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Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 5

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@ChemicalWeekly @Chemical-Weekly

VOL. LXVIII / MAY 16, 2023 / NO. 42

Point of View
Powering aviation and marine transport through alternate fuels 117

Top Stories
SC recalls ADD levy order on LDPE, two weeks after pronouncing it 120
Designing solar distillation units to reduce carbon emissions need of the hour 122
Government clears 24 out of 27 generic pesticides after data evaluation by panel 124
State oil firms target 38,000-tpa of green hydrogen capacity by 2024-25 126
Anupam Rasayan’s Q4 standalone net profit up 13% 128
CSIR-NCL scientist felicitated on the World Intellectual Property Day 130
Healthy domestic demand & strong balance sheets to hold industry in good stead 132
JSW Group said to be mulling paint unit stake sale to private equity funds 133

Alembic Pharma’s Q4 net profit sees three-fold rise 134

IFFCO integrating drone, nano and AI technologies for smart farming 135

India’s natural gas consumption in 2023 revised upwards on softening LNG prices 136
Essar Oil & Gas invests in microbial eCBM technology to boost output 137
High LNG prices pulls down Petronet LNG’s Q4 and FY23 net profit 138

News from Abroad 143

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Special Reports
Indian Polyester 2023: Overcapacity and slow demand
growth dog global polyester industry 155 ORGANICS Eburon Organics (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Is sugarbeet a viable substitute for sugarcane in India? Product / Intermediates Applications (API)
– A.K. Das 159 Methyl-R-3-Hydroxy Butyrate Dorzolamide
Should the popular drug Paracetamol be banned applying Ethyl-S-4-Chloro-3-Hydroxy Butyrate Atorvastatin
the Precautionary Principle? – Ganesan Shunmugam 165 (ATS-4)
Chemical industry tackles biggest transformation in
Ethyl Isobutyrate Bempedoic Acid
its history – Armin Scheuermann 166
2-Iodoethanol Melphalan
Index 4-Bromobenzaldehyde Dimethyl Acetal Atazanavir
Index to Advertisers 87 3-Methyl-5-(Phenylmethoxy)-2- Canagliflozin
Index to Products Advertised 90 [4-(Phenylmethoxy)Phenyl]-1H-Indole
Meetings & Conferences 140 1,4-Cyclohexanedione Mono Frovatriptan
Tender Information 172 (2,2-Dimethyltrimethylene Ketal
Chemployment Exchange 176 1,4-Cyclohexanedione Monoethylene Cebranopadol
Markets Cinnamyl Chloride Cinnarizine
Mumbai Chemical Market 179
Chennai Chemical Market 186
China Chemical Market 188
Vegetable Oil Market 189
Product Application
Mumbai Drugs Market 190 n-Hexane 95% Glimepiride, Tolperisone, Everolimus
Hyderabad Drugs Market 192 n-Hexane 99% Gemcitabine, Orlistat, Everolimus
n-Pentane 99% Atorvastatin
Trade Statistics n-Heptane 95% Paroxetine
Materials Imported 195 n-Heptane 99% Rosuvastatin, Rabeprazole, Fluvastatin,
Materials Exported 207 Available Ex-Stock Mumbai Montelukast, Simvastatin

Chennai: Contact Person: Mr. R. Jeyaraj
Phone: +91-44-24963205 / 24960649
E-mail: [email protected]
Ahmedabad: Contact Person: Mrs. Keena Shah
Phone: +91-079-27541142
Mobile: 9825698756
E-mail: [email protected]
Hyderabad: Contact Person: Mr. V. Nageswar Rao. S
Mobile: 9848302871
E-mail: [email protected]
China: Beijing Oriental Foreland Consultants Ltd. FOR INQUIRIES PLEASE CONTACT:


Contact Person: Ms. Jane Eyre
Phone: +86-10-84823421 CHIKA
Japan: MIJ Inc. TEL.: +91 22 6861 7700 / 7710 • Email: [email protected]
Contact Person: Mr. Sadao Mizoguchi
Tel: +81-03-3331-2051 Website:
E-mail: [email protected]

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 7 7

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8 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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IOL Chemicals And Allied + Committed
Pharmaceuticals Limited
Discover the future of
chemical manufacturing &
Visit us networking opportunities
Messe Basel, Switzerland
24 - 25 May 2023 Hall No: 1, Stand No: F180

IOL Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals

Limited (IOLCP) is a Specialty Chemicals
and Pharmaceuticals based company, that
has grown into a highly integrated and
volume efficient player on the back of a
transformative journey over three decades.

Speciality Chemicals &

busIness exCeLLenCe
ACetIC AnhydrIde Active Pharma Ingredients

Acetic Anhydride, or ethanoic anhydride, Over 3 decades of R&D

is the chemical compound with the formula
(CH3CO)2O. Commonly abbreviated Ac2O, it
integration experience
is the simplest isolable anhydride of a
carboxylic acid and is widely used as
Worldwide presence over
50 countries
reagent in organic synthesis.

Industry Application Areas

Pharmaceuticals Flavour, Fragrance Agro Chemicals Other Industrial ETHyl ACETATE
& Aromatics Applications

Specialty Chemicals Active Pharma Ingredients

• Ethyl Acetate • Ibuprofen • Fenofibrate
Our Offerings

• Acetic Anhydride • Ibuprofen Lysinate (Micronised)

• Isobutyl Benzene (IBB) • Ibuprofen Sodium • Gabapentin
• Iso Butyl Aceto Phenone • Dex-Ibuprofen • Lamotrigine
(IBAP) • Losartan Potassium
• Metformin Hydrochloride
• Acetyl Chloride
• Clopidogrel Bisulfate • Levetiracetam
• Poly Aluminium Chloride (FormII) • Paracetamol
(PAC): Grade 12%, 14%, 18% • Pantoprazole Sodium

IOL Chemicals And Pharmaceuticals Limited

Corporate Office: Works:
85, Industrial Area A, Village Fatehgarh Channa,
Ludhiana, Punjab - 141003. Mansa Road, Barnala - 148101.

Please reach us at ( (+91)-(161)-2225531/35 | [email protected] | | Follow us on


9001:2015 14001:2015

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10 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Manufacturers of Nutraceuticals, Preservatives and Specialty Chemicals
We make Preservatives that preserve your Reputation
Pharma & Derma Ingredients Excipients Nutraceuticals
Allantoin Methyl Paraben Zinc, Magnesium, Calcium
SALIMEG EGMS (Injection grade)
2-Hydroxy Ethyl Salicylate / SALIGIN PP
Glycol Salicylate Propyl Paraben Zinc, Magnesium, Calcium,
SALIPHARM TS Ferrous, Sodium
Trolamine Salicylate SALIGIN EP
Wintergreen Oil Zinc, Magnesium, Calcium
Dimethyl Isosorbide Butyl Paraben
Zinc, Magnesium, Calcium, Ferrous
Sodium Methyl Paraben Zinc, Magnesium, Calcium,
SALIMINE Manganese
Piroctone Olamine SALIGIN PPS
Sodium Propyl Paraben
Capryloyl Salicylic Acid Calcium, Sodium, Zinc
SALIVITE C-SAP SALIGIN EPS Paraben Free Preservatives
Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate Sodium Ethyl Paraben
Anti Bacterials Sunscreen Benzyl Alcohol, Dehydroacetic Acid
Octyl Methoxycinnamate Phenoxyethanol, Caprylyl Glycol,
2-Hydroxybenzoic Acid
Sodium Salicylate Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate
SALIDINE 20% Chlorphenesin
Chlorhexidine Digluconate 20%. SALISOL CRY
Benzoic Acid, Dehydroacetic Acid,
Chlorhexidine Hydrochloride Benzophenone 3 / Oxybenzone
SALISOL 4 Ethylhexylglycerin
SALIDINE ACT Benzophenone 4
Chlorhexidine Acetate SALIGUARD EHGP
SALISOL AB Ethylhexylglycerin, Phenoxyethanol
Chlorhexidine Undecylenate SALISOL EHT Ethylhexylglycerin, 1,3-Propanediol
Ethylhexyl Triazone SALIGUARD UZB
SALIGUARD UA SALISOL HS Undecylenic Acid, 1,3-Propanediol,
Undecylenic Acid Phenylbenzimidazole Sulphonic Acid Benzyl Alcohol

5/44, Tardeo A/C Market, Tardeo Main Road, Mumbai 400 034.
Email: [email protected], [email protected] l Tel.: +91-22-23514413 / +91-22-23513868

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12 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 13

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Coco Diethanolamide, Coco Monoethanolamide, Cocoamido
Propyl Betain, Ethylene Bis Stearamide, Ethylene Bis
Oleamide, Stearyl Amido Propyl Dimethylamine, etc.

Glycerol Mono Oleate, Glycerol Tri Oleate, Glycerol Mono

Stearate (SE, NSE, AS), Mono Di Glycerides, Capric
Caprilic Tri Glyceride (MCT Oil), Polyglycerol Polyricinoleate,
Triacetin, Polyglycerol etc.

Iso Propyl Myristate, Iso Propyl Palmitate, Methyl Oleate,

Methyl Laurate, Methyl Ricinoleate, Butyl Oleate, Butyl
Stearate etc.

14 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

USA Distributor :

Canton Chem, Inc.

Email: [email protected]

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 15

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

1-Bromo-3-Chloropropane Di Ethanol Amine Maleic Anhydride Phosphorus Oxychloride
1,2,4H-Triazole Di Ethyl Carbonate Malonic Acid  Malononitrile Phosphorus Pentaoxide  Piperidine
1,4-Butanediol Di Ethyl Malonate Melamine  Meta Cresol Piperazine Anhydrous
1,4-Dioxane Di Ethylene Triamine Methacrylic Acid Poly Vinyl Alcohol  Polyethylene Glycol
1,6-Hexanediol Di Iso Propyl Ether Methane Sulphonic Acid Polypropylene Glycol 1000D
2-Ethyl Hexanoic Acid Di Iso Propylamine Methane Sulphonyl Chloride Polypropylene Glycol 2000D
2-Ethyl Hexyl Acrylate Di Methyl Amine 40% Methyl Aceto Acetate  Methyl Acrylate Potassium Bi Carbonate
2-Methyl THF Di Methyl Acetamide Methyl Chloro Formate Potassium Carbonate (Granular)
2-Hydroxy Ethyl Methacrylate (2-HEMA) Di Methyl Carbonate Methyl Cyano Acetate Potassium Carbonate (Powder)
2,2-Di Methoxy Propane Di Methyl Formamide Methyl Cyclo Hexane Potassium Permanganate
2,4-Dichloro Benzyl Chloride Di Methyl Malonate Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate (MDI) Phenyl Chloro Formate
4-Di Methyl Amino Pyridine Di Methyl Sulfoxide Methyl Ethyl Ketone Propionaldehyde  Propionic Acid
4-Hydroxy Benzaldehyde Di-N-Butylamine Methyl Iso Butyl Ketone Propionic Anhydride  Propargyl Alcohol
Acetic Acid  Acetone  Acetonitrile Di Propylene Glycol Methyl Methacrylate Propylene Glycol Technical
Acrylonitrile  Acetophenone Di Tert Butyl Dicarbonate (Di BOC) Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether Propylene Glycol USP
Acrylamide  Acrylic Acid  Adipic Acid Dicyandiamide  Diglyme Methylene Chloride  Monoethylamine Phthalic Anhydride  Pyridine
Allyl Alcohol  Alpha-Naphthol DL-Tartaric Acid Mono Chloro Benzene Pyrrolidine  Resorcinol  Soda Ash
Ammonium Bi Carbonate Epichlorohydrine Mono Methylamine Sodium Boro Hydride - Granular
Ammonium Thiocyanate Epoxy Resin  Ethyl Acetate Mono Ethanol Amine Sodium Boro Hydride - Powder
Amino Ethylethanalomine Ethyl Aceto Acetate  Ethyl Acrylate Mono Ethylene Glycol Sodium Cyanide  Sodium Gluconate
Amino Guanidine Bi Carbonate Ethyl Chloro Formate Mono Iso Propylamine 70% Sodium Ligno Sulphonate
Aniline Oil Ethyl Cyano Acetate Mono Iso Propylamine 99% Sodium Metabi Sulphite  Sodium Metal
Benzoic Acid  Benzophenone Ethylene Di Amine Monoglyme  Morpholine Sodium Methoxide Powder
Benzylamine  Beta-Naphthol Fluorobenzene * Formamide MP Diol Glycol Sodium Nitrite  Sodium Nitrate
Bis Trichloro Methyl Carbone (Triphosgene) Formic Acid - 85% N-Ethyl Piperazine  N-Butyric Acid Sodium Thiocyanate
Bisphenol A Formic Acid - 99% N-Butyl Methacrylate Sodium Tri Polyphosphate (STPP)
Butyl Acetate  Butyl Acrylate Fumaric Acid  Furfural Alcohol N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone Tartaric Acid (L+ / DL)
Butyl Carbitol  Butyl Carbitol Acetate Glycerine N-Pentane  N-Propanol T-Butanol (T.B.A)
Butyl Glycol / Cellosolve Hexamethyldisilazane (H.M.D.S) N-Propyl Acetate T-Butyl Acetate
Butyl Cellosolve Acetate Heptane  Hexylene Glycol N-Amino Ethyl Piperazine (N-AEP) T-Butylamine  Tetra Hydro Furan
Caustic Potash Flakes Hydrazine Hydrate 80% & 100% N-Butanol  N-Butyraldehyde Thiophenol  Thiourea
Chloroform Hydrobromic Acid 48% N-Hexane 99%  N-Heptane Toluene Di Iso Cyanite
Citric Acid Anhydrous Hydrogen Peroxide N-Methyl Piperazine  Naphthlene Crude Tri Chloro Ethylene
Citric Acid Monohydrate Hydroquinone Naphthlene Refined  Neo Pentyl Glycol Tri Ethyl Phosphate
Cyano Acetamide Hydroxylamine HCl Nitromethane  Nonyl Phenol Tri Ethyl Amine
Cyclohexane  Cyclohexanol Hydroxylamine Sulphate Nonyl Phenol Ethoxylate Tri Ethyl Ortho Formate
Cyclohexanone Hexamine  Imidazole  Iodine Oxone PS-16 Tri Ethylene Pentamine (TEPA)
Cyclohexylamine Iso Butanol  Iso Butyric Acid P-Tert-Butyl Phenol (PTBP) Tri Mellitic Anhydride
Cyclopropylamine Iso Propyl Alcohol P-Tert-Octyl Phenol (PTOP) Tri Methyl Ortho Acetate
D-Tartaric Acid Isopropyl Acetate Para Toluene Sulfonyl Chloride Tri Methyl Ortho Formate
Di Acetone  Di Basic Ester Isobutyraldehyde  Isophorone Paraformaldehyde 91% & 96% Tri Methylol Propane
Di Cyclohexylamine Isophorone Diamine Pentaerythritol 98% Tri Methylamine
Di Cyclohexylcarbodiimide Isophthalic Acid  Isovaleraldehyde Perchloroethylene Tri-n-Butylamine
Di Ethyl Ether L+Tartaric Acid  Lactose Phenol Triethanolamine 85% & 99%
Di Ethyl Sulphate Lithium Carbonate Phosphoric Acid (Food Grade) Triethylene Tetramine

Di Ethylamine Lithium Hydroxide Phosphoric Acid (Technical) Urea - Technical Grade


(Trading since 1977)
URS is a member of Registrar of Standards (Holdings) Ltd.

16 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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20 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 21

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2,6-Dihydroxy Benzoic Acid

CAS Number: 303-07-1
2,6-Dichloro Benzoic Acid
CAS Number: 50-30-6
Para Hydroxy Acetophenone
(4-Hydroxy Acetophenone/4-HAP)
CAS Number : 99-93-4
Ortho Hydroxy Acetophenone
(2-Hydroxy Acetophenone/2-HAP)
CAS Number: 118-93-4
2,2’,4’-Tri Chloro Acetophenone
CAS Number: 4252-78-2
CAS Number: 119851-28-4
CAS Number: 42019-78-3
Contact Manufacturers:
95, Chadha Bldg., Wadala (W), Mumbai 400 031. India
val rganics
Pvt. Ltd.
Tel.:. +91 22 24106465, 24126466 w Fax: +91 22 24139761 w Mob.: 9987425522
Email: [email protected] w Web.:

22 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Authorised Stockist Of:

G.N.F.C. Ltd.
l Formic Acid 85% l Aniline Oil
l Acetic Acid Glacial 99.85% l Ethyl Acetate
M/s. SANJEEVANI (T) S.S.K. LTD., Kopargaon
Pyridine 1% & Piperidine
l ACETIC ACID* GNFC / Imported l ISO-BUTANOL (IBA)* Taiwan
l ACETIC ANHYDRIDE Laxmi / Sanjivani l L (+) TARTARIC ACID China
l ACETONE* Korea / Russia / Taiwan l METHACRYLIC ACID (MAA) Japan / Taiwan
l ADIPIC ACID China / USA l METHYL ACETO ACETATE / Lonza / Laxmi Organics
l BISPHENOL - A Korea / Taiwan l METHYL ETHYL KETONE (MEK)* Taiwan
l CHLOROFORM* Russia l METHYL METHACRYLATE (MMA)* Japan / Korea / Taiwan
l CYCLOHEXANONE* China / Taiwan l METHYLENE CHLORIDE (MDC)* China / Taiwan
l DI ETHYLENE TRI AMINE (DETA) Delamine / Japan l N - BUTANOL (NBA)* Imported
l DI METHYL ACETAMIDE (DMAC) China / Turkey l N - PROPANOL (NPA)* Taiwan
l ETHYL ACETATE* GNFC / Satyam l PROPYLENE GLYCOL (Technical/USP)* China / Korea
l FORMIC ACID 85% OR 99% GNFC / Imported l TERTIARY BUTANOL (TBA) China / Japan
l HYDRAZINE HYDRATE 80% France / Korea / Lanxess l TETRAHYDROFURAN (THF) BASF / Darien / Taiwan
l HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 50% Korea / Thailand l THIOUREA China
l ISO PROPYL ALCOHOL (IPA)* Deepak / Korea / Taiwan l XYLENE (MIXED/ORTHO)* Imported / Reliance
* Products also available in Bulk in Bond-Transfer or High-Seas Sale Basis at Mumbai/Kandla Port

We have shifted our new office to below address & landline number has also
been changed. Please update the same in your system

Off. No 113, Champaklal Industrial Estate, Road No.29,
Next to Sion Telephone Exchange, Sion (East) , Mumbai 400022

Tel: 022-47471111 (100 lines) l Email: [email protected]

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 23

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Agar Agar
Applications: Food Grade, Bacteriological Grade, Pharma Grade, Plant Tissue Culture Grade and
Technical Grade

Spreadable Agar Agar Wondergel

Applications: Cake/Cold Glaze, Soft Creamy Instant Puddings, Piping Gel, Sauces, Marmalades,
Ketchup, Yogurt, Spreadable cheese, Bakery Fillings, Drinkable, Stirred & Set Yoghurt

Applications: DNA-RNA Recovery, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Electrophoresis,
DNA Analysis etc

Carrageenan (Refined, Semi Refined & Blended)

Applications: Meat, Ice Cream, Yoghurts, Flavoured milk, Water Dessert Jellies, Air Freshener Gel,
Dessert Pre-Mix

Alginate & Alginic Acid

Applications: Food & Pharma, Impressions, Dental Impression, Cosmetic Application etc

Chitin & Chitosan

Chitosan Powder - 75 to 90 DA | High Bulk Density
Applications: Agriculture, Cattle feed, Health care, Hair care, Skin care, Oral Care, Food
supplements, Pharmaceuticals, Water Treatment, Chromatography and Binder for tobacco sheet

Gellan Gum (Plant Gel)

Applications: Plant Tissue Culture, Air Freshener Gel, Suspension Beverages, Food & Cosmetics and
Bio fertilizer Gel

Xanthan Gum
Xanthan Gum Food Grade, Xanthan Gum Transparent Grade
Applications: Thickener in Ice creams, sauces, salad dressings, Emulsifier in toothpaste, Creams,
Lotions, Shampoos, Also used in agricultural chemicals, Paint industry, Face wash/ Hand wash,
Deodorants, Textile and Carpet printing, Pet food etc

Applications: Low sugar jams/marmalades, Marshmallows, Ice cream, Yoghurt, Milk drinks,
Cone vermicelli, Gluten-free bakery products and noodles, Meat products (sausages, hams,
chicken nuggets, meatballs, etc.), Vegetarian meat/meat analogue, Surimi/seafood products
(fishballs, crab sticks, etc.), Sauces, Gravies.

Cold Glaze Stabilizer (Glazemate), Flavoured Milk Stabilizer, Ice Cream Stabilizer,
Milkshake Stabilizer

24 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Available from ready stock


Acrylamide (Microbiology Grade)



Methylene Chloride (MDC)

Methacrylic Acid (MAA)

Methyl Methacrylate (MMA)

PVC Resin (Suspension Grade)


Phthalic Anhydride


Chem Corporation
D-301, Rajgiri, Chakravarti Ashok Road, Kandivali (East), Mumbai 400 101.
Tel.: 022-66712737 / 66712738 / 28867532  Fax: 022-28877380
Mobile: 9820094167, 9223432551
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 25

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[email protected] 1992-2022

26 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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5& )
ͻ>hD/E/hD,>KZ/Ͳ'ZEh>Z ͻ,>KZ/EdWZ&&/Ety;WtͿ ͻDDKE/hD/ZKEd
ͻEz>>K,K> ͻ,zZK,>KZ// ͻ/Dd,z>D/EϰϬй
ͻ/Dd,z>&KZDD/ (formerly Sree Rayalaseema
ͻE>,z ͻDd,z>E/,>KZ/ ͻ/Dd,z>dD/;DͿ Alkalies and Allied Chemicals Ltd.)
ͻ>,/E'WKtZͲ^d> ͻW,K^W,KZ//ϴϱйŵŝŶ ͻ&KZD//ϴϱй ͻ Methylene Dichloride ͻĂƵƐƟĐWŽƚĂƐŚ&ůĂŬĞƐͬ>LJĞ
ͻh^d/WKd^,&><^ͬ>z ͻWKd^^/hDZKEd'ZEh>Z ͻDDϰϬй ͻ Potassium Carbonate Granular/Powder
ͻh^d/^K&><^ͬ>zͬWZ/>>^ ͬWKtZ
ͻ dKE/dZ/> ͻĐĞƟĐĐŝĚ
ͻ dZ/d,z>D/E ͻz>K,yE
ͻƚŚLJůĐĞƚĂƚĞ '((3$.1,75,7(/7'
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ϰϬйh><ͬZhD ͻdŽůƵĞŶĞŝŝƐŽĐLJĂŶĂƚĞ ͻ^K/hDE/dZd
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55 55 ,1129$7,9(397 /7' 51$1'/$/6216397/7' FOR INQUIRY CONTACT

HEAD OFFICE: 901-904, Naman Centre, C-31, G-Block, 902, Naman Centre, C-31, G-Block, Opp. LIC Building, North & West Region: Madam Sneha
Opp. LIC Building, Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai - 400 051. Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai - 400 051. Email: [email protected]
Tel.: 022-6120 7777 Š Fax: 022-6120 7760 / 6120 7770 Tel.: 022-6120 7777 Mobile: +91-9136999787
Email: [email protected] Fax: 022-6120 7760 / 6120 7770
Email: [email protected] For Gujarat: Mr. Nirav Shah
HYDERABAD BRANCH: 1st Floor, Madhupala Towers, Email: [email protected]
H.No.6.3.865/0/1 to 4, Near Green Lands, Ameerpet, Mobile: +91-7623937585
Hyderabad - 500 016.
Tel.: 040-49492929 Š Fax: 040-49492927 South & East Region: Mr Moulik Gadhia
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Shree Ram Industrial Estate,
BARODA BRANCH: Survey No. 1513 & 1565, Plot No. 6 & 11, Mobile: +91-9870113393
201, Privilege Avenue, Opp. Isha Hospital, Village: Jitali, Taluka: Ankleshwar,
Sarabhai Complex, Wadivadi, Vadodara. Dist.: Bharuch. 393002
Mobile: +91-7623937585 Tel.: 02646-226339

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Concept to Commissioning
EPC Projects
Engineering Solutions Consistently

Our Domain: Our Services:

❖ Pharmaceuticals ❖ Feasibility Studies
❖ Agro Chemicals ❖ TEFR & DPR
❖ Specialty & Fine Chemicals ❖ Front End Engineering Design
❖ Aroma Chemicals ❖ Basic Engineering Packages
❖ Downstream Petrochemicals ❖ Detailed Engineering
❖ Polymers ❖ EPC Turnkey Projects
❖ Herbal Extraction & Natural ❖ Construction Supervision
Products ❖ Client’s Engineer
❖ cGMP Audits

Our Current Clients : Technical Services:

❖ Sanmar Group ❖ Technology Scouting

❖ Mane, France ❖ Industry
❖ Plant and4.0 Support Valuation
❖ Arkema, France ❖ 21 CFR Compliance support

❖ Tagros Chemicals ❖ Chartered Engineer services

❖ Jabel Aly Chem, Egypt ❖ Valuation (Land & Building, P&M)
❖ Solara Pharma ❖ Tech Due Diligence for M&A
❖ Cetex Petrochemicals ❖ Business Process re-engineering
❖ Anadach, Nigeria ❖ Debottlenecking Studies
❖ Manrochem, UK ❖ Operations System audit
❖ Market research
All time trusted partners in progress for clientele across
domain and Geographies

ProU India Engineering Pvt Ltd, II Floor, East Coast Centre, 534, Anna Salai,
Teynampet, Chennai 600018, India
Email:[email protected] Tel : +914443546107/08

28 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Parad Corporation is a group company of Axiom Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Registered with ISO-9001. LIC No. QAC/R91/4690.
Parad Corporation is a manufacturer and supplier of variety of chemicals as per customer needs and specification. Parad Corporation
is one of pioneers in manufacturing of speciality chemicals needed by several industries for utilization during manufacturing, continous
process industries, research and analysis laboratory and other speciality and performance applications. Company have facility for phar-
maceuticals, pharmaceutical intermediate, inorganic and organic salts and its derivatives.
Company provides customized solutions with manufacturing capabilities to produce wide range of specialized products to cater the
needs of various industries including Agriculture, Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics, Industrial Chemicals, Fine Chemicals and Performance
Chemicals, Lubricants, Polymers and Minerals etc.
We Specialized in organic and inorganic chemical and its derivatives:
� Bromine � Copper � Lithium
� Calcium � Iodine � Zinc

Products CAS No. Products CAS No. Products CAS No.

Lithium salts & its derivatives: Bromide salts & its derivatives: Calcium salts & its derivatives:
Lithium Acetate Anhydrous 546-89-4 Ammonium Bromide 57-09-0 Calcium Bromide Solution 7789-41-5
Lithium Acetate Dihydrate 6108-17-4 Hydro Bromic Acid 48% 10035-10-6 Calcium Bromide Anhydrous 7789-41-5
Lithium Benzoate 553-54-8 Lead (II) Bromide Anhydrous 10031-22-8 Calcium Bromide Hydrate 71626-99-8
Lithium Bromide Anhydrous 7550-35-8 Manganese (II) Bromide Tetrahydrate 10031-20-6 Calcium Citrate 5785-44-4
Lithium Bromide Solution (54-55%) 7550-35-8 Nickel (II) Bromide Anhydrous 13462-88-9
Lithium Carbonate 554-13-2 Potassium Bromide 7758-02-3 Copper salts & its derivatives:
Strontium Bromide Anhydrous 10476-81-0
Lithium Chloride Anhydrous 7447-41-8 Copper Sulphate 7758-99-8
Strontium Bromide Hexahydrate 7789-53-9
Lithium Chloride Solution (40-41%) 7447-41-8 Copper (II) Gluconate 527-09-3
Manganese (II) Bromide Tetrahydrate 10031-20-6
Lithium Chromate Solution (30%) 14307-35-8 Magnesium Bromide Hexahydrate 13446-53-2 Copper (II) Nitrate Hemipentahydrate 19004-19-4
Lithium Citrate Tetra Hydrate 6080-58-6 Antimony (III) Bromide 7789-61-9 Copper (II) Nitrate Trihydrate 10031-43-3
Lithium Fluoride 7789-24-4 Barium Bromide Anhydrous 10553-31-8 Cuprous Bromide 7787-70-4
Lithium Fluoro Phosphate 21324-40-3 Barium Bromide Dihydrate 7791-28-8
Lithium Lactate 867-55-0 Bismuth (III) Bromide 7787-58-8 Iodine salts & its derivatives:
Lithium Meta Borate 13453-69-5 Cadmium Bromide Anhydrous 7789-42-6 Zinc Iodide Anhydrous 10139-47-6
Lithium Molybdate Solution (20%) 13568-40-6 Cadmium Bromide Tetrahydrate 13464-92-1 Calcium Iodide Anhydrous 10102-68-8
Lithium Nitrate Anhydrous 7790-69-4 Cobalt (II) Bromide Anhydrous 7789-43-7 Copper (I) Iodide 7787-70-4
Lithium Perchlorate 7791-03-9 Cobalt (II) Bromide Hexahydrate 13762-12-4
Lithium Phosphate 10377-52-3 n-Amyl Bromide 110-53-2 Zinc salts & its derivatives:
Lithium Tetra Borate 12007-60-2 n-Butyl Bromide 109-65-9 Zinc Bromide Anhydrous 7699-45-8
Lithium Metasilicate 10102-24-6 n-Propyl Bromide 106-94-5 Zinc Citrate Dihydrate 5990-32-9
& other Lithium salts as per n-Hexyl Bromide 111-25-1 Zinc Fluoride Tetrahydrate 13986-18-0
n-Bromo Succinimide 128-08-5
customer needs & specifications Zinc Gluconate 4468-02-4
Iso-Amyl Bromide 107-82-4
For any query contact us on: +91-9727703500

Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd.

111, Tower-A, Pramukh Hraday, Beside Sandesra Estate, Atladra, Vadodara - 390012, Gujarat, INDIA
Phone: +91-265-2681552/53/54 w Cell : +91 9727703500 w WhatsApp : 7433900100
Email: [email protected], [email protected] |
Manufacturing at: Plot No. 145, Ekalbara Road, Dabhasa, Tal. Padra, Dist. Vadodara - 391 440, Gujarat, India.
Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 29

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18% GST Rates is Applicable on all products
Acetyl Acetone 180 Kg Japan / China 29141990
Allyl Alcohol 99.8% 170 Kgs China 29052900
Allyl Chloride 180 Kg China 29032900
2-Amino-2-Methyl-1-Propanol 190.51 Kg Angus, UsA 29221990
3-Amino-1-Propanol 180 Kg BAsf / China 29221190
Amino Acids (full L-series) 25 Kg / 10 Kg / 1 Kg Ajinomoto
Benzaldehyde 200 Kg China 29122100
1-Bromo -3-Chloro Propane 250 Kg france 29039990
N-Butylamine 150 Kg BAsf 29211190
N-Butyl Methacrylate 184 Kg BAsf 29161400
N-Butyraldehyde 150 Kg / 160 Kg Japan / Poland 29121990
Catechol (1,2-Dihydroxybenzene) 25 Kg solvay / france 29072990
Crotonic Acid 100 Kgs Germany 29161940
Di Tert Butyl Dicarbonate (DiBoC) 50 Kg / 180 Kg China 29209000
Di iso Propyl Ether 165 Kg / 143 Kg solventis / Anno, Belgium 29091900
Dimethyl sulfide 170 Kgs China 29309099
Ethyl Pyruvate 20 Kg Japan 29183090
Ethyl Benzene 170 Kgs China 29026000
fluorobenzene 200 Kg China 29039990
fructose N Crystalline 25 Kg irasel 17026010
formamide 220 Kg Japan 29241900
Glycine 25 Kg China 29224910
Glyoxal 40% 250 Kg China 29121930
N-Heptane 99% 139 Kg / 204 Lt / 137 kg / 201 Lt Haltermann / China / s.K. Korea 29011000
N-Heptane Pure 205 Lt / 140 Kg Chevron Philip 29011000
N-Hexane 95% 133 Kg / 203 Lt Germany / Japan / China 29011000
N-Hexane 99% 133 Kg / 132 Kg / 201 Lt Haltermann / China 29011000
Hydrobromic Acid 48% 300 Kg israel 28111990
Hydrofluoric Acid, Electronic, Mos Grade 5 Lt Honeywell, Germany 28111100
Hydroquinone 25 Kg Japan 29072200
Hydroquinone Monomethyl Ether (4-Methoxy Phenol) 1 Kg sigma / Aldrich 29095090
iso-Butyraldehyde 160 Kgs Japan 29011000
iso-octane 99% 140 Kg / 203 Lt Haltermann, Germany / China 29011000
iso-octane 99.75% 140 Kg / 203 Lt Haltermann, Germany 29011000
iso-Valeraldehyde 99% 160 Kg China 29121990
Lithium Carbonate 25 Kg Chile / Rockwood 29369100
Lithium Hydroxide Monohydrate 25 Kg Chile 28252000
Malononitrile 50 Kg Arxada / China 29269000
Maltose 20 Kg Japan 17029020
Methyl Cyclohexane 155 Kg Korea / Uk 29021990
Methyl Aceto Acetate 200 Kg Japan / Lonza 29183040
1-Methyl imidazole 199 Kg Uk 29332990
5-Methyl Resorcinol (orcinol) 1 Kg China 29072990
Ninhydrin 1 Kg China 29143990
N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone 200 Kgs Europe / China / Taiwan 29337910
ortho Chloro Benzaldehyde 250 Kg China 29130010
osmic Acid soln 4% in Water 1 Gm / Ml imported 29420090
N-Pentane 99% 125 Kg / 200 Lt / 129.09 Kg / 126.55 Kg Haltermann, fic UsA / China 29011000
Petroleum Ether 40-60oC 141 Kg / 200 Lt Brenntag 38140010
Pivaloyl Chloride 185 Kg UK 29159090
Piperidine 176 Kg Vertellus 29333200
Potassium Tert Butoxide 50 Kgs Basf/China 29051990
Potassium Tert Butylate 60 Kg U.K. 29051990
Propargyl Alcohol (Golpanol Pa) 180 Kg China 29052900
Propionaldehye 158.75 Kg / 160 Kg Eastman, Germany / China 29121990
Propionic Acid 200 Kg China 29155000
Propionic Anhydride 4 X Lts Ubichem 29159090
Pyrrolidine 170 Kgs Netherland / China 29339990
Quinoline 200 Kgs Japan 29334900
sodium Azide 25 Kg China 28500049
sodium Hydride 50 Kg / 100 Kg China 28500010
sodium Borohydride, Powder 40 Kg / 100 Kgs Ascensus, UsA / finland 28500010
sodium Borohydride, Granular 50 Kg finland 28500010
sodium Methoxide 100 Kgs U.K. 29051990
sodium Metabisulfite 2.5 Kg Reidel 28321000
sodium Pyruvate 50 Kgs Japan 29183090
sorbic Acid 25 Kg China 29161960
sulfolane Anhydrous 254 Kg / 250 Kg Chevron Philips / China 29420090
Taurine 25 Kg China 29349990
Tert Butyl Acetate 180 Kg China 29153999
Tertiary Butanol 155 Kg Japan 29051490
Tertiary Amyl Alcohol 165 Kg / 160 Kg China / Uk 29051990
Tertiary Butylamine 135 Kg / 140 Kg China 29211990
Tetrahydronaphthalene (Tetraline) 200 Kg China 29029090
Tetraglyme 200 Kg BAsf 29091000
Tetrahydrofuran 180 Kg Chna 29321100
Titanium Tetrachloride 4 X 1 Lts imported 28273990
Thioglycolic Acid 80% / 99% 25 Kg Japan / China 29309099
1-Thioglycerol (Monothioglycerol) 22 Kg Japan 29309099
Thiomerosal 1 Kg Arjentina / China 28521000
Thiophene 200 Kg China 29349900
Thiophenol 200 Kg Japan 29309099
Trans-1,2-C D Ta 1 Kg / 25 Kg imported 29224990
Triethyl orthoformate 99% 180 Kg China 29159099
Trifluoro Acetic Acid 250 Kg China 29159093
Triiso Propyl Borate 25 Lts China 28402090
Tempo(2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-Piperidinyloxy) 1 Kg imported 29331990

Please Contact: 704, Regent Chambers, 7th floor, 208, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021.
Tel.: +91-22-22821706 / 08 / 10 / 66337017 / 18 / 66360738 / 66379214
Email: [email protected] / [email protected] w
30 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

18% GST Rates is Applicable on all products
Adenine 25 Kg (1 Kg) China 29332990
Adenine sulphate 25 Kg / 1Kg China 29339900
A-Keta Glutaric Acid 25 Kg / 1 Kg China 29183090
Amino formamidine HCl (Guanidine HCl) 25 Kg China 29252990
Amino Guanidine Bicarbonate 25 Kg China 29280090
4-Amino-Antipyrine 25 Kg / 1 Kg China 29331990
4 – Amino Butyric Acid 25 Kg China 29225090
Amino Acids (full L-series) 25 Kg / 10 Kg / 1 Kg China
Beta Alanine 25 Kg China 29224990
6 – Benzyl Amino Purine 25 Kg (1 Kg) China 29339900
Bis(Trimethyl silyl) Acetamide 25 Kg China 29319090
Boron Trifluoride Etherate 50 Kg / 25 Kg China 29420090
Biphenyl 25 Kg China 29029090
4-Chlorobenzaldehyde 250 Kg China 29130090
Carbonyl Diimidazole (CDI) 25 Kg China 29332990
Creatine Mono 80 Mesh / 200 Mesh 25 Kg China 29224990
Creatinine 25 Kg China 29332990
Crotonic Acid 50 Kg China 29161940
2-Cyano-4-Methyl Biphenyl 25 Kg China 29269000
Cyanoacetamide 25 Kg China 29269000
Dicyclohexyl Carbodimide 25 Kg China 29252990
Dicyclohexylamine 180 Kg China 29213090
Diethyl Glycol Dimethyl Ether (Diglyme) 190 Kg China 29094100
Diethyl Carbonate 200 Kg China 29209000
1,3-Difluorobenzene 50 Kg / 200 Kg China 29039990
2,2-Dimethoxy Propane 170 Kg China / UK 29091990
1,2-Dimethoxy Ethane (Monoglyme) 180 Kg China 29091990
4-Dimethyl Amino Pyridine 99% 25 Kg / 50 Kg China 29333911
2,5-Diphenyl oxazole (PPo) 1 Kg China 29349900
Glutaric Acid 25 Kg China 29171990
Glycerol Triacetate (Triacetin) 240 Kg China 29153999
Guanine 25 Kg China 29339090
Guanosine 98% 25 Kg China 29349990
Hydroxylamine HCl 25 Kg China 28251090
P-Hydroxy Benzaldehyde 25 Kg China 29124999
Imidazole 25 Kgs China 29332990
Indole-3-Butyric Acid 25 Kg (1 Kg) China 29339900
Indole-3-Acetic Acid 25 Kgs (1 Kgs) China 29420090
Kinetin 1 Kg China 29335990
Lithium Alluminium Hydride 25 Kg / 1 Kg Chile 28500010
Malonic Acid 25 Kg China 29171920
2-Mercapto Ethanol 99% 200 Kg China 29309099
Methallyl Chloride 180 Kg China 29032900
N-Methyl Morpholine 180 Kg China 29349900
2-Methyl Tetrahydrofuran 170 Kg UK / China 29321990
2-Methoxy Propene 99% 125 Kg China 29110090
Mesitylene 170 Kg China 29321990
Niobium(V) oxide 99.9% 25 Kg (1 Kg) China 29420090
1, 10-Phenanthroline Mono 25 Kg (1 Kg) China 29339900
Phloroglucinol 25 Kg (1 Kg) China 29072990
Phosphorus Pentoxide 27 Kg U.K. 28091000
Propionaldehyde 160 Kg BAsf 29121990
Pyrogallol Ar 99% 25 Kg China 29072990
Pyrrolidone 200 Kg China 29337910
Quinoline 200 Kg China 29334900
D-Ribose 25 Kg / 1 Kg China 29400000
sebasic Acid 25 Kg China 29171300
sodium Deoxycholate 25 Kg / 1 Kg China 29181990
sodium Azide 25 Kg China 28500049
sodium Pyruvate 25 Kg China 29183090
sodium Tetraphenyl Borate 25 Kg / 1 Kg China 29319090
sodium Xylene sulphonate 25 Kg China 29420090
Taurine 25 Kg China 29349990
Thiophenol 200 Kg China 29309099
D-Tartaric Acid 25 Kg China 29181200
Tetramethyl Urea 25 Kg China 29242990
Thymine 25 Kg China 29335990
N,N,N,N-Tetramethylethylene Diamine 99% 160 Kg China 29212990
Tetraethylene Pentamine 173.27 Kg UsA 29212900
Thioacetic Acid 50 Kg China 29309099
Tetrabutyl Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate 12 Kg / 13 Kg China 29239000
Tert Butyl Dimethyl Chloro silane 20 Kg China 29319090
Tert Butyl Dimethyl silyl Chloride 25 Kg China 29310090
Tert Butyl Acetate 180 Kg China 29153990
Tetrakis (Decyl) Ammonium Bromide 10 X Kg China 29239000
Tetraheptyl Ammonium Bromide 10 X 1 kg China 29239000
1,2,3-Triacetoxy Propane (Triacetin) 240 Kg China 29171990
Thioacetamide 25 Kg China 29309099
Triethyl ortho Acetate 170 Kg China 29153999
Triethylamine Hydrochloride 50 Kg Germany 29211990
Trifluoro Acetic Anhydride 160 Kg China 29159090
Trimethyl orthoacetate 180 Kg / 200 Kg China 29159099
Triphosgene 25 Kg China 29209000
Tris HCl 25 Kg China 29221900
Triss Buffer AR 99.9% 25 Kg China 29221990
Uracil 25 Kg China 29209099
D-Xylose 50 Kg China 29335990

Please Contact: 704, Regent Chambers, 7th floor, 208, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021.
TOLANI CHEMICALS Tel.: +91-22-22821706 / 08 / 10 / 66337017 / 18 / 66360738 / 66379214
Email: [email protected] / [email protected] w
Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 31

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Lithium Carbonate 99%

Lithium Hydroxide Monohydrate Min. 56.5%



Acetyl Acetone

1-Methyl Imidazole

N-Heptane 95%


DI-Tert Butyl Dicarbonate (DIBOC)


Please Contact:
704, Regent Chambers, 7th Floor, 208, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021.
Tel.: +91-22-22821706 / 08 / 10 / 66337017 / 18 / 66360738 / 66379214
Email: [email protected] / [email protected] w

32 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
Bromo Difluoro Acetic Acid Para Toluidine (P.T.)
Bromo Penta Fluoro Benzene Penta Fluoro Benzoic Acid
Chloro Acetyl Chloride Penta Fluoro Phenol
Chloroform Perchloroethylene (PCE)
Diamino Stilbene Disulfonic Acid (D.A.S.D.A.) Polyester Resin – Bottle Grade (PET)
Ethyl Tri Fluoro Acetate (ETFA) Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)
Meta Nitro Toluene (M.N.T.) Tetra Fluoro Benzyl Alcohol
Meta Toluidine (M.T.) Tetra Hydro Furan (THF)
Methylene Chloride (MDC) Thionyl Chloride
Ortho Chloro Benzoic Acid Tri Chloro Acetyl Chloride
Ortho Nitro Toluene (O.N.T.) Tri Chloro Ethylene (TCE)
Ortho Toluidine (O.T. Liquid) Tri Fluoro Acetic Acid
Para Amino Benzoic Acid (P.A.B.A.) Trifluoro Acetic Anhydride
Para Nitro Benzoic Acid (P.N.B.A.) Trifluoroacetamide
Para Nitro Toluene (P.N.T.) Trifluoroacetone
Electroplating Chemicals - Decorative & Functional
Industrial Parts Cleaning Chemicals l Metal Pre-Treatment Chemicals
403, Florence, Above Sharma Hyundai Showroom, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad-380 009 (Guj.) INDIA.
PH: +91 - 79 - 40070097 / 98 / 99

E-mail : [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 33

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1,4 Dioxane Cyclohexane Glycolic Acid 70%

1-Bromo-3-Chloro Propane Cyclohexanol Glyoxal 40%
2,2 Di Methoxy Propane Cyclohexanone 'ƵŵZŽƐŝŶtͬt'ƌĂĚĞ
2-Ethyl Hexyl Acrylate Cyclohexylamine Heptane (S)
2-Hydroxy Ethyl Methacrylate Dextrose Mono & Anhydrous Hexamine
2-Methyl THF Di Acetone Alcohol Hexylene Glycol
4-Amino Butyric Acid Di Cyclo Pentadiene 95% Hydrazine Hydrate 80% & 100 %
4-Di Methyl Amino Pyridine Di Cyclohexylamine Hydro Bromic Acid 48%
4-Hydroxy Benzaldehyde Di Ethanol Amine Hydrogen Peroxide-50%
ĐĞƟĐĐŝĚ Di Ethyl Amine Hydroquinone
Acetone Di Ethyl Carbonate Hydroxylamine HCL
Acetonitrile Di Ethyl Ether Hydroxylamine Sulphate
Acetophenone Di Ethyl Malonate Iodine
Acrylamide Di Ethylene Glycol Iso Butanol
Acrylic Acid Di Ethylene Triamine Iso Butyraldehyde
Acrylonitrile Di Iso Propyl Amine Iso Butyric Acid
Adipic Acid Di Iso Propyl Ether Iso Phthalic Acid
Allyl Alcohol Di Iso Propyl Ethylamine Iso Propyl Acetate
Allyl Chloride Di Methyl Acetamide Iso Propyl Alcohol
Alpha Naphthol Di Methyl Amine 40% L - Proline
Amino Ethyl Ethanolamine Di Methyl Carbonate L+Tartaric Acid
Amino Guanidine Bicarbonate Di Methyl Formamide Lauryl Alcohol
Ammonium Per Sulphate Di Methyl Malonate Maleic Anhydride
Ammonium Thio Cyanate 99% Di Methyl Sulphate Malonic Acid
Aniline Oil Di Methyl Sulphoxide Malononitrile
Benzaldehyde Dicyandiamide Melamine
Benzene Di-N-Butyl Amine Methacrylic Acid
Benzoic Acid DL-Tartaric Acid Methane Sulphonic Acid
Benzyl Alcohol D-Tartaric Acid Methane Sulphonyl Chloride
Benzyl Amine ŵƵůƐŝĮĞƌϰ͘ϱΘϵ͘ϱDŽůĞ Methanol
Benzyl Chloride Epichlorohydrine Methyl Aceto Acetate
Beta Naphthol Ethyl Acetate Methyl Acrylate
Bisphenol-A Ethyl Aceto Acetate Methyl Chloro Formate
Boc Anhydride (DIBOC) Ethyl Acrylate Methyl Cyanoacetate
Boric Acid Ethyl Carbitol Methyl Cyclo Hexane
Butyl Acetate Ethyl Cellosolve Methyl Ethyl Ketone
Butyl Acrylate Ethyl Cellosolve Acetate Methyl Iso Butyl Ketone
Butyl Carbitol Ethyl Chloro Formate Methyl Methacrylate
Butyl Cellosolve Ethyl Cyanoacetate DĞƚŚLJůdĞƌƟĂƌLJƵƚLJůƚŚĞƌ
Butylated Hydroxy Toluene (BHT) Ethylene Di Amine Methylene Dichloride
Catechol Formamide Mix Xylene
ĂƵƐƟĐWŽƚĂƐŚ&ůĂŬĞƐ Formic Acid 85% & 99% Mono Ethanol Amine
ĂƵƐƟĐ^ŽĚĂ&ůĂŬĞƐͬWƌŝůůƐ Fumaric Acid Mono Ethylene Glycol
Ceto Stearyl Alcohol Gluconic Acid 50% Mono Iso Propyl Amine
Chloroform Glutaraldehyde 50% Mono Methyl Amine 40%
Chromic Acid Glycerine DŽŶŽŐůLJŵĞͬŝŐůLJŵĞ
ŝƚƌŝĐĐŝĚDŽŶŽͬŶŚLJĚƌŽƵƐ Glycine Morpholine

Please Contact: ŶŬŝƚĂŚĞŵŝĐĂůŽƌƉŽƌĂƟŽŶ

(Trading Since 1995) c
34 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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MP Diol Glycol Perchloroethylene Sodium Iodide

EĂƉŚƚŚĂůĞŶĞZĞĮŶĞĚ Petroleum Ether 60:80 Sodium Meta Bi Sulphite
N-Butanol Phenol Sodium Metal
N-Butyl Amine Phenyl Chloro Formate ^ŽĚŝƵŵDĞƚŚŽdžŝĚĞWǁĚƌͬ^ŽůŶ
N-Butyl Methacrylate Phosphoric Acid 85% Sodium Nitrate
N-Butyraldehyde Phosphorous Acid Crystal Sodium Nitrite
N-Butyric Acid Phthalic Anhydride Sodium Tri Poly Phosphate
Neopentyl Glycol Piperazine Anhydrous Styrene Monomer
N-Heptane 99% Poly Aluminium Chloride Succinic Acid
N-Hexane 99% WŽƚĂƐƐŝƵŵĂƌďŽŶĂƚĞ'ƌŶͬ͘WŽǁĚĞƌ TDI 80:20
Nitro Benzene Potassium Iodide dĞƌƟĂƌLJƵƚĂŶŽů
Nitromethane Potassium Persulphate dĞƌƟĂƌLJƵƚLJůŵŝŶĞ
N-Methyl Piperazine PPG-4000 Tetra Ethylene Pentamine
N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone Propargyl Alcohol Tetrahydrofuran
N,N-Diethyl Aniline dŚŝŽĐĞƟĐĐŝĚ
Propionic Acid
N-N-Di Methyl Aniline Thiophenol
Nonyl Phenol Pyridine Thiourea
N-Propanol Pyrrolidine Toluene
N-Propyl Acetate Resorcinol Tri Chloro Ethylene
Octanol Salicylic Acid Tri Ethanol Amine 85% & 99%
Octoic Acid Sebacic Acid Tri Ethyl Amine
Ortho- Xylene Soda Ash Tri Ethyl Ortho Formate
Oxalic Acid 94% & 99% Sodium Benzoate Tri Ethylene Glycol
Para Octyl Phenol Sodium Bicarbonate Tri Ethylene Tetra Amine
WĂƌĂdĞƌƟĂƌLJƵƚLJůWŚĞŶŽů Sodium Bisulphite Tri Methyl Chloro Silane
Para Toluene Sulphonyl Chloride ^ŽĚŝƵŵŽƌŽ,LJĚƌŝĚĞ'ƌŶͬ͘WŽǁĚĞƌ Tri Methyl Ortho Acetate
WĂƌĂĸŶtĂdž&ƵůůLJZĞĮŶĞĚ Sodium Chloride (SALT) Tri Methyl Ortho Formate
Paraformaldehyde 91% & 96% Sodium Cyanide Tri Methylol Propane
W'ϭϱϬϬͬϭϮϬϬϬ Sodium Gluconate Tri-N-Butyl Amine
W'ϮϬϬͬϰϬϬͬϲϬϬͬϰϬϬϬ Sodium Hexa Meta Phosphate Triphosgene
Pentaerythritol Sodium Hydro Sulphite Vinyl Acetate Monomer

ĐĞƟĐĐŝĚ Iso Propyl Alcohol E͘ƵƚĂŶŽů
Acetone Methanol Octanol
ĂƵƐƟĐ^ŽĚĂ>LJĞ Methyl Iso Butyl Ketone Ortho-Xylene
Chloroform Methylene Di Chloride Phenol
Cyclohexanone Mix Xylene Styrene Monomer
Ethyl Acetate Mono Ethylene Glycol Toluene
Iso Butanol MTBE Vinyl Acetate Monomer
Can Also offer our supply to SEZ Units against LUT without Payment of IGST
(Trading Since 1995)
Tel.: 022-24118008/24111128/24111960/24111006
Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 35

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Registered Office & Works:
Village-Devadi, Post-Tumsar Road, District Bhandara-441913
Maharashtra, India l Tel.: +91-07183-223664
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Clarion, ISO 9001:2015 company. Manufacturers of Pharma Intermediates. The company

with four large production blocks, spread over 35 acres of lush green land, handles hazardous
chemistries. The company is a zero-discharge unit complying with environmental norms. We
persevere to excel at quality backed by a capable R&D and production teams.
Product CAS No. Product CAS No.
 3-Nitro Acetophenone 121-89-1  3-Nitro Benzaldehyde 99-61-6
 3-Amino Acetophenone 99-03-6  3-Hydroxy Benzaldehyde 100-83-4
 3-Hydroxy Acetophenone 121-71-1  3-Methoxy Benzaldehyde 591-31-1
 3-Methoxy Acetophenone 586-37-8  3-Benzyloxy Benzaldehyde 1700-37-4
 3-Acetoxy Acetophenone 2454-35-5  3’-Bromobenzaldehyde 3132-99-8
 3-Acetamido Acetophenone7463-31-2  3,4-Dimethoxy Benzaldehyde (Veratraldehyde) 120-14-9

 3-Chloro Acetophenone 99-02-5  3-Hydroxy-4-Methoxy Benzaldehyde

 4-Chloro Acetophenone 99-91-2 (Isovanillin) 621-59-0

 3-Bromo Acetophenone 2142-63-4
 3,4 Dimethoxy Acetophenone
 2-(4-Chlorobenzoyl) Benzoic Acid 85-56-3
 4-Bromo-3-Nitro Acetophenone
 2-(3-Nitro-4-Chlorobenzoyl) Benzoic Acid 85-54-1
 2-Chloro Acetophenone 2412-68-9
 2-(3-Amino-4-Chlorobenzoyl) Benzoic Acid 118-04-7
 2-Chloro-3,4-Dihydroxy Acetophenone
 2-Amino-4,5-Dimethoxy Benzoic Acid 5653-40-7
 2,4,5-Trimethoxy Benzoic Acid 490-64-2
PROPIOPHENONE DERIVATIVES  3-Methoxy-4-Methyl Benzoic Acid 7151-68-0
 3-Hydroxy Propiophenone 13103-80-5  3-Hydroxy-4-Nitro Benzoic Acid 619-14-7
 3-Methoxy Propiophenone 37951-49-8
 3’-Chloro Propiophenone 34841-35-5 ACETAMIDE DERIVATIVES
 β-Chloro Propiophenone 936-59-4  2,2,2-Trichloro Acetamide 594-65-0


 5-Chloro Thiophene-2-Carboxylic Acid 24065-33-6  4-Phenyl Benzophenone 2128-93-0
 4-(4-Aminophenyl) Morpholin-3-One 438056-69-0  4-Hydroxy Benzophenone 1137-42-4
 4-Chloro Benzophenone 134-85-0
 1,4-Benzoquinone 106-51-4
 4-Hydroxy-3-Nitro Acetophenone 6322-56-1
 3-(4-Chlorophenyl)-1-Isoindolinone (3-CPP) 2224-77-3
 2-Bromo-4-Benzyloxy-3-Nitro Acetophenone 43229-01-2
 2-Acetyl Thiophene 98-88-15
 3,4-Dimethoxy Benzonitrile 2024-83-1 LUMIFANTRINE INTERMEDIATES
 4-Hydroxy Coumarin 1076-38-6  4-Chloro Acetyl-2,7 Dichloro Fluorene 131023-37-5
 3-Ethoxy-4-Methoxy Benzonitrile 60758-86-3  2-(2,7-Dichloro-9H-Fluorene)-4yl-Oxirane 53221-14-0
 O-Benzoyl Benzoic Acid 85-52-9  DBA 69751-61-1

36 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Supplying Consistent quality products for more than
75 Years, since 1946
BIS Certified products

Attractive Prices and Discounts

IS : 411-1991


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+91 7208047442

38 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexamethyldisilazane Dimethyl amino ethanol Methacrylic acid Potassium monopersulphate
1,2,3-Benzotriazole Dimethyl amino propylamine Methane sulfonic acid Potassium sorbate
1,2,4 Triazole Dimethyl carbonate Methane sulphonyl chloride Propargyl alcohol
1,3-Bromo chloropropane Dimethyl malonate Methyl-2-chloropropionate Propionaldehyde
1,3-Difluorobenzene Dimethyl sulphoxide Methyl acetoacetate Propiophenone
1,4-Butane diol Dimethyl-6-sulfosiophthalate sodium salt Methyl acrylate Propylene carbonate
1,6-Hexanediol Di-n-butylamine Methyl chloroformate Propylene glycol
2-Acetyl gamma butyro lactone Diphenylamine Methyl cyanoacetate Pyridine
2-Cyanoacetamide Dipropylene glycol Methyl isobutyl ketone Pyrrolidine
2-Cyano-4-methyl biphienyl Di-tert-butyl dicarbonate (BOC-anhydride) Methyl isocyanate Quinoline
2-Methyltetrahydrofuran DL-Tartaric acid Methyl methacrylate Salicylic acid
2-Methyl-1,3-propanediol DL-Methionine Methyl-tert-butyl-ether Sebacic acid
2-Methylimidazole D-Tartaric acid Methyl cyclohexane Sodium acid pyro phosphate
2-Pyyrolidone EDTA Methylene diphenyl diisocyanate
2,2-Dimethoxypropane Sodium borohydride
EDTA disodium Mono cyclohexylamine
2,2,2-Trifluoroethanol EDTA tetrasodium Sodium citrate
2,4-Dichloro benzyl chloride Epichlorohydrine Sodium dichloroisocyanurate 60%
2,4-Dichlorophenol Ethyl acetoacetate (granules / tablets / powder)
4-Chlorobenzyl cyanide Ethyl acrylate Sodium ethoxide
Myristic acid
4-Dimethyl amino pyridine Ethyl chloroformate Sodium ferrocyanide
Myristyl alcohol
4,4-Diaminodiphenylmethane Ethyl cyanoacetate Sodium gluconate
4-Hydroxyacetophenone Ethylcyclohexane Sodium hypophosphite
4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde Fluorobenzene Sodium metabisulphite
4-Hydroxybenzoic acid Formamide n-Heptane (food grade)
8-Hydroxyquinoline Formic acid n-Hexane Sodium methoxide solution
Acetonitrile Fumaric acid n-Propanol Sodium nitrite
Acetophenone Fumed silica n-Methyl morpholine Sodium perborate monohydrate
Acetyl acetone Furfuryl alcohol n-Methyl piperazine Sodium perborate tetrahydrate
Acrylamide Gamma-butyro-lactone n-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone Sodium percarbonate
Acrylic acid Gluconic acid Sodium persulphate
Acrylonitrile Glucono-delta-lactone Sodium polyacrylate
Allyl chloride Glutaraldehyde 50% Sodium pyruvate
Aminoguanidine bicarbonate Glutaric acid Sodium silicofluoride
N,N-Dicyclohexyl carbodiimide
Ammonium chloride Glycerine Sodium sulphite (food grade)
N,O-Bis (Trimethyl silyl acetamide)
Ammonium thiocyanate Glycine Sodium thiocyanate
n-Propyl acetate
Aniline Glycine ethyl ester
n-Valeric acid Sodium tripolyphosphate
Antimony trioxide Glycolic acid
Naphthalene Sorbic acid
Benzene sulphonyl chloride Glyoxal
Naphthenic acid Succinic acid
Benzoic acid Glyoxylic acid
Neopentyl glycol Sulfolane
Benzophenone Guanidine HCl
Nitromethane Taurine
Benzylamine Heptane
Bis (trimethyl) carbonate Nonyl phenol 9.5 Tea seed cake
Bis (trimethylsilyl) acetamide Hexylene glycol o-Chlorobenzaldehyde tert-Butyl acetate
Bisphenol Hydrazine hydrate o-Toluic acid tert-Butyldimethylsilyl chloride
Boron trifluoride etherate Hydrobromic acid Oleic acid Tertiary butanol
Butyl diglycol Hydrofluoric acid Ortho-Aminophenol Tertiary butyl amine
Butylated hydroxytoluene Hydrogen peroxide Ortho Chlorobenzoic acid Tetra acetyl ethylene diamine
Butyraldehyde Hydroxyethyl isocyanurate Ortho cresol Tetra sodium pyrophosphate
Calcium propionate Hydroxylamine hydrochloride Ortho toluidine Tetrahydrofuran
Capric acid Hydroxylamine sulfate Oxone Tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)
Caproic acid Imidazole p-Toluic acid phosphonium sulfate
Caprylic acid Iodine Palmitic acid Thioacetamide
Chloroform Isobutanol Para chloro benzaldehyde Thiophene
Cinnamic acid Isobutyraldehyde Para octyl phenol Tolytriazole
Citric acid monohydrate/anhydrous Isocyanuric acid Paraffin wax
Creatine monohydrate Isophthalic acid Paraformaldehyde
Crotonic acid Isopropyl acetate p-Chlorobenzyl cyanide
Trichloroisocyanuric acid 90%
Cyanoacetic acid Isopropyl alcohol Pentaerythritol
(granular / tablets / powder)
Cyclohexane Isopropyl myristate Perchloroethylene
Cyclohexanol Isothiazolinone Phenol
Triethyl amine
Cyclohexanone Isovaleric acid Phenyl chloroformate
Phosphoric acid Triethyl orthoacetate
Cyclohexylamine Itaconic acid
Phosphoric anhydride Trimelittic anhydride
Cyclopentanone L-(+)-Tartaric acid
Phosphorous acid Trimethyl borate
Decyl alcohol Lactose
Phosphorus pentoxide Trimethyl orthoacetate
D-gluconic acid Lauric acid
Diacetone Lauryl alcohol Phthalic anhydride Trimethyl orthoformate
Diacetone alcohol L-Camphor sulfonic acid Piperazine anhydrous Trimethylchlorosilane
Dibasic ester Lithium carbonate Pivaloyl chloride Trimethylol propane
Dicyclohexylamine Lithium hydroxide Polyelectrolyte Tri-n-butyl amine
Dicyclopentadiene Magnesium oxide Polypropylene glycol Triphosgene
Diethanolamine Maleic anhydride Polytetramethylene ether glycol Tris(2-hydroxyethyl) isocyanurate
Diethyl amine Malonic acid Potassium bicarbonate Uracil
Diethyl ether Malononitrile Potassium carbonate Xanthan gum
Diethyl malonate Melamine Potassium ferricyanide Zeolite
Diglyme Mesitylene Potassium ferrocyanide Zinc hydroxystannate
Diisopropyl ether meta-Xylene Potassium hydroxide and more ...


Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 39

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R 322 MIDC, TTC Industrial
Estate, Rabale, Navi Mumbai
400701 (India).
Enriching life with Ayurved...
Personal Care Extract
Natural Oils & Butters
Other Ingredients
+91-7506506197 +91-8355940195 +91-9833246560
[email protected] | [email protected]
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Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 41

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42 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Caproic Acid (C-6)
Caprylic Acid (C-8)
Capric Acid (C-10)
Lauric Acid (C-12)
Myristic Acid (C-14)
Palmitic Acid (C-16)
Stearic Acid (C-18)
Oleic Acid (C-18.1)
Distilled Coconut Fatty Acid
Hydrogenated Technical Oil
For Quality, Regular Supply & Competitive Prices
Contact: Mr. Sunil Goenka

Siddharth International
Green House, 2nd Floor, Green Street, Fort, Mumbai 400 023.
Phone: 022-22662136, 22663119 l Mobile: 9820026621
Email: [email protected]
Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 43

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44 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Available of Indian Origin
v Phenyl Hydrazine HCl
v Acetonitrile (Taiwan)
v Phenyl Hydrazine base v Acrylamide (China)
v Acrylic Acid (BASF / Formosa / China / LG Korea)
vAdipic Acid
v Chloroform
v Citric Acid Mono / Anhydrous
v D.O.P
v DCDA (China)
v Di Ethyl Malonate (China)
v Di Methyl Acetamide
v Di Methyl Amino Pyridine
v Di Methyl Carbonate
v Di Methyl Formamide (China)
v Di Methyl Malonate
v Di Methyl Sulfoxide (Hubei Xingfa)
v DMA - HCl
v DCDA (China / Belite)
v Epichlorohydrine (Hanwa)
v Ethyl Chloro Formate
v Glycerine
v Gum Rosin (Indonesia)
v Hydrazine Hydrate (Lanxess)
v Hydrobromic Acid 48%
v Hydroxylamine HCl
v Hydroxylamine Sulphate
v Iso Butanol (Dairen)
v Iso Phthalic Acid (Eastman)
v L+Tartaric Acid
v Maleic Anhydride (Taiwan / Korea / China)
v Melamine (China)
v Methane Sulphonyl Chloride
v Methyl Aceto Acetate (Lonza)
v Methyl Chloro Formate
v Methyl Cyanoacetate
v Methyl Iso Butyl Ketone (Sasol / Kumho)
v Methylene Chloride
v N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone (China)
v Octoic Acid - 2EH
v Para Toluene Sulphonic Chloride
v Pentaerythritol (Perstorp)
v Phenol (Taiwan / Korea)
v Phthalic Anhydride
v Phosphoric Acid (Vietnam)
v Phosphorous Oxychloride (POCL3)
v Propylene Glycol Tech (Shandong Shida / Wells)
v PVC (Ineos / LG Korea / Mexico)
v Resorcinol

Araya Ventures LLP v Sodium Bi Carbonate

v Sodium Borohydride
v Sodium Hydride
1102, 11th Floor, Padmavati Heights, v Sodium Meta Bi Sulphite (China)
Near Sai Baba Mandir, Shraddhanand Road, v Sodium Metal
Vile Parle (East), Mumbai 400057. Maharashtra, India. v Sodium Nitrite
v Technical Urea
Office: +91-2612 8800 / 8400 / 8500 v Tetra Hydro Furan (THF) (Taiwan)
: +91-98191 07744 v Thiophene-2-Ethanol
* : [email protected] v Tri Ethyl Amine
v Tri N Butylamine (China)
Please note our new address & telephone Nos

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 45

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Since 1961
A GMP and ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company

Manufacturer Pharmaceutical Products (IP/BP/USP/Ph. Eur.)

Inorganic and Organic Fine Chemicals & Compounds
Š Ammonium Chloride IP Š Potassium Chloride IP/Ph. Eur.
Š Calcium Chloride Dihydrate IP/Ph. Eur.
Š Magnesium Chloride IP Š Sodium Chloride IP/Ph. Eur. (with MLT)
Š Ammonium Sulphate AR/ BP Š Sodium Hydroxide Pellets IP/Ph. Eur.
Š Boric Acid IP Š Urea IP/ BP Š Sodium Bicarbonate – IP/BP (with BD/TD)
Š Citric Acid Monohydrate IP Š Citric Acid Anhydrous IP
Š Disodium Edetate (EDTA Disodium) IP/BP
Š Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate Anhydrous BP
Š Di-potassium Hydrogen Phosphate Anhydrous BP
Š Di-sodium Phosphate Anhydrous BP (with MLT)
Š Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate Dihydrate – IP/BP (with MLT)
Š Di-sodium Hydrogen Phosphate Dodecahydrate (12H2O) – IP (with MLT)


Š Acetone BP Š Methanol BP
Š Dichloromethane BP Š Glycerol IP
Š Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) IP/BP/USP Š Propylene Glycol IP/USP
Š Hydrochloric Acid – IP/BP/AR Š Acetic Acid Glacial – IP/LR/AR
Š Sulphuric Acid – AR Š Nitric Acid AR/BP
Š Orthophosphoric Acid IP/AR

Š Acetanilide Extra Pure – Perfumery Grade Š Calcium Oxide – Extra Pure
Š Hydriodic Acid 57% Š Zinc Chloride Š Silicon Oil 100 CST
Š Bismuth Oxide Extra Pure Š Potassium Tetraborate
FDA Drug Manufacturing License and GMP as per revised Schedule ‘M’

1st Floor Calcot House, 1 MP Shetty Marg, Tamarind Lane, Fort, Mumbai – 400 001, India
Phone: +91-22-22046459 / 22040062 | Fax: +91-22-22046843
Email: [email protected] | c
Contact: Mr. Pankaj Gupta (+91-9821151526) or Mr. Navin Shah (+91-9821332328)
46 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

• Acetic Acid • Formic Acid 85% • Ortho Di Chloro Benzene
• Acetone • Methanol • Di Methyl Formamide
• Benzene • Methyl Iso Butyl Ketone • Butyl Acetate Monomer / Styrene Monomer /
• Butyl Acetate • Mono Chloro Benzene Vinyl Acetate Monomer
• Carbon Di Sulphide • Methyl Ethyl Ketone • Di Ethylene Glycol/Mono Ethylene Glycol /
• Caustic Soda Lye • N Butanol / Iso Butanol Tri Ethylene Glycol
• Chloro Sulphonic Acid • N Propanol • Di Ethyl Sulphate / Di Methyl Sulphate
• Nitro Benzene • Phenol • Di Methyl Amine 40% / Mono Methyl Amine
• Oleum 65 % • Toluene • Ethylene Dichloride / Methylene Dichloride
• Chloroform • Mixed xylene / Orthoxylene • Hydrogen Peroxide 50%
• Ethyl Acetate • Cyclohexanone / Cyclohexane • Liquid Bromine
• 2 Ethyl Hexanol • Iso Propyl Alcohol / • Ortho Nitro Chloro Benzene
• Formaldehyde 37% Iso Propyl Acetate • Phosphoric Acid 50% & Above in Tanker
• Aluminium Chloride (All Grades) • Ammonium Formate / Ethyl Chloro • Di Methyl Sulphoxide • Maleic Anhydride
• Benzyl Chloride Formate Tri Ethyl Ortho Formate / • Maleic Anhydride • Sodium Cyanide
• Ammonium Chloride Sodium Formate • Ammonium Per Sulphate • Mono Iso Propyl Amine (70% & 99%)
• Glycerine • Imidazole • Acrylamide • Methyl Acrylate
• Morpholine • 2 Methyl THF • Methyl Iodide • Di Butyl Ether
• Methane Sulphonic Acid • Purified Terephthalic Acid • 2-Amino Pyridine • Sodium Sulfate Anhydrous
• Tri Ethylene Di Amine (TEDA) • Sodium Azide • Nitro Methane • Borax
• Di Cyclohexyl Amine • Calcium Hypochlorite • Di Methyl Formamide • Acetyl Chloride
• Acetophenone • Calcium Hydroxide • Acetonitrile • Chloro Acetyl Chloride
• Ethyl Benzene • Allyl Chloride • Potassium Chloride • Mono Sodium Gluconate
• Neo Pentyl Glycol • Benzoyl Chloride • Sodium Methoxide Powder & Solution • Bisphenol A
• Iodine • Mono Sodium Glutamate • Ethyl Acrylate • Methane Sulphonyl Chloride
• Hyflow Supercell • Hydroquinone • Tetra Hydro Furan • Tri Ethylene Tetra Amine (TETA)
• 1 Bromo 3 Chloro Propane • Methyl Formate • Iso Phthalic Acid • Cyclohexyl Amine
• Caprolactam • Phenyl Chloro Formate • Hydrogen Peroxide 50 % • Tri Ethyl Amine HCl
• Beta Naphthol
• Methyl Tert Butyl Ether • Hydrose • Ethyl Formate
• Sodium Metal
• Propionic Acid • Hydrazine Hydrate 80% & 64% • Methyl Chloro Formate
• Benzotriazole
• Alum Sulphate • Phosphoric Acid 52% • Monoglyme • Maleic Acid
• Sodium Silicate • Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic Acid (DETPA) • Iso Butyric Acid • Ortho Phenylene Diamine
• Calcium Carbonate • Cyanamide 50 % Solution • Di Methyl Terpthalate • Technical Urea
• Boric Acid • Lactose • Alpha Naphthol • Sodium Hypochlorite
• Sodium Acetate (Anhydrous / Trihydrate) • Allyl Alcohol • Tertiary Butyl Chloride • Sulfamic Acid
• Lithium Aluminium Hydride (LAH) • Thiophenol • Hexamethyldisilazide • Polyacrylamide
• Ethyl Aceto Acetate / Methyl Aceto Acetate • Di Ethylene Tri Amine • Di Ethyl Ether • Potassium Nitrite
• Pyridine • Di Methyl Amine HCl • Sulphur Powder • Gamma Butryl Lactone
• 4 Di Methyl Amino Pyridine • Paraformaldehyde 96% • Dicyandiamine (DCDA) • Di Ethylene Glycol / Mono Ethylene
• Formic Acid 99% • Potassium Iodide • Phosphoric Acid (All Grade) Glycol / Tri Ethylene Glycol
• Raney Nickel Catalyst • 2-Cyano Pyridine • Methyl Cyclohexanone • Iso Valeraldehyde / N Valeraldehyde
• Hydro Bromic Acid - 48 % • 3-Acetyl Pyridine • 3,5 Lutidine • Di Vinyl Ether
• Sodium Nitrite • 2,6 Lutidine • Diglyme • Potassium Tert Butoxide
• Di Methyl Acetamide • Nitro Benzene • Tetra Hydro Furan • Cyano Acetic Acid 50 % & 70%
• Pyrrolidone / • Di Methyl Formamide • Thiourea • L-Carnitine Base / HCl
N-Methyl Pyrrolidone • L-Cysteine Mono HCl • N-Butyric Acid • Hydroxyl Amine HCl (HAHCl)
• L-Alanine • L-Valine • D-Tartaric Acid • L-Phenylalanine
• Hydroquinone • L-Proline • L (+) Tartaric Acid • Hydroxyl Amine Sulphate (HAS)
• Epichlorohydrine • Sodium Gluconate • Octoic Acid
Any other compound and molecules as per your required specification can be tailor made if possible


Unit No.: 1301-1304, 13th Floor, B-Wing, Dhanashree Heights, Bldg. No.42,
Azad Nagar 2, Off Veera Desai Road, Andheri (W), Mumbai - 400 053. INDIA

Tel.: +91-22-67115900 (30 Lines)

Email: [email protected] l Web.:
Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 47

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Liquid >> Potassium Silicate >> Potassium Titanate Rutile Sand
>> Lithium Silicate >> Sodium Titanate
>> Sodium Silicate >> Barium Titanate
>> Lithium Potassium Silicate
>> Mixed Titanate
>> Potassium Sodium Silicate
>> Lithium Potassium Sodium Silicate >> Potassium Lithium Titanate
>> Potassium Magnesium Titanate
Water Soluble Powder >> Potassium Silicate Available in
>> Sodium Silicate (Alkaline)
>> Sodium Silicate (Neutral)

Lumps >> Potassium Silicate (Lumps)

Powder Whisker Flakes

Industries we serve

Adhesive & Coatings Agriculture Automobile Brake Linings / Pads Construction Dyes & Chemicals

Refractories Oil Well Drilling Welding Electrodes Paints

Noble Alchem Private Limited

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

• Chloroacetonitrile • 4-(Methoxy carbonyl)-3-nitro benzoic acid • 1-Acetoxy Ethyl Bromide (1-AEB) • Calcium Zinc Liquid Stabilizer
• Dicyclohexylamine Nitrite • 1-(3- Chloro phenyl)-3-methyl-5- pyrazolone • Para-Nitro Benzyl Bromide (PNBBR) • Benzene Sulphonic Acid
• Morpholine Benzoate • 2 Amino Dimethyl Terephthalate • Para-Nitro Benzyl Alcohol (PNBA) • Hydrazine Sulphate
• Dicyclohexylamine Benzoate • Nickel Chloride • Para-Nitro Benzaldehyde (PNBD) • Hydrazine Mono Hydrochloride
• Anionic Polyelectrolyte • Tin Sulphate • Para Nitro Benzoic Acid • Hydrazine Di hydrochloride
• Cationic Polyelectrolyte • Zinc Cyanide • 1-(Dibromomethyl)-4-Nitro Benzene (Dibromo) • Adipic Acid Dihydrazide
• Dicyclohexylamine Caprylate • Ferrous Sulphate Penta Hydrate (20%) • Sodium Bromide • Sebacic Dihydrazide
• Bronopol • 4 Nitro Benzyl Alcohol • Methyl Salicylate • Isophthalic Dihydrazide
• 2, 2-dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide (DBNPA) • Tetra Butyl Ammonium Tribromide • 1,2,3-Tri Chloro Benene • Propionic Acid Hydrazine
• 4-Chloro Thymol • Copper (I) Bromide/ Copper (II) Bromide • Bis Phenol Sulfonyl Ester • 3 Hydroxy 2 Naphtho Hydrazine
• 1, 2, 3-Benzotriazole • 3-Nitro Benzonitrile • 3-Nitro Benzoyl Chloride • Salicylic Hydrazine
• 4-Aminobenzonitrile • Cyanogen Bromide • 2 Nitro Dimethyl terephthalate • Benzophenone Hydrazine
• 2, 6-Dibromo-4-Nitro Aniline • Pyridinium Chlorochromate • 3,4 Dichloro Aniline-6 Sulphonic Acid • Dodecanohydrazide
• Uracil • Pyridinium Dichromate w Pyridinium Tribromide • Nickel Carbonate • Hydrazine/2,4-Dinitro Phenylhydrazine
• Di Methyl Urea w N-Methyl Urea (NMU) • Bromo Acetonitrile • Tin Chloride • Calcium Bromide
• 3-Methyl Xanthine • 2-Methoxyethoxymethyl Chloride (MEM Chloride) • 4 Amino- 1,2,4- Triazole • Zinc Bromide
• Magnesium Bromide
• Meta Bromo Aniline w Para Bromo Aniline • Theo Bromine • Ethyl Hexyl Glycerine • 2-Mercapto Benzo Thiazole (MBT)
• Para Bromo Anisole w Para Bromo Phenol • All Enzymes • Phenyl Boronic Acid • Thioflavin- T
• 1 Hydroxy Benzotriazole Anhydrous/Monohydrate • Luminol • Carbohydrazide • 4-Bromomethyl-2-Cyanobiphenyl
• Mono Methyl Urea • Potassium Bromide • [(2R, 4R, 5S)-5-(2, 4-dichlorophenyl)-2-(1, 2, • (BR-OTBN)
• Zinc Sulphate Mono Hydrate (33%) • N-Propyl Bromide 4-triazol1-ylmethyl)-1, 3-dioxolan-4-yl] methyl • 2,4,6- Tribromophenol
• Zinc Sulphate Mono Hydrate (35.50%) • Bromo Acetyl Bromide 4-methylbenzenesulfonate-(CAS NO - 154003- • 2,6- Xylidine
• Zinc Sulphate Hepta Hydrate (21%) • N-Amyl Bromide 23-3)-(Cis Tosylate) • 2,4- Dichloro Nitro Benzene
• Zinc Sulphate Hepta Hydrate (22%) • Aluminium Bromide w Ethyl Bromide • Hydroxy Formyl Febuxostat Ethyl Ester • 1,3,5- Tri Chloro Benzene
• Copper Sulphate Penta Hydrate (24.50%) • Methyl Iso Thiocyanate (CAS No - 161798-01-02) • 2,4- Di Chloro Aniline
• Manganese Sulphate Mono Hydrate (32.50%) • Tertiary Butyl Carbazate • Lead Octoate 24 % & 10 % • 3 Amino 4 Carbomethoxy-2,5- Dichloro Benzanilide
• Magnesium Sulphate Hepta Hydrate (19.50%) • 2-Chloro Propionic Acid • Zinc Octoate 6 % • 5 Amino -6 Methyl Benzimidazolone
• Ferrous Sulphate Mono Hydrate (31%) • Methyl 2 Chloro Propionate • Zirconium Octoate 6 % & 18 % • Nickel Sulphate w Nickel Acetate
• Para Benzoquinone • 5 Chloro 2 Nitro Aniline • Cobalt Octoate 6 % & 12 % • Copper Cyanide
• 2,6-Di Chloro Aniline • Acetyl Hydrazine / Phenyl Hydrazine / • Manganese Octoate 6 % & 10 % • Sodium Cyano Borohydride
• 3 Amino Crotonitrile Methyl Hydrazine • Calcium Octoate 3 %/ 5 % • Di Phenyl Acetonitrile
Ethyl Formate / Ammonium Formate / Methyl Formate / Phenyl Chloro Formate / Ammonium Benzoate / Aluminium Benzoate / Sodium Benzoate All Grade
• Butyl Methacrylate • N-(2-Hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide • 5-Chloro-2-Methyl-4-Isothiazoline-3 One &
• Lauryl Methacrylate (C12-C14) • 2-Acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic 2-Methyl-4-Iso thiazolin-3-one
• Stearyl Methacrylate (C16-C18) Acid-acrylic Acid Copolymer • Mono Iso Propanol Amine (MIPA)
• Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate • 2-Phosphonobutane-1,2,4,-tricarboxylic Acid (PBTC) • Sodium Dimethyl Dithio Carbamate
• Potassium Dimethyl Dithio Carbamate • Disodium Ethylene Bis Dithiocarbamate • Benzalkonium Chloride 50 % & 80 %
• Etidronic Acid • Lubricity Improver (Equivalent RC 8100)


Lube Oil Additive Packages
Engine Oil Additives (HDDO, PCMO, 4T) PHOSPHATE ESTERS – 11% Phosphorous
Gear Oil Additives with Odor and Odorless (We have other Esters also)
Synthetic Gear Oil Additive (Automotive & Industrial) AW/EP –Phosphate Ester Amine Salt.
Hydraulic Oil Additives (Ash Less) and (Equivalent to Irgalube 349)
Regular Industrial Oil Additives (Compressor Oil Additive,
High Temp. Chain Lubricant Additive Etc.,)
Phosphorous – Sulfur - Nitrogen Additive
• TOLYTRIAZOLE Derivative oil soluble (Irgamet L39) • MBT sodium salt water soluble HCPL FM412- Friction Modifier / Antioxidants HCPL 388-Grease
• TOLYTRIAZOLE sodium salt water soluble • CORROSSION INHIBITOR (Oil soluble) Drop Point Enhancer (with 3% the increase will be 60˚C) HCPL
• TOLYTRIAZOLE Derivative water soluble (Irgamet L42) • BORON based Corrosion Inhibitor 744-EP Grease Additive HCPL 9506-Straight Cutting Oil Additive
• ARYLTRIAZOLE ESTER COMPLEX • RUST INHIBITOR (Solvent based) HCPL 552-Multi Functional Grease Additive
Borated, Phosphorate and Moly Based Polyisobutylene Succinimide Dispersants (PIBSI) Polyisobutylene Succinimide with Nitrogen Booster

For All Above We Are Intersted In Exclusive Tie Up For Above Speciality Chemicals And Can Contract
Manufacture On Request New Molecules And Speciality High End Chemicals And Intermediates


Unit No.: 1301-1304, 13th Floor, B-Wing, Dhanashree Heights, Bldg. No.42,
Azad Nagar 2, Off Veera Desai Road, Andheri (W), Mumbai - 400 053. INDIA
Tel.: +91-22-67115900 (30 Lines)

Email: [email protected] l Web.:

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 49

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide (MEKP)
Tertiary Butyl Hydro Peroxide (TBHP)
Tertiary Butyl Per Benzoate (TBPB)
Di Tertiary Butyl Peroxide (DTBP)
Benzoyl Peroxide (BPO) Powder
Benzoyl Peroxide (BPO) Paste
Acetyl Acetone Peroxide (AAP)
Di Tertiary Amyl Peroxide (DTAP)
Tertiary Amyl Hydro Peroxide (TAHP)
Tertiary Butyl Peroxy 2 Ethyl Hexanoate (TBPEH/Resihard 21S)
Resihard 93
Para Menthane Hydro Peroxide
Cumene Hydro Peroxide
Lauroyl Peroxide
1,1-Di (Tertiary Butyl Peroxy) Cyclohexane
1,1-Di (Tertiary Butyl Peroxy) 3,3,5 Trimethyl Cyclohexane

Di Allyl Phthalate (DAP)
Di Allyl Maleate (DAM)
Mono Iso Octyl Maleate (MIOM)

(of Cobalt, Manganese, Copper, Potassium, Lead etc.)


Contact Address:
(ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED)
‘Prerana’, Khandekar Bunglow, Saraswat Colony, V.P. Road,
Near S.V. Joshi High School, Dombivli (East) – 421201.
State: Maharashtra
Country: India
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 9821518903/8657432590/8657432591
50 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 51

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

• 1,6-Hexanediol Flakes BASF • Hydroquinone Italy/Japan
• 1,4-Butanediol - Nan Ya Nanya • Hydroxylamine HCl China
• 2-Ethyl Hexyl Acrylate Korea • Hydroxylamine Sulphate (HAS) China
• 2-Ethylhexanoic Acid BASF • Imidazole China/BASF
• 2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate Korea/China • Isobutyric Acid Oxea/China
• 2-Methyl-1,Propanediol (MP Diol) Taiwan • Isophorone Diamine China/BASF
• 2-Methyl THF China • L (+) Tartaric Acid China
• Acetonitrile China/Taiwan • Maleic Anhydride China/Korea
• Acetophenone China/Italy • Malonic Acid China
• Acrylamide China • Melamine China
• Acrylic Acid China/Korea • Methacrylic Acid Korea/China
• Adipic Acid BASF/China • Methane Sulfonic Acid BASF/China
• Allyl Chloride Inovyn/Thailand • Methyl Acrylate - Korea Korea
• Aminoethyl Ethanolamine BASF/Akzo • Methyl Cyanoacetate China
• Antimony Trioxide China • Methyl Cyclohexane Japan/Korea
• Benzoic Acid China • Methyl Methacrylate Monomer Korea
• BHT Russia • Monoethanolamine Malaysia
• Bisphenol A Taiwan • N Butyric Acid Oxea
• Butyl Carbitol (DB Solvent) Ineos • N Methyl Piperazine China
• Citric Acid Anhydrous (30-100 Mesh) China • Neopentyl Glycol Flakes BASF
• Citric Acid Monohydrate China • N-Heptane Korea
• Cyanoacetamide China • Ortho Chloro Benzaldehyde China
• Cyclohexylamine. Czech
• Ortho Phosphoric Acid Vietnam
• Cyclohexanol USA
• Para Octyl Phenol Korea/Japan
• Di Butylamine China/BASF
• Paraformaldehyde - 96% Spain
• Dibasic Ester - China China
• Paraformaldehyde 91% Spain
• Diethanolamine Malaysia/BASF
• Pentaerythritol 98% Spain/Taiwan
• Diethylamine China
• Perchloroethylene Inovyn
• Diethylenetriamine BASF/Japan
• Piperazine Anhydrous BASF
• Dimethylacetamide Turkey
• Poly Phosphoric Acid 115% China
• Dimethyl Amino Ethanol Japan
• Potassium Carbonate-Granular/Powder Korea/Thailand
• Dimethyl Carbonate China
• Dimethyl Formamide Saudi/China • Potassium Hydroxide Korea
• Dimethyl Malonate China • Propionic Acid Pure BASF
• Dimethyl Terephthalate Turkey • Propylene Carbonate China
• DL-Tartaric Acid China • Purified Isophthalic Acid Korea
• DMSO China • Pyrrolidine Pure BASF
• EDTA 2 Na - Disodium Ethylene Diamine China • Sebacic Acid China
• EDTA 4 Na China • Sodium Gluconate China
• EDTA Acid 99 % China • Sodium Metabisulphite China
• Epichlorohydrin - Taiwan Taiwan • Sodium Persulphate USA
• Ethyl Acrylate (Korea) Korea • Tert-Butylamine China
• Ethyl Cyano Acetate China • Tertiary Butanol Japan/China
• Formamide BASF/Japan • Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate China
• Formic Acid 99 % BASF/China • Tetrahydrofuran-BASF (M) BASF
• Fumaric Acid China • Tri Butylamine China/BASF
• Glutaraldehyde 50% China • Tri Mellitic Anhydride USA
• Glycerine Indonesia • Tri Methylol Propane Lanxess
• Glycine China • Triacetin - China China
• Glyoxal 40% BASF/China • Trichloro Ethylene Japan
• Hexamine Saudi/China • Triethanolamine Taiwan


Tel: 022 - 67364646 w Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Please Contact: Mr. Rahul - 9820146055 / 8291284206

52 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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SUNSCREEN Manufacturers & Formulators

For Sunscreens, Creams, Lotions & Personal Care Products

Manufacturers of HIGH PURITY ESTERS






“S” Block, Shed No. W-2, MIDC, Bhosari, Pune 411 026.
Tel.: 020 27336800 z Email: [email protected]

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 53

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Direct importers & stockist of

GH-22, GL-05, N-300
(Make : China) – Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation

(PVA 17-99, 20-88, 24-88, 26-88,
05-88, 05-99, 17-88 & 26-99)
(Make : China) – Inner Mongolia


(Ashland / Hercules)


43, V.V. Chandan Street, 1st Floor, Off. Masjid Bunder Road, Mumbai 400 003, India.
Tel.: 91-22-23448148, 66312540, 66312953, 66313491
Email: [email protected]
54 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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India’s pioneer and largest manufacturer of Ethanolamines,
Alkyl Alkanolamines, Morpholine & Alkyl Morpholines
(An ISO 9001 : 2015 QMS, ISO 14001 : 2015 EMS, ISO 45001 : 2018 Certified Co.)

ETHANOLAMINES : Monoethanolamine v Diethanolamine v Diethanolamine (LFG) 85%

Triethanolamine-85% v Triethanolamine-99%
ALKYL / ARYL ALKANOLAMINES : Methyl Monoethanolamine v Methyl Diethanolamine v Ethyl Monoethanolamine
Ethyl Diethanolamine v Propyl Monoethanolamine v Propyl Diethanolamine
Butyl Monoethanolamine v Butyl Diethanolamine v Dimethylethanolamine
Diethylethanolamine v Dibutylethanolamine v Tertiary Butyl Monoethanolamine
Tertiary Butyl Diethanolamine v Dimethyl aminoethoxyethanol v Triisopropanol Amine-85%
Diethanol Isopropanol Amine 85% v N-Benzylethanolamine
MORPHOLINES : N-Methyl Morpholine v N-Methyl Morpholine Oxide 50% v N-Ethyl Morpholine
N-Formyl Morpholine v N-Acetyl Morpholine v N-(2-Hydroxyethyl)Morpholine
CEMGRIND : Grinding Aids for Cement Plants / Raw Meal Grinding v Mineral Grinding
Refractory Raw Material Grinding
PHARMA INTERMEDIATES : Hydroxy Ethyl Morpholine v N-(2-Hydroxyethyl) Piperidine or
1-Piperidineethanol v N-Benzylethanolamine
MOLECULAR SIEVES : For Applications Like Natural Gas Processing, Petrochemicals Refineries / Fertilizer Plants,
Ethanol Production, From Zeochem AG, Switzerland / Zeochem LLC, USA and China
(LESS THAN 5 ppm Phenol Content)
(Can be Tailor Made)
AMINOSOL Range of Low Cost Amine Treating Solvent
for Specific Removal of CO2 and H2S Suitable to Customer Needs.
AMINOSOL Range is supported with services like:
l Product Supplies as per customer requirements
l On Line Technical Service Support
l Other support services such as
a) Assisting, Planning & Preparing system start up
b) Optimization of system performance
c) Providing on-going simulation service and analytical support
For further inquiries please contact:


D-Building, Shivsagar Estate, Dr. A.B. Road, Worli, Mumbai – 400 018.
Tel.: + 91-22-24935282 / 87 / 88 w Fax: 24938162
Email: [email protected] w Website:

NEW DELHI : Tel.: 011-26218528 w Mob.: 09868230926 KOLKATA : 09892324604

CHENNAI : 09444043407 HYDERABAD : 09892324605

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 55

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ACIDs for your requireMents
u 1,2,3-Benzotriazole u Magnesium nitrate
u azelaic acid u Manganese carbonate
• fLuosiLicic aciD 30 - 40%
u ammonium Dichromate u Magnesium chloride
• fLuorotitanic aciD 50 - 60% u Magnesium
ALUMINIUM u ammonium
COPPER Molybdate SODIUM carbonate
• fLuoZirconic aciD
• Aluminium Ammonium Sulphate
45% u•ammonium
Copper AcetateMetavanadate u Magnesium oxide
• Sodium Acetate / Benzoate
• HexafLuoro PHosPHoric
• Aluminium aciD Sulphate
Potassium 60 % • Copper Citrate
u antimony trioxide / Nitrate u • Sodium
Molybdenum Bi Carbonate
Di (Soda Bicarb)
• HyDrofLuoric aciD
• Aluminium Sulphate 40 - 70% • Copper Sulphate (Pentahydrate & Anhydrous)
u Bismuth sub nitrate u • Sodium Bi Sulphate / Bi Sulfite
nickel sulphate/chloride
• Cupric Chloride • Sodium Bromate / Bromide
AMMONIUM u nickel acetate/nitrate
MeTAllIC FlUOBORATes - lIQUID u•cadmium sulphate/chloride
Cuprous Chloride • Sodium Calcium EDETATE
• Ammonium Acetate / Bicarbonate u cadmium u Potassium carbonate
• caDMiuM fLuoBorate 50% oxide
EDTA & DERIVATIVES • Sodium Carbonate (Soda Ash)
• Ammonium Carbonate / Fluoride u Potassium
• Sodium iodide
Chloride / Fluoride
u•cobalt sulphate/chloride
• coPPer fLuoBorate
• Ammonium 45%
Formate / Molybdate EDTA Di Potassium / Di Sodium
• Sodium Formate
u Potassium / Hydroxide
tert Butoxide
u•cobalt oxide/carbonate
EDTA Free Acid
• LeaD fLuoBorate
• Ammonium Oxalate 50% • Sodium Meta
Potassium Bi Sulfite
EDTA Tetra Sodium / Tri Potassium u
• Ammonium per Sulphate acetate/nitrate
• nickeL fLuoBorate
• Ammonium Phosphate Dibasic50% • Calcium Sodium EDETATE
u copper carbonate
• Sodium Nitrate / Nitrite
u Potassium Bromate
• Sodium Per Sulphate
• tin• fLuoBorate
Ammonium Phosphate Monobasic 50% FERROUS
u copper cyanide
u Phosphotungstic acid
• Sodium Phosphate Dibasic
• Zinc fLuoBorate
• Ammonium 40%
Sulphate / Thiocyanate • Ferrous Sulphate Heptahydrate
u copper nitrate/oxide
u Palladium acetate/choride
• Sodium Phosphate Monobasic
BARIUM • Ferrous Sulphate Dried Powder u sodium
• Sodium Molybdate
Phosphate Tribasic
• Barium Acetate / Chloride
u copper acetate
LEAD • Sodium
u sodium Sulphate
u chromium chloride/nitrate
• antiMony trifLuoriDe
• Barium Hydroxide / Nitrate • Lead Acetate / Nitrate / Oxide u
• Sodium Sulfide / Sulfite
selenium Di oxide
u chromium fluoride • Sodium Tartrate
• aMMoniuM
• Barium BifLuoriDe
Sulfate MAGNESIUM u sodium tungstate
• Sodium Thio Sulphate
• Benzoic Acid u chromic acid
• aMMoniuM fLuoriDe • Magnesium Acetate / Chloride
u sodium
• Sodium Bromide/Bromate
Magnesium carbonate/chloride
• BariuM fLuoriDe
Magnesium Hydroxide/fluoride
Nitrate / Phosphate
u sodium cyanate
• Strontium
u sodium Acetate / Carbonate
• caLciuM fLuoriDe
• Bismuth Nitrate / Sulphate
Magnesium Sulphate
acetate/nitrate • Strontium Chloride / Nitrate
u sodium azide
• LitHiuM
u Lanthanum SUCCINIC
u sodium Dichromate
• nickeL fLuoriDe
• Borax
Manganese Carbonate / Acetate
nitrate/carbonate • Succinic Acid
u sodium stannate
• PotassiuM
CADMIUM fLuoriDe • Manganese Chloride / Sulphate
u glycolic acid 70% UREA
u stannous chloride
• PotassiuM fLuoZirconate
• Cadmium Acetate / Chloride NICKEL
u isopropyl Myristate • Urea
u stannous sulphate
• Cadmium Nitrate / Sulphate ZINC
• PotassiuM BifLuoriDe u•Mecury
Nickel Chloride / Citrate
oxide/chloride u silver nitrate
• Nickel Sulphate / Nitrate • Zinc Acetate / Chloride
• soDiuM fLuoriDe
CALCIUM u Mercury nitrate/acetate
u sorbitan Mono oleate
• Zinc Nitrate / Oxide
• Calcium Acetate
• soDiuM BifLuoriDe
• Calcium Carbonate Powder
u Mercury sulphate
• Di Phenyl Amine
u tungstic
• acid
Zinc Sulphate
u sodium arsenate/sodium arsenite u Vanadium Pentoxide
• stannous
• Calcium fLuoriDe
Chloride / Citrate • Butylated Hydroxy Toluene HYDROXIDE PELLETS
• strontiuM
• CalciumfLuoriDe
Disodium EDETATE
• Calcium Hydroxide
• Butylated Hydroxy Anisole • Sodium Hydroxide (Pellets / Powder)
• Potassium Hydroxide
• Zinc fLuoriDe
• Calcium Hypophosphite
205, Mahalaxmi Market, Behind Marketyard, Pune - 411 037. (Pellets / Powder)
Acid 9822659056, 7083556504 l email: [email protected]
• Calcium FlUOBORATes
Nitrate / Sulphate- sOlID WE
• aSlO
Oxalate SURPlUS
• Calcium Carbonate ChEMICalS
Precipited Ultra Pure
• aMMoniuM
CITRIC & fLuoBorate
CITRATE • Sodium Oxalate • Calcium Chloride Anhydrous Pure
• Potassium Oxalate • Magnesium Chloride Anhydrous Pure
• PotassiuM fLuoBorate
• Citric Acid (Anhydrous / Monohydrate) Manufacturer for Local & Export
POTASSIUM • Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate
• Ammonium Citrate • N-Butyl Bromide
• soDiuM fLuoBorate
Ultra Pure (low Calcium)
• Calcium Citrate • Potassium Acetate
••N-Bromo Succinimide (NBS)
Magnesium Sulphate Anhydrous USP & Extra Pure
• Ferric Ammonium Citrate Potassium Bi Carbonate / Bi Sulphate
HexAFlUOROPHOsPHATe ••Tetra Butyl Ammonium Bromide • China
Magnesium Sulphate Heptahydrate
• Magnesium Citrate Potassium Bromate / Bromide
90% (5X8 Mesh Granules & 200G Tablets Tube Packing)
Ultra Pure (Low Iron)
• PotassiuM HexafLuoroPHosPHate
• Potassium Citrate •(TBAB)
Potassium Carbonate / Chloride • Sodium Acid Phosphate
• Sodium Citrate Di, Tri • Tetra Butyl Ammonium
• Potassium Fluoride / Ferricyanide • Potassium Carbonate Anhydrous Powder
• Strontium Citrate •Hydrogen Sulphate (TBAHS)
Potassium Ferrocyanide • SODIUM
Magnesium Chloride Special
• Zinc Citrate ••Tri Ethyl Benzyl
Potassium Meta Bi Ammonium
• PotassiuM PentaBorate (Bromide Free)
(SO2 Content : 65%)

Nitrate / Per Sulphate • SODIUM
Manganese Chloride Anhydrous
• PotassiuM
COBALT tetraBorate
Potassium Phosphate
Butyl Ammonium Di basic / Mono Basic • GRANULES
Iodide Calcium Chloride
& TABLETS Special CHINA Grade (Bromide Free)
Potassium Phosphate Tribasic
• PotassiuM MetaBorate
• Cobalt Acetate / Chloride •Ammonium
Calcium Acetate (EP/BP/USP)
(Active Oxygen 13% MIN)

• Cobalt Nitrate / Sulphate •••4-Amino-1H-1,2,4-Triazole

Potassium Sodium Tartrate •Ammonium
Ammonium Bi Carbonate
Chloride 95% & 99% Navjivan Bldg.,
Please Contact: Potassium Sulphate / Thiocyanate
/ Sodium Bifluoride Sodium Fluoride
Chloride 99% /Carbonate
• 2-Chloro Acetamide
/ Potassium / Sodium Bromide Kazi Sayed Street,
Barium Barium Carbonate Mezzanine Floor,

TRI POTASSIUM • Di Ethyl Bromo

Calcium Carbonate PPT / Copper Carbonate Mumbai-400 003,
# 71, 4th Main Road, Gandhinagar
Calcium Chloride (Fused / Anhydrous) Maharashtra, India.

Adyar, Chennai - 600 020. • Bromine Additive 10% (Biocide)

99% / Potassium Nitrate Phone : +91-22-27544477
Cobalt Sulphate / Acetate / Chloride / Nitrate Mobile :
Mob.: 09445391646
KRONOX Lab Sciences Ltd.
Copper Sulphate Crystal / Powder +91-98203 00848
Phone: 0091 44 2442 6830 / 2442 0654 Contact Manufacturer :
Magnesium Nitrate 99%
+91-76664 43222
Block NoAD: 284, Village : Dabhasa(P) Tal. : Ltd.
Padra, Dist. Nickel
: Vadodara
Nitrate / Sulphate -/ Chloride
Manganese Carbonate (42%-44%)
email: [email protected] Pharmachem
Email :

Phone : G-39/9, 244088 | Mobile : +91 9313231074 / 9023738682
[email protected] /
[email protected] MIDC, Waluj, Aurangabad - 431 136. Maharashtra.
Potassium Meta Bisulphite Pure
[email protected]
[email protected],
Email :Mobile: [email protected]
Potassium Sulphate (Technical Grade 99% Pure)
Web: 09326149185 • email: [email protected]
Sodium Thiosulphate Crystal / P Crystal / Anhydrous Website :
Sodium Aluminate ..............& MANY MORE
56 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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LIC NO-10015022004551

IS 4447:1994




IS 4448:1994

(BP / USP / FOOD GRADE) CM/L 7800019214




Lubricant Additives Lubricant Components Petroleum Sulphonates
• Engine Oil Additives • Antioxidant (ZDDP) • Sodium
• UTTO Additives • PIBSA • Calcium
• Gear Oil Additives • TBN Booster (Ca/Mg) • Barium
• Hydraulic Oil Additives • Dispersants (PIBSI) • Magnesium
• Extreme Pressure Additives • Viscosity Index Improver Metal Working Additive
• ATF Additives • Pour Point Depressant • Cutting Oil Additives
• 2-Stroke/4-Stroke Additives • Phenolic & Aminic Antioxidant • Rust Preventive Additives


Ganesh House, A1/A2 Gurudutt CHS Ltd, OM Nagar, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400 059.
Mobile: 9321703809 / 9619055702 / 9022972180
Email: [email protected] / [email protected] • •

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 57

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Our List of Products For Feed, Pharma &
Nutraceutical, Speciality Chemical Applications:

solid foundations, fresh innovations
Address: A Wing, 107-108, Western Edge II, W.E Highway, Borivali [E], Mumbai 400 066, Maharashtra - India.
Tel: +91 222870 1438 / 49 / 50 | Mobile: +91 9322990682, 9324722707 | Fax: +91 2228703656
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] |

58 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Shri Khemi Sati Dadi Shree Ganeshay Namah
Authorized Distributor Of
Tanker Load & Drums
(Packing :- 210 Kgs. HDPE) (Drums / 185 Kgs. - HDPE Drums)

Tanker Load & Intact Carboys
(Packing :- 35 Kgs. Carboys) (235 Kgs. Carboys Drums)
Authorized Distributor Of
The Andhra Petrochemicals Ltd. Kanoria Chemicals National Peroxide Ltd.
l Isobutanol l N-Butanol
l Octanol l Hexamine l Hydrogen Peroxide - 35% & 50%
Available regularly from ready Stock in Bulk / New Drums / Once used Drums
l Acetaldehyde l Isopropyl Acetate
Acetic Acid
l l M.D.C.
l Acetone l M.E.G.
l Acetonitrile l M.I.B.K.
l Allyl Chloride l Methanol
l Aniline Oil l Mix / Ortho Xylene
l Butyl Acetate l N-Propanol
l Caustic Soda Flakes l Paraformaldehyde
l Caustic Potash Flakes l Phosphoric Acid - 85%
l Cyclohexanone l Phosphorous Trichloride
l Chloroform l Phosphorous Oxychloride
l Diethylamine l Phthalic Anhydride
l Dimethyl Formamide (D.M.F.) l Potassium Carbonate - Powder
l D.M.S.O. l Soda Ash
l Diethyl Malonate l Sodium Borohydride - Powder
l Epichlorohydrine l Tertiary Butanol
l Ethyl Acetoacetate l Toluene
l Formic Acid - 85% & 99% l Triethylamine
l Hydrazine Hydrate - 80% & 100% l Vinyl Acetate Monomer (V.A.M.)
l Isopropyl Alcohol (I.P.A.)

Please contact:
405/406, 4th Floor, Earth Baug, 116, Princess Street, Mumbai-400 002.
(: 022-2208 1334 / 2208 4393 / 6631 3939 / 2208 2362 l : 98219 26661 / 99308 46661
*: [email protected] / [email protected]

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 59

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Available in Small Pack in 5 / 10 / 20 / 25 / 35 / 50 Lts / Kgs (Drum Pack)
(Also LR / AR / HPLC) (Merck / Fisher / SDS / Loba / SRL)
 1,4-Dioxane  Cyclohexanone  Isobutyl Alcohol  P.P.G. 1000 / 2000 / 4000 / 16000
 1:3-Butanediol Cosmetic Grade  D.B.M.  D.B.P.  Isopar L/M/v  Para Cresol  Para Xylene
 2-Methoxy Propanol  D.D. Turpentine  Isophorone  Paraldehyde
 2-Phenoxyethanol  D.E.G.  D.E.M.  D.E.T.A.  Isopropyl Acetate  Perchloro Ethylene
 A.O.S.  D.E.P.  D.I.P.E.  D.M.F.  Isopropyl Alcohol 99.5%  Phenol Crystal
 Acetic Acid  D.M.S.O.  D.O.A.  Isopropyl Amine  Phenol Liquid
 Acetone  Acetonitrile HPLC  D.O.M.  D.O.P.  Isopropyl Ether  Phosphoric Acid 88%
 Acetophenone  D.P.G.  D.P.O.  Isopropyl Myristate (IPM)  Pine Oil Pure / Textile
 Acid Slurry  Deodorized Solvent 80/100  Kanatol 800 / Super / Perfumery Grade  Potassium Hydroxide Pellets AR
 Acrylic Acid  Diacetone Alcohol  Lactic Acid 88%  Propionic Acid
 Acrylonitrile  Diethanolamine  Lauryl Alcohol  Propylene Carbonate
 AEEA  Diethyl Carbonate  Lauryl Alcohol Ethoxylate 7 Mole  Propylene Glycol Pure
 Amino Acid (All Grade)  Diethyl Ether  Linear Alkyl Benzene  Pyridine 20
 Ammonia Liquid  Diethylamine  Liquid Glucose  S.L.E.S. Liquid / Godrej
 Amyl Acetate / Alcohol  Diisobutyl Phthalate
 Liquid Paraffin Heavy / Light  Silicone Defoamer Solvent
 Aniline Oil  B.K.C.  Diisopropylamine
 Liquid Phenyl  Silicone Emulsion All Grades
 Benzaldehyde  Dimethyl Acetamide
 M.D.C.  M.E.G.  M.E.K.  Silicone Grease
 Benzene  Dimethyl Amino Ethanol
 M.I.B.K.  MDI  Silicone Oil 350 / 1000 / 60000
 Benzyl Acetate / Alcohol  Dimethyl Aniline
 M.T.B.E.  Silvery Nitrate LR
 Benzyl Benzonate  Dimethyl Phthalate
 Mercury Metal  Sodium Hypo Chloride All Grades
 Benzyl Chloride  Dimethylamine
 Meta Cresol  Sodium Silicate Alkaline / Natural
 Black Phenyl  Di-Pentene
 Meta Para Cresol  Sorbitol 70% / Slurry
 Butoxy-2-Ethanol  Distilled Water HPLC Grade
 Methacrylic Acid  Soyalecithin
 Butyl Acetate / Acrylate  D-Limonene
 Methyl Acetate  Stain Remover
 Butyl Carbitol Acetate  Dowanol DPM
 Methyl Aceto Acetate  STO  SN100
 Butyl Cellosolve / Acetate  Dowanol PM
 Methyl Acrylate  Styrene Monomer
 Butyl Cellosolve / Stearate  E.D.C. / E.L.-40
 Methyl Cellosolve  Sulfuric Acid
 Butyraldehyde  Emulsifier 4.5 Mol.
 Methyl Salicylate  T.C.P.  T.E.G.
 C.O. 20 / 40  Emulsifier 9.5 Mol. I.G. Others
 Mix Xylene  T-Butyl Alcohol
 C.P.W.  C.T.C.  CAPB  Epichlorohydrin
 Mono Chloro Benzene  TCCA 90%
 Carbitol  Carbolic Acid  Ethyl Acetate
 Mono Ethylamine 70%  TEPA / TEC
 Castor Oil  Cellosolve  Ethylene Diamine (EDA)
 Mono Iso Propylamine  Terpeniol
 Caustic Soda  Ethylene Glycol
 Mono Methylamine 40%  Terpentine Oil  Thinner
 Cellosolve Acetate  Formaldehyde 37%
 Cetyl Alcohol  Formamide  Monoethanolamine  Tetra Chloro Ethylene

 Cetyl Stearyl Alcohol  Formic Acid 99% 85%  Monoglyme  Tetra Hydrofuran

 Chlorine Tablet  Furfural Alcohol  Morpholine  Toluene / Tri Butyl Phosphate

 Chloroform (Pure)  Glutaraldehyde  N,N-2-Methyl Pyrrolidone  Triacetine

 Citric Acid Anhydrous  Glycerine I.P. / I.W. / Refine  N-Butyl Alcohol  Trichloro Ethylene Pure / Tech.

 Citric Oil  Glycolic Acid 50%  N-Butyric Acid  Triethanolamine 99%

 Citronella Oil  Glyoxal 40%  Nitric Acid 60-70%  Triethylamine
 Coco Di Ethanolamide (CDA)  HCL Acid  N-Octanol  Triethylene Tetramine
 Coco Fatty Acid  Hexyl Cellosolve  Nonyl Phenol Ethoxylate  Tri-n-Butylamine / Triton X-100
 Copper Sulphate  Hexylene Glycol  N-Propanol  TRO 35% / 50% / 70%
 Creosote Oil  Hydrazine Hydrate 99% / 80%  Octoic Acid  Oleic Acid Pure  Tweens 20 / 40 / 60 / 80
 Cresylic Acid  Hydrogen Peroxide  Ortho Cresol  v.A.M.
 Cyclo Hexylamine  Iodophor  O-Xylene  White Oil / Phenyl
 Cyclohexane  Isoamyl Acetate  P.E. 40-60/60-80/80-100/100-120  Xylene (o-meta / para)
 Cyclohexanol  Isoamyl Alcohol  P.E.G. 200 / 300 / 400 / 600  Zinc Sulphide Germany


Repackers of Laboratory and Industrial Chemicals, Solvents & Acids
Sales Office: Earth House, Ground Floor, Shop No. 7, Babu Genu Road, Opp. Pathakwadi, Dawa Bazar, Mumbai - 400 002. MH. India.
Regd. Office: 1001/A, Nandadevi CHS Ltd., 10th Flor, Prabhat Colony, Near Yatri Hotel, Santacruze East, Mumbai - 400 055. MH. India.
Tel: +91-22-46090899 w Mobile: +91-9833396596 / 8355997104 w Email: [email protected]

60 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Manufacturer of
Liquid Bromine & Bromo Compounds
Product List
Liquid Bromine
99.5% min Hydrobromic
Zinc Bromide Acid 48% & 62%

HBr in Acetic Acid 33%

Cuprous Bromide

Sodium Bromide
Potassium Bromide Powder / Solution

Ammonium Bromide Magnesium Bromide


Potassium Bromate Sodium Bromate

Barium Salts & Bismuth Salts Cobalt Salts

Calcium Bromide Cadmium Salts


We Buy Any Spent Bromide Solution / Powder of Any Percentage

• Sodium Bromide (NaBr) • Calcium Bromide • Crude, By-Product,
• HBr • Lithium Bromide Solution Mix Solvents
• Ammonium Bromide • Any Bromides (Organic / • Any Non Moving /
• Potassium Bromide (KBr) Inorganic) of Surplus Material
• Magnesium Bromide Any Percentage

- : Liquid Bromine : -
-> High Purity Double Distilled Bromine around 99.5% at par with Virgin Bromine
-> up to 150 MT / Month of Production Capacity of Liquid Bromine
-> Rule - 9 Permission to Buy around 750 MT per month of spent Bromide solution
-> Supply in Glass Bottles 18 Kgs in Plastic Boxes and in ISO Tank - 1.5 KL ( 4.5 MT )
-> We also Undertake Bromine Recovery on Job Work basis and can dedicate for continues requirement

-: Contact :-
Mr Ketan C Mirani w Tel: 9653111586 w Email: [email protected]
Mr. Yogesh C Mirani w Tel: 8369742780 / 9320667566 w Email: [email protected]
Factory: Plot No. D-2, CH-212, GIDC Dahej - II, Near GFL Parking Plot, Dist Bharuch, Gujarat - 392130

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62 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Visit us

Booth #F209 | 24-25 May 2023 | Messe Basel, Switzerland

17th Int’l Pharmaceutical and Cosmetics Ingredients Expo

Booth #2-9 | Hall 4 | 5-7 July 2023 | Tokyo, Japan

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 63

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Major applications : Emulsions for Textile Finishing / Leather Finishing / Paper Sizing / Coating / Floor
Polishes / Aqueous Paints & Ink / Wood Finishing / Staining, Mould Release / Die Cast Lubricants, Industrial
Speciality Greases, Masterbatches, Shoe / Car Polishes & Many more versatile industrial applications.
Also available in FDA approved quality products


Major applications : Pharmaceuticals / Personal Care
Preferred Choice of all Pharmaceuticals majors

Industrial Grade Microcrystalline Waxes

MICRO WAX HP-500 (H.M.P. 85-90 C)
MICRO WAX HP-500 (L.M.P. 80-84 C)
Major applications : Textiles, Hot Melt Adhesives, Investment Castings, Rubber Compounding, Ingredients
for Automotive under body coatings and more.


Major applications : Concrete Curing Compounds, Textile finishes, Paper finishes, Leather finishing, Paint
and Inks, Wood Coatings


Major Application : OFC filling gels, Thixotropic gel for cables , CATV cables, PIJF Cables, Railway cables,
Connector gel for cable termination and joint in copper & telephone wires, Greases / Gels for ACSR
For details please contact :
(Savita Group of Companies)
66/67, Nariman Bhavan, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400021, INDIA
Tel. : 91-22-22883061 / 62 / 63 / 64, Fax : 91-22-22029364
Cell : 9821916257 (Sanjoy Banerjee), 7498895269 (Nilesh Pandey)
Tel. (Dir.) 91-22-67683621, 67683644, 67683500
Email : [email protected] / [email protected]
Website :
A certified ISO 9001:2000 Company

64 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Pilot Units available

for trial

Solidifing &
Flaking of

One stage
Liquid to

SHANTA who have proven the records of four decades experience in chemical Flaker and Drum Dryer
manufacturing are know for Quality and Competitive Price.

We have installed 750 Machines all over India and Overseas for various products and types. Special
fumetight FLAKER & DRUM DRYER designed for Hazards Gases, Flammable materials to prevent the dusty
atmosphere built with full range for environmental friendly method.

Manufacturers & Exporters:


Plot No. 114, New Chikhloli, MIDC, Ambernath (W) - 421 505, Mumbai - INDIA.
Mobile: +91-7887885528 / 7738855130 w Email: [email protected]
Website: w

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 65

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Supriya LifeScience Ltd.

API Product list

Chlorpheniramine Maleate / US DMF No. - 22210 Riboflavin 5 - Phosphate Sodium US DMF No. - 27005
Chlorphenamine Maleate CEP No. - R1-CEP 2008 - 154 - Rev 02 (Vitamin B2 5 Phosphate Sodium) EDMF Available
[113-92-8] Health Canoda No. - 2010 - 253 KOSHER Certificate Available
Taiwan FDA No. - DMF (20)0524 HAlAl Certificate Available
SFDA IDl No. - H20171053 INDONESIA HAlAl Available
EDMF Available FAMI-QS Certificate Available
CDMF No. - Y20190009300 EP latest Pharmacopeia Available
KDMF Available CEP Applied
Brompheniramine Maleate US DMF No. - 23511 Methylcobalarnin US DMF No. - 35670
[980-71-2] CEP No. - RO - CEP 2015-097-Rev 00 [13422-55-4] KOSHER Certificate Available
EDMF Available HAlAl Certificate Available
CDMF No. - Y20190009061 INDONESIA HAlAl Available
FAMI-QS Certificate Available
Pheniramine Maleate US DMF No. - 23512 KDMF Available
[132-20-7] CDMF No. - Y20190000541
CEP No. - RO - CEP 2015-030-Rev 00 Hydroxocobalamin [13422-51-0] US DMF Available
EDMF Available Hydroxocobalamin Acetate [22465-48-1] EDMF Available
Dexchlorpheniramine Maleate US DMF No. - 35885 Hydroxocobalamin Chloride [58288-50-9] Technical Package Available
[2438-32-6] EDMF Available
Hydroxocobalamin Sulphate [51671-27-9] Technical Package Available
Dexbrompheniramine Maleate [2391-03-9] EDMF Available ANTI - MALARIAL
Mepyramine Maleate / US DMF No. - 29099 Artemether [71963-77-4] Technical Package Available
Pyrilamine Maleate CEP No. - RO - CEP 2015 - 122 - Rev 00 lumefantrine [82186-77-4] Technical Package Available
[59-33-6] EDMF Available
Allopurinol DMF Available
Cetirizine Dihydrochloride KDMF Available [315-30-0] CEP Applied
[83881-52-1] EDMF Available
Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride EDMF Available Bupropion Hydrochloride [34841-39-9] DMF Available
[174-24-0] US DMF No. - 35174
CEP No. - CEP 2019 - 120 - Rev 00 ANTI - HYPERTENSIVE
Bisoprolol Fumarate [104344-23-2] US DMF No. - 35650
Salbutamol Sulphate / EDMF Available EDMF Available
Albuterol Sulfate US DMF No.-030708 Nicorandil [65141-46-0] DMF Available
[51022-70-9] CEP No. - RO-CEP-2019-037-Rev 00
levosalbutamol Sulphate [148563-16-0] EDMF Available
Pentoxifylline US DMF Available
DECONGESTANT [6493-05-6] EDMF Available
CEP No. RO CEP 2018-294-Rev 00
Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide CEP Applied
[6700-34-1] EDMF Available NEW PRODuCTS
US DMF No .- 033575 Decongestant: Clopirastine fendizoate, Codein phosphate
ANALGESIC / ANTI-PYRETIC / ANESTHETIC Anesthetic: Sevoflurane, Isoflurane, Pentobarbital
Antidepressants/CNS Depressants: Midazolam
Ketamine Hydrochloride US DMF No. - 27921
[1867-66-9] TGA DMF No. - 2013/019868 Anti Gout: Febuxostat
CANADIAN DMF No. (Human Use) - 2015 -118
CANADIAN DMF No. (Veterinary) - V: 201309
CEP No. - RO-CEP 2016-194-Rev 00
EDMF Available
contact details for trade inquiries :
(S) - Ketamine Hydrochloride / EDMF Available 207/208, Udyog Bhavan, Sonawala Road,
Esketamine Hydrochloride CEP No. - RO-CEP 2018-198-Rev 00 Goregaon (East), Mumbai-400 063, Maharashtra. India
[33643-47-9] US DMF No. - 36426 Tel: 91 22 40332727 w Fax: 91 22 26860011
Tramadol Hydrochloride KDMF Available Email ID : [email protected],
[36282-47-0] EDMF Available [email protected]
CEP Applied

66 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 67

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised



 Sodium Adipate  Potassium Adipate  Calcium Propionate
 Sodium Laurate  Potassium Laurate  Calcium Stearate
 Sodium Myristate  Potassium Myristate  Magnesium Myristate
 Sodium Oleate  Potassium Oleate  Magnesium Stearate
 Sodium Propionate  Potassium Palmitate  Zinc Stearate
 Sodium Palmitate  Potassium Stearate
 Sodium Stearate

(Import Substitutes and Specialty Ingredients)


 NAKOLIV – 1K  IONALUBTM - 15612
 PEG-7-Glyceryl Cocoate  IONAMOL - 2816
 Glyceryl Dibehenate  IONAMOL - 9443
 Lanolin (Non-Animal Origin)  IONASURFTM – BT50
 Decyl Oleate  IONESTTM – P426
 Propylene Glycol Dicaprylate/Dicaprate  IONESTTM – TM91
 Acid Thickener

 Tin Stabilizers (Powder / Liquid)  Performance Waxes

“Always on forefront of Development”

An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company

319, Gemstar Commercial Complex, Ramchandra Lane, Malad (West), Mumbai – 400064. India.
Tel: +91-22-35989123  Mob: +91-9819856671  Email: [email protected]  Visit us on:

68 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

An ISO 45001 & 9001 Certified Company
Mfrs: Reactor, Centrifuge, ANFD, FBD, Vaccum Tray Dryers, MVR.

Centrifuge Centrifuge Centrifuge

Agitated Nutsche Filter / Dryer Fluid Bed Dryer

Agitated Nutsche Filter / Dryer

Reactor Heat Exchanger Rotocone Vacuum Dryer

Ready Stock Centrifuge Machine

Reactors Plot No. J-115, MIDC, Tarapur,
Centrifuge Boisar, Palghar (Mumbai), Maharashtra, India 401 506
Agitated Neutsche Filter / Dryer Our Phone:
Fluid Bed Dryer +91 9503950649, +91 8007069480,
+91 9699982837, 02525-661083, 661088
Vacuum Tray Dryer
Our Email:
Rotocone Vacuum Dryer [email protected] [email protected]
Heat Exchanger
Our Website:
Mechanical Vapour Recompression (MVR)

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 69

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

 m-Chlorobenzonitrile
 2,3-dichlorobenzonitrile  3,5-dichlorobenzonitrile
 p-methoxybenzonitrile  m-methoxybenzonitrile
 m-Bromobenzonitrile  o-Bromobenzonitrile
 p-ethoxybenzonitrile  1-Amino-7-naphthol
 m-iodobenzonitrile  o-iodobenzonitrile
 5-iodo-2-methylbenzonitrile
 Benzothiazole  2-Amino thiophenol
 4-tert Butylbenzonitrile  4-Hydroxybenzyl Alcohol
 3-methoxy-4-methylbenzoic Acid
 4-phenylthiobenzonitrile
 4-Amino-5-methylpyridin-2(1H)-one
 Bis(Carboxymethyl) trithiocarbonate
 2-Bromo-5-methoxybenzoic Acid
Mr. Hetal Naik

Please contact:
Reg. Office: Plot No. 1 & 2, Jay Hanuman Industrial Estate,
Near Jogani Mata Chowk, Udhna Magdalla Road,
Surat 394 210, Gujarat.
Mobile: 9825119855 / 9662506075

Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Visit us at:

Contact Manufacturer
Barium Chloride (Dihydrate)
Barium Hydroxide (Octa)
Barium Chromate
Barium Nitrate
Barium Peroxide
Barium Sulphate
Strontium Carbonate
Strontium Chloride (Hexa)
Strontium Hydroxide (Octa)
Strontium Nitrate
Sodium Nitrate
Divjyot Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
Contact: +91 9922472335 / +91 8605000740 / +91 9052477677 Block B-506, Asian Suncity,
Behind Sarath City Capital Mall,
Kondapur, Hyderabad 500084 (India)
Tel: +91 7780136888 / 98491 91943
Mail: [email protected]
An ISO 9001 2015 Certified Company

For your Requirements of AVAILABLE

 Succinic Acid

 Succinic Anhydride
 Hydrazine Sulphate

 Thiosemicarbazide metA nitro

BenZALdeHyde 99%
 Benzimidazole
 Sodium Succinate Anhydrous
 1,2,3-Benzotriazole
 Sodium Succinate Hexahydrate

 Maleic Acid
 Tolyltriazole
 Hydrocinnamic Acid
 1-Hydroxy Benzotriazole Contact
 Semicarbazide Hcl
 N-Hydroxy Phthalimide  DL-Tartaric Acid
Please contact manufacturer (An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company)
D-13/7, MIDC, Lote Parshuram, Tal. Khed,
SHIVAM ENTERPRISES Dist. Ratnagiri 415 722.
Pune, India. Cell: Shriram Khare: 9822129880
Tel.: 02356-272300
Tel.: 020-27120630  fax: 020-27122058 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Web.:
70 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Ready Stock Available For Fluid Bed Dryer & Other Machineries


50 LTRS TO 5000 LTRS 12, 24, 48, 96 TRAYS

5 KG TO 500 KG 3 HP & 5 HP


12, 24, 48, 96 TRAYS Model 8'', 14'', 18'', 24'', 33''

Manufacturers and Stockists of Pharmaceutical & Chemical Machineries


C 22, Shiv Bhole Udyog Compound, Nr. Vitrum Glass Factory, 81/3, GIDC, Makarpura Road,
LBS Marg, Vikhroli West, Mumbai - 400 083. India. Vadodara - 380 010, Gujarat,
Phone: +91-22-25793362 l Mobile: 09821122118 Mobile: 09821122118
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]


Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 71

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

l Paraformaldehyde 91% & 96 % l Thiourea 99%
l Bisphenol-A l Dimethyl Formamide 99.9%
l Pentaerythritol-98% l Epichlorohydrin 99.5%
l Adipic Acid l Potassium Carbonate (Grn / Powd)
l Formic Acid 85% And 99% l Dimethyl Sulfoxide 99.9%
l Sodium Formate 96% - 98% l Tetrahydrofuran
l Glycerin 99.5% Min l Dimethyl Carbonate
l Isophtalic Acid l Chloroform
l Acrylamide 98% l Hydrazine Hydrate 80% / 100 %
l Hydrogen Peroxide 50% l Acetonitrile 99.9%
l Melamine l Caustic Pottash Flakes
l Neopentyl Glycol (NPG) l Methylene Chloride (MDC)
l Propylene Gylcol Technical/USP l Acrylonitrile
l Methylene Diisocynate (MDI) l Diethylenetriamine (DETA)
l Polyol l N- Propanol
l Sodium Tri Poly Phospate (STPP) l Toluene Di Isocyanate (TDI)
l Acrylic Acid l Aniline Oil
l Meleic Anhydride l Gum Rosin (WW)
l Phthalic Anhydride l Dicyandiamide (DCDA)
l Per / Tri Chloroethylene l Solvents
l Butyl / Ethyl Acrylate l Diethanolamine (DEA)
l 2 Ethyl Hexyl Acrylate (2EHA) l Methacrylic Acid
l Methyl Methacrylate Acid (MMA) l Sodium Metal
l Monosodium Glutamate l Citric Acid

J.M. Corporation
Room No.: 18, 2nd Floor, Mahavir Darshan,
412, Narshi Natha Street, Mumbai 400 003.
Tel.: 022-23430167, 022-66313167, 022-23470167
Cell: 08369487056, 09821135301 l Fax: +91-22-40048825
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Web.: www: w


263/265, Samuel Street, Vadgadi, Masjid Bunder (W), Mumbai 400-003. DiStributorS of
Email: [email protected] M/s. DOW CHEMICALS, M/s. SOLVAY, M/s. AKZO NOBEL
Since 1971 Web:
Please Contact: Mr. Raju +91-9320894208, Mr. Ajay +91-9820049181, Mr. Karan +91-9029092290 PERFORMANCE CHEMICALS

• Aminoethylethanolamine (AEEA)

• Aminoethylpiperazine (AEP)


• Diethylenetriamine (DETA)

w FORMIC ACID 85% - Luxi, China w T.C.C.A 90% GRANULAR

• Diethanolamine
• Ethylene Diamine (EDA)

w PHOSPHORIC ACID 85% Food Grade - Vietnam w EDTA DI SODIUM (2 NA)

• Triethylene Tetramine (TETA)
• Tetraethylene Pentamine (TEPA)


• Perchloroethylene 99.89% (NINGBO)
w EDTA ACID • Trichloroethylene (NINGBO)

(Befar / Asahi / Yibin Origin)

• Melamine 99% - China/Shuntian

• Propylene Glycol - Tech - Shinghwa
• Piperazine - Tech
w Ammonium Sulphate w Lead Chloride • Maleic Anhydride - Briquettes - 99%
w Alum Powder/Lumps w Lead Nitrate Contact: Mr.Dhiren Shah
109, Anand First Floor, 82/84, Kazi Sayed Street, Mumbai - 400 003. India
w Aluminium Fluoride w Lead Sulphate Tel: 022-23400567, 23427637 w Mob: 9821034276, 8692877817
w Aluminium Nitrate Email: [email protected] w
w Magnesium Nitrate
w Ammonium Bi Carbonate (RCF) w Magnesium Acetate
w Barium Nitrate w Magnesium Carbonate MULTI-PROCESS EQUIPMENT-
w Calcium Acetate w Magnesium Sulphate PLOUGHSHEAR
w Calcium Nitrate w Manganese Carbonate •an
Powder - Powder Mixing MIXER /
w Manganese Acetate an excellent
w Chromium Acetate •Mixer for
Powder -all
Mixer for allMixing
w Manganese Chloride
w Chromium Chloride •types oftypes
Homogenising of Solid,
Solid Mixing
w Chromium Nitrate w Potassium Bi Sulphate •Solid Mixing
w Cobalt Sulphate w Potassium Silicate & Solid&Mixing
Solid Liquid
Wet Granulation
w Cobalt Chloride w Potassium Chloride We also manufacture:
Multiple Phase
also Mixer
w Cobalt Nitrate w Potassium Oxalate Granulator, Vacuum Dryer / Reactor
w Copper Acetate •Mixer
Vacuum Pressure/Vacuum
Granulator, Vacuum of Powder
Dryer / Reactor
w Sodium Aluminate •Vacuum
of Powder
w Copper Carbonate
w Sodium Oxalate
w Copper Nitrate
w Sodium Hypochloride Unit No. 3, ACME Industrial Park,
Near W.E. Highway, I.B. Patel Road,
w D.A.P. - Pure/Technical/Textile EQU IPM
Goregaon (E), E N T400S063.L L P
w Tannic Acid - Commercial/Pure Unittel.:
3, ACME Industrial * Fax:Park,
w Ferric Ammonium Sulphate Unit No. 3, ACME Industrial
Near W.E. Highway, Park,
I.B. Patel W.E.
email: [email protected] Highway,
w Zinc Nitrate I.B. Patel Road, Goregaon (E), Mumbai 400 063.
Goregaon Web.:
(E), Mumbai 400 063.
w Lead Acetate w Zinc Acetate tel.:
Tel.: +91-9821354747 / +91-9819272916
++91-22-26862721/*[email protected]
Fax: 022-26253969
Email: [email protected]
w Lead Carbonate w Zinc Phosphate email:
Web.: [email protected]
Web.: 2/42
72 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Products CAS No.
3-Ethyl-4-methyl-3~pyrrolin-2-one [EMPO] 766-36-9
Acetonitrile 75-05-8
4-Fluorophenol 371-41-5
Benzethonium Chloride [BTC] 121-54-0
2-Amino-5-chlorobenzoic Acid [ACBA] 635-21-2
Decanenitrile [DCN] 1975-78-6
5-Methyl-5-Phenyl Hydantoin [MPH] 6843-49-8
3,4-Dimethylpyrazole [DMP] 2820-37-3
3,4-Dimethylpyrazole phosphate 202842-98-6
Sucralfate 54182-58-0
Isatoic Anhydride 118-48-9
3-Chloroaniline [MCA] 108-42-9
5-ChloroThiophene-2-Carboxylic Acid [5CTA] 24065-33-6
2,6-Dimethyl-1-lndanone 66309-83-9
2-Amino-4-methoxy-6-methyl-1,3,5-triazine [AMT] 1668-54-8
Di-Bromo-5-Methyl 5-Phenyl Hydantoin [DBH]
5-tert-Butyl-m-Xylene 98-19-1
1-Chloro-2-methoxynaphthalene 13101-92-3
2-Bromo-6-methoxynaphthalene 5111-65-9

Custom Manufacturing
Inventys offers customized development & manufacturing services for Crop Protection,
Pharma & Specialities. We have state-of-the-art competence in process R&D and small to
medium scale manufacturing conforming from ISO up to GMP standards.
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API)

Registered Starting Materials

Advanced Intermediates

Active Ingredients

Crop Protection Intermediates


Inventys Research Company Pvt. Ltd.

Kanakia Zillion, Near Kurla Bus Depot, Kurla (West), Mumbai - 400 070. India
Email : [email protected] Tel: +91.22.714.00.200 Fax: +91.22.714.00.299

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 73

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Please Contact for Your Requirement
w sULPhUriC aCiD
w soDa ash / soDiUm BiCarBoNaTE (NIRMA) w CHLOROFORM
Assuring you of your best services always
For Contact: [email protected] w 9822223911, 9503320326
head office : Nagpur Branch : aurangabad

Available We offer for LOCAL and EXPORTS

SODIUM CHLORITE SOLN. 7.5%, 25%, 31%
SULpHUr di CHLoride

WHite FACtiCe
Organo Chemical Industries
SHREE CHLORATES PVT. LTD. 11- Sawan Bhavan, 89, Naigaon Cross Road,
101-102, Block ‘B’ Radhakrishna Complex, Dadar (E), Mumbai - 400 014.
10/1, Manoramaganj, A.B.Rd, INDORE 452001 (MP) INDIA Tel.: 022-24118158 / 24146871
: +91-731-2491495, 2490172, 4088331 w : 9111100891 Mob.: 9320021053 / 9820126745
Email: [email protected], [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Website: Web.:

AD Pharmachem Pvt. Ltd.
(ISO 9001:2015 & 14001:2015 Certified Company) etHAnoL
(Absolute Alcohol/ Ethyl Alcohol)
API / Agro Intermediates & Fine Chemicals CAS No.
N-Bromo Succinimide (NBS)
N-Butyl Bromide (NBB)
• Ready stock
Tetra Butyl Ammonium Bromide (TBAB) 1643-19-2 • Genuine products
Tetra Butyl Ammonium Hydrogen Sulphate (TBAHS) 32503-27-8
Tetra Butyl Ammonium Iodide (TBAI) 311-28-4 • Attractive prices
Tri Ethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride (TEBAC) 56-37-1
Authorised Distributor for
Phenyl Tri Methyl Ammonium Chloride (PTMAC) 138-24-9
4-Bromomethyl-2-Cyanobiphenyl (Bromo OTBN) 114772-54-2
HaymanUK Ethanol
Ethyl Tri Phenyl Phosphonium Bromide (ETPPBr) 1530-32-1 Grades: AR / USP / BP / EP / HPLC / Premium
Purity: 99.9% / 96% / Customised
Methyl Tri Phenyl Phosphonium Bromide (MTPPBr) 1779-49-3 Pack-sizes: 500ml / 1L / 2.5L / 25L / 215L
Iso Propyl 2-Bromo Iso Butyrate (IPBIB) 51368-55-9 (For Laboratory Use Only)
Di Ethyl Bromo Malonate (DEBM) 685-87-0
Contact Manufacturer: Unit 1: G-39/9, MIDC, Waluj, Aurangabad - 431 136. Maharashtra.
Unit 2: A-86, MIDC, Paithan, Aurangabad - 431 107. Maharashtra.
Mob: +91-9820498254
Mobile: +91 9326149185 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
74 Nagesh 9 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Improving performance through Science

Specially Formulated Products For Diverse Industries

Ethylene Oxide and Propylene Oxide Condensates of
Alkyl phenols: > Nonyl Phenol > Octyl Phenol > Styrenated Phenol > Card Phenol
Fatty Alcohols: > Lauryl Alcohol > Cetostearyl Alcohol > Tri Decyl Alcohol
> C 10 Guerbet Alcohol > C 9-11 and > C 12-15 Alcohols
Fatty Amines: > Oleyl Amine > Stearyl Amine > Tallow Amine > Coco Amine
Fatty Acids: > Stearic Acid > Oleic Acid
Vegetable Oils: > Castor Oil > Groundnut Oil > Soyabean Oil
THEIC > For Insulation wire enamels and as secondary PVC stabilizer
HQEE > Chain extender for Polyurethane
Poly oxypropylene and Poly oxyethylene derivatives of
> Lauryl Alcohol > Tridecyl Alcohol > Glycerin > TMP > EO PO Block co-polymers
Aminic Antioxidants > For Lubricants > Rubber and > Polymer Applications

> Nonylated Di Phenyl Amine > Octylated Butylated Di Phenyl Amine

> Styrenated Di Phenyl Amine > Di Octylated Di Phenyl Amine
> Cumylated Di Phenyl Amine
Water Insoluble > For application in specialized coating application

Sunshield Chemicals Limited

1501-A, Universal Majestic, P.L.Lokhande Marg,
Opp. RBK International School
Chembur West, Mumbai - 400043 (INDIA)
Tel: +91-7045363450 / 8655983464 / 8655843282
Email: [email protected]

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 75

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Fluid Bed Dryer Available on Regular Basis from READY STOCK



 DMF - Taminco  m-TOLUIC ACID


(Taminco, Finland)  TETRALIN
Contact India’s Exclusive EX. STOCK Distributor

Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Chemaroma Drug House
M: 9820081641 / 51 407, New Sonal Indl. Estate, Building No.:2, Link Road, Malad (W), Mumbai 400 064.
24 x 7 Helpline: 09920545507 Tel.: 022-28449385 / 86, 67255040  Fax: 022-28449387
Visit us at : Email: [email protected]

niacin l niacinamide
l Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (MIBK)
l Dimethyl Formamide (DMF)
l nitrosylsulfuric Acid
l Methacrylic Acid (MAA)
l Methyl Methacrylate (MMA)
l nitric Acid
(30%, 58%, 60%, 61.5% 68%, 72 & 98%)
Ammonium Sulphate
PEG 200
l Sodium nitrate
l Butyl Acetate l Toluene
Mix Xylene
l Acetic Acid
l Solvent C-9
l 4 Cyanopyridine
l 2,6-Lutidine l 3 Cyanopyridine


Mob.: +91-9987744415, 7738068491,
9819068483, 8657983774
Email: [email protected] / [email protected] /


[email protected] / [email protected]



Contact: Vinayak Organics Pvt. Ltd.
73, 74, 75, G.I.D.C. Estate, Waghodia, Dist.: Baroda 391 760, Gujarat.
Tel: +919499825034
Email: [email protected]
Buyers of:
Crude / Recovered / Mixed Glycols
76 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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RPM 2800
G FORCE : 870


Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 77

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WHO-GMP approved API
Manufacturer and Exporter of:
Atropine Sulphate
Chlordiazepoxide • 4-Methoxyphenyl Hydrazine HCL
Cyclobenzaprine HCl • 2-Aminomethyl Piperidine
Diazepam • (R)-2-chloromandelic Acid
Homatropine • 2-Methyl Resorcinol
Mexiletine HCl
Pramoxine HCl • 5-Fluoro-2-oxindole
Valethamate Methyl Bromide • 4-(2-methoxy ethyl)phenol
Flowchem Pharma Pvt Ltd
• Ethyl Propionate • Hexyl Chloro Formate
M: +91-9606036223, 7415505592
E: M/s. Ganesh Trading Co. Mob : 09820277630

W: Email : [email protected]
Vasantha 387
Vasantha 387
 Magnesium Carbonate
 Cuprous / Zinc Cyanide
123 Benzotriazole
Vasantha 387
 Azelaic Acid  Magnesium Oxide
 Sodium Hydrogen Sulphide
Vasantha 387
 Molybdenum Di Sulphide
 Sodium Sulphide
Vasantha 387Ammonium Molybdate

Vasantha387Ammonium Metavanadate  Nickel Sulphate/Chloride
 Magnesium Metal Turnings
99.9% Purity
Antimony Trioxide  Nickel Acetate/Nitrate
Vasantha 387
 Bismuth Oxychloride  Potassium Iodate/Iodide
 Activated Carbon
(Powder / Granular / Pellet)
 Bronopol  Potassium Tert Butoxide  Beta Cyclodextrin
 Cadmium Oxide  Potassium Dichromate
Please contact:
 Cobalt Sulphate/Chloride  Palladium Chloride EUREKA CHEMICALS
 Cobalt Oxide  Palladium Acetate Offi.: 212, 2nd Floor, Maker Bhavan No. III,
21, New Marine Lines,
 Cobalt Nitrate  Propionyl Chloride Above Hotel Balwas, Mumbai 400 020.
Tel.: +91-22-22074206, 22074176, 66314750
 Copper Carbonate  Sodium Molybdate Mob.: +91-9820522936, +91-9323250033
Fax: +91-22-22058587
 Copper Cyanide  Sodium Selenite/Selenate Email: [email protected]
 Copper Nitrate/Oxide  Sodium Hypophosphite Web.:

 Copper Acetate  Selenium Di Oxide

 Chromium Chloride/ Nitrate  Sodium Tungstate Benzyl Bromo Acetate
 Chromic Acid  Sodium Iodide Benzyl Chloro Acetate
 Lithium Carbonate/Chloride  Sodium Azide
Brassylic Acid
 Sodium Dichromate
 Lithium Hydroxide/Fluoride
2-BromoPropionic Acid
 Lanthanum Oxide  Sodium Stannate
 Guanidine Nitrate/Carbonate  Stannous Chloride
 Glycolic Acid 70%  Stannous Sulphate
 Mecuric Oxide  Silver Nitrate
4-ChloroPhenacyl Bromide
 Mercuric Chloride  Tungstic Acid
 Mercury Nitrate/Acetate  Vanadium Pentoxide
3-ChloroPhenyl piperazine HCL
 Mercury Sulphate  Zinc Cyanide CYANOGEN BROMIDE
205, Mahalaxmi Market, Behind Marketyard, Pune - 411 037. L-15 MIDC Tarapur, Boisar - 401506 Dist. Palghar
Tel.: 22052250 / 0713 * Fax: 91-22-22019990
Mob.: 9822659056, 7083556504  Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
78 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 79

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Available Ex-Stock
We offer following material Tech / Pure / LR / AR / GR / iP / BP USP
Ammonium Chloride l Ammonium Bi Fluoride
Ethyl Alcohol Absolute, Dehydrated,

Hydrobromic Acid 48% Calcium Bromide 52%

Ammonium Sulphate l Calcium Nitrate  Ammonium molybdate  Manganese
Anhydrous, carbonate
200 Proof, Pure Ethanol 99.9% Min
(Source: Fermentation Alcohol - Grain)
Calcium Chloride l Copper Sulphate
 Ammonium metavandate Manganese
 chloride
/ BP / JP/ ACS/ /acetate
Hydrobromic Acid 62% Liquid Bromine 99%
Confirms to: EP / USP FCC Grade
Calcium Fluoride (Flourspar) Monographs & Suitable for AR / HPLC
Ferrous Sulphide Sticks l Ferrous Sulphate  Ammonium para tungstate  Magnesium
Premium acetate
Grade Absolute / chloride
Alcohol 99.9% Min

Sodium Bromide 45%

Ferric Chloride l magnesium Chloride (Source: Synthetic Alcohol)
 Antimony trioxide Magnesium
Confirms to: Monographs carbonate
of EP / USP / BP / JP / ACS &
Potassium Chloride l Potassium Sulphate Suitable for AR / HPLC
Sodium Acetate l Tri Sodium Phosphate  Bismuth carbonate / oxy chloride  Magnesium oxide
Ethanol / Ethyl Alcohol Absolute AR Grade 99.9%
Sodium meta Silicate l Sodium Chloride (Source: Fermentation Alcohol)
• Sodium Bromide
Sodium Silico Fluoride l Calcium Hydroxide  Bronopol
• Tri Butyl Tin Chloride (TBTC)  Nickel sulphate Confirms to: AR / chloride
Can also offer Chinese / Merck / USA / Hayman
• Potassium Bromide
magnesium Sulphate l manganese Sulphate
Calcium Carbonate l Copper Carbonate
• Stannous
 Cadmium Chloride
acetate / nitrate  Nickel acetate Packing: 500 / nitrate
ml Bottle
Thimerosal / Thiomersal USP / BP
• Ammonium Bromide
zinc Chloride l zinc Carbonate • Sodium Sulphate
 Cadmium sulphate / chloride  Potassium carbonate
Magnesium Oxide Heavy USP / EP / JP
Crystal Violet USP
• Hbr zinc Sulphate Hepta / mono
• Magnesium
 Cadmium oxideBromide  Potassium humate Hydride
Lithium Aluminium
Abchem Industries
• Potassium Chloride • Palladium / Raney/ chloride
 Cobalt sulphate Nickel  Potassium Fluorosil 60-100 Mesh
iodate / iodide
FMOC-Suberol (Remage Linker)
401, Sujata chambers 4th floor,
1/3, Abhichand Gandhi Marg, Masjid (W), Mumbai 400 009.  Cobalt oxide / carbonate (TM) Potassium
Please contact cyanate
us for any further details
CJEX Biochem Pvt Ltd
Tel.: 022-23755121 / 23448075 / 23448093
Contact : +91-9989124090
Fax: 022-23455730 w +91-9059312009 w Cobalt acetatew/+91-4029324090
+91-8143572009 nitrate  Potassium dichromate
Email: [email protected] / [email protected] 415, Daulat Bhavan, 407, Kalbadevi Road, Mumbai 400 002. INDIA
Email: [email protected]
Factory: Plot No. f-1/20, MIDc, Mankivali, Badalapur,
w[email protected]
Copper sulphate / mono  Platinum chloride / oxide
Tel: ++91-22-2203 30 22 fax: ++91-22-2206 44 39
[email protected] w

Dist. Thane 421 405.  Copper carbonate  Sodium Email: [email protected]

 Copper cyanide  Sodium selenite / selenate
Acetone (Taiwan / SI Group) Imported
 Copper oxideGANESH / oxychloride CHEM INDUSTRIES  Selenium PRIVATE
dioxide LIMITED
Ammonium Bicarbonate (Rcf)  Copper chloride
Shop No. 25,/ acetate
Sicily Park, Plot No.54, Sector 12BSodium
 Koparkhairane, tungstate
Navi Mumbai-400 709, MH, India.
 GUMAmmonium
ROSIN W/W chloride
GRADE(china) Indonesia
carbon Tetrachloride
CHLORIDE Indian  Chromium Phone:
chloride +91-22-27544477
/ acetate w Mobile:
 +91-98203
Sodium 00848,
cyanate +91-76664 43222
caustic Potash flakes
Ammonium Phosphate (Technical)
FORMAMIDE China Email: [email protected] / [email protected] w Website :
Ethyl Alcohol (Ethanol Denature)  Chromium sulphate  Sodium bismuthate
• Ammonium Chloride 90% & 99%
Glycerine SULFOXIDE Anatst / Rutile
(Indonesia / Thailand) LEADING IMPORTERS OF
• Ammonium / Sodium Bifluoride Sodium Fluoride
 Chromic acid Sodium dichromate
Isopropyl Alcohol
DIOXIDE (Deepal / Taiwan)
All Grades
Liquid Light Paraffin (APAR)
Available • TRICHLOROISOCYANURIC ACID (TCCA) • Ammonium / Potassium / Sodium Bromide
Magnessium Nitrate Supreme  Ferrous sulphate dried
CHINA 90% (5X8 Mesh Granules & •
 Sodium
Ammonium Metastannate
Vanadate Powder
Methanol • Barium Chloride 99% / Barium Carbonate
 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (M.E.K)
POLYPROPYLENE (PP) ONGC / Reliance 200G Tablets Tube Packing)
 Lithium carbonate / chloride Stannous
• Calcium
 Carbonatechloride
PPT / Copper Carbonate
ACID 85% Acid/ 99%
(china-99%) Local / Import • POTASSIUM BI-CARBONATE CHINA • Calcium Chloride (Fused / Anhydrous)
Potassium chloride Lithium
(Extra hydroxide
Pure 99.9%) / fluoride 
• Stannous
Calcium Nitrate / sulphate
Magnesium Nitrate
 THIOUREA 99% Soda Ash China • Cobalt Sulphate / Acetate / Chloride / Nitrate
Sodium Sulphate
99% (Yellow) China • TAED WHITE CHINA
 Mercury oxide / chloride •  Silver
Copper nitrate
Sulphate Crystal/ chloride
/ Powder
Sulphamic Acid • Manganese Carbonate (42%-44%)
 Mercury nitrate / acetate  Silver
• Nickel Nitratesulphate  Tungstic acid
/ Acetate / Carbonate
Toluene (SO2 Content : 65%) • Potassium Meta Bisulphite Pure
Urea Technical Grade  Mercury sulphate  Vanadium pentoxide
White Dextrin (Sahyadri) • SODIUM PERCARBONATE COATED CHINA • Potassium Sulphate (Technical Grade 99% Pure)
GRANULES & TABLETS • Sodium / Ammonium / Potassium Molybdate
Yellow Dextrin
202, Bldg Masjid
117, Loha
A/56, Sector-3,
Bunder Shanti
Bhawan, 93, P.D’Mello
Mira Road
009,(East). Dist-Thane,
(Active Oxygen 13% MIN) KARNI CHEMICALS • Sodium Thiosulphate Crystal / P Crystal / Anhydrous
• Sodium Aluminate
Pin-401 107. Maharashtra
w Mobile:
/ 9222447459
205, Mahalaxmi Market, Behind Marketyard, Pune 411
• Vanadium Pentoxide 037.
Powder..............& MANY MORE
Tel.: +91-022-66313338 / 49711479 / 23485439
Email: [email protected],
Telefax: [email protected]
022-23485439 l Mob.: +91-9867308187 / 9029027036 Mob.: 9822659056, 7083556504 l Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Email: Web.:
w A Group
We AlSO Company of Ganesh
BuY uSeD Trading Co.
AND uNuSeD & Yamuna
SurPluS Chemicals

For Your Requirement of Small (1, 5, 10 Kgs.) Packing


C.M.C. Sodium Viscosity 25 to 4500

l Ethyl Cellulose (All Grades)
l Hydroxy Propyl Methyl Cellulose (All Grades)
l H.P.M.C. Phthalate
l Hydroxy Propyl Cellulose (All Grades)


l Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose (All Grades)
l Kojic Acid
l Cross Povidone (All Grades)
l Methyl Cellulose (All Grades)
l P.V.P. K-17 / 25 / 30 / 90

RAZON Also manufactures
Raw Materials for high quality:
l Vee Gum
l Xanthan Gum


Manufacturer: 9881494979 / 9890529552
Email: [email protected]
ª BLOCK ADHESIVE Diamond Building, 2nd Floor, Room No.: 19, Lohar Chawl,
Pathak Wadi, Mumbai 400 002.

“Razon House”, 660, Taboot Street, ª READY MIX PLASTER Mob.: [Mr. Ashok: 9820877743, 8104163737]
[Mr. Bharat: 9819845676]
Camp, Pune 411001 ª CEMENTITIOUS GROUT [Mr. Yash: 9619497022, 8850374535]
Email: [email protected]
80 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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ore than

Epoxidized Soya Oil

Tri Methyl Propane Tri Oleate - TMPTO

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 81

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SINCE 1979 For your requirements of
Stearic Acid (Rubber Grade /
PVC Grade / Imported < 0.5 IV)
Distilled Coconut Fatty Acid

l Soap Noodles 80-20



l Hydrogenated Palm Stearin

l Oleic Acid 75%
Recipient of l Myristic Acid
National Award & Export Excellence Awards l Rice Bran Fatty Acid / Palm Fatty Acid
For 11 consecutive Years at Regional & National Levels l Lauric Acid
l Palmitic Acid
Regd. Off.: B/101, Jyoti Plaza Chs Ltd,
320, Bhanu Enclave, Sanjeeva Reddy Nagar, Hyderabad - 500 038. S.V.Road, Opp.:Anandvan Ashram,
Tel.: 040-23810018, 23715884, 23817332, 23095128 l Fax: 040-23810326 Kandivali (W), Mumbai-400067.
Email: [email protected] l Website: Tel.: 022-28013608 / 28013609
Mobile: 09920793608 / 09322283608
ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company Email: [email protected] / [email protected]


Chella 372
technical Know How Wanted l Beta / Alpha Naphthol
l Methyl / Ethyl Aceto Acetate

l n-Butylamine (Mono / Di / Tri)

For the manufacturing of l Ethylamines (Mono / Di)

l Para / Ortho Anisidine

Ferrous Sulphate from l Ortho Toluidine

l Para Toluidine

TMT / Steel Mill Scale l Tobias Acid

l H-Acid

l Sulphanilic Acid(Purified / Technical)

Both Zinc Sulphate & Copper Sulphate l Metanilic Acid

l Resorcinol

from Brass Ash l J-Acid

Pravin DyeChem
Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai, India.
Contact: Tel.: +91-22-49704423 / 24 Fax: +91-22-28056921
Mob.: +91-9322211290 / 9223433033
Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]
82 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 83

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Same Day Delivery in Pune
HYDERABAD l Acetone Deepak Phenolics
Strong and leading manufacturers of l Ammonium Persulphate
l Boric Acid
Organic / Morarji
w Etoricoxib w Irbesartan w Olanzapine w Risperidone w Telmisartan l Butyl Cellosolve DOW
w Pirfenidone w Dabigatran w Olmesartan Medoxomil w Raltegravir l Caustic Soda Grasim
w Vildagliptin w Sitagliptin w Sodium Cromoglycate w Zileuton l Isopropyl Alcohol Deepak Fertilizers
l Mono Ethylene Glycol Crystal
w Topiramate and its intermediates l Phosphoric Acid Grasim / GACL
l Propylene Glycol SHELL / SKC
Masters in pyridine derivatives also offer intermediates of l Trichloroethylene DCW
w Bedaquiline w Filbanserin w Mirabegron w Adapalene w Nirmatavir l Toluene
l Xylene - Ortho / Mix
w Ebastin w Ribociclin Succinate w Apixaban w Verdanafil w Bilastine
w Bendamustine w Vortioxetine w D-penicillamine w Metyrosine Mantri Corner # 7, Opp Sakhar Sankul,
w Lasmiditan w Sorafenib 26/3 Shivajinagar, Pune - 411005.
Email: [email protected]
Contact: 7095667333 Web.:
Email: [email protected], [email protected] Mobile / WhatsApp: +91-7972060815

Regularly Available
For Your Regular Requirement
Available Packing:-500gm/5Kg/25Kg

HydroBromiC ACid 48% & 62%

Metal Salts
* Aluminium Chloride Hexahydrate * Barium Chloride
* Aluminium Sulphate * Barium Sulphate
* Aluminium Oxide * Barium Nitrate
* Aluminium Nitrate * Barium Hydroxide

HydroBromiC gAS
* Aluminium Hydroxide * Barium Acetate
* And Many More. * And Many More.

* Bismuth Oxide * Copper (II) Chloride
* Bismuth Carbonate * Copper Sulphate Anhy./Penta

* Bismuth Chloride * Copper Nitrate
* Bismuth Hydroxide * Copper Acetate

ACetiC ACid 35%

* Bismuth Nitrate * Copper Carbonate
* And Many More. * And Many More.
Please Contact:
Mob:- 8291293767/57 Email:[email protected]

2-Bromo propioniC ACid

Polycarboxylate Ether
Formaldehyde Condensates • DISPERSING AGENT (White / Transparent)

4,4-diBromo BipHenyL
Sodium Gluconate ACID SOD. / AMM. / POT. SALT
Sodium Ligno Sulphonate • VPEG / HPEG
Dispersing Agent (White / Transparent) • ACRYLIC ACID
Admixture (Snf 40% & pdr) • SODIUM GLUCONATE
Beta-Naphthalene Sulphonic
Manufacturers of Drugs Intermediates & Chemicals • HYDROXYETHYL ACRYLATE HEA
Acid Sod. / Amm. / Pot. Salt
Mould Release Agent
19, PoddarAcrylate
Opp. Petrol Pump, Tilak Road, Santacruz (W), Mumbai 400 054. • MALEIC ANHYDRIDE
YAHSKA POLYMERS P LTD fax: 91-22-26051953 Mob.: 9821380820
Phone: 022-26057122 l
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
S. No. 407 Khata No. 1217, B/h. Sarvodaya Hotel, Morraiya,
Website: S. No. 407 Khata No. 1217, B/h. Sarvodaya Hotel, Morraiya,
Changodar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.• E: [email protected]
Changodar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
M : 8890913222 / 09726375236Factory: Telefax: 02646-225732 l Mob.: 09825070962
/ 09724411177
E: [email protected]

M : 8890913222 / 09726375236 / 09724411177

84 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Mines to Medicine
Manufacturing & Regeneration Facility of
All Type of Precious Metal Homogeneous & Heterogeneous Catalyst
Our Precious Metal Catalysts Regeneration cycle
{Reduced Regeneration time = Reduced Material Inventory at end use}

1. Customer can witness point no. 1 to 4.

2. Spent Regeneration period - ONE Week Only
3. We provide guaranteed 98% recovery of metal analysis of ash and actual recovery whichever is higher.
4. Material Dispatch with 3-4 days after customer clearance.

Available Soon Various Grades of Raney Type Ni Catalyst

Address & Contacts
Plot No. 10, Survey No. 35/Paiki, Kalawad Road, Opp. MTV,At. Haripar(Pal),
Tal. Lodhika, Dist. Rajkot - 360 005, Gujarat, India,
Phone: +91-281-2783338, WhatsApp : 99799 03533 / 99799 33533
E-mail : [email protected], Web:

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 85

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Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised
Index To Advertisers
a CJEX Biochem Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai
Clarion Organics Limited – Bhandara
IOL Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Ltd. – Ludhiana 9
ION Chemicals – Navi Mumbai 129
A.S. Chemopharma Pvt. Ltd. – Thane 178
Corey Organics Pvt. Ltd. 84 Ionak Organics LLP – Mumbai 68
Ace Industries (India) Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 77
Creative Pharma Intermediates – Vadodara 174 Ishita Industries – Ahmedabad 230
AceChemie Zynk Energy Ltd. – Mumbai 184
Crescent Chemicals – Mumbai 5 Ishita Pharmaceuticals – Ahmedabad 184
Acme Synthetic Chemicals – Mumbai 220
AD Pharmachem Pvt. Ltd. – Aurangabad 74 d Ishwar Chemicals and Gases 185

Agrocel Industries Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 221 Deep Pharm-Chem Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 84 j
Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. – Thane 228 Dev International – Mumbai 81 J.M. Corporation – Mumbai 72

Akshar Plast Chem Investment Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 224 Dhruv Chem Industries – Ahmedabad 18 Jain Acid & Chemicals – Nagpur 74

Alkyl Amines Chemicals Ltd. – Navi Mumbai 123 Divjyot Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. – Secunderabad 70 Jaydip Agencies – Mumbai 224

American Enterprise – Mumbai 80 DuFlon Industries Pvt. Ltd. 4 [email protected] 82

Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. – Mumbai 55 Dycon Chemicals – Mumbai 171 Jigs Chemical Ltd. – Ahmedabad 175

Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP – Mumbai 194 e Jubilant Ingrevia Ltd. 3

Amrut Enterprises 222 Jyoti Global Plast Pvt. Ltd. – Navi Mumbai 89
Echemi 10
Anami Organics – Surat 70 [email protected] 230 k
Ankita Chemical Corporation – Mumbai 34, 35 Environ Speciality Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 227 K. Raj & Co. – Mumbai 30, 32
Anmol Chloro Chem – Gandhi Nagar 193 Eureka Chemicals – Mumbai 78 Kailash Marketing Associates – Navi Mumbai 185
Anron Chemicals Co. – Mumbai 178 Exemplar – New Delhi 175 Kaizen Fine Chemicals – Mumbai 184
Aquila Organics Pvt. Ltd. – Thane 171
f Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. – Pune 78
Araya Ventures LLP. – Mumbai 45 Keshariya Corporation – Mira Road (E) 80
Faluck International Pvt. Ltd. – Ahmedabad 228
Arihant Chemicals – Ahmedabad 193 KIP Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 227
Fenix Process Technologies Pvt. Ltd. – Pune 237
AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 232 KK India Petroleum Specialities Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 235
Ferguson Chemicals – Ankleshwar 224
Azeocryst Organics Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 227 Knoll Chem Industries – Mumbai 82
Filtromix Equipments LLP – Mumbai 72
b Flowchem Pharma Pvt. Ltd. 78
Korchems – Ankleshwar 178

Balaji Poval LLP – Ahmedabad 184 Krishnaraj Fertichem Pvt. Ltd. – Gojariya 220
Fluobor India Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 170
Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons – Mumbai 225 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. – Vadodara 56
Forbes Pharmaceuticals – Mumbai 233
Kuntal Organics LLP. – Mumbai 141
Bharat Jyoti Impex – Mumbai 163
Bhavika Chemicals Corporation – Ambernath (W) 194
G.J. Multi Gases Pvt. Ltd. – Ambernath (E) 234
Bhavna Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. – Raigad 227 Lasons India Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 76
Galaxy Surfactants Ltd. 8
Bhawani Chemical Industries – Pune 141 Laxmi Dye-Chem – Ahmedabad 175
Ganesh Chem Industries Private Limited – Navi Mumbai 80
Black Rose Industries Ltd. – Mumbai 79, 229 LCG Eximchem Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 226
Ganesh Trading Co. – Mumbai-92 78
Blue-Dip Organic Industries – Mumbai 222 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125
Gangotri Inorganic (P) Ltd. – Ahmedabad 62
Bombay Engineering Works/JMD Engineering Works 76 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 52
Gayatree Chemical Industries – Pune 141
c GBL Chemical Ltd. – Mumbai 57 m
Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. – Vadodara 15 M.J. Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. – Ahmedabad 222
Global Merchants – Navi Mumbai 40
Chem Corporation – Mumbai 25 Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd.
Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. – Vadodara 223
Chemaroma Drug House – Mumbai 76 – Mumbai 131
Gulshan Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. – New Delhi 226
[email protected] 194
Manisha Traders – Mumbai 72
Chemcon Speciality Chemicals Ltd. – Vadodara 219 Marine Hydrocolloids – Cochin 24
Heavy Chemicals Corporation – Mumbai 54
Chemet – Mumbai 119 Maruti Industries – Gujarat 82
HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 86
Chemical Scientific Centre – Mumbai 60 Meck Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 174
Hind Elastomers Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 26
Chemlink Software – Mumbai 131 Meghachem Industries – Ahmedabad 170
Horizon Chemicals – Ahmedabad 164
Chempure – Mumbai 115 Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries – Mumbai 19
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 47, 49
Chika Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 7 Meru Chem Pvt. Ltd. 193
Chloral Chemicals (I) Pvt. Ltd. – Badlapur 193 i Mobile No. 08104722827 139
Choice Organochem LLP – Thane 141 ICIS 2023 – Singapore 12 Mobile No. 08870644481 194
Chowdhary Udyog – Kolkata 139 Inventys Research Company Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 73 Modheshwari Chemicals – Ankleshwar 139

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 87

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Index To Advertisers
Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 14 Radiant Enterprise Chemicals and Solvents LLP Subhash Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. – Pune 53
Molychem – Mumbai 170 – Mumbai 228 Suneeta Carbons – Mumbai 224
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 38, 39 Raivat Impex Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 226 Sunshield Chemicals Limited – Mumbai 75
MVL Medisynth Private Limited – Solapur 70 Raj Metachem – Kalol 185 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. – Mumbai 66

n Rajeshwari 164 Suvchem – Mumbai 131

Ramanand Kidarnath International – Mumbai 169 Suvidhinath Laboratories – Vadodara 185
N.S. Chemicals – Navi Mumbai 222
Rang Chemicals – Bharuch 194 Swan Enterprise – Mumbai 170
Narsipur Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. – Navi Mumbai 220
Ratanchand & Co. – Mumbai 230 Swastik Oil Products Manufacturing Navsari Pvt. Ltd.
Neha Chemicals – Mumbai 59
Razon Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd. – Pune 80 – Navsari 184
Neogen Chemicals Ltd. – Thane (W) 236
Nikisha Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. – New Panvel 226
Regal Remedies Ltd. – Mumbai 20 t
RELIC Chemicals – Mumbai 171
Nikita Transphase Adducts Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 164 Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. – Ankleshwar 170
Rhodium Master – Gujarat 85
Nisha Chemicals – Mumbai 171 Technic Pharma – Mumbai 71
Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. – Kolkata 72
Nitika Pharmaceutical Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 1 Tejal Chemicals – Raigad 139
Noble Alchem Pvt. Ltd. – Bhiwani 48 Roma Organics Pvt. Ltd. – Navi Mumbai 226
Telangana Chemtech Corporation 80

o Royal Castor Products Ltd. – Sidhpur

Rupal Chemicals – Lote Parshuram
The Lakshmiji Organics Pvt. Ltd. – Sitapur 227

Oasis Chemical Industries – Thane 185 Titan Biotech Ltd. – Delhi 83

Organo Chemical Industries – Mumbai 74

s Tolani Chemicals – Mumbai 31
S. Amit Speciality Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 121 Travancore Titanium Products Ltd. – Thiruvananthapuram 37
Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. – Ahmedabad 33
Oswal Chemicals – Ahmedabad 21
S.K. Chemical Industries (Mumbai) Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 63 u
p S.S. Polychemicals (P) Ltd. – Kota
Saanvi Corp – Mumbai
Ultimate Chem (India) Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 183

Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. – Ambernath (E) 127 Uma Chem Pharma Machineries – Palghar 69
Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 11
Padma Traders – Coimbatore 174 Unique Biochemicals – Mumbai 74
Salvi Chemical Industries Ltd. – Mumbai 58
Pallav Chemicals & Solvents Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 171 Unisource Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. – Boisar 78
Samir Chemicals – Mumbai 170
Palvi Industries Ltd. – Vadodara 185 Urmi Chemicals – Mumbai 23
Sandhya Group of Companies – Mumbai 231
Panchal(India) – Vasai (E) 141
Sangram Industries 227
Panchamrut Chemicals 164 Val Organics Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 22
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 16, 17
Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. – Vadodara 29 Veekay Chemicals / Peroxy Chem (India) /
Savita Polymers Ltd. – Mumbai 64
Paragon Fine and Speciality Chemical Pvt. Ltd. Ester (India) – Dombivli (E) 50
Seijmiera Pharmachem – Gujarat 61
– Ahmedabad 139 Victory Chemicals – Mumbai 224
Shanta Flaker & Dryer Co. Pvt. Ltd. – Ambernath (W) 65
Parasmani Industries – Vadodara 131 Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 41
Sheetal Chemicals – Mumbai 174
Paresh Chemical Corporation – Mumbai 220 Vimal Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 51
Sheetal Chemicals – Bhayander (E) 230
Pari Chemicals – Mumbai 230 Vinayak Industries – Sarigam 178
Shimmer Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. – Baroda 175
Patkar Vacuulab – Mira Road (E) 238 Vinayak Organics Pvt. Ltd. – Baroda 76
Shiv Shakti Process Equipment Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 2
Peptech Biosciences Ltd. – Delhi 83 Vishal Chemical Industries – Mumbai 174
Shivam Enterprises – Pune 70
Polypharm Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 46 Viswaat Chemicals Ltd. – Mumbai 116
Shraddha Analytical Services – Mumbai 185
Pondy Agro Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. – Pondicherry 76
Shree Chemicals Industries Pvt. Ltd. – Pune 131 Vivan Industries – Ankleshwar 193
Powder Pack Chem – Mumbai 84
Shree Chlorates Pvt. Ltd. – Indore 74 Vora Brothers – Mumbai 72
Pranav Agro – Mumbai
Prashant Chemicals – Mumbai
Shreenath Acidchem Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 175 w
Shreyans Chemicals – Tarapur 194 Welcome Chemicals – Bhayander (E) 228
Pravin DyeChem Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 82
Shri Laxmi Chemicals – Ahmedabad-59 44 Windia Chemicals (P) Ltd. – Chennai 67
Premier Alloys & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. – Hyderabad 82
ProU India Engineering Pvt. Ltd. – Chennai 28
Siddharth International – Mumbai
SKC Chemie Pvt. Ltd. – Navi Mumbai
Provik Industries – Mumbai 178 Yahska Polymers P. Ltd. – Ahmedabad 84
SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 228
r Sontara Organo Industries – Ambernath (W) 181
Yashdeep Pharma & Nutraceuticals – Mumbai 139
Yogi Dye Chem Industries – Mumbai 234
R K Transport Service – Mumbai 193 Soofi Enterprises – Mumbai 13
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 27 Spantech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. 42 z
Radha Enterprises – Pune 84 Stratechem (I) Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai 220 Zuhhad International – Navi Mumbai 164

88 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 89

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Index To Products Advertised
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Marine Hydrocolloids 24
CHEMICALS REQUIRED Radha Enterprises 84 Nisha Chemicals
Paresh Chemical Corporation
Alginic acid
Marine Hydrocolloids 24
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
Ammonium bromide spent Urmi Chemicals 23 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Alkanolamines
Seijmiera Pharmachem 61 Acetone cyanohydrin Radiant Enterprise Chemicals & Solvents LLP 228 Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55
Telangana Chemtech Corporation 80 KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227 Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Alkyd resins
Bromine Acetonitrile Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 GBL Chemical Ltd. 57
Seijmiera Pharmachem 61 Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Alkylbenzenesulphonic acid linear
Calcium bromide spent Alkyl Amines Chemicals Ltd. 123 Urmi Chemicals 23 Narsipur Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 220
Seijmiera Pharmachem 61 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41 Alkyl benzoate C12-C15
Catalysts, spent nickel Araya Ventures LLP 45 Yahska Polymers P. Ltd. 84 Subhash Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 53
Telangana Chemtech Corporation 80 Chem Corporation 25 Acrylic polymers Alkylphenol ethylene oxide condensates
Caustic soda lye Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228
Rang Chemicals 194 Crescent Chemicals 5 Acrylic resins Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75
Glycol Inventys Research Company Pvt. Ltd. 73 Provik Industries 178 Alkylphenol propylene oxide condensates
Vinayak Organics Pvt. Ltd. 76 J.M. Corporation 72 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75
Hydrobromic acid spent Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Acrylonitrile Alkyl polyglucoside
Seijmiera Pharmachem 61 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227
Hydrogen bromide spent Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Allantoin
Telangana Chemtech Corporation 80 Nisha Chemicals 171 Crescent Chemicals 5 American Enterprise 80
Lithium bromide spent Oswal Chemicals 21 Nisha Chemicals 171 KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227
Seijmiera Pharmachem 61 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11
Magnesium bromide spent Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Urmi Chemicals 23 SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228
Seijmiera Pharmachem 61 Urmi Chemicals 23 Activated carbon Allopurinol
Telangana Chemtech Corporation 80 Acetophenone Eureka Chemicals 78 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66
Palladium spent Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Suneeta Carbons 224 Allyl alcohol
Telangana Chemtech Corporation 80 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Additives Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Potassium bromide spent Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Environ Speciality Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 227 K. Raj & Co. 30,32
Seijmiera Pharmachem 61 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Gayatree Chemical Industries 141 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125
Telangana Chemtech Corporation 80 Paresh Chemical Corporation 220 GBL Chemical Ltd. 57 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
Potassium chloride spent Samir Chemicals 170 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Allylamine
Telangana Chemtech Corporation 80 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Bharat Jyoti Impex 163
Sodium bromide spent 3`-Acetoxyacetophenone Adenine Allyl bromide
Seijmiera Pharmachem 61 Clarion Organics Limited 36 Tolani Chemicals 31 Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194
Telangana Chemtech Corporation 80 Acetylacetone Adenine sulphate Dhruv Chem Industries 18
Sodium hydrogen sulphide K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Tolani Chemicals 31 Faluck International Pvt. Ltd. 228
Rang Chemicals 194 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 S-(Adenosyl)-L-methionine disulphate Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127
Sodium sulphate spent Acetylacetone peroxide tosylate Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59 44
Telangana Chemtech Corporation 80 Roma Organics Pvt. Ltd. 226 Raivat Impex Pvt. Ltd. 226 Sontara Organo Industries 181
Solvents spent Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50 Adhesives Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
Seijmiera Pharmachem 61 Acetyl bromide Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 Allyl chloride
Stannous chloride spent Dhruv Chem Industries 18 Razon Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd. 80 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Telangana Chemtech Corporation 80 Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59 44 Adipic acid Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194
Tri-n-butyl tin chloride spent Acetyl-gamma-butyrolactone Akshar Plast Chem Investment Pvt. Ltd. 224 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Telangana Chemtech Corporation 80 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 K. Raj & Co. 30,32
Acetyl-L-carnitine hydrochloride Araya Ventures LLP 45 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125
Acetyl chloride
226 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons
Jaydip Agencies
Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd.
Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59
a IOL Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
9 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd.
Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
52 Sontara Organo Industries 181
Abiraterone acetate Raivat Impex Pvt. Ltd. 226 Paresh Chemical Corporation 220 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19 Acetyl hydrazine R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Allyl magnesium bromide
Acediasulphone Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 RELIC Chemicals 171 Azeocryst Organics Pvt. Ltd. 227
Bhavna Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 227 N-Acetylmorpholine Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Allyl magnesium chloride
Acesulfame K Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Azeocryst Organics Pvt. Ltd. 227
Panchamrut Chemicals 164 5-Acetylsalicylamide Urmi Chemicals 23 Allyl methacrylate
Acetaldehyde KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227 Adipic dihydrazide Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41
Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 2-Acetylthiophene Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Almond oil
The Lakshmiji Organics Pvt. Ltd. 227 Clarion Organics Limited 36 Adjuvants for pesticides Global Merchants 40
3`-Acetamidoacetophenone KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227 M.J. Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 222 Aloe vera
Clarion Organics Limited 36 N-Acetyl-L-tyrosine Shree Chemicals Industries Pvt. Ltd. 131 Global Merchants 40
Acetanilide Raivat Impex Pvt. Ltd. 226 Agar Alum
Polypharm Private Limited 46 Acids Marine Hydrocolloids 24 Vora Brothers 72
Acetic acid HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 86 Agar agar Alum ferric
Amrut Enterprises 222 Polypharm Private Limited 46 Marine Hydrocolloids 24 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Acid slurry Titan Biotech Ltd. 83 Alumina calcined
Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Agarose Welcome Chemicals 228
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Marine Hydrocolloids 24 Aluminium ammonium sulphate
Jain Acid & Chemicals 74 Dev International 81 Agrochemicals Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56
Jigs Chemical Ltd. 175 Acridine orange S. Amit Speciality Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 121 Aluminium chloride
Jubilant Ingrevia Ltd. 3 Suvchem 131 Sandhya Group of Companies 231 Anmol Chloro Chem 193
Korchems 178 Acrylamide Shree Chemicals Industries Pvt. Ltd. 131 Anron Chemicals Co. 178
Lasons India Pvt. Ltd. 76 Akshar Plast Chem Investment Pvt. Ltd. 224 Beta-Alanine Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. 223
Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 Amrut Enterprises 222 Tolani Chemicals 31 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Alcohol absolute Jain Acid & Chemicals 74
Saanvi Corp 131 Araya Ventures LLP 45 CJEX Biochem Pvt. Ltd. 80 Jigs Chemical Ltd. 175
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 Alcohol C11 Korchems 178
Urmi Chemicals 23 Chem Corporation 25 Acme Synthetic Chemicals 220 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Acetic acid glacial J.M. Corporation 72 Alcohol extra neutral Aluminium chloride hexahydrate
Crescent Chemicals 5 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Provik Industries 178 Powder Pack Chem 84
Polypharm Private Limited 46 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Algicides Aluminium fluoride
Urmi Chemicals 23 Nisha Chemicals 171 Shree Chemicals Industries Pvt. Ltd. 131 Vora Brothers 72
Acetic anhydride R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Alginates Aluminium hydroxide
IOL Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 9 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
Pallav Chemicals & Solvents Pvt. Ltd. 171 2-Acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulphonic
Urmi Chemicals 23 acid-acrylic acid Every effort shall be made to accurately represent
Acetone Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Acrylates the Advertised products in the “Product Index”. The
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Acrylic acid publisher shall not be responsible for errors, includ-
Crescent Chemicals 5 Akshar Plast Chem Investment Pvt. Ltd. 224
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 ing that of omission. Every attempt will be made to
Keshariya Corporation 80 Araya Ventures LLP 45
Lasons India Pvt. Ltd. 76 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 accommodate corrections / amendments brought to
Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 Chemical Scientific Centre 60
Oswal Chemicals 21 J.M. Corporation
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd.
our notice.
Polypharm Private Limited 46

90 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Index To Products Advertised
Gangotri Inorganic (P) Ltd. 62 4-Amino-5-methylpyridin-2(1H)-one Anron Chemicals Co. 178 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Powder Pack Chem 84 Anami Organics 70 Ammonium citrate monobasic Chemical Scientific Centre 60
Aluminium hydroxide gel 4-Amino-2-methyl-10H-thieno(2,3b)(1,5)- Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Laxmi Dye-Chem 175
Gangotri Inorganic (P) Ltd. 62 benzodiazepine Ammonium cobalt (II) sulphate Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59
Aluminium hypophosphite Maruti Industries 82 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Victory Chemicals 224 2-Amino-5-methylthiophene-3-carbonitrile Ammonium dichromate Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
Aluminium isopropoxide Maruti Industries 82 Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194 Urmi Chemicals 23
Anron Chemicals Co. 178 1-Amino-7-naphthol Anron Chemicals Co. 178 o-Anisidine
Aluminium nitrate Anami Organics 70 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Pravin DyeChem Pvt. Ltd. 82
Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194 3-Aminophenol Ammonium dimolybdate p-Anisidine
Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Sheetal Chemicals - Mumbai 174 Palvi Industries Ltd. 185 Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229
Powder Pack Chem 84 m-Aminophenol Ammonium fluoride Pravin DyeChem Pvt. Ltd. 82
Vora Brothers 72 Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 p-Anisidine-m-sulphonic acid
Aluminium oxide o-Aminophenol Ammonium formate Paragon Fine And Speciality Chemical Pvt. Ltd. 139
Acme Synthetic Chemicals 220 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Anisole
Powder Pack Chem 84 4-(4-Aminophenyl)morpholin-3-one Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Stratechem (I) Pvt. Ltd. 220
Welcome Chemicals 228 Clarion Organics Limited 36 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Anthranilic acid
Aluminium phosphide technical Maruti Industries 82 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Ishita Industries 230
Sandhya Group of Companies 231 3-Amino-1,2-propanediol Ammonium heptamolybdate Anthraquinone-2,7-disulphonic acid sodium salt
Aluminium potassium sulphate Chempure 115 Palvi Industries Ltd. 185 Paragon Fine And Speciality Chemical Pvt. Ltd. 139
Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 3-Amino-1-propanol Ammonium hydrogen sulphate Antiallergics drugs
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 K. Raj & Co. 30,32 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66
Aluminium silicate Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Ammonium hypophosphite Antiasthmatics
Welcome Chemicals 228 2-Aminothiophenol Victory Chemicals 224 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66
Aluminium sulphate Anami Organics 70 Ammonium iodide Antibiotics
Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 4-Amino-1H-1,2,4-triazole S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 86
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Ammonium metavanadate Anticaking agents
Powder Pack Chem 84 Aminotrimethylenephosphonic acid Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Oasis Chemical Industries 185
Sheetal Chemicals - Mumbai 174 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
Aluminium sulphate non-ferric Saanvi Corp 131 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Antidepressants
Vivan Industries 193 Aminotrimethylenephosphonic acid Premier Alloys & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 82 Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19
Amide waxes pentasodium salt Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Antifoaming agents
Royal Castor Products Ltd. 222 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Ammonium molybdate Gayatree Chemical Industries 141
3-Aminoacetophenone Aminotrimethylenephosphonic acid Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Oasis Chemical Industries 185
Clarion Organics Limited 36 tetrasodium salt Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 Shree Chemicals Industries Pvt. Ltd. 131
Amino acids AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Antihypertensives
Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Amla extract Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66
K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Global Merchants 40 Meghachem Industries 170 Antimalarial drugs
Peptech Biosciences Ltd., 83 Amlodipine Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66
Tolani Chemicals 31 Maruti Industries 82 Ammonium nitrate Antimony bromide
4-Aminoantipyrine Ammonia Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29
SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Ammonium oxalate Antimony chloride
Tolani Chemicals 31 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
p-Aminobenzoic acid Ammonia anhydrous Ammonium paratungstate Antimony pentachloride
Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33 G.J. Multi Gases Pvt. Ltd. 234 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Anron Chemicals Co. 178
2-Aminobenzonitrile Ammonia liquor Ammonium persulphate Antimony pentasulphide
Ishwar Chemicals and Gases 185 Ferguson Chemicals 224 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
4-Aminobenzonitrile Ammonium acetate Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Antimony potassium tartarate
Chempure 115 Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194 Radha Enterprises 84 Anron Chemicals Co. 178
2-Amino-6-bromopyridine AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Exemplar 175
Chempure 115 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Ammonium phosphate dibasic Antimony sulphide
S-2-Aminobutyramide hydrochloride Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Yashdeep Pharma & Nutraceuticals 139 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Ammonium phosphate monobasic Antimony trichloride
4-Aminobutyric acid Ammonium aluminium sulphate Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Anron Chemicals Co. 178
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Antimony trioxide
Tolani Chemicals 31 Ammonium benzene sulphonate Ammonium sulphamate Environ Speciality Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 227
2-Amino-5-chlorobenzoic acid Stratechem (I) Pvt. Ltd. 220 Exemplar 175 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78
Inventys Research Company Pvt. Ltd. 73 Ammonium bicarbonate Ammonium sulphate Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52
3-Amino-4-chlorobenzotrifluoride Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131
Chempure 115 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
2-(3-Amino-4-chlorobenzoyl) benzoic acid Keshariya Corporation 80 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Antimony trisulphide
Clarion Organics Limited 36 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Anron Chemicals Co. 178
3-Aminocrotononitrile R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Lasons India Pvt. Ltd. 76 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Polypharm Private Limited 46 Antioxidants
2-Amino-3,5-dibromobenzaldehyde Vora Brothers 72 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 GBL Chemical Ltd. 57
Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Ammonium bifluoride Vishal Chemical Industries 174 Sandhya Group of Companies 231
2-Amino-4,5-dimethoxybenzoic acid Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194 Vivan Industries 193 Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75
Clarion Organics Limited 36 Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 Vora Brothers 72 Swan Enterprise 170
3-(2-Aminoethylamino)propyl trimethoxysilane Oswal Chemicals 21 Ammonium tetramolybdate Antipyretics
Chempure 115 Regal Remedies Limited 20 Palvi Industries Ltd. 185 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66
N-(2-Aminoethyl) ethanolamine Ammonium bromide Ammonium thiocyanate Antiscalants
Akshar Plast Chem Investment Pvt. Ltd. 224 Dhruv Chem Industries 18 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Gayatree Chemical Industries 141
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Faluck International Pvt. Ltd. 228 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Shree Chemicals Industries Pvt. Ltd. 131
Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Arachidic acid
Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Acme Synthetic Chemicals 220
Manisha Traders 72 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Argan oil
Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Seijmiera Pharmachem 61 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Global Merchants 40
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Sontara Organo Industries 181 Amoxapine L-Arginine-L-aspartate
N-Aminoethylpiperazine Ammonium carbonate Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19 Raivat Impex Pvt. Ltd. 226
Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194 Amyl acetate L-Arginine-alpha-ketoglutarate
Manisha Traders 72 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Raivat Impex Pvt. Ltd. 226
Oswal Chemicals 21 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Chempure 115 Artemether
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Amyl alcohol Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66
4-Amino-5-ethylsulphonyl-2-methoxybenzoic acid Ammonium chloride Chemaroma Drug House 76 Ascorbic acid
Meck Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 174 Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Global Merchants 40
Aminoguanidine bicarbonate Anron Chemicals Co. 178 tert-Amyl alcohol R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Chemaroma Drug House 76 Ascorbyl palmitate
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Chemcon Speciality Chemicals Ltd. 219 K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Dev International 81
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 n-Amyl bromide Ashwagandha extract
Tolani Chemicals 31 Keshariya Corporation 80 Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Global Merchants 40
2-Amino-4-methoxy-6-methyl-1,3,5-triazine Modheshwari Chemicals 139 Tert-Amyl hydroxperoxide Aspartame
Inventys Research Company Pvt. Ltd. 73 Polypharm Private Limited 46 Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
2-Aminomethylpiperidine S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Analgesics Panchamrut Chemicals 164
Chempure 115 Vishal Chemical Industries 174 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
Ganesh Trading Co. 78 Vora Brothers 72 Analytical reagents Atropine sulphate
2-Amino-2-methyl-1-propanol Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 86 Flowchem Pharma Pvt. Ltd. 78
K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Ammonium chromate Aniline Avobenzone

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 91

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Index To Products Advertised
Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Barium selenite Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Benzyl cyanide
Avocado butter Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 GBL Chemical Ltd. 57 Oasis Chemical Industries 185
Global Merchants 40 Barium sulphate Jaydip Agencies 224 Sheetal Chemicals - Mumbai 174
Azelaic acid Divjyot Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 70 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 N-Benzylethanolamine
Chempure 115 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55
Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Powder Pack Chem 84 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Benzylideneacetone
Azithromycin Barium sulphonate Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Shimmer Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 175
Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19 Royal Castor Products Ltd. 222 Paresh Chemical Corporation 220 3-Benzyloxybenzaldehyde
Azithromycin dihydrate Barium thiosulphate R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Clarion Organics Limited 36
Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Benzyl salicylate
Azithromycin monohydrate Barium titanate Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Sangram Industries 227
Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19 Noble Alchem Pvt. Ltd. 48 Benzoic anhydride S-Benzylthiourea hydrochloride
Azobisisobutyronitrile Base oil Horizon Chemicals 164 N.S. Chemicals 222
Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50 Chowdhary Udyog 139 Benzoin Benzyltributylammonium chloride
Azomethine H GBL Chemical Ltd. 57 Oasis Chemical Industries 185 Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127
Suvchem 131 Basic chromium sulphate Benzol crude Samir Chemicals 170
Laxmi Dye-Chem 175
b Jigs Chemical Ltd.
Basil oil
Benzyltriethylammonium chloride
AD Pharmachem Pvt Ltd. 74
Baclofen Global Merchants 40 Chemaroma Drug House 76 Chempure 115
SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228 Bees wax Benzophenone Meck Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 174
Bacopa extract Chowdhary Udyog 139 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127
Global Merchants 40 Global Merchants 40 Oasis Chemical Industries 185 RELIC Chemicals 171
Barbituric acid Behenic acid Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Samir Chemicals 170
Ferguson Chemicals 224 Dev International 81 Sheetal Chemicals - Mumbai 174 Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170
Barium acetate Behentrimonium chloride Benzophenone-3 Benzyltriphenylphosphonium chloride
Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194 KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Samir Chemicals 170
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Behenyl methacrylate Benzophenone-4 Bile salt
Powder Pack Chem 84 Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Suvidhinath Laboratories 185
S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Behenyl polyethylene glycol methacrylate Benzophenone hydrazone Binders
Barium bromide Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Behenyltrimethylammonium chloride 1,4-benzoquinone Biochemicals
S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Nikita Transphase Adducts Pvt. Ltd. 164 Clarion Organics Limited 36 HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 86
Barium bromide dihydrate Benzaldehyde p-Benzoquinone Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Biocides
Barium carbonate Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Benzothiazole Gayatree Chemical Industries 141
Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194 K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Anami Organics 70 Shree Chemicals Industries Pvt. Ltd. 131
Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Korchems 178 1,2,3-Benzotriazole Biofertilisers
Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Peptech Biosciences Ltd., 83
S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Samir Chemicals 170 Environ Speciality Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 227 Biopesticides
Barium chloride Shimmer Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 175 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Peptech Biosciences Ltd., 83
Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194 Benzalkonium chloride Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Biostimulants
Anron Chemicals Co. 178 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 RELIC Chemicals 171 Peptech Biosciences Ltd., 83
Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Shivam Enterprises 70 Biphenyl
Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 Gayatree Chemical Industries 141 N-Benzoyl-L-aspartic acid Tolani Chemicals 31
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228 Zuhhad International 164
Powder Pack Chem 84 Narsipur Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 220 2-Benzoylbenzoic acid 4-Biphenylacetonitrile
Barium chloride dihydrate Nikita Transphase Adducts Pvt. Ltd. 164 Stratechem (I) Pvt. Ltd. 220 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Divjyot Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 70 Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 o-Benzoylbenzoic acid Birch extract
Barium chromate Saanvi Corp 131 Clarion Organics Limited 36 Global Merchants 40
Divjyot Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 70 SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228 Benzoyl chloride Bis(carboxymethyl) trithiocarbonate
S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Benzamidine hydrochloride Anron Chemicals Co. 178 Anami Organics 70
Barium diphenylaminesulphonate Zuhhad International 164 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 2,2-Bis[4-hydroxy-3,5-di(hydroxymethyl)
Suvchem 131 Benzene Sheetal Chemicals - Mumbai 174 phenyl]propane
Barium fluoride Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Benzoyl peroxide N.S. Chemicals 222
S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Roma Organics Pvt. Ltd. 226 Bismuth acetate
Barium hydroxide Chemical Scientific Centre 60 SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Crescent Chemicals 5 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Bismuth borate
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Powder Pack Chem 84 Laxmi Dye-Chem 175 Benzyl acetate Bismuth bromide
Barium hydroxide octahydrate Benzenesulphonic acid Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29
Divjyot Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 70 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Korchems 178 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Barium iodide Sheetal Chemicals - Mumbai 174 Benzyl acetoacetate Bismuth carbonate
S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Stratechem (I) Pvt. Ltd. 220 SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228 Powder Pack Chem 84
Barium nitrate Benzenesulphonyl chloride Benzyl alcohol S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Bismuth chloride
Divjyot Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 70 Sheetal Chemicals - Mumbai 174 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Powder Pack Chem 84
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Stratechem (I) Pvt. Ltd. 220 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Powder Pack Chem 84 Benzethonium chloride Korchems 178 Bismuth chromate
S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Inventys Research Company Pvt. Ltd. 73 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Vora Brothers 72 Benzhydrol Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Bismuth citrate
Barium perchlorate Sheetal Chemicals - Mumbai 174 Benzylamine S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Benzil Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Bismuth hydroxide
Barium peroxide Oasis Chemical Industries 185 Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 Powder Pack Chem 84
Divjyot Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 70 Benzimidazole Chempure 115 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Shivam Enterprises 70 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Bismuth (III) oxyiodide
Barium petroleum sulphonate Benzoate plasticisers Zuhhad International 164 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
GBL Chemical Ltd. 57 GBL Chemical Ltd. 57 6-Benzylaminopurine Bismuth (III) perchlorate
Barium salts Benzoic acid Tolani Chemicals 31 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Seijmiera Pharmachem 61 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Benzyl benzoate Bismuth (III) sulphide
Chemical Scientific Centre 60 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Cross-references and synonyms are not Benzyl bromide
Dhruv Chem Industries 18
Bismuth iodide
S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59 44 Bismuth nitrate
indicated due to paucity of space. Benzyl-2-bromoacetate
Unisource Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 78
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd.
Powder Pack Chem
Specifications on a chemical (grade, Benzyl chloride
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd.
Bismuth oxide

purity etc.) are not indicated in the Chemical Scientific Centre

Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
Polypharm Private Limited
Powder Pack Chem
Korchems 178 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
index for paucity of space. Readers are R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd.
Shimmer Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
Bismuth oxychloride
Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78
advised to click on the link for Ad and Benzyl chloroacetate
Sontara Organo Industries 181
S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd.
Bismuth oxynitrate

Product details. Unisource Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.

78 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd.
Bismuth salts

N.S. Chemicals 222 Seijmiera Pharmachem 61

92 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Index To Products Advertised
Bismuth sulphate Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Deep Pharm-Chem Pvt. Ltd. 84 n-Butyl alcohol
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Bromoacetaldehyde diethylacetal Sontara Organo Industries 181 Lasons India Pvt. Ltd. 76
Bisoprolol fumarate Ishwar Chemicals and Gases 185 Unisource Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 78 sec-Butyl alcohol
Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66 Bromoacetaldehyde dimethylacetal 2-Bromopropionyl bromide Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
Bisphenol A Ishwar Chemicals and Gases 185 Faluck International Pvt. Ltd. 228 tert-Butyl alcohol
Akshar Plast Chem Investment Pvt. Ltd. 224 Bromoacetonitrile N-Bromosuccinimide Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 AD Pharmachem Pvt Ltd. 74 n-Butylamine
Chem Corporation 25 3`-Bromoacetophenone Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Crescent Chemicals 5 Clarion Organics Limited 36 Chempure 115 Bharat Jyoti Impex 163
J.M. Corporation 72 Bromoacetyl bromide Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 K. Raj & Co. 30,32
Jaydip Agencies 224 Dhruv Chem Industries 18 Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Ramanand Kidarnath International 169
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59 44 Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Samir Chemicals 170
Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 3-Bromoanisole RELIC Chemicals 171 tert-Butylamine
Nisha Chemicals 171 KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227 2-Bromothiophene Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Paresh Chemical Corporation 220 4-Bromoanisole KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227 Bharat Jyoti Impex 163
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 Zuhhad International 164 K. Raj & Co. 30,32
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 3-Bromobenzaldehyde Bromothymol blue Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52
Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Clarion Organics Limited 36 Sheetal Chemicals - Bhayander 230 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Urmi Chemicals 23 4-Bromobenzaldehyde 4-Bromotoluene Ramanand Kidarnath International 169
1,1-Bis(tert-butylperoxy)-3,3,5-trimethylcy- Chempure 115 Dhruv Chem Industries 18 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
clohexane p-Bromobenzaldehyde dimethylacetal Faluck International Pvt. Ltd. 228 Butylated hydroxyanisole
Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50 Chika Pvt. Ltd. 7 Bromotrimethylsilane Dev International 81
Bistrimethylsilylacetamide Bromobenzene Chempure 115 Global Merchants 40
Tolani Chemicals 31 Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 11-Bromoundecanoic acid Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56
Bitumen Chemcon Speciality Chemicals Ltd. 219 Sontara Organo Industries 181 Nisha Chemicals 171
Prashant Chemicals 228 Neogen Chemicals Ltd. 236 Brompheniramine maleate SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228
Royal Castor Products Ltd. 222 Sontara Organo Industries 181 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
Black pepper extract Cis-Bromobenzoate Bronopol Butylated hydroxytoluene
Global Merchants 40 Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Bleaching powder 2-Bromobenzonitrile Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Crescent Chemicals 5
Amrut Enterprises 222 Anami Organics 70 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Dev International 81
Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. 223 Chemaroma Drug House 76 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Dycon Chemicals 171
Jain Acid & Chemicals 74 3-Bromobenzonitrile Bupropion hydrochloride Environ Speciality Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 227
Korchems 178 Anami Organics 70 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66 Global Merchants 40
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 2-Bromo-4`-Benzyloxy-3`-nitroacetophenone 1,3-Butanediol Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56
Vivan Industries 193 Clarion Organics Limited 36 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52
BOC-anhydride 2-Bromobutane 1,4-Butanediol Nisha Chemicals 171
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 Dycon Chemicals 171 Samir Chemicals 170
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Dhruv Chem Industries 18 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228
BOC-L-phenylalanine 4-Bromobutanol Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
Chempure 115 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 N-Butylbenzenesulphonamide
Boiler chemicals 4-Bromochlorobenzene Oswal Chemicals 21 Padma Traders 174
Gayatree Chemical Industries 141 Sontara Organo Industries 181 Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 4-tert-Butylbenzonitrile
Boiler water treatment chemicals 1-Bromo-3-chloro-5,5-dimethylhydantoin Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Anami Organics 70
Gayatree Chemical Industries 141 KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227 1,4-Butanediol dimethacrylate n-Butyl bromide
Bonding agents 1-Bromo-3-chloro-2-methylpropane Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41 AD Pharmachem Pvt Ltd. 74
Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 Sontara Organo Industries 181 Butanesulphonic acid sodium salt Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194
Borax 1-Bromo-3-chloropropane Suvchem 131 Dhruv Chem Industries 18
Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Agrocel Industries Pvt.Ltd. 221 n-Butanol Faluck International Pvt. Ltd. 228
Jain Acid & Chemicals 74 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Neogen Chemicals Ltd. 236
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 Crescent Chemicals 5 Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127
Borax decahydrate Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29
LCG Eximchem Pvt. Ltd. 226 Dhruv Chem Industries 18 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59 44
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Sontara Organo Industries 181
Borax pentahydrate K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Urmi Chemicals 23 Tejal Chemicals 139
LCG Eximchem Pvt. Ltd. 226 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 tert-Butanol sec-Butyl bromide
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Sontara Organo Industries 181
Boric acid Neogen Chemicals Ltd. 236 K. Raj & Co. 30,32 tert-Butyl bromide
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Dhruv Chem Industries 18
Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59 44
Fluobor India Pvt. Ltd. 170 Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59 44 Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 tert-Butyl carbazate
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Sontara Organo Industries 181 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Jain Acid & Chemicals 74 Bromodifluoroacetic acid Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Butyl carbitol
Jigs Chemical Ltd. 175 Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33 Urmi Chemicals 23 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
LCG Eximchem Pvt. Ltd. 226 2-Bromoethanol 2-Butene-1,4-diol Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225
Polypharm Private Limited 46 Chempure 115 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52
Radha Enterprises 84 Bromoform Butyl acetate Nisha Chemicals 171
Boron trifluoride acetic acid Chempure 115 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Paresh Chemical Corporation 220
Regal Remedies Limited 20 2-Bromo-5-hydroxybenzaldehyde Crescent Chemicals 5 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Boron trifluoride diethyl etherate Chempure 115 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
Chempure 115 5-Bromoindole Lasons India Pvt. Ltd. 76 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
Boron trifluoride etherate KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227 Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 Urmi Chemicals 23
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 2-Bromo-5-methoxybenzoic acid R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Butyl carbitol acetate
Oswal Chemicals 21 Anami Organics 70 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Chemical Scientific Centre 60
Regal Remedies Limited 20 2-Bromo-6-methoxynaphthalene Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Dev International 81
Tolani Chemicals 31 Inventys Research Company Pvt. Ltd. 73 t-Butyl acetate Paresh Chemical Corporation 220
Boswellia oil 6-Bromo-2-methoxynaphthalene K. Raj & Co. 30,32 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Global Merchants 40 Unisource Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 78 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
Boswellia serrata extract 4-Bromomethyl-2-cyanobiphenyl Tolani Chemicals 31 Butyl cellosolve
Global Merchants 40 AD Pharmachem Pvt Ltd. 74 Butyl acrylate Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Brassylic acid Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Akshar Plast Chem Investment Pvt. Ltd. 224 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225
Unisource Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 78 1-Bromonaphthalene Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Chemical Scientific Centre 60
Brimonidine D-tartarate Suvidhinath Laboratories 185 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Paresh Chemical Corporation 220
SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228 4-Bromo-3-nitroacetophenone Crescent Chemicals 5 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Bromadiolone Clarion Organics Limited 36 Lasons India Pvt. Ltd. 76 Radha Enterprises 84
Sandhya Group of Companies 231 m-Bromonitrobenzene Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
Bromelain Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Paresh Chemical Corporation 220 Butyl cellosolve acetate
Global Merchants 40 Bromo OTBN R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Chemical Scientific Centre 60
Bromides Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Radiant Enterprise Chemicals & Solvents LLP 228 Dev International 81
Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Yashdeep Pharma & Nutraceuticals 139 Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Paresh Chemical Corporation 220
Bromine Bromopentafluorobenzene Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33 Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
Neogen Chemicals Ltd. 236 m-Bromophenol n-Butyl acrylate n-Butyl chloride
Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Dhruv Chem Industries 18 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Chemet 119
Seijmiera Pharmachem 61 p-Bromophenol tert-Butyl acrylate Dhruv Chem Industries 18
Tejal Chemicals 139 Dhruv Chem Industries 18 Chempure 115 Shimmer Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 175
Telangana Chemtech Corporation 80 2-Bromopropionic acid Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41 Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59 44

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 93

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Index To Products Advertised
tert-Butyl chloride Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Cadmium sulphide Gangotri Inorganic (P) Ltd. 62
Chloral Chemicals (I) Pvt. Ltd. 193 Butyltin stabiliser S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Polypharm Private Limited 46
Dhruv Chem Industries 18 Ionak Organics LLP. 68 Caffeine D-Calcium pantothenate
Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59 44 Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Global Merchants 40 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
t-Butyl chloroacetate Butyltriphenylphosphonium bromide Raivat Impex Pvt. Ltd. 226 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
Ferguson Chemicals 224 Samir Chemicals 170 Calamine Calcium perchlorate
2-n-Butyl-4-chloro-5-formylimidazole 5-tert-Butyl-m-xylene Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Chempure 115 Inventys Research Company Pvt. Ltd. 73 Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19 Calcium petroleum sulphonate
Horizon Chemicals 164 2-Butyne-1,4-diol Calcite GBL Chemical Ltd. 57
Zuhhad International 164 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Gangotri Inorganic (P) Ltd. 62 Calcium phosphate
N-Butyldiethanolamine Butyraldehyde Calcium acetate Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194 Calcium pidolate
N-tert-Butyldiethanolamine KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11
Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Calcium propionate
Butyl diglycol acetate n-Butyraldehyde Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Ionak Organics LLP. 68
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
t-Butyldimethylchlorosilane K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72
Tolani Chemicals 31 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Vora Brothers 72 D-Calcium saccharate
Tert-Butyldimethylsilyl chloride Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Calcium bromide Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Butyric acid Chemcon Speciality Chemicals Ltd. 219 Calcium salts
Tolani Chemicals 31 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Dhruv Chem Industries 18 Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29
N-Butylethanolamine n-Butyric acid Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Calcium stabilisers
Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131
Butyl glycol Choice Organochem LLP 141 Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Calcium stearate
Crescent Chemicals 5 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Ionak Organics LLP. 68
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Seijmiera Pharmachem 61 Calcium sulphate
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59 44 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15
Butyl glycol acetate Gamma-Butyrolactone Telangana Chemtech Corporation 80 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56
Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227 Calcium bromide hydrate Calcium sulphonate
tert-Butyl hydroperoxide Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Royal Castor Products Ltd. 222
Anron Chemicals Co. 178 Oswal Chemicals 21 Calcium carbonate Calcium thioglycolate
KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227
Roma Organics Pvt. Ltd.
Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd.
183 c Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.
Chemet 119
Calcium undecylenate
Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50 Cable filling compounds Gangotri Inorganic (P) Ltd. 62 Acme Synthetic Chemicals 220
2-(n-Butyl)-3-(4-hydroxybenzoyl)-5-nitrobenzofuran Chowdhary Udyog 139 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Calcium zinc stabilisers
Chempure 115 Savita Polymers Ltd. 64 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
n-Butyl magnesium bromide Cable flooding compounds Calcium carbonate activated Calendula oil
Azeocryst Organics Pvt. Ltd. 227 Savita Polymers Ltd. 64 Gangotri Inorganic (P) Ltd. 62 Global Merchants 40
n-Butyl magnesium chloride Cable jelly Calcium carbonate precipitated Calsolene oil
Azeocryst Organics Pvt. Ltd. 227 Chowdhary Udyog 139 Anron Chemicals Co. 178 M.J. Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 222
tert-Butyl magnesium chloride Cadmium acetate Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 Camphor
Azeocryst Organics Pvt. Ltd. 227 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Gangotri Inorganic (P) Ltd. 62 Global Merchants 40
n-Butyl methacrylate S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Calcium chloride Camphor oil
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Cadmium borate Ace Industries (India) Pvt.Ltd. 77 Global Merchants 40
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Amrut Enterprises 222 Camphorquinone
K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Cadmium bromide Anron Chemicals Co. 178 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 D-Camphor-10-sulphonic acid
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Chemet 119 Bharat Jyoti Impex 163
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Cadmium bromide tetrahydrate Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 L-Camphor-10-sulphonic acid
Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Bharat Jyoti Impex 163
Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41 Cadmium carbonate R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Candelilla wax
tert-Butyl methacrylate S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Vivan Industries 193 Chempure 115
Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41 Cadmium chloride Calcium chloride dihydrate Caoutchoucine
Butyl oleate Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Polypharm Private Limited 46 The Lakshmiji Organics Pvt. Ltd. 227
Dev International 81 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Calcium citrate Capric acid
Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Cadmium chromate AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Bharat Jyoti Impex 163
Butylparaben S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Dev International 81
Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Cadmium fluoride Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
tert-Butyl perbenzoate S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72 Siddharth International 43
Anron Chemicals Co. 178 Cadmium hydroxide Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Soofi Enterprises 13
Roma Organics Pvt. Ltd. 226 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Calcium fluoride Capric triglyceride
Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50 Cadmium iodide Regal Remedies Limited 20 Soofi Enterprises 13
tert-Butyl peroxybenzoate S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Caproic acid
Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50 Cadmium nitrate Calcium formate Bharat Jyoti Impex 163
tert-Butylperoxy-2-ethylhexanoate Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Siddharth International 43
Anron Chemicals Co. 178 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Calcium gluconate Soofi Enterprises 13
Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50 Cadmium oxide Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Caprolactam
tert-Butyl peroxypivalate Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Calcium hydroxide Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
p-tert-Butylphenol Cadmium perchlorate Anron Chemicals Co. 178 Caprylic acid
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Gangotri Inorganic (P) Ltd. 62 Bharat Jyoti Impex 163
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Cadmium phosphate Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Dev International 81
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Calcium hypochlorite Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Cadmium salts Vivan Industries 193 Siddharth International 43
Butyl propionate Seijmiera Pharmachem 61 Calcium hypophosphite Soofi Enterprises 13
Dev International 81 Cadmium sulphate Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Caprylic/capric triglyceride
Butyl stearate Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Victory Chemicals 224 Dev International 81
Dev International 81 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Calcium iodate Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14
Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Soofi Enterprises 13
The list of chemicals follows an alphabetical arrangement. Chemicals Calcium iodide Subhash Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Caprylic triglyceride
Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29
are alphabetised as if they are one word; i.e. spaces are ignored while S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Soofi Enterprises 13
Calcium lactate Capryloyl salicylic acid
indexing. Other rules followed are as follows: Nisha Chemicals 171 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11
Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Caprylyl glycol
 Figures such as 1-, 2-, 3- and prefixes such as o-, m-, p-, Calcium nitrate Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11
Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Capsicum extract
alpha-, beta-, gamma-, sec-, tert- (or t-), N-, N,N- are not taken Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 Global Merchants 40
into account when arranging products alphabetically. These Vora Brothers 72 Capsicum oil
Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Global Merchants 40
descriptions are also ignored when they occur within the name Calcium nitrite Caramel
of a chemical. Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Global Merchants
Calcium octoate
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Chempure 115
 Prefixes such as Iso-, Mono-, Di-, Tri- have been taken into account Calcium orotate N-Carbethoxy-4-piperidone
for the purpose of Indexing. Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Unisource Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
Calcium oxide

94 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Index To Products Advertised
Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Meck Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 174 Chloroacetyl chloride
Carbohydrazide Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. 223 Cetyl octonoate Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Dev International 81 4-Chloroacetyl-2,7-dichlorofluorene
Carbolic acid Oswal Chemicals 21 Subhash Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 53 Clarion Organics Limited 36
Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Caustic potash flakes Cetyl palmitate 3-Chloroaniline
Carbon black Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Dev International 81 Inventys Research Company Pvt. Ltd. 73
Kuntal Organics LLP. 141 Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. 223 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 3-Chloroanisole
Laxmi Dye-Chem 175 Jaydip Agencies 224 Subhash Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 53 KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227
Carbon tetrachloride Jigs Chemical Ltd. 175 Cetylpyridinium chloride 4-Chlorobenzaldehyde
Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Keshariya Corporation 80 N.S. Chemicals 222 Tolani Chemicals 31
Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. 223 Korchems 178 Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 o-Chlorobenzaldehyde
Keshariya Corporation 80 Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 Samir Chemicals 170 K. Raj & Co. 30,32
N,N`-Carbonyldiimidazole R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52
Chempure 115 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Caustic potash lye Samir Chemicals 170 Sheetal Chemicals - Mumbai 174
Tolani Chemicals 31 Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. 223 Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170 Shimmer Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 175
Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Jigs Chemical Ltd. 175 Cetyltrimethylammonium chloride p-Chlorobenzaldehyde
American Enterprise 80 Korchems 178 Nikita Transphase Adducts Pvt. Ltd. 164 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
Card phenol ethylene oxide condensates R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170 Shimmer Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 175
Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75 Caustic soda Cetyltrimethylammonium hydrogen sulphate p-Chlorobenzenesulphonamide
Carnauba wax Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170 Stratechem (I) Pvt. Ltd. 220
Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Crescent Chemicals 5 Chamomile extract p-Chlorobenzenesulphonic acid sodium salt
Global Merchants 40 Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. 223 Global Merchants 40 Stratechem (I) Pvt. Ltd. 220
Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Radha Enterprises 84 Chelated calcium p-Chlorobenzenesulphonyl chloride
L-Carnitine Caustic soda flakes AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Stratechem (I) Pvt. Ltd. 220
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Blue-Dip Organic Industries 222 o-Chlorobenzoic acid
L-Carnitine fumarate Amrut Enterprises 222 Chelated cobalt Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
Raivat Impex Pvt. Ltd. 226 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33
L-Carnitine hydrochloride Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Chelated copper Sheetal Chemicals - Mumbai 174
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Crescent Chemicals 5 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 2-Chlorobenzonitrile
L-Carnitine-L-tartarate Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. 223 Blue-Dip Organic Industries 222 Chempure 115
Raivat Impex Pvt. Ltd. 226 Jain Acid & Chemicals 74 Chelated dipotassium m-Chlorobenzonitrile
Carrageenan Jigs Chemical Ltd. 175 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Anami Organics 70
Marine Hydrocolloids 24 Korchems 178 Chelated iron 4-Chlorobenzophenone
Casein Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Clarion Organics Limited 36
Dev International 81 Oswal Chemicals 21 Blue-Dip Organic Industries 222 Horizon Chemicals 164
Castor oil R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Chelated magnesium Stratechem (I) Pvt. Ltd. 220
Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Caustic soda lye AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Unisource Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 78
Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Blue-Dip Organic Industries 222 2-(4-Chlorobenzoyl) benzoic acid
Dev International 81 Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. 223 Chelated manganese Clarion Organics Limited 36
Global Merchants 40 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 p-Chlorobenzoyl chloride
Castor oil acetylated Jain Acid & Chemicals 74 Blue-Dip Organic Industries 222 Sheetal Chemicals - Mumbai 174
Royal Castor Products Ltd. 222 Jigs Chemical Ltd. 175 Chelated nickel o-Chlorobenzyl chloride
Castor oil derivatives Korchems 178 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Shimmer Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 175
Acme Synthetic Chemicals 220 Oswal Chemicals 21 Chelated selenium p-Chlorobenzyl chloride
Castor oil ethylene oxide condensates R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Shimmer Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 175
Dev International 81 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Chelated zinc m-Chlorobenzyl cyanide
Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75 Caustic soda prills AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Chempure 115
Castor oil hydrogenated Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Blue-Dip Organic Industries 222 2-Chloro-1,3-bis(dimethylamino)trimethinium
Dev International 81 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Chelating agents hexafluorophosphate
Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. 223 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Regal Remedies Limited 20
Pranav Agro 141 Jain Acid & Chemicals 74 Blue-Dip Organic Industries 222 4-Chlorobutanol
Royal Castor Products Ltd. 222 Korchems 178 Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
Castor oil hydrogenated ethylene oxide Cellosolve China clay 4-Chlorobutyryl chloride
condensates Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Chempure 115
Dev International 81 Cellosolve acetate Chiral agents 2-Chloro-4-(4-chlorophenoxy)acetophenone
Castor oil methyl ester Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Neogen Chemicals Ltd. 236 Val Organics Pvt. Ltd. 22
Royal Castor Products Ltd. 222 Paresh Chemical Corporation 220 Chitin p-Chloro-m-cresol
Catalysts Ceric ammonium nitrate Marine Hydrocolloids 24 Environ Speciality Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 227
Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Chempure 115 Chitosan N.S. Chemicals 222
RELIC Chemicals 171 Ceric ammonium sulphate Marine Hydrocolloids 24 Samir Chemicals 170
Rhodium Master 85 Suvchem 131 Meck Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 174 2-Chloroethanol
S. Amit Speciality Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 121 Cesium bromide Chloramine T Viswaat Chemicals Ltd. 116
Soofi Enterprises 13 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Narsipur Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 220 2-(2-Chloroethoxy)ethanol
Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Cesium chloride Suvidhinath Laboratories 185 Viswaat Chemicals Ltd. 116
Catalysts, gold S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Chloramphenicol 2-Chloroethyl chloroformate
Rhodium Master 85 Cesium fluoride Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19 Chemet 119
Catalysts, nickel S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Chloramphenicol palmitate Chloroform
S. Amit Speciality Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 121 Cesium iodide Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Catalysts, osmium S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Chloranil Araya Ventures LLP 45
S. Amit Speciality Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 121 Cesium nitrate Paragon Fine And Speciality Chemical Pvt. Ltd. 139 Chem Corporation 25
Catalysts, palladium S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Chlordiazepoxide Chemical Scientific Centre 60
Rhodium Master 85 Cetearyl octanoate Flowchem Pharma Pvt. Ltd. 78 Crescent Chemicals 5
S. Amit Speciality Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 121 Subhash Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 53 Chlorhexidine acetate Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. 223
Catalysts, phase transfer Cetirizine dihydrochloride Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66 Chlorhexidine gluconate J.M. Corporation 72
Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Cetomacrogol 1000 Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19 Jain Acid & Chemicals 74
Catalysts, platinum Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Jigs Chemical Ltd. 175
Rhodium Master 85 Cetostearyl alcohol Chlorhexidine hydrochloride Korchems 178
S. Amit Speciality Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 121 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59
Catalysts, raney nickel Soofi Enterprises 13 Chlorhexidine undecylenate Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33
Rhodium Master 85 Cetostearyl alcohol ethylene oxide condensates Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75 Chlorine Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
Catalysts, rhodium Cetostearyl alcohol propylene oxide condensates Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Urmi Chemicals 23
Rhodium Master 85 Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75 Chlorine dioxide 4-Chloro-4`-hydroxybenzophenone
Catalysts, ruthenium Cetostearyl stearate Shree Chlorates Pvt. Ltd. 74 Oasis Chemical Industries 185
Rhodium Master 85 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Chlorine liquid Val Organics Pvt. Ltd. 22
Catalysts, silver Cetrimide Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. 223 R-(-)-2-Chloromandelic acid
Rhodium Master 85 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Jigs Chemical Ltd. 175 Ganesh Trading Co. 78
Catalysts, spent Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Chloroacetonitrile Chloromethanes
Rhodium Master 85 Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. 223
Catalysts, supports & system Cetyl alcohol 2-Chloroacetophenone 5-Chloromethopabate
Rhodium Master 85 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Clarion Organics Limited 36 Meck Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 174
Catechol Soofi Enterprises 13 3`-Chloroacetophenone 1-Chloro-2-methoxynaphthalene
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Cetyl bromide Clarion Organics Limited 36 Inventys Research Company Pvt. Ltd. 73
K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Sontara Organo Industries 181 4-Chloroacetophenone 4-Chloromethylbenzonitrile
Caustic potash Cetyl chloride Clarion Organics Limited 36 Chempure 115

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 95

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Index To Products Advertised
5-Chloro-2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one Vora Brothers 72 Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194 Coffee extract
Gayatree Chemical Industries 141 Chromium (III) sulphate basic Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Global Merchants 40
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194 Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 Coleus forskohlii extract
4-Chloro-6-nitro-2-aminophenol Chromium picolinate Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Global Merchants 40
Paragon Fine And Speciality Chemical Pvt. Ltd. 139 Salvi Chemical Industries Ltd. 58 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Colistin sulphate
4-Chloro-3-nitrobenzoic acid Chromium trioxide Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228
Chempure 115 Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Colloidal silicon dioxide
4-Chlorophenacyl bromide Chromotropic acid Vinayak Industries - Sarigam 178 Rajeshwari 164
Unisource Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 78 Paragon Fine And Speciality Chemical Pvt. Ltd. 139 Vora Brothers 72 Compressor oils
2-Chlorophenothiazine Cinchocaine hydrochloride Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Meck Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 174 SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228 Cobalt (II) fluoride Construction chemicals
3-Chlorophenylacetonitrile Cinnamic acid S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
Unisource Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 78 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Cobalt (II) hydroxide Cooling water treatment chemicals
m-Chlorophenylacetonitrile Samir Chemicals 170 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Gayatree Chemical Industries 141
Chempure 115 Cinnamon extract Cobalt (II) iodide Copper acetate
4-Chlorophenylhydrazine hydrochloride Global Merchants 40 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194
SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228 Cinnamyl chloride Cobalt (II) nitrate Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56
2-Chlorophenylisocyanate Chika Pvt. Ltd. 7 Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194 Meghachem Industries 170
Chemet 119 Cissus quadrangularis extract Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
3-(4-Chlorophenyl)-1-isoindolinone Global Merchants 40 Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 Copper (I) bromide
Clarion Organics Limited 36 Citric acid Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
1-(3-Chlorophenyl)piperazine hydrochloride Amrut Enterprises 222 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
Unisource Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 78 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Copper (II) acetate
2-Chloropropionic acid Araya Ventures LLP 45 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Vinayak Industries - Sarigam 178 Powder Pack Chem 84
3-Chloropropionyl chloride Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Vora Brothers 72 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 Ishita Pharmaceuticals 184 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Vora Brothers 72
Chemet 119 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Cobalt (II) oxide Copper (II) bromide
3`-Chloropropiophenone Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Clarion Organics Limited 36 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
1-(3-Chloropropyl)-4-methylpiperazine Polypharm Private Limited 46 Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Copper (II) carbonate
hydrochloride Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194
Sontara Organo Industries 181 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Bhawani Chemical Industries 141
m-Chlorosuccinimide Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Cobalt (II) perchlorate Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
Chempure 115 Citric acid monohydrate S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80
N-Chlorosuccinimide Amrut Enterprises 222 Cobalt (II) sulphate Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78
Creative Pharma Intermediates 174 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194 Meghachem Industries 170
Chlorosulphonic acid Araya Ventures LLP 45 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Powder Pack Chem 84
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
2-Chlorothiophene Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Saanvi Corp 131
KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Vora Brothers 72
Zuhhad International 164 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
5-Chlorothiophene-2-carboxylic acid Polypharm Private Limited 46 Saanvi Corp 131 Copper (II) chloride
Clarion Organics Limited 36 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Vora Brothers 72 Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194
Inventys Research Company Pvt. Ltd. 73 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15
Zuhhad International 164 Vora Brothers 72 Cobalt (II) sulphide Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
4-Chlorothiophenol Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Meghachem Industries 170
Stratechem (I) Pvt. Ltd. 220 Citronella oil Cobalt naphthenate Powder Pack Chem 84
4-Chlorothymol Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
N.S. Chemicals 222 L-Citrulline-DL-malate Cobalt octoate Copper (II) chromate
m-Chlorotoluene Raivat Impex Pvt. Ltd. 226 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Zuhhad International 164 Clarithromycin Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50 Copper (II) citrate
o-Chlorotrityl chloride Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19 Cobalt salts Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56
Chemcon Speciality Chemicals Ltd. 219 1,6-Cleve`s acid Seijmiera Pharmachem 61 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Horizon Chemicals 164 Paragon Fine And Speciality Chemical Pvt. Ltd. 139 Cocoa butter Copper (II) cyanide
Chloroxylenol 1,7-Cleve`s acid Global Merchants 40 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78
N.S. Chemicals 222 Paragon Fine And Speciality Chemical Pvt. Ltd. 139 Subhash Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 53 Copper (II) gluconate
p-Chloro-m-xylenol Climbazole Cocoamidopropylbetaine Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29
N.S. Chemicals 222 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Copper (II) hydroxide
Chlorphenesin Clobazam Chemical Scientific Centre 60 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
N.S. Chemicals 222 Flowchem Pharma Pvt. Ltd. 78 Dev International 81 Copper (II) iodide
Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Cloperastine fendizoate Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29
Chlorpheniramine maleate Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66 Cocoamine ethylene oxide condensates Copper (II) nitrate
Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66 Clopidogrel bisulphate Dev International 81 Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194
Chlorpromazine hydrochloride IOL Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 9 Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78
Meck Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 174 Clotrimazole Cocoamine propylene oxide condensates Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56
Chlorzoxazone Chemcon Speciality Chemicals Ltd. 219 Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75 Powder Pack Chem 84
Bhavna Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 227 Coagulating agents Cocoa powder S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Choline bitartarate Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 Global Merchants 40 Vora Brothers 72
Salvi Chemical Industries Ltd. 58 Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. 223 Cocobetaine Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
Choline chloride Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Dev International 81 Copper (II) nitrate hemipentahydrate
Oswal Chemicals 21 Coatings, aqua Coco-caprylate/caprate Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29
Chondroitin sulphate sodium salt Provik Industries 178 Subhash Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 53 Copper (II) nitrate trihydrate
Raivat Impex Pvt. Ltd. 226 Cobalt chromate Cocodiethanolamide Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29
Chromating chemicals S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Copper (II) oxalate
Acme Synthetic Chemicals 220 Cobalt citrate Chemical Scientific Centre 60 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Chrome azurol S S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Dev International 81 Copper (II) oxide
Suvchem 131 Cobalt (II) acetate Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15
Chromic acid Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Cocomonoethanolamide Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 Dev International 81 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78
Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Oswal Chemicals 21 Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Coconut fatty acids Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
Chromium chloride S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Copper (II) perchlorate
Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Cobalt (II) bromide Dev International 81 Copper (II) sulphate
Chromium (III) acetate Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Knoll Chem Industries 82 Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194
Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Pranav Agro 141 Anron Chemicals Co. 178
Vora Brothers 72 Cobalt (II) bromide hexahydrate Siddharth International 43 Bhawani Chemical Industries 141
Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Soofi Enterprises 13 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15
Chromium (III) carbonate Cobalt (II) carbonate Coconut oil Chemical Scientific Centre 60
Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Pranav Agro 141 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
Chromium (III) chloride Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Coconut oil ethylene oxide condensates Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80
Vora Brothers 72 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Dev International 81 Krishnaraj Fertichem Private Limited 220
Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Saanvi Corp 131 Codeine phosphate Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56
Chromium (III) nitrate Vinayak Industries - Sarigam 178 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66 Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29
Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Coenzyme Q10 Powder Pack Chem 84
Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Cobalt (II) chloride Global Merchants 40 Raj Metachem 185

96 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Index To Products Advertised
S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Cyclohexyl salicylate Roma Organics Pvt. Ltd. 226
Saanvi Corp 131 Cuprous oxide Anron Chemicals Co. 178 Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50
Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 N-Cyclohexylthiophthalimide 1,5-Diazabicyclo-(4,3,0)-non-5-ene
Copper (II) sulphate pentahydrate Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 Alkyl Amines Chemicals Ltd. 123
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Curcumin extract Cyclopentolate hydrochloride 1,8-Diazabicyclo-(5,4,0)-undec-7-ene
Krishnaraj Fertichem Private Limited 220 Global Merchants 40 SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228 Alkyl Amines Chemicals Ltd. 123
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Curryleaf oil Cyclopentyl chloroformate Diazepam
Powder Pack Chem 84 Global Merchants 40 Chemet 119 Flowchem Pharma Pvt. Ltd. 78
Copper naphthenate Cutting oils Cyclopropylamine Dibasic ester
Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50 GBL Chemical Ltd. 57 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Bharat Jyoti Impex 163
Copper octoate Cyanamide Cytidine Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52
Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Yashdeep Pharma & Nutraceuticals 139 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
Copper oxychloride technical 2-Cyanoacetamide Dibenzo[b,f] thiazepine-11-[10H]-one
Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 d Maruti Industries 82
Copper pyrophosphate Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Dabigatran Dibenzyl azodicarboxylate
Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Corey Organics Pvt. Ltd. 84 Chemet 119
Copper salts Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 DBP 1,3-Dibromobenzene
Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Sontara Organo Industries 181
Corn oil Tolani Chemicals 31 Decalin 1,4-Dibromobenzene
Dev International 81 Cyanoacetic acid Chemaroma Drug House 76 Sontara Organo Industries 181
Corrosion inhibitors Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 n-Decane 4,4`-Dibromobiphenyl
Gayatree Chemical Industries 141 Zuhhad International 164 Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Deep Pharm-Chem Pvt. Ltd. 84
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Cyanoacrylates Decanenitrile 1,4-Dibromobutane
Royal Castor Products Ltd. 222 Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 Inventys Research Company Pvt. Ltd. 73 Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194
Shree Chemicals Industries Pvt. Ltd. 131 Cyanogen bromide Decane sulphonic acid sodium salt Dhruv Chem Industries 18
Cotton seed oil Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Suvchem 131 Faluck International Pvt. Ltd. 228
Dev International 81 Unisource Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 78 Decyl alcohol Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127
Coupling agent 5-Cyanoindole Soofi Enterprises 13 Sontara Organo Industries 181
Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227 n-Decyl bromide Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
Creatine 2-Cyano-4-methylbiphenyl Sontara Organo Industries 181 1,3-Dibromo-5,5-dimethylhydantoin
Tolani Chemicals 31 Chempure 115 Decyl oleate Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127
Creatinine Tolani Chemicals 31 Ionak Organics LLP. 68 Dibromo-5-methyl-5-phenylhydantoin
Tolani Chemicals 31 Yashdeep Pharma & Nutraceuticals 139 Deferipron Inventys Research Company Pvt. Ltd. 73
Creosote oil N-(4-Cyanophenyl)glycine SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228 2,2-Dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide
Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Chempure 115 Defoamers Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127
m-/p-Cresol 3-Cyanopyridine Exemplar 175 1,5-Dibromopentane
Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Lasons India Pvt. Ltd. 76 M.J. Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 222 Dhruv Chem Industries 18
m-Cresol 4-Cyanopyridine RELIC Chemicals 171 1,2-Dibromopropane
Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Lasons India Pvt. Ltd. 76 Dehydroacetic acid Dhruv Chem Industries 18
Crescent Chemicals 5 Cyanuric chloride Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Faluck International Pvt. Ltd. 228
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Zuhhad International 164 Dehydroepiandrosterone Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59 44
o-Cresol Cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride Raivat Impex Pvt. Ltd. 226 1,3-Dibromopropane
Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Flowchem Pharma Pvt. Ltd. 78 Denatonium benzoate Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194
Crescent Chemicals 5 Beta-Cyclodextrin Nikita Transphase Adducts Pvt. Ltd. 164 Dhruv Chem Industries 18
p-Cresol Eureka Chemicals 78 The Lakshmiji Organics Pvt. Ltd. 227 Faluck International Pvt. Ltd. 228
Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Cyclohexane Denatonium saccharide Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127
Crescent Chemicals 5 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Gayatree Chemical Industries 141 Sontara Organo Industries 181
Cresol red Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Nikita Transphase Adducts Pvt. Ltd. 164 Dibucaine
Sheetal Chemicals - Bhayander 230 Crescent Chemicals 5 The Lakshmiji Organics Pvt. Ltd. 227 SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228
Cresols Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Desalting chemicals Dibutylamine
Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Shree Chemicals Industries Pvt. Ltd. 131 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52
Cresyl diphenyl phosphate Nisha Chemicals 171 Des-azithromycin Di-n-butylamine
Dev International 81 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Cresylic acid Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Descalants Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125
Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Trans-1,2-Cyclohexanediaminetetraacetic acid Gayatree Chemical Industries 141 Paresh Chemical Corporation 220
Crosslinking agents K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Detergents Pravin DyeChem Pvt. Ltd. 82
Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 1,4-Cyclohexanedione mono-(2,2-dimethyltri- Nikisha Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 226 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Crotonaldehyde methylene)ketal Dexbrompheniramine maleate Ramanand Kidarnath International 169
Gayatree Chemical Industries 141 Chika Pvt. Ltd. 7 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
The Lakshmiji Organics Pvt. Ltd. 227 1,4-Cyclohexanedione monoethylene acetal Dexchlorpheniramine maleate Di-tert-butyl dicarbonate
Crotonic acid Chika Pvt. Ltd. 7 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66 K. Raj & Co. 30,32
K. Raj & Co. 30,32 1,4-Cyclohexanedione monoethylene ketal Dextrin Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Chempure 115 Keshariya Corporation 80 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
Tolani Chemicals 31 Cyclohexanol Dextromethorphan hydrobromide Tolani Chemicals 31
Cryolite Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66 Dibutyl ether
Oswal Chemicals 21 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Dextrose Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Crystal violet Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 2,5-Di-tert-butylhydroquinone
CJEX Biochem Pvt. Ltd. 80 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Keshariya Corporation 80 Chempure 115
Cucumber oil Nisha Chemicals 171 Dextrose monohydrate Dibutyl maleate
Global Merchants 40 Paresh Chemical Corporation 220 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Chemical Scientific Centre 60
Culture media Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Global Merchants 40 Di-tert-butyl peroxide
Titan Biotech Ltd. 83 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Diacetone alcohol Anron Chemicals Co. 178
Cumene hydroperoxide Cyclohexanone Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Roma Organics Pvt. Ltd. 226
Roma Organics Pvt. Ltd. 226 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50
Cupric chloride Crescent Chemicals 5 Ratanchand & Co. 230 Dibutyl phthalate
Anmol Chloro Chem 193 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Chemical Scientific Centre 60
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Diallyl maleate GBL Chemical Ltd. 57
Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50 Dibutyl sebacate
Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 Diallyl phthalate Subhash Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 53
Cupric chloride dihydrate Nisha Chemicals 171 Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50 Di-n-butyltin diacetate
Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Paresh Chemical Corporation 220 4,4`-Diaminostilbene-2,2`-disulphonic acid Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131
Cupric oxide R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33 Di-n-butyltin dilaurate
Meghachem Industries 170 Ratanchand & Co. 230 2,6-Diaminotoluene Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131
Cuprous bromide Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Zuhhad International 164 Di-n-butyltin maleate
Dhruv Chem Industries 18 Urmi Chemicals 23 Diammoniumdithiodiglycolate Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131
Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Cyclohexylamine Swan Enterprise 170 Di-n-butyltin oxide
Seijmiera Pharmachem 61 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Diammonium phosphate Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131
Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59 44 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Amrut Enterprises 222 Dicalcium phosphate
Cuprous chloride Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
Anmol Chloro Chem 193 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Gangotri Inorganic (P) Ltd. 62
Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Raj Metachem 185
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Dicalcium phosphate dihydrate
Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Keshariya Corporation 80 Gangotri Inorganic (P) Ltd. 62
Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Vora Brothers 72 Dichlone
Cuprous cyanide Cyclohexyl methacrylate Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Paragon Fine And Speciality Chemical Pvt. Ltd. 139
Eureka Chemicals 78 Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41 Di-tert-amyl peroxide o-Dichlorobenzene

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 97

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Index To Products Advertised
Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Pravin DyeChem Pvt. Ltd. 82 Regal Remedies Limited 20 Horizon Chemicals 164
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 2,4-Difluorobenzonitrile N,N-Dimethylacetamide
Ishwar Chemicals and Gases 185 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Regal Remedies Limited 20 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
p-Dichlorobenzene Diethylamine hydrochloride 3,4-Difluorobenzonitrile Araya Ventures LLP 45
Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 MVL Medisynth Private Limited 70 Regal Remedies Limited 20 Chemical Scientific Centre 60
2,6-Dichlorobenzoic acid Diethylaminoethanol 3,5-Difluorobenzonitrile Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Val Organics Pvt. Ltd. 22 Oswal Chemicals 21 Regal Remedies Limited 20 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52
2,3-Dichlorobenzonitrile Viswaat Chemicals Ltd. 116 4,4`-Difluorobenzophenone Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
Anami Organics 70 2-(2-Diethylaminoethoxy)ethanol Regal Remedies Limited 20 Oswal Chemicals 21
3,5-Dichlorobenzonitrile Viswaat Chemicals Ltd. 116 2,4-Difluorobenzylamine R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Anami Organics 70 N,N-Diethylaniline Regal Remedies Limited 20 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
2,4-Dichlorobenzyl chloride Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 2,4-Difluorobromobenzene Urmi Chemicals 23
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Diethyl benzyl malonate Regal Remedies Limited 20 Dimethyl-1,3-acetonedicarboxylate
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228 3,4-Difluorobromobenzene Chempure 115
1,4-Dichlorobutane Diethyl bromomalonate Regal Remedies Limited 20 Dimethyl adipate
Dhruv Chem Industries 18 AD Pharmachem Pvt Ltd. 74 3,5-Difluorobromobenzene Subhash Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 53
Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59 44 Diethyl carbonate Regal Remedies Limited 20 Dimethylamine
2,3-Dichloro-5,6-dicyano-1,4-benzoquinone Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 2,4-Difluoronitrobenzene Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Chempure 115 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Regal Remedies Limited 20 Chemical Scientific Centre 60
2-(2,7-Dichloro-9H-fluoren-4-yl)oxirane Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 3,4-Difluoronitrobenzene G.J. Multi Gases Pvt. Ltd. 234
Clarion Organics Limited 36 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Regal Remedies Limited 20 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Dichloromethane Tolani Chemicals 31 Digitonin Oswal Chemicals 21
Polypharm Private Limited 46 Diethylene glycol Suvchem 131 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Dichlorophen Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Diglycol monolaurate Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
Gayatree Chemical Industries 141 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Dev International 81 Dimethylamine hydrochloride
N.S. Chemicals 222 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Diglyme Araya Ventures LLP 45
2,4-Dichlorophenacyl chloride Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Oswal Chemicals 21
SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228 Crescent Chemicals 5 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 4-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde
1,3-Dichloropropane Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Ferguson Chemicals 224
Dhruv Chem Industries 18 MVL Medisynth Private Limited 70 Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170 5-(4-Dimethylaminobenzylidene) rhodanine
Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59 44 Parasmani Industries 131 Tolani Chemicals 31 Suvchem 131
2,4-Dichloropyrimidine Paresh Chemical Corporation 220 1,3-Dihydro-7,8-dimethoxy-2H-3-benzazepin-2-one 2-Dimethylaminoethanol
Chempure 115 Swastik Oil Products Mfg. Navsari Pvt. Ltd. 184 Chempure 115 Chemical Scientific Centre 60
2,5-Dichlorothiophene Vinayak Organics Pvt. Ltd. 76 2,3-Dihydrofuran Oswal Chemicals 21
Zuhhad International 164 Diethylene glycol dibenzoate Chempure 115 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
2,4-Dichloro-m-xylenol GBL Chemical Ltd. 57 3,4-Dihydro-2H-pyran N,N-Dimethylaminoethanol
N.S. Chemicals 222 Diethylenetriamine Chemaroma Drug House 76 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52
Dicumyl peroxide Akshar Plast Chem Investment Pvt. Ltd. 224 2,6-Dihydroxybenzoic acid 2-Dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate
Roma Organics Pvt. Ltd. 226 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Val Organics Pvt. Ltd. 22 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
Dicyandiamide Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 3,4-Dihydroxy-2-chloroacetophenone Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41
Amrut Enterprises 222 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Clarion Organics Limited 36 3-Dimethylamino-2-methylpropyl chloride
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 J.M. Corporation 72 Diisobutyl phthalate hydrochloride
Araya Ventures LLP 45 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Sontara Organo Industries 181
Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Manisha Traders 72 Diisooctyl maleate 1-Dimethylamino-2-propanol
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Oswal Chemicals 21 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Viswaat Chemicals Ltd. 116
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Diisopropylamine 3-Dimethylaminopropylamine
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Ramanand Kidarnath International 169
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 3-Dimethylaminopropylchloride hydrochloride
Dicyclohexylamine Urmi Chemicals 23 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Diethylenetriamine pentamethylene Chempure 115 Sontara Organo Industries 181
Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 phosphonic acid Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Dimethylaminopropylmethacrylamide
Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 N,N-Diisopropyl-2-aminoethanol Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Saanvi Corp 131 Viswaat Chemicals Ltd. 116 2-N,N-Dimethylaminopyridine
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Diethylenetriamine pentamethylene Diisopropyl azodicarboxylate Araya Ventures LLP 45
Samir Chemicals 170 phosphonic acid heptasodium Chempure 115 4-Dimethylaminopyridine
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Diisopropyl ether Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Tolani Chemicals 31 N,N`-Diethylethanolamine Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
Zuhhad International 164 Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
Dicyclohexylamine benzoate Diethyl ether Chempure 115 Tolani Chemicals 31
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Crescent Chemicals 5 Dimethylaniline
Dicyclohexylamine caprylate Chemical Scientific Centre 60 K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Chemical Scientific Centre 60
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 N,N-Dimethylaniline
Dicyclohexylamine nitrite Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 N,N-Diethyl hydroxylamine Paresh Chemical Corporation 220 2,5-Dimethyl-2,5-di-tert-butylperoxy)hexane
N,N`-Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Roma Organics Pvt. Ltd. 226
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Diethyl malonate Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Dimethylcarbamoyl chloride
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Chempure 115
Tolani Chemicals 31 Araya Ventures LLP 45 Urmi Chemicals 23 Dimethyl carbonate
N,N`-Dicyclohexylurea Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Diisopropylethylamine Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Araya Ventures LLP 45
Dicyclopentadiene Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Zuhhad International 164 J.M. Corporation 72
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 N,N-Diisopropylethylamine Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52
Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Nisha Chemicals 171
Nisha Chemicals 171 Urmi Chemicals 23 Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Diethanolamine Diethyl methylmalonate Dilauroyl peroxide Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55 SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228 Roma Organics Pvt. Ltd. 226 Urmi Chemicals 23
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Diethyl phenyl malonate Dimer acid Dimethylethanolamine
Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228 Dev International 81 Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55
Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 Diethyl phthalate Pranav Agro 141 N,N-Dimethylformamide
Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 3,4-Dimethoxyacetophenone Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228
Crescent Chemicals 5 Diethyl pyrocarbonate Clarion Organics Limited 36 Araya Ventures LLP 45
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227 3,4-Dimethoxybenzaldehyde Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225
Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Diethyl sulphate Clarion Organics Limited 36 Chemaroma Drug House 76
Manisha Traders 72 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 3,4-Dimethoxybenzonitrile Chemical Scientific Centre 60
Paresh Chemical Corporation 220 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Clarion Organics Limited 36 Crescent Chemicals 5
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Sheetal Chemicals - Mumbai 174 1,2-Dimethoxyethane Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Diethyl-p-toluene sulphonyloxy methylphosphonate Chempure 115 J.M. Corporation 72
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Chemcon Speciality Chemicals Ltd. 219 5,6-Dimethoxy-1-indanone Lasons India Pvt. Ltd. 76
Diethyl acetamidomalonate 2,4-Difluoroaniline Chempure 115 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52
SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228 Regal Remedies Limited 20 2,2-Dimethoxypropane Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
Diethylamine 3,4-Difluoroaniline Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Regal Remedies Limited 20 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Oswal Chemicals 21
Chemical Scientific Centre 60 1,2-Difluorobenzene Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Prashant Chemicals 228
Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Regal Remedies Limited 20 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 1,3-Difluorobenzene Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Radiant Enterprise Chemicals & Solvents LLP 228
Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 Tolani Chemicals 31 Tolani Chemicals 31 Ratanchand & Co. 230
Oswal Chemicals 21 1,4-Difluorobenzene 4,4`-Dimethoxytrityl chloride Ramanand Kidarnath International 169

98 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Index To Products Advertised
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Diphenylphosphoryl azide M.J. Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 222 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56
Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Chempure 115 DPG EDTA trisodium
Urmi Chemicals 23 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232
Dimethylglyoxime Suvchem 131 DTPA EDTA zinc
Suvidhinath Laboratories 185 Diphenyl sulphide AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Exemplar 175
5,5-Dimethylhydantoin Stratechem (I) Pvt. Ltd. 220 DTPA iron Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227 Diphenylsulphone AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
2,6-Dimethyl-1-indanone Stratechem (I) Pvt. Ltd. 220 DTPA manganese Effluent treatment chemicals
Inventys Research Company Pvt. Ltd. 73 Dipotassium hydrogen phosphate AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Gayatree Chemical Industries 141
Dimethyl isosorbide Polypharm Private Limited 46 DTPA pentasodium Electroplating chemicals
Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Dipotassium phosphate AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33
Dimethyl malonate Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 DTPA potassium Emamectin benzoate formulations
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Pari Chemicals 230 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Peptech Biosciences Ltd., 83
Araya Ventures LLP 45 Dipotassium phosphate anhydrous Dye fixing agents Emulsifiers
Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 M.J. Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 222 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 SKC Chemie Pvt. Ltd. 230 Dye intermediates Chemical Scientific Centre 60
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Dipotassium phosphate trihydrate Radiant Enterprise Chemicals & Solvents LLP 228 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 SKC Chemie Pvt. Ltd. 230 Dyes Nikita Transphase Adducts Pvt. Ltd. 164
2,3-Dimethylnitrobenzene Di-n-propylamine HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 86 Emulsifying wax
Chemet 119 Dev International 81
Bharat Jyoti Impex
Dipropylene glycol
e Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14
Chemet 119 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Echinacea extract Engine oil
2,6-Dimethylnitrobenzene Crescent Chemicals 5 Global Merchants 40 GBL Chemical Ltd. 57
Chemet 119 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 EDDHA-Fe Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
3,4-Dimethylnitrobenzene Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Enzymes
Chemet 119 Swastik Oil Products Mfg. Navsari Pvt. Ltd. 184 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Gayatree Chemical Industries 141
Dimethyl phthalate Vinayak Organics Pvt. Ltd. 76 EDTA HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 86
Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Dipropylene glycol dibenzoate AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Dimethylpropylamine GBL Chemical Ltd. 57 Blue-Dip Organic Industries 222 Eperisone hydrochloride
Oswal Chemicals 21 Disodium edetate Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228
3,4-Dimethylpyrazole Polypharm Private Limited 46 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Epichlorohydrin
Inventys Research Company Pvt. Ltd. 73 Disodium ethylene bisdithiocarbamate Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Akshar Plast Chem Investment Pvt. Ltd. 224
3,4-Dimethylpyrazole phosphate Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Inventys Research Company Pvt. Ltd. 73 Disodium hydrogen citrate Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Araya Ventures LLP 45
Dimethyl succinate Ishita Pharmaceuticals 184 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225
Subhash Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 53 Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72 Saanvi Corp 131 Chemical Scientific Centre 60
Dimethyl sulphate Disodium hydrogen phosphate Vora Brothers 72 Ishwar Chemicals and Gases 185
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Pari Chemicals 230 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 J.M. Corporation 72
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Disodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate EDTA ammonium Jigs Chemical Ltd. 175
Jigs Chemical Ltd. 175 Polypharm Private Limited 46 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125
Sheetal Chemicals - Mumbai 174 Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate EDTA calcium disodium Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52
Dimethyl sulphide LCG Eximchem Pvt. Ltd. 226 Exemplar 175 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Disodium phosphate Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59
Dimethyl sulphoxide Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 EDTA copper Paresh Chemical Corporation 220
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Pari Chemicals 230 Exemplar 175 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Araya Ventures LLP 45 Polypharm Private Limited 46 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Disodium phosphate anhydrous Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
Chemical Scientific Centre 60 SKC Chemie Pvt. Ltd. 230 EDTA diammonium Urmi Chemicals 23
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Disodium phosphate dihydrate AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Epoxy resins
Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 SKC Chemie Pvt. Ltd. 230 EDTA dipotassium Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Disodium phosphate monohydrate AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Eriochrome Cyanine R
Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 SKC Chemie Pvt. Ltd. 230 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Suvchem 131
Nisha Chemicals 171 Dispersants Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Erucic acid
Oswal Chemicals 21 GBL Chemical Ltd. 57 EDTA disodium Dev International 81
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Disperse dyes AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Erythromycin
Ratanchand & Co. 230 Radiant Enterprise Chemicals & Solvents LLP 228 Blue-Dip Organic Industries 222 Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Dispersing agents Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Erythromycin estolate
Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19
Urmi Chemicals 23 Radiant Enterprise Chemicals & Solvents LLP 228 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Erythromycin ethyl succinate
Dimethyl terephthalate Yahska Polymers P. Ltd. 84 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19
Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Distyrenated phenol Polypharm Private Limited 46 Erythromycin oxime
N,N-Dimethyl-p-toluidine Nikita Transphase Adducts Pvt. Ltd. 164 Vora Brothers 72 Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19
Suvidhinath Laboratories 185 1,1-Di-(tert-butylperoxy)cyclohexane Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Erythromycin stearate
N,N-Dimethylurea Roma Organics Pvt. Ltd. 226 EDTA ferric Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50 Exemplar 175 Esketamine Hydrochloride
2,4-Dinitrofluorobenzene Dithiocarbamate Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Gayatree Chemical Industries 141 EDTA ferric ammonium Essential oils
2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine 2,2-Dithiosalicylic acid AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Dev International 81
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Paragon Fine And Speciality Chemical Pvt. Ltd. 139 Blue-Dip Organic Industries 222 Soofi Enterprises 13
Dioctyl adipate Dithizone EDTA ferric sodium Ester gums
Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Sheetal Chemicals - Bhayander 230 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Dycon Chemicals 171
Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Suvchem 131 Blue-Dip Organic Industries 222 Provik Industries 178
Dioctyl maleate Di-p-tolyl-D-tartaric acid EDTA ferrous Ethamsylate
Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Yashdeep Pharma & Nutraceuticals 139 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228
Dev International 81 Divinyl ether EDTA iron Ethanol
Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 CJEX Biochem Pvt. Ltd. 80
Dioctyl phthalate DMDM hydantoin EDTA magnesium Unique Biochemicals 74
Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Ishwar Chemicals and Gases 185 Exemplar 175 Ethanolamines
Dioctyl sodium sulphosuccinate KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227 EDTA manganese Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55
Dev International 81 Docosahexaenoic acid Exemplar 175 Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229
Oasis Chemical Industries 185 Global Merchants 40 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Crescent Chemicals 5
1,4-Dioxane Raivat Impex Pvt. Ltd. 226 EDTA salts Ether petroleum
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Dodecanohydrazide Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 EDTA tetrammonium Bharat Jyoti Impex 163
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 tert-Dodecyl mercaptan AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 K. Raj & Co. 30,32
DIP chloride [-] Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 EDTA tetrasodium Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
Chemaroma Drug House 76 Dodecyltrimethylammonium chloride AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Ethopabate
Dipentene Nikita Transphase Adducts Pvt. Ltd. 164 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Meck Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 174
Chemical Scientific Centre 60 DOP Blue-Dip Organic Industries 222 4-Ethoxybenzonitrile
Diphenhydramine hydrochloride Araya Ventures LLP 45 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Anami Organics 70
Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66 Dorzolamide hydrochloride Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Ethoxylates
2,2-Diphenylacetic acid Bhavna Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 227 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75
Chempure 115 DOSS Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 3-Ethoxy-4-methoxybenzonitrile
Diphenylamine Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Vora Brothers 72 Clarion Organics Limited 36
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Doxylamine succinate Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 1-Ethoxy-2-propanol
2,5-Diphenyloxazole SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228 EDTA tripotassium R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Tolani Chemicals 31 D paste AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 2-Ethoxypropene

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 99

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Index To Products Advertised
Chempure 115 Ethyl cyanoacetate 2-Ethylhexylthioglycolate Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66
Ethyl acetate Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Fenofibrate
Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 2-Ethylhexyl triazone IOL Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 9
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Fenugreek extract
Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Ethyl isobutyrate Global Merchants 40
Crescent Chemicals 5 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Chika Pvt. Ltd. 7 Ferric ammonium citrate
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Sontara Organo Industries 181 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232
IOL Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 9 Ethylcyclohexane Ethyl lactate Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56
Jigs Chemical Ltd. 175 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Subhash Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 53 Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72
Korchems 178 Ethyl diethanolamine Ethyl magnesium bromide Ferric ammonium sulphate
Laxmi Dye-Chem 175 Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55 Azeocryst Organics Pvt. Ltd. 227 Vora Brothers 72
Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 Ethyleneamine Ethyl magnesium chloride Ferric chloride
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Manisha Traders 72 Azeocryst Organics Pvt. Ltd. 227 Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194
RELIC Chemicals 171 N,N`-Ethylene bisoleamide N-Ethyl-N-methyl carbamoyl chloride Anron Chemicals Co. 178
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Chempure 115 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225
Shree Chemicals Industries Pvt. Ltd. 131 N,N-Ethylene bistearamide 3-Ethyl-4-methyl-3-pyrrolin-2-one Ramanand Kidarnath International 169
Urmi Chemicals 23 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Inventys Research Company Pvt. Ltd. 73 SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228
Ethyl acetoacetate Ethylenediamine Ethyl monoethanolamine Vinayak Industries - Sarigam 178
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Akshar Plast Chem Investment Pvt. Ltd. 224 Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 N-Ethylmorpholine Ferric chloride hexahydrate
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55 SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 2-Ethylnitrobenzene Vinayak Industries - Sarigam 178
Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 Crescent Chemicals 5 Chemet 119 Ferric nitrate
Pravin DyeChem Pvt. Ltd. 82 Manisha Traders 72 Ethylparaben Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Oswal Chemicals 21 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Ferric pyrophosphate
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Ethylparaben sodium Exemplar 175
Ethyl acrylate Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 N-Ethylpiperazine Ferrous ammonium sulphate
Crescent Chemicals 5 Urmi Chemicals 23 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Ethylene dibromide Ethyl propionate Ferrous chloride
Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 Ganesh Trading Co. 78 Vinayak Industries - Sarigam 178
Nisha Chemicals 171 Dhruv Chem Industries 18 Sontara Organo Industries 181 Ferrous chloride tetrahydrate
Paresh Chemical Corporation 220 Faluck International Pvt. Ltd. 228 4-Ethylpropiophenone Vinayak Industries - Sarigam 178
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Neogen Chemicals Ltd. 236 SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228 Ferrous citrate
Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Ethyl-3-(pyridin-2-ylamino)propanoate Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59 44 Chempure 115 Ferrous fumarate
Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Sontara Organo Industries 181 Ethyl pyruvate Global Merchants 40
Urmi Chemicals 23 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Salvi Chemical Industries Ltd. 58
Ethyl alcohol Ethylene dichloride Ethyltrifluoroacetate Ferrous gluconate
CJEX Biochem Pvt. Ltd. 80 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Chempure 115 Exemplar 175
Crescent Chemicals 5 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33 Ferrous lactate
Keshariya Corporation 80 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Ethyltriphenylphosphonium acetate Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11
Provik Industries 178 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170 Ferrous sulphate
2-Ethylaniline Urmi Chemicals 23 Ethyltriphenylphosphonium bromide Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194
Chemet 119 Ethylene glycol AD Pharmachem Pvt Ltd. 74 Anron Chemicals Co. 178
Chempure 115 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15
4-Ethylaniline Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Chemet 119 Ethylene glycol diacetate Samir Chemicals 170 Korchems 178
Ethylazidoacetate Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56
Chempure 115 Dev International 81 Ethyltriphenylphosphonium iodide Raj Metachem 185
Ethylbenzene Swastik Oil Products Mfg. Navsari Pvt. Ltd. 184 Samir Chemicals 170 Ferrous sulphate heptahydrate
K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Ethylene glycol dimethacrylate Ethynyl magnesium bromide Anron Chemicals Co. 178
Ethyl bromide Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41 Azeocryst Organics Pvt. Ltd. 227 Krishnaraj Fertichem Private Limited 220
Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 Ethylene glycol distearate Etidronic acid Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56
Dhruv Chem Industries 18 Dev International 81 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Ferrous sulphate monohydrate
Faluck International Pvt. Ltd. 228 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Etoricoxib Anron Chemicals Co. 178
Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Ethylene glycol monostearate Corey Organics Pvt. Ltd. 84 Krishnaraj Fertichem Private Limited 220
Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59 44 Dev International 81 Maruti Industries 82 Ferrous sulphide
Sontara Organo Industries 181 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Eucalyptus oil Anron Chemicals Co. 178
Ethyl bromoacetate Ethylene oxide/propylene oxide copolymer Global Merchants 40 Filter aids
Dhruv Chem Industries 18 Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55 Excipients Oswal Chemicals 21
Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59 44 Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75 Chika Pvt. Ltd. 7 Filter papers
Ethyl-3-bromopyruvate Ethylene vinyl acetate copolymers Nitika Pharmaceutical Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 1 HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 86
Chempure 115 Dycon Chemicals 171 Ratanchand & Co. 230 Fine chemicals
Ethyl butyrate AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232
Ethyl formate
Subhash Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 53 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Fipronil formulations
Ethyl carbitol Sontara Organo Industries 181 Factice Peptech Biosciences Ltd., 83
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 2-Ethylhexanoic acid Organo Chemical Industries 74 Fire retardants
Paresh Chemical Corporation 220 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Fatty acid esters RELIC Chemicals 171
Ethyl carbitol acetate Chempure 115 Acme Synthetic Chemicals 220 Fireside chemicals
Dev International 81 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Ionak Organics LLP. 68 Gayatree Chemical Industries 141
Ethyl cellosolve Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Fatty acid ethylene oxide condensates Flaxseed oil
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75 Global Merchants 40
Paresh Chemical Corporation 220 Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Fatty acid propylene oxide condensates Flocculating agents
Ethyl cellosolve acetate Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75 Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 2-Ethylhexanol Fatty acids Ramanand Kidarnath International 169
Dev International 81 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Acme Synthetic Chemicals 220 Fluoboric acid
Ethyl cellulose Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Soofi Enterprises 13 Oswal Chemicals 21
American Enterprise 80 2-Ethylhexyl acrylate Fatty alcohol esters 9H-Fluorene
Ratanchand & Co. 230 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Ishwar Chemicals and Gases 185
Ethyl chloroacetate Crescent Chemicals 5 Soofi Enterprises 13 N-(9-Fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl-oxy) succinimide
Aquila Organics Pvt. Ltd. 171 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Fatty alcohol ethylene oxide condensates Chemet 119
Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 Nisha Chemicals 171 Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55 Fluorine
Shreyans Chemicals 194 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75 Regal Remedies Limited 20
Sontara Organo Industries 181 Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Fatty alcohol propylene oxide condensates 4-Fluoroacetophenone
Ethyl chloroformate Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75 Regal Remedies Limited 20
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Fatty alcohols 2-Fluoroaniline
Araya Ventures LLP 45 Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41 Soofi Enterprises 13 Regal Remedies Limited 20
Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Ethylhexylglycerin Fatty amides 3-Fluoroaniline
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Regal Remedies Limited 20
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Fatty amine ethylene oxide condensates 4-Fluoroaniline
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 2-Ethylhexyl-3-cyclohexene-1-carboxylate Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75 Regal Remedies Limited 20
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Chemet 119 Fatty amine propylene oxide condensates m-Fluoroanisole
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 2-Ethylhexyl methacrylate Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75 Regal Remedies Limited 20
Urmi Chemicals 23 Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41 Febuxostat p-Fluoroanisole
S-Ethyl-4-chloro-3-hydroxybutyrate 2-Ethylhexyl palmitate Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66 Regal Remedies Limited 20
Chika Pvt. Ltd. 7 Dev International 81 Feed additives 2-Fluorobenzaldehyde

100 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Index To Products Advertised
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Regal Remedies Limited 20 Giemsa`s stain Glyoxal
3-Fluorobenzaldehyde 4-Fluorophenyl magnesium bromide Sheetal Chemicals - Bhayander 230 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Azeocryst Organics Pvt. Ltd. 227 Ginger extract Chemical Scientific Centre 60
4-Fluorobenzaldehyde 2-Fluorotoluene Global Merchants 40 K. Raj & Co. 30,32
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Regal Remedies Limited 20 Ginger oil Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52
Fluorobenzene 3-Fluorotoluene Global Merchants 40 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Regal Remedies Limited 20 Ginseng extract Nisha Chemicals 171
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 4-Fluorotoluene Global Merchants 40 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Regal Remedies Limited 20 Glacial acetic acid Ramanand Kidarnath International 169
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Fluorspar Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Glyoxylic acid
2-Fluorobenzoic acid Oswal Chemicals 21 Shree Chemicals Industries Pvt. Ltd. 131 KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Fluphenazine D-Gluconic acid Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
3-Fluorobenzoic acid Flowchem Pharma Pvt. Ltd. 78 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Granisetron
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Flupirtine maleate Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19
4-Fluorobenzoic acid Maruti Industries 82 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Grape seed oil
Regal Remedies Limited 20 FMOC-ONSU Glucono-delta-lactone Global Merchants 40
4-Fluorobenzonitrile Chemet 119 Chempure 115 Graphite
Regal Remedies Limited 20 FMOC-suberol Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Welcome Chemicals 228
m-Fluorobenzonitrile CJEX Biochem Pvt. Ltd. 80 Zuhhad International 164 Green coffee extract
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Foam stabilisers Glucosamine Global Merchants 40
o-Fluorobenzonitrile Nikita Transphase Adducts Pvt. Ltd. 164 Meck Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 174 Green tea extract
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Formaldehyde Glutaraldehyde Global Merchants 40
p-Fluorobenzophenone Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Grignard reagents
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Azeocryst Organics Pvt. Ltd. 227
2-Fluorobenzoyl chloride Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Neogen Chemicals Ltd. 236
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227 Grinding media
3-Fluorobenzoyl chloride Formamide Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Groundnut oil
4-Fluorobenzoyl chloride Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75
Regal Remedies Limited 20 K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Glutaric acid Guanidine carbonate
2-Fluorobenzyl alcohol Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Tolani Chemicals 31 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Glycerine Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
3-Fluorobenzyl alcohol R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Guanidine hydrochloride
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Araya Ventures LLP 45 Tolani Chemicals 31
4-Fluorobenzyl alcohol Urmi Chemicals 23 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Guanidine nitrate
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Formic acid Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78
2-Fluorobenzylamine Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Dev International 81 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Global Merchants 40 Guanine
3-Fluorobenzylamine Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Jigs Chemical Ltd. 175 Bharat Jyoti Impex 163
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Chemaroma Drug House 76 Keshariya Corporation 80 Tolani Chemicals 31
4-Fluorobenzylamine Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Guanosine
Regal Remedies Limited 20 J.M. Corporation 72 Pranav Agro 141 Tolani Chemicals 31
2-Fluorobenzyl bromide Korchems 178 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Guerbet alcohol ethylene oxide condensates
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75
3-Fluorobenzyl bromide Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Soofi Enterprises 13 Guggul extract
Chempure 115 Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Global Merchants 40
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Nisha Chemicals 171 Glycerine ethylene oxide condensates Gum rosin
4-Fluorobenzyl bromide Oswal Chemicals 21 Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Regal Remedies Limited 20 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Glycerol Araya Ventures LLP 45
m-Fluorobenzyl chloride Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55 J.M. Corporation 72
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Saanvi Corp 131 Polypharm Private Limited 46 Gum xanthan
o-Fluorobenzyl chloride Samir Chemicals 170 Glycerol distearate Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Dev International 81 American Enterprise 80
p-Fluorobenzyl chloride Urmi Chemicals 23 Glycerol esters Global Merchants 40
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Vora Brothers 72 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Marine Hydrocolloids 24
4-Fluoro-2-bromoaniline N-Formylmorpholine Glycerol monocaprylate Ratanchand & Co. 230
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55 Acme Synthetic Chemicals 220 Gymnema extract
2-Fluorobromobenzene Fragrances Glycerol monolaurate Global Merchants 40
Regal Remedies Limited 20 [email protected] 230 Dev International 81 Gypsum
3-Fluorobromobenzene D-Fructose Glycerol monooleate Shree Chlorates Pvt. Ltd. 74
Regal Remedies Limited 20 K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Dev International 81
4-Fluorobromobenzene Panchamrut Chemicals 164 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 h
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Fumaric acid Glycerol monostearate H. Acid
2-Fluoro-4-bromobenzonitrile Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Dev International 81 Pravin DyeChem Pvt. Ltd. 82
Chempure 115 Jaydip Agencies 224 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Halquinol
5-Fluorocytosine Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Glycerol triacetate Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
Chempure 115 Molychem 170 Tolani Chemicals 31 Salvi Chemical Industries Ltd. 58
6-Fluoro-3,4-dihydro-2H-1-benzopyran-2-car- Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Glycerol trioleate HDPE
boxylic acid Fumigants Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Crescent Chemicals 5
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Sandhya Group of Companies 231 Glycerol tristearate Heat transfer fluids
6-Fluoro-4-oxo-3,4-dihydro-2H-chromene- Fungicides Dev International 81 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
2-carboxylic acid Sandhya Group of Companies 231 Glyceryl dibehenate HEDP acid
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Furfuraldehyde Ionak Organics LLP. 68 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232
2E-4-(5-Fluoro-2-hydroxyphenyl)-4-oxobut- Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Glyceryl monoundecylenate Saanvi Corp 131
2-enoic acid Furfuryl alcohol Acme Synthetic Chemicals 220 HEDP acid sodium salt
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Glyceryl stearate citrate AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232
3-Fluoro-4-methylbenzoic acid Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Subhash Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 53 Heptaldehyde
Chempure 115 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Glyceryl tribenzoate Acme Synthetic Chemicals 220
4-Fluoronitrobenzene Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 GBL Chemical Ltd. 57 n-Heptane
Regal Remedies Limited 20 2-Furfurylamine Glycine Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
o-Fluoronitrobenzene Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Bharat Jyoti Impex 163
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Chempure 115 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Chika Pvt. Ltd. 7
4-Fluoro-3-nitrobenzoic acid
Chempure 115 g K. Raj & Co.
Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
Choice Organochem LLP
K. Raj & Co.
5-Fluoro-2-oxindole Gabapentin Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125
Ganesh Trading Co. 78 IOL Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 9 Glycol Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52
2-Fluorophenol Garcinia extract Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Global Merchants 40 Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
4-Fluorophenol Garlic oil Glycol esters Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
Inventys Research Company Pvt. Ltd. 73 Global Merchants 40 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Heptanesulphonic acid sodium salt
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Gear oil additives Glycol ethers Suvchem 131
2-Fluorophenylacetic acid GBL Chemical Ltd. 57 Vinayak Organics Pvt. Ltd. 76 Heptanoic acid
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Glycolic acid Acme Synthetic Chemicals 220
3-Fluorophenylacetic acid Gellan gum Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Heptyl alcohol
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Marine Hydrocolloids 24 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Acme Synthetic Chemicals 220
4-Fluorophenylacetic acid Gibberellic acid Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 n-Heptyl bromide
Chempure 115 Peptech Biosciences Ltd., 83 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Sontara Organo Industries 181

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 101

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Index To Products Advertised
Herbicides Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. 223 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66 Shivam Enterprises 70
Sandhya Group of Companies 231 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 4-Hydroxyacetophenone 3-Hydroxypropiophenone
Hexaconazole formulations Jain Acid & Chemicals 74 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Clarion Organics Limited 36
Peptech Biosciences Ltd., 83 Korchems 178 m-Hydroxyacetophenone 2-Hydroxypropyl acrylate
Hexafluorophosphoric acid Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Chempure 115 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Clarion Organics Limited 36 Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41
Hexahydro-1H-4,7-methanoisoindole-1,3(2H)- Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 o-Hydroxyacetophenone Hydroxypropylcellulose
dione R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Val Organics Pvt. Ltd. 22 American Enterprise 80
Maruti Industries 82 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 p-Hydroxyacetophenone N-(2-Hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide
111333-Hexamethyldisilazane Urmi Chemicals 23 Val Organics Pvt. Ltd. 22 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Chemcon Speciality Chemicals Ltd. 219 Hydrazine monohydrochloride 3-Hydroxybenzaldehyde Hydroxypropyl methacrylate
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Clarion Organics Limited 36 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Hydrazine sulphate 4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose
Hexamethyldisiloxane Shivam Enterprises 70 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 American Enterprise 80
Chemcon Speciality Chemicals Ltd. 219 4-Hydrazinobenzoic acid R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose phthalate
Hexamine Chempure 115 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 American Enterprise 80
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Hydrobromic acid p-Hydroxybenzaldehyde 2-Hydroxypyridine
Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Tolani Chemicals 31 Chempure 115
Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 Araya Ventures LLP 45 2-Hydroxybenzoic acid 8-Hydroxyquinoline
Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 Deep Pharm-Chem Pvt. Ltd. 84 3-Hydroxybenzoic acid 12-Hydroxystearic acid
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Dhruv Chem Industries 18 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Dev International 81
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Faluck International Pvt. Ltd. 228 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid Pranav Agro 141
Hexane Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Royal Castor Products Ltd. 222
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 K. Raj & Co. 30,32 p-Hydroxybenzophenone 12-Hydroxystearic acid lithium salt
n-Hexane Neogen Chemicals Ltd. 236 Clarion Organics Limited 36 Royal Castor Products Ltd. 222
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 1-Hydroxybenzotriazole N-Hydroxysuccinimide
Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Shivam Enterprises 70 Chempure 115
Chemaroma Drug House 76 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 p-Hydroxybenzyl alcohol 7-Hydroxy-1-tetralone
Chika Pvt. Ltd. 7 Seijmiera Pharmachem 61 Anami Organics 70 Chempure 115
Crescent Chemicals 5 Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59 44 4-Hydroxycoumarin Hyflosupercell
K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Sontara Organo Industries 181 Clarion Organics Limited 36 Suneeta Carbons 224
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Telangana Chemtech Corporation 80 2-Hydroxyethyl acrylate Hypo
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Windia Chemicals (P) Ltd. 67 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Hypophosphorous acid
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Hydrobromic acid gas in acetic acid Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41 Victory Chemicals 224
Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 Yahska Polymers P. Ltd. 84
Urmi Chemicals
Deep Pharm-Chem Pvt. Ltd. 84 Hydroxyethylcellulose i
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Seijmiera Pharmachem 61 American Enterprise 80 Ibuprofen
Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Sontara Organo Industries 181 Heavy Chemicals Corporation 54 IOL Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 9
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Hydrobromic acid gas in isopropyl alcohol 1-Hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid S-Ibuprofen
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 disodium salt IOL Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 9
Hexanesulphonic acid sodium salt Hydrocarbon resins Exemplar 175 Ibuprofen lysinate
Suvchem 131 Dycon Chemicals 171 1-Hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid IOL Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 9
n-Hexanol Hydrochloric acid tetrasodium salt Ibuprofen sodium
Chemaroma Drug House 76 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 IOL Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 9
1-Hexene Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Exemplar 175 Imidazole
Chemaroma Drug House 76 Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. 223 2-Hydroxyethyl methacrylate Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225
n-Hexyl bromide Nikisha Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 226 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52
Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 Polypharm Private Limited 46 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
Dhruv Chem Industries 18 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Vinayak Industries - Sarigam 178 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Ramanand Kidarnath International 169
Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Hydrocinnamic acid Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59 44 Shivam Enterprises 70 Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41 Tolani Chemicals 31
Sontara Organo Industries 181 Hydrofluoric acid 4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)morpholine Imidazoline
Hexyl cellosolve K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55 Royal Castor Products Ltd. 222
Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Oswal Chemicals 21 Viswaat Chemicals Ltd. 116 1-Indanone
n-Hexyl chloroformate Hydrogen gas 1-(2-Hydroxyethyl) piperazine Chempure 115
Ganesh Trading Co. 78 Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. 223 Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55 Indicators
Hexylene glycol Hydrogen peroxide N-(2-Hydroxyethyl)piperidine HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 86
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Amrut Enterprises 222 Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55 Indium fluoride
Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Viswaat Chemicals Ltd. 116 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Hydroxyethyl pyrrolidine Indium (III) acetate
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. 223 Viswaat Chemicals Ltd. 116 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Samir Chemicals 170 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 2-Hydroxyethyl salicylate Indium (III) bromide
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Jain Acid & Chemicals 74 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Hibiscus extract Jigs Chemical Ltd. 175 Hydroxylamine hydrochloride Indium (III) chloride
Global Merchants 40 Korchems 178 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Homatropine Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 Araya Ventures LLP 45 Indium (III) iodide
Flowchem Pharma Pvt. Ltd. 78 Nikisha Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 226 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Homophthalic acid R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Indium (III) nitrate
Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Homophthalic anhydride Shree Chemicals Industries Pvt. Ltd. 131 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Indium (III) sulphate
Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Urmi Chemicals 23 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Hydroiodic acid Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Indole
Homosalate Polypharm Private Limited 46 Tolani Chemicals 31 KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227
Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Hydroquinone Urmi Chemicals 23 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
HPMC Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Hydroxylamine sulphate Indole-3-acetic acid
Global Merchants 40 Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Tolani Chemicals 31
Ratanchand & Co. 230 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Araya Ventures LLP 45 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
Humic acid K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Indole-3-butyric acid
AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Tolani Chemicals 31
Prashant Chemicals 228 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 N.S. Chemicals 222 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
Hyaluronic acid Panchamrut Chemicals 164 Nisha Chemicals 171 Industrial oils
Global Merchants 40 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Chowdhary Udyog 139
Hydraulic oils RELIC Chemicals 171 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Chowdhary Udyog 139 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Urmi Chemicals 23 Insecticides
GBL Chemical Ltd. 57 Hydroquinone monomethyl ether Hydroxylamine-o-sulphonic acid Sandhya Group of Companies 231
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Chempure 115 Iodine
Hydrazine dihydrochloride Hydroxocobalamine 3-Hydroxy-2-naphthohydrazide Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Ishita Pharmaceuticals 184
Hydrazine hydrate Hydroxocobalamine acetate 4-Hydroxy-3-nitroacetophenone Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66 Clarion Organics Limited 36 Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29
Araya Ventures LLP 45 Hydroxocobalamine chloride 3-Hydroxy-4-nitrobenzoic acid Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66 Clarion Organics Limited 36 Iodine bromide
Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Hydroxocobalamine sulphate N-Hydroxyphthalimide Sheetal Chemicals - Bhayander 230

102 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Index To Products Advertised
Iodine monochloride Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66 Lead bromide
Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Isophthalic acid S-Ketamine hydrochloride Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29
Iodine trichloride Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Araya Ventures LLP 45 Alpha-Keto glutaric acid Lead carbonate
m-Iodobenzonitrile Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 Tolani Chemicals 31 Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194
Anami Organics 70 Jaydip Agencies 224 Alpha-Ketoisoleucine calcium salt Anron Chemicals Co. 178
o-Iodobenzonitrile Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Anami Organics 70 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Alpha-Ketoleucine calcium salt Vora Brothers 72
2-Iodoethanol Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
Chika Pvt. Ltd. 7 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Alpha-Ketomethionine calcium salt Lead chloride
5-Iodo-2-methylbenzonitrile Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19 Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194
Anami Organics 70 Isophthalic acid dihydrazide Alpha-Ketophenylalanine calcium salt Anron Chemicals Co. 178
Iodophor Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Narsipur Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 220 2-Isopropoxyethanol Alpha-Ketovaline calcium salt Vora Brothers 72
Nikisha Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 226 Viswaat Chemicals Ltd. 116 Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
Ion pair reagents Isopropyl acetate Kinetin Lead chromate
Suvchem 131 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Tolani Chemicals 31 Anron Chemicals Co. 178
IPA Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 Kojic acid Lead citrate
Provik Industries 178 Crescent Chemicals 5 American Enterprise 80 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Irbesartan Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Global Merchants 40 Lead (II) nitrate
Corey Organics Pvt. Ltd. 84 Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 Konjac gum Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56
Iron powder R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Marine Hydrocolloids 24 Lead iodide
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
Gangotri Inorganic (P) Ltd.
Isatoic anhydride
Sontara Organo Industries 181 l S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd.
Lead (IV) oxide

Inventys Research Company Pvt. Ltd. 73 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Laboratory chemicals Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56
Ishita Industries 230 Isopropyl alcohol HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 86 Lead naphthenate
Isoamyl alcohol Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Suvchem 131 Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50
Samir Chemicals 170 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 DL-Lactic acid Lead nitrate
Isoamyl bromide Crescent Chemicals 5 Nisha Chemicals 171 Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194
Dhruv Chem Industries 18 Ferguson Chemicals 224 Lactose Anron Chemicals Co. 178
Neogen Chemicals Ltd. 236 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232
Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Keshariya Corporation 80 Ratanchand & Co. 230 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15
Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59 44 Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Chloral Chemicals (I) Pvt. Ltd. 193
Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Paresh Chemical Corporation 220 Titan Biotech Ltd. 83 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Isobornyl acrylate Polypharm Private Limited 46 Lactose monohydrate Vora Brothers 72
Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Radiant Enterprise Chemicals & Solvents LLP 228 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
Isobornyl methacrylate Radha Enterprises 84 Lamotrigine Lead octoate
Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 IOL Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 9 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Isobutanol Shree Chemicals Industries Pvt. Ltd. 131 Lanolin Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Ionak Organics LLP. 68 Lead sulphate
Araya Ventures LLP 45 Urmi Chemicals 23 Lanthanum oxide Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194
Crescent Chemicals 5 Isopropyl bromide Chemet 119 Anron Chemicals Co. 178
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 Dhruv Chem Industries 18 Lauric acid Vora Brothers 72
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Faluck International Pvt. Ltd. 228 Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Lead sulphide
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Dev International 81 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Urmi Chemicals 23 Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59 44 Knoll Chem Industries 82 Leishman`s stain
4-Isobutylacetophenone Sontara Organo Industries 181 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Sheetal Chemicals - Bhayander 230
IOL Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 9 Tejal Chemicals 139 Siddharth International 43 Lemon grass oil
Isobutylamine Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Soofi Enterprises 13 Global Merchants 40
Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Isopropyl-2-bromoisobutyrate Lauric acid ethylene oxide condensates Lemon oil
Isobutylbenzene AD Pharmachem Pvt Ltd. 74 Dev International 81 Global Merchants 40
IOL Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 9 Isopropyl chloroacetate Lauroyl peroxide Levetiracetam
Isobutyl bromide Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50 IOL Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 9
Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 Sontara Organo Industries 181 Lauryl alcohol Levosalbutamol sulphate
Dhruv Chem Industries 18 Isopropyl magnesium bromide Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66
Faluck International Pvt. Ltd. 228 Azeocryst Organics Pvt. Ltd. 227 Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Lime hydrated
Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Isopropyl magnesium chloride Soofi Enterprises 13 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225
Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59 44 Azeocryst Organics Pvt. Ltd. 227 Lauryl alcohol ethylene oxide condensates Gangotri Inorganic (P) Ltd. 62
Sontara Organo Industries 181 Isopropyl myristate Dev International 81 D-Limonene
Isobutyl methacrylate Dev International 81 Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75 Chemical Scientific Centre 60
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Lauryl alcohol propylene oxide condensates Soofi Enterprises 13
Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Soofi Enterprises 13 Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75 Linagliptin
Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41 Subhash Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 53 Laurylamine oxide Horizon Chemicals 164
3-Isobutyltoluene Isopropyl palmitate Nikita Transphase Adducts Pvt. Ltd. 164 Linoleic acid
IOL Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 9 Dev International 81 Lauryl bromide Acme Synthetic Chemicals 220
Isobutyraldehyde Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Sontara Organo Industries 181 Raivat Impex Pvt. Ltd. 226
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Soofi Enterprises 13 Lauryl methacrylate Linseed fatty acids
K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Subhash Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 53 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Dev International 81
KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227 4-Isopropyl thiophenol Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41 Linseed oil
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Stratechem (I) Pvt. Ltd. 220 Lauryl myristyl alcohol Dev International 81
Isobutyric acid Isovaleraldehyde Soofi Enterprises 13 Pranav Agro 141
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Laurylpyridinium bromide Lipid chemicals
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Samir Chemicals 170 Acme Synthetic Chemicals 220
Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Laurylpyridinium chloride Liquor ammonia
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Isovanillin Narsipur Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 220 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225
Isobutyronitrile Clarion Organics Limited 36 Samir Chemicals 170 Ishwar Chemicals and Gases 185
Chemet 119 Itaconic acid Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170 Liquorice extract
Isocyanuric acid Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Lauryltrimethylammonium chloride Global Merchants 40
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Nisha Chemicals 171 Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170 Lithium acetate
Isododecane Samir Chemicals 170 Lavender oil Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194
KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Global Merchants 40 Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127
Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66 j LDPE
Crescent Chemicals 5
Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd.
S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd.
Isononanoic acid J. Acid Lead acetate Lithium acetate dihydrate
Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Pravin DyeChem Pvt. Ltd. 82 Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194 Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29
Isooctane Jojoba oil Anron Chemicals Co. 178 Lithium aluminium hydride
Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Global Merchants 40 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 CJEX Biochem Pvt. Ltd. 80
K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Chloral Chemicals (I) Pvt. Ltd. 193 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Isooctyl bromide k Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Tolani Chemicals 31
Dhruv Chem Industries 18 Karanjia oil S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Lithium benzoate
Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59 44 Pranav Agro 141 Vora Brothers 72 Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29
Isophorone Karanjia oil sulphurised Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Lithium borate
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Royal Castor Products Ltd. 222 Lead acetate monobasic S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Karl Fischer reagent S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Lithium bromide
Isophoronediamine HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 86 Lead acetate trihydrate Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194
Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Ketamine hydrochloride Chloral Chemicals (I) Pvt. Ltd. 193 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 103

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Index To Products Advertised
Neogen Chemicals Ltd. 236 Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56
Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Chemet 119 Vora Brothers 72
Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Sontara Organo Industries 181 CJEX Biochem Pvt. Ltd. 80 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Lithium tetraborate Dycon Chemicals 171 Manganese gluconate
Sontara Organo Industries 181 Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Exemplar 175
Windia Chemicals (P) Ltd. 67 LLDPE Gangotri Inorganic (P) Ltd. 62 Manganese hypophosphite
Lithium carbonate Crescent Chemicals 5 Hind Elastomers Pvt. Ltd. 26 Victory Chemicals 224
K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Losartan potassium Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Manganese (II) bromide
Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 IOL Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 9 Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72 Seijmiera Pharmachem 61
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Lube additives Samir Chemicals 170 Manganese (II) bromide tetrahydrate
Neogen Chemicals Ltd. 236 GBL Chemical Ltd. 57 Welcome Chemicals 228 Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29
Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Royal Castor Products Ltd. 222 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Manganese (II) sulphate
Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Lubricant additives Magnesium petroleum sulphonate Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 GBL Chemical Ltd. 57 Manganese (II) sulphate monohydrate
Lithium chloride Lubricants Magnesium phosphate monobasic Krishnaraj Fertichem Private Limited 220
Azeocryst Organics Pvt. Ltd. 227 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Manganese naphthenate
Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 Swastik Oil Products Mfg. Navsari Pvt. Ltd. 184 Magnesium silicate Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50
Fluobor India Pvt. Ltd. 170 Lubricating oils CJEX Biochem Pvt. Ltd. 80 Manganese octoate
Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Chowdhary Udyog 139 Gangotri Inorganic (P) Ltd. 62 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Neogen Chemicals Ltd. 236 Royal Castor Products Ltd. 222 Magnesium stearate Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50
Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Lumefantrine Gangotri Inorganic (P) Ltd. 62 Manganese sulphate
Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66 Global Merchants 40 Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194
S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Luminol Ionak Organics LLP. 68 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15
Sontara Organo Industries 181 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Nitika Pharmaceutical Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 1 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 2,6-Lutidine Magnesium sulphate Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56
Lithium chromate Lasons India Pvt. Ltd. 76 Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194 Raj Metachem 185
Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 3,5-Lutidine AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Vivan Industries 193
Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Mango butter
Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Global Merchants 40
S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 m Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Mango kernal oil
Sontara Organo Industries 181 Macadamia oil Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72 Global Merchants 40
Lithium citrate Global Merchants 40 Vivan Industries 193 MBT
S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Machine oil Vora Brothers 72 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
Lithium citrate tetrahydrate Chowdhary Udyog 139 Magnesium sulphate heptahydrate Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Magaldrate Krishnaraj Fertichem Private Limited 220 MBTS
Lithium fluoride Gangotri Inorganic (P) Ltd. 62 Vishal Chemical Industries 174 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Magnesium acetate Magnesium sulphate monohydrate MCCP
Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194 Krishnaraj Fertichem Private Limited 220 Global Merchants 40
S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Magnesium trisilicate MCT oils
Lithium fluorophosphate Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Gangotri Inorganic (P) Ltd. 62 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14
Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Maleic acid Soofi Enterprises 13
Lithium hydroxide Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Creative Pharma Intermediates 174 Subhash Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 53
Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Vora Brothers 72 Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19 MDI
Neogen Chemicals Ltd. 236 Magnesium aluminium silicate Prashant Chemicals 228 Akshar Plast Chem Investment Pvt. Ltd. 224
Samir Chemicals 170 Gangotri Inorganic (P) Ltd. 62 Shivam Enterprises 70 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Magnesium aspartate Maleic anhydride Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Raivat Impex Pvt. Ltd. 226 Akshar Plast Chem Investment Pvt. Ltd. 224 Meglumine
Windia Chemicals (P) Ltd. 67 Magnesium bromide Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Maruti Industries 82
Lithium hydroxide monohydrate Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Araya Ventures LLP 45 Melamine
Environ Speciality Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 227 Seijmiera Pharmachem 61 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Akshar Plast Chem Investment Pvt. Ltd. 224
K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Magnesium bromide hexahydrate Crescent Chemicals 5 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 J.M. Corporation 72 Araya Ventures LLP 45
Lithium-12-hydroxy stearate Magnesium-tert-butoxide Jaydip Agencies 224 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225
Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Chempure 115 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Crescent Chemicals 5
Lithium iodide Magnesium carbonate Manisha Traders 72 J.M. Corporation 72
S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Jaydip Agencies 224
Lithium lactate Chemet 119 RELIC Chemicals 171 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52
Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Manisha Traders 72
Lithium metaborate Gangotri Inorganic (P) Ltd. 62 Yahska Polymers P. Ltd. 84 Prashant Chemicals 228
Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Maleic resins R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72 Dycon Chemicals 171 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
Lithium metasilicate Vora Brothers 72 Provik Industries 178 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Magnesium chloride Malonic acid Melamine formaldehyde resins
Lithium molybdate Anron Chemicals Co. 178 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Melatonin
Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19
Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Polypharm Private Limited 46 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Menthol
Sontara Organo Industries 181 Magnesium citrate Tolani Chemicals 31 Global Merchants 40
Lithium nitrate Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Malononitrile 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole
Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 AceChemie Zynk Energy Ltd. 184
Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Magnesium citrate tribasic K. Raj & Co. 30,32 2-Mercaptoethanol
S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Exemplar 175 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Ramanand Kidarnath International 169
Sontara Organo Industries 181 Magnesium gluconate Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Tolani Chemicals 31
Lithium oxalate Exemplar 175 Maltose Yahska Polymers P. Ltd. 84
S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 K. Raj & Co. 30,32 3-Mercaptopropionic acid
Lithium pentaborate Magnesium hydroxide Manganese acetate Swan Enterprise 170
S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Gangotri Inorganic (P) Ltd. 62 Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194 Mercerising agents
Lithium perchlorate Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 M.J. Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 222
Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Magnesium hypophosphite Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Mercuric acetate
S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Chloral Chemicals (I) Pvt. Ltd. 193 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
Lithium phosphate Victory Chemicals 224 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Mercuric chloride
Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Magnesium lactate Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 Nisha Chemicals 171 Vora Brothers 72 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78
Lithium potassium silicate Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
Noble Alchem Pvt. Ltd. 48 Magnesium metal Manganese carbonate Mercuric nitrate
Lithium potassium sodium silicate Eureka Chemicals 78 Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
Noble Alchem Pvt. Ltd. 48 Magnesium myristate Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Mercuric oxide
Lithium salts Ionak Organics LLP. 68 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
Neogen Chemicals Ltd. 236 Magnesium nitrate Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78
Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Krishnaraj Fertichem Private Limited 220 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
Lithium silicate Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Mercury (I) acetate
Noble Alchem Pvt. Ltd. 48 Keshariya Corporation 80 Vora Brothers 72 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78
Lithium stearate Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Mercury (II) nitrate
Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Vora Brothers 72 Manganese chloride Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78
Lithium sulphate Magnesium orotate Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194 Mercury (II) sulphate
Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78
Neogen Chemicals Ltd. 236 Magnesium oxide Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Mercury metal

104 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Index To Products Advertised
Molychem 170 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Methyl cyanoacetate Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Mesitylene Paresh Chemical Corporation 220 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Chem Corporation 25
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 1-Methoxypropanol-2-acetate Araya Ventures LLP 45 Crescent Chemicals 5
Tolani Chemicals 31 Paresh Chemical Corporation 220 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Lasons India Pvt. Ltd. 76
Metal treatment chemicals 2-Methoxypropene Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52
Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33 Chempure 115 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Nisha Chemicals 171
Metal working additives Tolani Chemicals 31 Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Paresh Chemical Corporation 220
GBL Chemical Ltd. 57 3-Methoxypropiophenone Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Metanilic acid Clarion Organics Limited 36 Methylcyclohexane Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
Pravin DyeChem Pvt. Ltd. 82 Methoxypropyl acetate Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
Metaxalone Dev International 81 K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Urmi Chemicals 23
Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19 2-Methoxy-5-sulphamoylbenzoic acid methyl ester KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227 Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41
Metformin hydrochloride Maruti Industries 82 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Methyl-3-methoxybenzoate
IOL Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 9 2-Methoxy-5-sulphomoylbenzoic acid Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
Methacrylamide Maruti Industries 82 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Methyl monoethanolamine
Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 7-Methoxy-1-tetralone Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55
Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41 Horizon Chemicals 164 2-Methylcyclohexanone N-Methylmorpholine
Methacrylic acid 4-Methoxytrityl chloride Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55
Akshar Plast Chem Investment Pvt. Ltd. 224 Horizon Chemicals 164 Methyl diethanolamine Chempure 115
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Methyl abietate Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
Chem Corporation 25 Anron Chemicals Co. 178 Methylene chloride Tolani Chemicals 31
Crescent Chemicals 5 Methyl acetate Araya Ventures LLP 45 N-Methylmorpholine oxide
Lasons India Pvt. Ltd. 76 Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 Chem Corporation 25 Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55
Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Sontara Organo Industries 181 Crescent Chemicals 5 Methyl nicotinate
Nisha Chemicals 171 Methyl acetoacetate Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. 223 Chempure 115
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Korchems 178 N-Methylol acrylamide
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Araya Ventures LLP 45 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229
Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33 Methyl oleate
Urmi Chemicals 23 K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14
Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Methylene dichloride Methylparaben
Methacryloyl chloride Oswal Chemicals 21 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11
Chemet 119 Pravin DyeChem Pvt. Ltd. 82 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Methylparaben sodium
Methallyl chloride R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Jain Acid & Chemicals 74 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11
Tolani Chemicals 31 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Jigs Chemical Ltd. 175 5-Methyl-5-phenylhydantoin
Methanesulphonic acid Urmi Chemicals 23 Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 Inventys Research Company Pvt. Ltd. 73
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 4-Methylacetophenone Nisha Chemicals 171 3-Methyl-5-(phenylmethoxy)-2-[4-
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 (phenylmethoxy)phenyl]-1H-indole
Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Methyl acrylate Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Chika Pvt. Ltd. 7
Nisha Chemicals 171 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Urmi Chemicals 23 N-Methylpiperazine
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Crescent Chemicals 5 Methyl ester sulphonate Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Soofi Enterprises 13 Chempure 115
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Methyl ethyl ketone Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52
Sheetal Chemicals - Mumbai 174 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Urmi Chemicals 23 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
Methanesulphonic anhydride Methyl (5-aminosulphonyl-2-methoxy) benzoate Crescent Chemicals 5 Methyl polyethylene glycol methacrylate
Stratechem (I) Pvt. Ltd. 220 SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228 Keshariya Corporation 80 Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41
Methanesulphonyl chloride Methyl benzene sulphonate Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 2-Methyl-1,3-propanediol
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Stratechem (I) Pvt. Ltd. 220 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Dycon Chemicals 171
Araya Ventures LLP 45 Methyl benzoate Urmi Chemicals 23 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52
Chempure 115 GBL Chemical Ltd. 57 Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
Choice Organochem LLP 141 R(+)alpha-Methylbenzylamine Anron Chemicals Co. 178 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Chempure 115 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 R-(+)-2-Methyl-2-propanesulphinamide
Nisha Chemicals 171 S(-)alpha-Methylbenzylamine Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50 Chempure 115
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Chempure 115 2-Methyl-5-ethylpyridine 4-Methylpropiophenone
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Methyl-2-bromoacetate Chemet 119 SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228
Urmi Chemicals 23 Dhruv Chem Industries 18 Methyl formate Methyl propyl ketone
Methanol Methyl-tert-butyl ether Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125
Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Oswal Chemicals 21 Nisha Chemicals 171
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Choice Organochem LLP 141 Sontara Organo Industries 181 3-Methylpyridine
Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Methyl hydrazine Yashdeep Pharma & Nutraceuticals 139
Crescent Chemicals 5 Meru Chem Pvt. Ltd. 193 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone
Keshariya Corporation 80 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Methylhydrazine sulphate Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 Nisha Chemicals 171 Chempure 115 Araya Ventures LLP 45
Polypharm Private Limited 46 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 1-Methylimidazole Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 K. Raj & Co. 30,32 K. Raj & Co. 30,32
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 2-Methylbutyryl chloride 2-Methylimidazole Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125
Urmi Chemicals 23 Chemet 119 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
Methopabate Methyl carbitol Methyl isobutyl carbinol Nisha Chemicals 171
Meck Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 174 Paresh Chemical Corporation 220 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Oswal Chemicals 21
3-Methoxyacetophenone Methyl cellosolve Methyl isobutyl ketone R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Clarion Organics Limited 36 Paresh Chemical Corporation 220 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Ramanand Kidarnath International 169
4-Methoxyacetophenone Swastik Oil Products Mfg. Navsari Pvt. Ltd. 184 Araya Ventures LLP 45 Ratanchand & Co. 230
Ishwar Chemicals and Gases 185 Methyl cellosolve acetate Crescent Chemicals 5 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
3-Methoxybenzaldehyde Dev International 81 Lasons India Pvt. Ltd. 76 Urmi Chemicals 23
Clarion Organics Limited 36 Methylcellulose Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 2-Methylresorcinol
3-Methoxybenzhydrazide American Enterprise 80 Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 Ganesh Trading Co. 78
Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Methyl chloride Paresh Chemical Corporation 220 Zuhhad International 164
2-Methoxybenzoic acid Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. 223 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 5-Methylresorcinol
Meck Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 174 Korchems 178 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 K. Raj & Co. 30,32
3-Methoxybenzoic acid Methyl chloroacetate Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Methyl (R)-3-hydroxybutyrate
Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Aquila Organics Pvt. Ltd. 171 Urmi Chemicals 23 Chika Pvt. Ltd. 7
3-Methoxybenzonitrile Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 Methyl isopropyl ketone Methyl ricinoleate
Anami Organics 70 Shreyans Chemicals 194 Ganesh Trading Co. 78 Acme Synthetic Chemicals 220
4-Methoxybenzonitrile Sontara Organo Industries 181 2-Methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14
Anami Organics 70 Methyl chloroformate Gayatree Chemical Industries 141 Methyl salicylate
4-(2-Methoxyethyl) phenol Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Global Merchants 40
Chempure 115 Araya Ventures LLP 45 Methyl laurate Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Ganesh Trading Co. 78 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Dev International 81 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11
3-Methoxy-4-methylbenzoic acid Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Sangram Industries 227
Anami Organics 70 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Methyl magnesium bromide Methyl stearate
Clarion Organics Limited 36 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Azeocryst Organics Pvt. Ltd. 227 Bharat Jyoti Impex 163
Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Urmi Chemicals 23 Methyl magnesium chloride 2-Methyltetrahydrofuran
2-Methoxyphenothiazine Methyl-2-chloropropionate Azeocryst Organics Pvt. Ltd. 227 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Meck Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 174 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 2-Methylmercapto phenothiazine Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
4-Methoxyphenylhydrazine hydrochloride Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Meck Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 174 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125
Ganesh Trading Co. 78 Methylcobalamine Methyl methacrylate Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52
Methoxypropanol Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66 Akshar Plast Chem Investment Pvt. Ltd. 224 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 105

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Index To Products Advertised
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
Tolani Chemicals 31 MVL Medisynth Private Limited 70 Mucuna pruriens extract Nickel chloride
Methyltin mercaptide Paresh Chemical Corporation 220 Global Merchants 40 Choice Organochem LLP 141
Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Mustard oil Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Dev International 81 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Methyltin stabiliser Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Pranav Agro 141 Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131
Ionak Organics LLP. 68 Monoethanolamine thioglycolate Mycorrhiza Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
Methyl-p-toluenesulphonate Swan Enterprise 170 Peptech Biosciences Ltd., 83 Nickel citrate
Stratechem (I) Pvt. Ltd. 220 Monoethylamine Myristic acid Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56
Methyltributylammonium chloride Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Nickel dust
Meck Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 174 Oswal Chemicals 21 Dev International 81 Choice Organochem LLP 141
Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170 Pravin DyeChem Pvt. Ltd. 82 Knoll Chem Industries 82 Nickel hypophosphite
Methyltrioctyl ammonium chloride Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Victory Chemicals 224
Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170 Monoethylene glycol Siddharth International 43 Nickel (II) bromide
Methyltriphenylphosphonium bromide Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Soofi Enterprises 13 Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29
AD Pharmachem Pvt Ltd. 74 Crescent Chemicals 5 Myristyl alcohol Nickel (II) carbonate
Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Soofi Enterprises 13 Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131
Samir Chemicals 170 MVL Medisynth Private Limited 70 Myristyl myristate Nickel (II) chloride
Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170 Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 Dev International 81 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78
Methyltriphenylphosphonium iodide Parasmani Industries 131 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56
Samir Chemicals 170 Paresh Chemical Corporation 220 Subhash Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 53 Nickel (II) nitrate
Radha Enterprises 84 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
Methyl undecylenate
Acme Synthetic Chemicals 220 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 n Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78
N-Methylurea Swastik Oil Products Mfg. Navsari Pvt. Ltd. 184 Naphthalene Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
3-Methylxanthine Vinayak Organics Pvt. Ltd. 76 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Nickel (II) oxide
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Monoglyme Choice Organochem LLP 141 Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131
Mexiletine hydrochloride Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Laxmi Dye-Chem 175 Nickel (II) sulphate
Flowchem Pharma Pvt. Ltd. 78 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
Microcrystalline cellulose Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170 Radiant Enterprise Chemicals & Solvents LLP 228 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78
Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Tolani Chemicals 31 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56
Nitika Pharmaceutical Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 1 Monoisooctyl maleate Naphthalene sulphonate formaldehyde condensate Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131
Microcrystalline wax Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50 Yahska Polymers P. Ltd. 84 Nickel nitrate
Choice Organochem LLP 141 Monoisopropanolamine Naphthalene sulphonate formaldehyde Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80
Chowdhary Udyog 139 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 condensate sodium salt Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131
Dycon Chemicals 171 Monoisopropylamine Radiant Enterprise Chemicals & Solvents LLP 228 Nicorandil
KK India Petroleum Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 235 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 2-Naphthalenesulphonic acid ammonium salt Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66
Savita Polymers Ltd. 64 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Yahska Polymers P. Ltd. 84 Nicotine
Microcrystalline wax emulsions Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Beta-Naphthalenesulphonic acid potassium salt Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
Nikita Transphase Adducts Pvt. Ltd. 164 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Yahska Polymers P. Ltd. 84 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
Micronutrients R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 2-Naphthalenesulphonic acid sodium salt Nicotine alkaloid
AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Ratanchand & Co. 230 Yahska Polymers P. Ltd. 84 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
Midazolam Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Alpha-Naphthol Nicotine bitartarate
Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66 Monomethylamine Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
Milk of magnesia Alkyl Amines Chemicals Ltd. 123 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
Gangotri Inorganic (P) Ltd. 62 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Pravin DyeChem Pvt. Ltd. 82 Ninhydrin
Milk testing chemicals G.J. Multi Gases Pvt. Ltd. 234 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 K. Raj & Co. 30,32
HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 86 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Beta-Naphthol Suvchem 131
Milk thistle extract Oswal Chemicals 21 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Niobium (V) oxide
Global Merchants 40 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Tolani Chemicals 31
Minerals Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Pravin DyeChem Pvt. Ltd. 82 Nitric acid
Chowdhary Udyog 139 Monomethylamine hydrochloride Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225
Mineral turpentine oil MVL Medisynth Private Limited 70 1-Naphthylacetic acid Choice Organochem LLP 141
Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Monopotassium phosphate Suvidhinath Laboratories 185 Lasons India Pvt. Ltd. 76
Mirabegron AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 N-(1-Naphthyl)ethylenediamine dihydrochloride Nikisha Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 226
Chempure 115 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Suvchem 131 Polypharm Private Limited 46
SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228 Pari Chemicals 230 Suvidhinath Laboratories 185 Shreenath Acidchem Pvt. Ltd. 175
Mixed xylene Monopotassium phosphate anhydrous Nebivolol hydrochloride Nitric acid concentrated
Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 SKC Chemie Pvt. Ltd. 230 Maruti Industries 82 Shree Chemicals Industries Pvt. Ltd. 131
Molecular sieves Monopropylene glycol Neem extract Nitric acid dilute
Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55 Vinayak Organics Pvt. Ltd. 76 Global Merchants 40 Shree Chemicals Industries Pvt. Ltd. 131
Molybdenum disulphide Monosodium glutamate Neem oil Nitrilotriacetic acid trisodium
Environ Speciality Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 227 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Global Merchants 40 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232
Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 J.M. Corporation 72 Pranav Agro 141 3-Nitroacetophenone
Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Monosodium hydrogen orthophosphate Neocuproine Clarion Organics Limited 36
Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Suvchem 131 5-Nitro-2-aminophenol
Molybdenum trioxide Monosodium phosphate Neopentyl glycol Paragon Fine And Speciality Chemical Pvt. Ltd. 139
Choice Organochem LLP 141 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Akshar Plast Chem Investment Pvt. Ltd. 224 3-Nitrobenzaldehyde
Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Clarion Organics Limited 36
Palvi Industries Ltd. 185 Exemplar 175 Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 m-Nitrobenzaldehyde
Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Pari Chemicals 230 Choice Organochem LLP 141 Anron Chemicals Co. 178
Molybdic acid Monosodium phosphate anhydrous Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Rupal Chemicals 70
Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 SKC Chemie Pvt. Ltd. 230 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 p-Nitrobenzaldehyde
Momordica chirantia extract Monosodium phosphate dihydrate R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Global Merchants 40 SKC Chemie Pvt. Ltd. 230 Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Nitrobenzene
Monoammonium phosphate Monosodium phosphate monohydrate Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228
AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 SKC Chemie Pvt. Ltd. 230 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Moringa butter Neopentyl glycol cocoate Choice Organochem LLP 141
Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Global Merchants 40 Subhash Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 53 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Mono-n-butylamine Morpholine Neopentyl glycol oleate Laxmi Dye-Chem 175
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 p-Nitrobenzoic acid
Pravin DyeChem Pvt. Ltd. 82 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Neotame Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Choice Organochem LLP 141 Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33
Mono-n-butyltin oxide Chempure 115 Niacin 3-Nitrobenzonitrile
Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Choice Organochem LLP 141 Lasons India Pvt. Ltd. 76 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Monobutyltin trichloride Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Niacinamide m-Nitrobenzoyl chloride
Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Oswal Chemicals 21 Global Merchants 40 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Monochlorobenzene R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Lasons India Pvt. Ltd. 76 p-Nitrobenzyl alcohol
Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Nickel acetate Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194 p-Nitrobenzyl bromide
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Urmi Chemicals 23 Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Monoethanolamine Morpholine benzoate Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 o-Nitrochlorobenzene
Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Mowra oil Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Pranav Agro 141 Nickel carbonate p-Nitrochlorobenzene
Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 MP diol glycol Amizara Speciality Chemicals LLP 194 Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228
Crescent Chemicals 5 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 2,3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzoyl) benzoic acid

106 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Index To Products Advertised
Clarion Organics Limited 36 Octyl stearate Soofi Enterprises 13 Suvidhinath Laboratories 185
4-Nitroethylbenzene Subhash Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 53 Palm kernel oil Titan Biotech Ltd. 83
Chemet 119 Octyltin mercaptide Pranav Agro 141 Peracetic acid
Nitromethane Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Palm oil hydrogenated Nikisha Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 226
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Oilfield chemicals Dev International 81 Perchloric acid
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Chemcon Speciality Chemicals Ltd. 219 Siddharth International 43 HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 86
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Olanzapine Palm stearin Perchloroethylene
4-Nitrophenol Corey Organics Pvt. Ltd. 84 Knoll Chem Industries 82 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Chempure 115 Alpha-Olefin sulphonates Siddharth International 43 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225
p-Nitrophenyl chloroformate Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Palm stearin fatty acids Chem Corporation 25
Chemet 119 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Soofi Enterprises 13 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125
4-Nitrophthalic acid Dev International 81 Pamoic acid Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52
Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Oleic acid Chempure 115 Manisha Traders 72
4-Nitroso-2,6-xylenol Acme Synthetic Chemicals 220 Pantoprazole sodium Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33
N.S. Chemicals 222 Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 IOL Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 9 Paresh Chemical Corporation 220
Nitrosylsulphuric acid Dev International 81 Papain R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Lasons India Pvt. Ltd. 76 Knoll Chem Industries 82 Global Merchants 40 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
2-Nitrothiophene Pranav Agro 141 Parabens Perfumery chemicals
KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227 Siddharth International 43 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Soofi Enterprises 13
m-Nitrotoluene Soofi Enterprises 13 Paracetamol Perfumery compounds
Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33 Oleic acid ethylene oxide condensates IOL Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 9 Provik Industries 178
o-Nitrotoluene Dev International 81 Paraffin Periodic acid
Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33 Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75 Savita Polymers Ltd. 64 Creative Pharma Intermediates 174
p-Nitrotoluene Oleochemicals Paraffin chlorinated Peroxides organic
Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33 Royal Castor Products Ltd. 222 Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. 223 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
Non-ferric alum Oleum Paraffin liquid Petrolatum
Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Chowdhary Udyog 139 Chowdhary Udyog 139
Nonylphenol Oleyl alcohol Keshariya Corporation 80 KK India Petroleum Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 235
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Soofi Enterprises 13 Paraffin wax Savita Polymers Ltd. 64
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Oleyl amine ethylene oxide condensates Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Petroleum jelly
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Dev International 81 Chowdhary Udyog 139 Chowdhary Udyog 139
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75 Paraffin wax chlorinated Savita Polymers Ltd. 64
Nonylphenol ethylene oxide condensates Oleylamine propylene oxide condensates Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Petroleum resin
Dev International 81 Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Dycon Chemicals 171
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Oleylcetyl alcohol Paraffin wax emulsions Petroleum sulphonates
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Soofi Enterprises 13 Nikita Transphase Adducts Pvt. Ltd. 164 GBL Chemical Ltd. 57
Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75 Olivine Savita Polymers Ltd. 64 Pharmaceutical intermediates
Nonylphenol propylene oxide condensates Kailash Marketing Associates 185 Paraformaldehyde Chemcon Speciality Chemicals Ltd. 219
Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75 Olmesartan medoxomil Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Pharmaceuticals
Nonylphenoxy polyethanol-iodine complex Corey Organics Pvt. Ltd. 84 J.M. Corporation 72 S. Amit Speciality Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 121
Narsipur Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 220 Olopatadine hydrochloride Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 pH booster
NTA Bhavna Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 227 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Gayatree Chemical Industries 141
AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Onion extract Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 1,10-Phenanthroline monohydrate
Nutraceuticals Global Merchants 40 Nikita Transphase Adducts Pvt. Ltd. 164 Tolani Chemicals 31
Global Merchants 40 Optical brightening agents Nisha Chemicals 171 Phenazine methosulphate
Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19 Pondy Agro Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 76 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Suvchem 131
Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Orange oil Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 p-Phenetidine
Samir Chemicals 170
o Global Merchants 40 Paramenthane hydroperoxide
Soofi Enterprises 13 Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50 Pheniramine maleate
n-Octane Orcinol PBTC Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66
Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Suvchem 131 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Phenol
Chemaroma Drug House 76 Organotin stabilisers Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Octanesulphonic acid sodium salt Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Pelargonic acid Araya Ventures LLP 45
Suvchem 131 L-Ornithine-L-aspartate Chempure 115 Crescent Chemicals 5
1-Octanesulphonic acid sodium salt monohydrate Raivat Impex Pvt. Ltd. 226 Pentaerythritol Lasons India Pvt. Ltd. 76
Chempure 115 L-Ornithine monohydrochloride Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Octanol Raivat Impex Pvt. Ltd. 226 Araya Ventures LLP 45 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Orthophosphoric acid Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Urmi Chemicals 23
Urmi Chemicals 23 Polypharm Private Limited 46 Pentaerythritol tetracaproate Phenolic resins
Octanoyl chloride Sandhya Group of Companies 231 Subhash Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 53 Provik Industries 178
Chempure 115 Osmic acid Pentaerythritol tetracaprylate Phenolphthalein
1-Octene K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Subhash Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 53 Suvidhinath Laboratories 185
Chemaroma Drug House 76 OT liquid Pentaerythritol tetra-3-mercaptopropionate Phenol red
Octocrylene M.J. Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 222 Swan Enterprise 170 Sheetal Chemicals - Bhayander 230
Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 OT paste Pentaerythritol tetraoleate Phenol styrenated ethylene oxide condensates
Octoic acid M.J. Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 222 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Oxalic acid Pentaerythritol trioleate Phenol styrenated propylene oxide condensates
Araya Ventures LLP 45 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Royal Castor Products Ltd. 222 Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75
Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Pentafluorobenzoic acid m-Phenoxybenzaldehyde
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33 Sandhya Group of Companies 231
Octyl alcohol 2-[(S)-2-Oxiranylmethyl]-1H-isoindole-1,3-(2H)-dione Pentafluorophenol m-Phenoxybenzyl alcohol
Soofi Enterprises 13 Maruti Industries 82 Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33 Sandhya Group of Companies 231
n-Octyl bromide Oxygen scavenger n-Pentane Beta-Phenoxyethanol
Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 Gayatree Chemical Industries 141 Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55
Chika Pvt. Ltd. 7 Chemical Scientific Centre 60
Dhruv Chem Industries
Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59
44 p K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11
Sontara Organo Industries 181 Paclobutrazol 1,5-Pentanediol Phenylacetic acid
Octyl methoxycinnamate Peptech Biosciences Ltd., 83 KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227 Sheetal Chemicals - Mumbai 174
Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Paints Pentanesulphonic acid sodium salt Phenylacetyl chloride
Octyl octonoate S. Amit Speciality Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 121 Suvchem 131 Sheetal Chemicals - Mumbai 174
Subhash Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 53 Palladium acetate Pentobarbital Stratechem (I) Pvt. Ltd. 220
Octyl palmitate Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66 L-Phenylalanine
Subhash Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 53 Palladium chloride Pentoxifylline Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
p-Octylphenol Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66 2-Phenylbenzimidazole-5-sulphonic acid
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Palm fatty acids n-Pentyl bromide Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11
Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Dev International 81 Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 4-Phenylbenzophenone
p-t-Octylphenol Knoll Chem Industries 82 Dhruv Chem Industries 18 Clarion Organics Limited 36
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Soofi Enterprises 13 Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 N-Phenyl-bis(trifluoromethane)sulphonamide
Octylphenol ethylene oxide condensates Palmitic acid Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59 44 Chempure 115
Dev International 81 Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Sontara Organo Industries 181 Phenylboronic acid
Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75 Dev International 81 2-Pentyn-1-ol Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Octylphenol propylene oxide condensates Knoll Chem Industries 82 Crescent Chemicals 5 Phenyl chloroformate
Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Peppermint oil Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Octyl salicylate Siddharth International 43 Global Merchants 40 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Dev International 81 Soofi Enterprises 13 Peptone Phenyle
Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Palm kernel fatty acids HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 86 Nikisha Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 226

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 107

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Index To Products Advertised
o-Phenylenediamine Crescent Chemicals 5 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Potassium bicarbonate
Sheetal Chemicals - Mumbai 174 J.M. Corporation 72 Nitika Pharmaceutical Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 1 Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228
DL-Alpha-Phenylethylamine Jaydip Agencies 224 Paresh Chemical Corporation 220 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15
Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Swastik Oil Products Mfg. Navsari Pvt. Ltd. 184 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
2-Phenylethyl bromide Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 Vinayak Organics Pvt. Ltd. 76 Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80
Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Yahska Polymers P. Ltd. 84 Nisha Chemicals 171
Sontara Organo Industries 181 Phthalimide Polyethylene glycol dioleate Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72
Phenylhydrazine Ishita Industries 230 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Potassium bichromate
Araya Ventures LLP 45 Samir Chemicals 170 Polyethylene glycol distearate Oswal Chemicals 21
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Phytochemicals Dev International 81 Potassium binoxalate
Suvidhinath Laboratories 185 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Exemplar 175
Phenylhydrazine hydrochloride Alpha-Picoline Polyethylene glycol esters Potassium bisulphate
Araya Ventures LLP 45 Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Vora Brothers 72
Ishita Industries 230 Gamma-Picoline Polyethylene glycol-8 glyceryl caprylate/caprate Potassium bitartarate
Phenyl isocyanate Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 Subhash Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 53 Exemplar 175
Chemet 119 Pine bark extract Polyethylene glycol-7 glyceryl cocoate Salvi Chemical Industries Ltd. 58
Phenylmercuric-2-ethylhexanoate Global Merchants 40 Ionak Organics LLP. 68 Potassium borohydride
Chloral Chemicals (I) Pvt. Ltd. 193 Pine oil Subhash Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 53 Chempure 115
Phenylmercuric neodecanoate Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Polyethylene glycol monolaurate Potassium bromate
Chloral Chemicals (I) Pvt. Ltd. 193 Global Merchants 40 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Dhruv Chem Industries 18
Phenyl mercuric oleate Piperazine Polyethylene glycol monomethyl ether Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
Chloral Chemicals (I) Pvt. Ltd. 193 Manisha Traders 72 Radiant Enterprise Chemicals & Solvents LLP 228 Seijmiera Pharmachem 61
Phenylphosphate disodium salt Oswal Chemicals 21 Polyethylene glycol monooleate Potassium bromide
Suvchem 131 Piperazine adipate Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194
Phenylpropyl alcohol Ishita Pharmaceuticals 184 Polyethylene terephthalate Creative Pharma Intermediates 174
Anron Chemicals Co. 178 Piperazine anhydrous Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33 Dhruv Chem Industries 18
Yashdeep Pharma & Nutraceuticals 139 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Polyethylene wax Faluck International Pvt. Ltd. 228
4-Phenylthiobenzonitrile Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Chowdhary Udyog 139 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
Anami Organics 70 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80
Phenyltrimethylammonium chloride Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Savita Polymers Ltd. 64 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
AD Pharmachem Pvt Ltd. 74 Urmi Chemicals 23 Polyglycerol esters Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29
Meck Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 174 Piperazine citrate Dev International 81 Seijmiera Pharmachem 61
Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Ishita Pharmaceuticals 184 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59 44
Samir Chemicals 170 Piperazine hydrate Polyglycerol polyricinoleate Sontara Organo Industries 181
Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170 Ishita Pharmaceuticals 184 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Windia Chemicals (P) Ltd. 67
pH indicator paper 3-Piperazinyl-1,2-benzisothiazole Polyisobutylene Potassium-tert-butoxide
Suvchem 131 Yashdeep Pharma & Nutraceuticals 139 Kuntal Organics LLP. 141 Chempure 115
Phloroglucinol Piperidine Polyisobutylene succinic anhydride Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Tolani Chemicals 31 Chempure 115 GBL Chemical Ltd. 57 K. Raj & Co. 30,32
Phosphonobutanetricarboxylic acid K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78
Saanvi Corp 131 Urmi Chemicals 23 Polymaleic acid Potassium-tert-butylate
m-Phosphoric acid Piperidine hydrochloride AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 K. Raj & Co. 30,32
Sheetal Chemicals - Bhayander 230 SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228 Polymer additives Potassium carbonate
Phosphoric acid 4-Piperidin-4-yl phenol Ionak Organics LLP. 68 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Chempure 115 S. Amit Speciality Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 121 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Pirfenidone Polymers Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15
Araya Ventures LLP 45 Corey Organics Pvt. Ltd. 84 HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 86 Crescent Chemicals 5
Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Piroctone olamine Polyol esters Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. 223
Crescent Chemicals 5 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 J.M. Corporation 72
Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. 223 Pivaloyl chloride Polyols Jaydip Agencies 224
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55 Jigs Chemical Ltd. 175
Jain Acid & Chemicals 74 Plant growth regulators Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Korchems 178
Jaydip Agencies 224 Sandhya Group of Companies 231 Polyphosphoric acid Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56
Korchems 178 Plasticisers Jigs Chemical Ltd. 175 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Royal Castor Products Ltd. 222 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50 Sandhya Group of Companies 231 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 Polacrilex Resin Polypropylene Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59
Prashant Chemicals 228 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Crescent Chemicals 5 Nisha Chemicals 171
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Policresulen Polypropylene glycol R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Radha Enterprises 84 SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228 Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55 Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72
Ratanchand & Co. 230 Polyacrylamide Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Urmi Chemicals 23
Urmi Chemicals 23 Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Potassium chloride
Vora Brothers 72 RELIC Chemicals 171 Paresh Chemical Corporation 220 Anron Chemicals Co. 178
Phosphorous acid Polyacrylic acid Polyricinoleic acid Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Royal Castor Products Ltd. 222 Keshariya Corporation 80
Keshariya Corporation 80 Polyaluminium chloride Polysorbate Polypharm Private Limited 46
LCG Eximchem Pvt. Ltd. 226 Amrut Enterprises 222 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Vora Brothers 72
Phosphorous oxychloride Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Polystyrene Windia Chemicals (P) Ltd. 67
Araya Ventures LLP 45 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Crescent Chemicals 5 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
Jigs Chemical Ltd. 175 Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. 223 Polytetrahydrofuran Potassium chromate
Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 IOL Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 9 Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Anron Chemicals Co. 178
Sandhya Group of Companies 231 Jain Acid & Chemicals 74 Polytetramethylene ether glycol Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15
Phosphorous pentachloride Korchems 178 Paresh Chemical Corporation 220 Potassium citrate
Jigs Chemical Ltd. 175 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Polyvinyl alcohol AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232
Sandhya Group of Companies 231 Vivan Industries 193 Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15
Phosphorous pentoxide Polybutene Akshar Plast Chem Investment Pvt. Ltd. 224 Ishita Pharmaceuticals 184
Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Kuntal Organics LLP. 141 Balaji Poval LLP 184 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56
Sandhya Group of Companies 231 Polycarbonate resin Heavy Chemicals Corporation 54 Saanvi Corp 131
Tolani Chemicals 31 Crescent Chemicals 5 Polyvinyl pyrrolidone Potassium dichromate
Phosphorous tribromide Polycarboxylates American Enterprise 80 Anron Chemicals Co. 178
Dhruv Chem Industries 18 Radiant Enterprise Chemicals & Solvents LLP 228 Oswal Chemicals 21 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15
Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59 44 Polyelectrolytes Polyvinyl pyrrolidone crosslinked Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78
Phosphorous trichloride Gayatree Chemical Industries 141 American Enterprise 80 Potassium dihydrogen citrate
Jigs Chemical Ltd. 175 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Ratanchand & Co. 230 Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72
Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 M.J. Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 222 Pomegranate extract Potassium dihydrogen phosphate
Sandhya Group of Companies 231 Shree Chemicals Industries Pvt. Ltd. 131 Global Merchants 40 Polypharm Private Limited 46
Phosphotungstic acid Polyester film Potassium acetate Potassium dimethyl dithiocarbamate
Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
o-Phthalaldehyde Polyester resins Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Potassium ethoxide
N.S. Chemicals 222 Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Chempure 115
Phthalic acid Polyethylene chlorinated Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72 Potassium-2-ethylhexanoate
Prashant Chemicals 228 Dycon Chemicals 171 Potassium acetate anhydrous Ferguson Chemicals 224
Phthalic anhydride Polyethylene glycol SKC Chemie Pvt. Ltd. 230 Potassium ferricyanide
Akshar Plast Chem Investment Pvt. Ltd. 224 Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55 Potassium adipate Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Ionak Organics LLP. 68 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
Araya Ventures LLP 45 Dev International 81 Potassium aluminium sulphate Potassium ferrocyanide
Chem Corporation 25 LCG Eximchem Pvt. Ltd. 226 Exemplar 175 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56

108 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Index To Products Advertised
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Chempure 115
Potassium fluoborate Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Pyridine
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Potassium phosphate tribasic K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Potassium fluoride Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229
Regal Remedies Limited 20 Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
Potassium formate Potassium phthalimide Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 The Lakshmiji Organics Pvt. Ltd. 227
AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Urmi Chemicals 23
Ishwar Chemicals and Gases 185 Potassium silicate Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Pyridine-4-carboxaldehyde
Potassium humate Noble Alchem Pvt. Ltd. 48 Propionic anhydride Chempure 115
AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Vora Brothers 72 Chempure 115 Pyridine derivatives
LCG Eximchem Pvt. Ltd. 226 Potassium silicofluoride K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229
Peptech Biosciences Ltd., 83 Regal Remedies Limited 20 Propionyl bromide Urmi Chemicals 23
Prashant Chemicals 228 Potassium sodium silicate Dhruv Chem Industries 18 Pyridine hydrofluoride
Potassium hydrogen phthalate Noble Alchem Pvt. Ltd. 48 Faluck International Pvt. Ltd. 228 Regal Remedies Limited 20
Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Potassium sodium tartarate Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59 44 Pyridinium chlorochromate
Potassium hydroxide Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Propionyl chloride Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Potassium sorbate Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Pyridinium dichromate
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Propyl acetate Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Ratanchand & Co. 230 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Pyridinium tribromide
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72 Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Potassium hydroxide flakes Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Pyrilamine maleate
Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Potassium stannate Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66
Potassium hydroxide pellets Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Pyrogallol
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Meghachem Industries 170 Sontara Organo Industries 181 Tolani Chemicals 31
Potassium hydroxide powder Potassium stearate n-Propyl bromide L-Pyroglutamic acid
SKC Chemie Pvt. Ltd. 230 Ionak Organics LLP. 68 Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 Chempure 115
Potassium hypophosphite Potassium sulphate Dhruv Chem Industries 18 Raivat Impex Pvt. Ltd. 226
Victory Chemicals 224 Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 Faluck International Pvt. Ltd. 228 Pyrrole
Potassium iodate Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229
Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Potassium tetraborate Neogen Chemicals Ltd. 236 Pyrrolidine
Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Fluobor India Pvt. Ltd. 170 Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Potassium iodide Polypharm Private Limited 46 Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 K. Raj & Co. 30,32
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Potassium tetraoxalate Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59 44 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52
Anron Chemicals Co. 178 Exemplar 175 Sontara Organo Industries 181 Ramanand Kidarnath International 169
Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Potassium thiocyanate Tejal Chemicals 139 2-Pyrrolidone
Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Chempure 115
Ishita Pharmaceuticals 184 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 n-Propyl diethanolamine KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227
Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Potassium thioglycolate Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
Saanvi Corp 131 KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227 Propylene carbonate Oswal Chemicals 21
Potassium laurate Swan Enterprise 170 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Ionak Organics LLP. 68 Potassium titanate Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Tolani Chemicals 31
Noble Alchem Pvt. Ltd. 48 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
Potassium lithium titanate
Noble Alchem Pvt. Ltd. 48 Potassium titanium oxalate Propylene glycol q
Potassium magnesium titanate Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Quartz
Noble Alchem Pvt. Ltd. 48 Pour point depressants Araya Ventures LLP 45 Welcome Chemicals 228
Potassium metabisulphite GBL Chemical Ltd. 57 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Quaternary ammonium compounds
Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Povidone Crescent Chemicals 5 Samir Chemicals 170
Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 Oswal Chemicals 21 J.M. Corporation 72 Quaternary phosphonium compounds
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Pramoxine hydrochloride Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Samir Chemicals 170
Pari Chemicals 230 Flowchem Pharma Pvt. Ltd. 78 Manisha Traders 72 Quinine dihydrochloride
Potassium metaperiodate Pregabalin Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
Creative Pharma Intermediates 174 Horizon Chemicals 164 Paresh Chemical Corporation 220 Quinine hydrochloride
Potassium metavanadate Maruti Industries 82 Polypharm Private Limited 46 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Preservatives Radha Enterprises 84 Quinine sulphate
Potassium molybdate GBL Chemical Ltd. 57 Ratanchand & Co. 230 Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233
Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Quinoline
Potassium monopersulphate Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Urmi Chemicals 23 K. Raj & Co. 30,32
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Process oils Propylene glycol diacetate Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
RELIC Chemicals 171 Chowdhary Udyog 139 Dev International 81 Tolani Chemicals 31
Potassium myristate Prochlorperazine maleate Propylene glycol dicaprate
Ionak Organics LLP. 68 Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19 Ionak Organics LLP. 68 r
Potassium naphthenate Prochlorperazine mesylate Propylene glycol dicaprylate Ractopamine hydrochloride
Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50 Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19 Ionak Organics LLP. 68 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66
Potassium nitrate L-Proline Propylene glycol dioleate Raltagravir
Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Corey Organics Pvt. Ltd. 84
Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Chempure 115 Propylene glycol monomethyl ether Rapeseed oil
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Raivat Impex Pvt. Ltd. 226 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Dev International 81
Potassium nitrite Promethazine theoclate R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Pranav Agro 141
Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19 Propylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate Red oxide
Potassium octoate 1,3-Propanediol Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Welcome Chemicals 228
Veekay Chemicals/Peroxy Chem(India)/Ester(India) 50 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Red phosphorous
Potassium oleate 1-Propanephosphonic acid cyclic anhydride Propylene glycol monomyristate Anron Chemicals Co. 178
Ionak Organics LLP. 68 Chemet 119 Dev International 81 Reducer
Potassium oxalate Propanoic acid hydrazide Propylene glycol monostearate Provik Industries 178
Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Dev International 81 Residue wax
Exemplar 175 n-Propanol Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Chowdhary Udyog 139
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Propylene oxide condensates Resorcinol
Vora Brothers 72 Crescent Chemicals 5 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Potassium palmitate Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 n-Propyl ethanolamine Araya Ventures LLP 45
Ionak Organics LLP. 68 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55 Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229
Potassium permanganate Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 Propyl magnesium bromide Pravin DyeChem Pvt. Ltd. 82
Jigs Chemical Ltd. 175 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Azeocryst Organics Pvt. Ltd. 227 Zuhhad International 164
Oswal Chemicals 21 Urmi Chemicals 23 Propylparaben Retarder
Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Propargyl alcohol Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Provik Industries 178
Potassium peroxomonosulphate Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Propylparaben sodium Reverse osmosis chemicals
Chempure 115 K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Gayatree Chemical Industries 141
Exemplar 175 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Pseudomonas flurescens Shree Chemicals Industries Pvt. Ltd. 131
Potassium persulphate Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Peptech Biosciences Ltd., 83 Riboflavine-5-phosphate sodium
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Z-1-Propenyl magnesium bromide PVC Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Azeocryst Organics Pvt. Ltd. 227 Araya Ventures LLP 45 D-Ribose
Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Propionaldehyde Chem Corporation 25 Tolani Chemicals 31
Potassium phosphate Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Crescent Chemicals 5 Rice bran fatty acid
Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72 K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Prashant Chemicals 228 Dev International 81
Potassium phosphate dibasic Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 PVP Knoll Chem Industries 82
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Tolani Chemicals 31 Global Merchants 40 Pranav Agro 141
Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72 Propionic acid Ratanchand & Co. 230 Ricinoleic acid
Potassium phosphate monobasic Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Pyrazole-4-boronic acid pinacol ester Royal Castor Products Ltd. 222

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 109

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Index To Products Advertised
Risperidone Silica precipitated Shree Chlorates Pvt. Ltd. 74 Sodium dodecylbenzenesulphonate
Corey Organics Pvt. Ltd. 84 Gangotri Inorganic (P) Ltd. 62 Sodium bisulphite Exemplar 175
Ritalinic acid Welcome Chemicals 228 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Sodium ethoxide
Maruti Industries 82 Silicates Arihant Chemicals - Ahmedabad 193 Bharat Jyoti Impex 163
Rivaroxaban Noble Alchem Pvt. Ltd. 48 Dycon Chemicals 171 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
Maruti Industries 82 Silicon dioxide Pari Chemicals 230 Sodium-2-ethylhexanoate
Rodenticides Exemplar 175 S.S. Polychemicals (P) Ltd. 193 Ferguson Chemicals 224
Sandhya Group of Companies 231 Silicone oil Vishal Chemical Industries 174 Sodium ferrocyanide
Rosemary extract Polypharm Private Limited 46 Sodium borohydride Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
Global Merchants 40 Silver chloride Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Sodium fluoride
Rosemary oil Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Araya Ventures LLP 45 Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80
Global Merchants 40 Silver nitrate K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Regal Remedies Limited 20
Rose oil Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 Sodium formate
Global Merchants 40 Silver oxide R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225
Rubber chemicals Forbes Pharmaceuticals 233 Ratanchand & Co. 230 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 Sitagliptin Urmi Chemicals 23 J.M. Corporation 72
Rubber process oils Corey Organics Pvt. Ltd. 84 Sodium bromate Nisha Chemicals 171
Chowdhary Udyog 139 Slack wax Dhruv Chem Industries 18 Sodium gluconate
Rubber solution Chowdhary Udyog 139 RELIC Chemicals 171 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 SLES Seijmiera Pharmachem 61 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Rubber synthetic Dev International 81 Sodium bromide Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125
Dycon Chemicals 171 SLS Bhavika Chemicals Corporation 194 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52
Rubeanic acid Dev International 81 Dhruv Chem Industries 18 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
Suvchem 131 Soap noodles Faluck International Pvt. Ltd. 228 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Rust preventives Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 Radiant Enterprise Chemicals & Solvents LLP 228
Chowdhary Udyog 139 Dev International 81 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
GBL Chemical Ltd. 57 Jigs Chemical Ltd. 175 Neogen Chemicals Ltd. 236 Vora Brothers 72
Rutile sand Knoll Chem Industries 82 Oswal Chemicals 21 Yahska Polymers P. Ltd. 84
Noble Alchem Pvt. Ltd. 48 Soap stock Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Sodium hexametaphosphate
Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Saanvi Corp 131 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
s Soda ash Seijmiera Pharmachem 61 Jaydip Agencies 224
Saccharin insoluble Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Shri Laxmi Chemicals-Ahd-59 44 Pari Chemicals 230
A.S. Chemopharma Pvt. Ltd. 178 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Sontara Organo Industries 181 Ratanchand & Co. 230
Saccharin sodium Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Tejal Chemicals 139 Sodium hydride
A.S. Chemopharma Pvt. Ltd. 178 Jain Acid & Chemicals 74 Telangana Chemtech Corporation 80 Araya Ventures LLP 45
Oswal Chemicals 21 Keshariya Corporation 80 Sodium-2-bromopropionate K. Raj & Co. 30,32
Salbutamol sulphate Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 Sontara Organo Industries 181 Sodium hydrogen sulphate
Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Sodium calcium edetate Shree Chlorates Pvt. Ltd. 74
Salicylamide Soda ash light Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Sodium hydrogen sulphide
Chempure 115 Amrut Enterprises 222 Sodium caprylate Eureka Chemicals 78
Salicylic acid Sodium acetate Acme Synthetic Chemicals 220 Sodium hydrosulphite
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Sodium carbonate Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Chempure 115 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Sodium hydroxide
Sangram Industries 227 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56
Saw palmetto extract Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Sodium hydroxide pellets
Global Merchants 40 Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72 Sodium chlorate Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56
Scale inhibitors Vishal Chemical Industries 174 Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. 223 Polypharm Private Limited 46
Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. 223 Sodium acetate trihydrate Shree Chlorates Pvt. Ltd. 74 Sodium hypochloride
Scandium oxide Anron Chemicals Co. 178 Sodium chloride Vora Brothers 72
Chemet 119 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Sodium hypochlorite
Seaweed extract Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225
Peptech Biosciences Ltd., 83 Vishal Chemical Industries 174 Polypharm Private Limited 46 Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. 223
Sebacic acid Sodium acid pyrophosphate Sodium chlorite Korchems 178
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Exemplar 175 Shree Chlorates Pvt. Ltd. 74 Nikisha Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 226
Environ Speciality Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 227 Pari Chemicals 230 Sodium citrate Sodium hypophosphite
Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Sodium adipate AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Ionak Organics LLP. 68 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Victory Chemicals 224
Tolani Chemicals 31 Sodium aluminate Ishita Pharmaceuticals 184 Yahska Polymers P. Ltd. 84
Sebacic dihydrazide Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 Ratanchand & Co. 230 Sodium iodide
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Vora Brothers 72 Saanvi Corp 131 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Selenic acid Sodium-4-aminosalicylate Sodium citrate dihydrate Anron Chemicals Co. 178
Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Meck Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 174 Saanvi Corp 131 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78
Selenious acid Sodium ammonium vanadate Sodium cobaltinitrite Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234
Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Premier Alloys & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 82 Suvidhinath Laboratories 185 Sodium lactate
SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228 Sodium ascorbyl phosphate Sodium cocoyl isethionate Nisha Chemicals 171
Selenium dioxide Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Ionak Organics LLP. 68 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11
Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Sodium azide Sodium cromoglycate Victory Chemicals 224
Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Corey Organics Pvt. Ltd. 84 Sodium laurate
Selenium metal Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Sodium cyanide Ionak Organics LLP. 68
Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Tolani Chemicals 31 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Sodium lauryl ether sulphate
Semicarbazide hydrochloride Sodium benzene sulphonate Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228
Shivam Enterprises 70 Stratechem (I) Pvt. Ltd. 220 Sodium cyanoborohydride Ramanand Kidarnath International 169
Senna extract Sodium benzoate Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
Global Merchants 40 Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Sodium deoxycholate Sodium lauryl sulphate
Sequestering agents Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Tolani Chemicals 31 Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228
AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Sodium dichloroisocyanurate Ramanand Kidarnath International 169
Blue-Dip Organic Industries 222 GBL Chemical Ltd. 57 Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Sodium lignosulphonate
L-Serine Global Merchants 40 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Radiant Enterprise Chemicals & Solvents LLP 228
Raivat Impex Pvt. Ltd. 226 Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72 Narsipur Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 220 Yahska Polymers P. Ltd. 84
Serratiopeptidase Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Shree Chemicals Industries Pvt. Ltd. 131 Sodium metabisulphite
Global Merchants 40 Sodium bicarbonate Sodium dichromate Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Sesame oil Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Araya Ventures LLP 45
Global Merchants 40 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Oswal Chemicals 21 Arihant Chemicals - Ahmedabad 193
Sevoflurane Araya Ventures LLP 45 Sodium dihydrogen citrate Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225
Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15
Shea butter Jain Acid & Chemicals 74 Sodium dihydrogen phosphate Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80
Global Merchants 40 Polypharm Private Limited 46 Pari Chemicals 230 K. Raj & Co. 30,32
Shilajeet extract R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52
Global Merchants 40 Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72 Polypharm Private Limited 46 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
Silanes Sodium bifluoride Sodium dimethyl dithiocarbamate Pari Chemicals 230
Chemcon Speciality Chemicals Ltd. 219 Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Ramanand Kidarnath International 169
Silica Regal Remedies Limited 20 Sodium diphenylamine-4-sulphonate S.S. Polychemicals (P) Ltd. 193
Soofi Enterprises 13 Sodium biselenate Suvchem 131 Shree Chemicals Industries Pvt. Ltd. 131
Silica gel Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Sodium diphosphate Vishal Chemical Industries 174
Acme Synthetic Chemicals 220 Sodium biselenite Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72 Vora Brothers 72
Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Sodium dithionite Sodium metal
SKC Chemie Pvt. Ltd. 230 Sodium bisulphate Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35

110 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Index To Products Advertised
Araya Ventures LLP 45 Sodium selenite HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 86 Stearic acid ethylene oxide condensates
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Sorbic acid Dev International 81
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Stearyl alcohol
Urmi Chemicals 23 Sodium silicate Ratanchand & Co. 230 Soofi Enterprises 13
Sodium metaperiodate Noble Alchem Pvt. Ltd. 48 Sorbitan esters Stearylamine ethylene oxide condensates
Creative Pharma Intermediates 174 Sodium silicofluoride Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Dev International 81
Sodium metasilicate Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 Sorbitan monolaurate Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75
Saanvi Corp 131 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Dev International 81 Stearylamine propylene oxide condensates
Sodium methoxide Oswal Chemicals 21 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Sodium stannate Sorbitan monooleate Stearyl methacrylate
Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Dev International 81 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Stearyl polyethylene glycol methacrylate
Jigs Chemical Ltd. 175 Meghachem Industries 170 Sorbitan monopalmitate Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41
K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Sodium stearate Dev International 81 Stearyl stearate
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Ionak Organics LLP. 68 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Sodium stearyl fumarate Sorbitan monostearate Subhash Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 53
Urmi Chemicals 23 Nitika Pharmaceutical Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 1 Dev International 81 Strontium bromide
Sodium molybdate Sodium succinate Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29
Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 Shivam Enterprises 70 Sorbitan trioleate Strontium bromide hexahydrate
Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Sodium succinate hexahydrate Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29
Meghachem Industries 170 Shivam Enterprises 70 Sorbitan tristearate Strontium carbonate
Palvi Industries Ltd. 185 Sodium sulphate Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Divjyot Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 70
Saanvi Corp 131 Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Sorbitol Strontium chloride hexahydrate
Sodium monochloroacetate Amrut Enterprises 222 Global Merchants 40 Divjyot Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 70
Sontara Organo Industries 181 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Panchamrut Chemicals 164 Strontium citrate
Sodium monofluorophosphate Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Soyabean oil epoxidised Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56
Exemplar 175 Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. 223 Dev International 81 Strontium hydroxide-8-hydrate
Sodium myristate Keshariya Corporation 80 Soyabean oil ethylene oxide condensates Divjyot Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 70
Ionak Organics LLP. 68 Korchems 178 Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75 Strontium nitrate
Sodium nitrate Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Soyabean oil hydrogenated Divjyot Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 70
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Oswal Chemicals 21 Knoll Chem Industries 82 Strontium salts
Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Vishal Chemical Industries 174 Soya fatty acid Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15
Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Vivan Industries 193 Dev International 81 Styrenated diphenylamine
Divjyot Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 70 Sodium sulphide anhydrous Pranav Agro 141 Nikita Transphase Adducts Pvt. Ltd. 164
Fluobor India Pvt. Ltd. 170 Eureka Chemicals 78 Soya lecithin Styrene
Kaizen Fine Chemicals 184 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Jaydip Agencies 224 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Rang Chemicals 194 Soya protein Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Lasons India Pvt. Ltd. 76 Sodium sulphite Global Merchants 40 Jaydip Agencies 224
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Arihant Chemicals - Ahmedabad 193 Soya wax Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
Sodium nitrite Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Global Merchants 40 Styrene acrylonitrile resins
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Gulshan Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 226 Speciality chemicals Crescent Chemicals 5
Araya Ventures LLP 45 Korchems 178 Gayatree Chemical Industries 141 Styrene butadiene rubber latex emulsions
Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 GBL Chemical Ltd. 57 Razon Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd. 80
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 86 Styrene ethylene butylene styrene copolymer
Kaizen Fine Chemicals 184 Pari Chemicals 230 Neogen Chemicals Ltd. 236 Dycon Chemicals 171
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 S.S. Polychemicals (P) Ltd. 193 Paragon Fine And Speciality Chemical Pvt. Ltd. 139 Succinic acid
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Vishal Chemical Industries 174 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Vivan Industries 193 Sandhya Group of Companies 231 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15
Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Sodium tartarate Stratechem (I) Pvt. Ltd. 220 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56
Sodium oleate Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
Ionak Organics LLP. 68 Sodium tetraphenyloborate Spirit denatured RELIC Chemicals 171
Sodium oxalate SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228 Provik Industries 178 Samir Chemicals 170
Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Tolani Chemicals 31 Spirulina Shivam Enterprises 70
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Sodium thiocyanate Global Merchants 40 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
Vora Brothers 72 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Stabilisers Succinic anhydride
Sodium palmitate Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Marine Hydrocolloids 24 Samir Chemicals 170
Ionak Organics LLP. 68 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Nikita Transphase Adducts Pvt. Ltd. 164 Shivam Enterprises 70
Sodium perborate Sodium thioglycolate Stains Sucralfate
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Suvidhinath Laboratories 185 HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 86 Inventys Research Company Pvt. Ltd. 73
Sodium percarbonate Sodium thiosulphate Suvchem 131 Sudan Black B
Dev International 81 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Stannic chloride Suvchem 131
Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Sugar
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Oswal Chemicals 21 Stannic chloride pentahydrate HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 86
Sodium persulphate Vishal Chemical Industries 174 Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Sugar chemicals
Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Sodium titanate Stannic oxide Gayatree Chemical Industries 141
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Noble Alchem Pvt. Ltd. 48 Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Sugar mill chemicals
Paresh Chemical Corporation 220 Sodium-4-toluenesulphinate Stannous chloride Gayatree Chemical Industries 141
Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 A.S. Chemopharma Pvt. Ltd. 178 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Sulphamic acid
Sodium petroleum sulphonate Sodium triacetoxyborohydride Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Amrut Enterprises 222
GBL Chemical Ltd. 57 Chempure 115 Meghachem Industries 170 Keshariya Corporation 80
Royal Castor Products Ltd. 222 Sodium triphosphate Stannous chloride dihydrate Sheetal Chemicals - Mumbai 174
Sodium phosphate Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72 Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Shree Chemicals Industries Pvt. Ltd. 131
Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72 Sodium tripolyphosphate Stannous fluoride Vivan Industries 193
Sodium phosphate dibasic Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Sulphanilic acid
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228 Pravin DyeChem Pvt. Ltd. 82
Sodium phosphate monobasic Jaydip Agencies 224 Stannous fluoroborate 5-Sulphoanthranilic acid
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Pari Chemicals 230 Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Ishita Industries 230
Sodium phosphate tribasic Sodium tungstate Stannous octoate 2-Sulphoethyl methacrylate
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Swan Enterprise 170
Sodium pidolate Sodium xylene sulphonate Stannous oxalate Sulpholane
Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Tolani Chemicals 31 Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225
Sodium potassium tartarate Softeners Stannous oxide Bharat Jyoti Impex 163
Exemplar 175 Gayatree Chemical Industries 141 Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 K. Raj & Co. 30,32
Sodium propionate Solvent CIX Stannous pyrophosphate Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
Chemet 119 Crescent Chemicals 5 Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
Ionak Organics LLP. 68 Lasons India Pvt. Ltd. 76 Stannous sulphate Sulphur dichloride
Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Organo Chemical Industries 74
Sodium pyruvate Solvents Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Sulphuric acid
K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55 Meghachem Industries 170 Jain Acid & Chemicals 74
Tolani Chemicals 31 HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 86 Stearic acid Nikisha Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 226
Sodium salicylate Polypharm Private Limited 46 Dev International 81 Polypharm Private Limited 46
Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Radiant Enterprise Chemicals & Solvents LLP 228 Jigs Chemical Ltd. 175 Shreenath Acidchem Pvt. Ltd. 175
Sangram Industries 227 Ratanchand & Co. 230 Knoll Chem Industries 82 Vinayak Industries - Sarigam 178
Sodium selenate Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Siddharth International 43 Sulphuric acid spent
Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Vimal LifeSciences Pvt. Ltd. 51 Soofi Enterprises 13 Shreenath Acidchem Pvt. Ltd. 175
Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Solvents for spectroscopy Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Sulphur monochloride

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 111

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Index To Products Advertised
Organo Chemical Industries 74 Tetrabutylammonium hydrogen sulphate Raivat Impex Pvt. Ltd. 226 Travancore Titanium Products Ltd. 37
Sulphur trioxide pyridine complex AD Pharmachem Pvt Ltd. 74 Theobromine Titanium dioxide rutile
Chempure 115 Meck Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 174 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 AceChemie Zynk Energy Ltd. 184
Sulphuryl chloride Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Thiamethoxam formulations Travancore Titanium Products Ltd. 37
Jigs Chemical Ltd. 175 RELIC Chemicals 171 Peptech Biosciences Ltd., 83 Titanium (IV) isopropoxide
Sheetal Chemicals - Mumbai 174 Samir Chemicals 170 Thickening agents Chempure 115
Surfactants Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170 Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Titanium tetrachloride
Dev International 81 Tetrabutylammonium hydroxide Ionak Organics LLP. 68 K. Raj & Co. 30,32
Galaxy Surfactants Ltd. 8 Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Thimerosal Tobias acid
Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170 CJEX Biochem Pvt. Ltd. 80 Pravin DyeChem Pvt. Ltd. 82
Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Tetrabutylammonium iodide K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Tolcapone
Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75 AD Pharmachem Pvt Ltd. 74 Thioacetamide SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228
Surfactants nonionic Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Tolfenamic acid
Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Samir Chemicals 170 Tolani Chemicals 31 Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries 19
Tolperisone hydrochloride
t Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170 Thioacetic acid
Tetradecylammonium bromide Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228
Tackifiers Molychem 170 Tolani Chemicals 31 Toluene
Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 Tetraethylammonium bromide p-Thiocresol Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228
Talc Meck Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 174 Stratechem (I) Pvt. Ltd. 220 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Gangotri Inorganic (P) Ltd. 62 Samir Chemicals 170 3,3`-Thiodipropionic acid Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225
Nitika Pharmaceutical Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 1 Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170 Swan Enterprise 170 Crescent Chemicals 5
Welcome Chemicals 228 Tetraethylammonium hydroxide Thioglycerol Keshariya Corporation 80
Tallow amine ethylene oxide condensates Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170 K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Lasons India Pvt. Ltd. 76
Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75 Tetraethylammonium iodide Molychem 170 Laxmi Dye-Chem 175
Tallow trimethyl ammonium chloride Samir Chemicals 170 Swan Enterprise 170 Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59
Nikita Transphase Adducts Pvt. Ltd. 164 Tetraethylammonium tetrafluoroborate Thioglycolic acid R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Tannic acid Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170 Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Radha Enterprises 84
Vora Brothers 72 Tetraethylene glycol K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
DL-Tartaric acid MVL Medisynth Private Limited 70 KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227 Urmi Chemicals 23
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Tetraethylenepentamine Swan Enterprise 170 Toluene diisocyanate
LCG Eximchem Pvt. Ltd. 226 Akshar Plast Chem Investment Pvt. Ltd. 224 Thionyl chloride Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Jigs Chemical Ltd. 175 Chempure 115
Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Manisha Traders 72 Thiophene R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Shivam Enterprises 70 Tolani Chemicals 31 K. Raj & Co. 30,32 o-Toluenesulphonamide
D-Tartaric acid 2,3,5,6-Tetrafluorobenzyl alcohol KIP Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 227 A.S. Chemopharma Pvt. Ltd. 178
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Stratechem (I) Pvt. Ltd. 220
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Tetraglyme Zuhhad International 164 p-Toluenesulphonamide
LCG Eximchem Pvt. Ltd. 226 K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Thiophene-2-aldehyde A.S. Chemopharma Pvt. Ltd. 178
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Tetraheptylammonium bromide Zuhhad International 164 o-,p-Toluenesulphonamide mixture
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Molychem 170 Thiophene-2-ethanol Stratechem (I) Pvt. Ltd. 220
Tolani Chemicals 31 Suvchem 131 Araya Ventures LLP 45 p-Toluenesulphonic acid
Zuhhad International 164 Tolani Chemicals 31 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Araya Ventures LLP 45
L-Tartaric acid Tetrahydrofuran Thiophenol Sheetal Chemicals - Mumbai 174
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 p-Toluenesulphonyl chloride
Araya Ventures LLP 45 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Anron Chemicals Co. 178 A.S. Chemopharma Pvt. Ltd. 178
Chempure 115 Araya Ventures LLP 45 K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Araya Ventures LLP 45
LCG Eximchem Pvt. Ltd. 226 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Stratechem (I) Pvt. Ltd. 220 Chemcon Speciality Chemicals Ltd. 219
Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Ishwar Chemicals and Gases 185 Tolani Chemicals 31 Chempure 115
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Thioridazine hydrochloride Sheetal Chemicals - Mumbai 174
Nisha Chemicals 171 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Meck Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 174 Stratechem (I) Pvt. Ltd. 220
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Thiosalicylic acid 4-Toluenesulphonylmethyl isocyanide
Urmi Chemicals 23 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Paragon Fine And Speciality Chemical Pvt. Ltd. 139 Chempure 115
Taurine Nisha Chemicals 171 S.K. Chemical Industries Mumbai Pvt. Ltd. 63 p-Toluenesulphonylurea
K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33 Thiosemicarbazide Maruti Industries 82
Raivat Impex Pvt. Ltd. 226 Panchamrut Chemicals 164 Shivam Enterprises 70 SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228
Tolani Chemicals 31 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Thiourea m-Toluic acid
TBHQ Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Chemaroma Drug House 76
Dev International 81 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 J.M. Corporation 72 Chempure 115
TDI Urmi Chemicals 23 Keshariya Corporation 80 o-Toluic acid
Akshar Plast Chem Investment Pvt. Ltd. 224 Tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
Tea seed cake Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 p-Toluic acid
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Tetrahydronaphthalene Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Chemaroma Drug House 76
Tea tree oil K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Urmi Chemicals 23 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
Global Merchants 40 Tetrakis(decyl)ammonium bromide Thorin m-Toluidine
Tellurium dioxide Suvchem 131 Suvchem 131 Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33
Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Tolani Chemicals 31 L-Threonine o-Toluidine
Tellurium metal Tetralin Raivat Impex Pvt. Ltd. 226 Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33
Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Chemaroma Drug House 76 D-Threo-ritalinic acid Pravin DyeChem Pvt. Ltd. 82
Telmisartan Tetramethylammonium chloride Maruti Industries 82 p-Toluidine
Corey Organics Pvt. Ltd. 84 Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170 Thymine Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33
TEMPO Tetramethylammonium hydroxide Tolani Chemicals 31 Pravin DyeChem Pvt. Ltd. 82
K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170 Thymol blue Tolyltriazole
Tetraacetylethylenediamine N,N,N`,N`-Tetramethylethylenediamine Sheetal Chemicals - Bhayander 230 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225
Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 Tolani Chemicals 31 Thymolphthalein Bharat Jyoti Impex 163
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Tetramethylethylenediamine Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Environ Speciality Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 227
Tetrabromobisphenol A Alkyl Amines Chemicals Ltd. 123 Timolol maleate Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170 Tetramethylurea Bhavna Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 227 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
Tetrabutylammonium bromide Chempure 115 Tin chloride RELIC Chemicals 171
AD Pharmachem Pvt Ltd. 74 Tolani Chemicals 31 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Shivam Enterprises 70
Anron Chemicals Co. 178 Tetraphenylphosphonium bromide Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Tolyltriazole sodium salt
Chempure 115 Samir Chemicals 170 Tin metal Exemplar 175
Meck Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 174 Tetrapotassium pyrophosphate Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Pari Chemicals 230 Tin stabilisers Tomato extract
RELIC Chemicals 171 Tetrapropylammonium bromide Ionak Organics LLP. 68 Global Merchants 40
Samir Chemicals 170 Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Topiramate
Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170 Samir Chemicals 170 Tin sulphate Corey Organics Pvt. Ltd. 84
Tetrabutylammonium chloride Tetrapropylammonium hydroxide Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Cis-Tosylate
Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170 Tissue culture media Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127
Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170 Tetrasodium pyrophosphate HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 86 Tramadol hydrochloride
Tetrabutylammonium dihydrogen phosphate Exemplar 175 Titanium dioxide Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66
Tolani Chemicals 31 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 AceChemie Zynk Energy Ltd. 184 Triacetin
Tetrabutylammonium fluoride Pari Chemicals 230 Global Merchants 40 Bharat Jyoti Impex 163
Meck Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 174 Textile chemicals Travancore Titanium Products Ltd. 37 Chempure 115
Tetrabutylammonium fluoride trihydrate Gayatree Chemical Industries 141 Titanium dioxide anatase Dev International 81
Regal Remedies Limited 20 L-Theanine AceChemie Zynk Energy Ltd. 184 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125

112 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Index To Products Advertised
Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Araya Ventures LLP 45 Trimethylolpropane tricaprylate/tricaprate L-Tyrosine
Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Subhash Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 53 Raivat Impex Pvt. Ltd. 226
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Korchems 178
Soofi Enterprises 13 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
Trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate
Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41 u
Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 Trimethylolpropane trioleate Undecanoic acid
Triacontanol Oswal Chemicals 21 Dev International 81 Acme Synthetic Chemicals 220
Peptech Biosciences Ltd., 83 Paresh Chemical Corporation 220 Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Undecylenic acid
1,3,5-Triazine R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Royal Castor Products Ltd. 222 Acme Synthetic Chemicals 220
Gayatree Chemical Industries 141 Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Trimethyl orthoacetate Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11
1H-1,2,4-Triazole Triethylamine hydrochloride Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Uracil
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 MVL Medisynth Private Limited 70 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39
2,4,6-Tribromophenol Tolani Chemicals 31 Tolani Chemicals 31 Tolani Chemicals 31
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Triethylamine trihydrofluoride Trimethyl orthoformate Urea
Tributylamine Regal Remedies Limited 20 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Araya Ventures LLP 45
Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Triethylammonium bromide Chempure 115 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225
Samir Chemicals 170 Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15
Tri-n-butylamine Triethylchlorosilane Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Chempure 115 N,O-Bis-(Trimethylsilyl)-acetamide Polypharm Private Limited 46
Araya Ventures LLP 45 Triethylenediamine Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Unisource Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 78 Urea formaldehyde resins
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Triethylene glycol Trimethylsulphonium iodide Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Chempure 115 Urea hydrogen fluoride
Pacific Organics Pvt. Ltd. 127 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Trioctylmethylammonium chloride Regal Remedies Limited 20
Pravin DyeChem Pvt. Ltd. 82 MVL Medisynth Private Limited 70 Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170 Urea technical
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Parasmani Industries 131 Triphenyl phosphine Jaydip Agencies 224
Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Swastik Oil Products Mfg. Navsari Pvt. Ltd. 184 Chempure 115 Keshariya Corporation 80
RELIC Chemicals 171 Vinayak Organics Pvt. Ltd. 76 Samir Chemicals 170 Prashant Chemicals 228
Tri-n-butyl phosphate Triethylenetetramine 2,3,5-Triphenyltetrazolium chloride R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27
Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 Akshar Plast Chem Investment Pvt. Ltd. 224 Suvidhinath Laboratories 185 Ureido methacrylate
Dev International 81 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Triphosgene Vimal Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. 41
Panchamrut Chemicals 164 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Tri-n-butyl tin chloride
Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131
Manisha Traders
Oswal Chemicals
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 v
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Valerian extract
SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228 Triethylmethylammonium tetrafluoroborate Tolani Chemicals 31 Global Merchants 40
Tri-n-butyltin oxide Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Ltd. 170 Tripotassium citrate Valeric anhydride
Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Triethyl orthoacetate Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72 Horizon Chemicals 164
Tricalcium phosphate Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Tripotassium phosphate Valethamate bromide
Gangotri Inorganic (P) Ltd. 62 Tolani Chemicals 31 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Flowchem Pharma Pvt. Ltd. 78
2,2,2-Trichloroacetamide Triethyl orthoformate Pari Chemicals 230 L-Valine
Clarion Organics Limited 36 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Tripotassium phosphate anhydrous Raivat Impex Pvt. Ltd. 226
2,2`,4`-Trichloroacetophenone Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 SKC Chemie Pvt. Ltd. 230 L-Valine methyl ester hydrochloride
Val Organics Pvt. Ltd. 22 K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Tripotassium phosphate monohydrate Chempure 115
Trichloroacetyl chloride Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 SKC Chemie Pvt. Ltd. 230 Vanadium pentoxide
Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Tripropylene glycol Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80
1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Vinayak Organics Pvt. Ltd. 76 Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78
Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Urmi Chemicals 23 Tris buffer Premier Alloys & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 82
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Triethylphosphonoacetate Tolani Chemicals 31 Vanillin
Chempure 115 Chempure 115 Tris-hydrochloride Dev International 81
Trichloroethylene 2,2,2-Trifluoroacetamide Tolani Chemicals 31 Veegum
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33 Tris(2-hydroxyethyl) isocyanurate American Enterprise 80
Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 2,2,2-Trifluoroacetic acid Chempure 115 Vegetable oil
Chem Corporation 25 K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Trisodium citrate Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75
Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Veratric acid
Manisha Traders 72 Trifluoroacetic anhydride Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Chempure 115
Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33 Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33 Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72 Vildagliptin
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Tolani Chemicals 31 Trisodium hydrogen diphosphate Corey Organics Pvt. Ltd. 84
Radha Enterprises 84 1,1,1-Trifluoroacetone Pari Chemicals 230 Vinyl acetate
Trichloroisocyanuric acid Oscar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 33 Trisodium phosphate Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35
Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 2-Trifluoromethylphenothiazine Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225
Ganesh Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd. 80 Meck Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 174 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Crescent Chemicals 5
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 5-(Trifluoromethyl)uracil Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49
Narsipur Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 220 Chempure 115 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Lasons India Pvt. Ltd. 76
Prashant Chemicals 228 2,4,5-Trifluorophenylacetic acid Pari Chemicals 230 Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59
Shree Chemicals Industries Pvt. Ltd. 131 Yashdeep Pharma & Nutraceuticals 139 Trisodium phosphate anhydrous Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17
Vora Brothers 72 Triisobutyl phosphate Exemplar 175 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol sodium salt Bharat Jyoti Impex 163 SKC Chemie Pvt. Ltd. 230 Urmi Chemicals 23
Narsipur Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 220 Triisopropanolamine Trisodium phosphate dodecahydrate Vinyl magnesium bromide
Trichoderma harzianum Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55 SKC Chemie Pvt. Ltd. 230 Azeocryst Organics Pvt. Ltd. 227
Peptech Biosciences Ltd., 83 Triisopropyl borate Tristyrenated phenol Vinyl magnesium chloride
Trichoderma viride K. Raj & Co. 30,32 Nikita Transphase Adducts Pvt. Ltd. 164 Azeocryst Organics Pvt. Ltd. 227
Peptech Biosciences Ltd., 83 Trimellitic anhydride Trityl chloride Viscosity index improvers
Tricresyl phosphate Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 Chemcon Speciality Chemicals Ltd. 219 GBL Chemical Ltd. 57
Dev International 81 Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Horizon Chemicals 164 Viscosity reducers
Tridecyl alcohol ethoxylate phosphate Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Trolamine salicylate Gayatree Chemical Industries 141
esters 2,4,6-Trimethoxybenzaldehyde Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Vitamin E
Dev International 81 Chempure 115 Tropic acid Global Merchants 40
Tridecyl alcohol ethylene oxide condensates 2,4,5-Trimethoxybenzoic acid SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228 Vitamins
Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Clarion Organics Limited 36 Tropicamide HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 86
Tridecyl palmitate 4,4`,4`-Trimethoxytrityl chloride Bhavna Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 227 Supriya Lifescience Ltd. 66
Dev International 81 Horizon Chemicals 164 SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228
Tridecyl salicylate
Dev International 81
Oswal Chemicals 21
HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 86
Water distilled
Triethanolamine Trimethylamine hydrochloride Titan Biotech Ltd. 83 Chemical Scientific Centre 60
Amines & Plasticizers Ltd. 55 MVL Medisynth Private Limited 70 L-Tryptophan Watermelon seed oil
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Trimethyl borate Raivat Impex Pvt. Ltd. 226 Global Merchants 40
Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons 225 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Tungstic acid Water treatment chemicals
Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 Trimethylchlorosilane Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232
Crescent Chemicals 5 Chemcon Speciality Chemicals Ltd. 219 Turkey red oil Gayatree Chemical Industries 141
Leo Chemo Plast Pvt. Ltd. 125 Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. 223
Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Trimethylolpropane M.J. Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 222 Shree Chemicals Industries Pvt. Ltd. 131
Panchamrut Chemicals 164 Akshar Plast Chem Investment Pvt. Ltd. 224 Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Wax emulsions
Paresh Chemical Corporation 220 Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Turmeric extract Provik Industries 178
R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 52 Global Merchants 40 Razon Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd. 80
Triethanolamine lauryl sulphate R R Innovative Pvt. Ltd. 27 Turmeric oil Waxes
Dev International 81 Trimethylolpropane ethylene oxide con- Global Merchants 40 Chowdhary Udyog 139
Triethylamine densates Turpentine oil Ionak Organics LLP. 68
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Sunshield Chemicals Limited 75 Chemical Scientific Centre 60 Savita Polymers Ltd. 64

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 113

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Index To Products Advertised
Wax oils Zinc citrate dihydrate Blenders, cone Jyoti Global Plast Pvt. Ltd. 89
Chowdhary Udyog 139 Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Panchal (India) 141 Packaging containers: Carbuoys & jerry
Wetting agents Zinc citrate tribasic dihydrate Shiv Shakti Process Equipment Pvt. Ltd 2 cans - plastic
M.J. Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd. 222 Exemplar 175 Blenders, octagonal Jyoti Global Plast Pvt. Ltd. 89
Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd. 14 Zinc cyanide Panchal (India) 141 Packaging containers: Drums - fibre
Wheat germ oil Eureka Chemicals 78 Shiv Shakti Process Equipment Pvt. Ltd 2 Jyoti Global Plast Pvt. Ltd. 89
Global Merchants 40 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Technic Pharma 71 Packaging containers: Drums - metallic
White oil Karni Finechem Pvt. Ltd. 78 Blenders, ribbon Jyoti Global Plast Pvt. Ltd. 89
Chowdhary Udyog 139 Zinc dialkyldithiophosphate Panchal (India) 141 Packaging containers: Drums - plastic
KK India Petroleum Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 235 GBL Chemical Ltd. 57 Shiv Shakti Process Equipment Pvt. Ltd 2 Jyoti Global Plast Pvt. Ltd. 89
Witch hazel extract Zinc dust Boilers Pharmaceutical machines
Global Merchants 40 Kaizen Fine Chemicals 184 ION Chemicals 129 Panchal (India) 141
Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Pilot plants
x Zinc fluoride tetrahydrate
Ace Industries (India) Pvt.Ltd. 77 Shanta Flaker & Dryer Co. Pvt. Ltd. 65
m-Xylene Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Fenix Process Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 237 Pipe fittings, lined
Black Rose Industries Ltd. 79,229 Zinc gluconate Panchal (India) 141 DuFlon Industries Pvt. Ltd. 4
Meru Chem Pvt. Ltd. 193 Exemplar 175 Shiv Shakti Process Equipment Pvt. Ltd 2 Pulverisers
o-Xylene Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Uma Chem Pharma Machineries 69 Panchal (India) 141
Akshar Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. 228 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Compressed air management systems Pumps, vaccum
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Zinc hydroxide Spantech Engineers Pvt.Ltd. 42 Patkar Vacuulab 238
Crescent Chemicals 5 S.S. Polychemicals (P) Ltd. 193 Dryers Reactors & process vessels
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Zinc iodide Filtromix Equipments LLP 72 Filtromix Equipments LLP 72
Neha Chemicals (Mumbai) 59 Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Panchal (India) 141 Panchal (India) 141
Radha Enterprises 84 Zinc lactate Uma Chem Pharma Machineries 69 Shiv Shakti Process Equipment Pvt. Ltd 2
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Dryers, air Uma Chem Pharma Machineries 69
Urmi Chemicals 23 Zinc nitrate Spantech Engineers Pvt.Ltd. 42 Receivers
Xylene Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Dryers, drum Shiv Shakti Process Equipment Pvt. Ltd 2
Chempure 115 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Shanta Flaker & Dryer Co. Pvt. Ltd. 65 Sifters/sifting machines
Xylene mixed Vora Brothers 72 Dryers, drum, rotary vaccum Technic Pharma 71
Ankita Chemical Corporation 34,35 Zinc octoate Shiv Shakti Process Equipment Pvt. Ltd 2 Tanks & other liquid storage vessels
Crescent Chemicals 5 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Dryers, fluidised bed Panchal (India) 141
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Zinc orotate Bombay Engineering Works/JMD 76
Lasons India Pvt. Ltd. 76 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Engineering Works
Neha Chemicals (Mumbai)
Radha Enterprises
Zinc oxide
AceChemie Zynk Energy Ltd. 184
Panchal (India)
Shiv Shakti Process Equipment Pvt. Ltd
Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16,17 Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.
Chemet 119
15 Technic Pharma
Uma Chem Pharma Machineries
Urmi Chemicals 23
Xylenol orange Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Dryers, paddle
Sheetal Chemicals - Bhayander 230 Oswal Chemicals 21 Shiv Shakti Process Equipment Pvt. Ltd 2
2,3-Xylidine Rishi Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. 72 Dryers, tray Chemical Logistics
Chemet 119 Yogi Dye Chem Industries 234 Panchal (India) 141 R K Transport Service 193
2,4-Xylidine Zinc phosphate Shiv Shakti Process Equipment Pvt. Ltd 2 Consultant Required
Chemet 119 Vora Brothers 72 Technic Pharma 71 Mobile No. 08870644481 194
2,5-Xylidine Welcome Chemicals 228 Dryers, tray, vaccum Contract Manufacturing
Chemet 119 Zinc phosphide technical Shiv Shakti Process Equipment Pvt. Ltd 2 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232
2,6-Xylidine Sandhya Group of Companies 231 Uma Chem Pharma Machineries 69 Sandhya Group of Companies 231
Chemet 119 Zinc pidolate Dryers, vaccum Custom Synthesis Facility available
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Filtromix Equipments LLP 72 Paragon Fine And Speciality Chemical Pvt. Ltd. 139
Oswal Chemicals 21 Zinc ricinoleate Shiv Shakti Process Equipment Pvt. Ltd 2 E-Commerce Platform
Ramanand Kidarnath International 169 Acme Synthetic Chemicals 220 Technic Pharma 71 Echemi 10
3,5-Xylidine Zinc salts Uma Chem Pharma Machineries 69 Engineering Services
Chemet 119 Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Evaporative systems, mechnical recompression ProU India Engineering Pvt. Ltd. 28
D-Xylose Zinc selenite Uma Chem Pharma Machineries 69 Factory Available for Sale
Tolani Chemicals 31 Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Extractors, centrifugal Mobile No. 08104722827 139
Zinc stabilisers Panchal (India) 141 Import / Export Data
y Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 131 Filters, agitated Chemlink Software
Yeast extract Zinc stearate Shiv Shakti Process Equipment Pvt. Ltd 2
HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 86 Ionak Organics LLP. 68 Filters, nutsche AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232
Suvidhinath Laboratories 185 Zinc sulphate Shiv Shakti Process Equipment Pvt. Ltd 2 Logistics Services (Liquid Chemicals)
Anron Chemicals Co. 178 Uma Chem Pharma Machineries 69 R K Transport Service 193
z AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.
Filters, pressure
Technic Pharma 71
Meetings, Conferences, Exhibitions,
Seminars & Workshops
Dev International 81 Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Flakers ICIS 2023 12
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 38,39 Zinc sulphate heptahydrate Shanta Flaker & Dryer Co. Pvt. Ltd. 65 Repacking and Drumming
Zileuton Anron Chemicals Co. 178 Generators, nitrogen [email protected] 194
Corey Organics Pvt. Ltd. 84 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Spantech Engineers Pvt.Ltd. 42 Testing Services
Zinc acetate Krishnaraj Fertichem Private Limited 220 Generators, oxygen Shraddha Analytical Services 185
AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Saanvi Corp 131 Spantech Engineers Pvt.Ltd. 42
Zinc sulphate monohydrate Granulators & granulating units
Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.
Chloral Chemicals (I) Pvt. Ltd.
193 Anron Chemicals Co. 178 Filtromix Equipments LLP 72 TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Heat exchangers
Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Krishnaraj Fertichem Private Limited 220 Shiv Shakti Process Equipment Pvt. Ltd 2 Technology / Know-how Required
Vora Brothers 72 Raj Metachem 185 Uma Chem Pharma Machineries 69 Ferrous Sulphate from TMT / Steel Mill Scale
Zinc borate Zinc sulphite Heaters [email protected] 82
Fluobor India Pvt. Ltd. 170 S.S. Polychemicals (P) Ltd. 193 Spantech Engineers Pvt.Ltd. 42
LCG Eximchem Pvt. Ltd. 226 Zinc undecylenate Lining applications
Welcome Chemicals 228 Acme Synthetic Chemicals 220 DuFlon Industries Pvt. Ltd. 4
Zinc bromide Zirconium chloride basic Linings, fluroplastic
Chemcon Speciality Chemicals Ltd. 219 Chemet 119 DuFlon Industries Pvt. Ltd. 4
Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Zirconium octoate Mills, ball
Parad Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 29 Hritik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 47,49 Panchal (India) 141
Seijmiera Pharmachem
Zinc carbonate
61 Zolendronic acid
SNA Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 228
Mills, homogenizing
Filtromix Equipments LLP 72
The Index is also
Mills, multi
Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.
Multichem Specialities Pvt. Ltd.
Panchal (India) 141 available
S.S. Polychemicals (P) Ltd. 193 Technic Pharma 71
Zinc chloride
Anron Chemicals Co. 178
Filtromix Equipments LLP 72
at our web site
Canton Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 15 Mixers, high shear
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Filtromix Equipments LLP 72
Polypharm Private Limited 46 Available Mixers, plough
S.S. Polychemicals (P) Ltd. 193 Agitators Filtromix Equipments LLP 72
Ultimate Chem India Pvt. Ltd. 183 Uma Chem Pharma Machineries 69 Mixers, screw
Zinc citrate Blenders Shiv Shakti Process Equipment Pvt. Ltd 2 Other_Data/productindex/
AVA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 232 Filtromix Equipments LLP 72 Packaging containers
Kronox Lab Sciences Ltd. 56 Shiv Shakti Process Equipment Pvt. Ltd 2 Jyoti Global Plast Pvt. Ltd. 89 Products.pdf
Salicylates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 11 Technic Pharma 71 Packaging containers: Cans

114 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

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• 4-Aminobenzonitrile • Diisopropyl Azodicarboxylate • N-Methyl Morpholine
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• 2,4-Dichloro Pyrimidine • Morpholine - Huntsman • Tris-2-Hydroxy Ethyl Isocyanurate
• Diethyl Amiono Trimethyl Silane • 4-Nitrophenol • L-Valine Methyl Ester Hydrochloride
• 2,3-Dihydrofuran • (R)-2-(4-Nitro Phenyl Ethyl)Ammonium-1-Phenyl • Veratric Acid
• Diisopropylamine Ethanol Hydrochloride (Mirabegron Intermediate) • Xylene

401, Accord Classic, Aarey Road, Near Railway Station, Next to Anupam (Miraj) Theatre, Goregaon (East), Mumbai - 400063. India
Phone: 022-29270002, 29270003, 29270060, 29270081
Email: [email protected] Follow us on Twitter: @ChempureGroup

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(CAS NUMBER 109-59-1)
Synonyms: Ucarac; Ucar Ac; Dowanoleipat;
Dowanaleipat; Dowanal Eipat; Dowanol
Eipat; Isopropyl Glycol; Isopropyl Oxitol;
Isopropoxyethanol; 2-Isopropoxy-Ethanol;
Ethylene Glycol Monoisopropyl Ether.

Applications: 2-Isopropoxyethanol, is used in the

synthesis of Bisoprolol Fumarate. It has
been used as a solvent for many resins,
oils, waxes, fats and dyestuff.

Notes: Keep container tightly closed in a dry and

well-ventiliated place. Keep away from
oxidizing agents. Compound is stable
under recommended storage conditions.

Pharma Intermediates & Other Products

• 2-Chloroethanol
• 2-(2-Chloroethoxy) Ethanol
• 2-Diethyl Amino Ethanol
• 2-(2-Diethyl Amino Ethoxy) Ethanol
• 1-Dimethylamine 2-Propanol
• 2-Di-Isopropylamino Ethanol
• N-(2-Hydroxyethyl) Morpholine
• N-(2-Hydroxyethyl) Pyrrolidine
• N-(2-Hydroxyethyl) Piperidine

For enquiries please contact : Viswaat Chemicals Limited

909/910, Ecostar Building, Opp. Vakratund Corporate Park, Behind Udipi Hotel,
Near Goregaon Station, Goregaon (East), Mumbai - 400 063. Maharashtra, India.
Tel: +91-22-29277118/9 w Fax: +91-22-29277283 w Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

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Point of View

Powering aviation and marine transport through

alternate fuels
The pathways towards decarbonisation of mobility land – be it personal transport as through two-, three- or four-wheeled automobiles, or
goods by trucks – is well underway and a few options have emerged as front-runners. These include use of blended automobile fuels incorporating
varying levels of biofuels (bioethanol and biodiesel); the shift towards electrification of vehicles – either totally or as hybrids – using mainly
lithium-ion batteries; and the more challenging adoption of hydrogen as a source of energy in fuel cells.

All these options are gathering pace, and the prioritisation of one versus the other are a function of technology maturity, national priorities,
infrastructure available, and time.

Powering land mobility

In India, ethanol blending of petrol has gathered significant momentum, aided by generous government support in the form of assured offtake
of bio-ethanol at attractive prices, as well as soft loans to put up distilleries at sugar mills. Thanks to these and other measures, the national
average level of ethanol blending in petrol has nearly doubled in the last five year to cross 10%, prompting the government to raise the blending
target further to 20% by end of FY26. This is an ambitious goal, but one that is expected to be realised, putting to rest a lot of scepticism (including
in this column) on whether this is misplaced priority.

The biodiesel story, however, has been a study in contrast and has failed to take off. Some of this has to do with the fact that India has been
historically deficient in vegetable oils & fats, and diverting virgin edible oil to fuel use was never an option. The lack of a sizeable and organised
food processing industry has also limited the availability of used cooking oil (UCO) – a more sustainable feedstock compared to virgin oils – and
made the logistics of mopping up whatever is available very challenging.

Sales of electric vehicles (EVs) – both as solely battery-powered ones or as hybrids that also include an internal combustion engine – are
rising sharply, but from a very small base. Two-wheelers dominate much of EV sales in India now, and that is unlikely to change very radically
in the near future, though the number of four-wheelers will also rise as consumer confidence improves and new models are launched.

But the challenge for India to go down the EV route is the lack of an integrated ecosystem for battery making. What exists is largely assembly
infrastructure, with all core elements imported. This is not a comfortable situation – one worsened by the fact that India also lacks access to
several mineral and other material resources, including, but not restricted to lithium, cobalt, nickel and copper. Much has been made about the
recent discoveries of lithium resources in Jammu & Kashmir and Rajasthan, but it is a long way before these claims are validated, and, if found
to be commercially viable, commercially exploited.

Unlike in the EV arena, India seems better placed with respect to its ability to make green hydrogen – by the electrolysis of water using
renewable elecricity (RE) – competitively and at scale. While no project of commercial size as yet exists, the intent of large corporations with
deep pockets – such as Reliance Industries Ltd. and a few others – can be seen as a validation of this option to power not just transport, but also
several other hard to decarbonise industrial sectors. Recent analysis shows that with the cost of RE down to very attractive levels, the techno-
economics of green hydrogen in an Indian context could be compelling. RIL, for instance, has set a target of producing 1-mt of green hydrogen
within one decade at a price of $1 per kg (from about $5 now), mirroring an aspirational goal set by some other developed countries as well.

How these technologies will jostle with each other in the years ahead is as yet unclear and policy makers are well advised to be flexible in
the horses they bet on.

There are two other transportation forms that are even more challenging to decarbonise – maritime transport and air transport – and both
are seeing several developments, including in India.

Maritime transport
The global maritime shipping industry has traditionally relied on carbon-rich fuels, notably high sulphur heavy fuel oil (the single-most impor-
tant), low sulphur fuel oil, marine diesel oil and marine gas oil, to power its engines and for other port-side operations. It is estimated to account
for about 2.5% of global CO2 emissions, as also a disproportionately large share of emissions of sulphur oxides (SOx) and nitrogen oxides (NOx).

But international regulations, including those set by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), is driving rapid change in the fuels used.
The regulations mandate rapid shifts to low-sulphur fuels (to minimise SOx emissions), and set targets to reduce the carbon footprint by 40% by

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 117

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Point of View

2030 (compared to 2008). While many shipping lines have made the shift to using low-sulphur oils, others have set about installing scrubbers
and so continue to use the cheaper, high-sulphur ones. LNG has been touted as a cleaner fuel, but it still accounts for only 2-3% of fuel use in
the shipping industry. While it does have the advantage of lower NOx and SOx emissions, there is the issue of leakage of methane (‘methane
slip’) – a much more potent greenhouse gas than CO2 – especially when not combusted in engines made to burn this fuel.

Volumetric energy density is a key consideration for shipping, and shipping economics are challenged by low energy density and conversion
efficiency (relative to LNG) of the alternate fuels mooted – methanol, ammonia, and hydrogen. All the three hydrogen derivatives deliver signi-
ficantly lower energy than LNG, but nevertheless the regulatory push to decarbonise will see their greater adoption in the future. It is pertinent
to note that the current shipping orderbook is still heavy on existing technologies – with LNG-fuelled vehicles alone accounting for about 70% of
new ship-building orders. Only about 15% of new orders are ammonia-ready and even less are methanol-based or methanol-ready.

While ammonia has the advantage of producing no CO2, SOx or particulate matter when burnt in an engine, NOx emissions can be substantial,
unless addressed by tweaking combustion conditions (e.g., air-to-fuel ratios), and by the deployment exhaust gas recirculation systems and
catalytic converters – all of which translate to higher costs of operations.

While the shipping industry has started transitioning, many hurdles remain. Experts believe that while methanol may come to be the favoured
alternative in the short-term, the long-term winner is likely to be ammonia. The Methanol Institute, a lobby group for the industry, expects that
by 2050 shipping could use as much as 38-mt of renewable methanol and 183-mt of renewable ammonia.

Substituting aviation turbine fuel (ATF)

Global consumption of ATF is about 300-mt, and is the fastest growing source of transportation emissions. Decoupling this consumption
from carbon emissions is hence a priority, but the challenge is anything but trivial, given the highly regulated nature of the airline industry and
the paramount need for safety.

Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) – a drop-in fuel blend – is widely seen as a way to achieve these goals, but needs to synthesised from
renewable or carbon-sink sources such as biomass, organic wastes, or emitted carbon dioxide, ensuring that in their making and use there are
minimal (ideally, none) net emissions.

SAFs is co-produced in the process to make renewable diesel (RD) by hydrotreating vegetable oils, animal fats and UCO, with the proportion
of either fuel tailorable to some extent to meet market needs or optimise revenues. This process is very different from the trans-esterification one
conventionally associated with first-generation BD production, which produces fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) – a fuel that contains oxygen,
and hence is unsuitable for use in aviation.

A more challenging route to SAF involves reacting captured CO2 with green hydrogen to produce fuels that can then be cracked and
hydrotreated to produce SAF at high efficiencies.

The CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum (CSIR-IIP) in Dehradun has developed technology to make SAF via the first route, and has conducted
pilot trials in partnership with local airlines and even the Indian Air Force. But scaling up will pose several challenges not the least of which will
be building the supply chains to ensure feedstock availability. Extensive cultivation of oil crops needed specifically for SAF production at a large
scale, will involve trade-offs with food & water security, health & nutrition and land use changes, and seems a non-starter in India.

It is therefore no surprise that Indian Oil Corporation, India’s largest refiner and ATF supplier, is looking at an alternate route to SAF. It has
partnered technology company LanzaJet for the latter’s ‘ethanol-to-ATF’ route for a large-scale (85,000-tpa) SAF plant, which project could also
see some of the local airlines taking a stake. If successful, it will could well represent the largest supply-base for SAF, but still one that pales in
comparison to the annual demand for conventional ATF, which is estimated at 7.39-mt in FY23 and forecast to reach 8.61-mt this year.

Unlike RD, SAFs are not yet approved for use as a complete replacement of ATF elsewhere in the world, but their blends of up to 50% have
gotten the nod from aviation industry regulators who are justifiably a careful bunch. India has yet to mandate any SAF requirement for airlines
operating here, and is probably waiting for some assurity of steady supply at scale before going about the task.

Transforming the fuel base of transportation over water and through the air is proving to be a lot more challenging than making the shifts on land!
Ravi Raghavan

118 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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1-Propanephosphonic Acid 4-Ethylaniline

Cyclic Anhydride 4-Nitroethylbenzene
2,3-Dimethyl-Nitrobenzene 4-Nitrophenyl Chloroformate
2,3-Xylidine Calcium Carbonate
2,4-Dimethyl-Nitrobenzene Calcium Chloride
2,4-Xylidine Cerium Chloride
2,5-Xylidine Cyclopentyl Chloroformate
2,6-Dimethyl-Nitrobenzene Dibenzyl Azodicarboxylate
2,6-Xylidine FMOC-OSu
2-Chloroethyl Chloroformate Isobutyronitrile
2-Chlorophenyl Isocyanate Lanthanum Oxide
2-Ethylaniline Magnesium Carbonate,Basic
2-Ethylhexyl-3-Cyclohexene- Magnesium Oxide
carboxylate Methacryloyl Chloride
2-Ethylnitrobenzene N-Butyl Chloride
2-Methyl-5-Ethyl Pyridine Phenyl Isocyanate
2-Methylbutyryl Chloride Scandium Oxide
3,5-Xylidine Sodium Propionate
3,4-Dimethyl-Nitrobenzene Zinc Oxide
3-Chloropropionyl Chloride Zirconium Chloride


HEAD OFFICE : Span Centre, 2nd Floor, P.B.No. 26933, 556, Ramkrishna Mission Road,
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Top Stories


SC recalls ADD levy order on LDPE, two weeks after

pronouncing it
The Supreme Court (SC) of India LDPE supply-demand balance in India
has recalled its own interim order, [Kilotonnes]
which was pronounced two weeks FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24
ago, allowing the government to levy
Production 614 619 583 638 640
anti-dumping duty (ADD) on low-den-
sity polyethylene (LDPE) and restrict Imports 294 265 345 325 350
its alleged dumping from overseas, Exports 115 134 47 38 20
largely from Saudi Arabia and Taiwan. Apparent demand 760 783 865 925 970
The court has sought a re-listing of the Demand growth 5.1% 3.1% 10.5% 6.9% 4.9%
case for further hearing. Source: Chemicals and Petrochemicals Manufacturer’s Association (CPMA)
at the rate determined in the final finding, tries such as Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, and
The two-judge bench, headed by will remain in abeyance/suspended.” In others. However, the government never
Justice Sanjiv Khanna and assisted by its order dated April 24, 2023, the court implemented the recommendation des-
Justice M. M. Sundresh, ordered, “For has asked to re-list the matter further. pite notifying the proposed duty levy
the time being, the operation of the on the same day. Similarly, on March
direction given in the order dated April The Directorate General of Trade 31, 2022, the DGTR recommended
13, 2023, that pending final disposal of Remedies (DGTR) had recommended ADD on LDPE originating from coun-
the writ petition, as an interim measure, on March 31, 2022, an ADD ranging tries such as Singapore, Thailand, the
the respondents (the Government of from $17.05 to $216.76 per tonne on USA, and other countries, of as high as
India) shall impose a provisional ADD various LDPE exporters from coun- up to $216.76 per tonne.

GSI claims lithium reserves in Rajasthan

A new lithium reserve has been
discovered in Rajasthan with capacity
higher than the existing Jammu and
Kashmir reserves, news agency IANS
reported, citing government officials.

The Geological Survey of India

(GSI) and mining officials claimed that
the capacity of lithium reserves found
in Degana (Nagaur) is higher than the
reserves found in Jammu and Kashmir
recently. It is claimed that the reserves
can meet 80% of India’s total demand Renvat hill of Degana and its surround- pensive foreign supplies for lithium.
can be met. ing area, from where tungsten was once In 2020-21, India imported lithium
supplied to the country. worth more than Rs. 6,000-crore,
In the indications so far, a GSI of which lithium worth more than
survey team has found deposits of Lithium is a non-ferrous metal, Rs. 3,500-crore was bought from
high-quality tungsten, as well as lithium which is used to make batteries for China. GSI also believes that there
and four other minerals in the G2 mobile phones, laptop, electric vehi- is a possibility of lithium deposits in
stage survey. The lithium reserves in cles and other chargeable batteries. some other places including Barmer
Rajasthan have been found in the same India is completely dependent on ex- and Jaisalmer.

120 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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encapsulated catalysts
Which are NON-PYROPHORIC and NON- LEACHING. They are ‘easier, cleaner and safer’
catalysts which minimize consumption and loss-in-process of high value precious or base metals by
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Some advantages of EnCatTM system are:
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Reaxa’s EnCat Product line includes:
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EnCatsTM finds its use in catalytic processes involving HYDROGENATIONS / C-C COUPLING REACTIONS/
DIHYDROXYLATIONS in the pharmaceutical, agrochemical, fine chemical and specialty chemical fields.
They have been successfully used for intermediates like Sulfolane, ATS 9(ATORVASTATIN), CHEA
Reaxa’s immobilization technology is patented and can be used to encapsulate customer specific catalyst.
EnCat™ products are tailored to meet the specific requirements of a particular chemical transformation by
varying the polymer bead structure (porosity, rigidity, size), the metal loading and co-encapsulated ligand type,
addition of promoters or concentration.
Reaxa is developing other base metal catalysts like Nickel for Suzuki reactions and Cobalt EnCatsTM for
selective reduction reactions of Nitro compounds as replacement of Pt/C.
For further information, please contact: Mr. Tanmay Godiawala
101 ‘A’ Neelam Centre, 249-B Hind Cycle Road, Worli, Mumbai 400 030. Tel.: 022-4001 3026 / 4001 3007
Fax: 91-22-4001 3030 / 2495 0504  Email: [email protected] / [email protected]  Web.:
Hyderabad Office: Phone: 040-66622210 * Fax: 040-40038739

S. Amit Group of Companies

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 121

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Top Stories


Designing solar distillation units to reduce carbon

emissions need of the hour
Designing solar distillation units sed by CSIR-Indian Institute of Inte-
for production of essential oils with grative Medicine, Jammu (CSIR-IIIM)
reduced carbon emissions is the need under Phase III of Aroma Mission.
of the hour, according to Dr. Prabodh Around 50 farmers and PRI represen-
Kumar Trivedi, Director, Palampur- tatives from the Kathua district atten-
based CSIR-Institute of Himalayan ded the programme, wherein they were
Bioresource Technology (CSIR-IHBT). apprised about the cultivation, process-
ing, value-addition, product develop-
Essential oils are complex mixtures ment and marketing of aromatic crops.
of volatile organic compounds distilled
from various plants and flowers, and aromatic plant cultivation. Mr. Sanjay According to Dr. Zabeer Ahmed,
find demand in industries like cosme- Varshney, President, EOAI stressed the Director, CSIR-IIIM, under Phase-III
tics, food and pharmaceuticals. As more need for promoting the essential oil of the Aroma Mission the focus would
and more farmers and entrepreneurs are industry, and reduce dependence on be to establish clusters where end-to-
showing interest in growing aromatic imports of some oils. “India imports about end solutions would be provided to
plants that offer higher returns, it is be- 2-tonnes of rose oil every year worth farmers for value-addition, product
ing felt that the traditional water-steam Rs. 200-crors. The Himalayan region has development and the promotion of the
distillation units running on wood fuels/ the potential to produce quality roses, agri-tech start-up ecosystem.
electricity need an upgrade. Accor- so we should focus on its cultivation in
dingly, plans are afoot to introduce this particular region,” he added. Dr. Dhiraj Vyas, Head Plant &
solar powered steam distillation units. Agrotechnology Division, CSIR-IIIM,
In the last six years, under the Aroma discussed about the opportunities in
Dr. Trivedi was speaking at a work- Mission, IHBT has already brought the aroma sector and explained how
shop organised recently by the Essen- 3,000-hectares of land under aromatic the Aroma Mission is transforming the
tial Oils Association of India (EOAI) crops and set up 61 processing units lives of thousands of farmers across
with CSIR-IHBT Himalayan Phyto- across India. J&K through lavender cultivation.
chemicals and Growers Association
(HIMPA), Mandi (Himachal Pradesh), CSIR-IIIM organises training Dr. Sumeet Gairola, Nodal Scientist,
and Indian Institute of Technology programme CSIR-IIIM, informed participants that
(IIT), Mandi (HP) in Palampur, HP. In another development, focused on the “purple revolution” of lavender
The workshop on Himalayan Damask cultivation of aromatic crops, a special cultivation in J&K has now reached
Rose under the theme ‘Development of training program for Panchayati Raj other states like Uttarakhand, Hima-
Aromatic Cultivation and Essential Oil Institutions (PRI) representatives and chal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Arunachal
Industry of Western Himalayan Region’ farmers from Kathua district was organi- Pradesh, and Sikkim.
was attended by around 200 delegates
from across India including scientists,
researchers, entrepreneurs, and farmers
New Director for CSIR-CECRI
in the field of essential oils. Dr. K. Ramesha has assumed charge Structural Chemistry) in 2000 from
as Director, CSIR-Central Electro- Indian Institute of Science (IISc),
Developing solar powered steam chemical Research Institute (CECRI), Bangalore. His areas of specialisa-
distillation systems is also one of the Karaikudi, on May 6. tion are materials for energy storage,
mandates of the Aroma Mission, which particularly for Li-ion batteries and
would soon enter in its third phase. It Dr. Ramesha obtained his M.Sc. other futuristic energy storage devices
was launched in 2017 to help farmers (Chemistry) in 1993 from Mangalore such as Na-ion, Li-S, Li-Air, and all
supplement their income through University and Ph.D. (Solid State and solid-state batteries.

122 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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N,N,N,N-Tetramethyl Ethylene Diamine


Hyderabad : Commerce Centre Pharmachem Pvt. Ltd., Tel.: 040-2341 3413/4/5/6 Fax: 040-23413412
Email: [email protected]

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Top Stories


Government clears 24 out of 27 generic pesticides

after data evaluation by panel
The government has decided to dis- the government on the recommendation
continue the use of three pesticides – of the Expert Committee also decided to
Dicofol, Dinocap, and Methomyl – remove a few selected crops for which
due to the non-availability of data on the bio-efficacy and residue data were
safety and efficacy. This decision was not available from label claim. The eight
finalised after a considering the report pesticides for which there is a change in
of a Technical Expert Committee and label claim are Carbofuran, Malathion,
after consultation with the Registration Monocrotophos, Quinalphos, Mancozeb,
Committee (RC) of the Central Insecti- Oxyfluorfen, Dimethoate, and Chlorpy-
cides Board. riphos.
gestions from stakeholders with regard
The three pesticides are completely to prohibition of 27 pesticides. Later According to pesticide industry
banned and no individual has the right in January 2021, the ministry set up representatives, with continuation of
to import, manufacture, sell, and dis- a Technical Expert Committee under the 24 pesticides, availability would
tribute it. This decision is valid from Dr. T.P. Rajendran, a former Assistant increase and ensure reasonable price,
the date of official publication, i.e., Director General of Indian Council as compared with imported counter-
February 2, 2023. The companies of Agricultural Research (ICAR), to parts. This would facilitate keeping
manufacturing these pesticides didn’t consider the objections and suggestions. cost of cultivation low. These products
push to defend them as there are better are recommended by most of the state
alternatives available. The original notification had listed Agricultural universities and are part of
the cause for banning of the 27 pesti- their package of practices as per indus-
The complete list of 27 pesticides has: cides, ranging from endocrine disrup- try experts.
 Insecticides – Acephate, Benfura- tion, being toxic for aquatic organisms,
carb, Carbofuran, Chlorpyriphos, birds, and honey bees. These aspects “India is using only 62,000 tonnes
Deltamethrin, Dicofol, Dimethoate, were examined by the expert commit- of pesticide and producing $534-bn
Malathion, Methomyl, Monocroto- tee, which considered extensive data worth of agriculture, whereas Europe
phos, Thiodicarb, and Quinalphos; submitted by individual companies and who advocates us to reduce use of pes-
 Herbicides – Atrazine, 2,4-D, Di- associations to arrive at their conclu- ticides are consuming 3,45,000 tonnes
uron, Butachlor, Oxyfluorfen, Pendi- sion. of pesticide even as EU production of
methalin, and Sulfosulfuron; and agriculture is $240-bn,” commented
 Fungicides – Carbendazim, Captan, Change in label claims Mr. Harish Mehta, senior advisor with
Dinocap, Mancozeb, Thiophanate In addition to the three being banned, Crop Care Federation of India (CCFI).
methyl, Thiram, Ziram, and Zineb.

In 2015, the Anupam Verma Com-

Samir Surlaker honoured for contri-
mittee, set up to review the continued
use of 66 pesticides that have been
butions to construction industry
barred/restricted for use in farming in The Construction Industry Deve- of ‘Industry Doyen’, as recognition of
other countries, had recommended a lopment Council (CIDC) presented its his 45 years of service to the construc-
ban on 13 ‘extremely hazardous’ pesti- ‘Vishwakarma Awards’ at the ‘India tion chemicals industry.
cides, phasing out of six ‘moderately Construction Meet 2023’ (ICM 2023)
hazardous’ ones by 2020, and review of held from April 10-12, 2023. The highlights of the event were
27 pesticides in 2018. The government release of the ‘Codes of Practice in
had published a draft notification in Mr. Samir Surlaker, was conferred Waterproofing’, and an interactive Tech-
May 2020 inviting objections and sug- the prestigious award in the Category nical Session on Construction Chemicals.

124 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Available following material with us regularly
• 1,4 Butanediol • Dl Tartaric Acid • N Propyl Acetate
• 1,6-Hexanediol • EDTA 2Na (Di Sodium) • N-Butyl Methacrylate
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• Allyl Chloride • Hydrazine Hydrate 80% • Poly Propylene Glycol 4000
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• Di Acetone Alcohol • Methyl Chloro Formate • Tetra Hydro Furan
• Di Iso Propyl Ether • Methyl Cyano Acetate • Tetraethylene Pentamine
• Di N Butylamine • Methyl Propyl Ketone • Toluene Di Isocyanate
• Di Propylene Glycol (Fragrance Grade) • Methylene Chloride • Tri Ethyl ortho Formate
• Dicyandiamide • Mono Iso Propylamine 99% • Tri Methyl ortho Formate
• Diethanolamine • Mono-N-Butylamine • Tri N Butylamine
• Diethyl Carbonate • Morpholine • Triacetine
• Diethyl Malonate • N Butric Acid • Triethanolamine 99%
• Dimethyl Sulfoxide • N Butyraldehyde • Trimellitic Anhydride
• Di-Tert Butyl Dicarbonate (DIBoC) • N Propanol • Triphosgene

Contact us for your requirements:

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Behind R City Mall, Ghatkopar (W), Mumbai - 400 086.
Email: [email protected] w Board Line : 022-4027 9000
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Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 125

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State oil firms target 38,000-tpa of green hydrogen

capacity by 2024-25
India’s state-run oil and gas compa- are aiming for 20-MW and 3-MW, res- est capacity of 825,000-tpa by 2030.
nies are targeting to build a combined pectively. Reliance Industries is projected to have
green hydrogen generation capacity of a capacity of 529,000-tpa and HPCL
38,000-tpa by the next financial year, India is placing a big thrust on green 302,000-tpa.
according to a government panel report. hydrogen in its energy transition plan.
It aims to develop green hydrogen pro- In India, 99% of the total demand
The planned green hydrogen faci- duction capacity of at least 5-mtpa by for pure hydrogen comes from refineries
lities would require setting up a com- 2030, which would involve an invest- and fertiliser makers. Indian refiners use
bined electrolyser capacity of 279-MW ment of Rs. 8 lakh crores. State-run about 2.1-mt of hydrogen annually, and
by 2024-25, according to the energy oil and gas companies are expected the ammonia sector uses about 3.1-mt
transition advisory committee of the to play a key role in setting up green annually, according to the committee.
petroleum ministry. Of this, HPCL is hydrogen capacity since they are already
planning to have 115-MW at its refine- a big producer and consumer of non- About 20 green hydrogen projects
ries in Visakhapatnam and Barmer; green hydrogen. Hydrogen producing exist or have been announced across
GAIL is targeting a capacity of 60-MW; capacity of state-run and private-sector the world with a combined capa-
while IOC, the nation’s largest refiner, refiners is projected to rise 85% to city of about 230-GW, according to the
aims to develop a capacity of 56-MW 2.5-mtpa by 2030 from 1.4-mtpa committee. The challenges for scaling
at its Mathura and Panipat refineries. in 2020, according to the transition up the green hydrogen market include
BPCL is targeting 25-MW capa- committee report. cost, technology maturity, efficiency,
city, while Numaligarh Refinery and renewable electricity, and regulatory
Mangalore Refinery & Petrochemicals IOC is projected to have the high- uncertainty, the committee noted.


SGS lab in Chennai upgraded to MRSLv3.1 level 3

by ZDHC Foundation
The Indian unit of the Swiss testing, ing hazardous chemicals from fashion built strong capabilities towards zero
inspection and certification company, supply chains. The first MRSL was discharge holistic solutions, which we
SGS, has announced that its laboratory published in 2014, with its companion extend to our clients in the textile and
in Chennai has been recognised by the document, MRSL Conformance Guid- footwear industries, to address their
Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemi- ance, being issued in 2017. It provides chemical inventory and environmental
cals (ZDHC) Foundation to operate as brands and suppliers with a single, challenges across their supply chains.
ZDHC approved MRSL certification harmonised list of chemical substan- This latest recognition by the ZDHC
body to assess conformance to Levels ces banned from intentional use during further strengthens our profile as a
1,2 and 3 of the Manufacturing Res- manufacturing and related processes. leading sustainability services provider
tricted Substances List (MRSL) v3.1. In November 2022, v3.0 of the MRSL in the country and helps us to extend
This upgrade makes SGS, the only and v2.0 of the MRSL Conformance to our customers, the convenience of
ZDHC Foundation recognised company Guidance were released by the ZDHC availing MRSL Levels 1, 2 and 3 un-
operating in India, to be approved to Foundation. More recently, MRSLv3.1 der the same roof.” SGS offers a simple
Levels 1, 2 and 3. was published in March 2023. process for verifying the compliance of
supplied chemical formulations with
The Netherlands-based ZDHC Mr. Shailesh Sharma, Director, the criteria for ZDHC MRSL Levels 1,
Foundation is an industry-led collabo- India – Softlines and Hardlines, SGS 2 or 3 through laboratory testing, docu-
ration with the objective of eliminat- commented, “We are proud to have ment review and on-site assessment.

126 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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 Tetra Butyl Ammonium Bromide (TBAB) Liquid Bromine (BR)
1-Bromo-3-chloropropane (1,3 BCP)
 Tri Ethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride (TEBAC)
Hydrobromic Acid 48 % in water (HBR 48%)
 Tetra Butyl Ammonium Hydrogen Sulphate (TBAHS) Hydrobromic acid 33% in Glacial acetic acid
 Ethyl Tri Phenyl Phosphonium Bromide (ETPPBR) (HBR 33%)
Hydrobromic Acid 62 % in water (HBR 62%)
 Cetrimide (CT)
N-Propyl Bromide (NPBR)
 Strong Cetrimide Solution (CT SOL) N-Butyl Bromide (NBBR)
 Phenyl Tri Methyl Ammonium Chloride (PTMAC) Iso Propyl Bromide (IPBR)
Ethylene Di Bromide (EDBR)
 Tetra Butyl Ammonium Iodide (TBAI)
Ethyl Bromide (EBR)
 Tetra Butyl Ammonium Hydroxide 40% Solution Hexyl Bromide / 1 Bromohexane (NHBR)
(TBAOH) Allyl Bromide (ABR)
 Tetra Ethyl Ammonium Bromide (TEAB) Pentyl Bromide (PBR)
N Bromosuccinimide (NBS)
 Tetra Propyl Ammonium Bromide (TPAB)
1,3-Dibromo - 5, 5 Dimethyl Hydantoin (DDH)
 Benzyl TriButyl Ammonium Chloride (BTBAC) 1,3- Dibromo Propane (1,3-DBP)
 Tetra Butyl Ammonium Chloride (TBAC) 1, 4- Dibromo Butane (1,4-DBB)
Sodium Bromide Powder / Sodium Bromide
 Cetyl Pyridinium Chloride (CPC)
Solution 45% (NABR)
 Benzalkonium chloride 50% (BKC 50% / 80%) Calcium Bromide Solution 52% (CABR 52%)


 2-Cyanoacetamide (CAD)  Lithium Hydroxide Monohydrate (LIOH)
 N, N- Diisopropylethylamine (DIPEA)  Lithium Bromide Powder / Lithium Bromide Solution
55% (Plain / Molybdate / Chromate base (LIBR)
 Meta Bromo Nitro Benzene (MBNB)
 Lithium Chloride Powder / 40 % Solution
 Tri-n-Butyl Amine (TNBA) (Plain / Chromate base) (LICL)
 Lithium Carbonate (LC)
 Methyl Cyanoacetate (MCA)
 Lithium Sulphate Anhydrous (LS)
 Cis -Bromo Benzoate (CBB)
 Lithium Nitrate (LN)
 Cis Tosylate (CTS)
 Lithium Molybdate - Powder & Solution (LIMO)
 2 -Amino - 3, 5- Dibromobenzaldehyde (ADBA)
 Lithium Acetate (LA)
 2,2 - Dibromo - 3 – Nitrilopropionamide (DBNPA)  Lithium Stearate (LIS)
 BROMO OTBN (B-OTBN)  Lithium Hydroxy Stearate (LHS)

Mr. Rahul Rajpurohit / Mr. Chetan Satpute

Pacific 0rganics Pvt Limited
ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018 CERTIFIED COMPANY N-4, Addl. M.I.D.C., Anand Nagar,
Ambernath (E) - 421 506, Dist. Thane, (MH), INDIA.
T :0251-2621525, 2620464, 2620415, Fax : 2620416
M :+91 93224 67890, +91 93211 65565
[email protected],
QM 003 EM 004 OHSMS 001
[email protected]
[email protected]

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 127

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Anupam Rasayan’s Q4 standalone net profit up 13%

Speciality chemicals firm, Anupam Mr. Anand Desai, Managing Director, graphies for many niche and high value
Rasayan Ltd., has posted standalone net Anupam Rasayan, said, “We have molecules. All these factors give us a
profit of Rs. 51-crore for the fourth quar- continued our growth momentum with reassurance of sustained robust growth
ter ended March 31, 2023, as against 49 per cent Y-o-Y revenue growth on in FY24,” he added.
Rs. 45-crore in the corresponding quar- the back of new products commerciali-
ter a year ago, indicating 13% growth sed during the year as well as steady Contract renewal
year-on-year. Standalone revenues from growth of the organic portfolio.” In another development, Anupam
operations stood at Rs. 371-crore for the Rasayan said it has renewed a long-
quarter, up 14% from Rs. 325-crore in The company has continued its term contract worth revenue of $53-mn
the same quarter last year. focus on adding more value-added (Rs. 436-crore) with a German multinational
products, besides bringing financial for supply of a patented life science spe-
On a consolidated basis, company’s efficiencies. “We have already started ciality chemical for the next three years
net profit stood at Rs. 73-crore, up from witnessing the results of the same, on an exclusive basis. “This renewal is
Rs. 46-crore in the same quarter last which is visible in stable margins and in accordance with the automatic rene-
year. The standalone revenues stood at improved working capital, resulting in wal clause agreed upon by the parties in
Rs. 480-crore, up from Rs. 325-crore in strong cash generation of Rs. 244-crore the long-term agreement signed three
the corresponding quarter last year. from operations,” Mr. Desai said. years ago, following the completion of
the original contract duration of three
For the financial year 2022-23, “We have signed contracts and LOIs years,” the company said.
the company’s standalone net profit of Rs. 5,483-crore giving us a strong
stood at Rs. 169-crore, up 12% from revenue visibility for the coming years. Mr. Desai said the company antici-
Rs. 151-crore in the previous year. At the same time, we are witnessing a pates the volumes of this molecule to
Standalone revenues from operations robust traction in customer engagement increase “beyond the minimum offtake
for the year stood at Rs. 1,284-crore, as we remain in advance stage of dis- volumes, considering the high-growth
as against Rs. 1,074-crore last year. cussions with customers across geo- end market.”

Safex Chemicals reports higher turnover of

Rs. 1,437-crore in FY23
Safex Chemicals, a New Delhi ment and manufacturing organisation)
based agrochemicals firm, posted operations and the rest from speciality
sales revenue of Rs. 1,437-crore in the chemicals.
2022-23 fiscal. Of this, 41% was con-
tributed by overseas markets – 24% The statement said the company’s
from Germany, 10% from the UK and growth has been fuelled by organic and
remaining 7% from Switzerland, Aus- inorganic expansions with three acqui-
tralia and other nations. The revenue sitions over the last three years. Over
was 82% higher compared with the the next three years, the company will
Rs. 787.95-crore earned in FY2021-22. launch an interactive technology plat-
form and also set up a new manufac-
Revenue within India contributed turing unit.
51% and the company has set a target
of Rs. 1,800-crore for the current fiscal, Currently, Safex Chemicals oper-
a statement from the company said. ates seven manufacturing facilities, and
of the company’s sales, while 44% has a 12,000+ dealer network across the
Brand formulations make up 51% comes from CDMO (contract develop- country.

128 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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MAKE Accessories
Thermax Limited Pressure parts - Shell and smoke tubes assembly with sub system
Reciprocating grate assembly with sub system
Screw feeders for fuel feeding along with service hopper
TYPE Grate bed conveyor for continuous ash removal
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System of Lambion, German Technology De-aerator with storage tank
Chemical dosing system
CAPACITY Air Pollution control equipment - ESP (SPM < 30 mg/nm3) with stack
16TPH, Design Pressure - 26 Kg/cm2 analyzer system, external chimney
ID, FD fan assembly, integral feed water system
Instrumentation, PLC based SCADA control system, Electrical Infra - MCC &
24 Kg/cm2 Combustion duct and fuel gas duct system, air compressor with dryer
system, PRV station, weighbridge
FUEL Insulation, refractory, support structure, piping, valves, cabling
BIOMASS BRIQUETTE Engineering drawings and documentation

+91 99690 52940 [email protected] Juinagar,
+91 86557 19139 Navi Mumbai

*images shown are for illustration purpose only

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 129

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CSIR-NCL scientist felicitated on the World Intellectual

Property Day
Dr. Nitin Tewari, Principal Scien-
tist & Head of the Intellectual Property
Group of CSIR-NCL, has been feli-
citated for spreading intellectual pro-
perty (IP) awareness and adding to the
IP ecosystem of the country under the
NIPAM 2.0 programme launched by
Indian Patent Office.

The efforts by Dr. Tewari in spread-

ing awareness in over 5,000 college
& school candidates from different
domains including science, engineering,
law, and management from all over
India, were acknowledged on the occa-
sion of World Intellectual Property Day
on April 26, 2023 in New Delhi. The
combined efforts under the IP aware-
ness programme under NIPAM are said added feather in the cap of NCL,” the of India; along with Ms. Himani Pandey
to contribute to increasing the Indian laboratory said in a press release. (IAS, 1998 batch), Joint Secretary,
patent filings by 13%. DPIIT; Dr. Chintan Vaishnav, Mission
The award was presented by Director, Atal Innovation Mission; and
“CSIR-NCL has been a pioneer Mr. Rajesh Kumar Singh, Secretary, Professor (Dr.) Unnat P. Pandit, Con-
in the IP movement of India, and this Department for Promotion of Industry troller General of Patents, Designs and
award by Indian Patent Office is an and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Government Trademarks, Government of India.


India asks European Union to recognise its carbon

credit trading scheme
India has asked the European Union January 1, 2026. From that date, EU Experts said Indian firms should be
to recognise its Carbon Credit Trading importers will have to declare and pur- ready to pay Carbon Border Tax under
Scheme (CCTS) amid concerns that its chase CBAM certificates to cover the CBAM. “Tax will depend on direct and
iron, steel and aluminium exports to emissions associated with producing indirect emissions embedded in a pro-
the bloc will face extra scrutiny under imported steel products. duct – the higher the emissions higher
the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment the tax,” said Mr. Ajay Srivastava,
Mechanism (CBAM) that is due to kick The government issues Carbon Cre- cofounder of economic think tank, GTRI.
in from October. dit Certificates – each representing reduc- India has already told the World Trade
tion or removal of one tonne of carbon Organisation (WTO) that carbon border
Under the proposed EU tax drill, dioxide equivalent – to registered enti- measures are being selectively applied
non-EU steel producers must report di- ties based on their initiatives to reduce to “trade-exposed industries” such as
rect and indirect emissions. The mecha- carbon footprint. CCTS aims to set up a steel, aluminium, and fertilisers. This
nism will translate into a 20-35% tax framework for Indian carbon market. The reflects the underlying competitiveness
on select imports into the EU from scheme is yet to be given a final shape. concerns driving such measures.

130 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Contact: 125, Gundecha Indl. Complex, Patankar Wadi, Akurli Road,
Maharashtra Organo Metallic Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. Kandivali (E), Mumbai 400 101.
Tel.: 91-22-2884 1917/28854453
Manufacturers of Specialty & Quality Chemicals 45001:2018
ISO 9001/14001/18001 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] • URL:
TIN SEcTOR Nickel chemicals
• catalyst for PU foam • Stannous Octoate
INORGANIc • Nickel Chloride • Nickel Sulphate
• Stannous Chloride / Tin Chloride • Glass Decolouriser catalyst
• Stannic Chloride • Nickel Carbonate • Nickel Oxide
Dihydrate / Anhydrous Pentahydrate / Anhydrous Organo Tin Stabilizers for PVc
• Stannous Sulphate • Stannous Fluoborate Tin stabilisers for PVc pipes, fittings, shrink films, clear • Nickel Acetate • Nickel Nitrate
• Stannic Oxide • Potassium Stannate films, tubes/hoses, blood bags, food-contact applications. cobalt chemicals
• Sodium Stannate • Stannous Oxalate Mercaptide Stabilizers • Cobalt Acetate • Cobalt Chloride
• Stannous Oxide • Stannous Pyrophosphate• Methyl Tin Mercaptide PVC Heat Stabilizer • Cobalt Nitrate • Cobalt Carbonate
ORGANO METALLIc • Octyl Tin Mercaptide Stabilizer • Cobalt Oxide
• Tri-n-Butyl Tin Chloride • Mono-Butyl Tin Tri Chloride • Butyl Tin Stabilizer
• Mono-n-Butyl Tin Oxide • Di-n-Butyl Tin Oxide Other
• Di-n-Butyl Tin Di Acetate • Di-n-Butyl Tin Maleate • Ca/Zn stabilizers in powder/paste/liquid form for cable and • Tin Metal Shots/Granules • Tellurium Di Oxide
other PVC based applications
• Tri-n-Butyl Tin Oxide • Di-n-Butyl Tin Di Laurate • Thymolphthalein • Tellurium Metal
ESTERIFICATION (180°C-225°C) PROCESSES: • Selenium Metal • Antimony Trioxide
• Selenium Dioxide • Selenic Acid • Stannous Fluoride
• Selenious Acid • Sodium Selenate • MOMCAT ESTOCAT powder and liquid series
Phase Transfer catalyst: copper chemicals
• Sodium Biselenate • Sodium Selenite
• Sodium Biselenite • Zinc Selenite • Ethyl TriPhenyl Phosphonium Bromide (ETPPBr) • Copper Pyrophosphate • Cuprous Chloride
• Barium Selenite • Sodium Selenite/Selenate feed premixes • Methyl Triphenyl Phosphonium Bromide (MTPPBr) • Cupric Chloride

 Acridine Orange  Rubeanic Acid • Acetic Acid • HEDP- 60%
 Neocuproine
 Ceric Ammonium Sulphate  Sudan Black B • ATMP-50% • Nickel Sulphate
 Ninhydrin
 Chrome Azurol S  Tetraheptyl Ammonium Bromide
• Copper Carbonate • PBTC-50%
 Orcinol
 Digitonin  Tetrakis Decyl Ammonium Bromide
• Cobalt Carbonate • Potassium Iodide
 P-Dimethylaminobenzyldine
 2,2-Diphenyl-Piciryhydrazyl (D.P.P.H) Rhodanine  Thorin
• Cobalt Sulphate • Sodium Bromide Liquid
 Dithizone  Phenazine Methosulphate  Azomethin H
• Copper Sulphate • Sodium Metasilicate
 Phenyl Phosphate Disodium Salt  Sodium Diphenylamine Sulphonate
• DTPMPA-50% • Sodium Metasulphite
 Ericohrome Cyanine R
• EDTA Acid • Sodium Metabisulfite
 N-1 Naphthyl Ethylene Diamine DIHCL  P-Nitrophenyl Phosphate Disodium Salt  Barium Diphenylamine Sulphonate
• Formic Acid 85% • Sodium Molybdate
 1-Hexane Sulfonic Acid Sodium Salt For HPLC  1-Butane Sulfonic Acid Sodium Salt For HPLC • Citrates – Calcium , Potassium, Magnesium & Zinc,
 1-Pentane Sulfonic Acid Sodium Salt For HPLC  1-Decane Sulfonic Acid Sodium Salt For HPLC • Lithium Bromide – Anhydrous & Solution,
 1-Octane Sulfonic Acid Sodium Salt For HPLC  1-Heptane Sulfonic Acid Sodium Salt For HPLC • Poly Ethylene Glycol All Range (Pharma & Industrial)
• Sodium Citrate Anhydrous
• Sodium Citrate Dihydrate
• Zinc Sulphate ( Hepta / Mono)
 SAANVI CORP (LEADING SUPPLIER)
 C – 2091, Oberoi Garden Estate, Chandivali Farm Road,
 Andheri (East) Mumbai 400072. INDIA. w Tel: +91 22 4041 1000

 Email: [email protected] w Website:

Authorized distributor of M/s Jubilant Ingrevia Ltd, for Authorized distributor of M/s CREST Water Pte. Ltd. for
glacial Acetic Acid & ethyl Acetate CREST Water Pte. Ltd. IMPORT \ EXPORT DATA
in Drum & Tanker Packing Providing Intelligent Solutions

Self Importer of:

For more information on the complete range of products and services provided,
please contact us at: [email protected], Website: Any chapter Rs.500 per month
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Crestoprotm (Cp): Cg 463 Phosphonate Peplacement Mr. Bhavin Patel
Anionic & Catonic Grade – China Origin Forumulated Products
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Dealing in Hydrogen peroxide of
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Iso propyl Alcohol in 25 Liter packing Cp r493C Antiscalant for Calcium Salfate Control


Dilute Nitric Acid 60% in 45 Kg Packing Cp t499
Strong Nitric Acid 72% in 45 Kg Packing
thermal Premium Antiscalant better TSS Control
desalination (td) Cp t497 Antiscalant Superior Scale Control
And few other products
Sodium Meta Bi Sulphite Food Grade Cp t635 High Performance Antifoam
Sulphamic Acid Agro products CH 588

Shree Chemicals Industries Pvt. Ltd. (ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company)

Soil Conditioner Organic Soil Adjuvant
Parasmani Industries
Shop No: 2, Al Shaan Society. 381, Bhawani Peth. Harka Nagar, Pune 411042. Tel: 020-29990486 Plot No.: 61 & 68, GIDC Estate, Waghodia,
Mobile: 9370125486, 7083599000 w Email: [email protected] w Dist. Vadodara 391 760 Gujarat.
Estd 1975
Mob.: +91 9825040850 * Email: [email protected]
Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 131

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Healthy domestic demand & strong balance sheets

to hold industry in good stead
India Ratings and Research (Ind-
Ra) has maintained a neutral outlook on
the Indian chemicals sector for FY24.
A robust domestic demand, comfortable
profitability and strong balance sheets
are likely to hold the sector in a good
stead, despite the global headwinds.
Accordingly, Ind-Ra has maintained
a Stable Rating Outlook on its rated
chemical portfolio for FY24.

Healthy domestic demand; head-

winds in exports where India is largely a net exporter, de-risk itself from Europe amid the geo-
Ind-Ra expects chemical sector enti- export demand is expected to witness political tensions, further opportunities
ties to witness single digit revenue headwinds due to the weak Europe and would be available to Indian chemical
growth in FY24 in view of a robust US demand. exporters in the medium term.
demand in domestic markets along with
strong fundamentals within end-use China+1 and Europe+1opportunities Speciality players to witness better
industries supporting volumes, even as to improve market share margin stability
the export demand faces headwinds and Ind-Ra believes domestic produ- Ind-Ra has done a decade-wise coeffi-
a moderation in prices tempers growth cers will continue to benefit from the cient of variance study on the profita-
rate. China+1 movement with global end- bility of sector participants, which
use industries looking to de-risk supply demonstrates that speciality chemical
Ind-Ra believes companies with a chains. China’s chemical demand could players have stable margin profiles.
higher exposure towards sectors such improve over FY24 after a weak FY23, Specialty chemical players demon-
as pharma, agrochemicals and FMCG which witnessed additional COVID-19 strate lower volatility in profitability
are likely to witness a better demand outbreaks, containment restrictions due to its higher value-added nature,
environment, while export-focused and a softer demand from the curbed ability to pass on cost movement to
organic chemicals and dyes players could manufacturing activity. However, the end-users, and use of cost-plus model.
witness some softness in demand. The improvement in Chinese demand is likely Furthermore, in few cases the cost of
rating agency also expects demand in to be gradual and domestic players speciality chemicals used in end-pro-
the European Union (EU) to remain are exposed to certain import risks until ducts is not significant, thus enabling its
weak over FY24, as the region contin- then. demand to be less price elastic. Margins
ues to grapple with inflation and slow- within specialty chemicals at a Ind-Ra
down; while demand in the US could The EU’s chemicals output in rated portfolio level are likely to range
also remain subdued, affecting India’s December 2022 reached its lowest level between 20%-22% in FY24.
exports. since May 2009 owing to elevated energy
costs and a weak demand. Further- At a sub-segment level, the mar-
Within in bulk chemicals, India is more, the increased cost of production gin profile could be a mixed bag. For
likely to remain a net importer due to is likely to result in high chemical prices instance, in FY23, soda ash was the
limited domestic volumes, although the within EU, thus encouraging imports outperformer on account of short sup-
gap could reduce with incremental capa- from lower-cost regions including India. ply, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) was an
cities setting up/ramping-up, result- This should benefit India once European underperforming segment due to low-
ing in import substitution. However, demand gradually picks up. Further- cost imports from China, and weak
within the specialty chemicals segment more, with end-use industries looking to global demand resulting in a sharp fall

132 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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in prices. In FY24, Ind-Ra expects mar- backward integration. Specialty chemi- capex plans. The supernormal profit-
gins within the soda ash, fluorine, ben- cal players will look to increase capaci- ability levels witnessed immediately
zene, segments to remain comfortable. ties, to move up the value chain to cater post COVID-19 have strengthened the
However, the margins within dyes, pig- to export opportunities, increase back- balance sheets of chemical players and
ments, PVC and styrene could be under ward integration, diversify sales mix. have helped soften the impact of the
some pressure. Furthermore, Ind-Ra expects a gradual cost headwinds and margin compres-
migration in production to developing sions over FY23. Furthermore, the net
Chemical producers to maintain countries from developed countries, leverage is expected to be lower than
capex intensity thus providing CDMO (Contract De- the pre-pandemic levels (FY19, FY20:
Notwithstanding some headwinds, velopment and Manufacturing Organi- 1.65x-1.75x). Moreover, operational
Ind-Ra expects the capex intensity of zation) opportunities. cash flows are likely to remain positive,
chemical players to be maintained over supported by the year-on-year volume
FY24-FY25, given the medium-term Financial profile to remain robust growth and working capital release
opportunities (capex % of revenue – Ind-Ra expects the FY24 net lever- with moderating crude prices, while
FY24: 11%; FY23: 11%; FY21-FY22: age (at an aggregate level for Ind-Ra free cash flows would be negative due
9%). Commodity chemical players will rated chemical entities) to remain to the continuance of high capex inten-
look to increase capacities, resulting in comfortable at around 1.2x (FY23 esti- sity. However, despite the large capex
higher import substitution, improved mate: 1.1x, FY22: 0.8x), despite the plans, the liquidity of large- and mid-
cost competitiveness and increased incremental debt availed to fund large sized is likely to be adequate in FY24.


JSW Group said to be mulling paint unit stake sale

to private equity funds
Billionaire Sajjan Jindal-led JSW and is led by Mr. Parth Jindal, son of Additionally, the company has planned
Group is exploring a potential stake group Chairman and Managing Direc- a large debt-funded capital expenditure
sale in JSW Paints, as per a report in tor, Sajjan Jindal. of Rs. 750-crore, in the medium term,
the Economic Times newspaper. The to set up an integrated plant to manu-
paints unit is looking to build capacity The company makes industrial and facture both industrial and decorative
and establish a countrywide presence to decorative paints and has two plants – at paints.
take on its larger rivals. Vasind in Maharashtra and Vijayanagar
in Karnataka. The Vasind unit has an In July 2021, publicly traded JSW
JSW Group, which internally val- installed capacity of 40,000 kilolitres Steel invested Rs. 750-crore in the family-
ues the family-held paints business at per annum (klpa) and makes industrial owned business, which the group
around $2-bn, has engaged Axis Capi- paints. The one at Vijayanagar makes maintained was done at arm’s length.
tal as an advisor for the transaction decorative paints and has an installed JSW Steel said it would invest the
and has begun preliminary rounds of capacity of 90,000-klpa. amount in three tranches. At that time
discussions with several bulge-bracket the company had said it intended to use
global private equity funds, the report “The company plans to use part of the funds to expand operations in both
quoted unnamed sources as saying. the proceeds for capex and possibly industrial and decorative segments,
to repay a part of its debt, which has and become a pan-India player to take
“The group is initially looking to remained elevated,” the report quoted on larger rivals such as Asian Paints,
raise $100-mn for a relatively small one of the sources as saying. among others. According to industry
minority stake and is looking to divest estimates, the domestic paints market
around 5% stake for now, which will Expansion plans is expected to touch Rs. 1-lakh crore
set the course for future rounds of valu- As per recent corporate filings, in the next five years, led by increasing
ation,” said one of them. JSW Paints has invested around urbanisation. Of overall industry sales,
Rs. 100-crore in FY23 for streamlining the top three players – Asian Paints,
A relative newcomer to the sector, production and expanding capacity in Berger Paints and Kansai Nerolac
JSW Paints was incorporated in 2016 the industrial and decorative segments. Paints – control 80% of market share.

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 133

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Alembic Pharma’s Q4 net profit sees three-fold rise

Alembic Pharmaceuticals Ltd. posted Rs. 5,149-crore, up from Rs. 5,035-crore segments.” On the operational front,
over three-fold jump in standalone net in the previous year. Total expenses in- company’s Active Pharmaceutical
profit for the fourth quarter ended March creased by 9% to Rs. 4,807-crore (Rs. Ingredients (API) business grew 41% at
31, 2023, at Rs. 131-crore, up from 4,429-crore). Rs. 313-crore during the quarter. Bar-
Rs. 42-crore in the same quarter last year, ring US, its ex-US and India formula-
supported by reduction in total expenses. Mr. Pranav Amin, Managing tions businesses grew by 33% and 9%,
Director, Alembic Pharmaceuticals, said, respectively, during the quarter. Among
Standalone revenues from oper- “The US business continues to remain other growth drivers, were speciality
ations stood at Rs. 1,307-crore (Rs. challenging, however, the company segments that grew 13%. The compa-
1,318-crore) for the quarter. The total witnessed topline growth across all other ny’s animal health business grew 15%
expenses for the quarter stood at verticals. In particular, the API business over previous year’s Q4. On a consoli-
Rs. 1,225-crore, down by 4.2% from outperformed with a 41 percent growth dated basis, company’s net profits for
Rs. 1,280-crore in the corresponding quarter and ex-US generics with 33 percent March quarter stood at Rs. 153-crore
last year. For the full year, however, the growth during the quarter. We have (versus Rs. 22-crore) on revenues of
profits came under pressure on overall started commercialisation of products Rs. 1,406-crore (Rs. 1,416-crore). For
higher costs. Standalone net profit for the from our injectable and oncology faci- the fiscal 2022-23, company’s consoli-
year stood at Rs. 347-crore, down 36% lities. India-branded business continues dated net profit stood at Rs. 342-crore
from Rs. 544-crore in the previous year. to outperform the market, especially (Rs. 521-crore), on revenues of
Annual revenues for the fiscal stood at on focussed products/therapeutic Rs. 5,653-crore (Rs. 5,306-crore).

IOL receives CEP for exporting paracetamol to Europe

IOL Chemicals and Pharmaceuti- compliance of pharmaceutical sub- total capacity of 3,600-tpa of paraceta-
cals Ltd. (IOL), a leading manufacturer stances and with this backing, IOL will mol.
of pharmaceutical (APIs) and speciality now be able to export paracetamol to
chemicals, has received the European the European continent. The company IOL is the world’s largest producer
Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & started commercial production of Cer- of Ibuprofen API with 33% market share
HealthCare’s (EDQM’s) Certificate of tificate of Suitability (CEP) in 2022 in globally. Additionally, it has over 13
Suitability (CEP) to export paracetamol its Punjab-based facility where it is also APIs in its portfolio, including metform-
to the European market. The certifica- backward integrated to produce the key in, fenofibrate, lamotrigine, clopidogrel
tion issued by the EDQM verifies the starting material.At present, IOL has a bisulphate, and pantoprazole.

Corona Remedies, Ferring Pharmaceuticals to

Ahmedabad-based healthcare player bring world-class medicines to patients that will offer great convenience to
Corona Remedies Pvt. Ltd. has inked in India,” said Mr. Nirav Mehta, Pro- patients with over-active bladder and
an agreement with Ferring Pharmaceu- moter & Executive Director, of Corona. erectile dysfunction. All the products
ticals Pvt. Ltd., a subsidiary of Switzer- are unique in their class, having diffe-
land-based global biopharmaceuticals Ferring’s maternal health products rentiated formulations and drug delivery
company Ferring Pharmaceuticals, to are acknowledged in many countries systems that offer therapeutic advanta-
commercialise innovative products in and backed by clinical studies with ges along with patient compliance and
the field of maternal health & urology in proven efficacy and safety. The urology convenience. The estimated market
the Indian market. “We are delighted to products are formulated in an inno- size for the said products collectively is
partner with Ferring, a research-driven, vative dosage form based on Ferring’s Rs. 778.30-crore, which is growing at a
speciality biopharmaceutical group to new proprietary technology platform rate of 27%, an official statement said.

134 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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IFFCO integrating drone, nano and AI technologies

for smart farming
The Indian Farmers Fertiliser Coope- sity (TNAU), Coimbatore. Farmers can and coordinated by the farmer friendly
rative (IFFCO) is planning to promote access these advanced technologies mobile App.
the usage of nano fertilisers such as through a mobile App that would make
Nano Urea and Nano DAP using drone spraying efficient, cost-effective and A unique electric tri-wheeler has
and Artificial Intelligence (AI) techno- safe. While spraying, the AI-based soft- been specially designed for the safe
logies at a pan-India level in technical ware can detect crop growth and health transport of drones to farmers’ fields.
collaboration with agricultural univer- and guide the farmers towards smart An integrated software platform that
sities and technical institutes. farming. The prime focus of this pro- can run in any mobile would be avail-
gramme is to build a successful drone able for farmers that would connect
The company recently launched spraying system, operate the system in all users (drone operator, farmer, field
the ‘DRONAI’ – combining Drone, coordination with rural youth/farmers officer and central control unit). This
Nano, Artificial Intelligence and and train them in advanced technolo- would help to monitor the drones on a
mobile technologies – into an integrated gies that ultimately result in rural entre- dynamic basis and monitor the spray
programme for promoting the foliar preneurship. efficiency (acre/day) remotely.
application of nano fertilisers and other
agrochemicals. The trial module was All the mandatory protocols related Through the ‘DRONAI’ techno-
launched in technical collaboration to drones, their transport vehicle and logy, the spraying cost to farmers could
with Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univer- safe flying are inbuilt into this process be reduced by 50%, said IFFCO.


Ind-Ra maintains neutral outlook for fertiliser industry

for FY24
Ratings firm, India Ratings and gate prices maintained by fertiliser requirement for the sector to come
Research (Ind-Ra), has maintained a companies as a response to the higher down from the FY23 levels. Simi-
neutral outlook for the fertiliser sec- subsidy allocation during FY23 to larly, under the Nutrient-based Sub-
tor for FY24, driven by the govern- counter the increase in raw material sidy scheme, Ind-Ra expects the
ment’s continued policy-level support prices. Moreover, the sector saw a announced levels in the budget to
to the industry by way of the healthy supplementary budget allocation of remain sufficient, given the decline in
subsidy budget of Rs. 1,751-bn. This Rs. 363.3-bn in March 2023, over key input prices.
is backed by a moderation in the raw and above the revised estimates of
material prices across urea and nutri- Rs. 2,150-bn, leading to a lower-than-ex- During FY23, the proportion of
ent-based fertilisers starting 4QFY23, pected subsidy outstanding compared subsidy in total revenues increased
coupled with the likelihood of a con- to Ind-Ra’s earlier expectations. This substantially to around 90% (FY22:
tinued healthy demand in view of the coupled with a continued decline in 62%; FY21: 62%) for urea players and
government’s focus to increase farmer natural gas and other raw material around 60% (45%, 30%) for nitrogen,
income. (phosphoric acid, rock phosphate, phosphorous and potassium players,
sulphur, etc.) prices could lead to a which could come down in FY24. Fur-
Sales in the fertiliser sector grew stable year-end subsidy balance in thermore, changes to the proportion
15% y-o-y during April 2022-Febru- FY24, the ratings firm said. of revenue earned are expected to be
ary 2023, led by higher availability made up from the subsidy and Ind-Ra
of funds with farmers due to various Led by the decline in natural gas does not anticipate changes to farm
policy measures, and the stable farm price, Ind-Ra estimates the subsidy gate prices.

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 135

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India’s natural gas consumption in 2023 revised

upwards on softening LNG prices
As international prices of liquefied The fertiliser sector accounts for petrochemicals sector (down 32% Y-o-Y).
natural gas (LNG) soften to $11-12 per around 35% of the natural gas demand City gas demand was broadly flat,
mBtu, the Paris-based energy thinktank in the country, followed by city gas dis- while consumption by the fertiliser
International Energy Agency (IEA) has tribution (CGD) at 20%, and the power segment and other end-uses (which
revised upwards India’s natural gas sector (14%). include agriculture, upstream opera-
consumption during the current calen- tions and other industries) saw mod-
dar year. Domestic gas prices from legacy est expansion during 2022, though
fields (administered price mecha- not enough to compensate for steep
“In 2023, total natural gas con- nism) have witnessed wide fluctua- declines in the more price-sensitive
sumption is expected to increase by 4% tions, from a low of $1.79 per mBtu sectors of the economy.
thanks to a modest recovery in power in 2021, to a high of $8.57 in Octo-
sector gas use, and continuing – albeit ber 2022-March 2023. Global gas India’s LNG imports dropped by
slow – growth in the industrial and city prices have been even more volatile, 17% Y-o-Y in 2022, the steepest fall
gas sectors,” the agency said in its Q2 exacerbated by the ongoing Russia- on record and the first decline cover-
2023 gas market report. The IEA’s Q4 Ukraine conflict. Spot LNG prices ing two consecutive years in India’s
2022 gas market report had projected a in Asia touched a record high of $70 two-decade history as an LNG
growth of 2% in India’s domestic con- per mBtu in August 2022, compared importer. Price-driven fuel-switching
sumption in October last year. to $23.5 per mBtu during June 2022, played a leading role in suppressing
before softening to $35 in Decem- LNG demand, but a modest 3%
In January 2023 natural gas demand ber. increase in domestic production also
in India increased by 14% Y-o-Y, with contributed to the decrease in LNG
a significant increase in the city gas sec- Prices impacted consumption in 2022 inflows.
tor (up 70% Y-o-Y) and the recovery of IEA said India’s gas consumption
the fertiliser sector (up 13% Y-o-Y), declined by 6% in 2022 as soaring The world’s third largest energy
along with the power sector (up 5% Y- prices squeezed gas demand for power user consumed 63,907 million standard
o-Y), amid lower gas prices, the IEA generation (down 24% Y-o-Y) and refi- cubic metres (mscm) of natural gas dur-
report for Q2 2023 pointed out. ning (down 30% Y-o-Y), and from the ing FY22.


‘Increasing CBG share in gas mix can reduce India’s

import bill by $25-bn’
The Indian Biogas Association by 2030, the oil ministry has to keep a to provide long-term certainty to players
(IBA) has pitched for increasing the strict vigil on overall sustainability. in the CBG ecosystem. Increasing the
share of compressed biogas (CBG) in share of CBG, the association said, will
the total gas mix in the country, saying The industry body has suggested ensure guaranteed offtake and a trans-
it will help reduce the country’s annual gradually increasing the share of CBG parent ecosystem for CBG producers.
import bill by up to $25-bn by 2030. in the overall gas mix to at least 10% by It will also help fast-track setting up of
2025 and to 20% in 2030. Furthermore, CBG plants under the SATAT (Sustain-
In a letter to Petroleum and Natural it felt that the CBG-CGD (city gas distri- able Alternative Towards Affordable
Gas Minister, Dr. Hardeep Singh Puri bution) synchronization plan, launched Transportation) scheme, as biogas plant
recently, IBA suggested that in the pro- in April 2021 and due for review in 2024, owners will see the value proposition of
cess of attaining a gas-based economy should be extended for at least ten years their investments.

136 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Essar Oil & Gas invests in microbial eCBM technology

to boost output
Essar Oil and Gas Exploration and in five wells of the Rani-
Production Ltd. (EOGEPL) has announ- ganj-East Block of the
ced an investment in microbial eCBM company. These wells
technology to boost coal-bed methane will be monitored for
(CBM) production from its CBM block the coming three to six
in West Bengal. The company, which months, and based on the
has so far invested Rs. 5,000-crore in results, along with final
finding and producing gas from coal optimisation of design,
seams, plans to invest an additional EOGEPL will imple-
Rs. 2,000-crore to enhance its reserve ment the technology at
base and ramp up CBM production to The feasibility test of the technique has large scale to maximise gas yield and
contribute at least 5% to India’s been completed in collaboration with improve the reserves base.
total gas production, EOGEPL said in TERI-OEC, and in parallel R&D is
a statement. ongoing for full-field application,” the The microbial treatment is one of
company said. The company, however, the ‘enhanced recovery methods’ used
The company has drilled about 350 did not give details of the investment. in the oil and gas industry to increase
wells on its Raniganj Block in West reserves. With the introduction of the
Bengal and is currently producing “The investment in microbial microbial stimulation technology, an
nearly 0.9 million cubic meters of gas eCBM technology demonstrates our upsurge in the production of CBM
per day. Investment in microbial eCBM commitment to increasing production gas is expected, while improving the
technology will help raise the output by and reserves base. With this initiative, reserve base by up to 10%.
raising the recovery rate. we aim to upsurge gas production while
contributing towards the vision of “As the largest CBM producer in
“EOGEPL has collaborated with becoming a ‘gas-based economy’ in the the country, EOGEPL is committed to
The Energy & Resources Institute next decade,” said Mr. Pankaj Kalra, investing in cutting-edge technologies
(TERI) and ONGC Energy Centre CEO of EOGEPL. such as hydro-fracking, radial drilling,
(OEC) to establish the potential of and microbial treatments to further
eCBM microbial technology in the After extensive study, eCBM Micro- advance its R&D efforts,” the company
Raniganj-East Block of the company. bial stimulation has been completed said.

India’s fuel demand in April falls 0.3% y-o-y

Fuel consumption in India, a proxy in sales of diesel. Jet fuel (ATF) sales
for oil demand, fell by around 0.3% during the months were 15.4% higher
year-on-year (y-o-y) in April to about than in April 2022.
18.41-mt, according to data from the
Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell Data from oil companies show that
(PPAC) of the oil ministry. Sales of diesel, which comprises about 40% of
petrol were up 2.9% to 2.9-mt. Cook- India’s oil demand, has fully recovered
ing gas, or liquefied petroleum gas from the COVID-led disruptions. Its
(LPG), sales fell 0.1% to around 2.2-mt. sales in April were 9.1% higher than in
The demand for diesel was up 6.7% the same month of 2019. Petrol, which
in April over the same month last recovered faster from COVID-lows,
year, aided by the harvesting season creased vehicle sales and demand for sold 18.5% more in April than in the
and overall economic expansion. In- consumer goods also led to a boost same month in 2019.

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 137

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High LNG prices pulls down Petronet LNG’s Q4 and

FY23 net profit
State-run Petronet LNG Ltd. (PLL) Petronet LNG’s consolidated net profit LNG volume processed in the previous
has reported a 22% y-o-y decline in its fell 3% y-o-y to Rs. 3,326-crore, while (Q3 FY23) and corresponding quarters
consolidated net profit at Rs. 619-crore the consolidated total income was higher (Q4 FY22), which stood at 167-tBtu
in the January-March quarter of FY23 by 39% y-o-y to Rs. 60,422-crore. and 190-tBtu, respectively. During the
as high international prices of LNG March FY23 quarter, the Dahej ter-
impacted sales. On a sequential basis, Optimisation in operation minal processed 172-tBtu of LNG as
the decline in its net profit was steeper The company was able to achieve against 154-tBtu during the December
at 48% from Rs. 1,197-crore in Q3 robust financial results despite high FY23 quarter and 178-tBtu during the
FY23. LNG prices, owing to optimisation in corresponding quarter ended March 31,
its operation, Petronet LNG MD & 2022, it added.
However, the consolidated total CEO, Mr. Akash Kumar Singh said in a
income of India’s largest liquefied post-result interaction with journalists. During FY23, Dahej terminal pro-
natural gas (LNG) importer rose 25% cessed 704-tBtu of LNG as against
to Rs. 14,005-crore in the fourth quar- The overall LNG volume processed 793-tBtu processed during FY22. The
ter of the last financial year. On a q-o-q by the company in the current quar- overall LNG volume processed by the
basis, the income declined by 12% from ter (Q4 FY23) was 185 trillion Brit- company stood at 752-tBtu as against
Rs. 15,956-crore. For the entire FY23, ish thermal units (tBtu), as against the 847-tBtu.


Oil ministry slams CREA report on India buying

Russian crude
The Ministry of Petroleum and Natu- “We call these five countries that international embargo. There is also no
ral Gas has denied a report by the Cen- have increased purchases of Russian oil self-embargo by ‘coalition country’ on
tre for Research on Energy and Clean and ‘launder’ it into products shipped to buying diesel from refiners around the
Air (CREA) on India purchasing cheap countries having sanctioned Russian oil world. To use word like ‘whitewashed
Russian crude oil, saying it is mislead- the ‘laundromat’ countries,’ CREA report oil’ is disingenuous at best or mischie-
ing and a deceptive effort to tarnish had said. The ‘laundromat countries’ are vous at worst,” it said. It further said
India’s image. China, India, Turkey, the UAE and India meets its energy requirements
Singapore. The price-cap coalition coun- through imports from multiple coun-
“It shows a lack of understanding tries include the European Union, G7 tries, including Russia, and India has
of global supply demand dynamics and countries, Australia and Japan, it added. never shied away from this fact nor is
India’s long history as a major refined it apologetic about it as evidenced by
products exporter,” said the Ministry in However, the oil ministry, said that multiple ministerial statements over the
a thread on Twitter. as a sovereign country, India is free to last year.
import or export goods and commodi-
The Helsinki-based CREA, in a ties within the terms of international “As far as exports go, as the larg-
report on May 1, said India is among the law, and calling its legitimate business est democracy and a country governed
top five countries, including China, that as ‘laundromat’ implies an illegal acti- by law, companies in India are free to
is purchasing cheap Russian crude oil vity to which India strongly objects. run their businesses as per law and the
and converting it into refined petroleum government does not put restrictions on
products, which are ‘laundered’ in “Crude oil import below $60 from them in their legitimate business pur-
Europe and G7 countries. Russia or elsewhere is not under any suits,” it added.

138 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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142 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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News from Abroad


DuPont to buy Spectrum Plastics for $1.75-bn

American conglomerate, DuPont,
has agreed to acquire Spectrum Plastics
Group from global private equity firm,
AEA Investors, for $1.75-bn.

Spectrum is a provider of advanced

manufacturing services to the medical
device sector, serving 22 of the top 26
medical technology OEMs, according
to a DuPont press release. The compa- devices, and packaging, including the “Spectrum is a compelling strategic
ny’s strategic focus is on key fast-grow- Liveo silicone line and Tyvek medi- complement to our existing healthcare
ing therapeutic areas such as structu- cal packaging. DuPont added that the portfolio, which already includes busi-
ral heart, electrophysiology, surgical purchase strengthens its position in the nesses with best-in-class innovation,
robotics, and cardiovascular. It offers fast-growing healthcare markets that deep customer relationships and with
a full array of capabilities, including are less exposed to up-and-down busi- strong growth and profitability.”
extrusion, injection moulding, laser ness cycles than other sectors. After the
processing, and flexible packaging and deal closes, DuPont said that approxi- US-based Spectrum Plastics was
film. mately 10% of its consolidated revenue formed in 2017 through the merger of
will come from healthcare. Pexco LLC and PPC Industries, which
For DuPont, the acquisition com- served, respectively, the industrial
plements its existing offerings for bio- Mr. Ed Breen, Executive Chair- extrusion and film markets. In 2018, it
pharma and pharma processing, medical man and CEO of DuPont, commented, was acquired by AEA Investors.

Angus to rebrand as Advancion

US-based Angus Chemical Com- 50% from Golden Gate Capital for
pany – a portfolio company of private about $2.25-bn.
equity firms, Ardian and Golden Gate
Capital – has unveiled a new name and Angus is recognised as one of the
logo as part of an extensive corporate The high-quality, high-purity ingre- world’s largest suppliers of life scien-
rebranding initiative. The company, dients we develop and produce today ces buffers and other proprietary chemis-
which has operated as Angus for more are helping the world’s most essential tries. The company’s speciality ingre-
than 40 years, will rebrand and change industries address the emerging chal- dients help improve product perfor-
its name to “Advancion.” lenges of tomorrow,” said Mr. David mance, quality, consistency, durability,
Neuberger, President and CEO. “Our stability and other important attributes
The company said the new name transition to the Advancion name and in end-use formulations. Through its re-
reflects the “significant transformation” brand will more clearly represent who cent acquisition of Expression Systems,
of the company into a leading global we are and what we do – a designer and Angus also produces innovative cell
producer of essential ingredients for the producer of high-value consumables culture media formulations, cell lines,
biotechnology, pharmaceutical, home & and ingredients that help enrich lives molecular tools and reagents servicing
personal care, and other consumer- and enable our customers to advance high growth biologics segments includ-
oriented and industrial markets. the world,” he added. ing cell and gene therapies.

“From material science to mole- In 2015, Angus was sold by Dow The company’s transition to the
cular biology, we are a company built Chemical to Golden Gate Capital for new name and brand is targeted to be
on decades of precision and ingenuity. $1.215-bn. In 2020, Ardian acquired completed in August 2023.

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 143

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News from Abroad


Evonik setting up alkoxides facility in Singapore

German speciality chemicals firm, supply network to regionally serve all
Evonik, has begun work on a new pro- relevant markets,” explained Mr. Alex-
duction plant for alkoxides at its site on ander Weber, Global Head of Product
Jurong Island, Singapore. The company Line Alkoxides.
said the “mid double-digit million euro”
investment is in response to growing The new plant will feature state-
demand for alkoxide catalysts, which of-the-art technology aiming for zero
are primarily used in biodiesel produc- scope 1 & 2 carbon emissions.
tion and in synthesis applications in the
pharmaceutical and agricultural indus- Following the completion of concep-
tries. In future, alkoxide catalysts are Taneja, Senior Vice President and Gene- tual and basic engineering, the project
also expected to play a bigger role in ral Manager of Catalysts business line. is now entering the construction phase,
the circular economy through their use with the alkoxides plant scheduled to
in the chemical recycling of PET plas- The investment is seen as a critical become operational by the end of 2024.
tics. step in Evonik’s strategy to expand its
position as one of the largest alkoxide Evonik’s global alkoxides supply
“Asia Pacific is a key region for manufacturers in the world. “We network and other production sites
Evonik Catalysts and Southeast Asia already have leading production facilities around the world include Rosario,
plays an important role in our growth in Europe, North and South America; Argentina; Mobile, USA; and Lülsdorf,
journey,” commented Mr. Sanjeev Asia is the missing piece in a global Germany.


OQ Chemicals launches pilot plant in Germany for

customised esters
German oxo-chemicals firm, OQ “Esters are used in a wide variety of
Chemicals (formerly Oxea), has suc- applications, including electromobility,
cessfully started up its new pilot plant due to the ester’s high thermal stabi-
for esters in Oberhausen, Germany. lity, lubricity, oxidation resistance, and
This test facility, a part of OQ Chem- environmental friendliness. The new
icals’ investment in research and deve- plant will also produce pilot quantities
lopment, enables the company to manu- of chemical cleaning agents.”
facture small quantities of esters that
are tailored to customer needs for test Dr. Christoph Balzarek, EVP Cor-
purposes. The new products can later porate Development, Sustainability &
be produced on a large scale at OQ Innovation of OQ Chemicals, added,
Chemicals’ industrial plants. Esters are “We are leveraging our production
indispensable additives in many appli- knowledge as one of the world’s larg-
cations, especially in the plastics and est manufacturers of oxo performance
lubricants industries for the field of Many customers require pilot quanti- chemicals and continuing to invest
electromobility. ties of more than 20 kgs for their app- in R&D to create added value for our
roval processes. The pilot plant fills customers. This enables us to respond
“In our pilot plant, we manufac- the gap between laboratory and large- quickly and flexibly to changing mar-
ture esters according to specific cus- scale production,” explained Dr. Clau- ket needs and deliver newly developed
tomer requirements to achieve the dia Fischer, Director of Global Busi- ester products through our global pro-
desired chemical and physical properties. ness Development at OQ Chemicals. duction platform.”

144 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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News from Abroad


Chile govt. moves to take control of its vast lithium

Chile’s President Gabriel Boric ducers, respectively. SQM’s contract is
has said that he would nationalise the set to expire in 2030 and Albemarle’s
country’s lithium industry, the world’s in 2043.
second largest producer of the metal
essential in electric vehicle batteries, to Albemarle said the announcement
boost its economy and protect its envi- would have “no material impact on
ronment. our business” and it would continue
talks on investing in further growth and
The shock move in the country “This is the best chance we have at using new technologies in Chile.
with the world’s largest lithium re- transitioning to a sustainable and deve-
serves would in time transfer control loped economy. We can’t afford to The announcement by Chile did
of Chile’s vast lithium operations from waste it,” Mr. Boric said in an address not trigger a reversal in lithium prices,
industry giants SQM and Albemarle to televised nationwide. Future lithium which have plunged more than 70%
a separate state-owned company. contracts would only be issued as pub- from a November peak due to weaken-
lic-private partnerships with state con- ing EV demand in China, the world’s
It poses a fresh challenge to electric trol, he said. biggest auto market.
vehicle (EV) manufacturers scrambling
to secure battery materials, as more The government would not ter- Mr. Boric said state-owned Codelco,
countries look to protect their natural minate current contracts, but hoped the world’s largest copper producer, will
resources. Mexico nationalised its lith- companies would be open to state par- be tasked to find the best way forward
ium deposits last year, and Indonesia ticipation before they expire, he said, for a state-owned lithium company and
banned exports of nickel ore, a key bat- without naming Albemarle and SQM, he would seek approval from Congress
tery material, in 2020. the world’s No.1 and No.2 lithium pro- for the plan in the second half of the year.

Sasol Chemicals opens R&D centre in Germany

Sasol Chemicals, a business unit of
South African chemicals major, Sasol,
has opened a new research, develop-
ment, and analytics (RD&A) laboratory
in Brunsbüttel, Germany.

The €35-mn facility will focus on

advanced and sustainable solutions for
Sasol’s key markets including personal
care, paper industry, metalworking and
lubrication, as well as catalysts and cata-
lyst supports, high-performance abra- qualified analytical equipment, valida- form their portfolios towards more
sives and coatings. ted analytical methods and skilled per- sustainable solutions.”
Part of the analytical laboratory Planning and construction of the
is certified according to Good Manu- Dr. Silke Hoppe, VP of Essential 7000-square-metre facility began in
facturing Practice (GMP) for active Care Chemicals for Sasol Chemicals, April 2019. Using its advanced equip-
ingredients in pharmaceutical applica- said the facility greatly enhances its ment, the facility’s skilled workforce
tions. Labs with this designation ensure ability to partner with customers to will be able to analyse up to 200,0000
a constant high product quality using “address their challenges as they trans- samples a year.

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 145

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News from Abroad


Albemarle to double lithium hydroxide capacity in

US speciality chemicals firm, ters, said Australia is essential to the
Albemarle, has announced plans to build global supply chain for energy storage.
two additional processing trains at the “Our decision to expand was driven by
Kemerton lithium hydroxide plant in our confidence in future demand and
Western Australia, making it the larg- allows us to offer customers additional
est investor in downstream lithium pro- supply from Greenbushes, well known
cessing in the country. as one of the world’s best lithium
mines,” he said.
The expansion will increase
Kemerton’s production capacity by 50-ktpa, Last month Albemarle invested
doubling total production to 100-ktpa, were commissioned as part of a Mineral $125.6-mn in a new workers’ village to
making Albemarle the largest producer Resources and Albemarle Joint Ven- support the Kemerton expansion.
of lithium in Australia. The increase in ture, with Albemarle holding an 85%
production capacity is enough to support interest. Albemarle has also been looking to
the production of batteries for over 2-mn expand outside of its own operations,
electric vehicles each year. But the new trains will be wholly in March submitting a takeover offer
Albemarle owned, and will process of lithium explorer Liontown Resour-
The additional two trains will cost premium spodumene concentrate from ces for $5.2-bn. But Liontown’s board
the company an estimated $1.25-bn to the company’s world-class Greenbushes rejected the offer, and in response
$1.5-bn. The first two trains were com- lithium mine. Albemarle acquired almost 5% in
pleted at Kemerton in 2022 at a cost Liontown’s shares through on-market
of roughly $1-bn. These earlier trains Albemarle’s CEO, Mr. Kent Mas- purchases.


Posco Future M and China’s Huayou announce EV

battery materials collaboration
South Korea’s Posco Future M Co. electric vehicle batteries. Precursors
(formerly Posco Chemical), a leading account for 65-70% of the cost of cath-
secondary battery materials producer, odes.
said it has teamed up with a Chinese
cobalt producer to invest 1.7 trillion Posco Future M said it plans to
won ($1.27-bn) to build production increase its cathode production to
facilities for battery precursors and 610,000-tpa by 2030. It also plans to
anode components. will be spent on building a facility that boost its precursor output to 440,000-tpa
produces battery-grade precursors and from the current 15,000-tpa.
The precursor factory will be esta- high-purity nickel for use in making
blished under a joint venture with battery components. It will go into Posco Future M will invest 500-bn
Huayou Cobalt Co., a major global commercial operations in 2027. A pre- won to expand the anode production
cobalt producer, in an industrial cursor is a specific chemical form con- facility in Pohang over the next two
complex in Pohang, about 260-km taining nickel, cobalt, manganese and years. It expects to boost anode produc-
southeast of Seoul, Posco said. aluminium before it is turned into cath- tion capacity to 320,000-tpa by 2030
odes, a key secondary battery material from the current approximate capacity
Of the investment, 1.2 trillion won that determines the power and range of of 52,000-tpa.

146 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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News from Abroad


Global EV sales rose sharply in 2022, strong growth

expected to continue: IEA
High transportation fuel costs and driving forces in the new global energy
supportive government policies helped economy that is rapidly emerging – and
push global sales of new electric vehi- they are bringing about a historic trans-
cles (EVs) to more than 10-mn units in formation of the car manufacturing
2022, a record 14% of all vehicles sold, industry worldwide,” IEA Executive
according to a new report on EVs from Director, Dr. Fatih Birol said in a state-
the Paris-based energy thinktank, Inter- EV units sold, followed by Europe ment accompanying the report.
national Energy Agency (IEA). (over 20%) and the US (about 8%).
US EV sales remain relatively small in “The trends we are witnessing have
The 2022 percentage was a sharp absolute numbers, but its 2022 sales significant implications for global oil
uptick over 2021 and 2020 percent- shot up 55% compared to 2021 sales. demand,” he continued. “The internal
ages, when only 9% and 5%, respectively, combustion engine (ICE) has gone unri-
of new cars and trucks sold around the The IEA expects worldwide EV valled for over a century, but electric
world were powered by electricity, the sales to accelerate in 2023. With more vehicles are changing the status quo.
agency said while releasing its new than 2.3-mn units sold in the first quar- By 2030, they will avoid the need for at
report, ‘Global EV Outlook 2023: ter, the agency projected full-year 2023 least 5-mn barrels a day of oil. Cars are
Catching up with climate ambitions’. sales could reach 14-mn units. If that just the first wave: electric buses and
number is realised, the agency said, trucks will follow soon.”
At year-end 2022, roughly 26-mn electric cars would account for 18% of
EVs were on the road around the world, global vehicle sales during 2023. The report cited “ambitious policy
the IEA said. The agency projected programmes,” such as the “Fit for 55”
worldwide EV sales could grow 30% to A surge in retail gasoline or diesel package in the European Union and the
40% per year for the remainder of this prices could push those numbers even Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) in the
decade. higher. The IEA credited national US, that are expected to further increase
policies and incentives with driving market share for EVs this decade and
Three markets dominated the global demand for electric transport. beyond. By 2030, it forecast, EVs will
new EV market in 2022: China account for around 60% of new vehicle
accounted for about 60% of global new “Electric vehicles are one of the sales in China, Europe and the US.


Univar to distribute Solvay’s lubricants and metal-

working fluids in China
Univar Solutions China Company The agreement includes high per- and wear. Mr. Federico Montaner,
Ltd., a subsidiary of American chemi- formance speciality additives and com- global vice president of lubricants and
cals distributor, Univar, has announced ponents for optimised metal surface metalworking fluids for Univar, said,
a new exclusive agreement with Sol- cleaning, finishing, and treatment, includ- “Univar has the sales, product, and
vay, expanding the partnership bet- ing surfactants, degreasers, emulsifiers, logistics experience, along with techni-
ween the two companies for a broad boosters, and other additives increasin- cal expertise and leadership in the
range of lubricant and metalworking gly sought by formulators looking lubricants and metalworking fluids indus-
fluid additives for multiple markets for multi-functional ingredients that try to truly support Solvay’s portfolio
in Eastern China, including Shanghai, demonstrate excellent compatibility of innovative and reliable materials that
Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Hunan, and with a wide array of processes and exceed expectations for performance,
Jiangxi. applications while mitigating friction safety, and sustainability.”

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 147

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News from Abroad


SK On, Westwater Resources to jointly develop

anode materials
South Korean battery cell manufac- gic partnerships to secure high-qua-
turer, SK On, is cooperating with US lity battery raw materials to support
graphite company, Westwater Resour- our growing US manufacturing base.
ces, to develop anode materials for its With this agreement, we will conti-
batteries. A later supply of anode mate- nue to strengthen our materials supply
rials is also possible. chain in North America,” said Mr. Sun
Heeyoung, SK On Vice President in
Under the deal, the two companies charge of advanced research.
will work together to develop anode
materials customised for SK On bat- SK On will benefit from the US
teries. Upon the successful completion Alabama. In Kellyton, Westwater is government’s IRA through the partner-
of the development effort, the parties currently building a graphite processing ship with Westwater, while also secur-
expect to negotiate another agreement plant with an initial capacity of ing supplies for its existing US battery
that may allow for the sale of potenti- 7,500-tpa. factories and those under construction.
ally all Coated Spherical Purified
Graphite (CSPG) anode material from Mr. Terence Cryan, Westwater’s SK On currently operates two of its
Westwater’s Kellyton graphite process- Executive Chairman, said, “Following own battery cell factories in the US state
ing plant. the passage of the Inflation Reduction of Georgia. It is also building three US
Act (IRA), many battery manufacturers battery factories – two in Kentucky and
Westwater specialises in the devel- have sought to secure North Ameri- one in Tennessee – as part of the Blue-
opment of anode materials from natural can anode material from our Kellyton Oval SK joint venture with Ford. SK
graphite, and also owns the rights to plant.” On has also set up a joint venture with
explore and potentially mine the Coo- the Hyundai Group to produce battery
sa graphite deposit in Coosa County, “SK On has been pursuing strate- cells for electric vehicles in Georgia.

Sika completes acquisition of Germany-based MBCC

Switzerland’s constriction chemi- and New Zealand to the international countries with 95 production facilities.
cals firm, Sika, has completed its private equity firm, Cinven. Some regu- Sika said the combined group is set to
acquisition of Germany-based MBCC lators were concerned the deal would reach sales in excess of 12 billion Swiss
after receiving all necessary regulatory reduce competition for chemical francs in 2023. Mr. Thomas Hasler,
approvals, the company said. admixtures and concrete admixtures. Sika’s CEO, said, “Thanks to our exten-
sive experience in integrating compa-
In order to get the approvals Sika The business Sika is buying gene- nies, we will successfully bring Sika
said it had agreed to divest MBCC’s rated sales of 2.1-bn Swiss francs and MBCC together and combine our
chemical admixtures assets in the UK, ($2.35-bn) in 2022, employs 6,200 strengths to create the new reference in
the USA, Canada, Europe, Australia, people and operates in more than 60 the construction chemicals industry.”

Versalis to take complete control of Novamont

Versalis – Italian energy group Eni’s announced the signing of an agreement as a leader in the market for biodegrad-
chemical company and a shareholder of for Versalis to acquire the remaining 64% able and compostable bioplastics and bio-
Novamont (36%) – and Mater-Bi – a of Novamont’s shares currently held by chemicals. Versalis said the acquisition
company controlled by Investitori Asso- Mater-Bi. Novamont is a leading player will significantly contribute to the decar-
ciati II and NB Renaissance – have in the circular bioeconomy sector, as well bonisation of its product portfolio.

148 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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News from Abroad


SK Geo Centric, Loop to set up plastic recycling

plant in Korea
SK Geo Centric Co., a petrochem- base, Asia is where most fabric made technologies. Formerly SK Global
ical unit within South Korean con- of polyester is produced, incinerated or Chemical, the Seoul-based firm ac-
glomerate SK Group, said it will set landfilled. quired a 10% stake in Loop for $56.5-mn
up a joint venture with Canada’s Loop in July 2021. Additionally, the two
Industries to create a cluster for plastic Loop’s technology can depoly- companies and French utility company
recycling. SK Geo will hold 51% in the merise waste PET plastic and polyester Suez will jointly set up a factory at the
JV that will set up recycling facilities in fibre, including textiles, plastic bot- Chemesis industrial platform in Saint-
Ulsan, a city on the southeast coast of tles, packaging and ocean plastics that Avoid, France to supply 100% recycled
Korea, by 2025. have been degraded by the sun and PET resin. Injecting a total of €450-mn
salt, to their base monomers of DMT ($496-mn), they will break ground on
By using Loop’s depolymerisation and MEG. The monomers are filtered, the plant in 2025 and construction will
technologies, the plant will produce purified and polymerised to create be completed by end-2027.
70,000-tpa of polyethylene tereph- high-quality PET resin suitable for use
thalate (PET) resin for packaging and in food-grade packaging and polyester SKGC, which acquired a 10%
polyester fibre applications. The two fibre. equity stake in Loop in August 2021,
companies also plan to build three addi- had recently executed a comprehensive
tional manufacturing facilities through- SK Geo Centric and Loop have due diligence to validate Loop’s techno-
out Asia by 2030, according to SK Geo been in a strategic partnership for two logy and its production facility in Terre-
Centric. As a global manufacturing years to step up their green economy bonne, Quebec.


Plastics will remain by far the leading protective

packaging material: Report
According to a new study by The surface protection films to prevent Moulded fibre demand will regi-
Freedonia Group, plastics will remain scratches, and rolled foams for ster robust growth, seeing increased
by far the leading protective packaging additional cushioning). use in non-durables goods packaging.
material, accounting for 71% of protec- Moulded fibre is replacing expanded
tive packaging material usage. Paper will see moderate growth polystyrene in some manufacturing app-
and siphon some share from plastic, lications due to recycled fibre’s more
The report noted that the growth as sustainability trends will encourage environmentally friendly profile (e.g.,
will be supported by: substitution of plastic with paper. For being recyclable and degradable).
* Broad and expanding use of protec- example, paper fill is seeing more use
tive mailers, air pillows, and other in e-commerce applications at plastic’s Sustainability trends will also
flexible products in e-commerce order expense – particularly for shipping less drive fast growth for biodegradable
fulfilment, by far the fastest growing delicate items, such as books and cloth- and compostable materials such as
market for protective packaging; and. ing – due to ongoing efforts of major corn starch, hemp, soy, and mush-
* Increasing e-commerce shipments e-commerce vendors to address con- rooms (counted in Other Materials).
of delicate and fragile items such sumer concerns about packaging sus- However, the high costs and perfor-
as electronics, which require higher tainability. However, in some manufac- mance disadvantages of these bio-
protective performance to avoid turing applications, a lack of suitable based materials in many applications
damage during transit (e.g., moul- alternatives to plastic supports demand mean such products will remain
ded foams to keep items in place, for foams such as moulded EPS. niche, the report stated.

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 149

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News from Abroad


Purecycle’s polypropylene purification plant reaches

mechanical completion
US-based PureCycle Technologies
has said that it has reached mechanical
completion of its first polypropylene
(PP) purification plant in Ironton, Ohio,
and submitted documentation to Lei-
dos Engineering, the site’s independent
construction monitor, for formal certifi-
cation of completion. The Leidos certi-
fication is required to achieve key mile-
stones in connection with PureCycle’s
Ironton financings.

The company said its Ironton facility

will now begin operational pre-start-up
and safety review processes with initial
pellet production anticipated to com-
mence in the second quarter of 2023. PureCycle licenses the patented ble resource. “2023 will continue to be
process for making high-quality recy- an exciting year for PureCycle as we
The Ironton facility, once fully oper- cled resin from The Procter & Gamble kick off operations at our flagship
ational, is expected to produce 107-mn Company, whose scientists developed facility in Ironton. Now that construc-
pounds of Ultra-Pure Recycled (UPR) this technology. The process removes tion is complete, we can begin our
resin annually, making high-quality nearly all contaminants, colours, and ramp-up plan and start producing
recycled PP plastic more accessible at odours from PP plastic waste, trans- UPR pellets,” said Mr. Dustin Olson,
scale. forming it into a continuously renewa- PureCycle’s CEO.


GPCA’s supply chain conference to kick off on May 16

in Saudi Arabia
The Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemi- increasingly required to make connected, Suwaiti, CEO, FAHSS-TUV; Mr. Patrick
cals Association (GPCA) is organising contextual and continuous decisions. Hore, Global Vertical Head of Chemi-
the 14th edition of its annual Supply In this context, expert speakers at the cals, Maersk, Mr. Ibrahim Bin Dayel,
Chain Conference on 16-17 May 2023 GPCA event will discuss what the Director, Global SC Solids, SABIC;
at Le Méridien Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia future competitive supply chain will look Mr. Aslam Moola, Commercial & Busi-
to address ‘New age chemical supply like, the importance of infrastructure ness Development Director, Vopak;
chains in a changing world’. optimisation in complex supply chains, and Mr. Raveen Guliani, VP, Logis-
advancing sustainability through sup- tics & Trade Development, DP World
Supply chain professional are fac- ply chains, the impact of regional regu- UAE The conference will also host the
ing ongoing disruptions, including latory changes and lowering scope 3 ‘4th GPCA Supply Chain Excellence
climate change, labour and supply emissions across the supply chain, Awards’ on May 16, when winners will
shortages, energy supply challenges, among other topics. be announced across four categories:
cybersecurity, global trade and geo-poli- Supply Chain Innovation, Best LSP of
tical conflict, inflation and many more Leading experts scheduled to The Year, Excellence in Sustainability,
unpredictable events, and they are speak at the vent include Mr. Saleh Al- and Women in Supply Chain.

150 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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News from Abroad


BASF and partners demonstrate separation and

recycling of multi-layer packaging on industrial scale
Multi-layer films are used for a wide films can still be improved by optimis-
range of packaging materials, particu- ing individual process parameters as
larly in the food industry. However, the well as, for example, the particle size of
recycling of multi-layer film has proven the flakes,” said Mr. Thore Lucks, Head
difficult because the film is made of dif- of Techology Recycling Solutions at
ferent materials. Krones.

A collaboration project involving The process of separating the PET

the companies BASF, German pack- and PE components of the film is based
aging machine firm, Krones, German on adhesives that were specifically deve-
films maker, SÜDPACK, and Nor- loped for this purpose. These adhe-
wegian sorting technology specialist, lin Grimbacher, Managing Partner at sives are used during the lamination
TOMRA, has demonstrated that it is SÜDPACK who is also responsible for of multi-layer films to join different
possible to separate PET/PE multi-layer R&D. functional materials. The lamination
packaging into its individual compo- adhesive must have the best possible
nents and return them to the materials To close the materials cycle, the adhesive strength when required, but
cycle as raw materials. During the first recyclable multi-layer films first have still makes it possible to easily separate
industrial trial conducted at a Krones to be sorted out of the waste stream. the two films when it comes time to
pilot plant in Flensburg (Germany), the The main determinant of success for recycle. “Our water-based Epotal adhe-
partners were able to completely sepa- this step was the ability of the Autosort sives already yielded very good results
rate as much as 69% of the PET/PE technology of TOMRA to separate the when separating multi-layer packaging
components and partially separate recyclable PET/PE trays from non-recy- in the laboratory. We consider it a huge
another 12%. This approach is special clable trays. “Our technology made success that we were able to completely
as it uses existing infrastructure to recycle this possible because it is able to detect separate 69 percent of the packaging
the multi-layer packaging. the multi-layer PET trays containing during our very first industrial trial.
the adhesive of BASF. With this it’s We are confident that we will be able
The four partnering companies possible to sort the trays out of the to further increase this figure by opti-
combined their know-how in order to waste stream and add them to the recy- mising our debonding adhesive,” said
close the loop. clables,” Mr. David Rüßmann, Manager Mr. Kresimir Cule, Commercial Mar-
Special Projects, explained. keting Industrial Adhesives, BASF.
The first phase of the project was
initiated in early 2021 when TOMRA Krones joined the project team in The project is still ongoing. By adjus-
conducted the first sorting trials with July 2022. At one of the company’s ting various parameters of the recycling
PET/PE trays. These trays had been pilot plants, trials were carried out to test process and by further developing the
manufactured by SÜDPACK using a whether it’s possible to separate lami- lamination adhesive used, the project
“debonding adhesive” developed by nated PET/PE films to their single lay- partners see additional opportunities
BASF. ers in an industrial scale. A standard hot for improving the recycling rate for
washing process commonly used for plastics. The quality of the recycled
“Our contribution to the collabo- PET recycling was applied successfully materials is a major focus. The aim
ration project was our long-standing and as a result, the separated PET and is to be able to re-use the PET for the
expertise in lamination. Using our PE can be re-used as monomaterials. manufacture of food packaging, while
expert know-how in water-based lami- the PE fraction will be used as a raw
nation, we were able to develop multi- “At our facility, we proved that material to make new packaging for the
layer films that can be separated by the delamination of multi-layer films non-food industry. Studies on this will
caustic hot washing,” said Ms. Caro- works. However, the separation of the be carried out shortly.

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 151

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News from Abroad


North American Helium brings sixth helium facility

into production in Canada
North American Helium (NAH) has is continuing to retain uncontracted est facility, current helium production
completed construction of, and success- helium volumes for the spot market as is in excess of 130-mn cubic feet per
fully brought onstream, its sixth helium either high-purity gas or liquid. Due year, representing approximately 5% of
purification facility near Mankota, Saskat- to announced maintenance outages at total helium supply in North America.
chewan, Canada. The new facility was major helium facilities this year, the This does not include another plant we
constructed adjacent to the company’s helium supply deficit is expected to plan to bring online in Q4 of this year.
current plant at Mankota, doubling this worsen in the near term. With the addition of the second rig to
area’s total productive capacity to over our drilling programme, we expect to
50-mn cubic feet per year. Commenting on the company’s drill approximately 30 wells this year
continued operational successes, Mr. to support additional growth in 2024.”
NAH said it has recently completed Marlon McDougall, President & COO
two new multi-year sales contracts and stated, “Bringing on three new helium The company is working to rapidly
has successfully renegotiated several purification facilities in different regi- grow its production to meet the increas-
price reopeners on current contracts, ons of southwest Saskatchewan over ing helium demand from semiconduc-
at prices that better reflect the current the span of the last five months is an tor manufacturing, space exploration,
market. To help customers meet criti- incredible achievement. The company and emerging applications like small
cal business requirements during the now has six helium production facilities modular reactors (SMR) and nuclear
current global helium shortage, NAH online. Including volumes from this lat- fusion.


Neste moves ahead on its green hydrogen project

in Finland
In accordance with its ambition to
reach carbon-neutral production by
2035, Finnish renewable chemicals and
fuels firm, Neste, is working on a 120-MW
electrolyser project to produce
renewable (i.e., green) hydrogen at its
Porvoo refinery in Finland. The com-
pany has decided to proceed to the basic
engineering phase with the project. The
investment decision readiness is expec-
ted to be reached in early 2024. If an
investment decision is made, green
hydrogen production could start in 2026.
used in our Porvoo refinery’s processes, Neste has started a preliminary study
“Our project is one of the largest where it would replace hydrogen pro- with Porvoon Energia on the utilisation
development projects to produce green duced from fossil feedstock,” said Mr. of renewable heat in district heating.
hydrogen in the European refineries Markku Korvenranta, Executive Vice Porvoon Energia is a regional Finnish
and it supports our goal to transform President in Neste’s Oil Products. Pro- energy company focusing on heat and
the Porvoo refinery to the most sustain- duction of green hydrogen also gene- electricity production and distribution,
able refinery in Europe by 2030. The rates renewable heat. In connection with as well as development of the electri-
green hydrogen would be primarily the 120-MW green hydrogen project, city network.

152 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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News from Abroad


Merck plans bioprocessing production centre in

South Korea
German science and technology
company, Merck, has signed a
non-binding Memorandum of Under-
standing (MoU) with the South
Korea’s trade ministry and Daejeon
City for a new Asia-Pacific BioPro-
cessing Center, aimed at supporting
the region’s healthcare ecosystem. The
planned bioprocessing facility would
support commercial manufacturing for
biotech and pharmaceutical customers.

“South Korea is an emerging global

leader in the biotech industry, and this
MoU demonstrates Merck’s commit-
ment to the region by working closely
with the government to better support
our customers,” said Mr. Matthias
Heinzel, Member of the Executive South Korea.” “Daejeon is the birth- of Daejeon. Merck also plans to work
Board of Merck and CEO, Life Sci- place of the Korean biotech industry. with the Daejeon government to sup-
ence. “The proposed facility would It’s where companies, big and small, port biotech companies based in the
play a vital role in fulfilling demand are intensely focused on technological Daedeok Research Complex located
in the Asia-Pacific region while rep- innovation and talent development to in Daejeon, as well as expand the bio-
resenting an important hub for further bring new and novel therapies to mar- research cooperation with leading
biopharma industry development in ket,” said Mr. Jang Woo Lee, Mayor Korean universities.


Glenfarne, Samsung Engineering to partner on

green hydrogen and ammonia initiatives in Chile
Glenfarne Energy Transition, together will have up to 2-GW of solar PV ins-
with its affiliates, has announced the talled capacity and is estimated to
execution and launch of a collaboration produce 459-ktpa of green ammonia
agreement with Samsung Engineering and 89-ktpa of green hydrogen. Green
to complete feasibility studies for multi- Pegasus will primarily focus on export
ple green hydrogen and ammonia pro- to Asia, particularly South Korea, and
jects in Chile as part of Glenfarne’s Europe, where Glenfarne maintains
recently announced hydrogen fuels to advancing the energy transition in several business and commercial partners.
initiative. Chile, Asia, and Europe,” said Mr.
Brendan Duval, CEO and Founder of Glenfarne Energy Transition is a
“Glenfarne Energy Transition is Glenfarne Energy Transition. wholly-owned subsidiary of Glenfarne
thrilled to be strategically collabo- Group, a privately held energy and infra-
rating with Samsung Engineering on Green Pegasus, the first project structure development and manage-
hydrogen fuels projects that will be vital being developed as part of the agreement, ment firm based in the US.

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 153

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News from Abroad


CPHI & PMEC China to be held on June 19-21 in

Leading pharma trade exhibition, not just for domestic companies, but as China-World Innovation and Develop-
CPHI & PMEC China, will be held in a hub of global partnering. “We expect ment Forum, and even an Internatio-
June (19-21) at the Shanghai New Inter- executives to attend from more than nal Regulatory Agencies Updates to aid
national Expo Centre as international 110 countries. And, as a consequence pan-global partnering.
audiences return in search of regional of the last few years, there is huge
ingredient suppliers. The organiser, pent-up demand from international The co-located PMEC focussed on
Informa Markets, expect over 55,000 companies to diversify their supply pharmaceutical machinery event will
visitors to attend the event, which has chains and for Chinese ingredients feature over 1,000 exhibitors showcas-
returned to its pre-pandemic scale with suppliers in particular.” ing everything from laboratory and ana-
over 200,000-sq.m. of exhibition space. lytical equipment, tablet compressors
CPHI & PMEC China will play host and filling machines to next genera-
China opened-up to international to over 3,000 exhibitors representing tion continuous manufacturing techno-
visitors in March and the organiser the entire supply chain from ingredi- logies.
expect a renewed focus on domestic- ents, machinery and finished dosages
international partnering. to nutraceutical extracts, packaging, The 2023 event will also host the
laboratories and clean rooms. Outside China Pharma Environmental Forum,
Ms. Jenny Leung, Regional Manager, of the show floor the event will also the China Biopharmaceutical Summit
Informa Markets, commented that host the InnoPack Awards China, the and the PMEC China Pharmaceutical
2023 is on course to be a huge event and 12th China-World CEO Summit, the Engineering Summit.

Siegfried breaks ground on new R&D centre for

drug substances in Switzerland
Switzerland-based contract manu-
facturer, Siegfried, has broken ground
on its new global R&D centre for drug
substances at its site in Evionnaz (Swit-
zerland). The facility, set to begin oper-
ations in 2024, will work in tandem
with the company’s R&D centre in
Zofingen (Switzerland) to substantially
increase Siegfried’s R&D capacity and
drive future growth.

The company will invest up to CHF

25-mn ($28-mn) in the new centre,
where over 100 skilled specialists will analytical development services for the capsules, sterile vials, ampoules, car-
collaborate with Siegfried’s customers entire drug substances network. tridges, and ointments for the pharma-
to bring innovative products to an indus- ceutical industry. In 2022, the company
trial scale. The centre will feature Siegfried specialises in manufac- reported sales of CHF 1.229-bn and
advanced chemical and analytical turing active pharmaceutical ingredi- operates facilities in Switzerland, Ger-
facilities, state-of-the-art laboratories, ents (APIs) and their intermediates, as many, Spain, France, Malta, US and
and offer chemical process R&D and well as drug products such as tablets, China.

154 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Indian Polyester 2023


Overcapacity and slow demand growth dog global

polyester industry

he global polyester industry is fac-
ing the challenge of overcapacity
with the Chinese adding 1-2 million
tonnes of capacity on an annualised basis
and potentially flooding the market, caus-
ing an oversupply situation. According
to Mr. Samson Lee, Global Head of
Polyesters, Wood Mackenzie, the over-
capacity problem is worsening and
extends throughout the whole value chain
including the two main raw materials
for polyester production – purified tere-
phthalic acid (PTA) and monoethylene
glycol (MEG) – as also para-xylene
(PX) that is almost solely used for PTA
production. He was speaking at the
‘Indian Polyester 2023’ conference
organised by Elite Conferences Pvt. Ltd. recycled fibres in the textile & apparel products promising better returns and
in Mumbai recently. market, impacting virgin fibre demand. indirectly shielding themselves from
the polyester chain’s losses, he added.
“The polyester industry margins “It is about diversifying one’s product
have been badly eroded this year and portfolio; acknowledging that some
unlikely to improve soon. The indus- products will be profitable at some
try is not healthy due to overcapacity point of time, while others will lan-
coupled with demand not improving,” guish. It’s all about widening one’s net
remarked Mr. Lee. Speaking about and riding the commodity, cyclical ups
China, the world’s biggest polyester and downs,” he said.
production base and the world’s biggest
markets for polyesters, Mr. Lee debated PX, PTA trends
the reasons for the continuing capacity According to Mr. Jimmy Zhang,
addition in the country. Industry Analyst, ICIS, of all the poly-
Mr. Samson Lee
ester industry products including PX,
There is the likelihood of produc- “Overcapacity and changing con-
tion cuts to balance the market and the sumption in the polyester chain have
least competitive assets will have to forced Chinese producers to pivot and
bow out, he predicted. reinvent themselves. They are looking
to evolve from polyester makers to inte-
Even as the industry grapples with grated players – both forward as well as
overcapacity challenges, the consump- backward. Besides securing feedstocks,
tion story has not been very positive. the extension into downstream produc-
With spendings impacted by COVID, tion would also ensure ready captive
the polyester segment was severely demand for their output,” he said.
affected and recovery has been very gra-
dual. Moreover, the emphasis on sustain- Producers have also expanded
ability has led to growing demand for their product slates, diversifying into Ms. Stuti Chawla

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 155

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Indian Polyester 2023

PTA, MEG and polyester, there was a the hope of demand from US gasoline by 2026. “Even though there is a lot of
big upheaval only in PX prices. (for blending) picking up and the turn- downstream capacity expansion that is
around season. also happening both for PET and poly-
In her presentation Ms. Stuti Chawla, ester. There is a big question mark over
Managing Editor, S&P Global Com- Ms. Chawla highlighted the huge whether that capacity will be enough to
modity Insights, noted that the price shifts in PTA trade flows in China over absorb the higher PTA production India
spread for PX-PTA has gone over $400 the last five years. China used to be an will have by the end of 2026. There is a
per tonne. This has been driven by ris- exporter of PTA, but its exports have possibility that India might become an
ing PX prices due to shutdowns and risen significantly over the last five exporter of PTA for a few years after
turnarounds over the last few months. years because of huge capacity addi- the new capacities come on stream,”
tions. she said.
While PX producers are increasing
their output rates, PTA producers are “There was 90% drop in PTA Later, Mr. Debabrata Ghosh, Vice
reducing run rates as producing poly- imports by China in the last five years as President & Sales Director, Oerlikon
esters is not very profitable at the domestic supply has increased because Textile India Pvt. Ltd., also underlined
moment. of huge capacity additions. PTA the tough times being faced by the
exports have grown by more than 300% Indian man-made fibre (MMF) firms due
In 2023, PX operating rates are over the last five years. We expect to dumping of PTA and finished yarn by
2.3% higher than in 2022, while PTA this trend to continue due to the large China. “India manufactures about 6-mt
and polyester operating rates are 9.7% PTA capacities coming up in China in of PTA and has a shortage of 1.5-mt to
lower. 2023,” she said. A significant chunk of meet demand. China, with around 20-mt
China’s PTA export is landing in India, of excess PTA consequent to low
Meanwhile in China, a slew of new she added. downstream offtake, has been dumping
PX and PTA capacities came online PTA and finished yarn into India at
in 2022 and more are on the anvil this In India, PTA prices have been ris- unbelievably low prices,” he said.
year. A total of 14.7-mt of PX capacity ing over the past few months, majorly
is expected to come on stream in 2022 driven by higher PX prices. Rising Mr. Ghosh noted that the PTA is
and 2023, while the figure is 24.1-mt polyester imports are posing a huge likely to see capacity addition in India
for PTA. challenge to domestic suppliers. “PTA by 2025 with Reliance Industries Ltd.
margins are not healthy and so imports (RIL) adding 3-mtpa in Gujarat, Gas
However, most of the PTA capa- make a lot of sense for end users,” she Authority of India (GAIL) restarting
city will come on stream in the second said. the over 1-mtpa JBF PTA plant in Man-
half of 2023 with the possibility of PX galore by 2024 and Indian Oil Corpora-
stock built up. However, PX prices has According to Ms. Chawla, India’s tion (IOC) starting its 1.25-mtpa PTA
not gone down partially because of PTA capacity to set to nearly double plant in Paradip, Orissa by Q1-2025.

Polyester demand in India set to overtake cotton

The global textile and apparel increasing focus on health & hygiene;
(T&A) trade is dominated by the MMF emphasis on participation in sports
category with polyester demand being and related activities; and heightened
the largest and fastest-growing in the attention towards functional garments.
world. “Polyester has become the largest and
fastest growing fibre category replacing
According to Mr. Prashant Agrawal, cotton and its demand is expected to
Joint Managing Director, Wazir Advi- increase in the coming years,” he said.
sors, trends in the global fashion
industry are largely driving the demand Mr. Agarwal estimated the Indian
of MMF. These key trends include: T&A market size at $165-bn in 2022-23,
the inclination towards comfort-wear; Mr. Prashant Agrawal with domestic market accounting for

156 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Indian Polyester 2023

about 76% and exports making up India: Share of total fibre demand Global: Share of total fibre demand
the rest. Within the domestic market, Fibre 2021 2030 Fibre 2021 2030
apparel accounted for about 74%
Cotton 50.9% 41.0% Polyester 57% 59.5%
share, followed by technical textiles
with a share of 20%. “The Indian Polyester 38.6% 45.9% Cotton 25% 23.5%
domestic T&A market has grown from Viscose 6.1% 9.2% Viscose 6% 6.8%
$50-bn in 2010-11 to $110-bn in 2021-22, Others 4.4% 3.8% Others 11% 9.7%
registering a growth of 7%. The mar-
ket is expected to grow at 10% CAGR 2030-31,” he observed. The share of is expected to grow and surpass cotton
from 2021-22 to reach $250-bn by polyester in India’s fibre consumption by 2030.

Developments in PET packaging and recycling

The global PET capacity in 2022 new applications for PET in the dairy
was at 33.6-mtpa and demand was at segment in India, with potential for
25.9-mt, according to Mr. Rajiv Kumar, enabling packaging of value-added
Asst. Vice President, PET Market dairy products like ghee, flavoured
Development, Reliance Industries Ltd. milk and smoothies.
He pegged Indian PET capacity at
2.2-mtpa, with demand being 1.5-mt. Mr. Kumar also spoke about the
advances in aseptic food & beverage
packaging, which essentially sterilise
solid or liquid products before pack-
ing and sealing them in sterile environ- Mr. Vijay Habbu
ments. The opportunities for PET pack- found that the global warming potential
aging in liquor industry, edible oil and of glass is 300 times that of PET. PET
health sector were also highlighted. also scored much better on potential
for acidification, eutrophication, ozone
Mr. Kumar noted that PET is a more depletion, marine ecotoxicity and ter-
environment-friendly packaging, com- restrial ecotoxicity.
Mr. Rajiv Kumar pared to glass, given its lower carbon
The global virgin PET consumption footprint. He stressed that PET plastic pack-
is expected to reach 32.35-mt driven by aging can be made not only from vir-
applications in beverage and non-bever- PET – a sustainable packaging option gin grade but also from recycled PET
age (automotive, sheet & foam and Dr. Vijay Habbu, Consultant, RIL, (rPET), as it is u pto 100% recyclable.
renewable energy) segments. The bever- in his presentation on recycled PET It not only recaptures the energy, but
age segment consumed over 21-mt of packaging, also emphasised the fact also translates into numerous life cycles
PET resin globally in 2022. that alternatives to plastic packaging for PET plastic bottles.
would nearly double greenhouse gas
In the beverage segment, packaged emissions. He cited studies conducted Dr. Habbu discussed the compre-
drinking water has seen accelerated in the US, which concluded that the hensive guidelines on Extended Pro-
growth, given the consumers’ sensitivity environment is better off when consumers ducer Responsibility (EPR) for plastic
towards water-borne disease. choose their beverages in PET, rather packaging, notified by the government
than in aluminium cans or glass bottles. last year. The rules classify plastics into
Mr. Kumar underlined the huge four categories:
opportunity in India for PET in the Dr. Habbu also highlighted life  Category one will include rigid
beverages segment, especially in the cycle assessment studies of PET bottles plastic packaging;
carbonated drinks category where the conducted in India by the Institute of  Category two will include flexible
country lags behind leading economies Chemical Technology (ICT), Mumbai. plastic packaging of single layer
in consumption figures. He discussed The study compared glass & PET and or multi-layer, plastic sheets and

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 157

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Indian Polyester 2023

covers made of plastic sheet, carry The EPR guidelines has mandatory to 80% by 2028 under the plan. “It is
bags, plastic sachet or pouches; targets for recycling of plastic packag- a good initiative to have yearly targets
 Multi-layered plastic packaging ing waste, reuse of rigid plastic contain- for the stakeholders on specific types
(at least one layer of plastic and at least ers, use of recycled content and end-of- of plastics,” said Dr. Habbu. However,
one layer of material other than life disposal by producers, importers he added that the government’s target
plastic) will come under category and brand-owners. It sets recycling rate of 0.4-mt of rPET usage expected by
three; and targets of 30-50% for various plastic 2025-26 is very ambitious as it would
 Plastic sheet or like used for pack- packaging by 2025, along with recycled need at least 20 rPET production lines.
aging as well as carry bags made of plastic content requirements of 5-30%. “Among major global economies, India
compostable plastics fall under cate- The recycling rate target for rigid plas- has likely set the most aggressive tar-
gory four. tic, starting at 50% in 2025, will rise gets and earliest peaking,” he noted.


Advances in chemical recycling technologies

The technology advances being Carbon renewal technology can 2025 and 220,000-tonnes by 2030,”
brought about by Eastman Chemical process a broad mix of plastic waste – said Mr. Basu.
Company to ensure a circular economy all types except PVC – to use as inputs,
in plastics was discussed by Mr. Suman whereas polyester renewal technology He informed that Eastman is
Basu, Commercial Manager – India uses a family of polyester material as investing about $2.25-bn in three new
(Plastics), Eastman Chemical Com- the process input. molecular recycling facilities globally.
pany. The first plant, at its flagship facility
In carbon renewal technology the in Kingsport, Tennessee, has the capa-
Of the seven different types of plas- mixture of waste is converted back to city to process 110,000-tpa of polymer.
tics produced, mechanical recycling small molecules and chemical building Commissioning and start-up activities
can only process two: PET and HDPE. blocks that are used to make a broad are set to begin soon and ramp up
Mr. Basu said Eastman’s advanced circular range of new consumer products. The to commercial rates is expected in
recycling technologies, also known as polyester renewal technology unzips 2H-2023.
molecular recycling, help break down polyesters, using either glycolysis or
materials that cannot be mechanically methanolysis to break down hard-to- The second facility, planned for
recycled into its molecular building blocks recycle PET materials such as sheet and France, is a larger one with a capacity
so it can be reused over and over again. fibre into the PET precursors – dimethyl of over 200,000-tpa over two phases,
terephthalate and ethylene glycol. with the first phase coming online
Eastman utilises two types of mole- in 2026. The third plant, at an as-yet
cular recycling technologies: carbon “Eastman’s molecular recy- undetermined site in the US, will also
renewal technology and polyester cling technologies will process over have the same configuration as the
renewal technology. 110,000-tonme of waste annually by French facility.

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158 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Special Report

Is sugarbeet a viable substitute for sugarcane in India?

ndia emerges as the world’s voyager, Francis Bernier (1620-1680),
largest producer and consumer mention sugarcane cultivation in Ben-
Retired Industrial Advisor
of sugar and also largest exporter,” gal and Kerala. Scribes accompanying
Dept. of Chemicals and Petrochemicals
a government press release on October Alexander when invading India
Government of India
5, 2022 announced. In sugar season 2021 (326 BC), record that the inhabitants
Email: [email protected]
(October 2020-September 2021), a chewed a marvellous reed, which pro-
record of more than 5,000-lmt (lakh met- duces a kind of honey without the help been a part of Dr. Rajendra Prasad Cen-
ric tonnes) of sugarcane was crushed by of bees. tral Agricultural University.
sugar mills to produce about 394-lmt of
white sugar. Out of this, 35-lmt of sugar Vasco da Gama observed an active Vigorous research activity has con-
was diverted to ethanol production, and sugar market in Calicut when he arri- tinued for sustained upgradation of
359-lmt was produced and sold as sugar. ved on Indian shores in 1497. matters related to sugarcane cultivation
Exports of sugar (109.8-lmt) earned foreign and processing. The aim has been con-
exchange of about Rs. 400,000-crore Sugarcane R&D set up in India stant improvement of sugarcane variety
for the country. Sugarcane cultivation and the sugar and sugar productivity; enhancement in
industry could reach these heights due resource utilisation efficiency; irriga-
The success story of our sugar to the continuous support received from tion management; pests and diseases
industry is the result of synchronous the well-organised R&D set up in the management; profitable intercropping,
and collaborative efforts of Central country over many decades. etc. for benefit of the farming commu-
and State Governments, farmers, sug- nity and industry. Under the ‘All India
ar mills, ethanol distillers, etc. The India’s first Agricultural Research Coordinated Research Project on Sugar-
growth of ethanol as biofuel in last few Institute was established at Mushari cane’ (AICRP) of the Indian Council
years has amply supported the sugar (Muzaffarnagar), Bihar. This institute of Agricultural Research (ICAR),
sector. had a Sugarcane Research Unit. The research activities are being carried out
foundation stone of the institute was in 48 research institutes (main institutes
The sugar industry has over decades laid by Lord Curzon, the then Gover- and their branches) all over the country
been consistently backed by continuous nor General and Viceroy of India in (see Tables 1a and 1b).
R&D efforts – for improved variety of 1905. The institute was named Impe-
sugarcane; raising productivity; man- rial Agricultural Research Institute India has wide climatic and soil con-
agement of pest & diseases; water man- in 1911 and housed in a magnificent ditions, varying sometimes from dis-
agement; post-harvest practices; etc. building. The disastrous earthquake of trict to district. Sowing season in north
1934 completely destroyed the build- and south are different. To concentrate
History of cultivation of sugarcane ing beyond repair. This was the main on local problems, these research units
India has a rich history of sugarcane reason to transfer it to Delhi and house are scattered all over the country from
cultivation and sugar production since it in a new building, which was inau- Navsari in Gujarat to Jorhat in Assam;
time immemorial. It is believed that gurated on November 1936. Post-inde- and from Pantnagar in Uttarakhand
sugarcane was grown in India since the pendence, the institute was renamed as to Trichur in Kerala and Cuddalore
Vedic period. Atharvaveda (1500-800 BC) Indian Agricultural Research Institute in Tamil Nadu. Some of the institutes
and other ancient scriptures have (IARI), popularly known as Pusa Insti- are world-renowned. It is reported
numerous references of ‘ikshu’ (sugar- tute, which turned itself into a premier that sugarcane varieties developed by
cane). The Atharvaveda exalts ‘Kama’, research institute in the world in course ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute,
the lord of desire, patron of pleasure, as of time. Coimbatore, are being cultivated in
a supreme god. He infuses bodies with more than 50 countries in the sugarcane
passion and inspiration. He has been The Sugarcane Research Station cultivating belt across the world.
described as riding a parrot, surrounded (earlier attached to this institute) was
by bees and butterflies, using a sugar- transferred to Pusa (Samastipur) from Sugarcane is the hallmark of eco-
cane bow to shoot love arrows in the Mushari in 1936. After independence nomic development of India and has
hearts of all creatures. Explorer, Ibn it was under control of Bihar Govern- an important role in making India self-
Battuta (1304-1369) and famous ment. From October 7, 2016, it has reliant. It creates direct and indirect

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 159

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Special Report

Table 1a: AICRP (Sugarcane) Centres – Regular Centres

State Name of centre and affiliation Year of Start
Andhra Pradesh Regional Agricultural Research Station, Anakapalle (ANGRAU, Hyderabad). 1971
Assam Sugarcane Research Station, Buralikson (AAU, Jorhat). 1975
Bihar Sugarcane Research Institute, Pusa (RAU, Pusa). 1970
Gujarat Main Sugarcane Research Station, Navsari (NAU, Navsari). 1973
Haryana Regional Research Station, Uchani (CCS HAU, Hisar). 1975
Karnataka Zonal Agricultural Research Station, Mandya (UAS, Bangalore). 1975
Karnataka Agricultural Research Station, Sankeshwar (UAS, Dharwad). 1995
Kerala Sugarcane Research Station, Thiruvalla (KAU, Trichur). 1975
Madhya Pradesh Zonal Agricultural Research Station, Powarkheda (JNKVV, Jabalpur). 1970
Maharashtra Central Sugarcane Research Station, Padegaon (MPKV, Rahuri). 1970
Maharashtra Regional Sugarcane & Jaggery Research Station, Kolhapur (MPKV, Rahuri). 1970
Odisha Sugarcane Research Station, Nayagarh (OUAT, Bhubaneswar). 1983
Punjab PAU Regional Research Station, Kapurthala (PAU, Ludhiana). 1970
Punjab Regional Research Station, Faridkot (PAU, Ludhiana). 1995
Rajasthan Agricultural Research Station, Kota (Agriculture University, Kota). 1995
Rajasthan Agricultural Research Station, Sriganganagar (SKRAU, Bikaner). 1997
Tamil Nadu Sugarcane Research Station, Cuddalore (TNAU, Coimbatore). 1973
Tamil Nadu ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore. 1970
Haryana SBI-Regional Centre Karnal, Haryana. 1970
Uttarakhand G.B. Pant University of Agriculture Technology, Pantnagar. 1970
Uttar Pradesh UP Council of Sugarcane Research, Shajahanpur. 1975
Uttar Pradesh ICAR-Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow. 1970
Bihar IISR-Regional Centre, Motipur . 2003
West Bengal Sugarcane Research Station, Bethuadahari. 1975
Table 1b: AICRP (Sugarcane) Centres – Voluntary Centres
State Name of Centre and Affiliation
Andhra Pradesh Sugarcane Research Station (ANGRAU), Vuyyuru.
Andhra Pradesh Agricultural Research Station, Perumallapalle (ANGRAU), Chittur.
Chattisgarh Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur.
Karnataka Karnataka Institute of Applied Agricultural Research, Sameerwadi, Bagalkot.
Maharashtra Punjab Rao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola.
Maharashtra Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Manjari, Pune.
Maharashtra Padamshree Dr. Vithalrao Vikhe Patil Sahakari Karkhana, Pravaranagar, Ahmednagar.
Maharashtra Regional Sugarcane Research Station (Marathwada Agricultural University), Basmathnagar, Parbhani.
Tamil Nadu Sugarcane Research Development Centre, E.I.D. Parry (India) Ltd., Pugalur.
Tamil Nadu Research & Development Centre, EID Parry (India) Ltd., Nellikuppam, Cuddalore.
Telangana Regional Sugarcane and Rice Research Station, Rudrur (PJTSAU), Nizamabad.
Uttar Pradesh Sugarcane Research Station (UPCSR), Muzaffarnagar.
Uttar Pradesh G.S. Sugarcane Breeding Research Station (UPCSR), Seorahi, Kushinagar.
Uttar Pradesh Sugarcane Research Centre (UPCSR), Kunraghat, Gorakhpur.
employments in rural areas. All sugar Other important institutes related to tural Sciences (NAAS), New Delhi,
producing states have Sugarcane Deve- sugarcane and sugar industry are: with 12 Regional Chapters, viz.,
lopment Departments to render help to sug-  National Sugar Institute, Kanpur; Bengaluru, Bhopal, Cuttack,
arcane farming community of their states.  The National Academy of Agricul- Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Karnal, Kol-

160 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Special Report

kata, Lucknow, Ludhiana, Mumbai, 50% moisture). With an average size of that sugarcane bagasse can also be used
Patna, and Varanasi; and approximately 2.5 mm, it is an industrial as an efficient and effective medium for
 ICAR-National Academy of Agri- raw material and often its importance sugarcane nurseries developing promi-
cultural Research & Management and versatility are under-estimated. sing cultivars.
(NAARM), Hyderabad.
Sugar mills primarily use bagasse Bagasse is a proven substitute of
The Sugar Technologists Associ- as a fuel source, and burning of bagasse wood in the manufacture of paper and
ation of India is an active organization. produces enough thermal energy to board in India and many other tropi-
Conferences and Seminars organised meet all the needs of the plant. cal and sub-tropical countries like
by them are a forum for exchange of Argentina, China, Cambodia, Iran, and
ideas and recent developments in the Bagasse is used to generate elec- Thailand. Many bagasse-based produc-
industry. trical energy through the use of high- tion units exists in the country, manu-
pressure boilers and a special type of facturing kraft paper, writing-printing
Benefits of sugarcane steam turbine. Burning of one metric paper, newsprint, corrugated wrapping
Sugarcane has the remarkable char- tonne of bagasse may generate about paper, etc. Tamil Nadu Newsprint and
acteristic of yielding green matter, 450-kWh of electricity. The exhaust Paper Ltd. (TNPL), for example, manu-
energy and fibre in a shorter cycle than steam that leaves the boiler serves the factures high quality newsprint and
any other plant species. It is the most energy needs of evaporation of cane writing-printing paper from bagasse.
efficient instrument for conversion of juice, and other thermal energy needs With an installed capacity of 0.4-mtpa
solar energy to carbohydrates and fibre. of the mill. distributed between two production
Every part of sugarcane and the by- units, one in Karur district and another
products of cane processing, are inputs There are currently 147 sugar mills in Trichy district, their products are
for different utilities. in the country that have cogenera- being used is 20 countries throughout
tion facilities, cumulatively generating the world.
Green leaves are fodder for cattle; 3,067-MW of electrical power. They
crop wastes (dry leaves and tops) are are delivering as much as 1,900-MW Particle Boards can also be made in
used as fuels in rural areas. of surplus electric power to the national a ‘dry process’ by binding bagasse
grid, after fulfilling their own require- fibre with resin and making it denser and
Filter mud, the residue, which is ments. In the coming years, sugar mills harder by machine pressing. The water-
precipitated during juice clarification in India are anticipating to generate resistant type is being used to make
process in sugar manufacture, is widely 7,000-MW of electric power and to furniture such as cabinets, cupboards,
used as manure for its high content of contribute 3,500-MW of surplus power racks, doors, partitions etc. There are
nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium and orga- to the national grid. about 12 particle board manufactur-
nic matters. ing units in India-based on the surplus
There are about 720 sugar mills bagasse collected from adjoining sugar
Molasses is the most outstanding in all throughout the country. Among mills of the area.
by-product in sugarcane processing them, 426 were reported to be in opera-
(35-40% of cane processed) during the tion as on 30th November 2021. If all Composites made out of bagasse
manufacture of sugar. Apart from manu- the sugar mills had a cogeneration with Portland cement, calcinated mag-
facture of ethanol by fermentation, it facility, the availability of surplus power nesite or gypsum are used in construc-
is also a raw material for producing to the national grid would have been tion industry and for other industrial
butanol-acetone mixture, citric acid, even more. purposes.
glutamic acid, gluconic acid, itaconic
acid, lactic acid, l-lysine, glycerine, Alternate uses for bagasse Bagasse table-wares, such as dis-
single cell protein, etc. by selective fer- Bagasse can be used with other ligno- posable plates and cutleries, have been
mentation. cellulosic biomass (LCB) as a raw introduced in recent years, and are not
material in 2G Ethanol plants, as well only fashionable, but replace polysty-
Bagasse for power as in biogas plants. rene and other plastics products. These
Bagasse is the product obtained eco-friendly disposable products made
from the last tandem roller of the sugar Recent studies (Prianka Singh et al, of bagasse pulp have come as blessings
mills (28-32% of cane crushed with Sugar Tech. 23(3), July 2021) suggests after the ban on single-use plastics.

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 161

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Special Report

They have been accepted in the export dated back to the 1950s, when it was the early 1990s. But due to consecutive
market as well, especially in the Middle for meeting population’s basic calorie crop failures, as a result of excessive
East. requirement.” rain, the plant had to be abandoned.
In the northernmost district Mardan of
Bagasse utilisation is saving trees There are many research & review Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pakistan), sugar-
whose contribution to maintaining the articles and study reports available beet is produced due to the colder
ecology and environment need not be from our own research institutes over climate persisting there. The Premier
emphasized. TNPL requires 1-mtpa decades which are more relevant to Sugar Mills in Mardan City runs on
of bagasse at their optimum capacity, sugarcane cultivation and recovery of sugarbeet and partly on sugarcane. I
and claims that this amount of bagasse sugar in the Indian situation. But a sec- had the opportunity to spend a day there
saves 40,000-acres of forest area from tion of society is always crazy about during May 1991 with an international
destruction every year. anything ‘foreign’. In Chemical News, delegation.
July 2022 issue, an author highlighting
At present only 5-6% of bagasse is advantages of sugarbeet, advocated its The ICAR-Indian Institute of Sugar-
saved in sugar mills, after meeting their introduction in the country especially cane Research, Lucknow has a unit
captive fuel needs. The savings can be for production of bioethanol. for ‘Sugarbeet Research & Develop-
higher – up to 20% – by adopting better ment’. This unit has developed sugar-
bagasse management. A tonne of sug- The protagonists of sugarbeet how- beet with wide tolerance levels, which
arcane absorbs more carbon dioxide ever have overlooked the simple fact can be cultivated in extended seasons.
while growing than produced by burn- that sugarbeet is a crop cultivated in The institute is also reported to have
ing the same quantity of bagasse. colder regions. It is a favoured cash developed agri-techniques for tropical
crop on the plains of the European and sub-tropical cultivation of sugar-
Sugarbeet vs sugarcane Union, Russian Federation, Ukraine beet, mechanical methods of sowing,
Lately views have been expressed and northern states of the USA. By a crop raising, harvesting and also seed
advocating introduction of sugarbeet, natural process of selectivity over the production.
replacing sugarcane, and branding the ages, colder regions adopted cultiva-
latter a ‘water-guzzling’ crop, with tion of sugarbeet, even as the tropical Considering all aspects holistically,
laments expressed for ‘not doing and sub-tropical regions, with plenty of and as relevant to the Indian landscape
enough’ for sugarbeet. sunshine, adopted sugarcane. In fact, and social structure, let experts and
an alcohol distillery (IFB Agro) was set policy makers decide whether replace-
It may be pointed out here that other up in West Bengal’s coastal area based ment of sugarcane by sugarbeet is a
important crops like cotton and paddy on locally introduced sugarbeet during viable proposition.
are more ‘water guzzling’ than sugar-
cane. The April 2022 issue of ‘Down ABOUT THE AUTHOR
to Earth’, the mouth piece of the Cen- Mr. Amiya Kanti Das (born 1939) is a B.Sc (Hons.) and
tre for Science and Environment, an M.Sc in Chemistry from Calcutta University. After a stint in
NGO, comments: “Beet has emerged as research on natural products, he was awarded C.Chem., MRSC
a global alternative to water-guzzling from Royal Society of Chemistry, London. He is a member
sugarcane when it comes to sugar of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers and American Chemi-
extraction. This can considerably ease cal Society. He underwent specialised in-plant training in
concern around crop sustainability in Germany and attended a course of ‘Choice of Proper Technology’
states like Maharashtra, where sugar- in the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow and a course on ‘Project Appraisal’
cane eats into the irrigation resources in IIM, Bangalore. He has done Post Graduate Specialisation in Environmental
of other crops.” Control, from University of Ghent, Belgium.

The write up mentions a study Widely travelled in Europe and India, he was a regular contributor in chemi-
of Stanford University, USA which cal journals during 80’s and 90’s and is proficient in German and Russian. Be-
“showed how the country must move fore retirement on superannuation on May 31, 1997 from the post of Industrial
towards more sustainable cultivation Advisor in the Dept. of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, he dealy with diverse
of sugarcane.” The study further com- chemical industries for three decades.
ments that “the country’s use of sugar

162 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Bharat Jyoti Impex
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Special Report

Should the popular drug Paracetamol be banned

applying the Precautionary Principle?

Precautionary Principle tive disorders in the
GAnEsAn sHunmuGAm
he Precautionary Principle is the offspring.
One study has des-
most nebulous regulatory policy 
indiscriminately advocated by acti- cribed a relationship International Treaties Expert Committee
vists to ban chemicals in the guise of pro- between maternal Indian Chemical Council (ICC)
tecting our health and environment. paracetamol consum- Email: [email protected]
ption and earlier fit analysis. The risks associated with
Principle 15 of the Rio Declaration of puberty in females. paracetamol are few – probably one in a
the United Nation Conference on Envi-  Three epidemiological studies million –whereas the benefits are substan-
ronment 1992 defined the Precautionary have reported association between tial. The benefits outweigh the risks.
Principle as follows: “Where there are paracetamol intake and increased Besides, neurodevelopmental disorders are
threats of serious or irreversible damage, cryptorchidism. This is a disorder in multi-factorial and cannot be completely
lack of full scientific certainty shall not be which one or both the testes fail to de- linked to a singular cause.
used as reason for postponing cost-effec- scend in male infants.
tive measures to prevent environmental  Gevin et al found difference in DNA Remember, risk-free life is an utopian
degradation.” metalation in cord blood from chil- concept; an impossible ideal in the real
dren with attention deficit and hyper- world.
Precautionary Principle is an emotion- activity disorder (ADHD) linked to
ally appealing concept. Experience shows long-term maternal paracetamol use, Final message
that environmental activists in fact abuse compared to children unexposed to The rationale that applies to
this principle to attempt to eliminate cer- paracetamol. paracetamol should apply to pesticides
tain cost-effective pesticides, which have  There are other studies that found levels too. It is irrational to seek to ban well-
served the farming community for long. of paracetamol metabolites in umbili- known, cost-effective and time-tested
Here is an analogy that would help cal cord to be associated with increased pesticides citing the Precautionary Prin-
understanding the gravity of the problem risk of autism spectrum disorder. ciple on the basis of some stray scientific
associated with the Precautionary Principle.  Zeyan Liew et al found that reports ignoring the weight of evidence.
paracetamol use during pregnancy
Paracetamol was associated with subnormal While medicines provide health security,
Paracetamol (N-acetyl-p-aminophenol) attention and executive function in pesticides provide food security. Both are
is a common drug used globally to relieve the offspring at age five. important. There must not be a discrimina-
pain and reduce fever. Paracetamol is an  Dr. Kevin Christensen from the Uni- tory approach towards pesticides. Remember,
over the counter (OTC) drug, and there- versity of Copenhagen found that the medicines and pesticides undergo rigor-
fore accessible to all. The worldwide use of paracetamol during pregnancy ous tests to assess their impact on health
sale of paracetamol is estimated to be affects the mental ability of children and environment before being allowed
around $1.6-bn. It is absolutely impos- and their ability to learn. for marketing.
sible to find a person who would not have  Agnieszka Baranska et al confirmed References
taken paracetamol in his/her lifetime. that maternal paracetamol use dur- 1.
Paracetamol also played a valuable role ing pregnancy is associated with an
in managing the COVID pandemic. increased risk of asthma or wheezing
2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.
in their children.
Paracetamol and Precautionary Prin-
ciple The Question 3.
Recent reports bring out some health Should Paracetamol be banned apply- ticle/45/6/2009/2724482
risks linked to paracetamol. ing the Precautionary Principle? 4.
 In 2022, scientists from Cambridge No, would be the obvious response. should-avoid-paracetamol-know-
University found that intra-uterine Rightly so! After all, the usefulness of its-side-effects-7143553.html
paracetamol exposure may be associ- paracetamol is well established. The 5.
ated with certain congenital/reproduc- drug’s use follows rigorous risk-bene- 0383/12/5/1832

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 165

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Special Report

Chemical industry tackles biggest transformation in

its history

t is a mammoth undertaking: Most by 2070; and the chemical nations ARMIN SCHEUERMANN
nations want to become climate- Japan (2.9%) and South Korea Chemical engineer and freelance
neutral by 2050 – and with them (1.7%) by 2050. But a simple rough trade journalist
the companies in the chemical industry. calculation shows: Emissions must fall
Because on the one hand it produces significantly sooner in order to meet the have set themselves milestones. The
energy-intensively, and on the other it budget. With unabated CO2 emissions, German chemical company, BASF,
cannot do without carbon, the chemical the emissions budget would already be for example, wants to replace all fossil
industry is having a particularly hard exhausted by 2040. fuels with electricity from renewable
time decarbonising. But this only spurs sources by 2030. The US company,
the industry’s researchers and engi- Chemical industry under decarboni- Dow, is focusing on material cycles
neers on even more. sation pressure and plans to use plastic waste and
The chemical industry has an alternative raw materials by 2030 to
Time is pressing and the budget important role to play here: on the then produce 3-mtpa of recyclable
is limited. What applies to almost all one hand, because it is responsible for products. Exxonmobil Chemicals plans
areas of life also applies, in particular, around 5% of CO2 emissions, and on to emit about 20-30% less greenhouse
to global greenhouse gas emissions. the other hand, because the chemical gases by 2030 than in 2016. The plans
196 nations had already agreed in industry, with its products, holds the of other major chemical companies
Paris in 2015 to limit global warming key to most technologies for a climate- are even more ambitious: the British
to below 2°C and, if possible, not neutral economy. This is because petrochemical group INEOS wants to
to exceed even 1.5°C. Climate the greenhouse gas emissions of the reduce its emissions by a third by 2030,
researchers have calculated what is chemical industry have two causes: compared to 2019, and Mitsubishi
needed to achieve this – not only in Energy production (approx. 60%) and Chemical (Japan) and SABIC (Saudi
percentage terms, but also in absolute chemical reactions (40%). Arabia) have set themselves similar
figures: in 2018, the emissions budget targets with different reference years.
for the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide The climate goals that chemical
(CO2) was still 800-Gt (gigatonnes). companies have set for themselves are So far, the world’s largest
According to estimates by the Potsdam not only motivated by altruism. In the chemical company by far remains
Institute for Climate Impact Research, meantime, investors are putting a lot vague: Sinochem, which merged with
this was the maximum amount of CO2 of pressure on them: more and more Chemchina in 2021. Besides the general
that the global community was allowed financial funds are only investing in reference to the implementation of
to release into the Earth’s atmosphere at companies that take measures to reduce measures to improve energy efficiency,
that time without jeopardising the target their greenhouse gas emissions. And the the company refers to the general
of +1.8°C. But the clock is ticking: fact that the largest chemical companies goal of the Chinese government in its
Because fossil fuels were also used have chosen their own time target sustainability report for 2021. This
between 2018 and 2022, the budget has for climate neutrality in line with the aims for climate neutrality by 2060 and
been reduced by an average of 36.4-Gt national targets at their headquarters is a maximum of annual CO2 emissions
per year since then – which means that no coincidence: If the target is missed, by 2030 at the latest.
618-Gt remain from 2023. there is a threat of fines and bans on
operations. Some chemical companies expect
The largest emitters have therefore that rapid decarbonisation will also
set concrete targets: China, with a A look at the plans of the largest pay off economically. More and more
share of 32.9% of annual global CO2 chemical companies shows that the customers are already paying attention
emissions (2021), and Russia (5.1%) industry is rising to the challenge. to the carbon footprint of products when
want to become climate neutral by The large western corporations making purchases. And it is no longer
2060, the USA (12.6%) and Europe want to operate in a climate-neutral only emissions from the combustion of
(7.3%) by 2050; India (7.0%) only manner by 2050, at the latest, and fossil fuels (Scope 1) that are accounted

166 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Special Report

for. Indirect greenhouse gas emissions news. If the furnaces can be heated region. Without the import of green or
from purchased energy (Scope 2) or in with renewable electricity, this would blue hydrogen, ammonia or methanol
the upstream and downstream supply be an important step towards climate- from regions with large capacities for
chain (Scope 3) are now also being neutral chemistry. BASF, SABIC and renewable electricity, most chemical
considered. The plastics manufacturer, Linde are currently working together nations will not be able to achieve the
Covestro, for example, is planning to on an electrically heated steam cracker. goal of climate neutrality.
become climate-neutral with regard In parallel, Dow and Shell are driving
to Scope 1 and 2 as early as 2035 and development forward together. While In addition, the complete
then wants to close product cycles these processes are initially to be tested abandonment of fossil raw materials
completely, in order to achieve climate- on a pilot scale, INEOS has already will require the synthesis of chemicals
neutrality with regard to Scope 3 as announced the construction of a large- from hydrogen and carbon dioxide in
well. scale plant in the port of Antwerp. the future. The process for this – the
Although the technology for this is still Fischer-Tropsch synthesis – is available.
The chemical industry must reinvent open, the new cracker is to use ethane Waste gas flows from the cement
itself as a raw material and could in future be industry (sector coupling), for example,
The example shows that chemistry heated exclusively with climate-neutral come into question as a carbon dioxide
must reinvent itself. This requires new hydrogen. In addition, options for source.
ways of producing and using energy; carbon capture and storage (CCS) and
new forms of cooperation between electrically powered furnaces are to be Hydrogen also plays a central role
chemical companies, raw material considered during construction. in the production of the largest basic
suppliers and buyers of the products; chemical in terms of volume: ammonia.
and, last but not least, new processes. Electrification and the circular No other chemical manufacturing
Although global chemical industry economy process emits as much climate-
synthesises thousands of compounds, In general, electrification is an damaging CO2. Until now, ammonia
the greatest potential for reducing essential lever with regard to climate- has mainly been produced from natural
emissions can be narrowed down to just neutral chemistry. If the required gas by steam reforming, but in future
eight products: 75% of greenhouse gas process steam is no longer produced it will require enormous quantities of
emissions come from the production of from the combustion of fossil fuels climate-neutral hydrogen. This can be
ammonia, ethylene, propylene, nitric in the future, but with sustainably produced either by water electrolysis
acid, carbon black, caprolactam, soda generated electricity, large savings in with renewable electricity, or by steam
ash and fluorochemicals. CO2 emissions can be achieved. Heat reforming with subsequent CO2 capture
pumps can also play a role in this: and storage (blue hydrogen). A new
One approach in the production Powered by renewable electricity, they approach is methane pyrolysis, which
of ethylene and propylene is the make it possible to generate steam is currently being developed by several
development of electrically heated from previously unused residual heat. companies and research institutions.
steam crackers. This is currently being Together with MAN Energy, BASF
promoted by numerous chemical is currently investigating the use of a Another basic chemical is also based
companies. This is because the cracking large heat pump with a thermal output on natural gas: the alcohol methanol. In
furnaces, in which the basic materials of 120-Mw at its Ludwigshafen site. the future, this could be produced from
for the production of plastics and hydrogen and carbon dioxide generated
basic chemicals – ethylene, propylene More and more chemical companies from biomass or other industrial
and butenes from naphtha – have a are now even securing electricity processes (sector coupling).
miserable energy balance: almost 700-kg supplies from wind farms for the
of CO 2 are produced per tonne of electrification of their processes – even Another source of raw materials
ethylene produced. from those that have not even been in the future can be provided by the
built yet. But the renewable electricity circular economy: for example, plastics
The total CO2 emissions of the capacities needed for electricity-based manufacturers are working on new
globally operated steam crackers are chemistry are enormous. According to processes with which plastic waste
estimated at 300-mtpa. 90% of this a DECHEMA study, almost 50% more can be turned into the starting material
is accounted for by the heating of the electricity would be needed in Europe for the production of basic chemicals
cracking furnace – and that is the good for this than is currently available in the through mechanical and chemical

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 167

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Special Report

recycling. Solvolysis, depolymerisation In general, it is worth taking a of €1 trillion will be necessary in Europe
or – in the case of mixed waste – look at the high-temperature processes alone. And time is pressing, because
pyrolysis provide new monomers because they often cannot be electrified new plants have a typical lifetime of
or synthesis gas that can be used for at all. These include, in particular, 30-50 years, they should also be able to
the production of new plastics and rotary kilns and blast furnace processes operate under the primacy of net-zero
chemicals. that have to be converted to biogenic or emissions.
carbon-free fuels.
New business models and flexible The industry is convinced that this is
processes in demand However, it will be some time technically possible. For example, the
However, a chemical industry based before the new processes based on DECHEMA study ‘Roadmap Chemis-
on green electricity and green hydrogen renewable electricity or bio-based try 2050’ states: “The comprehensive
will not only require new processes, but raw materials are mature enough to use of new technologies makes it pos-
also new business models. The current produce a significant positive climate sible to still achieve the goal of almost
approach of continuous production 24 effect in the global chemical industry. complete greenhouse gas neutrality in
hours a day, seven days a week cannot Decarbonisation by capturing and 2050.”
easily be transferred to a world with storing the resulting CO2 (CCS, CCUS)
fluctuating electricity volumes and therefore offers itself as a bridge About ACHEMA
prices. Flexible processes are needed, technology. This could decarbonise the ACHEMA is the world forum
but also processes in which hydrogen production of (blue) hydrogen and the for chemical engineering, process
will play a major role as energy stor- basic chemicals ammonia and methanol, engineering and biotechnology. The
age, energy carrier and raw material. as well as higher-value chemicals such world’s leading show for the process
Electrification is supported by current as ethylene, propylene or aromatics. industry takes place every three years
developments in electrochemistry: this The limiting factor here so far has been in Frankfurt. The spectrum ranges
enables chemical conversions at lower the availability of CO2 deposits and the from laboratory equipment, pumps
temperatures and pressures. lack of capture capacities. The United and analytical devices, to packaging
Nation’s Inter-governmental Panel machinery, boilers and stirrers, to
Efficient reaction technology, on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates safety technology, materials and
especially with new catalytic processes, that at least 4-Gt of CO2 will have to software, thus covering all the needs
will make a further contribution to be saved annually by 2050 via carbon of the chemical, pharmaceutical and
climate-neutral chemistry: Linde and management and removal technologies food production industries.
Shell, for example, are investigating in order to achieve the 1.5°C target.
a new process that could completely The accompanying congress,
replace steam crackers: Ethylene Investments need a competitive featuring scientific lectures and numerous
synthesis based on catalytic dehydroge- framework guest and partner events, complements
nation of ethane. Because the process, The measures towards a climate- the wide range of exhibition themes.
known as Edhox, takes place at 400°C neutral chemical sector will not come The next ACHEMA will take place
instead of 850°C, the energy require- for free. According to estimates by from June 10-14, 2024 in Frankfurt,
ment is significantly reduced. Accenture and NexantECA, investments Germany.

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We offer Green Chemistry from BASF for Textiles / Cleaners /
Detergents / Agro / Pharmaceuticals and various applications
• Lutensol XP/XL Types - APEO free surfactants based on Guerbet Alcohol Ethoxylate.
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• Glutaraldehyde 50% • Isononanoic Acid
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• Hydroblue 90
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• Methane Sulphonic Acid (MSA) • PolyTHF 2000
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All the above products manufactured by BASF Available ex-stock
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(3-Mercapto-1,2-Propanediol) (1-Thioglycerol) • SODIUM / POTASIUM STANNATE
CAS No.: 96-27-5 (Origin - USA)
Fumaric Acid – Make Thirumalai • SODIUM MOLYBDATE
Please contact: MOLYCHEM Plot No. 8, Phase-2,
GIDC Vatva, Ahmedabad-382445.

Maker Tower “E”, 41-A2, 4th Floor, Above Maker Arcade, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005. Email : [email protected]
Tel.: 022 - 40668111 w Mob.: +91-9820041557 Contact Person: Mr. Hardik Patel (09913767075)
Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr. Kushal Damani (09825032614)

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(Powder / Granular)
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TaTva ChinTan Pharma Chem lTd. Admin. Office: 711, Ecstasy, Business Park, City of Joy.,
J.S.D. Marg, Mulund (W), Mumbai 400 080.
Plot No. 502/17, GIDc, Dist. Bharuch, Ankleshwar - 393 002, Gujarat, India Tel.: (022) 2560 6939 / 2568 7346 w Mobile: 08691012149
Tel.: +91-2646-238991, 253593, 220184, 220253 w Mobile: +91-7574848533 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] & [email protected] Factory: E-24/1, M.I.D.C., Mahad Dist., Raigad 402 309,
Website: MAH., India.

Chella 385 PARACHLORO META CRESOL Thioglycolic Acid 80%, 99%

Acetophenone Dicyclohexylamine Itaconic Acid Para Phenetidine
3-Mercaptopropionic Acid 99%
Benzaldehyde Formic Acid 99% Magnesium Oxide Succinic Acid / Anhy.
Lithium Hydroxide Hexylene Glycol N-Butyl Amine Tributyl Amine Potassium Thioglycolate
Cinnamic Acid CURVES
Iso Amyl Alcohol Pure Phthalimide Triphenyl Phosphine Monoethanolamine Thioglycolate
Diammonium Dithiodiglycolate
Benzyl Triphenyl Phosphonium Chloride Tetra-Butyl Ammonium Bromide / Iodide
Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide Tetra-Butyl Ammonium Hydrogen Sulphate Pentaerythritol-3-Mercaptopropionate
Ethyl Triphenyl Phosphonium Bromide Tetra-Ethyl Ammonium Bromide / Iodide
Ethyl Triphenyl Phosphonium Iodide Polythiols
Tetra-Propyl Ammonium Bromide
Butyl Triphenyl Phosphonium Bromide Triethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride Monothioglycerol 90, 98, NF
Methyl Triphenyl Phosphonium Bromide Tributyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride
Methyl Triphenyl Phosphonium Iodide Antioxidant for Polymers
Phenyl Trimethyl Ammonium Chloride Contact: SAMIR CHEMICALS Thiodipropionic Acid
Tetra-Phenyl Phosphonium Bromide Flat No. 2, Kamala Terrace, Subhash Road,
Opp. United Ink, Vile Parle (East), Mumbai 400 057. 2-Sulfoethyl Methacrylate
PYRIDINIUM SALTS Tel.: 022-26169022 / 26117772
Butylated Hydroxy Toluene Fax: 91-22-26169022 * Mobile: 9820131245 For best prices, please contact:
Cetyl Pyridinium Chloride
Email: [email protected] / SWAN ENTERPRISE
[email protected] Mob.: 07498166675 / 08291142569
Lauryl Pyridinium Chloride / Bromide

Website: Email: [email protected]

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Leading Manufacturer & Exporter of
Acetic Anhydride
(CAS NO 105-39-5)
Tanker Load, Carboy
and Lab Pack
(CAS NO 94-34-4)
Manufacturers of
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ORGANICS PVT. LTD. For Acetic Anhydride:
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Office: 101 to 104, Sunrise Business Park, Plot No. B-68, Road No 16, Near Baisara Co, Wagle Indl. Estate,
Thane (W) - 400 604. India.  Tel: (022) 6248 3700  Mobile: 09819343989 / 9769917642 For Lab Chemicals:
Email: [email protected] [email protected] / 9136093115
Unit 1: Gut No. 9(2), 10(2) & 11(2), At Post Village Abitghar, Tal-Wada, Dist-Palghar - 421 303. Maharashtra. Web.:

Distributors for Henan Jindan Lactic Acid Technology Co., China



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 Acetonitrile  Cyclohexane  Formic Acid 99% & 85%  Methane Sulphonyl Chloride (MSC)
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 Butyl Carbitol  Di Methyl Carbonate  Methylene Di Chloride  Paraformaldehyde 91% & 96%
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 Butylated Hydroxy Anisole  Ethyl Acrylate  Methacrylic Acid (MAA)  Sodium Formate
 Bisphenol A  2-Ethyl Hexyl Acrylate (2EHA)  Methane Sulphonic Acid (MSA)  Tetrahydrofuran (THF)

Please Contact: Importers & Dealers in: Chemicals & General Merchandise
D/501, Neelkanth Business Park, Behind Bus Depot, Vidyavihar (West), Mumbai 400 086.
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Importer of Chemicals
An ISO 9001-2015 Certified Co.
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Corp. Off.: DYCON CHEMICALS, Shop No.8, Gr Floor,
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Mobile: 9322728270 / 9833755944 / 9653284184
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
MSME Registered Company
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Tender Information

Domestic Tenders
Chemical Weekly has tied up with ABC Procure ( – India’s only newspaper for tenders
information, published from Ahmedabad – to bring readers complete, authentic and timely coverage of tenders
issued all over India for chemicals and related products.
Further details, including addresses of the companies/organizations cited in these pages, can be obtained on
payment of a subscription fee to ABC Procure.
For more information call Office No.: (+91)(79) 40270506-90

Company Name State Closing Product Details

Department of Atomic Energy Telangana 18-May Liquified anhydrous ammonia conforming to IS:662-1980.
Integral Coach Factory Tamil Nadu 18-May Liquid argon with purity of 99.99%.
Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas Karnataka 18-May Soda ash 98.50% purity as per IS:251/19.
Vellore Municipality Tamil Nadu 18-May Sodium hypochloride.
West Bengal Power Development West Bengal 18-May Liquid chlorine filled in toner along with toner testing &
Corporation Ltd. maintenance job.
Department of Atomic Energy Gujarat 19-May Sodium hexa meta phosphate.
Public Health Engineering Department Rajasthan 19-May Bleaching powder stable grade-II, ISI marked (conforming
to IS:10651989).
Rail Coach Factory Punjab 19-May Sodium bicarbonate 500-mg tablet.
Steel Authority of India Ltd. Chhattisgarh 19-May Atomised aluminium powder – 127-mt.
Health and Family Welfare Department Gujarat 20-May Potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate.
Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Uttar Pradesh 20-May Hydrochloric acid used in DM plant of WTP, Non ferric
Nigam Ltd. alum.
Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. Karnataka 22-May Titanium bar.
Uranium Corporation of India Ltd. Jharkhand 22-May Poly aluminium chloride.
Advanced Weapons and Equipment India Ltd. West Bengal 23-May Stannous sulphate for bright acid tin plating, Sodium stan-
nate specn IS:3026-1968 electroplating grade tin content
40% minimum.
Haryana Power Generation Corporation Ltd. Haryana 23-May Liquid ammonia.
West Bengal Power Development West Bengal 23-May Liquid chlorine filled in toner along with toner testing
Corporation Ltd. and maintenance job.
Department of Atomic Energy Karnataka 24-May Anhydrous hydrofluoric acid.
Madhya Pradesh Warehousing and Logistics Madhya Pradesh 24-May Aluminium phosphide (IS:6438-1980).
Madhya Pradesh Power Generation Madhya Pradesh 25-May Bleaching powder: Hydrazine hydrate.
Company Ltd.
Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. Uttar Pradesh 25-May Non ferric alum.
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. Gujarat 18-May Industrial xylene (xylol), Toluene (toluole).
Armoured Vehicles Nigam Ltd. Tamil Nadu 20-May Iso propyl alcohol for carburising process – IS:2631-1976
(standard) purity 99.80%.
Central Drugs Laboratory Maharashtra 19-May General solvents, Reagents, Chemicals, Ionpair agents,
Buffer, HPCL solvents and allied items.

172 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Tender Information

Company Name State Closing Product Details

Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Ltd. Gujarat 19-May Fine chemicals, Laboratory reagents – AR grade.
Sardar Patel University Gujarat 20-May Chemicals, Glassware, Labware, Services.
Sardar Patel University Gujarat 29-May Chemicals, Glassware, Lab apparatus, etc.
Rail Coach Factory Punjab 19-May Neodisher IR.
Indian Army Delhi 20-May inj. vedolizumab 300-mg.
East Coast Railway Andhra Pradesh 22-May Tab thyroxin sodium 75-mcg, Tab thyroxin 25-mcg, Tab
thyroxin sodium 12.5-mcg, Tab thyroxin 25-mcg, Tab
thyroxin sodium 12.5-mcg, Tab thyroxin sodium 75-mcg,
Tab sodium valproate sr 300-mg, Tab sodium valproate
200-mg, Carbamazepine 200-mg cr oral tablet, Tab carbama-
zepine 400-mg, Inj. tramadol 50/mg/ml, 2-ml, Paroxetine
HCl cr 12.5 mg oral tablet, Tab azathioprine 50-mg, Tab
escitalopram 10-mg, Tab glimeperide 1-mg, Tab verapamil
HCl 40-mg.
North Eastern Railway Multi State 22-May Isotretinoin 20-mg tab, Levothyroxine 75-mcg tab, Mebeve-
rine 200-mg sr tab, Phenazopyridine 200-mg tab, Povidone
iodine 5% 500-ml solution, Tacrolimus 0.5-mg tab, Timolol
maleate 0.5% eye drop.
North Eastern Railway Uttar Pradesh 22-May Adrenaline HCl 1ml inj, Allopurinol 100-mg tab,
Budesonide 400mcg rotacaps, Carbimazole 5-mg tab,
Carvedilol 3.125-mg tab, Cinacalcet 30-mg tab, Dextrose
10% in 500-ml infusion, Dextrose 25% 25-ml infusion,
Dicyclomine HCl 10-mg per ml 2ml inj, Glutaraldehyde
2% 5l-solution, Levothyroxine 125-mcg tab, Methotre-
xate sodium 2.5-mg tab, Methotrexate sodium 7.5-mg tab,
Pilocarpine 2% eye drop, Sevelamer carbonate 400-mg
tab, Sevelamer carbonate 400-mg tab, Tamoxifen citrate
10-mg tab, Terbinafine 250-mg tab, Tolvaptan 15-mg tab,
Trihexyphenidyl hydrochloride 2-mg tab.
West Central Railway Multi State 22-May Rizatriptan 10-mg.
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Maharashtra 23-May Secnidazole 1-gm tablet.
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Maharashtra 24-May Lacosamide.
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. Multi State 18-May Gelling agent, grade-II.
Uranium Corporation of India Ltd. Jharkhand 18-May Supply of Araldite and hardener.
West Central Railway Multi State 18-May Eltrombopag 50-mg.
Armoured Vehicles Nigam Ltd. Telangana 19-May Silicon compound paste.
Indian Air Force Uttar Pradesh 19-May Adhesive.
Uranium Corporation of India Ltd. Jharkhand 19-May Guar gum (dry powder flocculating agent).
Armoured Vehicles Nigam Ltd. Tamil Nadu 20-May Gibonol S 34.
Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. Orissa (Odisha) 20-May Ivalinocure part A.
Indian Navy Andhra Pradesh 20-May Poly vinyl acetate dispersion based adhesive, rubber-based
adhesive light duty type.
S M S Medical College Rajasthan 20-May Procurement of ETO sterilisation, C-Arm, Cautery, Rapid
autoclave, Pneumatic tourniquet, Fumigation, etc.
Indian Navy Maharashtra 22-May Calcium silicate amosite mould.
Kolkata Port Trust West Bengal 22-May Water proofing treatment with app modified polymer.

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 173

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Sodium Bisulphite
Sodium Sulphite N-N-Butylbenzene
Sodium Sulphate Anhydrous
Sodium Acetate Trihydrate & Anhydrous
Sodium Thiosulphate in different forms CAS No: 3622-84-2
Sodium Metabisulphite White (SO2 > 65%) (Pharma Passing) Manufactured by:
Ammonium Sulphate (Any Mesh Size)
Magnesium Sulphate Heptahydrate Authorised Agent:
(Snow White Epsom Salt-Pellets/Fine Crystals)
Contact Manufacturer (Factory: Navi Mumbai) Coimbatore
Vishal Chemical Industries (ISO 9001:2015 Certified) Contact Person: K.R.NAGESH BABU
Mobile: 94426 36503 / 89036 23641
A Block, 1st Floor, Harganga Mahal, Dadar T.T. Circle, Mumbai 400014.  Contact: 9820175806/9820175827
Emails: [email protected], [email protected]  Web: Email: [email protected]

Vasantha 387
Vasantha 387
Vasantha 387
Vasantha 387
Vasantha 387
Vasantha 387
Vasantha 387
Vasantha 387
Vasantha 387

Manufacturer of Manufacturer & Exporter of :

Manufacturer’s Representative: WE ARE AN ISO 9001:2008
SODIUM BROMIDE 98% Min. Certified Supplier of:
Rs. 120 +GST • Sodium Meta Periodate
Benzene Sulphonic Acid
20Kg packing Price Rs. 130 +GST
Ortho Chloro Benzoic Acid
Mercury Metal 99.9%
• Potassium Meta Periodate
• Periodic Acid (50%,99%)

Prime Virgin
• Potassium Bromide
l l
l Benzene Sulphonyl Chloride
And also available
l Ortho Chloro Benzaldehyde
l Benzophenone / BP-3 / BP-4
l Benzhydrol l Benzyl Cyanide
Para Chloro BenzoylOre – Tio2 content 50%
Zirconium Ore
Sulfuryl Chloride l Aluminium Sulphate
• Maleic Acid
l Benzoyl Chloride 99% l Para Toluene Sulphonic Acid
Contact: • N-Chloro Succinimide
l Di Ethyl Sulphate Para Toluene
l Di Methyl Sulphate l Phenyl Acetic Acid / Phenyl
20, Punitha Acetyl Chloride
Antoniyar North Street ANKUR CHEMICALS
C1B/124, 1&2 GIDC, Nandesari Estate,
l Meta Amino Phenol Sulphamic 4th
/ Descalant 40, Surya Estate, Sec.-11, Udaipur 313 001.
l Adam Grade
Nagar Vadodara
Mob.: - 391340
B-2, Jawan Nagar, Next to Indraprasth Shopping Centre,Post,
Pettai S.V Road, Borivali (West),- Mumbai
Tirunelveli 400092
627 004. Mobile: 09374119559 / 09925062634
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 022-28662488 w Mob: 9820130159, 8452038587
Mobile : 9500849008, 9500809998 Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected] w Web: Website :

174 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023
Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised
Pari Chemicals T: 022-23430740, 23470740, 23454561
Head Office: 37, Nagdevi Street M: 09821096352, 093210 96352
Gr. Floor, Mumbai 400003. E: [email protected]
Distributor for Aditya Birla Chemical (Thailand) Ltd.
An ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, TPM & TQM Certifications, GMP, HACCP,
HALAL, KOSHER, FDA (Food & Drug Administration)
Sulphite Division: (Technical / Food Grade)
• Sodium Sulphite • Sodium Metabisulphite
• Sodium Bisulphite • Potassium Metabisulphite
Phosphate Division: (Technical / Food Grade)
• Monosodium Phosphate • Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate
• Disodium Phosphate • Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate
• Trisodium Phosphate • Trisodium Hydrogen Phosphate
• Sodium Tripolyphosphate • Sodium Hexametaphosphate
• Tetra Sodium Pyrophosphate • Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate
• Monopotassium Phosphate • Tripotassium Phosphate
• Tetra Potassium Pyrophosphate • Dipotassium Phosphate

Available regularly from own imports & Ready Stock

RATANCHAND Our Range of Excipients Our Range of Solvents / Chemicals
� Sorbic Acid
& � P.V.P.K-30
� P.V.P.K-30 USP � Sodium Boro Hydride Powder
CO. � P.V.P.K-90 USP � Mono Iso Propyl Amine (M.I.P.A.)
Presence Since 1975 � CROSS POVIDONE XL-10 USP � Cyclohexanone
� H.P.M.C.E-5 USP � Di Methyl Formamide (D.M.F.)
57, Mahavir Darshan, 5th Floor,
� H.P.M.C.E-15 USP/E-50 USP � Di Methyl Sulfoxide (D.M.S.O.)
412 Narsi Natha Street, Masjid (West),
Mumbai - 400 003. India � H.P.M.C.K-100M USP � Di Acetone Alcohol
� H.P.M.C.K-4M USP
Phone : 2344 4570 / 2344 0612 / � Propylene Glycol USP & Technical Grades
2341 1256 USP � Sodium Citrate IP
Fax : +91-22-2341 5169 � LACTOSE � Sodium Hexameta Phosphate (S.H.M.P.)
� POTASSIUM SORBATE � N-Methyl Pyrrolidone (N.M.P.)
Email : [email protected] � XANTHAN GUM USP � Phosphoric Acid 85% min. Technical

For Your Requirement of:
PHOSPHATES Salicylic Acid
EDTA Calcium Disodium, EDTA Copper
 TETRAPhosphate Crystals, Sodium Acid Pyro Phosphate
33%, 58%, 60%, 68%, 72%, 98% (All grade)
EDTA Ferric, EDTA Magnesium Sodium Mono
TETRAFluoro Phosphate, Tetrasodium
CHLORIDEPyro Phosphate Methyl Salicylate
EDTA Manganese, EDTA Zinc
AMMONIUM Ferric Pyro Phosphate
Benzyl Acid
Contact: Sulphuric
Magnesium Citrate Tribasic,
Citrate Tribasic
Sulphamate, Potassium IODIDE
Aluminium Sulphate Dist: Nashik, Maharashtra
Potassium Peroxymonosulphate Mobile:Authorised
9324020888, 9322272080
Distributors of
Gluconate  TETRA ETHYL AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE Email: [email protected]
Zinc Gluconate TARTRATES
 TETRA Tartrate,
AMMONIUM Bi Tartrate (Cream of Tartar)
HEDP Disodium Powder (CV – 270
HEDP Tetrasodium Powder (CV – 230 & 450)
 TRIETHYL Silicone Defoamers
Potassium Binoxalate, Potassium Oxalate Sodium Dodecylbenzenesulphonate (SDBS) Please Contact:
tatva chintan pharma chem ltd.
Potassium Tetraoxalate Sipernat 22S (Silicon Dioxide), Tolyltriazole Sodium Salt
Shreenath Acidchem Pvt. Ltd.
Plot No. 502/17, GIDC, Dist. Bharuch, Ankleshwar - 393 002, Gujarat, India CTS No. 275, Acid House B, Near Kala Udyog Premises,
+91-2646-238991, 253593,
NDM 2, Tower ‘C’, Netaji 220184,
Subhash Place,220253
Pitampura, New Delhi – 110034. Off LBS Road, Bhandup (W), Mumbai - 400 078. MH
An Exclusive Chemical [email protected] & [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Mob.: 09324114674 / 09323004558
Phone: +91-9810728065,
Website: +91-9810859595, +91-11-48050000 Email: [email protected]
17/08 24/42
Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 175

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Chemployment Exchange

ExxonMobil is one of the largest publicly traded international energy and petro-
chemical companies. The corporation’s primary businesses – Upstream, Product
Solutions and Low Carbon Solutions – provide products that enable modern life,
including energy, chemicals, lubricants, and lower-emissions technologies. The
company requires:

Technology Operations Specialist

Location: Bengaluru.

Key responsibilities
 Arrange commercial sample shipment to customers, OEMs, and labs.
 Coordinate external testing and related documentation, ensure appropriate
allocation of test slots, organise oil sample shipment, monitor test progress,
communicate test report.
 Update of third-party test catalogue and price lists.
 Assist audits in the area of third-party testing integrity.
 Execute testing and data collection for small studies (prototype formulations,
competitive benchmarks, etc).
 Provide support for sourcing of new suppliers.
Tata Chemicals Ltd.  Work with Procurement to identify new suppliers of existing technology,
based on technical, commercial and operation feasibility.
Tata Chemicals Ltd. operates through  Support product and component releases.
two verticals – Basic Chemistry and  Review and approve raw material waivers and shelf-life extensions.
Specialty Chemistry. The company has  Handling questions on trade regulations, HS-codes, tax codes, REACH
the largest saltworks in Asia, is the 3rd compliance, etc.
largest soda ash manufacturer and the 6th
largest sodium bicarbonate manufacturer Requirements
in the world. The company requires:  Bachelors/Masters in engineering in any discipline or Master’s in Chemistry/
allied subjects with minimum 6 CGPA.
Assistant Manager – Production  Minimum 2 years’ experience in lubricant industry with knowledge of lubri-
cant products, test methods, industry standards, etc.
Location: Mithapur, Gujarat.
For more details, visit:
Job ID: 799. Bengaluru-Technology-Operations-Specialist-KA/979846300/

Role and responsibilities (Source: Company website)

 Handle the plant operations with machine (equipment to run the ments (like Mechanical, Electrical,
efficiency & ensuring safety aspects. plant smoothly). Instrument, Power plant, Water soft-
 To supervise all the parameters  To ensure quality of the product. ening, Civil, etc.) for the jobs related
of the plant from the panel & log  To check workforce availability in with process, maintenance etc. for
sheets to run the plant smoothly & all points to optimise overtime & smooth operation of plant.
to supervise the work of down-the- overburden.  To develop safety awareness
level staff.  To concentrate on breakdown of amongst employees including
 To prepare report of the shift & to the machine/leakages in pipes/ contractors.
report it to the concerned authority. pumps.  To ensure health and safety of
 To ensure availability of the  Coordinating with other depart- employees at workplace, etc.

176 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Chemployment Exchange
 Requirements: BE-Chemical Engi-  Identify and suggest opportunities  Implement solutions around logis-
neering with 2-5 years’ experience for improvement. tics for key lab activities necessary
in operations/production, prefer-  Maintain shift logs for respective for successful project completion.
ably in soda ash/chlor caustic area. area/equipment, etc.  Steer and facilitate knowledge shar-
ing and support project teams in
For more details, visit: https:// Requirements problem solving.  B.Sc. or Diploma in Chemical Engi-  Lead document preparation for
tions/india/life-at-tata-chemicals neering or ITI/NCTVT. audit certifications (IATF, ISO, etc.)
 Experience: 2 years in field opera- as required.
(Source: Company website) tions (for B.Sc./Diploma holder) or  Implement and sustain organisa-
minimum 5 years (for ITI). tion’s safety, health, environment,
Reliance Industries Ltd. For more details, visit: https://
quality and 5S standards in lab and
contribute to safe work environ-
Reliance Industries Ltd. is the largest ment.
private sector corporation in India with Search.aspx?JBTITLE=PgejoUae  Trace, record and present necessary
businesses in energy, refining, petro- Ydbi0AomSINo1Q==&jbID=S+nZ capex requirements and lead pro-
chemicals, natural gas, retail, telecom- nEKNO04KayzgDdFSLg curement, installation and commis-
munications, mass media, and textiles. sioning, etc.
(Source: Company website)
The company requires:
Your skills:
Field Executive – DTA Coker Henkel  Minimum 6 years of experience in
formulation of adhesive products,
Job ID: 80780031. Globally, Henkel operates in three product development, testing vali-
business areas: Adhesive Technologies, dation and structure-property rela-
Location: Jamnagar. Beauty Care and Laundry & Home tionships.
Care, while in India it operates in two  Ph.D./M.Sc degree in Chemistry,
Job responsibilities business areas: Adhesive Technologies Chemical Engineering, Polymer
 Abide by safe operating procedures and Beauty Care. The company requires Sciences, Materials Science.
within operating range. for its Adhesive Technologies business:  Experience in synthesis of poly-
 Act as first responder to emergen- urethanes and formulation chemis-
Specialist PD and Research try of 1K & 2K polyurethane (PU)
 Suggest safety improvements. adhesives, reactive PU hotmelt and
Job ID: 23048096.
 Safe handling of hazardous mate- polyurethane dispersions (PUDs).
rials and plant wastes. Location: Pune.  Strong verbal and written commu-
 Support contract workmen on safe nication skills, data analysis, report
working. Your role preparation and excellent interper-
 Monitor and control field equip-  Lead, manage and execute adhesive sonal skills are essential.
ment and ODR instruments. MOC formulation projects for seve-  Strong ability to design and imple-
 Coordinate closely with shift super- ral SBUs/technologies. ment experiments and ability to
intendent/panel executive.  Self-starter with strong drive for support product scale up and com-
 Collect and deliver samples from project delivery, strong inclination mercialisation.
the field for laboratory testing. and expertise in digital tools, excel-  Individual with proven track record
 Report promptly any abnormal lent collaboration and engagement of success in new technologies and
observations to shift engineer/panel with internal/external customers & products with commercial success,
executive. functions across regions to ensure patent and scientific publication in
 Perform condition monitoring using on-time execution of projects. peer reviewed journals.
portable instruments (ODR).  Prepare professional project reports
 Perform minor troubleshooting and and communicate results and find- For more details, visit: https://
maintenance. ings to relevant groups.
 To contribute towards reduction of  Train and mentor associate chemi- application/1817004-1817004
waste/handling of chemicals sts/technicians/engineers. (Source: Company website)

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 177

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

We offer all grade of following chemicals Manufacturer of
• Antimony Tri Sulphide / Chloride / Penta Chloride • Potassium Chloride Tech / Pharma fine & speciality cheMicals
• Antimony Potassium Tartrate • Potassium Chromate / Di Chromate
• Ammonium Chloride Tech / Pharma • Magnesium Chloride Flakes / Anhydrous
l Saccharin Insoluble
• Ammonium Di Chromate / Chromate • Red Phosphorous Ready Stock l Saccharin Sodium
• Aluminium Chloride Anhydrous • Zinc Chloride Tech / Anhydrous / Pharma / Liquid
• Aluminium Isopropoxide • Zinc Sulphate Hepta / Mono / Pharma l Para Toluene Sulphonyl Chloride
• Benzoyl Chloride • Tertiary Butyl Hydro Peroxide (TBHP) l Para Toluene Sulphonyl Amide
• Barium Chloride • Di Tertiary Butyl Peroxide (DTBP)
• Calcium Chloride Lumps / Powder / • Tertiary Butyl Per Benzoate (TBPB) l OTS/PTS Amide Mixture
Pharma / Anhydrous / Liquid
• Calcium Hydroxide Pharma • Tertiary Butyl Proxy-2-Ethyl Hexanoate (TBPEH) l Sodium Para Toluene Sulfinate (SPTS)
• Calcium Carbonate PPT / ACT • Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide (MRKP)
• Copper Sulphate Crystals / Anhydrous / Pharma • Tetra Butyl Ammonium Bromide
• Ferric Chloride Anhydrous / Pharma / Liquid • Thiophenol
• Ferrous (Iron) Sulphide Lumps / Powder / Sticks • Sodium Iodide / Potassium Iodide
• Ferrous Sulphate Hepta / Mono / Pharma • Phenyl Propyl Alcohol Please Contact:
• Lead Acetate / Nitrate / Chloride / • Cyclohexyl Salicylate A.S. ChemophArmA pvt. Ltd.
Chromate / Carbonate / Sulphate • Methyl Abietate Office:
• Sodium Acetate Trihydrate / Anhydrous • Meta Nitro Benzaldehyde 6,1st Floor, Purshottam Bhavan, Issaji Street, Masjid, Mumbai-3

Contact Manufacturers: Anron Chemicals Co. Works:

Plot No.46,MIDC Industrial Area, Morivali Section,
Ambernath (W), Dist. Thane Maharashtra 421 501.
An ISO 9001 Company | Celebrating Silver Jubilee | Established -1996
401, Sujata Chambers, 4th Floor, 1/3, Abhaychand Gandhi Marg, Mumbai- 400009. Contact: 9820082751 / 9137694270
Tel : +91-22-66352608, 62372003 | Cell : 9820137343 | 9152609250 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Email: [email protected] | [email protected] | Visit us: Website:


Hydrogen Peroxide • Phosphoric Acid

Acetic Acid • Hydrazine Hydrate • Benzyl Acetate
• Benzyl Chloride • Chloroform • Sodium Hypochlorite
• Benzyl Alcohol • Anhydrous Aluminium Chloride • Methylene Chloride
• Benzaldehyde • Caustic Potash Flakes • Methyl Chloride
• Caustic Soda Flakes • Caustic Potash Lye • Ferrous Sulphate
• Sodium Sulphite
• Caustic Soda Lye • Potassium Carbonate • Tri Ethyl Amine
• Caustic Soda Prills • Poly Aluminium Chloride • Formic Acid
• Sodium Sulphate • Stable Bleaching Powder • Ethyl Acetate
Plot No. 6110, Nr. Ewac Cross Road, G.I.D.C. Estate, Ankleshwar - 393002. Dist. Bharuch, Gujarat, India
Prashil Soni :+91 8140546676 1 Sanjay Soni : +91 9824133151
E: [email protected] / [email protected] • W:


Provik Petrochem llP FERRIC CHLORIDE
LIQUID 40 % / LUMPS 60 % /
Manufacturers of:
Phenolic Resin (Mosstanol-L Type or I.P.A. Substitute) COBALT CARBONATE
esteR GuM RetaRdeR/ReduceR (Ethanol Based) COBALT CHLORIDE
acRylic Resin sPecial denatuRed sPiRit (S.D.S) COBALT NITRATE
PuRe Phenolic Resin extRa neutRal alcohol (E.N.A.) SUPPLIER OF
aqua coatinG Wax eMulsion HYDROCHLORIC ACID
synthetic PeRfuMeRy coMPound (Semi Transparent) SULPHURIC ACID
Provik industries
Office: 408, 4th Floor, Atlantic Commercial Tower, R.B. Mehta Marg, Near Railway Station, Ghatkopar (East), Mumbai 400077.
Tel.: +91-22-25011372 / 25011373 w Off. Mob :+91 9326825848
Vinayak Industries
Mob.: 09820061699 / 09820497287 w email: [email protected] Plot No-3/11, G.I.D.C, Sarigam, St-Bhilad, Tal - Umargam,
Dist-Valsad, Gujarat - 396 155,
Factory I: Plot No.: 81, New Chemical Zone, Taloja MIDC, Taloja, Taluka-Panvel, Dist. Raigad. Ph: 0260 (R) 2781289 (O) 2781067 • M : 9898615513

Factory II: Plot No.: 48, New Chemical Zone, Taloja MIDC, Taloja, Taluka-Panvel, Dist. Raigad. Email: [email protected]
178 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Mumbai Chemical Market

Uptrend in IPA, Chloroform and Cyclohexane; Octanol,

Cyclohexanone, Phenol and Vinyl acetate down
The past week under review bulk, ex-Kandla. MEK (imported) Rs. 98 in bulk. Butyl cellosolve
witnessed upward movement in was down by Rs. 7 at Rs. 98 was down by Rs. 2 at Rs. 105 in
prices of chemicals like isopropyl (basic), ex-Kandla. bulk. Vinyl acetate was down by
alcohol, cyclohexane, butyl Rs. 12 at Rs. 78 in bulk.
acetate, methylene chloride, and Methanol (imported) was
chloroform while downtrend was down at Rs. 27 in bulk, ex-Kandla. Chloralkalies
seen in cyclohexanone, styrene, Dimethyl formamide (DMF) Caustic soda flakes ruled at
propylene glycol, octanol, phenol, was at Rs. 84 per kg in bulk. Rs. 59 in bulk, while Caustic
acetic acid and vinyl acetate. soda lye was at Rs. 36 (basic).
Oxo alcohols Caustic potash was at Rs. 174
Toluene (RIL) was at Rs. 86 Domestic Octanol was down in bulk. Ethylene dichloride was
(basic) in bulk, while Toluene by Rs. 10 at Rs. 100 and imported down by Rs. 1.50 at Rs. 31.50 in
(BPCL) was at Rs. 86 (basic) was ruling down at Rs. 100. bulk. Among the Chloromethanes,
in bulk and Rs. 128 for barrels. Domestic and imported Butanol Methylene chloride was up by
BPCL’s Benzene was at were at Rs. 82. Domestic Isobutanol Rs. 5 at Rs. 38 in bulk. Chloro-
Rs. 85.50, while Benzene (RIL) was down by a rupee at Rs. 84 and form was up by Rs. 3 at Rs. 27 in
was at Rs. 88. imported was also at Rs. 84. bulk.

Mixed xylene was at Rs. 88 Fibre intermediates Phthalates

in bulk, while imported mixed MEG was down by Rs. 5 at DOP was at Rs. 134 while
xylene was up by Rs. 2 at Rs. 90 Rs. 47 in bulk, while DEG was DBP was at Rs. 132. DIBP was at
(basic). O-Xylene (OX) was at down by Rs. 6 at Rs. 83 for bulk. Rs. 128. DBM was at Rs. 127 and
Rs. 102, while imported material TEG was at Rs. 100 in bulk and DOA was at Rs. 157. DOM was
was down by Rs. 6 at Rs. 103 in Rs. 107 for packed material. PTA at Rs. 142.
bulk. Domestic Isopropyl alcohol was at Rs. 87.
was up by Rs. 2 at Rs. 92 in bulk Titanium dioxide
and was available at Rs. 123 for Phenol Anatase grade Titanium
packed material. Phenol imported material dioxide (TTPL) was at Rs. 192
eased down by Rs. 11 at Rs. 95 (basic) in bulk, while rutile grade
Among the aromatic solvents, in bulk. Acetone was at Rs. 68 in of KMML was at Rs. 250 (basic)
C-9 was down by Rs. 3 at Rs. 85. bulk and Rs. 86 for packed mate- for paint, ink and for plastic grade
Cyclohexane ruled up by Rs. 3 rial, while imported material was it was at Rs. 255.
at Rs. 103 in bulk, while Cyclo- at Rs. 92.
hexanone was down by Rs. 9 at Among the imported mate-
Rs. 112 in bulk. Acrylonitrile Acetyls rials, DuPont was quoted at
(imported) was down by Rs. 10 at Acetic acid imported was Rs. 375 (basic) per kg; Huntsman
Rs. 108 in bulk. Styrene monomer down by Rs. 2 at Rs. 38 in bulk. was at Rs. 320 and Tronox was
was down by Rs. 4 at Rs. 94, Ethyl acetate was down by at Rs. 340. Chinese rutile was at
ex-Kandla. Propylene glycol was Rs. 2 at Rs. 77.50 in bulk, while Rs. 220 (basic), Chinese anatase
cheaper by Rs. 2 at Rs. 113 in Butyl acetate was up by Rs. 2 at was at Rs. 180.

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 179

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Mumbai Chemical Market

Prices as on May 9, 2023

Name of Chemicals Pack Price Change Name of Chemicals Pack Price Change
(Kgs.) (Rs./Kg.) (Kgs.) (Rs./Kg.)
Ammonium Bicarbonate 60 Acetic Acid Glacial 35 38 -2
Ammonium Carbonate 55 Acetone (GI Drums) 160 92 +10
Ammonium Nitrate 95 Acrylamide (Liquid) 250 230

Borax (Granular) 50 48 Acrylic Acid 200 259

Borax (Powder) 50 42 Acrylonitrile 108 -10

Bromine Liquid 425 Adipic Acid 25 92

Calcium Carbonate (Activated) 50 50 Aniline 200 165

Benzene (Per Litre) 200 88
Calcium Carbonate (Precipitated) 50 30
Benzoic Acid 200 86
Carbon Disulphide 300 121 -1
Benzoyl Chloride 200 125
Caustic Potash 174
Benzyl Alcohol (FFC) 200 145
Caustic Soda (Flakes) 50 59
Benzyl Chloride 200 165
Caustic Soda (Lye) Tanker 36
Bisphenol-A (Russian) 25 425
Hydro (China) 50 87
n-Butanol (Barrels) 170 82
Hydrogen Peroxide 50 41
Butyl Acetate 98 +2
Hyflosupercel 22 66
Butyl Acrylate 180 110
Lithopone (China) 25 185
Butyl Carbitol 190 100
Magnesium Carbonate (Indian) 50 56
Butyl Cellosolve 105 -2
Mercury 34.50 8,700
Butyl Stearate 190 105
Nitric Acid RCF (60%) Tanker 50
C9 Solvent 85 -3
Phosphoric Acid (Tech) 50 67
C10 Solvent 60
Potassium Carbonate 50 54
Cellosolve 195 105
Potassium Carbonate (Indian) 50 66 Chloroform 27 +3
Potassium Permanganate 50 160 Citric Acid 230
Soda Ash 50 30 m-Cresol 190 270
Soda Ash Tata 33 o-Cresol 200 300
Sodium Nitrite 44 p-Cresol 200 325
Sodium Nitrate 96 mixed-Cresol 85
Titanium Dioxide Anatase (TTPL) 25 192 Cyclohexane 103 -2
Titanium Dioxide Anatase (China) 25 180 Cyclohexanone 190 112 -9
Titanium Dioxide (Rutile – R-902) 25 255 Diacetone 99.50
Zinc Oxide (China) 50 93 Dibutyl Maleate (DBM) 127

180 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Sontara Organo Industries
Established in the year 1971
ISO 9001:2008 and 14001:2004 Certified Company
Pioneers in manufacturing of Bromides, Lithium Salts and Esters
Name of Product
• 1,3 Dibromo Propane • HBr Gas in Acetic Acid 30-33%
• 1,3 Dibromo Benzene • Hydrobromic Acid 48%, 55%, 62%
• 11 Bromoundecanoic Acid • Isobutyl Bromide
• 1-4 Dibromobutane • Isopropyl Acetate
• 1,4 Dibromo Benzene • Isopropyl Bromide
• 1-Bromo-3-Chloro Propane • Isopropyl Chloro Acetate
• 1-Bromo-3-Chloro-2-Methyl Propane • Lauryl Bromide
• 1-Chloropropyl-3-(4-Methyl Piperazine)- • Lithium Chromate
Hydrochloride • Lithium Bromide 55% Sol.
• 2-Bromo Propionic Acid (For Vapour Absorption System)
• 2-Bromo-1-chloro Propane • Lithium Bromide Powder
• 3-Dimethylamino-1-propylchloride • Lithium Chloride Powder & 40% Sol.
hydrochloride 60-65% Solution/Powder (For Dehumidification of Air)
• 3-Dimethylamino-2-methyl-propyl- • Lithium Molybdate
chloride hydrochloride 60-65% solution • Lithium Nitrate
(CAS No-4261-67-0) • Lithium Sulphate
• 4-Bromo Chlorobenzene • Methyl Acetate 85% & 99%
• Allyl Bromide • Methyl Chloro Acetate
• Allyl Chloride • Methyl Formate
• Ammonium Bromide • N-Butyl Bromide
• Benzyl Chloro Acetate • N-Heptyl Bromide
• Beta-Phenyl Ethyl Bromide • N-Hexyl Bromide
• Bromobenzene • N-Octyl Bromide
• Cetyl Bromide • N-Pentyl Bromide
• Decyl Bromide • n-Propyl Acetate
• Ethyl Bromide • N-Propyl Bromide
• Ethyl Iso Butyrate • Potassium Bromide
• Ethyl Chloro Acetate • Secondary Butyl Bromide
• Ethyl Formate • Sodium 2-Bromo Propionate
• Ethyl Propionate • Sodium Bromide
• Ethylene Di Bromide • Sodium Monochloro Acetate
Please Contact:
Sontara Organo Industries
Factory: Shed No.: W-6 & 16, B-42, M.I.D.C. Chemical Zone, Behind ESIC Office, Ambernath (W) – 421501
Office Phone: (0251) 2602915 / 2610483 w Factory Office Mobile: 7977018332 / 9423554439 / 9175836556
Mr. Mukesh Parekh: 9321312582 w Mr. Amar Parekh: 9920556480
Email: [email protected], [email protected] w URL :
Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 181

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Mumbai Chemical Market

Prices as on May 9, 2023

Name of Chemicals Pack Price Change Name of Chemicals Pack Price Change
(Kgs.) (Rs./Kg.) (Kgs.) (Rs./Kg.)
Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP) 132 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (MIBK) 150
Dicyandiamide (DCDA) 25 475 Methylene Dichloride (MDC) 350 38 +5
Diethanolamine (DEA) 110 Monoethanolamine (MEA) 180 170
Diethylene Glycol (DEG) 230 83 -6 Octanol (2-Ethylhexanol) 170 100 -10
Diethyl Phthalate (DEP) 200 85 Octoic acid 100
Diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP) 128 Oxalic Acid (Punjab) 50 114
Dimethyl formamide (DMF) 84 Phenol (GI Drums) 215 95 -11
Dioctyl Adipate (DOA) 200 157 Phthalic Anhydride (PAN) 25 135

Dioctyl Maleate (DOM) 142 Polyethylene Glycol (PEG 200) 230 227

Dioctyl Phthalate (DOP) 200 134 Polyethylene Glycol (PEG 400) 230 94

2-EHA (2 Ethyl Hexyl Acrylate) 180 138 Polyvinyl Alcohol 20 190

(Gohsenol GH-17)
Ethyl Acetate (Resale) 185 77.50 -1.50
Propyl Acetate 95
Ethyl Acrylate (Intact) 180 121
Propylene Glycol (Imp.) 210 113 -2
Ethylene Dichloride (EDC) 200 31.50 -1.50
Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA) 87
Ethylene Glycol (MEG) 230 47 -5
Sodium Alginate (China) 25 280
Formaldehyde (Resale) 230 18
Sorbitol 250 52
Formic Acid 25 92 Styrene Monomer (Resale) 185 94 -4
Glycerine (IP) 250 115 Tartaric Acid 50 350
Glyoxal (Imp.) 101 Thiourea 50 110
Glyoxal (Indian) 105 Toluene (Per Litre) 200 128 -2
Hexamine 50 78 Trichloroethylene 330 52
n-Hexane (Per Litre) 200 79 Triethanolamine (Resale) 210 107
Hexylene glycol 145 Triethylene Glycol (TEG) 190
Isobutyl Alcohol 170 84 -1 Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) 185 78 -12
Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) 170 123 -1 Wax Industrial 25 105
Maleic Anhydride (MAN) 25 230 Wax Paraffin 24 98
Melamine 25 104 m-Xylene 57
Methanol (Per Litre) (Resale) 200 Lit. 27 -0.50 o-Xylene (Per Litre) 200 103 -6
Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) 190 98 -7 Xylene Mixed (Per Litre) 200 90 +2

We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the prices published in Chemical Weekly as they are based only on the
enquiries made by our correspondent and as such they are not FIRM PRICES as between a buyer and seller.
The prices are published only with a view to give some ideas of the market conditions.

The above prices are provided in good faith by Brokers Mr. Sanjay Sayar/Pankaj Sayar, Ph: 9223432360 / 9167112111; Mr. Kamalkishore,
Ph: 9820010093. Petrochemupdate, Delhi.

182 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

An ISO 9001 - 2008 Company


Original Intact Drum & Tanker Load • EPICHLOROHYDRIN ACRYLATES
Bio based ECH, 100 % Made in India
High Purity Intact Drum & Competitive Price Available in Drums & Tanker Load from Japan, Taiwan, Singapore and China
• Methyl Methacrylate Monomer (MMA)
(CAS No. 78-92-2)
• SUCCINIC ACID 100% BIO BASED • Acrylic Acid • Ethyl Acrylate
Specially Suitable For: Inks, Resins, Pharma Unique Product Odour Free High Quality
High Purity European Make Succinic Acid • Methacrylic Acid (MAA)
• METHYL ISO BUTYL CARBINOL Specially Useful For • Hydroxy Ethyl Methacrylate (HEMA)
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• Food Color • Polyurethane Resin (PBS) • Butyl Acrylate • 2EHA • DMAEMA
• DI ISO PROPYL ETHER (DIPE) Eco Friendly Bio Base Replacement For • n-Butyl Methacrylate (NBMA)
Adipic Acid & Maleic & Chem Base Succinic
• ISO PROPYL ALCOHOL (IPA) • Hydroxy Ethyl Acrylate
• ISO PROPYL ACETATE (IPAC) • ITACONIC ACID Special Grade • Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM)
(Ultimate 999) • Tertiary Dodecyl Mercaptan (TDM)
Special offer by us for Indian Market
OUR SPECIALITY DIVISION High Purity and Consistent Quality
• PET ETHER 60, 80, 100, 120 TRO 50% & 70% • THF • DMSO • MIBK • MIBC • MEG • DENOX • MTO • DEHYDROGENATION
• SLES • DOSS 70% - 80%
• ALLYL BROMIDE • PROPYLENE GLYCOL Direct Indent From Manufacturer With
• ISO AMYL BROMIDE • N-PROPYL ALCOHOL (NPA) Tech and R&D Service as Per Need


State of the art facilities in Gujarat & Maharashtra with Packing & Repacking facilities
Providing Contract Manufacturing Support with Quality Control and Consultancy Service for Exports & Local
« Construction Chemical « Acrylic Resin & Binders « Pharma Intermediates
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Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 183

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We Offer Best and Very Competitive Rates
for the followings:

Di Proyplene Glycol (99%),

PEG 400, EGDA,
Methyl Cellosolve,
Synalox 50-S700, Following Material Available Ready Stock

Synalox 40-D700,
(Anatase / Rutile R 709 / R 108+)
(Gold Gr. WS 99.5% / Feed Gr. / Platinum 99.9%)


Please contact: Mr. Mitesh Rathod (MBT)

Swastik Oil Products Manufacturing Navsari Pvt. Ltd. AceChemie Zynk

Energy Ltd.
Plot No.251, Village-Unn, Khadsupa Boarding PO.,

An ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Taluka and Dist-Navsari-396433, Gujarat 5, Shree Diamond Centre, Ground Floor, LBS Marg,
Vikhroli (W), Mumbai 400 083, INDIA.
Tel.: 022-6796 9106 / 07  Mob.: 09322221305
Mobile: 9426313461 Email: [email protected]



For the following quality chemical products:



:: Contact Manufacturers ::
# 401, Third Eye II, Opp. Parimal Garden,
Please contact: R
C.G. Road, AHMEDABAD 380006; India.


Ph: 079 4002 3839
Mob: 07226995613 / 07226995614 / 07226995615
623, Marathon-Max, Mulund-Goregaon Link Road, Mulund (W), Mumbai - 400 080. Email: [email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
Phone : 022-20819226  Email : [email protected] Website: KNS ADI 1

184 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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can offer for import
State-of-the-Art Advanced Instrumentation Centre for All Analytical Requirements from reliable sources
XRF • DSC • TGA • FTIR • CHNS • Particle Size • Porosimetry • SEM • SEM-EDAX • Chemical Analysis
In-house Instrumentation Services:
as EBT Material
• Purity of solvents by GLC and KF along with Certificate of Analysis 1-5 , 2-6, 2-7, 3-8 mm
• Metal testing by ICP-OES, AAS and ICP/MS upto ppm and ppb level as Foundry Sand
• Anions and Cations by Ion Chromatography up to 0.1 ppm AFS 45-50, 40-45, 60-65, 30
• Molecular weight determination by GPC
• Purity by HPLC as Material for Refractory, Sand Blasting
• FAME Analysis 0-2, 0-3, 1-2, 1-3 mm, 0-500 micron,
Contact: Dr. Ketan Merchant 500-1000 micron, under 75 micron,
Email: [email protected] / [email protected] under 200 micron, 5-50 cm lumps,
305, 3rd Floor, Jhalawar Building Mobile: 8850413449 / 9821291797 / 9821074247 100-1000 micron
Patanwala Compound, Opposite Shreyas Talkies Phone: +91-22-25000386 / 25000186 / 42150502 For your IMPORT, please mail:
LBS Marg, Ghatkopar-West - 400086. Office WhatsApp: +91-8356862309 [email protected]


Can also offer our supply to SEZ Units against LUT
without Payment of IGST & EXPORT ENQUIRES

(AN ISO 9001-2015 certified Company)
Mob: +91-8888862805 / 8007655155  Tel: 02572220300
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
[email protected] / [email protected]

• Export Inquiries Solicited Anticaking Agent
• Specifications & Quality as per International Standards Antifoaming Agent
• Suitable Packings for Export Consignments Benzoin
Sulphosuccinate (DOSS)
315, Aditviya Complex, Nr. Deluxe Cross Roads, Please Contact:
Vasantha 387
Nizampura, Vadodara - 390002, INDIA,
Ph: +91 265 2796401 / 25 | Fax: +91 265 2796421
Oasis Chemical Industries
W-57, Phase II, MIDC, Dombivli East
Vasantha 387
Email: [email protected] • M: +91 9712943201
[email protected] • M: +91 9998050676 421204. Dist: Thane, Maharashtra, India.
Vasantha 387
A Government Recognised Website:

2 - Star Export House Works: 155/1 & 155/2, GIDC Estate, Nandesari - 391340, Gujarat, India. Vasantha 387 Mob: +91 9930990960, 9820757840

29/42 Vasantha 387

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 185
Vasantha 387

Vasantha 387
Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised
Chennai Chemical Market

Prices as on May 9, 2023

Name of Chemicals Pack Price Change Name of Chemicals Pack Price Change
(Kgs.) (Rs./Kg.) (Kgs.) (Rs./Kg.)

INORGANIC CHEMICALS Mercury 34.5 7,800.00

Acid Slurry (Soft) 50 138.00 Naphthalene Balls 50 130.00
Alum – Ferric 50 22.00 Nickel Chloride 25 725.00
Ammonium Bicarbonate 25 34.00 Phosphoric Acid (85% Tech) 125.00
Ammonium Bifluoride (Sugar grade) 50 178.00 Potassium Carbonate (Powder) 25 178.00
Ammonium Carbonate 50 90.00 Potassium Carbonate (Granules) 25 145.00
Ammonium Chloride 50 54.00 Potassium Nitrate 50 150.00
Ammonium Nitrate 50 30.00 Potassium Permanganate (Tech) 50 280.00
Ammonium Phosphate (Mono) 50 135.00 Potassium Permanganate (Pure) 50 320.00
Ammonium Sulphate 50 29.00 Potassium Phosphate (Di) 50 158.00
Antimony Trioxide 50 1,075.00 S.L.E.S 50 60.00

Barium Chloride 50 58.00 Soda Ash Light 50 41.00

Bleaching Powder (33% Cl) 25 14.00 Sodium Bicarbonate 50 42.00

Sodium Bichromate 50 190.00
Borax (Granular) 50 86.00
Sodium Bisulphite 50 45.00
Boric Acid (Tech.) 50 125.00
Sodium Chlorite 50% (India) 50 240.00
Calcium Carbonate (Activated) 50 18.00
Sodium Chlorite 80% (India) 50 280.00
Calcium Carbonate (Precipitated) 50 17.00
Sodium Cyanide 50 650.00
Calcium Chloride 70% (Lumps) 50 14.00
Sodium Fluoride 50 150.00
Calcium Chloride-Anhydrous 50 24.00
Sodium Formate 50 63.00
Camphor Oil 200 Litrs 135.00
Sodium Hexameta Phosphate 68% 50 132.00
Caustic Potash (Flakes) 50 143.00
Sodium Hydrosulphite (China) 50 180.00
Caustic Soda (Flakes) 50 52.00
Sodium Metabisulphite 50 40.00
Caustic Soda (Prills) 50 98.00
Sodium Nitrate 50 88.00
Chromic Acid (Flakes) 50 330.00
Sodium Nitrite (China) 50 85.00
Chlorinated Xylene 25 85.00
Sodium Silicate Naked 28.50
Copper Sulphate 50 220.00
Sodium Sulphate (Anhydrous) 50 17.00
Diammonium Phosphate 50 34.00
Sodium Sulphide 50-52% (Flakes) 50 58.00
Dioctylmalite 180 82.00 Sodium Sulphide 58-60% (Flakes) 50 52.00
Ferric Chloride (Anhydrous) 50 39.00 Sodium Sulphite 92% 50 56.00
Ferrous Sulphate – Crystals 50 16.00 Sodium Tripolyphosphate 50 112.00
Hydrochloric Acid Naked 6.00 Titanium Dioxide Anatase 25 195.00
Hydrogen Peroxide 50% 50 36.00 Titanium Dioxide (Rutile – R-902) 25 256.00
Hyflosupercell 22.7 138.00 Trisodium Phosphate 50 42.00
Litharge 50 220.00 Zinc Chloride Powder (Tech.) 50 90.00
Lithopone B301 (China) 25 112.00 Zinc Oxide White Seal 50 250.00
Magnesium Carbonate (Indian) 50 130.00 Zinc Stearate (Pure) 25 220.00
Magnesium Sulphate 50 18.00 Zinc Sulphate (Tech.) 50 58.00

186 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Chennai Chemical Market

Prices as on May 9, 2023

Name of Chemicals Pack Price Change Name of Chemicals Pack Price Change
(Kgs.) (Rs./Kg.) (Kgs.) (Rs./Kg.)

ORGANIC CHEMICALS Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (Refill) 160 225.00

Methylene Dichloride 250 55.00
Acetic Acid Glacial 35 64.00
Methylene Dichloride (Refill) 250 52.00
Acetone 160 96.00
Mineral Turpentine Oil 50 120.00
Benzene 195 Litrs 92.00
Monochloro Phenol 50 120.00
Benzyl Alcohol 200 200.00
Nitrobenzene 200 125.00
Bisphenol-A (Russian) 25 180.00
Octanol (2-Ethyl hexanol) 160 135.00
n-Butanol 170 105.00
Oleic Acid 50 140.00
n-Butyl Acetate 165 116.00 Oxalic Acid (Punjab) 50 66.00
Butyl Cellosolve 195 140.00 Paraffin Wax (White) 50 130.00
Camphor 25 850.00 Paraformaldehyde 91% 25 115.00
Cellosolve (Ethyl) 195 152.00 Perchloroethylene 320 155.00
Chloroform 300 50.00 Phenyl Liquid 230 115.00
Citric Acid (Anhy) 25 95.00 Phthalic anhydride 25 115.00
Citric Acid (Mono) 25 78.00 Pine Oil 22% 200 Litrs 110.00
Cresote Oil 50 64.00 Pine Oil 40% 200 Litrs 190.00
Cyclohexanone 190 148.00 Poly Aluminium Chloride 25 30.00
D D Turpentine 200 Litrs 145.00 Polyethylene Glycol 400 230 118.00
Diacetone Alcohol 195 130.00 Polyethylene Glycol 600 230 140.00
Diethylene Glycol 230 104.00 Propylene Glycol 215 125.00
Dimethyl Formamide 195 110.00 Red Lead 50 220.00
Dioctyl Phthalate 200 150.00 Renine 180 72.00
Di-Pentene 200 Litrs 92.00 Rosin 17 125.00
Sodium Acetate 50 32.00
EDTA Acid 25 448.00
Sodium Benzoate 50 95.00
EDTA Disodium 25 398.00
Sorbitol 250 52.00
EDTA Tetrasodium 25 348.00
Stearic Acid (Cosmetic) 50 130.00
Ethyl Acetate 185 102.00
Styrene Monomer 185 115.00
Ethylene Dichloride 200 65.00
Terpeneol Perfumery 25 Litrs 260.00
Ethylene Glycol – Mono 230 67.00
Thiourea 25 260.00
Formaldehyde 65 30.00
Toluene 200 Litrs 102.00
Formic Acid 35 72.00
Trichloroethylene 280 145.00
Glycerine – CP 250 72.00 Triethanolamine 210 125.00
Hexamine – Tech 50 125.00 Vinyl Acetate Monomer 185 190.00
n-Hexane 160 Litrs 68.00 Xylene Mixed 185 107.00
Hydroquinone (Imported) 25 1150.00 o-Xylene 185 125.00
Isopropyl Alcohol 160 124.00
Source of Information: Mr. Subhash Ghorawat, Chemicals (India)
Isopropyl Alcohol (Refill) 160 104.00 Company, No. 87, Perambur Barracks Road, “EdenPlaza’’ 3rd Floor, (Near
Maleic Anhydride 25 115.00 Doveton Signal) Purasawalkam, Chennai-600 007. Tel: 91 44 26611911-15.
Methyl Ethyl Ketone 166 132.00 E-mail: [email protected]
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 160 240.00 Website:

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 187

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

China Chemical Market
Prices as on May 9, 2023
Name of Chemicals 9th May-2023 2nd May-2023 Change
Acetone 953 953
Acrylic Acid 990 990
Acrylonitrile 1354 1354
Adipic Acid 1458 1458
Aniline 1690 1690
Benzene 1091 1091
Bisphenol-A 1441 1413 29
Butyl Acetate 1137 1061 77
Butyl Acrylate 1267 1267
n-Butanol 1270 1144 126
Caustic Soda 222 225 -3
Chloroform 375 375
Cyclohexane 1050 1063 -13
Cyclohexanone 1389 1389
Dibutyl Phthalate 1383 1383
Diethylene Glycol 1035 1163 -128
Dimethyl Formamide 803 847 -44
Dioctyl Phthalate 1437 1437
Ethyl Acetate 967 979 -12
Ethyl Acrylate 1442 1442
Ethylene Dichloride 388 388
Ethylene Glycol 603 603
2-Ethylhexyl Acrylate 1647 1649 -2
Formaldehyde 172 172
Glycerine 715 715
Hydrogen Peroxide 115 115
Isobutyl Alcohol 1177 1143 34
Isopropyl Alcohol 1076 1076
Maleic Anhydride 1045 1114 -69
Methanol 370 370
Methyl Ethyl Ketone 1165 1171 -6
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 1683 1842 -159
Methylene Dichloride 397 408 -11
Monoethanolamine 1089 1144 -55
Nitric Acid 371 371
Octanol 1539 1360 179
Phenol 1110 1110
Phthalic Anhydride 1113 1217 -104
Polyvinyl Alcohol 2342 2412 -70
Propyl Acetate 1071 1090 -19
Propylene Glycol 1282 1351 -69
Soda Ash 390 390
Stearic Acid 1209 1242 -33
Styrene 1237 1237
Terephthalic Acid 934 934
Titanium Dioxide 2324 2333 -9
Toluene 1105 1105
Vinyl Acetate 943 1029 -86
o-Xylene 1281 1281
Price in USD per mt
The above prices are provided by Ms. Annie An of ECHEMI, (Email: [email protected])
The prices are published only with a view to give some ideas of the market conditions.

188 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Vegetable Oil Market

Rapeseed, Castor and Sunflower firm up

Prices of most local and imported oils moved up during the past week
under review. Rapeseed oil gained over 2.50%, while Castor and Sunflower
oils were up by over a percent. Cottonseed oil was costlier up by over 4%.
Linseed oil gained marginally, while Groundnut and Sesame oils remained
steady. Among imported oils, RBD palmolein was up by a percent and crude
Palm was costlier by half a percent. crude degummed Soyabean was up
by almost 3%. In solvent extracted oils, Soyabean was up by 2.13%, while
Rice brans remained subdued. Comparing the prices of some of the oils
over the same period last year, groundnut is fairly unchanged and sunflower
is down by 50%. Rapeseed is down by 33% and linseed is cheaper by 40%.
Sesame is costlier by 25%. Castor is cheaper by 18%, while cottonseed is
cheaper by 39%.

May-2023 April-2023 Change Average Change

Name of oils
05th 28th [%] May-2022 [%]
Local oils
Groundnut oil 163,000 163,000 – 164,000 -0.61
Rapeseed oil 100,000 97,500 2.56 150,000 -33.33
Sunflower oil 91,000 90,000 1.11 182,500 -50.14
Linseed oil 92,000 91,500 0.55 153,500 -40.07
Sesame oil 280,000 280,000 – 224,000 25.00
Washed cottonseed oil 96,000 92,000 4.35 157,250 -38.95
Castor oil (commercial) 125,000 123,500 1.21 152,250 -17.90
Imported oils
RBD palmolein 95,000 94,000 1.06 157,000 -39.49
Crude degummed soybean oil 90,500 88,000 2.84 153,500 -41.04
Crude palm oil (5%) (ex-Kandla) 87000 86,500 0.58 152,500 -42.95
Solvent extracted oils
Soyabean oil (Indore) 96,000 94,000 2.13 155,000 -38.06
Rice bran oil (RG-I) 81,500 81,500 – 132,000 -38.26
Rice bran oil (RG-II) (industrial) 78,500 79,500 -1.26 129,000 -39.15
Note: Rates in Rs. per ton.
Source: Solvent Extractors Association of India

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 189

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Mumbai Drugs Market

Prices are given in good faith by the Pharmaceutical Broker Mr. ROHIT PADALIA of M/S. INDULAL M. PADALIA
206, Reena Complex, Ramdev Nagar Road, Kirol, Vidyavihar (West), Mumbai – 400 086.
Tel. Nos: 25022040/25022041. E-mail: [email protected]

Prices as on May 9, 2023

Name of Items Pack Price Change Name of Items Pack Price Change
(Kgs.) (Rs./Kg.) (Kgs.) (Rs./Kg.)


Aceclofenac 25 860 Ciprofloxacin HCl 25 2,200

Albendazole 25 1,500 Clarithromycin 5 12,100

Allopurinol 10 2,650 Clopidogrel Bisulphate 10 3,600

Ambroxol HCl 5 3,350 Closantel 25 6,200

Amitriptyline HCl 25 2,800 Cloxacillin Sodium 25 2,900

Amlodipine Besylate 5 2,700 Dexchlorpheniramine Maleate 1 14,700

Amoxycillin Sodium Sterile (Cryst) 10 7,800 Dextromethorphan HBr 1 6,500

Amoxycillin Trihydrate 25 3,000 Diclofenac Potassium 25 635

Ampicillin Sodium Sterile 10 4,600 Diclofenac Sodium 25 550

Ampicillin Trihydrate 25 2,950 Dicyclomine HCl 10 2,075

Atenolol 25 1,475 Diethyl Carbamazine Citrate 25 1,250

Azithromycin Dihydrate 5 9,900 Diiodohydroxyquinoline 25 4,100

Bromhexine HCl 25 2,400 Diphenhydramine HCl 25 1,100

Brompheniramine Maleate 5 6,200 Erythromycin Base 25 7,200

Caffeine 25 1,675 Erythromycin Estolate 25 4,600

Cefixime Trihydrate 5 11,500 Erythromycin Stearate 25 4,200

Cetrizine Di HCl (EP) 5 2,450 Ethamsylate 25 675

Chlorpheniramine Maleate 5 1,600 Ethophylline 25 1,650

190 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Mumbai Drugs Market

Prices as on May 9, 2023

Name of Items Pack Price Change Name of Items Pack Price Change
(Kgs.) (Rs./Kg.) (Kgs.) (Rs./Kg.)

Famotidine 25 3,200 Oxyclozanide B.P. (Vet) 25 1,150

Fenbendazole 25 2,350 Paracetamol 25 465

Fluconazole 5 8,300 Pheniramine Maleate 5 1,500

Fluoxetine HCl 25 6,300 Phenylbutazone 25 1,075

Frusemide 25 3,200 Phenylephrine HCl 5 7,250

Glibenclamide 5 2,850 Phenytoin Sodium 25 910

Guiafenesin 25 650 Piperazine Citrate 25 560

Ibuprofen 50 675 Piperazine Hexahydrate 25 495

Iodine 50 6,500 Potassium Iodate 25 5,050

Iron (III) Hydroxide Polymaltose

Potassium Iodide 25 5,100
Complex 25 320
Povidone Iodine 25 1,850
Ketoconazole USP 5 4,700
Pregabalin 5 3,800
Lidocaine HCl 25 950

Mebendazole USP 25 1,675 Pyroxicam 25 3,100

Mefenamic Acid 25 635 Ranitidine HCl 25 1,050

Mepyramine Maleate 25 4,200 Rafoxanide B. P. (Vet) 25 6,200

Metformin HCl 25 270 Roxithromycin E.P. 5 5,500

Miconazole Nitrate 25 1,875 Salbutamol Sulphate 5 7,000

Niacinamide 50 525 Sildenafil Citrate 5 1,550

Nifedipine 25 3,650 Sodium Iodide 25 5,300

Nimesulide 25 485 Tinidazole 50 960

Ornidazole 25 1,050 Theophylline Anhydrous 25 1,450

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 191

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Hyderabad Drugs Market
Prices as on May 9, 2023
Name of Chemicals Pack Price Name of Chemicals Pack Price
(Kgs.) (Rs./Kg.) (Kgs.) (Rs./Kg.)
Aceclofenac IP 25 950 Losartan potassium IP 25 4300
Atazanavir sulphate USP 5 68500 Levetiracetam IP 50 2400
Acyclovir IP 25 3500 Lansoprazole USP 25 6000
Ambroxol Hcl IP 25 4900 Lamivudine IP 10 8400
Amitriptyline IP 25 2200 Lisinopril USP 25 30000
Amlodipine Besylate IP 10 2850 Meropenam IP 5 95000
Amoxycillin Trihydrate IP 25 3100 Minoxidil IP 25 5600
Ampiciilin Trihydrate IP 25 2950 Montelukast Sodium IP 1 38000
Azithromycin Dihydrate 5 11000 Nortriptyline hcl IP 5 KG 6300
Atorvastatin Calcium 5 9250 Naproxen sodium USP 25 3400
Capacetabine IP 5 16000 NebIvolol hcl IP 1 110/-GM
Cefuroxime Axetil 25 10800 Nevirapine IP 10 8000
Cefexime Trihydrate 25 12000 Omeprazole Powder USP 25 2500
Cefpodoxime proxetil 25 12000 Oxyclozanide IP Vet 25 1500
Cyproheptidine 25 5600 Oxcarbazepine- IP 50 9600
Citicoline sodium IP 25 11000 Pantaprazole sodium IP 25 4200
Clarithromycin 25 16000 Phenylephrine Hcl IP 5 7300
Cephalexin IP 25 6000 Posaconazole IH 1 800/-GM
Cetrizine Di hcl I.P. 25 2200 Pregabalin IP 25 4000
Ciprofloxacin hcl 50 2600 Ramipril USP 5 39000
Clopidogrel Bisulphate 10 3600 Ranitidine HCL IP 25 1300
Closantel Base 25 6000 Rabeprazole Sodium I.P 25 4800
Dapoxetine HCL IP 25 12000 Rosuvastatin calcium IP 1 19000
Domperidone IP 25 3000 Sildenafil citrate IP 25 1450
Drotaverine HCL 25 4300 Sertraline Hcl IP 25 6500
Dextromethorphan HBR 5 6300 Sulphamethaxazole IP 25 1150
Enrofloxacin Hcl EP 25 2800 Sulbactm sodium sterile IP 25 6500
Esomeprazole Mag Trihydrate IP 25 4000 Telmisartan IP 5 5800
Escitalopram Oxalate 5 12000 Teneligliptin IP 5 9500
Enoxaprin Sodium Sterile IP 5 1800/-GM Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumerate 10 8500
Etoricoxib IP 10 8500 Terbinafine Hcl IP 25 4600
Famotidine IP 25 4000 Ticagrelor IP 1 68000
Favipiravir IH 25 15000 Tramadol HCL IP 25 2450
Fexofinadine Hcl IP 5 5800 Vildagliptin IP 5 7200
Fluconazole 25 8000 Voriconazole IP 1 130/-GM
Famciclovir IP 5 40000 Zidovudine IP 5 14500
Gabapentin IP 25 2200 Source of Information: Neha Chemicals, (A Division of Pharma
Itraconazole 25 8500 House), Plot No. 983, 984, Dhoolapally Road, Opp. SVSS Weigh Bridge,
Ext. IDA Jeedimetla, Hyderabad - 55. Phone: 040-6464-3951, 52.
Ketoconazole USP 25 4500 Mr. Shripal Jain – 09391100974, Mr. Vinod Jain – 09346111900.
Ketrolac Tromethamine IP 5 12000 E-mail: [email protected]

192 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised



MTBE - 150 KGS MS Drum
(95% Minimum) (9 PH Minimum)
(Photographic Grade) META XYLENE
Intact Drum Packing
VQ Documents Support Available

Plot No. C - 1/412/1, Phase - II, G.I.D.C., Vatva, Ahmedabad - 382 445. meru chem pvt. ltd.
Email: [email protected] /
Contact : Shreeram Rajpurohit - 9824044900 / 9898384848 [email protected]
Tel.: 022-67105940 / 66711229

Preetam Purohit - 8849754624 Mob.: 9820196391 / 18
E-mail : [email protected] Web.:


IN SS TANKER (304 & 316 ) Multi / Single Compartment  LEAD NITRATE  ZINC ACETATE





UP TO 30 % Hg


- 35 % Hg
Please contact:
Off: 102 Navnidhi Industrial Prem., A D Marg, Sewree Naka, chloral chemicals (i) pvt. ltd.
Sewri West, Mumbai - 400015. Shed No. 24, M.I.D.C., Badlapur, Dist. Thane,
Contact: 022-24142646 / 24170777 / 9324142646 Maharashtra. 421 503
Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Tel.: 0251 – 6557548 / 53 * Mob.: 098215 50335
Website: Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

MANUFACTURER OF S.S. Polychemicals (P) Ltd.

Aluminium Largest Indian Manufacturers of


(80%, 85%, 92%, 99% Anhydrous,
Pharma, L/R Grades)
::: PURITY :::
99.00% Min by weight, ALSO AVAILABLE:
Fe content : 0.01% Max. by weight  Zinc Carbonate
Grade 1 : below 2 mm, Grade 2 : 2 mm to 9 mm
(Pharmaceutical Grade) Grade 3 : Above 9 mm  Zinc Sulphite
Products are Manufactured
 Zinc Hydroxide
as per Client's Requirements
Also Available  Sodium Metabisulphite
Cuprous Chloride (Anhy.)  Sodium Bisulphite
Cupric Chloride
Sodium Sulphite

Factory : Plot No. 148/1, Village : Dhanot, Works & Office: E-218, I.P.I.A., Kota 324 005.
B/h. Khushboo Plywood, Chhatral- Kadi Road, Tel.: 0744-2490699, 2406740  Fax: 2490558
Ta. Kalol, Dist. Gandhinagar - 382729 Email: [email protected]
Ph: 02764 234233 • (M): 09723022433 / 09824076744 Web:
E-mail: [email protected] Contact: Sachin Jha: 9829038467

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 193

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

methyl Acetate 85% & 99% 
isopropyl Bromide  n-Butyl Bromide 
HBr gas in Acetic Acid 30-33%

isopropyl Acetate 
Bromobenzene  HBr Gas in IPA
 n-Propyl Acetate  n-propyl Bromide 
ethylene di Bromide  Beta-Phenyl Ethyl Bromide

methyl Chloro Acetate  n-Pentyl Bromide  1,3-Dibromo Propane

isopropyl Chloro Acetate  n-Octyl Bromide  n-Hexyl Bromide  1,4-Dibromobutane
 N-Bromo Succinimide 
isobutyl Bromide  Sodium Bromide
 Ethyl Bromide  3-Chloropropionyl Chloride  Potassium Bromide

Allyl Bromide  Allyl Chloride 
Lithium Chloride powder  2-Bromo Butane

ethyl Chloro Acetate 
Lithium Bromide powder 
4-Bromo Anisole

1-Bromo-3-Chloro propane 
Hydrobromic Acid 48%, 62% & 55% 
4- methyl Acetophenone
3-Dimethyl Amino Propyl Chloride Hydrochloride 60-65% Soln. and Powder 99%
Lithium Chloride 40% Sol. (For Dehumidification of Air)
Lithium Bromide 50-55% Sol. (For Vapour Absorption System)
Lithium Chromate / Molybdate / Sulphate / Acetate
W/17, MIDC Chemical Zone, Ambernath (W) 421 501. Tel.: 0251-2610582 / 08446052422 / 022-25222207
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]  Web.:

Contact Person: Mr. Sharad Parekh: 09820426188 / 09320026188 / Mr. Bhavesh Parekh: 09867153307

We are the largest manufacturer of

Good Defoamer
Sodium Sulphide Liquid
We Required
Sodium Hydrogen Sulphide (naHs) Manufacturing
& Consultant
Caustic Soda Lye
(Also use by product) Required
Contact: Mr. Manoj.J.Mehta - Mobile: +91-9377511735
Please contact
Mobile: 8870644481
Plot No. 830/05/02 GIDC, Jhagadia, Dist-Bharuch-393110. Whatsapp: 8973888572
Email: [email protected], [email protected] Email: [email protected]


• Aluminium Nitrate • Lead Chloride / Carbonate / Sulphate / Nitrate / Acetate
• Ammmonium Bi Fluoride (Tech / Anodizing) • Magnesium Acetate / Oxide


• Ammoniuim Acetate • Magnesium Sulphate (Crystal / Anhydrous)
• Ammonium Carbonate (Lumps / Powder) • Manganese Acetate / Carbonate / Chloride
• Ammonium Chloride • Manganese Sulphate (98%)
• Ammonium Di Chromate • Nickel Acetate / Carbonate / Nitrate
• Barium Acetate • Nickel Chloride (E P) Contact:
• Barium Carbonate / Chloride • Nickel Sulphate (E P)
• Calcium Acetate (Mono, 99%) • Para Toluene Sulphonic Acid Shreyans Chemicals
• Chromium Chloride / Nitrate / Sulphate / • Phosphorus Tri Chloride (PCl3) W-43, MIDC, Tarapur - 401 506.
Carbonate / Acetate • Potassium Bi Chromate
• Chromium Tri Oxide (99%) • Potassium Bi Sulphate Email: [email protected]
• Cobalt Chloride / Nitrate • Potassium Chromate
• Cobalt Sulphate (20.75%) • Potassium Sulphate / Nitrate/ Fluoride
• Cobalt Sulphate Solution (9%) • Sodium Di Chromate (Indu Ragukul)

Copper Acetate (Mono)
Copper Nitrate / Carbonate / Chloride

Zinc Acetate
Zinc Chloride Powder (80%, 90%, 99%)
• Copper Sulphate (Powder, Feed Grade, Pure) • Zinc Dust Repacking and Drumming
• Ferric Chloride (Anhydrous) • Zinc Phosphate / Nitrate Facility for
• Ferrous Sulphate (Crystal / Fine Crystal) • Zinc Sulphate (Heptahydrate / Mono)
(A Group Co. of PARESH cHEMIcALS / PRAcHI METAL cHEM) at Vapi with GPCB consent
Corporate Office : A-301, Borivali Arunodaya CHS. Ltd., Market Lane, Above Khatav Hospital,
Borivali (West), Mumbai - 400 092 l Tel.: 022-67251313 / 67411313 / 28917600 / 28927600
Contact Person: PARESH SHAH: 9820120703 / 9223432851, RASHMIN HARIA: 8779003699 / 9819320703 Interested parties can write to:
Email: [email protected] / [email protected] [email protected]
UDYAM NO: MH-18-0118419 (4)
194 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Materials Imported

Import of organic chemicals, February 2023

Imports in February 2023 with volumes from 500-1,000 tonnes
Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price
[Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] Product Qty CIF Price
Furfuryl alcohol Glucosamine sulphate, D- [Tonnes] [Rs./kg]
China 659.75 85.57 129 China 7.50 3.17 422 Paraformaldehyde 995 78
Hong Kong 121.00 15.56 128 Methanesulphonyl chloride 977 203
UAE 20.00 2.63 131 Glutamic acid diethyl ester HCl, L- Chloro-5-chloromethylthiazole, 2- (CCMT) 976 569
Germany 0.48 0.30 623 China 0.01 0.04 8,365
Butanol, t- (tert-Butyl alcohol) 956 99
Furfuryl mercaptan Glutamic acid, L- Dimethyl sulphoxide 929 429
UK 0.00 0.00 4,129 China 3.45 0.99 445 Glyoxylic acid 894 101
Lysine sulphate, L- (Feed grade) 887 70
Furfurylamine Glutamine, L- Ethylhexanoic acid, 2- 884 145
China 2.40 1.29 538 China 26.00 14.66 564
Methyl-4-nitroiminoperhydro-1,3,5- 857 631
Hong Kong 3.00 1.68 562 oxadiazine, 3- (MNIO; Oxadiazinamine)
China 1.20 0.85 712 Glutaraldehyde Naphthol, 2- (beta-Naphthol, 2- 849 169
Spain 0.03 0.03 1,214 China 52.80 6.34 147
Hong Kong 27.60 5.58 203 Sulphanilic acid 828 129
Galbascone (Neobutenone, alpha-, Dynascone) Dimethylphosphoramidothioate, 810 339
Netherlands 0.72 12.56 17,444 Glutathione, L- O,O- (DMPAT)
Singapore 0.03 0.69 27,619 China 2.20 17.02 7,781 Furfuryl alcohol 801 147
Spain 0.00 0.04 19,608 Benzoic acid 798 103
Glycerine (Glycerol) (Pharma grade) Dipropylene glycol 789 128
Gallic acid Germany 40.00 8.67 217
Trichloroisocyanuric acid 783 109
China 24.55 20.65 846 Indonesia 22.50 4.26 189
Malaysia 20.00 3.93 197 Ethylene glycol heavy 763 26
Gentamycin sulphate USA 0.77 0.50 763 Dimethyl carbonate 739 79
China 2.28 16.71 7,300 Aminopenicillanic acid, 6- (6-APA) 729 3,661
Glycerine (Glycerol) (Refined) Aminodiphenylamine, 4- 717 234
Geraniol Singapore 3,328.23 181.13 55
Propylene trimer (Nonene) 713 125
Singapore 95.37 70.81 736 Malaysia 1,521.61 75.21 55
China 3.40 2.63 774 Indonesia 1,315.00 73.51 60 Methoxy-2-propanol, 1- 711 96
Hong Kong 1.02 0.80 787 Germany 242.08 12.39 51 Ethyl-6-methylaniline, 2- 704 404
USA 0.72 1.04 1,443 Thailand 240.00 14.49 60 Butyl methacrylate, n- 686 168
Switzerland 0.05 0.30 6,091 Hong Kong 212.78 7.12 34 Difluoromethane (R32) 684 178
Peru 153.00 12.75 91 Propionaldehyde 683 118
Geranyl acetate South Korea 100.00 5.48 55
Singapore 4.32 3.56 815 Canada 77.13 2.60 34 Monoglycerides 677 95
Triazole, 1H-1,2,4- 631 368
Geranyl formate Glycerol dibehenate Difluoroethane (R152A) 624 227
Switzerland 0.00 0.01 5,122 France 1.25 2.13 1,084 Diisobutylene 619 141
Butylphenol, 4-t- 618 152
Geranyl isobutyrate Glycerol distearate
Tartaric acid, L- 611 175
Spain 0.00 0.00 4,287 France 0.02 0.01 460
Diethylhexyl cyclohexane 606 114
Gliclazide Glycerol monolaurate Butanediol, 1,4- (1,4-Butylene glycol) 592 210
China 2.63 17.10 6,551 China 0.10 0.06 592 Glycine 580 156
Mannitol (D-Mannitol) 578 543
Glucamate Glycerol monomyristate
Dimethylacetamide, N,N- 576 100
Belgium 3.08 4.50 1,461 China 0.30 1.66 5,536
Isocyanate 565 498
Gluconic acid Glycerol monooleate Ethylenediamine 546 299
China 40.00 1.98 49 France 0.04 0.02 460 Pinene, alpha- 541 328
Propylene glycol monomethyl ether 535 94
Glucono-1,5-lactone, D-(+)- (Glucono-delta-lactone) Glycerol monostearate (Glyceryl stearate) acetate (1-Methoxy-2-propyl acetate)
China 130.00 18.83 146 China 202.00 21.86 112 Butylphenol, 2-t- 529 168
Singapore 1.00 0.50 496 Taiwan 3.39 1.03 305
Dichlorobenzene, 1,3- (m-Dichlorobenzene) 522 4,445
France 1.20 0.62 516
Glucosamine HCl, D- UAE 0.48 0.15 318 Acetaldehyde oxime (Acetaldoxime) 513 152
China 5.00 2.48 497 Thailand 0.03 0.01 253 Lactulose 508 250
Glycol, heavy 508 27
Glucosamine sulphate potassium chloride Glycerol tristearate Cyanuric acid (Isocyanuric acid) 505 117
China 2.50 1.82 728 Taiwan 10.17 3.15 310

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 195

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Materials Imported
Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price
[Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg]
Glyceryl triacrylate propoxylated Habanolide Hexadecane, n-
Taiwan 5.00 1.16 232 Switzerland 0.78 1.55 1,988 China 0.45 0.30 669

Glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane, 3- Haloxyfob Hexadecene, 1- (alpha-Olefin C-16)

China 69.60 36.00 496 France 25.00 131.84 5,267 Qatar 1,823.59 156.25 86

Glycidyl methacrylate Heat transfer fluid Hexadecyl-3,5-bis-t-butyl-4-hydroxybenzoate

Japan 12.00 7.68 644 Hong Kong 112.00 41.65 375 China 0.03 0.02 948
Belgium 68.48 48.43 707
Glycidyl phthalimide, (S)-(+)- Germany 35.20 4.54 129
Hexafluoropropane, 1,1,1,3,3,3- (HFC-236FA)
China 0.50 3.10 6,190 India 17.24 7.21 418
USA 10.90 15.71 1,441
USA 3.94 2.03 514
Glycine Hexafluoropropylene
China 466.00 68.03 150 Heliofresh
Spain 1.00 1.64 1,645 Hong Kong 109.00 62.75 577
Hong Kong 54.00 9.71 180
Japan 0.40 0.72 1,796 Mongolia 60.00 34.76 579
Greenland 40.00 7.12 178
UAE 20.00 3.56 178
Heliotropin (Piperonal) Hexahydrophthalic anhydride
China 4.00 6.70 1,674 China 138.16 19.39 140
Glycocholic acid
Italy 0.10 17.44 174,420
Helvetolide Hexalactone, gamma-
Glycol, crude/mixed Spain 0.01 0.09 9,350 China 0.05 0.20 4,015
UAE 3,546.81 89.42 25
Malaysia 302.22 7.26 24 Heme iron polypeptide Hexalon
Saudi Arabia 225.94 4.12 18 China 0.83 5.02 6,043 Spain 0.19 1.41 7,418
Canada 151.95 4.66 31
USA 108.78 3.15 27 Heptafluoroisopropyl-2-methylaniline, 4- Hexamethyldisilazane
Hong Kong 4.25 17.58 4,138 China 35.25 35.48 917
Taiwan 66.63 1.98 30
Singapore 47.82 0.70 15 Seychelles 6.90 4.62 670
Heptafluoropropane, 1,1,1,2,3,3,3- (HFC-227EA)
USA 10.96 7.80 711
Glycol, heavy Hexamethyldisiloxane
China 2.00 1.42 711
Malaysia 347.41 7.56 22 Germany 27.00 9.71 360
UAE 160.94 4.72 29 China 3.00 2.53 844
Heptalactone, gamma-
Switzerland 0.01 0.02 3,091
Glycolic acid Hexamethylenebis(3,5-di-t-butyl-4-hydroxyhydro-
Singapore 18.00 3.72 207 cinnamamide, N,N’-
Heptamethyltrisiloxane, 1,1,1,3,5,5,5-
USA 18.03 10.43 579 Hong Kong 4.50 3.17 703
Glycolierral UAE 1.50 1.11 743
Switzerland 0.02 0.19 9,454 Heptane-1-sulphonic acid, sodium salt
Germany 0.01 0.60 108,843 Hexamethylenediamine
Glyoxal USA 39.19 12.23 312
Canada 382.74 16.34 44 Heptane, n- South Korea 13.79 4.85 351
China 62.00 3.95 63 China 959.72 133.08 138
Hong Kong 41.60 3.28 79 South Korea 334.44 49.90 151 Hexamethylenediisocyanate
Israel 236.84 20.93 90 France 36.00 18.86 541
Glyoxylic acid Hong Kong 21.92 2.92 133
China 893.50 88.61 101 Germany 12.51 3.20 311 Hexamethyleneimine
Belgium 0.73 0.51 703
Griseofulvin Heptanoic acid, n-
China 5.00 31.81 6,487 France 19.96 7.52 377
Hong Kong 0.02 1.12 62,738 Hexamethylenetetramine (Hexamine; Urotropin;
Heptyl undecylenate
Guaiacol (2-methoxyphenol) UAE 494.00 44.14 90
USA 0.01 0.04 3,281
Singapore 224.00 85.34 381 Saudi Arabia 335.75 31.73 97
China 0.03 0.04 1,523 Herboxane Israel 234.00 20.09 86
Netherlands 1.62 1.86 1,149 Singapore 80.00 6.36 79
Guanidine HCl
China 2.00 0.63 314 Hesperidine Hexamethylphosphoramide
Germany 1.04 2.83 2,721 China 1.25 1.18 1,141 China 0.60 1.24 2,069
Hong Kong 0.40 1.07 2,677
Guanine Hexa-t-butyl-a,a’,a’-(mesitylene-2,4,6-trityl)tri-p-
Hong Kong 40.00 74.88 1,872 cresol, 3,3’,3’,5’,5’- Hexanal (Hexaldehyde)
China 8.00 13.38 1,673 Germany 0.06 0.01 119 Germany 18.95 8.00 422

196 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Materials Imported
Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price
[Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg]
Hexane-1,6-diylbis[3-(3,5-di-t-butyl-4- Hexenol, trans-2- Hydrocortisone
hydroxyphenyl)propionamide], N,N- Switzerland 0.08 0.21 2,786 China 1.20 33.27 27,721
Hong Kong 2.40 2.15 897
Singapore 2.00 1.04 521 Hexenyl salicylate, cis-3- Hydroquinone
Japan 3.40 7.28 2,441 Singapore 197.00 156.82 799
Hexane, n- Hong Kong 1.00 3.07 3,070 China 72.00 44.56 628
UAE 6,899.56 534.80 76 China 0.40 1.33 3,318 Japan 60.00 45.91 777
Turkey 5,435.59 427.47 75 Spain 0.05 0.26 5,282 Thailand 48.00 29.44 617
Singapore 3,407.02 267.51 77 Hong Kong 19.00 14.15 745
USA 284.06 19.85 70 Hexenyl-cis-3-butyrate
China 52.80 6.99 139 Switzerland 0.07 0.48 7,462 Hydroxy TEMPO, 4-
China 0.20 0.22 1,099
Hexane, n- (99%) Hexenyl-cis-3-isobutyrate
South Korea 63.36 16.78 260 Switzerland 0.10 0.77 7,717 Hydroxy-(4-octyloxy)benzophenone, 2-
Germany 32.59 9.69 297 China 5.00 3.50 699
Hexanediol diacrylate, 1,6- France 0.02 0.16 7,794 Hydroxy-2-methyl-1-phenyl-1-propan-1-one, 2-
South Korea 15.40 4.12 266 Hong Kong 9.70 3.00 308
China 4.00 1.04 259 Hexenyl-cis-3-methyl carbonate
Taiwan 1.60 0.71 406 Switzerland 0.05 0.31 6,164 Hydroxy-20-methylpregn-4-en-3-one, (20S)-21-
China 3.75 18.89 5,010
Hexanediol diglycidyl ether, 1,6- Hexenyl-trans-2-acetate
China 8.00 2.40 300 Switzerland 0.03 0.07 2,930 Hydroxy-3-naphthoic acid, 2-
China 20.00 6.04 302
Hexanediol, 1,2- Hexenylacetate, cis-3-
Singapore 2.60 5.54 2,310 Japan 1.44 4.46 3,100 Hydroxy-3,4-dihydro-2(1H)-quinolinone, 6-
Germany 0.40 0.94 2,356 Hong Kong 0.85 4.01 4,771 China 0.27 2.93 10,840
China 0.51 2.49 4,891
Hexanediol, 1,6-
China 110.43 24.70 475 Hexyl acetate
benzotriazole, 2-[2-
Thailand 8.00 2.41 301 UK 0.85 0.33 388
Taiwan 0.20 0.30 1,492
Hong Kong 4.00 1.31 328
Japan 0.50 0.69 1,384 Hexyl butyrate
Indonesia 0.02 0.08 4,108
chlorobenzotriazole, 2-(2’-
Hexanoic acid
UAE 0.72 1.02 1,416
Japan 0.11 0.14 1,296 Hexyl cinnamic aldehyde
South Korea 0.72 1.01 1,401
USA 30.40 12.85 423
Hexanol, 1- (Hexyl alcohol; Alcohol C-6) UK 9.12 4.76 522
Germany 266.59 98.92 373 Hydroxy-4-(octyloxy)benzophenone, 2-
Spain 6.80 3.43 505 Hexyl salicylate UAE 0.45 0.45 1,005
UK 0.25 0.49 1,346 Singapore 4.00 1.88 471
UK 1.05 0.44 421 Hydroxy-4-androstene-3,17-dione, 19-
Hexen-1-yl methyl carbonate, Cis-3- China 0.20 4.88 24,411
Spain 0.01 0.04 8,462 Hexyl-1-decanol, 2-
Germany 0.68 0.48 713 Hydroxy-4-methyl-2(5H)furanone, 5-
Hexenal, trans-2- China 0.20 6.15 30,741
UK 0.69 1.23 1,701 Hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS)
Argentina 0.05 0.07 1,373 China 19.00 10.21 695 Hydroxy-5-t-octylphenyl)benzotriazole, 2-(2-
Singapore 0.00 0.01 3,743 Hong Kong 5.00 2.43 485 Hong Kong 6.50 6.25 962
South Korea 0.50 0.78 1,564
Hexenal, trans-2- (natural) Germany 0.06 0.01 228 Hydroxy-5’-methylphenyl) benzotriazole, 2-(2’-
Germany 0.02 0.33 16,727 China 2.00 1.78 888
Homocysteine thiolactone HCl, DL-
Hexene, 1- Hong Kong 5.00 16.94 3,388 Hydroxy-6-methoxy-7-methyl-3-oxo-1,3-
Japan 47.90 11.07 234 dihydroisobenzofuran-5-yl)-4-methylhex-4-enoic
UAE 30.04 6.21 207 Humectant acid, E-6-(4- (Mycophenolic acid)
Belgium 0.06 0.14 2,193 China 60.36 412.45 6,849
Hexenol, cis-3- (Leaf alcohol)
Hong Kong 1.36 6.32 4,936 Hydantoin Hydroxy-L-proline, trans-4- (L-Hydroxyproline)
Japan 0.34 1.16 3,422 Hong Kong 18.00 8.59 476 China 1.50 1.90 1,266
Spain 0.01 0.08 8,100 China 12.00 5.83 486
Hydroxyacetic acid
Hexenol, cis-3- (Leaf alcohol), natural Hydrazine-4-methylbenzothiazole, 2- Germany 1.25 0.43 344
China 0.26 3.98 15,308 China 33.00 18.14 548 USA 0.75 0.27 358

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 197

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Materials Imported
Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price
[Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg]
Hydroxyacetophenone, 2- Hydroxylamine HCl Hong Kong 51.00 20.06 390
China 8.00 2.14 267 Hong Kong 18.88 4.03 213 Singapore 12.00 4.97 414
USA 15.20 3.06 202
Hydroxyacetophenone, 4- Imidazolidinyl urea
Hong Kong 172.50 94.00 548 Hydroxymethyl)-5-methyl-1,3-dioxol-2-one, 4-( China 1.20 0.87 728
China 0.50 0.58 1,164 Japan 0.94 26.88 28,705 Switzerland 0.35 0.33 979
UAE 0.02 0.03 1,138
Hydroxyalkylamide Hydroxymethylpyridyl-2)-2-phenyl-4-
Italy 5.00 1.53 306 methylpiperazine, 1,3- Imidazolines
China 2.50 35.76 14,403 Germany 0.72 0.20 278
Spain 0.01 0.09 9,426 Hydroxyphenyl-s-triazine, 2- Iminodibenzyl
Hong Kong 0.30 3.70 12,344 China 20.00 43.12 2,156
Hydroxybenzaldehyde, 4-
China 29.60 20.65 701 Hydroxyphenyl)-2-aminoethanol HCl, 1-(4- Iminostilbene carbonyl chloride
Hong Kong 1.20 0.89 743 (Octapamine HCl) China 32.00 118.40 3,701
China 3.00 13.35 4,450
Hydroxybenzoic acid, 3- Indene
China 10.00 4.91 491 Hydroxyphenylglycine base, D-(-)-4- Japan 2.28 0.87 381
China 192.70 181.30 935
Hydroxybenzoic acid, 4- Hong Kong 16.00 15.40 962 Indoflor (Indolarome)
China 90.00 27.98 311 Germany 0.10 0.42 4,204
Taiwan 72.00 21.27 296 Hydroxyphenylglycine methyl ester, D-(-)-p-
Japan 68.00 20.76 305 (Methyl D-(-)-4-hydroxyphenylglycinate) Indoline
Spain 105.98 139.60 1,316 China 2.00 4.30 2,152
Hydroxychloroquine sulphate China 16.00 16.81 1,051
Finland 2.73 41.11 15,057 Indomethacin
Hydroxyphenylglycine, D-(-)-4-
China 0.10 0.39 3,931
China 16.00 14.99 937
Singapore 7.74 12.63 1,626 Inositol (Myo-inositol)
Hydroxypivalic acid neopentyl glycol ester
China 35.43 60.07 1,645
Hong Kong 2.00 1.07 536
Hydroxycyclohexylphenyl ketone, 1- Finland 0.02 0.04 1,958
Hong Kong 13.58 5.86 461
Hydroxyprogesterone, 17-Alpha-
Inositol, D-(+)-chiro-
China 0.70 6.37 9,217
Hydroxyethyl acrylate, 2- Spain 0.20 4.47 22,356
China 379.00 41.00 108
Hydroxypropyl acrylate, 2-
Singapore 32.00 6.97 218 Insulin
Singapore 64.00 14.49 226
China 3.00 0.40 134 Denmark 0.06 200.22 3,287,662
Hydroxyethyl methacrylate, 2-
Japan 476.39 77.91 163 Hydroxypropyl bis(N-hydroxyethyl)-p- Iodomethyl sulbactam
Singapore 421.22 82.40 185 phenyloenediamine HCl China 3.00 39.72 13,240
China 226.00 37.26 166 France 0.01 0.66 66,156
Hong Kong 80.00 13.87 172 Ionol, beta-
South Korea 0.20 0.12 602 Hydroxypropyl methacrylate, 2- Italy 0.02 0.09 4,483
China 34.00 6.15 184
Hydroxyethyl urea Ionone, alpha-
China 9.00 1.99 304 Hydroxypyridine-1-oxide, 2- China 0.36 0.50 1,389
China 1.00 7.70 7,696
Hydroxyethyl)amino-o-cresol, 5(N)- Ionone, beta (4-(2,6,6-Trimethyl-1-cyclohexen-1-
Germany 1.00 7.50 7,496 Hydroxyquinoline, 8- yl)-buten-2-one)
China 23.18 26.69 1,160 Switzerland 7.20 6.16 859
Hydroxyethyl)piperazine, 1-(2- Hong Kong 17.00 17.16 1,010 Singapore 5.44 5.23 959
China 1.00 0.95 946 Greenland 2.00 2.52 1,259 Hong Kong 0.54 0.56 1,066
China 0.04 0.04 987
Hydroxyethylethyleneurea methacrylate Hydroxyzine pamoate
China 4.00 4.55 1,138 Italy 3.09 44.31 14,357 Iso E super
USA 0.78 15.79 20,323 China 1.37 1.19 869
Hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid, 1- (HEDP)
China 144.80 14.57 101 Hypoxanthine (6-Hydroxypurine) Isoamyl acetate
Germany 1.35 0.44 325 China 1.00 2.03 2,027 China 1.36 0.49 360

Hydroxyindole, 6- [Imexine OBA] Imidazole Isoamyl butyrate

France 0.01 0.72 143,141 China 102.73 43.35 459 Switzerland 0.03 0.03 1,039

198 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Materials Imported
Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price
[Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg]
Isoamyl propionate Netherlands 19.20 4.13 215 Isooctane
USA 0.18 0.17 926 Germany 15.36 30.61 1,993 Germany 20.30 7.76 382
USA 1.63 7.13 4,369
Isoamylene Denmark 0.50 0.16 319 Isoparaffin (Isopar L; Isopar G; Isopar M)
Ireland 128.00 18.95 148 Italy 0.20 0.53 2,626 Singapore 0.33 0.18 544
China 80.00 12.37 155
UK 32.00 4.74 148 Isodecanol (Isodecyl alcohol) Isophorone
Hong Kong 16.00 2.74 171 Singapore 169.90 27.29 159 Taiwan 30.40 3.88 128

Isobornyl acetate Isophorone diisocyanate

Isodecyl neopentanoate
China 3.80 1.08 284 France 24.94 14.29 574
France 0.60 0.59 984
Hong Kong 16.00 10.41 651
Isobornyl methyl ether Germany 13.60 8.08 606
France 0.10 0.43 4,346 UK 24.00 7.58 316 Isophoronediamine (5-Amino-1,3,3-trimethylcyclo-
Japan 12.00 3.59 299 hexanemethylamine)
Isobutane (R600A) USA 0.21 0.40 1,910 Singapore 189.00 83.18 461
China 30.28 6.86 271
Thailand 61.20 30.10 492
Thailand 4.80 2.06 430 Isoeugenol China 28.80 12.49 434
Indonesia 3.40 18.76 5,789 UAE 14.40 6.88 477
Isobutene sulphurizxed
China 8.00 3.89 486 Isoeugenyl acetate Isophthalic acid purified
Indonesia 0.05 0.17 3,379 South Korea 4,297.40 412.43 104
Isobutyl acetate Taiwan 1,200.00 111.10 99
China 1.70 0.98 576 Isoflurane Japan 580.00 61.90 107
Hong Kong 2.16 6.40 2,963 Singapore 100.00 10.62 106
Isobutyl alcohol (Isobutanol) Spain 67.50 7.54 112
China 0.00 0.00 744
Malaysia 2,151.90 154.31 73
Singapore 1,149.18 94.62 82 Isoprene
USA 742.90 51.43 71 China 120.00 20.38 170
USA 0.54 0.68 1,244
Saudi Arabia 171.42 12.20 71
Switzerland 92.66 7.48 81 Isopropenyl acetate
Isoleucine, L-
UAE 52.80 4.60 87 China 3.06 1.02 335
China 7.65 8.46 1,594
Seychelles 0.18 0.09 513
Isobutyl methacrylate
Japan 90.00 14.96 167 Isoleucine, L- (Feed grade) Isopropoxyethanol, 2- (Isopropyl glycol)
South Korea 1.80 0.31 170 South Korea 85.00 52.18 614 Germany 0.10 0.04 358

Isobutyl quinoline Isomalt Isopropyl acetate

Spain 0.05 1.35 26,958 Germany 162.00 35.74 212 China 226.80 24.73 115

Isobutylamine Isomaltulose Isopropyl alcohol (Isopropanol; 2-Propanol)

China 3.50 1.59 455 Germany 3.00 0.60 198 Hong Kong 6,425.46 492.58 78
USA 4,186.29 329.88 79
Isobutyraldehyde Isomenthone, DL- South Korea 1,099.68 95.51 97
Germany 25.60 3.35 131 Switzerland 0.37 4.83 13,051 Taiwan 316.05 23.63 75
Japan 12.80 3.01 236 Singapore 200.00 15.73 78
Isomethyl ionone, alpha- South Africa 197.77 12.07 61
China 12.00 1.61 134
Hong Kong 1.44 1.19 914 Netherlands 122.79 9.87 80
Ireland 12.40 7.55 609
Isobutyric acid (2-Methylpropionic acid)
Singapore 60.12 11.11 185 Isononanoic acid
Isopropyl benzaldehyde, 4-
China 22.00 2.67 121 Germany 21.40 5.49 257
Japan 20.90 18.78 891
India 15.92 2.90 182 Sweden 19.96 5.51 276
Germany 19.79 9.07 458
Isobutyric anhydride Isononanoyl chloride Isopropyl chloroformate
Singapore 20.77 4.81 232 Hong Kong 57.60 24.34 423 China 24.00 13.11 546
South Korea 14.40 6.04 420
Isocetylstearoyl stearate Isopropyl hydroxylamine, N- (IPHA)
France 2.16 1.78 826 Isononyl alcohol China 32.00 5.89 184
Germany 7,004.00 620.48 93
Isocyanate Singapore 6,502.31 598.72 93 Isopropyl myristate
Singapore 450.36 79.58 187 Malaysia 43.50 10.44 258
South Korea 58.16 12.62 242 Isononyl isononanoate Peru 28.43 5.63 210
Hong Kong 20.00 6.22 311 France 1.80 1.29 697 Hong Kong 0.70 0.55 782

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 199

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Materials Imported
Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price
[Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg]
Isopropyl oleate Jasmopyrane Netherlands 48.00 5.93 124
Malaysia 14.40 2.59 180 Switzerland 0.40 0.60 1,507 Zambia 22.42 3.38 151
USA 16.33 3.35 205
Isopropyl palmitate Jasmopyrane forte
Malaysia 32.00 5.38 183 Switzerland 0.60 0.77 1,287 Lecithin, soya (Crude)
Zambia 23.00 5.71 248
Isopropyl-N-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine, N- Ketorolac tromethamine
Japan 1.42 1.45 977 Italy 0.01 1.16 115,850 Lecithin, soya (Liquid)
China 432.76 37.90 88
Isopropylidene)bis(3,5-dibromo-4-(2,3-dibromo- Koavone Italy 305.08 23.32 76
2-methylpropoxy)benzene), 1,1’-( UK 0.17 0.17 1,003 Switzerland 265.52 26.71 101
China 0.50 0.38 753 UAE 101.00 7.82 77
Kojic acid Singapore 66.70 6.40 98
Isopropylmethylamine, N-(N-Methylisopropylamine) China 1.15 1.04 1,185 Brazil 43.02 5.06 118
Israel 14.50 17.40 1,200 Nepal 25.08 1.07 43
Kojic acid dipalmitate Bangladesh 20.00 1.69 85
Isopulegol China 0.10 0.25 2,483
France 0.05 0.29 5,838 Lecithin, soya (Powder)
Lactic acid Netherlands 11.50 3.23 281
Isoraldeine Singapore 229.42 31.22 141
China 4.32 3.22 744 China 217.00 24.94 124 Lecithin, sunflower
Spain 0.01 0.01 2,273 Switzerland 0.03 0.01 289 Switzerland 22.65 12.27 542
Russia 22.35 9.65 432
Isotridecanol (Isotridecyl alcohol) Lactic acid, L-
Singapore 131.66 21.19 167 Lecithins
Singapore 300.69 61.93 206
Ukraine 24.00 5.96 248
Germany 78.80 14.17 180
Lactitol monohydrate
Isovaleraldehyde China 36.00 9.69 269
China 2.40 2.31 961
China 61.44 16.54 274
Germany 12.80 3.23 252 Lactoscatone
Leucine, L-
Germany 0.03 0.73 29,142
China 3.85 5.25 1,776
China 10.00 20.91 2,091 Lactulose
Levamisole HCl
Austria 418.80 103.27 247
China 15.55 59.97 3,835
Itaconic acid Denmark 89.60 24.15 269
Hong Kong 4.00 14.37 3,595
China 24.00 4.02 167
Lamivudine Levetiracetam
Ivermectin China 9.76 70.21 7,194 Switzerland 16.76 27.03 1,613
China 0.60 7.45 12,411
Lantral Levodopa
J. Acid (7-Amino-4-hydroxy-2-naphthalenesulphonic China 0.54 0.27 498 China 2.40 13.46 5,616
China 321.30 156.54 496 Lauric acid Levofloxacin carboxylic acid (Levofloxacin Q acid)
UAE 53.34 24.74 464 Singapore 1,317.00 100.46 76 China 18.00 56.28 3,209
Indonesia 1,026.00 91.91 87
J. acid urea Malaysia 997.91 70.32 77 Levofloxacin hemihydrate
China 20.12 13.69 681 Peru 446.00 38.70 88 China 20.45 68.83 3,597
Mali 192.00 14.97 81
Jasmal (Jasmopyran) Australia 23.76 3.96 167 Levulinic acid
Singapore 0.10 0.19 1,873 China 4.80 1.87 389
Lauryl alcohol (Dodecan-1-ol; Alcohol C-12)
Jasmaprunat (Ethyl 2-methyldioxolan-2-yl acetate; Singapore 122.48 15.83 135 Ligustral
Fructone) USA 6.94 0.52 75 Hong Kong 13.30 6.86 513
Mexico 0.80 0.94 1,181
Lauryl alcohol ethoxylate Lilestralis (Lilial; Lysmeral)
Jasmin pyranol (Jessemal) South Korea 0.10 0.07 673 Singapore 32.08 21.52 669
China 0.18 0.37 2,042
Laurylamine Lilyaldehyde
Jasmone, cis- Hong Kong 0.16 0.07 422 China 38.00 18.93 521
Spain 0.18 2.03 11,281
Switzerland 0.10 1.64 16,450 Lecithin, soya Lilyflore
China 0.06 0.24 6,063 Brazil 84.64 10.01 118 Singapore 0.60 7.58 12,627

200 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Materials Imported
Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price
[Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg]
Limbanol Lysine acetate, L- Malonic acid
Singapore 0.08 6.54 87,250 China 7.30 7.02 1,315 China 13.00 5.92 460
Hong Kong 5.00 2.62 524
Lime oxide Lysine monoHCl, L- (Feed grade)
Netherlands 4.20 0.97 232 Hong Kong 1,018.50 103.36 102 Malononitrile
China 858.00 90.65 105 Switzerland 65.70 84.42 1,216
Limonene thiol Singapore 730.00 76.03 105
Singapore 0.01 0.55 55,172 Japan 412.50 45.75 114 Maltitol
Switzerland 227.50 24.29 107 China 95.30 14.65 154
Limonene, D- (4-Isopropenyl-1-methylcyclohexene) South Korea 222.50 31.38 141 Thailand 73.50 11.57 157
Switzerland 28.03 10.83 915 Chile 27.00 2.68 99 Singapore 58.30 9.95 172
Netherlands 27.68 10.80 390
Uruguay 22.14 6.31 285 Lysine monoHCl, L- (Pharma grade) Maltol
USA 0.35 0.23 659 China 18.00 2.94 163 China 141.50 128.61 932
Hong Kong 12.00 10.67 890
Limonene, L- Lysine sulphate, L- (Feed grade) Switzerland 0.35 0.72 2,067
Spain 0.18 0.14 797 China 473.00 33.88 71
Hong Kong 270.00 18.75 69 Maltol, natural
Linalool South Korea 126.00 8.40 67 Switzerland 0.05 2.74 54,763
Singapore 95.71 58.74 629 Mongolia 18.00 1.41 78
Hong Kong 58.14 40.69 724 Mandelic acid, D-
Switzerland 20.40 10.67 1,133 Macrolide Supra China 5.00 7.70 1,539
China 13.60 9.85 724 Germany 0.54 1.61 2,978
Mandelic acid, DL-
Linalool oxide Magnesium acetate tetrahydrate China 0.84 0.83 987
Switzerland 0.19 0.56 2,961 Germany 3.00 2.04 681
Mandelic acid, L-
Linalool oxide, natural China 8.00 13.00 1,622
Magnesium acrylate
Switzerland 0.01 0.42 69,323
China 3.00 0.55 182
Mannitol (D-Mannitol)
Linalool, L- China 339.00 78.96 231
Magnesium stearate
China 0.05 0.21 4,124 Singapore 200.37 94.11 580
Netherlands 157.83 73.85 518
Belgium 28.78 8.89 309
USA 16.95 43.49 2,574
Linalyl acetate Japan 5.55 8.43 1,530
UK 11.52 19.37 1,639
Singapore 34.74 31.87 916 USA 4.80 4.01 1,113
Spain 10.40 3.57 343
Switzerland 18.90 11.17 591
Japan 10.00 4.06 406
China 12.24 10.38 848 Mannose, D-
South Korea 9.60 1.57 163 Mongolia 0.90 1.96 2,175
Hong Kong 9.36 8.50 880
Germany 4.20 2.53 603
Spain 0.60 0.59 983
Mefenamic acid
Lincomycin HCl Magnolan China 7.20 6.53 1,142
China 3.96 11.52 2,909 Spain 0.02 0.04 2,692 Taiwan 1.44 2.77 1,924

Lipoic acid, alpha- Maleic anhydride Mefenpyr-diethyl

China 17.57 95.04 5,319 China 4,866.00 378.04 78 Singapore 30.00 64.55 2,152
Hong Kong 1.00 5.43 5,431 Taiwan 1,726.89 140.33 82
Hong Kong 1,200.00 94.81 79 Melamine
Lovastatin Malaysia 693.59 66.35 97 China 6,120.00 544.60 89
China 6.00 23.69 3,949 UAE 594.12 43.79 74 Hong Kong 989.00 89.82 91
Singapore 112.95 10.39 91 UAE 887.98 75.79 88
Lube oil additives South Korea 112.00 11.47 105 Singapore 527.50 45.73 87
UK 4.45 3.24 688 Laos 297.00 27.33 92
Germany 0.68 0.61 892 Malic acid, DL-
South Africa 40.00 7.95 199 Melamine cyanurate
Lutidine, 2,3- South Korea 20.00 3.76 188 China 104.00 14.82 139
China 14.40 11.86 823 Japan 20.00 4.85 243 USA 22.00 3.11 141
USA 0.15 0.03 191 China 10.00 2.21 221
Germany 0.18 0.08 437 Melatonin
Lutidine, 3,5- Luxembourg 0.13 0.06 444 Bangladesh 0.90 11.17 12,413
China 86.40 27.97 326 China 0.20 1.49 7,449
Malic acid, L-
Lyral Germany 0.68 3.93 5,829 Menthanol
China 6.36 11.22 1,763 China 0.50 0.15 301 France 0.76 0.69 910

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 201

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Materials Imported
Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price
[Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg]
Menthol, D- Mesalamine Singapore 50,269.28 1,394.69 27
Germany 0.18 0.13 714 Italy 25.95 220.99 8,823 Qatar 43,864.85 1,211.68 27
Saudi Arabia 41,129.03 1,145.75 27
Menthol, DL- (Racementhol) Mesitylene (1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene) Switzerland 2,001.93 63.32 32
Singapore 17.28 11.73 668 China 163.46 45.04 271 Turkey 1,035.00 26.21 25
Germany 4.32 3.43 799 USA 560.01 13.82 24
Metal working fluids
Menthol, L- Japan 7.26 5.65 1,271 Methional
Singapore 316.80 334.84 1,077 China 0.05 0.15 3,011
Hong Kong 57.60 55.24 967 Metamizole magnesium
Germany 15.84 18.91 1,194 China 2.10 2.56 1,218 Methionine
USA 20.00 3.46 173
Menthone Metamizole sodium (Analgin)
Singapore 13.60 13.02 957 China 21.50 23.38 1,178 Methionine hydroxy analogue (Feed grade)
Singapore 1,262.06 178.80 145
Metamizole sodium monohydrate China 100.00 15.19 152
Menthyl acetate
China 20.00 19.97 998 Japan 60.00 9.15 153
Switzerland 0.05 0.10 2,114
France 0.02 0.07 4,924
Metaxalone Methionine, DL-
Italy 0.05 0.63 12,548 Japan 20.00 3.56 178
Menthyl lactate
Switzerland 0.08 0.50 6,609 China 2.50 0.79 304
Metformin HCl
Germany 0.05 0.27 6,017 Japan 32.00 25.28 790
Singapore 0.01 0.01 1,829 Methionine, DL- (Feed grade)
Singapore 3,037.94 533.15 177
Methacrylamide Japan 960.00 171.02 179
Meprobamate Hong Kong 14.00 5.91 422
China 5.00 21.10 4,220 Hong Kong 40.00 6.95 174
Methacrylic acid
Methionine, L-
Mercapto-5-methoxybenzimidazole, 2- South Korea 599.48 87.19 147
China 2.00 0.67 335
UAE 2.30 16.55 7,197 Japan 245.82 35.94 146
Taiwan 180.00 26.30 146
Methionine, L- (Feed grade)
Mercapto-6-chlorobenzoic acid, 2- Singapore 159.41 22.29 139
Malaysia 395.00 66.38 170
China 5.00 23.00 4,601 USA 97.92 24.96 255
Methoxy-1-propanol, 3-
Mercaptobenzimidazole zinc salt Methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane, gamma-
China 22.80 17.33 760
Japan 0.39 0.83 2,469 China 90.30 30.76 339
Seychelles 15.00 4.34 290
Methoxy-2-propanol, 1-
Mercaptobenzimidazole, 2- Singapore 2.00 1.63 816
Singapore 429.31 37.99 89
China 28.00 6.35 227 South Korea 171.61 18.44 107
Japan 0.04 0.02 611 Methallyl alcohol
Canada 25.38 6.73 265 Taiwan 109.64 11.61 106
Mercaptobenzothiazole disulphide, 2- (MBTS) Methoxy-3-methylpyrazine, 2-
China 27.00 10.50 389 Methallyl chloride
China 72.00 14.22 197 UK 0.00 0.06 27,630

Mercaptobenzothiazole-4-yl-2-(2-aminothiozolyl) Hong Kong 14.40 2.85 198

methoxyimino acetate (MAEM) dioxaborolane, 2-
Methanamine hippurate
China 28.50 55.99 1,993 China 0.72 2.05 2,844
Italy 2.69 13.58 5,048
Mercaptobenzothiazolyl-(Z)-2-(2-aminothiazol-4- Methoxy-5H-dibenz[b,f]azepine, 10-
Methanesulphonic acid
yl)-2-(methoxycarbonyl)methoxyimino acetate, China 7.00 46.92 6,703
China 214.25 48.97 251
2- (MICA Ester)
Hong Kong 5.00 1.28 257
China 137.02 364.11 2,662 Germany 2.40 0.86 360 Methoxybenzyl formate, 4- (Anisyl formate)
Switzerland 0.01 0.53 53,133
Mercaptoethanol, 2- Methanesulphonyl chloride
Netherlands 54.00 7.93 147 China 905.00 174.99 187 Methoxybutyl acetate, 3-
China 35.20 4.89 139 Hong Kong 70.00 11.47 166 Japan 9.88 3.75 379
Italy 1.63 0.71 432 Switzerland 0.38 0.59 1,553
Mercaptopropionic acid, 3- (3-Thiopropionic acid)
Japan 4.80 3.84 795 Methanesulphonyl)ethylamine HCl, 2-( Methoxycarbonyl-L-t-leucine, N-
Germany 0.60 0.99 1,647 China 0.34 3.34 9,876 China 0.80 3.15 3,932

Mercaptothiazoline, 2- Methanol (Methyl alcohol) Methoxycitronellal, S-7-

Germany 0.01 0.05 10,145 UAE 226,896.87 6,226.19 27 Japan 0.36 3.34 9,266

202 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Materials Imported
Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price
[Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg]
Methoxyethanol, 2- Spain 0.20 1.40 7,002 Methyl methacrylate
Hong Kong 46.80 6.97 149 Singapore 0.05 0.05 1,004 Singapore 6,110.26 774.86 127
Switzerland 0.01 0.01 935 Japan 2,515.25 325.18 130
Methoxyethyl phenol, 4- Taiwan 304.00 39.32 130
China 25.00 36.78 1,471 Methyl epoxide, 16-alpha- South Korea 135.33 17.65 129
China 0.23 8.91 39,608 USA 25.75 3.89 150
Methoxyiminostilbene, 10- Singapore 0.20 7.95 39,734 Germany 15.20 3.09 203
China 48.50 318.88 6,624
Methyl epoxide, 16-beta- Methyl nadic anhydride (Methyl-5-norbornene-2,3
Methoxypropene, 2- China 0.05 2.78 55,627 dicarboxylic anhydride)
China 2.25 2.46 1,092 Italy 8.80 5.46 621
Methyl ethyl ketone
Methoxytetrahydrofuro-[3,4-b]-furan-2-(3H)-one, USA 3,552.57 340.56 96 Methyl octyne carbonate
(3as,4S,6aR)-4- Japan 3,491.55 340.58 99 Switzerland 0.20 1.68 10,177
China 1.00 20.89 20,888 Singapore 1,347.95 139.95 104
Hong Kong 772.14 83.50 108 Methyl pamplemousse
Methoxytryptamine, 5- South Korea 451.53 43.17 117 Switzerland 0.72 1.95 2,704
China 2.00 31.45 15,723 South Africa 150.00 15.69 105 Spain 0.03 0.07 2,640
China 59.87 8.42 141
Methyl acetate Methyl propyl ketone (2-Pentanone)
Hong Kong 15.20 1.20 79 Methyl ethyl ketone oxime Singapore 39.17 21.35 545
China 15.20 1.16 77 Thailand 15.20 2.26 149
Methyl salicylate
Methyl acetoacetate Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide China 120.00 22.71 189
China 440.00 45.11 103 China 45.00 13.28 341
Hong Kong 49.14 5.43 110 Methyl tin chloride
Methyl formate China 160.00 101.52 624
Methyl acrylate Hong Kong 3.70 0.58 157
South Korea 184.00 23.84 132 Methyl-1-(4-methylthiophenyl)-2-
Taiwan 14.40 1.94 135 Methyl heptenone
morpholinopropan-1-one, 2-
China 14.40 2.00 139 Switzerland 14.12 13.46 2,303
Hong Kong 1.00 0.95 946
Hong Kong 0.68 0.59 864
Methyl atratate (Veramoss; Oakmoss; Phenomoss)
Methyl-1,2-benzenediamine diHCl, N-
China 2.00 6.52 3,261 Methyl hexyl ketone (2-Octanone)
South Korea 87.64 22.68 259
Singapore 0.05 0.03 681
Methyl benzoate
Italy 0.90 0.43 475 Methyl ionone
potassium, 6-
Singapore 22.44 14.85 662
China 3.00 1.96 654
Methyl cedryl ether (Cedramber) Switzerland 14.40 11.84 822
China 1.60 2.66 1,663 Hong Kong 5.94 4.16 700
Methyl-1,3-propanediol, 2- (MP diol)
Methyl cedryl ketone Methyl isoamyl ketone Singapore 381.30 51.77 136
China 5.50 7.47 1,446 Singapore 53.76 17.31 322 Taiwan 71.29 9.23 136
UK 16.00 2.36 148
Methyl chloroformate Methyl isobutyl carbinol
China 77.60 8.42 114 Singapore 18.94 3.83 202 Methyl-11b,17a-dihydroxy-1,4-dienepregna-3,20-
Hong Kong 16.00 1.84 115 dione, 6a-
Methyl isobutyl ketone Hong Kong 0.30 12.72 42,411
Methyl cinnamate South Korea 490.26 54.57 112 China 0.20 10.76 53,788
China 0.40 0.22 540 Singapore 364.08 46.28 133
Singapore 0.03 0.03 1,134 Hong Kong 270.98 29.08 106 Methyl-2-(1-methylethyl)-N-[2-(2-pyridinyl)ethyl]
South Africa 123.97 12.39 100 cyclohexanecarboxamide, (1R,2S,5R)-5-
Methyl cyanoacetate Taiwan 96.48 10.78 112 Germany 0.03 0.67 26,889
China 113.00 24.07 212
Methyl isoeugenol Methyl-2-(2-methylpropyl)oxan-4-ol, 4- (Florol,
Methyl cyclopentenolone Spain 0.01 0.02 3,560 Florosa, Florosal, Keflorol, Pyranol)
China 0.20 0.31 1,548 Spain 0.03 0.04 1,548
Methyl isopropyl ketone
Methyl dichloroacetate Singapore 39.60 14.11 356 Methyl-2-benzoylbenzoate
China 20.00 10.14 507 China 7.04 2.50 355 Hong Kong 4.00 2.53 634

Methyl dihydrojasmonate (Hedione) Methyl laitone Methyl-2-biphenylcarboxylic acid methyl ester, 4’-
Hong Kong 1.00 0.97 972 Switzerland 0.20 2.50 12,509 China 3.00 10.38 3,462

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 203

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Materials Imported
Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price
[Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg]
Methyl-2-chloropropionate Hong Kong 217.00 171.30 710 Methylenebis(6-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4-(1,1,3,3-
China 36.00 7.14 198 Singapore 200.00 124.53 621 tetramethylbutyl)phenol, 2,2’-
UAE 40.00 19.58 489 Hong Kong 0.24 0.57 2,358
Methyl-2-hydrazinobenzothiazole, 4-
China 5.03 3.19 636 Methyl-4-phenyl-1,3-dioxolane, 2- (Jacinthaflor) Methylenebisacrylamide, N,N-
Germany 0.18 0.41 2,269 China 0.50 0.43 868
Methyl-2-methylbutyrate Japan 0.48 1.27 2,648
UK 0.00 0.01 3,434 Methyl-5-mercapto-1,2,3,4-tetrazole, 1-
China 0.13 0.34 2,731 Methylenebiscyclohexylamine, 4,4-
Methyl-2-nitroaniline, 4- Hong Kong 45.98 28.54 621
China 1.00 0.59 592 Methyl-5-nitroimidazole, 2- Singapore 43.19 26.38 611
China 323.00 120.59 378
Methyl-2-nitrobenzoic acid, 3- Methylfurfural, 5-
China 21.00 15.75 1,552 Methyl-5-thiazoleethanol, 4-
UK 0.01 0.06 5,588
UK 1.53 8.60 5,039
Methyl-2-octynoate (Folione) Hong Kong 0.40 1.97 4,924
Methylglucose dioleate
Switzerland 0.19 1.95 10,527 Belgium 1.56 3.10 1,990
Methyl-2-pentenoic acid, 2- (Strawberiff) propyl-1H-benzimidazole, 4-
China 3.00 12.05 4,015 Methylhexahydrophthalic anhydride
Spain 0.01 0.30 30,035 China 5.06 1.36 262
Methyl-2-phenyl-2-hexenal, 5- Methyl-CBS-oxazaborolidine, R-2-
China 0.13 2.79 20,247 Methylimidazole, 2-
France 0.03 0.26 8,631 China 1.84 0.96 520
Methyl-CBS-oxazaborolidine, S-2- Hong Kong 0.90 1.04 1,158
Methyl-2-phenylenediamine, N-
France 2.00 4.51 2,249 China 0.17 1.56 9,202
Methylisopropylamine, N-
Methyl-t-butyl ether (MTBE) Germany 14.40 4.63 321
Methyl-2-propyl-1,3-propanediol, 2-
Israel 40.80 4.22 103
China 18.00 14.23 790
Methyl-trans-2-nonenoate (Neofolione) UK 3.00 2.08 694
Methyl-2-pyrrolidone, N- (1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinone)
Switzerland 0.02 0.22 11,150
China 644.60 149.22 234
Hong Kong 299.48 69.73 239
Methylamino-1-methylthio-2-nitroethene China 41.00 12.22 298
Singapore 56.80 8.99 162
UK 20.85 13.96 670 Hong Kong 25.00 7.30 292
South Korea 32.00 7.20 225
Taiwan 16.00 3.28 205
Methylbenzaldehyde, 4- Methylnaphthalene
China 152.00 93.70 616 China 10.00 3.43 343
Methyl-3-(trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazole-5-ol, 1-
Japan 83.00 316.26 3,803 Methylbenzophenone, 2- Methylnonylacetaldehyde (Aldehyde MNA)
China 6.00 5.02 837 USA 0.85 0.94 1,106
Switzerland 0.00 0.01 4,577 Methylbenzyl chloride, 3- Methylolacrylamide, N-
China 2.00 1.69 844
Methyl-3-oxo-2,5-dihydro-1,2,4-triazin-4(3H)-yl) France 18.00 2.15 119
acetamide, N-(6- China 7.20 0.71 99
Methylbenzylamine, N-
China 38.00 36.03 764 China 1.08 0.55 509
Singapore 30.00 36.00 1,200 Methyloxiran-2-yl]phosphonic acid,(1R)-1-
Methylcyclohexane phenylethanamine, [(2R,3S)-3-
Methyl-3-oxopentanoate South Korea 91.64 13.30 162 China 1.00 3.97 3,972
China 10.00 15.31 1,531 China 12.40 1.44 116
Methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one, 2- Methylcyclohexylamine, N- China 0.50 0.25 508
China 4.40 4.43 1,008 China 5.10 2.78 544 UAE 0.03 0.02 627

Methyl-4-methoxyacetoacetate Methyldopa (1-alpha-Methyl-3,4- Methylpiperazine, N-

China 16.00 27.44 1,715 dihydroxyphenylaniline) China 130.54 107.38 853
China 29.01 169.53 5,889
Methyl-4-nitrobenzoic acid, 3- Methylsiloxanes
China 20.00 24.39 1,213 Methylenebis(2-chloroaniline), 4,4- (MOCA) Thailand 143.70 36.13 251
China 19.50 5.86 307 Singapore 87.80 21.85 244
3- (MNIO; Oxadiazinamine) Methylenebis(2,6-di-t-butylphenol), 4,4’- Methylstyrene, 4- (4-Vinyltoluene)
China 399.90 252.53 616 Japan 0.36 0.52 1,441 USA 14.93 6.00 945

204 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Materials Imported
Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price
[Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg]
Methylstyrene, alpha- Monoethanolamine Myrcene
Singapore 216.63 25.99 120 Singapore 2,133.50 201.76 97 China 192.59 74.41 391
Switzerland 179.74 17.85 99 Malaysia 636.02 52.66 89 Chile 36.67 14.42 393
South Korea 80.33 10.44 130 India 470.14 38.21 82
UAE 176.80 16.31 90 Myrcenyl acetate
Methylsulphonyl methane Canada 159.44 8.18 51 Spain 0.00 0.01 7,343
China 8.20 3.36 381 China 18.00 2.73 152
Myristic acid (Tetradecanoic acid)
Monoethylamine Singapore 34.00 2.81 83
Methylsulphonyl-4,6-dimethoxypyrimidine, 2-
Indonesia 16.00 1.40 87
China 33.20 50.34 1,523 China 36.00 4.40 122
Mongolia 13.00 20.12 1,548
Myristyl alcohol (Tetradecyl alcohol, 1-Tetradecanol)
Hong Kong 11.20 16.86 1,506 Monoglycerides
Singapore 27.20 5.82 214
Hong Kong 660.00 60.65 92 Hong Kong 1.53 1.31 835
Methyltaurine, N- Singapore 17.00 2.29 135
China 0.50 0.11 215 Myristyldimethylamine
Monoisopropanolamine Hong Kong 92.50 22.81 247
Methyltetrahydrofuran, 2- China 75.58 8.63 120 Singapore 91.43 22.75 249
China 12.80 5.46 427
Monomethylhydrazine Mysore acetate
Methyltetrahydrophthalic anhydride Japan 15.20 16.09 1,059 Germany 0.36 0.77 2,147
China 249.48 45.74 187
Monosodium glutamate Naphthalene (refined)
Methyltrichlorosilane China 2,295.20 250.74 108 China 839.00 69.05 82
USA 0.48 0.95 1,978 Hong Kong 1,844.50 201.55 109 Taiwan 561.00 43.94 79
Singapore 827.00 87.02 106 UAE 348.84 28.12 81
Methyltrimethoxysilane Thailand 86.48 13.88 164 Spain 48.00 3.71 77
China 6.08 0.86 141
Seychelles 3.61 0.60 166 Monosultap (Thiosultap monosodium) Naphthol AS
Hong Kong 60.00 23.05 384 China 34.00 11.77 347
Metronidazole China 40.00 14.11 353
Naphthol AS-D (Hydroxy-2-naphtho-o-toluidide, 3-)
China 38.88 32.66 854
China 17.50 8.23 463
Italy 0.34 1.81 5,324 Morpholine
China 267.00 43.91 168 Naphthol AS-E
Micafungin sodium China 2.50 1.13 453
China 0.00 5.60 2,802,275 Mthyl 2-(isocyanatosulfonyl)benzoate
China 9.86 7.04 714 Naphthol AS-IRG (4-Chloro-2,5-dimethoxyaceto-
Midazolam acetanilide)
Spain 1.19 0.57 477 Mugetanol China 30.00 34.54 1,151
Germany 0.17 0.37 2,181 Japan 4.00 6.58 1,644
MOC-t-leucine, L-
China 1.50 6.27 4,183 Muscenone, delta- Naphthol AS-LC TTR
Spain 0.00 0.05 25,033 China 10.00 12.10 1,220
Monensin sodium
China 3.00 8.22 2,739 Muscone Naphthol, 1- (alpha-Naphthol, 1-Hydroxynaphthalene)
Spain 0.01 0.92 92,223 China 206.50 93.71 455
Mono-tert-butylhydroquinone USA 0.03 0.03 1,288
Singapore 0.88 1.22 1,389 Muscosandrol
China 0.18 0.43 2,376 Naphthol, 2- (beta-Naphthol,
Monoammonium glycyrrhizinate 2-Hydroxynaphthalene)
Musk ambrette China 849.00 142.72 169
USA 1.10 4.95 3,937
China 8.00 11.37 1,422
Naphthoquinone, 1,4-
Monobutyltin trichloride
China 9.25 9.88 1,062
Singapore 6.50 8.85 1,362 Musk C-14 (Zenolide)
Netherlands 0.40 0.55 1,385 Naproxen
Monochloroacetic acid China 15.00 40.34 2,689
China 1,523.00 73.60 50 Musk ketone
China 1.55 2.38 1,556 Nectalactone (Nectaryl)
Monochloroacetone Switzerland 2.00 4.26 2,131
China 1.00 0.54 603 Myrac aldehyde (Myral aldehyde; Vertomugal;
Precyclemone B) Neodecanoic acid (Versatic acid)
Monochlorobenzene Netherlands 0.05 0.19 3,821 Netherlands 83.80 20.98 250
Germany 49.25 1.87 38 Spain 0.01 0.01 2,086 Singapore 61.67 15.08 245

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 205

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Materials Imported
Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price Product Qty CIF Value CIF Price
[Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg]
Neoheliopan Nitrobenzoic acid, 4- Octadecene, 1-
Germany 3.80 6.96 1,618 China 120.00 21.88 182 Qatar 300.00 27.05 90
Singapore 0.40 0.69 1,729
Switzerland 0.02 0.15 7,430 Nitrobenzyl chloroformate, 4- Octadecyl-3-(3,5-di-t-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)
China 3.00 14.52 4,841 propionate
Neomycin sulphate Hong Kong 13.20 4.79 366
China 16.56 19.09 1,813 Nitrochlorobenzene, 3- (MNCB) UAE 6.30 2.37 376
China 140.00 21.06 153 Taiwan 5.00 1.80 352
Neopentyl glycol (2,2-Dimethylpropane-1,3-diol) Hong Kong 20.00 2.78 139 South Korea 3.20 1.52 471
South Korea 1,246.00 145.54 118 China 1.00 0.38 381
Japan 521.00 59.09 113 Nitrochlorobenzene, 4- (PNCB) Singapore 1.00 0.67 670
China 358.50 39.13 110 China 3,876.48 361.73 93
Singapore 213.00 24.55 123 Octahydrocoumarin
Hong Kong 154.00 19.57 125 Nitrofurfural diacetate, 5- Singapore 0.18 0.61 3,371
UAE 16.00 1.95 122 China 1.60 1.43 894
Octalactone, gamma-
Neopentyl glycol diacrylate Nitroiminoimidazolidine, N- China 0.20 0.18 905
Taiwan 1.60 0.54 335 Hong Kong 17.00 12.45 733 Japan 0.20 0.34 1,715
China 3.00 2.30 765 Switzerland 0.04 0.16 4,679
Neopentyl glycol diglycidyl ether
Nitromethane Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane
China 5.00 1.42 285
China 126.00 30.59 243 Thailand 274.25 68.26 250
USA 2.00 2.18 1,092
USA 54.00 15.75 292 USA 96.05 16.69 174
Hong Kong 34.20 3.16 92
Nitropropane Switzerland 22.03 3.36 152
China 4.16 7.81 1,883
USA 250.00 10.04 40
Nerol (Neryl alcohol)
Nitropropane, 2- UK 2.88 1.56 522
Singapore 1.36 1.18 864
China 1.00 3.49 3,490
USA 0.72 1.00 1,385 Octane-1,2-diol
Nitrotoluene-2-sulphonic acid, 4- Germany 0.36 0.65 1,808
UK 7.54 1.16 154
Singapore 2.04 3.12 1,529 Octanoic acid
Nitrotoluene, 4- UK 0.90 0.75 839
Neryl acetate Japan 0.11 0.14 1,296
Germany 140.00 10.17 73
Switzerland 0.04 0.17 3,759
Nonafluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)-3-pentanone, Octanol, 1- (Octyl alcohol; Alcohol C-8)
Niacin 1,1,1,2,2,4,5,5,5- Germany 4.76 2.80 607
Singapore 22.00 13.06 594 China 18.00 19.05 1,060 Switzerland 0.00 0.00 753

Niacinamide Nonalactone, delta- Octene, 1- (alpha-Olefin C-8)

Singapore 1.00 0.84 837 Japan 0.20 0.74 3,725 South Korea 36.00 9.20 254

Nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) Nonanone, 2- Octocrylene (2-Ethylhexyl 2-cyano-3,3-diphenyl-

China 5.00 1.76 351 Switzerland 0.07 0.11 1,554 acrylate)
China 4.00 7.76 1,941
Nitro-1-diazo-2-naphthol-4-sulphonic acid, 6- Nonylphenol
China 62.22 35.49 570 Taiwan 89.69 14.04 158 Octyl mercaptan, n-
Hong Kong 19.01 10.54 554
Nitro-2-xylene, 3- Nonylsalicylaldehyde oxime, 5-
China 50.00 4.99 100 Panama 4.60 4.07 884 Octyl methoxycinnamate
China 0.80 0.99 1,240
Nitro-3-toluic acid, 2- Norbornene, 2- (Bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-ene) UAE 0.01 0.01 1,389
China 126.00 146.31 1,162 Germany 1.67 1.20 717
Octyl-1-dodecanol, 2-
Nitroanthraquinone, 1- Norgestimate Hong Kong 4.03 3.81 946
China 4.50 3.35 745 Argentina 0.00 5.37 5,020,255
Octyl-2-pyrrolidone, N-
Nitrobenzaldehyde, 2- Norlimbanol, D- Switzerland 2.18 3.98 1,826
China 3.00 8.34 2,781 Singapore 1.80 23.93 13,292
Octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one, 2-N-
Nitrobenzene Ocimene China 6.00 10.82 1,852
South Korea 117.00 10.18 87 China 1.20 4.44 3,769 (To be continued)

206 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Materials Exported

Export of organic chemicals, February 2023

Exports in February 2023 with volumes from 200-350 tonnes
Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price
[Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] Product Qty FOB Price
Doxofylline EDTA disodium calcium [Tonnes] [Rs./kg]
South Korea 4.96 26.66 5,375 Vietnam 4.25 1.41 331 Amino-N,N-bis(2,3-dihydroxypropyl) 347 1,264
Bangladesh 3.50 16.48 4,233 UAE 0.60 0.73 1,220 isophthalamide HCl, 5-
Netherlands 2.98 16.02 5,374 Methyl ethyl ketone oxime (MEKO) 347 179
Pakistan 1.20 2.88 2,412 Cetyl alcohol (1-Hexadecanol; n- 341 182
EDTA disodium magnesium Hexadecyl alcohol)
Nepal 1.00 2.46 2,463 Vietnam 7.65 2.49 326 Chlorhexidine gluconate 340 324
Philippines 0.40 2.60 6,506 Dimethylaminopropylamine, 3- 340 205
EDTA disodium manganese Stearyl alcohol 334 231
Doxorubicin HCl Vietnam 1.70 0.57 333 Melamine 327 178
Vietnam 0.00 4.64 1,161,056 Vitamin B (Niacin, Nicotinic acid) 321 637
EDTA disodium zinc Tetrafluoropropene, 1,3,3,3- (HFO-1234ze) 320 222
Doxycycline Hyclate Vietnam 8.50 2.81 331 Isopropyl alcohol (2-Propanol; Propan-2-ol) 318 120
Nepal 0.05 0.32 6,333 Tetrafluoroethane, 1,1,1,2- (HFC-134A) 316 840
EDTA ferric sodium Hydroquinone 315 522
Drotaverine HCl Vietnam 4.25 1.51 355 Dioctyl terephthalate (DOTP) 312 112
Vietnam 1.00 4.86 4,858 South Africa 1.20 0.58 487 Isophthaloyl chloride 307 228
Uzbekistan 0.40 2.81 6,606 Vinyl sulphone ester para base 307 233
Yemen 0.25 1.69 6,785 EDTA magnesium Difluoromethane (HFC-32) 300 475
Benzaldehyde 299 182
UAE 0.10 0.04 402
Ebastine Propylene glycol 293 182
Nepal 0.01 0.14 14,200 Methyl salicylate 288 259
EDTA tetrasodium
Hydroquinone monomethyl ether 288 758
Oman 20.00 2.97 148 (4-Methoxyphenol; p-Hydroxyanisole)
Econazole nitrate Vietnam 0.85 0.28 334 Triethyl citrate 277 248
Algeria 0.05 0.21 4,282 UAE 0.55 0.19 373 Butylated hydroxy anisole 274 1,015
Nepal 0.43 0.17 428 (BHA; t-Butyl-4-hydroxyanisole)
Edaravone Diacetone alcohol 273 109
Spain 0.04 10.85 270,881 Methylcyclohexyl acetate, 2- 272 386
EDTA tripotassium
Nepal 0.10 0.08 796 Dichloroaniline, 2,5- 271 255
Edoxaban tosylate Nitrotoluene-2-sulphonic acid, 4- 270 96
Colombia 0.01 1.46 291,404 Cresol, p- 269 292
EDTA zinc
Fumaric acid 266 144
India 0.25 0.14 543
EDTA acid Anisic aldehyde, p- (4-Anisaldehyde) 265 703
Bangladesh 1.03 0.39 1,048 Bromobenzene 262 425
Benzyl salicylate 262 297
Cyprus 2.00 27.76 13,880
EDTA copper Dichloronitrobenzene, 2,3- 255 175
Vietnam 6.80 3.13 459 Benzyl acetate 253 168
Empagliflozin Bis(1,4-dimethylpentyl)-p-phenylenediamine, N,N’- 253 446
EDTA diammonium Lebanon 0.01 0.75 74,710 Nitroaniline, o- 250 98
Hong Kong 40.00 6.06 151 Saudi Arabia 0.01 2.93 365,966 Octanoyl chloride, n- 246 632
North Korea 0.00 5.74 1,436,108 Sulphamethoxazole 246 1,112
EDTA dipotassium Turkey 0.00 1.65 823,534 Nitro-N-methylphthalimide, 4- 245 431
Nepal 0.10 0.08 776 Castor oil amide wax 240 353
Emtricitabine Sodium gluconate 239 97
Colombia 0.80 15.28 19,106 Vinylsulphonic acid sodium salt 239 160
EDTA disodium (Sodium vinylsulphonate)
USA 5.80 3.64 635 Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether (Ethyl glycol) 236 141
Mauritius 3.00 1.06 354 Enalapril maleate
Phenylethyl alcohol 232 282
Cote D Ivoire 2.00 0.66 331 Germany 0.43 6.77 15,665
Acetoacetoxyethyl methacrylate, 2- 227 435
Nigeria 2.00 0.59 293 (2-Methacryloyloxy)ethyl acetoacetate)
Tanzania 1.90 0.72 380 Enrofloxacin Butylbenzoic acid, p-t- 223 213
Vietnam 1.25 0.65 625 Brazil 1.00 2.25 2,253 Acrylamide 219 134
Australia 0.50 0.22 448 Bangladesh 0.38 0.90 2,390 Picoline, beta- (3-Methyl Pyridine) 219 386
Nepal 0.21 0.07 280 Lecithin, sunflower 216 1,207
UAE 0.15 0.08 525 Ensulizole (2-phenylbenzimidazole-5-sulphonic acid) Amoxycillin trihydrate 212 2,926
Bangladesh 0.14 0.14 1,080 Thailand 0.70 0.84 1,194 Butylated hydroxy toluene 210 502
Ghana 0.10 0.04 438 Indonesia 0.05 0.09 1,711 (BHT; 2,6-Di-t-butyl-4-methylphenol)
Sri Lanka 0.04 0.02 520 Polyricinoleic acid 210 194
Malawi 0.03 0.08 3,104 Epalrestat Chloramine-T 209 522
Japan 0.81 20.51 25,410 Butanol, n- 206 103
Algeria 0.00 0.00 1,005
Products are listed in alphabetical order; due to space restrictions all products are unlikely to be covered each month. For detailed information on these and other
products write to [email protected]

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 207

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Materials Exported
Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price
[Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg]
Eperisone HCl Kenya 2.40 8.46 3,524 Ethyl acetate
South Korea 1.50 8.55 5,703 Nigeria 1.93 7.19 3,736 Egypt 3,482.22 280.85 84
Yemen 0.02 0.13 8,712 Pakistan 1.70 7.68 4,113 Netherlands 2,383.18 211.41 94
Colombia 0.75 3.34 4,447 UAE 712.16 56.13 79
Epichlorohydrin Democratic Republic 0.60 2.27 3,683 Nigeria 658.35 56.88 86
Germany 99.71 23.19 233 Of The Congo Bangladesh 428.67 37.54 87
Italy 24.93 4.01 161 Bangladesh 0.50 2.24 4,471 Belgium 363.97 30.50 85
Laos 0.50 1.82 3,643 Kenya 363.09 32.01 88
Eplerenone Bolivia 0.20 0.91 4,564 Nepal 357.99 29.74 82
Belarus 0.01 1.09 218,540 Guatemala 0.05 0.24 4,805 Spain 325.08 27.38 118
USA 316.97 27.03 85
Epoxy resin (Reactive diluents) Escitalopram oxalate Sri Lanka 154.08 14.08 92
Belgium 81.05 21.58 316 USA 1.50 66.87 44,617 Hong Kong 151.20 13.28 88
USA 17.62 4.57 241 South Africa 0.44 17.90 40,487 Italy 105.40 9.04 85
UAE 16.80 3.85 210 Pakistan 0.06 0.85 15,525 Greece 103.98 8.65 83
Egypt 0.04 0.96 23,439 Tunisia 96.84 9.57 97
North Korea 16.00 3.06 191
Costa Rica 0.03 0.75 30,077 Ghana 75.60 6.61 87
Indonesia 15.60 3.47 223
Nepal 0.00 0.04 13,264 Algeria 50.40 4.50 89
Brazil 5.40 1.12 208
Honduras 0.00 0.03 25,865 Sudan 50.40 4.56 90
South Africa 2.88 0.64 221
Uganda 44.52 3.98 90
Morocco 2.88 0.67 232 Tanzania 33.60 3.06 91
South Korea 2.64 0.98 372 Esomeprazole
Bangladesh 18.65 48.41 2,366 Cote D Ivoire 26.25 2.30 88
China 0.40 0.18 448 Zambia 25.20 2.21 88
Vietnam 1.30 4.30 3,805
Afghanistan 0.67 0.94 1,411 Morocco 25.20 2.36 94
Epoxypropoxy)-9H-carbazole, 4-(2,3- Armenia 16.80 1.49 89
Hungary 0.50 9.46 18,923 Pakistan 0.50 1.26 2,511
Cuba 0.50 3.78 7,569 UK 16.80 1.44 86
Algeria 0.22 1.20 5,443 Qatar 16.80 1.71 102
Erlotinib HCl
Mexico 0.05 6.18 123,525 Ethyl acetoacetate
Esomeprazole magnesium
Netherlands 50.34 9.73 193
Bangladesh 7.00 16.89 2,298
Erucamide France 5.60 1.33 237
Slovenia 3.85 75.38 19,568
USA 422.40 237.72 563
Pakistan 1.48 3.23 2,187
Saudi Arabia 100.20 72.73 726 Ethyl acrylate
Afghanistan 0.60 0.48 796
Thailand 70.00 45.06 656 UAE 3.78 0.76 200
Nepal 0.02 0.09 4,373
UAE 54.00 33.04 620
Belgium 37.60 21.99 665 Ethyl aluminium sesquichloride
Esomeprazole magnesium trihydrate
Mexico 34.00 23.57 692 Brazil 28.22 7.23 256
Bangladesh 4.50 40.03 7,686
Taiwan 24.00 14.47 603 South Korea 28.00 10.49 375
Tunisia 1.00 4.14 4,139
Qatar 20.00 14.21 711
Pakistan 0.30 0.57 1,913 Ethyl butyrate
South Korea 18.00 11.30 628 Nepal 0.23 1.07 4,699
Turkey 12.00 6.76 563 USA 2.16 0.58 268
Vietnam 0.20 2.71 13,526 Australia 1.40 0.35 250
Nigeria 12.00 8.93 744 Dominican Republic 0.20 0.21 1,035
Malaysia 11.40 7.26 639 Egypt 0.51 0.11 217
Brazil 0.08 0.56 7,479
Brazil 9.00 8.47 941 Egypt 0.01 0.07 14,443
South Africa 4.50 2.96 659 Ethyl caproate (Ethyl hexanoate)
Russia 0.00 0.06 60,670 Brazil 0.03 0.02 570
Singapore 4.20 2.55 607
Russia 3.00 1.96 654 Ethambutol HCl Ethyl cinnamate
China 10.00 25.54 2,554 USA 0.74 0.58 809
Erucic acid Mexico 3.00 11.55 3,851 Brazil 0.21 0.17 795
South Korea 1,003.09 416.40 412 Belarus 0.20 1.04 5,192
Japan 58.85 22.52 383
Ethyl damascenate
China 57.60 22.52 391 Ethoxyethanol, 2- (Ethyl cellosolve, Cellosolve) Argentina 0.03 0.18 7,243
Kenya 25.74 3.81 148
Erythromycin estolate Uganda 4.29 0.65 151 Ethyl difluoroacetate
Uganda 0.50 2.03 4,053 China 36.00 39.24 1,090
Ethiopia 0.28 1.16 4,236 Ethoxyvinyl)-3,3,5,5-tetramethylcyclohexanone,
Bangladesh 0.13 0.68 5,444 4-(1- (Enamber) Ethyl isobutyrate
Switzerland 1.20 2.99 2,489 Egypt 0.01 0.00 398
Erythromycin ethyl succinate Spain 0.30 0.99 3,299
Laos 0.05 0.34 6,805 Germany 0.20 0.62 3,116 Ethyl methoxycrylene
Guatemala 0.05 0.36 7,258 China 0.10 0.35 3,452 USA 15.00 37.52 2,504
UAE 0.01 0.04 3,780
Erythromycin stearate Ethyl monoethanolamine, N-
Mozambique 18.52 78.77 4,253 Ethyl 2-methyl butyrate (N-Ethylethanolamine)
Thailand 6.00 22.94 3,823 UAE 0.03 0.02 730 China 84.00 25.90 308

208 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Materials Exported
Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price
[Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg]
Ethyl oleate Singapore 5.32 8.86 1,661 Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether acetate
Uruguay 1.53 0.54 354 Brazil 4.56 7.76 1,702 UAE 64.00 9.47 148
USA 4.32 6.25 1,448
Ethyl p-hydroxybenzoate (Ethyl papraben) Argentina 1.52 2.59 1,702 Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether (Methyl glycol)
Italy 2.00 1.15 577 Turkey 0.36 0.52 1,448 USA 0.80 1.00 1,252
Egypt 0.36 0.57 1,594
Ethyl paraben sodium (Ethyl-4-hydroxybenzoate Ethylene glycol monostearate
sodium salt) Ethyl-4-chloroacetoacetate Russia 45.00 13.85 308
Egypt 0.10 0.14 1,427 China 32.00 17.71 553 UAE 0.60 0.08 136
Sri Lanka 0.06 0.01 218
Ethyl phenylacetate Ethyl-L-ascorbic acid, 3-O-
USA 0.88 0.38 427 Bangladesh 0.01 0.16 20,725 Ethylene oxide
Malaysia 47.79 4.77 100
Ethyl propionate Ethyl-N-benzylaniline-3’-sulphonic acid, N- Thailand 31.87 3.18 100
USA 2.16 0.81 374 Mongolia 59.77 18.58 311 Vietnam 15.94 1.59 100
Australia 0.18 0.06 326 USA 30.00 11.69 390 Indonesia 15.92 1.59 100
Japan 3.39 1.25 368 Bangladesh 4.10 0.92 224
Ethyl safranate
Spain 0.20 1.19 5,941 Ethyl-N-benzylaniline, N- Ethylene urea (2-Imidazolidinone hemihydrate)
Singapore 0.10 0.68 25,715 China 16.01 4.63 289 Japan 8.00 4.60 574
Indonesia 0.10 0.58 5,840 Spain 0.50 0.31 619
Ethyl-o-toluidine, N- (2-Ethylaminotoluene)
Ethyl silicate Mexico 15.20 6.05 398 Ethylenediamine
Bangladesh 0.44 0.12 281 China 516.80 106.79 206
Ethylamine HCl
Ethyl trifluoroacetate Japan 0.05 0.02 422 Ethylenediamine dihydroiodide
USA 18.00 25.61 1,423 New Zealand 2.00 11.16 5,581
Ethylanthraquinone, 2- Guatemala 2.00 11.37 5,683
Ethyl vanillin Bangladesh 4.00 2.67 668 Australia 0.60 3.41 5,686
Egypt 2.00 1.95 973 Israel 0.60 3.25 5,415
Nepal 1.03 2.96 3,188 Ethylene
Singapore 0.10 0.10 975 Indonesia 6,825.00 444.85 65 Ethylenedioxythiophene, 3,4- (EDOT)
South Korea 0.60 2.35 3,914
Ethyl-2-aminomethylpyrrolidine, N- Ethylene bis(oleamide)
Italy 4.14 10.79 2,607 USA 20.20 7.13 369 Ethylhexanol, 2-
Malaysia 3.60 1.08 299 Bangladesh 1.36 0.21 153
Ethyl-2-bromoisobutyrate Italy 2.40 0.79 329
Italy 30.00 21.63 721 Thailand 2.00 1.06 529 Ethylhexanoyl chloride, 2-
USA 73.05 25.11 344
Ethyl-2-methyl pentanoate Ethylene bis(stearamide) Mexico 18.32 7.28 398
Netherlands 4.93 3.36 682 Turkey 12.00 2.86 238 Switzerland 18.30 5.65 309
Brazil 4.42 2.69 580 Belgium 6.00 1.69 282
Mexico 2.72 1.70 626 Brazil 6.00 2.32 387 Ethylhexyl acrylate, 2-
USA 1.36 0.74 543 USA 1.00 0.35 354 UAE 2.16 0.42 194
Colombia 0.68 0.35 515 Colombia 1.00 0.39 391 Nepal 0.18 0.05 251
Hong Kong 0.51 0.27 538 Russia 0.60 0.22 373
Argentina 0.51 0.36 708 Ethylhexyl diphenyl phosphate, 2-
Egypt 0.17 0.09 538 Ethylene glycol dibenzoate Nepal 0.02 0.00 151
Mexico 32.00 10.01 313
Ethyl-2-pyrrolidone, N- UAE 3.00 0.39 132 Ethylhexyl diphenyl phosphite, 2-
Germany 22.00 6.89 313 South Korea 24.00 5.82 235
Netherlands 16.20 6.72 415 Ethylene glycol distearate Brazil 23.00 4.66 202
UAE 14.00 1.84 131 USA 18.00 3.99 222
Ethyl-2,3-dihydrothieno[3,4-b][1,4]dioxine, 2- Turkey 4.20 0.63 151 Turkey 16.00 3.30 206
Japan 1.00 11.55 11,550
Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether (Butyl glycol) Ethylhexyl glycerin
Ethyl-3-amino-4,4,4-trifluorocrotonate Egypt 325.42 34.27 107 Germany 26.60 21.32 801
USA 39.40 68.27 1,733 UAE 55.92 9.71 154 USA 11.15 9.52 698
UK 9.50 7.03 740
Ethyl-4-(2,2,3-trimethyl-3-cyclopenten-1 -yl)-2- Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether (Ethyl glycol) Spain 9.50 10.18 1,072
buten-1-ol, 2- (Bacdanol; Sandanol, Sandal Fleur) UAE 212.80 29.85 140 Nigeria 5.00 2.93 587
Mexico 6.08 10.40 1,711 Belgium 15.60 2.43 156 Australia 0.20 0.28 1,407
Spain 5.32 8.88 1,671 South Korea 7.80 1.12 143 Bangladesh 0.17 0.21 1,252

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 209

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Materials Exported
Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price
[Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg]
Ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate Everolimus Ferrous ascorbate
Philippines 1.88 1.59 846 Chile 0.00 38.68 19,339,565 Bangladesh 5.00 5.84 1,168

Ethylhexyl palmitate, 2- Ezetimibe Ferrous bisglycinate

Philippines 1.44 0.33 230 Argentina 0.30 32.75 109,176 Colombia 0.80 1.07 1,343

Ethylhexyl triazone Famotidine Ferrous fumarate

Germany 27.15 60.76 2,308 Switzerland 2.00 7.67 3,835 Malaysia 40.00 7.54 189
Mexico 7.20 17.94 2,504 Egypt 1.00 5.89 5,888 Indonesia 23.00 5.51 260
France 3.80 9.75 2,567 Pakistan 0.83 2.38 2,829 USA 22.20 4.60 175
Turkey 2.70 6.80 2,519 Thailand 0.50 1.67 3,331 Bangladesh 22.10 3.50 406
Brazil 2.25 5.35 2,380 Hong Kong 0.20 1.46 7,317 South Africa 21.00 5.51 271
Thailand 1.35 3.12 2,310 Guatemala 0.10 0.43 4,343 Sri Lanka 20.40 5.75 304
China 1.35 3.20 2,374 Vietnam 0.01 0.03 6,434 Morocco 12.00 2.66 222
Israel 0.80 1.91 2,384 China 8.15 2.57 316
Fatty amine ethoxylate
Canada 0.45 1.17 2,589 Singapore 5.25 1.22 232
USA 18.71 15.37 822
Taiwan 5.00 0.77 154
Ethylhexylamine, 2- Guatemala 5.00 1.22 243
Russia 19.29 7.11 369 Spain 3.00 0.87 291
Brazil 0.40 3.00 7,509
USA 18.91 7.43 393 Israel 2.70 1.53 567
Canada 12.40 4.34 350 Febuxostat Kuwait 0.50 0.16 322
Egypt 0.80 13.59 16,969 Nepal 0.12 0.02 223
Ethylhexylglycerine, 2- Germany 0.49 11.98 24,310
Singapore 2.00 1.84 920 Spain 0.24 8.65 36,502 Ferrous gluconate (Iron (II) gluconate)
Greece 0.23 7.32 32,385 Nigeria 3.00 0.68 228
Ethylparaben (Ethyl-4-hydroxybenzoate) Nepal 0.04 0.46 13,269 Turkey 2.00 0.81 403
UAE 0.05 0.02 439 Israel 0.02 0.95 63,336 Uganda 0.10 0.02 241
Yemen 0.01 0.08 15,682 Nepal 0.05 0.01 261
Ethylpyridone, 2-
Indonesia 0.00 0.00 1,005 Felodipine Ferrous glycine sulphate
France 0.02 0.56 34,716 UAE 23.20 38.60 1,664
Ethylthio)-1H-tetrazole, 5-(
Canada 0.10 0.77 8,041 Fenbendazole Ferrous lactate
Colombia 5.00 14.91 2,987 Turkey 2.00 0.99 494
Ethyltriphenyl phosphonium bromide (ETPB) Belgium 2.00 7.28 3,641 Belgium 2.00 1.40 699
Brazil 3.00 4.48 1,492 Peru 0.50 1.51 3,018
Vietnam 0.50 1.26 2,521 Fesoterodine fumarate
Etiracetam Bangladesh 0.05 0.15 3,080 Turkey 0.00 0.94 324,514
Switzerland 46.17 177.71 3,849 Pakistan 0.05 0.13 2,674 Saudi Arabia 0.00 0.76 762,363

Etodolac Fenofibrate Fexofenadine

Turkey 4.70 33.40 7,019 Iran 14.00 46.16 3,297 Nepal 0.30 1.67 5,553
France 0.67 5.51 8,188 Netherlands 5.00 16.10 3,219
Brazil 0.26 1.99 7,660 Tunisia 1.52 6.55 4,549 Fexofenadine HCl
Nepal 0.03 0.19 7,559 South Korea 0.51 3.69 7,229 France 3.40 34.40 8,934
Guatemala 0.50 3.33 6,669 Pakistan 2.55 18.80 6,437
Argentina 0.12 0.34 2,815 Brazil 2.00 29.33 14,666
Mexico 0.01 0.02 4,576
Argentina 1.60 18.31 11,442 Vietnam 1.90 11.47 6,062
Mexico 1.02 30.76 21,375 Mexico 1.46 19.85 13,637
Fenofibric acid
Singapore 0.64 5.91 9,199 Bangladesh 0.50 2.81 5,621
Argentina 0.80 5.84 7,303
Uruguay 0.31 8.83 28,493 Spain 0.50 5.03 10,067
Saudi Arabia 0.19 9.47 47,913 Fenpiverinium bromide South Africa 0.45 7.14 15,872
Philippines 0.15 1.83 12,203 Belarus 0.00 1.86 931,861 Costa Rica 0.05 0.35 7,057
Peru 0.10 1.67 16,677 Yemen 0.03 0.18 7,278
Nepal 0.05 0.45 8,987 Fenticonazole nitrate Nepal 0.03 0.14 5,611
Lebanon 0.05 1.15 23,000
Eucalyptol Chile 0.02 0.46 28,587 Flavoxate HCl
Iraq 0.20 0.32 1,593 Nepal 0.03 0.21 6,903
Ferric ammonium citrate
Eugenol Iran 1.00 0.35 346 Flucloxacillin sodium
Germany 22.00 41.56 1,889 UAE 0.45 0.18 402 Netherlands 7.20 36.33 5,014
Brazil 1.38 2.48 1,930 Nepal 0.20 0.04 211 Bangladesh 6.88 28.64 4,197
Thailand 0.50 0.93 1,866 Ethiopia 0.13 0.04 330 Kenya 2.50 8.96 3,585

210 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Materials Exported
Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price
[Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg]
Fluconazole Dominican Republic 20.80 0.63 30 Italy 1.47 5.76 3,931
Brazil 2.60 33.55 12,907 Kenya 20.00 0.54 27 Canada 1.00 3.98 3,982
UAE 1.00 8.68 8,680 Qatar 19.20 0.56 29 Thailand 1.00 3.45 3,455
Mozambique 1.00 9.04 9,044 Bangladesh 0.79 0.02 28 Pakistan 1.00 3.26 3,259
Thailand 0.70 6.21 8,865 Brazil 0.50 1.92 3,846
France 0.40 3.12 7,789 Formamide Malaysia 0.10 0.33 3,257
Peru 0.30 2.77 9,231 China 125.00 5.01 40 Philippines 0.10 0.49 4,934
Portugal 0.30 2.85 9,513 Chile 0.05 0.22 4,317
Uganda 0.25 2.11 8,448 Formamido-1,3-thiazol-4-yl)glyoxylic acid, (2-
Iraq 0.24 5.67 23,627 Italy 0.33 10.73 32,705 Fusidic acid
Lebanon 0.20 1.84 9,192 Nepal 0.03 1.70 68,423
Vietnam 0.20 2.77 13,832 Formazan
Nepal 0.07 0.56 8,837 Thailand 62.78 67.29 1,215 Gabapentin
Kenya 0.05 0.49 9,771 USA 132.66 379.86 4,947
Formic acid Canada 22.18 52.40 2,361
Flumequine Poland 9.00 25.28 2,809
Bangladesh 12.25 0.63 52
Netherlands 3.00 12.22 4,074 Hungary 9.00 25.01 2,779
Nepal 4.73 0.31 68
Egypt 2.67 9.84 3,717 Portugal 4.99 19.33 3,874
Sudan 4.03 0.29 71
Thailand 4.00 9.43 2,356
Flumethrin Turkey 2.99 8.05 2,689
Formyl morpholine, N- Brazil 2.46 10.21 4,145
Turkey 0.18 3.78 21,593 UAE 18.40 6.71 365 North Korea 2.20 8.91 4,050
Flunixin meglumine Indonesia 1.90 5.13 2,713
Formylbenzenesulphonic acid sodium salt, 2- Sri Lanka 0.94 3.01 3,212
Netherlands 0.50 6.66 13,326 USA 19.28 8.86 460 Germany 0.90 2.11 2,348
Fluoro-N-isopropylaniline, 4- Nepal 0.12 0.37 3,084
Fosfomycin calcium
Germany 23.00 22.65 985 Pakistan 0.35 2.27 6,494 Galbascone (Neobutenone alpha)
Mexico 0.10 1.58 15,758 Singapore 3.78 35.60 9,392
3-carbaldehyde, 5-(2- Indonesia 0.90 8.38 9,311
Fosfomycin sodium Brazil 0.56 5.17 9,313
Germany 2.48 255.30 102,928
Turkey 0.01 0.12 23,478 USA 0.54 5.11 9,468
Mexico 0.23 2.18 9,467
Fluoxetine HCl
Fosfomycin trometamol (fosfomycin Colombia 0.20 1.86 9,311
Brazil 1.43 11.31 7,966
tromethamine) Argentina 0.18 1.68 9,311
Mexico 0.65 5.91 9,099
Lebanon 0.05 0.70 13,907 China 0.18 1.68 9,311
Thailand 0.50 3.85 7,706
Pakistan 0.03 0.24 9,465
Argentina 0.30 2.80 9,318
Fosravuconazole L-lysine ethanolate Switzerland 0.00 0.01 6,681
Spain 0.30 3.32 11,069
Japan 0.45 185.65 411,634
Lebanon 0.25 1.62 6,466 Gamma acid (7-Amino-1-naphthol-3-sulphonic acid)
Poland 0.18 1.69 9,362 China 38.77 21.87 564
Germany 0.18 2.25 12,175 Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS)
South Korea 64.80 17.39 269 Mexico 3.05 1.65 539
UK 0.06 0.72 12,117 Taiwan 3.01 1.66 551
Portugal 0.05 0.49 9,709 Canada 48.00 14.70 306
Vietnam 48.00 11.24 234 Thailand 2.60 1.41 544
Tunisia 0.05 0.59 11,858
Belgium 0.03 0.39 15,718 Kenya 1.20 0.54 448
Malaysia 1.00 0.24 239 Gemfibrozil
Greece 0.02 0.31 15,619 Chile 3.00 11.00 3,666
Nepal 0.01 0.06 6,466
Gentamycin sulphate
Flupentixol diHCl China 0.05 0.36 7,163
Nepal 0.01 0.07 13,529
Bangladesh 0.00 0.22 110,424
Fumaric acid
Flurbiprofen USA 96.04 15.69 163
France 20.00 17.58 879
Pakistan 1.36 12.52 9,633 Greece 88.00 8.68 99 Egypt 2.04 1.99 978
Germany 42.00 4.20 100 UK 1.44 1.38 957
Fluticasone propionate Netherlands 20.00 3.56 178 Turkey 0.68 0.62 908
Algeria 0.01 8.25 749,546 Mexico 20.00 3.92 196
Geraniol, natural
Foaming agent Furoic acid, 2- Spain 0.36 1.44 4,007
Nepal 2.20 0.70 316 France 1.20 0.91 754
Geranyl acetate
Formaldehyde (Formalin) Furosemide USA 4.20 4.22 1,005
Nepal 1,477.59 25.47 18 China 7.40 24.73 3,330 Singapore 1.44 1.35 940
Bhutan 148.47 2.87 19 Poland 3.50 14.61 4,183 Egypt 0.36 0.41 1,144
Uganda 23.52 0.71 30 Mexico 2.00 6.47 3,237 Brazil 0.18 0.18 1,022
Uruguay 20.80 0.60 29 Germany 2.00 8.02 4,010 UAE 0.18 0.18 1,017

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 211

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Materials Exported
Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price
[Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg]
Geranyl propionate UK 6.00 1.55 258 Colombia 3.50 3.29 941
USA 0.18 0.23 1,277 Cote D Ivoire 4.00 0.29 74 Bangladesh 3.50 2.81 852
UAE 3.25 0.27 80 Mexico 3.35 2.86 855
Glibenclamide Afghanistan 3.00 0.35 117 Peru 3.00 2.04 680
Brazil 1.00 10.45 11,318 Spain 3.00 0.82 273 Ecuador 2.00 1.69 846
Malaysia 0.10 0.31 3,136 Qatar 2.00 0.38 188 Iran 1.80 1.29 716
Jordan 0.01 0.08 7,958 Kenya 1.50 0.18 121 Thailand 1.30 1.07 883
Sri Lanka 1.23 0.14 113 Philippines 1.00 0.97 971
Gliclazide Democratic Republic 1.00 0.09 88 Germany 1.00 1.16 1,163
Sri Lanka 5.00 27.33 5,466 Of The Congo Jamaica 0.30 0.43 1,419
Pakistan 0.20 1.39 6,926 Ethiopia 0.50 0.13 257 Guyana 0.30 0.29 962
Nepal 0.08 0.53 7,037 Poland 0.25 0.03 131 Oman 0.20 0.17 829
Uzbekistan 0.05 0.42 8,396 Thailand 0.15 0.01 99 Afghanistan 0.15 0.10 697
Turkey 0.10 0.10 995
Glimepiride Glycerol monolaurate Dominican Republic 0.10 0.07 744
Sudan 0.05 1.23 24,508 Lebanon 0.05 0.07 1,393
Malaysia 36.00 7.77 216
Austria 0.00 0.04 43,226 Germany 24.00 5.35 223
H. Acid (1-Amino-8-naphthol-3,6-disulphonic acid)
Netherlands 21.60 4.94 229
Spain 15.00 6.60 440
Gluconic acid
Turkey 2.50 1.13 452
Saudi Arabia 3.20 0.77 240 Glycerol monooleate
UAE 0.80 0.19 238 H. Acid monosodium salt
Glucono-delta-lactone Nepal 0.10 0.03 302 USA 9.60 4.21 439
Nepal 0.30 0.08 275
Glycerol monostearate Haloperidol
Glucosamine Nepal 14.15 2.00 184 Pakistan 0.10 1.34 13,440
Iran 9.10 29.67 3,451 Nigeria 12.00 5.99 499 Costa Rica 0.00 0.04 32,168
Turkey 6.00 0.85 142 Dominican Republic 0.00 0.03 29,152
Glucosamine HCl South Africa 6.00 1.59 265
USA 10.00 6.50 650 Russia 3.00 1.26 420 Halquinol
Singapore 2.00 0.42 209 Colombia 42.00 66.45 1,582
Glucosamine sulphate potassium chloride USA 1.00 0.47 468 Vietnam 28.00 43.85 1,565
Vietnam 0.80 0.63 793 Saudi Arabia 0.30 0.13 446 Indonesia 23.00 39.55 1,704
Indonesia 0.10 0.06 637 Tanzania 0.25 0.04 169 Taiwan 22.00 37.21 1,700
Nepal 0.10 0.07 746 Sri Lanka 0.13 0.02 175 Denmark 16.00 24.23 1,515
USA 0.05 0.03 563 UAE 0.12 0.02 159 Bolivia 3.00 4.80 1,602
Bangladesh 0.08 0.02 260 Guatemala 0.10 0.20 1,980
Glutamic acid, L- Thailand 0.07 0.01 159
Sri Lanka 0.20 0.19 960 Heptane, n-
UAE 0.03 0.03 1,045 Glycine UAE 32.90 9.10 489
USA 585.87 305.89 528
Glutamine, L- UAE 0.13 0.10 796 Heptylidene acetone [3-Decen-2-one]
Sri Lanka 0.03 0.21 8,363 Sri Lanka 0.10 0.07 724 USA 14.40 14.67 1,018

Glutathione Glycolic acid Herbal extracts

South Korea 0.30 3.67 12,220 USA 95.00 19.91 209 Singapore 0.06 0.10 1,592

Glyburide Griseofulvin Hesperidin

Germany 0.55 5.28 9,605 China 0.50 32.24 65,131 France 16.00 44.06 2,754

Glycerine, refined Guaiacol (2-Methoxyphenol)
USA 22.97 7.99 348
USA 100.00 39.81 398 China 123.48 44.52 361
Canada 60.02 6.94 186 Germany 28.00 10.49 375 Hexachloroethane
France 50.00 14.51 290 Mexico 4.05 2.08 514 South Korea 20.00 3.69 185
Nepal 36.87 4.86 104 Spain 3.15 1.33 461
Nigeria 34.40 7.08 206 Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide
Germany 30.00 9.21 318 Guaiacol, p- (4-Methoxyphenol, MEHQ) Japan 0.30 0.22 739
Saudi Arabia 20.00 1.50 75 China 40.00 28.55 715
Denmark 20.00 5.80 290 Brazil 4.00 3.04 761 Hexafluoroisopropyl methyl ether
Jamaica 20.00 4.06 203 USA 60.00 140.78 2,346
Yemen 19.50 1.87 96 Guaiphenesin
Australia 10.00 3.81 381 USA 37.20 37.57 996 Hexamethyldisilazane
Italy 7.75 2.18 281 UK 14.00 14.62 1,044 Thailand 72.00 51.82 720
Bangladesh 6.02 0.85 176 France 10.00 12.39 1,239 Italy 15.66 11.64 743
Bahrain 6.00 0.51 86 Egypt 7.00 5.56 794 Spain 6.08 5.23 860

212 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Materials Exported
Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price
[Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg]
Hexamine (Urotropin, Methanamine, Hexamethyle- Hexyl cinnamaldehyde Hydroquinone bis(2-hydroxyethyl)ether
netetramine) Singapore 15.20 6.66 438 USA 11.20 12.39 1,107
Japan 90.00 11.18 124 Egypt 5.89 2.61 443 Netherlands 6.72 7.05 1,050
USA 2.00 0.55 277 Mexico 3.80 1.74 459
Israel 1.50 0.76 506 Turkey 3.80 1.86 490 Hydroquinone monomethyl ether (4-Methoxyphenol;
Sri Lanka 1.00 0.18 183 Spain 3.04 1.38 455 p-Hydroxyanisole)
USA 1.14 0.68 598 China 143.39 113.53 781
Hexane, n- Belgium 63.51 41.51 687
Kenya 105.93 10.39 98 Hexyl salicylate South Korea 31.20 21.93 727
Nigeria 87.04 8.54 98 USA 36.40 12.40 346 Germany 12.00 9.27 797
UAE 67.94 6.45 95 Brazil 18.04 6.24 387 Japan 9.60 6.42 668
Jordan 47.74 4.47 94 Singapore 14.28 4.92 347 UK 9.02 9.33 1,035
Bangladesh 37.65 3.63 95 Belgium 10.00 3.49 349 Taiwan 9.00 6.92 769
Tanzania 31.93 2.90 91 Spain 5.28 1.68 318 Netherlands 4.05 3.63 896
Saudi Arabia 21.76 2.21 101 Mexico 5.06 1.68 331 Italy 3.66 2.83 776
Lebanon 10.88 1.25 115 Turkey 1.76 0.70 398 Malaysia 2.10 1.06 503
Nepal 1.36 0.13 95 Egypt 1.54 0.55 356
France 0.88 0.29 330 Hydroxy-2-methyl-N-(5-methylthiazole-2-yl)-2H-
Hexanediol, 1,2- 1,2-benzothiazine-3-carboxamide-1 1-dioxide, 4-
South Korea 34.20 22.88 669 Hexylene glycol (2-methylpentane-2,4-diol) Bolivia 0.01 0.10 20,708
China 102.00 14.39 141
Hexanoic acid (Caproic acid) Indonesia 78.00 11.20 145 Hydroxy-3,4-dihydro-2(1H)-quinolinone, 6-
Australia 0.06 0.03 464 UK 36.80 5.55 151 South Korea 1.00 4.93 4,931
Netherlands 25.76 4.15 161
Hexanol, n- (Alcohol C-6) Italy 22.00 3.28 149 Hydroxy-3,4-dihydro-2(1H)-quinolinone, 7-
Australia 0.06 0.04 613 USA 18.40 3.10 169 Japan 0.14 1.19 8,516
Turkey 18.04 2.91 280
Hexenal, trans-2- Malaysia 15.60 2.32 148 Hydroxy-6-methoxy-7-methyl-oxo-1,3-dihydroiso-
Mexico 0.99 1.67 1,686 Guatemala 15.60 2.45 157 benzofuran-5-yl)-4-methylhex-4-enoic acid, E-6-(4-
Australia 14.82 2.14 144
(Mycophenolic acid)
Thailand 11.70 1.85 158
Hexenol, cis-3-, natural Turkey 0.46 8.88 19,384
Austria 11.04 1.69 153
Germany 0.40 12.64 31,593 UAE 0.18 3.66 20,017
Hexylresorcinol, 4-
Hexenyl acetate, cis-3- Hydroxy-7-dehydrocholesterol, 25-
Spain 0.16 0.90 5,605
USA 0.68 23.37 34,618 Netherlands 0.06 108.97 1,907,083
Hexenyl acetate, cis-3-, natural Hydroxyacetophenone, 3-
USA 62.40 28.57 458
Germany 0.20 6.32 31,595 Chile 12.00 5.27 439 Japan 3.20 6.59 2,060
Brazil 8.00 3.74 468
Hexenyl acetate, trans-2- Hydroxyacetophenone, 4-
Singapore 0.07 0.24 3,417 Hydralazine HCl China 60.00 29.23 487
Thailand 0.25 4.54 18,163
Hexenyl benzoate, cis-3- Kenya 0.08 1.53 20,373 Hydroxybenzaldehyde, 3-
Australia 0.03 0.61 24,353 Guatemala 0.06 1.37 22,752 Italy 1.20 4.45 3,712
China 1.00 3.05 3,052
Hexenyl butyrate, cis-3- Hydrochlorothiazide Japan 0.05 0.23 4,624
Egypt 0.06 0.73 12,153 Argentina 4.51 9.44 2,091
Germany 3.44 8.81 2,583 Hydroxybenzyl alcohol, 4-
Hexenyl methyl carbonate, cis-3- (Liffarome) Egypt 1.43 3.45 2,404 UAE 8.40 32.63 3,884
Indonesia 0.76 3.57 4,790 Malta 0.98 2.88 2,936
Brazil 0.19 0.83 4,393 Jordan 0.56 1.44 2,562 Hydroxychloroquine sulphate
Portugal 0.42 1.30 3,064 Canada 3.23 48.36 14,990
Hexenyl salicylate, cis-3- Nepal 0.20 0.37 1,811 Brazil 2.91 27.55 9,451
UAE 0.20 2.28 11,401 Cyprus 0.10 0.38 3,810 Nepal 0.08 0.54 7,216

Hexyl acetate Hydrocortisone Hydroxycitronellal

China 23.80 8.02 337 Germany 0.10 5.72 57,191 Turkey 0.72 1.53 2,128
Indonesia 11.73 4.04 345 UAE 0.00 0.19 46,259 Egypt 0.54 1.09 2,021
Singapore 5.44 1.89 362
Egypt 2.04 0.73 356 Hydrocortisone acetate Hydroxyethoxy)ethyl]piperazine, 1-[2-(2-
Turkey 1.36 0.46 338 Sri Lanka 0.23 9.20 39,986 Spain 5.00 8.96 1,792
Netherlands 1.02 0.35 348 Nepal 0.00 0.07 34,681 Japan 0.80 1.49 1,859
Brazil 0.68 0.29 424
Italy 0.68 0.23 344 Hydroquinone Hydroxyethyl urea
Australia 0.17 0.06 380 China 315.00 165.17 522 Bangladesh 0.05 0.06 1,253

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 213

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Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price
[Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg]
Hydroxyethyl)Morpholine, N-(2- Netherlands 169.00 30.06 178 Malawi 1.65 1.35 831
Czech Republic 9.45 3.77 399 Singapore 162.00 29.52 182 Ireland 1.50 1.95 1,303
Japan 121.00 21.53 178 Jordan 1.25 1.53 1,191
Hydroxyethyl)pyrrolidine, 1-(2- Slovenia 117.60 21.66 184 Afghanistan 1.10 0.86 791
Italy 1.90 7.66 4,033 Saudi Arabia 78.00 16.71 214 Kuwait 1.00 1.02 1,025
Germany 72.00 12.88 179 France 0.85 1.28 1,508
Hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid Poland 72.00 13.06 181 Nepal 0.85 0.61 724
sodium salt, 1- Spain 48.00 8.57 178 Democratic Republic 0.70 0.59 845
Serbia 140.00 30.40 217 UK 48.00 8.63 180 Of The Congo
Philippines 118.00 21.95 186 Italy 43.90 7.72 178 Uganda 0.50 0.40 806
Turkey 80.00 16.15 202 China 32.00 5.53 173 Chile 0.50 0.49 975
Belgium 80.00 17.17 215 Turkey 29.00 5.33 178 Ghana 0.50 0.37 742
Netherlands 26.30 2.62 100 Mexico 27.00 4.65 172
Egypt 22.50 2.20 98 France 27.00 4.76 176 Ibuprofen lysinate
Indonesia 9.90 0.86 87 UAE 24.92 4.72 305 UK 14.41 37.91 2,620
Poland 5.00 1.00 200 North Korea 20.00 3.70 185 Switzerland 10.00 35.85 3,585
Kenya 1.10 0.12 110 Australia 16.00 2.82 176
Indonesia 14.00 2.66 190 Ibuprofen, S(+)
Hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid Thailand 13.80 2.62 190 South Korea 7.00 29.53 4,178
tetrasodium salt, 1- Colombia 9.79 1.91 195
Bangladesh 20.00 6.20 310 Vietnam 2.80 0.61 217 Imidazole
China 20.00 4.97 249 Nepal 0.21 0.19 913 China 5.00 5.98 1,195
Belgium 17.72 5.00 285
Hydroxyzine diHCl Imidazolidinyl urea
Hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid, 1- (HEDP) Pakistan 0.50 3.58 7,169 Indonesia 0.20 0.20 1,015
Netherlands 306.60 44.88 147
USA 168.95 22.79 137 Hyoscine-N-butylbromide Imidocarb dipropionate
Saudi Arabia 160.00 18.23 118 Nepal 0.02 1.57 94,230
UAE 0.02 0.16 10,678
Germany 56.72 5.87 110
Belgium 38.68 4.83 127 Imipramine HCl
Canada 0.00 0.40 400,327
Japan 33.60 4.59 137 Egypt 0.35 2.13 6,085
UAE 31.78 3.92 156
Italy 25.20 9.63 382 Indole
Indonesia 106.05 91.41 851
Lebanon 23.60 2.91 123 Singapore 0.30 0.56 1,781
UK 88.91 73.28 825
Czech Republic 21.38 3.00 141
China 71.90 61.77 859
Malaysia 5.20 0.76 146 Indonesia
Thailand 55.85 46.03 834
Vietnam 2.36 0.35 148 Spain 55.05 54.37 1,015 Brazil 0.10 0.22 2,179
Sri Lanka 0.50 0.23 452 Turkey 42.00 34.99 872
UAE 41.39 41.95 1,071 Inositol
Hydroxylactam, cis (+)- Poland 38.50 42.56 1,093 Nepal 0.03 0.05 2,069
Italy 24.00 73.33 3,055 Netherlands 35.00 33.69 955
Italy 29.00 28.67 982 Iodoform (Triiodomethane)
Hydroxymethionine calcium salt, DL-alpha- Germany 21.80 22.05 1,015 Poland 0.10 1.08 10,786
Mexico 0.01 0.03 5,629 Vietnam 19.75 17.72 911
Israel 18.70 19.87 1,141 Iodosuccinimide, N-
Hydroxymethyl-4-methyl-1-phenyl-3- Nigeria 18.00 13.86 755 China 3.10 23.67 7,439
pyrazoloidine, 4- (Phenidone D) Portugal 16.80 15.06 897
Japan 1.35 3.76 2,783 Hungary 16.80 15.62 930 Ionone, alpha- (4-(2 6 6-Trimethyl-2-cyclohexen-
Germany 0.30 0.83 2,752 Mexico 16.80 19.49 1,043 1-yl)-3-buten-2-one)
Malaysia 0.25 0.68 2,722 Serbia 15.50 16.17 1,083 Singapore 9.54 12.17 1,276
Belgium 14.40 14.56 1,011 USA 5.48 7.40 1,391
Hydroxypiperidine, 4- (4-Piperidinol) Japan 12.00 13.74 1,142 UK 0.78 0.92 1,173
China 3.00 13.40 4,467 USA 11.00 11.11 1,379 Spain 0.39 0.51 1,319
Greece 10.50 11.20 1,067 Brazil 0.20 0.25 1,304
Hydroxyprogesterone caproate Russia 9.00 7.83 871 UAE 0.18 0.17 963
Egypt 0.02 0.35 23,139 Paraguay 6.53 5.69 989 Australia 0.18 0.19 1,045
Argentina 6.50 6.16 954 Egypt 0.10 0.13 1,313
Hydroxystearic acid ester, 12- Ecuador 6.00 5.57 950 Italy 0.05 0.09 1,709
Netherlands 26.00 4.52 174 South Korea 6.00 8.92 1,445 Netherlands 0.03 0.03 1,086
Poland 24.00 4.29 179 Eritrea 5.60 7.30 1,304
Kenya 4.50 3.65 811 Ionone, beta- (4-(2 6 6-Trimethyl-1-cyclohexen-1-
Hydroxystearic acid, 12- (Ricinoleic acid) Bulgaria 3.00 3.12 1,039 yl)-3-buten-2-one)
USA 339.94 61.54 180 Tunisia 3.00 2.84 948 Japan 0.98 1.12 1,146
Belgium 260.73 46.53 178 Dominican Republic 2.00 2.11 1,053 Turkey 0.78 0.85 1,085

214 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Materials Exported
Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price
[Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg]
Egypt 0.39 0.48 1,240 Malaysia 0.50 0.61 1,228 Isolongifolene ketone
UAE 0.18 0.21 1,188 Germany 0.20 0.43 2,164 Germany 0.90 0.69 770
Australia 0.03 0.08 3,263
Isobornyl acetate Isomalt
Ipecacuanha Liquid Extract USA 64.80 25.42 392 Algeria 0.24 0.12 498
China 0.48 7.31 15,226 Turkey 8.92 3.58 400
Brazil 3.24 1.26 389 Isomenthone
Irbesartan Argentina 1.08 0.40 370 Spain 0.18 0.37 2,078
Poland 2.50 28.59 11,433 Egypt 0.72 0.34 467
Mexico 2.16 16.10 7,748 Indonesia 0.20 0.07 373 Isoniazid (Isonicotinic acid)
Netherlands 1.98 22.60 11,416 Philippines 5.00 6.59 1,318
Lebanon 1.00 14.16 14,162 Isobornylcyclohexanol (Isocamphyl cyclohex-anol) Bangladesh 0.50 1.12 2,232
USA 8.00 5.53 682 Pakistan 0.50 0.90 1,791
Iron (III) hydroxide polymaltose complex Germany 7.20 4.91 672 China 0.50 0.73 1,462
Ghana 5.00 1.49 297 Argentina 5.12 3.81 770 Morocco 0.50 1.00 2,000
Turkey 4.00 4.69 1,173 Singapore 4.80 4.10 855
Thailand 1.50 2.75 1,832 China 4.29 2.82 661 Isonipecotic acid (Piperidine-4-carboxylic acid)
Italy 1.00 1.97 1,966 Brazil 3.20 2.04 627 China 6.10 8.93 1,464
Philippines 0.10 0.13 1,347 Spain 3.20 2.04 638
Belgium 2.50 1.75 700 Isononyl acetate
Iron (III)-hydroxide polysaccharide UK 2.24 1.52 670 Indonesia 7.20 2.32 322
USA 1.00 2.09 2,086 Netherlands 1.60 1.26 785 Singapore 2.16 0.71 329
Japan 1.40 0.92 661
Iron amino acid chelate Egypt 1.00 0.60 599 Isophorone
South Africa 0.95 1.03 990 Italy 0.80 0.52 652 UAE 25.92 3.66 141
Uruguay 15.60 2.21 142
Iron-sucrose complex Kenya 15.60 2.10 135
Isobutyl bromide
Turkey 3.90 0.53 136
Uzbekistan 1.48 5.64 3,821 China 20.00 7.88 394
Australia 0.78 0.11 147
Pakistan 1.20 2.25 1,873
Egypt 0.69 8.76 12,771 Isobutylbenzene
Isophthalic acid
China 1,185.00 249.50 211
Qatar 120.00 13.97 116
Isoamyl acetate USA 276.00 46.10 167
Bangladesh 0.08 0.01 199
France 18.70 4.72 253
USA 7.40 1.55 209 Isobutylphenyl acetate
Isophthaloyl chloride
Brazil 2.22 0.71 318 USA 0.80 0.31 387 USA 286.90 65.06 227
Indonesia 1.44 0.51 355 South Korea 20.13 4.87 242
Isobutyltoluene, 3-
Isoamyl alcohol Japan 100.00 69.38 694 Isopropyl acetophenone
Israel 41.10 6.58 160 Germany 22.80 21.69 951
Brazil 0.17 0.04 248 Isobutyryl chloride
Mexico 38.60 12.97 336 Isopropyl alcohol (2-Propanol; Propan-2-ol)
Isoamyl butyrate UAE 107.32 10.78 104
Spain 7.20 1.94 269 Isobutyryl methylacetate (Methyl isobutyryl-acetate) Jordan 59.98 6.66 107
USA 3.60 0.82 228 China 16.00 14.31 895 Saudi Arabia 43.43 4.26 98
France 0.36 0.12 327 Bangladesh 38.00 3.57 93
Brazil 0.19 0.08 424 Isocamphylcyclohexanol Australia 35.67 4.09 115
Spain 4.00 2.23 558 Nepal 15.54 1.63 133
Isoamyl phenylacetate South Korea 9.60 1.26 131
Brazil 0.03 0.02 603 Isocyanate Uganda 4.80 0.82 171
Nepal 16.18 2.98 195 Sri Lanka 3.30 0.32 98
Isoamyl propionate Indonesia 0.80 0.10 129
Spain 0.72 0.25 342 Isoeugenol
USA 0.40 0.75 1,882 Isopropyl bromide
Isoamyl salicylate Japan 9.00 5.36 587
China 3.74 0.97 256 Isoeugenyl acetate
Brazil 3.30 0.88 265 Brazil 0.03 0.07 2,855 Isopropyl myristate
Singapore 2.64 0.68 259 UAE 37.26 5.84 182
Spain 2.64 0.68 256 Isojasmone Nepal 1.13 0.44 387
USA 1.76 0.47 268 Netherlands 4.03 4.02 1,138 Indonesia 0.54 0.24 442
Mexico 0.88 0.23 263 Bangladesh 0.52 0.13 256
Australia 0.44 0.14 310 Isolongifolanone Uganda 0.35 0.11 301
Spain 5.04 3.29 652 Uruguay 0.15 0.11 764
Isoborneol France 0.84 0.64 766 Sri Lanka 0.11 0.05 439
Netherlands 24.00 15.83 660 Singapore 0.36 0.73 2,030 Thailand 0.05 0.02 376

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 215

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Materials Exported
Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price
[Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg]
Isopropyl palmitate Ketoprofen Lauryl chloride
USA 14.40 3.05 212 Slovenia 4.00 26.74 6,686 South Korea 0.00 0.01 3,979
UAE 1.44 0.23 158 France 0.80 5.42 6,777
Colombia 0.50 3.54 7,089 Lauryl nitrile (Dodecanenitrile)
Isopropyl quinoline Switzerland 0.68 0.50 733
Switzerland 0.10 0.77 7,720 Ketorolac tromethamine (Toradol) USA 0.34 0.23 689
Portugal 0.10 1.19 11,912 Indonesia 0.34 0.23 665
Isopropyl-3-methylphenol, 4- Paraguay 0.10 1.44 14,395 Singapore 0.17 0.14 822
Thailand 2.50 11.18 4,473 Japan 0.03 0.02 764
Labetalol HCl
Isosorbide dinitrate Laurylamine
Taiwan 1.00 9.03 9,032
Malaysia 0.30 0.88 2,932 USA 12.40 3.06 247
Thailand 0.15 0.26 1,742
Egypt 0.03 0.27 8,880 Lactic acid
Nepal 0.33 0.09 328 Laurylpyridinium chloride
Sri Lanka 0.25 0.06 233 China 14.90 17.69 1,253
Thailand 0.40 1.65 4,127 Bahrain 0.10 0.03 322
Bangladesh 0.05 0.02 338 Lead acetate
Malaysia 0.20 1.41 7,048
Turkey 48.00 10.27 214
Turkey 0.05 0.82 16,474
Lactobacillus (Lactic acid bacillus)
Itaconic acid Vietnam 0.00 0.04 17,592 Lead acetate trihydrate
Bangladesh 0.03 0.01 318 Turkey 50.00 10.27 205
Lactobacillus acidophilus Germany 5.90 3.79 707
Itopride HCl Vietnam 0.00 0.02 19,100
South Korea 3.30 27.69 8,392 Lead phthalate dibasic
Pakistan 0.47 2.62 5,168 Lactulose Saudi Arabia 20.00 4.81 240
Egypt 0.10 0.63 6,277 UAE 79.60 22.74 283
Vietnam 0.06 0.50 11,383 Nepal 7.75 2.43 323 Lecithin, rapeseed
Netherlands 15.48 16.28 1,052
South Korea 5.60 1.62 289
Itraconazole UK 9.06 9.05 1,482
Mexico 3.65 20.22 5,540 Lamivudine
Turkey 2.10 14.52 6,916 Lecithin, soya
South Africa 19.00 158.98 8,426
Malaysia 1.71 14.05 8,215 Netherlands 1,345.62 575.42 429
Thailand 2.25 16.20 7,199
Bangladesh 1.50 12.37 6,406 UAE 493.89 126.56 288
Indonesia 1.00 1.56 1,559 Egypt 0.11 0.94 8,800
UK 448.17 181.35 399
Brazil 0.64 2.21 3,481 Italy 266.98 131.57 546
Thailand 0.60 2.46 4,095 Lamotrigine
Turkey 242.00 97.27 464
Russia 0.50 4.33 8,665 Saudi Arabia 1.56 15.64 10,045
Spain 189.93 92.56 488
Nepal 0.43 2.46 5,732 Turkey 1.03 17.28 16,756 Oman 153.35 38.24 252
Ecuador 0.10 0.34 3,422 Brazil 0.84 8.20 9,753 Indonesia 95.00 42.67 463
Argentina 0.01 0.09 8,655 Japan 0.51 8.60 16,727 Thailand 94.16 34.51 480
Lebanon 0.50 1.94 3,886 Saudi Arabia 92.20 19.24 334
Jasmone, cis- Thailand 0.10 0.91 9,148 Iraq 81.92 11.57 156
Brazil 0.05 0.33 6,546 Pakistan 0.05 0.29 5,710 Australia 80.00 35.18 569
Malaysia 71.76 11.17 148
Keto-phenylalanine calcium salt, alpha- Lansoprazole Singapore 69.00 22.17 314
Pakistan 0.04 0.21 5,202 Brazil 26.50 27.13 1,024 Peru 52.80 27.82 527
Turkey 26.00 42.05 1,834 North Korea 51.20 24.45 745
Keto-valine calcium salt, alpha- Algeria 10.00 12.43 1,243 Germany 49.00 44.35 905
Indonesia 0.15 0.88 5,843 Singapore 3.00 5.01 1,670
Pakistan 0.06 0.29 5,209 Brazil 40.00 24.43 611
Mexico 2.80 4.93 1,760 Belgium 40.00 16.18 405
China 1.15 1.46 1,307 Egypt 35.00 12.62 326
Uruguay 0.60 0.73 1,221 Jordan 24.00 4.10 171
Indonesia 8.00 40.59 5,061
Vietnam 0.30 0.31 1,045 Nepal 21.10 2.39 122
Mexico 5.50 29.96 5,494
Thailand 3.30 16.54 5,011 South Africa 20.40 7.45 513
Spain 2.00 19.46 9,729 Lauric acid Philippines 20.00 9.74 487
USA 1.00 6.19 6,192 Nepal 0.10 0.02 181 Romania 20.00 5.64 282
Brazil 0.90 6.87 7,616 China 18.00 1.94 108
Syria 0.50 2.61 5,213 Lauroyl chloride Bangladesh 16.76 3.70 213
Colombia 0.30 1.61 5,365 USA 63.00 22.32 354 Mexico 16.32 3.05 187
Nigeria 0.30 1.68 5,589 Egypt 36.00 7.37 205 Sri Lanka 16.02 7.47 1,262
Portugal 0.20 1.00 5,016 Turkey 14.40 3.58 248 Ghana 9.20 3.89 305
Bangladesh 0.10 0.52 5,213 France 9.00 9.66 1,072
Algeria 0.10 0.55 5,539 Lauryalmine South Korea 9.00 7.47 830
Paraguay 0.05 0.29 5,710 USA 24.80 6.12 247 Madagascar 7.60 1.27 167

216 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Materials Exported
Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price
[Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg]
Lebanon 4.14 2.80 676 Levofloxacin Brazil 0.10 2.51 25,129
Guinea 4.00 0.62 155 Costa Rica 0.25 1.38 5,529 Ecuador 0.03 0.40 16,076
New Zealand 4.00 4.60 1,150 Yemen 0.03 0.52 20,909
Uzbekistan 3.20 0.50 155 Levofloxacin hemihydrate Pakistan 0.03 0.34 13,689
Poland 2.16 1.63 753 Mexico 3.38 26.46 7,820 Portugal 0.01 0.42 41,617
Colombia 0.50 1.01 2,024 Israel 0.50 1.76 3,512
Somalia 0.10 0.01 80 Nepal 0.40 1.52 3,790 Lornoxicam
Iraq 0.10 0.36 3,581 Vietnam 0.01 0.48 48,051
Lecithin, sunflower
Netherlands 72.87 45.14 597 Levosulpiride Losartan potassium
USA 46.90 49.52 1,327 UAE 2.00 9.45 4,724 Philippines 10.00 44.73 4,473
New Zealand 19.20 10.28 536 Pakistan 0.53 2.65 5,304 Brazil 4.75 35.61 7,496
North Korea 18.92 25.98 1,279 Sri Lanka 4.70 22.97 4,928
Germany 18.00 27.10 1,505 Lidocaine Bangladesh 3.00 14.05 4,685
Spain 17.90 25.10 1,402 Turkey 5.30 6.58 1,287 Argentina 2.77 16.20 6,346
Italy 10.80 18.65 1,727 South Korea 3.00 3.87 1,200 USA 1.95 47.26 24,277
UAE 9.00 13.51 1,501 Pakistan 1.35 1.29 964 Ukraine 1.90 16.20 8,527
Canada 2.00 2.97 1,485 Netherlands 0.35 0.68 1,956
Israel 0.20 0.21 1,067 Malaysia 0.83 5.31 6,437
Nepal 0.00 0.00 1,194 Nepal 0.58 2.51 4,437
Bhutan 0.14 0.21 1,492
Yemen 0.50 2.78 5,559
Lidocaine HCl Uruguay 0.10 0.64 6,397
Lecithins Pakistan 2.50 2.35 959
Turkey 40.00 7.63 191 Turkey 0.03 0.16 6,486
Syria 2.00 2.04 1,018
Netherlands 5.20 13.65 2,625 Turkey 0.70 0.92 1,351
Greece 0.40 1.35 3,380 Loteprednol etabonate
Vietnam 0.50 0.46 915 Egypt 0.00 2.60 649,639
France 0.30 0.06 186 USA 0.30 0.38 1,273
Bangladesh 0.20 0.22 1,101 Lovastatin
Leflunomide Tajikistan 0.20 0.26 1,278
China 0.06 3.11 56,476 Hungary 3.00 10.46 3,486
Ecuador 0.10 0.10 1,035
Turkey 0.05 8.33 166,569
Malaysia 0.05 0.08 1,649
Lebanon 0.03 0.71 28,452 Luliconazole
Nepal 0.01 0.23 46,442 Nepal 0.02 0.53 24,813
Lilial (Lily aldehyde)
Egypt 5.13 3.21 625
Lercanidipine HCl Lumefantrine
China 3.04 2.83 931
Egypt 0.03 1.82 72,820 Sudan 27.00 74.66 2,765
Moldova 0.02 2.08 103,858 Pakistan 3.75 6.28 1,768
Mexico 0.01 1.59 158,672 Lilly alcohol (Muguet alcohol)
Uganda 3.70 7.70 2,077
UAE 0.01 0.02 3,183
Nigeria 1.20 2.35 1,956
Leucine, L- Philippines 0.10 0.36 3,639
Yemen 0.01 0.01 2,413 Limonene, L-
Austria 3.40 1.49 437
Lurasidone HCl
Levamisole HCl Singapore 0.02 3.16 157,990
UAE 0.05 0.25 4,946 Linagliptin
Nepal 0.01 0.81 101,264
Lutidine, 2,6- (2,6-Dimethylpyridine)
Levetiracetam Bangladesh 0.72 0.91 1,266
Turkey 12.67 100.77 7,952 Linalool
Malta 12.00 51.40 4,285 UAE 2.41 2.53 1,586
Japan 1.36 1.68 1,238 Lycopene, natuiral
Mexico 11.48 44.13 4,552
USA 3.60 23.30 6,473
Slovenia 9.80 50.79 5,183
Linalyl acetate Switzerland 1.12 6.77 6,048
Japan 9.70 102.76 10,593
USA 1.80 5.89 3,274 Brazil 0.05 0.48 9,566
Poland 6.00 32.42 5,403
UAE 5.00 25.68 5,139 UAE 1.08 1.17 1,083
South Korea 2.00 14.00 6,998 Lysine monoHCl, L-
USA 2.00 17.76 8,880 Linezolid Philippines 1.00 0.44 435
Greece 2.00 10.10 5,050 UAE 1.00 6.52 6,518
North Korea 1.50 12.77 8,513 Spain 0.00 0.06 30,157 Lysine monoHCl, L- (Pharma grade)
Jordan 1.00 4.97 4,974 Democratic Republic 0.60 0.17 285
Pakistan 0.95 2.33 2,473 Lipoic acid, alpha- Of The Congo
Philippines 0.50 1.73 3,456 Indonesia 0.20 1.96 9,779 Nepal 0.20 0.06 318
Nepal 0.15 0.40 2,692 Mongolia 0.01 0.03 5,770
Guatemala 0.10 0.42 4,158 Loperamide HCl
Vietnam 0.10 1.19 11,928 Macitentan
Levodopa (L-Dopa; L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine) Uzbekistan 0.05 1.25 25,094 Saudi Arabia 0.00 1.21 1,211,319
USA 8.60 62.90 6,951 Uganda 0.02 0.27 13,671
Norway 2.00 22.53 11,263 Magnesium acetate
Germany 0.30 2.57 8,563 Loratadine USA 4.00 1.61 403
Egypt 0.05 0.47 9,472 Mexico 1.00 29.46 29,460 South Korea 0.01 0.01 2,815

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 217

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Materials Exported
Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price Product Qty FOB Value FOB Price
[Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg] [Tonnes] [Rs. mn] [Rs./kg]
Magnesium aspartate Malic acid, DL- Melamine
Greece 3.00 3.17 1,056 Belgium 60.00 12.89 215 USA 300.00 58.69 196
USA 37.00 9.37 253 Nepal 27.00 2.90 89
Magnesium citrate Netherlands 34.00 6.71 197
Greece 6.00 4.80 801 Spain 19.00 5.10 269 Melitracen HCl
Australia 5.00 2.17 434 Thailand 15.00 2.99 199 Bangladesh 0.04 0.58 16,628
Algeria 2.00 1.56 780 Malawi 2.00 0.71 355
Israel 0.03 0.07 2,785 Jordan 0.83 0.17 210 Melonal
Bhutan 0.10 0.04 358 USA 7.48 19.06 2,433
Magnesium glycerophosphate China 5.10 12.39 2,474
Spain 4.00 7.01 1,752 Mandarine undecanol (Aldehyde supra) Singapore 2.79 6.72 2,427
Pakistan 0.03 0.03 1,114 Singapore 1.70 3.37 1,982 France 2.04 4.83 2,370
El Salvador 0.02 0.05 2,312 Mexico 0.34 0.84 2,479 Germany 2.04 4.86 2,384
Mexico 0.85 2.01 2,369
Magnesium lactate Mandelic acid, DL- UK 0.68 1.74 2,566
Spain 0.98 1.75 1,793 Brazil 0.36 0.85 2,553
Belgium 2.00 1.17 584
Uzbekistan 0.50 0.43 860 Indonesia 0.34 0.81 2,380
Manganese acetate Colombia 0.17 0.41 2,388
Finland 26.00 4.81 185
Magnesium malate Hong Kong 0.17 0.40 2,377
Germany 5.40 3.54 655 Manganese amino acid chelate
South Africa 0.50 0.36 671
Magnesium orotate Vietnam 2.00 9.52 4,762
New Zealand 0.40 1.30 3,239 Manganese stearate Sudan 0.10 0.48 4,825
Canada 8.80 3.55 403 Pakistan 0.03 0.15 6,112
Magnesium pidolate Ecuador 0.03 0.14 5,770
Germany 7.00 7.80 1,115 Mannitol Cambodia 0.03 0.24 9,749
France 2.00 2.25 1,125 Bangladesh 10.45 3.43 673 Mexico 0.03 0.16 6,554
Iran 5.45 5.61 1,030
Magnesium stearate Pakistan 5.00 1.51 301 Memantine HCl
USA 41.00 9.13 216 Malaysia 2.86 3.50 1,535 Russia 0.05 2.16 43,246
Nigeria 26.90 3.96 158 Nepal 1.95 1.05 571 North Korea 0.05 2.78 61,793
Bangladesh 7.00 1.41 204 South Africa 1.80 1.39 774
Sri Lanka 6.10 1.34 241 Sri Lanka 0.80 0.58 820 Menthol, DL-
Germany 5.80 1.23 222 Vietnam 0.43 0.38 901 USA 0.72 0.84 1,162
Turkey 5.00 1.14 228 Afghanistan 0.10 0.05 452
Russia 4.00 0.84 208 Democratic Republic 0.10 0.07 657 Menthol, L-
Australia 4.00 0.77 193 Of The Congo China 340.60 389.14 1,178
Singapore 3.80 0.75 196 USA 85.02 127.36 1,505
Indonesia 3.51 0.92 801 Mebendazole Japan 72.00 89.28 1,240
UK 3.00 0.73 243 Pakistan 6.00 23.44 3,906 Singapore 57.95 62.34 1,121
Kenya 3.00 0.68 227 Nigeria 1.50 3.14 2,032 Turkey 33.75 47.66 1,410
Uganda 2.50 0.41 167 Mexico 1.40 2.57 1,834 Malaysia 32.10 49.50 1,684
Brazil 2.28 0.50 220 Kenya 0.50 0.93 1,869 Spain 24.66 31.08 1,158
Democratic Republic 1.60 0.33 204 Philippines 0.50 0.94 1,870 France 18.45 28.24 1,620
Of The Congo Democratic Republic 0.25 0.44 1,751 Russia 15.75 24.02 1,547
Lebanon 1.20 0.24 200 Of The Congo Germany 10.45 13.79 1,341
Israel 0.60 0.12 194 Indonesia 4.95 8.99 1,821
Mebeverine HCl Vietnam 4.33 6.36 1,492
Nepal 0.53 0.10 170
Netherlands 15.72 85.29 5,386 South Korea 2.80 7.75 3,148
Malawi 0.43 0.07 161
Egypt 3.00 14.08 4,694 Latvia 2.80 4.96 1,772
Argentina 0.22 0.15 919
UK 0.99 7.39 7,499 Philippines 2.50 9.13 3,653
Eritrea 0.15 0.06 402 Nepal 0.05 0.25 5,046
Ghana 0.10 0.02 201 Nepal 2.35 3.19 1,411
Yemen 0.05 0.32 6,342 UAE 2.00 2.85 1,360
Oman 0.08 0.07 892
Mozambique 0.05 0.01 221 Tunisia 1.00 1.49 1,487
Mecobalamin (Methyl cobalamin) Uganda 1.00 1.33 1,328
Nepal 0.00 0.34 172,492 Kenya 0.90 1.68 1,867
Magnesium valproate
Mexico 3.00 10.83 3,611 UK 0.90 1.31 1,455
Mefenamic acid
Romania 0.50 1.47 2,933
Pakistan 6.00 4.70 773
Magnolial (Magnolial indene) Tanzania 0.20 0.43 2,139
Bangladesh 2.40 2.21 921
China 1.20 2.21 1,830 Iraq 0.20 0.29 1,468
Jordan 0.30 0.40 1,337
Indonesia 0.43 0.75 1,740 Honduras 0.01 0.05 6,218 Saudi Arabia 0.20 0.31 1,538
Spain 0.40 0.78 1,955 Australia 0.15 0.23 1,525
Meglumine Bangladesh 0.10 0.12 1,186
Maleic anhydride Algeria 0.45 1.87 4,158 Sri Lanka 0.01 0.01 1,675
Bangladesh 2.50 0.54 217 Nepal 0.13 0.26 2,189 (To be continued)

218 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Para Toluene Sulfonyl Chloride (PTSCL)
Manufacturer of (Cas Number : 98-59-9)
Pharma Intermediates,
Silanes, and 2-Chlorotrityl Chloride (2CTC)
Oilfield Chemicals. (Cas Number : 42074-68-0)

Clotrimazole IP/BP/USP
Hexamethyl Disilazane (HMDZ)
(Cas Number : 999-97-3)
(Cas Number : 23593-75-1)
Hexamethyl Disiloxane (HMDO)
Calcium Bromide Solution
(Cas Number : 107-46-0)
(Cas Number : 7789-41-5)
Trimethyl Chlorosilane (TMCS)
Calcium Bromide Powder
(Cas Number : 75-77-4)
(Cas Number : 22208-73-7)
Ammonium Chloride
Zinc Bromide
(Cas Number : 12125-02-9)
(Cas Number : 7699-45-8)
Calcium Bromide Mixture
(Cas Number : 108-86-1)
(Cas Number : 7789-41-5 Mixture)
Trityl Chloride (TTCL)
(Cas Number : 76-83-5)

Diethyl P- Toluene Sulfonyl

Oxymethyl Phosphonate (DESMP)
(Cas Number : 31618-90-3)

Corporate Office : Plant :

09th Floor, Onyx Business Center, Akshar Chowk, Plot No. 355, Manjusar-Kumpad Road,
Old Padra Road, Vadodara-390 020, Gujarat, INDIA Village : Manjusar, Taluka : Savli,
Phone : 0265-2981195, Mobile : +91-82380 46419 Dist. Vadodara, Gujarat, India Branch Office :
Email : [email protected], Skype : chemconscpl Phone : +91-2667-290128 Hyderabad
Website :

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 219

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

We Offer from Incoming / Ready Stocks (Including MODVAT)
l Acetophenone l Acrylic Acid l ethyl Cellosolve l ethyl Carbitol
l Adipic Acid l Iso Propyl Alcohol
l Benzoic Acid l Methyl Carbitol
l Bisphenol A l Butyl Acrylate l Methyl Cellosolve
l Butyl Cellosolve l Butyl Carbitol l Methyl Methacrylate l MIBK
l Butyl Carbitol Acetate l Monoethanolamine
l Butyl Cellosolve Acetate l Monoethylene glycol
l Cellosolve Acetate l Peg 200 / 400 / 600 / 1500 / 4000
l Cyclohexanone (Drums and Bulk) l Perchloroethylene
l Cyclo Hexanol l Deg l Poly Propylene Glycol 1000/2000/4000
l Di-n-Butylamine l Diethanolamine l Propylene glycol
l Diethylene glycol l PTMeg 1000 / 2000
l Di Isopropyl ether l Sodium Persulfate (PeroxyChem, USA)
l epichlorohydrin l Triethanolamine 85%
l ethyl Acrylate l Triethylamine


602, Aman Chambers, Mama Parmanand Marg, Opera House, Mumbai 400 004.
Tel. (O): 022-66342555 l Email: [email protected]
Paresh Mehta - 9223433577 l Maulik Mehta - 9820034250

Stratechem (I) Pvt. Ltd.

Speciality Chemicals  Methyl Benzene Sulfonate  Para Toluene Sulfonyl Chloride
 Ammonium Benzene Sulfonate  Methyl Para Toluene Sulfonate  Phenyl Acetyl Chloride
 Anisole  Ortho Toluene Para Toluene  Sodium Benzene Sulfonate
 Benzene Sulfonic Acid Sulfonamide Mixture
 Benzene Sulfonyl Chloride  Ortho Toluene Sulfonamide Thio Compounds
 2-Benzoyl Benzoic Acid  Para Chloro Benzene Sulfonamide  Isopropyl Thiophenol
 4-Chloro Benzophenone  Para Chloro Benzene Sulfonate  4-Mercapto Phenol
 Diphenyl Sulfide (Sodium Salt)  Para Chloro Thiophenol
 Diphenyl Sulfone  Para Chloro Benzene Sulfonyl  Para Thiocresol
 Methane Sulfonic Anhydride Chloride  Thio Phenol
Address: 92, Venus, Altamount Road, Mumbai 400 026.
Tel.: +91-22-66627509 / + 91 -22-66624572  Email: [email protected] 

SINCE 1970: Pioneers in Chromatography l Leaders in Quality MANUFACTURERS AND EXPORTERS OF:
 Undecylenic Acid  Silica Gel for TLC & Column  Lauryl Pyridinium Chloride
 Methyl Undecylenate Chromatography (Various Mesh Sizes) – CAS No.: 39392-86-4
 Heptaldehyde
 Zinc Undecylenate
 Aluminium Oxide for Column  Benzalkonium Chloride 50% / 80%
Chromatography (Acidic, Basic & Neutral) – CAS No. 8001-54-5
 Calcium Undecylenate
 Undecanoic Acid  Lipids for GLC  2,4,6-Trichlorophenol-Na Salt – CAS No.: 3784-030
 Heptyl Alcohol  Chloramine T – CAS No.: 127-65-1
 Heptanoic Acid HIGH PURITY LIPIDS /
 Chlorine Tablets – CAS No.: 2893-78-9
 Other Salts and Esters  Nonyl Phenoxy Polyethylene Oxy
 Arachidic Acid 99% Min. Purity by GC Ethanol Iodine Complex – CAS No.: 11096-42-7
of Undecylenic Acid
 Alcohol C-11 Undecylenic  Oleic Acid 99% Min. Purity by GC
 Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic
 Zinc Ricinoleate  Linoleic Acid 99% Min. Purity by GC
Acid Sodium – CAS No.: 271-6-87-0
 Glycerol Mono Undecylenate  Sodium Caprylate 98% Min. Purity by GC
 TCCA – CAS No:87-90-1
 Glycerol Mono Caprylate  Salts and Esters of these Fatty Acids
Narsipur Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
ACME SYNTHETIC CHEMICALS C-238, MIDC, Turbhe, Navi Mumbai 400705.
Contact: +91 98332 60962 Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Email: [email protected] l Web.: (An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company) Web:
220 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised


India’s leading manufacturer of Bromine offers

(Cas No - 109-70-6)
“Ready Stocks available from our
authorized dealer in Hyderabad
for your spot small requirements”
Kindly contact - Mr.Mahesh Pawar : 8108788946 / 8291920514
or Email: [email protected]

Contact us for your requirements:

Marketing Office:
B-701-702, 7th Floor, Flexcel Park, 184-87, S.V. Road, Jogeshwari (West), Mumbai - 400 102. Maharashtra, India.
Tel: 022-62162800 / 26790871 w Email: [email protected] w Website:

w Survey No. 442-443, Near Village Avania, Ghogha Road, Bhavnagar - 364 002. Gujarat, India.

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 221

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

 Para Chloro Meta Xylenol  Ortho Benzyl Para Chloro Phenol [OBPCP]  Caustic Soda Flakes - Meghmani / DCM / Grasim
[PCMX] [Chloroxylenol] [IP / BP / USP]  Citric Acid Monohydrate / Anhydrous
 4-Chloro Thymol  Sulphamic Acid Desclant Grade /Boiler Grade
 2,4-Dichloro Meta Xylenol [DCMX]  DCDA (Dicyandiamide)
 Ortho Phthalaldehyde  Hydrogen Peroxide 50% NPL / Imported / GACL
 Mix Chloro Xylenol
 Cetyl Pyridinium Chloride  Acetic Acid GNFC / Jubilant / Intact
 Chloroxylenol, PCMX/DCMX  Soda Ash Light Tata / GHCL / Nirma /Imported
Concentrate (1+2 or 1+3)  TML-BPA (Electronics Chemicals)  Sodium Sulphate Anhydrous UPL
 Acrylamide
 Para Chloro Meta Cresol [PCMC]  Hydroxylamine Sulphate Solution  Poly Aluminium Chloride (PAC)
[Chlorocresol] [IP/BP/USP] (20% & 30%)  Calcium Chloride Lumps / Powder / Prills
 Bleaching Powder GACL
 Dichlorophen [BP]  S-Benzyl Thio Urea Hydrochloride  D.A.P. (Di Ammonium Phosphate)
 Chlorphenesin  4-Nitroso-2,6-Xylenol Contact: Mr. AMIT MEHTA
Contact Person: Dr. Amod Tamhankar - Mobile: +91 9820045325 AMRUT ENTERPRISES
Dealers in: Chemicals & Solvents
N.S. CHEMICALS Web.: Mob.: 09324701561 / 09702972998

[GMP & ISO 9001-2015 CERTIFIED]
Office: 601-611, Devavrata, Sector 17, Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400 703, INDIA. Tel.: 022-25901561
Tel.: +91-22-27895695/27895696  +91-22-27895700  Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Royal Castor Products Limited

Manufacturer of Various Oleo-Chemicals and Lubricating Oil additive
At. Khali, Mehsana - Sidhpur Highway, Ta. Sidhpur - 384 151.Dist :- Patan, Gujarat, INDIA.
Mobile : +91 9909822905
E-mail : [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] KNS ADI


 ('7$7(75$62',80  ('7$)(55,&$0021,80

('7$)(55,&62',80 &+(/$7(' Zn, Mg, Mn, Fe, Cu & Calcium
Contact Manufacturer:

Regd. Ofce: 128, Hindustan Kohinoor Indl. Complex, Opp. Vikhroli Tele. Exchange,
L.B.S. Marg., Vikhroli (West), Mumbai 400 083.
Tel.: 022-25780343  Telefax: 022-25780344  Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Factory: Plot No. 513, G.I.D.C., Panoli 394 116.  Mobile: +91 9821094258

222 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 223

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Authorised Distributor of I G Petrochemicals Ltd for
Phthalic Anhydride
Authorised Distributor of Grasim (Aditya Birla) for
Phosphoric Acid 85% Tech Grade
• Maleic Anhydride • Benzoic Acid Tech • Potassium Carbonate
• Purified Isophthalic Acid • Phosphoric Acid FG (Vietnam) • Caustic Potash Flakes
• Styrene Monomer • Melamine/ TG Urea • Bisphenol A
• Adipic Acid/ Fumaric Acid • STPP/ SHMP • Soya Lecithin
Please Contact:
311-312, E-Square, 3rd Floor, Subhash Road, Vile Parle (East), Mumbai – 400 057.
Tel.: +91-22-26191367 / 26192049 / 26116183 * Mob.: +91-9920455882 * Email: [email protected] * Website:

Manufacturers & exporters of

* Calcium Hypophosphite
* Magnesium Hypophosphite I.P. VET
* Potassium Hypophosphite
* Sodium Hypophosphite
* Nickel Hypophosphite
* Ammonium Hypophosphite
* Manganese Hypophosphite
* Aluminium Hypophosphite
* Hypophosphorous Acid 30%-32%, 50% & 80%
* Sodium Lactate Solution 60% USP
Victory Chemicals

ISO 9001:2008 Certified / cGMP Certified

Office: B-026, Antop Hill Warehousing Complex, VIT College Road, Antop Hill, Wadala (E), Mumbai - 400 037. INDIA.
Tel. : 91-22-24175189 / 5063 / 5172 l Mobile: 9819958499 l Fax : 91-22-24175682 l Email: [email protected]
Factory: Plot No. 33, Phase I, GIDC, VAPI- 396 195, Dist : Valsad, Gujarat. INDIA. Web.:

Amino Ethyl Ethanol Amines (AEEA)

Acrylic Acid v Adipic Acid
Acrylamide v B.A.M.
Bisphenol-A v DETA v E.D.A.
Melamine v M.D.I. v M.A.A. v M.M.A.
Maleic Anhydride v Neo Pentyl Glycol
Phthalic Anhydride
Polyvinyl Alcohol (All Grade)
And lot of other chemicals
Ramesh Bhai-9223432075
Akshar Plast Chem
Investment Pvt. Ltd.
Tel: 022-40043503
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
224 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

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Fulfilling Chemical Requirement
of more than 10+ Major Industries

l C ce f
ria en o

he in
st eri ars

du p Ye
In Ex 48

We are Authorised Dealers & Distributors of

World Reputed Chemical Manufacturers:
• AGC Thailand • HPL Additives Limited • Satellite Chemical Ltd
• Anhui Haoyuan Chemical Group • INEOS Group Limited • Shandong Befar Group
• Arkema France • KH Neochem • Shandong Hualu Hengsheng
• BASF • LCY GROUP Taiwan Chemical Co Ltd
• BorsodChem MCHZ, s.r.o. • Liaoyang Guanghua Chemical Co., Ltd. • Sree Rayalaseema Alkalies and
• Diamines & Chemicals Ltd • Methanol Chemicals Company (Chemanol) Allied Chemicals LTD (TGV Group)
• Dow Chemical Company • Nan Ya Plastics • Taminco Corporation
• Eastman Chemical Company • Occidental Petroleum Corporation • Unid Korea
• GC Glycol • Petronas • Westlake Corporation (Axiall Corporation)

• 2 Ethyl Hexanoic Acid / Octoic Acid • Di Methyl Formamide (DMF) • Liquor Ammonia • Soda Ash
• Acrylic Acid • Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) • Maleic Anhydride • Sodium Acetate Anhydrous
• Adipic Acid • Di Octyl Adipate (DOA) • Melamine • Sodium Carbonate
• Alumina Ferric • Epichlorohydrin • Methanol • Sodium Formate
• Amino Ethyl Piperazine (AEP) • Ethylene Chloroformate • Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) • Sodium Hypochlorite
• Ammonia • Ethylene Diamine (EDA) • Mix-Xylene • Sodium Meta Bi Sulphite (SMBS)
• Ammonium Bi Carbonate • Ethylene Dichloride (EDC) • Mono Ethanolamine (MEA) • Sodium Nitrite
• Ammoniated EDTA • Ethylene Glycol • Mono Ethylene Glycol (MEG) • Sodium Nitrate
• Ammonium Sulphate • Ferric Alum • Mono Isoproplyamine (MIPA) • Sodium Sulphite
• Butyl Carbitol / Butyl Diglycol (BDGE) • Ferric Chloride • Morpholine • Sulfolane
• Butyl Cellosolve / Butyl Glycol (BGE) • Formaldehyde • Nitric Acid • Tetrahydrofuran (THF)
• Caustic Soda Flakes (CSF) • Formic Acid 85% • N Methyl Pyrrolidone (NMP) • Tetra Sodium EDTA
• Caustic Soda Lye • Formic Acid 99% • Non-Ferric Alum • Toluene
• China Clay • Glycerine • Perchloroethylene (PCE) • Tolyltriazole
• Citric Acid Anhydrous (CAA) • Glycine • Phosphoric Acid 85% Technical Grade • Trichloroethylene (TCE)
• Citric Acid Monohydrate (CAM) • Hexamine • Poly Aluminium Chloride • Tri Ethanolamine (TEA)
• Cyclohexylamine (CHA) • Hydrated Lime • Potassium Carbonate Granular (PCG) • Triethylamine
• Di Ammonium Phosphate (DAP) • Hydrazine Hydrate 64% (HH 64%) • Potassium Carbonate Powder (PCP) • Tri Ethylene Diamine (TEDA)
• Dicyandiamide (DCDA) • Hydrazine Hydrate 80% (HH 80%) • Potassium Hydroxide Flakes / Caustic • Tri Ethylene Tetramine (TETA)
• Di cyclohexylamine (DCHA) • Hydrazine Hydrate 100% (HH 100%) Potash (KOH) • Tri-N-Butyl Amine (TNBA)
• Diethanolamine (DEA) • Hydrochloric Acid (Hcl) • Potassium Iodide Solution • Tri Sodium Phosphate
• Diethylene Glycol (DEG) • Hydrogen Peroxide • Propionic Acid • Urea
• Diethylenetriamine (DETA) • Imidazole • Propylene Glycol • VAM


201/203 Narsi Natha Street. R No. 9, 3rd Floor, Vadgadi, 216, Laxmi Plaza Bldg. No. 9, 2nd Floor, Laxmi Industrial Estate,
Masjid Bandar, Mumbai - 400 099 New Link Road, Andheri West, Mumbai - 400 053
Email : [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]
Tel : +91-22-66777289 / +91-22-26323421/23 / +91 9769636058 / +91 9833198726 w Web :

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 225

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Manufacture & Exports

(4%, 6%, 8%, 10%, 12%)
 Iodophor 1% or 6%
 Liquid Detergent (Soap) Concentrate

Brown Phenyl
Hydrochloric Acid A.R., L.R., C.P. Grade
 Sulphuric Acid A.R., L.R., C.P. Grade
PLEASE CONTACT  Nitric Acid A.R., L.R., C.P. Grade
Also F.D.A. Approved Products
 Sodium Hypochlorite U.S.P. Grade 4% w/v
 Sodium Hypochlorite B.P. Grade 8% w/v
 Hydrogen Peroxide I.P. Grade 6%

 Hydrogen Peroxide B.P. Grade 30%, 35%

MFD BY:-  Black Phenyl 5 to 7 R.W.C. I.P. Grade


703-705, DLF PLACE, SAKET, NEW DELHI - 110017 NIKISHA Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
Regd. Off. & Works: Kalpana Udhyog, Plot No. 74, Road No. 2,
Tel: 011 - 41041504, Mob No: 9999689337 Sector 1/S, New Panvel 410 206, Raigad, Maharashtra.
Email : [email protected], [email protected] Tel.: 022-27453996 * Telefax: 27464572
Mob.: 9820155320 / 9833105320
Website: Email: [email protected]

Leading Importer & Stockist of Below Products Available EX- Bhiwandi With Documentation & Technical Support
 Caffeine Anhydrous  L-Pyroglutamic Acid
 Chondroitin Sulphate Sodium  L-Serine
 Conjugated Linoleic Acid  L-Theanine
 Dehydroepiandrosterone (Dhea)  L-Threonine
 DHA 40%  L-Tryptophan
 L-Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate 2:1  L-Tyrosine
 L-Arginine L Aspartate  L-Valine
 L-Carnitine Fumarate  Magnesium Aspartate
 L-Carnitine L Tartrate  N-Acetyl L Carnitine HCL
 L-Citrulline DL Malate  N-Acetyl L Tyrosine
 L-Ornithine HCL  N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine EP (Pharma Grade)
 L-Ornithine L Aspartate  S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine-Disulfatetosylate
 L-Proline  Taurine
Office No. 215, Sai Chamber, Near Bus Depot, Santacruz (East), Mumbai - 400055.
Mob: 9820423514 / 8451810454  Tel: +912226113533 / 26143533 / 26183533
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]  Website: 2

ROMA ORGANICS PVT. LTD. For your requirements of:

Auth. Distributors of:
M/s. Arkema Peroxides (I) P. Ltd. D-(-)-Tartaric Acid
Luperox TBH70 Tertiary Butyl Hydro Peroxide (TBHP) L-(+)-Tartaric Acid
Luperox CU90 Cumene Hydro Peroxide (CHP) DL Tartaric Acid
Luperox P Tertiary Butyl Per Benzoate (TBPB) Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate
Luperox A75 Benzoyl Peroxide (BPO) (Boron 20%)
Luperox DI Di Tertiary Butyl Peroxide (DTBP) Zinc Borate
Luperox K3 Acetyl Acetone Peroxide (AAP) Boric Acid (Boron 17%)
Luperox 500R Di Cumyl Peroxide (DCP) Borax Pentahydrate (Boron 15%)
Luperox DTAP Di Tertiary Amyl Peroxide (DTAP) Borax Decahydrate (Boron 10.5%)
Luperox LP Di Lauroyl Peroxide (LPO) Contact :
Luperox 101 2,5-Dimethyl 2,5-Di (tert. Butyl Peroxy) Hexane Satyanarain & Co. /
Luperox ANS Benzoyl Peroxide Paste
Luperox 331M50 1,1-Di-(tert. Butyl Peroxy) Cyclohexane LCG Eximchem Pvt Ltd
21-22 Abhishek, 303, Samuel Street,

ROMA ORGANICS PVT. LTD. Vadgadi, Mumbai - 400 003.

Phone: +91- 22 - 23437035 / 23423229 / 49744840
Office No. 604, Devavrata, Sector-17, Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400 703. Cell: +91- 9820496607 / 9930817512

Tel.: 022-2765 7576 / 6791 3432  Fax: 022-2788 0227  Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]/[email protected]/
[email protected]
226 Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023

Contents Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

Mfr. of Grignard Reagent & Related Products
ISO 9001:2015  ISO 14001:2015  BS OHSAS 18001:2007
Exclusive Suppliers of GMP Certified Manufacturing Unit

Isopropyl Magnesium Chloride - Lithium Chloride Complex Following Product Range Available
4-Fluoro Phenyl Magnesium Bromide Š Chlorzoxazone USP

Allyl Magnesium Bromide
Allyl Magnesium Chloride

Methyl Magnesium Bromide
Methyl Magnesium Chloride
Š Tropicamide IP/EP/USP
 Ethyl Magnesium Bromide  n-Butyl Magnesium Bromide Š Timolol Maleate USP/BP/EP/IP
Ethyl Magnesium Chloride n-Butyl Magnesium Chloride
Š Dorzolamide Hydrochloride USP
 
 Ethynyl Magnesium Bromide  n-Propyl Magnesium Bromide
 Isopropyl Magnesium Bromide  t-Butyl Magnesium Chloride Š Olopatadine Hydrochloride USP
 Isopropyl Magnesium Chloride  Vinyl Magnesium Bromide
 (Z)-1-Propenyl Magnesium Bromide  Vinyl Magnesium Chloride Š Acedia Sulphone I.H
Solvent Based Reactions & Distillation Facility in Reactor Ranging From Contact:
0.16 kL to 8.5 kL & Temp-25OC to 250OC W-76(II), MIDC, “Taloja Industrial Area,’’
Taluka – Panvel, Dist. Raigad
Contact us: Azeocryst Organics Pvt. Ltd. Tel.: +91-22-27402364 / 9833928798
Mr. Mohit Phalak: +91-8879077787 Email: [email protected],
Email: [email protected] * Web.: ďŚĂǀŶĂůĂďŽƌĂƚŽƌŝĞƐΛƌĞĚŝīŵĂŝů͘ĐŽŵ

Distributor of Chemicals & Additives

1,2,3 Benzotriazole (BTZ) Lithium Hydroxide Monohydrate

Tolyltriazole (TTZ) Molybdenum Disulphide
DCHA (Dicyclohexylamine) PCMC (Para Chloro Meta Cresol)
Sebacic Acid Antimony Trioxide (ATO)
Butylated Hydroxy Toluene (BHT)
Available Ex-Stock in 20/ 25Kg Bags/ Drums Bhiwandi | Patalganga Ind. Area |
Cello Triumph, ‘A’ Wing, 101, 102 &103, 1st Floor, I. B. Patel Road,
Jay Prakash Nagar, Goregaon East, Mumbai - 400063
Mob. No.: +91-9930783250 | Email: [email protected] |

For Your Requirement of:

Salicylic Acid
Sodium Salicylate
Methyl Salicylate
Benzyl Salicylate
Dist: Nashik, Maharashtra
Mobile: 9324020888, 9322272080
Email: [email protected]

The Lakshmiji Organics Pvt. Ltd.
Sitapur, UP. Mob.: 09322661064
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 227

Content Index to Advertisers Index to Products Advertised

S Sodium Naphthalene Sulphonate Formaldehyde pow. (SNF) • 1,3/1,2- DIBROMOPROPANE
- Grade A / B / C / D - China / Russia / India / Korea • ALLYL BROMIDE
S Dispersing Agent - For Construction / Textiles / Ceramics / Dyes / Oil Distillation / etc. • ETHYL BROMIDE
• HBR 48%
S Sodium Ligno Sulphonate (SLS) - China / Russia / Latvia / South Africa • ISO / N - BUTYL BROMIDE
S Crude Naphthalene - Flakes / Briquettes / Liquid - Russia / Jindal • ISO / N - PROPYL BROMIDE
S polycarboxylate Ether (pCE) - India / Korea / China • 2 - BROMO PROPIONYL BROMIDE
S SNF Liquid - 43% – (Own Mfg.) S Butyl Acrylate - Korea / China • AMMONIUM BROMIDE
S Sodium Gluconate (SG) - China S Lactose Monohydrate - Turkey
S Refined Naphthalene - Russia / Jindal S DMF - Distilled / Saudi Arabia / China • P - BROMO TOLUENE
S Solvents in Bulk / Tanker Load S VpEG - Korea Mfg.
S Acrylic Acid - Korea / China S Disperse Dyes l Dyes Intermediates 1005, Shilp Epitome, Nr. Infostech, Sindhubhavan Road,
Bodakdev, Ahmedabad- 380054.
Radiant EntERpRisE ChEmiCals and solvEnts llp

Ph : 079 - 40054537 / 46005060
209, Conwood Paragon, Cama Industrial Estate, Walbhat Road, Opp Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Goregaon (East), Mumbai - 400063. E: [email protected] / [email protected]
Tel.: +91-22--40165308 / 40147991 l Mob.: 9322955325 / 9022155325 / 9824183921 Website:
Email: [email protected], [email protected] l Web.: Contact: ASHWIN PATEL (M) - 098255 49375


F-8, Ground Floor, Avtari Industries, Hatkesh Udhyog Nagar, Mira-Bhayander Road, Mira Road-E, Thane-401107.
Mobile: 9833878293 / 9987744529 w Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Akshar Website:
Product List
w Acid Slurry (Labsa) w Coco Diethanolamide (CDEA) w Benzyl Alcohol
w Castor Oil w Sodium Tripolyphosphate (STPP) w Dimethyl Formamide (DMF)
w TRO (Turkey Red Oil) w Trisodium Phosphate (TSP) w Toluene
w Caustic Soda Prills & Flakes w Glacial Acetic Acid w Phosphoric Acid
w Soda Ash (Sodium Carbonate) w Sodium Bicarbonate w Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA)
w Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate (SLES) w Potassium Bicarbonate w Ethyl Acetate
w Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLS) w Sodium Benzoate w Acetone
w Acid Thickner w O-Xylene
w Soap Noodles w Xanthan Gum w Tri Chloro Benzene
w Transparent Soap Base w DEG (Diethylene Glycol) w Silica Gel
w Alpha Olefin Sulfonates (AOS) w Nitro Benzene w Formic Acid
w Pine Oil w O-Di Chloro Benzene w Acetonitrile
w Cocamidopropyl Betaine (CAPB) w P-Di Chloro Benzene w Tetrahydrofuran
w Alphox 200 w Mono Chloro Benzene w Formaldehyde
w Sodium Sulphate w Naphthalene Powder / Balls w Para Nitro Chloro Benzene
w Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) w Benzene w Ortho Nitro Chloro Benzene

For your requirement of

snA SNA HEALTHCARE PVT. LTD. • Urea Technical Grade AD Blue
“WHO-GMP Certified Manufacturing UNIT” • Urea Technical Grade Local
API’s, Bulk Drugs AnD IntermeDIAte mAnufActurer • phosphoric Acid 85%
l Benzalkonium Chloride 50 / 80 / 95% USP l Tropic Acid l Piperidine Hydrochloride
• potassium Humate 98%
• Humic Acid, DMF 99%, TCCA-90%
l Butylated Hydroxy Toluene [BHT] IP / BP l Dicyclohexyl Urea (DCU)
• pVC Resin SG-5, Bitumen 60-70%
l Butylated Hydroxy Anisole [BHA] IP / BP l Zolendronic Acid • Maleic Acid and phthalic
l Selenious Acid USP / Sodium Selenite BP l 2-Methoxy-5-Aminosulfonic Acid Methyl Ester • Melamine
l Baclofen IP / BP / USP l Policresulen INH l Diethyl Methyl Malonate Contact: Prashant Chemicals, Mumbai.
l Allantoin IP / BP / USP l Ethamsylate BP / EP l Diethyl Acetamido Malonate / Diethyl Ethyl Malonate M: 9702726014 / 8928098312 w E: [email protected]
l Doxylamine Succinate USP
l Diethyl Benzyl Malonate / Diethyl Phenyl Malonate
l Eperisone Hydrochloride JP
l 4-Toluenesulphonyl Urea
l Tolperisone Hydrochloride JP
l Benzyl Aceto Acetate
l Tropicamide USP / EP / Brimonidine Tartarate mAnufActurers & suPPlIers of:
l 4-Methyl Propiophenone / 4-Ethyl Propiophenone
l Cyclopentolate HCl USP / EP
l 4-Chloro Phenyl Hydrazine Hydrochloride
t Aluminium SilicAte t QuArtz SAnd
l Stannous Fluoride USP
l Colistin Sulphate IP / USP
l 2,4-Dichloro Phenacyl Chloride t Aluminium oxide t red oxide *tAlc
l N-Benzoyl-L-Asparatic Acid
l Defriprone Inhouse t cAlcined AluminA t SilicA precipitAted
l Tolcapone USP l Sodium tetra phenyl borate
l Mirabegron Inhouse l Tri-n-Butyl Tin Chloride Spent Recovery t GrAphite t zinc phoSphAte
l Ferric Chloride Solution 40% / Hexahydrate
l Dibucaine / Cincocaine Hydrochloride t mAGneSium oxide t zinc borAte
l 4-Amino Antipyrine
l Benzoyl Peroxide USP / BP / IP
Contact Address: Gala No. 127, Gundecha Industrial Complex, Akurli Road, Kandivili-(E), Mumbai - 400 101, INDIA
Welcome chemicals
Email: [email protected] l Web.:
Tel.: +91-22-28465006 / 9594184444 / Email: [email protected] / [email protected] v Web.: Contact: Mr. Rajesh Vadher - 99202 84706 / 8108446677
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N-Methylol Acrylamide (NMA)

Acrylamide Powder

1 Bromo 3 Chloro Propane Ethyl Cyano Acetate Meta Xylene

Isophthalic Acid Hydroquinone Methacrylamide
Neo Pentyl Glycol Meta Amino Phenol Hexamine
Para Anisidine Trimellitic Anhydride Cynoacrylate Adhesives


Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 229

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Pari Chemicals T: 022-23430740, 23470740, 23454561 PRODUCTS AVAILABLE
Head Office: 37, Nagdevi Street M: 09821096352, 093210 96352
E: [email protected]
Gr. Floor, Mumbai 400003.
l CrESOL rEd
Distributor for Aditya Birla Chemical (Thailand) Ltd. l dIThIZONE
An ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, TPM & TQM Certifications, GMP, HACCP, l GIEMSA’S STAIN
HALAL, KOSHER, FDA (Food & Drug Administration)
l IOdINE mONOBrOmIdE (100gSm)
Sulphite Division: (Technical / Food Grade) l LEISHMANS’S STAIN
• Sodium Sulphite • Sodium Metabisulphite
• Sodium Bisulphite • Potassium Metabisulphite
l PhENOL rEd
Phosphate Division: (Technical / Food Grade)
• Monosodium Phosphate • Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate
• Disodium Phosphate • Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate l XYLENOL OraNgE
• Trisodium Phosphate • Trisodium Hydrogen Phosphate
• Sodium Tripolyphosphate • Sodium Hexametaphosphate SHEETAL CHEMICALS
Gala No. 201, Sudama Indl. Estate,
• Tetra Sodium Pyrophosphate • Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate Nr: Jai Ambe Estate, B.P. Cross Road No.5,
• Monopotassium Phosphate • Tripotassium Phosphate Bhayander - East,Thane - 401105.
• Tetra Potassium Pyrophosphate • Dipotassium Phosphate Mobile: 9224405708, 9324096712 email: [email protected]

Available regularly from own imports & Ready Stock

RATANCHAND Our range of Excipients Our range of Solvents / Chemicals
• Sorbic Acid
& • P.V.P.K-30
• P.V.P.K-30 USP • Sodium Borohydride Powder
CO. • P.V.P.K-90 USP • Mono Iso Propyl Amine (M.I.P.A.)
Presence Since 1975 • CROSS POVIDONE XL-10 USP • Cyclohexanone
• H.P.M.C.E-5 USP • Dimethylformamide (D.M.F.)
57, Mahavir Darshan, 5th Floor, • Di Methyl Sulfoxide (D.M.S.O.)
• H.P.M.C.E-15 USP/E-50 USP
412 Narsi Natha Street, Masjid (West), • Di Acetone Alcohol
Mumbai - 400 003. India • H.P.M.C.K-100M USP
• H.P.M.C.K-4M USP • Propylene Glycol USP & Technical Grades
Phone : 2344 4570 / 2344 0612 / • ETHYL CELLULOSE N10/N20/N50 • Sodium Citrate IP
2341 1256 USP • Sodium Hexametaphosphate (S.H.M.P.)
Fax : +91-22-2341 5169 • LACTOSE • N-Methyl Pyrrolidone (N.M.P.)
• POTASSIUM SORBATE • Phosphoric Acid 85% min. Technical
Email : [email protected] • XANTHAN GUM USP • N,N-Dimethyl Decanamide

GOI APPrOveD ONe STAr eXPOrT HOUSe Encapsulated Fragrances

Pharma / FOOd gradE
For Textiles, Laundry and Fabric Conditioner
Mono Potassium Phosphate Anhy. available at best prices from warehouses
Di Potassium Phosphate Anhy. / Trihydrate in Ahmedabad, Bhiwandi & Coimbatore
Tri Potassium Phosphate Anhy. / Monohydrate MoQ 20 Kg, Imported / domestic.
Mono Sodium Phosphate Anhy. / Monohydrate / Dihydrate Sub-Distributors Welcome
Email: [email protected]
Di Sodium Phosphate Anhy. / Monohydrate / Dihydrate mob: 08657836608
Tri Sodium Phosphate Dodecahydrate / Anhydrous
Potassium Acetate Anhy. Anthranilic Acid
Potassium Hydroxide Powder Isatoic Anhydride
Silica Gel 60-120/100-200/230-400 5 - Sulpho Anthranilic Acid
(For Column Chromotography) Phthalimide 99%
Phenyl Hydrazine HCL
Contact Manufacturer: SKC Chemie Pvt. Ltd. Ishita Industries
Plot No. A/85, TTC Industrial Area, Khairne, Navi Mumbai 400 709. 536, GIDC, Phase II, Vatva, Ahmedabad - 382 445.

Mobile: 9820057869 / 9930737745 Ph : +91 - 79 - 40083042

Mobile : +91- 98250 60474 | +91- 99795 08254
Email: [email protected] l Web.: (Ad1) E-mail: [email protected] • Website:
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Most Trusted Name for Past 60 Years
A • Ammonium Molybdate / Ammonium Meta Vanadate • Aspartame

B • Barium Hydroxide / Peroxide • N-Bromo Succinamide • Bronopol-IP • 4-Bromo-1-Butanol • 4-Chloro-1-Butanol

C • Calcium D-Pantothenate • Calcium Gluconate I.P. • Calcium Nitrite • Calcium Phosphate • Camphorquinone
• Carnauba Wax • Cetrimide 40% Soln. • Cobalt Acetate / Chloride / Oxide • Cobalt Nitrate / Sulphate / Carbonate
• Copper Carbonate / Chloride / Sulphate • Copper Oxide (Black) - 99% • Cuprous Chloride / Oxide (Red) - 99%

D • Di Ammonium Phosphate • Di Calcium Phosphate (IP/USP/LR/HR)

E • E.D.T.A & SALTS / Fe • E.D.T.A Zn / Fe / Cu / Mn • EDDHA (Pure)

H • Halquinol • Homophthalic Acid Anhy. • 3-Hydroxy Benzoic Acid (Pure)

I • Iodine Mono & Tri Chloride • Iso Butyl Bromide • Iso Propyl Alcohol (Pure)

L • L-Lithium Bromide Liq. / Anhy.

M • Magnesium Carbonate / Sulphate / MBT • Magnesium Oxide (USP)

• Manganese Carbonate / Chloride / Sulphate • Mercuric Acetate / Chloride / Oxide • 3-Methoxy Benzoic Hydrazide
• 3-Methoxy Benzoic Acid • 4-Methyl-3-Methoxy Benzoic Acid • Methyl-3-Methoxy Benzoid • Micro Crystalline Cellulose
• Molybdenum Tri Oxide / Di Sulphide • Molybdic Acid • Mono Ammonium Phosphate (Pure / LR / AR)

N • Nickel Chloride / Nitrate / Sulphate • Nicotine – USP / Crude / Polacrilex – 20% • Nicotine Bi Tartarate
• 4-Nitro Phthalic Acid (Pure / LR / AR)

P • Phospho Tungstic Acid • Potassium Bicarbonate • Potassium Bromate / Bromide • Potassium Iodide / Iodate
• Potassium Mercuric Oxide • Potassium Meta Vanadate / Meta Bi Sulphite • Potassium Nitrate / Nitrite
• Potassium Phthalimide • Potassium Titanium Oxalate • Pyridine 2o (IMP) (All Pure Grade)

Q • Quinine HCl / DI HCl • Quinine Sulphate (Pure - Pharma Grade)

S • Silver Chloride / Oxide • Silver Nitrate / Sulphate • Sodium Bromate / Bromide / Iodide
• Sodium Molybdate / Meta Vanadate • Sodium Tungstate • Streptomycin Sulphate • Sugar Food Grade
• 5-Sulpho Salicylic Acid (Pure / LR / AR)

T • Tetracyclin • Titanium Sulphate / Di Oxide • Tri Methoxy Benzaldehyde • 2,3,4-Trihydroxy • Tungstic Acid

V • Vanadium Pentoxide • Vanilla Powder • Vitamin B1 (Mono / Hydro) • Vitamin-E – 50% / E-Acetate – 100%

Z • Zinc Chloride / Carbonate / Oxide (IP / USP) • Zinc Sulphate Mono / Hepta (IP / USP)

Mr. Mudit M. Kamdar - 9819885930 / Mr. Anurva M. Kamdar - 09967499996 / Mr. Mukesh C. Kamdar - 9821185930
TM Off: 507, Business Park, Derasar Road Corner,
Tilak Road, Ghatkopar (E), Mumbai-400 077.
Tel.: +91-22-4243 4243 / 2102 4041
Fax: 91-22 - 4243 42 00 / 2102 87 77 ISO-9001-2015

Website: / l Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Chemical Weekly May 16, 2023 233

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Available in Bulk from an ISO 9001 :2008 Certified Organisation
Ammonium Acetate Cupric Chloride Dihy / Anhy Manganese Chloride Potassium Permanganate Powder
Ammonium Chloride Cuprous Chloride/Cyanide Mercuric Chloride Potassium Permanganate Crystal
Ammonium Meta Vanadate Cuprous Oxide Red Mercuric Oxide Pyridine 2°C
Ammonium Molybdate Di Ammonium Phosphate Mercuric Nitrate Silver Nitrate
Ammonium Para Tungstate Dl-Alpha-Tocopherol - 50% (Natural) Moly Di Sulphide Sodium Bromate
Ammonium Phosphate Mono Basic EDTA Acid Mono Ammonium Phosphate Sodium Bromide
Anti Caking Agent EDTA Di Sodium / Tetra Sodium Molybdenum Trioxide Sodium Citrate
Aspartame EDTA Ferrous / Coper / Zinc Nickel Acetate Sodium Iodide
Bronopol Ferric Chloride (Anhy.) Sodium Molybdate
Nickel Carbonate
Calcium Iodate Guanidine Nitrate Sodium Selenite / Selenate
Nickel Chloride
Calcium-D-Pantothenate (CDP) Homophthalic Acid & Anhydride Sodium Tungstate
Nickel Nitrate
Calcium Nitrate Hypo - Anhy / Penta Sulphur Powder
Nicotine Alkaloid
Carnauba Wax Indole 5-Sulphosalicylic Acid Dihydrate
Nicotine Bi Tartarate / Citrate
Chromium Acetate / Chloride Indole-3-Acetic Acid Titanium Dioxide IP / BP
Citric Acid Mono / Anhy Indole-3-Butyric Acid Nicotine Polacrilex-20% Urea T.G.
Cobalt Acetate Lead Carbonate / Chloride Nicotine Sulphate - 40% Urea Phosphate
Cobalt Carbonate / Chloride M.B.T / M.B.T.S. Nicotine USP / EP Vanadium Pentoxide
Cobalt Nitrate Magnesium Hydroxide Phenyl Acetic Acid Vitamin E-50%
Cobalt Oxide / Sulphate Magnesium Oxide - Tech / IP / USP Phosphorous Acid (Cry) Zinc Carbonate / Cyanide / Oxide
Copper Acetate / Carbonate Manganese Sulphate - Anhy Potassium Bi Carbonate Zinc Chloride 99% Anhydrous
Copper Nitrate / Oxide Manganese Acetate Potassium Bromate / Bromide Zinc Chloride Hydrous
Copper Oxychloride Manganese Carbonate Potassium Iodate / Iodide Zinc Sulphate Hepta (Tech/IF/IP)
Copper Sulphate Manganese Sulphate Potassium Nitrate / Nitrite / Sulphate Zinc Sulphate Mono (21%/33%/USP)

in 50 Kgs & 400 Kgs Capacity Cylinders & Tankers of 8 M.T. to 14 M.T.
We supplies 40% Solution of:
We also supplies:
In 50 kgs. 400 Kgs. Capacity Cylinder and Tankers of 10 M.T., 15 M.T. & 19 M.T.
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We HAVe C.C.e. ApproVAL oF teSting CyLinderS oF AmmoniA & mono-di metHyL AmineS
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