)
adrenaline,cortisol and aldosterone.
back of the abdomen on either side of (a) Ureter (b) Cortex
the body. Their function is to filter blood (c) Medulla (d) Nephron
Q.263. Which Of The Following Glands
and form urine, which is excreted from
Is Regarded As Master Gland?
the body. Sol.(d) The nephron is the functional
SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Evening)
unit of the kidney. It is responsible for
(a) Thyroid
Q.256. Sweating or perspiration is removing waste from the body. Each
(b) Adrenal Gland
nature’s way of______ kidney is composed of over one million
(c) Pituitary Gland
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening) nephrons.
(d) Hypothalamus
(a) releasing excess salt from the body
(b) warding off harmful insects through Q.260. Which of the following
Sol.(c) The pituitary gland is often called
the bad odour of the sweat chemicals is responsible for the yellow
the master gland because it controls
(c) releasing excess water from the body colour in urine?
several other hormone glands in our
(d) lowering the internal temperature of SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Morning)
body, including the thyroid and adrenals,
the body (a) Bilirubin (b) Urobilin Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 472

Pinnacle Biology

the ovaries and testicles.It secretes Q.268. ______ glands release tears from hormones: triiodothyronine (T3) and
hormones from both the front part our eyes. thyroxine (T4). The pituitary gland
(anterior) and the back part (posterior) of SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Evening) controls metabolism, growth, sexual
the gland. Hormones are chemicals that (a) Thyroid (b) Adrenal maturation, reproduction, blood pressure
carry messages from one cell to another (c) Pituitary (d) Lacrimal and many other vital physical functions
through our bloodstream. and processes.The pineal gland,
Sol.(d) The lacrimal gland produces conarium, or epiphysis cerebri, is a small
Q.264. What is the primary function of tears which are secreted by the lacrimal endocrine gland in the brain of most
eccrine glands ? ducts, and flow over the ocular surface, vertebrates.
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning) and then into canals that connect to the
(a) to produce sweat lacrimal sac. From that sac, the tears
(b) to produce color of the skin drain through the lacrimal duct into the Respiratory system
(c) to produce body hair nose. Q.271. The upper part of the respiratory
(d) to produce growth hormones
tract is provided with small hair-like
structures called ______.
Sol.(a) Eccrine glands produce sweat
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning)
that cools the surface of the skin and
(a) Bronchi (b) Cilia
controls body temperature.
(c) Villi (d) Alveoli
Q.265. How many parathyroid glands
are present on the back side of the Sol.(b) The respiratory system is lined
thyroid gland in humans? with a mucous membrane that secretes
SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Afternoon) mucus. The mucus traps smaller
(a) Six (b) Three particles like pollen or smoke. Hairlike
(c) Five (d) Four Q.269. Proboscis gland for excretion is structures called cilia line the mucous
present in the phylum: SSC MTS membrane and move the particles
Sol.(d) Four parathyroid glands are 22/10/2021 (Evening) trapped in the mucus out of the nose.
present on the back side of the thyroid (a) Arthropoda (b) Porifera
gland in humans.
(c) Mollusca (d) Hemichordata Q272. Which part of the human
Q.266. What is a leaf-shaped flap of respiratory system exchanges gases ?
cartilage located behind the tongue, at Sol.(d) Proboscis gland for excretion is SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning)
the top of the larynx or voice box called? present in the phylum Hemichordata (a) Bronchi (b) Trachea
SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Evening) .Examples of Hemichordata are (c) Bronchioles (d) Alveoli
(a) Gallbladder (b) Ileum Balanoglossus, Saccoglossus,
(c) Jejunum (d) Epiglottis Protoglossus, Ptychodera. Arthropods- Sol.(d) The alveoli are the center of your
lobsters, crabs, spiders, mites, insects, respiratory system's gas exchange. The
Sol.(d) The epiglottis is a leaf-shaped centipedes, and millipedes. Porifera alveoli pick up the incoming energy
flap of cartilage located behind the Examples · Sycon · Hyalonema · Cliona (oxygen) you breathe in and release the
tongue, at the top of the larynx, or voice · Euplectella · Spongilla. Molluscs outgoing waste product (carbon dioxide)
box. The main function of the epiglottis include mussels, scallops, oysters, you exhale.
is to seal off the windpipe during eating, periwinkles, whelks, squid, clams,
so that food is not accidentally inhaled. snails, and octopus. Q273. Exchange of gases occurs through
which part of the plant tissue?
Q.267. Which of the following parts of Q.270. Which gland produces Cortisol SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning)
the body/glands maintains the body often known as a 'stress hormone' in (a) Phloem (b) Stomata
temperature? humans? SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (c) Xylem (d) Midrid
SSC CHSL 05/08/21 (Morning) (Evening)
(a) Pituitary (b) Adrenal (a) Thyroid gland Sol.(b) The leaves of plants have tiny
(c) Thyroid (d) Hypothalamus (b) Pituitary gland pores on their surface which are called
(c) Adrenal gland stomata. The exchange of gases in the
Sol.(d) Hypothalamus is a small region (d) Pineal gland leaves during respiration takes place
of the brain which maintains the body through stomata. This happens as
temperature. It’s located at the base of Sol.(c) Adrenal gland produces Cortisol follows: Oxygen from the air enters into
the brain, near the pituitary gland. often known as a 'stress hormone' in a leaf through the stomata and reaches
humans. The thyroid gland uses iodine all the cells by the process of diffusion.
from food to make two thyroid Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 473

Pinnacle Biology

Q.274. Which of the following is known Sol.(d) The growing voice box in boys body through which air enters the
as the energy currency of the cell? can be seen as a protruding part of the tracheal system.
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning) throat called Adam’s apple.
(a) adenosine diphosphate Digestive system
(b) adenosine triphosphate Q.278. Which part of the plant allows
(c) Glycine triphosphate for the uptake of carbon dioxide and Q.281. How many ‘canine teeth’ does an
(d) adenosine phosphate limits the loss of water due to adult human have?
evaporation? SSC MTS 18/10/2021 SSC-CGL 10/06/2019 (Evening)
Sol.(b) Adenosine 5'-triphosphate, or (Evening) (a) 8 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 2
ATP, is the principal molecule for storing (a) Lamina (b) Stipule
and transferring energy in cells. It is (c) Stomata (d) Petiole Sol.(b) A normal adult mouth has 32
often referred to as the energy currency teeth, which (except for wisdom teeth)
of the cell and can be compared to Sol.(c) Stomata allows for the uptake of have erupted by about age 13: Incisors
storing money in a bank. carbon dioxide and limits the loss of (8 total): The middlemost four teeth on
water due to evaporation. Stomata are the upper and lower jaws. Canines (4
Q.275. Which of the following is present minute openings found in the epidermis total): The pointed teeth just outside the
between the lungs? of leaves, stems and other plant organs. incisors. Premolars (8 total): Teeth
SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Afternoon) between the canines and molars.
The petiole is a stalk that connects the
(a) Thymus (b) Pituitary
blade with the leaf base. Stipule- a small
(c) Hypothalamus (d) Pineal Q.282. Bariatric surgery brings changes
leaflike appendage to a leaf, typically
borne in pairs at the base of the leaf in a person's __________.
Sol.(a) The Thymus is located in the SSC-CGL 06/06/2019 (Evening)
stalk. The lamina is the expanded, flat
upper anterior (front) part of your chest (a) Heart (b) nasal passage
component of the leaf that contains the
directly behind your sternum and (c) Lungs (d) Digestive System
between your lungs. The pinkish-gray chloroplasts.
organ has two thymic lobes Sol.(d) Gastric Bypass and other weight
Q.279. Tiny pores present on the surface
loss surgeries are collectively known as
Q.276. Which of the following parts of of leaves are known as: SSC MTS
Bariatric surgery. It involves making
the human body releases carbon dioxide, 22/10/2021 (Evening)
changes to our digestive system to help
brought in by the blood, from the rest of (a) nucleus (b) stomata
lose weight. People who have serious
the body? (c) mitochondria (d) cytoplasm
health issues because of weight undergo
SSC CHSL 12-10-2020 (Evening) this surgery.
(a) Trachea (b) Alveoli Sol.(b) Tiny pores present on the surface
(c) Larynx (d) Bronchi of leaves are known as Stomata.
Q.283. Which of the following is a
Mitochondria are known as "the
vestigial organ?
Sol.(b) Alveoli are the center of the powerhouse of the cell". Cytoplasm is a
SSC-CGL 10/06/2019 (Afternoon)
respiratory system’s gas exchange. The thick solution that fills each cell and is
(a) Heart (b) Kidney
alveoli pick up the incoming energy enclosed by the cell membrane. A (c) Lungs (d) Appendix
(oxygen) we breathe in and release the nucleus is a membrane-bound organelle
outgoing waste product (carbon dioxide) that contains the cell's chromosomes. Sol.(d) Vestigial organs are organs of the
we exhale. As it moves through blood body which are smaller and simpler than
vessels (capillaries) in the alveoli walls, Q.280. What is the network of air tubes those in related species. They have lost,
our blood takes the oxygen from the for gas exchange in insects? SSC MTS or almost lost their original function.
alveoli and gives off carbon dioxide to 27/10/2021 (Evening) The appendix is probably the most
the alveoli. (a) Gills (b) Diaphragm widely known vestigial human organ.
(c) Tracheae (d) Spiracles
Q.277. The growing voice box in boys Q.284. In which of the following organs
can be seen as a protruding part of the Sol.(c) Tracheae is the network of air of the human body are carbohydrates
throat called ______. SSC MTS tubes for gas exchange in insects. Gills stored as glycogen?
07/10/21 (Morning) are evaginated respiratory surfaces used SSC CHSL 10/07/2019 (Evening)
(a) bronchi (b) thyroid cartilage for breathing in water. The diaphragm, (a) Stomach
(c) trachea (d) Adam’s apple located below the lungs, is the major (b) Liver
muscle of respiration. Spiracles are the (c) Small intestine
small opening on the lateral side of the (d) Large intestine Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 474

Pinnacle Biology

Sol.(b) Glycogen is the storage form of Q.288. Which is the longest part in the Q.292. In which of the following parts
carbohydrates in mammals. In humans digestive system of the human body ? of the human digestive system is the
the majority of glycogen is stored in SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening) digestion of food completed?
skeletal muscles (∼500 g) and the liver (a) Pancreatic duct SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
(∼100 g). Food is supplied in larger (b) Small intestine (a) Small Intestine
meals, but the blood glucose (c) Large intestine (b) Large Intestine
concentration has to be kept within (d) Oesophagus (c) Mouth
narrow limits to survive and stay (d) Stomach
healthy. Sol.(b) Most of the digestion of food
takes place in the small intestine which Sol.(a) Digestion begins in the mouth,
Q.285. Which of the below mentioned is the longest part of the GI tract. A when we chew and swallow, and is
human organs can regrow after damage major digestive organ is the stomach. completed in the small intestine.
in adults?
SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) Q289. Digestion of food begins in which Q.293. Which among the following is
(a) Kidney (b) Liver part of the alimentary canal in human the food tube?
(c) Gallbladder (d) Lung beings? SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Afternoon)
SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon) (a) Larynx (b) Thymus
Sol.(b) In adults, the liver can regenerate (a) Stomach (c) Oesophagus (d) Aorta
after either surgical removal or after (b) Small intestine
chemical injury. It is known that as little (c) Large intestine Sol.(c) The food pipe or oesophagus is
as 25% of the original liver mass can (d) Mouth part of your digestive system. It is the
tube that carries food from your mouth
regenerate back to its full size.
to your stomach. It lies behind the
Sol.(d) Digestion begins in the mouth, windpipe (trachea) and in front of the
Q.286. Tooth Enamel Is Made Up Of well before food reaches the stomach. A spine.
SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Evening) digestive enzyme in saliva called
(a) Calcium Sulfate amylase starts to break down some of Q.294. The inner walls of the small
(b) Calcium Silicate the carbohydrates (starches and sugars) intestine have thousands of finger-like
(c) Calcium Carbonate in the food even before it leaves the outgrowths. These are called:
(d) Calcium Phosphate mouth. SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Evening)
(a) Villi (b) Lumps
Sol.(d) Enamel is the hardest substance Q.290. Which substance covers the root (c) Benign (d) Myomas
in the human body and contains the of the tooth?
highest percentage of minerals (at 96%), SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning) Sol.(a) Intestinal villi are tiny, finger-like
with water and organic material (a) Cementum (b) Pulp projections made up of cells that line the
composing the rest. The primary mineral (c) Dentin (d) Enamel entire length of the small intestine. They
is hydroxyapatite, which is a crystalline absorb nutrients from the food we eat
calcium phosphate. Sol.(a) The cementum is a hard and then shuttle those nutrients into the
connective tissue that covers the roots of bloodstream so that they can travel
Q.287. In which part of the alimentary the tooth. where they are needed.
canal, the complete digestion of fat takes
place? Q.291. The pouch connected to the Q.295. Which of the following organs
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) junction of small intestine and the large are NOT parts of the Alimentary canal?
(a) Large intestine intestine is called: SSC CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening)
(b) Small intestine SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning) (a) Colon and rectum
(c) Stomach (a) condyle (b) caecum (b) Buccal cavity and Oesophagus
(d) Mouth (c) coccyx (d) axilla (c) Stomach and intestine
(d) Liver and pancreas
Sol.(b) Fats are mainly digested in the Sol.(b) Cecum(caecum) is a pouch or
small intestine. The presence of fat in the large tubelike structure in the lower Sol.(d) The alimentary canal is a major
small intestine produces hormones that abdominal cavity that receives part of the digestive system.
stimulate the release of pancreatic lipase undigested food material from the small It consists of:
from the pancreas and bile from the liver intestine and is considered the first a) The Mouth or Oral cavity or
which helps in the emulsification of fats region of the large intestine. Buccal cavity
for absorption of fatty acids. b) Salivary glands
c) Teeth
d) Tongue Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 475

Pinnacle Biology

e) Pharynx diaphragm, and on top of the stomach, (c) Citric acid

f) Oesophagus right kidney, and intestines. (d) Hydrochloric acid
g) Stomach
h) Small Intestine Q.299. A large, muscular sheet called Sol.(d) Hydrochloric acid is released by
i) Duodenum ______ forms the floor of the chest the gastric glands present in the stomach.
ii) Jejunum cavity. SSC MTS 08/10/21 (Morning)
iii) Ileum (a) diaphragm (b) larynx Q.303. Complex food substances break
i) Large Intestine (c) duodenum (d) alveoli down into simpler ones with the help of:
i) Appendix SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Evening)
ii) Cecum Sol.(a) A large, muscular sheet called a (a) hormones (b) enzymes
iii) Colon diaphragm forms the floor of the chest (c) fungi (d) bacteria
iv) Rectum cavity. It is the major muscle of
j) Anus respiration. Upon inhalation, the Sol..(b) Complex food substances break
diaphragm contracts and flattens and the down into simpler ones with the help of
chest cavity enlarges. enzymes. Enzymes help in the
Q.296. Hydrochloric acid is secreted in breakdown of complex molecules like
which part of our digestive system? Q.300. Which of the following is the carbohydrates, protein, fats, etc. into
SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Evening) indigestible portion of our diet essential simple molecules. Some examples of
(a) Mouth (b) Stomach to the health of the digestive system?
(c) Liver (d) Small intestine SSC MTS 08/10/21 (Morning)
Lipases – a group of enzymes that help
(a) Fats (b) Roughage
digest fats in the gut.
Sol.(b) Hydrochloric acid is secreted in (c) Carbohydrates (d) Proteins
Amylase – Helps change starches into
Stomach and is needed to activate the
protein digesting enzyme, pepsin. Sol.(b) Roughage is the indigestible
Maltase – also found in saliva; breaks
portion of our diet essential to the health
Q.297. Which of the following organs of the digestive system. Roughage the sugar maltose into glucose.
secretes hydrochloric acid that helps our includes all plant products like grains, Trypsin – found in the small intestine,
body in killing pathogenic bacteria? nuts, legumes, fruits, etc. They are breaks proteins down into amino acids.
SSC CGL 16/08/21(Evening) indigestible but act as a source of food
(a) Brain (b) Heart for the beneficial bacteria present in our Q.304. Which part of the digestive
(c) Kidney (d) Stomach gut. Consumption of roughage maintains system receives secretions from the liver
body weight and also reduces risk and the pancreas?
Sol.(d) The stomach secretes factors of heart disease. SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Morning)
hydrochloric acid that helps our body in (a) Large intestines
killing pathogenic bacteria ingested with Q.301. Which of the following converts (b) Stomach
food and water. Hydrochloric acid is glucose into glycogen (a complex (c) Gallbladder
secreted by parietal cells in the stomach. carbohydrate used for storage) and (d) Small intestines
This also creates the ideal conditions for amino acids into proteins? SSC MTS
the protein-digesting enzymes to work. 08/10/21(evening) Sol.(d) Small intestines of the digestive
(a) Liver system receive secretions from the liver
Q.298. Which of the following (b) Lungs and the pancreas. The pancreas is an
statements is INCORRECT? SSC MTS (c) Small intestine organ located in the abdomen. The
07/10/21 (Evening) (d) Large intestine pancreas is an organ of the digestive
(a) The liver secretes bile. system and endocrine system of
(b) The liver is the largest gland in the Sol.(a) Liver converts glucose into vertebrates.
body. glycogen (a complex carbohydrate used
(c) The liver is situated in the upper part for storage) and amino acids into Nervous system
of the abdomen on the left side. proteins.
(d) The liver is reddish brown in colour. Q305. Which one of the following is a
Q.302. Which of the following acids is degenerative disorder of the brain and
Sol.(c) The liver is situated in the upper released by the gastric glands present in one of several conditions that cause
part of the abdomen on the left side. This the stomach? SSC MTS 13/10/2021 dementia, a progressive decline of
statement is incorrect. The liver is (Evening) mental functions resulting in memory
located in the upper right-hand portion (a) Acetic acid loss and confusion?
of the abdominal cavity, beneath the (b) Nitric acid SSC CHSL 04/07/2019 (Evening) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 476

Pinnacle Biology

(a) Schizophrenia Sol.(c) The gluteus maximus is the (d) Red blood cells
(b) Alzheimer’s disease largest muscle in the human body. It is
(c) Amnesia large and powerful because it has the job Sol.(a) Dendrites and Axon are parts of
(d) Concussion of keeping the trunk of the body in an Neuron.
erect posture. It is the chief antigravity The primary components of neurons are
Sol.(b) It is a progressive disease that muscle that aids in walking up stairs. the dendrites and axon.
destroys memory and other important The hardest working muscle is the heart.
mental functions. Q.313. Which of the following is NOT a
Brain cell connections and the cells Q.309. Which part of the brain maintains part of the brain?
themselves degenerate and die, posture and balance of the human body? SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Evening)
eventually destroying memory and other SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning) (a) Pinna (b) Medulla
important mental functions.Memory loss (a) Cerebrum (b) Pons (c) Pons (d) Thalamus
and confusion are the main symptoms.. (c) Cerebellum (d) Medulla
Sol.(a) The pinna is the only visible part
Q.306. The_____in the human body Sol.(c) The cerebellum (back of brain) is of the ear (the auricle) with its special
controls every activity that you perform. located at the back of the head. Its helical shape. It’s main function is to act
SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening) function is to coordinate voluntary as a kind of funnel which assists in
(a) respiratory system muscle movements and to maintain directing the sound further into the ear. It
(b) nervous system posture, balance, and equilibrium. is not part of the brain.
(c) digestive system
(d) reproductive system Q310. Hypothalamus is part of which Q.314. Which of the following terms is
organ of the Human body? associated with the anatomy of the
Sol.(b) The nervous system is the part of SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening) human heart?
an animal that coordinates its actions by (a) Brain (b) Heart SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning)
transmitting signals to and from different (c) Spinal Cord (d) Liver (a) Cerebellum (b) Medulla
parts of its body. The nervous system (c) Aorta (d) Cerebrum
detects environmental changes that Sol.(a) The hypothalamus is a small but
impact the body, then works in tandem important area in the center of the brain. Sol.(b) The Aorta is the largest blood
with the endocrine system to respond to It plays an important role in hormone vessel in the body. It is the main artery
such events. production and helps to stimulate many that carries blood away from the heart to
important processes in the body and is the rest of the body.After the blood
Q.307. The hypothalamus, a small located in the brain, between the leaves the heart through the aortic Valve,
region of the _______ plays a crucial pituitary gland and thalamus. it travels through the aorta, making a
role in many important functions of the cane shaped curve that connects with
human body. Q.311. Which organ is responsible for other major arteries to deliver Oxygen
SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Evening) activity and the hand-eye coordination in rich blood to the brain, muscles and
(a) Stomach (b) Liver the human body ? other cells.
(c) Kidney (d) Brain SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon) Cerebrum Medulla and Cerebellum all
(a) Liver (b) Kidneys are part of the Brain.
Sol.(d) The hypothalamus is a small (c) Brain (d) Heart
region of the brain. It's located at the Q.315. Which part of the brain is
base of the brain, near the pituitary Sol.(c) The cerebellum is responsible for instrumental in making it possible for a
gland. While it's very small, the maintaining equilibrium, transfer of person to perform an activity such as
hypothalamus plays a crucial role in information, fine adjustments to motor picking up a pencil from the floor?
many important functions, including: actions, coordinating eye movements SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning)
releasing hormones, regulating body etc. Coordination and body balance, (a) Hypothalamus (b) Cerebellum
temperature. posture during walking, riding, standing, (c) Cerebrum (d) Cranium
swimming, running, are all maintained
Q.308. Identify the largest muscle in the by the cerebellum. Sol.(b) Cerebellum is instrumental in
human body. making it possible for a person to
SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Morning) Q.312. Dendrites and Axon are parts of perform an activity such as picking up a
(a) Sartorius which cell ? pencil from the floor . The cerebellum
(b) Iliopsoas SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening) coordinates voluntary movements such
(c) Gluteus Maximus (a) Neuron as posture, balance, coordination, and
(d) Latissimus Dorsi (b) Nephron speech, resulting in smooth and balanced
(c) White blood cells muscular activity. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 477

Pinnacle Biology

outer ear to the inner ear. Together they

Q.316. In which part of the human body are known as the ossicles, these bones
will you find the 'superior rectus'? are individually referred to as the
SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Afternoon) malleus,incus, and stapes.
(a) Ear (b) Eye
(c) Nose (d) Tongue Q.320. Which of these bones is not a
part of the human ear?
Sol.(b) The superior rectus is an eye SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (morning)
muscle, controlling the eye as it moves (a) Femur (b) Malleus
up. This muscle is among four muscles - (c) Stapes (d) Incus
including the medial rectus, lateral
rectus, and inferior rectus, which control Sol.(a) The thigh bone is the longest Q.324. Which is the smallest bone in the
the eye’s movement. bone in the body. The ear bone also human body?
known as auditory ossicle has three SSC MTS 05/10/21(Afternoon)
(a) Stapes (b) Phalanges
Q.317. Which of the following is NOT a bones in the middle ear: malleus or
(c) Humerus (d) Pelvis
part of the hind-brain? SSC MTS hammer, the incus or anvil and the
07/10/21 (Evening) stapes or stirrup.
Sol.(a) Stapes is the smallest bone in the
(a) Pons
human body. It is present in the middle
(b) Medulla Q.321. The vertebrae are a part of which
ear and transmits vibrations from incus
(c) Cerebellum of the following body systems in
to inner ear.
(d) Hypothalamus humans?
SSC CGL 17/08/21(Afternoon)
Q.325. What is the loss of bone density
Sol.(d) Hypothalamus is NOT a part of (a) Kidney (b) Lungs
and strength known as? SSC MTS
the hind- brain. The hypothalamus is (c) Heart (d) Spinal cord
located below the thalamus and is part of
(a) Osteoporosis
the limbic system. One of the most Sol.(d) The vertebrae are a part of the
(b) Acromegaly
important functions of the hypothalamus spinal cord in humans. The spine is
(c) Fibrous dysplasia
is to link the nervous system to the composed of 33 vertebrae, divided into
(d) Fracture
endocrine system via the pituitary gland. five sections: the cervical, thoracic, and
lumbar spine sections and the sacrum
Sol.(a) The loss of bone density and
and coccyx bones.
strength is known as Osteoporosis.
Skeleton system Osteoporosis causes bones to become
Q.322. How many bones are there in the
weak and so brittle that a fall or even
Q.318. Which is the largest bone in the human hand? SSC CHSL 13/04/21
mild stresses such as bending over or
human body? (Afternoon)
coughing can cause a fracture.
SSC CHSL 04/07/2019 (Afternoon) (a) 27 (b) 21 (c) 14 (d) 17
(a) Femur (b) Incus Q.326. ‘The fluid present between joints,
(c) Malleus (d) Stapes Sol.(a) The human hand has 27 bones:
that makes the movement of joints easy,
the carpals or wrist accounts for 8; the
is called:
Sol.(a) The strongest, longest, and metacarpals or palm contains five; the
SSC MTS 08/10/21(evening)’
largest bone in the human body is the remaining fourteen are digital bones;
(a) Bursae (b) Synovial
femur, or thigh bone, which is a bone in fingers and thumb. The palm has five
(c) Cartilage (d) Tendon
the leg that runs from the knee to the hip. bones known as metacarpal bones, one
Stapes is the smallest bone in the human to each of the 5 digits.
Sol.(b) ‘The fluid present between joints,
that makes the movement of joints easy,
Q.323. Which of the following is the
largest dental tissue? SSC CHSL is called: Synovial. Synovial fluids
Q.319. Which is the smallest bone in the
11/8/2021 (Evening) provide lubrication, reduce friction
human body?
(a) Dentin (b) Pulp between bones and make the joint
SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Evening)
(c) Enamel (d) Root movements smooth.
(a)Incus (b)Stapes
(c)Malleus (d)Metatarsal
Sol.(a) Dentin Q.327. In which of the following parts
Sol.(b) The stapes is the smallest bone in of the human body is the masseter
the body. It is one of three tiny bones in muscle located? SSC MTS
the middle ear that send sound from the 13/10/21(Afternoon)
(a) Hand (b) Thigh Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 478

Pinnacle Biology

(c) Jaw (d) Chest Sol.(b) A suture is a type of fibrous joint plumarius and related species) and sweet
that is only found in the skull (cranial william (D. barbatus).
Sol.(c) The masseter muscle in the suture). There are three types of fibrous
human body is located in the Jaw part. In joints. Q.334. _____is the stigma of Crocus
human anatomy, the masseter is one of Sativus L.
the muscles of mastication (chewing). Q.331. The human shoulder joint is an SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
The action of the muscle during is to example of a ______ joint. SSC MTS (a) Saffron (b) Turmeric
elevate the mandible, raising the lower 2/11/2021 (Morning) (c) Artichoke (d) Ginger
jaw, which assists in closing of the jaws. (a) fixed (b) pivotal
(c) hinge (d) ball and socket Sol.(a) Saffron is the dried stigma of the
Q.328. Which of the following is a flowers of saffron (Crocus sativus L,
pivotal joint in the human body? SSC Sol.(d) The human shoulder joint is an Iridaceae). In addition to being a widely
MTS 14/10/2021 (Morning) example of a ball and socket joint. used food additive, saffron is used in
(a) Elbow joint Pivotal joints are located in your neck, traditional medicine for vomiting,
(b) Joint between the upper jaw and the your wrist, and your elbow. Hinge joint- spasms, asthma, bronchitis, fever, colds,
rest of the head cardiovascular disorders, and also
shoulder, hip, elbow, and knee.
(c) Joint where our neck joins the head cancer.
(d) Shoulder joint Q.332. Which tissue is responsible for
Q335. Which of the following plants is
the flexibility in plants?
Sol..(c) Joint where our neck joins the Bryophyta ?
SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Afternoon)
head is a pivotal joint in the human SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening)
(a) Meristematic
(a) Moss (b) Algae
body. A pivot joint permits movement of (b) Sclerenchyma
(c) Fern (d) Cycus
the bones in one plane, such as rotation (c) Parenchyma
around a single axis. The joint of the (d) Collenchyma
Sol.(a) Mosses were formerly grouped
wrist that allows the palm of the hand to
with the hornworts and liverworts as
be turned up and down is also a pivot Sol.(d) Collenchyma is a supporting
"non-vascular" plants in the division
joint. tissue composed of more or less
"bryophytes", all of them having the
elongated living cells with unevenly
haploid gametophyte generation as the
Q.329. Which of the following is a thickened, non lignified primary walls.
dominant phase of the life cycle. Mosses
complex substance that provides A plant tissue that has the power to
are now classified on their own as the
structural strength to plants? divide itself actively throughout its life is division Bryophyta. There are
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Morning) called a Meristematic Tissue. approximately 12,000 species.
(a) Cellulose (b) Xylem Sclerenchyma provides mechanical
(c) Phloem (d) Cytoplasm support to the plant. Parenchyma is the Q.336.’Amoeba’ belongs to which of the
functional tissue of an organ as following kingdom?
Sol.(a) Cellulose is a complex substance distinguished from the connective and SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning)
that provides structural strength to supporting tissue. (a) Monera (b) Fungi
plants. Xylem, plant vascular tissue that (c) Protista (d) Animalia
conveys water and dissolved minerals Plant kingdom
from the roots to the rest of the plant and Sol.(c) An amoeba belongs to the
also provides physical support. Phloem Q.333. Which of the following flowers kingdom called Protista.
is the vascular tissue that transports is botanically known as Dianthus? Amoebas are unicellular organisms
carbon (photosynthates) from the leaves SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) found mainly at the bottom of water
to the basal parts of the plant. (a) Rose (b) Daffodil bodies and near decaying vegetation.
(c) Lily (d) Carnation
Q.330. Which of the following is NOT a Q.337.What is Cryptogamae?
synovial joint in the human body? SSC Sol.(d) Dianthus is a genus of about 300 SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening)
MTS 18/10/2021 (Evening) species of flowering plants in the family (a) Plants having covered seeds
(a) Condyloid joint Caryophyllaceae, native mainly to (b) Flowering plants
(b) Sutures joint Europe and Asia, with a few species (c) Non-flowering plants
(c) Ball-and-socket joint extending south to north Africa, and one (d) Plants having uncovered seeds
(d) Hinge joint species. Common names include
carnation (D. caryophyllus), pink (D. Sol.(c) A cryptogam (scientific name
Cryptogamae) is a plant (in the wide Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 479

Pinnacle Biology

sense of the word) that reproduces by and Cladophora are examples of deep-blue and red light, so that the rest
spores, without flowers or seeds. Thallophyta. It is the largest group in the of the sunlight spectrum is being
Plant Kingdom. reflected, causing the plant to look
Q.338. Plants having no isolated Thallophytes: Primitive plants where the green.
structural form are called _______. body is not differentiated into stem,
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon) roots and leaves. Q.345. The strongest muscle (based on
(a) Gymnosperms (b) Bryophyta Bryophytes: Small, non-vascular plants its weight) of the body is the masseter
(c) Thallophyta (d) Fungus that prefer moist environments. muscle and is located in the______
Pteridophytes: Spore-dispersing vascular SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
Sol.(c) Thallophyta is a division of the plants. (a) jaw (b) hand
plant kingdom including primitive forms Gymnosperms: Vascular plants that (b) chest (d) thigh
of plant life showing a simple plant possess “exposed” seeds. Angiosperms:
body. Including unicellular to large Vascular plants that possess special Sol.(a) The masseter muscle is a facial
algae, fungi, lichens.They are simple characteristics such as flowers and muscle that is located in the cheek area.
plants without roots, stems or leaves. fruits.
They are non-embryophyta. Q.346. What is Coppersmith Barbet?
Q.342. In the plant kingdom, ‘Ferns and SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning)
Q.339. Which of the following is not an Fern Allies’ belong to which group? (a) Kitak
example of Bryophyta ? SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning) (b) Herbivores
SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon) (a) Gymnosperms (c) Bird
(a) Funaria (b) Martia (b) Thallophyta (d) Carnivorous creatures
(c) Chara (d) Rechesia (c) Bryophyta
(d) Pteridophyta Sol.(c) The coppersmith barbet, also
Sol.(c) Chara is a genus of charophyte called crimson-breasted barbet and
green algae in the family Characeae. Sol.(d) Ferns and Fern allies were coppersmith, is an Asian barbet with
They are multicellular and superficially traditionally classified in the class crimson forehead and throat, known for
resemble land plants because of Filices, and later in a Division of the its metronomic call that sounds similar
stem-like and leaf-like structures. They Plant Kingdom named Pteridophyta or to a coppersmith striking metal with a
are found in freshwater, particularly in Filicophyta. hammer. It is a resident bird in the
limestone areas throughout the northern Indian subcontinent and parts of
temperate zone Q.343. Which of the following is a Southeast Asia.
distinctive characteristic of angiosperm?
Q340. Pine is an example of ______. SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning) Q.347. Which of the following divisions
SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening) (a) Thick bark of plants does NOT have a well
(a) Pteridophyta (b) small roots differentiated body?
(b) Monocot (c) Long leaf SSC CHSL 12-10-2020 (Afternoon)
(c) Gymnosperm (d) Concealed seeds (a) Pteridophyta
(d) Angiosperm (b) Gymnosperms
Sol.(d) The angiosperms have evolved (c) Thallophyta
Sol.(c) Gymnosperms are a taxonomic flowers hence they are also called (d) Bryophyta
class that includes plants whose seeds flowering plants.. These plants are
are not enclosed in an ovule . described as those which produce or are Sol.(c) Members of division Thallophyta
Gymnosperm also means "naked seed". capable of producing enclosed or are the most primitive and simple plants.
Pine is an example of gymnosperm. covered seeds.. The plant body is not differentiated into
root, stem and leaves. They are in the
Q.341. Which among the following are Q.344. Colour of the plants is green due form of an undivided thallus. This group
the lowermost plants of the plant to the presence of: is commonly called algae.
kingdom? SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening)
SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning) (a) Chlorophyll Q.348. In which part of a plant are
(a) Thallophyta (b) Urea mesophyll cells found?
(b) Pteridophyta (c) Carbon dioxide SSC CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning)
(c) Phanerogamae (d) Oxygen (a) Seed (b) Leaf
(d) Bryophyta (c) Stem (d) Root
Sol.(a) Plants are green because their
Sol..(a) Thallophyta is the lowermost cells contain chloroplasts which have the Sol.(b) Mesophyll cells are a type of
plant of the plant kingdom. Chara, Ulva, pigment chlorophyll which absorbs ground tissue found in the plant’s leaves. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 480

Pinnacle Biology

They play an important role in Sol.(d) Bryophytes are called Q.355. Which of the following is NOT a
photosynthesis. amphibians of the plant kingdom storage root?
because these plants though live in soil SSC CGL 18/08/21 (Morning)
Q.349. Pineapple is a ______ plant. but they need water for sexual (a) Napiform root
SSC CHSL 16-10-2020 (Evening) reproduction. (b) Breathing root
(a) Hydrophyte (c) Conical root
(b) Mesophyte Q.352. Viscose fibre is obtained from (d) Fusiform root
(c) Xerophyte ______.
(d) Hygrophyte SSC CGL 13/08/21 (Evening) Sol.(b) Breathing root is NOT a storage
(a) cellulose (b) oil root. These roots grow upward or erect
Sol.(a) Xerophyte - a species of plant (c) petrochemicals (d) coal as they grow above the surface of the
that has adaptations to survive in an soil. They follow the negative
environment with little liquid water, Sol..(a) Viscose fiber is obtained from geotropism to avail oxygen, hence these
such as a desert or an ice or snow cellulose. Viscose is made from tree roots are called breathing roots. They are
covered region in the Alps or the Arctic. wood pulp, like beech, pine, and also called pneumatophores. These are
Examples are cacti, pineapple and some eucalyptus. Viscose is semi-synthetic common features in mangroves.
Gymnosperm plants. Hydrophyte - due to many chemicals involved in the
which grows only in or on water. viscose process, like sodium hydroxide Q.356. ______ is the pattern of veins in
Mesophyte - a plant needing only a and carbon disulfide. Viscose fiber is the blade of a leaf.
moderate amount of water commonly used in clothes and bedding SSC CGL 18/08/21(Evening)
Hygrophyte - a plant living above materials. (a) Anthology (b) Morphology
ground that is adapted to the conditions Q.353. Carbon and energy requirements (c) Cytology (d) Venation
of abundant moisture pads of of an autotrophic organism are fulfilled
surrounding air. by ______. Sol.(d) Venation is the pattern of veins
SSC CGL 13/08/21 (Evening) in the blade of a leaf.
Q.350. Which of the following are the 5 (a) glycogenation
groups that plants are divided into? (b) locomotion Q.357. Which of the following
SSC CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon) (c) photosynthesis statements about bryophytes is not true?
(a) Mollusca, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, (d) respiration SSC MTS 06/10/21(Morning)
Gymnosperms and Angiosperms (a) They are called amphibians of the
(b) Thallophytes, Bryophytes, Sol.(c) Carbon and energy requirements plant kingdom.
Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and of an autotrophic organism are fulfilled (b) The presence of a special tissue is
Angiosperms by photosynthesis. During found in these for the flow of water and
(c) Arthropoda, Bryophytes, photosynthesis light energy is captured other substances from one part of the
Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and and used to convert water, carbon plant body to another.
Angiosperms dioxide, and minerals into oxygen and (c) Their body is generally differentiated
(d) Annelida, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, energy-rich compounds. by taking the form of stem and leaf-like
Gymnosperms and Angiosperms structures.
Q.354. Plants grown at which of the (d) Moss (Funaria) and Marchantia are
Sol.(b) Thallophytes, Bryophytes, following places take up carbon dioxide examples of bryophytes.
Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and during the night?
Angiosperms, Plants are categorized into SSC CGL 18/08/21 (Morning) Sol.(b) About bryophytes 'The presence
Thallophytes, Bryophytes, (a) Ocean beds of a special tissue is found in them for
Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and (b) Deserts the flow of water and other substances
Angiosperms. (c) Roof tops from one part of the plant body to
(d) Hilly terrains another'. The statement is not true.
Q.351. Which among the following are
called the amphibians of the plant Sol.(b) Plants grown in deserts take up Q.358. Litmus solution is a purple dye,
kingdom? carbon dioxide during the night. The which is extracted from lichen, a plant
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning) plants that grow in deserts are referred to belonging to the division ______. SSC
(a) Gymnosperms as Xerophytes. These are the plants that MTS 07/10/21 (Morning)
(b) Liverworts perform photosynthesis to absorb carbon (a) Gymnosperms (b) Pteridophyta
(c) Pteridophytes dioxide during nighttime to prevent loss (c) Thallophyta (d) Bryophyta
(d) Bryophytes of water. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 481

Pinnacle Biology

Sol.(c) Litmus solution is a purple dye, to snails and slugs. The majority of
which is extracted from lichen, a plant Sol.(c) Notochord. The chordates are gastropods have a single, usually
belonging to the division Thallophyta. named for the notochord, a flexible, spirally, coiled shell into which the body
rod-shaped structure that is found in the can be withdrawn.
Animal Kingdom embryonic stage of all chordates and
also in the adult stage of some chordate Q367. Crocodiles have a _____
Q359. Metamorphosis in Frog is species. It is located between the chambered heart.
controlled by: digestive tube and the nerve cord, SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Evening)
SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Evening) providing skeletal support through the (a) two (b) four
(a) Adrenal (b) Melatonin length of the body. (c) three (d) single
(c) Insulin (d) Thyroxine
Q363. Red worms have a structure Sol.(b) Crocodiles have a
Sol.(d) The thyroid gland secretes named _______ which helps them in four-chambered heart. They have the
thyroxine (TH), a hormone essential for grinding their food. most complex vertebrate circulatory
the growth and development of all SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Afternoon) system. The heart has two ventricles and
vertebrates including humans. (a) Esophagus (b) Crop both a left and right aorta which are
(c) Intestine (d) Gizzard connected by a hole called the Foramen
Q.360. Octopus is an example of Sol.(d) Gizzard is a muscular chamber of Panizza.
Phylum_______. where mechanical digestion occurs. It
SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening) helps red worms in grinding the food Q.368. Which of the following
(a) Echinodermata they eat. kingdoms consists of prokaryotic cells?
(b) Hemichordata SSC CHSL 19-03-2020 (Afternoon)
(c) Arthrpoda Q.364. Which of the following is not a (a) Monera (b) Animalia
(d) Mollusca Vertebral animal ? (c) Fungi (d) Protista
SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Afternoon)
Sol.(d) Molluscans are very diverse (a) Snail (b) Birds Sol.(a) Monera is a kingdom that
animals and form an important part of (c) Mammals (d) Fish contains unicellular organisms with a
the ecosystem in the world. Some prokaryotic cell organization, such as
animals that you are familiar with like Sol.(a) Invertebrates are animals that do bacteria. They are unicellular organisms
snails, octopuses, squids, oysters, clams not have a backbone. They make up found mostly in a moist environment.
etc. all belong to Phylum Mollusca. nearly 97 per cent of all animal species. They are found in hot springs, snow,
Snail doesn’t have a backbone. deep oceans or as parasites in other
Q.361. _______ is often referred to as organisms.
the amphibians of the animal world. Q.365. Jellyfish are an example of which
SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning) type of phylum? Q.369. Which of the following types of
(a) Thallophyta SSC CGL 4/3/2020 (afternoon) organisms have an open circulatory
(b) Phanerogam (a) Phylum-Ctenophora system?
(c) Bryophyta (b) Phylum-Porifera SSC CHSL 19-03-2020 (Evening)
(d) Pteridophyta (c) Phylum- Cnidaria (a) Nematoda (b) Mollusca
(d) Phylum- Protozoa (c) Annelida (d) Birds
Sol.(c) Bryophytes are also called
amphibians of the plant kingdom Sol.(c) Jellyfish belong to phylum Sol.(b) All Mollusks except those in the
because these plants can live in soil but cnidaria which is a part of kingdom class Cephalopoda have an open
are dependent on water for sexual Animalia. Some more species belonging circulatory system. In an open
reproduction. to this category are corals, sea pansies, circulatory system, blood is not
sea fans, hydra etc contained entirely in enclosed blood
Q.362. Which of the following is not a vessels. The heart pumps blood through
characteristic of Chordate ? Q.366. Snails belong to Phylum: blood vessels that lead from the gills into
SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning) SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Evening) body cavities called hemocoels.
(a) The central nervous system is dorsal, (a) Echinodermata
hollow and single. (b) Mollusca Q.370. Which of the following is a
(b) A posterior anal portion (tail) is (c) Arthropoda vertebrate?
present (d) Chordata SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Morning)
(c) Notochord is absent (a) Snake (b) Roundworm
(d) The heart is abdominal Sol.(b) The Class Gastropoda in Phylum (c) Millipede (d) Earthworm
Mollusca includes the groups pertaining Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 482

Pinnacle Biology

Sol.(a) Snakes are vertebrates. external environment that is liable to Characteristics of phylum Porifera are:
Vertebrates have an inner skeleton. change is called Homeostasis. they are loosely organized, they have
Bones give structure and strength to Irritability is the feeling of agitation or radial symmetry or asymmetrical, found
bodies. Muscles are attached to bones annoyance. Consciousness is awareness in marine water and their body is usually
and this enables us to move as our of internal and external environments. cylindrical.
muscles contract. Metabolism is the chemical reaction in
the body which changes food into Q.378. Which of the following
Q.371. Nuclear membrane is absent in energy. statements is NOT true?
organisms that fall under the kingdom SSC MTS 11/10/21(Afternoon)
______. Q.375. ______ is a sessile animal that (a) Elephants sleep for only two to four
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) relies upon its relationship with plants hours in a day.
(a) Fungi (b) Monera like algae to build the largest structures (b) Elephants use their tails to keep
(c) Plantae (d) Animalia of biological origin on earth. themselves cool.
SSC CGL 24/08/21(Morning) (c) Elephants love to play with mud and
Sol.(b) Monera have prokaryotic cells (a) Bird (b) Reptile water.
and they contain unicellular organisms (c) Mammal (d) Coral (d) An adult elephant can eat more than
having no nuclear membrane. The best 100 kilograms of leaves and twigs in one
example of it is Bacteria. Sol.(d) Coral relies upon its relationship day.
with plants like algae to build the largest
Q.372. With reference to taxonomic structures of biological origin on earth. Sol.(b) Elephants use their tails to keep
categories, the term ‘Mammalia’ is a/an Corals are marine invertebrates within themselves cool. This statement is NOT
______. the class Anthozoa of the phylum true. Elephants use their tails to
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) Cnidaria. Coral species include the communicate with each other.
(a) order (b) class important reef builders that inhabit
(c) family (d) phylum tropical oceans and secrete calcium Micro organism
carbonate to form a hard skeleton.
Sol.(b) Mammalia is a class and animals Q.379. Which symbiotic bacteria are
belonging to this class are called animals Q.376. Which of the following fall under responsible for determining nitrogen?
Mammals are one of the most evolved Phylum Cnidarian of the animal SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon)
species in the animal kingdom kingdom? (a) Rhizobium
categorized under vertebrata SSC MTS 06/10/21(Morning) (b) Pseudomonas
(a) Sea urchins (b) Earthworms (c) Lactobacillus
Q.373. Which of the following is (c) Snails (d) Corals (d) Azotobacter
another name for 'white ant'?
SSC CGL 17/08/21(Morning) Sol.(d) Corals fall under Phylum Sol.(a) Rhizobia are nitrogen-fixing
(a) Termite (b) Mosquito Cnidarian of the animal kingdom. The bacteria which invade root hairs of
(c) Wasp (d) Housefly main features of this Phylum are: (i) The leguminous plants and induce, in a
body of animals of this phylum is specific manner, the formation of root
Sol.(a) Termite is another name for Radially Symmetrical. (ii) The body nodules in which they fix nitrogen.
'white ant' or ‘wood ant’. A termite nest bears Tentacles supplied with special
is known as a termitary or termitarium. stinging cells called cnidoblasts. (iii) Q.380. Which of the following is a
There is a cavity in the body. Sea urchins group of bacteria found in human
Q.374. What do you call the property of fall under Echinodermata, Earthworm intestines, whose presence in
an organism of self-regulation and the under Annelida and Snails under water indicates contamination by
tendency to maintain a steady-state Mollusca category of animal kingdom. disease-causing microorganisms?
within an external environment which is SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning)
liable to change? Q.377. Sponges belong to phylum (a) Streptococcus
SSC CGL 23/08/21(Morning) ______ of the animal kingdom. (b) Pseudomonas
(a) Irritability SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Afternoon) (c) Clostridium
(b) Consciousness (a) Echinodermata (d) Coliform
(c) Homeostasis (b) Porifera
(d) Metabolism (c) Aschelminthes Sol.(d) Coliform bacteria are organisms
(d) Mollusca that are present in the environment and
Sol.(c) The property of an organism of in the feces of all warm-blooded animals
self-regulation and the tendency to Sol.(b) Sponges belong to the phylum and humans. Coliform bacteria will not
maintain a steady-state within an Porifera of the animal kingdom. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 483

Pinnacle Biology

likely cause illness. However, their (d) Ketchup Sol.(c) Prolactin :it is produced by the
presence in drinking water indicates that pituitary gland. It is responsible for
disease-causing organisms (pathogens) Sol.(b) Yeast is a popular kitchen breasts to grow and expulsion of milk
could be in the water system. ingredient called 'sugar eating fungus'. after baby is born
Some yeast use sugar as a part of the Oxytocin:it is produced in the
Q.381. Which of the following is NOT fermentation process breaking apart hypothalamus. It plays a role in social
unicellular? sugar and making carbon dioxide and bonding, sexual reproduction, childbirth,
SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Morning) alcohol as it harvests some energy while and the period after childbirth.
(a) Amoeba (b) Spirogyra the others feed on polysaccharides like Estrogens: are hormones that are
(c) Plasmodium (d) Paramecium cellulose, that are made up of long important for sexual and reproductive
chains of glucose (a simple sugar). development, in women. They are also
Sol.(b) A Spirogyra is a multicellular referred to as female sex hormones.
organism. The cells in Spirogyra are Q.385. Melatonin encodes proteins in Progesterone: is an endogenous steroid
linked together in a chain to form the cells to prevent ______ entry. SSC CGL and progestogen sex hormone involved
multicellular strands of green algae. The 17/08/21(Afternoon) in the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and
cell walls are made up of an outer layer (a) bacterium (b) protozoan embryogenesis of humans and other
of cellulose and an inner layer of pectin. (c) fungus (d) virus species.
The organelles found inside the cells of
green algae are the chloroplasts, Sol.(d) Melatonin encodes proteins in Q.389. The enzyme Lipase is produced
vacuoles, nucleus and cytoplasm. cells to prevent virus entry. It is by which organ of the body?
synthesized in the lungs and acts as a SSC-CHSL 1/07/2019 (evening)
Q.382. Organisms such as bacteria, barrier against Covid-19 infection. (a) Lung
viruses, fungi, protozoans, helminths, (b) Salivary Gland
etc., that cause diseases in humans are Q.386. Cuscuta is an example of: SSC (c) Liver
called ______. CHSL 5/8/2021 (Evening) (d) Pancreas
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening) (a) autotroph (b) saprotroph
(a) frugivores (b) predators (c) host (d) parasite Sol.(d) Lipase is produced by Pancreas.
(c) pathogens (d) antigens The main function of this enzyme is to
Sol.(d) Cuscuta is an example of a break down fats so that they can be
Sol.(c) A pathogen is an organism which parasite. It is called a parasite because it absorbed in the intestines.
causes diseases. has no chlorophyll and absorbs food
All the Organisms such as bacteria, material from the host. In this process, Q.390. Somatotropin’ is another name
viruses, fungi, protozoans, helminths, the host is deprived of its valuable for______.
etc., that cause diseases in humans come nutrients. SSC CHSL 05/07/2019 (Morning)
under the category of pathogens. (a) Digestive juice
Q.387. Tooth decay is caused by _____. (b) Laughing gas
Q.383. Which of the following is also SSC MTS 11/10/21(Afternoon) (c) Tear gas
called ‘green algae’? SSC CGL (a) viruses (b) bacteria (d) Growth hormone
16/08/21(Afternoon) (c) fungi (d) protozoa
(a) Phaeophyceae Sol.(d) Somatotropin is another name
(b) Chlorophyceae Sol.(b) Tooth decay is caused by for growth hormone. It is secreted by the
(c) Rhodophyceae bacteria. It happens when bacteria in pituitary gland. It is a peptide hormone
(d) Porphyridium your mouth make acids that attack the and it stimulates the growth of
enamel. essentially all tissues of the body.
Sol.(b) Chlorophyceae is also called
green algae. Phaeophyceae is Brown Enzymes and Hormones Q391. Which of the following hormones
algae and Rhodophyceae and is known to be helpful in coping with
Porphyridium are species of Red algae. stress?
Q388. Which hormone leads to the
SSC CHSL 11/07/2019 (Afternoon)
expulsion of milk from the breast during
Q.384. Which of the following popular (a) Serotonin (b) Testosterone
kitchen ingredients is called the 'sugar (c) Calcitonin (d) Melatonin
SSC-CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening)
eating fungus'? SSC CGL
(a) Estrogen (b) Oxytocin
17/08/21(Afternoon) Sol.(a) Serotonin is the hormone that
(c) Prolactin (d) Progesterone
(a) Vinegar stabilizes our mood, feelings of well
(b) Baking powder being and happiness. Deficiency of
(c) Yeast Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 484

Pinnacle Biology

serotonin leads to anxiety, depressed (c) Kidney cancer

mood and aggression. Sol.(c) Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) (d) Malaria
or Atrial Natriuretic Factor (ANF) is a
Q392. Enzymes are____that act as natriuretic peptide hormone synthesized Sol.(a) Enzyme linked immuno-sorbent
catalysts within the living cells. and secreted by cardiac muscle cells in assay is a technique used in detection of
SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening) the walls of the atria in the heart. These Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
(a) calcium (b) carbohydrates cells contain volume receptors which (AIDS).
(c) vitamins (d) proteins respond to increased stretching of the
atrial wall due to increased arterial blood Q.400. Which of the following hormone
Sol.(d) Enzymes are proteins that act as volume. is secreted by the brain that helps to
catalysts within living cells. Catalysts regulate sleep-wake cycles? SSC CHSL
increase the rate at which chemical Q.396. The human saliva contains an 05/08/21 (Morning)
reactions occur without being consumed enzyme called salivary ______ that (a) Insulin (b) Melatonin
or permanently altered themselves. As a breaks down starch, a complex (c) Oxytocin (d) Aldosterone
catalyst, an enzyme can facilitate the molecule, into sugar.
same chemical reaction over and over SSC CHSL 19-10-2020 (Morning) Sol.(b) Melatonin hormone is secreted
again. (a) lipase (b) amylase by the brain that helps to regulate
(c) peptidase (d) protease sleep-wake cycles. Melatonin is
Q393. Which enzyme is found in the produced from serotonin (made from
pancreatic juice responsible for the Sol.(d) The human saliva contains an tryptophan), through a cascade of
digestion of proteins ? enzyme called salivary protease that enzymatic reactions. Its production
SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning) breaks down starch, a complex increases with evening darkness,
(a) Tripsin (b) Pepsin molecule, into sugar. promoting healthy sleep and helping to
(c) Amylase (d) Yupase orient our circadian rhythm.
Q.397. In respect of classification of
Sol.(a) Trypsin is an enzyme that helps algae, the members of Phaeophyceae are Q.401. ______ contains an enzyme
us digest protein. In the small intestine, commonly called: called lingual lipase, which breaks down
trypsin breaks down proteins, continuing SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning) fats.
the process of digestion that began in the (a) brown algae (b) white algae SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Evening)
stomach. It may also be referred to as a (c) green algae (d) red algae (a) The small intestine
proteolytic enzyme, or proteinase. (b) The large intestine
Trypsin is produced by the pancreas in Sol.(a) Members of Phaeophyceae are (c) Saliva
an inactive form called trypsinogen. commonly called Brown Algae. (d) The stomach
They are known as Brown Algae due to
Q.394. Which tissue has heavily the presence of a golden brown Sol.(c) Saliva contains an enzyme called
thickened lignified walls? Xanthophyll pigment, fucoxanthin lingual lipase, which breaks down fats.
SSC CHSL 17-03-2020 (Evening) (C40H54O6) chromatophores. Lingual lipase is an enzyme that breaks
(a) Collenchyma down triglycerides into glycerides and
(b) Parenchyma Q.398. Glucagon, a peptide hormone, is fatty acid components, thus catalyzing
(c) Aerenchyma produced by the ______. SSC CGL the digestion of lipids. The process
(d) Sclerenchyma 20/08/21(Afternoon) begins in the mouth where it breaks
(a) pancreas (b) hypothalamus down the triglycerides into diglycerides.
Sol.(d) Sclerenchyma tissue, when (c) adrenals (d) pituitary glands
mature, is composed of dead cells that
Discoveries and Vaccines
have heavily thickened walls containing Sol.(a) Glucagon is produced by the
lignin and a high cellulose content and pancreas. It is a 29-amino acid peptide
Q402. Who won the Nobel Prize in 1906
serves the function of providing hormone predominantly secreted from
for his neuron doctrine?
structural support in plants. the alpha cells of the pancreas.
SSC-CGL 07/06/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) Pierre Curie
Q.395. The Atrial wall of the human Q.399. Enzyme linked immuno-sorbent
(b) Santiago Ramón y Cajal
heart secretes a very important peptide assay is a technique used in detection of
(c) Henry Moseley
hormone. What is the name of that which of the following diseases?
(d) Luis Alvarez
hormone? SSC CHSL 12/04/21 (Evening)
SSC CHSL 12-10-2020 (Morning) (a) Acquired immunodeficiency
Sol.(b) The neuron doctrine is the
(a) ADH (b) CCK syndrome (AIDS)
concept that the nervous system is
(c) ANF (d) GIP (b) Rheumatoid arthritis Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 485

Pinnacle Biology

comprised of discrete individual Q410. Penicillin, one of the world’s first

cells(neurons) which are separate from Sol.(a) William Harvey was an English antibiotic, was discovered by:
each other as opposed to forming a physician who made seminal SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
continuous network. contributions in anatomy and (a) Marie Curie
physiology. He was the first known (b) Alexander Fleming
Q403. Which scientist discovered the physician to describe completely, and in (c) Alexander Graham Bell
‘Penicillin’? detail, the systemic circulation and (d) Pierre Curie
SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning) properties of blood being pumped to the
(a) Louis Pasteur brain and body by the heart. Sol.(b) Penicillin, the first true antibiotic,
(b)Alexander Fleming was discovered by Alexander Fleming in
(c) Robert Koch Q.407. ____is known as the ‘Father of 1928, Penicillin antibiotics were among
(d) Emst Chain Indian Ornithology’ the first medications to be effective
SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) against many bacterial infections.
Sol.(b) ‘Penicillin is compounds (a) Salim Ali
produced by bacteria and fungi which (b) John James Audubon Q.411. Which of the following scientist
are capable of killing, or inhibiting, (c) Konrad Lorenz is related to the discovery of
competing microbial species. It was an (d) Allan Octavian Hume crescograph?
accidental discovery by Alexander SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Fleming in 1928. Sol.(d) Allan Octavian Hume - Indian (a) Meghnad Saha
Ornithology - Ornithologist - A O Hume (b) Homi J. Bhabha
Q404. Who discovered the first vaccine - Birding in India. Allan Octavian Hume, (c) Satyendra Nath Bose
for smallpox? was a Scottish civil servant, political (d) Jagdish Chandra Bose
SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 (Afternoon) reformer and the founder of the Indian
(a) Louis Pasteur National Congress. He was described by Sol.(d) A crescograph is a device for
(b) Edward Jenner Dr Salim Ali as 'Father' of Indian measuring the growth in plants. It was
(c) Alexander Fleming Ornithology. invented in the early 20th century by Sir
(d) John Hunter Jagadish Chandra Bose. The Bose
Q.408. DNA was first isolated, analysed crescograph uses a series of clockwork
Sol.(b) Smallpox vaccine, the first and recognised as a unique gears and a smoked glass plate to record
successful vaccine to be developed, was macromolecule by _________ in 1869. the movement of the tip of a plant at
introduced by Edward Jenner in 1796. SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Evening) magnifications of up to 10,000.
(a) Friedrich Miescher
Q.405. The phrase ‘Survival of the (b) William Astbury Q.412 .Who invented penicillin?
fittest’ as a way of describing the (c) Oswald Avery SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon)
mechanism of natural selection was (d) Alfred Hershey (a) Galileo Galilei
coined by __________. (b) Alexander Fleming
SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening) Sol(a) DNA was first isolated, (c) Evangelista Torricelli
(a) Louis Pasteur recognised and analysed as a unique (d) Theordore H.Maiman
(b) Charles Babbage macromolecule by Friedrich Miescher.
(c) Herbert Spencer Sol.(b) In 1928, at St. Mary's Hospital,
(d) Marie Curie Q.409. The five kingdom concept of London, Alexander Fleming discovered
classification of organisms was given penicillin. This discovery led to the
Sol.(c) Herbert Spencer initiated a by: introduction of antibiotics that greatly
philosophy of “Social Darwinism”. He SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Morning) reduced the number of deaths from
was the one who coined this term (a) William Paley infection.
“survival of the fittest” seven years (b) Charles Darwin
before Darwin published his theory of (c) Carl Woese
natural history. (d) Robert Whittaker Q.413 .Who is known as father of
Q.406. Who among the following Sol.(d) SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon)
discovered the circulation of blood? Robbert Whittaker was the first to (a) Charak
SSC CHSL 11/07/2019 (Afternoon) propose the five-kingdom classification. (b) Patanjali
(a) William Harvey It was divided into Monera, (c) Hippocrates
(b) Florence Rena Sabin Protista,Fungi,Plantae and Animalia. (d) Sushruta
(c) Ernst Heinrich Weber
(d) Van Leeuwenhoek Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 486

Pinnacle Biology

Sol.(d) Sushruta was a physician in (b) Jonas Salk

ancient India known today as the “Father (c) Robert Wellberg Sol.(d) Richard Willstätter won the
of Indian Medicine” and “Father of (d) Ernest Haeckel Nobel Prize in 1915 for describing the
Plastic Surgery” for inventing and nature of the structure of chlorophyll in
developing surgical procedures. Sol.(b) The first effective polio vaccine plants and also noted magnesium as the
was developed in 1952 by Jonas Salk central element in its structure.
Q.414. Who among the following and a team at the University of
suggested that life must have developed Pittsburgh that included Julius Younger, Q.421. Who is referred to as the ‘Darwin
from simple inorganic molecules? Byron Bennett, L. James Lewis, and of the 20th Century’?
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon) Lorraine Friedman, which required years SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening)
(a) Gregor Mendel of subsequent testing. (a) Katherine Esau
(b) J.B.S. Haldane (b) Ernst Mayr
(c) Charles Darwin Q.418. Who discovered cells in the (c) Har Gobind Khorana
(d) Stanley L. Miller human body? (d) Marshall Warren Nirenberg
SSC CGL 7-03-2020 (Afternoon)
Sol.(b) J.B.S. Haldane had suggested (a) Charles Darwin Sol.(b) For his contribution in the field
that life must have developed from (b) Robert Hooke of biology Ernst Mayr is known as
simple inorganic molecules.He was a (c) Herbert Spencer Darwin of the 20th century. He was born
British-Indian scientist. He was one of (d) Albert Einstein in Germany.He is accredited with
the founders of Neo-Darwinism essentially single handedly creating the
Sol.(b) Robert Hooke discovered the fields of the History and philosophy of
Q.415. There is No vaccine for which of cell. Darwin is famous for his theory of Biology.
the following hepatitis viruses? evolution. Herbert Spencer is famous for
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning) his doctrine of social Darwinism Albert Q.422. How many recognized essential
(a) Hepatitis A (b) Hepatitis D Einstein is famous for his theory of vitamins are there as of March 2021?
(c) Hepatitis B (d) Hepatitis C relativity and Brownian motion. SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Evening)
(a) 15 (b) 11 (c) 13 (d) 9
Sol.(d) Hepatitis B and hepatitis C can Q.419. Christiaan Barnard is famous for:
also begin as short-term, acute SSC CGL 9-3-2020 (Evening) Sol.(c) There are 13 recognized essential
infections, but in some people, the virus (a) first publishing tables of vitamins.
remains in the body, resulting in chronic logarithms
disease and long-term liver problems.. (b) performing the world's first human Q.423. Onions produce the chemical
There are vaccines to prevent hepatitis A heart transplant irritant known as
and hepatitis B; however, there is no (c) delivering the world's first test-tube syn-propanethial-S-oxide; this stimulates
vaccine for hepatitis C baby the eyes' ______ glands
(d) cloning the first mammal ever which release tears.
Q.416. Which botanist is credited with SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Afternoon)
creating one of the first widely used Sol.(b) Christiaan Barnard (1922-2001) (a) lachrymal (b) parotid
natural systems of plant classification? was a South African cardiac surgeon (c) sublingual (d) submandibular
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning) who achieved fame by performing the
(a) Joseph Banks first successful heart transplant in the Sol.(a) Lacrimal glands are the glands in
(b) August Wilhelm Eichler world. In 1967, he transplanted the heart the corners of your eyes that produce
(c) Joseph Dalton Hooker from a young brain-dead woman to tears.
(d) Robert Brown Louis Washkansky, who had an
incurable heart disease. Q.424. Who among the following
Sol.(b) August Wilhelm Eichler, also developed the Cholera vaccine in 1885?
known under his Latinized name, Q420. Which scientist won the Nobel SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Evening)
Augustus Guilielmus Eichler, was a Prize in 1915 for describing the nature of (a) Edward Jenner (b) Jaime Ferrán
German botanist who developed a new the structure of chlorophyll in plants and (c) Jonas Salk (d) Leon Calmette
system of classification of plants to also noted magnesium as the central
reflect the concept of evolution. element in its structure? Sol.(b) Jaime Ferrán developed the
SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Afternoon) Cholera vaccine in 1885. Ferrán became
Q.417. Whose invention led to the (a) James Watson the first to do a mass-vaccination as
development of the polio vaccine? (b) Werner Heisenberg well. He was the student of Louis
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) (c) Hermann Muller Pasteur.
(a) Linus Pauling (d) Richard Willstätter Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 487

Pinnacle Biology

Q.425. Who discovered the smallpox planktonic organisms, in both living and Ichthyology, also known as fish science,
vaccine? fossil form. is the branch of zoology devoted to the
SSC MTS 12/10/21(Afternoon) study of fish. This includes bony fish,
SSC-CGL 06/06/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) Jonas Salk (b) Louis Pasteur cartilaginous fish, and jawless fish.
(a) Paleobotany
(c) Edward Jenner (d) Leon Calmette Entomology is the study of insects and
(b) Ethnobotany their relationship to humans, the
Sol.(c) Edward Jenner discovered the (c) Dendrology environment, and other organisms.
smallpox vaccine. Jonas Salk developed (d) Palynology
the first safe and effective vaccine for Q.431. ________ is that branch of
polio. Louis Pasteur discovered Botany which is related to structure and
Sol.(d) Palynology is the study of plant
Pasteurization, Rabies vaccine, Cholera study of Biology.
pollen spores and other certain SSC-CHSL 1/07/2019 (evening)
vaccine, Anthrax vaccines. Leon
Calmette discovered the Bacillus microscopic plankton organisms in both (a) Ecology (b) Anatomy
Calmette-Guérin vaccine. living and fossil form. (c) Chronobiology (d) Mycology
Paleobotany is the study of fossil plants.
Q.426. Who discovered the TB vaccine? Sol.(b) Anatomy is the study of the
Ethnobotany is the scientific study of the
SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Evening) structure inside the body as well as
traditional knowledge and customs of a outside the body.
(a) Edward Jenner
(b) Jonas Salk and Camille Guerin people concerning plants and their Ecology is the study of relationships
(c) Leon Calmette and Camille Guerin medical, religious, and other uses. between living organisms and their
(d) Louis Pasteur physical environment.
Dendrology is the study of trees.
Chronobiology is the study of biological
Sol.(c) The TB vaccine was discovered rhythms. It basically examines the
Q.429. ____is the branch of zoology
effects of time on biological events.
by Leon Calmette and Camille Guerin. concerned with the study of amphibians.
Franz Helberg is known as the father of
Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) SSC-CGL 06/06/2019 (Afternoon)
vaccine is a vaccine primarily used (a) Herpetology (b) Ethology
Mycology is the study of fungi including
against tuberculosis (TB). It is named (c) Mammalogy (d) Morphology
their genetic and biochemical properties.
after its inventors Albert Calmette and
Camille Guérin.The BCG vaccine was Sol.(a) Herpetology is the branch of
Q.432. Apiculture is the technique of
first used medically in 1921. It is on the zoology concerned with the study of
scientific rearing of_____in a specially
World Health Organization's List of amphibians and reptiles.
designed wooden box.
Essential Medicines. Ethology the science of animal
SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Morning)
behaviour. It is the study of human
(a) Honey bees (b) Silkworms
Q.427. For immunity against which of behaviour and social organization from a
(c) Moths (d) Termites
the following diseases is BCG vaccine biological perspective.
given? Mammalogy is the study of mammals
Sol.(a) Apiculture is the technique of
SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Morning) Morphology is a branch of biology in
scientific rearing of honey bees in a
(a) Asthma (b) Chickenpox which we study the form and structure
specially designed wooden box. By this
(c) Polio (d) Tuberculosis of organisms and their specific structural
process Bees are taken care of and are
managed to produce wax and honey.
Sol.(d) For immunity against
Tuberculosis disease BCG vaccine is Q430. _____is the study of the
Q.433. _____is the study of viruses.
given. Bacillus Calmette–Guérin vaccine microanatomy of cells, tissues and
SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Morning)
is a vaccine primarily used against organs as seen through a microscope.
(a) Mycology (b)Virology
tuberculosis. It is named after its SSC-CGL 06/06/2019 (Afternoon)
(c) Protozoology (d) Parasitology
(a) Paleontology (b) Histology
inventors Albert Calmette and Camille
(c) Ichthyology (d) Entomology
Guérin. Sol.(b) Virology is the study of viruses.
Mycology is the study of Fungi.
Sol.(b) Histology is the branch of
Scientific Study Protozoology is the study of Protozoans.
biology which studies the microscopic
Parasitology is the study of Parasites.
anatomy of biological tissues.
Q.428. _____ is a scientific discipline Paleontology is the study of fossils to
Q.434. _____ is the study of fungi.
concerned with the study of plant pollen, determine organisms' evolution and
SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning)
interactions with each other and their
sopres, and certain microscopic (a) Geobiology
(b) Mycology Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 488

Pinnacle Biology

(c) Chronobiology Carpology - study of structure of seeds study of size, shape, and structure of
(d) Gerontology and fruit. animals, plants and microorganisms.
Chrematistics - study of wealth. Virology is the study of VIruses and
Sol.(b) Mycology is the study of Fungi Craniology - study of shape and size of virus-like agents. Kalology is the study
Geology is the field in which we explore skull of different human races. of beauty.
the interactions between physical earth
and the biosphere. Q438. Chiropody is a branch of science Q.442. The scientific study of dreams is
Chronobiology is the study of effect of related to which part of the body? called ______.
time on biological events and internal SSC CGL 5/3/2020(morning) SSC CGL 24/08/21(Evening)
biological clocks (a) Kidney (b) Lungs (a) morphology (b) oneirology
Gerontology is the study of social, (c) Liver (d) Feet (c) kalology (d) entomology
cultural and biological aspects of aging.
Sol.(d) Chiropody is the study and Sol.(b) The scientific study of dreams is
Q435._______ is the study of ancient treatment of problems and diseases of called oneirology.
plants, like mosses, that grow in moist, people's feet. Study of kidney is known
humid environments. as Nephrology. Study of lungs is known Q.443. Cytology is related to the study
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning) as Pulmonology. Study of the liver is of: SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Evening)
(a) Ethnobotany (b) Bryology known as Hepatology. (a) fungus (b) plants
(c) Palynology (d) Dendrology (c) bacteria (d) cells
Q.439. 'Peodology' is the science of:
Sol.(b) Plants can all be classified into SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Afternoon) Sol.(d) Cytology is the study of
two orders, called tracheophytes and (a) skin disease individual cells of the body. It's mainly
bryophytes. Tracheophytes are plants, (b) ground water used to diagnose or screen for cancer. It's
like trees, flowering plants, and grasses, (c) soil also used to screen for fetal
that have a well-developed vascular (d) childhood illness abnormalities, for pap smears, to
system. In contrast, bryophytes are small diagnose infectious organisms,
plants that grow close together and do Sol.(c) Pedology is the study of soils in and in other screening and diagnostic
not have a vascular system, which makes their natural environment. It is the areas.
them very similar to those first plants science which focuses on understanding
that grew on Earth millions of years ago. soil formation, evolution and the Q.444. What does Ichthyology deal
The study of these ancient plants is theoretical frameworks through which with? SSC MTS 05/10/21(Afternoon)
called bryology, and the scientists who we understand a soil body. (a) Study of reptiles and amphibians
study them are called bryologists. (b) Study of fish
Q440. In 1930, which scientist was (c) Study of birds
Q.436. The branch of medical science awarded the Nobel Prize for describing (d) Study of insects
that deals with the kidneys is known as: the human ABO blood group system?
SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Afternoon)
SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Afternoon) Sol.(b) Ichthyology deals with the Study
(a) Karl Landsteiner
(a) Ophthalmology (b) Albert Claude of fish.
(b) Cardiology (c) Roger Guillemin Study of reptiles and amphibians :
(c) Otorhinolaryngology (d) George Wald Herpetology.
(d) Nephrology Study of birds : Ornithology
Sol.(a) Karl Landsteiner received the Study of insects : Entomology
Sol.(d) Nephrology – branch of medicine 1930 Nobel Prize for Physiology or
Medicine for his discovery of the major Q.445. What is Agraphia? SSC MTS
which deals with the kidneys.
blood groups and the development of the 06/10/21 (Evening)
ABO system of blood typing that has (a) Loss of the ability to hear
Q437. Which of these words refers to the made blood transfusion a routine
(b) Loss of the ability to speak
scientific study of domestic dogs? medical practice.
(c) Loss of the ability to write
SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (morning)
Q.441. ______ is a branch of biology (d) Loss of the ability to understand
(a) Cynology
(b) Carpology that studies fungi.
SSC CGL 16/08/21(Afternoon) Sol.(c) Agraphia is the Loss of the
(c) Chrematistics
(a) Morphology (b) Virology ability to write. Loss of the ability to
(d) Craniology
(c) Mycology (d) Kalology hear - Presbycusis
Loss of the ability to speak - Aphasia
Sol. (a) Cynology is the study of
Sol.(c) Mycology is a branch of biology Loss of the ability to understand -
canines or domestic dogs. Aphasia
that studies fungi. Morphology is the Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 489

Pinnacle Biology

Sol.(d) The marble cancer refers to the (c) Bee Hummingbird

Q.446. What does Ornithology deal corrosion of buildings and statues made (d) Robin
with? SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Evening) up of marbles by action of sulfuric acid
(a) Study of fish and nitric acid. The SO 2 and NOx Sol.(c) The bee hummingbird is a
(b) Study of reptiles and amphibians present in pollution get deposited on species of hummingbird which is the
(c) Study of insects these buildings. These oxides absorb world's smallest bird.
(d) Study of birds moisture from the air and get converted
into respective acids and cause Q453. Which is the distinctive
Sol.(d) Ornithology deals with the Study corrosion. characteristic of ‘marsupials’?
of birds. SSC-CGL 12/06/2019 (morning)
Study of fish - Ichthyology Q450. What is the definition for the term (a) They lay eggs
Study of reptiles and amphibians - ‘ Hibernation’? (b) They hibernate in winter
Herpetology. SSC-CGL 10/06/2019 (Evening) (c) They carry young ones in pouches
Study of insects - Entomology
(a) A state of hyperactivity in spring (d) They migrate from one place to
time among birds. another
Q.447. ______ is the field of study (b) Building of habitat (nests) by birds to
concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth save themselves during the rainy season. Sol.(c) The distinctive characteristic of
and the postpartum period. (c) A state of reduced metabolic activity Marsupials is that they carry their young
SSC MTS 12/10/21(Evening) during the winter season among some ones in Pouch. Marsupials are a group of
(a) Ophthalmology animals. Mammals also known as pouched
(b) Oncology (d) A habit of food conservation during Mammals.They give live birth but they
(c) Obstetrics the summer season for winters among don't have long gestation times like
(d) Orthopedics animals. placental mammals.
Sol.(c) Obstetrics is the field of study
Sol.(c) A state of reduced metabolic Q.454. The_____ is the stem-like part of
concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth,
activity during the winter season among the leaf that joins the blade to the stem.
and the postpartum period.
some animals. SSC CHSL 08/07/2019 (Evening)
Hibernation is a state of minimal activity (a) Stipules (b) Petiole
Q.448. What does Herpetology deal
which results in low metabolic rate and (c) Midrib (d) Vein
survive the winter without eating much.
SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Evening)
During hibernation the animal's body Sol.(b) It is the stalk-like structure
(a) Study of fish
temperature drops, and its heartbeat and which connects the leaf blade to the
(b) Study of insects
its breathing slow down so that it does stem. The petiole has tiny tubes that
(c) Study of reptiles and amphibians
not use much energy. Animals that connect the veins on the leaf blade to the
(d) Study of birds
hibernate include polar bears, bats , stem. Few of these enable water
rodents etc. transport to the leaf while the other carry
Sol.(c) Study of reptiles and amphibians
food away from the leaf to other parts of
- Herpetology
Q451. Which of the following plants is the plant.
Study of fish - Ichthyology
Study of insects - Entomology SSC-CGL 10/06/2019 (Evening)
Study of birds - Ornithology (a) Cyprus Vine Q455. Flower colours of red, pink, blue
(b) Venus Flytrap and purple come mainly from pigments
(c) Amaryllis called ______.
Miscellaneous (d) Hyacinth SSC CHSL 08/07/2019 (Evening)
(a) Carotenoids
Q449. What is Marble Cancer? Sol.(b) The Venus flytrap is a (b) Lycopene
SSC-CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning) carnivorous plant native to subtropical (c) Chlorophyll
(a) Disease in animals due to marble wetlands on the East Coast of the United (d) Anthocyanins
mines. States in North Carolina and South
(b) Soil degradation due to marble Carolina. Sol.(d) Anthocyanins are colored
mines. water-soluble pigments belonging to the
(c) Cancer in humans due to working in Q.452. Which of the following is the phenolic group. The pigments are in
mines. smallest bird in the world? glycosylated forms. Anthocyanins are
(d) Corrosion of marble due to acid rain . SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning) responsible for the colors in fruits and
(a) Finch vegetables. Berries, currant grapes, and
(b) Diamond Firetail Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 490

Pinnacle Biology

some tropical fruits have high Sol.(c) A biochemical compound is any (c) Establishment of comparative
anthocyanins content. compound that contains carbon and is biochemistry.
found in living things. They're involved (d) Darwin’s theory of evolution.
Q.456.The total number of living in every process of life, including
organisms, both plants and animals, in a growth, digestion, respiration. There are Sol.(b) Archimedes' Principle is a theory
given area is called: four classes of biochemical compounds: we study in physics.
SSC CHSL 09/07/2019 (Morning) carbohydrates, proteins, lipids (fats), and Archimedes' principle states that the
(a) buffers (b) biomass nucleic acids. upward buoyant force that is exerted on
(c) batholith (d) barrage a body immersed in a fluid, whether
Q.460. A wound stops bleeding due to fully or partially submerged, is equal to
Sol.(b) The biomass is the mass of living the process of clot formation called: the weight of the fluid that the body
biological organisms in a given area or SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening) displaces and acts in the upward
ecosystem at a given time. Biomass can (a) fermentation (b) coagulation direction at the center of mass of the
refer to species biomass, which is the (c) transfusion (d) incubation displaced fluid
mass of one or more species, or to
community biomass, which is the mass Sol.(b) A wound stops bleeding due to Q.464. Persea Americana is commonly
of all species in the community. the process of clot formation called known as_____.
Coagulation. Blood coagulation is a SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning)
Q457. The thin layer of living cells just process that changes circulating (a) Avocado (b) Watermelon
inside the bark of a tree is substances within the blood into an (c) Orange (d) Grapes
called_______. insoluble gel. The gel plugs leaks in
SSC CHSL 09/07/2019 (Evening) blood vessels and stops the loss of blood. Sol.(a) The avocado also known as
(a) Pith (b) Crawn Persea americana is a tree with probable
(c) Xylem (d) Cambium Q461. Hiccups in humans generally origin in South Central Mexico, is
occur due to the forceful downward classified as a member of the flowering
Sol.(d) The thin layer of living cells just shifting of the: plant family.
inside the bark is called cambium. It is SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening)
the part of the tree that makes new cells (a) diaphragm (b) trachea Q.465. Excessive amount of ____in the
allowing the tree to grow wider each (c) lungs (d) larynx body causes gout.
year. SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)
Sol.(a) Hiccups are caused by (a) uric acid (b) lactic acid
Q.458.Which of the following is an involuntary contractions of diaphragm (c) nitric acid (d) acetic acid
example of terrestrial habitat? (The muscle that separates chest from
SSC CHSL 11/07/2019 (Morning) abdomen and plays an important role in Sol.(a) Gout is caused initially by an
(a) Grassland (b) Lagoon breathing). excess of uric acid in the blood, or
(c) Rocks (d) Swamp hyperuricemia. Uric acid is produced in
Q.462. Name the long-haired mammals the body during the breakdown of
Sol.(a) Terrestrial habitats are ones that found throughout the Himalayan region. purines - chemical compounds that are
are found on land, like forests, SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) found in high amounts in certain foods
grasslands, deserts, shorelines, and (a) Ox (b) Bison such as meat, poultry, and seafood.
wetlands. Terrestrial habitats also (c) Yak (d) Heifer
include man made habitats, like farms, Q.466. In humans, each cell normally
towns, and cities, and habitats that are Sol.(c) The domestic yak (Bos contains_____pairs of chromosomes.
under the earth, like caves and mines. grunniens) is a long-haired domesticated SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
bovid found throughout the Himalayan (a) 22 (b) 24 (c) 23 (d) 21
Q.459. A biochemical compound is any: region of the Indian subcontinent, the
SSC CHSL 11/07/2019 (Evening) Tibetan Plateau and as far north as Sol.(c) In humans, each cell normally
(a) mineral-based compound found in Mongolia and Russia. It is descended contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, for a
living things from the wild yak . total of 46. Twenty-two of these pairs,
(b) sulfur-based compound found in called autosomes, look the same in both
living things Q.463. Which of the following is NOT males and females. The 23rd pair, the
(c) carbon-based compound found in one of the great paradigms of biology? sex chromosomes, differ between males
living things SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning) and females.
(d) hydrogen-based compound found in (a) Mendel's laws of inheritance.
living things (b) Archimedes’ principle. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 491

Pinnacle Biology

Q.467. Mucosa, Submucosa, Muscularis the silk of moth caterpillars has been Sol.(a) Lactic acid is formed by the
and Adventitia are the four layers of the used for textile manufacturing. fragmentation of glucose in the absence
____wall. of oxygen. Lactic acid is produced in
SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) Q.471. Which of the following pairs muscle cells when NADH + H+ formed
(a) Stomach represents a parasitic relationship? in glycolysis is oxidized to NAD+ by a
(b) Gastrointestinal SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning) transfer of the hydrogen ions to pyruvic
(c) Throat (a) Algae-Coral reefs acid (C3H4O3), which, in turn, is reduced
(d) Nasal (b) Ticks on Dog to lactic acid (C3H6O3).
(c) Remora Fish-Sharks
Sol.(b) The gastrointestinal wall (d) Cattle Egrets - Livestock Q.475. Which of the following
surrounding the lumen of the organisms reproduce by Spore
gastrointestinal tract is made up of four Sol.(b) Tick and dog share a symbiotic Formation?
layers of specialised tissue – Mucosa , relationship that can be described as SSC MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Submucosa, Muscularis and Adventitia parasitic. Symbiosis is the relationship (a) Bryophyllum (b) Planara
between two organisms, where either (c) Rhizopus (d) Plasmodium
Q.468. Which combination of paternal one or both the organisms get the
chromosomes results in a female? benefit. Sol.(c) Rhizopus species grow as
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning) filamentous, branching hyphae that
(a) ZX (b)XX (c) YZ (d)XY Q.472. Which of the following is NOT generally lack cross-walls (i.e., they are
a type of Fungi? coenocytic). They reproduce by forming
Sol.(b) Men determine the sex of a baby SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning) asexual and sexual spores. In asexual
depending on whether their sperm is (a) Agarics (b) Penicillium reproduction, sporangiospores are
carrying an X or Y chromosome. An X (c) Gonyaulax (d) Aspergillus produced inside a spherical structure, the
chromosome combines with the sporangium.
mother’s X chromosome to make a baby Sol.(c) Gonyaulax is a genus of
girl (XX) and the Y chromosome will dinoflagellates that are aquatic Q.476. The _______ era is also known
combine with the mother’s to make a organisms with two separate flagella: as the ‘ age of mammals’
boy (XY). one extends backward and the other SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning)
wraps around the cell in a lateral groove (a) Palaeozoic (b) Cenozoic
Q.469. Which micronutrient is supplied helping to keep the organism afloat by (c) Neozoic (d) Mesozoic
by soil to plant? rotational motility.
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning) Sol.(b) The Cenozoic Era is also called
(a) Phosphorous (b) Calcium Q.473. The mouth of Mollusca contains the "Age of the Mammals". It began
(c) Zinc (d) Nitrogen a file-like rasping organ for feeding about 65 million years ago as the great
which is called_______. lizards, the dinosaurs became extinct.
Sol.(c) In relatively large amounts, the SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon) The mammals mainly Dinosaurs, giant
soil supplies nitrogen, phosphorus, (a) chitinous (b) radula reptiles lived during the age of Mesozoic
potassium, calcium, magnesium, and (c) parapodia (d) coelomate Era.
sulfur; these are often called the After the extinction of the dinosaur, the
macronutrients. In relatively small Sol.(b) All molluscs also have gills, a Neozoic age started.
amounts, the soil supplies iron, mouth and an anus. A feature unique to
manganese, boron, molybdenum, copper, molluscs is a file-like rasping tool called Q.477. In the context of trans - fats ,
zinc, chlorine, and cobalt, the so-called a radula. This structure allows them to which of the following statements is
micronutrients. scrape algae and other food off rocks and NOT correct ?
even to drill through the shell of prey or SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning)
Q.470. Silk is obtained from which type catch fish. (a) They are produced from the
of organism? industrial process of hydrogenation.
SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q.474. In human muscle cells, which (b) WHO has called for their elimination
(a) Moth (b) Goat chemical compound is formed by the by 2023.
(c) Sheep (d) Butterfly fragmentation of glucose in the absence (c) They have a shorter shelf- life than
of oxygen? natural fats.
Sol.(a) The best-known silk is obtained SSC MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening) (d) Their consumption increases LDL
from the cocoons of the larvae of the (a) Lactic acid (b) Methanol cholesterol and decreases HDL
mulberry silkworm Bombyx mori reared (c) Carbon dioxide (d) Ethanol cholesterol.
in captivity (sericulture).Silk is produced
by several insects. but, generally, only Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 492

Pinnacle Biology

Sol.(c) Trans-fat has a Short shelf-life Q.482. Which among the following is a SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning)
then natural fat. non-biodegradable waste? (a) Owl (b) Eagle
SSC CGL 9-03-2020 (Afternoon) (c) Mynah (d) Drongo
Q.478. The part of a stem arises is (a) Dead animals (b) Vegetables
known as : (c) Plastic (d) Flowers Sol.(d) The drongo impersonates the
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning) calls of other birds in order to steal food.
(a) node (b) tuber Sol.(c) Non-biodegradable polymers do
(c) carpel (d) bud not break down to a natural, Q.487. What are supporting roots
environmentally safe condition over time coming out of lower ends of the stem of
Sol.(a) A node is the part of the plant by biological processes. Most plastics maize and sugarcane called?
stem where the flowers, branches, and are non-biodegradable because they do SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening)
leaves first start to grow. Nodes can hold not break down naturally and remain in (a) Stilt Root
several leaves and buds that have the soil, water bodies and on earth. (b) Tertiary Root
capacity of growing and spreading into (c) Primary Root
branches. Q.483. The solar tracking (moving in the (d) Prop Root
sun's direction) of the sunflower is called
Q.479. In biological terms, _____ is a ______. Sol.(a) Stilt roots are supporting roots of
relationship between two organisms in SSC CHSL 16-10-2020 (Afternoon) the plant. They are short but thick and
which one organism benefits and the (a) Phototropism make the plant stand like tent ropes.
other is unaffected. (b) Thigmotropism They are generally found in the plants
SSC CGL 4/3/2020 (morning) (c) Heliotropism which grow near the river bank (as to
(a) Amensalism (d) Hydrotropism provide support). Ex. Sugarcane and
(b) Mutualism Maize
(c) Commensalism Sol.(c) Heliotropism is a form of
(d) Parasitism tropism, is a diurnal or seasonal Q.488. Which of the following does
movement of the plant parts (leaves, NOT fall under the category of oilseeds?
Sol.(c) Commensalism is a long-term flowers) in response to the direction of SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening)
biological interaction(Symbiosis) in the Sun. (a) Oats (b) Groundnut
which members of one species gain Phototropism is the growth of an (c) Sesame (d) Soyabean
benefits while those of the other species organism in response to a light stimulus.
neither benefit nor are harmed. Thigmotropism is a directional growth Sol.(a) Oats is cereal, not an oilseed. It is
movement which occurs as a a sustainable crop generally grown by
Q.480. Which of the following is used to mechanosensory response to a touch the farmers during the crop rotation
control pest fish?
stimulus. policy. Oilseed crops are generally
SSC CGL 5/3/2020 (evening)
(a) Predacides grown for the oil as there seed contains a
(b) Piscicides Q.484. Locomotion in ______ takes large quantity of oil in it.
(c) Herbicides place with the help of a muscular foot.
(d) Ovicides SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Evening) Q.489. Called the farmer’s ‘friend’, the
(a) jellyfish (b) snails ______ helps in the breakdown of
Sol.(b) A piscicide is a chemical (c) earthworms (d) None complex organic matter as well as in
substance which is poisonous to fish. loosening of the soil.
The primary use for piscicides is to Sol.(b) Locomotion in snails takes place SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening)
eliminate a dominant species of fish . with the help of a muscular foot. (a) locust (b) rat
(c) earthworm (d) weed
Q.481. Which of the following is a Q.485. Which of the following is a breed
natural flame retardant? of sheep? Sol.(c) Earthworms are called the
SSC CGL 6-03-2020 (Morning) SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Afternoon) farmer’s ‘friend’ because they help in
(a) Skin (b) RNA. (a) Barbari (b) Jamunapari the breakdown of complex organic
(c) DNA (d) Flowers (c) Mecheri (d) Beetal matter as well as in loosening of the soil.

Sol.(c) DNA can be considered as a Sol.(c) Barbari, Jamunapari and Beetal Q.490. Detritivores in the soil break
natural flame retardant and suppressant. are the breeds of goat. down detritus into smaller particles. This
Its chemical structure makes it ideal for process is called ______.
stopping fires. Q.486. Which among the following SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening)
birds impersonates the calls of other (a) leaching
birds to steal food? (b) catabolism Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 493

Pinnacle Biology

(c) mineralisation (c) vitamin (d) fat SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Evening)
(d) fragmentation (a) 15 (b) 11 (c) 13 (d) 9
Sol.(b) Collagen is a type of protein. It is
Sol.(d) Detritivores in the soil break the major insoluble fibrous protein in the Sol.(c) There are 13 recognized essential
down detritus into smaller particles.This extracellular matrix and in connective vitamins.
process is called fragmentation. tissue.
Fragmentation is a form of Asexual Q.499. Onions produce the chemical
reproduction in which organisms split Q.494. Spider webs are made up of irritant known as
into fragments and each fragment ______, a natural fiber made up of syn-propanethial-S-oxide; this stimulates
develops into a mature clone genetically protein. SSC CGL 20/08/21(Evening) the eyes' ______ glands
identical to its parent. (a) silk (b) hair which release tears.
(c) wool (d) fur SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Afternoon)
Q.491. When a host is exposed to (a) lachrymal
antigens, which may be in the form of Sol.(a) Spider webs are made up of silk (b) parotid
living or dead microbes or other which is a natural fiber made up of (c) sublingual
proteins, antibodies are produced in the protein. (d) submandibular
host body. This type of
immunity is called ______ immunity. Q.495. Which of the following pigments Sol.(a) Lacrimal glands are the glands in
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) causes the red colour in onions? the corners of your eyes that produce
(a) active (b) passive SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Afternoon) tears.
(c) strong (d) acquired (a) Betalains
(b) Chlorophylls Q.500. Which of the following is the
Sol.(a) When a host is exposed to (c) Carotenoids only water-soluble vitamin that can be
antigens or some novel disease agent, (d) Anthocyanins stored in the liver for many years? SSC
then the White Blood Cells present in MTS 08/10/21 (Afternoon)
the host body produces antibodies to Sol.(c) The acid found in onions is (a) Vitamin B-12 (b) Vitamin C
make the host body immune to that Sulfenic Acid. (c) Vitamin K (d) Vitamin D
particular disease. This developed
immunity is called active immunity. It is Q.496. Which part of the human body Sol.(a) Vitamin B-12 is the only
long lasting in nature. has the growth stages divided into - water-soluble vitamin that can be stored
Passive Immunity- when a person is Anagen, Catagen and Telogen? SSC in the liver for many years.
given antibodies rather than producing CHSL 15/04/21 (Morning)
through its own is known as passive (a) Hair (b) Tooth Q.501. Herbivores form the ______
immunity. (c) Nose (d) Nails trophic level in a food chain.
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Morning)
Q.492. The upward and downward Sol.(a) Anagen, Catagen, and Telogen (a) third (b) second
growth of shoots and roots, respectively, are the first three phases that cover the (c) first (d) fourth
in response to the pull of gravity is growth and maturation of hair of the
called ______. human body and the activity of the hair Sol.(b) Herbivores form the second
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) follicles that produce individual hairs. trophic level in a food chain. The second
(a) hydrotropism trophic level consists of herbivores,
(b) chemotropism Q.497. Which of the following is a trace these organisms gain energy by eating
(c) phototropism mineral found in the human body? primary producers and are called
(d) geotropism SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Morning) primary consumers. Trophic levels three,
(a) Sulfur (b) Magnesium four, and five consist of carnivores and
Sol.(d) Growth of a plant or immovable (c) Selenium (d) Phosphorus omnivores.
animal in response to the pull of Gravity
is called Geotropism. Sol.(c) The essential trace elements of
Q.502. What is the term 'circadian
Roots display positive geotropism when the human body are zinc (Zn), copper
rhythm' associated with?
they grow downwards while shoots (Cu), selenium (Se), chromium (Cr),
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Afternoon)
display negative geotropism when they cobalt (Co), iodine (I), manganese (Mn),
(a) Movement of a merry-go-round
grow upwards. and molybdenum (Mo).
(b) Heart beat
(c) Body clock
Q.493. Collagen is a type of ______. Q.498. How many recognized essential
(d) Movement of a pendulum
SSC CGL 20/08/21(Afternoon) vitamins are there as of March 2021?
(a) carbohydrate (b) protein Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 494

Pinnacle Biology

Sol.(c) The term 'circadian rhythm' is

associated with Body clock. A circadian
rhythm or circadian cycle, is a natural,
internal process that regulates the
sleep-wake cycle and repeats roughly
every 24 hours.

Q.503. Which one of the following is a

ruminant animal?
SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Morning)
(a) Horse (b) Donkey
(c) Hen (d) Cow

Sol.(d) Ruminant, (suborder

Ruminantia), any mammal of the
suborder Ruminantia (order
Artiodactyla), which includes cow, the
pronghorns, giraffes, okapis, deer,
chevrotains, cattle, antelopes, sheep, and

Q.504. A/an ______ is any substance

that causes your immune system to
produce antibodies against it.
SSC MTS 2/1/2021 (Evening)
(a) protein (b) glucose
(c) platelet (d) antigen

Sol.(d) An antigen is any substance that

causes your immune system to produce
antibodies against it. Antigens are
composed of proteins, peptides, and
polysaccharides. Any portion of bacteria
or viruses, such as surface protein, coat,
capsule, toxins, and cell wall, can serve
as antigens.

Q.505. What is the full form of OCD?

SSC MTS 2/1/2021 (Evening)
(a) Obesity-Compulsive Disorder
(b) Obsession-Controlling Device
(c) Obesity-Controlling Device
(d) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Sol.(d) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

(OCD) is a common, chronic, and
long-lasting disorder. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 495

PINNACLE SSC GK Current Affairs TCS Asked till now

Current affairs Chapter name Page no. Question No. No. of Question

1. Sports 1-22 1-242 242

2. Ranking Reports and Survey 22-29 243-319 77

3. Summits 29-32 320-350 31

4. Special Days 32-34 351-372 22

5. Miscellaneous 34-59 373-622 250

6. Awards 59-79 623-835 213

7. Persons 79-100 836-1053 218

8. States 100-112 1054-1180 127

9. Schemes and projects 112-122 1181-1267 87

Pinnacle Current Affairs

CURRENT AFFAIRS (d) Chekrovolu Swuro (a) Ashish Malik

(b) Fouaad Mirza
SPORTS Sol.(c) The Indian mixed recurve team (c) Rakesh Kumar
of Deepika Kumari and Atanu Das has (d) Jitender Singh
won the silver medal at the Archery
Q.1. There were three Bronze medallists
World Cup held in Antalya, Turkey. Sol.(b) India's Fouaad Mirza won a
from India at the 38th Gee Bee Boxing
silver medal at the Equestrian Jumping
Tournament which was held at Helsinki,
Q.4. _________ became the most Final at the Asian Games 2018 in
Finland. Who amongst the following is
successful doubles player in the history Jakarta. His valiant effort also helped the
NOT one of them?
of Davis Cup as on 2018. Indian team bag silver in the same event.
SSC CGL 07/06/2019 (Afternoon)
SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening)
(a) Naveen Kumar
(a) Leander Paes Q.8. Bangladesh defeated _________ in
(b) Dinesh Dagar
(b) Leon Smith their very first match of 2019 World Cup
(c)Sumit Sangwan
(c) Henri Leconte held in June 2019 in England.
(d) Sachin Siwach
(d)Mark Woodforde SSC-CHSL 2/07/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) Pakistan
Sol.(b) Gold medal for India was won by
Sol.(a) Leander Paes became the most (b) New zealand
Kavinder Singh Bisht. He won against
successful doubles player in the history (c) South Africa
Indian counterpart Mohammed
of Davis Cup as he clinched his 43rd (d) West Indies
Hussamuddin in the summit clash in the
56kg category.
Sol.(c) Bangladesh defeated South
Mohammed Hussamuddin settled for
Q.5. Which Indian badminton player Africa in their very first match of 2019
silver. Other Silver medals for India
was runner-up at the 2019 Swiss Open World Cup held in June 2019 in
were won by Govind Kumar Sahani
tournament?/ England. On 25 June 2019, Australia
(49kg), Shiva Thapa (60kg) and Dinesh
SSC-CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning) became the first team to qualify for the
Dagar (69 kg).
(a) Kidambi Srikanth semi-finals, after beating England at
Bronze Medallists were Sachin Siwach
(b) Chetan Anand Lord's. India became the second team to
(52kg), Sumit Sangwan (91kg) and
(c) Sai Praneeth qualify for the semi-finals, after they
Naveen Kumar (+91kg) after their
(d) Parupalli Kashyap defeated Bangladesh at Edgbaston on 2
respective semi-final loss.
July 2019.
Sol.(c) Sai Parneeth runner-up at the
Q.2. In January 2019, _______ was
2019 Swiss open tournament. The 2019 Q.9. Who is the vice captain of the
named World no. 1 boxer by
Swiss Open or the YONEX Swiss Open Indian Team that is playing the World
International boxing association.
2019, was a badminton tournament Cup 2019 in England?
SSC CGL 11/06/2019 (Afternoon)
which was organised at St. Jakobshalle CHSL 2/07/2019 (afternoon)
(a) Mary Kom
in Basel, Switzerland from 12 to 17 (a) Shikhar Dhawan
(b) Laishram Sarita Devi
March 2019. (b) MS Dhoni
(c)Simranjit Kaur
(c) Hardik Pandya
(d) Lavlina Borgohain
Q.6. Who was the captain of Indian (d) Rohit Sharma
Women’’s Kabaddi Team that won Silver
Sol.(a) Mary Kom was ranked number
at the 2018 Asian Games? Sol.(d) Rohit Sharma is the vice captain
one by the International Boxing
SSC-CHSL 2/07/2019 (Morning) of the Indian Team that is playing the
Association (AIBA) in the Light Fly
(a) Manpreet Kaur World Cup 2019 in England.
45-48 kilogramme category, scoring
(b) Ritu Negi
1700 points. Mary Kom rose to the top
(c) Shalini Pathak Q.10. Who among the following
of the boxing world rankings by
(d) Payel Chowdhury clinched a gold medal in the Women’s
becoming the first female boxer to win
25 m pistol event at the 2019 ISSF
six world championships.
Sol.(d) Payel Chowdhury was the World Cup?
captain of Indian Women’s Kabaddi CHSL 2/07/2019 (afternoon)
Q.3. Which Indian Archer won the gold
team that won silver at 2018 Asian (a) Rahi Sarnobat
medal in the women's recurve event at
Games. (b) Heena Sidhu
the 2018 Hyundai Archery World Cup?
(c) Manu Bhaker
SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 (Afternoon)
Q.7. Who among the following won a (d) Devanshi Rana
(a) Dola Banerjee
silver medal in the equestrian event at
(b) Bombayla Devi Laishram
the 2018 Asian Games? Sol.(a) Rahi Sarnobat added the third
(c) Deepika Kumari
SSC-CHSL 2/07/2019 (Morning) gold in India's medals tally at the ISSF Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

World Cup 2019 in Munich as she SSC-CHSL 3/07/2019 (Evening) (a) Tottenham Hotspur
bagged the top podium spot in the 25 (a) 6th (b) 5th (b) Manchester United
metre pistol event. By virtue of the (c) 3rd (d) 4th (c) Liverpool
victory, Rahi Sarnobat has booked (d) Real Madrid
herself a quota in the Tokyo Olympics. Sol.(b) India has lifted the South Asian
Football Federation SAFF Women's Sol.(c) Liverpool won the UEFA
Q.11. Which of the following countries Championship for the fifth time in a row. Champions League football trophy at
hosted the Asian Cup Football Keeping its winning streak India Madrid on 1 June 2019.It was played at
tournament in 2019? defeated host Nepal in the final by 3-1 in the Metropolitano Stadium in Madrid,
SSC-CHSL 2/07/2019 (Evening) Biratnagar on Friday evening. Spain on 1 June 2019, between
(a) Singapore (b) China Tottenham Hotspur, and Liverpool.
(c) UAE (d) South Korea Q.15. Which Country won the ‘2019
Sultan Azlan Shah Cup Hockey’ title? Q.19. Where was Khelo India Youth
Sol.(c) Qatar won the recently held 2019 SSC-CHSL 2/07/2019 (Evening) Games 2019 held?
Asian Cup Football tournament. Hosted (a) South Korea (b) Malaysia SSC CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon)
by UAE. (c) Australia (d) India (a) Pune (b) Ludhiana
(c) Delhi (d) Noida
Q.12. The winners of the 2019 ICC Sol.(a) India jumped to second in the
men’s World Cup will earn a cash award points table of the Sultan Azlan Shah Sol.(a) 1st khelo India: 2018 Delhi
of _________ which is the highest prize Cup 2019 with a dominating 4-2 win 2nd khelo India: 2019 Pune,
money on offer in the history of the against host Malaysia on Tuesday at the Maharashtra
tournament. Sultan Azlan Shah Stadium, Ipoh. 3rd khelo India:Guwahati, Assam
SSC-CHSL 2/07/2019 (Evening) 4th khelo India will be held in
(a) $6 million (b) $4 million Q.16. As of May 2019, which player has Panchkula Haryana.
(c) $5 million (d) $2 million scored the most international runs in the
world in all the three formats (Test Q.20. Which of the following states won
Sol.(b) The winners of the upcoming Match , ODI Match and T-20 Match) of the maximum number of medals in the
ICC men's World Cup will earn a cash cricket combined? inaugural
award of $4 million, the highest prize SSC-CHSL 2/07/2019 (Evening) 2018 edition of the ‘Khelo India School
money on offer in the history of the (a) Ricky Ponting Games’?
tournament. The winners of the 10-team (b) Virat Kohli SSC CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening)
tournament will also get a trophy that (c) Sachin Tendulkar (a) Jharkhand (b) Delhi
they will lift at the historic Lord's on (d) Don Bradman (c) Haryana (d) Maharashtra
July 16, a statement from the ICC read.
Sol.(c) Sachin Tendulkar has scored the Sol.(c) Haryana won the maximum
Q.13. Who is the Asian Cricketer named most runs in ODIs with a total of 18,426. number of medals in the inaugural 2018
as the first non-British president of the edition of the ‘Khelo India School
prestigious Marylebone Cricket Club Q.17. Who defeated India’s Sourav Games a total of 102 medals, with 38
(MCC)? Kothari in the final to win the 2019 gold medals, 26 silver and 38 bronze
SSC-CHSL 3/07/2019 (Morning) Pacific International Billiards followed by Maharashtra (111 medals
(a) Wasim Akram Championship? including 36 golds) and Delhi (94
(b) Mahela Jayawardene SSC-CHSL 4/07/2019 (Morning) medals including 25 golds).
(c) Kumar Sangakkara (a) Joe Davis (b) Peter Gilchrist
(d) Sunil Gavaskar (c) Michael Phelan (d) William Cook Q.21. As of May 2019, Vidarbha has
won _______ Ranji Trophy tournaments.
Sol.(c) Kumar Sangakkara becomes the Sol.(b) Multiple times world champion SSC CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening)
first non-British MCC president. The Peter Gilchrist defeated India's Sourav (a) 3 (b) 8 (c) 5 (d) 2
former Sri Lanka batsman Kumar Kothari in the final to win the 2019
Sangakkara has been appointed as the Pacific International Billiards Sol.(d) As of May 2019, Vidarbha has
first non-British president of Marylebone Championship played at the Yarraville won 2 times Ranji Trophy tournaments.
Cricket Club. Club in Melbourne, Australia.
Q.22. After winning ‘Australian Open
Q.14. India lifted the South Asian Q.18. Which of the following teams won 2018’, the total number of Grand Slam
Football Federation SAFF Women’s the UEFA Champions League football Men’s singles titles won by Roger
Championship for how many times in a trophy at Madrid on 1 June 2019? Federer is:
row in March 2019? SSC CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon) SSC CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

(a) 18 (b) 20 (c) 21 (d) 24 (a) Varsha Sanjeev Sol.(d) Narendra Deepchand Hirwani
(b) Keerthana Pandian was a leg spin bowler who played for
Sol.(b) After winning ‘Australian Open (c) Vidya Pillai India. He is mainly remembered for his
2018’, the total number of Grand Slam (d) Arantxa Sanchis success on his Test debut.
Men’s singles titles won by Roger
Federer is 20. Sol.(b) India’s Keerthana Pandian beat Q.31. ____________ is the first Indian
Belarus’s Albina Leschuk 3-1 to win the gymnast to win a Gold medal at a Global
Q.23. Who among the following women’s title in the IBSF World Event in the World Challenge Cup in
Australian cricket players was NOT Under-16 Snooker Championships at Turkey.
banned by Cricket Australia Saint Petersburg, Russia. SSC CHSL 08/07/2019 (Afternoon)
for ball tampering in 2018? (a) Ashish Kumar
SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning) Q.27. India won a total of ________ (b) Aruna Reddy
(a) Steve Smith medals at the Special Olympics World (c) Rakesh Patra
(b) Glenn Maxwell Summer Games held in Abu Dhabi from (d) Dipa Karmakar
(c) Cameron Bancroft 14 to 21 March 2019.
(d) David Warner SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning) Sol.(d) Dipa Karmakar is the first Indian
(a) 252 (b) 368 gymnast to win a Gold medal at a Global
Sol.(b) Steve smith,David warner and (c) 441 (d) 312 Event in the World Challenge Cup in
cameron Bancroft were banned by Turkey.Karmakar won a gold medal in
Cricket Australia for ball tampering in Sol.(b) India won 368 medals, including the vault event of FIG Artistic
2018. 85 gold,154 silver and 129 bronze at the Gymnastics World Challenge Cup at
Special Olympics World Summer Games Mersin, Turkey in July 2018. She thus
Q.24. Who was the coach of the Indian which was held at Abu Dhabi, UAE became the first Indian gymnast to win a
Under-19 men’s cricket team, which from March 14 to 21, 2019. gold medal at a global event.
won the Under-19
World Cup 2018? Q.28. With which of the following sports Q.32. Which one of the following
SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning) was Narender Hirwani associated? nations will host the FIFA U-17
(a) Anil Kumble (b) Lalchand Rajput SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning) Women's World Cup in
(c) Robin Singh (d) Rahul Dravid (a) Hockey (b) Football 2020?
(c) Boxing (d) Cricket SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening)
Sol.(d) Rahul Dravid was the coach of (a) India (b) China
the Indian Under-19 men’s cricket team, Sol.(d) Narendra Deepchand Hirwani (c) Nepal (d) Bangladesh
which won the Under-19 was a leg spin bowler who played for
World Cup 2018 and captain was Priyam India. He is mainly remembered for his Sol.(a) India will host the FIFA U-17
Garg. success on his Test debut. Women's World Cup in 2020.

Q.25. As of May 2019, who among the Q.29. India won a total of ________ Q.33. In which state was the second
following has won the maximum medals at the Special Olympics World edition of the Indian Open International
number of Grand Slam Tournaments in Summer Games held in Abu Dhabi from Boxing
Men's Tennis? 14 to 21 March 2019. Tournament held?
SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon) SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning) SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening)
(a) Andre Agassi (b) Ivan Lendl (a) 252 (b) 368 (a) Odisha
(c) Pete Sampras (d) Roger Federer (c) 441 (d) 312 (b) Assam
(c) Karnataka
Sol.(d) As per 2019 Roger Federer had Sol.(b) India won 368 medals, including (d) Madhya Pradesh
won the maximum number of Grand 85 gold,154 silver and 129 bronze at the
Slam Tournaments in Men's Tennis. But Special Olympics World Summer Games Sol.(b) 2nd India Open International
as per february 2021 Roger federer and which was held at Abu Dhabi, UAE Boxing Tournament held in Guwahati
Rafael Nadal have won maximum and from March 14 to 21, 2019. Assam.
equal number(20) of Grand slams
Tournaments . Q.30. With which of the following sports Q.34. Which of the following teams
was Narender Hirwani associated? won the 2019 IPL?
Q.26. ________from India won the girls' SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning) SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (morning)
title at the IBSF World Under-16 (a) Hockey (b) Football (a) Chennai Super Kings
Snooker Championships held in 2018. (c) Boxing (d) Cricket (b) Mumbai Indians
SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening) (c) Delhi Capitals Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

(d) Kolkata Knight Riders (a) Istanbul (b) Abu Dhabi

(c) Seattle (d) London Sol.(d) Rishabh Pant entered his name in
Sol.(b) Mumbai Indian won the IPL in record books by becoming only the
2013, 2015,2017,2019 and 2020 Sol.(b) Abu Dhabi hosted the Special fourth Indian wicket-keeper to take five
Chennai Super Kings won the IPL in Olympics World Games 2019. catches on his debut Test match at Trent
2010, 2011 and 2018 Bridge where India are playing England
Kolkata knight Riders won the IPL in Q.39. ____of Kenya won the Mumbai in a five-match Test series.
2012 and 2014 Marathon,2019
Rajasthan Royals won the IPl in 2008 SSC-CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) Q.43. Indian athlete____won gold medal
Deccan Chargers won the IPL in 2009 (a) Aychew Bantie in women’s Heptathlon Athletics event
Sunrisers Hyderabad won the IPL in (b) Akalnew Shumet at 18th edition of Asian Games held in
2016 (c) Cosmas Lagat Jakarta-Palembang in Indonesia.
(d) Birke Debele SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning)
Q.35. Who of the following players was (a) Anju Bobby
named Wisden’s Leading T20 Cricketer Sol.(c) Cosmas Lagat of Kenya won the (b) Swapna Berman
of the Year for 2018? Mumbai Marathon,2019. (c) Anjali Bhagwat/
CHSL 10 JULY 2019 (Morning) (d) Sakshi Malik
(a) Rashid Khan (b) Rohit Sharma Q.40. The world’s largest cricket
(c) Virat Kohli (d) Sam Curran stadium is being built in which state of Sol.(b) The Day 11 of the 18th Asian
India? Games was historic for India, as Swapna
Sol.(c) Indian captain Virat Kohli was SSC-CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) Barman won the nation’s first-ever
named The Wisden Almanack's Leading (a) Gujarat (b) Maharashtra Asiad gold in the women's heptathlon
Cricketer of the Year for 2018 while (c) Chandigarh (d) West Bengal event. Barman, who has six toes in both
Smriti Mandhana won the Women's her feet, competed in the event with her
Leading Cricketer award. Sol.(a) The world’s largest cricket jaw taped up, as she was battling an
stadium is being built in Ahmedabad, excruciating toothache.
Q.36. ______ won the women’s singles Gujarat, India. Currently, it has been
title at Italian Open 2019. renamed as Narendra Modi Stadium. Q.44. Who became the first female to be
CHSL 10 JULY 2019 (Morning) appointed to the ICC International Panel
(a) Naomi Osaka Q.41. With which of the following Of Match Referees in 2019?
(b) Simona Halep games is the Deodhar Trophy SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning)
(c) Johanna Konta associated? (a) GS Lakshmi
(d) Karolina Pliskova SSC-CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) (b) Diana Edulji
(a) Football (b) Golf (c) Jhulan Goswami
Sol.(d) Karolina Pliskova won the (c) Cricket (d) Hockey (d) Sudha Shah
women’s singles title and Rafael NAdal
won men’s singles title at Italian Open Sol.(c) The Deodhar Trophy is a List A Sol.(a) Lakshmi was the match referee
2019. cricket competition in Indian domestic for all four matches of the 2019
cricket. It is named after Prof. D. B. Women's T20 Challenge. Lakshmi
Q.37. ______ was named ICC Emerging Deodhar (known as the Grand Old Man became the first woman to be appointed
Player of the Year 2018. of Indian cricket) and is a 50-over to the ICC International Panel of Match
CHSL 10 JULY 2019 (Morning) knockout competition played on an Referees on 14 May 2019.
(a) Rohit Sharma annual basis among the 3 national level
(b) Calum McLeod teams - India A, India B and India C. Q.45. Who is the first and currently the
(c) Aaron Finch India C are the current champions, only batsman to score double hundreds
(d) Rishabh Pant winning the 2018-19 after defeating in four consecutive test series?
India B by 29 runs in the final. SSC-CGL 3-3-2020 (Morning)
Sol.(d) Rishabh Pant was named ICC (a) A.B. De Villers
Emerging Player of the Year 2018.while Q.42. ______became the fourth Indian (b) Brian Lara
Marnus Labuschagne was named ICC wicket-keeper to take five catches on (c) Rohit Sharma
Emerging Player of the Year 2019. Test debut. (d) Virat Kohli
SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning)
Q.38. Which of the following cities (a) Dinesh Karthik Sol.(d) In 2017, Virat Kohli became the
hosted the Special Olympics World (b) Parthiv Patel first batsman to score double hundreds in
Games 2019? (c) Naman Ojha four consecutive test series.
CHSL 10 JULY 2019 (Afternoon) (d) Rishabh Pant Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

Q.46. In which of the following youngest woman to clinch a Ladies (d) Raunak Sadhwani
countries was the 95th edition of the European Tour title at the age of 18. She
prestigious Hastings International Chess defeated South Africa's three-time Sol.(a) Gukesh has become India's
Congress held? champion, Lee-Anne Pace, by one shot. youngest GM at 12 years, 7 months and
CGL 3-3-2020(Afternoon) 17 days. With this achievement Gukesh
(a) France (b) Australia Q.50. As of October 2019, which of the has overtaken Praggnanandhaa who held
(c) England (d) Belgium following nations is at the top of the ICC the record at 12 years and 10 months in
Sol.(c) The 95th edition of the Table?
prestigious Hastings international chess SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning) Q.54. Who won the 2019 US Open -
congress held at HASTINGs in England. (a) India (b) Australia Men's Singles title?
India's P Magesh Chandran lifted the (c) South Africa (d) England SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening)
title in the 95th edition of the prestigious (a) Rafael Nadal
Hastings International Chess Congress at Sol.(a) India tops the World Test (b) Roger Federer
Hastings in England. He remained Championship table by winning all (c) Daniil Medvedev
unbeaten in all the nine rounds. matches in 2019. (d) Novak Djokovic

Q.47. _______ has become the 65th Q.51. In 2019, which Indian became the Sol.(a) Rafael Nadal(span) won his 19th
Indian Grandmaster at the age of 13. youngest in the world to score a double Major title and 4th US Open title, by
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning) hundred in 50 overs cricket including defeating Daniil Medvedev, to capture
(a) Raunak sadhwani List A and ODIs? the Men's Singles tennis title at the 2019
(b) Rahul Vaid SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning) US Open.
(c) R Praggnanandhaa (a) Yashasvi Jaiswal Q.55. In October 2019, who received his
(d) Prithu Gupta (b) Shubman Gill 6th Golden shoe as the top scorer in the
(c) Prithvi shaw European.
Sol.(a) Raunak Sadwani is India's 65th (d) Abbas Ali Baig SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning)
Grandmaster who achieved this at the (a) Lionel Messi
age of 13 years 9 months and 28 days. Sol.(a) Yashasvi Jaiswal is an Indian (b) Franz Beckenbauer
cricket player who plays for India (c) Cristiano Ronaldo
Q.48. The 7th CISM Military World Under-19s and Mumbai. In October (d) Johan cruyff
Games , 2019 were held in: 2019, he became the youngest cricket
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning) player in the world to score a List A Sol.(a) Lionel Messi has won his sixth
(a) US (b) China double century. He has been signed by European Golden Shoe, awarded to the
(c) Malaysia (d) France Rajasthan Royals for ₹2.4 crore to play player with the most league goals in any
in IPL 2020. of Europe's top-flight leagues.With six
Sol.(b) The 7th CISM Military World Golden Shoes to his name, Messi has
Games were held at Wuhan, China. It Q.52. Which of the following former two more than Cristiano Ronaldo, who
was held between 18-27 October 2019. cricketer has been elected unopposed as has won the award four times.
It was an international Military the president of BCCI in 2019?
multi-sport event which is held once in SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning) Q.56. Which of the following cricket
(a) Sourav Ganguly players has surpassed Don Bradman as
every 4 year.
(b) Sunil Gavaskar the record for the most runs scored as a
(c) Dilip Vengsarkar captain in international cricket by more
Q.49. Which female golfer has become
(d) Sachin Tendulkar than 150 runs?
the youngest Indian woman to win a
Ladies European Tour (LET) title? SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening)
Sol.(a) Sourav Ganguly is all set to be (a) Virat Kohli (b) Faf du Plessis
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
(a) Diksha Dagar (b) Aditi Ashok elected unopposed as the new BCCI (c) Joe Root (d) Ken Williamson
(c) Amandeep Drall (d) vani Kapoor president.
Sol.(a) Skipper Virat Kohli surpassed
Sol.(a) Dagar turned professional in Q.53. As of September 2019, the Australian batting legend Don Bradman
early 2019.In March 2019, she emerged distinction of being the youngest Indian by amassing the most 150 run mark
as winner of the 2019 investec South Grandmaster was held by: (nine times) one more than Brandman.
African Women’s Open, a tournament on SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening)
(a) D Gukesh
the 2019 ladies Q.57. In 2019, which Indian football
(b) R Praggnanandhaa
European Tour. This was her first win as player was named 'AIFF' 'Men's
(c) Parimarjan Negi
a professional, becoming India's Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

Footballer of the Year' for his record of BCCI :-- Founded in: 1928 1st edition in New Delhi and 2nd edition
winning six times? Headquarter: Wankhede Stadium, in Pune.
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) Mumbai
(a) Udanta Singh president: Sourav Ganguly Q.64. In January 2020, B. Sai Deepak
(b) Sunil Chhetri set a Guinness World Record for most
(c) Sandesh Jhingan Q.61. Who among the following is an side lunges in 60 seconds. How many
(d) Anirudh Thapa Indian Olympic archer and Padma Shri lunges did he do?
winner? CGL 5/3/2020 (morning)
Sol.(b) National team striker Sunil CGL 4/3/2020 (morning) (a) 30 (b) 59
Chhetri has been conferred as the AIFF (a) Kidambi Srikanth (c) 50 (d) 40
Men's Footballer of the Year 2018-19 by (b) Bajrang Punia
the AIFF Executive Committee Meeting (c) Balbir Singh Dosanjh Sol.(b) In January 2020, B Sai Deepak
in the Capital. This is the 6th time (d) Limba Ram has set a Guinness World Records for
Chhetri bagged the prestigious Award most side lunges in 60 seconds. Deepak
having earlier won it in 2007, 2011, Sol.(d) Limba Ram is an Indian archer made the record by doing 59 side lunges
2013, 2014, and in 2017. who represented India in international in 60 seconds, which is his fourth overall
competitions, including three Olympics. Guinness World Records.
Q.58. Which of the following was the He equalled an archery world record in
runner-up in the ICC ODI world cup 1992 at the Asian Archery Q.65. India won its ______ successive
2019? Championships in Beijing. He was title at the South Asian Football
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) awarded the Padma Shri Award in 2012. Federation Women's Championship in
(a) Australia (b) England Kidambi Srikanth is a well-known March 2019.
(c) New Zealand (d) India badminton player who got Padma Shri CGL 5/3/2020 (afternoon)
award in 2018. (a) fourth (b) sixth
Sol.(c) England were declared winners Bajrang punia is a wrestler and got (c) fifth (d) second
of the Cricket World Cup 2019 after a Padma shri award in 2019.
tied match and Super Over against New Balbir Singh Dosanjh is a hockey player Sol.(c) In march 2019,India won its Fifth
Zealand on account of the superior who won three olympics gold medals in successive title at the South Asian
number of boundaries hit by the hosts. 1948, 1952(as vice captain) and 1956 (as Football Federation Women's
captain). Championship.
Q.59. Who became the first Indian
equestrian to qualify for the Tokyo Q.62. Which tennis star will have a Q.66. Who among the following Indian
Olympics 2020? Swiss coin minted in his/her honour?/ weightlifters has been banned for four
SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Afternoon) CGL 4/3/2020 (afternoon) years by NADA after being found guilty
of a doping violation during the 34th
(a) Fouaad Mirza (a) Novak Djokovic
Women Senior National Weightlifting
(b) Amit Sinsinwar (b) Roger Federer Championship held at Visakhapatnam?
(c) Sehej Singh Virk (c) Serena Williams CGL 5/3/2020 (evening)
(d) Amar Sarin (d) Rafael Nadal (a) Satheesha Rai
(b) Sanamacha Thingbaijani Chanu
Sol.(a) Fouaad Mirza is the first Indian Sol.(b) Swiss government has decided to (c) Sarbjeet Kaur
player to qualify for the Tokyo produce a 20 franc silver coin in the (d) Seema
Olympics.. He won two silver honour of tennis player Roger Federer.
Sol.(c) Weightlifter Sarbjeet Kaur has
medals(one in individual event and one He is the first living swiss legend whose
been banned for four years by the
in team event ) in Asian Games,Jakarta honour coins are minted on the coins.
National Anti Doping Agency (NADA)
for a doping violation.
Q.63. The 3rd Khelo India Youth Games
Q.60. In October 2019,_______was 2020 is hosted by which Indian state?
Q.67. Which of the following is the first
appointed as the secretary of the Board CGL 4/3/2020 (evening)
South Asian country to call match-fixing
of Control for Cricket in India(BCCI). (a) Assam (b) Kerala
a crime?
SSC-CGL 3-3-2020 (Evening) (c) Karnataka (d) Punjab
CGL 6-03-2020 (Morning)
(a) Sourav Ganguly (b) Jay Shah
(a) Nepal (b) Sri Lanka
(c) Jayesh George (d) Brijesh Patel Sol.(a) The 3rd. Khelo India Youth Games
(c) Pakistan (d) India
2020 were held at Assam. 4th edition of
Sol.(b) Jay Shah, an indian businessman Khelo India Youth Games is to be held
Sol.(b) Sri Lanka becomes 1st South
and cricket administrator became BCCI in Haryana.
Asian country to call match fixing a
secretary in October, 2019. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

crime. Sri Lanka has become the first nominated for the ‘World Games Athlete
South Asian nation to bring match-fixing of the Year’ Award, 2019 by the Sol.(d) Indian captain Virat Kohli won
cases to the category of crime as its International Hockey Federation (FIH)? the 'Spirit of Cricket' award for stopping
parliament passed a bill related to CGL 6-03-2020 (Evening) fans from booing Australia's Steve Smith
'Prevention of Offences Related to (a) Bichu Devi Kharibam during their World Cup match at the
Sports'. (b) Rajani Etimarpu Oval.
(c) Reena Khokhar
Q.68. Name the Indian wrestler who has (d) Rani Rampal Q.75. Where were the Khelo India Youth
been named the Junior Freestyle Games, 2020 held?
Wrestler of the year (2019) by United Sol.(d) India women's hockey captain CGL 7-03-2020 (Afternoon)
World Wrestling (UWW). Rani Rampal has been nominated for the (a) Guwahati (b) Chandigarh
CGL 6-03-2020 (Morning) World Games Athlete of the Year 2019 (c) Bhopal (d) New Delhi
(a) Amita Bagchi (b) Deepak Punia award. Rani was instrumental in India
(c) Kamareddy (d) B.P. Raju qualifying for the first time in Sol.(a) The third Khelo India Youth
back-to-back Olympic Games. Games was held from 10 January 2020
Sol.(b) On December 17, 2019, The and 22 January 2020 in Guwahati,
World Championships silver medallist Q.72. For which game has the Father of Assam, India.
Deepak Punia was named as the 2019 Leander Paes been a member of the
'Junior Freestyle Wrestler of the Year' by Indian National Team? Q.76. Which team won the Federation
United World Wrestling. Punia is the CGL 7-03-2020 (Morning) Cup Football Tournament for the most
first Indian wrestler in 18 years to win a (a) Hockey (b) Tennis number of times?
junior world title at the Junior World (c) Basketball (d) Badminton CGL 7-03-2020 (Evening)
Championships held in Talinn, Estonia. (a) East Bengal FC
Sol.(a) Vece Paes was a former Indian (b) Salgaocar SC
Q.69. Alyssa Healy, who created a world hockey midfielder, and representing the (c) Bengaluru FC
record by becoming the highest scorer in Indian team in the 1972 Munich (d) Mohun Bagan AC
women's T20I, belongs to ______. Olympics, that won the bronze medal.
CGL 6-03-2020 (Morning) He is the father of India's tennis player Sol.(d) Mohun Bagan AC is the most
(a) Japan (b) Australia Leander Paes. He is also a doctor in successful team of India in the history of
(c) India (d) Canada sports medicine. the Federation Cup, having won the
championship a record 14 times. The
Sol.(b) Alyssa Healy (born 24 March Q.73. Which Indian male cricketer won club has also won several other trophies,
1990) is an Australian cricketer who the BCCI CK Nayudu Lifetime which includes the Durand Cup (16
plays for the Australian women's Achievement Award for the year 2019? times), IFA Shield (22 times) and the
national team and New South Wales in CGL 7-03-2020 (Morning) Calcutta Football League (30 times).
domestic cricket. (a) Sachin Tendulkar
(b) Rahul Dravid Q.77. Name the Indian equestrian to
Q.70. Which country hosted the 13th (c) Sunil Gavaskar qualify for the Tokyo Olympics
South Asian Games? (d) K Srikanth officially after a wait/span of two
CGL 6-03-2020 (Afternoon) decades.
(a) Nepal (b) Maldives Sol.(d) Former India captain and CGL 9-03-2020 (Morning)
(c) India (d) Bhutan member of the 1983 World Cup - (a) Raghbir Singh
winning team Krishnamachari Srikkanth (b) Ghulam Mohammed Khan
Sol.(a) In December, 2019 XIII South will be the recipient of this year's (c) Bishal Singh
Asian Games were held at Kathmandu, prestigious CK Nayudu Lifetime Award (d) Fouaad Mirza
Pokhara and Janakpur, Nepal. On the given by the BCCI. Former India
final day of 13th South Asian Games in
women's captain Anjum Chopra is the Sol.(d) Equestrian Fouaad Mirza who is
Nepal, India clinched 10 Gold, 2 Silver
and one Bronze on Tuesday; India co-recipient of the lifetime achievement a double Asian Games medalist has
finished on top with 312 medals award for the year 2019. officially become the first Indian to
comprising 174 gold, 93 silver and 45 qualify for the Tokyo Olympics after a
bronze. Indian boxers continued their Q.74. Who won the 'ICC (International span of two decades.
outstanding performance and won 6 Cricket Council) Spirit of Cricket, 2019'
gold, one silver and one bronze . award? Q.78. Who among the following was the
CGL 7-03-2020 (Afternoon) mascot of the Men's Hockey World Cup
Q.71. Which player of the Indian
(a) Pat Cummins (b) Ben Stokes held at bhubaneswar in 2018?
Women’s Hockey team has been
(c) Rohit Sharma (d) Virat Kohli CGL 9-03-2020 (Afternoon) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

(a) Shera (b) Millie Q.83. Who among the following won Sol.(b) Gokulam Kerala won the 129th
(c) Borobi (d) Turtle Olly ICC’s ‘2019 Sir Garfield Sobers edition of Durand Cup associated with
Trophy’? Football in August 2019.
Sol.(d) Turtle 'Olly' was declared as the SSC CHSL 18-03-2020 (Morning)
official mascot for the Odisha Men's (a) Ken Williamson Q.87. Which of the following nations
Hockey World Cup, which was held at (b) Rohit Sharma won the inaugural ATP Cup tennis
the Kalinga Stadium from November 28 (c) Ben Stokes tournament in January
to December 16, 2018. (d) Virat Kohli 2020?
CHSL 18-03-2020 (Afternoon)
Q.79. As of January 2020, who held the Sol.(c) Ben Stokes won ICC’s ‘2019 Sir (a) Germany (b) Switzerland
title of India's youngest chess Garfield Sobers Trophy’. The Sir (c) Serbia (d) Spain
grandmaster? Garfield Sobers Trophy is a cricket
CHSL 17-3-2020 (Morning) trophy awarded annually by the Sol.(c) Serbia won the inaugural ATP
(a) D Gukesh International Cricket Council to its Cup tennis tournament in January 2020.
(b) Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa chosen world player of the year.
(c) Viswanathan Anand Q.88. Which of the following nations
(d) Parimarjan Negi Q.84. Which of the following cities defeated India in the semi-final of the
hosted the third edition of the Khelo ICC ODI Cricket World Cup 2019?
Sol.(a) As of January 2020, D Gukesh India Youth Games? CHSL 18-03-2020 (Afternoon)
held the title of India's youngest chess SSC CHSL 18-03-2020 (Morning) (a) South Africa (b) New Zealand
grandmaster. (a) Guwahati (b) Cuttack (c) England (d) Australia
(c) Panaji (d) Patna
Q.80. As of January 2020, who held the Sol.(c) England defeated India in the
national record in both, 800 m and 1500 Sol.(a) Guwahati hosted the third edition semi-final of the ICC ODI Cricket World
m sprint events? of the Khelo India Youth Games. Khelo Cup 2019.
CHSL 17-3-2020 (Morning) India Youth Games held annually in
(a) Ayyasamy Dharun January or February are the national Q.89. Who among the following won
(b) Avinash Sable level multidisciplinary grassroot games ICC’s '2019 ODI Cricketer of The Year'
(c) Muhammad Anas in India held for two categories, namely award?
(d) Jinson Johnson under-17 years school students and CHSL 18-03-2020 (Afternoon)
under-21 college students. (a) David Warner
Sol.(d) As of January 2020, Jinson (b) Steven Smith
Johnson held the national record in both, Q.85. Who among the following won the (c) Ken Williamson
800 m and 1500 m sprint ‘Women's World Rapid Chess (d) Rohit Sharma
events Championship 2019’?
SSC CHSL 18-03-2020 (Morning) Sol.(d) Rohit Sharma won ICC’s '2019
Q.81. With which game was Khashaba (a) Sopiko Khukhashvili ODI Cricketer of The Year' award.
Dadasaheb Jadhav associated? (b) Koneru Humpy
CHSL 17-03-2020 (Evening) (c) Lei Tingjie Q.90. Through a smart movement using
(a) Gymnastic (b) Weight lifting (d) Dronavalli Harika a pawn, Himal Gusain outshone
(c) Shooting (d) Wrestling grandmaster NR
Sol.(b) Koneru Humpy won the Visakh. Which game are we talking
Sol.(d) Khashaba Dadasaheb Jadhav was ‘Women's World Rapid Chess about?
associated with Wrestling. Championship 2019’. CHSL 18-03-2020 (Evening)
(a) Carrom (b) Table Tennis
Q.82. Which country publishes the Q.86. Which of the following teams won (c) Chess (d) Shooting
Wisden Cricketers’ Almanack – often the 129th edition of Durand Cup in
labelled the ‘Bible of cricket’? August 2019? Sol.(c) Himal Gusain is a Chess player.
CHSL 17-03-2020 (Evening) CHSL 18-03-2020 (Morning)
(a) Australia (b) United Kingdom (a) East Bengal Q.91. With which of the following
(c) New Zealand (d) South Africa (b) Gokulam Kerala sports/games is Smriti Mandhana
(c) Mohun Bagan/ associated?
Sol.(b) ‘Bible of cricket’ is a cricket (d) Mohammedan Sporting Club CHSL 18-03-2020 (Evening)
reference book published annually in the (a) Lawn Tennis (b) Table Tennis
United Kingdom. (c) Cricket (d) Hockey
. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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Sol.(c) Smriti Mandhana is an Indian (d) Arthur van Doren Sol.(d) India won the ‘FIH Series Finals
cricketer. Hockey Tournament’ in June 2019 by
Q.92. Who won the ‘ICC Cricketer of Sol.(a) Manpreet Singh has been beating South Africa.
the Year’, ‘ICC Test Player of the Year’ declared as 'Men’s Player of the Year
and ‘ICC ODI 2019' by the International Hockey Q.101. Who among the following is
Player of the Year’ in 2018? Federation. NOT one of the Indian Chess
SSC CHSL 18-03-2020 (Evening) Grandmasters?
(a) Rishabh Pant Q.97. Who won the ‘Most Valuable SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Evening)
(b) Rohit Sharma Player of the Series’ award in IPL 2019? (a) Rani Rampal (b) D Harika
(c) Shikhar Dhawan SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Morning) (c) Prithu Gupta (d) Koneru Humpy
(d) Virat Kohli (a) Andre Russell (b) KL Rahul
(c) David Warner (d) Shubman Gill Sol.(a) Rani Rampal is an Indian field
Sol.(d) Virat Kohli won the ‘ICC hockey player.
Cricketer of the Year’, ‘ICC Test Player Sol.(a) Andre Russell won the ‘Most
of the Year’ and ‘ICC ODI Player of the Valuable Player of the Series’ award in Q.102. Who among the following won
Year’ in 2018. IPL 2019. the ‘Man of the Series’ award in the
three-match ODI series played between
Q.93. Who won the 2019 Women’s Q.98. Which player became the first India and Australia in January 2020?
World Rapid Chess Championship? Indian brand ambassador of La Liga (the SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Evening)
SSC CHSL 19-3-2020 (Morning) top tier of Spanish club football) in (a) Jasprit Bumrah
(a) Humpy Koneru December 2019? (b) Mitchell Starc
(b) Lei Tingjie SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Evening) (c) David Warner
(c) Ekaterina Atalik (a) Rohit Sharma (d) Virat Kohli
(d) Ju Wenjun (b) Mahendra Singh Dhoni
(c) Virat Kohli Sol.(d) Virat Kohli won the ‘Man of the
Sol.(a) Humpy Koneru won the 2019 (d) Sachin Tendulkar Series’ award in the three-match ODI
Women’s World Rapid Chess series played between India and
Championship. Sol.(a) Rohit Sharma became the first Australia in January 2020.
Indian brand ambassador of La Liga (the
Q.94. Jitu Rai is associated with which top tier of Spanish club football) in Q.103. Who among the following
sport? December 2019. scripted history by becoming the second
SSC CHSL 19-3-2020 (Afternoon) Indian male shuttler after Prakash
(a) Wrestling (b) Boxing Q.99. Who among the following won the Padukone to win the title of ‘BWF
(c) Weight lifting (d) Shooting ‘Man-of-the-Match’ award in the Badminton World Championships’ in
series-deciding third ODI in the August 2019?
Sol.(d) Jitu Rai is associated with three-match ODI series played between SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Evening)
Shooting. India and Australia in January 2020? (a) Kidambi Srikanth
SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Morning) (b) H S Prannoy
Q.95. Which of the following countries (a) Virat Kohli (b) Steven Smith (c) B. Sai Praneeth
was the runner up in the 2019 ICC (c) Rohit Sharma (d) David Warner (d) Ajay Jayaram
Cricket World cup?
SSC CHSL 19-3-2020 (Afternoon) Sol.(c) Rohit Sharma won the Sol.(c) B. Sai Praneeth scripted history
(a) India (b) England ‘Man-of-the-Match’ award in the by becoming the second Indian male
(c) Australia (d) New Zealand series-deciding third ODI in the shuttler after Prakash Padukone to win
three-match ODI series played between the title of ‘BWF Badminton World
Sol.(d) England was the winner and New India and Australia in January 2020. Championships’ in August 2019.
Zealand was the runner up in the 2019
ICC Cricket World cup. Q.100. Which of the following teams Q.104. Who among the following won
won the ‘FIH Series Finals Hockey ‘ICC Women's ODI Cricketer of the
Q.96. Who has been declared as 'Men’s Tournament’ in June 2019? Year 2019’?
Player of the Year 2019' by the SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Morning) SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Morning)
International Hockey Federation? (a) Pakistan (b) Germany (a) Chanida Sutthiruang
SSC CHSL 19-3-2020 (Evening) (c) Spain (d) India (b) Alyssa Healy
(a) Manpreet Singh (c) Smriti Mandhana
(b) Lucas Vila (d) Ellyse Perry
(c) Aran Zalewski Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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Sol.(b) Ellyse Perry of Australia won (d) Karman Kaur Thandi Championship 2019 held at Kalyani
‘ICC Women's ODI Cricketer of the Stadium, West Bengal?
Year 2019’. Sol.(c) Sania Mirza lifted the ‘WTA CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon)
Hobart International’ tennis trophy with (a) Sri Lanka (b) Uzbekistan
Q.105. As of January 2020, who among partner Nadiia Kichenok in January (c) Turkmenistan (d) Nepal
the following has the distinction of 2020.
having the highest career batting average Sol.(d) India Under-15 team defeated
in Twenty20 Internationals? Q.109. Who is the only Indian to be Nepal with a 7-0 score in the final of the
SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Afternoon) nominated for the ‘IWGA Athlete of the SAFF (South Asian Football Federation)
(a) Rohit Sharma Year 2019'? U-15 Championship 2019 held at
(b) Virat Kohli CHSL 16-10-2020 (Afternoon) Kalyani Stadium, West Bengal.
(c) Brendon McCullum (a) Mithali Singhह
(d) Chris Gayle (b) Amiya Kumar Mallick Q.113. Novak Djokovic defeated Rafael
(c) Rani Rampal Nadal to help his country pick up the
Sol.(b) Virat Kohli (d) Virat Kohli ‘ATP Cup’. Which game do these
players excel in?
Q.106. As of January 2020, who among Sol.(c) Rani Rampal is the only Indian to CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening)
the following had the distinction of be nominated for the ‘IWGA Athlete of (a) Lawn tennis (b) Badminton
having the highest career batting average the Year 2019'. (c) Squash (d) Table tennis
in One Day Internationals?
SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Evening) Q.110. Who among the following was Sol.(a) Novak Djokovic and Rafael
(a) Virat Kohli dropped from the All India Council of Nadal are Lawn tennis players.
(b) Steven Smith Sports (AICS) in January 2020 for not
(c) Ryan ten Doeschate being “active” enough? Q.114. Who among the following won
(d) Sachin Tendulkar SSC CHSL 16-10-2020 (Evening) the World Badminton championship title
(a) Viswananthan Anand in 2019?
Sol.(c) As of January 2020, Ryan ten (b) Pullela Gopichand SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning)
Doeschate had the distinction of having (c) Harbajan Singh (a) Tai Tzu Ying
the highest career batting average in One (d) K Srikkanth (b) Nozomi OKuhara
Day Internationals. (c) P.V Sindhu
Sol.(a) Viswananthan Anand was (d) Carolina Masin
Q.107. As of January 2020, who among dropped from the All India Council of
the following had the distinction of Sports (AICS) in January 2020 for not Sol.(c) P V Sindhu won the World
having scored the most goals at a single being “active” enough. Badminton championship title in 2019.
tournament in the entire history of FIFA
World Cup? SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 Q.111. Where were the Khelo India Q.115. Who created history by securing
(Evening) Youth Games held between January Gold in the women's Singles SL3 event
(a) Just Fontaine 10-22, 2020? at the ‘BWF Para-Badminton World
(b) Pele SSC CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon) Championships’ in 2019?
(c) Zinedine Zidane (a) Bhubaneshwar (b) Guwahati CHSL 20-10-2020 (Afternoon)
(d) Diego Maradona (c) Nagpur (d) New Delhi (a) Manasi Joshi
(b) Sujirat Pookkham
Sol.(a) As of January 2020, Just Louis Sol.(b) Khelo India Youth Games were (c) Parul Dalsukhbhai Parma
Fontaine, a French football player had held between January 10-22, 2020 in (d) Sarina Satomi
the distinction of having scored the most Guwahati, Assam. Khelo India Youth
goals at a single tournament in the entire Games held annually in January or Sol.(a) Manasi Joshi created history by
history of FIFA World Cup. February are the national level securing Gold in the women's Singles
multidisciplinary grassroot games in SL3 event at the ‘BWF Para-Badminton
Q.108. Who among the following lifted India held for two categories, namely World Championships’ in 2019. The
the ‘WTA Hobart International’ tennis under-17 years school students and Para-Badminton World Championships
trophy with partner Nadiia Kichenok in under-21 years college students. is an individual bi-annual event
January 2020? Q.112. Which of the following teams did organised by the BWF.
SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Evening) the India Under-15 team defeat with a
(a) Rushmi Chakravarthi 7-0 score in the final of the SAFF (South Q.116. As of April 2020, ______ holds
(b) Ankita Raina Asian Football Federation) U-15 the record for delivering the most
(c) Sania Mirza Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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number of balls by any woman cricketer (a) Yuzvendra Chahal

in Women's test history. Sol.(a) Bajrang Punia won India's first (b) K. L. Rahul
SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Evening) gold medal at the Asian Wrestling (c) Rohit Sharma
(a) Anjum Chopra Championship 2019. (d) Virat Kohli
(b) Harmanpreet Kaur
(c) Diana Edulji Q.121. At which position was India Sol.(c) Rohit Sharma is the first Indian
(d) Mithali Raj ranked at the 14th Asian Shooting male cricketer to play 100 matches of
Championship?/ T-20 format.
Sol.(c) As of April 2020, Diana Fram SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Evening)
Edulji from India holds the record for (a) Fifth (b) Fourth Q.126. Who won the Women US Open
delivering the most number of balls by (c) Second (d) Seventh title of 2019?
any woman cricketer in Women's test SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Evening)
history. Sol.(b) India was ranked 4th at the 14th (a) Bianca Andreescu
Asian Shooting Championship. (b) Caroline Wozniacki
Q.117. Who among the following (c) Ashleigh Barty
cricketers has become the youngest Q.122. Which Mumbai cricketer became (d) Sloane Stephens
Indian cricketer to score a half-century the youngest batsman in the world to
in international cricket? score a double Sol.(a) Bianca Andreescu won the
SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Morning) hundred in list A cricket? Women US Open title of 2019.
(a) Virat Kohli (b) Amita Sharma SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Evening)
(c) Shefali Sharma (d) Hardik Pandya (a) Bhupen Lalwani Q.127. Smriti Mandhana is a ______.
(b) Prithvi Shaw SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning)
Sol.(c) Shefali Sharma has become the (c) Yashasvi Jaiswal (a) left arm batsman, left arm bowler
youngest Indian cricketer to score a (d) Hardik Tamore (b) right arm batsman, left arm bowler
half-century in international cricket. (c) right arm batsman, right arm bowler
Sol.(c) Yashasvi Jaiswal became the (d) left arm batsman, right arm bowler
Q.118. Which wrestler claimed the youngest batsman in the world to score a
second silver medal for India after going double hundred in list A cricket. Sol.(d) Smriti mandhana is a indian
down to Japan’s Haruna Okuno in the women opener batter. She is a left
finals of UWW Under-23 World Q.123. Who won the Women’s 'Leading handed batsman and right arm bowler.
Championships at Budapest in 2019? Cricketer of Year' award for 2018?
SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Morning) SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Afternoon) Q.128. With which sport would you
(a) Sakshi Malik (b) Pooja Gehlot (a) Jhulan Goswami associate the name Sathish Sivalingam?
(c) Kavita Devi (d) Vinesh Phogat (b) Smriti Mandhana SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning)
(c) Harmanpreet Kaur (a) Boxing (b) Weightlifting
Sol.(b) Pooja Gehlot claimed the second (d) Mithali Raj (c) Hockey (d) Wrestling
silver medal for India after going down
to Japan’s Haruna Okuno in the finals of Sol.(b) Smriti Mandhana won the Sol.(b) Sathish Shivalingam is an Indian
UWW Under-23 World Championships Women’s 'Leading Cricketer of Year' weightlifter. He won gold medals for
at Budapest in 2019. award for 2018. India in the 77 kg weight category at
both the 2014 and 2018 olympics game.
Q.119. Which country is the 2019 ICC Q.124. How many times has
Cricket World Cup champion? Viswanathan Anand won the World Q.129. Viswanathan Anand, Pentala
SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Afternoon) Chess Champion title as of Harikrishna and Vidit Gujrathi are
(a) England (b) Pakistan January 2020? associated with the game of ______.
(c) India (d) Australia CHSL 26-10-2020 (Afternoon) SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening)
(a) 9 (b) 8 (c) 5 (d) 7 (a) kabaddi (b) cricket
Sol.(a) England is the 2019 ICC Cricket (c) chess (d) football
World Cup champion. Sol.(c) Viswanathan Anand has won the
World Chess Champion title 5 times as Sol.(c) Viswanathan Anand, Pentala
Q.120. Who won India's first gold medal of January 2020. Harikrishna and Vidit Gujrathi are
at the Asian Wrestling Championship associated with the game of Chess
2019? Q.125. Who is the first Indian male
SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Evening) cricketer to play 100 matches of T-20 Q.130. With which of the following
(a) Bajrang Punia (b) Gurpreet Singh format? sports are Ritwik Bhattacharya, Joshna
(c) Sunil Kumar (d) Gyanender SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Evening) Chinappa and Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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Saurav Ghosal associated? nine-time national champion. He is also (a) Central Industrial Security Force
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) awarded with the prestigious Arjuna (CISF)
(a) Tennis (b) Weight lifting Award. (b) Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF)
(c) Squash (d) Wrestling (c) National Highway Authority of India
Q.135. With which of the following (NHAI)
Sol.(c) Ritwik Bhattacharya, Joshna sports are the teams ‘Bengal Warriors’, (d) Indo Tibetan Border Police (ITBP)
Chinappa and Saurav Ghosal play ‘Haryana Steelers’ and ‘Bengaluru
Squash. The famous squash players in Bulls’ associated? Sol.(d) Indo Tibetan Border Police
the world are Mohamed EL Shorbagy SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening) (ITBP) won the 10th National Ice
and Ali Farag. (a) Kabaddi (b) Cricket Hockey Championship trophy in
(c) Football (d) Hockey Gulmarg in January 2021. The ITBP
Q.131. In which country is the FIFA won the Championship trophy after a
World Cup, 2022 scheduled to be held? Sol.(a) Bengal Warriors ,Haryana superb win over Ladakh in the finals.
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) Steelers and Bengaluru Bulls are
(a) Saudi Arabia (b) Iraq associated with Kabaddi.They are teams Q.139. India and ______ were declared
(c) Kuwait (d) Qatar of the Pro Kabaddi League held in India. joint winners of the 2020 Online
FIDE Chess Olympiad. SSC CGL
Sol.(d) Fifa World Cup 2022 is Q.136. For which of the following 16/08/21(Morning)
scheduled to be held in Qatar. It happens franchise teams did AB de Villiers play (a) Estonia (b) Russia
every 4 years. In 2018 it was hosted by in IPL 2020? (c) Serbia (d) The US
Russia and France was the winner of SSC CGL 13/08/21(Morning)
2018 Fifa World Cup. (a) Delhi Capitals Sol.(b) India and Russia were declared
(b) Mumbai Indians joint winners of the 2020 Online
Q.132. With which sport among the (c) Royal Challengers Bangalore FIDE Chess Olympiad. In the FIDE
following do you associate the name of (d) Kolkata Knight Riders chess olympiad, 2020, 162 nations and
Mohan Ukkrapandian? 163 teams participated.
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) Sol.(c) AB de Villiers is a South African
(a) Volleyball (b) Basketball cricketer. In 2011, Royal Challengers Q.140. Who among the following was
(c) Hockey (d) Kabaddi Bangalore (RCB) bought him for Rs 5 the Australian Open 2020 women’s
crore and the franchise has not released singles winner?
Sol.(a) Mohan Ukkrapandian is India’s him since then. Therefore, in IPL 2020 SSC CGL 16/08/21(Afternoon)
Men’s national Volleyball team player. he played for the team Royal (a) Serena Williams
Challengers Bangalore (RCB). (b) Garbine Muguruza
Q.133. With which of the following (c) Simona Halep
sports are the teams ‘Chennai Q.137. Who won the Toyota Thailand (d) Sofia Kenin
Superstarz’, ‘Awadhe Warriors’ and Open Women’s Singles Title in Bangkok
‘Mumbai Rockets’ associated? in January 2021? Sol.(d) Sofia Kenin won the Australian
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening) SSC CGL 13/08/21(Morning) Open 2020 women’s singles defeating
(a) Football (b) Kabaddi (a) PV Sindhu Garbine Muguruz of Spain. She is an
(c) Hockey (d) Badminton (b) Tai Tzu-ying American professional tennis player.
Sol.(d) Chennai Superstarz, Awadhe (c) Carolina Marin Men’s singles was won by Novak
Warriors and Mumbai Rockets are (d) Ashwini Ponnappa Djokovic of Siberia defeating Dominic
associated with Badminton. Thiem of Austria.
They all are a Franchise Team in Sol.(c) In the Toyota Thailand Open
Premier Badminton League. women's singles final, Carolina Marin of Q.141. In which of the following states
Spain defeated Tai Tzu-Ying of Taiwan. was the International Paragliding
Q.134. Maria Irudayam, who is a Toyota Thailand Open was held in Festival organized by the Adventure
two-time world champion and a Thailand from 19 to 24 January 2021. Sports and Sustainable Tourism
nine-time national champion, is Men’s singles was won by Viktor Academy (ASSTA) in 2020? SSC CGL
associated with the game of ____. Axelsen (Denmark). 16/08/21(Evening)
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening) (a) Tripura (b) Kerala
(a) Carrom (b) Table tennis Q.138. Who among the following won (c) Assam (d) Uttarakhand
(c) Chess (d) Badminton the 10th National Ice Hockey
Championship trophy in Gulmarg in Sol.(b) The International Paragliding
Sol.(a) Maria Irudayam plays carrom. January 2021? Festival was organised in Kerala by the
He is two-time world champion and a SSC CGL 13/08/21 (Evening) Adventure Sports and Sustainable Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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Tourism Academy (ASSTA) in 2020. (c) Five (d) Six Q.149. In which of the following
This event was held in the month of countries was the headquarters of the
April at Kolahalamedu in Vagamon Sol.(d) Six goals were scored in the International Olympic Committee
situated at the border of Kottayam and finals of the FIFA World Cup 2018. The located as of February 2021?
Idukki districts of Kerala. match was played between France and SSC CGL 18/08/21(Evening)
Croatia at the Luzhniki Stadium in (a) The US (b) Switzerland
Q.142. Which two great footballers, who Moscow, Russia. (c) China (d) Japan
were members of the gold
medal-winning team of the 1962 Asian Q.146. Name the captain of the Indian Sol.(b) The headquarters of the
men's hockey team, as on January 2021:
Games, passed away in 2020? SSC CGL International Olympic Committee are
SSC CGL 17/08/21(Evening)
17/08/21(Morning) (a) SV Sunil located in Switzerland as of February
(a) Ram Bahadur and Jarnail Singh (b) Manpreet Singh Pawar 2021. The International Olympic
(b) Krishanu Dey and C Prasad (c) Lalit Upadhyay Committee (IOC) has inaugurated its
(c) Chuni Goswami and PK Banerjee (d) Simranjeet Singh new CHF145-million headquarters in the
(d) Yousuf Khan and TA Rahaman Swiss city of Lausanne. The
Sol.(b) Manpreet Singh Pawar from inauguration coincided with the 125th
Sol.(c) Chuni Goswami was a Punjab, is the captain of the Indian men's anniversary of the organization which is
professional footballer from Kolkata hockey team, as of January 2021. preparing to select the host city for the
who held the position of former “Sheriff 2026 Winter Olympics.
of Kolkata”, died on 30 April 2020. PK Q.147. In 2020, who among the
Banerjee was the striker of Indian following became the most successful Q.150. Who was appointed as the middle
National Football team from F1 driver with the most career wins, and long-distance coach of the Indian
Jamshedpur, Jharkhand. He was one of overtaking Michael Schumacher? athletics team in January 2021? SSC
the recipients of the Arjun Award, died SSC CGL 18/08/21 (Morning) CGL 18/08/21(Evening)
on 20 march 2020. (a) Sebastian Vettel (a) Adille Sumariwalla
(b) Fernando Alonso (b) Radhakrishnan Nair
Q.143. All matches of the 2020-21 (c) Lewis Hamilton (c) Amrish Kumar
edition of Hero Indian Super League are (d) Kimi Raikkonen (d) Nikolai Snesarev
being played in which of the following
states? Sol..(c) In 2020, Lewis Hamilton Sol.(d) Nikolai Snesarev was appointed
SSC CGL 17/08/21(Morning) became the most successful F1 driver as the middle and long-distance coach of
(a) West Bengal (b) Karnataka with the most career wins, overtaking the Indian athletics team. Snesarev
(c) Goa (d) Kerala Michael Schumacher. He is a British coached 10,000m runners Preeja
racing driver who made a record by Sreedharan and Kavita Raut in the 2010
Sol.(c) All matches of the 2020-21 winning the British Grand Prix eight Asian Games and steeplechaser Sudha
edition of Hero Indian Super League are times. Singh to gold.
being played in Goa. Mumbai City FC
won the Hero Indian Super League. Q.148. Who among the following was Q.151. Who among the following won
the first Indian table tennis player the men’s singles title at the Toyota
Q.144. Which of the following countries ever to become a nine times senior Thailand Open badminton tournament in
will host the 2022 FIFA World Cup? national champion as of January 2021? January 2021?
SSC CGL 17/08/21(Morning) SSC CGL 18/08/21(Morning) SSC CGL 20/08/21(Afternoon)
(a) Brazil (b) Qatar (a) Manav Thakkar (a) Viktor Axelsen
(c) Russia (d) The US (b) Soumyajit Ghosh (b) Rasmus Gemke
(c) Achanta Sharath Kamal (c) Hans-Kristian Solberg Vittinghus
Sol.(b) Qatar will host the 2022 FIFA (d) Harmeet Desai (d) Kidambi Srikanth
World Cup which is scheduled to be held
from 21 November to 18 December Sol.(c) Achanta Sharath Kamal was the Sol.(a) Viktor Axelsen won the men’s
2022. This is the first world cup to be first Indian table tennis player singles title at the Toyota Thailand Open
held in the Arab world. ever to become nine times senior badminton tournament in January 2021.
national champion as of January 2021.
Q.145. What was the total number of He broke the record of eight times Q.152. Which Indian has the record of
goals scored in the finals of the FIFA national champion Kamlesh Mehta and maximum catches as a non-wicketkeeper
World Cup 2018? was awarded the Padma Shri in 2019. in men’s cricket test matches till
SSC CGL 17/08/21(Evening)
February 2021?
(a) Three (b) Four
SSC CGL 20/08/21(Afternoon) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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(a) Saurav Ganguly matches as captain for India. Virat Kohli (a) MS Dhoni (b) Virat Kohli
(b) Mohammad Azharuddin played his 61st Test match as Captain in (c) Rohit Sharma (d) Hardik Pandya
(c) Rahul Dravid the World Test Championship Final
(d) Ajay Jadeja against New Zealand. Sol.(a) MS Dhoni

Sol.(c) Rahul Dravid has the record of Q.156. Who among the following won Q.161. Who among the following was
maximum catches as a the men's title in the 77th Senior the winner of the Senior National
non-wicket-keeper in men’s cricket test National Squash Championship, held in Billiards Championship 2020?
matches till February 2021 with 210, February 2020? SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Afternoon)
while South African wicket-keeper Mark SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Afternoon) (a) Pankaj Advani
Boucher holds the record for the most (a) Harinder Pal Singh Sandhu (b) Sourav Kothari
Test match catches with 532 catches. (b) Saurav Ghosal (c) Aditya Mehta
(c) Abhay Singh (d) Rupesh Shah
Q.153. Who among the following hit the (d) Abhishek Pradhan
winning runs for India against Australia Sol.(a) World-class Indian billiards and
at the Brisbane Test of January 2021? Sol.(b) Saurav Ghosal snooker player and 23-time world
SSC CGL 23/08/21(Evening) champion Pankaj Advani have recently
(a) Shardul Thakur Q.157. In August 2020, who was clinched his 33rd National title by
(b) Mohammad Siraj promoted to ICC’s international panel of winning the title at the Senior National
(c) Washington Sundar umpires? Billiards Championship. Advani is the
(d) Rishabh Pant SSC CHSL 12/04/21 (Evening) only cueist to have won the Asian and
(a) Anil Chaudhary World Championships in all formats of
Sol.(d) Rishabh Pant hit the winning (b) Sundaram Ravi billiards and snooker.
runs for India against Australia at the (c) Kumar Dharmasena
Brisbane Test of January 2021. (d) KN Ananthapadmanabhan Q.162. As of May 2020, who among the
Q.154. With which sports do you following has become the world’s
associate the name Prasanta Dora, who Sol.(d) KN Ananthapadmanabhan highest-paid female athlete according to
passed away at the age of 44 in January the Forbes magazine report?
2021? Q.158. Who among the following SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Afternoon)
SSC CGL 23/08/21(Evening) persons secured the fourth position in the (a) Serena Williams
(a) Cycling (b) Wrestling Dhaka Marathon 2021? (b) Venus Williams
(c) Volleyball (d) Football SSC CHSL 12/04/21 (Evening) (c) Sania Mirza
(a) Pushpa Bhandari (d) Naomi Osaka
Sol.(d) Prasanta Dora was associated (b) Angela Jim Asunde
with Football. He passed away at the age (c) Dutee Chand Sol..(d) As of May 2020, Naomi Osaka
of 44 in January 2021 after losing the (d) Jigmet Dolma has become the world’s highest-paid
battle with ‘Hemophagocytic female athlete according to a Forbes
lymphohistiocytosis’, a rare blood Sol.(d) Jigmet Dolma magazine report, topping American great
disease. He was a former Indian Serena Williams. Naomi Osaka is a
goalkeeper and had played for the big Japanese professional tennis player who
Q.159. Lionel Messi, one of the winners
three clubs of Kolkata Maidan. is the first Asian player to hold the top
of the ‘Laurel Sportsman of the Year
2020’, plays football for: SSC CHSL ranking in singles.
Q.155. ______ holds the Indian record
13/04/21 (Morning)
for the most test matches as captain as of Q.163. India’s first gold medal at
(a) Brazil (b) The Netherlands
December 2020. Commonwealth Games 2018 was won
(c) Argentina (d) Spain
SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Morning) by:
(a) Mohammad Azharuddin SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Evening)
Sol.(c) Lionel Messi is an Argentine
(b) Kapil Dev (a) Mirabai Chanu (b) Vikas Gowda
professional footballer who plays for
(c) MS Dhoni (c) Deepak Lather (d) Sini Jose
Argentina national team. Ronaldo -
(d) Virat Kohli
Sol.(a) Mirabai Chanu got the first gold
Sol.(c) MS Dhoni holds the Indian medal for India at the Commonwealth
Q.160. Who among the following
record for the most test matches (60) as Games 2018. It was India's 18th
cricketers has won the ICC Spirit of
captain as of December 2020. But now appearance at the Commonwealth
Cricket Award 2020?
Kohli holds the record for most Test Games. Saikhom Mirabai Chanu (born 8
SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Morning) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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August 1994) is an Indian weightlifter SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Morning)

who won the silver medal at the 2020 Q.167. Which of the following teams (a) Japan (b) Scotland
Tokyo Olympics in Women’s 49 kg won the IPL 2020 trophy? (c) Germany (d) Australia
category. SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Afternoon)
(a) Chennai Super Kings Sol.(b) Kyle James Coetzer MBE is a
Q.164. As of January 2021, how many (b) Rajasthan Royals Scottish cricketer and current captain in
Olympic medals did India win in the (c) Mumbai Indians international format. In December 2020,
sport of weightlifting? (d) Delhi Capitals Kyle Coetzer was honored with the ICC
SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Evening) Associate Player of the Decade award.
(a) Two (b) One Sol.167.(c) The 2020 Indian Premier
(c) Four (d) Three League Final was played on 10 Q.171. Who among the following won
November 2020 between the Mumbai the Male Sportsperson of the Year
Sol.(b) As of January 2021, Indian had Indians and the Delhi Capitals at Dubai Award at the FICCI India Sports Awards
one but Mirabai Chanu ended India's International Cricket Stadium, Dubai. in December 2020?
21-year wait for a weightlifting medal at Mumbai Indians retained the title by SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Afternoon)
the Tokyo Olympics 2021 by clinching a winning the match by five wickets. This (a) Rohit Sharma (b) Sushil Kumar
silver medal in the 49 kg category. The was the fifth IPL title for the Mumbai (c) Virat Kohli (d) Bajrang Punia
26-year-old lifted a total of 202kg Indians and has appeared in the finals six
(87kg+115kg) to better Karnam times. This was the first IPL final Sol.(d) Bajrang Punia won the Male
Malleswari's bronze in the 2000 Sydney appearance for the Delhi Capitals. Sportsperson of the Year Award at the
Olympics. Now India has two medals in FICCI India Sports Awards in December
the sport of weightlifting in the Q.168. Professional cricket player Ian 2020. The two athletes won the
Olympics. Bell announced his retirement in Sportsperson of the Year awards in their
September 2020. To which country does respective categories. Wrestler Bajrang
Q.165. PV Sindhu won gold at the BWF Ian belong to? Punia and shooter Elavenil Valarivan
World Championship, 2019, held in SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Evening) bagged the top honors at the FICCI India
______. (a) England (b) Zimbabwe Sports Awards 2020 held virtually this
SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Morning) (c) New Zealand (d) South Africa year owing to the COVID-19 pandemic.
(a) Germany (b) India
(c) Switzerland (d) France Sol.(a) Ian Ronald Bell MBE (born 11 Q.172. Who among the following
April 1982) is a former English cricketer cricketers won the ‘ICC Spirit of Cricket
Sol.(c) The 2019 BWF World who played international cricket in all Award of the Decade’ in December
Championships was a badminton formats for the England cricket team and 2020?
tournament that was held from 19 to 25 county cricket for Warwickshire County SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Afternoon)
August 2019 at St. Jakobshalle in Basel, Cricket Club. (a) Mahela Jayawardene
Switzerland. BWF (Badminton World (b) Daniel Vettori
Federation) is the international Q.169. Which Indian holds the Olympic (c) Mahendra Singh Dhoni
governing body for the sport of record as of March 2021 for most goals (d) Brendon McCullum
badminton recognized by the scored by an individual in an Olympic
International Olympic Committee. men’s hockey final? Sol.(c) Mahendra Singh Dhoni won the
SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Morning) ‘ICC Spirit of Cricket Award of the
Q.166. Who among the following has (a) Dhyan Chand Decade’ in December 2020.
won the Rachael Heyhoe Flint Award for (b) Ajit Pal Singh ICC Male Test Cricketer of the Decade:
ICC Female Cricketer of the Decade, (c) Balbir Singh Dosanjh Steve Smith (AUS).
ICC Women’s ODI Cricketer and ICC (d) Dhanraj Pillai ICC ODI Cricketer of the Decade: Virat
Women’s T20 cricketer? Kohli (IND).
SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Morning) Sol.(c) Balbir Singh Senior's world ICC Associate Cricketer of the Decade:
(a) Meg Lanning (b) Kathryn Bryce record for most goals scored by an Kyle Coetzer Scottish.
(c) Ellyse Perry (d) Sarah Taylor individual in the men's hockey final of
the Olympics still remains unbeaten. Q.173. Who among the following won a
Sol.(c) Ellyse Perry, an Australian silver medal in the women's 57 kg
sportswoman, has won the Rachael Q.170. In December 2020, Kyle Coetzer category at the Individual Wrestling
Heyhoe Flint Award for ICC Female was honored with the ICC Associate WorldCup held in Serbia in December
Cricketer of the Decade, ICC Women’s Player of the Decade award. Which of 2020?
ODI Cricketer, and ICC Women’s T20 the following countries does he SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Evening)
cricketer. represent? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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(a) Aisuluu Tynybekova Q.176. Who among the following Sol.(c) The 2018 edition of the
(b) Anastasia Nichita women cricketers has won the ICC Commonwealth Games was hosted by
(c) Veronika Chumikova Associate Player of the Decade award in Australia. In 2022 it will be held in the
(d) Anshu Malik 2020? UK. The Commonwealth Games is an
SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Afternoon) international multi-sport event involving
Sol.(d) India's lone woman wrestler (a) Kathryn Bryce (b) Stafanie Taylor athletes from the Commonwealth of
Anshu Malik won a silver medal in the (c) Sarah Bryce (d) Mithali Raj Nations. The event was first held in
women's 57 kg category at the 1930.
Individual Wrestling World Cup held in Sol.(a) Kathryn Bryce has won the ICC
Serbia in December 2020. She is the first Associate Player of the Decade award in Q.180. As of January 2021, how many
Indian wrestler to win a silver medal at 2020. Olympic medals did India win in the
the World Championships in the ICC Women's ODI Cricketer of the sport of badminton?
women’s division. Decade: Ellyse Perry (AUS). SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Evening)
ICC Women's T20I Player of the (a) Two (b) Three
Q.174. BWF (Badminton World Decade: Ellyse Perry (AUS). (c) One (d) Five
Federation) has imposed a 5-year ban on Spirit of Cricket Award of the Decade:
shuttler Nikita Khakimov on the charges MS Dhoni (IND). Sol.(a) India have won three Olympic
of betting, wagering, and irregular match medals in badminton, all in women’s
results. He represents which of the Q.177. The world’s oldest first-class singles. PV Sindhu accounts for two of
following countries? cricketer and World War II veteran, Alan them.
SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Morning) Burgess passed away in January 2021.
(a) Japan (b) Canada He represented which of the following Q.181. Who among the following has
(c) Portugal (d) Russia countries? become the first woman umpire to
SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Afternoon) officiate in a men’s Test match in
Sol.(d) BWF (Badminton World (a) Australia (b) England January 2021?
Federation) has imposed a 5-year ban on (c) New Zealand (d) Spain SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Morning)
shuttler Nikita Khakimov on the charges (a) Danielle Wyatt
of betting, wagering, and irregular match Sol..(c) The world’s oldest first-class (b) Jess Jonassen
results. He represents Russia. cricketer and World War II veteran, Alan (c) Suzie Bates
Burgess passed away in January 2021. (d) Claire Polosak
Q.175. Who among the following He represented New Zealand. Burgess
cricketers has won the ’Sir Garfield was the world's oldest living first-class Sol.(d) Australia's Claire Polosak has
Sobers Award’ for the ICC Male cricketer. become the first woman umpire to
Cricketer of the Decade and ICC Men’s officiate in a men’s test match in January
ODI Cricketer of the Decade Award in Q.178. Rafael Nadal won the Men's 2021. She took up the fourth umpire's
December 2020? 2020 French Open title after beating: role in the third test between Australia
SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Morning) SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Evening) and India which began at the Sydney
(a) Steve Smith (a) Daniil Medvedev Cricket Ground.
(b) Joe Root (b) Novak Djokovic
(c) Virat Kohli (c) Roger Federer Q.182. Who among the following was
(d) Mahendra Singh Dhoni (d) Stefanos Tsitsipas appointed by AIFF (All India Football
Federation) as its first Deputy General
Sol.(c) Virat Kohli has won the ’Sir Sol.(b) The 2020 French Open Men's Secretary in January 2021?
Garfield Sobers Award’ for the ICC Singles final was the championship SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Morning)
Male Cricketer of the Decade and ICC tennis match of the men's singles (a) Abhishek Yadav (b) Praful Patel
Men’s ODI Cricketer of the Decade tournament at the 2020 French Open, (c) Umesh Sinha (d) Kushal Das
Award in December 2020. with Rafael Nadal defeating Novak
ICC Male Test Cricketer of the Decade: Djokovic 6–0, 6–2, 7–5. Sol.(a) Former Indian striker Abhishek
Steve Smith (AUS). Yadav has been appointed as the first
ICC ODI Cricketer of the Decade: Virat Q.179. The 2018 edition of deputy general secretary of the All India
Kohli (IND). Commonwealth Games was hosted by: Football Federation (AIFF). He has been
ICC Associate Cricketer of the Decade: SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Evening) involved with the federation in various
Kyle Coetzer Scottish. (a) South Africa (b) Canada capacities such as the National Team
(c) Australia (d) England Director (NTD). He also served as the
Chief Operating Officer (COO) for the Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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India Under-17 team for the Under-17 middle-and-long distance coach of the
World Cup. Sol.(a) Athletics was added to the Asian Indian athletics team in January 2021?
Beach Games Program 2021 as of SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Afternoon)
Q.183. In which country was the World December 2020. Athletics is the largest (a) Avinash Sable
Snooker Championship 2020 held from single sport at the Games, with the (b) Radhakrishnan Nair
31 July to 16 August 2020? SSC CHSL program divided into track, field, and (c) Adille Sumariwalla
04/08/21 (Afternoon) road events. (d) Nikolai Snesarev
(a) England (b) Germany
(c) Switzerland (d) France Q.187. FIFA World Cup 2022 venue, Sol.(d) Belarus' Nikolai Snesarev as the
Ahmad Bin Ali Stadium, which was middle and long distance coach of the
Sol.(a) The World Snooker built by Indian construction giant Larsen Indian athletics team in January 2021.
Championship 2020 was held in & Turbo is located in which of the
England, from 31 July to 16 August following countries? Q.191. How many Olympic Medals did
2020. The World Snooker Championship SSC CHSL 05/08/21 (Morning) India win in the sport of wrestling, as of
is professional snooker's (a) Qatar (b) Oman January 2021?
longest-running, most prestigious, and (c) Bahrain (d) Saudi Arabia SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Afternoon)
wealthiest tournament.
Sol.(a) Ahmed bin Ali Stadium (a) Two (b) Four
Q.184. Which has been India's most popularly known as the Al-Rayyan (c) Three (d) Five
successful sport in the history of Stadium is a multi-purpose stadium in Al
Olympic games having won medals Rayyan, Qatar. It was built in 2003. Sol.(d) Five Olympic Medals India won
maximum number of times till Q.188. Who among the following in the sport of wrestling, as of January
December 2020? persons was elected, unopposed, as the 2021 are:
SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Afternoon) President of Hockey India in November KD Jadhav (Bronze, Helsinki 1952,
(a) Badminton (b) Football 2020? Men’s freestyle bantamweight
(c) Wrestling (d) Field Hockey SSC CHSL 05/08/21 (Morning) wrestling); Sushil Kumar (Bronze,
(a) Gyanendro Ningombam Beijing 2008, Men's 66kg freestyle
Sol.(d) Field Hockey has been India's (b) David John wrestling); Sushil Kumar (Silver,
most successful sport in the history of (c) Mohd Mushtaque Ahmad London 2012, Men's 66kg freestyle
Olympic games having won (d) Harendra Singh wrestling); Yogeshwar Dutt (Bronze,
medals maximum number of times till London 2012, Men's 60kg freestyle
December 2020. Sol.(a) Manipur's Gyanendra wrestling); and Sakshi Malik (Bronze,
Ningombam was elected, unopposed, as Rio 2016, Women's 58kg freestyle
Q.185. Who among the following the President of Hockey India in wrestling)
footballers won the ‘Best FIFA Men's November 2020 taking over from Mohd
Player Award’ 2020? Mushtaque Ahmad. Hockey India was Q.192. Who won the 10 m air rifle event
SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Evening) formed after Indian Hockey Federation at the fifth edition of the International
(a) Lionel Messi was dismissed in 2008 by IOA. Online Shooting
(b) Cristiano Ronaldo Championship in October 2020?
(c) Robert Lewandowski Q.189. Where was the Khelo India Ice SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Evening)
(d) Raheem Sterling Hockey Tournament held in January (a) Rahi Sarnobat
2021? (b) Manu Bhaker
Sol.(c) Robert Lewandowski won the SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Afternoon) (c) Divyansh Singh Panwar
‘Best FIFA Men's Player Award’ 2020. (a) Lungnak (b) Shargole (d) Vishnu Shivaraj Pandian
The headquarters of FIFA is located in (c) Drass (d) Chiktan
Zurich, Switzerland. The current FIFA Sol.(d) Vishnu Shivaraj Pandian won the
president is Swiss-Italian Gianni Sol.(d) Khelo India Ice Hockey 10 m air rifle event at the fifth edition of
Infantino who was elected on 26 Tournament 2021 organised at Chiktan the International Online Shooting
February 2016. in Kargil, Ladakh. It was inaugurated by Championship in October 2020. The
SDM Shakar Chiketan and Chief Guest 16-year-old Visnu shot 251.4 to win the
Q.186. Which of the followings sports of the event Kacho Asghar Ali Khan. title by a clear margin of two points.
was added to the Asian Beach Games
Program 2021 as of December 2020? Q.190. Who among the following did the Q.193. Which of the following nations
SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Evening) Sports Authority of India appoint as the ranked first in the World Press Freedom
(a) Athletics (b) Aquatics index 2020?
(c) Basketball (d) Coastal Rowing SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Morning) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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(a) India (b) France cricket as on May 2020? SSC CHSL (a) 9 (b) 12 (c) 11 (d) 8
(c) Norway (d) The US 9/8/2021 (Morning)
(a) Mushtaq Mohammad Sol.(c) As of January 2021, India's
Sol.(c) Norway ranked first in the World
(b) Danish Kaneria hockey team is the most successful team
Press Freedom index 2020 followed by
(c) Hasan Raza ever in the Olympics, having won 11
Finland and Denmark. India is placed at
(d) Mohammad Sharif medals in total (eight gold, one silver
142nd out of 180 countries. The World
and two bronze medals). The Indian
Press Freedom Index 2020 is published
Sol.(c) Hasan Raza (at the age of 14y Hockey team also won the bronze medal
each year by the international journalism
227d) is the youngest player of Pakistan in the Tokyo Olympics 2020 as their 12th
not-for-profit body, Reporters Without
to have made his debut at Test level medal after 41 years.
Borders (RSF).
against Zimbabwe on 24 Oct 1996.
Q.201. Who among the following was
Q.194. Which sport has been
approved to be played at the Q.198. Which of the following teams has adjudged as the 'Player of the Series' in
2024 Summer Olympics in won the Indian Premier League (IPL) the Australia versus India T20I series
Paris for the first time? trophy five times as of November 2020? played in December 2020?
SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Afternoon) SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Evening)
(Morning) (a) Rajasthan Royals (a) Matthew Wade
(a) Parkour race (b) Darts (b) Sunrisers Hyderabad (b) T Natarajan
(c) Breakdancing (d) Cricket
(c) Chennai Super Kings (c) Hardik Pandya
Sol.(c) Breakdancing has been approved (d) Mumbai Indians (d) Mitchell Swepson
to be played at the 2024 Summer
Olympics in Paris for the first time. Sol.(d) Mumbai Indians won 5 IPL titles Sol.(c) Hardik Pandya won the 'Player of
in the year 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 and the Series' award in Australia for his
Q.195. Which of the following 2020. Chennai Super King won 3 IPL all-around performance and excellent
indigenous games is included in the titles in the year 2010, 2011 and 2018. fielding efforts.
Khelo India Youth Games Kolkata Knight Riders won 2 IPL titles
2021? in the year 2012 and 2014. Q.202. Which of the following was
SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Afternoon) Rajasthan Royals won the inaugural IPL included as an official Olympic sport in
(a) Pallankuzhi (b) Gatka title in the year 2008. December 2020?
(c) Nondi (d) Chaupar Deccan Chargers in 2009 and Sunrisers SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Evening)
Hyderabad won the IPL title in 2016. (a) Breakdancing (b) Cricket
Sol.(b) The Sports Ministry has (c) Chess (d) Bowling
approved the inclusion of four Q.199. Who among the following is the
indigenous games to be a part of the head coach of India’s men’s (senior) Sol.(a) 6 new sports were added in
Khelo India Youth Games 2021, football team as of December 2020? Tokyo Olympics 2020. These sports are
scheduled to take place in Haryana. The SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Afternoon) Breakdancing, Sport Climbing, Surfing,
games include Gatka, Kalaripayattu, (a) Dražen Ladić Skateboarding, Karate and
Thang-Ta, and Mallakhamba. (b) Igor Stimac Baseball/Softball (introduced after being
(c) Robert Jarni absent from 2008 Beijing).
Q.196. Who among the following was (d) Stephen Constantine
the captain of the women's hockey team Q.203. Who among the following Indian
of India as of December 2020? SSC Sol.(b) As of August 2021, the Head cricketers holds the record of most
CHSL 6/8/2021 (Evening) coach of men’s football is Igor Stimac. number of catches taken by a
(a) Rajani Etimarpu Head coach of women’s football: non-wicketkeeper while standing in
(b) Rani Rampal Thomas Dennerby the slip cordon, as of January 2021? SSC
(c) Reena Khokhar Head coach of men’s hockey: Graham CHSL 10/8/2021 (Morning)
(d) Grace Ekka Reid (a) VVS Laxman
Head coach of women’s hockey: Sjoerd (b) Manoj Prabhakar
Sol.(b) Rani Rampal from Haryana was Marijne (c) Rahul Dravid
the captain of the women’s hockey team Coach of Neeraj Chopra (at 2020 Tokyo (d) Javagal Srinath
of India as of December 2020. Olympics): Uwe Hohn
Sol.(c) Rahul Dravid holds the record of
Q.197. Who among the following is the Q.200. As of January 2021, how many most number of catches taken by a
youngest test debutant in the history of Olympic medals did India win in the non-wicketkeeper. He is a former captain
sport of field hockey? of the Indian national team and currently
SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Evening) serving as its head coach. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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Sol.(d) India's Koneru Humpy won the

Q.204. In which of the following cities Cairns Cup title; Considered one of the Sol.(a) ICC Hall of Fame 2020- Jacques
was the 89th Annual General Meeting of toughest women's events, Hampi won Kallis, Lisa Sthalekar and Zaheer Abbas
the Board of Control for Cricket in India the title with six points from nine inducted.
held? rounds. Q.213. As of January 2021, GMR Group
SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Morning) Q.208. To which country does the was associated with which of the
(a) Ahmedabad (b) Indore French Open 2020 women's singles following franchises in the Indian
(c) Lucknow (d) Nagpur winner, Iga Swiatek belong? Premier League (IPL) cricket
SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Afternoon) tournament?
Sol.(a) BCCI held its 89th Annual (a) China (b) France SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Evening)
General Meeting on December 24, 2020, (c) Poland (d) Japan (a) Delhi Capitals
at Ahmedabad. BCCI is the governing (b) Mumbai Indians
body for cricket in India and is under the Sol.(c) Iga Natalia Świątek is a Polish (c) Chennai Super Kings
jurisdiction of the Ministry of Youth professional tennis player. She is the first (d) Rajasthan Royals
Affairs and Sports. It is an autonomous Polish player to win a Grand Slam
organisation and does not come under singles title in history. Sol.(a) The Delhi Capitals are a
the National sports federation of India. franchise cricket team based out of Delhi
Q.209. Which Indian sportsperson won a in the Indian Premier League (IPL).
Q.205. In October 2019, who became Founded in 2008 as the Delhi
gold medal at the Para-badminton World
the youngest cricketer in the world to Daredevils, the franchise is jointly
Championship 2019?
score a double century in List A cricket? owned by the GMR Group and the JSW
SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Evening)
SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Afternoon)
(a) Deepa Malik Group.
(a) Dhruv Jurel
(b) Devendra Jhajharia
(b) Atharva Ankolekar
(c) Suhas Lalinakere Yathiraj Q.214. Name the captain of the Indian
(c) Ravi Bishnoi
(d) Manasi Joshi Men's Hockey Team as of 30th July
(d) Yashasvi Jaiswal
Sol.(d) Manasi Joshi SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Afternoon)
Sol.(d) Yashasvi Jaiswal is an Indian
(a) Manpreet Singh
cricketer who plays for Mumbai in
Q.210. Which Indian sportsperson won (b) Jarmanpreet Singh
domestic cricket and Rajasthan Royals
the 'World Games Athlete of the Year' (c) Gurinder Singh
in the Indian Premier League. In October
award in January 2020? (d) Harmanpreet Singh
2019, he became the youngest cricketer
SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Evening)
in the world to score a List A double
(a) Rani Rampal (b) Mary Kom Sol.(a) The captain of the Indian Men's
(c) PV Sindhu (d) Koneru Humpy Hockey Team as of 30th July 2020 was
Manpreet Singh. He led the Indian field
Q.206. Which one of the following
Sol.(a) Rani Rampal hockey team to the bronze medal at the
became the first Indian club to qualify
Tokyo 2020 Olympics. He plays as a
for AFC Champions league in 2020?
Q.211. Who among the following has halfback.
SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Morning)
received the Female Sportsperson of the
(a) Bengaluru FC
Year Award at the FICCI India Sports Q.215. Which of the following teams
(b) Kerala Blasters FC
Award in December 2020? SSC CHSL won the Indian Super League
(c) FC Goa
12/8/2021 (Morning) 2019-2020?
(d) East Bengal FC
(a) Saina Nehwal SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Morning)
(b) Manu Bhakhar (a) ATK Football Club
Sol.(c) FC Goa
(c) Deepika Kumari (b) Kerala Blasters
(d) Elavenil Valarivan (c) North East United
Q.207. Which Indian chess player won
(d) FC Goa
the Cairns Cup chess tournament 2020?
Sol.(d) Elavenil Valarivan
SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Morning)
Sol.(a) ATK Football Club won the
(a) Padmini Rout
Q.212. Who among the following was Indian Super League 2019-2020.
(b) Dronavalli Harika
NOT included in the ICC Hall of Fame
(c) Koneru Humpy
in August 2020? Q.216. Which of the following two
(d) Tania Sachdeva
SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Evening) nations will host the FIFA Women's
(a) Graeme Smith (b) Jacques Kallis World Cup 2023?
(c) Zaheer Abbas (d) Lisa Sthalekar SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Afternoon) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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(a) Norway and Sweden Sol.(d) Lewis Hamilton won the Styrian Q.224. Which of the following teams
(b) Australia and New Zealand Grand Prix Formula 1 racing won the 2019 Indian Premier League
(c) The US and Canada championship in July 2020. (IPL) cricket tournament?
(d) Japan and South Korea SSC MTS 13/10/21(Afternoon)
Sol.(b) Australia and New Zealand will Q.221. Which of the following is NOT (a) Royal Challengers Bangalore
host the FIFA Women's World Cup for one of 'The Smart Triplets' – the official (b) Mumbai Indians
the 23 July to 20 August event in 2023. mascots of the 2022 Asian Games? (c) Chennai Super Kings
SSC MTS 11/10/21(Evening) (d) Kolkata Knight Riders
Q.217. Which of the following cricketers (a) Lianlian (b) Chenchen
was described as 'Mr. Incredible' by the (c) Kinchen (d) Congcong Sol.(b) Mumbai Indians won the 2019
captain of the England Test Cricket team Indian Premier League (IPL) cricket
in July 2020? Sol.(c) Three sporty robots, named tournament.
SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Evening) Congcong, Lianlian, and Chenchen, and 2020 IPL winner: Mumbai Indians
(a) Jason Roy (b) Stuart Broad known as the "smart triplets", were 2021 IPL winner: Chennai Super Kings
(c) Chris Woakes (d) Ben Stokes unveiled as the Hangzhou 2022 mascots (CSK)
in April.
Sol.(d) Ben Stokes was described as Q.225. Who won the Tour de France in
'Mr. Incredible' by the captain of the Q.222. The Union Sports Ministry has 2020?
England Test Cricket team in July 2020. decided to set up Khelo India State SSC MTS 13/10/21(Afternoon)
Centres of Excellence (KISCE) in eight (a) Sepp Kuss (b) Rudy Molard
Q.218. Which of the following Indian states in the first leg of the Khelo India (c) Romain Sicard (d) Tadej Pogacar
table tennis player won the ITTF (ITTF) Scheme. Which of the following is NOT
Challenger Plus Oman Open 2020 was one of these eight states? Sol.(d) Tadej Pogacar won the Tour de
won by? SSC MTS 12/10/21(Morning) France in 2020. Tour de France is an
SSC MTS 08/10/21(evening) (a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Karnataka annual men's multiple-stage bicycle race
(a) Anthony Amalraj (b) Shubjit Saha (c) Odisha (d) Nagaland primarily held in France.
(c) Sharath Kamal (d) Sanil Shetty
Sol.(a) The Union Sports Ministry has Q.226. Poonam Yadav won the 2019
Sol.(c) Indian table tennis player Sharath decided to set up Khelo India State Arjuna Award for which sport?
Kamal won ITTF Challenger Plus Oman Centres of Excellence (KISCE) in eight SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Evening)
Open 2020 states in the first leg of the Khelo India (a) Badminton (b) Cricket
Scheme. Andhra Pradesh is NOT one of (c) Shooting (d) Wrestling
Q.219. Who among the following won these eight states. Arunachal Pradesh,
the All England Open Badminton Karnataka, Kerala, Manipur, Mizoram, Sol.(b) Poonam Yadav won the 2019
Championship Men’s Singles 2020 title? Arjuna Award for Cricket. She plays for
Nagaland, Odisha and Telangana have
SSC MTS 08/10/21(evening) the national women's cricket team as a
been selected for KISCE.
(a) Chou Tien-chen leg-spin bowler.
(b) Lee Chong Wei
Q.223. Who among the following Indian
(c) Lin Dan
footballers was NOT a goalkeeper? Q.227. The Khelo India Youth Games,
(d) Viktor Axelsen
SSC MTS 13/10/21(Morning) 2021, will be held in ______.
(a) Bhaskar Ganguly SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Morning)
Sol.(d) Viktor Axelsen won the All
(b) Peter T hangarage (a) Haryana (b) Karnataka
England Open Badminton (c) Kerala (d) Punjab
(c) Bidesh Bose
Championship Men’s Singles 2020 title.
(d) Brahmanand Salgaocar
Viktor Axelsen beat Chou Tien Che and Sol.(a) The Khelo India Youth Games,
won the championship. Sol.(c) Bidesh Ranjan Bose is a former 2021, will be held in Haryana. The
Indian Bengali international footballer. event, which was scheduled to take place
Q.220. Who won the Styrian Grand Prix He was recently in news for winning the in November in Ambala, Chandigarh,
Formula 1 racing championship in July Delhi, Panchkula, and Shahbad, will
Uluberia Purba constituency seat in 2021
2020? now take place in February 2022.
in the West Bengal assembly election as
SSC MTS 11/10/21(Afternoon)
a candidate of All India Trinamool
(a) Valtteri Bottas
Congress. Q.228. ______ is the youngest Indian
(b) Max Verstappen
cricketer to play all three formats (test
(c) Sebastian Vettel
matches, one-day internationals and
(d) Lewis Hamilton Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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twenty-twenty internationals) of the Sol.(c) Novak Djokovic won the Q.235. Which edition of Khelo India
game. Australian Open title of 2020 in the Youth Games was held in Guwahati in
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Morning) Men's singles event held in Melbourne. January 2020?
(a) Kuldeep Yadav Novak Djokovic(Men’s Singles) and SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Evening)
(b) Ishant Sharma Naomi Osaka(Women’s Singles) won (a) Second edition
(c) Rishabh Pant the Australian Open 2021. Australian (b) Fifth edition
(d) Hardik Pandya Open - Synthetic Hard Court - (c) Fourth edition
Melbourne. US Open - Acrylic Hard (d) Third edition
Sol.(b) Ishant Sharma is the youngest Court - New York. French Open - Clay
Indian cricketer to play all three formats Sol.(d) The third edition of the Khelo
Court - Paris. Wimbledon Open - Grass
(test matches, one-day internationals, India Youth Games was held in
Court - London.
and twenty-twenty internationals) of the Guwahati in January 2020. Chandigarh
game. (Haryana) has decided to organize
Q.232. Who among the following
sportspersons was a winner of the Padma 'Khelo India Youth Games, 2021' in
Q.229. Who was the captain of the Shri in 2020? February 2022 in view of the possible
Indian team at the ICC Women’s T20 SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Morning) third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic.
World Cup 2020? (a) Deepti Sharma
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Evening) (b) Manika Batra Q.236. As of July 2020, which Indian
(a) Veda Krishnamurthy (c) Rani Rampal cricketer captained India the most
(b) Shafali Verma (d) Poonam Yadav number of times in One-Day
(c) Richa Ghosh Internationals?
(d) Harmanpreet Kaur Sol.(c) Rani Rampal was a winner of the SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Afternoon)
Padma Shri in 2020. She is the captain (a) Kapil Dev
Sol.(d) Harmanpreet Kaur was the of the Indian Women’s Hockey team. (b) Mahendra Singh Dhoni
captain of the Indian team at the ICC Indian women's hockey team secured 4th (c) Virat Kohli
Women’s T20 World Cup 2020. Mithali position in Tokyo Olympic 2020. (d) Sourav Ganguly
Dorai Raj is an Indian cricketer and the
Test and ODI captain of women's Sol.(b) As of July 2020,Mahendra Singh
Q.233. Nitin Menon, who was included
national cricket team at present. Dhoni captained India the most number
in the Elite Panel of Umpires/Referees
for 2020-21 by an international sports of times in One-Day Internationals.
Q.230. Pullela Gopichand was the chief body, is professionally associated with:
coach of the Indian ______ team as of SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Morning) Q.237. In 2019 which Indian cueist
August 2020. (a) football (b) basketball became the first to hold the World, Asian
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Evening) (c) hockey (d) cricket and Indian titles simultaneously in five
(a) wrestling (b) badminton different years?
(c) judo (d) football Sol.(d) Nitin Menon, who was included SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Evening)
in the Elite Panel of Umpires/Referees (a) Aditya Mehta (b) Pankaj Advani
Sol.(b) Pullela Gopichand was the chief for 2020-21 by an international sports (c) Rupesh Shah (d) Sourav Kothari
coach of the Indian badminton team as body, is professionally associated with
of August 2020. The first superstar of Sol.(b) Pankaj Advani (billiards player)
Indian badminton, Prakash Padukone. became the first to hold the World, Asian
Badminton players from India are -Saina and Indian titles simultaneously in five
Q.234. Who among the following
Nehwal, PV Sindhu, Parupalli Kashyap, different years.
cricketers is NOT among the Wisden
Kidambi Srikanth, B Sai Praneeth, Jwala Five Cricketers of the Year named by the
Gutta, and Ashwini Ponappa. 2020 edition of the Wisden Almanack? Q.238. The Olympic Games 2024 are
SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Afternoon) scheduled to be held in:
Q.231. Who won the Australian Open (a) Andre Russell (b) Ellyse Perry SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Afternoon)
title of 2020 in the Men's singles event (c) Jofra Archer (d) Pat Cummins (a) Tokyo (b) Los Angeles
held in Melbourne? (c) Lima (d) Paris
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Morning) Sol.(a) Andre Russell is not among the
(a) Rajeev Ram Wisden Five Cricketers of the Year Sol.(d) The Olympic Games 2024 are
(b) Joe Salisbury named by the 2020 edition of the Wisden scheduled to be held in Paris. The 2028
(c) Novak Djokovic Almanack. Summer Olympics are scheduled to take
(d) Dominic Thiem place in Los Angeles, California, United
States. The 2032 Summer Olympics are Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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scheduled to take place in Brisbane, Q.242. World Cup-winning goalkeeper

Queensland, Australia Iker Casillas announced his retirement Q.246. In 2019, Skytrax released its
from football in 'World Airport Survey' which ranked the
Q.239. Who among the following Indian August 2020. To which of the following world's Top 100 Airports for 2019.
shooter won a gold in the 10 m air rifle countries does he belong? Identify the airport that has been
category in 2018 ISSF Junior World SSC MTS 2/1/2021 (Evening) correctly paired with its rank.
Cup? (a) Spain (b) France SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon)
SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Evening) (c) Australia (d) Canada (a) Indira Gandhi International Airport -
(a) Aparajita Singh 60th
(b) Elavenil Valarivan Sol.(a) World Cup-winning goalkeeper (b) Kempegowda International Airport -
(c) Rahi Sarnobat Iker Casillas announced his retirement 75th
(d) Anisa Sayyed from football in August 2020. He (c) Rajiv Gandhi Hyderabad
belongs to Spain. International Airport -66th
Sol.(b) Elavenil Valarivan (shooter) won (d) Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj
a gold in the 10 m air rifle category in RANKING, REPORTS AND International Airport - 57th
2018 ISSF Junior World Cup. Players SURVEY
associated with shooting Abhinav Sol.246.(c) Right ranks are given
Bindra, Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore, below:-
Q.243. What was India's rank among
Vijay Kumar, Gagan Narang, Heena Indira Gandhi International
156 countries in the Global Happiness
Airport,Delhi -59th
Sidhu, Apurvi Chandela, Anjali Index 2019?
Kempegowda International Airport,
Bhagwat, Jitu Rai, Saurabh Chaudhary. SSC-CGL 12th June 2019 (Morning)
(a) 140th (b) 124th
Rajiv Gandhi Hyderabad International
Q.240. Which of the following nations (c) 132nd (d) 137th
Airport -66th
retained its ICC T20 Women’s World
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj
Cup Crown in March 2020? Sol.(a) The United Nations Sustainable
International Airport , Mumbai-64th
SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Afternoon) Development Solutions Network has
(a) England (b) New Zealand released the World Happiness Report
(c) India (d) Australia 2019.India wass ranked at 140 in 2019 Q.247. What was India's rank in the year
and 144 in 2020 World Happiness. 2018 in world Crude Steel production
Sol.(d) Australia retained its ICC T20 according to Steel
Users Federation of India?
Women’s World Cup Crown in March Q.244. How many sites were chosen
SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon)
2020. Australia (Men Team) won the from India for the 2019 UNESCO
(a) Fourth (b) Second
final match of the T20 World Cup 2021 Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural
(c) First (d) Third
by defeating New Zealand. Heritage Conservation ?
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning)
Sol.(b) India's rank in the year 2018 in
Q.241. Who among the following former (a) Two (b) Five
world Crude Steel production according
Indian cricketers was appointed as the (c) Three (d) Four
to Steel Users Federation of India was
head coach of Uttarakhand Cricket Team second, china at number 1.
in June 2020? Sol.(d) Four sites from India have been
SSC MTS 2/1/2021 (Evening) chosen for the UNESCO Asia-Pacific
Q.248. What was India's rank in the
(a) Rahul Dravid Awards for Cultural Heritage
2019 Kids Rights Index?
(b) Wasim Jaffer Conservation. The awards were
SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (morning)
(c) Sachin Tendulkar announced in Penang, Malaysia on 14
(a) 102th (b) 70th
(d) Akash Chopra October 2019.
(c) 117th (d) 123th

Sol.(b) Wasim Jaffer was appointed as Q.245. According to Global Peace Index
Sol.(c) Rank of India in the Kids Right
the head coach of the Uttarakhand 2019, which one of the following is the
Index in 2019 is 117. It is published by
Cricket Team in June 2020. Manish most peaceful country?
Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Kumar Jha was named head coach after SSC CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon)
(a) India (b) Indonesia
Wasim Jaffer’s resignation. Rahul Q.249. Which of the following Indian
(c) Bhutan (d) Iceland
Dravid was appointed as head coach of cities is included in the list of
the Indian men's cricket team. ‘UNESCO’ World Heritage Sites’?
Sol.(d) According to the Global Peace
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning)
Index , Iceland is the most peaceful
(a) Ahmedabad (b) Hyderabad
country in 2019 and 2020 . Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

(c) Murshidabad (d) Srinagar is expected to be below replacement rate

by the year: Q.257. What is the ranking of India in
Sol.(a) The walled city of Ahmedabad, SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening) the World Economic Forums (WEF)’s
founded by Sultan Ahmad Shah in the (a) 2024 (b) 2025 World Travel, Tourism Competitiveness
(c) 2022 (d) 2021 Index for the year 2019?
15th century, on the eastern bank of the
CGL 5/3/2020 (evening)
Sabarmati river, presents a rich
(a) 39 (b) 31
architectural heritage and is included in Sol.(d) According to Economic Survey
(c) 34 (d) 37
the list of ‘UNESCO’ world heritage 2018-19, total fertility rate in Bihar,
sites. Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Sol.(c) India has moved up six places to
Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh are rank 34th on the World Travel and
Q.250. What is India's ranking in the above the replacement rate but are also Tourism Competitiveness Index 2019,
Global Economic Freedom Index 2019? experiencing significant declines. As a released by the World Economic Forum.
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning) result, the national fertility rate is India was ranked 40th in 2018. Spain,
(a) 62nd (b) 79th expected to be below replacement level France, Germany, Japan and the United
(c) 55th (d) 83rd by 2021. States are the world's most travel-ready
Sol.(b) India ranks 79 out of 162 Q.254. According to the United Nations'
countries and territories included in the World Economic Situation and Prospects Q.258. The SDG India index is
Economic Freedom of the World: 2019 Report, 2019, the Indian economy is developed by ______.
Annual Report, released by the Centre expected to expand by _____ in 2020. CGL 6-03-2020 (Morning)
for Civil Society (CCS) - India's leading CGL 4/3/2020 (morning) (a) Ministry of Environmental, Forests
think-tank advocating social change (a) 7.6% (b) 7.2% and Climate Change
through public policy, in partnership (c) 7.8% (d) 7.1% (b) NITI Aayog
with Canada's Fraser (c) Ministry of Home Affairs
Institute. Sol.(d) According to the United Nations' (d) World Bank
World Economic Situation and Prospects
Q.251. According to Randsatnd Report, 2019, the Indian economy is Sol.(b) The SDG India index is
Employer Brand Research 2019 Report, expected to expand by 7.1% in 2020. developed by NITI Aayog. The SDG
which of the following has been rated as India Index documents the progress
India's most attractive employer brand? Q.255. Which US based Indian topped made by India’s States and Union
SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (Evening) the Forbes India's '20 people to watch in Territories towards implementing the
(a) Amazon India the 2020's list'? 2030 SDG targets.
(b) Larsen and Toubro CGL 4/3/2020 (afternoon)
(c) Samsung (a) Hasan Minhaj Q.259. Which International organisation
(d) Microsoft (b) Dushyant Chautala released the 'World Energy Outlook
(c) Prashant Kishor 2019' Report?
Sol.(a) Amazon India is rated as the (d) Mahua Moitra CGL 6-03-2020 (Morning)
India's most attractive employer brand. (a) International Energy Agency
Sol.(a) Hasan Minhaj is the US based (b) United Nations
Q.252. Which of the following Indian topped the Forbes India’s 20 (c) World Trade Organisation
personalities is NOT among the three people to watch in the 2020 list. He is a (d) UNESCO
Indians named in the Time’s 2019 list of writer, Comedian, producer, political
100 most Influential people? commentator, actor, and television host. Sol.(a) International Energy Agency
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning) releases World Energy Outlook, 2019.
(a) Indira Jaising Q.256. How many members did the The Paris based International Energy
(b) Arundhati Katju International Monetary Fund (IMF) have Agency recently released its report on
(c) Menaka Guruswamy as of January 2020? the World Energy Outlook.
(d) Mukesh Ambani CGL 4/3/2020 (evening)
(a) 164 (b) 174 Q.260. According to India State of
Sol.(a) Three Indians Menaka (c) 189 (d) 182 Forest Report 2019, how much of the
Guruswamy, Arundhati Katju and total geographical area of the country is
Mukesh Ambani have featured in TIME Sol.(c) IMF has 189 members as of covered by forests and trees?
100 Most Influential People list of 2019. January 2020 but Andorra became the CGL 6-03-2020 (Evening)
190th member on 16 October 2020. (a) 21.30% (b) 34.56%
Q.253. As per the Economic Survey Nauru joined the IMF as the 189th (c) 24.56% (d) 42.56%
2018-19, the national 'total fertility rate' country on April 16, 2016. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

Sol.(d) India has been ranked at 141 per the International Shooting Sport
Sol.(c) The Total Forest and Tree cover among 163 countries on the Global Federation’s (ISSF) overall rankings for
is 24.56% of the geographical area of the Peace Index 2019, while Iceland remains 2019. The International Shooting Sport
country. The Total Forest cover is the most peaceful country and Federation is the governing body of the
7,12,249 sq km which is 21.67% and the Afghanistan the least peaceful Olympic Shooting events in rifle, pistol
Tree cover is 2.89% of the geographical nation.Global Peace Index (GPI) is a and shotgun disciplines and of several
area of the country. report produced by the Institute for non-Olympic Shooting sport events.
Economics & Peace (IEP). India climbed
Q.261. Which of the following states up 2 places to be ranked at 139 in GPI Q.268. Which state ranked first in
topped among all the states with the 2020. Sustainable Development Goals Index
highest number of fire alerts according 2019-20 released by NITI
to a 2019 report by the Forest Survey of Q.265. Which country ranked first Aayog of India?
India? among 97 countries in breastfeeding SSC CHSL 19-3-2020 (Evening)
CGL 6-03-2020 (Evening) rate, according to a new survey (a) Kerala
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Odisha conducted by the World Breastfeeding (b) Himachal Pradesh
(c) Arunachal Pradesh (d) Mizoram Trends Initiative (WBTi)? (c) Tamil Nadu
CHSL 17-03-2020 (Evening) (d) Andhra Pradesh
Sol.(d) Mizoram topped among all the (a) India (b) China
states with the highest number of fire (c) Sri Lanka (d) Japan Sol.(a) Kerala ranked first in Sustainable
alerts at 2,795. Development Goals Index 2019-20
Sol.(c) World Breastfeeding Trends released by NITI Aayog of India. The
Q.262. Which organisation launched Initiative (WBTi) was launched in 2004. Index tracks the progress of all the States
Agricultural Marketing and Farmer It will also benchmark the progress in and Union Territories on a set of 62
Friendly Reforms Index (AMFFRI) in implementation of the Global Strategy National indicators, measuring their
2016? for Infant and Young Child Feeding in a progress on the outcomes of the
CGL 7-03-2020 (Afternoon) standard way. The WBTi assists interventions and schemes of the
(a) Reserve Bank of India countries to measure strengths and Government of India. The SDG India
(b) NITI AAyog weaknesses on the 10 parameters of Index is intended to provide a holistic
(c) National Institute of Public Finance policy and programmes that protect, view on the social, economic and
and Policy (NIPFP) promote and support optimal infant and environmental status of the country and
(d) Indian Institute of Public young child feeding practices. its States and UTs.
Q.266. What was India’s overall rank in Q.269. What was India’s rank in the
Sol.(b) NITI Aayog launched in 2016 an the medals tally in the 23rd edition of the world in terms of military power as per
index to rank States and UTs based on Asian Athletics the ‘Global Firepower Nations Index
implementation of seven provisions Championship? 2019’?
proposed under model APMC Act like SSC CHSL 18-03-2020 (Morning) SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Evening)
joining e-NAM initiative, special (a) Fifth (b) First (a) 3rd (b) 5th
treatment to fruits and vegetables for (c) Fourth (d) Third (c) 4th (d) 9th
marketing and level of taxes in mandis.
Sol.(c) India’s overall rank is fourth in Sol.(c) United Nations ranked 1st,
Q.263. What is the rank of India in the the medals tally in the 23rd edition of the followed by Russia, China then India in
Human Development Index 2019? Asian Athletics Championship. terms of military power as per the
(a) 129th (b) 128th ‘Global Firepower Nations Index 2019’.
(c) 89th (d) 130th Q.267. Which one of the following
nations finished the year 2019 as the top Q.270. Which of the following nations
Sol.(a) India’s rank in 2019 was 129th shooting nation in the world as per the has the most powerful passport in the
and in 2020 the rank is 131 and The HDI International Shooting Sport world as per ‘Henley Passport Index
is published by the United Nations Federation’s (ISSF) overall rankings for SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Morning)
Development Programme 2019? (a) China (b) Japan
SSC CHSL 18-03-2020 (Afternoon) (c) UK (d) USA
Q.264. What is the rank of India in the (a) Russia (b) India
Global Peace Index 2019? (c) USA (d) China Sol.(b) The Henry Passport Index is the
CGL 9-03-2020 (Afternoon) original ranking of all the world’s
(a) 144 (b) 143 (c) 142 (d) 141 Sol.(b) India finished the year 2019 as passports according to the number of
the top shooting nation in the world as destinations their holders can access Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

without a prior visa. The ranking is International Air Transport Association Q.277. As per a World Gold Council
based on exclusive data from the which maintains the world’s largest and (WGC) report that was released in
International Air Transport Association most accurate database of travel January 2020, the Reserve
which maintains the world’s largest and information and enhanced by ongoing Bank of India (RBI) was ranked ______
most accurate database of travel research by the Henley & Partners in terms of buying gold abroad among
information and enhanced by ongoing Research Department. According to the central banks
research by the Henley & Partners ‘Henley Passport Index 2020’ Japan has of the world.
Research Department. According to the the most powerful passport in the world CHSL 20-10-2020 (Afternoon)
‘Henley Passport Index 2020’ Japan has and India ranked 85. (a) Seventh (b) Sixth
the most powerful passport in the world (c) Tenth (d) Fifth
and India ranked 84. Q.274. As of 15 January 2020, who
among the following was the Number Sol.(b) As per the “World Gold Outlook
Q.271. As of 15 January 2020, which of one ranked women tennis player in the 2020” report released by the World Gold
the following nations is the number one WTA rankings? Council (WGC) in January 2020, the
ranked team SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Morning) Reserve Bank of India (RBI) was ranked
in the ‘ICC Men's T20I Team (a) Serena Williams sixth in terms of buying gold abroad
Rankings’? (b) Karolína Plíšková among central banks of the world.
SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Afternoon) (c) Ashleigh Barty
(a) Australia (b) India (d) Simona Halep Q.278. According to the Carbon
(c) England (d) Pakistan Disclosure Project (CDP) annual report
Sol.(c) As of 15 January 2020, Ashleigh that was released in January 2020, what
Sol.(d) As of 15 January 2020, Pakistan Barty of Australia was the Number one was India’s rank in corporate
is the number one ranked team in the ranked women tennis commitments to science-based targets?
‘ICC Men's T20I Team Rankings’. But player in the WTA rankings. CHSL 20-10-2020 (Afternoon)
according top the ranking released on (a) Eight (b) Tenth
29th December 2020, England holds the Q.275. As of 15 January 2020, which of (c) Fifth (d) Sixth
rank 1 in the ‘ICC Men’s T20I Team the following nations was the Number
Ranking’. one ranked ODI team in the ICC Men's Sol.(c) According to the Carbon
ODI Team Rankings? Disclosure Project (CDP) annual report
Q.272. As of 15 January 2020, who SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Morning) that was released in January 2020, India
among the following was the number (a) New Zealand (b) England ranked 5th in corporate commitments to
one ranked male tennis player in the (c) South Africa (d) India science-based targets. CDP aims at
ATP rankings? measuring the carbon reduction activities
SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Afternoon) Sol.(b) As of 15 January 2020, England undertaken by different companies and
(a) Novak Djokovic was the Number one ranked ODI team in firms operating in various countries
(b) Roger Federer the ICC Men's ODI Team Rankings. across the globe.
(c) Rafael Nadal Q.279. Which India-born businessperson
(d) Daniil Medvedev Q.276. In November 2019, which Indian occupied the top spot in Fortune’s
athlete was listed in ‘Time 100 Next’ Businessperson of the Year 2019 list?
Sol.(c) As of 15 January 2020, Rafeal that spotlights 100 rising stars who are SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Morning)
Nadal was the number one ranked male shaping the future of business, (a) Indra Nooyi (b) Satya Nadella
tennis player in the ATP rankings. entertainment, sports, politics, etc.? (c) Sundar Pichai (d) Chanda Kochhar
CHSL 20-10-2020 (Afternoon)
Q.273. What was the rank of the Indian (a) Anju Bobby George Sol.(b) Satya Nadella occupied the top
passport in the world as per ‘Henley (b) PV Sindhu spot in Fortune’s Businessperson of the
Passport Index 2020’? (c) Dutee Chand Year 2019 list.
SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Evening) (d) Hima Das
(a)74th (b)38th Q.280. Which country ranked first in the
(c)26th (d)84th Sol.(c) Time 100 is an annual list of the 2019 Human Development India Index?
100 most influential people in the world, CHSL 21-10-2020 (Afternoon)
Sol.(d) The Henry Passport Index is the assembled by the American news (a) Ireland (b) Germany
original ranking of all the world’s magazine Time. In November 2019, (c) Norway (d) Switzerland
passports according to the number of Dutee Chand, an Indian sprinter was
destinations their holders can access listed in ‘Time 100 Next’. Sol.(c) Norway was ranked first in the
without a prior visa. The ranking is 2019 Human Development Index.
based on exclusive data from the Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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Q.281. Who won the International Sol.(b) Adani Green was ranked as the the list of top ten fastest growing cities
Hockey Federation’s (FIH) Player of the number one energy company in terms of in the world between 2019 and 2035 ?
Year award in 2019? capacity in 2020 by Mercom Capital. It SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Afternoon)
CHSL 21-10-2020 (Afternoon) is an Indian renewable energy company (a) Surat (b) Hyderabad
(a) Dhyan Chand (b) Pargat Singh headquartered in Ahmedabad, Gujrat. (c) Bengaluru (d) Agra
(c) Dilip Tirkey (d) Manpreet Singh The company operates the Kamuthi
Solar Power Project, one of the largest Sol.(a) Surat
Sol.(d) Manpreet Singh won the solar photovoltaic plants in the world.
International Hockey Federation’s (FIH) Q.289. Which of the following institutes
Player of the Year award in 2019. Q.285. The ‘Ecowrap report’ was got the first rank in the Atal Ranking of
published in May 2020 by which of the Institutions on Innovation Achievements
Q.282. According to a Social Mobility following banks? (ARIIA) 2020 in the category of
Index released by World Economic SSC CGL 20/08/21(Evening) ‘Institute of National Importance’?
Forum on 20 January 2020, India was (a) SBI (b) ICICI Bank SSC CHSL 12/04/21 (Evening)
ranked at which position? (c) RBI (d) HDFC Bank (a) Indian Institute of Technology
SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Evening) Madras
(a) 55th (b) 40th Sol.(a) The ‘Ecowrap report’ was (b) Indian Institute of Technology
(c) 82nd (d) 76th published in May 2020 by SBI. It is a Mumbai
research report conducted by the State (c) Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Sol.(d) Global Social Mobility Index Bank of India's Economic Research (d) Indian Institute of Technology
measures the intergenerational social Department. It reveals that India needs Kanpur
mobility in different countries in relation to focus more on increasing productivity
to socioeconomic outcomes. According and less on import tariffs in its quest for Sol.(a) Indian Institute of Technology
to a Social Mobility Index released by Atma Nirbhar Bharat. Madras.
the World Economic Forum on 20
January 2020, India was ranked 76th out Q.286. According to the World Bank's Q.290. Which of the following
of 82 countries. annual report on the Ease of Doing organizations released the ‘Global
Business (EODB), 'Doing Business Economic Freedom Index 2020 Annual
Q.283. Which of the following states 2020: Comparing Business Regulations Report’?
topped the second edition of the Indian in 190 Economies', India ranks ______ SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Afternoon)
Innovation Index released by NITI out of 190 countries. SSC CGL (a) Germanwatch
Aayog in January 2021? 23/08/21(Afternoon) (b) StartupBlink
SSC CGL 16/08/21(Evening) (a) 54th (b) 63rd (c) The Heritage Foundation
(a) Andhra Pradesh (c) 78th (d) 47th (d) World Economic Forum
(b) Karnataka
(c) Punjab Sol.(b) According to the World Bank's Sol.(c) The Heritage Foundation
(d) Tamil Nadu annual report on the Ease of Doing released the ‘Global Economic Freedom
Business, India is ranked 63rd out of 190 Index 2020 Annual Report’.
Sol.(b) Karnataka topped the second countries. New Zealand topped this The Index of Economic Freedom is an
edition of the Indian Innovation Index ranking followed by Singapore and annual index and ranking created in
released by NITI Aayog in January Somalia being the last. 1995 by a conservative think-tank.
2021. It was followed by Maharashtra at
second place and Tamil Nadu at third Q.287. According to the World Q.291. Which country ranked first in the
place. Population Review Report, released in ‘Human Development Report 2020’
February 2020, Indian economy released by the United Nations
Q.284. Which of the following Indian emerged as the world's ______ largest Development Programme?
solar energy firms was ranked as the economy in 2019. SSC CHSL 05/08/21 (Morning)
number one energy company in terms of SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Afternoon) (a) Norway (b) Germany
capacity in 2020 by Mercom Capital? (a) 4th (b) 6th (c) 5th (d) 7th (c) Switzerland (d) Hong Kong
SSC CGL 20/08/21(Evening)
(a) Tata Solar Sol.(c) 5th Sol.(a) Norway ranked first in the
(b) Adani Green ‘Human Development Report 2020’
(c) Waaree Energies Q.288. According to a forecast by released by the United Nations
(d) Jinko Solar Oxford Economics Global Cities Development Programme. The theme for
Research 2018, which Indian city tops Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

this year's HDR is 'Human Development SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Morning)

and the Anthropocene'. Sol.(c) According to the Indian State of (a) 145 (b) 154 (c) 85 (d) 131
Forest Report 2019, the state with 0%
Q.292. Public Sector Banks account for forest area = Lakshadweep. Sol.(d) Out of 189 countries, India has
about ______ of market share in Indian State with maximum forest area = ranked 131 on the Human Development
banking as per the Madhya Pradesh. Index 2020 prepared by the United
Economic Survey 2019-20. State with maximum percentage of Nations Development Programme
SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Afternoon) forest area = Kerala. (UNDP).
(a) 70% (b) 50%
(c) 80% (d) 40% Q.296. Which of the following months Q.300. What was India’s rank in the
was celebrated as 'Nutrition Month' in World Press Freedom Index 2020? SSC
Sol.(a) Public Sector Banks account for India in the year 2020? CHSL 11/8/2021 (Afternoon)
about 70% of market share in Indian SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Morning) (a) 92 (b) 139 (c) 142 (d) 97
banking as per the Economic Survey (a) December (b) November
2019-20. (c) September (d) August Sol.(c) India’s rank 142 in the World
Press Freedom Index 2020.
Q.293. Which of the following nations Sol.(c) Indian Prime Minister declared
ranked first in the World Press Freedom September 2020 as the nutrition month Q.301. In January 2020, ______ has
index 2020? and further added that apart from report secured a top position among the 115
SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Morning) cards, schools should also have nutrition
(a) India (b) France aspirational districts that received
cards and nutrition monitors along with grading on a system devised by the NITI
(c) Norway (d) The US
class monitors. Aayog.
Sol.(c) Norway ranked first in the World SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Evening)
Press Freedom index 2020 followed by Q.297. Where was the world's largest (a) Sukma (b) Jagdalpur
Finland and Denmark. India is placed at solar tree installed in India in 2020? SSC (c) Jashpur (d) Gariaband
142nd out of 180 countries. The World CHSL 10/8/2021 (Morning)
Press Freedom Index 2020 is published (a) Jaipur (b) Durgapur Sol.(a) In January 2020, Sukma has
each year by the international journalism (c) Bokaro (d) Bhopal
secured a top position among the 115
not-for-profit body, Reporters Without aspirational districts that received
Borders (RSF). Sol.(b) The world's largest solar tree was
grading on a system devised by the NITI
installed at the CSIR-CMERI
Q.294. What is India’s rank on Residential Colony, Durgapur, West
the World Economic Forum’s Bengal in 2020. It has been developed
Global Competitiveness Index Q.302. What was India's rank in the
by the Council of Scientific and
of 141 countries for the year Human Development Index-2019
Industrial Research (CSIR) – Central
2019? released by the United Nations
Mechanical Engineering Research
SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 Development Programme (UNDP)? SSC
Institute (CMERI).
(Morning) MTS 05/10/21(Morning)
(a) 48th (b) 45th (a) 141 (b) 132 (c) 112 (d) 129
Q.298. Where was the first hot air
(c) 68th (d) 65th
balloon wildlife safari launched in India
Sol.(d) India's rank was 129 in the
in December 2020?
Sol.(c) India ranks 68th in the Global Human Development Index-2019
SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Evening)
Competitive Index,2019 largely due to released by the United Nations
(a) Palamu Tiger Reserve
improvement witnessed by several other Development Programme (UNDP).In
(b) Ranthambore Tiger Reserve
economies. Singapore topped the list 2020 India’s rank: 131. Norway topped
(c) Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve
followed by The US.
(d) Pilibhit Tiger Reserve the index, followed by Ireland,
Switzerland, Hong Kong, and Iceland.
Q.295. Which of the following places in
India has 0% forest area as per the Sol.(c) The first hot air balloon wildlife
safari of India was launched in Q.303. According to the UN Conference
Indian State of Forest
Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve, Madhya on Trade and Development (UNCTAD),
Report 2019? SSC CHSL 10/8/2021
pradesh. India was the ______ largest recipient of
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the
(a) Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Q.299. What is India’s rank according to year 2019.
(b) Puducherry
the ‘Human Development report 2020’ SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Afternoon)
(c) Lakshadweep
released by the United Nations (a) 7th (b) 8th (c) 9th (d) 10th
(d) Goa
Development Programme? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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Sol.(c) According to the UN Conference purchasing power parity as of 2019 2019-20’, published by the Department
on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), given by the World Population Review of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers
India was the 9th largest recipient of Report. Welfare in June 2020, the total
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the horticulture production in 2019-20 is
year 2019. Q.308. According to the UK estimated to be about ______ higher
government's data, India was the ______ than 2018-19. SSC MTS 20/10/2021
Q.304. What was India's rank in the 12th largest source of foreign direct (Afternoon)
edition of the biennial Environment investment in the UK during 2019-20. (a) 3% (b) 2% (c) 4% (d) 1%
Performance Index (EPI 2020)? SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Evening)
SSC MTS 08/10/21 (Morning) (a) fourth (b) fifth Sol.(a) According to the ‘2nd Advance
(a) 168 (b) 177 (c) 152 (d) 174 (c) second (d) third Estimates of Horticulture Production
2019-20’, published by the Department
Sol.(a) India's rank was 168 in the 12th Sol.(c) According to the UK of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers
edition of the biennial Environment government's data, India was the Welfare in June 2020, the total
Performance Index (EPI 2020). second-largest source of foreign direct horticulture production in 2019-20 is
investment in the UK during 2019-20. A estimated to be about 3 % higher than
Q.305. As per a survey conducted in foreign direct investment (FDI) is a 2018-19.
2019-2020 by the World Bank, what is purchase of an interest in a company by
India’s global rank in the category of a company or an investor located outside Q.312. As per the World Intellectual
‘New Firms Created’? its borders. Property Organization (WIPO), China
SSC MTS 08/10/21(evening) emerged as the top
(a) Second (b) First Q.309. According to the Economic source of international patent
(c) Sixth (d) Third Survey, 2019-20, registering property in applications filed with it in the year
Delhi takes ______ 2019. Which of the following countries
Sol.(d) As per a survey conducted in days. held this place in the year 2018?
2019-2020 by the World Bank, India’s SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Morning) SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Afternoon)
global rank is Third in the category of (a) 49 (b) 96 (c) 68 (d) 31 (a) Singapore (b) Japan
‘New Firms Created’. New firm creation (c) USA (d) South Korea
in services is significantly Sol.(a) According to the Economic
higher in manufacturing, infrastructure Survey, 2019-20, registering property in Sol.(c) As per the World Intellectual
or agriculture sectors. Delhi takes 49 days. The Ministry of Property Organization (WIPO), the USA
Finance presents an economic survey of was at the top in 2018. headquarters at
Q.306. In terms of coal reserves, India’s India. It is prepared under the guidance Geneva, Switzerland. It was founded on
rank in the world as of April 2020 was: of the Chief Economic Adviser of India. 14 July 1947. Director-General- Daren
SSC MTS 11/10/21(Morning) Tang. Membership - 193 states. India
(a) ninth (b) fifth Q.310. Which of the following is India's ranks 46 in the WIPO index for 2021.
(c) seventh (d) third best known Global brand as per Brand
Finance’s 'India 100-2020 ranking’? Q.313. Which city bagged the first rank
Sol.(b) In terms of coal reserves, India’s SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Morning) as the cleanest city of India under
rank in the world as of April 2020 was: (a) Reliance (b) LIC Swachh Survekshan League 2020? SSC
fifth. India is accounting for about 9% of (c) Tata (d) HCL MTS 20/10/2021 (Evening)
the world's total coal reserves of (a) Indore (b) Jhansi
1,139,471 million tons. Sol.(c) Tata is India's best known Global (c) Bhopal (d) Gwalior
brand as per Brand Finance’s 'India
Q.307. What is India's rank in the world 100-2020 ranking’. Jio breaks into top Sol.(a) Indore bagged the first rank as
when GDP is compared in terms of 10 most valuable brands and rings in as the cleanest city of India under Swachh
purchasing power parity as on 2019 the nation's strongest brand with elite Survekshan League 2020. Cleanest city
given by World Population Review AAA+ brand strength rating. Union of India under Swachh Survekshan
Report? Bank of India is the nation's League 2021 - Indore.
SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Morning) fastest-growing brand as of 2021. IT
(a) Second (b) Fifth Q.314. Which of the following was
services is the 3rd most valuable sector.
(c) Fourth (d) First Oxford Dictionary’s Hindi Word Of The
Q.311. According to the ‘2nd Advance Year 2018?
Sol.(b) India's rank is Fifth in the world SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Morning)
Estimates of Horticulture Production
when GDP is compared in terms of (a) Arajak Tatva (b) Nari Shakti Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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(c) Sangathan (d) Navayuvak population is expected to exceed the blueprint for sustainable, inclusive
population of China by the year 2027. economic growth and serve as a platform
Sol.(b) Nari Shakti was Oxford for government to government
Dictionary’s Hindi Word Of The Year Q.318. Which country among the interactions, business to government
2018. 'Atma Nirbharta' was chosen as following is the second largest producer meetings, business to business
Hindi Word of the Year 2021. of agricultural products as per February engagements and helps corporates and
2019? governments secure investments by
Q.315. India secured the ______ rank in SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Morning) showcasing opportunities to apt
the 12th edition of the biennial (a) China (b) France audiences. The ambition of the Times
Environment Performance Index (EPI (c) Russia (d) India Group is to establish the Global Business
2020) that measured the environmental Summit as the Davos of the East.
performance of 180 countries. Sol.(d) India is the second-largest
SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Afternoon) producer of agricultural products as per Q.321. In which of the following
(a) 178th (b) 108th February 2019. India is the world's locations was the Global Venture Capital
(c) 168th (d) 138th largest producer of milk, pulses, and Summit 2018 held?
jute, and ranks as the second-largest CHSL 1 July 2019 (Morning)
Sol.(c) India secured 168 ranks in the producer of rice, wheat, sugarcane, (a) Mumbai (b) Pune
12th edition of the biennial Environment (c) Ahmedabad (d) Goa
groundnut, vegetables, fruit, and cotton.
Performance Index (EPI 2020) that China is the largest agricultural
measured the environmental Sol.(d) Annual Startup India Venture
producer, rice being the chief agri-food
Capital Summit 2018 to be held in Goa.
performance of 180 countries. which they produce.
The theme of the Summit was
‘Mobilizing Global Capital for
Q.316. According to the Economic Q.319. What is India’s rank on the World
Innovation in India.’ The summit aims to
Survey of India 2020, in order to Economic Forum’s Global
attract more global capital into the
promote preventive healthcare, how Competitiveness Index of 141 countries
many Ayushman Bharat - Health and for the year 2019?
Wellness Centres are proposed by 2022? SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Morning)
Q.322. What is the rank of India on
SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Evening) (a) 68th (b) 50th
Human Development Index 2018?
(a) Two lakhs (c) 60th (d) 58th
SSC-CHSL 3/07/ 2019 (Evening)
(b) One lakh
(a) 181 (b) 130
(c) Two and half lakhs Sol.(a) India’s rank on the World
(c) 210 (d) 21
(d) One and half lakhs Economic Forum’s Global
Competitiveness Index of 141 countries Sol.(b) India climbed one spot to 130 out
Sol.(d) According to the Economic for the year 2019 was 68. According to of 189 countries in the latest human
Survey of India 2020, in order to the World Competitiveness Yearbook development rankings released today by
promote preventive healthcare, One and (WCY), India maintained 43rd rank on the United Nations Development
half lakhs Ayushman Bharat - Health the annual World Competitiveness Programme (UNDP). India's HDI value
and Wellness Centres are proposed by Index. for 2017 is 0.640, which puts the country
2022. Ayushman Bharat PM-JAY was in the medium human development
launched on September 23rd, 2018. SUMMITS category.
Under this scheme health cover of Rs. 5 Q.320. The Global Business Summit, Q.323. What is India's rank among the
lakhs per family per year is to be launched on 15th January 2015, is a 180 countries on the ‘Environmental
provided. flagship initiative of the __________ Performance Index 2018’, according to
Group. the biennial report by Yale and
Q.317. As per the ‘World Population SSC CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning) Columbia Universities along with the
Prospects 2019 Report’, India's (a) Economist (b) Bhaskar World Economic Forum?
population is expected to exceed the (c) Times (d) Dutch CHSL 4 JULY 2019 (Morning)
population of China by the year: (a) 157 (b) 177
SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Evening) Sol.(c) The Global Business Summit (c) 147 (d) 167
(a) 2024 (b) 2025 launched on January 15, 2015, is a
(c) 2026 (d) 2027 flagship initiative of the Times Group. It Sol.(b) India ranks 177 out of 180 in
aims to provide solutions to key Environmental Performance Index. India
Sol.(d) As per the ‘World Population macroeconomic challenges being faced is among the bottom five countries on
Prospects 2019 Report’, India's in the current context and put forth a the Environmental Performance Index
2018, plummeting 36 points from 141 in Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

2016, according to a biennial report by delegation- level talk in Mamallapuram , Sol.(d) Theme of the 107th Indian
Yale and Columbia Universities along Tamilnadu in October 2019? Science Congress held in Bengaluru is
with the World Economic Forum. SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) “Reaching the Unreached through
(a) Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud Science and Technology”. It was held
Q.324. Which of the following countries (b) Shinzo Abe from 3 to 7 January at University of
will host the World Leaders Conference (c) Vladimir Putin Agricultural Sciences, GKVK Campus,
to Combat Anti Semitism in October (d) Xi Jinping Bangalore, Karnataka focusing on
2020? 'Science & Technology: Rural
SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning) Sol.(d) Prime Minister Narendra Modi Development'.
(a) Belgium (b) Norway and Chinese President Xi Jinping met for
(c) Denmark (d) Sweden the second informal summit after the Q.331. Where was the 107th edition of
first was held in Wuhan, China, in April the Indian Science Congress held?
Sol.(d) sweden was to host the world 2018. The meeting was not held in New CGL 7-03-2020 (Afternoon)
leaders conference to combat Anti Delhi, which has been the tradition, but (a) Bengaluru (b) Chennai
semitism in october 2020 in the memory in the coastal town of Mahabalipuram, (c) Lucknow (d) Dehradun
of holocast.but due to covid 19 it or Mamallapuram, almost 50 kilometers
happened virtually. south of Chennai. Sol.(a) 107th Indian Science Congress
was held in Bengaluru. The theme of the
Q.325. Which of the following Indian Q.328. What was India's position in the event was Science and Technology for
wrestler has been ranked no one in 86 kg Brand Finance Nation ranking in 2019? Rural Development. It was a 5 day
category in the rankings issued in CGL 3-3-2020 (Afternoon) meeting from 3-7 January.
September 2019 by the International (a) Seventh (b) Sixth
wresting federation? (c) Third (d) Fifth Q.332. What was the focal theme of the
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning) 107th Indian Science Congress held at
(a) Bajrang Punia (b) Rahul Aware Sol.(a) India has secured 7th position in Bengaluru inJanuary 2020?
(c) Ravi Dahiya (d) Deepak Punia the Brand Finance Nation Brand 2019 CHSL 18-03-2020 (Afternoon)
ranking. In 2018 India was at the 9th (a) Science and Technology: Rural
Sol.(d) World Championship silver position with the brand value of US$2.6 Development
medallist wrestler Deepak Punia has trillion. (b) Science and Technology: Urban
jumped to world number one position in Development
86kg but Bajrang Punia lost the top rank Q.329. Who chaired the sixth meeting of (c) Science and Technology: Water
in the 65kg category in the latest the Island Development Agency in New Resources Development
rankings issued by the international Delhi in January 2020? (d) Science and Technology: Renewable
federation (UWW). CGL 4/3/2020 (afternoon) Energy Development
(a) Narendra Modi
Q.326. In September 2019, ______ took (b) Amit Shah Sol.(a) The focal theme of the 107th
over the chairmanship of the Association (c) Nirmala Sitharaman Indian Science Congress held at
of World Election Bodies (A-WEB) for (d) Nitin Gadkari Bengaluru in January 2020 was “Science
the term 2019-21. Sol.(b) In 2020, Union Home Minister and Technology: Rural Development”.
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening) Amit Shah chaired the sixth meeting of Indian Science Congress Association is a
(a) Om Prakash Rawat the Island Development Agency (IDA) premier scientific organization of India
(b) Sushil Chandra in New Delhi. with headquarters at Kolkata, West
(c) Ashok Lavasa Bengal. The association started in 1914
(d) Sunil Arora Q.330. What was the theme of the 107th in Kolkata and it meets annually in the
Indian Science Congress held in first week of January.
Sol.(d) Sunil Arora (born 13 April 1956) Bengaluru?
is the current and 23rd Chief Election CGL 5/3/2020 (morning) Q.333. The 5th edition of ‘Indian
Commissioner of India. He is also the (a) Science and Technology for National International Science Festival (IISF)
chairman for Association of World Development 2019’ was held in which city?
Election Bodies(A-WEB)for the term (b) Reaching the Unreached through CHSL 20-10-2020 (Afternoon)
2019. Science and Technology (a) Kolkata (b) Delhi
(c) Future India : Science and (c) Chandigarh (d) Hyderabad
Q.327. With which of the following Technology
world leaders , PM Narender Modi held (d) Science and Technology: Rural Sol.(a) to celebrate the achievements of
a second informal summit and a Development India’s scientific and technological
advancements with students, innovators, Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

craftsmen, farmers, scientists and SSC CGL 18/08/21(Evening)

technocrats from India and abroad. Sol.(b) DefExpo-2020, a flagship (a) The Chief Justice of India
biennial event of the Ministry of (b) The President of India
Q.334. In which of the following cities Defence, Government of India, was held (c) The Speaker of the Lok Sabha
was the 4th edition of the India in Lucknow from 5th to 9th February, (d) The Prime Minister of India
International Cherry Blossom Festival 2020. DefExpo-2020 promises to bring
2019 organised in November 2019? new technologies, technological Sol.(d) The Prime Minister of India
SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Morning) solutions, where defence manufacturing became the co-chair of 17th
(a) Shillong (b) Dharamshala companies from India and abroad ASEAN-India Summit in November
(c) Darjeeling (d) Imphal showcase their products and services in 2020. The summit focused on measures
the defence arena, on a single platform. to recover from the economic turmoil
Sol.(a) The 4th edition of the India triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic and
International Cherry Blossom Festival Q.338. In the context of Convention on ways to further broad-base strategic ties.
2019 was organised in November 2019 Biological Diversities, the eleventh
in Shillong. The capital Shillong hosts meeting of the Conference of the Parties Q.341. India participated in the
the only Cherry Blossoms festival in was held in October 2012 at: Petersberg Climate Dialogue 2020
India. These beautiful flowers can be SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) hosted virtually by ______.
spotted across Meghalaya during (a) Kandy (b) Hyderabad SSC CGL 20/08/21(Afternoon)
November. (c) Dhaka (d) Shanghai (a) France (b) The US
(c) The UK (d) Germany
Q.335. The 5th International Film Sol.(b) In the context of Convention on
Festival with the theme ‘Comedy’ was Biological Diversities, the eleventh Sol.(d) The Petersberg Climate Dialogue
organised by the Culture and Tourism meeting of the Conference of the Parties series was launched in 2010. The 11th
Departments in collaboration with was held in Hyderabad between 8-19 Petersberg Climate Dialogue 2020 was
Prayas Production(Mumbai) in which October 2012 hosted virtually by Germany, bringing
city? together ministers from 30 countries to
SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Morning) Q.339. What was the theme for the 3rd discuss climate change. This was
(a) Khajuraho (b) Mumbai Global RE-INVEST Renewable Energy co-chaired by the UK as the next
(c) Gurugram (d) Puri Investors Meet & president of the next Climate Change
Expo 2020? Conference (COP26).
Sol.(a) The 5th International Film SSC CGL 17/08/21(Afternoon)
Festival with the theme ‘Comedy’ was (a) Innovations for Sustainable Energy Q.342. G20 Leaders’ Summit 2020 was
organised by the Culture and Tourism Transition held virtually on 20th and 21st
Departments in collaboration with (b) Research for Scientific Renewable November 2020 and was presided
Prayas Production(Mumbai) in Energy by______.
Khajuraho. (c) Investment for Sustainable Energy SSC CGL 23/08/21(Morning)
Q.336. In which city was the ‘11th Transmission (a) India (b) Iran
Nuclear Energy Conclave (NEC)-2019’ (d) Solar and Renewable Energy (c) Saudi Arabia (d) Pakistan
held? Innovations
SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Evening) Sol.(c) G20 Leaders’ Summit 2020,
(a) Bengaluru (b) Chennai Sol.(a) Innovations for Sustainable which held virtually, was presided over
(c) New Delhi (d) Pune Energy Transition was the theme for the by Saudi Arabia in Riyadh.
3rd Global RE-INVEST Renewable Humanitarian needs, access to basic
Sol.(c) The ‘11th Nuclear Energy Energy Investors Meet & Expo 2020. It services and livelihood, security, fight
Conclave (NEC)-2019’ organized by the was organised by the Ministry of New against terrorism, migration and human
India Energy Forum was held in New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), rights were topics of discussion in the
Delhi. Government of India, and will be held meeting.
from 26 – 28 November 2020 on a
Q.337. DefExpo-2020, a flagship virtual platform. The event will be Q.343. Which of the following Indian
biennial event of the Ministry of inaugurated by the Hon'ble Prime cities hosted the 13th Session of the
Defence, Government of India, Minister of India on 26 November 2020. Conference of Parties to the Convention
was held in ______ from 5th to 9th on the Conservation of Migratory
February, 2020. Q.340. Who among the following Species of Wild Animals (CMS COP
SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Morning) became the co-chair of 17th 13)?
(a) Prayagraj (b) Lucknow ASEAN-India Summit in November SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Morning)
(c) Kanpur (d) Noida 2020? (a) New Delhi (b) Wardha Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

(c) Noida (d) Gandhinagar Q.349. Which country was the host of
Sol.(a) The International Conference on the 15th G20 Leaders’ Summit 2020?
Sol.(d) The Thirteenth Meeting of the NanoScience and Nano Technology SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Afternoon)
Conference of the Parties to the (ICONSAT) was held in March 2020 in (a) Saudi Arabia (b) The US
Convention on the Conservation of Kolkata and the inauguration of the 6th (c) China (d) India
Migratory Species of Wild Animals International Conference on
(CMS COP13) concluded in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Sol..(a) The 15th G20 meeting was held
Gandhinagar, (ICONN) at SRM Institute of Science from 21-22 November 2020 virtually in
and Technology (SRMIST) Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. This event marks
Q.344. Which of the following countries Kattankulathur was held virtually on the first time that Saudi Arabia held the
has been chosen as the co-chair of the February 1, 2021. Presidency of the G20.
International Union for Conservation of
Nature (IUCN) - supported Asia Q.347. Which of the following Indian Q.350. With which country did India
Protected Areas Partnership (APAP) for cities hosted the International Summit on hold its 14th Defence Policy Dialogue
a period of three years till November Women in STEM (Science, Technology, via video conferencing in August 2020?
2023? Engineering and Mathematics) in SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Evening)
SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Morning) January 2020? (a) The US (b) Japan
(a) Japan (b) India SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Evening) (c) Singapore (d) China
(c) Switzerland (d) Nepal (a) Hyderabad (b) Pune
(c) New Delhi (d) Lucknow Sol.(c) The 14th India-Singapore
Sol.(b) India has been chosen as the Defence Policy Dialogue (DPD) was
co-chair of the International Union for Sol.(c) The Department of held via video conferencing. It was
Conservation of Nature (IUCN) - Biotechnology (Ministry of Science & co-chaired by Defence Secretary Dr
supported Asia Protected Areas Technology) organized an International Ajay Kumar and Permanent Secretary
Partnership (APAP) for a period of three Summit on Women in STEM (Science, (Defence), Singapore Mr Chan Heng
years till November 2023. IUCN is the Technology, Engineering, and Kee.
global authority on the status of the Mathematics) in New Delhi in January
natural world and the measures needed 2020. The objective of the summit was
to safeguard it. to showcase successful women in the
field of STEM as real-world examples of
Q.351. In India , 24th January is
Q.345. Which country hosted the women scientists, doctors, and engineers
observed as which one of the following
Shanghai Cooperation Organisation as well as the rewards associated with it.
(SCO) Ministers meeting in October SSC-CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning)
2020? Q.348. What was the theme of the World
(a) National Farmers Day
SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Evening) Sustainable Development Summit 2021?
(b) National Girl Child Day
(a) India (b) China SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Afternoon)
(c) National Agriculture Day
(c) Japan (d) Pakistan (a) Partnerships for a Resilient Planet
(d) National Day of Elderly
(b) Towards 2030 Goals: Making the
Sol.(a) India hosted the Shanghai Decade Count
Sol.(b) National Girl Child day was
Cooperation Organisation (SCO) (c) Attaining the 2030 Agenda:
started in 2008 by The Ministry of
Ministers meeting in October 2020. The Delivering on our Promise
Women and Child to bring public
Shanghai Cooperation Organization (d) Redefining Our Common Future:
attention on issues like lack of proper
(SCO) is an intergovernmental Safe and Secure Environment For All
education among the girl child, lack of
organization founded in Shanghai on 15 nutrition, medical care and numerous
June 2001. The SCO currently comprises Sol.(d) World Sustainable Development
such factors.
eight Member States (China, India, Summit 2021 was held under the theme
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, “Redefining our common future: Safe &
Q.352. ‘World Water Day’ is annually
Pakistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan). Secure Environment for All”. It was
celebrated on ________
earlier known as Delhi Sustainable
SSC-CGL 11/06/ 2019 (Evening)
Q.346. The International Conference on Development Summit. It aims to bring
(a) 22 March/ 22 माच
Nano Science and Nano Technology together global leaders and thinkers in
(b) 2 June / 2 जून
(ICONSAT) was held in March 2020 at: the fields of sustainable development,
(c) 13 August / 13 अग
SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Evening) energy and environment sectors on a
(d) 15 January/ 15 जनवरी
(a) Kolkata (b) Kozhikode common platform.
(c) Leh (d) Shimla Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

Sol.(a) World Water Day, held on 22 how sustainably managed forests of this celebration was to spread
March every year since 1993, focuses on provide a wide array of contributions. awareness about the importance of good
the importance of freshwater. World CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning) Menstrual Hygiene management.
Water Day celebrates water and raises (a) Pollution-free Forests
awareness of the 2.2 billion people (b) Forests and Education Q.360. World Metrology Day' was
living without access to safe water. (c) Forests and Environment celebrated in India on _______ in 2019.
(d) Forests our Saviour SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon)
Q.353. ____ has been established as the (a) 18th April (b) 25th January
annual ‘International Day of Happiness’. (c) 20th May (d) 17th February
CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning) Sol.(b) The United Nations General
(a) 20th March (b) 31st March Assembly proclaimed 21 March the Sol.(c) World Metrology Day is an event
(c) 15th January (d) 23rd February International Day of Forests (IDF) in occurring on 20 May celebrating the
2012. The Day celebrates and raises International System of Units. The date
Sol.(a) March 20 has been established as awareness of the importance of all is the anniversary of the signing of the
the annual International Day of types of forests. The theme for 2019 is Metre Convention in 1875. Metrology is
Happiness and all 193 United Nations Forests and Education. the study of measurement.
member states have adopted a resolution
calling for happiness to be given greater Q.361. India celebrates Army Day
Q.357. Which day has been proclaimed
priority. on____to salute the valiant soldiers who
as The International Day for Biological
sacrificed their lives to protect the
Diversity (IDB) to increase
Q.354. The ‘World Blood Donor Day’ country.
understanding and awareness of
was celebrated around the world on SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning)
biodiversity issues by The United
__________ 2019 with the theme ‘Safe (a) February 15 (b) March 10
Blood For All’. (c) January 15 (d) August 17
SSC-CHSL 3/07/2019 (Evening)
SSC-CHSL 2/07/2019 (Evening)
(a) 18 October (b) 10 November
(a) 16th March (b) 29th April Sol.(c) On 15 January 2018, India
(c) 24 April (d) 22 May
(c) 14th June (d) 25th May celebrated its 70th Indian Army Day in
New Delhi. Army Day marks a day to
Sol.(d) International Day for Biological
Sol.(c) The ‘World Blood Donor Day’ salute the valiant soldiers who sacrificed
Diversity (IDB) was observed on 22
was celebrated around the world on 14th their lives to protect the country and its
May 2019. The day is celebrated every
june 2019. The theme for Blood Donor citizens. In 1942, K M Cariappa became
year to increase understanding and
Day 2019 is "Blood donation and the first Indian Army Officer who was
awareness about biodiversity issues.
universal access to safe blood passed on to command a unit.
transfusion" to achieve universal health
Q.358. When is 'International Dance
coverage. The slogan for the campaign is Q.362. India celebrates National
Day' celebrated by the International
"Safe blood for all" to raise awareness Engineer’s Day on September 15, which
Theatre Institute (ITI), the main partner
about the universal need for safe blood is the birth anniversary of:
for performing arts of UNESCO?
in the delivery of healthcare. SSC CPO 16/03/19 (Evening)
SSC CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon)
(a) Veeru Shahastrabuddhi
(a) 7th June (b) 29th April
Q.355. In April 2018, the United Nations (b) Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya
(c) 23rd March (d) 8th May
General Assembly declared 3rd June as (c) E. Sreedharan
__________. (d) Shiva Ayyadurai
Sol.(b) On 29th April International
SSC-CHSL 3/07/2019 (Morning)
Dance Day is celebrated by the
(a) World Water Transport Day Sol.(b) Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya,
International Theatre Institute (ITI), the
(b) World Automobile Day popularly called 'Sir MV' was one of
main partner for performing arts of
(c) World Motorcycle Day India's finest engineers. The birth
(d) World Bicycle Day anniversary of M Visvesvaraya, on
September 15, is celebrated as
Q.359. When was Menstrual Hygiene
Sol.(d) In April 2018, the United Nations Engineer's Day in India every year.
Day observed globally in the year 2019?
General Assembly declared June 3 as
SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon)
International World Bicycle Day. Q.363. Every Year Around The World,
(a) 28th May (b) 10th March
International Girl's Day Is Celebrated On
(c) 12th April (d) 12th June
Q.356. International Day of Forests __________.
2019 was observed on 21st March with SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Evening)
Sol.(a) Menstrual Hygiene Day observed
the theme ___ to raise awareness on (a) 11 October (b) 15 March
on 28th may globally.The main purpose
(c) 19 December (d) 25 January Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

(a) Jawaharlal Nehru

Sol.(a) Every year on 11 October, the Sol.(c) National Youth Day or Yuva (b) Rajendra Prasad
International Day of the Girl, UNICEF Diwas is observed on 12 January across (c) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
launches an annual campaign with girls India. The day is celebrated every year (d) Indira Gandhi
to amplify their voices and stand up for to commemorate the birth anniversary of
their rights. Swami Vivekananda. It aims to create Sol.(c) The birth anniversary of Sardar
awareness and to provide knowledge to Vallabhbhai Patel was observed as
Q.364. The National Girl Child Day Is the youth about the rights in India. ‘Rashtriya Ekta Divas (National Unity
Celebrated In India Every Year On- Day) on 31st October 2020. It was
SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Evening) Q.368. What was the theme of the introduced in 2014 by the government of
(a) 24 January (b) 9 February International Yoga Day 2019? India. Sardar Patel was an Indian
(c) 24 March (d) 21 May SSC CHSL 19-3-2020 (Afternoon) Politician from Gujrat and served as the
(a) Yoga for Health First Deputy Prime Minister and first
Sol.(a) National Girl Child Day (NGCD) (b) Yoga for Peace home minister of India from 1947 to
is celebrated in India on January 24th (c) Connect the Youth 1950. He played a leading role in the
with an aim to raise awareness about (d) Yoga for Climate Action country’s struggle for independence.
Child Sex Ratio (CSR) levels and
promote the empowerment of girls. Sol.(d) International Yoga day is Q.372. On which of the following dates
celebrated on 21 June and the theme of has the Government of India decided to
Q.365. World Aids Day is celebrated on the International Yoga Day 2019 was commemorate the birth anniversary of
which day ? ‘Climate Action’. Subash Chandra Bose as ‘Parakram
SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Afternoon) Diwas’?
(a) 8 March (b) 1 December Q.369. What was the theme of SSC CGL 24/08/21(Evening)
(c) 5 June (d) 1 November International Nurses Day in 2020? (a) 7 June (b) 5 May
SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Evening) (c) 12 March (d) 23 January
Sol.(b) World AIDS Day, designated on (a) Health for All
1 December every year since 1988, is an (b) Achieving the Sustainable Sol.(d) On 23 January, the Government
international day dedicated to raising Development Goals of India has decided to commemorate
awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused (c) Nursing the World to Health the birth anniversary of Subash Chandra
by the spread of HIV infection and (d) Health is a Human Right Bose as ‘Parakram Diwas’.
mourning those who have died of the
disease. Sol.(c) The theme of International MISCELLANEOUS
Nurses Day ( May 12) 2020 was
Q.366. ‘World Ozone Day’ is celebrated ‘Nursing the World to Health’. Q.373. When was the first match of ICC
every year on _________ September. Cricket World Cup 2019 played?
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning) Q.370. World Leprosy Day 2021 was SSC-CHSL 1 JULY 2019 (Evening)
(a) 8 (b) 16 celebrated in India on ______ January (a) 2 June 2019 (b) 30 May 2019
(c) 12 (d) 6 2021. (c) 1 June 2019 (d) 31 May 2019
SSC CGL 18/08/21(Afternoon)
Sol.(b) World ozone day is celebrated on (a) 22 (b) 25 (c) 31 (d) 30 Sol.(b) The first match of ICC World
16 september every year. The main Cup 2019 was played on May 30 2019.
motive of this day is to spread awareness Sol.(d) World Leprosy Day 2021 was
about the depletion of the ozone layer celebrated in India on 30 January 2021. Q.374. Which of the following political
and search for a solution to preserve it. 8 Every year the last Sunday of January is parties was NOT an ally of the BJP-led
september is celebrated as International observed as world leprosy day to NDA in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections?
Literacy Day. increase public awareness of leprosy or CHSL 2 JULY 2019 (Morning)
Hansen's disease. Leprosy is an infection (a) Shiromani Akali Dal
Q.367. The 23rd National Youth Festival caused by slow-growing bacteria called (b) Asom Gana Parishad
(NYF) 2020 was celebrated in Lucknow Mycobacterium Leprae. It can affect the (c) AIADMK
to commemorate the birth anniversary of nerves, eyes, skin, and lining of the nose. (d) DMK
CGL 5/3/2020 (morning) Q.371. The birth anniversary of ______ Sol.(d) DMK was not an ally of BJP led
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru was observed as ‘Rashtriya Ekta Diwas’ NDA in 2019 Lok Sabha Elections.
(b) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (National Unity Day) on 31st October
(c) Swami Vivekananda 2020.
(d) Mahatma Gandhi SSC CGL 24/08/21(Afternoon) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

Q.375. In May 2019, the Government of Unified Payment Interface is an and Union Territory of India are
India approved a new scheme which initiative by National Payments participating in this programme.
assures minimum monthly pension to all Corporation of India's (NPCI), set up
shopkeepers, retail traders and self with the support of the Reserve Bank of Q.382. In May 2019, which of the
employed persons after attaining the age India and Indian Banks Association following companies announced that it
of 60 years. How much is the pension (IBA). would stop selling its smartphones in
amount? India?
CHSL 2 JULY 2019 (Morning) Q.379. In Lok Sabha 2019 Elections, SSC-CHSL 2/07/2019 (Evening)
(a) Rs. 5,000 (b) Rs. 10,000 Congress won ______ seats out of the 13 (a) Samsung (b) Apple
(c) Rs. 3,000 (d) Rs. 7,000 Lok Sabha seats of Punjab. (c) Sony (d) OnePlus/
(a) 8 (b) 6
Sol.(c) Under this scheme all (c) 10 (d) 5 Sol.(c) In May 2019, Sony announced
shopkeepers, retail traders and that it would stop selling its smartphones
self-employed persons are assured a Sol.(a) Out of the total 13 seats in the in India. Sony had less than 0.01 percent
minimum monthly pension of Rs. state, Congress romped home to an of the total Indian smartphone market
3,000/- month after attaining the age of impressive victory on eight seats, share in the first quarter of 2019,
60 years. surprising both the SAD-BJP combine according to Counterpoint Research.
and the Aam Aadmi Party and
Q.376. Which of the following banks improving its tally from three in 2014. It Q.383. In the new 2019 Narendra Modi
was authorised to issue Electoral Bonds? had won Gurdaspur in a bypoll in 2017. Cabinet, which portfolio is assigned to
CHSL 2 JULY 2019 (Afternoon) Smriti Irani?
(a) State Bank of India Q.380. ‘Financial Literacy Week 2019’ SSC-CHSL 3/07/2019 (Morning)
(b) HDFC Bank is an initiative by which bank to promote (a) Ministry of Human Resource
(c) ICICI Bank awareness on key topics every year Development
(d) Corporation Bank through a focused campaign? (b) Ministry of External Affairs
SSC-CHSL 2/7/2019 (Evening) (c) Ministry of Women and Child
Sol.(a) State Bank of India had been (a) State Bank of India Development
authorised to sell and encash electoral (b) ICICI Bank (d) Ministry of Law and Justice
bonds, the 13th such sale since the (c) Reserve Bank of India
scheme started in 2018, from January 13 (d) Indian Bank Sol.(c) On 31 May 2019, the government
till January 22. released the portfolio allocations for the
Sol.(c) The Financial Literacy Week is ministers. She retained her post as the
Q.377. The 72nd Annual Cannes Film an initiative by RBI to promote Minister of Textiles. She was also given
Festival 2019 was held in: awareness on key topics every year an additional charge of becoming the
SSC-CHSL 2/07/2019 (Afternoon) through a focused campaign. Financial Minister of Women and Child
(a) United Kingdom (b) Italy Literacy Week 2019 will be observed development succeeding Maneka
(c) Russia (d) France from June 3-7 on the theme of Gandhi.
“Farmers” and how they benefit by
Sol.(d) The 72nd annual Cannes Film being a part of the formal banking Q.384. In January 2019, which panel
Festival was held in Cannes, France system. was set up by RBI to suggest measures
from 14 to 25 May 2019. to strengthen the safety of the digital
Q.381. What is the name of the Young payments ecosystem in India?
Q.378. In December 2016, the National Scientist Programme inaugurated by the SSC-CHSL 3/07/2019 (Morning)
Payments Corporation of India Chairman of ISRO in May 2019? (a) Sudha Murthy Panel
developed a mobile payment app named CHSL 2/07/2019 (Evening) (b) Raghuram Rajan Panel
as __________. (a) Yuva-2019 (c) Nandan Nilekani Panel
SSC-CHSL 2/07/2019 (Afternoon) (b) Young India-2019 (d) Urjit Patel Panel
(a) NAKUL (b) GANDIV (c) Youth-2019
(c) JANAK (d) BHIM (d) Yuvika-2019 Sol.(c) The Reserve Bank of India
Tuesday constituted a high-level
Sol.(d) In December 2016, the National Sol.(d) Dr K Sivan, Chairman, ISRO committee under Aadhaar architect
Payments Corporation of India inaugurated the Young Scientist Nandan Nilekani to suggest measures to
developed a mobile payment app named Programme (Yuvika-2019) through strengthen the safety and security of
as BHIM. BHIM is a payment app that video mode from ISRO Headquarters, digital payments in the country.
makes easy and quick transactions using Bengaluru on May 13, 2019. A total of
Unified Payments Interface (UPI). 110 students representing every State Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

Q.385. Reliance infrastructure has (d) Deendar Anjuman polymers, adhesives and electro minerals
bagged a Rs. 648 crore contract from the in India.
Airport Authority of India to build a new Sol.(a) The Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen
Airport at which of the following Bangladesh, also called Q.392. Which one of the cyclones hit
locations of Gujarat? Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen India or India in the month of May 2019?
SSC-CHSL 3/07/2019 (Morning) Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Hindustan, has SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening)
(a) Ambaji (b) Versaval been declared as a banned terrorist (a) Cyclone Gaja
(c) Hirasar (d) Keshod organisation by the government. (b) Cyclone Nargis
(c) Cyclone Hudhud
Sol.(c) Reliance Infrastructure Tuesday Q.389. Where was the second Shanghai (d) Cyclone Fani
said the company has bagged a Rs 648 Cooperation Organization Mass Media
crore contract from the Airport Forum held from 23-26 May 2019? Sol.(d) Cyclone Fani was formed in the
Authority of India to build a new airport SSC-CHSL 4/07/2019 (Morning) first week of May 2019 and impacted the
at Hirasar, in Rajkot district of Gujarat. (a) Beijing (b) Kyrgyzstan state of Odisha. Cyclone Nargis- it was
(c) India (d) Uzbekistan formed in 2008 and it was very
Q.386. Which of the following destructive and a deadly tropical cyclone
companies has become India’s most Sol.(b) The Second Shanghai . It made landfall in Myanmar.
profitable public sector company in the Cooperation Organization (SCO) Mass Cyclone Gaja-it was formed in 2018 in
fiscal year 2018-19? Media Forum is being held at Bishkek, Bay of Bengal.
SSC-CHSL 3/07/2019 (Afternoon) Kyrgyzstan. Cyclone Hudhud-it was formed in
(a) Bharat Petroleum october 2014 in Bay of Bengal.
(b) Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Q.390. Who among the following was
(c) NTPC Limited elected and sworn in as the 6th President Q.393. Adults with an annual income
(d) Indian Oil Corporation of Ukraine in April-May 2019? between ____ can avail of a housing
SSC-CHSL 4/07/2019 (Morning) loan under the Pradhan Mantri Awas
Sol.(b) Oil and Natural Gas Corp (a) Stepen Kubiv Yojana.
(ONGC), India's top oil and gas (b) Oleksandr Turchynov SSC-CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
producer, has toppled Indian Oil Corp (c) Volodymyr Zelensky (a) 6 and 21 lakhs
(IOC) to regain the crown of being the (d) Petro Poroshenko (b) 6 and 18 lakhs
country's most profitable public sector (c) 6 and 15 lakhs
company. Oil and Natural Gas Corp Sol.(c) As a result of the election, (d) 6 and 25 lakhs
(ONGC) reported a 34% jump in its Volodymyr Zelensky, a former actor and
2018- 19 fiscal net profit to Rs.26,716 comedian with no prior political Sol.(b) Anyone earning between Rs 6
crore. experience has become the sixth lakh and Rs 18 lakh per annum can avail
President of Ukraine, scoring a record the benefits of subsidized loans provided
Q.387. Who was recently elected as the 73.22% of the popular vote in the run-off other conditions are met.
President of Indonesia for the second against the incumbent Petro Poroshenko.
term? Q.394. ____is the first greenfield airport
SSC-CHSL 4/07/2019 (Evening) Q.391. Which one of the following to be constructed in the northeastern
(a) Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono/ business groups is associated to region of India.
(b) Megawati Sukarnoputri Carborundum Universal Limited SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening)
(c) Abdurrahman Wahid (CUMI), one of the largest abrasive (a) Lengpui
(d) joko Widodo manufacturing companies in India? (b) Pakyong
SSC CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon) (c) Bagdogra International
Sol.(d) Indonesia's Joko Widodo has (a) Kirloskar Group (d) Paro
been re-elected as president of the (b) Birla Group
country, beating rival Prabowo Subianto, (c) Adani Group Sol.(b) Pakyong Airport is a greenfield
a retired general. (d) Murugappa Group airport near Gangtok, the state capital of
Sikkim, India. The airport, spread over
Q.388. In May 2019, which of the Sol.(d) Carborundum Universal Ltd 400 ha, is located at Pakyong town about
following organizations were banned by (CUMI), a part of Murugappa Group, is 35km south of Gangtok. At 4500 ft,
the Government of India? one of the largest and oldest Pakyong Airport is one of the five
CHSL 4 JULY 2019 (Morning) conglomerates in India. CUMI is the highest airports in India.
(a) Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh leading manufacturer and developer of
(b) Harkat-ul-Mujahideen abrasives, ceramics, refractories, Q.395. According to the new travel
(c) Al Badr aluminium oxide grains, machine tools, norms set by The Union Home Ministry, Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

Indians aged____can travel to Nepal and attention on fuel conservation through Q.400. ____is the first institute in the
Bhutan by producing Aadhaar as people centric activities and sensitizing country to launch a full-fledged
Identity proof. masses about conservation and efficient bachelor’s programme in Artificial
SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening) use of petroleum products leading to Intelligence(AI) technology.
(a)under 15 and over 65 years better health and environment. SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning)
(b)under 10 and over 60 years (a) IIT Hyderabad (b) IIT Kanpur
(c)under 25 and over 55 years Q.398. Pune-based organisation____ (c) IIT Delhi (d) IIT Bombay/
(d)under 12 and over 55 years conducted a study using a 15% M-15
methanol blend in vehicles and tested Sol.(a) IIT Hyderabad is the first
Sol.(a) According to the latest reports, them for 3,000 km to evaluate emissions institute in the country to launch a
Indians under 15 and over 65 years of in real-world conditions as well as to full-fledged bachelor’s programme in
age, travelling to Nepal and Bhutan can check the performance of the vehicles. Artificial Intelligence(AI) technology.
now use their Aadhaar cards as a valid SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Morning) The objective of the department:
travel document. The information has (a) Automotive research Association of 1. The mission of the Department of
been relayed by the Home Ministry. India (ARAI) Artificial Intelligence, IIT Hyderabad, is
(b) Research Association of India (RAI) to produce students with a sound
Q.396. _____ one-hour slot on (c) Automotive Organisation (AO) understanding of the fundamentals of
Doordarshan National channel, is an (d) Vehicle Organisation of India (VOI) theory and practice of artificial
initiative by the Department of Science intelligence and machine learning.
and Technology along with Sol.(a) Automotive Research 2. It also aims to enable students to
Doordarshan, Prasar Bharti. Association of India (ARAI) is a become leaders in the industry and
SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening) co-operative industrial research academia nationally and internationally
(a) National Science association of the automotive industry and meet the pressing demands of the
(b) Science Live with the Ministry of Industries, nation in the areas of AI and machine
(c) Indian Science Government Of India. The objectives of learning.
(d) DD Science the Association are Research and
Development in automotive engineering Q.401. The last Maha Kumbh was held
Sol.(d) DD Science is a one-hour for industry, product design and in Prayag in_______.
programme slot on Doordarshan development, evaluation of automotive SSC CPO 15/03/19 (Morning)
National Channel, which is telecast from equipment and ancillaries, (a)2011 (b)2014
5 pm to 6 pm, Monday to Saturday. It is standardisation, technical information (c)2015 (d)2013
an initiative of the Department of services, execution of advanced courses
Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of on the application of modern technology Sol.(d) The last Maha Kumbh was held
India, implemented and managed by and conduct of specific tests. in Prayag in 2013. The Prayag Kumbh
Vigyan Prasar (VP) in collaboration with Mela is a mela held every 12 years at
Doordarshan, Prasar Bharati, DD Q.399. The Supreme Court has issued a Allahabad (officially known as
Science programmes can be accessed on notice to the Central Government Prayagraj), India. The exact date is
any DTH platform. on____questioning the centre’s determined according to Hindu
notification authorising10 central astrology: the Mela is held when Jupiter
Q.397. Sanrakshan Kshmata Mahotsav agencies to intercept, monitor and is in Taurus and the sun and the moon
(SAKSHAM) falls under the aegis of the decrypt any computer system. are in Capricorn. The fair involves ritual
___________ Government of India. SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning) bathing at Triveni Sangam, the meeting
SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Evening) (a)IPL (b)LPI points of three rivers: the Ganga, the
(a) Ministry of Finance (c)PIL (d)LIP Yamuna and the mythical Sarasvati.
(b) Ministry of External Affairs
(c) Ministry of Chemical and Fertilizers Sol.(c) The Supreme Court has issued a Q.402. ______from Bihar is a GI tagged
(d) Ministry of Petroleum and Natural notice to the Central Government on PIL food item.
Gas questioning the centre’s notification SSC CPO 15/03/19 (Morning)
authorising10 central agencies to (a) Moa (b) Petha
Sol.(d) SAKSHAM is a significant intercept, monitor and decrypt any (c) Silao Khaja (d) Sita Bhog
annual event which is organized jointly computer system.
by the Petroleum Conservation Research The PIL challenging the government's Sol.(c) Geographical Indications
Association (PCRA) and the oil industry December 20 notification came up Registry at Chennai has granted GI tag
under the aegis of the Ministry of before a bench headed by Chief Justice to Silao Khaja, the traditional delicacy of
Petroleum & Natural Gas, Govt. Ranjan Gogoi. Nalanda district of Bihar. A
SAKSHAM aims at creating focused geographical indication (GI) is a sign Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

used on products that have a specific Baroda next month. Banking operations Q.409. In May 2019, Pakistan
geographical origin and possess qualities and accounts held by these two banks successfully test-fired a
or a reputation that are due to that origin. will be transferred to Bank of Baroda surface-to-surface ballistic missile
In order to function as a GI, a sign must post merger. This would lead to some named
identify a product as originating in a changes for the customers of Dena Bank ________.
given place. and Vijaya Bank SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening)
(a) Salaam III (b) Musafir II
Q.403. According To The Study Q.406. In March 2019, the Reserve Bank (c) Watan I (d) Shaheen II
Conducted By Dr. Anoop Misra, of India bought how many USD billions
Chairman Fortis Seat Dock And His through a long-term forex swap auction Sol.(d) In May 2019, Pakistan
Team, Not Only Obese But Slim People in a bid to ease liquidity ahead of successfully test-fired a surface -to-
Can Also Be Victims Of ______ elections? surface ballistic missile named Shaheen
SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Evening) SSC CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon) II.
(A) Type 1 Diabetes (a) USD 5 billion (b) USD 1 billion
(B) Type 2 Diabetes (c) USD 4 billion (d) USD 2 billion Q.410. In 2019, radar imaging satellite
(C) Arthritis RISAT-2B was launched successfully by
(D) Thyroid/ Sol.(a) In March 2019, the Reserve Bank the Sathish Dhawan Space Centre
of India bought USD 5 billions through located in ____.
Sol.(b) According To The Study a long-term forex swap auction in a bid SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening)
Conducted By Dr. Anoop Misra, to ease liquidity ahead of elections. (a) Balasore (b) Mumbai
Chairman Fortis Seat Dock And His (c) Sriharikota (d) Thiruv
Team, Not Only Obese But Slim People Q.407. A company that has been
Can Also Be Victims Of Type 2 founded after 2003 and that has a current Sol.(c) In 2019, radar imaging satellite
diabetes. valuation of more than RISAT-2B was launched successfully by
1 billion USD is referred to as in the the Sathish Dhawan Space Centre
Q.404. ____ is a global analytical industry by which term? located in Sriharikota.
company that provides ratings and SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning)
research as well as risk and policy (a) Unicorn Startup Company Q.411. Which of the following vehicles
advisory services. (b) Blue Moon Startup Company launched the RISAT-2B satellite in May
SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) (c) Stratosphere Startup Company 2019 from Satish Dhawan Space Centre?
(a)ICSID (b)CRISIL (d) 5th Gear Startup Company SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (Evening)
(c)OPEC (d)IFC (a) PSLV- C41 (b) PSLV-C26
Sol.(a) “Unicorn” is a term that (c) PSLV-C46 (d) PSLV-C42
Sol.(b) CRISIL Ltd is a global analytical describes a privately-owned startup with
company providing ratings research and a valuation of over $1 billion. The term Sol.(c) PSLV-C46 vehicles launched the
risk and policy advisory services. was introduced by venture capital RISAT-2B satellite in May 2019 from
CRISIL is majority owned by S&P investor, Aileen Lee, in 2013 to describe Satish Dhawan Space Centre.
Global Inc. a leading provider of rare tech startups that were valued at
transparent and independent ratings, more than $1 billion. Q.412. Which one of the following is the
benchmarks , analytics and data to the joint Army exercises between France
capital and commodity markets Q.408. Which of the following Indian and India?
worldwide. companies has been recognised as one of SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning)
the World's most Ethical Companies by (a) Shakti (b) Garuda Shakti
Q.405. The merger of ______ the Ethisphere Institute in February (c) Khanjar (d) Sampriti
and_____with Bank of Baroda will 2019?
make it the third largest bank in India. SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon) Sol.(a) Shakti is the joint Army
SSC CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) (a) Jindal Steel exercises between France and India.
(a) Allahabad Bank, Dena Bank (b) Tata Steel
(b) Dena Bank, Punjab National Bank (c) Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. Q.413. _______ is Google's new app
(c) Punjab National Bank, Vijaya Bank (d) Tata Chemicals aimed at helping children in primary
(d) Dena Bank, Vijaya Bank school learn to read in
Sol.(b) Tata Steel has been recognised Hindi and English.
Sol.(d) Two major state-run banks will as one of the World's most Ethical CHSL 10 JULY 2019 (Morning)
stop operations from April 1. These two Companies by the Ethisphere Institute in (a) Padho (b) Khelo
banks are Dena Bank and Vijaya Bank, February 2019. (c) Seekho (d) Bolo
and they will be merged with Bank of Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

Sol.(d) Google Launched a new app Q.418. Which Indian scientist has been Q.422. Researchers from the UK and
'Bolo' that aims to help children in chosen for the first Sheikh Saud India have developed a hand-washing
primary school learn to read in Hindi International Prize for Materials robot, who has been named:
and English. This app was launched in Research by the Centre for Advanced SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening)
India first. Materials of the UAE? (a) Gope (b) Hepe
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening) (c) Hope (d) Pepe
Q.414. Ram Nath Kovind is the ____ (a) Ashoke Sen
President of India. (b) CNR Rao Sol.(d) A hand washing robot named
CHSL 10 JULY 2019 (Morning) (c) Jayant Narlikar ‘pepe’ has been developed by a team of
(a) 13th (b) 16th (d) Raghunath Anant Mashelkar researchers from India and the UK .
(c) 14th (d) 15th
Sol.(b) Eminent scientist and recipient of Q.423. At which of the following sites
Sol.(c) Ram Nath Kovind is the 14th and Bharat Ratna C N R Rao has been have archaeologists recovered the burial
current President of India. He belongs to chosen for the first Sheikh Saud of five wild dogs and antler's horn?
Kanpur,UP. International Prize for Materials SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening)
Research by the Centre for Advanced (a) Utnur (b) Gufkral
Q.415. A nuclear-powered Arctic Materials of the United Arab Emirates. (c) Burzahom (d) Kupgal
icebreaker recently launched by Russia
has been named: Q.419. In October 2019, who was Sol.(c) The excavation carried out by the
CHSL 10 JULY 2019 (Morning) appointed as the Executive Director for Yale- Cambridge and found ashes, pots,
(a) Elbrus (b) Volga India on the board of the IMF? pottery wheels, wild dogs and antler’s
(c) Ural (d) Lenin SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning) horn. They concluded the excavation
(a) Amarjeet Sinha that Burzahom had revealed the four
Sol.(c) It is the world’s largest nuclear (b) Surjit S Bhalla phases of cultural significance from
powered icebreaker. The ship, named as (c) Subir Gokarn 3000 BC to 1000 BC.Burzahom
‘Ural’ was floated out from a dockyard (d) Asha Ram Sihag archeological site is located in Kashmir
at Baltic Shipyard in St Petersburg. Sol.(b) Surjit singh bhalla was appointed valley.
as the Executive Director of India on the
Q.416. Which of the following cities has board of International Monetary Fund Q.424. With a view to have an animal
recently included Hindi as third official (IMF). He succeeded the former RBI protection world over, several countries
court language? Deputy governor Subir Gokarn. have been brought under the cover of
CHSL 10 JULY 2019 (Afternoon) CITIES with effect from 26th august,
(a) Ajman (b) Abu Dhabi 2019. What does E stand for in the
Q.420. Which among the following
(c) Sharjah (d) Dubai acronym?
political parties was a part of NDA
during the 2019 general elections? SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning)
Sol.(b) The Abu Dhabi Judicial SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening) (a) Endangered
Department (ADJD) has decided to (a) AITC (b) LJP (b) Evolutionary
include Hindi as the third official (c) DMK (d) RJD (c) Eco-friendly
language used in its courts, alongside (d) Environmental
Arabic and English, as part of a move Sol.(b) Lok Janshakti Party(LJP) shared
designed to improve access to justice. seats with BJP to form the NDA Sol.(a) CITES (the Convention on
government in 2019 elections.. It was led International Trade in Endangered
Q.417. Who is the first woman President by Ram Vilas Paswan. Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, also
of Slovakia ? known as the Washington Convention) is
SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q.421. As per Union Budget 2019-20, a multilateral treaty to protect
(a) Zuzana Caputova Indian economy is globally the _______ endangered plants and animals.It is
(b)Valentina Tereshkova largest in Purchasing Power Parity(PPP) effective from 1 July 1975 and located in
(c) Betty Miller terms Washington, D.C. The treaty was signed
(d) Jerry Mock SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning) 3 March 1973.
(a) Fifth (b) Second
Sol.(a) Zuzana Caputova is the first (c) Third (d) Fourth Q.425. Who among the following
woman president of Slovakia. She is also invented a device called PM 2.5 which
the youngest president of Slovakia. She Sol.(c) As per Union Budget 2019-20, when fitted near the silencer pipe in
became president at the age of 45. Indian economy is the Third largest in vehicles will curb air pollution?
Purchasing Power Parity. SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning)
(a) Debayan Saha Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

(b) Deepak Gupta participated in the annual bilateral naval Sol.(a) In 2019, Kartarpur corridor
(c) Nikesh Arora exercise between India and linking Gurudwara Sahib(founder: Guru
(d) Asha Sharma ________. Nanak Dev) in Pakistan to Dera Baba
SSC CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening) Nanak shrine in Punjab was inaugurated
Sol.(a) Debayan Saha invented a device (a) Japan (b) US by PM Narendra Modi.
called PM 2.5 which when fitted near the (c) Russia (d) Singapore
silencer pipe in vehicles will curb air Q.433. Name the media company that
pollution.Debayan Saha, a mechanical Sol.(d) As a part of SIMBEX-2019, held purchased the legendary studio of 21st
engineering graduate from IIT from 16 to 22 May 2019, Indian naval Century Fox?
Kharagpur. ships INS Kolkata and INS Shakti SSC-CGL 3-3-2020 (morning)
participated in the annual bilateral naval (a) Disney (b) Viacom
Q.426. As per the projection of Union exercise between India and Singapore. (c) Time Warner (d) Sony
Budget 2019-20 , Indian economy is set
to become a _____ trillion dollar Q.430. Who among the following was Sol.(a) In 2019, the acquisition of 21st
economy in the year 2019-20. elected the President of South Africa in century fox by Disney took place for $
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) May 2019? 71.3 billion.
(a) Two (b) Four SSC CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening)
(c) Five (d) Three (a) Thabo Mbeki Q.434. Who among the following played
(b) Jacob Zuma the leading lady in the film 'Mission
Sol.(d) Indian economy to become a 3 (c) Cyril Ramaphosa Mangal" that tells the dramatic true story
trillion dollar economy in 2019-20. (d) F W de Klerk of the women behind India's first
mission to Mars?
Q.427. As per the estimates of Union Sol.(c) The ANC is led by Cyril SSC-CGL 3-3-2020 (morning)
Budget 2019-20, how much investment Ramaphosa, who was elected to a (a) Kareena Kapoor
is needed in railway infrastructure five-year term as President of the (b) Kajol
during 2018-2030? African National Congress, beating his (c) Vidya Balan
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) rival, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, by a (d) Deepika Padukone
(a) rs 60 lakh crore narrow margin.
(b) rs 40 lakh crore Sol.(c) Vidya balan, Sonakshi sinha,
(c) rs 30 lakh crore Q.431. In May 2019, Former Miss World Taapsee pannu, Kirti kulhari and Nithya
(d) rs 50 lakh crore Priyanka Chopra visited ________ as menon played leading ladies in the film
UNICEF's Goodwill ‘Mission Mangal’. Movie is based on a
Sol.(d) Union Finance Minister Nirmala Ambassador for humanitarian work. true event that shows how our scientist
Sitharaman, while announcing the SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon) worked tirelessly to make Mars orbital
Budget 2019, said railways will require (a) Ethiopia successful.
Rs 50 lakh crore investment from (b) Uganda
2018-30. Public Private Partnerships (c) Democratic Republic Of Congo Q.435. What is the uniform GST rate
(PPP) will be used to unleash faster (d) Kenya that has been fixed up for lottery prizes
development and delivery of passenger by the GST council?
freight services. Sol.(a) As a part of her responsibilities SSC-CGL 3-3-2020 (morning)
as UNICEF's Goodwill Ambassador, (a) 32% (b) 18%
Q.428. As per Union Budget 2019-20, Priyanka visited Ethiopia in May this (c) 10% (d) 28%
tax rate has been reduced to ____ for year.
companies with annual turnover upto rs Sol.(d) Four different GST slabs:- 5%,
400 crores. Q.432. From India who inaugurated the 12%, 18% and 28% were introduced by
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) Kartarpur Corridor and flagged off the the government. Lotteries run by
(a) 25% (b) 21% first set of pilgrims to the final resting state-owned agencies levy 12% GST
(c) 11% (d) 19% place of Sikhism founder Guru Nanak while a state- authorized lottery attracts
Dev? 28% tax.
Sol.(a) Corporate tax reduced to 25% for SSC-CGL 3-3-2020 (morning)
cos with Rs 400 crore turnover. (a) Narender Modi Q.436. As of February, who is the
(b) Amrinder Singh president of Sri Lanka?
Q.429. As a part of SIMBEX-2019, held (c) Manmohan Singh SSC-CGL 3-3-2020 (morning)
from 16 to 22 May 2019, Indian naval (d) Ram Nath Kovind (a) D.M. Jayaratne
ships INS Kolkata and INS Shakti (b) Gotabaya Rajapaksa
(c) Maithripala Sirisena Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

(d) Chandrika Kumaratunga SSC-CGL 3-3-2020 (Evening) (a) Make my

(a) United Arab Emirates (b) Trivago
Sol.(b) Gotabaya Rajapaksa is the (b) Iran (c) Ebix Inc
current president of Sri Lanka since 18 (c) Iraq (d) Trip Advisor
November, 2019 (d) Saudi Arabia
Sol.(c) Ebix Inc has acquired an online
Q.437. Sultan Qaboos bin Said of _____ Sol.(c) Iraq continues to be India's top travel portal yatra online Inc., for an
, the Arab world's longest- serving ruler crude oil supplier, meeting close to enterprise value of $337.8 million, in an
and with a reputation for quiet one-fourth of the country's oil needs. all-stock transaction. Ebix Inc. is a
diplomacy passed away recently (2020). Iraq sold 26 million tonnes of crude oil supplier of on-demand software and
SSC-CGL 3-3-2020 (morning) to India during April to September. e-commerce service more focused on the
(a) Abu Dhabi (b) Oman Business to Business Segment whereas
(c) Dubai (d) Kuwait Q.441. _____became the Prime Minister Yatra Online is more focused on the
of Bhutan in November 2018. Business to Customer segment.
Sol.(b) Sultan Qaboos bin Said was the CGL 3-3-2020 (Evening)
sultan of Oman from 23rd July,1970 (a) Lyonpo Sangay Ngedup Q.445. Irianin Major General Qasim
until his death on 10th January, 2020. (b) Lyonchhen Jigme Thinley Soleimani was recently (2020)
(c) Lyonpo Sonam Tobgye assassinated by the US military in
Q.438. 'Industry 4.0' is a complex (d) Lyonchhen Lotay Tshering _______.
cyber-physical system which synergies CGL 4/3/2020 (evening)
production with digital technologies. Sol.(d) Lotay Tshering is a Bhutanese (a) United Arab Emirates (b) Iraq
The Ministry of Railways and politician and doctor who is the Prime (c) Saudi Arabia (d) Pakistan
Department of Science and Technology Minister of Bhutan, in office since 7
have joined hands in partnership with November 2018. Sol.(b) Iranian Major General Qasim
which institution for taking up a unique Soleimani was recently assassinated by
project on 'Industry 4.0'. Q.442. As of January 2020, which of the the US military in Iraq. He was killed in
SSC-CGL 3-3-2020 (Afternoon) following countries had NOT a US airstrike ordered by President
(a) IIT Kanpur independently launched a human into Donald Trump at Baghdad International
(b) IIT Bombay space? Airport.
(c) IIT Madras SSC-CGL 3-3-2020 (Evening)
(d) IIT Delhi (a) USA (b) India Q.446. As per the government rules,
(c) China (d) Russia how much percentage of advance tax
Sol.(a) The Ministry of Railways and the needs to be paid by 15th June by an
Department of Science and Technology Sol.(b) Gaganyaan is India's manned individual who is liable to pay advance
have joined hands in partnership with space mission which the ISRO aims to tax?
IIT Kanpur for taking up a unique launch by December 2021. CGL 5/3/2020 (morning)
project on 'Industry 4.0'. They launched (a) 25% (b) 15%
the pilot project on Friday for Q.443. In April 2019, scientists in (c) 30% (d) 10%
implementation at the Modern Coach ______ produced the world's first 3D
Factory printed heart using human tissue. Sol.(b) As per the government rules,
CGL 4/3/2020 (morning) 15% of advance tax needs to be paid by
Q.439. Wings India 2020 is scheduled to (a) Ethiopia (b) Israel 15th June by an individual who is liable
be held in which of the following (c) Kenya (d) Croatia to pay advance tax. Advance tax is a
airports? form of income tax that is payable in
SSC-CGL 3-3-2020(Afternoon) Sol.(b) Israel has produced the world's case your tax liability exceeds INR
(a) Begumpet Airport first 3D printed heart using human 10,000 for a particular financial year.
(b) Warangal Airport tissue. The heart is too small and it even This tax must be paid by the taxpayers in
(c) Rajahmundry Airport doesn't beat so it can’t be used by the same year the income is received.
(d) Vijayawada Airport people. For this purpose, advance tax is also
known as 'pay-as-you-earn' scheme.
Sol.(a) Wings India 2020 is scheduled to Q.444. Name the company that has
be held at Hyderabad's Begumpet airport acquired an online travel portal Yatra Q.447. VISHWAS, which is a major
from March 12 to 15. Online inc., for an enterprise value of e-governance initiative launched by the
$337.8 million, in an-all stock government in January 2020, is the
Q.440. As of December 2019,_____was transaction. acronym for which of the following?
the largest crude oil supplier to India. CGL 4/3/2020 (evening) CGL 5/3/2020 (morning) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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(a) Video Integration and Statewide Q.450. The Indian Railways has inscribed as a World Heritage Site by
Advanced Security integrated its helpline numbers into a UNESCO.
(b) Video Integration and State Wide single number. What is the number?
Advanced System CGL 5/3/2020 (morning) Q.454. Which of the following
(c) Video Interface and Statewide (a) 150 (b) 145 companies has roped in cricketer
Advanced Security (c) 160 (d) 139 Harbhajan Singh as its brand
ambassador in 2019?
(d) Video Integration and System Wide
CGL 5/3/2020 (evening)
Advanced Security Sol.(d) The Indian Railways has
(a) TAFE (b) PUMA
integrated its helpline numbers into a (c) Brune & Bareskin (d) Reebok
Sol.(a) In January, a major e-governance single number 139 which will help the
initiative Project VISHWAS (Video customer make their travel convenient. Sol.(c) In October 2019, Indian online
Integration and State Wide Advanced leather accessory brand Brune &
Security) was launched with the aim to Q.451. The Indian Army is set to Bareskin has roped in cricketer
improve Law and Order Management, commission the first batch of women Harbhajan Singh as brand ambassador as
Proactive traffic management and soldiers by year ____. the company forays into offline retail
control, Crime detection through video CGL 5/3/2020 (afternoon) with its first store in Jalandhar.
analytics and Post incident Investigation (a) 2022 (b) 2020
and video forensics. (c) 2023 (d) 2021 Q.455. The International Naval event
'Milan' is scheduled to be held in ______
Q.448. The researchers of which Sol.(d) The first batch of 100 women in March 2020.
academic institution employed the soldiers in the Army is likely to be CGL 5/3/2020 (evening)
nanoscale phenomenon called commissioned by March 2021. (a) Visakhapatnam (b) Kolkata
'Electrokinetic streaming potential' to (c) Kochi (d) Mumbai
harvest energy from flowing water on a Q.452. The ‘Hyderabad Fund’ had been
Sol.(a) MILAN 2020 – a multilateral
small scale like water flowing through held by the ______ in the account of the
naval exercise was scheduled to be
household water taps? High Commissioner of Pakistan to the
conducted by the Indian Navy from
CGL 5/3/2020 (morning) UK, Habib Ibrahim Rahimtoola.
March 18 to 28, 2020, at
(a) IIT Delhi (b) IIT Bombay CGL 5/3/2020 (afternoon)
(c) IIT Madras (d) IIT Guwahati (a) National Westminster Bank
(b) Bank of England
Q.456. According to data available as of
Sol.(d) On 30 December 2019, the (c) Butterfield Private Bank
2019, how many national parks are
researchers of IIT Guwahati employed (d) Kingdom Bank situated in India?
the nanoscale phenomenon called CGL 5/3/2020 (evening)
“Electrokinetic streaming potential” to Sol.(a) The UK High Court rules in the (a) 104 (b) 131
harvest energy from flowing water on favour of India in Hyderabad Funds (c) 140 (d) 115
the small length scale like water flowing case. The UK High Court today upheld
through household water taps. the claims of India in the 70 years old Sol.(a) As of May 2019, there are 104
£35 million fund that is being held by existing national parks in India, which is
1.23% of the geographical area of the
Q.449. Which is the first Indian the National Westminster Bank in
company to hit the ₹10 lakh crore mark London.
in market capitalisation? Q.457. UN Women propose to partner
CGL 5/3/2020 (morning) with _______ gender park with an aim
Q.453. The excavated remains of
(a) Reliance Industries to secure gender parity in South Asia.
______ found near Patna in Bihar was
(b) ICICI Bank CGL 6-03-2020 (Morning)
inscribed as a World
(c) Tata Consultancy Services (a) Rajasthan's (b) Kerala's
Heritage Site by UNESCO in July 2016.
(d) HDFC Bank (c) Haryana's (d) Punjab's
CGL 5/3/2020 (afternoon)
(a) Ashoka Pillar
Sol.(a) Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Sol.(b) UN Women has proposed to
(b) Sanchi Stupa
Industries (RIL) in November 2019 partner with Kerala's gender park to take
(c) Nalanda Mahavihara
became the first Indian company to hit forward projects and campaigns aimed at
(d) Ellora Caves
the ₹10 lakh crore mark in market securing gender parity in South Asia.
capitalization. It happened because the
Sol.(c) The ruins of ancient Nalanda
stocks of this company suddenly bulls to Q.458. In July 2019, which among the
Mahavihara known as old Nalanda
a new height. following operations was launched by
University of Bihar on 15 July 2016 got
the BSF to fortify the Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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Pakistan border in Punjab and Jammu? Javadekar and Bangladesh Information Q.465. Which of the following railway
CGL 6-03-2020 (Afternoon) Minister Muhammad H Mahmud stations has been certified by FSSAI as
(a) Vayuputra (b) Chakravyuh the country’s first ‘Eat Right Station’?
Q.462. Which of the following countries
(c) Garuda (d) Sudarshan CGL 6-03-2020 (Evening)
had the highest number of new born
(a) Jaipur (b) Allahabad
babies on first day of 2020?
Sol.(d) Border Security Force (BSF) has (c) Jabalpur (d) Mumbai Central
launched a massive exercise, code CGL 6-03-2020 (Evening)
named as Sudarshan, to fortify the (a) Pakistan (b) China
Sol.(d) Mumbai Central is India's first
Anti-Infiltration Grid along the Pakistan (c) India (d) USA
'Eat Right Station' 'Eat Right India' built
border in Punjab and Jammu. The
operation was launched on 1 july, 2019. on two broad pillars -- Eat Healthy and
Sol.(c) India topped the ranking of
Eat Safe -- aimed to engage, excite and
countries that will have the most births
Q.459. Which of the following regions enable people to enhance their health
projected at 67,385, followed by China
has earned Geographical Indication for and wellbeing.
with 46,299 and Nigeria in third place
its oranges?
with 26,039, UNICEF, the UN's
CHSL 10/07/2019 (Afternoon) Q.466. In December 2019, the Rohtang
Children's Fund, said. The small island
(a) Meerut (b) Faizabad passageway in Himachal Pradesh was
nation of Fiji was expected to deliver
(c) Coorg (d) Wayanad renamed as:
2020's first baby.
CGL 7-03-2020 (Morning)
Sol.(c) Coorg in Karnataka has earned (a) Atal Tunnel (b) Muherjee Tunnel
Q.463. In which of the following Indian
the GI Tag for its oranges. Coorg (c) Bose Tunnel (d) Swaraj Tunnel
airports will the Wings India 2020,
oranges are greenish yellow and have a
international exhibition and conference
tight skin and a tangy taste unlike their Sol.(a) Atal Tunnel, named after India's
on the civil aviation sector, be held?
better-known Nagpur counterpart, which former Prime Minister Atal Bihari
CGL 6-03-2020 (Evening)
is much sweeter with a loose skin. Vajpayee, is a highway tunnel being
(a) Begumpet Airport
built under the Rohtang Pass in the
(b) Chennai International Airport
Q.460. India holds the_____position in eastern Pir Panjal range of the
(c) Chaudhary Charan Singh Airport
the production of cows’ milk as of Himalayas on the Leh-Manali Highway.
(d) Bagdogra Airport
January 2018.
CPO 16 March 2019 (Morning) Q.467. What is the name of the
Sol.(a) Wings India 2020, the biennial
(a) First (b) Fourth anti-hijacking exercise conducted by the
civil aviation and aerospace event was
(c) Third (d) Second Indian Navy in collaboration with the
launched at Begumpet Airport in
Indian Coast Guard?
Hyderabad. The event is being organised
Sol.(d) India holds the second position in CGL 7-03-2020 (Afternoon)
by the Ministry of Civil Aviation along
the production of cows’ milk as of (a) Apaharan (b) Indra
with the Airports Authority of India and
January 2018. (c) Ekuverin (d) Nagah
FICCI (Federation of Indian Chambers
of Commerce & Industry).
Q.461. In January 2020, with which Sol.(a) Apharan is an anti-hijacking
country did India sign a MoU for a exercise conducted by the Indian Navy
Q.464. Which of the following Indian
content exchange programme between in collaboration with the Indian Coast
movies was nominated for the 92nd
All India Radio and Betar? Guard, Cochin Port Trust and other
Oscar Awards?
CGL 6-03-2020 (Afternoon) stakeholders.
CGL 6-03-2020 (Evening)
(a) Sri Lanka (b) Nepal
(a) Gully Boy
(c) Bangladesh (d) Bhutan Q.468. What does 'A' stand for in
(b) URI - The Surgical Strike
'UDAN', the initiative of the Civil
(c) Mission Mangal
Sol.(c) National public radio broadcaster Aviation Ministry?
All India Radio (AIR) in January 2020 (d) War
CGL 7-03-2020 (Evening)
signed a content-sharing agreement with (a) Aam (b) Aastha
its Bangladeshi counterpart, Bangladesh Sol.(a) Gully Boy was selected as India's
(c) Air (d) Aviation
Betar. This was done as a part of the official entry to Oscars. After the
India-Bangladesh Information and announcement of Gully Boy going to the
Broadcasting Ministers Meet 2020. Sol.(a) UDAN is an initiative by the
Oscars 2020, Ranveer Singh and Alia
At the meet, it was announced that a Indian government to connect the
Bhatt took to social media to express
biopic on Bangladesh founding father country's under-served and unserved
Sheikh Mujibar Rahman will be made. their excitement.
airports under the centre's Regional
The decision was taken during bilateral Connectivity Scheme (RCS). UDAN
talks between Union Minister of stands for “Ude Desh ka Aam Naagrik”,
Information and Broadcasting Prakash Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

which means “Let the common citizen of (a) 140th (b) 135th CGL 9-03-2020 (Evening)
the country fly”. (c) 145th (d) 139th (a)1 June 2019
(b)1 January 2019
Q.469. Which company recently became Sol.(c) The India Meteorological (c)1 April 2019
the 1st Indian company to hit the 10 Department (IMD) has celebrated its (d)1 April 2018
Lakh Crore market valuations? 145th Foundation Day on January 15th,
CGL 7-03-2020 (Evening) 2020. With a humble beginning in 1875, Sol.(c) The amalgamation of Vijaya
(a) Jio (b) Airtel the IMD has marched forward with Bank and Dena Bank with Bank of
(c) BSNL (d) Reliance various milestones and paradigms to Baroda (BoB) came into effect from
serve the society. April 1 2019 to create the third-largest
Sol.(d) Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) lender of the country.
became the first company among listed Q.473. Who of the following authored
entities to hit a market capitalization the book 'Revolution 2020'? Q.477. In January 2020, China tested the
(mcap) of Rs 10 lakh crore on November CGL 9-03-2020 (Afternoon) world's first high-speed driverless bullet
28, 2019. (a) Arvind Kejriwal train between Beijing and:
(b) Rupa Pai CGL 9-03-2020 (Evening)
Q.470. Which among the following (c) Chetan Bhagat (a) Lhasa (b) Shanghai
heritage buildings does NOT figure (d) Devdutt Pattanaik (c) Zhangjiakou (d) Haikou
among those which were dedicated to
the nation by the PM Narendra Modi Sol.(c) Revolution 2020: Love, Sol.(c) The new rail line began
during his two-day visit to West Bengal Corruption, Ambition is a 2011 novel by operations on December 30, with the
in January 2020? Chetan Bhagat. Its story is concerned first train running from Beijing North
CGL 7-03-2020 (Evening) with a love triangle, corruption and a Railway Station to Taichung Railway
(a) Belur Math Temple journey of self-discovery. Station.
(b) Old Currency Building
(c) Metcalfe House Q.474. In 2019, IIT-Madras launched the Q.478. _______was appointedChief
(d)Victoria Memorial Hall country's first indigenously designed Justice of India with effect from 18
standing wheelchair named as: November 2019.
Sol.(a) The Prime Minister Narendra CGL 9-03-2020 (Afternoon) CGL 9-03-2020 (Evening)
Modi dedicated the nation Four (a) Arise (b) Awake (a) Ranjan Gogoi
Refurbished Heritage Buildings in (c) Marathon (d) Optimist (b) Dipak Misra
Kolkata in January 2020. These are the (c) Sharad Arvind Bobde
Old Currency Building, the Belvedere Sol.(a) 'Arise,' the standing wheelchair (d) Ashok Bhushan
House, the Metcalfe House and the was designed and developed by the TTK
Victoria Memorial Hall. Centre for Rehabilitation Research and Sol.(c) Justice S.A.Bobde named 47th
Device Development (R2D2), headed by Chief Justice of India, with effect from
Q.471. In which country has the World Sujatha Srinivasan, a professor in the November 18, 2019. He will hold office
Anti-doping Agency recently imposed a Department of Mechanical Engineering till April 23, 2021.
4-year ban? at IIT-Madras.
CGL 9-03-2020 (Morning) Q.479. What was the weight of the
(a) Russia (b) Brazil Q.475. What does 'C' stand for in ITCZ? Chandrayan-2 spacecraft launched in
(c) Pakistan (d) China 9-03-2020 (Afternoon) July 2019?
(a) Convergence (b) Constant CHSL 17-3-2020 (Morning)
Sol.(a) The world’s top anti-doping (c) Circulation (d) Convection (a) 3.3 tonne (b) 3.8 tonne
authority on Monday banished Russia (c) 4.3 tonne (d) 2.9 tonne
from international competition — Sol.(a) The Intertropical Convergence
including next summer’s Olympic Zone (ITCZ), known by sailors as the Sol.(b) The Chandrayaan - 2 spacecraft
Games in Tokyo, 2020— for four years, doldrums or the calms, is the area has a weight of 3.8 tonnes.
corresponding to a years-long cheating encircling Earth near the Equator, where
scheme that has tarnished sports, the northeast and southeast trade winds Q.480. Which country has ordered to kill
rendering Russia a sports pariah. converge. When it lies near the Equator, camels due to drought in January 2020?
it is called the near-equatorial trough. CHSL 17-03-2020 (Afternoon)
Q.472. The India Meteorological (a) Australia (b) India
Department (IMD) celebrated its _____ Q.476. The amalgamation of Vijaya (c) Africa (d) United Arab Emirates
foundation day on January 15, 2020. Bank and Dena Bank with Bank of
CGL 9-03-2020 (Morning) Baroda (BoB) came into effect from: Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

Sol.(a) Thousands of camels in South (c) Mahatma Gandhi's 150th birth years ago.
Australia were ordered to be shot dead anniversary
as a result of extreme heat and drought. (d) 72nd Independence day Q.488. What is the mission life of the
Cartosat-3 satellite launched by PSLV
C-47 on 27 November 2019? / PSLV
Q.481. When was a landmark Motor Sol.(c) The Prime Minister of India SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Afternoon)
Vehicles Agreement (MVA) for the declared the country as 'Open Defecation (a)4 years (b)3 years
Regulation of Passenger, Personnel and Free' on the 150th birth anniversary of (c)2 years (d)5 years
Cargo Vehicular Traffic signed between Mahatma Gandhi.
sub-grouping of four SAARC nations, Sol.(d) The Cartosat-3 will have a
Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal Q.485. Which country launched the third mission life of five years and will
address the increased user demands for
(BBIN)? ‘Long March-5', the largest carrier
large scale urban planning, rural
CHSL 17-03-2020 (Evening) rocket of the country, in resource, infrastructure development,
(a) 2015 (b) 2010 December 2019? coastal land use, land cover etc
(c) 2013 (d) 2012 SSC CHSL 19-3-2020 (Morning)
(a) China (b) USA Q.489. How many elements of India
Sol.(a) Landmark Motor Vehicles (c) Russia (d) India were listed in the UNESCO
Agreement (MVA) for the Regulation of Representative List of the Intangible
Cultural Heritage of Humanity as of
Passenger, Personnel and Cargo Sol.(a) Long March 5 is a Chinese
March 2018?
Vehicular Traffic was signed in 2015 heavy-lift launch vehicle developed by CHSL 13/10/2020 (Afternoon)
between sub-grouping of four SAARC the China Academy of Launch Vehicle (a)13 (b)15 (c)18 (d)14
nations, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Technology. It is the first Chinese launch
Nepal (BBIN). vehicle designed from the ground up to Sol.(a) 13 elements of India were listed
focus on non-hypergolic liquid rocket in the UNESCO Representative List of
the Intangible Cultural Heritage of
Q.482. Which of the following nations propellants.
Humanity as of March 2018. This list
‘unintentionally’ shot down a Ukrainian has been classified into five broad
Boeing 737-800 Q.486. Which company was ranked as domains in which intangible cultural
passenger aircraft in January 2020? the largest profit making PSU in India heritage is manifested:
CHSL 18-03-2020 (Afternoon) for the fiscal year (i) Oral traditions and expressions,
(a) Iran (b) Saudi Arabia 2018-2019? including language as a vehicle of the
(c) Iraq (d) Syria SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Morning) intangible cultural heritage.
(ii) Performing arts
(a) Oil & Natural Gas Corporation
(iii) Social practices, rituals and festive
Sol.(a) Iran ‘unintentionally’ shot down (b) Power Finance Corporation events
a Ukrainian Boeing 737-800 passenger (c) Power Grid Corporation (iv) Knowledge and practices concerning
aircraft in January 2020. (d) Indian Oil nature and the universe.
(v) Traditional craftsmanship
Q.483. Name the filmmaker who made Sol.(a) Oil & Natural Gas Corporation
the Hindi film, ‘Chhapaak’, based on the was ranked as the largest profit making Q.490. Which of the following
companies was conferred with
story of an acid attack victim. PSU in India for the fiscal year
Maharatna status in October 2019?
SSC CHSL 18-03-2020 (Evening) 2018-2019. CHSL 13/10/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) Yash Chopra (a) Bharat Petroleum Corporation
(b) Rani Mukherji Q.487. Which of the following is a Limited
(c) Meghna Gulzar famous fossil site in India where a (b) GAIL (India) Limited
(d) Deepika Padukone full-fledged skeleton of a dinosaur was (c) Hindustan Petroleum Corporation
found? Limited
SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Afternoon) (d) Steel Authority of India Limited
Sol.(c) Chhapaak is a film directed by (a) Mahendragarh, Chhattisgarh
Meghna Gulzar and produced by (b) Hathnora, Madhya Pradesh Sol.(c) Hindustan Petroleum
Deepika Padukone and Meghna Gulzar (c) Waddham, Maharashtra Corporation Limited was conferred with
in collaboration with Fox Star Studios. (d) Zanskar Valley, Kashmir Maharatna status in October 2019.
The Central Public Sector Enterprises
Q.484. When did the Prime Minister of Sol.(c) Waddham, a reserve forest, is a fulfilling the following criteria are
well known fossils site where a eligible for Maharatna status:
India declare the country as 'Open
full-fledged skeleton of a dinosaur was (i) The CPSE should already be a
Defecation Free'? found near the Godavari basin bordering Navratna company.
SSC CHSL 18-03-2020 (Evening) Telangana in 1959. Paleolithic or stone (ii) The CPSE should have an average
(a) 67th Republic day age tools were also discovered in annual turnover of more than Rs. 25,000
(b) Mahatma Gandhi's 70th death Waddham which were used by the stone crore during the last 3 years.
anniversary age men roughly around 2.5 million (iii) The CPSE’s average annual net Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

profit after tax should be more than Rs. Q.494. Which of the following nation’s Q.497. How many women candidates
5,000 crore during the last 3 years. parliament passed a bill designating all were elected to the 17th Lok Sabha?
(iv) The CPSE should be listed on the United States military forces as terrorists CHSL 15-10-2020 (Afternoon)
Indian stock exchange with minimum
on 7 January 2020? (a) 76 (b) 72
prescribed public shareholding under
SEBI regulations. SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Evening) (c) 70 (d) 78
(v) The CPSE should have an average (a) Cuba (b) North Korea
annual net worth of more than Rs. (c) Iraq (d) Iran Sol.(d) women candidates were elected
15,000 crore during the last 3 years. to the 17th Lok Sabha.
(vi) The CPSE should have a significant Sol.(d) The Parliament of Iran passed a
presence globally. Q.498. In July 2018, a stable body of
bill designating all United States military
liquid water was found on Mars using a
forces as terrorists on 7 January 2020.
Q.491. Ram Nath Kovind assumed radar instrument on board the European
office as the ___________ President of Space Agency's Mars Express orbiter.
Q.495. Which among the following is a
India on 25th July 2017. The tool that was used for the discovery
vaccine developed by CSIR, Ministry of
SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Morning) is called:
Science and Technology for Johne's
(a) 15th (b) 13th SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Evening)
disease affecting sheep, Goat, Cow and
(c) 12th (d) 14th (a) MARSIS (b) Mars Orbiter
Buffalo so as to immunize them and
(c) Mars Hope (d) MARINER 4
increase milk and meat production ?
Sol.(d) Ram Nath Kovind assumed
SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Morning)
office as the 14th President of India on Sol.(a) The MARSIS (Mars Advanced
(a) Porcine Parvovirus vaccine
25th July 2017. Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere
(b) DIVA
Sounding) instrument is a
(c) Infectious Bovine vaccine
Q.492. How many Indian biosphere low-frequency, nadir-looking,
(d) JD Vaccine
reserves are included in the UNESCO pulse-limited radar sounder that uses
World Network of Biosphere Reserves, synthetic aperture techniques and a
Sol.(d) Porcine Parvovirus vaccine is
as of October 2019? secondary receiving antenna to isolate
used to prevent parvovirus disease in
CHSL 14/10/2020 (Afternoon) subsurface reflections.
(a) 9 (b) 14 (c) 11 (d) 17
DIVA (Differentiating Infected from
Q.499. What is the ‘Central Equipment
Vaccinated Animals, also known as
Sol.(c) Launched in 1971, UNESCO’s Identity Register’?
marker vaccines, induce an immune
Man and the Biosphere Programme is an SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Evening)
response which is different from that
intergovernmental scientific programme (a) A portal launched by the Government
induced by natural infection.
that aims to establish a scientific basis of India to block and trace mobile
Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis
for the improvement of relationships phones
vaccine is used for vaccination of
between people and their environments. (b) A portal launched by the
healthy, nonpregnant cattle to prevent
There are 11 biosphere reserves of India Government of India to identify and
respiratory disease caused by infectious
which are included in the UNESCO trace the illegal
bovine rhinotracheitis virus.
World Network of Biosphere Reserves, activities of criminals
JD Vaccine is developed by CSIR,
as of October 2019. (c) A portal launched by the Government
Ministry of Science and Technology for
of India to enforce income and corporate
Johne’s disease affecting sheep, Goat,
Q.493. India and China were engaged in tax
Cow and Buffalo so as to immunize
a territorial dispute over Doklam in compliance
them and increase milk and meat
2017. Doklam area is situated at the (d) A portal launched by the
production .
corner of the _______ tri-junction. SSC Government of India to identify and
CHSL 14/10/2020 (Evening) trace the activities of
Q.496. As of October 2019, what is the
(a) Pakistan, Jammu & Kashmir, China illegal immigrants
total number of wildlife sanctuaries in
(b) Bhutan, West Bengal and China
(c) Bhutan, Sikkim and China Sol.(a) A Central Equipment Identity
CHSL 15-10-2020 (Afternoon)
(d) Bhutan, Arunachal Pradesh and Register is a database of the IMEI
(a) 551 (b) 543
China numbers of blacklisted handsets. If a
(c) 547 (d) 564
device’s ESN or IMEI number is listed
Sol.(c) Doklam area is situated at the on a CEIR, it is not supposed to work on
Sol.(a) As of October 2019, there are
corner of Bhutan, Sikkim and China member service providers’ networks.
551wildlife sanctuaries in India as per
tri-junction. National Wildlife Database, Wildlife
Institute of India. Q.500. According to a report released by
Greenpeace in Aug, 2019, India is the Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

highest emitter of which of the following (a) OLTAS (b) MANI Q.507. Who is the first Indian American
pollutants (gases)? (c) DRI (d) NEFT to become Governor of State of USA?
SSC CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning) SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning)
(a) Carbon Monoxide Sol.(b) RBI has launched a mobile (a) Bill Clinton
(b) Sulphur dioxide application called ‘Mobile Aided Note (b) John Tyler
(c) Ammonia Identifier’ or ‘MANI’ which would help (c) Shankara Kurup
(d) Nitrogen dioxide visually challenged persons to identify (d) Bobby Jindal
the denomination of currency notes.
Sol.(b) According to a report released by Sol.(d) Piyush Bobby Jindal is an
Greenpeace, India is the largest emitter Q.504. India got its first 3D Smart American politician and the first Indian
of SO2 in the world with more than 15% Traffic Signal System in August 2019. American who served as the 55th
of all the anthropogenic sulphur dioxide This system was designed by students Governor of Louisiana from 2008 to
hotspots detected by NASA OMI of______. 2016.
(Ozone Monitoring Instrument) satellite. SSC CHSL 16-10-2020 (Evening)
(a) Chitkara University Q.508. Where did the Chief Minister of
Q.501. International Astronomical (b) I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical Odisha, Naveen Patnaik, inaugurate the
Union (IAU) named minor planet 2006 University National Tribal Craft Mela-2019?
VP32 (number -300128) in September (c) IISC-Bangalore CHSL 20-10-2020 (Afternoon)
2019 after a famous Indian. Who is this (d) IIT-Mumbai (a) Cuttack (b) Bhubaneswar
Indian? (c) Puri (d) Konark
SSC CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning) Sol.(a): India got its first 3D Smart
(a) APJ Abdul Kalam Traffic Signal System in August 2019. Sol.(b) The National Tribal Crafts Mela
(b) Pandit Jasraj This system was designed by students of is held annually with an aim to preserve,
(c) Hamsa Padmanabhan Chitkara University. The wireless promote and popularize traditional tribal
(d) Viswanathan Anand system, called ‘Intelights’ will regulate art and crafts and help the artisans to
traffic signals with a smart bird’s eye look for better opportunities to develop
Sol.(b) International Astronomical view wireless sensor system. their skills through cross-cultural
Union (IAU) named minor planet 2006 interactions for the commercial viability
VP32 (number -300128) located Q.505. According to the Motor Vehicles of their products. The Chief Minister of
between Mars and Jupiter after (Amendment) Bill 2019, what is the Odisha, Naveen Patnaik, inaugurated the
celebrated Indian classical vocalist, proposed minimum compensation for hit National Tribal Craft Mela-2019 at
Pandit Jasraj. and run case wherein, the victim die? Bhubaneswar.
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon)
Q.502. Which of the following oil (a) 2,00,000 (b) 1,50,000 Q.509. As of January 2020, what was the
companies started an LPG bottling plant (c) 1,00,000 (d) 50,000 upper limit of fund transfer using
in Balangir district of Odisha in Unified Payments
December 2019? Sol.(a) According to the Motor Vehicles Interface (UPI)?
SSC CHSL 16-10-2020 (Afternoon) (Amendment) Bill 2019, for deaths in CHSL 20-10-2020 (Afternoon)
(a) Hindustan Petroleum Corporation hit-and-run cases, the government has (a) ₹1 lakh (b) ₹2 lakh
Limited increased the compensation from Rs. (c) ₹50,000 (d) ₹90,000
(b) Bharat Petroleum Corporation 25,000 to Rs. 2 lakh.
Limited Sol.(a) As of January 2020, the upper
(c) Reliance Industries Limited Q.506. On January 6, 2020, how many limit of fund transfer using Unified
(d) Indian Oil Corporation Limited Oman ships arrived at Goa to participate Payments Interface is Rs. 1 lakh.
in “Naseem-Al- Bahr”, the Indo-Oman
Sol.(b) Bharat Petroleum Corporation bilateral naval exercise? Q.510. Which of the following sites does
Limited started a LPG bottling plant CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon) NOT feature in the United Nations’
with an annual capacity of filling 42 lakh (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) 3 World Heritage List as of June 2020?
cylinders at Village Barkani in Balangir SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Evening)
district of Odisha in December 2019. Sol.(b) “Naseem-Al-Bahr” (or sea (a) Ellora Caves
breeze) is a naval exercise between the (b) Elephanta Caves
Q.503. Which application was launched Indian Navy and the RNO (Royal Navy (c) Ajanta Caves
by Reserve Bank of India in January of Oman), being conducted since 1993. (d) Karla Caves
2020 to help visually challenged people On January 6, 2020, 2 Oman ships
identify new currency notes? arrived at Goa to participate in
SSC CHSL 16-10-2020 (Evening) “Naseem-Al-Bahr”. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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Sol.(d) Karla Caves is not included in (b) Jodhpur & Kolkata Andhra Pradesh. What is the strike range
the United Nations’ World Heritage List (c) Hyderabad & Mumbai of this missile?
as of June 2020. (d) Delhi & Mumbai SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Evening)
(a) 3,500 km (b) 1,000 km
Q.511. In May 2020, the Government of Sol.(c) In October 2019, Hyderabad and (c) 700 km (d) 5,000 km
India raised the net borrowing limit for Mumbai were included by UNESCO in
state governments to ______% of the its network of ‘Creative Cities’ on the Sol.(a) K-4 is a nuclear capable
gross state domestic product (GSDP). occasion of World Cities Day 2019. intermediate-range submarine-launched
SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Evening) ballistic missile developed by the
(a) 5 (b) 7 (c) 3 (d) 10 Q.515. In which year did the government Defence Research and Development
of India approve the release of a Organisation of India to arm the Arihant
Sol.(a) In May 2020, the Government of commemorative stamp to mark the 50th class submarines. The missile has a
India raised the net borrowing limit for anniversary of the Bhakra-Nangal Dam? maximum range of about 3500 km.
state governments to 5% of the gross SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Evening)
state domestic product (GSDP). (a) 2016 (b) 2013 Q.519. Vyom Mitra is______.
(c) 2015 (d) 2010 SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Morning)
Q.512. With which bank has Ashok (a) a humanoid built by Indian Space
Leyland, the commercial vehicle brand, Sol.(b) In 2013, the government of India Research Organization (ISRO)
tied up in November 2019 for vehicle approved the release of a (b) the first banking robot in India
loans for a period of 2 years? commemorative stamp to mark the 50th (c) a humanoid robot introduced to assist
SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Evening) anniversary of the Bhakra-Nangal Dam. teachers at schools in India
(a) HDFC Bank (d) a chatbot developed by Indian
(b) Punjab National Bank Q.516. As of January 2020, how many Railways Catering and Tourism
(c) ICICI Bank cultural properties from India were Corporation (IRCTC)
(d) State Bank of India inscribed in the UNESCO World
Heritage List? Sol.(a) a humanoid built by Indian Space
Sol.(c) Ashok Leyland has tied up with SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Evening) Research Organization (ISRO)
ICICI Bank in November 2019 for (a) 35 (b) 30 Explanation: Vyom Mitra is a
vehicle loans for a period of 2 years. (c) 25 (d) 31 female-looking spacefaring humanoid
robot being developed by the Indian
Q.513. Which Indian Institute of Sol.(b) As of January 2020, 30 cultural Space Research Organisation to function
Technology launched the country’s first properties from India were inscribed in on-board the Gaganyaan, a crewed
indigenously designed standing the UNESCO World Heritage List. orbital spacecraft.
wheelchair in collaboration with Phoenix
Medical Systems? Q.517. How many countries were Q.520. In April 2020, Facebook—an
SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Morning) members of International Finance American social media and technology
(a) IIT Kharagpur (b) IIT Delhi Corporation (IFC) till April company —announced its plan to buy
(c) IIT Bombay (d) IIT Madras 2019? ______% equity stake in Reliance Jio.
SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Evening) SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Morning)
Sol.(d) IIT Madras launched the (a) 180 (b) 196 (a) 20.0 (b) 2.99
country’s first indigenously designed (c) 190 (d) 185 (c) 9.99 (d) 1.99
standing wheelchair in collaboration
with Phoenix Medical Systems. It is Sol.(d) International Finance Sol.(c) In April 2020, Facebook—an
called ‘Arise’ and allows Corporation is an international financial American social media and technology
wheelchair-enabled people to institution that offers investment, company —announced its plan to buy a
independently shift from sitting to advisory and asset-management services 9.99% equity stake in Reliance Jio.
standing position in a seamless and to encourage private-sector development
controlled manner. in less developed countries. 185 Q.521. Which Indian Forest Service
countries were members of the (IFS) officer was selected for the Asia
Q.514. In October 2019, which of the International Finance Corporation till Environmental Enforcement award by
following pairs of Indian cities was April 2019. the United Nations Environment
included by UNESCO in its Programme in October 2019?
network of ‘Creative Cities’ on the Q.518. On 19 January 2020, India CHSL 26-10-2020 (Afternoon)
occasion of World Cities Day 2019? successfully test fired a nuclear-capable (a) Ramesh Pandey
CHSL 21-10-2020 (Afternoon) K-4 ballistic missile off the coast of (b) Sanjiv Chaturvedi
(a) Pune & Hyderabad (c) Fateh Singh Rathore Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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(d) Hemendra Singh Panwar (a) Solid waste with high moisture Sol.(a) The Unique Identification of
content India (UIDAI) is authorised by the
Sol.(a) Ramesh Pandey was selected for (b) Naturally available hydrocarbons Government of India under the Ministry
the Asia Environmental Enforcement (c) Hydropower in barrages and dams of Electronics and Telecommunication
award by the United Nations (d) Water current in rivers on 12 July 2016 under provisions of
Environment Programme in October Aadhar Act 2016.
2019. The objective of Asia Sol.(a) A research team from IIT UIDAI issues Aadhar number which is
Environmental Enforcement Awards is Kharagpur has adapted a process called of 12 digits generated after satisfying a
to publicly recognise excellence in Hydro Thermal Carbonization (HTC) for verification process by the authority
enforcement and outstanding the Indian conditions which can which is unique to every individual.
achievements made by public effectively manage mixed Municipal
organizations/individuals in Asia in Solid Waste (MSW) with high moisture Q.529. The Goods and Services Tax
combating transboundary environmental content. Through the process most of the (GST) – which has replaced the Central
crime like illegal trade in wildlife, mixed MSW can be converted into and State indirect taxes such as VAT,
chemicals or waste, in Asia. biofuel, soil amendment and absorbents excise duty and service tax in India –
was implemented on:
Q.522. What was the name of the oldest Q.526. The Union Budget of India SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning)
female black rhino which died in 2019? 2020-21 allocated an amount of ______ (a) 15 September 2017
SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Evening) crore for the education sector. (b) 1 July 2017
(a) Fausta (b) Anes CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) (c) 15 August 2017
(c) Suidae (d) Canidae (a) ₹78,700 (b) ₹83,600 (d) 2 October 2017
(c) ₹99,300 (d) ₹95,800
Sol.(a) Fausta was the oldest female Sol.(b) The Goods and Services Tax
black rhino which died in Tanzania in Sol.(c) Nirmala Sitharaman during the (GST) – which has replaced the Central
2019 at the age of 57. budget allocated an amount of 99,300 and State indirect
crore for the education sector. Which is taxes such as VAT, excise duty and
Q.523. Who was the youngest Member approximately equal to 4.6% of our total service tax in India were implemented
of Parliament to be elected in 2019? / GDP. on July 1, 2017.
2019 म िकसे संसद का सबसे युवा सद Goods and services are divided into 5
चुना गया ? Q.527. ‘Euderma maculatum’ is the different slabs for tax collection- 0%,
CHSL 16-10-2020 (Evening) name given to spotted ______. 5%, 12%, 18% and 28%. Petroleum
(a) Tejasvi Surya SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) Products, Alcoholic drinks and
(b) Chandrani Murmu (a) rats (b) bats electricity are not under this slab.
(c) Nusrat Jahan/ (c) eagles (d) foxes
(d) Mimi Chakraborty Q.530. The first lot of 33 declassified
Sol.(b) Scientific name of spotted bats is files relating to Netaji Subhas Chandra
Sol.(b) Chandrani Murmu was the ‘Euderma maculatum’. It is a species of Bose was handed over by the Prime
youngest Member of Parliament to be special concern. Minister’s Office (PMO) to the National
elected in 2019. Scientific name of spotted rats is Rattus Archives of India on
norvegicus. 4 December ______.
Q.524. Who has created a record for Scientific name of spotted eagles is SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening)
longest single spaceflight in 2019? Clanga clanga and the scientific name of (a) 2014 (b) 2019
SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Evening) fox is Vulpes vulpes. (c) 2018 (d) 2015
(a) Nick Hague (b) Anne Mc Clam
(c) Jessica Meir (d) Christina Koch Q.528. The Unique Identification Sol.(d) The first lot of 33 declassified
Authority of India (UIDAI) is a statutory files relating to Netaji Subhas Chandra
Sol.(d) Christina Hammock Koch has authority under the Bose was handed over by the Prime
created a record for longest single Ministry of ______. Minister’s Office (PMO) to the National
spaceflight in 2019. SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening) Archives of India on 4 December 2015.
(a) Electronics and Information After that more files were transferred to
Q.525. HydroThermal Carbonisation Technology The PMO and Ministry of external
technology developed at IIT, Kharagpur (b) communication affairs.
is a process of generation of energy from (c) Science and Technology
which of the following sources? (d) Information and Broadcasting Q.531. As on 30 June 2020, Harsimrat
CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning) Kaur Badal was the Indian Cabinet
Minister for the Ministry of ______. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) index in India. Through it the Sol.(d) India and Afghanistan on 21
(a) Women and Child Development Government tries to analyse the quality February 2021 signed a memorandum of
(b) Food Processing Industries of life of citizens living in the country. understanding over VTC
(c) Health and Family Welfare (video-teleconferencing) to build the
(d) Human Resource Development Q.535. As per the ‘India State of Forest Shahtoot Dam in Kabul to meet the safe
Report’, 2019, the total forest and tree drinking water needs of the Afghan
Sol.(b) Harsimrat Kaur Badal was the cover is ______ % of the total capital. Shahtoot Dam will be built on
cabinet minister for the ministry of Food geographical area of India. Maidan river, a tributary of the Kabul
Processing Industries in June 2020. She SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening) river.
is a member of parliament in Lok Sabha (a) 29.39 (b) 24.56
from the Bathinda Constituency. (c) 14.39 (d) 20.39 Q.539. In 2020, the United Nations
passed a resolution to remove cannabis
Q.532. In which year did India officially Sol.(b) ‘India State of Forest Report’, and cannabis resin from the category of
join the Shanghai Cooperation 2019, the total forest and tree cover is 'most dangerous substances'. Which of
Organization (SCO) as a full fledged 24.56% of the total geographical area of the following countries were absent from
member? India. In the 2019 survey there is a total the voting?
CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) increase in total forest and tree cover in SSC CGL 13/08/21 (Evening)
(a) 2016 (b) 2015 the country.5188 sq Km of area has (a) India (b) Russia
(c) 2018 (d) 2017 increased. It has increased from 24.39% (c) The US (d) Ukraine
to 24.56%.
Sol.(d) India officially joined the Sol.(d) In 2020, the United Nations
Shanghai Cooperation Organization Q.536. In Leh, the first ever ice climbing passed a resolution to remove cannabis
(SCO) as a full fledged member on June festival was celebrated in ______ valley and cannabis resin from the Schedule IV
9 2017 along with Pakistan.SCO was in January 2021 of the Single Convention on Narcotic
founded in 2001. Now there are 8 SSC CGL 13/08/21(Morning) Drugs. It is considered to have the
permanent members in the Shanghai (a) Ripchar (b) Markha category of 'most dangerous substances'.
Cooperation Organization. (c) Nubra (d) Dras India, the US and most European
countries voted in favour of the motion
Q.533. The Mangalyaan mission was Sol.(c) In Leh, the first-ever Ice climbing whereas China, Pakistan and Russia
launched by the rocket: festival was celebrated in Nubra valley. were among those who voted against and
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) It was a seven-day event, which was Ukraine was absent from voting.
(a) PSLV-C38 organized by Nubra Adventure Club to
(b) GSLV MkIII promote tourism in Nubra valley. Q.540. According to National Education
(c) PSLV-C25 Policy 2020, vocational education will
(d) PSLV-C35 Q.537. As per the Union Budget of start from ______ with internships.
2021-22, how many regional national SSC CGL 13/08/21 (Evening)
Sol.(c) Mangalyaan mission was institutes of virology will be set up? (a) Class VII (b) Class VIII
launched by the rocket PSLV-C25 from SSC CGL 13/08/21(Morning) (c) Class VI (d) Class V
the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in (a) Two (b) Six
Sriharikota Rajasthan by ISRO on (c) Four (d) Three Sol.(c) According to National Education
November 5 2013. Policy 2020, vocational education will
Sol.(c) The central government has start from Class VI with internships. The
Q.534. Which of the following announced the setting up of four regional National Education Policy 2020 (NEP
Ministries releases the ‘Ease of Living institutes of virology and nine 2020) was approved by the Union
Index’ in India? Bio-Safety Level III laboratories. At Cabinet of India on 29 July 2020. It was
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) present, only the National Institute of revised after 34 years. The main
(a) Ministry of Social Justice and Virology is in Pune. objective of this policy is to transform
Empowerment India's education system.
(b) Ministry of Housing and Urban Q.538. With which of the following
Affairs countries did India sign an agreement in Q.541. How many trains were flagged
(c) Ministry of Finance February 2021 for the construction of off by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in
(d) Ministry of Skill Development and Lalandar (Shahtoot) Dam? January 2021 connecting the location of
Entrepreneurship SSC CGL 13/08/21(Afternoon) the Statue of Unity to different parts of
(a) Australia (b) Japan India?
Sol.(b) The Ministry of Housing and (c) Brazil (d) Afghanistan SSC CGL 16/08/21(Morning)
Urban Affairs releases the ease of living (a) Seven (b) Eight Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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(c) Five (d) Six remote sensing satellite of which country Sol.(a) Shuggie Bain written by Douglas
on 28th February 2021? Stuart won him the Booker Prize 2020.
Sol.(b) Eight trains were flagged off by SSC CGL 18/08/21 (Morning) The Testaments (Margaret Atwood),
Prime Minister Narendra Modi in (a) Spain (b) Brazil Hamnet (Maggie O'Farrell), The White
January 2021 connecting the location of (c) Mexico (d) Cuba Tiger (Aravind Adiga).
the Statue of Unity to different parts of
Q.549. The name ‘QRSAM’ was in the
India. The trains will connect Kevadiya Sol.(b) ISRO’s (PSLV) successfully
news in November 2020. What is
to Varanasi, Dadar, Ahmedabad, Delhi's launched a remote sensing Satellite
Hazrat Nizamuddin, Rewa, Chennai and Amazonia-1 of Brazil on 28th February
SSC CGL 23/08/21(Evening)
Pratapnagar. 2021 from Satish Dhawan Space
(a) Indigenously designed torpedoes
Centre(SHAR), Sriharikota. This
(b) Inter-continental ballistic missile
Q.542. Which of the following nations is satellite would further strengthen the
NOT a part of the Quad Group? existing structure by providing remote
(c) Anti-tank weapon system
SSC CGL 16/08/21(Afternoon) sensing data to users for monitoring
(d) Short-range surface-to-air missile
(a) Australia (b) Japan deforestation in the Amazon region and
(c) India (d) Canada analysis of diversified agriculture across
the Brazilian territory.
Sol.(d) QRSAM (Quick Reaction
Sol.(d) Canada is not a part of the Quad
Surface-to-Air Missile) is a short-range
Group. The Quadrilateral Security Q.546. Which of the following Indian
surface-to-air missile system which is
Dialogue (QSD, also known as the banks launched contactless wearable
developed by DRDO, Bharat Electronics
Quad) is a strategic dialogue between the payment devices called 'Wear N Pay' in
Limited, and Bharat Dynamics Limited
United States, India, Japan and March 2021?
for the Indian Army.
Australia. The core objectives of the SSC CGL 20/08/21(Afternoon)
QUAD is to secure a rules-based global (a) HDFC Bank (b) ICICI Bank
Q.550. As of December 2020, there are
order, liberal trading system and (c) Axis Bank (d) IndusInd Bank
______ official languages of the United
freedom of navigation.
Sol.(c) Axis Bank launched contactless
SSC CGL 24/08/21(Morning)
Q.543. As of 2020, which among the wearable payment devices called 'Wear
(a) 11 (b) 6 (c) 10 (d) 7
following is a permanent member at the N Pay' in March 2021. This device
United Nations Security Council? enables the customer to pay on the go.
Sol.(b) As of December 2020, there are
SSC CGL 16/08/21(Evening) These devices come in the form of a
6 official languages of the United
(a) Brazil (b) Germany band, key chain and watch loop.
Nations. These are Arabic, Chinese,
(c) China (d) Japan
English, French, Russian and Spanish.
Q.547. Which of the following books is
Sol.(c) China is a permanent member of authored by Dalai Lama and launched by
Q.551. Which of the following
the United Nations Security Council. him in February 2021?
companies announced the launch of
Other members of the United Nations SSC CGL 23/08/21(Morning)
India’s first virtual academy programme
Security Council are France, Russia, the (a) The Little Book of Encouragement
Esports Academy?
United Kingdom, and the United States. (b) A Little Book of Courage
SSC CGL 24/08/21(Morning)
(c) The Little Book of Hope
(a) Asus (b) Jio
Q.544. In November 2020, which (d) Connecting, Communicating,
(c) Samsung (d) Dell
country became the first in the world to Changing
make access to menstrual products a
Sol.(a) Asus announced the launch of
right? Sol.(a) The Little Book of
India’s first virtual academy program.
SSC CGL 17/08/21(Afternoon) Encouragement is authored by the Dalai
The Asus Republic of Gamers academy
(a) Wales (b) Ireland Lama.
will provide a platform for budding
(c) Scotland (d) England A Little Book of Courage (Ruskin Bond)
gamers to enhance their gaming skills so
The Little Book of Hope (Paul Wilson)
that they can compete in eSport
Sol.(c) In November 2020, Scotland Connecting, Communicating, Changing
became the first country in the world to (Vice President Secretariat ).
make access to menstrual products a
Q.552. Reserve Bank of India became
right. Q.548. Which book written by Douglas
the first central bank in the world to have
Stuart won him the Booker Prize 2020?
more than one million followers on
Q.545. ISRO’s Polar Satellite Launch SSC CGL 23/08/21(Morning)
______ in November 2020.
Vehicle (PSLV) successfully launched a (a) Shuggie Bain (b) The Testaments
SSC CGL 24/08/21(Afternoon)
(c) Hamnet (d) The White Tiger Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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(a) Facebook (b) Twitter Q.556. Who has authored the book titled Pradesh's world-famous Bandhavgarh
(c) Snapchat (d) Instagram ‘India’s 71-Year Test: The Journey to Tiger Reserve. The safari was launched
Triumph in Australia’? by Madhya Pradesh forest minister Vijay
Sol.(b) Reserve Bank of India became SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Morning) Shah.
the first central bank in the world to have (a) R Kaushik
more than one million followers on (b) Rahul Bhattacharya Q.560. Tso Kar wetland has been
Twitter in November 2020 followed by (c) Peter Hayter included in Ramsar Site in December
the Central Bank of Mexico with 7.74 (d) Sachin Tendulkar 2020. In which of the following states or
lakh followers. RBI is India’s central union territories is it located?
bank and regulatory body under the Sol.(a) R Kaushik SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Afternoon)
jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance. It (a) Ladakh (b) Lakshadweep
was established in 1934 and has its Q.557. In February 2020, the armed (c) Kerala (d) Goa
headquarters in Mumbai. forces of India and the UK held a joint
exercise in the UK. The exercise was Sol.(a) The Tso Kar or Tsho kar wetland
Q.553. In 2020, India co- sponsored a named ______. is a fluctuating salt lake known for its
security council resolution that calls for SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Afternoon) size and depth situated in the Rupshu
full, effective and meaningful (a) Ghatak Prahari (b) Surya Kiran Plateau and valley in the southern part of
participation of ______ personnel in (c) Mitra Prahar (d) Ajeya Warrior Ladakh in India. It is also recognized as
peacekeeping operations. India’s 42nd Ramsar site.
SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Morning) Sol.(d) In February 2020, the armed The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of
(a) police (b) medical forces of India and the UK held a joint International Importance Especially as
(c) nursing (d) women exercise in the UK. The exercise was Waterfowl Habitat is an international
named Ajeya Warrior. treaty for the conservation and
Sol.(d) women. United Nations Security sustainable use of wetlands. It is named
Council:- Established on - 24 Oct 1945, Q.558. Which of the following species after the city of Ramsar in Iran, where
Headquarters - New York (U.S.A.), 5 was among the species classified as the convention was signed in 1971.
Permanent members ( U.S.A., Russia, ‘endangered migratory species’ by the
China, France & Britain) and 10 UN's Convention on Conservation of Q.561. Which of the following nation
Non-permanent members are there. Migratory Species in February 2020? ‘unintentionally’ shot down a Ukrainian
SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Morning) Boeing 737-800 passenger aircraft in
Q.554. In how many countries, Union (a) Bengal Tiger January 2020?
Cabinet approved the opening of Indian (b) Hoolock Gibbons SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Evening)
Missions in 2021? (c) Bengal Florican (a) The US (b) Iran
SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Morning) (d) Asiatic Lion (c) China (d) North Korea
(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 5
Sol.(c) Seven species were added to Sol.(b) The Boeing 737-800 was shot
Sol.(a) The Union Cabinet chaired by Appendix I, which provides the strictest down shortly after takeoff from Tehran
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi protection: the Asian Elephant, Jaguar, Imam Khomeini International Airport by
approved the opening of 3 Indian the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary
Great Indian Bustard, Bengal Florican,
Guards Corps (IRGC) On January 8,
Missions in Estonia, Paraguay, and the Little Bustard, Antipodean Albatross,
Dominican Republic in 2021. and the Oceanic White-tip Sha.

Q.562. Who among the following won

Q.555. Which of the following banks has Q.559. In which of the following Tiger
Poland’s Presidential Election held on 12
launched contactless ‘RuPay Select’ Reserves of India, is its first hot air
July 2020?
debit card in association with NPCI balloon wildlife safari launched in
SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Evening)
(National Payment Corporation of India) December 2020?
(a) Rafal Trzaskowski
in December 2020? SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Afternoon)
(b) Piotr Glinski
SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Morning) (a) Buxa Tiger Reserve
(c) Andrzej Duda
(a) Central Bank of India (b) Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve
(d) Szymon Hołownia
(b) ICICI (c) Manas Tiger Reserve
(c) HDFC (d) Jim Corbett Tiger Reserve
Sol.(c) Andrzej Sebastian Duda, polish
(d) SBI
lawyer, and politician won Poland’s
Sol.(b) India's first hot air balloon safari
Presidential Election held on 12 July
Sol.(a) Central Bank of India in a tiger reserve was launched on
2020. He has served as President of
December 25, 2020, in Madhya
Poland since 2015. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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Q.563. What was the estimation for the (c) Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ landlocked country that does not border
fiscal deficit in the financial year Welfare a closed and the capital is Ulaanbaatar.
2019-20? (d) Ministry of Communications
SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Evening) Q.570. Which of the following banks has
(a) 3.6% of GDP Sol.(d) Among the top 13 ministries with launched an online platform ’Infinite
(b) 3.3% of GDP the highest allocations, the highest India’ in December 2020, to cater to the
(c) 3.1% of GDP percentage increase is observed in the needs of foreign companies looking to
(d) 3.2% of GDP Ministry of Communications (129%), establish or expand business in India?
followed by the Ministry of Agriculture SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Afternoon)
Sol.(b) 3.3% of GDP was the estimation and Farmers' Welfare (30%) and the (a) HDFC Bank (b) Induslnd Bank
for the fiscal deficit in the financial year Ministry of Home Affairs (20%). (c) ICICI Bank (d) SBI Bank
2019-20. A fiscal deficit is a shortfall in
a government’s income compared with Q.567. Which of the following is India's Sol.(c) ICICI Bank has launched an
its spending. The government that has a fastest supercomputer as of December online platform ’Infinite India’ in
fiscal deficit is spending beyond its 2020? December 2020, to cater to the needs of
means. SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Afternoon) foreign companies looking to establish
(a) PARAM Siddhi-AI or expand business in India. Through
Q.564. Lakshmi Vilas Bank has been (b) SAGA-220 this initiative, ICICI bank aims to
merged with which of the following (c) Pratyush (Cray XC40) strengthen its position in the
banks in November 2020? (d) Mihir (Cray XC40) multinational corporations (MNC)
SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Morning) segment.
(a) Doha (b) DBS Sol.(a) As of November 2020 ‘PARAM ICICI CEO: Sandeep Bakhshi(As of
(c) SBM (d) Deutsche Siddhi-AI’ is India's fastest Aug 2021).
supercomputer. In the TOP500 list with
Sol.(b) Lakshmi Vilas Bank has been the PARAM Siddhi-AI India ranked Q.571. Which of the following is NOT a
merged with DBS in November 2020. 63rd in the world being the fastest new guideline for credit and debit card
With effect from 27 November 2020, supercomputer in India. users given by Reserve Bank of India in
Lakshmi Vilas Bank (LVB) has been October 2020?
amalgamated with DBS Bank India Q.568. Which of the following Offshore SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Evening)
Limited (DBIL). The scheme of Patrol Vessels (OPV) for the Indian (a) All new credit and debit cards issued
amalgamation is under the special Coast Guard was launched re-christened by the banks will be only enabled for
powers of the Government of India and as ‘Indian Coast Guard Ship’ in August domestic transactions at ATMs and point
RBI under Section 45 of the Banking 2020? of sale (PoS) terminals.
Regulation Act, 1949, India. SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Evening) (b) The RBI has asked all the banks to
(a) Vikram (b) Sarthak disable online payments for all those
Q.565. Which of the following countries (c) Samarth (d) Sagar debit and credit cards which have never
will launch the first-ever wood-based been used for online or contactless
satellite by 2023 to reduce space debris? Sol.(c) The Samarth-class offshore transactions.
SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Morning) patrol vessels are a series of eleven (c) The RBI said that the debit card and
(a) Russia (b) Japan offshore patrol vessels being built by credit card users from now on are
(c) England (d) The USA Goa Shipyard Limited for the India allowed to set up their own transaction
Coast Guard. limits.
Sol.(b) Japan’s Sumitomo Forestry (d) None of the card users will have an
company and Kyoto University aim to Q.569. Which of the following banks option to opt-in or opt-out of services on
launch the world’s first wood-based appointed Infosys Finacle to power its their credit/debit cards.
space satellite by 2023 to reduce space digital transformation in November
debris. 2020? Sol.(d) According to the new guidelines,
SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Morning) card users will now be able to register
Q.566. Which of the following (a) DBS (b) HSBC preferences for international
ministries had the highest percentage (c) ADB (d) Xac Bank transactions, online transactions as well
increase in budgetary allocation for as contactless card transactions. Hence,
Budget 2020-21? Sol.(d) XacBank Mongolia appointed debit and credit cards issued by banks
SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Afternoon) Infosys Finacle to power its digital will only be enabled for domestic
(a) Ministry of Home Affairs transformation in November 2020. transactions at ATMs and point of sale
(b) Ministry of Housing and Urban Mongolia is the world’s largest (PoS) terminals. Banks can deactivate
Affairs current cards and reissue them based on Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

risk perception. Note that, the RBI’s resolutions manifest India’s commitment (a) ₹200 crores (b) ₹300 crores
mandate does not include prepaid cards to the goal of nuclear disarmament. (c) ₹100 crores (d) ₹400 crores
and gift cards.
Q.575. Which of the following banks has Sol.(c) In the central budget 2020-21 the
Q.572. Which of the following signed a loan of $40 million to Northern eligibility limit for NBFCs for debt
organisations launched the 'United for Arc Capital to support the microfinance recovery under the SARFAESI Act was
Biodiversity' coalition made up of zoos, borrowers and the MSME sectors in proposed to be reduced to an asset size
aquariums, botanical gardens, national India? of Rs 100 crores from Rs. 500 crores or
parks, natural history and science SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Evening) loan size from existing Rs. 1 crore to Rs.
museums from around the world, on (a) AIIB (b) World Bank 50 lakhs.
World Wildlife Day 2020? (c) IMF (d) ADB
SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Evening) Q.578. Which of the following
(a) World Wide Fund for Nature Sol.(d) The Asian Development Bank companies in India has tied up with
(b) Commonwealth of Nations (ADB) on Monday said it has signed a Facebook to train offline retailers to go
(c) World Health Organization $40 million loan to Northern Arc Capital digital on social media platforms?
(d) European Commission Limited (NACL) to support the SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Afternoon)
livelihoods of microfinance borrowers (a) Nokia (b) Samsung India
Sol.(d) The European Commission (EC) and MSMEs in India. Asian (c) Vivo (d) Reliance
launched the 'United for Biodiversity' Development Bank’s headquarter is
coalition made up of zoos, aquariums, located in Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, Sol.(b) Samsung India ties up with
botanical gardens, national parks, and Philippines. Masatsugu Asakawa is the Facebook to train offline retailers to go
natural history and science museums President of the Asian Development digital on platforms like Instagram and
from around the world, on World Bank (ADB) and the Chairperson of WhatsApp.
Wildlife Day 2020. ADB’s Board of Directors.
Q.579. What was India’s per capita net
Q.573. What minimum support price per Q.576. In January 2021, the Defence national income (estimated) during
quintal of groundnut has been declared Research Development Organisation 2019-20?
by the Government of India for the (DRDO) developed SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Afternoon)
marketing season 2020-21? India's first indigenous machine pistol (a) ₹1,15,050 (b) ₹1,85,050
SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Afternoon) called ‘Asmi’ in collaboration with (c) ₹1,55,050 (d) ₹1,35,050
(a) ₹5275 (b) ₹6765 ______.
(c) ₹6285 (d) ₹4795 SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Afternoon) Sol.(d) The Per Capita Net National
(a) Army War College, Mhow Income during 2019-20 is estimated to
Sol.(a) The minimum support price per (b) Central Ordnance Depot, Jabalpur be ₹1,35,050 showing a rise of 6.8 per
quintal of groundnut has been declared (c) Infantry School, Mhow cent.
by the Government of India for the (d) College of Military Engineering,
marketing season 2020-21 is ₹5275. Pune Q.580. Which of the following states had
the highest per capita income for the
Q.574. Convention on the prohibition of Sol.(c) In January 2021, the Defence year 2019-2020?
the use of nuclear weapons and reducing Research Development Organisation SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Evening)
nuclear danger under the nuclear (DRDO) developed India's first (a) Gujarat (b) Goa
weapons cluster were two resolutions indigenous machine pistol called ‘Asmi’ (c) Kerala (d) Sikkim
sponsored by India that ______ in collaboration with Army War College,
adopted in 2020. Mhow. The Machine Pistol fires the Sol.(b) Goa has the highest per capita
SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Afternoon) in-service 9mm ammunition. The income of Rs 4,67,998/annum for the
(a) UN General Assembly Machine Pistol is likely to have year 2019-20. The National per capita
(b) World Health Organization production cost under Rs. 50000 each income is Rs 1,35,050 per annum.
(c) World Bank
and has potential for exports.
(d) International Labour Organization Q.581. Which of the following state
governments approved the Freedom of
Q.577. In the central budget 2020-21 the
Sol.(a) Convention on the prohibition of Religion Bill 2020 in December 2020?
eligibility limit for NBFCs for debt
the use of nuclear weapons and reducing SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Morning)
recovery under the SARFAESI Act was
nuclear danger under the nuclear (a) Telangana (b) Rajasthan
proposed to be reduced to an asset size
weapons cluster were two resolutions (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Uttar Pradesh
sponsored by India that UN General
SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Evening)
Assembly adopted in 2020. These Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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Sol..(c) The Freedom of Religion Bill, by Nagarhole and Bandipore reserves in Q.589. According to 'World Language
2020 provides for a prison term of up to Karnataka with 127 and 126 tigers Database Ethnologue-2019', brought out
10 years and a fine of ₹1 lakh for respectively. Madhya Pradesh (526) has in February 2020, which Indian language
conversion through “marriage or by any the maximum number of tigers followed is the third most spoken language of the
other fraudulent means" is approved by by Karnataka (524) Uttarakhand (442) world in 2019?
Madhya Pradesh. and Maharashtra (312). SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Morning)
(a) Hindi (b) Punjabi
Q.582. With which bank did the Indian Q.585. Which company invested (c) Tamil (d) Telugu
Army sign an MoU for serving retired ₹11,400 crores during the financial year
personnel in December 2020? 2019-2020 across its market payments Sol.(a) English is placed at the top of the
SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Afternoon) and wholesale business units in India to database with 1132 million speakers
(a) State Bank of India strengthen its foothold in India? while Chinese Mandarin is at second
(b) Union Bank SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Evening) place with 1,117 million speakers and
(c) HDFC Bank (a) Apple Inc. (b) Walmart Inc. Hindi is the third most spoken language
(d) Bank of Baroda (c) eBay Inc. (d), Inc. of the world in 2019.

Sol.(d) Bank of Baroda signed an MOU Sol.(d), Inc. invested Q.590. In the Union Budget 2020-21, the
with the Indian Army for serving retired ₹11,400 crores during the financial year Government of India proposed to spend
personnel. Under this service will be 2019-2020 across its market payments ₹30,42,230 crore in 2020-21, which is
provided to the retired personnel of the and wholesale business units in India to ______ higher than the revised estimate
Indian Army through the bank’s network strengthen its foothold in India. of 2019-20.
of over 8,200 domestic branches and SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Afternoon)
around 20,000 business correspondents Q.586. ISRO launched ______, it’s 42nd (a) 12.7% (b) 18.9%
touchpoints. communication satellite, in December (c) 18.7% (d) 17.6%
Q.583. Who among the following is the SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Evening) Sol.(a) 12.7%
head coach of India’s men’s (senior) (a) CMS-01 (b) GSAT-31
football team as of December 2020? (c) GSAT-30 (d) INSAT-4CR Q.591. As on 2019, which is the
SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Afternoon) largest multinational bank company in
(a) Dražen Ladić Sol.(a) ISRO launched CMS-01, its 42nd the world as measured by
(b) Igor Stimac communication satellite, in December total assets?
(c) Robert Jarni 2020 from Satish Dhawan Space Centre SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Evening)
(d) Stephen Constantine (SDSC). (a) State Bank of India
(b) National Savings Bank
Sol.(b) As of August 2021, the Head Q.587. Which of the following states has (c) Industrial and Commercial Bank of
coach of men’s football is Igor Stimac. the longest roadway network as of China
Head coach of women’s football: March 2021? (d) Agricultural Bank of China
Thomas Dennerby SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Morning)
Head coach of men’s hockey: Graham (a) Rajasthan (b) Maharashtra Sol.(c) Industrial and Commercial Bank
Reid (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Gujarat of China.
Head coach of women’s hockey: Sjoerd
Marijne Sol.(b) Maharashtra has the longest
Q.592. What was the theme for 11
Coach of Neeraj Chopra (at 2020 Tokyo roadway network as on March 2021.
February 2020, celebration of the United
Olympics): Uwe Hohn
Nations International Day of Women and
Q.588. As per Union Budget 2020, the
Girls in Science?
Q.584. According to ‘Population Government of India intends to double
SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Evening)
estimation of tigers in reserves for the country's milk processing capacity
(a) Science for women empowerment
2018-19’ which of the following is by the year ______.
(b) Investment in Women and Girls in
India's largest tiger reserve? SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Evening)
Science for Inclusive Green Growth
SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Afternoon) (a) 2028 (b) 2023
(c) Welcome the women and girl
(a) Corbett (b) Dudhwa (c) 2030 (d) 2025
achievers in science
(c) Nagarhole (d) Bandipore
(d) Inclusive growth of women and girls
Sol.(d) The Government of India intends
in science
Sol.(a) According to the population to double the country's milk processing
estimation of tigers in reserves for capacity by the year 2025 as per Union
2018-19, Corbett has 231 tigers followed Budget 2020. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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Sol.(b) Investment in Women and Girls Q.597. With which country did India Sol.(d) As per the Lion Census
in Science for Inclusive Green Growth hold its 14th Defence Policy Dialogue conducted every five years, the number
via video conferencing in August 2020? of Asiatic lions in the Gir forest region
Q.593. What was the contribution of the SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Evening) of Gujarat has risen to 674 in June 2020
manufacturing sector in India’s GDP in (a) The US (b) Japan from 523 in 2015.
Q2 of 2020-21? (c) Singapore (d) China
SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Afternoon) Q.601. Which sector of the Indian
(a) Positive growth of 3.4% Sol.(c) The 14th India-Singapore economy was the second largest
(b) Positive growth of 0.6% Defence Policy Dialogue (DPD) was recipient of Foreign Direct Investment in
(c) Negative growth of 7.5% held via video conferencing. It was India during 2019-20?
(d) Negative growth of 8.6% co-chaired by Defence Secretary Dr SSC MTS 05/10/21(Evening)
Ajay Kumar and Permanent Secretary (a) Computer software and hardware
Sol.(b) Positive growth of 0.6% (Defence), Singapore Mr Chan Heng (b) Automobile
Kee. (c) Services
Q.594. The minimum paid up equity (d) Construction
capital to set up a small finance bank Q.598. Where was the Patrika Gate
should be of _______, as proposed by inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Sol.(a) Computer software and hardware
RBI as of May 2020. Modi in September 2020? sector of the Indian economy was the
SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Afternoon) SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Evening) second-largest recipient of Foreign
(a) 100 crores (b) 300 crores (a) Jaipur (b) Ranchi Direct Investment in India during
(c) 200 crores (d) 75 crores (c) Raipur (d) Bhopal 2019-20,accounting for about 24 per
cent of the total FDI equity inflows in
Sol.(c) 200 crores Sol.(a) The Patrika Gate was built by the computer software and hardware sector .
It was followed by 23 per cent in the
Patrika group of Newspapers on the
Q.595. Which of the following institutes service sector and 8 per cent in the
Jawaharlal Nehru Marg in Jaipur. It was
bagged the UNESCO Asia-Pacific education sector, respectively.
inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra
Award for cultural Modi in September 2020.
heritage conservation in December, Q.602. Which of the following countries
2020? was the second largest source of Foreign
Q.599. As per the Budget 2019-20,
SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Afternoon) Direct Investment in India in FY
which among the following is the single
(a) IIT Roorkee 2019-20?
largest source of income of the
(b) IIT Delhi SSC MTS 08/10/21 (Afternoon)
Government of India, contributing 21
(b) Amar Singh College Srinagar (a) Mauritius (b) China
paise to each rupee earned?
(d) BBK DAV College Amritsar (c) The US (d) The UK
SSC MTS 05/10/21(Afternoon)
(a) Custom duties
Sol.(b) Amar Singh College Srinagar Sol.(a) Mauritius was the second largest
(b) Service tax
bagged the UNESCO Asia-Pacific source of Foreign Direct Investment in
(c) Non-tax revenue
Award for cultural heritage conservation India in FY 2019-20
(d) Corporation tax
in December, 2020.
Q.603. As per the Union Budget,
Sol.(d) As per the Budget 2019-20,
Q.596. Which of the following banks 2020-21, a resident Indian Individual
Corporation tax is the single largest
was declared as the ‘Safest Bank in with an annual taxable income above
source of income of the Government of
Asia’ for the 12th consecutive year by ₹15 lakh will pay tax at the rate of
India, contributing 21 paise to each
New York-based trade publication ______%.
rupee earned Whereas Goods and
‘Global Finance’ in 2020? SSC MTS 08/10/21 (Afternoon)
Services Tax collections contribute 19
SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Afternoon) (a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 5 (d) 30
paise in every rupee revenue.
(a) DBS (b) ICBC
(c) ICICI (d) HSBC Sol.(d) As per the Union Budget,
Q.600. As per the Lion Census
2020-21, a resident Indian Individual
conducted every five years, the number
Sol.(a) DBS Bank was declared as the of Asiatic lions in the Gir forest region with an annual taxable income above
‘Safest Bank in Asia’ for the 12th of Gujarat has risen to ______ in June ₹15 lakh will pay tax at the rate of 30 %.
consecutive year by New York-based 2020.
trade publication ‘Global Finance’ in SSC MTS 05/10/21(Evening) Q.604. Which of the following
2020. (a) 705 (b) 547 (c) 598 (d) 674 companies has developed a braille
keyboard named 'TalkBack'? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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SSC MTS 08/10/21 (Afternoon) citizen of India; be not less than 30 years for facilitating the process of
(a) Google (b) Apple of age and should possess such other classification and registration of
(c) Microsoft (d) Huawei qualifications as may be prescribed by enterprises. The portal is named as
law made by Parliament. Udyam Registration Portal.
Sol.(a) Google has developed a braille
keyboard named 'TalkBack'. The Q.608. As of July 2020, which of the Q.611. In 2020, the Deposit Insurance
TalkBack Braille keyboard is a software following is NOT a UNESCO World and Credit Guarantee Corporation
keyboard for Android which allows you Heritage Site? (DICGC) was permitted to increase
to position your fingers on the screen SSC MTS 13/10/21(Morning) deposit insurance coverage to ______.
and type as if you were using a Perkins (a) Jantar Mantar, Delhi SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Afternoon)
Brailler. (b) Jantar Mantar, Rajasthan (a) ₹3 lakh (b) ₹7 lakh
(c) Elephanta Caves, Maharashtra (c) ₹5 lakh (d) ₹1 lakh
Q.605. Which part of the world has the (d) Rani Ki Vav, Gujarat
highest density of population as of Sol.(c) In 2020, the Deposit Insurance
September 2020? Sol.(a) As of July 2020, Jantar Mantar, and Credit Guarantee Corporation
SSC MTS 11/10/21(Morning) Delhi is NOT a UNESCO World (DICGC) was permitted to increase
(a) East Australia (b) North America Heritage Site. A World Heritage Site is a deposit insurance coverage to ₹5 lakh in
(c) East Africa (d) South Central Asia landmark or area with legal protection 90 days. Deposit Insurance and Credit
by an international convention Guarantee Corporation (DICGC) is a
Sol.(d) South-Central Asia has the administered by UNESCO for having wholly-owned subsidiary of the Reserve
highest density of population as of cultural, historical, scientific, or other Bank of India (RBI).
September 2020 followed by East and forms of significance. Full form of
South-East Asia. UNESCO is the United Nations Q.612. In June 2020, which of the
Educational, Scientific, and Cultural following international organisations has
Q.606. As of September 2020, which of Organization. UNESCO’s headquarter is approved a $500 million Strengthening
the following national parks is inscribed in Paris, France. Teaching-Learning and Results for
on the UNESCO World Heritage List States Program (STARS) to improve the
(Natural)? Q.609. The Economic Survey (of India) quality and governance of school
SSC MTS 11/10/21(Evening) 2019-20 introduced the idea of “______ education in six Indian states?
(a) Gir National Park as a public good that gets enhanced with SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Morning)
(b) Dachigam National Park greater use.” (a) International Monetary Fund
(c) Hemis National Park SSC MTS 13/10/21(Morning) (b) Asia Development Fund
(d) Keoladeo National Park (a) employment (b) trust (c) UNESCO
(c) entrepreneurship (d) honesty (d) World Bank
Sol.(d) As of September 2020, Keoladeo
National Park(Rajasthan) is inscribed on Sol.(b) The Economic Survey (of India) Sol.(d) In June 2020, World Bank has
the UNESCO World Heritage List 2019-20 introduced the idea of “ trust as approved a $500 million Strengthening
(Natural). In 1982, Keoladeo was a public good that gets enhanced with Teaching-Learning and Results for
declared a national park and then later greater use.” States Program (STARS) to improve the
listed as a World Heritage Site by quality and governance of school
UNESCO in 1985. Q.610. In July 2020, the Union Ministry education in six Indian states(Himachal
of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Pradesh, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh,
Q.607. As on September 2020, in order launched a registration portal for Maharashtra, Odisha and Rajasthan
to be a member of the Rajya Sabha one facilitating the process of classification through the Samagra Shiksha). It is
must not be less than ______ years of and registration of enterprises. The established in July 1944. headquarters -
age. portal is named as: Washington DC, USA.
SSC MTS 12/10/21(Evening) SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Evening)
(a) 25 (b) 30 (c) 18 (d) 21 (a) Saksham Registration Portal Q.613. In February 2020, the Shanghai
(b) Udyam Registration Portal Cooperation Organization (SCO)
Sol.(b) As of September 2020, in order (c) Sugam Registration Portal published 'List of Eight Wonders of
to be a member of the Rajya Sabha one (d) Daksh Registration Portal SCO'. Which of the following Indian
must not be less than 30 years of age. monuments figured in this list?
The requirement to become a member of Sol.(b) In July 2020, the Union Ministry SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Afternoon)
Rajya Sabha: a person should be a of Micro, Small, and Medium (a) Monuments at Mahabalipuram
Enterprises launched a registration portal Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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(b) Great Living Chola Temples Q.616. What is the percentage of SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Evening)
(c) Khajuraho Group of Monuments Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) allowed (a) Education and skills
(d) Statue of Unity by the Department for Promotion of (b) Culture and tourism
Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) in (c) Infrastructure
Sol.(d) The Eight Wonders of the SCO India for the Insurance Intermediaries as (d) New economy
are: on July 2020?
1. India — the Statue of Unity. 2. SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Afternoon) Sol.(a) Education and skills come under
Kazakhstan — the Archaeological (a) 30% (b) 50% (c) 49% (d) 100% the theme of 'Aspirational India'
Landscape of Tamgaly. according to Budget 2020.
3. China — The Daming imperial palace Sol.(d) Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
complex. 4 .Kyrgyzstan — Lake allowed by the Department for Q.620. Who among the following was
Issyk-Kul. Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade nominated to the Rajya Sabha by
5. Pakistan — The Great Mughals’ (DPIIT) in India for the Insurance President Ram Nath Kovind in March
heritage at Lahore. 6. Russia — The Intermediaries as on July 2020 is 100%. 2020?
Golden Ring cities. A foreign direct investment (FDI) is a SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Afternoon)
7. Tajikistan — The Palace of Nowruz. purchase of an interest in a company by (a) TS Thakur
8.Uzbekistan — the Poi Kalon complex. a company or an investor located outside (b) Jagdish Singh Khehar
its borders. (c) Dipak Misra
(d) Ranjan Gogoi
Q.614. Of the languages recognised as
Classical Languages by the Government Q.617. Which state of India had the
lowest number of districts as of Sol.(d) Ranjan Gogoi was nominated to
of India, as on 30th June 2020, which of
September 2020? the Rajya Sabha by President Ram Nath
the following is the latest?
SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Afternoon) SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Evening) Kovind in March 2020. Ranjan Gogoi is
(a) Telugu (b) Odia (a) Goa (b) Nagaland a former Indian Judge of the Supreme
(c) Malayalam (d) Kannada (c) Arunachal Pradesh (d) Sikkim Court of India who served as the 46th
Chief Justice of India.
Sol.(b) Of the languages recognised as Sol.(a) Goa had the lowest number of
Classical Languages by the Government districts as of September 2020. Goa is Q.621. In June 2020, the President of
of India, as on 30th June 2020, Odia is the smallest state of India. On 30 May India promulgated the Banking
the latest. Six languages in India namely 1987 Goa attained statehood (while Regulation (Amendment) Ordinance,
Tamil, Telugu, Sanskrit, Kannada, Daman and Diu became a separate union 2020. Which of the following is the main
Malayalam and Odia have been given territory). Goa was freed from feature of this ordinance?
Portuguese rule on 19 December 1961. SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Afternoon)
the status of classical language.
(a) It brings urban and multi-state
Q.618. Which ministry among the cooperative banks under the supervision
Q.615. To which of the following
following got the highest budgetary of the Reserve Bank of India.
corporate houses does the leading
allocation in Indian Union Budget 2020? (b) It gives greater regulating powers to
vaccine manufacturing company Serum
SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Evening) the Reserve Bank of India by the way of
Institute of India Private Limited
(a) Ministry of Women and Child appointing more Directors to the Board
Development of scheduled banks.
SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Afternoon)
(b) Defence (c) It relaxes Tier-1 capital related norms
(a) Tata Group
(c) Micro Small and Medium Enterprises for banks.
(b) Adani Group
(d) Education (d) It allows foreign lending institutions
(c) Reliance Group
to set up their branches in India.
(d) Cyrus Poonawalla Group
Sol.(b) Defence ministry got the highest
budgetary allocation in Indian Union Sol.(a) The main feature of the Banking
Sol.(d) The leading vaccine
Budget 2020. Finance minister Nirmala Regulation (Amendment) Ordinance,
manufacturing company Serum Institute
Sitharaman allocated ₹4.78 lakh crore to 2020 is that it brings urban and
of India Private Limited belongs to
defence budget for 2021-22 which is the multi-state cooperative banks under the
Cyrus Poonawalla Group. Serum
highest allocation in 15 years. supervision of the Reserve Bank of
Institute of India manufacturers of
Vaccines & immuno-biologicals that
include Tetanus Toxoid, Diphtheria, Q.619. Which among the following
comes under the theme of 'Aspirational Q.622. Who among the following was
Measles, Mumps, Rubella and
India' according to Budget 2020? the chief economic advisor to the
Hepatitis-B. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

Government of India as of August 2020? CHSL 3 JULY 2019 (Evening) Sol.(c) :Dr Veerappa Moily, Chairman of
SSC MTS 2/1/2021 (Evening) (a) Celestial Bodies (b) Milkman the Finance Committee received the
(a) Krishnamurthy Subramanian (c) The Pine Islands (d) The Years Award on behalf of the Finance
(b) Ajay Bhushan Pandey Committee, who was selected as the
(c) Atanu Chakraborty Sol.(a) Female Omani author Jokha outstanding committee under the
(d) Rajeev Kumar Alharthi is the winner of the 2019 Man Parliamentary Standing Committee
Booker International Prize for her novel category.
Sol.(a) Krishnamurthy Subramanian was "Celestial Bodies,".The work tells the
the chief economic advisor to the coming-of-age story of three sisters in an Q.629. ___________ was awarded the
Government of India as of August 2020. Omani village, and was originally International Gandhi Peace Award
Chief Economic Advisor to the published in Arabic. (2016) for its contribution towards the
Government of India, is a leading expert improvement of sanitation facilities in
on economic policy, banking, and Q.626. Who among the following was India and the emancipation of manual
corporate governance. awarded the third Sayaji Ratna Award in scavengers.
November 2018 which has been SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Evening)
established in memory of erstwhile (a)Vivekananda Kendra
Baroda ruler Sayajirao Gaekwad III? (b)Sulabh International
CHSL 2 JULY 2019 (Evening) (c)Akshaya Patra Foundation
Q.623. Identify the foreigner who has
(a) Mohanlal (d)Ekal Abhiyan Trust
been conferred the second highest
(b) Shiv Nadar
civilian award in India , Padma
(c) Amitabh Bachchan Sol.(b) :Sulabh International was
Vibhushan for ‘Exceptional and
(d) Azim Premji awarded the International Gandhi Peace
distinguished service’ in 2019?
Award (2016) for its contribution
CGL 11th June 2019 (Morning)
Sol.(c) Amitabh Bachchan was awarded towards the improvement of sanitation
(a) John Chambers
the third Sayaji Ratna Award in facilities in India and the emancipation
(b) Ismail Omar Guelleh
November 2018 which has been of manual scavengers. Sulabh
(c) Pravin Gordhan
established in memory of erstwhile International Social Service
(d) Kader Khan
Baroda ruler Sayajirao Gaekwad III. Organisation, a non-profit voluntary
social organisation founded in 1970 by
Sol.(b) Ismaïl Omar Guelleh is the
Q.627. The____in Kanyakumari was Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak, is dedicated to
current President of Djibouti, in office
awarded the ‘International Gandhi Peace Gandhian ideology of emancipation of
since 1999. He was awarded with the
Prize(2015) for its contribution to rural scavengers.
Padma Vibhushan, India's second
development, education and
highest civilian award on 25 January
development of natural resources. Q.630. The ___________ was awarded
2019 for his role in the safe evacuation
SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening) the International Gandhi Peace Prize
of Indian citizens from Yemen.
(a) Vivekananda Kendra (2016) for its work towards providing
(b) Saanjh Kendra mid-day meals to children across India.
Q.624. Who among the following is the
(c) Akshaya Kendra SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Evening)
2019 winner of the $100,000 Nine Dots
(d) Sewa Kendra (a) Sulabh International
(b) Vivekananda Kendra
CHSL 2 JULY 2019 (Morning)
Sol.(a) The recipient for the year 2015 (c) Ekal Abhiyan Trust
(a) Annie Zaidi
was the Vivekananda Kendra in (d) Akshaya Patra foundation
(b) Chetan Bhagat
Kanyakumari for its contribution in rural
(c) Shashi Tharoor
development, education, and Sol.(d) The prestigious Gandhi Peace
(d) Arundhati Roy
development of natural resources. Prize for the year 2016 was conferred
upon the Akshaya Patra.
Sol.(a) :Indian writer Annie Zaidi is the
Q.628. Standing committee on finance Foundation for its contribution towards
2019 winner of the $100,000 Nine Dots
headed by_____was selected for the socio-economic development of
Prize. A prestigious book prize created
outstanding performance among the India by providing
to award innovative thinking that
Parliamentary Standing Committees for mid-day meals to millions of children
addresses contemporary issues around
the Sansad Ratna Awards in Chennai. across the country.
the world.
SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening)
(a)Dhananjay Mahadik Q.631. Renowned writer Namita
Q.625. Oman author Jokha Alharthi won
(b)Nishikant Dubey Gokhale was awarded_____for her work
the ‘2019 Man Booker International
(c)M Veerappa Moily ‘Things to leave behind’ under the ;Best
Prize’ for which of the following novels?
(d)NK premachandran book of Fiction written by a women Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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Author’ category at the inaugural edition Sol.(c) S. Mirabai Chanu (Weightlifting) Sol.(d) -Director general of indian
of Bhopal Literature and Art festival. And Virat Kohli (Cricket) Are Given Council of Medical Research (ICMR)
SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning) Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna 2018 for their professor, was
(a) Sushila Devi Literature Award spectacular and most outstanding awarded the '2019 Dr Lee Jong-wook
(b) Jnanpith Award performance in the field of sports. Memorial Prize for Public Health' at the
(c) Sahitya Academy Award The Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Awards 72nd World
(d) Yuva Puraskar Award holds the highest honour in India and is Health Assembly in Geneva.
awarded to those who make the country
Sol.(a) :Renowned writer Namita proud on the international platform. Q.637. Who among the following won
Gokhale was awarded the Sushila Devi an award in the 'Best Actor (Female)'
Literature Award for her work “Things Q.634. Which book among the following category at the 64th Filmfare
to Leave Behind” under the; Best book won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction 2019? Awards held in 2019?
of Fiction written by a women Author’ SSC CHSL 4-7-2019(Afternoon) SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning)
category at the inaugural edition of (a) The Sympathizer (a) Alia Bhatt
Bhopal Literature and Art festival. (b) The Overstory (b) Neena Gupta
Sushila Devi Literature Award (c) The Underground Railroad (c) Sara Ali Khan
constituted by Ratanlal Foundation. The (d) Less (d) Jhanvi Kapoor
award recognises the Best Book of
Fiction Written by a woman author. It is Sol.(b) The Overstory won the Pulitzer Sol.(a) 64th Filmfare Awards held at
a newly constituted award and comes Prize for Fiction 2019.The Overstory is a Mumbai.
with a cash prize of Rs 2 lakh. novel by Richard Powers.The Pulitzer Best film(critics)-Raazi
Prize is an award for achievements in Most awarded movies-Andhadhund and
Q.632. The Delhi High Court has newspaper, magazine and online Raazi(5 each )
allowed the release of the movie’ 72 journalism, literature and musical
Hours-Martyr who never died’, based on composition within the United States. Q.638. What is the name of the
the life of the 1962 war hero Rifleman anti-satellite missile test conducted by
____who was posthumously awarded the Q.635. Which of the following airports DRDO in March 2019 from the Dr. A P
Maha Vir Chakra for gallantry. was crowned the 'World’s Best Airport' J Abdul Kalam Island launch complex?
SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning) for the seventh time in a row by the SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon)
(a) Jaswant Singh Rawat Skytrax World Airport Awards 2019? (a) Mission Akash
(b) Harbans Singh Virk SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning) (b) Mission Antariksh
(c) Man Mohan Khanna (a) Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj (c) Mission Surya Mandal
(d) Rajendra Singh International Airport (d) Mission Shakti
(b) Changi Airport
Sol.(a) The Delhi High Court has (c) Indira Gandhi International Airport Sol.(d) Mission Shakti' was the country's
allowed the release of the movie’ 72 (d) Haneda International Airport first ever Anti-Satellite (A-SAT) Missile
Hours-Martyr who never died’, based on Test successfully conducted on 27th
the life of the 1962 war hero Rifleman Sol.(b) Changi Airport is situated in March 2019 from Dr APJ Abdul Kalam
Jaswant Singh Rawat who was Singapore.It has been crowned world’s Island in Odisha.This test was conducted
posthumously awarded the Maha Vir best airport seventh time in a row. by DRDO.
Chakra for gallantry. The film got The rank of New Delhi’s Indira Gandhi
positive reviews from both audiences international airport was 59. Q.639. Who won the American reality
and critics. Show, 'the World's Best' 2019 for
Q.636. In May 2019, ____________, an displaying his talent as a pianist?
Q.633. S. Mirabai Chanu (Weightlifting) Indian Council of Medical Research SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening)
And Virat Kohli (Cricket) Are Given (ICMR) professor, was awarded the (a) Lydian Nadhaswaram
________ For Their Spectacular And '2019 Dr Lee Jong-wook Memorial Prize (b) Stephen Devassy
Most Outstanding Performance In The for Public Health' at the 72nd World (c) Utsav Lal
Field Of Sports. Health Assembly in Geneva. (d) Anil Srinivasan
SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Evening) SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning)
(A) Dhyan Chand Award 2018 (a) Alagarasu Kalichamy Sol.(a) -Lydian Nadhaswaram is a young
(B) Dronacharya Awards 2018 (b) Ajay Vir Singh Indian multi-instrumentalist from
(C) Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna 2018 (c) Seema Sahay Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.He won the
(D) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad (Maka) (d) Balram Bhargava American reality Show, 'the World's
Trophy 2017-18 Best' 2019 for displaying his talent as a
pianist. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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Q.640. In August 2018, ________ Sol.(d) Mamta Kalia was awarded by Q.647. In the context of Man Booker
became the first Indian to win the 'Best the 27th Vyas Samman of the K.K. Birla International Prize, 2019, which of the
Actor' award at the Norwegian national Foundation in 2018 for her novel following statements is NOT correct?
awards held in Haugesund, Norway. Dukkham Sukkham. This award is CHSL 10 JULY 2019 (Morning)
SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning) awarded annually by the K.K. Birla (a) The prize was awarded to her for the
(a) Irrfan Khan Foundation includes a cash payout of Rs novel titled Celestial Bodies.
(b) Nawazuddin Siddiqui 3,50,000. (b) Alharthi hails from Oman.
(c) Adil Hussain (c) Alharthi is the second Arabic author
(d) Nasiruddin Shah Q.644. Who among the following actors to win this prize.
won the Global Indian Icon award at the (d) The prize was bagged by Jokha Al
Sol.(c) Adil Hussain became the first 2nd Annual UK India Awards, 2018? Harthi.
Indian to win Best Actor at the SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (morning)
Norwegian National Awards in (a) Vivek Oberoi (b) Madhuri Dixit Sol.(c) Alharthi is the second Arabic
Haugesund for his film 'What Will (c) Shah Rukh Khan (d) Shilpa Shetty author to win this prize.
People Say.This film is about Explanation: Alharthi is the first Arabic
immigrants and their rigid value system. Sol.(d) Shilpa Shetty won the Global author to win this prize.
Indian Icon award at the 2nd Annual UK
Q.641. In 2018, Bharat Vatwani and India Awards, 2018. Q.648. Which of the following
_________ were the two Indians sportspersons has received the ‘Rajiv
awarded with the Ramon Q.645. Japan’s second highest national Gandhi Khel Ratna’ Award?
Magsaysay award. award called ‘The Order of the Rising MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening)
SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon) Sun, Gold and Silver Star’ was (a) Gita Phogat (b) Saina Nehwal
(a) Rajendra Singh conferred on _______ in 2019. (c) Deepika Kumari (d) Kapil Dev
(b) Arvind Kejriwal SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (afternoon)
(c) Sonam Wangchuk (a) Shyam Saran (b) Rajeshwar Dayal Sol.(b) India's ace shuttler Saina Nehwal
(d) Sathyabhama Das Biju (c) JS Mehta (d) Kewal Singh was in 2010 selected for the prestigious
Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award, the
Sol.(c) Two Indians, Bharat Vatwani Sol.(a) Shyam Saran won Japan's country's sporting honour, for her
and Sonam Wangchuk, are among the second highest national award called outstanding achievements on the
winners of this year's Ramon Magsaysay ‘The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and badminton court.
Award, regarded as the Asian version of Silver Star’. He has worked as India's
the Nobel Prize in 2018. ambassador to Myanmar, Indonesia and Q.649. Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee was
Nepal and as High Commissioner to awarded the 2019 Nobel Memorial Prize
Q.642. Which Indian contemporary artist Mauritius. in:
was awarded the 7th Joan Miro Prize SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning)
2019? Q.646. Who has been given the (a) Chemistry (b) Physics
SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening) 'Yashwantrao Chavan National Award (c) Literature (d) Economics
(a) Nalini Malani (b) Atul Dodiya 2018' for his contribution to economic
(c) Arpita Singh (d) Vivan Sundaram development? Sol.(d) Abhijeet Vinayak Banerjee
CHSL 10 JULY 2019 (Morning) shared the 2019 Nobel Memorial Prize
Sol.(a) Indian contemporary artist Nalini (a) Bimal Jalan in Economic Sciences with Esther Duflo
Malani has won the Joan Miro Prize for (b) Amartya Sen and Michael Kremer "for their
2019, the Barcelona-based Fundacio (c) Raghuram Raja experimental approach to alleviating
Joan Miro has announced. One of the (d) Arvind Subramanian global poverty". Along with Esther
most prestigious contemporary art Duflo, they are the sixth married couple
awards in the world. Sol.(c) Former Reserve Bank of India to jointly win a Nobel Prize.
(RBI) Governor Raghuram Rajan had
Q.643. Which author has been awarded been honored with 'Yashwantrao Chavan Q.650. Which film director was given
the 27th Vyas Samman of the K.K. Birla National Award 2018' for his the Kalamaharshi Baburao Painter
Foundation in 2018? contribution towards economic Award in the seventh Kolhapur
SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening) development.He was 23rd governor of International Film Festival in February
(a) Ashish Chaudhary RBI from 2013 to 2016.He also worked 2019?
(b) Yogita Yadav as a chief economist of IMF( SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening)
(c) Pankaj Dubey international monetary fund) (a) Rajkumar Hirani
(d) Mamta Kalia (b) Govind Nihalani
(c) Mani Ratnam Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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(d) Ashutosh Gowariker Q.654. Which movie won the ‘Best film’ (b) Atul Puni
award at the 20th IIFA Awards in 2019? (c) GV Sanjay Reddy
Sol.(b) Veteran filmmaker Govind SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning) (d) Grandhi Mallikarjuna Rao
Nihalani was honoured with the (a) Dhadak (b) Padmavat
Kalamaharshi Baburao Painter Award at (c) Raazi (d) Sanju Sol.(a) Anil Manibhai Naik (born 9 June
the upcoming Kolhapur International 1942), popularly known as A. M. Naik,
Film Festival (KIFF.) Sol.(c) ‘Best film ‘ award at the 20th is an Indian industrialist. In 2019, he was
IIFA Awards in 2019 is Raazi. awarded the Padma Vibhushan, India's
Q.651. Which of the following 2nd highest civilian award.
personalities was NOT a recipient of the Q.655. The ‘ Saraswati Samman 2018’
Bharat Ratna Award in 2019? has been conferred on the renowned Q.659. Who among the following is
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening) poet: NOT a recipient of the '2019 Right
(a) Nanaji Deshmukh SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning) Livelihood Award'?
(b) Bhupen Hazarika (a) Akhil Katyal SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening)
(c) Shyama Prasad Mukherjee (b) K Siva Reddy (a) Doreen Lawrence
(d) Pranab Mukherjee (c) Meena Kandasamy (b) Aminatou Haidar
(d) Tishani Doshi (c) Guo Jianmei
Sol.(c) 2019 Bharat Ratna Award: (d) Greta Thunberg
Former President Pranab Mukherjee, Sol.(b) Telugu poet K Siva Reddy has
Assamese singer-composer Bhupen been selected for the prestigious Sol.(a) The Right Livelihood Award,
Hazarika and social activist Nanaji Saraswati Samman, 2018. widely known as the 'Alternative Nobel
Deshmukh were awarded the country's Prize', celebrates its 40th anniversary
highest civilian award. this year. The 2019 Award goes to
Q.656. Which Indian was awarded the
Chiratae Ventures’ Patrick J. McGovern Aminatou Haidar (Western Sahara), Guo
Q.652. In which field has Balwant Lifetime Achievement Award 2019? Jianmei (China), Greta Thunberg
Moreshwar Purandare been conferred SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening) (Sweden) and Davi Kopenawa /
the Padma Vibhushan Award in 2019? (a) Narayan Murthy (b) Uday Kotak Hutukara Yanomami Association
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening) (c) Ratan Tata (d) Shiv Nadar (Brazil).
(a) Music-Flute
(b) Folk dance Sol.(c) Ratan Tata, has been awarded Q.660. ______ has been awarded the
(c) Painting the Chiratae Ventures' Patrick J. SASTRA Ramanujan Prize, 2019.
(d) Art-Acting-Theatre McGovern Lifetime Achievement Award SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening)
2019 at the company's annual general (a) Akshay Venkatesh
Sol.(d) Balwant Moreshwar Purandare meeting on October 15. (b) Adam Harper
Pune, popularly known as Babasaheb (c) Manjul Bhargava
Purandare is a writer and theatre Q.657. Who among the following soccer (d) Maryam Mirzakhani
personality from Maharashtra, India. He stars bagged the FIFA’s Best Men’s
was awarded with Padma Vibhushan, Player Award 2019? Sol.(b) The SASTRA Ramanujan prize
India's second highest civilian award on SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning) for 2019 was awarded to mathematician
25 January 2019. He is known for his (a) Cristiano Ronaldo Adam Harper, Assistant Professor with
research and work on Chatrapati Shivaji (b) Nevmar da Silva Santos Junior the University of Warwick, England for
Maharaj. (c) Lionel Messi several outstanding contributions to
(d) Luis Suarez analytic and probabilistic number theory.
Q.653. _______ was chosen as India’s
official entry in the ‘Best International Sol.(c) Lionel Messi has been crowned Q.661. Which of the following
Feature Film’ category at the Oscars the top male player at FIFA's annual foundations confers the 'Global
2020? individual awards. He had been sharing Goalkeeper Awards'?
SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning) the record with Cristiano Ronaldo until SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening)
claiming it outright in Milan. (a) Coca-Cola Foundation
(a) Baba (b) Anandi Gopal
(b) Ford Foundation
(c) Andhadhun (d) Gully Boy
Q.658. Who among the following has (c) Infosys Foundation
been selected for Padma Vibhushan (d) Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Sol.(d) The Ranveer Singh and Alia
Bhatt-starrer 'Gully Boy' has been Award under the category ‘Trade and
Industry- Infrastructure ‘ for 2019? Sol.(d) Prime Minister Narendra Modi
chosen as India's official entry in the
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning) was honoured with the prestigious ' 2019
'Best International Feature Film'
(a) Anilkumar manibhai Naik Global Goalkeeper Award' by the Bill &
category for the 92nd Academy Awards. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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Melinda Gates Foundation for his Michael Kremer "for their experimental (a) Badminton
leadership and commitment to his approach to alleviating global poverty." (b) Cricket
ambitious pet project “Swachh Bharat (c) Archery
Abhiyan (SBA)” on 24th September Q.665. Which of the following Indian (d) Chess
2019. Journalists was one of the recipients of
the 2019 Ramon Magsaysay Award? Sol.(d) Harika Dronavalli is an Indian
Q.662. Which Indian historian wom SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) chess grandmaster, was conferred with
Israel’s prestigious Dan David Prize? (a) Ravish Kumar Padma Shri (the fourth highest civilian
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) (b) Rajdeep Sardesai award) by president Ram Nath Kovind
(a) Sanjay Subrahmanyam (c) Barkha Dutt in March, 2019.
(b) Mridula Mukherjee (d) Arnab Goswami She has won three bronze medals in the
(c) Irfan Habib Women's World Chess Championship, in
(d) Sumit Sarkar Sol.(a) Eminent journalist Ravish 2012, 2015 and 2017
Kumar wins Magsaysay Award for 2019
Sol.(a) Indian historian Sanjay on August 2, 2019. Ramon Magsaysay Q.669. Who among the following was
Subrahmanyam on February 10, 2019 Award is the highest honour given to honoured with the 50th Dadasaheb
won the prestigious Dan David Prize Asian individuals and organisations. Phalke Award?
2019 for his work on inter-cultural Ravish Kumar has been awarded for SSC CGL 3-3-2020 (Afternoon)
encounters between Asians, Europeans "harnessing journalism to give voice to (a) Anupam Kher
and people of North and South America the voiceless". This award is known as (b) Naseeruddin Shah
during the early modern era.The Dan the Asian equivalent of the Nobel Prize. (c) Amitabh Bachchan
David Prize grants annually three prizes (d) Kamal Hassan
of US $1million each for outstanding Q.666. Who among the following has
achievement in fields such as Past, been awarded the M P Birla Memorial Sol.(c) The great legend of Indian
Present and Future. Award 2019? cinema, Shri Amitabh Bachchan was
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) awarded with the prestigious 50th
Q.663. Who among the following was (a) Narasimhangar Mukund Dadasaheb Phalke Award, Indian
awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2019? (b) Shiraz Minwalla cinema's biggest honour in his 50th year
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) (c) Dhanu Padmanabhan in the Indian film industry
(a) John B. Good Enough (d) Abhaj Mitra
(b) Greta Thanberg Q.670. Name the two Indian actors who
(c) Abi Ahmed Ali Sol.(c) Physicist Thanu Padmanabhan on shared the best National Best Actor
(d) Akira to Yoshino Sunday received the M P Birla Memorial Award (Male) in the 66th National Film
Award 2019 for his contributions to the Awards 2019?
Sol.(c) The Nobel Peace Prize,2019 is world of cosmology. CGL 4/3/2020 (evening)
awarded to Abiy Ahmed Ali for his (a) Ayushmann Khurrana and Vicky
efforts to achieve peace and international Q.667. In May 2019, Bengaluru-based Kaushal
cooperation, in particular for his decisive medical doctor_____was honoured with (b) Ranbir Kapoor and Akshay Kumar
initiative to resolve the border conflict the 'Global Asian healthcare.' (c) Nana Patekar and Mohanlal
with neighbouring Eritrea. SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening) (d) Amitabh Bachchan and Ranbir
(a) Hema Divakar Kapoor
Q.664. Which of the following is not in (b) Shashi Wadhwa
memory of Alfred Nobel 2019 from (c) Indira Hinduja Sol.(a) Ayushmann Khurrana for
obtaining the Savorius Riksbank degree (d) Neelam Kler Andhadhundh and Vicky Kaushal for
in Economic Science? Uri :The surgical strike won the National
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) Sol.(a) Bengaluru-based medical doctor Best Actor Award (Male) in the 66th
(a) Esther Daflo Hema Divakar was honoured with the National Film Award 2019.
(b) Abhijeet Banerjee 'Global Asian of the Year 2018-19'
(c) M Stanley Whittingham award in Dubai for her yeomen services Q.671. Ishwar Sharma has been
(d) Michael Kramer and contributions to the women's honoured with the Global Child Prodigy
healthcare ecosystem. Award 2020. What is this award
Sol.(c) The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in associated with?
Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Q.668. For which of the following sports CGL 5/3/2020 (morning)
Nobel 2019 was awarded jointly to was Dronavalli Harika, conferred with (a) Yoga (b) Sports
Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo and the prestigious Padma Shri award? (c) Literature (d) Science
SSC-CGL 3-3-2020 (morning) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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Sol.(a) Ishwar Sharma from the UK has the Vice President, Shri M. Venkaiah Gandhi Khel Ratna Award 2019 which is
been honoured with the Global Child Naidu. the country's highest sporting honour.
Prodigy Award 2020. The award The President's Colours Award is also
recognized for the achievements in called NISHAAN. Q.678. Who among the following is
spiritual discipline yoga. He has started NOT a recipient of the 2019 Mother
an e-petition with the UK government to Q.675. Who was honoured with the 1st Teresa Memorial Awards for Social
include yoga in the national school recipient of the Muppavarapu National Justice?
curriculum and nearly 20,000 people Award for Social Service at Hyderabad CGL 9-03-2020 (Afternoon)
on 9th January 2020?
signed. (a)Ajeet Singh (b)Priti Patkar
CGL 5/3/2020 (evening)
(c)Kailash Satyarthi (d)Medha Patkar
(a) Dr. Gutta Munirathnam
Q.672. Jasprit Bumrah has been selected (b) Dr. Mankombu Sambasivan
to receive which of the following awards Swaminathan Sol.(d) The 2019 edition of Mother
for his performance in international (c) Chandra Pal Singh Yadav Teresa Memorial award recognises the
cricket in the 2018-19 season? (d) Uttam Prakash Agarwal exemplary and humanitarian work done
CGL 5/3/2020 (morning) by social activists in fields and issues
(a) Madhavrao Scindia Sol.(a) Dr. Gutta Muniratnam was related to modern forms of slavery and
(b) M.A. Chidambaram honoured with the 1st recipient of the for victim rehabiltation. It was
(c) C.K. Nayudu Muppavarapu National Award for Social established by the Harmony Foundation.
(d) Polly Umrigar Service at Hyderabad on 9th January The theme by Harmony Foundation for
2020. 2019 is ‘Combating Contemporary
Sol.(d) In January, 2020 Jasprit Bumrah Forms of Slavery’.
received the prestigious Polly Umrigar Q.676. Which Indian Journalist was Winners: Kailash Satyarthi, Robert
Award for the best international male honoured with India's Most Powerful Bilheimer, Junior Nzita Nsuami, Ajeet
cricketer in 2018-19 and Poonam Yadav Women in Media Award during the Singh, Alezandra Russell, Hasina
for the best international cricketer prestigious Confluence Excellence Kharbhih, Rob Williams, Priti Patkar,
(women). Award ceremony held in the British Prerna.
parliament on 27 September 2019?
Q.673. Which district has been awarded CGL 6-03-2020 (Morning) Q.679. Who among the following
the Plastic Waste Management Award (a) Sona Choudhary received the Padma Bhushan in 2019?
-2020 for being the best district of India (b) Sunetra Chaudhary CHSL 17-3-2020 (Morning)
in the plastic waste management (c) Anubha Bhonsle (a) Sunil Chhetri
category during Swachhta Hi Seva (d) Kalli Puri (b) Bhupen Hazarika
2019? (c) Mohanlal Viswanathan
CGL 5/3/2020 (morning) Sol.(d) Indian journalist Kallie Puri was (d) Virat Kohli
(a) Majuli (b) Hojai honoured with “India's Most Powerful
(c) Dibrugarh (d) Jorhat Women in Media” award. She received Sol.(c) Mohanlal Viswanathan received
the global honour at the prestigious the Padma Bhushan, the third highest
Sol.(c) Assam's Dibrugarh district won Confluence Excellence Awards at the civilian award in 2019.
the Plastic Waste Management Award British Parliament on September 27,
2020. It was awarded for being the best 2019. Q.680. Nobel Peace Prize 2019 winner
district of India in plastic waste Abiy Ahmed Ali belongs to which
management. Q.677. Who among the following was country?
NOT a recipient of the Arjuna Awards in CHSL 17-03-2020 (Afternoon)
Q.674. The police of which state was 2019? (a) UAE (b) Ethiopia
honoured with the President's Colours CGL 7-03-2020 (Afternoon) (c) Pakistan (d) Brazil
award in December 2019? (a)Swapna Barman (b)Mezban Patel
CGL 5/3/2020 (morning) (c)Poonam Yadav (d)Ravindra Jadeja Sol.(b) Nobel Peace Prize 2019 winner
(a) Gujarat (b) Maharashtra Abiy Ahmed Ali belongs to Ethiopia. He
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Kerala Sol.(b) Swapna Barman, Poonam yadav won the award for his efforts to achieve
and Ravindra Jadeja are awarded the peace and international cooperation and
Sol.(a) Gujarat police was honoured with Arjuna Award in 2019. Mazben Patel is for his decisive initiative to resolve the
the President's Colours award on 15 not a recipient of the Arjuna Award in border conflict with neighbouring
December 2019. Gujarat became the 2019. Eritrea.
seventh state police force in India to be Ace wrestler Bajrang Punia and Deepa
bestowed with the honour of the Malik are set to be awarded the Rajiv Q.681. When did Karnam Malleshwari
President’s Colours. It was presented by get the Padma Shri? Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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CHSL 17-03-2020 (Afternoon) Q.686. Which country has announced Moreshwar Purandare, Teejan Bai, Anil
(a) 1999 (b) 1995 the setting up of the Gandhi Citizenship Manibhai Naik and Ismail Omar
(c) 1994 (d) 2000 Education Prize? Guelleh. The Padma Vibhushan is the
SSC CHSL 19-3-2020 (Morning) second-highest civilian award of the
Sol.(a) Karnam Malleshwari got the (a) South Africa (b) Portugal Republic of India, after the Bharat
Padma Shri in 1999. He is a retired (c) India (d) Germany Ratna. The award is given for
Indian weightlifter. “exceptional and distinguished service”,
Sol.(b) Prime Minister of Portugal, without distinction of race, occupation,
Q.682. Who won the Nobel prize 2019 Antonio Costa has announced the setting position or sex.
in literature? up of Gandhi Citizenship Education
CHSL 17-03-2020 (Evening) Prize in order to perpetuate Mahatma Q.690. Which film won the Golden
(a) Olga Tokarczuk (b) Peter Handke Gandhi’s ideals in Portugal. Antonio Globe Awards 2020 for Best Picture -
(c) Bob Dylan (d) Kazuo Ishiguro Costa is also known as the ‘Gandhi of Drama?
Lisbon’ for his work along Gandhian SSC CHSL 19-3-2020 (Afternoon)
Sol.(b) Peter Handke of Austria won the principles. (a) The Irishman (b) Marriage Story
Nobel prize 2019 in literature. (c) 1917 (d) Joker
Q.687. Who has won the DSC Prize for
Q.683. Who won the Miss World 2019 South Asian Literature 2019? Sol.(c) ‘1917’ won the Golden Globe
beauty pageant? SSC CHSL 19-3-2020 (Morning) Awards 2020 for Best Picture - Drama.
CHSL 17-03-2020 (Evening) (a) Chetan Bhagat (b) Ruskin Bond
(a) Manushi Chillar (c) Arundhati Roy (d) Amitabha Bagchi Q.691. Which award has been given to
(b) Suman Rao Narthaki Nataraj in 2019?
(c) Toni-Ann Singh Sol.(d) Amitabha Bagchi won DSC SSC CHSL 19-3-2020 (Evening)
(d) Vanessa Ponce de Leon Prize for South Asian Literature 2019. (a) Bharat Ratna
The DSC Prize for South Asian (b) Padma Bhushan
Sol.(c) Toni-Ann Singh of Jamaica won Literature is an international literary (c) Padma Vibhushan
the Miss World 2019 beauty pageant. prize awarded annually to writers of any (d) Padma Shri
ethnicity or nationality writing about
Q.684. Who among the following was South Asia themes such as culture, Sol.(d) Narthaki Nataraj is a
conferred with the ‘Dadasaheb Phalke politics, history or people. Bharatnatyam dancer. In 2019, she was
Award’ 2019’? awarded the Padma Shri, making her the
SSC CHSL 18-03-2020 (Morning) Q.688. Who won the Sahitya Akademi first transgender woman to be awarded
(a) Dilip Kumar (b) Anupam Kher Award 2019 in Hindi? the Padma Shri.
(c) Kabir Bedi (d) Amitabh Bachchan SSC CHSL 19-3-2020 (Afternoon)
(a) Ramesh Kunthal Megh Q.692. Who among the following was
Sol.(d) Amitabh Bachchan was (b) Chitra Mudgal one of the recipients of Rajiv Gandhi
conferred with the ‘Dadasaheb Phalke (c) Nand Kishore Acharya Khel Ratna Award 2019?
Award 2019’ which is India’s highest (d) Nasira Sharma SSC CHSL 19-3-2020 (Evening)
award in cinema. (a) Deepa Malik (b) PV Sindhu
Sol.(c) Nand Kishore Acharya won the (c) Sania Mirza (d) Virat Kohli
Q.685. The 2019 Nobel Peace Prize has Sahitya Akademi Award 2019 in Hindi.
been awarded to the Ethiopian Prime The Sahitya Akademi Award is a literary Sol.(a) Rajiv Gandhi award is given for
Minister, Abiy Ahmed Ali, particularly honour in India, which the Sahitya the spectacular and most outstanding
for his efforts to resolve border dispute Akademi, India’s National Academy of performance in the field of sports by a
with: Letters, annually confers on writers of sportsperson over a period of four year.
CHSL 18-03-2020 (Afternoon) the most outstanding books of literary Bajrang Punia and Deepa Malik received
(a) Somalia (b) Eritrea merit published in any of the 24 major Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award 2019.
(c) Sudan (d) Kenya Indian languages.
Q.693. On August 2019, Rambir Singh
Sol.(b) The 2019 Nobel Peace Prize has Q.689. How many people were awarded Khokhar won the ‘Dronacharya award’
been awarded to the Ethiopian Prime Padma Vibhushan in 2019? in the lifetime category for his
Minister, Abiy Ahmed Ali for his work SSC CHSL 19-3-2020 (Afternoon) contribution in ______.
in ending the 20-year post-war territorial (a) 5 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 3 SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Morning)
stalemate between Ethiopia and Eritrea. (a) Kabaddi (b) Football
Sol.(c) 4 people were awarded Padma (c) Hockey (d) Boxing
Vibhushan in 2019 - Balwant Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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Sol.(a) In August 2019, Rambir Singh ‘FICCI India Sports Awards 2019’. (a) Salman Rushdie (b) Anna Burns
Khokhar won the ‘Dronacharya award’ (c) Arundhati Roy (d) Jokha Alharthi
in the lifetime category for his Q.698. On December 2019, the Prime
contribution in Kabaddi. Minister of ______ announced the Sol.(d) Jokha Alharthi won the ‘2019
commencement of the ‘Gandhi Man Booker International Prize’ for her
Q.694. The novel 'Quichotte' was Citizenship Education Award’ to be book 'Celestial Bodies'.
shortlisted for the ‘2019 Booker Prize’. given every year.
Who is the author of this SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Evening) Q.702. Who among the following won
Book? (a) Portugal (b) Japan the 'BBC Sports Personality of the Year
SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Morning) (c) Bhutan (d) France 2019' award?
(a) Arundhati Roy SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Morning)
(b) Vikram Seth Sol.(a) In December 2019, the Prime (a) Ken Williamson (b) Kylian Mbappe
(c) Amitav Ghosh Minister of Portugal announced the (c) Ben Stokes (d) Wayne Rooney
(d) Salman Rushdie commencement of the ‘Gandhi
Citizenship Education Award’ to be Sol.(c) Ben Stokes won the 'BBC Sports
Sol.(d) Salman Rushdie wrote given every year to help promote Personality of the Year 2019' award.
‘Quichotte’. Mahatma Gandhi’s ideals.
Q.703. Who among the following won
Q.695. Which Indian writer was Q.699. Which child activist became the the ‘Golden Globe 2020 award’ for ‘Best
awarded the ‘Rabindranath Tagore first Indian to be awarded the Performance by an Actress in a Motion
Literary Prize 2019’? ‘Changemaker Award 2019’ (given by Picture – Drama’?
CHSL 13/10/2020 (Afternoon) the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) CHSL 14/10/2020 (Afternoon)
(a)Arundhati Roy for her work towards abolition of child (a) Charlize Theron
(b)Ramachandra Guha marriage in Rajasthan?
(c)Shashi Tharoor (b) Renée Zellweger
SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Evening) (c) Cynthia Erivo
(d)Rana Dasgupta
(a) Ayushi Dholakia (d) Beanie Feldstein
Sol.(d) The ‘Rabindranath Tagore (b) Kanchan Upadhaya
Literary Prize’ 2019 was awarded to (c) Ridhima Pandey Sol.(b) Renée Zellweger won the
author Rana Dasgupta for his 2010 novel (d) Payal Jangid ‘Golden Globe 2020 award’ for ‘Best
“Solo”, a tale of estrangement and the
Performance by an Actress in a Motion
ultimate failure of material existence. An Sol.(d) Payal Jangid became the first
amount of $10,000, a Tagore statue and Picture – Drama’.
Indian child activist to be awarded the
a certificate for contribution to literature
was given. ‘Changemaker Award 2019’ (given by Q.704. Which of the following teams
the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) won the 2018-19 Santosh Trophy?
Q.696. Which former Indian cricketer for her work towards abolition of child CHSL 14/10/2020 (Afternoon)
was honored with the ‘Bharat Gaurav marriage in Rajasthan. (a) Mizoram (b) Railways
Award’ by the East Bengal Football
(c) Punjab (d) Services
Club in 2019? Q.700. Which former badminton player
CHSL 13/10/2020 (Afternoon)
of India was awarded the ‘Sportstar Sol.(d) The Santosh trophy is an
(a)Rahul Dravid
Lifetime Achievement Award’ in association football knock-out
(b)Sunil Gavaskar
(c)Sachin Tendulka February 2019? competition contested by the regional
(d)Kapil Dev SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Evening) state associations and government
(a) Sanave Thomas institutions under the All India Football
Sol.(d) Kapil Dev was honored with the (b) Prakash Padukone Federation. ‘Services’ Football team
‘Bharat Gaurav Award’ by the East (c) Chetan Anand
Bengal Football Club in 2019. won the 2018-19 Santosh Trophy.
(d) Pullela Gopichand
Q.697. Who was conferred with the Q.705. Who among the following won
‘Female Sportsperson of the Year’ award (b) Prakash Padukone was awarded the ICC ‘Spirit of Cricket Award’ for the
at the ‘FICCI India Sports Awards ‘Sportstar Lifetime Achievement Award’ year 2019?
2019’? in February 2019. SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Afternoon)
CHSL 13/10/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) Chris Gayle
(a) P V Sindhu (b) Rani Rampal Q.701. Who among the following won (b) Faf du Plessis
(c) Geeta Phogat (d) Mary Kom the ‘2019 Man Booker International (c) Mahendra Singh Dhoni
Prize’ for her book (d) Virat Kohli
Sol.(b) Rani Rampal, an Indian hockey
player was conferred with the ‘Female 'Celestial Bodies'?
Sportsperson of the Year’ award at the SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Morning) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

Sol.(d) Virat Kohli won ICC’s ‘Spirit of (d) Chandigarh’s Government Model (d) Fraser Stoddart, Jean-Pierre Sauvage
Cricket Award’ for the year 2019. High School and Ben Feringa

Q.706. Who among the following was Sol.(c) Subroto Cup Football Sol.(c) John B Goodenough, M Stanley
conferred with 29th Saraswati Samman Tournament iis a prestigious Whittingham and Akira Yoshino were
for his short stories collection called international inter-school football jointly awarded the 2019 Nobel Prize in
Chemistry "for the development of
‘Cheque Book’? tournament that is held annually in New
lithium-ion batteries".
SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Evening) Delhi. Mizoram's Saidan Secondary
(a)Vasdev Mohi (b)K Siva Reddy School won the Diamond Jubilee edition Q.713. Which female Indian boxer won
(c)SL Bhyrappa (d)Govind Mishra of the ‘Subroto Cup International silver in the AIBA Women's World
Football Tournament’ for sub-junior Boxing Championships in October 2019
Sol.(a) Vasdev Mohi was conferred with boys (under-14) category in August in the light flyweight category (48 kg)?
29th Saraswati Samman for his short 2019. CHSL 15-10-2020 (Afternoon)
stories collection called ‘Chequebook’. (a) Manju Rani
The Saraswati Samman is an annual Q.710. Who among the following won (b) MC Mary Kom
award for outstanding prose or poetry the ‘Golden Globe 2020’ award for ‘Best (c) Lovlina Borgohain
literary works in any of the 22 languages Performance by an Actor in a Motion (d) Jamuna Boro
of India listed in Schedule VIII of the Picture – Drama’?
Constitution of India. SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Morning) Sol.(a) Manju Rani won silver in the
(a) Lucas Hedges AIBA Women's World Boxing
Q.707. As of January 2020, who among (b) Jonathan Pryce Championships in October 2019 in the
the following became the first Indian (c) Joaquin Phoenix light flyweight category (48 kg).
female para-athlete and the oldest to be (d) John David Washington
Q.714. Which of the following group of
honoured with the ‘Rajiv Gandhi Khel
scientists was awarded the 2019 Nobel
Ratna award’? Sol.(c) Joaquin Phoenix won the
Prize in Physiology or Medicine "for
SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Evening) ‘Golden Globe 2020’ award for ‘Best
their discoveries of how cells sense and
(a)Ramya Shanmugam Performance by an Actor in a Motion
adapt to oxygen availability"?
(b)Deepa Malik Picture – Drama’.
SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Evening)
(c)Manasi Joshi
(a) William G Kaelin Jr, Sir Peter J
(d)Karamjyoti Dalal Q.711. Who among the following was
Ratcliffe and Gregg L Semenza
awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature
(b) Fraser Stoddart, Jean-Pierre Sauvage
Sol.(b) Deepa Malik became the first 2019 "for an influential work that with
and Ben Feringa
Indian female para-athlete and the oldest linguistic ingenuity has explored the
(c) Kip Thorne, Rainer Weiss and Barry
to be honoured with the ‘Rajiv Gandhi periphery and the specificity of human
Khel Ratna award’. experience"?
(d) John B Goodenough, M Stanley
CHSL 15-10-2020 (Afternoon)
Whittingham and Akira Yoshino
Q.708. Which of the following movies (a) Abiy Ahmed Ali (b) Michel Mayor
won the Golden Globe 2020 award for (c) Olga Tokarczuk (d) Peter Handke
Sol.(a) The 2019 Nobel Prize in
‘Best Motion Picture – Drama’?
Sol.(d) Peter Handke was awarded the Physiology or Medicine was jointly
SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Morning)
Nobel Prize in Literature 2019 "for an awarded to William G Kaelin Jr, Sir
(a) The Two Popes (b) Joker
influential work that with linguistic Peter J Ratcliffe and Gregg L Semenza
(c) 1917 (d) The Irishman
ingenuity has explored the periphery and "for their discoveries of how cells sense
the specificity of human experience". and adapt to oxygen availability".
Sol.(c) ‘1917’ won the Golden Globe
2020 award for ‘Best Motion Picture – Q.712. Which of the following group of
Q.715. Rambir Singh Khokar received
Drama’. scientists was awarded the 2019 Nobel
the ‘Dronacharya award’ for:
Prize in Chemistry "for the development
SSC CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning)
Q.709. Which of the following teams of lithium-ion batteries"?
(a) Wrestling (b) Athletics
won the Diamond Jubilee edition of the CHSL 15-10-2020 (Afternoon)
(c) Kabaddi (d) Football
‘Subroto Cup International Football (a) Joachim Frank, Richard Henderson
Tournament’ for sub-junior boys and Jacques Dubochet
Sol.(c) Rambir Singh Khokar received
(under-14) category in August 2019? (b) Kip Thorne, Rainer Weiss and Barry
the ‘Dronacharya award’ for Kabaddi.
SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Morning) Barish
(a) Manipur's Unique Model Academy (c) John B Goodenough, M Stanley
Q.716. Who among the following won
(b) Bangladesh Krira Shikkha Protishtan Whittingham and Akira Yoshino
the ‘JCB Prize for Literature 2019’?
(c) Mizoram's Saidan Secondary School Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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SSC CHSL 16-10-2020 (Evening) Q.720. Which Indian English author was Puruskar is the most prestigious sports
(a) Madhuri Vijay given the ‘Jnanpith Award 2019’? award of Orissa.
(b) Manu S Pillai SSC CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening)
(c) Shanta Gokhale (a) Nirad Choudhury Q.724. Who was conferred with the
(d) Akkitham Achuthan Namboothiri (b) Arundhati Roy Italian Golden Sand Art Award, 2019?
(c) Amitav Ghosh SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Morning)
Sol.(a) Madhuri Vijay won the ‘JCB (d) Jhumpa Lahiri (a) Sarvam Patel
Prize for Literature 2019’. JCB Prize for (b) Vinay Shetty
Literature is an Indian literary award Sol.(c) Jnanpith Award is an Indian (c) Nitish Bharti
established in 2018. It is awarded literary award presented annually by the (d) Sudarsan Pattnaik
annually with 25 lakh Rs. to a Bhartiya Jnanpith to an author for their
distinguished work of fiction by an outstanding contribution towards Sol.(d) Sudarsan Pattnaik is the first
Indian writer working in English or literature. Amitav Ghosh was given the Indian to be conferred with the Italian
translated fiction by an Indian writer. ‘Jnanpith Award 2019’. Golden Sand Art Award in 2019.

Q.717. Abhijit Banerji, an India born Q.721. Who is the first IPS officer to be Q.725. Who among the following was
researcher, was one of the winners of honoured with the Tenzing Norgay conferred with the 28th Bihari Puraskar
Nobel Prize 2019 for ______. National Adventure Award? for 2018 for the novel ‘Swapnapash’, in
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Morning) SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) November 2019?
(a) Economics (b) Chemistry (a) Sanjukta Parashar SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Morning)
(c) Peace (d) Literature (b) Aparna Kumar (a) Usha Kiran Khan
(c) R Sreelekha (b) Prabhat Ranjan
Sol.(a) Abhijit Banerji, an India born (d) Roopa Moudgil (c) Suresh Krishna
researcher, was one of the winners of the (d) Manisha Kulshreshtha
Nobel Prize 2019 for Economics. Sol.(b) Aparna Kumar is the first IPS
officer to be honoured with Tenzing Sol.(d) Manisha Kulshreshtha was
Q.718. The ‘Bharat Ratna Award 2019’ Norgay National Adventure Award. conferred with the 28th Bihari Puraskar
was NOT conferred upon: Tenzing Norgay National Adventure for 2018 for the novel ‘Swapnapash’, in
SSC CHSL 19-10-2020 (Morning) Award is the highest adventure sports November 2019.
(a) Bhupen Hazarika (posthumous) honour of the Republic of India.
(b) Nanaji Deshmukh (posthumous) Q.726. Who among the following
(c) Medha Patkar Q.722. Which country honoured Indian writers was conferred with the ‘29th
(d) Pranab Mukherjee Prime Minister Narendra Modi with its Saraswati Samman’ for his short stories
highest civilian honour 'Zayed Medal’ in collection 'Cheque Book'?
Sol.(c) Former President of India, 2019? SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Evening)
Pranab Mukherjee, Assamese CHSL 20-10-2020 (Afternoon) (a) Padma Sachdev
singer-composer Bhupen Hazarika and (a) Portugal (b) Bhutan (b) Vishwanath Prasad Tiwari
social activist Nanaji Deshmukh got the (c) UAE (d) Israel (c) Vasdev Mohi
‘Bharat Ratna Award 2019’. (d) Amitabha Bagchi
Sol.(c) UAE honoured Indian Prime
Q.719. Which of these eminent Minister Narendra Modi with its highest Sol.(c) The Saraswati Samman is an
personalities is the one to not receive the civilian honour 'Zayed Medal’ in 2019. annual award for outstanding prose or
Bharat Ratna from the Honorable poetry literary works in any of the 22
President in the year 2019? Q.723. Who among the following was languages of India listed in Schedule
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon) honoured with the prestigious 27th VIII of the Constitution of India. Vasdev
(a) Pranab Mukherjee Ekalabya Puraskar for the year 2019? Mohi was conferred with the ‘29th
(b) Nanaji Deshmukh SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Morning) Saraswati Samman’ for his short stories
(c) Sachin Tendulkar (a) Jhilli Dalabehera collection ``Chequebook.
(d) Bhupendra Kumar Hazarika (b) Sneha Soren
(c) Saraswati Rout Q.727. Which of the following Indian
Sol.(c) Former President of India, (d) Purnima Hembram actresses was honored with UNICEF's
Pranab Mukherjee, Assamese Danny Kaye Humanitarian Award in
singer-composer Bhupen Hazarika and Sol.(a) Jhilli Dalabehera was honoured December 2019?
social activist Nanaji Deshmukh got the with the prestigious 27th Ekalabya CHSL 26-10-2020 (Afternoon)
‘Bharat Ratna Award 2019’. Puraskar for the year 2019. Ekalabya (a) Deepika Padukone
(b) Priyanka Chopra Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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(c) Aishwarya Rai Bachchan among the most prestigious awards for Q.734. At the 65th Filmfare Awards, the
(d) Dia Mirza English Language dramatists in India. film ‘Gully Boys’ did NOT win the
award for which of the following
Sol.(b) Priyanka Chopra was honored Q.731. Teejan Bai was awarded the categories?
with UNICEF's Danny Kaye Padma Vibhushan Award in 2019 for her SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening)
Humanitarian Award in December 2019. contribution in the field of ______. (a) Best Director
The Danny Kaye Humanitarian Award is SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) (b) Best Playback Singer (Male)
named after Danny Laye, an American (a) Public Affairs (c) Best Film
actor, dancer and singer. He became the (b) Trade and Industry - Infrastructure (d) Best Actor in a Leading Role
first goodwill ambassador of UNICEF in (c) Art-Acting-Theatre
1954. (d) Art-Vocals-Folk Sol.(b) Best Playback Singer (Male) was
won by Arijit Singh. The maximum
Q.728. On 10th December 2019, which Sol.(d) Teejan Bai was awarded the awards were won by movie Gully
of the following states received the Padma Vibhushan Award in 2019 in the Boy.They got a total of 13 awards which
'World Habitat Award?' field of Art-Vocals-Folk She is an is most for a movie in a single year. The
CHSL 26-10-2020 (Afternoon) exponent of Pandavani, an art form previous best was for the movie Black
(a) Rajasthan (b) Tripura traditionally from Chattisgarh.She has which won 11 awards in year 2006.
(c) Chhattisgarh (d) Odisha also received Padma Shri in 1987 and
Padma Bhushan in 2003 by the Q.735. Who among the following won
Sol.(d) On 10th December 2019, Odisha government of India. the ‘3rd Rabindranath Tagore Literary
received the 'World Habitat Award. The Prize’ for his novel ‘The City and The
World Habitat Award is given by World Q.732. Muzaffar Hussain Baig who was Sea’ in December 2020?
Habitat, in partnership with United awarded the Padma Bhushan in 2020 is a SSC CGL 13/08/21(Morning)
Nations Habitat, every year, in member of the ______. (a) Shekhar Gupta
recognition of innovative, outstanding SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening) (b) Raj Kamal Jha
and revolutionary ideas, projects and (a) National Panthers Party (c) Rajdeep Sardesai
programmes from across the world in the (b) Jammu Republic Party (d) Siddhartha Sarma
field of housing. (c) Peoples Democratic Party
(d) National Democratic Party Sol.(b) Raj Kamal Jha has won the
Q.729. Who was the winner of the Rabindranath Tagore Literary Prize 2020
Dadasaheb Phalke Award which was Sol.(c) Muzaffar Hussain Baig was for his book, The City and the Sea. He is
presented in 2019? awarded Padma Bhushan in 2020 on the a famous writer and chief editor of the
SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Evening) eve of Republic Day. He belongs to newspaper The Indian Express.
(a) Manoj Kumar Peoples Democratic Party. He was also
(b) Shashi Kapoor the deputy chief minister of Jammu and Q.736. Who among the following is a
(c) Vinod Khanna Kashmir. Padma Vibhushan awardee of 2021?
(d) Amitabh Bachchan SSC CGL 13/08/21(Morning)
Q.733. Anilkumar Manibhai Naik was (a) Tarlochan Singh
Sol.(d) Amitabh Bachchan was the awarded the Padma Vibhushan Award, (b) Mouma Das
winner of the Dadasaheb Phalke Award 2019 for his contribution in the field of (c) Sumitra Mahajan
which was presented in 2019. ______. (d) Sudarshan Sahoo
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening)
Q.730. Which of the following persons (a) Art-Acting-Theatre Sol.(d) Sudarshan Sahoo was awarded
won the Sultan Padamsee Playwriting (b) Art-Vocals-Folk India's second-highest civilian award the
Award for his first play ‘Larins Sahib’? (c) Public Affairs Padma Vibhushan, in 2021 in the field of
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning) (d) Trade and Industry - Infrastructure art. Sudarshan Sahoo established
(a) Shashi Tharoor Sudarshan Art and crafts Village,
(b) Amitav Ghosh Sol.(d) Anilkumar Manibhai Naik was Bhubaneshwar in 1991. The institution is
(c) Gurcharan Das awarded the Padma Vibhushan Award, a training and creative center for
(d) Ramchandra Guha 2019 for his contribution in the field of traditional sculptures made of stone,
Trade and Industry - Infrastructure. He is wood, and fiberglass sculptures.
Sol.(c) Gurucharan Das won the Sultan an Indian Industrialist, philanthropist
Padamsee Playwriting Award for his first and the group chairman of Larsen and Q.737. How many people were awarded
play ‘Larins Sahib’.Sultan Padamsee Toubro Limited. He is also the chairman the Padma Vibhushan in January 2021?
Playwriting Awards was initiated in of National Skill Development SSC CGL 16/08/21(Afternoon)
1966 by Theatre Group Bombay. It is Corporation. (a) 29 (b) 7 (c) 10 (d) 4 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

Sol..(b) Seven people were awarded the Sol.(b) Meghalaya won the National the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan launched by
Padma Vibhushan in January 2021. Award for Best Electoral Practices 2020. the government on 2nd October 2014.
These seven awardee are:- Meghalaya Capital: Shillong.
Shizo Abe ( Public Affairs - Japan), S P Meghalaya Governor: Satya Pal Malik. Q.744. In 2020, which of the following
Balasubramaniam (Posthumous - Art Meghalaya Chief minister: Conrad tiger reserves won the ‘TX2 Award’ for
-TamilNadu ), Belle Monappa Hegde ( Sangma. its efforts to increase the tiger
Medicine - Karnataka ), Narinder Singh population?
Kapany ( Posthumous - Science and Q.741. Which Ministry of the SSC CGL 18/08/21 (Morning)
Engineering - USA ) , Maulana Government of India received the (a) Periyar Tiger Reserve
Wahiduddin Khan ( Others, Spiritualism SKOCH Challenger Award for ‘Best (b) Pilibhit Tiger Reserve
Performance in e-Governance’ in
- Delhi), B.B. Lal ( Others, Archeology - (c) Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve
January 2021?
Delhi) and Sudarshan Sahoo ( Art - SSC CGL 17/08/21(Evening) (d) Sariska Tiger Reserve
Odisha ). (a) Ministry of Tribal Affairs
(b) Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs Sol.(b) In 2020, Pilibhit Tiger Reserve
Q.738. Which of the following (c) Ministry of Education won the ‘TX2 Award’ for its efforts to
countries’ former Prime Ministers was (d) Ministry of Information and increase the tiger population. It achieved
awarded with the Padma Vibhushan Broadcasting this goal in just four years from 2014
award in 2021? when it had 25 tigers which went up to
Sol.(a) The Ministry of Tribal Affairs
SSC CGL 16/08/21(Afternoon) 65 in 2018. Pilibhit Tiger Reserve is in
received the SKOCH Challenger Award
(a) Nepal (b) Bangladesh Uttar Pradesh.
for ‘Best Performance in e-Governance’
(c) Sri Lanka (d) Japan
in January 2021. The award was
Q.745. Rajnikant Devidas Shroff was
received by the Union Minister of Tribal
Sol.(d) The former Prime Minister of awarded the Padma Bhushan in the field
Affairs Shri Arjun Munda at the virtual
Japan Shinzo Abe was awarded the of ______ in January 2021.
SKOCH Summit.
Padma Vibhushan award in 2021. Fumio SSC CGL 18/08/21 (Morning)
Kishida is the present Prime Minister of (a) art (b) trade and industry
Q.742. Which of the following civic
Japan. bodies was declared as the ‘Best (c) politics (d) science
Performing Municipal Corporation’ in
Q.739. In February 2021, the Defence India in December 2020 for Sol.(b) Rajnikant Devidas Shroff was
Ministry of India awarded a contract to implementing the Pradhan Mantri Awas awarded the Padma Bhushan in the field
manufacture 83 Light Combat Aircraft Yojana-Urban Mission? The annual of trade and industry in January 2021.
(LCA) Tejas fighters to ______. awards were announced by the Ministry He was born in Kutch, Gujarat and the
of Housing and Urban Affairs.
SSC CGL 16/08/21(Afternoon) only industrialist to win the Padma
SSC CGL 17/08/21(Evening)
(a) Defence Research and Development (a) Bhopal Municipal Corporation Bhushan in 2021. He is also considered
Organisation (b) West Delhi Municipal Corporation as India's ‘Crop Protection King’.
(b) Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (c) Guwahati Municipal Corporation
(c) Bharat Dynamics Limited (d) Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Q.746. Who among the following Indian
(d) Bharat Electronics Limited Corporation actors was honoured with the ‘Best
Actor’ award at the Indo-German Film
Sol.(d) Greater Visakhapatnam
Sol.739(b) In February 2021, the week held in Europe in 2020?
Municipal Corporation was declared as
Defence Ministry of India awarded a SSC CGL 18/08/21(Evening)
the Best Performing Municipal
contract to manufacture 83 Light (a) Shah Rukh Khan (b) Adil Hussain
Corporation in India in December 2020
Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas fighters to (c) Salman Khan (d) Sanjay Dutt
for implementing the Pradhan Mantri
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited(HAL).
Awas Yojana-Urban Mission.
HAL is an Indian state-owned aerospace Sol.(b) Adil Hussain was honoured with
and defense company headquartered in the ‘Best Actor’ award at the
Q.743. Who among the following
Bengaluru, India. Indo-German Film week held in Europe
received the 'Global GoalKeeper’ Award
in 2020. He is an Indian actor who has
in 2019?
Q.740. Which of the following states worked in Indian cinema, including art
SSC CGL 18/08/21 (Morning)
won the National Award for Best house cinema and mainstream
(a) Abiy Ahmed (b) Narendra Modi
Electoral Practices 2020? Bollywood, as well as international
(c) Nadia Murad (d) Elon Musk
SSC CGL 16/08/21(Evening) cinema, in films such as The Reluctant
(a) Karnataka (b) Meghalaya Fundamentalist and Life of Pi.
Sol.(b) Narendra Modi received the
(c) Mizoram (d) Kerala
'Global GoalKeeper’ Award in 2019 for
Q.747. In October 2020, ______ Indian
beaches were awarded the ‘Blue Flag’ Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

certification by an international jury Q.750. Which Indian actor got the Best Sol.(a) Malayalam film Jallikattu was
comprising of eminent members such as Actor Award at Indo-German Film Week selected by the Film Federation of India
UNEP, UNWTO, FEE and IUCN. in 2020? as the official entry for Oscars 2021.
SSC CGL 20/08/21(Morning) SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Afternoon) ‘Jallikattu’ was directed by Lijo Jose
(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 4 (d) 10 (a) Amole Gupte (b) R Madhavan Pellissery, released on 4th October 2019.
(c) Pankaj Tripathi (d) Adil Hussain
Sol.(b) In October 2020, 8 Indian Q.754. Which organic chemist from
beaches were awarded the ‘Blue Flag’ Sol.(d) Assamese actor Adil Hussain Pakistan was awarded China's 2019
certification which is one of the world's received the Best Actor Award at the ‘International Science and Technology
most recognised voluntary eco-labels, Indo German Film Week held in Berlin Cooperation Award’?
awarded to beaches, marinas and on 30 September for two of his recent SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Evening)
sustainable boating tourism operators. It performances Pareeksha and Nirvana (a) Samar Mubarakma
is awarded by the Denmark-based Inn. Prakash Jha directed Pareeksha (b) Abdul Qadeer Khan
non-profit Foundation for Environmental where Hussain was seen as Buchchi, a (c) Atta-ur-Rahman
Education or FEE. The 8 beaches which rickshaw-puller. (d) Pervez Hoodbhoy
got the certification are Kappad Beach
(Kerala), Shivrajpur beach (Gujarat), Q.751. Who among the following was Sol.(c) Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman has won
Ghoghla beach (Diu), Kasarkod beach awarded the 55th Jnanpith Award? the International Scientific Corporation
(Karnataka), Padubidri beach SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Evening) Award from the Chinese Academy of
(Karnataka), Rushikonda beach (Andhra (a) Raghuveer Chaudhari Science (CAS) for building scientific
Pradesh), Golden beach (Odisha), (b) Akkitham Achuthan Namboothiri collaborations between China and
Radhanagar Beach (Andaman & Nicobar (c) Amitav Ghosh Pakistan (2014).
Islands). (d) Chandrashekhara Kambara
Q.755. Who among the following
Q.748. Which of the following movies Sol.(b) Akkitham Achuthan received the ’ASSOCHAM Enterprise of
has been selected as India’s official entry Namboothiri, popularly known as the Century Award’ in December 2020?
for the ‘International Feature Film’ Akkitham, was an Indian poet and SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Morning)
category at the 93rd Academy Awards? essayist who wrote in Malayalam. (a) Shiv Nadar (b) Ratan Tata
SSC CGL 20/08/21(Morning) Akkitham was the recipient of India’s (c) Mukesh Ambani (d) Azim Premji
(a) The Sky Is Pink highest literary honor, the 55th Jnanpith
(b) Gulabo Sitabo Award in 2019. Sol.(d) PM Narendra Modi today
(c) Jallikattu presented the 'Assocham Enterprise of
(d) Ek Hazarachi Note Q.752. Who among the following has the Century Award' to Ratan Tata to
received the USA’s prestigious National mark the contribution of the business
Sol.(c) The 93rd Academy Awards are Book Award for Fiction 2020 for his group in India's progress. Ratan Naval
presented by the Academy of Motion satirical cinematic novel ‘Interior Tata is an Indian industrialist,
Picture Arts and Sciences. The ceremony Chinatown’? philanthropist, and former chairman of
was held on April 25, 2021, rather than SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Morning) Tata Sons.
its usual late-February date, due to the (a) Morgan Giles (b) Walter Mosley
COVID-19 pandemic. This year (c) Tamara Payne (d) Charles YU Q.756. Who among the following has
Jallikattu has been selected as India’s been awarded the Bharathi award 2020?
official entry for the ‘International Sol.(d) Charles YU has received the SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Afternoon)
Feature Film’ category. It is a USA’s prestigious National Book Award (a) Raj Kamal (b) Seeni Viswanathan
Malayalam film directed by Lijo Jose for Fiction 2020 for his satirical (c) Vidyut Mohan (d) Ratan Tata
Pellissery. cinematic novel ‘Interior Chinatown’ a
sendup of Hollywood and Sol.(b) Seeni Viswanathan has been
Q.749. Which was the first Indian Asian-American stereotypes. awarded the Bharathi award (literacy
institution to receive the United Nations award) in 2020. The Prime Minister
Population Award for 2020? Q.753. Which movie has been selected Congratulated the Scholar Shri Seeni
SSC CHSL 12/04/21 (Evening) as India's official entry to the Oscars Viswanathan, for receiving the Bharathi
(a) Kutumb Foundation 2021? Award for this year who was presented
(b) Childline India SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Afternoon) the award during the event.
(c) Child Rights and You (a) Jallikattu (b) Ek Hazarachi Note
(d) HelpAge India (c) Yellow (d) Fandry Q.757. Which filmmaker won the Best
Screenplay award at the Venice film
Sol..(d) HelpAge India Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

festival for ‘The Disciple’, a Marathi distinct ranks, and the first US medal to Common Parliament of the United
drama, in 2020? be awarded to citizens of other nations. Kingdom.
SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Evening)
(a) Arvind Deshpande Q.760. Who among the following was Q.763. Kuldeep Handoo has won the
(b) Chaitanya Tamhane awarded the Rabindranath Tagore Dronacharya Award in 2020. He belongs
(c) Sachin Kundalkar Literary Award 2020? to which of the following sports?
(d) Hrishikesh Joshi SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Morning) SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Evening)
(a) Ashraf Patel (b) Ranjitsinh Disale (a) Wushu (b) Swimming
Sol.(b) Chaitanya Tamhane won the Best (c) Vidyut Mohan (d) Raj Kamal Jha (c) Boxing (d) Wrestling
Screenplay award at the Venice film
festival for ‘The Disciple’, a Marathi Sol.(d) Raj Kamal Jha was awarded the Sol.(a) Wushu coach Kuldeep Handoo
drama, in 2020.The Disciple', based on Rabindranath Tagore Literary Award receives Dronacharya Award in 2020.
an Indian classical vocalist trying to 2020 for his novel, The City and The Wushu or kungfu is a hard and soft and
achieve purity in his work as he has been Sea. The Rabindranath Tagore Literary complete martial art, also a full-contact
raised on the stories of his father and Prize was founded in 2018 by US-based sport. It was created in the People’s
guru about the masters of the past. publisher Bundalo as a platform for Republic of China after 1949, in an
world peace, literature, art, education attempt to nationalize the practice of
Q.758. Which of the following movies and human rights. traditional Chinese martial arts.
won the ‘Best Tamil Film’ award at the
66th National Film Awards? Q.761. In 2020, the Nobel Prize in Q.764. Who among the following was
SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Evening) Physiology or Medicine was awarded awarded the Nobel Prize 2020 in
(a) Kaappaan (b) Baaram jointly to Harvey J Alter, Michael Economics Sciences?
(c) Asuran (d) Bhonga Houghton and Charles M Rice for the SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Evening)
discovery of: (a) James J Heckman and Daniel L
Sol.(b) Baaram won the ‘Best Tamil SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Afternoon) McFadden
Film’ award at the 66th National Film (a) Norwalk virus (b) Paul R Milgrom and Robert B
Awards. Baaram is a 2020 Indian (b) Epstein-Barr virus Wilson
Tamil-language film written, directed (c) tobacco mosaic virus (c) William Vickrey and James A
and edited by Priya Krishnaswamy. (d) hepatitis C virus Mirrlees
As per the 66th National Film Awards: (d) Robert W Fogel and Douglass C
Best Telugu Film: Mahanati. Sol.(d) In 2020, the Nobel Prize in North
Best Punjabi Film: Harjeeta. Physiology or Medicine was awarded
Best Gujarati Film: Reva. jointly to Harvey J Alter, Michael Sol.(b) Paul R Milgrom and Robert B
Best Rajasthani Film: Turtle. Houghton, and Charles M Rice for the Wilson were awarded the Nobel Prize
discovery of the hepatitis C virus. 2020 in Economics Sciences. The first
Q.759. Who among the following Indian Hepatitis C is a blood-borne virus and prize was awarded in 1969 to Ragnar
nationals got the ‘Legion of Merit’ causes Hepatitis C disease which affects Frisch and Jan Tinbergen.
Award 2020 from the US? the liver.
SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Morning) Q.765. Who among the following
(a) Dr Manmohan Singh Q.762. Which Indian actor was persons was awarded the Padma Shri for
(b) Narendra Modi conferred with the ‘Most Inspiring social work in 2019?
(c) Dr K Sivan Indian Bollywood Actor’ award in the SSC CHSL 05/08/21 (Morning)
(d) General Bipin Rawat UK in 2019? (a) Narsingh Dev Jamwal
SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Afternoon) (b) Ramaswami Venkataswami
Sol.(b) The United States confers the (a) John Abraham (c) Anup Ranjan Pandey
'Legion of Merit’ award to Prime (b) Nawazuddin Siddique (d) Devarapalli Prakash Rao
Minister Narendra Modi. Former (c) Sanjay Kapoor
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and (d) Boman Irani Sol.(d) Devarapalli Prakash Rao was
Australian Prime Minister Scott awarded the Padma Shri for social work
Morrison were also the recipients of this Sol.(c) Sanjay Kapoor was conferred in 2019. Padma Shri is the fourth-highest
prestigious award. with the Most Inspiring Indian civilian award in the Republic of India.
‘The Legion of Merit’ was instituted in Bollywood Actor award. The actor who
1942 by former US president Franklin D has been in the field for more than 25 Q.766. Which of the following beaches
Roosevelt. The Legion of Merit is the years was awarded the ‘Most Inspiring was NOT awarded the international
only US military decoration that has Indian Bollywood’ actor at the House of ‘Blue Flag’ certification by Foundation Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

of Environment Education, Denmark as (c) Jyoti Sharma (d) Rani Rampal Sol. (a) Renée Zellweger won the
of October 2020? Golden Globe 2020 award for ‘Best
SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Afternoon) Sol.(b) Suman Gawani is the first Indian Performance by an Actress in a Motion
(a) Kappad (b) Ghoghla to be awarded UN Military Gender Picture – Drama’ for her film Judy.
(c) Talasari (d) Rushikonda Advocate Award in May 2020. Suman
Gawani is an officer in the Indian Army Q.773. Who among the following was
Sol.(c) Talasari was NOT awarded the and also served as a peacekeeper with one of the winners of the Nobel Prize in
international ‘Blue Flag’ certification by the United Nations Mission in South Physics 2020?
Foundation of Environment Education, Sudan (UNMISS) IN 2019. SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Afternoon)
Denmark as of October 2020. The eight (a) Michel Mayor (b) Kip Thorne
beaches that have received the Q.770. Dr. Tsering Landol, who was one (c) Arthur Ashkin (d) Roger Penrose
international 'Blue Flag' certification are of the recipients of the Padma Bhushan
2020 award, hails from: Sol.(d) The Nobel Prize in Physics 2020
Shivrajpur (Dwarka-Gujarat), Ghoghla SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Morning)
(Diu), Kasarkod, and Padubidri was divided, one half awarded to Roger
(a) Nagaland (b) Mizoram
(Karnataka), Kappad (Kerala), (c) Ladakh (d) Arunachal Pradesh Penrose "for the discovery that black
hole formation is a robust prediction of
Rushikonda (AP), Golden (Puri-Odisha)
Sol.(c) Dr. Tsering Landol hails from the general theory of relativity", the
and Radhanagar (A&N Islands).
Ladakh. She is an Indian gynecologist other half jointly to Reinhard Genzel and
and one of the pioneers of women's Andrea Ghez "for the discovery of a
Q.767. Which of the following was the
health in the Ladakh Union Territory of supermassive compact object at the
country in focus at the 51st International
India. centre of our galaxy."
Film Festival of India held in Goa in
January 2021?
Q.771. Which of the following Q.774. Who among the following film
SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Afternoon)
international awards did Indian drama makers was conferred with the 'Padma
(a) Myanmar (b) Nepal
series 'Delhi Crime' win in 2020? Shri', the fourth highest civilian honour
(c) Bangladesh (d) Bhutan
SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Afternoon) of the country, in 2020?
(a) Golden Globe Award for Best SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Afternoon)
Sol.(c) Bangladesh was the country of
Television Series – Drama (a) Tanuja Chandra (b) Ekta Kapoor
focus at the 51st International Film
(b) British Academy Television Award (c) Deepa Mehta (d) Zoya Akhtar
Festival of India held in Goa in January for Best Drama Series
2021. Bangladesh will be the country in (c) International Emmy Award for Best Sol.(b) Ekta Kapoor's name has been
focus and the festival will pay tribute to Drama Series announced to be conferred with the
legendary filmmaker Satyajit Ray. (d) Cannes Corporate Media & TV fourth highest civilian honour - Padma
Awards – Best Drama Shri Award.
Q.768. Who among the following was
conferred with the ‘Best Actor’ award at Sol.(c) Netflix original 'Delhi Crime' has Q.775. Which Indian actor received the
the Dadasaheb Phalke International Film won the Best Drama series in ‘Crystal Award’ at the World Economic
Festival in February 2020? International Emmy Awards 2020. The Forum 2020?
SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Evening) series is a recreation of events that SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Evening)
(a) Hrithik Roshan (b) Amir Khan happened before and after the horrific (a) Deepika Padukone (b) Alia Bhatt
(c) Ranveer Singh (d) Ranbir Kapoor ‘Nirbhaya’ gang rape in December 2012. (c) Kareena Kapoor (d) Katrina Kaif
It portrays the intense police
Sol.(a) Hrithik Roshan was conferred investigation followed by the horrific Sol.(a) Deepika Padukone received the
with the Best Actor award at the aftermath of a crime that shook the ‘Crystal Award’ at the World Economic
Dadasaheb Phalke International Film conscience of the nation and left Forum 2020.
Festival in February 2020 for his movie everyone numb.
Super30. The chief guest at the event Q.776. For which of the following
was Maharashtra Minister of Tourism Q.772. Who among the following won categories were Paul R Milgrom and
and Environment Aditya Thackeray. the Golden Globe 2020 award for ‘Best Robert B Wilson awarded the Nobel
Performance by an Actress in a Motion Prize in 2020?
Q.769. Who among the following is the Picture – Drama’? SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Evening)
first Indian to be awarded with UN SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Afternoon) (a) Chemistry
Military Gender Advocate Award in (a) Renée Zellweger (b) Physiology or Medicine
May 2020? (b) Charlize Theron (c) Literature
SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 (Evening) (c) Cynthia Erivo (d) Economic Sciences
(a) Shivangi Singh (b) Suman Gawani (d) Beanie Feldstein Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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Sol.(d) The Nobel Prize 2020 in Best Director in a motion Picture - Sam Award for ‘ICC Male Cricketer of the
Economic Sciences was awarded to Paul Mendes. Decade’ in December 2020?
R. Milgrom and Robert B. Wilson for SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Evening)
improvements to auction theory and Q.781. Who among the following was (a) Steve Smith
inventions of new auction formats. awarded the International Children's (b) Mahendra Singh Dhoni
Peace Prize 2020? (c) Virat Kohli
Q.777. Which country apart from India SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Morning) (d) Rashid Khan
was declared a winner at the 2020 (a) Malala Yousafzai
Online FIDE Chess Olympiad? \ (b) Sadat Rahman Sol.(c) Virat Kohli won the Sir Garfield
SSC CHSL 6/8/2021 (Evening) (c) Greta Thunberg Sobers Award for ICC Male Cricketer of
(a) Sweden (b) Russia (d) Neha Gupta the Decade. He is an Indian cricketer and
(c) Brazil (d) Finland the captain of India national cricket team
Sol.(b) Sadat Rahman was awarded the in Tests. He plays for Delhi in domestic
Sol.(b) Russia was declared a winner at International Children's Peace Prize cricket and Royal Challengers Bangalore
the 2020 Online FIDE Chess olympiad. 2020. It is awarded annually for in the Indian Premier League as a
outstanding contributions in advocating right-handed batsman.
Q.778. Which Indian Information children’s rights.
Technology company won the 2020 Q.785. Who among the following were
‘IBM Beacon Award’? Q.782. Who among the following was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry
SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Morning) NOT one of the recipients of the US 2020 for their exemplary work in
(a) Tata Consultancy Services military decoration 'the genome editing?
(b) Wipro Legion of Merit' in December 2020? SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Evening)
(c) Tech Mahindra SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Afternoon) (a) Jennifer A Doudna and Emmanuelle
(d) Infosys (a) Shinzo Abe Charpentier
(b) Narendra Modi (b) George P Smith and Sir Gregory P
Sol.(d) Infosys won the ‘IBM Beacon (c) Scott Morrison Winter
Award’. (d) Boris Johnson (c) Gerard Mourou and Donna
Q.779. Who was awarded the Nobel Sol.(d) Boris Johnson was not one of the (d) James P Allison and Tasuku Honjo
Prize in Literature 2020? recipients of the US military decoration
SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Afternoon) in December 2020. US President Donald Sol.(a) Jennifer A Doudna and
(a) Reinhard Genzel (b) Roger Penrose Trump has conferred the Legion of Merit Emmanuelle Charpentier were awarded
(c) Andrea M Ghez (d) Louise Glück award to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2020 for
former Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe their exemplary work in genome editing.
Sol..(d) The Nobel Prize in Literature and Australian Prime Minister Scott
2020 was awarded to Louise Glück for Morrison. Q.786. Which bank got the 'Best Bank in
her unmistakable poetic voice that, with Innovation' award at Business Today
austere beauty, makes individual Q.783. Who among the following won -Money Today Financial Awards 2020?
existence universal. the ‘Golden Boot’ at FIFA World Cup SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Morning)
2018? (a) Bank of Baroda
Q.780. Who among the following won SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Afternoon) (b) State Bank of India
the Golden Globe 2020 award for ‘Best (a) Harry Kane (c) ICICI Bank
Performance by an Actor in a Motion (b) Kylian Mbappe (d) HDFC Bank
Picture – Drama’? (c) Luka Modric
SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Evening) (d) Paul Pogba Sol.(c) ICICI Bank
(a) Lucas Hedges
(b) Joaquin Phoenix Sol.(a) Harry Kane won the Golden Boot Q.787. Which of the following
(c) John David Washington at 21st FIFA World Cup 2018. FIFA organisations was awarded with the
(d) Jonathan Pryce World Cup is a worldwide football Nobel Peace Prize 2020?
tournament held once every four years. SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Afternoon)
Sol.(b) Winners of Golden Globe award The 2018 FIFA World Cup took place (a) World Health Organization
2020– Best Actor in a motion picture - between 14 June and 15 July 2018 in (b) World Trade Organization
Joaquin Phoenix. Russia. (c) World Food Programme
Best Actress in a motion picture - Renee (d) International Labour Organization
Zellweger. Q.784. Who among the following
Best Motion Picture - 1917. cricketers won the Sir Garfield Sobers Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

Sol.(c) World Food Programme.

Headquarters - Rome, Italy. Q.792. Pooja Dhanda won the 2019 Q.796. Which of the following persons
Arjuna Award for which sport? was awarded the Padma Vibhushan
Q.788. Who among the following won SSC MTS 05/10/21(Afternoon) posthumously in 2020?
the ‘Tenzing Norgay National Adventure (a) Wrestling (b) Boxing SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Afternoon)
Award’ in August (c) Athletics (d) Tennis (a) P Parameswaran
2020 in the ‘Water Adventure’ category? (b) Ustad Ghulam Mustafa Khan
SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Afternoon) Sol..(a) Pooja Dhanda won the 2019 (c) Kuldip Nayar
(a) Satyendra Singh (b) Narendra Singh Arjuna Award for Wrestling. (d) Arun Jaitley
(c) Sarfaraz Singh (d) Anita Devi
Q.793. Which team clinched the Sol.(d) Arun Jaitley was awarded the
Sol.(a) Satyendra Singh 2019-20 the Vijay Hazare Trophy for the Padma Vibhushan posthumously in
4th time by defeating Tamil Nadu in the 2020. Former Union ministers Arun
Q.789. Which Indian journalist was final? Jaitley and Minister Sushma Swaraj
awarded the Windham-Campbell Prize SSC MTS 05/10/21(Afternoon) were awarded the Padma Vibhushan
2019 for the book 'Farthest Field: An (a) Jharkhand (b) Mumbai award- 2020 posthumously by President
Indian Story of the Second World War'? (c) Karnataka (d) Bihar Ramnath Govind.
SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Evening)
(a) Ashok Malik (b) Raghu Karnad Sol.(c) Karnataka clinched the 2019-20 Q.797. Cricketer Zaheer Khan was
(c) Dionne Bunsha (d) Mrinal Pande Vijay Hazare Trophy for the 4th time by awarded the ______ in 2020.
defeating Tamil Nadu in the final. SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Afternoon)
Sol.(b) Raghu Karnad was awarded the Mumbai is the current champion (a) Padma Shree
Windham-Campbell Prize 2019 for the (2020-2021) who won their 4th title (b) Arjuna Award
book beating Uttar Pradesh in the finals. (c) Padma Bhushan
'Farthest Field: An Indian Story of the (d) Dronacharya Award
Second World War'. Q.794. Who among the following was
honoured with the ‘Honorary Foreign Sol.(a) Cricketer Zaheer Khan was
Member Award 2019’ by the American awarded the Padma Shree in 2020.
Q.790. Which doctor of Indian origin
Historical Association?
was honoured with 'Great
SSC MTS 05/10/21(Evening) Q.798. Anjum Moudgil won the 2019
Immigrants-2020' in the US?
(a) Nayanjot Lahiri Arjuna Award for which sport?
SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Afternoon)
(b) Irfan Habib SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Evening)
(a) Ashok Rajgopal
(c) Ramachandra Guha (a) Cricket (b) Shooting
(b) Mayur Lakhani
(d) Bhairabi Prasad Sahu (c) Weightlifting (d) Boxing
(b) Siddhartha Mukherjee
(d) Kiran C Patel
Sol.(c) Ramachandra Guha was Sol.(b) Anjum Moudgil won the 2019
honoured with the ‘Honorary Foreign Arjuna Award for Shooting. She is from
Sol.(c) Siddhartha Mukherjee, an
Member Award 2019’ by the American Chandigarh and represents Punjab. She
oncologist of Indian origin, was honored
Historical Association. is supported by GoSports Foundation
with 'Great Immigrants-2020' in the US.
through the Rahul Dravid Athlete
Q.795. Who among the following was Mentorship Programme.
Q.791. Which of the following institutes
the recipient of the Infosys Prize 2019
bagged the UNESCO Asia-Pacific
for Humanities? Q.799. In June 2020, Amit Panghal and
Award for cultural
SSC MTS 05/10/21(Evening) Vikas Krishan were nominated for
heritage conservation in December,
(a) Kesavan Veluthat ______ by the Boxing Federation of
(b) Manu V Devadevan India.
SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Afternoon)
(c) Y Subbarayalu SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Morning)
(a) IIT Roorkee
(d) Shireen Moosvi (a) Padma Bhushan
(b) IIT Delhi
(b) Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award
(b) Amar Singh College Srinagar
Sol.(b) Manu V Devadevan was the (c) Padma Shri
(d) BBK DAV College Amritsar
recipient of the Infosys Prize 2019 for (d) Arjuna Award
Humanities. He was awarded Infosys
Sol.(b) Amar Singh College Srinagar
Prize 2019 for his highly original and Sol.(b) In June 2020, Amit Panghal and
bagged the UNESCO Asia-Pacific
wide-ranging work on pre-modern South Vikas Krishan were nominated for the
Award for cultural heritage conservation India.
in December, 2020. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award by the Sol.(c) Sarita Joshi, one of the recipients
Boxing Federation of India. of Padma Shri 2020, has received the Sol.(b) Akira Yoshino was NOT a
award in the domain of: Art. Sarita Joshi co-recipient of the Nobel Prize in
Q.800. Tsering Landol, who was one of is an Indian stage, television, and film Physics in 2019. In 2019, Dr. Akira
the recipients of the Padma Bhushan actress and is a veteran actress of Yoshino, Dr. Stanley Whittingham, and
2020 award, hails from: Gujarati theatre and Marathi theatre, and Dr. John Goodenough were awarded the
SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Afternoon) also Marathi cinema. Nobel Prize for Chemistry for their
(a) Sikkim (b) Mizoram seminal work in advancing the
(c) Arunachal Pradesh (d) Ladakh Q.804. Which of the following awards development of lithium-ion batteries, the
was presented to Ramesh Sippy at the miniature energy systems that we
Sol.(d) Tsering Landol, was one of the Filmfare Awards 2020? depend on to power our mobile devices.
recipients of the Padma Bhushan 2020 SSC MTS 11/10/21(Afternoon)
award, hails from Ladakh. Landol is (a) Best Director Q.808. Who among the following was
featured in The Song Collector, a (b) Best Original Story the 49th recipient of the Dadasaheb
documentary film on the life of the (c) Lifetime Achievement Award Phalke Award?
renowned Ladakhi folk musician, Morup (d) Excellence in Cinema SSC MTS 13/10/21(Morning)
Namgyal. (a) Gulzar (b) Vinod Khanna
Sol.(c) Lifetime Achievement Award (c) Amitabh Bachchan (d) Manoj Kumar
Q.801. Which of the following was presented to Ramesh Sippy at the
environmentalists was awarded the Filmfare Awards 2020. Sol.(b) 49th recipient of the Dadasaheb
Stockholm Water Prize in 2015? Phalke Award was Vinod Khanna. The
SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Evening) Q.805. Which of the following NGOs 50th and 51st recipients of the award
(a) Vandana Shiva (b) Anadish Pal won the Skoll Award for Social were Amitabh Bachchan and Rajnikanth
(c) Tulsi Gowda (d) Rajendra Singh Entrepreneurship 2020? respectively. Dadasaheb Phalke, who is
SSC MTS 11/10/21(Evening) also known as the father of Indian
Sol.(d) Rajendra Singh was awarded the (a) CRY (b) ARMMAN Cinema, made the first Indian feature
Stockholm Water Prize in 2015 for his (c) Greenpeace (d) Goonj film Raja Harishchandra in the year
innovative water restoration efforts, 1913.
improving water security in rural India, Sol.(b) ARMMAN Wins Prestigious
and for showing extraordinary courage $1.5 million Skoll Award for Social Q.809. Who among the following won
and determination in his quest to Entrepreneurship! ARMMAN has been the Sahitya Akademi Award 2019 in the
improve the living conditions for those awarded the Skoll Award for Social English non fiction category? SSC MTS
most in need. Entrepreneurship 2020 for its 13/10/21(Afternoon)
exceptional work in the maternal and (a) Roshani Chokshi (b) Shashi Tharoor
Q.802. K Srikanth, who was child health space in India. (c) Raghu Karnad (d) Amitabha Bagchi
recommended for the Khel Ratna Award
in June 2020, is a professional ______ Q.806. Priyadarshini Govind, who was Sol.(b) Shashi Tharoor won the Sahitya
player. SSC MTS 08/10/21 (Afternoon) conferred the ‘Nritya Kalanidhi’ title by Akademi Award 2019 in the English
(a) table tennis (b) golf The Music Academy in 2019, is a non-fiction category. The book “An Era
(c) football (d) badminton well-known ______ dancer. SSC MTS Of Darkness” was about British rule in
12/10/21(Morning) India.
Sol.(d) K Srikanth, who was (a) Kathakali (b) Kuchipudi
recommended for the Khel Ratna Award (c) Bharatnatyam (d) Kathak Q.810. SC Jamir, one of the recipients of
in June 2020, is a professional
the Padma Bhushan 2020 award,
badminton player Sol.(c) Priyadarshini Govind, who was received the award for his contribution
conferred the ‘Nritya Kalanidhi’ title by in: SSC MTS 13/10/21(Afternoon)
Q.803. Sarita Joshi, one of the recipients The Music Academy in 2019, is a (a) Public Affairs
of Padma Shri 2020, has received the well-known Bharatnatyam dancer. (b) Trade and Industry
award in the domain of: SSC MTS
(c) Art
08/10/21(evening) Q.807. Who among the following was (d) Literature and Education
(a) Public Affairs NOT a co-recipient of the Nobel Prize in
(b) Literature and Education Physics in 2019? SSC MTS Sol.(a) SC Jamir, one of the recipients of
(c) Art 12/10/21(Evening) the Padma Bhushan 2020 award,
(d) Trade & Industry (a) Didier Queloz (b) Akira Yoshino
received the award for his contribution
(c) Michel Mayor (d) James Peebles Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

to Public Affairs. SC Jamir is an Indian Sol.(a) Rattan Lal won the World Food
politician and former Governor of Prize in June 2020 for his contribution Q.817. The People for the Ethical
Odisha. He has served as the Chief towards developing soil-saving Treatment of Animals, India, have
Minister of Nagaland, Governor of techniques to increase food production. conferred ______ with the 'Hero to
Maharashtra, Governor of Gujarat & Dr. Shakuntala Haraksingh Thilsted is Animals Award’ in 2020. SSC MTS
Governor of Goa. the 2021 World Food Prize Laureate. 20/10/2021 (Evening)
Swaminathan was selected as the first (a) Sonu Sood (b) Maneka Gandhi
Q.811. Who among the following was World Food Prize Laureate, in 1987. (c) Naveen Patnaik (d) Sadaa Sayed
awarded the French honour of
‘Chevalier dans l’Ordre Q.814. Who among the following has Sol.(c) Chief Minister of Odisha,
des Arts et des Lettres’ (Knight of the won the 2020 Pulitzer Prize in the Naveen Patnaik, has been conferred with
Order of Arts and Letters) in January category of fiction? SSC MTS the 'Hero to Animals Award' by People
2020? SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Morning) 18/10/2021 (Afternoon) for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
(a) Sanjna Kapoor (a) Michael R Jackson (PETA) India in 2020. People for the
(b) Ebrahim Alkazi (b) Colson Whitehead Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
(c) Hariprasad Chaurasia (c) W Caleb McDaniel India has named Actor John Abraham its
(d) Aishwarya Rai (d) Christopher Knight Person of the Year for 2020.

Sol.(a) Sanjna Kapoor was awarded the Sol.(b) Colson Whitehead has won the Q.818. I.M. Vijayan, who was
French honour of ‘Chevalier dans 2020 Pulitzer Prize in the category of recommended for the Padma Shri award
l’Ordre fiction. The Pulitzer Prize is an award in June 2020, is a professional
des Arts et des Lettres’ (Knight of the for achievements in newspaper, sportsperson from _______.SSC MTS
Order of Arts and Letters) in January magazine, online journalism, literature, 22/10/2021 (Morning)
2020. and musical composition within the (a) Football (b) Cricket
United States. It was established in 1917 (c) Chess (d) Hockey
Q.812. Who among the following was by provisions in the will of Joseph
NOT a recipient of the Shanti Swarup Pulitzer. Sol.(a) I.M. Vijayan, who was
Bhatnagar Prize for Science and recommended for the Padma Shri award
Technology 2019? SSC MTS Q.815 Chhannulal Mishra, the recipient in June 2020, is a professional
14/10/2021 (Evening) of the Padma Vibhushan 2020, has sportsperson from football. List of top 5
(a) Tapas Kumar Maji received the award in the domain of: biggest & most popular football
(b) Soumen Basak SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Afternoon) tournaments -Federation Cup, Santosh
(c) Kayarat Saikrishnan (a) Art Trophy, IFA Shield, Rovers Cup, Durand
(d) Sakya Singha Sen (b) Literature and Education Cup.
(c) Public Affairs
Sol.(d) Sakya Singha Sen from National (d) Trade and Industry Q.819. Who among the following
Chemical Laboratory (CSIR-NCL) Pune, received the ‘Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna
has been awarded "Merck Young Sol.(a) Chhannulal Mishra, the recipient Award’ in 2020? SSC MTS 22/10/2021
Scientist Award 2019". In the year 2021, of the Padma Vibhushan 2020, has (Afternoon)
the recipients of Shanti Swarup received the award in the domain of Art. (a) Mahendra Singh Dhoni
Bhatnagar (SSB) Prize for Science and Pandit Chhannulal Mishra is a celebrated (b) Rohit Sharma
Technology are Amit Singh from the Hindustani classical singer from (c) Suresh Raina
Indian institute of Science, Bengaluru, in Banaras, a noted exponent of the Kirana (d) Sachin Tendulkar
Biological Sciences category. Gharana.
Sol.(b) Rohit Sharma received the
Q.813. Who won the World Food Prize Q.816. Which Indian actor has won the ‘Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award’ in
in June 2020 for his contribution towards 'Russian Audience Heart' Award for 2020. The Khel Ratna Award( 2021) -
developing soil 2020? SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Evening) Neeraj Chopra (Javelin), Ravi Dahiya
saving techniques to increase food (a) Prabhas (b) Ranveer Singh (Wrestling), Sunil Chhetri (Football),
production? SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (c) Salman Khan (d) Mahesh Babu Mithali Raj (Cricket), P Sreejesh
(Morning) (Hockey), Lovlina Borgohain (Boxing),
(a) Rattan Lal (b) A Gopalakrishnan Sol.(a) Prabhas wins the Russian Pramod Bhagat (Para-badminton player),
(c) I Sekar (d) M. Krishna Reddy Audience Hear award, second Indian Avani Lekhara (Para rifle shooter),
actor after Raj Kapoor to bag the honor. Sumit Antil (Para javelin thrower), Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

Krishna Nagar (Para-badminton), (c) Margaret Atwood and Bernardine (b) Tapan Mishra
Manish Narwal (Para pistol shooter), Evaristo (c) AS Kiran Kumar
Manpreet Singh (Hockey). (d) W Caleb McDaniel and Valeria (d) Mylswamy Annadurai
Q.820. Sindhi poet and writer Vasdev Sol.(c) AS Kiran Kumar was conferred
Mohi was selected for the Saraswati Sol.(c) Margaret Atwood(The the distinction of Chevalier de l’Ordre
Samman, 2019. This award is given testaments) and Bernardine national de
annually by: SSC MTS 22/10/2021 Evaristo(Girl, woman, other) jointly la Légion d’Honneur by the Government
(Afternoon) bagged the 2019 Booker Prize. South of France in May 2019. The National
(a) KK Birla Foundation African Damon Galgut wins Booker Order of the Legion of Honour was
(b) JRD & Sir Ratan Tata Trusts Prize 2021 for 'The Promise'. established in 1802 by Napoleon
(c) Infosys Foundation Bonaparte.
(d) Azim Premji Foundation Q.824. Manoj Das, the recipient of
Padma Bhushan 2020, has received the Q.827. Which Indian diplomat was
Sol.(a) The award carries fifteen lakh award in the domain of: SSC MTS conferred upon the First Class Order of
rupees, a citation, and a plaque. 26/10/2021 (Afternoon) Zayed II award by UAE in 2019? SSC
Saraswati Samman, instituted by KK (a) Trade and Industry MTS 26/10/2021 (Evening)
Birla Foundation in 1991, is recognised (b) Literature and Education (a) Navdeep Singh Suri
as the most prestigious and highest (c) Public Affairs (b) Taranjit Singh Sandhu
literary award in the country. (d) Art (c) Jawed Ashraf
(d) Raveesh Kumar
Q.821. In 2020, who won the ‘ESPN’s Sol..(b) Manoj Das, the recipient of
Female Sportsperson of the Year’ award Padma Bhushan 2020, has received the Sol.(a) Navdeep Singh Suri was
for the third successive time? SSC MTS award in the domain of Literature and conferred upon the First Class Order of
22/10/2021 (Evening) Education. Zayed II award by UAE in 2019. Al
(a) Aparna Popat (b) Anjali Vedpathak Maktoum is the absolute ruler of Dubai
(c) PV Sindhu (d) Saina Nehwal Q.825. Who among the following got the and Prime Minister of UAE. President
2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or -Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan.
Sol.(c) PV Sindhu(Badminton) won the Medicine for launching an effective new
‘ESPN’s Female Sportsperson of the way to attack cancer by treating the Q.828. Who won the Arjuna Award for
Year’ award for the third successive immune system rather than the tumour? Para Swimming at the National Sports
time. PV Sindhu won the bronze medal SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Evening) Awards, 2020?SSC MTS 27/10/2021
at Tokyo Olympic 2020. (a) Jeffrey Hall (Morning)
(b) Michael Rosbash (a) Gaurav Khanna (b) Mariyappan T
Q.822. Shanti Jain, one of the recipients (c) Michael W Young (c) Suyash Jadhav (d) Vijay Munishwar
of the Padma Shri 2020, has received the (d) James P Allison
award in the domain of: SSC MTS Sol.(c) Suyash Jadhav won the Arjuna
22/10/2021 (Evening) Sol.(d) James P Allison got the 2018 Award for Para-Swimming at the
(a) Trade and Industry Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine National Sports Awards, 2020. The
(b) Art for launching an effective new way to Arjuna Award was instituted in 1961.
(c) Literature and Education attack cancer by treating the immune The award carries a cash prize of Rs 15
(d) Public Affairs system rather than the tumour. The lakh, a bronze statue of Arjuna, and a
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine scroll of honour.
Sol.(b) Shanti Jain, one of the recipients 2021 was awarded jointly to David
of the Padma Shri 2020, has received an Julius and Ardem Patapoutian "for their Q.829. Who won the Dadasaheb Phalke
award in the domain of Art. Shanti Jain discoveries of receptors for temperature Award 2020 for a short documentary on
also known as the folk queen of Bihar. and touch”. honey hunting? SSC MTS 27/10/2021
Q.823. Which of the following pair of Q.826. Which Indian scientist was (a) Kezang D Thongdok
authors jointly bagged the 2019 Booker conferred the distinction of Chevalier de (b) Dheeraj Dhoopar
Prize? SSC MTS 26/10/2021 l’Ordre national de (c) Armaan Malik
(Afternoon) la Légion d’Honneur by the Government (d) Kiccha Sudeep
(a) Jerry Craft and Kesha Ajọsẹ Fisher of France in May 2019? SSC MTS
(b) Valeria Luiselli and Tayari Jones 26/10/2021 (Evening)
(a) G Madhavan Nair Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

Sol.(a) Kezang D Thongdok won the Saikhom Mirabai Chanu won the silver International Cricket Council (ICC) in
Dadasaheb Phalke Award 2020 for a medal at Tokyo Olympics 2020. January 2019?
short documentary (“Chi Lupo“) on CGL 11th June 2019 (Morning)
honey hunting. Award was started in Q.833. Jagdish Sheth, one of the (a) Sourav Ganguly (b) Anurag Thakur
1969. The very first recipient of this recipients of Padma Bhushan 2020, has (c) Manu Sawhney (d) N G Khaitan
award was Devika Rani. 51th Dadasaheb received the award in the domain of:
Phalke Award - Rajinikanth. SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Afternoon) Sol.(c) Manu Sawhney became the fifth
(a) Trade and Industry Chief Executive of the ICC on 1 April
Q.830. Who among the following is one (b) Art 2019 succeeding David Richardson who
of the first three Indian female fighter (c) Literature and Education had held the role since June 2012.
pilots who received the ‘Nari Shakti (d) Public Affairs
Puraskar 2019’ in March 2020? SSC Q.837. In May 2019, Suresh Kumar was
MTS 27/10/2021 (Morning) Sol.(c) Jagdish Sheth, has received appointed as the Chief Technology
(a) Nirupama Yadav (b) Janaki Sabesh Padma Bhushan 2020 award in the Officer of:
(c) Seema Rao (d) Avani Chaturvedi domain of Literature and Education. CHSL 1 JULY 2019 (Evening)
Jagdish Sheth, founder of the "India, (a) Amazon (b) Walmart
Sol.(d) Avani Chaturvedi is one of the China & America Institute" (ICA (c) Google (d) Apple
first three Indian female fighter pilots Institute) .
Sol.(b) Walmart appointed Suresh
who received the ‘Nari Shakti Puraskar
Kumar as chief technology
2019’ in March 2020. Mohana Jitarwal Q.834. Who among the following won
officer.Walmart is an American
and Bhawana Kanth are other two the Hockey India Dhruv Batra Award for
multinational retail corporation.It has
female pilots. Player of the Year (Men) at the Third
more than 11000 stores worldwide.
Annual Hockey India Awards in March
Recently it acquired Flipkart
Q.831. Who was the Chairperson of the 2020? SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Afternoon)
sports committee for the National Sports (a) PR Sreejesh
Q.838. Who was appointed as the 24th
Award 2020? SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (b) Rupinder Pal Singh
Chief of Naval Staff in May 2019?
(Afternoon) (c) Harmanpreet Singh
CHSL 1 JULY 2019 (Evening)
(a) Colonel Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore (d) Manpreet Singh
(a) Sunil Lanba (b) Surinder Pal Singh
(b) Justice Mukundakam Sharma (c) Bimal Verma (d) Karambir Singh
(c) Alok Sinha Sol.(d) Manpreet Singh won the
(d) Virendra Sehwag Hockey India Dhruv Batra Award for
Sol.(d) Admiral Karambir Singh was
Player of the
appointed as 24th Chief of the Naval
Sol.(b) Justice Mukundakam Sharma Year (Men) at the Third Annual Hockey
Staff in May 2019.
was the Chairperson of the sports India Awards in March 2020. He is the
committee for the National Sports Award captain of the Indian men’s hockey team
Q.839. In the new Union cabinet of
2020. In 2021 Major Dhyan Chand Khel which won the bronze medal at the 2019, the portfolio of Micro, Small and
Ratna Award 2021 was given to 12 Tokyo Olympics 2020. Medium Enterprises was allocated to:
Sportspersons. 35 Sportspersons CHSL 2 JULY 2019 (Morning)
received Arjuna Awards for outstanding Q.835. Anil Prakash Joshi received the (a) Narendra Singh Tomar
performance in Sports and Games 2021. Padma Bhushan Award 2020 in the field (b) Nitin Jairam Gadkari
of ______. SSC MTS 2/1/2021 (c) Ramvilas Paswan
Q.832. Who won a gold medal for (Evening) (d) Sadananda Gowda
weightlifting at the ‘6th Qatar (a) social work (b) arts
International Cup’ in Doha? SSC MTS (c) public affairs (d) medicine Sol.(b) Nitin Jairam Gadkari - Minister
2/11/2021 (Morning) of Road Transport and Highways; and
(a) Manon Lorentz Sol.(a) Anil Prakash Joshi received the Minister of Micro, Small and Medium
(b) Saikhom Mirabai Chanu Padma Bhushan Award 2020 in the field Enterprises.
(c) Anais Michel of social work. He is the founder of the
(d) Jeremy Lalrinnunga Himalayan Environmental Studies and Q.840. Who of the following was elected
Conservation Organisation (HESCO). as the Leader of Congress Parliamentary
Sol.(b) Saikhom Mirabai Chanu won a Party after the 2019 Lok Sabha
gold medal for weightlifting at the ‘6th PERSONS elections?
Qatar International Cup’ in Doha. CHSL 2 JULY 2019 (Afternoon)
Q.836. Who among the following was (a) Rahul Gandhi
named as the Chief Executive Officer of (b) Shashi Tharoor Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

(c) Sonia Gandhi global management team effective May (a) Tamil Nadu (b) Kerala
(d) Mallikarjun Kharge 28, 2019. (c) Karnataka (d) Andhra Pradesh

Sol.(c) Sonia Gandhi has been elected Q.844. Who among the following was Sol.(c) Silver Medalist in Paralympic
as chairperson of the Congress elected to the board of the International high jump, Girish Gowda has been
Parliamentary Party (CPP) ahead of the Air Transport Association (IATA) in appointed as the ambassador of
start of the first session of Parliament June 2019? Karnataka Lok Sabha Elections 2019.
after the Lok Sabha elections. CHSL 2 JULY 2019 (Evening) He represented India in men’s high jump
(a) Rahul Bhatia (b) Ajay Singh F-42 category during 2012 Summer
Q.841. Famous writer and Congress (c) Naresh Goyal (d) Bhaskar Bhat Paralympics games held in London,
leader Shashi Tharoor won the 2019 Lok where he clinched the silver medal.
Sabha Elections from which of the Sol.(b) Ajay Singh was elected to the
following constituencies of Kerala? board of the International Air Transport Q.848. As of June 2019, who among the
CHSL 2 JULY 2019 (Afternoon) Association (IATA), less than three following is the Chairman of the 15th
(a) Alleppey months after the airline joined the global Finance Commission of India?
(b)Thiruvananthapuram grouping. CHSL 4 JULY 2019 (Morning)
(c) Kozhikode Q.845. Who among the following has (a) Shaktikanta Das(b) Arvind Panagaria
(d) Thrissur been appointed as the Ethics Officer of (c) N K Singh (d) Y V Reddy
the Indian Cricket Board in March 2019?
Sol.(b) Former Union minister and CHSL 3 JULY 2019 (Morning) Sol.(c) Nand Kishore Singh was
Congress sitting MP Shashi Tharoor (a) Milind Kharat appointed as the commission's chairman,
won the Thiruvananthapuram Lok Sabha (b) Suresh Babu with its full-time members being
seat. He defeated his main rival and (c) Dinesh Kumar Verma Shaktikanta Das and Anoop Singh and
BJP-NDA candidate Kummanam (d) D. K. Jain its part-time members being Ramesh
Rajashekharan by a margin of 99,989 Chand and Ashok Lahiri. The
votes. Sol.(d) Supreme Court-appointed BCCI commission held its first meeting on 4
Ombudsman Justice D K Jain (retd) will December 2017.
Q.842. After the swearing in of the new now serve as the Ethics Officer of the
Union Government in May, 2019, who Indian cricket board on an ad-hoc basis. Q.849. To which state does the noted
of the following was allocated the Padma Shree awardee and Sufi saint
portfolio of Youth Affairs and Sports? Q.846. In May 2019, __________ was Abraham Sutar belong?
SSC CHSL 4-7-2019 (Morning)
(a) Smriti Irani appointed as the Deputy Executive
(a) Karnataka (b) Telangana
(b) K Muralidharan Director of the United Nations Entity for
(c) Kerala (d) Andhra Pradesh
(c) Pratap Chandra Sarangi Gender Equality and the Empowerment
(d) Kiren Rijiju of Women for Resource Management, Sol.(a) The noted Padma Shree awardee
Sustainability and Partnerships. and Sufi saint Ibrahim Sutar belongs to
Sol.(d) Kiren Rijiju is an Indian lawyer CHSL 3 JULY 2019 (Afternoon) Karnataka.Ibrahim Sutar is an Indian
and politician from Arunachal Pradesh. (a) Anita Bhatia (b) Amruta Fadnavis social worker from Karnataka, India; and
A member of the Bharatiya Janata Party, (c) Lakshmi Puri (d) Sudha Murthy recipient of India's fourth highest
Rijiju is the current Minister of State of civilian award, the Padma Shri. He is
the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports Sol.(a) United Nations nicknamed the "Kabir of Kannada
and Minister of State in the Ministry of Secretary-General António Guterres
Minority Affairs of India. announced on 30 May 2019 today the Q.850. In May 2019, who among the
appointment of Anita Bhatia of India as following became the only mountaineer
Q.843. Former Flipkart Executive Assistant Secretary-General for in the world to hold the record for most
Sandeep Patil was appointed as India Resource Management, Sustainability summits on Mount Everest?
Managing Director of which company in and Partnerships and Deputy Executive CHSL 4 JULY 2019 (Morning)
May 2019? Director of the United Nations Entity for (a) Phurba Tashi (b) Andrew Irvine
(a) Amazon (b) Truecaller Gender Equality and the Empowerment (c) Phu Dorjee (d) Kami Rita Sherpa
(c) Paytm (d) Snapdeal of Women.
Sol..(d) In May 2019, Kami Rita Sherpa
Sol.(b) Truecaller has appointed former Q.847. Paralympic silver Medal winner scaled Everest for the 23rd time,
Flipkart Executive Sandeep Patil as the Girish Gowda has been appointed as Lok breaking his own record.
Managing Director for its India Sabha Election Ambassador for the
operations. He will be a part of the second time in which state?
CHSL 3 JULY 2019 (Afternoon) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

Q.851. Which former judge of the (a) Justice A K Sikri Sol.(a) Faiz Hameed is the new Director
Supreme Court of India was appointed (b) Justice Madan Lokur General of Inter Service Intelligence
as the Chairperson of the News (c) Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel (ISI) of Pakistan in June 2019.
Broadcasting Standards Authority in (d) Justice H L Dattu
May 2019? Q.858. Who among the following
CHSL 4 JULY 2019 (Morning) Sol.(a) -Former Supreme Court Judge co-authored 'Indian Fiscal Federalism'
(a) R V Raveendran Justice A. K. Sikri has been appointed as with YV Reddy?
(b) Ranjan Gogoi the Chairperson of the News SSC CHSL 10/7/2019 (Evening)
(c) A K Sikri Broadcasting Standards Authority (a) GR Reddy (b) Raghuram Rajan
(d) Arun Mishra (NBSA). He assumed office on May 26, (c) Bimal Jalan (d) Urjit Patel
Sol.(c) News Broadcasters Association Sol.(a) GR Reddy and YV Reddy are
(NBA) on Wednesday announced the Q.855. In 2019 who became the first the authors of ‘Indian Fiscal
appointment of Justice AK Sikri, former Indian to win an election in Japan? Federalism’ .
Judge of the Supreme Court of India, as SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening)
chairperson of the News Broadcasting (a) Charandeep Singh Q.859. Who among the following Indian
Standards Authority (NBSA). He (b) Yogendra Puranik female wrestlers won a gold medal in the
assumed office on May 26, 2019. (c) Kishore Kafley 59-kg weight category at the 2019 Dan
(d) Piyush Jindal Koviov- Nikola Petrov tournament?
Q.852. In May 2019, __________ SSC CHSL 10/7/2019 (Evening)
became the first judge from the Indian Sol.(b) Yogendra Puranik became the (a) Vinesh Phogat (b) Pooja Dhanda
apex court to be first Indian to win an election in (c) Navjot Kaur (d) Sakshi Malik
appointed to the Supreme Court of Fiji's Japan.He is a naturalised Japanese.
non-resident panel for a period of three Sol.(b) Pooja Dhanda
years. Q.856. Who among the following
SSC CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening) became the first woman fighter pilot to Q.860. Who among the following was
(a) Justice Madan Lokur qualify to undertake re-elected as the Prime Minister of Israel
(b) Justice A K Sikri combat missions on a fighter jet? April 2019?
(c) Justice H L Dattu SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (morning) SSC CHSL 11/7/2019 (Morning)
(d) Justice A K Goel (a) Mohana Singh (a) Imad Khamis
(b) Bhawana Kanth (b) Benjamin Netanyahu
Sol.(a) Retired Supreme Court judge (c) Ujjwala Raut (c) Ranil Wickremesinghe
Justice Madan Lokur has become the (d) Anupama Banerjee (d) Sheikh Hasina
first judge from the Indian apex court to
be appointed to the Supreme Court of Sol.(b) Bhawana Kanth became the first Sol.(b) Benjamin Netanyahu was
Fiji's non-resident panel for a period of woman fighter pilot to qualify to re-elected as the Prime Minister of Israel
three years. understand combat missions on a fighter April 2019
Q.853. Who is the current Chief of the Mohana Singh Jitarwal is one of the first Q.861. As of May 2019, who is the CEO
Army Staff of India as of May 2019? female fighter pilots of India of Google?
SSC CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening) Ujjwala Raut is an Indian supermodel. SSC CHSL 11/7/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) General Devraj Anbu She is the most successful overseas (a) Jan Koum (b) Satya Nadella
(b) General Dalbir Singh Suhag supermodel from India (c) Sundar Pichai (d) Vinod Khosla
(c) General Bikram Singh Anupama Banerjee is the daughter of the
(d) General Bipin Rawat Sakuntala Devi. Sol.(c) India-born Sundar Pichai is the
new CEO of Google. India-born Sundar
Sol.(d) General Bipin Rawat was Chief Q.857. Who was appointed as the new Pichai was named CEO of Google by
of the Army Staff of India as of May Director General of Inter Service the company's founders Larry Page and
2019. And Manoj Mukund Naravane is Intelligence (ISI) of Sergei Brin in the course of a
current chief of the Army Staff India. Pakistan in June 2019? re-organization that created a mother
SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (Evening) company called Alphabet.
Q.854. Who among the following was (a) Faiz Hameed (b) Hamid Gul
appointed as the chairperson of the News (c) Rizwan Akhtar (d) Riaz Hussain Q.862. As of June 2019 who is the
Broadcasting Standards Authority President of Maldives?
(NBSA) in May 2019? SSC MTS 8/08/2019 (Afternoon)
SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon) (a) Ashraf Ghani Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

(b) Ibrahim Mohamed Solih appointed as first ever youth ambassador provisions of the Section 126 and other
(c) Abdul Hamid of United Nations Children’s Fund sections of the Representation of the
(d) Joko widodo (UNICEF) India. People Act 1951, provisions of Model
SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning) Code of Conduct and any other ECI
Sol.(b) Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has (a) Jisna Mathew (b) Hima Das instruction in this regard has submitted
been serving as president of Maldives (c) Mandeep Kaur (d) Manjeet Kaur its report on 10th January,2019 to the
since November 2018. Commission.
Sol.(b) India’s ace sprinter and Asian
Q.863. As of June 2019 who is the CEO Games gold-medallist sprinter Hima Das Q.869. Shaktikanta Das took over as
of Nokia? was appointed as first ever youth the_____Governer of Reserve Bank of
SSC MTS 9/08/2019(Afternoon) ambassador of United Nations India after the resignation of Urjit Patel.
(a) Sanjay Mehrotra Children’s Fund (UNICEF) India. SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning)
(b) Satya Nadela UNICEF India works with the central (a) 26th (b) 27th
(c) Rajeev Suri government to ensure that each child (c) 24th (d) 25th
(d) Francisco D’ Souza born in the country gets the best start in
life, thrives and develops to his or her Sol.(d) Shaktikanta Das took over as the
Sol.(c) Rajeev Suri was the CEO of full potential. 25th Governor of Reserve Bank of India
Nokia until 31 July 2020.As of now after the resignation of Urjit Patel.
Nokia has appointed Pekka Lundmark Q.867. An Indian team of scientists led
as President and Chief Executive Officer by_____of Physical Research Q.870. Who will be elected as the new
of Nokia. Laboratory(PRL), have discovered a king of Malaysia in January 2019?
sub-Saturn or super-Neptune size planet SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Evening)
Q.864. As of June 2019, who is the around a Sun-like star. (a) Sultan Abdullah
present Defence Minister of India? SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning) (b) Sultan Nazrin Shah
SSC MTS 9/08/2019(Morning) (a) Professor Abhijit Chakraborty (c) Sultan Abdul Halim
(a). Arjun Munda (b) K Radha Krishnan (d) Sultan Mohammad V
(b) Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman (c) Padmanaban
(c) Rajnath Singh (d) Abhas Mitra Sol..(a) Malaysia has elected Sultan
(d) Amit Shah Abdullah of Pahang as its new king after
Sol.(a) A Team of scientists and the shock abdication of the previous
Sol.(c) Rajnath Singh joined the office engineers led by Prof. Abhijit monarch. Sultan Muhammad V of
as the defence minister of India on May Chakraborty of Physical Research Kelantan abdicated in January,2019 after
31,2019. Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad, have just two years on the throne, a first in
discovered a sub-Saturn or Malaysian history.
Q.865. A head of a reputed advertising super-Neptune size planet (mass of about
agency,____created iconic 27 Earth Mass and size of 6 Earth Radii) Q.871. Who among the following has
advertisements for surf detergent, Liril around a Sun-like star. The planet will be co-authored the book titled ‘ Good
bath soap, Bajaj scooters and Cherry known as EPIC 211945201b or Economics For Hard Times: Better
Blossom shoe polish? K2-236b. Answers To Our Biggest Problems’?
SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning)
(a) Prasoon Joshi Q.868. The Committee headed by (a) Raghuram Rajan
(b) Gerson da Cunha Deputy Election Commissioner ____ has (b) Kaushik Basu
(c) Prahlad Kakkar submitted the report on revisiting the (c) Abhijit Banerjee
(d) Alyque Padamsee Section 126 of the Representation of the (d) Amartya Sen
People Act.
Sol.(d) A head of a reputed advertising SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning) Sol..(c) ‘Good Economics For Hard
agency, Alyque Padamsee created iconic (a) Chandra Bhushan Kumar Times: Better Answers To Our Biggest
advertisements for surf detergent, Liril (b) Nasim Zaidi Problems’ is a book written by Abhijit
bath soap, Bajaj scooters and Cherry (c) Umesh Sinha Banerjee.
Blossom shoe polish. He received (d) Achal Kumar Jyoti
Padma Shri in 2000 and was named Q.872. Which former cricket player was
“Advertising Man of the Century” by Sol.(c) The Committee constituted appointed as the head of National
The Advertising Club in Mumbai. under the chairmanship of Sr. Deputy Cricket Academy (NCA) in 2019?
Election Commissioner Sh. Umesh SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning)
Q.866. India’s ace sprinter and Asian Sinha to review and suggest (a) Gautam Gambhir
Games gold-medalist,_____was modifications and changes in the (b) Virendra Sehwag Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

(c) Ajay jadeja International Narcotics Control Board in Bulgarian Economist Kristalina
(d) Rahul dravid May, 2019. Georgieva, who has held the post since
October 1, 2019.
Sol..(d) BCCI (Board of Cricket control Q.876. Who was the President of the Gita Gopinath was appointed as Chief
of India) appointed former cricket player World Bank Group as of January, 2020? Economist of IMF from 1 October 2018.
Rahul Dravid as the head of National CGL 4/3/2020 (morning) She received her PhD in economics from
cricket Academy, Bengaluru. (a) David Malpass Princeton University.
(b) Robert Zoellick
Q.873. Name the Author who won the (c) Jim Yong Kim Q.880. Who was chosen as the foreign
Sahitya Akademi Award 2019 for his (d) Paul Wolfowitz secretary of India in January 2020?
book -An Era of Darkness: The British CGL 4/3/2020 (afternoon)
Empire in India. Sol..(a) David Roberto Malpass is an (a) Vijay Keshav Gokhale
SSC-CGL 3-3-2020 (morning) American Economic analyst, who is (b) Nirupama Rao
(a) Shashi Tharoor working as the president of the World (c) Ranjan Mathai
(b) Romila Thapar Bank Group since 2019. He is the 13th (d) Harsh Vardhan Shringla
(c) Vikram Seth president of The World Bank group.
(d) Ramchandra Guha Sol..(d) On 29 january, 2020 Harsh
Q.877. In May 2019, the International Vardhan Shringla took charge as the
Sol..(a) Shashi Tharoor (book:- An Era Monetary Fund agreed to bail out foreign Secretary of India. This post is
of Darkness: The British Empire in ______ with a fund of $6 billion. generally held by an IFS officer of the
India) and Nand Kishore Acharya(book:- CGL 4/3/2020 (morning) rank of Secretary to Government of
Chheelatey hue Apne ko) won Sahitya (a) Nepal (b) Pakistan India. Shringla is a 1984 batch IFS. He
Akademi Award,2019 with cash prize of (c) India (d) Bangladesh previously served as India's envoy to the
Rs. 1 lakh each United States, Bangladesh and Thailand.
Sol..(b) Pakistan and the International Foreign secretary tenure = 2 years.
Q.874. In January 2020, Home Minister Monetary Fund reached an agreement on
Amit Shah released a book a loan of about $6 billion designed to Q.881. Former union minister and
'Karmayoddha Granth'. This book is help the South Asian nation avert an former Karnataka CM, D.V. Sadananda
based on the life of ______. economic crisis. Gowda is a cabinet minister in the
CGL 3-3-2020 (Afternoon) current central cabinet (February 2020).
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru Q.878. Lt. General ______ took charge What is his portfolio?
(b) Narendra Modi as the Chief of Army Staff on 31 CGL 4/3/2020 (evening)
(c) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel December 2019. (a) Law and Justice
(d) Mahatma Gandhi CGL 4/3/2020 (morning) (b) Chemicals and Fertilizers
(a) Ravendra Pal Singh (c) Public Distribution
Sol..(b) The Union Home Minister (b) Bipin Rawat (d) Tribal Affairs
released a book ‘Karmayoddha Granth’ (c) Manoj Mukund Naravane
on the life of Prime Minister Narendra (d) Anil Chauhan Sol..(b) Minister of Chemicals and
Modi. Fertilizers- D.V. Sadananda Gowda
Sol..(c) Manoj Mukund Narvane became Minister of Law and Justice - Ravi
Q.875. Name the Indian elected to the the chief of army staff on 31 December Shankar Prasad
International Narcotics Control Board by 2019. He replaced General Bipin Rawat Minister of Tribal Affairs – Arjun
the UN Economic and Social Council on who later became the chief of defence Munda
23 April 2014 and re-elected by the staff. Public Distribution Minister - Ram Vilas
Council for a 5-years term (2020-2025) Paswan
on 7 May 2019. Q.879. Who was appointed as the
CGL 3-3-2020 (Evening) Managing Director of the International Q.882. Name the author of the 2019
(a) Syed Akbaruddin Monetary Fund in October, 2019? released book- 'The Scent of God'.
(b)Sudhir Rajkumar CGL 4/3/2020 (afternoon) CGL 4/3/2020 (evening)
(c)Jagjit Pavadia (a) Rodrigo Rato (a) Nayantara Sehgal
(d)Yasmin Ali Haque (b) Dominique Strauss-Kahn (b) Githa Hariharan
(c) Kristalina Georgieva (c) Saikat Majumdar
Sol..(c) Jagjit Pavadia has been (d) Christine Lagarde (d) Himanjali Sankar
re-elected with the highest number of
votes by the UN Economic and Social Sol..(c) The current Managing Director Sol..(c) The author of the book ‘The
Council to a five-year term on the (MD) and Chairwoman of the IMF is Scent of God' is Saikat Majumdar. This Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

book raises the question about some Q.886. Who among the following has funding that helped in connecting remote
uncomfortable question about life in been appointed as Director of National villages of Manipur?
celibate, monastic orders. Book Trust on 11th January 2020? CGL 7-03-2020 (Evening)
CGL 5/3/2020 (evening)
(a)Armstrong Pame
(a) Lt Col Yuvraj Malik
Q.883. From which of the following (b)Dingo Singh
(b) Rita Chowdhury
states does 2019 Padma Vibhushan (c) Leela Samson (c)Irom Sharmila
Winner, Teejan Bai hail? (d) Gobinda Prasad Sharma (d)Mary Kom
CGL 4/3/2020 (evening)
(a) Chhattisgarh (b) Gujarat Sol.(a) Lt Col Yuvraj Malik has been Sol..(a) Armstrong Pame, an IAS officer
(c) Odisha (d) Telangana appointed the Director of the National in the state of Manipur, has built a 100
Book Trust (NBT). Malik, who has km long road, popularly known as
Sol..(a) 2019 Padma vibhushan winner taken over from Sahitya People’s road connecting remote villages
Teejan Bai is from Chhattisgarh. She has Akademi-awardee writer Rita of Tusem and Tamenglong. He is also
been awarded the Padma Shri in 1987, Chowdhury. known as a miracle man in Manipur .
Padma Bhushan in 2003, and Padma
Vibhushan in 2019 by the Government Q.887. Which of the following players Q.891. Shaukat Kaifi passed away in
of India. of the Indian cricket team laid the 2019.She was the mother of which
foundation of the Cricket Stadium and famous actress?
Q.884. Who is the author of the Training Centre at ‘Heartfulness CGL 9-03-2020 (Morning)
delightful and anecdotal history of Institute’s’ headquarters in Hyderabad? (a)Dia Mirza
Indian cricket titled- 'A Corner of a CGL 6-03-2020 (Evening) (b)Urmila Matondkar
foreign field: The Indian history of a (a) Rohit Sharma (c)Shabana Azmi
British sport'? (b) Virat Kohli (d)Fatima Sana Shaikh
CGL 4/3/2020 (evening) (c) Yuvraj Singh
(a) Sanjay Singh (d) Sikhar Dhawan Sol..(c) Shaukat Kaifi was born into a
(b) Ramchandra Guha shia family of Uttar Pradesh migrants in
(c) Bipin Chandra Sol..(a) Cricketer Rohit Sharma laid the Hyderabad State. She grew up in
(d) Romila Thapar foundation stone for a cricket stadium Aurangabad, India. At a young age, she
and training centre at 'Heartfulness was married to the Urdu poet Kaifi
Sol..(b) A Corner of a Foreign field: The Institute' headquarters near Hyderabad. Azmi. They had two children together, a
Indian history of a British sport is boy and a girl. Their son, Baba Azmi, is
written by Ramchandran Guha. Q.888. Who was appointed as brand a noted cameraman and
ambassador of Visa-the payment cinematographer. Shaukat and Kaifi's
Q.885. G. Babita Rayudu took charge as technology company in 2019? daughter, Shabana Azmi (b. 1950), is an
an Executive Director for which of the CGL 7-03-2020 (Morning) actress of Indian cinema, married to
following organisations in January (a)Dutee Chand (b)PV Sindhu noted poet and film lyricist Javed
2020? (c)Sania Mirza (d)PT Usha Akhtar.
CGL 5/3/2020 (morning)
(a) Insurance Regulatory and Sol..(b) In September,2019 Visa, the Q.892. As of January 2020, who was the
Development Authority of India payment technology company, has president of the BCCI?.
(b) Bombay Stock Exchange signed up the world badminton CHSL 17-3-2020 (Morning)
(c) Small Industries Development Bank champion Pusarla Venkata Sindhu as its (a) Ravi Shastri (b) Sourav Ganguly
of India brand ambassador for two years. (c) Sunil Gavaskar (d) Harsha Bogle
(d) The Securities and Exchange Board
of India Q.889. What is Gotabaya Rajapaksa's Sol..(b) As of January 2020, Sourav
nationality? Ganguly was the president of the BCCI.
Sol..(d) G. Babita Rayudu took charge as CGL 7-03-2020 (Afternoon)
an Executive Director for The Securities (a)Burmese (b)Bangladeshi Q.893. As of January 2020, who is the
and Exchange Board of India popularly (c)Sri Lankan (d)Indonesian managing director of YES Bank?
known as ‘SEBI’ in January 2020. She CHSL 17-3-2020 (Morning)
will handle the legal affairs department, Sol..(c) Gotabaya Rajapaska is the (a) Aditya Puri
enforcement department and special current President of Sri Lanka. (b) Ravneet Gill
enforcement cell. (c) Arundhati Bhattacharya
Q.890. In 2018, who among the (d) Amitabh Chaudhry
following came to the limelight by
building a people's road through crowd Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

Sol (b) As of January 2020, Ravneet Gill (d) General Manoj Mukund Naravane
is the managing director of YES Bank. Q.902. Who was sworn in as the 11th
Sol..(a) General Bipin Rawat took Chief Minister of Jharkhand on 29
Q.894. ‘Karmayoddha Granth’ has been charge as India’s first Chief of Defence December 2019?
written on the life of: Staff (CDS) on 1 January 2020. SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Evening)
CHSL 17-03-2020 (Afternoon) (a) Raghubar Das
(a) Subhash Chandra Bose Q.898. Who has been appointed the (b) Shibu Soren
(b) Mahatma Gandhi Director General of the National (c) Alamgir Alam
(c) Narendra Modi Security Guard (NSG) in (d) Hemant Soren
(d) Manmohan Singh October 2019?
CHSL 18-03-2020 (Afternoon) Sol..(d) Hemant Soren was sworn in as
Sol..(c) Karmayoddha Granth has been (a) Utkarsh Jain the 11th Chief Minister of Jharkhand on
written on the life of Narendra Modi. (b) BPS Yadav 29 December 2019.
(c) Awadhesh Pratap Singh
Q.895. After which former Indian Prime (d) Anup Kumar Singh Q.903. Which Indian economist was
Minister Rohtang pass tunnel named, in appointed as the Chief Economist of the
December 2019? Sol..(d) Anup Kumar Singh has been World Bank from 2012 to 2016?
CHSL 17-03-2020 (Evening) appointed the Director General of the SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Evening)
(a) Jawahar Lal Nehru National Security Guard (NSG) in (a) Kaushik Basu
(b) Rajiv Gandhi October 2019. (b) Jagdish Bhagwati
(c) Lal Bahadur Shastri (c) Indraprastha Gordhanbhai Patel
(d) Atal Bihari Vajpayee Q.899. Who among the following was (d) Raghuram Rajan
chosen as the Time Magazine’s 2019
Sol..(d) Atal Tunnel is a highway tunnel Person of the year? Sol..(a) Kaushik Basu was appointed as
built under the Rohtang Pass in the CHSL 18-03-2020 (Afternoon) the Chief Economist of the World Bank
eastern Pir Panjal range of the (a) Donald Trump from 2012 to 2016.
Himalayas on the Leh-Manali Highway (b) Malala Yousafzai
in Himachal Pradesh, India. It is the (c) Greta Thunberg Q.904. As of January 2020, who among
longest tunnel in the world and is named (d) Narendra Modi the following was the Chief Election
after former Prime Minister, Atal Bihari Commissioner of
Vajpayee. Sol..(c) Greta Thunberg was chosen as India?
the Time Magazine’s 2019 Person of the SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Morning)
Q.896. Who among the following was year. (a) HS Brahma
appointed as the Deputy Governor of (b) Sunil Arora
Reserve Bank of India Q.900. Which woman astronaut has set (c) Om Prakash Rawat
(RBI) in January 2020? the record for the longest single (d) VS Sampath
SSC CHSL 18-03-2020 (Morning) spaceflight by a woman?
(a) Michael Debabrata Patra SSC CHSL 19-3-2020 (Morning) Sol..(b) Sunil Arora was the Chief
(b) NS Vishwanathan (a) Sunita Williams(b) Jessica Meir Election Commissioner of India.
(c) Viral Acharya (c) Peggy Whitson(d) Christina Koch
(d) BP Kanungo Q.905. As of January 2020, who among
Sol..(d) Christina Koch has set the the following is the Chairman of UPSC?
Sol..(a) Michael Debabrata Patra was record for the longest single spaceflight SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Evening)
appointed as the Deputy Governor of by a woman. (a) Arvind Saxena
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in January (b) P C Hota
2020. Q.901. Who is the newest Chief of (c) David R Syiemlieh
Indian Army in December 2019? (d) Gurbachan Jagat
Q.897. Who among the following took SSC CHSL 19-3-2020 (Evening)
charge as India’s first Chief of Defence (a) Bikram Singh Sol..(a) As of January 2020, Arvind
Staff (CDS) on 1 (b) Devraj Anbu Saxena is the Chairman of UPSC.
January 2020? (c) Bipin Rawat
SSC CHSL 18-03-2020 (Morning) (d) Manoj Mukund Naravane Q.906. Who among the following was
(a) General Bipin Rawat elected as the Jharkhand Assembly
(b) Navy Chief Admiral Karambir Singh Sol..(d) Manoj Mukund Naravane is the Speaker in January 2020?
(c) Air Chief Marshal Rakesh Kumar newest Chief of Indian Army in SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Morning)
Singh Bhadauria December 2019. (a) Rabindra Nath Mahato Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

(b) Champai Soren

(c) Draupadi Murmu Sol..(d) As of January 2020, Justice HL Sol..(d) On 7th January 2020, Ajay
(d) Stephen Marandi Dattu was the chairperson of the Bhushan Pandey was the Chairman of
National Human Rights Commission of the second National
Sol..(a) Rabindra Nath Mahato was India. He is a retired Chief Justice of GST Conference and Central and State
elected as the Jharkhand Assembly India. Only retired Chief Justices are Commissioners that was held to
Speaker in January 2020. eligible to be appointed as the streamline the Goods and Services Tax.
Chairperson of the National Human
Q.907. JP Nadda was elected as the Rights Commission. Q.915. Former finance minister Arun
President of the Bharatiya Janata Party Jaitley passed away in which month of
(BJP) on 20 January 2020. He is the Q.911. Who is the 47th Chief Justice of 2019?
______ president of the BJP. India? SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning)
CHSL 15-10-2020 (Afternoon) SSC CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning) (a) August
(a) tenth (b) eleventh (a) Sharad Arvind Bobde (b) June
(c) twelfth (d) ninth (b) NV Ramana (c) October
(c) Ranjan Gogoi (d) May
Sol..(b) JP Nadda was elected as the (d) Dipak Misra
President of the Bharatiya Janata Party Sol..(a) Former finance minister Arun
(BJP) on 20 Sol..(a) Sharad Arvind Bobde is the Jaitley passed away on 24 August, 2019.
January 2020. He is the eleventh
47th Chief Justice of India.
president of the BJP.
Q.916. Which former cricketer and
Q.912. Which stadium was renamed as captain of the Indian team was formally
Q.908. Who among the following
Arun Jaitley Stadium in 2019? / िकस elected as the
headed the nine-judge constitutional
SSC CHSL 16-10-2020 (Evening) President of BCCI in October 2019?
bench that declared the right to privacy
(a) Feroz Shah Kotla Ground CHSL 20-10-2020 (Afternoon)
as a fundamental right?
(b) Green Park (a) Kapil Dev
CHSL 15-10-2020 (Afternoon)
(c) Eden Gardens (b) Sourav Ganguly
(a) JS Khehar (b) HJ Kania
(d) Wankhede Stadium (c) Sunil Gavaskar
(c) TS Thakur (d) Dipak Misra
(d) Ravi Shastri
Sol..(a) Feroz Shah Kotla Ground was
Sol..(a) A nine-judge bench of the
renamed as Arun Jaitley Stadium in Sol..(b) Sourav Ganguly was formally
Supreme Court headed by Chief Justice
JS Khehar, ruled on August 24, 2017, 2019. elected as the President of BCCI in
that the Right to Privacy is a October 2019.
fundamental right. Q.913. Who has been appointed as the
47th Chief Justice of India? Q.917. Name the first Chief Scientist of
Q.909. When was the 120th birth CHSL 19-10-2020 (Morning) the public health division at the World
anniversary of Shaheed Udham Singh (a) Ravi Ranjan Health Organisation.
celebrated in India? (b) Sanjay Karol SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Evening)
SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Evening) (c) Sharad Arvind Bobde (a) Dr. Zsuzsanna Jakab
(a) 26 October 2019 (d) Nilam Sawhney (b) Dr. Soumya Swaminathan
(b) 26 November 2019 (c) Dr. Michael Ryan
(c) 26 December 2019 Sol..(c) Sharad Arvind Bobde has been (d) Dr. Harsh Vardhan
(d) 26 September 2019 appointed as the 47th Chief Justice of
India. Sol..(b) Dr. Soumya Swaminathan was
Sol..(c) The 120th birth anniversary of the first Chief Scientist of the public
Shaheed Udham Singh celebrated in Q.914. On 7th January 2020, who health division at the World Health
India was on 26 December 2019. among the following was the Chairman Organisation.
of the second National GST Conference
Q.910. As of January 2020, who was the and Central and State Commissioners Q.918. In January 2020, who among the
chairperson of the National Human that was held to streamline the Goods following launched the first girder of the
Rights Commission of India? and Services Tax? Mumbai Trans-
SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Evening) CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon) Harbour Link (MTHL)?
(a) Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghose (a) Nirmala Sitharaman SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Afternoon)
(b) Justice Prafulla Chandra Pant (b) Anurag Thakur (a) Raj Thackeray
(c) Justice Cyriac Joseph (c) Amit Shah (b) Uddhav Thackeray
(d) Justice HL Dattu (d) Ajay Bhushan Pandey (c) Aaditya Thackeray Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

(d) Bal Thackeray Q.922. Who was the Director-General of Sol..(a) Kiren Rijiju is the Minister of
the World Health Organisation in April Youth Affairs and Sports as of February
Sol..(b) In January 2020, Uddhav 2020? 2020.
Thackeray launched the first girder of SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Morning)
the Mumbai Trans-Harbour Link (a) Roberto Azevêdo Q.926. Who is the current (23rd) Chief
(MTHL). (b) Zsuzsanna Jakab Election Commissioner of India?
(c) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Evening)
Q.919. Who Inaugurated the National (d) Bernhard Schwartländer (a) Kalyan Sundaram
Tribal Festival "Aadi Mahotsav" in New (b) Ashok Lavasa
Delhi in November Sol..(c) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (c) Sushil Chandra
2019? was the Director-General of the World (d) Sunil Arora
CHSL 21-10-2020 (Afternoon) Health Organisation in April 2020.
(a) Smriti Irani Sol..(d) Sunil Arora is the current (23rd)
(b) Amit Shah Q.923. Which of the following Chief Election Commissioner of India.
(c) N. Sitharaman Indian-origin UK politicians was
(d) Narendra Modi previously Chief Secretary to the Q.927. Who is the Miss Universe crown
Treasury before being appointed winner for the year 2019?
Sol..(b) Amit Shah inaugurated the Chancellor of the Exchequer (United SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Evening)
National Tribal Festival "Aadi Kingdom) on 13 (a) Catriona Gray
Mahotsav" in New Delhi in November February 2020? (b) Sofia Aragon
2019. Aadi Mahotsav is a national tribal SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Morning) (c) Zozibini Tunzi
festival and a joint initiative of Ministry (a) Rishi Sunak (d) Madison Anderson
of Tribal Affairs, Government of India & (b) Gagan Mohindra
Tribal Cooperative Marketing (c) Navendu Mishra Sol..(c) Zozibini Tunzi of South Africa
Development Federation of India (d) Sajid Javid is crowned Miss Universe for the year
(TRIFED). 2020.
Sol..(a) Rishi Sunak was an UK
Q.920. Who among the following is one politician of Indian-origin which was Q.928. The Israel Institute of
of the Deputy Operations Director of the previously Chief Secretary to the Technology has developed a concept
Mars Orbiter Treasury before being appointed named after the Indian
Mission (MOM)? Chancellor of the Exchequer (United mathematician ______.
CHSL 21-10-2020 (Afternoon) Kingdom) on 13 February 2020. SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning)
(a) Moumita Dutta (a) Ramanujan
(b) Nandini Harinath Q.924. Who was appointed as the (b) Kaprekar
(c) Seetha Somasundaram first-ever Chief of Defense Staff (CDS) (c) Aryabhata
(d) Minal Rohit by the Union Cabinet in (d) Bhaskaracharya
December 2019?
Sol..(b) Nandini Harinath is one of the CHSL 26-10-2020 (Afternoon) Sol..(a) Israel Institute of Technology
Deputy Operations Director of the Mars (a) General Manoj Mukund Naravane has developed a concept, which is
Orbiter Mission (MOM). (b) General Vijay Kumar Singh described as a 'Ramanujan machine'. It is
(c) General Bikram Singh named after renowned Indian
Q.921. Who was appointed as the Chief (d) General Bipin Rawat Mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan.
of the Indian Research and Analysis The Ramanujan machine is more of a
Wing (RAW) in June Sol..(d) General Bipin Rawat was concept than an actual machine.
2019? appointed as the first-ever Chief of
SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Morning) Defense Staff (CDS) by the Union Q.929. Which of the following writers
(a) Arvind Kumar Cabinet in December 2019. announced the launch of his new book,
(b) Rajiv Jain ‘Legend of Suheldev: The King Who
(c) Samant Goel Q.925. Who is the Minister of Youth Saved India’, in June 2020?
(d) Anil Dhasmana Affairs and Sports as of February 2020? SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning)
SSC CHSL 26-10-2020 (Evening) (a) Robin Sharma
Sol..(c) Samant Goel was appointed as (a) Kiren Rijiju (b) Amish Tripathi
the Chief of the Indian Research and (b) Anup Sridhar (c) Arvind Adiga
Analysis Wing (RAW) in June 2019. (c) Radheshyam Julaniya (d) Chetan Bhagat
(d) M S Gill Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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Sol..(b) ‘Legend of Suheldev: The King headquartered in California, United

Who Saved India’ is a book written by Q.933. The Indian Cabinet Minister – States.
Amish Tripathi This book is about Ministry of Corporate Affairs, as on 30
Legendary king Suheldev who united June 2020 was ______. Q.937. Who among the following was
Indians and saved his lands from foreign SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) the Chairman of the Committee for the
invaders (Turks) during 1034CE. (a) Nitin Jairam Gadkari Draft National
(b) Subrahmanyam Jaishankar Education Policy, which was approved
Q.930. Who among the following is the (c) Nirmala Sitharaman by the Union Cabinet in 2020?
founder of the social activist (d) Ravi Shankar Prasad SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning)
organisation called ‘Global (a) Dharmendra Pradhan
March Against Child Labour’? Sol..(c) The Indian Cabinet Minister – (b) K Kasturirangan
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning) Ministry of Corporate Affairs, as on 30 (c) Madan Mohan Punchhi
(a) Kailash Satyarthi June 2020 was Nirmala Sitharaman. She (d) RS Sarkaria
(b) Kiran Bedi is also the finance minister of India
(c) Baba Amte currently. Sol..(b) K Kasturirangan was Chairman
(d) Anna Hazare of the Committee for the Draft National
Q.934. The Chief of the Naval Staff of Education Policy, which was approved
Sol..(a) Kailash Satyarthi is the founder India as on 30 June 2020 was ______. by the Union Cabinet in 2020. The
of the social activist organisation called SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) Committee was constituted in June 2017
‘Global (a) Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria and it submitted the Draft to the HRD
March Against Child Labour. He has (b) Karambir Singh Minister on May 31 2019. The draft was
also won the Nobel Prize. He has been at (c) Manoj Mukund Naravane uploaded on MHRD’s website for
the forefront of the global movement to (d) Bipin Rawat suggestions.
end child slavery and exploitative child
labour since 1980. Sol..(b) The chief of naval staff of India Q.938. Dr Harsh Vardhan, India’s
as on 30 June 2020 is Karambir Singh. Minister of ______, was elected the
Q.931. Who was the coach of the Indian He is the 24th Navy chief of India. He Chairman of the World Health
men’s football team at the took over Sunil Lamba who retired on Organization’s Executive Board on 22
Intercontinental Cup, 2019? 31st May 2019. May 2020.
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning) SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening)
(a) Stephen Constantine Q.935. Fouaad Mirza is an Indian (a) Arts and Culture
(b) Prasanta Banerjee ______ who was awarded the Arjuna (b) Housing
(c) Igor Stimac award in 2019. (c) Health and Family Welfare
(d) Baichung Bhutia SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) (d) Foreign Affairs
(a) wrestler (b) golfer
Sol..(c) Igor Stimac was the coach of (c) weightlifter (d) equestrian rider Sol..(c) Dr Harsh Vardhan, India’s
Indian men’s football team at the Minister of Health and Family Welfare
Intercontinental Cup, 2019.The Sol..(d) Fouaad Mirza won the Arjuna was elected the Chairman of the World
tournament was organised by the All Award in 2019 for Equestrian Riding. Health Organization’s Executive Board
India Football Federation. North Korea Equestrian Riding is also commonly on 22 May 2020. He is also the health
won the title after beating Tajikistan in called as Horseback Riding and it is Minister of India.
the Final. played both in team and solo.
Q.939. Former cricketer Gautam
Q.932. Who was the 24th Governor of Q.936. Who is the Secretary-General of Gambhir contested the Lok Sabha
the Reserve Bank of India? the United Nations as of July 2020? elections, 2019, from the ______
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning) SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) constituency on a Bharatiya Janata
(a) Urjit Patel (b) YV Reddy (a) Kurt Waldheim Party ticket.
(c) Bimal Jalan(d) C Rangarajan (b) Ban Ki-moon SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening)
(c) Antonio Guterres (a) West Delhi/
Sol..(a) Urjit Patel was the 24th (d) Javier Perez de Cuellar (b) New Delhi
Governor of the Reserve Bank of India (c) South Delhi
Currently Shaktikanta Das is the Sol..(c) Antonio Guterres is the (d) East Delhi
governor of RBI. He is the 25th Secretary General of the United Nations
governor of RBI. since January 1 2017.United Nations Sol..(d) Former cricketer Gautam
RBI was founded on April 1, 1935 and it was founded on October 24, 1945. It is Gambhir contested the Lok Sabha
is headquartered in Mumbai. elections, 2019, from the East Delhi Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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constituency on a Bharatiya Janata scheme 'Ayushman Bharat' by the

Party ticket. In this election BJP won all Q.943. Who among the following was National Health Authority in January
the seven seats of Delhi. appointed as the Managing Director and 2021? SSC CGL 13/08/21(Afternoon)
Chief Executive (a) Sanjeev Kumar
Q.940. The Cabinet Ministers in NDA-2 Officer of SBI Cards and Payment (b) RS Sharma
Government as on 30 June 2020 for the Services Ltd. in January 2021? SSC (c) Anil Ladha
Ministry of External Affairs is ____ CGL 13/08/21(Afternoon) (d) Rama Mohan Rao Amara
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening) (a) Rajnish Kumar
(a) Ravi Shankar Prasad (b) Ashwini Kumar Tewari Sol..(b) RS Sharma was appointed as the
(b) Nirmala Sitharaman (c) Swaminathan Janakiraman Chief Executive of the health insurance
(c) Nitin Jairam Gadkari (d) Rama Mohan Rao Amara scheme 'Ayushman Bharat'. Ayushman
(d) Subrahmanyam Jaishankar Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya
Sol..(d) Rama Mohan Rao Amara was Yojana is a national public health
Sol..(d) The cabinet minister for the appointed Deputy MD and CEO at SBI insurance fund of the Government of
Ministry of External Affairs is Card and Payments services on 30 India that aims to provide free access to
Subrahmanyam Jaishankar January 2021 succeeding Ashwini health insurance coverage for
He is a former IFS Officer. Kumar Tiwari. State Bank of India is the low-income earners in the country.
largest public sector bank set up in 1955 Roughly, the bottom 50% of the country
Q.941. Who among the following was and it is headquartered in Mumbai. qualifies for this scheme.
elected as the President of the Veterinary
Council of India in January 2021? SSC Q.944. Mizoram has started a ‘Love Q.947. As of 26th January 2021, who is
CGL 13/08/21(Morning) Brigade’ scheme to fight against which the Lok Sabha Speaker? SSC CGL
(a) Dipankar Seth of the following diseases in December 16/08/21(Evening)
(b) KK Verma 2020? SSC CGL 13/08/21(Afternoon) (a) Nitin Gadkari (b) Om Birla
(c) Rajeev Arora (a) Syphilis (b) Gonorrhoea (c) Rajnath Singh (d) JP Nadda
(d) Umesh Sharma (c) HIV/AIDS (d) Chlamydia
Sol..(b) As of 26th January 2021, Om
Sol..(d) Veterinarian Dr. Umesh Sharma Sol..(c) Mizoram has the highest Birla is the speaker of Lok Sabha. He is
has been elected as president of the HIV/AIDS prevalence rate in India. So a the 17th and current Speaker of the Lok
Veterinary Council of India (VCI), his campaign named 'Love Brigade’ has Sabha. He serves as a Member of
second term after a gap of four years. been launched by the state that aims to Parliament for the Kota-bundi
Shri Sharma had earlier served as the educate people on the disease. constituency in Rajasthan.
VCI president from 2014 to 2017.
Q.945. Who among the following Q.948. Who among the following won
Q.942. Who among the following persons was announced as the brand the 'Indian Personality of the Year
persons was elected as the Vice ambassador for the BAFTA (British Award' during the 51st International
President of Asia Pacific Broadcasting Academy of Film and Television Arts) Film Festival? SSC CGL
Union in December 2020? SSC CGL 'Breakthrough Initiative’ in November 16/08/21(Evening)
13/08/21(Afternoon) 2020? SSC CGL 13/08/21 (Afternoon) (a) Biswajit Chatterjee
(a) Rakesh Mohan (a) Kuldeep Handoo (b) Amitabh Bachchan
(b) Hemant Pandey (b) Ajay Devgan (c) Asha Bhosle
(c) Shashi Shekhar Vempati (c) Akshay Kumar (d) Shabana Azmi
(d) Bina Agarwal (d) AR Rahman
Sol..(a) Biswajit Chatterjee won the
Sol..(c) Prasar Bharati CEO, Shashi Sol..(d) In November 2020, it was 'Indian Personality of the Year Award'
Shekhar Vempati was elected as the Vice announced that music maestro and during the 51st International Film
President of Asia Pacific Broadcasting Academy Award winner AR Rahman Festival. He is an Indian actor, producer,
Union in December 2020. The has been appointed as the brand director, singer, and politician known for
Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union, ambassador for the British Academy of his work in Hindi and Bengali cinema.
formed in 1964, is a non-profit, Film and Television Arts' (BAFTA) new
professional association of broadcasting initiative titled "Breakthrough". Q.949. Who among the following
organisations. It currently has over 280 persons was announced as the head of
members in 57 countries and regions, Q.946. Who among the following was the Committee to protect language,
reaching a potential audience of about 3 appointed as the Chief Executive of the culture, and land in Ladakh by the
billion people. It is headquartered in health insurance Central Government in January 2021?
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. SSC CGL 17/08/21(Morning) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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(a) G Kishan Reddy (d) Rajeev Kumar Q.956. As of January 2021, who among
(b) Piyush Goyal the following is the Union Minister for
(c) Arjun Munda Sol..(b) Adille Sumariwalla was the Information and Broadcasting? SSC
(d) Raj Kumar Singh President of the Athletics Federation of CGL 18/08/21(Morning)
India as of January 2021. He is an Indian (a) Smriti Irani
Sol..(a) G Kishan Reddy was announced athlete and entrepreneur popular for (b) Prakash Javadekar
as the head of the Committee to protect representing India at the 1980 Moscow (c) Babul Supriyo
language, culture and land in Ladakh by Olympics. He is the first Indian to be (d) Ravi Shankar Prasad
the Central Government in January elected as one of the members of the
2021. He is an Indian politician who is council of IAAF. Sol..(b) As of January 2021, Prakash
currently serving as Minister of Tourism, Javadekar is the Union Minister for
Culture and Development of North Q.953. Who among the following took Information and Broadcasting
Eastern Region of India. charge as Vice Chief of Army Staff in succeeding Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore.
February 2021? SSC CGL Prakash Javedkar is an Indian politician
Q.950. In January 2021, who among the 17/08/21(Afternoon) from Maharashtra and a member of the
following was appointed as the President (a) Raj Shukla Bharatiya Janata Party.
of the Asian Cricket Council? SSC CGL (b) SK Saini
17/08/21(Morning) (c) Bipin Rawat Q.957. Who is the General Secretary of
(a) Sourav Ganguly (d) Chandi Prasad Mohanty the Communist Party of India as of
(b) Rahul Dravid January 2021? SSC CGL
(c) Jay Shah Sol..(d) Lieutenant General Chandi 18/08/21(Afternoon)
(d) Anil Kumble Prasad Mohanty took charge as Vice (a) Sujan Chakrabarti
Chief of Army Staff in February 2021 (b) S Sudhakar Reddy
Sol..(c) Jay Shah was appointed as the following the superannuation of Satinder (c) D Raja
President of the Asian Cricket Council. Kumar Saini. (d) Brinda Karat
Jay Shah is an Indian businessman and
the son of Amit Shah, current Home Q.954. ______ was conferred the Sol..(c) D Raja is the General Secretary
Minister of India. honorary rank of General of the Nepali of the Communist Party of India ( CPI )
Army in November 2020. SSC CGL as of January 2021. The CPI is the oldest
Q.951. Who won the 2020 Academy communist party in India and one of the
(a) Bipin Rawat
Award for ‘Performance by an Actor in a (b) Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria eight national parties in the country. It
Supporting Role? SSC CGL (c) MM Naravane was founded in Kanpur on 26 December
17/08/21(Afternoon) (d) Karambir Singh 1925.
(a) Joaquin Phoenix
(b) Brad Pitt Sol..(c) MM Naravane was conferred Q.958. Who has been re-appointed as the
(c) Tom Hanks the honorary rank of General of the MD and CEO of the RBL Bank in
(d) Leonardo DiCaprio Nepali Army by President Bidya Devi January 2021 for three years? SSC CGL
Bhandari in November 2020. 18/08/21(Evening)
Sol..(b) Brad Pitt won the 2020 (a) Rajeev Ahuja
Academy Award for ‘Performance by an Q.955. As of January 2021, who among (b) Vishwavir Ahuja
Actor in a Supporting Role’ for ‘Once the following was the Chairperson of the (c) Deepak Ruiya
Central Board of Film Certification?
Upon a Time in Hollywood’. The (d) Rajeev Arora
SSC CGL 17/08/21(Evening)
Academy Awards, popularly known as (a) Prasoon Joshi
the Oscars, are the awards for artistic (b) Rekha Sol..(b) Vishwavir Ahuja has been
and technical merit in the film industry. (c) Shekhar Kapoor re-appointed as the MD and CEO of the
They are regarded as the most (d) Asha Parekh RBL Bank in January 2021 for three
prestigious and significant awards in the years.
entertainment industry worldwide. Sol..(a) As of January 2021, Prasoon
Joshi was the Chairperson of the Central Q.959. SP Balasubramaniam was a
Q.952. Who was the President of the Board of Film Certification. He was ______ who was conferred with the
Athletics Federation of India as of awarded Padma Shri by the Government Padma Vibhushan posthumously in
January 2021? SSC CGL of India in 2015 for his contributions January 2021. SSC CGL
17/08/21(Afternoon) towards the field of Arts, Literature and 18/08/21(Evening)
(a) Avinash Sable Advertising. (a) singer (b) archaeologist
(b) Adille Sumariwalla (c) painter (d) scientist
(c) Amrish Kumar Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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Sol.(a) SP Balasubramaniam was an (b) Rajni Abbi minister of any Indian state, as of
Indian playback singer, television (c) Mira Aggarwal January 2021? SSC CGL
presenter, music director, actor and film (d) Chhavi Rajawat 23/08/21(Afternoon)
producer who worked predominantly in (a) Sucheta Kripalani
Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Hindi and Sol..(a) Arya Rajendran became India’s (b) J Jayalalithaa
Malayalam films. He was conferred with youngest ever mayor in December 2020. (c) Syeda Anwara Taimur
the Padma Vibhushan posthumously in The 21-year-old, a Bsc Maths 2nd year (d) Sheila Dixit
January 2021. student at the All Saints College in
Thiruvananthapuram had won the local Sol..(d) Sheila Dixit is the
Q.960. Who was the brand ambassador body election from the Mudavanmughal longest-serving Chief Minister of Delhi
of World Wildlife Fund India’s ward of the city corporation representing as well as longest-serving female chief
Environment Education Programme as CPI(M). minister of any Indian state. She served
of January 2021? SSC CGL for a period of 15 years starting from
20/08/21(Morning) Q.963. Henry Moniz has been appointed 1998.
(a) MS Dhoni as the first-ever Chief Compliance Sucheta Kripalani was the first woman
(b) Dia Mirza Officer of which of the following tech Chief Minister of a state in India. She
(c) Virat Kohli giants in January 2021? SSC CGL served UP from 1963 to 1967.
(d) Viswanathan Anand 23/08/21(Morning) Jayram Jayalithaa served as the six-time
(a) Twitter Inc. chief minister of Tamil Nadu for more
Sol..(d) Five-time World chess champion (b) Facebook Inc. than 14 years between 1991 and 2016.
Viswanathan Anand joined the World (c) Google LLC Syed Anwara Taimur was the Chief
Wildlife Fund India as its brand (d) Apple Inc. Minister of Assam from 6 December
ambassador for an environment 1980 to 30 June 1981.
education programme as of January Sol..(b) Henry Moniz has been
2021. Currently, the environmental appointed as the first-ever Chief Q.966. Who among the following Indian
educational programme undertakes 5 Compliance Officer of Facebook Inc. in actresses joined the list of Young Global
large initiatives that reach out to school January 2021. He is primarily Leaders (YGL)
children, youth and citizens across the responsible for overseeing compliance compiled by the World Economic Forum
country and aim to create a generation of within an organization and ensuring in March 2021? SSC CGL
critical thinkers, problem solvers and compliance with laws, regulatory 24/08/21(Morning)
environmentally conscious individuals. requirements, policies, and procedures. (a) Alia Bhatt
(b) Shilpa Shetty
Q.961. Who among the following broke Q.964. Who among the following (c) Aishwarya Rai
the national under-20 record in the persons was appointed as the chief (d) Deepika Padukone
10,000 m race walk in January 2021? scientist of the International Cotton
SSC CGL 20/08/21(Morning) Advisory Committee in January 2021? Sol..(d) Deepika Padukone joined the list
(a) Amit Khatri SSC CGL 23/08/21(Afternoon) of Young Global Leaders (YGL)
(b) Rahul Bind (a) Sandhya Kranthi compiled by the World Economic Forum
(c) Naresh Kumar (b) Kai Hughes in March 2021. She is an internationally
(d) Paramdeep Mor (c) Caroline Taco acclaimed Indian actor, fashion and
(d) Keshav Kranthi youth icon and mental health
Sol..(a) Haryana’s Amit Khatri claimed ambassador from India.
the 10,000m race walk title in a record Sol..(d) Keshav Kranthi was appointed
40mins 40.97 seconds. He broke the as the chief scientist of the International Q.967. Who among the following
national under-20 record in January 2021 Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) in Indian-American scientists was
at the Junior Federation Cup in Bhopal, January 2021. The ICAC was at the appointed as the acting chief of staff of
improving on the national record set by international cotton meeting in the US space agency NASA, in February
Akashdeep Singh in 2018. Washington, DC in 1939. It is an 2021? SSC CGL 24/08/21(Morning)
association of governments of cotton (a) Shantanu Narayen
Q.962. Who among the following producing, consuming, and trading (b) Bhavya Lal
became India’s youngest ever mayor in countries that act as the international (c) Manmohan Attavar
December 2020? The 21-year-old is commodity body for cotton and cotton (d) Ramesh Raskar
currently serving as the mayor of textiles.
Thiruvananthapuram Corporation. SSC Sol..(b) Bhavya Lal was appointed as the
CGL 20/08/21(Afternoon) Q.965. Who among the following has acting chief of staff of NASA. She is an
(a) Arya Rajendran been the longest-serving female chief Indian-American scientist and will serve Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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as a budget and finance advisor at the develop the export of telecom equipment (b) JK Maheshwari
US space agency. and services. (c) Ruma Pal
(d) R Banumathi
Q.968. Who among the following has Q.971. Who among the following was
been appointed as the chairman of the appointed as the Managing Director of Sol..(a) Hima Kohli is the first female
Somnath Temple trust in Gujarat in Life Insurance Corporation in February Chief Justice of Telangana. First Chief
January 2021? SSC CGL 2021? SSC CGL 24/08/21(Evening) Justice of India - Harilal Jekisundas
24/08/21(Afternoon) (a) Siddhartha Mohanty Kania. First Female Chief Justice of
(a) Amitabh Bachchan (b) Rajeev Arora India - No one. Present Chief Justice of
(b) Amit Shah (c) Pankaj Jain India(48th) - N.V. Ramana.
(c) Rajeev Arora (d) TC Susheel Kumar
(d) Narendra Modi Q.974. As of January 2021, who among
Sol..(d) Narendra Modi has been Sol..(a) Siddhartha Mohanty was the following is the Union Minister of
appointed as the chairman of the appointed as the Managing Director of Rural Development? SSC CHSL
Somnath Temple Trust in Gujarat. After Life Insurance Corporation in February 12/04/21(Morning)
former PM Morarji Desai, Modiji is the 2021. LIC is an Indian statutory (a) Rajnath Singh
second PM who has been appointed as insurance and investment corporation (b) Amit Shah
the chairman of the Temple trust. that is under the ownership of the (c) Narendra Singh Tomar
Finance Ministry, Govt. of India. LIC (d) S Jaishankar
Q.969. Who among the following has four MDs: Vipin Anand, Mukesh
cricketers is the brand ambassador of Kumar Gupta, Raj Kumar and Sol..(c) Giriraj Singh replaced Narendra
Jindal South West (JSW) Steel as of Siddhartha Mohanty.
Singh Tomar as the Minister of Rural
January 2021? SSC CGL
Development On 7 July 2021, during the
24/08/21(Evening) Q.972. Who among the following has
first cabinet reshuffle of the Second
(a) Rohit Sharma been appointed as the Deputy Election
Modi ministry.
(b) Virat Kohli Commissioner in the Election
(c) MS Dhoni Commission of India? SSC CHSL
Q.975. Who among the following was
(d) Rishabh Pant 12/04/21(Morning)
appointed as the Chief Vigilance
(a) Rajan Datta
Commissioner of India in April 2020?
Sol..(d) Jindal South West (JSW) Steel (b) Ashok Lavasa
SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Afternoon)
has appointed Indian cricketer Rishabh (c) Umesh Sinha
(a) Sanjay Kothari
Pant as its brand ambassador as of (d) Rajiv Kumar
(b) Sharad Kumar
January 2021. Pant will help promote
(c) Suresh N Patel
JSW's steel products for a three-year Sol..(c) The Appointments Committee of
(d) Rajnish Kumar
period. the Cabinet has approved the extension
for Umesh Sinha, as Deputy Election
Sol..(a) Sanjay Kothari. Tenure of Chief
Q.970. Who among the following was Commissioner in the Election
Vigilance Commissioner of India - 4
appointed as the Chairman of Telecom Commission of India on a contract basis
Equipment and years or up to 65 years of age.
for another year up to July 2022. Chief
Services Export Promotion Council Election Commissioner of India - Sushil
(TEPC) in January 2021? SSC CGL Q.976. Who among the following won
Chandra(24th Chief ECI), there is only
24/08/21(Evening) the ‘EY Entrepreneur of the Year 2019’
one Chief Election Commissioner of award? SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Morning)
(a) Sandeep Aggarwal
India. Tenure = 6 years or up to 65 years (a) Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw
(b) Shyamal Ghosh
of age. 1st Chief Election Commissioner (b) Uday Kotak
(c) Sukhbir Singh Sandhu
of India - Sukumar Sen. First General (c) Adi Godrej
(d) S Muralidhar
Election in India - 25 October 1951 to 21 (d) Tuhin Parikh
February 1952. Election Commissioner
Sol..(a) The Telecom Equipment and
of India-There are only two Election Sol..(a) Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw
Services Export Promotion Council
(TEPC) has appointed Sandeep Commissioners in India - Rajiv Kumar
Aggarwal as the new Chairman in and Anup Chandra Pandey Q.977. As of 30 April 2020, who among
January 2021. Aggarwal will take over the following was the Chairman of’ the
from Shyamal Ghosh, ex- Telecom Q.973. Who among the following is the Eastern Zonal Council? SSC CHSL
secretary. TEPC is an independent body first female Chief Justice of Telangana? 13/04/21 (Morning)
set up by the government to promote and SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Morning) (a) Narendra Modi
(a) Hima Kohli (b) Kiren Rijiju Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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(c) Amit Shah oldest, and apex business organization in Parliament in the 17th Lok Sabha? SSC
(d) Rajnath Singh India. It is a non-government, CHSL 15/04/21 (Afternoon)
not-for-profit organization. (a) Nusrat Jahan Ruhi
Sol..(c) Amit Shah (b) Chandrani Murmu
Q.981. Wavel Ramkalawan, an Indian (c) Gaurav Gogoi
Q.978. Who among the following is the origin has been elected as the President (d) Tejasvi Surya
Chief Election Commissioner of India as of which of the following countries?
of January 2021? SSC CHSL 13/04/21 SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Afternoon) Sol..(b) Chandrani Murmu is an Indian
(Morning) (a) Cuba (b) Seychelles politician. She is currently the youngest
(a) Rajiv Kumar (c) Bahrain (d) Myanmar Indian Member of Parliament. She was
(b) Sunil Arora elected to the Lok Sabha from Keonjhar,
(c) Umesh Sinha Sol..(b) Wavel Ramkalawan is a Odisha in 2019 as a member of the Biju
(d) Sudeep Jain Seychellois politician and Anglican Janata Dal.
priest who has been serving as the
Sol..(b) Shri Sushil Chandra assumed President of the Republic of Seychelles Q.985. Who among the following has
charge as the 24th Chief Election since 26 October 2020. Wavel been serving as the Executive Director at
Commissioner of India , succeeding Shri Ramkalawan was born in Mahé, the the World Bank Group representing
Sunil Arora. principal island of Seychelles. He was Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Sri
born into a modest family, the youngest Lanka since 1 November 2020? SSC
Q.979. Who among the following has of three children. His grandfather was CHSL 15/04/21 (Evening)
become the youngest Mayor of from Bihar, India. (a) David Malpass
Thiruvananthapuram Corporation, (b) Shaolin Yang
Kerala, in December 2020? SSC CHSL Q.982. Indian-origin global health expert (c) Rajesh Khullar
13/04/21 (Morning) ______ was appointed as the first Chief (d) Anshula Kant
(a) Arya Rajendran Executive Officer of The
(b) Sabitha Beegam WHO Foundation in 2020. SSC CHSL Sol..(c) Rajesh Khullar has been serving
(c) Sanjeev Ganesh Naik 13/04/21 (Afternoon) as the Executive Director at the World
(d) Rekha Priyadarshini (a) Deepak Chopra Bank Group representing Bangladesh,
(b) Anil Soni Bhutan, India, and Sri Lanka since 1
Sol..(a) Arya Rajendran was elected as (c) Aseem Malhotra November 2020.
the mayor of Thiruvananthapuram city (d) JS Bamrah
corporation. He is the youngest mayor in Q.986. Who was the Solicitor General of
the country. Sol..(b) Indian-origin global health India as of January 2021? SSC CHSL
expert Anil Soni has been appointed as 16/04/21 (Morning)
the first Chief Executive Officer of the (a) KK Venugopal
Q.980. Who among the following is the
newly launched ‘The WHO Foundation’, (b) Tushar Mehta
President of FICCI (Federation of Indian
which works alongside the World Health (c) JK Maheshwari
Chambers of Commerce and Industry)
Organization to address the most (d) Hima Kohli
for the year 2020-21? SSC CHSL
pressing health challenges across the
13/04/21 (Afternoon)
world. Sol..(b) Currently, the Solicitor General
(a) Sangita Reddy
of India is Tushar Mehta, 10 October
(b) Uday Shankar
Q.983. Who has become the first woman 2018 – (incumbent). They are the second
(c) Rashesh Shah
DGP of Kerala? SSC CHSL 13/04/21 law officer of the country, assist the
(d) Sandip Somany
(Evening) Attorney General, and are assisted by
(a) Sangita Reddy (b) Rani Rampal Additional Solicitors General for India.
Sol..(b) Uday Shankar is the President of
(c) Jahanbi Phookan (d) R Sreelekha
FICCI (Federation of Indian Chambers
Q.987. Who among the following is an
of Commerce and Industry) for the year
Sol..(d) R Sreelekha has created many Indian diplomat elected to the United
2020-21. The Federation of Indian
historic moments being the first female Nations Advisory
Chambers of Commerce & Industry (
IPS officer and the first female Committee on Administrative and
FICCI ) is a non-governmental trade
Director-General of Police (DGP) of Budgetary Questions in November
association and advocacy group based in
Kerala. 2020? SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Afternoon)
India which was established in 1927, by
(a) Soma Mondal
Indian businessman Mr. G.D. Birla and
Q.984. Who among the following (b) Vidisha Maitra
Purshottamdas Thakurdas on the advice
became the youngest Member of (c) Mahita Nagaraj
of Mahatma Gandhi. It is the largest,
(d) Anita Bhatia Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

learning app for jobs? SSC CHSL on 1 January 2021? SSC CHSL 19/04/21
Sol..(b) Vidisha Maitra is an Indian 19/04/21 (Morning) (Morning)
diplomat elected to the United Nations (a) Mary Kom (a) JG Roach (b) MS Batola
Advisory Committee on Administrative (b) Rohit Sharma (c) AK Hooda (d) Rajat Datta
and Budgetary Questions in November (c) Robin Uthappa
2020.The main functions of the United (d) Sania Mirza Sol..(d) Rajat Datta has assumed the
Nations Advisory Committee on charge of Director-General of the Armed
Administrative and Budgetary Sol..(c) Robin Uthappa is the brand Forces Medical Services on 1 January
Questions: ambassador of Entri, a local learning app 2021, was an alumnus of the Armed
(a) to examine and report on the budget for jobs. Entri is a learning app for jobs Forces Medical College, Pune.
submitted by the Secretary-General to in India that provides different types of
the General Assembly. learning content (mock/adaptive tests, Q.994. Pt. Satish Vyas was conferred
(b) to advise the general assembly flashcards, video lessons) in local upon the prestigious Tansen Samman in
concerning any administrative and languages for job aspirants, that prepares December 2020. He was associated with
budgetary matters referred to it. them to get a government or private job. which of the following musical
instruments? SSC CHSL 19/04/21
Q.988. Who among the following has Q.991. Who among the (Afternoon)
assumed the DGP charge of Andaman following is the Regional (a) Flute (b) Harmonium
and Nicobar in December 2020? SSC Ambassador for India for (c) Santoor (d) Tabla
UNEP (United Nations
CHSL 16/04/21 (Afternoon)
Environment Programme) as of
(a) Satyendra Garg December 2020? SSC CHSL Sol..(c) Pt. Satish Vyas was conferred
(b) Niranjan Hiranandani 19/04/21 (Morning) upon the prestigious Tansen Samman in
(c) Dependra Pathak December 2020. He was associated with
(a) Virat Kohli
(d) Sumant Sinha santoor.
(b) Akshay Kumar
(c) Khushi Chindaliya
Sol..(a) Satyendra Garg has assumed the Q.995. Who among the following has
(d) Dia Mirza
DGP charge of Andaman and Nicobar in become the Chief Justice of Orissa High
December 2020, a 1987-batch IPS Sol..(c) Khushi Chindaliya is the Court in January 2021? SSC CHSL
officer was posted as joint secretary in Regional Ambassador for India for 19/04/21 (Afternoon)
the Union home ministry. UNEP (United Nations Environment (a) S Muralidhar
Andaman and Nicobar Island Lieutenant Programme) as of December 2020. She (b) Pankaj Mithal
Governor: Admiral DK Joshi. belongs to Surat, Gujarat. (c) Sanjib Banerjee
(d) Hima Kohli
Q.989. Who is the High Commissioner Q.992. Who has been nominated as a
of India to Bangladesh as of June 2020? member on the GAVI Board by the Sol..(a) S Muralidhar has become the
SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Evening) Global Alliance for Vaccines and Chief Justice of Orissa High Court in
(a) Piyush Goel Immunisation in December 2020? SSC January 2021.
(b) Riva Ganguly Das CHSL 19/04/21 (Morning) Odisha Governor: Ganeshi Lal, Odisha
(c) Narender Batra cm: Naveen Patnaik.
(a) Amit Shah (b) Narendra Modi
(d) Mohammad Mesbah Uddin (c) Harsh Vardhan (d) Smriti Irani Q.996. Who among the following is the
brand ambassador of Equitas Small
Sol..(c) Harsh Vardhan has been Finance Bank (ESFB)? SSC CHSL
Sol..(b) Riva Ganguly Das (1 March nominated as a member of the GAVI 19/04/21 (Afternoon)
2019 to 12 August 2020) is the High Board by the Global Alliance for (a) Virat Kohli (b) Rohit Sharma
Commissioner of India to Bangladesh as Vaccines and Immunisation in December (c) Mithali Raj (d) Smriti Mandhana
of June 2020. Riva Ganguly Das is an 2020. The GAVI Alliance (formerly the
Indian civil servant who belongs to the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Sol..(d) Smriti Mandhana is the brand
Indian Foreign Service cadre. She is the Immunisation) is a global health ambassador of Equitas Small Finance
former High Commissioner of India to partnership of public and private sector Bank (ESFB). Equitas Small Finance
Bangladesh and former Director-General organizations dedicated to Bank: Headquarter Chennai. Vasudevan
of the Indian Council for Cultural “immunization for all”. Pathangi Narasimhan is the MD and
Relations, an autonomous organization
CEO of our Bank.
of the Government of India. Q.993. Who among the following has
assumed the charge of Director-General Q.997. Who has become the new chief
Q.990. Who among the following is the of the Armed Forces Medical Services of the Central Industrial Security Force
brand ambassador of Entri, a local Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

(CISF) in January 2021? SSC CHSL Sol..(a) The Reserve Bank of India Sol..(c) Sourav Ganguly was the
19/04/21 (Afternoon) approved the appointment of Sashidhar President of the Board of Control for
(a) Rajan Datta Jagdishan as managing director and Cricket in India (BCCI) as of December
(b) Kumar Rajesh Chandra chief executive officer (CEO) of HDFC 2020. BCCI is the governing body for
(c) Subodh Kumar Jaiswal Bank. HDFC Bank Limited is an Indian cricket in India and is under the
(d) Rajesh Ranjan banking and financial services company, jurisdiction of the Ministry of Youth
headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Affairs and sports. It was formed in 1928
Sol..(c) Subodh Kumar Jaiswal has with its headquarters in Mumbai. Jay
become the new chief of the Central Q.1001. Who among the following shah is the secretary and Rajiv Shukla is
Industrial Security Force (CISF) in sportsmen is the brand ambassador of the Vice President of BCCI.
January 2021. Senior IPS officer Subodh SBOTOP, which is a global online
Kumar Jaiswal is a 1985-batch Indian betting platform? SSC CHSL 05/08/21 Q.1004. Who won the's 2020
Police Service (IPS) officer of the (Morning) Junior Speed Online Chess
Maharashtra cadre. (a) Bajrang Punia Championship after beating Russia's
(b) Sushil Kumar Alexey Sarana? SSC CHSL 6/8/2021
Q.998. Who among the following was (c) Rohit Sharma (Evening)
appointed as the Chief Justice of the (d) Dwayne Bravo (a) Magnus Carlsen
Andhra Pradesh High Court in January (b) D Gukesh
2021? SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Morning) Sol..(d) West Indies cricket icon Dwayne (c) Raunak Sadhwani
(a) Sharad Arvind Bobde Bravo has become the first cricket (d) Nihal Sarin
(b) Hima Kohli ambassador for “SBOTOP” sportsbook
(c) Rajan Datta brand. Dwayne Bravo has represented Sol..(d) Nihal Sarin from Kerala won
(d) Arup Kumar Goswami West Indies in all formats of cricket. He's 2020 Junior Speed Online
has represented the country in 256 test Chess Championship. He is also the
Sol..(d) Arup Kumar Goswami was matches and 120 one-day-internationals fourth youngest player in history to cross
appointed as the Chief Justice of the and is also considered as one of the best the Elo rating mark of 2600,
Andhra Pradesh High Court in January ever ‘all-rounders’ of the sport. accomplishing this feat at the age of 14
2021. Before that, he served as chief years.
justice of the Sikkim High Court. Q.1002. In September 2020, who was
appointed as the Chairman of the Q.1005. Which Indian Cabinet Minister
Q.999. Who among the following National School of Drama? SSC CHSL was appointed as Executive Board
became the youngest speaker of Lok 5/8/2021 (Evening) Chairman of World Health Organization
Sabha till March 2021? SSC CHSL (a) Paresh Rawal (WHO) in May 2020? SSC CHSL
04/08/21 (Afternoon) (b) Nawazuddin Siddiqui 9/8/2021 (Morning)
(a) Ganti Mohana Chandra Balayogi (c) Anupam Kher (a) Smriti Irani
(b) Meira Kumar (d) Waman Kendre (b) Nirmala Sitharaman
(c) Sumitra Mahajan (c) Piyush Goyal
(d) PA Sangma Sol..(a) In September 2020, Paresh (d) Harsh Vardhan
Rawal was appointed as the Chairman of
Sol..(d) Agatha Sangma was first elected the National School of Drama. The Sol.(d) Harsh Vardhan was appointed as
to the 14th Lok Sabha in a by-election in National School of Drama is an the Executive Board Chairman of WHO.
May 2008, after her father P.A. Sangma autonomous organization under the It is the specialised agency of the UN
resigned from the seat to join state Ministry of culture. It was set up in 1959 responsible for international public
politics. Later she was re-elected to the in New Delhi. health. It was formed on 7 April 1948
15th Lok Sabha where she is the and has its headquarters in Geneva,
youngest Indian MP. Q.1003. Who among the following was Switzerland
the President of the Board of Control for
Q.1000. Who among the following took Cricket in India Q.1006. Who among the following
charge as the CEO and Managing (BCCI) as of December 2020? SSC boxers won a gold medal in the 57 kg
Director of HDFC Bank in October CHSL 6/8/2021 (Afternoon) category at the Cologne Boxing World
2020? SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Afternoon) (a) Sanjay Manjrekar Cup held at Germany in December
(a) Sashidhar Jagdishan (b) Ravi Shastri 2020? SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 (Morning)
(b) Rakesh Sharma (c) Sourav Ganguly (a) Simranjit Kaur Baath
(c) Sandeep Bakhshi (d) Kapil Dev (b) Pooja Rani
(d) Amitabh Chaudhry (c) Sakshi Choudhary
(d) Manisha Moun Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

Sol..(a) Girish Chandra Chaturvedi was Q.1013. Who is the Chief Justice of
Sol..(d) Manisha Moun won a gold appointed as Chairman of the National Bangladesh as of May 2020? SSC CHSL
medal in the 57 kg category at the Stock Exchange in December 2019. NSE 11/8/2021 (Afternoon)
Cologne Boxing World Cup held in India Limited is the leading stock (a) Abdul Hamid
Germany. She is an Indian boxer from exchange of India, located in Mumbai, (b) Syed Mahmud Hossain
Haryana who competes in the Maharashtra. It is under the ownership (c) Narender Batra
featherweight weight class. of some leading financial institutions, (d) Sheikh Hasina
banks, and insurance companies. It was
Q.1007. Who became the Chief Justice established in 1992 as the first Sol..(b) Syed Mahmud Hossain
of Jammu and Kashmir High Court in dematerialized electronic exchange in
December 2020? SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 the country. Q.1014. Who among the following
(Evening) cricketers is the brand ambassador of a
(a) Sanjib Banerjee Q.1010. Who among the following is the fantasy sports gaming
(b) Pankaj Mithal youngest mayor in India as of January platform, Paytm First Games? SSC
(c) Hemant Kumar Pandey 2021? SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Morning) CHSL 12/8/2021 (Morning)
(d) Umesh Sinha (a) Sabitha Beegum (a) Sachin Tendulkar
(b) Arya Rajendran (b) Rohit Sharma
Sol..(b) Pankaj Mittal became the Chief (c) Rekha Priyadarshini (c) Yuvraj Singh
Justice of Jammu and Kashmir High (d) Mekala Kavya (d) Virat Kohli
Court in December 2020. Sanjib
Banerjee is the Chief Justice of Madras Sol..(b) Arya Rajendran at the age of 21 Sol..(a) Sachin Tendulkar is the brand
High Court while Umesh Sinha is the became the youngest mayor in India. ambassador of Paytm First Games(PFG).
Deputy Election Commissioner in the She took oath as the mayor of
Election Commission of India. Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala. Q.1015. Who among the following
became the first Indian-Kiwi woman to
Q.1008. Who among the following is Q.1011. An ambassador of which of the become a minister in New Zealand in
one of the seven winners of the Young following countries was elected as the 2020? SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Morning)
Champions of the Earth 2020 prize given President of the United Nations Human (a) Priyanca Radhakrishnan
by UNEP? SSC CHSL 9/8/2021 Rights Council in January 2021? SSC (b) Manisha Singh
(Evening) CHSL 10/8/2021 (Evening) (c) Seema Verma
(a) Veer Vikram Singh (a) Cuba (d) Anita Anand
(b) Vidyut Mohan (b) Libya
(c) Suchi Chaudhary (c) Fiji Sol..(a) The first Indian-Kiwi woman to
(d) Khushi Chindaliya (d) Ghana become a minister in New Zealand in
2020 is Priyanca Radhakrishnan.
Sol..(b) Vidyut Mohan is one of the Sol..(c) The Human Rights Council
seven winners of the Young Champions elected Ambassador Nazhat Shameem Q.1016. Who among the following had
of the Earth 2020. He is the co-founder Khan, Permanent Representative of Fiji authored ‘Buddha Gaya: The Hermitage
of "Takachar", a social enterprise to the United Nations Office at Geneva, of Sakya Muni’ in 1878? SSC CHSL
enabling farmers to prevent open to serve as its President for 2021. 12/8/2021 (Morning)
burning of their waste farm residues and (a) Alexander Cunningham
earn extra income by converting them Q.1012. Who was appointed as (b) Rajendralala Mitra
into value-added chemicals like UNICEF's celebrity advocate for a (c) HH Cole
activated carbon on-site. children's rights campaign in September (d) John Marshall
2020? SSC CHSL 11/8/2021
Q.1009. Who among the following was (Afternoon) Sol..(b) Rajendralala Mitra
appointed as the Chairman of the (a) Aamir Khan
National Stock Exchange (b) Nawazuddin Siddiqui
Q.1017. Colonel (retd) Narendra Kumar,
(NSE) in December 2019? SSC CHSL (c) Ayushmann Khurrana
an Indian soldier and ______, passed
9/8/2021 (Evening) (d) Akshay Kumar
away in December 2020. SSC CHSL
(a) Girish Chandra Chaturvedi
12/8/2021 (Morning)
(b) Vikramajit Sen Sol..(c) Ayushmann Khurrana
(a) mountaineer (b) singer
(c) Ashok Chawla
(c) boxer (d) wrestler
(d) Ashishkumar Chauhan Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

Sol..(a) Colonel (retd) Narendra Kumar, security platform. The international Indian Council of Medical Research
an Indian soldier, and a mountaineer. union of railways is an international rail (ICMR)? SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Morning)
transport industry body. The main (a) Prof. Balram Bhargava
Q.1018. Who among the following was objective of this industry is to promote (b) Prof. Subrata Sinha
elected as the President of the All India rail transport at the world level and meet (c) Dr. Shyam S Chauhan
Chess Federation in January 2021? SSC the challenges of mobility and (d) Dr. Parthaprasad Chattopadhyay
CHSL 12/8/2021 (Afternoon) sustainable development.
(a) Ajay Kumar Sol..(a) As of July 2020, Prof. Balram
(b) Bhagat Singh Chauhan Q.1022. As of july 2021 who is the Bhargava was the Director-General of
(b) Sunil Arora Chief Economist of the International Indian Council of Medical Research
(d) Sanjay Kapoor Monetary Fund? SSC MTS (ICMR).
Sol..(d) Sanjay Kapoor was elected as (a) Krishna Bhardwaj Q.1026. Who among the following was
the President of the All India Chess (b) Montek Singh Ahluwalia appointed as the Managing Director and
Federation in January 2021 (c) Gita Gopinath CEO of HDFC Bank in August 2020?
(d) Raghuram Rajan SSC MTS 08/10/21 (Morning)
Q.1019. Who among the following was (a) Aditya Puri
honoured with the long-overdue record Sol..(c) As of July 2021, Gita Gopinath (b) Raamdeo Aggarwal
title for ‘fastest human computation’ by is the Chief Economist of the (c) Manoj Sinha
Guinness World Records on 30 July International Monetary Fund. IMF (d) Sashidhar Jagdishan
2020? SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Evening) Headquarters (HQ), Washington, D.C.,
(a) Shakuntala Devi United States.The current managing Sol..(d) Sashidhar Jagdishan was
(b) Vashishtha Narayan Singh director (MD) and Chairwoman of the appointed as the Managing Director and
(c) Vijay Kumar Patodi IMF is Bulgarian economist Kristalina CEO of HDFC Bank in August 2020.
(d) Shreeram Shankar Abhyankar Georgieva. Sashidhar Jagdishan has taken charge as
managing director and chief executive
Sol..(a) Shakuntala Devi popularly Q.1023. Who was the Indian Cabinet officer of HDFC Bank, succeeding
known as the "Human-Computer" was Minister of Corporate Affairs as on 31 Aditya Puri.
an Indian mathematician, writer and July 2020? SSC MTS 05/10/21(Evening)
(a) Pralhad Joshi Q.1027. Who among the following was
mental calculator.
(b) Mahendra Nath Pandey appointed as Finance Secretary in March
(c) Gajendra Singh Shekhawat 2020? SSC MTS 08/10/21(evening)
Q.1020. In September 2020, who was
(d) Nirmala Sitharaman (a) Satish Kumar Sharma
appointed as Executive Director of
Asian Development Bank, Manila? SSC (b) Bimal Julka
Sol..(d) Nirmala Sitharaman was the (c) Amita Pandove
CHSL 12/8/2021 (Evening)
Indian Cabinet Minister of Corporate (d) Ajay Bhushan Pandey
(a) Warotai Kosolpisitkul
Affairs as on 31 July 2020.
(b) Jason Chung
(c) Sameer Khare Sol..(d) Ajay Bhushan Pandey was
Q.1024. Which of the following is the appointed as Finance Secretary in March
(d) Rajesh Khullar
only President of India to have her/his 2020. T V Somanathan has been
wax statue at the Madame Tussauds wax appointed as the new finance secretary in
Sol..(c) Sameer Khare
museum in Delhi as of September 2020?
2021 in place of Ajay Bhushan Pandey
SSC MTS 06/10/21 (Afternoon)
Q.1021. On 22 July 2020, who was
(a) APJ Abdul Kalam
nominated as the Vice-Chairman of the Q.1028. Who among the following has
(b) Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
International Union of Railways’ taken over as the new Prime Minister of
(c) Pratibha Patil
security platform? SSC MTS Iraq in May 2020? SSC MTS
(d) Rajendra Prasad
05/10/21(Afternoon) 08/10/21(evening)
(a) Margaret Chan (a) Mustafa al-Kadhimi
Sol..(a) APJ Abdul Kalam is the only
(b) François Davenne (b) Adel Abdul Mahdi
President of India to have her/his wax
(c) Soumya Swaminathan (c) Adnan al-Zurfi
statue at the Madame Tussauds wax
(d) Arun Kumar (d) Mohammad Allawi
museum in Delhi as of September 2020.

Sol..(d) On 22 July 2020, Arun Kumar Sol..(a) Mustafa al-Kadhimi assumes

Q.1025. As of July 2020, who among the
was nominated as the Vice-Chairman of office as the new Prime Minister of Iraq
following was the Director General of
the International Union of Railways’ in May 2020. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

Adviser to the Finance Ministry of

Q.1029. Who among the following was Q.1033. Ken Shimura, the renowned India? SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Evening)
appointed as the First Lieutenant comedian who died in March 2020, was (a) Ajit Pai
Governor of Ladakh in October 2019? a national of: SSC MTS (b) Krishnamurthy V Subramanian
SSC MTS 11/10/21(Morning) 12/10/21(Morning) (c) Ravi Anshuman
(a) Radha Krishna Mathur (a) China (b) Japan (d) Anand Nandkumar
(b) Anil Baijal (c) Indonesia (d) South Korea
(c) Dineshwar Sharma Sol..(b) As of August 2020,
(d) Girish Chandra Murmu Sol..(b) Ken Shimura, the renowned Krishnamurthy V Subramanian was the
comedian who died in March 2020, was Chief Economic Adviser to the Finance
Sol..(a) Radha Krishna Mathur was a national of Japan. Ministry of India. CEA is the ex-officio
appointed as the First Lieutenant cadre controlling authority of the Indian
Governor of Ladakh in October 2019. Q.1034. As of July 2020, who among the Economic Service. The CEA is head of
following was the Union Minister of Economic Division of the Department of
Q.1030. Who among the following was Road Transport and Highways? SSC Economic Affairs. CEA publishes the
the President of the Indian Parliamentary MTS 12/10/21(Evening) annual Economic Survey of India
Group in August 2020? SSC MTS (a) Kiren Rijiju preceding the Union Budget.
11/10/21(Evening) (b) Thawar Chand Gehlot
(a) M Venkaiah Naidu (c) Nitin Gadkari Q.1038. On 22 July 2020, ______,
(b) Virendra Kumar (d) Piyush Goyal Deputy Commissioner of Mumbai
(c) Om Birla Customs, was appointed as an honorary
(d) Sumitra Mahajan Sol..(c) As of July 2020, Nitin Gadkari adviser to the steering committee for
was the Union Minister of Road BRICS Chamber of Commerce and
Sol..(c) Om Birla was the President of Transport and Highways. Industry (CCI) young leaders for the
the Indian Parliamentary Group in period 2020-2023 . SSC MTS
August 2020. Om Birla is the present Q.1035. As of July 2020, who among the 13/10/2021 (Evening)
speaker of the Lok Sabha. following is the Union Minister of Law (a). Amit Ghawate
and Justice in India? SSC MTS (b) Sahil Seth
Q.1031. Gita Ramjee, an Indian-origin 13/10/21(Morning) (c) Yogesh Yadav
South African who breathed her last in (a) Ravishankar Prasad (d) HM Patel
March 2020, was internationally (b) Smriti Irani
acclaimed for her contribution to: SSC (c) Mahendra Nath Pandey Sol..(b) On 22 July 2020, Sahil Seth,
MTS 11/10/21(Evening) (d) Gajendra Singh Shekhawat Deputy Commissioner of Mumbai
(a) Nuclear Physics Customs, was appointed as an honorary
(b) Space Research Sol..(a) Ravi Shankar Prasad was the adviser to the steering committee for
(c) Development Economics Minister of Law and Justice in July BRICS Chamber of Commerce and
(d) Virology 2020. However, in the cabinet reshuffle Industry (CCI) young leaders for the
in 2021, he was replaced by Kiren Rijiju. period 2020-2023.
Sol..(d) Gita Ramjee, an Indian-origin
South African who breathed her last in Q.1036. Who among the following was Q.1039. Who was the Minister of State
March 2020, was internationally appointed as the Chief Information (Independent Charge) of the Ministry of
acclaimed for her contribution to Commissioner (CIC) in March 2020? Planning as on 31st July 2020? SSC
Virology. Virology is the study of SSC MTS 13/10/21(Afternoon) MTS 14/10/2021 (Evening)
viruses and virus-like agents. (a) Ajay Bhushan Pandey (a) Shripad Yesso Naik
(b) Satish Kumar Sharma (b) Rao Inderjit Singh
Q.1032. As on September 2021, who is (c) Amita Pandove (c) Kiren Rijiju
the CEO of NITI Aayog? SSC MTS (d) Bimal Julka (d) Santosh Kumar Gangwar
(a) Amitabh Kant Sol..(d) Bimal Julka was appointed as Sol..(b) Rao Inderjit Singh, Minister of
(b) Urjit Patel the Chief Information Commissioner State (Independent Charge) of the
(c) Shaktikanta Das (CIC) in March 2020 succeeded by Ministry of Statistics and Programme
(d) Dr. Rajiv Kumar Sudhir Bhargava. Implementation; and Minister of State
(Independent Charge) of the Ministry of
Sol..(a) As of September 2021, Amitabh Q.1037. As of August 2020, who among
Kant is the CEO of NITI Aayog. the following was the Chief Economic Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

Planning and Union Minister of State in appointed Chairman of NASSCOM. Finance and Policy (NIPFP)?SSC MTS
the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Rekha M Menon – Chairman of 22/10/2021 (Morning)
NASSCOM, 2021–2022. Debjani Ghosh (a) Krishnamurthy Subramanian
Q.1040. Who among the following has – President of NASSCOM, (b) Kaushik Basu
been named among the top 20 2018–present. (c) Urjit Patel
inspirational leaders in (d) Arvind Subramanian
the field of biopharmaceuticals in ‘The Q.1043. Brahm Kanchibotla, who died
Medicine Maker Power List 2020’? SSC in April 2020 in the US, is known for his Sol..(c) Urjit Patel was appointed as the
MTS 14/10/2021 (Evening) contribution in the field of: SSC MTS chairman of the National Institute of
(a) Kiran Mazumdar Shaw 20/10/2021 (Afternoon) Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP) in
(b) Ajay Piramal (a) medical sciences June 2020. Headquarters location: New
(c) Glenn Saldanha (b) sports Delhi. Founded: 1976.
(d) Dilip Shanghvi (c) theatre
(d) journalism Q.1047. Who among the following was
Sol..(a) Kiran Mazumdar Shaw has been appointed as the interim CEO of the
named among the top 20 inspirational Sol..(d) Brahm Kanchibotla, who died Board of Control for Cricket in India
leaders in the field of in April 2020 in the US, is known for his (BCCI) in July 2020? SSC MTS
biopharmaceuticals in ‘The Medicine contribution to the field of journalism. 22/10/2021 (Afternoon)
Maker Power List 2020’. She is the (a) Hemang Amin
executive chairperson and founder of Q.1044. Who among the following was (b) Sundar Raman
Biocon Limited and Biocon Biologics the chief scientist of World Health (c) Santosh Rangnekar
Limited, a biotechnology company Organization as of August 2020? SSC (d) Rahul Johri
based in Bangalore, India, and the MTS 20/10/2021 (Evening)
former chairperson of Indian Institute of (a) Dr. Naoko Yamamoto Sol..(a) Hemang Amin was appointed as
Management, Bangalore. (b) Dr. Soumya Swaminathan the interim CEO of the Board of Control
Q.1041. Who among the following was (c) Dr. Zsuzsanna Jakab for Cricket in India (BCCI) in July 2020.
named as Vice-President of Asian (d) Dr. Samira Asma Presently, Sourav Ganguly is the
Development Bank in July 2020? SSC president of BCCI. Jay Shah is the
MTS 20/10/2021 (Morning) Sol..(b) Dr. Soumya Swaminathan was present secretary.
(a) Ashok Lavasa the chief scientist of the World Health
(b) Adi Godrej Organization as of August 2020. Tedros Q.1048. Who among the following has
(c) Kiran Majumdar Shaw Adhanom Ghebreyesus is the present been named as the Chairman of the
(d) Deepak Parekh Director-General of the World Health WHO Executive Board in May 2020?
Organization. WHO was founded on 7 SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Evening)
Sol..(a) Ashok Lavasa was named as April 1948. Headquarters - Geneva, (a) Hiroki Nakatani
Vice-President of Asian Development Switzerland. (b) Harsh Vardhan
Bank in (c) Naresh Trehan
July 2020. headquarters: Mandaluyong, Q.1045. Tim Brooke-Taylor, who (d) Tedros Adhanom
Philippines. President: Masatsugu breathed his last in April 2020 in the
Asakawa (from 17 January 2020). UK, was known for his contribution to Sol..(b) Harsh Vardhan has been named
Membership: 68 countries. Founded: 19 the field of: SSC MTS 22/10/2021 as the Chairman of the WHO Executive
December 1966. (Morning) Board in May 2020. World Health
(a) acting Organisation- Headquarters- Geneva,
Q.1042. In April 2020, UB Pravin Rao, (b) sports Switzerland. Founded on 7 April 1948.
Chief Operating Officer of ______, was (c) literature The director-general is Tedros Adhanom
appointed Chairman of NASSCOM. (d) architecture Ghebreyesus of Ethiopia.
SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Morning)
(a) Wipro Sol..(a) Tim Brooke-Taylor, who Q.1049. Which Indian artist has received
(b) HCL breathed his last in April 2020 in the the Jackson Pollock Fellowship,
(c) Infosys UK, was known for his contribution to instituted by the Pollock Krasner
(d) TCS the field of Acting. Foundation, for the second time in the
year 2019? SSC MTS 26/10/2021
Sol..(c) In April 2020, UB Pravin Rao, Q.1046. In June 2020, who among the (Morning)
Chief Operating Officer of Infosys, was following was appointed as the chairman (a) Pradeep Puthoor
of the National Institute of Public (b) Anish Kapoor Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

(c) Neeraj Gupta Shaktikanta Das. Sir Osborne Smith, 2019, took oath as the chief minister of
(d) Rupesh Patric was the first Governor of the Reserve Sikkim.
Bank of India. Chintaman Dwarkanath
Sol..(a) Pradeep Puthoor has received Deshmukh was the first Indian RBI Q.1056. Which state has proposed to set
the Jackson Pollock Fellowship, governor. up the first ‘Blockchain District’ in
instituted by the Pollock Krasner India?
Foundation, for the second time in the Q.1053. Who among the following has SSC-CHSL 1July 2019 (Evening)
year 2019. been appointed as the Chairman of the (a) Gujarat
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural (b) Maharashtra
Q.1050. Who among the following was Development (NABARD) in May 2020? (c) Telangana
chosen as ‘TIME’ magazine’s Person of SSC MTS 2/1/2021 (Evening) (d) Tamil Nadu
the Year 2019? SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (a) KV Kamath
(Afternoon) (b) GR Chintala Sol..(c) Telangana will house all major
(a) Malala Yousafzai (c) Shaji KV Blockchain technology companies, a
(b) Greta Thunberg (d) PVS Suryakumar huge incubator and a world-class facility
(c) Lady Gaga for promoting research. Telangana govt
(d) Kylian Mbappe Sol..(b) GR Chintala was appointed as proposed 25% subsidy on lease rentals
the Chairman of the National Bank for up to Rs 5 lakh per annum for the first 3
Sol..(b) Greta Thunberg was chosen as Agriculture and Rural Development years of operations.
‘TIME’ magazine’s Person of the Year (NABARD) in May 2020. NABARD
2019. Greta Thunberg first became Q.1057. In June 2019, PepsiCo India
came into existence on 12 July 1982.
proposed to invest $70 million to build a
famous in 2018 when skipped school in Agency Executive(December 2021)-
food manufacturing plant in :
a strike against climate change. Harsh Kumar Bhanwala. Headquarters-
CHSL 2 JULY 2019 (Morning)
No One Is Too Small to Make a Mumbai.
(a) Maharashtra
Difference is a book by climate activist STATES (b) Gujarat
Greta Thunberg.
(c) Uttar Pradesh
Q.1054. Which Indian state launched the (d) Madhya Pradesh
Q.1051. Who among the following was PRANAM Commission to protect
the youngest ever Governor of an Indian parents of government employees? Sol..(c) PepsiCo India will invest $70
state as of July 2020? SSC MTS CGL 11th June 2019 (Afternoon) million to build a food manufacturing
26/10/2021 (Evening) (a) Punjab plant in Uttar Pradesh.
(a) Jagdish Mukhi (b) Maharashtra
(b) Swaraj Kaushal (c) Assam Q.1058. Which State Government
(c) Sharda Mukherjee (d) Haryana increased the financial aid given to girls
(d) Margaret Alva under the ‘Apki Beti’ scheme in May
Sol..(c) The Chief Minister of Assam 2019?
Sol..(b) Swaraj Kaushal was the Sarbananda Sonowal has announced a (a) Sikkim
youngest ever Governor(Mizoram) of an PRANAM Commission to look after the (b) Odisha
Indian state as of July 2020. At present issues related to the Parents (c) Rajasthan
governor of Mizoram is Kambhampati Responsibility and Monitoring (d) Assam
Hari Babu. The Governor of a State shall (PRANAM) Bill.
be appointed by the President by warrant Sol..(c) The Rajasthan government
under his hand and seal (Article 155). Q.1055. In May 2019, Prem Singh increased the amount of financial
Tamang was sworn in as the Chief assistance given to school girls under
Q.1052. The Governor of the Reserve Minister of : Aapki Beti.
Bank of India as of August 2020 was: SSC-CHSL 1July 2019 (Evening)
SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Afternoon) (a) Arunachal Pradesh Q.1059. Which one of the following
(a) Shaktikanta Das (b) Odisha Union Territories has been granted with
(b) Manish Sabharwal (c) Sikkim a partial statehood ship?
(c) Natarajan Chandrasekaran (d) Assam (a) Puducherry
(d) Mahesh Kumar Jain (b) Daman and Diu
Sol..(c) Sikkim Krantikari Morcha (c) Dadra and Nagar Haveli
Sol..(a) The Governor of the Reserve (SKM) president Prem Singh Tamang, (d) Lakshadweep
popularly known as P S Golay, in May,
Bank of India as of August 2020 was Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

Sol..(a) Puducherry, Delhi and now J&K Union Territory from March 1, Chief produced by weaving in silk and golden
are having some sort of state rights. Minister V Narayanasamy said on Zari in the traditional cotton yarn.
Q.1060. Which is the new state bird of Q.1066. Select the option that does NOT
Andhra Pradesh declared by the State Q.1063. The Traffic Police Department have the correct pair of states and its
Government in June 2018? of____ is looking at a futuristic model to chief minister?
CHSL 3 JULY 2019 (Evening) maintain traffic flow and spread SSC CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening)
(a) Sarus Crane awareness about the traffic rules by (a) Arunachal Pradesh – Gegong Apang
(b) Great Hornbill introducing a robot name ‘Roadeo’. (b) Odisha – Naveen Patnaik
(c) Rose-ringed Parrot SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning) (c) Sikkim – P S Golay
(d) Black Crested Bulbul (a)Ahmedabad (d) Andhra Pradesh – Jaganmohan
(b)Mumbai Reddy
Sol..(c) Rose-ringed parrot will be the (c)Pune
state bird while jasmine the flower, (d)Delhi Sol..(a) The CM of Arunachal Pradesh
Principal Secretary of Environment and is Pema Khandu.
Forests G Anantha Ramu said in an Sol..(c) The traffic police authorities of
order today. Neem and black buck have Pune are planning to introduce a robot Q.1067. According to Indian Bureau of
been declared as the state tree and named 'Roadeo' which would move Mines Report 2018, which among the
animal respectively of Andhra Pradesh. around city roads, functioning as a following is the
quasi-traffic policeman and cautioning largest mica producing state in India?
Q.1061. According to Indian Bureau of commuters about traffic rules and SSC CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening)
Mines , which of the following states has offences. (a) Bihar
the largest reserve of Silver in India in (b) Odisha
2018? Q.1064. _____city tops the list of top 10 (c) Punjab
CHSL 4 JULY 2019 (Morning) richest cities in India, with a GDP of $ (d) Andhra Pradesh
(a) Maharashtra (b) Rajasthan 209 billion.
(c) Gujarat (d) Bihar SSC CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) Sol.(d) Andhra Pradesh: Andhra Pradesh
(a) New Delhi is the largest mica producing state of
Sol..(b) The total reserves/resources of (b) Mumbai India.Andhra Pradesh leads with 41%
silver in the country as on 1.4.2015 in (c) Bengaluru share in country's total resources
terms of metal content were estimated at (d) Kolkata followed by Rajasthan (21%), Odisha
29,982 tonnes, of which 7,172 tonnes are (20%), Maharashtra (15%), Bihar (2%).
under 'Reserves' and 22,810 tonnes are Sol..(b) Mumbai is the wealthiest city in
under the 'Remaining resources'. By India with the highest (GDP) of $209 Q.1068. The 'i-help' initiative to promote
States, Rajasthan accounted for about Billion (USD) of any other city and also digital electoral literacy has been
87% reserves/resources in terms of ore, has the highest number of billionaires launched in which of the
Jharkhand 5%, Andhra Pradesh 3% and and millionaires in India. following states?
Karnataka 2%. Madhya Pradesh, Delhi is the most expensive city in India SSC CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning)
Uttarakhand, Odisha, Meghalaya, and also the second most populous city (a) Bihar
Sikkim, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra after Mumbai. The National Capital (b) Arunachal Pradesh
together shared 3% ore Territory of Delhi had the second highest (c) Chhattisgarh
reserves/remaining resources. (GDP) of $167 Billion (USD) in India. (d) Assam

Q.1062. The Government of _____has Q.1065. ____fabric from Madhya Sol..(d) The ‘i-help’ initiative to promote
decided to ban the production,sale and Pradesh is registered with a GI tag. digital electoral literacy in Assam has
use of single-use plastic products from 1 SSC CPO 16/03/19 (Evening) been launched for the Lok Sabha poll.
March (a) Pembarthi The ‘i-help’ is a joint initiative of the
SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening) (b) Chanderi office of the Chief Electoral
(a)Delhi (c) Bhagalpuri Officer(CEO) and Common Service
(b)Maharashtra (d) Sholapuri Centres (CSC).
(d)Goa/ Sol..(b) Chanderi Fabric is a traditional Q.1069. India and Asia's first Dolphin
Sari made in Chanderi, Madhya Pradesh, Research Centre will be set up in
Sol..(c) The Puducherry government has India. It is characterized by its ________.
decided to ban the production, sale and lightweight, sheer texture and fine SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (Evening)
use of single-use plastic products in the luxurious feel. Chanderi fabric is (a) Patna (b) Varanasi Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

(c) Devprayag (d) Haridwar Government of India. It was established

in 1988 and given Statutory Powers on Sol.1077.(b) Kochi, Kerala will host the
Sol..(a) Asia's first dolphin research 30 January 1992 through the SEBI Act, ASCEND 2020 global investors meet,
centre is all set to open at Patna 1992. which magnifies the 18 mega project and
University on the banks of River Ganga. an investment of more than 100 crores. It
Q.1074. As of November 2019 , was inaugurated by Kerala’s chief
Q.1070. Which state in India has made Telangana shares its capital city with : minister Pinarayi Vijiyan on 9th jan
roof top rainwater harvesting structure SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) 2020.
compulsory to all the houses in the state? (a) Karnataka (b) Andhra Pradesh
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning) (c) Odisha (d) Kerala Q.1078. In which state did the second
(a) Maharashtra (b) Kerala phase of Intensified Mission
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Odisha/ Sol..(b) Hyderabad would remain as the Indradhanush (IMI) 2.0 begin in January
joint capital of both Telangana and 2020?
Sol..(c) Tamil Nadu has made rooftop Andhra Pradesh states for a period of CGL 4/3/2020 (afternoon)
rainwater harvesting structures time not exceeding ten years. Amaravati (a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Punjab
compulsory to all the houses across the is being built to serve as the capital of (c) Kerala (d) Bihar
state. It is the first state in India to do so. Andhra Pradesh.
Sol..(a) The second phase of Intensified
Q.1071. Which of the following Indian Q.1075. As on January 2020, Shri Mission Indradhanush 2.0 began in
cities has got UNESCO World Heritage Bhupesh Baghel is the Chief Minister of Jan,2020 at block level in 35 districts of
site tag? which of the following state? Uttar Pradesh. Main agenda of this
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening) SSC-CGL 3-3-2020 (morning) program is to provide vaccination
(a) Ahmedabad (b) Mumbai (a) Jharkhand (b) Odisha coverage to children of less than 2 years
(c) Agra (d) Bhopal (c) Haryana (d) Chhattisgarh in states. It was launched by the central
government in 2017.
Sol..(a) Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh, Sol..(d) Bhupesh Bhagel has been the
Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh, Haridwar in chief minister of Chhattisgarh since Q.1079. For multi-storied illegal
Uttarakhand and Nashik, Maharashtra is December, 2018. constructions - Jain Coral Cove, H20
selected in UNESCO Intangible Cultural Holy Faith, Alfa Serene and Golden
Heritage Lists in 2017. Q.1076. Which state's Legislative Kayaloram - were razed to the ground in
Assembly adopted a new logo consisted January 2020 following Supreme Court
Q.1072. As per the ministry of statistics of National Emblem and foxtail orchid instructions. In which state did this
and programme implementation, which (Rhynchostylis Retusa), the state flower, happen?
state of India has the highest per capita in January 2020? CGL 4/3/2020 (evening)
income as of Sep 2019? CGL 3-3-2020 (Afternoon) (a) Karnataka (b) Goa
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning) (a) Mizoram (c) Kerala (d) Tamil Nadu
(a) Goa (b) Punjab (b) Meghalaya
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Gujarat (c) Tripura Sol..(c) Four multi-storied illegal
(d) Arunachal Pradesh constructions - Jain Coral Cove, H20
Sol..(a) As per the report of the Ministry Holy Faith, Alfa Serene, and Golden
of Statistics and Programme Sol..(d) The Arunachal Pradesh Kayaloram - were razed to the ground in
Implementation (released on 20 Aug Legislative Assembly adopted a new January 2020 following Supreme Court
2015), the state per capita income of Goa logo, reflecting the distinct identity and instructions. This incident happened in
is highest in the country followed by culture of the State. Speaker Pasang kerala.
Delhi and Sikkim respectively. Dorjee Sona had presented the new logo
on the floor of the House. The new logo Q.1080. The recently revoked 'Article
Q.1073. The Securities and Exchange consists of the National Emblem and the 370' is associated with which of these
Board of India is located in: Fox Tail Orchid (RhynchostylisRetusa), states of India?
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) the State flower. CGL 4/3/2020 (evening)
(a) Mumbai (b) Kolkata (a) Assam (b) Sikkim
(c) Indore (d) Chandigarh Q.1077. In which state was the Global (c) Nagaland (d) Kashmir
Investors Meet, ASCEND 2020
Sol..(a) SEBI is headquartered in organised? Sol.(d) Article 370 was a constitutional
Mumbai. The Securities and Exchange 3-3-2020 (Afternoon) provision giving special status to Jammu
Board of India is the regulator for the (a) Maharashtra (b) Kerala and Kashmir. The Government of India
securities market in India owned by the (c) Rajasthan (d) Gujarat removed this status on 31 October 2019 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

making Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh Sol..(a) Khadi and Village Industries Q.1088. Kandhamal Haldi, a variety of
two separate Union Territories. Commission (KVIC) inaugurated the turmeric indigenous to_____, earned the
first silk processing plant at Geographical Indication (GI) tag from
Q.1081. Who among is the current Surendranagar in Gujarat. Intellectual Property (India) in April,
(January 2020) Governor of Kerala? 2019.
CGL 4/3/2020 (evening) Q.1085. As of January 2020, who among CGL 9-03-2020 (Evening)
(a) Arif Mohammad Khan the following is the Lt. Governor of (a) Odisha (b) Meghalaya
(b) Satya Pal Malik Jammu and KAshmir? (c) Assam (d) Nagaland
(c) Lalji Tandon CGL 7-03-2020 (Evening)
(d) B.D. Sharma (a)Satyapal Malik Sol..(a) 'Kandhamal Haldi', a variety of
(b)Girish Chandra Murmu turmeric indigenous to southern Odisha,
Sol..(a) Arif Mohamad Khan is the 22nd (c)Lalji Tandon has earned the Geographical indication
governor of Kerala (January 2020). He (d)Jagdish Mukhi (GI) tag from Intellectual Property
was appointed as governor on 6 (India) on April 03, 2019. The
September 2019. Sol..(b) The Indian Government recognition coincided with the state's
appointed Girish Chandra Murmu as Foundation Day (Utkal Divas).
Q.1082. Name the first Lieutenant Lieutenant Governor of Jammu-Kashmir
Governor of the Union Territory of and Radha Krishna Mathur as Lieutenant Q.1089. Who has been elected as the
Jammu and Kashmir. Governor of Ladakh. new Jharkhand assembly speaker?
CGL 5/3/2020 (afternoon) CHSL 17-03-2020 (Afternoon)
(a) Satya Pal Malik Q.1086. The Legislative Assembly of (a) Inder Singh Namdhari
(b) Arif Mohammad Khan which state adopted a new logo on the (b) Rabindra Nath Mahto
(c) Bhagat Singh Koshyari 9th January 2020? (c) Alamgir Alam
(d) Girish Chandra Murmu CGL 9-03-2020 (Morning) (d) CP Singh
(a) Andhra Pradesh
Sol.(d) The first lieutenant Governor of (b) Assam Sol..(b) Rabindra Nath Mahto has been
Jammu-Kashmir is Girish Chandra (c) Tripura elected as the new Jharkhand assembly
Murmu. The first lieutenant Governor of (d) Arunachal Pradesh speaker.
Ladakh is Rakha Krishna Mathur.
Sol..(d) The Arunachal Pradesh Q.1090. Which state has launched the
Q.1083. In which of the following states Legislative Assembly recently adopted a Cyber Safe Woman Campaign in
was the 12th naval exercise new logo, reflecting the distinct identity January 2020?
‘Naseem-Al-Bahr’ between India and and culture of the State. The new logo SSC CHSL 19-3-2020 (Afternoon)
Oman held?
consists of the National Emblem and the (a) Tamil Nadu (b) Maharashtra
CGL 5/3/2020 (evening)
Fox Tail Orchid (Rhynchostylis Retusa), (c) Kerala (d) Karnataka
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Kerala
(c) Goa (d) Gujarat the State flower.
Sol..(b) Maharashtra Government
Sol..(c) 'Naseem-Al-Bahr' is a naval Q.1087. Who among the following is the launched a ‘Cyber Safe Women’
exercise between the Indian Navy and Chief Minister of Mizoram as of initiative under which awareness camps
the Royal navy of Oman (RNO). Indian November 2019? will be held across all the districts of the
Navy ships Beas and Subhadra are CGL 9-03-2020 (Afternoon) state regarding cyber safety. The
participating in it, with harbour phase in (a) PU Zoramthanga campaign will help to educate women
Goa followed by sea phase off the Goa (b) Laldenga about how the internet is being used
coast. (c) Conrad Kongkal Sangma nowadays for committing various types
(d) Neiphiu Rio of crimes by anti-social elements and
Q.1084. In which of the following states child predators.
did Khadi and Village Industries Sol..(a) PU Zoramthanga is an Indian
Commission (KVIC) open its first Silk politician who is the current Chief Q.1091. The Legislative Assembly of
Processing Plant? Minister of Mizoram. He is the leader of which of the following states adopted the
CGL 6-03-2020 (Evening) Explanation: Mizo National Front state logo including the state flower the
(a) Gujarat (MNF). He served as the Chief Minister Foxtail Orchid?
(b) Madhya Pradesh of Mizoram from December 1998 to CHSL 13/10/2020 (Morning)
(c) Goa December 2008, for two consecutive (a) Jharkhand Legislative Assembly
(d) Haryana terms. (b) Kerala Legislative Assembly
(c) Chhattisgarh Legislative Assembly Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

(d) Arunachal Pradesh Legislative (a) Bihar Q.1098. On August 13, at what cost did
Assembly (b) West Bengal the Dikom Tea Estate of Assam sell its
(c) Uttar Pradesh 'Golden Butterfly' tea at the GTAC,
Sol..(d) Arunachal Pradesh Legislative (d) Uttarakhand auction centre?
Assembly adopted a new logo on 9 CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon)
January 2020. The logo reflects the Sol..(b) Ganga Sagar Mela’ is celebrated (a) Rs 1,00,000 per kg
distinct identity and culture of the state. on the occasion of Makar Sakranti from (b) Rs 50,000 per kg
The new logo consists of the national 13 to 15 January every year in (c) Rs 25,000 per kg
emblem and the state flower foxtail Sagardwip, West Bengal. Pilgrims dip (d) Rs 75,000 per kg
orchid, Rhynchostylis Retusa. The themselves in the holy waters of Ganga
national emblem in the logo signifies the to purify their souls. Sol..(d) Golden Butterfly Tea produced
federal system of the Indian by Assam’s Dikom Tea Estate near
Constitution. The flower foxtail orchid Q.1095. 'Disha Act' was passed by Dibrugarh got sold for Rs. 75,000 per kg
represents the state, its people and which of the following states in at the Guwahati Tea Auction Centre.
culture of the state. The blue colour of December 2019?
the logo denotes the autonomy of the SSC CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning) Q.1099. Which among the following
assembly secretariat. (a) Karnataka (b) Andhra Pradesh states won the final of the 25th Senior
(c) Telangana (d) Tamil Nadu Women's NFC 2019-20 at Arunachal
Q.1092. How many districts of Uttar Pradesh?
Pradesh started the second phase of Sol..(b) The Disha Act, passed by SSC CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon)
Mission Indradhanush 2.0 at the block Andhra Pradesh provides for awarding (a) Manipur
level on 7 January 2020? death sentence for offences of rape and (b) Tamil Nadu
CHSL 13/10/2020 (Morning) gangrape and completing trials of such (c) Arunachal Pradesh
(a) 35 (b) 25 cases within 21 days. The Act envisages (d) Odisha
(c) 30 (d) 40 completion of investigation in seven
days and trial in 14 working days. Sol..(a) Manipur won the final of the
Sol..(a) The second phase of Mission 25th Senior Women's National Football
Indradhanush 2.0 was launched at block Q.1096. As of February 2020, who is the Championship 2019-20 at Arunachal
level in 35 districts of Uttar Pradesh on Governor of Goa? Pradesh.
January 7, 2020. The mission aims to CHSL 16-10-2020 (Afternoon)
achieve 90% vaccination coverage (a) Satyapal Malik Q.1100. Who is India's youngest IAS
among children below the age of 2 years. (b) Pramod Sawant officer to be appointed to the Chief
(c) Bhagat Singh Koshyari Minister's Office of
Q.1093. As per ‘India State of Forest (d) Shripad Yesso Naik Telangana? She/he is also known as 'The
Report 2019’, which state secured first People's Officer'.
position for the highest growth in forest Sol..(a) As of February 2020, Satyapal CHSL 20-10-2020 (Afternoon)
area in the country?
Malik is the Governor of Goa. (a) Ansar Ahmad Shaikh
CHSL 13/10/2020 (Afternoon)
(b) Amrutesh Aurangabadkar
(a) Andhra Pradesh
(b) Odisha Q.1097. In which of the following cities (c) Smita Sabharwal
(c) Madhya Pradesh was the ‘India International Science (d) Swati Meena Naik
(d) Karnataka Festival (IISF)’ held in November 2019?
CHSL 16-10-2020 (Afternoon) Sol..(c) Smita Sabharwal, also known as
Sol..(d) As per ‘India State of Forest (a) Bengaluru ‘The People’s Officer’ is India's
Report 2019’, Karnataka secured first (b) Kolkata youngest IAS officer to be appointed to
position for the highest growth in forest
(c) New Delhi the Chief Minister's Office of Telangana.
area in the country. ISFR is a biennial
publication of Forest Survey of India, an (d) Thiruvananthapuram
organization under the Ministry of Q.1101. ‘FIR Aapke Dwar', an initiative
Environment, Forest & Climate Change. Sol..(b) ‘India International Science whereby police officials would visit
It assesses the forest tree cover, bamboo Festival (IISF)’ is a festival to celebrate homes of victims to
resources, carbon stock and forest fires. the achievements of India’s scientific register a First Information Report (FIR),
and technological advancements with was launched in the state of ______ in
Q.1094. ‘‘Ganga Sagar Mela’ is
students, innovators, craftsmen, farmers, May 2020.
celebrated on the occasion of Makar
scientists and technocrats from India and SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Evening)
Sankranti from 13 to 15 January every
abroad. IISF, November 2019 was held (a) Madhya Pradesh
year in:
in Kolkata. (b) Uttar Pradesh
SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Evening)
(c) Bihar Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

(d) Maharashtra (d) Acharya Dev Vrat Q.1109. In December 2020, the Ministry
of Home Affairs declared the entire State
Sol..(a) ‘FIR Aapke Dwar', an initiative Sol..(a) The Governor of the state of of ______ as a ‘disturbed area’ for six
whereby police officials would visit Maharashtra as on 30 June 2020 was more months under the Armed Forces
homes of victims to Bhagat Singh Koshyari (Special Powers) Act, 1958
register a First Information Report (FIR), He became governor of Maharashtra on (AFSPA). SSC CGL 13/08/21(Morning)
was launched in the state of Madhya 5 September 2019 (a) Nagaland (b) Punjab
Pradesh in May 2020. (c) Jharkhand (d) West Bengal
Q.1106. The Chief Minister of the state
Q.1102. Which of the following states of Gujarat as on 30 June 2020 was Sol..(a) The entire state of Nagaland is a
was declared as the cleanest state in ______. ‘disturbed area’ for six more months
Swachh Survekshan SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) under the Armed Forces (Special
2019? (a) Naveen Patnaik Powers) Act, 1958 (AFSPA). AFSPA is
SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Evening) (b) Pramod Sawant an act of the Parliament of India that
(a) Maharashtra (b) Chhattisgarh (c) Vijaybhai Rupani grants special powers to the Indian
(c) Jharkhand (d) Uttarakhand (d) Nitish Kumar Armed Forces to maintain public order
in "disturbed areas".
Sol..(b) Swachh Survekshan is an annual Sol..(c) The Chief Minister of the state
survey of cleanliness, hygiene and of Gujarat as on 30 June 2020 was Q.1110. Which of the following states
sanitation in cities and towns across Vijaybhai Rupani. launched the SAANS (Social Awareness
India. Chhattisgarh was declared as the and Action to
cleanest state in Swachh Survekshan Q.1107. Kudumbashree is a programme Neutralise Pneumonia Successfully)
2019. implemented by the State Poverty campaign in February 2021? SSC CGL
Eradication Mission 13/08/21(Afternoon)
Q.1103. Which state secured the top (SPEM) in ______. (a) Odisha (b) Madhya Pradesh
rank in the Swachh Survekshan Gramin SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning) (c) Sikkim (d) Uttar Pradesh
Awards, 2019? (a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Odisha
SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Morning) (c) Kerala (d) Gujarat Sol..(b) On 6 February 2021, Madhya
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Uttar Pradesh Pradesh launched the SAANS campaign
(c) Sikkim (d) Madhya Pradesh Sol..(c) Kerala government implemented with the aim of reducing infant mortality
the programme Kudumbashree which due to pneumonia. Around 4000 Health
Sol..(a) Tamil Nadu secured the top rank was run by the State Poverty Eradication and Wellness Centres have been set up in
in the Swachh Survekshan Gramin Mission (SPEM) the word Madhya Pradesh for this purpose.
Awards, 2019. Kudumbashree means ‘Prosperity of the
Family’ in Malayalam language Q.1111. Which State Assembly passed
Q.1104. According to the Groundnut the resolution on Sarna Code in
Crop Survey Report 2018, which of the Q.1108. Neeru-Meeru is a watershed November 2020? SSC CGL 13/08/21
following states is the largest producer management programme in the state of (Evening)
of groundnuts? _______. (a) Chhattisgarh (b) Madhya Pradesh
CPO 24-11-2020 (Morning) SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening) (c) Jharkhand (d) Bihar
(a) Gujarat (b) West Bengal (a) Maharashtra/
(c) Haryana (d) Bihar (b) Andhra Pradesh Sol..(c) The resolution on Sarna Code
(c)Rajasthan was passed by the state assembly of
Sol..(a) According to the Groundnut (d) Odisha Jharkhand in november 2020. This
Crop Survey Report 2018, Gujarat is the resolution was passed for Sarna Adivasi
largest producer of groundnuts. Gujarat Sol..(b) Neeru -Meeru programme is in to save their religious identity. Followers
accounts for around 40 % of the total the state of Andhra Pradesh. of 'Sarna' are usually nature worshippers.
groundnut production in India. Watershed management is a term used to
describe the process of implementing Q.1112. Which of the following states’
Q.1105. The Governor of the state of land use practices and water former Governor, Mata Prasad, died in
Maharashtra as on 30 June 2020 was management practices to protect and January 2021? SSC CGL
______. improve the quality of the water and 16/08/21(Morning)
SSC CPO 24-11-2020 (Evening) other natural resources within a (a) Goa
(a) Bhagat Singh Koshyari watershed by managing the use of those (b) Uttarakhand
(b) Anandiben Patel land and water resources in a (c) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Najma Heptulla comprehensive manner (d) Arunachal Pradesh Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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Sol..(d) Arunachal Pradesh’s former Q.1116. In October 2020, the world's changed the name of this fruit as the
Governor, Mata Prasad, died in January longest highway tunnel was inaugurated spikes or petals of the fruit resemble a
2021. He was the 8th governor of in the state of ______. SSC CGL lotus in bloom. Dragon fruit is the fruit
Arunachal Pradesh. B.D Mishra is the 17/08/21(Morning) of a species of wild cactus indigenous to
current Governor of Arunachal Pradesh. (a) Uttar Pradesh south and central America.
(b) Arunachal Pradesh
Q.1113. Who among the following was (c) Himachal Pradesh Q.1120. Which of the following states’
appointed as the Chairman and (d) Madhya Pradesh tourism ministry announced the launch
Managing Director of of India’s first
Telecommunications Consultants India Sol..(c) In October 2020, the world's Labour Movement Museum in January
Limited in January 2021? SSC CGL longest highway tunnel was inaugurated 2021? SSC CGL 18/08/21(Evening)
16/08/21(Morning) in the state of Himachal Pradesh with a (a) Kerala
(a) Jitendra Singh length of 9.02 km. This tunnel, also (b) West Bengal
(b) Rajeev Kumar known as Atal Tunnel, is a highway (c) Odisha
(c) Sarabjit Singh Sandhu tunnel built under Rohtang Pass in the (d) Karnataka
(d) Sanjeev Kumar eastern Pir panjal range of the Himalayas
on the Leh-Manali highway. Sol..(a) Kerala tourism ministry
Sol..(d) Sanjeev Kumar was appointed announced the launch of India’s first
as the Chairman and Managing Director Q.1117. Which of the following states Labour Movement Museum in
of Telecommunications Consultants ranked first in the Export Preparedness Alappuzha in January 2021. The
India Limited in January 2021. Index 2020 released by Niti Aayog? SSC museum will feature a huge repository of
CGL 17/08/21(Afternoon) documents and exhibits that shaped the
Q.1114. Which of the following state (a) Andhra Pradesh labour movements across the continents.
governments launched the long-awaited (b) Telangana
policy of manufactured sand in January (c) Maharashtra Q.1121. Which of the following states
2021? SSC CGL 16/08/21(Evening) (d) Gujarat inaugurated its first bird festival ‘Kalrav’
(a) Gujarat (b) Maharashtra in January 2021? SSC CGL
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Rajasthan Sol..(d) Gujarat is ranked first in the 18/08/21(Evening)
Export Preparedness Index 2020 (a) Assam (b) Bihar
Sol.1114.(d) In January 2021, the released by Niti Aayog, followed by (c) Tripura (d) Odisha
Rajasthan government launched the Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu in the
long-awaited policy of manufactured second and third place respectively. Sol..(b) Bihar Chief Minister Nitish
sand (M-sand) for construction work. Kumar inaugurated its first bird festival
The main aim of this policy is to reduce Q.1118. Which of the following states ‘Kalrav’ in January 2021. It was
the dependency on bajri (riverbed sand) banned online gaming in October 2020? organised at Nagi-Nakti bird sanctuary,
and prohibit the illegal mining of SSC CGL 17/08/21(Evening) located in Jamui district, Bihar.
(a) Gujarat
(b) Madhya Pradesh
(c) Maharashtra Q.1122. Which Indian state had the
Q.1115. Till 20 January 1972, which (d) Andhra Pradesh highest number of large dams as of
present-day Indian state was known as January 2021? SSC CGL
the North-East Frontier Agency Sol..(d) Andhra Pradesh banned online 20/08/21(Morning)
(NEFA)? SSC CGL 17/08/21(Morning) gaming in October 2020. The apps that (a) Tamil Nadu (b) Rajasthan
(a) Assam stand banned include Paytm's Paytm (c) Maharashtra (d) Gujarat
(b) Nagaland First Game, Mobile Premier League and
(c) Arunachal Pradesh Adda52. Sol..(c) Maharashtra had the highest
(d) Sikkim number of large dams as of January
Q.1119. Which of the following states 2021. The state has a total of 2354 dams,
Sol..(c) Till 20 January 1972, Arunachal renamed the dragon fruit as ‘Kamalam’ including 2069 completed and 285 under
Pradesh was known as the North-East in January 2021? SSC CGL construction large dams.
Frontier Agency (NEFA). NEFA was 18/08/21(Morning)
part of Assam until it was made the (a) Rajasthan (b) Gujarat Q.1123. Which Indian state won the ‘UN
Indian union territory of Arunachal (c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Tamil Nadu Interagency Task Force’ (‘UNIATF’)
Pradesh in 1972, and in 1987 it was award this year for prevention and
conferred with statehood. Sol..(b) Gujarat renamed the dragon fruit control of non-communicable diseases in
as Kamalam in January 2021. Gujarat the year 2020? SSC CGL
Chief Minister Vijay Rupani has 20/08/21(Morning) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

(a) Kerala (b) Gujarat (c) Bahujan Samaj Party Sol..(d) Six states are proposed to be
(c) Goa (d) Tamil Nadu (d) Aam Aadmi Party covered initially under the World Bank
aided ‘STARS’ project under the New
Sol..(a) Kerala won the ‘UN Sol..(d) Aam Aadmi Party is a state Education Policy. The states included are
Interagency Task Force’ (‘UNIATF’) party as of February 2021. A party is Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan,
award this year. UNIATF was declared a state party if it secures at least Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Kerala,
established by the United Nations 6% of valid votes polled in an election to and Odisha.
Secretary-General in 2013. In 2020, the state legislative assembly and wins at
WHO Director-General - Dr. Tedros least 2 seats in that state assembly. Q.1130. Which of the following became
Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced the the first Indian state to give electricity
winners of the 2020 UN Inter-Agency Q.1127. Which of the following states subsidy to farmers through Direct
Task Force. will have India's first lithium-ion battery Benefit Transfer in January 2021? SSC
manufacturing plant, expected to CGL 23/08/21(Afternoon)
Q.1124. In which of the following states become operational by 2021? SSC CGL (a) Manipur
was India’s first gender park inaugurated 20/08/21(Afternoon) (b) Madhya Pradesh
in February 2021? SSC CGL (a) Gujarat (b) Maharashtra (c) Sikkim
20/08/21(Morning) (c) Kerala (d) Karnataka (d) Uttarakhand
(a) Kerala (b) West Bengal
(c) Karnataka (d) Odisha Sol..(a) Gujarat will have India's first Sol..(b) Madhya Pradesh became the
lithium-ion battery manufacturing plant first Indian state to give electricity
Sol..(a) Kerala Chief Minister which is expected to become operational subsidies to farmers through Direct
announced the functional launch of by 2021. Renewable energy companies Benefit Transfer(DBT) in January 2021.
India’s first gender park (three-tower) in like Manikaran Power Limited will be This scheme aims to create a transparent
Kozhikode, Kerala in February 2021. investing in a lithium manufacturing and hassle-free provision of power
The headquarters for this initiative are in plant and the raw lithium will be subsidies to farmers and prevent
the capital city- Thiruvananthapuram. imported from Australia. For the leakages
This initiative aims to work towards establishment of refineries, land in
gender equality and empowerment in the Sanand and Dholera region was acquired Q.1131. India's first seaplane service,
state. by the company. which was launched in November 2020,
operates between Kevadiya and ______.
Q.1125. Which of the following states Q.1128. Which of the following states SSC CGL 23/08/21(Evening)
was awarded by the Union Government became the first state to provide a tap (a) Surat (b) Vadodara
for being the best state in the fisheries water connection to every rural (c) Ahmedabad (d) Rajkot
sector amongst hilly and north-eastern household in October 2020? SSC CGL
states for the year 2019-2020? SSC CGL 20/08/21(Afternoon) Sol..(c) Prime Minister Narendra Modi
20/08/21(Morning) (a) Sikkim (b) Goa launched India's first seaplane service
(a) Assam (b) Tripura (c) Bihar (d) West Bengal between the Statue of Unity in Kevadia
(c) Sikkim (d) Mizoram in Gujrat’s Narmada district and the
Sol..(b) Goa became the first state to Sabarmati riverfront in Ahmedabad.
Sol..(a) On the occasion of World provide a tap water connection to every This 19-seater seaplane will be managed
Fisheries Day on November 21, 2021, rural household in October 2020, by private airline SpiceJet.
the Department of Fisheries, Ministry of followed by Telangana and Andaman &
Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Nicobar Islands. The Chief Minister of Q.1132. The initiative of jail tourism, a
Dairying, awarded the best performing Goa achieved this milestone under the first of its kind, was launched in January
States for 2020-21 for the second time in ‘Har Ghar Jal’ mission launched by the 2021 in the state of ______. SSC CGL
the Fisheries sector. Assam was awarded Indian Prime Minister in 2019. 23/08/21(Evening)
by the Union Government for being the (a) Chhattisgarh
best state in the fisheries sector amongst Q.1129. How many states does the (b) Andhra Pradesh
hilly and north-eastern states for the year World Bank aided ‘STARS’ project (c) Maharashtra
2019-2020. under the New Education Policy initially (d) Uttar Pradesh
propose to cover? SSC CGL
Q.1126. Which of the following is a 20/08/21(Evening) Sol..(c) The initiative of jail tourism was
State party as of February 2021? SSC (a) Eight (b) Four launched in January 2021 in the state of
CGL 20/08/21(Afternoon) (c) Ten (d) Six Maharashtra. It was started with
(a) Communist Party of India 50-year-old Yerawada Central Prison in
(b) Trinamool Congress Pune for the first time. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

Q.1133. Which of the following states of Ramsar Sites in November 2020? organic by the Ministry of Agriculture
became the first one to launch SSC CHSL 12/04/21(Morning) in 2020? SSC CHSL
blockchain-enabled solar power trading (a) Vihar (b) Rankala 12/04/21(Afternoon)
in December 2020? SSC CGL (c) Lonar (d) Venna (a) Chandigarh
24/08/21(Morning) (b) Puducherry
(a) Uttar Pradesh Sol..(c) Lonar lake of Maharashtra has (c) Lakshadweep
(b) Sikkim been included in the list of Ramsar Sites. (d) Ladakh
(c) Karnataka The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of
(d) Madhya Pradesh International Importance Especially as Sol..(c) Lakshadweep
Waterfowl Habitat is an international
Sol..(a) Uttar Pradesh became the first treaty for the conservation and Q.1140. India's first 'Fire Park' was set
state to launch blockchain-enabled solar sustainable use of wetlands. It is named up at ______ in January 2021. SSC
power trading. It is a modal project after the city of Ramsar in Iran, where CHSL 12/04/21 (Evening)
which promotes peer-to-peer (P2P) solar the convention was signed in 1971. (a) Bhopal (b) Kolkata
trading. Solar power grids will be (c) Hyderabad (d) Bhubaneswar
installed on government buildings and
Q.1137. As per The Indian Tourism
transfer energy to neighboring Sol..(d) India's first 'Fire Park' was set up
Statistics (ITS) 2020, which Indian state
households and buildings. at Bhubaneswar in January 2021.
attracted the highest number of domestic
tourists in the country in 2019? SSC
Q.1134. In how many districts across all Q.1141. In February 2020, the Chief
CHSL 12/04/21(Morning)
the states of India was the third phase of Minister of Kerala launched a mobile
(a) Uttar Pradesh
‘Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana’ application named 'Yodhavu' (Warrior).
(b) Tamil Nadu
launched in January 2021? SSC CGL The purpose of this application is to
(c) Goa
24/08/21(Evening) compete with _______. SSC CHSL
(d) Meghalaya
(a) 600 (b) 409 13/04/21 (Morning)
(c) 567 (d) 189 (a) Trafficking of children
Sol..(a) Uttar Pradesh
(b) Drug menace (drug abuse and
Sol..(a) In 600 districts across all the distribution)
Q.1138. In which of the following states
states of India was the third phase of (c) terrorism
/ union territories has the Border Roads
‘Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana’ (d) molesting a woman
Organisation (BRO) constructed a
launched in January 2021. In this
440-m-long tunnel to boost the Char
scheme, ‘Skill India Mission’ model Sol..(b) Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan
Dham Project? SSC CHSL
training centers are established in launches ''Yodhavu'' mobile app, to
various districts of India. combat drug menace, through which the
(a) Uttarakhand
(b) Ladakh public can inform police about drug
Q.1135. Which of the following pairs of abuse and its distribution.
(c) Jammu and Kashmir
cities became a part of UNESCO's
(d) Himachal Pradesh
Creative Cities Network in 2019? SSC
Q.1142. The Innovation Festival 2020
CGL 24/08/21(Evening)
Sol..(a) The Border Roads Organisation was celebrated in which of the following
(a) Chennai and Varanasi
(BRO) has completed the construction of Indian cities? SSC CHSL 13/04/21
(b) Jaipur and Delhi
a 440 m long tunnel below the busy (Morning)
(c) Mumbai and Hyderabad
Chamba town on the Rishikesh-Dharasu (a) Mumbai (b) Bangalore
(d) Kolkata and Ujjain
road Highway (NH 94) in Uttarakhand. (c) Kolkata (d) Itanagar

Sol..(c) Mumbai and Hyderabad became Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Tunnel,
also known as Syama Tunnel, and Sol..(d) The ‘Innovation Festival’ kicked
a part of UNESCO's Creative Cities
formerly as Chenani-Nashri Tunnel, is off at the Science Centre in Itanagar,
Network in 2019. The common objective
India's longest road tunnel with a length Arunachal Pradesh. The aim of the
of these cities is placing creativity and
of 9.28 km (5.8 mi), and the country's festival is to foster the culture of
cultural industries at the heart of their
first tunnel with a fully integrated tunnel innovation among all people of the state,
development plans at the local level and
control system. It is located in Jammu especially in all the educational
cooperating actively at the international
level. and Kashmir, on National Highway 44. institutions.

Q.1136. Which of the following lakes of Q.1143. Which of the following states
Q.1139. Which was the first Union
Maharashtra has been included in the list has accorded industry status to sports?
Territory in India to be declared 100%
SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Evening) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

(a) Assam (b) Bihar Q.1147. Where was the headquarters of These are Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka,
(c) Manipur (d) Mizoram International Financial Services Centres Telangana, Maharashtra, Bihar, and
Authority (IFSCA) set up in India in Uttar Pradesh. The latest state to have a
Sol..(d) The Mizoram Cabinet has been April 2020? SSC CHSL 15/04/21 council is Telangana.
recently granted industry status to sports, (Evening)
amidst the gradual lifting of lock-down, (a) Bengaluru (b) Gandhinagar Q.1151. In which of the following states
following the sports policy in many (c) Mumbai (d) Bhopal was the ‘One District-One Product
countries. This decision is expected to scheme’ launched in January 2018? SSC
promote employment generation in the Sol..(b) The International Financial CHSL 16/04/21 (Afternoon)
state. This was announced by the state's Services Centres Authority (IFSCA) was (a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Bihar
Chief Minister Zoramthanga. established on April 27, 2020, under the (c) Rajasthan (d) Madhya Pradesh
International Financial Services Centres
Q.1144. As of the financial year Authority Act, 2019. It is headquartered Sol..(a) Uttar Pradesh launched ‘One
2017-18, which of the following was the at GIFT City, Gandhinagar in Gujarat. District-One Product scheme’.To
largest jowar producing state in India? encourage indigenous and specialized
SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Evening) Q.1148. Which of the following cities of products in the state, the UP government
(a) Maharashtra (b) Assam Madhya Pradesh were included in the has launched the One District One
(c) Punjab (d) Bihar list of UNESCO’s world heritage cities Product (ODOP) program which aims to
under its urban landscape city program create product-specific traditional
Sol.(a) As of the financial year, 2017-18, in December 2020? SSC CHSL 16/04/21 industrial hubs across 75 districts of UP.
Maharashtra was the largest ‘jowar’ (Morning)
producing state in India. Jowar is also (a) Bhopal and Ujjain Q.1152. Kumbh Mela 2021 organised at
known as Sorghum is a genus of about (b) Gwalior and Orchha ______. SSC CHSL 16/04/21
25 species of flowering plants in the (c) Satna and Bhopal (Afternoon)
grass family (Poaceae). Some of these (d) Ujjain and Satna (a) Ujjain (b) Haridwar
species are grown as cereals for human (c) Nashik (d) Prayagraj
consumption. Sol..(b) The historical fort cities of
Gwalior and Orchha in Madhya Pradesh Sol..(b) Kumbh Mela 2021 organised at
Q.1145. Which state tableau won the have been included in the list of Haridwar.The Maha Kumbh, a religious
first prize in the 71st Republic Day UNESCO's world heritage cities under congregation of Hindu seers and
parade? SSC CHSL 15/04/21 (Morning) its urban landscape city program. devotees, was held in the northern Indian
(a) Goa (b) Assam city of Haridwar. But the event is
(c) Karnataka (d) Tripura Q.1149. West Bengal's first oil and gas observed once every 12 years at each of
reserve - the Bengal Basin, dedicated to India’s four river-bank pilgrimage sites.
Sol..(b) Assam won the best state tableau the nation on 20 December 2020, is the
from among the 16 state tableaus that ______ oil and gas producing basin of Q.1153. Which of the following states
had participated in the 71st Republic India. SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Morning) was a major producer of jute in 2017-18
Day Parade at Rajpath. It was based on (a) sixth (b) seventh as per the Ministry of Textiles,
the ‘Land of Unique Craftsmanship and (c) eight (d) fifth Government of India? SSC CHSL
culture’. Odisha and UP tied for second. 16/04/21 (Afternoon)
Sol..(c) Union petroleum minister (a) Bihar (b) Telangana
Q.1146. Which of the following states Dharmendra Pradhan was on a three-day (c) Jharkhand (d) Chattisgarh
ranked second in Niti AAyog’s Export trip to the state where he dedicated the
Preparedness Index 2020? SSC CHSL eighth oil and gas producing basin to the Sol..(a) Bihar was a major producer of
15/04/21 (Afternoon) nation in Ashok Nagar, around 47 km jute in 2017-18 as per the Ministry of
(a) Kerala (b) Maharashtra from the state capital Kolkata. Textiles, Government of India. The
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Gujarat Ministry of Textiles is an Indian
Q.1150. As of January 2021, how many government national agency responsible
Sol..(b) According to the government states have the upper house called State for the formulation of policy, planning,
think tank's report, Gujarat has topped Legislative Council (Vidhan Parishad)? development, export promotion and
the Niti Aayog's Export Preparedness SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Morning) regulation of the textile industry in India.
Index 2020 followed by Maharashtra (a) Eight (b) Six
and Tamil Nadu in the second and third (c) Five (d) Seventh Q.1154. What is the state-wise
place respectively. representation of members from Gujarat
Sol..(b) As of January 2020, 6 out of 28 in Lok Sabha as of December 2020?
states have a State Legislative Council. SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Afternoon) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

(a) 19 (b) 14 pollinator species have been recorded in country and establishing India as a great
(c) 26 (d) 28 the park. sporting nation.

Sol..(c) There are 26 members of the Q.1158. In which of the following cities Q.1161. Where did Union Minister of
parliament from Gujarat in Lok Sabha as was the International Gita Mahotsav Earth Sciences Dr. Harsh Vardhan
of December 2020. Gujarat Legislative held in November December 2020? SSC virtually inaugurated India’s highest
Assembly or Gujarat Vidhan Sabha is CHSL 19/04/21 (Morning) Meteorological Centre? SSC CHSL
the unicameral legislature of the Indian (a) Mumbai (b) Amritsar 19/04/21 (Afternoon)
state of Gujarat, in the state capital (c) Kurukshetra (d) Patna (a) Shillong (b) Leh
Gandhinagar. (c) Guwahati (d) Shimla
Sol..(c) The International Gita Mahotsav
Q.1155. Which of the following states was held in Kurukshetra in November Sol..(b) Union Minister of Earth
has the highest entrepreneurial activity December 2020. The International Gita Sciences Dr. Harsh Vardhan virtually
in the infrastructure sector as per the Mahotsav is celebrated in India every inaugurated India’s highest
Economic Survey 2019-20? SSC CHSL year to commemorate the birth of Meteorological Centre in Leh in Ladakh.
16/04/21 (Evening) 'Srimad Bhagwat Gita', the sacred Ladakh governor : RK Mathur.
(a) Jharkhand (b) Uttar Pradesh scripture containing invaluable advice of
(c) Sikkim (d) Karnataka Lord Krishna that he offered to Arjuna. Q.1162. As of the financial year
2018-19, which of the following is the
Sol.(a) As per the Economic Survey Q.1159. In which of the following states largest raw jute producing state in India?
2019-20, the highest entrepreneurial will the 4th edition of Khelo India Youth SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Evening)
activity in the infrastructure sector is Games be held? SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (a) West Bengal (b) Nagaland
highest in the states of Jharkhand. (Morning) (c) Rajasthan (d) Bihar
Entrepreneurship is viewed as change, (a) Haryana (b) Chhattisgarh
generally entailing risk beyond what is (c) Bihar (d) Assam Sol..(a) The cultivation of Jute in India is
normally encountered in starting a mainly confined to the eastern states of
business, which may include other Sol.1159.(a) The 4th edition of the West Bengal, Bihar, Assam, and Odisha.
values than simply economic ones. Khelo India Youth Games will be held in Nearly 75 percent of the total raw jute is
Haryana. Khelo India Youth Games produced in West Bengal.
Q.1156. Where was the largest solar (KIYG), which means Play India Youth West Bengal CM: Mamata Banerjee(As
project namely ‘Provision of Solar Photo Games, held annually in January or of August 2021).
Voltaic Powerplant 1.5 MW’ under the February, are the national level West Bengal Governor: Jagdeep
‘Make in India’ initiative set up in multidisciplinary grassroot games in Dhankhar(As of August 2021).
November 2020? SSC CHSL 16/04/21 India held for two categories, namely
(Evening) under-17 years school students and Q.1163. Kabartal Wetland was
(a) Shimla (b) Leh under-21 college students. designated as a Ramsar site in 2020. In
(c) Manali (d) Gulmarg which of the following states is it
Q.1160. Where has Kiren Rijiju, Union located? SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Morning)
Sol..(b) The Union Territory of Ladakh Minister for Youth and Sports, launched (a) Haryana (b) Bihar
has got the largest solar power project the Assam Rifles Public School as the (c) Himachal Pradesh (d) Punjab
set up under the Centre’s first sports school announced under
'Make In India' initiative at Leh IAF Khelo India Scheme? SSC CHSL Sol..(b) Kabartal Wetland, was
station to provide sustainable energy 19/04/21 (Afternoon) designated as a Ramsar site in 2020,
alternative to fossil fuel and traditional (a) Guwahati (b) Nagaon located in Bihar. The total number of
methods of energy generation. (c) Shillong (d) Dispur Ramsar sites in India is 39, the highest in
South Asia. The Ramsar Convention on
Q.1157. In which of the following states Sol..(c) Kiren Rijiju, Union Minister for Wetlands is an international treaty for
is India's first pollinator park located? Youth and Sports has launched the “the conservation and sustainable use of
SSC CHSL 16/04/21 (Evening) Assam Rifles Public School in Shillong wetlands”. It is also known as the
(a) Assam (b) Uttarakhand as the first sports school announced Convention on Wetlands.
(c) Kerala (d) Odisha under Khelo India Scheme.The Khelo
India program has been introduced to Q.1164. In which of the following states
Sol..(b) India's first pollinator park, revive the sports culture in india at the did the Land Grabbing (Prohibition) Act,
established in Haldwani in the Nainital grassroot level by building a strong 2020 come into force in December
district in Uttarakhand. More than 40 framework for all sports played in our 2020? SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Morning)
(a) Punjab Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

(b) Maharashtra 2020. The Plant will not only process PM Narendra Modi in November 2020?
(c) Gujarat ginger but also help in preparing SSC CHSL 10/8/2021 (Afternoon)
(d) Madhya Pradesh products like waxed ginger, ginger paste, (a) Agra (b) Varanasi
ginger powder, ginger flakes, ginger oil, (c) Mathura (d) Prayagraj
Sol..(c) Gujarat did the Land etc.
Grabbing (Prohibition) Act, 2020 come Sol..(b) The Prime Minister participated
into force in December 2020. The law Q.1168. In which of the following in Dev Deepawali Mahotsav in Varanasi,
seeks to protect small farmers and districts was Telangana’s first rescue and Uttar Pradesh. It is known as Dev
citizens against land- grabbing through rehabilitation centre for monkeys, Deepawali because it was the day that
the establishment of committees and launched in December 2020? SSC the devas celebrated Deepawali after
special courts in each district. CHSL 05/08/21 (Morning) Lord Shiva defeated the asuras. Lord
(a) Narayanpet (b) Nirmal Shiva primarily defeated the asura
Q.1165. Which of the following state (c) Mulugu (d) Adilabad Tripurasura and that is why it is also
governments unveiled a Braille version referred to as Tripurotsav.
of the Constitution of India in January Sol..(b) The first rescue and
2021? SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Morning) rehabilitation center for monkeys was Q.1172. Which of the following states
(a) Haryana (b) Andhra Pradesh launched in Telangana's northern district launched India's and South-Asia's first
(c) Punjab (d) Maharashtra of Nirmal. The forest department has set blockchain-enabled rooftop solar trading
up a campus in Chincholi village for platform in December 2020? SSC CHSL
Sol..(d) Maharashtra state governments housing up to 200 monkeys for a period 10/8/2021 (Evening)
unveiled a Braille version of the of 10 to 15 days, after which they will be (a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Gujarat
Constitution of India in January 2021. released in forest areas. (c) Rajasthan (d) Madhya Pradesh
The Braille version of the Constitution
has been prepared on behalf of Q.1169. Which Indian state was the Sol..(a) Uttar Pradesh has become the
Thane-based NGO Astitva Foundation. highest contributor to Food Corporation first state to launch blockchain-enabled
of India (FCI)’s total paddy procurement solar power trading in India and South
across the country till May 2020? SSC
Q.1166. In which of the following cities Asia in a project led by India Smart Grid
CHSL 6/8/2021 (Morning)
was India's first indigenously designed (a) Telangana (b) Uttar Pradesh Forum (ISGF) with Australian
and developed driverless metro car (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Punjab technology company Power Ledger.
unveiled in January 2021? SSC CHSL
04/08/21 (Evening) Sol..(a) Telangana was the highest Q.1173. Who is the Governor of the state
(a) Delhi (b) Chennai contributor to the Food Corporation of of Chhattisgarh as of May 2020? SSC
(c) Kolkata (d) Bengaluru India (FCI)’s total paddy procurement CHSL 10/8/2021 (Evening)
across the country till May 2020. The (a) Bhupesh Baghel
Sol..(d) Union Defence Minister, state contributed 63 percent of Food (b) Anusuiya Uikey
Rajnath Singh has unveiled India’s first Corporation of India (FCI)'s total paddy (c) Phagu Chauhan
‘Driverless Metro Car’ on 15 January procurement across the country. (d) Ramesh Bais
2021 during a function held at BEML’s
Bangalore Complex. Driverless metro Q.1170. As of January 2021, more than Sol..(b) Anusuiya Uikey is a politician
cars, being manufactured at the 93% of India’s chromite resources were and currently serving as the governor of
located in: SSC CHSL 6/8/2021
company's Bangalore Complex, are Chhattisgarh.
made up of stainless-steel bodies with a (a) Odisha (b) Jharkhand
capacity of carrying 2280 passengers in (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Karnataka Q.1174. In December 2020, the Chief
a six-car Metro train set. Minister of ______ announced that
Sol..(a) More than 93% of chromite India's biggest hockey
Q.1167. In which of the following North resources are located in Odisha, mostly stadium is being set up in the state. SSC
Eastern states is the first-ever specialized in the Sukinda valley in Cuttack and CHSL 10/8/2021 (Evening)
‘Ginger’ Processing Plant being revived Jajpur districts. Minor deposits are (a) Telangana (b) Odisha
in December 2020? SSC CHSL 05/08/21 scattered over Manipur, Nagaland, (c) West Bengal (d) Andhra Pradesh
(Morning) Karnataka, Jharkhand, Maharashtra,
(a) Mizoram (b) Assam Tamil Nadu, Telangana and Andhra Sol..(b) The Birsa Munda International
(c) Sikkim (d) Meghalaya Pradesh. Hockey Stadium is set to be opened by
July 2022 at Rourkela in Sundargarh
Sol..(d) North East's first-ever Q.1171. Where was ‘Dev Deepawali district, Odisha. It will be India's largest
specialized "Ginger" Processing Plant in Mahotsav’ celebrated in the presence of hockey stadium and will co-host the
Meghalaya is being revived in December Men's Hockey World Cup 2023. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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Q.1175. In which of the following states Sol..(d) Chennai was included in the September) released draft India Cooling
was the Monpa handmade paper making UNESCO Creative Cities Network for Action Plan (ICAP). It makes India the
unit inaugurated in December 2020? its contribution to music in November first country in the world to develop
SSC CHSL 11/8/2021 (Afternoon) 2017. Chennai became the third Indian such a document. It was launched on 8th
(a) Tripura (b) Assam city on the UNESCO Creative Cities list March.
(c) Arunachal Pradesh (d) Manipur after Jaipur and Varanasi.
Q.1182. _____is a support scheme of
Sol..(c) The Monpa handmade Q.1179. Which of the following states of Odisha whose primary targets are small
paper-making unit was inaugurated in India became the first state to have a farmers, cultivators and landless
December 2020 in Arunachal Pradesh. Tsunami Ready village as of August agricultural labourers.
The art of making Monpa handmade 2020? SSC MTS 27/10/2021 (Morning) SSC CPO 12/03/2019 (Evening)
paper originated over 1000 years ago. (a) Tamil Nadu (b) Odisha (a) Aahar Yojana
Gradually the art became an integral part (c) Kerala (d) Gujarat (b) Asha Assistance for Livelihood and
of local custom and culture in Tawang in Income Augmentation(AALIA)
Arunachal Pradesh. Sol..(b) Noliasahi and Venkatraipur (c) Krushak Assistance for Livelihood
villages in Odisha have been declared and Income Augmentation(KALIA)
“Tsunami Ready '' as part of a (d) Khushi Scheme
Q.1176. Which of the following states
had an Upper House in the state UNESCO-implemented program. Most
Sol..(c) The government of Odisha has
legislature as of 31 July 2020? SSC tsunamis are caused by earthquakes on
launched the Krushak Assistance for
MTS 05/10/21(Evening) convergent tectonic plate boundaries.
Livelihood and Income Augmentation
(a) Assam (b) Punjab
(KALIA) scheme, which would benefit
(c) Kerala (d) Karnataka Q.1180. What is the strength of
about 92% of the farmers in the State.
Maharashtra in the Lok Sabha as of
The government has earmarked Rs
Sol..(d) Karnataka had an Upper House September 2020? SSC MTS 2/1/2021
10,180 Crore for KALIA in 3 years. The
in the state legislature as of 31 July (Evening)
scheme will provide financial,
2020. Karnataka is one of the six states (a) 48 (b) 35
livelihood, cultivation support along
in India, where the state legislature is (c) 56 (d) 39
with insurance support to small,
bicameral, comprising two houses: the
marginal and landless farmers.
Vidhan Sabha (Legislative Assembly), Sol..(a) The strength of Maharashtra in
and the Vidhan Parishad (Legislative the Lok Sabha as of September 2020
Q.1183. Tripura Chief
Council). The Karnataka Legislative was 48. The Parliament has a sanctioned Minister_____launched the Sustainable
Council is a permanent body comprising strength of 543 in Lok Sabha and 245 in Catchment Forest
75 members. Other bicameral states are Rajya Sabha including the 12 nominees Management(SCATFORM) project.
Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra,
from the expertise of different fields of SSC CPO 13/03/2019 (Morning)
Telangana, and Uttar Pradesh.
science, culture, art, and history. The (a)Bhupesh Baghel
maximum membership of the House (b)Nitish Kumar
Q.1177. Which Indian state recorded the
allotted by the Constitution of India is (c)Biplab Kumar Deb
highest GST revenue collection for
550. (d)Pema Khandu
December 2019? SSC MTS 07/10/21
SCHEMES & PROJECTS Sol..(c) Tripura Chief Minister Biplab
(a) Gujarat (b) Punjab
Kumar Deb launched a1000 crore
(c) Karnataka (d) Maharashtra
Q.1181. In 2019, Harsh Vardhan, the project for Sustainable Catchment Forest
union minister for Environment , Forest Management Project. The project is
Sol..(d) Maharashtra recorded the
and Climate Change launched the India jointly funded by the Japan International
highest GST revenue collection for
Cooling Action Plan (ICAP). On which Cooperation Agency (JICA) and
December 2019.
day was ICAP released? Government of India. The SCATFORM
CGL 11th June 2019 (Evening) project has got provisions to build 1,447
Q.1178. Which Indian city was included
(a) 15 February check dams in hilly terrains of Tripura.
in the UNESCO Creative Cities Network
(b) 26 January
for its contribution to music in
(c) 27 February Q.1184. The world’s largest mobile
November 2017? SSC MTS
(d) 8 March phone factory was set up in_____under
the Indian Government’s ‘Make in India’
(a) Nagpur (b) Vadodara
Sol..(d) Union Ministry of Environment, initiative.
(c) Bengaluru (d) Chennai
Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC) SSC CPO 15/03/19 (Morning)
on the eve of World Ozone Day (16th (a) Hyderabad Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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(b) Noida Income Tax Department To Increase The after they attain the age of 60. The
(c) Amravati Efficiency Of The Income Tax scheme has been named as the Pradhan
(d) Sanand Administration System In The Country. Mantri ________.
SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Evening) CHSL 10 JULY 2019 (Afternoon)
Sol.(b) Samsung opened the world's (A) Integrated E-filing And Centralized (a) Suraksha Bima Yojana
largest mobile factory, in India. The Processing Centre 2.0 (b) Shram Yogi Maan-dhan Yojana
Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, (B) Innovative E-filing And Centralized (c) Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana
and the President of the Republic of Processing Centre 2.0 (d) Vishwakarma Shram Samman
Korea, Moon Jae-in inaugurated the new (C) Enhanced E-filing And Centralized Yojana
mobile phone manufacturing facility in Processing Centre 2.0
Noida, Uttar Pradesh. (D) Interdisciplinary E-filing And Sol..(b) In the Interim Budget of 2019,
Centralized Processing Centre 2.0 the Union Government launched a
Q.1185. The Sbi_____________ minimum assured pension scheme for
Recommends The Government To Opt Sol..(a) The Union Government Has those working in the unorganised sector,
For The Unconditional Cash Transfer To Approved The Project Integrated after they attain the age of 60. The
Farmers To Alleviate Agrarian Distress E-filing And Centralized Processing scheme has been named as the Pradhan
Rather Than Universal Basic Income Centre 2.0 of Income Tax Department To Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan Yojana.
(Ubi) Scheme. Increase The Efficiency Of The Income
CPO 14/03/2019 (Evening) Tax Administration System In The Q.1191. The Election Commission of
(a) Ecocash (b) Ecowrap Country. India recently launched a mobile app for
(c) Ecoloss (d) Ecotransfer enabling citizens to report model code of
Q.1188. What is the amount of minimum conduct and Expenditure violations
Sol..(b) The SBI Ecowrap report assured monthly pension payable under during the elections. The app has been
recommends the government to opt for the Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi named as:
the unconditional cash transfer to Maan-dhan (PM-SYM) scheme of the SSC CHSL 10/7/2019 (Evening)
farmers to alleviate agrarian distress Government of India? (a) iElect
rather than Universal Basic Income SSC CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening) (b) cVigil
Scheme. (a)Rs 2000 (b)Rs 1000 (c) iMonitor
(c)Rs 4000 (d)Rs 3000 (d) Samadhan
Q.1186. ______________ Is Not A
Workable Scheme At National Scheme, Sol..(d) Each subscriber under the Sol..(b) The Election Commission of
As Many States, Including Bihar, PM-SYM, will receive minimum India launched cVigil mobile app in july
Jharkhand, Gujarat And Tamil Nadu, Do assured pension of Rs 3000/- per 2018 for enabling citizens to report
Not Have Fully Digitised Land Records. month after attaining the age of 60 years. model code of conduct and Expenditure
SSC CPO 14/03/2019 (Evening) violations during the elections.
(A) Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana Q.1189. As of April 2019, who is the
(B) Antyodaya Anna Yojana Chairman of the joint working group of Q.1192. The Pradhan Mantri Kisan
(C) Rythu Bandhu Yojana IRDA and NHA, formed to curb fraud in Samman Nidhi scheme, announced in
(D) Jago Grahak Jago the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri the Interim Budget 2019, aims at:
Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY)? SSC CHSL 10/7/2019 (Evening)
Sol..(c) Rythu Bandhu scheme also SSC CHSL 9 JULY 2019 (afternoon) (a) providing life insurance for small and
Farmers’ Investment Support Scheme (a) Dinesh Arora marginal farmers
(FISS) is a welfare program to support (b) Indu Bhushan (b) ensuring effective implementation of
farmer’s investment for two crops a year (c) Subhash C. Khuntia minimum support prices for the edible
by the Government of Telangana.The (d) Nilesh Sathe crops
government is providing 58.33 lakh (c) providing medical insurance for
farmers, ₹4000 per acre per season to Sol:.(a) Dinesh Arora is the Chairman of small farmers families
support the farm investment, twice a the joint working group of IRDA and (d) ensuring minimum income for
year, for rabi and kharif seasons.This is a NHA formed to curb fraud in the farmers families who own up to two
first direct farmer investment support Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan hectare of cultivable land
scheme in India, where the cash is paid Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY).
directly Sol..(a) In this scheme, Rs 6,000 per
Q.1190. In the Interim Budget of 2019, year will be paid to each eligible farmer
Q.1187. The Union Government Has the Union Government launched a in three instalments and will be
Approved The Project __________ Of minimum assured pension scheme for deposited directly to their bank accounts.
those working in the unorganised sector, Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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Q.1193. Which of the following the Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for
decisions was taken in the first cabinet Micro and small Enterprises Q.1199. In which state has the Khadi and
meeting of the Narendra Modi 2.0 Village Industries Commission (KVIC)
Government? Q.1196. In October 2019, RBI gave its opened the first silk processing plant?
SSC CHSL 11/7/2019 (Afternoon) approval to the Government Of 3-3-2020 (Afternoon)
(a) EXpansion of Ayushman Bharat ________ to create a new bank by (a) Maharashtra (b) Tamil nadu
Program amalgamating the District Co-operative (c) Karnataka (d) Gujarat
(b) Scholarship to wards of martyred banks (DCBs) with its State
state police officials Co-operative Bank Sol..(d) Khadi and Village Industries
(c) Disinvestment of 10 key PSUs SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning) Commission (KVIC) inaugurated the
(d) Announcement of new employment (a) Kerala (b) Maharashtra first silk processing plant at
policy (c) Gujarat (d) West Bengal Surendranagar in Gujarat to increase the
demand of Silk for Patola saree.
Sol..(b) On assuming office, the first Sol..(a) RBI gave its approval to the
decision that PM Narendra Modi took Government Of Kerala Government to Q.1200. Who among the following is the
was approval to a major change in the create a new bank by amalgamating the head of the standing committee on
Prime Minister's Scholarship Scheme District Co-operative banks (DCBs) with economic statistics set up by the
under the National Defence Fund its State Co-operative Bank Ministry of Statistics and Programme
including enhanced scholarships for Implementation (MOSPI)?
wards of police personnel martyred in Q.1197. In February 2019, India signed a CGL 6-03-2020 (Evening)
terror or Maoist attacks." letter of intent with____ to fight marine (a) Pronab Sen
pollution. (b) Manmohan Singh
Q.1194. In june 2019, which Ministry SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening) (c) Krishnamurthy Subramanian
was created by merging the Ministry of (a) Denmark (b) Bhutan (d) Raghuram Rajan
Water Resources, River Development (c) Norway (d) Cambodia
and Ganga Rejuvenation and the Sol..(a) A 28 member Standing
Ministry of Drinking Water and Sol..(c) India and Norway signed a letter Committee on Statistics chaired by
Sanitation? of Intent for establishing the former Chief Statistician Pronab Sen
SSC CHSL 11/7/2019 (Evening) India-Norway Marine Pollution was constituted. A high-level panel
(a) Jai Jeevan (b) Jai Nidhi Initiative.In January, 2019, the Indian under India's first chief statistician
(c) Jai Shakti (d) Jal Sangrah and Norwegian governments agreed to Pronab Sen will review and develop the
work more closely on oceans by signing country's surveys on employment,
Sol..(c) Jal shakti Ministry was created a MoU and establishing the industry and services sector amid
by merging the Ministry of Water India-Norway Ocean Dialogue during criticism of official statistics.
Resources, River Development and the Norwegian Prime Minister’s visit to
Ganga Rejuvenation and the Ministry of India in January. Q.1201. Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Yojana
Drinking Water and Sanitation in june offers a protection term insurance cover
2019 .Gajendra singh shekhawat is the Q.1198. India's first indigenously of____ to the insurer.
minister of jal shakti ministry. developed payment ecosystem for CGL 7-03-2020 (Morning)
transport, based on National Common (a) 5 lakh (b)2 lakh
Q.1195. As of October 2019, what is the Mobility Card (NCMC) standards, was (c) 8 lakh (d)4 lakh
maximum amount of loan granted by a launched in :
scheduled commercial bank that is SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) Sol..(b) PMJJBY is a pure term
covered under the Credit Guarantee (a) March 2018 insurance policy which covers only
Fund Scheme for Micro and small (b) March 2016 mortality with no investment component
Enterprises? (c) March 2019 and has a life cover of Rs. 2 lakh.
SSC CPO 9/12/19 (Morning) (d) March 2017 Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima
(a) Rs50 lakh Yojana (PMJJBY) is a one-year life
(b) Rs200 lakh Sol..(c) National Common Mobility insurance scheme, renewable from year
(c) Rs100 lakh Card, is an inter-operable transport card to year, offering coverage for death.
(d) Rs150 lakh conceived by the Ministry of Housing
and Urban Affairs of the Government of Q.1202. As of January 2020, the Make
Sol..(b) 200 lakh is the maximum India. It was launched on 4 March 2019. in India program was implemented by
amount of loan granted by a scheduled The transport card enables the user to the_____.
commercial bank that is covered under pay for travel, toll duties, retail CGL 7-03-2020 (Evening)
shopping, and withdraw money. (a) Ministry of Science and Technology Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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(b) Ministry of Commerce and Industry (a)Ministry of Human Resource guaranteed payout of pension at a
(c) Ministry of Heavy Industries and Development specified rate for 10 years. It also offers
Public Enterprises (b)Ministry of Women and Child a death benefit in the form of return of
(d) Ministry of Shipping Development purchase price to the nominee.
(c)Ministry of Health and Family
Sol..(b) The aim of the Make in India Welfare Q.1208. Atal Bhujal Yojana (ABY) is
initiative is to attract investments from (d)Ministry of Rural Development related to _____________.
across the globe and strengthen India's CHSL 17-03-2020 (Evening)
manufacturing sector. It is being led by Sol..(d) For coordinated and convergent (a) ground water
the Department of Industrial Policy and efforts needed to ensure survival, (b) climate change
Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of protection and empowerment of the girl (c) organic farming
Commerce and Industry, Government of child, the Government has launched the (d) employment
India. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao(BBBP) on
22nd January, 2015 at Panipat in Sol..(a) Atal Bhujal Yojana is a
Q.1203. Who launched the first phase of Haryana. It is a tri-ministerial effort of groundwater management scheme
the Mumbai Trans Harbour Ministries of Women and Child launched in 2019 to improve
Link(MTHL) on 15th January 2020? Development, Health & Family Welfare groundwater management in seven states
CGL 9-03-2020 (Morning) and Human Resource Development. of India.
(a) Uddhav Thackeray
(b) Narendra Modi Q.1206. The Government of India Q.1209. Under which of the following
(c) Ajit PAwar launched the____Initiative on 16 schemes has the Government of India set
(d) Devendra Fadnavis January 2016, with the objective of up a new institution for development and
supporting entrepreneurs, building a refinancing activities related to micro
Sol..(b) Marking a significant milestone, robust start-up ecosystem and units?
on 15th january, 2020, Chief Minister transforming India into a country of job SSC CHSL 18-03-2020 (Morning)
Uddhav Thackeray launched the first creators instead of job seekers. (a) Pradhan Mantri Yojna
girder for the Mumbai Trans Harbour CGL 9-03-2020 (Evening) (b) Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana
Link (MTHL) mega project. (a) Skill India (c) Pradhan Mantri Sadak Yojana
(b) Empower India (d) Pradhan Mantri MNREGA Yojana
Q.1204. In July 2019, which of the (c) Start-up India
following schemes was launched to (d) Digital India Sol..(b) Pradhan Mantri MUDRA
accelerate water harvesting and Yojana is a scheme launched by the
conservation measures? Sol.(c) Startup India is a flagship Hon’ble Prime Minister for providing
CGL 9-03-2020 (Afternoon) initiative of the Government of India, loans upto Rs. 10 lakh to the
(a) Jal Shakti Abhiyan intended to build a strong eco-system for non-corporate, non-farm small/micro
(b) Jal Bachao Abhiyan nurturing innovation and Startups in the enterprises. These loans are given by
(c) Jal hi dhan hai Abhiyan country that will drive sustainable Commercial Banks, RRBs, Small
(d) Jal Vikas Abhiyan economic growth and generate large Finance Banks, MFIs and NBFCs.
scale employment opportunities. The MUDRA has created three products
Sol..(a) 'Jal Shakti Abhiyan' was Government through this initiative aims namely ‘Shishu’, ‘Kishore’ and ‘Tarun’
launched in July 2019 to accelerate to empower Startups to grow through to signify the stage of
water harvesting and conservation innovation and design. growth/development and funding needs
measures. It focuses on five aspects - of the beneficiary micro unit and also
water conservation and rainwater Q.1207. Which of the following is a provide a reference point for the next
harvesting, renovation of traditional and pension scheme introduced by the phase of growth.
other water bodies, reuse of water and Government of India
recharging of structures, watershed exclusively for senior citizens in May Q.1210. On 30 October 2019, CBSE and
development, and intensive 2017? NCERT, New Delhi developed an
afforestation, Drinking Water Sanitation. CHSL 17-3-2020 (Morning) Aptitude Test for Senior School
(a) PMGAY (b) PMVVY Students. What is the name of that test?
Q.1205. Which of the following (c) PMMVY (d) PMGSY SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Morning)
ministries is NOT associated with the (a) Akanksha (b) Udaan
initiative of Beti BAchao, BEti Padhao Sol..(b) Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana (c) Tamanna (d) Lakshya
Scheme? Yojana pension scheme meant for senior
CGL 9-03-2020 (Afternoon) citizens is offered by the Life Insurance Sol..(c) On 30 October 2019, CBSE
Corporation of India which gives a and NCERT, New Delhi developed an Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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Aptitude Test for Senior School Students Sol..(b) Campaign Angikaar:It has been Q.1216. The ‘Namami Gange
of class 9th and 10th called Tamanna. launched by the Ministry of Housing and Programme’ is an Integrated
Urban Affairs for social behaviour Conservation Mission approved by the
Q.1211. In January 2020, the Yashaswini change, focusing on issues such as water Union Government in:
Scheme for Women Entrepreneurship & energy conservation, waste CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning)
was launched management, health, tree plantation, (a) October 2013
in Goa. The scheme aims to support sanitation and hygiene for beneficiaries (b) January 2014
female Self Help Groups (SHGs) with of completed houses under Pradhan (c) June 2014
interest-free loans up to: Mantri Awas Yojana. (d) April 2013
SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Afternoon) E-course on Vulnerability Atlas:
(a) ₹50 lakh (b) ₹10 lakh A unique course that offers awareness Sol.(c) 'Namami Gange Programme', is
(c) ₹1 lakh (d) ₹5 lakh and understanding about natural hazards, an Integrated Conservation Mission,
helps identify regions with high approved as a 'Flagship Programme' by
Sol..(d) Under the Yashaswini scheme, vulnerability with respect to various the Union Government in June 2014
the state government of Goa will provide hazards and specifies district-wise level with a budget outlay of Rs. 20,000 Crore
interest-free loans up to Rs. 5 lakh to of damage risks to the existing housing to accomplish the twin objectives of
women SHGs. The tenure of the loan stock. effective abatement of pollution,
will be 5 years. The loan amount will be conservation and rejuvenation of
paid in a total of 4 installments. The Q.1214. On 14 January 2020, with National River Ganga.
repayment of the loan will begin from which Indian bank did the South-Central
the second year. Railway sign an MoU to implement Q.1217. In 2019, the Export Credit
door-step banking at 585 railway Guarantee Corporation of India (ECGC)
Q.1212. The State Government of Goa stations? has introduced the Export Credit
launched the ‘Swasthya Sakhi Project’ in SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Morning) Insurance Scheme(ECIS) called ______.
January 2020 to ensure the: (a) Punjab National Bank SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Morning)
SSC CHSL 15-10-2020 (Morning) (b) HDFC (a) NIRVAY
(a) overall health of new-born children (c) Syndicate Bank (b) NIRANKUSH
(b) overall health of new-born female (d) State Bank of India (c) NIRUKT
children (d) NIRVIK
(c) wellness and welfare of women Sol..(d) On 14 January 2020, the
(d) wellness and welfare of rural men or South-Central Railway signed an MoU Sol..(d) NIRVIK(Niryat Rin Vikas
women with State Bank of India to implement Yojna) is a government scheme to
door-step banking at 585 railway enhance the loan availability and
Sol..(c) The Swasthya Sakhi Project stations smoothening the lending process.
aims to ensure the wellness and welfare
of women, especially during pregnancy. Q.1215. The Union Minister for Health Q.1218. ‘Udyam Abhilasha’ is a
It aims to provide a healthy lifestyle, and Family Welfare launched a national level entrepreneurship
which will benefit both mother and campaign to reduce child awareness campaign launched by which
child. Under this project, the Goa state mortality due to pneumonia in among the following in 2018 ?
government will provide a diagnostic kit November 2019. What is the name of SSC CPO 23-11-2020 (Evening)
to the healthcare workers to enable them that campaign? (a) Arunachal Pradesh Rural Bank
to provide basic diagnostic services to SSC CHSL 21-10-2020 (Evening) (b) SIDBI
the people in the state at their doorsteps. (a) BACHPAN (c) NABARD
(b) MUSKAN (d) UCO Bank
Q.1213. Which of the following (c) SAANS
ministries launched the two campaigns, (d) JEEVAN Sol..(b) SIDBI(Small Industries
named Angikaar and E- course? Development Bank of India) has
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon) Sol..(c) The Union Minister for Health launched a national level
(a) Ministry of Women and Child and Family Welfare launched a entrepreneurship awareness campaign in
Development campaign SAANS (Social Awareness 115 districts selected by NITI Aayog.
(b) Ministry of Housing and Urban and Action to Neutralise Pneumonia
Affairs Successfully’ to reduce child mortality Q.1219. ‘Shishu’ ‘Kishore’ and ‘Tarun’
(c) Ministry of Human Resource and due to pneumonia in November 2019. are the types of loans under:
Development SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Morning)
(d) Ministry of Home Affairs (a) Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Protsahan
Yojna Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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(b) Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (d) Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ (b) Goa
(c) Atal Pension Yojna Welfare (c) Delhi
(d) Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima (d) Chandigarh
Yojana Sol..(c) Ministry of Panchayati Raj is the
nodal ministry for implementation of the Sol..(c) The Fellowship scheme was
Sol..(b) Micro Units Development and ‘SVAMITVA’ scheme launched in 2020. launched in Delhi with the objective of
Refinance Agency (MUDRA) Loan Survey of Villages Abadi & Mapping giving artists an opportunity to showcase
Scheme under Pradhan Mantri Mudra with Improvised Technology in Village their craft. This fellowship has been
Yojana is an initiative by the government Areas (SVAMITVA) Scheme is a Central started by Sahitya Kala Parishad under
to offer loans under 3 schemes Shishu, Sector scheme launched by Hon'ble the Department of Arts, Culture, and
Kishore and Tarun. The maximum loan Prime Minister of India on National Languages of the Delhi government and
amount offered under the MUDRA Panchayat Day. will be given to artists from diverse
scheme is 10 lakhs. backgrounds including singers, dancers,
Q.1223. Which of the following states and hip-hop artists.
Q.1220. Name the scheme launched by launched the scheme ‘Sujal - Drink from
the Government of India In 2015-16 Tap Mission’ that aims to provide Q.1226. In which of the following years
with an aim to ensure water security quality drinking water directly from tap was the micro-credit scheme ‘Street
through per capita availability of water to all households in urban areas? SSC Vendor's AtmaNirbhar Nidhi’ (‘PM
in the country. CGL 18/08/21(Evening) SVANidhi’) launched? SSC CGL
SSC CPO 25-11-2020 (Evening) (a) Odisha (b) Uttar Pradesh 23/08/21(Morning)
(a) Namami Ganga (c) West Bengal (d) Bihar (a) 2017 (b) 2020
(b) Atal Bhujal Yojana (c) 2014 (d) 2015
(c) Jal Kranti Abhiyan Sol..(a) Odisha has launched the scheme
(d) Polavaram Project ‘Sujal - Drink from Tap Mission’. The Sol..(b) In 2020, the micro-credit scheme
scheme will help prevent the generation PM SVANidhi was launched. Under this
Sol..(c) Jal Kranti Abhiyan was launched of 400 metric tonnes of plastic waste scheme, a loan of Rs 10,000 with a low
by the Government of India on 5 June since visitors to the city would no longer rate of interest has been provided to the
2015-16 with an aim to ensure water need to carry plastic bottles around and street vendors for one year.
security through per capita availability can drink water directly from the 400
of water in the country. fountains set up in the city, 120 of them Q.1227. In January 2018, the
on the Grand Road (where the famous Government of India and NITI Aayog
Q.1221. In 2020, Kolkata Port Trust was Rath Yatra takes place) alone. launched the ‘Transformation of
renamed as ______. SSC CGL Aspirational Districts’ initiative with a
18/08/21(Afternoon) Q.1224. Mukhyamantri Bagayat Vikas vision to improve India's ranking under
(a) Syama Prasad Mookerjee Trust Mission (Horticulture Development the Human Development Index by
(b) Ramakrishna Trust Mission) scheme was launched by which 2022. Which of the following is NOT
(c) Sri Aurobindo Trust of the following state governments in one of the program’s core areas of
(d) Subhash Chandra Bose Trust January 2021? SSC CGL focus? SSC CGL 23/08/21(Afternoon)
23/08/21(Morning) (a) Health and nutrition
Sol..(a) In 2020, Kolkata Port Trust was (a) Gujarat (b) Maharashtra (b) Education
renamed Syama Prasad Mookerjee Trust. (c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Bihar (c) Industry and innovation
Kolkata Port is the only riverine major (d) Agriculture and water resources
port of India, located in the city of Sol..(a) Mukhyamantri Bagayat Vikas
Kolkata, West Bengal, around 203 km Mission scheme was launched by Sol..(c) In January 2018, the
from the sea. It is also the oldest port Gujarat in January 2021. The main aim Government of India and NITI Aayog
operating in India. of this Abhiyan is to promote launched the ‘Transformation of
agriculture, horticulture, and cultivation Aspirational Districts’ initiative with a
Q.1222. Which of the following is the of herbal plants. vision to improve India's ranking under
nodal ministry for implementation of the the Human Development Index by 2022.
‘SVAMITVA’ scheme launched in 2020? Q.1225. At which of the following Industry and innovation are NOT one of
SSC CGL 18/08/21(Afternoon) places was the ‘Street Theatre and the program’s core areas of focus.
(a) Ministry of Urban and Rural Performing Arts Fellowship’ scheme
Development launched in January 2021 to give artists Q.1228. Which helpline was launched
(b) Ministry of Education an opportunity to showcase their craft? by the Ministry of Social Justice &
(c) Ministry of Panchayati Raj SSC CGL 23/08/21(Morning) Empowerment in September 2020? SSC
(a) Haryana CHSL 12/04/21(Morning) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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(a) ASHA (c) National Defence Management

(b) SUBAH Q.1232. Which of the following Authority
(c) KIRAN government schemes was launched with (d) Native Defence Management
(d) UMMID the objective of achieving inclusive Authority
growth, by developing the skills and
Sol..(c) KIRAN productive capacity of the rural youth Sol..(a) National Disaster Management
from poor families? SSC CHSL Authority (NDMA) is an agency of the
Q.1229. Which of the following state 13/04/21 (Evening) Ministry of Home Affairs whose
governments launched the 'Digital Seva (a) Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay primary purpose is to coordinate the
Setu Programme' for rural areas in Shramev Jayate Yojana (PDUSJY) response to natural or man-made
October 2020? SSC CHSL 12/04/21 (b) Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen disasters. NDMA was established
(Evening) Kaushalya Yojana (DDUGKY) through the Disaster Management Act
(a) Gujarat (b) Uttar Pradesh (c) Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti enacted by the Government of India on
(c) Bihar (d) Maharashtra Yojana (DDUGJY) 23 December 2005.
(d) Mission Indradhanush
Sol..(a) 'Digital Seva Setu Programme' Q.1235. With which of the following
for rural areas in October 2020 was Sol..(b) The government scheme: ‘Deen banks has the Government of India
launched by Gujarat. Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya signed a $500 million project to build
Yojana (DDUGKY)’ was launched with safe and green national highway
Q.1230. As of 30 April 2020, the annual the objective of achieving inclusive corridors in Rajasthan, Himachal
entitlement to eligible farmers under the growth, by developing the skills and Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Uttar
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi productive capacity of the rural youth Pradesh? SSC CHSL 19/04/21
(PM-KISAN) scheme was: SSC CHSL from poor families. (Morning)
13/04/21 (Morning) (a) IMF (b) ADB
(a) ₹6,000 (b) ₹5,000 Q.1233. In September 2020, an MoU (c) AIIB (d) World Bank
(c) ₹7,000 (d) ₹3,000 was signed between the Ministry of
AYUSH and the Ministry of Women and Sol..(d) World Bank has the Government
Sol..(a) The PM Kisan Yojana came into Child Development for controlling: SSC of India signed a $500 million project to
effect from December 1, 2018. It was CHSL 15/04/21 (Evening) build safe and green national highway
launched by prime minister Narendra (a) coronavirus (b) malnutrition corridors in Rajasthan, Himachal
Modi-led government. Under the PM (c) tuberculosis (d) HIV Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, and Uttar
Kisan Yojana, income support of Rs Pradesh.
Sol..(b) A Memorandum of World Bank president: David Malpass.
6000 per annum is provided to all
Understanding was signed between the
eligible farmer families across the
Ministry of AYUSH and Ministry of Q.1236. Which of the following state’s
country in three equal installments of Rs
Women and Child Development in New government has launched the flagship
2,000 each every four months.
Delhi for controlling Malnutrition as a programme ‘Pedalandariki Illu’ (housing
part of POSHAN Abhiyaan. The MoU for the poor) scheme in December 2020?
Q.1231. Who among the following has
will see some time-tested and SSC CHSL 19/04/21 (Morning)
launched the Global Pravasi Rishta
scientifically proven Ayush-based (a) Karnataka
portal and mobile app, to connect with
solutions being adopted for controlling (b) Tamil Nadu
the Indian Diaspora across the world?
malnutrition in the country. (c) Kerala
SSC CHSL 13/04/21 (Afternoon)
(d) Andhra Pradesh
(a) Harsh Vardhan
Q.1234. The Energy and Resources
(b) V Muraleedharan
Institute and NDMA has launched a Sol..(d) Andhra Pradesh government has
(c) Amit Shah
Flood Early Warning System (FEWS) launched the flagship program
(d) S Jayashankar
for Guwahati to alert local authorities ‘Pedalandariki Illu’ (housing for the
about flash floods or any heavy rainfall poor) scheme in December 2020. As per
Sol..(b) V Muraleedharan has launched
in August 2020. What is the full form of the official sources, the state government
the Global Pravasi Rishta portal and
NDMA? SSC CHSL 16/04/21 of Andhra Pradesh had launched AP
mobile app, to connect with the Indian
(Morning) Pedalandariki Ilu Scheme on 25 Dec
Diaspora across the world. V
(a) National Disaster Management 2020. On this day, CM had allocated
Muraleedharan is an Indian politician
Authority housing sites by providing necessary
from Kerala and current union minister
(b) Natural Disaster Management documents to all eligible people. Around
of state for external affairs and
Authority 30.6 lakh beneficiaries have been
parliamentary affairs.
identified across the entire state. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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Q.1237. ______ launched 'Harit Path', a information and farm loan details on a Sol..(d) As per Union Budget 2021, 9%
mobile app, in 2020. SSC CHSL single platform. of the government revenue will be spent
04/08/21 (Afternoon) on centrally sponsored schemes.
(a) National Highways Authority of Q.1240. Kisan Fasal Rahat Yojana, According to Article 112 of the Indian
India which will replace (PMFBY) Pradhan Constitution, the Union Budget of a
(b) Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna, has been year, also referred to as the annual
(c) Central Public Works Department launched by which of the following state financial statement, is a statement of the
(d) Public Works Department of Delhi governments in December 2020? SSC estimated receipts and expenditure of the
CHSL 05/08/21 (Morning) government for that particular year. The
Sol..(a) National Highways Authority of (a) Jharkhand (b) Punjab
Union Budget is classified into Revenue
India launched 'Harit Path', a (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Chhattisgarh
Budget and Capital Budget. It is
mobile app, in 2020. The App will help
prepared by the ministry of finance in
to monitor location, growth, species Sol..(a) Kisan Fasal Rahat Yojana, which
consultation with Niti Aayog and other
details, maintenance activities, targets, will replace (PMFBY) Pradhan Mantri
concerned ministries.
and achievements for each and every Fasal Bima Yojna, has
plant. been launched by the Jharkhand
Q.1243. In which state was the
government. It is a compensation
foundation stone for a water supply
Q.1238. The 'SAKSHAM' campaign scheme that will provide security cover
project laid down by Prime
launched by the Government of India in to farmers in cases of crop damage due
Minister Narendra Modi in July 2020?
January 2021 aims to spread awareness to natural hazards.
(a) Manipur (b) Uttar Pradesh
about ______. SSC CHSL 04/08/21
(c) Telangana (d) Punjab
(Evening) Q.1241. Which web portal and mobile
(a) adoption of cleaner fuels application did the Ministry of Housing
Sol..(a) The foundation stone for a water
(b) empowerment of women and Urban Affairs,
supply project is laid down in Manipur
(c) protection of girl child Government of India, launched in
by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in
(d) education for children December 2020? SSC CHSL 5/8/2021
July 2020. The project is an important
component of the efforts of the state
Sol..(a) The 'SAKSHAM' campaign (a) e-Uparjan (b) e-Rozgar
government to achieve the goal of 'Har
launched by the Government of India in (c) e-Sampada (d) e-Dharti
Ghar Jal' by 2024.
January 2021 aims to spread awareness
about the adoption of cleaner fuels. Sol..(c) The Ministry of Housing and
Q.1244. How many states does the
Saksham is a month-long awareness Urban Affairs on December 25, 2020,
‘STARS’ project launched by the
campaign organized by the Petroleum launched a new web portal and mobile Government of India and World Bank in
Conservation Research Association app, e-Sampada to boost transparency 2020 seek to cover? SSC CHSL
(PCRA) under the aegis of the Ministry and accountability while ensuring ease 6/8/2021 (Morning)
of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MoPNG) of living for the citizens of India. The (a) 8 (b) 4
to sensitize citizens on the need for (c) 10 (d) 6
website and mobile app was launched by
energy conservation. Hardeep S Puri, Minister of State in Sol..(d) 6 states launched the ‘STARS’
charge for Housing and Urban Affairs. It project. These states are Himachal
Q.1239. Which of the following states
means through this single platform, Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra,
Government has unveiled the ‘Farmer
eligible citizens can apply for Madhya Pradesh, Kerala and Odisha.
Registration and Unified beneficiary
booking/allotment of GoI Estates for The STARS project would be
Information System’ (FRUITS), an
social functions/events and avail other implemented as a new Centrally
e-governance portal, to create a
related services. Sponsored Scheme under the
repository of farmland information and
Department of School Education and
farm loan details on a single platform?
Q.1242. As per Union Budget 2021, 9% Literacy, Ministry of Education (MoE).
SSC CHSL 04/08/21 (Evening)
of the government revenue will be spent
(a) Karnataka (b) Tamil Nadu
on ______. SSC CHSL 5/8/2021 Q.1245. The National Education Policy
(c) Kerala (d) Chhattisgarh (NEP), 2020 commits to raising the total
expenditure by states and centre on
(a) defence
Sol..(a) Karnataka Government has education to ______ of GDP. SSC CHSL
(b) interest payments 6/8/2021 (Morning)
unveiled the ‘Farmer Registration and
(c) pensions (a) 4% (b) 6%
Unified beneficiary Information System’
(d) centrally sponsored schemes (c) 2% (d) 8%
(FRUITS), an e-governance portal, to
create a repository of farmland Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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Sol..(b) The National Education Policy, Mission Swabhiman, to enhance the (a) Jammu and Kashmir
2020 commits to raising the total quality of human lives, is best achieved (b) Ladakh
expenditure by states and centre on by integrating the people and endeavors (c) Chandigarh
education to 6 % of GDP. The new with common objectives into a single (d) Puducherry
policy aims to pave way for unified platform with the help of
transformational reforms in school and state-of-the-art technology and Sol..(a) PM Narendra Modi has launched
higher education systems in the country. processes. Ayushman Bharat - Pradhan Mantri Jan
Mission Rakshak is for putting an end to Arogya Yojna (AB - PMJAY) ‘Sehat
Q.1246. Which of the following both malnutrition and hunger by Scheme’ in December 2020 for Jammu
ministries launched the e-Sampada providing the children with a nutritious and Kashmir.
mobile app in December 2020? SSC meal.
CHSL 6/8/2021 (Evening)
Q.1251. On 22 July 2020, actor Sonu
(a) Ministry of Housing and Urban Q.1248. As of December 2020, under Sood launched the ______ app to find
Affairs the Startup India Initiative, the monthly jobs and offer specific job training
(b) Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' allowance for startups with women programmes. SSC MTS
Welfare founder/co-founder was ______ per 05/10/21(Afternoon)
(c) Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & month for a period of one year. SSC (a) Pravasi Rojgar
Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and CHSL 9/8/2021 (Evening) (b) Sabka Rojgar
Homoeopathy (a) ₹50,000 (b) ₹30,000 (c) Grahmin Rojgar
(d) Ministry of Home Affairs (c) ₹20,000 (d) ₹40,000 (d) Pravasi Atmanirbhar

Sol.(a) The Ministry of Housing and Sol..(c) As of December 2020, the Sol..(a) On 22 July 2020, actor Sonu
Urban Affairs recently launched monthly allowance for startups with Sood launched the Pravasi Rojgar app to
E-Sampada which will promote the ease women as founders/co-founders was find jobs and offer specific job training
of living for the Indian government’s 20,000 per month for a period of one programs.
officers/departments as all the services year. Under the Startup India Initiative,
can be easily availed online on a single eligible companies can get recognized as Q.1252. Provisions of the Consumer
window with live tracking of startups by DPIIT, in order to access a Protection Act, 2019 has come into force
applications. host of tax benefits, easier compliance, since ______. SSC MTS 07/10/21
IPR fast-tracking and more. (Morning)
Q.1247. Which of the following is a
(a) 12 March 2020
capacity-building scheme that was Q.1249. Which of the following Union (b) 23 June 2020
launched in 2020 for civil servants Ministries of India launched a pilot ‘Pey (c) 30 April 2020
aimed at upgrading the post-recruitment Jal Survekshan’ on 16 (d) 20 July 2020
training mechanism of the officers and February 2021? SSC CHSL 10/8/2021
employees at all levels? SSC CHSL (Afternoon) Sol..(d) Provisions of the Consumer
9/8/2021 (Afternoon) (a) Ministry of Environment, Forest and Protection Act, 2019 have come into
(a) Mission Karmayogi Climate Change
force since 20 July 2020.
(b) Mission Sahayog (b) Ministry of Housing and Urban
(c) Mission Swabhiman Affairs
Q.1253. Which of the following
(d) Mission Rakshak (c) Ministry of Jal Shakti
ministries of the Government of India is
(d) Ministry of Earth Sciences
the nodal Ministry for ‘Garib Kalyan
Sol..(a) Mission Karmayogi is a unique
Rojgar Abhiyaan’ launched in June
program that will help to lay the Sol..(b) A pilot project Pey Jal
2020? SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Afternoon)
foundation for civil servants in the Survekshan was launched by the Union
(a) The Ministry of Rural Development
country. It will focus on individual (civil Housing and Urban Affairs Ministry. It
(b) The Ministry of Jal Shakti
servants) & institutional capacity is a drinking water survey launched in
(c) The Ministry of Housing and Urban
building. 10 cities under the Jal Jeevan Mission
Mission Sahayog Educational Campus (Urban).
(d) The Ministry of Labour and
provides innovative educational
opportunities and student support Q.1250. For the residents of which of the
services that lead to the successful following union territories PM Narendra
Sol..(a) The Ministry of Rural
completion of degrees, transfer, career, Modi has launched Ayushman Bharat -
Development of the Government of
technical education and basic skills Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojna (AB -
proficiency. India is the nodal Ministry for ‘Garib
PMJAY) ‘Sehat Scheme’ in December
Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyaan’ launched in
2020? SSC CHSL 12/8/2021 (Morning) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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June 2020. Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan (c) e-NAM Vandana Yojana? SSC MTS
Anna Yojana is a food security welfare (d) e-Krishi (e-KRISHI) 11/10/21(Morning)
scheme announced by the Government (a) ₹10 lakh (b) ₹15 lakh
of India. Its primary objective is to Sol..(c) e-NAM is a pan-India electronic (c) ₹7 lakh (d) ₹25 lakh
provide free food grains to the eligible trading e-NAM (e-NAM) aimed at
beneficiaries covered under the National integrating the existing mandis for Sol.. (b) ₹15 lakh is the maximum
Food Security Act. agricultural products in India. It’s main amount of investment permissible per
objective is to promote uniformity in senior citizen under Pradhan Mantri
Q.1254. 'PENCIL' is an acronym for agriculture marketing by streamlining of Vaya Vandana Yojana.
______, an electronic portal launched by procedures across the integrated
the Government of India in September markets, removing information Q.1260. In June 2020, ______ launched
2017. SSC MTS 07/10/21 (Evening) asymmetry between buyers and sellers ‘Suraksha Salary Account’ for Micro,
(a) Platform for Effective Enforcement and promoting real time price discovery Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME)
for No Child Labour based on actual demand and supply. to enable them to make cashless
(b) Paradigm for Enforcement of payments and provide a financial
Equality for Needy Child Labourers Q.1257. Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti security blanket to their employees. SSC
(c) Promulgation of Exhaustive Bima Yojana provides life insurance MTS 22/10/2021 (Evening)
Education for Normal & Comprehensive cover of _______ to all holders of bank (a) Airtel Payments Bank
Learning accounts. SSC MTS 08/10/21 (b) Paytm Payment Bank
(d) Protocol for Easy Education & (Afternoon) (c) Fino Payment Bank
Novel Creative Learning (a) ₹ 3 lakh (b) ₹2 lakh (d) India Post Payment Bank
(c) ₹5 lakh (d) ₹ 4 lakh
Sol..(a) 'PENCIL' is an acronym for Sol..(a) In June 2020, Airtel Payments
Platform for Effective Enforcement for Sol..(b) Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bank launched ‘Suraksha Salary
No Child Labour an electronic portal Bima Yojana provides a life insurance Account’ for Micro, Small, and Medium
launched by the Government of India in Enterprises (MSME) to enable them to
cover of ₹ 2 lakh to all the holders of
September 2017. The PENCIL Portal make cashless payments and provide a
bank accounts.
has the following components: Child financial security blanket to their
Tracking System, Complaint Corner, employees. The Minister of Micro,
Q.1258. In April 2020, Aerobiosys
State Government, National Child Small, and Medium Enterprises is
Innovations declared the development of
Labour Project, and Convergence. Narayan Rane. Anubrata Biswas is the
a ______ which was named 'Jeevan
Lite'. SSC MTS 08/10/21 (Afternoon) CEO of Airtel Payment Banks.
Q.1255. Which of the following states
(a) ventilator
has implemented a programme for tree
(b) personal protective equipment (PPE) Q.1261. Which of the following banks
plantation under the name 'Haritha
kit signed a $200 million financing deal
Haram'? SSC MTS 08/10/21
(c) face mask based on Nano technology with the Reliance Bangladesh LNG and
(d) contact tracing mobile application Power Plant to build and operate a 718
(a) Bihar (b) Uttar Pradesh
megawatt combined cycle gas-fired
(c) Rajasthan (d) Telangana
Sol..(a) In April 2020, Aerobiosys power plant in Bangladesh? SSC MTS
Innovations declared the development of 14/10/2021 (Afternoon)
Sol..(d) Telangana has implemented a
a ventilator which was named 'Jeevan (a) HDFC Bank
programme for tree plantation under the (b) Reserve Bank of India
Lite'. Aerobiosys Innovations, Indian
name 'Haritha Haram'. This programme (c) ICICI Bank
Institute of Technology Hyderabad
is also called Telangana Ku Haritha (d) Asian Development Bank
startup, developed a portable ventilator,
Haram, implemented by the Government
“Jeevan Lite.” It can be run on
of Telangana to increase the amount of Sol..(d) Asian Development Bank signed
rechargeable lithium-ion batteries for up
tree cover in the state from 24% to 33% a $200 million financing deal with the
to 5 hours. It offers a variety of invasive
Reliance Bangladesh LNG and Power
Q.1256. Which of the following is a and noninvasive modes, and can be
Plant to build and operate a 718
pan-India electronic trading portal aimed remotely operated through a phone app.
megawatt combined cycle gas-fired
at integrating the existing mandis for power plant in Bangladesh.
agricultural products in India? SSC MTS Q.1259. What is the maximum amount
08/10/21 (Afternoon) of investment permissible per senior Q.1262. Which of the following is the
(a) e-Anna (e-ANNA) citizen under Pradhan Mantri Vaya name of the NASA programme to land
(b) e-Bazaar (e-BAZAAR) first woman and next man on the Moon Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

Pinnacle Current Affairs

by 2024? SSC MTS 20/10/2021 Fund (AHIDF) worth ₹______ crore.

(Afternoon) SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Afternoon)
(a) Orion (b) Artemis (a) 8,000 (b) 10,000
(c) Apollo (d) Nike (c) 12,000 (d) 15,000

Sol..(b) Artemis is the name of the Sol..(d) In June 2020, the Union cabinet
NASA programme to land the first approved the setting up of the Animal
woman and Husbandry Infrastructure Development
the next man on the Moon by 2024. Its Fund (AHIDF) worth ₹15,000 crores.
main objective is to land the first woman
on the Moon. Q.1266. Which of the following
sanitation campaigns was launched
Q.1263. In which year was the Jal across India on 2 October 2014 by the
Jeevan Mission launched in India? The Ministry of Drinking Water and
mission aims at providing potable water Sanitation for rural areas? SSC MTS
through its scheme of functional 27/10/2021 (Morning)
household tap connections.SSC MTS (a) Mission Vriksharopan
20/10/2021 (Evening) (b) Swachh Bharat Mission
(a) 2015 (b) 2019 (c) Smart City Centre Scheme
(c) 2009 (d) 2010 (d) Pradhan Mantri Jan Vikas
Sol..(b) The Jal Jeevan Mission was
launched in India in 2019. Jal Jeevan Sol..(b) Swachh Bharat Mission was
Mission is envisioned to provide safe launched across India on 2 October 2014
and adequate drinking water through by the Ministry of Drinking Water and
individual household tap connections by Sanitation for rural areas. The main aim
2024 to all households. of the project was to create sanitation
facilities for all and provide every rural
Q.1264. The Urban Learning Internship family with a toilet by 2019.
Program (TULIP), launched in June
2020, is a joint initiative of: SSC MTS Q.1267. The Union Budget, 2020-21,
22/10/2021 (Afternoon) allocated ₹ ______ crore for the Swachh
(a)The Ministry of Housing and Urban Bharat Mission. SSC MTS 2/11/2021
Affairs (MoHUA) and the Ministry of (Morning)
Commerce and Industry (a) 3,100
(b) The Ministry of Housing and Urban (b) 8,200
Affairs (MoHUA) and the Ministry of (c) 12,300
Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (d) 15,700
(c) The Ministry of Human Resource
Development (MHRD) and Ministry of Sol..(c) The Union Budget, 2020-21,
Skill Development and Entrepreneurship allocated ₹ 12,300 crores for the Swachh
(d) The Ministry of Human Resource Bharat Mission.
Development (MHRD) and the Ministry
of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA)

Sol..(d) The Urban Learning Internship

Program (TULIP), launched in June
2020, is a joint initiative of The Ministry
of Human Resource Development
(MHRD) and the Ministry of Housing
and Urban Affairs (MoHUA).

Q.1265. In June 2020, the Union cabinet

approved the setting up of the Animal
Husbandry Infrastructure Development Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App

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