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BETA (v0.9)


CORE RULES 2+ 4+ hrs Age

Pack Beasts 193 PC Positions 233
Vehicles 196 Movement Types 234
Property 200 Location Actions 235
WELCOME 6 STEP 4 · TRAITS 130 Services 201 Site Encounters 236


I CHARACTER CREATION Physiology Quirks 133 Mana, Allegiance, Gifts 204 Negotiate Procedure 239
Spirit Quirks 136 Advancing in Rank 205
Fate Quirks 139 Allegiance 206
Eldritch Quirks 142 FIGHT 244
Character Creation Procedure 11 Gifts 206
Robotic Quirks 145 Fight Procedure 245
Combat Values 246
STEP 1 · CALLING 12 Creating A Battlefield 248
Factotum 16 STEP 6 · FINISHING DETAILS 148 II PLAYING THE GAME Conducting A Fight 252
Sneak 22 Actions 254
Champion 28 GEAR 149 Damage 259
Raider 34 GAME BASICS 210 Injury Table 260
Paying For Gear 151
Battle Princess 40 Playing The Game 211 Treatment Of Injuries 262
Carrying Gear 151
Murder Princess 50 General Play 212 Treatment 262
Inventory Slots 151
Sage 58 Managing Game Time 213 Sundering 263
Weapon Types 152
Heretic 68 Rolling Dice 214 Colossal Combat 264
Melee Weapon Types 152
Focused Rules 215
Missile Weapon Types 158
STEP 2 · SPECIES 12 Custom Weapon Abilities 160 PERILS 266
Armor Types 163 CHECKS & CONTESTS 216 Non-combat Injuries 267
Human (Native) 84
Custom Armor Abilities 166 Aptitudes 217 Ailments 268
Human (Dimensional Stray) 86
Shield Types 169 Check Procedure 218
Chib 88
Custom Shield Abilities 171 Contest Procedure 219
Tenebrate 90 DOWNTIME 266
Outfits 172 Linked Contests 220
Rai-Neko 92 Downtime Activities 273
Wearable Accessories 173 Special Success 221
Promethean 94 Social Bonds 279
Wayfinding 174
Gruun 96 Reputations 279
Illumination 175 JOURNEY 222
Goblin 98
Specialist’s Kit 176 Journey Procedure 223
Dwarf 100
Books 176 Navigating 226 CRAFT 280
Elf 102
Consumables 177 Getting Lost 227 Crafting Procedure 281
Bio-Mechanoid 104
Combustibles & Chemicals 178 Map Encounters 228 Crafting Disciplines 282
Species Abilities 106
Miscellaneous 179 A Day’s Travel 229 Repairing & Customizing Gear 285
Curiosities, Artifacts, & Gadgets 180 Camp 229 Crafting Imbued Gear 286
STEP 3 · HOMELAND & HISTORY 108 Other World Items 182 Using Materials 288
Hunting & Foraging 229
Wistful Dark History Table 110 Companions 183 Using Additives 291
Rush 229
Twilight Meridian History Table 114 Followers 184 Crafting Mishaps 294
Blazing Garden History Table 118 Animal Companions 187
Buried Kingdom History Table 122 Pets 188 EXPLORE 230
Other World History Table 126 Mounts 191 Explore Procedure 231
Adventure Sites 232

2 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 3
Lalka 392
Master Villains 394
Mundymutts 400
Skelemen 404
WELCOME TO OUTER WORLD 298 Shadow Beast 412
Octia Scroll 300 Tiny Unhelpful Cloud 416
Von Peebles Map 302 Undead Peddler 418
Wistful Dark 304 Unshaped, Bellzuub 420
Twilight Meridian 306 Urarani 426
Blazing Garden 308 Creating Adversaries 430
Buried Kingdom 310
Further Exploration 312


Character Sheet 442
Character Sheet (Filled) 444
BEING A GAMES MASTER 316 Gear List 346
Running the Game 316 Game Basics Cheat Sheet 450
Creating an Adventure 318 Checks & Contests Cheat Sheet 450
Creating Game Master Characters 320 Journey Cheat Sheet 451
Creating a Settlement 328 Explore Cheat Sheet 452
Creating an Adventure Site 332 Negotiate Cheat Sheet 453
Creating Adventure Maps 344 Fight Cheat Sheet 454
Creating Encounters 348 Perils Cheat Sheet 456
Creating a Saga 352 Downtime Cheat Sheet 458
Craft Cheat Sheet 459
Index 460

Using Adversaries 356
Asura, Lajja 360
Bizzer Swarm 364
Blaster Mage 366
Chompa 368
Chosen One 370
Demon, Blighted 372
Drones 376
Goop 382
Giga Gruun 384
Grim Wing 386
Killservants 388

4 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 5


In BREAK!! the players take on the role of If you are already familiar with RPGs and
BREAK!! is a tabletop role playing game of exploration and adventure set in adventurers, plucky souls that roam Outer related gaming jargon, here’s a quick
the fantasy realm of Outer World, a place of wonder and peril. World in search of truth and treasure. system overview:
As an adventurer you will: BREAK!! only uses a d20.
Journey across shattered landscapes. Aptitudes (Ability Scores) are set by
your Calling (Class), not rolled.
Explore the world’s ancient ruins and
wonders of the modern age. Experience Points are awarded for Rank
(Level) advancement.
Encounter and interact with Outer
World’s many unusual inhabitants. Roll under Aptitude Checks (Saves).
Negotiate or fight with monstrous or Point crawl overland travel system.
cunning adversaries. Tactical, turn-based combat.
Survive and endure Outer World’s Roll over enemy’s Defence Rating (AC)
many perils and challenges. to hit.
Craft items, both magical Weapons do set, not random, damage.
and mechanical. Hearts (Hit Points) reset every fight.
Create social bonds with the friends Lasting injuries occur after your Hearts
you meet along the way. are depleted, and need to be healed.
Attempt to rise through the Scenario, not story based, adventures.
Outer World is broken. Most struggle to In this Role Playing Game (RPG) you bring adventuring ranks to become a legend. Random Encounters with Mood rolls
survive, huddling together in the ruins of a fantasy world to life and create the brave Experience the wonder, humor, (Reaction).
the past. adventurers to explore it with. tragedy, and triumph of adventuring. Success is determined by the player’s
Will you protect or abandon them? One player takes on the role of Games situational decision making, and
Master (GM). They devise and present Inspiration calculated risk.
Some pockets of civilisation remain. Their challenges and situations to the players.
leaders seek to shape the future. For example, a town might be destroyed BREAK!! is a love letter to the worlds and
if the source of the corrupted mana is not themes depicted in manga, anime and
Will you help or hinder them? found and stopped. videogames. Thanks to all the creators that GMs should read this book though
fuelled our imaginations and ambition. prior to playing BREAK!! to familiarize
Forgotten knowledge and lost treasures The others assume the role of the Player
Influences include: themselves with the entire game.
are rumored to have the power to change Characters (PCs). For example, these
the status quo. might be warriors, wizards or other Videogames: Godslayer/Crystalis, Games run most smoothly if the GM
adventurous figures. They must use SaGa, NieR, Mana Series, Final Fantasy is able to easily recall the information
Will you wield them wisely? their wits, and their characters’ abilities, included in the Playing the Game
Series, Zelda Series.
to overcome or circumvent the Game ( p209) section. Other content is less
Influential heroes and villains roam Master’s challenges. Animations: Studio Ghibli, Berserk, likely to be required during play and can
the land, leaving a wake of irrevocable Morabito, The Tower of Druaga: The be referenced before or during the game.
change behind them. When the PCs, or other characters in the Aegis of Uruk/Sword of Uruk, Sword
1 game world, attempt something risky Art Online, The Last Unicorn, Wizards, Cheat sheets ( p450) are included
Will you survive long enough to become they roll dice to determine whether they classic Disney. in the Appendices that condense all
one of them? succeed or fail. The likelihood of success the frequently referenced rules and
Literature: The Once and Future King,
depends on the chosen course of action The Swords Trilogy, The Earthsea Series. information into one place.
9 and the character’s skill or competency.
Other RPGs: Stormbringer 1st Edition,
Maid, Teenagers from Outer Space, WWW.BREAKRPG.COM
Old School Hack.
3 Join the BREAK!! community to access
Blogosphere: The entire community
new content and find other players at
of wonderfully talented and generous
designers, artists, and enthusiasts.

6 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 7





8 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 9


Adventurers have a special affinity with mana which enables them to attain START STEP 5 CREATING A
magical or martial mastery that would normally require a lifetime of dedication.
Select your Quirks
Your Quirk is what makes you
Select your Calling different from characters of a & HISTORY
similar Calling and Species. It is an
Your Calling determines the focus eccentricity that grants you a small

of your core abilities (e.g. magic, advantage, often accompanied by

combat, stealth) and therefore a minor catch. FINISHING
what in-game strategies will work DETAILS

best for you. ◆◆ Quirks ( p132) GEAR

◆◆ Callings ( p12) CHARACTER


◆◆ STEP 6
STEP 2 Add finishing details
Select your Species Finally, give your character a name
and details about their appearance
Your Species determines your and personality.
physical appearance (e.g. size,
shape, coloration) but also grants ◆◆ Character description ( p148)
you with extra biological or
psychological abilities.
◆◆ Species ( p80)
At each creation step you will be
presented with many choices. There
STEP 3 are two ways of making a decision:
to randomly decide with a die roll,
Select your Homeland & History or to simply choose the option you
like the sound of most.
The life you had before becoming
an adventurer provides you with I suggest rolling first, but choosing
when you get a result you don’t like.
specialist knowledge and a few
This way you’ll get a character you
useful starting items. wouldn’t have thought up on your
◆◆ Homelands & Histories ( p108) own, but will be sure to like.

◆◆ While having characters of a similar

type is not a problem, your players
STEP 4 might want to communicate with
each other to avoid any
CHOOSING A CHARACTER TO CREATE A PC You will need unwanted duplication.
Select your Traits
There are six steps for creating a Player About 15 minutes, or less! Traits enable you to personalise
Character (PC). Each step defines more A BREAK!! Character Sheet ( p444), or your character’s natural abilities,
about your character and provides them another less awesome piece of paper. making them more or less strong,
7 with skills and abilities they’ll be able to agile, resilient, or perceptive.
use in the game. A pencil & eraser! You’ll need to record
and update information as you go. ◆◆ Traits ( p130)
Your character has a big impact on how A twenty-sided die (d20), or any ◆◆
10 you approach the game’s challenges. If random number generator set to a
you’re a wily witch you’ll use magic to range of 1–20.
sidestep an obstacle, but as a beastly
barbarian you’ll apply brute force.

10 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 11



Your Calling is what you where born to do: a combination of your training and Factotum CHAMPION
instinct. Were you destined to be a disciple of the sword or a master of magic?
You elevate everyday You are a valiant CALLING

skills to an almost fighter who favors SPECIES

magical level. Your force and direct action. HOMELAND

motto: be prepared, Why pick a locked & HISTORY

focus on the details, door when it can be TRAITS

don’t be a hero. kicked off its hinges? QUIRK
More ( p16) More ( p28) DETAILS


9 7
Quick Start
INSIGHT 10 Average INSIGHT 10 Average

Starting Abilities Starting Abilities Champion

ABOUT YOUR CALLING CALLING Table Second to None ( p17) Combat Momentum ( p29)
Factotum Pack ( p17) Favored Weapon ( p29) Princess
Calling determines your… Choose or roll your Calling
Don’t Mind Me ( p17) Into the Fray ( p29) Murder
Aptitudes: Scores that describe your 1-3 Factotum ( p13)

physical and mental capabilities ( p217). Sage

Combat Values: Information that describes 4-6 Sneak ( p13) SNEAK RAIDER
how well you can fight ( p246).
You’re a rogue who You find victory
7-9 Champion ( p13)
Calling Abilities: Skills or powers unique uses acrobatics and through speed and
to your specific Calling. dirty tricks to succeed. precision. Even the
10-12 Raider ( p13)
Not everyone mightiest foes fear
Character Advancement: The way your
approves, but that’s your fluid and precise
Aptitudes and Combat Values develop as 13-14 Battle Princess ( p14) their problem. combat prowess.
you rise in Rank.
15-16 Murder Princess ( p14) More ( p22) More ( p34)
Combat Gear Allowance: The weapons
and armor you can use without penalty.
17-18 Sage ( p14) 7 MIGHT +0 2 9 MIGHT +1 3
19-20 Heretic ( p14) 7 GRIT 9 GRIT
1. Choose or roll on the Calling Table.
10 INSIGHT 10 Average 8 INSIGHT 10 Fast
2. Use the Quick Start Info to fill
5 While your Calling determines which 8 AURA DEFENSE SPEED 7 AURA DEFENSE SPEED
in your Character Sheet. More
tactical options will work best for
detailed information is provided in you, your most useful asset during
the Calling’s entry. Starting Abilities Starting Abilities
play is your wits!
20 3. Starting Abilities marked with Light Footed ( p23) Like the Wind ( p35)
Note, all Callings are gender-neutral
require you to take additional steps and you can change their names to Furtive ( p23) Hunter’s Focus ( p35)
described in the Ability’s entry. suit your preference. A Champion Sticky Fingers ( p23) Sidestep ( p35)
could be a Knight and a Battle
17 Princess can be a Prince.

12 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 13

Battle Princess SAGE

You are a wielder of You are a learned

Heart Magic and a researcher and CHARACTER
stalwart defender of practitioner of CALLING
the things you hold Wizardry. Mana is
dear. You inspire and yours to command,
motivate all those and with it you weave HOMELAND
around you. wonder and whimsy.
More ( p40) More ( p58) QUIRK
8 MIGHT +1 3 6 MIGHT +0 2




7 INSIGHT 10 Average 10 INSIGHT 10 Average
Starting Abilities Starting Abilities Sneak
Heart’s Blade ( p41) Grand Grimoire ( p59) Champion

Shield of Love ( p42) Sage’s Staff ( p59) Raider

Soul Companion ( p42) Prestidigitonium ( p60) Battle


Murder Princess HERETIC Sage

You focus your Wrath You read from


Magic to obliterate the Blasphemer’s

the source of your Script to call forth
hatred. There will be the Forbidden.
no clemency for those Sometimes they
who oppose you. serve, sometimes
they chastise.
More ( p50)
More ( p68)
8 MIGHT +1 3
8 INSIGHT 10 Average 10 GRIT


Starting Abilities
Wrath’s Blade ( p51) Starting Abilities
Withering Glare ( p52) Fitful Sleep ( p69)
Tenacity ( p52) Dreadful ( p69)
Squire Marlow ( p69)


14 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 15


Some are born to be great, other have greatness thrust upon them. Factotums CREATING A
are ordinary folk caught up in exceptional situations; their mundane approach Starting Abilities Don’t Mind Me CHARACTER

to extraordinary problems is more effective than others might expect. You start with three Abilities. You have a distaste for direct combat and CALLING

your mind is often looking for a way to SPECIES

help without going toe to toe. HOMELAND
Second to None & HISTORY

While now leading a life of high During a Fight, your opponents TRAITS

adventure, you rely on the little skills that will not target you for Attack QUIRK

have always served you well in the past. in any Turn where you are not FINISHING
intending to perform an offensive DETAILS

You have an Edge whenever you Action, or doing something that GEAR

roll for a Check or Contest covered will obviously cause them harm CHARACTER

by one of your Purviews. or spoil their plans. For example, RANK

healing a friend would go

This replaces the Minor Bonus you unchecked but setting up a bomb Quick Start
normally receive on rolls related to would not. Factotum
your Purview. Sneak
Elective Abilities Raider
Factotum Pack
You select a new Ability when you reach Princess
You carry your oversized Rank 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. An Ability can only
backpack about be selected once unless otherwise noted.
effortlessly and,
despite it being

crammed full, you are Standard Abilities Heretic

able to produce the

required item from it Available for selection at Rank 2 or higher.
almost instantly.
Crafting Prodigy
You start with a giant backpack that
takes up 1 of your Inventory Slots, You have a passion and flair for making
it is worn instead of a Traveller’s things. With the right materials and a little
Bag or Backpack. time, you can create wonders.
The Pack provides 8 additional
Calling Overview Select a Crafting Discipline
Inventory Slots before you become
to specialise in: Forging,
Typical Factotums: Crafty merchants, Aptitudes: Factotums have a wide breadth Overburdened ( p270), and can
Gadgeteering, Tailoring, Artificing,
intrepid explorers, charming courtesans, of expertise and, as result, have balanced hold anything that doesn’t exceed
Alchemy or Cooking.
and stalwart common-folk. Aptitudes. Might is their only weakness. the available Slots, including a
‘rider’ ( p187). For specific rules on creating
15 Abilities: Skills focus on the mastery of Weapons and armour: Factotums are items refer to Craft ( p280).
You can retrieve and use any item
simple things. Whether it’s figuring out an happy in lighter armor and can use all but
stored in the pack in 1 Turn, rather You can use either your Insight or
ancient device or talking the team out of the most tricky weapons.
than the usual 2. Deftness for your Crafting rolls.
a tight spot, the Factotum will find Who’d like to be a Factotum? As well as
5 If lost or destroyed, you can make You can identify items related to
a solution. relishing the role of an ordinary person a new Factotum Pack by spending your Craft with an Insight Check.
Advancement: As Factotums rise in Rank out of their comfort zone, this Calling is an evening modifying a regular You can select this Ability more
they may become master artisans, social great for players who like to catalog and Backpack ( p173). than once, to gain a new Craft.
19 masterminds, or even accomplished scheme, or invent and create
interesting items. Your Pack functions like a normal
surgeons. They’ll also learn to be more Backpack if used by anyone else.
helpful in a fight.

16 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 17

Folklorist Healer’s Hands Social Learner Rank 1: You can create a Local
Map of any area you have
You’ve heard the old You have trained as a physician or medic Good friends share a lot of things without
even realizing it. If you listen you, journeyed through. CREATING A
tales that say even the and are able to administer a raft of field CHARACTER
scariest monsters surgery procedures. can learn. ◆◆ If you have enough Local Maps
you can combine them into a
can be subdued with
a pinch of spice or Rank 1 You gain a Purview of your choice Kingdom Map. SPECIES

deterred by a drop from any Character you form a Rank 5: You are now able to
Heal: After a Fight, you can remove & HISTORY
of moon-plum juice. Is Social Bond ( p276) with. create Region Maps from the
a single Injury ( p259) from TRAITS
there something to them, a patient. If the Character is GM controlled, appropriate Kingdom Maps.
or are they just stories? you should ask your GM what ◆◆ If you have a map of the four
Harvest: You can remove two
Purviews are available.
useful body parts from a dead, or main surface Regions, you can DETAILS
You may choose a consumable combine them into a World Map.
material (such as lantern oil or a inert, creature without GEAR

treat) to act as a deterrent to an spoiling them. CHARACTER

Cutting Wit ? Cartography requires an Insight Check RANK
Unearthly Adversary. Rank 5
Unearthy Adversaries include: Words may not break their bones, but Success: You created a usable Map.
Graft: You can now attach a they can still cut deep.
Quick Start
Asura, Devas, Demons, Undead, Prosthetic Replacement ( p262) to Failure: You need 24 hours to reset Factotum
Unshaped, or any creature with 4 a patient. your compass before trying again.
In a Fight, you can attempt to
or more Allegiance points.
unsettle an enemy by directing Champion

? Requires a Deftness Check inflammatory words at them. Raider

vs Requires a Contest Advanced Abilities
A Physician’s Kit ( p176) and a Battle
Your Insight vs. the Adversary’s clean space are also required. Available for selection at Rank 6 or higher.
vs Requires a Contest
Aura. In addition: Murder
Your Aura vs. your target’s Grit. Princess
You must expend 1 Unit of the
An individual can only benefit from Success: Your target must either: Boon COMPANION Sage
chosen consumable material.
this Ability once a week.
If a rare, or appropriate, consumable Immediately attempt to Attack you Sometimes a trusted pet suddenly begins

is selected your GM may offer you on their next Turn, or… to talk. This is a phenomenon that is often
a Minor Bonus (+2). Lose 1 Heart. appreciated, occasionally lamented, but
Combat Coordinated
For example, Bright Water against If they have no Hearts left, they never questioned.
a Dark Aligned enemy. You can organise a team offensive. must try and Attack you.
An Animal Companion of your
Success: You can choose between
When you use perform an Attack choice gains the power of reason
one of two outcomes:
Assist ( p256), you target an and speech.
Ability loss: The Adversary loses Stalwart Navigator
enemy instead of an ally. Your Companion can speak the
the use of an Ability of your choice. Whether it’s thanks to
Rank 1: Any Attack rolls made on same languages as you.
Protective circle: The Adversary the chosen enemy during that wanderlust, a natural Your Companion will remain loyal to
cannot enter a circle made from Turn receive a Minor Bonus (-2). sense of direction you, even if mistreated or coerced.
the protective consumable. 1 Unit or an encyclopedic
Rank 5: Any Attack rolls on your Your Companion’s personality
can create a circle for a single PC, knowledge of the
target now receive an Edge, and vocal tics will be true to their
more Units can be used to create world, you always
9 instead of the Minor Bonus. animalistic nature.
larger circles on this basis. seem to be able to find
The effect lasts for 24 hours. your way around. For example, a Rokko-Do would be
proud and aloof but a Slime might
Failure: You’ve wasted your Silver Tongue
6 Guide: You are able to act as a be easy going and relaxed.
consumable and look rather silly!
A seductive accent or eloquent phrasing Guide ( p226) when going on If the Boon Companion dies, you
makes your argument more convincing. a Journey. can select a new Companion to
Use of this Ability is subject to the assign this Ability to, although
Cartography: You can attempt to
11 rule of Diminishing Returns this Companion must be in your
You have an Edge on all make a Map ( 174) good enough
( p256). service for at least a week before
Negotiation rolls as long as you are to be used by others or sold.
given a chance to speak. being eligible.

18 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 19

Troubleshooter Master of Spectacle Combat Gear Allowance

When the proper tools aren’t at hand, you Your showmanship can draw a crowd. You can use Standard, Concealed, Quick, and Lash Melee Weapons and all Missile
can make do with the next best thing. Weapons. You can wear Light Armor without penalty, and use Small Shields. CHARACTER
You may attempt to gain the full CALLING
You can attempt an Ability Check attention of anyone within earshot. ARMOUR
that requires a specific tool with an If uninterrupted, you can make the
improvised alternative.
spectacle last for about 10 minutes. & HISTORY
For example, instead of requiring a TRAITS
Physician’s Kit to perform Healer’s vs Requires a Contest QUIRK
Hands, you might use a ripped Light Medium Heavy* Superheavy* Sm. Shield Std. Shield Lg. Shield*
cloak as a substitute bandage. Your Aura vs. the observer’s Grit. FINISHING

Any Checks performed with an GM Characters roll individually. MELEE WEAPONS GEAR
inferior substitute incur a Minor Your GM can choose to make a CHARACTER
Penalty (-2). single roll for groups or crowds. RANK

Your GM decides whether a

Quick Start
proposed substitute is acceptable.
Is Immortal dandruff just as good The Better Part of Valor Standard Concealed** Quick Master Mighty* Arc* Lash Combo

as Arcane Powder? Ask your GM. Sneak

Running away can’t grant you an extra life, Champion
but it can preserve the one you’ve got. MISSILE WEAPONS

Multi-Tasker Battle
Your Speed Rating increases by a Princess
You make the most of your spare time single level. Murder
with good scheduling and enthusiasm. If running for your life, you have Princess

Supernatural Leaping ( p107). Thrown Drawn S. Mech.** L. Mech. Sage

You can perform two Activities Heretic
* Small Species restriction still applies (Chib, Goblin)
during Downtime, instead of one.
** Large Species restriction still applies (Promethean, Gruun)
Exception! You cannot Multi-Task if Tricky Combatant
you have chosen Healing an Injury.
You’re better at outsmarting your foe than Advancement Table
you are at going toe to toe.
Pack Tactics
You receive a Minor Bonus (+2) MIGHT DEFT. GRIT INSIGHT AURA START. STAND. ADV.*
A few extra spikes here, when attempting a Combat Trick
a metal plate or two ( p256). 1st +0 2 7 9 8 9 9 3 - - 0
there, and your bulky 2nd +1 2 7 9 8 9 9 3 1 - 6
Factotum’s Pack is
now combat ready! Fortune’s Fool 3rd +1 2 8 10 9 10 10 3 1 - 12
Cower behind it or 4th +2 3 8 10 9 10 10 3 2 - 24
swing it at your foes. Why rely on skill when you can cheat fate
13 itself? Just be careful fate doesn’t catch 5th +2 3 9 11 10 11 11 3 2 - 36
you trying to pull a fast one!
On your combat Turn, you can use 6th +3 4 9 11 10 11 11 3 2 1 48
your Pack as either: You can request any roll be 7th +3 4 10 12 11 12 12 3 2 1 72
4 A Mighty Weapon ( p153), or… re-rolled if the outcome would
8th +4 4 10 12 11 12 12 3 2 2 96
A Large Shield ( p169). have some sort of effect on you.
You can only use this Ability once 9th +4 5 11 13 12 13 13 3 2 2 132
Gear Allowance Restrictions don’t
apply when using your Pack as a per game Session and you must 10th
4 +5 5 11 13 12 13 13 3 2 3 168
piece of Combat Gear. accept the new outcome… even if
it’s worse!
Bold text indicates the number has increased from the previous Rank.
* You can choose a Standard Calling Ability or an Advanced Species Ability if preferred.

20 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 21


The Sneak eschews the glory-seeking antics of other Callings in favor of CREATING A
getting the job done... without being seen or hurt. Others may call them Starting Abilities You can attempt to take an item CHARACTER

cowards or cheats, but it’s hard to deny their wily efficiency. from an individual in the same
You start with three Abilities. CALLING
Battlefield Area as you after you SPECIES
perform a successful Attack, Attack
Light FOOTED Stunt, or Combat Trick on them. & HISTORY
The item you can acquire is limited TRAITS
As one might expect, by the following:
you are especially QUIRK

nimble. You can move It cannot be armor, an outfit or FINISHING

through terrain that something currently being held DETAILS

impedes others and by the target. GEAR

scale surfaces with It must be something within CHARACTER

deceptive ease. your reach. A worn locket or ring
would count, something sealed
Quick Start
away in backpack would not.
You are unaffected by Isolated Factotum
It cannot occupy more than 2
( p250) and Precarious ( p251) Sneak
Inventory Slots.
Battlefield Conditions. Champion

You are able to climb vertical Raider

surfaces with the slightest of foot ? Requires a Deftness Check
holds without being slowed down Success: You snatched it. Princess

or requiring a Check. Murder


Elective Abilities
You select a new Ability when you reach
You are so used to skulking around in the Rank 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. An Ability can only
shadows that you conduct yourself with a be selected once unless otherwise noted.
habitual stealth.
Standard Abilities
You always gain the benefit of
Stealthy Movement ( p234) while Available for selection at Rank 2 or higher.
Exploring, even if your Team is
using a different Movement Type.
Calling Overview MANY MASKS
You have an Edge on Stealth
Typical Sneaks: Cunning thieves, Aptitudes: Sneaks are skilled and clever, rolls while acting as a Scout on a You’re able to alter your voice and
mysterious ninja, raffish dandies, and and as such have high Insight and Journey ( p228) or Exploring mannerisms to conceal your true identity.
incorrigible street urchins. Deftness. Avoiding conflict results in low ( p233). Very handy when you’re cornered and
Might and Grit. there is no obvious escape route.
8 Abilities: Skills focus on stealth, agility,
perception and subterfuge. They are able Weapons and armour: Heavy armor and You have an Edge on all rolls
large weapons are avoided by Sneaks as STICKY FINGERS
to play an effective supporting role in involving acting out different
combat and are good at avoiding injury. they are a detriment to their craft. Most While you would prefer personas to fool others. You might
14 Sneaks favor Concealed Weapons. the term ‘Treasure even be able to trick people you
Advancement: As Sneaks rise in Rank they
Who’d like to be a Sneak? Players Hunter’ to ‘Thief’, know if your face is covered.
learn more tricks to confuse and sidestep
foes. Some learn to be just as slippery who like to outwit and outmanoeuver you’re skilled in You have an Edge when
16 during Negotiation while others study the opponents will enjoy this Calling. relieving others of attempting to create Alter-Egos
malicious uses of Alchemy. their possessions — during Reputation Management
even in the midst ( p275).
of battle.

22 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 23


This technique allows you to nullify an You are wired for self-preservation and Developing quick fingers Available for selection at Rank 6 or higher.
attack via a misdirection. Your opponent have developed an almost supernatural is something that CHARACTER
strikes, convinced their blow has reached sense of danger. happens naturally
its target… only to discover they’ve hit a in your line of work,
log wearing your hat! You have an odd reaction that and you’re happy to Knowing one day you’ll get caught and
use them to fool or
warns you that you are about to patted down, you’ve found an intimate & HISTORY
If you’ve been hit by an Attack, you do something dangerous without entertain. place to conceal a small object (in your TRAITS
can attempt to avoid taking any realizing it. hair, mouth or... other place). This little QUIRK
Damage with Kawarimi. Perhaps you sneeze before trick guarantees that you will never be
You have an Edge on all Deftness FINISHING
opening a trapped door, or maybe rolls that involve: stripped of that secret something. DETAILS
? Requires a Deftness Check your palms itch before you sip from
Removing or attaching an item GEAR

Success: You manage to a poisoned goblet. You may hide a single item, no
to someone’s person without CHARACTER
completely dodge the blow by larger than 1 Inventory Slot, RANK
them noticing.
slipping out of something you were somewhere on your person... even
Picking a lock or tampering with if naked!
wearing. For example, a cloak, a SUDDEN STRIKES
Quick Start
a mechanical device.
hat, or even by tearing off a sleeve. The stowed item does not take up Factotum
Thanks to some lessons from a choice Performing card tricks, shell one of your Inventory Slots
Normal Outfits used with Sneak
tutor, the Ninja of the Seven Holy Isles or games and other forms of
this Ability are only partially The stowed item cannot be found Champion
your sucker punching sibling, you have sleight of hand.
removed, becoming a Tattered via conventional search methods. Raider
become pretty good at catching others off
Outfit ( p172). It takes a Turn to retrieve a stowed Battle
guard with your fists. Princess
Already Tattered Outfits are item from it’s hiding place.
simply destroyed. Embarrassing! FLANKER Murder
You are able to make Unarmed Princess
Armor or Outfits of Magical Attacks as if wielding a Concealed While a one-on-one fights is not an Sage
Materials are discarded but Weapon ( p152). attractive proposition to you, ganging up INNER DRAMATICS Heretic
otherwise undamaged. on someone certainly is.
Your overactive imagination is constantly
Failure: You take the Damage.
During a Fight, you gain a Minor scheming and assessing the odds. If Plan
ABLE Alchemist A looks like it ain’t gonna happen, then
Bonus (+2) on your Attack rolls
against opponents who are being you’ve already got Plan B all figured out.
This Ability will not work if you have Alchemy allows you to
nothing left to slip out of! create a of number of attacked by another character in
the same Turn. You may cancel an Action you have
This Ability may only be used once useful concoctions
made if you are dissatisfied with
per Fight. that greatly benefit
the results... it turns out you were
only playing it out in your mind.
of chicanery or COMBAT OPPORTUNIST
skulduggery. You can now choose a new Action,
Meticulous DUNGEONEER You aren’t the best shot or the biggest but it must be different from the
hitter — but sometimes it’s all about cancelled Action.
You have become rather good at You gain the Crafting Discipline
gathering information with a mere glance, timing. This Ability may only be used once
Alchemy ( p282). a game Session, so you are stuck
5 even when you’re in the most dangerous
of places. For specific rules on creating items You have an Edge on all Attack with however your second choice
refer to Craft ( p280). rolls made when you’ve chosen to works out.
You’re able to perform the Inspect You can identify potions and React ( p258).
15 poisons related to your craft with
Location Action ( p235) without
prompting a roll on the Adventure an Insight Check.
Site’s Encounter Table. You use Deftness for your
18 Crafting rolls.

24 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 25


You can lose pursuers even when they You can use Standard, Quick, and Concealed Melee Weapons and all Missile Weapons.
are right on top of you, it’s like you just You can wear Light Armor without hindrance. CHARACTER
vanished into thin air. CALLING
You can attempt to hide while
being observed, assuming there is & HISTORY
room to move, somewhere to hide TRAITS
and/or something to provide a
distraction. Light Medium Heavy* Superheavy* Sm. Shield Std. Shield Lg. Shield*
This Ability can not be used if you DETAILS
are being Restrained, or in an MELEE WEAPONS GEAR
empty and well lit room. CHARACTER

Like a rat, you are most deadly when vs Requires a Contest

cornered. When you find yourself Your Deftness vs. the observer’s
Quick Start

encircled by the town guard or an angry Insight. Factotum

Standard Concealed** Quick Master Mighty* Arc* Lash Combo
mob, you have a few manoeuvres to tip
Success: You have ‘disappeared’.
the balance back in your favor.
You remain hidden until you Move MISSILE WEAPONS

or take another Action. Any foe Raider

You can attempt to redirect a must spend a Turn to re-enter the Battle
failed Attack roll against you onto Contest to detect you. Princess
another target, if they are in the Murder
offending weapon’s Range. Princess

Thrown Drawn S. Mech.** L. Mech. Sage

? Requires a Deftness Check Heretic
* Small Species restriction applies (Chib, Goblin)
Success: You redirect the attack Darkness is your ally in all things. ** Large Species restriction applies (Promethean, Gruun)
towards your chosen target.
If the original Attack roll You are able to see, or at least
Advancement Table
exceeds your chosen target’s sense, in total darkness without
Defense Rating, they suffer the suffering a penalty. RANK ATTACK HEARTS APTITUDES ABILITIES XP

DESPERATE SCURRY 1st +0 2 7 10 7 10 8 3 - - 0

Your quick feet are jokingly referred to as +1 2 7 10 7 10 8 3 1 - 6
You have learned that an innocent smile your ‘Ultimate Technique’. 3rd +1 2 8 11 8 11 9 3 1 - 12
and a touch of false sincerity can hide
even your most outlandish fabrications. Your Speed Rating increases by a 4th +2 3 8 11 8 11 9 3 2 - 24
single level. 5th 9 12 9 12 10 3 2 - 36
17 +2 3
During Negotiation you add an
Edge to the Primary Negotiator’s 6th +3 4 9 12 9 12 10 3 2 1 48
Aura Check If they are using the 7th +3 4 10 13 10 13 11 3 2 1 72
10 Honeyed Words/Outright Deceit
Tactic ( p240). 8th +4 4 10 13 10 13 11 3 2 2 96
If your team is using another 9th +4 5 11 14 11 14 12 3 2 2 132
Negotiation Tactic, you can offer
11 10th +5 5 11 14 11 15 12 3 2 3 168
‘total lies’ as an Influencing Factor,
granting a Minor Bonus (+2).
Bold text indicates the number has increased from the previous Rank.
* You can choose a Standard Calling Ability or an Advanced Species Ability if preferred.

26 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 27


The Champion is in their element in any conflict, whether it be a full-scale CREATING A

war or a tavern brawl. They may be motivated by a noble sense of duty or an Starting Abilities Into the Fray CHARACTER

instinctive bloodlust, but force is always their go-to method to get things done. You start with three Abilities. You are able to vary your fighting style to CALLING

suit the battle, applying caution, flair or SPECIES

precision when and where it is required. HOMELAND
Combat Momentum & HISTORY

You are a master of cutting a destructive Each Round during a Fight, you TRAITS

path through a swarm of enemies. can choose between the following: QUIRK

Daring: Perform an Attack Stunt FINISHING

If you land a finishing blow against ( p255) without making a wager.
an opponent in Melee, you gain a Tooth and Nail: Use a mundane

Chain Attack against another foe in (non-magical) Attack to harm a

the same Area. creature that is normally immune
Rank 1: You have one Chain Attack to them. Quick Start
per round which… Whirlwind Defense: Temporarily Factotum
Has a Minor Bonus (+2) on the increase your Defense Rating: Sneak
Attack roll. ◆◆ Rank 1: +1 to Defense Rating. Champion
Does an extra Heart of Damage ◆◆ Rank 5: +2 to Defense Rating. Raider
if you land a successful strike.
All bonuses last until the start of Battle
Rank 5: You gain a second Chain your next Turn.

Attack, if the previous one also Murder

finishes its opponent.
Elective Abilities Heretic

Favored Weapon You select a new Ability when you reach

Rank 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. An Ability can only
You are intimate with all be selected once unless otherwise noted.
weapons, and tend
to them like a good
parent would their Standard Abilities
children. But, like all
Available for selection at Rank 2 or higher.
parents, you harbor a
secret favorite.
Calling Overview Valiant
Typical Champions: Courageous knights, Aptitudes: Rigorous training leaves the You gain +1 to your Attack Bonus While all Champions possess great
bloody handed marauders, arrogant Champion little time for other pursuits. when using your favored weapon. courage, you can laugh in the face of
monster hunters, and weary old soldiers. Champions have a high Might and Grit, Rank 1: Select a Weapon Type to incomprehensible terror.
but low Insight. Better a dull mind than a favor: Standard, Concealed, Quick,
4 Abilities: Skills primarily focus on dull sword!
improving combat performance. While Master, Mighty, Arc, etc. ( p152) You have immunity to the Terrified
other Callings may be able to muster Weapons and armour: As you’d expect, Rank 5: Select a second favored Ailment ( p271).
similar prowess in battle, none can match the Champion has no restrictions on Weapon Type. You can help allies defend
15 Combat Gear. No weapon is too great, no
a Champion’s raw power. This bonus is applied to against the Ailment by shouting
armor too bulky. Combination weapons that include encouraging words. Those within
Advancement: As Champions rise in earshot gain an Edge on their roll
Rank, they may broaden their abilities Who’d like to be a Champion? Players one of your favored types.
10 to resist, or remove, the Ailment.
to become inspirational leaders and who prefer a direct course of action will ◆◆ If a weapon combines both favored
strategists, as well as honing their enjoy this Calling. Why go round it when types, the bonus increases to +2.
destructive capabilities. you can go through it?

28 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 29

Opportunistic Butcher Master Tactician Brawler You can enter Berserk Mode while
fighting or participating in a Check
Monster slaying is A working knowledge of combined Sometimes you just need to punch
or Contest that calls for brute force. CREATING A
often such a wasteful warfare, and the ability organise the someone, really hard. CHARACTER
business, but you troops, is all you need to turn the tide of While Berserk, the following applies:
see your next kill as a battle. You strike as if wielding a Standard +2 on Attack rolls. SPECIES
your next meal. As Weapon when fighting Unarmed. -1 to Defense Rating.
you always say, every If you have a Social Bond with

beast is a an ally, you can grant them an If using both hands, treat Attacks as +2 Might and Grit. & HISTORY

potential feast. additional Action on their Turn if Dual Wielding ( p254). You are unable to communicate

during a Fight. or participate in any coordinated QUIRK

You can attempt to create Rations This Ability can be used in addition actions or team efforts. FINISHING
from slain creatures. to any other Actions you’re allowed Giant Killer After you’ve dispatched a foe, or GEAR
to perform on your Turn. completed the objective of your
This can be used once per Fight. Check or Contest you will:
? Requires a Grit Check RANK
Attack the closest individual in
Success: Dinner is served.
the same Battlefield Area as you, Quick Start
A Small or Medium sized creature whether it’s friend or foe. Factotum
will yield 3 days worth of Rations Brazen Defense
Continue to find and Attack Sneak
A Large or Massive creature will You have such contempt for your targets until none are left. Champion
yield 6 days worth of Rations. opponents that it’s all the armor you need. You can attempt to exit Berserk Raider
A Tiny creature might only provide Mode at the end of your Turn. Battle
a satisfying snack. Your get a + 4 to your Naked Princess

Colossal creatures might feed an Defense Rating. Murder

? Ending Berserk Mode requires an Princess
entire village, but who’s got time to This bonus is applied instead Aura Check
carve it up! of, not in addition to, any bonus
Success: You regain control. Heretic
Harvest: You can also remove one related to the Armor you wear. The bigger they are, the harder you hit.
useful body part from the creature Failure: You must wait until the end
during the preparation process. When you wear Armor you can of the next Round before you can
choose whether to use the bonus You do an additional Heart of make another attempt to exit
This Ability can not be used on from Brazen Defense or the one Damage on a successful Attack Berserk Mode.
inedible creatures, such as Undead provided by your Armor. against Massive or Colossal
or Mechanoids Creatures ( p264).
You get an Edge on any rolls
needed to move between, scale,
Vagrant Blade or remain on a Colossal Creature’s Being the toughest among your
The quickest path between two places is Strike Points. companions means you’re happy to soak
Much wandering in search of your next often right through whatever is in the way. up hits for them when you can.
battle has provided you with a natural
sense of direction and an affinity with the You get an Edge on any Attack Advanced Abilities You can redirect any successful
townsfolk you meet on your travels. rolls dedicated to Sundering physical Attack on an ally
8 ( 263) something. Available for selection at Rank 6 or higher. occupying the same Battlefield
You can act as a Guide when on Area as you onto yourself.
a Journey. Any non-magical shield used
to Parry your physical Attacks is Berserker The original Attack roll must now
You can attempt to get free Room beat your Defense Rating to do
18 & Board ( p201) for up to a week. immediately Sundered, due to the
When the heat of the you harm.
crushing power of your blows.
battle is upon you, the
This ability can’t be used against
This Ability can not be used in red mist descends
? Finding lodgings requires an area effects like harmful smoke.
2 conjunction with an Attack Stunt and your rage takes
Aura Check
( p255). control. This is very
Success: Your stay is free. bad news for your
foes... but your allies
should be careful too.
30 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 31

Galvanizer Uncanny Strategist Combat Gear Allowance

Bravery, or recklessness, can be contagious. Tacticians live in the moment, Strategists You can use any Weapon, Armor, or Shield Type.
Your battle scarred body lends credibility to live two steps ahead. Your foes will learn CHARACTER
your bellowing voice. ‘I say kill the beast!’ the difference once its too late! ARMOUR
You gain an Edge on all Aura rolls You can take a single Action during
when attempting to inspire or an enemy’s Turn to perform a & HISTORY
Negotiate with a crowd. countermeasure to their TRAITS
Any Companions have an Edge on intended Action. Light Medium Heavy* Superheavy* Sm. Shield Std. Shield Lg. Shield*
Loyalty Checks ( p183). If your intervention renders the FINISHING
foe’s declared Action impossible, MELEE WEAPONS DETAILS
they are forced to choose a new GEAR
course of action or lose their Turn.
Overbearing Antagonist CHARACTER
Using this Ability means the you RANK
Your mere presence is overwhelming. A cannot act on your next Turn.
shout, smirk, or simple glare can unsettle Quick Start
Standard Concealed** Quick Master Mighty* Arc* Lash Combo
even a worthy opponent. Factotum
During a Fight, you can use your MISSILE WEAPONS Champion
Action to attempt to intimidate an Taking up a more advantageous position Raider
opponent up to 2 Battlefield is much easier when you can jump Battle
Areas away. really high. Princess

? Requires a Contest You gain Supernatural Leaping Thrown Drawn S. Mech.** L. Mech. Princess

Your Aura vs. the target’s Grit. ( p107). Sage

* Small Species restriction still applies (Chib, Goblin)
Success: You lock eyes. Your target ** Large Species restriction still applies (Promethean, Gruun)

is rendered temporarily inactive,

missing their next Turn. Roaring Spirit
Advancement Table
This ability will only work once on
Even when calm and still, your soul
the same target every 24 hours. RANK ATTACK HEARTS APTITUDES ABILITIES XP
crackles with an energy. A mere look can
Creatures that are incapable of fear spread this force outwards, sapping the MIGHT DEFT. GRIT INSIGHT AURA START. STAND. ADV.*
(such as unthinking machines, fighting spirit and blood lust from lesser
mindless undead, or colossi) are warriors in your presence. 1st +1 3 10 8 9 7 8 3 - - 0
immune to such intimidation.
2nd +2 3 10 8 9 7 8 3 1 - 6
You can attempt to subdue
opponents of lower Rank with a 3rd +3 4 11 9 10 8 9 3 1 - 12
Indomitable menacing glower. 4th +4 4 11 9 10 8 9 3 2 - 24
You refuse to be broken. 5th +5 5 12 10 11 9 10 3 2 - 36
? Requires an Aura Check
17 6th +6 5 12 10 11 9 10 3 2 1 48
When reduced to 0 Hearts or Success: All adversaries within
below, you can attempt to find shouting distance step back and 7th +7 6 13 11 12 10 11 3 2 1 72
some extra vitality. won’t engage you, or your allies,
10 unless you strike first. 8th +8 6 13 11 12 10 11 3 2 2 96

? Requires a Grit Check

This ability has no effect on 9th +9 7 14 12 13 11 12 3 2 2 132
adversaries with a Rank equal to or
Success: You recover half your 10th +10 7 14 12 13 11 12 3 2 3 168
higher than yours.
11 maximum Hearts Total, rounded up.
This Ability may only be used once
This ability does not remove any in a game Session. Bold text indicates the number has increased from the previous Rank.
Injuries incurred. * You can choose a Standard Calling Ability or an Advanced Species Ability if preferred.

32 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 33


These skilled warriors approach every obstacle with a potent combination of CREATING A
speed and precision. Whether acting from a distance, or amidst their foes, Starting Abilities Sidestep CHARACTER

Raiders effortlessly weave through danger to land that decisive blow. You start with three Abilities. Anyone trying to strike CALLING

you finds it trickier than SPECIES

it ought to be. You are HOMELAND

Like the Wind
an elusive opponent, & HISTORY

You train long and hard to ensure you able to twist away TRAITS

move with effortless swiftness and grace. from a devastating QUIRK

strike at the very FINISHING

You start with a Speed Rating last moment. DETAILS

of Fast.
Once per Fight you can Sidestep CHARACTER
an Attack, or Ability, that would RANK

normally have hit you.

Hunter’s Focus Quick Start
You can Sidestep any Attack that
The chaos and could be feasibly avoided with a
clamor of battle last second manoeuvre. Sneak

do not muddy ◆◆ For example, avoiding a sword


your predatory thrust with a nonchalant turn of Raider

instinct. Once your head or shielding your eyes Battle

your gaze
from a mesmerising gaze.
has singled The Sidestep prevents an Attack
out a target, from connecting with or
all distraction affecting you.

melts away and Heretic

only your You’ll need freedom to move and

prey remains. adequate space to execute
your Sidestep.
Once per Fight you can choose a
target for your Hunter’s Focus, you
can do this at any time during Elective Abilities
the Fight.
You select a new Ability when you reach
Your Focus can be an opponent,
Rank 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. An Ability can only
but could also be an object you
Calling Overview be selected once unless otherwise noted.
wish to destroy.
Typical Raiders: Steely-eyed archers, Aptitudes: Raiders have well balanced You are unable to change your
diligent rangers, ruthless shinobi, and Might, Grit and Deftness. Their tactical Standard Abilities
Focus after your original target
stoic blademasters. mind provides them with good Insight. has been defeated or pacified. Available for selection at Rank 2 or higher.
However, their loner nature makes them
11 Abilities: Skills focus on movement and poor conversationalists, which results in a You gain an Edge on all Attack rolls
speed on the battlefield. Their talents low Aura. made against your Focus. Dashing Attacker
enable them to combine ranged attacks
Weapons and armour: While unrestricted Your GM can grant you an Edge on
with lightning charges. You zip through the battlefield, darting
5 in their choice of weapons, Raiders do not Checks and Contests that get you
closer to dispatching your Focus. back and forth while landing blow after
Advancement: As Raiders rise in Rank employ heavier armor, as speed is their blow on enemies too slow to keep up.
they can specialise in a diverse array of best defense. ◆◆ For example, leaping over a chasm
combat techniques. They can also learn to to get within striking distance.
15 survive in the wilderness and forge their Who’d like to be a Raider? Players who You can Move through an
own arms. like to keep one step ahead of their additional Battlefield Area on your
opponents and take advantage of the Turn during a Fight.
details during battle.

34 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 35

Silent Strider Free Runner Artisan Smithy Counter Fang

You can be quiet and unassuming when A sure-footed and decisive stride You seek intimacy with the weapons you
you need to be, passing undetected by enables you to navigate a safe path over wield. To make them is to know them. CHARACTER
your foes until it’s too late. hazardous ground, run up sheer surfaces CALLING
and speed along narrow walls. You gain the Crafting Discipline SPECIES
You gain an Edge when making Forging ( p283).
rolls to avoid detection by sight You can move through Isolated For specific rules on creating items & HISTORY
or sound. ( p250) or Precarious ( p251) refer to Craft ( p280). TRAITS
You have an Edge on Stealth Battlefield Areas without penalty.
You use Deftness for your QUIRK
rolls while acting as a Scout on a The Ability can be used inventively Crafting rolls. FINISHING
Journey ( p228) or Exploring to perform otherwise impossible DETAILS
( p233). Attack Stunts, Attack Assists, and GEAR
Combat Tricks ( p255-256). CHARACTER
Advanced Abilities
You must end your Turn on a stable RANK

Trusted Comrade surface, like the top of a wall or Available for selection at Rank 6 or higher. When surrounded by lesser warriors you
ledge. If not you will fall and be enter Counter Fang stance. From this Quick Start
Most folk can’t be trusted, subject to Falling Injury ( p267). meditative state you visualise the flow of Factotum
and you prefer the Flash Step the fight and then, when engaged by Sneak
company of animals. predictable foes, you lay waste to them
You embrace their You levelled up Champion

Rushing Fist Style your Sidestep. with choreographed efficiency. Raider

code: protect the
pack, show no fear, Now, as your Battle
You are a master of a swift and fluid enemies find During a Fight you can choose Princess
survive another day. In martial art, able to protect yourself and to enter the Counter Fang stance
return you are accepted themselves Murder
strike fatal blows even without a weapon. striking thin instead of making an Attack or Princess
as one of their own. taking another Action.
air, you take Sage
You make Unarmed attacks as if up a more While in the Counter Fang stance, Heretic
You can forge a special bond with wielding a Quick Weapon ( p153). advantageous any opponent that fails their
an Animal Companion that has
position. Attack roll on you is subject to a
spent a week or more with you:
retaliatory Attack, Attack Stunt, or
Your Trusted Comrades seem to Combat Trick ( p254-256).
Ranger You can now move to an adjacent
understand your words, and you
Battlefield Area, or a more strategic The benefit of this Ability lasts until
are able to sense what they are Nature is your friend. It reveals to you the
place in the same Area, whenever the start of your next Turn when
thinking or feeling. true path though dense bush and yields
you use your Sidestep. you can move and re-enter the
You and your Trusted Comrades nourishment from barren landscapes. Counter-Fang stance if desired.
All other Sidestep restrictions
are able to sense each other’s
You can act as a Guide when on a apply ( p35).
presence and, if separated, know
which direction to go in order to Journey ( p226). This Ability does not allow you to
Wind Wears Away Stone
find one another. You get an Edge on your Hunting/ move to an Area you could not
Foraging roll when Camping normally enter. You’re a true hunter, able to find a path
Trusted Comrades will never
( p229). through any built-up defense.
18 abandon you, and never have to
make Loyalty Checks ( p183).
Blistering Pace You can attempt to find a weak
This Ability can extend to Tamed Faith in the Wind spot on an opponent that is the
Monsters with your GM’s Approval. Already fast, you can now attain almost target of your Hunter’s Focus
Your mental clarity and steady hand make inhuman speeds. ( p35).
Even if you don’t adhere to the two an impossible long shot a reality.
Companions per PC restriction Your Speed Rating increases by a
? Requires a Insight Check
17 ( p183), it’s advisable to limit the The Range of any Missile Weapon single level.
amount of Trusted Comrades to two. Success: You can ignore any
you use is extended by 1 Battlefield
Defense Bonus the Target has from
Area ( p158).
Armor and Speed Rating.

36 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 37

Mindfulness Lightning and THUNDER Combat Gear Allowance

While your enemies struggle to focus Diligent training and discipline allow you You can use any weapon, as well as Small and Standard Shields. You can wear Light and
in chaotic conditions, you are able to to pacify your enemy with a flurry of blows. Medium Armor without hindrance. CHARACTER
filter out distraction to gain a precious CALLING
battlefield advantage. Once per Turn you can take a ARMOUR
follow-up Action after a successful
You cannot be Ambushed ( p252). Attack roll. & HISTORY
Even if the rest of their group are The follow-up Action must be an TRAITS
caught off guard, you can Move Attack, Attack Stunt, Attack Assist, or QUIRK
and take your Action as normal. Combat Trick ( p254-256). Light Medium Heavy* Superheavy* Sm. Shield Std. Shield Lg. Shield*
You are immune to the Obscured Making this follow-up Action is DETAILS
Battlefield Condition ( p251). physically demanding, and you MELEE WEAPONS GEAR
You are immune to the Blinded/ lose a Heart after performing CHARACTER
Deafened Ailment ( p268). the technique. RANK

If you’ve run out of Hearts you will

Quick Start
roll on the Injury Table ( p260).
Spell Cutter Standard Concealed** Quick Master Mighty* Arc* Lash Combo

While imperceptible Champion

eyes can distinguish
the tiny distortions To you, execution is an art form. Battle
in the air created by Murder
coalescing mana. To attempt a Sure Kill Strike you Princess

A well placed swipe must first declare a target at the Thrown Drawn S. Mech.** L. Mech. Sage
can sometimes disrupt a beginning of your Turn. Heretic
spell’s formation. Next, you must make an Attack roll * Small Species restriction still applies (Chib, Goblin)
** Large Species restriction still applies (Promethean, Gruun)
against your chosen target.
You can attempt to nullify a Magic If successful…
Ability that has targeted you, or an Advancement Table
ally in the same Battlefield Area. Make an Execution roll
If your initial Attack roll was over
vs Requires a Contest the Extra Damage threshold, then MIGHT DEFT. GRIT INSIGHT AURA START. STAND. ADV.*
Your Deftness vs. the Aptitude + 2 to the result ( p152).
related to the magical Ability’s use. 1st +1 3 9 9 9 8 7 3 - - 0
Next, Divide the end result by 2
◆◆ If no Aptitude is specified, then use (rounding up). 2nd +2 3 9 9 9 8 7 3 1 - 6
the caster’s Aura. 3rd +3 4 10 10 10 9 8 3 1 - 12
To succeed, the result must be
Success: The spell is shattered and higher than your target’s remaining
does not effect its intended targets. 4th +4 4 10 10 10 9 8 3 2 - 24
5 Success: Your target loses all their 5th +5 5 11 11 11 10 9 3 2 - 36
Successful or not, you cannot act remaining Hearts and dies. If it’s a 6th +6 5 11 11 11 10 9 3 2 1 48
during your next Turn. PC, they are forced to roll on the
Injury Table ( p260). 7th +7 6 12 12 12 11 10 3 2 1 72
Failure: Your hit is resolved like a 8th +8 6 12 12 12 11 10 3 2 2 96
standard Attack.
9th +9 7 13 13 13 12 11 3 2 2 132
13 10th +10 7 13 13 13 12 11 3 2 3 168
Sure Kill can only be attempted
once every 24 hours.
Bold text indicates the number has increased from the previous Rank.
* You can choose a Standard Calling Ability or an Advanced Species Ability if preferred.

38 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 39

Battle Princess Abilities

Battle Princesses combine Bright Magic and martial prowess to defend what CREATING A
they hold most dear. Those under their ward will have hope in their hearts, Starting Abilities Using your Heart’s Blade CHARACTER

even in the darkest of times. You start with three Abilities. You can call this weapon into CALLING

existence through force of will. SPECIES

Heart’s Blade Melee Weapons are formed HOMELAND

instantly and can be used on the
You can call forth a same Turn they are called. TRAITS

weapon forged from Drawn and Mechanical Missile


the wishes in your weapons take a Turn to fully

heart. These magically form and appear with 4 Units of
manifested weapons ammunition included.

are of the finest CHARACTER

Your Heart’s Blade (and any RANK
quality and grow in
ammunition) will vanish instantly
power and possibility as
on command. Quick Start
you do.
Only a single form of the Heart’s Factotum

Creating your Heart’s Blade Blade may be summoned at any Sneak

one time: either the primary, Champion
Your Heart’s Blade grows in power
secondary, or combination form.
as you rise in Rank. Add the new Raider

properties to your Heart’s Blade If the weapon is Sundered or lost Battle

when you reach the required Rank. during combat, you can will it away Princess

and summon a new Blade. Murder

Rank 1: Select your weapon’s Princess
primary form and what it is made of. Sage
Choose a Weapon Type: Quick, HEART’S BLADE EXAMPLE Heretic
Master, Mighty, Arc, Lash, Drawn Primary form
or Mechanical Missile ( p152). Master
Choose a Magical Material: Sun
Gold, Ash Bronze, or Sky Steel
( p289).
Rank 3: Your Heart’s Blade gains
one of the following properties: Primary form + Weapon Ability
Glittering: +1 on Attack rolls.
Calling Overview Righteous: The weapon’s Extra
Damage Threshold is reduced
Typical Battle Princesses: Shining warrior Aptitudes: Their strong heart affords them by 2 ( p152).
maidens, tyrants who weep for what must a high Aura. Might, Deftness and Grit are
Sheltering: The weapon can Parry
be done, wandering champions of the well appointed, but following your heart
once per combat in the same
downtrodden, and pious crusaders. means your Insight is clouded. Secondary form
5 manner as a Standard Shield
( 169). Small mechanical missile
Abilities: Skills cover conventional combat Weapons and armour: While the primary
techniques, with a focus on defending weapon of any Battle Princess will be their Rank 6: Your Heart’s Blade can now
allies, and the use of Bright Magic to smite Heart’s Blade, they have no restrictions on transform into a secondary form,
18 Armor or Shield use.
enemies. Outside of combat, they serve pick from the Weapon Types
well as the lead during Negotiation and listed above.
Who’d like to be a Battle Princess? Combination form
other social endeavors. Your Heart’s Blade gains the Gun blade
Players who like to mix magic and
13 Advancement: As Battle Princesses rise combat, protect other characters, or enjoy Combination Weapon Ability
in Rank they may learn powerful magic, leadership and social roles. allowing a hybrid weapon form
improve their combat effectiveness, and ( p160).
better defend their allies.

40 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 41

Shield of Love Elective Abilities Love-Love Chef Passion’s Fire

Your compassion can manifest itself as a You select a new Ability when you reach You’re a passionate cook and you pour When you so desire, a brilliant flame
protective force for your allies. This might Rank 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. An Ability can only your heart and soul into the food flickers around your Heart’s Blade, making CHARACTER
take the form of an iridescent aura or a be selected once unless otherwise noted. you make. it all the more deadly. CALLING
heart-shaped crystal shield.
You gain the Crafting Discipline Blazing Desire: Your Heart’s Blade
Standard Abilities HOMELAND
Once per Fight you bestow an ally, Cooking ( p283). is ablaze and now does Flame & HISTORY
within your sight, a force field that Available for selection at Rank 2 or higher. For specific rules on creating items Damage ( p259) instead of TRAITS
can absorb 1 Heart of Damage; refer to Craft ( 280). Normal Damage.
after which it disappears. Yearning Embrace: After a
Gemlight You use Aura for Crafting rolls. FINISHING
You can perform this Ability in successful Attack, the fire can be DETAILS
addition to any other Actions A glowing crystal, of your favorite color, discharged to engulf your target GEAR
permitted on your Turn. forms on the back of your hand. and cause an additional Heart of CHARACTER
Compassion Cure Damage. This exhausts the Ability.
Rank 1: You can Shield 1 person. RANK

Rank 4: You can Shield 2 people. You can make your hand gem glow Passion’s Fire can only be used
at will. It provides light equivalent once per Fight. Quick Start
Rank 8: You can Shield 3 people. to a Torch ( p175). Factotum
If you can protect more than one You can use the gem to transfer B Gain 1 Bright Allegiance Point.
person, you can allocate your a single Injury from a target to Champion
Shields in one go, or as required. yourself with a gentle touch. Raider
Cry of the Heart Princess
B Gain 1 Bright Allegiance Point.
Soul Companion A strange sort of empathic magic allows Murder
you to understand what lies in the hearts
Just as your heart has the power to
of all those you speak to.
summon mighty weapons, so it can Glittering Machine Heretic
muster a loyal companion. This devoted
sidekick never leaves your side and will When not in battle, you are able to You can target this Ability on
even return, in due time, if struck down. channel your powers to summon a helpful Your kind attention is so sincere that it can anyone you have spoken to for a
tool or device, instead of your mighty dispel ill effects. Your hug can lift a few moments.
You begin your adventures with a Heart’s Blade. dispirited companion, your tears can thaw After this time you are able to
magical Companion. a petrified ally. discern the primary emotional
You can summon a tool made of motivation that is driving their
This Companion does not count
the same Magical Material chosen With a touch, you can attempt to current actions and discourse
against your normal allowance of
for your Heart’s Blade. remove a psychological, physical, (love, greed, fear, etc.).
Companions ( p183).
Rank 1: You can summon any or magical Ailment ( p268) from If applicable, information gleaned
Create your Soul Companion someone you care about.
simple tool, such as a grappling from this Ability can used as an
following the steps listed at the
hook or lock pick. Attempting this Ability during a Influencing Factor ( p241) when
end of this Calling.
Rank 5: You can summon a simple Fight requires you to spend Negotiating with the individual
◆◆ Soul Companion Creation ( p47) your Action. in the future.
Techno-Relic or Gadget you are
4 familiar with. Unlike the real things, This Ability cannot be used for This Ability is mostly inconspicuous,
your glittering version does not situational Ailments: Toppled, although you may appear to be
require fuel or an additional power Restrained and Overburdened. staring uncomfortably deep into
source to work. your target’s eyes.
10 The summoned tool remains, until: ? Requires an Aura Check
You swap it for another tool. Success: The Ailment is removed. B Gain 1 Bright Allegiance Point.

You call for your Heart’s Blade. Failure: The Ailment remains, you
5 cannot make any further attempts
You invoke Spirit Wings ( p45).
to cure it.
B Gain 1 Bright Allegiance Point.

42 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 43

Battle Dance Failure: You stumble or stutter, and Spirit Wings Radiant Blade
must apply a Minor Penalty (-2) to a
The wishes in your heart allow you to You soul burns so brightly that your
roll of your choice made this Turn. CREATING A
soar… literally! Heart’s Blade transcends its material form CHARACTER
to become a shard of devastating light. CALLING
After staring a Dance, you can not You sprout glowing wings, and
use this Ability again for 24 hours.
now you can fly at your normal You can activate this Ability at
Speed Rating. will upon summoning your
With your GM’s approval, you can & HISTORY
use Ability in Linked Contests, like Your wings remain until: Heart’s Blade.
a chase sequence ( p220). You call for your Heart’s Blade. Slice of light: Your Heart’s Blade QUIRK
is now a glowing shaft of light
You invoke the Glittering that does an extra Heart of Bright
Machine Ability. Damage ( p259), in addition to the
Battle Bonds GEAR
weapon’s Normal Damage.
You have a merciful nature that can be B Gain 1 Bright Allegiance Point. Purifying Flare: After a successful RANK
Your animated and tuneful battle felt in even your fiercest attacks. Your strike with the Heart’s Blade, the
commands grant those listening a clemency does not go unnoticed and, in light can be discharged to irradiate Quick Start
coordinated, rhythmic, combat flair. the midst of battle, you can make friends Shining Resolve your target causing an additional Factotum
out of enemies. Heart of Bright Damage which Sneak
You can attempt to coordinate your Your spirit is indomitable and will always dispels the Ability. Champion
allies during a Fight, granting all Whenever you reduce a foe to 0 remain so. Using Purifying Flare prevents you Raider
participants a Minor Bonus (+2) to Hearts or less, and choose to spare from using this Ability again for
a single roll on their Turn. their lives, you can attempt to You gain Supernatural Will ( p107). another 24 hours.
This Ability can be used in soften their resolve.
conjunction with your other B Gain 1 Bright Allegiance Point.

permitted Actions, but you must ? Requires a Aura Check Opened Hearts Sage
declare the use of this Ability at the Success: You form a Social Bond Heretic
beginning of your Turn. ( p279) with the beaten opponent.
Powerful Bright Magic lies within you. It
Discuss and agree with your GM an can wash away all falsehoods and leave Legend in YOUR Own Time
appropriate Bond. For example, ‘a nothing but the naked truth, including
? Requires a Aura Check Whether it’s your heroic deeds or your
begrudging admiration’. both honest wishes and dark secrets.
Success: 3 – 2 – 1 – Go! Your Battle legendary tenderness, you have become
Dance begins… A Bonded opponent is less a source of inspiration for public works of
You can activate this Ability
You can apply a Minor Bonus (+2) inclined to target you for attack in art and epic tavern tales. Your reputation
whenever you are speaking to
to a single roll made on your Turn. the future, and will avoid dealing precedes you… sometimes.
another individual, or at the start of
you a finishing blow unless
Once you have started a Dance, a Negotiation.
absolutely necessary. Whenever you enter a new
allies in the same Battlefield Area
Settlement you can attempt
can choose to join in. To do so they ? Requires a Contest Reputation Management ( p275).
must make an Aura Check at the
Advanced Abilities ◆◆ Your Aura vs. the Grit of anyone
start of your team’s Turn.
in earshot. ? Requires an Aura Check
Ally success: Your ally jumps into Available for selection at Rank 6 or higher.
9 the groove gaining a Minor Bonus Anyone who loses the Contest is Success: You’ve already established
(+2) for a roll made on their Turn. unable to lie, deceive, or mislead a positive Reputation in this locale.
At Your Side you for a 24 hour period. Although
Ally failure: Your ally makes a ◆◆ If possible, the Reputation should
they can still refuse to answer
misstep, disrupting the Dance. All Your strikes can create opportunities for be based on heroic efforts made
9 your questions.
Dancers, lose their bonus this Turn. your comrades-at-arms to exploit. in a previous Session. For example,
An ally can attempt to re-join the Unfortunately, you are also subject ‘Savior of Homble Village’ or ‘Slayer
dance on the next Turn. to the effects of this Ability for the of the Ooze Beast’.
If one of your Attacks is successful, same 24 hour period.
20 Each Turn Dancers must make it also counts as an Attack Assist Failure: The locals have never heard
a successful Aura Check for the ( p256) for the next ally attacking of you, or your ‘daring’ exploits.
Dance to continue. the same opponent. B Gain 1 Bright Allegiance Point.

44 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 45

NEVER Stand Alone Heart’s Aegis Soul Companion CREATION

Your Soul Companion is able to transmute Your Soul Companion is about to pop
into a magical suit of Armor that wraps into existence. Inventory Slots: 6 CREATING A
around you in battle. This armor retains Any carried items are dropped CALLING
traces of your Companion’s aesthetics. Soul Companion creation steps on the spot if Companion SPECIES
1. Companion Basics: All Soul vanishes for any reason.
Your can turn your Companion into Companions start with the same Sustenance: They do not need to & HISTORY
armor for a specific task or Fight. basic capabilities. eat, breathe or rest. They vanish TRAITS
The magic armor has the following 2. Companion Type: Decide if your whenever you fall asleep or are QUIRK
specifications: Companion is an Animal or a Toy, rendered unconscious. They FINISHING
Superheavy Armor ( p163). this will determine their initial disappear forever if you die. DETAILS

Anti-Hazard Abilities ( p166). Combat Values. Advancement: When you reach GEAR

3. Companion Abilities: Choose a Rank 5 they gain an additional CHARACTER

Mechanical Motion ( p167). Heart and a new Champion Ability. RANK
Companion Ability.
Those touched by your kindness often No one other than you can wear Aptitudes: Aptitudes are 2 points
come to help you in your darkest hour. the armor. 4. Companion Details: Define your Quick Start
Companion’s appearance lower than your own.
The armor lasts until: and personality.
If you’re in mortal peril, maybe
The task it was activated for is
alone and outnumbered or
completed, or... Companion type Champion
stranded without hope, you can
You have been reduced to 0
use this Ability to summon help. Companion Basics Choose or roll your Companion Type
Hearts or less. Battle
Once activated, your GM will Princess
After you use it, the Armor, and All Soul Companions have a similar set of
choose a character with whom 1-10
starting properties.
you have a Social Bond ( p279) to your Soul Companion, will vanish Princess

come to your assistance. This could until the next morning. Guardian Animal Sage
Languages: Bright Tongue, Your four-legged
even be a spared foe with whom You cannot use this Ability again for Heretic
Low Speak. Your Companion will familiar appears
you’ve formed a Battle 24 hours.
only talk with you unless normal in shape and
Bond ( p44).
otherwise requested. size but inherits your
The chosen character will B Gain 1 Bright Allegiance Point.
Range: They can exist up to 40 ft colors, or any distinct
miraculously appear just in time to
away from you. Beyond that range markings or patterns
offer you required assistance. For
they vanish, only to reappear by you wear.
example, they might arrive with
your side.
reinforcements or a convenient
escape craft. Fighting: Your Companion can +0 2 12* Fast
only provide limited support ATTACK HEARTS DEFENSE SPEED
This Ability cannot be used again
during a Fight:
until you have had the time to * Includes Speed Rating bonus
participate in a Downtime Activity Attack: They are not powerful
( p273). enough to harm foes, but can
perform Attack Assists ( p256) 11-20
for you or your allies.
9 Brave Toy
Health: At 0 Hearts they puff out
Your small,
of existence, but will return after
mechanical doll is
you’ve slept and rested.
dressed like a knight
18 Ailments: They are immune to the or soldier. It also
direct effect of Aliments ( p268), sports an emblem
however they suffer the symptoms of great significance
of any Ailments you contract! to you.
Gear: They cannot use any Gear;
Armor falls off, weapons are +0 2 14* Average
dropped, etc. However, they can ATTACK HEARTS DEFENSE SPEED
carry items.
* Includes Medium Armor bonus
46 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 47

Companion abilities As if built by Magical Materials Combat Gear Allowance

( p288), they do not break when
Your Soul Companion starts with a single blocking a Magical Attack or Ability. You are always able to use your Heart’s Blade irrespective of your Species Size. You can
Ability appropriate to their Companion use Standard and Thrown weapons. You can use any armor or shield without penalty. CHARACTER
Type. They gain a second Ability when you CALLING
achieve Rank 5. 6-10 Weapon Link: They can transform ARMOUR
and connect to your Heart’s Blade for
extra impact on your next strike. HOMELAND
Animal Companion Abilities & HISTORY

Choose or roll your Animal’s Ability Your Companion and your Heart’s
Blade can combine once per Light Medium Heavy* Superheavy* Sm. Shield Std. Shield Lg. Shield*

1-5 Mount: When required, they can Session to provide either: FINISHING
grow in size to carry a rider. A Minor Bonus (+2) to all Attack MELEE WEAPONS GEAR
rolls or…
Companions are Battle Ready Deal an additional Heart of RANK
( p187) when in Mount form. Damage on a successful strike.
Quick Start
6-10 Burrower: They have claw-like 11-15 Booster: They can convert into Standard Concealed** Quick Master Mighty* Arc* Lash Combo
digging tools for rapid excavation. a jetpack, cling onto your back, and lift

you to safety. MISSILE WEAPONS


They can excavate a PC-sized Raider

tunnel through a Battlefield Area’s You gain the power of flight at an Battle
worth of soil each Turn. Average Speed Rating.

The boost grants enough lift for you Princess
11-15 Fighter: They grow fangs, claws to reach one visible destination.
Thrown Drawn S. Mech.** L. Mech. Sage
or some other natural weapon. During a Fight, your Companion Heretic
loses a single Heart for each Turn * Small Species restriction still applies (Chib, Goblin)
** Large Species restriction still applies (Promethean, Gruun)
They can now Attack as if wielding this Ability is in use.
a Standard Weapon.
Their Attack Bonus is now half Advancement Table
16-20 Toter: This chunky toy has a
yours, rounded down. built in backpack. RANK ATTACK HEARTS APTITUDES ABILITIES XP

16-20 Glider: They sprout small, They have 10 Inventory Slots. MIGHT DEFT. GRIT INSIGHT AURA START. STAND. ADV.*

vestigial wings incapable of full flight. During a Fight, they can use their 1st +1 3 8 8 9 7 10 3 - - 0
Turn to find and instantly present
They gain Supernatural Leaping any item they are carrying. 2nd +2 3 8 8 9 7 10 3 1 - 6
( p107). 3rd +3 4 9 9 10 8 11 3 1 - 12
4th +3 4 9 9 10 8 11 3 2 - 24
Companion DETAILS
12 Toy Companion Abilities 5th +4 5 10 10 11 9 12 3 2 - 36
Your Soul Companion will complement
Choose or roll your Toy’s Ability or contrast with your appearance and 6th +4 5 10 10 11 9 12 3 2 1 48
personality. For example, they may be 7th +5 6 11 11 12 10 13 3 2 1 72
5 1-5 Shielder: They can defend calm and unflappable, like you wish you
were, or faint-hearted so you always have 8th +5 6 11 11 12 10 13 3 2 2 96
themselves and others.
someone to be brave for.
9th +6 7 12 12 13 11 14 3 2 2 132
Once per Fight, they can Parry one You can decide on the details later as
1 you develop your Princess’ 10th +7 7 12 12 13 11 14 3 2 3 168
Attack made against them, or any
allies in the same Battlefield Area personality during play.
as them, like a Shield ( p169). Bold text indicates the number has increased from the previous Rank.
* You can choose a Standard Calling Ability or an Advanced Species Ability if preferred.

48 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 49

Murder Princess Abilities

Dark avengers who wield both blade and spell to destroy what they hate the CREATING A
most, Murder Princesses are uncompromising and merciless. Whether you’re Starting Abilities Using your Wrath’s Blade CHARACTER

the target of their rage, or simply an obstacle in their way, expect no pity. You start with three Abilities. You can call this weapon into CALLING
existence through force of will. SPECIES
Melee Weapons are formed HOMELAND
Wrath’s Blade instantly and may be used on the & HISTORY

You can call upon a same Turn they are called. TRAITS

weapon forged from Drawn and Mechanical Missile QUIRK

your righteous anger weapons take a Turn to fully FINISHING

form and appear with 4 units of
or untempered
fury. The weapon’s ammunition included. GEAR

appearance reflects Your Wrath’s Blade (and any CHARACTER

the magnificence ammunition) will vanish instantly
of your volatile and on command. Quick Start
unyielding psyche.
Only a single form of the Wrath’s Factotum
Blade may be summoned at any
Creating a Wrath’s Blade one time: either the primary,
Your Wrath’s Blade grows in power secondary or combination form.
as you rise in Rank. Add the new If the weapon is Sundered or lost

properties to your Wrath’s Blade during combat, you can will it away
when you reach the required Rank. and summon a new Blade. Murder
Rank 1: Select your weapon’s Princess
primary form and what it is made of. Sage
Choose a Weapon Type: Quick, WRATH’S BLADE EXAMPLE Heretic
Master, Mighty, Arc, Lash, Drawn Primary form
or Mechanical Missile ( p152). Mighty
Choose a Magical Material:
Shade Iron, Dew Silver, or Warp
Wood ( p289).
Rank 3: Your Wrath’s Blade gains Primary form + Weapon Ability
one of the following properties: Retributive
Glistening: +1 to Attack rolls.
Calling Overview Retributive: The weapon’s Extra
Damage Threshold is reduced
Typical Murder Princesses: Fearsome Aptitudes: Wrath Magic is taxing on the by 2 ( p152).
black knights, ruthless vigilantes, bloody- body and soul, so Murder Princesses
Denying: The weapon can Parry Secondary form
handed waifs, and nobles seeking have a strong Grit and Aura. While they
once per combat in the same Lash
vengeance or retribution. have good Might and Insight, their blunt
10 manner as a Standard Shield
approach results in a low Deftness.
Abilities: Skills blend destructive magic ( 169).
and martial proficiency. Abilities focus on Weapons and armour: While Murder Rank 6: Your Wrath’s Blade can
intimidation and menace both on and off Princesses use their Wrath’s Blade over all now transform into a secondary
8 other weapons, they are unrestricted in Combination form
the battlefield. form from the Weapon Types Chain axe
the use of Armor and Shields. listed above.
Advancement: As Murder Princesses rise
in Rank, their magical abilities further Who’d like to be a Murder Princess? Your Wrath’s Blade gains the
10 develop their dark aura making them Players who enjoy an aggressive approach Combination Weapon Ability
a talisman among the wronged and to problem solving or seek success no allowing a hybrid weapon form
downtrodden. matter what the cost. ( p160).

50 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 51

Withering Glare Standard Abilities Wrath Bolt The Hard Way

When a Fight begins, you can Glare at a Available for selection at Rank 2 or higher. You are able to fill If more level headed attempts at
single enemy at the start of your Turn. your hand with dark, reasoning fail, you are always willing CHARACTER
crackling energy. This to step in and use your unwavering
Couturier CALLING
At the start of a Fight you can Glare charged mana can presence to remind everyone that you are
at a single enemy at the start of be hurled at your terrifyingly committed to having things
your Turn. enemies or used to your way. HOMELAND
Rank 1: The target of your Glare envelop your
loses a single Heart. Wrath’s Blade. You get an Edge on all Negotiation
attempts that use Physical
Rank 5: Your target must now also
Wrath Bolts: You are able to fire Intimidation ( p240) or a similar FINISHING
participate in a Contest with you, threatening strategy.
Wrath Bolts at enemies up to one
their Grit vs. your Aura. GEAR
Battlefield Area away.
Success: Your enemy is unnerved CHARACTER
Bolts strike as Thrown Missile RANK
and incurs a Snag on all Attack
Weapons ( p158). Desperate Friendship
rolls against you.
Bolts do 1 Heart of Dark Damage Quick Start
If this Ability reduces an adversary You do not makes friends readily
( p259) on a successful Attack. Factotum
to 0 Hearts, or lower, they flee from but when you commit, you take the
the battle or surrender on the spot. Wrath Blade: If you envelop your responsibility seriously.
Clothes are a statement of intent and you Wrath’s Blade with this Ability it Champion
$$A target may only be affected by are always dressed to kill. now deals Dark Damage ( p259)
You are now subconsciously
one Glare per Fight.
instead of Normal Damage.
connected to anyone you have a Battle
You gain the Crafting Discipline Princess
Social Bond ( p279) with and if
Tailoring ( p284).
D Gain 1 Dark Allegiance Point. separated:
TENACITY For specific rules on creating items
You know which direction to go
refer to Craft ( p280). Sage
Your focus and drive is unequivocal. You in order to find them. Heretic
feed on the adrenaline rush of combat, You use Grit for Crafting rolls. Bulwark of Disdain You can sense if any of them are
pushing your body and spirit beyond their in mortal danger.
limits for any task deemed worthy enough. Your utter contempt for those that oppose
Frost Blade you is armor enough.
During a Fight, or other perilous
Your Wrath’s Blade does not always Your get a + 4 to your Naked Barbed Justice
encounter, you can expend a single
Heart to re-roll any failed Attacks, burn with rage, sometimes it is chillingly Defense Rating.
Your unabated fury manifests itself as
Stunts, or Might and Grit Checks dispassionate.
This bonus is applied instead large spikes or thorns that project from
(and Contests). of, not in addition to, any bonus your Wrath’s Blade, making its wounds
The outcome of the second roll Frost Damage: Your Wrath’s Blade even more grievous. However, the toll on
related to the Armor you wear.
must be accepted regardless of has iced over and now does Frost your spirit is great.
whether the result is beneficial Damage ( p259). When you wear Armor you can
or not. Freezing Blow: After a successful choose whether to use the bonus
You can choose to inflict an extra
Attack, the ice can be discharged from Bulwark of Disdain or the one
If you are out of Hearts when Heart of Damage on a successful
to freeze one of your opponent’s provided by your Armor.
14 invoking this Ability, you must roll Attack, but lose 2 of your own.
on the Injury Table ( p260). limbs. The chosen limb is
If you drop below 0 Hearts when
Restrained ( p270) until your
using this Ability, you must roll on
opponent, or someone trying to
the Injury Table ( p260) after each
3 assist them, makes a successful
successful Attack.
Elective Abilities Might Check to break free. This
exhausts the Ability.
You select a new Ability when you reach D Gain 1 Dark Allegiance Point.
7 Rank 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. An Ability can only Frost Blade can only be used once
be selected once unless otherwise noted. per Fight.

D Gain 1 Dark Allegiance Point.

52 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 53

Caustic Truth Advanced Abilities Relentless pursuer Blade of Darkness

When physical force fails, you resort Available for selection at Rank 6 or higher. Chasing down cowardly foes has done You can summon a Wrath’s Blade
to psychological assault. By ridiculing wonders for your athletic prowess! composed of pure dark energy, it’s CHARACTER
your opponent’s deeply held beliefs, or capable of wounding the soul.
Sword Storm CALLING
competence, you can send your foe into Your Speed Rating increases by a SPECIES
an unbalancing rage. single level. You can activate this Ability at
will upon summoning your & HISTORY
Once per Fight, you can to attempt Wrath’s Blade. TRAITS
to enrage your opponent with a Dark Strike: Your Wrath’s Blade is
Iconoclast QUIRK
disparaging or spiteful truth. a cosmic void that now drains an FINISHING
Targets for this Ability must: You have a reputation for avenging the additional Heart of Dark Damage DETAILS

Be engaged in a Fight with you oppressed… even if you have only done ( p259) in addition to the weapon’s GEAR
for a Turn or more. so inadvertently. Downtrodden people Mundane Damage. CHARACTER
who know of your deeds will assist you in Wrapped in Darkness: After a RANK
Be able to understand you. whatever humble way they can. strike with the Wrath’s Blade, the
Be capable of feeling emotions. energy can be discharged to Quick Start
You can attempt to enlist the help engulf your target and cause an Factotum
? Requires a Contest of any poor, enslaved, or otherwise additional Heart of Dark Damage; Sneak
Your Grit vs. your opponent’s Aura. With a cry of defiance you can summon a disenfranchised local residents. which dispels the Ability. Champion
Success: Your comment unsettles blizzard of magical blades that tear Using Wrapped in Darkness Raider
your opponent: through anyone nearby. ? Requires a Aura Check prevents you from using this Ability Battle

Their rage now provides them with Success: The rabble have heard of again for another 24 hours. Princess

an Edge on all Attack rolls, and On your Turn you can summon you. Assuming they are friendly, or Murder

Abilities, aimed at you, but… clones of your Wrath’s Blade at least non-hostile, they will agree
D Gain 1 Dark Allegiance Point.
(or ammunition if it’s a Missile to any reasonable requests you Sage
This leaves them open to attack. Weapon) to appear over the make of them. Heretic
All Attack rolls made against the Battlefield, that rain down upon
enraged foe benefit from an Edge. ◆◆ For example, a street urchin will
anyone surrounding you: Red Petal Revenge
direct you into a side alley to hide
Their rage ends if you die, are no You make a single Attack roll. you from the town guard, or a Picking a rose in haste can prick your
longer visible, or when the current
The result of the roll is used as crowd might deliberately divert or fingers, and so those who wish to do you
Fight ends.
an Attack roll against everyone in obstruct pursuers. harm will suffer the consequences.
This Ability may only be used on the same Battlefield Area as you. Helpers will not be prepared to put
one opponent per Fight, whether it
A hit does 2 Hearts of Damage. themselves in real danger, or be If you are hit in a Fight, or suffer
is successful or not.
Characters who have a Social able to muster courage beyond an Ailment caused by an enemy’s
Bond with the Princess are their normal capacity. Ability, you can attempt to get
D Gain 1 Dark Allegiance Point. revenge on your aggressor.
exempt from the Attack.
After the Storm, the summoned
weapons disintegrate. Overwhelming Might ? Requires a Contest
Your Grit vs. the attacker’s Grit.
You can use Sword Storm once You have a hidden strength powered by
8 every 24 hours without penalty. Success: Your attacker suffers the
hatred deep within your soul.
same Damage, or Ailment, that
◆◆ Using a Sword Storm in excess of
they inflicted on you.
this means you have to roll on the You have attained Supernatural
Injury Table ( p260) after use. Might ( p107). If an Ailment can not be applied to
your attacker, they take a Heart of
Damage instead.
D Gain 1 Dark Allegiance Point.
Red Petal Revenge may only be
15 used once every 24 hours.

D Gain 1 Dark Allegiance Point.

54 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 55

Vexed Dispel Spirited Slaughter Combat Gear Allowance

Fresh from the kill, you have a twinkle in You are always able to use your Wrath’s Blade irrespective of your Species Size. You can
your eye and a spring in your step. use Standard and Thrown weapons. You can use any armor or shield without penalty. CHARACTER

If you slay an opponent during a ARMOUR
Fight, you can immediately take
another Action afterwards, as & HISTORY
long as it continues or accelerates TRAITS
further violence.
Light Medium Heavy* Superheavy* Sm. Shield Std. Shield Lg. Shield*


Your patience with hostile magic is thin,
and your mere annoyance can unravel Quick Start
even the most carefully crafted spell. Factotum
Standard Concealed** Quick Master Mighty* Arc* Lash Combo
You can attempt to nullify a Champion
single persistent magical effect MISSILE WEAPONS
that is irritating you, or any of
your allies that are located in the Princess
same Battlefield Area as you. For Murder
example, you can try to dispel a Princess
magically inflicted Ailment or a Thrown Drawn S. Mech.** L. Mech. Sage
sorcerous barrier. Heretic
* Small Species restriction still applies (Chib, Goblin)
** Large Species restriction still applies (Promethean, Gruun)
? Requires a Grit Check
Success: The magic will be
suppressed so long as you are in Advancement Table
the same Battlefield Area and still
subject to the annoying effect. For RANK ATTACK HEARTS APTITUDES ABILITIES XP
example, the caster would regain
the use of their suppressed Ability
or the sorcerous barrier would 1st +1 3 8 7 10 8 9 3 - - 0
return once you have passed or
been pacified. 2nd +2 3 8 7 10 8 9 3 1 - 6
Vexed Dispel can be triggered the 3rd +3 4 9 8 11 9 10 3 1 - 12
instant you are annoyed, and does
4th +3 4 9 8 11 9 10 3 2 - 24
not require an Action to cast.
10 5th +4 5 10 9 12 10 11 3 2 - 36
You cannot Dispel magic that is
instant, such as a damaging 6th +4 5 10 9 12 10 11 3 2 1 48
magical blast.
7th +5 6 11 10 13 11 12 3 2 1 72
19 You cannot use this Ability again for
24 Hours after it has been 8th +5 6 11 10 13 11 12 3 2 2 96
successfully used.
9th +6 7 12 11 14 12 13 3 2 2 132
D Gain 1 Dark Allegiance Point. 10th +7 7 12 11 14 12 13 3 2 3 168

Bold text indicates the number has increased from the previous Rank.
* You can choose a Standard Calling Ability or an Advanced Species Ability if preferred.

56 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 57

Sage Abilities

Sages are the students of the intensive art of Wizardry, learning to manipulate CREATING A
both ambient and residual mana to great effect. Their powers reflect their Starting Abilities Sage’s Staff CHARACTER

approach to the study of magic: patient, practical, with a dash of whimsy. You start with three Abilities. Staves are an iconic part CALLING

of any Sage’s inventory. SPECIES

Your elegant wand, or HOMELAND

Grand Grimoire
gnarled walking stick, & HISTORY

carries your personal TRAITS

sigil and is the primary QUIRK

conduit for your magic. FINISHING

Spell Push: With a dramatic gesture
and a shout, you can use your staff RANK
to magically shove things about.
The Push can effect things up to Quick Start
15 ft away. Factotum

The Push exerts the same amount Sneak

of force as an adult human. Champion

The Push is always executed with Raider

Knowledge is your passion. Your Grimoire, full power and can not be used Battle

a strange tome that’s always at hand, is with any delicacy. Princess

If the Push is used in a Check or

filled to the brim with notes of your Princess
discoveries and experiences. Contest, the spell’s Might is the
same as your Insight. This might
Your Grand Grimoire is a large, include attempting to shove Heretic

personalized book that is always against a monster, or moving a

in your hands when needed, but heavy stone.
nowhere to be found when you If the Push is used as an Attack, it
have no use for it. is treated as an Unarmed strike,
Only you can write in the Grimoire, and can strike at a target up to 1
but it is quite capable of filling its Battlefield Area away.
own pages! It can magically sketch Magelight: Your Staff can glow
pictures of things you stare at for a with a radiance equivalent to a
Calling Overview few minutes and record messages Torch ( p175).
you speak into its pages.
This light can be turned on and
Typical Sages: Wise hermits, eager Aptitudes: Hours of research and study If you fail an Insight Check when off by lightly tapping the staff.
apprentices, mischievous old witches, and have granted the Sage a high Insight, but attempting to recall a piece of
court magicians. neglecting their physical development The light remains in effect as
information, you may consult your
means they suffer a low Might. long as you are holding your
Grimoire for clues. Stuffed full of
6 Abilities: Wizardry is a curious mix of staff and are conscious.
Weapons and armour: Sages can defend factual titbits, the tome will allow
practical magic and malign hexes. Sages Long, heavy staffs can be used as a
themselves in combat, but it’s not their the GM to reveal a hint to where
are inquisitive sorts, skilled researchers, Standard Weapon. Shorter wands
forte. They may use a limited range of the elusive piece of information
and often insufferable know-it-alls. There double as Concealed Weapons.
14 weapons and wear Light Armor without can be found.
is little knowledge that can be kept from
them for long. any issue. If you die, your Grimoire manifests While you may only have one Staff
permanently. The tomes of great at any time, creating a new one is
Advancement: As Sages rise in Rank they Who’d like to be a Sage? This Calling is Sages are extremely valuable! as simple as carving your personal
13 master increasingly potent magic and perfect for players who like to employ sigil on to your chosen piece.
can start to dabble in the related fields of clever, light-hearted solutions
artificing and prophecy. to problems.

58 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 59

Prestidigitonium Elective Abilities Mortifying Bloat Arcane Artificing

One of the earliest tricks You select a new Ability when you reach You have whiled away many hours
you learned was how to Rank 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. An Ability can only tinkering with magical devices. Whether CHARACTER
animate objects using be selected once unless otherwise noted. a passion or a hobby, you have learned CALLING
the mana left behind enough to repair, maintain and even
by another living create such devices in your spare time.
Standard Abilities
creature’s touch. With HOMELAND
this you can breath Available for selection at Rank 2 or higher. You gain the Crafting Discipline
wondrous life into simple Artificing ( p282).
tools and children’s toys. For specific rules on creating things

Everyday Divination FINISHING

refer to Craft ( p280). DETAILS
With some singing, or gentle
Divination is such a popular Wizardry skill You can identify Oddities, Artifacts,
coaxing, you can attempt to make GEAR
that Sages have gained a reputation for and Gadgets related to your craft
a single object spring to life CHARACTER
being rather nosy. with an Insight Check. RANK
and perform the function it was
You can agitate the ambient mana inside
originally designed for. You use Insight for your
You can tap a reflective surface another creature, causing it to swell and Quick Start
An object needs to have been Crafting rolls.
once, and politely request to see a expand. Performing the spell requires you Factotum
used within the last 3 months to particular person or object. to make an exaggerated gesture; Sneak
retain the residual mana required exhaling a deep breath into your own
for the spell. The surface must be larger than Champion
thumb. Huuffff! Glowing Ink
your hand but no taller than Raider
yourself. Mirrors, windows and You can wring out a Battle
? Requires an Insight Check even puddles can be used. You can attempt to inflate a single
special luminescent Princess
enemy from up to 1 Battlefield
Success: Your chosen object begins ink from your staff, Murder
Area away.
to move. A door knob will rotate ? Requires an Insight Check/Contest drawing on its

and the door click open, a toy Magelight Ability. Sage

soldier will march, and a Physician’s Attempting to see a person, or vs Requires a Contest Now you can leave a Heretic
Kit will perform surgery. creature, triggers a contest; your Your Insight vs. your target’s Grit. glowing crumb trail or
Insight vs. your target’s Aura.
The object’s will perform long Success: Your target begins to honor the tavern toilet
enough to complete a single task, Attempting to see an object bloat, by the start of their next Turn wall with your sigil.
then the mana is expended. requires an Insight check. they will be afflicted by the
If a Check or Contest is required, Success: You can see and hear your Ballooned Ailment ( p268). You can use your Mage Staff as if it
your Insight is used. chosen target and the immediate Only one creature may be affected were a giant pen or paintbrush as
area around them. by this Ability at any time. If long as the Magelight Ability
A Melee Weapon may be animated is active.
for a single Attack, the strike uses The divination lasts for a few you target another individual,
your Attack Bonus. minutes. the previous target will return The ink glows as brightly as a torch,
If you share a Social Bond ( p279) to normal size. Otherwise, the but vanishes after a day.
A Shield can float and Parry a affliction wears off after an hour or
single Attack on you, or nearby ally, with the target, you may talk to You can squirt ink on an enemy up
each other, although only you will if you will it away. to 1 Battlefield Area away with a
before falling to the ground.
be able to hear their words. successful Attack roll.
A Missile Weapon can fire a single
Failure: The view is clouded. A D Gain 1 Dark Allegiance Point. The ink does no damage, but
16 shot, if ammunition is available.
second try at Divination cannot be prevents enemies from hiding in
attempted for another 24 hours. the shadows.
Successful or not, once an object Victims of this particular ability are
actually quite buoyant and easy to Targets that are vulnerable to
15 has been targeted by
An individual surface may only be move around. Why not get creative? light may suffer other ill effects.
Prestidigitonium the ambient mana
used for Divination once every Turn an enemy, or reluctant ally, into This is at your GM’s discretion.
is disrupted and the Ability won’t a makeshift blockade or emergency
work on it again unless… 24 hours.
floatation device.
7 B Gain 1 Bright Allegiance Point.
◆◆ The object is used again, although
it takes 24 hours for the required
mana to settle.

60 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 61

Hocus Pox Drastic changes in mass are not Range: It can exist up to a mile Rank 5:
possible. You can transform into a away from your current location. Once every 24 hours, you can
You can use
Species of a similar size to you. For Flight: It cannot float more than conjure a Mana Bomb, a more CREATING A
malicious mana
example, a human could imitate an 20 feet off the ground. violent and deadly variant of the
to infect your
Elf or Tenebrate, but not a tiny Chib Mana Grenade. CALLING
foes with a or bulky Promethean. You can dissipate the cloud at will,
debilitating which will result in any items it Mana Bombs work like standard
disease. Your Mask lasts for an hour, unless: carries dropping to the ground. Bombs ( p178), except… HOMELAND
Symptoms You are caught lying. Anyone mean enough to Attack They do Twilight Magic Damage TRAITS
include purple You lose a Heart, suffer an Injury the cloud will cause it to dissipate ( p259).
spots, mana or are affected by some other when it is reduced to 0 Hearts.

vulnerability and harmful effect. FINISHING

utter exhaustion. You can only summon and control B Gain 1 Bright Allegiance Point. DETAILS
You will the Mask away. one cloud at a time. GEAR
After use, you must wait an hour A new cloud cannot be summoned
You can attempt to infect someone CHARACTER
before using the Mask again. for 24 hours after the last one has
up to 15 ft, or 1 Battlefield Area, Advanced Abilities
away with Hocus Pox. been destroyed or dismissed.
Quick Start
D Gain 1 Dark Allegiance Point. Available for selection at Rank 6 or higher.
vs Requires a Contest B Gain 1 Bright Allegiance Point.
Your Insight vs. your target’s Grit. Cloak of Obscurity Champion
Success: Your target contracts Very Useful Cloud
You can slip behind a mantle of subtle Raider
Hocus Pox and they break out in You can coalesce the
EldTrich Explosives
darkness and become a shadow. While Battle
purple spots. you’re not invisible, you are definitely Princess
moisture in the air into
Victims have a Snag when making a small cloud. This more difficult to notice for those not Murder
rolls to resist other Magical Abilities. odd little being floats expecting you.
along next to you and
Victims are afflicted with the
Putrefied Ailment ( p270). has some very useful When covered by the Cloak, Heretic

applications. you use your Insight, rather than

When a victim is reduced to
Deftness, when making your
0 Hearts by this Ailment, they
Stealth rolls.
collapse and are helplessly Your Cloud is oddly sturdy, despite
exhausted. This will pass with a its gaseous nature, and is about the When your Team is Exploring using
week’s worth of rest, but the purple size of a large cushion. Stealthy Movement ( p234), you
make an independent Stealth roll.
spots remain for another week. Summoning a Cloud requires:
When Cloaked, even if your
Moisture in the air.
Team is Exploring using Cautious
Once a chosen target has fallen foul During a Fight, it requires a or Hasty Movement you also
of this Ability, you cannot use it Nothing clears a room like a mana
Turn’s worth of gesticulation. benefit from the effects of
again for another 24 hours. kaboom! You make magical explosives.
The Cloud has two key functions: Stealthy Movement.
Carrier: The cloud can hold 6 Rank 1 If you are Cloaked when
D Gain 1 Dark Allegiance Point. Inventory Slots. discovered by a Map or Site
Once per Fight, you can conjure
4 Messenger: The cloud can a Mana Grenade, a non-lethal Encounter, you make can make a
deliver a message, of no more weapon designed to subdue. Stealth roll to remain hidden.
Murky Mask than 40 words, to anyone you are
Mana Grenades work like regular
familiar with. D Gain 1 Dark Allegiance Point.
8 By coating yourself with malleable mana, Grenades ( p178), except…
The Cloud’s basic capabilities:
you can mould your features into an They do Twilight Magic Damage
incredibly convincing disguise. Aptitudes: The Cloud’s Aptitudes ( p259).
are the same as yours.
Targets reduced to 0 Hearts, or
14 Combat Values: Hearts 2,
You can moderately alter your less, are knocked unconscious
build, coloring, face and height; Defense Rating 12, and Speed (or fall inert if they are Mechanoids
but cannot exactly mimic another. Rating Average. or Undead) for an hour.

62 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 63

Demystify You can target an opponent up to Harmonious Geomancy Shadow Puppet

15 ft, or 1 Battlefield Area, away.
Just as you can weave a You politely request cooperation from
web of mana, so too During a Fight, Mana Crush requires ambient mana. With some clear spoken
can you unravel it. the use of your Action to cast. instructions and a bow, or curtsy, you can CALLING
Deep knowledge of re-arrange a cluttered room, or quickly
mana manipulation vs Requires a Contest assemble a barricade in front of an
allows you to undo Your Insight vs. your approaching enemy. HOMELAND
others’ spells. The target’s Deftness. TRAITS
performance of this You can attempt to persuade local
Success: The target is crushed
counter-magic is usually accompanied by mana to manipulate objects in your
within a cocoon of mana, taking
a rude or condescending gesture toward immediate surroundings. FINISHING
3 Hearts of Damage. DETAILS
the opposing spell caster.
Failure: The Target avoids the brunt GEAR

of the assault and only takes ? Requires an Insight Check

You can attempt to end a single CHARACTER

persistent magical effect. This 1 Heart of Damage. Success: The local mana swirls and RANK

twists to do your bidding. You can seize another’s shadow and, by

might be a curse, arcane barrier, or This spell is physically taxing to cast proxy, their physical agency. While you Quick Start
the enchantments on an Artifact or and may only safely be used once You can perform a simple task that
make menacing gestures, resembling Factotum
Imbued Item. per Fight. Attempting the spell in would normally require several
those of a puppeteer, your victim dances
In a Fight, Demystify requires the the same Fight, or within a few creatures acting together to Sneak
to your desire.
use of your Action to cast. minutes of the last attempt, means accomplish. Champion

you must roll on the Injury Table ◆◆ For example: Smashing all the Raider
You can use this Ability on any
( p260) after the Contest. breakable pots in a shed at once, Battle
vs Requires a Contest creature that casts a shadow and Princess
alphabetizing a room full of books, is roughly 10 feet, or 1 Battlefield
Your Insight vs. the Aptitude
B Gain 1 Bright Allegiance Point. or stacking loose stones into a Area, away.
required to cast the opposing Princess
makeshift set of stairs.
Magical Ability. Sage
The area of effect should be no Requires a Contest
◆◆ If no Aptitude is specified, then vs Heretic
larger than a small house. Your Insight vs. your target’s Aura.
use Aura. Practical Flight
During a Fight, you can manipulate Success: You can control your
Success: The spell is unravelled. Powerful Sages are able to defy gravity a single Battlefield Area to: target for the next 10 seconds, or
Failure: You cannot dispel the to float and flutter about. While you look
Add the Precarious ( p251) or their Turn during a Fight. For
effect, and cannot try to dispel the incredibly elegant, you’re not terribly fast.
Sheltered ( p251) Condition to a example, you can make them
effect again for 24 hours.
Battlefield Area, providing there speak, shout, or even attack
This Ability only causes Artifacts or You have two modes of flight at are enough suitable objects themselves (which still requires an
Imbued items to lose their your disposal… scattered around. Attack roll!).
enchantment for 24 hours. Drift: A slow and graceful form of Remove an existing Condition You must repeat, and win, the
levitation. from a Battlefield Area, if you can Contest each Turn to retain control
Speed Rating while flying is Slow. agree with your GM on how this of your target.
Mana Crush Lasts until you decide to stop it. Ability could do it. For example, You can only control one Puppet at
pushing away a choking mist. a time.
Sometimes even Thrust: A short, sharp surge of
the patience of speed. You may want to sit astride Successful or not, any objects Failure: The target breaks free of
16 moved or disrupted by this spell
the wise can your Staff for balance. your mana strings and you cannot
be tested. By have their ambient mana burnt target them with this Ability again
Speed Rating while flying is Fast.
clenching away and cannot be affected by for 24 hours.
Thrust lasts for 3 Rounds during this Ability or Prestidigitonium (
7 your fist you a Fight, or approximately 30 p60) for another 24 hours.
can solidify seconds. D Gain 1 Dark Allegiance Point.
the mana
emanating from Using Thrust means you cannot B Gain 1 Bright Allegiance Point.
7 another animated use Flight again for 24 hours.
creature and use it You cannot fly if Overburdened.
to crush like a vice.

64 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 65

Momentary Fortress Strength Attacks: The opposing Combat Gear Allowance

Aptitude for Melee Weapons, and
You can use Concealed and Standard Melee Weapons, as well as Thrown and Small
other brute force attacks, should CREATING A
Mechanical Missile Weapons. You can only wear Light Armor.
be the Attacker’s Might CHARACTER

Skill Attacks: The opposing ARMOUR


Aptitude for Missile Weapons, and SPECIES

other attacks that utilise finesse, HOMELAND

should be the Attacker’s Deftness.

Success: The Attack is blocked, or
dissipated, by a wall of Light Medium Heavy* Superheavy* Sm. Shield Std. Shield Lg. Shield*

impenetrable light. FINISHING

If successful, the Fortress remains MELEE WEAPONS GEAR
intact and you benefit from its
protection in the next Turn. RANK
You can create a protective pyramid, Failure: The panel of light shatters
sphere, or cube of light around you that is like glass, and the Fortress cannot Quick Start
able to repel physical and magical attacks. be used again for 24 hours. Factotum
Standard Concealed** Quick Master Mighty* Arc* Lash Combo
During a Fight, you can use the
B Gain 1 Bright Allegiance Point. Champion
Fortress to attempt to block one MISSILE WEAPONS
inbound physical or magical Attack
against you each Turn.
If the Attack targets a Battlefield Soothing Darkness
Area (like a magic blast) then You can bring forth a blanket of darkness
everyone in the same Area as to temporarily alleviate pain, although its Thrown Drawn S. Mech.** L. Mech. Sage
you benefits from the Fortress…
sweet caress cannot heal. * Small Species restriction still applies (Chib, Goblin)
including foes!
** Large Species restriction still applies (Promethean, Gruun)
If cast outside of combat, the You can attempt to Soothe
Fortress can be used to block someone with an Injury ( p259),
harmful environmental effects. For including yourself, within 15 ft or in Advancement Table
example, Impact Damage ( p267) the same Battlefield Area as you.
( p267) from caustic gas.
If your target has multiple Injuries,
you must choose one to Soothe. MIGHT DEFT. GRIT INSIGHT AURA START. STAND. ADV.*
The Fortress is only visible when
struck or resisting a harmful effect. 1st +0 2 6 8 8 10 8 3 - - 0
? Requires an Insight Check
The Fortress can be erected during 2nd +0 2 6 8 8 10 8 3 1 - 6
your enemy’s Turn, but this means Success: The effects of the Soothed
you cannot take an Action on your Injury subside temporarily while 3rd +1 3 7 9 9 11 9 3 1 - 12
next Turn. the Ability is in effect. For example, 4th +1 3 7 9 9 11 10 3 2 - 24
a shadow binds a Broken Arm or a
1 ghost limb materialises to replace 5th +2 4 8 10 10 12 10 3 2 - 36
vs Requires a Contest a Severed one.
Your Insight vs. the Aptitude related 6th +2 4 8 10 10 12 11 3 2 1 48
to the type of Attack (see below). The Soothing effect lasts until you
use the Ability again, or willingly 7th +3 4 8 11 11 13 11 3 2 1 72
12 Magic Attacks: The opposing
cancel the effect. 8th +3 4 9 11 11 13 11 3 2 2 96
Aptitude used should be the one
required to cast the offensive spell. Failure: The Injury remains and you 9th +4 10 12 12 14 12
4 3 2 2 132
cannot attempt to Soothe the same
◆◆ If none is specified, use the caster’s
9 Injury again. 10th +4 5 10 12 12 14 12 3 2 3 168
Grit for directed attacks or Aura
for harmful radiating attacks (or
anything else!). D Gain 1 Dark Allegiance Point. Bold text indicates the number has increased from the previous Rank.
* You can choose a Standard Calling Ability or an Advanced Species Ability if preferred.

66 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 67

HERETIC Abilities

A lifetime of dedication is not required for the Heretic, simply the temerity to CREATING A
read from the Blasphemous Script. The Heretic calls forth entities they do not Starting Abilities After a short period of observation, CHARACTER

fully understand to do their bidding, and risks their immortal wrath. or 1 Turn during a Fight, you can
You start with three Abilities. attempt to detect what someone
fears the most.
Fitful Sleep & HISTORY
? Requires an Aura Check TRAITS
Sleep is not a
peaceful haven. Success: You learn one thing that QUIRK

While your upsets, scares or disgusts your FINISHING

body is target. The weakness revealed DETAILS

refreshed, could be emotional or physical. GEAR

your mind is CHARACTER

plagued with
incoherent Squire Marlow Quick Start
and disturbing
images brought Marlow, Whom All Chosen Know, is there Factotum

to you by the Sealed to make sure all your needs are attended Sneak

Names. Sometimes you understand the to. This genteel and unfailingly polite Champion
significance of these visions. figure is a great deal more forgiving than Raider
the other Sealed Names. Battle
Once per game Session you can Princess

ask your GM for clues on anything Speak his name calmly and Marlow, Murder
puzzling you about your adventure. a servant-like spirit, emerges from Princess

For example, the location of the shadow to do your bidding. Sage

a nemesis or the answer to a Summoning takes 1 Action. Heretic

perplexing riddle.
This secret, or clue, is chosen by ? Requires an Grit Check
your GM, and emerges as a fully
formed thought in your Mind. Success: Marlow will appear and
carry out a single task you give him.
Don’t give everything away when The task must be something
giving out a clue, but try to make that Marlow can complete in
sure it is at least helpful! a few minutes. He will attempt
to accomplish his task with
Calling Overview competence and endeavour.
Aptitudes: Heretics need an iron will In a Fight, Marlow performs as a
Typical Heretics: Gloomy youths,
and powerful presence, granting them Extended contact with Custrel ( p186) equipped with a
raving priests, sinister warlocks, and
high Grit and Aura. Dabbling in this dark the Sealed Names Quick Weapon.
daring onmyoji.
art reveals a lack of Insight and their oft has altered your Marlow vanishes upon the
20 Abilities: Talents rely on summoning the withered physical forms result in low appearance and completion of his task, or if
Sealed Names, strange and unpredictable Deftness and Might. mannerisms, making reduced to 0 Hearts.
spirits with powerful magical abilities. you deeply unsettling
Weapons and armour: Arms and armor He must be summoned again if
Dark spirits wreak havoc or obliterate your to be around. You have
10 training is kept to a minimum, though you wish to make further use of
enemies, while Bright spirits assist and also developed a twisted
Heretics have a strange fondness for his services.
guide you, that is if all goes to plan. empathy that enables you to sense the
whips, chains and other corded weapons. fears and weaknesses of others. Failure: Marlow gently refuses your
Advancement: As Heretics rise in Rank, request, and promptly vanishes.
10 they are able to summon more potent Who’d like to be a Heretic? Players who
love dark themes and don’t mind a bit of You have an Edge on rolls that After a failed summoning, Marlow
Sealed Names, gaining access to a wider
unpredictability will enjoy this Calling. involve intimidating, frightening or can’t be called again for 24 hours.
range of powerful effects.
repulsing someone.

68 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 69

Elective Abilities Hostiles within 1 Battlefield Area Seer Kasnah Summoning is instantaneous.
of you must make a successful Grit
You select a new Ability when you reach Kasnah, Lady of the Orb, looked too often
Check or be Terrified ( p271) of ? Requires a Grit Check CREATING A
Rank 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. An Ability can only into her divining ball and was absorbed
you for 24 Hours. CHARACTER
be selected once unless otherwise noted. by it. Now she is a small, smooth sphere Success: Tulpa emerges from the CALLING
Failure: Galrave honors you with his with an unblinking stare. She is willing to ground with a yawn and a stretch,
grim regard then vanishes. You show you what she sees. taking the prepared question and
Standard Abilities shudder for a moment, and miss swallowing it. After some thoughtful
your next Turn. Whisper her name and Kasnah, a chewing he answers the question,
Available for selection at Rank 2 or higher. TRAITS
floating eye, can be drawn forth then returns to his immortal slumber.
D Gain 1 Dark Allegiance Point. from the folds of your clothes. You suffer a Snag on your Grit
The Widow Prisma FINISHING
Summoning requires 1 Action. Check if you attempt to summon DETAILS
Prisma, The Crystal Martyr suffers for the Tulpa again within 24 hours. GEAR
chosen, although her curious moans Bushi Miyabi ? Requires a Grit Check Failure: Tulpa coughs and chokes CHARACTER
while doing so suggest she receives some on the question. He then lectures RANK
Miyabi, Apparition of Borrowed Wrath, is Success: Kasnah floats into the air.
strange pleasure from her sacrifice. you on the failures of this aeon’s
a raging spirit contained within elaborate You see whatever Kasnah sees youth before vanishing. Quick Start

Upon a cry for help, The Widow armor. Her hand grasps a broken blade, from her vantage point in the sky.
No further attempt to summon
Prisma will immediately crystalize which she swings with vengeful fury. Kasnah can be directed to any Tulpa can be made for 24 Hours. Sneak
in front of you and absorb any point within shouting distance, Champion
inbound Attack. Point at an enemy, yell her name, enabling you get unique views of a
B Gain 1 Bright Allegiance Point.
Summoning is instantaneous. and Miyabi will materialize next to location or scout ahead.
your chosen foe. Battle
Prisma suffers any Damage, She has Defense Rating 12. Princess

Ailment, or detrimental effect Summoning requires 1 Action.

Her Speed Rating is Average. Murder

directed at you… then dies. Messenger Kaila Princess

She vanishes if struck.
Her dramatic death throes last ? Requires a Grit Check Sage
Failure: Fickle Kasnah does not Kalia, Whisper most Pleasant, is a sultry Heretic
a Turn, until she shatters into Success: Miyabi manifests next to appear but instead you are Blinded figure in a flowing dress and decorated
fragments and disappears. your chosen target and engages ( p268) for 1 Turn. mask. Her voice is quiet but authoritative.
Prisma can only be summoned them in combat. When she speaks, her message is always
She ignores further summoning heard by those for whom it was meant.
once every 24 hours. You can set Miyabi on a foe up to 2 requests for 1 hour.
Battlefield Areas away from you.
She strikes with a Say her name and Kaila appears
D Gain 1 Dark Allegiance Point. D Gain 1 Dark Allegiance Point.
Standard Weapon. ready to deliver a message for you.

Her Attack Bonus is always the Summoning requires 1 Action.

Deacon Galrave same as her target’s. Kaila drapes herself over your
Yogi Tulpa shoulders, and will commit a
She has Defense Rating 12.
Galrave, Cloaked in Fear, is a broad message of no more than 50 words
Her Speed Rating is Fast. Call on Tulpa, First and Most Patient, when
and imposing figure. His terrible smile to memory, then vanishes.
you seek answers. This wizened figure is
is frightening enough, but his laugh is She evaporates if struck or when Your message can be delivered to
said to have studied all things. However,
blood-curdling. her target has been killed, but a single recipient with whom you
whether he actually remembers any of it is
16 once summoned she cannot be are at least familiar. Kalia appears
another thing altogether.
Throw your hands in the air and called off or dismissed. behind the recipient and whispers
shout his full name and Galrave, a Failure: Miyabi manifests to take a When standing in a quiet area, into their ear, so only they can
fearsome spirit, swirls into being. single swipe at you for your politely state his name and Tulpa hear… then vanishes.
Summoning requires 1 Action. impertinence, then vanishes. will emerge from the ground Kalia is amused by attempts to
When striking you, her Attack and attempt to answer a single harm her spectral form.
? Requires a Grit Check Bonus is +2 and does 1 Heart question you ask him. Kalia may only be called upon once
6 of Damage. Your question cannot be spoken, every 24 hourss.
Success: Galrave’s laugh echoes
loudly, instilling doubt and panic in but must be written on something
anyone you consider an enemy. D Gain 1 Dark Allegiance Point. soft, like parchment or cloth. D Gain 1 Dark Allegiance Point.

70 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 71

Wretched Jarah Prince Justiniaus Imperatrix Delilah

Failure: Paris scoffs then freezes
Jarah, That Gasps Endlessly, was so your legs and vanishes. You cannot Justiniaus, The Prince in Chains, is bound Delilah, Who Rules Absolutely, is the light.
frightened that he shrivelled into a small, move from your current position. to his throne with barbed shackles. A She floods the senses with hope to bring
rasping insectoid. Those willing to endure Paris won’t return unless you are wicked grin graces his torn face when he the peace of dominion to all who would CALLING
his revolting appearance may drink of his freed from the ice. This requires inflicts suffering upon others. receive her.
you, or an assisting ally, to use an
desperate breaths.
Action and make a Might Check. Kneel and whisper his name and Call out her name and Delilah
Cry his name in desperation and Justiniaus, will appear to ensnare shines forth, taking control of a
Jarah, will instantly appear. He’ll D Gain 1 Dark Allegiance Point. your enemies. mind that means you harm.
grab your head with his spindly Summoning requires 1 Action. Summoning requires 1 Action.
limbs and move his body across FINISHING
your face to form a grotesque mask.
ADVANCED Abilities ? Requires a Grit Check vs Requires a Contest GEAR
Summoning is instantaneous. Your Grit vs. your target’s Aura.
Available for selection at Rank 6 or higher. Success: Barbed chains erupt CHARACTER
You are immune to Suffocation around your chosen target. Success: Delilah forms around your

( p271) when Jarah is attached, target like a halo.

enabling you to breathe in water or You can target a foe up to 2 Quick Start
Altgrave Ultima Battlefield Areas away from you. You can target a foe up to 1
toxic fumes. Factotum
All your target’s limbs are Battlefield Area away from you.
You are unable to speak while Ultima, Whose Fist is Just, is a massive Sneak

wearing this insectoid mask. warrior in ultra-heavy armor who is keen Restrained ( p270) as the chains You can control your target for the Champion
to mete out justice on your behalf. circle and constrict around them. next Turn. For example, you can
Jarah remains for an hour or until make them speak, drop a powerful

he is cast off in disgust. The target can be freed if anyone Battle

Throw your arms wide open, shout spends a Turn to break the chains. item, or attack an ally. Princess
Jarah may only be called upon his name dramatically, and Ultima This requires a Might Check. The Delilah vanishes after your target Murder
once every 24 hours. appears to smite a foe. target loses 1 Heart every time this performs the controlled action. Princess

Summoning requires 1 Action. is attempted, successfully or not. Failure: Delilah (played by your Sage
B Gain 1 Bright Allegiance Point. The chains will vanish in an hour, GM) decides your next Turn then Heretic

? Requires a Grit Check or when you attempt to summon vanishes with a lingering laugh.
Justiniaus again. Delilah would never cause you to
Success: Ultima thunders towards a
Count Paris
target of your choice. He shouts Failure: A single chain, directly harm yourself, though she
their greatest sin aloud (For accompanied by a sinister cackle, might have you throw an important
The Count, With Heart Most Cold, is a erupts from the ground and binds item aside or shout at enemies
loveless and noble figure. His joyless gaze example: Pride!, Indolence!, or
Chicanery!) and hammers them your dominant arm to your body. you’re hiding from.
petrifies those who lock eyes with him. Your arm is Restrained ( p270).
with his enormous righteous fist.
You can target any foe up to 1 You, or an assisting ally, must use an B Gain 1 Bright Allegiance Point.
Turn dispassionately towards a
target, up to 2 Battlefield Areas Battlefield Area away from you. Action to attempt to cut the chains.
away, and Paris will materialise by This requires a Might Check. You
The target takes 1 Heart of Damage lose 1 Heart every time this is
your side to stare them down. and must make a Might Check: attempted, successfully or not.
Summoning requires 1 Action. Success: They partially deflect the
You cannot summon Justiniaus
blow and avoid further damage.
18 again until you are freed.
vs Requires a Contest Failure: They have been
Your Grit vs. the target’s Deftness. smashed to the ground, taking
D Gain 1 Dark Allegiance Point.
Success: Paris levels his icy glare at an additional Heart of Damage
16 your enemy: and are now Toppled ( p271).
Your target is encased in ice and is Failure: Ultima appears behind you
Petrified ( p270). and swats you to the ground
The target can be freed if anyone before vanishing. You are Toppled.
spends a Turn to break the ice.
This requires a successful B Gain 1 Bright Allegiance Point.
Might Check.

72 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 73

Dowager Collette Umbra Draconis Egomet Queen Amhika

Collette, Our Maiden of Toxicity, is Draconis, The Silhouette Wyrm, is the Egomet, Who Never Came To Be, is the Queen Amhika, Dweller in Our Hearts, is
haggard and pale. Her mouth, full of creature of legend who broke the Sun embodiment of lost potential. He sees pleasant and obliging. Her soothing voice CHARACTER
rotted teeth, spews poisonous breath. Machine and battled with Emperor the other paths you could have taken and kind embrace will transport you to a CALLING
Regulus. He is now but a shadow, though and allows you to follow them, albeit place of safety.
The Dowager is called upon by his flames still burn real enough. temporarily.
covering your mouth in mock With an earnest desire Queen & HISTORY
revulsion. She spasms into To call Umbra Draconis you must Speak your name backwards Amhika will appear ready to TRAITS
existence to belch toxic gas. fall to your knees and shout his before sleeping and awake as your remove you from harms way.
name at the top of your lungs. The
Summoning requires 1 Action. Other Self. Summoning is instantaneous.
great dragon emerges, ready to Summoning requires 1 full

scorch your enemies. Queen Amhika will envelop you, DETAILS

? Requires a Grit Check

night’s sleep. and up to 5 allies, in her enormous GEAR
Summoning requires 1 Turn. Your Other Self lets you become cape. You drift off into a peaceful
Success: The Dowager appears CHARACTER

above a Battlefield Area of your another Calling until you sleep sleep. When you awake you are RANK

choice. She cackles before spewing ? Requires a Grit Check again, or until you decide to revert in the place where you always felt
out a poisonous mist over the Area Success: Draconis breaths dark back to your true self. most safe. Quick Start

below making it Harmful flames on the Battlefield Area you After summoning Egomet, you may You should choose your safe Factotum

( p250) until the end of the Fight. occupy then vanishes. The flames not call on him again until you’ve place before play and inform your Sneak

do not harm you, but everyone else had the opportunity for Downtime GM. This could be your waterfall Champion
Failure: You begin to choke and
takes 3 Hearts of Flame Damage. ( 272). retreat, a relaxing meadow, or your
cough on noxious fumes. This Raider

Draconis’ flames will also Sunder childhood home.

prevents you from speaking, and Battle
Once Amihika has deposited you
therefore calling other Sealed ( p443) combustible objects. Creating your Other Self
Names, until the end of your If the Battlefield Area contains safely she cannot be summoned Murder
Your Other Self retains your Princess
next Turn. flammable structures or surfaces again until you have spent one day
Species, Traits, and Quirks.
your GM can choose to set actually relaxing. Sage
Your Other Self can be a Calling of Heretic
D Gain 1 Dark Allegiance Point. them alight, adding the Harmful your choice but is 2 Ranks lower
Condition to the Area ( p263). than your current Rank. B Gain 1 Bright Allegiance Point.
Failure: The effects are identical to In addition to the Calling’s Starting
Servant Pazuu Success, except you are also Abilities, you can choose any
harmed by Draconis’ dark flames. Elective Abilities available to your
Pazuu, Of Many Wings, is able to carry Once attempted, you cannot use Other Self’s Rank.
even the largest of the Chosen into the air this Ability again for 24 hours. You can only have one Other Self.
despite his withered form.
D Gain 1 Dark Allegiance Point. D Gain 1 Dark Allegiance Point.
Relax your limbs and whisper his
name and Pazuu arrives to lift you
into the air.
Summoning requires 1 Turn.

16 ? Requires a Grit Check

Success: Pazuu will immediately fly
you to a spot of your choosing, no
9 greater than 1 mile away.
Failure: Your squirming annoys
Pazuu, who drops you 20 ft above
your chosen spot. You suffer the
effects of the Impact Table ( p267).

D Gain 1 Dark Allegiance Point.

74 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 75




Squire Marlow Widow Prisma Deacon Galrave
Whom All Chosen Know Crystal Martyr Cloaked in Fear
Quick Start
( p69) ( p70) ( p70)

Altgrave Ultima Prince Justiniaus Princess
Whose Fist is Just The Prince in Chains Sage
( p72) ( p73)

Bushi Miyabi Seer Kasnah Jogi Tulpa

Apparition of Borrowed Wrath Lady of the Orb First and Most Patient
( p70) ( p71) ( p71)


Messenger Kaila Wretched Jarah Count Paris Imperatrix Delilah Dowager Collette Servant Pazuu
A Whisper Most Pleasant That Gasps Endlessly With Heart Most Cold Who Rules Absolutely Our Maiden of Toxicity Of Many Wings
( p71) ( p72) ( p72) ( p73) ( p74) ( p74)

76 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 77
Combat Gear Allowance

Umbra Draconis You can use Thrown, Standard, and Lash weapons. You can only wear Light Armor
The Silhouette Wyrm without hindrance. CHARACTER
( p74)

Light Medium Heavy* Superheavy* Sm. Shield Std. Shield Lg. Shield*



Quick Start
Standard Concealed** Quick Master Mighty* Arc* Lash Combo


Thrown Drawn S. Mech.** L. Mech. Sage

* Small Species restriction still applies (Chib, Goblin)
** Large Species restriction still applies (Promethean, Gruun)

Advancement table



1st +0 2 7 7 10 7 9 3 - - 0
2nd +0 2 7 7 10 7 9 3 1 - 6
3rd +1 3 8 8 11 8 10 3 1 - 12
4th +1 3 8 8 11 8 11 3 2 - 24

18 5th +2 4 9 9 12 9 12 3 2 - 36
6th +2 4 9 9 12 9 12 3 2 1 48
7th +3 4 10 10 13 10 13 3 2 1 72
8th +3 4 10 10 13 10 13 3 2 2 96
9th +4 4 11 11 14 11 14 3 2 2 132
2 10th +4 5 11 11 14 11 14 3 2 3 168
Egomet Queen Amhika
Who Never Came To Be Dweller in our Hearts Bold text indicates the number has increased from the previous Rank.
( p75) ( p75) * You can choose a Standard Calling Ability or an Advanced Species Ability if preferred.

78 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 79


Each of Outer World’s sentient species has different mental, social and Human (Native) CHIB

physical qualities. Will you be a brawny Gruun or an ingenious Goblin?


Your people were You’re diminutive, CALLING

once the undisputed charming, and SPECIES

rulers of Outer World, occasionally ruthless. HOMELAND

and many of you still It can be hard to get & HISTORY

possess the iron will noticed sometimes, TRAITS

and resourcefulness but this can be used QUIRK

that allowed your to your advantage. FINISHING
ancestors to flourish. DETAILS
More ( p88) GEAR
More ( p84)
Species Size RANK
Species Size Small Species ( p106)
Medium Species ( p106) -1 Might, +1 Deftness Quick Start
10 Base Inventory Slots +1 Defense Rating Human
Innate Abilities 8 Base Inventory Slots
Prodigy ( p85) Innate Abilities

Quirk Table Easily overlooked ( p87) Chib

Your Species determines your… Choose or roll your Species
Inheritors of the New Aeon ( p132) Quirk Table
Species Abilities: Features unique to your 1-4 Human, Native ( 81) Rai-Neko
Species. You start with Innate Abilities and Inheritors of the New Aeon ( p132)
can, later in the game, develop Maturative
5 Human. Dimensional Stray Human (DIMENSIONAL STRAY) Gruun
Abilities. Some Abilities affect your ( 81)
Allegiance ( p206), giving you a starting You shouldn’t be TENEBRATE

bias towards the Bright or Dark. here, alone in a

6-7 Chib ( 81) You thrive in the
strange world. You
Species Size: Size can modify your base Profound Darkness.
Aptitudes and Defense Rating. Size also 8-10 Tenebrate ( 81) can either make the Bio-
Some believe your Mechanoid
affects your Combat Gear Allowance and best of it, or moan
people were human
how many Inventory Slots ( 151) you get. about it… or maybe a Species
11-13 Rai-Neko ( p82) once but were Abilities
This determines the amount of gear you bit of both.
warped by a sunless
can carry. 14-15 Promethean ( p82) More ( p86) existence.
Quirk Table: Refers you to the Quirks More ( p90)
( p132) available to your species. 16 Gruun ( p82) Species Size
Medium Species ( p106) Species Size
Step 2 Instructions 17 Goblin ( p82)
10 Base Inventory Slots Medium Species ( p106)
9 1. Choose or roll on the Species Table
18 Dwarf ( p83) Innate Abilities 10 Base Inventory Slots
2. Use the Quick Start Info to fill in
your Character Sheet and then go Leisurely focus ( p87) Innate Abilities
19 Elf ( p83)
5 to the main entry for more details. Night Born ( p91)
Homeland & Histories
3. Innate Abilities marked with 20 Bio-Mechanoid ( p83) +1 Dark Allegiance Point
require you to take additional steps Use the Other World Histories
described in the Ability’s entry. Table ( p126) in Step 3 Shadow Sight ( p91)
4. Note down the Quirk Table your Quirk Table Quirk Table
Species uses. You’ll need to know
Inheritors of the New Aeon ( p132) Inheritors of the New Aeon ( p132)
this in Step 5.

80 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 81


You’re a cat-like being You’re large, brutish, You are stony and You are a relic of the CREATING A
rumored to be from and irrepressible. stalwart, a custodian past, neither human CHARACTER
a place beyond the Your robust frame can of Underland. nor machine. You CALLING
sky. A curious blend soak up punishment, Designed for endless have awoken in an SPECIES
of natural athleticism and your powerful toil, you relish a war unfamiliar world
and techno savvy. limbs can dish it out. of attrition. without purpose or & HISTORY
direction. You want
More ( p92) More ( p96) More ( p100) TRAITS
to belong, but
never can.

Species Size Species Size Species Size FINISHING

More ( p104) DETAILS
Medium Species ( p106) Large Species ( p106) Medium Species ( p106)
10 Base Inventory Slots +1 Might 10 Base Inventory Slots Species Size CHARACTER
-1 Defense Rating Medium Species ( p106)
Innate Abilities Innate Abilities
12 Base Inventory Slots 10 Base Inventory Slots
Oldtech Proficiency ( p93) Under Dweller ( p101)
Quick Start
Hunter’s Blood ( p93) Innate Abilities Sturdy ( p101) Innate Abilities Human
As Tough as You Look ( 97) +2 Base Inventory Slots (so 12!) Not of Flesh and Blood ( p105) (Native)
Quirk Table
+1 Heart Total Personal Analytics ( p105)
Inheritors of the New Aeon ( p132) Quirk Table (Dimensional
Quirk Table Children of the Old World ( p132) Quirk Table Chib
Inheritors of the New Aeon ( p132) Bio-Mechanoid ( p132)
Promethean Tenebrate
You’re one of the Promethean
chosen, a ‘Perfected GOBLIN
You are one of the Gruun
Being’. Your immense ageless survivors of
physical presence You’re small and Goblin
impulsive, created for the Dreaming, both
intimidates the hated and adored in

smaller folk of a dark necessity. Being

recklessly inventive equal measure by the Elf
Outer World. mortal folk. Bio-
has been both a Mechanoid
More ( p94) blessing and a curse More ( p102) Species
for your people. Abilities
Species Size Species Size
More ( p98)
Large Species ( p106) Medium Species ( p106)
+1 Might Species Size 10 Base Inventory Slots
-1 Defense Rating Small Species ( p106)
Innate Abilities
12 Base Inventory Slots -1 Might, +1 Deftness
Ageless ( p103)
+1 Defense Rating
9 Innate Abilities Immortal Ego ( p103)
8 Base Inventory Slots
Cryptic Heritage ( p95)
Quirk Table
Born of the Sun ( p95) Innate Abilities
8 Children of the Old World ( p132)
+1 Bright Allegiance Point Under Dweller ( p99)
Gobbo Werks ( p99)
Quirk Table
1 Inheritors of the New Aeon ( p132) Quirk Table
Children of the Old World ( p132)

82 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 83

Human (Native) They were the first of the non-magical Humans are defined by their dedication
folk to harness the power of mana and to their Calling and strong will. No one
Humanity is a species defined by their drive above all else. While they lack the produce the world’s first Sage. With this knows their art better than they do, and
unique features and talents of other Outer Worlders, they have a natural affinity new-found knowledge they cast off their they never give up! CHARACTER

with mana. This allows them to learn and develop more quickly than most. bonds and overthrew their cruel masters,
and so began the 3rd Aeon. Typical Names: Humans’ first names often CALLING

end in vowels. Family names tend to come SPECIES

Adventurers: Humans are natural from heirlooms or family careers. HOMELAND
explorers, dropping promising careers & HISTORY

or discarding social status in favor of an Examples: Darla Cookpan, Yasuke TRAITS

exciting journey. Yojimbo, Sha Hunterbow, Medoro
Mercante, Skippa Luckyshoe.


Quick Start
You stand neatly between the largest and Available for selection at Rank 6, or higher,
smallest of Outer World folk. instead of an Advanced Calling Ability. Human
You are a Medium Species ( p106).
Unyielding Chib
Even the immortal and cosmically mighty Rai-Neko
Innate Ability will buckle in the face of your resolve.
You start with one Ability. You are gifted with Supernatural
Will ( p107). Goblin
Prodigy Elf

You define yourself through your craft, Bio-

and seek to master your Calling as quickly
as you can. Species

You start play with an additional

Elective Ability chosen from your
Species overview Calling’s Standard Ability list.
Physiology: While some folk think them Better a hard head than a hard heart.
dull due to their abundance, Humans are You’ll lament a missed opportunity
a varied bunch, coming in a wide range of longer than a risk that didn’t pay off.
shapes and colors.
If there isn’t a clear path, make one.
Demeanor: With their irrepressible spirit, No problem is so big it can’t be solved,
humans both invigorate and exhaust other or so small it can be ignored.
12 folk in equal measure. Their insatiable
Deeds not thoughts matter.
ambition has been both a benefit and
threat to the Outer World. History: Humanity has lived on the Outer
17 Outlook: Humans value courage and World since it was first created. They
initiative, though they can often be short- were snatched away from a utopia called
sighted. Beliefs include: Promise and taken to serve as pets, or
slaves, by various eldritch entities.

84 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 85

Human (Dimensional Stray) History: Little is known about Other World Dimensional Strays are oddly versatile
( p313) but historical records suggest and irreverent, two qualities that serve an
While physically indistinguishable from Native Humans, these strays are that Dimensional Strays have always adventurer well.
accidental visitors from an entirely different planet. Their ‘Other World’ is one visited Outer World. A few have risen to
unexpected prominence and, as a result, Typical Names: The names of these CHARACTER

of science and supermarkets, not one of swords and sorcery. visitors don’t seem to conform to any CALLING
these ‘other’ humans are widely accepted
by the natives. particular convention and vary greatly. SPECIES
Adventurers: Whether they seek a way Examples: Howell Jenkins, Dorothy Gayle, & HISTORY

back home, or are simply curious about Honda Netsuki, Dora Madrigal. TRAITS
their new surroundings, the Stray is an QUIRK
able, if sometimes unwilling, adventurer. FINISHING



Quick Start
SPECIES SIZE Maturative Ability Human
You not too big or too small, in fact you’re Available for selection at Rank 6, or higher, Human
just right. instead of an Advanced Calling Ability. (Dimensional

You are a Medium Species ( p106). Chib

Obstinate Tenebrate

You can be very rude! You won’t show Rai-Neko

Innate Ability the proper respect to the divine, refuse to Promethean

obey magical commands, and even insist Gruun
You start with one Ability. that fate is silly. Goblin
You are gifted with Supernatural
Leisurely Focus Elf
Will ( p107).
Back in Other World, time was abundant. Mechanoid
You could spend your evenings and lunch Species
breaks doing whatever you pleased: How did your Dimensional Stray end Abilities

working out, studying, or socializing. up in Outer World? Maybe they took

a ride on an enchanted amusement
park ride, or perhaps had prolonged
Species overview You have an +1 bonus to an exposure to theoretical algorithms.
Aptitude of your choice. Whatever it was maybe there’s a way
Physiology: Dimensional Strays are Outlook: The rituals and beliefs of their back… if you want one.
The bonus can only be applied
practically identical to the humans of previous home often don’t translate well
to an Aptitude that has not been
Outer World, though they often look lost to Outer World. They either try to make
12 modified by your Traits ( 130). You
or out of place. sense of it all, or simply complain a lot:
won’t know this until you get to
Demeanor: Like their native cousins, What now? Step 4 of Character Creation.
Strays are also extremely receptive to the Hey, this is just like that TV show…
3 mana of Outer World. However they are
Everything here is scary or cute, half
not used to its giddying influence and
the time they are both!
often appear erratic, flustered, amazed,
or otherwise overstimulated. They have Well that’s a stupid name.
equated the sensation to something they No! Just no!
call a ‘caffeine high’, but other folk aren’t
really sure what this means.

86 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 87

Chib History: The Chibs’ origins are a bit of a Typical Names: Chib names are
mystery. The magical ritual that creates descriptive and adorable.
Most chibs are so short they can’t even look a goblin in the eye without them offers some clues, but there is no
record of them prior to the start of the Examples: Wumble Eveready, Pipi CREATING A
standing on their tippy toes, but this doesn’t stop them from being intrepid Sweetnothing, Gosh Shantdie, Cotton CHARACTER

explorers. It just means they have to be a little more creative than most. 4th Aeon. They seem to have entered the
world quietly and unnoticed, which is how Fluffnstuff, Tara Tippytop CALLING
they often remain.
Adventurers: Chibs are small, cute, and & HISTORY

easy to underestimate. They often take TRAITS

advantage of these qualities, catching QUIRK
unsuspecting opponents unaware. FINISHING


Quick Start
SPECIES SIZE Maturative Ability 18.1/1
You are short in stature with doll-like Available for selection at Rank 6, or higher, Human
proportions, the tiniest of folk. instead of an Advanced Calling Ability. (Dimensional

You are a Small Species ( p106). Chib

Always bet on the Little One

While it seems like the world is out to get Rai-Neko

Innate Abilities you wee ones, fortune often to favors you. Promethean
You start with one Ability. Your wondrous luck allows you to Goblin
add a Special Bonus (+6) to the Dwarf
result of one of your die rolls.
Easily Overlooked Elf
You can choose to add this bonus Bio-
Small and innocuous, you often after you roll, enabling you to turn Mechanoid
go unnoticed. failure into success. When this Species
happens, the previous outcome Abilities

A would-be observer is required comedically unravels by some

Species overview to make an Insight Check to notice absurd fortune.
you, unless you are making a This bonus can be stacked on top
Physiology: There are two undeniable Their small wisdom has taught them: conscious effort to be seen. of other bonuses, and is exempt
facts about Chibs. First, they are tiny. from the 1 bonus per roll restriction
Tiny steps get there more safely.
Secondly, they are adorable. Large heads, ( p214).
doll-like bodies, and large glassy eyes Don’t yearn for things out of your reach
19 This Ability cannot be used again
make them extremely huggable. unless you have something to stand on.
until you have been able to engage
The world starts wide and wonderful, in a Downtime Activity ( p273).
Demeanor: Chibs tend to act in an overtly
but ends dark and daunting.
sweet, if occasionally insincere, manner,
9 or an incredibly earnest one. Most are as Adoration is nice but results are better.
used to being bullied or ignored as they Only those that stand at your side are
are to being loved and adored, so naivety worthy of your time, even if you can
12 is surprisingly rare. only see up to their knees.
Outlook: Chibs are resourceful, looking
for opportunity even within friendly and
accepting societies.

88 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 89

Tenebrate History: Rumored to be the descendants Typical Names: Tenebrate first names are
of the ‘Shadow Monarchs’ of Calian, the usually two syllables long and end in a
Their gaunt appearance and affinity for the night unsettle many folk. Whispers Tenebrates first emerged in the Wistful vowel/consonant pair (-ah, -us, -en).
still persist about their dark and noble bloodline, but it’s now apparent that Dark at the beginning of the 4th Aeon,
and from there spread to other regions. Family names come from admirable CHARACTER

they are only as sinister, and desperate, as any other species of Outer World. qualities, something lovely or a CALLING

Adventurers: Tenebrates who cannot find combination of the two. SPECIES

purpose in a settled society often set off in HOMELAND
search of it. Examples: Mariah Doeheart, Gavril & HISTORY
Brav, Olean Charita, Richter Goldshield, TRAITS
Their dependable nature makes them Aerowyn Joywing
valuable allies in dark times.


Quick Start
SPECIES SIZE Maturative Ability 19.1/1
You are slightly shorter and more slender Available for selection at Rank 6, or higher, (Native)

than a typical human. instead of an Advanced Calling Ability. Human

You are a Medium Species ( p106). Monarch Homunculi Chib
You are able to exert your will on others
Innate Abilities by reaching into your blood and claiming
an authority long forgotten. Promethean

Your start with two Abilities. Gruun

You can attempt to command a Goblin

creature that has at least 1 Dark Dwarf

Night Born
Allegiance Point. Elf

You are marked by darkness from birth. During a Fight, issuing a command Bio-
requires the use of your Action. Mechanoid

You begin play with 1 Dark Species

Allegiance Point ( p206) and must vs Requires a Contest
roll on the Dark Gifts Table ( p206). Your Aura versus the target’s Grit.
Success: Your command is obeyed.
Species overview Your command must be something
Shadow Sight
the target can easily perform in
Physiology: Tenebrates are slightly shorter Outlook: Loyalty, honesty, and charity The shadows hold no secrets from you. the next minute, or 1 Turn during
19 than humans, with a waifish frame. Their are the core of Tenebrate values. They a Fight. For example ‘Drop your
large dark eyes have faintly luminescent observe the following beliefs: You can see in the dark, and do not sword’, ‘Attack the person next to
pupils, and their ears possess a distinctive need to rely on a Torch ( p175). you’, or ‘Kneel before me’.
Despair serves to strengthen hope.
serrated edge. With maturity, individuals The target must obey to the best of
Mercy is the most precious of You are immune to the Obscured
12 develop physical abnormalities such as their ability, albeit reluctantly.
all virtues. Battlefield Condition ( p251) if
horns, spikes, or fangs.
caused by darkness. Once the command is obeyed, the
We lead others through the night. target regains self-control, unless
Demeanor: In defiance of their shadowy Unlike Underdwellers, you don’t
1 nature, Tenebrates are often forthright, Speak plainly; dressing your words only re-targeted on the next Turn.
suffer a penalty in daylight.
earnest, and easy to trust. They have a cloaks them in shadow. Failure: Your target is forever
tendency to be a bit too serious and Be generous with kindness, but careful immune to your commands.
occasionally a little gullible. with friendship.

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Rai-Neko History: The Rai-Neko hail from far Adventurers: The young are encouraged
beyond the sky. A strange vessel carrying to go on at least one expedition in their
Rai-neko are not native to the Outer World. They crash-landed here long ago, them materialized out of nowhere and lifetime, for many it never ends.
but are now accepted as one of its folk. These naturally curious, catlike people crashed down on the Pride Coast
at the start of the 4th Aeon. The survivors Rai-Neko are observant adventurers. Their CHARACTER

are constantly searching for ways to expand their knowledge and influence. heightened senses allow them to spot CALLING
who poured out quickly learned how to
survive and settle in their strange opportunities that others don’t. SPECIES

new environment. In addition, their affinity with technology


Many generations of Rai-Neko have often provides useful alternative solutions. TRAITS
passed since the crash, and there are Typical Names: Rai-Neko parents first QUIRK
none alive that remember their place of give their litter a theme and name it FINISHING
origin. Some desperately try to keep their appropriately, then append individual DETAILS
old ways and sciences alive, but for many second names related to that theme. GEAR
Outer World is now their home. CHARACTER
Examples: Yam Fritters, Ribbon Strand, RANK
Loki Mythus, Mitten Wear,
Excellent Penmanship.
Quick Start



SPECIES SIZE Hunter’s Blood Tenebrate

You are slightly shorter and more slender While civilized now, your kind were once Promethean
than a typical human. feral predators. Your heightened senses
hark back to that more primal time.
You are a Medium Species ( p106).
You get an Edge on all Insight rolls Dwarf

related to the five physical senses: Elf

sight, sound, touch, taste, smell. Bio-

Innate Abilities Mechanoid

You start with two abilities. Species

Maturative Ability
Oldtech Proficiency Available for selection at Rank 6, or higher,
Species overview instead of an Advanced Calling Ability.
Unlike most folk living on the Outer
Physiology: Rai-Neko are feline Outlook: Inventiveness, cunning and World, Rai-Neko are educated from a
humanoids with a broad range of generosity are prized traits among the young age in advanced technology. Panther Conditioning
physiotypes. Ear size, tail length, body Rai-Neko. These values are reflected in
19 fur and markings all vary greatly and their proverbs: You get a bonus Purview: You embrace your animal qualities
range from the distinctly animalistic to the Understanding the function of through rigorous training and meditation.
Curiosity may kill you quickly but Your hair is wilder, your fur unkempt.
almost human. gadgets, magitech, and other
boredom will kill you slowly.
curious technology.
6 Demeanor: Rai-Neko are inquisitive Work smart not hard. You have an Edge on all Deftness
and often unsatisfied when they leave a Checks and Contests.
A quick nap provides fresh
mystery unsolved. They are also eager
perspectives. You make Unarmed attacks as if
to enrich the lives of others with their
16 Purr and the world purrs with you. wielding a Concealed Weapon
inventiveness, making themselves at
( p152).
home whether they are welcomed or not. Falling on your back can teach you how
This enthusiasm is often confused with to fall on your feet.
being nosey or pushy.

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Promethean History: Prometheans are relatively new Thanks to their impressive size and build,
to Outer World and their true origins are Prometheans of any Calling have strength
Referred to as ‘Chosen of the Sun’ due to their prominence in the Sol Alliance, shrouded in mystery and unknown even to throw around and bounce back from
the Prometheans are billed as the perfect mortals. With their immense stature to themselves. The first Prometheans injuries that would cripple other species. CHARACTER
hatched at the start of the 4th Aeon and
and air of arrogant authority it’s easy to see why. Typical Names: Promethean names often CALLING
while they were originally all reared in the
Sol Alliance, it was not long before they evoke serpents and reptiles. They very SPECIES

spread further afield. seldom have family names. HOMELAND


Adventurers: Prometheans will embrace Examples: Ssark, Gecka, Slyther, Boaan, TRAITS
a life of adventure if they are unable to Mamba.
rise through, or feel restricted by, their FINISHING
society’s competitive social structure. DETAILS


Quick Start
SPECIES SIZE Born of the Sun (Native)

Tall and imposing, you tower over You take the title ‘Chosen of the Sun’ very (Dimensional
most folk. seriously, embracing The Bright without Stray)

question or pause. Chib

You are a Large Species ( p106). Tenebrate

You begin play with 1 Bright Rai-Neko
Allegiance Point ( p206). Promethean

Innate Abilities Gruun

You start with two Abilities. MATURATIVE Ability 21.1/1 Dwarf
Available for selection at Rank 6, or higher,
Cryptic Heritage
instead of an Advanced Calling Ability. Bio-
An odd truth is revealed about your Species
origins when you recover from grievous Sol Invictus Abilities
injury or trauma.
Thanks to intense training and dedication,
You can grow back body parts that your strength is unparalleled.
have been severed in battle, or
otherwise lost or removed. You have attained Supernatural
Species overview To regenerate a limb, you must use Might ( p107).
a session of Downtime to Heal an
17 Seek strength first and purpose second.
Physiology: Prometheans tower over the Injury ( p273).
other folk of Outer World. They are often Noble defeat is worth more than Regenerated body parts look
supremely muscled. They prefer wide undeserving victory. reptilian. The new skin is scaled
open spaces where they can stand tall Greatness is worth little if it goes
12 and brightly colored.
and their movement is uninhibited. unnoticed by others.
Demeanor: Fiercely competitive and You will learn more from worthy rivals
12 somewhat imperious. Prometheans are than you will from servile companions.
respected more often than they are loved. Throw your all into your trials, your
Outlook: Most Prometheans are reared to strength will return.
rule. Typical mantras include:

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Gruun Live like tomorrow’s supper is Adventurers: ‘Everything is safer with a

not guaranteed. Gruun around’ goes the popular adage.
Without a home to call their own, and bereft of real direction, the Gruun have Be careful with things that are smaller They’re friendly, they’re tough, and they
scattered across the Outer World. They are often misjudged because of their than your hands. can handle their drink. CHARACTER

intimidating power and rowdy nature. Some problems can only be solved Gruun bring their might to any Calling CALLING

with a good thump, so thump well. they choose, from hulking wizards to SPECIES
lumbering sneaks. HOMELAND
History: The Gruun are a result of the lost & HISTORY
art of flesh crafting, practiced during the Typical Names: Both given and family TRAITS
3rd Aeon. Once the engineered servitor names contain long vowel sounds.
species of the ruined empire of Calian, the
Gruun now wander free. Examples: Droop Theek, Naapo Chuul, FINISHING
Graag Ulook, Kaap Chaak, Leep Nuun. DETAILS


Quick Start
SPECIES SIZE Maturative Ability 22.1/1
While you are not the tallest of the Outer Available for selection at Rank 6, or higher, (Dimensional
World species, your girth makes you one instead of an Advanced Calling Ability.
of the most voluminous. Chib
Chain Breaker
You are a Large Species ( p106). Rai-Neko

It is said that the first Gruun were so Promethean

strong that they could shatter bindings Gruun

Innate Abilities with their bare hands. Goblin

You start with one Ability. You have attained Supernatural Elf
Might ( p107). Bio-
As tough as You look Mechanoid

You were created to endure physical Abilities
hardship and easily shrug off trauma that
would leave others broken.

You always have 1 Heart more than

the Hearts Total stated for your
Species overview
Calling and Rank.
Physiology: Despite their naturally though other folk find them unrefined,
hunched posture, there is no doubting rambunctious, or blunt.
the immensity of the Gruun. Designed for Outlook: The Gruun, unlike other species
back breaking labor, they were bestowed of Outer World, do not have a rich cultural
4 with a thick hide and robust frame. identity to draw on, so their wisdoms are a
Demeanor: In spite of their gruff work-in-progress:
appearance, Gruun are just as capable Be open, be free, be happy.
10 of cleverness as any other species of
Outer World. As relatively new members If you don’t show people the things
of society, they are curious and open, they can’t see, they will assume that
they can see all that there is.

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Goblins are children of the old world, creations of the Unshaped. While their CREATING A
inventive and reckless nature results in a fleeting individual existence, the SPECIES SIZE ? Requires an Aura Check CHARACTER

species is protected by its rapid rate of reproduction. You are runtish, bent, and scrawny. Success: Imagination and will has CALLING
triumphed over physics. SPECIES

You are a Small Species ( p106). The exact time taken to construct HOMELAND
your Werk is decided by your GM. & HISTORY

Your creation will work as intended
Innate Abilities save for one critical flaw… it falls QUIRK

apart as soon as you start paying FINISHING

You start with two Abilities. attention to anything else. Your
neglect allows reality to GEAR

re-establish its uncaring hold. CHARACTER

Under Dweller RANK
A Werk cannot be repaired.
You thrive in the dark, but struggle to If you later learn a ‘proper’ Crafting
cope with the sunlight. Discipline ( p282), you cannot Quick Start

combine it with your Goblin Human

You can see in the dark, and do not know-how. They are two

need to rely on a Torch ( p175). separate arts. Human

You are immune to the Obscured Stray)
Battlefield Condition ( p251) if Chib
caused by darkness.
Maturative Ability Tenebrate
You have a Snag while doing Rai-Neko
anything in bright light, unless your Available for selection at Rank 6, or higher,
eyes are shaded in some way. instead of an Advanced Calling Ability.
Spore Dwarf
Species overview GOBBO WERKS
At some unpredictable moment during Elf

Physiology: Goblins are small, spirited History: Goblins are an ancient species You tell people you are a master inventor your life, you will sprout another Goblin. Bio-
creatures well suited to underground life. and have inhabited the Buried Kingdom with a deep understanding of ancient

They are able to squeeze into tight spaces ever since the Elves granted them their technology. This is a lie. You are able You release a spore which rapidly Species
and see well in low-light conditions. freedom, on the condition they stay to invent and hastily make tools and evolves into a new Goblin in under

Goblins are asexual and reproduce via below the surface. Now they dig ever machines that only sound plausible to an hour.
sporadic spore ejection. downwards in search of a promised land another goblin. For example, a grappling
to call their own. The new Goblin has no memories,
hook utilizing a monster’s sticky tongue or
Demeanor: Bold in nature and recklessly and is your Follower ( p184).
glue made from jam and spit.
inventive. While considered odd by most, Adventurers: The rare goblin who They function like a Goblin Scamp
their drive and enthusiasm is infectious. makes their home above ground is ( p185).
often, unwisely, regarded as harmless or Your Gobbo Werks are:
4 Outlook: Many Goblins are religiously amusingly eccentric. Limited to mechanical devices that This Goblin does not count towards
devoted to their kin. They believe: move, propel or contain. the two Companions per PC
Goblins make ideal dungeon scouts and restriction ( p183).
What is good for one gobbo is good can cobble together makeshift machines Made from scraps scavenged from
17 for all gobbos. for unorthodox problem solving. the immediate surroundings.
If your PC dies, and the body has not
Nothing lasts forever, that’s for the best. Assembled in under an hour
Typical names: Goblins like to name been completely obliterated, your
Everything seems bad if you think without need for specialist tools. GM might allow your spore to pop
themselves after sounds and sensations.
about it for too long. Can produce fire, or even out of the corpse so you can continue
3 to participate in the adventure.
Music is noise and noise is music. Examples: Itchy, Taptap, Feva, Fud, Glug, explosions, if a suitable fuel or
Tingul, Ploop, Klak. combustible is available.
Things are only as important as the fuss
you make over them. Ugly and noisy.

98 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 99

Dwarf History: Dwarves are among the few Dwarves are best when put to work! They
species that have always existed on Outer won’t stop until the job is done, and they
The dwarves have always toiled, always fought. Through every era and every World, formed to assist the Creator with are more than comfortable in the dark
cataclysm, the stone folk have zealously upheld the Creator's final edict: ‘Keep the construction of Promise. They now ruins and caverns. CHARACTER

the place tidy.’ The Buried Kingdom is both home and duty. toil in Old Iron, a portion of the Buried
Kingdom gifted to them as reward for all Typical Names: Dwarves’ no-nonsense CALLING

their hard work. first names are kept to a single syllable. SPECIES
Family names celebrate precious metals, HOMELAND
Adventurers: The average stonekin has rocks, or facial hair. & HISTORY

difficulty fitting in anywhere the sky can TRAITS

be seen, but dwarven misfits have found Examples: Grum Granite, Nish Coppo, Pa
a happy, or at least lucrative, place in the Beardsley, Zey Mustachio, Thud Diamond.
strange world above. DETAILS


Quick Start
SPECIES SIZE Sturdy (Native)

You stand neatly between the largest and A strong back makes you a strong worker. (Dimensional
smallest of Outer World folk. Stray)

You gain 2 Base Inventory Slots. Chib

You are a Medium Species ( p106). You are immune to the


Overburdened Ailment ( p270). Rai-Neko


Innate Abilities Gruun

Maturative Ability
You start with two Abilities. Dwarf
Available for selection at Rank 6, or higher, Elf
Under Dweller instead of an Advanced Calling Ability. Bio-
You thrive in the dark, but struggle to Species
Stone Song
cope with the sunlight. Abilities

Humming a fragment of the Creator’s tune

You can see in the dark, and do not transforms the ground beneath you.
need to rely on a Torch ( p175).
You are immune to the Obscured From a distance of 20 ft, you can
Battlefield Condition ( p251) if command unworked stone or clay-
Species overview caused by darkness. like earth to form simple structures
19 You have a Snag while doing such as ramps, walls, or bridges.
Physiology: Dwarves are squat with a Outlook: ‘Rock-hearted’ Dwarves have anything in bright light, unless your You must be able to touch the
bulky, durable frame. They are stone cold, but fair-minded, philosophies: eyes are shaded in some way. material you are commanding with
made flesh and, while now biological your hand and be able to sing.
You’re only worth what you can create,
16 organisms, they possess hard-wearing
claim, or protect. During a Fight, or other time-
skin, chiselled features and mossy hair.
Hard work avoids hard luck. sensitive situation, the Ability
Demeanor: Warmth and camaraderie requires the use of your Action and
Don’t value things you can’t touch.
18 do not come easy to the Dwarf. They are has a range of 1 Battlefield Area.
often compared to the stone walls they Stick your neck out, lose your head.
Stone Song can only be used once
build; you feel safer when one’s around, Tradition is the law, the legacy of every 24 hours.
but they don’t do conversation. smarter folk.

100 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 101

Elf Be true to yourself, bend not to the will Adventurers: Elves periodically get
of others. wanderlust. When they tire of their current
Elves are the physical prison of primordial and unknowable beings known as If it is worth doing, do it splendidly. life, they seek out another.
the Unshaped. They are now forced to walk the world they once treated as Reverence and scorn are currencies of Elves are able to exert an uncommon CHARACTER

their playground. Their unearthly grace is both admired and mistrusted. equal measure. amount of control over their own reality CALLING

Drudgery is best handled by the dull. and this can often benefit those who travel SPECIES
with them. HOMELAND
Patience will wear down the most & HISTORY
steadfast opposition. Typical Names: Elves eschew naming TRAITS
conventions entirely, going with whatever
History: Elves were once beings known QUIRK
sounds good to them at the time. They
as the Unshaped. They bent reality to
usually choose a new name every few FINISHING
their whim and made toys of mortal man. DETAILS
hundred years or so.
Ripped from their endless dreams during GEAR
the 1st Cataclysm, they were forced to Examples: Stardust Silversword, FuSuYi, CHARACTER
take physical form. Now known as the Le’lan Da’zir, Elrodae, Robert. RANK

Elves, they wander the Outer World in

search of purpose or pleasure.
Quick Start



You are immune to an Ailment

( 268) of your choice, with the Rai-Neko
While taller than most humans, you are exception of Overburdened. Promethean
more delicately constructed. Gruun
You are a Medium Species ( p106).
Maturative Ability 25.1/1 Dwarf
Available for selection at Rank 6, or higher, Bio-
Innate Abilities instead of an Advanced Calling Ability. Mechanoid

Elves start with two Abilities. Abilities
Twilight Flux

Ageless Those elves that recall being Unshaped

are able to restore a small part of the lost
While no longer truly immortal, you are balance between the Invincible Bright and
not subject to the ravages of time. Profound Darkness.

You never age beyond your You can shift your Allegiance Points
13 Species overview physical prime, and are immune to ( p206) between Bright and Dark
effects that force aging. at will, which affects how creatures
Physiology: Elves are tall, slender beings. Outlook: Elves are not natural parents,
and relics interact with you.
They move with a fluidity and poise that is preferring to dump their offspring on
18 the doorsteps of other folk, rather than During a Fight, you need to use
mesmerizing yet unnatural.
involve themselves in the unrewarding Immortal ego your Action to use this Ability.
Demeanor: Being ageless fosters extreme and relentless business of child rearing. Gifts ( p206) are awarded based
personality traits. Whether they are While your dreams can no longer affect
5 As a result, the original Elven wisdom the reality of others, your disillusions can on your underlying Allegiance,
morose, flippant or simply eccentric, Elves accrued through Ability selection,
are not terribly invested in the present. was diluted over the aeons as newer prevent certain physical or psychological
generations were influenced by the conditions from affecting you, simply not by any shifts of Allegiance.
attitudes of those who raised them. because you don’t think they should.

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Bio-Mechanoid ABILITIES

Bio-Mechanoids awoke from their digital coma to a world unrecognizable to CREATING A

the one they left behind. Without a clear recollection of their past purpose, SPECIES SIZE Maturative Ability CHARACTER

their existence becomes a search for meaning. You’re constructed to adhere to standard Available for selection at Rank 6, or higher, CALLING

humanoid dimensions. instead of an Advanced Calling Ability. SPECIES

You are a Medium Species ( p106). Bit Stream TRAITS

You are able to communicate with other QUIRK

Innate Abilities machines. You emit quick, variable tones FINISHING

that are unintelligble to everyone save the
You start with two Abilities. other machines in the area. GEAR
You can talk to any Techno-Relic,
Not of Flesh and Blood
Magitech Item, Other World
You have a synthetic body. You do not eat Device, or other simple machine Quick Start
or breathe and need maintenance rather within earshot. Human
than rest to heal. You can issue simple commands (Native)

to objects or drones. For example Human

You can suffer different effects ‘Deactivate’ or ‘Detonate’. (Dimensional
when you roll on the Injury Table If there is someone already Chib
( p260), and must be healed with operating the device, executing
Bio-Mechanical Treatment ( p262). the command requires an Aura
For better or worse, you are immune Contest with the operator.
to things that target organic life. Your command must be something

For example, neither healing the device can immediately carry


potions or poisons affect you. out and complete in 2 Turns. Goblin

You do not need to eat, and are A machine cannot be asked to

immune to Starvation ( p271). perform a task that requires the Elf

Species overview You must go offline periodically to skill of an operator. For example, Bio-
recharge. This is the mechanical a magi-rifle can be asked to open
Physiology: Bio-Mechanoids range from History: The Three Empires began equivalent of sleep. If missed or fire, but cannot aim at a target Species
functional, non-threatening types to
creating Bio-Mechanoids in the Third skipped you suffer Fatigue ( p269). without additional assistance.
creepy, doll-like marionettes; no two Bio- Aeon. Unlike the Drones before them,
This Ability grants no special
Mechanoid is ever exactly the same. Bio-Mechanoids were created specifically
control over other self-aware
to integrate into society.
Demeanor: Polite, but inescapably odd. Personal ANALYTICS machines, such as an advanced
Their personality settings usually grant The events of the 3rd Cataclysm left most Artificial Intelligence, Drones, or
them enough charm to be seen as mildly of them inert for many centuries, and You heads-up display affords a greater other Bio-Mechanoids.
eccentric rather than cold or inhuman. many still lie dormant to this day. perceptive range than organic beings. Bit Stream communication is
12 unintelligible to organic folk.
Outlook: Bio-Mechanoids develop Adventurers: Most Bio-Mechanoids If you focus, you can detect the
protocols to make sense of the world: integrate back peacefully into society, but general distance and direction of:
a few seek higher purpose.
16 Machine and man are kindred. Any living creatures.
Fulfilling your purpose is contentment, Bio-Mechanoids can function in Sources of great energy, such as
but choosing your purpose is joy. environments that organics can’t, so it’s imbued items, powerful undead,
always useful to have a synthetic about. or other mechanoids.
Turn but one mind from darkness, and
your existence is validated. Typical Names: Nicknames are often Your scan has a 50ft range.
All experience is data. derived from their model number. During a Fight, this Ability requires
Our teachings are our legacy. Examples: K3vin, Third, 10/10, Mark Five. the use of your Action.

104 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 105
Make size matter. It can be easy to
SPECIES Abilities forget about Species Size during SUPERNATURAL MIGHT
play, but try to emphasize the
Your Species will affect your physical and different experiences that the You are able to perform incredible feats
mental capabilities. There are two types of smaller, or larger, folk notice. For of strength and can match the power of CHARACTER
Species Abilities: Medium Species are between 4-7 feet tall. example, small folk may see what’s creatures much larger than yourself. CALLING
lurking under the table while the
Most of Outer World’s folk are Medium.
Species Size: Your physical size affects taller folk might see what’s hidden You have an Edge on all rolls

your Aptitudes, Defense Rating, Inventory on top of the tall cupboard. HOMELAND
◆◆ Base Inventory Slots involving your Might Aptitude, & HISTORY
Slots, and your Combat Gear Allowance. or your GM may decide you
You have 10 Inventory Slot ( p151). TRAITS
Supernatural Abilities: These grant you SUPERNATURAL ABILITIES automatically succeed in
exceptional levels of performance. When carried, you take up 8 certain situations.

Inventory Slots plus any Inventory To regular folk, your performance seems FINISHING
Your strength allows you to attempt DETAILS
Slots you have filled with gear. almost supernatural.
feats not possible by weaker folk, GEAR
◆◆ Combat Gear Allowance such as holding up the roof of a CHARACTER
Playable Species come in three sizes. SUPERNATURAL LEAPING collapsing structure. Your GM will RANK
You have no restrictions. decide what’s possible.
You are able to clear great distances in a
You can enter into Might Contests
SMALL SPECIES single bound.
with Massive Species ( p424).
Quick Start

Small Species are between 2-4 feet tall. LARGE SPECIES Human
During a Fight, you can leap up to During a Fight, you can throw other (Native)

Large Species are between 7-10 feet tall 2 Battlefield Areas away and still PCs up to 1 Battlefield Area away, Human
◆◆ Aptitude & Defense Modifiers or are extraordinarily bulky. take your Action. or hurl heavy objects as Thrown (Dimensional

+1 Deftness, because of your low Weapons that do 2 Hearts of Stray)

Leaping allows you to reach Damage instead of the usual 1.
center of gravity.
◆◆ Aptitude & Defense Modifiers elevated locations beyond normal
-1 Might, because you have less +1 Might, because of your extended reach. For example, jumping up
mass to throw around. leverage and musculature. to strike an airborne foe or to gain Rai-Neko

+1 Defense Rating, because you -1 Defense Rating, because you are access to a distant ledge. Your GM SUPERNATURAL WILL Promethean

are a small target. a large target. will decide what’s possible. Gruun
Your spirit is unbreakable.
If you can control your descent, Goblin

◆◆ Base Inventory Slots ◆◆ Base Inventory Slots you avoid Falling Injury ( p267) Dwarf
You are immune to the Dispirited
You have 8 Inventory Slots ( p151). You have 12 Inventory Slots ( p151). when landing from great heights.
( p269) and Terrified ( p271)

When carried, you take up 6 When carried, you take up 10 Ailments. Bio-
Inventory Slots plus any Inventory Inventory Slots plus any Inventory You can never be made to act Species
Slots you have filled with gear. Slots you have filled with gear. against your will. You are immune Abilities
to any Ability or other influencing
◆◆ Combat Gear Allowance ◆◆ Combat Gear Allowance power that attempts to do so.
Mighty and Arc Melee Weapons You can use Mighty and Arc
are restricted ( p153). Weapons in a single hand without
Medium, Heavy, and Superheavy penalty, so you can use a shield too!
Armor are restricted ( p163). Concealed and Small Mechanical
Large Shields are restricted Missile Weapons are restricted
10 ( p158).
( p169).

◆◆ Other Factors ◆◆ Other Factors

3 You gain an Edge on rolls that Armor and Outfits cost 50% more
involve hiding or remaining than the value displayed on the
unseen, for example Stealth rolls. Gear List ( p446).
You can squeeze into spaces larger You can reach higher than most
12 other species.
species cannot.
You can ride larger Pets ( p187).
106 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 107
All languages, except the Creator’s
STEP 3 · HOMELAND & HISTORY LANGUAGES Script, have non-verbal forms that
employ gesture or movement.
Despite having a universally understood
Your Homeland is the place where you grew up, and your History is the life common tongue, each geographic region

you led prior to becoming an adventurer.

favors their own forms of communication. HOMELAND TABLE

Choose or roll your Homeland SPECIES

You understand Low Speech.

You know another Bonus Language 1-5 Wistful Dark ( p110) & HISTORY
specific to your Homeland. TRAITS
A land cloaked in shadow. A melancholic QUIRK
place filled with secrets and hope.
Low Speech: Woven into reality by the DETAILS
Akenians, Low Speech forces itself into Bonus Language (Pick 1) GEAR
the minds of all Outer World inhabitants. 
High Akenian. CHARACTER
A useful but crude tongue. RANK

Dark Tongue.
High Akenian: This lost language is 
Dream Call.
from a ruined empire, now only used for Wistful Dark
deciphering ancient tomes and runes. Its
flowery prose is beloved by linguists.
6-10 Twilight Meridian ( p114) Meridian

Dark Tongue: Spoken by the Asura, the Blazing

A land consumed by a tumultuous sea. A Gardens
Undead, and the curious. Its seductive
ABOUT YOUR HOMELAND & HISTORY PURVIEWS place of trade and rich culture.
whispering makes even the most horrible Buried
Homeland determines your… Purviews represent areas of expertise suggestions sound tempting.
Bonus Language (Pick 1) Other World
you have developed over the years. They
Bonus language: A form of regional Dream Call: Perhaps the first language, 
Dark Tongue.
are a combination of instinct, skill and
communication you are fluent in. perhaps not. Haunting and poetic, it’s
general know-how. You find things related 
Fade Song.
used by the strange and Unshaped.
History: Describes what you did before to your Purviews easier to accomplish. 
Gleysian Code.
your adventures and determines: For example, haggling in a market or Fade Song: This melodious tongue has
understanding the importance of friends. an sonorous syntax which transforms the

Purviews: Useful areas of knowledge simplest sentence into a wondrous tale.
earned from past experience. 11-15 Blazing Garden ( p118)

Anytime you make a Check or
Gleysian Code: The fallen Technocracy A hot, lush place filled with glittering

Starting Gear: Belongings you’ve Contest that falls under one of your
of Gley used this efficient, functional cities, grand ruins and titanic beasts.
decided to take on your travels. Purviews you can ask your GM for a
language. Today it’s used to decode
Minor Bonus (+2) to your roll.
Techo-Relic instruction manuals.
Step 3 instructions 
Your GM will decide whether your Bonus Language (Pick 1)
Purview is applicable to the roll. Bright Speech: The chosen tongue of the 
Bright Speech.
1. Choose or roll on the
Deva and servants of Bright. A powerful,
Homeland Table. 
bombastic language that makes every
2. Add Low Speech to your Character Allow your players some creative 
Fade Song.
leeway when attempting to apply
sentence sound like a decree.
Sheet and a Bonus Language
their Purviews, but don’t let them Hoshi-Ban: This odd, speedy chatter was
of your choice, from the ones stretch feasibility too far.
3 available in your Homeland. brought to Outer World by the Rai-Neko. 16-20 Buried Kingdoms ( p122)
3. Choose or roll on the History Table Under Warble: Under Warble is a constantly An underground war zone that is both
related to your Homeland. Add STARTING GEAR
evolving tongue with many branching sprawling and claustrophobic.
16 your History’s Purviews and any 2 On your travels, you can bring along a few dialects. Spoken in the Buried Kingdoms.
items from its selection of Starting things from home: your favorite snacks or Creator’s Script: These odd glyphs are Bonus Language (Pick 1)
Gear to your Character Sheet. perhaps your small but vicious pet. found only in documents left behind by 
High Akenian.
If you are a Human (Dimensional The Creator. An ancient enchantment
14 Stray), add Other Wording as your 
Once you have determined your 
Under Warble.
prevents it from being spoken aloud.
Bonus Language, and use the History, you can pick any two items 
Creator’s Script.
Other World History Table ( p126). from the listed Starting Gear. Other Wording: The alien, monotonous
jibberings spoken by Other Worlders.

108 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 109


You lived among a small Your lived on the edge

A land cloaked in shadow. A melancholic FORSAKEN WANDERER CREATING A
troupe, wandering of a Star Shard’s
place filled with secrets and hope. CHARACTER

You are an orphaned from place to place glow. From there, CALLING
vagabond and have to avoid demons and you observed the
spent most of your scrounge for food. Shadowed Lands and
life crawling in the It was a hard life, but learned to defend HOMELAND
darkness. This is you were not alone, yourself from what
where you developed and you valued that. emerged from the dark.
your survival strategies.
Purviews Purviews

Sticking together at all costs. 
Spotting what hides in the darkness.
Purviews GEAR
More ( p304) 
Caring for those important to you. 
Staying focused, even while rushing. CHARACTER

Staying unseen and unheard. RANK

Pulling your weight. 
Finding a weak point.

Bending so you don’t break.

Succeeding in desperate times. Starting Gear (Pick 2) Starting Gear (Pick 2) Wistful Dark
Choose or roll your History 
Extreme Weather Outfit: Cold,
Starting Gear (Pick 2) 
Drawn Weapon & 10 Arrows, Twilight
Outcasts wanderer’s cloak ( p172). yeoman’s bow ( p158). Meridian

Master Weapon, forgotten sword

Backpack, nomad’s pack ( p173). 
Light Armor, cuirass ( p163).
( p153).
1-2 Forsaken Wanderer ( p110) 
Lantern & Oil Units x2, a guiding

Tattered Outfit, rags ( p172). 
Traveller’s Bag, sling pack ( p173). Buried
light ( p175). Kingdoms
3-4 Blight Raider ( p110) 
Compass, cracked but functional 
Companion: Growlhund, a trusty

Hardy Rations x5, journey loaf friend ( p188). Other World
( p174).
( p177).
5-6 Shadow Lands Nomad ( p111) 
Star Gem, hope in the dark ( p180).
7-8 Murk Dweller ( p111) STARLIGHT FARMER
Commoners BLIGHT RAIDER You toiled in the fields
You were one of the few that flourished in
9-10 Nightwall Yeoman ( p111) You were a bandit in the shaped inhabitants of the light of the Star
Mana Blight, ruthlessly the Murk, and spent Shards, harvesting
11-12 Starlight Farmer ( p111) taking what you your time quietly food for yourself
needed, and perhaps living among strange and the wealthier
13-14 Guild Agent ( p112) a bit more. You’ve left and belligerent residents of the realm.
that life behind, but creatures. You are not
15-16 Town Guard ( p112) the poisoned land has easily phased.
hardened your soul. Purviews
Sorting the good soil from the bad.
17 Celebrated Artist ( p112) 
Dealing with the odd and arcane. 
Persevering when you ought to.

Swift and ruthless action.
 working knowledge of magic.
Empathy for all living creatures.
13 18 Magia University Graduate 
Getting out of tricky situations.

Keeping calm in odd situations.
( p112) 
Taking what isn’t yours. Starting Gear (Pick 2)
Starting Gear (Pick 2) 
Treat x10, mama’s cookies ( p177).
19 Knight Errant ( p113) Starting Gear (Pick 2)
Quick Weapon, grass blade ( p153). 
Trade Goods, star plums ( p179).

Arc Weapon, bandit spear ( p153).
20 Shard State Patrician ( p113) 
Appealing Outfit, petal pixie 
Rural Goods, your family’s best

Light Armor, bandit leathers ( p163). clothes ( p172). shovel ( p179).
Rebreather, raider’s maw. ( p173). 
Booster Cakes x2, moon drop 
Pudge Grub, blue ribbon winner

Grenades x2, fireberries ( p178). candy ( p177). ( p189).

Solvent x2 Units, ash elm sap
( p178).

110 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 111

Raised and trained as an You are a dabbler in You have been knighted HIGH AKENIAN
artisan, shopkeeper, several mediums, but as the result of a grand CHARACTER
or tavern worker, you talent was not enough and noteworthy deed, CALLING
are well versed in to guarantee your but now you have
the hustle and bustle success. You’ve also strayed from your
of Shard’s cities. You mastered the art order to go on quests HOMELAND
joined the regional of shameless self- that you deem worthy.
guild to travel the world. promotion.
Purviews Purviews FINISHING

Forthright communication.

Making and spotting a good deal. 
Creative Expression! GEAR

Knowledge of vanquished evils.

Working at a brisk pace. 
Making yourself seen and heard. CHARACTER

Finding your courage. RANK

Keeping others satisfied. 
Appreciating the artistic or symbolic.
Starting Gear (Pick 2)
Starting Gear (Pick 2) Starting Gear (Pick 2)

Medium Armor, questing plate Wistful Dark

Artisan’s Outfit, apron ( p172). 
Concealed Weapon, ornamental
( p163). Twilight

Kingdom Map, Shard trade route dagger ( p152). Meridian

Standard Shield, heraldic heater
guide ( p174). 
Appealing Outfit, fine robes ( p173). Blazing
( p169). Gardens

Packbeast, Shaggy Bumpo, 
Urban Goods, stylus & parchment

Holy Icon, sacred chain ( p180). Buried
a stubborn thing ( p193). ( p179). Kingdoms

Mount, Mokko-Do ( p191).

Follower: Scamp, assistant ( p185). 
Luxury Item, starlight lyre ( p179). Other World


You were born into
You’ve worked for the You are an academic,
one of Shard’s noble
local constabulary. studying one of the
families. Your
The job was a taxing University of Magia’s
privileged life is a
one: chasing down numerous programs.
prison of duty and
miscreants, fending It’s been demanding
expectation. You seek
off stray monsters, so you’ve decided to
adventure and are in
and interrogating any take a gap year.
search of some much
suspicious travellers.
needed excitement.

Research and close study. Purviews

Seeing the truth of a situation.

Pushing yourself to stay focused. 
Demanding the proper respect.

Throwing your weight around.

Recalling useful facts and trivia. 
Knowledge of political practice.

Powering through obstacles.
Stubborn, competitive pride.
Starting Gear (Pick 2)
Starting Gear (Pick 2)

Traveller’s Bag, satchel ( p173). Starting Gear (Pick 2)

Medium Armor, city guard’s
Tome, on a subject of your 
Small Mechanical Weapon & Bolts
12 uniform ( p163). 
choice! ( p176). x10, hand crossbow ( p158).

Large Shield, riot bulwark ( p169).

Translation Journal, Bright Speech 
Medium Armor, traveller’s mail

Authoritative Outfit, captain’s hat & ( p163).
( p176).
16 sash ( p173).

Booster Cakes x2: Insight, cram 
Appealing Outfit, fine attire ( p173).

Lantern, night watch’s companion
cookies ( p177). 
Follower: Custrel, dedicated butler
( p175).
or maid ( p186).

112 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 113

Twilight Meridian Histories Orphaned Shinobi Twilight silk tailor

The Ninja Clans of the The Galvanus Peninsula

A land consumed by a tumultuous sea. A CREATING A
Disgraced SCION Seven Holy Isles are is well known for it’s
place of trade and rich culture. CHARACTER
ruthless and secretive. enchanted silks, and
You were the heir to a CALLING
You were betrayed you used to weave it.
premier merchant SPECIES
and your clan was You were surprised to
family, but your
eliminated by the find your skills were HOMELAND
family’s fortune was & HISTORY
Shogun’s forces. You transferable to a life
lost or you were TRAITS
are the sole survivor. of adventure.
disowned. Now you QUIRK
survive on nothing but
Purviews Purviews FINISHING
your bitter memories. DETAILS

Remaining unnoticed. 
Understanding patterns. GEAR
More ( p306)s Purviews 
Old and strange secrets. 
Extremely delicate handiwork. CHARACTER

Cunning trickery and deceit. 
Paranoid awareness.  eye for color.
Twilight Meridian HISTORY TABLE 
Desperate and dramatic escape.
Starting Gear (Pick 2) Starting Gear (Pick 2)
Choose or roll your History 
Damaging rumors and cruel gossip. Wistful Dark

Thrown Weapon x10, your last 
Concealed Weapon with Utility Twilight
Outcasts Starting Gear (Pick 2) shuriken ( p158). Ability, scissor knife ( p152+160). Meridian

Concealed Weapon, tarnished 
Costume, colorful fop ( p172). 
Trade Goods x2 Units, twilight silk Blazing
1-2 Disgraced Scion ( p114) ( p179).
knife ( p152). 
Dungeoneer’s Kit, dragon tooth

Tattered Outfit, once-fine coat ( p172). picks ( p176). 
Artisan’s Outfit, tailor’s apron ( p172). Kingdoms
3-4 Shadow Sea Pirate ( p114)

Regional Map, Twilight Meridian 
Adventuring Gear, climbing claws 
Urban Goods, silk measuring tape Other World

( p174). ( p179). ( p179).

5-6 Orphaned Shinobi ( p115)

Luxury Item, old party mask ( p179).
7-8 Oldtech Junker ( p115)
Oldtech Junker Medicine peddler
SHADOW Sea Pirate Your love of Oldtech You were a student of
9-10 Twilight Silk Tailor ( p115) has matured into medicine on the Holy
Hailing from the strange
practical knowledge. Isle. You travelled
isle of Night Haven,
11-12 Medicine Peddler ( p115) The salvage yards from place to place
you robbed the rich
of Stahlfeld are your peddling remedies.
merchants navigating
13-14 Shining Sea Fisherman ( p116) playground. Where Sales were slow and
the Shadow Sea. A
others see trash, you adventuring seemed a
series of misfortunes
see treasure. more lucrative vocation.
15-16 Portian University Graduate has left you without a
( p116) ship or crew.
Purviews Purviews
Picking your way through a mess. 
Practical herbology.
your head above water. 
Side-stepping catastrophe. 
Treating all kinds of wounds.
8 17 Merchant Scion ( p116) 

Navigating the unfamiliar. 
Tinkering and tooling about. 
Getting attention discreetly,
18 Holy Isle Samurai ( p116) 
Daring to be foolish. Starting Gear (Pick 2) Starting Gear (Pick 2)
10 19 Archive Researcher ( p117) Starting Gear (Pick 2) 
Small Mechanical Missile Weapon, 
Appealing Outfit, kimono ( p173).
old machine pistol ( p158). 
Traveller’s Bag, medicine case

Quick Weapon, cutlass ( p153).
20 Black Glove Cavalier ( p117) 
Light Armor, padded duster ( p163). ( p173).

Compass, ship’s memento ( p174).
Lumi-Slime Lantern, slime included 
Basic Potion x2, teacher’s recipe

Grenades x2, deck busters ( p178).
( p175). ( p177).

Rural Goods, rope 30 ft ( p179).

Scanner, Gleysian model ( p181). 
Arcane Powder x2 Units ( p290).

114 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 115
Shining sea fisherman Merchant SCION Archive Researcher

You were raised in one You were born to one You were trained, and FADE SONG
of the many coastal of the Galvanus are currently employed CHARACTER
villages of the Twilight Peninsula's aristocratic by, Stahlfeld’s Helical CALLING
Meridian. Here you families, enjoying Archive. You are
were taught to read a life of plenty. You a field agent sent
the oceans and reap have the means to to find and return HOMELAND
their plentiful bounty. seek opportunity in far ancient technology to
off places. the Archive’s laboratories.
Purviews Purviews FINISHING

Even-headed patience.

Getting the deal you want. 
Investigation and analysis. GEAR

Knowing when the tide is turning.

Levelling a critical eye. 
Spotting the unusual. CHARACTER

Using the right bait for the job. RANK

Remaining unfazed.  working knowledge of ancient tech.
Starting Gear (Pick 2)
Starting Gear (Pick 2) Starting Gear (Pick 2)

Arc Weapon, trident ( p153). Wistful Dark

Quick Weapon, ornate kalis 
Large Mechanical Missile Weapon Twilight

Hardy Rations x5, bubbler fish jerky ( p153). & Ammo x5, machine rifle ( 158). DARK TONGUE Meridian
( p177).

Appealing Outfit, fashionable baro 
Traveller’s Bag, field satchel ( p173). Blazing

Rural Goods, fishing rod ( p179). ( p173).

Lantern, Oil/Fuel Units x2, guide

Coracle ( p197). 
Pouch & 50 Coins, family stipend light ( p175).
( p173). 
Paw Post Membership, Helical Other World

Oddity, oldtech pocket watch Archive account ( p202).
Portian University Graduate ( p179).

The famed school of the

Galvanus Peninsula Black Glove Cavalier
has a focused Holy Isle Samurai
You are an aspiring
and demanding
As a member of the member of Night
curriculum. Many
ruling class, you were Haven’s Black Glove
students resort to
expected to be a order, an aristocratic
cheating due to the
custodian of society. organization
competitive ethos.
Your kind are elite dedicated to the GLEYSIAN CODE
warriors, diplomats, Profound Darkness. You
Purviews and philosophers. have had dealings with

Rushing at the last possible minute. dark creatures and powers.

Practical know-how. Purviews

Working just enough. Purviews

Maintaining proper etiquette.
 matters concerning the
15 Starting Gear (Pick 2) 
Judging merit in another. Profound Darkness.

Backpack, book bag ( p173). 
Respecting ritual and tradition. 
Knowing things you shouldn’t.

Beginner's Tome: Economics & Starting Gear (Pick 2) 
Deeply unsettling mannerisms.
20 Trade, classmate’s notes ( p176).

Master Weapon, katana ( p153). Starting Gear (Pick 2)

Booster Cakes x2: Insight, mental
muffins ( p177). 
Light Armor, tatami cuirass ( p163). 
Lash Weapon, duelist’s chain ( p153).

Urban Goods, quill & ink ( p179). 
Authoritative Outfit, dark 
Medium Armor, plated coat ( p163).
5 kamishimo ( p173).

Holy Icon, darkfire circlet ( p180).

Luxury Item, calligraphy set ( p179).

Shadow Stone, your precious ( p180).

116 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 117

Blazing Garden Histories STREET RAT BEAST HANDLER

You’ve survived in the You grew up on a

A hot, lush place filled with glittering KINLESS VAGRANT gutters of the glittering ranch or farm, where
cities, grand ruins and titanic beasts. city, taking your you trained and
You are from the CALLING
chances and evading domesticated large
continent of Taaga, SPECIES
the law. Maybe creatures. To succeed
but you have no
bigger and better you had to become HOMELAND
home there. Exiled or & HISTORY
opportunities await just as stubborn as the
orphaned from family TRAITS
outside the city’s walls. beasts you reared.
and purpose, your QUIRK
existence is a hard and
Purviews Purviews FINISHING
ruthless one. DETAILS

Keeping quiet and staying hidden. 
Handling things larger than you. GEAR
More ( p308) s Purviews 
Death-defying acrobatics. 
Keeping track of a large group. CHARACTER

Finding what you need to survive. 
Chicanery and general mischief. 
Wearing down opposition.
Moving with quiet certainty.
Starting Gear (Pick 2) Starting Gear (Pick 2)
Choose or roll your History 
Efficient analysis of a situation. Wistful Dark

Gem x1, not exactly yours ( p151). 
Hardy Rations x10, monster feed Twilight
Outcasts Starting Gear (Pick 2) 
Concealed Weapon, trusty knife ( p177). Meridian

Arc Weapon, old spear ( p153). ( p152). 
Rural Item, wool shears ( p179). Blazing
1-2 Kinless Vagrant ( p118) 
Solvent Units x2, largzard spittle 
Rural Item, rancher bell ( p179).

Extreme Weather Outfit: Hot, Buried
prickle poncho ( p172). ( p178). 
Pack Beast: Stubbly Bumpo, sturdy Kingdoms
3-4 Monster Slayer ( p118)

Oil/Fuel Units x10, iron eater’s 
Adventuring Gear, grappling hook but flatulent ( p193). Other World

blood ( p178). ( p179).

5-6 Street Rat ( p119)

Pet: Purr, feral but loyal ( p190).
7-8 Thunda Clan Barbarian ( p119) VILLAGE RUNNER
Commoners Smaller villages cannot
MONSTER SLAYER Named after the deadly
afford the magical
desert they call home,
9-10 Beast Handler ( p119) communication
The gigantic beasts of the Clan are a diverse
systems of
your homeland leave group of nomads
11-12 Village Runner ( p119) prosperous cities.
a wake of destruction who’ll accept anyone
They depend on
behind them. You’ve who pulls their weight.
13-14 Jubilant Performer ( p120) runners like you to
sworn to stop them. They’ve been your
relay messages.
When you’re ready, family up until now.
15-16 City Scrivener ( p120)
you will return to honor
Elite your oath. Purviews

Pacing yourself to go the distance.

Getting on with odd individuals.
17 Emissary of Sol ( p120) Purviews 
Noticing the small things that may

Enduring the harshest conditions.

The lore of beasts. trip you up.
13 18 Wrym Blooded ( p120) 
Making yourself heard.

Staying a step ahead of danger. 
Remembering the important stuff.
19 Hinterland Noble ( p121) 
Finding a weak point. Starting Gear (Pick 2)
Starting Gear (Pick 2)

Master Weapon, your mother’s axe
17 Starting Gear (Pick 2) 
Thrown Missile Weapon x10,
20 Startech Adept ( p121) ( p153).
skipping stones ( p158).

Mighty Weapon, slayer axe ( p153). 
Light Armor, breastplate ( p163).

Backpack, courier’s pack ( p173).

Medium Armor, beast hide ( p163). 
Traveller’s Bag, animal skin sack
Basic Potion x2, sunberry mixture

Beginner’s Tome: Colossal ( p173).
( p177).
Creatures, Crow’s Guide ( p176). 
Oddity, old telescope ( p179).

Rural Goods, gourd canteen ( p179).

Rural Goods, rope 30 ft ( p179).

118 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 119
JUBILANT PERFORMER Emissary of Sol Hinterland Noble

You used to dance, sing, You preach the No-Folk’s Land is a BRIGHT SPEECH
or play an instrument enlightened thinking of contested area, dotted CHARACTER
for the wealthy the revered masters with petty warring CALLING
inhabitants of a busy of the Sol Alliance. settlements. As a
city. You tire of the You’ve now been child of this fringe
current culture and given the duty to nobility, you learned HOMELAND
yearn to discover the spread these teachings from the ruthless
forgotten songs. across the Outer World. example of despots.

Purviews Purviews Purviews FINISHING


Ballads both ancient and new. 
The lore of the Invincible Bright. 
Radiating quiet menace. GEAR

Keeping everyone smiling. 
Grandiose speaking and 
Rough but efficient leadership. CHARACTER

Putting on a good show. mannerisms. 
Being athletic when necessary.

Recognizing and chastising the
Starting Gear (Pick 2) duplicitous and unrighteous. Starting Gear (Pick 2)
Wistful Dark

Lash Weapon, ribbon blade ( p153). 
Drawn Weapon & Arrows x10,
Starting Gear (Pick 2) hunting bow ( p158).

Light Armor, leathers ( p163). Meridian

Light Armor, plated vestments 
Authoritative Outfit,

Appealing Outfit, dancer’s costume ( p163).
emblematic clothing ( p173).
( p173).

Holy Icon, sol medallion ( p180). 
Compass, a keepsake from your

Luxury Item, musical instrument Kingdoms

( p179). 
Follower: Custrel, acolyte attendant tutor ( p174). Other World
( p186). 
Riding Mount: Jumbug ( p191).

Vial of Bright Water x3 ( p290).
Startech adept
Big cities need official Wyrm Blooded
records, and you Nyanko is the legacy of
kept the books You are one of Taaga’s the Rai-Neko and the
for a respected Lost Dragon Chosen, technologies they
philosopher, general, born on an auspicious bought to Outer
or treasurer. You’ve date. Your kin met all World. You are among
left the post, but your needs and the the chosen expected
haven’t forgotten the ritual marks on your to study and maintain
importance of note-taking. face remind you of their these aging devices.
hopes and expectations.
Purviews Purviews

Absorbing a torrent of information. Purviews 
Working with any technology.

Making precise notes and sketches. 
Bearing the weight of responsibility. 
Analysis and troubleshooting.
Noting and understanding

Remembering important details. 
Providing a reason for anything.
hierarchies of all kinds.
Starting Gear (Pick 2) 
Respecting rituals and tradition. Starting Gear (Pick 2)
Authoritative Outfit, scribe’s 
Large Mechanical Missile Weapon
uniform ( p173). Starting Gear (Pick 2) & Ammo x5, Rai-Neko rifle ( p158).

Translation Guide: Fadesong ( p176). 
Gem x1, a parting gift ( 151). 
Artisan’s Outfit, adept’s coat ( p172).

Urban Goods, pad & pen ( p179). 
Arc Weapon, wing spear ( p153). 
Scanner, startech monitor ( p181).

Follower: Scamp, assistant page 
Medium Armor, largzard hide ( p163). 
Small Spell Engine, startech battery
( p185). 
Compass, destiny charm ( p174). ( p181).

120 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 121

Buried Kingdom Histories War Deserter UnderlanD Solider

You once fought in the You fought in the

An underground warzone that is both Tunnel Crawler CREATING A
war between New Ore esteemed ranks of
sprawling and claustrophobic. CHARACTER
and Old Iron, but the Old Iron Guard,
You have wandered alone CALLING
you’ve lost faith in the or the admired
in the dark corridors SPECIES
cause. You felt risking Liberation Army of
and dank caves of
your life was more New Ore, enduring HOMELAND
the Buried Kingdoms & HISTORY
wisely gambled on the propaganda and
for some time. The TRAITS
personal gain. danger that came with it.
unusual habits you’ve QUIRK
developed can
unsettle regular folk. Purviews Purviews FINISHING

Departing without notice. 
Rank and file conduct. GEAR
More ( p310)s Purviews 
Picking away to reveal a weakness. 
Keeping your gear maintained. CHARACTER

Feeling your way through darkness. 
Knowing when it’s time to go. 
Staring down the enemy.


Surviving with what’s available.
Starting Gear (Pick 2) Starting Gear (Pick 2)

Empathy with oddness. Wistful Dark
Choose or roll your History 
Mighty Weapon, rusty war maul 
Large Mechanical Missile Weapon & Twilight
Outcasts Starting Gear (Pick 2) ( p153). Ammo x5, underland rifle ( p158). Meridian

Concealed Weapon, improvised 
Medium Armor, assault mail ( p163). 
Light Armor, infantry armor ( p163). Blazing
1-2 Tunnel Crawler ( p122) shiv ( p152). 
Tattered Outfit, old uniform ( p172). 
Authoritative Outfit, Old Iron or


Tattered Outfit, dusty rags ( p172). 
Flame Grenades x2, tunnel clearers New Ore military uniform ( p173). Kingdoms
3-4 Ruin Scavenger ( p122)

Bomb x1, unexploded mine ( p178). ( p178). 
Basic Potion x2, jolt juice ( p177). Other World

5-6 War Deserter ( p123) 

Star Gem, hope in the dark ( p180).

7-8 Moss Scraper ( p123) Moss Scraper Honored LaboreR

Ruin Scavenger
Commoners While not particularly You were employed
The sunken cities and hospitable, the Sea of in one of New
9-10 Underland Soldier ( p123) abandoned fortresses Sludge coastline is Ore’s communes
of the Underland are relatively peaceful. digging tunnels,
11-12 Honored Laborer ( p123) filled with valuable You grew up among repairing railways,
treasure. Valuable the resilient folk who or maintaining war
enough that you’ve carved out a simple machines, whatever
13-14 Forge Hand ( p124)
risked your life in order existence there. was needed.
to claim it.
15-16 Field Sapper ( p124)
Purviews Purviews
Elite Purviews

Making even the 
Performing back-breaking labor.

Things left over from aeons past. repugnant palatable.
17 Record Etcher ( p124) 
Knowing the right tool for the job.

Moving through cramped areas. 
Rationing what you need. 
Keeping everyone going no matter
8 traps and other dangers.
18 Comrade Agitator ( p124) 
Keeping quiet and unnoticed . how grim it gets.
Starting Gear (Pick 2) Starting Gear (Pick 2) Starting Gear (Pick 2)
19 Resolute Overseer ( p125)
Light Armor, crawling pads ( p163). 
Extreme Weather Outfit: Cold, 
Black-out Goggles, New Ore issue
20 Apprentice Thinker ( p125) 
Standard Shield, old soldier’s worm skin cloak ( p172). ( p173).
bulwark ( p169). 
Rebreather Mask, creeper shell 
Lantern & Oil/Fuel Unit x1, ring-

Traveller’s Bag, a big sack ( p173). mask ( p173). handle lantern ( p175).

Lumi-Slime Lantern, you called your 
Hardy Rations x10, shrooms ( p177). 
Common Rural Item, mattock ( p179).
slime Hue-bert ( p175). 
Oddity, scraping knife ( p179). 
Pet: Skree, leather wing ( p190).

122 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 123
Forge Hand Record Etcher Resolute Overseer

Of the crafters of Old The history of Old Iron The nation of Old Iron is UNDER WARBLE, FORMAL OLD IRON
Iron, none are more is not kept on the built on a foundation CHARACTER
honored than those delicate paper of the of hard graft. You CALLING
who work with the surface world! You were an overseer,
very metal the nation etched important an almost religious
is named after. You information onto iron figure, called on to HOMELAND
were an apprentice to sheets to ensure it for ‘encourage’ flagging
such a master craftsman. future generations. spirits or believers.

Purviews Purviews Purviews UNDER WARBLE, NEW ORE SLANG


Digging in and finishing your task. 
Keeping track of every little thing. 
Finding the nail that needs to be GEAR

Metal-working tools and weaponry. 
Making good on a grudge. hammered down. CHARACTER

Proper procedure and safety.  steady, steady hand.
A  stern, intimidating glare.

Identifying the most useful
Starting Gear (Pick 2) Starting Gear (Pick 2) member of a group. Wistful Dark

Standard Weapon with Utility 
Traveller’s Bag, courier bag ( p173).
Ability, forge hammer ( p152+160). Starting Gear (Pick 2) Twilight

Precise Dabber & Solvent x1 Unit, Meridian

Light Armor, protective gear ( p163). etching tools ( p178). 
Lash Weapon, spur cord ( p153). Blazing
Armor, big pauldrons ( p163).

Standard Shield, your latest project 
Oddity, multi-lens magnification 
( p169). goggles ( p179). 
Authoritative Outfit, robes ( p173). Kingdoms

Artisan’s Outfit, smith’s apron ( p172). 
Oddity, metal etching sheet ( p179). 
Holy Icon, Creator's glyph ( p180). Other World

Field Sapper Comrade Agitator Apprentice Thinker

War in the Buried When the citizens of New Your unorthodox CREATOR’S SCRIPT

Kingdoms is often Ore strayed from their thoughts were

fought between daily duties it was your recognized by one of
mechanized infantry job to loudly remind the Thinkers of New
in fortified tunnels. them of the collective Ore, who took you
Your job was to goals. When called for in as a student. You
undermine the enemy’s you’d exploit their guilt, learned radical new
gun emplacements, fears, or anger. ideas, and ways to make
or thwart the advance of their death them sound useful.
machines. Purviews

Working the crowd. Purviews
Making words sound profound.

Making anything sound bad.

The workings of war machines. 
Convoluted, but useful, planning.

Reading the mood of the masses.
Getting behind enemy lines. 
Rude and incessant interruption.

Spotting a structural weakness. Starting Gear (Pick 2)

Light Armor, Strategically placed Starting Gear (Pick 2)
17 Starting Gear (Pick 2) metal plates ( p163). 
Concealed Weapon, dagger ( p152).

Small Mechanical Missile Weapon 
Appealing Outfit, New Ore 
Blackout Goggles, for research
crank pistol ( p158). counter-fashion ( p173). trips to the surface ( p173).

Backpack, rucksack ( p173). 
Basic Potion x2, jolt juice ( p177). 
Beginner’s Tome: Buried Kingdom

Bomb x1, demolitions kit ( p178). 
Grenades x2, havoc crackers History ( p176).

Common Rural Item, spade ( p179). ( p178). 
Booster Cakes x2: Insight, clever
candies ( p177).

124 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 125


You used to wait tables Up until recently, your

This dull place is populated by inhabitants Transient CREATING A
or work a cash register. days were spent
that seem to live uneventful and routine CHARACTER

You never really stayed The new place is filled behind a desk. You
lives. Outer World scholars find it CALLING
in once place for long. with some pretty odd worked a comfy, if a
fascinating nonetheless. SPECIES
This strange new characters, but it’s little dull, 9-5 routine
world doesn’t feel nothing compared to and day-dreamed HOMELAND
much like home, the strange types you about taking
but then again the had to serve back home. more risks…
old one didn’t either.
Nothin’ new, huh? Purviews Purviews FINISHING

Dealing with the unreasonable. 
Keeping a deadline. GEAR
Keeping calm when in a rush. 
Effective multi-tasking. CHARACTER

Scrounging for what you need. 
Remembering the particulars. 
Saying just about anything while

More ( p313) 
Enduring harsh conditions. retaining a polite tone.
Starting Gear (Pick 2)

Communicating in code. Wistful Dark

Artisan’s Outfit, sales apron ( p172). Starting Gear (Pick 2)
Starting Gear (Pick 2): 
Rations x10, box of nuggets ( p177). 
Authoritative Outfit, suit & tie ( p173). Meridian
Choose or roll your History 
Tattered Outfit, no shoes and a 
Treat x2 & Hardy Rations x2,

Urban Goods, company branded Blazing
packed lunch ( p177).
Outcasts ripped trench coat ( p172). pad & pen ( p179).

Backpack, trusty kit bag ( p173). 
Other World Pocket Device, smart 
Oddity, red stapler ( p179). Kingdoms
1-2 Transient ( p126) 
Treat x5, candy from a child ( p177). phone ( p182). 
Other World Pocket Device, Other World

 Growl, brave mongrel. ( p188). synth tablet ( p182).

Commoners Pet:

3-4 NEET ( p126) BLUE COLLAR

You worked with your
5-6 Retail/Service ( p127)
Not in Education, hands, doing jobs You cooked and cleaned
Employment, or that were often as a servant, chef, or
7-8 Blue Collar ( p127)
Training. You’re young unappreciated back stay-at-home spouse.
and have your whole home. Your strong But now, without
9-10 White Collar ( p127) work ethic and practical warning, you’ve been
life ahead of you, you
just aren’t sure what nature will stand you in transported to this
11-12 Domestic ( p127) good stead here. strange new world. You
you’re supposed to do
with it yet… think you left the oven on!
13-14 Military/Law Enforcement Purviews
( p128)
Putting your back into it. Purviews

15-16 Education, Faculty ( p128) 

Trivia related to important persona. 
Knowing your limits and 
Noticing something out of place.

Finding the path of least resistance. pacing yourself. 
Making others comfortable.
2 17-19 Education, Student ( p128)

Sharp, cynical judgement. 
Seeing through pretension. 
Working with edible things.
Elite Starting Gear (Pick 2) Starting Gear (Pick 2)
Starting Gear (Pick 2)
18 Tome: Adventure Sites, 
Mighty Weapon with Utility Ability, 
Standard Weapon with Utility Ability,
20 Idle Rich ( p128) 
Akenia Adventure!! guide ( p176). sledgehammer ( p153+160). iron frying pan ( p152+160).

Basic Potion x2, energy drinks ( p177). 
Light Armor, hard hat & protective 
Traveller’s Bag, cute tote ( p173).
overalls ( p163). 
Beginner’s Tome: Outer World
Holy Icon, collectible plush ( p180).

Traveller’s Bag, tool belt ( p173). Legends, children’s book ( p176).

Other World Pocket Device,
Game Gal Advance ( p182). 
Basic Potion x2, coffee flask ( p177). 
Treats x10, perfect cookies ( p177).

126 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 127


Unlike most Other This is the sort of thing

Worlders, you are that happens in lazy CHARACTER
armed and trained for fantasy fiction. How CALLING
combat. Yet nothing are you going to get
could have prepared to class now? Still,
you for the strange it’s less stressful than HOMELAND
critters you’re up preparing for those
against here. end of semester papers.

Purviews Purviews FINISHING


Quick but rigorous investigation. 
Rushing at the very last minute. GEAR

Practical athletics. 
Dedication to learning. CHARACTER

Reading a situation. 
Expressing yourself loudly.

Starting Gear (Pick 2) Starting Gear (Pick 2)

Wistful Dark

Light Armor, anti-stab vest ( p163). 
Master Weapon, aluminium Twilight

Authoritative Outfit, uniform ( p173). baseball bat ( p153). Meridian

Grenades x2, frags ( p179). 
Backpack, book bag ( p173). Blazing

Other World Side Arm & Ammo x10, 
Appealing Outfit, school uniform
trusty shooter ( p182). ( p173). Kingdoms

Other World Pocket Device, smart Other World
phone with charm ( p182).

Wait a minute, you’re IDLE RICH

the teacher... isn't it
supposed to be the Thanks to wealthy parents,
kids who end up or inheritance, you’ve
on a silly mystical led a luxurious lifestyle
adventure!? Still, it and had everything
beats grading papers. handed to you on a
silver plate. So much
for that.

Explaining complicated ideas.

Critical assessment against criteria.

Keeping all eyes on you.

Managing stress.

Maintaining an air of superiority,
10 Starting Gear (Pick 2) deserved or not.

Backpack, teacher’s satchel ( p173). 
Getting what you want.

Urban Goods, pack of chalk ( p179). Starting Gear (Pick 2)
Oddity, hand puppet for 
Gem x1, assorted bling ( p151).
educational use ( p179).

Appealing Outfit, strong look

Oddity, three-hole puncher ( p179). ( p173).
Blackout Goggles, shades ( p173).

Other World Pocket Device, Pear
Pad DX ( p182).

128 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 129


Choose or roll your Positive Traits (twice)
Your Traits describe your mental and physical strengths and weaknesses. Are CREATING A

you strong but clumsy, or puny but perceptive?

1-4 +1 Might: You’re more CALLING
powerful or brutish than others
of your kind.
5-8 +1 Deftness: You’re more
nimble or elegant than others
of your kind.
9-13 +1 Grit: You’re more rugged
or determined than others of
your kind. CHARACTER

14-16 +1 Insight: You’re more

observant or sharp than others
of your kind.

17-20 +1 Aura: You’re more

charming or fascinating
Step 4 Instructions than others of your kind.
Your Traits modify your base Aptitudes as 1. Choose or roll on the Positive
set by your Calling. Your Traits make you Trait Table twice, increasing the
more or less capable than other PCs of resulting Aptitude by +1 each time. NEGATIVE TRAIT TABLE
the same Calling and Rank. 2. Choose or roll on the Negative Trait Choose or roll your Negative Trait (once)
There are two types of Trait: Table once, reducing the selected
Aptitude by -1. 1-4 -1 Might: You’re more
Positive Traits: These boost your feeble or scrawny than
◆◆ Note, Positive & Negative Traits
Aptitudes above your Calling’s base level. others of your kind.
will cancel each other out, and 2
Negative Traits: These reduce your Positive traits will stack to provide a
Aptitudes below your Calling’s base level. +2 Aptitude bonus. 5-8 -1 Deftness: You’re more
As you rise in Rank the Aptitudes clumsy or graceless than
Don’t get hung up on the Traits you adjusted by your Traits will now others of your kind.
think you should have. A mighty track permanently above, or below,
warrior is fun but a perceptive 9-13 -1 Grit: You’re more gutless
the value stated for your Calling.
barbarian can be just as effective.
or delicate than others of
You could think about how you’d like your kind.
to describe your character, then
choose Traits that seem appropriate. 14-16 -1 Insight: You’re more
For example, ‘Nimble, clever, but
10 naive or simple than others of
cowardly’ would translate as +1
Deftness, +1 Insight, -1 Grit. your kind.

17-20 -1 Aura: You’re more

3 loathsome or forgettable
than others of your kind.


130 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 131

STEP 5 · QUIRK Spirit Quirks

Your Quirk is a unique or peculiar aspect of your character. Will you have a Spirit Quirk Table Jumpy

robotic arm, be unusually resilient to magic, or have great fashion sense?


Choose or roll Spirit Quirk You are jittery, skittish CALLING

or paranoid. This SPECIES

1-2 Unhinged ( p133) means that while HOMELAND

you spot potential & HISTORY

3-4 Jumpy ( p133) dangers sooner TRAITS

than most, your QUIRK

5-6 Pedantic ( p133) nervous outbursts can FINISHING

telegraph your approach DETAILS

7-8 Clear Intent ( p134) to enemies. GEAR

9-10 Boring ( p134) Advantages RANK

""Your Team gains an Edge on all

11-12 Curious ( p134) Insight rolls related to checking Spirit Quirks
for danger. Physiology
13-14 Always Prepared ( p134) Quirks
Fate Quirks
15-16 Stylish ( p135) ##Your Team suffers a Snag on Eldritch
ABOUT YOUR QUIRK INHERITOR SPECIES Quirk Table Deftness rolls when it is attempting Quirks

Choose or roll your Quirk (Gruun, Chib, Human, 17-18 Miser ( p135) an Ambush.
Your Quirk is a unique mental or physical Robotic

feature that alters your character in some Promethean, Rai-Neko, or Tenebrate) Quirks

19-20 Soul Link ( p135)

way, usually providing you with a distinct
set of Advantages and Disadvantages. 1-7 Spirit Quirk ( p133) Pedantic

8-14 Physiology Quirk ( p136) Unhinged You are well read, and you
Step 5 Instructions make sure everyone
1. Choose or roll on the Quirk Table 15-20 Fate Quirk ( p142) Inflicting grievous harm knows it. While your
related to your Species: on others doesn’t seem extensive knowledge
to bother you. In fact, and attention to detail
Bio-Mechanoid Quirk Table: For you quite enjoy it. comes in handy, it can
Bio-Mechanoids. Perhaps it was your be grating for those
Inheritor Species Quirk Table: Choose or roll your Quirk (Dwarf, Elf, or Goblin) unaffectionate mother around you. Woe betide
For Gruuns, Chibs, Humans or a traumatic past anyone who fails to heed your advice, as
(both types), Prometheans, Rai- 1-7 Spirit Quirk ( p133) event that is to blame for they will suffer a healthy dose of ‘I told
Neko, and Tenebrates. this unrelenting bloodlust. you so’.
Old World Species Quirk Table: 8-14 Physiology Quirk ( p136)
For Dwarfs, Elves, and Goblins. Advantages Advantages
15-20 Eldritch Quirk ( p142) ""You gain +2 to your Attack Bonus. ""You gain an Edge on Insight rolls
2. Go to the Quirk Table you are
8 directed to and then choose or roll You are vigorously violent. when attempting to research or
for your specific Quirk. BIO-MECHANOID Quirk Table recall information.
3. Add your Quirk to your Character Choose or roll your Quirk (Bio-Mechanoid) Disadvantages
Sheet, and follow any additional ##Your suffer a -1 to your Defense
instructions listed in your Quirk’s Rating. Your enthusiastic ##You suffer a Snag on Aura rolls
1-10 Spirit Quirk ( p133)
specific entry. commitment to causing harm when trying to Negotiate or
leaves you vulnerable to attack. impress someone.
11-20 Robotic Quirk ( p145)
8 If you get the same Quirk as another
PC, roll a new one! Or work with
your GM to tweak it so it’s not
exactly the same.

132 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 133

Clear intent Curious Stylish Disadvantages

Despite attempts to The world is a dangerous Your innate sense of style ##If you are close enough to a
hide it, your true yet wondrous place and panache means qualifying treasure horde, you must CHARACTER
intentions are always and you want to see it you are always on make an Aura Check to resist the CALLING
apparent because of all. Unless restrained the cutting edge of urge to find and plunder from it.
your revealing body or strenuously fashion. Whether your
language and tone cautioned, you will attire is practical or for
of voice. This is great inadvertently explore a special occasion, you Soul Link TRAITS
when getting your point your surroundings, always dress to impress.
across, but it makes you a terrible liar. haphazardly poking around. You are able to connect QUIRK

Advantages your heart and FINISHING

Advantages Advantages mind with another.
""You gain an Edge on Aura rolls
However, when not GEAR
""You can communicate simple, ""Whenever entering a new room or where your appearance is a factor.
linked to another, CHARACTER
one sentence ideas or commands small area, you can opt to use this RANK
Disadvantages your supernatural
without the need to speak. This Quirk to immediately discover a
empathy crowds your
is helpful when you need to keep single hidden thing, if it exists. For ##You always buy the best. You
mind with a cacophony of
silent or are interacting with example, a secret door or treasure. must spend at least 50% more Spirit Quirks
ambient emotions.
someone who doesn’t speak on any clothing, armor, or other Physiology
your language. Disadvantages accessories… or lose your
##Using this Quirk while exploring a style advantage. Fate Quirks
Disadvantages room with a trap, or other triggered ""You may choose a single, willing Eldritch
##You have a Snag when attempting event, means you set it off without If you want to wear something person to Link with. Quirks

to lie to someone. You are betrayed a chance to avoid or stop it. you’ve been given, or found, you’ll You must be close enough to touch Robotic

by your expressions and gestures. still need to spend the additional someone in order to establish a

money to get it adorned, gilded, or Link with them.

modified to suit your demanding
Always Prepared
aesthetic requirements. Once Linked, you can share
Boring thoughts and feelings with each
You carry a plethora of other no matter how much
You are unremarkable. unusual items with you. distance comes between you.
You’re difficult to notice While everyone you Miser
and easy to forget, travel with is pleased You may terminate, or switch, who
and while you may when you’ve got just The draw of material you are Linked to at any time.
not be recognized the right tool to hand, wealth is almost
overwhelming for Disadvantages
for your successes, at your vast collection can
least you avoid being sometimes spill out at you. Precious metals, ##When not Linked to another, all
defined by your failures. exactly the wrong moment. gems, works of art, Checks and Contest rolls suffer a
and even fine clothes; Minor Penalty (+2). Your receptive
Advantages Advantages you love it all. Find it, mind is distracted by the stream of
grab it, hoard it. others’ thoughts.
""An Insight Check is required ""Once per game Session, you may
when someone is trying to recall ‘have’ any single item you require.
if you were present at an event or The item must be worth less than
18 ""You are supernaturally aware of
situation… unless you were the 45 Coins and be no larger than a
only one there! single Inventory Slot. any concentration of valuables.
Temptations range from a stockpile
20 Disadvantages Disadvantages of gold to a walk-in closet filled
##If you are placed at the scene, ##Whenever you roll an unmodified with exquisite garments.
your actions will be attributed to 20 on a Deftness Check random The valuables must have a net worth
another, including any positive or assorted junk spills everywhere and of 5 Gems and be within 300 feet
17 heroic deeds you performed. complicates the situation. Your GM for you to detect their presence.
will decide exactly how! You are able to sense the direction
in which the valuables are located.

134 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 135


You carry yourself in A fast metabolism, or

Physiology Quirk Table NEARSIGHTED a way that suggests a lifetime of plenty, CHARACTER
nefarious intent, even has increased
Choose or roll your Physiology Quirk Years of staring at old
if you don’t harbor your appetite
books in dim light has such thoughts. You exponentially. While

1-2 Girthsome ( p136) strained your eyes. have shifty looking your grocery bill HOMELAND
As a result you are eyes and probably is high, your love of
3-4 Nearsighted ( p136) extremely well read dress in black. eating invigorates you.

but now you require QUIRK

5-6 Adorable ( p136) a pair of spectacles to Advantages Advantages FINISHING

see properly. DETAILS
""At first glance, wicked creatures will During a Fight you can use your
7-8 Dark Demeanor ( p137) GEAR
presume you are a potential ally. Action to inhale a day’s worth of
You start with a pair of spectacles, Rations to restore 1 lost Heart.
9-10 Angelic Countenance ( p137)
these do not take up one of your Disadvantages
Inventory Slots. Disadvantages
##Conversely, those favoring law
11-12 Big Eater ( p137)
Advantages and order will distrust you, and are ##You need to eat double the amount Spirit Quirks

quick to blame you for ill deeds. of required Rations for each day Physiology
13-14 Waifish ( p137) ""You gain +1 to your Insight. spent on a Journey ( p222).
Your demeanor will be dispelled if
""You gain 2 additional Bonus others witness you perform good
Fate Quirks
15-16 Magitech Graft ( p138)
Languages of your choice ( p109). deeds or others provide substantial Eldritch
17-18 Winged ( p138) evidence of your true nature. WAIFISH
Disadvantages Robotic
##Without your glasses you suffer You are lean, scrawny,
19-20 Grasping Tresses ( p138)
a Snag on all rolls that are or otherwise lacking
ANGELIC countenance
dependent on sight. in substance. While
A guileless smile and this has made you
GIRTHSOME extremely light on
soothing voice project
an aura of heavenly your feet it has,
You’re a robust ADORABLE
innocence. Your unfortunately, also
specimen: muscular,
You are childlike, cute, saintly air persists made you prone to injury.
fat, or bulky in some
way. Your ample body or otherwise innocent even when you harbor
can soak up more looking. This makes ill intent. Advantages
punishment than you incredibly ""Your Speed Rating is increased by
most, but it also slows disarming and easy a single step.
to agree with, but Advantages
you down. ""You gain +1 to your Deftness.
also considerably less ""At first glance, benevolent
threatening. individuals will assume you are Disadvantages
Advantages trustworthy and pass you over for
Advantages ""Your suffer -1 to your Hearts Total.
""You gain +1 to your Hearts Total. blame. They are also willing to
""You gain an Edge on Aura rolls accept your more believable lies.
14 ""You gain +1 to your Grit.
when attempting to charm, or
Disadvantages convince others of your
relative harmlessness. ##Villainous types will assume you’re
##Your Speed Rating is reduced by
out to get them. Maybe they
5 a single step.
Disadvantages should get rid of you before you
##You incur a Snag on Aura rolls cause any trouble for them.
when attempting to intimidate The effect is negated if you are
2 or impress. witnessed acting contrary to your
angelic appearance.

136 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 137


Severe injury usually ##You suffer -1 to your Hearts Total.
results in hardship for You have pneumatized bones. FATE Quirk Table Mage Breaker CHARACTER
survivors, but you ##You suffer -1 to your Grit Aptitude. Choose or roll your Fate Quirk Every fibre of your soul
have been fitted Carrying wings is tiresome.
with a Prosthetic seems to lash out and SPECIES

Replacement. Once If you receive an Injury that targets 1-2 Survivor ( p139) reject the magical or HOMELAND

commonplace in the your arms, you can choose to have supernatural. This is

3rd Aeon, these magitech it affect your wings instead. 3-4 Mage Breaker ( p139) great when shielding TRAITS

grafts are now extremely You can’t benefit from your wings if: you from curses, but QUIRK

rare… lucky you! 5-6 Young ( p139) less desirable when FINISHING
They are Injured or Restrained.
negating blessings. DETAILS
You are Overburdened. 7-8 Past Injury ( p140) GEAR
Choose or roll your Robotic Quirk
You are wearing Heavy or Advantages CHARACTER
Superheavy Armor. 9-10 Weary ( p140) ""Any magical Ability directed at
1-7 Utility Servo ( p145)
you is nullified if you make an Aura
Replaces your left or right arm. 11-12 Destined ( p140) Check, or win an Aura Contest if Spirit Quirks
GRASPING TRESSES you’re targeted by a spellcaster.
8-15 Sproing Sprockets ( p145)
13-14 Dread Orator ( p140) Quirks
Replaces your lower legs. Your hair is extremely Disadvantages Fate Quirks
long and writhes like a 15-16 Beast Tongue ( p141) ##You might nullify all magic that Eldritch
16-20 Nox-Vision ( p147) living creature. Your targets you, even those intended Quirks
prehensile locks 17-18 Guardian ( p141) to help you and your own spells!
Replaces your eyes. mostly cooperate
##Magical Artifacts you attempt to
with you, but 19-20 Crowned ( p141) use might also be nullified.
Any Injuries to your graft will not occasionally exhibit a
heal naturally and will require will of their own. This ability does not stop you from
Bio-Mechanoid Treatment . Survivor using your own magic on others.
You’ve suffered many Persistent magic effects or Artifact
""Your hair may act as an additional trials and ordeals in Abilities resume once you leave
WINGED set of arms that can grab, the past and lived to the area of effect.
manipulate, and attack. tell the tale. You know
You have large, feathered
◆◆ During a Fight your hair can: the punishment your
wings. While you
cannot soar, you can Hold on to things to create an body can take and no Young
glide or get extra advantage. For example, holding longer fear physical
a lamp in addition to your sword injury as much as you You are significantly
lift when you jump.
and shield or clinging to a ledge should, knowing you’ll be younger than the
Some think you may
while you fire your bow. able to bounce back in no time. average adventurer,
be the spawn of a
barely in your teens.
Deva, others the target of Be used to perform Actions and
Advantages You’ve not had your
a wizard’s practical joke. Attacks instead, not as well as,
growth spurt yet, but
your arms. Your hair can perform ""You heal 2 Injuries, instead of the
20 that’s not gonna
Advantages any task your regular arms could. usual 1, when you choose to Heal
stop you!
""You gain Supernatural Leaping an Injury during Downtime.
( p107). If you are a Medium or Large
16 ##You have a Snag on any Deftness Disadvantages
""You can glide safely down to earth Species your size is reduced by
rolls involving the use of your legs. ##You suffer a Snag on all Deftness
from great heights without risk. one step.
rolls related to avoiding injury. Why
""If falling, or knocked from the sky, You can cut your hair, but it grows get out of harm’s way when you If you are a Small Species you gain
13 you can avoid an Impact Injury back within minutes, in a restless mend so quickly? the Adorable Quirk ( p136).
with a successful Deftness Check to and irritable mood. Should you survive to adulthood,
slow your descent. the Quirk is removed.

138 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 139

PaSt injury Destined Beast Tongue

A traumatic incident You are the plaything You’ve been able to ##You are incapable of abandoning
has left you with a of whimsical cosmic speak with animals your ward while they are alive. CHARACTER
distinctive gash on forces. Sometimes since you were small. If your ward is in desperate danger CALLING
your chest, a missing these forces Though wild creatures then you must seek them out or SPECIES
eye, or similar intervene to help tends to be a bit you will be so worried that you
indelible scar. This you, other times they simple minded, they will not be able to sleep and suffer
nagging injury reminds seek to hinder. can be a useful source Fatigue ( p269). TRAITS
you to be cautious. of information.
If this character dies, your Quirk
Advantages Advantages
Advantages becomes inactive. FINISHING
""You can grant yourself an Edge ##You can talk with one of the
""You gain +1 to your Defense Rating ◆◆ You may reactivate this Quirk by
for any single roll once per following creature categories; bird,
due to your caution. choosing another character with
game Session. mammal, reptile, insect, or aquatic.
This benefit is lost if you aren’t whom you have Social Bond RANK

aware of the Attack. Animals give simple responses and ( p279) with to become your ward.
##Your GM can give you a Snag for a do not understand complicated
Disadvantages concepts or vocabulary. Spirit Quirks
single roll once per game Session,
##You suffer -1 to an Aptitude related Crowned Physiology
but cannot use it to counter a roll Disadvantages Quirks
to an injury of your choice. For you’ve already chosen to grant an
example, a leg wound might ##You cannot be unduly cruel to As a child you assisted Fate Quirks
Edge to. a kindly Fairy, who
reduce your Deftness. animals, or eat animal flesh of any Eldritch

kind. Doing so will remove the Quirk. bestowed upon you a Quirks

If your Injury is removed, your grand title. While this Robotic

Dread orator The Ability can be regained by prestige is entirely
Quirk is also removed. completing a task designated to unrecognized among
You’re not sure exactly you by the ruler of the offended conventional nobility,
how you discovered animal’s kingdom. and may even invite
Weary this talent, but you ridicule, immortals treat you with
have the ability to due respect. Titles include, but are not
You are much older than question the recently
your peers, or simply Guardian limited to: Queen of Unfinished Songs,
dead. Sometimes their Prince of Grass, Our Lady of Chocolate,
worn down thanks spirits have something You are an overly
to years of struggle and Earl of Lost Buttons.
to say. protective type and
or hardship. While must defend another.
no longer in your Advantages
Advantages It could be someone
physical prime, your you’ve grown up ""Your status is honored by Asura,
experience is useful. ""Once per day you can place your Devas, Unshaped, Elves, and
hand on a corpse that’s less than a with or a random
person you’ve latched other immortal entities. Usually
Advantages day old, and ask it two questions this means little more than polite
which it will answer truthfully. on to. Regardless, your
""Choose one of the following: devotion is unequivocal. hospitality and invitations to
private functions, but your GM can
A scarred soul: You gain +1 to your Disadvantages
You must choose a member of your extend your influence beyond this.
1 Attack Bonus. ##If you fail an Aura Check the spirit
of the corpse remains with you Team to be your ward, a character Disadvantages
◆◆ You also possess a trusty weapon.
for a week and a day. During this of whom you’ve become overly
This weapon can be of any Type, ##Mortals aware of your ‘noble’
period, it speaks to you in your protective of.
except for Combination or Imbued. status find it hard to take you
sleep and you suffer the effects seriously. You suffer a Snag on any
Walker of two paths: You choose, Advantages
of Fatigue ( p269). However, Aura Checks or Contests when
or roll, for an additional History ""You can sense when your ward is in
the spirit may continue to impart attempting to impress, intimidate,
from your Homeland ( p109). any kind of mortal peril.
6 useful information to you during its or persuade someone who knows.
Disadvantages protracted stay. You know what direction to go in
order to find them, regardless of
##Your suffer -1 Might and -1 Grit.
how much distance separates you.

140 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 141

Eldritch Quirks Disadvantages Advantages

##You must consume twice as much ""You can converse with burning flame.
EldriTch QUIRK Table Lyrical food as normal to satisfy your own Fires are not smart, but are observant. CREATING A
hunger and that of the infestation. ""With a successful Aura Check you
Choose or roll your Eldritch Quirk You speak in rhymes or CALLING
◆◆ When Starving, the creatures are can prompt flames to perform simple
verse even when there SPECIES
visible beneath your skin which can favors. For example, they can reluctantly
1-2 Dreamer ( p142) is no reason to do so. HOMELAND
be unsettling to those that notice. dim or set fire to something within
Strangely, success is & HISTORY
reach, but they won’t do anything
3-4 Lyrical ( p142) more likely when your TRAITS
that risks them being extinguished.
choice of words flows QUIRK

5-6 Infested ( p142) smoothly, but ill fortune Peculiar Taste

Disadvantages FINISHING
awaits should you stumble… DETAILS
You have acquired, or ##Water is less fond of you. You can
7-8 Peculiar Taste ( p143) were born with, an hold your breath underwater for
unusual source of only a quarter, rather than the usual
9-10 Kin to Fire ( p143) ""When you describe your Actions nourishment. While half, of your Grit Aptitude (rounded

in rhyme, you gain an Edge on any you only need to down) before Suffocating ( p271).
11-12 Fairy Cap ( p143) required rolls, but… consume a tiny ##You suffer a Snag on all rolls Spirit Quirks
◆◆ You cannot repeat a rhyme you portion of ‘food’ to when attempting to swim, sail, or Physiology
13-14 Sneezles ( p144) have already used and must not survive, you’ll starve just otherwise traverse a body of water. Quirks

delay the game longer than 30 the same if you don’t eat. Fate Quirks
15-16 Masked ( p144) seconds when creating a rhyme. Eldritch
You must choose an alternative Quirks
17-18 Ferrous ( p144) Disadvantages Fairy Cap
source of nourishment. This could Robotic
##If you cannot word your Actions in be a specific type of object, such You have a wonderful
19-20 Figment Follower ( p144) rhyme, you suffer a Snag on any as coins or buttons, or something little hat, but can’t quite
required rolls. organic but not normally eaten, like remember where you
a hair or teeth. got it. Others think it
Dreamer At the start of a game Session you looks a bit strange,
can opt to have a ‘day off’, and Advantages but you like it just the
Your mind is often ignore the Quirk until you are You only need to eat a single piece way it is. You never
in places that do feeling more poetic. of your peculiar food per day to want to take it off… ever!
not properly exist,
sustain you.
thinking of things that
could be, instead of Most of the time your Cap sticks
Infested Disadvantages strangely to your head but
what is. To you, reality
seems more flexible. You are unable to stomach Rations occasionally, at your GM’s discretion,
You are crawling with and other regular food, but can you might need to make a Deftness
insects, the residue drink water, alcohol and potions Check to keep it in place.
Advantages of a slain Asura, with no ill effect.
or something If the Cap is dislodged fate makes
""Once per game Session you can sure you are able to reclaim it; but it
equally terrible. You suffer Starvation ( p271) if
propose and agree with your GM may require a little time and effort.
The infestation has a deprived of your peculiar food.
an event that gets you out of a
12 vested interest in your
tricky predicament. For example, Advantages
survival and employs
an unexpected rock fall that cuts ""You gain +1 to your Defense Rating
strange methods to ensure it. Kin to Fire
off your pursuers. when wearing your Cap. It makes
6 Advantages The spirits within the the world feel a bit safer.
""When you choose to Heal an Injury flames speak to you in
##In a game Session where you Disadvantages
during Downtime ( p273), your whispers that no one
have invoked this Quirk your GM ##You lose an extra Heart when you
‘friends’ can repair a single Injury else can hear. You
8 can have your adversaries benefit take Damage from an Attack or other
you’ve sustained, including the can talk back, though
from a similar improbable event to ill effect when not wearing your Cap.
regeneration of destroyed limbs or this makes the water
negate an advantage you possess. You feel weak and afraid without it.
other mutilated body parts. spirits grow jealous
and spiteful.

142 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 143

Sneezles Ferrous Robotic Quirks

You have a non- Your skin has an iron-like

conventional allergy quality, weapons clang Robotic QUIRK Table Utility Servo CHARACTER
that never fails to and spark when they
Choose or roll your Robotic Quirk Your left arm has CALLING
cause a brief, albeit strike you. Your heart is
been modified to SPECIES
violent sneezing fit. just as cold and hard.
1-2 Industrial Frame ( p145) accommodate an
It’s like a sort of early You are a physical and HOMELAND
array of specialist & HISTORY
warning system. emotional fortress.
3-4 Utility Servo ( p145) tools. You’ve also TRAITS
been programmed to QUIRK
You can choose what causes your Advantages 5-6 Sproing Sprockets ( p145) use them with aplomb. FINISHING
sneezing fits, it could be a type of ""Your naked Defense Rating is 14.

creature or substance. Discuss and 7-8 Translator Module ( p146) GEAR

Your left arm contains a Specialist
agree your allergen with your GM. Disadvantages
Kit ( p176) of your choice. CHARACTER

##The Armor you can wear without 9-10 Battle Scanner ( p146) RANK
penalty is limited to Light Armor. Advantages
""If you are within a hundred and fifty 11-12 Buster Arm ( p146)
##You suffer a Snag when attempting ""The Utility Servo works the same as Spirit Quirks
feet of your chosen allergen, you
to do anything where excessive a manual Specialist Kit, except:
sneeze loudly a few times and then 13-14 Mascot Chassis ( p146)
body mass is a limiting factor. It does not require replenishing.
abruptly stop.
##Your suffer a Minor Penalty (+2) on 15-16 Nanotech Maintenance ( p147) It does not take up one of your
Fate Quirks

Disadvantages all Aura rolls related to charm or Inventory Slots.

##The sneezing fits are alarmingly persuasion, due to your hard heart.
17-18 Bioskin ( p146) ""You can use the Servo without the Robotic
loud and will alert anyone within Ability normally required, except… Quirks
earshot to your presence. 19-20 Nox-Vision ( p146) you must have a Crafting Discipline
Figment Follower ( p282) to Craft items.

Sometimes, when you Industrial Frame Disadvantages

wake up, you are
accompanied by Your robotic skeleton is ##You suffer a Snag on all Deftness
You can change your rolls requiring fine motor skills
physical appearance your imaginary pet. made of super a dense
Strangely, this pet alloy that increases when using your clunky Servo arm.
at will. Over the years
you’ve taken many seems just as real to your durability and
forms. If you ever had others as it does to you. strength without
a ‘true’ face, you’ve increasing your size. Sproing Sockets
long forgotten it. However, the extra
You can choose any Pet ( p188) to weight does slow you. Your thick legs house
be your Figment Follower. giant springs that end
Advantages Your Pet has an ethereal shimmer in large metal boots.
and speaks one of your languages. Your incredible leaps
""You can alter your facial features, ""You gain +1 to your Hearts Total. are accompanied by
skin, hair, build, and sex in an instant. Every time you wake up you roll to
""You gain +1 to your Might. a loud and distinctive
You must maintain something close see if your Pet has manifested.
7 ‘sproing!’ sound.
to your current height and weight Your Pet will vanish if you sleep, fall Disadvantages
and cannot mimic other species. unconscious, or die. ##Your Speed Rating is reduced by a
Even if killed, captured, or lost, your single step.
16 Disadvantages ""You gain Supernatural Leaping
Pet may reappear after a good sleep. ##You suffer a Snag when attempting
##You suffer a Snag on Checks and ( p107).
Roll to see if your Pet appears today to do anything where excessive
Contests when resisting effects
body mass is a limiting factor. Disadvantages
that alter your body, such as the
6 Petrification, Ballooned, or Jellyfied 1-14 Pet appears in good health ##You suffer a Snag when attempting
Ailments. Your malleable form is stealthy actions thanks to your
vulnerable to forced change. 15-20 No Pet, try again tomorrow noisy steps.

144 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 145
Nanotech Maintenance NOX-Vision
Translator Module Mascot Chassis
Unlike other Mechanoids, You have two types of
Advanced audio You are small and
your body contains a visual sensor, one that
receptors and other aesthetically pleasing. CHARACTER
unit of tiny mechanical works in daylight and
forgotten linguistic You were created to CALLING
cells that repair another which is ideal
technologies enable stand out rather than
and maintain you. for low light or total
you to comprehend to fulfil any practical
Unfortunately, these darkness. Switching HOMELAND
any spoken objective. You & HISTORY
artificial cells won’t between these sensors
language. However, probably represented
allow you to benefit from can take a little while.
your mechanical speech a popular brand that was
any outside assistance. QUIRK
patterns make conversations awkward. prominent in Gleysian society
during the 3rd Aeon. During a Fight, it requires the use FINISHING
Advantages of your Action to switch between
You are a Small Species ( p106). ""You recover from Injury in the same regular vision and Nox-Mode.
""You are able to understand any
way as organic characters.
audible language, including those You gain the Adorable Quirk Advantages

used by beasts and ones that ( p136).

originate from beyond Outer World. ""Nox-Mode makes you Immune to
##You cannot be conventionally the Obscured Battlefield Condition Spirit Quirks

Disadvantages repaired, with the exception of if caused by darkness, smoke, or Physiology

Buster Arm reinstating lost limbs or other other visual obstruction. However, Quirks
##You suffer a Snag on all Aura rolls
replacement parts. making out fine details can
that involve verbal communication. One of your arms is Fate Quirks
be difficult.
Your robotic syntax can be difficult equipped with a Eldritch
to follow for native speakers. powerful, long range Disadvantages
energy weapon. It Bioskin Robotic

draws its power from ##While in Nox-Mode, you are Quirks

your internal energy An organic shell Blinded ( p268) by regular light.

Battle Scanner surrounds and
reserves, so you need
to be careful how much disguises your
With a quick glance
you use it. mechanical
you can assess the
exoskeleton. You
potential threat
superficially appear
of any opponent Your right arm has an energy
like a living creature,
you engage with. canon, it is fitted in such a way that
but your thoughts are
However, you’re wired it does not inhibit your dexterity.
undeniably synthetic.
for combat which Advantages
makes processing other
things suboptimal. ""The canon functions like a You must choose which species
Mechanical Missile Weapon, except: your Bioskin replicates: Human,
It does Bright Damage. Tenebrate, or Elf.
It does not require reloading. You pass for an organic creature,
""On a successful Insight Check
unless exposed to close scrutiny.
you can ask your GM for two of
the following data points about a Disadvantages While you can’t starve, you must
5 target: Attack Bonus, Hearts Total, ##You can fire the canon once per eat to maintain your synthetic skin
Defense Rating, Speed Rating, Fight without penalty, but… and hair.
combat Abilities, tactics, or if they If discharged again during the Your Bioskin will completely decay
have any inherent weaknesses. same Fight, your suffer 1 Heart of after three days without food,
11 During a Fight, you must use your Damage for every shot you take. revealing your metal skeleton.
Action to perform a scan. If you have 0 Hearts you the The Bioskin will grow back in three
weapon cannot be used, it just days if food is consumed regularly.
Disadvantages: gives out a sad bleep.
##You incur a Snag on all Insight
Checks that are unrelated to
combat or assessing risk.

146 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 147


Your group of PCs could be an informal Spend your Coin on equipment and
Why do you adventure? What color is your hair? Do you have an annoying group of adventure-hungry individuals, supplies to supplement your starting

habit? What’s your favorite snack? What do people call you?

or a more organised troupe with a shared Gear, but remember to leave enough CALLING
purpose and strong identity. coins in your purse for a fine ale and a
good nights rest.
Discuss and agree with the other HOMELAND
players what your adventure team is Gear ( p150) & HISTORY

like, considering: TRAITS

Team name
Emblem & dress code DETAILS

Motto or team chant (‘Prepare for GEAR

punishment!’, ‘Believe in beyond’, etc.) CHARACTER
How you know each other (childhood
friends, shared mentor, etc.)
Shared goals (a uniting quest, serving a
mysterious patron, etc.)

Having petty rivalries or differences

between your PCs can create fun
doesn’t descend into betrayal and
Finishing details cover any information Your Calling, Species, History, and Quirk selfish acts. Your team should always
you want to add to further bring your give you the core information about your pull together when needed!
adventurer to life. character, but you’ll want to add some You can weave some of the
finer details to bring them to life. information your players come up
Step 6 Instructions into the adventures you create.
While descriptive information will not
1. Describe your PC, adding as much affect the rules of the game, it can affect
or as little as you desire. how you are perceived by, and how you This adventurer belongs to... Download from BREAKRPG.COM/DOWNLOADS/CHARACTERSHEET

2. Describe your Adventure Team with interact with, the other inhabitants of IDENTITY APTITUDES QUIRK INVENTORY

the other players (optional). Outer World. MIGHT

Smash, crush, lift

TRAIT -2 -1 +1 +2

3. All characters start with 1-20 Coins The things you describe are entirely up to ABILITIES

(roll a d20), a Functional Outfit,


you. Consider the following: DEFTNESS


and a Standard Weapon (of

Dodge, sneak, leap 4
TRAIT -2 -1 +1 +2

your choice). Name (you’ll get called something!)


Physical appearance (age, hair, eyes,


4. Use your coins to buy any

SPECIES Cling, persist, press on 8

additional Gear you want to start skin, gender, etc.) HOMELAND

TRAIT -2 -1 +1 +2

the game with. Clothing & personal style

Notice, know, remember
◆◆ Gear ( p150) Personality (optimistic, grumpy, etc.)
TRAIT -2 -1 +1 +2
My background grants me an Edge on... 13

20 Likes & dislikes (cheap beer, boasting,


◆◆ 15

babies, etc.)
Persuade, inspire, terrify
TRAIT -2 -1 +1 +2


Be as vague or as detailed as you 19


like with your description. If you’re

Add to my Attack rolls Protecting me from injury 21

not sure, you can add the descriptive BONUSES./PENALTIES


details during play, once you have a


better feel for your character.


Best this to strike me
Decides how many Areas I can move

Writing a brief history for your PC can BONUSES./PENALTIES SLOW

0 Areas
1 Area
2 Areas
2 Areas

be fun but don’t make it required BASE BONUSES./PENALTIES BRIGHT


reading for your GM. Your Character’s


real story is about to begin!

148 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 149

Paying for Gear


Your skill and cunning aren’t the only things you can rely on when out on your CURRENCY COINS CREATING A
travels. The equipment you carry can often help you out of a tricky spot.
Although trades and barter are still Unlike Stones, Coins are made CALLING

commonplace the Outer World does with precious metals and carry SPECIES
have a standardized three-tier monetary their value wherever they go. HOMELAND
system, facilitating trade between rising Even coins from lost & HISTORY

nations and established empires. Every civilizations are still accepted, Old TRAITS
item has a guide price but actual prices Akenia’s Zenny can be exchanged with QUIRK
will vary with shop and region. Shard’s Radiant Crown without anyone FINISHING
complaining about exchange rates. A DETAILS

1,000 Stones = 100 Coins = 1 Gem single Coin is worth 10 Stones. GEAR

A hundred units of any type CHARACTER

of currency takes up a single GEMS
Inventory Slot.
The currency of the very Paying
wealthy. Gems are precious
stones universally valued in
spite of regional variance. They Weapon
Reserved for small business will raise eyebrows if they are in the hands
ABOUT GEAR transactions and beggars’ of someone shabby or desperate-looking. Armor Types

cups, Stone is the umbrella A single Gem is worth 100 Coins. Shield Types
Gear: Gear covers everything from
term for cheap, local currency. Outfits
weapons to books. It even includes
This could be etched pebbles, shells, bits Wearable
services, hired helpers, and creatures. Accessories
of colored glass, or teeth!
Prices: Each item has an indicative price Wayfinding

using one of Outer World’s universal Illumination

currencies ( p151). Shekell (Stone) Specialist’s

Galvanus Fishing
Cobble (Stone) CARRYing Gear Kits
Inventory: Each item carried takes up Villages
Lantern Towns Books
Inventory Slots. There are rules for how Consumables
much you can carry ( p151). INVENTORY SLOTS Filling your Inventory Slots Combustibles
Gear Rules: Each item, or category of Each item you equip takes up a For calculating the number of Slots & Chemicals

item, has the simple rules regarding set number of Inventory Slots. for objects not listed in this book Miscellaneous

its use. You can only carry so many use the following guide: Curiosities,
Artifacts &
Slots so you’ll need to choose Keep it simple, most carried
Combat Gear Allowance: Weapons, Gadgets
your loadout carefully. items should fill 1 Slot.
Shields, and Armor can only be used Zenny (Coin) Other World
penalty-free if your Calling and Species Akenian Empire Heavy, or otherwise unwieldy, Items
Bright Coin (Coin) Determining your Inventory Slots
allow. Combat Gear categories detail the The Sol Alliance items fill 2 or 3 Slots. Companions

exact penalty you suffer for using an item Medium Species have 10 Slots. Exceptionally small items can fill Vehicles
your are not allowed to use. Small Species have 8 Slots. up a fraction of a Slot. Property

Got an idea for an item that’s not Large Species have 12 Slots. If an item, like a large chest, Services
listed anywhere in Gear? If you have is too cumbersome to be
16 a Crafting Discipline, you can always
Note that some Abilities and Gear
Shadow Pearl (Gem) can increase your Inventory capacity. carried around normally you
make it yourself!
Twilight Meridian will automatically become
You may carry up to 3 Slots over Overburdened ( p270).
your Inventory limit but suffer the
14 Overburdened Ailment ( p270).
Glimmer Rock (Gem) If you really can’t bear to leave any
Buried Kingdom You cannot physically carry 3 Slots treasure behind, invest in a Backpack
more than your Inventory limit. ( p173) or a Pack Beast ( p193).

150 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 151

WEAPON TYPES Weapon Ability, Sneaky Swipe: MIGHTY

If your target isn’t aware of your
Your weapon choice affects what you Extra Damage: A number that grants Concealed Weapon you may These heavy weapons require CREATING A
can do in combat. Will you choose a you an additional Heart of Damage if attempt to Ambush them, even both hands to use. Enjoyed by CHARACTER
light weapon for darting attacks, or an exceeded by your Attack roll total. when you are in plain sight. warriors who wish to quickly CALLING
immense weapon designed to obliterate? dispatch their enemies.
Your Target must be in the same SPECIES

Weapons are divided into: Combat Gear Allowance Battlefield Area as you, but HOMELAND
When wielding one-handed you
otherwise this attack works like a
Melee Weapons: Used for striking foes in Your Calling and Species limit the Weapon suffer a Minor Penalty (-2) on Attack
normal Ambush ( p252). TRAITS
close combat ( p152). Types you can use without penalty. rolls, Attack Stunts, & Combat Tricks.
If your Ambush is successful, QUIRK
Weapon Ability, Crushing Blow:
Missile Weapons: Used for targeting Using a restricted Weapon means… others using Concealed or FINISHING
You do 2 Hearts of damage, DETAILS
opponents from a distance ( p158). Thrown weapons can join in
You suffer a Snag on Attack rolls. instead of 1, on a successful Attack.
the Ambush. GEAR
Weapon Types: Melee and Missile You are unable to perform Attack Extra Damage: +1 Heart for Attack CHARACTER
Weapons are further broken down into Extra Damage: +1 Heart for Attack
Stunts or Combat Tricks using roll totals of 20 and above. RANK
groups that have similar performance roll totals of 22 and above.
the Weapon.
during a Fight. For example, a great 2 Slots • 20 Coins
axe and a war hammer are both Mighty  1 Slot •  5 Coins Paying

Weapons. Each Weapon Type has: Carrying

Rules & Abilities: Additional rules and QUICK Weapon
Abilities for wielders of the weapon. Long weapons that allow their
Quick Weapons are lighter Armor Types
wielders to make wide,
arms that emphasize speed
dangerous strokes that hit Shield Types
over power, prized by those
several enemies at once. Outfits
MELEE WEAPON TYPES who prefer evasive fighting. Wearable
When wielding one-handed you
Much of the combat in Outer World is Weapon Ability, Darting Style:
STANDARD suffer a Minor Penalty (-2) on Attack Wayfinding
resolved within spitting distance of your You gain a +1 to your Defense
rolls, Attack Stunts, & Combat Tricks. Illumination
foe. A Melee Weapon is a must. Standard Weapons are Rating when using a Quick Weapon.
simple yet practical death Weapon Ability, Deadly Sweep: Specialist’s
Extra Damage: +1 Heart for Attack Kits
To make an Attack with a Melee dealing implements with no You can hit two enemies in the same
roll totals of 22 and above. Books
Weapon, you must be in the same added frills. Battlefield Area with one Attack.
Battlefield Area as your opponent.  1 Slot •  15 Coins Make a single Attack roll, and
During a Fight, drawing a Melee Any Calling or Species can use a apply the result to both enemies. & Chemicals
Weapon takes an Action, unless Standard Weapon. Extra Damage: +1 Heart for Attack Miscellaneous
otherwise stated. Extra Damage: +1 Heart for Attack roll totals of 20 and above. Curiosities,
roll totals of 20 and above. These finely crafted weapons Artifacts &

are often difficult to use and 3 Slots • 25 Coins Gadgets

UNARMED  1 Slot •  10 Coins rather expensive. As such, they Other World

are favored by the warrior elite. LASH
Desperate situations Companions
sometimes call for adventurers Weapon Ability, Perfect Strike: Weapons that incorporate a Vehicles
to strike out with their Concealed Weapons are You gain a +1 to your Attack rolls chain or cord, capable of Property
bare hands. usually small so that they can when using a Master Weapon. reaching foes a considerable Services

be hidden about your person Extra Damage: +1 Heart for Attack distance away.
2 Unarmed strikes suffer a Snag on with ease. roll totals of 18 and above.
their Attack roll when directed at Weapon Ability, Crack!:
armed or armored enemies. Unlike other arms, Concealed 2 Slots • 30 Coins You can Attack an enemy up to 1
Extra Damage: None. Weapons are not immediately visible. Battlefield Area away.
During a Fight, drawing and Extra Damage: +1 Heart for Attack
N/A •  N/A striking with a Concealed Weapon roll totals of 22 and above.
can be performed in one Action.
1 Slot • 30 Coins
152 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 153
Melee Weapon EXAMPLES

Standard Weapons Quick Weapons
1. Squire’s Sword 9 9. Crescent Edge
Granted to the would-be Knights Curved blades whirled by pirates HOMELAND
of Shard, they bear the inscription of the Twilight Meridian. A cloth & HISTORY
‘Wield me until you’ve tethers them to their owner’s wrist.
earned another.’
10 10. Noble Thinblade QUIRK
2. Tunnel Truncheon These slender blades emit FINISHING
Simple clubs carried by Old Iron 2 harmonic tones when swung with DETAILS
foreman, ideal for prodding idle the correct technique. GEAR
workers or smashing saboteurs.
11. Crashing Tonfa CHARACTER
3. Tai Small Staff Nimble weapons named after their

Holy Isle Merchants keep these 3 11 parent fighting style, ‘Crashing

stout spears in their belts, ready Waves Upon a Still Shore’.
for the rowdy customer or robber.
12. Crawler’s Sickle Carrying
4. Bandit Razor This slashing blade is also the Weapon
Swords that are little more than a symbol of New Ore solidarity, Types
scrap of sharp metal lashed to a 4 12 constructed from scrap metal bent Armor Types
handle. Marauders make do. into a mostly correct shape.
Shield Types

Concealed Weapons Master Weapons Kits

5. Chib Knife 13 13. Zenith War Mace
Chibs receive a small, leaf shaped Sun-headed maces that are as
blade upon reaching adulthood. large and ostentatious as the Sol Combustibles
& Chemicals
They bear one of the seven Chib warriors who wield them.
creation runes. Miscellaneous
14. Daicha Katana Curiosities,
6. Jewelled Dagger Crafted on the Holy Isles, these Artifacts &
14 finely tuned blades make both
The Merchant Scions of the Gadgets

Twilight Coast are fond of these swordsmith and wielder proud. Other World
ornate daggers. When on display, 6 Items
they’re a fine symbol of wealth. 15. Star-Guard Sword
A dual-edged blade carried by
13 7. Pride Claw true Knights of Shard. Its pointed Vehicles

A row of hooked blades on a palm 15 guard represents the revered light Property
strap. If you’re careful it can be of the Star Shards. Services
hidden in a cupped hand.
16. Glorious Hammer
1 8. Beard Shanker Fashioned after the Creator’s
A thick, often rusty, needle. mallet, this Old Iron weapon is
Designed by New Ore sometimes re-appropriated by
Commandos to slip between New Ore Guerillas who scrawl
5 16
Old Iron ring mail. 8 obscenities on all over them.

154 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 155
Melee Weapon EXAMPLES

MIGHTY Weapons ARC Weapons
21 22 23 24 CALLING
17. Pride Axe 21. Gruun Long Crusher SPECIES
These weapons commonly sport 17 These threshing flails were turned
animalistic motifs. It is customary against the Gruun’s oppressors in & HISTORY
to roar loudly when swinging them. their fight for freedom.
18. Junker Club 22. Portian Sibat QUIRK
Junkers from the Stahlfeld often These barbed spears are used by FINISHING
use oldtech piping, or other sailors of the Twilight Meridian DETAILS
sturdy salvage, to make effective to fend off the swarms of odd GEAR
bludgeons. creatures that plague the seas.
19. Ironseal Sword 23. Sylvan Lance RANK

Warriors of the Tenebrous Pact Authentic Sylvan Lances were

carry these oversized, dark metal crafted from Dew Silver. Today’s
blades, to represent their respect mimicries are made from more Paying
for The Profound Darkness. mundane metals. Carrying

20. Dragon Buster 24. Trinity Staff Weapon

Designed to wound the colossal These segmented staves are a
Armor Types
monsters of the Mana Blight. Shrine Keeper’s favorite.
These sturdy weapons survive Shield Types
battles that their owners won’t. Outfits


LASH Weapons Consumables

26 28 25. War Wire Combustibles

& Chemicals
An ancient weapon, once wielded
by the Synthetic Soldiers of Miscellaneous

previous Aeons. Bio-Mechanoid Curiosities,

warriors see them as a connection Artifacts &
to their past.
Other World
26. Dark Hunter’s Whip Items
Allows those foolish enough to Companions
battle the warped and twisted to
10 attack from a safe-ish distance.
27. Fairythorn Scourge Services
This multi-thonged whip, covered
18 19 20 in sharp thorns, is employed by
the vicious Alarune. Often coated
in terrible poisons.

28. Cat’s Cord

11 This traditional Rai-Neko weapon
25 27
comprises of a metal cat’s paw
attached to a length of thick cord.

156 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 157

Missile Weapons have two

Range: 2 Battlefield Areas away. CREATING A
additional properties: 1
Loading Time: These can be both
Range: Determines how far away a foe
loaded and fired in 1 Action. THROWN Weapons
can be and still be effectively targeted. SPECIES
You must use two hands while
Loading Time: Determines how long it 2 1. Shinobi Shuriken HOMELAND
wielding a Drawn Missile Weapon. & HISTORY
takes to load ammunition prior to use. Star shaped projectiles from The
Extra Damage: +1 Heart for Attack Seven Holy Isles.
roll totals of 20 and above. QUIRK
To make an Attack with a Missile 2. Bandit Knife FINISHING
Weapon your target must be within 2 Slots • 10 Coins Found tucked into the sleeves of DETAILS
its stated Range. petty criminals. GEAR
Ammo x5 • 1/2 Slots • 1 Coin
A unit of Ammo is expended after CHARACTER
each shot, even if you miss. RANK

Mechanical (Small) 3
During a Fight, equipping a Missile
Weapon takes an Action.
These compact marvels of Paying

engineering let you take a shot Carrying

while keeping a hand free for DRAWN Weapons
Thrown other things. 4 3. Chib Staffshot Types

These small, hand-held A slingshot for mischievous types. Armor Types

Range: 1 Battlefield Area away.
weapons are shaped and 4. Yeoman’s Bow
Shield Types

balanced specifically for Loading Time: 1 Action. Outfits

Used by guards of Nightwall.
throwing. Sneaks love them. You can fire these Weapons with Wearable
one hand, but must load with two.
Range: 1 Battlefield Area away. Extra Damage: +1 Heart for Attack
Loading Time: None, but the weapon roll totals of 18 and above.
must be retrieved before reuse. 5 Specialist’s
Weapon Ability, Hidden Fangs: 1 Slot • 15 Coins
MECHANICAL Weapons (s) Books
If your target isn’t aware of your Ammo x3 • 1/10 Slots • 1 Coin Consumables
Thrown Weapon, you may attempt 5. Assassin’s Crossbow
6 Combustibles
to Ambush them, even when you Popular with hired killers. & Chemicals
are in plain sight. Mechanical (Large)
6. Officer’s Pistol Miscellaneous
Targets must be in Range, but While more accurate than their The Old Iron army presents these Curiosities,
otherwise this attack works like a smaller cousins, these weapons to outstanding officers. Artifacts &
normal Ambush ( p252).
bombastic weapons are more
Other World
If your Ambush is successful, cumbersome to operate. Items
others using Concealed or Thrown
weapons can join in the Ambush. Range: 2 Battlefield Areas away. Vehicles
20 Extra Damage: +1 Heart for Attack Loading Time: 1 Action. Property
roll totals of 22 and above. MECHANICAL Weapons (L)
You must use two hands to load 7 Services
and fire these Weapons. 7. Goblin Belcher
1 Slot • 2 Coins
15 Weapon Ability, Thunderous Shot: With a distinct firing noise, this is a
You gain a +2 to your Attack roll. loud and unrefined firearm.
Extra Damage: +1 Heart for Attack 8. Hunter’s Arbalest
1 Drawn Weapons include roll totals of 18 and above. Harpoons used for hunting the
slingshots, bows, and other massive beasts of No-Folk Land.
projectiles that require you to 2 Slots • 25 Coins 8
manually maintain tension.
Ammo x3 • 1/10 Slots • 1 Coin

158 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 159

Custom WEAPON Abilities Dangerous Rapid Fire

It is possible to find, or While all weapons are inherently harmful, Reloading Mechanical Missile weapons in
commission, weapons These weapons only benefit from these weapons are made to inflict the middle of combat is an onerous task.
with enhancements Missile Weapon Abilities when maximum damage at the expense of the This technological advancement reduces CALLING
that improve combat making Missile attacks. wielder’s safety. the need to do it quite so often.
effectiveness or give These weapons only benefit from
them a dual purpose. Melee Weapon Abilities when Available for Melee Weapons only. Only available for Large and Small & HISTORY
Customized weapons making Melee attacks. Dangerous weapons reduce the Mechanical Missile Weapons.
are neither cheap The Extra Damage value used weapon’s Extra Damage value by 2. Rapid Fire weapons may be fired QUIRK
nor common. is taken from the base weapon You take 1 Heart of Damage 3 times before they need to be FINISHING
appropriate to your chosen whenever you get an unmodified 1 reloaded, which still takes 1 Action. DETAILS
All Weapons Types, apart from mode of attack. or 2 on your Attack roll. GEAR
Unarmed, can be customised.  Coins = Weapon Price x10
Concealed and Thrown Weapons CHARACTER
A weapon cannot have more than 3 can only combined with each other,  Coins = Weapon Price +10 RANK

Custom Abilities in total, meaning due to their comparably small size. Special Ammunition
those that have an inherent
Combining two weapons that each Utility
Weapon Ability can only have 2 Special Ammunition provides ranged Paying
have an inherent Weapon Ability
additional Custom Abilities. This allows a weapon to also function as weapons with more tactical options. It Carrying
will take you to the 3 Ability limit.
Note that some Custom Abilities a simple tool. For example, a Fishing Rod enables you to create distractions, signal Weapon
Your GM may deem some Spear or a Shovel Sword. for help, or simply do more harm. Types
are restricted by Weapon Type.
combinations impossible. Common Armor Types
sense should be the guide. You can combine a weapon with a Available for Missile Weapons only. Shield Types

tool that falls under Adventuring Fireberry Shot: These do Flame Outfits
Combination  Coins = (Price of Weapon Type 1 + Gear, Common Rural Goods,
Weapon Type 2) x2 Damage instead of Mundane Wearable
Combination merges the Common Urban Goods, or Damage. Your GM may also allow Accessories

benefits of two Weapon Types, Oddities & Luxury Items ( p179). other types of Special Damage Wayfinding

making them difficult and Shoddy Utility weapons take up as many ( p259). Illumination
expensive to forge. Inventory Slots as the largest of Flare: Ammunition that creates a Specialist’s
Hastily and carelessly made, these their two components. Kits
weapons are easy on the purse but lingering and visually impressive
Combination Weapons inherit the Your GM may deem some effect, such as bright light, when Books
unreliable in battle.
properties of their two constituent combinations impossible. Common shot. Ineffective as a weapon but a Consumables
weapons in the following way: sense should be the guide. good signal. Combustibles
These weapons are Sundered & Chemicals
The Weapon Abilities of both. ( p263) when you get an Heavy: A large, clumsy shot that
 Coins = Weapon Price + Tool Price +5 Miscellaneous
The usage restrictions of both. unmodified 1 or 2 on your incurs a Major Penalty (-4) on your
Take up the Inventory Slots from Attack roll. Attack roll when used, but does Curiosities,
Artifacts &
the largest of the two weapons. Secret Compartment +1 Heart of Damage on a Gadgets
 Coins = (Weapon Price + Custom successful hit.
The Extra Damage of the most
Other World
Ability Costs, if any) ÷2 (rounded up) A small gadget, or hidden cavity, can be
effective weapon. Whistling: Ammunition that makes Items
incorporated into the pommel, grip or
an ear-splitting scream when fired. Companions
◆◆ For example, a Master-Arc guard of a weapon.
DISGUISED Anyone in earshot must make a Vehicles
15 Combination Weapon would gain a successful Insight Check or be Property
+1 to Attack rolls (Master), be able A Secret Compartment allows Deafened ( p268) on their
The weapon appears like a walking stick,
to target two foes in the same area you to stow a small items like one next Turn.
jewelry, or other harmless item until
(Arc), require both hands to use dose of a consumable, a gem, or a
14 carefully inspected or used. Just like regular ammunition, these
without penalty (Arc), and take up 3 folded treasure map.
Inventory Slots (Arc). variants are expended after use.
Discerning this weapon’s real If you opt to add a gadget, it
If any Missile and Melee Weapon must be small enough to be
function requires a mistrustful  Coins = Ammo Price x2
Types are combined, you must incorporated into the weapon,
14 person to make a successful
choose which mode of attack you for example a compass on the
Insight Check.
are using for your Action (i.e Melee pommel of a cutlass.
or Missile).  Coins = Weapon Price +5
 Coins = Weapon Price +5

160 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 161
1. Rip Ring
Protective clothing is classified into four Light
Master + Dangerous CREATING A
Armor Types, which group together armor CHARACTER
Once set in motion by an
of a similar performance. For example, Armor that prioritizes speed CALLING
expert hand, this serrated
blade’s spinning action can leather rags and a courtier’s mail shirt over defensive performance, SPECIES
rip through even the offer a low protective value and are and covers only the most vital HOMELAND
toughest defenses. considered Light Armor. points on your body. & HISTORY

2. Gobbo Grinder 1 Each Armor Type has: TRAITS

Defense Bonus: +2
Standard + Dangerous QUIRK

+ Shoddy
Defense Bonus: The amount the Armor Max. Speed: Very Fast FINISHING
improves your Defense Rating. DETAILS
A weapon, cobbled together
in a rush from battlefield Max. Speed: This is the highest Speed 2 Slots •  30 Coins GEAR
scraps, that only the foolish Rating achievable while wearing CHARACTER
would trust in battle. the armor. RANK
3. Daicha Cane 2
Master + Disguised Combat Gear Allowance Robust armor that provides Paying
These subtle weapons are good protection without
carried by outlaw ronin who Your Calling and Species limit the Armor heavily compromising your

don’t want to attract Types you are able to use without penalty. freedom of movement. Weapon
undue attention.
Wearing restricted Armor means… Defense Bonus: +4
Armor Types
4. Spade Blade Shield Types
Might + Utility The Armor’s Max. Speed is Max. Speed: Fast
A favored weapon of the reduced by one step. Outfits

Knights of the Open Road, You suffer a Snag on Attack rolls. 3 Slots •  60 Coins Wearable
who clear away earth and rock
just as often as they
You suffer a Snag on all Might and Wayfinding

dispatch evildoers. Deftness rolls. Heavy

4 Illumination
5. Promethean Discus Thick, durable armor that Kits
Thrown + Disguised provides strong protection for Books
Often designed into an Naked most of your body, at the
elaborate belt buckle or breast expense of combat mobility.
plate decal. Their curved flight If you are un-armored, either Combustibles
path is used to great effect, nude or wearing regular & Chemicals

clothes, you are considered Defense Bonus: +6

with masters being able to get 5
the projectile to return to the naked in combat. Max. Speed: Average Curiosities,
mitt after a strike. Artifacts &

Defense Bonus: N/A 4 Slots •  120 Coins Gadgets

6. Trinity Rifle Other World
Large Mechanical Missile Max. Speed: Very Fast Items
+ Rapid Fire Superheavy
6 Companions
A three-barrelled gun beloved N/A Slots • N/A Coins
12 by beast hunters. A weighty protective shell that Vehicles

encases your entire body, but Property

7. Gunblade considerably restricts your Services
Small Mechanical Missile maximum speed.
+ Master Weapon
Nobles of Shard are
Defense Bonus: +8
particularly fond of the
Gunblade, a recreation of the Max. Speed: Slow
swords carried by the Magi-
Knights of Akenia. 5 Slots •  600 Coins

162 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 163

1. Murk Warden 7. Trophy Mail SPECIES
The protectors of the Monster hunters will turn
mysterious woodlands 3 their latest kill into armor,
fashion effective armor especially if it has a tough
from carved wood or colorful hide.
and vines. QUIRK
8. Yoroi Armor FINISHING
2. Bandit Leathers When war calls, the DETAILS
Assembled from the samurai of The Seven GEAR
scraps of superior work Holy Isles don this
won during raids. A 2 battle armor. RANK
bandit’s trade requires
swift and stealthy 9. Holy Knight Regalia
movement. Resplendent armor gifted
to the deserving. Fitted
3. Sol Skirmisher and decorated for each Carrying
This sparkling armor individual knight. Weapon
protects the essentials 11 Types
but allows its owner to Armor Types
showcase their
sinewy bodies. Shield Types

5 Specialist’s

4 10
4. Sky Pirate’s Garb Combustibles
& Chemicals
These often gaudy 10. Dreadnought Plate
uniforms adorn the The terrifying reputation Miscellaneous
privateers that terrorise 12 of the Warlords of
6 Curiosities,
the skies of the the Shadowed Lands Artifacts &
Twilight Meridian. comes partly from their
impenetrable armor. Other World
5. Guard Armor Items
Armor that is durable in 11. Hex Plate Companions
riotous situations, but This marvel of Vehicles
12 also light enough to give dwarven engineering
chase to troublemakers. is impervious to the Property

makeshift weaponry of Services

6. Junk Mail the New Ore’s infantry.
The Junkers of Stahlfeld
hammer suits together 12. Sol Elite’s Armor
from materials gathered The Grand Warriors of
in the salvage yard. Sols’ armor is both the
secret and symbol of
their invincibility.

164 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 165

Custom Armor Abilities Cargo Mechanical Motion

This armor has a built in storage space in A system of levers, pistons, gears, and
Occasionally armor is Integrated CREATING A
a chest or back cavity to protect valuable, chains allow this armor to move under its
forged with additional CHARACTER
or easily damaged, items. own power. Warriors pilot these oversized
functionality. This can This armor has a weapon or tool built into CALLING
suits rather than wear them.
range from power one of the arms. SPECIES
The armor provides you with an
assisted locomotion
additional 3 Inventory Slots.
to protection from Only available for Heavy and
A weapon or tool can be fitted to & HISTORY

extreme environments. Any stowed items are protected Superheavy Armor.

the armor’s right or left arm. TRAITS
from water, fire, and other Despite the usual size restriction,
Integrated items are limited to QUIRK
physical trauma. Small Species can use Heavy and
All Armor Types can be customised. those that you could use with one FINISHING
If the armor is destroyed, whatever Superheavy Armor without penalty
hand. For example, you cannot DETAILS
A suit of armor cannot have more is stored inside will fall out. if fitted with Mechanical Motion.
install a Large Mechanical Missile GEAR
than 1 Custom Ability, more would It takes an hour to adjust the armor
Weapon as it requires two hands CHARACTER
compromise defensive integrity.  Coins = Armor Price +15 to a pilot’s measurements. It will
to operate. RANK

Note that some Custom Abilities need to be adjusted again if a

Integrated weapons do not have
are restricted to certain different pilot wants to use it.
to be drawn, they are always ready Magnificent
Armor Types
to use. Mechanical Motion provides:
This armor is a work of art, either gilded, +2 to your Might Aptitude.
Using an integrated item does not covered in gems, or sculpted like a Weapon
require your hand to use, enabling fearsome beast. Supernatural Might ( p107). Types
you to carry an additional item. +1 to your Heart Total. Armor Types

This armor protects you from harmful ◆◆ For example, an integrated lantern This armor comes with a closed The ability to use combat gear as
Shield Types
gasses, magical radiation, or extreme will allow you to still carry a shield helmet that gives you an Aura of 12, if a Large Species. Outfits
environments. These suits are also and a sword. or 14 for more expensive versions. Wearable
hermetically sealed with systems that This armor requires routine Accessories
An integrated item does not grant You can use your armor’s Aura in maintenance or it will lock up.
purify the air and regulate temperature. you an additional Action and you Wayfinding
place of your own for Checks and
must choose to use the integrated ◆◆ Your GM will determine when
Contests where an impressive Illumination
You are immune to the Harmful item, if it normally requires an maintenance is required, usually
physical appearance is a factor. Specialist’s
Battlefield Condition ( p250) Action to use, or the item you are after five or so Fights or a long, Kits
and any other dangerous holding in your hand. Magnificent (Aura 12) arduous Journey. Books
environmental effects. ◆◆ Maintenance requires an evening
 Coins = Armor Price +25 Consumables
Also functions as Extreme Weather  Coins = Armor Price +50 and a single use of a Gadgeteer Combustibles
Clothing ( p172), protecting you Resplendent (Aura 14) Kit by someone with the & Chemicals

from both heat and cold. Gadgeteering Crafting Discipline. Miscellaneous

Spiked  Coins = Armor Price +50
Failure to do so will result in a Curiosities,
 Coins = Armor Price +100 The ostentatious spikes that cover this Snag on all actions attempted Artifacts &
while wearing the armor.
Armor are more than decoration. The Shadowed
wearer is harder to grab or swallow,
Other World
Buoyant This armor is engineered to avoid noisy  Coins = Armor Price x10
endearing it to titan hunters all over the
Outer World. movement, and colored to help it blend Companions
Fitted with inflatable air bags, this armor
into the shadows. Heavy duty protection Vehicles
6 prevents you from sinking in water.
need not come at the expense of stealth.
Any creature attempting to grab, Property

You are exempt from any Checks squeeze, swallow or otherwise Services

smash against you takes 1 Heart of This armor provides a Minor Bonus
or Contests your GM might require
1 Damage while doing so. (+2) when you are:
you to make attempting to stay
afloat when wearing the armor. Your Unarmed attacks now strike Making rolls to hide in shadow.
Deliberately trying to submerge like a Standard Weapon. Attempting Stealthy Movement
12 in the armor is problematic and ( p234).
requires a Might Check.  Coins = Armor Price +75 Attempting an Ambush ( p252).

 Coins = Armor Price +50  Coins = Armor Price +15

166 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 167
Shield Types

Shields come in many different shapes

1. Beast Killer Suit 1 You can Parry 1 Melee Attack CREATING A
and sizes, but their function is universal: CHARACTER
Medium Armor + Spiked
take the damage intended for the bearer. per Fight.
This intimidating armor
You may still use both hands when
is often created with the Each Shield Type has: SPECIES
carapace, talons, and bones
equipped with a Small Shield.
of the very beasts they are Defense Bonus: Like Armor, the Shield Defense Bonus: 0 & HISTORY
meant to help slay. improves your Defense Rating. TRAITS
1 Slot • 15 Coins
2. Grinning Asura Yoroi QUIRK

Heavy Armor + Magnificent If you are hit during combat, and FINISHING
Fashioned in the likeness you are armed with a Shield, you Standard Shields DETAILS

of Oni or murderous Asura, can choose to Parry the blow and GEAR
these suits are uniquely and avoid taking the Damage. The most common shields are CHARACTER
exquisitely crafted. 2 sturdy pieces of wood or metal RANK
You can Parry 1 hit per Fight.
that are held in place by a grip
3. Blight Nomad Armor The type of Attacks you can Parry or strap along their back side.
Light Armor + Anti-Hazard are limited by your Shield Type. Paying
These specialized suits are
A mundane Shield used to Parry a You can Parry 1 Melee or Missile Carrying
created and utilized by
those that wander the toxic Magical Ability or Attack, including Attack per Fight. This includes Weapon

ruins of the Mana Blight, blows from Imbued or Magitech spells or any special attacks that Types

hoping to unearth lost weapons, will shatter afterwards. require an Attack roll. Armor Types
secrets and treasure. You can only use 1 Shield at a time. Standard Shields require one hand Shield Types

You can only benefit from your to use, so they affect your ability to Outfits

Shield if you are prepared for an use two-handed weapons. Wearable

5 Accessories
incoming Attack, so a Shield Defense Bonus: +1
cannot be used if you are

Ambushed ( p252), meaning: 1 Slot • 25 Coins Illumination

4 You cannot Parry.

4. Chib Shell You cannot benefit from your Large Shields Books
Superheavy Armor Shield’s Defense Bonus.
Enormous bulwarks that are
+ Mechanical Motion
Meant to give the tiny Chib a large enough to obscure their Combustibles
& Chemicals
leg up against larger foes. bearer completely. Effective,
Combat Gear Allowance but large and difficult to carry. Miscellaneous
5. Omni-Maneuver Gear Curiosities,
Light Armor + Integrated Your Calling and Species limit the Shield Artifacts &
(Grappling Hook) Types you are able to use without penalty. You can Parry 1 Melee or Missile Gadgets

The Colossus Slayers of You can still wield a restricted shield but Attack per Fight. This includes Other World
6 spells or any special attacks that
Aiden employ armor that there are consequences. Items

incorporates a grapple wire, require an Attack roll. Companions

perfect for scaling walls or Large Shields require one hand to
Using a restricted Shield means… Vehicles
17 enormous monsters.
You can Parry and gain the Shield’s use, so they affect your ability to Property
6. Portian Shell Armor Defense Bonus, but cannot take use two-handed weapons. Services
Medium Armor + Buoyant another Action on your Turn. Your Speed Rating is reduced by
8 Made from the rainbow one step during a Fight.
shells of monstrous
crustaceans, this armor is a Defense Bonus: +2
staple of the Portian Small Shields
City Guard. 2 Slots • 35 Coins
13 Favored by fighters who want
to use both hands, Small
Shields are worn on your arm
rather than held.

168 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 169
CUSTOM Shield Abilities

While shields have a raw simplicity that Barricade CREATING A

makes innovation difficult, some craftsmen CHARACTER
still find a way to incorporate an extra trick. Immense bulwarks that can be propped CALLING
1. Chib Buckler 1 up and used as cover. Popular with SPECIES
These shields often have A Shield cannot have more than 1 wielders of ranged weapons with slow HOMELAND
endearing shapes, such Custom Ability. Any more would reload times. & HISTORY
as stylized animal faces, compromise its defensive integrity. TRAITS
hearts, or flowers.
Note that some Custom Abilities are Only available for Large Shields. QUIRK
2. Galvani Targe 2
restricted to certain Shield Types. Thanks to a kickstand, or other FINISHING
Disc shaped shields, stabilizing device, this Shield can DETAILS
favored by duelists and stand on its own. You can set it GEAR
other dual wielders. Assault down and take cover behind it. CHARACTER
These shields are spiked, have a sharp ◆◆ While behind cover:
edge, or are otherwise weaponized. The Shield will automatically
STANDARD SHIELDS Parry all Missile attacks directed Paying
Only available for Standard Shields. at you. Carrying
3. Wyrm Scale
During a Fight, at the beginning of You can make Missile attacks Weapon
The shields of the 3
Dragon Scions of
your Turn, you can choose to wield from behind the Shield and still Types

Taaga often bear their this shield as a Standard Weapon. benefit from its Defense Bonus. Armor Types

bloodline’s heraldry. 4 ◆◆ Doing so means: You cannot Parry Melee attacks. Shield Types

You will not benefit from the

4. Junker’s Bulwark You do not receive the Shield’s
Some of the old world Shield’s Defense Bonus on your Defense Bonus for Melee Attacks. Wearable
signs recovered from opponent’s next Turn. Setting down or picking up the
Stahlfeld are actually Wayfinding
You can still use it to Parry. Shield does not require an Action,
pretty sturdy. Illumination
If you miss, you can Attack with allowing you to Move and take
another held weapon as if Dual- Actions normally on your Turn. Kits
Wielding ( p254). Books
 Coins = Shield Price x20
 Coins = Shield Price +20
5. Errant Guard & Chemicals
Decorated shields Miscellaneous
carried by members of CUSTOM SHIELD EXAMPLES
knightly orders. Curiosities,
Artifacts &
6. Shining Chimalli 1. Spiked Shield
Other World
These large round 5 Standard Shield + Assault Items
shields bear the
Raiders are an aggressive
emblems of the Dawn Companions
lot. A shield that just
Orthodoxy. Vehicles
17 blocks is a wasted
offensive opportunity. Property
2. Dwarven Pavis
Large Shield + Barricade
Standard Old Iron army
1 issue, these shields are
thrust into the ground
to protect the infantry as
14 they reload their rifles.

170 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 171

Outfits Appealing Outfit Authoritative outfit

Clothes are for more These clothes make you look cute, A regal, or imposing, uniform that marks
Costume elegant, or sexy. you as someone of great standing.
than just covering your CHARACTER
modesty. They can While they won’t hold up under scrutiny, CALLING
be used to protect You gain a Minor Bonus (+2) on rolls You gain a Minor Bonus (+2) on rolls
Costumes allow you to imitate a member SPECIES
yourself from extreme to charm or convince someone. to intimidate or command others.
of a specific social class or profession. HOMELAND
environments, You suffer a Minor Penalty (+2) on You suffer a Minor Penalty (+2) on & HISTORY
influence crowds, or You gain a Minor Bonus (+2) on rolls rolls to intimidate someone. rolls to charm or comfort someone. TRAITS
bolster your self image. to keep from being recognized at a QUIRK
glance or within a crowded area. 2 Slots (carried) • 20 Stones 2 Slots (carried) • 20 Stones
An Outfit is a set of clothes that
A Costume can be worn over a DETAILS
provides special effects when worn.
Functional Outfit and torn away GEAR
Outfits do not take up Inventory with an Action, destroying it. Wearable Accessories CHARACTER
Slots when worn, only when they RANK
are being carried. 2 Slots (carried) • 15 Stones Armor and Outfits aren’t
the only wearable items
You can only wear one Outfit at a
an adventurer will find Small bags worn on the belt, intended for
time, unless otherwise stated.
Artisan’s outfit useful in the field. coins or other small items. Carrying
Outfits still work when worn with There are also goggles,
These outfits incorporate easy-access
Light or Medium Armor, but are masks, and practical Types
obscured by heavier armors. utility pockets or pouches. A Pouch can hold 100 units of
storage solutions. currency, or small items totalling no Armor Types
The appearance-based effects of more than 1 Slot. Shield Types
Outfits don’t work on anyone who This Outfit has pockets designed to
already knows the wearer. carry the contents of a Specialist’s Backpack Retrieving an object from a Pouch Outfits

Kit ( p176). The pockets allow you requires an Action. Wearable

Large, rugged bags that provide you with Accessories
immediate access to the Kit. You can wear 2 Pouches at once.
much needed extra storage. Wayfinding
Functional Outfit Kits still need replenishing after use.
1 Slot • 3 Stones
A Backpack increases your
These outfits are plain and practical. Outfit Only Specialist’s
Inventory capacity by 5 Slots. Kits
2 Slots (carried) • 8 Coins REBreather
Retrieving an object from a Pack Books
This Outfit does not provide any
takes 2 Actions (so 2 Turns). Consumables
bonuses or penalties when worn. Outfit + Specialist Kit of buyer’s choice These masks protect your lungs from
2 Slots (carried) • 58 Coins You cannot wear a Backpack and a water, gas, and other inhaled substances. Combustibles
& Chemicals
2 Slots (carried) • 5 Stones Traveller’s Bag at the same time.
Wearing a Rebreather makes you
Extreme Weather outfit 1 Slot • 5 Coins immune to Suffocation ( p271).
TAttered Outfit Artifacts &
Clothes that protect you from Outer World’s
These clothes are worn and scruffy, Traveller’s Bag 1 Slot • 15 Coins
harshest environments, like the frozen Other World
making you look irrelevant or desperate. wastes of the Shadowed Lands or the

You can’t buy a Tattered Outfit but can Shoulder bags that provide easy access
sweltering deserts of the Blazing Gardens. Blackout goggles
make one from salvaged scraps or rags. to their contents. Vehicles
This Outfit negates the effects of Goggles that block out the light. Property
You gain a Minor Bonus (+2) on rolls A Traveller’s Bag increases your
Harmful Areas ( p250) or Terrain Services
attempting to blend into a crowd, or Inventory capacity by 3 Slots. Blackout Goggles cancel the
( p225) that relate to either a hot
9 when trying to convince someone or cold environment. Retrieving an object from a Bag negative affects of the Species
you are not worth their time. requires an Action. Ability Under Dweller ( p99+101)
You suffer a Major Penalty (-4) Extreme Heat Outfit You cannot wear a Traveller’s Bag They negate the Battlefield
on rolls to convince someone to 2 Slots (carried) • 8 Coins and a Backpack at the same time. Condition Obscured ( p251) if
14 take you seriously, and can attract caused by blinding light.
negative attention in affluent areas. Extreme Cold Outfit 1 Slot • 3 Coins
2 Slots (carried) • 12 Coins 1 Slot • 2 Coins
1 Slots (carried) •  No Charge!

172 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 173

Wayfinding Illumination

While the basic The dark shelters unseen

geography of the Outer Regional Map dangers and, while Lumi-slime lantern CREATING A
World is widely known some species are
Commissioned by Guild Masters and A portable container for one of the CALLING
among scholars, better adapted to
Merchant Scions, these maps show the small, glowing oozes that populate the SPECIES
detailed information low light, many will
safest paths through one of the four great Buried Kingdoms. These Lanterns are
on specific regions is require the comfort HOMELAND
regions: Wistful Dark, Twilight Meridian, valued for their simple maintenance and & HISTORY
scant. Maps are rare of a lamp.
Blazing Gardens & Buried Kingdom. dependability. Available in a variety of TRAITS
and useful! colors, some even change hues. QUIRK
1 Slot • 20 Coins
If you have a Map of an area and a Illumination gear lights up an area FINISHING
up to 20 ft from the source, unless A quick tap of the container will DETAILS
Compass, you may act as a Guide rouse the Slime and, once agitated,
( p226) when on a Journey.
World Map otherwise stated. GEAR
it will change from a dull glow to a
These massive maps are the pet projects They negate the Battlefield CHARACTER
bright light in seconds. RANK
of old adventurers or great sages, and are Condition Obscured ( p251) if
caused by darkness. Lumi-Slimes must eat 1 Unit of
Local Map genuine works of art, featuring the whole
Rations ( p177) a week or they’ll
of the Outer World in loving detail. Paying
A map focused on a particular settlement, die. A regular handful of small
bugs or similarly sized chunks of
or adventure site, along with some of 2 Slots • 2 Gems Torch
its surrounding area. These maps often monster flesh will also work. Weapon
include detail larger maps cannot. These cheap and disposable light sources Over time, slimes can erode most
Compass Armor Types
come in many varieties. materials and must be kept in their
1/10 Slot • 5 Stones resistant container.
Shield Types
Simple devices that point towards the Sun
Torches burn continuously for 1
Machine. While anyone can tell you which If your Lumi-Slime escapes, or is set
Kingdom Map way is Dawnwards, this instrument gives hour once lit, After this they free, over time they will grow into a
you the precision required for navigation. are expended. Goop ( p382).
A detailed guide to a large area Needed to get any use out of a map!
It takes an Action to light a Torch.
containing several settlements, and other Lantern Only Illumination
important geographic details. 1 Slot • 20 Coins
1 Slot • 4 Stones 1 Slot • 8 Coins Specialist’s
1/10 Slot • 2 Coins Books
Lantern Lantern with Starter Slime
1 Slot • 20 Coins Combustibles
These hand-held devices burn oil and & Chemicals
other fuel for light. Common among the Miscellaneous
peasantry of the Wistful Dark.
Artifacts &
Lanterns burn for 4 hours on 1 Unit Gadgets

of Oil ( p178), but can be snuffed Other World

and relit to conserve fuel. Items

It takes an Action to light or Companions

6 extinguish a Lantern. Vehicles

1 Slot • 5 Coins Services

18 Local Map

Kingdom Map

Region Map
World Map

174 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 175

Specialist’s Kit CONSUMABLES

Surgeons and thieves Like everyone,

alike need access to the Physician’s Kit adventurers enjoy Treats CREATING A
tools of their trade. a hearty meal after Calorie-dense fruits and candies, helpful
For assisting the Injured. CALLING
Kits are collections a long day’s work. in negotiations with the ravenous. SPECIES
of implements and However, they are
materials that allow Dungeoneer’s Kit also partial to energy HOMELAND
Treats offered in Negotiations can & HISTORY
experts to conduct drinks and other
For disabling traps and picking locks. provide a Minor Bonus (+2). TRAITS
specialized tasks. performance-boosting
food stuffs. 1 Treat provides 1 day’s nutrition. QUIRK

Some Abilities require the use of a Alchemist’s Kit

1/10 Slot • 3 Stones DETAILS
Kit to be performed successfully. Portable Consumables prevent you
A single use of a Kit is expended For making simple concoctions on the go. from Starvation ( p271) when out

each time an Ability is attempted. on a Journey. Basic Potion


Kits can be used 10 times before MENDER’s Kit Some Consumables provide you
These elixirs provide a lift for those with
they need replenishment. with additional perks.
For basic repairs and alterations to armor flagging spirits. Paying
A Specialist Kit can only perform and clothing. Carrying
the function it was intended for. If imbibed during Combat, the
Rations potion restores 1 Heart.
New Kit Gadgeteer’s Kit
These traveller’s provisions vary from 1 Potion provides 1 day’s nutrition. Armor Types
2 Slots • 50 Coins region to region. In the Blazing Garden
For repairing and maintaining gadgets Shield Types
and other technology. they’ll include monster jerky but in the 1 Slot • 10 Coins
Replenishing a Kit Twilight Meridian it’ll be dried seaweeds.
N/A 25 Coins Accessories
Booster Cakes
1 Ration provides 1 day’s nutrition. Wayfinding
Magical pastries that enhance one of your Illumination
Books 1/10 Slot • 1 Stone Aptitudes for a limited time… but beware Specialist’s
the hangover. Kits
Knowledge is a powerful Beginner’s Tome (Insight 12)
weapon, and there is Hardy Rations Books
1 Slot • 6 Coins You gain a +2 bonus to an
much to gain for those
Simple foodstuffs intended for animal Aptitude, depending on the type
who enjoy a good Journeyman’s Tome (Insight 14) companions, but edible if desperate. of cake, for the first 24 hours.
& Chemicals
book. Remember, a
1 Slot • 12 Coins You suffer a -2 Penalty on the same
library is a treasure Miscellaneous
1 Hardy Ration provides 1 day’s Aptitude for the following 24 hours.
trove just as valuable as Curiosities,
Master’s Tome (Insight 16) nutrition for your Mount, or
Cakes offered in Negotiation can
Artifacts &
any jewel-house or chest.
2 Slots • 18 Coins Pack Beast. Gadgets
provide a Major Bonus (+4).
1 Hardy Ration can provide you Other World
1 Cake provides 1 day’s nutrition. Items
Tome Forgotten Lore (Insight 18) with 1 day’s nutrition, but yuck!
Large reference books and other bulky 2 Slots • 24 Coins 1/10 Slot • 15 Coins
11 1/10 Slot • 3 Stones Vehicles
collections of knowledge. Property
Translation Journal Services
Tomes contain knowledge of a
18 single subject area. For example, While everyone understands Low Speech,
The Colossal Creature Catalog or much is spoken in native tongues.
Understanding Akenian Architecture.
Your GM will answer any question You can attempt to communicate in
16 covered by the Tome’s subject area Journal’s featured language with a
on a successful Check against the successful Insight Check.
Tome’s Insight score. Baby Pudge Bun Bumbo Pellets Gobbo Pop Vitality Fizz Might Muffin
1 Slot • 20 Coins Ration Hardy Ration Treat Basic Potion Booster Cake

176 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 177


In Outer World, non- Not every single item

Grenade Oddities & Luxury Items
magical energy is
an adventurer might CHARACTER
stored in a variety Alchemists make these thrown explosives, want can be listed in Strange items that tend to serve either a CALLING
of forms to power effective for taking out small groups. Gear, so this section very specific purpose or none at all! You
lanterns and simple
contains guidance for won’t find these items for sale outside of a
machines. These pricing any unlisted wealthy center of commerce.
A Grenade can be thrown up to 1 & HISTORY
volatile substances can items you might wish to
Battlefield Area away.
also be weaponized! purchase. Examples: Spyglass, pocket watch, TRAITS

Anyone in the Battlefield Area where decorative pottery (2 Slots). QUIRK

the Grenade detonates is a target.
Oil/Fuel Discuss and agree with your GM 1-2 Slots (varies with item) • 16 Coins
Targets make a Deftness Check any desired item’s utility, size, price,
and availability.
Combustible fluids used to power simple Failure: They are Toppled ( p271)
machines or feed fires. and take 1 Heart of Damage. Trade Goods CHARACTER
Success: They are only Toppled. Barrels, sacks or crates of desirable goods
Some Gear requires Oil/Fuel to Adventuring Gear bundled up for bulk sale. Adventurers can
Fumble! If you get a 1 on your
function. take advantage of their migratory nature Paying
Attack roll, you drop the Grenade. These are tools intended for use in
In a Fight, dousing something with Now everyone in the same Area as and make a tidy profit transporting these Carrying
dangerous situations and are unlikely
Oil/Fuel and igniting will cause 1 you is a target for the Grenade. goods from one region to another. Weapon
to be purchased by ordinary folk. As a
Heart of Damage per Round. Types
result, they are expensive and will attract Examples: A bushel of star plums (Wistful
When a foe reaches 0 Hearts 1 Slot • 20 Coins attention if carried around openly.
Armor Types
Dark), a barrel of moss whiskey (Buried
they must roll on the Caustic/ Kingdom), a bolt of fine silk (Twilight
Shield Types

Burning Injury Table ( p267). Examples: Crowbar, grappling hook, Outfits

Bomb Meridian), a box of Sol tobacco
pitons, ten foot pole (2 Slots).
When a combustible object (Blazing Garden). Wearable
reaches 0 Hearts it is Sundered Slow to set off and indiscriminate, these 1-2 Slots (varies with item) • 8 Coins
( p263). powerful explosives are best kept for Unlike other items you carry, you

strategic demolitions rather than used will always find a buyer for your
Your GM may add the Harmful Common Rural Goods
during combat. Trade Goods at full price in any
Battlefield Area Condition ( p250)
to an Area set ablaze with Oil/Fuel. Practical items for those that live a simple place that can afford them.
In a Fight, Bombs take an Action to life. These can be easily obtained in small
Magical Materials are immune to A Trade Good’s value increases
set, and will detonate at the end of settlements and remote locales.
mundane fire damage. to 75 Coins when sold outside its
the next Round.
Home Region.

Bombs affect everything, structures Examples: Shovel (2 Slots), 30 ft of hemp & Chemicals
Container of 10 Units ◆◆ For example, you may purchase a
and individuals, up to 1 Battlefield rope, 10 Units of lard, bricks (2 Slots). Miscellaneous
1 Slot • 10 Coins bushel of Star Plums in the Wistful
Area (or 20 ft) away from the point 1-2 Slots (varies with item) • 8 Stones
Dark for 25 Coins, and sell it for 75 Artifacts &
of detonation.
Coins in the Blazing Garden. Gadgets
Solvent Bombs do 8 Hearts of Damage to Other World
Common Urban Goods
any objects classified as less than 3 Slots (varies with item) • 25 Coins Items
Acids and other caustic liquids.
Very Hard ( p263). This is roughly Useful tools and items required by those Companions
equivalent to blowing a man-sized who live in more populated areas. Can be Vehicles
3 1 Unit of Solvent will do 2 Hearts of chunk out of a wall.
Damage to any objects classified found in large settlements and ports. Property

as less than Very Hard ( p263). This Targets make a Deftness Check: Services
Examples: Umbrella, hammer, writing
is roughly equivalent to burning a Failure: They are Toppled ( p271) implements and paper products.
10 hole through floorboards. and take 8 Hearts of Damage.
1-2 Slots (varies with item) • 12 Stones
In a Fight, you can splash Solvent Success: They are only Toppled.
on an enemy with a successful Objects made from Magical
2 Attack roll. 1 Unit will cause a Materials are immune to Damage
Caustic/Burning Injury ( p267) inflicted by Bombs.
Container of 1 Unit 3 Slots • 45 Coins
1 Slot • 20 Coins
178 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 179

CURIOSITIES, Artifacts, & Gadgets Long Grabber Spell engine

These curious trinkets This gadget allows you to perform Spell Engines are a kind of magical
and devices are rare crude manual manipulation from a safe battery used to power large or powerful CHARACTER
and expensive. Fragments of the famed Star Shards, these distance. The Grabber is composed of Magitech devices. CALLING
Their unusual gems produce a soothing amber glow. a telescoping pole with a mechanical
properties make them Considered a holy item in the Kingdom of gauntlet affixed to one end and controls Spell Engines are constructed from
equally desirable Shard, they are often seen embedded in at the other. Magical Materials ( p288).
to adventurers and the jewellery and weaponry of the wealthy Charges: Spell Engines contain TRAITS
curators of oddities alike. and powerful. The Grabber enables you to grasp, Charges that are expended when
poke, or push an object up to 10 ft
operating powerful Magitech
A Gem functions like other items away, or 1 Battlefield Area. devices. The number of Charges
listed in Illumination Gear ( p175), The shaft of the Grabber can be required will depend on the GEAR
Holy Icons are objects that allow mortals except it does not require Fuel and extended and retracted rapidly, individual device.
to focus their faith to briefly repel cannot be extinguished. allowing you to yoink an object. Charging a Spell Engine: If you RANK
unearthly creatures. These can be holy A Gem radiates actual sunlight During a Fight, this requires have a Magical Ability, you can
symbols, but also items loaded with and is therefore able to drive away the use of your Action. redirect the mana you normally use
sentiment or meaning. For example, creatures susceptible to daylight or Precise tasks requiring fine motor to create the effect to charge the Paying
sacred prayer chains or a childhood toy. bright light. skills are not possible. However, Spell Engine: Carrying

A Gem can be used to charge your GM may allow you to perform Put your hands on the Engine Weapon
You can use your Action to boldly more difficult manoeuvres with a Types
solar powered Techno-Relics and and expend your Magical Ability.
present your Holy Icon in an Deftness Check. Armor Types
Magitech devices. The expended Ability has no
attempt to ward off Asura, Devas, Shield Types
Undead, Unshaped, or any creature While a Gem touches your skin 2 Slots (when collapsed) • 45 Coins effect other than to charge the
with 4 or more Bright or Dark you temporarily gain +1 Bright Spell Engine.
Allegiance Points. Allegiance Point. Expending 1 Standard Magical
Scanner Ability creates 1 Charge.
Requires an Aura Contest
1/10 Slot • 3 Gems Wayfinding

Success: The unearthly one These technical wonders are salvaged and Expending 1 Advanced Magical Illumination
cannot direct an Attack at you as repaired by collectors and researchers. Ability creates 2 Charges. Specialist’s
long as you continue presenting Shadow Stone They are small boxes featuring a crystal The expended Ability cannot be Kits

your Icon. display screen and are powered by used again for 24 hours. Books
These smooth, tear-shaped stones ambient mana, allowing for continual use.
Failure: They laugh at your are believed to be fossilised blood Small Spell Engines hold Consumables

pathetic gesture. You cannot droplets from the Dark Dragon of the 3rd 1 Charge. Combustibles
attempt to repel them again for When activated, this Techno- & Chemicals
Cataclysm. Those who carry these profane Large Spell Engines hold
24 hours. Relic enables you to discern the
relics are mistrusted. 2 Charges.
presence and general location of
Your GM may render an Icon any living creatures and sources of
Artifacts &
ineffective when held by someone When exposed, the Stone casts great energy (such as magic items, Small Spell Engine Gadgets
who does not believe strongly in darkness up to 20 ft from the powerful undead, or synthetic life) 1 Slot • 2 Gems Other World
what the Icon represents. source. A Battlefield Area the stone within 50 ft.
is in becomes Obscured ( p251). Large Spell Engine Companions
1 Slot • 75 Coins During a Fight, operating and
The Stone pushes actual sunlight reading the Scanner requires the 2 Slots • 4 Gems Vehicles
9 away and provides shelter to those use of your Action. Property
who cannot endure the daylight.
Scanners make a loud, distinctive
While a Stone touches your skin
beeping noise when in use, this
19 you temporarily gain +1 Dark
prevents Stealthy Movement
Allegiance Point.
( p234) while Exploring.

1/10 Slot • 5 Gems

4 1 Slot • 1 Gems

180 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 181


These objects once An adventurer’s life The Companion is abused, neglected

belonged to makes it difficult or consistently mistreated. CHARACTER
Dimensional Strays The Game Gal Advance, Peach Pod, and to develop loyal They are asked to do something CALLING
( p86) and have not Wildberry Tablet are popular Other World friendships. While you impossibly dangerous or suicidal. SPECIES
been manufactured devices intended for entertainment and can always depend
on Outer World. on your fellow They are asked to betray you in HOMELAND
communication. While you would assume
These alien devices are adventurers, there will exchange for something they & HISTORY
these gadgets would cease to function
extremely rare and never be times when you’ll deeply desire. TRAITS
across dimensions, this is not the case.
found for sale. need a little bit of extra help. QUIRK

Strangely, in Outer World these When your Companion’s loyalty is FINISHING

devices work indefinitely without questioned, they make a Grit Check
the need to charge. or, if you are present, you make an GEAR

These pointy-harm-sticks are not Companions are hired, or bought, to Aura Check to steady their resolve. CHARACTER
These Devices can all snap photos, RANK
dissimilar to the pistols already in use in record audio, and make odd serve you. There are four types: Success: Your Companion
Outer World, though these can fire shots sounds or tunes on demand. summons the required courage,
in rapid succession. Followers: Sapient companions, able
All Pocket Devices include a to use weapons and equipment. but may still grumble. Paying
version of the Akenia Adventure!! Pets: Small loyal animals that have Failure: Your Companion panics,
These pistols function as Small
videogame. The featured game useful abilities. flees, or refuses instruction. Weapon
Mechanical Missile Weapons Types
world’s similarities to Outer World If you have Recruited ( p275) or
( p158), with the following Mounts: Creatures intended to be
is uncanny, meaning it can be
Armor Types
differences… ridden long distances. have a Social Bond ( p279) with
referred to as a Beginner’s Tome your Companion you gain a Minor
Shield Types
Weapon Ability, Ammo Clip: for queries regarding the ancient Pack Beasts: Large creatures used to
Bonus (+2) on the Loyalty Check.
This firearm holds 10 bullets that ruins and creatures of Outer World. pull carts or carry the excess items you Wearable
can be discharged at a rate of one have accumulated. Accessories
per Turn, before requiring 1 Action 1 Slot • N/A Don’t overuse Loyalty Checks! Save Wayfinding
to Reload. Your Companions follow your
them for key moments when spirits Illumination
are well and truly tested. A trusted
Other World Sidearms begin with commands to the best of their ally won’t on turn on companion for Specialist’s
10 Other World Bullets, these Official ability. Unreasonable commands a handful of coins.

cannot be bought, but must be Wintenco

might trigger a Loyalty Check Books

manufactured by a Gadgeteer able

( p183) or be refused.
to craft Advanced Items ( p284). You can have a maximum of 2 Naming Companions Combustibles
& Chemicals
Companions at any time.
1 Slot • N/A Some Companions may not have an Miscellaneous
identity when your GM introduces them, Curiosities,
Things can get out of control if you simply being the local Scholar or the Artifacts &
allow more than 2 Companions for tag-along Scamp. Give them a name, and
each PC, but it’s up to you.
perhaps a backstory and persona. When Other World
While Companions are directed you invest in them like this, they seem to
by the PC they accompany, you survive longer. Companions

are encouraged to provide them Vehicles

3 a voice when required. Give them
Unnamed Companions perish Property
personality and stick up for them
OFFICE KNIGHT CO. Wintenco when they suffer abuse. when they run out of Hearts but Services
named Companions roll on the
16 Injury/Damage Table ( p261).
Loyalty CHECKS

Whenever your GM feels a Companion Training Companions

may be compelled to retreat, rebel, or
otherwise abandon you they must make a While in your service you can attempt to
Loyalty Check. Examples include: teach your Companions new tricks and
techniques during Downtime ( p277).

182 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 183

Followers Scamp Scholar

Followers demand a fee for their services, Youthful sidekicks Scholars are ordinary
whether they’re a lowly street rat or a who rely on pluck folk with an unhealthy CHARACTER
capable sellsword. While in your service you can attempt and enthusiasm to interest in a useful CALLING
to Recruit your Companions during compensate for a lack skill or area of
Each type of Follower has different Downtime ( p275). This means your of experience. There’s knowledge. They are

Aptitudes, Combat Stats, Abilities, and contracted Follower becomes a loyal no shortage of bored, usually motivated by HOMELAND
Gear. They also have differences in: retainer, you no longer have a purely naive, or desperate boredom, greed,
youth in Outer World. or curiosity.
Services: These are the tasks the Follower contractual relationship.
is prepared to undertake for a fee. FINISHING
Game Master Characters with Ranks 6 MIGHT +0 2 6 MIGHT +0 2 DETAILS
Recruitment: These are considerations can’t be hired like Followers can, 7 DEFT ATTACK HEARTS 6 DEFT ATTACK HEARTS
that might affect your chances of they must be Negotiated with GEAR

( p238) or Recruited ( p275). 6 GRIT 6 GRIT

successful Recruitment ( p275). CHARACTER
6 INSIGHT 10 Average 7 INSIGHT 10 Average RANK


Start with the Follower’s listed Follower Abilities Follower Abilities

base Aptitudes, Combat Stats, and Carrying
Abilities, then: Impish: All Scamps have the Young Specialist Subject: Scholars have a
Quirk ( p139). Purview pertaining to a single area
Add a Trait: Choose or roll on of knowledge. For example, the

the Positive Trait Table ( p131). Native Human? Choose an Armor Types
additional Standard Elective Ability history of ancient Akenia.
Determine their Species: from either the Sneak ( 17) or They also have a Language ( p109)
Shield Types

Choose or roll on the Species Raider ( p35). related to this knowledge.


Table ( p80). Wearable

Researcher: Scholars can perform Accessories
◆◆ Native Humans, because of their Gear
Research ( p276) on your behalf. Wayfinding
Prodigy Ability, can choose a Tattered Outfit ( p172).
Standard Elective Ability from Native Human? Choose an Illumination
Standard Weapon with the Shoddy additional Standard Elective Ability
those listed in the Follower type. Specialist’s
Ability ( p152 + 161). from either the Factotum ( p17) or Kits
◆◆ Other Species gain their Innate Sage ( p60). Books
Species Abilities. Services
Followers gained during character Scamps will help you with simple Gear Combustibles
creation count as Recruited. tasks. For example, running Functional Outfit ( p172). & Chemicals
errands, eavesdropping or holding
Traveller’s Bag ( p173). Miscellaneous
your torch. Curiosities,
Scholars with a Crafting Discipline Artifacts &
Recruitment also have a Specialist Toolkit Gadgets

You gain a Minor Bonus (+2) if you ( p176) or access to a Other World

have been generous, paternal, or Workshop ( p200). Items

protective towards your Scamp. Companions

Services Vehicles
11 Scholars will provide you with
10 Stones per day (a treat or trinket) Property
facts and information about their Services
Specialist Subject.
You gain a Minor Bonus (+2) if
you have a Calling or Origin that
18 appeals to the Scholar.

5 Coins per day

184 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 185

GUIDE Custrel Animal Companions

These folk have Combat-ready assistants Beasts make steadfast allies, and are CREATING A
travelled further from and squires. Custrels often easier to manage than those needy, Defense: If an Attack targets you, CHARACTER
home than most specialize in acting grumbling Followers. use your Defense Rating. If your CALLING
would consider safe. as seconds or Mount is being targeted, use their
They are able to bodyguards in battle, There are 3 types of Animal Companion: Defense Rating.

guide anyone who as well as taking care HOMELAND

Pets: Small, domesticated creatures Attack: You can use your Mount’s & HISTORY
wants to venture of little things for their Attack or Abilities when riding but
that can even serve as Mounts for
beyond the city walls. ward or master.
the smallest folk. must sacrifice your own Actions for QUIRK
Mounts: Large, swift animals that the Turn to direct the beast.
6 MIGHT +0 2 7 MIGHT +1 2 get you from place to place Battle Ready: Creatures trained for DETAILS
6 DEFT ATTACK HEARTS 6 DEFT ATTACK HEARTS more quickly. mounted combat can thrash and GEAR
7 GRIT 6 GRIT strike in harmony with their master.
Pack Beasts: Big brutes for carrying CHARACTER
6 INSIGHT 10 Average 6 INSIGHT 10 Average When riding Battle-Ready Mounts RANK
heavy burdens or the larger folk.
6 AURA DEFENSE SPEED 6 AURA DEFENSE SPEED you benefit from an Attack Assist
Animals are purchased and not hired, or ( p256).
Recruited, like Followers. They are sold Paying
Follower Abilities Follower Abilities
(mostly) tame with an appropriate harness, Carrying
Wayfarer: These folk can act as Weapon Proficiency: Custrels can saddle or collar.
Guides ( p226) in the Region they use Light Armor and two other ANIMAL INVENTORY Weapon
are hired in. For example, the pieces of uncustomized combat While animals can’t use your gear, they Armor Types
Wistful Dark or Blazing Gardens. gear of their choice. Journeying with Animals
can certainly carry it. Shield Types
◆◆ Once Recruited, Guides can lead ◆◆ They will not be proficient in Travelling with Animals can be beneficial, Outfits
in new Regions if they spend one gear which would incur a penalty but they also have needs that must be Inventory Slots: An animal’s Wearable
session of Downtime scouting. because of their Species Size’s taken into account when on a Journey. Inventory capacity is determined Accessories
Native Human? Guides can choose Combat Gear Allowance. by their size, and Slots are filled up Wayfinding
an additional Standard Elective Native Human? Custrels can Rest: When on a Journey, animals in the same way as for a PC. Illumination
Ability from either the Factotum choose a Standard Elective Ability need to Camp ( p229), or risk ◆◆ Some Animals require a harness Specialist’s
( p17) or Raider ( p35). from the Champion ( p29) or Starvation and Fatigue like any and packs to carry Gear, some can Kits
Battle Princess ( p42). other character. carry items in their mouths or claws. Books
Grazing: Some Animals can hunt, ◆◆ Retrieving an item from an animal’s
Extreme Weather Outfit ( p172). or forage, their own day’s Rations Harness takes 1 Action. Combustibles
Traveller’s Bag ( p173). Appealing or Authoritative Outfit when Camping ( p229) in a & Chemicals
( p173). Riders: The number of Slots a rider,
Guides with a Crafting Discipline suitable environment.
and all their personal Gear, takes Miscellaneous

also have a Specialist Toolkit Light Armor ( p163). Riding Animals: Riding an animal up is simplified to a single number Curiosities,

( p176) or access to a Any 2 pieces of combat gear, doubles the distance you can travel based on their Species Size:
Artifacts &
Workshop ( p200). which they are proficient in. in one day when on a Journey (
Small Species: 6 Slots. Other World
p222). When Rushing, you avoid the Items
Services Services effects of Fatigue but the animal Medium Species: 8 Slots.
Guides will escort you to and from Custrels will fight alongside, or does not. Large Species: 10 Slots.
6 a location within the Region they protect you, when exploring Characters with the Girthsome Property
are familiar with. dangerous places. Quirk take up an extra Slot.
Fighting WITH Animals An Overburdened rider will
Recruitment Recruitment
18 Animals can provide assistance when you Overburden their Mount ( p270).
You gain a Minor Bonus (+2) if You gain a Minor Bonus (+2) if
you have a Calling or Origin that you have a Calling or Origin that get into a Fight.
appeals to the Guide. appeals to the Custrel.
11 Mounted Combat
5 Coins per day 8 Coins per day
Movement: Use your Mount’s Animals, or unintelligent monsters, found
Speed and Abilities when taking in the wild must be Tamed ( p277) during
your Move ( p253). Downtime before they can be used as
a Companion.
186 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 187

Pets Pudge Grub Fuzzcoil

Animals are domesticated for both About the size and These hairy, serpentine
companionship and protection. For weight of a ripe creatures wrap CHARACTER
adventurers they are invaluable allies. Named after the curious watermelon, these themselves around CALLING
humming sound they bright, doughy their owners, keeping
make, these large, creatures waddle out of sight up
scuttling insects have harmlessly all over sleeves or inside HOMELAND
chitinous armor and Outer World. They tunics. Their venom can
These furry canines are TRAITS
a nasty nip. Vicious are easy prey but survive be milked, diluted, and
popular pets among
but loyal, Buzzers are through frequent asexual division. Most then sold as an anti-aging remedy. While QUIRK
common folk, but also
popular with bandits and commonly used as low maintenance this odd elixir does tighten the skin, the FINISHING
the mount of choice DETAILS
nomads due to their hardy nature. livestock, they also have practical uses effect is only temporary.
for the tiny warrior.
for Adventurers. GEAR
Selective breeding CHARACTER
has resulted in some 7 MIGHT +1 2 5 MIGHT +1 2 RANK
distinct breeds but all are 7 DEFT ATTACK HEARTS
uniformly fierce with a 7 GRIT
keen sense of smell. 3 3 GRIT 5 INSIGHT 13 Fast
INSIGHT 15* Average
7 DEFT ATTACK HEARTS Animal Abilities Animal Abilities
7 GRIT Animal Abilities Wearable: The animal will wrap
Armor Types
Buzz Off: When they, or their Shield Types
7 INSIGHT 14* Fast owner, are under attack, Buzzers Directable Decoy: If urged in one around a part of your body and
4 AURA DEFENSE SPEED can raise the pitch of their hum to direction, Pudge Grubs will trundle remain there unless forced or Outfits

an unpleasant level. The Battlefield away until prompted to stop or go ordered off. Easily mistaken for a Wearable
Animal Abilities Area they occupy becomes in another direction, much like a harmless pelt by casual observers.
Obscured ( p251), unless your ears clockwork toy. Venom: Anyone bitten must make
Tracking: Growls grant you an Illumination
Edge on tracking or detecting are protected. Delicious Decoy: Their sweet smell a successful Grit Check or become
quarry with a particular scent. Exoskeleton: Their tough shell and succulent appearance make Disoriented ( p269) for 4 Turns. Specialist’s
boosts their Defense by +4*. Pudge Grubs irresistible to bestial ◆◆ Once poisoned, the afflicted
Super Sense: They growl and snarl Books
predators, who must make a Grit cannot be affected by Fuzzcoil
if someone unfamiliar close by is Grazing: They require an Check to avoid stalking them. venom for another 24 hours.
using magic of some kind, even if environment that contains vermin Combustibles
not visible or obvious. or other small creatures to Graze. Squashy Defense: All crushing or & Chemicals
squashing Attacks, such as fists or Inventory Slots
Inventory Slots Inventory Slots clubs, do 1 less Heart of Damage. 1 Slot in their mouth, or coiled in Curiosities,
6 Slots with a harness. 6 Slots with a harness. Edible: If butchered they provide 3 their tail. Artifacts &
Units of Hardy Rations ( p177).
Can be Mounts for Small Species. Can be Mounts for Small Species. Fighting Other World
Grazing: They require an
Strike like a Concealed Weapon
Fighting Fighting environment of lush grass, fungus,
( p152) and can make a Sneaky Companions
Claws and fangs strike like a Quick Mandibles strike like a Standard or moss to Graze.
Swipe at a target, if worn or hidden. Vehicles
4 Weapon ( p153), providing a +1 Weapon ( p152).
Inventory Slots A successful hit is also venomous… Property
Defense Bonus during a Fight*.
When mounted, Growls are Battle 75 Coins 6 Slots with a harness. Services
100 Coins
Ready ( p187). Can be really, really, slow Mounts
for Small Species. The distance you
75 Coins can cover in one day is halved!

11 Fighting

20 Coins

188 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 189

Skree Purr Mounts

An umbrella term for Small, capricious feline Trained creatures that allow you to rest on Mokko-Do CREATING A
small flying creatures, creatures that are, at your travels, and maybe lend you some CHARACTER
covering birds, bats, best, casually attached extra weight during a fight. These fluffy, flightless CALLING
and moth-like species. to their owners. While birds are much SPECIES
Quick and intelligent, they avoid a fight quicker than they
Skree can be trained when possible, their Jumbug
appear. Their speed
to be aerial scouts and sly interventions can and reliability has
Giant insectoids with TRAITS
messengers. be useful. Most Purrs are made them one of
powerful hind legs
covered in colorful fur, though hairless the most common
that rocket them
4 MIGHT +1 2 and scaled breeds exist. mounts on Outer World.
forwards. Notoriously DETAILS
7 DEFT ATTACK HEARTS dangerous to ride, This popularity has also inspired best- GEAR
4 GRIT 4 MIGHT +0 2 these beasts’ unusual of-breed shows, races and other novelty
7 Fast* 8 DEFT ATTACK HEARTS propulsion method events capable of drawing large crowds.
4 GRIT them helps traverse the Pedigree specimens, with rich or attractive
8 most tortuous terrain. Jumbugs are also plumage, will cost twice the market price.
INSIGHT 11 Average
Animal Abilities 4 AURA DEFENSE SPEED famed for the soft chirping sounds they Paying

make while settling down, soothing for 8 MIGHT +0 3

Fast flyer: When in flight, a Skree both owner and beast.
is Fast*. When grounded, its speed Animal Abilities 8 DEFT ATTACK HEARTS
is reduced to Average and its Slinky: Nimble and acrobatic, Purrs 5 GRIT
Armor Types
Defense Rating drops to 11. have an Edge on all rolls involving 9 MIGHT +0 3 5 INSIGHT 11 Fast
Shield Types
Messenger: Skrees can carry climbing, getting to high places, DEFT ATTACK HEARTS 5 AURA DEFENSE SPEED
messages, or small items, to a and landing safely. 4 GRIT
location or character that they are Occasional Obedience: Purrs 4 INSIGHT 15* Fast Mount Abilities
familiar with. They will eventually are able to understand simple 4 AURA DEFENSE SPEED
Useful Beak: The Mokko-Do’s beak, Wayfinding
wing their way back to you. commands like “Knock that over” while unsuitable for combat, is Illumination
Sky Scout: On a Journey, your or “Catch that”, but sometimes they Mount Abilities precise enough to grab and hold
Skree can act as a Scout ( p228) simply don’t feel like doing it. You Exoskeleton: Their tough shell onto most items that a human
with the following differences: must make a successful Aura Check boosts their Defense Rating by +4* could, though using most of them Books
to instruct your Purr. is still beyond the creature.
They get an Edge on their Boing: The Jumbug is capable of Consumables
Stealth roll, as they are small and ◆◆ Once per session, your GM Supernatural Leaping ( p107). Any Mokko-yolk: When Camping on Combustibles
airborne. If detected, observers can direct your Purr to act jumps attempted during a Fight, or a Journey, females can produce & Chemicals
still might not think anything of it. independently, this might prove similarly tense situation, require the an egg a day, equivalent to 1 Miscellaneous
costly or useful. You must make an rider to make a Deftness or Might Ration, providing the animal is not
They cannot relay precise Aura Check to stop them.
information, only indicate if the Check to avoid falling off and suffering from Starvation ( p271). Artifacts &
Grazing: They require an area
way ahead has: a serious threat, being Toppled ( p271). Grazing: They require an
a potential threat, or no threat. containing small mammals or Grazing: They require an environment with lots of grass or
Other World
vermin to Graze. environment with plentiful flora or coarse flora to Graze.
Grazing: They require an open area Companions
populated by tiny vermin to Graze. fungus to Graze. Inventory Slots
Inventory Slots Vehicles
Purrs refuse to wear a harness or Inventory Slots 12 Slots with a harness.
Inventory Slots Property
be used as a Mount. However, they 12 Slots with a harness. Services
1 Slot in Talons, or Beak. can snatch and carry small items in Fighting
8 their teeth. Fighting Talons strike as Standard Weapons.
Skrees cannot damage targets Fighting Mandibles strike as a
150 Coins
larger than themselves, but they Standard Weapon.
Purrs cannot damage targets larger
16 can flutter and harry your foes, than themselves, but they can
providing an Attack Assist ( p256). 200 Coins
perform Combat Tricks ( p256).
100 Coins 75 Coins

190 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 191

Rokko-Do Largzard Pack Beasts

The larger and more These irrepressible While other creatures can help you carry Grubbish CREATING A
fearsome cousin of lizards are admired things, Pack Beasts are bred for it. Not CHARACTER
the Mokko-Do. These for their ferocity in built for speed, just sturdy and resilient. Enormous, multi-legged CALLING
creatures are difficult battle, less so for and bulbous; Grubbish SPECIES
to train and prone to their servility. The are awkward but
bluster, but ultimately high price reflects the Shaggy Bumpo
stable beasts. Having
fierce and loyal mounts difficult and dangerous originated in the
These humongous bovids TRAITS
once tamed. Rumors of process of training them. Mana Wastes, these
have a fluffy, charming
the flying Black Rokko-do persist despite The legendary flame-breathing Crimson creatures are extremely
appearance that
no recorded sighting for hundreds of Largzard has never been caught, let alone resilient, and this has
belies their rugged DETAILS
years. Highly valued steeds among tamed. Used by immense warriors too made them popular with travellers and
frame. Their strength,
noble warriors. bulky for standard Mounts. traders that operate in inhospitable
coupled with a CHARACTER
compliant nature, make locations. Most Grubbish have a simple, RANK
9 MIGHT +2 4 10 MIGHT +3 5 them perfect beasts of mask-like face, but some rare specimens
9 DEFT ATTACK HEARTS 10 DEFT ATTACK HEARTS burden. The Bumpo is a paternal animal, look unnervingly human.
9 GRIT 10 GRIT and will ‘adopt’ unattached youths, which Paying

5 INSIGHT 11 Fast 4 INSIGHT 15* Average they will then vigorously defend. 10 MIGHT +0 3 Carrying

10 MIGHT +0 4 10 GRIT
Mount Abilities Mount Abilities 3 DEFT ATTACK HEARTS 4 INSIGHT 9 Average
Armor Types

Shield Types
One Master: Rokko-Do will Ravenous: These creatures must 10 GRIT AURA DEFENSE SPEED
become extremely attached to you consume 2 Units of Rations a day. 3 INSIGHT 9 Average

if you treat them well. Failure to do so will prompt the 3 AURA DEFENSE SPEED Pack Beast Abilities Wearable
An Aura Check is required to Largzard to attack and kill for food, Will-less: They are rather dull
coax them into allowing another usually targeting your smaller Pack Beast Abilities creatures, and will obey their owner

person to mount them. companions first. without question. Grubbish never

Shaggy: A Bumpo may be shorn
They will refuse to leave you Scutes: Their thick scales provide once a year, providing 2 Units of need to make Loyalty Checks.
behind if you fall in battle, either fortification, boosting their Defense Bumpo Wool (Trade Goods). Their Iron Guts: Grubbish can eat Books
dragging your body to safety or Rating by +6* but making them fleece is a great raw material for spoiled or even poisonous food.
standing over you to ward off less nimble than other mounts. crafting Cold Weather Outfits
Filth dweller: Grubbish are Combustibles
attackers until help arrives. Blood Lust: Directing these violent ( p172).
immune to being Putrefied & Chemicals

Fearlessly Loyal: Rokko-Dos creatures away from a Fight Bumpo Cream: Females can be ( 270), as well as any ill effects Miscellaneous
automatically pass Loyalty Checks requires a successful Aura Check. milked once a day to produce 2 from ingested toxic materials. Curiosities,
( p183).
Failure means they enter the fray, Ration’s worth of cream, providing Artifacts &
often carrying you with them. Grazing: They can Graze anywhere
the animal is not suffering from
there is something organic to eat.
Inventory Slots Starvation ( p271). Other World
Inventory Slots Items
12 Slots with a harness. Grazing: They require an Inventory Slots
16 Slots with a harness. Companions
environment with lots of grass or 20 Slots with harness.
Fighting coarse flora to Graze.
15 Fighting
Beak and Talons strike as Standard Fighting Property

Weapons. Bite strikes as a Mighty Weapon. Inventory Slots Services

Feelers strike as if Unarmed.
Rokko-Dos are Battle Ready Tail strikes as an Arc Weapon. 20 Slots with harness.
2 Largzards are Battle Ready 435 Coins
( p187).
( p187). Fighting
275 Coins Hooves and Horns strike as
15 500 Coins if Unarmed, a gentle giant.

400 Coins

192 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 193





Scamp Scholar Guide Custrel Mokko-Do

Follower Follower Follower Follower Mount
( p185) ( p185) ( p186) ( p186) ( p191) Rokko-Do Jumbug Paying
Mount Mount Carrying
( p192) ( p191)

Armor Types
Shield Types
Purr Skree Fuzzcoil Buzzer Pudge Grub
Pet Pet Pet Pet Pet
( p190) ( p190) ( p189) ( p188) ( p189) Illumination

Mount Consumables
( p192) Combustibles
& Chemicals

Artifacts &

Other World
Growl Items
( p188)


Shaggy Bumpo Grubbish
Pack Beast Pack Beast
( p193) ( p193)

194 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 195

Vehicles Coracle Traversable Terrain: If Trailblazing

( p226) you are slowed to foot
Mounts won’t be able to Single person boats used for fishing. speed.
traverse some of Outer Driving lessons: Your GM will Easily carried, but not for open waters.
Journey Time: If pulled by a PC
World’s most hostile decide if large, or sophisticated,
terrain, or cover large Vehicles need a session of the distance covered in one day is CALLING
Vehicle Use
tracks of land or sea Downtime to master. Piloting same as if travelling by foot. SPECIES

without any training will incur a Crewing: 1 pilot.

without pause. For HOMELAND

Major Penalty (-4) on piloting rolls. Fuel: PC-powered Inventory Slots & HISTORY
these occasions you’ll
require a Vehicle. Traversable Terrain: Waterways 80 Slots. TRAITS

and other calm waters, such as QUIRK

lakes, rivers, or stretches 1 Gem

Crewing: To control a Vehicle of coastline.
Fights can take place on, against, and GEAR
without penalty, you need the Breeze Rider
between Vehicles. Inventory Slots CHARACTER
stated number of personnel. RANK
10 Slots. These difficult to master gliders are rare
Fuel: Each Vehicle requires energy to Vehicle Combat treasures coveted by adventurers and
move. This could come from your 2 Slots (when carried) • 80 Stones collectors alike. Their Sky Steel frames
direct physical effort, harnessing Battlefield: Vehicles can be Paying
described as a Battlefield ( p248) make them super light, and while they
an abundant natural resource, or are too cumbersome to carry, they can be

using a Fuel or a Spell Engine. during a Fight. Your GM will divide VELOCIPEDE
a Vehicle into specific Battlefield pulled along like a kite with a little effort. Weapon
◆◆ Unless the vehicle is PC-powered, Areas and apply any appropriate Single person, pedal-powered machines
you avoid Fatigue if you Rush
Armor Types
Area Conditions. used for speedily getting around urban Vehicle Use
( p229) on a Journey. Shield Types
◆◆ For example, the cockpit of a area. Popular with Post Paw couriers. Crewing: 1 pilot.
Traversable Terrain: This describes Walker ( p198) might be 1 Area Fuel: Thermal winds.
the environments the Vehicle is that is Sheltered and Cramped Vehicle Use

designed to operate in. Traversable Terrain: Any Terrain. Accessories

and the Walker’s limbs might be Crewing: 1 pilot.
Take-off requires a running start.
Journey Time: Unless otherwise represented by another
Fuel: PC-powered Illumination
stated, a Vehicle doubles the Battlefield Area.
Traversable Terrain: Designed to Manoeuvring Specialist’s
distance you can travel in one day, Damaging Vehicles: Attempting to Kits
when on a Journey ( p222). travel along Roads, you are slowed Landing requires a Deftness Check.
damage a vehicle is covered by the
to foot speed on other types of Making a difficult manoeuvre, such
Sundering rules ( p263).
Inventory Slots land Routes. as flying through a crowded space,
◆◆ For example, a Walker’s cockpit is
Vehicles are subject to the same or stabilizing the Breeze Rider after
made of metal (Very Hard) would Inventory Slots & Chemicals
rules as Animals when carrying being hit, requires the driver to
have a Defense Rating of 18, and 10 Slots. Miscellaneous
Gear ( p187), except Vehicles will make a Deftness Check.
is roughly the size of a cart so it
not move if Overburdened. Failing a Deftness roll to land or
would have 12 Hearts. 3 Slots (when carried) • 45 Coins
Artifacts &
manoeuvre results in a crash and Gadgets
◆◆ Your GM might rule that some craft
the rider suffers a Falling/Impact Other World
are too large to destroy completely
PILOTING VEHICLES Cart Injury ( p267). Items
with normal Attacks. Companions
Vehicles come in a huge variety of shapes Speed Rating: Your GM will decide A small, typically one-beast, cart Inventory Slots Vehicles
18 and sizes, each designed for a very on a Speed Rating for any Vehicle employed by merchants, farmers Breeze Riders can carry a Small, Property
specific purpose. when engaged in a Fight. and nomads. Medium, or Large pilot as long as Services
Battle Manoeuvres : During a they are not Overburdened.
Standard operation requires no Fight, changing the direction or Vehicle Use
11 An additional passenger can hang
Checks but your GM will decide if speed of a Vehicle requires the Crewing: 1 driver. onto the glider, but piloting rolls
a difficult, or delicate, manoeuvre entire crew to use their Action. Fuel: A Cart needs to be tethered suffer a Snag.
requires the pilot to make a
to a Pack Beast ,Mount, or a PC Pets can ride along without
15 Deftness Check.
with Supernatural Might! inflicting this penalty on the pilot.
Piloting rolls suffers a Snag if you
◆◆ Carts can be chained together in a
don’t have the required crew.
train but require one beast per cart. 2 Slots (when pulled) • 3 Gems

196 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 197
Skimmer Vehicle Use
These versatile craft float just above the Crewing: 1 pilot and 1 assistants.
ground, making travel across challenging Fuel: Sails harness the wind. CHARACTER
terrain much faster. Traversable Terrain: Any. CALLING
Vehicle Use Inventory Slots
Crewing: 1 pilot. 50 Slots. & HISTORY

Fuel: Skimmers include a Large TRAITS

Spell Engine. 1 Charge powers the 12 Gems Coracle Velocipede Cart Breeze Rider QUIRK
Taagan Tub Paw Post Pushbike Traveller’s Wagon Wind Wing
vessel for three days. ( p197) ( p197) ( p197) ( p197) FINISHING
Traversable Terrain: They glide Walker
across land and sea, and are not GEAR

slowed by Difficult Terrain. The first walkers were created by Goblin CHARACTER
engineers who wanted a means of RANK

Inventory Slots tirelessly traversing the undulating tunnels

of the Buried Kingdoms. The pilot, and
35 Slots.
any passengers, sit inside a metal cockpit Paying

which controls its multiple mechanical Carrying

8 Gems
limbs. Walkers are not nimble, but their Weapon
long strides allow them to easily move Skimmer

Felucca over terrain that would normally slow you Gleysian Sky Platform Armor Types
down, like a swamp or rocky landscape. ( p198) Shield Types
This small sailing vessel, employed
around the Twilight Meridian, has become Vehicle Use
popular among adventurers as it only Wearable

requires a relatively small crew. Crewing: 1 pilot. Accessories

Fuel: Walkers include a Large
Vehicle Use Spell Engine. 1 Charge powers the Illumination

machine for one day. Cloud Breaker Specialist’s

Crewing: 1 pilot and 2 assistants. Portian Clipper Kits
Traversable Terrain: Any
Fuel: Sails harness the wind, but ( p198) Books
overland terrain.
emergency oars require PC-power. Consumables
◆◆ Walkers are not slowed by Difficult
Traversable Terrain: Open seas. Combustibles
Terrain ( p225), as their long legs & Chemicals

Inventory Slots negate uneven surfaces. Miscellaneous

80 Slots. Inventory Slots

Artifacts &

6 Gems 25 Slots. Gadgets

Other World
6 Gems Items

Cloud Breaker Companions

8 These small sky ships are used by Walker
the wealthy for island hopping in the Gobbo Ambulator Property

( p198) Services
Galvanus Archipelago. The vessel’s hull is
constructed from Sky Steel or Floatstone,
which keeps the craft perpetually aloft as
well as magically resistant to wear and
tear. Cloud Breakers come with exquisitely
4 decorated anchors which bear the mark
of their constructors yard. For locomotion,
sky sailors harness the winds in the same
Galvanus Trader
way as their marine cousins. ( p198)

198 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 199

Property Services

Most folk rent or Spend a night in a comfy

have mortgage TownHouse bed, send a parcel Workshops can be rented for a CREATING A
Downtime Crafting session or a
agreements with back home, or even
their communities Boasting 4-6 rooms, and occasionally a board an airship to single Repair. CALLING

or local landowners. basement or second floor, townhouses the other side of Materials are not included in the SPECIES

Adventurers can are often occupied by wealthier families. the world. While not price and must be provided by HOMELAND

have trouble securing Less characterful than improvised huts, exactly gear, services the craftsman.

these loans due to their but more solidly constructed. provide value to the coin-
Some Workshops will have basic
transient nature and risky line heavy and time-light. Materials and Additives for sale,

of business. A Town House can comfortably house

but exotic items will be scarce. FINISHING
4 people and their possessions, 8 DETAILS

in cramped conditions. Room & Board Using a High-end Workshop grants

The listed prices are a guide and GEAR
you a Minor Bonus (+2) on your
will vary with location. Major cities The road is long and unforgiving. A bed
6 Gems Crafting roll. RANK
and ports will be double or triple and a well cooked meal is a simple, well-
the price. deserved luxury. Basic Workshop
Houses left empty for long periods Workshop 2 Coins per Downtime Session Paying
are prone to burglars or squatters. Room & Board will provide you Carrying
You might need a Companion Crafters need access to a Workshop to
with adequate food and sleep to High-end Workshop
to house-sit. create their complicated constructions. Weapon
avoid the effects of Starvation and Types
Fatigue for a day. 20 Coins per Downtime Session
Armor Types
Workshops are big enough
to accommodate 2 workers at More expensive establishments Shield Types
Hut once, and stocked with tools and may include extra perks: TREATMENT Services Outfits

Small, single-room homes found in rural materials for crafting. Hearty Meal: A big breakfast You’ve been wounded and your priority Wearable

settlements or as standalone shelters in Workshops are specific to one served alongside fine coffee or on entering town is to find the local

the wilderness. Built with local techniques Crafting Discipline, and include tea starts the day well. Gain an physician (or mechanic!) to patch you up,

and materials, they range from the egg- tools and enough supplies for 10 Edge on your first Insight roll of Illumination

shaped pods of Shard to the floating crafting sessions. the day.

During Downtime you can pay a Specialist’s
lodges of the Galvanus Archipelago. Excellent Service: Dedicated physican, or Gadgeteer if you are
Workshop (Tools & Supplies) and friendly staff leave you a Bio-Mechanoid, to remove an

A Hut can comfortably house 2 3 Gems feeling peppy. Gain an Edge on Injury of your choice. Consumables

people and their possessions, 4 in their first Aura roll of the day. Combustibles
◆◆ This paid treatment can work in & Chemicals
cramped conditions. Restock Supplies conjunction with Heal an Injury
Basic Room & Meal Miscellaneous
50 Coins ( p273), enabling you to heal 2
80 Coins 10 Stones a night Injuries during Downtime.
Artifacts &
Severed or Mutilated limbs can be Gadgets
Pleasant Room & Hearty Meal
replaced with Prosthetics ( p262). Other World
20 Stones a night Items
◆◆ Not all treatment centers will have
access to prosthetics, or be able to
Luxurious Suite, Hearty Meal, conduct this type of surgery.
& Excellent Service Property
10 Coins a night Remove Injury Services

5 Coins
Workshop Rental
Prosthetic Graft
Crafters need an appropriate space 5 Gems
12 to practice their art. Fortunately, the
required Workshops can be rented from
trade organizations, universities, local
Hut Townhouse Workshop
Starlight Farmer’s Pod Blacktower Merona’s Miraculous Muffin Factory
governments, or willing individuals.

200 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 201

Crafter commission & Repair Post Paw Services Intercontinental Travel

If you want a bespoke weapon or potion While there are many local runners, Without access to an air or sea-going
created, or need your favorite suit of armor they aren’t much help when it comes to vessel, intercontinental travel is CHARACTER
patched up, then commission a Crafter. sending messages or items to another impossible. Fortunately, merchants and CALLING
continent. Fortunately, the Paw Post sailors with large enough ships will offer
provides adventurers with a reliable postal passage, for a price.
Fixing Standard Gear: Costs ½
the list price of the chosen item service. Paw Post Stations appear in many HOMELAND
(rounded up). surprisingly remote places. When on an intercontinental
Commissioning Customised voyage you can participate in 1
Gear: Costs 50% more than the Paw Post Stations will deliver Downtime Activity, limited to what QUIRK

calculated list price (rounded up). messages and items to any other is available to you on the vessel. FINISHING
Paw Post Station, via their network Pets travel free, but a seat must be
Crafting Imbued Gear: Refer to the of relay teams. GEAR
costs of Crafting Imbued Gear paid for Mounts & Pack Beasts.
( p286), then add an extra 50% Deliveries are guaranteed to arrive You can choose to assist the crew RANK

(rounded up). within 2 months. on the voyage. This halves your

◆◆ Note that not all Crafters are able Deliveries are insured. In the event fare, but forfeits any chance of
to work with, or have access to, of loss/damage a full refund indulging in a Downtime Activity. Paying

the Magic Materials and Additives is offered. You can try to convince the captain

required to make Imbued Gear. of the vessel to take you into Weapon
Membership Types
uncharted territory, but this will
Varies (See above) Allows 1 free delivery a month. cost you double.
Armor Types

Further services must be paid Shield Types

for normally. Maritime Vessel (Food & passage) Outfits
Recreational Attractions
8 Coins per seat Wearable
Deliver Message (any distance) Accessories
Opera houses, underground spas,
and locations that focus on personal 1 Coin Sky Ship (Food & passage)

enjoyment are a rare treat in Outer World. 16 Coins per seat

Deliver Item in same Region Specialist’s
There are two kinds of Recreational 50 Coins per item (3 Slot Max.) Other considerations
Attraction, each with a perk: Books
Trailblazing = Cost x2
Relaxing: Allows you to perform Deliver Item to another Region Consumables
Working = Cost ÷2
both the Socializing and Heal 1 Gem per item (3 Slot Max.)
& Chemicals
an Injury Downtime Activities
simultaneously. Membership Card
Entertaining: Gives you an Edge 5 Gems a year Artifacts &
on your Socializing rolls Gadgets

during Downtime. Other World


5 Coins per Downtime Session Companions




202 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 203


You start out hopeful and determined, motivated by a sense of adventure, but RANK ACHIEVEMENT XP
you’ll need to learn on the job if you want to survive longer than a week.
Rank sets your Base Aptitudes, Combat How Achievement XP is awarded can vary CALLING

Stats, and the number and type of from game to game, it all depends on the SPECIES

Abilities you have. goals you set with your GM. HOMELAND

You start at Rank 1 and can rise to a Determining Achievement XP TRAITS

maximum of Rank 10. QUIRK

Discuss and agree with your GM
You move to the next Rank when how Achievement XP will be
you gain the required number awarded before you play.
of XP stated on your Calling’s
You will be awarded 1-3 XP for
Advancement Table. CHARACTER
each recognized Achievement at RANK
Your Calling’s Advancement Table the discretion of your GM.
will tell you whether your new Rank
increases your Aptitudes or Combat Example Achievement XP awards
Values, or grants you a new Ability. Advancing
1 XP awards in Rank
Use Rank to determine how GMCs Defeating or pacifying more
react to PCs. A tavern will fall silent powerful or numerous opposition.
ABOUT CHARACTER RANK MANA, ALLEGIANCE, GIFTS when a powerful band of heroes
enter, but no one will notice the
Braving a peril where failure would
Rank: Represents your power in the game Mana: The PCs readily absorb mana, the arrival of fledgling adventurers! result in certain injury or death.
world. You start at Rank 1 and can rise to magical energy that flows throughout the Discovering, or investigating, a
Rank 10. The higher your Rank, the more Outer World. This allows them to rapidly new mystery or adventure.
powerful you become, and the more you develop skills and powers that take EARNING XP
will be respected and revered by those ordinary folk a lifetime to master. Obtaining some great reward or
you encounter. Some of the satisfaction XP represent your character’s personal important knowledge.
of playing BREAK!! comes from rising Allegiance: When you choose Magic growth. XP are earned for: Experiencing something
through the Ranks to become a legend. Abilities that draw on Bright or Dark wonderfully rare or soul enriching.
sources of mana you will start to form an Effort: Awarded for spending time
Experience Points (XP): To rise in Rank Allegiance ( p206), and the world and its playing the game, and…
◆◆ 2 XP awards
you must earn Experience points. Your inhabitants start to look at you differently. Achievement: Awarded for progress or
Accomplishing a goal with an
GM awards these to you for playing the accomplishing a significant goal.
Gifts: Deepening your Allegiance with the unorthodox or creative solution.
game and achieving specific goals or
overcoming difficult challenges. Bright or Dark will eventually result in a Gift: Making effort to improve or
a physical alteration that results from heavy Your start with 0 XP.
support a community in need.
interaction with such powerful forces. XP are awarded by your GM at the
Demonstrating excellent teamwork
end of each Session ( p211).
during the adventure.
You receive 1 XP for Effort for each
hour spent actually playing. 3 XP awards
14 Your GM also awards discretionary Converting a hated enemy into a
XP for Achievement. true friend or ally.
All PCs are awarded equal Completing some grand multi-
Achievement XP, even if they were session adventure or endeavor.
6 not directly involved in earning them. Willingly sacrificing a valued
Record the XP on your Character possession or suffering injury to
Sheet. If you have accumulated help others.
3 enough XP to advance to the next Having a Team epiphany or
Rank update your PC accordingly. revelatory moment. For example,
You start the next Session in your discovering your patron is the villain!
new Rank.

204 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 205

13-14 7-8
Those who dabble with magic may end up A Gift does not provide a PC with any Scaled Joints Fangs CREATING A
with an Allegiance to either The Invincible benefits, but those they encounter Patches of glistening Some of your teeth have CHARACTER
Bright or The Profound Dark. Having an should be suitably reverential. scales have replaced the sharpened and have grown CALLING
Allegiance will change the way some Bio-Mechanoid Gifts are mechanical skin around your joints. more prominent. SPECIES
magic and creatures interact with you. variants. For example, Bone Spikes HOMELAND
might become Protruding Bolts.
15-16 9-10
◆◆ `Gaining Allegiance Points TRAITS
You start with 0 Allegiance Points. Prismatic Hair Melodious Voice
Your hair has become Your voice can now make
When you gain a Magical Ability FINISHING
Choose or roll your Bright Gift extremely long and even harsh words
you may also gain a Dark D or DETAILS
shimmers different colors. sound soothing.
Bright B Allegiance Point. GEAR

◆◆ Record the number and type 1-2 CHARACTER

of points you accrue on your 17-18 11-12

Luminescent Tattoos
Character Sheet. Faintly glowing lines have Elongation Winter’s Embrace
Creatures, items, and effects can appeared across your Your fingers, limbs, face, Your body has become
also cause you to temporarily, or body, forming patterns. and torso are lengthened cool to the touch, and the
in Rank
permanently, gain Allegiance Points. just enough to be noticed. air around you is chilled. Allegiance
◆◆ Determining your Allegiance
19-20 13-14
Dark Aligned: Your Dark Serpent Eyes
Allegiance Points exceed your Your eyes never shut, you Third Eye Gem Bone Spikes
Bright by 2 or more. don’t blink, you even stare A jewel of your favorite Small, bony protrusions
in your sleep. color has emerged in the have broken through your
Bright Aligned: Your Bright
center of your forehead. skin in small patches.
Allegiance Points exceed your Dark
by 2 or more. 5-6
Twilight Allegiance: Neither type Halo 15-16
of Allegiance Point exceeds the An arc of softly glowing DARK GIFTS TABLE Bestial Mane
other by 2 or more. light crowns your head, but
Choose or roll your Dark Gift Your hair has become
Unaligned: You have 1 or less can be covered by a hood. long, thick and
Allegiance Points. magnificently unruly.
Horns 17-18
GIFTS Resonant Voice Horns, or antlers, protrude
Your voice has developed from your temples Raptor’s Talons
If you draw too deeply from one of the an authoritative, or forehead. The nails on your hands
cosmic forces your fragile form will alter. ethereal echo. and feet have hardened
into sharp curved points.
◆◆ Gaining a Gift 9-10
Accruing 3 Bright Allegiance Points Opaque Eyes 19-20
Feathers Your eyes have clouded
results in a Gift from the Bright Gift You’ve sprouted long, over and become a single Shadow Mark
Table ( p206). radiant feathers across
10 flat color. A symbolic inky scar
Accruing 3 Dark Allegiance Points your shoulders. appears on your cheek
results in a Gift from the Dark Gift or forehead.
Table ( p207). 5-6
20 Allegiance Points gained Devil’s Tail
temporarily from an area or items Aesthetic Consistency You’ve grown a small,
affect your Allegiance but do not Your appearance has non-useful tail that whips
count when calculating Gifts. become unsettlingly back and forth.
206 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023





208 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 209


A game of BREAK!! can be a short one-off

Once you’ve created Player Characters and your Games Master has created an experience or a longer, repeated activity.
Adventure, you’re ready to start playing the game. The game’s length can be broken into A session has three simple phases: CHECKS &
three stages: CONTESTS
Session Start: Your GM begins a JOURNEY
A Session: This is a block of time Session with a short summary of what
allocated to playing the game, typically
the PCs have set out to achieve, or are
a few hours. A Session ends when in the process of achieving. NEGOTIATE

convenient for the players. A Session This is a good time for you to
can finish on a natural break or on a clarify anything you are PERILS
cliffhanger. If required, the game can confused or concerned about! DOWNTIME
be resumed on a subsequent Session. CRAFT
An Adventure: This is a period of Play: The players and the GM engage
play where the PCs embark on,and in General Play ( p212) and use the
conclude, a quest, mission, or mystery. appropriate Focused Rules ( p215) Playing

A large Adventure can run over when required. the Game

several Sessions. Session End: At end of a Session your General

A Saga: This is a sustained period of GM will award you with XP for Effort
play where PCs engage in a series of and Achievement ( p205). If you have Managing
Adventures over many Sessions. A enough XP, your PCs advance in Rank
Rolling Dice
Saga can see the PCs advance from and you can update your Character
Rank 1 through to Rank 10. Even at Sheets accordingly. Focused
Players & Player Characters (PCs): Pencils & paper: You’ll need to track Rules
Rank 10 a Saga need only end when It’s also useful to broadly agree
Each Player needs to create a Player changeable information during play. what direction your players
Character (PC). the players feel the game has run it’s
You will track your PC’s health, intend to go in the next
course or reached a logical conclusion. Session, so you can prepare
As a player you choose what your PC inventory, and any other notes they
feel are helpful. ahead of time.
says and does in the game world.
You need at least 1 player, though Your GM will track the status of
the game is designed to work best the GMCs and any other useful
with a small group of 2-4. information they decide is helpful to COMPONENTS OF PLAY
running the game.
A Game Master (GM): This is a special
type of player that is part referee and Knowledge of the rules: Your GM
part storyteller. should be familiar with the Rules, but
as a player you are encouraged to help

Your GM will describe how the game

out and make an effort to know how
world reacts to your PC’s actions and Adventure, Maps, GMCs
your PC’s Abilities and Gear work.
arbitrates the rules.
If a dispute occurs over the rules
They also control all the Game
your GM’s decision is final.
Master Characters (GMCs) the PCs
encounter on their travels. You’ll also need your Imagination!
4 Get invested in the adventures of
There is only one GM. + + +

your PCs and drag the other players

An Adventure: This is the quest or in with you!
18 mission that your PCs participate in. The cheat sheets in the appendix are
Your GM can create their own a quick way to refresh your memory
adventure or use a ready made one. when you forget a rule ( p480).

16 A twenty sided die (d20): You will need 20

a die or other fast random number
generator set between 1 and 20.
Dice Rules

210 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 211


Most of the time, playing is a conversation PLAYERS Part of the GM’s job is to describe the Turns: This is a series of Actions taken GAME
between the players and the GM, with passage of time. Keeping track of time in quick succession by a group with BASICS
each taking turns to speak and react Players tell the GM how their PCs react to during general play is done informally, shared intentions. CHECKS &
to what the other is saying. Like any a presented situation. when exact timings aren’t critical. The effects of these Actions are CONTESTS

successful conversation, General Play is For example, your GM might say “an applied one after the other and JOURNEY
dependent on listening and exchanging You can ask your GM to provide more hour passes” or, “a few days go by” happen before any opposing group EXPLORE
clear information. details about your current predicament before going on to describe your next can respond.
by asking clarifying questions. meaningful experience or encounter.

The players will agree the order of, FIGHT

“Is the blue glow from the tunnel the
GAME MASTERS and execute, their PC’s Actions on
exact same color as the ghost knight PERILS
THE DIFFERENCE A DAY MAKES one Turn. Your GM will coordinate,
Your GM describes the environments we encountered earlier?” DOWNTIME
and execute, any opposing group’s
and situations the PCs are in, and the
After the Sun Machine was sundered, the Actions on another.
You describe your PC’s actions and
actions, and reactions, of any creatures or sky ceased to be a useful guide to the time
intentions to your GM. The group that takes their Turn first
characters they are interacting with. of day. However, the passing of 24 hours
“I move closer to the bank and peer is the one that triggered the time- Playing
in Outer World is still recognized as a day. the Game
Your GM describes what the PCs see, into the rushing river, to see if I can critical situation. If there is any doubt,
hear, smell, or otherwise sense. see the bottom.” Acknowledging the start of a new day your GM can have the characters General
“The jungle is alive. Every surface is important. Your GM will announce with highest Deftness from each side
is teeming with vibrant insectoids, You can propose a coordinated group the passing of each day as it depletes enter a Contest to determine who Time
their curious chirps and clicks fill the action, but must get the consent of the resources, such as Rations, and should go first.
Rolling Dice
humid air. The thick canopy provides other players whose PCs are required recharges certain expended Abilities.
to participate. Rounds: Once each group has taken Focused
the under dweller’s eyes a welcome The advent of a new day is Rules
their Turn, a Round has been completed
respite from the unrelenting sun.” “I think Graag should toss Pipi across particularly important when you’re
and, if required, a new one begins.
the river tied to a rope. What do you out on a Journey ( p222).
Your GM describes any events or think guys?” Groups follow the established Turn
predicaments you encounter that Adventures can be time sensitive. Your order on subsequent Rounds.
require you to make a decision or When describing your PC’s actions adventure may have a series of events
take action. you can either role play by putting or encounters that are triggered with
on a voice, getting into character, ROUNDS, TURNS, ACTIONS
“An underground river blocks your the passage of time. In this case, the
and referring to your PC in the first
path, it is rushing past at quite a person, or you can simply describe GM will need to keep track of the days
speed. It’s about 20ft across and what your PC is doing. Communicate a little more closely. ROUND PLAYER’S
it’s hard to tell how deep it is with in whatever way feels comfortable!
casual observation. There is a tunnel Group conversations can get messy, TIME-CRITICAL SITUATIONS
entrance on the other side of the people speak over each other and PC 1 ACTION
river, which is illuminated by a comments are missed. If your When what’s happening moment to
distinctive blue light.” players’ intentions aren’t clear, ask moment is important, for example during
one of them to summarise the a Fight ( p244), your GM will split the
Your GM describes the consequences group’s plan. game time into small chunks to work out
of the PC’s actions (or inaction!) Also make sure everyone who wants
the sequence of events: PC 3 ACTION

“Slatha responds quickly to your to contribute is allowed to do so. Actions: Actions are the smallest unit of
13 comment, she throws back her chair game time, they are approximately 10
and rises to her full height, head seconds long.
and shoulders almost scraping the
Abilities, and other short tasks your TURN
ceiling. She points directly at you and Large portions of the game are run in
11 GM feels take more than a few
says, ‘What did you call my mother?’” general play but when the PCs perform seconds, require a character to use
specific activities, like Explore or Craft, GMC 1 ACTION
Your descriptions don’t have to be their Action.
poetic, but should provide enough
the GM will follow simple, set procedures
called Focused Rules ( p215) to When an Action is taken, its effects
11 useful information for your players GMC 2 ACTION
determine the outcomes. are immediate.
to react.
Each character can make 1 Action
per Turn. GMC 3 ACTION

212 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023


BREAK!! uses a twenty-sided die (d20). Focused Rules are invoked when you Negotiate
$$A Penalty will subtract from the rolled GAME
You’ll roll it on four occasions: attempt a risky or unpredictable activity BASICS
result when you’re trying to roll high,
during play. These procedures determine The Negotiate rules are
Checks: The majority of die rolls you’ll but add to the result when you’re CHECKS &
the outcome of such activities. used when you CONTESTS
make are Checks ( p218). For these, trying to roll low.
attempt to influence a JOURNEY
you’re trying to roll a target number or During a Session you switch back and
Applying Bonuses & Penalties GMC’s actions
under to succeed. forth between General Play ( p212) and
or thoughts.
Contests: In a Contest ( p219), you’re You can only benefit from one Focused Rules as the game requires. NEGOTIATE

trying to roll under a target number, Bonus per roll. A Major Bonus is There aren’t Focused Rules for every
Negotiate ( p238) FIGHT

but higher than the characters you’re used over a Minor Bonus. activity the PCs might attempt, but PERILS

competing against. You can only suffer from one Checks & Contests can be used for DOWNTIME

Penalty per roll. A Major Penalty is most situations that aren’t covered. FIGHT
Attacks: When making an Attack CRAFT

( p254) on an opponent, you’re trying used over a Minor Penalty.

The Fight rules are used
to roll a target number or over to hit. If both a Bonus and Penalty of the CHECK OR CONTEST when you engage Playing
Tables: Occasionally you’ll roll on a same level apply to your roll they in combat with the the Game
cancel each other out. Checks and Contests
table to see what happens. The result enemy, or target a General
are used when you
of your roll is then referenced against A Major Bonus is reduced to a physical object Play
challenge yourself
a list of outcomes. For example, when Minor Bonus when opposed by a for destruction. Managing
with a feat of skill,
determining the type of Injury you suffer.
Minor Penalty, and a Major Penalty
strength, smarts or Fight ( p244)
is similarly reduced when set Rolling Dice
BONUSES & PENALTIES against a Minor Bonus. Focused
Check or Contest ( p216) PERILS
Bonuses and Penalties represent positive
and negative factors that influence your The Peril rules are used
Edges & Snags JOURNEY
chance of success. They are applied to if you are exposed to
your roll because of an Ability, a rule, or at An Edge provides you with another harmful effects like
The Journey rules are
the discretion of your GM. chance to succeed, while a Snag gives you burning, falling,
used when navigating
another chance to fail. and drowning.
Awarding Bonuses whenever your across Outer World
players come up with an inventive and determine if you Perils ( p266)
ways to gain a situational advantage Edges suffer any hardships
will encourage their creativity. If you have an Edge you roll twice or unexpected events
and use the most favorable result. on your travels. Downtime
Snags Journey ( p222) The Downtime rules are
There are two levels of Bonus:
If you have a Snag you roll twice used when you attempt
 Minor Bonus (+2): Positively
and use the least desirable result. EXPLORE to do something
affects the result of your roll by 2.
productive in the time
 Major Bonus (+4): Positively Applying Edges & Snags The Explore rules are between adventures.
affects the result of your roll by 4. used when you enter
You can only benefit from one Downtime ( p272)
$$A Bonus will add to the rolled Edge per roll. dangerous locations,
result when you’re trying to roll and determine what
You can only suffer from one Snag you encounter
high, but subtract from the result Craft
per roll. whilst there.
when you’re trying to roll low.
13 If both an Edge and Snag apply to The Craft rules are
Penalties Explore ( p230) used when you are
your roll they cancel each
There are two levels of Penalty: other out. attempting to create,
customize, or repair
 Minor Penalty (-2): Negatively an item with your
affects the result of your roll by 2. Having only one Bonus/Penalty, and Crafting Ability.
 Major Penalty (-4): Negatively Edge/Snag per roll keeps the game
moving quickly and avoids stacking Craft ( p280)
affects the result of your roll by 4.
the odds too far in one direction.
214 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023

Checks & Contests APTITUDES

Aptitudes measure your PC’s physical and

When out on an adventure, you’ll constantly push your PC to their limits, often CHOOSING APTITUDES GAME
mental capabilities. You must roll under BASICS
pitting them against the rival characters and creatures you meet. an Aptitude score when asked to make a To make a Check you must use an CHECKS &
Check or enter a Contest. appropriate Aptitude. If not explicitly CONTESTS

specified in a rule or Ability, your GM will JOURNEY

Might decide which is appropriate. EXPLORE

Example Checks…
Might is used for tests of FIGHT
strength or brute force. A Might Checks: Kicking down a door, PERILS
high score means you are breaking free from bindings, lifting an DOWNTIME
athletic or able-bodied. A extremely heavy object.
low score means you are Deftness Checks: Picking a lock, using
scrawny or feeble. a fiddly device, leaping out of the way
of a monster’s breath. Aptitudes

Deftness Grit Checks: Holding your breath Checks

while struggling underwater, keeping
Deftness is used for focused in spite of pain or distraction,
executing precise or resisting the effects of toxic substances. Linked
graceful movements. A Contests
high score means you Insight Checks: Understanding strange
are agile or nimble. A or esoteric writing, seeing through a Success

low score implies you are clever illusion.

clumsy or uncoordinated. Aura Checks: Getting the attention of
a crowd, being noticed by the right
people, shaking off the effects of a
Grit mind altering spell.
Grit is used for tasks that When entering a Contest, characters must
require determination or use appropriate Aptitudes. If not explicitly
resilience. A high score specified in a rule or Ability, your GM
means you are tough or will select Aptitudes for each contestant
wilful. A low score implies based on their approach.
you are frail or gutless.
Example Contests…
Insight Insight vs. Might Contest: Used for
brains against brawn.
Insight is used for quick-
thinking, observation, or Deftness vs. Might Contest: Used for
comprehension. A high precision against power.
When to use these rules What these rules cover
score means you are Aura vs. Insight: Used in a battle of
4 Whenever your PC’s physical or mental What Aptitudes are used for. perceptive or astute. A passion over reason.
capabilities are in question you’ll need When and how to make a Check. low score implies you are Insight Contest: Used for a battle of wits.
to make a Check to see if their attempt is witless or oblivious.
successful. You’ll enter a Contest if you’re When and how to enter a Contest. If you can think of a good way to
7 testing your capabilities against another. Using Linked Contests for prolonged apply your highest Aptitude to a
competitions, like chases. Aura Check or Contest, tell your GM. For
example, If someone is using Might
Achieving Special Success. Aura is used to exude a to wrestle you to the ground, you
16 commanding presence. A could oppose them with Might.
high score means you are However, you may have a better
charismatic or alluring. A chance of success using Deftness to
wriggle out of their grip.
low score implies you are
easy to ignore or dislike.
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Determining the outcome Determining the outcome CHECKS &

If the result of your roll is equal Winning: A contestant wins if JOURNEY
Triggering a Check or lower than the selected Triggering a Contest they make their Check and their
Aptitude score, you succeed. The opponent does not.
An Ability or rule can prompt you consequence of success, or failure, An Ability or rule can prompt you NEGOTIATE
to make a Check. to enter a Contest. In the event that both sides make,
will be specified in the Ability or or fail, their Check, the winner is

Your GM can ask you to make a rule you are using, or is otherwise Your GM will ask you to enter a decided using the following:
Check when you attempt a risky or decided by your GM. Contest when your action is being DOWNTIME
challenging action where there is a opposed by a GMC or another PC. A contestant with a Special
If your unmodified roll matches the Success ( p221) wins over a
consequence to failure. selected Aptitude Score exactly, standard success. If both, or
Your GM will ask you to make a you achieve Special Success. neither, parties have a Special
Check when attempting to evade, Special Success ( p221)
Success then…

endure, or resist an effect. Checks

If you roll a 20 prior to applying Entering a Contest A contestant with an Edge wins. Procedure
Checks are not required when any Bonuses or Penalties, you If both, or neither, parties have Contests
there is time to make repeated A Contest requires both sides to Procedure
automatically fail the Check. an Edge then…
attempts. You’ll just succeed. make a Check. The Aptitude each Linked
contestant uses is described in the A contestant with the largest Contests
Checks are not possible for tasks or Bonus wins. If both sides have
actions your GM deems Ability or rule you are using, or if Special
END unspecified your GM will choose the same Bonus then…
impossible, or beyond the
capability of your PC. You’ll just fail. the Aptitude most appropriate to A contestant with the largest
Breaking down a wooden door the situation for each contestant. Penalty loses. If both sides have
would be a feat of strength, so Might
would be an appropriate Aptitude Choosing Aptitudes ( p217) the same Penalty then…
STEP 2 Score to use in a Check, however… Resolve the Checks using the The contestant with the highest
Check Procedure ( p218). natural roll wins. If both sides roll
If the PCs are not under any pressure,
Making a Check a Check would not be necessary. the same then…
In a Contest, you are trying to get a
An Aptitude for your Check is They will eventually break it result under an Aptitude but higher Stalemate! The contest does not
down, but… have a decisive outcome and the
selected. The Aptitude you use is than the other contestants. This
described in the Ability or rule you If they are being closely pursued means… Contest runs into another Round.
are using, or if unspecified your and they have one shot at busting Your GM may decide that the
A Bonus might add or
GM will choose one appropriate to through before they are caught, then Contest cannot be extended and
there is a consequence to failure and subtract from the rolled result,
the situation. depending on what provides the the status quo is maintained.
a Might Check would be required.
Choosing Aptitudes ( p217) most favorable result.
Your GM will declare any If you have a Quirk, Ability, Purview You do not have to use the full
discretionary Bonuses or Penalties or Trait that’s relevant to the Check amount offered by the Bonus if END
you’re making, ask your GM if you
that apply to the roll. it will nudge you into failure, just
can benefit from a Bonus. For If you have more than one PC
Roll a d20. example, your Girthsome Quirk
enough to secure success.
2 wanting to get involved in a Contest,
Apply any Bonuses, Penalties, might improve your chances of A Penalty might add or think about how many could
shoulder-barging that door down. subtract from the rolled result, realistically participate. For example,
Snags, or Edges to determine the
depending on what provides the limited space may prevent more than
final result. 2 people clinging on to, and
11 If more than one PC is attempting least favorable result.
In a time critical-situation, if not the same Check with the same wrestling over, the Marquis’ Scepter.
specified, your GM will decide if objective, for example bashing in the In a time critical-situation, if not
your Check requires the use of door, you can give the PC with the specified, your GM will decide if
your Action. highest relevant Aptitude an Edge or the Contest requires the use of the
20 Bonus rather than rolling several contestant’s Action.
individual attempts. This will keep
the game quick and decisive!

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Sometimes your GM will decide that A Linked Contest is great for This is a moment of epiphany or supreme If you achieve Special Success while
sustaining tension, as it works like researching a city’s history, your GM
victory cannot be decided in a single mastery when completing a task. BASICS
deuce in a tennis match. might provide the recorded facts…
Contest. A protracted struggle will require and reveal a dark secret about the CHECKS &
a series of Contests to be resolved one For example, you decide a Sneak Achieving Special Success monarch’s bloodline.

after the other. For example, chasing a needs to win a Linked Contest to
If an unmodified roll exactly
foe through busy city streets or trying escape a burly town guard. If you’re chasing down a thief,
matches the Aptitude selected Special Success might mean you
to manoeuvre a sky vessel into an In Round 1 the lithe Sneak uses their for the Check or Contest then a catch up with them… and knock NEGOTIATE
advantageous position during a dogfight. Deftness to weave though the busy Special Success is achieved. them over so they begin the FIGHT
crowd and the bulky guard uses engagement Toppled. PERILS
Running a Linked Contest Might to barge bystanders aside.
Effects of Special Success DOWNTIME
If your GM decides a Contest The Checks for the chosen Aptitudes Have fun narrating the Special
Rolling a Special Success means
cannot be completed in 1 Round are made. Both succeed… but the Success to your players. Describe CRAFT
you not only complete your action, their effortless, or improbable,
they will use a Linked Contest. Sneak gets the highest result and
wins the first Contest.
you actually overachieve. triumph and how observers gasp in
The contestants are committed Discuss and agree with your GM an admiration and disbelief. Aptitudes
to an ongoing series of Contests. Between Rounds, you can tell your
additional benefit as the result of Checks
GM that your PC is looking for
Each individual Contest lasts 1 your Special Success.
something in particular to take
Round and is resolved using the advantage of, like a side alley or
Contest Procedure ( p218). somewhere to hide. Maybe you can Linked
earn a Bonus for your next roll! Contests
Determining the outcome Special
At the start of Round 2 you then
Winning: The Linked Contest ends
describe the Sneak pulling away and
when one side emerges victorious decide that they reach a noisy market
by winning 2 Contests in a row or where there are many large pots and
by rolling a Special Success hanging rugs.
( p221).
The Sneak decides to dive into
A Linked Contest can also be won one of the open pots. This Contest
if one contestant gives up or is would now be between the Sneak’s
unable to continue. Deftness and the guard’s Insight. If
the Sneak wins for the second time
Stalemate! If a Linked Contest is in a row they evade the guard and
interrupted, or there is a change in the Linked Contest is over; if they
circumstance, the Contest can also lose they have just enough time
be brought to a close with neither to pop out from their hiding place
side securing the advantage. to continue the chase, but their
advantage is lost.


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Travelling can be an adventure in itself. You’ll face hazardous environments, START You got Lost!? See how badly…
starvation, fatigue, and the locale’s more inquisitive wildlife. If you are Lost you’ll need to roll CHECKS &
STEP 1 on the Lost Table to see where you CONTESTS

ended up at the end of your JOURNEY

Choose where you want to go day’s travel. EXPLORE

Your GM will present you with an ◆◆ Lost ( p227) NEGOTIATE

Adventure map of the known local ◆◆ FIGHT

area and indicate where you are ◆◆ PERILS
currently situated. On the Map STEP 4 DOWNTIME
choose a destination Map Point CRAFT
and select a Route to get there. See what happens on your travels
◆◆ Adventure Maps ( p224) Your GM describes the
If you want to use a Scout, assign environment you pass through, Journey
them before you set off. and whether you have to contend Adventure
◆◆ Scouts ( p228)
with Harmful Terrain effects. Maps

◆◆ ◆◆ Terrain ( p225) Navigating

Your GM makes an Encounter roll

Getting Lost
STEP 2 To see if you meet anyone during Map
your travels that day. A Day’s
Work out one day’s travel ◆◆ Map Encounters ( p228) Travel

Based on the map’s scale, your

GM will tell you how far you can ◆◆
travel along your chosen Route  and5Terrains
in one day. This is determined by
the type of Route you are using Choose whether to Camp or Rush
and whether you are hindered by
At the end of one day’s travel,
Difficult Terrain.
if you have not reached your
Using a suitable Mount or Vehicle destination, you must choose
will double the distance you can whether to Camp or Rush.
travel along your chosen Route. ◆◆ Camp ( p229)
◆◆ Mounts ( p191)
◆◆ Rush ( p229)
◆◆ Vehicles ( p196)
Next, deal with the consequences
of your choice, then plan your next
day’s travel and return to Step 1.
When to use these rules What these rules cover
3 Whenever you move between Settlements The procedures for Navigating across See if you get Lost END
or Adventure Sites, you use the Journey large areas, including the possibility of Following a Path requires a Guide
Rules to determine what happens along getting Lost and having Encounters. or Navigational Tools. Without When describing a day’s travel, use
the way. How to calculate a day’s travel across them you’ll get Lost! the environment the PC are crossing
20 to create the desired mood. Maybe
different Terrain Types and Routes. ◆◆ Guides & Navigation Tools ( p226) the trip is a pleasant stroll through
These Focused Rules reinforce the
The effects of Rushing to your scented fields and over babbling
scale of Outer World. They also Trailblazing a new Route requires
destination without food or rest. brooks, or perhaps it’s a slog across
create opportunities to encounter
15 your Guide to make a successful rugged wasteland where they are
inhabitants that reveal the nature of What activities you can perform when
the wider world. Insight Check. If you attempt it plagued by bad weather.
you stop to make Camp. without a Guide, you’ll get Lost!
◆◆ Trailblazing ( p226)
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The Adventure Map provided to you Approx. 1 day’s travel GAME

Routes Mountains
by your GM shows you the explorable along a path (on foot) BASICS
Dense forest Difficult &
world around you. Marked on the map Routes connect Points together. While (Difficult Terrain) Impassable Terrain CHECKS &
will be important destinations you can small pockets of civilisation have started

visit or explore, the local terrain, and any to improve links between Settlements, JOURNEY
established routes that exist. most Routes are vague or notional at best. PORT TOWN VILLAGE RUINS EXPLORE

In the beginning, not every 1

destination will be marked on your FIGHT
Adventure Map! Some things you’ll Path: The most common type of
only learn about on your adventures. Route in Outer World.
Routes to these forgotten or remote DOWNTIME

places don’t exist, so you’ll have to 1 day 3 days 4 days

Paths require a Guide or CRAFT
forge your own path.
Navigational Tools to follow Port to town Village to ruins
Town to village
without getting Lost ( p227). Journey
POINTS Travelling along a Travelling along a Travelling along a Procedure
Road (on foot) Path (on foot) Path on foot Adventure
doubles the distance
Points indicate places of interest. These you can cover in A Guide or A Guide or
destinations range from safe havens that Road: A well-constructed Route 1 day Navigational Tools Navigational Tools Navigating

offer the comforts of home to extreme that appears in civilized regions. are required when are required when Getting Lost
A Guide or using a Path using a Path
places of wonder and peril. Navigational Tools Map
You can’t get Lost following a Road. are not required Half the distance Passes through Encounters
when using a Road passes through Difficult Terrain
You can travel twice as far in 1 day A Day’s
Settlement: Anything from Difficult Terrain halving the distance Travel
on a Road as you can on a Path. which doubles the covered each day
glittering cities to shanty towns. journey time
required to To traverse the
complete the Impassible Terrain
A city, village, or anywhere you can Waterway: A river or aqueduct remainder of the requires appropriate
get Room & Board services. quickly traversed with a vessel. Journey Gear or Abilities to
cross mountains
◆◆ Room & Board ( p201)
You can’t get Lost following a
Port: Vibrant transport hubs with When following the banks of a river
1 connections to other continents. by foot you can cover the same
distance in 1 day as if using a Path. Adverse Terrain You cannot move through this
A settlement with access to terrain unless you have a suitable
Using a water-based Mount or Some terrain is not easily traversed. It
Intercontinental Travel services. Mount, Vehicle, or Ability. For
Vehicle lets you travel twice as far in can block or slow your progress and can example, traversing an ocean
◆◆ Intercontinental Travel ( p203) 1 day as you could on a Path. even be hazardous to your health. Your might require a seaworthy vessel.
Adventure Map, or your GM, will tell you
A legend showing the distance you when you’ll encounter Adverse Terrain.
can travel along a Path by foot in 1
Adventure site: Caves, ruins, or day will help everyone calculate Harmful Terrain: Environments that can
2 other areas of intrigue. Journey times quickly. You could Difficult Terrain: Swamps, dense jungle, or alter your physical or mental condition.
even add markers to the Routes to any environment that slows progress.
A location that necessitates the use denote a day’s travel.
Entering this terrain, and for every
of the Explore rules. You can travel half as far in 1 day subsequent full day spent there,
◆◆ Explore( p230) ( p230) through Difficult Terrain as you requires a you to make a Grit
could otherwise. Check or you’ll contract an Ailment
related to the environment. For
14 example, you might become
Impassible Terrain: Lava plains, magical Putrefied in a Spore Forest.
barriers, or other geography that can only ◆◆ Ailments ( p268)
be crossed under certain conditions.

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Navigating Getting Lost

There are a few factors that influence the Trailblazing If you’re trying to 13-16 Wrong turn GAME
success of your journey between Points. follow a Path without BASICS

Not everywhere you want Navigational Tools Wait, this isn’t where you meant to go! CHECKS &
to go has a nice path or a Guide, or have CONTESTS
Navigation Tools to take you there; failed an attempt at You’ve travelled as far as intended, JOURNEY

Unless you’re a local, the footpaths of sometimes you’ll Trailblazing, you’ll but in the wrong direction. Your EXPLORE

Outer World can be hard to discern. A have to cut a swathe end up somewhere you GM will choose, and mark, your NEGOTIATE

reliable Map and the right instruments are through the jungle or didn’t intend to be. current location on your Map! FIGHT
what you need to avoid a misstep. rove across uncharted Encounters and Terrain will be PERILS
territory to get there. based on the actual Route taken.
You’ll need a Map and Compass to
A Guide can attempt to move
avoid getting Lost when following Roll the result of your poor navigation
a Path. across the map without following
an established Route.
◆◆ Wayfinding Gear ( p174) 1-12 A few missteps Journey
Choose, and agree with your GM, Starting Planned

a point on the map you can get to You’re taking the scenic route. point destination Adventure
after 1 day’s travel. Navigating
Guides You travelled half the distance
◆◆ Use the distance you can travel
planned along your Route. Getting Lost
Who needs a map when you have a Guide? along a Path in one day as a guide. Actual Map
◆◆ This will be modified by the use of destination Encounters

If you have an Ability that enables Mounts or Vehicles, and whether or A Day’s
you to act as a Guide, or have hired not you are crossing Difficult Terrain.
one, you don’t need Navigation 17-20 Full circle
Trailblazing without a Guide results
Tools to avoid getting lost on a Path.
in a roll on the Lost! Table ( p227). Haven’t you seen this place already…?
A Guide also enables you to
Trailblaze across uncharted areas. Starting Actual Planned
You made no progress on the Map.
? Requires an Insight Check point destination destination
Your Guide makes the Check. If you
have appointed more that 1 Guide,
Special movement Starting
the Guide with the highest Insight point
If you are blessed with a unique form makes the Check, but having
of movement you may be able to cross additional Guides grants them an
terrain others would find impossible. Edge on the roll.
Success: You progress to your destination
If you can fly, hover, or make desired destination Point. Actual
Supernatural Leaps your GM might destination
◆◆ The new Route becomes a Path
allow you to pass over certain types that you can travel along in the
of Impassable or Difficult Terrain future without Trailblazing.
without issue. If the PCs have failed a second
15 Failure: Roll on the Lost! Table. Trailblazing attempt you could
decide they make ‘A few missteps’,
Long Journeys across Impassable as they are more familiar with
Terrain can still be problematic, even If the PCs are Trailblazing near a
the territory.
with your Special Movement. For hidden Adventure Site then let them
2 example, if you are flying across the find it, even if their new Route
sea, how far can you get before you’ll doesn’t pass though the exact point
need to rest? Can you carry all the indicated on your Adventure Map.
provisions you’ll need? A clear line of sight is helpful when
attempting to Trailblaze. Give a
Bonus if moving through open
terrain or airborne, and a Penalty if
the Guide’s view is obstructed.

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Map ENCOUNTERS A day’s Travel

When travelling between Scouts Outer World is big and travel is Hunting & FORAGING GAME
Map Points you’ll exhausting. If you’re sensible you’ll rest BASICS

bump into other Appointing a Scout will give you advance at the end of each day but, when needs Why waste your precious Rations when CHECKS &
wanderers. Your GM warning of a Journey Encounter. must, you can press on regardless. the land can provide? CONTESTS

will create a list of JOURNEY

Encounters suitable If the GM announces an Encounter, As your Camp Activity, you can EXPLORE
After one day’s travel
for the different areas your Scout will see it first. If the attempt to Forage or Hunt for food. NEGOTIATE
or Routes on your Scout avoids detection, they can You must choose whether you’ll
Adventure Map. alert you to approaching danger. Camp ( p229) for the night or Rush
? Requires a Hunting/Foraging roll
( p229) towards your destination.

For example, the Encounters on a Road Foraging requires an Insight Check. DOWNTIME
? Requires a Stealth roll You must consume a Ration to
from a Port to a Settlement would include CRAFT
avoid the onset of Starvation and Hunting requires a Deftness Check.
a variety of merchants, as well as a few Your Scout makes a Deftness Check sleep to avoid the onset of Fatigue. The area around Camp will only
opportunistic bandits, whereas on a to avoid detection by the Encounter.
Trailblazed Path through an ancient forest, ◆◆ Starvation ( p271) support one attempt at Hunting Journey
If the Encounter is actively looking and one attempt at Foraging.
the Encounters might be carnivorous
◆◆ Fatigue ( p269)
for danger the Stealth roll is a Adventure
plants and lonely spirits. If more than one person Hunts/
Contest: Your Scout’s Deftness vs. Maps

the Encounter’s Insight. Forages, the PC with the highest Navigating

Your GM will roll on the Map Camp required Aptitude rolls and receives Getting Lost
Encounter Table appropriate to If you assign more than one Scout, a Minor Bonus (+2) on their roll.
your location after one full the Scout with the lowest Deftness You stop to catch your breath in the wilds.

makes the Stealth rolls. Success: You’ve been able to Encounters

day’s travel. source some Standard Rations. A Day’s

If an Encounter happens, it can Success: Your Scout circles back When Camped… Your GM decides how many based

occur anywhere along the Route and informs you of the Encounter, on the terrain around your camp…
You can sleep to avoid Fatigue.
you are following that day. Your GM enabling 1 Turn to prepare.
You can consume a Ration to avoid 6 Rations in plentiful areas.
will decide where. Failure: Your Scout’s been spotted!
Starvation… if you have some! 4 Rations in typical areas.
They must deal with the Encounter
for 1 Turn before you can assist. You can assign a Scout ( p228) to 2 Rations in barren areas.
patrol your camp perimeter while
Your GM may tell you that toxic,
others rest, but they’ll suffer Fatigue.
desolate, or artificial areas will not
EXAMPLE MAP ENCOUNTERS Your GM will roll on an appropriate yield any Rations!
Encounter Table to see if anything
stumbles across your camp.
You can perform a Camp Activity, if RusH
you are not acting as a Scout.
You forgo sleep in order to reach your
Camp Activities destination sooner.
Crafting: Perform Light Repairs
or other small jobs that your GM When Rushing…
decides are possible in the field. You progress an extra day’s travel
◆◆ Craft ( p280) along your Route. The Navigating
Socializing: Bolster your spirits rules still apply!
with others around the camp fire. While you can eat on the move, you
◆◆ Socializing ( p276)
will miss your opportunity to sleep
and suffer from Fatigue ( p269).
Hunting/Foraging: Source Rations
from the surrounding area ( p229). If you are on a Mount or Vehicle
20 The Skullduggeries x3 Merchant of Portia Piddles x6 controlled by somebody else, your
Grazing: Animals with this Ability GM will decide if you can sleep
These ex-adventurers want Druk is in town to trade his These playful water spirits
can feed themselves if the local while on the move.
your eyes and your Twilight Silk… you guys look enjoy soaking travellers and
tongues for a ritual! like potential customers. capsizing their vessels. environment is suitable.

Can you help?

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When you arrive at a perilous place, you’ll want to tread carefully, as there are START STEP 4 GAME
many hazards and surprises waiting for the impetuous.
Discover what’s at the Location CHECKS &

Your GM describes the Location, JOURNEY
including any visible Access Points
Decide where to enter the Site EXPLORE
to adjacent Locations.

Your GM describes the area NEGOTIATE

Your GM will alert you to any visible
surrounding the Adventure Site FIGHT
Guardian Encounters located at
as you approach, including any PERILS
the Location.
obvious entrances. Your GM may DOWNTIME
even present you with a Map. ◆◆ Guardian Encounters ( p236)

Choose an Access Point to enter ◆◆
the Adventure Site. ◆◆
STEP 5 Explore
◆◆ Adventure Sites ( p232) Procedure
◆◆ Choose your Location Actions Adventure
Once any immediate challenges PC Positions
and Encounters have been dealt Movement
with, you must decide whether Types
Set up your exploration team
to Inspect your current Location, Location

Allocate your PC Positions: Linger in it for while, or Move to a

Vanguard, Observer, Rearguard, different Location.

or Scout.
◆◆ Location Actions ( p235)
◆◆ PC Positions ( p233)
If you Inspect or Linger, your GM

Choose a Movement Type: will check to see if you have a
Cautious, Stealthy or Hasty. Wandering Encounter.
◆◆ Movement Types ( p234) ◆◆ Wandering Encounters ( p236)
◆◆  you are not choosing an Access
◆◆ Point to leave the Adventure Site,
STEP 3 return to Step 2.

Move to a Location

Choose your next Location and END
Access Point.
 you’re using Stealthy Movement,
If The Explore Procedure works best
when the Adventure Team stays
make the required Insight and
together. While the Team can split
When to use these rules What these rules cover Deftness Checks. up, it will mean that players will have
◆◆ Stealthy Movement ( p234) to wait as you switch between
18 Whenever you arrive and move through 
The procedure for interacting groups.
an Adventure Site, an unpredictable area, ◆◆
with dangerous areas, including
or dangerous area, you use the Explore investigating Locations and having ◆◆
Rules to see how the Locations and Encounters with the residents.
4 Encounters respond to your presence. 
Determining the PC’s Positions, and the
related responsibilites, when moving
The Focused Rules create tension
through an Adventure Site.
when exploring an unpredictable
6 area. The more slowly you explore 
Choosing a Movement Type and the
your surroundings, the more chance impact it has on your interaction with
you have of being discovered. the Adventure Site.

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Adventure Sites are unexplored or

Access points GAME
hazardous areas such as ancient ruins, BASICS
mysterious fungal forests, or dark castles. Access Points are used to move between CHECKS &
adjacent Locations. CONTESTS

Locations Your GM will tell you about any Access EXPLORE
Points you observe when you arrive at a
Locations are contained, or discrete, areas NEGOTIATE
new Location.
within a larger Adventure Site. FIGHT
In a building, an Access Point might be
Locations vary greatly depending on the PERILS
a door or window. In an unrestricted
Adventure Site. They could be used to DOWNTIME
outdoor Adventure Site, like a forest, a
represent a room in a tiny dwelling, a CRAFT
new Location could be accessed simply REARGUARD OBSERVER VANGUARD SCOUT
clearing in a forest, or even a city block in
by moving in a particular direction.
a forgotten metropolis.
Where you stand in the group comes with Explore
Your GM will describe each Location as You don’t have to rely on obvious  you are attacked from the front,
If Procedure
Access Points. You can scale walls, risk and responsibility.
you arrive. The description will depend on but have a Vanguard in position, Adventure

how fast you are moving and whether you pole vault across moats, or attempt you can cannot be targeted by

are using any special senses that would

other unconventional ways to 
When moving through an the enemy for 1 Turn if you only
PC Positions
access Locations. Adventure Site, you must choose
reveal additional information. preform a Tactical Action ( 257). Movement

While PCs fumbling through an your PC’s Position: Vanguard, A Rearguard protects you in a

Your GM will also reveal any traps or unknown area can be part of the fun, Observer, Rearguard, or Scout. similar fashion from behind.
guards (that you notice!) stationed at you might consider giving the 
Your PC Position determines what Site
the Location. players a version of the Adventure
threats or information your Insight Encounters
Site map with any secret information
removed. This will reduce time spent
Check reveals while using Stealthy REARGUARD
describing the Site’s layout and Movement ( p234).
speed up play. You defend the rear, making sure you’re
Remember to assign your not being stalked.
Companions ( p183) a PC
EXAMPLE ADVENTURE SITE MAP Position too!  a trap or blast is set off behind
you, you can choose to shield the
Grim Wing Roost PCs in front you from its effects…
Abandoned Village, Twilight Meridian VANGUARD but forfeit any Checks to avoid the
effects yourself.
You peer into the unknown, and can
shield those behind you from harm.  PCs in front of you are attacked,
8 you cannot be targeted by the
Nest  a trap or blast is set off in front of
If enemy for 1 Turn if you only
you, you can choose to shield the perform a Tactical Action ( 257).
4 Cap PCs behind you from its effects…
but forfeit any Checks to avoid the
9 effects yourself. Scout
 the PCs behind you are attacked,
6 Town Hall Clock Tower You move ahead of the pack and provide
Windmill 3 you cannot be targeted by the
advance notice of any potential threats.
enemy for 1 Turn if you only
14 Bailey
Grain Store 5 2 perform a Tactical Action ( 257).

You arrive at a Location first and
can use a different Movement Type
to the rest of the other PCs.
 you get into trouble it will take 1
Duskward Gate You study your surroundings, looking for Turn before your the other PCs can
small details easily missed by others. get there to assist.

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MOVEMENT TYPES  your Scout avoids detection

 a PC Position is filled by 2 or
more characters, the one with the and spots danger ahead they
When moving through
highest Insight makes the Check, can alert your Adventure Team to GAME
and benefits from an Edge. the threat, allowing you 1 Turn to BASICS
you need to decide
You move quietly in an attempt to pass take precautionary action before CHECKS &
whether speed, 
Empty PC Positions are covered by CONTESTS
undetected by nearby inhabitants. entering the Location.
caution, or stealth is the character with highest Insight, JOURNEY
your priority. You’ll but they suffer a Snag. 
Should your Scout set off a trap or
want to rush through 
The PCs can attempt to enter a get caught, it takes you 1 Turn to

collapsing caves but Location without being detected arrive and assist. NEGOTIATE

by any Guardian Encounters Using a Scout?

tread carefully in booby-trapped tombs.
stationed there. In addition they 
Your Scout enters the Location PERILS
will attempt to spot any hidden first and makes their own Deftness DOWNTIME
CAUTIOUS MOVEMENT information or danger on the way. Check to avoid detection. CRAFT

You move slowly to take everything in and 

Your Scout’s Insight Check only
spot any hidden dangers. ? Requires a Deftness Check detects hidden dangers ahead.
◆◆ The character with the lowest Procedure

Your PCs will discover all of Deftness makes the Check. Adventure
a Location’s hidden items,  there is a Guardian Encounter
noteworthy details, traps, and actively looking for intruders,
PC Positions

Guardian Encounters . No Insight the Stealth roll is a Contest: PC’s

Sticking around in one Location for too Types
Checks are required, but… Deftness vs. Encounter’s Insight. LINGER
long will increase your chances of getting Location

Your noisy investigations telegraph 
There is a Snag on your roll if any caught. Will you keep moving or stay put? You pause to take a breather.

your approach to the Location’s of your Team are wearing Medium

Guardian Encounters ( p236) and Armor, or heavier. you’ve dealt with a Location’s

You Linger if, for any reason, you
they will have 1 Turn to prepare. immediate challenges you can
Success: You enter the Location need to stay in a location longer
undetected by any Guardian make 1 Turn’s worth of Actions than a few minutes.
While Cautious Movement will Encounters, enabling you to stage before you must choose to:
reveal a trigger for a trap, the players 
Lingering prompts your GM to roll
an Ambush or Move to the next 
Inspect the current Location for two Wandering Encounters
will still have to work out how to
avoid setting it off. Location without consequence. 
Linger in the current Location ( p236).
◆◆ Ambush ( p252)

Move on to another Location.
HASTY MOVEMENT Failure: You’ve alerted any
inhabitants in the next Location of If the PCs are in a Location where MOVE
You move quickly, eschewing caution. your approach and will have to they are undetected by a Guardian
confront them on arrival. Encounter you might decide that a You can move forward into the unknown
PC’s Action would alert it to their or quickly retrace your steps.

Your PCs will remain one Location
ahead of any threat pursuing you presence, or you might require a
? Requires Insight Checks Check to see if they can perform
through the Adventure Site. For 
You can avoid an Encounter by

Your PC Position determines what it stealthily. moving on. Tell your GM which
example, surging flood water,
you notice whilst moving: Access Point you will use to get to
crumbling architecture, or a pack
of hunting Growls, but… 
Vanguard: Your Check detects INSPECT the next Location.
danger ahead, such as an  desired, you can change your

You forfeit your Insight rolls to You stay to investigate the Location.
Ambush or trap. PC Positions and Movement Type
detect hidden perils or useful
location details due to your haste, 
Observer: Your Check reveals before moving.
hidden or significant details 
Inspecting reveals all the Location’s
7 and… 
You can return to a previously
about the Location. For example, details, hidden items, and clues.

Your frantic footsteps alert a explored Location, as if it were one
hidden doors or valuable gems 
Inspecting prompts your GM to roll move, providing the route you took
Location’s Guardian Encounters
fixed into a statue’s eyes for a Wandering Encounter hasn’t been blocked off.
5 ( p236) of your presence.

Rearguard: Your Check detects ( p236).
dangers from behind, such as a
mysterious advancing mist.

234 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 235
SITE Encounters

Adventure Site Consider what senses the Guardian

Encounters can relies on. Are they blind, but sensitive BASICS
include anything from to vibrations, or are they able to
patrolling guards to sense magic? Also consider what CONTESTS
might interfere with these senses.
predatory wildlife. Are they asleep? Is there something JOURNEY
You might even come obstructing their view? Does their EXPLORE
across the occasional location have a lot of NEGOTIATE
lost villager. background noise?
Your GM will create a list of specific PERILS
Encounters that relate to the Adventure Wandering Encounters
Sentient hologram DOWNTIME
Site, or zone within an Adventure Site.
For example, an abandoned castle might Wandering Encounters move around This digital spirit hasn’t spoken

be a temporary den for bandits, while the Adventure Site going about their to anyone in aeons. Lonely,
a twisting cavern might be the lair of a business. If you hang about too long, bored, and very chatty.
reclusive monster and her hungry brood. they’ll stumble upon you. Procedure

Adventure Sites have two kinds 
Your GM will roll on an appropriate Sites

of Encounter: Guardian and Site Encounter Table if you are: PC Positions

Making lots of noise, or Types
 you come across an Encounter
If otherwise making your presence Location
you’ll need to Negotiate, Fight, known, will draw the interest of Actions

avoid, or otherwise pacify them. the Site’s inhabitants. Site

◆◆ Negotiate ( p235) 
Inspecting a Location ( p235).
◆◆ Fight ( p244) 
Lingering in a Location ( p235).
This will prompt your GM to roll
for two Encounters!
Think before you react, while some
Encounters will be hostile they can 
Encounters that you subdue,
also be benign. They might even be or otherwise stop from free Rock Golem Gate Keeper x2
a potential ally. movement, are removed from the These mana-infused rocks lay scattered in the If sober and awake, these
Site Encounter Table. clearing. They’ll rapidly assemble into a humanoid guards will tell you, ‘Nobody
form when tresspassers are detected. gets to meet the Duke.’
GUARDIAN Encounters  you are using a Scout, the GM
decides who bumps into the
Guardian encounters are stationed in a Encounter first, the Scout or the
specific Location. They may be standing in EXAMPLE WANDERING ENCOUNTERS
main group of PCs.
plain sight or lurking in the shadows.
Sometimes a roll on the Encounter

When moving to a new Location, Table will be uneventful… phew!
your GM will tell you if you spot a Staying in one place is a risk.
Guardian Encounter and whether
13 When rolling two Encounters you can
or not they have noticed you!
have them show up at the same time
to create a more interesting situation.
Unless Guardian Encounters are When two hungry predators turn up,
9 fixed to the spot, you can have them have them fight each over who gets
investigate any disturbances the PCs to eat the PCs for lunch, or if its an
cause in nearby Locations. escaped prisoner and a guard patrol
make it a chase scene!
When your players choose Stealthy
15 Movement to creep past a Guardian, Aerowyn, Lone Survivor Goop Family x3 Spy-D3R
you should decide whether a Bonus This orphaned Scamp has These corrosive jellies try If allowed, this erratic drone
or a Penalty should be applied. survived alone among the to digest any organic will alert more deadly
You might even decide stealth is ruins. She know things. material they come across. sentinels to your presence.

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Negotiate NEGOTIATE Procedure

Occasionally you’ll want to charm, cajole, intimidate, or otherwise convince START STEP 5 GAME
folks to act against their better judgement.
Enter the Negotiating Contest
Each team makes a Negotiation roll JOURNEY

Determine the Primary Negotiators to determine the winner. EXPLORE

The GM divides the characters The Negotiation roll is a Contest NEGOTIATE

involved into opposing teams. and your chosen Tactic determines FIGHT
the Aptitudes each team uses.
Each team assigns a Primary PERILS
◆◆ Contest ( p219)
Negotiator. These characters’ make DOWNTIME

the rolls when Negotiating. ◆◆ CRAFT

◆◆ Primary Negotiators ( p240)

PCs are immune to being affected Negotiate

by Negotiation, the players are Accept defeat or Push your Point Procedure
always in control of the characters If you lose the initial argument you Negotiation
thoughts and actions. have one more chance to change Complex
the other team’s mind. Negotiation

◆◆ ◆◆ Push your Point ( p241)


Determine your Objective

Agree and describe what
the desired outcome of your Get advice for a Negotiation strategy
Negotiation will be. from the other players, even if their
◆◆ Objectives ( p240) PCs aren’t present at the scene.

◆◆ Only use the Negotiate Procedure

for exchanges which have a
STEP 3 significant impact on events, not for
petty squabbles.
Choose your Tactic If you’d rather role play than roll to
Agree and declare your determine the outcome of a
negotiation Tactic, this determines negotiation, ask your GM if it’s OK.
which Aptitudes are used in the While Negotiation normally only
Negotiation Contest. works on GMCs, if your players
agree, they can use it to resolve an
◆◆ Tactics ( p240)
in-game dispute between their PCs.
When to use these rules What these rules cover
3 Whenever you want to convince an Choosing the best Negotiator.
intelligent GMC to act against their better Defining an achievable negotiation
judgement or do something they wouldn’t Objective. Determine Influencing Factors
normally do.
2 Selecting a Tactic for your negotiations Discuss and agree with your GM
Talking your way out of trouble is a and determining the beneficial, or whether there are Influencing
great alternative to a Fight, especially detrimental, Influencing Factors. Factors that might affect the roll.
if the odds are against you.
Conducting complex negotiations, ◆◆ Influencing Factors ( p241)
including addressing larger groups.

238 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 239
The more you know about your
opponent, the more likely you’ll be
able to come up with something you
A judge will be swayed can exploit. If you have time, do a GAME
Primary Negotiators TACTICS by hard evidence, the little digging before you Negotiate. BASICS
greedy by the offer
Who you chose to make
The best Tactic for of coin, and the Of course, you can suggest other CONTESTS
your case can greatly a Negotiation is desperate by the
Influencing Factors to your GM and
affect the outcome of one that pits your use them if they agree.
promise of help. Use
a negotiation. Do you
strength against what you can to swing
need a convincing liar your opponent’s a debate in your favor. PUSH your point

or just someone who weakness. Charm the FIGHT

can bluntly deliver weak willed, baffle the So you’ve lost the Negotiation, don’t give
If you believe there are Influencing
the facts? simple-minded. up just yet!
Factors that will bolster your DOWNTIME

argument, tell your GM. CRAFT

Choose your Primary Negotiator, Choose a negotiating Tactic, this If you lose the Negotiation Contest,
this is who’ll be doing most of will determine what Aptitudes the Your GM will decide which, if any,
you are allowed one more go but…
the speaking. Primary Negotiators will use in the Influencing Factors can be applied.
You must choose an alternative

Choose a Primary Negotiator on Negotiation Contest. If an Influencing Factor does apply, Procedure
Tactic and cannot benefit from
the opposing team, this is who you you receive a Minor Bonus (+2) to Standard
Influencing Factors. However you Negotiation
Tactics your Negotiation roll.
are trying to influence. can change the Primary Negotiator. Complex
Physical Intimidation: Break their Some GMCs are susceptible to Negotiation
If you are trying to influence If you lose a second time it’s case
resolve with fear or aggression. specific Influencing Factors. If one
more than one individual, refer to closed. The opposing side will not
Your Might vs. their Grit. of these can be exploited, you
Negotiating with Groups ( p242). entertain any further discussion.
Reasoned Debate: Present them receive a Major Bonus (+4).
If you are negotiating with more
with an irrefutable argument. You can only benefit from one
than one side, see Negotiating with If players persist, have the opposing
Your Insight vs. theirs. Influencing Factor at a time.
Multiple Teams ( p242). side walk off, ignore them, or
Charismatic Appeal: Use sheer become hostile.
Negotiators must have a shared Influencing Factors
presence to subdue.
form of communication. Evidence: Supporting facts will The rules are designed to create
Your Aura vs. their Grit. decisive outcomes to discussions,
Honeyed Words/Deceit: Exploit boost your chances. A minion is preventing arguments from going
Select your Primary Negotiator in
naivety with an economical truth. more likely to betray their master round in circles and taking up
conjunction with your Tactic so you when presented with a history of precious Session time.
can appoint the PC most likely to Your Aura vs. their Insight.
their mistreatment.
succeed. Use your Sage to reason Guilt Trip: Leverage shame or
and your Champion to intimidate. good conscience. Situation: Presenting your case at
Your Insight vs. their Grit. the right time and place will help.
A well known thief will be more
Objectives Tenacious Belligerence/ amenable to quietly handing back
Random Blathering: Use dogged your coin pouch if confronted
Your Objective is what you hope the determination to suppress reason. in a tavern filled with off-duty
Negotiation will achieve. For example, Your Grit vs. theirs. guardsmen.
bluffing your way past security or
receiving clemency from the court. Character: Use your Quirks,
16 If you think of an alternative Tactic, Abilities, or even your appearance
Tell your GM what you want to suggest it to your GM and see if they to lend weight to your proposition.
accomplish with your Negotiations. agree to it. Bribes: Offering riches, or cake, is a
Your GM will decide if your If your players just want to describe tried and tested Negotiation aid.
13 how they are presenting their
Objective is achievable and, if not,
help you find a more acceptable argument, you can select the Tactic
that fits their approach for them.
Objective if required.
You can make a powerful GMC, like
a king, immune to Negotiation, or
limit the PC’s choice of Objectives.

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Sometimes you’ll need to sway the Sometimes others may attempt to

masses, not just an individual. interfere with your Negotiation. JOURNEY

Small Groups
The interfering team chooses
When addressing a group of 6 or a Primary Negotiator and an
less your GM rolls for each member Interference Tactic. FIGHT

of the group. The Interference Tactic they use


If you convince at least half of the determines which Aptitude they DOWNTIME

group, the remaining dissenters use in the Negotiation Contest. CRAFT

are cajoled into agreeing. The interfering team rolls during

the Contest along with the other
Unit/Coalition Negotiate
negotiating teams. Procedure
When addressing a group of
If the interfering team wins, they
7 or more that are led by a Negotiation
successfully sabotage
respected commander, the Complex
your Negotiation. Negotiation
commander’s Aptitudes are used
in the Negotiation, even if you are If you decide to Push, the
addressing the troops. interfering team can attempt to
sabotage again.
$$Unless the PCs are exceptionally
powerful, and have demonstrated Interference Tactics
this, the Physical Intimidation Tactic
Bullying: Might is used to stop
won’t work on large armies.
anyone listening to you.
Mob/Rabble Nitpicking: Insight is used to poke
When addressing an unfocused holes in your argument.
group of 7 or more you are limited Mocking: Aura is used to deride
to the Charismatic Appeal Tactic, and undermine your authority.
only a passionate rallying cry
will do.
Your GM will use the average
Grit score of the mob/rabble, a
guestimate is fine.
Your GM will decide whether a
strong willed or wise GMC in the
crowd rolls independently to the

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While many conflicts can be resolved with cunning and diplomacy, you won’t START STEP 4 GAME
always be able to avoid violence.
Taking Turns CONTESTS
The first team agrees which order JOURNEY

Start a Fight their members will act in. EXPLORE

Determine who started the Fight. Each member then makes their NEGOTIATE

They will take their Turn first. Move and performs their Action in FIGHT
the agreed order.
◆◆ Fight Start ( 252) PERILS
◆◆ Make a Move ( p253) DOWNTIME
Was the Fight started with an Performing an Action ( p253) CRAFT
Ambush? Determine whether it
was successful and whether the Your GM will resolve and describe
unsuspecting side misses a Turn. the outcome of each combatant’s
Actions as they are made. Procedure
◆◆ Ambush ( p252)
The opposing team, or teams, then Combat
◆◆ take their Turn is a similar way. Values
STEP 2 Area
Create the Battlefield STEP 5 Conducting
a Fight
Your GM describes where the fight End a Fight Actions
is taking place, breaking it down
into Battlefield Areas you can The fight is over if a team has been Damage

occupy and move between. incapacitated, surrendered, or has Injury Table

escaped to safety. Treatment
◆◆ Battlefield Areas ( p248)
◆◆ Fight End ( p253) Sundering
Some Areas may suffer from a Colossal
Condition which makes it more If the teams are still trading blows, Combat

challenging to perform return to Step 4.

Actions there.
◆◆ Area Conditions ( p250)
You won’t always be able to win
STEP 3 every battle so know when the odds
are stacked against you and avoid
Position the teams unnecessary combat.
The GM divides the characters
When to use these rules What these rules cover involved into opposing teams.
16 Whenever you get embroiled in a Calculating your Combat Values. Your GM allocates each combatant
physical, or magical, battle with an Creating Battlefields. a Battlefield Area to start in.
adversary and the outcome is uncertain.
Using Actions and Moves.
Don’t use the Fight Rules for attacks
on sleeping or otherwise
The effects of Damage and Injury.
incapacitated foes, instead just allow How to Sunder inanimate objects.
the PCs to slay them or, if they prefer,
knock them unconscious.
Fighting Colossal foes.

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When you participate in a fight you will Your Speed Rating determines Your Defense Rating represents
frequently reference four key Combat HEARTS TOTAL how quickly you can change your ability to deflect or avoid
Values: Attack Bonus, Defence Rating, Your Hearts Total determines location during a battle and harmful targeted attacks. CHECKS &
Speed Rating, and Hearts Total. how much superficial damage assists in dodging attacks. CONTESTS

you can take before you JOURNEY

receive a more serious, lasting Calculating your Speed Rating Calculating your Defense Rating
Injury. Hearts represent a mix of your There are four Speed Ratings: Your base Defense Rating depends NEGOTIATE
Your Attack Bonus represents fighting spirit, luck, and pain threshold. Slow, Average, Fast and Very Fast. on your Species Size and is FIGHT
how good you are at hitting You start with a base Speed Rating modified by the defensive gear you PERILS
things and is a reflection of ◆◆ Calculating your Hearts Total of Average, comparable to the are using and, on occasions, your
your training and killer instinct. average human’s ability. Speed Rating.
Your Hearts Total is determined CRAFT
by your Calling and Rank, which Watch out for Abilities and other ◆◆ Species Size ( p106)
Calculating your Attack Bonus are both listed on your Calling’s Armor ( p163)
factors that can adjust your Speed
Your base Attack Bonus is Advancement Table. Rating, for example the Raider’s Shields ( p169) Fight
determined by your Calling and Watch out for other factors that Like the Wind Ability. Speed Rating ( p247) Procedure

Rank, and is listed on your Calling’s might modify your Hearts Total, for
Advancement Table. example the Socializing Using Speed Rating in a Fight Watch out for other factors that
Watch out for other factors that Downtime Activity. Your Speed Rating determines how might modify your Defense Rating,
might modify your Attack Bonus, many Battlefield Areas you can for example the Champion’s Into Area
for example using a Master Weapon. When to use your Hearts Total move through on your Turn the Fray Ability. Conducting
Your Hearts are depleted during a ( p253). a Fight
When to apply Attack Bonus When to use your Defense Rating
Fight after taking Damage from an During a Fight, when you are aware

Attack Bonus applies whenever Attack ( p254). Defense Rating is referred to Damage
of an inbound Attack and are
you perform an Action that requires whenever you are targeted by
free to take evasive action, a high Injury Table
an Attack roll. a physical or magical Attack. An
Speed Rating provides you with a Treatment
adversary’s Attack roll must be
defensive bonus: Sundering
higher than your Defense Rating
Fast: +2 Defense Rating. to hit you.

Very Fast: +4 Defense Rating.

Using Speed Rating in Contests BASE DEFENSE RATING & MODIFIERS

Calling Calling
Champion, Rank 1 Champion, Rank 1 In Contests where speed is a factor
Base value +1 Base value 4 the following bonuses apply:
+ +  you are one rating faster than
Ability Quirk the other contestant you gain a
Favored Weapon, Girthsome +1 Small Medium Large
Master +1 Minor Bonus (+2).
11 10 9
+  you are two or more ratings
faster than the other contestant
Master +1 you gain a Major Bonus (+4).
Your GM may decide certain
Base value Average vehicles or creatures can travel
DEFENCE RATING +3 5 faster than Very Fast. This means Light Medium Heavy Superheavy
1 + you will not be able to overtake or +2 +4 +6 +8
Species Armor outrun them.
Chib, Small Species Heavy Armor
Base value 11 17 Slow Maximum Average Armor’s affect on Speed Rating
Note that heavier armors limit your
Armor Quirk maximum achievable Speed Rating.
Heavy Armor +6 Girthsome -1 Rating Fast Very Fast
◆◆ Armor ( p163) Std. Shield Lg. Shield
+1 +2 +2 +4

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Custom Areas should make things
CREATING A BATTLEFIELD Adding new Areas during a Fight more interesting, not tedious!

A Battlefield can be anything from the Your GM can add, or remove, Don’t get hung up on exact
confines of a gloomy cavern to the shell
BASIC AREAS Areas as the fight necessitates. distances when creating your Areas.
of an enormous flying turtle. When a For example, a Sage being thrown Keep it simple, fast and fun.
A simple set of Areas you can use to through a tavern window into the
Fight starts, your GM will describe the conduct a Fight without much fuss. Only create the Areas you need, not

Battlefield to you in terms of Battlefield street would add a new Battlefield all the potential Areas the fight could JOURNEY
Areas and Conditions. Area, whereas a rock slide in a spread into. Add only when required.
Basic Battlefield Areas cavern siege might seal off a

An interesting Battlefield will inspire An Area for each team to start in. previously accessible Area. While not necessary, a place to draw NEGOTIATE
your players to come up with out the Battlefield can help everyone FIGHT
creative tactics or present an An Area for the initially empty, keep track of where everything is!
contested zone in between.
interesting challenge for them to
overcome. Are the enemy out of DOWNTIME
range in an elevated position or is CRAFT
there a pinch point to exploit? You can stick to Basic Areas until WEAPON RANGES
you’re ready to make things more
Once your GM has described the interesting with Custom Areas. Fight
Battlefield, ask questions to flesh out Procedure
potentially useful details. Are there
barrels you can roll towards the
enemy or is there a sturdy table to
flip over for cover? Basic Areas are not adequate for more Area
complicated Battlefields, such as Conditions

BATTLEFIELD AREAS the confines of a crystal maze or the Conducting

expansive deck of a Sky Ship. For this, you CURRENT AREA 1 AREA AWAY 2 AREAS AWAY
a Fight

Battlefield Areas describe the separate will need to create Custom Areas. Actions
Melee Weapons Lash (Melee) Drawn
physical spaces you can occupy Damage
Thrown Large Mechanical Missile
and move between during a Fight. ◆◆ Determining the initial Areas Small Mechanical Missile
Injury Table

If a location is separated either by a Your GM will initially only create Treatment

significant distance or has differing the Areas required to start the fight. Sundering
physical characteristics, your GM could They may add more Areas later. BASIC AREAS Colossal
qualify it as a separate Area. Combat
Fights that start in a restricted
space, like a small room, may only
◆◆ Making Attacks between Areas
have one Area.
You can Attack adversaries in the
When they come within range,
same Area as you with any
a fight with flying, or swimming,
Weapon, but Melee Weapons are
Adversaries will require an Area
most effective at close range.
that represents the portion of sky/
You can only physically Attack water they occupy. PC START CONTESTED ZONE ADVERSARY START
adversaries in a different Area to
Your GM will tell you about any
you with a Weapon Type that has
difficult to access Areas that require
an extended range, such as a
additional Actions or Abilities to
2 access. For example, an Isolated STEPPING STONES
Moving between Areas Area may require you to spend
an Action to remove a barricade
The number of Areas you can before entering, or a raised Area
17 Move ( p253) through on your may require Supernatural Leaping
Turn is set by your Speed Rating. or climbing gear to reach.
The amount of combatants that can
fit in any one Area is decided by Determining your starting Area
your GM, it could be a large Once the Custom Areas are
number for an open field but a determined your GM allocates
small number for a tiny alcove. each combatant an Area to start in. GRASS BANK 1 BOG GRASS BANK 2

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Fighting on a slippery surface or in the Areas plagued by extreme Areas afflicted by something Areas with features that offer
midst of a whirling storm is restrictive. cold, fire, or other damaging that inhibits the senses are protective cover from Missile BASICS
Areas subject to such adverse effects have effects, are Harmful. Obscured. For example, total Weapons are Sheltered. CHECKS &
an Area Condition. darkness or shifting illusions. CONTESTS

When in a Harmful Area… When in a Sheltered Area… JOURNEY

◆◆ Determining Area Conditions When in an Obscured Area… EXPLORE
If you are not adequately protected Any Attacks directed at you from
Your GM decides what Areas are You suffer a Snag on rolls that
from the source of the harm you outside the Sheltered Area suffer NEGOTIATE
affected by a Condition prior to require precision, perception or
lose 1 Heart per Turn. a Snag. FIGHT
starting the battle. aiming, including Attack rolls!
If you are reduced to 0 Hearts you PERILS
Only Areas perceivably affected by Your GM may also impose
must roll Burning Injuries ( p267) DOWNTIME
a Condition will be disclosed by additional effects depending on
for each Turn you remain in the SUFFOCATING CRAFT
your GM, others you’ll discover on the nature of the obscuration. For
Harmful Area.
entering the affected Area! example, deafening noise would Areas troubled by hazards that
also inhibit verbal communication. impair breathing, such as thick
Individual Areas can have different Fight
Conditions to adjoining Areas. smoke, are Suffocating.
Individual Areas can be affected by Values
Areas that are blockaded, PRECARIOUS
multiple Conditions. For example, When in a Suffocating Area… Battlefields

A small underground cavern might elevated, or difficult to enter

Areas that are difficult to You are subject to the effects of...
be both Cramped and Precarious. from other Areas are Isolated. Conditions
balance on, like a surface Suffocation ( p271). Conducting
covered in ice or slippery a Fight
Adding new Conditions during a fight
When moving to (or from) an liquid, are Precarious. Actions
Conditions can change during the If you don’t see a Condition that
Isolated Area… meets your needs, rename and Damage
course of combat. For example, When moving to a Precarious Area…
setting fire to an Area would add When you attempt to enter, or re-flavor one, or use these examples Injury Table
leave, an Isolated Area you must You must make a Deftness Check as guidelines to make up your own.
the Harmful Condition… and Treatment
use an extra Move. If you have a or be Toppled ( p271) and your
putting it out would remove it. Sundering
Slow Speed Rating this means you Turn is ended. Colossal
would need 2 Turns to enter an If the Precarious Area is elevated, Combat
Isolated Area! such as a moss-covered roof, and
Isolated rules might only apply you fail your Check, you will slip
Areas that are small and restrict in one direction, depending on and incur a Falling Injury ( p267)
movement, such as an alcove the nature of the obstruction. You can avoid the Deftness Check
or a prison cell, are Cramped. For example, a barricade might if you forfeit your Action.
be designed to make it difficult
for combatants to enter an Area
When in a Cramped Area… but easy for those behind the EXAMPLE BATTLEFIELD CONDITIONS
Your Defense Rating does not obstruction to easily leave.
benefit from your Speed Rating. If attempting to enter an Isolated
Weapon Types other than Area that requires you to climb, ‘SLIPPERY’ STEPPING STONES
19 Unarmed, Concealed, and Small you must make Might or Deftness PRECARIOUS

Mechanical Missile incur a Minor Check. Failure means you waste a

Penalty (-2) on Attack rolls. Turn making little or no progress.
4 Your GM will consider your relative
size when applying the Cramped
Condition. For example, a Small
Chib would still have room to
9 manoeuvre in a tight space,
whereas a Massive foe may find a ‘NOXIOUS’ BOG
human-sized space restrictive. GRASS BANK 1 SUFFOCATING + HARMFUL GRASS BANK 2

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A Fight has 3 distinct stages: Your Move allows you to change the When you’re positioned correctly, it’s
ROUNDS Battlefield Area you are located in, to time to act.
Fight Start: Where an intent to strike is escape harm or gain a tactical advantage.
announced or an Ambush is staged. A Round represents approximately 10 CHECKS &
seconds of elapsed time in a battle. You can perform one Action during CONTESTS

Rounds: Where each side takes Turns to If your Speed Rating is Average your Turn ( p213). JOURNEY

Move and take their Actions. you can Move to an adjacent The result of your Action is
A Round is split into Turns. EXPLORE
Battlefield Area. resolved immediately, this might
Fight End: When all adversaries have Each team fighting takes a Turn. NEGOTIATE
If your Speed Rating is Fast or Very impact on others’ choices. For
been slain, surrendered or fled. In a Fight, a Turn is where all the Fast, you can Move through up to example, if you slay a foe that was

characters from a single team two connected Battlefield Areas. also targeted by a team acting after

Move between Areas and perform you they may now want to redirect
FIGHT START! If your Speed Rating is Slow, you
their desired Actions. their Attack to another opponent. CRAFT
must use the Extra Move Action
When one set of characters declare they The players team is made up of the ( p257) to change Areas.
are attacking another, a Fight has started. PCs, their Companions, and any
friendly GMCs. Some Abilities, such as Super Fight

Natural Leaping or Flight, allow you FIGHT END! Procedure

To start a Fight simply shout, ‘Fight Once all a team’s Moves and to access and occupy Areas in
Start!’, or something similar. Actions have been resolved, the A battle concludes when the Attacks stop. Values
unconventional ways. For example,
Your GM will then create and opposing team take their Turns. a character with Flight might avoid

describe the Battlefield. Your GM will declare ‘Fight End!’ Area

When all teams have completed a harmful Area Condition that is
when one of the following occurs:
The team that starts the Fight takes their Turn, the Round is over. transmitted by contact with the Conducting
the first Turn. floor, but not an atmospheric effect,  team is dead or incapacitated.
The team Turn order is maintained
a Fight

If there is any doubt as to who for subsequent Rounds. and a Fast character with  offer of surrender is accepted.
An Actions

started the Fight then the Supernatural Leaping might be  team Flees ( p258).
Rounds repeat until Fight End! A
characters with highest Deftness able to bound over one Area Injury Table
completely, if there is enough head  intervention prevents the
on each team must enter a Contest, Treatment
room to do so. battle from continuing, such as a
and apply their Speed Rating
TAKING YOUR TURN rock fall that seals a team off. Sundering
bonus ( p247). Colossal
Members of a team can act individually, SPEED & BATTLEFIELD MOVES
or work together to perform coordinated
STAGING AN AMBUSH group manoeuvres.

As long as there is enough time to hide,

On your Turn, each team member
sneak or rush an unsuspecting adversary, SLOW
can Move then perform an Action,
you can attempt an Ambush.
or vice versa.

If you are undetected by your The players’ team should agree +0 AREAS
enemy you may attempt to start a among themselves in which order
Fight with an Ambush. each team members goes in.
The order can change every Turn.
5 vs Requires a Contest ◆◆
The lowest Deftness among your Let anyone whose Action will benefit
team vs. the highest Insight among the entire team go first. For example,
your adversaries. let the Sage go first so everyone can +1 AREA
7 benefit from the effects of their spell!
Success: Your enemies miss their
first Turn! This means you take 2 If the order isn’t critical to your plan,
just go clockwise round the table.
Turns before your foes can act. FAST & VERY FAST
Failure: You still take the first Turn If there is a dispute over which
but unfortunately don’t benefit player wants to go first, you decide!
further from the Ambush attempt. Players with the highest Speed Rating,
and lightest Armor, should go first.

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ACTIONS CUSTOM ACTIONS Being targeted by an Attack Stunt

Try something strange or unorthodox to Your GM can have enemies
There are four types of Action you can
If your Attack total exceeds your surprise and overcome your enemies. attempt to use an Attack Stunt GAME
perform during a Fight: BASICS
weapon’s listed Extra Damage on you! If this happens they will
Combat Actions: Attacking the enemy or number, the strike does an propose both the success and CHECKS &
doubling down on your defenses. additional Heart of Damage. ATTACK STUNT failure conditions.

Custom Actions: Invent your own Actions, If using a Magical Attack, or Ability, Want your strike to disarm your foe, or If an Attack Stunt on you is EXPLORE
including audacious stunts or crafty tricks. check to see if there are any other knock them off their feet? Attack Stunts successful your GM may allow
consequences from a successful hit. allow you to try, but failure will have a cost. you to reduce, but not cancel, the
Assist Actions: Focus your energy on Failure: Your strike is poorly failure condition with a FIGHT

giving others a better chance of success. targeted, mistimed, or otherwise 1. Define your Attack Stunt suitable Check. PERILS

Tactical Actions: Includes using an ineffective. No Damage is done! Choose a Weapon or Ability to ◆◆ For example, if an enemy’s Attack DOWNTIME

Ability, retrieving useful items from your strike with, then select your target Stunt disarms you, the GM might CRAFT

backpack, or running away! as if making a standard Attack. allow you to keep hold of you
Dual wielding
weapon with a successful Deftness
If you’re using a Melee Weapon in Suggest a success condition if you Check, but have you suffer a Snag
COMBAT ACTIONS each hand you can attack with your make your Attack roll. on your next roll. Combat
second weapon if you fail to hit ◆◆ For example, “I swipe at the bandit
You can flip between offensive and All Attack Stunts are subject to the Values
with the first. queen with my Staff… and attempt
defensive options during battle. effects of Diminishing Returns Battlefields
Your second Attack roll suffers a to knock her weapon to the floor.” ( p256). Area
Minor Penalty (-2). Conditions

ATTACK 2. Your GM defines a failure condition Conducting

If your GM accepts the feasibility of You can always suggest a failure a Fight
Remember that, like drawing a
Here comes the pain. condition when you propose your Actions
weapon, it will also take an Action to your Attack Stunt they will invent a
Attack stunt, but your GM gets the Damage
stow it securely. This will prevent a failure condition. final say.
◆◆ Choose your Attack dual wielding character from readily
A failure condition is a negative
Injury Table
performing Actions that require the If a player proposes an Attack Stunt
Choose a Weapon or Ability to use of a free hand, and of course outcome should you fail your
you deem impossible then suggest a
strike with, then select your target. prohibit the use of the larger shields. Attack. This will be something similar, but more feasible, alternative.

Make sure your foe can be harmed equal and opposite to your Colossal

proposed success condition. If you are struggling to come up with Combat

by, and is in range of, your Attack. a suitable failure condition, default
Announce your Attack. For DEFEND ◆◆ For example, “If you try that... there to a Snag on their next Action or give
example, “I swing at the Skeleman is a danger you may drop your staff their opponent an Edge on theirs.
During a fight you are always being and it will require your next Turn to
with my Glorious Hammer.” Example wagers:
actively defensive but, if you completely retrieve it.”
forfeit your offensive ambitions, you have Entangle (Restrain) an enemy with
? Make your Attack roll a better chance of protecting yourself, or 3. Make a wager your chain whip, fail and they’ll fall to
Roll a d20 and add your Attack someone else, from harm. If you and your GM agree to the the floor (Toppled).
Bonuses to the result. proposed success and failure Hurl a sword at a flying foe that’s out
Remember to check for any Edges, Announce that you intend to conditions, a wager is made. of Melee Range, fail and the weapon
Snags, Bonuses or Penalties that Defend and take no other Action lands 1 Battlefield Area away.
on your Turn. If a wager can’t be agreed on then
17 might apply to your Attack. your Action will revert back to a Drive an enemy back over a
To hit, your Attack roll needs to You can choose to defend yourself standard Attack. precipice, fail and you make a Check
match or exceed your target’s or another character in the same to see if you both go over the edge
Defense Rating. Battlefield Area as you. (refer to the Impact Table!)
? Make your Attack roll
6 The defended character gains +2 If your Speed Rating is Slow you can
Rolling a 20 is always a hit. Roll your Attack as normal.
to their Defense Rating next Turn. risk performing an Attack Stunt to
Rolling a 1 is always a miss. Move and make a standard Attack in
A character may only benefit from Success: Your attack deals
Success: You do damage! Damage… and you benefit from the same Turn!
1 2 defenders at any one time.
Damage dealt is dependent on your agreed success condition.
your means of Attack. For example, Failure: You miss… and suffer the
a Standard Weapon will do 1 Heart. agreed failure condition.

254 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 255
Diminishing Returns can apply to
Custom Action when directed at any
foe who is expecting it, like an
Forgo your Attack and use cunning, Use your Action to help an ally make an Spend time to get into a better tactical
ancient beast who is used to having GAME
not steel, to put your opponent at a its well known weakness exploited. otherwise impossible Attack. For example, position or use an Ability during a Fight. BASICS
disadvantage. Trip them up (Toppled), holding a beast’s mouth open so an ally CHECKS &
dazzle them with your shiny shield can throw a bomb into it. CONTESTS
(Blinded), or use some other crafty tactic! USE AN ABILITY
ASSIST ACTIONS 1. Define your Tactical Assist Use a Calling or Species Ability. EXPLORE
1. Define your Combat Trick Use your Action to give others a better Choose a target and state the NEGOTIATE
Choose a target and state the chance of success with theirs. intention of your Combat Trick. Using an Ability during a Fight FIGHT
intention of your Combat Trick. ◆◆ For example, “I’m hurling Charla requires the use of your Action, PERILS
◆◆ For example, “I’m going to pull the up in the air so she can reach the unless otherwise stated in the
ATTACK ASSIST Ability’s description.
Skelemaster’s cloak over his head Colossus’ Strike Point.” CRAFT
in order to obstruct his vision.” Focus your Attack on opening up your
foes defenses rather than doing Damage. 2. Your GM determines the difficulty
2. Your GM determines the difficulty Your feint from the right creates a clear Your GM decides if your Tactical EXTRA MOVE Fight
Your GM decides what effect your striking opportunity for an ally on the left. Assist automatically works or if you Procedure

Combat Trick has on the fight and will require a Check or Contest to Don’t stop to act, keep on moving. Combat
whether it automatically works or 1. Define your Attack Assist pull it off ( p217).
will require a Check or Contest to Forfeit your Action to make an Battlefields
Choose the Weapon or Ability you ◆◆ For example, “If you make a Might
pull off ( p216). additional Move on the Battlefield. Area
intend to use, then select a target Check... you can get Charla high Conditions
◆◆ For example, “If you make a as if making a standard Attack. enough to make an Attack roll.” If your Speed Rating is Slow, you Conducting
Deftness Check you can whip the need to use the Extra Move Action a Fight
◆◆ Next choose an ally that will benefit to move to a new Battlefield Area.
cloak over his face and he will be from your distraction.

Blinded until he takes a Turn to Your team can chain a series of Damage
◆◆ For example, “I let out a battle Tactical Assists together to create an
straighten himself out.” attack opportunity but, like all chains,
Injury Table
roar and wildly swing my hammer
All Combat Tricks are subject to the around to draw the temple
if one link fails the whole thing fails. Treatment

effects of Diminishing Returns guardian’s attention, so Gavril can Sundering

( p256). get a clean shot at its weak point.” Colossal
Any ammunition, or Abilities with
If your character isn’t great at fighting limited use, are expended if used
you can assist with inventive Combat during an Attack Assist. +2
Tricks to help turn the tide of battle. ...
◆◆ 2. The assisted character Attacks
On their Turn, the chosen ally
DIMINISHING RETURNS benefits from a Minor Bonus (+2)
to any Attack roll made against the
A unique trick can catch your foe off distracted foe.
guard, try the same thing again however... ◆◆ An additional Attack Assist, that Use Ability Extra Move Misc. React Flee Attack Defend
targets the same foe and ally, can
7 When you attempt to use the same increase this to a Major Bonus (+4).
Attack Stunt or Combat Trick on ASSISTS CUSTOM
the same target, you suffer a Snag An Attack Assist lasts for 1Turn.
on your roll or, if no roll is required,
14 it simply does not work. Monsters work together too! Mooks +2
If you sufficiently alter a will help Bosses with Attack Assists
subsequent attempt of an Attack and scheming Skelemen love a
cunning Combat Trick!
Stunt or Combat Trick, your GM
may allow you to avoid the effect
of Diminishing Returns.
Attack Assist Tactical Assist Attack Stunt Combat Trick

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Second-guess your enemy and disrupt If a Fight is not going your way, get out Your health is tracked in two ways, with When your GMCs are low on Hearts,
their combat plan. before all is lost. Hearts and Injuries. provide the players with an BASICS
appropriate description. For
example, ‘You can see in their eyes CHECKS &
1. Predict an adversary’s Action and A Fight will end if one side decides that they are losing confidence’ or
declare your reaction to it. to Flee, as a group, on their Turn. ‘They start to wheeze and stagger’. JOURNEY

On your Turn declare you are Your GM may decide the team that Hearts measure temporary damage and EXPLORE
going to React by proposing a takes flight must win a Deftness are depleted during a Fight. NEGOTIATE
response to an anticipated event. Contest to get away cleanly, with FIGHT
◆◆ For example, “I will crouch in the failure allowing the opposing team Losing Hearts Injuries are lingering ailments sustained PERILS
corner and when someone enters, I to take one final Turn. You start every Fight with your after losing all your Hearts in a Fight or DOWNTIME
will trip them up.” full Hearts Total, regardless of any from other significant sources of harm. CRAFT
losses incurred in previous battles.
2. Reacting to the anticipated event MISCELLANEOUS ACTIONS Hearts are depleted in a Fight after Determine your Injury
If the anticipated event occurs being struck by a successful Attack. Roll on the Injury Table ( p260). Fight
during an opponent’s Turn, you Any task not covered by another type of Procedure
Action is considered Miscellaneous. The number of Hearts lost from an 
For the first Injury sustained in a
may React. Attack (Damage) depends on the
Fight use the results for Values
Your reaction is resolved according Weapon Type or Ability used in Light Injury.
◆◆ 1. Define your Miscellaneous Action Battlefields
to the type of Action attempted. the Attack.
For example, tripping an opponent On your Turn, describe your 
For your second Injury use the Area
◆◆ Weapon Types ( p152) results for Severe Injury.
entering the room would be proposed Action to Your GM. Conducting
resolved like a Combat Trick. ◆◆ For example, “I want to find and 
For your third, and subsequent a Fight
Losing all your Hearts
If successful, your intervention retrieve the Booster Cake from Injuries, use the results for Actions

my backpack” When an Attack reduces your Critical Injury.

may disrupt your opponents’ Turn.
Hearts to 0, or below, you must roll
For example, the Toppled enemy Injuries remain until you receive Injury Table
◆◆ 2. Your GM determines if your Action on the Injury Table ( p260) and
will no longer be able to Attack as proper Treatment ( p262). Treatment
is valid and if it requires a Check suffer the consequences.
intended. Sundering
Miscellaneous Actions cannot If you are reduced to zero Hearts Non-Fight Injuries
If the anticipated event does not in combat from a source other

occur, or you opt to simply wait create a combat advantage or Injuries can also be gained by Combat
cause harm to a foe. If they do than a weapon attack, for example suffering a Peril, like falling or
without proposing a reaction, you a Harmful Battlefield Condition,
instead act at the very end of your this, they are considered to be a burning ( p267).
Combat Trick or Attack Assist. you will be directed to roll on an
adversaries’ Turn. alternative Injury Table. Injuries caused by Area Conditions
A single Miscellaneous Action must are applied at the end of your Turn.
not take longer than 10 seconds. If your Injury permits, you can Fight
on with less than 0 Hearts but must
FIRST AID Your GM may decide you need
now roll on the Injury Table every
to make an appropriate Check to DAMAGE TYPES
Stop a fallen comrade from dying, or get time you’re hit.
perform your Action.
them back on their feet. Your GM will split longer proposals Damage Types come in many flavors.
Reducing an adversary to 0 Hearts
into a series of Actions spread over Each type can be more or less effective
To perform First Aid you must be When you reduce an adversary against specific foe. For example, an
5 a series of Rounds. to 0 Hearts, they do not suffer an
in the same Battlefield Area as Asura might be immune to Mundane
your patient. If your GM decides your proposed Injury. Instead, you may choose to Damage, resistant to Dark Damage, but
Action takes less than a second or slay them or spare them. susceptible to Bright Damage.
You can stop an ally dying who two, they may allow you to perform
11 has suffered the Near Death or A spared foe falls unconscious and
an additional Action on your Turn. wakes a few hours later with their Mundane Damage is inflicted by
Mutilated Injury, if you can get to
them within 2 Turns. Hearts restored. If desired, you can non-magical weapons.
also choose to leave them with an Special Damage is magical in
You can wake a character who is Injury ( p260) of your choice, or
7 nature and includes: Bright, Dark,
Out Cold, but they won’t be able to leave them with a distinctive scar to
make any further Combat Actions Flame, Frost, Lightning, and
remember you by. Twilight Damage.
for the remainder of the Fight.

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INJURY TABLE Near death You’ll die within 2 Turns if help doesn’t arrive.
Roll your Injury 1st Injury roll (light) 2nd Injury roll (severe) 3rd+ Injury roll (critical) 16-17 You’re dying, and need First Aid reduces this Injury to Wounded.
urgent attention. GAME
13-14 BASICS
1-5 Shocked/Stalled Miss your next Combat Turn.
1-3 A solid blow has Severed Roll to see which limb is severed (1-5 right arm, CONTESTS
stunned you. 6-10 left arm, 11-15 right leg, 16-20 left leg)
1-2 18 A limb is sliced off, JOURNEY

crushed, or otherwise You’ll need Magical Treatment or a Prosthetic EXPLORE

15-16 detached.
6-9 Armor crash Your armor’s Defense Bonus is reduced by 2. Replacement to regain the limb’s function. NEGOTIATE
This penalty lasts until your armor is repaired.
4-6 Your armor absorbs Until replaced, consider a severed arm as the FIGHT
a dangerous blow. When your Armor Bonus is reduced to 0, Broken Arm Injury, and a severed leg as the
3-4 (R) 1-5 6-10 (L) Broken Leg Injury, except you obviously
your armor is destroyed. DOWNTIME
cannot use your severed limb at all.
If you are not wearing armor, count this CRAFT
Injury as Wounded. (R) 11-15 16-20 (L) Re-roll if the limb has already been severed
and not been replaced. If you have no limbs
left, you’ve been decapitated and are dead.
11-14 Wounded Your maximum Hearts Total is reduced by 1 Fight
until you receive Treatment for this Injury.
7-9 You’ve taken a
non-fatal but If this Injury reduces your Hearts Total to 0,
Mutilated You’ll die within 2 Turns if help doesn’t arrive. Combat
significant wound. count this Injury as Quiet Death. 19 You’re dying and need First Aid will prevent your death but... you Battlefields
urgent attention. Even suffer a -1 penalty to an Aptitude of your
17 if saved, the injury is choice which is related to the wound. For
15-16 Broken arm Roll to see which arm is broken so terrible it will leave
example, -1 Insight for a head blow.
10-11 (1-10 right arm, 11-20 left arm). you debilitated.
A blow to your arm Bio-Mechanoid? You lose your Robotic
a Fight
7-8 has left it useless. Your Might Aptitude is halved when making Quirk. The second time your receive this Actions
Checks or Contests requiring the use of Injury, suffer the Aptitude penalty above. Damage
your arms until you receive Treatment for
this Injury. Magical/Advanced Treatment is required to Injury Table

(R) 1-10 11-20 (L) remove the lasting effect of the Injury. Treatment
If this Injury occurs on the same limb a
second time, count this Injury as Severed.
Mortal wound You have received a fatal blow and will die, Colossal
no Treatment can save you. Combat
20 You’ve been impaled,
beaten, or lacerated You may take one last Action on your next
18 in such a way that Turn before expiring. Make it count!
17-18 Broken leg Roll to see which leg is broken
(1-10 right leg, 11-20 left leg). death is imminent.
12-13 A strike to your leg Your body is recoverable, so perhaps there is
forces you to hobble Your Speed Rating is reduced by a a chance at some unnatural resurrection...
or crawl. single step. Bio-Mechanoid? You lie not dead, but
You suffer a Snag on all Might and Deftness offline. You have one chance at being
Aptitude Checks and Contests requiring the rebooted but the Advanced Treatment will
use of your legs until you receive Treatment suffer a Snag. Failing this, maybe your core
for this Injury. could be transferred to an alternative shell.

(R) 1-10 11-20 (L) If this injury occurs on the same limb a
3 second time, count this Injury as Severed. Quiet death You are dead. Your body is recoverable, so
perhaps there is a chance at some
You are killed instantly,
unnatural resurrection...
19-20 Out cold You fall to the ground and can no longer 19
without theatrics.
participate in the Fight. You will regain
14-15 You are knocked
6 consciousness once the Fight is over and
senseless and out for
11-12 the rest of the fight.
suffer no lasting damage. Messy affair You are dead. The fatal blow leaves little that
is recognisable.
An enemy can slay you immediately if they You’ve been splattered,
are unhindered and use their Turn to do so. disintegrated, or Bio-mechanoid? Make a Grit Check.
19 20 otherwise scrubbed Failure results in an explosion doing 2 Hearts
If you receive First Aid you will be revived from existence. of Damage to anyone in the same Area as you.
but cannot use any Combat Actions for the If you succeed, you fall to pieces on the spot.
remainder of the Fight.

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To fully recover from the You can attack inanimate

more grievous Injuries, PROSTHETIC REPLACEMENTS objects in order to Object DEFENSE RATINGS GAME
you need to recieve Synthetic limbs and body parts can be break them or stop Material (Example) Defense CHECKS &
proper Treatment and, grafted on to both Bio-Mechanoids them functioning. For CONTESTS
if healing naturally, a and organic folk. These rare parts must example, breaking Fragile (Glass) 10 JOURNEY
significant period of be salvaged from Techno Relics or down a door or EXPLORE
convalescence. engineered by specialised crafters. severing shackles that Resistant (Wood) 14 NEGOTIATE
bind an ally.
TREATMENT Installing a Prosthetic Replacement Hard (Stone) 16
requires a Gadgeteer capable of Damaging objects PERILS
Less severe Injuries, those that don’t working with Advanced Items To hit an object, your Attack roll Very Hard (Metal) 18
require Magical or Advanced Treatment, ( p284) to use a Downtime must be higher than its Defense CRAFT

can be remedied with a simple medical Crafting Session ( p273). Rating. See the Object Defense Supernatural 20
procedure and a little time. You must provide a suitable Ratings Table ( p263). (Magical Materials) Fight
replacement body part prior to the The amount of Hearts an object Procedure
Treatment for organic characters grafting attempt. has is dependant on its size. See Combat
Treatments for a basic Injury do not the Object Hearts Table ( p263). Object hearts Battlefields
require specialist knowledge, all To Damage an object, you need
PCs are familiar with rudimentary MAGICAL/ADVANCED TREATMENT an item as hard, or harder, than Size Hearts Area
medical practice. the target object. A wooden mallet Conducting
Past civilisations had discovered ways in cannot break an iron sword! Hand-held items no larger 1
If your Injury requires Treatment to a Fight
which magic and advanced technology than a knife or dagger
remove, you need to use the ‘Heal Objects made of Magical Materials

an Injury’ Downtime Activity could treat grievous wounds. Most of this can only be Damaged by other Damage
knowledge was lost in the 3rd Cataclysm. Large hand-held items, most 4
( p273). items made of Magical Materials. Injury Table
Finding a practitioner of these forgotten weapons or objects requiring
You can only heal a single Injury ◆◆ Magic Materials ( p288) both hands to hold or carry Treatment
arts is almost impossible.
during Downtime. If you have Sundering
Concealed, Quick, and all Missile
multiple injuries, the least severe
Weapons are unable to break Chib-sized, too big to 6 Colossal
one is the first to be healed. DEATH CURE Combat
objects larger than hand-held. carry around easily, but not
A removed Injury has no lasting impossible
Death is an occupational hazard for Trying to Sunder items larger than
physical effect, although you can
Adventurers, and one that comes sooner those in the Object Hearts Table is
choose whether the Injury leaves Man-sized, about the size of 8
to the impetuous. Researchers furiously impossible with regular weapons
you with a memorable scar. an average adult human
search for the ultimate cure, believing that and attacks. However, portions of
Certain Abilities can also remove even death can be reversed. Immortals larger objects may be targeted
Injuries. How these work will be Cart-sized, up to the size of a 12
and the Undead walk the earth as death- and broken. For example, you can’t
listed in the Ability’s description. caravan or skimmer
defying proof. Maybe there is a way, but destroy a castle wall with a hand
whatever it is, it will certainly come at a held weapon, but maybe you can
Treatment for Bio-Mechanoids punch a hole in it large enough to The sizes are deliberately vague so
great cost…
You do not repair naturally. crawl through. don’t get hung up on working out
Removing an Injury requires what size category an object falls
1 An object that has lost some of its into, just pick and go.
Extensive Repair ( p285) by a Hearts is still usable and requires
Gadgeteer capable of working with Light Repairs to restore it.
Destroy the enemies’ gear!
Advanced Items ( p284). Sometimes attacking an object can
◆◆ Light Repairs ( p285) be more effective than targeting
a foe.
If you want, PCs suffering from a Sundering items
single Wound can recover between
Sessions without needing Downtime An object reduced to 0 Hearts is
19 or Repairs. broken or unusable and requires
Extensive Repairs to restore it.
◆◆ Extensive Repairs ( p285)

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Your pathetic attacks are like raindrops

against the largest of Outer World’s Destroying Strike Points BASICS
beasts, but keep the faith, even colossi Each Strike Point has its own Hearts CHECKS &
can fall. You just have to slay them one Total. Reducing a Strike Point to CONTESTS
piece at a time. 0 Hearts will destroy or disable it. JOURNEY

The Colossus will be crippled when EXPLORE

Strike Points
it loses one of its Strike Points. The NEGOTIATE
Colossal creatures are divided effect will depend on the Strike FIGHT
into Strike Points that function like Point destroyed. For example, PERILS
Battlefield Areas ( p248). These are destroying a limb might disable an DOWNTIME
shown on their Creature Map Attack or hinder its movement and CRAFT
When you Attack a Colossus you destroying a shell might reveal the
must target a specific Strike Point. Colossus’ Core Point.
To Attack with a Melee Weapon Fight
◆◆ The Core Point Procedure
you must be on, or next to, the
Strike Point you are targeting. For The Core Point is a Strike Point Combat
example, standing on the head that is vital to a monster’s survival.
of a giant serpent or standing in Reducing the Core Point to
the same Area as the leg of an 0 Hearts will kill the Colossus. Area
enormous insect.
◆◆ Sweep Actions
Missile Weapons can target any
a Fight

Strike Point within Range. In addition to their normal Action, Actions
a Colossus is able to perform a Damage

◆◆ Moving across Colossal creatures Sweep Action. Injury Table

You can move between Strike When a Colossus uses its Sweep Treatment

Points in same way as you move Action it targets one of its Strike Sundering
between Battlefield Areas. Points with the aim of harming or Colossal
hindering anyone located there. Combat
Depending on the shape of the
For example, it may discharge an
Colossal monster, you may require
electric pulse or lash out with an
Special Movement or need to climb
annoyed swat of its tail.
to access certain Strike Points.


Head 5
18 Lava gland (core point) 5xx

Torso 5xx

Tusk 5

8 Tail 5xx
Legs 5

264 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 265

In a Fight you can avoid Injury with your
skill, pluck, and determination, but these CAUSTIC/BURNING INJURY GAME
You’ll face many dangers and hardships when out on adventure, from BASICS

collapsing buildings and explosive traps to sleep deprivation and starvation. things can’t help you when you fall foul of
If you are exposed to a CHECKS &
an environmental hazard.
skin corroding effect, CONTESTS

such as being soaked JOURNEY


a violent pyroclastic NEGOTIATE
If your body is subject to blast, you will suffer a FIGHT
a sudden impact, such Burn Injury. PERILS
as plummeting from a
great height or being DOWNTIME

involved in a high Roll on the Burn Injury Table to CRAFT

speed collision, you determine the burn severity ( p267).

will suffer an Injury.
Estimate the height of your fall, or Ailments

speed of your collision, then cross Roll your Burn Injury

reference the Impact Table ( p267)
to determine the level of Injury 1-5 Shock
you sustain.
You are singed but otherwise unharmed.
Once you’ve determined the
Injury level you suffer, roll on the
Your next Action is lost while you
standard Injury Table.
regain your composure.
◆◆ Injury Table ( p260)

6-15 Superficial burn

You suffer a minor but irritating burn.
Determine you Impact Injury
You suffer a -1 Penalty to all rolls
Height/Speed Injury level until the Injury receives Treatment.
If you are already suffering from
Under 15ft / 15mph Light Injury
this Injury, and receive it a second
time, treat it as a Serious Burn.
Between 15-30ft / Severe Injury
16-20 Serious burn
When to use these rules What these rules cover You suffer painful burns.
Over 30ft / 30mph Critical Injury
14 Whenever you suffer physical or mental Receiving Injuries from burns and falls.
harm, or alteration, you are experiencing a You suffer a -1 Penalty to all rolls
Ailments you can suffer at the hands
Peril. For example, being exposed to the until the Injury receives Treatment.
of hostile magic or circumstance,
Dispiriting Aura of a powerful Asura or just such as Disorientation, Petrification, You suffer a -1 to your Hearts Total
4 being very, very tired. or Starvation. until the Injury receives Treatment.
If you are already suffering
from this Injury, and receive it a
14 subsequent time, your Hearts Total
is further reduced by -1.
You die when reduced to 0 Hearts.

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AILMENTS DISORIENTED Your Defense Rating does not

benefit from any Speed Rating
Ailments are lingering effects that alter or You are muddled. Maybe
BLINDED/DEAFENED bonus you normally receive. GAME
impede a character’s capabilities. you are hallucinating or BASICS
have had your perception To remove the Ailment requires the
Many things can cause a CHECKS &
altered in some way. In help of another. Your assistant must
Contracting Ailments temporary, or permanent, CONTESTS
this confused state your be in the same Battlefield Area
Ailments can be contracted in loss of the senses such JOURNEY
actions don’t always match as you and use their Action in an
multiple ways. You can be infected as being close to an ear- EXPLORE
up with your intentions. attempt to restore hope.
by a monster’s bite, cursed by a splitting roar or being NEGOTIATE
blindfolded by guards. ◆◆ This requires your assistant to make
Magitech item, or just given one by FIGHT
When Disorientated… successful Aura Check. Failure
your GM if the situation warrants it.
When Blinded/Deafened… Any Attack rolls, Contests, or means they cannot help you any PERILS

Removing Ailments Checks require you to make an further, but others may make DOWNTIME
You incur a Snag on all rolls that
Insight Check beforehand. additional attempts. CRAFT
Some Ailments have specific depend on the affected sense until
remedies, others will be dependent the Ailment is removed. ◆◆ If you fail the Insight Check but
on the source of the Ailment. For Your GM will also apply other succeed on the next roll, your GM Non-Combat
example, weak magic may simply appropriate restrictions connected will describe your ‘success’ as FATIGUED Injuries

wear off in a few minutes but a to your loss of sense. For example, having an undesirable outcome. Ailments
powerful hex might require an For example, a ‘successful’ Attack If you adventure for
if Deafened verbal communication
equally powerful counter-spell. might hit a random character in the prolonged periods of
would be inhibited.
same Area as your intended target. time without rest you will
inevitably tire. Fatigue is a
To remove the Ailment you must
concern when you skip, or
BALLOONED use your Action to attempt to
CHIBBED are unable to sleep.
regain your senses. This requires a
Your body swells to successful Insight Check.
Certain spells, poisons,
inconvenient proportions. When Fatigued…
and curses can cause Bio-Mechanoid? You are immune
This embarrassing
you to shrink in size. to this Ailment if the source is For each day of missed sleep you
ailment is most often
Unaccustomed to your biological, such as a venom. You suffer a -1 Penalty to any Checks,
caused by spiteful hexes
new proportions, you will can still become Disorientated if Contests, or Attacks you make.
or other malicious magic.
find it tricky to function. the source is capable of affecting Once the accrued Penalty exceeds
your processing, such as an half your Rank, you will collapse
When Ballooned…
When Chibbed… electrical shockwave. involuntarily and cannot be roused
Your Speed Rating is Slow.
Medium Species become Small. for a 24 hour period, but you will
You suffer a Snag on Might, You suffer all the physical penalties wake up refreshed.
Deftness, and Grit rolls. of being Small without any of DISPIRITED To remove the Ailment you must
You suffer a Snag on Attack rolls. the benefits: sleep for 24 hours straight.
Attack rolls that target you benefit  Penalty to your Might aptitude.
-1 It is not uncommon for
from an Edge. adventurers to become

Reduced to 8 Inventory Slots.
discouraged, but this
You are buoyant and easy to roll 
Your Combat Gear Allowance is is different. You are
about, you float in most liquids. determined by your new size. overwhelmed by despair,
18 Armor or other snug clothing may Large Species become Medium. your eyes devoid of hope.
rip or fall off, requiring repairs. You lose all the physical benefits of
You cannot fit through doorways or being Large: When Dispirited…
19 into small spaces.  Penalty to your Might aptitude.
-1 You are aware and able to address
To remove the Ailment you must 
Reduced to 10 Inventory Slots. others in a soulless whisper, but
be drained or deflated. Gross! you are unable to find the will to

Your Combat Gear Allowance is
Rigid or intangible creatures are move, defend yourself, or take any
3 determined by your new size.
immune to being Ballooned. other actions.
Small Species are immune to
You can be moved by force or
being Chibbed.
attacked but will not resist.

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Round 1: You are unable to use When Restrained… TERRIFIED
your legs on your Turn. You cannot take any actions that
A curse, or other eldritch So, you’re a big brave
cause, has transformed 
Round 2: You are now unable to require the precise use of your adventurer eh? The
your body into viscous use your arms on your Turn. restrained limb (or limbs). Your GM growl of a fearsome
goo. Your semi-liquefied will decide whether you can Move Proudhound or Galrave’s

Round 3: You are fully Petrified! CONTESTS
form makes movement . and what Actions or Abilities you haunting laugh can JOURNEY
and manipulation difficult. When Petrified… are still able to perform. reduce the bravest soul EXPLORE
You are unable to move or Your GM may allow successful into a quivering wreck.
When Jellyfied… perceive anything while Petrified. Might or Deftness Check to wiggle
Your Might and Deftness Aptitudes or break free of your bonds if they When Terrified…
Attacks on you are treated as if
are halved. can be overcome in this way. PERILS
made on an inanimate object. Your You suffer a Snag on Checks and
Your Speed Rating is Slow. Defense Rating is dependent on Attacks that involve interacting with
the type of material you’ve been the source of your terror. CRAFT
You dissolve in water, or similar STARVED
transmuted into. When Companions or GMCs are
solvents. If submerged, you are
suffer the effects of the Harmful ◆◆ Sundering ( p263) Hunger is a constant threat Terrified they must move away Non-Combat
Battlefield Condition ( p250). Your Petrified weight is dependant for the desperate folk of from the source of their terror Injuries

on the material you’ve become. A Outer World, and as an at full speed until it is out of Ailments
You are immune to the effects of
solid stone figure could be used to explorer you are more sight. They will not return unless
Falling/Impact Injury.
barricade a door or crush a foe! likely than most to find the threat has been removed. If
You can squish through small gaps trapped, or unable to run, they will
yourself short of food.
or fit into unusual spaces. curl up in a fetal position or stand
trembling, paralyzed with fear,
When Starved…
Putrefied unable to move or act.
OVERBURDENED For each day of missed food
You start to decay or rot you suffer a -1 Penalty to your
Carrying an excessive and begin to produce maximum Heart Total.
load not only slows you a fetid odor. A painful Once the accrued Penalty reduces
down, it also makes your death awaits, or worse, you to 0 Hearts, you will perish. A mighty blow or a sneaky
movements strained transformation into a trip has left you lying
horrifying mess. The Ailment is removed, and your
or awkward. Your back flat on your back like an
Hearts Total restored, when you
won’t thank you either. upturned beetle. Get up
consume 1 day’s nutrition.
When Putrefied… quickly or you’ll be an
When Overburdened… You lose 1 Heart per Turn. easy target.
Your Speed Rating is reduced by a You must make a Grit Check when
SUFFOCATED When Toppled…
single level. you are reduced to 0 Hearts.
You suffer a Snag on all Might and ◆◆ Success means putrefaction You are being asphyxiated. You cannot Move.
Deftness Checks. stops, leaving you weakened but Whether it’s thick smoke Your Defense Rating does not
otherwise unharmed. from a burning wood benefit from any Speed Rating
◆◆ Failure means death or a disturbing or an extended period bonus you normally receive.
fate specified by the cause of the below the water, you’ll die
PETRIFIED You suffer a Snag on all Attack rolls
11 putrefaction, or by your GM. if you don’t get air soon.
and Checks involving Might
A fantastical power roots and Deftness.
you to the spot and
When Suffocated… Anyone Attacking you gains an
slowly immobilizes you.
7 Maybe you’re frozen stiff RESTRAINED You can hold your breath for the Edge on their Attack roll.
or perhaps your flesh is number of Rounds equal to half You must use your Turn to get back
You are tied up, shackled, or
turned to stone. your Grit Aptitude (rounded down). on your feet to remove the Ailment.
otherwise prevented from
13 using your limbs. Perhaps After this, If you fail to escape from
Being Petrified… you’re bound by a length the source of the Suffocation, you
These are just some of the Ailments
Petrification takes 3 Rounds to of rope or maybe gripped will fall unconscious and die in the
that can afflict PCs. Need one that
completely paralyze you: by a muscular tentacle. subsequent Turn unless rescued. isn’t listed? Create your own!

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Adventuring being what it is, any

While adventuring keeps you busy, occasionally you’ll find yourself with time HEAL AN INJURY GAME
Downtime might be your last! BASICS
on your hands. This is the time to relax, recover, plan, and prepare.
Convalescence CHECKS &
Performing Downtime Activities is a tedious but CONTESTS

requires approximately a week’s necessary activity for JOURNEY

worth of in-game time, typically adventurers. Soothe EXPLORE
the period between the end of one your charred flesh in NEGOTIATE
adventure and the start of the next. an elven spa or click FIGHT
Your GM will determine whether that hip back into place PERILS
there is an opportunity for you to with a dwarven massage.
Rest well, adventure long!
perform a Downtime Activity.
Each Activity has its own specific
You can remove an Injury you
rules to determine the result of
picked up on your travels.
your chosen Downtime Activity. Downtime
If you have more than one Injury, Activities

You can include Downtime Activities the least severe one heals first. Social Bonds
at the beginning or end of a gaming Healing requires a relaxing
session or, if you prefer, you can environment and regular meals.
resolve them outside of a Session
over email or lunch! A second Injury or Ailment of your
choice can be removed, or a lost
limb restored, if you can find and
CRAFTING afford Treatment Services ( p201).
At last you’ve got the Rest won’t heal Severed or
time to bust out the Mutilated Injuries, they require
tools and fix that Advanced or Magical Treatment.
mechanized gadget ◆◆ Advanced Treatment ( p262)
or pull on your apron
and bake a fresh Bio-Mechanoid? You do not repair
batch of your signature naturally. Removing an Injury
booster cakes. requires Extensive Repair ( p285)
by a Gadgeteer capable of working
You can create, modify, or repair an with Advanced Items ( p281).
item of your choice.
Crafting requires you have a
Ability that grants you a Crafting
Discipline. For example, Artisan
Smithy or Love-Love Chef.
When to use these rules What these rules cover
You will also need the time, tools,
17 Whenever there is a deliberate and The different Downtime Activities and materials and workspace required
significant break in your adventure, you the unique rules for engaging in them. by your chosen Crafting Discipline.
can indulge in a little Downtime. For Forming Social Bonds with other Craft ( p280)
example, after completing a quest in the characters.
16 woodlands your team decides to rest,
celebrate, and prepare for your next Developing a Reputation that precedes
adventure in a nearby town. you, for better or worse.

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Techno-Relics, and other Roll a mishap Followers are fine, but Create a scene, or put on
Artifacts of the bygone they only stay for as a public display, that BASICS
age, usually don’t 1-8 Snap! long as the money will cause those who CHECKS &
come with instruction The item broke and now requires lasts. If you want observe it to gossip. CONTESTS
manuals. With a bit Light Repairs before it can be used. someone you can Now cement your JOURNEY
of trial and error you’ll depend on, you’ll need notoriety with a few EXPLORE
have it figured out in to do a little convincing. well-seeded rumors.
no time. 9-15 Kaboom!! NEGOTIATE

You are wounded by violent mishap, FIGHT

roll on the Injury Table ( p260). You can attempt to convince a You can attempt to engineer a
You can attempt to identify a PERILS
another to follow you for a reason Reputation ( p279) in a Settlement,
mysterious item’s powers and DOWNTIME
deeper and more lasting than a or other location where news
means of operation. 16-20 What the... !? CRAFT
pay check. travels quickly. You can then take
Identification requires adequate Your careless prodding has triggered advantage of this Reputation later.
Recruitment requires a Follower
space to conduct tests. For a mishap unique to the Artifact. Your ( p184) or GMC ( p320) that is ◆◆ For example, you might throw Downtime
example, a small item might be GM will decide what this is. lower in Rank than you. You can money around and assume the
examined in a ship’s cabin, while Social Bonds
then target with an emotional plea guise of a ‘generous benefactor’ to
large items might require a barn or
or a display of worth or power. ingratiate yourself with a village’s Reputations
field for evaluation.
PREPARATION Your GM may decide it is downtrodden community.
Yeah, you could spend impossible for you to recruit a
? Requires a Check
the week lording it powerful or stubborn character, ? Requires an Aura Check
◆◆ The Aptitude Check used depends such as a king or village elder.
up with your friends, Success: You gain a Minor Bonus
on the item you’re identifying:
but you prefer to (+2) on all rolls where you lean into
Techno-Relics and Gadgets: get organized. Your vs Requires a Contest your Reputation. For example,
Methodical inspection and diligence means convincing the impoverished
◆◆ Aura vs. Grit. You can choose which
experimentation requires an you’re always prepared. townsfolk to provide you refuge
participant uses which Aptitude.
Insight Check. from the king’s men.
If you have a Social Bond ( p279)
Artifacts: Communing with an item Failure: You go unnoticed or have
Preparation ensures you have the with the character, or can appeal to
requires an Aura Check. created the wrong Reputation. For
right gear at the right time. their weakness or desire, you are
Magitech: This blend of magic and awarded a Minor Bonus (+2). example, the villagers now think
Allocate an amount of money to
technology can be deciphered you’re ‘vulgar and insincere’!
spend on your preparations. ◆◆ If both apply, you are awarded a
using an Insight or Aura Check.
When your adventures resume, Major Bonus (+4).
Success: You’ve discovered what Spread your Reputation: In
leave a number of Inventory Slots Success: You have a Recruit.
the item does and how to activate it. subsequent Downtime sessions, if
blank for prepared items. You forge a Social Bond with your
Failure: After much careful poking you attempt to extend an existing
You can use the allocated money Recruit, if one doesn’t already exist. Reputation to an adjacent area, you
and prodding, the item remains a
to ‘purchase’ any items you require The Recruit will remain loyal as gain an Edge on your roll.
frustrating enigma. You can now:
at any point in the game, providing long as you provide food, shelter
Continue your research in Changing your Reputation:
you have the funds and the and a cut of the spoils.
a subsequent session of Trying to change, or spread, a
11 required empty Inventory Slots.
Downtime. This subsequent Failure: You have been rejected. contradictory Reputation to an
Once ‘purchased’, write the item already established one incurs a
attempt will benefit from an You can try again next time you are
into the blank Inventory Slot. Snag on your roll.
Edge, or… both available during Downtime.
Allocated money can be converted Subsequent attempts to recruit the Using an alter-ego: Put on a
9 Throw caution to the wind and
back to normal money at any time. individual benefit from an Edge. costume and a funny voice and
engage in Reckless Research.
This grants you one more Prepared items would need to have you’re someone else. You can
Check to identify the item. If been available in the settlement create a separate Reputation for
If you mistreat, neglect or abuse a
6 you fail again you must roll the where you made your preparations. any alter-ego you assume, but
Recruit, your GM will break the
consequence on the Reckless Your GM will decide if your you’ll have to spend your entire
Bond and they’ll abandon you.
Research Failure Table. requested items are acceptable. Downtime in character!

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Ever since you heard that You’ve got a chance to Domesticated animals Not all Followers take
story in the tavern, or spend some quality are ready to obey to adventuring BASICS
noticed that cryptic time with a lonely your commands, naturally, but with a CHECKS &
sigil carved into a spouse, worried but spirited beasts little guidance and CONTESTS
tree, you’ve wanted parent, or travelling caught in the wild will perseverance even JOURNEY
to know more. If companion. It’s just need taming before the most challenging EXPLORE
you spend the week what you need to raise they can be gainfully students can benefit
researching, who knows your flagging spirits. employed. from your survival secrets.
where it might lead... FIGHT

You can attempt to temporarily You can attempt to tame a wild For a Companion to advance they PERILS

Researching requires a location increase your Heart Total by beast and make it your Animal must attempt to win Training Points. DOWNTIME

with a source of specialist connecting with someone special. Companion ( p187). CRAFT
information. For example, a well Socializing requires a PC, Taming requires the beast to be vs Requires a Contest
stocked library or a wise hermit. Companion, GMC, or other contained or pursued in its natural
Your GM will decide if your ◆◆ Your Aura vs. your Companion’s Grit. Downtime
participant who is willing to spend habitat, so you can earn its trust or Activities
current location can support your the week with you. demonstrate your alpha status. Success: If you win, your Social Bonds
investigation. Companion gains 1 Training Point.
You cannot tame a beast that is Reputations
First, ask a question about an vs Requires a Contest equal or higher in Rank to you. Failure: Teaching is not your thing!
object, individual, or place. For After a failed attempt, the next time
example, ‘How do I slay the Queen ◆◆ Aura vs. Grit. You can choose which You cannot tame a Colossus.
participant uses which Aptitude. you train with the same Companion
of Weeping Shadows?’ or ‘Where For some beasts your GM may
you receive an Edge on your roll.
can I find the Blade of Bloom?’’ Success: You have renewed apply additional requirements.
Next, your GM will tells you what purpose and drive. For example, you may need to be
able to fly next to a Thunder Bird in Spending Training Points
your Research reveals in the form You gain +1 to your Hearts Total
of an Adventure Hook ( p332). order to tame it. You can spend your Companion’s
until the next time you have a
For example. ‘Only the Red Sage chance for Downtime. Training Points on improvements.
knows the Queen’s weakness. If you want to socialize with
vs Requires a Contest Companions are limited to a
He hides, in fear of his life, in the another PC, they must also choose ◆◆ Aura vs. Grit. You can choose which maximum of two improvements.
Buried Kingdom’ or ‘The Blade of Socializing as their Downtime contestant uses which Aptitude.
Bloom is rumored to be located in Improvements
Activity. Both of you benefit from If you can appeal to a beast’s
ruins near the town of Beacon.’ the increase to your Hearts Total. Weapon proficiency (2 points)
weakness you get a Minor
Now all you need to do is convince Teach your Companion how to
You can establish a Social Bond Bonus (+2).
your comrades to follow the trail. use one of the Weapon or Armor
( p279) with the other participant Success: The beast is tamed:
Following up on a Researched Types that you are able to use. For
if desired. For example, a romantic
Adventure Hook earns you, and The beast is now behaves like an Followers/humanoids only.
interest or friendly rivalry.
your comrades, 1 XP. Animal Companion. Skill acquisition (4 points)
With subsequent successes you
Your GM assign the tamed beast as Teach your Companion one of your
can redefine the Social Bond
Players who choose this Activity are a Pet, Mount, or Pack Beast. Standard Elective Abilities. For
between participants. For example,
clearly letting you know what they Failure: The beast remains feral, Followers/humanoids only.
‘Infatuation’ becomes ‘Love’.
9 are interested in. Use this valuable you suffer a few scratches and a Enhanced movement (4 points)
knowledge when devising Failure: You had fun but failed you
bruised ego. Raise your Companion’s Speed
new adventures. to connect in a meaningful way.
You can try again next time you are Rating by a single step or their
both available during Downtime, Defense Rating by 2. For Animals
1 Social Bonds provide Bonuses to only.
subsequent attempts to tame the
rolls and unlock some Ability features
which makes establishing them a beast benefit from an Edge. Value boost (2 points)
beneficial, not just fun, thing to do. Companion gains +1 to their
18 Attack, Heart Total, or an Aptitude
of your choice. For any Companion.

276 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 277
If a player wants to do something
that will distract from the main game,
or that other players aren’t interested
The team wants to take During your travels you
in getting involved in, suggest they Your Social Bond with an individual GAME
a break but you’ve still do it as a Unique Endeavor. can form significant BASICS
got the itch, this time relationships with can change by further Socialising
you’ll just have to go your comrades and or when the GM decides the CHECKS &
If you and your GM have time CONTESTS
solo. You’ll be back the folk you meet relationship has taken a turn.
between the main game, you could JOURNEY
before they’ve even always play out the Endeavor in a along the way. Social
Using Social Bonds EXPLORE
noticed you’re gone. separate solo Session! Bonds represent these
important relationships. You benefit from a Minor Bonus NEGOTIATE

(+2) on all rolls where your Bond FIGHT

You can attempt to complete a mini with an individual provides extra
Forming Social Bonds PERILS
quest or mission. motivation. For example, trying to DOWNTIME
Social Bonds can be forged by
Tell your GM what you want to outperform a respected rival or
Socialising in Downtime, through CRAFT
accomplish. For example, you want assist a cherished friend.
the use of certain Abilities, and also
to scour local markets to find a rare Some Abilities, such as the
created at your GM’s discretion.
ingredient or you want to snag the Champion’s Master Tactician Downtime
map you spotted hanging above A Bond describes the nature Activities
Ability, require a Bond between
the Duke’s fireplace. of a relationship. They can be Social Bonds
individuals to work.
friendly, romantic, professional, Reputations
Your Unique Endeavor must take
or competitive. For example,
no longer than a week, and be
‘a cherished friendship’ or ‘a Creating and keeping a record of
achievable with your current Rank
respectful rivalry’. Bonds between PCs and GMCs will
and resources. help you run your game. It can also
You can have Bonds with an
Your GM will veto any suggestions used inspire future adventures.
unlimited number of people, but
deemed overly ambitious, but will
only have one Bond at a time with
help you come up with a more
a specific individual.
feasible alternative.

? May require a Check or Contest

◆◆ If there is a risk of failure your GM REPUTATIONS
will ask you to make a roll.
Your deeds and conduct
Your GM will decide whether you PCs can attempt to engineer their
do not go unnoticed.
need to engage in a Check or Reputations ( p275), but they must
Your reputation
a Contest based on the nature compete with any existing one.
can precede you,
of your Endeavor. For example,
sometimes this You benefit from a Minor Bonus
finding a rare ingredient might
is advantageous, (+2) for all rolls where your local
require an Insight Check, and
sometimes not. Reputation works in your favor and
yoinking the Duke’s map might
a Minor Penalty (-2) when it works
involve a Contest between your
against you.
Deftness and his guard’s Insight. Your GM can define a local
Reputation for your PCs when Reputations can draw the attention
Your GM may also attach a failure
17 word, or a witness, of your exploits of influential factions and GMCs
condition to the mini-quest. This
reaches a Settlement. operating in the local area. In this
will be disclosed prior to your roll.
case, your GM will decide if they’ll
The failure condition will be equal A Reputation may extend to seek your help or want to stop your
1 and opposite in weight to the neighboring Settlements if there is annoying meddling.
ambition of the Endeavor. For frequent interaction between them.
example, being caught in the A Reputation describes a
Duke’s grounds means you flee the community’s opinion of your PCs. You don’t have to use Reputations,
5 town with a bounty on your head. but they can nudge you to GMCs,
For example, ‘well-meaning but and it will make the players feel like
You can abort your Endeavor if you incompetent’ or ‘untrustworthy their PCs are making a difference in
don’t like the failure condition. but effective’. the game world.

278 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 279


Whether you’re restoring magical gadgets or baking enchanted booster START STEP 3 GAME
cakes, you’ll require the appropriate crafting tools and specialist knowledge.
? Make your Crafting roll
◆◆ The Crafting roll is a Check. The JOURNEY

Check you are able to Craft the item Aptitude used is determined by the EXPLORE
Ability that grants you the
Your Rank and Crafting Discipline Crafting Discipline.

determine what type of items you FIGHT

are able to make, customise, Apply the Edges, Snags, Bonuses, PERILS
and repair. or Penalties that apply to your roll.

◆◆ Crafting Disciplines ( p282)

If you are Rank 5, or higher, you CRAFT
automatically succeed when
A Crafter of Rank 1-4 can make making, repairing, or customizing
Basic items. Basic Items associated with your Craft
A Crafter of Rank 5 and above can Crafting Discipline. You can also Procedure

work with Magic Materials and attempt to make Basic Items Crafting
Additives in order to make without the required tools, but this

Imbued Items. will require a Crafting roll. Repairs

◆◆ Crafting Imbued Gear ( p286) Success: Your item is ready for use.
Any materials or costs incurred in
the crafting process are expended. Additives
STEP 2 Failure: You experience a Crafting
Mishap! See what went wrong on
Check you have the required tools the Crafting Mishap Table.
and materials ◆◆ Crafting Mishaps ( p294)
Specialist Kits & Workshops: You
must have access to the stated
workspace or tools required by the END
Crafting Discipline. These can be
purchased or hired. If you want to Craft an item, or
Custom Ability, that is not listed in
Materials & Additives: You must this book then propose your design
provide the right amount of to your GM for consideration.
Materials and Additives to Craft
Any proposed invention should be
your chosen item. These can be appropriate to the Crafting Discipline
harvested or purchased. being used.
◆◆ Using Materials ( p288)
Complicated or Imbued items should
When to use these rules What these rules cover ◆◆ Using Additives ( p291) be classified as Advanced Items, and
Customization & Repair: Fixing or require the crafter to be Rank 5
3 Whenever you attempt to use your The procedures for Making, or higher.
Crafting Discipline to make, mend, or modifying an existing item requires
Customizing, and Repairing gear.
modify an object, you will use the less materials, tools, and time. For Imbued items you’ll also need
Calculating the required tools, time, to decide what Magic Materials
Crafting Rules to determine what is and materials involved in Crafting, and
◆◆ Repairing & Customizing Gear ( p285)
or Additives will be required to
11 possible and what the final result is like. their associated costs. construct the item.
Imbuing exotic materials to make
enchanted items.

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Crafting Disciplines range from Alchemy A skilled chef can not only A practical but
to Tailoring and are granted by Calling Artificing make standard rations demanding discipline
Abilities. Your discipline determines the You can trap spells into more palatable but which involves the CHECKS &
items you are able to craft and the tools rings, amulets, and they can also conjure heating, shaping CONTESTS
that are required to do so. other small trinkets. meals that bestow and cooling of metal JOURNEY

You can also imbue the consumer with to create weapons,

Basic Items: Objects you can make, EXPLORE
them with additives wondrous side effects. armor, and other
repair, and customize from Rank 1. NEGOTIATE
that impart their robust metal tools.
Advanced Items: Objects you can FIGHT
miraculous properties. ◆◆ Basic Items (Rank 1)
make, repair, and customize at Rank 5 ◆◆ Basic Items (Rank 1) PERILS
and above. Rations, Hardy Rations, Treats and DOWNTIME
Melee Weapons ( p152), Missile
◆◆ Basic Items (Rank 1) Basic Potions ( p177).
Weapons ( p158), and their CRAFT
Alchemy Temporary Artifacts, magical items Cooking Basic Items requires Custom Abilities ( p160).
that enable you to cast a single simple cooking equipment.
A practical science with Shields ( p169) and their Custom Craft
charge of the Magical Ability that a Abilities ( p171).
many applications for crafter has imbued into the object.

the creation of useful ◆◆ Advanced Items (Rank 5) Crafting

Light, Medium, and Heavy Armors Disciplines
substances. With the Booster Cakes ( p177) and other ( p163) and their Custom Abilities
right ingredients, an ◆◆ Advanced Items (Rank 5) Arcane Confections that bestow a ( p166).
alchemist can concoct Permanent Artifacts, magical items magical effect on the consumer.
Simple tools that are considered
glues, poisons, acids, that allow you unlimited use of When ingested, Arcane Confections Adventuring Gear, Common Rural

and potent explosives. any Magical Ability the crafter has take effect immediately. Goods or Common Urban Goods

imbued into the object. ( p179).

Arcane Confections that restore
◆◆ Basic Items (Rank 1)
you to your original state have a
Solvents and Oils/Fuels ( p178) Unless you already have a ready- permanent effect. For example, ◆◆ Advanced Items (Rank 5)
and other simple alchemical made object to imbue, Artificing removing an Ailment or growing
substances. requires access to a Workshop to Superheavy Armor ( p163) and
back a severed limb.
craft the base object, their related Custom Abilities
Concocting Basic Items requires an Arcane Confections that boost your ( p166).
Alchemist’s Kit ( p176). Artificing requires a spell caster to performance or alter your mind or
perform the Magic Ability that is to Imbued Weapons, Armor, and
body will typically last a few hours.
be imbued into the object, this can Shields ( 286) using Magical
Advanced Items (Rank 5) The properties of a new Arcane Materials & Additives.
be the crafter or another individual.
Grenades and Bombs ( p178) Confection must be agreed with
and other dangerous, or magically your GM.
Forging requires access to a
imbued, alchemical substances. As a Sage with Arcane Artificing you Your GM may require you to attain Workshop ( p200).
The properties of a new substance can come up with all manner of specific Additives or ingredients to
enchanted objects. You could imbue create your Arcane Confections.
must be agreed with your GM.
a brush with your Glowing Ink Ability
Your GM may require you to attain or a necklace with Murky Mask. Cooking Advanced Items requires
specific Additives or ingredients to access to a Workshop ( p200).
The use of Abilities that have been
create your substance. imbued into Permanent Artifacts are
Concocting Advanced Items the same as if they were being This Discipline allows you to cook up
requires access to a Workshop. performed by a caster. For example, your own Arcane Confections. For
a Sun Gold mirror imbued with example, Sleepy Fizz might make
Everyday Divination would still be those that drink it overwhelmingly
12 limited to being used once every 24
This Discipline allows you to mix up tired, or Invis-i-pops that when
your own alchemical substances. hours and the bearer would need to sucked render you semi-transparent.
How about Rust Juice, an acid that make a successful Insight Check to
only dissolves metals, or Asura’s activate the Ability.
Tonic, a sweet poison that makes
those that consume it more open to
your honeyed words?

282 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 283


A fiddly, precise discipline Beginners can design and Fixing, or altering, an

that requires patience construct appealing, or existing item is quicker Extensive Repairs GAME
and ingenuity. Used practical, outfits but and cheaper than Objects that are Sundered, or CHECKS &
to create mechanical the very best Tailors making a new one. unusable, can be repaired in a day. CONTESTS
devices: anything from are able to utilize Besides, you would
Extensive Repairs require access JOURNEY
a simple collapsible enchanted fabrics never part with your
to the same facilities needed to EXPLORE
ladder to a delicate, and imbue them with lucky shield.
create the item from scratch. For NEGOTIATE
enchanted timepiece. magical properties.
Repairs: Necessary when example, repairing shattered FIGHT
an item has been damaged or Sundered armor would require access to an
◆◆ Basic Items (Rank 1) ◆◆ Basic Items (Rank 1)
( p263). appropriate Workshop.
Unpowered or simple mechanical All Outfits ( p172). Extensive Repairs cost a quarter of
devices like Compasses ( p174), Customizations: Made when you want to CRAFT
Simple fabric constructions such as the item’s listed price or, if you are
Long grabbers ( p181), or other add a Custom Ability to an existing item.
tents, sails, and parachutes. repairing a bespoke item, would
similar inventions. For example, adding the Spiked Ability to
only require half the materials
your Heavy Armor. Craft

◆◆ Advanced Items (Rank 5) needed to create it from scratch. Procedure

◆◆ Advanced Items (Rank 5) Crafting

Imbued Outfits ( p287). You can only Repair, or Customize,
Magitech Gadgets using Magical ? Requires a Crafting roll Repairs
Materials ( p288) & Additives Outfits and clothing accessories items appropriate to your
with special abilities, such as Success: The item’s Hearts are Imbuing
( p291). Crafting Discipline.
gliding, buoyancy, or stealth. restored and it is fully functional. Materials
◆◆ This includes Spell Engines ( p181) Repairs and Customisations can
New Outfits and their related Failure: Crafting Mishap ( p294). Additives
which are used to power only be carried out on Forged
Magitech Gadgets. abilities must be agreed with Items, Gadgets, Outfits, and

your GM. Permanent Artifacts.

Sophisticated machines such as CUSTOMIZATION
powered automatons or Your GM may require you to attain
precision instruments, specific Additives to create an Add a new feature to your existing gear.
Imbued Outfit. REPAIRS
Gadgets and their related abilities
must be agreed with your GM. The level of repair an item requires Gear can be customized in one day.
You can only repair and restore Basic Items require a Mender’s Kit depends on how badly damaged it is. Adding a Custom Ability to an
Techno Relics, like the Scanner ( p176). A Workshop is not existing bit of gear requires access
( p181), as such technology can no required, but using one grants an Light Repairs to the same facilities needed to
longer be manufactured Edge on your Crafting roll. create the item from scratch. For
Objects that have lost some, but
from srcatch., Advanced Items require access to example, adding the Assault Ability
not all, of their Hearts can be
a Workshop. to a shield would require access to
repaired in a couple of hours.
an appropriate Workshop.
Gadgeteering requires access to Light Repairs require the use
a Workshop. Alterations Adding a Custom Ability costs half
of an appropriate Specialist Kit.
of the customization’s listed price
To change one Outfit into another For example, a torn outfit would
or, if the customiszation is bespoke,
you make a Crafting roll. Failure require the Tailoring Discipline and
Invent your own Magitech gadgets. you would need a Slot’s worth of
results in the Outfit becoming a Mender’s Kit.
11 For example, a mechanical Skree an appropriate Material.
( p190) that can broadcast images Tattered ( p172).
back to its user via a pair of ? Requires a Crafting roll
enchanted spectacles. ? Requires a Crafting roll
Design your own Imbued Outfits and Success: The item’s Hearts are
3 Success: The item is customized.
accessories. For example, Hyper restored and it is fully functional.
Step Slippers that grant the wearer Failure: Crafting Mishap ( p294).
Failure: The item remains broken.
Supernatural Leaping.
Whether you succeed or fail, you
11 expend 1 use of your Specialist Kit. If you think an object needs more or
less time (or materials) to repair or
customize than stated… change it!

284 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 285


The Outer World has many You can use the example Magic Any Shield Type made of a Suitable Any consumable or alchemical
strange substances Materials and Additives listed in this Material can be imbued. compounds made with Magic Materials BASICS
that, in the hands of a book to create Imbued Gear, but ask can be imbued. CHECKS &
master craftsman, can your GM if any exist to fulfil any
Suitable Materials: Magical Metals, CONTESTS
specific ideas you have.
infuse objects made or other sturdy Magical Materials. Suitable Materials: Arcane Powder, JOURNEY
with Magic Materials You might decide your player needs Imbuable Abilities: Defense. Bright Water, Shadough, or other EXPLORE
with wonderous and to spend a Downtime Session consumable Magic Material.
useful properties. researching substances or seeking NEGOTIATE

the advice of a Sage when inquiring Imbuable Abilities: Attack, FIGHT

about the existence of unlisted IMBUED OUTFITS Defense, Empowering, Eldritch,
1. Identify your item’s Imbued Materials or Additives. Perhaps a or Glamor.

Gear Type wise hermit can guide them to the Any Outfit, or clothing accessory, made of

The item you are creating will fit whereabouts of the Wyrm with the a Suitable Material can be imbued. CRAFT

into an Imbued Gear Type. fireproof scales, or a week in the

library at Aeon alerts them to the IMBUABLE ABILITY TYPES
◆◆ Imbued Gear Types ( p286) existence of a metal that is Suitable Materials: Twilight Silk, Craft
translucent when stationary. Pixie Blossom Leather, or other Each Additive has one or more properties Procedure
2. Choose a Suitable Material to flexible Magic Material. it can imbue into an item. Your Imbued Crafting
craft your base item from Imbuable Abilities: Empowering Gear Type will determine which ones you Disciplines
IMBUED GEAR TYPES can add to your base item. Repairs
The item you are imbuing must or Glamor.
be constructed from one of the
The type of item you’re crafting
Suitable (Magic) Materials listed in determines which Magic Materials you Imbuable Ability Types Materials

its Imbued Gear Type. make the base item from, and what PERMANENT ARTIFACTS Attack: Will inflict specialized Additives

Temporary Artifacts ( p287) do not Imbuable Abilities an Additive can bestow damage. For example, inflict an Mishaps

need to follow this rule as they can upon your item. Any jewellery or trinket made of Magic Ailment or do Special Damage.
be made from Mundane Materials. Materials can be imbued. Defense: Will protect you
◆◆ Magic Materials ( p288) IMBUED WEAPONS from physical harm, or provide
Suitable Materials: Any solid resistance to Magical Abilities.
3. Choose an Additive to imbue your Any Weapon Type made of a Suitable Magical Material.
Empowering: Will enhance your
item with Material can be imbued. Imbuable Abilities Empowering natural capabilities or provide you
Each Additive has a set of or Eldritch. with ones you do not have.
Imbuable Abilities, one of which Suitable Materials: Magical Eldritch: Will cast a spell or similar
can be infused into your base item. Metals, or other sturdy enchanted magical effect.
materials, such as Fey Wood. TEMPORARY ARTIFACTS
The Imbuable Ability Types you can Glamor: Will affect or alter your
add to your chosen item are listed Imbuable Abilities: Attack physical appearance.
Any jewellery or trinket made of Mundane
under its Imbued Gear Type.
Materials can be imbued. They only have
◆◆ Imbuable Ability Types ( p287) to be strong enough to hold one charge.
◆◆ Additives ( p291)
Not all Additives will have an Any Armor Type made of a Suitable Suitable Materials: Mundane
Imbuable Ability that works with Material can be imbued. Materials can be used, but crumble
20 your chosen Imbued Gear Type. or shatter after a single use.
Additives are not required when Suitable Materials: Magical Metals, Imbuable Abilities: Empowering
imbuing a Temporary or Permanent or other sturdy Magical Materials. or Eldritch.
14 Artifact with a Magic Material using Imbuable Abilities: Defense
the Artifcing Discipline ( p282). or Eldritch.

? Requires a Crafting roll

Success: Your item is safely imbued.
Failure: Crafting Mishap ( p294).

286 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 287


All crafted items are built

In Outer World there When crafting bespoke items, use the
are two distinct A red-tinted metal that flickers with an When Float Stone is loosened from its CHECKS &
following per slot prices for calculating internal flame and emits a dull warmth. bedrock it rises into the sky. Used to in
categories of Material. the cost of the required raw materials. Excavated from solidified magma created sky ship construction and impossible JOURNEY

Mundane Materials: Fabric by mana volcanoes. architecture. Some claim to have seen EXPLORE

Cheap and readily entire islands drifting above the clouds. NEGOTIATE
available, but unsuitable for 1 Stone per Slot 150 Coins per Slot FIGHT
creating stable enchanted items. 150 Coins per Slot
Magic Materials: Rare or exotic materials DEW SILVER DOWNTIME
1 Stone per Slot MAGIC WOOD
that possess unusual properties. They 43.1.1
Although a solid metal, it shimmers and
demand a high price, or require you to
Wood ripples and is wet to the touch. Mined
locate and extract them from dangerous
1 Stone per Slot from caves on the coast or the bedrock of FEY WOOD
or remote locales. Only skilled crafters Craft
subterranean rivers. Procedure
can work with Magic Materials. An immortal wood that grows in the
Stone 150 Coins per Slot forests of Murk and other places of
1 Coin per Slot enchantment. Despite being separated Repairs
◆◆ Calculating the cost of your
from the soil it will still occasionally sprout
crafting Materials SHADE IRON Imbuing
Metal berries, leaves, or blossom. Materials
When Crafting a mundane item 1 Coin per Slot An inky-black alloy created when metal is
from the Gear section of this book, 150 Coins per Slot Additives
left to rust in an Asura’s blood. Even metal
the cost of the required Materials is You can vary the price based on the is tormented when infused with such

1/2 the amount of the listed price. location. The scarcity of wood in a concentrated malevolence, it howls and WARP ROOT
◆◆ Gear List ( p446) desert would inflate the price, but in groans while in motion.
a heavily forested area it would The transmutable roots of plants growing
When crafting a bespoke item, or be lowered. 150 Coins per Slot in soils rich in dark mana. Warp Root
one made from Magic Materials,
can be coerced to assume, and switch
you need 1 Slot’s worth of a
between, various shapes.
Suitable Material for each Inventory MAGIC MATERIALS SKY STEEL
Slot that your final crafted item will 150 Coins per Slot
take up. For example, a pop-up Only Magical Materials are robust A vivid blue metal. Found in the rocks
shelter might occupy 2 Inventory enough to permanently survive the of floating islands or at the peaks of the
Slots when carried and so would imbuing process. They are also not highest mountains. Items crafted from
require 2 Slots worth of Fabric subject to deterioration or damage in Sky Steel hover a few inches off the floor,
to make. the same way as regular materials. Most but its gravity-defying nature is easily
importantly, they also posses their own overcome with mild downward pressure.
Of course, there would be no cost unique properties that make them highly
for any scavenged or freely desirable. However, be prepared to pay a 150 Coins per Slot
available Materials. high price for these rare substances.
Ash Bronze
5 Use the predominant Material Items made from Magical Materials
Sky Steel
required to craft the item when can only be Damaged or Sundered A shining metal bearing the power of the
pricing up bespoke items. A pop-up ( p263) by other items made of Invincible Bright, even in shadow it emits
shelter might include small amounts Magical Material. a dim glow. Extracted primarily from the
of metal and wood, for poles and
10 ground beneath Star Shards and areas
hinges, but the item is mostly fabric.
close to the inert Sun Machine.
Sun Gold
150 Coins per Slot
Fey Wood
If you’re feeling generous you could
allow skilled crafters to create alloys,
but combining them might require a
Warp Root
an entire Crafting session.

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A hearty and buttery dough crafted The most potent

PILOSE BUMPO FLEECE from cereals that grow in the deep Additives are found BASICS
Shadowlands. Food made of Shadough in dangerous and Additives are able to enhance base
The luxurious hair of the rare Pilose never spoils no matter how much time remote places, but

Bumpo naturally absorbs mana. Its wool materials with their magical properties. CONTESTS
passes or what it is exposed to. This makes occasionally they’ll
generates a soft light and quiet popping it an invaluable ingredient among the turn up for sale in

noises when it moves. Shadowlands Nomads. an obscure market or AKEN’S SUCCOR

150 Coins per Slot luxury emporium.
50 Coins per Unit A beautiful flower that grows mostly in FIGHT
the Wistful Dark. Named after the heroine
Additives are prepared and infused PERILS
PIXIE BLOSSOM LEATHER instrumental in defeating the Divine
GRIME GOO, LIQUID into your creation during Crafting. DOWNTIME
Rulers, the flower is said to possess her
Created from the plant fibers left behind To achieve the desired potency, merciful essence.
This strange sludge, that perpetually
once a Petal Pixie sprouts, this material is you need 1 Unit of Additive for
jiggles and wobbles, collects in remote
mildly regenerative, enabling it to smooth each Inventory Slot your Imbued Imbuable Abilities
areas of the Underland. Lucky Moss Craft
over fine cracks or minor tears. item takes up.
Scrapers can retire if they stumble upon a Defense: Once a day the imbued

150 Coins per Slot rich vein of this enchanted ooze. ◆◆ Rations, and other small items, item allows you to completely
must be made in batches that total nullify a successful Attack or
50 Coins per Unit 1 Slot.
Magical Ability that strikes you or Imbuing
TWILIGHT SILK ◆◆ For example, a Mighty Weapon will another individual located in the
A beautiful cloth produced by the pairing BRIGHT WATER, LIQUID require 2 Units of Additive but 10 same Battlefield Area.
of Sol and Luna moths. The material Rations would require 1 Unit. Empowering: When worn, the

Sweet tasting and effervescent, Bright Mishaps

changes luminosity based on the An Additive can bestow one of its imbued item adds +1 to your
Water is a favorite base component of
surrounding light, dimming slighty when listed Imbuable Abilities ( p287) Hearts Total.
potions. It’s created by soaking a Stargem
in shadow, glowing when in sunshine. if permitted by the Imbued Gear Eldritch: Once a day the imbued
( p180) in 2 Units of water for a month or
Twilight Silk is an essential component of Type ( p286). item enables a re-roll on the
so. Soaking rotten or desiccated food in
arcane fashion. Bright Water restores it to an edible state. If your Imbued Gear Type allows Injury Table ( p260), you can then
150 Coins per Slot a choice of Imbuable Abilities, choose the most beneficial result.
50 Coins per Unit choose the one you desire.
75 Coins per Unit
At Rank 5 you can use your eLEMENT GEM
Crafting Discipline to identify and
extract useful Additives from the Energy-filled crystals that form in areas of
A simple, flavorless substance that allows environment, or slain monsters. high elemental activity.
mundane chemicals and foodstuffs to
absorb and retain mana. It is the by- Suggest to your GM that a magical
Attack: Imbued weapons inflict
product of spell casting, often carried on monster organ or fantastical flora either Flame or Frost damage,
Twilight Silk
the wind in university cities and you’ve encountered might be a depending on the gem’s nature.
legendary battlefields. The powder has potential Additive. Defense: Imbued items reduce
an unusual physical reaction when placed Bright Water the damage from elemental
near anything collecting a large amount of effects (Flame or Frost) by 1 Heart,
mana, shifting towards the source of the depending on the gem’s nature.
20 magic like iron fillings towards a Glamor: Imbued items provide
magnetic field. Shadough
you with flaming hair, frost-covered
skin, or other thematic boosts to
50 Coins per Unit your appearance that grant a Minor
Grime Goo Bonus (+2) to Aura rolls.

50 Coins per Unit

Arcane Powder

290 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 291


A strange fluid collected from forgotten It is believed that when you resist A blood-red clay found in sites where A small dollop of this highly reflective,
ruins and sleepy hamlets, this chemical temptation, the rejected desire sinks flesh-warped creatures perished. It allows gelatinous goo will boost your creation’s BASICS
manifestation induces lethargy and into the ground and coalesces into this control of the physical and mental states potency. Believed to be the remnants of CHECKS &
listlessness in whatever it touches. impossibly sweet substance. of oneself or others. the Wondersmith’s organic construction CONTESTS
machines, these droplets are occasionally JOURNEY
Attack: Once a day the imbued Eldritch: Imbued consumables Empowering: Imbued items allow uncovered in excavation sites deep in the EXPLORE
weapon can inflict the Dispirited are difficult to resist. If seen, or you to temporarily physically warp Buried Kingdom.
Ailment ( p269) on a successful smelled, enemies must make a your body for a single action,
Attack. The target must make a Grit Grit Check to resist consuming it. If allowing you to perform an act Attack: Imbued Weapons do an
Check or be Dispirited for an hour. more than one enemy falls foul of of Supernatural Might or extra Heart of damage. PERILS

Eldritch: Imbued items can slow the temptation, they will fight over Supernatural Leaping. Defense: Imbued items provide

the operation of vehicles and other who should consume it. ◆◆ This Ability can be used safely you with a +2 to your CRAFT

moving mechanical contraptions ◆◆ Creatures that do not require food once per day. Exceeding this safety Defense Rating.
to a virtual stop. Any machine in or drink, such as Bio-mechanoids limit requires you to roll on the Empowering: Imbued items Craft
physical contact with the imbued or the Undead, are immune to Injury Table ( p260). provide you with +2 to your Procedure
item will refuse to move. these effects. Eldritch: Once a day, Imbued lowest Aptitude. Crafting
Glamor: Imbued items make your items can attempt to temporarily
50 Coins per Unit charm, threats, or logic difficult to disfigure a target up to 1 Battlefield 75 Coins per Unit Repairs

resist. You gain a Minor Bonus (+2) Area away. If you win a Contest Imbuing

MELTSHROOM to Negotiation rolls. between your Aura and your You might think of other inventive Materials

target’s Grit, the targets physical ways to use these Additives. Discuss Additives
Odd slimy fungi found in places where 25 Coins per Unit form is terribly distorted. with your GM to see if they think Mishaps
your proposed application is possible.
reality’s hold is weakened. Its foul odor ◆◆ The afflicted incur a Major Penalty
is diminished during crafting, although (-4) on all rolls for an hour, after
those with sensitive smell can detect it. which their body returns to normal. EXAMPLE IMBUED OBJECT
The Prism Rokko-Do has been hunted to Fleshless individuals, like Bio-
Attack: Once a day the imbued the edge of extinction. Their iridescent mechanoids or Undead, are Soul Scorcher
weapon can inflict the Jellyfied plumage contains an essence that can unaffected by Morph Mud.
Ailment ( p270) on a successful accelerate your movement. Base Item
Attack. The target must make a Grit 50 Coins per Unit Mighty Weapon
Check or be Jellyfied for an hour. Defense: Imbued Shields may
Eldritch: Anyone ingesting an Parry twice per Fight, rather than
TRAPPED SONG Ash Bronze (2 Slots)
Imbued Consumable becomes the usual once.
Jellyfied for an entire day. Empowering: Imbued items These tiny pearlescent orbs are the Additives
Glamor: Imbued items provide you increase your Speed Rating by crystalized voices of the merpeople Element Gem,
Flame Damage
with a malleable appearance. It 1 level. who dwell beneath the Shadowed Sea.
can make the aged look young, the The alluring tones sealed inside can be Wonder Drop,
sickly more hardy, and hide your 25 Coins per Unit harnessed to provide you additional + 1 Damage
identity to anyone not inspecting charisma. While usually in the possession
2 you too closely. This shift in of the fearsome Sea Witches, some are
appearance can be activated and caught in the nets of fortuitous seafarers.
deactivated at will.
Empowering: Imbued items allow
4 25 Coins per Unit Crafting Discipline
you to speak and understand the
language of Dreamcall. Forging (Advanced)

Glamour: Imbued items grant you Cost

19 an Edge on all Negotiation rolls. Materials 300
Additives 125
25 Coins per Unit Cratfing Commission 213

292 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 293


When Crafting goes You swear you followed the recipe but... Wilful mana manifested in your creation...
wrong sometimes it’s BASICS
Roll your Side Effect Roll your Curse
better to give up and Formulas are precise for a reason! Your CHECKS &
cut your losses. The compound works but has another, CONTESTS
alternative? Press on 1-5 Unpalatable 1-5 Jealous
unintentional, property. JOURNEY
and hope things won’t Your consumable is anything but. Your creation demands exclusivity. EXPLORE
be that bad... Roll your Complication
Consuming this requires a If you use this cursed item and then
1-5 Foul Smelling successful Grit Check. Failure use another item of the same type
Your concoction stinks. means you gag and spit it out, (weapon, ring, etc.), the cursed
Roll your Mishap rendering it worthless. item discharges a harmful pulse.

This substance has an Roll on the Injury Table ( p260). CRAFT

1-10 Aborted Attempt

extraordinarily foul odor. Not only
You discover a critical flaw in the can anyone within 50 ft smell it, 6-10 Bloating Craft
unfinished item, and decide to stop and they can pin-point its origin with 6-10 Draining Procedure

relative accuracy. Urp! Your consumable plays havoc with

salvage what you can. Crafting
your digestion, your stomach starts to fizz. Using your creation saps your will. Disciplines
Only half the required Materials
6-10 Extremely viscous You are bloated for an hour. Using this cursed item takes a Imbuing
were expended. You managed to
You need to make a Grit Check to Heart from you whenever you Materials
save what’s left.
You’ve made a sticky mess. perform any strenuous physical activate or benefit from its magic. Additives

activity. For example, sprinting, The item will not activate if you Mishaps
11-20 Flawed Creation A Might Check is required every climbing, or making a Melee have no Hearts remaining.
time you try to get a Unit of this Attack. Failure means you swell up
The type of flaw is dependent on the type substance out of it’s container. and are afflicted with the Ballooned
of item your were trying to make. Ailment ( p268) for 2 Turns. 11-15 Mana Imbalance
Flawed Weapons, Tools & 11-15 Dangerously volatile Your creation crackles with unstable
Gadgets: You suffer a Snag on any 11-15 Poisonous energy, which attracts harmful magic.
roll when using this item, including Careful now, your substance is unstable.
Attack rolls, Checks and Contests. Your consumable tastes great... at first. Carrying this cursed item means
A Deftness Check is required
Flawed Shields: You cannot use you incur a Snag whenever you roll
whenever you handle this Consuming this item inflicts you
this item to Parry attacks. to resist or avoid a Magic Ability.
substance. Failure results in an with the Wounded Injury ( p260).
Flawed Armor: This item takes up explosion and you suffer the same You will need Treatment ( p262).
an additional 2 Inventory Slots than effect as being hit by a Grenade
normally required by the ( p178). 16-20 Intelligent
Armor Type.
16-20 Alive!! You accidentally imbue your creation with
Flawed Combustables &
a fragment of your personality.
Chemicals: This item gains 16-20 Half-Potency Your consumable walks, talks, and maybe
2 a Complication. even sings.
You might have watered this one down a This cursed item has Grit, Insight,
◆◆ Complications ( p294) bit too much. and Aura scores equal to yours.
Flawed Consumables: This item This ‘consumable’ has a Grit,
Insight, and Aura score equal You can silently communicate with
20 gains a Side Effect. The Substance is rather weak - you this item via telepathy.
to their creator.
◆◆ Side Effects ( p295) must use 2 Units of it to get the
The consumable can understand You need to Negotiate ( p238)
same effect as a single dose.
Flawed Imbued Items: This item Low Speech, and it loves to talk. with the item to activate its magic.
15 gains a Curse ◆◆
Your GM will determine it’s
◆◆ Curses ( p295) Ask your GM if you can deliberately
personality: frightened, cheerful, or
eager to be consumed. infuse your creations with one of
these ‘unwanted’ Mishaps.

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296 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 297


It’s the 4th Aeon of Outer World and Like the planet’s history, Outer World’s
After a series of tumultuous aeons, Outer World now exists in a precarious the planet is recovering from a war that geography is also contentious. Several
state of peace. Old and new powers seek to find their place in this new era. buried empires and ravaged the earth. magical catastrophes and events have WORLD

transformed the landscape, rendering old

The Sun Machine no longer orbits maps useless. While most of the major
Outer World, thus the planet is divided settlements and trade routes have now
The Octia
into hemispheres of Day and Night.
been accurately plotted, there remain Von Peeble’s
 few young and ambitious nations
A many intriguing sites and locations yet to Map
have emerged and are attempting be rediscovered. Wistful
to reboot civilisation, but most folk Dark
struggle with day-to-day survival. Most of Outer World’s cartographers
favor icosahedral projection to portray the

Ancient knowledge is being planet’s major land masses, and delineate

rediscovered and weaponized by the the surface’s luminous meridians. Von

well-intentioned and the nefarious.
Peeble’s World Map ( p302), named Buried

Creatures, both intelligent and bestial, after the famous cartographer and Kingdoms
prey on the weak and the vulnerable. explorer who drafted it, is a grossly over- Other
 handful of brave and impetuous
A simplified representation of Outer World’s Worlds

adventurers wander the planet geography. While useful for educational

discovering forgotten truths, purposes, it cannot be relied on for
performing great deeds, and shaping accurate navigation.
Outer World’s fragile future.
Your PC may know a few key details
about their homeland, but most
won’t have travelled far and the facts
HISTORY have been diluted by myth
and rumor!
The immortals’ retelling of the planet’s
origin and development rarely align Tell your GM which part of Outer
and cannot be relied upon as fact. Great World you’re interesting in exploring,
this will be valuable information
scholars of the age strive to create a when they’re creating an Adventure.
definitive chronology of Outer World’s
short and enigmatic history from key You can decide how much of the
archaeological sites and artifacts. setting information included is
apocryphal. Keep what you like and
The Octia Scroll ( p300) depicts the change what you don’t.
‘most probable’ sequence of events, yet There are also plenty of empty or
even this account is wildly contested. undefined regions on the map, so
Unfortunately, the scroll, which was a add new continents and cultures as
compilation and interpretation of earlier you see fit.
prophetic texts, was vandalized and
Using the setting What this section covers
significant portions have been lost.
11 This setting provides inspiration and  ‘probable’ history of Outer World and
A You can build the world’s lore into
context for the PCs’ exploits. Each the events leading to the present day. your adventures or just use its
major region provides a different set of  ‘indicative’ map of Outer World.
An convoluted history to justify the
opportunities for adventure, ranging existence of any strange beasts or
9 from the discovery and exploration of  brief description of each of Outer
A locations you want to come up.
ancient ruins, through to negotiations and World’s major regions, and a few
interactions with emergent nations. off-world places too.


298 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 299


The Octia

Von Peeble’s


The Promise The Divine Rulers
is sealed away are banished and Blazing

from the covetous trapped behind Gardens

Unshaped the Heaven Seal Buried

Sol, the Sun Machine,
is shattered by Other
The First Hero Umbra Draconis
manifests to lead
humanity and protect The Three Empires of
Outer World humanity unite
against the First Hero

Nihility’s end 1st Aeon 2nd Aeon 3rd Aeon 4th Aeon
The Promise The Dreaming The Reign of the Divine The Age of Three Empires The Sundered World
The time before time is The ‘Wondersmith‘, the The discarded servants of The Divine Rulers’ loyal The Hero of the 1st Aeon, The Heaven Seal is
brought to an end when a Creator’s prime assistant and the Unshaped now wander retainers are forced into disapproving of man’s weakened, the Sun Machine
figure known as the ‘Creator’ protégé, is coerced by the the physical realm. hiding and mortals rise, trajectory, halts the sun is shattered, and Outer World
manifests and fabricates Unshaped to construct unopposed, to prominence machine and declares that lies burnt and broken.
humans and a paradise ‘Outer World’, a habitable Mortals discover and once again. humanity must live in
for them to inhabit, crust that sits on the surface experiment with the endless darkness until it learns The wounded Hero, now
called ‘Promise’. of Promise’s original energies of the ‘Invincible Many nations are born, but a humility and respect. known as ‘Regulus’, retreats
containment sphere, and Bright’ and the ‘Profound clear triumvirate emerges: and creates an infant nation
He leaves, for reasons ‘Sol’, an orbital sun machine. Darkness’. The resulting ‘Akenia’ a bright and shining The Hero and his followers under the static Sun Machine.
unknown, after sealing his magics give ‘birth to strange kingdom, ‘Calia’ a realm finally declare war on defiant
creation away inside a The Wondersmith then new creatures’. bathed in shadow, and ‘Gley’ Akenia, ‘the most wise and From the ashes of the fallen
‘protective sphere’. ‘brings forth playthings for a country of iron and gears. foolish of nations’. The Three empires, desperate new
them from Promise: mortal The strongest of these Empires unite against the kingdoms emerge around
The Creator’s assistants are humans, who serve as actors creatures quickly assert their The ‘Three Empires’ become Hero and engage in war the fragments of the Sun
left behind to protect in their endless stories’. superiority over humanity both the hope and terror of ‘most bitter and resolute’. Machine that fell to earth.
Promise from the and pronounce themselves the age: inventing, warring
Unshaped ones. The Unshapeds’ childish the ‘Divine Rulers.’ and ever-expanding. The resulting conflict wounds The servants of the Unshaped
9 cruelty towards mortals leads Hero, breaks the sun and the Divine Rulers seek to
The Unshaped are described to an uprising. The First Hero is notably Their abuse of destructive machine, and the world's restore their masters’ power
as beings of ‘pure potential’ absent in the face of this magic and technology oldest dragon is slain. once more, and belligerent
who ‘scuttled across the Enamored with the mortal new tyranny. Mortals stand brings Outer World‘s terrors roam free.
1 surface of Promise rebellion, one of the alone in their battle with continued survival Humanity is victorious and
covetously, imagining what Unshaped changes its their divine masters. After into question. the Hero is repelled, but their Now a brave new generation
may lie within’. ‘Dream’ to become real, they much violence, it is empires lie in ruins. of folk explore this new
are referred to as ‘First Hero’. ultimately humanity’s risky world, each with a different
and ingenious use of magic Many survivors seek refuge hope in their hearts; will they
11 With the Hero’s assistance below ground while the be its salvation or
that enables them to banish
man is able to defeat the and contain the Divine surface recovers from the its damnation?
Unshaped, and force them to Rulers behind the aeon-ending catacysm.
take physical form. ‘Heaven Seal.’

300 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 301

There are predictions for the




Von Peeble’s

Crystalia Twilight
 p305
Seven Taaga Blazing
Sacred Isles Gardens
 p309
 p307 Galvanus Buried
Archipelago Kingdoms
 p307 Other

 p305 Night
Haven Thunda
 p307
Shadowed  p309 WAVES
 p305 SE A
Sunken Sol Alliance
The Eaten  p309
 p307
 p305 No-Folk
 p309

 p305 Pride
WAVES Hollow  p307
 p309
 p305


Approx. Intercontinental Travel times Duskwards Dawnwards

1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks

19 Stonewards



302 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 303
Typical Adventures

Reveal ancient conspiracies.
The furthest continent from the Sun Machine, a dark and melancholy realm An isolated land of gossamer and glass.
No one who has ventured there has 
Pacify, or negotiate with, mischievous WELCOME
filled with an equal measure of fear and hope. fey and sentient flora.
returned. Some theorize it might be so WORLD
beautiful that no one ever wants to leave. 
Retrieve rare and valuable plant species.
Typical Adventures The Octia

Explore elegant crystalline geography. Von Peeble’s

Encounter truly bizarre beings. This once divine place is devoid of rational Map

Discover one of a kind treasures. life after a botched ritual. The isle’s Wistful
epicenter now sinks into a magical abyss.
Typical Adventures Meridian

Raid the monasteries of the banished Gardens
Shard Cities formed around the largest Divine Rulers.
glowing fragments of the broken Sun Buried

Machine, the light and warmth from which 

Battle unholy beasts. Kingdoms

attract the desperate. Shard Patricians 

Reclaim celestial relics. Other
control the cities, but the socio-economic
influence of the Guilds and the Church of
the Scared Chain make ruling a delicate AIDEN
balancing act.
This military confederacy repels the
Typical Adventures Hollow Queen’s monstrous army from an
ancient fortified wall that divides the dark

Defend established trade routes. continent. The Red Blades, the nation’s

Explore strange ruins at the edges of elite troops, perform daring raids deep
the Star Shard’s light. into enemy territory.

Get embroiled in political ambition Typical Adventures
and corruption.

Defending the wall during a siege,

Slaying titanic creatures.

Hunting down monsters that stalk the
There is no law or order in this haunting sewers or breach the wall.
landscape of fungal forests and tundra.
Nomads contend with the constant
threat of the restless dead and desperate HOLLOW QUEEN’S KINGDOM
raiders. The rag-tag Knights of the Lantern
The citizens of Calian were warped into
attempt to protect those most in need.
Sights & sounds Regional dynamics twisted demons and wretches, and their
Typical Adventures glorious queen reduced to a miserable
 always night.
Shards from the splintered Sun Machine and spiteful creature. She commits
19 fell here. Those that control the light have 
Escort nomad caravans.

The environment is cool and crisp, the her ‘children’ to a relentless attack on
living see their breath in the air. the power. 
Battle with the cursed and corrupted. civilisation. Only Aiden stops the advance.

The landscape is eerie yet alluring. 
The last remaining Unshaped hide and 
Contend with toxic environments. Her Beloved disguise themselves among
13 scheme in the shadows. the influential and the powerful, seeking

Restless mana and bioluminescent to weaken the resolve of opposing states.
fungi provide respite from the dark. 
The ruins of Akenia & Calian harbor
marvels and monstrosities from the past. MURK

The presiding silence is broken by Typical Adventures
17 keening spirits and the low groans of 
Tormented monsters roam the night, Murk, home of the fey, is said to contain 
Scavenging a city long lost to
the discontented. both terrifying and pathetic. portals that connect all the world’s great monstrous hordes.

The Heaven Seal can be seen in the 
Stoic forces defend against the horde. forests together. The Formless Council of
Unshaped meet here, devising ways to 
Rescuing soldiers of Aiden.
darkened sky. It’s cracking.
return the world to the era of Dreaming. 
Seeking the counsel of Dark Magi.
304 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 305


On the cusp of dusk and dawn, the Twilight Meridian has no dominant land A glorious land of art, ingenuity and Known as the land of the Eternal Dawn,
mass but is instead a series of diverse and interrelated islands. perpetual strife. While recently united and considered the most beautiful place TO OUTER
under the banner of the Shogun, the in all of Outer World, Galvanus is a series WORLD

inhabitants still quarrel among each other of prosperous islands that function as
constantly. In Meikyuu, The City of Paths, a global trading hub. Natural beauty is
The Octia
there are whispers of a Shinobi rebellion. marred by the ugly truths of mercantile Scroll
warfare and piracy. The region’s wealthiest
Typical Adventures reside in Portia the Prosperous and their
Von Peeble’s

Undermine a local lord. luxurious palaces are said to contain Wistful
riches from far flung places. Dark

Battle powerful dokabei sorcerers.
Typical Adventures

Flush out (or assist) Shinobi rebels. Meridian

Run dangerous errands for a Blazing
Merchant Scion.

Engage in maritime battles with pirates Kingdoms
An artificial island constructed of Shade Iron and sea monsters. Other
and overrun with unearthly climbing flowers. 
Recover lost items from abandoned Worlds
The Duke of Red Roses, the island’s immortal temples on behalf of a local Small God.
ruler, is charismatic and fair but there
are suspicions about what goes on deep
below the foreboding Castle Thornbeauty. SUNKEN Isles
The Black Glove Cavaliers guard the Duke’s
dark secrets from nosey courtiers. Once considered a manifestation of the
Technocracy’s culture and benevolence,
Typical Adventures these floating cities were a way to expand

Assist the Black Glove Cavaliers with their empire without conquest and
an investigation. conflict. The events of the 3rd Cataclysm
left these constructs submerged.

Thwart the numerous schemes of a
malevolent immortal. Typical Adventures

Plumb the catacombs beneath a city to 
Make contact with strange
find a missing scholar. undersea inhabitants.

Rescue fisherman from Sea Witches.
Explore a half-sunken fortress.
Much of Stahlfeld is dotted with ruins of
the fallen Technocracy of the Gley, where
drones wander over rust-covered salvage
Sights & sounds Regional dynamics
yards. The few cities that exist here are

The sun hangs permanently low. 
Coin rules, free trade for all. home to brave and ambitious Junkers
20 who make a prosperous, but risky, living

The landscape is painted with long 
Independent island cultures collude
shadows and glittering water. and compete with each other. unearthing Techno-Relics. Most outsiders
arrive via the eccentric Port Bevel and

The air is salty and carries the hypnotic 
The successful exhibit their wealth many gain employment via the Helical
12 sound of continuous waves. through the curation of fine art and Archive research facility.

The weather is volatile: placid one exotic artifacts.
moment, violent the next. 
Large bustling ports attract ancient Typical Adventures
Some islands float like clouds, others lie threats from the deep. 
Find ancient technologies for the
forgotten below the waves. 
Shinobi plot a rebellion against the elite. Helical Archive.

Huge rusting structures, of forgotten 
Junkers live among the technological 
Destroy berserk war machines.
purpose, are silhouetted on the horizon. miracles and dangers of the past. 
Bring ancient factories back online.

306 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 307


Bathed in the glory of the Sun Machine, the Blazing Garden is a bold and Named after the broken Sun Machine The final resting place of the Dawn
bombastic place full of larger-than-life characters and creatures. that hangs above, the alliance is unified Dragon is a splendid land of lush TO OUTER
by the uncompromising vision and might greenery and clear waters. The region WORLD
of Emperor Regulus, the First Hero. The provides an abundance of natural
region is famed for its sparkling capital resources for the local allied clans, which
The Octia
Aeon, the mightiest city, and its legion of gives them with trading leverage to rival Scroll
ferocious young warriors. even the Galvanus Archipelago.
Von Peeble’s
Typical Adventures Typical Adventures

Negotiate with imperial agents. 
Act as escorts for a member of the Dark

Prove your worth in the Arena. Dragon Clan. Twilight

Seek out a unique tome in one of the 
Protect a village from a wild drake.
vast libraries of the Alliance. 
Explore a long forgotten Gardens
draconic shrine. Buried
Thanks to the colossal creatures that feed
and roam freely in the region, No-Folk Home to the unruly but courageous
land is regarded as an inhospitable Thunda Barbarians, the sands are revered
place. Despite this, some enterprising as a place of true freedom and high
individuals have managed to establish adventure. While you’ll find respite in
small settlements… only to find the one of the region’s oasis towns, you’ll
neighboring towns are only marginally have to contend with the blistering heat,
more amiable than the wandering beasts. rampaging mechanical monsters, and the
occasional resurrected Overlord.
Typical Adventures
Typical Adventures

Turning the tide in a border skirmish.

Hunting down a legendary monster. 
Ally with rowdy freedom fighters.

Stumbling upon an oddly abandoned 
Wrangle even rowdier beasts.
treasure horde. 
Break into the stronghold of a
powerful warlord.


This once small nation rose to prominence

after the arrival and assimilation of the
Rai-Neko and their strange Startech
Sights & sounds Regional dynamics technology. Centered around Nyanko,
 always day.
Regulus, the immortal, has created a the city that grew around the site of their
7 vast kingdom under the remains of the crashed star vessel, it is a much more

The sun is relentless, the horizon is
broken Sun Machine. orderly place than much of the Outer
distorted with a shimmering haze.
World, though many credit its stability to
roars of titanic beasts rumble like 
Beyond civilisation’s limited reach,

The the region’s brutal justice system.
14 thunder in the distance. despotic warlords contend for territory.

Ancient civilizations lament the Typical Adventures

The glittering cities are bastions of
civilisation and comfort. dwindling number of draconic elders. 
Assist Startech Technicians with
Unruly jungles, expansive deserts, and 
Shipwrecked off-worlders integrate with an experiment.
untamed swamps dominate the land. Outer World’s indigenous folk. 
Deal with bandits and marauders.

Help ranchers round up some
escaped Bumpos.

308 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 309


Below the crust of the earth, an endless battle rages in the burrows and The industrious nation of Old Iron might The land of Lost Crystal is filled with
caverns of the Underland. well be the first nation of Outer World, strange architecture and odd creatures TO OUTER
it was established aeons ago by the you will find nowhere else. It is the home WORLD
Dwarves after the Creator’s departure. Its of the eccentric Unterkin, who are the
population grew larger and more diverse supposed architects of Promise. The few
The Octia
when refugees were driven from the who have visited them often comment on Scroll
surface after the 3rd Cataclysm, with these how they manage to be both friendly and
Von Peeble’s
newcomers being quickly indoctrinated exceedingly unhelpful at the same time. Map
into the ways of this ancient kingdom.
Typical Adventures Wistful
Typical Adventures

Seek the assistance of an eccentric Twilight

Protect a train from New Ore Guerillas. artisan or master crafter. Meridian

Destroy a menacing stone-beast. 
Defeat ‘nowhere’ creatures. Blazing

Out a corrupt foreman. 
Search the immense crystal tomb of a Buried
fallen Unterkin. Kingdoms

NEW ORE Worlds
Established by Goblins seeking a new
home after the end of the 1st Aeon, New This maze of twisted steel and circuitry
Ore is a free-wheeling society just a notch draws in junkers and adventurers like
above benevolent anarchy. New Ore has moths to flame. The Machine Labyrinth’s
always taken in the lost and unwanted, roving battle drones and shifting
and its population was varied even before architecture keep its secrets safe.
the Underland exodus that occurred at
the end of the last age. Typical Adventures

Typical Adventures 
Capture a stray drone for study.
 battle with an extremely skilled

Repatriate isolated civilians. War-Mechanoid.

Assist civilians with community  to figure out where all those
concerns. confounded passages actually lead.

Help tunnel diggers excavate an
ancient structure.


The contested railways and abandoned

Sights & sounds Regional dynamics warrens betwixt Old Iron and New Ore
 realm hidden from the glare of the
Choose a side in the Underland Conflict are a perpetual battlefield. The Tunnels
6 Sun Machine. or be caught in the crossfire. are home to a handful of unfortunates
who are trapped between the two warring

Twisting tunnels and cave complexes 
Forgotten cultures clash and oppose
factions. There are claims that long-
amaze and confuse. encroaching regional powers.
forgotten places are hidden away within
The dim glow from subterranean slimes 
The most ancient of beings prevent this sprawling underworld labyrinth.
and gems lights the void. surface dwellers from learning Formal entrances to the Buried Kingdom can
profound truths. Typical Adventures be found in the Wistful Dark and the Twilight

The sounds of the creaking earth and
Meridian, though many caverns and fissures
16 grinding gears echo from deep below. 
Help a lost child find their family. also connect to the underground realm.

Bombed out caverns are littered with 
Chase away strange and desperate
the war dead. monsters of the deep.

Seek out an ancient Tunnel Sage.

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Whilst you would need many lifetimes to explore every inch of Outer World, WELCOME
there are also other realms beyond its horizons. TO OUTER


The Octia

Von Peeble’s




This alternative dimension, confusingly While most of the Unshaped were forced Buried
referred to as ‘Other World’, is considered into physical form at the end of the 1st
arcane and mysterious to the natives of Aeon, there were many who escaped by Other
Outer World. A few claim to hail from this slithering between small folds in reality.
strange realm and seek a way back, but There they found untouched realms
most folk can’t understand why as, by all brimming with primordial potential, and
Nearly all of the inhabited parts of the The Heaven Seal is perhaps the single accounts, it seems like a dreary place. in these places they continued to dream
Outer World are at least aware of each greatest magical achievement of any up new worlds and strange creatures.
other. There are no frontiers, but there are age: Seven Seals layered into a cosmic If somehow you manage to find yourself
many geographical oddities; land warped mandala that prevents the banished here you’ll need to cover up those pointy Each Elsewhere was created by the
by the Unshaped, ruins of past kingdoms Divine Rulers from re-entering the Outer ears or you’ll get funny looks, you might dreams of an Unshaped and can be
obscured by arcane pollution, and ancient World. The Seal is occasionally visible in even attract the attention of covert accessed through odd but seemingly
structures buried beneath the surface. the sky thanks to the waxing and waning government organisations that track and innocuous gates. For example: paintings,
of mana, and is emblematic of mankind’s monitor the appearance of any trans- large cracks in the floor, or puddles of
An attentive traveller will hear tales and hope, determination, and hubris. dimensional trespassers. vintage alcohol. Elsewheres can differ
rumors of such places, some may even widely in scale and scope, ranging from
stumble upon them by chance. No one knows what exists behind the Typical Adventures the confines of a single mansion to an
Seal. Have the Divine Rulers perished infinite void.
Typical Adventures there? Or do they bide their time, waiting 
Find a magical beast that’s been taken
for the Seal’s enchantments to fail so they to the Other World and is now Typical Adventures

Rescue a missing person from an wreaking havoc.
Unshaped noble’s hidden dreamworld. may wreak their revenge on Outer World?

Explore a strange dungeon, an 
Learn a ritual song from dancers for a

Explore a city that has been sealed Typical Adventures abandoned shopping mall which is now festival that never ends.
away by powerful magic for an aeon. home to some unsavory creatures. 
Rescue a scholar who’s lost in the halls

Seek the wisdom of an ancient deity

Scour a floating island that wasn’t there that calls from beyond the Seal. 
Assist the heroes of the Other World of a library dimension.
just months ago. in defeating a villain utilizing relics and 
Seek out an Unshaped warrior who

Venture beyond the Heaven Seal to find
a crystal flower said to cure all disease. magic from the Outer World. remembers the weakness of a great
10 and terrible monster.

Stop a zealot attempting to destroy the
seal via a powerful ritual.



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G A M E S M A S T E R ’ S G U I D E




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DURING A SESSION If a PC dies: Try to get the player back

BEING A GAMES MASTER into the game as soon as possible.
Provide useful descriptions: Keep They could take over a Companion
As a Games Master, you’ll enjoy a different kind of fun to the other players. You your narration short, evocative, and ( p183) or Ally ( p321), a new PC could

won’t get to go on adventures, you get to create them! informative. Monologues will bore your be introduced in the next location or
players, and a lack of useful detail will scene, or maybe they could even come Running
leave them unsure of how to proceed. back as a Skeleman ( p404). the Game

Make the stakes clear: When the PCs Be impartial: Don’t deliberately Creating an
are about to take a risky action, or one obfuscate information the PCs might Creating a
that will have lasting consequences, reasonably know. Warn them of any GMC
emphasize the potential dangers to the possible dire consequences to their Creating a
player before they act. This will make actions before they plunge in, then let Settlement

the result of any required Checks or the dice fall where they may. Creating an
Contests more dramatic… and they Expect the unexpected: While you Site
can’t say you didn’t warn them! might know where the PCs are heading Creating an
Prompt your players to act: At the very for the next Session, don’t have Adventure
least, end your descriptions with ‘What preconceived ideas of how events will
do you do?’ If they are still unsure… play out. Let yourself be surprised, this Encounters
subtly present some options with is the fun of being a GM. Creating a
additional description or narration. Saga

Keep things moving: You are in control RULES & ROLLS

of time in the game world, cut out
content that is not interesting or useful. Making up rules: If a rule isn’t in the
Use the following techniques to help book, make something up. Discuss
you pace the action: and agree with your players how the
new rule works, and let them know
Enter late: Set the scene then that it will need to be amended if it
start the action. Present a choice changes the game in unpredictable or
or unfolding situation as soon as undesirable ways.
you can.
You choose when to roll: Remember,
Leave early: If the tension or value you decide when a Check or Contest
of a scene is dwindling, wind it up is necessary, not the player. This allows
and cut to the next decision point. you to determine whether a suggested
Montage: Fast forward through action just happens or is impossible.
what could be long, uninteresting Narrate the rolls: Use the margin of
experiences to get to the next failure and success of the die roll to
moment that matters. help you describe the outcome. If
Foreshadow: Signal the presence the roll beats the target number by a
of potential threats ahead of time. long way the success was effortless, if
Anticipation builds tension, tension the result was just below the required
RUNNING THE GAME creates engagement. number, describe a painfully close fail.
2 Create meaningful choices: While not
Know the PCs: An understanding of every decision will be life or death, AFTER A SESSION
BEFORE A SESSION there should be a consequence to
the PCs’ Calling, Species, and Gear
Abilities will help you design suitably decisions made by players. Make Collect feedback: Find out what the
Know the rules: Have good grasp of players enjoyed and what they did
13 challenging situations. players feel like their PC’s actions
the Focused Rules ( p215) so you don’t not. Discuss what they intend to get
impact the world around them.
need to constantly check things during Know your Adventure: Know the their PCs to do next Session. This
play. Cheat sheets are included in the characters and locations in your Keep everyone involved: Make sure
information will be useful to…
19 Appendix for quick reference ( p450) Adventure ( p318) so you are prepared everyone who wants to speak has a
for your players’ interactions with them. chance to do so, and check if everyone Prep the next Session: Create notes
Know your players: Talk to them about and update, or add to, your Adventure
Make yourself some easy-to-reference agrees with important group decisions.
their expectations and desires, so you as necessary.
can create Adventures that engage. notes!

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As Games Master, you’ll need to provide the PCs with a quest that involves a Notable inhabitants of
collection of interesting locations and memorable characters. Outer World that help or ADVENTURE TYPE
hinder the PCs on their
Choose or roll an Adventure type
Have a look through the Outer World adventure. These include Running
Regions ( p302) with your players quest-givers, allies, rivals, the Game
and pick an area everyone is and villains. 1-5 Looming threat Creating an
interested in exploring. Adventure
Creating Game Master Characters ( p320) Some external force threatens a Creating a
Settlement. Without intervention the GMC
ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS place is doomed! Creating a
Settlements Settlement
For example: Soldiers or bandits
Adventures, depending on taste, can vary Creating an
Places for PCs to shop, rest, pillage and plunder, or an ancient
widely in tone and theme, ranging from Adventure
and plan. A Settlement beast poisons the local wildlife. Site
a petty dispute between two farming
might be under threat Creating an
communities to a harrowing crawl Adventure
and in need of assistance, 6-10 Fetch quest
across a monster-infested wasteland. Map
or simply provide a
When coming up with an idea for your Creating
convenient base Retrieve a relic or treasure from
Adventure, consider the following:
of operations. an Adventure Site to prevent a Creating a
Player Characters: Think about the catastrophe or misfortune. Saga
Creating a Settlement ( p328)
WHAT IS AN ADVENTURE? capabilities of your players’ PCs, then For example: The sacred stones must
create situations with them in mind. be returned to the temple or the Deva
An Adventure is a situation or event the For example, give the Sneak a chance ADVENTURE SITES will blight the harvest for 1000 years,
PCs get involved in. It could be a conflict, to be stealthy and the Champion a or retrieve the rare herbs required to
a mystery, a journey, or a mixture of all challenging boss battle. Places of danger or mystery revive a poisoned noble.
three. Unlike a story, an Adventure has no for the PCs to explore.
plot or scripted sequence of events. XP Rewards: Once you’ve discussed
Commonly these are
A good Adventure will have the and agreed with your players what 16-20 Establish a truce
filled with strange
following properties: you will award XP for ( p205), ensure
creatures, dark secrets, Resolve a conflict between opposing
your Adventure provides ample
Reasons to get involved: It could be and forgotten treasures. forces, or Settlements, before
opportunity to engage in those
responding to the heartfelt plea of activities. For example, If you’re going Creating an Adventure Site ( p332) hostilities pass the point of no return.
desperate villagers or the promise of to reward combat then include plenty For example: Stop two rival towns
coin for undertaking a perilous mission. of disagreeable monsters; if your going escalating hostilities over fertile land
Leverage what your players, and their to reward exploration then provide lots ADVENTURE MAP before everybody loses, or prove
PCs, are most likely to be motivated by. of hidden locations to discover. to the warring kingdoms that they
A map that shows the routes
Multiple ways to resolve the situation: Mature content: If required, discuss between Settlements and have been tricked into conflict by the
Provide opportunities for the players and agree as a group whether your known Adventure Sites. A agents of a shadowy organisation.
to creatively resolve a situation. For adventure will feature graphic violence, map is required by PCs to
example, allow an antagonist to be sexual content, prejudice, or other journey across 11-15 Escort mission
defeated using direct force, stealth, sensitive topics. Once agreed, all Outer World.
or diplomacy. Create obstacles, players should respect and maintain Protect an important person or item
17 not solutions. the group’s decisions. Creating an Adventure Map ( p344) from falling into the wrong hands.
Meaningful consequences: Make the For example: Sneak a dethroned ruler
repercussions of the PCs’ intervention ADVENTURE COMPONENTS ENCOUNTERS out of his fallen kingdom to keep the
tangible in the game world. Will the rebel hope alive, or protect a supply
8 villagers regard the PCs as heroes for Your Adventure will determine what Unpredictable events that caravan on its way to a remote and
saving their town or did the temple locations and characters you’ll need occur when the PCs go desperate village.
explode and reduce the local area to create. For example, if the PCs are on a Journey or Explore
to ash? to escort a caravan across the Shadow locations. Encounters
Lands then you might create a map, some typically involve meeting
Fantastical elements: Make the most of
merchants, and a host of undead bandits. GMCs or Adversaries.
Outer World’s fantasy setting. Fill your
Adventure with strange beasts, magical Creating Encounters ( p348)
artifacts, and enchanted locations.
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Your Adventure will need a cast of interesting characters to help, hinder, Primary use: Quest Primary use: Rivals are
or confuse the PCs. Givers need assistance. not direct enemies,
They can provide the but compete with
main invitation to the PCs for attention, Running
GMC TYPES participate in your fame, and fortune, the Game
Adventure, but also or they can just show Creating an
smaller or less urgent up to complicate Adventure
Villain (BIG BAD) side quests. proceedings. Creating a
Primary use: A Villain’s Typical Quest Givers: Wealthy nobles, Typical Rivals: Mistrusting officials, Creating a
schemes and activities house-bound witches, ambitious bakers, competitive adventure teams, jealous

threaten the status and desperate peasants. love-interests, and scorned allies.
Creating an
quo or obstruct Site
the PCs’ attempts Creating a Quest Giver Creating a Rival
Creating an
to accomplish their Quest Givers have a problem they Rivals will have a goal or desire that
objective. While the can’t solve on their own. Either they is aligned with the PCs, but have

villain could be the main lack time and ability or can’t be seen to an opposing approach. They will
focus of one adventure they may also be intervene directly. undermine, question, or ridicule the Creating a
Game Master Characters (GMCs) not only a recurring presence in a longer Saga, PCs’ plans. Saga
masterminding several scenarios that the Quest Givers want to claim, or reclaim,
present dilemmas and challenges to the something of great importance, or Rivals have something to prove. They
PCs or provide them with useful services Player Characters involve themselves in.
they are facing, or suffering from, an will sabotage their competitors or take
and information, but they can also be a Typical Villains: Wicked immortals, undesirable predicament. unnecessary risks to showboat.
source of emotional engagement for your corrupt but charismatic authority figures,
game. Your players will love to hate the Quest Givers propose a reward for Rivals are relatable. Whilst irritating
ruthless mages, crimelords, and solving their problem. The reward will or disruptive, Rivals should also have
big bad and they will develop empathy would-be despots.
for those caught in the crossfire. depend on what resources they have qualities that are admirable or valuable.
Creating a Villain available and their level of desperation.
Creating Game Master Characters Villains can be seen as the heroes of
1. Determine the number and type their own stories. Give your Villain Primary use: Allies
of GMCs required for your a clear objective and a deeply held Primary use: PCs will not believe in the PCs and
chosen Adventure. belief that explains their course always possess the can be called on, or
2. Create and record the GMCs’ of action. resources needed to volunteer themselves,
identities, names, and any game Villains have victims. Whether achieve their goals, to assist. Allies don’t
related information you think may directly or indirectly, create someone Service Providers offer solve problems for
be required during play. who suffers due to the Villain’s them the possibility the PCs, just help out in
3. For Aptitudes, Abilities, and machinations. to procure assistance. any way they can.
Combat Values use an appropriate Villains have henchmen. Some are Service Providers are
reliable as long as they are compensated. Typical Allies: Supportive courtiers,
Calling/Rank ( p12), Follower loyal, others reluctant. Depending on mistreated citizens, and arcane librarians.
( p184), or Adversary ( p356). a Villain’s resources they might even Typical Service Providers: Blacksmiths,
have spies or armies at their disposal. cartographers, bakers, apothecaries, and Creating a Ally
14 The GMC types presented here are other experts.
Villains have a base of operation. This Allies have a resource they can use to
loose guidelines, and not rigid could be an Adventure Site such as a
Creating a Service Provider support the PCs’ efforts. This might be
archetypes. They can easily bleed
well-fortified base or a secret lair. political influence, a powerful item, or
into one another, or even change
16 during the course of play. For Consider giving your Villain a A Service provider will either run the time to perform laborious activities.
example, a bitter Rival may become distinctive gift, an Ability or a magic a Service ( p201), have a Crafting Allies will have a limit to the amount of
a full-on Villain, and a grateful Quest item, that enables them to dominate Discipline ( p282), or have access to resource, and risk, they are prepared to
Giver might develop into a true Ally. and exploit the people around them. pertinent Tomes ( p176). commit to.
When role playing your GMCs, Experienced or well-trained Service Allies will have an ethical line that the
put yourself in their shoes. Think Providers may have a relevant Calling, PCs must not cross, otherwise they will
about their desires and fears when Ability and Traits that support their
deciding their words and actions. withdraw their assistance.
primary expertise.

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Primary use: The For more important GMCs, consider Villain Quest Giver
characters milling adding a few more details to make them Lord Vertex Mucky Paws BEING A GM

around in the streets more interesting to interact with and more Skelemaster ( p406) Factotum, Rank 1 ( p16)
of your Settlement memorable for your players. Running
can be used to the Game
Desires/Fears: What motivates them?
describe a region’s The wonders of the past can Creating an
Do they strive to become the best
social structure, inspire us to make a better Adventure
smith in Outer World or do they fret future, don’t you think?
prosperity level, and Creating a
about the town’s recent decline GMC
general ambience.
in influence? Creating a
Typical Basic Folk: Villagers, shopkeeps, Relationships: How are they connected
miners, refugees, traders, and nomads.
Creating an
to other folk in the Settlement? Do they Adventure

Creating Basic Folk: have a secret crush, a debt, or Site

Death can’t stop me!
local rival? Creating an
You think you can? Adventure
Have a general description for your Distinct names: Simple or distinctive Fleshy Fools! Map
settlers or nomads. Buried Kingdom names will be easier for your players Creating
Miners might collectively be described to remember. Encounters
as rowdy and rugged with a strong Creating a
sense of purpose, whereas refugees Distinguishing features: What minor Saga
What’s that, my
from the Shadowed Lands might be physical or mental quirks does the dear? Of course I
described as fearful and scrawny with character have? If the players can’t haven’t forgotten.
desperate eyes. remember a character’s name, they’ll I don’t have much
certainly remember their flatulence, but... if you help me,
Have a list of occupations or tasks for sarcasm, or enormous purple hat. I can help you!
your Basic Folk to perform, this will
give them purpose and routine when Purviews & Gear: For more important
PCs observe them. GMCs, provide them with relevant
Purviews and Gear. A farmer might
Have a list of typical names for your have a Purview for rearing livestock,
Basic Folk, this will help when the PCs and a well-dressed noble would have
unexpectedly interact with one an Authoritative Outfit.
of them Villiany: This cruel noble and his wife Quest Giving: This budget-restricted
If you’re comfortable, you can use were cut down by ‘traitors’ who academic ends up having to do most
You can use the Tables in Homeland voices, facial expressions, and other
& History Tables ( p108) to give opposed their warmongering; he is of her own field work, but will try to
gestures to further bring your GMCs
you ideas for Elites, Commoners, and to life. now looking for a way to bring his recruit the PCs with an impassioned
Outcasts found in each Region. beloved back from beyond the grave. plea and promises of treasure.
Also, remember there is guidance on He can be found mooching about his Stationed in Homble ( p331), she is
naming in Species ( p80). forgotten mansion with a small band investigating the site of a historic
of loyal Skelemen ( p404). battle involving powerful machines.
Aptitudes & Combat Values: If Basic
Folk get embroiled in the action, use the Role Playing Notes: Has a perchant
Role Playing Notes: Naively
Aptitudes and Combat Values below. for fine wines and foods. When
optimistic and prone to deliver
19 talking in his nasally voice, he will
excitable exposition.
6 MIGHT +0 1 occassionaly break off mid-sentence
6 DEFT ATTACK HEARTS to respond lovingly, and obediently,
to a voice no one else can hear. Traits: Determined (+2 Grit)
15 6 GRIT
Abilities: Factotum Starting Abilities,
6 INSIGHT 10 Average
Gear: Soul Stone. This gem contains Rai-Neko Innate Abilities.
6 AURA DEFENSE SPEED the soul of his wife. Vertex just needs
to figure out the ritual, and prepare a Gear: Forgotten Lore Tome,
suitable body, for his spouse to Machines of the Fallen Empires
return as a Skelemonach ( p408). ( p176), various archaeological tools.

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Service Provider Rival Ally Background Characters

Fizz Triboulet Brave-Dame-What’s-Her-Name Homble townsfolk BEING A GM

Basic Folk ( p322) Sneak, Rank 1 ( p22) Champion, Rank 3 ( p28) Basic Folk: Lumiflorists, pop factory
workers, shroom pickers ( p322) Running
the Game

Courage my friends, Creating an

the Knights of Lantern
If you can’t be are here. Creating a
happy... be drunk. GMC
Buuuurrp!! Creating a
Creating an
Pick pretty pink petals
It’s my own special blend. Adventure
(Hombilite tongue twister) Site
of ale. It’s a little bit
different every time. Fortune favors the
Creating an
fast and the fiendish. Merona is the Map
best boss ever! Creating

I’ll be taking that! Creating a

Thanks again for all
your help.

Let’s fight back the

shadows. Together we keep
the flame of hope alive!

Service: Currently lives and works in Rivalry: This rogue always seems to Ally: Will support and assist PCs who Daily Routine: Most folk take shifts
the Grimy Guts pub, providing Basic be after the same treasure as the seek to improve the safety and living assisting Merona in the Pop Plant, a
and Advanced Cooking servivces. PCs. Typically he, and his theatrical conditions of the Shadow Land folk. brave few harvest the glowing
adventuring companions, will let the flowers found in Blackmoor Woods.
She specializes in potent potions As a senior member of the ill-funded
them do the hard work, then swipe The town is also home to more
and dangerously strong liquor. Knights of Lantern, she will offer
the prize at the last moment. conventional foragers
what little resources the order
Her casual mixology results in a and farmers.
possesses in the name of a worthy
regular supply of unpredicatable Role Playing Notes: Uses theatrical cause. She will also lend her mace
elixirs that she sells on the cheap. speech and gesture, and always has Role Playing Notes: Homble’s
when required.
to have the last word. people are generally happy and
Role Playing Notes: Role Playing Notes: Booming voice, willing to share, but are not naive.
While ruthlessly opportunistic, he’ll
5 Chaotic, hyper, with a frightfully short unwaveringly positive, gives
never take advantage of the They find Large Species fascinating
attention span. everyone the benefit of the doubt.
mistreated or downtrodden. and are likely to stare, stalk, and
pester them.
Gear: Her ‘Experimental’ potions Abilities: Champion Starting Abilities
9 Traits: Acrobatic (+1 Deft), Pain
may include Additives unknown to (Favored Weapon: Mighty),
averse (-1 Grit), Eloquent (+1 Aura). Abillities: Most Homblelites know
the PCs or suffer from a Side Effect and Valiant. the places with the most delicious
( p295). Abilities: Sneak Starting Abilities.
tubers and mushrooms, making
Gear: Heavy Armor, Combination
13 them excellent Guides for the area.
Gear: Thrown Weapons (Knives x6), Weapon, Mighty/Utility (Torch).
Appealing Outfit.

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Choose or roll a minor quirk (or two!) Choose or roll a profession (and adjective) Choose or roll a prominent accessory
Adjective Profession
1 Forlorn 1-2 Flowing scarf
Choose or roll a villainous motivation
1-2 Renowned Healer Running
2 Pedantic 3-4 Billowing cape the Game
1-2 The world is a cruel place, so I Creating an
shall be crueller. 3-4 Talented Politician Adventure
3 Excitable 5-6 Enormous hat Creating a
3-4 We’re all out for ourselves in 5-6 Retired Adventurer

the end, I’m just honest. 4 Stubborn 7-8 Giant ribbon & bow Creating a
7-8 Mysterious Armorer Creating an
5-6 There’s no turning back now. 5 Pushy 9-10 Huge boots Adventure
9-10 Fugitive Criminal
7-8 It is only natural for the weak 6 Sarcastic 11-12 Sparkling jewellery Creating an
to bow to the strong. 11-12 Charlatan Herbalist Map
7 Vain 13-14 Chunky belt Creating
9-10 I must find the limits of my 13-14 Ambitious Researcher
strength and ambition. 8 Thoughtful 15-16 Pouches & pockets Creating a

15-16 Inept Historian

11-12 If my loved one suffered, then 9 Parental 17-18 Spectacles
everyone should. 17-18 Reclusive Performer
10 Unflappable 19-20 Distinctive tattoos
13-14 Witless fools! Once all is said 19-20 Inventive Philosopher
and done, you’ll thank me. 11 Nervous BACKGROUND CHARACTERS

15-16 Everything is just so... 12 Tidy CLOTHING COLOR Choose or roll an appearance (and adjective)
tiresome. Choose or roll a color for their attire Adjective Appearance
13 Morose
17-18 I am an artist and destiny is 1-2 Shades of grey 1-2 Rowdy Well-dressed
my canvas. 14 Dramatic
3-4 Soothing black 3-4 Cautious Scruffy
19-20 When this is over I’ll be more 15 Quiet
powerful than ever.
5-6 Earthen tones 5-6 Docile Similar
16 Booming
7-8 Gentle green 7-8 Jovial Diverse
17 Tactile
9-10 Milky white 9-10 Secretive Young
18 Clumsy
11-12 Sky blue 11-12 Humble Old
19 Flatulent
13-14 Daring crimson 13-14 Arrogant Flamboyant
20 Fidgety
5 15-16 Luminescent yellow 15-16 Proud Dowdy

17-18 Candied pink 17-18 Dignified Rugged

19-20 Prismatic smorgasbord 19-20 Fearful Scrawny

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Most Settlements in Outer World develop independently from one another, Choose services that fit your Settlement’s Add a few details to differentiate your
and so often vary wildly in size and purpose. location, size, and function. Settlement from neighbouring locations.
Room & Board ( p201) You could consider:
SETTLEMENT FUNCTION Workshop Rental ( p201) General description: Describe the the Game

Treatment Service ( p201) general atmosphere and look of the Creating an

Choose a primary reason for your Adventure
Crafter Commission & Repair ( p202) Settlement. Is it well maintained or run-
Settlement’s existence. Creating a
down? Are the buildings made of stone
Recreational attractions ( p202) or mud?
Common examples include: Creating a
Paw Post Service ( p202) Diet: Delicacies and regional cuisine. Settlement
Ports: Provide access to sea or
Intercontinental Travel ( p203) Is the diet dull and unpalatable or Creating an
air passage. Adventure
Shops (Armories, Adventurer addictively delicious? What local plants Site
Market towns: Provide access to a or creatures can be eaten?
emporiums, book sellers, etc…) Creating an
broad range of stalls and Adventure
Once you’ve decided on the Services Customs: Festivals, events,
specialist goods. Map
available at your Settlement, you add any superstitions, and practices. Do they
Refuges: Provide a place for the weary
extra details you desire. For example, remember important historical figures Encounters
and the desperate to shelter. or host spectator sports?
create menus or price lists, give them Creating a
A Settlement can be a relatively peaceful Mines/Farms/Oasis: Provide access characterful names, and create GMCs Language: Greetings, sayings, and

safe haven for your PCs to plan, rest, and to shops and crafts related to a local ( p320) to run them. slang terms. Do the people offer each
recover, or a place in desperate need natural resource. other supportive platitudes, like ‘Go
of the PCs’ specialist services, or even Outposts/Keeps: Provide a fortified or
Location matters. A cultural hub
well friend’, or are they expected to
contain problematic locations like deep might have a curiosity shop and a
defensible location near a dangerous town on the edge of a monster zone show reverence to their leaders, such
sewers, abandoned buildings, or other or contested boundary. as ‘All hail the duke!’
might have a specialist armory.
potential Adventure Sites. Is the town
being pestered by monstrous raiders? Landmarks: Add a striking natural,
Have the villagers contracted a strange SETTLEMENT SIZE fantastical, or architectural feature. This
illness? Does the economy revolve feature will dominate the Settlement
The size of your Settlement will determine and give it unique character. For
around its world famous hot spring? Decide how your Settlement is run. A
the amount of Services available to the example, does it hang off a cliff face or
small hamlet might look to a trusted
PCs and the other inhabitants. is partially buried below ground?
Creating a Settlement member of the community to make the
Use the following as a guideline: big decisions, whereas larger Settlements Name: Give your town a distinct, or
1. Choose a Settlement Function.
may have officials who determine and descriptive, name for easy recall.
This is the purpose the Settlement A single dwelling: Room & Board maintain the local laws.
serves in the world. 1-10 residents Keep in mind the Region the
2. Decide on the Settlement’s Size. Forms of governance include: Settlement is in, as it might influence
Hamlet: Room & Board
the local flavor.
3. Choose the Services available at + 1 additional Service Anarchy: No enforced order. It could
the Settlement. Population approx. 100 be either peaceful and harmonious or
4. Decide on the Settlement’s form Town: Room & Board chaotic and dangerous.
of Governance. + 2 additional Services Commune: A council of elders, or
Population approx. 1000 similar forum, discusses and vote on A Settlement map is not always required
7 5. Give your Settlement some Local
Flavor. Name your Settlement and City: Room & Board issues openly. as you can just describe and narrate
invent some details that make + 3-5 additional Services Democracy: Elected officials represent traversing the streets to the players.
your place feel unique. Population approx. 10,000 the best interests of their citizens… However, a simple sketch pointing out key
19 Most of the time. districts, where the local services are, and
6. If desired, create a map for Metropolis: Room & Board
other important features will provide your
your Settlement. + 6 or more additional Services Autocracy: All decisions are made by a players with a better sense of place.
Population approx. 100,000 self-appointed, or ordained, individual.
10 A map would be required if the
Think about whether the Settlement is Most towns will have a group of Settlement comes under attack, or is
growing or declining. Are there large ‘enforcers’ depending on Settlement subject to hostile occupation, as you
areas of abandoned buildings or is size, it could be anything from local then might treat the Settlement as a
the Settlement a construction site? toughs guys to a well run constabulary. Battlefield or Adventure Site.

328 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 329
Settlement Choose or roll a leader
Homble, Wistful Dark SETTLEMENT TYPE
Adjective Leader
Choose or roll a Settlement
1-2 Wise Elder Running
The Pink Petal 1 Merona’s Pop Plant Adjective Function the Game
Room & Board High-end Workshop, Creating an
(Hearty Meal) Cooking 3-4 Temperamental Child Adventure
1-2 Bustling Port
Creating a
2 5-6 Superstitious Council
3-4 Chaotic Market Creating a
7-8 Ambitious Mage
5-6 Fortified Keep Creating an
9-10 Misguided Warrior
7-8 Declining Mine Creating an
11-12 Ailing Noble Map
9-10 Expanding Farm Creating
13-14 Deceitful Monster
11-12 Remote Entrance Creating a

15-16 Morbid Godling

13-14 Historic Outpost
17-18 Jovial Judge
15-16 Serene Refuge
19-20 Anxious Crook
17-18 Deserted Metropolis

19-20 Ramshackle Resort SETTLEMENT TROUBLES

Sheriff’s Office Choose or roll a trouble

Residence & Jail LOCAL FLAVOR
1-2 A competing settlement
Choose or roll a local flavor

3-4 Marauding monsters

Settlement function & size Services Homble is mostly populated by 1-2 Under the shell of dead titan
Hamlet, population100. Chibs ( p325), so many things
1. The Pink Petal are smaller than expected.
5-6 Diminishing resources
Distillery for Merona Pop, the Small rooms, big breakfasts.
3-4 Built on a Float Stone island
Mind your head!
signature line of magical Room & Board, with Hearty 7-8 A problematic Faction
refreshments created by the Meal ( p201). 5-6 Situated amongst ancient ruins
famed local baker.
2. Merona’s Pop Plant. Ruff Riders, the bandit gang 9-10 A terrible secret
High-end Workshop, roaming Blackmoor Woods, 7-8 Contained in a giant spire
Governance Cooking ( p201). have been more aggressive
Most disputes are resolved with than normal. This has resulted
11-12 A tyrannical leadership
12 3. Sheriff’s Office 9-10 On a mobile platform
a communal vote. in difficulties harvesting the
Residence & jail.
The sheriff will step in to glowing flowers from the 13-14 A curse
resolve emergency situations. Warped Meadow ( p340) that 11-12 In a precarious location
Local flavor
are an essential ingredient of
In spite of being located near 15-16 A rampaging colossus
Notable residents Merona Pop. 13-14 Home to domesticated beasts
the edge of the Shadowed
Merona, celebrity baker. Lands, Homble does its best to A stranger has turned up in 17-18 A missing person
be a cheery, bright place. town with serious wounds, they 15-16 Dedicated to odd traditions
14 Eveready, sheriff.
talk in their sleep of an ancient
Tella, the stranger.
Barrels of lumiflowers light the 19-20 A strange illness
town, which also provide it with weapon and evil plot. 17-18 Known for its unusual cuisine
Mucky Paws ( p323), a pleasing and distinct scent.
3rd Aeon archaeologist. 19-20 Infested with small creatures

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your Adventure Site to your players,
Adventure sites are remote places of interest for the brave and curious. While Try to cultivate a distinct atmosphere and appeal to their senses:
often dangerous, they always have something worth discovering within. sense of place for your Adventure Site. Sights: Is it a dark and gloomy cave
When designing the Site, consider or bright and colorful meadow?

ADVENTURE SITE CONCEPT the following: Sounds: Can they hear footsteps Running
the Game
echoing through the corridors
History: Has the site been recently or chirping insects in the
Creating an
Choosing a clear concept for your Adventure
constructed or is it a ruin of the past? undergrowth? Perhaps there’s only
Adventure Site will help you create a place Creating a
with a distinct and cohesive experience. If it’s a ruin then why was it built? deafening silence. GMC
Add some physical evidence to your Smells: Does the stench of carrion
Creating a
When coming up with a concept, consider Locations that hint at the site’s original Settlement
fill the air or do blossoms emit a
the following: purpose and history. For example, a Creating an
sweet fragrance? Adventure
castle’s broken battlements hint at a
Theme: Think of a structure or place Feel: Is the floor sticky underfoot
forgotten siege or a lingering dark mist
and then add an evocative adjective. or does a warm breeze brush
Creating an
might warn of an ancient hex. Adventure
For example, ice castle, sunken temple, against their skin? Map
toxic jungle, or cursed clearing. If the site is new, what necessitated Creating
its construction and what makes it Foreshadowing: Judiciously placed
Key challenge: Decide on the primary
dangerous? Is it a make shift camp warnings about imminent danger
impediment that the PCs will face Creating a
An Adventure Site can be anything from for ruthless outlaws or a newly help build tension whilst exploring
at the Adventure Site. For example,
an abandoned city protected by ancient excavated mine that has unleashed Adventure Sites. For example, piles of
dangerous inhabitants, magical
machines, to a mobile fortress filled with buried horrors. crunched bones signal the existence
puzzles, mechanical traps, or
monstrous raiders. While almost any place of a heavy-jawed predator and the
crumbling architecture. Creating a sense of history will
of interest can be an Adventure site, they distinctive scent of perfume warns of
should always be interesting enough to give your player’s the impression
Of course you can have multiple that the world they are exploring the Waste Witch’s recent presence.
warrant the player’s time. Aim for a blend themes and challenges in a single does not revolve around them, Tension is created when your
of peril and wonder. Adventure Site but limiting it will that it existed before they arrived players are anticipating something
help provide it with a unique identity. and will persist after they’ve gone. horrible but don’t know when or
Creating an Adventure Site where they will face it.
1. Create a Concept. A theme that ADVENTURE HOOKS Ecology: What’s the environment like at
pervades the Adventure Site. the Adventure Site? What sort of flora
An Adventure Hook provides a reason or and fauna would thrive there? Is it a
2. Set Adventure Hooks. A series of motivation for your players to visit your toxic area filled with bacterial slimes or
reasons to visit the Adventure Site. Adventure Site. For example, is your site an intensely magical zone that supports
3. Add some Atmospheric Flavor. the lair of a troublesome beast, the source strange mana-dependent plants?
Details that make the Adventure of magical pollution, or the last known
Site an interesting space to explore. whereabouts of a powerful relic? You could design some simple
food chains to help create the
4. Create a Map. A series of When creating your Adventure Hooks, illusion of a functioning habitat.
connected Locations that the PCs consider what the players, and their PCs, For example, large corrosive slugs
can move through. need to achieve: feed on the Snapweeds, which in
5. Describe the Locations. Define turn snatch Ghostflies and other
what’s in each Location and what Are they trying to learn something? passing bugs out of the air.
challenges it presents to the PCs. Are they trying to find something?
This includes choosing Guardian Are they trying to stop something?
Encounters ( p236).
2 6. Create an Encounter Table Your Site can and should have
multiple Adventure Hooks! The Battle
( p348) for Wandering Encounters
Princess might be there to save the
( p236). These are the creatures villagers but the Sage might be there
7 that move throughout the to retrieve forgotten knowledge.
Adventure Site and may turn up
when the PCs make noise or take Your hooks will be even more
compelling if they are linked to the
their time when Exploring. agreed Achievement XP ( p205).

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conceiving ways to move between your Adventure Site
An Adventure Site Map is simply a set of Adventure Site’s Locations, consider
connected Locations. The map is used adding loops and shortcuts Titan Grave, Wistful Dark BEING A GM

when the PCs Explore your Site. to provide players more choices
during exploration. Running
Creating an Adventure Site Map Don’t just connect your internal the Game
1. Create a layout with 5-10 Locations together with doors. Use 5 Interactive
Creating an
Locations ( p336). windows, shafts, vents, and atria to Claw Creating a
2. Give the Locations names or create more interesting ways to enter Trap 4 GMC

numbers for referencing later. or bypass specific Locations. Creating a

3. Join the Locations together to Some Access Points might only allow
Creating an
create Access Points ( p232). Small Species to squeeze through. Adventure
 p338
4. Mark the Access Points that will Some Access Points may be initially Site

serve as the entrance and exits to hidden from the PCs and may only be Creating an
your Adventure Site. noticed if they Inspect the Location. For Heart Map
example, vegetation obscuring a tunnel 3 Guardians Creating
entrance or a rug over a trapdoor. Encounters
You don’t have to be an artist or
create an accurate plan, your map Entrance and exits: Consider making Creating a
can simply be a set of nodes joined access to the Adventure Site a
together with lines. challenge. For example, is there a moat
or ravine to cross or are the visible Chompa Bones 2
Of course, you can create Sites with
as many Locations as you want, but entrances heavily guarded?
players can explore smaller Sites Add more than one entrance to present
in one or two sessions and they are players with tactical choices. For
at less risk of becoming repetitive.
example, will they prefer to sneak in the
Consider making several related
Adventure Sites rather than a single back door or bluff their way in through
large one if you have a big idea! the main gate?  p382
Also think about what useful 1 Entrance
information the PCs could discern from
the Adventure Site prior to entering.
When designing your map consider: For example, can they see any lights
on inside or get a sense of the size and
General layout: When mapping out History 1. Entrance 4. Claw ( p338)
layout of the Site? Trap
your Locations, think about how the This Calian bio-colossus was There is an obvious and
Mark on your map additional felled by a strike to its Core hazard-free entrance to the An enormous bony hand
site was created. For example, natural information that might affect Point. A Techno-Relic lodged in site. Approaching from any has created a makeshift
caverns would have an organic layout the players’ navigational its heart prevents the Titan other angle will require a bridge to the Titan’s skull.
as they were created by a geological decisions. For example, ‘At the from regenerating. risky and tedious climb. The presence of magical
process, whereas a constructed site T-junction do you descend the energy may trigger it to
would have a more deliberate layout. stairs towards the source of
Ecology 2. Chompa Bones close suddenly.
the foul smell, or move through
Location function: Create Locations that the crumbling archway towards Creatures that enter the site are These bones appears
6 are congruent with your Site’s current, rapidly consumed by the almost polished. The 5. Skull
the thunderous snoring?’
Titan’s support organisms, Chompa’s yield ( p369) Interactive Element
or original, function. For example, a
fort would include an armory, barracks, which patrol the site looking can still be harvested. At the zenith of the site is
for matter to convert to bio-fuel the scarred head of the
and a gate house, whereas a palace
might include a grand hall, multiple
to maintain the Titan’s stasis. 3. Heart Titan. Inside, the remains of
Guardian Encounter a pilot sits in a chair
bedrooms, and extensive gardens. Wandering Encounters surrounded by controls
Under the Titan’s shattered
Also, think about how the inhabitants that are labelled in Dark
Digestive Enzymes x6, breast plate lies the
18 are currently using the space. For Tongue. With the right
reskinned Goops ( p382). luminous heart, pulsing
knowledge, the Titan can
example, where do they eat, sleep, etc? slowly despite having a
be powered down which
Perhaps there is a Location dedicated Sensory feedback giant ballista bolt lodged
deactivates the Enyzmes.
to a specific task or ritual. in it. The heart is
An acrid smell and gentle
permanently guarded by
purple glow permeate the site.
2 Enzymes.
334 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 335
Interactive elements: Is there a portal EXAMPLE LOCATIONS
that leads to different Locations
Locations are self-contained experiences depending on the orientation of a
Guardian Encounter
within your Adventure Site. An individual control dial, or an alchemist’s lab filled The Shackled Deity BEING A GM

Location can pose a specific challenge to with color-coded potions? Interactive High Challenge, Red Mountain Sanctum, Blazing Garden
the players or simply be used to build the elements provide your players, not just Running
Site’s atmosphere. their PCs, with a challenge that can’t the Game
just be resolved with a good die roll. Creating an
Creating a Location Avoid puzzles that only have one
Creating a
1. Decide if there is a Challenge at solution or, if you do use these, have GMC
the Location. failure result in a disadvantage or Creating a
set-back rather than a dead end. Settlement
2. Decide on the type and level of
Challenge at the Location. Environmental hazard: Is there a fast- Creating an
flowing river blocking the way or an Site
3. Think about any rewards that will
unreliable rope bridge crossing the
be extracted from the Location. Creating an
ravine? Non-combat challenges will test Adventure
4. Describe your Location. the PCs’ Abilities, Gear, and wits.
◆◆ Encounters
Vary the type and level of challenge
between Locations to create a blend Creating a
LOCATION CHALLENGES of high and low drama.

Challenges include:
Guardian Encounters: Is there a
sleeping guard or sentry drone at Location rewards include:
the Location? If there is a Guardian
Information: Is there anything to learn
Encounter ( p236), consider adding
from the Location? For example, a
elements to the Location that will make
mural might depict a monster’s weak First impressions: A huge motionless Inspection: The hood has “Let none
the interaction more interesting. For
spot or the remains of a previous figure levitates in front of a large pass” emblazoned on it in
example, adding pillars might create
adventurer might yield a useful map. door. Its head is covered with an Bright Speech.
a Sheltered Battlefield Area during a
Treasure: What valuable items can ornately decorated metal hood.
Fight, or a gravel floor could provide a A thin, but noticeable, circle
Minor Penalty for Stealthy Movement. be retrieved from the Location? For The stone floor surrounding the surrounds the figure. PCs with
example, a chest full of coins or an figure is shattered and covered in magical knowledge might know the
Traps: Is there a tripwire or pressure- ancient Imbued Weapon.
sensitive flagstone that sounds the dried blood splatters. god cannot leave the circle. 
alarm or sets off an eviscerating booby Special senses: Those sensitive to Battlefield: Due to its uneven
trap? Traps are set to alert Adventure DESCRIBING A LOCATION
mana will detect a powerful Bright surface, the area inside the
Site inhabitants of unwanted intruders For each Location think about: energy emanating from the figure’s containment circle is Precarious
or to protect their valuables. metallic hood. ( p251).
Failing to detect and bypass a trap First impressions: What are the first
things the PCs will notice on entering? This may be a Sage familiar Access points: The door is the
should create a complication for the with Bright Magic or a PC
PCs. For example, tripping an alarm Special senses: What additional details primary entrance to the
equipped with a Scanner
9 will limit the amount of time they have are revealed to PCs that can see in the Red Mountain Sanctum.
( p181), you decide
in the Location before guards turn up, dark, sense magic, or possess another who notices it! If the players figure out a way
or passing a hex line might inflict them extraordinary senses or knowledge? to scale the perimeter wall, or
Attention: The figure is a minor deity find another way to gain access
with an inconvenient Ailment ( p268). Inspection: What is revealed on
11 which has been magically bound to to the Sanctum, let them. Don’t
Set traps in logical places so Inspection or detected with an Insight the location. force a battle to happen!
players will blame themselves for Check during Stealthy Movement?
a lack of caution. Make traps with Battlefield: What potential Battlefield It has been forced to attack anyone
1 deadly consequences immediately
Areas and Conditions will apply if a attempting to access the doorway.
evident to the PCs, so the focus of
the challenge is on figuring out a Fight breaks out?
way to bypass or disarm it. Access points: What entrances and
exits lead to and from the Location?

336 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 337

Trap Interactive Element

Claw of the Titan Shaft 2 BEING A GM

Moderate Challenge, Titan’s Grave, Wistful Dark Flavor, Manathene Refinery, Twilight Meridian
the Game
Creating an
Creating a
Creating a
Creating an
Creating an
Creating a

First impressions: A giant boney arm Inspection: Vein-like tubes, filled with First impressions: This large atrium If your players like puzzles, you
can devise a visual code for
acts as a makeshift bridge between a faint luminous liquid, seem to stretches the entire height of the
them to decipher. If they do it
the lower area of the Titan’s Grave slowly throb. structure and has several openings quickly, maybe they can avoid
Adventure Site ( p335) and the huge leading off it at various heights and a Wandering Encounter!
exposed skull situated at the top of a Battlefield: Difficult footing makes positions, but there is no obvious
steep mound. the arm Precarious ( p251). way to access them. Battlefield: Depending on their
relative positions, some cubes might
Special senses: Bright or Dark The claw is high up, so being shoved In the middle of the room is a series be considered Isolated ( p250).
Aligned characters will feel an off would result in Falling/Impact of floating platforms, each inscribed
unpleasant tingle when travelling Damage ( p267). with graphic symbols. As the GM, you can opt to require a
along the arm. There is a disruption Might or Deftness check to leap onto
Access points: The skull can be All entrances to the atrium have a
in the flow of mana. nearby cubes. Failure might leave the
entered by hopping off the end of a glowing panel next to them. PC Toppled ( p271).
Attention: If a Magical Ability is talon and into a softly glowing
activated while on the hand, or if an eye socket. Special senses: Bio-Mechanoids will Falling from higher cubes will result
individual with 3 or more Allegiance sense the platforms can be spoken in Falling/Impact Damage ( p267).
You can decide PCs need to
1 Points passes over it, the claw will make a Deftness Check to hop to in Bit Stream and that they can be
across to the skull if you want asked to reposition themselves. Access points: The many hallways
snap shut. leading off the atrium are numbered
to increase the sense of danger
Everyone in its grasp must make a and tension. Inspection: Symbols on the platforms and color-coded.
19 Deftness Check or suffer a Severe seem to match those on the control
Moving down the forearm will bring panels by the door.
Injury. The claw resets to an open
you back to the base of the mound.
position after 1 Turn. Those that can read Gleysian Code
3 can control the platfroms so it is
possible to access the desired exit,
otherwise if the PCs Linger ( p235)
to experiment they will figure it out.

338 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 339

Environmental Hazard Flavor

Warped Meadow Hall of Truths BEING A GM

Moderate Challenge, Barkmoor Woods, Wistful Dark No Challenge, The Creator’s Reliquary, Buried Kingdoms
the Game
Creating an
Creating a
Creating a
Creating an
Creating an
Creating a

First impressions: The woods open Inspection: Throughout the meadow, First impressions: This quiet, sterile Inspection: Shelves are labelled in
up into a large clearing. A meadow strange figure-like mounds are hall is both mundane and grand at Creator’s Script. Subjects include:
of pink, glowing flowers lights up the nestled among the flowers the same time. The Promise Project, Art, Starmaps,
surrounding tree line. (previously Putrefied victims!). and other topics that will baffle Outer
The hall is lined with hundreds of World’s scholars. 
The wreck of an ancient vehicle sits Those familiar with Techno-Relics will shelves full of neatly stacked blocks
in the center of the meadow. deduce that the vehicle was some that contain a strange glowing liquid. Battlefield: The space between the
kind of war machine designed to fire shelves is Cramped ( p250).
Special senses: Those with huge ballista bolts. Special senses: Everything feels alien
heightened smell can detect the and unreal to those sensitive If scaled, the tops of the shelves are
scent of volatile mana. It seems as if a part of the vehicle to ‘otherworldliness’. Isolated ( p250).
is missing. The more technically
Attention: For every 2 Turns spent in minded may think it was some Attention: A suppression field Any Abilities that require sound are
the meadow, a PC will gain a random kind of escape pod and be able to prevents any sound from being unusable while the room is muted.
Gift ( p206). guestimate its likely trajectory. made inside the hall.
Access points: There are two tall,
Gaining 4 Gifts requires you to make Inspecting key Locations should A switch on the wall is able to featureless doors, one at each end of
an Aura Check or you’ll become reveal new insights or rewards unmute the room. When audible the the hall. The doors are indistinct from
Putrefied ( p270). so players must decide whether glowing blocks emit a soft hum, and one another.
investigating is worth the risk. footsteps generate an eerie echo.
Once outside the circle you’ll return
3 to normal after 24 hours. Battlefield: Anyone inside the wreck The small flashing blocks can only
is Sheltered ( p251) from external be read with a special device, found
Being inside the wreck shields you attacks. elsewhere in the Reliquary.
from the warping affect of
13 the meadow. Access points: The path through Items that can be collected, or
Barkmoor Woods ( p346) can be can be used in other parts of
re-entered from either side of your Adventure Site, will
promote exploration.
the clearing.

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Choose or roll an Adventure Hook Choose or roll the atmosphere Choose or roll an interactive element
1-2 Retrieve a legendary relic 1-2 Eerily serene 1-2 Portal or teleportation circle
Choose or roll an Adventure Site (and adjective)
Adjective Site 3-4 Recover lost tech 3-4 Oppressively gloomy 3-4 Locked doors with colored keys the Game
Creating an
1 Crumbling Tower 5-6 Visit a reclusive individual 5-6 Ethereal and melancholic 5-6 Security system Creating a
2 Frozen Temple 7-8 Harvest valuable materials 7-8 Radiant and hopeful 7-8 Floating guide light Creating a

3 Submerged Forest 9-10 Deal with a troublesome beast 9-10 Alive and dynamic 9-10 Musical glyphs
Creating an

4 Burning Isle 11-12 Access a magical portal 11-12 Homely and quaint 11-12 Secret paths or short cuts Creating an
5 Moving Castle 13-14 Conduct, or halt, a ritual 13-14 Filthy and foul smelling 13-14 Changing water levels Creating

6 Hidden Cavern 15-16 Solve an eldritch mystery 15-16 Dark but comforting 15-16 Long distance communicators Creating a

7 Overgrown City 17-18 Stop a sealed entity escaping 17-18 Sterile and lifeless 17-18 Morphing architecture

8 Confusing Dimension 19-20 Prevent a magical catastrophe 19-20 Jubilantly sinister 19-20 Control room full of levers

9 Haunted Machine
10 Toxic Wasteland Choose or roll a Villain (and adjective) Choose or roll a trap Choose or roll an environmental hazard

Adjective Villain
11 Infinite Library 1-2 Access point seals after use 1-2 Chasm to cross
1-2 Cunning Noble
12 Immortal Faculty 3-4 Obscuring miasma 3-4 Body of liquid to cross
3-4 Lonely Monster
13 Lifeless Prison 5-6 Toxic fog 5-6 Access point sealed off
5-6 Misunderstood Asura
14 Floating Laboratory 7-8 Magical hex 7-8 Access point out of reach
7-8 Incompetent Undead
15 Spiritual Hotel 9-10 Pitfall 9-10 Unstable
9-10 Charming Beast
16 Cursed Observatory 11-12 Burning blast 11-12 Vision obscured
11-12 Ambitious Warrior
7 17 Buried Factory 13-14 Divides the PCs 13-14 Slippery to traverse
13-14 Bored Spirit
18 Enchanted Vault 15-16 Release the beast 15-16 Slow to traverse
8 15-16 Wicked Witch
19 Sentient Grave 17-18 Call the guards 17-18 Harmful
17-18 Deranged Synthetic
20 Alien Elsewhere 19-20 Rock fall or crushing threat 19-20 Suffocating
19-20 Intellectual Godling

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Your Adventure Map shows the position of, and distances between, your Whether your Adventure Map is Break up long stretches of wilderness
various Adventure Sites, Settlements, and other notable locations. comprised of one large Zone or several between your primary Settlements and
connected smaller ones, consider: Adventure Sites with smaller locales.
These could include:
History: Think about what formed Running
Point & ROUTE PLACEMENT the Game
the landscape. Was it carved out Mini Adventure Sites: A structure or Creating an
When drawing your map consider: by a magical catastrophe, a natural area comprised of only 1 or 2 Locations Adventure
geographical process, or was it ( p336) or Encounters Creating a
Navigational choice: When connecting artificially constructed. ( p348). For example, a Grim Wing GMC
your Map Points together, provide nesting in a crumbling turret or a Creating a
Terrain Type: How easy is it to traverse
alternative routes that create a mysterious shrine that harbors a
the Zone? Do the PCs require special
navigational decision. For example, curious artifact.
Creating an
equipment to avoid harmful or Adventure
one Route requires the procurement Landmarks: These notable features
debilitating environmental effects? Site
of specialist gear to traverse but the present no challenge but can be used
Are navigational Insight Checks Creating an
alternative is much longer and means as navigational aids or to add character
assisted by wide open vistas, or Map
you may arrive after the despicable to the landscape. For example, a
hindered by an oppressive mist?
ritual has been completed. strange obelisk or distinctive clearing.
Encounters: What sort of characters
Hidden Map Points: These Single residences: These homes or
and creatures would inhabit the Creating a
An Adventure Map is usually a small Local disconnected Adventure Sites, or Saga
Zone? What is their reason for being buildings allow you to place interesting
Map, but scenarios focusing on travel may isolated Settlements, are not connected
there? Use this information to guide or useful GMCs ( p320) outside of a
span an entire Region. A good Adventure by existing Routes and can only be
your choices for the Adventure Map’s Settlement. For example, a witches’
Map aims to provide players with a sense reached by Trailblazing ( p226). When
Encounter Table ( p348). Crafting Workshop or an Inn that is a
of scale, scope, and intrigue. placing your hidden Map Points, locate
Hunting/Foraging: When PCs search useful source of local rumors.
them inside a Map Zone or specific
Creating an Adventure Map area that provides the players with a for food during Camp Activities
small region to focus their search on. ( p229), how abundant are supplies? Is
1. Mark your Adventure Sites and there anything unusual about the area’s
Settlements on your Map and link This avoids direction-less exploration.
For example, Dizer Gren’s old archives flora or fauna?
them together with Routes,
as required. are rumored to be somewhere in the For your Map Zones, create a list of
Dawnwards Hills. key words, phrases, or notes that will
2. Delineate any distinct Map Zones
Destination choice: Create a dilemma help you narrate the sights and
that you want to have different sounds the PCs experience as they
Map Encounters or apply the for the PCs about the order in which
travel through and move between
effects of Adverse Terrain ( p225). they should explore the Adventure
the different Zones.
Map. For example, should the PCs
3. If desired, add smaller points of immediately proceed to the village
interest on your map. about to be sacked by the Villain, or
4. Prepare descriptions of terrain, risk turning up late to seek advice from
weather, flora, and fauna for your the wise woman about his weak spot?
Map or Map Zones. Long Routes: If there are many days
5. Create an Encounter Table travel between your key Map Points,
4 ( p348) for your Adventure Map add Small Points of Interest ( p345) to
or Map Zones. These are things make the Journey more memorable.
the adventurers may come across
along their journey. Put as much effort into designing
5 your Adventure Maps as you would
your Adventure Sites.
Your initial Adventure Map only
needs the Points related to your
Adventure. You can add more later
9 as the scope of the game expands.

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Local Adventure Map Choose or roll a feature

1-2 Rough and jagged

Choose or roll a small point of interest

Barkmoor Wood Mini Adventure Site

3-4 Teeming with life the Game
Creating an
Encounter Zone 5-6 Densely filled with structures
1 Monster nest or lair Creating a
 p350 Titan Grave GMC
2 Bandit camp 7-8 Open and desolate Creating a
Adventure Site
Escape Pod 7
1 day p335
 p335
Mini Site 
3 Gate or portal 9-10 Dominated by a body of water
Creating an
Warped Meadow 4
11-12 Altered by magic
4 Broken machine Creating an
Mini Site 2 days Adventure
 p340 1 day Map
 p340
5 Ancient statue or monument 13-14 Home to an enormous creature Creating

Clearing 3 6 Tomb or burial chamber 15-16 Requires specialist vehicle Creating a

Mini Site 5 Boo’s Hut to traverse


1 day Single Residence

1 day 7 Asura/Deva shrine
17-18 Requires Extreme Weather
8 Fallen beast Outfit ( p172) to traverse
Homble 2
 p330
Village 9 Embedded weapon or object 19-20 Strange weather
1 day
 p330
10 Trap or cage FLORA & FAUNA
1 Cloudhaven
Approx. 1 day’s travel Environmental Choose or roll a distinctive flora or fauna
Sky Port
Path (on foot)
11 Chasm or pit 1-2 Animated plants

History 1. Cloudhaven 5. Bitty Boo’s Hut 12 Blocked path 3-4 Glowing flowers or berries
Twinfell was the site of a past Sky Port Single Residence
battle between two heroes from A small but important trade This famed Chib gadgeteer 13 Pond or pool 5-6 Oversized fruit
opposing empires. The rituals hub for the region. does not appreciate visitors,
and war machines utilized killed unless they bring her a
2. Homble ( p330) 14 Drastic temperature change 7-8 Musical insects
them both and left arcane scars Techno-Relic to examine.
across the land. Village
A quaint and sleepy town, 6. Titan Grave ( p335) 15 Large, distinctive tree or plant 9-10 Observant birds
Terrain source of a popular line of Adventure Site
13 Barkmoor Wood dominates the alcoholic potions. The resting site of the fallen Abode or business 11-12 Curious reptiles
region, an unusually lush area giant Calian bio-machine,
that feeds off the mana-rich soil. 3. Clearing now partially buried. While 16 Guide’s cabin
The topology undulates with Mini Site inert, it ocassionally twitches
13-14 Brightly-colored mammals
4 unnatural craters and valleys. Trees have been cut back due to some ancient reflex.
17 Scholar’s study or observatory 15-16 Synthetic organisms
and the soil excavated, the
Encounters dig site looks like it was 7. Escape Pod
The road to Cloudhaven is abandoned in a hurry. Mini Site 18 Hermit or guru’s retreat 17-18 Pervasive odor, sweet or foul
3 relatively safe, and Encounters A metallic dome, almost
here will be mostly benign, but 4. Warped Meadow ( p340) entirely covered in moss. 19 Crafter’s home and workshop
entering the Barkmoor Wood Mini Site Inside are skeletal remains
19-20 Water-based ecology
Zone prompts a roll on an A metal structure rusts and information about the
Encounter Table ( p350). historic battle.
20 Room & board
amidst glowing flowers.

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CREATING ENCOUNTERS Battlefield: Trees, pillars, pits, ravines. ATMOSPHERIC ENCOUNTERS

Think about how the location or terrain
The characters and creatures found at an Adventure Site, or encountered on a might offer unique combat challenges Shimmering mana-moths that
Journey, provide the PCs with unpredictable physical and social challenges. or opportunities. Consider creating a momentarily settle on the Sage’s staff, tiny

Battlefield that skews in favor of the Maintenance Drones that whir and beep
Adversaries, after all it’s their home turf. whilst carrying out their programmed Running
E ENCOUNTER TYPES Consequences: The outcome of a Fight duties, or other Encounters that create the Game

may have wider consequences than atmosphere but present no risk or reward Creating an
The type of Encounters you chose to the PCs. They can also be used to Adventure
immediately obvious. Think about what
should make sense in the context of your foreshadow more significant Encounters. Creating a
will happen if the patrol doesn’t report
Adventure’s locations and environments. GMC
back or the scout escapes? The enemy
Encounters should also be an appropriate Creating a
camp will now be on high alert and MIXED ENCOUNTERS Settlement
blend of the dangerous and the benign.
might prepare an ambush. Creating an
For example, you might have weary
An Encounter can be a blend of Combat, Adventure
refugees in a war-torn area and ravenous Site
SOCIAL ENCOUNTERS Social, and Atmospheric, or quickly
insectoid predators in a toxic jungle. Creating an
change from one type to another Adventure
Nomadic merchants, cranky hermits, or depending on the PCs actions. For Map

COMBAT ENCOUNTERS other talkative beings that might be minor example, helping resolve a dispute Creating
Quest Givers ( p321) or require the PCs between two squabbling wizards may Encounters

Predatory monsters, enemy patrols, or to Negotiate ( p238). When creating a backfire and result in a violent conclusion. Creating a
An Encounter can be anything from other malign entities that, if the odds
Social Encounter consider:
a talkative travelling merchant to are favorable, will Fight ( p244). When
a bloodthirsty band of Skelemen. creating a Combat Encounter consider: Situation: Create a situation that MOOD TABLES
Encounters should aim to either reinforce presents a choice or dilemma to your
Intelligent Encounters will react
your Adventure’s sense of place, provide Scale of threat: From a lone Mange players. Is the farmer searching the
appropriately to the situation at hand.
the PCs with new information, or present Bandit scout to a squad of Giga Gruun. woods for his missing child? Are the
For example, responsible town guards
a potentially dangerous situation. Make the players think about whether PCs interested in buying the stolen will question suspicious looking PCs
a confrontation is actually necessary. magic items the rogue is offering? rather than lead with an attack. Use an
Creating an Encounter Some Encounters might not offer much
Consequences: Think about what the Adversary’s Mood Table, or the generic
of a challenge but others might be
1. Determine the type of Encounter PCs might lose or gain from one below, when you are unsure of how
incredibly difficult, and worth avoiding.
you want to create. the interaction: an Encounter should react to the PCs.
When picking opponents:
2. Choose and create the number If the situation is handled badly, Choose or roll a Mood
Think about what Abilities and
and type of GMCs ( p320) or how will this impact the PCs?
Gear the PCs possess and decide
Adversaries ( p356) that will be Examples include: denial of
whether you want to exploit or 1-5 Friendly
involved in your Encounter. service, losing out on useful info,
reward their choices.
3. If desired, create a Mood Table for or the creation of a negative local
Use Adversaries of a similar Reputation ( p279). 6-14 Indifferent
your Encounter.
number and Rank if you want a
If the situation is handled well,
more balanced Encounter.
Creating an Encounter Table how might this reward the PCs? 15-20 Hostile
Consider whether you want the For example: Learning useful
1. As a guideline, create 5-10 enemy to arrive or engage after knowledge or rumors, discounts
Encounters per Adventure Site or Adding an element of chance to an
a few Turns, so the PCs are not on service, or gaining a new Encounter prevents programming
1 Map Zone. immediately overwhelmed at the Ally ( p321). your players to attack everything
2. Allocate ‘No Encounter’ to start of a Fight. they meet.
numbers 1-10, and then allocate Remember to reward heroic
Mixed foes: Mixing foes forces the behavior and good deeds with
the numbers 11-20 to your players to make interesting tactical
4 positive consequences. For example, OTHER ENCOUNTER TABLES
created Encounters. decisions. For example, how will the helping a farmer in need may get the
PCs get at the troublesome spellcaster PCs free Room & Board when they Adventure Sites and Maps are not the only
standing behind a wall of brutish arrive at his hometown. times you can create Encounter Tables.
9 minions? Should the PCs target the You could create a Table for moving about
enemies’ mounts first, to nullify their a busy metropolis or to reflect a significant
speed advantage, or go straight for the game world event, such as an invading
riders and hope for a swift take down? army’s occupation or the aftermath of a
magical catastrophe.
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Map Enconters Choose or roll an inspirational place or moment

Choose or roll a Map Encounter Choose or roll an opponent (and adjective)

1-2 A moment of silence
1-10 No Encounter: The leaves rustle, birds chirp, insects chitter. Adjective Opponent 3-4 A source of magical Additives the Game
Creating an

11-13 Ambush victims: Basic Folk x4 ( p322) 1-2 Greedy Rogues 5-6 Somewhere a secret is held
Creating a
Situation: These workers were clearing part of the woods, 3-4 Eager Beasts
7-8 Entrance to another site Creating a
but were chased off by angry ‘forest spirits’. If Settlement
encountered, they will be lost, hungry, and confused. They 5-6 Desperate Vagabonds Creating an
may be hiding, caught in a trap, or on the run from a real 9-10 A flock of beautiful creatures Adventure
or imagined threat. The PCs must earn their trust. 7-8 Territorial Wildlife
11-12 Something’s final resting place Creating an
Consequences: If calmed and assisted, they will tell the Adventure
PCs they have been paid by a local antiquities researcher 9-10
Wary Adventurers
to locate some technology purportedly buried 13-14 A strange mechanism Creating
somewhere on the Duskward side of the woods. 11-12 Relentless Guardian
15-16 Abandoned living quarters Creating a

14-16 Chompa pack: Chompas x3 ( p368) 13-14 Brash Spellcaster

17-18 An odd rune inscription
Situation: These Chompas have plenty to eat in the forest, 15-16 Hungry Ghosts
and so are ususally sleeping or grazing peacefully 19-20 A breathtaking vista
unless bothered. 17-18 Zealous Warriors
19-20 Terrifying Monster
17-18 Ruff Rider scout: Mange Bandit x1 ( p400) Choose or roll a complication

Situation: The scout has been directed to look out for SOCIAL ENCOUNTERS
anyone who is attempting to cut back the woods. Unless 1-2 A slippery surface
surprised by a group moving stealthily, the bandit will be Choose or roll a traveller (and adjective)
hiding from sight. They will try to escape at the first sign 3-4 An annoying trap (Restrains)
Adjective Traveller
of trouble.
5-6 An alarm
Consequences: If captured or coerced, the scout can 1-2 Distressed Outcast
inform the PCs about their leader’s plan to stop the
researcher’s attempts to dig up Barkmoor forest. If the 7-8 Mistaken identity
3-4 Confused Innocent
scout gets away, they will inform the Raider Patrol of the
PCs’ whereabouts and capabilities. 9-10 A fire trap (Burn Injury)
5-6 Wise Beast

19-20 Ruff Rider patrol: Mange Bandit x4 ( p400), Proudhound x1 ( p402) 11-12 A cursed or faulty relic
7-8 Cheerful Guide
2 Situation: This group has lived in Woods for some time 13-14 A pitfall or tunnel
9-10 Lost Scholar
and do not take kindly to strangers. They have gotten
suspicious recently thanks to a group of outsiders 15-16 A barrier or divide
11-12 Weary Sellsword
chopping down trees and other nonsense. If challenged,
this rough bunch will fight smart, using their home terrain 17-18 Another adventure team
13-14 Miserable Behemoth
to their advantage. They are not exceptionally violent and
will only kill if forced.
15-16 Wounded Sentinel 19-20 An unstable structure
8 Consequences: Polite trespassers may get away with a
warning. If the patrol is pacified or reasoned with, the PCs 17-18 Friendly Spirit
may be able to broker a deal between the researchers
and the raiders.
19-20 Lonely God
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7-8 A grim warrior: Who bears deep
A Saga is a string of Adventures following Set your next Saga in the aftermath Choose or roll a few Allies scars upon their body and heart.
the same PCs through their rise in Rank. of the previous one. The exploits of BEING A GM

When developing your Saga, consider: the old PCs have passed into lore; 9-10 An influential patrician: Blind to
maybe a few are still around and have 1-2 A desperate waif: They possess
the harm they do in the pursuit
Saga structure: The Adventures in your need of spirited young Adventurers. something very important. Running
of wealth. the Game
Saga can be completely unrelated to Creating an
each other, or they could be linked 3-4 A clandestine organization: Who 11-12 An ancient order: Dedicated Adventure
together with a uniting theme or a set SAGA SUGGESTIONS
seeks to preserve Outer World. to the cause, no matter the cost. Creating a
of reoccurring characters. You can also GMC

switch it up depending on your group’s THE SAGA IS ABOUT… 5-6 An intelligent monster: Somehow
Creating a

current focus and interests. 13-14 A wicked magician: Who Settlement

connected to the events at hand. shows little concern for ordinary folk.
Choose or roll a central conceit Creating an
Start small: Start with one simple Adventure
Adventure. Maybe just a Settlement 7-8 A scholar: With rare and
1-2 An ancient treasure: Follow the 15-16 A tragic paladin: Who will
troubled by a ne’er-do-well that resides pertinent knowledge.
Creating an
clues spread across Outer World to protect what they love without question. Adventure
in a nearby Adventure Site. Map
locate, or unlock, a powerful treasure.
Add a big bad: The machinations of 9-10 A merchant: An opportunistic 17-20 An immortal evil: Who is
a super powerful Villain ( p320) can but honest fellow. slowly reclaiming their power.

provide a persistent source of tension 3-4 A conflict between kingdoms: Creating a

for your Saga. This big bad could be a Escalating hostilities between powerful Saga

nations threaten all living things. 11-12 A diviner: Who shows up at

well-known figure or a secretive puppet the oddest places and times. WHO’LL COMPLICATE THINGS…
master. Include a cast of unsavory
5-6 A wicked plot: A shadow spreads Choose or roll a few wildcard GMCs
henchmen for the PCs to run into
across the land with the growing 13-14 A martial order: Protectors
before they confront your big bad.
ambition of its instigator. willing to lay down their lives for a
Add a patron: A wealthy or powerful 1-2 A curious artist: Who sees the
worthy cause.
Quest Giver ( p321) who employs the chance to create something great.
PCs to procure relics or run dangerous 7-8 A strange visitor: The visitor pits
the most powerful Adventurers 15-16 A comforting figure: Who will
errands will be able to provide a steady 3-4 A grifter: Who keeps trying to
in Outer World against one another. always provide the deserving a hot
stream of Adventure Hooks ( p332). con the wrong person.
meal and a warm bed.
Scale up: As the PCs rise in Rank,
increase the challenge and stakes of 9-10 A lost city: A metropolis from a 5-6 Soldiers: Who have a job to do.
previous aeon surfaces, causing ripples 17-18 An old adventurer: Who’s seen
your Adventure. Low Rank PCs will be and done it all before.
solving local problems, but as they rise in the surrounding regions.
7-8 An undying entity: Who is
in power they should be dragged into currently content to just observe.
11-12 A cursed land: The hex can 19-20 A fairy: Duty bound to act
regional and global conflicts.
only be broken by a relic, or individual, as destiny’s guide.
Progress organically: Don’t plan too 9-10 A sentient artifact: Somehow
far ahead, let your Saga unfold based in a faraway land.
linked to the quest at hand.
on the exploits of the PCs. Think about WHO IS CAUSING TROUBLE…
how the key GMCs will react to current 13-14 Ancient machinery: A device
Choose or roll a few Villains 11-12 A capricious spellcaster: Who
events and how this might alter the reactivates, causing magical pollution
is too curious for their own good.
course of the Saga. and opportunities throughout the land.
4 1-2 A wretch: Who possesses
Turning points: During your Saga add 13-14 A daring thief: Who seeks
pivotal moments that, as a result of the 15-16 A massive labyrinth: A unearned power, and is poisoned
by illusions of grandeur. both treasure and thrills.
PCs’ actions or the passing of time, sprawling complex develops under a
alter the game world irrevocably. A large city seemingly overnight.
1 15-16 A ‘Chosen One’: Whose path
kingdom falls, a ritual is completed, a 3-4 An affable rogue: They are
is strangely intertwined with the PCs.
curse is lifted. 17-18 A dark secret: In the wrong crueler than they seem.
The end: Your final Adventure should hands this forbidden knowledge will
17 bring about the end of the 4th Aeon. 17-20 A rival adventure team: Who
provide closure. Have a final showdown 5-6 A sullen sorcerer: Who must see
are in way over their heads.
with the big bad, set the climax in a this path through to the end.
fitting location, and discuss how the 19-20 A mythic creature: The hunt for
PCs will spend their retirement. a legendary creature causes chaos.

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Adversary’s Primary Aptitudes ( p431) are
From ancient war machines to supernatural beings, there are a myriad of RANK & MENACE marked with (P), the values are based on

unusual opponents willing to confront the PCs on their adventures. their Rank and are modified by their Traits.
An Adversary’s Rank, just like a PC’s,
informs the Adversary’s Aptitudes and The displayed values factor in the Using
Combat Values, as well as indicating the Adversary’s Traits. The exact Traits and
Asura, Lajja
number and potency of their Abilities. modifiers are recorded as a footnote so
they may be redistributed to create any Bizzer
Menace describes the type of threat an desired differentiation between multiple

Adversary provides to PCs of a Adversaries of the same type.

Blaster Mage

similar Rank. Chompa

Traits also provide useful adjectives Chosen one
Menace types include: when describing, or role playing,
the Adversary.
 MOOK Not powerful on their own, Blighted

they’ll usually work together under the Drones

control of a Boss. ADVERSARY INFO Goop

 BOSS Roughly as powerful as a single Category: This describes an Adversary’s

Giga Gruun

PC. Bosses are often local Faction thematic type, and includes:
Grim Wing

leaders or serve a more powerful Killservants

Mega Boss. Beast: Weird and wonderful animals. Lalka

 MEGA BOSS Rare and extremely Celestial Order: Individual beings Master
powerful opponents with Abilities that attached to the former celestial order: Villains

make them a match for a group of PCs Devas, Asura, Small Gods, and Mundymutts

by themselves. Divine Rulers. Skelemen

 COLOSSUS Beasts so large that fighting Folk: Beings that live in recognisable Shadow
them requires the use of the Colossal communities and interact with PCs just Tiny
Combat rules ( p264). A Colossus is like regular Folk. Unhelpful
also a match for a group of PCs. Monster: Unique creatures that don’t
have a place in any other category.
Use Rank & Menace Type as a guide Peddler

when creating Encounters for your Includes entities like the stubborn dead Unshaped,
Adventure Sites and Maps, but and the Unshaped. Bellzuub

remember you don’t have to balance Urarani

Encounters precisely. Running into Size: Adversaries that are anything Creating
an unstoppable army or a other than Medium will have a size- Adversaries
defenseless child scout will present related Ability denoting the deviation.
an equally interesting dilemma for
your players. Those that fall into the playable Species
Sizes ( p106) are subject to the same
benefits and drawbacks as the PCs.
Tiny, Massive, and Colossal Adversaries
6 USING ADVERSARIES Combat Values show the Adversary’s will refer you to any additional rules for
Attack Bonus, Hearts Total, Defense interacting with them.
Adversaries provide a physical threat or The ready-to-use example Adversaries
Rating, and Speed Rating.
obstruction that the PCs must defeat, listed are not exhaustive, and GMs are Allegiance: Just like PCs, some Abilities
avoid, or convince in order to progress. encouraged to customise or create their The displayed values factor in any Abilities grant Adversaries Allegiance Points which
own monsters and antagonists. or Gear the Adversary has. The modifiers align them to the cosmic forces.
Adversaries are primarily used as Site are recorded as a footnote so they may be
Encounters ( p236) or Map Encounters removed when necessary. For example,
( p228) but can also be used as Villains,
18 a Speed Bonus would be removed from ANNOTATED ILLUSTRATION
Quest Givers, or other significant GMCs. the Defense Rating if the Adversary was
The illustration will help you describe the
adequately Restrained.
Adversary and the annotations provide a
concise summary of its Abilities and Gear.

356 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 357
PCs with a relevant Ability, such as EXTREME SPECIES SIZE COMARISON
Healer’s Hands ( p18), might also be able
These short descriptive sentences guide to extract Crafting Materials ( p288) or
you on how to use and run the Adversary. Additives ( p291) from a monster corpse.

Habitat: Where they’re usually found. Using

MOOD TABLE Adversaries
Combat Gear: What they are typically
equipped with. When an Adversary is a chance encounter Asura, Lajja

you can choose or roll on its Mood Table Bizzer

Communication: What spoken to see how it reacts to the PCs. In addition, Swarm

languages or other forms of a situation is presented in the table to Blaster Mage

communication they use. provide an example of how the mood Chompa

might manifest. Chosen one

Tactics: How they think and act when
they Fight. The Mood Table is divided into three bands: Blighted

Indicators: Hints and clues you can


add to your Journey or Adventure 1-5 Friendly/Benign Goop

Site descriptions to alert PCs to the ( p434) Giga Gruun

existence of an Adversary. 6-14 Indifferent/Wary Grim Wing

Foreshadowing an Adversary
builds tension, as players are
15-20 Hostile/Bloodthirsty Lalka
made aware of danger but not
Mood means not every Adversary Master
told when it will appear. Villains
PCs encounter will be immediately
hostile, creating more diverse types Mundymutts
Role Playing Notes: A list of
of interaction. Skelemen
behaviors, mannerisms, and
motivations you can use to bring the Beast
Adversary to life. RESKIN Tiny
Customization: Suggested tweaks to Adversaries can be easily converted Cloud
the Adversary to create interesting into another similar entity by applying Undead
variations to stop repeat Encounters suggested modifications to their Abilities Peddler

from becoming predictable. and appearance. Unshaped,

Small changes to an Avoid the need to create a new foe Urarani
Adversary’s Abilities or Gear from scratch by tweaking one of the Creating
can force the players to adopt example Adversaries. Adversaries
new tactics to deal with them.

Some Adversaries can be easily converted
Adversaries posses and utilize Abilities into a playable Species. On selected
just like PCs. Each Ability is marked with Adversaries, suggestions are made on
7 its Ability Level ( p433), either Basic B , how this can be achieved. Tiny
Advanced A , or Legendary L . ( p434)
Magical Abilities show their contribution COLOSSUS MAP
4 to the Adversary’s Allegiance Point total.
Colossal Adversaries will include a map
of the creature, to use when engaging in
YIELD Colossal Combat ( p264). Also listed will
10 In addition to their Combat Gear, a slain be any special considerations for moving
Adversary can possess other useful items between the various Strike Points and the
dependant on their role and status. effects of destroying or disabling them. Small Medium Large Massive
( p106) ( p106) ( p106) ( p434)

358 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 359

ASURA, LAJJA MEGA BOSS RANK 10 Habitat: With the collapse of the Indicators: Unsettling moans, twisted
celestial order, Lajja has no natural corpses, an oppressive feeling of
Soul enslaver. Lajja is an Asura tasked with instilling fear and obedience in place in Outer World. Her presence guilt or shame.
is an unwanted intrusion. She
mortals. Asura were once a servitor species of the Divine Rulers, and Lajja is one Role Playing Notes: She will
appears where necessary to snuff out
of a handful that still persist in Outer World. She roams the surface performing sometimes address mortals tenderly,
the arrogance and self-determination
her duties, transforming those she encounters into servile wretches. of man.
other times she’ll resort to relentless Using
bullying. She’ll expose a PC’s
Communication: Dark Tongue. If embarrassing truths and use Asura, Lajja

necessary she will reluctantly use disguised insults as compliments. Bizzer

Low Speech to talk to mortals.
Dark Divinity Degrading Presence Customization: Create new Asura by Blaster Mage

Immune to Normal Damage Recieves an Edge Tactics: Lajja is cruel and will: changing the Ailment associated Chompa

Dark Damage inflicts -1 on all Aura rolls with their Degrading Presence or by Chosen one
Bright Damage inflicts +1 If in her Area,

Allow foes to succumb to her altering how they interact and use
Degrading Presence.
Aura Contest or suffer their Wretches. For example, healing Blighted
a Status Ailment and 
Soften stubborn opponents with them or bestowing them with Drones
Shameful Invigoration 1 Damage per Turn her Scornful Bolt. temporary powers.
Recovers 1 per Turn Foes reduced to 0 0

when suffering from a become a Wretch 

Use Unfortunate Souls to create a Giga Gruun
Status Ailment meat shield of Wretches. Grim Wing

Recover lost Hearts from Wretches Killservants

Scornful Bolt as soon as she takes damage. Lalka

Range: 2 Areas 
Stay behind the front line, hiding Master
Damage: 2 (Dark) behind her servants. Villains

Unfortunate Souls (Wretches)

+0 1 10 Average
20 Wretches provide Attack Assists or can be absorbed to recover 1


13 11 MIGHT TYPE Celestial Order

+6 6 Asura
12 DEFT. (P)
9 GRIT * SIZE Medium
12 18 ¹ Average 12 INSIGHT (P)
7 Dark
¹ Dark Divinity (+8) * Capricious (-2 Grit)
Magnificent (+3 Aura)

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Scornful Bolt A
Abilities Once you have contracted an Wretches do everything they can to
Ailment you are immune from remain within 1 Area of Lajja.
Lajja prefers to watch enemies buckle
further instances of this effect.
Dark Divinity L under her Degrading Presence. However, Wretches can perform an Attack ADVERSARIES

she’ll blast stubborn or irritating foes. Assist on someone that Lajja

Asura have smooth, attractive forms that Corrupting Ailments Table wishes to target with Scornful Bolt. Using
are impervious to mortal weapons. Choose or roll an Ailment. Lajja can fire her bolt at targets up This is the only time they will be Adversaries
to 2 Battlefield Areas away. willing to move away from Lajja. Asura, Lajja
Asura can only be harmed by 1-5 Chibbed ( p268) Lajja can destroy and absorb a
Bolts do 2 Hearts of Dark Damage. Bizzer
weapons made of Magical Wretch to regain 2 lost Hearts. Swarm
You begin to crumple, losing dignity
Materials or by Magical Abilities.
and stature. You continue to grow
Blaster Mage
D Adds 1 Dark Allegiance Point. Lajja can use Wretches for Attack
Attacks doing Dark Damage are more bent and crooked. If reduced to Assists or Recovery in addition to
reduced by 1 Heart. 0 Hearts you are transformed into a her other permitted Actions. Chosen one

Attacks doing Bright Damage are twisted Wretch whose head can never Demon,
Shameful invigoration B
boosted by 1 Heart. look up from the ground. Blighted
D Adds 2 Dark Allegiance Points. Drones
+8 Defense Rating. While Lajja generally delights in the
6-10 Jellyfied ( p270) humiliation of others, she finds a strange

joy in having the tables turned on her.

Giga Gruun
D Adds 1 Dark Allegiance Point. As your resistance dissolves, so does
your spine. You begin to melt like a Yield Grim Wing

burning candle, facial features slip If afflicted with an Ailment, Lajja Killservants

away. If reduced to 0 Hearts you will recover 1 Heart at the start of Lalka
Degrading Presence SHADOW STUFF
become a semi-molten Wretch. each Turn. Master
Lajja is surrounded by a corrupting Lajja will inflict herself with a With the right Ability, 3 Units of the
atmosphere that crackles with malevolent 11-15 Ballooned ( p268) Corrupting Ailment, using her Asura’s ichor can be harvested and used
mana. Those who succumb to her power Degrading Presence, in order to as a powerful Crafting Additive ( p291).

are transformed into wretched slaves. You begin to swell in size. As you regenerate lost Hearts. Shadow
inflate with malevolent mana your skin Beast
She can end the self-inflicted Attack: Imbued weapons do
Lajja benefits from an Edge on all becomes unbearably tight. If reduced Tiny
Ailment at any time. Dark Damage. Unhelpful
her Aura rolls. to 0 Hearts, your rupture and the mana Cloud
seeps out. You are a Wretch that wears Defense: An Imbued Shield or
Lajja can activate her Presence your stretched skin like a saggy coat. D Adds 1 Dark Allegiance Point. Armor reduces any Attack or Peddler
at the beginning of her Turn in offensive Ability that does Dark Unshaped,
addition to other permitted Actions. Damage by 1 Heart. Bellzuub
16-20 Dispirited ( p269)
When activated, anyone in the Unfortunate Souls L
Your inadequacies become painfully 1 Unit •  75 Coins
same Battlefield Area as Lajja must Creating
apparent. Your mind and soul slides Adversaries
attempt to resist corruption. Lajja usually travels with 4 Wretches.
towards hopelessness. If reduced to 0
Hearts you become a silent Wretch MOOD Table
vs Requires an Aura Contest with eyes devoid of hope or desire. Wretch Lajja is only focused on achieving her dark
Success: Llaja forces your body to Those who succumb to agenda, and will see the PCs as a threat or
transform via corruptive magic: Lajja’s Degrading a tool. Lajja might be:
If you are immune to the Ailment Presence become
You contract an Ailment from the inflicted, you are spared… but must
6 obedient vassals. Guarding divine treasures or secrets no
Corrupting Ailments Table (below). re-roll next Turn if you remain in her mortal should have access to.
The transfiguration is painful, lose 1 Presence.
+0 10 Summoned and tasked with the
Heart at the start of every Turn. Failure: You have resisted this Turn, 1 Average
annihilation of a powerful foe or region.
10 If you’re reduced to 0 Hearts, you but must re-enter the Contest next ATTACK HEARTS DEFENSE SPEED
Turn if you remain in her Presence. Establishing her own cult or city state
become a Wretch and are now one
Gear: Wretches are unable to use that caters to her cruel whims.
of Lajja’s Unfortunate Souls ( p363).
equipment in any useful capacity.
9 The corruption only ends if Lajja is D Adds 2 Dark Allegiance Points.
driven off, reduced to 0 Hearts, or Abilities: None, Wretches forget RESKIN
otherwise subdued. any Abilities they knew in their
previous life. Apply the Dark Divinity Ability to other
Adversaries to create lesser Asura.

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BIZZER SWARM BOSS RANK 2 Abilities The Swarm will do its best to follow
its target, but will abandon pursuit
Mana-sucking menaces. Bizzers are small flying insects that feed off magic. if it becomes hazardous for the ADVERSARIES
While not dangerous on their own, they have a tendency to travel in huge swarm, such as the target getting
groups, capable of hindering the spells of even the most experienced casters. The Bizzer Swarm is not a single entity, it is too close to flames or being
made up of hundreds of tiny bugs. submerged in liquid. Using
If the target somehow escapes the
+2 2 Buzzing Mass Asura, Lajja

Bizzer Swarms can only be hit Swarm, they remain unable to use
ATTACK HEARTS Can only be hit with large by Attacks made with large, any magical Abilities for 1 Turn.
surface area weapons
broad objects or that target the
12 ¹ Fast 2 and tools or effects that Blaster Mage
target an entire Area entire Battlefield Area the swarm Chompa
occupies. Your GM will decide
Immune to Ailments YIELD Chosen one
¹ Buzzing Mass (+2) which objects or strikes will make a
Speed Bonus (+2) significant impact on the swarm. Blighted
² Buzzing Mass (+1 level)
◆◆ Other Attacks will only kill a ARCANE POWDER Drones
handful of bugs, and won’t impact Goop
7 MIGHT A Unit of Arcane Powder ( p290) can be

the effectiveness of the swarm.

8 DEFT. (P) obtained if you collect the bodies from a Giga Gruun
Bizzer Swarms are immune to slain Buzzer Swarm and grind them up. Grim Wing
10 GRIT (P)*
Ailments. A few of the bugs may Killservants
8 INSIGHT (P) be affected, but not enough to Container of 1 Unit
7 AURA* incapacitate the swarm as a whole.
1 Slot •  50 Coins Master
* Persistent (+2 Grit) Bizzers can fly and their Speed Villains
Annoying (-1 Aura)
* Rating is Fast. Mundymutts
TYPE Monster Engulf
If the Bizzer Swarm is reduced to 0 Skelemen

Insectoid Hearts, the swarm has been killed If the PCs are able to capture the swarm Shadow
Target cannot use magic
when engulfed or reduced to a harmless volume. relatively unharmed, 2 Buzz Bombs can be
SIZE Medium Tiny
Swarm created by anyone with a glass jar. Unhelpful
This effect lasts 1 Turn Cloud
after escaping the swarm
ALLEGIANCE Unaligned Buzz bombs have the Range of Undead
ENGULF B Peddler
other Thrown Weapons.
Bizzer Swarms surround a target and drain Once released, the Bizzers will Bellzuub
away any mana on or around them. A target a magical foe with Engulf.
Habitat: Bizzer Swarms make their However, soldiers and bandits have Urarani
hungry swarm is noisy and incessant.
nests in mana-rich environments, for been known to weaponize them for A bomb’s swarm only has 1 Heart. Creating
example wizarding structures or use against arcane foes. Buzz Bombs,
Engulfing a foe requires the Bizzer 1 Slot •  25 Coins
magical biomes. They are infamous glass jars filled with Bizzers, are very
Swarm to use its Action, but does
for causing injuries, and even a few popular among raiders in particular.
not require an Attack roll.
fatalities, at Shard’s University and its
Indicators: Rusty imbued items, a Engulf can be used on a single
MOOD Table
rival school in the Galvanus Peninsula,
single Bizzer moving along a wall, creature or object in the same Area
by showing up during an important Bizzers are relentless in their thirst for
that horrible buzzing noise. as the swarm. Bizzers only target
magical demonstration or eating the mana, if they sense its presence they will
flight spell of a commuting professor. Role Playing Notes: Buzz, buzz buzz. creatures or items with Magical swarm en masse.
Buzz buzz! Abilities. They have no interest in
Communication: Bizzers have no non-magical entities.
means of communicating to other Customization: Certain Swarms may The target is unable to use any
20 creatures, unless you count their inflict an Ailment ( p268) in addition Magical Abilities while engulfed by Make the Engulf Ability drain Hearts,
incessant buzzing. to hindering magic use when they the Bizzer Swarm.
use their Engulf Ability. rather than mana, to reskin the
Tactics: Bizzers are instinctual Anyone attacking the Swarm Bizzer Swarm as more conventional
3 creatures and don’t formulate while it is using this Ability will hit bloodsucking insects.
combat strategies. the swarm’s target instead on an
unsuccessful attempt.

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BLASTER MAGE BOSS RANK 3 Abilities vs Requires a Contest

The Mage’s Aura vs. your Deftness.
Hot-headed spell slinger. ‘Blaster Mage’ is a pejorative term coined by Sages
for wizards who can only perform relatively simplistic pyrotechnics. Magic Shot B Success: Everyone in the same ADVERSARIES

Battlefield Area as the Mage suffers

Small, but rapid fire, magical blast. 2 Hearts of Bright Damage. Using
+2 3 Adversaries

Once per turn the Blaster Mage

can hurl small balls of mana as if a The mana in the targeted Asura, Lajja

Thrown Weapon. Battlefield Area is temporarily Bizzer

12 ¹ Average
disrupted and no Magic Abilities

DEFENSE SPEED Magic Shot Shots do 1 Heart of Bright Damage. can be used there for 1 Turn.
Blaster Mage

¹ Light Armor (+2) Aura vs. Deft. Contest Chompa

Range: 1 Area The Blaster Mage cannot cast Magic

B Adds 1 Bright Allegiance Point. Chosen one
Damage: 1 (Bright) for 2 Turns after using Mana Burst.

10 DEFT. (P)*
Big Magic Shot B Adds 1 Bright Allegiance Point. Drones
8 GRIT (P)
Aura vs. Deft. Contest
Big Magic Shot B
7 INSIGHT * Range: 2 Areas
An impressive blast that temporarily Giga Gruun
10 AURA (P)* Damage: 2 (Bright)
exhausts the Mage. YIELD Grim Wing
* Nimble (+2 Deftness) Killservants
Impusive (-1 Insight) Mana Burst
The Blaster Mage can attempt to Blaster Mages have amassed d20 Coins
Impressive (+2 Aura) Lalka
Aura vs. Deft. Contest
fire a large flaming sphere at a foe from their nefarious exploits.
Anyone in the same Area Master
TYPE Folk 2 (Bright)
up to 2 Battlefield Areas away. Villains

Extradordinary MOOD Table Mundymutts

SIZE Medium vs Requires a Contest Choose or roll a Mood


The Mage’s Aura vs. your Deftness. Shadow

ALLEGIANCE Bright Aligned Beast
3 Bright Success: The shot does 2 Hearts of
1-5 False bravado Tiny
Bright Damage. Unhelpful
Recently defeated, their confidence is low.
After firing Big Magic Shot the They may posture aggressively but will Peddler
Habitat: Found anywhere in Outer Indicators: Seared walls, corpses Mage cannot use any Magical rapidly back out of confrontation. Unshaped,
World, often working alongside covered in neatly burned holes, loud Abilities on their next Turn.

bandits, mercenaries, and warlords. and brash declarations. 6-14 Preoccupied

Gear: Light Armor and a Standard Role Playing Notes: Prone to using B Adds 1 Bright Allegiance Point. There is a duel between rival Blaster Adversaries
Weapon, in case things get physical. insulting or dramatic gestures. Mages. The surviving Mage will be
Amused by their own brilliance. jubilant but their mood will change if
Communication: They speak and
understand Low Speech, as well as Customization: Blaster Mages may Mana Burst A the PCs challenge or question them
another language appropriate to occasionally take advantage of in anyway.
With a snap of the fingers, and some prior
their home region. Appealing or Authoritative Outfits.
concentration, the ambient mana around
15-20 Vengeful
6 Tactics: They do their best to stick the Blaster Mage bursts into flames.
with what they are good at and will: One of the PCs resembles an old foe, they
The Blaster Mage can attempt won’t stop until they are reduced to ash…

Stay behind the front line, hiding
to blast everyone in the same or some sense is beaten into them.
15 behind their allies.
Battlefield Area as them with a

Pummel targets with their Magic pyrotechnic explosion.
Shots from a safe distance. RESKIN
The Mage must first charge the
14 attack by spending 1 Turn agitating Removing the Mana Burst Ability and
the Area’s ambient mana. During providing more powerful arms and armor
charging, the air around the Mage creates a ‘Blaster Knight’.
shimmers and sparkles.

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One massive muncher. A distant cousin of the Bumpo, these omnivorous With the right Ability, the following can be
bovines are much less docile and armed with an enormous tusk-filled mouth. Big ‘un B removed from a slain Chompa…

The Chompa is immense.

Mighty Munch Adversaries
Tusk (Mighty Weapon) The Chompa is a Large Species
Can be used to craft a special form of Light Asura, Lajja
Might Contest or ( p106).
or Medium Armor that also functions as an Bizzer
be Restrained
Extreme Weather (Cold) Outfit ( p172). Swarm
Win Might Contest to escape Blaster Mage
Gnaw Mighty munch A 2 Slots •  25 Coins Chompa
Damage: 1 Chosen one
Spit A Chompa can bite through rock!
Damage: 1 Blighted
plus beToppled A Chompa’s tusks strikes as a The small teeth can be used as a Concealed Drones
Mighty Weapon ( p153). Weapon, the tusks as a Mighty Weapon. Goop
After a successful Attack, a
1 Slot (tooth) •  15 Coins Giga Gruun
Chompa can attempt to draw you
2 Slots (tusk) •  30 Coins
Grim Wing
into its mouth, if you are Medium-
sized or smaller.
MOOD Table
vs Requires a Might Contest Villains
Choose or roll a Mood
Success: You’re Restrained ( p270) Mundymutts

in the Chompa’s teeth. Skelemen

1-5 Docile
You can attempt to escape at the Shadow
beginning of each subsequent Turn Shh! The Chompa is sleeping off a
by winning a Might Contest. satisfying meal. Tread lightly. Tiny
12 MIGHT (P)* TYPE Beast Inanimate objects, such as
+3 4¹ Megafauna
6 DEFT.*
boulders, can be sucked into the 6-14 Disinterested
10 GRIT (P)* SIZE Large Chompa’s mouth without a Contest.
The Chompa is busy making a meal out of Unshaped,
13 2 Slow 3 9 INSIGHT (P)
If the Chompa begins its Turn with Bellzuub
ALLEGIANCE Unaligned a factotum’s pack or merchant’s cart. The
DEFENSE SPEED 8 AURA you in its mouth, it can: Urarani
aggrieved traveller may offer the PCs a
reward for chasing the Chompa off.
¹ Blubbery Hide (+1) * Brutish (+2 Might) Gnaw: Doing 1 Heart of Damage. Adversaries
² Large (-1) Stubborn (+1 Grit)
¹ Blubbery Hide (+4) Lumbering (-2 Deftness) Spit: Firing you at a target up to
³ Blubbery Hide (-1 level) Large Species (+1 Might) 2 Battlefield Areas away. On a 15-20 Hangry
successful Attack, you and the
Habitat: Any place that has enough Indicators: Big bites taken out of the target take 1 Heart of Damage It’s starving, deprived of food for hours.
flora and fauna to satiate their landscape, deep and wide footprints, and are Toppled ( p271). On a The PCs look pretty tasty.
monstrous appetites. the sound of open-mouthed chewing miss, you land 2 Battlefield Areas
3 and flatulence. away and are Toppled. RESKIN
Gear: Sometimes interesting things
can be found in their dung. Role Playing Notes: They are only
Remove the Chompa’s Blubbery Hide
interested in filling their bellies, and
Ability and provide it with Supernatural
Communication: Belches and snorts. won’t be motivated by anger or BLUBBERY Hide B
7 Leaping or Might to create a wolf or bear-
Tactics: In combat they are motivated A Chompa’s skin is tough. like beast.
by hunger and will: Customization: Chompas are
Giving the Chompa an Ability to move
occasionally caught and used as +4 Defense Rating.
Attempt to swallow the closest, or Fast in the water will create a monstrous
Packbeasts or even Mounts by +1 Hearts Total.
juiciest, prey first. turtle or hippopotamus. They could even
creatures who favor strength and
 rocks, or other parts of the Speed Rating is Slow. suck in water and spray it back out in a
Spit ferocity over speed.
environment, at escaping food. powerful stream with Mighty Munch!

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CHOSEN ONE BOSS RANK 6 Abilities Courageous determination A

The hero of another story. Occasionally, youths are given great powers and a Who needs training or experience when
quest by the whims of fate. Legends describe how these enterprising figures LEgendary Gear A you have an indomitable spirit.
fulfil their destinies, but in reality many fail and their exploits go unchronicled. Chosen Ones find themselves in If reduced to 0 Hearts, the Chosen
possession of a handful of Imbued Items
can attempt to shake off defeat. Adversaries
thanks to questing and older relatives with Asura, Lajja
a habit of relic hoarding.
Legendary Items (Pick 3) ? Requires a Grit Check Bizzer

Red Edge
Legendary Items (Pick 3) Success: The Chosen springs back Blaster Mage

Red Edge: This empowered sword into action with 1 Heart restored.
+1 Flame Damage Chompa

Favored by Fate Standard Weapon (Flame Brass) is crafted from Flame Brass. It is Chosen one

Re-roll once per Session

a Master Weapon that does an This Ability cannot save them from Demon,
for a more favorable result Cleary Shield additional Heart of Flame Damage inescapable death, like being Blighted

Parry Magic Attacks upon a successful Attack. crushed by a stone block. Drones

Courageous Determination
Standard Shield (Sun Gold) Cleary Shield: A Standard Shield Goop

When reduced to 0 a
made of Sun Gold. The bearer may Giga Gruun
Spring Heel Boots
Grit Check will restore 1 also use the Parry granted by this Yield Grim Wing
Supernatural Leaping item to nullify a Magical Ability Killservants
targeted at them. Besides their Legendary Gear, Chosen
Might Mitten Lalka
Supernatural Might Spring Heel Boots: Made of Ones always have d20 Coins collected Master
magical feathers which grants from side quest rewards or fallen foes. Villains
Wooly Warm Tunic Supernatural Leaping ( p107). Mundymutts
Extreme Weather Outfit (Cold) Mighty Mitten: A mitt created from MooD Table Skelemen
Frost Damage inflicts -1
the paw of a powerful beast which Shadow
Flame Damage inflicts -1 Choose or roll a Mood
grants Supernatural Might ( p107). Beast
Wooly Warm Tunic: This endearing Unhelpful
Extreme Weather Outfit (Cold) was 1-5 Insufferably friendly Cloud
woven from the legendary Wisdom The PC’s mission seems to align with the
11 MIGHT (P)* TYPE Folk Bumpo’s wool.
+4/5¹ 4 Extradordinary Chosen One’s and they volunteer their
ATTACK HEARTS ◆◆ Attacks that deal Flame or Frost services and tag along, even if unwanted. Bellzuub
11 GRIT (P)* SIZE Medium Damage do one less Heart Urarani
14 2/15 3 Average 9 INSIGHT than usual.
6-14 Temperamental
DEFENSE SPEED 9 AURA (P)* Adversaries

¹ Red Edge, Master Weapon (+1) * Suprisingly strong (+1 Might) The Chosen One wants to trade their rare
² Medium Armor (+4) * Spirited (+1 Grit) Favored by Fate B local fruit and strange looking masks for
* Silent type (-1 Aura)
3 Cleary Shield, Standard (+1)
something actually useful. They’ll get angry
While destiny ain’t what it used to be, it if a proposed deal is refused.
can still help out its agents in a pinch.
Habitat: Although hailing from Indicators: A valorous battle cry,
remote and peaceful villages, their villages filled with people who have 15-20 Righteous resentment
quests can lead them anywhere. had small requests recently fulfilled, Once a Session the GM can re-
and a trail of slain monsters. roll, or force a player to re-roll, if A PC has been identified as a true villain.
Gear: See Legendary Gear Ability! the result negatively impacts the Whether this is a tragic case of mistaken
Role Playing Notes: They believe Chosen One. identity or actually true is irrelevant.
Communication: Low Speech and a their quest is just. Challenging their ◆◆ This even extends to rolls where
language based on their homeland. cause will result in being seen as a the Chosen One isn’t present. For RESKIN
true villain to be silenced. example, to hinder the PCs from
4 Tactics: Bold combatants who rely on claiming a quest item that the Swapping out the Chosen One’s
resilience and daring Stunts to: Customization: Experienced Chosen Chosen One requires. Legendary Gear for more sinister Imbued
Ones can have an Elective Champion Items will create a villainous character,

Target leaders first.
or Battle Princess Ability. Some travel rather than a sadly misguided heroic one.

Identify and exploit weak spots. with companions, usually a fairy.
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Indicators: The cry of obscenities in
If a Demon’s Attack reduces you to
Dark Tongue, the shuffling of the
misshapen, a trail of violent revelry. 0 Hearts you must check to see if
Those taken by darkness. Demons were ordinary folk who’ve been warped
you contract Shadow Blight ADVERSARIES
by contact with Shadow Blight, a potent strain of Dark Mana. They remember Role Playing Notes: Their primary ( p374).
little of their old lives and exist only with a compulsion to spread the Blight. impulse is to spread the Blight, If you are immune to the Blight, you
acting like cruel children who find joy roll on the Injury Table as normal.
Consumed by Darkness Shadow Blight Host Adversaries
in the misery of others.
Unarmed Attacks strike as Standard Weapons If enemy reduced to 0 0 Once an enemy has been infected, Asura, Lajja
Sunlight does 1 per Turn then Grit Check or Customization: Invent alternative the Demon will immediately switch Bizzer
Can see in total darkness contract Shadow Blight Malignant Gifts. For example, add its attention to the uninfected. Swarm

the power to inflict a Status Ailment, Blaster Mage

or modify their natural weapon type Chompa
D Adds 2 Dark Allegiance Points.
(e.g a Lash Tongue). Chosen one
Abilities Malignant Gift B Drones

Potent Dark Gifts caused by bad mana.

Consumed by Darkness B Giga Gruun

While it is sometimes possible to Each Blighted has 1 Malignant Gift Grim Wing

recognize who a demon once was, that Choose or roll a Gift Killservants

person is gone, erased by the Blight. Lalka

1-5 Signs of the Beast Master

Numb to Pain: +2 Defense Rating.
The Demon has large, exaggerated Mundymutts
Natural Weapons: Demons have natural weapons. Unarmed Attacks Skelemen
sharpened teeth and nails. Their strike as a Mighty Weapon. Shadow
Unarmed Attacks strike as Beast
Standard Weapons.
5-8 Mocking Beauty Tiny
Shadow Sight: Demons can see in Unhelpful
The Demon possesses a haunting Cloud
total darkness without hindrance.
innocence. A Grit Check is required Undead
Signs of the Beast Winter’s Shackles Caustic Spittle Mocking Beauty Revolting Excess Susceptible to Sunlight: Sunlight to harm or hinder them. Failing the

Unarmed Attack Cold to touch, Acid spit, strikes Make Grit Check Thick blubber, will reduce a Demon to ash Check momentarily mesmerizes their
strikes as Mighty does +1 as Thrown to Attack, miss a +2 Defense in moments. attacker, who misses their next Turn. Urarani
Weapon Damage (Frost) Weapon Turn on failure Demons lose 1 Heart for every Creating
Turn they are exposed to 9-12 Winter’s Shackles Adversaries
COMBAT VALUES APTITUDES / TRAITS ADVERSARY INFO sunlight, or the light of a fallen
The Demon’s body is so cold that
6 MIGHT (P) Star Shard ( p305). Star Gems
TYPE Monster contact results in frostbite. Unarmed
+0 1 ( p180) up to 1 Area away will
6 DEFT. Demon Attacks do +1 Heart of Frost Damage.
ATTACK HEARTS also have this effect.
8 GRIT (P)* SIZE Medium
5 INSIGHT* Demons can avoid damage from
12 ¹/14 2 Average 13-16 Revolting Excess
ALLEGIANCE Dark Aligned sunlight by covering their bodies
8 6 Dark in thick clothing and masks. The demon’s flesh has become
¹ Numb to Pain (+2) * Unrelenting (+2 Grit) tumorous and ponderously thick, they
² Revolting Excess (+2) * Dulled (-1 Insight) gain +2 Defense Rating.
D Adds 2 Dark Allegiance Points.
2 Habitat: Found where the sun Tactics: Spreading the Blight is a 17-20 Caustic Spittle
doesn’t shine: the Wistful Dark, or the demon’s primary goal, they will:
Shadow Blight HOST B The demon may spit acidic bile which
Buried Kingdom.

Die in droves attempting to infect a strikes like a Thrown Weapon.
Gear: Remnants of a previous life. significant individual. The Shadow Blight is contagious, and a
Demon’s attacks can pass on the curse to D Adds 2 Dark Allegiance Points.

Target the Bright Aligned ( p206),
Communication: Dark Tongue, they the weary.
they are the most offensive.
might reluctantly use Low Speech.

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Yield Shadow Blight Stages of infection STAGE 3

The disease transforms those afflicted Shadow Blight has 3 stages, each of which Your transformation is ADVERSARIES
BLIGHTED BLOOD into terrible monsters for whom sunlight drags you further into Demonhood. complete, you are now
is poisonous. The origins of the Shadow a Blighted Demon, your
1 Unit of liquid may be extracted from a Blight are a mystery, the most popular STAGE 1 mind is lost and you have
fallen Blighted by those with the proper theory blames a bio-sorcerous weapon
no control over your actions. Adversaries
knowledge. This demonic essence is from the 3rd Aeon. Your sleep is feverish and Asura, Lajja
a popular poison among assassins of restless. You are plagued You gain another 2 Dark Points. Bizzer
Shard. If Blighted Blood enters the blood by surreal nightmares as Swarm
stream, whether from a poisoned blade Contraction If you are Rank 2, or lower, become
the Blight seeps in. Blaster Mage
or ingested, the victim must make a Grit Blighted Demons.
Check to avoid contracting the Only the hardiest folk can resist the Blight. Chompa
If you are Rank 3, or higher, you
Shadow Blight. You gain 2 Dark Points. become an Ascended Demon.
Chosen one

When you are reduced to 0 Hearts Demon,

You suffer the initial effects of See Reskin ( p374).
1 Unit •  50 Coins or less by a Demon’s Attack, or by Blighted
Fatigue ( p269).
ingesting Blighted Blood, you Drones

risk contagion. After 1 week the infection will Goop

Mood Table attempt to progress. Treatment & cure Giga Gruun
Choose or roll a Mood ? Requires a Grit Check With magical intervention, the Grim Wing
? Requires a Grit Check development of Shadow Blight can be Killservants
Those with 3 Allegiance Points
1-5 Preoccupied (Bright or Dark) gain an Edge on Success: The infection has stalled, slowed and even reversed. Lalka

their Grit Check. Their bodies have but you must continue to make this Master
The Demons are dragging away a few
built up a resilience to mana. Check every week. Respite Villains
nomads. They will ignore the party if they Mundymutts
don’t interfere. Bio-Mechanoids and the Undead Failure: The infection progresses Consuming 1 Unit of Bright Water
are Immune to Shadow Blight. The to Stage 2. ( p290) prevents the progression
GM may decide that other strange of the Blight for 1 month. Shadow
6-14 Waning villainy Beast
creatures (Goops, Asuras, etc.) are Further doses of Bright Water will Tiny
The demons are feeling lethargic and also immune. not provide additional benefit. Unhelpful
will leave the party alone if they hand Success: You’ve avoided infection,

over one of their number for use in their but the experience has been You hiss obscenities in
Cure Peddler
sadistic game. extremely unpleasant. Dark Tongue when trying Unshaped,
to speak, and struggle to Ingesting the petals of a Wish Bellzuub
Failure: You now have Stage 1 maintain control of your Flower will painlessly end the
15-20 Crazed Shadow Blight ( p375).
dark thoughts. affliction. Alternatively, a Sage with Creating
The party receives no warning. A crazed Demystify ( p64) can attempt to Adversaries
group of Demons descend, their eyes full You gain another 2 Dark Points. remove the Blight.
of twisted intent.
You suffer a Major Penalty (-4) on
all Negotiation rolls, except for vs Requires a Contest
RESKIN Intimidation. The Sage’s Aura vs. the
patient’s Aura.
After 1 week the infection will
To create an Ascended Demon, a rare Success: The Shadow Blight leaves
attempt to progress.
11 individual who manages to retain their the infected in a physically violent
knowledge and Abilities after contracting manner that endangers both the
the Blight, make a Rank 5 Character and ? Requires a Grit Check
patient and the Sage. Both must
replace their Innate Species Abilities with Success: The infection has stalled, make a Critical roll on the Injury
Consumed By Darkness, Shadow Blight but you must continue to make this Table ( p260).
Host, and Malignant Gift. Check every week. Any Dark Allegiance Points gained
Failure: The infection progresses during infection are removed when
17 to Stage 3. cured, but any Dark Gifts remain.

374 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 375


Synthetic being. Precursor to the Bio-Mechanoid, these simpler machines ADVERSARIES

were built to perform repetitive tasks. During the 3rd Cataclysm, the First Hero SYNTHETIC B SYNTHETIC LIMBS
rendered all synthetics dormant. Recently they are flickering back to life. The drone is a mechanical being. The Drone’s limbs can be detached by
someone with a suitable Ability.
Immune to Fatigue, Starvation, Asura, Lajja
MAINTENANCE DRONE BOSS RANK 2 and Suffocation. Drone limbs can be used as Bizzer
Immune to toxins that target living Prosthetic Replacements ( p262).
[protocol error; searching...] These sleepless caretakers of long-forgotten

tissue which are ingested, inhaled, A replaced limb grants you +2 Blaster Mage
factories from the previous aeon suffer a strange derangement, developed
or injected. Might, but you suffer -2 Deftness. Chompa
while inert, which has caused them to abandon their duties.
Drones are powered by an engine Unarmed Attacks with the limb Chosen one

Mad Machine Synthetic that feeds on ambient mana. If the strike as a Standard Weapon. Demon,
+2 3

In rampage mode… Immune to ailments flow of mana into the engine is Modifiers are only applied once,

ATTACK HEARTS Minor Bonus (+2) on Might rolls that affect the flesh disrupted they will then cease even if multiple limbs are replaced.

+1 Damage to function. Goop

14 ¹ Slow 2
-2 Defense Rating 1 Slot (carried) •  200 Coins Giga Gruun
Requires Insight Check Labor Frame Grim Wing
¹ Labor Frame (+4) to exit mode Limbs strike as B
² Labour Frame (-1 level) Standard Weapons
As a result of overexposure to mana, the Opening up a Drone reveals a bounty of
7 MIGHT Drone now has thoughts and feelings it

standardized widgets and gizmos. Villains

10 DEFT. (P)* wasn’t designed to process. Mundymutts
8 GRIT (P)
Puretech Salvage can be used to Skelemen
9 INSIGHT (P)* The Drone can enter at will into an repair Techno-Relics. Shadow
4 AURA* erratic, rampaging state that: Beast

* Efficient (+2 Deftness) Grants a Minor Bonus (+2) to 1 Unit •  25 Coins Tiny
* Precise (+1 Insight) Might rolls. Cloud
* Souless (-2 Aura)
Provides +1 Heart of Damage to MOOD Table Undead
physical Attacks.
TYPE Monster
Choose or roll a Mood

Mechanical Bellzuub
Causes a -2 to their Defense
SIZE Medium Rating, due to reckless flailing.
1-5 Curious Creating
ALLEGIANCE Unaligned Attempting to exit this state Adversaries
requires the Drone to make a The Drone, if undisturbed, stares in
successful Insight Check. wonder at an innocuous creature or flower.

Habitat: Drones are found in the Role Playing Notes: Maintenance 6-14 Dutiful
ruins of ancient Gleysian facilities, Drones can only speak in a calm and LABOR FRAME B
The Drone demands explanation for the
but many wander further afield. polite manner. However, their new PCs’ presence, and will attack if their
16 ‘emotions’ are poorly regulated and The Maintenance Drone’s body is
Communication: Drones exclusively engineered for industrial work. response is unsatisfactory.
they often say disturbing, morose, or
speak and understand Gleysian Code. incomprehensible things. Drones
Tactics: Maintenance Drones cannot harbor a misplaced sibling rivalry +4 Defense Rating. 15-20 Rampage!
15 with Bio-Mechanoids. +1 Hearts Total.
formulate sophisticated strategies, The Drone is rampaging. It tosses its
they simply identify weak or ‘broken’ Customization: Drones might be Maintenance Drones are Slow. current victim aside, and turns on the PCs!
opponents and target them. fitted with limbs that strike as Mechanical limbs strike as
2 Indicators: Loud clanking noises, different Weapon Types, or with a Standard Weapons. RESKIN
bodies that have been crushed and Mender’s Kit ( p176). They may also
torn apart, devices that have been be able to hover, climb, or float A reskinned Maintenance Drone can be
dismantled or badly repaired. depending on their original function. used as a golem or animated suit of armor.

376 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 377

WAR DRONE MEGA BOSS RANK 7 Indicators: Corpses slain with MAD MACHINE B
ruthless precision, the squeal of
[target locked] Lacking the magical mastery of their rivals, the Gleysian Arcane Afterburners, a cold voice As a result of overexposure to mana, the
Technocracy developed military technology to level the playing field. announcing ‘Targets identified.’ Drone now has thoughts and feeling it

wasn’t designed to process.

Role Playing Notes: War Drones are
Arcance Afterburner
emotionally unstable. Most have Using
Supernatural Leaping Advanced Sensor Suite declared war on organics, but a rare The Drone can enter at will into an Adversaries

Can detect organic, few attempt to defy their erratic, rampaging state that: Asura, Lajja
synthetic, or magical
programming and find purpose and Grants a Minor Bonus (+2) to Bizzer
All Range Attack System targets within 100 feet Swarm
meaning off the battlefield. Might rolls.
(Extra Attack) Can see in darkness & Blaster Mage
Range: 2 Areas through physical barriers Customization: Special units may Provides +1 Heart of Damage to Chompa
Damage: 2 (Bright) have different sorts of Combination physical Attacks.
Chosen one
Weapons included with their
Mad Machine Causes a -2 to their Defense Demon,
Morphic Armament Ability. Blighted
In rampage mode… Rating, due to reckless flailing.
Morphic Armament Drones
Minor Bonus (+2) on Attempting to exit this state
Bulwark Mode Might rolls Abilities requires the Drone to make a

Large Shield +1 Damage successful Insight Check.

Giga Gruun

Crusher Mode -2 Defense Rating Grim Wing

Mighty/Master Requires Insight Killservants

Combination Weapon Check to exit mode War Drones stand tall on the battlefield. A Lalka
Wire Mode Master

The War Drone is a Large Species War Drones take up advantageous Villains
Lash/Arc Synthetic
Combination Weapon ( p106). positions using their mana thrusters. Mundymutts
Immune to ailments Skelemen
that affect the flesh
War Drones have Supernatural Shadow

Leaping ( p107). Beast
The drone is a mechanical being. Cloud
+5/+6 ¹ 62 Mechanical
DEFT.* Immune to Fatigue, Starvation,
11 GRIT (P) and Suffocation. War Drones have an array of scanners that Unshaped,
SIZE Large Bellzuub
help them identify all possible threats.
15 3/17 4 Average 10 INSIGHT (P) Immune to toxins that target living Urarani
DEFENSE SPEED 7 AURA* tissue which are ingested, inhaled,
War Drones can sense all targets Creating

* Powerful (+2 Might) or injected. Adversaries

¹ Morphic Armament, up to 100 feet away or, during a
* - Crusher Mode (+1) * Adept (+1 Deftness) Drones are powered by an engine
² Combat Shell (+1) * Souless (-3 Aura) Fight, the entire Battlefield.
* Large Species (+1 Might) that feeds on ambient mana. If the
³ Combat Shell, They can distinguish between
* - Gleysian Alloy (+6) flow of mana into the engine is
organic and synthetic targets.
* Large Species (-1) disrupted then they will cease
4 Morphic Armament,
to function. They are immune to the Obscured
* - Bulwark Mode (+2)
Battlefield Condition ( p251).
10 Habitat: War Drones were deployed 
Identify and focus on dispatching They can ‘see’ through physical
all over Outer World. Most wander strategic targets, such as magic COMBAT SHELL B barriers, such as walls or smoke.
the forgotten battlegrounds of the casters or skilled combatants.
Their hearing is comparable to that
3rd Aeon, predominately in the 
Eliminate large groups of weaker War Drones have a shell made from
19 of an average human.
Twilight Meridian. targets using their Morphic unyielding Gleysian Alloy.
Communication: Drones can only Armament’s Wire Mode and All
communicate in Gleysian Code. Range Attack System. +6 Defense Rating
Fight defensively to wear down a +1 Hearts Total
Tactics: War Drones were equipped stronger solo opponent using
and programmed to be ruthlessly their Morphic Armament’s
effective in combat and will: Bulwark Mode.

378 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 379

Concentrated mana can be expelled If still intact, the Morphic Arm and its
towards ranged targets. module can be removed by someone with
Basic Gadgeteering.
Mana Blast: In addition to its other Using
permitted Actions, the War Drone With a successful Crafting roll, Adversaries
can direct an Attack that does 2 the module can be configured to Asura, Lajja
Hearts of Bright Damage towards take the form of one of two Melee Bizzer
a target up to 2 Battlefield Areas Weapon Types, or a single Melee Swarm

away. Weapon and a Standard Shield. Blaster Mage

At the beginning of each Turn Chompa

the wielder can choose to shift Chosen one

MORPHIC ARMAMENT A between forms. Demon,
One of the War Drone’s arms has a built-in When not in use, the Morphic Arm Drones
weapon with multiple configurations. retracts into a small cylinder, taking
up only 1 Inventory Slot.
Giga Gruun
At the start of a Turn the War Drone 1 Slot •  210 Coins Grim Wing
can configure its weapon arm into
one of 3 modes:
MOOD Table Lalka
Bulwark Mode: Serves as a
Large Shield. Choose or roll a Mood Villains

Crusher Mode: Strikes as a Mundymutts

Master/Mighty Combo Weapon. 1-5 Self-diagnosis Skelemen

Wire Mode: Strikes as a Lash/Ark Shadow

The War Drone is attempting to stay in a Beast
Combo Weapon.
non-violent mode. It will speak to anyone Tiny
The weapon is treated as Magical who approaches, eager to learn from the Unhelpful
Material (Gleysian Alloy). experience of others.

6-14 No directive Unshaped,

YIELD Bellzuub

The War Drone is wandering without Urarani

purpose. While it doesn’t see the party as Creating

GLEYSIAN ALLOY a threat, it will not hesitate to attack if it Adversaries

detects a sudden or hostile move.

3 Slots worth of this ‘Magic’ Material
( p288) can be recovered from a downed
War Drone. The specular metal is easy to 15-20 Target locked
work with when heated but super-hard
The War Drone has concluded the PCs are
when cooled.
hostiles, and has subsequently targeted
2 them for termination.
Inherent Ability
While there is no lasting effect,
Crafters using the alloy gain a RESKIN
14 Major Bonus (+4) to any rolls made
The War Drone can be reskinned as a
during any crafting process.
powerful golem or magitech knight.
1 Slot •  125 Coins

380 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 381

GOOP MOOK RANK 0 Abilities Attacking an attached Goop

Seriously sinister slime. A consequence of another era’s carelessness, Goops If striking an attached Goop, the
B Goop’s prey takes the damage if ADVERSARIES
are the sentient waste products of ancient mana-powered facilities. What little Colloid Corpus
the Attack roll is failed.
intelligence they possess is dedicated to hunting and absorbing prey. Goops are oddly colored, semi-solid
Corroding objects
masses that are animated by mana
trapped within them. Goops can damage objects
softer than Very Hard ( p263) by Asura, Lajja
Corrosive Contact attaching to them. They corrode at Bizzer
Deftness Check or Goops are gelatinous creatures Swarm
devoid of defined shape or limbs. a rate of 1 Heart per Turn.
Goop attaches to do 1 Blaster Mage
Serious Burn per Turn They cannot hold or use objects. The one exception to this is glass, Chompa
1 Turn and Might which they cannot corrode.
They are able to squeeze under Chosen one
Check required
to remove doors and into small spaces. Demon,
They cannot be restrained by
Yield Drones
ropes or similar bonds due to their
amorphous body.
Giga Gruun
Goops dissipate in water and lose CONCENTRATED GOOP
Grim Wing
1 Heart each Turn they spend at
least half submerged in liquid. If a dead Goop is scooped into a glass or Killservants
metal container, it will concentrate into Lalka
1 Unit of Solvent ( p178). Master
Inexorable Sludge Villains
Inexorable Sludge B 1 Unit •  20 Coins
Can travel across Mundymutts
walls and ceilings Skelemen
Goops are sticky and sluggish.


Their tacky surfaces allow them to Choose or roll a Mood Tiny
traverse walls and ceilings. Unhelpful
6 MIGHT (P) TYPE Monster Cloud
+0 1 Goops are Slow. 1-5 Sated
8 DEFT. (P)* Slime Undead
5 GRIT* SIZE Medium The Goop is in the process of dissolving a Unshaped,
10 Slow ¹ 6 INSIGHT (P) large rock. It burbles peacefully. Bellzuub
ALLEGIANCE Unaligned Corrosive Contact B

¹ Inexorable Sludge (-1 level) * Wobbly (+2 Deftness) Caustic bodies destroy and consume. 6-14 Uninterested Creating
* Spineless (-1 Grit)
The Goop is attempting to return to its
Attaching to prey favorite resting spot without incident, and
Habitat: Most common in the Wistful When in groups they swarm a single Goops can attempt to stick onto a won’t take kindly to interference.
Dark, Stahlfeld, and No-Folks Land target hoping to bring them down target in the same Battlefield Area
due to the prevalence of derelict with a combined effort. as them. You can avoid this with a
15-20 Aggressive
ancient facilities in these regions. successful Deftness Check.
13 Indicators: Walls and floors bleached If a Goop attaches successfully The Goop emerges from its hiding spot
Gear: Occasionally they’ll contain the clean, a strong chemical odor, to you it causes a Serious Burn and ‘rushes’ the most vulnerable PC!
polished metal belongings of their partially dissolved corpses. from the Caustic/Burning Injury
most recent meal. Table ( p267), and again on every
2 Roleplaying Notes: Goops aren’t RESKIN
Communication: Odd chemical complicated, they live to dissolve. subsequent Turn until the Goop is
burbles that are indecipherable to dislodged or destroyed. Living dungeons, like the interior of a
non-goops. Customization: Goops charged with colossal starfish, might have an immune
Removing Goop
20 unusual mana might have alternate system with digestive cells that have
Tactics: Goops are slow and resort to methods of attack, such freezing or You can use your Turn to attempt similar properties to Goop.
ambush tactics, dropping from shocking foes. Others might be able to remove a Goop. This requires a
ceilings or hiding in cracks. to move quickly. successful Might Check. Applying the Goop’s Abilities to another
monster will create a slime variant.

382 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 383

GIGA GRUUN MEGA BOSS RANK 9 Role Playing Notes: Violent and YIELD
emotionally stunted, Giga Gruun are
Berserking brute. Larger and meaner than the common Gruun, Giga Gruun like malicious children. While not
are living siege weaponry from the 3rd Aeon. Without masters, their brutal yet entirely unreasonable, they will get BERSERKER HIDE

aggressive if things get too

childlike nature is a danger to anyone they come across. 3 Slots of hide can be removed with the
complicated for them.
proper Ability. This resilient material Using
Customization: Some Giga Gruun can be used as a Magic Fabric ( p290)
Giga Body Giga Hide
carry massive weapons that do +1 for Crafting Outfits as well as Light or
Asura, Lajja
Sweep: Arc Weapon, Tusks/Hands Magic Attacks do -1i x
Heart of Damage compared to their Medium Armor.
Focus: Mighty Weapon, Feet/Head Wins all Might Contests man-sized equivalents.
unless against 1 Slot •  150 Coins Blaster Mage
Furious Rampage Supernatural Might Chompa
+1 Combat Action Recieves Edge on all Abilities Chosen one
rolls resisting FURY GLAND
Magical Abilities Demon,
GIGA BODY B This bio-sorcerous organ can be milked to
produce 2 Units of rage hormone for use
The Giga Gruun are 15 feet tall, and as a Crafting Additive ( p291). Goop

mostly bone and muscle. Giga Gruun

Empowering: Once per Fight, the Grim Wing

Giga Gruun are Massive ( p434). Imbued item allows you to perform Killservants
Sweep Attack: Flailing arms strikes a Combat Action in addition to Lalka
as Arc Weapons. your usual permitted Action. Master
Focus Attack: Stomps and headbutts 1 Unit •  75 Coins Mundymutts
strike as Mighty Weapons.

MOOD Table Shadow

Choose or roll a Mood Tiny
These biological war machines were Cloud
manufactured to withstand severe 1-5 Subdued Undead
punishment, both physical and magical. Peddler

16 The Giga Gruun accompanying a local Unshaped,

MIGHT (P)* TYPE Monster
+9 81 Bio-sorcerous child out on an errand. They are in Bellzuub
12 DEFT. (P) +6 Defense Rating.
ATTACK HEARTS construction good spirits. Urarani
14 GRIT (P)* Spell disrupting patterns woven Creating
14 2 Average 7 INSIGHT* SIZE Massive into the Giga Gruun’s skin reduce Adversaries
6-14 Sleepy
ALLEGIANCE Unaligned the Damage caused by offensive
¹ Giga Body, Massive (+1) * Overpowering (+2 Might)
Magic Abilities by 1 Heart. The Giga Gruun is napping. The PCs had
² Giga Hide (+6) Indomitable (+2 Grit) Giga Gruun gain an Edge on better not wake it up.
Massive Species (-2) Tragically stupid (-3 Insight)
Checks or Contests that involve
resisting the effects of 15-20 Aggro mode
Habitat: Giga Gruun distrust the dark 
Grab and Restrain opponents in
Magic Abilities.
19 so they remain outdoors in the their enormous hands, or toss them The Giga Gruun is suffering a boredom-
sunny hemisphere. out of the Battlefield. induced rampage… And now its seen
Communication: Giga Gruun only In spite of all their anger, Giga Gruun the PCs.
understand Low Speech and will are fond of tiny creatures and will:
get angry when spoken to in 
Not harm Small PCs or creatures, Giga Gruun are devoid of discipline or
another tongue. unless they are attacking them. grace, they fight with relentless brutality.
to claim any surviving tiny Giga Gruun can be reskinned to represent
Tactics: Giga Gruun are not smart, 
In addition to its other permitted
folk as their pets. trolls, ogres, and other giants.
but know they are strong, and will: Actions, the Giga Gruun can make

Take pleasure in crushing the Indicators: Broken structures, angry a bonus Combat Action ( p254).
strongest opponents first. bellowing, massive footprints.

384 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 385

GRIM WING MEGA BOSS RANK 7 Abilities Spray: The Grim Wing can target
a Battlefield Area up to 1 Area
Murderous skybound tyrant. Engineered by the lost Calian empire, Grim away. A single Attack roll is made ADVERSARIES
Wings are enormous flying beasts that suffer no natural enemy or predator. and compared to the Defense
They snatch up livestock, tear apart sky ships, and terrorize populated areas. The Grim wing casts a massive shadow. Rating of everyone in the
targeted Area. Those hit suffer 1 Using
Sun Blotter Heart of Bright Damage.
Grim Wings are Massive ( p434).
Focused Attack: Mighty Weapon, Jaws/Talons Asura, Lajja

Sweep Attack: Arc Weapon, Wings/Tail Sweep Attack: Tail and wings strike Bizzer
Mana Blast as Arc Weapons. B Adds 1 Bright Allegiance Point. Swarm
Wins all Might Contests unless against
Supernatural Might (Extra Attack) Focus Attack: Talons and fangs
Blaster Mage

Beam strike as Mighty Weapons. Chompa

Bio-Sorcerous Body Range: 2 Areas Chosen one
Damage: 3cc((Bright)
Can see in blinding light Demon,
& total darkness Target must make Blighted
Regenerates 1 per Turn Might Check or be Toppled BIO-SORCEROUS BODY B
Range: 1 Area Constructed to revel in ceaseless battle. Goop
With the proper Ability a Grim Wing’s
Damage: 1cc((Bright) Giga Gruun
Affects everyone in the Area
eyes can be removed and used as
+8 Defense Rating due to its
Crafting Additive ( p291).
Grim Wing
toughened skin and feathers. Killservants
Skybound Destroyer
Swoop Attack The Grim Wing is resilient to pain Attack: Imbued Melee Weapons Lalka
Damage: 3iiii and regains 1 lost Heart every Turn. are given the ability to release Master
Can target anyone The Grim Wing’s eyes can see in arcs of mana that strike as Thrown
in the Areas it
Weapons and inflict Bright Damage.
blinding light and total darkness.
moves through Skelemen
◆◆ Imbued Missile Weapons no
longer require ammunition, and
SKYBOUND DESTROYER B fire bolts that inflict Bright Damage. Tiny
14 MIGHT (P)* TYPE Monster 2 Slots •  150 Coins
+7 7 1
Grim Wings soar on huge leathery wings. Cloud
11 DEFT. (P) Undead
ATTACK HEARTS construction Peddler
14 GRIT (P)*
When flying the Grim Wing is Fast. MOOD Table Unshaped,
16 2/18 3 Av./Fast 4 8 INSIGHT* SIZE Massive
Swoop Attack: In stead of using Bellzuub
DEFENSE SPEED 10 AURA ALLEGIANCE Unaligned Choose or roll a Mood
its other physical Attacks, the Grim Urarani

¹ Sun Blotter (+2 Hearts) * Monstrous (+1 Might) 1 Bright Wing can make a claw Attack Creating
² Sun Blotter, Massive (-2 Defense) Inexorable (+2 Grit)
1-5 Sated
Bio-Sorcerous Body (+8 Defense) Heedless (-2 Insight) that does 3 Hearts of Damage to
³ Speed Bonus, Flying (+2 Defense) anyone standing in a Battlefield
A Grim Wing flies overhead. It will be back
4 Sky Bound Destroyer (+1 Level)
Area it flies through.
when it has finished digesting its last meal.
Habitat: The skies of Outer World. Indicators: Horrible screeches. A
They prefer coastal regions where swift shadow passing overhead. 6-14 Peckish
they can escape to sea if required. Burning corpses and ruins.
6 The Grim Wing tests the PCs, to see if they
Communication: Grim Wings cannot Role Playing Notes: Grim Wings are Burning eyes can fire concentrated mana. are an easy meal.
speak or understand any language, unnatural creatures, created to be
but can sense hostility and fear. living weapons for long forgotten In addition to its other permitted 15-20 Ravenous
11 wars. They are only motivated by Actions, a Grim Wing can use:
Tactics: While violent, Grim Wings hunger, destruction, and a strong The Grim Wing won’t stop until it makes
Beam: The Attack can target an
are not mindlessly so, they will: survival instinct. off with one of the PCs for dinner.
enemy up to 2 Battlefield Areas

Create panic with strafing runs. away. A hit deals 3 Hearts of
17 Customization: Other ‘models’ might
and pummel threatening Bright Damage and forces you RESKIN

Isolate be equipped with Mana Blasts which
prey with everything they have. to make a Might Check or be
inflict less damage but cause Grim Wings can be reskinned as wyverns
Toppled ( p271).

Retreat if things turn sour. Ailments like Petrified or Blinded. or small dragons.

386 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 387
Customization: Individual Maids will Back & Forth without a Fuss
carry different Chosen Weapons.
Service with a sword. Servants are commonly employed by nobles, the rich, Murder Maids zip from place to place with
When working in groups, Maids ADVERSARIES
or the terminally busy. The unpredictable and dangerous nature of the Outer little effort.
will also choose accent colors to
World has seen the emergence of the Killservant, employees whose duties differentiate their uniforms.
Murder Maids have Supernatural
both domestic and martial. Using
Experienced Murder Maids may Leaping ( p107). Adversaries
know Magical Murder Princess Asura, Lajja
Elective Abilities ( p52). Bizzer
YIELD Blaster Mage
They’ll mop the floor with you. Murder Maids will eliminate anyone who Abilities
threatens to disrupt the domestic bliss they maintain. As well as their Immaculate Uniform and Chompa

Chosen Weapon, a Murder Maid will be Chosen one

Immaculate Uniform B carrying a suitable Common Urban Good Demon,
+4/+5 1 4 Out Damn Spot ( p179) such as a dinner service or duster. Blighted

Can spend 1 to re-roll True maids take pride in their appearance, Drones
a failed Attack yet understand their uniform must be fit Goop
14 2 Average Minor Bonus (+2) on for the job at hand. MOOD Table
Giga Gruun
Checks & Contests to do with
DEFENSE SPEED Choose or roll a Mood
keeping things tidy Murder Maids wear Light Armor
Grim Wing

¹ Tidy Battle Stance (+1) combined with an Appealing Outfit.

² Tidy Battle Stance (+2)
1-5 Happy to serve Lalka
Immaculate Uniform (+2) +2 Defense Rating.
Immaculate Uniform The Murder Maid is on a simple errand, Villains
10 MIGHT* Appealing such as collecting their master’s favorite


11 DEFT. (P)* +2 Defense A

food or locating an escaped pet. They
Tidy Battle stance Skelemen
may ask the PCs for assistance.
10 GRIT (P) Shadow
Tidy Battle Stance Maids employ an efficient fighting style
Chosen Weapon that utilizes the tools of their trade with
8 AURA* 6-14 Duty bound Tiny
Arc, Disguised deadly effectiveness. Unhelpful
The Murder Maid encountered is stalking
* Spirited (+1 Might) +2 Defense
* Careful (+1 Deftness)
a target and really does not have time for
+1 Attack Every Murder Maid has a Weapon
* Demure (+1 Aura) Peddler
Type they are proficient in. Using the PCs at the moment. Unshaped,
TYPE Folk their Chosen Weapon provides: Bellzuub

Extradordinary 15-20 Vexed Urarani

+1 Attack Bonus.
SIZE Medium +2 Defense Rating. One of the PCs has incurred the wrath of Adversaries

ALLEGIANCE Unaligned Back & Forth Without a Fuss A Murder Maid’s Chosen Weapon the Murder Maid’s master, or at least they
is always Disguised ( p160). look like someone who has. They won’t
Supernatural leaping
listen to reason unless defeated.

Habitat: Killservants are employed 

Use Back and Forth without a Fuss Out Damn Spot B Reskin
wherever there are folk rich enough to avoid being cornered.
to train and hire them. Surviving enemies, like dirt and grime, are The Murder Maid can be used to

Fight relentlessly, but not with represent a zealous soldier or crusader.
suicidal loyalty. After all, who will considered intolerable filth.
Gear: They wear their Immaculate
Uniform and carry a discrete Chosen clean up the mess if they are killed?
16 Once per Turn the Murder Maid
Weapon. For example, an Arc
Indicators: An extremely neat and can expend 1 Heart to re-roll a
Weapon disguised as a Broom.
tidy area, soft humming and rhythmic failed Attack.
Communication: Low Speech and footsteps. Murder Maids have a Minor Bonus
6 their employer’s preferred language. (+2) on Checks and Contests
Role Playing Notes: Pleasant and
Tactics: Once an individual has been polite when on duty, but individuals connected to keeping things tidy.
targeted they will: can be shy, bubbly or brusque.

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Battle Butlers have a Minor Bonus
(+2) on Checks and Contests
One heck of a steward. Murder Maids are trained to tidy up messy situations
Immaculate Uniform B connected to keeping things ADVERSARIES
whereas Battle Butlers prevent them from occurring in the first place. Calm on track.
and unflappable, they are always present when their master requires. Battle Butler‘s wear tailored outfits that
offer additional levels of protection.
+4/+5 4 Unruffled monotony

YIELD Asura, Lajja
ATTACK HEARTS Can use Action to stop any Battle Butlers wear Light Armor Bizzer
Attack in the same Area as them combined with an Appealing Outfit. As well as their Immaculate Uniform and Swarm
17 2
Fast 3 Requires Grit vs Might Contest Chosen Weapon, a Battle Butler will be in
+2 Defense Rating. Blaster Mage
DEFENSE SPEED Minor Bonus (+2) on the possession of an Oddity ( p180) such Chompa
Checks & Contests to do with
¹ Tidy Battle Stance (+1) as a teapot or pocket watch.
keeping things on track Chosen one
² Tidy Battle Stance (+2)
A Demon,
Immaculate Uniform (+2) Tidy Battle Stance Blighted
Speed Bonus (+2) MOOD Table
Quick Weapon (+1) Immaculate Uniform Battle Butlers are elegant combatants. Drones
³ Expeditious Manner (+1 level) Choose or roll a Mood
Authorititive Goop

+2 Defense Every Battle Butler has a Weapon Giga Gruun


Type they are proficient in. Using 1-5 Congenial Grim Wing
10 DEFT. (P) their Chosen Weapon provides: Killservants
11 GRIT (P)* The Battle Butler is trying to dissuade
+1 Attack Bonus. their master, an Expert ( p185), from Lalka
11 INSIGHT (P)* Tidy Battle Stance +2 Defense Rating. undertaking a dangerous errand, they Master
9 AURA Chosen Weapon may attempt to convince the PCs to take
Quick, Uitility (Timepiece) A Battle Butler’s Chosen Weapon Mundymutts
* A bit thin (-1 Might)
has a Custom Ability ( p160). on the lucrative assignment.
* Stoic (+1 Grit) +2 Defense Skelemen
* Observant (+1 Insight)
+1 Attack Shadow
6-14 Conciliatory Beast

Extradordinary Expeditious Manner B The Battle Butler is travelling with a Unhelpful
Chosen One ( p370) whose quest puts Cloud
SIZE Medium The Battle Butlers move with alacrity.
them in conflict with the PCs. The Butler Undead
will seek peaceful resolution, if possible.
Battle Butlers are Fast. Unshaped,
15-20 Ruthlessly antagonistic Urarani
 isolated, they will withdraw unless Unruffled Monotony A The Battle Butler serves a master who
Habitat: Found in the service of If Adversaries
they are acting as a decoy. opposes the PCs. They attempt to thwart
Outer World’s most wealthy, such as A Battle Butler prefers to prevent a their progress for as long as possible.
the Patricians of Shard or the Samurai disaster rather than mop up afterwards.
of the Seven Holy Isles. Indicators: Noticeably well ordered
areas, the sound of patient footsteps,
A Battle Butler can use their Action Reskin
Gear: They wear their Immaculate a body of someone slain by clean,
Uniform and carry a notable Chosen precise cuts. in an attempt to thwart any weapon
The Battle Butler can be used to represent
Weapon. For example, a duelling Attack made in the same Battlefield
20 Role Playing Notes: Polite to a fault. a loyal and upright bodyguard.
sabre that has a timepiece built in. Area as them.
They put duty before emotion and
This Ability must be declared
Communication: Low Speech and are respectful no matter what their
before an Attack roll is made.
their employer’s preferred language. intent.
Tactics: Butlers work best when they Customization: Experienced Battle vs Requires a Contest
are part of a team and will: Butlers might know Battle Princess The Butler’s Grit vs. the
Elective Abilities ( p42). attacker’s Might.
Attempt to thwart the most
challenging opponent while their Success: The attacker falters and
compatriots pick off the rest. cannot act on their Turn.

390 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 391


Mud Lalka
Exasperating little homunculus. Lalka are small, doll-like elementals whose Requires a Contest
sole purpose is to harass and waylay the enemies of their creator. There are MISCHIEVOUS MINUSCULE B Lalka’s Deftness vs. your Might.
two types: Breeze Lalka, servants formed from the wind and breath, Mud Lalka fit in the palm your hand. Success: The Lalka splatters itself
Lalka, created from blood and earth. over your leg and hardens. You are Using
Petrified ( p270) for 1 Turn. Adversaries
Lalka are Tiny ( p434) Asura, Lajja

+0 1 Up to 3 Lalka can attempt this


Elemental Vex Swarm

ATTACK HEARTS Move an item up to 2 Slots Ability together, each Lalka Blaster Mage
Provide Attack Assist adds +2 to their Contest roll and
13 1
Average prolongs the effect by 1 Turn.
Aura vs. Might Contest to Lalkas have a smidgen of elemental power. Chosen one
Topple or disarm
¹ Mischievous Miniscule, Tiny Breeze Lalka D Adds 1 Dark Allegiance Point. Blighted
Arcane Belagurement
Can summon a powerful breeze to: Drones
6 MIGHT Deft. vs. Grit Contest or be

Balooned for 1 Turn Push over, or move, an object no
8 DEFT. (P)*
larger than 2 Inventory Slots. YIELD Giga Gruun
5 GRIT* Grim Wing
Distract or annoy you, providing
Elemental Vex an Attack Assist ( p256) to an ally. LALKA JAR
7 AURA (P)* Lalka
Mud sling Attempt to blow something out of
* Nimble (+2 Deftness) (Thrown Weapon) your hand or Topple you ( p271). Whoever last held this mundane looking Master
Flakey (-2 Grit) Villains
jar controls the Lalka that was created in it.
Innately magical (+1 Aura) ◆◆ Requires a Contest Mundymutts
Arcane Belagurement If a Jar is smashed the Lalka is set free.
Lalka’s Aura vs. your Might. Skelemen
TYPE Construct Deft. vs. Might Contest
1 Slot •  50 (with Lalka)

Elemental or be Petrified for 1 Turn Mud Lalka Shadow

SIZE Tiny Can sling grime pulled from their Tiny
bodies as if a Thrown Weapon. MOOD Table Unhelpful
ALLEGIANCE Twilight Aligned Cloud
1 Bright Choose or roll a Mood Undead
1 Dark B Adds 1 Bright Allegiance Point. Peddler
1-5 Preoccupied Bellzuub

Attack Assists to help their The Lalka is annoying a commoner and Urarani
Habitat: Lalka are never too far from 
Use Arcane Beleaguerment B
masters and employ Arcane will ignore the PCs unless they interfere Creating
their Lalka Jar, the pot or container in Adversaries
which they were created. A jar may Beleaguerment at key moments. When all else fails, Lalka will sacrifice
be positioned to protect a specific themselves to temporarily delay their foe. 6-14 Protective
location or carried around by their Indicators: Overturned pots and They can even coordinate their efforts
furniture, poorly timed pranks and with their fellow Lalka. The Lalka have been ordered to guard a
master. If freed, Lalka gravitate to
other signs of childish mischief. specific spot or item. They only harass the
locations related to their type. Breeze
Lalka can hurl themselves at you in PCs if they start poking around.
Lalka settle in windy valleys and Role Playing Notes: Lalka have
15 caves, while Mud Lalka enjoy swamps simple thoughts. They are belligerent a self-destructive attempt to slow
and river banks. you down. 15-20 Annoying
and difficult with everyone except
their master or fellow Lalka. Lalka are Whether the attempt is successful The Lalka have been sent to harm and
Communication: Lalka are able to
happy to hurl insults at you but can’t or not, the Lalka is destroyed. hinder the PCs by an old, or unknown, foe.
17 speak and understand Low Speech.
They tend to have squeaky voices. sustain any meaningful dialog. Breeze Lalka
Customization: More powerful Lalka Requires a Contest RESKIN
Tactics: Self-preservation is not a
can reform after using Arcane Lalka’s Deftness vs. your Grit.
factor when confronting foes, they:
2 Beguilement or have additional Success: The Lalka forces its way Create Lalka related to different elements

Use Elemental Vex for hit and run hexes like Mortifying Bloat ( p61) or into an orifice and evaporates. You by re-theming their Abilities.
attacks to weaken or distract foes. Hocus Pox ( p62). are Ballooned ( p268) for 1 Turn.

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MASTER VILLAIN Role Playing Notes: The Oppressor WALL OF BLADES L

is grim, bitter, or weary. They avoid
Heroes on a dark path. In spite of having reached the pinnacle of their pointless chit-chat, but will explain Wild, uncertain, or amateurish attacks
disciplines, or perhaps because of it, these powerful warriors and wizards have their motivations to other warriors. against the Oppressor invite their wrath.

become corrupt and now seek to create or perpetuate a harmful status quo. Customization: Changing the
Oppressor’s combat Gear is a good The Oppressor may immediately Using

way to personalize them. A master make an opportunistic Attack Adversaries

samurai would have a Sky Steel against anyone who fails a Melee Asura, Lajja
Katana, whereas a Junker Warlord Attack on them. Bizzer

Strength is the only truth. A warrior’s strength is guided by many things: the
may have an ancient Gunblade.
Blaster Mage
pursuit of justice, the rush of meeting a worthy challenge, or the camaraderie
Some Oppressors have a fearsome Chompa
formed in battle. When those joys fade, all that remains is dark necessity. mount. Largzards ( p192) are Never SURRENDER A
Chosen one
popular, as are tamed monsters. Pushing an Oppressor to their very limit Demon,

+12 7 Battlefield Domination runs the risk of invigorating them. Blighted


Bonus Attack if foe Abilities
reduced to 0 If reduced to 0 Hearts, the Goop

20 1 Slow 2 Perform Combat Oppressor can attempt to Giga Gruun

reinvigorate themselves.
a wager
1 Superheavy Armor (+8) Immune to Oppressors demonstrate poise and skill Killservants

Battlefield Domination (+2) Terrifed Ailment far beyond that of ordinary warriors. ? Requires a Grit Check Lalka
2 Superheavy Armor (-1 level)
Success: The Oppressor restores 4 Master
Wall of Blades Oppressors get +2 Bonus to their Hearts, and is ready to fight.

15 MIGHT (P)* Bonus Attack if Defense during a Fight.


foe misses their Failure: They will die, but have

Melee Attack Once per Turn, the Oppressor gets enough time left to say something
14 GRIT (P) an additional Attack if they reduce to the people who have managed
10 INSIGHT War God’s Might a foe to 0 with their first Attack. to do the deed. Tiny
13 AURA (P)* Supernatural Might The Oppressor may attempt Unhelpful
* Dominating (+2 Might) Combat Stunts ( p255) without This Ability cannot save them from Undead
* Irrepressible (+1 Grit) Impatient Destroyer making a wager.
* Narrow visioned (-2 Insight)
inescapable death, like being Peddler
Supernatural Leaping crushed by a stone block.
Oppressors are immune to the Unshaped,
TYPE Folk Terrified Ailment ( p271).
Never Surrender

If reduced to 0 Creating
SIZE Medium Grit Check to YIELD Adversaries
restore 4 WAR GOD’S MIGHT A
ALLEGIANCE Unaligned In addition to their Combat Gear, noble or
The Oppressor’s strength is appropriately wealthy Oppressors might have jewels, a
overwhelming. crown, or an impressive mantle.

Habitat: Found leading rampaging  on the defensive against

Go Oppressors have Supernatural MOOD Table
7 armies, ruling lands with an iron fist, numerous, weaker foes to allow Might ( p107).
or wandering solo in search of battle. their Wall of Blades Ability to wear Master Villains are always purposeful,
down their numbers. intent on executing some diabolical
Gear: A Combination Mighty/Master

Utilize Stunts that debilitate and scheme. They will see the PCs as tools or
Weapon and a suit of Superheavy Impatient DESTROYER A
8 disarm worthier opponents threats and react to them accordingly.
Armor, both made of Shade Iron.

Separate enemy groups to The Oppressor can rapidly close the
Communication: Oppressors know circumvent swarming tactics. distance on their chosen enemy. Reskin
Low Speech and an additional
language from their home region. Indicators: The piled bodies of Oppressors have Supernatural Oppressors can play the part of a
inferior foes, the loud clanking of Leaping ( p107). genocidal warlord, the commander of a
Tactics: Oppressors are exceptional
armor, a voice devoid of fear. fearsome order, or a fallen hero.
and versatile tacticians and will:

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Hurl foes off high places using
Spell Force: With the use of an
Spell Force.
Action the Pedagogue is able to
Archsage with a joyless heart. When whimsy and mirth are discarded in cold 
Use Burden on annoyingly quick or manipulate, push, or lift objects up ADVERSARIES
pursuit of eldrich knowledge and power, a wizard’s soul will degrade. mobile opponents. to 15ft away.

Engage in a bit of small talk with The force can be as delicate or
Congruent Consciousness a group of would-be meddlers Using
strong as an adult human hand. Adversaries
Edge on all Insight rolls so they can use their Infinite
If used in a Check or Contest, the Asura, Lajja
Extra Action per Turn, for Reference on each of them.
Magical Abilities only bearer’s Insight is used, instead Bizzer

Indicators: The glow of recently of Might or Deftness. Swarm

Barrier This Ability can be used to Attack
Blaster Mage
activated mana, spells chanted in
Magician’s Apparatus Must be destroyed before monotone, corpses pulverized by a foe up to 2 Battlefield Areas Chompa
Pedagogue can be hit
unknown forces. away. This requires an Attack Chosen one
Wizard Sight Defense Rating: 16
Hearts Total: 3 roll, does 2 Hearts of Damage, Demon,
Can ‘see’ in the dark Role Playing Notes: Pedagogues are
Requres Action
and leaves the target Toppled Blighted

Mage Flight withdrawn at best and insufferable at ( p271). Drones

to restore
Can fly or hover worst during interaction. Clearly no
one is as smart as they are, so they Infinite Reference: The Apparatus Goop
Spell Force find most forms of discussion entirely is constantly scrying and absorbing Giga Gruun
Range: 1 Area knowledge for the Pedagogue
Can manipulate, lift, push Insight vs. pointless. They find exceptionally
Grim Wing

objects from15ft away to use at a later date. With the

MIght/Deft Contest intelligent individuals intriguing, and Killservants
Can use as Attack Restrains all limbs use of an Action the Pedagogue
may actually converse with them Lalka
Range: 2 Areas can attempt to retrieve useful
given the opportunity. Ultimately, Master
Damage: 2 + Toppled Blast information about a particular
however, their schemes and long Villains
Range: 1 Area person, place, thing, or concept
Infinite Reference term goals take precedence. Mundymutts
All foes in target Area they may not have heard of before.
Insight Check to ‘learn’ Insight vs. Deft. Contest
useful information. Customization: Some Pedagogues Requires an Insight Check
Damage: 2 (Bright) Shadow
Requires Action and might use Advanced Sage or Heretic Beast
Success: They have gained
Insight Checks Burden Abilities instead of Bind, Blast, Tiny
functional knowledge of the
or Burden. Unhelpful
Range: 2 Areas subject referenced: known Cloud
Insight vs. Might Contest weaknesses, probable location Undead
Target Overburdened Abilities or intentions, etc. Peddler
MAGICIAN’S APPARATUS L B Adds 2 Bright Allegiance Points. Urarani

10 MIGHT TYPE Monster Creating

+8 7 Undead The Pedagogue has compressed their Adversaries
13 DEFT. (P)
ATTACK HEARTS magical tools into a single worn device.
While it resembles an ornate bracelet or
12 1 Average 16 INSIGHT (P)*
ALLEGIANCE Twilight Aligned pendant, it is so much more. The Pedagogue mind is active, even
DEFENSE SPEED 15 AURA (P)* 4 Bright when they sleep, their dreams replaced
¹ Light Armor (+2) * Gnarled (-2 Might) 4 Dark The Magician’s Apparatus has the with rational thought. There is work to be
Withered (-2 Grit)
Brilliant (+3 Insight) following functions: done, after all.
15 Overwhelming (+2 Aura) Wizard Sight: The Apparatus sends
out a subtle mana pulse that scans Benefits from an Edge on all
Habitat: Due to their paranoia, Communication: Pedagogues are the environment every few seconds Insight rolls.
Pedagogues prefer places where able to speak and understand Low allowing the Pedagogue to ‘see’
4 Can perform an extra Action per
they can remain hidden whilst they Speech and 3 additional languages even if in complete darkness or Turn if used to perform one of the
formulate their plans. This could be a based on their homeland. physically blinded. Pedagogue’s Magical Abilities, but
remote location or in a busy the same Ability may not be used
metropolis where they can blend Tactics: Pedagogues are ruthless and Mage Flight: The Apparatus
13 efficient in battle and will: creates a cushion of mana for the twice in the same Turn.
with the crowd.
Pedagogue to rest upon, allowing
Gear: Light Armor and their 
Use Blast directly after using Bind
them to fly and hover. D Adds 2 Dark Allegiance Points.
Magician’s Apparatus. to ensnare a group of targets.

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Mana is constantly flowing within and The Pedagogue is able to agitate large Master Villains are always purposeful,
around the Pedagogue. It is a simple clusters of mana to create a powerful MAGICIAN’S APPARATUS intent on executing some diabolical
matter for them to turn it into a flexible, explosion. This spell is a favorite way to scheme. They will see the PCs as tools or
flowing defensive field. clear away rabble. The Apparatus can be used by a Sage, threats and react to them accordingly.
though it is a complex and stressful
The Barrier must be destroyed The Pedagogue may use Blast to artifact to use. Asura, Lajja
before the Pedagogue can be target a Battlefield Area adjacent to Bizzer
targeted directly. the one they currently occupy. A Sage must make an Insight
Pedagogues can be used to portray
Check when attempting to use any
The Barrier has: the cruel master of an ancient tower, Blaster Mage
of the Apparatus’s listed Abilities
Defense Rating 16 vs Requires a Contest a schemer seeking immortality, or a Chompa
( p397).
The Pedagogue’s Insight vs. the mysterious hooded figure expediting the Chosen one
3 Hearts, world’s tragic destiny.
Deftness of those inside the 1 Slot •  5 Gems Demon,
The Barrier is active at the beginning targeted Area.

of each Fight (unless Ambushed!). Drones

Anyone in the targeted Area that
The Pedagogue can use an Action loses the Contest takes 2 Hearts

to restore the Barrier if destroyed. worth of Bright Damage.

Giga Gruun
Grim Wing
The GM may decide that easily
B Adds 1 Bright Allegiance Point. destructible objects, such as glass

bottles, are destroyed if caught in Lalka

the area of the Blast. Master

BIND A Mundymutts
B Adds 1 Bright Allegiance Point. Skelemen
The Pedagogue is able to coerce dark
mana into thick cords that can entangle. Shadow
The Pedagogue can use an Action Unhelpful
to attempt to Bind foes in the Cloud
The Pedagogue is able to weigh down a
Battlefield Area they currently Undead
target by smothering them in dense mana. Peddler
occupy, or any adjacent to it. Unshaped,
The Pedagogue can use an Action
vs Requires a Contest in an attempt to Burden a target up

The Pedagogue’s Insight vs. the to 2 Battlefield Areas away. Creating

Might (or Deftness if higher) of
those inside the targeted Area.
vs Requires a Contest
Success: Cords of dark mana snare The Pedagogue’s Insight vs.
and wrap around any target that the target’s Might.
lost the Contest. All their limbs are
Success: Heavy globs of dark mana
Restrained ( p270).
cling to the target, making them
19 Restrained targets, or assisting Overburdened ( p270).
allies, may use an Action to make
Burdened targets, or assisting
a Might or Deftness Check to cut
allies, may use an Action to make
the binding. To do this, a sharp
a Might Check to tear away the
5 implement is required.
accumulated mana.
The cords dissolve immediately if
they are no longer binding anyone.
D Adds 1 Dark Allegiance Point.
D Adds 1 Dark Allegiance Point.

398 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 399
Customization: Senior Mange Yield
Bandits might know Raider ( p35) or
Dogged opponents. The Mundymutts were once relatively unknown to Outer Sneak ( p23) Elective Abilities. Mange Bandits have 1d20 of ill-gotten
World’s folk. But a now a recent diaspora means the best, and worst, of these gains. They’ll also have a ‘Cool Thing’: a
piece of Magical Material ( p288) or a
bipedal canines can be found anywhere. Abilities
Curiosity ( p180). This is usually buried Using
in a secret location and used as leverage Adversaries
Doggone Good Sense B when pleading with the PCs. Asura, Lajja
Mundymutts hear and smell better than
Ruff neck miscreant. Outcasts banished from their pack for heinous crimes.
any other species in the Outer World. MOOD Table Blaster Mage
The exile extends to their offspring, resulting in the formation of bandit packs.
Choose or roll a Mood Chompa
Mange have an Edge on all Insight Chosen one
Checks and Contests involving
+0 1 1-5 Skittish

hearing or sense of smell. For Blighted
example, tracking or sniffing out a A lone Mange Bandit has just finished
Doggone Good Sense Drones
14 1 Fast 2
hidden or disguised individual. burying their Cool Thing. They will do their
Edge on Insight Checks Goop
DEFENSE SPEED & Contests using Mange can smell mana and can tell best to depart without looking suspicious. Giga Gruun
hearing or smell when magic of any kind is being Grim Wing
¹ Light Armor (+2)
Speed Bonus (+2)
Can smell magic used, or was recently used, nearby. 6-14 Passive aggressive Killservants
² Stray’s Step (+1 level) They can even discern between
Bright and Dark mana. The Mange Bandits are camped across Lalka

Things not native to Outer World a bridge or pathway and are asking for Master

(Dimensional Strays, Asuras, Devas, small ‘donations’. They will turn hostile if
7 DEFT. (P)*
the PCs are uncharitable.

6 GRIT (P)
etc.) smell ‘off’ and make them Skelemen
uneasy. This could explain their
7 INSIGHT (P)* Shadow
infamous dislike of the Rai-Neko. 15-20 Active aggressive Beast
* Quick paws (+1 Deftness) Ambush! The PCs have sprung a trap set Unhelpful
* Good nose (+1 Insight) up by a pack of desperate Mange Bandits. Cloud
* Yappy (-1 Aura) Stray’s Step B Undead
TYPE Folk Bandit pups learn fast that stragglers are ReSKIN Unshaped,

Animal-kin left behind. Bellzuub

Replace Doggone Good Sense with Urarani
SIZE Medium
another set of Species Abilities to make a
Mange Bandits are Fast. Creating
ALLEGIANCE Unaligned swift footed bandit. Adversaries

Habitat: These strays have spread 

Use ranged attacks when they are
from the Pride Coast, their ancestral low in number.
homeland, in search of coin. 
Will only engage in melee if they
8 are confident of the win.
Gear: Light Armor, a Standard
Weapon, and some Thrown Weapons.
Indicators: Gnawed sticks, the sound
Communication: Low Speech and of growling and howling, corpses
19 with throwing knives in their backs.
another language related to their
home region. They refuse to learn
Role Playing Notes: Packs consist of
Hoshi-Ban, the tongue of cats.
varied personalities. Universally
20 pragmatic and ruthless, most have a
Tactics: Mange are cowardly
combatants and will: strong sense of loyalty to the pack
and feel they are in it together,

Use ambush techniques. surviving in a cruel world.

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Woofing wayfarer. Proudhounds once belonged to tightly knit clans, but have The body can be stripped of its Heavy
dispersed. A few remain in their ancestral homeland trying to eke out a new Doggone Good Sense B Armor and Packsword. However, a felled
life, or struggling to preserve the old one. Many have taken to wandering. The Proudhound is traditionally buried with their
Mundymutts hear and smell better than Packsword and taking one is considered
Proudhounds seek fame and fortune to immortalize their lost clans. any other species in the Outer World.
offensive by other Mundymutts. In Adversaries
addition to their combat gear they will Asura, Lajja
Proudhounds have an Edge on possess an Oddity ( p179): a chew toy,
+4/+5 1 4

all Insight Checks and Contests tankard, or a memento from home. Swarm
involving hearing or sense of smell. Blaster Mage
16 2 Average Combination Weapon Proudhounds can smell mana and Chompa
DEFENSE SPEED can tell when magic of any kind is Chosen one
being used, or was recently used, Choose or roll a Mood Demon,
¹ Packsword (+1) Canine Pounce
² Heavy Armor (+6) nearby. They can even discern Blighted
Supernatural Leaping between Bright and Dark mana. Drones
Leap Attack 1-5 Uproarious
10 MIGHT (P) Things not native to Outer World

+2 to hit
8 DEFT.* +1 Damage smell ‘off’ and make them uneasy. The Proudhound is travelling on the same Giga Gruun
self-inflicts 1 d This could explain their infamous path as the PC and loudly singing an old
12 GRIT (P)* Grim Wing
dislike of the Rai-Neko. drinking song.
11 INSIGHT (P)* Killservants

9 AURA* Fearsome Growl Lalka

Grit Contest or 6-14 Suspicious
* Rough (-1 Deftness) Master
Terrified Villains
* Stalwart (+2 Grit) Canine Pounce A
The Proudhound is in pursuit of someone
* Aware (+1 Insight) Mundymutts
accused of a loathsome crime. They will
Doggone Good Sense Proudhounds can bound into battle.
TYPE Folk challenge the PCs if they act suspiciously. Skelemen
Edge on Insight Checks

Animal-kin & Contests using Proudhounds have Supernatural Beast
SIZE Medium hearing or smell Leaping ( p107). 15-20 Baring Teeth Tiny
Can smell magic Unhelpful
ALLEGIANCE Unaligned Leap Attack: After leaping, An enemy has hired the Proudhound to Cloud
Proudhounds can use their Action slay or capture the PCs. The Proudhound Undead
to deliver a shuddering blow that: will be accompanied by companions if the Peddler

Gains a +2 to hit. PCs offer a significant challenge. Unshaped,

Habitat: Most common around the 
Use Canine Pounce to quickly Does +1 Heart of Damage. Urarani
Pride Coast, their ancestral dispatch a weakened adversary. RESKIN
homeland, Proudhounds travel far Drains 1 Heart from the Creating
and wide in search of worthy foes. Indicators: A wistful howl in the wind, Proudhound whether the Attack Proudhounds can be reskinned to make
heavy paw prints, corpses with large lands or not. other animalistic humanoids. Swap out
Gear: Heavy Armor and a slash wounds Doggone Good Sense for aquatic abilities
Packsword (Might/Master to create toad-men (Croaks), or swap
Combination Weapon). Role Playing Notes: Proudhounds
are dignified mercenaries and are Fearsome Growl B Canine Pounce for the Big Eater Quirk
Communication: Low Speech and ( p137) to create pig-men (Porcs).
occasionally too honest for such a
19 another language related to their An especially intimidating bark.
profession. They are tremendously
home region. They refuse to learn loyal, and are unlikely to betray PLAYABLE
Hoshi-Ban, the tongue of cats. friends or employers. Once per Fight the Proudhound
can use their Turn to snarl and bark Mundymutts could be used as a playable
4 Tactics: Proudhounds abhor Customization: Proudhound breeds in an attempt to scare adversaries Species if your GM agrees. Whether
deception and other tricks and will: also come in Small (Puggoe) and within a range of 1 Battlefield Area. Mange or Proudhound, both would have

Seek a head-to-head fight Large (Bernord) varieties. Each clan is the following Species Abilities:
whenever practical. known for having a different Mighty vs Requires a Grit Contest
8 Innate Ability: Dogged Good Sense.
Combination Weapon as their

Target challenging or skilled signature Packsword. Note, Small Success: You are Terrified ( p271)
Maturative Ability: Fearsome Growl.
warriors first. Proudhounds can still use their until the Proudhound is dealt with.
Species Size: Small, Medium, or Large.
Packsword without penalty.

402 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 403

Skelemen Role Playing Notes: Prone to Yield

insulting or dramatic gestures.
Magic infused remains. Mana flows through all of Outer World’s living beings, Amused by their own brilliance.
and some claim it ‘gets in your bones’. The unsleep is a curse for those with Customization: Increase the threat
ruthless ambition, those afflicted rise in an endless pursuit of power and riches. by equipping them with better A Skeleman’s skull remains animated even
weapons or armor. Skelemen could when the rest of its body is crushed.
also be made from the bones of While it will try to be dangerous, gnashing
Large or Small Species ( p106).
Asura, Lajja
its teeth pointlessly, it is a harmless
Vanglorious bones. Skelemen are the reanimated remains of the greedy or novelty item. Swarm
the criminally ambitious. Death is not the end for the excessively conniving. Abilities 1 Slot •  5 Coins Blaster Mage

+0 1 Chosen one


Pull Yourself Together Blighted
Skelemen are not subject to the afflictions Choose or roll a Mood
Reassembles 3 Turns after
10/11 1 Average that plague the living.
being reduced to 0 iii
1-5 Preoccupied
¹ Quick Weapon Immune to Fatigue, Starvation, Giga Gruun

Suffocation, and aging. The Skelemen are busy distributing the Grim Wing
Living Dead
eyes and tongues of recent victims, one of
6 MIGHT Immune to ailments Immune to toxins that target living Killservants

whom may still be bound and alive! They

7 DEFT. (P)* that affect the flesh tissue which are ingested, inhaled, Lalka
ignore the PCs, unless provoked
5 or injected. Master
GRIT* or annoyed. Villains
6 INSIGHT (P) Can only be animated when within Mundymutts
7 AURA (P)* 1 mile of a living creature (Bio-
Mechanoids do not count) or a 6-14 Embarrassed Skelemen
* Sneaky (+1 Deftness)
* Brittle (-1 Grit) Skelemonarch ( p408). When out The Skelemen are in the midst of setting
* Scary (+1 Aura) of range they are aware but inert. up a trap or ambush. Awkward. Tiny
TYPE Monster Cloud
D Adds 1 Dark Allegiance Point.

Undead 15-20 Hateful Undead

SIZE Medium The Skelemen are aware of the PCs’ Unshaped,
approach, and haven’t had a chance to Bellzuub
2 Dark mix it up with the living for quite a while. Urarani

You can’t keep an evil Skeleman down. Creating

to be normal corpses then When reduced to 0 Hearts, or less,
Habitat: Old roads, tunnels or ruins 
Skelemen can be reskinned as enchanted
suddenly spring into action at an their bones clatter to the ground,
where they can ambush passers-by. dolls or robotic creatures that possess a
opportune moment. but over the next 3 Turns they will
Gear: Armed with a Standard or reform, all Hearts restored. primitive self-assembly function.

Defend fallen allies in order to give
Quick Weapon that’s ravaged The GM may decide a crushing or
them time to Self-Assemble.
by time. obliterating attack prevents
9  to take a hostage, to later
Try Self-Assembly. Otherwise, you’ll
Communication: They cannot speak, carefully remove their eyes and need to take a Turn to shatter the
so use mime and gesticulation tongue, for use in their transition skull to prevent reanimation.
instead. They understand Low into Skelemasters ( p406).
Speech and any other languages
they knew in their previous lives. Indicators: The sound of clacking D Adds 1 Dark Allegiance Point.
bones, corpses with eyes and
Tactics: They target the unsuspecting tongues removed, fresh blood on
8 or solitary, working as a group to discarded weapons.
ambush or distract. They will:

404 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 405
If more than one Skelemaster
SKELEMASTER BOSS RANK 4 Skelemasters are instantly aware of
inhabits the same Adventure Site,
anything a Skeleman or Clacking
Bossy bones. A Skeleman that has claimed the eyes and tongue of the living they will try to undermine or usurp
Cranium within 1 mile of them sees
the other whilst dealing with the PCs.
gains enhanced vision, the power of speech, and poisonous ambition. or hears.
Customization: Arm with different The ability is limited to a 1 mile
weapons, or heavier armor, at the radius from the Skelemaster
+3/+4 1

lamented expense of style. Toughen
ATTACK HEARTS Pull Yourself Together them up with a Champion or Raider’s
Asura, Lajja

Reassembles 3 Turns after Elective Ability. D Adds 1 Dark Allegiance Point. Bizzer
14 2 Average
being reduced to 0iiii

¹ Master Weapon (+1) Abilities Chompa

² Medium Armor (+4)
Living Dead Chosen one

Immune to ailments LIVING DEAD B Demon,


that affect the flesh YACKING CRANIUM Blighted

10 DEFT. (P)* Skelemasters are not subject to the Drones

A Skelemaster’s skull remains animated
7 GRIT* afflictions that plague the living. Goop
even when the rest of its body is crushed.
10 INSIGHT (P)* Giga Gruun
Its eyes swivel wildly in their sockets and it
10 AURA (P)* Immune to Fatigue, Starvation, Grim Wing
spits insults at its keeper.
* Lazy bones (-1 Might) Suffocation, and aging. Killservants
Eager hands (+1 Deftnesss ) Immune to toxins that target living 1 Slot •  10 Coins Lalka
Brittle (-1 Grit)
Actual eyes (+1 Insight) Hollow Eyed Servant tissue which are ingested, inhaled, Master
Silver tongue (+1 Aura) Can see and hear or injected, except… MOOD Table
* everything their Mundymutts
The eyes and tongue are still
Monster Skelemen can Choose or roll a Mood
TYPE subject to attacks that target living Skelemen

Undead tissues. Destroying them demotes Shadow

SIZE Medium them to a Skeleman ( p404). 1-5 False humility
The Skelemaster is the sole survivor of a
ALLEGIANCE Dark Aligned Cloud
3 Dark D Adds 1 Dark Allegiance Point. calamitous skirmish. After sizing up the Undead
PCs, they will attempt to misdirect them, Peddler
flee, or bargain for safe passage. Unshaped,
Habitat: Often found accompanying 
Gather as much information as Urarani
large groups of Skelemen. The possible on unknown foes before 6-14 Jealous
You can’t keep an evil Skelemaster down. Creating
boldest use masks and disguises to confronting them directly. Adversaries
The Skelemaster likes a weapon, outfit, or
infiltrate cities. 
Only join a battle when they have When reduced to 0 Hearts, or less, other visible item one of the PCs owns.
established a clear advantage. their bones clatter to the ground, They’ll be willing to let them pass by if
Gear: Usually wear Medium Armor in
conjunction with an Authoritative or but over the next 3 Turns they will they hand it over.
Indicators: The sound of wicked
Appealing Outfit. Most will wield a reform, all Hearts restored.
cackling, the glint of a well kept
Master Weapon. weapon among rusted ones, The GM may decide a crushing or 15-20 Something to prove
disturbingly organized Skelemen. obliterating attack prevents
7 Communication: They have high The Skelemaster’s troops have begun to
Self-Assembly. Otherwise, you’ll
pitched, nasally voices. They can Role Playing Notes: Skelemasters are question their fighting prowess, so they
need to take a Turn to shatter the
speak Low Speech and any other as conniving as their Skeleman are particularly keen to show they are
skull to prevent reanimation.
languages they knew when alive. minons, but their love of dramatics is worthy of leadership.
Tactics: Skelemasters stick to the tempered by a sadistic streak and an
D Adds 1 Dark Allegiance Point.
same tactics used by Skelemen, increased desire for self preservation. RESKIN
although they will utilize decoy Skelemaster literally love the sound
6 groups and more sophisticated hit Replacing Shared Sense with a
of their own voice and their recently
and run tactics. They are also more HOLLOW EYED SERVANTS A Calling Elective Ability can change the
acquired tongues can make them
cautious and they will: Skelemaster into a solitary undead foe.
prone to monologuing or singing. Skelemen keep a hollow-eyed vigil for
their masters.
406 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 407

are not just heartless, they are
Autarch of the fleshless. When an ancient ritual seals a powerful soul within actively cruel. They taunt opposition Skelemonarchs issue their despicable
the body of a Skelemaster, the result is an ageless tyrant. in hopes of rash retaliation, and commands at the speed of thought.

adorn skeletons under their

command with mementos of their Skelemonarchs are instantly Using
Living Dead past lives so they can point them out aware of anything a Skelemaster, Adversaries
Macarbe Aura
Immune to ailments to loved ones seeking revenge. Skeleman, or Clacking Cranium Asura, Lajja
Parry once per Round
as Standard Shield that affect the flesh within 1 mile of them sees or hears.
Customization: Some Skelemonarchs Bizzer
might inflict other Ailments with their Skelemonarchs are also able to
Pull Yourself Together Hollow Eyed Servant
telepathically communicate with
Blaster Mage
Curse of the Skull Ability.
Reassembles 3 Turns after Can see and hear
any Skelemen or Skelemasters Chompa
being reduced to 0iiii everything their
Skelemen can within a 1 mile range. Chosen one
When at 0 the Soul Stone Abilities Demon,
is exposed Blighted
D Adds 1 Dark Allegiance Point. Drones
Skelemancy LIVING DEAD B

Soul Stone Skull Shot Skelemonarchs are not subject to the Giga Gruun
1 20 Aura vs. Deft. Contest afflictions that plague the living. Grim Wing
Magic Material Range: 2 Areas
Damage: 2 (Dark) Mana swirls around the Skelemonarch, Killservants
Immune to Fatigue, Starvation, and deflecting or absorbing inbound attacks. Lalka
Bone Brambles Suffocation. Master
Curse of the Skull Battlefield Area Immune to toxins that target living + 6 Defense Rating. Villains
If in the same Area win becomes Isolated tissue which are ingested, inhaled, Mundymutts
Aura vs. Grit Contest or be Can Parry once per Round as a
or injected. Standard Shield ( p169).
Putified and lose 1 per Turn
If reduced to 0 Any Skeleman within 1 mile of the Shadow
become Skeleman Skelemonarch remains animated.
D Adds 1 Dark Allegiance Point. Tiny
D Adds 1 Dark Allegiance Point.
A Peddler
SELF ASSEMBLY B Skelemonarchs’ dark magic, characterized Bellzuub

10 MIGHT TYPE Monster by grand gestures and ominous laughter. Urarani

+6 5
11 DEFT. (P) Undead The Skelemonarch will return. Creating
8 GRIT* SIZE Medium Once per Turn, the Skelemonarch
16 1 Average 13 INSIGHT (P)* When reduced to 0 Hearts, or less, can use one of the following:
ALLEGIANCE Dark Aligned their bones clatter to the ground,
DEFENSE SPEED 13 AURA (P)* 7 Dark Skull Shot: The Skelemonarch can
but over their next 3 Turns they will attempt to throw a cackling mana
¹ Macabre Aura * Just a skeleton (-2 Grit)
Omniscient (+2 Insight)
reform, all Hearts restored. skull at you from up to 2 Areas away.
Terrifiying (+2 Aura) The Skelemonarch’s glowing Soul Requires a Contest
17 Stone is revealed while they are The Skelemonarch’s Aura vs.
Habitat: Usually found in one of two Tactics: Despite their great power, inert (20 Defense, 1 Heart).
places: in their ghastly stronghold, or Skelemonarchs avoid direct your Deftness.
behind a skeletal horde. confrontation, obscuring themselves It can only be sundered with an Success: You take 2 Hearts of
behind a loyal horde. The living are Imbued Weapon, an Artifact, or a Dark Damage.
5 Gear: Each Skelemonarch has it own granted audience only to be destructive magical Ability.
individual style, but most are partial Bone Brambles: Twisted bone
subjected to the Curse of the Skull. Only if the Soul Stone is spikes erupt in the Battlefield Area
to ceremonial regalia. Sundered ( p263) will the
Indicators: A garrison of highly the Skelemonarch occupies, giving
11 Communication: They are able to Skelemonarch crumble to dust. it the Isolated Condition ( p250).
organized Skelemasters and
speak Low Speech, Dark Tongue and Skelemen, the sound of crackling
any other languages they knew when energy, husks of discarded flesh... D Adds 1 Dark Allegiance Point. D Adds 1 Dark Allegiance Point.
they were alive.

408 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 409
CURSE OF THE SKULL L Defense: The Imbued item,
surrounded by dark Mana, can
The Skelemonarch’s hatred of flesh is so
Parry a single Attack once per Skeleman Skelemaster Skelemonarch ADVERSARIES
strong that it lashes out at anyone nearby.
Fight as if using a Standard Shield MOOK BOSS MEGA BOSS
( p169). This is in addition to any
The Skelemonarch can attempt to Parries the item already provides. Using
convert you, or any other organic Adversaries
creature in its Battlefield Area, into Attack: Once per Turn the Imbued Asura, Lajja
one of its lifeless subjects. Weapon can fire a cackling mana
skull at a target, with the same Swarm
effectiveness as a Small Mechanical Blaster Mage
vs Requires a Contest Missile Weapon. The skull inflicts
The Skelemonarch’s Aura vs.
Dark Damage.
your Grit. Chosen one

Success: Your body begins to 1 Unit • 2 Gems Demon,

wither and becomes Putrefied Drones
( p270), you lose 1 Heart per Turn. Mood Table Goop
The Curse won’t manifest if you Giga Gruun
Choose or roll a Mood
make a successful Grit Check Grim Wing
when your Hearts reach 0, or the
1-5 Whimsical
Putrefied Aliment is removed
by another Ability, or the Lalka

Skelemonarch is slain. The Skelemonarch has recently Master

succeeded in some dread scheme and is Villains
If the Curse is blocked you will in an unusual mood. They will gladly allow Mundymutts
return to physical normalcy in a few the PCs to live if they do a little dance, cut Skelemen
moments, though you still suffer off a strip of flesh, or perform some other Shadow
from any lost Hearts if the Fight is belittling or horrific act to amuse them. Beast
still in progress. Tiny
Failing the Grit Check at 0 Hearts 6-14 Curious
results in your flesh melting away. Undead
You have been transformed The Skelemonarch has been locked away Peddler
into a subservient Skeleman, or for some time, and is currently unaware of Unshaped,
Skelemaster if you are Rank 5 the state of the world. They may politely Bellzuub

or higher. ask the party for information. This doesn’t Urarani

Failure: You resist and are immune guarantee their survival, though. Creating
to the Curse for 24 hours.
Bio-Mechanoids, and other forms 15-20 Hostile/Bloodthirsty
of inorganic life, are immune to The Bony Crusade has begun, and no
the Curse. fleshling will survive!

D Adds 2 Dark Allegiance Points.


Replace the Skelemonarch’s Abilities with

Yield some Advanced Sage or Heretic Abilites
1 to create an undead sorcerer.
If you’re ok with it, players who are
really, really unhappy about dying
can come back as a Skeleman. In this
The remains of a Skelemonarch carry a
2 case, they lose their Innate Species
small echo of their malevolent power Abilities and gain Living Dead and
which can be used as a powerful Crafting Self-Assembly in their place.
Additive ( p291).

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SHADOW BEAST MEGA BOSS RANK 8 Habitat: Shadow Beasts are only Indicators: Corpses and scenery that
found in the Wistful Dark due to the have been melted away, dark mist,
The wrath of the departed. Shadow Beasts are born of tragedy. When a large region’s high levels of dark mana. terrible cries and moans, an
number of individuals die during a violent or gruesome event, it can poison Reports from the Hollow Queen’s acrid smell. ADVERSARIES

Kingdom suggest they clash with the

the ambient mana. This corrupted mana can coalesce and congeal into a Role Playing Notes: Shadow Beasts
region’s other curious creatures.
terrible, destructive mass that lashes out at everything that moves. are the personification of suffering Using
Communication: It cannot and rage, they are not interested in
meaningfully communicate. The discourse and will attack anything
Asura, Lajja

temporary faces that emerge on its that moves. The howling faces that Bizzer
Tragic Behemoth Swarm
body only wail in remembrance, and move along their surface are
Focused Attack: Mighty Weapon, Stomp/Bite the creature itself thinks only individually comprehensible, even if
Blaster Mage

Sweep Attack: Arc Weapon, Neck/Limbs of destruction. they only beg or cry. Maybe the PCs

Wins all Might Contests unless against Supernatural Might recognizes one of the faces. Chosen one
Tactics: The Beasts are instinctual Demon,
Forsaken Shadow rather than strategic and will: Customization: Replace their Caustic Blighted
Sunlight inflicts Terrified Ailment on the beast Miasma with an Ability that is related Drones

Rely on their Caustic Miasma to to the originating event. For
Dark Damage heals 1 Goop
clear out weaker foes, saving example, innocents gunned down by
Bright Damage inflicts +1
their direct attacks for their more mercenaries might create a Shadow
Giga Gruun

Howls of the Lost

powerful opponents. Beast that shoots black spines from
Grim Wing

If within 1 Area make Grit Check 

Focus on targets that remind them its body.

or be Dispirited of their tragic origin. For example, Lalka

armored warriors may enrage a Master

Surging Darkness Beast who came into being after Villains

Can access Isolated the slaughter of a nomad village by Mundymutts

Battlefield Areas the Knights of the Sacred Chain. Skelemen
Caustic Miasma Peddler
The Battlefield Area the
beast occupies is Harmful Bellzuub


16 MIGHT (P)* TYPE Monster

+8 7 Abberation
1 8 DEFT.*
11 GRIT (P) SIZE Massive
16 1
Fast 2 8 INSIGHT*
4 Dark
¹ Tragic Behemoth, Massive (-2) * Inexorable (+3 MIght)
Surging Darkness (+6) Clumsy (-2 Deftness)
Speed Bonus (+2) Destructive monomania (-2 Insight)
² Surging Darkness (+1 level) Intense (+2 Aura)

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Shadow Beasts fear light, knowing Choose or roll a Mood

Tragic Behemoth B instinctively that it is their only real SHADOW STONES
weakness. Darkness, no matter how 1-5 Preoccupied
Even though their shape is in constant malicious, only comforts them. A Shadow Beast melts away dramatically
flux, a Shadow Beast is always when slain, leaving behind up to 3
The Shadow Beast is in the process of Adversaries
frightfully large. If the Shadow Beast comes within Shadow Stones ( p180). These Shadow slaughtering a group of bandits. It pays no Asura, Lajja
2 Battlefield Areas of a Star Gem, Stones are unusual in that they resemble attention to the PCs unless they interfere. Bizzer
Shadow Beasts are Massive or other source of sunlight, it is a black egg embossed with an eerie Swarm
( p434). automatically Terrified ( p271). The looking face. It is believed that swallowing
one of these stones will turn mortals into 6-14 Wistful Blaster Mage

Sweep Attack: Long neck and Beast will retreat from the source if Chompa
limbs strike as Arc Weapons. at all possible. terrible creatures, but this has not been The Shadow Beast is in an unusual state, Chosen one
verified. This unique variety of Shadow its wrath has given way to melancholy. It
Focus Attack: Stomps and bites Attacks inflicting Bright Damage Stone may also be ground down for use Demon,
sifts through the remains of some ruined
strike as Mighty Weapons. receive a +1 Damage bonus as a Crafting Additive ( p291).
home, and is examining a discarded toy.
against the Shadow Beast. Drones
Attacks inflicting Dark Damage do Defense: Imbued Items will reduce
15-20 Inflamed
SURGING DARKNESS B not harm the Shadow Beast, and the effectiveness of Attacks that do
Giga Gruun

will actually restore 1 lost Heart. Dark Damage by 1 Heart. One of the PCs has a History or Calling Grim Wing
The Shadow Beast’s body moves like
Light from a mundane source, such Attack: Imbued Weapons deal that was responsible for the Shadow Killservants
liquid darkness, yet remains concrete.
as a lantern or torch, only serves to Dark Damage. Beast’s existence. This is enough to Lalka

aggravate the Shadow Beast. They earn its relentless fury; it will need to be Master
The Shadow Beast is Fast. 1 Unit •  50 Coins defeated, outsmarted, or outrun!
know it is only a pale imitation of Villains

+6 Defense Rating, the Shadow what they truly fear. Mundymutts

Beast’s density repels weak Attacks. Skelemen

The Shadow Beast is able to D Adds 1 Dark Allegiance Point.
climb sheer surfaces with ease, The ominous goop left behind by a fallen Sages theorise that an analogous Beast
and is unhindered by the Isolated Shadow Beast seeps into the ground, made of Bright Mana could manifest in Unhelpful
Battlefield Condition. but 3 Slots can be collected by someone the Blazing Gardens. There have been Cloud
Caustic Miasma A
acting quickly. It can later be rolled out no sightings of this hypothetical ‘Radiant Undead

and left to dry. The processed miasma can Beast’ to substantiate this claim. Peddler
The Shadow Beast is followed by a fog of Unshaped,
Howls of the Lost B malignantly charged Dark Mana that eats be used as a Magical Fabric ( p290) for Bellzuub
away at flesh, steel, and bone. Crafting Outfits as well as Light Armor. Urarani
Faces contorted in fear and woe ebb and
flow along the surface of the Shadow Items crafted from Viscid Miasma are as Creating
Any Area the Shadow Beast dark as the night sky; eyes and mouths
Beast, emitting pitiful cries as they surface
occupies gains the Harmful sporadically appear on their surface
and submerge. Hear them and despair.
Battlefield Condition ( p250). The blinking or mouthing silently.
Shadow Beast itself is immune to
If you come within 1 Battlefield 1 Slot •  150 Coins
this effect.
Area of the Shadow Beast, you
must attempt to resist its horror. Long exposure to this Ability may
damage structures and unattended
15 objects at the GM’s discretion.
? You require a Grit Check
This Ability is negated by the
Failure: You contract the Dispirited presence of a Star Gem, or other
10 Ailment ( p269). The Ailment lasts form of sunlight, emanating from
until the Shadow Beast has left a source up to one Battlefield Area
your sight. away from the Shadow Beast.
Success: You are immune to this
8 Ability for 24 hours.
D Adds 2 Dark Allegiance Points.

D Adds 1 Dark Allegiance Point.

414 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 415


Nimbostratus Nemesis. A strange cousin of the Very Useful Cloud ( p62), A tiny storm cloud is still a storm cloud.
Tiny Unhelpful Clouds are actually the manifestation of another creature’s
unpleasantness. These minuscule menaces stick close to their progenitor, and The Tiny Unhelpful Cloud can
The cloud cannot stray far from the hover above someone its host is
work hard to be a pain in the neck for just about anyone else. creature whose negative demeanor
openly hostile towards and pelt Adversaries
brought it into existence. them with localized rainfall and tiny Asura, Lajja
lightning bolts. This is supremely Bizzer
+1 2 A Cloud can be inadvertently

annoying and often a bit painful. Swarm

ATTACK HEARTS created by any creature capable Blaster Mage
Doing so requires the Cloud’s
Made of Sterner Puff of being miserable or unpleasant.
12 Action for a Turn and causes the Chompa
The progenitor could be another
Average Snatch and drop items
(3 Slot max.) target to have a Snag on all Rolls Chosen one
Might Check to resist until the end of their next action. Demon,
¹ Made of Sterner Puff The Cloud is able to fly and hover, Blighted
snatch attempt
but it cannot move more than 20 Drones
ft (or 2 Battlefield Areas in a Fight) D Adds 1 Dark Allegiance Point.


6 DEFT. Personal Rainy Day away from its progenitor. Giga Gruun

7 GRIT (P)* Snag on rolls If the Cloud loses all its Hearts, it Grim Wing
if targeted vanishes with an angry ‘hmph!’ It YIELD
6 INSIGHT (P) Killservants

6 will reform near its progenitor in 24

AURA (P) Tiny Unhelpful Clouds leaves nothing Lalka
hours, assuming they are still alive.
* Stubborn (+1 Grit) behind when destroyed, except for Master
* Your Worst Friend It vanishes instantly if its progenitor anything they were carrying off. Villains

Can move up to 2 Areas has been slain. Mundymutts

TYPE Monster max. away from

Manifestation progenitor MOOD Table
D Adds 1 Dark Allegiance Point. Shadow
SIZE Small Beast
The Cloud’s mood is a direct reflection
ALLEGIANCE Dark Aligned of their progenitor’s, and it will Unhelpful
2 Dark act accordingly. Cloud
The cloud is more solid than you’d expect.
Reskin Unshaped,
Habitat: The Cloud will always be Indicators: The smell of rain, tiny but Thanks to its diminutive size and A small, imp-like creature could be
found near its progenitor creature. angry mumbling, fallen creatures
Ability to solidify itself, the Tiny created using the Tiny Unhelpful Cloud.
with oddly wet hair. Unhelpful Cloud has a Defense
Communication: The Tiny Unhelpful If one of the PCs is meaner and

Cloud can speak and understand Role Playing Notes: Tiny Unhelpful Rating of 12.
grumpier than the Tiny Unhelpful
Low Speech and has a small but Clouds are terrible conversationalists. The Tiny Unhelpful Cloud can Cloud’s progenitor, they may want to
angry voice. They usually speak only to heckle, solidify its body while floating swap allegiances. If accepted, this
taunt, and mock anyone they come around an object and try to grab will count as one of their
Tactics: The Cloud acts in ways that in contact with… even their host! Companions. The Cloud will
or push over an object. Snatched
will help its progenitor defeat their evaporate if the PC starts to show
items are usually dropped in very
enemies by: Customization: Some Tiny Unhelpful more empathy or generosity.
20 inconvenient locations.
Clouds may cause Ailments ( p268)

Swiping, and carrying off, or even blast targets with harmful If the item is being held or carried,
strategically valuable items. electricity. its bearer may prevent it from
Focusing their Personal Rainy Day being snatched by making a
Ability on any foes that seem to be successful Might Check.
a true threat to their progenitor. The Tiny Unhelpful Cloud is unable
to carry or manipulate objects
7 that are larger or heavier than 3
Inventory Slots.

416 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 417


Buy somethin’, will ya? Cursed merchants who, having perished with an 12 Slots worth of useful items and a
outrageous unpaid debt, now wander dangerous places looking for business. LIVING DEAD B Bomb ( p178) can be retrieved from a
slain Peddler, as long as you were able to
This internal salesman won’t let death get prevent them from self-destructing.
between him and a sale.
+2 3 Adversaries

Asura, Lajja
Immune to Fatigue, Starvation, Bizzer
10 Average
Suffocation, and aging. Choose or roll a Mood Swarm

DEFENSE SPEED Immune to toxins that target living Blaster Mage

Living Dead
tissue which are ingested, inhaled, Chompa
Immune to ailments 1-5 Generous
that affect the flesh
or injected. Chosen one
7 MIGHT Is animated by ambient mana that The Undead Peddler is preparing to

9 DEFT. (P) lingers in the corpse. relocate and keen to offload his current Blighted

8 GRIT* merchandise, even at discount! Drones

Corpse Commodities
11 INSIGHT (P) D Adds 1 Dark Allegiance Point.
12 Slots of useful 6-14 Busy
9 AURA (P)*
items for sale
Giga Gruun
Grim Wing
* Skin n’ bone (-1 Grit) Bomb, will self-destruct The Peddler trying is to close a sale with
Shrewd (+2 Insight) Killservants
rather than get robbed Corpse Commodities B another customer, and tells the PCs ‘I’ll be
with you as soon as I can”. Lalka
TYPE Folk Thanks to a combination of a large pack Master

Undead and numerous pockets and pouches, the Villains

15-20 Security!
SIZE Medium Undead Peddler always seems to have Mundymutts

something useful for sale. The Peddler is about to be attacked by a Skelemen

customer unhappy with the returns policy. Shadow
2 Dark Beast
The Undead Peddler always has If the Peddler spots the PCs he’ll offer
12 Slots worth of uncannily useful compensation for protection.
items when encountered. These Cloud

Habitat: Found almost exclusively in Role Playing Notes: Undead items vary from peddler to peddler, Undead
monster filled dungeons, ruins and Peddlers are consummate deal- but they always manage to be Peddler

cave networks. Peddlers occasionally makers with a certain charm to them. useful for the location they are Reanimated Physicians and Ever-living
wander the roads of the Wistful Dark They will do anything to pursue a wandering in. Blacksmiths can me made by giving a Urarani
and Buried Kingdoms. sale as long as it means some sort of A few might stock potent imbued Peddler additional Abilities from the
profit, though they don’t take kindly
items or relics, though they are Factotum Calling ( p17) or… Adversaries
Communication: Undead Peddlers to threats or other overly aggressive wary about showing these to the
are well versed in every language techniques. Being so used to dealing Create a Dwarf dungeon shopkeep or a
wrong type of customer.
used in the Outer World, they want with any number of monsters and Goblin apothecary by swapping Living
to guarantee they can do business unsavory customers, it’s actually Most Undead Peddlers are wired Dead with the appropriate
with anyone they meet. pretty hard to phase them. with explosives that they can Species Abilities.
detonate instantly when they are
Tactics: Peddlers are not really into Customization: More fortunate worried about being exploited. The
14 fighting. They will offer a free item if Undead Peddlers travel with explosives are powerful enough to
threatened by someone tough, but Skeleman bodyguards. It’s also destroy them and all their wares.
happily blow themselves up rather rumored that some Peddlers possess Anyone within 1 Battlefield Area
than let greedy murder hobos make magical inventory boxes that can of the exploding Peddler feels the
13 off with their goods. hold a vast amount of items. effect of the Bomb ( p178).
Indicators: Clamor made by the
rattling of merchandise, dungeon D Adds 1 Dark Allegiance Point.
7 inhabitants with gear they wouldn’t
normally have, signs that say “Sale
End is Nigh”.

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UNSHAPED, BELLZUUB MEGA BOSS RANK 9 Habitat: Bellzuub is the crawling 

Will do everything in his power
sensation under your skin, the cloud to stack the odds in his favor, and
The lord of creeping and crawling. As one of the Unshaped, primordial of pests that accompany decay, the retreat if faced with real danger.
beings from The Dreaming, Bellzuub roams the places on the edge of reality. ominous rattle that haunts the dark 
Uses his Puppets to infiltrate mortal

and desolate. He can manifest

He is an ageless being with no permanent shape, wandering back into the settlements, taking over officials
anywhere in Outer World. or community members to act as
physical realm in search of amusement and influence. Using

Communication: Bellzuub spies, guards, and assassins. Adversaries

understands all of Outer World’s

Asura, Lajja
Indicators: Agitated insects, a horrid
INSECTOID FORMS languages, though he’s not fluent
16-20 chittering, the putrid smell of decay. Bizzer
Crushing Giant when speaking. His phrasing is
awkward and alien. Role Playing Notes: Like all Blaster Mage

1-5 +2 Insectoid Aspects

Unshaped, Bellzuub believes those Chompa
Focused Attack Tactics: Bellzuub is sneaky. Bellzuub
Oppressing Swarm that inhabit the physical realm are Chosen one
Mighty Weapon, Legs
+2 Insectoid Aspects is cowardly. He never fights fair and: solely there for his amusement. Demon,
Sweep Attack Blighted
Can only be targeted with Arc Weapon, Legs
Area Attacks (or Mighty Wins all Might Contests


unless against Goop
Immune to Status Ailments Supernatural Might Giga Gruun
Fast, +2 Defense Rating 1-3
Massive Species Grim Wing
+2 Might Many Leering Eyes
-2 Defense Can see in the dark 4-6
+2 Hearts Total Recieves an Edge on Venomous Strike
spotting sneak Attacks On successful physical
or Ambushes Attack, Grit Check or Mundymutts
contract an Ailment:
Ballooned, Petrified,
or Putrefied Shadow
7-9 Beast
Barbed Appendage Tiny
(Extra Attack) 10-12 Unhelpful
Strikes as Fluttering Wings Undead
Master Weapon
Can Fly and Peddler

11-15 Hover indefinitely Unshaped,

Maintains Speed Rating
6-10 Bladed Hunter
when flying Urarani
+ 3 Insectoid Aspects
Unseen Crawler 12-15 Creating
Strikes as Duel Wielding Adversaries
+2 Insectoid Aspects Spinnerets
Edge on remaining hidden Combination Weapons Range: 2 Areas 16-20
Climb walls or On hit, targets are fully
Burrowing Claws
Tiny Species Uses second arm as Restrained
Can burrow/emerge from
+3 Defense Standard Shield, Might Check needed
soft ground on their Turn
+1 Defense & Parry to escape
Maintains Speed Rating
Thread can be used to
5 when underground
Note: Values do not include modifiers for specific Insectoid Forms or Aspects access Isolated Areas
Can’t be physically

9 MIGHT* TYPE Monster

17 +6 6 Chittering Puppetry
12 DEFT. (P)* Unshaped
ATTACK HEARTS If killed by Bellzuub, the corpse can be
14 GRIT SIZE Medium (varies)
reanimated as a Puppet
16 1 Average 10 INSIGHT (P)*
16 ALLEGIANCE Twilight Aligned Puppets retain knowledge, Combat
3 Bright Values, and Abilities
¹ Insectoid Form (+6) * Brittle (-1 Might) 4 Dark Maximum of 9 Ranks worth of Puppets
Creeping (+2 Deftness)
Leering (+2 Insight)
Repulsive (-1 Aura)

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11-15 Bladed Hunter 4-8 Venomous Strike
Bellzuub’s domain is filth and decay, so he A humanoid mantis creature that is A Successful Attack injects you
with a magical venom. You must
UNSHAPED L is able to manifest as insects both great deadly in battle.
and small. The Hunter’s raptorial legs strike make a Grit Check or be afflicted
The Unshaped are ideas or concepts with one of the following Ailments:
attached to a cluster of primordial magic. as Duel Wielding ( p254) Quick/ Using
Bellzuub may take on any insectoid Master Combination Weapons… Ballooned, Petrified, or Putrefied. Adversaries
When they wish to interact with reality, shape, except for Colossal ones.
Or one of the chitinous legs can If untreated, Ailments last for Asura, Lajja
they must manifest into a physical form. Four examples are presented in the
also act as a Standard Shield. an hour. Bizzer
Insectoid Form Table below. Swarm
Formation This form can forgo the raptorial Blaster Mage
Bellzuub can speak in any Form.
Unshaped can only adopt one forelimbs in favor of arms that can 7-9 Barbed Appendage Chompa
Form at a time. Forms can be All Forms benefit from a +6 manipulate standard Gear. In addition to its other permitted Chosen one
imitations or monstrous distortions Defense Bonus.
The Hunter has 3 Insectoid Aspects. Actions, this allows Bellzuub to use Demon,
of Outer World creatures. Mimicry Speed Rating is Average, unless a sharp tail or proboscis to strike as Blighted
is never perfect, and the observant stated otherwise. a Master Weapon.
16-20 Crushing Giant Drones
will pick up on this ‘tell’. Unarmed Attacks strike as Standard Goop
A huge arachnid shape meant to
Each Form can be further modified Weapons, unless stated otherwise. 10-12 Fluttering Wings
overwhelm and terrify foes. Giga Gruun
with Aspects. Aspects grant the Grants special movement enabling Grim Wing
manifestation additional features. The Crushing Giant is Massive
Insectoid Form Table ( p434). Bellzuub to fly and hover. Killservants
The number of Aspects allowed is Choose or roll a Form Lalka
dependant on the chosen Form. Sweep Attack: Legs can flail to
strike as Arc Weapons. 13-14 Spinnerets Master
Unshaped can shift between forms 1-5 Oppressing Swarm Villains
Focus Attack: Legs can stomp to Can target you from up to 2
at will or, during a Fight, at the A cloud of flying bugs that move by
strike as Mighty Weapons. Battlefield Areas away. You must
beginning of each Turn. They can the will of a single mind. Skelemen
make a Deftness Check or be
also change their chosen Aspects The Giant has 2 Insectoid Aspects.
The Swarm can only be hit by completely Restrained ( p270). Shadow
in a similar fashion. Beast
Attacks that affect entire Battlefield Breaking free requires you, or an
After manifesting into their first Areas, or weapons that are large B Adds 1 Bright Allegiance Point. ally, to use an Action and make a
Form the Unshaped’s Heart Total is enough to swat a significant Might Check. Cloud
set. It is not altered or replenished number of bugs. Undead
Can be fired and traversed to
if the Unshaped changes Forms Peddler
The Swarm is immune to Ailments. INSECTOID ASPECTS A reach Isolated or difficult to reach
during a Fight. Unshaped,
A few bugs may be afflicted, but Battlefield Areas and locations. Bellzuub
If reduced to 0 Hearts, the the rest are unaffected. Just as Bellzuub’s physical forms are Urarani
manifestation is destroyed and the not set in stone, neither are the strange
The Swarm’s Speed Rating is Fast. 16-20 Burrowing Mandibles Creating
Fight ends. The Unshaped is not features or powers they possess. Adversaries
dead, but it will take a few hours The Swarm has 2 Insectoid Aspects. On their Turn, Bellzuub can
before it is able to reform. Each Insectoid Form can be submerge, or erupt, from areas of
enhanced by miniature abilities soft earth.
Combat Values & Aptitudes 6-10 Unseen Crawler
called Insectoid Aspects. Six Whilst underground, Bellzuub
Scores for Combat Values and A scuttling bug that silently observes, examples are presented in the retains his current Speed Rating.
Aptitudes are provided. Alter Bellzuub’s favorite Form. Insectoid Aspect Table below. Whilst buried, Bellzuub is
15 these as required depending on The Unseen Crawler is Tiny protected from physical Attacks.
the Form and Aspects that the ( p434), although noticeably larger Insectoid Aspects Table
Unshaped chooses. than a regular insect. Choose or roll an Aspect D Adds 1 Dark Allegiance Point.
The Crawler receives an Edge
D Adds 2 Dark Allegiance Points. on all rolls related to stealth or 1-3 Many Leering Eyes
avoiding detection.
Enables Bellzuub to see in
The Crawler can climb and cling to complete darkness.
19 surfaces like a spider.
Grants an Edge on any rolls for
The Crawler has 2 Insectoid detecting danger or movement in
Aspects. any direction.

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Those seeking to deal with Bellzuub with Bellzuub can animate the recently slain by Bellzuub is not the father of all vermin, he Bellzuub does not have random moods.
any sort of finality must perform a ritual infesting them with insects, enabling him is more like a beloved uncle. All insects When encountered by the PCs, it will be
to force him into a permanent state. The to make pawns of pauper and prince alike. and scavenging mammals will answer his for a specific purpose or intent. Maybe
Verminous Incantation has been passed call; while they are not willing to follow his he’s determined to have one of them Using
among arcane scholars for centuries. Bellzuub can make a Puppet of orders, they are happy to share gossip. serve as a Puppet or has discovered their Adversaries
Hermit spell casters, town elders, anyone he has killed. plans to interfere with his fun. Asura, Lajja
and large libraries could provide this Bellzuub can control multiple If Bellzuub, or one of his Puppets, Bizzer
information to curious adventurers. Puppets, but the combined Ranks has been located in an area or Swarm
of the animated individuals must town for at least a week he will be Blaster Mage

Ritual not exceed 9. For example, a pair able to establish a loose network Whilst terrifying to mortals, Bellzuub is in Chompa

1. First create and present an of Puppets who are Rank 4 and of vermin informers. fact one of the lesser Unshaped. Similar Chosen one

Enhanted Lure to summon Rank 5, nine Puppets who are all The network will keep Bellzuub entities can be created by altering his Demon,
Bellzuub, he will typically Rank 1, or a single Puppet of informed of any local events, Forms, Aspects, and Abilities to reflect Blighted

investigate within 1-3 days. Rank 9. Rank 0 characters count as or important discussions, that other types of small creature such as Drones

2. Once Bellzuub manifests, utter Rank 1 for calculation purposes. transpire in the presence of a bug birds, fish, or lizards. Goop

the incantation to lock him into his Bellzuub can release an individual or small rodent. Giga Gruun
You can also use the Insectoid Forms and
current physical Form. The bind will from his control at any time to take Bellzuub will be aware of anything Aspects without the Unshaped Ability to
Grim Wing

last for a period of 24 hours. over a new corpse. The abandoned the PCs have done, or discuss create a variety of monstrous bugs. Killservants

3. Finally, if you slay Bellzuub and host collapses in a lifeless heap. doing, if he makes a successful Lalka

burn his body whilst he is locked in Individuals under Bellzuub’s Insight Check. If privy to this Master
physical Form, he will remain dead. control retain all abilities and knowledge he will be prepared. Villains

◆◆ Reality reacts to an Unshaped’s knowledge but no have no will of Mundymutts

death with a series of unusual their own. Puppets mimic the living B Adds 1 Bright Allegiance Point. Skelemen

events. In Bellzuub’s case, plagues effectively, although those close to Shadow

of confused insects torment nearby a host might notice that they are Beast

Settlements for several weeks. ‘out of sorts’. YIELD

Bellzuub is aware of everything his Cloud
Enchanted Lures Puppets experience. Undead
A Lure must be something that an THE VERMIN’S HEART
Wounding a Puppet, or exposing Unshaped,
insect would be naturally drawn them to fire, will reveal the bugs If Bellzuub is permanently slain, someone Bellzuub
to, but made with Magic Materials hiding inside their body. with the proper Ability can remove his Urarani
or Additives by someone with an
If a Puppet is reduced to 0 Hearts, Vermin’s Heart, a gnarled stone that is Creating
Advanced Crafting Discipline. Adversaries
they are destroyed and the swarm always wet and warm, and use it as a
The nature of the Lure will also will evacuate the host, only to Crafting Additive ( p291).
dictate the Form Bellzuub chooses wither and die shortly afterwards.
to manifest in. For example: a Eldritch: The Imbued item enables
Colossal Creatures, artificial beings,
mixture of honey and Mistake the bearer to communicate with
and creatures that lack a solid body
Sugar might conjure a swarm bugs and other pests. These
are immune to this Ability,
of ant-like creatures, a Stargem creatures will provide one word
16 lantern might attract a giant moth- answers to simple questions, and
like manifestation, and the bloom D Adds 1 Dark Allegiance Point. perform basic tasks if appropriately
of a magical flower might summon incentivised to do so.
an unusual buzzing insect.
2 Slots •  300 Coins
B Adds 1 Bright Allegiance Point.

Feel free to add your own method of
forcing Bellzuub into a fixed Form, or
decide on specific ingredients
required to create the Lure.

424 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 425

Prosoma 5 Nightmare Crystal (Core Point) 5xx

The forgotten crystal beast. A killing machine from the 1st Aeon made of Cannot be hit with melee A pulsating purple crystal ADVERSARIES
unbreakable glass. Most of its kind have been destroyed or withered away in a weapons from the ground. that functions as Urarani’s
reality they find suffocating, but a few have found a way to remain. Makes an oddly hollow mind and soul, shielded
noise when struck by the Prosoma Using
Nightmare Crystal is Urarani is defeated Asura, Lajja
14 MIGHT (P)* TYPE Monster revealed
+5 5 1 Bizzer
5 DEFT.* Aberration Swarm
ATTACK HEARTS Chelicerae 5
13 GRIT (P)* SIZE Colossal Blaster Mage
Forelimbs used to
14 2 Average 10 INSIGHT
inspect and attack.
2 Dark
Chosen one
If reduced to 0 the
¹ Per Strike Point * Inexorable (+3 Might) limbs can not be used Blighted
² Living Nightmare (+6 Defense) Writhing (-4 Deftness) to attack
Colossal Species (-2 Defense) Unassailable (+2 Grit) Tail 5xx Drones
Colossal Species (+2 Might) Long, whiplike tail
Pedipalps 5 Goop
Legs used for locomotion If reduced to 0 the Giga Gruun
Gooey Gossamer Ability is
If reduced to 0 Urarani can Grim Wing
Mountain of Glass disabled and the tail can
not move and the Prosoma will
not be used to attack Killservants
Sweep Attack be reachable from ground level
Range: 1 Area
Deft. Check or be Restrained Habitat: Urarani only intrudes on
Might Check required
reality to expel a build up of painful
to break free of web Mundymutts
mana. Urarani appears exclusively in
Repulse Attack Skelemen
the Shadowed Lands, perhaps it
Grit Check or Arachnid Armament Shadow
resembles its original home.
fall and be Toppled Smash (pincer) Beast

Range: 1 Area Communication: Urarani can only Tiny

Damage: 3 xx Unhelpful
Living Nightmare communicate in Dream Call, but its Cloud
Swipe (tail) speech is so distorted that it requires
Dark Damage inflicts -1 Undead
Bright Damage inflicts +1 Targets Strike Point an Insight Check to decipher. Peddler
Grit/Deft. Check or be Unshaped,
knocked off Tactics: Urarani is uninterested in Bellzuub
Snatch (pincer) fighting, preferring instead to mutilate Urarani
Restrains target the surroundings. If forced to fight Creating
Might Check to escape Urarani will target the strongest first, Adversaries

Crush hoping the weak will flee so it can

Damage: 2 xx continue its frustrated rampage.
Damage: 1 xx Indicators: A landscape covered in
plus beToppled crystalline webs, garbled cries of
lament, the smell of sulphur.
7 Role Playing Notes: Created and
abandoned by the Unshaped,
Urarani loudly laments its own
19 existence. It will bemoan the
loneliness of immortality and extol
the virtues of oblivion but its actions
are driven by unbearable suffering.
Customization: Variants might spray
acid or other substances from their
tails and may deal with their suffering
in different ways.

426 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 427


Urarani’s forelimbs are its primary physical Urarani’s crystalline surface feeds off, and If you remove Urarani’s magical nature,
MOUNTAIN OF GLASS B Weapons. Its massive tail is also an constantly vents, inky Dark Mana. the colossus could be reskinned as an
effective weapon. enormous, metallic war machine. Add a
Urarani is impossibly large and clearly Attacks doing Dark Damage are small crew to man the contraption.
unnatural, able to devastate the landscape
Urarani can use one of the reduced by 1 Heart. Adversaries
and cover it in its odd webbing. following Attacks on his Turn: Attack doing Bright Damage are Asura, Lajja

Smash: On a successful Attack, a boosted by 1 Heart. Bizzer

Urarani is Colossal ( p435). Swarm
pincer does 3 Hearts of Damage, +6 Defense Rating.
Sweep Attack: Gooey gossamer and can target you up to 1
Blaster Mage

can be spewed from the end of Battlefield Area away. Chompa

Urarani’s tail, covering large areas D Adds 1 Dark Allegiance Point. Chosen one
Swipe: Urarani’s tail can target
in a thick crystalline webbing.
all foes located on one of its Demon,
The web can spray up to 1 Strike Points. On a successful

Battlefield Area away. Attack, the tail does 2 Hearts YIELD Drones
Everyone within a targeted of Damage. In addition, targets Urarani’s massive body unravels and
Battlefield Area must make a must make a successful Grit or vanishes if destroyed. The memories of
Giga Gruun

Deftness Check or be completely Deftness Check or be knocked the encounter will become immediately
Grim Wing

Restrained ( p270) by the web. off Urarani. hazy. Key details will remain consistent,

Breaking free requires you, or an Snatch: On a successful Attack, a but everyone will recall a slightly different Lalka

ally, to use an Action and make pincer grabs and fully Restrains impression of the events and creature. Master
a Might Check. Due to the web’s ( p270) you. You can attempt to

strength, all Checks suffer a Snag. escape at the beginning of each Mundymutts

Turn by making a Might Check. MOOD Table Skelemen

Uranani can also target one of
his own Strike Points but, due to ◆◆ Uranani can Restrain a maximum Choose or roll a Mood Shadow
their size, they are immune to of two enemies at one time. Tiny
the effects. Crush: If Urarani has you in their 1-5 Melancholic trance Unhelpful
Repulse Attack: Urarani is able to pincers, he can crush you and
blink between the The Nihility and do 2 Hearts of damage without Urarani has finished venting mana and is Undead
Outer World at will, and any pests requiring an Attack roll. preparing to depart reality. He will vanish
in a few turns unless the party attempt to
crawling along its body will find Throw: If Urarani has you in their
themselves standing on thin air. interact with them in some way.
pincers they can throw you at a Urarani

Anyone currently resting on one target up to 2 Battlefield Areas Creating

of Urarani’s Strike Points must away. On a successful Attack, you 6-14 Lonely anger Adversaries

make a Grit Check or plummet and the target take 1 Heart of Urarani is in the middle of smashing
to the ground and are Toppled Damage and are Toppled apart an isolated structure of some kind;
( p271). ( p271). On a miss, you land 2 folk are fleeing, some trapped by the
At the GM’s discretion the fallen Battlefield Areas away and destruction. Urarani is disinterested in the
may also suffer an Impact Injury are Toppled. PCs, unless they interfere.
( p267). Urarani’s pincers are clumsy
tools, and are incapable of 15-20 Painful rage
D Adds 1 Dark Allegiance Point.
delicate manipulation.
Urarani appears out of nowhere, starting
3 its rampage right in front of the PCs, they
must choose: fight or flight?

428 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 429
An Attack Bonus equal to their COMBAT VALUES
Rank, rather than the value from
Fantastical biomes can be home to unique or rare species. Creating your own the progression table or… All Adversaries start with a Defense
creatures will reinforce the world’s strange and undiscovered nature, and ◆◆ An Edge on all rolls related to a Rating of 10 and a Speed Rating
particular Aptitude. of Average.
promote the PCs’ use of caution.
Colossi range from Rank 5 to Rank 15: Use the Adversary Rank Table ( p432) Using
ADVERSARY CONCEPT to determine your Adversary’s starting Adversaries
They have the Colossal Ability
Attack Bonus and Hearts Total. Asura, Lajja
A solid concept is the foundation of ( p435) which comes with one
the Adversary creation process. Once Sweep and one Repulse Attack. Swarm
established, subsequent creative Have a Creature Map ( p435).. Blaster Mage

decisions should be guided by your Your Adversary’s Menace should be A defeated Adversary can provide Chompa
chosen concept. Inspiration for your guided by your concept. A bandit treasures that can be harvested. Chosen one
Adversary can come from anywhere, but scout would be a Mook, but his Demon,
when defining it think about: commander may be a Boss. Gear: An Adversary will be equipped in Blighted
a way that is appropriate to its Menace Drones
Theme: How does this Adversary fit and concept. Goop
in to the Adventure’s environment or RANK
Mooks will have cheap or
Situation? Is it an aquatic monster for Giga Gruun
The exact Rank you select determines mundane items.
a half-submerged lair or an ice golem Grim Wing

that guards a frozen keep? your Adversary’s overall strength and Bosses will have expensive items Killservants
While customisations and reskins are the potency. Choose a Rank suggested by like Heavy Armor, Custom Gear, or
quickest way to create new Adversaries, Key Challenge: What would make Lalka
your Adversary’s Menace. Magic Consumables.
you can also build one from scratch. an Encounter with your Adversary Master
interesting or challenging for the Most living things are Rank 0-2. Megabosses may have Imbued Villains

PCs? Is it elusive or immune to certain Gear or powerful relics. Mundymutts

Creating an Adversary Local heroes and villains are Rank 3-4.
Attacks? Does it have a significant Materials & Additives: If an Adversary’s Skelemen
1. Create a primary Concept for Rank 5 and above is far beyond
tactical advantage in its lair? Does it Ability is connected to their physiology, Shadow
your Adversary. the reach of most mortals. These
have a devastating Melee Attack that they might yield Materials ( p288)

2. List any useful Quick Facts about forces PCs to change their tactics? Adversaries will have local, regional, or
or Additives ( p291) that can be Tiny

your Adversary that will help you even global Reputations ( p279). Unhelpful
harvested from their body. Cloud
use them during play. Entities of Rank 11 and higher are truly
QUICK FACTS For example, a heavily scaled monster Undead
3. Choose a Menace and Rank to legendary: powerful immortals, divine Peddler
might yield a Magical Fabric or an
determine the level of threat your Coming up with Quick Facts ( p358) beings from beyond the Heaven Seal, Unshaped,
Adversary that can spit a fireball might Bellzuub
Adversary poses to your PCs. provides you with a framework to develop or landscape destroying Colossi.
yield Additives that enable Imbued Urarani
your concept. Fleshing out your Adversary’s Weapons to do Flame Damage.
4. Choose Aptitudes and Traits that fit If you’re worried about creating an
Habitat, Tactics, Communication, etc. This under, or over, powered monster run
with your Adversary’s Concept. Adversaries
will help you to think about how they will a few quick test Fights with your Don’t give your Adversaries any
5. Calculate your Adversary’s interact with your PCs. players’ PCs to see how it turns out. overpowered items you wouldn’t
Combat Values. want your PCs to get their hands on!
Look at the Quick Facts for the
6. Decide on your Adversary’s Yield. pre-designed Adversaries for APTITUDES & Traits
7. Create a Mood Table. guidance or inspiration. MOOD
8. Choose, or create, Abilities to Use the Adversary Rank Table ( p432)
to determine your Adversary’s base You can just use the standard Mood
11 represent your Adversary’s mental, MENACE Table ( p358) for your Adversary, or if
physical, or magical powers. Aptitudes, then…
you prefer you can craft one that better
Adversaries can be one of four types of Choose three Aptitudes appropriate reflects your creation’s unique nature.
Menace, which sets their Rank and will to your Adversary’s concept to be the
20 impacts what Abilities they can access. Some Adversaries may not be subject
Primary Aptitudes. The remaining two to mood swings, but programmed
Mooks or Basic Folk are always Rank 0. are considered Secondary Aptitudes. robots or deities may always have a
Bosses range from Rank 1 to 10. Pick 2 Positive Traits and 1 Negative Trait clear purpose and intent.
2 that fit with your Adversary’s concept.
Mega Bosses range from Rank 5 to
Rank 15, and have: If you want to add any more Positive
Traits, you should also add another
A Legendary Ability ( p433).
Negative Trait to counterbalance it.

430 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 431

ADVERSARY TABLE Skill: The potential to act as a Guide, Dealing Special Damage.
know a Crafting Discipline, or possess Inflicting a hindering or
MENACE RANK ATTACK HEARTS APTITUDES ABILITIES any similar knowledge-based Ability. non-lethal Ailment. ADVERSARIES


Magical: Invisibility, levitation, or other
unusual cosmic powers. A Advanced Abilities: At Rank 5 and

MOOK Zero +0 1 6 6 1-2 above Adversaries have Abilities that Using

provide major powers. Advanced Ability Adversaries
BOSS +1 2 8 7 2-3 examples include: Asura, Lajja

2nd +2 2 8 7 2-3 If the Ability draws on the Dark or Bright Bizzer

Doing up to 3 Hearts of Damage to an
Mana it will affect your Adversary’s Swarm
3rd +2 3 9 8 2-4 individual target.
Allegiance, just like it would a PC. Blaster Mage

When assigning an Allegiance use the Attacks that affect the occupants of an Chompa
4th +3 3 9 8 2-4
following guidelines: entire Battlefield Area. Chosen one
COLOSSUS 5th +4 4 10 9 3-5 Having an Edge on common rolls, such
Bright Aligned: Typically Bright
MEGABOSS 6th +4 4 10 9 3-5 as Aptitude Contests or Checks. Blighted
Abilities are forceful, constructive or Drones
straightforward. They also include Granting a Supernatural Ability.
7th +5 5 11 10 3-6 Goop
powers that evoke the elemental forces Increasing the Adversary’s Speed
8th +6 5 11 10 3-6 of fire or wind. Giga Gruun
Rating, or providing them with flight or
Dark Abilities: Typically Dark Abilities another form of special movement. Grim Wing
9th +6 6 12 11 4-7
are sharp, soothing or deceptive. They
Disabling certain other Abilities or
10th +7 6 12 11 4-7 also include powers that evoke the harmful effects. Lalka

11th +8 7 13 12 4-8 elemental forces of water or shadow. Inflicting a deadly or

Allegiance Points: Basic and Advanced permanent Ailment.
12th +8 7 13 12 4-8 Mundymutts
Adversary Abilities add 1 Allegiance Skelemen
+9 Point, Legendary Abilities will add 2. L Legendary Abilities: Megabosses
13th 8 14 13 5-9
and Colossal Adversaries have access Shadow
+10 There will always be exceptions to Beast
14th 8 14 13 5-9 to Abilities that enable them to take on
these rules, and whether an Ability is Tiny
15th +10 9 15 14 5-10 Light or Dark is ultimately up to you.
a group of PCs on their own. Legendary Unhelpful
Ability examples include: Cloud

** Advanced Abilities are only available at Rank 5 or higher. Undead

** Legendary Abilities are only available to Colossi or Megabosses. ABILITY LEVELS Enabling a retaliatory strike against Peddler

anyone that misses an Attack. Unshaped,

Use the Adversary Rank Table ( p432) Causing a Heart of Damage or inflicting
to guide the number of Abilities your
CREATING ADVERSARY Abilities ABILITY TYPE an Ailment on individuals located in the
Adversary possesses and whether they same Battlefield Area as them.
If using or re-theming an existing Abilities are used to define a specific can access Advanced or Legendary
Ability Levels. Providing an opportunity to nullify
Adversary, Species, or Calling Ability does property of your Adversary. For example, a Magical Abilities, or turn them back
not create the desired result, create an beast might have one Ability to represent Base Ability: Prior to modification, against their casters.
Adversary Ability from scratch. its scaly skin, another for its leathery an Adversary’s mental and physical
wings, and yet another to describe its fire Restoring a lost Heart each Turn, or in
performance is comparable to an average response to receiving a particular type
Creating an Adversary Ability breath. Use Abilities to represent: human adult. Abilities are applied when a of Special Damage.
8 1. Choose an Ability Type, a primary Performance boost: Providing a Bonus deviance from this baseline is desired.
focus for the Ability. Providing immunity to certain Attacks,
or Edge on a certain type of roll. B Basic Abilities: Low-Rank Adversaries such as: Dark or Bright aligned Magic
2. For Magic Abilities, determine the Physical trait: Species Size, have Abilities that provide minor powers. Abilities, Attacks made with Mundane
type and number of Allegiance Supernatural Abilities, unusual senses, Basic Ability examples include: Weapons, certain types of Special
Points gained. special movement, or any other Ability Damage, or specific Ailments.
Mimicking a normal tool or weapon.
3. Choose an Ability Level, the that grants physical power.
potency of the Ability’s effect. Granting a Crafting Discipline or the
Special attack: Unique offensive
6 ability to act as a Guide.
4. Choose an Ability Limitation. If techniques or powers.
required, add a condition that Providing a form of specialized
Support: Powers that heal, or assist,
limits the Ability’s use. movement, such as climbing
themselves or others.
or swimming.

432 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 433


Massive Species only make
If an Ability is particularly potent or useful, Adversaries are not limited to the Species Might Checks when performing Might is relative to Species of the
you can apply a limitation to stop it Sizes used for PCs. incredible feats of strength. For same size, they always win Might ADVERSARIES

dominating an Encounter. example, crashing through walls Contests with smaller foes.
and uprooting trees.
No Limits: If the Ability only provides a TINY SPECIES
Massive Species may suffer the Fighting
minor perk, one that could be replicated Cramped Area Condition when
Faeries, micro-drones, funguys, and other Fighting Colossal Species requires Asura, Lajja
by a of piece gear worth less than 25 in internal spaces designed for
Adversaries that are less that 1 foot tall. the Colossal Combat rules ( p264).
coins, it does not require a limitation. smaller folk.
In addition to its other permitted

Minor Limits: Abilities that are significantly Defense Modifiers Actions, a Colossus can perform Blaster Mage

enhanced versions of normal actions can Fighting

+3 Defense Rating, a tiny target. one of two size-related in Attacks: Chompa
be tempered with a Minor Limit. Massive Species have two size
Sweep Attack: Everyone within
Chosen one
For example: related Attacks:
Tiny Might a targeted Battlefield Area must Demon,

The Ability can be resisted with a Sweep Attack: Strikes as an make a Deftness Check or be hit.
Might is relative to Species of the
successful Check from the target. Arc Weapon. Drones
same size, they always lose Might ◆◆ The Sweep does 1 Heart of
Focus Attack: Strikes as a
The Ability can be attempted until the Contests with larger foes. Damage and has an additional
Adversary fails the required roll or, Mighty Weapon. effect specific to the Colossus.
Giga Gruun
Tiny Species need to make Might
For example, a tail lash may
Grim Wing
alternatively, when it succeeds. Checks when attempting to Using Gear
perform an action larger Species Topple opponents but a toxic Killservants
The Ability effect only lasts until the
take for granted, like pushing a pot Massive Species can’t use or belch might add the Harmful Lalka
Adversary uses the Ability again.
off a shelf or closing a door. manipulate gear designed for Condition to the Battlefield Area. Master
The Ability can be used safely once. smaller Species. Villains
◆◆ Make sure to level buildings,
Subsequent uses during the same Fight Fighting Mundymutts
Any Species-specific variations to swipe away bystanders, and
will result in the Adversary losing a
Tiny Species can’t cause you any
this Ability will be noted in the shake the earth even if the PCs
Heart or risk contracting a
harm with physical Attacks. avoid the Attack. Shadow
detrimental Ailment. Adversary’s description. Beast
Repulse Attack: Anyone on the
Using Gear Tiny
Major Limits: Abilities that can Colossus must make a Check or Unhelpful
significantly harm an entire party, inflict a Tiny Species can’t carry or use gear be knocked off.

designed for larger Species. COLOSSAL SPECIES

permanent negative effect, or significantly
◆◆ The Check required depends on Peddler
restore lost Hearts can be tempered with a Kaiju, or other huge Adversaries that are the nature of the Repulse Attack.
Any Species-specific variations to
Major Limit. For example: big enough for you to travel across. For example, Might would be Bellzuub
this Ability will be noted in the
The Ability may be resisted via a Adversary’s description. used to hold on if a beast shook Urarani

Contest with the Adversary. Aptitude & Defense Modifiers wildly but Grit would be used to Creating
+2 Might, titanic mass. endure an electrical pulse.
The Ability may only be used once
every 24 hours. -2 Defense Rating, easy to hit but ◆◆ Remember, falls from height can
Massive SPECIES incur an Impact Injury.
The Ability may only ever be used once extremely tough to penetrate.
against an individual. Trolls, ogres, war machines, or other
Creature Map & Hearts Total Too big to feel it
Adversaries over 10 feet tall.
The successful use of the Ability causes Due to their immense scale, a
Damage to the Adversary, or inflicts Divide your Colossus into Strike
1 Aptitude & Defense Modifiers Points that represent each major GM can decide an Ability’s effect
them with a temporary Ailment. on the Colossus may be diluted.
+2 Might, immense mass. body part, this is the Creature Map.
The Ability takes a round to charge, For example, inflicting an Ailment
allowing the PCs to take evasive action. -2 Defense Rating, hard to miss. Each Strike Point has the Hearts might have no impact at all or only
19 Total listed on the Adversary Table. affect a single Strike Point.
As well as the Abilities of the example Massive Might
Adversaries, look at the Species and
Assign one of the Strike Points
Might is relative to Species of as the Core Point. This should be Land strider
Calling Abilities to get a better idea
of how you can use Ability Limits. the same size, they always win difficult to reach or only exposed Enormous strides enable a Colossus
6 Might Contests with smaller foes in certain situations, such as just to outrun those in pursuit, unless
You could give Basic Abilities higher
unless their opponent possesses before the creature releases its using a swift Vehicle or Mount.
levels of potency if you apply a
severe Ability Limit. Supernatural Might. devastating breath weapon.

434 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 435

Mobile volcano

Asura, Lajja
Blaster Mage
Chosen one
Mange Bandit Demon,
( p400)
Mange Hexer Pit Mange
Increase Rank by 1 Increase Rank by 1
Make Small Species ( p106) Make Large Species ( p106) Giga Gruun
Add Sage’s Mortifying Bloat Add Champion’s Brute Ability Grim Wing
Ability ( p61) ( p30)
A tough Adversary for a Thunda Sands Map Mini Mountain is an Ability that makes the Beast
Remove Doggone Encounter is needed to make any Journeys Eruptle Massive ( p434). Tiny
Good Sense Ability. across the Adventure Map a risky undertaking Unhelpful
for PCs. Reskin Chompa’s Blubbery Hide ( p369) Cloud
Reskin Fearsome Growl to Obsidian Shell. This makes Eruptle Slow, Undead
to Fearsome Croak. on the surface, and grants +4 to its base Peddler
To take advange of the region’s desert
NEW Create New Ability environment the Adversary will be a fabled Defence Rating and +1 to its Hearts Total. Unshaped,
Tongue Tachi. Ballistic beast that surfaces sporadically to deliver a Reskin Blaster Mage’s Magic Big Shot

tongue strikes as if a fiery bombardment on its prey. ( p367) to Lava Breath. There is no
Lash Weapon. Allegiance Point gained from the Ability, Creating
Proudhound Croak Ronin
as it is non-magical, and it does Flame
( p402) instead of Bright Damage.
The Adversary is a Rank 7 Mega Boss. The Reskin Belzuub’s Insectoid Aspect:
Adversary Table ( p432) sets the intitial Burrowing Mandibles ( p423) to Sand
Combat Values, Aptitudes, and Abilities. Tunneller. Same Ability except Speed
Combat Values Rating under the surface will be Fast.
Attack Bonus +5, Hearts 5, Defense Rating NEW Create New Ability Sand Shifter. When
14 10, Speed Rating Average. under the sand the Eruptle can create a
Remove Blubbery
Aptitudes ripple across the surface. Everyone in a
Skin Ability.
Chosen Primary Aptitudes (11) are Might, Battlefield Area the Eruptle passed
NEW Create New Ability Grit, and Aura. Secondary Aptitudes (10) are through must make a Deftness Check or
6 Hunter’s Haste. This Deftness and Insight. be Toppled. This Ability can be used in
grants Supernatural addition to the monster‘s allowed Action.
Leaping and upgrades Traits
Speed Rating to Fast. The Eruptle will be Extremely Rugged (+2 Reskin Murder Princess’ Sword Storm
Grit) but Cumbersome (-1 Deftness) ( p54) to Pyroclastic Blast. There is no
10 Allegiance Point gained from the Ability,
Abilities as it is non-magical, and its range is
Chompa Snarl A Rank 7 Mega Boss can have between 3-6 extended to 1 Battlefield Area. It also now
( p368) Abilities and use Advanced Abilities. does Flame Damage, instead of Mundane.

436 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 437

ADVERSARY SUGGESTIONS 17-18 Can assume multiple forms 9-10 Rends and slashes with claws WEAKNESS
Choose or roll a weakness
ADVERSARY CONCEPT 19-20 Is Immortal and can only be 11-12 Inflicts an Ailment via its Attack ADVERSARIES

destroyed by utilizing a 1-2 Can be punctured or deflated

Choose or roll a descriptor and type Weakness (See below) 13-14 Uses handheld weaponry like a balloon Using
Descriptor Type Adversaries

UNUSUAL MOVEMENT 15-16 Uses Light Magic Abilities 3-4 Is oddly light, so easy to push Asura, Lajja
1-2 Primal Beast that blast and strike or throw around Bizzer
Choose or roll a movement Swarm

3-4 Frost Serpent 17-18 Uses Dark Magic Abilities 5-6 Enamored with, or terrified of, Blaster Mage
1-2 Crawls along the ground, that hex and hinder its own reflection Chompa

5-6 Dreamborn Avian and climbs with ease Chosen one

19-20 Weaponizes a Special Defense 7-8 Strangely trusting of a certain Demon,

7-8 Toxic Insectoid 3-4 Slow but certain slithering (See below) sort of creature or personality

9-10 Fire Plant 5-6 Rolls about like a ball 9-10 Weak against a particular type
Special DEfense
of magic or Attack Giga Gruun

11-12 Flesh wapred Humanoid 7-8 Rapid hopping or leaping Choose or roll a special defense Grim Wing

11-12 Exceptionally vulnerable to a Killservants

13-14 Undead Reptilian 9-10 Walks in a disjointed or 1-2 A squishy body, that absorbs particular Ailment Lalka
unnerving fashion physical blows with ease Master

15-16 Magical Ooze 13-14 Terrified of something Villains

11-12 Wing dependent flight 3-4 Skin that is thick, scaled, or non-threatening (Light, a Mundymutts

otherwise difficult to pierce particular color, etc.) Skelemen

17-18 Synthethetic Arachnid
13-14 Unnatural flight/levitation, Shadow
and is able to hover 5-6 A volatile substance sprays
19-20 Divine Fish 15-16 Must remain constantly in
out of its body when hit motion while active or become
15-16 Amphibious, moves as well inert for a time Cloud
ADVERSARY ODDITY in the water as it does on land 7-8 Gradually regenerates Undead
from wounds 17-18 Repelled by holy signs or a
Choose or roll an oddity Unshaped,
17-18 Phasing/teleportation particular material Bellzuub
9-10 Unusual handmade armor
1-2 It’s made up of smaller Urarani

entities acting in unison 19-20 Moves between reality and 19-20 Can only be defeated by a Creating
Elsewhere/Other World at will 11-12 Immunity to a specific sort specific weapon, method, Adversaries

of Attack or Damage or ritual

3-4 Has elemental affinity/immunity
13-14 Bright magic that deflects or
5-6 Has control of the environment
Choose or roll a method of attack stops Attacks

7-8 Has additional limbs/tentacles

1-2 Crushes and pummels 15-16 Dark magic that obscures
3 using raw physical strength and misdirects
9-10 It’s psychically connected with
another entity
3-4 Breath weapon, caustic spittle, 17-18 Immunity to mundane attacks
8 shooting Spines
11-12 Has a potent magical
19-20 Has Mage Breaker Quirk
substance growing on it
5-6 Swallows targets whole or by ( p139)
absorbing them into its body
1 13-14 Possesses a strange relic
7-8 Projects raw magical energy
15-16 Has access to Calling Abilities from eyes or hands

438 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 439



440 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 441
This adventurer belongs to... Download from BREAKRPG.COM/DOWNLOADS/CHARACTERSHEET
Smash, crush, lift
TRAIT -2 -1 +1 +2

Dodge, sneak, leap 4
TRAIT -2 -1 +1 +2
SPECIES Cling, persist, press on 8
TRAIT -2 -1 +1 +2

Notice, know, remember 12
TRAIT -2 -1 +1 +2
My background grants me an Edge on... 13


Persuade, inspire, terrify
TRAIT -2 -1 +1 +2


Add to my Attack rolls Protecting me from injury 21



Best this to strike me Decides how many Areas I can move
0 Areas 1 Area 2 Areas 2 Areas POINTS DARK WEALTH
BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023
ADVENTURER This adventurer belongs to... Reynaldo Madriñán Download from BREAKRPG.COM/DOWNLOADS/CHARACTERSHEET


Smash, crush, lift

TRAIT -2 -1 +1 +2
ABILITIES 1. Treats (x10)
NAME/NOTES REF. ‘Mama’s cookies’
DEFTNESS BASE 8 2. Common Rurual Good
Dodge, sneak, leap * SHADOW SIGHT (p91) 4
‘Family’s best shovel’

TRAIT -2 -1 +1 +2 See in the dark, Immune to Obscured
Mariah Doeheart BONUSES./PENALTIES * NIGHT BORN (p91) 63. Light Armor
+1 Dark Point + Dark Gift ‘Travelers Cuirass’
Battle Princess 7
GRIT Courageous BASE 9
Cling, persist, press on STARTNG ABILITIES 84. Shield, Standard

TRAIT -2 -1 +1 +2
’Lantern Knight Shield’
Wistful Dark * HEART’S BLADE (p41)
BONUSES./PENALTIES Sky Steel Master Weapon 10
High Akenian
INSIGHT Single-minded * SOUL COMPANION (p42), Guardian Animal
Starlight Farmer Notice, know, remember
‘Churly Paws’
TRAIT -2 -1 +1 +2
My background grants me an Edge on... 13
Abilities: Fighter, Attacks as Standard Weapon
• Sorting the good soil from the bad BONUSES./PENALTIES +1/2 your Attack Bonus, 2 Hearts, 12 Defence, Fast 14

• Persevering when you ought to 15

• Empathy for all living creatures AURA Charming 10
Persuade, inspire, terrify
TRAIT -2 -1 +1 +2 Shied 1 person from 1 Heart, once per fight

She seeks to see the whole of Outer 17
World and leave it in a better state BONUSES./PENALTIES STANDARD ABILITIES 18
than she found it.
* CRY OF THE HEART, +1 Bright Point (p43) 19
Gain an Influencing Factor for Negotiation
Add to my Attack rolls
Protecting me from injury
BASE 3 21

+3 3
+1 Heart’s Blade (Master RANK & XP

7 12 24


Best this to strike me Decides how many Areas I can move
+2 Light Armor 0 Areas 1 Area 2 Areas 2 Areas POINTS DARK Fangs

BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023

GEAR List Armor  p163

Stones Coins Gems Inventory Slots Gear Allowance Defense Bonus

Light Armor Species: All +2 2 2 SHEET

Melee Weapons  p152 Callings: All GEAR LIST
Gear Allowance Extra Damage GAME
Medium Armor Species: All +4 3 2 BASICS
Standard Weapon Species: All +20 1 10 Callings: Champion, Raider, JOURNEY
Callings: All Battle Princess, Murder Princess

Concealed Weapon Species: Small, Medium +22 1 5 Heavy Armor Species: Medium, Large +6 4 2 NEGOTIATE

Callings: Factotum, Sneak, Callings: Champion, Battle FIGHT

Champion, Raider, Sage Princess, Murder Princess,

Quick Weapon Species: All +22 1 15 Superheavy Armor Species: Medium, Large +8 5 2 DOWNTIME

Callings: Factotum, Sneak, Callings: Champion, Battle CRAFT

Champion, Raider Princess, Murder Princess INDEX

Master Weapon Species: All +18 2 30

Callings: Factotum, Champion, Shields  p169
Raider Gear Allowance Defense Bonus

Mighty Weapon Species: Medium, Large +20 2 20 Small Shield Species: All +0 1 2
Callings: Champion, Raider Callings: Factotum, Champion,
Raider, Battle Princess, Murder
Arc Weapon Species: Medium, Large +20 3 25 Princess
Callings: Champion, Raider
Standard Shield Species: All +1 1 2
Lash Weapon Species: All +22 1 30 Callings: Champion, Raider,
Callings: Factotum, Champion, Battle Princess, Murder Princess
Raider, Heretic
Large Shield Species: Medium, Large +2 2 2
Combination Weapon Species: All* ?* ?* ?* Callings: Champion, Battle
Callings: Champion, Raider Princess, Murder Princess

* Depends on Weapon Types combined

OUTFITS  p172 Wearable Accessories  p173
Missile Weapons  p158 Functional Outfit 2* 5 Traveller’s Bag 1 3

Gear Allowance Extra Damage 2* 20 1 5

Appealing Outfit Backpack
Thrown Weapon Species: All +22 1 2
Authoritative Outfit 2* 15 Pouch 1 3
Callings: All

Species: All Costume 2* 8 Rebreather 1 15

Drawn Weapon +20 2 10
Callings: Factotum, Sneak,
Champion, Raider Artisan’s Outfit Blackout Goggles 1 2

Ammo (x5) /
1 2 1 Outfit Only 2* 8

Small Mechanical Species: Small, Medium +18 1 15 2* 58

Callings: Factotum, Sneak, Outfit and Kit
Champion, Raider, Sage
Extreme Outfit
Ammo (x3) /
1 10 1
Heat 2* 8
Large Mechanical Species: All +18 2 25
Callings: Factotum , Sneak,
Cold 2* 12
* When carried not worn
Ammo (x3) /
1 ?? ?

446 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 447

Wayfinding  p174 COmbustibles & Chemicals  p178 Followers  p184 Property  p200
Local Map /
1 10 7 Oil/Fuel, 10 Units 1 10 Scamp 10* Hut 80
Kingdom Map /
1 10 2 Solvent 1 20 Scholar 5* Town House 6

Regional Map 1 20 Grenade 1 20 Scout 5* Workshop, with x10 Supplies 3 GAME


World Map 2 2 Bomb 3 45 Custrel 8* Restock Supplies x10 50 JOURNEY

1 20 * Per day
Services  p201
Miscellaneous  p179 Pets  p188
Room & Board PERILS
Illumination  p175 Adventuring Gear 1-2* 8 Growl 75
Shoddy 10
Torch 1 4 Common Rural Goods 1-2* 8 75 CRAFT
Functional 20 INDEX
Lantern 1 5 Common Urban Goods 1-2* 12 Pudge Grub 100
Luxurious 100
Lumi-Slime Lantern Only 1 8 Oddities & Luxury Items 1-2* 16 100

Lumi-Slime Lantern & Slime 1 20 Workshop Rental

Trade Goods 3 25 Skree 75

* Depends on item Basic Workshop 2

Purr 75
Specialist’S Kit  p176 20
Hi-end Workshop
2 50
MOunts  p191
New Kit*
CURIOSITIES ETC.  p180 Crafter Commissions Varies
Jumbug 200
Replenishing a Kit N/A 25 Star Gem /
1 10 3
Mokko-Do 150 Medical Treatment
* Physician’s, Dungeoneer’s,
Shadow Stone /
1 10 5
Alchemist’s, Mender’s, Gadgeteer’s
Rokko-Do 275 Injury 5
Holy Icon 1 75
Books  p176 Largzard 500 Prosthetic 5
Long Grabber 2 45
Beginner’s Tome, Ins.12 1 6 5
Pack Beasts  p193 Recreational Attractions
Scanner 1 1
Journeyman’s Tome, Ins.14 1 12 400
Shaggy Bumpo Post Paw
Spell Engine
Master’s Tome, Ins.16 2 18 435
Grubbish Deliver Message 1
Small 1 2
Forgotten Lore, Ins.18 2 24
Vehicles  p196 Deliver Item in same Region 5
Large 2 4
Translation Journal 1 20
Coracle 2 80 1
Deliver Item to other Region

Velocipede 2 45
Other WORlD ITEMS  p182 Membership 5
Consumables  p177
Other World Sidearm 1 N/A Cart N/A 1
Rations /
1 10 1 Intercontinental Travel

Other World Pocket Device 1 N/A Breeze Rider 2 3

Hardy Rations /
1 10 3 Sea 8

Skimmer N/A 8
Treat /
1 10 3 Air 16

Felucca N/A 6
Basic Potion 1 10

Cloud Breaker N/A 12

Booster Cake /
1 10 15
Walker N/A 6

448 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 449



1. GM provides information Bonuses: You can only apply 1 Bonus per roll 1. Choose destination and Route

• Major Bonus (+4) 1-12 A few missteps GAME

 Present a situation that needs response 2. Work out route Travel ½ distance in a day BASICS
• Minor Bonus (+2)
 Provide information players can use 3. Roll navigation (if required) JOURNEY
Penalties: You can only apply 1 Penalty per roll 13-16 Wrong turn
 Appeal to senses when describing 4. Move 1 day’s distance EXPLORE
• Major Penalty (-4) 1 day’s travel in the wrong direction
 Suggest actions if players falter NEGOTIATE
• Minor Penalty (-2) 5. Roll Map Encounter
17-20 Full circle FIGHT
2. Players describe their PCs actions  A Bonus is added when trying to roll a low 6. Camp or Rush No progress made PERILS
 Describe action and intent target number but subtracted when rolling 7. Repeat
under a target number. DOWNTIME
 GM will assess feasibility and... CAMPING  p229 CRAFT
 A Penalty is subtracted when trying to roll high
 Decide if rule or roll is required and... but added when rolling under a target number. ROUTES  p224 INDEX
When camping you can Eat, Sleep, and perform
 Clarify and warn of risk/consequences  In the case of a Contest, you don’t need to 1 Camp Activity...
use the full bonus, just what’s needed to win
Path Requires Guide & Navigation Tools
3. Resolve consequences of PC actions Bonus & Penalties cancel each other out
 or Lost Eat Consume 1 Ration to avoid Starvation
4. Repeat Road Can’t get Lost Sleep Rest to avoid Fatigue
EDGES & SNAGS  p214
Distance in 1 day x2
Craft Downtime Activity
Edges: Roll twice and take the best result, you
River Can’t get Lost GM decides what’s possible at Camp
can only apply 1 Edge per roll
Distance in 1 day x2 if using
Snags: Roll twice and take the worst result, you water-based Mount/Vehicle Socialize Downtime Activity
can only apply 1 Edge per roll
Hunt: Deft Check
Edges and Snags cancel each other out ADVERSE TERRAIN  p225 Forage
Forage: Insight Check
2+ hunter/foragers grants a
+2 Minor Bonus to roll
Difficult Distance in 1 day1/2
Rations received depend on terrain
CHECKS & CONTESTS Impassible Need Mount/Vehicle/Special and GM:
Movement to traverse Barren: 2 Rations
Typical: 4 Rations
CHECK PROCEDURE  p218 CONTEST PROCEDURE  p219 Harmful Resist Ailment or other condition Plentiful: 6 Rations

1. Trigger (rules or GM decides) Graze Animal Companions with Ability only

1. Trigger (rules or GM decides)
2. Choose Aptitudes 2. Choose Aptitudes Scout Can eat but...
When Trailblazing... No Sleep or other Camp Activity
3. Determine Bonuses/Penalties and 3. Determine Bonuses/Penalties and
Edges/Snags Edges/Snags  Use when no established Route
4. Roll Check (20 is always a fail!) 4. Roll Contest (20 is always a hit)  Distance same as 1 day’s travel along Route RUSHING  p229
5. Resolve (see if Special Success) 5. Determine winner (highest number for  Requires a Guide or Lost When Rushing...
successful Check)  Guide makes Insight Check or Lost
 Travel an additional day’s distance
APTITUDES  p217 6. Resolve (see if Special Success)
 Navigation rules apply
Linked Contests: Use Turns, 2 wins in a row  Can eat but not sleep (GM may allow sleep if
Might Smash, crush, lift there is a suitable Mount/Vehicle)
Special Success: Gain an extra benefit if
Deftness Dodge, sneak, leap unmodified roll is same as Aptitude used

Grit Cling, persist, press on

Insight Notice, know, remember

Aura Persuade, inspire, terrify

450 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 451



1. Choose PC Positions 1. Choose Objective If you lose the initial Negotiation, you have one GAME
Cautious All Location details revealed (no chance to Push Your Point, but you...
2. Choose Movement Type 2. Choose Primary Negotiators
Insight Checks needed) but... JOURNEY
3. Move to new Location 3. Select Tactic & Influencing Factors  Must use different Tactic to first negotiation
Guardian Encounters alerted! EXPLORE
4. Deal with Guardian Encounters 4. Roll Contest  No influencing Factors are allowed
Hasty Outpace pursuing threats or other
5. Perform Location Actions time-based threats but... 5. If fail, can Push (but only once) FIGHT
6. If Move to new Location, repeat Forfeit Insight Checks to detect

threats and... TACTICS & FACTORS  p240


Groups Small group (6 or less) CRAFT

PC POSITIONS  p233 Guardian Encounters alerted!
Rolls for each group member INDEX
Stealthy Make Insight Checks to detect Convince ½ the group to win
Tactics Physical Intimidation
hidden threats Might vs. Grit
Vanguard Insight Check to detect threats from Unit/Coalition (7 or more with leader)
the front PC with lowest Deftness vs. Guardian Use leader’s Aptitudes
Insight to avoid detection, there is a Reasoned Debate
Immune to Physical Intimidation
Protect those behind from Attacks Snag if someone in team is wearing Insight vs. Insight
from the front Medium Armor or heavier Mob/Rabble (7 or more, no leader
Success: Can Ambush Guardian or Charismatic Appeal
Cannot be targeted by enemy Can only use Charismatic Appeal
Move past undetected Your Aura vs. Grit
Attacks from the rear for 1 Turn (if Use mob’s average Grit
Fail: Guardian Encounter alerted!
only Tactical Action and there are Honeyed Words/Deceit
characters behind them) Scouts Aura vs. Insight
Make their own Deft. Check,
Observe Insight Check to detect hidden independent from the rest of Team Guilt Trip
environmental information Success: Team have 1 Turn to prepare Insight vs. their Grit Interfering Team must choose a Primary
for wany threat detected by Scout Negotiatorand Interference Tactic...
Cannot be targeted by enemy Attacks
from the front or rear for 1 Turn (if Fail: Scout is on their own for 1 Turn Belligerence/Blathering
only Tactical Action and there are Grit vs. Grit
Tactics Bullying: Might
characters in front/behind them) Nitpicking: Insight
LOCATION ACTIONS  p235 Mocking: Aura
Factors Evidence
Rearguard Insight Check to detect threats from
the behind  If the Interfering Team win the Contest you
Inspect All Location details revealed but... Situations
lose the Negotiation
Cannot be targeted by enemy Roll for Wandering Encounter!
Attacks from the front for 1 Turn (if Character
only Tactical Action and there are Linger Stopping for a few minutes but...
characters behind them) Bribes
Roll for 2 Wandering Encounters!!
 Minor Bonus (+2) if a Factor applies
Scout Move one Location ahead of the
Move Move to new Location or return to Major Bonus (+4) If other side is especially
main team 
a previously explored Location... susceptible to the Factor
Able to use Stealthy Movement Minor Bonus (+2) if a Treat is used
No Wandering Encounters! 
even if the rest of the team is not
 Major Bonus (+4) if Booster Cake
 Must deal with Encounters on their
own for 1 Turn before the rest of the
team can catch up

452 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 453


Weapon + Ability Damage Extra Dam. i. 1st Injury ii. 2nd Injury iii. 3rd Injury CHARACTER
Melee i. 1-5 Shocked/Stalled GEAR LIST
Unarmed 1 N/A ii. 1-3 Miss a Turn
1. Team 1 declares ‘Fight!!’ Tactical React Predict & react to enemy GAME
Snag against armor iii. 1-2
2. Ambush? Deft. vs. Insight
Use ability Calling, species, or other
Standard Weapon 1 20+ i. 6-9 Armor crash
Success: Foes miss a Turn
Extra move +1 Area ii. 4-6 -2 Defense Bonus EXPLORE
3. Determine the Battlefield Concealed Weapon** 1 22+ If no armor > Wounded
iii. 3-4
First aid Stop Near Death Injury Ambush in plain sight NEGOTIATE
4. Team 1 Turn (Move/Act & resolve) i. 11-14 Wounded FIGHT
Flee Enemies get free attack Quick Weapon 1 22+ ii. 7-9 -1 Hearts Total
5. Team 2 Turn (Move/Act & resolve) +1 Defence Rating PERILS
Miscellaneous Non-aggressive iii. 5-6 If 0 Hearts > Quiet Death
6. Repeat from step 3 Master Weapon 1 18+ DOWNTIME
action (10 secs) i. 15-16 Broken arm
+1 Attack Bonus ii. 10-11 1/2 Might for Checks/Contests
Combat Attack
Mighty Weapon* 2 20+ iii. 7-8 If 2nd time > Severed INDEX
BATTLEFIELD CONDITIONS  p250 Defend +2 Defence -2 Attack if 1 handed
Assists Tactical assists Create attack (R) 1-10 11-20 (L)
Cramped Arc Weapon* 1 20+
opportunity -2 Attack if 1 handed
Lose Speed Rating Defense Bonus
Minor Penalty on Attack rolls (unless Unarmed, Attack assist +2 Attack Bonus 2 enemies with 1 roll
Concealed, S.Mechanical) i. 17-18 Broken leg
Custom Attack stunt Extra effect but Wager! Lash Weapon 1 22+ -1 Speed Rating level
ii. 12-13
Harmful Attack range 1 Area
Trick iii. 9-10
Lose 1 Heart per Turn Missile
Extra effect but no damage
At 0 Hearts roll Burning/Caustic Injury
Thrown Weapon 1 22+ (R) 1-10 11-20 (L)
Isolatated Diminishing Returns: Snag on repeated use of
Ambush in plain sight
Extra Move required to enter/leave the same Custom Action on same enemy
MIght/Deft. Check required if Climb Drawn Weapon 1 20+ i. 19-20 Out cold
2 handed ii. 14-15 Unconcious until Fight End
DEFENSE RATING  p247 Small Mechanical** 1 18+ iii. 11-12 An enemy can slay you in 1 Turn
Snag on precision rolls
1 Turn reload (2 hands!) i. - Near death
Precarious Size
Large Mechanical 1 18+ ii. 16-17 Die in 2 Turns if no First Aid
Deft. Check every Turn
1 Turn reload (2 hands!) iii. 13-14
Failure = Toppled
Falling/Impact Injury if elevated +2 Attack Bonus i. - Severed
Avoid Check if forfeit Action Small Medium Large ii. 18 Attack range 1 Area
11 10 9 Restrictions: * Small species ** Large species
iii. 15-16
Sheltered Snag on Attack, no Att. Stunts or Combat Tricks
Attacks from outside Area suffer a Snag Armor
(R) 1-5 6-10 (L)
You suffer the Suffocation Ailment WEAPON RANGE  p158 (R) 11-15 16-20 (L)

Light Medium Heavy* Superheavy*

Current Area Melee i. - Mutilated
+2 +4 +6 +8
MOVES  p253 ii. 19 Die in 2 Turns if no First Aid
1 Area away Lash
Shields Speed iii. 17 -1 to Aptitude
Speed Moves Armor Speed Rating max Small Mechanical Missile i. - Mortal wound
ii. 20 1 Turn to Act then you die
Slow 0 Areas Superheavy 2 Areas away Drawn
S. Shield L. Shield* Fast Very Fast iii. 18
Large Mechanical Missile
Average 1 Area Heavy +1 +2 +2 +4
i. - Quiet death
Fast 2 Areas Medium Restrictions* for Small species ii. - You are dead
Armor: -1 Speed Rating, Snag on Attack, iii. 19
Very Fast 2 Areas Light Snag on Might & Deft rolls
i. - Messy affair
Shield: Use Action to benefit from
ii. - There is nothing left of you
Defense Bonus and Parry
iii. 20

454 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 455

OBJECT DEFENSE RATING  p263 Oil/Fuel AILMENTS  p268 Overburdened

Material Defense Rating  Once ignited does 1 Heart per Round  Speed Rating is reduced by 1
 At 0 Hearts then Caustic/ Burning Injury or Ballooned  Snag on all Might & Deft. Checks CHARACTER
Fragile 10 SHEET
object Sundered  Speed Rating reduced to Slow GEAR LIST
Resistant 14  Harmful Conditions added to Area (optional) Petrified
 Snag on all Might, Deft.,Grit rolls GAME
Hard 16  Snag on Attack rolls  Round 1: Legs freeze BASICS
Solvent Round 2: Arms freeze JOURNEY
Very Hard 18  Foes gain Edge on Attack Round 3: Petrified
 Attack roll needed EXPLORE
 You are buoyant You cannot perceivewhat’s around you
Supernatural 20  1 Unit causes Caustic/Burning Injury  NEGOTIATE
 Your clothes are ruined  In petrified state you can be Sundered as if an FIGHT
Grenade  You cannot fit in small spaces or through object (Defense Rating depends on Material)
OBJECT HEARTS  p263 regular sized doors PERILS

 Thrown Range: 1 Area Putrefied DOWNTIME

Hearts Size
 All in Area Toppled and must make a Deft Blinded/Deafened CRAFT
1 Small hand-held Check or lose 1 Heart  Lose 1 Heart per Turn
 Snag on all rolls involving removed sense  Make a Grit Check at 0 Hearts
4 Large hand-held Failure: Effect defined by cause
Chibbed of putrefaction
6 Chib-sized
 1 Action to Set Success: Resist for another Turn
 Small Species are immune
8 Human-sized  Everyone up to 1 Area away is Toppled and
 Medium > Small: -1 Might, 8 Inventory Slots Restrained
must make a Deft Check or lose 8 Hearts
12 Cart-sized  Large > Medium: -1 Might, 10 Inventory Slots
 Structures lose 8 Hearts  GM decides what actions you can perform
 Note that Combat Gear Allowance change! with Restrained limb
MISCELLANEOUS INFO  GM decides if a Might or Deft. Check
to escape from restraints
Battle Ready Mounts  Insight Check before every Check, Contest,
or Attack. Starved
 Provides Attack Assist
 If you Fail the Insight Check but succeed   or each day without food suffer -1 to your
on your next roll the GM will impose an Hearts Total
Dual wielding undesirable outcome or effect
 If you reach 0 Hearts you die!
 2nd Attack suffers a Minor Penalty (-2)  Requires an Action and make Insight Check
to remove Ailment  Remove Ailment by consuming 1 day’s worth
of nutrition
Shield parry
 Can parry 1 hit per Fight Suffocated
 Can’t Move or use Action (unless forced)
 You can hold breath for ½ your Grit Aptitude
 No Speed Bonus on Defense Rating in Turns (values are rounded down)
PERILS  Requires an Action from an assistant in the  After this you die on the next Turn if you are
same Area and you must make an Aura not rescued
Check to remove Ailment
Height Speed Injury level  PCs suffer a Snag on Checks and Attacks
 For each day without sleep you suffer a -1 when interacting with the source of terror
1-5 Shock Penalty to Checks, Contests, and Attacks
<15 ft <15 mph i. Light Lose next Action  Companions/GMCs move away or are
<30 ft <30 mph ii. Severe  If Penalty exceeds half your Rank you will paralyzed with fear
>30 ft >30 mph iii. Critical 6-15 Superficial burn collapse for 24 hours
-1 Penalty to all rolls  24 hours sleep needed to remove Ailment Toppled
If 2nd Superficial Burn > Serious Burn
Jellyfied  You cannot Move
16-20 Serious Burn
 No Speed Rating Bonus on Defense Rating
-1 Penalty to all rolls  Might & Deft. Aptitudes cut in ½
-1 Hearts Total  Snag on all Attacks, Might & Deft. rolls
 Speed Rating reduced to Slow
If another Superficial Burn >   Foes gain Edge on Attack
 Immune to Falling/Impact Injury
Another -1 Hearts Total  It takes 1 Turn to stand up
 Water is now a Harmful Condition for you
If Hearts 0 > Death  You can squish through small gaps
456 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 457


 Snag when trying to change a Reputation  CHARACTER

 An Alter-ego can have different Reputation
1. Choose item to Craft
Crafting Research next Adventure 1. Identify Imbued Gear Type GAME
2. Check tools & materials BASICS
 See Crafting rules  Entire team gain 1XP for going on a 2. Choose Suitable Material
3. Make Crafting roll JOURNEY
Researched Adventure 3. Choose Additives EXPLORE
Healing 4. Make Crafting roll NEGOTIATE
 You can heal 1 Injury per Downtime FIGHT
 Your most severe Injury heals first  Aura vs. Grit IMBUED GEAR TYPES & ABILITIES  p286 PERILS
Success: Gain +1 to Hearts Total until next Alchemy Substances & chemicals
 Using Treatment Services can remove a 2nd Downtime... and establish a Social Bond
Injury/Ailment Imbued Weapons CRAFT
Artificing Trinkets & jewellery
 Severed/Mutilated Injuries need Advanced Taming
Magical Treatment to heal  Suitable Materials: Magic Metals  INDEX
Cooking Consumables
 Your Aura vs. beast’s Grit  Imbuable Abilities: Attack
Identify relic Success: GM assigns beast as Pet, Mount, or Forging Weapons & armor
Pack Beast. Imbued Arnor
 Check depends on relic: Gadget. Mechanical devices
 You must be higher Rank than beast to tame
 Suitable Materials: Magic Metals
Techno-Relic/Gadget: Insight Check  Minor Bonus (+2) if you appeal to a weakness Tailoring Clothes & accessories
Artifact: Aura Check  Imbuable Abilities: Defense, Edritch
Magitech: Insight or Aura Check
Training your Companions Imbued Shields
Fail: You can carry on with Reckless Research REPAIR & CUSTOMISATION  p285
or try again next Downtime and benefit from  Your Aura vs. Companion’s Grit  Suitable Materials: Magic Metals
an Edge Success: Companion gains 1 Training Point
Fail: Edge on next attempt Light repairs  Imbuable Abilities: Defense
 Reckless Research
1-8 Snap > Light Repairs  Training Points can be spent on...  Repair damaged (still usable) item, but not
Imbued Outfits
9-15 Kaboom!! > Roll on Injury Table  Weapon proficiency (2 pt) Sundered item
16-20 What the...!? > Relic related  Skill (2 pt)  Requires 1 Specialist Kit and few hours  Suitable Materials: Magic Fabrics
Success: Restore all object Hearts  Imbuable Abilities: Empowering, Glamor
 Enhanced movement (2 pt)
Preparation Fail: Crafting Mishap
 Value boost (2 pt)
Permanent Artifacts
 Spend money on Gear and choose a number
Extensive repairs
of Inventory Slots to leave blank. Unique Endeavor  Suitable Materials: Any solid Magic Material
 Choose the Gear you need during play and  Repair Sundered (unusable)item  Imbuable Abilities: Empowering, Eldrtich
write in Slots (or convert back to money)  GM decides if your endeavor is feasible
 Requires Workshop and 1 day
 GM decides if Check or Contest required Success: Usable, with all object Hearts Temporary Artifacts
Recruitment Fail: Crafting Mishap
 Suitable Materials: Mundane Materials
 Your Aura vs. Follower/GMC Grit SOCIAL BONDS  p279
Customization  Imbuable Abilities: Empowering, Eldrtich
 Can’t recruit Follower/GMC of same or
higher Rank than you  Form a Social Bond with a PC/GMC by  Requires the same crafting equipment as
Imbued Consumables/Expendables
Socializing together during Downtime would be needed for manufacturing the item
 Minor Bonus (+2) if a Social Bond or
Minor Bonus (+2) for rolls if a Social Bond and 1 day  Suitable Materials: Magic Consumables
weakness is exploited 
provides you with extra motivation Success: Item is customised
Major Bonus (+4) if both apply!  Imbuable Abilities: Attack, Defense,
 Fail: Crafting Mishap
Empowering, Eldrtich, Glamor

Reputation management Reputations  p279

 Aura Check
 Minor Bonus (+2) on rolls where
Success: You gain a Minor Bonus (+2) when
Reputation helps
using your Reputation
Fail: You are ignored or create the wrong  Minor Penalty (-2) on rolls where
impression Reputation hinders
 Edge when spreading existing Reputation to
new area

458 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 459

INDEX Bio-Sorcerous Body (Adversary Ability)  p387

Bioskin (Quirk)  p147
Artificing (Crafting Discipline)  p282 Bit Stream (Species Ability)  p105 Calling  p12 CHARACTER
Artisan’s Outfit (Gear)  p172 Bizzer Swarm (Adversary)  p364 Calling Table  p12
Abilities  p12 Artisan Smithy (Calling Ability)  p37 Black Glove Cavalier (History)  p117 Camp (Journey)  p229
Able Alchemist (Calling Ability)  p24 As Tough as you Look (Species Ability)  p97 Blackout Goggles (Gear)  p173 Canine Pounce (Adversary Ability)  p403 BASICS

Access Points  p232 Ash Bronze (Magical Material)  p289 Blade of Darkness (Calling Ability)  p55 Car (Gear)  p197 JOURNEY

Achievement XP  p205 Assault (Custom Shield Ability)  p171 Blast ( Adversary Ability)  p398 Cargo (Custom Armor Ability)  p167 EXPLORE
Actions  p254 Asura, Lajja (Adversary)  p360 Blaster Mage (Adversary)  p366 Cat’s Eyes (Calling Ability)  p26
Additives  p291 At Your Side (Calling Ability)  p44 Blight Raider (History)  p110 Caustic Miasma (Adversary Ability)  p414
Adorable (Quirk)  p136 Attack  p254 Blinded/Deafened (Ailment)  p268 Caustic/Burning Injury (Peril)  p267
Advanced Sensor Suite (Adversary Ability) Attack Assist  p256 Blistering Pace (Calling Ability)  p37 Caustic Truth (Calling Ability)  p54
 p379 Cautious Movement (Explore)  p234
Attack Bonus  p246 Blubbery Hide (Adversary Ability)  p369 INDEX
Advancing in Rank  p205 Blue Collar (History)  p127 Celebrated Artist (History)  p112
Attack Stunt  p255
Adventure Hooks  p332 Bomb (Gear)  p178 Chain Breaker (Species Ability)  p97
Authoritative Outfit (Gear)  p173
Adventure Maps  p319 Bonus, Major  p214 Charming Grifter (Calling Ability)  p26
Adventuring Gear (Gear)  p179 Bonus, Minor  p214 Chibbed (Ailment)  p268
Adversary Categories (Adversary Creation) B Bonuses & Penalties  p214 Chittering Puppetry (Adversary Ability)  p424
 p357
Boon Companion (Calling Ability)  p19 Chompa (Adversary)  p368
Adverse Terrain (Journey)  p225 Back and forth without a fuss (Adversary Ability)
 389 Booster Cakes (Gear)  p177 Chompa Hide (Material)  p369
Ageless (Species Ability)  p103
Backpack (Gear)  p173 Boring (Quirk)  p134 Chompa Teeth (Material)  p369
Aiden (Location)  p305
Ballooned (Ailment)  p268 Born of the Sun (Species Ability)  p95 Chosen One (Adversary)  p370
Aken’s Succor (Additive)  p291
Barbed Justice (Calling Ability)  p53 Borrowed Blade (Calling Ability)  p26 City Scrivener (History)  p120
Alchemist’s Kit (Gear)  p176
Barricade (Custom Shield Ability)  p171 Bounder (Calling Ability)  p32 Clacking Cranium (Gear)  p405
Alchemy (Crafting Discipline)  p282
Barrier (Adversary Ability)  p398 Brawler (Calling Ability)  p31 Clear Intent (Quirk)  p134
All Range Attack System (Adversary Ability)
 p380 Basic Areas (Battlefields)  p248 Brazen Defense (Calling Ability)  p30 Cloak of Obscurity (Calling Ability)  p63

Altgrave Ultima (Calling Ability)  p72 Basic Potion (Gear)  p177 Breeze Rider (Gear)  p197 Cloud Breaker (Gear)  p198

Always bet on the Little One (Species Ability) Battle Butler (Adversary)  p390 Bright Damage  p259 Coins (Gear)  p151
 p89 Battle Bonds (Calling Ability)  p44 Bright Gifts Table  p206 Colloid Corpus (Adversary Ability)  p383
Always Prepared (Quirk)  p134 Battle Dance (Calling Ability)  p44 Bright Speech  p109 Colossal Species  p434
Ambush (Fight)  p252 Battle Princess (Calling)  p40 Bright Water, Liquid (Magical Material)  p290 Colossal Species (Adversaries)  p435
Angelic Countenance (Quirk)  p137 Battle Ready (Mount)  p187 Brotherhood of Pests (Adversary Ability)  p425 Combat Actions (Action)  p254
Anti-Hazard (Custom Armor Ability)  p166 Battle Scanner (Quirk)  p146 Brute (Calling Ability)  p30 Combat Coordinated (Calling Ability)  p18
Appealing Outfit (Gear)  p173 Battlefield Domination (Adversary Ability) Bulwark of Disdain (Calling Ability)  p53 Combat Momentum (Calling Ability)  p29
Apprentice Thinker (History)  p125  p395 Combat Opportunist (Calling Ability)  p26
Buoyant (Custom Armor Ability)  p166
Arachnid Armament (Adversary Ability)  p428 Beast Handler (History)  p119 Combat Shell (Adversary Ability)  p379
Burden (Adversary Ability)  p398
Arc (Weapon Type)  p153 Beast Tongue (Quirk)  p141 Combat Trick (Action)  p256
Burn Injury Table  p267
Arcane Afterburner (Adversary Ability)  p379 Berserker (Calling Ability)  p31 Combination (Custom Weapon Ability)  p160
Bushi Miyabi (Calling Ability)  p70
Arcane Artificing (Calling Ability)  p60 Big Eater (Quirk)  p137 Common Rural Goods (Gear)  p179
Buster Arm (Quirk)  p146
Arcane Beleaguerment (Adversary Ability) Big Magic Shot (Adversary Ability)  p367 Common Urban Goods (Gear)  p179
Buzz Bombs (Gear)  p365
 393 Big ‘Un (Adversary Ability)  p369
Buzzer (Animal Companion)  p188 Compass (Gear)  p174
Arcane Powder, Solid (Magical Material)  p290 Bind (Adversary Ability)  p398
Buzzing Mass (Adversary Ability)  p365 Compassion Cure (Calling Ability)  p43
Archive Researcher (History)  p117 Bio-Mechanoid (Species)  p104 Comrade Agitator (History)  p124
At Your Side (Battle Princess)  p44

460 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 461
Concealed (Gear)  p152 Dark Gifts Table  p207 Elf (Species)  p102 Functional Outfit (Gear)  p172
Concentrated Goop (Gear)  p383 Dark Tongue  p109 Emissary of Sol (History)  p120 Furious Rampage (Adversary Ability)  p385
Congruent Consciousness (Adversary Ability) Dashing Attacker (Calling Ability)  p35 Engulf (Adversary Ability)  p365 Furtive (Calling Ability)  p23 CHARACTER
 p397 SHEET
Deacon Galrave (Calling Ability)  p70 Ennui Sludge (Additive)  p292 Fuzzcoil (Companion)  p189
Consumed by Darkness (Adversary Ability) GEAR LIST
Demon, Blighted (Adversary)  p372 Everyday Divination (Calling Ability)  p60
 p373 GAME
Defend (Action)  p254 Expeditious Manner (Adversary Ability)  p391 BASICS
Cooking (Crafting Discipline)  p283 G
Defense Rating (Fight)  p247 Explore Procedure  p231 JOURNEY
Coracle (Gear)  p197
Degrading Presence (Adversary Ability)  p362 Extra Move (Action)  p257 Gadgeteer’s Kit (Gear)  p176
Corpse Commodities (Adversary Ability) NEGOTIATE
 p419 Demon, Blighted (Adversary)  p372 Extreme Weather Outfit (Gear)  p172 Gadgeteering (Crafting Discipline)  p284
Corrosive Contact (Adversary Ability)  p383 Demystify (Calling Ability)  p64 Galvanus Archipelago (Location)  p307
Costume (Gear)  p172 Desperate Friendship (Calling Ability)  p53 Galvanizer (Calling Ability)  p32
Count Paris (Calling Ability)  p72 Desperate Scurry (Calling Ability)  p26 Gear  p150 CRAFT
Counter Fang (Calling Ability)  p37 Destined (Quirk)  p140 Factotum (Calling)  p16 Gear List  p446 INDEX
Courageous Determination (Adversary Ability) Dew Silver (Material)  p289 Factotum Pack (Calling Ability)  p17 Gems (Currency)  p151
 p371 Disgraced Scion (Quirk)  p114 Fade Song  p109 Gemlight (Calling Ability)  p42
Couturier (Calling Ability)  p52 Disguised (Custom Weapon Ability)  p160 Faith in the Wind (Calling Ability)  p36 Getting Lost (Journey)  p227
Crafter Commission & Repair (Service)  p202 Disoriented (Ailment)  p269 Fairy Cap (Quirk)  p143 Giant Killer (Calling Ability)  p31
Crafting Mishap Table  p294 Dispirited (Ailment)  p269 Falling/Impact Injury (Peril)  p267 Gifts  p206
Crafting Mishaps  p294 Doggone Good Sense (Adversary Ability) Fatigued (Ailment)  p269 Giga Body (Adversary Ability)  p385
Crafting Prodigy (Calling Ability)  p17  p401, 403
Favored by Fate (Adversary Ability)  p371 Giga Gruun (Adversary)  p384
Cramped (Battlefield Condition)  p250 Domestic (History)  p127
Favored Weapon (Calling Ability)  p29 Giga Hide (Adversary Ability)  p385
Creating Adversaries, Ability Levels  p433 Don’t Mind Me (Calling Ability)  p17
Fearsome Growl (Adversary Ability)  p403 Girthsome (Quirk)  p136
Creating Adversaries, Ability Limits  p434 Dowager Colette (Calling Ability)  p74
Felucca (Gear)  p198 Gleysian Alloy (Material)  p380
Creating Adversaries, Ability Type  p432 Drawn (Gear)  p158
Ferrous (Quirk)  p144 Gleysian Code  p109
Creator’s Script  p109 Dread Orator (Quirk)  p140
Fey Wood (Material)  p289 Glittering Machine (Calling Ability)  p42
Crowned (Quirk)  p141 Dreadful (Calling Ability)  p69
Field Sapper (History)  p124 Glowing Ink (Calling Ability)  p61
Cry of the Heart (Calling)  p43 Dream Call  p109
Figment Follower (Quirk)  p144 Gobbo Werks (Species Ability)  p99
Cryptic Heritage (Species Ability)  p95 Dreamer (Quirk)  p142
First Aid (Action)  p258 Goblin (Species)  p98
Crystalia (Location)  p305 Dual Wielding (Fight)  p254
Fitful Sleep (Calling Ability)  p69 Goop (Adversary)  p382
Curious (Quirk)  p134 Dungeoneer’s Kit (Gear)  p176
Flame Damage  p259 Grand Grimoire (Calling Ability)  p59
Curse of the Skull (Adversary Ability)  p410
Flanker (Calling Ability)  p25 Grasping Tresses (Quirk)  p138
Curses (Crafting)  p295
E Flash Step (Calling Ability)  p37 Grenade (Gear)  p178
Customizing Gear (Crafting)  p285
Fleeing (Action)  p258 Grim Wing (Adversary)  p386
Custrel (Companion)  p186 Earning Experience  p205
Float Stone (Material)  p289 Grime Goo, Liquid (Material)  p290
Cutting Wit (Calling Ability)  p19 Easily Overlooked (Species Ability)  p89
Folklorist (Calling Ability)  p18 Growl (Companion)  p188
Edge  p214
Forge Hand (History)  p124 Grubbish (Companion)  p193
Education, Faculty (History)  p128
D Forging (Crafting Discipline)  p283 Gruun (Species)  p96
Education, Student (History)  p128
Forsaken Shadow (Adversary Ability)  p414 Guardian (Quirk)  p141
Dangerous (Custom Weapon Ability)  p161 Effort XP  p205
Forsaken Wanderer (History)  p110 Guide (Companion)  p186
Dark Bone Dust (Additive)  p410 Egomet (Calling Ability)  p75
Fortune’s Fool (Calling Ability)  p20 Guides (Journey)  p226
Dark Damage  p259 Eldritch Explosives (Calling Ability)  p63
Free Runner (Calling Ability)  p36 Guild Agent (History)  p112
Dark Demeanor (Quirk)  p137 Element Gem (Additive)  p291
Frost Blade (Calling Princess Ability)  p52
Dark Divinity (Adversary Ability)  p362 Elemental Vex (Adversary Ability)  p393
Frost Damage  p259

462 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 463
Imbuable Ability Types (Crafting)  p287 K M
Imbued Armor (Crafting)  p286
Hardy Rations (Gear)  p177 Imbued Consumable/Expendable (Crafting) Kawarimi (Calling Ability)  p24 Macabre Aura (Adversary Ability)  p409 CHARACTER
Harmful (Battlefield Condition)  p250  p287 Killservants (Adversary)  p388 Machine Labyrinth (Location)  p311 SHEET

Harmonious Geomancy (Calling Ability)  p65 Imbued Gear Types (Crafting)  p286 Kin to Fire (Quirk)  p143 Mad Machine (Adversary Ability)  p377, 379 GEAR LIST

Hasty Movement (Explore)  p234 Imbued Outfits (Crafting)  p287 Kingdom Map (Gear)  p174 Made of Sterner Puff (Adversary Ability)  p417
Heal an Injury (Downtime Action)  p273 Imbued Shields (Crafting)  p287 Kinless Vagrant (History)  p118 Mage Breaker (Quirk)  p139 JOURNEY

Healer’s Hands (Calling Ability)  p18 Imbued Weapons (Crafting)  p286 Knight Errant (History)  p113 Magia University Graduate (History)  p112 EXPLORE

Heart’s Aegis (Calling Ability)  p46 Immaculate Uniform (Adversary Ability) Magic Shot (Adversary Ability)  p367 NEGOTIATE
 p389, 391 FIGHT
Heart’s Blade (Calling Ability)  p41 Magician Apparatus (Adversary Ability)  p397
Immortal Ego (Species Ability)  p103 L PERILS
Heart’s Companion Details (Battle Princess) Magitech Graft (Quirk)  p138
 p48 Impact Table (Peril)  p267 DOWNTIME
Labor Frame (Adversary Ability)  p377 Magnificent (Custom Armor Ability)  p167
Hearts (Taking Damage)  p259 Impatient Destroyer (Adversary Ability)  p395 CRAFT
Lalka (Adversary)  p392 Maintenance Drone (Adversary)  p376
Hearts Total (Combat Values)  p246 Imperatrix Delilah (Calling Ability)  p73 INDEX
Lantern (Gear)  p175 Maintenance Drone (Adversary)  p376
Heavy Armor (Gear)  p163 Imposing Figure (Adversary Ability)  p379
Large Mechanical Missile Weapon (Gear) Malignant Gift (Adversary Ability)  p373
Heretic (Calling)  p68 Indomitable (Calling Ability)  p32
 p158 Mana Blast (Adversary Ability)  p387
Hide in Plain Sight (Calling Ability)  p26 Industrial Frame (Quirk)  p145
Large Shield (Gear)  p169 Mana Burst (Adversary Ability)  p367
High Akenian  p109 Inexorable Sludge (Adversary Ability)  p383
Large Species  p106 Mana Crush (Calling Ability)  p64
Hinterland Noble (History)  p121 Infested (Quirk)  p142
Largzard (Companion)  p192 Mange Bandit (Adversary)  p400
Hocus Pox (Calling Ability)  p62 Influencing Factors (Negotiation)  p241
Lash (Weapon Type)  p153 Many Masks (Calling Ability)  p23
Hollow Eyed Servants (Adversary Ability) Injury Table (Damage)  p260
Legend in Your Own Time (Calling Ability) Map, Local (Gear)  p174
 p407, 409 Inner Dramatics (Calling Ability)  p25  p45
Mascot Chassis (Quirk)  p146
Hollow Queen’s Kingdom (Location)  p305 Insectoid Aspects (Adversary Ability)  p423 Legendary Gear (Adversary Ability)  p371
Masked (Quirk)  p144
Holy Icon (Gear)  p180 Insectoid Form (Adversary Ability)  p422 Legerdemain (Calling Ability)  p25
Massive Size  p434
Holy Isle Samurai (History)  p116 Inspect (Action)  p235 Leisurely Focus (Species Ability)  p87
Massive Species  p434
Homeland & History  p108 Integrated (Custom Armor Ability)  p166 Light Armor (Gear)  p163
Master of Spectacle (Calling Ability)  p20
Homeland Table  p109 Intercontinental Travel (Journey)  p203 Light Footed (Calling Ability)  p23
Master Tactician (Calling Ability)  p30
Honored Laborer (History)  p123 Into the Fray (Calling Ability)  p29 Lightning and Thunder (Calling Ability)  p38
Master Villain (Adversary)  p394
Hoshi-Ban  p109 Inventory Slots  p151 Lightning Damage  p259
Master Villain, Oppressor (Adversary)  p394
Howls of the Lost (Adversary Ability)  414 Isolated (Battlefield Condition)  p250 Like the Wind (Calling Ability)  p35
Master Villain, Pedagogue (Adversary)  p396
Human, Dimensional Stray (Species)  p86 Linger (Explore)  p235
Master Weapon (Gear)  p153
Human, Native (Species)  p84 Linked Contests  p220
J Mechanical Motion (Custom Armor Ability)
Hunter’s Blood (Species Ability)  p93 Living Dead (Adversary Ability)  p405, 407,  p167
Hunter’s Focus (Calling Ability)  p35 409, 419
Jellyfied (Status Ailment)  p270 Medicine Peddler (History)  p115
Hunting & Foraging (Journey)  p229 Living Nightmare (Adversary Ability)  p429
Journey Procedure  p223 Medium Armor (Gear)  p163
Hut (Gear)  p200 Long Grabber (Gear)  p181
Journeying with Animals  p187 Medium Species  p106
Lost Crystal (Location)  p311
Jubilant Performer (History)  p120 Meltshroom (Additive)  p292
Lost! Table  p227
Jumbug (Companion)  p191 Menace (Adversaries)  p430
I Love-Love Chef (Calling Ability)  p43
Jumpy (Quirk)  p133 Mender’s Kit (Gear)  p176
Low Speech  p109
Iconoclast (Calling Ability)  p55 Merchant Scion (History)  p116
Loyalty Checks  p183
Identifying a Relic (Downtime)  p274 Meticulous Dungeoneer (Calling Ability)  p23
Lumi-Slime Lantern (Gear)  p175
Idle Rich (History)  p128 Mighty Munch (Adversary Ability)  p369
Lyrical (Gear)  p142
Illumination (Gear)  p175 Messenger Kalia (Calling Ability)  p71
Mighty Weapon (Gear)  p153

464 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 465
Military/Law Enforcement (History)  p128 Nightwall Yeoman (History)  p111 Petrified (Ailment)  p270 Rapid Fire (Custom Weapon Ability)  p161
Mindfulness (Calling Ability)  p38 No-Folk Land (Location)  p309 Physician’s Kit (Gear)  p176 Rations (Gear)  p177
Miscellaneous Actions (Fight)  p258 Non-Combat Injuries (Perils)  p267 Pilose Bumpo Fleece (Material)  p290 React (Action)  p258 CHARACTER
Mischievous Miniscule (Adversary Ability) Not of Flesh And Blood (Species Ability) Piloting Vehicles  p196 Rebreather (Gear)  p173
 p393  p105 GEAR LIST
Pixie Blossom Leather (Material)  p290 Record Etcher (History)  p124
Miser (Quirk)  p135 Nox-Vision (Quirk)  p147 GAME
Points (Journey)  p224 Recreational Attractions (Service)  p202 BASICS
Mistake Sugar (Additive)  p292
Portian University Graduate (History)  p116 Recruiting Followers  p184 JOURNEY
Mokko-Do (Companion)  p191
O Pouch (Gear)  p173 Recruitment (Downtime Action)  p275 EXPLORE

Momentary Fortress (Calling Ability)  p66 NEGOTIATE

Practical Flight (Calling Ability)  p64 Red Petal Revenge (Calling Ability)  p55
Monarch Homunculi (Species Ability)  p91 Object Defense Ratings (Sundering)  p263
Precarious (Battlefield Condition)  p251 Regional Map (Gear)  p174
Monster Slayer (History)  p118 Object Hearts (Sundering)  p263
Preparation (Downtime Action)  p274 Relentless Pursuer (Calling Ability)  p55
Morph Mud (Additive)  p293 Obscured (Battlefield Condition)  p251 Prestidigitonium (Calling Ability)  p60 Repairing & Customizing Gear (Downtime)
Morphic Armament (Adversary Ability)  p380 Observer (Exploration)  p233  p285
Prince Justinius (Calling Ability)  p73 INDEX
Mortifying Bloat (Calling Ability)  p61 Obstinate (Species Ability)  p87 Reputation  p279
Pride Coast (Location)  p309
Moss Scraper (History)  p123 Oil/Fuel (Gear)  p178 Reputation Management (Downtime)  p275
Prism Feather (Additive)  p292
Mountain of Glass (Adversary Ability)  p428 Old Iron (Location)  p311 Research Your Next Adventure (Downtime)
Prodigy (Species Ability)  p85
 p276
Mounted Combat  p187 Oldtech Junker (History)  p115 Promethean (Species)  p94
Resolute Overseer (History)  p125
Moving (Fight)  p253 Oldtech Proficiency (Species Ability)  p93 Prominent Accessory  p327
Restrained (Ailment)  p270
Moving Through an Adventure Site  p234 Opened Hearts (Calling Ability)  p45 Prosthetic Replacements  p262
Results of a Day’s Travel (Journey)  p229
Multi-Tasker (Calling Ability)  p20 Opportunistic Butcher (Calling Ability)  p30 Proudhound Sellsword (Adversary)  p402
Retail/Service (History)  p127
Mundane Materials  p288 Oppressor (Adversary)  p394 Pudge Grub (Companion)  p189
Roaring Spirit (Calling Ability)  p32
Mundymutts (Adversary)  p400 Orphaned Shinobi (History)  p115 Pull yourself Together (Adversary Ability)
Rokko-Do (Companion)  p192
Murder Maid (Adversary)  p388 Other Wording  p109  p405
Room & Board (Service)  p201
Murder Princess (Calling)  p50 Other World Pocket Device (Gear)  p182 Puretech Salvage (Material)  p377
Rounds  p252
Murk (Location)  p305 Other World Sidearm (Gear)  p182 Purr (Companion)  p190
Ruin Scavenger (History)  p122
Murk Dweller (History)  p111 Out Damn Spot (Adversary Ability)  p389 Purviews  p108
Rush (Journey)  p229
Murky Mask (Calling Ability)  p62 Overbearing Antagonist (Calling Ability)  p32 Putrefied (Ailment)  p270
Rushing Fist Style (Calling Ability)  p36
Overburdened (Ailment)  p270
Overwhelming Might (Calling Ability)  p55
Naming Companions  p183
P Queen Amhika (Calling Ability)  p75
Sage (Calling)  p58
Nanotech Maintenance (Quirk)  p147
Quick Weapon (Gear)  p153
Sage’s Staff (Calling Ability)  p59
Navigation Tools  p226 Pack Tactics (Calling Ability)  p20 Quirks  p132
Scamp (Companion)  p185
Nearsighted (Quirk)  p136 Panther Conditioning (Species Ability)  p93
Scanner (Gear)  p181
Neet (History)  p126 Passion’s Fire (Calling Ability)  p43
R Scholar (Companion)  p185
Negotiate Procedure  p239 Past Injury (Quirk)  p140
Scornful Bolt (Adversary Ability)  p363
Negotiating With Groups  p242 Paw Post (Service)  p202
Radiant Blade (Calling Ability)  p45 Second To None (Calling Ability)  p17
Negotiation Tactics  p240 Peculiar Taste (Quirk)  143
Rai-Neko (Species)  p92 Secret Compartment (Custom Weapon Ability)
Never Stand Alone (Calling Ability)  p46 Pedagogue (Adversary)  p396
Raider (Calling)  p34  p161
Never Surrender (Adversary Ability)  p395 Pedantic (Quirk)  p133
Rank  p205 Seer Kasnah (Calling Ability)  p71
New Ore (Location)  p 311 Permanent Artifacts (Crafting)  p287
Rank, Adversaries  p431 Self Assembly (Adversary Ability)  p407, 409
Night Born (Species Ability)  p91 Personal Analytics (Species Ability)  p105
Rank, Character  p204 Sentinel (Calling Ability)  p31
Night Haven (Location)  p307 Personal Rainy Day (Adversary Ability)  p417
Ranger (Calling Ability)  p36 Servant Pazuu (Calling Ability)  p74

466 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 467
Shade Iron (Material)  p289 Socializing (Downtime Activity)  p276 Sun Gold (Material)  p289 Tragic Behemoth (Adversary Ability)  p414
Shadough, Solid (Material)  p290 Sol Alliance (Location)  p309 Sundering Items  p263 Trailblazing (Journey)  p226
Shadow Beast (Adversary)  p412 Sol Invictus (Species Ability)  p95 Sunken Isles (Locations)  p307 Training Your Companions (Downtime)  p277 CHARACTER
Shadow Blight (Magical Disease)  p374 Solvent (Gear)  p178 Superheavy Armor (Gear)  p163 Traits  p130
Shadow Blight Host (Adversary Ability)  p 373 Soothing Darkness (Calling Ability)  p66 Supernatural Leaping  p107 Transient (History)  p126
Shadow Lands Nomad (History)  p111 Soul Companion (Calling Ability)  p42 Supernatural Might  p107 Translation Journal (Gear)  p176 BASICS

Shadow Puppet (Calling Ability)  p65 Soul Companion Creation  p48 Supernatural Will  p107 Translator Module (Quirk)  p146 JOURNEY

Shadow Sea Pirate (History)  p114 Soul Link (Quirk)  p135 Sure Kill Strike (Calling Ability)  p38 Trapped Song (Additive)  p293 EXPLORE
Shadow Sight (Species Ability)  p91 Special Ammunition (Gear)  p161 Survivor (Quirk)  p139 Traveler’s Bag (Gear)  p173
Shadow Stone (Gear)  p180 Special Success  p218 Sword Storm (Calling Ability)  p54 Treatment (Service)  p201
Shadow Stuff (Additive)  p363 Specialist’s Kit (Gear)  p176 Synthetic (Adversary Ability)  p377, 379 Treatment Of Injuries  p262
Shadowed (Custom Armor Ability)  p167 Species  p80 Treats (Gear)  p177
Shadowed Lands (Location)  p305 Speed Rating  p247 Tricky Combatant (Calling Ability)  p20 INDEX
Shaggy Bumpo (Companion)  p193 Spell Cutter (Calling Ability)  p38 Troubleshooter (Calling Ability)  p20
Shameful Invigoration (Adversary Ability) Spell Engine (Gear)  p181 Taaga (Location)  p309 Trusted Comrade (Calling Ability)  p36
 p363
Spiked (Custom Armor Ability)  p166 Tactical Assist (Action)  p257 Tunnel Crawler (History)  p122
Shard (Location)  p305
Spirit Wings (Calling Ability)  p45 Tailoring (Crafting Discipline)  p284 Turns (Fight)  p252
Shard State Patrician (History)  p113
Spirited Slaughter (Calling Ability)  p56 Taming (Downtime Activity)  p277 Twitchy (Calling Ability)  p25
Shield of Love (Calling Ability)  p42
Spore (Species Ability)  p99 Tattered Outfit (Gear)  p172 Twilight Damage  p259
Sheltered (Battlefield Condition)  p251
Sproing Sockets (Quirk)  p145 Temporary Artifacts (Crafting)  p287 Twilight Flux (Species Ability)  p103
Shining Resolve (Calling Ability)  p45
Squire Marlow (Calling Ability)  p69 Tenacity (Calling Ability)  p52 Twilight Silk (Material)  p290
Shining Sea Fisherman (History)  p116
Stahlfeld (Location)  p307 Tenebrate (Species)  p90 Twilight Silk Tailor (History)  p115
Shoddy (Custom Weapon Ability)  p160
Stalwart Navigator (Calling Ability)  p19 Terrified (Ailment)  p271
Side Effects (Crafting)  p295
Standard Shields (Gear)  p169 The Better Part of Valor (Calling Ability)  p20
Sidestep (Calling Ability)  p35 U
Standard Weapon (Gear)  p152 The Eaten Isle (Location)  p305
Silent Strider (Calling Ability)  p36
Star Gem (Gear)  p180 The Hard Way (Calling Ability)  p53 Umbra Draconis (Calling Ability)  p74
Silver Tongue (Calling Ability)  p18
Starlight Farmer (History)  p111 The Seven Holy Isles (Location)  p307 Unarmed Attacks  p152
Skeleman (Adversary)  p404
Startech Adept (History)  p121 The Tunnels (Location)  p311 Uncanny Strategist (Calling Ability)  p32
Skelemancy (Adversary Ability)  p409
Starting Gear During Character Creation The Widow Prisma (Calling Ability)  p70 Undead Peddler (Adversary)  p418
Skelemaster (Adversary)  p406  p108
Thrown Weapon (Gear)  p158 Under Dweller (Species Ability)  p99, 101
Skelemonarch (Adversary)  p408 Starved (Ailment)  p271
Thunda Clan Barbarian (History)  p119 Under Warble  p109
Skimmer (Gear)  p198 Stealthy Movement (Explore)  p234
Thunda Sands (Location)  p309 Underland Soldier (History)  p123
Skree (Companion)  p190 Sticky Fingers (Calling Ability)  p23
Tidy Battle Stance (Adversary Ability) Unfortunate Souls (Adversary Ability)  p363
Sky Steel (Material)  p289 Stone Song (Species Ability)  p101  p389, 391
Unhinged (Quirk)  p133
Skybound Destroyer (Adversary Ability)  p387 Stones (Currency)  p151 Time Critical Situations  p213
Unique Endeavor (Downtime)  p278
Small Mechanical Missile Weapon (Gear) Stowing (Calling Ability)  p25 Tiny Species  p434
 p158 Unruffled Monotony (Adversary Ability)  p391
Stray Step (Adversary Ability)  p401 Tiny Unhelpful Cloud (Adversary)  p416
Small Shields (Gear)  p169 Unshaped (Adversary Ability)  p422
Street Rat (History)  p119 Tome (Gear)  p176
Small Species  p106 Unshaped, Bellzuub (Adversary)  p420
Sturdy (Species Ability)  p101 Toppled (Ailment)  p271
Snag  p214 Unyielding (Species Ability)  p85
Stylish (Quirk)  p135 Torch (Gear)  p175
Sneak (Calling)  p22 Urarani (Adversary)  p426
Sudden Strikes (Calling Ability)  p24 Town Guard (History)  p112
Sneezles (Quirk)  p144 Use An Ability (Action)  p257
Suffocated (Ailment)  p271 Townhouse (Gear)  p200
Social Bonds  p279 Utility (Custom Weapon Ability)  p161
Suffocating (Battlefield Condition)  p251 Trade Goods (Gear)  p179
Social Learner (Calling Ability)  p19 Utility Servo (Quirk)  p145
Sun Blotter (Adversary Ability)  p387

468 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023 469

Vagrant Blade (Calling Ability)  p30

Valiant (Calling Ability)  p29
Vehicular Combat  p196
Velocipede (Gear)  p197
Venomous Incantation (Adversary Ability)
 p424
Very Useful Cloud (Calling Ability)  p62
Vexed Dispel (Calling Ability)  p56
Village Runner (History)  p119

Waifish (Quirk)  p137

Walker (Gear)  p198
Wall of Blades (Adversary Ability)  p395
War Deserter (Quirk)  p123
War Drone (Adversary)  p378
War God’s Might (Adversary Ability)  p395
Warp Root (Material)  p289
Weary (Quirk)  p140
White Collar (History)  p127
Wind Wears Away Stone (Calling Ability)  p37
Winged (Quirk)  p138
Withering Glare (Calling Ability)  p52
Wonder Drop (Additive)  p293
Workshop (Gear)  p200
Workshop Rental (Service)  p201
Wrath Bolt (Calling Ability)  p53
Wrath’s Blade (Calling Ability)  p51
Wretched Jarah (Calling Ability)  p72
Wyrm Blooded (History)  p120

Yacking Cranium (Gear)  p407

Yogi Tulpa (Calling Ability)  p71
Young (Quirk)  p139
Your Worst Friend (Adversary Ability)  p417

470 BREAK!! RPG BETA (v0.9) © Reynaldo Madriñan & Carlo Tartaglia 2023

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