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Duties Export 01-99

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Goods codAdd code Order No.

Start date End date RED_IND Destinatio Measure tLegal baseDuty

0101000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0101210000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0101210000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
0101210000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0101210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0101299000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
0101299000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0101299000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0101300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0102000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0102291000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 8
0102292100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 1
0102292900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 1
0102294100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 3
0102294900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 3
0102295110 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 4
0102295190 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 3
0102295911 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 4
0102295919 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 3
0102295921 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 4
0102295929 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 3
0102295931 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 4
0102295939 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 3
0102295991 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 4
0102295999 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 3
0102296100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 3
0102296900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 3
0102299110 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 5
0102299190 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 3
0102299921 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 5
0102299929 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 3
0102299991 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 5
0102299999 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 3
0102310000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0102391010 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 1
0102391090 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 1
0102399000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0102902000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0102909110 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 1
0102909190 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 1
0102909900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0103000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0103100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0103910000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 5
0103919000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0103921100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 1
0103921900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 5
0103929000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 5
0103929000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0104000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0104101000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0104103000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0104108000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0104201000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0104209000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0105000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0105110000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
0105120000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
0105130000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
0105140000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
0105150000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
0105940000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
0105990000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
0106110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0106110000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0106120000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0106120000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0106130000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0106130000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0106141000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0106149000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0106190000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0106200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0106200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0106310000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0106310000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0106320000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0106320000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0106330000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0106330000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0106391000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0106391000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0106398000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0106490000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0106900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0201100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0201202000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0201203000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0201205000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0201209000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0201300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0202100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0202201000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0202203000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0202205000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0202209000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0202301000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0202305000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0202309000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0206101000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0206291000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0208300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0208401000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0208402000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0208408000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0208500000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0208600000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0208903000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0208907000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0208909800 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0210129000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0210199000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0210200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0210910000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0210921000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0210929100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0210929200 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0210929900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0210930000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0210992100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0210992900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0210993900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0210995100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0210995900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0210998500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0210999000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0301110000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0301190000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0301910000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0301910000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0301920000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0301920000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0301920000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0301941000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0301941000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0301949000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0301949000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0301950000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0301950000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0301991100 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0301991100 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0301991700 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0301998500 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0301998500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0301998500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0301998500 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302110000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302110000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302130000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302130000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302140000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302140000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302190000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302190000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302210000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302210000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302220000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302220000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302230000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302230000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302240000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302240000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302290000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302290000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302310000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302310000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302320000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302320000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302330000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302330000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302340000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302340000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0302340000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302351100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0302351100 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302351900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0302351900 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302359100 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302359100 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302359900 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302359900 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302360000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302360000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302390000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302390000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302410000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302410000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302420000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302420000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302430000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302430000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302440000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302440000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302450000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302450000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302460000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302460000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302470000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302470000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0302470000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302491100 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302491100 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302491900 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302491900 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302499000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302499000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302510000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302510000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302520000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302520000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302530000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302530000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302541100 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302541100 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302541500 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302541500 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302541900 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302541900 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302549000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302549000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302550000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302550000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302560000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302560000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302590000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302590000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302720000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0302740000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302740000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0302740000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302810000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302810000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302813000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0302818000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0302820000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302820000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302830000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
0302830000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302840000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302840000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302850000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302850000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302891000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0302892100 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302892100 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302892900 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302892900 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302893100 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302893100 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302893900 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302893900 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302894000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302894000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302895000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302895000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302896000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302896000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302899000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302899000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0302899000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302910000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0302920000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0302920000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302920000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0302990000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0302990000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0302990000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303110000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303110000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303120000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303120000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303130000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303130000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303140000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303140000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303190000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303190000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303240000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0303260000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303260000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0303260000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303310000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303310000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303320000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303320000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303330000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303330000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303340000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303340000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303390000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303390000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303410000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303410000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303420000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303420000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303430000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303430000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303440000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303440000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0303440000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303451200 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0303451200 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303451800 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0303451800 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303459100 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303459100 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303459900 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303459900 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303460000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303460000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303490000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303490000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303510000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303510000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303530000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303530000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303540000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303540000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303550000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303551000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303553000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303559000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303560000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303560000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303570000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303570000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0303570000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303591000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303591000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303592100 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303592100 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303592900 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303592900 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303599000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303599000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0303599000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303630000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303630000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303640000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303640000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303650000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303650000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303660000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303660000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303670000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303670000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303680000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303680000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303690000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303690000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303810000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303810000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303813000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0303819000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0303820000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303820000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303830000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
0303840000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303840000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303891000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0303892100 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303892100 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303892900 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303892900 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303893100 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303893100 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303893900 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303893900 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303894000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303894000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303895000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303895000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303895500 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303895500 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303896000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303896000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303896500 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303896500 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303897000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303897000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303899000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303899000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0303899000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303911000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0303919000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0303920000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303920000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0303920000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0303990000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0303990000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0303990000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304320000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304390000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304390010 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304390010 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304410000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304410000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304421000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304421000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304425000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304425000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304429000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304429000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304430000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304430000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304440000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304440000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304450000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304450000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304450000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304460000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
0304460000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304470000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304470000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304472000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304479000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304480000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304480000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304491000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304495000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304495000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304499000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304499000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304499000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304499010 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304499020 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304499040 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304499050 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304499060 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304499070 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304499090 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304510000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304510090 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304510090 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304520000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304520000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304530000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304530000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304540000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304540000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304540000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304550000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
0304550000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304560000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304561000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304562000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304562000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304563000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304569000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304569000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304570000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304570000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304591000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304595000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304595000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304599000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304599000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304599000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304599010 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304599020 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304599030 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304599035 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304599040 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304599045 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304599050 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304599055 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304599065 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304599090 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304620000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304690000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304690010 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304690010 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304710000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304710000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304720000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304720000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304730000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304730000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304740000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304740000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304750000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304750000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304790000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304790000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304810000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304810000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304821000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304821000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304825000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304825000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304829000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304829000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304830000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304830000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304840000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304840000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304840000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304850000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
0304850000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304860000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304860000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304870000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304870000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304870020 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304870090 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304881100 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304881100 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304881500 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304881500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304881500 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304881800 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304881800 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304881900 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304881900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304881900 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304889000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304889000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304891000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304892100 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304892100 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304892900 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304892900 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304893000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304893000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304894100 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304894100 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304894900 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304894900 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304896000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304896000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304899000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304899000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304899000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304910000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304910000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304910000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304920000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
0304920000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304931000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304931000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304931000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304939000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304939090 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304939090 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304940000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304940000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304950000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304950000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304960000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304961000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304962000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304962000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304963000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304969000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304969000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304970000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304970000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304991000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304991000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304992100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304992300 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304992300 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304992900 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304992900 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304995500 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304995500 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304996100 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304996100 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304996500 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304996500 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304999900 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0304999900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304999900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0304999912 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304999918 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304999919 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304999920 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304999925 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304999950 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304999965 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304999969 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304999970 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0304999990 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0305200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0305310000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0305310090 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305310090 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305320000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305320000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305391000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305391000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305395000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305395000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305399000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0305399000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0305399010 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305399010 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305399020 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305399020 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305399030 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305399040 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305399040 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305399050 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305399050 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305399060 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305399060 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305399065 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305399065 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305399070 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305399070 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305399080 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305399080 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305399090 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305399090 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305410000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305410000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305420000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305420000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305430000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305430000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305441000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305441000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0305441000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305449000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0305490000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305491000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305492000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305493000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305498000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0305498000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0305498020 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305498035 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305498040 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305498050 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305498060 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305498090 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305510000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305510000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305520000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0305520090 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305520090 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305531000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305531000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305539000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305539000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305543000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305543000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305545000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305545000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305549000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0305549010 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305549010 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305549090 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305549090 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305597000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305597000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305598500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0305598500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0305598540 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305598545 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305598545 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305598561 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305598561 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305598564 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305598564 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305598565 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305598565 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305598567 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305598567 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305598570 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305598570 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305598590 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305598590 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305610000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305610000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305620000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305620000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305630000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305630000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305640000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0305640090 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305640090 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305691000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305691000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305693000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305693000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305695000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305695000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305698000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0305698000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0305698020 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305698020 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305698025 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305698025 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305698030 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305698040 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305698040 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305698050 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305698050 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305698061 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305698061 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305698064 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305698064 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305698065 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305698065 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305698067 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305698067 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305698070 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305698070 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305698090 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305698090 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305710000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305710000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0305710000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305720000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0305790000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0305790079 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305790079 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0305790099 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0305790099 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0306110000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0306110000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0306120000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0306120000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0306140000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0306140000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0306150000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0306150000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0306160000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0306160000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0306170000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0306170000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0306199000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0306199000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0306310000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0306310000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0306320000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0306320000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0306330000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0306330000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0306340000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0306340000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0306350000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0306350000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0306360000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0306360000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0306399000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0306399000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0306910000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0306910000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0306920000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0306920000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0306930000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0306930000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0306940000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0306940000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0306950000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0306950000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0306999000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0306999000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0307420000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0307420000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0307430000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0307430000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0307490000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0307490000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0307510000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0307510000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0307520000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0307520000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0307590000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0307590000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0307600000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0307710000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0307790000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0307810000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0307810000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0307810000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0307820000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0307820000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0307820000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0307830000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0307830000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0307830000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0307840000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0307840000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0307840000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0307870000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0307870000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0307870000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0307880000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0307880000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0307880000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0307910000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0307920000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0307990000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0308110000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0308110000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0308110000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0308120000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0308120000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0308120000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0308190000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0308190000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0308190000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0308210000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0308210000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0308220000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0308220000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0308290000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
0308290000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
0308900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0309100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0309900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0407110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0407190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0407199000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0407210000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMIL
0407291000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMIL
0407299000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0407299000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0407901000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMIL
0407909000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0407909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0410900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0501000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
0502100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
0502900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
0502900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
0504000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0505101000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
0505109000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
0505900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
0505900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0506100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
0506900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
0506900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0507000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0508009000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0510000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0511100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0511910000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0511911000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
0511991000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
0511991000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
0511991000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0511998500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
0511998500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0601000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0601101000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0601102000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0601103000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0601104000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0601109000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0601109000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0601203000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0601209000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0602109000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0602202000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0602203000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0602208000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0602300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0602300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0602400000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0602400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0602900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0602904100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0602904100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0602904500 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0602904500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0602904600 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0602904600 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0602904700 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0602904700 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0602904800 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0602904800 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0602905000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0602907000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0602907000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0602909100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0602909100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0602909900 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0602909900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0603110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0603120000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0603130000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0603130000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0603140000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0603150000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0603191000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0603192000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0603197000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0603900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0604200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0604201900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0604202000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
0604202000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0604204000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0604209000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0604901900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0604909100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0604909900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0701905000 ### ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulation 1998/22
0709560000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
0709560000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0710806900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
0710806900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0711510000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKGM E
0711590000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
0711590000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0712340000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
0712390000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
0712390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0714300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0714902000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
0808101000 ### ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulation 1998/22
0808301000 ### ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulation 1998/22
0905000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1209300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1209990000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1210000000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
1211200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1211600000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1211908600 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1213000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
1301900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1302130000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
1302190500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1302197000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1404900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
1404900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1500000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
1504101000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1504109900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1504200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1504300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1506000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1515601100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1515605100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1515605900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1515606000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1515609100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1515609900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1515904000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1515905100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1515905900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1515906000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1515909100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1515909900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1516100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1518009100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1518009500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1518009900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1521100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1521901000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1601000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1602100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1602209000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1602419000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1602429000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1602499000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1602500000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1602901000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1602903100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1602906100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1602906900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1602909100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1602909500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1602909900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1603000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1604110000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
1604110000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604120000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
1604120000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604130000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
1604130000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604140000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
1604142100 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604142600 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604142800 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604143100 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604143600 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604143800 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604144100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1604144120 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604144130 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604144190 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604144600 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1604144621 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604144629 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604144692 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604144694 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604144697 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604144699 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604144800 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1604144820 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604144830 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604144890 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604149000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604150000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
1604150000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604160000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
1604160000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604170000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
1604170000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1604170000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604180000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
1604180000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1604180000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604190000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
1604190000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604199100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1604199100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1604199700 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1604199700 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1604200000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
1604200500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1604200500 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604201000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604203000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604204000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604205000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604207000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1604207040 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604207045 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604207050 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604207055 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604207092 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604207094 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604207097 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604207099 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604209000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1604209000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1604209000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604310000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1604310000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
1604310000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
1604310000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1604310000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1604310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1604320000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 20
1604320000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
1604320000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1604320000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1605100000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
1605100000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1605210000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
1605210000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1605290000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
1605290000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1605300000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
1605300000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1605400020 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
1605400020 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1605400070 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
1605400070 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1605540000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
1605540000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1605550000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
1605550000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1605570000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
1605570000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1605570000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1605590000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
1605590000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1605590000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1605610000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
1605610000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
1605610000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1605620000 ### Non-coopera Control on RegulationCond: B cer
1605620000 ### ERGA OMNControl on RegulationCond: Y cer
1802000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2001100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKGM E
2001100000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 2
2001909700 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2001909700 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2003100000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 4
2003102000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKGM E
2003103000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKGM E
2003901000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2003901000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2003901000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2005700000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKGM E
2005700000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 4
2009111100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 0
2009111900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 0
2009119100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 0
2009191100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 0
2009191900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 0
2009199100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 0
2009291100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 0
2009291900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 0
2009299100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 0
2009311100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 0
2009311900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 0
2009315100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 0
2009315900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 0
2009319100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 0
2009319900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009391100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009391900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009393100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009393900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009395100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009395500 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009395900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009399100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009399500 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009399900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009491100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009491900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009493000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009499100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009499300 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009611000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009619000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009691100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009691900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009695100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009695900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009697100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009697900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009699000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009791100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009791900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009793000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009799100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009811100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009811900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009813100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009815100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009815900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009891100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009891900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009893400 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009893500 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009893600 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009893800 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009895000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009896100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009896300 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009897100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009897300 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009897900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009898500 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009898600 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009899721 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009899729 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009901100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009901900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009902100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009902900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009903100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009904100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009904900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009905100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009905900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009907100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009907300 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009907900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009909200 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009909400 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009909500 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009909600 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009909700 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2009909800 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M0
2103903000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationLPA
2103903000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R2
2103909000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2103909000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2104000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2104100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2104100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2104200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2104200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2106000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2106000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2106900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2106902000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationLPA
2106902000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R2
2201100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationLTR
2201100000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
2202000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationLTR
2202000000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
2203000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationLTR
2203000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2203000000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
2203000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2204000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationLTR
2204000000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
2204101100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2204101100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2204109100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2204109100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2204109300 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2204109300 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2204109400 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2204109600 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2204109600 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2204109800 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2204109800 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2204210000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
2204210000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2204210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2204220000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
2204290000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
2204290000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2204290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2205000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationLTR
2205000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
2205000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2205000000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
2205000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2206000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationLTR
2206000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2206000000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
2206000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2207000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationLTR
2207100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2207100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2207100000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
2207100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2207100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2207200030 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
2207200090 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
2208000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationLPA
2208000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2208000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2208000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2208201200 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
2208201400 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
2208201600 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
2208201800 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
2208201900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
2208202600 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
2208202800 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
2208206200 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
2208206600 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
2208206900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
2208208600 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
2208208800 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
2208300000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
2208401100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
2208403100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: U7
2208403100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
2208403900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: U7
2208403900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
2208405100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
2208409100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: U2
2208409100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
2208409900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: U2
2208409900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
2208500000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
2208601100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R6
2208601900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R6
2208609100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R2
2208609900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R2
2208700000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R8
2208901100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
2208901900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
2208903300 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
2208903800 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
2208904100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R7
2208904500 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R7
2208904800 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R7
2208905400 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R7
2208905600 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R7
2208906900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R2
2208907100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R7
2208907500 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R7
2208907700 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R7
2208907800 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R2
2208909100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
2208909900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
2209000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationLTR
2209000000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
2301100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2301100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2301200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2301200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2302000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2303000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2304000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2305000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2306000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2307001100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2307001900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2308001100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2308001900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2308004000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2308009000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2309901000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2309903100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2309903300 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2309903500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2309903900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2309904100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2309904300 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2309904900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2309905100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2309905300 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2309905900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2309907000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2309909600 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2401103591 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 4
2401107010 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 4
2401109511 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 4
2401109521 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 4
2401109591 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 4
2401203591 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 4
2401207010 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 4
2401209511 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 4
2401209521 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 4
2401209591 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 4
2401300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2402100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMIL
2402100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 10
2402100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2402100000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 1
2402100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2402200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMIL
2402200000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 2
2402900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2402900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2404120003200 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2404120003249 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 0111/05
2404120000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2404120000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2404120000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2404120000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2404120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2404911000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2404920000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2404920000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2404920000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2404920000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2500000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2500000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2501003100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2501005100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2501009900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2502000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2503001000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2503001000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2503009000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2504000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2504100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2504900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2505100000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2505100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2505900000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2505900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2506100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2506200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2507002000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2507008000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2508000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2508100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2508300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2508400000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2508500000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2508600000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2508700000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2509000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2509000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2510100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2510200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2511100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2511200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2512000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2512000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2513100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2513200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2514000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2515000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2515110000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2515120000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2515200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2516110000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2516120000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2516200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2516900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2517101000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2517102000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2517108000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2517200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2517300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2517410000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2517490000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2518100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2518200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2518200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2519100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2519100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2519901000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2519903000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2519909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2520100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2520100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2521000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2521000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2522000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2523000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2524000000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2524100000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2524100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2524900000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2524900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2525000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2525100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2525200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2525300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2526000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2526100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2526200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2528000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2529100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2529210000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2529220000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2529300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2530100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2530200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2530200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2530900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2600000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2600000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2601000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2601000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2602000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2602000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2603000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2603000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2604000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2604000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2605000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2605000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2606000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2606000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2607000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2607000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2608000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2608000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2609000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2609000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2610000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2610000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2611000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2611000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2612000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2612000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2612101000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2612101000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2612101000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2612101000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2612109000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2612109000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2612109000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2612109000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2612201000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2612201000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2612201000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2612201000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2612209000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2612209000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2612209000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2612209000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2613000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2613000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2614000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2614000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2615000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2615000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2616000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2616000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2617000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2617000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2617900000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
2618000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2619002000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2619009500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2619009700 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2620110000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2620190000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2620210000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2620290000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2620300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2620400000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2620600000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2620600000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
2620910000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2620991000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2620992000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2620994000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2620996000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2620999500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2620999500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2620999500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2620999500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2620999500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2621100000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2621100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2621900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2700000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2700000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2701000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2702000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2703000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2704000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2705000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ C
2706000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2706000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2707000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2707100000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2707100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2707100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2707100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2707200000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2707200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2707200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2707200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2707300000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2707300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2707300000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2707300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2707300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2707400000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2707400000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2707400000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2707400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2707500000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2707500000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2707500000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2707500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2707910000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2707910000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2707910000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2707998000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2707998000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2707999900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2707999900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2707999900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2707999900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2708000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2709001000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 1836/17
2709009000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2710000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2710120000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710122100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2710122100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710122100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2710122100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710122500 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2710122500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710122500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2710122500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710123100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710123100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2710123100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710123100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2710123100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710124100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710124100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
2710124100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710124100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2710124100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710124500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710124500 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
2710124500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710124500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2710124500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710124900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710124900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2710124900 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
2710124900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710124900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2710124900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710125000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710125000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2710125000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
2710125000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710125000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2710125000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710127000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710127000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710127000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2710127000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710127000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2710127000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710127000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710129000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2710129000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710129000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2710129000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710192100 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710192100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710192100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2710192100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710192100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2710192100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710192100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710192500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710192500 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2710192500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710192500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2710192500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710192900 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710192900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2710192900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710192900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2710192900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710192900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710196200 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2710196200 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710196200 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2710196200 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710196600 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2710196600 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710196600 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2710196600 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710196700 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2710196700 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710196700 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2710196700 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710198300 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2710198300 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2710198300 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710199100 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710199900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710201100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710201100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2710201100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710201600 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710201600 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2710201600 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710201900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710201900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2710201900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710203200 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2710203200 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710203200 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2710203200 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710203800 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2710203800 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710203800 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2710203800 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710209000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710209000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710209000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2710209000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710209000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710910000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2710910000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2710910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2710990000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2710990000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2710990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2711000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2711110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationTJO
2711110000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 1836/17
2711110000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2711110000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2711110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2711121100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2711121100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2711121100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2711121100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2711129400 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2711129400 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2711129400 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2711129400 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2711129700 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2711129700 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2711129700 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2711129700 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2711139100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2711139100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2711139100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2711139100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2711139700 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2711139700 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2711139700 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2711139700 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2711140000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2711140000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2711140000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2711140000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2711190000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2711190000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2711190000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2711190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2711210000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationTJO
2711290000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2711290000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2711290000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2711290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2712000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2712100000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2712200000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2712200000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2712200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2712200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2712200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2712900000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2712901900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2712901900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2712901900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2712901900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2712909100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2712909100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2712909100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2712909100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2712909900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2712909900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2712909900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2712909900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2713000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2713110000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2713110000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2713120000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2713120000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2713200000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2713200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2713901000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2713901000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2713909000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2713909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2714000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2714100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2714900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2715000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
2715000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2715000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2716000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMWH
2800000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2800000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2800000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2800000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2801100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2801100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2801301000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2802000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2802000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2804100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
2804100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2804100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2804100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2804100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2804210000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
2804290000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
2804291000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2804291000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2804291000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2804291000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2804300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
2804300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2804400000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
2804400000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2804400000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2804400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2804400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2804500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2804501000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2804501000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2804501000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2804501000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2804501000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2804509000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2804509000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2804509000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2804509000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2804610000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2804690000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2804700000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2804700000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2804701000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2804709000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2804800000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2804800000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2804800000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2804900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2805110000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2805110000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 1509/17
2805110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2805120000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2805120000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2805120000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2805120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2805199000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2805199000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2805199000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2805199000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2805300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2805400000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
2805400000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2805400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2806000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2806100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2806100000 ### Countries oRestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2806100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2807000000 ### Countries oRestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2807000000 ### Somalia RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
2807000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2808000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2808000000 ### Somalia RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
2808000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2808000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2808000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2809000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKPP
2810009000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2810009000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2810009000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2810009000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2811110000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2811110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2811110000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2811110000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2811110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2811120000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2811120000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2811120000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2811120000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2811120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2811198000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2811198000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2811210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2811290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2811290500 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2811290500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2811291000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2811291000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2811291000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2811293000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2811293000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2811293000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2811293000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2811293000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2811299000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2811299000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2812110000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812110000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812110000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2812110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812120000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812120000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812120000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812120000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2812120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812130000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812130000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812130000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812130000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2812130000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812140000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812140000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812140000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812140000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2812140000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812150000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812150000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812150000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812150000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2812150000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812160000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812160000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812160000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812160000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2812160000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812170000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812170000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812170000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812170000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2812170000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812199000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812199000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812199000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812199000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2812199000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812900000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2812900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2812900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2812900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2813100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2813901000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2813901000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2813901000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2813901000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2813901000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2814000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2814100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2814100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2815120000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKSH
2815120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2815200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKPH
2818200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2818200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2818200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2818300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2819000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2819909000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2819909000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2819909000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2819909000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2819909000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2820100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2820900000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2821100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2821100000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2821100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2821100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2821100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2825100000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 1 Cond: Y cer
2825100000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2825100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2825100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2825100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2825600000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2825600000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2825600000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2825600000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2825902000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2825902000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2825902000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2825902000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2825908500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2825908500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2825908500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2825908500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2826120000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2826120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2826191000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2826191000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2826191000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2826191000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2826191000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2826199000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2826199000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2826199000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2826199000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2826199000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2826908000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2826908000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2826908000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2826908000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2827310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2827320000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2827320000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 1509/17
2827320000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2827350000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2827398500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2827398500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2827398500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2827398500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2827398500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2827499000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2827499000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2827499000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2827499000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2827510000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2827510000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 1509/17
2827510000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2827590000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2827590000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2827590000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2827590000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2827600000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2827600000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2827600000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2828000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2828900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2828900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2828900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2828900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2828900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2829110000 ### Somalia RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
2829110000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2829110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2829190000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2829901000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2829901000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2829901000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2829901000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2829908000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2829908000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2829908000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2829908000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2830100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2830100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2830100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2830100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2830100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2830908500 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2830908500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2830908500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2830908500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2830908500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2832200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2832200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2832200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2832200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2832200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2833240000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2833296000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2833298000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2833298000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2833298000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2833298000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2833298000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2833300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2833300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2833300000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2833300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2833300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2833400000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2833400000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2833400000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2833400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2834100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2834100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2834100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2834100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2834100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2834210000 ### Somalia RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
2834292000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2834292000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2834292000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2834292000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2834298000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2834298000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2834298000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2834298000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2835100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2835100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2835100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2835100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2835299000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2835299000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2835299000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2835299000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2835299000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2835390000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2835390000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2835390000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2835390000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2835390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2836300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2836500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2836991700 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2836991700 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2836991700 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2836991700 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2836991700 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2837110000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2837110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2837110000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2837110000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2837110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2837190000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2837190000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2837190000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2837190000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2837190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2839000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2839900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2839900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2839900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2839900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2840209000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2840209000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2840209000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2840209000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2840300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2840300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2840300000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2840300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2840300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2841500000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2841500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2841610000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2841800000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2841908500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2841908500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2841908500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2842100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2842901000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2842901000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2842901000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2842901000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2842908000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2842908000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2842908000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2842908000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2842908000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2843000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2843290000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2843300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationGRM
2843901000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
2843909000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationGRM
2844000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2844100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKUR
2844101000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844101000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844101000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2844101000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844103000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844103000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844103000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2844103000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844105000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844105000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844105000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2844105000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844109000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844109000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844109000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2844109000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationGFI
2844202500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844202500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844202500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2844202500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844203500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844203500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844203500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2844203500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844205100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844205100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844205100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2844205100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844205900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844205900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844205900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2844205900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844209900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844209900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844209900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2844209900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844301100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844301100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844301100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2844301100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844301900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844301900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844301900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2844301900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844305100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844305100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844305100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2844305100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844305500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844305500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844305500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2844305500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844306100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844306100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844306100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2844306100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844306900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844306900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844306900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2844306900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844309100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844309100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844309100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2844309100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844309900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844309900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844309900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2844309900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844411000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844411000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844411000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2844411000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844419000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844419000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844419000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2844419000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844421000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844421000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844421000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2844421000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844429000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844429000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844429000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2844429000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844431000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844431000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844431000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2844431000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844432000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844432000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844432000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2844432000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844438000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844438000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844438000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2844438000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844440000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844440000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844440000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2844440000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844500000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationGFI
2844500000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844500000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2844500000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2844500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2845000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2845100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2845100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2845100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2845100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2845200000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
2845200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2845200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2845200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2845200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2845300000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
2845300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2845300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2845300000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2845300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2845400000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
2845400000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2845400000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2845400000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2845400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2845900000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
2845901000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2845901000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2845901000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2845901000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2845909000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2845909000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2845909000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2845909000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2846000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2847000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKNS
2847000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2849100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2849100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2849200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2849200000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2849200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2849200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2849200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2849901000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2849901000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2849901000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2849901000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2849901000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2849903000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2849903000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2849903000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2849903000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2849909000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2849909000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2849909000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2849909000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2849909000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2850002000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2850002000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2850002000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2850002000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
2850002000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2850002000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2850002000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2850006000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2850006000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2850006000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2850006000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2850009000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2850009000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2850009000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2850009000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2850009000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2852000000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2852100000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
2852900000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
2853100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2853100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2853100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2853100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2853100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2853909000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2853909000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
2853909000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2853909000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2853909000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2853909000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2900000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2900000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
2900000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2900000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2901000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2901210000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2901210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2901290000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2901290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2901290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2902000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2902000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2902000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2902000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2902200000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2902300000 ### Countries oRestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2903000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903110000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903120000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903120000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 1509/17
2903130000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2903140000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
2903140000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2903150000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903150000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2903150000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903190000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
2903190000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2903190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903290000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2903410000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903410000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903420000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903420000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903430000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903430000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903430000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903430000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2903430000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903440000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903440000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903440000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903440000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2903440000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903450000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903450000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903450000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903450000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2903450000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903460000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903460000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903460000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903460000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2903460000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903470000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903470000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903470000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903470000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2903470000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903480000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903480000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903480000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903480000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2903480000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903491000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903491000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903491000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903491000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2903491000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903493000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903493000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903493000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903493000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2903493000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903499000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903499000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2903499000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903510000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903510000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903510000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903510000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2903510000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903590000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903590000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903590000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903590000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2903590000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903610000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
2903610000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903610000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2903610000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903620000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2903691900 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903691900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2903691900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903698000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903698000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903698000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903710000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
2903720000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
2903730000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
2903740000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
2903750000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
2903760000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
2903769000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903769000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903769000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2903769000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903776000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
2903779000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
2903780000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
2903793000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
2903793000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903798000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903810000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2903820000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2903830000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903830000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903830000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2903830000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2903830000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903898000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903898000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903898000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2903898000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2903898000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903920000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2903930000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2903940000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2903998000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903998000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2903998000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2903998000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2903998000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904200000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904200000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904200000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904200000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
2904200000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904200000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904200000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904200000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904200000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904200000 ### Somalia RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
2904200000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
2904200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904200000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2904200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904310000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904310000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904310000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904310000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904310000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904310000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904310000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2904310000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904320000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904320000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904320000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904320000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904320000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904320000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904320000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2904320000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904330000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904330000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904330000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904330000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904330000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904330000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904330000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2904330000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904340000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904340000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904340000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904340000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904340000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904340000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904340000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2904340000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904350000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904350000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904350000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904350000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904350000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904350000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904350000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2904350000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904360000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904360000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904360000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904360000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904360000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904360000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904360000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2904360000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904910000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904910000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904910000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904910000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904910000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904910000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904910000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904910000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2904910000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2904910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904910000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904990000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904990000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904990000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904990000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904990000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904990000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904990000 ### Somalia RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
2904990000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2904990000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2905110000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2905110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2905120000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2905120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2905130000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2905130000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2905130000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2905141000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2905141000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2905149000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2905149000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2905160000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2905190000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2905190000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2905190000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2905190000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2905190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2905190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2905310000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2905310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2905399500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2905410000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2905590000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2905599800 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2905599800 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2905599800 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2905599800 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2905599800 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2906000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2906120000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2906120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2906290000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2907000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2907130000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2908110000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2908190000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2908910000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2908990000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2908990000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2908990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2909110000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2909110000 ### Countries oRestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2909110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2909110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2909190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2909199000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2909199000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2909199000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2909200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2909300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2909303100 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2909303500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2909303500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2909303500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2909303800 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2909309000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2909309000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2909309000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2909309000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2909309000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2909309000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2909410000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2909410000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2909410000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2909410000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2909410000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2909430000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2909430000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2909430000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2909430000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2909430000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2909440000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2909440000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2909440000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2909440000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2909440000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2909440000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2909490000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2909500000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2909500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2909600000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2910000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2910100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2910100000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2910100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2910400000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2910500000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2910900000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2911000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2912000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2912110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2912210000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2912210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2914110000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2914110000 ### Countries oRestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2914110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2914110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2914120000 ### Countries oRestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2914199000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2914199000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2914199000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2914199000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2914199000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2914199000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2914310000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2914390000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2914390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2914409000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2914409000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2914610000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2914610000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2914710000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2915130000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2915240000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2915290000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2915360000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2915900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2916000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2916110000 ### Somalia RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
2916120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2916160000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2916200000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2916340000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2916399000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2917120000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
2917139000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
2917198000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2917198000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2917330000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2917340000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2917393500 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2917398500 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2918170000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2918170000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2918170000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2918180000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2918199800 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2918199800 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2918199800 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2918199800 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2918199800 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2918199800 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2918300003214 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2918300003215 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2918300003217 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2918300003249 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 0111/05
2918910000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2918999003212 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2918999003213 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2918999003249 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1737/20
2918999000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2919100000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2919900000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2919900000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2920110000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920110000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920110000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2920110000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2920110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920190000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920190000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920190000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920190000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2920190000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2920190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920210000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920210000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920210000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920210000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2920210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920220000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920220000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920220000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920220000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2920220000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920230000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920230000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920230000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920230000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2920230000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920240000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920240000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920240000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920240000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2920240000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920290000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920290000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920290000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920290000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920290000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920290000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2920290000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920290000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920290000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920290000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2920290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920290000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920300000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920300000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920300000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920300000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920300000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2920300000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920300000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2920300000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2920300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920300000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920901000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2920901000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920907000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920907000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2920907000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920907000 ### Somalia RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
2920907000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2920907000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2920907000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKMA
2921110000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921110000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2921110000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921110000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2921110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921120000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921120000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2921120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921130000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921130000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2921130000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921140000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921140000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2921140000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921195000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921195000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921195000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2921195000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921195000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921199900 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921199900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921199900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2921199900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921199900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2921199900 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2921199900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921220000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921290000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921290000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
2921290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921309900 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921309900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921410000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921420000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921420000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2921420000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2921420000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921430000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2921440000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921440000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2921440000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921440000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2921440000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2921440000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2921450000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2921490000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2921599000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2922110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2922120000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2922120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2922150000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2922150000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2922150000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2922150000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2922150000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2922170000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2922170000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2922170000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2922170000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2922170000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2922180000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2922180000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2922180000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2922190000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2922190000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2922190000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2922190000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2922190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2922190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2922430000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2922430000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2922440000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2923200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2923900000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2924120000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2924190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2924210000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2924210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2924230000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2924250000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2924297003211 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2924297003249 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1737/20
2924297000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
2924297000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2925199500 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2925210000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2925210000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2925290000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2925290000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2925290000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2925290000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2925290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2926400000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2926907000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2928009000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 1 Cond: Y cer
2928009000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2928009000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2928009000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2928009000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2928009000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2928009000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2929100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2929100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2929100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2929900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2929900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2929900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2929900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2929900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2930100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2930100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2930100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2930100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2930100000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2930100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2930200000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2930300000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2930400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2930600000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2930600000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2930600000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2930700000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2930700000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2930700000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2930800000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2930909800 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2930909800 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2930909800 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2930909800 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2930909800 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2930909800 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2931100000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2931100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931200000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2931200000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2931200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931410000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931410000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931410000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931410000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2931410000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931420000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931420000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931420000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2931420000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931430000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931430000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931430000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2931430000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931440000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931440000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931440000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2931440000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931440000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2931440000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2931440000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931450000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931450000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931450000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2931450000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931460000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931460000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931460000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2931460000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931470000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931470000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931470000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2931470000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931480000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931480000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931480000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2931480000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931480000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2931480000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2931480000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931491000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931491000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931491000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2931491000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931492000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931492000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931492000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2931492000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931493000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931493000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931493000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2931493000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931494000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931494000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931494000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2931494000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931499000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2931510000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931510000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931510000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931510000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2931510000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931520000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931520000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931520000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2931520000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931520000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2931520000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2931520000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931530000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931530000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931530000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2931530000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931530000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2931530000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2931530000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931540000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931540000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931540000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2931540000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931540000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2931540000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2931540000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931591000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931591000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2931591000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931599000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931599000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931599000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2931599000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931599000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2931599000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2931599000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931900000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2931900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2931900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2931900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2932190000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2932190000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2932209000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2932910000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2932920000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2932930000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2932940000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2932990003209 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2932990003210 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2932990003216 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2932990003218 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2932990003249 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 0111/05
2932990000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2932990000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2933199000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2933210000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2933299000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2933310000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933310000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2933310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933320000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2933330000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933330000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933330000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2933330000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
2933330000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933330000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2933330000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933340000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933340000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933340000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2933340000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
2933340000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933340000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2933340000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933350000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933350000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933350000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2933350000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
2933350000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933350000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2933350000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933360000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2933360000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933360000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933360000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2933360000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
2933360000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933360000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2933360000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933370000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2933370000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933370000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933370000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2933370000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
2933370000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933370000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2933370000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933391000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933391000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
2933391000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933399903200 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2933399903219 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2933399903220 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2933399903221 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2933399903249 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 0111/05
2933399900 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933399900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933399900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2933399900 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
2933399900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933399900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2933399900 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2933399900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933399900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933499000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933499000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2933499000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933539000 ### Territories Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
2933539000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
2933539000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933540000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933591000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2933599500 ### Territories Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
2933599500 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
2933599500 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2933599500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933691000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2933694000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933694000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933698000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2933710000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933790000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933920000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933920000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933920000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2933920000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2933920000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933998004520 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
2933998004520 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
2933998004521 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
2933998004521 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
2933998004522 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
2933998004522 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
2933998004523 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
2933998004523 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
2933998004524 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
2933998004524 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
2933998004525 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
2933998004525 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
2933998004526 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
2933998004526 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
2933998004527 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
2933998004527 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
2933998004528 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
2933998004528 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
2933998004529 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
2933998004529 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
2933998004530 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
2933998004530 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
2933998004599 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNIHIL
2933998004599 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
2933998004999 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
2933998004999 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
2933998000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933998000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
2933998000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2933998000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2933998000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2933998000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2934100000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2934920000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2934920000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2934920000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2934920000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2934999004520 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
2934999004520 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
2934999004521 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
2934999004521 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
2934999004522 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
2934999004522 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
2934999004523 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
2934999004523 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
2934999004524 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
2934999004524 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
2934999004525 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
2934999004525 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
2934999004526 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
2934999004526 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
2934999004527 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
2934999004527 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
2934999004528 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
2934999004528 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
2934999004529 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
2934999004529 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
2934999004530 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
2934999004530 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
2934999004599 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNIHIL
2934999004599 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
2934999004999 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
2934999004999 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
2934999000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2934999000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
2934999000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2934999000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2935000000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2936290000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2937000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationGRM
2938909000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2939410000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2939420000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2939440000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2939490000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
2939490000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2939610000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2939620000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2939630000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2939790000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
2939790000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
2939799003200 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2939799003202 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2939799003203 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2939799003204 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2939799003205 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
2939799003249 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1737/20
2939799000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2939799000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
2939800000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3001209000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3001909800 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3002120000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3002130000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3002140000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3002150000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3002411004500 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002411004501 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002411004502 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002411004503 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002411004504 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002411004505 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002411004506 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002411004507 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002411004508 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002411004509 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002411004510 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002411004999 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002411000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
3002490004520 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3002490004520 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002490004521 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3002490004521 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002490004522 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3002490004522 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002490004523 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3002490004523 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002490004524 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3002490004524 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002490004525 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3002490004525 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002490004526 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3002490004526 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002490004527 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3002490004527 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002490004528 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3002490004528 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002490004529 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3002490004529 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002490004530 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3002490004530 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002490004599 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNIHIL
3002490004599 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002490004999 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3002490004999 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002490000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3002490000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3002490000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3002490000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3002490000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3002490000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3002490000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3002510000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3002510000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3002510000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3002510000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3002510000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3002590004520 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3002590004520 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002590004521 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3002590004521 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002590004522 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3002590004522 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002590004523 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3002590004523 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002590004524 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3002590004524 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002590004525 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3002590004525 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002590004526 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3002590004526 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002590004527 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3002590004527 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002590004528 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3002590004528 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002590004529 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3002590004529 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002590004530 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3002590004530 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002590004599 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNIHIL
3002590004599 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002590004999 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3002590004999 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3002590000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3002590000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3002590000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3002590000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3002590000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3002903000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3003410000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
3003420000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
3003900000 ### Territories Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
3003900000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
3004320000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3004410000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
3004420000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
3004900000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3004900000 ### Territories Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
3004900000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
3004900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3006920000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3006920000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3101000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3102100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKNI
3102210000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKNI
3102290000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKNI
3102300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKNI
3102300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3102300000 ### Somalia RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
3102309000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3102309000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3102309000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3102400000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKNI
3102400000 ### Somalia RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
3102401000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3102401000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3102401000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3102409000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3102409000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3102409000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3102500000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKNI
3102600000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKNI
3102800000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKNI
3102900000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKNI
3103000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKPP
3104000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKPO
3104201000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3104205000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3104209000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3201000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3202000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3203000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3203001000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3203001000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3203009000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3204000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3204000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3204900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3205000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3205000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3206110000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3206190000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3206200000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3206200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3206200000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3206200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3206200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3206200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3206200000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
3206200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3206410000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3206410000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3206410000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3206420000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3206420000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3206490000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3206491000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3206497000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3206497000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3206497000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3206497000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3206497000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3206497000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
3206497000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3206500000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3206500000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3207000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3207100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3207201000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3207201000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3207209000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3207209000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3207300000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3207300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3207400000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3207404000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3207404000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3207408500 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3207408500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3208000004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3208000004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
3208000004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
3208000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3208000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3208000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3209000004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3209000004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
3209000004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
3209000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3209100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3209900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3210000004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3210000004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
3210000004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
3210000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3210001000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3210009000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3212100000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3212100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3212900004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3212900004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
3212900004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
3212900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3212900000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3212900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3212900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3213100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3213900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3214000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3214000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3214101000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3214101000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3214101000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3214101000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3215110000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3215110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3215190000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3215190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3215190020 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 1
3215900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3301294903200 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
3301294903249 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 0111/05
3301294900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3301299100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3301300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3301901000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3301903000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
3301903000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3301903000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3301909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3302109000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
3302900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3302901000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
3302901000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3302909000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
3302909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3303000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3303000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3303001000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 1,
3303001000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3303009000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 1,
3304000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 70
3304000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3304000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3304990000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3305000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3305000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3307000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 70
3307000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3307000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3307900000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
3307900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3401000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 70
3401000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3401000000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
3401300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3402310000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3402391000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3402399000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3402410000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3402420000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3402420000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
3402490000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3403000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3403000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3403110000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3403110000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3403190000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3403192000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3403192000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3403198000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3403198000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3403910000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3403910000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3403990000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3403990000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3403990000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3403990000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3403990000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3403990000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3403990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3404200000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3404200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3404200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3404200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3404900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3404900000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3404900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3404900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3404900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3501000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3503000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3504009004520 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3504009004520 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3504009004521 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3504009004521 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3504009004522 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3504009004522 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3504009004523 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3504009004523 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3504009004524 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3504009004524 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3504009004525 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3504009004525 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3504009004526 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3504009004526 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3504009004527 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3504009004527 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3504009004528 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3504009004528 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3504009004529 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3504009004529 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3504009004530 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3504009004530 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3504009004599 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNIHIL
3504009004599 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3504009004999 ### ### All third c Supplement RegulationNAR
3504009004999 ### ### All third c Export survRegulation 2071/21
3505000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3505100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3505105000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3506000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3506990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3507909000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3507909000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
3601000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3601000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3601000000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
3601000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3601000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
3601000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3601000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3601000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3601000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3601000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3601000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3601000000 ### Somalia RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
3601000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
3601000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3601000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3601000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3601000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3601000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3601000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3602000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3602000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3602000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3602000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
3602000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3602000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3602000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3602000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3602000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3602000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3602000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3602000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3602000000 ### Somalia RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
3602000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
3602000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3602000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3602000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3602000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3602000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3603000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3603000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3603000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3603000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
3603000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3603000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3603000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3603000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3603000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3603000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3603000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3603000000 ### Somalia RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
3603000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
3603000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3603000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3603000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3603100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3603100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3603100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3603100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3603200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3603200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3603200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3603200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3603300000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
3603300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3603300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3603300000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3603300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3603400000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
3603400000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3603400000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3603400000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3603400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3603500000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
3603500000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3603500000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3603500000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3603500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3603600000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
3603600000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3603600000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3603600000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3603600000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3604000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3604000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3604900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3604900000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3604900000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3604900000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3604900000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3604900000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3604900000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
3604900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3606000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3606000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3606900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3606900000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3606900000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3606900000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3606900000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3606900000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3606900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3701100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
3701100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3701100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3701200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
3701200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3701300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
3701910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3701990000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3701990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3702000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3702100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
3702319100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTR
3702319700 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTR
3702410000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
3702420000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
3702430000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
3702440000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
3702530000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
3702540000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
3702550000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTR
3702969000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
3702979000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTR
3703000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3704000004013 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
3704000004044 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
3704000004099 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
3704000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3704000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: B cer
3704001000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3704001000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3704001000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3704001000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
3704001000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3704001000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3704001000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3704001000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3704001000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3704001000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3705000004013 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
3705000004044 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
3705000004099 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
3705000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3705000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: B cer
3705000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3705009000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3705009000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3705009000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3705009000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
3705009000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3705009000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3705009000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3705009000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3705009000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3705009000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3706000004013 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
3706000004044 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
3706000004099 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
3706000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTR
3706000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3706000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: B cer
3706000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3707100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3707100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3707100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3707100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3801100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3801100000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3801100000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3801100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3801100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3801100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3801200000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3801200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3801300000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3801900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3801900000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3801900000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3801900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3801900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3801900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3802100000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3802100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3802900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3806200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3807000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3807001000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3807001000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3807009000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3807009000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3807009000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
3808520000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808520000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
3808520000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808520000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
3808590000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808590000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
3808590000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808590000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
3808610000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808610000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808610000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
3808620000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808620000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808620000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
3808690000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808690000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808690000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
3808910000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
3808911000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808911000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808912000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808912000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808913000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808913000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808914000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808914000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808919000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3808919000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808919000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808920000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
3808921000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808921000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
3808921000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808922000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808922000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808923000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808923000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808924000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808924000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808925000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808925000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808926000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808926000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808929000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808929000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808930000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
3808931100 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808931100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808931300 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808931300 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808931500 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808931500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808931700 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808931700 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808932100 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808932100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808932300 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808932300 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808932700 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808932700 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808933000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808933000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808939000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808939000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808940000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
3808949000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808949000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
3808949000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808991000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3808991000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808991000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808991000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
3808999000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3808999000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808999000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3808999000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
3809000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3810000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3811110000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3811110000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
3811190000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3811210000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3811210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3811290000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3811290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3811900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3811900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3812200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3813000000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3813000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3813000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3813000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3814000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3814001000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3814001000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3814009000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3814009000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3814009000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3815000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3815000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3815110000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3815110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3815110000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3815110000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3815110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3815120000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3815120000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3815120000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3815120000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3815120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3815199000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3815199000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3815199000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3815199000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3815199000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3815909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3815909000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3815909000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3815909000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3815909000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3816001000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3816001000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3816009000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3817000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3818000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3818001000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3818001000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3818001000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3818009000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3818009000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3818009000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3819000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3819000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3819000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3819000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3819000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3819000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3819000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3820000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3820000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3820000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3822000000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3822000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3822000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3822000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3822000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3823130000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824100000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824300000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824400000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824400000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824500000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824500000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824600000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824600000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824810000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824810000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824810000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
3824810000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824820000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824820000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824820000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
3824830000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824830000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824830000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
3824840000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824840000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3824840000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824840000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824840000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3824840000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
3824840000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824840000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824850000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824850000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3824850000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824850000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824850000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3824850000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
3824850000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824860000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824860000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3824860000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824860000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824860000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3824860000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
3824860000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824870000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824870000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3824870000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824870000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824870000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3824870000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
3824870000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824880000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824880000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3824880000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824880000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824880000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3824880000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
3824880000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824890003200 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
3824890003249 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 0111/05
3824890000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824890000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824890000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3824890000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3824890000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824890000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3824890000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
3824890000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824910000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824910000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824910000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824910000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3824910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824920003200 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
3824920003249 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 0111/05
3824920000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824920000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824920000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3824920000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3824920000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824920000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3824920000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
3824920000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824991500 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824991500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824991500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824991500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824991500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3824991500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824992000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824992000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824992500 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824992500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824993000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824993000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824994503200 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
3824994503249 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 0111/05
3824994500 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824994500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824995000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824995000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824995000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824995000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3824995000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824995500 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824995500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824995500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824995500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3824995500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824996100 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824996100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824996200 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824996200 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824996403200 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
3824996403249 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 0111/05
3824996400 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824996400 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824996500 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824996500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824997004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3824997004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
3824997004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
3824997000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824997000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824997500 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824997500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824998000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824998000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824998500 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824998500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824998600 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824998600 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824998600 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824998600 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3824998600 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824999203200 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
3824999203249 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 0111/05
3824999200 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824999200 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3824999200 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3824999200 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824999200 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824999200 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3824999200 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
3824999200 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824999303200 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
3824999303249 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 0111/05
3824999300 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824999300 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3824999300 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3824999300 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3824999300 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824999300 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3824999300 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
3824999300 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824999603200 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: C cer
3824999603249 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 0111/05
3824999600 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3824999600 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3824999600 ### Territories Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
3824999600 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
3824999600 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3824999600 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3824999600 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3825100000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3825100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3825200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3825300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3825410000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3825410000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3825490000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3825500000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3825500000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3825610000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3825690000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3825690000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3825690000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3825690000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3825690000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3825900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3825909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3826000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3826000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3826000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3826001000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3826009000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3826009000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3826009000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3826009000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3826009000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3826009000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3826009000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3826009000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3826009000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3826009000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3826009000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3826009000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3826009000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3827110000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827110000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3827110000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827120000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827120000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3827120000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827130000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827130000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3827130000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827140000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827140000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3827140000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827200000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827200000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3827200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827310000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827310000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3827310000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827320000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827320000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3827320000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827390000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827390000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3827390000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827400000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827400000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3827400000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827510000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827510000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827590000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827590000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827610000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827610000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827620000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827620000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827630000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827630000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827640000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827640000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827650000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827650000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827680000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827680000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827690000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827690000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827900000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3827900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3901000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3901101020 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R9
3901400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3901400010 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R9
3901400030 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R9
3902100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3902200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3902200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3902300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3902300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3902900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3902901000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3902901000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3902901000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3902901000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3902901000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3902901000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3902902000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3902902000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3902902000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3902902000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3902902000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3902902000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3902909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3902909000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3902909000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3902909000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3902909000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3902909000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3903110000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3903190000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3903190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3903200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3903300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3903300000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3903300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3903300000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3903300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3903900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3903901000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3903902000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3903909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3904100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3904100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3904210000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3904220000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3904300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3904400000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3904500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3904501000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3904509000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3904610000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3904610000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3904610000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3904610000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3904691000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3904691000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3904691000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3904691000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3904691000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3904692000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3904692000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3904692000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3904692000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3904692000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3904698000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3904698000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3904698000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3904698000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3904698000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3904900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3904900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3904900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3904900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3905120000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3905120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3905190000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3905190000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3905190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3905210000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3905210000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3905210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3905290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3905300000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3905300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3905300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3905910000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3905910000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3905910000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3905910000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3905910000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3905910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3905910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3905990000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3905990000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3905990000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3905991000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3905991000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3905991000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3905999000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3905999000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3905999000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3905999000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3906000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3906901000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3906901000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3906901000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3906901000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3906902000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3906902000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3906902000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3906902000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3906903000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3906903000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3906903000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3906903000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3906904000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3906904000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3906904000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3906904000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3906905000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3906905000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3906905000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3906905000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3906906000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3906906000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3906906000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3906906000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3906909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3906909000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3906909000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3906909000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3906909000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3906909000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3907100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3907210000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3907210000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3907210000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3907210000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3907210000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3907210000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3907210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3907210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3907290000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3907290000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3907290000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3907291100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3907291100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3907291100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3907291100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3907292000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3907292000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3907292000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3907292000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3907299100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3907299100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3907299100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3907299100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3907299900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3907299900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3907299900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3907299900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3907300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3907400000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3907400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3907500000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3907610000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3907690000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3907700000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3907700000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3907910000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3907910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3907911000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3907911000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3907911000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3907911000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3907911000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3907919000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3907990500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3907991000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3907998000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3908000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3908100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3908900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3909100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3909200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3909200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3909310000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3909390000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3909390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3909400000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3909400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3909500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3909501000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3909501000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3909501000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3909501000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3909509000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3909509000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3909509000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3909509000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3910000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3910000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3910000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3910000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3910000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3911100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3911100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3911100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3911100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3911100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3911200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3911200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3911200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3911200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3911200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3911901100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3911901300 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3911901300 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3911901300 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3911901300 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3911901300 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3911901300 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3911901900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3911901900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3911901900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3911901900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3911901900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3911901900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3911909200 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3911909900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3911909900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3911909900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3911909900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3911909900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3912110000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3912110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3912120000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3912200000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3912200000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3912200000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3912200000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
3912200000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3912200000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3912200000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3912200000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3912200000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3912200000 ### Somalia RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
3912200000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
3912200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3912201100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3912201100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3912201100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3912201100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3912201900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3912201900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3912201900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3912201900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3912209000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3912209000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3912209000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3912209000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3912310000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3912392000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3912398500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3912900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3912901000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3912909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3913100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3913900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3914000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3914000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3914000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3914000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3914000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3915100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3915200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3915200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3915300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3915901100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3915908000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
3916901000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3916901000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3916901000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3916901000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3916901000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3916905000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
3917100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917210000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3917211000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917211000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917219000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917219000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917219000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917219000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3917219000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917220000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3917221000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917221000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917229000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917229000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917229000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917229000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3917229000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917230000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3917230000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917231000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917231000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917239000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917239000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917290000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917290000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917290000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3917290000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917290000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3917290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917310000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3917310000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917320000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3917320000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917320000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917320000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917330000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917330000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917330000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3917330000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917330000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3917330000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917330000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917390000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3917390000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917400000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917400000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3917400000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3917400000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3917400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3918000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
3920100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3920102300 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3920102300 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3920610000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3920690000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3920730000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3920731000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3920731000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3920738000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3920738000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3920910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3920940000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3920940000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3920940000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3920940000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3920992100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3920992100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3920992100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3920992100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3920992800 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3920992800 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3920992800 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3920992800 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3920995200 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3920995200 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3920995200 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3920995200 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3920995200 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3920995300 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3920995900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3920995900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3920995900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3920995900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3920995900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3920999000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3921110004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3921110004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
3921110004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
3921120004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3921120004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
3921120004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
3921131004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3921131004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
3921131004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
3921131010 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 1
3921139004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3921139004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
3921139004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
3921140004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3921140004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
3921140004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
3921190004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
3921190004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
3921190004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
3921190000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3921190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3921905500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3921905500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3921905500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3921905500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3921905540 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 0
3921905560 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 0
3921906000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3921906000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3921906000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3921906000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3921906000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3921909000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3921909000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3921909000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3921909000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3921909000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3922900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3923100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3923300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
3923300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3923401000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3923401000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
3923900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3923900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3923900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3923900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3925100000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3925100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3925200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
3925200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3925908000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3926200000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3926200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3926200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3926200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3926200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3926906000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
3926909700 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3926909700 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3926909700 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3926909700 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3926909700 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3926909700 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3926909700 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
3926909700 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3926909700 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3926909700 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3926909700 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
3926909700 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
3926909700 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
3926909700 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
3926909700 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3926909700 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
3926909700 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
3926909700 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4001100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4001220000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4001290000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4001300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4002000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4002110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002190000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002191000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
4002191000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002191000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
4002191000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002192000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
4002192000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002192000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
4002192000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002193000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
4002193000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002193000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
4002193000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002199000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002199000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
4002199000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002200000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
4002200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
4002200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002410000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
4002410000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002410000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
4002410000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002410000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002490000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
4002490000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002490000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
4002490000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002490000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002510000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
4002510000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002510000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
4002510000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002510000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002590000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
4002590000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002590000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
4002590000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002590000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002600000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002700000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002800000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002910000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002910000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
4002910000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002910000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
4002910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002991000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002991000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
4002991000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002991000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
4002991000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002999000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002999000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
4002999000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4002999000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
4002999000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4003000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4004000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4005000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4005100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4005990000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4006100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4008210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4008211000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
4008290000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4008290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4009000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
4009120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4009210000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
4009210000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4009210000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
4009210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4009220000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
4009220000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4009220000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
4009220000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4009410000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
4009410000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4009410000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
4009410000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4009410000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4009420000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
4009420000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4009420000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
4009420000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4010110000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4010120000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4010190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4010310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4010320000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4010330000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4010340000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4010350000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4010360000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4010390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4011000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4011000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4011100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
4011100000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R4
4011100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4011200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
4011200000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R2
4011200000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4011209000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4011300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
4011300000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R3
4011300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4011400000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
4011400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4011700000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R9
4011700000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4011800000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R6
4011900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
4011900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4012110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4012110000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4012110000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R3
4012110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4012120000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4012120000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4012120000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
4012120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4012120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4012130000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4012130000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4012130000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R3
4012130000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4012190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4012190000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4012190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4012190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4012200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4012200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4012200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4012200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4012900000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4013000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4015120000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNPR
4015190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNPR
4015190000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
4015190000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4015190000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
4015190000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
4015190000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4015190000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
4015190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4015190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4015900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
4015900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4015900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
4015900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
4015900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4015900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
4015900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4015900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4016100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
4016100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4016100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
4016100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4016930000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
4016930000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
4016930000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
4016930000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4016930000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
4016930000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4016930000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4016999100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
4016999100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4016999100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
4016999100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4016999700 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
4016999700 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
4016999700 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4016999700 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
4016999700 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4017000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4017000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
4017000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
4017000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4017000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
4017000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4101000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4101200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4101200000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
4101500000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4101500000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
4102000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4102000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4103000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4103200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4103300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4103900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
4104000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4104000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4104411100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R4
4104491100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R4
4105000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4105000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4106000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4106210000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4106220000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4106310000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4106320000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4106400000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4106910000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
4106920000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4106920000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
4107000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4107110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
4107120000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
4107190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
4107919000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
4107920000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
4107990000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
4112000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
4112000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4113000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
4113000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4113900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
4114000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4114100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4114109000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
4114200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
4114200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
4115000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4115100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
4115200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
4115200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4201000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
4201000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 20
4201000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
4201000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4202000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 20
4202000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
4202000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4202110000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4202111000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4202111000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
4202119000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
4202121100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4202129100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4202129100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4202129900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4202210000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4202210000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
4202210000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4202220000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4202229000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4202290000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4202310000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
4202310000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4202329000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4202910000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4202911000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
4202918000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
4202929100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4202929800 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4203000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
4203000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
4203000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4203100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
4203100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4203100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4203100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
4203100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4203210000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNPR
4203210000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
4203290000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNPR
4203290000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
4203299000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4203300000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
4203300000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
4203300000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
4203300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4203400000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
4203400000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
4203400000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
4203400000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4205000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
4205009000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 20
4205009000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
4205009000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
4205009000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
4205009000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4205009000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4206000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4301100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4301300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4301600000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4301600000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4301800000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4301900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
4301900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4302110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4302191500 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4302191500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4302193500 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4302193500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4302194100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4302194900 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4302194900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4302197500 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4302198000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4302198000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4302199900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4302200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
4302200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4302200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4302301000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
4302301000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4302302500 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4302302500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4302305100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4302305500 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4302305500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4302309900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4303000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
4303000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
4303000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4303109000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
4303109000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4303900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
4303900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4400000004056 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
4400000004099 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
4400000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: B cer
4401110000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4401110000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4401120000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4401120000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4401210000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4401210000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4401220000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4401229000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4401310000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4401310000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4401320000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4401320000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4401390000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4401390000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4401410000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4401410000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4401490000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4401490000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4403000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4403110000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4403120000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4403230000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4403240000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4403250000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4403260000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4403491000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4403498500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4403990000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4406000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4406000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4407000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4407110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4407110000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4407120000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4407120000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4407130000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4407130000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4407140000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4407140000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4407190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4407190000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4407210000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4407210000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4407220000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4407230000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4407250000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4407260000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4407270000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4407270000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4407280000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4407290000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4407290000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4407910000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4407911500 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4407913100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
4407913900 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4407919000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4407920000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4407930000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4407940000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4407940000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4407950000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4407950000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4407960000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4407970000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4407990000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4407992700 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4407994000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4407999000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4408000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4408100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4408100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4408390000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4408900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4409100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4409101100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTR
4409220000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4409290000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4409291000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTR
4409299100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
4410000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4411000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4411129210 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R9
4411129290 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R8
4411129400 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R8
4411130000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4411139200 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R8
4411139400 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R8
4411149200 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R8
4411149500 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R8
4411149700 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
4411920000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R8
4411930000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R8
4411940000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
4411940000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4412000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4412000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4412310000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4412330000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4412340000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4412390000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4412390010 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R8
4412419100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4412419900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4412419910 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R8
4412420000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4412490000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4412490010 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R8
4412510000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4412520000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4412590000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4412911000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4412919100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4412919900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4412919910 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R8
4412921000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4412929000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4412991000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4412999000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4412999010 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R8
4413000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4414000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4414000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4415000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4415101000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4415202000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4416000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4416000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4417000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4417000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4418000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4418110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4418110000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4418190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4418190000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4418210000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4418210000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4418290000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4418290000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4418400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4418731000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
4418739000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
4418740000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
4418740000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4418750000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
4418790000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
4418790000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4418790000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4419000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4419200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4419900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4420000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4420000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4420901000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTQ
4421000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4421100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4421200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
4421910000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
4421999900 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
4421999900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4501900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4503000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4504000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4504908000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
4701000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKSD
4701000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4702000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKSD
4703000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKSD
4704000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKSD
4704000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4705000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKSD
4705000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4706000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4706100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4706200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKSD
4706300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKSD
4706910000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKSD
4706920000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKSD
4706930000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationKSD
4707000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4707100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4707200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4707301000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4707309000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4707901000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4707909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4802200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4802400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4802580000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4802610000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4804000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4805110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4805120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4805190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4805240000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4805250000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4805300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4805400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4805500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4805910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4805920000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4805930000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4806000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4807000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4808000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4809000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4810130000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4810140000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4810190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4810220000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4810290000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4810310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4810320000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4810390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4810920000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4810990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4811100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4811510000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4811590000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4811600000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4811900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4813000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4814000004060 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
4814000004099 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
4814000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4814000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: B cer
4814900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4819200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4822000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4822100000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
4823200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4823400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4823610000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4823690000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4823700000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4823900000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4823908500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
4823908500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4900000004042 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
4900000004099 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
4900000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: B cer
4901000004013 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
4901100004023 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
4901100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4901100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4901100000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4901100000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4901100000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4901100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
4901100000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
4901100000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
4901100000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
4901100000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4901100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4901100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4901100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
4901100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4901100000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4901910000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4901990004023 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
4901990000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4901990000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4901990000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4901990000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4901990000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4901990000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
4901990000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
4901990000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
4901990000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
4901990000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4901990000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4901990000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4901990000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
4901990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4901990000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4902000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4902000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4902000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4902000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4902000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4902000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4902000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4902000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4903000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4904000004023 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
4904000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4905000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4905200004023 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
4905900004023 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
4906000004013 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
4906000004023 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
4906000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4906000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4906000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4906000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4906000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4906000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
4906000000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
4906000000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
4906000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
4906000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4906000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4906000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4906000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
4906000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4906000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4906000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4907000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4907003000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4907003000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4907003000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
4907003000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4907003000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4907003000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4908000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4909000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4910000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4911910004044 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
4911910000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4911910000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4911910000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4911910000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4911990000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4911990000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4911990000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4911990000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4911990000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4911990000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
4911990000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
4911990000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
4911990000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
4911990000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4911990000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4911990000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4911990000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
4911990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
4911990000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5003000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
5007000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5102193000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5102194000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5102199000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5102200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
5102200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5103000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5103100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
5103101000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
5103109000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
5103200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
5103300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
5103300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
5104000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
5104000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5105000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5105390000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5105400000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
5105400000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5106000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5106100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
5106209100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
5106209900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
5107000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5107100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
5107209100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
5107209900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
5108000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5109000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
5109000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5109101000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5109101000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
5110000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
5110000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5111000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5111000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5111110000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5111190000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5111301000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5111308000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5111909100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5111909800 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5112000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5112000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5112000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5112110000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5112190000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
5112190000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5112301000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5112308000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5112909100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5112909800 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5113000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5113000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
5113000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5202100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
5202910000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
5202990000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
5205000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5206420000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5208000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5208110000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5208121600 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5208121900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5208129600 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5208129900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5208130000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5208190000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5208210000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5208221600 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5208221900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5208229600 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5208229900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5208230000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5208290000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5208310000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5208321600 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5208321900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5208329600 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5208329900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5208330000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5208390000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5208410000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5208420000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5208430000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5208490000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5208510000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5208520000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5208590000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5209000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5209000000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5209110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5210000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5210000000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5211000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5211000000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5211000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5212000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5212110000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5212120000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5212130000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5212140000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5212150000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5212210000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5212220000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5212230000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5212240000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5212250000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5301300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
5302900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
5303900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
5305000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
5308000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5309000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5310000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5311000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5311009010 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5402110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5402110000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5402110000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5402110000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5402110000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
5402110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5402190000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5402190000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5402190000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5402190000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5402190000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
5402190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5402200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5402200000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5402200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5402200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
5402200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5402310000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5402320000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5402490070 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5402630000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5403000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5403100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5403100000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5403100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5403100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
5403100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5404000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5404190000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
5404909000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5404909000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
5407000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5407100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5407100000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5407100000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5407100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5407100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
5407100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5407209000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5407300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5407300010 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5407410000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5407420000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5407430000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5407440000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5408000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5501000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5501110000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5501190000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5501900000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5502000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5503000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5503110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5503110000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5503110000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5503110000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5503110000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
5503110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5503190000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5503190000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5503190000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5503190000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5503190000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
5503190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5503200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5503200000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5503200000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5503200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5503200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
5503200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5503300000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
5503900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5503900000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5503900000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5503900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5503900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
5503900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5504900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5505101000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
5505103000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
5505105000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
5505107000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
5505109000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
5505200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
5506000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5506100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5506100000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5506100000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5506100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5506100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
5506100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5506300000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
5506400000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5506400000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5506400000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
5506400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5506900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5506900000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5506900000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5506900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5506900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
5506900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5507000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5509110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5509110000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5509110000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5509110000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5509110000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
5509110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5509120000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5509120000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5509120000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5509120000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5509120000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
5509120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5509520000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5509610000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5509910000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5512000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5512210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5512990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5513000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5513000000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5514000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5514000000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5515000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5515130000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5515190000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5515220000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5515290000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5515990000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5516110000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516110000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516120000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516120000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516130000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516130000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516140000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516140000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516210000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516220000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516230000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516240000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516310000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516310000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516320000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516320000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516330000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516330000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516340000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516340000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516410000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516420000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516430000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516440000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516910000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516910000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516920000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516920000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516930000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516930000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516940000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5516940000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5601290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5601300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5602101900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
5602103100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5602103800 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
5602103800 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5602210000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5602290000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
5602290000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5602900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
5603111010 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5603119010 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5603121010 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5603129010 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5603129060 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5603131020 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5603139060 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5603141030 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5603149060 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5603911010 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 0
5603919010 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 0
5603921010 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 0
5603929010 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 0
5603929080 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 0
5603939050 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 0
5603939060 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 0
5604000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5604901000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5604901000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5604901000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5604901000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5604901000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
5604901000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5605000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5607410000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5607501100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5607501100 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5607501100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5607501100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5607501100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
5607501100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5607501900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5607501900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5607501900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5607501900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5607501900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
5607501900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5607503000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5607503000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5607503000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5607503000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5607503000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
5607503000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5607509000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5607509000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5607509000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5607509000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5607509000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
5607509000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5609000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
5609000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5700000004059 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
5700000004099 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
5700000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5700000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5700000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: B cer
5701000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5701000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5701100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5701101000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
5701109000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
5701901000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
5701909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
5702100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5702100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5702200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5702200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5702310000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5702318000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5702318000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5702320000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5702320000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5702390000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
5702390000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5702390000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5702390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5702410000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5702419000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5702419000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5702420000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5702420000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5702490000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
5702500000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5702500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5702501000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5702509000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
5702910000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5702910000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5702910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5702920000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5702920000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5702990000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
5702990000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5702990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5703000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5703000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5703100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5703900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
5704000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5704000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5704000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5705000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5705000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5705008000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
5705008000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5801000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5801100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5801270000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5801909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5802000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5803000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5803000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5805000004058 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
5805000004099 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
5805000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5805000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: B cer
5805000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5805000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5805000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5806400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5810101000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 3
5810109000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 3
5810911000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 1
5810919000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 1
5810921000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 1
5810929000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 1
5810991000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 1
5810999000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: M 1
5811000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5901000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5901000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5902000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5902101000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5902109000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5902109000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5902109000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5902109000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5902109000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
5902109000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5902209000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5902209000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5902209000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5902209000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5902209000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
5902209000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5902901000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5902909000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5902909000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5902909000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5902909000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5902909000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
5902909000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5903000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5903101000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5903109000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5903201000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5903209000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5903209020 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 0
5903901000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5903901000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5903901000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5903901000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5903901000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
5903901000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5903909100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5903909100 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5903909100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5903909100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5903909100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
5903909100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5903909900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
5903909900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5903909900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5903909900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5903909900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
5903909900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5904000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5904900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
5905000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5906999020 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
5907000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5908000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5910000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5911100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5911310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5911311100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5911311100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5911320000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5911321100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5911321100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5911321900 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
5911321900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
5911400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
5911901000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
5911909900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
6001100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6001290000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6001990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6003000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6003100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6003900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6003900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6004900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6005360000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6005440000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6005900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6005901000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6005909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6006100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6006100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6006900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6101000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6101000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6101000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6101000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6101000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6101000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6101000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6101000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6101000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6101000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6101000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6101000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6101000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6101000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6101000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6101000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6101902000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6101908000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6102000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6102000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6102000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6102000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6102000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6102000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6102000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6102000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6102000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6102000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6102000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6102000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6102000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6102000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6102000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6102000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6102100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6102900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6103000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6103000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6103000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6103000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6103000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6103000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6103000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6103000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6103000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6103000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6103000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6103000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6103000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6103000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6103000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6103000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6103101000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6103109000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6103290000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6103310000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6103390000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6103410000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6103490000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6104000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6104000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6104000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6104000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6104000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6104000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6104000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6104000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6104000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6104000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6104000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6104000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6104000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6104000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6104000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6104000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6104199000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6104291000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6104299000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6104310000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6104390000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6104410000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6104490000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6104510000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6104590000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6104610000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6104690000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6105000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6105000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6105000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6105000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6105000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6105000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6105000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6105000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6105000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6105000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6105000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6105000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6105000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6105000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6105000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6105901000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6105909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6106000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6106000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6106000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6106000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6106000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6106000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6106000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6106000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6106000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6106000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6106000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6106000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6106000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6106000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6106000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6106901000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6106909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6107000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6107000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6107000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6107000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6108000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6108000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6108000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6108000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6108990000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6109000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6109000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6109000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6109000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6109902000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6109909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6110000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6110000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6110000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6110000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6110000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6110000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6110000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6110000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6110000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6110000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6110000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6110000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6110000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6110000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6110000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6110000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6110111000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
6110190000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6110909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6111000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6111000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6111000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6111201000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNPR
6111201000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6111209000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6111301000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNPR
6111301000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6111309000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6111901100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNPR
6111901100 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6111901100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6111901900 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6111901900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6111909000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6111909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6112000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6112110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6112110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6112110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6112120000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6112120000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6112120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6112190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6112190000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6112190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6112200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6112200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6112310000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6112310000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6112310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6112390000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6112390000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6112390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6112410000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6112410000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6112410000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6112490000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6112490000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6112490000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6113000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6113000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6113000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6113000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6113000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6113000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6113000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6113000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6113000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6113000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6113000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6113000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6113000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6113001000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6113009000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6114000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6114000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6114000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6114000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6114000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6114000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6114000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6114000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6114000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6114000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6114000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6114000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6114000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6114000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6114000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6114900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6115000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6115000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6115101000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNPR
6115101000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6115109000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6115210000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6115210000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6115220000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6115220000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6115290000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6115290000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6115300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNPR
6115300000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6115940000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNPR
6115940000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6115940000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6115950000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNPR
6115950000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6115960000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNPR
6115960000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6115990000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNPR
6115990000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6115990000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6116000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNPR
6116000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6116000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6116000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6116000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6116100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6116910000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6116990000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6117000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6117000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6117000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6117000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6117100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6117800000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6117900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6201000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6201000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6201000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6201000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6201000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6201000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6201000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6201000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6201000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6201000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6201000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6201000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6201000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6201000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6201000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6201000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6201200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6201300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6201300000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6201300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6201301000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
6201309000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
6201400000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6201400000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6201400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6201401000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
6201409000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
6201900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6201900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6201900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6201900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6202000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6202000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6202000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6202000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6202000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6202000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6202000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6202000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6202000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6202000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6202000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6202000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6202000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6202000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6202000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6202000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6202200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6202300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6202300000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6202300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6202301000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
6202309000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
6202400000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6202400000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6202400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6202401000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
6202409000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
6202900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6202900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6202900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6202900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6203000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6203000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6203000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6203000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6203000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6203000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6203000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6203000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6203000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6203000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6203000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6203000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6203000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6203000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6203000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6203000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6203110000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6203199000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6203293000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6203299000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6203310000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6203399000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6203410000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6203499000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6204000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6204000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6204000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6204000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6204000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6204000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6204000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6204000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6204000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6204000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6204000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6204000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6204000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6204000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6204000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6204000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6204110000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6204199000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6204210000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6204299000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6204310000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6204399000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6204410000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6204499000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6204510000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6204599000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6204610000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6204699000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6205000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6205000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6205000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6205000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6205000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6205000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6205000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6205000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6205000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6205000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6205000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6205000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6205000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6205000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6205000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6205908000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6206000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6206000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6206000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6206000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6206000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6206000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6206000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6206000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6206000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6206000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6206000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6206000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6206000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6206000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6206000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6206200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6206909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6207000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6207000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6207000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6207110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6207190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6207210000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6207220000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6207290000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6207999000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6208000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6208000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6208000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6208110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6208190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6208210000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6208220000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6208290000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6208990000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6209000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6209000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6209000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6209000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6209901000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6209909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6210000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210101000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210109200 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210109200 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210109200 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210109200 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6210109200 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210109800 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210109800 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210109800 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210109800 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6210109800 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6210200000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6210200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6210300000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210300000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6210300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210400000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210400000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210400000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210400000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210400000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6210400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210500000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210500000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210500000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210500000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210500000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6210500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6210500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6211000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6211000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6211110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6211110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211120000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6211120000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6211200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211320000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211320000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211323100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6211324100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6211324200 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6211329000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6211330000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211330000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211333100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6211334100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6211334200 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6211339000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6211339000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211339000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211339000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6211339000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211390000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6211390000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211390000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211420000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211420000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211423100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6211424100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6211424200 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6211429000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6211430000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211430000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211431000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211431000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6211431000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211433100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6211434100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6211434200 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6211439000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6211439000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211439000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211439000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6211439000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211490000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6211490000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6211490000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6212000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6212000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6212000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6212000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6212100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6212200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6212300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6213000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6213000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6213000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6213000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6214000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6214000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6214000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6214000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6214000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6214200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6214900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6215000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6215000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6215000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6215000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6216000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNPR
6216000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6216000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6216000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6216000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6216000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6216000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6216000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6216000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6217000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6217000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6217000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6217000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6217000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6217100000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
6217100000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
6301000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6301200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6301909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6303000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
6304110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6304110000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6304190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6304199000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6304200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6304990000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6306120000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6306120000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6306120000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6306120000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6306190000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6306190000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6306190000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6306190000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6306220000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6306220000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6306220000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6306220000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6306290000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6306290000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6306290000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6306290000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6306400000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6307200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307900000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307900000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307900000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307900000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307901000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307901000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307901000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909100 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909200 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909200 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6307909200 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909200 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909200 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6307909200 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909200 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909200 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909200 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909200 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909300 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6307909300 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909300 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6307909300 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909300 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909300 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6307909300 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909300 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909300 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909300 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909300 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909500 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6307909500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909500 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909500 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909500 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6307909500 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6307909500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909500 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909800 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909800 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6307909800 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909800 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909800 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909800 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909800 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
6307909800 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909800 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909800 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909800 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909800 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6307909800 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6309000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
6309000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6310100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
6310900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
6401000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNPR
6401000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6401000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6401000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6401921000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6401921000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6401921000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6401921000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6401921000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6401929000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6401929000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6401929000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6401929000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6401929000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6402000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNPR
6402000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6402120000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6402120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6402190000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6402190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6402200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6402200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6402910000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6402910000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6402910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6402990000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6402990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6403000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNPR
6403000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6403120000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6403120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6403190000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6403190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6403200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6403200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6403200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6403400000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6403400000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6403400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6403510000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6403510000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6403510000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6403511100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6403511500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6403511900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6403519100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6403519500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6403519900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6403590000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6403590000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6403590000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6403591100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6403593100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6403593500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6403593900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6403595000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6403599100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6403599500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6403599900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6403910000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6403910000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6403910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6403911100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6403911300 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6403911600 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6403911800 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6403919100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6403919300 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6403919600 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6403919800 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6403990000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6403990000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6403990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6404000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNPR
6404000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6404110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6404110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6404190000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6404191000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6404191000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6404199000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6404199000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6404200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6404200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6404200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6404200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6405000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNPR
6405000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6405000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6405100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6405100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6405200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6405901000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6406100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6406101000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6406109000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6406900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6406903000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6406903000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNPR
6406905000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6406906000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6406909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6501000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6501000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6502000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6502000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6504000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6504000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6504000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6504000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6504000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6504000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6505000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6505001000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6505001000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6505001000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6505001000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
6505001000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6505003000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6505003000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6505003000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6505003000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6505009000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6505009000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6505009000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
6505009000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6506000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6506100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6506100000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6506100000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6506100000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6506100000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6506100000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6506100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6506108000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6506910000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
6506990000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6506990000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6506990000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6506991000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6506991000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
6506999000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6506999000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
6506999000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6507000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6601000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6601910000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6601910000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6601910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6601990000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6601990000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6601990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6602000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 60
6602000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6602000000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
6602000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6602000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6603000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6603909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6701000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6702900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6703000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6703000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6704000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6704000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6704900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6704900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6802920000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6804100000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6804100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6804210000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6804210000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6804210020 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
6804221200 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6804221200 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6804221800 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6804221800 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6804223000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
6804225000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6804225000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6804229000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6804229000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6804230000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6804230000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6804230000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6804300000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6804300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6805100000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6805100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6805200000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6805200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6805300000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6805300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6806000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6806100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
6806100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6806100000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
6806100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6806100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6806100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6806900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
6807000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6807100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
6809110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
6809110000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
6809190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
6809190000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
6809190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6810910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6811000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6811400000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
6812800000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
6812809000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6812910000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
6812990000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
6812999000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6812999000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
6812999000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
6812999000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6812999000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6812999000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6813000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6813200000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
6813200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6813810000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6814900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6815110000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6815110000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6815110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6815120000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6815120000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6815120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6815130000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6815130000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6815130000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6815190000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6815190000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6815190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6815990000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6815990000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
6815990000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
6815990000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6815990000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6815990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6900000004057 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
6900000004099 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
6900000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: B cer
6900000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
6901000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6901000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6902000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6903000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6903000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6903100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6903100000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
6903100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6903100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6903100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6903201000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6903201000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6903201000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6903201000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6903209000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6903209000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
6903209000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6903209000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6903209000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6903901000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6903901000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
6903901000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6903901000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6903901000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6903909000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6903909000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
6903909000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6903909000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6903909000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6904000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6904100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6904100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6905000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6905000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6905100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
6906000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6906000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
6906000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6907000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
6907000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6907220000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6907400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6909000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6909110000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6909110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6909110000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
6909110000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
6909110000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6909110000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6909110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6909120000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6909120000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6909120000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
6909120000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
6909120000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6909120000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6909120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6909190000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6909190000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6909190000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
6909190000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
6909190000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6909190000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6909190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6909900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6909900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6909900000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
6909900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6909900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6909900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6909900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6910000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6911000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6911000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6911000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6911100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
6912000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6912002300 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
6912002300 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6912002300 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6912002500 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
6912002500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6912002500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6912008300 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
6912008300 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6912008300 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6912008500 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
6912008500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6912008500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6913000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6913000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6914000004041 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
6914000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6914000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
6914100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6914100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6914100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6914100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6914100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6914100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6914100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6914900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6914900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6914900000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
6914900000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
6914900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
6914900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6914900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
6914900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
6914900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7001001000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7001009100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7001009100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7002000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7002201000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7002201000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7002201000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7002201000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7002320000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7003000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7003120000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
7003190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
7003200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
7004000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
7004000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7005000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
7005000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7007110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7007190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
7007290000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
7007290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7008000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
7009100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
7009100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7009100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7009910000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 20
7009910000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7009910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7009920000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 20
7009920000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7009920000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7010000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 20
7010000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7010000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7010100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
7010900000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
7010902100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7010902100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7010902100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7010902100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7010909100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7010909100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7010909100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7010909100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7010909900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7010909900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7010909900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7010909900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7011100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7013000004050 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
7013000004099 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
7013000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
7013000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7013000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
7013000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: B cer
7013220000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 20
7013220000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7013220000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7013330000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 20
7013330000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7013330000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7013410000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 20
7013410000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7013410000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7013490000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7013910000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 20
7013910000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7014000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7014000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7014000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7014000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7015900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7016901000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
7017000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7018100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 20
7018100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7018100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7018900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 20
7018900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
7018900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7018900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019110000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7019110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019110000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7019110000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019110000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7019110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019120000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019120000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7019120000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7019120000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019120000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7019120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019130000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7019130000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019130000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7019130000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7019130000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019130000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7019130000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019140000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7019140000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019140000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7019140000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7019140000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019140000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7019140000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019150000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7019150000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019150000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7019150000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7019150000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019150000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7019150000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019610000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019610000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7019610000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019610000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7019610000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019610070 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019620000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019620000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7019620000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019620000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7019620000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019630000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019630000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7019630000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7019630000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019630000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7019630000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019630011 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019630012 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019630013 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019630014 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019630015 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019630019 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019630030 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019640000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019640000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7019640000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7019640000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019640000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7019640000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019640011 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019640012 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019640013 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019640014 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019640015 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019640019 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019650000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019650000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7019650000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019650000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7019650000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019650011 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019650012 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019650013 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019650014 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019650015 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019650018 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019650021 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019650050 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019650070 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019660000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019660000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7019660000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019660000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7019660000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019660010 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019660011 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019660012 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019660013 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019660014 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019660015 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019660018 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019660021 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019660050 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019660070 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019690000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019690000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019691000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019691000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7019691000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7019699000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019699000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7019699000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7019699000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7019699011 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019699012 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019699013 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019699014 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019699015 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019699019 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
7019710000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019710000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7019710000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019710000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7019710000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019720000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019720000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7019720000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019720000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7019720000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019730000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019730000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7019730000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019730000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7019730000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019800000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019800000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019801000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019801000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7019801000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7019809000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7019809000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019809000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7019809000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7019809000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7019900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7019900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019900000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7019900000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7019900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7019900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7019900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7020000700 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
7020000800 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
7020000800 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7020000800 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7020000800 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7020000800 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7020001000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7020001000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
7020001000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7020001000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7020001000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7020001000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7020001000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7020001020 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 1
7020003000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7020003000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
7020003000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7020003000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7020003000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7020003000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7020003000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7020008000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 20
7020008000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7020008000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
7020008000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7020008000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7020008000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7020008000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7020008000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7020008000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7020008000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7101000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationGRM
7101000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7101000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7101000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7101100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7102000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationCTM
7102000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7102000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7102000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7102000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 1509/17
7102000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7102100000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
7102210000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
7102310000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
7103000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7103000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7103000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7103910000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationGRM
7103990000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationGRM
7104000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationGRM
7104210000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7104210000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7104210000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7104210000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7104210000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7104210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7104290000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7104290000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7104290000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7104290000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7104290000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7104290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7104910000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7104910000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7104910000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7104910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7104990000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7104990000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7104990000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7105000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationGRM
7105000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7105000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7105000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7106000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationGRM
7106000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7106000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7106000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7106000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 1509/17
7106000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7106000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7106000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7106100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7106920000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7106920000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7106920000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7107000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7107000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7107000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7107000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7107000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7107000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7108000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationGRM
7108000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7108000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7108000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7108000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 1509/17
7108000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7108000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7108000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7108110000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7108131000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7108131000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7108131000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7108138000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7108138000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7108138000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7109000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7109000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7109000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7109000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7109000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 1509/17
7109000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7109000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7109000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationGRM
7110000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 1509/17
7110000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110110000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7110110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110190000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110191000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7110191000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110191000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7110191000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110198000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7110198000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110198000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7110198000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110210000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7110210000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110290000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110290000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110290000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7110290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110310000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7110310000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110390000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110390000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110390000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7110390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110410000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7110410000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110410000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110490000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110490000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110490000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7110490000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7110490000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7111000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7111000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7111000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7111000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7111000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 1509/17
7111000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7111000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7111000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7112000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7112000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7112000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7112000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7112300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7112910000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7112920000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7112990000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7113000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7113000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7113000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7113000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7113110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationGRM
7113190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationGRM
7114000004051 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
7114000004099 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
7114000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7114000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7114000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: B cer
7114000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7114000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7114000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7114000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7114000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7114000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7114000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7114110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationGRM
7114190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationGRM
7115000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7115000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7115000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7115000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7115000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7115000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7115100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7115100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7115100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7115900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7115900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7115900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7116000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationGRM
7116000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7116000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7116000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7116100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7117000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
7117000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7118100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationGRM
7118100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7118100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7118100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7118900000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationGRM
7118900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7118900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7118900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7118900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7200000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 0285/18
7200000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7200000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7202000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7202800000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7202800000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7202910000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7202910000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7202910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7202920000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7202998000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7202998000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7202998000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7202998000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7204100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7204211000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7204219000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7204290000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7204300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7204411000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7204419100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7204419900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7204491000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7204493000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7204499000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7204500000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7205210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7205290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7207000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7208000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7209000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7210000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7211000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7212000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7213000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7215500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7216100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7216210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7216220000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7216310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7216320000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7216330000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7216400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7216500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7216610000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7216910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7216990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7217902000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7217905000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7217909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7218000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7218000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7218000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7218100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7218911000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7218911000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7218918000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7218918000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7218991100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7218991100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7218991900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7218991900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7218992000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7218992000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7218998000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7218998000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7219000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219110000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219121000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219121000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7219121000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219121000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219129000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219131000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219131000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7219131000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219131000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219139000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219141000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219141000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7219141000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219141000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219149000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219211000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219211000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219211000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219219000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219219000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219221000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7219221000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219221000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219221000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219229000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219229000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219230000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219230000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7219230000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219230000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219230000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219240000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219240000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7219240000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219240000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219240000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219310000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219310000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7219310000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219310000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219310000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219321000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219321000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7219321000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219321000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219321000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219329000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219329000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219331000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219331000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7219331000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219331000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219331000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219339000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219339000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219340000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219341000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219341000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7219341000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219349000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219350000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219351000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219351000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7219351000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219351000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219359000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219900000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7219900000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7219900000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7219900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7220000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7220000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220110000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7220110000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7220110000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220110000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220110000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7220110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220120000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220120000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7220120000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7220120000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220120000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220120000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7220120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220202100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220202100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7220202100 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7220202100 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220202100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220202100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7220202100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220202900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220202900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7220202900 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7220202900 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220202900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220202900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7220202900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220204100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220204100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7220204100 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7220204100 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220204100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220204100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7220204100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220204900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220204900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7220204900 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7220204900 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220204900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220204900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7220204900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220208100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220208100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7220208100 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7220208100 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220208100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220208100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7220208100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220208900 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220900000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7220900000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7220900000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7220900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7220900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7221000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7222000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7222000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7222110000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7222111100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7222111100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7222111100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7222111900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7222111900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7222118100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7222118100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7222118900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7222118900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7222190000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7222191000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7222191000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7222191000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7222199000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7222199000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7222200000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7222201100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7222201100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7222201100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7222201900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7222201900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7222202100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7222202100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7222202900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7222202900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7222203100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7222203100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7222203900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7222203900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7222208100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7222208100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7222208100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7222208900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7222208900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7222300000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7222300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7222305100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7222305100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7222305100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7222309100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7222309100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7222309700 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7222309700 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7222309700 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7222401000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7222401000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7222409000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7222409000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7223001100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7223001900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7223009100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7223009900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7224000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7224900200 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7224900200 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7224900200 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7224901800 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7224901800 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7224901800 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7224901800 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7224903100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7224903100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7224903100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7224903100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7224903800 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7224903800 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7224903800 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7224903800 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7224909000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7224909000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7224909000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7224909000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7225000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7225000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7225000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7225110000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7225110000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7225190000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7225190000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7225300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7225300000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7225300000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7225300000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7225401200 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7225401200 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7225401200 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7225401200 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7225401200 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7225401500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7225404000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7225404000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7225404000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7225404000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7225404000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7225406000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7225406000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7225406000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7225406000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7225406000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7225409000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7225409000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7225409000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7225409000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7225409000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7225500000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7225500000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7225500000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7225500000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7225508000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7225910000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7225910000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7225920000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7225920000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7225990000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7225990000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7225990000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7225990000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7226000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7226000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7226000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7226110000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7226110000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7226190000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7226190000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7226200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7226912000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7226912000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7226912000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7226912000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7226912000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7226919100 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7226919100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7226919900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7226919900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7226919900 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7226919900 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7226919900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7226920000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7226920000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7226920000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7226920000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7226920000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7226991000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7226991000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7226993000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7226993000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7226997000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7226997000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7226997000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7226997000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7227200000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7227905000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7227909500 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228105000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228105000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228105000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7228105000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228109000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228109000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228109000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7228109000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228200000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228302000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228304900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228304900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228304900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7228304900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228306100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228306100 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228306100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228306100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7228306100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228306900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228306900 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228306900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228306900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7228306900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228307000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228307000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228307000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228307000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7228307000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228308900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228308900 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228308900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228308900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7228308900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228400000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228400000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228401000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228401000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7228409000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228409000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7228500000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228502000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228502000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228502000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7228504000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7228506100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228506100 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228506100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7228506900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228506900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7228506900 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7228506900 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228506900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7228508000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228508000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7228508000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7228508000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228508000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7228600000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228600000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228600000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228602000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228602000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7228608000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228608000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7228800000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228800000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7228800000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7228800000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7229200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7229900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7229902000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7229905000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7229909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7300000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 0285/18
7300000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7300000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7301200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7303000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7303000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7304000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7304110000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304110000 ### Russian Fe RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7304190000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304190000 ### Russian Fe RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7304220000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304220000 ### Russian Fe RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7304230000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304230000 ### Russian Fe RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7304240000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304240000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304290000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304290000 ### Russian Fe RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7304310000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304390000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304410000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304410000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304410000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7304410000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7304410000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7304410000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304410000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304410000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7304410000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304490000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304498300 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304498300 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304498300 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7304498300 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7304498300 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7304498300 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304498300 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7304498300 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304498500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304498500 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304498500 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7304498500 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7304498500 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7304498500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304498500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7304498500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304498900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304498900 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304498900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7304498900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7304498900 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7304498900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304498900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7304498900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304518100 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304518100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304518100 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7304518100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7304518100 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7304518100 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304518100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304518100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7304518100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304518900 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304518900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304518900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7304518900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7304518900 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7304518900 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304518900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304518900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7304518900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304598200 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304598200 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304598200 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304598200 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7304598200 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7304598200 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7304598200 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304598200 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7304598200 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304598300 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304598300 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304598300 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304598300 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7304598300 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7304598300 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7304598300 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7304598900 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304598900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304598900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7304598900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7304598900 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7304598900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304598900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7304598900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304900000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7304900000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7304900000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7304900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7304900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7305000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7305000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7305000000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7305000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7305110000 ### Russian Fe RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7305120000 ### Russian Fe RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7305190000 ### Russian Fe RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7305200000 ### Russian Fe RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7305390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7306110000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306110000 ### Russian Fe RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7306190000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306190000 ### Russian Fe RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7306210000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306210000 ### Russian Fe RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7306290000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306290000 ### Russian Fe RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7306301200 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306301200 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306301200 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306301200 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7306301200 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306301800 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306301800 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306301800 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306301800 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7306301800 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306304100 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306304900 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306307200 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306307200 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306307200 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306307200 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7306307200 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306307700 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306307700 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306307700 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306307700 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7306307700 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306308000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306308000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306308000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306308000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7306308000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306400000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306400000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306402000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306402000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306402000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7306402000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7306402000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7306402000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7306408000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306408000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306408000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7306408000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7306408000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7306500000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306500000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306502100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306502100 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306502100 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7306502100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7306502900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306502900 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306502900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7306502900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7306508000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306508000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306508000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7306508000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7306610000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306610000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7306610000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7306610000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306610000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306610000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7306610000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306690000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306691000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306691000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306691000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7306691000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306691000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7306691000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306699000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306699000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306699000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7306699000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7306699000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7306699000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306699000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7306699000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306900000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7306900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7306900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7306900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7307210000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7307220000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7307298000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7307910000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7307990000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7308000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7308300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
7308300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7308300000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7308300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7308909800 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7308909800 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7308909800 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7309000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7309000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7309000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7309000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7309000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7309001000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7309001000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7309001000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7309001000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7309003000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7309003000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7309003000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7309003000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7309005100 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7309005100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7309005100 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7309005100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7309005900 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7309005900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7309005900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7309005900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7309009000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7309009000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7309009000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7309009000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7310000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7310000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7310100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7310100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7310100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7310100000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7310100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7310100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7310100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7310211100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7310211900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7310219100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7310219100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7310219100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7310219100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7310219100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7310219900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7310219900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7310219900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7310219900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7310219900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7310290000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7310291000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7310291000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7310291000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7310291000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7310291000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7310299000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7310299000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7310299000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7310299000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7310299000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7311000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7311000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7311000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7311000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7311001100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
7311001300 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
7311001900 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
7311003000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
7312102000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7312104900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7312106900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7312109800 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7312900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7313000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7313000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7313000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7313000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7313000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7313000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7313000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7314120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7318240000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7320200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7321000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7321110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
7321120000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
7321190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
7321810000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
7321820000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
7321890000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
7322900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7323910000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
7323910000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
7323920000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
7323920000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
7323930000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
7323930000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
7323940000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
7323940000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
7323990000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
7323990000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
7324210000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
7324290000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
7324290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7325100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7325100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7325100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7325990000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7325990000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7325990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7325999000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7325999000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7325999000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7325999000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
7325999000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7325999000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7325999000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7325999000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7325999000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7325999000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
7325999000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326190000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326190000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326190000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326190000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
7326190000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326190000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326190000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326190000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326190000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326190000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326190000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
7326190000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326190000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326190000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7326190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326191000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7326199000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7326199000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7326200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7326200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909200 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909200 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909200 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909200 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
7326909200 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909200 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909200 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909200 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909200 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909200 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909200 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909200 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
7326909200 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909200 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909200 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909200 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909400 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909400 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909400 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909400 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
7326909400 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909400 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909400 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909400 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909400 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909400 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909400 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909400 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
7326909400 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909400 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909400 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909400 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909600 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909600 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909600 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909600 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
7326909600 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909600 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909600 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909600 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909600 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909600 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909600 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909600 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
7326909600 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909600 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909600 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909600 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909800 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909800 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909800 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909800 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
7326909800 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909800 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909800 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909800 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909800 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909800 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909800 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909800 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909800 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909800 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909800 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909800 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
7326909800 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909800 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909800 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7326909800 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7400000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 0285/18
7400000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7400000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7404001000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7404009100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7404009900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7405000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7406100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7406100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7406200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7406200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7407000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7408000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7408110000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7408191000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7408199000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7408210000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7408220000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7408290000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7409000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7410210000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7410210000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7410210000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7410210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7411000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7411000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7411290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7413000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7415210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7419200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7419200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7419200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7419200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7419809000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7419809000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7419809000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7419809000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7500000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 0285/18
7500000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7500000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7502000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7502200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7502200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7502200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7503001000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7503009000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7503009000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7503009000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7503009000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7504000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7504000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7504000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7504000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7505000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7505110000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7505120000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7505120000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7505120000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7505120000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7505120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7505210000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7505220000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7505220000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7505220000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7505220000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7506000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7506000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7506100000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7506200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7506200000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7506200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7506200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7506200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7507000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7507000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7507000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7507110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7507110000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7507110000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7507110000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7507110000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7507110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7507120000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7507120000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7507120000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7507120000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7507120000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7507120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7507200000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7507200000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7507200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7507200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7507200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7508000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7508000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7508900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7508900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7508900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7508900000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7508900000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7508900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7508900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7508900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7600000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7600000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7601000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 1509/17
7601200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7601200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7601203000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7601204000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7601208000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7601208000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7602000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 1509/17
7602001100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7602001900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7602009000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7602009000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7602009000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7602009000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7603000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 1509/17
7603000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7603000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7603100000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7603100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7603200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7604000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 1509/17
7604101000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7604210000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7604291000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7604291000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7604291000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7604291000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7604291000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7604299000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7604299000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7604299000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7605000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7605000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 1509/17
7605000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7605290000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7605290000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7605290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7606000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7606000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 1509/17
7606110000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7606113000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
7606120000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7606123000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
7606910000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7606920000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7606920000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7606920000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7606920000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7606920000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7607000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 0285/18
7607200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7607209100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTK
7608000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7608000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 1509/17
7608000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7608100000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7608200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7608200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7608202000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7608202000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7608208100 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7608208100 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7608208100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7608208900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7608208900 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7608208900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7609000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 1509/17
7609000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7609000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7609000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7609000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7610000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 0285/18
7610000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7610100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
7611000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7611000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 0285/18
7611000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7611000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7611000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7611000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7612000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 0285/18
7612000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7612100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7612100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7612100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7612100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7612902000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
7612902000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7612903000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7612908000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7612908000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7612908000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7612908000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7613000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 0285/18
7613000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7613000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7613000020 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 6
7614000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7614000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 1509/17
7614100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7614900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7615000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 0285/18
7616000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7616000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 0285/18
7616100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7616991000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7616991000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7616991000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7616991000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7616999000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7616999000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
7616999000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
7616999000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
7616999000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7616999000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7616999000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7800000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7800000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 0285/18
7800000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7800000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7804000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7804200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7806008000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7806008000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7806008000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7806008000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7900000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 0285/18
7900000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7900000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7902000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7903100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7903100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7903900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7903900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7904000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
7905000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7907000000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
7907000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
7907000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
7907000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
7907000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
7907000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8000000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 0285/18
8000000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8000000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8001000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8001100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8001200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8002000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8003000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8003000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8003000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8003000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8003000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8003000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8007000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8007008000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8007008000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8007008000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8007008000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8007008000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8100000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 0285/18
8100000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8100000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8101000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8101100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8101100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8101100000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8101100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8101100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8101100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8101940000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8101940000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8101940000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8101940000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8101960000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8101960000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8101960000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8101960000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8101970000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8101970000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8101970000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8101970000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8101990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8101991000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8101991000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8101991000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8101999000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8101999000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8101999000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8101999000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8102000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8102100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8102100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8102100000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8102100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8102100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8102100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8102960000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8102970000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8102990000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8102990000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8102990000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8102990000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8102990000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8102990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8103200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8103200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8103300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8103991000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8103999000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8103999000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8103999000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8103999000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8103999000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8103999000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8103999000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8104000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8104110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8104110000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8104110000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8104110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8104190000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8104190000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8104190000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8104190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8104200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8104200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8104200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8104300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8104300000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8104300000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8104300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8104900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8104900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8104900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8105200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8105300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8105900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8105900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8105900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8106000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8106101000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8106101000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8106101000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8106101000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8106109000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8106109000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8106109000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8106901000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8106901000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8106901000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8106901000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8106909000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8106909000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8106909000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8108000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8108200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8108200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8108200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8108200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8108200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8108300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8108903000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8108903000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8108903000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8108903000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8108903000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8108903000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8108903060 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R3
8108905000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8108905000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8108905000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8108905000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8108905000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8108905000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8108906000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8108906000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8108906000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8108906000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8108906000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8108906000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8108906000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8108909000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8108909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8108909000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8108909000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8108909000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8108909000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8108909000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8108909000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8109000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8109000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8109210000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8109210000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8109210000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8109210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8109290000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8109290000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8109290000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8109290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8109310000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8109310000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8109310000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8109310000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8109310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8109390000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8109390000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8109390000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8109390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8109910000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8109910000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8109910000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8109910000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8109910000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8109910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8109990000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8109990000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8109990000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8109990000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8109990000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8109990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8110000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8110100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8110100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8110200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8110900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8110900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8110900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8110900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8110900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8111001100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8111001900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8111009000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8111009000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8111009000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8111009000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112120000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8112120000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112120000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8112120000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112120000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8112120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112130000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8112130000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112130000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112130000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8112130000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112190000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8112190000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112190000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8112190000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112190000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8112190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112211000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112219000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112219000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112219000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8112219000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112220000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8112290000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112290000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8112290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112310000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8112310000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112310000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112310000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8112310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112390000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112390000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112390000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8112390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112410000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112410000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112411000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8112411000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8112419000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8112419000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112419000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8112490000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112490000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112490000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8112490000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112490000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8112490000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112510000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112520000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8112590000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112590000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112590000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8112590000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112610000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8112610000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
8112690000 ### ERGA OMNExport conRegulationCond: B cer
8112691000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8112691000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112699000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8112699000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112699000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112699000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8112699000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112922100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8112922100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112922100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8112922100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112924000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8112924000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112924000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112924000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8112924000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112928100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112928900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112929100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112929500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112994000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112994000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112994000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8112994000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112995000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112995000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112995000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8112995000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112995000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8112995000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112997000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112997000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8112997000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8112997000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8113000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8113000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8113002000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8113002000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8113002000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8113002000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8113004000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8113004000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8113004000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8113009000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8113009000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8113009000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8200000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 0285/18
8201100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8201500000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8202200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8207130000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8207130000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8207130000 ### Russian Fe RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8207191000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8207191000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8207191000 ### Russian Fe RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8207300000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8207300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8207300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8207301000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8207301000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8207301000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8207309000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8207600000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8208100000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8208100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8208200000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8208200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8208300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8208900000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
8208900000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8208900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8208900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8211000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8211920000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8211920000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8211920000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8211920000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8211920000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8211920000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8211920000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8211930000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8211930000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8211930000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8211930000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8211930000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8211930000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8211930000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8211940000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8212100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8212100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8212200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMIL
8214000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8214000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8214000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8214100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8215000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8215000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8215000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8215000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8300000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 0285/18
8301200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8301500000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
8301500000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
8301700000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8302300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8307000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8307100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8307900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8309000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8311000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8400000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 0285/18
8401000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8401000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8401000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8401100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8401100000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8401100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8401100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8401100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8401200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8401200000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8401200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8401200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8401200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8401300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationGFI
8401300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8401300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8401300000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8401300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8401400000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8401400000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8401400000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8401400000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8401400000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8401400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8402000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8402000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8402000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8402110000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8402120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8402190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8402200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8402900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8403000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8403000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8404000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8404000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8404000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8404000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8404200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8405000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8405000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8405000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8405000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8405000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8406000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8406000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8406000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8406000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8406100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8406100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8406810000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8406900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8406900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8407000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8407000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8407000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8407000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8407000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8407000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8407100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8407100000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8407100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8407100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8407100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8407100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8407210000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8407210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8407211000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8407211000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8407219100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8407219100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8407219900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8407219900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8407290000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8407290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8407290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8407341010 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
8408000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8408000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408100000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408101100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408101100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8408101100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408101900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408101900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408101900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8408101900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408102300 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408102300 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408102700 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408102700 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408102700 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8408102700 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408103100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408103100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8408103100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408103900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408103900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408103900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8408103900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408104100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408104100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8408104100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408104900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408104900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408104900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8408104900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408105100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408105100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8408105100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408105900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408105900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408105900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8408105900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408106100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408106100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408106900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408106900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408106900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8408106900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408107100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408107100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408107900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408107900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408107900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8408107900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408108100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408108100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408108900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408108900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408108900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8408108900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408109100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408109100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408109900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408109900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408109900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8408109900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408203700 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408203700 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408209900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8408209900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8409000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8409000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8409000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8409000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8409000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8409100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8409100000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8409100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8409100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8409100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8409100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8409910000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8409910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8409910085 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
8409990000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8409990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8409990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8410000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8410000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8410000000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8410000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8410000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8410000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8410000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8410000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8410000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8410110000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8410120000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8410130000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8411110000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411110000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8411110000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411110000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8411110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411120000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8411120000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411120000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411120000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8411120000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8411120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411121000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411123000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411128000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411210000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8411210000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411210000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411210000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8411210000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411210000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8411210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411220000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8411220000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411220000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411220000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8411220000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411220000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8411220000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411220000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411810000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8411810000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411810000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411810000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8411810000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411810000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8411810000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411820000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8411820000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411820000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411820000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8411822000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411822000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8411822000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411826000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411826000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8411826000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411828000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411828000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8411828000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411910000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411910000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411910000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8411910000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411910000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8411910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411990000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411990000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411990000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8411990000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8411990000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8411990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8412100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412100000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8412100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8412100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412212000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412212000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412212000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8412212000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412212000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8412218000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412218000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412218000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8412218000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412218000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8412290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412292000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412292000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412292000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8412292000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412292000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8412298100 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412298100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412298100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8412298100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412298100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8412298900 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412298900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412298900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8412298900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412298900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8412310000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412310000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412310000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8412310000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412310000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8412310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412390000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412390000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412390000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8412390000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412390000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8412390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412800000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412801000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412801000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412801000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8412801000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412801000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8412808000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412808000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412808000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8412808000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412808000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8412900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412902000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412902000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412902000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8412902000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8412902000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412902000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8412904000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412904000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412904000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8412904000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412904000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8412908000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412908000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412908000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8412908000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8412908000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8412908020 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R2
8412908030 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R7
8413000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8413110000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8413190000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8413300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8413300000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413400000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8413500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413500000 ### Russian Fe RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8413504000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8413504000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413504000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8413504000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413504000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8413504000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413506100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8413506900 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8413506900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413506900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413506900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8413506900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413508000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8413508000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413508000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8413508000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413600000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413600000 ### Russian Fe RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8413603100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8413603900 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8413603900 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413603900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413603900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8413603900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413603900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8413603900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413606100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8413606100 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413606100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413606100 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8413606100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413606100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8413606100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413606900 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8413606900 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413606900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413606900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8413606900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413606900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8413606900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413607000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8413607000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413607000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413607000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8413607000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413607000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8413607000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413608000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8413608000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413608000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413608000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8413608000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413608000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8413608000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413700000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8413702100 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413702100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413702100 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8413702100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413702100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8413702100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413702900 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413702900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413702900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8413702900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413702900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8413702900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413704500 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413704500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413704500 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8413704500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413704500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8413704500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413705100 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413705100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413705100 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8413705100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413705100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8413705100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413705900 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413705900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413705900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8413705900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413705900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8413705900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413706500 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413706500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413706500 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8413706500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413706500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8413706500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413707500 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413707500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413707500 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8413707500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413707500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8413707500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413708100 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413708100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413708100 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8413708100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8413708100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413708100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8413708100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413708900 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413708900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413708900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8413708900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8413708900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413708900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8413708900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413810000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8413810000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413810000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413810000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8413810000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
8413810000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413810000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8413810000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413810000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413820000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8413820000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413820000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413820000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8413820000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413820000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8413820000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413820000 ### Russian Fe RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8413910000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413910000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413910000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8413910000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8413910000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413910000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8413910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8413920000 ### Russian Fe RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8414000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8414100000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414101500 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8414101500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414101500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8414101500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414102500 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414102500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414102500 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8414102500 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8414102500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414102500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8414102500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414108100 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414108100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414108100 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8414108100 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8414108100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414108100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8414108100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414108900 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414108900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414108900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8414108900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8414108900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414108900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8414108900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8414200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8414302000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414308100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414308100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414308100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8414308100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414308160 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
8414308900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414400000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8414401000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414401000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8414401000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414401000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8414401000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414409000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414409000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8414409000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414409000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8414409000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414510000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8414510000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8414510000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414510000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414510000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414590000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8414590000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414590000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8414590000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414590000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414590000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8414590000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414590000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414593520 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
8414600000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8414600000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414600000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414600000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8414600000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414600000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414600000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8414600000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414600000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414700000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414700000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414700000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414700000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8414700000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8414700000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414700000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8414700000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414800000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8414800000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414800000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414801100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414801100 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8414801100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414801100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8414801900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414801900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8414801900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414801900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8414802200 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414802200 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8414802800 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414802800 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8414805100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414805100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8414805900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414805900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8414805900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414805900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8414807300 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414807300 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8414807300 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414807300 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8414807330 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
8414807500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414807500 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8414807500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414807500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8414807800 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414807800 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8414807800 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414807800 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8414808000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414808000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414808000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8414808000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414808000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8414900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414900000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8414900000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8414900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8414900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8414900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8415000004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8415000004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8415000004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8415000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8415000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8415000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8415100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8415100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8415830000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8415900060 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 0
8415900065 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 0
8416000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8416000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8416000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8416000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8416100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8416201000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8416202000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8417000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8417000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8417000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8417100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8417100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8417100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8417200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8417803000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8417803000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8417803000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8417803000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8417803000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8417805000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8417805000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8417805000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8417805000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8417805000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8417805000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8417805000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8417807000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8417807000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8417807000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8417807000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8417807000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8417807000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418000004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8418000004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8418000004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8418000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8418100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418100000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8418100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418210000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8418210000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418210000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418210000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8418210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418290000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8418290000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418290000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8418300000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418300000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8418300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418400000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8418400000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418400000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418400000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8418400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418500000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8418500000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418610000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418610000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418610000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418610000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418610000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8418610000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418690000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418690000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418690000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8418690000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8418690000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8418690000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418690000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8418690000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418910000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418990000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418991000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418991000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8418991000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8418991000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8418999020 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
8418999030 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
8419110000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419110000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419120000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419120000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419120000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419190000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419190000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419190000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419200000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8419200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419330000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419330000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419330000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8419330000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419340000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419340000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419340000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419350000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419350000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419350000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419390000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419390000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419390000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8419390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419400000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419400000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419400000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419400000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8419400000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419400000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8419400000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419500000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419500000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419500000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419500000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8419500000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419500000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8419500000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419502000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419508000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419600004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8419600004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8419600004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8419600000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419600000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419600000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8419600000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419810000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419810000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419810000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419810000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419818000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419890000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419890000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419891000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419891000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419891000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8419891000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8419891000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419891000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8419891000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419893000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419893000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8419893000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8419893000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419893000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8419893000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419899800 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419899800 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419899800 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8419899800 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8419899800 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8419899800 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8419899800 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419899800 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8419900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419900000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419901500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419901500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8419908500 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419908500 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8419908500 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8419908500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8419908500 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8419908500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8420000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8420000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8420000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8420990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421110000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421110000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421120000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8421120000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421120000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421120000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421190000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421190000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421190000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421192000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421192000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8421192000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8421192000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421197000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421197000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421197000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8421197000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8421197000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8421197000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421210000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421210000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421210000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421210000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421210000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8421210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421220000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421220000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421220000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421220000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421220000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8421220000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421230000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421230000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421230000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421230000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421290000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421290000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421290000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421290000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421290000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421290000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8421290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421310000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421310000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421310000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421320000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421320000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421320000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8421320000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421320000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421320000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421390000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421390000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8421391500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421391500 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8421391500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421391500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421391500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8421391500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421392500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421392500 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8421392500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421392500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421392500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8421392500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421393500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421393500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421393500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421393500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8421393500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421398500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421398500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421398500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421910000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421910000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421990000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421990000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421990000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8421990000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421990000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421990000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8421991000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8421999000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8422000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8422000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8422110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8422110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8422110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8422190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8422200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8422300000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8422300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8422300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8422300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8422300000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8422300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8422400000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8423000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8423000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8423000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8423100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8423100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8423100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8423200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8423300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8423810000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8423820000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8423890000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8424000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424100000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8424200000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424200000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
8424200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8424200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424300000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424300000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424300000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424300000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424300000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424300100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8424300100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424300100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8424300100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424300100 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424300800 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8424300800 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424300800 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8424300800 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424300800 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424301000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424301000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8424301000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424301000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424309000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424309000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424309000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8424309000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424309000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424410000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424410000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424410000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424410000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8424410000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424410000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424410000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424410000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424490000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424490000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424490000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424490000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8424490000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424490000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424490000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424490000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424499000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424499000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8424499000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424820000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424820000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424820000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424820000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424820000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424820000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424820000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424829000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424829000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8424829000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424890000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424890000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424890000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424890000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424890000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424890000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424890000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8424890000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424890000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424894000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424894000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424894000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8424894000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424894000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424897000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
8424897000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424897000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424897000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8424897000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424897000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424897000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424900000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8424900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424900000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424900000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424900000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424902000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424902000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424908000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424908000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424908000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8424908000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8424908000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8425000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8425000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8425000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8425000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8425110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8425310000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8426000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8426000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8426000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8426000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8426110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8426110000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8426110000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8426110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8426190000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8426190000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8426190000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8426190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8426911000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8426990000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8426990000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8426990000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8426990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8427000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8427000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8427000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8427000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8427000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8427101000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8427109000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8427201100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8427201900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8427209000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8427900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8428000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8428000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8428000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8428200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8428310000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8428320000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8428330000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8428390000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8428399000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8428399000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8428399000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8428399000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8428600000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8428600000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8428700000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8428700000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8428700000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8428700000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8428700000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8428900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8428909000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8428909000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8428909000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8428909000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8429110000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429110000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429110000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429110000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429110000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429110000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8429190000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429190000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429190000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429190000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429190000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429190000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8429200000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429200000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429200000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429200000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8429300000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429300000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429300000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429300000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429400000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8429400000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429400000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429400000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429400000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429400000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429400000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429510000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8429511000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429511000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429511000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429511000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429511000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429511000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429519100 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429519100 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429519100 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429519100 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429519100 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429519100 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429519900 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429519900 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429519900 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429519900 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429519900 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429519900 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429520000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8429520000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429520000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429520000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429520000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429520000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429520000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429590000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8429590000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429590000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429590000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429590000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429590000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8429590000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8430000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8430000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8430000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8430000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8430100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8430100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8430200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8430390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8430490000 ### Russian Fe RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8430500000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8430610000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8430690000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8431000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8431000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8431000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8431200000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8431390000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8431390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8431390000 ### Russian Fe RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8431410000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8431430000 ### Russian Fe RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8431490000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8431490000 ### Russian Fe RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8432000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8432000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8432100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8432210000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8432290000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8432310000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8432390000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8432410000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8432420000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8433110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8433111000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8433115100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8433190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8433191000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8433195100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8433200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8433201000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8433300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8433300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8433400000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8433510000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8433510000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8433520000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8433530000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8433531000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8433533000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8433539000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8433590000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8433591100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8433591900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8433598500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8435000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8435000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8436000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8436000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8436801000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8436801000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8437000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8437000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8437100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8438800000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8439000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8439000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8439000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8439100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8439300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8440000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8440000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8440000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8440109000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8440900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8441000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8441000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8441000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8441300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8442000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8442000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8442000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8442300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8442400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8442500004042 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
8442500004099 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
8442500000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: B cer
8442500000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8443120000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8443120000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443130000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8443130000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443140000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8443150000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8443150000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443160000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8443160000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443170000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8443170000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8443190000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443310000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8443310000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443310000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443310000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443310000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8443310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443320000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8443320000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443320000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443320000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443321000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443321000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8443321000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443321000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8443328000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443328000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443328000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8443390000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8443390000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443991000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8443991000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443991000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443991000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8443999000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443999000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8443999000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8444000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8444000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8444000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8444000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8444000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8444000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8444000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8444000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8444000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8444000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8444000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8444000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8444000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8444001000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8444001000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8444001000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8444001000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8444001000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8444001000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8444009000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8444009000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8444009000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8444009000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8444009000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8444009000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8445000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8445000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8445000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8445000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8445000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8445000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8445000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8445000000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8445000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8445000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8445000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8445000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8445200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8445200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8445200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8445900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8445900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8445900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8446000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8446000000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8446100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8446100000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8446100000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8446100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8446100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8446100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8446210000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8446210000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8446210000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8446210000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8446210000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8446210000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8446210000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8446210000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8446210000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8446210000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8446210000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8446210000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8446210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8446290000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8446290000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8446290000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8446290000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8446290000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8446290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8446300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8446300000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8446300000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8446300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8446300000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8446300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8447000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8447000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8447000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8447000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8447000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8447000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8447000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8447000000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8447000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8447000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8447000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8447000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8447110000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8447110000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8447110000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8447110000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8447110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8447120000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8447120000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8447120000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8447120000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8447120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8447202000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8447202000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8447202000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8447202000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8447202000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8447208000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8447900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8447900000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8447900000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8447900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8447900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8447900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8448000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8448000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8448000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8448000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8448190000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8448200000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8448200000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8448200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8448200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8448200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8448390000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8448390000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8448390000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8448390000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8448390000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8448390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8448420000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8448420000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8448420000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8448420000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8448420000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8448490000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8448490000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8448490000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8448490000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8448490000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8448490000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8448590000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8448590000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8448590000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8448590000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8448590000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8448590000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8449000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8449000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8449000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8450000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8450000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8450110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8450110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8450110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8450120000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8450120000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8450120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8450190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8450190000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8450190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8450200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8451100004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8451100004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8451100004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8451100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8451210000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8451210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8451290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8451300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8451300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8451900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8452000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8452000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8452100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8452100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8452100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8452101100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
8452101100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: U6
8452101900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
8452101900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: U6
8452210000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8452210000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8452210000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8452210000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8452210000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8452210000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8452210000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8452210000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8452290000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8452290000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8452290000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8452290000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8452290000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8452290000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8452290000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8452290000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8452300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMIL
8453000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8453000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8453000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8453000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8454000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8454000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8454000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8454100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8454200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8454200000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8454200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8454200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8454200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8454200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8454300000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8454309000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8454309000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8454309000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8454309000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8454309000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8454900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8454900000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8454900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8454900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8454900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8454900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8455000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8455000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8455000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8455220000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8455300000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8456000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456000000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8456000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456110000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456110000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8456110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456120000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456120000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456200000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456301900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456301900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8456309000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8456400000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456400000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8456400000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456400000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456500000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456500000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456500000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8456500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8456900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8457000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8457000000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8457000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8457000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8457000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8457100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8457100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8457101000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8457101000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8457101000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8457101000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8457109000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8457109000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8457109000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8457109000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8457200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8457200000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8457200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8457200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8457200000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8457200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8457300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8457301000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8457301000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8457301000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8457301000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8457301000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8457309000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8458000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8458000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8458000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8458000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8458000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8458000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8458000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8458000000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8458000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8458000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8458000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8458000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8458000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8458112000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8458112000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8458112000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8458112000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8458112000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8458114100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8458114100 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8458114100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8458114100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8458114100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8458114900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8458114900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8458114900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8458114900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8458114900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8458118000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8458118000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8458118000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8458118000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8458118000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8458190000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8458190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8458912000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8458912000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8458912000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8458912000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8458912000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8458918000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8458918000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8458918000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8458918000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8458918000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8459000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459000000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8459000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459100000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8459100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8459100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459210000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459210000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8459210000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459210000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8459210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459290000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459290000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8459290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459310000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459310000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8459310000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459310000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8459310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459390000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459390000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8459390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459410000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8459410000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459410000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8459410000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459490000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459490000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8459490000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459510000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459510000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8459510000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459510000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8459510000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459590000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459610000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459611000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459611000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8459611000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459611000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8459619000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459619000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8459619000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8459619000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8459690000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8460000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460000000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8460000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460120000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460120000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8460120000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460120000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8460120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460220000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460220000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8460220000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460220000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8460220000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460230000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460230000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8460230000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460230000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8460230000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460240000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460240000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8460240000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460240000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8460240000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460310000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8460310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460401000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8460401000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460401000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8460409000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8460409000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8460900000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8460900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8461000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461000000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8461000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461200000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8461200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8461200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461301000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8461400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461401100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461401100 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8461401100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461401100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8461401100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461401900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461401900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461401900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8461401900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461403100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461403100 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8461403100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461403100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8461403100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461403900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461403900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461403900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8461403900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461407100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461407100 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8461407100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461407100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8461407100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461407900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461407900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461407900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8461407900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461409000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461409000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8461409000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461409000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8461409000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461900000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8461900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8461900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8461900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8462000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462000000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8462000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8462000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462220000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462230000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462240000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462250000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462260000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462320000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462330000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462420000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462490000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462510000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462590000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462610000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462620000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462630000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462690000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462901000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8462901000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462901000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8462909000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8462909000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8462909000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8463000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8463000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8463000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8463000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8463000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8463000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8463000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8463000000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8463000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8463000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8463000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8463000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8463000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8463900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8463900000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8463900000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8463900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8463900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8463900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8464000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8464000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8464000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8464000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8464000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8464000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8464000000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8464000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8464000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8464000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8464000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8464000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8464100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8464201100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8464201100 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8464201100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8464201100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8464201100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8464201900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8464208000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8464208000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8464208000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8464208000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8464208000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8464900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8464900000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8464900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8464900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8464900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8465000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465100000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465100000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465100000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465100000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465100000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465200000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465200000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465200000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465200000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465200000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465200000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8465200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465919000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465919000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8465919000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465920000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465920000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465920000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465920000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465920000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465920000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465920000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465920000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465920000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465920000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8465920000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465930000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465930000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465930000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465930000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465930000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465930000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465930000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465930000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465930000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465930000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8465930000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465930000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465940000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465940000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465940000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465940000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465940000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465940000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465940000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465940000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465950000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465950000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465950000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465950000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465950000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465950000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465950000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465960000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465960000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465960000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465960000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465960000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465960000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465960000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465960000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465960000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8465960000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465960000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465990000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465990000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465990000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465990000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465990000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465990000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465990000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465990000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465990000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8465990000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8465990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466000000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8466000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8466000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466100000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466102000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466102000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8466102000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466102000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8466102000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466103800 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466103800 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466103800 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8466103800 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466200000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466202000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466202000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466202000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8466202000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466209800 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466209800 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8466209800 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466209800 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8466209800 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466300000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8466300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466300000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8466300000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466910000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466912000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466912000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466919500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466919500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466919500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8466919500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466920000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466920000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8466920000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466920000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466930000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466930000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466934000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466934000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8466934000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466935000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466935000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8466935000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466936000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466936000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8466936000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466940000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466940000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8466940000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8466940000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466940000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8466940000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8466940000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467110000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467110000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467110000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467110000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467110000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467110000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467110000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467190000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467190000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467190000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467190000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467190000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467190000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467190000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467210000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8467210000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467210000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467210000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467210000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467210000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467210000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467210000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467220000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8467290000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467290000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467290000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467290000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467290000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467290000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467290000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467292000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8467295100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8467295300 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8467295900 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8467297000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8467298000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8467298500 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8467810000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8467890000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467890000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467890000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467890000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467890000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467890000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467890000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467920000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467920000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467920000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467920000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467920000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467920000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467920000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467990000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467990000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467990000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467990000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467990000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467990000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8467990000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8468000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8468000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8468000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8468000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8468000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8468000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8468000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8468000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8468000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8468000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8468000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8468100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8468100000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8468200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8468200000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8468800000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8468800000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8468800000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8468800000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8468800000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8468900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8468900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8468900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8470000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8470000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8470000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8470100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8470100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8470210000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8470210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8470290000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8470290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8470300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8470300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8471000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471000000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8471000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471000000 ### ### Russian Fe RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8471000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471300000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471300000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
8471300000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471300000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471300000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471300000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8471300000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471300000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8471300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471300000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471410000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471410000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471410000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471410000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471410000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471410000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8471410000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471410000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471410000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471410000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8471410000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471410000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471490000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471490000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471490000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471490000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471490000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471490000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8471490000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471490000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471490000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471490000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8471490000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471490000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471500000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471500000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471500000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471500000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471500000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471500000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471500000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8471500000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471500000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471500000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471500000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8471500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471606000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471606000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8471606000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471606000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8471606000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471607000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471607000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8471607000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471607000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8471607000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471702000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471702000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8471702000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471702000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8471702000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471703000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471703000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8471703000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471703000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471703000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8471703000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471703000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471705000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471705000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8471705000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471705000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471705000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8471705000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471705000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471707000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471707000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8471707000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471707000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8471707000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471708000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471708000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8471708000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471708000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471708000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8471708000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471708000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471709800 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471709800 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8471709800 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471709800 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471709800 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8471709800 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471709800 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471800000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8471800000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471800000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471800000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8471800000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471800000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471900000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8471900000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471900000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8471900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8471900000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8472000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8472000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8472100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8472100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8472300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8472300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8472901000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8472908000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8472908000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8473000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8473000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8473000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8473210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8473290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8473302000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8473302000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8473302000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8473302000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8473308000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8473308000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8473308000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8473308000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8473308000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8473400000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8473400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8473500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8474000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8474000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8474000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8474100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8474200000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8474200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8474200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8474200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8474310000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8474390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8474800000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8474809000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8475000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8475000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8475000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8475000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8475100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8475100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8475210000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8475210000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8475210000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8475210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8475290000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8475290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8475900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8475900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8475900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8475900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8476000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8476000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8476210004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8476210004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8476210004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8476210000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8476290000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8476810004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8476810004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8476810004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8476810000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8476890000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8476900004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8476900004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8476900004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8477000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8477000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8477000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8477100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8477100000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8477200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8477200000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8477300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8477300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8477400000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8477400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8477510000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8477510000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8477590000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8477590000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8477800000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8477801104115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8477801104116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8477801104999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8477801100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8477801904115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8477801904116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8477801904999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8477801900 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8477809100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8477809300 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8477809300 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8477809300 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8477809500 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8477809900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8477809900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8477809900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8477809900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8477900000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8478000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8478000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8478000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8479000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8479100000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479100000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479200000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479200000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479200000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479300000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479300000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479300000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479400000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8479400000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479400000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479400000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479400000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479400000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479500000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479500000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479500000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8479500000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479500000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479500000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479500000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8479500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479500000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479600000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479600000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479600000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479600000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479600000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479600000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479600000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479600000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479710000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479710000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479710000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479710000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479710000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479710000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479710000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479790000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479790000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479790000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479790000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479790000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479790000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479790000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479810000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479810000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479810000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479810000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479810000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8479810000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479810000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479810000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479820000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479820000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479820000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8479820000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8479820000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479820000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479820000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479820000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8479820000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479820000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479820000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479830000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479830000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479830000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479830000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8479830000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8479830000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479830000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479830000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8479830000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479830000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479890000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479890000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479890000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479890000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479893000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479893000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479893000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479896000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479896000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479896000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479897000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8479897000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479897000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8479897000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479897000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479897000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8479897000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479899700 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8479899700 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479899700 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8479899700 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8479899700 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8479899700 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479899700 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479899700 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8479899700 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479900000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479900000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479901500 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479901500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479901500 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8479901500 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8479901500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479901500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8479901500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479902000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479902000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479902000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8479902000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8479902000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479902000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8479902000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479907000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479907000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479907000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8479907000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8479907000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8479907000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8479907000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8479907000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8480000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8480000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8480000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8480000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8480200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8480300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8480410000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8480410000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8480410000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8480410000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8480410000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8480490000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8480490000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8480490000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8480490000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8480490000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8480600000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8481100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481101900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8481200000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8481200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481201000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481201000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8481201000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481201000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8481209000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481209000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8481300000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481309100 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481309100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481309100 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8481309100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481309100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8481309100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481309900 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481309900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481309900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481309900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8481309900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481401000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8481401000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481401000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8481409000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481409000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481409000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8481800000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481801100 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8481801100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481801100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8481801900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8481801900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481801900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8481803100 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8481803100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481803100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8481803900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8481803900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481803900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8481804000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8481804000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481804000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8481805100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481805100 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8481805100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481805100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8481805900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481805900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8481805900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481805900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8481806100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481806100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8481806300 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8481806300 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481806300 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8481806900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481806900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481806900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8481807100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481807100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8481807300 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481807300 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481807300 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8481807300 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8481807300 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481807300 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8481807900 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481807900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481807900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8481807900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481807900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8481808100 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8481808100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481808100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8481808500 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8481808500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481808500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8481808700 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481808700 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481808700 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8481808700 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481808700 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8481809900 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481809900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481809900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8481809900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481809900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8481900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8481900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8481900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8482000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8482000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8482000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8482000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8482100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8482101000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8482101000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8482101000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8482101000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8482101000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8482109000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8482109000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8482109000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8482109000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8482200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8482300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8482300000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8482300000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8482300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8482300000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8482300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8482400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8482500000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8482500000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8482500000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8482500000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8482500000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8482500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8482500020 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
8482800000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8482800000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8482800000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8482800000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8482800000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8482800000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8482911000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8482919000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8482919000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8482919000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8482919000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8482919000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8482919000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8482990000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8482990000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8482990000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8482990000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8482990000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8482990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483102500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483102500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483102500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8483102500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483102900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483102900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483102900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8483102900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483105000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483105000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483105000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8483105000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483109500 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483109500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483109500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483109500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8483109500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483308000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483308000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483308000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8483308000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483402100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483402100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483402100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8483402100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483402300 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483402300 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483402300 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8483402300 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483402500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483402500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483402500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8483402500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483402900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483402900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483402900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8483402900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483405100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483405100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483405100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8483405100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483405900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483405900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483405900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8483405900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8483508020 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
8484000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8484000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8484000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8484000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8484100000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8484200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8484200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8484200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8484200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8484900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8484900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8484900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8484900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8485100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8485100000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8485100000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8485100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8485100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8485100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8485100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8485200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8485200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8485300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8485301000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8485309000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8485800000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8485800000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8485900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8486000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8486000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8486000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8486000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8486100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8486100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8486100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8486100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8486200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8486200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8486200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8486200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8486300000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8486300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8486300000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8486300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8486300000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8486300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8486400000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8486400000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8486400000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8486400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8486900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8486900000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8486900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8486900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8486900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8487000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8487000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8487000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8487100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8487100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8487100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8487100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8487100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8487904000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8487904000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8487904000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8487904000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8487905100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8487905100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8487905100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8487905100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8487905700 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8487905700 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8487905700 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8487905700 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8487905900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8487905900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8487905900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8487905900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8487909000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8487909000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8487909000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8487909000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8500000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 0285/18
8501000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8501000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501109950 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 0
8501200000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501310000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501310000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501310000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501310000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8501310000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501320000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501320000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501320000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501320000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8501320000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501330000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501330000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501330000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8501330000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501330000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501340000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501340000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501340000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8501340000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501402035 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R4
8501402045 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R4
8501402050 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R4
8501402055 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R4
8501402060 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R3
8501510000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501510040 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R6
8501510050 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R3
8501520000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501530000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501530000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501535030 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R3
8501535040 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R3
8501610000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501610000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501620000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501620000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501620040 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
8501630000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501630000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501640000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501640000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501710000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501710000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501710000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8501710000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501720000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501720000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501720000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8501720000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8501800000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8502000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8502000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8502000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8502000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8502000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8502110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8502120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8502130000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8502200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8502310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8502390000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8502390000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8502390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8502400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8503000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8503000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8503000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8503000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8503009100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8503009100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8503009100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8503009900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8503009900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8503009900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8503009900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8504000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8504000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8504000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8504100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8504108000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8504108000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8504108000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8504108000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8504210000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8504220000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8504230000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8504310000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8504320000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8504320000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8504330000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8504330000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8504340000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8504340000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8504406000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8504408300 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8504408300 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8504408300 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8504408300 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8504408500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8504408500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8504408500 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8504408500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8504408500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8504408600 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8504408600 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8504408600 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8504408600 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8504408600 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8504409500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8504409500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8504409500 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8504409500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8504409500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8504500000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8504500000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8504500000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8504500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8505000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8505000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8505000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8505000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8505110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8505110000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8505110000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8505110000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8505110000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8505110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8505190000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8505191000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8505199000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8505199050 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
8505900000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8505902100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8505902100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8505902100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8505902100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8505902100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8505902900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8505902900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8505902900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8505902900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8505902900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8505909000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8505909000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8505909000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8505909000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8505909000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8505909000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8505909020 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
8506000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8506100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8506300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8506300000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
8506400000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8506500000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8506501000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8506501000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8506501000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8506501000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8506503000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8506503000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8506503000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8506509000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8506509000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8506509000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8506509000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8506600000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8506600000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8506800000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8506808000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8506808000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8506808000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
8506808000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8506808000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8506808000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8506900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8507000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8507000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8507000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8507100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8507100000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8507200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNCL
8507200000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8507300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8507302000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8507308000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNCL
8507500000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8507500000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8507500000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8507500000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8507500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8507600000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8507600000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8507600000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8507600000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8507600000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8507600029 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
8507600033 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R2
8507600037 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R3
8507600050 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
8507600073 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R3
8507600077 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R7
8507600083 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R3
8507600088 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R2
8507800000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8507800000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8507800000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
8507800000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8507800000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8507800000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8508110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8508110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8508110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8508190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8508190000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8508190000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8508190000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8508190000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8508190000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8508190000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8508190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8508190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8508600000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8508600000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8508600000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8508600000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8508600000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8508600000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8508600000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8508600000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8508600000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8508700000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8508700000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8508700000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8508700000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8509400000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8509800000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8509800000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8510100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8510200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8510300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8511000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8511000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8511000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8511000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8511000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8511000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8512200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8512200000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8512301000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8512301000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8512301000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8512309000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8512309000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8512400000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8512400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8512900000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514110000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514110000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8514110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8514110000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514110000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8514110000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8514198000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514198000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514198000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8514198000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514198000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8514198000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514198000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8514200000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514200000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514201000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514201000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8514201000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514201000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8514201000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514208000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514208000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8514208000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514208000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8514208000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514310000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514310000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514310000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8514310000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8514310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514311000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514311000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8514319000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514319000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8514320000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514320000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514320000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8514320000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8514320000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514320000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514320000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514321000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8514329000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8514390000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514390000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514390000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8514390000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8514390000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514390000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514391000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8514399000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8514400000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8514400000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514400000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8514400000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514400000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8514400000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514900000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514903000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514903000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8514903000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514907000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8514907000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8514907000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515110000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515110000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8515110000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515190000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515190000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515190000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8515190000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515210000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515210000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8515210000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515210000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8515210000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515290000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515290000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8515290000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515290000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8515290000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515310000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515310000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515310000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8515310000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8515310000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515310000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8515310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515390000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515390000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8515390000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515390000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8515390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515399000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8515800000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8515800000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515801000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515801000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8515801000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515801000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8515801000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515809000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515809000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8515809000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8515809000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515809000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8515809000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515900000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8515900000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8515900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8515900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8515900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8516100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8516108010 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R0
8516210000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8516290000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8516310000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8516310000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8516310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8516330000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8516400000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8516500000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8516500000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8516500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8516500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8516600000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8516601000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8516601000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8516710000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8516710000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8516710000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8516720000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8516720000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8516720000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8516790000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8516790000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8516790000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8516800000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8516808000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8516808000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8516808000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8516808000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8516808000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8517110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517110000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517110000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8517110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517130000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517130000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517130000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8517130000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517130000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8517130000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517130000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517140000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517140000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517140000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8517140000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517140000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8517140000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517180000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517180000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517180000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517180000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8517180000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517180000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517610000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8517610000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517610000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517610000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517610000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8517610000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517610000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517620000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517620000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8517620000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517620000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517620000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517620000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8517620000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517620000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517620000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517690000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517690000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517691000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8517691000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517691000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517691000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8517693000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8517693000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517693000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8517693000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517693000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517693000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8517693000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517693000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517699000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517699000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8517699000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517699000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517699000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8517699000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517699000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517710000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8517710000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517710000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8517710000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: B cer
8517710000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517790000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8517790000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517790000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8517790000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8517790000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8518100000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8518100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8518100000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8518210000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8518210000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8518220000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8518220000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8518290000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8518290000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8518400000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8518400000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8518400000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8518400000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8518400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8518500000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8518500000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8518500000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8518500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8518900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8518900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8518900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8518900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8519000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8519000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8519000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8519810000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8519810000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8519810000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8519890000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8519890000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8519890000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8519890000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8521000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8521000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8521000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8521109500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8521900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8521900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8521900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8521900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8522900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8522900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8522900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8522900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523210000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8523210000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523210000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523210000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8523210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523210000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523291500 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8523291500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523291500 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523291500 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523291900 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8523291900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523291900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8523291900 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8523291900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8523291900 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523291900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523291900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8523291900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523291900 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523299000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523299000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8523299000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8523299000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8523299000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523299000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523299000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8523299000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523299000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523410000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523410000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523411000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8523413000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8523490000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8523491000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523491000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8523491000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8523491000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523491000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523491000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8523491000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523491000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523492000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523492000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8523492000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8523492000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8523492000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523492000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523492000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8523492000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523492000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523499000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523499000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8523499000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8523499000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8523499000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523499000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523499000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8523499000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523499000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523510000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8523510000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523510000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523511000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523511000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523511000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8523511000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523519000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523519000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8523519000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8523519000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8523519000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523519000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523519000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8523519000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523520000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8523520000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8523520000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523520000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523520000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523520000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8523520000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523520000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523590000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8523591000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523591000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523599000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523599000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8523599000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8523599000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8523599000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523599000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523599000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8523599000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523599000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523801000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523801000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523809000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523809000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8523809000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523809000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523809000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8523809000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8523809000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8524000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8524000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8524000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8524000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8524000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8524000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8524000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8524000000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8524000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8524000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8524000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8524000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8524000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8525000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525500000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525500000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525500000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8525500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525600000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525600000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525600000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8525600000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525600000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525810000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525810000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525810000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525810000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8525810000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525810000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8525810000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525810000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525810000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525820000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525820000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525820000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525820000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8525820000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525820000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8525820000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525820000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525820000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525830000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525830000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525830000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525830000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8525830000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525830000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8525830000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525830000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525830000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525830000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525890000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525890000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525890000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525890000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8525890000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525890000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8525890000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525890000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8525890000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8526000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8526000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8526000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8526100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8526100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8526100000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8526100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8526100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8526100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8526100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8526910000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8526910000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8526910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8526912000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8526912000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8526912000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8526912000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8526912000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8526912000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8526918000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8526918000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8526918000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8526918000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8526918000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8526920000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8526920000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8526920000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8526920000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8526920000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8526920000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8527000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527130000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527130000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527130000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8527130000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527130000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527190000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527190000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527190000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8527190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527210000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527212000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527212000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527212000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8527212000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527215200 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527215200 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527215200 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8527215200 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527215900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527215900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527215900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8527215900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527217000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527217000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527217000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8527217000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527219200 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527219200 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527219200 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8527219200 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527219800 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527219800 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527219800 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8527219800 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527290000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527290000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527290000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8527290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527910000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527910000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527910000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8527910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527920000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527920000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527920000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8527920000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527920000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527990000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527990000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527990000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8527990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8527990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8528000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528420000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528420000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8528420000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528420000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8528420000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528420000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528490000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528490000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528490000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8528490000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528490000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528521000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528521000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8528521000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528521000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8528521000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528521000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528529100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528529100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528529100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8528529100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528529100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528529900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528529900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528529900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8528529900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528529900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528590000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528590000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528590000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8528590000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528620000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528620000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8528620000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528620000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8528620000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528690000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528710000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528710000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528710000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528711500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528719100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528720000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528720000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528720000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8528730000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529101100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529101100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529101100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8529103000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529103000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529106500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529106500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529106500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529106900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529106900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8529106900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529106900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529106900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8529106900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529108000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529108000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8529108000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529108000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8529109500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529109500 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8529109500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529109500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8529900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529901500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529901500 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8529901500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529901500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8529901800 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529901800 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8529901800 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529901800 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8529902000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8529902000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529902000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529902000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8529904000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529904000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529904000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8529906500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529906500 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8529906500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529906500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8529909100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529909100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8529909100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529909100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8529909200 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529909200 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8529909200 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529909200 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8529909700 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529909700 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8529909700 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8529909700 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8530000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8530000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8530000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8531000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8531000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8531100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8531100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8531103000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8531109500 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8531800000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8531800000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8531800000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8531800000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8531800000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8531900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8531900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8531900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8532000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8532000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8532000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8532000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8532100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8532210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8532240000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8532250000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8532250000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8532250000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8532250000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8532290000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8532290000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8532290000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8532290000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8532290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8532300000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8532900000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8533000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8533000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8533000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8533100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8533210000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8533210000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8533210000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8533210000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8533210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8533290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8533290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8533310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8533390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8533400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8533900000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8533900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8534000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8534000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8534000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8534000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8534000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8534001100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8534001100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8534001900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8534001900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8535000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8535000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8535000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8535000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8535100000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8535100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8535100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8535210000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8535210000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8535210000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8535290000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8535290000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8535290000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8535300000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8535300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8535300000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8535400000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8535400000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8535400000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8535900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8535900000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8535900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8535900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8536000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536100000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8536100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8536100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536200000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
8536200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536201000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8536201000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536201000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8536209000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8536209000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536209000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8536300000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8536300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536300000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8536300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536410000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8536410000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
8536410000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536410000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8536410000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536490000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8536490000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
8536490000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536490000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8536490000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536500300 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8536500300 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536500300 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8536500500 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8536500500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536500500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8536500700 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8536500700 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536500700 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8536501100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8536501100 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
8536501100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536501100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8536501500 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8536501500 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
8536501500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536501500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8536501900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536501900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8536501900 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
8536501900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536501900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8536508000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536508000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8536508000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
8536508000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536508000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8536610000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8536610000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536610000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8536610000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536690000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536691000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536691000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8536691000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536691000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8536693000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8536693000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536693000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8536699000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536699000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8536699000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536699000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8536700000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8536700000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536700000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8536700000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536900100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8536900100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536900100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8536901000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8536901000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536901000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8536904000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536904000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8536904000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536904000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8536909500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536909500 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8536909500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8536909500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8537000000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8537000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8537000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8537000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8537100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8537101000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8537101000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8537101000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8537101000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8537101000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8537101000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8537109100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8537109100 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8537109100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8537109100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8537109100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8537109500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8537109500 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8537109500 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8537109500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8537109500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8537109800 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8537109800 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8537109800 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8537109800 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8537109800 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8537109880 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R9
8537209100 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8537209100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8537209100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8537209100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8537209900 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8537209900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8537209900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8537209900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8538000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8538000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8538000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8538000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8538100000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8538901100 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8538901100 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8538901100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8538901100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8538901100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8539000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8539000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8539000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8539100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8539210000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8539220000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8539290000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8539290000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8539310000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8539310000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
8539320000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8539322000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
8539390000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8539390000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8539392000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
8539398000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
8539410000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8539410000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8539490000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8539490000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8539510000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8539510000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
8539510000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8539510000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8539520000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8539520000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
8539520000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8539520000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8539901000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
8540000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8540110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540120000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8540120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8540201000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540201000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8540201000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540208000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540208000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540208000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540208000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540208000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540208000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540208000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8540208000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540208000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540208000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540208000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8540208000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540400000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8540400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540600000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8540600000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540710000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8540710000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540790000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8540790000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540790000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8540790000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540790000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8540790000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540810000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8540810000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540810000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540890000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8540890000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540890000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8540890000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540890000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8540890000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540910000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8540910000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540910000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8540910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540990000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540990000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8540990000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8540990000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8540990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8541100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541210000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541210000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8541210000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541210000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8541210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541290000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541290000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8541290000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541290000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8541290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541300000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8541300000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541410000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541410000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541410000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8541410000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541410000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541420000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541420000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8541420000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541420000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8541420000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541420000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541430000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541430000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8541430000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541430000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8541430000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541430000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541490000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541490000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8541490000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541490000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8541490000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541510000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8541510000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541510000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8541510000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541590000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8541590000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541590000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8541590000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541600000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541600000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8541600000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541600000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8541600000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8541900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8541900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542311100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8542311100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542311100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542311100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8542311900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8542311900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542311900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542311900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8542319000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542319000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8542319000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8542319000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542319000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8542320000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542321100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8542321100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542321100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542321100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8542321900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8542321900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542321900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542321900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8542323100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8542323100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542323100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8542323100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542323100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8542323900 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8542323900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542323900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8542323900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542323900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8542324500 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8542324500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542324500 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8542324500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542324500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8542325500 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8542325500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542325500 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8542325500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542325500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8542326100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8542326100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542326100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8542326100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542326100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8542326900 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8542326900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542326900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8542326900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542326900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8542327500 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8542327500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542327500 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8542327500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542327500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8542329000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542329000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8542329000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542329000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8542330000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542330000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8542330000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8542330000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542330000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8542330000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542390000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8542390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542391100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8542391100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542391100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542391100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8542391900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8542391900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542391900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8542399000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542399000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8542399000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542399000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8542900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8542900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543100000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8543100000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8543100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8543100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8543200000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543300000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8543300000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8543300000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543304000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543304000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543307000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543307000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543400000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543400000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543400000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543700000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543700100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543700100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543700200 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543700200 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543700300 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543700300 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543700400 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543700400 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543700500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543700500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543700600 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543700600 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543700700 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543700700 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543700800 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543700800 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543700900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543700900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543701000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543701000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543701000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543701000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543703000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543703000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543703000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543703000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543705000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8543705000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543705000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543705000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543705000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543706000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543706000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543709000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543709000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543709000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543709000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543709000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8543709000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543709000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543709000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
8543709000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
8543709000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
8543709000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8543709000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543709000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543709000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543709000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8543709000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543709000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543709000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543900000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8543900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543900000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
8543900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8543900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8543900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8544000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8544000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8544000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8544110000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8544119000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8544119000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8544119000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8544190000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8544190000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8544190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8544200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8544200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8544200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8544200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8544300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8544300000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8544421000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8544421000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8544421000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8544421000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8544490000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8544499300 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8544499300 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8544499300 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8544499300 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8544600000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8544600000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8544600000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8544600000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8544700000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8544700000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8544700000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8544700000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8544700000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8545000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8545000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8545000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8545190000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8545190000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8545190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8545200000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8545900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8545900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8545900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8546000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8546000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8547000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8547000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8547000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8547000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8547000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8548000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8548000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8548000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8548000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8548002000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8548003000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8548009000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8548009000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8548009000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8548009000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8548009000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8549000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8549000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8549111000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
8549111000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
8549119000 ### OECD Export contRegulationCond: B cer
8549119000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
8549121000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8549121000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8549122000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8549129000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8549131000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8549131000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8549132000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8549139000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8549141000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8549141000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8549142000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8549149000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8549191000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8549191000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8549192000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8549199000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8549210000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8549290000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8549310000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8549390000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8549910000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8549990000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8600000004048 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
8600000004099 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
8600000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8600000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: B cer
8600000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 0285/18
8600000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8600000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8601000004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8601000004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8601000004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8601000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8601000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8601000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8601000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8601000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8602000004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8602000004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8602000004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8602000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8602000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8602000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8602000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8602000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8603000004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8603000004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8603000004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8603000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8603000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8603000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8603000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8603000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8603000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8603000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8603000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8604000004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8604000004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8604000004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8604000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8604000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8604000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8604000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8604000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8604000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8605000004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8605000004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8605000004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8605000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8605000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8605000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8605000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8606000004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8606000004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8606000004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8606000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8606000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8607000004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8607000004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8607000004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8607000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8607000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8607000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8607000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8607000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8607000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8609000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8609000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8609000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8609001000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8609001000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8609009004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8609009004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8609009004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8609009000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8609009000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8609009000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8700000004048 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
8700000004099 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
8700000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8700000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: B cer
8700000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 0285/18
8701000004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8701000004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8701000004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8701000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8701000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8701210000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701210000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701210000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701210000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701210000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701210000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701210000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701210000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701219000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8701220000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701220000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701220000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701220000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701220000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701220000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701220000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701220000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701220000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701220000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701229000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8701230000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701230000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701230000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701230000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701230000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701230000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701230000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701230000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701230000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701230000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701239000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8701240000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701240000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701240000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701240000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701240000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701240000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701240000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701240000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701240000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701240000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701249000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8701290000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701290000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701290000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701290000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701290000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701290000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701290000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701300000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701300000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701300000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8701300000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701300000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701300000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701911000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8701919000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8701919000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701919000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701919000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701919000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701919000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701919000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701919000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701921000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8701929000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8701929000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701929000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701929000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701929000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701929000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701929000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701929000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701931000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8701939000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8701939000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701939000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701939000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701939000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701939000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701939000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701939000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701941000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8701949000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8701949000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701949000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701949000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701949000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701949000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701949000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701949000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701950000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701951000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8701951000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701959000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8701959000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701959000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701959000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701959000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701959000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701959000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701959000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8701959000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8702000004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8702000004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8702000004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8702000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8702000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8702000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8702000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8702000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8702000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8702000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8702000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8702000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8702000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8702000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8702000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8702000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8702000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8702000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8702000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8702000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8702101900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8702109900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8702901900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8702903900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8702909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8703000004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8703000004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8703000004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8703000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8703000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8703000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8703000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8703000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8703000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8703000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8703000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8703000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8703000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8703000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8703000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8703100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 25
8703100000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8703100000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8703101100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8703101800 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8703210000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8703211000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 25
8703219000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 15
8703219000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8703220000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8703221000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 25
8703229000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 15
8703229000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8703230000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8703230000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: E ce
8703231100 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 25
8703231900 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 25
8703239000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 15
8703239000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8703240000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8703240000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: E ce
8703241000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 25
8703249000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 15
8703249000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8703310000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8703311000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 25
8703319000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 15
8703319000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8703320000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8703320000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: E ce
8703321100 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 25
8703321900 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 25
8703329000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 15
8703329000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8703330000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8703330000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: E ce
8703331100 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 25
8703331900 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 25
8703339000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 15
8703339000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8703400000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8703400000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: E ce
8703401000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 25
8703409000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 15
8703500000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 25
8703500000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8703500000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: E ce
8703600000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8703600000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: E ce
8703601000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 25
8703609000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 15
8703700000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 25
8703700000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8703700000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: E ce
8703800000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8703800000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: E ce
8703900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 25
8703900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8703900000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8703900000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: E ce
8704000004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8704000004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8704000004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8704000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8704000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8704000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8704000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704101000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8704109000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8704210000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 5
8704211000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704213100 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704213900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8704213900 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704219900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8704220000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R2
8704220000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704229100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704229100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8704229100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704229100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8704229100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704229900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8704229900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704229900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8704229900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704229900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8704229900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704230000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704239100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704239100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8704239100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704239100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8704239100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704239900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8704239900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704239900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8704239900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704239900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8704239900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704310000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
8704310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704313900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8704319900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8704320000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704329100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704329100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8704329100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704329100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8704329100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704329900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8704329900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704329900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8704329900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704329900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8704329900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704410000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R5
8704410000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704413900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8704419900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8704420000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R2
8704420000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704429100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704429100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8704429100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704429100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8704429100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704429900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8704429900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704429900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8704429900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704429900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8704429900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704430000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704439100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704439100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8704439100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704439100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8704439100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704439900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8704439900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704439900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8704439900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704439900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8704439900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704510000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 5
8704510000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704513900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8704519900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8704520000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704529100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704529100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8704529100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704529100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8704529100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704529900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8704529900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704529900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8704529900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704529900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8704529900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704600000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8704600000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8704900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8704900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8705000004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8705000004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8705000004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8705000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8705000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8705000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8705000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8705000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8705000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8705000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8705000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8705000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8705100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8705100000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8705100000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8705100000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8705100000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8705100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8705100000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8705200000 ### Russian Fe RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8705908000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8705908000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8705908000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8705908000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8705908000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8705908000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8705908000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8705908000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8705908000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8705908000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8705908000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8705908000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8706000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8706000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8706000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8706000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8706000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8706000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8706000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8706000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8706000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8706000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8706000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8706000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8706000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8706000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8706000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8706000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8706001100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8706001900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8706001900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8706001900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8706009900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8707000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8707000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8707000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8707000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8707000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8707000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8707000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8707000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8707000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8707000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8707000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8707000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8707000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8707000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8707901000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8707901000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8708000004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8708000004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8708000004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8708000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8708000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8708000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8708000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8708000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8708000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8708000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8708000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8708000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8708000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8708000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8708000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8708000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8708000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8708000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8708210000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8708402080 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 1
8708502020 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 9
8708509910 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 9
8708809920 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 3
8708912030 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 3
8708919930 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 3
8708951000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8709000004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8709000004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8709000004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8709000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8709000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8709110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8709111000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8709119000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8709190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8709191000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8709199000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8709900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8710000000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8710000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8710000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8710000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8710000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8710000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8710000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8710000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8710000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8710000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8710000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8710000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8710000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8710000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8710000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8711000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8711000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8711000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8711000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8711000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8712000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8712000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8712000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8712000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8713000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8713900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8714000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8714000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8714911000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8714913000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8714921000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8714961000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNPR
8714991000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8714993000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8715001000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8716000004115 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8716000004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8716000004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8716000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8716100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716109200 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 1
8716109800 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 1
8716200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8716200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716310000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8716310000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716310000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716310000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716310000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716310000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716310000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716310000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716390000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8716390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716393000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716393000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716393000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716393000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716393000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716393000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716393000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716395000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716395000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716395000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716395000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716395000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716395000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716395000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716398000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716398000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716398000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716398000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716398000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716398000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716398000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716400000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716400000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716400000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716400000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716400000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716400000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716400000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716400000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716400000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716800000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716800000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716800000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716800000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716800000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716800000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716800000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716800000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716900000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716900000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716900000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716900000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716900000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8716900000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8800000004048 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
8800000004099 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
8800000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8800000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: B cer
8800000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8800000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8801000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8801000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8801000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 25
8801000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 0285/18
8801000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8801000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8801000000 ### Russian Fe Export prohRegulation 0833/14
8801001000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8801001000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8801001000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802000004117 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8802000004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8802000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 25
8802000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 0285/18
8802000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802000000 ### Russian Fe Export prohRegulation 0833/14
8802110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8802110000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 2
8802110000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802110000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8802110000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802110000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8802110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802110000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8802110000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8802110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802120000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8802120000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 2
8802120000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802120000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8802120000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802120000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802120000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8802120000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802120000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8802120000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8802120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8802200000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 2
8802200000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802200000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8802200000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802200000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8802200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802200000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8802200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8802200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8802300000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 1
8802300000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802300000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8802300000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802300000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8802300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802300000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8802300000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8802300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802400000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8802400000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 1
8802400000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802400000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8802400000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802400000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8802400000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802400000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8802400000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8802400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802600000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8802600000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802600000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8802600000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802600000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8802601100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802601100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8802601100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8802601100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802601900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802601900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8802601900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8802601900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802609000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8802609000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8802609000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8802609000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8804000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8804000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8804000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8804000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 0285/18
8804000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8804000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8804000000 ### Russian Fe Export prohRegulation 0833/14
8805000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 0285/18
8805000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8805000000 ### Russian Fe Export prohRegulation 0833/14
8805100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 25
8805100000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8805100000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8805100000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8805100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8805100000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8805210000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8805210000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8805210000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8805210000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8805210000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8805210000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8805290000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8805290000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8805290000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8805290000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8805290000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8805290000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8806000004117 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8806000004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8806000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 25
8806000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8806000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 0285/18
8806000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806000000 ### Russian Fe Export prohRegulation 0833/14
8806100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806101000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 2
8806101000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806101000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8806101000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806101000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806101000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8806101000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806101000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8806101000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8806109000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 2
8806109000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806109000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8806109000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806109000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8806109000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806109000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806109000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8806109000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8806219000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R2
8806219000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806219000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8806219000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806219000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806219000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8806219000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806219000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8806219000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8806219000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806229000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R2
8806229000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806229000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8806229000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806229000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8806229000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806229000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806229000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8806229000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8806229000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806230000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R2
8806230000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806230000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8806230000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8806230000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806230000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806230000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806230000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8806230000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8806230000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806240000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R2
8806240000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806240000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8806240000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806240000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8806240000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806240000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806240000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8806240000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8806240000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806291000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R2
8806291000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806291000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8806291000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806291000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806291000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8806291000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806291000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8806291000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8806292000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R2
8806292000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806292000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8806292000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806292000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806292000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8806292000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806292000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8806292000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8806910000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R2
8806910000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806910000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8806910000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806910000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8806910000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806910000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806910000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8806910000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8806910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806920000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R2
8806920000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806920000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8806920000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8806920000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806920000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806920000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806920000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8806920000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8806920000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806930000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R2
8806930000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806930000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8806930000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8806930000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806930000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806930000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806930000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8806930000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8806930000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806940000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R2
8806940000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806940000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8806940000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806940000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8806940000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806940000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806940000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8806940000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8806940000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806991000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R2
8806991000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806991000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8806991000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806991000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806991000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8806991000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806991000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8806991000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8806991000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806992000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 2
8806992000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806992000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8806992000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806992000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8806992000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806992000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8806992000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8806992000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8806992000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8807000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8807000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8807000000 ### Russian Fe Export prohRegulation 0833/14
8807100000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8807100000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8807100000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8807100000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8807100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8807100000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8807100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8807100000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8807100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8807200000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8807200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8807200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8807200000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8807200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8807300000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8807300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8807300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8807300000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8807300000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8807900000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 0285/18
8807901000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8807901000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8807901000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8807901000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8807902100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8807902100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8807902100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8807902900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8807902900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8807902900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8807903000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8807903000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8807903000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8807909000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8807909000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8807909000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8807909000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8900000004048 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
8900000004099 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
8900000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8900000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: B cer
8900000000 ### North KoreExport prohRegulation 0285/18
8900000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8900000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8901000004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8901000004117 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8901000004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8901000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8901000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8901000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8901100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 25
8901100000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8901100000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8901100000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8901100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8901100000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8901100000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8901101000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8901101000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8901109000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8901109000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8901201000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8901201000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8901209000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationCCT
8901209000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8901301000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8901301000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8901309000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationCCT
8901309000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8901900000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8901900000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8901900000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8901900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8901900000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8901900000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8901901000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8901901000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8901909000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationCCT
8901909000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8902000004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8902000004117 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8902000004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8902000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8902000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8902001000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8902001000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8902009000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8902009000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8903000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 25
8903000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8903000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8903000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: E ce
8903110000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 1
8903110000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903110000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903120000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 1
8903120000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903120000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903190000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 1
8903190000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903190000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903210004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8903210004117 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8903210004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8903210000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903220004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8903220004117 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8903220004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8903220000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903220000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903230004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8903230004117 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8903230004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8903230000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903230000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903310004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8903310004117 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8903310004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8903310000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903320004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8903320004117 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8903320004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8903320000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903320000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903330004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8903330004117 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8903330004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8903330000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903330000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903930000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903930000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903930000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903931000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 1
8903939000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 1
8903990000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903990000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8903991000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 1
8903999900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 1
8904000004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8904000004117 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8904000004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8904000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8904000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8904000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8904000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8904001000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8904001000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8904009100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8904009100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8904009900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8905000004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8905000004117 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8905000004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8905000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8905000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8905000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8905100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8905200000 ### Russian Fe RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8905901000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8905901000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8905901000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8905901000 ### Russian Fe RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
8905909000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8905909000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8906000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8906000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8906000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8906100004116 ### All third c Export prohRegulation 1005/09
8906100004117 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
8906100004999 ### All third c Export conRegulation 1005/09
8906100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8906100000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8906100000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8906100000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8906100000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8906900000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8906900000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
8906901000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8906909100 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 1
8906909100 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8906909100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8906909900 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R 1
8906909900 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8906909900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
8907000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
8907000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8907100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
8908000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
8908000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
8908000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9000000004053 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9000000004099 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9000000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: B cer
9001100000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9001101000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9001101000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9001101000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9001101000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9001101000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9001109000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9001109000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9001109000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9001109000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9001109000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9001300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9001400000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9001500000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9001900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9001900000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9001900000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9001900000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
9001900000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9001900000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9001900000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9001900000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9001900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9001900000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9001900000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
9001900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9001900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9001900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9001900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9002110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9002110000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9002190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9002190000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9002200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9002200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9002200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9002200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9002900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9002900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9002900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9002900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9003110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9003190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9003190000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9003900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9003900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9003900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9004000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9004100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9004900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
9004900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9004909000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9005000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9005000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9005000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9005000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9005000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
9005000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9005000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9005000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9005000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9005000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9005000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
9005000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9005000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9005100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9005100000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9005800000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9005800000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9005800000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9005800000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9005800000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9006000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9006000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9006000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9006300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9006300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9006300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9006300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9006300000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9006300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9006400000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9006400000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9006400000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9006400000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9006400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9006530000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9006530000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9006531000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9006538000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9006538000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9006538000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9006590000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9006590000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9006590000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9006590000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9006590000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9006590000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9006610000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9006690000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9006910000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9006910000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9006910000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9006910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9006990000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9006990000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9006990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9007000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9007000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9007000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9007100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9007100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9007100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9007100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9007100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9007100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9007200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9007910000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9007910000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9007910000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9007910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9008000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9008500000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9010000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9010000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9011000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9011100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9011100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9011200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9011201000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9011201000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9011800000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9011800000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9011900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9012000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9012000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9012000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013100000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013100000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
9013100000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013100000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013100000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013100000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013100000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
9013100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013101000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013101000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013109000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013109000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013200000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013200000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013200000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013200000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013200000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013200000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9013200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013800000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013800000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013800000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013800000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013800000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013800000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013800000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013800000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013800000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013800000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9013800000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013900500 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013900500 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013900500 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9013900500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013908000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013908000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9013908000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9013908000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9014000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9014000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9014000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9014000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9014000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9014000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9014000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9014000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9014000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9014000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9014000000 ### ### Russian Fe RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9014000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9014000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9014100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9014100000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9014100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9014200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9014202000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9014202000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9014202000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9014208000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9014208000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9014800000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9014800000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9014800000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9014900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9014900000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9014900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9015000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9015000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9015000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9015000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9015000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9015100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9015200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9015300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9015400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9015800000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9015802000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9015802000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9015802000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9015802000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9015802000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9015804000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9015804000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9015804000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9015808000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9015808000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9015808000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9015900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9015900000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9015900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9015900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9015900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9016001000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9017100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9017200500 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9017203900 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9017203900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9017203900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9017203900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9017203900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9017203900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9017209000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9017300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9018509000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9018509000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9018509000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9018901000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
9018905000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
9018906000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
9018908400 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
9018908400 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
9018908400 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9018908400 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9018908400 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9019201000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9019202000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9020000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
9020000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9020000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9020000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9020000000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
9020000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9020000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9020000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9020000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9020001000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9021101000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9021210000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationCEN
9021399000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9021400000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9021500000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9021909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9022120000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9022120000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9022120000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9022120000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9022120000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9022120000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9022120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9022130000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9022140000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9022190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9022190000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9022190000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9022190000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9022190000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9022190000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9022190000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9022190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9022210000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9022290000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9022290000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9022290000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9022290000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9022290000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9022290000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9022290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9022300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9022300000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9022300000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9022300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9022300000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9022300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9022900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9022900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9022900000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9022900000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9022900000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9022900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9022900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9022900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9023000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9023000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9023000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9023008000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9023008000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9023008000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9023008000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9023008000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9023008000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9023008000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9024000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9024000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9024000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9024100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9024100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9024100000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9024102000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9024102000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9024104000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9024104000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9024108000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9024108000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
9024108000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9024800000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9024800000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9024800000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
9024800000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9024800000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9024900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9024900000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9024900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9024900000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9025000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9025000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9025110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9025110000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
9025110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9025118000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9025190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9025190000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9025190000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9025190000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9025190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9025800000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9025802000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9025802000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
9025808000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
9025900000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9025900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9026000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9026000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9026000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9026000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9026100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9026200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9026200000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
9026202000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9026202000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9026202000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9026204000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9026204000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9026204000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9026208000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9026208000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9026208000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9026900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9026900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9027000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9027100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027100000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027101000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027101000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027101000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9027109000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027109000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027109000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9027200000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027200000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9027200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9027200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027300000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027300000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9027300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027300000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9027300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027500000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027500000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9027500000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027500000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9027500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027810000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027810000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027810000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9027810000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
9027810000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9027810000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9027810000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027810000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9027810000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027810000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027890000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027891000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027893000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027893000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027893000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9027893000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
9027893000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9027893000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027893000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9027893000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027899000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027899000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027899000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9027899000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
9027899000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9027899000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027899000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027900000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9027900000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9027900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9027900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9027900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9028000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9028000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9028000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9028100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9028200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9028300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9029000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9029000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9029000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9029203800 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9029203800 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9029203800 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9029203800 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9029209000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9029209000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030100000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9030100000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9030100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9030100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9030200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030310000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030320000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030320000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030320000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030332000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030332000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030332000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9030332000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030337000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9030337000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030337000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9030337000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030390000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9030390000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030390000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030400000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030400000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030400000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9030400000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030820000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030820000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030820000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9030820000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030820000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030840000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9030840000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030840000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030890000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030890000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9030890000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030890000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9030890000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030890000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030900000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9030900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9030900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9030900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9031000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9031000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9031000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9031000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9031000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9031100000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9031100000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9031100000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9031100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9031100000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9031200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9031200000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9031200000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9031200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9031410000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9031410000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9031410000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9031490000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9031490000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9031491000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9031491000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9031491000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9031499000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9031499000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9031800000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9031800000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9031802000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9031802000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9031808000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9031808000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9031808000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9031808000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
9031808000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9031808000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9031808000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9031900000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9031900000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9031900000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9031900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9031900000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9032000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9032000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9032000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9032100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9032100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9032200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9032810000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9033000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9033000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9033000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9033000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9033009000 ### North KoreRestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9100000004055 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9100000004099 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9100000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9100000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: B cer
9101000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9101000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
9101000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9101000000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
9101000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9101000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9101000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9101000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9102000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9102000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
9102000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9102000000 ### ERGA OMNDeclarationRegulationCond: R1
9102000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9102000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9102000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9102000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9103000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9103000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
9103000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9103000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9103000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9104000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9104000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
9104000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9104000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9105000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9105000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
9105000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9105000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9105000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9106000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9106900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9106900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9107000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9108000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9108000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
9108000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9108000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9109000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9109000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
9109000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9109000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9110000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
9110000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9110000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9110110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9111000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
9111000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9111000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9111100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9111200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9111800000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9112000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
9112000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9112000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9112200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9112200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9112900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9113000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
9113000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9113000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9113100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9113200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9113900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9113900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9114000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
9114000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9114000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9200000004054 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9200000004099 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9200000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9200000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: B cer
9201000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9201000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9201000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9201100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9201200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9202000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9202000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9202000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9202000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9205000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9205000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9205100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9205901000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9205901000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9205903000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9205905000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9205909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9205909000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9206000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9206000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9206000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9206000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9207000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9207000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9207101000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9207101000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9207103000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9207105000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9207108000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9207901000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9207901000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9208100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9209910000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9209920000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9209940000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9209992000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9209992000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9209997000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9209997000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9300000004061 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9300000004099 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9300000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9300000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: B cer
9300000000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
9301000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9301000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
9301000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9301000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9301000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9301000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9301100000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9301900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9301900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9302000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9302000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9302000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9302000000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
9302000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9302000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
9302000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9302000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9302000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9302000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9302000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9302000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9302000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9303000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303100000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303100000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
9303100000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303100000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
9303100000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303100000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303100000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303100000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303100000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303200000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303200000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303200000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303200000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
9303200000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303200000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303200000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303200000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303200000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303201000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
9303209500 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
9303300000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303300000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303300000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
9303300000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303300000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
9303300000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303300000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303300000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303300000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303300000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303300000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303900000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303900000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303900000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
9303900000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303900000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303900000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303900000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303900000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9303900000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9303900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9304000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9304000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
9304000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9304000000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9304000000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
9304000000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
9304000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9304000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9304000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9304000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9304000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9305000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9305000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
9305000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9305100000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9305100000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
9305100000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9305100000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9305100000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9305100000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9305100000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9305100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9305100000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9305200000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9305200000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
9305200000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9305200000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9305200000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9305200000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9305200000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9305200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9305200000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9305990000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9305990000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
9305990000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9305990000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9305990000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9305990000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9305990000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
9305990000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9305990000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9305990000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9305990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9305990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9305990000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9305990000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
9306000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306210000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMIL
9306210000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306210000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306210000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
9306210000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306210000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306210000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306210000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306210000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306290000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306290000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306290000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
9306290000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306290000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306290000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306290000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306290000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306301000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306301000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306301000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
9306301000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306301000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306301000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306301000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306301000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306301000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306303000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
9306309000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306309000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306309000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
9306309000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306309000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306309000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306309000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306309000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
9306309000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306309000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306900000 ### North KoreExport authRegulationCond: Y cer
9306901000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306901000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9306901000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9306909000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306909000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306909000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
9306909000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306909000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306909000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306909000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306909000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9306909000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306909000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9306909000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9306909000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9307000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9307000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9307000000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9307000000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9307000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
9307000000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9307000000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9307000000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9307000000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9307000000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9307000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9307000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9307000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9307000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9400000004052 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9400000004099 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9400000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9400000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: B cer
9401000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9401100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9401200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9401610000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
9401610000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9401690000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
9401690000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9401710000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
9401710000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9401790000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
9401790000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9401800000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
9401800000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9402000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9402100000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
9402900000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
9403202000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
9403208000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9403208000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
9403208000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9403208000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9403208000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9403300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9403300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9403400000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9403500000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
9403500000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9403600000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9403609000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9403609000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9403609000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9403700000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9403700000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
9403700000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9403700000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9403700000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9403820000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
9403830000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
9403890000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9403890000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
9403890000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9403890000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9403890000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9403910000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9403910000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9403990000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9404000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9404300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9405114000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
9405115000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 20
9405115000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9405194000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: Y cer
9405195000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 20
9405195000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9405215000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 20
9405215000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9405295000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 20
9405295000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9405411000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9405411000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9405421000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9405421000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9405491000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9405491000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9405499000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9405499000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9405500000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 20
9405500000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9405500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9405910000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 20
9405910000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9405910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9406100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9406200000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
9406200000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9406900000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9406903800 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
9406909000 ### All third c Goods for tRegulationCond: Y cer
9500000004049 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9500000004099 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9500000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9500000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: B cer
9503002100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9503002900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9503004100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9503004900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9503007500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9503007500 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9503007900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9503007900 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9503008700 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9503009500 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9503009900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9503009900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9504200000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
9504200000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9504200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9504200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9504300000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
9504300000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9504300000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9504301000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9504302000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9504400000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
9504400000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9504400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9504500000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9504500000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9504908000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9504908000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9504908000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9505000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9506000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506110000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506110000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506111000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNPR
9506111000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
9506112100 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9506112100 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
9506112900 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNPR
9506112900 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
9506118000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNPR
9506118000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
9506120000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
9506120000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506120000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506190000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9506190000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
9506190000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506190000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506210000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
9506210000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506210000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506290000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9506290000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
9506290000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506290000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506290000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506310000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9506310000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
9506310000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506310000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506320000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9506320000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
9506320000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506320000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506390000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
9506390000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506390000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506399000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9506400000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506400000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506510000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506510000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506590000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506590000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506610000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506610000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506690000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9506691000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506691000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506699000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506699000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506700000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9506700000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506700000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506701000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNPR
9506703000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNPR
9506910000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9506910000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506990000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9506991000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506991000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506999000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9506999000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9507000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: E 50
9507000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9507000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9507900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9508000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9601100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9601900000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9603100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9603210000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9603290000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9603293000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9603298000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9603300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9603300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9603400000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9603500000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9603901000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9603909100 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9603909900 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9605000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9605000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9605000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9605000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9606000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9606290000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9606300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9607110000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTR
9607190000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationMTR
9608100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9608100000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9608200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9608200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9608300000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9608300000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9608400000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9608400000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9608500000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9608600000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9608910000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9608910000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9608990000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9611000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9612200000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9613100000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9613200000 ### ERGA OMNSupplement RegulationNAR
9613200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9613800000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9614000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9615000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9615190000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9616200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9616200000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9618000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: B cer
9619008100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9619008100 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9619008900 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9619008900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620000000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620001004053 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9620001004099 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9620001000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: B cer
9620001000 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620001000 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620001000 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620001000 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620001000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
9620001000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620001000 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620001000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620001000 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9620001000 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620001000 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
9620001000 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620001000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9620001000 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620009100 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620009100 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620009100 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620009100 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620009100 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620009100 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620009100 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9620009100 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620009100 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620009100 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9620009904056 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9620009904099 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9620009900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: B cer
9620009900 ### Iran, Islam Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620009900 ### South Sud Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620009900 ### ### Russian Fe Export contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
9620009900 ### Sudan Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620009900 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620009900 ### Libya Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620009900 ### Myanmar Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620009900 ### Zimbabwe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620009900 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620009900 ### Iran, Islam RestrictionRegulationCond: Y cer
9620009900 ### Venezuela Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620009900 ### Central AfrExport contDecision 0 Cond: Y cer
9620009900 ### Belarus Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9620009900 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: Y cer
9700000000 ### Syria Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9700000000 ### North KoreExport contRegulationCond: Y cer
9700000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9701000004008 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9701000004040 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9701000004041 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9701000004099 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9701000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9701000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: B cer
9701220000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9701290000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9701920000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9701990000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9702000004023 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9702000004042 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9702000004099 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9702000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9702000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: B cer
9703000004043 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9703000004099 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9703000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9703000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: B cer
9703000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9705000004010 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9705000004011 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9705000004013 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9705000004045 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9705000004047 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9705000004048 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9705000004099 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9705000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9705000000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
9705000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: B cer
9705000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: E cer
9705000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9705100000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9706000004010 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9706000004011 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9706000004013 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9706000004023 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9706000004045 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9706000004046 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9706000004062 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9706000004099 ### All third c RestrictionRegulation 1210/03
9706000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9706000000 ### All third c RestrictionRegulationCond: B cer
9706000000 ### All third c Export authRegulationCond: B cer
9706000000 ### All third c Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9706000000 ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9800000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9800000000 ### Ukraine Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9800000000 ### ### Russian Fe Export contRegulationCond: Y cer
9880000000 ### All third c Export conRegulationCond: B cer
Dest. code Meas. type code
1011 109
SY 718
KP 718
1008 715
RU 718
KP 718
1008 715
RU 718
1008 715
1011 109
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
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1011 482
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1008 715
1011 482
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1008 715
1011 482
1011 482
1008 715
1011 109
1008 715
1011 482
1008 715
1011 482
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1008 715
1011 109
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1011 109
1011 482
1011 482
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1011 109
1008 715
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3000 719
1011 719
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1011 109
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1011 109
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RU 709
1011 109
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1008 715
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KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
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IR 476
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1008 478
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1011 479
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1011 479
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1500 467
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1008 478
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IR 476
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1008 478
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1500 467
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1500 467
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BY 767
1008 478
1011 479
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IR 476
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BY 767
1008 478
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IR 476
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BY 717
BY 767
1008 478
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1011 479
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IR 476
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1008 478
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1011 482
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BY 767
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BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
1008 751
RU 709
1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
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RU 709
1008 751
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
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1008 751
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1008 751
BY 767
1008 478
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1008 751
BY 767
1008 478
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1008 751
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BY 767
1008 478
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1008 751
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BY 767
1008 478
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BY 767
1008 478
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IR 476
BY 767
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IR 476
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1008 478
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BY 767
1008 478
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1008 751
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SS 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
SO 476
CF 766
BY 717
1008 751
BY 767
1008 478
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1008 478
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BY 767
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IR 476
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1008 478
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1008 478
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1008 478
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IR 476
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BY 767
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IR 476
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1008 706
1008 708
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BY 767
1008 478
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1008 467
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1008 467
1008 467
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BY 767
1008 478
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1008 467
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KP 718
KP 718
1008 740
SY 717
MM 717
SD 717
RU 717
SS 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
KP 718
SY 718
CF 766
BY 717
RU 718
1008 715
KP 718
RU 718
1011 109
SY 718
SY 718
1011 109
SY 718
1011 109
SY 718
1011 109
SY 718
1011 109
SY 718
1011 109
SY 718
1008 715
1011 109
SY 718
1011 109
SY 718
1011 109
SY 718
1008 715
1011 109
1008 740
KP 718
SY 718
RU 718
1008 715
1008 715
1008 715
1008 740
KP 718
SY 718
RU 718
1008 715
1008 715
1008 715
1011 109
1008 740
SY 717
MM 717
SD 717
RU 717
SS 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
KP 718
SY 718
CF 766
BY 717
RU 718
1008 715
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 482
1011 482
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 482
1011 482
1008 715
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
1008 740
SY 717
MM 717
SD 717
RU 717
SS 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
KP 718
SY 718
CF 766
BY 717
RU 718
1008 715
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 482
1011 482
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 482
1011 482
1008 715
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
1008 740
SY 717
MM 717
SD 717
RU 717
SS 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
KP 718
SY 718
CF 766
BY 717
RU 718
1008 715
1008 715
1008 715
1008 715
1008 715
1008 715
1008 715
1008 715
1011 109
1008 740
SY 717
MM 717
SD 717
RU 717
SS 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
KP 718
SY 718
CF 766
BY 717
RU 718
1008 715
1008 715
1008 715
1008 715
1008 715
1008 715
1008 715
1008 715
1008 715
1008 715
1008 715
1008 715
1011 109
SY 717
MM 717
SD 717
RU 717
SS 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
KP 718
SY 718
CF 766
BY 717
RU 718
1008 715
1011 109
SY 717
MM 717
SD 717
RU 717
SS 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
KP 718
SY 718
CF 766
BY 717
RU 718
1008 715
1008 715
KP 718
SY 718
RU 718
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
1008 715
KP 718
SY 718
RU 718
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
1008 715
1008 740
KP 718
SY 718
RU 718
1008 715
1008 715
MM 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
SY 718
BY 717
KP 718
RU 718
SY 717
SY 717
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
SY 717
KP 718
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 718
1011 109
SY 717
KP 718
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 718
SY 717
KP 717
KP 718
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 718
SY 717
KP 717
KP 718
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 718
SY 717
SD 717
RU 717
SS 717
SY 718
CF 766
1011 109
KP 718
RU 718
1011 109
KP 718
RU 718
1011 109
KP 718
1008 715
RU 718
KP 718
RU 718
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
1008 740
KP 718
RU 718
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
1008 740
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 740
KP 718
1008 715
RU 718
KP 718
RU 718
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
1008 740
KP 718
RU 718
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
1008 740
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 740
KP 718
RU 718
SY 717
KP 718
SY 718
RU 718
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
KP 718
SY 718
RU 718
1011 109
1008 740
KP 718
SY 718
RU 718
1008 715
1008 715
1011 109
KP 718
SY 718
RU 718
1011 109
1008 740
KP 718
SY 718
1008 715
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 718
1008 740
KP 718
SY 718
1008 715
RU 718
1008 706
1008 708
1011 109
1008 715
1008 715
1011 109
1011 109
1008 715
1011 109
1008 715
1011 109
1008 715
SD 717
RU 717
SS 717
CF 766
SD 717
RU 717
SS 717
CF 766
SD 717
RU 717
SS 717
CF 766
SD 717
RU 717
SS 717
CF 766
1011 109
BY 767
RU 767
SY 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
BY 717
1008 715
MM 717
BY 717
1008 715
MM 717
SD 717
RU 717
SS 717
KP 717
CF 766
BY 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
MM 717
CF 766
KP 717
RU 717
SS 717
SD 717
1011 109
BY 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
MM 717
CF 766
KP 717
SS 717
SD 717
RU 717
1011 109
BY 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
MM 717
SD 717
RU 717
SS 717
KP 717
1008 706
1008 708
CF 766
BY 717
1008 715
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
MM 717
1008 751
RU 709
1008 751
1008 751
1011 109
SY 718
KP 718
RU 718
SY 717
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
SY 718
KP 718
RU 718
KP 718
RU 718
KP 718
RU 718
1008 740
KP 718
RU 718
KP 718
RU 718
1011 109
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KP 718
1008 715
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1008 740
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1008 740
1008 740
1008 740
1008 740
1008 740
1008 740
1008 740
1008 740
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1011 109
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1011 109
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1011 109
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1011 109
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1011 109
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1011 109
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1008 715
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1011 109
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1008 708
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1008 740
1011 109
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RU 718
1008 740
KP 718
1008 708
RU 718
1011 109
SY 717
MM 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
BY 717
1008 740
1008 708
SY 718
KP 718
1008 715
1008 740
1008 708
1008 740
1008 708
RU 718
1008 740
1011 109
SY 718
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RU 718
SY 718
KP 718
1008 706
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1008 715
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1008 715
1008 715
1008 740
1008 715
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1008 740
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1014 751
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1011 482
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1014 751
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1008 751
1014 751
1008 751
1014 751
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1008 751
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
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1011 109
1011 109
1008 751
1011 109
1008 751
RU 709
RU 709
RU 709
1011 479
1011 479
RU 767
1011 479
1011 479
KP 717
IR 476
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 709
1011 479
RU 766
RU 766
RU 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 467
1008 467
1008 473
1008 751
1008 735
RU 709
1008 735
1008 735
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
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IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
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IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 735
1011 109
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1008 735
RU 709
1011 109
1008 735
KP 476
RU 709
1011 109
1008 735
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RU 709
1008 735
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
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KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
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KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
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KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
1008 735
1008 735
KP 718
RU 718
SY 718
1008 735
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RU 718
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KP 718
RU 718
1008 735
1008 740
1008 467
1008 735
1008 740
SY 717
KP 717
KP 718
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 718
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
KP 718
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 718
1008 751
BY 767
RU 767
RU 709
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
RU 709
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
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1011 109
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1011 109
1011 109
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1011 109
1011 109
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SY 718
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RU 718
SY 718
KP 718
RU 718
SY 718
KP 718
RU 718
1011 109
1011 109
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 709
1008 467
1008 467
1011 109
1008 735
1008 740
1008 473
SY 718
KP 718
RU 718
SY 718
KP 718
RU 718
SY 718
KP 718
RU 718
RU 718
SY 718
KP 718
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
1011 109
SY 717
SY 718
KP 718
RU 718
SY 718
1008 740
KP 718
RU 718
KP 709
1008 751
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
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KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
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KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 482
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IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
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KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
BY 767
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
1008 478
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
1008 478
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
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IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
1008 478
1008 751
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
1008 478
1008 751
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 740
1008 740
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
1008 740
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 482
SY 717
1008 740
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 718
SY 717
1008 740
KP 717
KP 467
KP 718
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 718
1011 109
SY 718
KP 718
RU 718
1008 715
1011 109
SY 717
SY 718
KP 718
KP 278
RU 718
1008 476
1008 476
1008 476
SY 718
KP 718
RU 718
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
KP 717
SY 718
KP 718
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
SY 718
KP 718
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
SY 718
KP 718
RU 718
KP 717
SY 718
KP 718
1011 109
SY 718
KP 718
RU 718
1011 109
SY 717
SY 718
KP 718
KP 278
UA 767
UA 709
RU 718
1008 751
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 718
1008 751
KP 718
UA 767
UA 709
RU 718
1011 109
SY 717
SY 718
KP 718
KP 278
UA 767
UA 709
RU 718
1008 751
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
SY 718
1008 751
KP 718
KP 278
UA 767
UA 709
RU 718
1011 109
SY 717
SY 718
KP 278
UA 767
UA 709
1008 751
KP 718
RU 718
KP 718
RU 718
1008 751
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
KP 718
RU 718
KP 718
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 718
1008 751
KP 718
RU 718
KP 718
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 718
1008 751
KP 718
RU 718
KP 718
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 718
SY 717
SY 718
1008 751
KP 718
KP 278
UA 767
UA 709
RU 718
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KP 717
UA 767
UA 709
1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
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KP 718
1008 715
RU 718
1011 109
1011 109
1008 467
1008 467
1008 735
SY 718
1008 473
KP 717
KP 718
1008 715
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 718
1011 109
1011 109
SY 718
SY 717
KP 718
BY 767
RU 767
RU 718
1008 751
KP 717
1008 478
1008 751
KP 717
1008 478
1011 109
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KP 718
RU 718
1008 715
1008 740
1008 715
1011 109
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KP 718
RU 718
1011 109
SY 717
SY 718
KP 718
RU 718
KP 278
UA 767
UA 709
KP 709
BY 767
1008 478
BY 767
1008 478
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RU 709
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
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1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
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RU 709
1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
BY 767
RU 709
RU 767
1008 478
KP 717
1008 478
KP 717
1008 478
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1008 478
KP 717
1008 478
KP 717
1008 478
KP 717
1008 478
KP 476
BY 767
RU 709
RU 767
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1008 478
KP 717
IR 476
KP 473
1008 478
1008 478
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IR 476
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1008 478
1008 478
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1008 478
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IR 476
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IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
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IR 476
KP 473
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
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IR 476
KP 473
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
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IR 476
KP 473
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
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IR 476
KP 473
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
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IR 476
KP 473
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
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IR 476
KP 473
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
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IR 476
KP 473
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
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IR 709
BY 767
RU 767
IR 709
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IR 476
1008 478
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1008 478
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1008 478
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1008 478
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1008 478
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1008 478
1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
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BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
RU 709
RU 767
IR 709
1008 478
IR 709
1008 478
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IR 476
KP 473
1008 478
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IR 476
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1008 478
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1008 478
BY 767
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RU 767
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1008 478
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1008 478
1008 478
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IR 476
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1008 478
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BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
IR 709
IR 709
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
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KP 717
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
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IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
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IR 709
BY 767
RU 767
KP 717
1008 478
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1008 478
BY 767
RU 767
KP 717
IR 709
1008 478
1008 478
KP 717
IR 709
1008 478
KP 717
IR 476
KP 473
IR 709
1008 478
KP 717
IR 476
KP 473
IR 709
1008 478
IR 709
BY 767
RU 767
KP 717
1008 478
KP 717
1008 478
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
RU 709
1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
KP 278
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
SY 717
KP 476
KP 476
IR 709
RU 476
IR 709
RU 476
IR 709
RU 476
IR 709
RU 476
IR 709
RU 709
IR 709
RU 476
IR 709
IR 709
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
KP 473
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
IR 709
KP 717
SY 717
KP 467
IR 476
KP 473
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
SY 717
KP 467
IR 476
KP 473
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
SY 717
KP 467
IR 476
KP 473
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
KP 473
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
KP 473
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
IR 709
KP 717
SY 717
KP 467
IR 476
KP 473
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
IR 709
KP 717
SY 717
KP 467
IR 476
KP 473
1008 478
IR 709
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
KP 473
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
KP 473
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
IR 709
KP 473
KP 476
RU 476
RU 476
RU 476
RU 476
RU 709
KP 476
IR 709
RU 476
IR 709
RU 476
IR 709
RU 476
IR 709
RU 476
IR 709
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
IR 709
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
IR 709
IR 709
KP 717
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
IR 709
BY 767
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
KP 473
1008 478
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
KP 473
1008 478
IR 709
BY 767
RU 709
RU 767
KP 717
SY 717
KP 467
1008 478
KP 717
SY 717
KP 467
1008 478
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
1008 478
KP 717
IR 476
KP 473
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
IR 709
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
KP 473
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 476
RU 709
IR 709
KP 476
IR 709
RU 709
1011 109
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 709
KP 476
BY 767
RU 709
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
1008 478
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
1008 478
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
1008 478
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
1008 478
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
1008 478
KP 476
RU 709
SY 717
KP 717
KP 709
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 767
RU 767
KP 717
KP 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
KP 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 709
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 467
KP 476
RU 709
RU 767
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
SY 717
MM 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
BY 717
RU 709
RU 709
RU 709
SY 717
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
RU 709
1014 751
1008 751
1014 751
1008 751
1014 751
1008 751
1014 751
1008 751
1014 751
1008 751
1011 109
1011 109
RU 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
MM 717
SD 717
RU 717
SS 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
CF 766
BY 717
SY 717
MM 717
SD 717
RU 717
SS 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
KP 717
VE 717
CF 766
BY 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 467
KP 467
KP 473
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
MM 717
SD 717
RU 717
SS 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
KP 717
KP 467
VE 717
CF 766
BY 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
MM 717
SD 717
RU 717
SS 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
KP 717
KP 467
VE 717
CF 766
BY 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
MM 717
SD 717
RU 717
SS 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
KP 717
KP 467
VE 717
CF 766
BY 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
MM 717
SD 717
RU 717
SS 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
VE 717
1008 706
1008 708
KP 473
CF 766
BY 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 278
UA 767
UA 709
1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
RU 767
1008 751
RU 767
RU 709
RU 709
1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
RU 709
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 476
RU 709
1008 751
RU 709
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 278
UA 767
UA 709
BY 767
KP 717
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
1008 751
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 709
IR 709
KP 717
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
1008 751
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 476
RU 709
IR 709
KP 717
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 476
RU 709
KP 717
KP 467
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 467
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 476
RU 709
SY 717
1008 751
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
UA 767
UA 709
KP 278
BY 767
RU 767
1008 478
1008 478
KP 467
1008 478
KP 278
1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 278
BY 767
RU 767
IR 476
1008 478
1008 478
KP 278
IR 709
IR 709
KP 467
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 709
KP 278
RU 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 709
KP 278
IR 709
1011 109
IR 709
1011 109
IR 709
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
KP 278
RU 709
1011 109
SY 717
KP 278
KP 476
IR 709
BY 767
RU 767
IR 709
KP 467
KP 467
IR 709
1008 478
KP 467
IR 709
1008 478
KP 278
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 278
RU 709
1011 109
SY 717
KP 278
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
KP 278
RU 709
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
RU 767
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 278
RU 709
RU 767
1011 482
KP 709
KP 278
1008 751
1008 751
KP 278
KP 709
KP 278
RU 709
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
1008 706
1008 708
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
KP 278
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 278
UA 767
UA 709
1008 751
1008 751
RU 767
1008 751
RU 767
1008 751
RU 709
1014 751
KP 717
1008 751
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 278
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
RU 767
RU 767
1008 751
1008 751
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
RU 709
1008 751
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 278
UA 767
UA 709
BY 767
1008 751
KP 717
IR 476
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
KP 717
IR 476
1008 478
1008 751
IR 476
1008 478
RU 767
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
1008 478
1008 751
KP 717
KP 476
1008 478
RU 709
1008 751
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
RU 767
1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
KP 717
SY 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
KP 717
IR 476
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
1008 478
RU 767
RU 767
1008 751
KP 717
1008 478
RU 709
BY 767
1008 751
KP 717
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
KP 717
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
1008 478
RU 767
KP 476
1008 751
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
1008 751
KP 717
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 482
KP 717
KP 467
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
1008 751
KP 717
KP 467
IR 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
RU 709
KP 717
IR 476
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
KP 717
IR 476
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
KP 717
IR 476
RU 767
KP 717
SY 717
KP 467
IR 476
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
SY 717
KP 467
IR 476
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
1008 751
RU 767
1008 751
1008 751
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 767
1008 751
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
RU 767
1008 751
1008 478
1008 751
KP 717
1008 478
KP 717
SY 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 767
1008 751
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
1011 479
1011 479
1008 751
RU 767
1008 751
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 767
RU 767
RU 767
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
SY 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
RU 767
1008 751
KP 717
IR 476
1008 478
1008 751
IR 476
1008 478
KP 717
IR 476
1008 478
KP 278
1011 109
1011 109
RU 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 476
UA 767
UA 709
RU 476
KP 476
BY 767
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
1008 478
1008 478
RU 709
KP 473
RU 709
KP 473
RU 709
RU 709
1008 706
KP 473
BY 717
RU 709
1008 715
SY 717
MM 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
BY 717
SY 717
MM 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
BY 717
KP 473
1011 109
1008 715
1011 109
SY 718
KP 718
RU 718
1008 715
SY 718
KP 718
1008 715
RU 718
KP 278
RU 709
1008 706
1008 708
RU 709
RU 709
RU 709
SY 717
SY 717
RU 709
RU 767
KP 278
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
RU 709
RU 709
RU 709
RU 709
UA 767
UA 709
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
RU 767
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
RU 767
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
BY 767
RU 767
SY 717
BY 767
RU 767
1011 109
KP 718
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 718
SY 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
LY 717
RU 709
BY 767
RU 767
BY 767
RU 767
BY 767
RU 767
BY 767
RU 709
RU 767
1011 482
1011 109
KP 718
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
LY 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
RU 767
BY 767
RU 767
KP 718
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 718
SY 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
BY 767
RU 767
1011 482
BY 767
RU 709
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
1008 478
RU 767
RU 709
RU 709
RU 709
KP 718
UA 767
UA 709
1011 109
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
1011 109
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
BY 767
BY 767
BY 767
1011 109
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
1011 109
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
1011 109
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
1011 109
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
RU 709
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
KP 709
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
1011 482
1011 482
KP 709
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
1011 109
RU 709
1011 109
RU 709
1011 109
1011 109
RU 709
1011 109
RU 709
RU 476
1011 109
SY 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
1011 109
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 709
RU 476
1011 109
1011 109
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
1008 706
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
1011 109
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 476
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 476
UA 767
UA 709
1011 109
RU 709
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
RU 767
1011 109
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 482
RU 767
1011 109
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
KP 467
KP 718
RU 767
RU 718
1011 109
KP 717
KP 467
KP 718
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 718
1011 482
1011 109
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
KP 718
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 718
KP 717
SY 717
KP 718
KP 467
1011 109
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
KP 709
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
BY 767
1008 478
BY 767
1008 478
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
1011 482
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
1008 725
1008 278
1008 725
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
KP 718
RU 718
RU 709
1011 482
1011 482
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
KP 709
UA 767
UA 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 709
1011 109
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 725
1008 278
1008 725
UA 767
UA 709
1011 109
SY 717
KP 718
KP 476
RU 718
1011 109
SY 717
KP 718
KP 476
RU 718
1011 109
SY 717
KP 718
RU 718
1011 109
SY 717
KP 718
KP 476
RU 718
1011 109
SY 717
KP 718
KP 476
RU 718
1011 109
SY 717
SY 717
KP 717
BY 767
BY 709
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
1008 478
RU 767
1011 482
1011 482
SY 717
KP 709
BY 767
RU 767
SY 717
KP 709
BY 767
RU 767
SY 717
KP 709
BY 767
RU 709
RU 767
SY 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 709
BY 767
RU 767
KP 709
BY 767
RU 767
SY 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 709
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 709
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
RU 767
1008 725
1008 278
1008 725
KP 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 718
BY 767
RU 767
RU 718
KP 709
KP 709
RU 709
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
KP 473
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
BY 767
RU 709
RU 767
KP 717
1008 478
SY 717
KP 467
IR 476
KP 717
KP 473
1008 478
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
KP 709
BY 767
BY 709
RU 767
1011 109
KP 709
BY 767
BY 709
RU 767
KP 709
BY 767
BY 709
SY 717
KP 476
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
KP 476
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 709
BY 767
BY 709
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 709
BY 767
BY 709
1008 478
RU 767
KP 709
BY 767
BY 709
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 709
BY 767
BY 709
1008 478
RU 767
KP 709
BY 767
BY 709
RU 767
KP 717
KP 709
KP 473
BY 767
BY 709
RU 767
KP 709
KP 473
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
BY 709
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
BY 709
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
BY 709
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
BY 709
RU 767
BY 767
BY 709
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 473
BY 767
BY 709
1008 478
RU 767
RU 767
UA 767
UA 709
1011 109
KP 718
RU 718
1011 109
BY 709
SY 717
KP 717
BY 767
BY 709
1008 478
RU 767
BY 709
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
1011 109
KP 718
RU 718
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
1008 725
SY 717
KP 717
KP 709
1008 708
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 766
SY 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
KP 709
VE 717
BY 717
1011 109
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
MM 717
1011 109
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
MM 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
MM 717
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
MM 717
IR 717
LY 717
SY 717
1011 109
ZW 717
VE 717
BY 717
MM 717
SY 717
IR 717
LY 717
1011 109
ZW 717
VE 717
BY 717
MM 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
BY 717
MM 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
KP 717
KP 709
IR 476
BY 717
RU 709
VE 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
MM 717
1008 708
VE 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 766
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1008 725
SY 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
BY 717
RU 709
VE 717
MM 717
VE 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
MM 717
1011 109
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
RU 709
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
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RU 709
RU 709
RU 709
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 718
RU 718
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
RU 709
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 717
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
1011 109
SY 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
MM 717
1011 109
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LY 717
IR 717
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MM 717
1011 109
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MM 717
1011 109
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LY 717
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1011 109
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LY 717
IR 717
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MM 717
1011 109
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IR 717
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IR 717
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IR 717
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MM 717
1011 109
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LY 717
IR 717
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MM 717
1011 109
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LY 717
IR 717
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MM 717
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 767
1011 109
RU 709
1011 109
RU 709
RU 476
RU 709
1011 109
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BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
KP 718
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RU 476
RU 709
RU 476
RU 709
RU 476
UA 767
UA 709
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
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1011 109
1008 751
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1011 109
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1011 109
1008 751
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1011 109
KP 709
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
RU 709
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
KP 473
RU 709
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
1011 109
RU 709
1008 467
1008 467
1008 473
1008 735
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
1011 109
1011 109
KP 718
RU 718
1011 109
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1011 109
1011 109
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1011 109
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1011 109
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1011 109
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1011 109
KP 717
KP 718
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 718
1011 109
KP 718
RU 767
RU 718
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
1011 109
KP 718
RU 718
RU 709
RU 767
IR 476
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
1011 109
SY 717
MM 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
BY 717
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
KP 473
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
KP 473
BY 767
1008 478
1011 109
SY 717
MM 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
KP 473
BY 717
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
KP 473
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
MM 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
VE 717
BY 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
SY 717
MM 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
KP 473
BY 717
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
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KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
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KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
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BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
KP 467
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
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KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
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KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
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KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
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KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
UA 767
UA 709
1011 109
KP 718
RU 718
1011 109
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RU 718
1011 109
KP 718
RU 718
1011 109
1008 725
1008 278
1008 725
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RU 718
RU 709
1011 109
RU 709
RU 709
UA 767
UA 709
1011 109
KP 718
RU 718
1011 482
1011 483
1011 482
1011 483
1011 109
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LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
BY 717
1011 109
SY 717
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LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
BY 717
1011 109
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
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RU 767
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KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
RU 709
1011 109
SY 717
MM 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
KP 473
BY 717
UA 767
UA 709
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
RU 767
BY 767
RU 709
RU 767
KP 709
BY 767
RU 767
KP 717
1008 478
1008 478
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
RU 709
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
1011 109
KP 473
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
RU 709
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 467
1011 109
SY 717
MM 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
KP 473
BY 717
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 467
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
SY 717
MM 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
KP 473
BY 717
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 767
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
SY 717
MM 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
KP 473
BY 717
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
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KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
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KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 767
KP 467
RU 767
RU 767
RU 767
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
BY 767
1008 478
KP 467
RU 767
1011 109
SY 717
MM 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
KP 473
BY 717
UA 767
UA 709
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
RU 709
RU 767
KP 467
RU 709
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
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KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
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BY 767
1008 478
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BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
1011 109
SY 717
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LY 717
IR 717
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KP 473
KP 476
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IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
1011 109
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LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
KP 473
KP 476
BY 717
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
MM 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
KP 473
KP 476
BY 717
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
1011 109
1011 109
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 467
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
UA 767
UA 709
SY 717
MM 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
BY 717
IR 717
SY 717
LY 717
MM 717
ZW 717
KP 717
VE 717
BY 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
MM 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
KP 717
VE 717
BY 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
MM 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
KP 717
VE 717
BY 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
SY 717
MM 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
BY 717
RU 709
SY 717
MM 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
BY 717
SY 717
MM 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
BY 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
SY 717
MM 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
KP 717
VE 717
BY 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 473
KP 476
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
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KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
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KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
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IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
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IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
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RU 709
BY 767
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
1008 478
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RU 767
KP 717
RU 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
SY 717
MM 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
BY 717
SY 717
MM 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
BY 717
1011 109
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LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
BY 717
1011 109
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IR 717
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BY 717
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
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1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
SY 717
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LY 717
IR 717
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BY 717
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LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
BY 717
SY 717
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IR 717
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VE 717
BY 717
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LY 717
IR 717
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VE 717
BY 717
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
KP 709
KP 476
KP 709
KP 476
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KP 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
UA 767
UA 709
KP 718
RU 718
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RU 718
KP 718
RU 718
KP 718
RU 718
1011 109
KP 718
KP 473
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 476
RU 709
SY 717
1011 482
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
KP 717
IR 476
VE 717
BY 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
MM 717
SY 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
KP 717
IR 476
VE 717
BY 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
MM 717
SY 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
KP 717
IR 476
VE 717
BY 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
MM 717
SY 717
MM 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
KP 717
IR 476
VE 717
BY 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
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KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
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IR 476
VE 717
BY 767
1008 478
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IR 476
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BY 767
1008 478
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KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
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KP 717
IR 476
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BY 767
1008 478
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KP 717
IR 476
VE 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
MM 717
IR 476
VE 717
BY 767
1008 478
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KP 717
IR 476
VE 717
IR 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
MM 717
UA 767
UA 709
1011 109
RU 709
1011 109
RU 709
1011 109
KP 718
RU 718
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
RU 767
RU 767
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
RU 767
RU 767
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 709
RU 709
RU 709
KP 473
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
BY 767
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
UA 767
UA 709
1008 725
1008 278
1008 725
1011 109
1011 109
1008 725
1008 278
1008 725
1011 109
1011 109
1008 725
1008 278
1008 725
BY 709
UA 767
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1011 109
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RU 709
1008 725
1008 278
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1011 109
1008 725
1008 278
1008 725
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
KP 467
RU 767
1011 109
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 709
BY 717
UA 767
UA 709
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
KP 709
KP 476
BY 717
UA 767
UA 709
SY 717
1008 751
VE 717
BY 767
BY 709
RU 709
RU 767
MM 717
SY 717
VE 717
BY 767
BY 709
RU 767
MM 717
SY 717
VE 717
BY 767
BY 709
RU 709
RU 767
MM 717
1011 109
SY 717
VE 717
BY 767
BY 709
RU 767
MM 717
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
VE 717
BY 767
BY 709
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
MM 717
SY 717
KP 718
VE 717
BY 767
BY 709
RU 767
RU 718
MM 717
SY 717
KP 717
VE 717
BY 767
BY 709
RU 767
MM 717
SY 717
KP 717
VE 717
BY 767
BY 709
RU 767
MM 717
SY 717
VE 717
BY 767
BY 709
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
MM 717
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
VE 717
BY 767
BY 709
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
MM 717
VE 717
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
BY 709
1008 478
RU 767
MM 717
SY 717
VE 717
RU 709
MM 717
BY 767
BY 709
RU 767
BY 767
BY 709
RU 767
1008 751
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
BY 709
1008 478
RU 767
1008 751
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
KP 473
BY 767
BY 709
1008 478
RU 767
VE 717
BY 709
RU 709
MM 717
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
KP 473
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
KP 473
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 476
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
RU 709
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 709
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
KP 476
KP 476
RU 709
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
SY 717
KP 717
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 709
RU 767
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
BY 767
1008 478
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
BY 767
1008 478
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
SY 717
KP 717
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
SY 717
KP 717
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 482
KP 717
IR 476
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 718
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 482
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
KP 476
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
1011 109
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
RU 766
RU 766
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
RU 767
RU 766
KP 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
1011 109
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 278
1011 109
SY 717
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 767
1011 482
RU 709
RU 767
LY 717
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
LY 717
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 767
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
RU 767
1011 482
1011 482
RU 767
RU 709
RU 767
1011 482
1011 482
RU 709
RU 767
RU 709
RU 767
1011 482
RU 709
RU 767
RU 709
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 767
1011 109
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
RU 767
RU 767
RU 767
RU 767
RU 767
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 767
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
1011 109
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
RU 709
1011 109
RU 709
1011 109
RU 709
1011 109
BY 767
KP 717
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
KP 717
KP 467
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
KP 717
KP 467
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
KP 717
KP 467
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
KP 717
KP 467
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 766
KP 476
KP 467
KP 467
1011 482
KP 476
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 482
SY 717
1011 109
1011 109
1008 749
1011 109
1011 109
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
RU 709
1011 109
KP 717
IR 476
1008 749
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 709
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
1011 109
RU 709
1011 109
RU 709
RU 709
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 109
KP 717
1008 749
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
KP 718
RU 718
1011 109
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
KP 718
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 718
1011 109
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
KP 718
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 718
SY 717
KP 717
IR 476
KP 476
1011 109
KP 718
RU 718
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
KP 718
BY 767
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
KP 718
RU 709
1011 109
KP 718
RU 718
KP 718
RU 718
KP 718
RU 718
RU 709
KP 709
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
KP 717
SY 717
IR 476
1011 109
BY 767
1008 478
RU 766
RU 767
1011 109
KP 717
SY 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 766
RU 767
1011 109
SY 717
RU 766
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
SY 717
IR 476
1011 109
RU 766
RU 767
BY 767
1008 478
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
SY 717
IR 476
1011 109
BY 767
RU 766
RU 767
1008 478
1008 478
KP 717
SY 717
IR 476
1011 109
BY 767
RU 766
RU 767
1008 478
1008 478
1011 109
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 766
RU 767
SY 717
RU 766
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
UA 767
UA 709
KP 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
KP 709
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
KP 709
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
KP 709
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
KP 717
KP 709
KP 467
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 709
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 467
1011 109
KP 709
KP 717
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
1011 482
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
KP 718
RU 718
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
KP 718
RU 767
RU 718
1011 109
KP 718
RU 718
1011 109
KP 718
RU 718
1011 109
KP 718
RU 718
1011 109
KP 718
RU 718
RU 709
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 709
1011 109
KP 717
KP 718
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 718
KP 717
KP 718
1011 109
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 718
KP 717
KP 718
1011 109
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
KP 718
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 718
1011 109
KP 717
KP 718
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
KP 718
VE 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 709
MM 717
KP 718
RU 767
1011 109
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
1011 109
KP 717
IR 476
VE 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
MM 717
KP 717
IR 476
VE 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
MM 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
VE 717
BY 717
MM 717
1011 109
KP 717
1011 109
KP 717
1011 109
KP 717
KP 717
1011 109
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
KP 717
BY 767
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
KP 718
RU 718
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
KP 718
RU 718
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 709
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
KP 709
BY 717
1011 109
VE 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
MM 717
1011 109
KP 717
VE 717
MM 717
1011 109
KP 717
IR 476
KP 473
KP 476
VE 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
MM 717
KP 717
IR 476
KP 473
KP 476
VE 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
MM 717
VE 717
MM 717
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
KP 717
IR 476
KP 473
VE 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
MM 717
KP 717
IR 476
KP 473
KP 476
VE 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
MM 717
KP 717
IR 476
KP 473
KP 476
VE 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
MM 717
1011 109
RU 709
RU 767
VE 717
BY 767
1008 478
MM 717
KP 717
IR 476
KP 473
KP 476
VE 717
BY 767
1008 478
MM 717
1011 109
IR 476
KP 717
VE 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
MM 717
1011 109
VE 717
MM 717
KP 717
IR 476
KP 473
KP 476
VE 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
MM 717
VE 717
MM 717
KP 717
IR 476
VE 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
MM 717
KP 717
BY 717
ZW 717
LY 717
IR 717
SY 717
KP 709
IR 476
1011 109
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
MM 717
1011 109
UA 767
UA 709
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 766
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 766
RU 767
VE 717
KP 717
KP 709
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 766
RU 767
MM 717
KP 717
VE 717
KP 709
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 766
RU 767
MM 717
VE 717
KP 717
KP 709
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 766
RU 767
RU 709
MM 717
VE 717
KP 717
KP 709
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 766
RU 709
MM 717
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
KP 717
KP 709
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 766
KP 709
KP 718
RU 767
1011 109
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 766
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 766
KP 717
KP 709
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
KP 709
KP 718
UA 767
UA 709
RU 718
RU 709
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 709
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 709
RU 709
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 709
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 709
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 709
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 709
1011 109
UA 767
UA 709
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 709
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 709
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 709
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 709
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 767
KP 718
RU 767
RU 718
BY 767
BY 767
KP 718
RU 767
RU 718
RU 767
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
KP 718
KP 717
KP 718
RU 718
KP 717
IR 476
KP 718
BY 767
1008 478
RU 718
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
IR 476
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
UA 767
UA 709
KP 718
RU 718
1011 109
1011 109
SY 717
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 476
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
RU 767
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
RU 709
RU 709
SY 717
UA 767
UA 709
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 709
RU 767
RU 767
RU 767
RU 767
RU 709
RU 767
SY 717
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
RU 767
BY 767
1008 478
BY 767
1008 478
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
RU 767
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
UA 767
UA 709
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 749
RU 767
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
IR 476
1008 749
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
IR 476
1008 749
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 766
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
IR 476
1008 749
BY 767
1008 478
IR 476
1008 749
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
IR 476
1008 749
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
IR 476
1008 749
BY 767
1008 478
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
RU 767
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
KP 476
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
KP 473
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
1011 482
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 467
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
KP 467
KP 473
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 709
UA 767
UA 709
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
RU 709
1011 109
1008 749
1011 109
1008 749
1011 109
RU 709
1008 749
1008 749
1011 109
RU 709
1011 109
SY 717
SY 717
1008 749
1011 109
RU 709
SY 717
1008 749
1011 109
RU 709
1008 749
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
1011 109
RU 767
1011 109
RU 767
1011 109
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
MM 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
KP 717
IR 476
VE 717
BY 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
RU 767
1011 109
RU 767
1011 109
RU 767
1011 109
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1011 109
BY 767
RU 767
1011 109
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
UA 767
UA 709
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 766
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 766
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 766
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 766
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 766
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 766
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 766
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 766
UA 767
UA 709
RU 766
IR 476
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
IR 476
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
IR 476
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 766
IR 476
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
IR 476
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
1011 109
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
1011 109
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
1011 109
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
1011 109
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1008 706
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1008 478
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IR 476
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1008 708
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1008 478
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1008 751
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1008 478
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1008 278
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1008 478
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1008 478
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1008 478
1008 467
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1008 278
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1008 725
1008 278
1008 725
1011 109
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1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
1008 751
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1008 278
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1008 751
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1008 278
1008 725
1011 109
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BY 717
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1008 751
1008 751
1011 482
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1008 751
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1011 482
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IR 476
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1008 278
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1011 109
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BY 767
1008 478
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1011 109
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BY 717
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KP 709
BY 767
RU 767
KP 709
1011 109
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BY 717
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BY 767
RU 767
1008 725
1008 278
1008 725
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1011 109
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 482
1011 109
1008 725
1008 278
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1011 109
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1008 751
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1011 109
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1008 278
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1011 482
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1011 109
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BY 717
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KP 718
BY 717
RU 709
MM 717
1008 467
1008 467
1008 735
1008 473
UA 767
UA 709
1011 109
SY 717
SY 718
KP 278
KP 718
BY 767
RU 278
IR 476
1008 478
RU 767
1008 725
1008 725
SY 717
SY 718
KP 278
BY 767
RU 278
1011 109
1011 482
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SS 717
KP 717
IR 476
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CF 766
1008 478
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1011 109
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1008 478
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1011 109
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BY 767
RU 278
KP 278
BY 767
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IR 476
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1008 725
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1011 109
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BY 767
RU 278
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1011 482
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IR 476
1008 478
1011 482
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IR 476
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IR 476
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1011 482
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IR 476
1008 478
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IR 476
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1011 109
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1011 109
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1011 109
BY 767
1011 109
BY 767
1011 109
BY 767
1011 109
BY 767
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1011 109
BY 767
1008 278
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1011 109
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1011 109
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1011 482
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BY 767
RU 767
1011 482
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BY 767
RU 767
1011 482
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RU 767
1008 278
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1008 278
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1008 278
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1008 278
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1008 278
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1008 278
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BY 767
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1011 482
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1011 482
1011 482
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1011 109
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1011 109
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BY 767
1008 278
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1008 725
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BY 767
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BY 767
1008 478
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BY 767
1008 478
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BY 767
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1008 278
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1011 109
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1011 109
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1008 478
1011 482
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1008 751
BY 767
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1008 467
1008 467
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IR 476
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1008 478
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IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
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1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
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BY 767
1008 478
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1011 109
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1011 109
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1011 109
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1008 478
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BY 767
1008 478
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1011 109
1011 109
1008 715
1008 715
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RU 767
1008 715
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1011 109
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IR 476
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1008 478
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1011 109
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BY 767
1008 478
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1008 478
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BY 767
1008 478
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1008 478
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1011 109
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1008 735
1011 109
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1011 109
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BY 767
1008 478
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1008 478
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BY 767
1008 478
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IR 476
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1008 478
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1008 478
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IR 476
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1008 478
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1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
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IR 476
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1008 478
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1011 109
1011 109
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1008 478
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1008 749
1008 706
1008 706
1008 706
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1008 478
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1011 109
1011 109
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1011 109
1008 740
1011 109
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1011 109
1011 109
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1008 478
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BY 767
1008 478
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IR 476
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1011 109
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
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RU 767
1011 109
1008 749
1008 749
RU 709
RU 767
UA 767
UA 709
RU 709
RU 766
1011 109
1011 109
1008 749
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
BY 767
1008 478
KP 709
UA 767
UA 709
1011 109
BY 767
RU 709
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
1008 478
SY 717
KP 717
1008 478
SY 717
KP 717
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
KP 717
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
BY 767
1008 478
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KP 717
SY 717
IR 476
KP 473
KP 476
1011 109
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
RU 709
RU 767
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SY 717
IR 476
KP 473
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 717
SY 717
IR 476
KP 473
KP 476
BY 767
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
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UA 767
UA 709
RU 767
1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
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UA 709
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KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
RU 767
SY 717
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UA 709
KP 717
IR 476
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
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BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
BY 767
RU 767
BY 767
RU 709
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BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
KP 476
BY 767
RU 709
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
KP 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
KP 476
BY 767
RU 767
KP 717
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
KP 717
KP 476
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SY 717
BY 767
UA 767
UA 709
RU 767
KP 717
IR 476
KP 476
1008 478
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KP 717
IR 476
1008 478
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KP 717
1008 478
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RU 709
1011 109
IR 476
1008 478
IR 476
1008 478
KP 476
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1008 478
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
KP 473
VE 717
1008 478
MM 717
KP 717
KP 467
IR 476
1008 478
RU 709
UA 767
UA 709
RU 767
1011 109
SY 717
1011 109
RU 709
BY 767
UA 767
UA 709
RU 767
KP 476
1008 467
1008 467
1008 735
1008 473
1011 109
SY 718
KP 718
1011 484
1008 715
BY 767
RU 767
RU 718
1011 109
SY 718
KP 718
1011 484
1008 715
BY 767
RU 767
RU 718
1011 109
SY 718
KP 718
1008 715
RU 718
1011 109
SY 718
KP 718
RU 718
1011 109
SY 718
KP 718
1008 715
RU 718
1011 109
BY 767
RU 767
1011 109
1011 109
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KP 718
RU 718
1011 109
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KP 718
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KP 718
RU 718
1011 109
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1011 109
1011 109
1011 109
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1011 109
1008 740
1008 740
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1008 715
1008 715
1008 740
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1008 467
1008 467
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1011 109
1011 109
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1008 715
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1011 109
1011 109
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1011 109
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1011 109
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1008 467
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1008 473
CF 766
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RU 717
SS 717
1011 109
KP 709
RU 767
1008 478
BY 767
1008 478
1011 109
SY 717
MM 717
1008 476
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LY 717
IR 717
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BY 717
RU 709
1011 109
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MM 717
1008 476
SD 717
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IR 717
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VE 717
BY 717
1008 715
SY 717
MM 717
SD 717
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LY 717
IR 717
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BY 717
1008 715
1008 476
1008 476
SY 717
MM 717
1008 476
SD 717
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IR 717
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BY 717
1008 715
SY 717
MM 717
1008 476
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IR 717
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VE 717
BY 717
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
SD 717
RU 717
SS 717
1011 109
1008 706
1008 708
BY 767
1008 478
RU 709
RU 767
RU 766
SD 717
RU 717
SS 717
SY 717
1008 476
LY 717
IR 717
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VE 717
BY 717
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SY 717
1008 476
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VE 717
BY 717
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SY 717
1008 476
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VE 717
1008 708
BY 717
BY 767
1008 478
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SD 717
RU 717
SS 717
BY 767
RU 767
1011 109
SY 717
MM 717
1008 476
LY 717
IR 717
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VE 717
BY 717
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MM 717
1008 476
LY 717
IR 717
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VE 717
BY 717
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SY 717
MM 717
1008 476
LY 717
IR 717
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VE 717
BY 717
RU 709
KP 473
SY 717
MM 717
1008 476
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
KP 473
BY 717
RU 709
KP 473
KP 717
IR 476
1008 478
SY 717
MM 717
1008 476
LY 717
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KP 717
IR 476
VE 717
BY 717
1008 478
RU 709
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SY 718
MM 717
SD 717
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SS 717
LY 717
IR 717
ZW 717
VE 717
KP 718
BY 717
1008 715
RU 718
1008 467
1008 467
1008 735
1008 473
1008 740
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RU 709
1008 706
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1008 706
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1008 706
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1008 706
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1008 706
1008 706
1008 706
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1008 706
BY 767
1008 478
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1008 715
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1008 715
1008 706
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1008 715
BY 767
1008 478
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SY 717
1008 706
BY 767
1008 478
RU 767
1008 706
1008 706
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1008 706
BY 767
1008 478
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1008 715
SY 717
1008 740
1011 109
1008 749
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KP 718
1008 749
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SY 718
KP 718
BY 767
RU 767
BY 767
RU 767
BY 767
RU 767
KP 717
1008 478
SY 718
KP 718
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SY 718
KP 718
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1008 706
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RU 709
1008 706
1008 706
1008 467
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1008 715
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1011 109
1011 109
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1008 715
RU 718
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1011 109
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RU 718
1008 740
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RU 718
1008 740
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KP 718
BY 767
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1011 109
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KP 718
RU 718
1011 109
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1008 740
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KP 718
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KP 717
BY 767
RU 767
1008 467
1008 467
1008 473
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LY 717
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SD 717
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ZW 717
KP 717
IR 476
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CF 766
BY 717
1008 478
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IR 717
LY 717
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KP 717
IR 476
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BY 717
1008 478
1008 467
1008 467
1008 473
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CF 766
BY 717
1008 478
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RU 718
1008 467
1008 467
1008 467
1008 467
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1008 467
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RU 709
UA 767
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RU 709
1008 725

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