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The Republic of the Sudan

Federal Ministry of Education

The National Centre for Curricula and
Educational Research (NCCER)

Sudan Modern Integrated Learning of English

SMILE Series: Book 4

Teacher’s Book
Grade 6: Basic Level

Written by:
Abdellatif Abdelrasoul Hamid Ambadi
Abdul Qayoum Sheikh Almahi
Alfadil Mohamed Abaker
Awatif Elhag Awad Elseed
El-Fateh Mohammed Abdulsalam Abdulgabar
Fadlallah Mohamed Ahmed
Hassan Taj Al-Sir AlHassan
Omer Bashir Elsheikh
Rasha Hassan Mukhtar
Timothy McVicar

Teacher’s Book Written by:

Kim Ashmore

Developmental Editors:
Jacquelyn D. Kunz
Timothy McVicar

Consultants and Special Advisors:

Dr Amna Mohammed Bedri – National Consultant, Ahfad University
Patrick Cummins – International Consultant
Roderick Webb – International Consultant
Illustrated by:
Buthaina Osama
Israa Abdulla Abdul Rhman Mohammed Ali
Rawan El-Sayed Ahmed El-Badawi

Designed by:
Nisreen Mahmoud Bakhiet

Teacher’s Book Designed by:

Jacquelyn D. Kunz

Reviewed and Revised by:

Dr Hamdan Ahmed Hamdan Abuanja – Head of English Language De-
partment, NCCER
Dr Yousif Khalid Mohammed Masaad – NCCER
El-Fateh Mohammed Abdul Essalam – NCCER

General Administration and Technical Supervision:

Her Excellency, Ustaza Suad Abdel-Razig – Minister of General
Dr Muawia Elsir Ali Mohammed Gashi – Director General, NCCER
Prof Attayeb Ahmed Mustafa Hayati – Director General (former), NC-
Dr Abbas Sha’a Eddin – Deputy Director General, NCCER
Ali Mohammed El Jack – Deputy Director General (former) and Head
of Curricula Administration (former), NCCER
Dr Abdalrauf Khidir – Head of Curricula Administration, NCCER
Dr Hamdan Ahmed Hamdan Abuanja – Head of English Department,
Hashim Hamza – Project Implementation Unit Manager, World Bank
Robin Davies – Country Director, British Council
Charles Nuttall OBE –Country Director (former), British Council
Liana Hyde – ELCR Project Director, Horn of Africa, British Council

More than 20 years have passed since the publication of SPINE, the current
English curriculum taught at basic and secondary stages in Sudan. Since the
publication of SPINE, a lot has changed in terms of methodologies, learning
trends and educational guidelines.
This new English language curriculum, SMILE (Sudan Modern Integrated
Learning of English), is specially tailored to Sudanese pupils in general
education and it is intended to replace the SPINE Curriculum. It is a response
to the decision made at the 2012 Educational Policy Conference to introduce
Sudanese pupils to the English language earlier to improve the English
language standard in Sudan.
The Federal Ministry of Education and the NCCER-Bakhter-Ruda in
partnership with the World Bank Basic Education Recovery Project (BERP)
and in collaboration with the British Council in Khartoum, worked to
produce the SMILE Curriculum.
The SMILE Curriculum is the result of collective work done by national and
international material writers, consultants, special advisors and artists, all
under the supervision and administration of the NCCER.
The introduction of English language learning in the basic level grades aims
to prepare Sudanese pupils to participate productively in the 21st century.
Pupils will become aware of the significance of English as an international
means of knowledge and communication.
The SMILE series is comprised of the following components:
1. A Pupil’s Book.
2. An Activity Book.
3. A Teacher’s Book.
4. CD/ Mp3s.
5. Posters/ Flashcards.
The SMILE series is a pupil-centred, standards-based curriculum. It targets
phonics and makes use of cross-curricular topics and enjoyable learning
activities to motivate younger learners. Both print and cursive handwriting
are introduced from the very beginning of the course. The SMILE Curriculum
intends to develop a positive attitude towards English as a foreign language
and teaches the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing)
The SMILE Curriculum adopts communicative approaches for teaching
English as a foreign language at the basic level in Sudan. Communicative
mechanisms such as Total Physical Response (TPR), storytelling, guessing
games, roleplays, body language, problem solving drills, spelling practice,
phonic drills and the incorporation of cross-curricular material ensure that
pupils are exposed to many ways to practise English communicatively.
The SMILE Curriculum’s evaluation and assessment methods utilise both
formative and summative approaches. At all levels, assessment emphasises
the achievement of both standards and their indicators for each grade, aiming
to attain and guarantee a high quality assurance curriculum and to confirm a
High Stake Standards Benchmark (HSSB) syllabus. Moreover, at all levels,
a cross-curricular dimension that also includes life skills, morals, traditions
and values has been incorporated thoroughly into the content of the syllabus;
adding relevance and cohesion with the rest of the basic level curricula
By the end of the basic level at grade 9 pupils should:
1. have developed a positive attitude towards the English language.
2. have participated in enjoyable pupil-centred learning, which employs the
use of interactive drills, simple stories, rhymes, chants, language games,
phonic activities, arts, project work and integrated language skills
3. have built their confidence and self-esteem through active use of the
4. have acquired a strong foundation for the four linguistic skills: listening,
speaking, reading and writing.
5. be able to understand, reply to and participate in dialogues, roleplays
and interviews using a variety of lexical sets and formulaic expressions.
6. be able to read and write a variety of different text types for a variety of
purposes suitable to their age group.
7. have developed various life skills, including critical thinking, problem
solving and decision making.
8. have received positive input about their own Sudanese culture and that
of English speaking countries.
9. have raised their awareness about the diversity of cultures within Sudan.
10. have developed cross-curricular skills.
11. be able to read and understand national and international supplementa-
ry readers in later grades.
12. have received inclusive teaching and encouragement regardless of
linguistic aptitude and performance through the use of special educational
teaching strategies.
13. have been exposed to examples of modern technology.
14. have achieved level B1 of the Common European Framework (CEF).
SMILE textbooks consist of twelve units which follow a consistent format:
every unit has eight lessons. Lesson 8 is always a revision of the previous
lessons of the unit. Most units include two recordings; these are of dialogues,
chants and/or stories. Most units also include a story. Unit 12 revises learning
from previous units, while for Books 2 – 7, Unit 1 consolidates learning from
the previous year’s book.
We hope that the SMILE Curriculum will be accessible to pupils, teachers,
supervisors and parents.
With best regards,
Dr Hamdan Ahmed Hamdan Abuanja
Head of the English Language Department – NCCER
Bakht-er-Rudha, November 2016.

The Director General of the National Centre for Curricula and Educational Research (NC-
CER) would like to extend his sincere compliments and thanks to the following people and
institutions for their hard efforts and invaluable contributions to the development of the SMILE
Series particularly Book 4 for Grade 6 - Basic Education.

British Council, Khartoum, Global Partnership Education (GPE), Sudan

National Centre for Languages (SUNACEL/SELTI), English Language
Institute – University of Khartoum, Department of Linguistics – Univer-
sity of Khartoum, Institute of Languages – Ahfad University, Capital Ra-
dio, Council of British International Schools (COBIS), Sudan Volunteer
Programme (SVP), Dr Amna Mohammed Bedri (Ahfad University), Amal
Al-Kashif (Basic Education Recovery Project (BERP, World Bank), Yousif
Karrar Eltahir (Basic Education Recovery Project (BERP), World Bank),
Victoria Pevitt (former Head of English for Education Systems, Horn of
Africa, British Council), Dr Thomas Ian Young (Music Consultant), Mo-
hammed Farrah, AlRazi El Basheer, Azza Abdalla Elzaidabi, Ragad Ham-
mad, Kareem Wail, Momin Amin Diyab, Ayman Mamoun, Ayia Mostafa,
Tasneem Ahmed, Hala Mostafa, Shahd Amro, Aassir Amro Isam Mustafa,
Ali Salman, Sabq Elsadig Awad, Abeer Abdalla Elzaidabi.
Learning of

SMILE Series: Book 4

Teacher’s Book

Grade 6: Basic Level


Bakht-er-Rudha, Ministry of Education – Sudan (NCCER), all rights re-

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,

transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo-
copy, recorded or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the
copyright holder.
UNIT 1 Lesson 1: You and Me
Lesson overview
Reading focus: understand details of an email • Read each question and elicit the answers.
exchange between a Sudanese boy and a boy from Answers: A. Tim is going to Sudan. B. He’s going with
New Zealand his family (mum, dad, sister Claire). C. He is staying
Speaking focus: ask for and give basic personal for eight months. D. Because Tim is coming to Sudan.
information E. Sudan is a beautiful country with lots to see and
Grammar: present simple do. F. They both like playing football.
Function: making introductions
New language: company, New Zealand, office AB A. Complete the sentences. Write the correct
name. [5 mins]
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 1 / Activity Book (AB) page 1 Aim: to read and understand details of an email

Starter activity [3 mins]

PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? • Read the example aloud and explain the
Aim: to prepare for reading. activity. Pupils must read each sentence and decide
which name goes in the gap: Tim or Ameen. They
• Point to each picture and ask: What is can look at the emails in the Pupil’s Book to find the
happening? Pupils give their ideas. They may • Read sentence 2 aloud: ___ is eleven years old.
use Arabic. Elicit the name (Tim). Read sentence 3 aloud: ___
lives in Sudan now. Elicit the name (Ameen).
PB 2. Read the emails. Answer the questions. [5
• Pupils complete the gaps with the name Tim
or Ameen. Remind them to look in the emails for the
Aim: to read and follow an email exchange between
a Sudanese boy and a boy from New Zealand.
• They check their answers together.
• Explain that the texts are two emails. Tell
pupils that the first email is written by a boy called • Choose different pupils to read each completed
Tim. Ask: Who is Tim writing to? (Ameen) sentence aloud. Pupils check their answers.
• Read the first email aloud. Pupils follow in Answers: 1. Tim, 2. Tim, 3. Ameen, 4. Ameen, 5. Tim,
6. Ameen, 7. Tim, 8. Ameen, 9. Tim
their books. Explain that Tim is from New
Zealand. His dad works for a big company and they
AB B. Make questions. [5 mins]
want to open a new office in Khartoum.
Aim: to practise the correct word order for questions.
• Teach / elicit these words: New Zealand,
company, office.
• Explain that the second email is for Tim. It’s • Use the example to explain the activity.
written by a boy called Ameen. Read the second Pupils must put the words in the correct order to
email aloud. Pupils follow in their books. Ask: Who is make a question.
Ameen? (Ameen is a boy from Sudan).
• Pupils write the questions with words in the
correct order. They check their answers together.
PB 3. Read the emails again. Answer the questions.
[6 mins] • Choose different pupils to read the questions
Aim: to read and understand the main points of an aloud. Pupils check their answers.
email exchange. Answers: 1. What is your name? 2. How old are you?
3. Where do you come from? 4. What do you like
doing? 5. What does your dad do? 6. What is your
• Choose different pupils to read each question favourite hobby?
aloud. Elicit what the questions mean in Arabic.
• In pairs, pupils read the emails again. They AB C. Write the question number from Activity B
read the questions and answer them orally together. next to the correct answer. [5 mins]

10 Unit 1: Welcome Back!

Lesson 1: You and Me UNIT 1
Aim: to practise asking for and giving basic personal End of Lesson 1 Checkpoints:
information. • Pupils can read and understand details of an
email exchange.
• Pupils can read and understand questions and
• Use the example to explain the activity. Pupils sentences with basic personal information.
must read each sentence and find the matching • Pupils can ask for and give basic personal
question in Activity B. They must write the number information (name, age etc.).
of the matching question next to each sentence.

• Pupils read the sentences, and choose the

matching questions. They write the number of the
question in the gap.

• Read each sentence. Choose different pupils

to read the matching question. Pupils check their
Answers: A = 5, B = 4, C = 2, D = 3, E = 6, F = 1

PB 4. Introduce yourself to pupils in the class. [8

Aim: to practise asking for and giving basic personal

• Read each question in the Questions box.

Pupils repeat. Check pronunciation.
• Choose two pupils. Pupil 1 asks the questions in the
box; Help Pupil 2 to answer. Repeat with two more
• Pupils take turns to ask and answer the
questions. Remind them to answer the questions
with information about themselves. Walk around the
room, listening and helping.
• Have a couple pairs ask and answer the
questions in front of the class.

Pupils write answers to the questions in their
notebooks (e.g. My name is Halima. I’m 11 years old.
I’m from Sudan. I like painting).

Vocabulary box [3 mins]

• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils repeat.
Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Say
each word. Tell pupils to spell it. Write the word
on the board.

Unit 1: Welcome Back! 11

UNIT 1 Lesson 2: My Family
Lesson overview
Listening focus: listen and understand details • Pupils find the words about family together
of a short description of a family and draw a circle around them.
Speaking focus: ask and answer simple questions • Pupils compare their answers in small groups.
about your father
Grammar: present simple Homework 1
Function: exchanging personal Pupils make a wordsearch in their notebooks, with
information eight words about family.
New language: daughter, husband,
grandchild(ren), grandparent, only child PB 2. Listen to Tim. Point to the people in the
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 2 / Activity Book (AB) page 2 picture. [3 mins]
Aim: to listen and follow a short description of a
Starter activity [4 mins] Materials: audio track 1.2
Aim: to teach / review words about family.
• Tell pupils they will listen to Tim talking about the
• Tell pupils you will say words for people in the picture and his family. They must listen and point to
family. If the word describes a boy or man, pupils must the people in the picture.
wave their hands in the air; if they word describes a
girl or woman, pupils must put their hands on their • Play audio track 1.2. Pupils listen and point.
• Say these words slowly, one by one. Pupils PB 3. Listen again. Are these sentences true or false?
wave their hands in the air or put them on their heads: [5 mins]
father, sister, grandmother, husband, uncle, son, Aim: to listen and understand the main points of a
mother, grandfather, aunt, brother, wife, daughter. description of a family.
Review the words if pupils do not know them. Materials: audio track 1.2
• Write these words on the board: parent,
grandparent, grandchild, cousin. Teach / elicit the
meaning of each word. Explain that we can use these • Pupils read the sentences together and decide
words to talk about girls, boys, men or women. or guess if each one is true or false. They write T or F
in their notebooks.
PB 1. Look at the picture. What can you see? [3
• Play audio track 1.2 again. Pupils listen to
mins] check their answers. They discuss each answer in
Aim: to prepare for the topic of the lesson. pairs.

• Point to Tim in the picture. Ask pupils to • Elicit the answers. If a sentence is false, ask
say what they can remember about him. pupils to give the true answer.
• Explain that the picture shows Tim’s family.

Point to the people in the picture. Tell pupils to guess Pupils take turns to say the sentences to each
who each person is. Don’t give the answers. other. If a sentence is false, they correct it (e.g. He
has no brothers. He has one sister).
AB A. Find and circle ten words about family. [5 Answers: A. false (He has no brothers. He has one
mins] sister), B. true, C. true, D. false (His grandfather is
Aim: to review the spelling of words about family. called George), E. false (Nicola is John’s wife), F. true,
G. true

• Tell pupils to look at the wordsearch. Point AB B. Listen. Complete Tim’s family tree with the
to the word ‘dad’. Explain they must find seven names in the box. [6 mins]
more words about family. Words can go from top to Aim: to listen and understand details of a short
bottom, left to right or diagonally. description of a family.

12 Unit 1: Welcome Back!

Lesson 2: My Family UNIT 1
Materials: audio track 1.1 Aim: to practise asking and answering simple
questions about your father.
• Quickly draw the family tree on the board.
Explain that it is a family tree. It shows Tim’s • Read each question in the Questions box.
grandparents at the top; then his parents and Pupils repeat. Check pronunciation. Elicit the
aunt / uncle; then Tim, his sister and his cousin at meaning of each question in Arabic.
the bottom. Explain who the people are (George = • Choose two pupils. Pupil 1 asks the questions
grandfather; Nicola = aunt; Claire = sister). in the box; Help Pupil 2 to answer. Repeat with two
• Tell pupils they will listen to Tim again. They must more pairs.
complete the family tree with names from the box.
Read the names in the box. • Pupils take turns to ask and answer the
questions. Remind them to answer the questions
• Play audio track 1.1. Pupils write the names with information about themselves. Walk around the
in their notebooks. If necessary, play the track again. room, listening and helping.
• Elicit the names and write them in the family tree
on the board. Pupils check their answers. • If there is time, tell a couple pairs to ask and
Answers: answer the questions in front of the class.
George - Rose
Vocabulary box [3 mins]
• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
Shirley – Wayne John - Nicola repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.

Mathew • Pupils say the words together, and say what

Tim Claire they mean in Arabic.

Homework 2 End of Lesson 2 Checkpoints:

Pupils can draw their family tree at home. They can• Pupils can understand, write and say words about
write who the people are in English (e.g. my father,
family with clear pronunciation.
my mother etc.) • Pupils can listen and understand details of a short
description of a family.
AB C. Complete the sentences. Use the words in the • Pupils can ask and answer simple questions about
box. [5 mins] their fathers.
Aim: to understand and write words about family.

• Choose pupils to read the words in the

box aloud. Check pronunciation. Elicit or give the
meanings in Arabic.
• Read sentence 1. Explain that pupils must
look at the family tree, and complete the sentence
with a word from the box. Elicit the correct word

• Pupils complete the sentences with words

from the box.

• Choose different pupils to read the completed

sentences. Pupils check their answers.
Answers: 1. husband, 2. children, 3. father, 4.
daughter, 5. grandchild, 6. grandma, 7. aunt, 8.

PB 4. Talk about people in your family. [6 mins]

Unit 1: Welcome Back! 13

UNIT 1 Lesson 3: Free Time
Lesson overview
Reading focus: understand the main points of
an information text about games and hobbies Aim: to read and follow an information text about
Writing focus: write an email with basic per- games and hobbies.
sonal information
Grammar: like + ing verb (e.g. I like cook- • Tell pupils you will read a text about games and
ing) hobbies. They must follow the text and point to the
Function: talking about likes and dislikes pictures in PB Activity 1 (e.g. when they read com-
New language: such as puter games they point to picture A).
• Read the text aloud. Pupils follow and point to pic-
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 3 / Activity Book (AB) page 3 tures.
• Check pupils understand the meanings of these
Starter activity [3 mins] hobbies (e.g. say the hobbies and pupils do the ac-
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? tions): watching TV, playing basketball, working on
Aim: to review words for games and hobbies. the farm.

Homework 1
• Tell pupils you will say sentences about the Pupils read the text again at home.
pictures. Pupils must listen and say the letter of the
picture you are talking about. AB B. Read the text again. Match the start and end
• Say I like playing football. Pupils say the letter ‘C’. of the sentences. [5 mins]
• Continue with the other pictures: I like flying a kite Aim: to read and understand the main points of an
(F); I like cooking (B); I like swimming (E); I like playing information text about games and hobbies.
computer games (A); I like riding a bike (D)
• Use the example to explain the activity. Pupils
• In pairs, pupils say sentences about pictures must read the text again. Then they must match the
A-F in the Pupil’s Book. beginnings of the sentences (1-6) with the endings
AB A. Look at the pictures. Write sentences. [5 mins]
Aim: to write sentences using like + ing verb. • In pairs, pupils read the text again. They draw
lines to match the beginnings and endings of the sen-
• Choose a pupil to read the sentence (I like
playing computer games). Explain that we can use • Read the beginning of each sentence and
‘like’ + ing verb (e.g. playing) when we are talking choose different pupils to say the correct endings.
about our hobbies and things we like doing. Answers: 1 = F, 2 = D, 3 = E, 4 = B, 5 = A, 6 = C
• Explain the activity. Pupils must write a sentence
beginning ‘I like’ or ‘we like’ under each picture.
PB 3. Read the sentences. What is the game and
• Pupils write a sentence about each picture. hobby? [3 mins]
Aim: to read and understand simple sentences about
• Choose different pupils to read the sentences.
games and hobbies.
Write them on the board. Pupils check their answers.
Answers: A. I like playing computer games. B. I like
• Divide the class into three teams.
cooking. C. We like playing football. D. I like riding a
• Read sentence 1 aloud (You play this with two
bike. E. I like swimming. F. We like flying a kite.
teams and a ball). The first team to give the correct
answer wins a point.
Homework 1
• Continue with sentences 2-5. The team with the
Pupils write some sentences about things they like
most points wins.
doing (e.g. I like flying a kite. I like reading).
Answers: A. football / basketball (or other sport), B.
computer games, C. flying a kite, D. cooking, E. swim-
PB 2. Read the text. Point to the pictures. [4 mins]
14 Unit 1: Welcome Back!
Lesson 3: Free Time UNIT 1
Homework 2
Look! [2 mins]
Pupils can finish writing the email at home.
• Read each sentence aloud. Pupils repeat. Check
pronunciation. Elicit the meanings of each sentence.
PB 4. Ask and answer questions about free time. [4
• Explain that we use such as when we want mins]
to give examples. Aim: to practise talking about the things you like do-
ing in your free time.
Materials: a soft ball (or a rolled-up piece of paper)
AB C. Answer the questions about you. [7 mins]
Aim: to review and practise answering questions
• Choose two pupils to read the question and
about personal information.
answer. Check pronunciation. Elicit the Arabic.
• Throw the ball to Pupil 1. Ask: What do you
• Read each question aloud. Elicit example an- like doing in your free time? Help the pupil to answer
swers. Teach ‘I’m an only child’ as a possible answer correctly (e.g. I like swimming in the river).
for question 4 and question 5. Remind pupils to use ‘I • Tell Pupil 1 to ask the question and throw the
like’ + ing-verb for question 6. ball to another pupil. Pupil 2 answers. Pupil 2 then
asks the question and throws the ball to Pupil 3.
• Pupils read the questions again and write an- • Pupils continue throwing the ball and asking /
swers. Remind them to write about themselves. answering the question.
• If there is time, pupils can continue in large
• Pupils read each other’s sentences, and check groups.
spelling and grammar.
Homework 3
• If there is time, choose pupils to and ask some Pupils choose five words from the lesson to review.
of the questions. They learn the spellings.
Example answers: 1. My name is Wajida. 2. I’m 11
(years old). 3. I’m from / I come from Kassala / Sudan. End of Lesson 3 Checkpoints:
4. I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters / I’m an only child. 5. • Pupils can say, read and write the names of common
They are 4, 5, 10 (years old) / My brother is 15 / I’m games and hobbies.
an only child. 6. I like reading. • Pupils can read and understand the main points of
an information text about games and hobbies.
AB D. Write an email about you. Use your answers • Pupils can write an email with basic personal
from Activity C. [7 mins] information.
Aim: to write an email with basic personal informa- • Pupils can talk about the things that they like
tion. doing in their free time.

• Explain the activity. Tell pupils to imagine that

they are writing an email to a new friend. They must
tell the friend about themselves. They can use some
of the answers from AB Activity C.
• Write on the board: Dear _____, Write soon _____.
Explain that we can use these words to begin and
end an email to a friend.

• Pupils write the email. Walk around the room

and help.

• If there is time, choose some pupils to read

their emails in front of the class.

Unit 1: Welcome Back! 15

UNIT 1 Lesson 4: Staying Healthy
Lesson overview under each picture.
Speaking focus: ask and answer questions
about healthy habits • Pupils work together to write the words.
Reading focus: understand a simple leaflet
about staying healthy • Choose different pupils to write the words on
Grammar: expressions of quantity: many, the board. Correct spelling problems. Pupils check
much, lots of their spellings.
Function: talking about quantity Answers: A. mango, B. egg, C. fizzy drink, D. sugar, E.
New language: fizzy, fresh chocolate, F. crisps, G. fish, H. orange juice, I. tomato,
J. burger
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 4 / Activity Book (AB) page 4
AB B. Read the text again. Complete the chart. [6
Starter activity [4 mins]
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? mins]
Aim: to prepare for the topic of staying healthy. Aim: to learn about more and less healthy food.

• Explain that this lesson is about ‘staying • Read the first three lines of the text in PB
healthy’. Elicit what ‘staying healthy’ means. activity 2 again.
• Point to each picture. Ask: Is this healthy? • Draw the chart on the board. Read the
Why? Why not? (e.g. we should do exercise, crisps headings (You should eat / lots of / not too much /
are not healthy, we should eat fruit and vegetables, not too many). Elicit the meanings.
we should go outside.) • Point to Picture A in Activity A and ask:
• Teach / review these words: exercise, fresh Should you eat lots of mangoes, or not too many?
fruit and vegetables, crisps, junk food, fizzy drink, Help pupils to answer (You should eat lots of
fresh air. mangoes). Write ‘mangoes’ in the first column.
• Point to Picture D and ask: Should you eat
PB 2. Read the poster. Point to the pictures. [4 mins] lots of sugar, or not too much? Help pupils to answer
(You should not eat too much sugar). Write ‘sugar’ in
the second column.
Aim: to read and understand a simple leaflet about • Point to Picture F and ask: Should you eat
staying healthy. lots of crisps or not too many? Help pupils to answer
(You should not eat too many). Write ‘crisps’ in the
• Explain that the text is a poster with information. third column.
Tell pupils you will read the poster. They must listen • Continue with the other pictures. Complete the
and follow the words. chart on the board.
• Read the poster aloud. Elicit what the poster is • Choose pupils to say sentences about the chart
about (5 ways to stay healthy). (e.g. You should not eat too many burgers).
• Tell pupils you will read each instruction again. If
they do what the instruction says, they should raise • If there is time, pupils say sentences about
their hands (e.g. if they eat lots of fresh fruit and the chart in groups of three or four.
vegetables, they raise their hands). Answers:
• Read each line again. Pupils raise their hands if You should eat…
lots of not too much not too many
AB A. Read the text again. Match the start and end mangoes sugar crisps
of the sentences. [5 mins] eggs chocolate fizzy drinks
fish orange juice burgers
Aim: to review words for food and drink.

• Point to each picture. Elicit the words. Correct Homework 1

pronunciation problems. Pupils use the completed chart to write sentences
• Explain the activity. Pupils must write the word (e.g. You should eat lots of mangoes etc.)

16 Unit 1: Welcome Back!

Lesson 4: Staying Healthy UNIT 1
Example answers: 1 = E, 2 = C, 3 = G, 4 = 4 = F, 5 = B,
6 = 6 = H, 7 = A, 8 = D
Look! [3 mins]
• Read each sentence aloud. Pupils repeat. Check PB 3. Ask and answer questions about ways to stay
pronunciation. Elicit the meanings of each sentence. healthy. [5 mins]
Aim: to practise asking and answering questions
• Explain that we use ‘many’ with things that
about healthy habits.
we can count (e.g. fizzy drinks, crisps, burgers).
Explain that we use ‘too much’ with things that we • Read the question in the speech bubble.
can’t count (e.g. junk food, sugar, chocolate, orange Choose pupils to answer. Help them to answer in
juice). Explain that we use ‘lots of’ with things we English. Continue with more of the questions from
can count and things we can’t count (e.g. healthy Activity C.
drinks, healthy food, mangoes, fish).
• Pupils take turns to ask and answer the
questions from AB activity C. Remind them to answer
AB C. Read the questions and answers. Circle the the questions with information about themselves.
correct word. [5 mins] Walk around the room, listening and helping.
Aim: to practise using much / many / lots of correctly.
• Choose some pairs to ask and answer the
questions in front of the class.
• Read question 1 aloud. Elicit the correct
answer (much). Elicit from pupils why (because we Homework 2
can’t count chocolate). Pupils keep a diary for one or two days of what they
• Explain the activity. Pupils must read the questions eat and drink.
and answers and choose the correct word for each Vocabulary box [3 mins]
• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
• Pupils read the questions and answers. They repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
draw a circle around the correct words. They check
• Pupils say the words together, and say what
their answers together.
they mean in Arabic.
• Elicit the answers. Have pupils give reasons Homework 3
for their choices. Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words
Answers: 1. much / much, 2. Many / lots of, 3. in the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson,
you can review these words.
AB D. Match the start and the end of the questions.
[5 mins] End of Lesson 4 Checkpoints:
Aim: to practise asking questions about healthy • Pupils can understand a simple leaflet about
habits. staying healthy.
• Pupils can say what we should and should not eat
• Use the example to explain the activity. Pupils to be healthy.
must match the beginning of each question with the • Pupils can use many, much, lots of with countable
correct ending. and uncountable nouns.
• Pupils can ask and answer questions about their
• Pupils draw lines to match the beginnings healthy habits.
and endings of the questions. They check their
answers together.

• Choose different pupils to read the completed

• Read each completed question aloud. Pupils repeat.
Check pronunciation.

Unit 1: Welcome Back! 17

UNIT 1 Lesson 5: Time
Lesson overview
Reading focus: understand the main points of • Read each question and elicit the answers.
an information text about sundials
Speaking focus: ask about and say the time in Answers: A. Four thousand years ago. B. They need-
different cities around the world ed the sun for telling the time. C. They were made
Grammar: compound nouns from tall stones. D. The hourglass.
Function: telling the time
New language: dial, hourglass, Nigeria, still Look! [3 mins]
(adv), sundial, tell the time • Read the words ‘foot’ and ‘ball’ and elicit the
meanings. Explain that these two words can go
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 5 / Activity Book (AB) page 5 together to make a new word ‘football’. Repeat
with the other example(s).
Starter activity [3 mins]
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? • Explain that these are compound nouns.
Aim: to prepare for the topic of telling the time. They can help pupils to understand and make
words in English.
• Explain that the pictures show different ways of • Elicit some other examples (e.g. basketball,
telling the time. blackboard, policeman etc.)
• Point to each picture and say the word (A = sundi- AB A. Write the numbers as words. [5 mins]
al, B = hourglass, C = water clock, D = watch). Aim: to practise writing big numbers.
• Elicit from pupils to say what they about the dif-
ferent ways of telling the time. They may use • Write these numbers on the board: 1,000 /
Arabic. 1, 500. Choose a pupil to say the numbers. Elicit the
spellings and write them on the board (one thou-
PB 2. Read the text. Which picture is it about? [5 sand / one thousand five hundred).

mins] • Pupils write the numbers.

Aim: to read and follow an information text about
sundials. • Write the numbers on the board. Pupils
check their answers.
• Tell pupils you will read a text. It is about one of Answers: 1. one thousand, 2. four thousand, 3. ten
the pictures in PB Activity 1. They must follow the thousand, 4. one thousand five hundred, 5. four
text and decide which picture. thousand six hundred, 6. ten thousand nine hun-
• Read the text aloud. Pupils follow and choose a dred
• Ask: What picture is it about? (Picture A) What AB B Look at the picture. What is the time in New
other pictures are in the text? (Picture B, Picture C)
• Read the text again. Elicit the meanings of these Zealand? [4 mins]
words: telling the time, stones, Egyptians, still. Aim: to understand the idea of different times in
different places.
Homework 1
Pupils read the text again at home. • Explain that the girls in the picture are Claire and
Fadia. Claire is Tim’s sister and she is in New Zea-
PB 3. Read the text. Answer the questions. [6 mins] land. Fadia is her friend. She is in Sudan.
Aim: to read and understand the main points of an • Point to the girl sitting in front of the computer
information text about sundials. and ask: Who is this? (Fadia) Where is she? (At
home in Sudan) What’s she doing? (She’s talking
• Choose different pupils to read each ques- to Claire on the computer) Where is Claire? (New
tion aloud. Elicit what the questions mean in Arabic. Zealand)
• Choose a pupil to read the text. Explain that when
• In pairs, pupils read the text again. They read it is 10 o’clock in Sudan, it can be a different time
the questions and answer them orally together. in other countries. New Zealand is 10 hours ahead.

18 Unit 1: Welcome Back!

Lesson 5: Time UNIT 1
Elicit the time in New Zealand (8 o’clock in the eve- throws the ball to Pupil 3.
ning). • Pupils continue throwing the ball and asking /
• Elicit from pupils if they know of any time dif- answering the question.
ferences in other countries (e.g. Egypt is one hour • Pupils ask and answer questions about the cit-
behind). ies and times (New York = It’s half past four in the
morning; Shanghai = It’s half past four in the after-
AB C. Write the times under the clocks. [6 mins] noon; Dubai = It’s half past twelve in the afternoon).
Aim: to review telling the time. AB D. Put the instructions in the correct order. [Op-
tional extra activity]
Aim: to read and understand instructions for making
• Tell pupils that when it is half past a sundial.
eleven in Khartoum, it can be a different time in
other cities around the world. Read the cities and If you have time in this lesson, you can help pupils
countries. Check pupils understand them. to make a sundial. After doing this activity, pupils
• Pupils must write a sentence under each time and could make a sundial at home.
city, like the example.
• Explain that the sentences are instructions
• Pupils write sentences under each time and for making a sundial. Explain that they are in the
city. wrong order. Pupils must read the instructions and
put them in the correct order.
• Ask: What time is it in London / Wellington • Elicit the first instruction (You will need a paper
/ New York / New Delhi / Abuja? Choose different plate, a pen and a pencil).
pupils to answer (It’s half past eight in London etc.)
Write the answers on the board. Pupils check their • Pupils work together to read and put the in-
answers and spelling. structions in the correct order. They write numbers
Answers: It’s half past eleven in Khartoum. / It’s 1 – 7 in the boxes.
half past eight in London. / It’s half past nine (in the
evening) in Wellington. / It’s half past three in New • Choose different pupils to read instructions
York. / It’s two o’clock in New Delhi. / It’s half past in the correct order. Elicit the Arabic for each in-
nine (in the morning) in Abuja. struction.
Homework 2 [1] You will need … [2] Take the paper plate … [3]
Pupils choose a different time for Khartoum (e.g. Use the pen … [4] Make a hole … [5] The pencil
10:00). Then they write the times for London / Wel- should … [6] Put your sundial … [7] Turn the plate …
lington / New York / New Delhi / Abuja.
Vocabulary box [3 mins]
PB 4. Ask and answer questions about the time in • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
different countries. [5 mins] repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
Aim: to practise asking about and saying the time in • Say one of the words in Arabic. Pupils say the
different cities around the world. word in English. Repeat with other words from the
Materials: a soft ball (or a rolled-up piece of paper) box in a different order.

• Read the names of the cities. Tell pupils to End of Lesson 5 Checkpoints:
say where they are (London = UK, New York = USA,
Shanghai = China, Dubai = UAE). • Pupils can read and understand the main points of
• Throw the ball to Pupil 1. Ask: What time is it in an information text about sundials.
London? Help the pupil to answer (It’s half past nine • Pupils can say and write big numbers.
in the morning). • Pupils can write, ask about and say the time in
• Tell Pupil 1 to ask the question about a different different cities around the world.
place and throw the ball to another pupil. Pupil 2
answers. Pupil 2 then asks a different question and
Unit 1: Welcome Back! 19
UNIT 1 Lesson 6: A Helping Hand
Lesson overview pupils to give the true answer.
Reading focus: understand the main points of
a short text about helping people • Pupils take turns to say the sentences to
Writing focus: write sentences about how each other. If a sentence is false, they correct it (e.g.
often we help people Helping people starts at home).
Grammar: adverbs of frequency Answers: A. false (Helping people starts at home), B.
Function: talking about habits and fre- true, C. true, D. false (We can do small jobs for other
quency people), E. false (Helping our neighbours is a good
New language: earn, mean (v), saying (n), thing to do), F. false (Small things are important too)
useful, wealth
AB A. Read the sayings. What are they about? [4
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 6 / Activity Book (AB) page 6
Starter activity [3 mins] Aim: to guess the meanings of words.
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see?
Aim: to prepare for reading. • Explain that there are many sayings about helping
people. Read the first one (Every good act is char-
• Explain that the topic of this lesson is ‘help- ity). Give the meaning in Arabic. Have pupils give
ing people’. some examples of ‘good acts’.
• Point to each picture and ask how the peo- • Read the other sayings. Elicit the meanings. Elicit
examples from pupils.
ple in the picture are helping others. Pupils • Choose a pupil to read the last saying again. Check
may use Arabic. pupils understand and can say the word ‘wealth’.
Explain that this saying is from the prophet Moham-
PB 2. Read the text. Point to the pictures. [3 mins] med.
Aim: to read and follow a short text about helping
people. AB B. Complete the chart. Answer the questions. [4

• Tell pupils you will read a text about helping mins]

people. They must follow the text and point to the Aim: to review adverbs of frequency.
pictures in PB Activity 1 (e.g. when they read help-
ing our parents they point to picture A). • Read the first question aloud (How often do you
• Read the text aloud. Pupils follow and point to help at home?). Elicit the meaning in Arabic.
pictures. • Read the adverbs (always, usually, sometimes,
• Teach / elicit the meanings of these words: a fa- never) and elicit the meanings. Ask the first question
mous saying, mean, useful. again, and tell pupils to draw a tick ( ) in the relevant
column (e.g. if a pupil usually helps at home, they
Homework 1 draw a tick in the ‘usually’ column).
Pupils read the text again at home. • Read the other questions. After each question,
elicit the meaning, and tell pupils to draw a tick in
PB 3. Read the text again. Are the sentences true the relevant column.
or false? [7 mins]
Aim: to read and understand the main points of a AB C. Write about what you do. Use your answers
short text about helping people. from the chart. [8 mins]
Aim: to write sentences about how often we help
other people.
• Pupils read the text again together.
• In pairs, pupils read the sentences and decide if • Choose different pupils and ask the ques-
they are true or false. They write T or F in their note- tions in AB Activity B. Help pupils to answer (e.g. I
books. always help at home. I sometimes give money to
charity. I sometimes help a neighbour etc.)
• Elicit the answers. If a sentence is false, ask • Explain that we put the adverbs always, usu-

20 Unit 1: Welcome Back!

Lesson 6: A Helping Hand UNIT 1
ally, sometimes and never between the person and End of Lesson 6 Checkpoints:
the verb (e.g. I always help…)
• Explain the activity. Pupils must write three • Pupils can read and understand the main points of
sentences about how often they help other people. a short text about helping people.
They can write about their answers in the chart in • Pupils can write sentences about how often they
Activity B. help other people.
• Pupils can ask and answer questions about how
• Pupils write their sentences. Walk around often they help other people.
the room and help.

• Pupils read each other’s sentences, and

check spelling and grammar.

• If there is time, choose pupils to read their

sentences in front of the class.

Homework 2
Pupils write more sentences about themselves in
their notebooks (e.g. I always help my grandmother
in the morning).

PB 4. Ask and answer questions about helping at

home. [6 mins]
Aim: to practise asking and answering questions
about how often we help other people.

• Read each question in AB activity B aloud.

Pupils repeat.
• Choose two pupils. Pupil 1 asks the questions; Pu-
pil 2 answers. Encourage pupils to give more infor-
mation (e.g. I always help at home. I always help my
mother with the cooking).

• Pupils take turns to ask and answer the

questions. Walk around the room, listening and

Vocabulary box [3 mins]

• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils

repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Say a word
from the box. Tell pupils to write the word in their
notebooks. Repeat with the other words.
• Tell pupils to open their Activity Books and to

check the spellings. Pupils check the spellings

of each word in their notebooks.

Unit 1: Welcome Back! 21

UNIT 1 Lesson 7: The Scorpion
Lesson overview
Listening focus: predict and understand what • Tell pupils to say if the story was the same as
happens in a short story about a scorpion and a frog their ideas.
Speaking focus: act out a dialogue with clear
pronunciation PB 3. Listen again. Answer the questions. [5 mins]
Grammar: modal verb: can / can’t (for Aim: to listen and understand details of a short story
ability, requests) about a scorpion and a frog.
Function: making requests Materials: audio track 1.7
New language: dead, scorpion, sting, surprised

Pupil’s Book (PB) page 7 / Activity Book (AB) page 7 • In pairs, pupils read the questions and discuss
the answers.
Starter activity [3 mins]
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What happens next? • Play audio track 1.7. Pupils listen.
Aim: to predict what happens in a story.
• Read the questions. Elicit the answers. Explain
• Point to Picture A. Ask: What animals can you see? the meaning of the answer for question D (I can’t
(a scorpion, a frog) Where are they? (By the river) stop myself).
What does the scorpion say? Elicit the meaning in Answers: A. The scorpion wants to cross the river. B.
Arabic. The frog is afraid of the sting. C. The scorpion says he
• Point to Picture B. Ask: What does the frog say? will not sting the frog. He can’t swim. D. He says, ‘I
Why does he say this? (Because he’s afraid of the can’t stop myself!’.
scorpion and his sting). Teach the word sting.
• Point to Picture C. Ask: What does the scorpion AB A. Write the words in the box under the pictures.
[4 mins]
say? Elicit the meaning in Arabic. Tell pupils to Aim: to review words from the story.
say what will happen if the scorpion stings the frog
(the frog will die from the sting, the scorpion will die
because he can’t swim). • Explain the activity. Pupils must write a word
from the box under each picture.
• Point to Picture D. Explain that the frog has
agreed to help the scorpion. He will carry him across • Pupils write the words under the picture.
the river. Tell pupils to say what will happen in the
story. Encourage different ideas. They check their answers together.

PB 2. Listen to the story. Were you correct? [5 mins] • Elicit the word for each picture. Check
Aim: to listen and understand the main points of a pronunciation.
short story about a scorpion and a frog. Answers: 1. surprised, 2. dead, 3. river, 4. scorpion,
Materials: audio track 1.7 5. frog

• Tell pupils they will listen to a story about a AB B. Listen again. Write the sentences again as true
scorpion and a frog. They must listen and hear what sentences. [5 mins]
happens. Aim: to read and find mistakes in sentences from a
• Play audio track 1.7. Pupils listen. In Materials: audio track 1.7
pairs, pupils discuss what they understand about the
story. • Explain that the sentences are from the story.
Explain that there are mistakes in each one.
• Play the audio track again. Pupils listen. Ask:
Does the scorpion sting the frog? (Yes) What will • Pupils read the sentences together. They say
happen? (They will both die) what they think the mistakes are.

22 Unit 1: Welcome Back!

Lesson 7: The Scorpion UNIT 1
• Play audio track 1.7. Pupils listen and find the • Say the dialogue (you can use a different voice
mistakes. for the scorpion and the frog). Pupils repeat. Check
• Choose different pupils to read the correct • Divide the class into halves. Point to the words of
sentences. Tell pupils to cross out the wrong words the dialogue. One half reads the scorpion’s lines; the
and write the correct words. other half reads the frog’s lines.
Answers: 1. road / river, 2. bite people / sting frogs,
3. I am happy / I can’t swim, 4. we must both swim / • Pupils act out the dialogue in pairs. Walk
we are both dead, 5. I want to stop but I can’t / I can’t around the room, listening and helping with
stop myself pronunciation.

AB C. Answer the questions. Use the words in the • If there is time, choose pairs to act out the
box. [5 mins] dialogue in front of the class.
Aim: to write sentences about what animals can /
can’t do. Homework 2
Pupils tell their families the story of the scorpion and
the frog.
• Use the example to explain the activity. Pupils
must write a sentence about each animal. They must
say one thing the animal can and can’t do. They must Vocabulary box [3 mins]
use the verbs in the box.
• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils repeat.
• Pupils work together to write sentences. Elicit the meaning of each word.
Remind them that we use an infinitive verb after ‘can’ • Point to each word. Pupils say the word. Check
and ‘can’t’. pronunciation.

• Read the questions. Choose 2-3 pupils to End of Lesson 7 Checkpoints:

answer each one. They may have different answers.
Example answers: 1. They can sting, but they can’t • Pupils can listen and understand details of a short
swim. 2. They can jump, but they can’t fly. 3. They story about a scorpion and a frog.
can sting, but they can’t run. 4. They can fly, but they • Pupils can write sentences about what animals can
can’t sting. 5. They can swim, but they can’t run. / can’t do.
• Pupils can act out a dialogue with clear
Homework 1 pronunciation.
Pupils can write similar sentences about different
animals (e.g. hippos can swim but they can’t fly).

PB 4. Act out the story. [10 mins]

Aim: to act out a dialogue.

• Write this dialogue on the board. As you

write, pupils can say the lines.
Scorpion Frog
Can you help me cross No, sorry. I don’t want to
the river? help you because you
sting frogs.
Don’t worry. I won’t sting Ow! Why did you do
you because I can’t that? Now we are both
swim. dead!
I’m sorry. It’s what I do. I
can’t stop myself!

Unit 1: Welcome Back! 23

UNIT 1 Lesson 8: Revision: New Friends
Lesson overview Pupils read the messages again at home.
Reading focus: understand details of a text
message exchange between two girls PB 3. Read the messages again. Answer the
Writing focus: write a short paragraph giving questions. [6 mins]
personal information about another person Aim: to read and understand details of a text message
Grammar: (1) like + ing-verb, (2) adverbs exchange between two girls.
of frequency
Function: exchanging personal information
New language: nearly, similar • In pairs, pupils read the messages again. They
take turns to ask and answer the questions.
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 8 / Activity Book (AB) page 8
• Read the questions and elicit the answers.
Starter activity [5 mins] Answers: A. Fadia, B. Claire, C. Fadia, D. Claire and
Fadia (both), E. Fadia
PB 1. Look at the pictures. Who are the girls?
Aim: to review words about family. AB A. Match the questions with the answers. [5
• Point to the picture of Claire. Ask: Who is the Aim: to read and understand questions and answers
girl? Point to the other people in the picture and about personal information.
ask pupils to say who they are and what they can
remember about them (Tim = Claire’s brother, aged • Use the example to explain the activity. Pupils
11, likes playing computer games, playing football must read the questions and match them with the
and swimming; Wayne = Claire’s dad, works for a correct answers.
big company and they want to open an office in
Khartoum, has a brother John; Shirley = Claire’s • Pupils draw lines to match the questions and
• Remind pupils that Claire and her family are from answers. They check their answers together.
New Zealand. They are going to live in Sudan for eight
• Choose a pupil to read question 2 aloud
(How old are you?) and a different pupil to read the
• Point to the picture of Fadia. Ask: Who is the girl?
matching answer (A) I’m 11 years old.
Explain that she is Claire’s friend in Sudan. Ask pupils
• Continue with the other questions and answers.
to guess who the people in the picture are (e.g.
Check pronunciation.
mother, father, grandparents, brothers, sisters).
Answers: 1 = F, 2 = A, 3 = B, 4 = E, 5 = , 6 = H, 7 = G,
PB 2. Read the messages. What is the same about

Claire and Fadia? [5 mins] AB B. Choose four questions from Activity A. Write
Aim: to read and follow a text message exchange answers about you. [6 mins]
between two girls. Aim: to practise asking and answering questions
about personal information.
• Tell pupils you will read messages between Claire
• Read one of the questions in Activity B.
and Fadia. Tell pupils they must follow and find Choose 2-3 pupils to answer. Help them to answer in
things that are similar. English. Continue with more of the questions.
• Read the messages aloud. Pupils follow in their
• Pupils take turns to ask and answer the
questions from AB Activity A. Remind them to answer
• Tell pupils to say how Claire and Fadia are similar
the questions with information about themselves.
(they are both 11 years old, they both like computer
Walk around the room, listening and helping.
games, they both do exercise).
• Read the messages aloud again. • Choose pairs to ask and answer the questions
in front of the class.
Homework 1

24 Unit 1: Welcome Back!

Lesson 8: Revision: New Friends UNIT 1
AB C. Write sentences about your friend. Use some
of the words in the box. [10 mins]
Aim: to write a short paragraph giving personal
information about another person.

• Explain the activity. Pupils must write

sentences about their partner.
• Write some example sentences on the board: My
friend’s name is Faisal. He likes swimming. He plays
football. He usually helps his father and uncle at
home. He doesn’t eat too much junk food.
• Remind pupils that we add the letter ‘s’ at the end
of the verb when we are talking about the facts or
habits of another person (e.g. likes, helps, doesn’t

• Pupils write about their partner. Walk around

the room and help.

• Pupils read each other’s paragraphs, and

check spelling and grammar.

• If there is time, choose pupils to read their

paragraphs in front of the class.

Homework 2
Pupils can finish writing the paragraph at home.

End of Lesson 6 Checkpoints:

• Pupils can read and understand details of a text

message exchange between two girls.
• Pupils can read and understand questions and
answers about personal information.
• Pupils can ask and answer question about
personal information.
• Pupils can write a short paragraph giving personal
information about another person.

Unit 1: Welcome Back! 25

UNIT 2 Lesson 1: Types of Houses
Lesson overview Homework 1
Reading focus: understand the main points of Pupils read descriptions A-D again at home.
short descriptions of houses
Speaking focus: ask and answer questions PB 3. Read the texts again. Ask and answer the
about your own houses questions. [6 mins]
Grammar: passive (It’s made of…) Aim: to read and understand the main points of short
Function: describing houses descriptions of houses.
New language: block (n), floor (level), hut,
type, modern, mud, upstairs • Choose different pupils to read each question
aloud (e.g. Whose house has more than one floor?).
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 9 / Activity Book (AB) page 9 Elicit what the questions mean in Arabic.

Starter activity [3 mins] • Pupils read descriptions A-D again together.

PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? They read the questions and answer them orally
Aim: to learn words for materials. together.

• Read the questions and elicit the answers.

• Point to each picture and ask questions: What Answers : A. Eman, B. Yasir, C. Asma, D. Babikir
can you see? What is this house made of? Teach the
words blocks and mud. AB B. Match questions and answers. [5 mins]
Aim: to read and understand questions and sentences
AB A. Match the words from the box to the pictures. about houses.
[5 mins]
Aim: to practise words for materials. • Explain the activity. Pupils must read questions
1-4 and match each one with the correct answer.
• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils Give an example. Read the first question and elicit
repeat. the answer (d).
• Explain the activity. Pupils must write a word from
the box under each picture. • Pupils draw lines to match the questions and
• Pupils write the words under the pictures.
• Choose different pupils to read the questions
They check their answers together. and matching answers. Pupils check their answers.
Answers: 1. d, 2. c, 3. a, 4. b
• Elicit the word for each picture. Check
pronunciation. AB C. Make questions. [5 mins]
Answers : Aim: to practise the correct word order for questions.

PB 2. Read about the houses in the pictures. Answer

the questions. [5 mins] • Use the example to explain the activity.
Aim: to read and follow short descriptions of houses. Pupils must put the words in the correct order to
make a question.
• Read descriptions A-D aloud. Pupils follow in their
books. Tell pupils to guess the meanings of the words • Pupils write the questions with words in
modern and upstairs.
• Read the first question: Which house is made of the correct order. They check their answers
bricks? Tell pupils to choose one of the descriptions together.
A-D. Tell pupils to write the letter in the air (they write • Choose different pupils to read the questions
the letter B in the air). aloud. Pupils check their answers.
• Continue with the other questions (Which house is • Read the questions aloud. Pupils repeat.
made of blocks / mud / animal hair?). Check pronunciation.
Answers: 1. B, 2. D, 3. C, 4. A

26 Unit 2: Home Sweet Home

Lesson 1: Types of Houses UNIT 2
Answers: the picture, or write some sentences about it (e.g.
1. What type of house do you live in? My house is modern. It’s painted white. It has four
2. What does your house look like? rooms).
3. What is your house made of?
4. How would you describe your house? End of Lesson 1 Checkpoints:

PB 4. Ask and answer questions about your house. • Pupils know the names of different materials, and
[6 mins] they can say and write what a house is made of.
Aim: to practise asking and answering questions • Pupils can read and understand the main points of
about your own houses. short descriptions of houses.
• Pupils can ask and answer questions about their
• Ask questions 1-4 from AB activity C. After
each question, elicit some answers. Help pupils
to answer in English. Write some examples on the
1. I live in a modern house / an old villa / a
shepherd hut / a mud house.
2. It’s big / small / round / square. It’s painted
white. It looks like a tent.
3. My house is made of bricks / blocks / animal
hair / mud / wood.
4. It’s modern / old / comfortable / warm /
cool. There are three floors / rooms. There is only one
room. It has a garden. The bedrooms are upstairs.

• Pupils take turns to ask and answer the

questions from AB activity C. Remind them to answer
the questions with information about their own
houses. Walk around the room, listening and helping.

• Have a few pairs to ask and answer the

questions in front of the class.

Vocabulary box [5 mins]

• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils

repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Say a word
from the box. Tell pupils to write the word in their
notebooks. Repeat with the other words.
• Tell pupils to open their Activity Books and to

check the spellings. Pupils check the spellings

Homework 2
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words
in the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson,
you can review these words.

Homework 3
Pupils draw a picture of their house. They label
Unit 2: Home Sweet Home 27
UNIT 2 Lesson 2: A Good Place to Live
Lesson overview decide which house Ameen lives in (from PB Activity
Listening focus: understand the main points of 2).
a conversation about a house
Reading focus: understand sentences about • Play audio track 2.2. Pupils listen and decide.
the advantages and disadvantages of different houses • Elicit which house Ameen lives in. (He lives in the
Grammar: adjectives (opposites) modern house.)
Function: talking about advantages and
disadvantages PB 4. Listen again. Are these sentences true or false?
New language: advantage, difficult, [6 mins]
disadvantage, electricity, expensive, light (adj) Aim: to listen and understand details of a conversation.

Pupil’s Book (PB) page 10 / Activity Book (AB) page 10 • Read each sentence aloud. After each
sentence, elicit the meaning in Arabic. Then tell
Starter activity [6 mins] pupils to raise their right hands if they think it’s true;
PB 1. Look at the words. Say the opposite. or their left hands if they think it’s false.
Aim: to learn and review adjectives (opposites).
• Play audio track 2.2 again. Pupils listen.
• Point to the example and explain the activity.
Pupils must draw lines to match adjectives on the left • Pupils read each sentence and draw a circle
with their opposites on the right. around the word ‘true’ or ‘false’.

• Pupils draw lines to match the adjectives. • Elicit the answers. If a sentence is false, ask
pupils to give the true answer.
• Choose pupils to read the matching adjectives. • Elicit the advantages (it’s comfortable, it’s big,
Check pronunciation. Elicit the meaning of each word it’s cool in the summer) and disadvantages (it’s very
in Arabic. expensive, sometimes there’s no electricity). Write
• Tell pupils to close their books. Say any of the the word electricity on the board.
adjectives (e.g. easy). Pupils say the opposite. Repeat Answers: A. true, B. false (It’s made of bricks), C. false
with more adjectives. (It was built 5 years ago), D. true
Answers: comfortable / uncomfortable, cool / warm,
easy / difficult, expensive / cheap, heavy / light , AB B. Complete the chart. [8 mins]
modern / old-fashioned, nice / horrible Aim: to read and understand sentences describing
advantages and disadvantages.
PB 2. Look at the pictures. What can you see? [3
mins] • Elicit from pupils the meanings of ‘advantage’
Aim: to practise using adjectives to describe houses. and ‘disadvantage’ in Arabic. Explain the activity.
Pupils must read the sentences in the box and find
• Point to the pictures and ask questions about each one advantage and one disadvantage for each type
one: of house.
• What is the house made of?
• Is the house comfortable / uncomfortable / • Pupils work together to read the sentences
cool / expensive / cheap / modern / old? and complete the chart.
• Is the house easy / difficult to build?
• Point to the pictures and elicit the advantage
PB 3. Listen to Tim and Ameen. Which house does / disadvantage of each type of house.
Ameen live in? [3 mins]
Aim: to follow a conversation about the advantages
and disadvantages of a house.
Materials: audio track 2.2

• Explain that pupils will listen to a conversation

between Tim and Ameen. They must listen and

28 Unit 2: Home Sweet Home

Lesson 2: A Good Place to Live UNIT 2
Type of [a/w – 3] [a/w – 4] [a/w – 2] [a/w – 1] End of Lesson 2 Checkpoints:
Advan- It’s It has a They It’s very • Pupils can say the opposites of some common
tage warm garden. can comfort- adjectives.
in the move able. • Pupils can listen and follow a short conversation
winter from about the advantages and disadvantages of a house.
and cool place to • Pupils can read and understand sentences about
in the place. the advantages and disadvantages of different
summer. houses.
Disad- There is It’s very
vantage only one expen-
room. sive.
Homework 1
Pupils read the sentences again. They draw a circle
around the sentences which are true about their own

PB 5. Talk about your house. [6 mins]

Aim: to practise talking about your house.

• Read each question aloud and elicit some

answers. Help pupils to answer in English (see
example answers below).

• Pupils take turns to ask and answer the

questions. Remind them to answer the questions
with information about their own houses. Walk
around the room, listening and helping.

• Have a few pairs to ask and answer the

questions in front of the class.
Example answers: It’s made of bricks. It’s painted
white. It was built 20 years ago. My grandmother,
father, mother and sisters live there.

Homework 2
Pupils can write answers to the questions in their

Vocabulary box [3 mins]

• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils

repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Point to each word. Pupils say the word.
Check pronunciation.

Homework 3
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words
in the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson,
you can review these words.

Unit 2: Home Sweet Home 29

UNIT 2 Lesson 3: Rooms and Furniture
Lesson overview PB 2. Look at the pictures. Say the room they are in.
Reading focus: understand the main points of [4 mins]
short descriptions of rooms in a house Aim: to practise saying words for rooms and furni-
Writing focus: write a paragraph about your ture.
own house and its rooms Materials: a soft ball (or a rolled-up piece of paper)
Grammar: there is / there are
Function: identifying and referring to • Choose pupils to read the question and the words
objects around the home in the box. Check pronunciation. Elicit the meanings
New language: rug, sofa, toilet, wardrobe in Arabic.
• Throw the ball to Pupil 1. Ask: In which room do
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 11 / Activity Book (AB) page 11 you find (a bath)? Help the pupil to answer accurately
(In the bathroom).
Starter activity [3 mins] • Tell Pupil 1 to ask the question about a different
PB 1. Match the words with the pictures. piece of furniture (they can use the objects from PB
Aim: to review / learn words for furniture and ob- activity 1). Pupil 1 throws the ball to another pupil.
jects around the home. Pupil 2 answers. Pupil 2 then asks a different ques-
tion and throws the ball to Pupil 3.
• In pairs, pupils read the words and point to • Pupils continue throwing the ball and asking / an-
the pictures. swering the question.

• Point to each picture. Elicit the words. Say PB 3. Read the two texts. Point to the household
each word again. Pupils repeat. Check pronunciation.
Answers : A. bed, B. cooker, C. toilet, D. sofa, E. mir- items in the pictures. [4 mins]
ror, F. wardrobe, G. bath, H. fridge, I. rug Aim: to read and follow descriptions of rooms in a
AB A. Find eight words in the puzzle. [6 mins]
Aim: to review the spellings of furniture and objects • Tell pupils you will read two descriptions of a room.
around the home. They must follow and find words for furniture or ob-
jects in a room.
• Tell pupils to look at the puzzle. Point to the • Read Text A aloud. Elicit the words for furniture or
word cooker. Explain they must find eight more words objects in the text (bed, wardrobe, desk, window,
for objects around the home. Words can go from top lamp). Elicit the room (bedroom).
to bottom or left to right. • Read Text B aloud. Elicit the words for furniture or
objects in the text (table, cooker, fridge, bowl). Elicit
• Pupils find the words together and draw a cir- the room (kitchen).
cle around them.

• Pupils compare their answers in small groups. Look! [3 mins]

Answers: • Read each sentence aloud. Pupils repeat.
[Can we put red circles around the answers in bold?] Check pronunciation. Elicit the meanings of each
Y C B A T H I V • Explain that we use ‘there is’ or ‘there’s’
S O M G O Q M E when we talk about one thing (e.g. a table). Have a
O O E N I U I O few pupils to say some sentences about the class-
F K L A L J R X room using ‘there is’ or ‘there’s’ (e.g. There’s a
A E B S E I R I blackboard).
M R U G T P O R • Explain that we use ‘there are’ when we talk
about more than one thing (e.g. two beds). Have a
few pupils to say some sentences about the class-
room using ‘there are’ (e.g. There are lots of desks).

30 Unit 2: Home Sweet Home

Lesson 3: Rooms and Furniture UNIT 2
AB B. Read the texts again. Write the answer for again at home.
these questions. [6 mins]
Aim: to read and understand the main points of de- Homework 2
scriptions of rooms in a house. Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words
in the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson,
• Choose different pupils to read each question you can review these words.
aloud. Elicit what the questions mean in Arabic.
Homework 3
• Pupils read the text again together and write Pupils write a list of furniture or objects they can see
answers. in their bedroom or around their home.

• Read questions 1-5 and choose pupils to read End of Lesson 3 Checkpoints:
their sentences. Write them on the board if neces-
sary. • Pupils can identify rooms and objects around the
Answers: 1. There are two beds in the (first) room. home and say them with clear pronunciation.
2. They put them in the wardrobe. 3. They use it to • Pupils can write words for objects around the
do (their) homework. 4. There’s a table, a cooker, ahome with accurate spelling.
fridge and a bowl. 5. • Pupils can understand the main points of short
descriptions of rooms in a house.
AB C. Complete the paragraph about you. [8 mins] • Pupils can write a paragraph about their own
Aim: to practise writing a paragraph about your own houses and its rooms.
house and its rooms.

• Read each sentence. Pause at each gap and

elicit different words (see example answers below).
If pupils suggest new words, teach them and write
them on the board.

• Pupils complete the text. Remind pupils

to write about their own houses. Walk around the
room, listening and helping.

• Pupils read each other’s paragraphs, and

check spelling and grammar.

• If there is time, choose a few pupils to read

their paragraphs in front of the class.
Example answers: My house has one room / four
rooms. It is made of blocks / bricks / wood / mud. It
was built five / twenty years ago. I sleep in the bed-
room / main room. The house is very small / big /
nice / comfortable. My favourite room is the living
room. There is a rug, a sofa and a television.

Homework 1
AB D. Rewrite the text in your own words. [3 mins]

Aim: to practise writing a paragraph about your own

house and its rooms.
• Explain the activity. Pupils must write the paragraph
from AB Activity C again. Pupils write the paragraphs

Unit 2: Home Sweet Home 31

UNIT 2 Lesson 4: Where is it?
Lesson overview table, the wardrobe is , the window is behind the
Speaking focus: ask and answer questions bed , the chair is next to the table, the ball is on the
about where things are in a room bed, the table is between the bed and the chair, the
Writing focus: write simple sentences about shoes are under the bed, the picture is next to the
where things are in a room window, the rug is on the floor, the lamp is on the
Grammar: prepositions of place table
Function: identifying and expressing
location PB 3. Ask and answer in pairs. [6 mins]
New language: - Aim: to practise asking questions with question tags.

Pupil’s Book (PB) page 12 / Activity Book (AB) page • Read the question in the speech bubble.
12 Explain that we can add a short question to the end
of the sentence. We often do this when we speak.
Starter activity [4 mins] • Explain the activity. Pupils will work in pairs.
Pupil 1 will read a question, Pupil 2 will look at the
PB 1. Look at the picture. What can you see? picture in PB Activity 1 and answer ‘Yes, it is’ or ‘No,
Aim: to prepare for the topic of the lesson. it isn’t’.
• Tell pupils to look at the picture for 20 seconds. • Choose two pupils. Pupil 1 reads question
After 20 seconds, tell them to close their books. 1, Pupil 2 answers (No, it isn’t). Then pupil 2 reads
• Ask: What’s in the room? Pupils answer using question 2 and Pupil 1 answers (Yes, it is).
‘there is’ or ‘there are’ (e.g. There’s a bed, there are
some shoes). • Pupils take turns to ask and answer the
• Tell pupils to open their books again and look questions. Walk around the room, listening and
at the picture. helping.
• Read the words on the labels in the picture Answers: 1. No, it isn’t. 2. Yes, it is. 3. Yes, they are. 4.
aloud (behind, between etc.). Pupils repeat. Check Yes, it is. 5. No, it isn’t. 6. Yes, it is. 7. Yes, it is. 8. No,
pronunciation. Elicit the meanings in Arabic. it isn’t.

PB 2. Ask and answer in pairs. [6 mins] AB A. Write the words from the box next to the
Aim: to ask and answer questions about where things correct sentence. [5 mins]
are in a room. Aim: to read and understand sentences about where
things are in a room.
• Read the question in the speech bubble
(Where’s the bed?). Pupils look at the picture from • Choose pupils to read the words in the box
PB activity 1 again, and answer (e.g. It’s in front of aloud. Check pronunciation.
the window.)
• Ask the same question about the objects in • Read the first sentence aloud. Explain
the box (Where’s the book, wardrobe etc.?) Pupils that the sentence describes one of the words in the
answer using different prepositions (see example box, and describes where it is in the picture in PB
answers below). activity 1. Elicit the word (shoes). Tell pupils to write
• Choose two pupils to ask / answer the the word ‘shoes’ next to the sentence.
question in front of the class (e.g. Where’s the
picture? It’s next to the window.) • Pupils read the sentences and write the
correct word next to each one. They check their
• Pupils take turns to ask and answer the answers together.
question (Where’s the …?) using the objects in the
box. Walk around the room, listening and helping. • Choose pupils to read the sentences and say
the words.
• Have a few pairs to ask and answer the Answers: 1. shoes, 2. book, 3. rug, 4. clothes, 5. table,
questions in front of the class. 6. lamp
Example answers: (other answers are possible) the
bed is in front of the window , the book is on the

32 Unit 2: Home Sweet Home

Lesson 4: Where is it? UNIT 2
Homework 1 Continue with more questions.
Pupils review the spellings of the words in the box.
• In pairs, pupils show each other their pictures.
AB B. Draw a picture of a room with things in it. [6 They take turns to ask and answer questions about
mins] the picture using Where is / are the…? Walk around
Aim: to prepare for writing and speaking activities. the room, listening and helping.

• Explain the activity. Pupils must draw a picture Homework 3

of a room. Elicit objects that you can find in a room Pupils write some sentences about a room at home
(e.g. sofa, table, chair, book, lamp etc.). in their notebooks. They say where things are in the
room (e.g. The television is on the table).
• Point to the word box. Explain that one object
should be in front of something, another next to End of Lesson 4 Checkpoints:
something, another between something, another
behind something, and another under something. • Pupils can say and write words for common
objects in the bedroom.
• Pupils draw a simple picture of a room. • Pupils can read and understand simple
They may draw the objects they want in the room. sentences describing where things are.
Encourage pupils to draw quickly. Walk around the • Pupils can ask and answer questions about
room to check. After 5 minutes of drawing, end the where things are in a room.
activity. • Pupils can write three simple sentences
about where things are in a room.
AB C. Write three sentences about your picture. Use
words from the box. [7 mins]
Aim: to write simple sentences about where things
are in a room.

• Explain the activity. Pupils must write three

sentences about their picture. They should use some
of the prepositions from the box.

• Pupils write three sentences.

• Pupils read each other’s sentences, and check

spelling and grammar.

• If there is time, choose a few pupils to read

their sentences in front of the class.

Homework 2
Pupils can write or finish writing the sentences at

PB 4. Your turn. Talk about your pictures in pairs. [6

Aim: to ask and answer questions about where things
are in a room.

• Choose two pupils. Pupil 1 shows Pupil 2 their

picture of a room. Pupil 1 asks a question about the
picture (e.g. Where’s the television?) Pupil 2 looks
at the picture and answers (e.g. It’s on the table).

Unit 2: Home Sweet Home 33

UNIT 2 Lesson 5: Technology in Our Houses
Lesson overview
Listening focus: understand details of two • Elicit the word for each picture. Check
short information texts about technology pronunciation.
Reading focus: understand sentences Answers : a. fridge, b. iron, c. microwave, d. television
describing what machines are used for (TV), e. washing machine, f. mixer, g. mobile phone
Grammar: passive (It’s made of, It’s used Homework 1
to) Pupils write a list of technology they have in their
Function: identifying and referring to own houses.
technology around the house
New language: iron, microwave, remote PB 2. Listen to a text and point to the pictures. [3
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 13 / Activity Book (AB) page Aim: to listen and follow a short information text
13 about technology around the house.
Materials: audio track 2.2
Starter activity [4 mins] • Tell pupils they will listen to a text about
Aim: to review words for objects around the house. technology in our houses. They must listen and point
to the pictures in PB activity 1 (e.g. when they hear
• Give pupils one minute. In pairs, they must fridges they point to the picture of a fridge).
write down as many words as they can for objects
around the house. • Play audio track 2.2. Pupils listen and point to
the pictures.
• Tell pupils to stand up. Tell them to sit down • Elicit from pupils which pictures they pointed
if they have fewer than 8 words, then 10 words, then to (fridge, washing machine, iron, microwave).
12 words etc. The pupils with the most words remain
standing. Tell the class to clap. AB B. Listen again to text 1. Match to make sentences.
[5 mins]
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? [4 Aim: to read and understand sentences describing
mins] what machines are used for.
Aim: to review / learn words for technology around Materials: audio track 2.2
the house.
• Point to each picture. Teach / elicit the word. • Explain the activity. Pupils must draw lines to
Say each word. Pupils repeat. Check pronunciation. match the first parts of the sentences on the left with
• Point to each picture again. Don’t say the the endings on the right.
word. Pupils say the word.
• Teach the meaning of the title of the lesson: • Pupils draw lines to match the first parts and
Technology in our houses. endings of the sentences.
Answers : a. fridge, b. iron, c. microwave, d. television
(TV), e. washing machine, f. mixer, g. mobile phone • Play audio track 2.2. again. Pupils listen and
check their answers.
AB A. Write the words from the box under the
correct picture. [5 mins] • Choose pupils to read the complete sentences.
Aim: to practise words for technology around the Elicit the meanings in Arabic.
house. Answers: 1 = b, 2 = d, 3 = c, 4 = a

• Point to the example. Explain the activity. PB 3. Listen to a text and answer the questions. [10
Pupils must find the word for each object in the box, mins]
and write it under the picture. Aim: to listen and understand details of a short
information text about a mixer.
• Pupils find and write the words. They Materials: audio track 2.3
check their answers together.
• Tell pupils they will listen to a text about a

34 Unit 2: Home Sweet Home

Lesson 5: Technology in Our Houses UNIT 2
piece of technology. Play audio track 2.3. Pupils Homework 3
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words
listen. In pairs, pupils say what they understood in the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson,
about the text. you can review these words.

• Choose different pupils to read the questions. End of Lesson 5 Checkpoints:

Elicit the meanings in Arabic.
• Pupils can say and write words for different
• Play audio track 2.3 again. Pupils listen. machines.
In pairs, pupils read the questions again and answer • Pupils can listen and understand details of a
them orally. If necessary, play the audio track again. short information text about a mixer.
• Pupils can read and understand descriptions
• Read each question and elicit the answers. of machines and what they are used for.
Write the word ‘metal’ on the board. Say the word
and give the meaning in Arabic.
Answers: 1. It’s called a mixer. 2. It’s made of metal,
plastic and glass. 3. 4. It’s used to mix fruit or make it
smaller. 5. They use it to make orange juice.

AB C. Read the descriptions in pairs and guess the

answers. [6 mins]
Aim: to read and understand descriptions of

• Explain the activity. Pupils will work in

pairs. Pupil 1 will read the first two descriptions, Pupil
2 will listen and guess the machine. Then Pupil 2 will
read the second two descriptions, Pupil 1 will listen
and guess the machine.

• Pupils take turns to read the descriptions and

guess the answers. Walk around the room, listening
and helping.

• Read the descriptions and elicit the answers.

Answers: Pupil 1: 1. fridge, 2. remote control , Pupil
2: 1. microwave, 2. iron

Homework 2
Pupils choose a machine and write a description in
their notebooks (e.g. It’s made of metal and plastic.
It’s used to watch TV programmes).

Vocabulary box [3 mins]

• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Say
each word. Tell pupils to spell it. Write the word on
the board.

Unit 2: Home Sweet Home 35

UNIT 2 Lesson 6: Finding a Place
Lesson overview
Reading focus: understand a conversation PB 2. Read the beginning of the conversation. Where
between a man and a boy and follow directions on a
map is the man? [3 mins]
Speaking focus: act out a conversation about Aim: to read and follow a conversation asking for and
directions with clear pronunciation giving directions.
Grammar: prepositions of place and • Explain that the text is a conversation between
direction a man and a boy. They are in the city. Read the first
Function: giving directions three lines of the conversation. Pupils listen:
New language: Man: Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the
bank, bookshop, car park, city
hall, conversation, police station hotel?
Boy: Of course. We are here at the bus station.
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 14 / Activity Book (AB) page Man: Yes, we are.
14 • Ask: Where is the man? Pupils answer (He’s at
the bus station). Tell pupils to point to the bus station
Starter activity [4 mins] on the map.

PB 1. Look at the map. What can you see? PB 3. Read and follow the directions on the map. [7
Aim: to review and learn the names of places in a mins]
town / city. Aim: to read and understand details of a conversation
• Explain that this is a map of a city. Say the asking for and giving directions.
names of the places (park etc.). Pupils repeat. Elicit
• Tell pupils you will read the complete
/ teach the meaning of each word in Arabic. conversation aloud. They must listen and follow the
Explain what a city hall is (the main building for the
directions on the map.
city government). • Read the complete conversation. Pause after
• Say the names of a place on the map in Arabic
each line to give pupils time to find the places on the
(e.g. ‫)بنك‬. Pupils say the word in English (bank).map and follow the directions.
Check pronunciation. Repeat with all the names of • Write these words on the board: opposite,
the places. turn left / right, go straight on , walk past. Say the
• Elicit the names of the streets (West, North,
words. Pupils repeat. Elicit the meanings.
East, South). • Give instructions to check understanding.
Examples: Look left. Look right. Look at the person
AB A. Write the name of the place next to each opposite you. Stand up. Go left. Go right. Go straight
sentence. [5 mins] on. (Pupils do this on the spot at their desks.)
Aim: to review words for places in a town / city.
Homework 2
• Divide the class into two teams.
Pupils read the conversation again at home.
• Explain that you will read sentences about
places in a town or city. Read each sentence aloud,
AB B. Match the words in the box to the pictures.
and say ‘beep’ or clap for each gap. The first team to
[5 mins]
give the correct answer wins a point.
Aim: to learn / review prepositions of place and
• Write the missing words on the board.
• Pupils complete the sentences.
• Explain the activity. Pupils must find the word
Answers: 1. bookshop, 2. zoo, 3. hotel, 4. supermarket,
for each picture in the box, and write it under the
5. bus station, 6. hospital
Homework 1 • Pupils find and write the words. They
Pupils write a list of places in their village / town / check their answers together.
city in their notebooks (e.g. school, market, mosque
etc.). • Elicit the word for each picture. Check

36 Unit 2: Home Sweet Home

Lesson 6: Finding a Place UNIT 2
pronunciation. Elicit the meanings in Arabic.
Answers: 1. turn left, 2. go straight , 3. turn right, 4. Vocabulary box [3 mins]
opposite, 5. next to, 6. between, 7. behind • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
AB C. Complete the conversation. [7 mins] • Say one of the words in Arabic. Pupils say the
Aim: to practise prepositions of place and direction. word in English. Repeat with other words from the
box in a different order.
• Explain that the text is another conversation
between the man and the boy. Read the first line
aloud, and explain the activity. Pupils must complete Homework 3
the gaps with words from the box. Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words
in the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson,
• Pupils complete the conversation. They you can review these words.
check their answers together.
End of Lesson 6 Checkpoints:
• Choose two pupils to read the completed • Pupils can say and read the names of
conversation. Pupils check their answers. Check common places in a town / city, and prepositions of
pronunciation. place and direction.
• Choose two pupils to read the conversation • Pupils can read and follow simple directions
in front of the class. Pupil 1 is the man, Pupil 2 is the on a map.
boy. • Pupils can ask for and give simple directions.

• In pairs, pupils read the conversation. Walk

around the room, listening and helping.
Answers: 1. library, 2. here, 3. right, 4. left, 5. straight
, 6. between

PB 4. Your turn. Role play a conversation at the bus

station. [6 mins]
Aim: to practise asking for and giving directions.

• Tell pupils to imagine that they are at the bus

station on the map. Read the question aloud (Excuse
me, can you tell me how to get to the park?). Help
pupils to answer (e.g. Turn left and walk past the
hospital, the bookshop and the office. The park is
• Ask the question about some other places

on the map. Help pupils to answer. Explain the

activity. Pupils will work in pairs. They must ask for
and give directions to the places in the box.

• Pupils take turns to ask for and give directions.

Walk around the room, listening and helping.

• Choose a few pairs to ask for and give

directions in front of the class.

Unit 2: Home Sweet Home 37

UNIT 2 Lesson 7: Safety at Home
Lesson overview home.
Reading focus: understand details of a poster
about safety at home • Read the first sentence (Turn off the iron
Listening focus: understand details of a story
about a girl’s accident at home when you finish). Give the meaning in Arabic.
Grammar: imperatives (to give warnings) Elicit from pupils if this is a ‘do’ (we should do this), or
Function: talking about obligation and a ‘don’t’ (we should NOT do this). (It’s a ‘do’)
prohibition • Explain the activity. Pupils must read the
New language: accident, gas cylinder, lock, sentences and decide if they are ‘do’ or ‘don’t’. Pupils
unlock should write the numbers of the sentences in the
correct column of the chart.
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 15 / Activity Book (AB) page
15 • In pairs, pupils read each sentence together
and decide if it is a ‘do’ or a ‘don’t’. They complete
Starter activity [3 mins] the chart.
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see?
Aim: to prepare for the topic of safety at home. • Read each sentence aloud and elicit the
• Point to each picture. Elicit what pupils can answer (do or don’t). Pupils check their answers.
see. Teach / review these words: toys, iron, knives, Elicit the Arabic for each sentence.
gas cylinder. Answers: Do: (1) turn off the iron when you finish, (2)
put medicines away, (5) tidy your toys away
• Elicit how each situation could be dangerous. Don’t: (3) leave gas cylinders unlocked, (4) climb on
Encourage pupils to give different ideas. They may chairs, (6) leave knives out
use Arabic.
Homework 2
PB 2. Listen and read the poster. Then listen and Pupils share the rules about safety at home with their
point to the pictures. [6 mins]
Aim: to read and follow a poster about safety at PB 3. Listen to the story about Aisha. What happened
home. to her? [5 mins]
• Point to the poster. Read the title (Stay safe Aim: to listen and follow a story about a girl’s accident
at home). Elicit the Arabic. Read the first paragraph at home.
aloud. Pupils follow. Tell pupils to guess the meanings
of the words ‘accidents’ and ‘rules’. • Ask questions about the picture. Who is this?
(Aisha) What’s the matter with her? (She broke her
• Explain that the poster has rules to help people arm). How did she break her arm? Encourage pupils
stay safe at home. Read the rules. Pupils follow. to give different ideas. Don’t tell them the answer.
• Tell pupils you will read the poster again. They • Read this story aloud. Pupils listen.
must follow the text and point to the pictures in PB Hi! My name’s Aisha. Last week I had an accident at
activity 1 (e.g. when they read keep knives away from home. I wanted something from a cupboard in the
children they point at the picture of knives). kitchen but it was too high. So I climbed on a chair. I
• Read the complete text aloud. Pupils follow was on the chair and my brother came in with a ball.
and point to pictures. He didn’t see me and kicked the ball against the wall.
• Elicit the meanings of these words / phrases: But then the ball hit me and I fell off the chair. I fell
medicines, gas cylinder, locked, don’t leave the iron on the floor and hurt my arm. My mum took me to
on. Explain that the opposite of ‘locked’ is ‘unlocked’. the hospital and they said it was broken! Now I can’t
Homework 1
Pupils read the poster again at home. • In pairs, pupils discuss what happened to
Aisha. They may use Arabic.
AB A. Complete the chart. [5 mins]
Aim: to read and understand advice about safety at AB B. Listen and match the answers to the questions.

38 Unit 2: Home Sweet Home

Lesson 7: Safety at Home UNIT 2
[6 mins] front of the class.
Aim: to read and understand questions and answers Vocabulary box [3 mins]
about a story.
• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
• Read the story about Aisha again. Pupils listen. repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Choose pupils to read questions 1-5. Check
pronunciation. Elicit the meanings in Arabic. • Pupils say the words together, and say what
• Explain the activity. Pupils must find the they mean in Arabic.
answer for each question in the box, and write it
below the question. Homework 3
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words
• Pupils find and write the answers. They in the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson,
check their answers together. you can review these words.
Answers: 1. last week. 2. to get something. 3. her
brother. 4. the ball hit her. 5. she broke it. End of Lesson 7 Checkpoints:

AB C. Listen to the story again and check your • Pupils can read and understand a poster
about safety at home.
answers. [3 mins] • Pupils can understand sentences saying what
Aim: to listen for details of a story about a girl’s you should / shouldn’t do to be safe at home.
accident at home. • Pupils can listen and understand the main
• Read the story aloud again. Pupils listen and points of a simple story about an accident.
check their answers.
• Choose different pairs to read the questions
and answers in front of the class.

Look! [5 mins]

• Read each sentence aloud. Pupils repeat.

Check pronunciation. Elicit the meanings of each

• Explain that we use ‘please’ + infinitive verb

(e.g. put) or ‘please don’t’ + infinitive verb (e.g.
climb) to give warnings.
• Elicit some examples and write them on the
board (e.g. Please turn the iron off when you finish,
Please don’t leave knives out).

• Pupils write two sentences together (one

beginning with ‘please’, one beginning with ‘please
don’t’). The sentences should give warnings about
safety in the home. Walk around the room and help.

PB 4. Your turn. [4 mins]

Aim: to share warnings about safety at home.

• In groups of six, pupils read their sentences

about safety at home beginning with ‘please’ and
‘please don’t’.

• Have some pairs to read their sentences in

Unit 2: Home Sweet Home 39
UNIT 2 Lesson 8: Revision: My Family House
Lesson overview books.
Reading focus: understand a short description • Tell pupils to choose a picture and then write
of where things are in a bedroom the letter with their fingers in the air. (Answer: Picture
Speaking focus: prepare and present a A)
description of your home and bedroom
Grammar: (1) passive (It’s made of, It’s PB 3. Read the description again. Then ask and
used to), (2) there is / there are, (3) prepositions of answer in pairs. [5 mins]
place Aim: to read and understand the main points of a
Function: talking about advantages and description of a house.
disadvantages, describing houses
New language: - • Choose different pupils to read each question
aloud. Elicit what the questions mean in Arabic.
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 16 / Activity Book (AB) page 16
• In groups of three or four, pupils read the text
Starter activity [4 mins] again. They read the questions and answer them
Aim: to review language from Unit 2. orally together.
• Slowly write these letters on the board: b-l-
o-c-k. Tell pupils to raise their hands when they can • Read each question and elicit the answers.
guess the word. Write the complete word on the Answers: 1. It’s made of camel hair. 2. It’s nice and
board. warm in winter. It’s easy to move. 3. Yes. There is only
• Repeat with more words from the vocabulary one room. When it rains, it’s difficult for the mother
boxes of Unit 2 (e.g. mud, upstairs, electricity, to cook. 4. She cooks outside. 5. No, his uncle lives in
expensive, sofa, microwave, metal, hotel, opposite, a modern house. 6. Yes, he does.
accident, medicine)
• Elicit the Arabic for each word. Homework 1
Pupils read the description again at home.
PB 1. Look at the pictures. Talk about these
AB A. Complete the words for the gadgets . [5 mins]
questions. [3 mins] Aim: to review the names of machines used around
Aim: to review talking about different types of the house.
• Point to the pictures and read the questions • Point to the example, and explain the activity.
about each one. Elicit answers. Encourage pupils Pupils must find words in the box and complete the
to give different ideas. Help pupils to use as much names of the machines.
English as possible.
Example answers: Picture A: 1. It’s a hair house. It’s • Pupils write the missing words in the gaps.
made of animal hair. Advantage: They can move from
place to place. Disadvantage: There is only one room. They check their answers together.
Picture B: It’s a mud house. It’s made of mud and
• Pupils read the words. Check pronunciation.
wood. Advantage: It’s warm in the winter and cool
Elicit the meanings in Arabic.
in the summer. Disadvantage: There are problems
• Elicit what each machine is used for. (An
when there is heavy rain.
electric iron is used to make clothes look nice, A food
mixer is used to mix fruit or make it smaller, A mobile
PB 2. Read the description. Which house is it? [3
phone is used to make calls and talk to people, A
mins] washing machine is used to clean clothes)
Aim: to read and follow a short description of a family Answers: 1. electric, 2. food, 3. mobile, 4. washing
• Tell pupils you will read a description of a AB B. Complete the sentences. [4 mins]
house. They must follow and decide which house it is Aim: to write sentences about what machines are
about (Picture A or B). used for.
• Read the text aloud. Pupils follow in their

40 Unit 2: Home Sweet Home

Lesson 8: Revision: My Family House UNIT 2
• Read the example. Elicit the meaning in • Choose some pupils to tell the class about
Arabic. their house and bedroom.
Example answers: My house is made of bricks /
• Pupils complete the sentences. They blocks / mud / wood / animal hair.
check their answers together. There are four rooms in my house. A living room, a
bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom. There is only one
• Choose pupils to read the completed room in my house.
sentences. Write them on the board. Pupils check In my bedroom there is a bed, a wardrobe, and a
their answers. table / lamp / mirror / bookcase / chair / rug / picture
Answers: 1. This is a mobile phone. It’s used to make etc.
calls and talk to people. Homework 2
2. This is an electric iron. It’s used to make clothes Pupils write sentences about their house and
look nice. bedroom in their notebooks.
3. This is a food mixer. It’s used to mix fruit or make
it smaller. Now I Can! [3 mins]
• Read the sentences aloud. Elicit the mean-
AB C. Read the text. Draw the picture. [6 mins] ings in Arabic.
Aim: to understand a description of where objects • Pupils read each sentence and decide if
are in a bedroom. they can do this in English. If they can, they draw a
tick [ ]. If they are not sure, they review lessons in
• Explain the activity. Pupils must read the text Unit 2 again.
and draw the picture.

• In groups of 3, pupils read the text together. Homework 3

Each pupil draws a picture of the room in their Pupils look again at lessons they would like to review.
Activity Books. Encourage pupils to draw quickly.
Walk around the room and help. End of Lesson 8 Checkpoints:

• Choose different pupils to read the description. • Pupils can read and understand the main
Quickly draw the picture on the board. Pupils compare points of a description of a house.
their pictures to the one on the board. • Pupils can say and write the names of
machines and say what they are used for.
PB 4. Your turn. [7 mins] • Pupils can understand a description of where
Aim: to present a description of your family house. objects are in a bedroom.
• Pupils can tell others about their house and
• Read the speech bubbles. Elicit as many bedroom.
possible endings to each sentence as possible. Write
some ideas on the board (see example answers
• Explain the activity. Pupils must prepare some
sentences about their house and bedroom. They
will tell other pupils and the class about them. They
can use the example sentences, or prepare other
sentences if they like.

• Give pupils two minutes to prepare. Walk

around the room and help.

• In small groups of four or five, pupils talk

about their house and bedroom.

Unit 2: Home Sweet Home 41

UNIT 2 Unit 2 : Audioscripts
Unit 2 Audioscripts

Audio track 2.1

Tim: What type of house do you live in?
Ameen: It’s a modern house. It’s a very nice house
and it’s very comfortable.
It’s big. My bedroom’s on the second floor. It’s
painted blue.
Tim: Do you like living there?
Ameen: Yes, I do. It was built five years ago and it’s
made of blocks. It’s cool in the summer.
Tim: Are there any disadvantages?
Ameen: Yes, of course. My dad says it’s very expensive
and sometimes there’s no electricity.

Audio track 2.2

Technology in our houses is very important. It can
make our lives much easier. Fridges keep our food
cool and fresh so we don’t have to go shopping so
often. We can wash our clothes in a washing machine
and use an electric iron so they look nice. We can
use a cooker or a microwave to cook our food. Food
cooked in a microwave is quicker, but food cooked on
a cooker tastes better.

Audio track 2.3

My favourite piece of technology in my home is a
mixer. It’s made of metal, plastic and glass. It has a
jug. It’s used to mix fruit or make it smaller. I use it
every day. I put oranges in it and make orange juice.

42 Unit 2: Home Sweet Home

Lesson 1: At School UNIT 3
Lesson overview • Read sentences 2-6. Elicit ideas and help
Speaking focus: ask and answer questions pupils to suggest ways to complete the sentences.
about your school timetable
Writing focus: write simple sentences about • Pupils work together to complete the
your school timetable sentences.
Grammar: prepositions of time (on
Sunday) • Choose pupils to read each sentence. Pupils
Function: talking about time may have different ideas.
New language: ancient, experiment, P.E., Example answers:
religion, shape 1. In Maths we learn about numbers and shapes.
2. In Science we learn about inventions and
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 17 / Activity Book (AB) page experiments.
17 3. In Islamic Studies we learn about our religion and
the Quran.
Starter activity [3 mins] 4. In Geography we learn about different places
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? around the world and the weather.
Aim: to review / learn words for school subjects. 5. In P.E. we learn to play different sports.
• Point to picture A. Elicit the school subject 6. In History we learn about the past.

(Maths). Tell pupils to say what they learn PB 3. Look at the school timetable. [4 mins]
about in Maths (e.g. numbers and shapes). Aim: to understand a school timetable.
• Repeat with pictures B-D. • Explain that this is a school timetable. It
Answers: A. Maths, 2. Geography, 3. P.E, 4. Science shows when you have different lessons. Point to the
days across the top (e.g. Sun, Mon) and elicit them
PB 2. Read the sentences. What’s the subject? [5 (e.g. Sunday, Monday).
mins] • Tell pupils to look at the subjects. Tell them
Aim: to read and understand sentences about school to find the two subjects that are not in PB activity 2
subjects. (English, Computers).
• Ask questions about the timetables. Choose
• Read the subjects in the box. Pupils repeat. pupils to answer. Examples:
Check pronunciation. Elicit the meanings in Arabic. • How many lessons of Islamic Studies / English
• Read the first sentence. Ask: What’s the / Science / Maths / Computers / History / Geography
subject? (Maths). Explain the activity. Pupils must / P.E are there each week?
read the sentences and choose the subject. • What’s the first / second / third / fourth lesson
on Tuesday / Sunday etc.?
• Pupils read the sentences and write the • What’s the last lesson on Tuesday / Sunday
subjects in their notebooks. They check their • What subject is after / before History on
answers together. Monday?
• Read each sentence. Choose different pupils
to say the subject. AB B. Look at the timetable again. Answer the
• Elicit the meanings of these words: shapes, questions. [5 mins]
ancient, inventions, experiments, religion Aim: to understand and answer questions about a
Answers: A. Maths, B. History, C. Geography, D. school timetable.
Science, E. P.E., F. Islamic Studies
• Explain the activity. In teams, pupils must read
AB A. Complete the sentences. [6 mins] the questions and write the answers as quickly as
Aim: to write sentences about school subjects. they can. The first team to write the correct answers
• Read the first sentence. Explain the activity.
Pupils must complete each sentence, saying what we • In groups of three, pupils work together to
learn in each subject. read the sentences and write the answers in their

Unit 3: Education 43
UNIT 3 Lesson 1: At School
notebooks. They raise their hands when they have week is Science). Remind pupils that we use ‘on’ for
finished. days (e.g. on Tuesday).

• Elicit the answers and write them on the • Pupils complete the sentences. Walk around
board. Pupils check their answers. the room and help. Remind pupils that they should
Answers: 1. Islamic Studies, 2. Computers, 3. Two, 4. write about their own timetables.
P.E., 5. Two, 6. History, 7. Tuesday
• Pupils read each other’s sentences, and check
AB C. Make your timetable. [5 mins] spelling and grammar.
Aim: to understand how to write a timetable.
• If there is time, choose pupils to read their
• Explain that pupils must write their own sentences in front of the class.
timetable. The timetable should have times in the Example answers:
first column, and days across the top in the first row. My first lesson of the week is Islamic Studies.
Pupils can add rows for times. They complete it with I have English every week.
their lessons. I have P.E. on Thursday.
• Write English words on the board for any My last lesson on Sunday is Maths.
subjects which are not in the lesson.
Homework 2
• Pupils write their timetables. Walk around Pupils write or finish writing the sentences at home.
the room and help. They can write more sentences.

• Pupils compare their timetables, and check

spellings. Vocabulary box [3 mins]
• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
PB 4. Talk about your school timetable. [4 mins] repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
Aim: to practise asking and answering questions • Say one of the words in Arabic. Pupils say the
about a school timetable. word in English. Repeat with other words from the
box in a different order.
• Ask different pupils questions: When do you
have Maths / Islamic Studies / English / P.E. / History
/ Geography / Science / Computers etc? Help pupils Homework 3
to answer (e.g. We have Maths every day. We have Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words
Computers on Monday.). Explain that we use ‘on’ for in the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson,
days (e.g. on Monday), and ‘at’ for times (e.g. at nine you can review these words.
• Choose pairs to ask and answer questions in End of Lesson 1 Checkpoints:
front of the class.
• Pupils can say school subjects with clear
• Pupils take turns to ask and answer questions pronunciation and write them with accurate
about their timetables. Walk around the room, spelling.
listening and helping. • Pupils can read and understand a school
Homework 1 • Pupils can ask and answer questions about a
Pupils show their timetables to their family. They talk school timetable.
about them using as much English as possible. • Pupils can write some simple sentences
about their school timetable.
AB D. Write about your timetable. [5 mins]
Aim: to write simple sentences about your timetable.

• Write the sentences on the board. Elicit some

examples for the gaps (e.g. My first lesson of the

44 Unit 3: Education
Lesson 2: My School UNIT 3
Lesson overview the audio again.
Listening focus: understand details of a boy
describing his school in New Zealand • Pupils work together to write answers. They
Speaking focus: ask and answer questions may write notes (e.g. New Zealand, 9 o’clock).
about your school and school routines
Grammar: adverbs of frequency and expres- • Elicit answers. Write full sentences on the
sions of time (e.g. on Sunday, in the afternoon, at 9 board (see below). Underline the present simple
o’clock) verbs. Explain that we use this when we talk about
Function: talking about habits and rou- routines or facts.
tines Answers:
New language: capital, cricket, kiwi (bird), 1. Tim is from New Zealand.
rugby, strange 2. He usually starts school at nine o’clock.
3. He finishes school at half past three.
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 18 / Activity Book (AB) page 4. No, he doesn’t have school on Saturday and Sun-
18 day.
5. Yes, girls go to his school.
Starter activity [3 mins] 6. He studies Maths, English and Science.
7. His favourite subject is P.E.
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see?
Aim: to prepare for the topic of the lesson. AB B. Complete the sentences. Use the words in
• Point to each picture. Elicit from pupils what the box. [5 mins]
they can see. Elicit the meaning of the word exam. Aim: to understand common verbs.
Teach the word cricket.
• Explain the activity. Pupils must read the
• Have pupils say what is similar and different sentences and complete the gaps with verbs from
between these pictures and their own school. the box.

PB 2. Listen to Tim. Point to the pictures. [3 mins] • Pupils complete the sentences. They
check their answers together.

Aim: to listen and understand the main points of a • Choose different pupils to read the complet-
description of a school. ed sentences. Elicit the meanings in Arabic.
Materials: audio 3.1 • Remind pupils that these sentences all use
• Explain that the pictures show Tim’s school present simple verbs. They all talk about routines or
in New Zealand. Tell pupils they will listen to Tim facts.
talking about his school. They must listen and point Answers: 1. study, 2. start, 3. go, 4. play, 5. have
to the pictures that he talks about.
Homework 1
• Play audio track 3.1. Pupils listen and point. Pupils read the completed sentences again. They
• Point to each picture. Ask: Does Tim talk decide if they are true or false for their school. Ex-
about this picture? (Tim talks about pictures A, B, D) ample:
1. In my school we all study Maths. True.
AB A. Listen again. Write answers to the questions. 2. Classes start at nine o’clock in the morning. False.
[8 mins] In my school classes start at half past seven.
Aim: to listen and understand more details of a de-
scription of a school. PB 3. Ask and answer the questions. [6 mins]
Materials: audio 3.1 Aim: to practise asking and answering questions
about school.
• Choose different pupils to read each ques-
tion aloud. Elicit what the questions mean in Arabic. • Read each question aloud. Choose different
pupils and help them to answer. If you like, you can
• Play audio track 3.1 again. Pupils listen. Play write useful words and phrases on the board.

Unit 3: Education 45
UNIT 3 Lesson 2: My School
to the pictures of the islands and the kiwi bird.
• Pupils take turns to ask and answer ques- • Have pupils guess the meanings of these
tions 1-5. Remind them to answer the questions words: capital, kiwi, strange.
with information about themselves. Walk around
the room, listening and helping. • Tell pupils to say what they have learned
about New Zealand. They may use Arabic.
• Choose pairs to ask and answer the ques-
tions in front of the class. AB D. Read the information about New Zealand.
Are these sentences true or false? [? mins]
Look! [4 mins] Aim: to read and understand the main points of a
• Read the question and sentence aloud. Pu- text about New Zealand.
pils repeat. Check pronunciation. Elicit the meanings
of each sentence. • Pupils read the text again together. In pairs,
they read sentences 1-7 and decide if they are true
• Explain that we use words like ‘usually’ or false. They draw a circle around the word ‘True’
to talk about our routines and habits. Elicit more or ‘False’.
adverbs of frequency and write them on the board
(e.g. sometimes, often, always, never). • Elicit the answers. If a sentence is false, have
• Choose pupils to say some sentences about pupils to give the true answer.
their routines using one of the adverbs of frequen- Answers : 1. T, 2. F (There are two islands), 3. T, 4. T,
cy (e.g. I never go to school on Friday, I sometimes 5. T
have exams).

Vocabulary box [3 mins]

Homework 2 • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
Pupils write 2-3 sentences about their routines using repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
adverbs of frequency (e.g. I never go to school on • Point to each word. Pupils say the word.
Friday, I sometimes have exams). Check pronunciation.

AB C. Write about your school. [8 mins]

Aim: to write simple sentences about your school. Homework 3
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words
• Read the sentences aloud. Elicit answers for in the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson,
each gap. (Sentence 3: In my school there are boys / you can review these words.
girls / boys and girls.)
End of Lesson 2 checkpoints:
• Pupils complete the sentences. Walk around
the room and help. Remind pupils that they should • Pupils can understand details of a boy talking
write about themselves and their school. about his school in New Zealand.
• Pupils can ask and answer simple questions
• Pupils read each other’s sentences, and about their school and school routines.
check spelling and grammar. • Pupils can write simple sentences about
their school and subjects.
• If there is time, choose pupils to read their
sentences in front of the class.

PB 4. Read the text and point to the pictures. [?

Aim: to learn some facts about New Zealand.
• Tell pupils you will read a text about New
Zealand. Read the text aloud. Pupils follow and point
Lesson overview
46 Unit 3: Education
Lesson 3: School Rules UNIT 3
Reading focus: understand the details of a
poster about school rules definitions. They check their answers together.
Writing focus: make a poster about school
rules • Elicit the answers. Pupils check their answers.
Grammar: modal verb + infinitive: must / • Tell pupils to say / guess the meanings of
mustn’t these words: own, land, building.
Function: talking about obligation and Answers: 1 = e, 2 = d, 3 = a, 4 = b, 5 = c
New language: definition, on time, property, AB B. Complete the school rules. Use the words in
school grounds the box. [5 mins]
Aim: to understand the meaning of vocabulary from
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 19 / Activity Book (AB) page the lesson.
• Explain the activity. Pupils must complete the
Starter activity [3 mins] rules with words from the box. They must not look at
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? the Pupil’s Book.
Aim: to prepare for the topic of school rules.
• Point to each picture. Elicit what pupils can • Pupils complete the rules.
see. Teach / review these words: shout, uniform,
homework, property. • Choose pupils to read the completed rules.
Check pronunciation.
PB 2. Read the school rules. Point to the pictures. [4 • Tell pupils to close their books. Read the first
word of a rule (e.g. Arrive...) Pupils say the complete
mins] rule (Arrive on time). Repeat with the first words of
Aim: to read and follow a poster about school rules. other rules.
Materials: poster ?
• Point to the poster. Read the title (School • If there is time, pupils can do the activity in
Rules). Elicit the Arabic. pairs. Pupil 1 (with book open) says the first word of
• Tell pupils you will read the poster. They must a rule. Pupil 2 says the complete rule. Pupils swap
follow the text and point to the pictures in PB activity roles.
1 (e.g. when they read Arrive on time they point to Answers: time, uniform, shouting, run, grounds,
Picture D). homework, property
• Read the text aloud. Pupils follow and point
to pictures. AB C. Complete the chart. Use the school rules from
• Read the rules again. Elicit the meaning of Activity B. [6 mins]
each rule in Arabic. Aim: to understand and use modal verbs must /
mustn’t correctly.
Homework 1
Pupils read the school rules again at home. They • Draw the table on the board. Explain the
practise saying the rules with clear pronunciation. meaning of the words must and mustn’t.
• Tell pupils to look at the school rules in AB
AB A. Match the words with the definitions. [5 mins] activity B. Ask: What must pupils do? Write the
Aim: to read and guess the meanings of words. answers in the first column. Ask: What mustn’t pupils
do? Write the answers in the second column.
• Read words 1-5 aloud. Pupils repeat each • Explain that we use infinitive verbs after
word. Check pronunciation. Elicit the meaning of ‘must’ and ‘mustn’t’. Infinitive verbs have no endings
each word in Arabic. (e.g. the letter ‘s’ or ‘ing’). Underline the infinitive
• Explain the activity. Pupils must match the verbs.
words and the definitions (a-e).
• Pupils complete the chart.
• Pupils draw lines to match words and

Unit 3: Education 47
UNIT 3 Lesson 3: School Rules
Must Mustn’t
Arrive on time Run in the corridor Look! [3 mins]
Wear the correct Shout • Read each sentence aloud. Pupils repeat.
uniform Go outside the school Check pronunciation. Elicit the meanings of each
Do your homework grounds during sentence.
Look after your property breakfast
• Remind pupils that we use must + infinitive
verb (e.g. arrive) and mustn’t + infinitive verb (e.g.
AB D. Make a ‘School Rules’ poster. Use must and shout) to talk about rules.
mustn’t. [8 mins]
Aim: to write sentences about school rules.
Materials: chart paper (or notepaper), pens, coloured Homework 2
pencils (if possible) Pupils review the Look! boxes in Lesson 1 and Lesson
2 of Unit 3.
• Write on the board:
Rules in our school Vocabulary box [3 mins]
Pupils must __________ and _____________.
Pupil mustn’t __________ or ____________. • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Elicit examples of things that pupils must /
mustn’t do at your school. These may be the same • Pupils say the words together, and say what
rules as this lesson or other rules (e.g. eat in the they mean in Arabic.
classroom, keep the school clean). Write pupils’ ideas
on the board.
Homework 3
• In groups of three or four, pupils make a Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words
poster about school rules. They can use chart paper in the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson,
or paper from their notebooks. They write sentences you can review these words.
about things pupils must / mustn’t do at school. If
they like, they can draw pictures.
End of Lesson 3 Checkpoints:
Example sentences
• Pupils can read and follow simple school
Pupils must help each other and keep the school
• Pupils can work together to make a poster
Pupils mustn’t eat in the classroom or throw rubbish
about school rules.
in the school grounds.
• Pupils can use modal verbs must and mustn’t
PB 3. Say some school rules. Use must and mustn’t.

[3 mins] Lesson overview

Aim: to say some school rules. Reading focus: read and understand the main
• Choose groups to show and read their posters points of a text about the Khalwa
in front of the class. If possible, stick the posters on Speaking focus: ask and answer questions
the board or around the classroom for pupils to look about your school day
at. Grammar: modal verb + infinitive: must
Function: talking about obligation and no
New language: active, (have a) break, writing

Pupil’s Book (PB) page 20 / Activity Book (AB) page


48 Unit 3: Education
Lesson 4: The Khalwa UNIT 3
Starter activity [3 mins] • Read the words in the box aloud. Pupils
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? repeat. Check pronunciation. Elicit the meanings in
Aim: to prepare for the topic of the lesson. Arabic.
• Point to each picture and ask questions: • Use the example to explain the activity. Pupils
What can you see? What are the boys doing? Where must read the sentences and complete the gaps with
are they? What are the Khalwa? What do boys learn words from the box.
• Pupils complete the sentences. They
• Have pupils say what else they know about check their answers together.
these schools.
• Choose different pupils to read the completed
PB 2. Read the text. What is it about? [6 mins] sentences.
Aim: to read and follow a text about the Khalwa. Answers: 1. prayer, 2. meal, 3. break, 4. copy, 5. active

• Read the text aloud. Pupils follow in their AB B. Match the answers (a – e) to the correct
books. questions (1 – 5). [5 mins]
Aim: to read questions and answers about a text.
• Tell pupils to discuss what the boys at
the Khalwa do in pairs. • Read the example question and answer, and
explain the activity. Pupils must draw lines to match
• Have pupils say what the boys do. (They the questions and answers.
learn the Quran, they copy and learn the words, they
study hard, they clean their rooms, they cook their • Pupils read and match the questions and
food.) answers. They check their answers together.
• Tell pupils to guess the meanings of these
words: prayer, have a break, a writing board, copy, • Choose different pairs to read the questions
active. and answers aloud. Check pronunciation.
Answers: 1 = e, 2 = d, 3 = a, 4 = c, 5 = b
Homework 1
Pupils read the text again at home. AB C. Make questions. [5 mins]
Aim: to practise the correct word order for questions.
PB 3. Read the text again. Are these sentences true
or false? [6 mins] • Explain the activity. Pupils must put the words
Aim: to read and understand the main points of a in the correct order to make a question.
text about the Khalwa.
• Pupils write the questions with words in
• Pupils read the text again together. In pairs,
they read sentences 1-7 and decide if they are true or the correct order. They check their answers
false. They write T or F in their notebooks. together.

• • Choose different pupils to read the questions

Elicit the answers. If a sentence is false, have
pupils give the true answer. aloud. Pupils check their answers.

Answers: 1. T, 2. F (They have a break in the middle Read each correct question aloud. Pupils
repeat. Check pronunciation.
of the day), 3. T, 4. F (There are one hundred and
fourteen Surah), 5. F (They must learn all of these), 6.
T, 7. F (They are active) 1. What time do you start school?
2. When do you have a break?
AB A. Complete the sentences with the words from 3. Do you have a rest?
the box. [5 mins] 4. What do you do after school?
Aim: to learn / review words from a text about the

Unit 3: Education 49
UNIT 3 Lesson 4: The Khalwa
Homework 2
Pupils write answers for questions 1-4 in their

PB 4. Your turn. Ask and answer questions about

your school day. [5 mins]
Aim: to practise asking and answering questions
about the school day.

• Ask questions 1-4 from AB activity C. After

each question, elicit some answers. Help pupils to
answer in English. You can write examples on the
board. You can also ask the questions in the question

• Pupils take turns to ask and answer the

questions from AB activity C. Walk around the room,
listening and helping.

• If there is time, choose pairs to ask and answer

the questions in front of the class.

Vocabulary box [5 mins]

• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils

repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Say a
word from the box. Tell pupils to write the word in
their notebooks. Repeat with the other words.
• Tell pupils to open their Activity Books and to

check the spellings. Pupils check the spellings

of each word in their notebooks.

Homework 3
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words
in the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson,
you can review these words.

End of Lesson 4 Checkpoints:

• Pupils can read and understand the main

points of a text about the Khalwa.
• Pupils can write questions with words in the
correct order.
• Pupils can write answers to questions about
a short cultural text.

50 Unit 3: Education
Lesson 5: My Favourite Subject UNIT 3
Lesson overview
Speaking focus: act out an interview about AB A. Complete the sentences. [5 mins]
school subjects Aim: to write sentences about school subjects.
Reading focus: understand the main points of an
informal letter about school subjects • Read the first sentence. Explain the activity.
Grammar: conjunction: because Pupils must complete each sentence, saying what we
Function: asking for and giving reasons learn in each subject.
New language: poetry
• Pupils work together to write the sentences.
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 21 / Activity Book (AB) page They must not look at the Pupil’s Book.
• Tell pupils to open their Pupil’s Books. They
Starter activity [4 mins] check their answers with PB activity 2.
PB 1. Look at the cartoon. What are the children
talking about? AB B. Match the sentence halves. [5 mins]
Aim: to read and follow a cartoon. Aim: to read and understand sentences giving
reasons for liking a subject.
• Read the text in the speech bubbles aloud.
Pupils follow in their books. • Read the example. Explain the activity. Pupils
• Ask: What are the girls talking about? (Their must match the beginning of each sentence on the
favourite subjects). left with the correct ending on the right.
• Point to a girl. Ask: What is her favourite
subject? (Arabic) Why does she like it? (She likes • Pupils draw lines to match the beginnings and
poetry.) Have pupils to guess the meaning of the endings of the sentences.
word ‘poetry’.
• Point to the other girl. Ask: What is her • Choose different pupils to read the complete
favourite subject? (Science) sentences. Pupils check their answers. Explain that
• Read each line again. Pupils repeat. Check we use the word ‘because’ when we want to give a
pronunciation. reason.
• Divide the class into two halves. One half Answers: 1. e, 2. c, 3. d, 4. b, 5. a
reads one girl’s lines, the other half reads the other
girl’s lines. PB 3. Read Amien’s letter. What does he say about

school? [4 mins]
PB 2. Read the sentences. What’s the subject? [4
Aim: to read and understand the main points of an
informal letter about school subjects.
Aim: to read and understand sentences about more
• Explain that you will read a text. In it, Amien
school subjects.
talks about his school subjects.
• Read the first sentence. Ask: What’s the • Read the text aloud. Pupils follow in their
subject? (Science). Explain the activity. Pupils must books.
read the sentences and choose a subject from the • Ask questions: Does Amien like studying? (Yes)
box. Does he like all his subjects? (No) What is his favourite
subject? (P.E.) Why does he like P.E.? (Because it’s fun
• Pupils read the sentences and write the and active) What subject doesn’t he like? (Maths)
subjects in their notebooks. Why doesn’t he like it? (Because it’s difficult)
• Choose some pupils and ask: What do you like
• Read each sentence. Choose different pupils studying? Help pupils to answer (e.g. I like studying
to say the subject. English).
• Elicit the meaning of these words: language,
poetry, Internet, email Homework 1
Answers: A. Science, B. English, C. Arabic, D. Pupils read the text again at home.

Unit 3: Education 51
UNIT 3 Lesson 5: My Favourite Subject
Look! [2 mins] interview in front of the class.
• Read each sentence aloud. Pupils repeat. Example answers:
Check pronunciation. Elicit the meanings of each 1. Do you like studying at school? Yes, I do / Yes, I like
sentence. studying at school.
• Explain that the sentences are all different 2. What’s your favourite subject? My favourite
ways to talk about things you like or don’t like. subject is P.E.
Explain that the verb after ‘like’ and ‘don’t like’ is an 3. Why do you like it? Because it’s fun and active.
ing-verb (studying). 4. What subject do you find difficult? Maths / I find
Maths difficult.

AB C. Make questions. [5 mins] Homework 2

Aim: to practise the correct word order for questions. AB C. Write. [3 mins]
Aim: to write simple sentences saying why you like /
• Use the example to explain the activity. don’t like school subjects.
Pupils must put the words in the correct order to
make a question. • Write the sentences on the board. Elicit some
examples for the gaps (e.g. My favourite subject is
• Pupils write the questions with words in Science because it’s interesting. I don’t like studying
History because it’s difficult).
the correct order. They check their answers • Pupils complete the sentences at home.

• Choose different pupils to read the questions Vocabulary box [2 mins]

aloud. Pupils check their answers. • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
• Read each correct question aloud. Pupils repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
repeat. Check pronunciation.
1. Do you like studying at school? Homework 3
2. What’s your favourite subject? Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words
3. Why do you like it? in the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson,
4. What subject do you find difficult? you can review these words.

PB 4. Interview Amien. [6 mins] End of Lesson 5 Checkpoints:

Aim: to act out an interview about school subjects • Pupils can read and follow different texts
with a boy. about school subjects (a cartoon, simple sentences,
a short text).
• Tell pupils to imagine that they are Amien. • Pupils can write sentences about the
Ask the first question from AB activity B (Do you like subjects they like / don’t like and why (using
studying at school?). Elicit the answer (Yes, I do / Yes, because).
I like studying at school). • Pupils can act out a dialogue and interview
• Continue with questions 2-4. Remind pupils to with clear pronunciation.
use the word ‘because’ when they answer question
3. If pupils need help, you can write the answers on
the board.
• Choose two pupils. Pupil 1 is the interviewer,
Pupil 2 is Amien. Pupil 1 asks questions from AB
activity B, Pupil 2 answers them (with Amien’s
answers). Check pronunciation.

• Pupils act out the interview in pairs. Walk

around the room, listening and helping.
• If you have time, choose pairs to act out the

52 Unit 3: Education
Lesson 6: Different Schools UNIT 3
Lesson overview programme, radio, mobile school, tent.
Listening focus: listen and understand details
of a description of a mobile school in Sudan Homework 1
Writing focus: write a paragraph describing Pupils read the texts again at home.
your school
Grammar: present simple to talk about AB A. Complete the chart. [6 mins]
facts Aim: to read and understand simple sentences about
Function: talking about different types different types of schools.
of school
New language: mobile, (radio) programme, • Read the first phrase (In Darfur and Kordofan).
tent Elicit if this is about Home schooling, or Camel Schools
(Answer: Camel Schools).
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 22 / Activity Book (AB) page • Explain the activity. Pupils must read the
22 phrases / sentences and decide which type of school
they are about. Pupils then write the phrases /
Starter activity [3 mins] sentences in the correct column of the chart. If you
Aim: to review homework from Lesson 5. don’t have much time, they can write the numbers of
• Choose pupils to read their sentences saying each sentence in the chart.
why they like / don’t like school subjects.
• In pairs, pupils read each sentence together
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? [3 and decide which type of school it is about. They
complete the chart.
Aim: to prepare for the topic of the lesson. • Read each sentence aloud and choose
• Point to picture A. Ask questions: Who can different pupils to say the type of school. Pupils check
you see? (A girl) Where is she? (At home) What is she their answers. Elicit the Arabic for each sentence.
doing? (She’s listening to the radio) Answers: Home schooling: They listen to radio
• Point to picture B. Ask questions: Who can programmes, They study at home
you see? (A man / a teacher) Where is he? (In Sudan) Camel Schools: In Darfur and Kordofan, They study
What is he doing? (He’s teaching Maths) Is he outside? in tents or under a tree, The teacher comes to the
(Yes) village

PB 2. Read the two texts. Match them to the pictures. PB 3. Listen to Aisha. Which school does she go to?

[5 mins] [3 mins]
Aim: to understand and follow two short texts about Aim: to listen and understand which school a girl
different types of schools. goes to.
• Read the first text aloud. Pupils follow in their Materials: audio 3.2
books. Elicit pupils which picture (Picture A). • Tell pupils they will listen to a girl talking
about her school. They must listen and decide if she
• Elicit from pupils why the girl is listening to the is talking about Home schooling or Camel Schools.
radio. If pupils are not sure, explain (She lives a long
way from school. She studies at home. She listens to • Play audio track 3.2. Pupils listen and decide.
lessons on the radio). • Ask: Which school does she go to? (Camel
• Read the second text aloud. Pupils follow in School)
their books. Elicit pupils which picture (Picture B).
AB B. Listen again. Complete sentences about Aisha.
• Elicit from pupils why the man has a camel. [5 mins]
If pupils are not sure, explain (The teacher travels Aim: to listen and understand details of a girl talking
by camels to different places in Sudan. He teaches about her school.
under trees or in a tent.) Materials: audio 3.2
• Elicit / teach the meanings of these words:
Unit 3: Education 53
UNIT 3 Lesson 6: Different Schools
questions about the lessons in the unit. They must
• Explain the activity. Pupils must complete the discuss the answer, then raise their hands.
sentences about Aisha. Read the sentences aloud. • Read questions A-D. After each question,
Pause at each gap. choose a group to answer. If it’s correct, they win a
• Play audio track 3.2 again. Pupils listen. Answers: 1. New Zealand, B. a uniform, C. History, D.
Pupils work together to complete the sentences. the Quran

• Elicit answers. Write them on the board. Vocabulary box [3 mins]

Pupils check spellings. • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
Answers: repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
1. Aisha is fifteen years old. • Tell pupils to say the names of as many
2. She goes to a Camel school in her village. school subjects as they can.
3. She studies Maths, History and Geography (and
other subjects).
Homework 3
4. She feels happy because there is a school in her
village now. Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words
in the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson,
AB C. Write about your school. Think about... [8 you can review these words.
Aim: to write a short description of your school. End of Lesson 6 Checkpoints:

• Read each point aloud (e.g. where it is). • Pupils can read and understand texts about
Elicit ideas for each one. Encourage as many ideas different types of schools.
as possible. Write some ideas on the board. Remind • Pupils can listen and understand details of a
pupils that we use the present simple to write about girl’s description of a school.
facts. • Pupils can write a short paragraph about
their school.
• Pupils use the ideas and write a paragraph
about their school. Walk around the room and help.

• Pupils read each other’s descriptions, and

check spelling and grammar.

• If there is time, choose pupils to read their

descriptions in front of the class.
Example answers:
My school is in a village / town / city.
It’s big / small. It’s a tent. It’s under a tree. It has four
classrooms. It’s a mobile school.
We study Islamic Studies, English, Maths etc.
I like my school because I can learn my favourite
subjects here.

Homework 2
Pupils write or finish writing the description at home.

PB 4. Quiz time. [4 mins]

Aim: to review words from the unit.
• Tell pupils to close their books, and to make
groups of three.
• Explain the activity. You will read some

54 Unit 3: Education
Lesson 7: A Tidy School UNIT 3
Lesson overview
Reading focus: understand a list of jobs to do • Read the example and explain the activity.
to tidy a classroom Pupils must complete the sentences with words from
Speaking focus: say what a school caretaker the box. They must not look at the Pupil’s Book.
needs to do to tidy a classroom
Grammar: need to + infinitive • Pupils complete the sentences.
Function: talking about obligations
New language: broken, caretaker, empty (v),• Choose pupils to read the completed
fix, headmaster, noticeboard, put back, replace, sentences. Check pronunciation.
sweep • Tell pupils to close their books. Say a verb
from the box (e.g. Clean...) Pupils say the sentence
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 23 / Activity Book (AB) page (Clean the blackboard). Repeat with other verbs in
23 the box.

Starter activity [4 mins] • If there is time, pupils can do the activity in

PB 1. Look at this picture. What problems can you pairs. Pupil 1 (with book open) says a verb. Pupil 2
says the complete sentence. Pupils swap roles.
see? Answers: 1. Clean, 2. Sweep, 3. Replace, 4. Paint, 5.
Aim: to prepare for the topic of the lesson. Empty, 6. Fix, 7. Put
• Tell pupils you will say some words. They
must point at the object in the picture. Say these PB 3. Read the conversation. What do they need to
words: window, floor, rubbish bin, blackboard, chair,
noticeboard, wall. Pupils point to the picture. do? [3 mins]
• Elicit the problems (the window / chair is Aim: to understand how to use the verb need to
broken, there is rubbish on the floor, the bin is full, correctly.
the blackboard / walls are dirty, the noticeboard is on
the floor). • Elicit the people in the conversation. Write
• Say: The chair is broken. Write the word the words ‘headmaster’ and ‘caretaker’ on the board.
‘broken’ on the board. Elicit the meaning. Check pupils understand the words.
• Read the text in the speech bubbles aloud.
Pupils follow in their books. Translate the text into
PB 2. Read the text. What is it about? [5 mins] Arabic.
Aim: to read and follow a list of jobs. • Write on the board: I need to replace the
• Read the text aloud. Pupils follow in their broken chair. Give the meaning of ‘need to’. Explain
books. that we use the infinitive verb after ‘need to’ (e.g.
• Ask: What is it about? Pupils give their
ideas. (It’s a list of jobs for the school caretaker to AB B. Look at the picture. Which jobs are complete?
do). [5 mins]
• Tell pupils you will read each line of the text Aim: to practise using the verb need to correctly.
again. They must read and point to the objects in the
picture in PB activity 1 (e.g. When you read Clean the • Tell pupils you will say sentences about the
blackboard, they point to the blackboard). picture. If the sentence is true, they must wave their
• Read each line. Pupils point. Tell them to say hands in the air; if it is false, they must put their
or guess the meanings of these verbs: clean, sweep, hands on their heads.
replace, paint, empty, fix, put (the noticeboard) back. • Say these sentences:
• Read each line again. Pupils repeat. Check The school caretaker needs to clean the blackboard.
pronunciation. (F)
He needs to put the noticeboard back on the wall. (T)
AB A. Complete with the words from the box. [5 He needs to replace the broken chair. (F)
mins] He needs to fix the broken window. (F)
Aim: to review words for repairing and tidying. He needs to empty the rubbish bin. (T)

Unit 3: Education 55
UNIT 3 Lesson 7: A Tidy School
He needs to sweep the floor. (F) PB 4. Your turn. [4 mins]
He needs to paint the walls. (F) Aim: to say things we need to do to tidy the school.
• Write on the board: He needs to empty the
rubbish bin. He doesn’t need to fix the window. Elicit • In groups of four or five, pupils read their
the meaning of the sentences. Pupils can copy the sentences from AB activity D to each other.
• Elicit from pupils what the caretaker needs to • Choose some pupils to read their sentences in
do. (He needs to empty the rubbish bin and put the front of the class.
noticeboard back on the wall)
Vocabulary box [3 mins]
Homework 1 • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
Pupils write sentences saying what the school repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
caretaker needs to do or doesn’t need to do. • Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Say
some of the words. Tell pupils to spell them. Write
AB C. Look at the picture and complete the note. [4 each word on the board.
Aim: to practise using words for repairing and
Homework 3
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words
in the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson,
• Explain that this is a note from the caretaker.
you can review these words.
Pupils must read the note and complete the gaps
with jobs that he needs to do. End of Lesson 7 Checkpoints:
• Pupils complete the gaps. They check
• Pupils can understand, say and write verbs
their answers together.
for repairing and tidying (e.g. clean, sweep, fix etc.)
• Pupils can read and understand short notes
• Choose a pupil to read the complete the note.
from a caretaker about jobs he needs to do.
Write the answers on the board.
• Pupils can write sentences saying what we
Answers: empty the rubbish bin / put the noticeboard
need to do to tidy the school.
• Pupils can say what we need to do to tidy
AB D. Write. What problems are there in your
the school.
school? [7 mins]
Aim: to write sentences about things we need to do
to tidy the school.

• In small groups of three or four, pupils

talk about things that we need to do to make the
classroom or school tidy.

• Write on the board: In my school we need

to… Elicit some ideas, and encourage pupils to think
of different ones. Write new ideas on the board (e.g.
sweep the yard, plant flowers etc.)

• Pupils complete the sentence.

• Pupils read each other’s sentences, and check

spelling and grammar.

Homework 2
Pupils write more sentences at home.

56 Unit 3: Education
Lesson 8: Revision: School Time UNIT 3
Lesson overview Science’ they point to Picture C.)
Reading focus: read a text about schools in
Sudan and understand the main points Homework 1
Writing focus: write a letter to a friend about Pupils read the text again at home.
you and your school
Grammar: modal verbs must / mustn’t + PB 3. Read the text again. What are the differences
infinitive between the schools? [5 mins]
Function: (1) talking about habits and routines, Aim: to read and talk about a text about schools in
(2) talking about obligation and prohibition, (3) Sudan.
talking about different types of school
New language: - • Read the text aloud again. Pupils follow in
their books.
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 24 / Activity Book (AB) page
24 • In pairs, pupils talk about the differences
between schools in towns and cities and villages.
Starter activity [4 mins]
Aim: to review school subjects. • Ask questions: What are schools like in towns
Materials: a soft ball (or a rolled-up piece of paper)
• Throw the ball to Pupil 1. Ask: What is and cities? What are schools like in villages?
your favourite subject? Help Pupil 1 to answer: My Encourage pupils to give more ideas and to talk
favourite subject is (History). about their own ideas and experience. They may use
• Pupil 1 throws the ball to another pupil and Arabic.
asks: What is your favourite subject? Pupil 2 answers.
Pupil 2 then throws the ball to another pupil and asks AB A. Choose the correct word to complete each
the question. sentence. [5 mins]
• Pupils continue throwing the ball and asking / Aim: to review how to use must and mustn’t correctly.
answering the question.
• If you like, you can add a second question: • Read ‘School Rules’ and elicit the meaning.
Why do you like this subject? Pupils answer (e.g. Explain the activity. Pupils must read each sentence,
Because it’s interesting). then choose ‘must’ or ‘mustn’t’ to make a good
school rule. Point to the answer to the first sentence
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see ? [3 as an example (must).

mins] • Pupils read the sentences and draw circles to

Aim: to review words for describing different types choose the correct word.
of schools.
• Choose different pupils to read the sentences.
• Point to each picture and elicit from pupils
Check pronunciation. Elicit the meanings in Arabic.
what they can see.
Answers: 1. must, 2. must, 3. mustn’t, 4. mustn’t, 5.
• Tell pupils to say what they know about each
must, 6. mustn’t, 7. must
type of school. Encourage them to use as much
English as they can.
AB B. Read Tim’s letter. Listen and circle the
differences. [8 mins]
PB 2. Read the text and point to the pictures. [4
Aim: to read and listen to a text, and find the
Aim: to read a text silently and understand the main
Materials: audio 3.1
• Remind pupils that they listened to Tim
• Pupils read the text silently. Allow one minute
talking about his school in Lesson 2. Elicit from pupils
for this.
what they can remember about his school. They may
• Read the text aloud. Pupils follow and point use Arabic.
to the pictures (e.g. when they read ‘experiments in • Tell pupils you will read a text about Tim’s

Unit 3: Education 57
UNIT 3 Lesson 8: Revision: School Time
school, but some things are different. Read the text Homework 3
aloud. Pupils follow in their books. Pupils look again at lessons they would like to review.

• In pairs, pupils discuss any different things End of Lesson 8 Checkpoints:

they have found.
• Pupils can use the verbs must / mustn’t
• Tell pupils they will listen to Tim again. They correctly.
must read the text, and find the different things. • Pupils can read and listen to a short text and
find the differences.
• Play audio track 3.1. Pupils listen. If necessary, • Pupils can write a letter to a friend about
play the audio track again. themselves and their school.

• Elicit the differences.

Answers: Australia / New Zealand, eight / nine,
a quarter past / half past, Sunday and Monday /
Saturday and Sunday, Geography / English, History
/ P.E., learn about the past / play sports, football /

AB C. Write to a friend about you and your school.

[8 mins]
Aim: to write a short letter to a friend about you and
your school.

• Explain the activity. Pupils must write a letter

to a friend about their school. Read the text and
pause at the gaps. Elicit some examples for each gap.
Pupils can write what they like in the last sentence of
the letter.

• Pupils write about their school. Walk around

the room and help.

• Pupils read each other’s letters, and check

spelling and grammar.

• If there is time, choose pupils to read their

letters in front of the class.

Homework 2
Pupils write or finish writing the email at home.

Now I Can! [3 mins]

• Read the sentences aloud. Elicit the

meanings in Arabic.

• Pupils read each sentence and decide if they

can do this in English. If they can, they draw a tick
[ ]. If they are not sure, they review lessons in
Unit 3 again.

58 Unit 3: Education
Unit 3 : Audioscripts UNIT 3
Unit 3 Audioscripts

Audio track 3.1

Hi, my name’s Tim and I’m from New Zealand. We
usually start school at nine o’clock in the morning
and finish at half past three in the afternoon. There
is no school on Saturday and Sunday. We have both
boys and girls in our classes. We have lots of different
subjects like Maths, English and Science. My favourite
lesson is P.E. because we play sports. My favourite
sport is cricket, but I don’t play against the girls.

Audio track 3.2

My name is Aisha and I am fifteen years old. I go to
an unusual school in my village. We sit under a tree
to learn. Our teacher comes to the village to teach
us. We don’t have a school building with classrooms.
There’s a blackboard and we learn Maths, History,
Geography and other subjects, too. When I was little
we didn’t have a school in my village, but now we do.
I like studying at school and I’m very happy now.

Unit 3: Education 59
UNIT 4 Lesson 1: How Much?
Lesson overview
Listening focus: understand the main points • Explain that pupils will listen to a conversation
of a conversation between a shop assistant and a between a shop assistant and a customer. Pupils
customer must listen and decide which gadget they are talking
Speaking focus: ask about and say the price of about.
Grammar: Question word: How much …? • Play audio track 4.1. Pupils listen. Elicit
Function: (1) describing and identifying objects, which gadget they are talking about (Picture D -
(2) talking about number and quantity headphones).
New language: digital, headphones, mobile
phone, wire, wireless AB B. Listen to the conversation. Are these sentences
true or false? [6 mins]
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 25 / Activity Book (AB) page Aim: to understand the main points of a conversation
25 between a shop assistant and a customer.
Materials: audio track 4.1
Starter activity [3 mins]
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? • Read each sentence aloud. After each
Aim: to review / learn words for different gadgets. sentence, elicit the meaning in Arabic. Then tell
• Point to the pictures and elicit / teach the pupils to raise their right hands if they think it’s true;
name of each gadget in English. Give the meaning of or their left hands if they think it’s false. Don’t give
the word ‘wireless’. the answers.
• Point to each picture again and say the names
again. Pupils repeat. • Play audio track 4.1 again. Pupils listen.
• Say a word (e.g. watch). Pupils say the
matching letter (B). Repeat with other words. • Pupils discuss each answer in pairs, and draw
• Say a letter (e.g. D). Pupils say the matching a circle around ‘true’ or ‘false’.
word (e.g. headphones). Check pronunciation.
Answers: A = digital radio, B = watch, C = mobile • Elicit the answers. If a sentence is false, ask
phone, D = headphones pupils to give the true answer.
Answers: 1. T, 2. F (The black ones are wireless), 3. T,
AB A. Label the pictures with the words from the 4. F (The black headphones are more expensive than
box. [5 mins] the red headphones), 5. T
Aim: to write words for different gadgets.
PB 3. Read the conversation in pairs. [8 mins]
• Explain the activity. Pupils must write a word Aim: to read and understand details of a conversation
from the box under each picture. between a shop assistant and a customer.

• Pupils write the words under the pictures. • Explain that the text is a conversation between
a shop assistant and a customer. Read the text aloud.
They check their answers together. Elicit the meaning of each line.
• Read each line of the text again. Pupils repeat.
• Elicit the word for each picture. Check • Divide the class into halves. One half reads
pronunciation. the shop assistant’s lines; the other half reads the
Answers: 1. watch, 2. headphones, 3. digital radio, 4. customer’s lines.
mobile phone
• Pupils act out the conversation in pairs.
PB 2. Listen to the conversation. What picture are Walk around the room, listening and helping with
they talking about? [3 mins]
Aim: to follow a conversation between a shop • Choose pairs to act out the conversation in
assistant and a customer. front of the class.
Materials: audio track 4.1

60 Unit 4: Technology
Lesson 1: How Much? UNIT 4
Homework 1
Pupils read the conversation again at home. Homework 3
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words
AB C. Write a conversation. [6 mins] in the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson,
Aim: to practise the language of asking about and you can review these words.
saying the price of things.
End of Lesson 1 Checkpoints:
• Explain that the text is another conversation • Pupils can say and write the names of some
between a shop assistant and a customer. They are gadgets.
talking about the headphones. Pupils must read and • Pupils can understand the details of a
complete the conversation. conversation between a shop assistant and a
• Pupils read and complete the conversation. • Pupils can ask about and say the price of
• Choose a pair to read the completed
conversation. Pupils check their answers.
• Point to each price label in the picture. Explain
that the symbol (£) means ‘pounds’. Say the price
(e.g. one hundred and fifty pounds). Pupils repeat.
• Point to each gadget in the picture and ask:
How much is it? For the headphones ask: How much
are they? Pupils answer. Check that pupils say the
prices correctly.
Answers: headphones / They’re / they / £250 / too /
headphones (ones) / £150

PB 4. Your turn. [5 mins]

Aim: to practise asking about and saying the price of

• Pupils take turns to point to the labels and

ask and answer How much is it? How much are they?
Walk around the room, listening and helping.

• Choose pairs to ask and answer the question

in front of the class.

Homework 2
Pupils write ten numbers between 100-1000 in their
notebooks (e.g. 400). They say the numbers.

Vocabulary box [4 mins]

• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils

repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Say a
word from the box. Tell pupils to write the word in
their notebooks. Repeat with the other words.
• Tell pupils to open their Activity Books and
to check the spellings. Pupils check the spellings of
each word in their notebooks.

Unit 4: Technology 61
UNIT 4 Lesson 2: Before Mobile Phones
Lesson overview ability in the past.
Reading focus: understand the main points of
an information text about phones in the past • Read ‘Before mobile phones’ and elicit the
Writing focus: write a text message to a meaning. Explain the activity. Pupils must read the
friend sentences and decide what people could or couldn’t
Grammar: modal verb + infinitive: could do before mobile phones. Read the first sentence
/ couldn’t and elicit the answer (couldn’t).
Function: talking about ability in the past
New language: (make a) phone call, probably • Pupils read the sentences and draw circles to
choose the correct word.
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 26 / Activity Book (AB) page
26 • Choose different pupils to read the sentences.
Check pronunciation. Elicit the meanings in Arabic.
Starter activity [3 mins] Answers: 1. couldn’t, 2. could, 3. couldn’t, 4. couldn’t
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What do the pictures
show? PB 3. Read the text again. Are these sentences true
Aim: to prepare for reading. or false? [5 mins]
• Point to Picture A. Ask: What can you do with Aim: to understand the main points of an information
a mobile phone? Elicit as many answers as possible, text about phones in the past.
and teach / review English words: make a phone call,
send a text message, take a photo etc. • Pupils read the text again together. In pairs,
• Point to Picture B. Ask: What can you do with they read sentences 1-7 and decide if they are true or
this phone? (Make a phone call only). false. They write T or F in their notebooks.

PB 2. Read the text and answer the question. [3 • Elicit the answers. If a sentence is false, ask
pupils to give the true answer.
mins] Answers: a. T, b. F (They could make phone calls from
Aim: to read and follow an information text about their home or a telephone in the street), c. T, d. F (Life
phones in the past. wasn’t all bad), e. F (Sometimes it is nice to be alone)
• Explain that you will read a text about phones
in the past. Read the text aloud. Pupils follow in their Homework 1
books. Pupils talk to their parents / grandparents / aunts
• Ask: What does the writer say about text and uncles about how technology has changed in
messages? (They couldn’t send text messages). Elicit their lifetime.
the meaning of the sentence.
AB B. Choose the correct answer. [4 mins]
Aim: to read and understand questions about life
Look! [3 mins] before mobile phones.
• Read each sentence aloud. Pupils repeat.
Check pronunciation. Elicit the meanings of each • Explain the activity. Pupils must read the
sentence. beginning of each sentence, and choose the correct
• Explain that could is the past form of the ending (a), (b) or (c). If you like, do the first one with
verb can. We use it to talk about things that we the class as an example.
could or couldn’t do in the past. Explain that we use
the same form for all people (I / you / he / she / we / • Pupils work together to read and choose the
they could). best answers.
• Explain that we use an infinitive verb after
could / couldn’t (e.g. make, send). • Read the first part of each sentence and elicit
the correct ending. Pupils check their answers.
Answers: 1. , 2. b, 3. b, 4.
AB A. Choose the correct word in each sentence. [4
mins] AB C. Choose an age. Complete the sentences with
Aim: to practise using could / couldn’t to talk about
62 Unit 4: Technology
Lesson 2: Before Mobile Phones UNIT 4
could or couldn’t for you. [6 mins]
Aim: to write sentences using could / couldn’t to talk • Tell pupils to write a short text message to a
about ability in the past. friend. In the message, they should greet their friend,
and say why they are writing (e.g. to arrange to meet,
• Write on the board: When I was five years to ask about homework etc.).
old… Say When I was five years old, I couldn’t speak
English. Elicit the meaning. Say When I was five years • Pupils write a message. Walk around the
old, I could touch my nose. Elicit the meaning. room and help.

• Explain the activity. Pupils must choose an age • In pairs, pupils read each other’s messages.
and complete the sentences with ‘could’ or ‘couldn’t’.

• Pupils complete the sentences. Sentences Homework 2

should be true about themselves. Pupils write or finish writing the text message at
• Choose some pupils to read their sentences.
• Remind pupils that we use the infinitive
verb after the verbs ‘could’ and ‘couldn’t’. Elicit the Vocabulary box [2 mins]
infinitive verb of each sentence (speak, touch, ride, • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
play, use, read, cook, count). Pupils underline them. repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Point to each word. Pupils say the word.
PB 4. Your turn. [5 mins] Check pronunciation.
Aim: to talk about past ability.

• Choose two pupils to read the text in the Homework 3

speech bubbles. Elicit the meanings. Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words
• Write these verbs and phrases on the board: in the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson,
read a book, write a poem, speak Arabic, swim, count you can review these words.
to ten in English, say ‘Hello’, use a computer. Elicit the
meanings. End of Lesson 2 Checkpoints:
• Point to a verb on the board (e.g. swim).
Choose a pupil. Help the pupil to say When I was five • Pupils can understand the main points of an
I could (or couldn’t) swim. Point to different verbs information text about phones in the past.
and choose different pupils to say sentences. • Pupils can write sentences using could /
couldn’t to talk about ability in the past.
• In small groups of three or four, pupils choose • Pupils can use could and couldn’t correctly
verbs and say sentences (e.g. When I was five, I could to talk about ability in the past.
speak Arabic / When I was five, I couldn’t write a
poem.) Walk around the room, listening and helping.

AB D. Write a text message to a friend. [5 mins]

Aim: to practise writing a text message to a friend.

• Elicit from pupils when people send text

messages to a friend (e.g. to send good wishes, to
make arrangements to meet etc.) Encourage lots of
different examples.
• Choose a reason for sending a text message,
and write an example on the board:
Hi Patrick! How are you? Would you like to play
football later? Kamal.

Unit 4: Technology 63
UNIT 4 Lesson 3: Technology Everywhere
Lesson overview box. [4 mins]
Reading focus: to understand an advert for a Aim: to write words for different gadgets.
mobile phone
Writing focus: to write an advert for a gadget • Explain the activity. Pupils must find the word
Grammar: possessive adjectives (my etc.) for each gadget in the box, and write it under the
and possessive pronouns (mine etc.) picture.
Function: talking about possession
New language: camera, latest, model, SAT- • Pupils find and write the words. They
NAV, webcam check their answers together.

Pupil’s Book (PB) page 27 / Activity Book (AB) page • Elicit the word for each picture. Check
27 pronunciation.
Answers: 1. SAT-NAV, 2. camera, 3. webcam, 4.
Starter activity [3 mins] wireless headphones, 5. mobile phone
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see?
Aim: to review / learn words for more gadgets. Look! [3 mins]
• Point to each picture and elicit / teach the • Read each sentence aloud. Pupils repeat.
name in English. Say each name again. Pupils repeat. Check pronunciation. Elicit the meanings of each
• Elicit or explain what each gadget is used • Explain that we use my, your, his, her, our,
for. (mobile phone – to make phone calls / send text their with an object (e.g. this is my mobile phone).
messages, webcam – to see somebody far away, SAT- Elicit examples from pupils (This is his chair etc.).
NAV – to find directions, headphones – to listen to • Explain that we use mine, yours, his, hers,
music, camera – to take photos) ours, theirs to replace an object (e.g. this is mine).
• Say a word (e.g. webcam). Pupils say the Tell pupils to hold up objects and give examples
matching letter (B). Repeat with other words. (This is his etc.)
• Say a letter (e.g. D). Pupils say the matching
AB B. Choose the correct word in each sentence. [5
word (e.g. headphones). Check pronunciation.
Answers: A = mobile phone, B = webcam, C = SAT-
Aim: to use possessive adjectives (e.g. my) and
NAV, D = headphones, E = camera
possessive pronouns (e.g. mine) correctly.
PB 2. Read the five descriptions. Which picture does • Read the first sentence. Elicit the answer
each one describe? [4 mins] (my). Explain that we use ‘my’ because there is an
Aim: to read and understand short descriptions of object (father’s car).
• Pupils read each sentence and draw a circle
• Explain the activity. Pupils must read the around the correct word.
sentences and choose one of the gadgets in PB
Activity 1. Read the first sentence aloud. Elicit the • Choose different pupils to read each sentence
gadget (Picture C – SAT-NAV). Tell pupils to guess the with the correct word. Pupils check their answers.
meaning of ‘get lost’. Answers: 1. my, 2. hers, 3. yours, 4. our, 5. your, 6.
mine, 7. theirs
• Pupils read the sentences together and write
the picture letter in their notebooks. Homework 1
Pupils write sentences about objects at home (e.g.
• Read each sentence aloud, and choose pupils
This is my grandfather’s chair. It’s his.)
to say the picture letter and gadget. Pupils check
their answers.
AB C. Complete with the words from the box. [5
Answers: A = C (SAT-NAV), B = D (headphones), C = E
(camera), D = A (mobile phone), E = B (webcam)
Aim: to practise talking about possession.
AB A. Label the pictures with the words from the • Explain the activity. Pupils must complete the
64 Unit 4: Technology
Lesson 3: Technology Everywhere UNIT 4
sentences with words from the box. at home in their notebooks. Tell pupils to bring their
reports to the next class.
• Pupils complete the sentences. They
check their answers together. Homework 2
Pupils write a report about gadgets at home.
• Choose different pupils to read the sentences.
Pupils check their answers.
Answers: 1. Whose / mine, 2. her, 3. Is / one, 4. aren’t Vocabulary box [3 mins]
my / ones. • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
PB 3. Read the advert. Answer the questions. [4 • Ask pupils to say more words for machines
mins] and gadgets.
Aim: to read and understand an advert for a mobile
Homework 3
• Tell pupils you will read an advert for the Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words
latest model of a gadget. Teach the words ‘advert’ in the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson,
and ‘latest model’. Pupils must follow and guess what you can review these words.
the gadget is.
• Read the advert aloud. Pause at the gap. Don’t End of Lesson 3 Checkpoints:
give the answer. Ask: What’s the gadget? (mobile
phone). Ask pupils to say how they know (phone and • Pupils can say and write the names of more
text your friends / comes with good camera). gadgets.
• Pupils can use possessive adjectives (e.g. my)
• Pupils read the questions together and answer and possessive pronouns (e.g. mine) correctly.
them orally. • Pupils can read and understand an advert for
a mobile phone.
• Read each question. Elicit the answers. • Pupils can work together to write an advert
Answers: a) A mobile phone. b) £429. c) Three for a gadget.
colours. d) A good camera.

PB 4. Choose something and write your own advert.

[6 mins]
Aim: to write an advert for a gadget.

• Explain the activity. Pupils will work in

groups. Each group must choose a gadget and write
an advert for it. The advert must say what the gadget
is, the price, and features (e.g. colours, what it can
do etc.).

• In groups of three or four, pupils choose a

gadget and write an advert. They can use words
and phrases from the box. Walk around the room,
listening and helping.

• Choose groups to read their adverts in front

of the class. Encourage pupils to act out the advert.

AB D. Project work. (3 mins)

Aim: to write a report about gadgets at home.
• Read the text aloud. Elicit the meanings in
Arabic. Pupils must write answers to the questions
Unit 4: Technology 65
UNIT 4 Lesson 4: e-Learning
Lesson overview [8 mins]
Reading focus: understand the main points of Aim: to read and understand the main points of a
a text about ways of educating children who cannot text about ways of educating children who cannot go
go to school in Sudan to school.
Speaking focus: talk about the advantages and
disadvantages of different types of education • Explain that the sentences summarise the text
Grammar: - in PB Activity B. But the sentences are in the wrong
Function: talking about advantages and order. Pupils must read the sentences and put them
disadvantages in the correct order.
New language: e-learning, education, online, • Read sentence (f). Explain that this is the
project first sentence. Pupils must write the letters of the
sentences in order in their notebooks.
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 28 / Activity Book (AB) page
28 • Pupils read the text again together. They read
sentences a – f and write the letters in the correct
Starter activity [3 mins] order in their notebooks.
Aim: to review homework from Lesson 3.
• Choose pupils to read their reports about • Elicit the correct order.
gadgets at home. Answers: The correct order is: f, d, a, e, c, b

PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? [4 AB A. Are these sentences true or false? [5 mins]
Aim: to review language from the text.
Aim: to prepare for the topic of e-Learning. • Read the first sentence aloud. Elicit if it is true
• Ask: What can you see? (children, young or false (true). Tell pupils to draw a circle around the
people) Where are they? (outside, in a classroom, at word ‘true’.
home) What are they doing? (they’re using laptops /
computers) • Pupils read the sentences and draw a circle
• Elicit advantages of laptops / computers (you around ‘true’ or ‘false’. They check their answers
can do many things – read, write, listen, watch videos together.
etc., you can study when you like, you can study
where you like) • Elicit the answers. If a sentence is false, ask
pupils to give the true answer.
PB 2. Read the text. Is it about: [4 mins] Answers : 1. T, 2. T, 3. T, 4. T, 5. T
Aim: to read and follow a text about ways of educating
children who cannot go to school. AB B. Complete the chart. [8 mins]
• Tell pupils you will read a text. Pupils must Aim: to understand sentences about different types
follow and decide if the text is about computers, of education.
education or both.
• Read the text aloud. Pupils follow in their • Draw the table on the board. Read the first
books. Elicit what the text is about (computers and phrase (Can study at home). Ask if this is about a
education). ‘usual school’ or ‘e-learning’ (e-learning). Write the
• Elicit what pupils can remember about Camel phrase (or number 1) in the column.
schools (teachers travel to villages on a camel). Teach • Explain the activity. Pupils must read the
/ elicit the meanings of these words: e-learning phrases / sentences and decide which type of
(learning with laptops / computers / mobile phones education they are about. Pupils then write the
etc.), project, online. phrases / sentences in the correct column of the
chart. If you don’t have much time, they can write
Homework 1 the numbers of each sentence in the chart.
Pupils read the text again at home.
• In pairs, pupils read each sentence together
and decide which type of education it is about. They
PB 3. Read the text again. Put the sentences in order.

66 Unit 4: Technology
Lesson 4: e-Learning UNIT 4
complete the chart.
End of Lesson 4 Checkpoints:
• Read each sentence aloud and elicit the
answer. Complete the chart on the board. Pupils • Pupils can read and understand the main
check their answers. points of a text about ways of educating children
Answers: Usual school: the same as most other who cannot go to school in Sudan.
children, always have a teacher, study with other • Pupils can understand sentences describing
children, use books, study in classrooms the advantages and disadvantages of different types
e-Learning: can study at home, use computers, study of education.
online, don’t go to a school building, don’t always • Pupils can talk about the advantages and
have a teacher disadvantages of different types of education.

PB 4. Your turn. [6 mins]

Aim: to practise talking about the advantages and
disadvantages of different types of education.

• Read the first speech bubble (I’d like to study

at home). Elicit why children would like to study at
home. Encourage different ideas and write some on
the board (e.g. I like using computers. I don’t like
walking to school. I can study when I like etc.).
• Draw a speech bubble on the board with this
sentence (I wouldn’t like to study at home). Elicit why
children wouldn’t like to study at home. Encourage
different ideas and write some on the board (e.g. I
like going to school with my friends. I like my teacher
• Choose some pupils and ask: Would you like
to study at home? Pupils answer and say why or why

• In groups of three or four, pupils say whether

they would like to study at home and why or why not.
Walk around the room, listening and helping.

Homework 2
Pupils write a sentence saying why they would like /
would not like to study at home in their notebooks.

Vocabulary box [3 mins]

• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Say
each word. Tell pupils to spell it. Write the word on
the board.

Homework 3
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words
in the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson,
you can review these words.
Unit 4: Technology 67
UNIT 4 Lesson 5: How Does It Work?
Lesson overview must point to the picture. Say these sentences:
Reading focus: understand instructions for • Somebody’s holding a box. They’re pointing
making a pinhole camera it a window.
Writing focus: complete a text giving • There is some black paper. Somebody is
instructions pushing a pin through the paper.
Grammar: imperative (for instructions) • There is an image of a tree on the tracing
Function: following written instructions
New language: cardboard, end (n), image, lid, • There is a box with some black paper and
pin, stick, sticky tape, tracing paper some sticky tape.
• There are some scissors. You use these to
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 29 / Activity Book (AB) page make a hole in the box.
29 • There is some black paper.

Starter activity [3 mins] • Pupils take turns to describe and point to the
Aim: to review gadgets and what they are used for. pictures.
• Say: What’s the gadget? It’s used to listen to
radio programmes. (digital radio) • Explain the activity. Pupils must read the text
• Continue with these descriptions: from PB Activity 2, and then write letters A-F next to
It’s used to see the time (watch) / It’s used to make the picture to put them in the correct order. Point to
phone calls and send text messages (mobile phone) the letter ‘A’ and explain that this is the first picture.
/ It’s used to find directions when you are in the car
(SAT-NAV) / You put these on your head to listen to • Pupils read the text together. They write
music (headphones) / It’s used to see somebody letters next to each picture.
who is far away (webcam) / It’s used to take photos
(camera) • Elicit the correct order.
Answers : The correct order: scissors, black paper,
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? [4 black paper and sticky tape, pin pushed through
black paper, holding box at the window, image of tree
mins] on paper
Aim: to prepare for reading.
• Point to each picture and ask pupils what they Homework 1
can see. Teach / review these words: cardboard box, Pupils read the text again at home.
lid, sticky tape, tracing paper, hole, pin.
AB B. Read the instructions again and answer these
PB 2. Read the text. What is it about? [6 mins] questions. [6 mins]
Aim: to read and follow instructions for making a Aim: to read and understand the main points of
pinhole camera. instructions for making a pinhole camera.
• Read the first part of the text (list of items
you need to make a camera). Elicit the meanings in • Read the first question aloud. Elicit the answer
Arabic. (two). Tell pupils to write the word ‘two’ in the gap
• Read the second part of the text (instructions). after the question. Explain that each gap is a word.
Elicit the meaning of each instruction in Arabic.
Explain that we can use the imperative when we give • Pupils read the texts again together. They
instructions (make, cover, use, point). read the questions and write simple answers.
• Elicit from pupils what the text is about
• Read questions 1-6 and elicit the answers.
(making a camera).
Answers: 1. Two (one at each end), 2. Yes (one with
black paper, the other with tracing paper), 3. Sticky
AB A. Read the instructions. Put the pictures in the
tape, 4. To make a hole (in the black paper), 5. The
correct order. [8 mins]
end with the black paper, 6. An image
Aim: to describe and order pictures.

• Tell pupils you will describe a picture. Pupils AB C. Write instructions. [8 mins]

68 Unit 4: Technology
Lesson 5: How Does It Work? UNIT 4
Aim: to complete a text giving instructions. End of Lesson 5 Checkpoints:

• Read the first sentence and pause at the gap. • Pupils can read and follow instructions for
Elicit the words (a lid). Explain the activity. Pupils making a pinhole camera.
must complete the instructions. They should write • Pupils can describe pictures showing how to
one word in each gap. make a pinhole camera.
• Pupils can complete a text giving
• Pupils complete the text. They can look at the instructions.
pictures and instructions in the Pupil’s Book for help.

• Choose different pupils to read the completed

sentences. If you like, you can write the answers on
the board.
• Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Read
the instructions again and pause at each gap. Pupils
say the missing words.

• If you have time, pupils can do the same

activity in pairs. Pupil 1 reads the instructions and
pauses, Pupil 2 says the missing words.
Answers: Take a cardboard box with a lid. Close the
box. Use your scissors to make a hole in each end.
Then cover one hole with tracing paper using the
sticky tape. Cover the other hole with black paper.
Make a small hole in the black paper with a pin. You
are now ready!

Homework 2
If possible, pupils can make a pinhole camera at
home. They show family members how to use the

Vocabulary box [5 mins]

• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils

repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Say a
word from the box. Tell pupils to write the word in
their notebooks. Repeat with the other words.
• Tell pupils to open their Activity Books and to

check the spellings. Pupils check the spellings

of each word in their notebooks.

Homework 3
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words
in the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson,
you can review these words.

Unit 4: Technology 69
UNIT 4 Lesson 6: The Internet
Lesson overview
Listening focus: understand the details of a • Choose different pupils to read each question
conversation about using the Internet aloud. Elicit what the questions mean in Arabic.
Speaking focus: give an opinion about what
people should and shouldn’t do on the Internet • Play audio track 4.2 again. Pupils listen. If
Grammar: modal verb + infinitive: should necessary, play the audio track again.
/ shouldn’t
Function: giving an opinion • Pupils work together to answer the questions
New language: download, movie, surf (the orally.
• Elicit answers.
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 30 / Activity Book (AB) page Answers: 1. A computer, 2. No, it’s her dad’s, 3. She
30 does her homework, she plays games, she surfs the
Internet, 4., 5. Three hours a day, 6. She shouldn’t
Starter activity [4 mins] spend that much time on the Internet.
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see?
Aim: to prepare for the topic of the Internet. PB 3. Here are things people do on the Internet.
• Elicit what the pictures are about. (The
Internet) What do you think? [6 mins]
Aim: to give an opinion about things people can do
• Ask questions: What is the Internet? (A on the Internet.
network of computers around the world), How can • Read the text in the speech bubbles. Elicit the
you get on the Internet? (With a computer / laptop / meanings in Arabic. Explain that these are ways we
tablet, with some phones), What can you do on the can give an opinion about something.
Internet? (talk to friends and family, send emails, • Read the first activity on the list (send emails).
find information on websites, download music, do Check pupils understand. Choose pupils to give an
homework, play games, learn English etc.) Pupils may opinion about the activity (e.g. I think it’s a good
use Arabic. idea to send emails to family). Help them to say it in
• Write the phrase ‘surf the Internet’ on the English.
board. Elicit what this means (look for information • Read the second activity on the list (play
on different websites). games). Choose pupils to give an opinion (e.g. I think
you shouldn’t play too many games).
PB 2. Listen to Clare and Fadiya talking. What doesn’t • Repeat with the other activities in the list.
Always check pupils understand the activity in the
Fadiya understand? [3 mins] list (e.g. download music). Help them to give their
Aim: to understand the main points of a conversation opinions in English.
about using the Internet. Answers: Pupils may give different answers.
Materials: audio track 4.2
• Tell pupils they will listen to a conversation Homework 1
between Clare and Fadiya. Explain that Fadiya doesn’t Pupils read the list again at home.
understand something.
AB C. Complete the chart. [8 mins]
• Play audio track 4.2. Pupils listen. Aim: to practise using should / shouldn’t to give an
• Ask: What doesn’t Fadiya understand? (She opinion.
doesn’t understand what ‘surf the Internet’ means)
• Draw the chart on the board. Read the
AB A. Listen again. Think about the answers. Then phrases: I think children should / shouldn’t. Explain
ask and answer in pairs. [8 mins] that we use ‘should’ and ‘shouldn’t’ to give advice or
Aim: to understand more details of a conversation an opinion. We use infinitive verbs after ‘should’ and
about using the Internet. ‘shouldn’t’ (e.g. watch, talk, play).
Materials: audio track 4.2 • Explain the activity. Pupils must read the
activities on the list and decide if children should or

70 Unit 4: Technology
Lesson 6: The Internet UNIT 4
shouldn’t do these things. Vocabulary box [3 mins]
• Read the first phrase on the list (watch lots
of films). Ask: Should children watch lots of films? • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
Choose the most popular answer and write the repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
phrase in the chart on the board. Explain that there
is no right or wrong answer. Pupils can decide. • Pupils say the words together, and say what
they mean in Arabic.
• Pupils work together to complete the chart.

• Read each activity on the list. Choose different Homework 3

groups to give their opinions about each one. Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words
Examples: I think children should do school projects. in the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson,
I think children shouldn’t talk to friends late at night. you can review these words.
Write them in the columns on the board.
End of Lesson 6 Checkpoints:
Homework 2
Pupils write sentences about the table (e.g. I think • Pupils can understand the details of a
children should do school projects. I think children conversation about using the Internet.
shouldn’t talk to friends late at night.) • Pupils can use should / shouldn’t correctly to
give advice or an opinion.
• Pupils can use different ways to give an
Look! [3 mins] opinion about what people should and shouldn’t do
• Read each sentence aloud. Pupils repeat. on the Internet.
Check pronunciation. Elicit the meanings of each
• Remind pupils that we use an infinitive verb
after should / shouldn’t and I think it’s a good idea
to. Remind pupils that we can use these phrases to
give an opinion.

PB 4. Your turn. What should you use the internet

for? What shouldn’t you use the internet for? [5
Aim: to practise different ways of giving an opinion
about what people should and shouldn’t do on the

• Read each speech bubble. Elicit some ideas

for finishing the sentences.

• In groups of three or four, pupils take turns

to give their opinion about what you should and
shouldn’t do on the Internet. Walk around the room,
listening and helping.

• Choose some pupils to give their opinions.

Unit 4: Technology 71
UNIT 4 Lesson 7: A Request
Lesson overview • Explain the activity. Pupils must read the
Reading focus: understand the main points of letter again and complete the sentences.
an email from a woman making a request
Speaking focus: make and respond to polite • Pupils read the letter again together. They
requests read and complete the sentences.
Grammar: Modal verbs + infinitive: could
and can • Choose pupils to read the completed
Function: making requests sentences. Pupils check their answers.
New language: favour, interested, plan (v) Answers : 1. Asma, 2 ., 3. Nadia, 4 ., 5.

Pupil’s Book (PB) page 31 / Activity Book (AB) page AB A. Read the letter again. Then put the sentences
32 in the order you think they happen. Write a-g. [8
Starter activity [4 mins] Aim: to understand the details of a letter from a
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What do you think the woman making a request.
story is?
Aim: to prepare for reading. • Explain the activity. Pupils must read the
sentences. They must write letters a-g next to them
• In pairs, pupils look at the pictures and talk to show the order that the events happened. Read
about the story. sentence 3 (Asma goes to Malaysia on holiday), and
explain that is the first thing that happened.
• Ask: What do you think the story is?
Pupils give their ideas. • In pairs, pupils read the letter again. They read
the sentences and write letters a-g next to them.
PB 2. Read the letter . Why does Nadia need a new
• Ask: What’s the first / second sentence etc?
camera? [4 mins] Pupils give the number of the sentence.
Aim: to read and follow an email from a woman Answers: The correct order is: 3, 6, 7, 2, 4, 1, 5
making a request.
• Point to Picture A. Tell pupils that the woman AB B. Match the requests (1 – 6) with the correct
is called Asma. She is on holiday in Malaysia. Point to reply (a – f). [5 mins]
Picture B. Tell pupils that the woman is Asma’s sister. Aim: to read and understand questions and answers
She is called Samiya. She has written a letter to Asma. using could you and can I.
It is about her daughter Nadia. The girl in Picture D is
Nadia. • Read the example question and answer, and
• Read the letter aloud. Pupils follow in their explain the activity. Pupils must draw lines to match
books. the questions and answers.
• Ask: Why does Nadia need a new camera?
(She is interested in photography). • Pupils read and match the questions and
• Tell pupils to guess the meanings of these answers. They check their answers together.
words: planning, favour, interested in.
• Choose a pupil to read question 2 aloud (Can I
come in?), and a different pupil to read the matching
Homework 1
answer (c) Just a minute and I’ll open the door.
Pupils read the letter again at home.
• Continue with the other questions and
answers. Check pronunciation.
AB A. Read the letter again and complete the gaps.
Answers: 1 = d, 2 = c, 3 = b, 4 = a, 5 = f, 6 = e
[5 mins]
Aim: to understand the main points of a letter from a
AB C. These sentences are NOT polite. Write polite
woman making a request.
sentences. [5 mins]
• Read the first sentence. Pause at the gap. Elicit Aim: to write polite requests.
the end of the sentence (Samiya is writing to Asma).
• Read the first request (Buy me a new camera).
72 Unit 4: Technology
Lesson 7: A Request UNIT 4
Explain that this is correct but it is not polite. Explain Homework 3
that we add ‘Could you’ at the beginning to make it Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words
polite. We can add ‘please’ at the end. in the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson,
• Explain the activity. Pupils must change the you can review these words.
requests to make them polite.
End of Lesson 7 Checkpoints:
• Pupils work together to make the sentences
polite. Remind pupils to use a comma before ‘please’, • Pupils can understand the main points of a
and a question mark at the end. letter from a woman making a request.
• Choose different pupils to read the sentences. • Pupils can read and understand questions
Pupils check their answers. and answers using could you and can I.
Answers: • Pupils can make and respond to polite
1. Could you buy me a new camera, please? requests.
2. Could you get me a cup of tea, please?
3. Could you help me with my homework, please?
4. Could you show me how to get there, please?
5. Could you tell me the answer, please?

Homework 2
Pupils practise saying the polite requests at home.
They try to improve their pronunciation and

PB 3. Your turn. Make polite requests. [6 mins]

Aim: to practise making and responding to polite

• Write these phrases on the board: Excuse

me, could you …, please? Yes, of course. I’m sorry, I
can’t. Read the phrases aloud. Pupils repeat. Check
• Make some polite requests using the phrases
in the Pupil’s Book (e.g. Excuse me, could you tell me
the answer?). After each request, nod your head to
indicate ‘yes’ or shake your head to indicate ‘no’.
Pupils respond with Yes, of course or I’m sorry, I can’t.

• Pupils do the activity in groups of three or

four. They take turns to make a polite request and
nod / shake their head. The other pupils in the group
give the appropriate response. Walk around the
room, listening and helping.

Vocabulary box [3 mins]

• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Say one of the words in Arabic. Pupils say the
worda in English. Repeat with other words from the
box in a different order.

Unit 4: Technology 73
UNIT 4 Lesson 8: Revision: Gadget Time
Lesson overview Answers:
Reading focus: understand the main points of [please circle bold words in red]
an email with questions about technology S D A I M G F D U J P A
Writing focus: write an email to a friend M O B I L E P H O N E I
about technology you have
Grammar: Modal verbs + infinitive: could
and can W E B C A M W A I Q S T
Function: (1) identifying and referring to I A R A K J P D R O K E
gadgets (2) making requests M J I M C O M P U T E R
New language: - K R I E M E O H V U T N
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 32 / Activity Book (AB) page
Starter activity [4 mins] N O Q T H U X S E Y J I
PB 1. Look at the pictures. Can you remember the
gadgets? PB 2. Read the email. How many questions are
Aim: to review the names of gadgets. there? [5 mins]
Aim: to read and follow an email with questions
• Tell pupils to look at the pictures for 15 about technology.
seconds. After 15 seconds, tell them to close their
books. • Point to the text. Elicit from pupils what kind
of text it is (an email). Elicit from pupils who wrote
• In pairs, pupils say the names of the gadgets the email (Rob).
they can remember. • Read the email aloud. Pupils follow. Ask: How
many questions are there? (5)
• Tell pupils to open their books. Point to each • Ask: What’s question 1? Choose a pupil to
gadget, and tell pupils to say the name. Elicit the read question 1 aloud (What are you interested in?)
spelling of each gadget (e.g. r-a-d-i-o), and write the Elicit the meaning in Arabic. Repeat with questions
words on the board. 2-5.
Answers: A. digital radio, B. camera, C, webcam, D.
headphones, E. mobile phone, F. SAT-NAV Homework 1
Pupils read the email again at home.
AB A. Find six words about technology. [6 mins]
Aim: to review the spellings of words about PB 3. Reread the email. Match questions and
technology. answers. [5 mins]
Aim: to understand the main points of an email with
• Tell pupils to look at the puzzle. Point to the questions about technology.
word ‘mobile phone’. Explain they must find six more
words about technology. Words can go from top to • Explain the activity. Pupils must read the
bottom, or left to right. email again. Then they must find the correct answer
for each question. They must write the question
• Pupils find the words together and draw a numbers and matching letters in their notebooks
circle around them. (see answers below).

• Elicit the words (webcam, camera, computer, • Pupils read the email again together. They
headphones, Internet). Check pronunciation. read the questions together and find the matching

• Read each question and elicit the answers.

Answers : 1 = c, 2 = e, 3 = a, 4 = d, 5 = b

74 Unit 4: Technology
Lesson 8: Revision: Gadget Time UNIT 4
AB B. Reread the email and complete the sentences. some answers. Write some ideas on the board.
[5 mins]
Aim: to use language from an email correctly. • Pupils write an email to Rob and answer
questions. They do not need to answer all the
• Read the first sentence. Pause at each gap, questions. Walk around the room and help.
and elicit the words. Explain the activity. Pupils must
complete the sentences using information from the • Pupils read each other’s sentences, and check
email. spelling and grammar.
• If there is time, choose pupils to read their
• Pupils complete each sentence. They sentences in front of the class.
check their answers together. Example answer:
Dear Rob,
• Choose different pupils to read the sentences. Thanks for your email.
Pupils check their answers. I’m love football. I often play with my friends. I don’t
Answers: 1. interested /books, 2. text messages have a mobile phone. My father has a phone, and
(texts) / my, 3. don’t / computer / one (a computer), I can use it. I don’t have a camera. My uncle has a
4. great computer. I use it to do my homework.
Write back soon.
AB C. Make requests. [5 mins] Patrick.
Aim: to review ways of making requests.
Homework 2
• Write on the board: Can I go out tonight? Pupils write or finish writing the email at home.
Could you help me? Read each sentence aloud and
elicit the meanings. Remind pupils that we use ‘can I’ Can do box [3 mins]
and ‘could you’ to make requests.
• Explain the activity. Pupils must read the • Read the sentences aloud. Elicit the
sentences and write a request. Read the first sentence meanings in Arabic.
(You are thirsty). Elicit the request (Can I have a drink,
please?) Write it on the board. • Pupils read each sentence and decide if they
can do this in English. If they can, they draw a tick [
• Pupils read the sentences and write requests. ]. If they are not sure, they review lessons in Unit
4 again.
• Choose different pupils to read the requests.
Pupils may write different sentences. Write an
example of each request on the board. Homework 3
Example answers: Pupils look again at lessons they would like to review.
1. Can I have a drink, please?
End of Lesson 8 Checkpoints:
2. Can I use your mobile phone?
3. Can / Could you smile, please?
• Pupils can say and spell the names of
4. Can / Could you send me a picture?
different gadgets.
5. Can / Could you tell me about your school?
• Pupils can understand the main points of an
email with questions about technology.
AB D. Now write a reply to the email from Rob.
• Pupils can make requests.
Answer his questions. [7 mins]
• Pupils can write an email to a friend about
Aim: to practise writing an email about the technology
technology you have.
you have.

• Tell pupils to imagine they received

the email from Rob. They must reply and answer his
• Write on the board: Dear Rob, Thanks for
your email. Read each question from the email. Elicit

Unit 4: Technology 75
UNIT 4 Unit 4 : Audioscripts
Audio track 4.1
Shopkeeper: Do you like these headphones?
Woman: They’re nice. They’re a present for my son.
Shopkeeper: Oh, okay. Maybe he’d like these wireless
Woman: Wireless? I don’t understand.
Shopkeeper: OK, The red ones have a wire to the
mobile phone but the black ones don’t have a wire.
They’re wireless.
Woman: I see. So the black ones are better?
Shopkeeper: Yes, that’s right.
Woman: How much are they?
Shopkeeper: No, not twice. The red ones are 300
pounds and the black ones are 250 pounds.
Woman: Mmm, that’s too much!
Shopkeeper: How much can you spend?
Woman: I have 200 pounds.
Man: OK [fade]

Audio track 4.2

Clare: This is my bedroom.
Fadiya: Wow! You’ve got your own computer!
Clare: It’s not mine, it’s my dad’s but I can use it.
Fadiya: What do you use it for?
Clare: I do my homework, I play games and I surf on
the Internet.
Fadiya: [laughs] You ‘surf’? What’s does surf the
Internet mean?
Clare: It means looking for information.
Fadiya: How long do you spend on the Internet?
Clare: Oh! I spend about three hours a day on it.
Fadiya: I think you shouldn’t spend that much time.
It’s not good for you.

76 Unit 4: Technology
Lesson 1: Everyone is Good at Something UNIT 5
Lesson overview activity 1 (e.g. when they read about him fixing
Reading focus:            understand the main points of a radios, they point to picture C).
text about the life of a blind man
• Read the text aloud. Pupils follow and point to
from Sudan
Speaking focus:        ask and answer questions about
a person (using was and were). • Tell pupils to guess the meanings of these words:
clever, electronics, grew up, set up.
Grammar:                     past simple: was(n’t) / were(n’t)
Function:                       talking about past events
Homework 1
New language:         blind, electronics, grow up, set
up (v) Pupils read the text again at home.

Pupil’s Book (PB) page 33 / Activity Book (AB) page 33 PB 3. Read the text. Answer these questions with the
short answers in the box. [6 mins]
Starter activity [3 mins] Aim: to answer questions about the past using was /
Aim: to prepare for the topic of the unit. were.

• Tell pupils that the topic of this unit is • Choose different pupils to read each
‘amazing people’. question aloud. Elicit what the questions mean in
• In groups of four or five, pupils talk about
people they think are amazing. They may be • In pairs, pupils read the text again. They read
friends, people in the family or community, or each question and choose an answer from the
famous people. box. They write the answers in their notebooks.
They may use an answer more than once.
• Choose pupils to say who they think is
amazing, and why. They may use Arabic. • Choose pupils to read the questions and
answers. Check pronunciation. Pupils check their
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? [4 mins]
Look! [3 mins]
Aim: to prepare for reading. • Read each question and answer aloud.
• Write the word ‘blind’ on the board. Say the Pupils repeat. Check pronunciation. Elicit the
word. Pupils repeat. Check pronunciation. meanings of each question / answer.
• Explain that we use ‘was’ with I, he, she, it.
• Ask pupils questions: How can life be difficult Explain that we use ‘were’ with you, we, they.
for a child who is blind? How can life be difficult
for an adult who is blind? Encourage pupils to
give ideas. Answers: A. Yes, he was. B. No, he wasn’t. C. Yes, they
were. D. Yes, he was. E. Yes, they were. F. No, they
• Point to each picture. Ask: What can you see? weren’t.

PB 2. Read the text. Point to the pictures. [4 mins] Homework 2

Aim: to read and follow a text about the life of a blind Pupils write sentences about themselves and people
man from Sudan. in the family using was and were (e.g. I was born in
Omdurman. My parents were born in Khartoum.)
• Tell pupils you will read a text about a blind man.
They must read and point to the pictures in PB
AB A. Complete the text with the words from the box.
Unit 5: Amazing people 77
UNIT 5 Lesson 1: Everyone is Good at Something
[5 mins] Aim: to practise asking and answering questions about a
person (using was and were).
Aim: to use words from the text correctly.
• Read questions about Mohammed Atta
• Use the example to explain the activity.
(from PB activity 3). Pupils give short answers.
Pupils must complete each gap in the text with
one of the words in the box. • Choose two pupils. Pupil 1 has the Pupil’s Book
and asks questions about Mohammed Atta; Pupil
• Pupils complete the text. They check 2 gives short answers (without looking at the
their answers together. Pupil’s Book).

• Elicit the answers (e.g. What’s number 1?). • Pupils take turns to ask and answer
questions about Mohammed Atta They give short
Answers: 1. blind, 2. clever, 3. education, 4. electronics,
5. grew up, 6. surprised answers with ‘was’ and ‘were’. Walk around the
room, listening and helping.

AB B. Complete the sentences and questions with was

or were. [5 mins]
Vocabulary box [3 mins]
Aim: to use was and were correctly in sentences and
questions. • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils repeat.
Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Read the first sentence. Pause at the gap.
Elicit the answer (was). Remind pupils that we • Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Say
use ‘was’ with ‘I, he, she, it’; and that we use each word. Tell pupils to spell it. Write the word
‘were’ with ‘you, we, they’. on the board.

• Pupils complete the sentences / questions.

Homework 3
They check their answers together.
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
• Elicit the answers (e.g. What’s number 1?). review these words.
Answers: 1. was, 2. were, 3. were, 4. was, 5. were, 6. was End of Lesson 1 Checkpoints:
/ wasn’t.
• Pupils can read and understand the main
points of a text about the life of a blind man
AB C. Match the answers to the questions. [5 mins] from Sudan.
Aim: to read and understand questions and answers • Pupils can use short answers using was and
using was and were. were correctly (e.g. Yes, she was. No, they
• Read the first question aloud. Elicit the
answer (d). Tell them to draw a line between the • Pupils can ask and answer questions about a
question and answer. Explain the activity. Pupils person (using was and were).
must match the questions and answers.

• Pupils draw lines to match the questions and

answers. They check their answers together.

• Choose pairs to read the questions and

answers. Check pronunciation.
Answers: 1. d, 2. e, 3. a, 4. b, 5. c
PB 4. Your turn. [5 mins]

78 Unit 5: Amazing people

Lesson 2: A Heroine UNIT 5
Lesson overview know about her. If they don’t know anything, say
Listening focus:     understand details of a text that they will learn about her in the lesson.
about the life of a heroine
• Write these words on the board: attack, shoot /
Writing focus:             write sentences about the past shot, prize. Say the words. Pupils repeat. Give the
events of a person’s life meanings in Arabic. Tell them to say / guess how
Grammar:                     past simple: regular / irregular the words on the board are related to her.
forms, questions
Function:                       talking about past events PB 2. Listen and answer the questions. [6 mins]
New language:            attack, hero/heroine, Nobel Aim: to listen and understand details of a text about the
Peace Prize, shoot (v) life of a heroine.
Materials: audio track 5.1
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 34 / Activity Book (AB) page 34
• Play audio track 5.1. Pupils listen. Tell
Starter activity [5 mins]
pupils to say what they know about Malala.
AB A. Write the past form. They may use Arabic.
Aim: to review the past forms of some common verbs.
• Choose different pupils to read each question
aloud. Elicit what the questions mean in Arabic.
• Read each verb and elicit the meaning.
• Divide the class into two teams. Turn to team 1 • Play audio track 5.1 again. Pupils listen.
and say a verb (e.g. do). Tell them to say the past Pupils discuss the answers.
form (did). If it is correct, they win a point. Turn
to team 2 and say a different verb (write). If they • Read each question, and choose pupils to
say the correct past form (wrote), they win a
point. If you like, you can add more verbs. give the answers. Explain that Malala won
the Nobel Peace Prize (write the phrase on the
• Pupils write the past forms. board). This is awarded every year to a person
who has helped to create peace in the world.
• Elicit the past form of each verb. Tell pupils
to give the spellings. Write past forms on the
board. Pupils check their answers.
A. She’s from Pakistan. B. Some men attacked her
Answers: 1. was / were, 2. attacked, 3. did, 4. set up, 5. and shot her. C. She was on a bus. D. They were angry
won, 6. wrote because she was at school. E. She won a prize (the Nobel
Peace Prize).

Homework 1
Pupils review the spellings of the past forms of the verbs. PB 3. Read about Malala. Then complete Activity B and
They can write a sentence using some of the verbs.
C in your Activity Book. [3 mins]
Aim: to read and understand notes about a person’s life.
PB 1. Look at the photo. What do you know about this
• Explain that the text has notes about Malala’s
person? [4 mins] life.
Aim: to prepare for listening. • Choose different pupils to read each line. Check
• Explain that this lesson is about a heroine. Give pronunciation of the dates. Elicit the meanings
the meaning of the word ‘heroine’. in Arabic. Explain that the Malala Fund is a
charity. It raises money to help girls around the
• Explain that the girl in the picture is called world go to school.
Malala Yousafzai. Elicit from pupils what they
Unit 5: Amazing people 79
UNIT 5 Lesson 2: A Heroine
Homework 2
Pupils read the profile again at home. They tell people in PB 4. Your turn. [5 mins]
their family about Malala Yousafzai.
Aim: to ask and answer questions about the past events
in a person’s life.
AB B. Read about Malala and write the questions. [5
mins] • Point to the notes about Malala’s life in the
Pupil’s Book. Ask questions e.g. When was she
Aim: to practise the correct word order for questions.
born? Where was she born? What happened in
2012 / 2013 / 2014?) Choose pupils to answer.
• Use the example to explain the activity.
Pupils must put the words in the correct order to
• Pupils take turns to ask and answer
make a question.
questions about Malala’s life. Walk around the
room, listening and helping.
• Pupils write the questions with words in
the correct order. They check their answers
together. Homework 3

AB D. Project work. [3 mins]

• Choose different pupils to read the questions
aloud. Pupils check their answers. Aim: to write some sentences about a person.
Answers: • Explain the homework. Pupils must choose a
1.When was Malala born? hero or heroine. It can be a person in their family,
a person in the community or a famous person.
2. Where was she born? They must answer the questions and write some
3. Who attacked her in 2012? sentences about the person.
4. What happened in 2013?
5. What did she win in 2014?
Vocabulary box [3 mins]

AB C. Read about Malala again. Answer the questions • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils repeat.
from Activity B. [6 mins] Elicit the meaning of each word.
Aim: to write sentences about the past events of a • Point to each word. Pupils say the word. Check
person’s life. pronunciation.

• Explain the activity. Pupils must read the

questions in AB Activity B and write answers End of Lesson 2 Checkpoints:
here. Read the question (When was Malala
born?) and example answer (She was born in • Pupils can say and write the past forms of
1997). common regular / irregular verbs.
• Pupils can listen and understand the details
• Pupils work together to write answers to the of a text about the life of a heroine.
questions. If they need help, they can look at the
notes in the Pupil’s Book • Pupils can write questions and sentences
about the past events in a person’s life.
• Read the questions in AB Activity B. Choose • Pupils can ask and answer questions about
different pupils to read their answers. Write the the past events in a person’s life.
answers on the board.
Example answers: 1. She was born in 1997. 2. She was
born in Pakistan. 3. Some men attacked her in 2012.
4. She set up the Malala Fund in 2013. 5. She won the
Nobel Peace Prize in 2014.

80 Unit 5: Amazing people

Lesson 3: Living with Gorillas UNIT 5
Lesson overview questions. [5 mins]
Reading focus:        understand the main points of Aim: to read and understand the main points of a text
a text about the life of a famous about the life of a famous woman.
Speaking focus:         ask and answer questions about • In pairs, pupils read the text again together.
the past events of a person’s life They read the questions and answer them orally.
Grammar:                    past simple: regular / irregular
forms, questions, negative • Read each question and elicit the answers.
Function:                       talking about past events Answers: A. She started riding horses. B. She went to
Africa in 1963. C. She saw flamingos. D. She saw them in
New language:           flamingo, (mountain) gorilla, Uganda. E. She spent 19 years studying gorillas. F. Some
hunter, kill hunters killed her.

Pupil’s Book (PB) page 35 / Activity Book (AB) page 35 AB A. Correct the mistakes. [5 mins]
Aim: to find factual mistakes in sentences.

Starter activity [3 mins] • Read the first sentence (Dian Fossey started
Aim: to review homework from Lesson 2. riding camels when she was six). Tell pupils there
is a mistake. Elicit the mistake (She started riding
• Choose pupils to read their sentences about a horses). Tell pupils to cross out ‘camels’ and write
hero or heroine. ‘horses’.

PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? [2 mins] • Pupils read the sentences and find the
mistake in each one. They change each sentence
to make it correct.
Aim: to prepare for reading.
• Choose pupils to read the correct sentences.
• Point to each picture and ask What can you see?
Teach / elicit these words: flamingo, mountain Answers: 1. camels = horses, 2. Asia = Africa, 3. didn’t
see = saw, 4. eating = hunting, 5. story = movie / film
gorilla, hunter

AB B. Write the past form. [4 mins]

PB 2. Read the text. What is it about? [4 mins] Aim: to review the spellings of past forms of some
Aim: to read and follow a text about the life of a famous common verbs.
• Explain the activity. Pupils must write the
• Tell pupils you will read a text about the woman
past forms of the verbs. When they finish, they
in picture A.
raise their hands. The pair to finish first (with
• Read the text aloud. Pupils listen and follow in correct past forms) wins.
their books.
• Pupils write the past forms.
• Tell pupils to say what the text is about (a woman
who studied gorillas in Africa).
• When the first pair finishes, ask them to read
• Tell pupils to guess / say the meanings of these the past forms aloud. Write them on the board. If
words: riding horses, travelled, Tanzania, they are correct, the pair wins.
Uganda, returned, spent 19 years, hunting, Answers: 1. loved, 2. started, 3. saw, 4. travelled, 5.
hunter, kill, life. stopped, 6. spent, 7. shot, 8. made

PB 3. 3. Read the text again and answer these

Unit 5: Amazing people 81

UNIT 5 Lesson 3: Living with Gorillas
Homework 1 in a person’s life.
Pupils review the spellings of the past forms of the verbs.
They can write a sentence using some of the verbs. • Tell pupils to write 1-2 questions about Dian
Fossey (e.g. Where was she born? Did she like
animals? What did she do when she was six?
When did she go to Africa? Etc.)
Look! [3 mins]
• Pupils write their questions. Pupils read
• Read each question / sentence aloud.
each other’s sentences, and check spelling and
Pupils repeat. Check pronunciation. Elicit
the meanings of each sentence.
• Explain the forms of the past simple (i.e. • In groups of five or six, pupils take turns to
question = did + infinitive; negative = didn’t ask their questions. Other pupils in the group
+ infinitive). answer.

• Choose pupils to ask their questions to the

AB C. Complete the sentences. [4 mins] rest of the class.
Aim: to write questions and sentences using the past
simple tense.

• Explain the activity. Pupils must Vocabulary box [3 mins]

complete the questions and sentences using the • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils repeat.
verb in brackets. They must write the correct Elicit the meaning of each word.
form of the verb. Read the first sentence and
elicit the answer (saw). • Say one of the words in Arabic. Pupils say the
word in English. Repeat with other words from
• Pupils complete the questions and the box in a different order.
Homework 3
• Choose pupils to read the questions and
sentences. Pupils check their answers. Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
Answers: 1. saw, 2. make, 3. travel, 4. loved, 5. return, 6. review these words.
End of Lesson 3 Checkpoints:

• Pupils can read and understand the main

Homework 2
points of a text about a person’s life.
AB D. Write sentences about the pictures. [3 mins] • Pupils can say and write the past forms of
Aim: to write sentences about the past events of a
common regular / irregular verbs.
person’s life. • Pupils can write questions and sentences
• Explain the activity. Pupils must look at the about the past events in a person’s life.
pictures and write sentences about them at • Pupils can ask and answer questions about
home. the past events in a person’s life.
Example answers: (a) Dian Fossey was born in the USA
/ in America. (b) She started riding horses when she was
six (years old). (c) She travelled to Africa in 1963. (d) She
saw mountain gorillas in Uganda.

PB 4. Your turn. [4 mins]

Aim: to ask and answer questions about the past events
82 Unit 5: Amazing people
Lesson 4: The Best I Can Be UNIT 5
Lesson overview around, special school, injuries, stupid.
Reading focus:      understand the main points • Point to the pictures and ask these questions:
of texts about children with
Why is Mustafa using a Braille book? (He’s blind)
Why is Ibrahim in bed? (He had head injuries)
Speaking focus:            describe how life is difficult for What happened to him? (A car hit him) Why is
children with disabilities the girl in a wheelchair? (She was ill when she
Grammar:                      past simple: was(n’t) / were(n’t), was young) How is life difficult if you are in a
could(n’t), regular / irregular wheelchair? (It can be difficult to get around)
past forms
Answers: A. Amna, B. Mustafa, C. Ibrahim
Function:                       comparing the past and the
New language:      Braille, disabled, get around, Homework 1
injury, stupid, wheelchair
Pupils read the texts again at home.

Pupil’s Book (PB) page 36 / Activity Book (AB) page 36

AB A. Complete the sentences with the words from the
box. [5 mins]
Starter activity [3 mins]
Aim: to review words from texts about children with
Aim: to review homework from Lesson 3. disabilities.
• Choose pupils to read their sentences about Dian
Fossey. • Read the words in the box aloud. Pupils
repeat. Check pronunciation. Elicit the meanings
in Arabic.
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? [4 mins]
• Explain the activity. Pupils must read the
Aim: to prepare for the topic of disability. sentences and complete the gaps with words
from the box.
• Say: Look at Mustafa / Ibrahim / Amna. What
can you see? Review / teach these words: Braille,
• Pupils complete the sentences. Pupils
injury, wheelchair.
check their answers together.
• Ask questions: Why is Mustafa reading a Braille
book? Why is Ibrahim in bed? What happened to • Choose different pupils to read the
him? Why is Amna in a wheelchair? How is life completed sentences.
difficult if you are in a wheelchair? Encourage
Answers: 1. disabled, 2. blind, 3. wheelchair, 4. injury, 5.
pupils to give as many ideas as possible. stupid
Pupils may use Arabic.
AB B. Read the three texts again and complete the
sentences. [6 mins]
PB 2. Read the texts and point to the correct person. [6
Aim: to read and understand the main points of texts
about children with disabilities.
Aim: to read and follow short texts about children with
disabilities. • Read the first sentence. Pause at the gaps.
• Tell pupils you will read texts about each of the Elicit the words for the gaps (Amna uses a
three children. They must read and point to the wheelchair because she was ill when she was
child that each text is about. young).

• Read each text aloud. Pupils follow and point to • Explain the activity. Pupils must read the texts
the children. Tell pupils to say which child each again and complete the sentences.
text is about.
• Pupils read the texts again together. They
• Teach / elicit the meaning of these words: get
Unit 5: Amazing people 83
UNIT 5 Lesson 4: The Best I Can Be
read and complete the sentences. Homework 3
Pupils can write some sentences about the difficulties for
• Choose pupils to read the completed one of the children (e.g. Reading is difficult for Mustafa.)
sentences. Pupils check their answers.
Answers: 1. was ill, 2. Braille, 3. he was young, 4. head
injuries, 5. stupid Vocabulary box [5 mins]

• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils

AB C. Read the texts again. Write the correct name. [5 repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
Aim: to read and understand sentences about different
• Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Say
children’s lives. a word from the box. Tell pupils to write the
word in their notebooks. Repeat with the other
• Explain the activity. Pupils must read each words.
sentence and match it to the correct child • Tell pupils to open their Activity Books and
(Mustafa, Ibrahim or Amna).
to check the spellings. Pupils check the
• Read the first sentence. Elicit the answer spellings of each word in their notebooks.

• Pupils read the sentences and write the Homework 3

Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
• Choose different pupils to say the names. review these words.
Pupils check their answers. End of Lesson 4 Checkpoints:
Answers: 1. Ibrahim, 2. Mustafa, 3. Amna, 4. Mustafa, 5.
Amna, 6. Ibrahim
• Pupils can understand the main points of
texts about children with disabilities.
• Pupils can describe how life is difficult for
PB 3. Your turn. [6 mins]
children with disabilities.
Aim: to describe how life is difficult for children with
disabilities. • Pupils can say and write some common
words related to disability.
• Read the speech bubbles. Tell pupils
they will work in small groups. Each group must
choose one of the children in the pictures. They
should talk about this question: What is difficult
for this child?

• Pupils choose a child, and talk about how life

is difficult for them.

• Point to the picture of Mustafa and ask:

What is difficult for Mustafa? Groups who chose
Mustafa give their ideas (e.g. Reading is difficult.
Travelling is difficult etc.) Pupils may use
some Arabic. Help them to use as much English
as possible.
• Repeat with Ibrahim / Amna (What is difficult for
Ibrahim / Amna?)

84 Unit 5: Amazing people

Lesson 5: Role Models UNIT 5
Lesson overview Materials: audio track 5.2
Listening focus:    understand details of three
children talking about their role models • Explain that the pictures show the children
who talk about their role models. Explain the
Writing focus:         write a short paragraph about
your role model activity. Pupils must read the questions, and
choose the child.
Grammar:                      past simple
Function:                    referring to and describing • In pairs, pupils read the questions and
people discuss the answers.
New language:            role model
• Play audio track 5.2 again. Pupils listen.

Pupil’s Book (PB) page 37 / Activity Book (AB) page 37 • Pupils discuss the answers again. They write
the names in their notebooks.
Starter activity [3 mins]
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? • Read the questions. Elicit the answers.
Aim: to prepare for the topic of role models and for Answers: (A) 1. Huma, 2. Fatma, 3. Muntdsir. (B) 1.
listening. Muntdsir, 2. Fatma, 3. Huma

• Point to each picture and ask: What can you see?

(A teacher, a mother, a blind man) AB A. Listen again and choose the correct word. [7
• Explain that the topic of this lesson is ‘role
models’. Give the meaning in Arabic. Tell pupils to Aim: to understand more details of three children talking
about their role models.
say how the people in the pictures could be role
Materials: audio track 5.2
models. Pupils give their ideas. They may use
• In pairs, pupils read the text together and try
to remember words to complete the gaps.
PB 2. Listen and point to the correct picture. [3 mins]
• Play audio track 5.2 again. Pupils listen.

Aim: to understand the main points of three children • Pupils work together to complete the gaps.
talking about their role models.
Materials: audio track 5.2 • Choose pupils to read the complete texts.

• Tell pupils they will listen to three children talking Answers: 1. mother, 2. large, 3. nine, 4. grandfather, 5.
blind, 6. amazing, 7. twelve, 8. teacher
about their role models. Each child will talk about
one of the people in the pictures in PB Activity 1.
They must listen to each child, and point to the Homework 1
person they are talking about.
Pupils read the texts again at home.
• Play audio track 5.2. Pupils listen and point
to the pictures. AB B. Read the texts and correct these sentences. [5
• Elicit which person the children talked about first, mins]
second and third (Picture B, Picture C, Picture A). Aim: to find factual mistakes in sentences.

• Use the example to explain the activity.

PB 3. Listen again and answer these questions. [7 mins] Pupils must find a mistake in each sentence. They
Aim: to understand details of three children talking must cross out the mistake and write the correct
about their role models. word.

Unit 5: Amazing people 85

UNIT 5 Lesson 5: Role Models
• Pupils read the sentences and find the • In groups of three or four, pupils tell each
mistake in each one. They change each sentence other about their role models.
to make it correct.
• Choose pupils to talk about their role models
• Choose pupils to read the correct sentences. in front of the class.
Answers: 1. father = mother, 2. three = nine, 3. ill = blind,
4. big = village, 5. doctor = teacher, 6. never = always
Homework 3
Pupils talk about their role models with their families.
AB C. Write. [10 mins]
Aim: to write a short paragraph about your role model.
End of Lesson 5 Checkpoints:

• Tell pupils they will write a short paragraph • Pupils can listen to three children talking
about a role model. about their role models and understand
• Read the questions and elicit answers. Encourage
pupils to give different ideas. They may use • Pupils can write a short paragraph about
Arabic, but write ideas on the board in English. their role model.
(Possible answers: the role model could be
• Pupils can tell others who their role model is,
a person in the family, at school or in the
and give some information about the person.
community, or someone famous; the person may
look after people, teach, help people; perhaps
the person had a disability; the person may be
amazing, happy, kind etc.)

• Pupils write a short paragraph about their

role models. Walk around the room and help.

• Pupils read each other’s sentences, and

check spelling and grammar.

Example answer
My role model is my aunt. She is a nurse. She helps
people when they are ill. She is very kind, and she is
always smiling.

Homework 2
Pupils write their paragraphs neatly on a clean piece of
paper, and draw a picture of their role models. They can
bring the papers to class. If possible, stick them around
the room.

PB 4. Your turn. [5 mins]

Aim: to talk about your role model.

• Choose some pupils and ask: Who is your

role model? Why is he / she your role model?

86 Unit 5: Amazing people

Lesson 6: A Special Award UNIT 5
Lesson overview Pupils read the texts again at home.
Reading focus:         understand the main points of
three short texts about children
who help in the local community AB A. Match the words (1-4) with the definitions (a-d).
[4 mins]
Writing focus:        write about why a person should
win an award Aim: to read and find the meanings of words.

Grammar:                     conjunction: because
• Read words 1-4. Pupils repeat. Elicit the
Function:                       asking for and giving reasons meanings.
New language:           award, enter (a competition), • Explain the activity. Pupils must match words
local 1-4 with one of the words in the box. Read the
example definition and word.
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 38 / Activity Book (AB) page 38
• Pupils draw lines to match definitions and
Starter activity [3 mins] words.
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see?
• Read the definitions. Choose pupils to read
Aim: to prepare for reading. the words. Check pronunciation. Pupils check
their answers.
• Point to the pictures. Ask: What can you see?
Answers: 1 = d, 2 = a, 3 = b, 4 = c
• Ask questions: What is the girl giving to the
man? Why is the girl carrying a heavy shopping
bag? Why is the boy pushing the wheelchair? AB B. Read the texts again. Are the sentences true or
Encourage pupils to give as many ideas as false? [5 mins]

possible. Pupils may use Arabic. Aim: to read and understand the main points of
three short texts about children who help in the local
PB 2. Read the text and point to the correct pictures. [5
• Pupils read the texts again together. In pairs,
mins] they read the sentences and decide if they are
Aim: to read and follow three short texts about children true or false. They write T or F in their notebooks.
who help in the local community.

• Tell pupils you will read texts about each of the • Elicit the answers. If a sentence is false, ask
three children. They must read and point to the pupils to give the true answer.
child that each text is about. Answers: 1. F (Huda’s neighbour is 87), 2. T, 3. F (Hassan
helps after school), 4. T, 5. F (She collects money every
• Read each text aloud. Pupils follow and point to weekend), 6. F (She gives money to the local mosque)
the pictures. Tell pupils to say which child each
text is about.
Homework 2
• Tell pupils to guess the meanings of these words:
neighbour, collect, community, local. Pupils think about ways they can help people in their
• Point to the pictures and ask these questions
again: What is the girl giving to the man? (Money
for the poor) Why is the girl carrying a heavy AB C. Read the poster and answer the questions. [8
shopping bag? (Because she helps her neighbour)
Why is the boy pushing the wheelchair? (Because Aim: to read and understand the main points of a poster
he helps disabled children) about an award.

Answers: 1. B, 2. C, 3. A
• Read the title of the poster. Elicit the
Homework 1 meaning in Arabic. Explain that the poster is for a
Unit 5: Amazing people 87
UNIT 5 Lesson 6: A Special Award
competition. Teach the word ‘competition’.
Vocabulary box [3 mins]
• Read the text aloud. Read the last sentence of
the poster again. Elicit the meaning in Arabic. • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils repeat.
Elicit the meaning of each word.
• In groups of three or four, pupils read the
• Say one of the words in Arabic. Pupils say the
questions and answer them orally.
word in English. Repeat with other words from
the box in a different order.
• Read the questions and elicit the answers.
Answers: 1. Young Person of the Year Award, 2. Three
(Huda, Hassan, Rihab), 3. They do something special, Homework 3
they help other people
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
review these words.
AB C. Read the information about the three young
people again and complete the sentence. [7 mins]
Aim: to write about why a person should win an award. End of Lesson 6 checkpoints:

• Pupils can read and understand the main

• Tell pupils to remember what they can about
points of three short texts about children
Huda, Hassan and Rihab.
who help in the local community.
• Tell pupils to raise their hands if they think Huda
• Pupils can read and understand the main
should win. Choose some pupils with raised
points of a poster about an award.
hands to say why. Help them to give reasons in
English (e.g. because she helps her neighbour). If • Pupils can write a sentence about why a
you like, you can write some ideas on the board. person should win an award.
• Tell pupils to raise their hands if they think • Pupils can say why a person should win an
Hassan / Rihab should win. Tell pupils to give award.
reasons. Write some ideas on the board.
• Read the sentence (I think ____ should win the
award because…). Explain the activity. Pupils
must write the name of the child they think
should win, and complete the sentence with their
reasons why.

• Pupils complete the sentence. Walk around

the room and help.

• Pupils read each other’s sentences, and

check spelling and grammar.

PB 4. Your turn. [5 mins]

Aim: to say why a person should win an award.

• In groups of three or four, pupils tell each

other about who they think should win and why.

• Choose pupils to talk about who they think

should win and why.

88 Unit 5: Amazing people

Lesson 7: An Amazing Man UNIT 5
Lesson overview They read the questions and answer them orally.
Reading focus:        understand the main points of
a story about a famous African • Read each question and elicit the answers.
role model
Answers: A. He’s from Nigeria. B. Because he had to get
Speaking focus:        ask and answer questions about a job and earn some money. C. Because his father told
a real person’s life him to study. He read books about Maths, Science and
English. D. Because he won a scholarship. E. He invented
Grammar:                      conjunction: because very fast computers.
Function:                      asking for and giving reasons
New language:         become, computer scientist, AB A. Find 6 past tense verb forms. [5 mins]
develop, scholarship
Aim: to find and write the past simple forms of some
common verbs.
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 39 / Activity Book (AB) page 39
• Tell pupils that there are six past tense verbs
Starter activity [3 mins] in the puzzle. Read the example (left). Pupils
must find and write five more verbs.
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see?
Aim: to prepare for reading. • Pupils find and write the verbs. Pupils
• Point to each picture. Ask: What can you see? check their answers together.

• Explain that the pictures are all of an amazing • Elicit the verbs and write them on the board.
man. Tell pupils to guess / say why the man is
amazing. Encourage different ideas. Don’t give • Point to each verb, and say it clearly. Pupils
the answer. repeat. Check pronunciation.
Answers: 1. left, 2. told, 3. win, 4. became, 5. developed,
6. went
PB 2. Read Tim’s diary. What is the name of the amazing
man? [5 mins]
Homework 2
Aim: to read and follow a story about a famous African
role model. Pupils review the spellings of the past forms of the verbs.
They can write a sentence using some of the verbs.
• Read the text aloud. Pupils follow in their books.
Tell pupils to say the name of the man (Dr Philip
Emeagwali). AB B. Read the story again. Put the pictures in the
correct order. [8 mins]
• Tell pupils to guess / say the meanings of these Aim: to understand descriptions and order pictures.
words: left school, earn some money, library,
scholarship, university, became, computer
• Tell pupils you will describe a picture. Pupils
must point to the picture. Say these sentences:
• A boy is at school. He’s studying
Homework 1 Maths.
Pupils read the text again at home.
• A boy is in the library. He’s reading a
book about Maths.
PB 3. Read the diary again and answer these questions. • A man is working on a computer.
[5 mins]
• A young man is going to university.
Aim: to read and understand the main points of a story
about a famous African role model.
• Pupils take turns to describe and point to the
• In pairs, pupils read the diary again together. pictures.

Unit 5: Amazing people 89

UNIT 5 Lesson 7: An Amazing Man
• Explain the activity. Pupils must write Vocabulary box [3 mins]
numbers 1-4 next to the picture to put them in
the correct order. • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils repeat.
Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Pupils write numbers next to each picture. • Point to each word. Pupils say the word. Check
They can read the text in PB Activity 2 if they pronunciation.
need help.

• Elicit the correct order. Homework 3

Answers: The correct order is: Picture B, Picture C, Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
Picture A, Picture D the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
review these words.

AB C. Match the sentence halves. [5 mins]

End of Lesson 7 Checkpoints:
Aim: to read and understand sentences giving reasons.
• Pupils can read and understand a story
• Explain the activity. Pupils must match the about a famous African role model.
beginning of each sentence on the left with the
correct ending on the right. • Pupils can read and understand sentences
giving reasons.
• Pupils draw lines to match the beginnings • Pupils can ask and answer questions about a
and endings of the sentences. real person’s life.

• Choose different pupils to read the complete

sentences. Pupils check their answers. Explain
that we use the word ‘because’ when we want to
give a reason.
Answers: 1 = c, 2 = d, 3 = b, 4 = a

Your turn. [6 mins]

Aim: to practise asking and answering questions about a
real person’s life.

• Read questions about Dr Emeagwali (from

PB Activity 3). Pupils answer. (Example: Where is
Dr Emeagwali from? He’s from Nigeria.)
• Choose 2 pupils. Pupil 1 has the Pupil’s book
and asks questions about Dr Emeagwali; Pupil 2
answers (without looking at the Pupil’s book).

• Pupils take turns to ask and answer

questions about Dr Emeagwali. Walk around the
room, listening and helping.

90 Unit 5: Amazing people

Lesson 8: Revision: Special People UNIT 5
Lesson overview Answers: 1. A, 2. C, 3. B, 4. A, 5. C, 6. B, 7. B, 8. A
Reading focus:             understand sentences about
past events in real people’s lives
PB 3. Your turn. [6 mins]
Writing focus:        write a short paragraph about an
amazing person Aim: to ask and answer questions about the past events
in real people’s lives.
Grammar:                      past simple: regular / irregular
forms, questions, negative
• Explain the activity. You will choose a person
Function:                       talking about past events from the unit. They must ask questions to guess
New language:    - who the person is.
• Choose one of these people (Mohammed Atta,
Malala Yousafzai, Dian Fossey, Dr Emeagwali).
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 40 / Activity Book (AB) page 40
Don’t tell the pupils which person you have
chosen. Choose some pupils to ask questions
Starter activity [5 mins] (e.g. Was the person born in 1984? Was the
person born in Pakistan? Did the person invent
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you remember fast computers?) If necessary, help pupils to ask
about these people?
the questions in English. Pupils guess the person.
Aim: to review facts about real people.
• Tell a pupil to come to the front of the class. Tell
• Point to each picture and elicit the name the pupil to choose a person. Other pupils ask
of the person (A = Mohammed Atta, B = Malala questions and guess.
Yousafzai, C = Dian Fossey).
• In groups of five or six, pupils take turns to
• In groups of three or four, pupils say what choose a person from the unit. Other pupils ask
they can remember about the people in the questions and guess.

pictures. They may use Arabic.

Homework 1
• Point to each picture. Tell pupils to say what Pupils choose a person from the unit and they write
they can remember about the person. some sentences about past events in the person’s life.

PB 2. Read the information. What picture is it about? [6 AB A. Play a game. [6 mins]

Aim: to review the past forms of regular and irregular
Aim: to read and understand sentences about past verbs.
events in real people’s lives.
Materials: a soft ball (or a rolled-up piece of paper)
• Explain the activity. Pupils must read the
• Elicit around twenty different regular and
sentences and decide which person from PB
irregular verbs, and write them on the board
Activity 1 it is about. They must write the picture
(e.g. be, grow, attack, shoot, do, win, write, have,
letter in their notebooks (A, B or C).
return, travel, start, see, spend, make, get, leave,
• Read the first sentence. Elicit the answer (Picture tell, become, invent, go etc.)
A - Mohammad Atta).
• Point to a verb (e.g. see) and ask What’s the past
of ‘see’? Throw the ball to Pupil 1. Help Pupil 1 to
• In pairs, pupils read the sentences and
answer: The past of ‘see’ is ‘saw’.
choose the picture. They write the picture letter
in their notebooks. • Pupil 1 throws the ball to another pupil, chooses
a different verb, and asks What is the past of
• Choose pupils to read the sentences and give (make)? Pupil 2 answers (The past of ‘make’ is
the letter. ‘made’). Pupil 2 then throws the ball to another
Unit 5: Amazing people 91
UNIT 5 Lesson 8: Revision: Special People
pupil and asks the question about a different
verb. • Choose pupils to read their paragraphs in
front of the class.
• Pupils continue throwing the ball and asking
/ answering the question. Continue for two
minutes. Homework 2
Pupils can finish writing the paragraph at home.
• Pupils take turns to choose verbs and ask
and answer the question (e.g. What’s the past of
‘attack’? The past of ‘attack’ is ‘attacked’?) Can do box [3 mins]

• Tell pupils that we use the past simple when • Read the sentences aloud. Elicit the mean-
we talk about past events in people’s lives. ings in Arabic.

AB B. Make questions. [4 mins] • Pupils read each sentence and decide if

they can do this in English. If they can, they
Aim: to practise the correct word order for questions. draw a tick [ ]. If they are not sure, they review
lessons in Unit 5 again.
• Use the example to explain the activity.
Pupils must put the words in the correct order to
make a question. Homework 3
Pupils look again at lessons they would like to review.
• Pupils write the questions with words in
the correct order. They check their answers
together. End of Lesson 8 Checkpoints:

• Pupils can read and understand sentences

• Choose different pupils to read the questions about past events in real people’s lives.
aloud. Pupils check their answers.
• Pupils can say the past forms of common
Answers: regular / irregular verbs.
1. Who is your role model?
• Pupils can ask and answer questions about
2. What did they do? the past events in real people’s lives.
3. Why are they special? • Pupils can write a short paragraph about an
amazing person.
AB C. Write. [10 mins]
Aim: to write a short paragraph about an amazing

• Read the questions from AB Activity C. Write

example answers on the board in a paragraph.
(My amazing person is my mother. She was born
in Kassala. She had five children. She is special
because she is kind.)

• Pupils choose an amazing person and write

about them. Walk around the room and help.

• Pupils read each other’s sentences, and

check spelling and grammar.

92 Unit 5: Amazing people

Unit 5 : Audioscripts UNIT 5
Unit 5 Audioscripts

Audio track 5.1

Malala Yousafzai is from Pakistan. When she was fifteen
she was on a bus going home from school when some
men attacked and shot her. These men were angry that
she was at school. They thought girls shouldn’t have an
education but Malala didn’t agree. She said ‘One child,
one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.’
Malala thinks all girls should get an education.

When she was seventeen Malala won the Nobel Peace

Prize. She is the youngest person to win the prize.

Audio track 5.2

Hi, my name’s Fatma and my role model is my

mother. We have a large family. My mother has nine
children. She looks after all of us and is always there
to help us.

My name is Muntdsir. My grandfather is my role

model. He was born blind, but he never let that stop
him. He was a teacher in a village school. I think he
is amazing.

I’m Huma and I’m twelve. When I grow up I want to be a

teacher like my role model. Her name is Sara and she is
always smiling and happy.

Unit 5: Amazing people 93

UNIT 6 Lesson 1: The Arts
Lesson overview AB A. Write the words from the box under the correct
picture. [4 mins]
Listening focus:      understand details of four
children talking about the arts Aim: to write words for different arts.
they like
Reading focus: understand the main points of a • Explain the activity. Pupils must write a word
text about the arts from the box under each picture.
Grammar:                    like, enjoy + ing verb
• Pupils write the words under the pictures.
Function:                      talking about likes and dislikes
They check their answers together.
New language:        bead, dance, include, jewellery,
paint (n), play (n), string
• Elicit the word for each picture. Check
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 41 / Activity Book (AB) page 41 pronunciation.
Starter activity [3 mins] Answers: 1. jewellery making, 2. dancing, 3. acting, 4.
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see?
Aim: to prepare for the topic of the arts.
AB B. Listen again to the four children and complete the
• Point to the pictures. Ask: What can you see? sentences. [5 mins]
Teach / elicit these words: beads, string. Write Aim: to listen and understand details of four children
the words on the board. Say the words. Pupils talking about the arts they like.
repeat. Check pronunciation. Materials: audio track 6.1
• Point to pictures again. Ask: What are the
children doing? Teach / elicit the answers (A = • Explain the activity. Pupils must complete
They are acting in a play; B = He’s reading; C = the sentences with one of the words in the box.
They’re dancing; D = She’s making jewellery).
Write these words on the board: act, a play, • Pupils read and complete the sentences.
jewellery. Say the words. Pupils repeat. Check
pronunciation. • Play audio track 6.1 again. Pupils listen and
check their answers.

PB 2. Listen and point to the pictures. [4 mins] • Choose different pupils to read each
completed sentence.
Aim: to listen and understand the main points of four
children talking about the arts they like.
Materials: audio track 6.1 Answers: 1. string, 2. do, 3. in front of, 4. own

• Tell pupils they will listen to four children talking

about their hobbies. They are Nafisa, Habib, PB 3. Read the text and answer the questions. [4 mins]
Rana, Jalal. They must listen and decide what
each child likes doing, and point to the picture
(e.g. If Nafisa likes acting, they should point to Aim: to read and follow a text about the arts.
Picture A).
• Read the questions. Elicit the meanings in Arabic.
• Play audio track 6.1. Pupils listen and point • Read the text aloud. Pupils follow in their books.
to the pictures. Ask questions (a) and (b) and elicit the answers
(the writer talks about 5 arts: playing music,
• Say each name and ask pupils to say the picture writing poetry, telling stories, taking photos,
letter. painting pictures). Check pupils understand the
Answers: Nafisa – Picture D, Habib – Picture C, Rana – meaning of each art.
Picture A, Jalal – Picture B
• Elicit / teach the meanings of these words:

94 Unit 6: The Arts

Lesson 1: The Arts UNIT 6
equipment, artist, paint brush, paint, be good do.
with words. Materials: a soft ball (or a rolled-up piece of paper)
Homework 1
• Tell pupils to say some arts (e.g. making
AB C. Read the text again. [2 mins] jewellery, dancing, acting, writing, reading
Aim: to read and understand the main points of a text poetry, playing / listening to music, telling stories,
about the arts. taking photos, painting). Write them on the
board if necessary.
• Explain the activity. Pupils must read the
text again at home. Then they must read the • Throw the ball to Pupil 1. Ask: What art do you
questions and choose one of the answers (a, b or like? Pupil 1 answers: I like (reading). Ask: What
c). art do you want to do? Help Pupil 1 to answer
(e.g. I want to make jewellery).
AB D. Write true sentences about yourself. [6 mins]
Aim: to write sentences about the arts you like. • Pupil 1 throws the ball to another pupil and asks:
What art do you like? What art do you want to
• Write on the board: I _____ listening to do? Pupil 2 answers. Pupil 2 then throws the ball
music. Elicit words that can go in the gap (like, to another pupil and asks the questions.
don’t like, love). • Pupils continue throwing the ball and asking /
• Write on the board: I love _____. Elicit words answering the questions.
that can go in the gap (e.g. telling stories, taking
photos etc.). Explain that we use ing verbs (e.g. • In groups of four or five, pupils say the arts
playing, making) after the verbs like, love. they like and want to do.

• Pupils complete the sentences. Walk around Vocabulary box [3 mins]

the room and help. Remind pupils that they
should write about themselves. • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Pupils read each other’s sentences, and • Tell pupils to say more words about the arts.
check spelling and grammar.

• Choose 2-3 pupils to read their sentences in Homework 3

front of the class. Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
Homework 2 the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
review these words.
Pupils can write or finish writing their sentences at
End of Lesson 1 Checkpoints:
• Pupils can listen and understand details of four
Look! [3 mins] children talking about the arts they like.

• Read each sentence aloud. Pupils repeat. • Pupils can say and write the names of different
Check pronunciation. Elicit the meanings of arts.
each sentence. • Pupils can read and follow a short text about the
• Remind pupils that we use ing verbs after arts.
like / love (e.g. reading, dancing, acting). • Pupils can write and talk about the arts they like
Explain that we use an infinitive verb after and want to do.
want to (e.g. be).

PB 4. Your turn. [6 mins]

Aim: to ask about and say the arts you like and want to
Unit 6: The Arts 95
UNIT 6 Lesson 2: Sudanese Arts
Lesson overview Aim: to read and understand the main points of short
texts about Sudanese arts.
Reading focus:      understand details of short texts
about Sudanese arts
• Read paragraph 1 aloud. Explain that each
Speaking focus:        talk about the arts in different part of Sudan does things in different ways,
parts of Sudan
including art.
Grammar:                    sound / look + adjective (e.g.
sound beautiful, look dangerous) • Read paragraph 2. Tell pupils to say which
picture the text is about (Picture B). Repeat with
Function:                       referring to and describing objects
paragraph 3 (Picture C) and paragraph 4 (Picture
New language:         musical instrument, sound (like), A).
stamp (v), sword
• Ask these questions again and elicit the answers:

Pupil’s Book (PB) page 42 / Activity Book (AB) page 42

• Picture A: What is the instrument made of?
(wood) Where do people play it? (in the
Starter activity [3 mins] north of Sudan)

Aim: to review homework from lesson 1. • Picture B: What are the pots made of?
(clay) What do people keep in the pots?
• Read each question from AB Activity C. Elicit the (milk) Where do people make the pots?
answers. (Kordofan)
• Picture C: Where do people make the
1. Which one is an art? (b – painting) bowls? (East Sudan)
2. For poetry, you need… (c – to be good with words) • Read paragraphs 2-3 again. Teach / elicit the
3. Music is something you usually (b – play) meanings of these words: clay, stamp the ground,
sword, string.
4. What can everyone do? (c – do an art)
• Write on the board: It looks dangerous. It sounds
beautiful. Say the sentences. Pupils repeat. Elicit
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? [4 mins] the meanings. Explain that we can use ‘sound’
and ‘look’ + adjective (e.g. dangerous, beautiful)
to describe things.
Aim: to prepare for reading.

• Point to each picture and ask: What can you

see? Teach / elicit these words: a rabab, musical Homework 1
instrument, pot, bowl, shell Pupils read the text again at home.
• Point to each picture again and ask questions.
Encourage pupils to give their ideas. Don’t give AB A. Complete the sentences with the words from the
the answers. box. [5 mins]
• Picture A: What is the instrument made of? Aim: to review words from the text.
Where do people play it?
• Read the words in the box aloud. Pupils
• Picture B: What are the pots made of?
repeat. Check pronunciation. Elicit the meanings
What do people keep in the pots? Where do
in Arabic.
people make the pots?
• Explain the activity. Pupils must read the
• Picture C: Where do people make the
sentences and complete the gaps with words
from the box.

PB 2. Read the text and match paragraphs 2-4 with the • Pupils complete the sentences. They
check their answers together.
pictures above. [8 mins]
96 Unit 6: The Arts
Lesson 2: Sudanese Arts UNIT 6
Aim: to talk about the arts in different parts of Sudan.
• Choose different pupils to read the
Materials: poster / map of Sudan (if possible)
completed sentences. Elicit the meanings of
‘sharp’ and ‘cut yourself’.
• Tell pupils to think about different parts
Answers: 1. stamp, 2. bowl, 3. sword, 4. shells, 5. part of Sudan (use a poster / map if you have one).
Elicit what pupils know about the arts from
AB B. Where do they do this? Write the part of Sudan. different parts of Sudan (or from your area).
[5 mins] Pupils may use Arabic, but write notes on the
Materials: poster / map of Sudan (if possible) board in English.
Aim: to read and understand more details of a text about • Elicit sentences about different parts of Sudan
Sudanese arts. (e.g. In Kordofan, people make pots. The pots are
made of clay.)
• Read the first sentence. Elicit the part of
Sudan (East Sudan). Tell pupils to write ‘East • In groups of four or five, pupils take turns to
Sudan’ next to the sentence. say sentences. Walk around the room, listening
and helping.
• Pupils read the sentences and find the
answers in the texts. They write the parts of • Choose a group to say sentences in front of
Sudan next to each sentence. the class.
Homework 3
• Read the sentences and elicit the answers.
If you have a map of Sudan, show pupils where Pupils talk to older people in their families. They find out
these places are. 1. East Sudan, 2. North Sudan, more about the arts in their part of Sudan.
3. Kordofan, 4. Kordofan, 5. East Sudan Vocabulary box [5 mins]

AB C. Tick the words you can use together. [4 mins] • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
Aim: to practise describing arts using different adjectives.
• Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Say
• Read the adjective ‘dangerous’. Tell pupils to a word from the box. Tell pupils to write the
say which word the adjective goes with. They can word in their notebooks. Repeat with the
say more than one word (sword, dance). Pupils other words.
tick the adjective and words. • Tell pupils to open their Activity Books and

• In pairs, pupils decide which adjective and to check the spellings. Pupils check the
words you can use together. spellings of each word in their notebooks.

• Read each adjective and ask pupils to say

which words it goes with.
End of Lesson 2 Checkpoints:
Answers: 1. sword, dance, 2. pot, 3. instrument, 4. pot,
shell, sword, dance, instrument • Pupils can understand details of a text about
Sudanese arts.
Homework 2 • Pupils can use adjectives to describe Sudanese
Pupils think of and write three more words that can go arts.
with each adjective (e.g. dangerous crocodile, knife, • Pupils can talk about the arts in different parts of

PB 3. Your turn. [6 mins]

Unit 6: The Arts 97

UNIT 6 Lesson 3: Three Famous Sudanese
Lesson overview word. Check pronunciation. Elicit the meaning of
Reading focus:        understand the main points of each word in Arabic.
two short texts about two famous Sudanese people
• Use the example to explain the activity.
Writing focus:             write a paragraph about the life Pupils must match each word with one of the
of a famous Sudanese man Grammar:                      - sentences.
Function:                       referring to and describing people
• Pupils draw lines to match words and
New language:             actor, cartoon, character,
comedian, French, poet sentences. They check their answers

Pupil’s Book (PB) page 43 / Activity Book (AB) page 43 • Choose pupils to read the completed
sentences. Pupils check their answers.
Answers: a = 4, b = 2, c = 3, d = 1
Starter activity [3 mins]
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see?
PB 3. Read the two texts again. Look at these sentences.
Aim: to prepare for reading.
Who are they about? [5 mins]
• Point to each picture and ask: What can you see?
Aim: to read and understand the main points of short
Teach / elicit the words: poet, writer, cartoon texts about two famous Sudanese people.
character. Tell them to say what they know about
the cartoon character ‘Ammack Tango’. • Read the texts aloud again.

• Tell pupils you will ask some questions. If

PB 2. Read the two texts. Point to the correct picture. [4 they think the answer is Shurahbeel Ahmed, they
mins] must stand up; if they think the answer is Rawda
Al-Haj, they must sit down.
Aim: to read and follow two short texts about two
famous Sudanese people. • Ask question A: Who is a famous artist? Pupils
• Tell pupils you will read two texts about two should stand up. Choose a pupil to say the name
famous Sudanese people. They must read and (Shurahbeel Ahmed).
point to the picture that matches each text. • Repeat with sentences B-F (e.g. Who writes
• Read each text aloud. Pupils follow and point to poetry? Who won a prize in 2008? Etc.)
the picture. Elicit the answers (Text A = Picture C; Answers: A. Shurabeel Ahmed, B. Rawda Al-Haj, C.
Text B = Picture A). Rawda Al-Haj, D. Shurabeel Ahmed, E. Shurabeel Ahmed,
F. Rawda Al-Haj
• Say the word ‘prize’. Tell pupils to find the word
in the text. Repeat with these words: character,
famous, languages. AB B. Complete the profile. [5 mins]
Aim: to understand the profile of a famous Sudanese
Homework 1
Pupils tell their families about one or more of the people • Explain that the text is a profile of a famous
in this lesson. Sudanese man. A profile has notes about a
person’s life.
AB A. Match the words (1 – 4) with the definitions (a – • Point to the word ‘name’ and elicit the man’s
d). [4 mins] name (Jaleel Hassan Saeed). Explain the activity.
Aim: to read and find the meanings of words. Pupils must complete the profile with the words
(e.g. education, family etc.).
• Read words 1-4 aloud. Pupils repeat each

98 Unit 6: The Arts

Lesson 3: Three Famous Sudanese UNIT 6
• Pupils complete the profile together. Look! [3 mins]

• Read the notes (e.g. actor, writer and • Read each sentence aloud. Pupils repeat.
comedian) and elicit the words (e.g. Job). Tell Check pronunciation. Elicit the meanings of
pupils to say the meanings of these words: actor, each sentence.
comedian, birth. • Explain that we use ing verbs after ‘good at’
Answers: The words are (in order): Name, Job, Year of (e.g. singing).
birth, Place of birth, Family, Famous TV shows
• Tell some pupils to say what they are good
at (e.g. I’m good at painting, I’m good at
AB C. Write about Jamal Hassan Saeed. [8 mins] Science).
Aim: to write a paragraph about the life of a famous
Sudanese man.

• Explain the activity. Pupils must write a Vocabulary box [3 mins]

paragraph about Jamal Hassan Saeed. They can
• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
use the notes in the profile in AB Activity B.
repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Pupils write their paragraphs. Walk around • Point to each word. Pupils say the word.
the room and help. Check pronunciation.

• Pupils read each other’s paragraphs, and

check spelling and grammar. Homework 3
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
• Choose pupils to read their paragraphs in the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
front of the class. review these words.

Homework 2 End of Lesson 3 Checkpoints:

Pupils can write or finish writing the paragraph at home. • Pupils can read and understand the main points
of two short texts about two famous Sudanese
PB 4. Your turn. [5 mins]
• Pupils can read and understand the profile of a
Aim: to ask and answer questions about the life of a
famous Sudanese man.
famous Sudanese man.
• Pupils can write a paragraph about the life of a
• Read each question. Help pupils to answer in famous Sudanese man.
English (e.g. A. He’s a famous Sudanese man. He’s
from Omdurman. B. He’s an actor, a writer and a • Pupils can ask and answer questions about a
comedian. He has famous TV shows.) Pupils may famous Sudanese man.
give different answers for question C (What do
you know about him?)

• In groups of three or four, pupils take turns

to ask and answer the questions. Walk around
the room, listening and helping.

Unit 6: The Arts 99

UNIT 6 Lesson 4: Once Upon a Time
Lesson overview • Tell pupils you will read a story about a girl and
Reading focus:        predict and understand what a crocodile. Explain that stories sometimes
happens in a traditional story about a girl and a begin with the phrase ‘once upon a time’. Explain
what this means.
Speaking focus:           act out a dialogue from a
traditional story about a girl and a crocodile • Read the story aloud. Pupils follow in their books.
Grammar:                     past simple: regular / irregular • Elicit / teach the meanings of these words: the
forms Nile, suddenly, surprised, excited.
Function:                       (1) telling a story, (2) describing
feelings • Tell pupils to say if the story is the same as
New language:          once upon a time, suddenly their ideas.

Pupil’s Book (PB) page 44 / Activity Book (AB) page 44 Homework 1

Starter activity [4 mins] Pupils read the story again at home.

PB 1. Look at the pictures. What do you think the story

is about? AB A. Read the story. Write the correct order of the
pictures. [5 mins]
Aim: to predict what happens in a story.
Aim: to understand what happens in a story.

• Tell pupils you will say sentences about the

• Explain that the pictures refer to the pictures
pictures. Pupils must listen and say the letter of
in PB Activity 1 (e.g. Picture A is the picture of a
the picture you are talking about.
crocodile swimming in the river, and a girl with a
• Say: A crocodile is smiling. It’s next to the river. stick).
Pupils say the letter ‘B’.
• Explain that the pictures are in the wrong order.
• Continue with these sentences: Elicit the first picture of the story (Picture C). Tell
pupils to write the number 1 next to ‘Picture C’.
• A girl is angry. She is hitting a crocodile with
a stick. (F)
• Pupils look at the pictures again. They write
• A girl is looking at a crocodile. She is afraid. numbers 2-6 next to Picture A / Picture B etc.
(E) They can read the story again if they need help.
• A crocodile wants to bite a girl. (D) • Ask: What’s the first / second / third etc.
• A crocodile is swimming in the river. A girl picture? Pupils answer (e.g. Picture C etc.).
has a stick. (A) Answers: Picture A (6), Picture B (2), Picture C (1), Picture
D (4), Picture E (3), Picture F (5)
• A girl has a bucket. She is getting some
water. (C)
• Use the pictures to review these words: river, Homework 2
crocodile, afraid, bite, angry, stick, hit. Explain Pupils show the pictures to their family. They tell a
that the pictures are from a story. simple version of the story and use as much English as
they can.
• In pairs, pupils say what they think will
happen in the story.
AB B. Write the verbs in the past. [5 mins]
Aim: review the spellings of past forms of some common
PB 2. Read the story. Put the pictures in the correct verbs.
order. [4 mins]
• Explain the activity. Pupils must write the
Aim: to read and follow a traditional story about a girl past forms of the verbs. When they finish, they
and a crocodile. raise their hands. The pair to finish first (with
100 Unit 6: The Arts
Lesson 4: Once Upon a Time UNIT 6
correct past forms) wins. PB 4. Your turn. [6 mins]
Aim: to act out a dialogue from a traditional story.
• Pupils write the past forms. They can look at
story if they need help. • Read each line of the dialogue aloud. You
can act surprised / afraid. Pupils repeat after each
• When the first pair finishes, ask them to read line.
the past forms aloud. Write them on the board. If
they are correct, the pair wins. Crocodile: What are you doing?

Answers: 1. lived, 2. asked, 3. heard, 4. looked up, 5. Nada (sounding surprised): You can talk!
walked, 6. said, 7. jumped, 8. picked up, 9. hit, 10. swam Crocodile: Yes, I can talk. Are you afraid of me?
PB 3. Read the story again. Say the sentences in the Nada (sounding afraid): Yes.
correct order. [8 mins]
Crocodile: It’s OK. I don’t eat children.
Aim: to read and understand sentences about a story.
• Divide the class into two big groups. Group 1
• Read the story again aloud. reads the crocodile’s lines; Group 2 reads Nada’s
lines. The groups swap. Encourage pupils to act
• Tell pupils to read sentences A-F silently. Give surprised / afraid.
them 1-2 minutes to do this.
• Explain that the sentences are in the wrong • In pairs, pupils act out the dialogue between
order. Elicit the correct order and write the the crocodile and Nada.
correct order on the board (A, C, F, D, B, E).
• If you have time, ask 1-2 pairs to act out the
• Read sentence A aloud. Pupils repeat. Read dialogue in front of the class.
sentence C aloud. Pupils repeat. Continue with
sentences F, D, B, E.
Vocabulary box [3 mins]
• In pairs, pupils take turns to read the • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
sentences in the correct order. Walk around the repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
room, listening and helping.
• Say one of the words in Arabic. Pupils say
the word in English. Repeat with other
AB C. Complete the text with words from the box. [5 words from the box in a different order.
Aim: to use adjectives describing feelings correctly.
Homework 3
• Tell pupils to stand up. Read each word in Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
the box (e.g. happy). Tell pupils to act out the the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
feeling (e.g. smiling / laughing). review these words.
End of Lesson 4 Checkpoints:
• Use the example to explain the activity. Pupils
must write one of the words from the box in each • Pupils can use prediction to help them
gap. understand a story.
• Pupils can say and write the past forms of
• Pupils complete the text. Pupils check
common regular / irregular verbs.
their answers together.
• Pupils can use adjectives describing feelings
• Say each number and elicit the answers. correctly.
Answers: 1. happy, 2. surprised, 3. excited, 4. afraid, 5. • Pupils can act out a dialogue from a traditional
angry, 6. happy story.

Unit 6: The Arts 101

UNIT 6 Lesson 5: A Young Artist
Lesson overview text is about Amani as a child, and one text is
Reading focus:        understand the main points of a about Amani now. Give the meaning of the word
text about an artist from Sudan ‘heading’.
Speaking focus:            act out an interview with an • Read text A aloud. Pupils follow in their books.
artist from Sudan Ask pupils to choose the heading (Amani as a
Grammar:                 question words child). Repeat with Text B (Amani now) and Text C
(Something Amani did).
Function:                       talking about likes and dislikes
New language:       appear, crayon, drawing (n), title,
• Tell pupils to guess the meanings of these words:
watercolours enjoyed, appear.

Pupil’s Book (PB) page 45 / Activity Book (AB) page 45 Homework 1

Pupils read the text again at home.

Starter activity [4 mins]

AB A. Match the words (a – e) with the pictures (1 – 5). PB 3. Read the text again. Are these sentences true or
false? [5 mins]
Aim: to review words related to art.
Aim: to read and understand the main points of a text
about an artist from Sudan.
• Read words a-e aloud. Pupils repeat each
word. Check pronunciation. Elicit / teach the
• Pupils read the text again together.
meaning of each word in Arabic.
• In pairs, pupils read the sentences and decide if
• Explain the activity. Pupils must draw lines to they are true or false. They write T or F in their
match the words and pictures. notebooks.

• Pupils match the words and pictures. • Elicit the answers. If a sentence is false, ask
They check their answers together. pupils to give the true answer.
Answers: A. T, B. F (She liked drawing trees and flowers),
• Say a picture number (e.g. What’s picture C. F (She liked art at school), D. T, E. T, F. F (She went to
1?) and elicit the word (e.g. crayons). Check Damazin to show her paintings and teach children), G. T
Answers: 1 = crayons, 2 = watercolours, 3 = cartoon, 4 = AB B. Make questions using the words from the box. [5
drawing, 5 = painting mins]
Aim: to use question words correctly.
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? [3 mins]
• Read the first question and explain the
activity. Pupils must write one of the words from
Aim: to prepare for reading. the box in each gap. They can only use each word
• Point to each picture. Elicit what pupils can see. once.

• Pupils write words from the box in each gap.

PB 2. Read the text. Then choose the headings. [4 mins]
They check their answers together.

Aim: to read and follow a text about an artist from • Choose pupils to read the questions. Pupils
Sudan. check their answers.
• Explain that you will read three texts about an • Read each question aloud. Pupils repeat. Check
artist from Sudan. She is called Amani. Explain pronunciation and intonation.
that one text is about something Amani did, one
102 Unit 6: The Arts
Lesson 5: A Young Artist UNIT 6
Answers: 1. Do, 2. What, 3. Are, 4. Do, 5. When, 6. Why
AB D. Listen and draw a picture. [5 mins]
AB C. Match the answers a – f to the questions in Aim: to listen and draw a picture.
Activity B. [5 mins]
Aim: to practise asking and answering questions about • Tell pupils you will describe a picture from
an artist’s work and likes. nature. They must listen and draw it. Read the
text below aloud. Give pupils time to draw, and
• Read sentence (a) (A long time. I started repeat sentences as many times as necessary.
when I was very young). Tell pupils to give the
• This is a picture of a river. Draw a river in the
meaning in Arabic. Explain that this is an answer.
bottom half of the picture. There are four fish in
Tell pupils to choose the matching question
the river. One of the fish is very large. There is a
from activity B. (Question 5: When did you start
boat on the river. A woman is in the boat. Behind
the boat, you can see the ground. There are lots
of trees. One of the trees is very tall. There is a
• Pupils read the sentences, and choose the
big sun in the sky.
matching questions. They write the number of
the question next to each sentence.
• When they are ready, pupils compare their
• Read each sentence. Choose different pupils
to read the matching questions. Pupils check
• If you have time, ask pupils to tell you about
their answers.
the picture. You can draw it on the board.
• Read sentences a-f aloud. Pupils repeat. Check Homework 2
Pupils write sentences about the picture (e.g. There are
Answers: a = 5, b = 6, c = 4, d = 2, e = 1, f = 3 four fish in the river). They colour it.
PB 4. Your turn. [6 mins]
Vocabulary box [3 mins]
Aim: to act out an interview with an artist about her
work. • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Read the first question from AB activity
B aloud (Do you like painting?). Pupils answer • Pupils say the words together, and say
using the matching sentence from AB activity what they mean in Arabic.
C (Yes, I do. I love it). Continue with the rest of
the questions. Pupils answer with the matching
sentences. Homework 3
• Tell pupils to close their books. Ask the questions Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
from AB activity B again. Help pupils to the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
remember the answers. review these words.
End of Lesson 5 Checkpoints:
• Choose two pupils. Pupil 1 is the interviewer
and asks the questions from AB activity B (they • Pupils can read and understand the main points
can look at the book); Pupil 2 is the artist and of a text about an artist from Sudan.
answers the questions (without looking at the
• Pupils can use question words correctly.
• Pupils can act out an interview with an artist
• In pairs, pupils take turns to be the from Sudan with clear pronunciation.
interviewer (ask questions using the book) and
• Pupils can listen to a description of a picture and
the artist (answer questions without looking at
draw it.
the book). Walk around the room, listening and
Unit 6: The Arts 103
UNIT 6 Lesson 6: Handicrafts
Lesson overview the text and decide what it is about.
Reading focus:      understand the main points of a • Read the text aloud. Ask: What is about? Pupils
short text about handicrafts in Sudan
answer (C – Things that people make in Sudan).
Writing focus:           write sentences saying what
things are made of • Tell pupils to guess the meanings of these words:
tools, tourists, presents, wonderful, gold.
Grammar:                     passive in simple form (be made
of, be used for) Homework 1
Function:                       referring to and describing objects Pupils read the text again at home.
New language:   earring, handicraft, tool AB A. Match the words (1 – 6) with the correct
definitions (a – f). [5 mins]
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 46 / Activity Book (AB) page 46
Aim: to read and find the meanings of words.
Starter activity (optional)
• Read words 1-6 aloud. Pupils repeat each
Aim: to review / learn the names of materials.
word. Check pronunciation. Elicit the meaning of
Materials: objects made of different materials (e.g. each word in Arabic.
wood, clay, silver, leather, palm leaves, animal skin /
hair, plastic, metal, cardboard etc.) • Read the example word and definition. Explain
the activity. Pupils must match the words and
• Show or point to an object (e.g. a clay pot). Ask:
What is this made of? Pupils answer. Write the
name of the material on the board (e.g. clay).
• Pupils draw lines to match words and
Repeat with more objects.
definitions. They check their answers
• Read the names of the materials on the board.
Pupils repeat. Check pronunciation. Elicit the
meanings in Arabic.
• Read the words. Choose pupils to read the
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? [4 mins] definitions. Pupils check their answers.
Answers: 1 = e, 2 = d, 3 = f, 4 = a, 5 = c, 6 = b
Aim: to review the passive (is / are made of…). AB B. Read the text again. Complete the sentences. [5
• Point to each picture. Elicit what pupils can
see (shoes, pot, earrings, mat). Ask about each Aim: to read and understand the main points of a short
text about handicrafts in Sudan.
picture: What is it (are they) made of? (shoes =
leather, pot = clay, earrings = silver, mat = palm
leaves). • Tell pupils to close their Pupil’s Books.
Explain the activity. Pupils must read the
• Write these words on the board: leather, clay, sentences and write a word from the box in the
silver, palm leaves. Say the words. Pupils repeat.
Check pronunciation. gap. Pupils complete the sentences.

• Explain that the pictures show handicrafts, things • Tell pupils to open their Pupil’s Books. Pupils
that people make. Write the word ‘handicrafts’ read the text again together and check their
on the board. Teach the meaning. answers.

PB 2. Read the text. What is it about? [4 mins] • Choose different pupils to read the
Aim: to read and follow a short text about handicrafts in completed sentences.
Answers: 1. nice, 2. useful, 3. leather, 4. wonderful
• Read headings A – C. Elicit the meanings of each AB C. What are they made of? Write sentences. [5 mins]
one in Arabic.
Aim: to write sentences saying what things are made of.
• Tell pupils you will read a text. They must follow

104 Unit 6: The Arts

Lesson 6: Handicrafts UNIT 6
completed sentences. Pupils check their answers
• Point to the pictures and elicit the names of
the objects. Write the words on the board: shoes, Answers: A. made, B. used, C. made, D. made, E. used
pot, earrings, mat. PB 4. Your turn. [6 mins]
• Point to the first picture (shoes) and read the Aim: to ask and say what things are made of.

sentence. Explain that we use ‘are made’ Materials: (if possible) objects made of different
for ‘shoes’ because there is more than one shoe. materials (e.g. wood, clay, silver, leather, straw, animal
skin / hair, glass, plastic, metal, paper etc.)
Point to the second picture (pot) and elicit the
sentence (The pot is made of clay). Explain that
• Point to Picture A in PB Activity 1. Ask: What
we use ‘is made’ for ‘pot’ because there is only
are the shoes made of? Pupils answer (They’re
one pot.
made of leather). Repeat with the other pictures.
• In pairs, pupils look at the pictures and write • Choose two pupils. Pupil 1 chooses a picture
sentences saying what the objects are made of. and asks a question (e.g. What is the mat made
of?); Pupil 2 answers (It’s made of palm leaves).
• Point to the pictures and choose pupils to Choose more pupils to ask / answer questions
read the sentences. Write them on the board. about the pictures.
Pupils check their answers.
Answers: 1. The shoes are made of leather. 2. The pot is • Pupils take turns to ask and answer the
made of clay. 3. The earrings are made of silver. 4. The question in pairs.
mat is made of palm leaves.
• If you have brought objects to class, put
Look! [3 mins]
them on a table (or point to different objects
in the classroom). Choose different objects and
• Read each sentence aloud. Pupils repeat. ask: What is this /are these made of? Encourage
Check pronunciation. Elicit the meanings of pupils to give full correct answers (e.g. The box
each sentence. is made of cardboard. The scissors are made of
• Explain that these sentences are Homework 2
passive. A passive sentence has this
structure: the subject (e.g. the pots, clay Pupils write sentences about objects at home, and what
they are made of (e.g. The kitchen chair is made of
pots) + the verb be (e.g. is / are) + past wood).
participle (e.g. made, used).

Vocabulary box [3 mins]

PB 3. Make sentences in pairs. Use the verbs in the box.
[5 mins]
• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
Aim: to use and understand simple passive sentences.
• Point to each word. Pupils say the word.
• Read the first sentence and elicit the word Check pronunciation.
for the gap (made). Explain the activity. Pupils
must complete the sentences with ‘used’ or
‘made’. Tell pupils to write the missing words in Homework 3
their notebooks. Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
review these words.
• Pupils read and complete the sentences.
Remind pupils to write the words in their

• Choose different pupils to read the

Unit 6: The Arts 105

UNIT 6 Lesson 6: Handicrafts
End of Lesson 6 Checkpoints:

• Pupils can read and understand the main points

of a short text about handicrafts in Sudan.
• Pupils can write sentences saying what things are
made of and used for.
• Pupils can ask and say what things are made of.

106 Unit 6: The Arts

Lesson 7: Sudanese Music UNIT 6
Lesson overview instrument, blow air.
Listening focus:        understand details of a boy Answers: A = D (tabla), B = B (oud), C = A (riq), D = C
talking about traditional musical instruments (wazza)
Speaking focus:      ask and answer questions about
playing a musical instrument
Homework 1
Grammar:                     sound / look + adjective; sound
like / look like + noun Pupils read the descriptions again at home.

Function:     referring to and describing

objects (musical instruments) AB A. Are these sentences true or false? [5 mins]
New language: both, guitar, shake, wind (instrument) Aim: to learn words related to music.

Pupil’s Book (PB) page 47 / Activity Book (AB) page 47 • Read the words in bold (shake, blow, wind,
strings, both). Elicit the meanings. Explain the
activity. Pupils must read each sentence and
decide if it is true or false. Read the example.
Starter activity [3 mins]
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? • Pupils read the sentences. They draw circles
Aim: to prepare for reading.
around ‘true’ or ‘false’.

• Point to each picture. Elicit the name of • Read each sentence aloud. Elicit the meaning
each instrument (A = riq, B = oud, C = wazza, D = of each one in Arabic. Elicit the answer.
tabla). Answers: 1. T, 2. T, 3. T, 4. F, 5. T

• In groups of three or four, pupils say

what they know about each instrument. They PB 3. Listen. What music is Tim talking about? [3 mins]
can discuss what each instrument is made of, and
how it is played.
Aim: to understand the main points of a boy talking
about traditional musical instruments.
PB 2. Read the descriptions and point to the correct Materials: audio track 6.2
picture. [4 mins]
• Tell pupils they will listen to Tim talking
Aim: to read and follow short descriptions of four about music. They must listen and decide what
different traditional musical instruments. music he’s talking about.
• Tell pupils you will read four descriptions. Each
description is about one of the instruments in PB • Play audio track 6.2. Pupils listen. Ask: What
Activity 1. Pupils must follow each description, music does Tim talk about? (Sudanese music)
and point to the picture.
• Read the descriptions aloud. Pupils follow in their PB4. Listen again. Ask and answer in pairs. [5 mins]
books, and point to the pictures.
Aim: to understand details of a boy talking about
• Read the first description again. Elicit the answer traditional musical instruments.
(D = tabla). Tell pupils to say how they guessed. Materials: audio track 6.2
What were the clues in the description? (E.g.
using a stick). • Read questions A-D aloud. Elicit the
• Read the other descriptions again. After each meanings in Arabic.
one, ask pupils to say what the clues in the
descriptions are. Teach / elicit the meanings • Play audio track 6.2 again. Pupils listen.
of these words: both hands, shake, skin, wind
Unit 6: The Arts 107
UNIT 6 Lesson 7: Sudanese Music
and to imagine that they can play it. Give pupils a
• Pupils read the questions and discuss the few seconds to choose an instrument.
answers in pairs.
• Read questions 1-4 aloud, and elicit the meaning
• Read each question and elicit the answers. of each one. Give pupils some seconds to think
of an answer. They don’t need to say or write
Answers: A. It sounds really beautiful. B. The riq and
tabla. C. Instruments with strings. D. She’s not very good.
PB 5. Your turn. [6 mins]
Aim: to ask and answer questions about playing a
musical instrument.
Look! [3 mins]

• Explain that the sentences are what Tim • Choose a pupil and ask the questions from
says. Read each sentence aloud. Pupils re- AB Activity C. Help the pupil to answer.
peat. Check pronunciation. Elicit the mean-
ings of each sentence. • In pairs, pupils take turns to ask and answer
the questions. Walk around the room, listening
• Remind pupils that we can use ‘sound’ and helping.
and ‘look’ + an adjective to describe things.
We use ‘look like’ + a noun to say what • Choose 1-2 pairs to ask and answer the
something looks like. questions in front of the class.
Example answers: 1. I play the tabla. 2. It looks like two
pots. 3. I started when I was six years old. 4. I play it in
AB B. Answer the questions in pairs. [5 mins] my house.
Aim: to understand and use look like / sound like.
Vocabulary box [3 mins]
• Read each question and elicit the meaning in
• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
Arabic. Explain the activity. Pupils must read the
repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
questions and discuss the answer in pairs. Explain
that pupils may have different answers. • Point to each word. Pupils say the word.
Check pronunciation.
• Pupils read the questions together. They
discuss the answers.
Homework 3
• Read each question. Choose 2 different pairs Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
to answer each one (e.g. Yes, a cow looks like a the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
horse. No, a cow doesn’t look like a horse). If you review these words.
have time, you can ask pupils to give reasons for End of Lesson 7 Checkpoints:
their answer (e.g. They both have four legs, and
they’re both big). • Pupils can read and understand some words
related to music.
• Pupils can understand details of a boy talking
Homework 2
about traditional musical instruments.
Pupils write a question using ‘sound like’ or ‘look like’.
Tell pupils to bring the question to the next class. • Pupils can understand and use look like / sound
• Pupils can ask and answer questions about
AB C. Ask and answer. [3 mins] playing a musical instrument.
Aim: to prepare for speaking.

• Tell pupils to choose a musical instrument,

108 Unit 6: The Arts

Lesson 8: Revision: Which art do you like? UNIT 6
Lesson overview
Reading focus:          understand the main points of a AB A. Find seven words connected with the arts. [6
text about the arts and different skills mins]
Speaking focus:        talk about your likes, dislikes and Aim: to review the spellings of words related to the arts.
Grammar:                     past simple: regular / irregular • Tell pupils they must find seven words about
forms the arts in the puzzle. Words can go from top to
Function:                    (1) describing feelings, (2) talking bottom, or left to right.
about likes and dislikes
• Pupils find the words together and draw a
New language:            
circle around them.
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 48 / Activity Book (AB) page 48
• Elicit the seven words (acting, drawing,
Starter activity [3 mins] dance, poetry, singing, story, prize). Check
Aim: to review homework from lesson 7. pronunciation. Elicit the meanings of each word.

• Choose pupils to read questions using ‘sound like’ Answers:

or ‘look like’. Other pupils in the class answer. [please circle the highlighted words in red]

PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? [5 mins] W E X B Y W R F H D
Aim: to review words related to the arts. R I Z B I Q Z A Y A
Materials: Poster 6
• Point to each picture and ask: What can you see? D R A W I N G E K I
• Point to each picture again and ask questions. P K R W N H T O J N
Encourage pupils to give their ideas. X W P F G J Z B O G
• Picture A: What is the dance? (Sagriaa)
Where do people do this dance? (East PB 2. Read the text. Point to the pictures. [3 mins]
Sudan) What do people dance with?
(swords) Aim: to read and follow a text about the arts and
different skills.
• Picture B: What are the girls doing? (acting)
• Tell pupils you will read a text about the arts.
What is ‘a play’ in Arabic?
They must follow the text and point to the
• Picture C: What is a person who writes pictures in PB activity 1 (e.g. when they read the
poetry? (a poet) word ‘painting’, they point at Picture G).
• Picture D: What is the pot made of? • Read the text aloud. Pupils follow and point to
(clay) Where do people make clay pots? pictures. Tell pupils to guess the meaning of the
(Kordofan) What are they used for? word ‘voice’.
(keeping milk)
• Picture E: How do you start a story? (Once PB 3. Read the text again. Are these sentences true or
upon a time…) false? [5 mins]

• Picture F: What is the instrument? How do Aim: to understand the main points of a text about the
you play it? arts and different skills.

• Picture G: What equipment do you need? • Pupils read the text again together.
(brushes, paint, crayons)
• In pairs, pupils read the sentences and decide if
Unit 6: The Arts 109
UNIT 6 Lesson 8: Revision: Which art do you like?
they are true or false. They write T or F in their PB 4. Your turn. [6 mins]
notebooks. Aim: to talk about your likes, dislikes and skills.

• Elicit the answers. If a sentence is false, ask • Read the beginnings of the sentences in the
pupils to give the true answer. speech bubble. Elicit some endings. Examples:
Answers: A. T, B. T, C. F (You should try making jewellery
or play an instrument), D. T, E. T • I’m good at / I’m not good at drawing.
• I like / I don’t like acting in front of people.
Homework 1 • I can / can’t play a musical instrument.
Pupils read the text again at home. • Choose some pupils to say some sentences about
themselves (e.g. I’m good at writing poetry. I
don’t like reading. I can play the tabla).
AB B. Choose the correct verbs to complete the
sentences. Then write them in the past. [5 mins]
• In groups of three or four, pupils take turns
Aim: to review the past forms of some common verbs. to say sentences about themselves. Walk around
the room, listening and helping.
• Read the first sentence as an example
(Shurahbeel Ahmed enjoyed the arts when he
was young). Explain the activity. Pupils must Homework 2
choose a verb from the box to complete each Pupils write sentences about their likes, dislikes and
sentence. They must write the past form of the skills.
verb in the gap.

• Pupils choose the verbs and compete the Can do box [3 mins]
• Read the sentences aloud. Elicit the
• Choose pupils to read the completed meanings in Arabic.
sentences. Write the past forms of the verbs on
the board. Pupils check their answers. • Pupils read each sentence and decide if
Answers: 1. enjoyed, 2. won, 3. started / studied, 4. lived they can do this in English. If they can, they
/ went / saw / tried draw a tick [ ]. If they are not sure, they
review lessons in Unit 2 again.
AB C. Show how you feel. [4 mins]
Aim: to review adjectives describing feelings. Homework 3
Pupils look again at lessons they would like to review.
• Elicit some words for feelings and write them
on the board (e.g. happy, sad, afraid, surprised,
angry, excited). End of Lesson 8 Checkpoints:

• Choose a pupil to come to the front of the class. • Pupils can understand, say and spell words
Tell the pupil to act one of the words (e.g. smiling related to the arts.
/ laughing). Other pupils must guess: Are you
• Pupils can understand the main points of a text
happy? Repeat with 3-4 more pupils.
about the arts and different skills.
• In groups of three or four, pupils take turns • Pupils can use adjectives to describe feelings.
to act out the words. The other pupils guess (e.g.
• Pupils can talk about their likes, dislikes and skills.
Are you afraid?). Walk around the room, listening
and helping.

110 Unit 6: The Arts

Unit 6 : Audioscripts UNIT 6
Unit 6 Audioscripts

Audio track 6.1

Hi, I’m Nafisa and my favourite hobby is making
jewellery. I have lots of beads in a box. They are
different colours and different sizes. Then I use string
to make the jewellery.

My name’s Habib and I’m learning the Sagriaa dance. It’s

difficult to learn, but I want to be as good as my uncle.
He does the dance really well.

I’m Rana and I love acting with my friends. I have lessons

after school. We want to do a play, but I don’t like
acting in front of lots of people. What should I do?

Hi, I’m Jalal and I like reading. I love reading about the
past and I have a great book of Sudanese stories. One
day I want to be a writer and tell my own stories.

Audio track 6.2

I love Sudanese music. It sounds really beautiful. I think
my favourite instruments are the riq and tabla. They
look easy to play, but I don’t think they are. The
oud looks like a guitar, but instruments with strings
are always difficult to play. My sister Clare plays the
guitar, but she’s not very good at it!

Unit 6: The Arts 111

UNIT 7 Lesson 1: Eid Mubarak!
Lesson overview
Reading focus:             understand the main points of a PB 2. Read the texts and point to the correct pictures. [4
text about Eid El Fitr and Eid El Adha
Writing focus:       write sentences about Eid El Fitr
and Eid El Adha Aim: to read and follow a text about Eid El Fitr and Eid El
Grammar:                  -
• Tell pupils you will read a text about Eid El Fitr
Function:                       making comparisons and Eid El Adha. They must follow and point to
New language:         celebration, feast, get together, the pictures that they read about (e.g. when they
religion read ‘religion’ they point to Picture A).
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 49 / Activity Book (AB) page 49 • Read the text again aloud.
Starter activity [3 mins] Homework 1

Aim: to review words related to celebrations. Pupils read the text again at home.
AB B. Complete the chart. [5 mins]
• Tell pupils that the topic of this unit is
‘celebrations’. Give the meaning of the word Aim: to read and understand the main points of a text
‘celebrations’ in Arabic. Ask pupils to say when about Eid El Fitr and Eid El Adha.
they celebrate (e.g. Eid, weddings, Independence
Day, a naming ceremony etc.) Explain that this • Explain the activity. Pupils must read the text
lesson is about two celebrations. again. Then they must write notes in the chart
about Eid El Fitr and Eid El Adha. They must write
AB A. Write the correct word under each picture. [5
mins] notes about when each celebration happens, and
what happens.
Aim: to review / learn words related to celebrations.
• Pupils read the text again together. They
• Read each word in the box. Pupils repeat. write notes in the chart. While pupils do this,
Check pronunciation. Teach / elicit the meaning quickly draw the chart on the board.
of each word.
• Explain the activity. Pupils must write a word • Elicit answers. Write notes in the chart on
from the box under each picture. the board.
• Pupils write the words under the pictures.
Eid El Fitr Eid El Adha
They check their answers together.
When? At the end of At the end of
Ramadan Hajj
• Elicit the word for each picture. Check What happens? Families and Friends,
pronunciation. friends get family and
Answers: 1. celebrate, 2. present, 3, sweets, 4. religion, together, neighbours
5. feast give each visit each
other other, eat
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? [3 mins] presents goat meat
(e.g. sweets, and sweets
clothes), give
money to
Aim: to prepare for the topic of Eid.
the poor
• Ask questions: What can you see? When is Eid El AB C. Make questions. [5 mins]
Fitr? What happens during this time? When is Eid
El Adha? What happens during this time? How do Aim: to practise the correct word order for questions.

people feel? Pupils may use Arabic, but help • Explain the activity. Pupils must put the
them to use English as much as possible. words in the correct order to make a question.

112 Unit 7: Celebrations

Lesson 1: Eid Mubarak! UNIT 7
• Pupils write the questions with words in • Ask questions 1-4 from AB activity C. Choose
different pupils to answer each question.
the correct order. They check their answers
• Pupils take turns to ask and answer the
questions from AB activity C. Walk around the
• Choose different pupils to read the questions
room, listening and helping.
aloud. Pupils check their answers.
• Read each correct question aloud. Pupils repeat. • If there is time, choose pairs to ask and
Check pronunciation. answer the questions in front of the class.
1. What’s your favourite thing about Eid El Fitr? Vocabulary box [3 mins]

2. When is Eid El Adha? • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
3. What usually happens in Eid El Adha?
4. Why do you like it? • Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Say
each word. Tell pupils to spell it. Write the
Homework 2 word on the board.
Pupils practise saying the questions at home. They try to
improve their pronunciation and intonation.
AB D. Write answers to the questions. [6 mins] Homework 3

Aim: to write sentences about Eid El Fitr and Eid El Adha. Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
review these words.
• Read each question aloud. Elicit answers
after each one (see example answers below).
Explain the activity. Pupils must read the End of Lesson 1 Checkpoints:
questions in AB activity C and write answers.
• Pupils can understand, say and write words
related to celebrations.
• Pupils read the questions again and
write answers. Remind them to write about • Pupils can understand the main points of a text
themselves. Walk around the room, listening and about Eid El Fitr and Eid El Adha.
• Pupils can write sentences about Eid El Fitr and
Eid El Adha.
• Pupils read each other’s sentences, and
check spelling and grammar. • Pupils can ask and answer questions about Eid El

• Choose pupils to read their sentences in

front of the class.
Example answers:
1. My favourite thing about Eid El Fitr is giving money to
the poor.
2. It’s at the end of Hajj.
3. People visit family and friends. / People eat goat meat
and sweets.
4. I like it because I celebrate with my family and friends.
PB 3. Your turn. [6 mins]
Aim: to ask and answer questions about Eid El Fitr and
Eid El Adha.

Unit 7: Celebrations 113

UNIT 7 Lesson 2: Celebrations around the World
Lesson overview
Pupils may use Arabic.
Reading focus:           understand details of three short
texts about celebrations from around the world PB 2. Read the texts. Which picture is each text about?
Speaking focus:        ask and answer questions about [4 mins]
three different celebrations from around the world
Aim: to read and follow three short texts about
Grammar:                      adverbs of frequency celebrations from around the world.
Function:                       talking about routines and customs • Tell pupils you will read three short texts about
New language:         bonfire, breathe, delicious, celebrations from around the world. They must
dragon, fireworks, Independence Day, turkey follow and point to the picture that matches each

Pupil’s Book (PB) page 50 / Activity Book (AB) page 50 • Read each text aloud. Pupils follow and point to
the picture. Elicit the answers (Text 1 = Picture C;
Starter activity [3 mins] Text 2 = Picture A; Text 3 = Picture B).
Aim: to review the names of months of the year. • Tell pupils to guess the meanings of these words:
fireworks, party, delicious.
Materials: a soft ball (or a rolled-up piece of paper)
AB A. Match the words with the definitions. [5 mins]
• Say the names of the months of the year. Pupils
join in. Aim: to read and find the meanings of words.

• Ask: Which month is before March? (February) • Read words 1-5 aloud. Pupils repeat each
Which month is after March? (April). Write the word. Check pronunciation. Elicit the meaning of
words ‘before’ and ‘after’ on the board. Check each word in Arabic.
pupils understand the meanings.
• Explain the activity. Pupils must match the words
• Ask another question (e.g. Which month is before (1-5) with one of the definitions (a-e). Read the
December?) Throw the ball to Pupil 1. Pupil 1 example definition and word. Elicit the meaning
answers (November). Pupil 1 throws the ball to of the word ‘outside’.
another pupil and asks a question (e.g. Which
month is after May?) Pupil 2 answers (June), and • Pupils draw lines to match definitions and
throws the ball to Pupil 3. words.
• Pupils continue throwing the ball and asking /
answering the question. • Read the definitions. Choose pupils to say
the matching words. Pupils check their answers.
Homework 1
Pupils review the spellings of the months of the year. • Read definition E again. Tell pupils to guess the
They write them in their notebooks. meaning of ‘breathes out fire’.
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? [3 mins] Answers: 1 = b, 2 = e, 3 = c, 4 = d, 5 = a
AB B. Complete the chart. [8 mins]

Aim: to prepare for reading. Aim: to read and understand details of three short texts
about celebrations from around the world.
• Point to each picture and ask: What can you see?
Teach these words: dragon, turkey, bonfire (a • Draw the empty chart on the board. Point to
large fire outside). ‘Bonfire Night’ and elicit the names of the other
celebrations. Write the names in the first column
• Explain that the pictures show three different
of the chart (Chinese New Year, Thanksgiving
celebrations around the world. Ask questions:
Where are the celebrations? What happens at
the celebrations? Encourage pupils to give as • Tell pupils you will complete the chart about
many ideas as possible. Don’t give the answers. Bonfire Night together. Ask: When is Bonfire
Night? Where is it? What happens? Pupils
114 Unit 7: Celebrations
Lesson 2: Celebrations around the World UNIT 7
answer. Write notes in the first column (see AB C. Complete the sentences with: always, usually,
below). often, sometimes or never. [6 mins]
Aim: to use adverbs of frequency correctly.
• Pupils read the texts again. They complete
the chart together. • Read the first sentence. Pause at the gap.
(I _____ drink tea in the morning). Explain that
• Elicit answers. Write notes in the chart on pupils must use one of the adverbs in the gap.
the board. Ask 3-4 pupils to say the sentence with one of the
Answers: adverbs. They may give different answers (e.g. I
always / sometimes drink tea in the morning).
Name of Cele- When? Where? What hap-
bration pens? • Pupils complete the sentences. Remind
Bonfire Night 5th No- UK There is pupils to write true sentences about themselves.
vem- a big
ber bonfire Pupils compare their sentences.
and fire-
works; • Choose pupils to read each completed
eat sentence.
(e.g. AB D. Work in groups. [x mins]
and po- Aim: to make a poster about celebrations in Sudan or
tatoes) around the world.
Chinese New 23rd day China There is a Materials: chart paper (or notepaper), pens, coloured
Year of the big party pencils (if possible)
last in the
Chi- streets
• Explain the activity. Pupils must work
nese and a
month special together to make a poster about a celebration in
Dragon Sudan or around the world. They must say what
Dance the celebration is, when it is and what happens.
Thanksgiving 4th Thurs- America Families get
Day day in (USA) together • In groups of three or four, pupils make a
No- for a poster about a celebration. If they like, they can
vem- feast,
ber they eat draw some pictures. Walk around the room and
turkey help.
Homework 2
• Choose groups to show and read their
Pupils tell family members what they have learned about posters in front of the class. If possible, stick the
the celebrations in the lesson. posters on the board or around the classroom for
pupils to look at.

Look! [3 mins] PB 4. Your turn. [5 mins]

• Read each phrase / word aloud. Pupils re- Aim: to ask and answer questions about three different
peat. Check pronunciation. Elicit the mean- celebrations from around the world.
ing of each phrase / word.
• Ask questions about the different
• Explain that we use these words when celebrations (e.g. When is Chinese New Year?
we talk about routines or customs. Where is Thanksgiving Day? What do people
do on Bonfire Night?) Help pupils to answer
in English. Encourage them to use adverbs of

Unit 7: Celebrations 115

UNIT 7 Lesson 2: Celebrations around the World
frequency (e.g. They always have a big bonfire
and watch fireworks).
• Write on the board: When is…? Where is …?
What do people do on …?

• In groups of three or four, pupils take turns

to ask and answer questions about different
celebrations. Walk around the room, listening
and helping.

Vocabulary box [3 mins]

• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils

repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Say one of the words in Arabic. Pupils say
the word in English. Repeat with other
words from the box in a different order.

Homework 3
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
review these words.

End of Lesson 2 Checkpoints:

• Pupils can understand, say and write words

related to celebrations.
• Pupils can read and understand details of three
short texts about celebrations from around the
• Pupils can use adverbs of frequency to talk about
routines and customs.
• Pupils can ask and answer questions about three
different celebrations from around the world.

116 Unit 7: Celebrations

Lesson 3: A School Sports Day UNIT 7
Lesson overview
Reading focus:     understand the main points of PB 2. Match the descriptions to the pictures. [5 mins]
an email between two friends about a school sports
Speaking focus:            ask and answer questions about Aim: to read and understand sentences describing school
sports preferences and skills sports day events.

Grammar:                     adverbs of frequency • Read the first sentence aloud (You run and then
jump as high as you can). Pupils follow and point
Function:                       talking about likes and dislikes
to the picture (Picture A).
New language:   event, high jump, long jump, rope, three-
legged race, tug-of-war • Repeat with sentences 2-5.
• Read each sentence again. Ask pupils to say each
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 51 / Activity Book (AB) page 51 one in Arabic.
Answers: 1 = A (high jump), 2 = B (three-legged-race), 3
= C (tug-of-war), 4. D (long jump), 5 = E (egg and spoon
Starter activity [3 mins] race)
Aim: to review words about sport.
AB A. Read the descriptions. What’s the sport? [5 mins]
• Tell pupils that they must write as many
words as they can about sport in one minute. Aim: to understand words describing school sports day

• In groups of three or four, pupils write words

• Explain the activity. Pupils must match the
in their notebooks. After one minute, tell the
beginning of each sentence on the left with
class to stop writing.
the correct ending on the right. Read the first
beginning (In the tug of war…) and elicit the
• Tell pupils to stand up. Tell them to sit down
ending (C – there are two teams).
if they have fewer than 10 words, 12 words, 14
words etc. Continue until the group(s) with the
• Pupils draw lines to match the beginnings
most words is standing. Tell them to read their
and endings of the sentences.
list of words.
• Choose different pupils to read the complete
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? [4 mins] sentences. Pupils check their answers.
Answers: 1 = C, 2 = D, 3 = A, 4 = E, 5 = B

Aim: to prepare for reading.

PB 3. Read the email to Tim from his friend in New
• Point to each picture and elicit what pupils can
see. Teach / review these words: jump, run, race, Zealand. Point to the pictures. [4 mins]
team, pull, rope, egg, spoon. Aim: to read and follow an email between two friends
• Teach these words: high jump (Picture A), three- about a school sports day.
legged race (Picture B), tug-of-war (Picture • Tell pupils you will read an email. Explain that the
C), long jump (Picture D), egg and spoon race email is to Tim, and it’s from Jason, his friend in
(Picture E). New Zealand. They must read and point to the
• Explain that the pictures show different events pictures in PB Activity 1 (e.g. when they read
at a school sports day. Ask questions: What about the ‘long jump’, they point to picture D).
is a school sports day? (A day when pupils do • Read the text aloud. Pupils follow and point to
different sports events) Which of these events pictures.
looks the most fun? Pupils may use Arabic.

Unit 7: Celebrations 117

UNIT 7 Lesson 3: A School Sports Day
Homework 1
• Ask questions 1-5 from AB activity C. After
Pupils read the text again at home.
each question, elicit some answers. Help pupils
to answer in English. You can write examples on
AB B. Read the text again. Are these sentences true or the board.
false? [5 mins]
• Pupils take turns to ask and answer the
Aim: to read and understand the main points of an email
between two friends about a school sports day. questions from AB activity C. Walk around the
room, listening and helping.
• Pupils read the text again together. In pairs,
they read the sentences and decide if they are • If there is time, choose pairs to ask and
true or false. answer the questions in front of the class.

• Elicit the answers. If a sentence is false, ask Example answers:

pupils to give the true answer.
1. I’m good at running / jumping / football.
Answers: 1. T, 2. T, 3. F (There is the egg and spoon race,
and the three-legged race), 4. T, 5. T, 6. T 2. My favourite sport is basketball.
AB C. Make questions. [5 mins] 3. I play sports every week.
Aim: to practise the correct word order for questions. 4. I like watching football and basketball.
5. Yes, I can do the high jump / No, I can’t do the high
• Explain the activity. Pupils must put the jump.
words in the correct order to make a question.

• Pupils write the questions with words in

Vocabulary box [3 mins]
the correct order. They check their answers
together. • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Choose different pupils to read the questions • Point to each word. Pupils say the word.
aloud. Pupils check their answers. Check pronunciation.
• Read each correct question aloud. Pupils repeat.
Check pronunciation.
Homework 3
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
1. Which sports are you good at? the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
2. What is your favourite sport? review these words.
End of Lesson 3 Checkpoints:
3. How often do you play sports?
4. Which sports do you like watching? • Pupils can understand, say and write words
related to sport.
5. Can you do the high jump?
• Pupils can read and understand sentences
describing school sports day events.
Homework 2
• Pupils can read and understand the main points
Pupils write answers for each question (e.g. I’m good at of an email between two friends about a school
sports day.
• Pupils can ask and answer questions about sports
PB 4. Your turn. [6 mins] preferences and skills.
Aim: to practise asking and answering questions about
sports preferences and skills.

118 Unit 7: Celebrations

Lesson 4: Independence Day UNIT 7
Lesson overview meanings in Arabic.
Listening focus:        understand details of two
boys talking about the celebrations of Sudanese • Play audio track 7.1 again. Pupils listen.
Independence Day
Writing focus:             write about Sudanese • In pairs, pupils discuss the answers.
Independence Day
Grammar:                    question tags with to be
• Read the questions. Elicit the answers.
Answers: 1. They’re at a parade. 2. He enjoys the singing.
Function:                       describing feelings
3. No, he doesn’t. 4. He wants to eat some kofta. 5. Tim’s
New language:       fantastic, parade watching the fireworks. 6. It’s Independence Day.

Pupil’s Book (PB) page 52 / Activity Book (AB) page 52

Look! [3 mins]

Starter activity [3 mins] • Read each question aloud. Pupils repeat.

Check pronunciation. Elicit the meaning of
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? each question.
Aim: to prepare for the topic of the lesson.
• Explain that the short questions at the
• Point to each picture and ask: What can you end of each sentence are called ‘tag ques-
see? Teach / elicit these words: kofta, parade, tions’. Explain the structure: the same auxil-
fireworks. iary verb as the sentence (is / are) + n’t if the
sentence is positive + pronoun.
• Explain that the pictures are about Independence
Day. Elicit the meaning in Arabic. AB B. Complete the sentences with the question tags
from the word box. [5 mins]
Aim: to practise using question tags with to be.
PB 2. Listen. Point to the picture described in the
conversation. [3 mins]
• Use the example to explain the activity.
Aim: to understand the main points of two boys talking Pupils must write one of the question tags from
about the celebrations of Sudanese Independence Day. the box at the end of each sentence.
Materials: audio track 7.1
• Pupils complete the sentences with the
• Tell pupils they will listen to a conversation question tags. Pupils check their answers
between Tim and Amien. When they hear them together.
talking about something in one of the pictures,
they must point to the picture.
• Choose different pupils to read the
completed sentences. Pupils check their answers.
• Play audio track 7.1. Pupils listen and point
to the pictures. Answers: 1. isn’t it? 2. isn’t he? 3. isn’t she? 4. aren’t
you? 5. aren’t we? 6. aren’t they?
• Elicit which picture the children talked about first,
second and third (Picture B, Picture A, Picture C).
PB 3. Read the text. What happens on 1st January? [4
AB A. Listen again and answer these questions. [6 mins] Aim: to read and understand a short text about Sudanese
Independence Day.
Aim: to understand details of two boys talking about the
celebrations of Sudanese Independence Day.
• Read the text aloud. Pupils follow in their
Materials: audio track 7.1

• Read each question aloud. Elicit the • In pairs, pupils discuss what happens on 1st
Unit 7: Celebrations 119
UNIT 7 Lesson 4: Independence Day
January. They may use Arabic.
• In groups of three or four, pupils take turns
• Ask: What happens on 1st January? Pupils to say how they celebrate Independence Day.
answer (Sudanese celebrate Independence Day; Walk around the room, listening and helping.
it’s the first day of the new year in most parts of
the world; In Sudan, there are fireworks and a • If you have time, choose more pupils to say
parade). how they celebrate Independence Day.

Homework 1
Vocabulary box [3 mins]
Pupils read the text again at home.
• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
AB C. Read the text about Independence Day. Write
answers to these questions. [5 mins]
• Pupils say the words together, and say
Aim: to write some sentences about Sudanese
Independence Day.
what they mean in Arabic.

• Pupils read the text again. Then they read

Homework 3
the questions. They work together to write
answers. Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
review these words.
• Read each question and choose different
pairs to answer each one. Write the answers on
the board. Pupils check their sentences. End of Lesson 4 Checkpoints:
Example answers: 1. It’s on 1st November. 2. We have • Pupils can understand details of two boys
fireworks, celebrations and parades. 3. It became
independent in 1956. talking about the celebrations of Sudanese
Independence Day.
• Pupils can use simple question tags correctly.
Homework 2
AB D. Write about Independence Day in Sudan. [3 mins]
• Pupils can read and understand a short text
about Sudanese Independence Day.
• Pupils can say how you celebrate Independence
Aim: to write a paragraph about Sudanese Independence Day.

• Read the beginning of each sentence and elicit

answers. Pupils complete the sentences at
home to make a paragraph about Sudanese
Independence Day.

PB 4. Your turn. [5 mins]

Aim: to say how you celebrate Independence Day.

• Read the question in the speech bubble.

Choose some pupils to answer. Help them to
answer in English. You can write some ideas on
the board (e.g. I watch the parade. I watch the
fireworks. I celebrate with my family. We have a

120 Unit 7: Celebrations

Lesson 5: International Children’s Day UNIT 7
Lesson overview school.
Reading focus:       understand the main points of a • No child should have to work.
poster about International Children’s Day
• Children should have food, water and
Speaking focus:        talk about children’s rights
somewhere to live.
Grammar:                     modal verb + infinitive: should /
shouldn’t • Tell pupils to guess the meanings of these words:
factories, servants.
Function:                      talking about obligation and
prohibition Homework 1
New language:        Canada, factory, international, Pupils read the poster again at home.
PB 3. What do you think? Tell your partner. [6 mins]
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 53 / Activity Book (AB) page 53
Aim: to practise using should / shouldn’t to talk about
children’s rights.
Starter activity [3 mins]
Aim: to review homework from Lesson 4. • Read the first sentence and ask pupils to
• Choose pupils to read their paragraphs about choose ‘should’ or ‘shouldn’t’. Elicit the answer
Sudanese Independence Day. (should). Explain the activity. Pupils must read
each sentence and choose the best word.
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What do you know about
this day? [3 mins] • In pairs, pupils read each sentence and
choose the best word. They say the sentence
Aim: to prepare for the topic of the lesson.
with the word (e.g. Young girls shouldn’t work in
• Explain that some children don’t go to school, factories).
and they must work. Point to the pictures and
elicit the kind of work that children do (e.g. • Choose different pupils to read each
selling drinks, cleaning shoes, washing cars etc.) sentence with the correct word. Pupils check
their answers.
• Explain that this lesson is about International
• Explain that we use an infinitive verb after
Children’s Day. Tell pupils to say what they know
‘should’ and ‘shouldn’t’. Elicit the infinitive verbs
about it. If they don’t know, tell them they will
in the sentences (go, work, celebrate, have).
learn about it in this lesson.
PB 2. Read the poster. Answer the questions. [5 mins] • Tell pupils to close their books. Write on the
board: Children should / shouldn’t… Ask pupils to
Aim: to read and follow a poster about International say some sentences beginning with these words
Children’s Day.
(e.g. Children should play / have food / have
water / have somewhere to live / go to school.
• Read the questions. Elicit / give the
Children shouldn’t work in factories).
meanings in Arabic.
Answers: A. should, B. shouldn’t, C. should, D. shouldn’t,
• Point to the poster. Read the title (International E. should
Children’s Day). Elicit the Arabic.
Homework 2
• Read the poster aloud. Pupils follow in their Pupils write sentences beginning with children should /
books. children shouldn’t in their notebooks.
• Ask questions A and B and elicit the answers (A = AB A. Make questions. [5 mins]
children should have food, water and somewhere Aim: to practise the correct word order for questions.
to live; B = children should play and go to school
/ children shouldn’t have to work). Check pupils • Use the example to explain the activity.
understand the answers (e.g. ask them to Pupils must put the words in the correct order to
translate these sentences into Arabic: make a question.
• All children under 14 should play and go to
Unit 7: Celebrations 121
UNIT 7 Lesson 5: International Children’s Day
• Pupils write the questions with words in • In pairs, pupils read the questions and find
the answers in the text.
the correct order. They check their answers
• Read each question aloud. Elicit the answers.
Explain that we use the word ‘on’ for dates (e.g.
• Choose different pupils to read the questions
on November 20th).
aloud. Elicit the meanings in Arabic. Pupils check
their answers. Answers: 1. Canada. 3. 1st June. 4. 23rd December.
1. When is International Children’s Day?
PB 4. Your turn [4 mins]
2. What should children under 14 do?
Aim: to say what you want to do when you grow up.
3. What do some young boys in cities do?
4. Who sometimes work in factories? • Read the question (What do you want to do
when you grow up?) Elicit some answers (e.g. I
want to be a doctor, teacher etc. I want to work
AB B. Match the answers in the box to the questions in with computers etc.)
Activity A. [5 mins]
Aim: to understand questions and answers about a text. • In groups of five or six, pupils take turns to
say what they want to do when they grow up. If
• Read the first question of AB activity A aloud there is time, they can draw a picture.
(When is International Children’s Day?). Explain
that the answer is in the box. Elicit the answer
(June 1st). Tell pupils to write number 1 next to
Vocabulary box [3 mins]
the answer.
• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
• Pupils read the questions in Activity A and repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
choose the answers from the box. They write the
• Point to each word. Pupils say the word.
question number next to the answer. Pupils Check pronunciation.
check their answers together.

• Choose different pupils to read the questions Homework 3

in activity A. Elicit the answers.
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
Answers: 1. June 1 , 2. Play and go to school, 3. Sell
st the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
drinks, clean shoes or wash cars, 4. Young girls review these words.

AB C. Read and answer. [6 mins] End of Lesson 5 Checkpoints:

Aim: to read and understand a short text about • Pupils can understand the main points of a poster
International Children’s Day around the world. about International Children’s Day.

• Write these on the board: Canada, New • Pupils can use should / shouldn’t correctly to talk
Zealand. Elicit the names of the countries about children’s rights.
in Arabic, and where they are in the world. • Pupils can read and understand a short text
Tell pupils they will read a short text about about International Children’s Day around the
International Children’s Day around the world. world.

• Pupils read the text silently. Give them 1-2

minutes for this.

122 Unit 7: Celebrations

Lesson 6: A Wedding UNIT 7
Lesson overview about a Sudanese wedding.
Listening focus:       understand details of two girls Materials: audio track 7.2
talking about a Sudanese wedding
• Tell pupils they will listen to a conversation
Speaking focus:            talk about a text showing and between Clare and Fadia. When they hear them
describing British weddings Grammar:                 
expressions of quantity (lots of, many, much) talking about something in one of the pictures,
they must point to the picture.
Function:                       making comparisons
New language:         get married, groom, henna, suit • Play audio track 7.2. Pupils listen and point
(n) to the pictures.
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 54 / Activity Book (AB) page 54 • Elicit which picture the children talked about first,
second and third (Picture B, Picture C, Picture A).
Starter activity [4 mins]
PB 3. Listen and answer these questions. [5 mins]
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see?
Aim: to understand details of two girls talking about a
Aim: to prepare for the topic of the lesson. Sudanese wedding.
• Point to each picture and ask pupils what they Materials: audio track 7.2
can see. Teach / elicit these words: bride, groom,
henna • Read each question aloud. Elicit the
meanings in Arabic.
• Explain that these photos show a wedding. Write
the words ‘wedding’ and ‘get married’ on the
board. Teach the meanings. • Play audio track 7.2 again. Pupils listen.

• Ask pupils questions about weddings: When • In pairs, pupils discuss the answers.
did you go to a wedding? What did the bride
and groom wear? Did the bride have henna? • Read the questions. Elicit the answers.
What did you eat? What’s your favourite food
Answers: A. They are at a wedding. B. They are eating. C.
to eat at a wedding? Pupils may use Arabic, She gives her some kisera. D. The henna on the bride’s
but encourage them to use as much English as hands and feet. E. She’s wearing red and gold.
possible. AB B. Listen to Clare and Fadia again. Complete the
sentences. [5 mins]
AB A. Complete the sentences. [4 mins]
Aim: to review there is / there are.
Aim: to review words related to weddings.
Materials: audio track 7.2
• Read the words in the box. Pupils repeat.
Check pronunciation. Elicit the meanings in • In pairs, pupils read the sentences and guess
Arabic. the words in each gap. Tell pupils there may be
more than one word in each gap.
• Explain the activity. Pupils must read the
sentences and write one of the words from the • Play audio track 7.2 again. Pupils listen and
box in each gap. check their answers. If necessary, play the audio
track again.
• Pupils complete the sentences.
• Choose pupils to read the completed
• Choose pupils to read the completed sentences. Write the missing words on the board.
sentences. Pupils check their answers. Pupils check their answers.
Answers: 1. groom, 2. bride, 3. delicious, 4. henna Answers: 1. are lots, 2. there’s, 3. some drawings, 4. is
PB 2. Listen to the conversation. Point to the pictures wearing, 5. wear

above. [4 mins]
Aim: to understand the main points of two girls talking
Unit 7: Celebrations 123
UNIT 7 Lesson 6: A Wedding
‘British wedding’ above the right circle.
Look! [3 mins]
• Explain that you will say some sentences
• Read each sentence aloud. Pupils repeat.
about Sudanese and British weddings. If the
Check pronunciation. Elicit the meaning of
Sudanese is about a Sudanese wedding, pupils
each sentence.
must write the number of the sentence in the left
circle; if the wedding is about a British wedding,
• Explain that we use ‘there are / there
they must write the number in the right circle; if
aren’t’ with plural nouns; and we use ‘there is
it’s about both, they must write the number in
/ there isn’t’ with singular nouns, and things
the middle.
that we can’t count (e.g. food).
• Read this sentence aloud: Number 1. The bride
• Explain that we can use ‘lots of’ with usually wears a white dress. Elicit where pupils
plural nouns, and things we can’t count; we should write the number 1 (in the right circle).
use ‘many’ with plural nouns, and ‘much’
• Continue with these sentences:
with things we can’t count.
2. There are lots of people. (Both)

PB 4. Look at the pictures. What is happening? [6 mins]

3. The groom wears a Jalibiyah. (Sudanese)

Aim: to talk about a text showing and describing British 4. The bride and groom go on holiday after the
weddings. wedding. (British)
5. The bride has henna on her hands and feet.
• Read the heading (British weddings). Elicit
the meaning in Arabic.
6. The groom wears a suit. (British)
• Point to Picture A and read the text aloud. Elicit
the meaning of the word ‘suit’. Ask questions: 7. There’s lots of food. (Both)
What can you see? (There’s a bride and groom)
8. The bride wears red and gold. (Sudanese)
What’s the bride wearing? (She’s wearing a white
dress) What’s the groom wearing? (He’s wearing 9. There’s a big cake. (British)
a suit)
• Choose pupils to say sentences about the diagram
• Point to Picture B and read the text aloud. Ask: (e.g. At a British wedding, the bride usually wears
What can you see? (There are lots of people, a white dress).
There’s lots of food, There’s a big cake)
• Point to Picture C and read the text aloud. Ask: Homework 2
What are they doing? (They’re driving in a car,
They’re going on holiday) Pupils tell family members what they have learned about
British weddings.
• In pairs, pupils take turns to talk about the
pictures. Walk around the room, listening and
helping. Encourage pupils to use the present Vocabulary box [3 mins]
continuous tense and ‘there’s / there are’.
• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
Homework 1
repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
Pupils read the text again at home.
• Ask pupils to say more words related to
AB C. Complete the chart. [6 mins] celebrations.
Aim: to compare Sudanese and British weddings.

• Draw the diagram on the board. Write Homework 3

‘Sudanese wedding’ above the left circle, and Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in

124 Unit 7: Celebrations

Lesson 6: A Wedding UNIT 7
the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
review these words.

End of Lesson 6 Checkpoints:

• Pupils can understand and say words related to

getting married and weddings.
• Pupils can understand details of two girls talking
about a Sudanese wedding.
• Pupils can talk about a text showing and
describing British weddings.

Unit 7: Celebrations 125

UNIT 7 Lesson 7: A Special Day
Lesson overview
Reading focus:        understand the main points of Look! [3 mins]
an informal message about a naming ceremony
• Read each sentence aloud. Pupils repeat.
Speaking focus:            ask and answer questions about a Check pronunciation. Elicit the meaning of
future special day each sentence.
Grammar:     present continuous (to talk about future
plans)                   • Explain that we can use the present
Function:                       talking about future plans continuous tense when we talk about future
plans and arrangements, especially when
New language:             choose, hope, meeting, (family) they are already decided and organised.
member, midday
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 55 / Activity Book (AB) page 55
Starter activity [3 mins] AB A. Choose the correct verb form. [5 mins]
Aim: to use the correct verb form when talking about the
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? present and future.
Aim: to prepare for reading.
• Explain that each sentence has two verb
• Point to the pictures and ask pupils what they can forms: the present simple (e.g. has) and the
see. Explain that the pictures are of a special day. present continuous (e.g. is having). Remind
Write ‘naming ceremony’ on the board and elicit pupils that we use the present simple to talk
the meaning. about routines and customs; we can use the
present continuous to talk about a future plan or
PB 2. Read the message. What is it about? [3 mins] arrangement.
Aim: to read and understand an informal message about • Read the first sentence. Elicit the answer (has).
a naming ceremony.
Tell pupils to say why ‘has’ is the correct answer
• Explain that the text is a message written by (Haseena has a new baby now). Tell pupils to
Fadia for Clare. Read the text aloud. Pupils follow draw a circle around the ‘has’.
in their books.
• Pupils read each sentence together. They
• Tell pupils to say what the message is about
draw circles around the correct verb form.
(Fadia’s aunt is having a naming ceremony. She’s
inviting Clare to come).
• Elicit the answers. Ask pupils to say why the
• Teach the meaning of the word ‘choose’. answer is correct. Pupils check their answers.
Homework 1 Answers: 1. has, 2. are having (future arrangement), 3.
are coming (future arrangement), 4. is getting (future
Pupils read the message again at home. arrangement), 5. bring (talking about customs), 6.
PB 3. Read the message again and answer these chooses (talking about customs), 7. are giving (future
questions. [5 mins] arrangement)

Aim: to understand the main points of an informal AB B. Read the To do list and complete the sentences. [5
message about a naming ceremony. mins]
Aim: to write sentences using the present continuous to
• Pupils read the message again together. talk about future plans.
They read the questions and answer them orally
together. • Explain that the text is a page from a diary.
It has plans for next Saturday. Read the diary text
• Read the questions and elicit the answers. aloud.
Answers: A. A naming ceremony. B. Next week. C. • Use the example to explain the activity. Pupils
He’s getting a sheep. D. Baby clothes. E. The names of must complete the sentences using the ing-form
her grandparents. F. To come with her (to the naming of each verb.

126 Unit 7: Celebrations

Lesson 7: A Special Day UNIT 7
going to a naming ceremony next week. Explain
• Pupils complete the sentences. that you will ask some questions and they must
imagine the answers.
• Elicit the ing-verbs. Write them on the
board. Pupils check the spellings. • Read these questions aloud. Give pupils some
seconds to think of an answer after each one.
Answers: 1. having, 2. going, 3. meeting, 4. buying, 5.
They don’t need to say or write anything.
visiting, 6. helping
AB C. Make questions. [5 mins] • Whose naming ceremony are you going to?
Aim: to practise the correct word order for questions. • Who is going to the ceremony?
• What are you eating?
• Use the example to explain the activity.
Pupils must put the words in the correct order to • What present are you taking?
make a question.
• Choose some pupils and ask the questions. Help
the pupil to answer.
• Pupils write the questions with words in
the correct order. They check their answers • In groups of three or four, pupils take turns
together. to ask and answer questions about their future
imaginary naming ceremony. Walk around the
• Choose different pupils to read the questions room, listening and helping.
aloud. Pupils check their answers. Homework 2
Answers: 1. Are you having a party this weekend? 2. Pupils write sentences about the imaginary future
Who are you visiting next week? 3. What time are we naming ceremony (e.g. I’m going to a naming ceremony
meeting her tonight? 4. Where are you going tonight? next week. My parents are going. We’re eating delicious
food. I’m taking new clothes for the baby).

AB D. Match the answers to the questions in Activity C.

Vocabulary box [3 mins]
[3 mins]
Aim: to understand questions and answers about future • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
plans. repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.

• Explain that the sentences are answers for the • Point to each word. Pupils say the word.
questions in AB activity C. Tell pupils you will Check pronunciation.
read each answer aloud. They must choose the
matching question and write the number of that
question in the air with their fingers. Homework 3
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
• Read the first answer (At half past six). Wait for the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
pupils to write a number in the air. Then give the review these words.
answer (Question 3). Pupils write the number
next to the answer.
End of Lesson 7 Checkpoints:
• Repeat with the second answer (Question 2),
the third answer (Question 1), the fourth answer • Pupils can understand the main points of an
(Question 4). informal message about a naming ceremony.
• Pupils can use the present continuous correctly
PB 4. Your turn. [5 mins] to talk about future plans.

Aim: to practise asking and answering questions about a • Pupils can ask and answer questions about a
future special day. future special day.

• Tell pupils to imagine that they are

Lesson overview
Unit 7: Celebrations 127
UNIT 7 Lesson 8: Revision: Special Days
Reading focus:        understand an informal message Homework 1
about a Sudanese wedding
Pupils read the text again at home.
Writing focus:             write some sentences about
your favourite celebration in Sudan PB 3. Now listen to Clare and Fadia talking about the
wedding. What is different? [5 mins]
Grammar:                   (1) question tags, (2) present
continuous (to talk about the future)                   Aim: to listen and find differences between a text and a
Function:                     (1) talking about familiar topics,
(2) talking about future plans Materials: audio track 7.1

New language:  _
• Remind pupils that Clare and Fadia were also
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 56 / Activity Book (AB) page 56 at the wedding. Tell pupils they will listen to Clare
and Fadia talking about the wedding. They must
Starter activity [3 mins] listen and find a difference.
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What are the celebrations?
• Play audio track 7.1. Pupils listen.
Aim: to review words related to celebrations.

• Point to each picture and ask these questions. • Pupils read the message again and discuss
Encourage pupils to use as much English as what’s different. If necessary, play the audio track
possible: again.

• What is the celebration? • Elicit the difference (In the message, the
• Where is it? groom is wearing a suit; in the conversation, the
groom is wearing a Jalibiyah)
• What happens?
AB A. Look at the text in the Pupil’s book. Are these
Answers: A. Bonfire Night / UK / bonfires outside, eat sentences true or false? [5 min]
warm food, watch fireworks
Aim: to read and understand sentences about special
B. Independence Day / Sudan / watch parades, fireworks, days.
eat delicious food
C. Chinese New Year / Sudan / dragon dance, party in the • Tell pupils to make teams of three. Explain
streets the activity. Teams must read the sentences and
D. Naming ceremony / Sudan / get together with family decide if they are ‘true’ or ‘false’. When they
and friends / give presents finish, they raise their hands. The team to finish
first (with correct answers) wins.
PB 2. Read the text. What’s it about? [4 mins]
Aim: to read and understand an informal message about • Teams read the sentences and decide if they
a Sudanese wedding.
are true or false.
• Explain that Tim has written a message to • When the first team finishes, ask them to
his friend Ben. Read the message aloud. Pupils give the answers. If they are correct, they win.
follow in their books. If a sentence is false, ask pupils to give the true
• In pairs, pupils discuss what the
message is about. Answers: 1. F (The groom wears the Jalibiyah), 2. F
(Sometimes other family members name their children),
3. T, 4. T, 5. T, 6. T. 7. T
• Tell pupils to say what the message is about
(a wedding in Sudan). AB B. Complete the sentences. [5 mins]
Aim: to use questions tags correctly.
• Ask questions: Is the wedding fun? (Yes) Is there
a lot of food? (Yes) What food does he like?
• Read the example sentence aloud. Remind
(kisera). What does the bride have on her hands?
pupils how to make a question tag: the same
(henna) What’s the groom wearing? (a suit)
auxiliary verb as the sentence (is / are) + n’t if the

128 Unit 7: Celebrations

Lesson 8: Revision: Special Days UNIT 7
sentence is positive + pronoun.
• Write the sentences on the board. Elicit some
• Pupils work together to write the question examples for the gaps (see example answers).
tags at the end of each sentence.
• Pupils complete the sentences. Remind pupils
• Choose different pupils to read the that they should write about themselves. Walk
completed sentences. Check pronunciation. around the room and help.
Pupils check their answers.
• Pupils read each other’s sentences, and check
Answers: 1. isn’t it? 2. aren’t they? 3. isn’t she? 4. aren’t spelling and grammar.
we? 5. isn’t he? aren’t you?
AB C. Write sentences about your plans for tomorrow. • If there is time, choose pupils to read their
[5 mins] sentences in front of the class.
Aim: to write sentences about future plans. Example answers:

• Read each sentence aloud, and elicit some My favourite celebration in Sudan is Eid El Fitr.
ideas (e.g. At nine o’clock I’m studying maths On this day we get together with family and friends. We
/ doing an exam. In the evening I’m doing my have a feast.
homework / helping my father). Write a few ideas I like it because I like celebrating with my family / we have
on the board. Remind pupils we can use the delicious food.
present continuous to talk about future plans.
Homework 2

• Pupils complete the sentences. Walk around Pupils write or finish writing the sentences at home.
the room and help.
Can do box [3 mins]

• Pupils read each other’s sentences, and

• Read the sentences aloud. Elicit the
check spelling and grammar.
meanings in Arabic.
• Choose pupils to read their sentences in
• Pupils read each sentence and decide if
front of the class. Make sure pupils use the
they can do this in English. If they can, they
present continuous.
draw a tick [ ]. If they are not sure, they
PB 4. Your turn. [5 mins] review lessons in Unit 7 again.
Aim: to ask and answer questions about future plans.

• Read the question aloud (What are you Homework 3

doing tomorrow morning?) Pupils repeat. Check Pupils look again at lessons they would like to review.
pronunciation. Elicit the meaning. End of Lesson 8 Checkpoints:
• Ask questions (e.g. What are you doing at • Pupils can understand and use words related to
lunchtime / in the afternoon / in the evening?) celebrations.
Choose different pupils to answer.
• Pupils can use question tags correctly.
• Pupils take turns to ask and answer • Pupils can write and talk about their future plans.
questions about their plans. They can use the
times / sentences in AB activity C. • Pupils can write some sentences about their
favourite celebration in Sudan, and why they like
AB D. Write. [5 mins]
Aim: to write sentences about their favourite celebration
in Sudan.

Unit 7: Celebrations 129

UNIT 7 Unit 7 : Audioscripts

Unit 7 Audioscripts

Audio track 7.1

Tim: Wow! It’s amazing, isn’t it?
Amien: Yes. It’s fantastic.
Tim: Mmm, I like the singing, don’t you?
Amien Not really. I’m not very good at singing. What
about you?
Tim: [Laughs] Not really, but I enjoy it anyway.
Amien: I’m feeling hungry. I’m going to get myself some
Tim: More kofta?
Amien: Yes. Do you want some?
Tim: No thanks. I’m watching the fireworks. They’re great,
aren’t they?
[Sound of fireworks going off]
Amien: Yes, Independence Day is my favourite celebration!

Audio track 7.2

Clare: This wedding is fantastic, there are lots of people
and everyone is having fun.
Fadia: I’m glad you like it!
Clare: Yes, and there’s lots of food.
Fadia: Would you like some more kisera?
Clare: Yes please, it’s delicious.
Fadia: Here.
Clare: Yum, thanks.
Clare: Oh! What’s that?
Fadia: What?
Clare: There are some drawings on the bride’s hands!
Fadia: Oh, before the wedding they draw patterns on her
hands and feet with henna.
Clare: It’s very beautiful. What are they wearing?
Fadia: The groom is wearing a Jalibiyah. It’s Sudanese
clothing. Some brides wear a white dress, but this
bride is wearing red and gold.

130 Unit 7: Celebrations

Lesson 1: Holiday Time UNIT 8
Lesson overview • Elicit from pupils which places Halima does NOT
Listening focus:        understand details of a talk about (Khartoum, Dongola, Kosti).
conversation about holiday plans PB 3. Listen again. Ask and answer the questions in pairs.
Speaking focus:            ask and answer questions about [5 mins]
future holiday plans Aim: to understand details of a conversation about holiday
Grammar:                  be going to + infinitive plans.

Function:                       talking about future plans and Materials: audio track 8.1
• Read the first question aloud. Give the
New language:             antelope, Ethiopia, national park
meaning in Arabic. Read questions B – E aloud.
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 57 / Activity Book (AB) page 57 Elicit what the questions mean in Arabic.

Starter activity [5 mins] • Play audio track 8.1. Pupils listen. If necessary,
PB 1. Look at the map. What can you see? play the audio track again.
Aim: to prepare for listening.
• Pupils work together to answer the questions
Materials: a poster / map of Sudan (if possible) orally.
• Tell pupils that the topic of this unit is ‘travelling’.
Point to the map. Point to North, South, West and • Elicit answers.
East Sudan, and say these words: north, south, Answers: A. Damazin. B. Her relatives / her mother’s
west, east. Pupils repeat. Write the words on the family. C. Dinder National Park. D. To see antelopes and
board. Point to each word and elicit the meaning. other animals. E. The Blue Nile.

• Point to Dongola, Kosti, Damazin. For each place,

ask: Where is it? (Dongola = north of Sudan, Kosti, Look! [3 mins]
Damazin = south of Sudan) • Read each sentence / question aloud. Pupils
• Point to Dinder National Park. Elicit the meaning repeat. Check pronunciation. Elicit the
in Arabic. Ask: What animals can you see here? meanings of each sentence.
Encourage pupils to say different animals. Teach
the word ‘antelope’. • Explain that we can use ‘be going to’
+ infinitive (e.g. visit) when we talk about
• Point to the river. Ask: Is this the Blue Nile or the future plans or intentions.
White Nile?

• Elicit from pupils if they have ever been to AB A. Make questions. [5 mins]
these places. Tell them to say what they know
Aim: to practise the correct word order for questions
about them. using be going to.
PB 2. Listen to Halima. Which places doesn’t she talk
• Read the example question, and elicit the
about? [3 mins]
meaning. Explain the activity. Pupils must put the
Aim: to understand the main points of a conversation words in the correct order to make a question.
about holiday plans.
Materials: audio track 8.1 • Pupils write the questions with words in
• Tell pupils they will listen to a conversation the correct order. They check their answers
between Halima and her friend. Halima is talking together.
about her holiday plans. She talks about some of
the places on the map. Pupils must listen and find • Choose different pupils to read the questions
the places that she does NOT talk about. aloud. Pupils check their answers.
Answers: 1. Where are you going to go? 2. When are you
• Play audio track 8.1. Pupils listen.
Unit 8: Travelling 131
UNIT 8 Lesson 1: Holiday Time
going to go? 3. Who are you going to visit? PB 4. Your turn. Answer the questions. [5 mins]
4. What are you going to do there? 5. What else are you Aim: to ask and answer questions about future holiday
going to see? plans and intentions.
Homework 1
• Tell pupils to imagine that they are going
Pupils practise saying the questions at home. They try to to visit somewhere in Sudan on holiday.
improve their pronunciation and intonation.
• Read these questions aloud. Give pupils some
seconds to think of an answer after each one. They
AB B. Write the question number in Activity A next to don’t need to say or write anything.
the correct answer. [5 mins]
Aim: to understand questions and answers using be • Where are you going to go?
going to. • What are you going to do there?

• Read the first question of AB activity A aloud • When are you going to go?
(Where are you going to go?). Elicit the answer • Why you going to go there?
(Damazin). Tell pupils to write number 1 next to
the answer. • Who are you going to visit?
• Choose some pupils and ask the questions. Help
• Pupils read the questions in activity A and
the pupil to answer.
choose the answers. They write the question
number next to the answer. They check their • In groups of three or four, pupils take turns
answers together. to ask and answer questions about their future
imaginary naming ceremony. Walk around the
• Choose different pupils to read the questions room, listening and helping.
in activity A. Elicit the answers. Homework 2
Answers: 1. Damazin, 2. Next week, 3. My relatives, 4. Pupils write sentences about the imaginary future holiday
I’m going to visit Dinder National Park, 5. Antelopes and plans and intentions (e.g. I’m going to go to the Red Sea).
other animals.
AB C. Write complete sentences to answer the
questions in Activity A. [6 mins] Vocabulary box [3 mins]

Aim: to write sentences using be going to + infinitive • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
correctly. repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.

• Read the first sentence aloud. Elicit the • Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Say
meaning in Arabic. Explain that this is the full each word. Tell pupils to spell it. Write the
answer to question 1 in AB activity A (Where are word on the board
you going to go?). Remind pupils that we use an
infinitive after ‘be going to’ (e.g. visit).
Homework 3
• Explain the activity. Pupils must write full answers Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
to questions 2-5 in AB activity A. the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
review these words.
• Pupils work together to write full answers.

• Choose different pupils to read the

sentences. Write them on the board. •
Answers: 1. She’s going to visit Damazin. 2. She’s going to
go next week. 3. She’s going to visit her relatives. 4. She’s
going to visit Dinder National Park. 5. She’s going to see
antelopes and other animals.

132 Unit 8: Travelling

Lesson 1: Holiday Time UNIT 8
End of Lesson 1 Checkpoints:

• Pupils can understand details of a conversation

about holiday plans.
• Pupils can use be going to + infinitive correctly.
• Pupils can write sentences about future holiday
plans and intentions.
• Pupils can ask and answer questions about future
holiday plans and intentions.

Unit 8: Travelling 133

UNIT 8 Lesson 2: Getting Around
Lesson overview PB 2. Read the brochure. What type of transport is
Reading focus:       understand details of a brochure more comfortable than the others? [4 mins]
about different types of transport
Aim: to read and follow a brochure about different types
Speaking focus: say sentences comparing different types of transport.
of transport
• Explain that this is a brochure. Translate the word
Grammar:             comparative adjectives (e.g. ‘brochure’ into Arabic. Explain that the brochure
faster; less / more comfortable)
is about types of transport people can use to
Function:                       making comparisons make a journey. Write ‘journey’ on the board.
New language:          brochure, four-wheel drive car, Give the meaning. Read the title (How to get
hot-air balloon, (railway) line, railway, up to (number) there), and elicit the meaning.
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 58 / Activity Book (AB) page 58 • Read the text aloud. Pupils follow in their books.

Starter activity [4 mins] • Read the question: What type of transport is

more comfortable than the others? Elicit the
PB 1. Look at the pictures. Can you name the different meaning. Pupils answer (plane).
types of transport?
Aim: to review / learn words for different types of • Teach / elicit the meanings of these phrases: up
transport. to eight hours, as cheap as.

• Point to the pictures and elicit / say the names Homework 1

for each type of transport. Pupils read the brochure again at home.
• Point to each picture again and say the names
again. Pupils repeat. Look! [3 mins]

• Say a word (e.g. donkey). Pupils say the matching • Read each word aloud. Pupils repeat. Check
letter (G). Repeat with other words. pronunciation. Elicit the meaning of each
• Say a letter (e.g. B). Pupils say the matching word
(e.g. train). Check pronunciation.
• Explain that when an adjective is short
• Explain these are all different types of transport. (e.g. one syllable), we usually add the letters
Write the word ‘transport’ on the board. Elicit ‘er’ at the end when we want to compare
the meaning. two things (e.g. cheaper, faster).
AB A. Write the words from the box under the correct
picture. [5 mins] • Explain that when an adjective is longer
(e.g. two or more syllables), we use the
Aim: to write words for different types of transport.
words ‘more’ or ‘less’ before the adjective
when we want to compare two things.
• Use the example to explain the activity.
Pupils must find the word for each type of
transport in the box, and write it under the AB B. Read the brochure again. Are these sentences
picture. true or false? [5 mins]
Aim: to read and understand details of a brochure about
• Pupils find and write the words. They different types of a transport.
check their answers together.
• Pupils read the brochure again together. In
• Elicit the word for each picture. Check pairs, pupils read the sentences and decide if
pronunciation. they are true or false. They draw a circle around
Answers: 1. four-wheel drive car, 2. boat, 3. bus, 4. the word ‘True’ or ‘False’.
donkey, 5. hot-air balloon, 5. motorbike, 7. plane, 8. train
• Elicit the answers. If a sentence is false, ask
pupils to give the true answer.

134 Unit 8: Travelling

Lesson 2: Getting Around UNIT 8
Answers: 1. , 2. F (The plane is more expensive than the
bus), 3. F (The bus is less comfortable than the plane), 4.
T, 5. AB D. Read about trains in Sudan. Write the answers to
these questions. [5 mins]
Aim: to remember information from a text and complete
AB C. Make true sentences. Circle the correct word. [7 answers.
Aim: to understand sentences using comparative • Tell pupils to close their Pupil’s Books. Read
adjectives. each question aloud. Elicit the meanings in
• Read the first sentence. Elicit the best word
• Explain the activity. Pupils must complete each
(faster). Explain the activity. Pupils must read the
answer with information from the text. They
sentences and choose the word which they think
must NOT look at the text.
is best. They must draw a circle around the word
they choose.
• Pupils complete the answers. They
check their answers together.
• Pupils read and complete the sentences.
Pupils check their answers together.
• Choose pupils to read the answers. Pupils
check their answers.
• Choose pupils to say which word they have
chosen. Pupils may choose different answers Answers: 1. There are (almost) 5,000 kilometres of
for some of these questions (e.g. Some pupils railway in Sudan. 2. It was built in (the late) 1890s. 3. It
connected Wadi Halfa to Khartoum. 4. Yes, (there is).
may think travelling in a hot-air balloon is more
interesting than travelling in a boat; some may
think it is less interesting).
• Tell pupils to close their books. Tell them to say Vocabulary box [3 mins]
sentences about different types of transport (e.g. • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
the plane is faster than the bus). repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
Answers: 1. faster, 2. both answers are OK, 3. both
answers are OK, 4. slower, 5. cheaper, 6. both answers • Tell pupils to say more words for transport.
are OK

Homework 3
PB 3. Read the text. What’s it about? [4 mins] Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
Aim: to read and understand a text about the railway in review these words.
End of Lesson 2 Checkpoints:
Materials: a poster / map of Sudan (if possible)
• Pupils can say and write the names of different
• Read the text aloud. Pupils follow in their books. types of transport.
Tell pupils to guess what the text is about
(Railway lines in Sudan). Explain the meaning of • Pupils can understand sentences comparing
the words ‘railway’ and ‘railway line’. different types of transport.

• Read the text again. Tell pupils to say how many • Pupils can read and understand details of a
railway lines the text talks about (three). If you brochure about different types of transport.
have a map of Sudan, show the places and lines • Pupils can read and understand a text about the
(e.g. show Wadi Halfa and Khartoum). railway in Sudan.

Homework 2
Pupils tell their families what they know about the
railway in Sudan.
Unit 8: Travelling 135
UNIT 8 Lesson 3: Places to Visit
Lesson overview in Sudan and holiday activities.
Reading focus:    understand details of a brochure • Explain that you will read a brochure. The
about places to visit in Sudan and holiday activities brochure describes two places to visit in Sudan.
Writing focus:        write sentences about where
you would like to go and why • Read the brochure aloud. Pupils follow in
their books. Tell pupils to say which places the
Grammar:                      verb + infinitive: would like to brochure describes (Picture B – Kassala, Picture
Function:                       identifying and describing location A – The Red Sea). Explain that these photos are
missing from the brochure.
New language:     Eritrea, sealife, take it easy, well
(n) Homework 1
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 59 / Activity Book (AB) page 59 Pupils read the brochure again at home.
AB A. Match the words to the definitions. [5 mins]
Starter activity [5 mins]
Aim: to read and find the meanings of words.
PB 1. Look at the pictures. Do you know where these
places are?
• Read words 1-4 aloud. Pupils repeat each
Aim: to prepare for the topic of the lesson.
word. Check pronunciation. Elicit the meaning of
Materials: a poster / map of Sudan (if possible) each word in Arabic.
• Point to each picture. Explain that they are • Explain the activity. Pupils must match the words
different places to visit in Sudan. Elicit what / and definitions.
where each place is (A = The Red Sea, East Sudan;
B = Kassala, East Sudan, near Eritrea); C = The • Pupils draw lines to match words and
Nile, from the south to the north of Sudan). If you
definitions. They check their answers
have a map of Sudan, point to the places.
• Write these holiday activities on the board and
teach / elicit the meanings: • Read the words and elicit the answers. Pupils
check their answers.
• Drinking coffee in the café
Answers: 1 = D, 2 = C, 3 = A, 4 = B
• Seeing coral, dolphins and other sealife
• Shopping in the market
AB B. Read the brochure again. Tick the correct heading.
• Visiting a well [5 mins]

• Taking it easy Aim: to read and understand details of a brochure about

places to visit in Sudan and holiday activities.
• Diving
• Read the first question (Where can you
• Visiting the mountains
buy something to wear?) Elicit from pupils if
• Walking by the mango trees the answer is Kassala or the Red Sea (Kassala).
Explain the activity. Pupils must read the
• Seeing old buildings questions and decide the place.
• Read each holiday activity on the board, and ask
pupils to guess where you can do these things. • Pupils read the brochure again together.
Pupils say places (e.g. Picture A / The Red Sea). They read the sentences and decide the place.
Don’t give the answers.
• Read each question and elicit the correct
place. Pupils check their answers.
PB 2. Read the brochure. Which two photos are
Answers: 1. Kassala, 2. The Red Sea, 3. Kassala, 4.
missing? [4 mins] Kassala, 5. The Red Sea, 6. The Red Sea
Aim: to read and follow a brochure about places to visit

136 Unit 8: Travelling

Lesson 3: Places to Visit UNIT 8
AB C. Complete the text with words from the box. [5 I’d like to go to The Red Sea because I’d like to see
mins] the sealife. I’d also like to go to Musawart.
Aim: to read and understand a text about a place to visit
in Sudan. • Pupils write sentences. Remind them to
write about themselves. Remind them that we
• Tell pupils that this is a text about another use an infinitive after ‘would like to’ (e.g. go, see
place to visit in Sudan. Read the first line of the etc.).
text, and elicit the word for the gap (travel).
• Pupils read each other’s sentences, and
• Pupils read the text and write words from check spelling and grammar.
the box in the gaps. They check their
• If there is time, choose pupils to read their
answers together.
sentences in front of the class. Check that pupils
use infinitives after ‘would like to’.
• Elicit the answer for each gap. Tell pupils to
say what the place is (The Nile).
Answers: 1. travel, 2. river, 3. take it easy, 4. fish, 5.
market, 6. cafes PB 4. Your turn. [3 mins]
Aim: to say where you would like to go and why.

AB D. Think about these questions. [5 mins] • In groups of five or six, pupils talk about
Aim: to ask and answer questions about a place you where they would like to go and why. Walk
would like to go. around the room, listening and helping.

• Read all the questions aloud. Elicit the

meanings. Elicit 2-3 example answers for each
one. Pupils can talk about places which are not in Vocabulary box [3 mins]
this lesson (e.g. Khartoum, Musawarat etc.).
• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Pupils ask each other the questions.
• Point to each word. Pupils say the word.
• If there is time, choose pupils to ask and Check pronunciation.
answer the questions in front of the class.

Homework 3
Homework 2
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
Pupils read the questions again and write answers in the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
their notebooks (e.g. I’d like to go to Musawarat. I’d like review these words.
to go by car. Etc.) End of Lesson 3 Checkpoints:

• Pupils can read and understand different texts

AB D. Write about yourself. Use the words in the box. [5 about places to visit in Sudan.
• Pupils can understand and talk about different
Aim: to write sentences about where you would like to
holiday activities.
go and why.
• Pupils can write sentences about where they
• Read the words in the box. Explain the would like to go and why.
activity. Pupils must write two sentences about
where they would like to go and why. If you like, • Pupils can say where they would like to go and
you can elicit and write some example sentences why.
on the board:

Unit 8: Travelling 137

UNIT 8 Lesson 4: Radom National Park
Lesson overview Pupils read the text again at home.
Reading focus:             understand details of a text
about the features and problems of Radom National
Look! [3 mins]
Speaking focus:        talk about ways of helping a
national park • Read each sentence aloud. Pupils repeat.
Grammar:                   present perfect (to talk about Check pronunciation. Elicit the meanings of
something that started in the past and continues to each sentence.
the present)
Function:                       distinguishing between the past • Explain that the first two sentences use
and present the past simple. We use this tense to talk
New language:          grassland, protected, sadly, (go about things that happened in the past and
on) safari are finished.
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 60 / Activity Book (AB) page 60
• Explain that the third sentence uses the
Starter activity [3 mins] present perfect tense. The present perfect
PB 1. Look at the picture. What animals can you see? tense uses the verb ‘have’ + past participle
(e.g. changed). We use this tense to talk
Aim: to prepare for the topic of national parks. about things that happened in the past and
continue now.
• In pairs, pupils say the animals they can see
in the picture.
AB A. Choose the correct word to complete each
• Elicit the animals that pupils can see. Write sentence. [5 mins]
the names on the board. Say the words. Pupils Aim: to read and understand the meanings of words in
repeat. Check pronunciation. the text.

• Read the first sentence. Elicit the meanings

PB 2. Read the text. What is it about? [5 mins] of ‘grassland’ and ‘safari’, then elicit the answer
(safari). Tell pupils to draw a circle around the
Aim: to read and follow a text about the features and
problems of Radom National Park. word ‘safari’.
Materials: a poster / map of Sudan (if possible)
• Pupils read the sentences and choose the
• Read the text aloud. Pupils follow in their correct words. Pupils check their answers
books. Tell pupils to say what the text is about together.
(Radom National Park). If you have a map of
Sudan, point to the area. • Choose pupils to read the sentences. Pupils
check their answers.
• In pairs, pupils discuss what they Answers: 1. safari, 2. giraffe, 3. grasslands, 4. protect, 5.
understand about the text. tourists

• Read the text again. Ask pupils to guess / say

the meanings of these words: grasslands, a lot of PB 3. Read the text again. Ask and answer the questions
in pairs. [5 mins]
the animals have gone, fifty years ago, hunted,
things have changed, protected, tourists, go on Aim: to read and understand details of a text about the
safari (explain that the word ‘safari’ comes from features and problems of Radom National Park.
an Arabic word).
• Choose different pupils to read each
question aloud. Elicit what the questions mean in
Homework 1 Arabic.

138 Unit 8: Travelling

Lesson 4: Radom National Park UNIT 8
on the board in a different order (see answers).
• In pairs, pupils read the text again. They read
the questions and answer them orally together. • Elicit the words for the gaps.

• Read each question and elicit the answers. Answers: 1. grasslands, 2. birds, 3. animals, 4. cut down,
5. trees, 6. hunting, 7. tourists
Answers: A. In the south-west of Darfur. B. Lots of
beautiful birds. C. People hunted the animals, and cut
down the trees. D. They go to national parks in many PB 4. Your turn. [4 mins]
African countries. E. To go on safari and see the animals.
F. They spend lots of money. Aim: to talk about ways of helping a national park.

• Read the text in the speech bubbles. Elicit

AB B. Complete the chart. [5 mins] more ideas (pupils can look at the chart they
completed in AB activity B). Example: We’d like
Aim: to understand ways of helping Radom National to plant more trees. We want to protect the
• Draw the chart on the board. Read the title (Save
Radom National Park). Elicit the meaning in • In groups of three or four, pupils take turns
Arabic. to say how we can help Radom National Park.
• Point to the column with the word ‘do’. Tell pupils
to choose two things we can do from the box
Vocabulary box [5 mins]
(bring tourists, protect animals). Write these in
the column.
• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
• Point to the column with the word ‘don’t’. Tell repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
pupils to choose two things we should NOT do
• Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Say
from the box (hunt animals, cut down trees).
a word from the box. Tell pupils to write the
Write these in the column.
word in their notebooks. Repeat with the
• Elicit from the class if they have more ideas for other words.
what we should and should not do. Encourage
• Tell pupils to open their Activity Books and
as many ideas as possible (e.g. plant trees).
to check the spellings. Pupils check the
Pupils may use Arabic. Write ideas in English in
spellings of each word in their notebooks.
the columns. Pupils complete the chart.

Homework 2 Homework 3

Pupils tell their families about ways of helping national Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
parks in Sudan. the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
review these words.

AB C. Complete the text. [5 mins]

End of Lesson 4 Checkpoints:
Aim: to understand and complete a text about helping
Radom National Park. • Pupils can read and understand details of a text
about the features and problems of Radom
• Read the first part of the text and pause at National Park.
the first gap. Elicit the word (grasslands). Explain • Pupils can understand and complete a text about
the activity. Pupils must read the text and write helping Radom National Park.
one or two words in each gap.
• Pupils can talk about ways of helping a national
• Pupils read the text together and write park.
words. If pupils find this difficult, write the words
Unit 8: Travelling 139
UNIT 8 Lesson 5: A Special Journey
Lesson overview brother Ishag) Where does Ishag live? (El Obeid).
Listening focus:        find differences between • Ask questions A and B. Pupils answer (A = her
written and oral versions of a short story about travel
family, B = her brothers Ahmed and Ishag).
Speaking focus:           act out an interview about • If you have a map of Sudan, point to these places:
future travel plans Nyala, Port Sudan, Khartoum, El Obeid.
Grammar:                   be going to + infinitive Homework 1
Function:                       talking about future plans and Pupils read the story again at home.
PB 3. Now listen to the story. Can you find seven
New language:              truck differences? [5 mins]
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 61 / Activity Book (AB) page 61 Aim: to find differences between written and oral
versions of a short story about travel arrangements.
Starter activity [3 mins] Materials: audio track 8.2
Aim: to review going to + infinitive.
• Tell pupils they will now listen to the story.
• Write these sentences on the board: Explain that there are seven differences between
I ___ going to visit Kassala. the story they listen to and the one in the Pupil’s
Book. They must read and listen and find the
What ___ you going to see?
He ___ going to travel by bus.
They ___ going to take it easy. • Play audio track 8.2. Pupils listen.

• Elicit words for each gap (am, are, is, are). Elicit • In pairs, pupils discuss the differences. Play
the meanings in Arabic. Remind pupils that we the audio track again.
can use ‘be going to’ + infinitive to talk about
future plans. • Elicit the differences.
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What do you think the story
Answers: November = October; Ahmed, her older
will be about? [3 mins] brother = Ahmed, her younger brother; lives in Port
Sudan = is working in Port Sudan; Both flights take
Aim: to predict what happens in a story. about two hours = Both flights take about one hour;
Mariam’s older brother, Ishag = Mariam’s younger
• Point to each picture. Elicit what pupils can see. brother, Ishag; 400 kilometres = 700 kilometres; the
Teach the words ‘flight’ and ‘truck’. road is very good = the road is not very good
AB A. Listen to the story again and answer these
• Tell pupils the pictures are from a story. questions. [5 mins]
Tell them to say what will happen in the story.
Aim: to listen and understand details of a short story
Encourage different ideas. about travel arrangements.
PB 2. Read the story and answer the questions. [4 mins] Materials: audio track 8.2

Aim: to read and follow a short story about travel • Pupils read the questions together and try to
arrangements. answer as many as they can orally.
Materials: a poster / map of Sudan (if possible)
• Play audio track 8.2. Pupils listen and check
• Read the story aloud. Pupils follow in their books. their answers.
• Point to the pictures in PB activity 1. Ask
• Pupils discuss the answers.
questions: Who is the bride? (Mariam) Where
does she live? (Nyala) Who is travelling by plane?
• Read the questions and elicit the answers.
(Her brother Ahmed) Where does Ahmed live?
(Port Sudan) Who is travelling by truck? (Her Answers: 1. In October, 2. Port Sudan, 3. By plane (two

140 Unit 8: Travelling

Lesson 5: A Special Journey UNIT 8
flights: one from Port Sudan to Khartoum, one from PB 4. Your turn. [8 mins]
Khartoum to Nyala), 4. By bus, 5. (About) 700 kilometres,
6. 18 hours. Aim: to act out an interview about future travel plans.

• Tell pupils to imagine that they are Ishag. Ask

AB B. Make questions. [5 mins] the first question from AB activity B (Where are
Aim: to practise the correct word order for questions. you going?) Pupils answer (I’m going to Nyala).
Continue with the other questions. Pupils answer.
• Use the example to explain the activity. Check pronunciation.
Pupils must put the words in the correct order to • Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Ask the
make a question. questions from AB activity B again. Choose pupils
to answer. They should not look at the book.
• Pupils write the questions with words in
• Choose two pupils. Pupil 1 is the interviewer,
the correct order. They check their answers Pupil 2 is Ishag. Pupil 1 asks questions from AB
together. activity B, Pupil 2 answers them (without looking
at the book).
• Choose different pupils to read the questions
aloud. Pupils check their answers. • Pupils act out the interview in pairs. Walk
• Read each question aloud. Pupils repeat. Check around the room, listening and helping.
• Choose pairs to act out the interview in front
Answers: 1. Where are you going? 2. Why are you going of the class.
there? 3. How are you going to travel there?
4. Why are you going to travel by bus? 5. How long is the
journey going to take?
Vocabulary box [2 mins]

Homework 2 • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils

repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
Pupils practise saying the questions at home. They try to
improve their pronunciation and intonation. • Point to each word. Pupils say the word.
Check pronunciation.
AB C. Use the information in the box to answer the
questions. [5 mins]
Homework 3
Aim: to write sentences about future travel plans.
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
• Explain the activity. Pupils must complete review these words.
the sentences using the words and phrases in
the box. Read the first sentence, and elicit the
answer (Nyala). End of Lesson 5 Checkpoints:

• Pupils can predict and understand what happens

• Pupils complete the sentences. They in a story about travel arrangements.
check their answers together.
• Pupils can find differences between written and
• Choose different pupils to read the oral versions of a short story.
sentences. Pupils check their answers. • Pupils can act out an interview with clear
Answers: 1. Nyala. 2. my sister is going to get married. 3. pronunciation.
by bus. 4. travel by bus / it is very cheap. 5. eighteen

Unit 8: Travelling 141

UNIT 8 Lesson 6: A Visit to Dubai
Lesson overview something happened.
Reading focus:             understand the main points of
an informal email about a visit to Dubai
PB 3. Read the email again. Put the events in the correct
Speaking focus:        ask and answer questions about order. [5 mins]
personal experiences
Aim: to read and understand the main points of an
Grammar:                  present perfect: Have you ever informal email about a visit to Dubai.
Function:                       talking about experiences • Explain that the phrases are events that
Amien describes in his email. Pupils must read
New language: pizza, stadium
the email and put them in the correct order.
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 62 / Activity Book (AB) page 62
• Pupils read the email again together. They
Starter activity [3 mins] write the letters of the events in the correct order
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What’s happening? in their notebooks.
Aim: to prepare for reading.
• Elicit the correct order. Pupils check their
• Point to each picture and ask: What’s happening? answers.
Teach / review these words: plane, pizza, tall Answers: The correct order is: B, D, A, C
building, pizza, football match, stadium.
• Explain that the pictures show a visit to Dubai.
AB A. Read Amien’s email again. Complete the
Explain that the tall building in Picture C is the sentences. Use the verbs in the box. [4 mins]
Burj al Arab. Elicit from pupils what they know
Aim: to use past and future verb forms correctly.
about Dubai and where it is. They may use
Arabic. • Explain that these are sentences from
Amien’s email. Pupils must complete each
sentence using one of the verbs in the box.
PB 2. Read the email. What questions does Amien ask?
[6 mins] However, a sentence may be about a past event
(something that Amien already did during his
Aim: to read and follow an informal email about a visit to visit), or about a future plan (something that
Amien is going to do).
• Explain that Amien is in Dubai. He has written an
email to Tim. Read the email aloud. Pupils follow • Pupils read each sentence. They decide if the
in their books. sentence is about a past event or a future plan.
They choose a verb and complete each sentence.
• Ask: What questions does Amien ask? Elicit the
They may read Amien’s email again if necessary.
questions: Have you ever eaten a pizza? Have
you ever watched a football match in a stadium?
• Choose different pupils to read each
Write these replies on the board: Yes, I have. No,
sentence aloud. Write the verbs on the board.
I haven’t.
Pupils check their answers.
• Read the questions and replies aloud. Pupils Answers: 1. went up, 2. ate, 3. am going to watch, 4. am
repeat. Check pronunciation. Elicit the meanings going to send
of the questions.

• Explain that the questions use the present AB B. Match the endings to make questions. [5 mins]
perfect tense. The present perfect tense uses Aim: to make questions using the present perfect to ask
the verb ‘have’ + past participle (e.g. eaten, about experiences.
watched). We use this tense to talk about
experiences we have had in our lives. When • Read the example question: Have you
we use the present perfect, we don’t say when ever seen a crocodile? Elicit the meaning. Remind

142 Unit 8: Travelling

Lesson 6: A Visit to Dubai UNIT 8
pupils that the question uses the present perfect
to ask about experiences: Have you ever + past • Pupils complete the questions and answers.
participle (e.g. seen).
• Choose pairs to read the questions and
• Read the question beginnings (2-8). Elicit the answers. Write questions 6-8 on the board. Pupils
meanings. Elicit the past participles (seen, check their answers.
climbed, eaten, visited, spoken, been, watched,
Answers: 1. Yes, she has. 2. No, she hasn’t. 3. Yes, she
written). Tell pupils to underline them.
has. 4. Yes, she has. 5. No, she hasn’t. 6. Has she
ever eaten pizza? Yes, she has. 7. Has she ever seen a
• Pupils draw lines to match the question crocodile? No, she hasn’t. 8. Has she ever been to a
beginnings 2-8 with the endings b-h. wedding? Yes, she has.
Homework 2
• Choose pupils to read the completed
questions. Pupils check their answers. AB D. Write two sentences for you. [3 mins]
• Read each completed question aloud. Pupils Aim: to write sentences about your own personal
repeat. Check pronunciation. experiences.

Answers: 1. B, 2. H, 3. A, 4. E, 5. F, 6. D, 7. C, 8. G • Write on the board: I have…. / I have never ….

Elicit some examples. Encourage pupils to use
their imaginations (e.g. I have seen an antelope. I
Homework 1 have never been to a national park).
Pupils review the past participles in the activity. • Tell pupils to write sentences at home beginning:
PB 4. Your turn. [6 mins] I have … I have never…
Aim: to ask and answer questions about personal
experiences. Vocabulary box [3 mins]

• Choose some pupils and ask some of • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
the questions from AB Activity B (e.g. Have you repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
ever visited Dongola?) Help pupils to give true • Say one of the words in Arabic. Pupils say
answers: Yes, I have / No, I haven’t. the word in English. Repeat with other
• Choose two pupils. Pupil 1 asks questions; Pupil 2 words from the box in a different order.
gives true answers (Yes, I have / No, I haven’t).
Homework 3
• Pupils take turns to ask and answer the
questions in Activity B. Walk around the room, Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
listening and helping. the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
review these words.
AB C. Write the answers. [5 mins]
Aim: to write correct sentences about another person’s
experiences using the present perfect tense. End of Lesson 6 Checkpoints:

• Pupils can read and understand the main points

• Point to Picture 1, and read the example of an informal email about a visit to Dubai.
question and answer. Explain that this is also the
present perfect tense. The verb ‘have’ changes • Pupils can use the present perfect to ask and
to ‘has’ because we are talking about the third answer questions about personal experiences.
person (he / she). • Pupils can use the present perfect to write
• Point to Picture 2, and read the example sentences about their own and another person’s
question. Elicit the answer (No, she hasn’t). experiences.
Explain the activity. Pupils must look at the
pictures and write questions and answers.

Unit 8: Travelling 143

UNIT 8 Lesson 7: My Journey
Lesson overview Pupils read the story again at home.
Reading focus:        understand the main points of a
story about the River Nile
AB A. Read the story and number the pictures in the
Writing focus:             write sentences about the River correct order. [5 mins]
Aim: to understand descriptions and order pictures.
Grammar:                     past simple
Function:                       identifying past events • Tell pupils you will describe a picture. Pupils
must point to the picture. Say these sentences:
New language:        (river) bank, daily, decide, join,
might, pineapple • The river travelled through fields with
mangoes and bananas.
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 63 / Activity Book (AB) page 63 • The river started at Lake Victoria. It was a
small river.
Starter activity [3 mins]
• At Khartoum, the river met another big
Aim: to review homework from Lesson 6. river.
• Choose pupils to read their sentences beginning: • The river reached the end of the journey. It
I have… I have never… Make sure pupils use the joined the sea.
present perfect tense.
• People came to the river to wash.
PB 1. Look at the map. What can you see? [3 mins]
• The river went through a land that was very
Aim: to prepare for reading. dry and full of sand.
Materials: a poster / map of Sudan (if possible)
• Explain the activity. The pictures show the
• Point to the map. Tell pupils to say what they can story. Pupils must write numbers 1-6 next to the
see (the Nile). Ask questions: Where does the Nile picture to put them in the correct order. Point to
start? (Lake Victoria, Uganda) Which countries the number ‘1’ and explain that this is the first
does the Nile go through? (Uganda, South Sudan, picture.
Sudan, Egypt) Where does the Nile finish? (At the
sea, the Mediterranean). • Pupils write numbers next to each picture.
They can read the text in PB Activity 2 if they
PB 2. Read the story. What is it about? [6 mins] need help.
Aim: to read and follow a story about the River Nile.
• Tell pupils to say which picture is first,
• Read the story aloud. Pupils follow in their books. second, third etc. Pupils describe the picture.
• Tell pupils to say what the story is about (the Answers: 1. Lake Victoria and a small river. 2. Travelling
journey of the River Nile). Explain that the person through fields with mangoes and bananas. 3. A person
‘I’ in the story is the river. washing at the river. 4. Meeting another big river. 5. River
in hot, dry land. 6. River reaching the sea.
• Tell pupils to guess / say the meanings of these
PB 3. Read the story again and answer these questions.
words / phrases: decided, might find, pineapples, [5 mins]
along my banks, people went about their daily
lives, became friends, sand, I finally reached, Aim: to read and understand the main points of a story
about the River Nile.
• Read the sentence: One day I decided to travel…. • Choose different pupils to read each
Elicit the tense (past simple). Elicit other verbs in question aloud. Elicit what the questions mean in
the past simple tense. Pupils say and underline Arabic.
them (decided, said, travelled, went, came, met,
became, was, stayed, reached, joined). • In pairs, pupils read the text again. They read
Homework 1 the questions and answer them orally together.

144 Unit 8: Travelling

Lesson 7: My Journey UNIT 8
through Sudan, Egypt.
• Read each question and elicit the answers.
Important for water (washing and drinking), fishing (also:
Example answers: A. Lake Victoria is in Uganda. B. She growing food, travelling from one place to another)
was worried about the other rivers. C. They went to the
river to wash, drink and go fishing. D. In Khartoum the AB C. Write some sentences about the River Nile. [7
Nile met another big river. They became friends and mins]
decided to travel together. E. No, it wasn’t. It was very Aim: to write sentences about the River Nile.
dry and full of sand. F. The journey finished at the sea.
PB 4. Quiz time. [4 mins] • Explain the activity. Pupils must write some
Aim: to answer general knowledge questions. sentences about the River Nile. Tell pupils they
can write facts about the Nile (e.g. where it starts
• Tell pupils to make teams of three or four. / finishes, how long it is, the countries that it
Pupils must read the questions and decide the goes through and any other facts they know); or
answers together. When they are ready, they they can write descriptive sentences (e.g. It looks
raise their hands. The team to finish first (with beautiful).
correct answers) wins.
• Pupils write sentences about the River Nile.
• Teams read the questions and decide the Walk around the room and help.
answers. They raise their hands when they are
ready. • Pupils read each other’s sentences, and
check spelling and grammar.
• When the first team finishes, ask them to
give the answers. If they are correct, they win. • If there is time, choose pupils to read a
Answers: A. (Example) mango, banana, pineapple. B.
The Nile (the White Nile and the Blue Nile) C. Lake Tana, Vocabulary box [3 mins]
Ethiopia. D. Ethiopia, Sudan (where it joins the Nile)
Homework 2 • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
Pupils write answers for the quiz questions, or they ask repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
their friends and families the questions.
• Pupils say the words together, and say
what they mean in Arabic.
AB B. Group work. Answer the questions. [4 mins]
Aim: to say what you know about the River Nile.
Homework 3
• In groups of three or four, pupils read the Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
questions and discuss the answers. They say what the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
review these words.
else they know about the River Nile. Pupils
may use Arabic.
End of Lesson 7 Checkpoints:
• Read questions 1-3 and elicit the answers
• Pupils can read and understand the main points
(see notes below). Ask: What else do you know
of a story about the River Nile.
about the River Nile? Help pupils to answer in
English. • Pupils can identify past events.
Notes: The River Nile • Pupils can say and write some sentences about
Length: about 6,853 kms long the River Nile.
White Nile: Uganda (Lake Victoria), South Sudan, Sudan
Blue Nile: Ethiopia (Lake Tana), Sudan
The two rivers meet at Khartoum, then travel north

Unit 8: Travelling 145

UNIT 8 Lesson 8: Revision: Time to Travel
Lesson overview • Point to pictures B-F. Elicit sentences (see
Listening focus:        understand details of a example answers for AB Activity A below).
conversation about holiday plans
• Pupils take turns to point to pictures and say
Writing focus:             write sentences about future
plans and intentions sentences. Walk around the room, listening and
helping. Remind pupils to use ‘going to’.
Grammar:               (1) be going to + infinitive, (2)
comparative adjectives
Function:                     (1) talking about future plans AB A. Look at the five pictures of Halima and write
and intentions, (2) making comparisons sentences using the words from the box. [5 mins]
New language:           imagine Aim: to write sentences using be going to to talk about
future plans and intentions.

Pupil’s Book (PB) page 64 / Activity Book (AB) page 64 • Explain the activity. Pupils must look at the
pictures in PB Activity 1, and write sentences
Starter activity [4 mins] about the plans for Halima’s holiday. Read the
Aim: to review language from Unit 8. start of the first sentence and elicit the answer.
Write it on the board.
Materials: a poster / map of Sudan (if possible)

• Write the name of each place below on the board • Pupils complete the sentences. They use
and ask questions. If you have a map of Sudan, words from the box.
point to the places.
• Choose different pupils to read their
• Damazin. Ask: Where is it? What can you sentences. Write answers on the board. Some
see / do there? (e.g. Dinder National Park) answers may be different (see below).
• Kassala. Ask: Where is it? What can you see Answers: 1. Halima is going to travel / go by bus.
/ do here? (e.g. go to the well of Totil)
2. She is going to buy some fruit (and vegetables) /
• Red Sea. Ask: Where is it? What can you bananas etc.
see / do here? (e.g. see dolphins, go diving) 3. She is going to visit / go to Dinder National Park / see
antelopes etc.
• Radom National Park. Ask: Where is it?
What can you remember about it? 4. She is going to visit / see her relatives / mother’s
• River Nile. Ask: Where is it? What can you
5. She is going to see / visit the Blue Nile.
remember about it?

Homework 1
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What is Halima going to do
on her holiday? [6 mins] Pupils write some sentences about their future plans
(e.g. I am going to play football with friends after school).
Aim: to review using be going to to talk about future
plans and intentions.
PB 2. Listen and say if the sentences are true or false. [6
• Explain that the pictures show Halima. She mins]
is going to Damazin with her family on holiday.
Aim: to listen and understand details of a conversation
Read the question What is Halima going to do on about holiday plans.
her holiday? Elicit the meaning in Arabic. Remind
pupils that we can use ‘be going to’ + infinitive Materials: audio track 8.1
when we talk about future plans.
• Choose a pupil to read the first sentence.
• Point to Picture A. Elicit a sentence about the Elicit the meaning. Tell pupils to wave their hands
picture with going to (e.g. Halima is going to in the air if they think it’s true; put their hands on
travel by bus). their heads if they think it’s false. Repeat with the

146 Unit 8: Travelling

Lesson 8: Revision: Time to Travel UNIT 8
other sentences. AB C. Complete the sentences. [5 mins]
Aim: to review comparative adjectives.
• Play audio track 8.1. Pupils listen.
• Read the first example. Elicit the meaning
• In pairs, they read the sentences and decide in Arabic. Explain that the sentences compare
if they are true or false. They write T or F in their two types of transport. Pupils must change the
notebooks. adjective in the brackets.

• Elicit the answers. If a sentence is false, ask • Remind pupils of the rules: when an adjective
pupils to give the true answer. is short (e.g. fast), we usually add the letters
‘er’ at the end; when an adjective is longer (e.g.
Answers: A. T, B. , C. F (She’s going to visit her mother’s
comfortable), we use the words ‘more’ or ‘less’
family), D. F (She’s going to see antelopes and other
animals), E. before the adjective.

• Pupils complete the sentences. They

AB B. Find eight types of transport. [5 mins] check their answers together.
Aim: to review the spellings of different types of
transport. • Choose pupils to read the sentences.
Note: Pupils may have different opinions about
• Tell pupils to look at the puzzle. Point to sentences 4/6.
the word ‘balloon’. Explain they must find seven Answers: 1. faster, 2. slower, 3. cheaper, 4. more / less
more types of transport. Words can go from top comfortable, 5. safer, 6. more / less interesting
to bottom, left to right or diagonally.

• Pupils find the words together and draw a PB 3. Your turn. [6 mins]
circle around them. Aim: to talk about your favourite type of transport.
Materials: a soft ball (or a rolled-up piece of paper)
• Elicit the eight words (balloon, boat, car,
donkey, motorbike, bus, train, plane). Check
• Write on the board: I like travelling by …
pronunciation. Elicit the meanings of each word.
because … Elicit different examples (e.g. I like
Answers: travelling by motorbike because it is faster than a
[Circle the bold words in red]. bike etc.)
• Throw the ball to Pupil 1. Ask: How do you like
travelling? Help Pupil 1 to answer (e.g. I like
A O G R O J P D S travelling by bus because it’s cheap).
L H A E T R A I N • Pupil 1 throws the ball to another pupil and asks
L B F T O Q U Z I How do you like travelling? Pupil 2 answers. Pupil
2 then throws the ball to another pupil and asks
the question.
• Pupils continue throwing the ball and asking /
N E R R I V O B A answering the question.
• In groups of four or five, pupils say what their
favourite type of transport is and why.
Homework 2
Pupils write a list of words related to the topic of
transport in their notebooks (e.g. railway, flight, journey,
four-wheel drive, travel, road etc.)

Unit 8: Travelling 147

UNIT 8 Lesson 8: Revision: Time to Travel
Can do box [3 mins]
Unit 8 Audioscripts
• Read the sentences aloud. Elicit the
meanings in Arabic.
Audio track 8.1
• Pupils read each sentence and decide if Boy: Where are you going to go on your next holiday?
they can do this in English. If they can, they
Girl: I’m going to go to Damazin.
draw a tick [ ]. If they are not sure, they
review lessons in Unit 8 again. Boy: Damazin? Where’s that?
Girl: It’s in the south of Sudan near Ethiopia.

Homework 3 Boy: What are you going to do there?

Pupils look again at lessons they would like to review Girl: I’m going to visit some relatives. My mother’s family
live there.
Boy: Are you going to stay in Damazin all the time?
End of Lesson 8 Checkpoints:
Girl: No, I’m not. My father is going to take me to Dinder
• Pupils can use be going to + infinitive correctly to National Park.
talk about future plans and intentions. Boy: What are you going to see in the park?
• Pupils can understand, say and write common Girl: We’re going to see antelopes and other animals.
words related to transport.
Boy: Are you going to see the Blue Nile?
• Pupils can understand details of a conversation Girl: Yes, I am. The Blue Nile is near Damazin.
about holiday plans.
• Pupils can compare different types of transport
Audio track 8.2
and talk about their favourite type of transport.
Mariam lives in Nyala with her parents. In October she
is getting married and her family are all going to the
wedding. Ahmed, her younger brother, is working in
Port Sudan. He is going to take a plane to Khartoum
and then another one from there to Nyala. Both
flights take about two hours, but he has to wait
in Khartoum for the second flight. Miriam’s older
brother, Ishag, works in El Obeid. He’s going to travel
by bus, as this is very cheap. The road between El
Obeid and Nyala is about 700 kilometres and is not
very good. It will take about 18 hours.

148 Unit 8: Travelling

Lesson 1: Drought UNIT 9
Lesson overview 1984. There was a drought. But she was lucky.
Listening focus:        understand details of a talk There was a well in the village, and they had
about a drought food.
Writing focus:         write sentences about the PB 3. Listen again. What does Khadija say about… [5
weather in Sudan mins]

Grammar:                   expressions of quantity and Aim: to listen and understand details of a talk about a
intensifiers: too (much), (not) enough drought.

Function:                  talking about quantity Materials: audio track 9.1

New language:             drought, environment, flood,

lucky • Write these sentences on the board:

Pupil’s Book (PB) page 65 / Activity Book (AB) page 65 Water: There was not enough water for _____ and
Starter activity [3 mins] Rain: Sometimes there is too _____ rain. In 1984, there
wasn’t any rain for many _____.
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see?
Food: My family were _____ and we had enough food.
Aim: to prepare for listening.
• Explain that Miss Khadija says these sentences.
• Explain that this unit is about the environment. Pupils must listen to the audio again, and listen
Elicit / teach the meaning of the word for the words in the gaps.
• Point to the pictures. Elicit what pupils can see. • Play audio track 9.1. Pupils listen. Pupils
Write ‘flood’ and ‘drought’ on the board. Say the discuss the missing words in the gaps. Play the
audio track again if necessary.
words. Pupils repeat. Check pronunciation.
Elicit from pupils what causes a flood / a drought.
• Elicit the words in the gaps (cooking,
PB 2. Listen. Which picture is the woman talking about? drinking, much, months, lucky).
[5 mins] Homework 1
Aim: to listen and understand the main points of a talk Pupils can talk to people in their families and local
about a drought. communities about experiences they have had of flood
or drought.
Materials: audio track 9.1

• Point to the picture. Explain that the woman Look! [2 mins]

is called Khadija. She was a pupil at the school.
• Read each sentence aloud. Pupils repeat.
She is talking to them about a problem she
Check pronunciation. Elicit the meanings of
experienced in 1984. Pupils will listen to her talk,
each sentence.
and decide if she is talking about a flood or a
AB A. Circle the correct word to complete the
• Play audio track 9.1. Pupils listen. Tell them sentences. [4 mins]
to say what Miss Khadija is talking about (a
Aim: to use too / enough correctly.

• Play the audio track again. Pupils listen. Ask • Explain the activity. Pupils must read each
questions: When was the drought? (1984) How sentence, then choose one of the words or
old was Miss Khadija? (12) Where did her family phrases. Read the example sentence.
get water? (There was a well in the village) Did
her family have food? (Yes). Play the audio track • Pupils read the sentences together and draw
again if necessary. circles to choose the correct word.

• Give a summary: Miss Khadija was 12 years in • Choose different pupils to read the
Unit 9: Environment 149
UNIT 9 Lesson 1: Drought
sentences. Check pronunciation. Elicit the
meanings in Arabic. • Tell pupils to close their Pupil’s Books.
Explain the activity. Pupils must write answers to
Answers: 1. too much, 2. not enough, 3. too, 4. enough, the questions in AB activity B. They should try to
5. too, 6. enough
remember the information, and they should not
AB B. Make questions for Tim. [5 mins] look at the text.
Aim: to practise the correct word order for questions.
• Pupils work together to write answers.
• Use the example to explain the activity.
Pupils must put the words in the correct order to • Choose pupils to read their answers.
make a question. Answers: 1. No, it isn’t. / The weather is not the same
everywhere in Sudan. 2. It is very dry and sometimes
• Pupils write the questions with words in there is not enough rain. 3. It usually has rain from July
to September.
the correct order. They check their answers
4. There are floods. 5. It is a sandstorm.
AB D. Write one sentence about the weather where you
• Choose different pupils to read the questions live. [3 mins]
aloud. Pupils check their answers. Aim: to write a sentence about local weather.

• Ask the questions again. Pupils answer them, • Tell pupils to say what the weather is like where
giving their ideas about the weather in Sudan. they live (e.g. It’s very dry and there is not
Don’t give the answers. enough rain. It’s very hot in May and June. We
Answers: don’t have sandstorms). Pupils write a sentence
at home.
1. Is the weather the same everywhere in Sudan? 2.
What is the weather like in the north?
Vocabulary box [3 mins]
3. When does Khartoum have rain? 4. What happens
when there is too much rain? • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
5. What is a haboob? repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
PB 4. Your turn. Read the text. Then talk about the • Point to each word. Pupils say the word.
weather where you live. [5 mins]
Check pronunciation.

Aim: to read and understand a short text about the

weather in Sudan. Homework 3
• Tell pupils to read the text silently. Give them 1-2 Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
minutes to read the text. the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
review these words.
• Ask the questions from activity B. Elicit answers
(see answers for AB C below). Tell pupils to guess
the meaning of the word ‘sandstorm’. Explain End of Lesson 1 Checkpoints:
that the word is made from two words together
• Pupils can listen and understand details of a talk
‘sand’ and ‘storm’. Translate the word ‘storm’ into
about a drought.
Homework 2 • Pupils can use too / enough correctly.

Pupils can read the text again at home. • Pupils can read and understand a short text
about the weather in Sudan.
AB C. Read the text from Activity 4 in the Pupil’s Book.
Answer the questions above. [5 mins] • Pupils can write sentences about the weather in
Aim: to write answers to questions about a text about Sudan and the local area.
the weather in Sudan.

150 Unit 9: Environment

Lesson 2: Forests, Deserts and Mountains UNIT 9
Lesson overview covered, Atlas Mountains, Mount Kilimanjaro,
Reading focus:             understand the main points Tanzania, snow.
of three short texts about forests, deserts and Homework 1
Read the texts again at home.
Speaking focus:        ask and answer questions about
natural features of the world AB A. Match the words to the definitions. [5 mins]
Grammar:                     superlative adjectives (e.g. Aim: to read and find the meanings of words.
biggest, highest etc.)
Function:                       making comparisons • Read words 1-5 aloud. Pupils repeat each
word. Check pronunciation. Elicit the meaning of
New language:     few, oxygen, percent, Sahara,
each word in Arabic.

Pupil’s Book (PB) page 66 / Activity Book (AB) page 66 • Read the example word and definition. Elicit the
meaning of the definition. Explain the activity.
Starter activity [3 mins] Pupils must match the words and definitions.
Aim: to review homework from Lesson 1.
• Pupils draw lines to match words and
• Choose pupils to read their sentences about the
definitions. They check their answers
local weather.
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? [4 mins]
• Read the words. Choose pupils to read the
definitions. Pupils check their answers.
Aim: to prepare for the topic of the lesson.
Answers: 1 = A, 2 = C, 3 = E, 4 = D, 5 = B
• Point to Picture A. Ask: What can you see? (a
mountain) Can you name any mountains in
Africa? What’s the highest mountain in Africa? AB B. Complete the chart with the information in the
Are there any mountains in Sudan? Where are box. [4 mins]
they? Aim: to understand features of forests, deserts and
• Point to Picture B. Ask: What can you see? (a
desert) Can you name any deserts in Africa?
• Draw the chart on the board. Point to the
What do you know about them? Is there a desert
three environments (deserts, forests, mountains).
in Sudan? Where?
Explain that pupils must choose two phrases
• Point to Picture C. Ask: What can you see? (a from the box for each environment. They should
forest) Are there any forests in Sudan? write them in the chart.
• Point to Picture D. Ask: Is it very hot or very cold?
• Pupils write two phrases in each column.
What’s the temperature? Teach these words:
temperature, degree.
• Point to each environment and elicit the two
PB 2. Read the texts. Say the titles in the correct order. best phrases. Complete the chart.
[4 mins] Answers:
Aim: to read and follow three short texts about forests, Deserts: not much water, very hot
deserts and mountains.
Forests: important for life, lots of trees
• Read each text aloud. Have pupils to say the
Mountains: very high, sometimes snow
title of each text (1 = deserts, 2 = forests, 3 =
mountains). PB 3. Read the texts again and answer the questions. [5
• Read each text aloud again. Tell pupils to say /
Aim: to read and understand the main points of three
guess the meanings of these words: few, biggest, short texts about forests, deserts and mountains.
Sahara, hottest, oxygen, percent, planet, are
Unit 9: Environment 151
UNIT 9 Lesson 2: Forests, Deserts and Mountains
answer the questions.
• Choose different pupils to read each
question aloud. Elicit what the questions mean in • Ask the questions and elicit answers. Give
Arabic. extra information about each fact (see answers
• In pairs, pupils read the texts again. They
read the questions and answer them orally • If you have time, write on the board: What’s the
together. _____ _____ in the world? Elicit some examples
(e.g. What’s the coldest place in the world?).
• Read each question and elicit the answers. Pupils write a question together.
Answers: A. It’s the biggest desert in the world. B. The
Sahara had its hottest temperature. C. It’s the highest • Choose some pairs to read their question
mountain in Africa. in front of the class. See if any pupils know the
Look! [3 mins] Answers: A. The Nile (the Amazon in South America is
the second longest, and the biggest). B. The blue whale
• Read each word / phrase aloud. Pupils repeat. (the biggest animal on land is the African elephant).
Check pronunciation. Elicit the meanings of C. The Atacama Desert in South America (some places
each word / phrase. in the desert have not had rain for 400 years). D. The
cheetah is the fastest land animal (it can run up to 120
kms an hour).
• Explain that when an adjective is short
(e.g. one syllable), we add the letters ‘est’ Homework 2
at the end to compare it with three or more Pupils ask their friends the questions from Quiz time.
things. Point out the spellings (e.g. largest, They can tell their friends and family about some of the
biggest, driest). facts that they have learned in the lesson.

• Explain that we use the word ‘the’ before

each superlative adjective (e.g. the biggest, Vocabulary box [3 mins]
the largest etc.) • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
AB C. Complete the sentences. [5 mins] • Say one of the words in Arabic. Pupils say
Aim: to use superlative adjectives correctly.
the word in English. Repeat with other
words from the box in a different order.
• Read the example sentence. Elicit the
meaning. Explain the activity. Pupils must change
Homework 3
the adjective in the brackets.
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
• Pupils complete the sentences. They the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
review these words.
check their answers together.
End of Lesson 2 Checkpoints:
• Write the missing words on the board. Pupils • Pupils can read and understand the main points
check their answers. Read each sentence aloud. of three short texts about forests, deserts and
Elicit the meanings. mountains.
Answers: 1. biggest, 2. longest, 3. hottest, 4. highest, 5. • Pupils can use superlative adjectives correctly
largest, 6. biggest
(e.g. the biggest).
PB 4. Quiz time. [4 mins]
• Pupils can ask and answer questions about
Aim: to ask and answer questions about natural features natural features of the world.
of the world.

• In groups of three or four, pupils ask and

152 Unit 9: Environment
Lesson 3: A Clean Environment UNIT 9
Lesson overview
• Choose different pupils to read each
Reading focus:            understand the main points of a
question aloud. Elicit what the questions mean in
leaflet about World Environment Day
Writing focus:        write about how we can make a
clean environment
• In pairs, pupils read the text again. They read
Grammar:                     comparative adjectives (e.g. the questions and answer them orally together.
cleaner, healthier)
Function:                       making comparisons • Read each question and elicit the answers.
New language:           disease, litter, society Answers: A. June 5th, B. The Sudanese Environment
Society, C. In Souq Omdurman, D. It protects us from
diseases; we feel happier and can live a healthier life.
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 67 / Activity Book (AB) page 67

AB A. Write the phrases from the box under the correct

picture. [4 mins]
Starter activity [3 mins]
Aim: to review / learn words about the environment.
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see?
Aim: to prepare for the topic of the lesson. • Explain the activity. Pupils must find the
phrase for each picture, and write it under the
• Point to Pictures A-D. Ask pupils to say what they picture.
can see. Teach / elicit these phrases: pick up litter,
plant a tree, dirty river, recycle rubbish. • Pupils find and write the phrases. They
• Point to Picture E. Elicit the meaning of ‘Sudanese check their answers together.

Environment Society’. Explain that this lesson • Elicit the phrase for each picture. Check
is about making a clean environment. pronunciation.
Answers: 1. pick up litter, 2. plant a tree, 3. clean up dirty
PB 2. Read the text. What are the Sudanese rivers, 4. recycle rubbish

Environment Society doing? [4 mins]

Aim: to read and follow a leaflet about World AB B. Complete the sentences. [7 mins]
Environment Day. Aim: to use comparative adjectives correctly.
• Read the text aloud. Pupils follow in their books.
• Explain that when an adjective is short
• Tell pupils to say what the Sudanese Environment (e.g. one syllable), we usually add the letters ‘er’
Society are doing (they’re meeting on June 5th at the end when we want to make a comparison.
for World Environment Day. They’re tidying
the environment). Elicit the meaning of ‘World • Write these spelling rules on the board and
Environment Day’. explain them:

• Elicit the meaning of the word ‘disease’. most short adjec- fast, cheap, faster, cheaper,
tives + er long longer
short adjectives safe, large safer, larger
Homework 1 ending in ‘e’ + r
Pupils read the text again at home. short adjectives dry, happy drier, happier
ending in ‘y’ +
PB 3. Read the text again and answer these questions. double letter big, hot bigger, hotter
[5 mins] Explain the activity. Pupils must change the
adjective in the bracket. Read the example
Aim: to read and understand the main points of a leaflet
about World Environment Day. (greener) and elicit the next adjective (nicer).

Unit 9: Environment 153

UNIT 9 Lesson 3: A Clean Environment
Note: the adjective ‘green’ can describe village / town clean. They can say:
something that relates to protecting the
• What are the problems? (e.g. There’s
rubbish in the river.)
• Pupils complete the sentences. • Why is this a problem? (e.g. It isn’t healthy.)
• How can we make our environment clean?
• Elicit the comparative adjectives. Write
(e.g. Let’s clean the river!)
them on the board. Pupils check their spellings.
Read the sentences again. Elicit the meanings in
Arabic. • In groups of three or four, pupils make a
poster. If they like, they can draw pictures. Walk
Answers: 1. greener / nicer, 2. cleaner, 3. healthier, 4. around the room and help. Encourage pupils to
use as much English as possible as they work (e.g.
What can we write here? We can write…)
AB C. Write. [6 mins]
• Choose groups to show and read their
Aim: to write a sentence about how we can make a clean posters in front of the class. If possible, stick the
posters on the board or around the classroom for
pupils to look at.
• Ask about the local area: How clean is
the school / the school yard / our village / town /
city…? Pupils answer (e.g. there is rubbish in the Homework 2
river etc.). Pupils may use Arabic, but write notes
Pupils talk to their families about how we can make our
on the board in English. environment clean.

• Ask: How can we make our environment

clean? Elicit ideas (e.g. we can start / join an Vocabulary box [3 mins]
environment club, we can pick up the litter in
the school yard, we can plant trees etc.) Elicit as
• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
many ideas as possible. Write notes on the board
repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
in English.
• Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Say
• Read the sentence. Remind pupils that we use an
a word from the box. Tell pupils to write the
infinitive verb after ‘want to’.
word in their notebooks. Repeat with the
other words.
• Pupils complete the sentence.
• Tell pupils to open their Activity Books and
• Pupils read each other’s sentences, and to check the spellings. Pupils check the
check spelling and grammar. spellings of each word in their notebooks.
• Choose some pupils to read their sentences
in front of the class. Homework 3
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
PB 4. Your turn. Make a poster. [8 mins] the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
review these words.
Aim: to make a poster about making a clean
Materials: chart paper (or notepaper), pens, coloured
pencils (if possible)

• Explain the activity. Pupils must make

a poster to persuade local people to make the

154 Unit 9: Environment

Lesson 3: A Clean Environment UNIT 9
End of Lesson 3 Checkpoints:

• Pupils can understand and use words related to

the environment (e.g. recycle).
• Pupils can understand the main points of a leaflet
about World Environment Day.
• Pupils can spell comparative adjectives correctly.
• Pupils can work together to make a poster about
making their environment clean.

Unit 9: Environment 155

UNIT 9 Lesson 4: Protect the Environment
Lesson overview
• Explain that each person will talk about an
Listening focus:        understand details of four
environmental problem in their country. Pupils
people from different countries talking about
environmental problems must listen and match each person with the
Writing focus:         complete a short text about
environmental problems in Sudan
• Play audio track 9.2. Pupils listen. In
Grammar:                     verb + infinitive: need to pairs, pupils discuss which person talked about
Function:                       expressing opinions which problem. Play audio track 9.2 again.
New language:         Bangladesh, wild
• Point to each picture and ask pupils to say
who the speaker is (Picture A = Mary; Picture B =
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 68 / Activity Book (AB) page 68 Tim; Picture C = Rubina; Picture D = Omar)

Starter activity [4 mins] • Point to each picture again and ask pupils to
say what the problems are. (Picture A = People
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see?
cut down the trees and there are not enough
Aim: to prepare for the topic of the lesson. forests for the animals; Picture B = There is too
much litter and rubbish; Picture C = There is too
• Point to each picture and ask questions. Elicit
much smoke from wood fires, and some people
different ideas. Pupils may use Arabic in this become ill; Picture D = There isn’t enough water
activity. and people have to walk a long way to collect
• Picture A. Ask: What can you see? What is
the problem for animals like elephants?
• Picture B. Ask: What can you see? Teach PB 3. Listen again. Say if the sentences are true or false.
[6 mins]
‘solar cooker’ and explain that it uses
energy from the sun. Ask: What do people Aim: to understand details of four people from different
use to cook food? What is the problem with countries talking about environmental problems.
using wood?
• Choose a pupil to read the first sentence.
• Picture C. Ask: What can you see? Why is Elicit the meaning. Tell pupils to wave their hands
this woman carrying water? in the air if they think it’s true; put their hands on
• Picture D. Ask: What can you see? What their heads if they think it’s false. Repeat with the
does ‘recycle’ mean? Why is it good to other sentences.
recycle things?
• Play audio track 9.2. Pupils listen.

PB 2. Listen. Match the pictures to the speakers. [7 • In pairs, they read the sentences and decide
mins] if they are true or false. They write T or F in their
Aim: to understand the main points of four people notebooks.
from different countries talking about environmental
problems. • Elicit the answers. If a sentence is false, ask
Materials: audio track 9.2 pupils to give the true answer.
Answers: A. F (They use wood to cook food), B. T, C. F
• Tell pupils they will listen to four people from (They don’t have enough water), D. T, E. T, F. G. F (People
different countries. Write the names and the need to recycle things more)
countries on the board: Rubina – Bangladesh;
Omar – Jordan; Mary – Kenya; Tim – New
AB A. Use the words in the box to complete the
Zealand. Check pupils understand the names of sentences. [5 mins]
the countries.
Aim: to read and find the meanings of words.

156 Unit 9: Environment

Lesson 4: Protect the Environment UNIT 9
• Read the words in the word box aloud. Pupils • Pupils complete the sentences. Walk around
repeat each word. Check pronunciation. Elicit the the room and help.
meaning of each word in Arabic.
• Pupils read each other’s sentences, and check
• Use the first sentence to explain the activity.
spelling and grammar.
Pupils must write one of the words from the box
in each gap.
• Choose some pupils to read their sentences in
front of the class.
• Pupils complete the sentences. They
check their answers together. Example answers:
We need to pick up litter / clean the rivers / recycle
• Choose pupils to read the completed because there is too much rubbish.
sentences. Pupils check their answers. We need to have more clean water because there is not
Answers: 1 = solar, 2 = smoke, 3 = breathe, 4 = protect, 5 enough clean water.
= collect, 6 = recycle
We need to use solar cookers because there is too much
smoke from fires.
AB B. Tick some of the problems in Sudan. [5 mins] We need to plant more trees because there are not
enough forests for animals.
Aim: to understand environmental problems in Sudan.

• Explain the activity. Pupils must read the Homework 1

phrases and decide if they are environmental Pupils can write or finish writing the sentences at home.
problems in Sudan.

• In pairs, pupils read the list. They tick the PB 4. Your turn. [5 mins]
phrases that they think are environmental
Aim: to talk about the environmental problems in Sudan
problems in Sudan. and we can do.

• Read each phrase and ask questions (e.g. • Read the question in the speech bubble (How
Is there too much rubbish in in Sudan?) Pupils can we protect the environment?) Elicit as many
give their opinions (e.g. I think there is too much ideas as possible. Write notes on the board in
rubbish in Sudan). Pupils may have different English (e.g. We can recycle our rubbish / plant
opinions (e.g. Sometimes there is not enough trees / clean the rivers / pick up litter / protect
water. Sometimes there is too much water, and animals / protect forests and national parks / use
there are floods). solar cookers).
• Ask pupils to say any other environmental
problems in Sudan (e.g. There are too many • In groups of four or five, pupils take turns to
droughts / floods; People hunt too many ask and answer the question. Walk around the
animals). Write their ideas on the board. room, listening and helping.

AB C. Write what you need to do to fix one of the Homework 2

problems in Activity B. [5 mins] Pupils talk to their families at home about some of the
Aim: to write sentences about environmental problems environmental problems in Sudan.
in Sudan.

• Write the sentence on the board: We need to

____ because ____. Elicit some examples for the
gaps (see below). Remind pupils that we use an
infinitive verb after ‘need to’ (e.g. clean, recycle).

Unit 9: Environment 157

UNIT 9 Lesson 4: Protect the Environment
Vocabulary box [3 mins]

• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils

repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.

• Pupils say the words together, and say

what they mean in Arabic.

Homework 3
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
review these words.

End of Lesson 4 Checkpoints:

• Pupils can understand details of four people from

different countries talking about environmental
• Pupils can understand and use more words
related to the environment (e.g. solar).
• Pupils can talk and write about the
environmental problems in Sudan and we need
to / can do.

158 Unit 9: Environment

Lesson 5: Forest Fires, Tornadoes and Sandstorms UNIT 9
Lesson overview repeat. Check pronunciation.
Reading focus:        understand the main points of Answers: 1 = D (strong wind), 2 = B (heavy rain), 3 = C
two texts about forest fires and tornadoes (white lightning), 4 = A (forest fire)
Writing focus:             write a paragraph about
sandstorms in Sudan
AB B. Complete the sentences with the words from
Grammar:                    question words Activity A. [4 mins]
Function:                       talking about a familiar topic Aim: to write and use weather words.
New language:     burn (down), cause (v), destroy, • Read the first sentence. Explain that pupils
fall down, frightened, last (v), lightning, tornado need to choose a pair of words from AB Activity
A for the gap. Elicit the words (heavy rain). Pupils
write the words in the gap.
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 69 / Activity Book (AB) page 69
• Repeat with sentences 2-4. Explain / review
the meanings of these words: frightened, burn,
destroyed, fell down.
Starter activity [4 mins]
Answers: 1. heavy rain, 2. white lightning, 3. forest fire,
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? 4. strong winds
Aim: to prepare for the topic of the lesson.

• Point to each picture and ask questions. Elicit PB 2. Read the texts. What are they about? [3 mins]
different ideas. Pupils may use Arabic in this
Aim: to read and follow two texts about forest fires and
• Picture A. Ask: What can you see? What tornadoes.
has happened? Teach the words ‘tornado’ • Read each text aloud. Pupils follow in their books.
and ‘damage’.
• Tell pupils to say what each text is about (1 =
• Picture B. Ask: What can you see? What forest fires; 2 = tornadoes). Elicit the meanings of
causes a forest fire? Teach the word ‘cause’. these phrases: last a long time / last for about ten
• Picture C. Ask: What can you see? What minutes.
happens during a sandstorm? Have you
ever seen a sandstorm? What happened?
Homework 1
• Picture D. Ask: What can you see? Teach Pupils read the texts again at home.
the word ‘lightning’.

PB 3. Read the texts again and answer these questions.

AB A. Match the words that go together. [3 mins] [5 mins]
Aim: to match weather words. Aim: to read and understand the main points of two
texts about forest fires and tornadoes.
• Explain that the words in the first column are
often used with the words in the second column. • Explain the activity. Pupils must read the
For example, we often say a ‘strong wind’ but not texts again. They must read first part of each
a ‘heavy wind’. Pupils must draw lines to match sentence and choose the correct ending: 1, 2 or
the words. 3.

• In pairs, pupils match the words. • Pupils read the texts again together. They
choose the best endings.
• Elicit the answers and the meaning of each
pair of words. Say each pair of words. Pupils • Read the beginning of each sentence and

Unit 9: Environment 159

UNIT 9 Lesson 5: Forest Fires, Tornadoes and Sandstorms
elicit the correct ending. Pupils check their the table and answer.
answers. Example answers:
Answers: A. 2, B. 1, C. 2, D. E. 1
Tornado Forest fire
PB 4. Your turn. What do you know about sandstorms? Where USA (and also USA, Aus- hot, dry
[5 mins] Asia e.g. tralia, des-
Bangla- Spain erts
Aim: to say what you know about sandstorms. desh, South (e.g.
America, Su-
• Explain the activity. Pupils will work in and other dan,
parts of the Iran,
groups. They must say what they know about
world) Chi-
sandstorms. They should say where they happen, na)
and what happens during a sandstorm. What hap- a strong wind sometimes strong
pens moves round light- winds
• In groups of three or four, pupils discuss and round very ning blow
where sandstorms happen, and what happens. quickly; lasts hits a sand;
about 10 min- tree and they
utes; damage starts move
• Ask questions: Where do sandstorms houses, build- a fire; fast
happen? What happens? How long do they ings, plants, can last and
last? Is it safe? What should people do? What trees. a long travel
shouldn’t they do? Help pupils to use as much time; many
burn kms;
English as possible. (See notes below) down dam-
lots of age
trees; hous-
Notes: sandstorms people es
leave and
Where: in dry, hot areas (deserts) e.g. North Africa, Iran, homes build-
Pakistan, China etc. and go ings;
What happens: strong winds blow sand. They move very some- peo-
fast, and can travel for many kilometres. It isn’t safe. where ple
They can damage houses and buildings. People should safe stay
stay inside. People should not use transport. in-
AB C. Complete the chart. [5 mins] use
Aim: to understand features of tornadoes, forest fires trans-
and sandstorms. port
AB D. Write about sandstorms in Sudan. [8 mins]
• Draw the chart on the board. Pupils must
Aim: to write a paragraph about sandstorms in Sudan.
complete the chart with notes about where each
type of weather happens, and what happens.
• Explain the activity. Pupils must write a
paragraph about sandstorms in Sudan. They must
• In groups of three or four, pupils complete as
write about where sandstorms happen, and what
much of the chart as they can. They can read the
happens. They should join the sentences together
texts in PB activity 2 again.
to make a paragraph.
• Elicit information and write notes in the
• Pupils write a short paragraph. They can use
chart. Encourage pupils to share what they know
the notes from the chart. Remind pupils to use
about the different types of weather.
capital letters and full stops. Walk around the
• When the chart is complete, choose different room and help.
pupils and ask questions (e.g. Where are forest
fires? What happens in a tornado?) Pupils look at • Pupils read each other’s paragraphs, and
160 Unit 9: Environment
Lesson 5: Forest Fires, Tornadoes and Sandstorms UNIT 9
check spelling and grammar.

• If there is time, choose pupils to read their


Homework 2
Pupils can write or finish writing their paragraphs at

Vocabulary box [3 mins]

• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils

repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Point to each word. Pupils say the word.
Check pronunciation.

Homework 3
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
review these words.

End of Lesson 5 Checkpoints:

• Pupils can understand, say and write weather

words (e.g. lightning).
• Pupils can read and understand the main points
of two texts about forest fires and tornadoes.
• Pupils can ask and answer questions about
tornadoes, forest fires and sandstorms.
• Pupils can write a paragraph about sandstorms in

Unit 9: Environment 161

UNIT 9 Lesson 6: Life Cycles
Lesson overview
• Tell pupils to say what they know about the
Listening focus:      understand sentences about the
life cycle of a frog. They may use Arabic.
life cycle of a frog
Speaking focus:            describe the life cycle of a frog or a
butterfly PB 4. Look at the picture. What can you see? [5 mins]
Grammar:                    adverbs of sequence (e.g. first,
then, finally etc.)
Aim: to listen and understand sentences about the life
Function:                       describing a sequence or process cycle of a frog.
New language:       lay (eggs), life cycle, lose, tadpole • Explain that pupils will learn about the life cycle
of a frog. Point to pictures and say:
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 70 / Activity Book (AB) page 70 This is a frog. (Picture of the frog)
The frog lays some eggs. (Picture of the eggs)
Starter activity [3 mins] The eggs become tadpoles. (Picture of the tadpole)
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? The tadpoles grow legs. (Picture of the tadpole with legs)
Aim: to review the names of common animals. The tadpoles lose their tails. (Picture of the young frog)
They become frogs. Now they can lay eggs. (Picture of
• Tell pupils to look at the pictures silently. the adult frog again)
After 15 seconds, tell pupils to close their Pupil’s
Books. • Say the sentences in a different order (e.g. The
tadpoles grow legs). Pupils point to the correct
• In pairs, pupils say the animals they can
remember. • Point to the pictures. Help pupils to say the
• Tell pupils to open their books. Point to each
animal and elicit the name.
AB A. Put these sentences in the correct order. [4 mins]
Aim: to read and understand sentences about the life
PB 2. Read the text. What is it about? [3 mins] cycle of a frog.

Aim: to prepare for the topic of the lesson. • Explain that the sentences describe the life
• Read the text aloud. Pupils follow in their books. cycle of a frog. Explain that they are in the wrong
order. Pupils must read them and put them in the
• Explain that this lesson is about ‘life cycles’. Elicit correct order.
the meaning in Arabic.
• Pupils read the sentences together. They
write numbers 1-4 next to each sentence.
PB 3. Answer the questions. [4 mins]
Aim: to read and understand a short text about life • Ask: What’s the first / second / next
cycles. sentence? Choose pupils to read the sentences in
• Read the text aloud again. Pupils follow in their
books. Answers: The correct order is: 3, 2, 1, 4

• Read each question aloud. Elicit the answers. (A =

a beginning and end to an animal’s life; B = every AB B. Complete the text with the words from the box.
living thing on earth; C = from a few hours to [5 mins]
hundreds of years). Aim: to understand and use adverbs of sequence.

162 Unit 9: Environment

Lesson 6: Life Cycles UNIT 9
asking questions about the life cycle (e.g. Then
• Tell pupils that the text describes the life what happens?) Choose pupils to answer.
cycle of a frog. Pupils must read the text and
complete it with words from the box. • In groups of three or four, pupils choose
the picture of the life cycle of the frog or the
• Pupils read and complete the text. They butterfly. They take turns to look at the picture
compare their answers. and describe the life cycle of a frog or a butterfly.
Walk around the room, listening and helping.
• Elicit the answers. Encourage pupils to use words like ‘first’, ‘then’,
Answers: 1. First, 2. Then, 3. After, 4. Finally ‘after a few weeks’ and ‘finally’.

Homework 1 Homework 2

Pupils read the text again at home. Pupils tell their families about the life cycle of a frog or a
butterfly. They use as much English as possible.

AB C. Label the picture. [5 mins]

Aim: to read and understand sentences about the life Vocabulary box [3 mins]
cycle of a butterfly.
• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
• Tell pupils that the picture shows repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
four stages of the life cycle of a butterfly. Each
sentence describes one of the stages. Pupils must • Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Say
match a sentence with each stage on the picture. each word. Ask pupils to spell it. Write the
word on the board.
• Pupils read the sentences together and draw Homework 3
lines to match each sentence with a stage of the Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
life cycle in the picture. the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
review these words.
• Point to each stage in the picture. Choose a
pupil to read the matching sentence.
End of Lesson 6 Checkpoints:
Answers: Picture of a butterfly (sentence 1), Picture of
a leaf (sentence 2), Picture of a caterpillar (sentence 4), • Pupils can read and understand a short text
Picture of a pupa (sentence 3) about life cycles.
• Pupils can read and understand sentences about
the life cycle of a frog and a butterfly.
Look! [3 mins] • Pupils can understand and use adverbs of
• Read each word / phrase aloud. Pupils sequence (e.g. first, then etc.)
repeat. Check pronunciation. Elicit the • Pupils can describe the life cycle of a frog or a
meanings of each word / phrase. butterfly.

• Explain that we can use these words

when we describe a sequence or an order.
PB 5. Your turn. [5 mins]
Aim: to describe the life cycle of a frog or a butterfly.

• Point to the picture of the life cycle of the

frog. Ask: What happens first? Help pupils to
answer (The frog lays some eggs). Continue
Unit 9: Environment 163
UNIT 9 Lesson 7: Animals in Danger
Lesson overview PB 3. Make sentences about the text. [5 mins]
Reading focus:       understand details of a text Aim: to read and understand the main points of a text
about animals in danger about animals in danger.
Speaking focus:        say what we need to do to save
animals in danger • Explain the activity. Pupils must read and
finish eat sentence.
Grammar:                     verb + infinitive: need to
Function:                       expressing opinions • Pupils work together to say the end of each
New language:            (in) danger, gazelle, horn, panda sentence. They write the sentences in their

Pupil’s Book (PB) page 71 / Activity Book (AB) page 71 • Choose pupils to say completed sentences.
Answers: A. Lots of animals are in danger. B. People hunt
white rhinos for their horns. C. They hunt gazelles for
Starter activity [3 mins] their meat. D. Pandas are losing their homes and their
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see?
Aim: to prepare for the topic of the lesson.
AB A. Match the beginning of each sentence to the
• Elicit the name of each animal. Write the names correct ending. [5 mins]
on the board: white rhino, lion, slender-horned Aim: to read and understand sentences about the text.
gazelle. Teach the word ‘horn’.
• Ask: What is the connection between these • Read the first beginning of the sentence
(Animals are in danger). Elicit the ending (around
animals? Pupils may answer in Arabic. the world). Explain the activity. Pupils must
Explain that the animals in the pictures are all in match the sentence beginnings and the endings.
danger. Explain the meaning of ‘in danger’.
• Pupils draw lines to match the beginnings
and endings of the sentences. They check
PB 2. Read the text. What is about? [5 mins]
their answers together.
Aim: to read and follow a text about animals in danger.

• Read the text aloud. Pupils follow in their books. • Read each sentence beginning aloud and
Ask pupils to say what animals the text is about elicit the endings.
(pandas, white rhinos and the slender-horned Answers: 1. E, 2. C, 3. F, 4.A, 5. D, 6.B
• Read the text aloud again. Ask questions: Where AB B. Complete the first two rows of the chart. [7 mins]
is the panda from? (China) Where are the white
Aim: to read and understand details of a text about
rhino and slender-horned gazelle from? (Africa) animals in danger.
• Tell pupils to say why each of three animals is in
danger (pandas = people are cutting down the • Draw the empty chart on the board. Explain
forests; white rhino = people hunting them for that the chart is about three animals (the panda,
horns; slender-horned gazelle = people hunting the slender-horned gazelle, the white rhino).
them for meat) Explain the activity. Pupils must write notes
about each animal: where it lives and why it is in
danger. They can find information in the text in
Homework 1 PB Activity 2.
Pupils read the text again at home.
• Pupils complete the chart together.

164 Unit 9: Environment

Lesson 7: Animals in Danger UNIT 9
• Read the text in the second speech bubble (To
• Elicit answers. Write notes in the chart on save these animals we need to…). Elicit some
the board. examples (… protect the forests, stop hunting).
Answers: Remind pupils that we use an infinitive verb after
‘need to’.
Panda Gazelle White
Rhino • In pairs, pupils say complete sentences. Walk
Where China Africa Africa around the room, listening and helping.
it live?
Vocabulary box [5 mins]
Why is People cut- People hunt People hunt
it in ting down them for them • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
dan- forests meat for their repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
ger? where horns,
they live; they • Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Say
losing sell the a word from the box. Tell pupils to write the
their horns for word in their notebooks. Repeat with the
homes lots of
and their money other words.
• Tell pupils to open their Activity Books and
Homework 2
to check the spellings. Pupils check the
Pupils tell their families what they have learned about spellings of each word in their notebooks.
animals in danger.
Homework 3
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
AB C. Complete the sentences with the phrases in the the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
box. [5 mins] review these words.
Aim: to write sentences saying what we need to do to
save animals in danger.
End of Lesson 7 Checkpoints:

• Explain the activity. Pupils must complete • Pupils can read and understand details of a text
each sentence with phrases from the box. about animals in danger.
• Pupils can write sentences saying what we need
• Pupils complete the sentences.
to do to save animals in danger.
• Choose pupils to read the completed • Pupils can say what we need to do to save
sentences. animals in danger.
Answers: 1. protect the forests, 2. stop hunting them for
their horns, 3. stop hunting them for meat

PB 4. Your turn. [5 mins]

Aim: to say what we need to do to save animals in

• Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Read

the text in the first speech bubble (Some animals
are in danger because…). Elicit some examples (…
people hunt them, people cut down forests, they
lose their homes and their food).

Unit 9: Environment 165

UNIT 9 Lesson 8: Revision: The World
Lesson overview mins]
Reading focus:        understand the main points of a Aim: to review words about weather.
text about the dangers of the natural world
Listening focus:            understand sentences about the • Explain the activity. Pupils must find the
water cycle word for each picture in the box, and write it
Grammar:                      (1) too (much), (not) enough, (2) under the picture.
superlative adjectives, (3) adverbs of sequence
• Pupils find and write the words. They
Function:                       (1) making comparisons, (2)
describing a sequence or process check their answers together.

New language:           Antarctica, gas, natural, storm • Elicit the word for each picture. Check
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 72 / Activity Book (AB) page 72 Answers: 1. tornado, 2. forest fire, 3. sandstorm, 4.
lightning, 5. flood, 6. drought

Starter activity [3 mins]

AB B. Choose the correct word to complete each
PB 1. Read the text. What is the best title? sentence. [5 mins]

Aim: to read and follow a text about the dangers of the Aim: to review too / enough.
natural world.
• Explain the activity. Pupils must read each
• Read titles A and B. Elicit / teach the meanings. sentence, then choose one of the words or
• Read the text aloud. Pupils follow in their books. phrases.

• Tell pupils to say the best title (B – The danger of • Pupils read the sentences and draw circles
to choose the correct word. They check their
answers together.
Homework 1
Pupils read the text again at home. • Choose different pupils to read the
sentences. Check pronunciation. Elicit the
meanings in Arabic.
PB 2. Read the text again and answer these questions. Answers: 1. too much, 2. is too dry, 3. is, 4. isn’t enough
[5 mins]
Aim: to read and understand the main points of a text
about the dangers of the natural world. AB C. Use the words from the box to complete the
sentences. [5 mins]
• Read each question aloud. Elicit what the Aim: to review superlative adjectives.
questions mean in Arabic.
• Read the example sentence aloud. Elicit the
• Pupils read the text again together. They meaning in Arabic. Explain the activity. Pupils
read the questions and answer them orally must choose an adjective from the box for each
together. sentence, and write it in the superlative form in
the box (e.g. hottest). Teach the word ‘Antarctica’.
• Read each question and elicit the answers.
Answers: A. Floods, drought and storms. B. Hunting, • Pupils work together to complete the
cutting down trees, making the rivers and air dirty. 3. C. sentences with superlative adjectives.
There is only one world for us and all the other animals.
• Choose pupils to read the completed
sentences. Write the adjectives on the board.
AB A. Match the words in the box to the pictures. [4
Pupils check the spellings.

166 Unit 9: Environment

Lesson 8: Revision: The World UNIT 9
Answers: 1. hottest, 2. longest, 3. highest, 4. coldest, 5. describe the water cycle. Walk around the room,
biggest, 6. fastest, 7. driest listening and helping. Encourage pupils to use
words like ‘first’, ‘then’ and ‘finally’.
PB 3. Look at the picture. What’s happening? [5 mins]
Homework 2

Aim: to listen and understand sentences about the water Pupils tell their families what they have learned about the
cycle. water cycle.

• Explain that the picture shows the water cycle.

Elicit the meaning in Arabic. Can do box [3 mins]
• Point to parts of the picture and say:
• Read the sentences aloud. Elicit the
This is the sea or a river. (Point to ‘sea and rivers’)
meanings in Arabic.
The sun heats the water, and the water becomes gas.
(Point to ‘a type of gas’) • Pupils read each sentence and decide if
The gas goes into the sky and becomes clouds. The clouds they can do this in English. If they can, they
start to rain. (Point to ‘clouds’) draw a tick [ ]. If they are not sure, they
The rain falls from the sky into seas and rivers. (Point to review lessons in Unit 9 again.

• Say the sentences in a different order (e.g. The Homework 3

rain falls from the sky into seas and rivers). Pupils
point to the correct part of the picture. Pupils look again at lessons they would like to review.

AB D. Read and write. [4 mins] End of Lesson 8 Checkpoints:

Aim: to review adverbs of sequence. • Pupils can understand, write and say words
related to the environment and weather.
• Tell pupils that the text describes the water • Pupils can read and understand the main points
cycle. Pupils must read the text and complete it of a text about the dangers of the natural world.
with words from the box.
• Pupils can use adverbs of sequence (e.g. first of
• Pupils read and complete the text. They all) to describe a cycle (e.g. the water cycle).
compare their answers. • Pupils can write superlative adjectives (e.g.
biggest) correctly.
• Elicit the answers.
Answers: 1. First, 2., 3., 4. Finally

PB 4. Your turn. [6 mins]

Aim: to describe the water cycle.

• Point to the picture in PB Activity 3. Ask:

What happens first? Help pupils to answer
(First, the sun heats the water). Continue asking
questions about the water cycle: Then what
happens? (Then the water becomes gas). Choose
pupils to answer.

• Pupils take turns to look at the picture and

Unit 9: Environment 167
UNIT 9 Unit 9 : Audioscripts
Unit 9 Audioscripts

Audio track 9.1

Miss Khadija: Hello everyone. I want to tell you about the
drought of 1984 and how it was for me, a 12 year-old
child. It was a very frightening time. There was not
enough water for cooking and drinking. We had to be
very careful.
Reimaz: Why wasn’t there enough water?
Miss Khadija: Sometimes there is too much rain and we
have floods, but in 1984 there wasn’t any rain for many
Sara: Where did you get your water from?
Miss Khadija: There was one well in the village.
Reimaz: Did you have enough food?
Miss Khadija: Yes, my family were lucky and we had
enough food, but many families didn’t have enough.

Audio track 9.2

I’m Rubina and I’m from Bangladesh. One of the biggest
problems in my country is too much smoke. Many
women use wood to cook food. The smoke can make it
difficult to breathe and a lot of people become ill.

I’m Omar and I’m from Jordan. My country is very hot and
some people don’t have enough water. Some families
have to walk a long way to collect clean water.

I’m Mary and I’m from Kenya. In Kenya we have lots of

animals like elephants and giraffes. People have cut
many of the trees in the forests. We need to protect
the environment because there is not enough forests
for the animals to live in.

I’m Tim and I’m from New Zealand. We have too much
litter and rubbish and need to recycle things more.

168 Unit 9: Environment

Lesson 1: Hand Washing UNIT 10
Lesson overview
• Pupils read the text again together. They
Reading focus:        understand the main points of a
read the questions and answer them orally to-
short text about hand washing
Writing focus:             make a poster for young people
about personal hygiene
• Read each question and elicit the answers.
Grammar:                    conjunctions: before, after, when
Answers: A. It helps you to stay healthy. B. After you
Function:                       giving advice go to the toilet, before you eat, when they are dirty. C.
When bacteria go from your hands and to your mouth.
New language:          bacteria, hygiene, illness, the
(runs), simple

Look! [3 mins]
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 73 / Activity Book (AB) page 73
• Read each sentence aloud. Pupils repeat.
Check pronunciation. Elicit the meanings of
Starter activity [3 mins] each sentence.
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see?
• Explain that we use the words before,
Aim: to prepare for the topic of hand washing. after, when to say when something happens.
• Point to the poster. Tell pupils to say what they
can see.
• Ask questions: What is the poster about? Why is AB A. Match the words with the definitions. [5 mins]
it important to wash your hands? When should
you wash your hands? Pupils give ideas. Don’t Aim: to read and find the meanings of words.

give the answers. Pupils may use Arabic. • Read words 1-4 aloud. Pupils repeat each
word. Check pronunciation. Elicit the meaning of
each word in Arabic.
PB 2. Read the text. What is it about? [4 mins]
Aim: to read and follow a short text about hand washing. • Explain the activity. Pupils must match each word
with one of the definitions (A-D).
• Read the text aloud. Pupils follow in their books.
• Tell pupils to say what it is about (the importance • Pupils draw lines to match the words and
of hand washing). definitions. They check their answers togeth-
• Have pupils to guess the meaning of these words: er.
simple, bacteria, the runs.
• Read each word and elicit the answers. Elicit
the meaning of the word ‘illness’.
Homework 1 Answers: 1. A, 2. C, 3. B, 4. D
Pupils read the text again at home.

Homework 2
PB 3. Read the text again and answer the questions. [5 Pupils review the meanings and spellings of the words in
mins] the box.
Aim: to read and understand the main points of a short
text about hand washing.
AB B. Tick [√] the answers. [5 mins]
• Choose different pupils to read each ques- Aim: to understand sentences about when we should
tion aloud. Elicit what the questions mean in wash our hands.

Unit 10: Stay Healthy 169

UNIT 10 Lesson 1: Hand Washing
• Read the question aloud (When should you • In groups of three or four, pupils design and
wash your hands?). Explain the activity. Pupils make a poster. They can draw pictures on the
must read the list and tick the times when people poster. Walk around the room and help.
should wash their hands.
• Choose groups to show and read their
• Pupils read the list and tick the times. posters in front of the class. If possible, stick the
posters on the board or around the classroom for
• Read each time (e.g. before you eat), and tell pupils to look at.
pupils to raise their hands if they think people
should wash their hands at this time. Repeat with
the other times on the list.
Vocabulary box [3 mins]
• Explain that people can wash their hands at any
of these times, but it is not necessary after you • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
have a bath, and before every lesson. repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Say
each word. Tell pupils to spell it. Write the
PB 4. Your turn. [4 mins]
word on the board.
Aim: to say when we should wash our hands.
Homework 3
• Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Ask Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
pupils to remember when we should wash our the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
review these words.
hands (e.g. you should wash your hands before
you eat / when you get up). Remind pupils that
we use ‘should’ + an infinitive verb to give advice. End of Lesson 1 Checkpoints:

• In pairs, pupils take turns to say when people • Pupils can read and understand the main points
should wash their hands. Walk around the room, of a short text about hand washing.
listening and helping. • Pupils can understand sentences about when we
should wash our hands.
AB C. Group work. Make a poster about personal hy- • Pupils can say when we should wash our hands.
giene. [8 mins]
• Pupils can work together and make a poster for
Aim: to make a poster for young people about personal
young people about personal hygiene.
Materials: chart paper (or notepaper), pens, coloured
pencils (if possible)

• Ask: What can young people do to stay

clean and healthy? Write pupils’ ideas on the
board (e.g. wash your hands before you eat,
wash your body every day, brush your teeth in
the morning etc.)
• Explain the activity. Pupils must make a poster in
groups. The poster must give information about
what young people can do to stay clean and
• Explain that the poster should have a title and
text that is easy to read. It should be attractive to
young people.

170 Unit 10: Stay Healthy

Lesson 2: A Healthy Life UNIT 10
Lesson overview Homework 1
Listening focus:        understand details of a boy Pupils write some sentences using the information in the
talking about what he does to stay healthy chart (e.g. You should drink lots of water / You shouldn’t
eat junk food).
Speaking focus:            ask and answer questions about
eating habits and routines
Grammar:                      adverbs of frequency PB 2. Listen to Amien. What does he usually do? [6
Function:                       giving advice
Aim: to understand the main points of a boy talking
New language:              hardly ever about what he does to stay healthy.
Materials: audio track 10.1
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 74 / Activity Book (AB) page 74
• Choose pupils to read the phrases. Elicit the
meanings in Arabic. Explain the activity. Pupils
Starter activity [3 mins]
will listen to Amien talking about what he does
to stay healthy. They must decide which part of
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? each phrase is true (e.g. does he usually get up
Aim: to prepare for the topic of the lesson. early or late?)

• Point to each picture. Elicit what each child is • Play audio track 10.1. Pupils read the
doing. Pupils should use the present continuous phrases and discuss the answers.
(e.g. The boys are doing some exercise, the girl is
eating junk food and drinking a fizzy drink etc.)
• If necessary, play the audio track again.
• Point to each picture again. For each picture, tell Pupils discuss the answers again.
pupils to wave their hands in the air if it shows
a healthy activity; or to put their hands on their • Elicit the answers. Encourage pupils to use
heads if it shows an unhealthy activity. the third person verbs (e.g. gets, eats, drinks etc.)
Answers: A. He gets up early. B. He eats a healthy break-
fast. C. He drinks lots of water. D. He watches TV or reads
AB A. Complete the chart. [5 mins] a book. E. He goes to bed early.
Aim: to understand healthy / unhealthy activities.

PB 3. Listen again. Use the words in the box to talk

• Explain the activity. Pupils must read about Amien. [6 mins]
the phrases in the box. If the phrase describes
something that is healthy, they write the phrase Aim: to understand details of a boy talking about what
he does to stay healthy.
in the ‘you should’ column; if it describes some-
thing that is less healthy, they write it in the ‘you Materials: audio track 10.1
shouldn’t’ column.
• Read the adverbs aloud. Elicit the meanings.
• Pupils complete the chart. They check Explain the activity. Pupils will listen to Amien
their answers together. again. They must listen to see what Amien al-
ways, often, sometimes, usually, hardly ever and
• Choose pupils to read the phrases in the ‘you never does.
should’ column, then choose others to read the
phrases in the ‘you shouldn’t’ column. • Play audio track 10.1. Pupils can make notes
in their notebooks.
Answers: You should: drink lots of water, eat fruit and
vegetables, do lots of exercise.
• Pupils discuss what Amien always, often,
You shouldn’t: eat junk food, go to bed late, watch too
sometimes etc. does (e.g. Amien usually gets up
much TV.
early). If necessary, play the audio track again.

Unit 10: Stay Healthy 171

UNIT 10 Lesson 2: A Healthy Life
• Read the questions aloud. Pupils repeat. Check
• Ask: What does Amien always do? Choose a pronunciation. Elicit the meaning of each question
pair to answer (He always eats a healthy break- in Arabic.
fast). Continue with the other adverbs (What
does Amien often / sometimes / usually / hardly Answers: 1. When do you usually get up in the morning?
2. Do you eat a healthy breakfast? 3. Do you ever eat junk
ever / never do?) food? 4. How often do you watch TV? 5. What time do you
Answers: go to bed?

always – eats a healthy breakfast

often – does exercise / plays basketball with his friends Homework 2

sometimes – eats some fruit / watches something inter- Pupils practise saying the questions at home. They try to
esting on TV / reads a nice book improve their pronunciation and intonation.

usually – gets up early / drinks six or seven glasses of

water every day PB 4. Your turn. [5 mins]
hardly ever – eats junk food / goes to bed late Aim: to practise asking and answering questions about
never – plays computer games eating habits and routines.

• Ask questions 1-5 from AB activity C. After

AB B. Complete the sentences. [5 mins] each question, elicit some answers. Help pupils to
Aim: to write sentences about Amien’s habits and rou- answer in English. You can write examples on the
tines using adverbs of frequency. board.

• Explain the activity. Pupils must complete • Pupils take turns to ask and answer the ques-
the sentences with the words in the box. The tions from AB activity C. Walk around the room,
sentences should be true. Read the first sentence listening and helping.
and elicit the word (always).
• If there is time, choose pairs to ask and an-
• Pupils complete the sentences. They swer the questions in front of the class.
check their answers together.
AB D. Write. [5 mins]
• Choose different pupils to read the complet-
ed sentences. Pupils check their answers. Aim: to write some sentences about your habits and rou-
tines using adverbs of frequency.
Answers: 1. always, 2. usually, 3. hardly ever, 4. often, 5.
sometimes, 6. never
• Write the sentences on the board. Elicit some
examples for the gaps (see below).
AB C. Make questions. [5 mins]
• Pupils complete the sentences. Remind them
Aim: to practise the correct word order for questions.
to write true sentences about themselves. Walk
around the room and help.
• Use the example to explain the activity.
Pupils must put the words in the correct order to
• Pupils read each other’s sentences, and check
make a question.
spelling and grammar.
• Pupils write the questions with words in
• If there is time, choose some pupils to read
the correct order. They check their answers their sentences in front of the class.
together. Example answers: I always get up early. I sometimes play
football with my friends. I hardly ever eat junk food. I nev-
• Choose different pupils to read the questions er watch too much TV.
aloud. Pupils check their answers.

172 Unit 10: Stay Healthy

Lesson 2: A Healthy Life UNIT 10
Homework 3
Pupils can write or finish writing the sentences at home.

End of Lesson 2 Checkpoints:

• Pupils can understand details of a boy talking

about what he does to stay healthy.
• Pupils can ask and answer questions about eating
habits and routines.
• Pupils can write sentences about habits and rou-
tines using adverbs of frequency.

Unit 10: Stay Healthy 173

UNIT 10 Lesson 3: Healthy Food
Lesson overview Homework 1
Reading focus: understand the main points of a Pupils read the text again at home.
short text about a good diet
Speaking focus:        ask and answer questions about
the food you have at home
Look! [3 mins]
Grammar:                      (1) countable and uncountable
nouns, (2) expressions of quantity: many, much, lots • Read each question and sentence aloud.
of, some Pupils repeat. Check pronunciation. Elicit the
Function:                     talking about quantity meanings of each question and sentence.
New language:          canned, diet, frozen, grown
• Explain that we use ‘many’ with
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 75 / Activity Book (AB) page 75 countable nouns (e.g. eggs); and that we use
‘much’ with uncountable nouns (e.g. sugar).
Starter activity [3 mins] Explain that we usually use ‘much’ and
PB 1. Look at the picture. What can you see? ‘many’ in questions and negative sentences.
Aim: to prepare for the topic of the lesson.
• Explain that we usually use ‘lots of’ and
• Tell pupils to look at the picture for 15 seconds. ‘some’ in positive sentences. We can use
After 15 seconds, tell them to close their Pupil’s them with both countable and uncountable
Books. nouns.
• Ask: What’s in the basket? Teach these words: AB A. Complete the chart. [5 mins]
frozen chicken, canned soup. Aim: to identify countable / uncountable nouns.
• Tell pupils to open their Pupil’s Books again.
• Choose pupils to read the food words in the
box. Elicit the meanings.
PB 2. Look at the picture. Answer the questions. [3
mins] • Explain that we can count some of these
things (e.g. crisps), but we can’t count others
Aim: to understand more about food that is healthy / (e.g. milk). Pupils must write the names of each
less healthy.
food / drink in the correct column.
• Read each question aloud. Encourage pupils to
give different answers (e.g. fresh fruit juice is • Pupils write the food / drink words in the
healthy, but some fruit juice has a lot of sugar
chart. They check their answers together.
and then it isn’t healthy etc.) Pupils may use
Arabic. • Elicit the answers.
Answers (pupils may give different answers): A. bread, Answers:
fish, bananas, eggs, carrots, B. the chicken is frozen, C.
the soup is canned, D. all the food is healthy except the You can count: crisps, bananas, carrots, eggs, onions
chocolate (and maybe the juice), 4. the chocolate (and You can’t count: milk, bread, chocolate, fruit juice, soup
maybe the juice) are less healthy
Homework 2
Pupils add more food and drink words to each column
PB 3. Read the text. What is it about? [3 mins] of the chart (e.g. you can count: mangoes, pineapples,
eggplants etc. / you can’t count: sugar, flour, porridge,
Aim: to read and follow a text about a good diet. yoghurt, meat etc.).
• Read the text aloud. Pupils follow in their books.
AB B. Choose the correct word. [5 mins]
• Tell pupils to say what it is about (a good diet). Aim: to practise using quantifiers (much, many, lots of,
Elicit the meaning of ‘a good diet’. some) correctly.

174 Unit 10: Stay Healthy

Lesson 3: Healthy Food UNIT 10
Example answers: In my home we have lots of fresh veg-
• Read question 1 aloud. Elicit the answer and etables, lots of fresh fruit and some canned food.
the reason why (much, because we can’t count
In my home we don’t have junk food and fizzy drinks.
chocolate). Tell pupils to draw a circle around the
word ‘much’.
PB 4. Your turn. [5 mins]
• Pupils read the sentences and draw a circle
Aim: to practise asking and answering questions about
around the correct word. the food you have at home.

• Elicit the answers. Tell pupils to give the rea- • Choose pupils. Ask questions and help them
son for each answer. to answer: Do you have any fresh vegetables at
Answers: 1. much (question, uncountable), 2. lots of home? (Yes, we have lots of fresh vegetables. We
(positive sentence), 3. many (question, countable), 4. have onions and carrots.) Do you have any junk
many (negative sentence, countable), 5. some (positive food at home? (Yes, we have some junk food. We
have crisps.)

AB C. Read the text. Answer these questions with short • In pairs, pupils take turns to ask each other
answers. [5 mins] questions about the food they have at home.
Aim: to read and understand the main points of a text
They can use the questions in AB activity D. Walk
about a good diet. around the room, listening and helping.

Vocabulary box [3 mins]

• Pupils read the text again together. They
read the questions and write short answers.
• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Read each question and elicit the answers.
Answers: 1. To stay healthy, 2. Yes, it is, 3. Fresh food • Pupils say the words together, and say
(e.g. eggs, fruit and vegetables), 4. , 5. Fresh food, 6. what they mean in Arabic.
Crisps, sweets, chocolate, 7. No, only sometimes.
Homework 3
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
AB D. Think about food in your home and write. [5 the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
mins] review these words.
Aim: to write sentences about the type of food you have
at home.
End of Lesson 3 Checkpoints:
• Tell pupils you will ask some questions. If the • Pupils can say and write the names of common
answer is yes, they must wave their hands in the items of food and drink.
air; if the answer is no, they must put their hands
on their heads. • Pupils can use quantifiers much, many, lots of,
some correctly with countable / uncountable
• Ask questions (Do you have any fresh vegetables nouns.
in your home? Etc.) Pupils wave their hands or
put their hands on their heads. • Pupils can read and understand the main points
of a text about a good diet.
• Explain the activity. Pupils must complete the
sentences with the type of food and drink they • Pupils can write and talk about the food they
have at home, and don’t have at home. have at home.

• Pupils complete the sentences.

• Choose pupils to read their sentences in

front of the class.
Unit 10: Stay Healthy 175
UNIT 10 Lesson 4: A Visit to the Doctor
Lesson overview
• Tell pupils they will listen to a conversation
Listening focus:  understand details of a conversation
between Fadia and another person. Read the
between a girl and a doctor
questions. Elicit the meanings in Arabic. Tell
Speaking focus:            act out a conversation at the pupils they must listen and find the answers to
doctor’s these questions.
Grammar:                      modal verb + infinitive: should
Function:                       giving advice • Play audio track 10.2. Pupils read the
questions and discuss the answers.
New language:   cough, headache, stomachache, tongue,
• Read the questions. Choose pupils to answer.
Answers: A. She is at the doctor’s. B. She’s got a cough.
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 76 / Activity Book (AB) page 76 C. She should take some medicine.

AB B. Listen again. Put these events in order. [5 mins]

Starter activity [3 mins]
PB 1. Look at the pictures. Match the problems to the
pictures (A-D). Aim: to understand details of a conversation between a
girl and a doctor.
Aim: to learn the names of common health problems.
Materials: audio track 10.2
• Point to Picture A and say: She’s got a stomach
ache. Tell pupils to point to the word. • Explain that the doctor asks Fadia different
things. Read the phrases. Teach / elicit the mean-
• Repeat with Pictures B-D (B = He’s got a tooth- ings.
ache, C = He’s got a cough, D = She’s got a head-
ache). • Point to number 1 in the box. Explain that this is
the first thing the doctor asks. Pupils must listen
• Point to each picture and say the sentences and decide what she asks second, third etc.
again. Pupils repeat. Check pronunciation.
• Play audio track 10.2. Pupils listen and write
numbers in the boxes next to each phrase. Play
AB A. Complete the sentences with words from Pupil’
Book Activity 1. [5 mins] the audio track again for pupils to check.

Aim: to understand and write the names of common • Ask: What does the doctor ask first? What does
health problems. she ask next? Etc. Pupils read the phrases.
Answers: 1. what the problem is, 2. to stand up, 3. to
• Explain the activity. Pupils must write one of breathe in, 4. to show her tongue, 5. how often she exer-
the words from PB activity 1 in each gap. cises, 6. how much junk food she eats

• Pupils read and complete the sentences.

AB C. Choose the best advice. [5 mins]
• Elicit the word for each gap. Check pronunci- Aim: to read and understand sentences giving advice to
ation. people with health problems.
Answers: 1. toothache, 2. stomach ache, 3. headache, 4.
cough • Read the first health problem aloud (I’ve got
a headache). Explain that there are two pieces of
advice. Elicit the best advice for this problem (You
PB 2. Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions. should take some medicine).
[5 mins]
Aim: to understand the main points of a conversation • Pupils read the health problems and choose
between a girl and a doctor. the best advice. They draw a circle around ‘A’ or
Materials: audio track 10.2

176 Unit 10: Stay Healthy

Lesson 4: A Visit to the Doctor UNIT 10
imagine that they are ill. Ask: What’s the prob-
• Read each health problem. Choose a pupil to lem? The pupil answers (e.g. I’ve got a tooth-
read the best advice. ache). Give some advice (e.g. You should go to
Answers: 1 = A, 2 = B, 3 = A, 4 = B the dentist. And you should clean your teeth
every day).

Homework 1 • Choose another pupil. Pupil 1 is the doctor and

asks: What’s the matter?; Pupil 2 answers (I’ve
Pupils practise reading the sentences aloud. They try to got a ….); Pupil 1 gives advice (You should …)
improve their pronunciation and intonation.

• In pairs, pupils take turns to play a doctor

PB 3. Work in pairs and give advice. [5 mins] and patient. Walk around the room, listening and
Aim: to practise giving advice for common health prob-
• If there is time, choose pairs to perform their
• Read the phrases in the word box. Elicit the role plays in front of the class.
meanings. Vocabulary box [5 mins]
• Explain that the pupils in the picture have prob-
lems. Read the first problem (I’ve got a head- • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
ache). Elicit the best advice (stay away from the repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
sun). Help a pupil to say the advice: You should • Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Say
stay away from the sun. a word from the box. Ask pupils to write the
word in their notebooks. Repeat with the
• In pairs, pupils read the problems and other words.
choose the best advice. They say the advice for
each problem. • Tell pupils to open their Activity Books and
to check the spellings. Pupils check the
• Choose a pair. Pupil 1 reads the health prob- spellings of each word in their notebooks.
lem, Pupil 2 gives the advice.
Homework 3
Answers: I’ve got a headache. You should stay away from
the sun. (or You should go to bed early). Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
I’ve got a bad cough. You should go to bed early. review these words.
I’ve got a toothache. You should clean your teeth.
I’ve for a stomach ache. You should eat your food slowly. End of Lesson 4 Checkpoints:

• Pupils can understand and say the names of com-

Homework 2 mon health problems.
Pupils can write sentences giving advice about staying • Pupils can understand details of a conversation
healthy in their notebooks (e.g. You should eat lots of between a girl and a doctor.
fruit and vegetables).
• Pupils can describe a health problem and give
PB 4. Your turn. Work in groups and role play a visit to
the doctor. [7 mins]
Aim: to act out a conversation at the doctor’s.

• Write on the board: What’s the problem?

• Choose a pupil to come to the front of the class.
Tell the pupil that you are a doctor. Tell them to

Unit 10: Stay Healthy 177

UNIT 10 Lesson 5: First Aid
Lesson overview Aim: to understand the main points of a text with in-
structions for stopping a nosebleed.
Reading focus:           understand a text with instruc-
tions for stopping a nosebleed
• Explain that the pictures show what to do
Speaking focus: say what to do when somebody is cut when you have a nosebleed. Explain that they
Grammar:                    adverbs of sequence (e.g. first, are in the wrong order. Pupils must read the text
after that, next, finally) again and decide the correct order.
Function:                       describing a sequence or process
• Pupils read the text together. They decide
New language:     bleed, cream, fall over, first aid,
the order of the pictures.
ice, nosebleed

• Ask pupils to say the letters of the pictures in

Pupil’s Book (PB) page 77 / Activity Book (AB) page 77 the correct order (B, D, A, C).

AB A. Match the words to the pictures. [5 mins]

Starter activity [3 mins]
Aim: to begin to understand compound nouns.
Aim: to preview the topic of first aid.

• Write ‘first aid’ on the board and explain what it • Write the word ‘nosebleed’ on the board.
is (helping people when they have accidents or Explain that some words in English are made
hurt themselves). Explain that this lesson is about from two words joined together. Point to the
first aid. word ‘nosebleed’ and elicit the two words (‘nose’
and ‘bleed’). Explain that this can sometimes help
• Elicit if pupils know what to do in any of them to guess what words mean (e.g. earache).
these situations: your friend has cut their finger, • Elicit the picture of the word ‘nosebleed’ (Picture
your friend has burnt their arm, your friend has a 6). Tell pupils to draw a line between the word
nosebleed. Teach the word ‘nosebleed’. and the picture.

• Pupils draw lines to match the words and

PB 1. Read the text about giving first aid. [4 mins] pictures.
Aim: to read and follow a text with instructions for stop-
ping a nosebleed. • Say each word and elicit the number of the
picture. Pupils check their answers.
• Read the text aloud. Pupils follow in their books.
Answers: 1. ice cream, 2. nose, 3. cream, 4. bleeding, 5.
• Tell pupils to say what the problem is (a nose- ice, 6. nosebleed
• Tell pupils to say / guess the meanings of these AB B. Read the text in the Pupil’s Book and answer
words: sit forward, breathe, hold, middle of their these questions. [5 mins]
nose, ice, bleeding. Give the meaning of the verb Aim: to understand details of a text with instructions for
‘bleed’. stopping a nosebleed.
• Read the text aloud again.
• Explain the activity. Pupils must read ques-
tions and write answers about the text in PB
Homework 1 activity 1.
Pupils read the text again at home.
• Pupils read the questions together. They
read the text again and write answers.
PB 2. Read the text again and put the pictures in order.
[5 mins] • Read the questions aloud. Choose some
pupils to read their answers.
178 Unit 10: Stay Healthy
Lesson 5: First Aid UNIT 10
Answers: 1. Because you can help when your friends AB D. Complete the text. [5 mins]
hurt themselves. 2. About a nosebleed. 3. For about ten
minutes. 4. Put some ice on the nose. Aim: to use adverbs of sequence in a written text.

• Explain the activity. Pupils must read the text

AB C. Complete the sentences with the words from the and complete it with the adverbs that they used
box. [5 mins] in PB activity 3.
Aim: to review / learn words related to first aid.
• Pupils read and complete the text together.
• Read the first sentence. Explain the meaning If pupils need help, write these words on the
of the word ‘fell over’. Elicit the word from the board: finally, after that, first, next.
box for the gap (hurt). Explain the activity. Pupils
must write a word from the box in each gap. • Choose pupils to read the completed text.
Check that pupils have used a capital letter for
• Pupils read and complete the sentences. each word.
They check their answers together. Answers: 1. First, 2. After that, 3. Next, 4. Finally,

• Choose different pupils to read the complet-

ed sentences.
Vocabulary box [3 mins]
Answers: 1. hurt, 2. bleed, 3. breathe, 4. ice, 5. clean
• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
PB 3. Say the sentences in the correct order. [5 mins]
• Point to each word. Pupils say the word.
Aim: to say what to do when somebody is cut using ad-
verbs of sequence. Check pronunciation.
Homework 3
• Explain that the instructions tell you what to
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
do when somebody is cut. Explain that they are the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
in the wrong order. Tell pupils to read the instruc- review these words.
tions, and to decide the correct order.

• Pupils read the instructions silently. End of Lesson 5 Checkpoints:

• Pupils can read and understand details of a text

• Elicit the first instruction (D). Say Hold the with instructions for stopping a nosebleed.
cut to stop the bleeding. Elicit the next instruc-
tion (C). Say After that, clean the cut. Elicit the • Pupils can understand instructions for what to do
next instruction (B). Say Next, put some cream on when somebody is cut.
the cut. Elicit the last instruction. Say Finally, put • Pupils can read, say and write words related to
something on the cut to keep it clean. first aid.
• Explain the activity. Pupils must say the instruc- • Pupils can use adverbs to describe a sequence or
tions in order. They should use these words: first, process.
after that, next, finally.

• Pupils say the instructions in order, using

these words: first, after that, next, finally.

Homework 2
Pupils say the instructions in order again at home.

Unit 10: Stay Healthy 179

UNIT 10 Lesson 6: Malaria
Lesson overview each word in Arabic.
Reading focus:      understand the main points of a • Read the example word and definition. Explain
poster about malaria    
the activity. Pupils must match the words and
Writing focus:        make a poster about how to stop definitions.
Grammar:                     modal verb + infinitive: should / • Pupils draw lines to match words and defini-
tions. They check their answers together.
Function:                       talking about obligation and prohi-
• Read the words. Elicit the answers.
New language:           fever, sick
Answers: 1. B, 2. E, 3. C, 4. A, 5. D

Pupil’s Book (PB) page 78 / Activity Book (AB) page 78

PB 2. Read the poster. Are these sentences true or
false? [5 mins]
Starter activity [3 mins]
Aim: to read and understand the main points of a poster
Aim: to prepare for the topic of the lesson. about malaria.
• Ask: What is the most dangerous animal in the
world? Elicit as many different ideas as possible. • Pupils read the text again together.
Give the answer (mosquitoes). • In pairs, pupils read the sentences and decide if
• Ask: Why are they the most dangerous animals? they are true or false. They write T or F in their
Elicit ideas. Give the answer (because they can notebooks.
give people malaria). Write the word ‘malaria’
on the board. Check everyone understands the • Elicit the answers. If a sentence is false, have
word. Tell pupils they will learn about malaria in pupils to give the true answer.
this lesson.
• Pupils take turns to say the sentences to
each other. If a sentence is false, they correct it
(e.g. Malaria is very dangerous).
PB 1. Look at the poster. What is it about? [5 mins]
Aim: to read and follow a poster about malaria.
• Read the text of the poster aloud. Pupils follow in
A. F (Malaria is dangerous, it kills), B. T C. F (Adults get
their books.
malaria), D. T, E. T, F. F (Mosquitoes live near water)
• Tell pupils to say what the poster is about (facts
about malaria, what happens when you have ma-
laria, and what you can do to stop malaria). AB B. Complete the chart. [5 mins]
Aim: to understand what you need to do to stop getting
• Read each sentence again and ask pupils to trans- malaria.
late each one.
• Explain that the phrases in the box
are things you should or should not do to stop
Homework 1
getting malaria. Pupils must read each phrase
Pupils read the poster again at home. and write them in the correct column. Read the
example: You should… try not to get bitten. Elicit
the meaning.
AB A. Match the words with the definitions. [4 mins]
Aim: to read and find the meanings of words. • Pupils complete the chart together.

• Read words 1-5 aloud. Pupils repeat each • Choose pupils to read the phrases in the ‘you
word. Check pronunciation. Elicit the meaning of
180 Unit 10: Stay Healthy
Lesson 6: Malaria UNIT 10
should’ column, then choose others to read the Pupils give ideas (e.g. use insect spray, don’t go
phrases in the ‘you shouldn’t’ column. near water in the evening). If pupils have ideas
Answers: You should: try not to get bitten, go to the doc- which are not in this lesson, help them to say
tor when you have a fever, use insect spray them in English and write them on the board.
You shouldn’t: go near water in the evening, sleep with- • Explain the activity. Pupils must make a poster in
out a net, wear shorts and T-shirts groups. The poster should be for the community,
and must say what people can do to stop malaria.
Explain that the poster should have a title and
Homework 2
text that is easy to read.
Pupils tell their families what they have learned about
malaria. • In groups of three or four, pupils design and
make a poster. They can draw pictures on the
poster. Walk around the room and help.
AB C. Make questions. Then ask your partner. [5 mins]
Aim: to practise the correct word order for questions. • Choose groups to show and read their
posters in front of the class. If possible, stick the
• Use the example to explain the activity. posters on the board or around the classroom for
Pupils must put the words in the correct order to pupils to look at.
make a question.
Vocabulary box [3 mins]
• Pupils write the questions with words in the
correct order. • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Read each question aloud. Pupils check their
• Say one of the words in Arabic. Pupils say
the word in English. Repeat with other
• Read each question aloud again. Pupils repeat. words from the box in a different order.
Elicit answers for each question. Homework 3

• Pupils take turns to ask and answer the ques- Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
tions. review these words.
Example answers:
1. Where do mosquitoes live? They live near water. End of Lesson 6 Checkpoints:
2. How often does a child die from malaria? A child dies
• Pupils can read and understand the main points
from malaria every minute.
of a poster about malaria.
3. Where is there a lot of malaria? There is a lot of malar-
ia in African countries. • Pupils can understand and say what you need to
do to stop malaria.
4. What is the best way to stop malaria? You can use nets
over your bed when you sleep, cover your arms and • Pupils can work together to make a poster about
legs and use insect spray, don’t go near water. Try not
to get bitten! how to stop malaria.

PB 3. Make your own poster about how to stop malaria.

[10 mins]
Aim: to make a poster about how to stop malaria.
Materials: chart paper (or notepaper), pens, coloured
pencils (if possible)

• Ask: What can we do to stop malaria?

Unit 10: Stay Healthy 181

UNIT 10 Lesson 7: An Accident
Lesson overview • Ali and Omer are playing football. (Picture
Reading focus:        understand a summary of a story A)
about an accident
• Ali passes the ball to Omer. (Picture B)
Speaking focus:        act out a scene from a story
about an accident • It hits him in the face and his glasses fall
off. (Picture C)
Grammar:                    present and past tenses
• Omer is hurt. (Picture D)
Function:                       telling a story
New language:      fall off, pass (a ball) • He has a nosebleed. (Picture E)
• Aki knows some first aid. He tells him to put
his head forward and hold his nose. (Picture
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 79 / Activity Book (AB) page 79
Starter activity [4 mins] • Say the letter of a picture (e.g. Picture B). Help
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? pupils to say the sentence (Ali passes the ball to
Aim: to prepare for the topic of the lesson.

• Elicit the names of the boys in the story (Omer • Pupils take turns to point to the pictures and
and Ali). Point to each picture. Ask pupils to say talk about them.
what they can see. Check that pupils use the
present continuous correctly (e.g. They are play-
ing football, Omer is wearing glasses, Omer is AB A. Put these sentences in the correct order. [5 mins]
sitting on the ground, Ali is running etc.) Aim: to understand sentences about a story (using past
• Read the text in each speech bubble aloud. Elicit
the meaning of each one. • Explain that the sentences are about Omer’s
accident. They are in the wrong order. Ask:
What’s the first sentence? (Omer and Ali were
PB 2. Look at the cartoon. Are these sentences true or
false? [4 mins] playing football). Tell pupils they must read the
sentences and put them in the correct order.
Aim: to understand sentences about a story (using pres-
ent tenses).
• Pupils read the sentences. They write num-
• Pupils look at the cartoon again together. bers in the boxes. They check their answers
• In pairs, pupils read the sentences and decide if
they are true or false. They write T or F in their
• Ask: What’s the second / third / next sen-
tence? Choose pupils to read the sentences in
order. Explain that these sentences use the past
• Elicit the answers. If a sentence is false, ask
pupils to give the true answer.
Answers: The correct order is: 3, 2, 6, 5, 4, 1
Answers: A. T, B. T, C. F (It hits him in the face / on the
nose), D. T, E. T, F. F (He has a nosebleed), G. T, H. F (He
tells him to put his head forward and hold his nose)
Homework 1
Pupils read the sentences again at home.
PB 3. Talk about the pictures to a partner. [6 mins]
Aim: to practise telling a simple story.
AB B. Complete the story. [5 mins]
• Tell pupils you will say some sentences about Aim: to read and complete a summary of a story about
the story. They must listen and point to the pic- an accident.
tures. Say these sentences:

182 Unit 10: Stay Healthy

Lesson 7: An Accident UNIT 10
• Explain the activity. Pupils must read the sto- • Pupils draw their own accident story. Encour-
ry and complete it. Explain that pupils may need age pupils to draw quickly.
to write more than one word in the gaps. They
should use the past tense. • After four minutes, tell pupils to stop draw-
ing. In groups of four or five, pupils show each
• Pupils read and complete the text together. other their stories. They use as much English as
They can use words and phrases from AB activity they can to talk about the scenes and tell the
A. stories. Walk around the room, listening and
• Choose different pupils to read completed
sentences. • Tell pupils to say some of the best stories
Answers: Ali and Omer were playing football / passed they heard.
the ball to Omer / hit Omer (him) in the face / on the
ground / had a nosebleed / gave him (Omer) first aid.
Homework 2
Pupils label the scenes of their story in English, or they
PB 4. Your turn. Ali has a nosebleed. Tell him what to write some sentences about their story.
do. [6 mins]
Aim: to act out a scene from a story about an accident.

• Write these words on the board: Sit…., Vocabulary box [2 mins]

Breathe…., Hold…., Put…. • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
• Explain that these are instructions you give peo- repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
ple when they have a nosebleed. Elicit the in- • Point to each word. Pupils say the word.
structions (Sit down. Sit forward. Breathe through Check pronunciation.
your mouth. Hold your nose for ten minutes.
Put some ice on your nose). Say the instructions Homework 3
again. Pupils repeat. Check pronunciation. Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
• Choose two pupils to come to the front of the review these words.
class. Pupil 1 is Omer (with a nosebleed), and
Pupil 2 is Ali. Tell Pupil 2 to give the instructions
to Pupil 1. Pupil 2 gives instructions (e.g. Sit down End of Lesson 7 Checkpoints:
etc.); Pupil 2 does the action (e.g. the pupil sits • Pupils can understand sentences about and a
down). summary of a story about an accident.

• Pupils take turns to be Ali and Omer. They • Pupils can use pictures to tell a simple story.
give instructions and do the actions. • Pupils can act out a scene from a story about an
accident with clear pronunciation.
• Choose pairs to act out the scene.
• Pupils can talk about an imaginative story of an
AB C. Make your own story. Draw pictures to make a
story about another accident. [8 mins]
Aim: to talk about an imaginative story of an accident.

• Explain the activity. Pupils must draw a

story of an accident. It can be a real accident they
have seen or been in, or they can use their imag-
inations. Pupils must draw each scene in a box.
Explain that they don’t need to use all the boxes.
Unit 10: Stay Healthy 183
UNIT 10 Lesson 8: Revision: Healthy and Fit
Lesson overview says and the written text.
Reading focus:      understand a text about a boy
and what he does to stay healthy • Play audio track 10.1. Pupils read and listen
Writing focus:             write a paragraph about what to the texts. Pupils discuss the differences.
you do to stay healthy and fit
Grammar:                      (1) expressions of quantity: • Play the audio track again. Pupils check the
many, much, some, (2) modal verb + infinitive: should differences.
Function:                       (1) talking about routines, (2)
giving advice • Read each sentence aloud. Ask pupils to say
if there are any differences.
New language:           -
Answers: I always / usually get up early; I usually / Some-
times I eat some fruit; fizzy drinks / water; one or two
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 80 / Activity Book (AB) page 80 bottles / six or seven glasses of water; never / hardly ever
eat junk food; playing football with my brother / playing
basketball with my friends; always / sometimes watch
Starter activity [3 mins] TV; never go to bed early / like to go to bed early
Aim: to review words from Unit 10.

• Slowly write these letters on the board: f-r-o-z- AB A. Match the words and the pictures. [4 mins]
e-n. Tell pupils to raise their hands when they can
Aim: to review words related to health.
guess the word. Write the complete word on the
• Explain the activity. Pupils must find the
• Repeat with any of these words: illness, malar- word for each picture in the box, and write it
ia, sick, diet, tongue, bleed, nosebleed, canned, under the picture.
cream, first aid, bacteria, spray, ice, net.
• Pupils find and write the words. They
• Elicit the Arabic for each word.
check their answers together.

• Elicit the word for each picture. Check pro-

PB 1. Read the text. What’s it about? [4 mins] nunciation.
Aim: to read and follow a text about a boy and what he Answers: A. insect, B. fizzy drink, C. fresh food, D. fever,
does to stay healthy. E. junk food
• Read the text aloud. Pupils follow in their books.
Ask pupils to say what it’s about (Amien says
Homework 1
what he does to stay healthy and fit).
Pupils review the spellings and meanings of the words in
• Read the text aloud again. Tell pupils to say what the box.
he does that is not healthy (he drinks a lot of fizzy
drinks, he watches TV every evening, he never
goes to bed early). AB B. Complete the questions with the words from
the box. Then match the questions and answers. [5
PB 2. Listen to Amien. How many differences do you Aim: to use and understand quantifiers.
hear? [5 mins]
Aim: to listen and find differences between a spoken and • Explain the first activity. Pupils must read
written text. questions 1-4 and write a word from the box in
Materials: audio track 10.1 each gap.

• Explain that pupils will listen to Amien • Pupils complete questions 1-4 with words
talking about what he does to stay healthy. They from the box. Elicit the answers. Ask pupils to
must listen and find differences between what he give reasons for their choices.

184 Unit 10: Stay Healthy

Lesson 8: Revision: Healthy and Fit UNIT 10
• Explain the second activity. Pupils must match Aim: to write a short paragraph about what you do to stay
questions 1-4 with the answers A-D. Pupils
draw lines to match the questions and answers. • Explain the activity. Pupils must write a short
paragraph about what they do to stay healthy and
• Read questions 1-4 aloud. Choose different fit. Write on the board: My name is ___ and I like
pupils to read the answers. to stay healthy and fit. Explain that this is the first
Answers: sentence of the paragraph.
• Elicit some examples of what pupils do to stay
PB 3. Look at the pictures. What are the problems? [3 healthy and fit (I always get up early in the morn-
mins] ing. I never eat junk food). They can find more
examples in the text in PB activity 1.
Aim: to review the names of health problems.

• Pupils write their paragraphs. They should

• In pairs, pupils say the names of the health
write four or five sentences.
• Pupils read each other’s sentences, and check
• Point to each picture and elicit the name of
spelling and grammar.
the health problem.
Answers: A. stomach ache, B. toothache, C. headache, D. • If there is time, choose some pupils to read
cough their sentences in front of the class.
Homework 2
PB 4. Your turn. [5 mins] Pupils can finish writing the paragraph at home.
Aim: to review giving advice to people with health prob-
lems. Can do box [3 mins]

• Read the texts in the speech bubbles. Elicit • Read the sentences aloud. Elicit the
the meanings. Remind pupils that we can use meanings in Arabic.
‘should’ + an infinitive verb to give advice.
• Pupils read each sentence and decide if
• Point to Picture A in PB Activity 3 and say I’ve got they can do this in English. If they can, they
a stomach ache. Choose a pupil to give advice draw a tick [ ]. If they are not sure, they
(e.g. You should go to the doctor). Repeat with review lessons in Unit 10 again.
more pictures.
Homework 3
• Choose two pupils. Pupil 1 points to a picture
Pupils look again at lessons they would like to review.
and talks about a health problem (e.g. I’ve got a
toothache). Pupil 2 gives advice (e.g. You should End of Lesson 8 Checkpoints:
go to the dentist). • Pupils can understand and say common words
related to health and illness.
• In pairs, pupils take turns to point to pic-
tures and talk about a health problem, and to • Pupils can understand a spoken and written text
give advice. Walk around the room, listening and about a boy and what he does to stay healthy.
helping. • Pupils can give advice to people with health
Example answers: You should: see a doctor / see a den- problems using should.
tist / go to bed early / eat your food slowly / stay away
from the sun / take some medicine / try to rest • Pupils can write a short paragraph about what
they do to stay healthy.

AB C. Read the text about Amien again. Then write

about what you do to stay healthy. [8 mins]

Unit 10: Stay Healthy 185

UNIT 10 Unit 10 : Audioscripts

Unit 10 Audioscripts

Audio track 10.1

Hi, my name is Amien and I like to stay healthy and fit. I
usually get up early in the morning and I always eat a
healthy breakfast. Sometimes I eat some fruit. During
the day I drink a lot of water. I usually drink six or sev-
en glasses of water every day. I hardly ever eat junk
food. I often exercise – I like playing basketball with
my friends. In the evening I sometimes watch some-
thing interesting on TV or read a nice book. I don’t
play computer games. I like to go to bed early and I
hardly ever go to bed late. I’m healthy and I’m happy.

Audio track 10.2

Doctor [female]: Sit down. What’s the problem?
Fadia: I’ve got a very bad cough [starts coughing].
Doctor: Yes, your cough does sound bad. Could you stand
up, please?
[Sound of a chair being moved back]
Doctor: Could you breathe in? In, out. [pause] Open your
Fadia: Aaaah!
Doctor: Show me your tongue. You are ill, but it isn’t too
Fadia: That’s good.
Doctor: How often do you exercise?
Fadia: Every day.
Doctor: That’s good. And how much junk food do you
Fadia: I don’t eat very much junk food.
Doctor: Good. It’s important to stay healthy. I’m going to
give you some medicine for your cough.
Fadia: How much should I take?
Doctor: One spoon in the morning and one at night.
Fadia: Thank you, doctor.

186 Unit 10: Stay Healthy

Lesson 1: Around My Country UNIT 11
Lesson overview
Listening focus:        understand details of a tourist PB 3. Listen and follow the tour on the map. [5 mins]
guide describing a tour of Sudan
Aim: to listen to a tourist guide describing a tour of Su-
Speaking focus: ask and answer questions about travel dan and understand the route.
Materials: audio track 11.1
Grammar:                      present perfect: Have you been
to …?
• Read the names of the places on the map.
Function:                       talking about experiences Pupils listen and point.
New language:           souvenir
• Explain the activity. Pupils will listen to a
tourist guide describing a tour around Sudan.
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 81 / Activity Book (AB) page 81 They must listen and follow the route on the map
with their finger (e.g. if the tourist guide says that
they travel from Khartoum to the pyramids of
Starter activity [3 mins]
Meroe, they move their finger between the two
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see?
Aim: to prepare for the topic of the lesson. • Play audio track 11.1. Pupils listen and follow
the tour. Play the audio track again for pupils to
• Point to each picture and have pupils to say what check.
they can see. Teach / review these words: tower,
mountain, market, souvenirs (leather shoes, clay
• Ask questions: Where does the tour go first?
pots), pyramids.
What is the next place? Etc. Pupils say the order
(Khartoum – Meroe – Port Sudan – Sawakin –
• Explain that these are all places in Sudan Al-Fashir – Marra mountains – Khartoum / Om-
that are interesting for tourists. durman).

PB 2. Read the text and match to the pictures. Which Homework 2

picture is missing? [4 mins] Pupils show the map in PB Activity 3 to their families.
Aim: to read and follow a tourist brochure about a tour They have family members to say what they know about
in Sudan. any of the places on the map.

• Tell pupils you will read a text from a tourist

AB A. Listen again and number the places in order. [4
brochure. The text describes a tour of places to mins]
see in Sudan. Teach the word ‘tour’.
Aim: to listen to a tourist guide describing a tour of Su-
• Read the text aloud. Pupils follow in their books. dan and understand the route.

• Have pupils to say which places the text talks Materials: audio track 11.1
about and to point to the pictures (pyramids
of Meroe = Picture D; markets of Omdurman = • Explain that the list has the places that the
Picture C; the NTC Tower = Picture A; Sawakin on tour goes to. Pupils must write numbers 1-7 next
the Red Sea; Marra mountains = Picture B). Ask to the places, to show the order of the places on
pupils to say which picture is missing (there is the tour (e.g. the first place is Meroe).
no picture of the old port of Sawakin). Teach the
meaning of the word ‘port’. • Pupils work together to write numbers 1-6
next to each place.

Homework 1 Play audio track 11.1. Pupils check their

Pupils read the text again at home. answers.

Unit 11: Amazing places 187

UNIT 11 Lesson 1: Around My Country
• Elicit the correct order (Meroe – Port Sudan • Pupils take turns to ask and answer questions
– Sawakin – Al-Fashir – Marra Mountains – Khar- (e.g. Have you been to Omdurman? Yes, I have.)
toum - Omdurman). Walk around the room, listening and helping.

AB B. Are these sentences true or false? [5 mins] AB E. Match the questions with the correct answers. [5
Aim: to understand details of a tourist guide describing a
tour of Sudan. Aim: to read and understand questions and answers about
travel experiences.
Materials: audio track 4.1
• Read the example question and answer, and
• Read each sentence aloud. Teach the word
explain the activity. Pupils must draw lines to
‘palace’. After each sentence, tell pupils to raise
match the questions and answers.
their right hands if they think it’s true; or their
left hands if they think it’s false. Don’t give the
• Pupils read and match the questions and an-
swers. They check their answers together.
• Play audio track 4.1 again. Pupils listen.
• Choose a pupil to read question 2 aloud
• Pupils discuss each answer in pairs, and draw (What towns have you been to?), and a different
a circle around ‘true’ or ‘false’. pupil to read the matching answer (D) I’ve been to
• Elicit the answers. If a sentence is false, ask
• Continue with the other questions and answers.
pupils to give the true answer.
Check pronunciation.
Answers: 1. F (The NTC Tower is in Khartoum), 2. F (They
travel by bus), 3. F (They visit Port Sudan), 4. T, 5. T, 6. F Answers: 1 = C, 2 = D, 3 = E, 4 = F, 5 = B, 6 = A
(They are west from El Fashir), 7. F (They can buy souve-
nirs in the market in Omdurman)
PB 4. Your turn. [5 mins]
Aim: to talk about your travel experiences.
AB C. Tick [tick symbol] the places you have visited. [1
• Read the question: Where have you
Aim: to relate the lesson to your own life. been? Explain that we use the present perfect
tense to talk about experiences we have had at
• Explain the activity. Pupils should tick some point in our lives. We don’t say when. Read
any of the places that they have visited (in their the question: What did you do there? Explain that
real lives). Pupils tick the places that they we use the past simple tense when we talk about
have visited. a specific event that happened in the past.
• Choose 3-4 pupils and ask both questions. Help
them to answer (see below).
AB D. Ask and answer in pairs using your answers in
Activity C. [5 mins]
• Pupils take turns to ask and answer questions.
Aim: to use the present perfect to talk about personal Walk around the room, listening and helping.
Example answers
• Write on the board: Have you been to…? Yes, Where have you been? I’ve been to Omdurman.
I have / No, I haven’t.
What did you do there? I went to the market with my
• Ask questions (e.g. Have you been to Port Su- father. I bought some bags and some clothes.
dan?) Choose some pupils to answer (Yes, I have
/ No, I haven’t).

188 Unit 11: Amazing places

Lesson 1: Around My Country UNIT 11
Vocabulary box [3 mins]

• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils

repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Say one of the words in Arabic. Pupils say
the word in English. Repeat with other
words from the box in a different order.
Homework 3
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
review these words.

End of Lesson 1 Checkpoints:

• Pupils can read and understand a tourist bro-

chure about a tour in Sudan.
• Pupils can understand details of a tourist guide
describing a tour of Sudan.
• Pupils can ask and answer questions about travel
experiences using the present perfect and past

Unit 11: Amazing places 189

UNIT 11 Lesson 2: The Sultan’s Palace
Lesson overview about (e.g. when they read the word ‘coins’, they
Reading focus:        understand details of an infor- point to Picture E).
mation text about the Palace of Sultan Ali Dinar
• Read the text aloud. Pupils follow the text and
Speaking focus:            say what you would like to visit / point to pictures E, B, C, F.
see in Sudan
• Tell pupils to say which objects are in the muse-
Grammar:                      verb + infinitive: would like to um (coins, clothes, a ring, a watch, a turban, a
Function:                       identifying and referring to people Quran).
and objects
• Read the text again. Ask pupils to guess / say the
New language:       ceiling, cloth, pistol, turban, trip meanings of these words: visitor, ceiling, a copy
(n), visitor
of the Holy Quran.

Pupil’s Book (PB) page 82 / Activity Book (AB) page 82

Homework 1
Starter activity [4 mins] Pupils read the text again at home.
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see?
Aim: to prepare for reading. AB A. Match the words to the correct definition. [5
Materials: a map / poster of Sudan (if possible)
Aim: to read and find the meanings of words.
• Point to Picture A. Ask: What can you see? (a
palace). What is the palace made from? (stones, • Read words 1-5 aloud. Pupils repeat each
bricks, wood). Explain that this is the palace of word. Check pronunciation. Elicit the meaning of
Sultan Ali Dinar. Write ‘Sultan Ali Dinar’ on the each word in Arabic.
board and teach the word ‘sultan’.
• Read the example definition and word. Explain
• Explain that the palace is in El-Fashir. Elicit / say the activity. Pupils must match the words and
where El-Fashir is (the west of Sudan). If you have definitions.
a map, point to El-Fashir.
• Point to Picture B. Explain that the palace is now • Pupils draw lines to match words and defini-
a museum. Check pupils understand the meaning tions. They check their answers together.
of the word ‘museum’. Explain that this is one of
the rooms in the museum. Ask: What can you see • Read the words. Choose pupils to read the
in the room? definitions. Have pupils to guess the meaning of
the word ‘cloth’.
PB 2. Read the text. Point to pictures of things that are Answers: 1 = B, 2 = C, 3 = E, 4 = A, 5 = D
in the museum. [8 mins]
Aim: to read and follow an information text about the PB 3. Read the text again. Are these sentences true or
Palace of Sultan Ali Dinar. false? [6 mins]

• Point to Pictures A-F, and elicit / teach the words Aim: to understand details of an information text about
the Palace of Sultan Ali Dinar.
(A = chair, B = ring, C = turban, D = pistol, E =
coins, F = Quran). Write the words on the board.
• Pupils read the text again together.
• Point to each picture again and say the words.
Pupils repeat. Point to the pictures in a different • In pairs, pupils read the sentences and decide if
order. Pupils say the names of the items. they are true or false. They write T or F in their
• Tell pupils you will read a text about the museum
at the palace of Sultan Ali Dinar. They must follow • Elicit the answers. If a sentence is false, ask
the text, and point to any objects that they read pupils to give the true answer.

190 Unit 11: Amazing places

Lesson 2: The Sultan’s Palace UNIT 11
• Pupils take turns to say the sentences to PB 4. Your turn. [6 mins]
each other. If a sentence is false, they correct Aim: to say what you would like to visit / see in Sudan.
it (e.g. The ceiling and windows are made from
wood). Materials: a soft ball (or a rolled-up piece of paper)

Answers: A. T, B. T, C. T, D. F (The ceiling and windows are

made from wood), E. T, F. T
• Tell pupils to imagine that they can go on a
tour of Sudan. Tell them to choose a place they’d
like to visit, or something they’d like to see.
• Throw the ball to Pupil 1. Ask: What would you
Look! [3 mins] like to do? Help Pupil 1 to answer: I’d like to visit
• Read each sentence aloud. Pupils repeat. the museum. I’d like to see the coins.
Check pronunciation. Elicit the meanings of • Pupil 1 throws the ball to another pupil and asks
each sentence. What would you like to do? Pupil 2 answers. Pupil
2 then throws the ball to another pupil and asks
• Explain that ‘who’ ‘where’ and ‘that’ are the question.
relative pronouns. ‘Who’ introduces more
information about a person (e.g. sultan); • Pupils continue throwing the ball and asking /
‘where’ introduces more information about answering the question.
a place (e.g. palace); ‘that’ introduces more
information about an object (e.g. a turban). • Pupils continue the activity in groups of 6-8
AB B. Complete the sentences. What would you like to
do? [5 mins]
Aim: to practise the correct word order for sentences
using would like to. Vocabulary box [3 mins]

• Read ‘I’d like to…’. Explain that this is the • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
beginning of a sentence. Pupils must put words in repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
the correct order to finish the sentence. Elicit the • Point to each word. Pupils say the word.
correct order of the words in sentence 1 as an Check pronunciation.
example (visit the Nile again). Remind pupils that
we use an infinitive verb after ‘would like to…’. Homework 3
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
• In pairs, pupils write words in the correct the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
order and complete the sentences. review these words.

• Choose different pupils to read the complet- End of Lesson 2 Checkpoints:

ed sentences. Pupils check their answers.
• Pupils can read and understand details of an
Answers: 1. visit the Nile again. 2. go on a tour of Su-
dan. 3. visit the pyramids of Meroe. 4. see things in the
information text about the Palace of Sultan Ali
museum. 5. go on a trip to port Sudan. 6. have a boat trip Dinar.
down the Nile. 7. buy some souvenirs in Omdurman. 8.
go up the NTC Tower. • Pupils can understand and say the names of com-
mon objects in a museum.
• Pupils can write and say sentences about what
Homework 2
they would like to visit / see in Sudan.
Pupils write sentences about what they would like to see
and do in their notebooks (e.g. I would like to go up the
NTC Tower).

Unit 11: Amazing places 191

UNIT 11 Lesson 3: A Wonderful Building
Lesson overview mins]
Reading focus:        understand the main points of Aim: to understand the main points of an information
an information text about the NTC Tower text about the NTC Tower.
Writing focus:             write definitions of people, plac-
es and objects • In pairs, pupils read the text again together.
They read the questions and answer them orally.
Grammar:                     relative clauses with relative
pronouns: where, who, that
• Read each question and elicit the answers.
Function:                       identifying and referring to people
and objects Answers: A. In 2009, B. 106 metres high, C. 29 floors, D.
Solar panels, E. From the sun.
New language:         solar panel, view (n)

Homework 1
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 83 / Activity Book (AB) page 83
Pupils read the text again at home.

Starter activity [3 mins] AB A. Can you remember? Use the words in the box to
describe the NTC Tower. [4 mins]
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see?
Aim: to say factual sentences about the NTC Tower.
Aim: to prepare for reading.

• Point to Pictures A/B. Ask questions: What can • Tell pupils to close their Pupil’s Books. Ex-
you see? Where is the tower? (In Khartoum). Ask plain that the numbers are about the NTC Tower.
pupils to say what they know about the NTC Tow- Pupils must try to remember what the numbers
er. They may use Arabic.
• In pairs, pupils try to remember what the
• Point to Picture C. Explain that we can put
numbers mean.
solar panels on buildings to get energy from the
sun. Then we don’t have to use other forms of
energy (e.g. electricity). • Elicit sentences and write them on the
board: The NTC Tower has 29 floors. It is 106 me-
tres high. It was finished / built in 2009.
PB 2. Read the text. What information do you find inter-
esting? [7 mins] Homework 2
Aim: to read and follow an information text about the Pupils tell their families facts about the NTC Tower in
NTC Tower. Khartoum.
• Tell pupils that you will read a text about the NTC
Tower. Read the text aloud. Pupils follow in their
book. AB B. Choose the correct word to complete the sentenc-
es. [5 mins]
• Ask pupils to find one thing they find interesting. Aim: to use relative clauses where / who correctly.
Choose pupils to say (e.g. it’s the tallest building
in Sudan). • Read sentence 1 (A museum is a building
• Have pupils to guess / say the meanings of these where you can see things from the past). Elicit
words: tallest, it was built, views, modern build- the meaning in Arabic.
ing materials, energy • Remind pupils that ‘where’ and ‘who’ are relative
• Choose different pupils to read the text aloud. pronouns. ‘Where’ introduces more information
about a place; ‘who’ introduces more information
about a person. Tell pupils to read each sentence
PB 3. Read the text again. Ask and answer in pairs. [6 and choose the correct relative pronoun.

192 Unit 11: Amazing places

Lesson 3: A Wonderful Building UNIT 11
• In pairs, pupils read the sentences and draw • Teams read the definitions and write the
a circle around the correct relative pronoun. words in their notebooks.

• Choose pupils to read the sentences. Elicit • When the first team finishes, ask them to
the meaning of each sentence. Pupils check their read the completed definitions aloud. If they are
answers. correct, they win. Write the words on the board.
Answers: 1. where, 2. who, 3. where, 4. where, 5. who Answers: A. tour guide, B. library / bookshop / my house,
C. doctor, D. museum, E. bus driver, F. palace

AB C. Look at these pictures. Use one word from Box A,

B and C to write sentences. [5 mins] Vocabulary box [5 mins]
Aim: to write definitions of people, places and objects.
• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
• Point to each picture and elicit the words. repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
Tell pupils they can find the words in Box A.
• Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Say
• Point to Picture 1. Write on the board: A hotel is a word from the box. Ask pupils to write the
… Elicit the rest of the sentence. Tell pupils they word in their notebooks. Repeat with the
should use a word from Box B and Box C. (Exam- other words.
ple: A hotel is a building where tourists sleep).
• Tell pupils to open their Activity Books and
• Point to Picture 2. Say: A ring is … Elicit the rest of
to check the spellings. Pupils check the
the sentence. (Example: A ring is some metal that
spellings of each word in their notebooks.
people wear around their fingers).
Homework 3
• Point to Picture 3. Say: A shopkeeper is … Elicit
the rest of the sentence. (Example: A shopkeeper Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
is someone who sells things in a shop). review these words.

• In pairs, pupils work together to write sen-

tences describing the place / object / person in End of Lesson 3 Checkpoints:
each picture. Walk around the room and help.
• Pupils can understand the main points of an in-
formation text about the NTC Tower.
• Choose different pupils to read their sen-
tences aloud. Pupils may write different answers, • Pupils can use relative clauses where / who cor-
but check that they use the correct relative pro- rectly.
• Pupils can understand and write definitions of
people, places and things.
PB 4. Quiz time. [5 mins]
Aim: to understand sentences using relative pronouns
where / who.

• Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Tell

them to make teams of three.
• Explain the activity. Teams will read some defi-
nitions of people or places. They must write the
names of the person / place in their notebooks.
They must not look at their Activity Books. When
they finish, they raise their hands. The team to
finish first (with correct words) wins.

Unit 11: Amazing places 193

UNIT 11 Lesson 4: Into the Mountains
Lesson overview Aim: to review words.
Reading focus:             understand a postcard written by
a boy visiting Sudan • Explain the activity. Pupils must find the
word for each picture in the box, and write it
Listening focus:        listen and find differences be-
tween a spoken and written text under the picture.

Grammar:                  past simple (questions) • Pupils find and write the words. They
Function:                       talking about a past activity (a trip) check their answers together.
New language:           postcard, roof, straw
• Point to each picture and elicit the word.
Check pronunciation.
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 84 / Activity Book (AB) page 84 Answers: 1., 2., 3., 4., 5.

Starter activity [3 mins] AB B. Read Tim’s postcard. Write questions for these
answers. [7 mins]
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see?
Aim: to practise making questions using the past simple
Aim: to prepare for reading. tense.
Materials: a map / poster of Sudan (if possible)
• Explain the activity. Pupils must read the sen-
• Explain that the pictures are postcards. Write the tences about Tim’s holiday last week. Then they
word ‘postcard’ on the board and elicit the mean- must write the questions. The questions must
ing in Arabic. Ask pupils to say when people send use the past simple tense. Draw this chart on the
postcards (when they are on holiday or on a trip). board, and explain the structure: question word +
did + person + infinitive verb
• Explain that Postcard A is from El-Fashir, Postcard
B is from Nyala, and Postcards C / D are from the question person infinitive verb
Marra mountains. Elicit / say where these places word
are (the west of Sudan). If you have a map, point Where did you eat
to these places.
What he / she go
How they see
PB 2. Read the postcard. Where did Tim go last week?
How long Tim stay
[3 mins] Read the example question and answer. Point
Aim: to read and follow a postcard written by a boy visit- to the words on the chart (e.g. where, did, Tim,
ing Sudan. go…).
• Explain that you will read a postcard from Tim. • Read sentence 2 (They stayed there for one
The postcard is for his friend, Ben. night). Point to the columns of the chart and help
pupils to make the question (How long did they
• Read the text aloud. Pupils follow in their books.
stay in El-Fashir?)
Tell pupils to say where Tim went last week
(El-Fashir, the Marra mountains).
• In pairs, pupils write the rest of the ques-
• Have pupils to guess the meaning of ‘straw roofs’. tions.

• Read the answers and choose pupils to read

Homework 1 the questions. Write the questions on the board.
Pupils read the text again at home. Pupils check their answers.
Answers: 1. Where did Tim go last week? 2. How long did
they stay in El-Fashir? 3. How did they travel / go to the
AB A. Match the words from the box to the pictures. [4 Marra mountains? 4. What did he see? 5. What did he
mins] eat (in the village / for lunch)? 6. What is it made from?

194 Unit 11: Amazing places

Lesson 4: Into the Mountains UNIT 11
for the gap (El-Fashir). Read the second sentence
PB 3. Ask and answer in pairs. [4 mins] and elicit the words for the gaps (He went by bus,
not by car).
Aim: to ask and answer questions about Tim’s trip.
• In pairs, pupils write the differences.
• In pairs, pupils take turns to ask and answer
the questions from AB activity B. They can both • Choose pupils to read the completed sentenc-
read the questions and answers in the Activity es. Write the missing words on the board. Pupils
Book, or Pupil 1 can read the questions, and Pupil check their answers.
2 can answer (with Activity Books closed). Tell
pupils to use the Look! box if they need help. Answers: 1. Nyala / El-Fashir; 2. bus / car (four-wheel
drive); 3. birds / sheep; 4. village / hotel; 5. dinner / lunch;
6. meat (cooked on a fire) and salad / Asida
PB 4. Listen to Tim. What differences do you hear? [5
PB 5. Your turn. [7 mins]
Aim: to listen and find differences between a spoken and
written text. Aim: to practise asking and answering questions about a
trip you made.
Materials: audio track 11.2
• Tell pupils to close their eyes. Tell them to
• Explain that pupils will listen to Tim talking imagine that they went on a trip last week. Tell
about his trip to the Marra Mountains. They must pupils you will ask questions. They must imagine
listen and find factual differences between what the answers.
he says and the written text.
• Ask these questions. Pupils don’t answer – they
• Play audio track 11.2. Pupils read and listen imagine: Where did you go last week? How long
did you stay there? How did you travel there?
to the texts. Pupils discuss the differences. What did you see? What did you eat?

• Play the audio track again. Pupils check the • Choose pupils and ask them the questions. Help
differences. pupils to answer using the past simple tense (e.g.
I went to Port Sudan. I stayed there three days.
• Read each sentence of the text aloud. Ask Etc.).
pupils to say if there are any factual differences • Write the questions on the board, or show pupils
(i.e. the things that he did). how to make the questions using the chart from
Answers: Al-Fashir / Nyala; drove into / went by bus up AB Activity B.
into the Marra mountains; I saw some wild sheep / a lot
of birds; We stopped in a small village for lunch / and • In groups of three or four, pupils take turns to
stayed there for one night; Asida / meat cooked on a fire ask and answer questions about their imaginary
with salad
trips. Walk around the room, listening and helping.
Encourage pupils to use their imaginations.
AB C. Write the differences. [5 mins]
Aim: to write about the differences between a spoken Homework 2
and written text.
Explain that next lesson, pupils will learn about the pyra-
mids of Meroe. If possible, they should find out as much
• Explain the activity. Pupils must write the as they can about the place.
differences between what they read in Tim’s
postcard, and what they heard him say. Ex-
plain that the correct version is the one that they
• Read the example sentence and elicit the word

Unit 11: Amazing places 195

UNIT 11 Lesson 4: Into the Mountains

Vocabulary box [2 mins]

• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils

repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Say
each word. Tell pupils to spell it. Write the
word on the board.
Homework 3
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
review these words.

End of Lesson 4 Checkpoints:

• Pupils can read and understand a postcard writ-

ten by a boy visiting Sudan.
• Pupils can listen and find differences between a
spoken and written text.
• Pupils can ask and answer questions about a past
trip using the past simple tense.

196 Unit 11: Amazing places

Lesson 5: Back in Time UNIT 11
Lesson overview
Reading focus:    understand details of an infor- PB 3. Read the text again. Match and say the questions
mation text about Meroe and its history and answers. [6 mins]
Speaking focus:            say what people know how to do Aim: to understand details of an information text about
now and in the past Meroe and its history.
Grammar:                      past simple
• Read the text aloud again. Pupils follow in
Function:                       comparing the past and present their books.
New language:       light (a fire), remains
• Explain the activity. Pupils must read the ques-
tions and match them with the correct answers.
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 85 / Activity Book (AB) page 85 They can write the letters and numbers in their

• In pairs, pupils read and match the questions

Starter activity [3 mins]
and answers.
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? What do
you know about this place? • Elicit the answers. Pupils check.
Aim: to prepare for the topic of the lesson.
Materials: a map / poster of Sudan (if possible)
• In pairs, pupils take turns to read the ques-
tions and answers.
• Elicit from pupils what they can see in the pic-
Answers: A = 4, B = 3, C = 6, D = 2, E = 1, F = 5
tures. Explain that these are the pyramids of
Meroe. Elicit / say where it is (north of Khartoum,
between Khartoum and Port Sudan). If you have AB A. Write the dates. [4 mins]
a map, point to the place.
Aim: to write and say dates and high numbers.
• Have pupils to say what they know about the
• Write ‘2009’ on the board. Elicit how to say
place. They may use Arabic.
the date and write it on the board (two thousand
and nine).
PB 2. Read the text. Put the paragraph headings in or- • Explain the activity. Pupils must read the date
der. [4 mins] and write the numbers, or look at the numbers
and write the date.
Aim: to read and follow an information text about Meroe
and its history.
• In pairs, pupils write the numbers or the
• Read the headings. Explain that each heading date.
matches one of the paragraphs of the text.
• Read each paragraph aloud. After each para- • Elicit the answers and write them on the
graph, ask: What’s the heading for this para- board. Pupils check their answers.
graph? (Paragraph 1 = B; Paragraph 2 = A; Para- Answers: 1. 1975, 2. Nineteen ninety-four, 3. 2011, 4.
graph 3 = C). Two thousand and five

• Elicit / teach the meanings of these words: king-

dom, tools, the city of Meroe has gone, remains. AB B. Complete the sentences. Use the words in the
Choose pupils to say what they have learned box. [4 mins]
about Meroe. Aim: to understand expressions of time.

Homework 1 • Read the phrases in the box. Elicit the mean-

ings. Explain the activity. Pupils must complete
Pupils read the text again at home. the sentences using the phrases. They can use
Unit 11: Amazing places 197
UNIT 11 Lesson 5: Back in Time
them more than once. make glass / make cars.

• Pupils complete the sentences.

AB D. Are the sentences true or false? [5 mins]
• Choose different pupils to read the complet- Aim: to listen and understand a short text about pyramids.
ed sentences.
Answers: 1. years ago, 2. years ago, 3. months ago, 4. • Pupils read the sentences. They talk about
days ago and guess if the sentences are true or false.

• Tell pupils you will read a text aloud. They

must listen and decide if the sentences are true or
Look! [2 mins] false. Read this text aloud:
• Read each sentence aloud. Pupils repeat. There are pyramids all around the world
Check pronunciation. Elicit the meanings of including Mexico, China and Egypt. But, there
each sentence. are more pyramids in Sudan than anywhere
else in the world – 220 pyramids.
• Explain that we use an infinitive verb
after know / knew how to (e.g. make, build). • Pupils read the sentences again. They draw a
AB C. Compare now and the past. [6 mins]
circle around ‘true’ or ‘false’.

Aim: to say what people know how to do now and in the • Elicit the answers. If a sentence is false, ask
pupils to say the true sentence.
• Read the first phrase (light a fire). Elicit the Answers: 1. F (There are pyramids all around the world),
2. F (There are about 220 pyramids in Sudan), 3. T
meaning of the phrase. Point to the first tick
and say: These days we know how to light a fire.
Pupils repeat. Point to the second tick and say: PB 4. Your turn. [4 mins]
2,500 years ago, they knew how to light a fire.
Pupils repeat. Aim: to say what you know about Meroe and pyramids.

• Read the second phrase (use electricity). Elicit • Tell pupils to close their Activity and Pupil’s
the meaning of the phrase. Point to the tick and Books. Ask pupils to say what they can remember
say: These days we know how to use electricity. about Meroe and pyramids. Help them to use
Pupils repeat. Point to the cross and say: 2,500 English as much as possible. Examples: Meroe is
years ago, they didn’t know how to use electrici- north of Khartoum. There are some old pyramids.
ty. Pupils repeat. The pyramids are 2,500 years old. It was the most
• Read the third phrase (make glass). Elicit the important city. They made metal tools. Tourists vis-
meaning. Elicit the sentences (These days we it the pyramids. There are 220 pyramids in Sudan.
know how to make glass / 2,500 years ago they
didn’t know how to make glass). • In groups of three or four, pupils take turns to
say what they know about Meroe and pyramids.
• Continue with the rest of the phrases.

• If there is time, pupils take turns to say the Homework 2

sentences. Explain that next lesson, pupils will learn about Sawakin
Answers: These days we know how to light a fire / use on the Red Sea. If possible, they should find out as much
electricity / make glass / make clay pots / make metal as they can about Sawakin.
tools / make cars / build pyramids.
2,500 years ago, they knew how to light a fire / make clay
post / make metal tools / build pyramids.
2,500 years ago, they didn’t know how to use electricity /

198 Unit 11: Amazing places

Lesson 5: Back in Time UNIT 11
Vocabulary box [2 mins]

• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils

repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Point to each word. Pupils say the word.
Check pronunciation.
Homework 3
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
review these words.

End of Lesson 5 Checkpoints:

• Pupils can read and understand details of an in-

formation text about Meroe and its history.
• Pupils can say what people know how to do now
and in the past.
• Pupils can write and say dates and high numbers.
• Pupils can listen and understand a text about pyr-
amids, and say what they know about them.

Unit 11: Amazing places 199

UNIT 11 Lesson 6: A Place by the Sea
Lesson overview • Ask: What didn’t you know? Choose 3-4 pupils to
Reading focus:        understand a fact sheet about say one fact they have learned about Sawakin.
Writing focus:          write sentences about Khartoum AB A. Read the text and correct the mistakes. [6 mins]
using information from a fact sheet
Aim: to read and understand details of a short text about
Grammar:                       - a place.
Function:                       identifying location and describing
a place • Explain the activity. Pupils must read the
New language:      coral reef, meaning, location, text and find factual mistakes. Read the first two
mainland, (elephant) trunk sentences (Sawakin is a town on the Red Sea. It is
36 miles north of Port Sudan.). Elicit the mistake
(it’s 36 miles south of Port Sudan). Tell pupils to
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 86 / Activity Book (AB) page 86 change the word ‘north’ to ‘south’.

• In pairs, pupils read the text together. They

Starter activity [3 mins] find and correct the mistakes.
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see?
• Read each sentence of the text. Pupils say
Aim: to prepare for the topic of the lesson. the mistakes.
Materials: a map / poster of Sudan (if possible) Answers: 36 miles north of Port Sudan / 36 miles south
of Port Sudan; English word / Arabic word; newest port /
• Elicit from pupils what they can see in the pic- oldest port; boat once a week / boar every day; cold and
tures. Review / teach these words: remains, boat, wet / hot and dry; easy / difficult
port, coral reef.
• Explain that the pictures show Sawakin. Elicit / AB B. Complete the fact sheet with the information
say where it is (south of Port Sudan on the Red from the box. [7 mins]
Sea). If you have a map, point to the place.
Aim: to read and understand headings and information
• Have pupils to say what they know about for a fact sheet about Khartoum.

Sawakin. They may use Arabic. • Explain the activity. Pupils must make a fact
sheet about Khartoum. They must match the
headings with the information in the box. Read
PB 2. Read the fact sheet. What didn’t you know? [7
the first heading (name) and elicit the informa-
mins] tion (Khartoum).
Aim: to read and follow a fact sheet about Sawakin.
• Pupils work together to match the headings
• Explain that you will read a fact sheet about and information. They can write the information
Sawakin. Explain that a fact sheet has facts about next to each heading. If there is not much time,
something, and NOT feelings, stories or experi- pupils can draw lines to match the headings and
ences. information.

• Explain that a fact sheet usually has head- • Read the headings and information. Pupils
ings. Read the headings aloud and elicit the check their answers. Elicit / teach the meaning of
meanings of each one (name, meaning of name, ‘elephant trunk’.
location, transport, history, weather, problems). Answers:
• Read the fact sheet aloud. Pupils follow in their Name: Khartoum
books. Meaning of name: Elephant trunk
• Read each fact again. Pupils translate each fact. Location: The place where the Blue and White Nile meet

200 Unit 11: Amazing places

Lesson 6: A Place by the Sea UNIT 11
Transport: Flights from International airport
History: Became the capital city after Independence in PB 3. Your turn. [6 mins]
Aim: to practise asking for and giving information about
Weather: Sandstorms from May to June, some rain from a place.
July to September
• Choose two pupils to come to the front of
the class. Pupil 1 asks the first question in the
Homework 1
speech bubble (Where is Khartoum?) Help Pupil 2
Pupils tell their families facts they have learned about to answer the question. Continue with the other
Sawakin and Khartoum. questions in the speech bubbles.

• Pupils take turns to ask and answer the

AB C. Write about Khartoum. [8 mins]
questions. Walk around the room, listening and
Aim: to write sentences about Khartoum using informa- helping.
tion from a fact sheet.
• Choose pairs to ask and answer the ques-
• Tell pupils you will say some sentences about tions in front of the class.
Khartoum. They must listen and find the factual
mistakes. Say these sentences. After each sen-
tence, ask pupils to say the mistake.
Vocabulary box [3 mins]
• Khartoum means rhino horn. (elephant
trunk) • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
• It’s the place where the Red and White Nile
meet. (Blue and White Nile).
• Pupils say the words together, and say
• There is a boat once a week. (There are what they mean in Arabic.
flights from the international airport). Homework 3
• It became the capital city after Indepen- Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
dence in 1950. (1956) the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
review these words.
• It has sandstorms from May to June, and
some rain from July to October (from July to
September). End of Lesson 6 Checkpoints:

• Explain the activity. Pupils must use the fact • Pupils can read and understand a fact sheet
sheet to write some sentences about Khartoum. about Sawakin.
They should include some factual mistakes. • Pupils can understand headings and information
for a fact sheet about Khartoum.
• Pupils work together to write 1-3 sentenc-
es about Khartoum with factual mistakes. Walk • Pupils can write sentences about Khartoum using
around the room, listening and helping. information from a fact sheet.

• Choose pairs to read their sentences aloud to • Pupils can ask for and give information about a
the class. Pupils must listen and find the factual place.

Homework 2
Pupils can write true sentences about Khartoum at
home. They can draw or find pictures of Khartoum to add
to the description.

Unit 11: Amazing places 201

UNIT 11 Lesson 7: A Place to Shop
Lesson overview Aim: to listen and understand definitions of different
places in a city.
Reading focus:        understand details of an email
written by a boy about a trip to Omdurman
• Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Tell
Writing focus:      write a short paragraph about them you will read some definitions of the places
things you can visit / do where you live
in AB activity A. They must listen and decide what
Grammar:                    past simple / present perfect the place is.
• Read definitions 1-4 aloud. Pupils listen. Tell them
Function:                       identifying location and describing
a place to open their books.

New language:          bridge, buried • Pupils read the definitions and write the
names of the places.
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 87 / Activity Book (AB) page 87
• Read each definition aloud and elicit the

Starter activity [3 mins] Answers: 1. theatre, 2. bridge, 3. market, 4. mosque

PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see?

Aim: to prepare for the topic of the lesson. PB 2. Read the email. Which pictures does Tim write

Materials: a map / poster of Sudan (if possible) about? [5 mins]

Aim: to read and follow an email written by a boy about
• Ask pupils what they can see in the pictures. a trip to Omdurman.
Review / teach these words: theatre, market,
bridge, tomb. • Read the first part of the email (To: Ben Ratford,
From: Tim McVicar, Subject: Last day in Sudan).
• Explain that the pictures show different places in Ask questions: Who wrote the email? (Tim) Who
Omdurman. Elicit / say where it is (opposite Khar- is it for? (Ben) What is it about? (His last day in
toum, on the west bank of the Nile). If you have a
map, point to the place. Sudan). Ask pupils to guess what Tim did on
his last day in Sudan. Encourage different ideas.
• Tell pupils to say the names of other buildings / Don’t give the answer.
things you can find in a city (e.g. museum, air-
port, mosque). • Read the email aloud. Pupils follow in their
books. Ask: Where did Tim go? (Omdurman)
What did he visit? (The Abdelqayam Gate, the
AB A. Match the words from the box to the correct Khalifa’s House, Mahdi’s Tomb, the market).
picture. [3 mins]
• Point to each picture in PB activity 1. Ask: Did he
Aim: to review the names of places in a city.
visit this place? (He visited Picture B = market,
Picture D = Mahdi’s Tomb).
• Explain the activity. Pupils must find the
word for each picture in the box, and write it • Have pupils to guess the meaning of the word
under the picture. ‘buried’.

• Pupils find and write the words.

Homework 1
• Elicit the word for each picture. Check pro- Pupils read the email again at home.
Answers: 1. theatre, 2. market, 3. bridge, 4. mosque PB 3. Read the email again. Are these sentences true or
false? [6 mins]

AB B. Match the words from Activity A to the descrip- Aim: to read and understand details of an email written
tions. [4 mins] by a boy about a trip to Omdurman.

202 Unit 11: Amazing places

Lesson 7: A Place to Shop UNIT 11
• Pupils read the text again together. • Pupils complete the sentences. Walk around
the room and help.
• In pairs, pupils read the sentences and decide if
they are true or false. They write T or F in their
• Pupils read each other’s sentences, and
check spelling and grammar.
• Elicit the answers. If a sentence is false, ask
• If there is time, choose pupils to read their
pupils to give the true answer.
sentences in front of the class.
• Pupils take turns to say the sentences to Example answers: I live in Port Sudan. You can visit the
each other. If a sentence is false, they correct it Red Sea and the coral reefs. You can go diving and you
can buy fish here.
(e.g. It’s his last day in Sudan).
Answers: A. F (It’s his last day in Sudan), B. T, C. T, D. F
(He didn’t go inside the tomb), E. F (They went in the
afternoon), F. T Look! [3 mins]

• Read each sentence aloud. Pupils repeat.

AB C. Read Tim’s email again. What did they visit? [4 Check pronunciation. Elicit the meanings of
mins] each sentence.
Aim: to read and find locations of places to visit in a city.
• Explain that the first sentence uses the
• Explain that this is a map of Omdurman. It past simple. We use this to talk about events
shows places that tourists visit. Read the names that happened at a specific time in the past
of the places on the map. Pupils listen and point. (e.g. this morning, yesterday, last week etc.
• Explain the activity. Pupils must read the email • Explain that the second sentence uses
again, and find the places that Tim visited. They the present perfect. We use this to talk
should draw a circle around them. about things we have done in our lives. We
don’t give a specific time.
• Pupils read the email and find the places on
the map. PB 4. Your turn. [4 mins]
Aim: to ask and answer questions about an imaginary
• Elicit the places that Tim visited (Abdelqa- experience.
yam Gate, Khalifa’s House, Madhi’s Tomb, the
market). • Tell pupils to imagine that they have
been to Omdurman. Tell them to look at the map
in AB activity C, and to choose four places that
Homework 2 they have visited. They can choose the places
Pupils draw a simple map of the village / town / city they like. They draw a line under the four places
where they live (or the nearest one). They write the they choose.
names of places to visit on the map (e.g. market,
mosque). • Ask some pupils: Have you visited the market /
Abdelqayam Gate / Almourada Park etc? Pupils
answer Yes, I have / No, I haven’t. Their answers
AB D. Write. [6 mins] depend on the choices they made.
Aim: to write a short paragraph about things you can • Choose two pupils. Pupil 1 asks questions (Have
visit / do where you live.
you visited…?) Pupil 2 answers.
• Write the sentences on the board. Elicit
• Pupils take turns to ask and answer ques-
some examples for the gaps (see example an-
tions (Have you visited…? Yes, I have / No, I
swers below).
haven’t.) Walk around the room, listening and

Unit 11: Amazing places 203

UNIT 11 Lesson 7: A Place to Shop

Vocabulary box [2 mins]

• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils

repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Point to each word. Pupils say the word.
Check pronunciation.
Homework 3
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
review these words.

End of Lesson 7 Checkpoints:

• Pupils can say and write the names of different

places to visit in a city.
• Pupils can read and understand details of an
email written by a boy about a trip to Omdur-
• Pupils can write a short paragraph about things
you can visit / do where they live.
• Pupils can ask and answer questions about an
imaginary experience.

204 Unit 11: Amazing places

Lesson 8: Revision: Wonderful Sudan UNIT 11
Lesson overview
Reading focus:     understand the main points of PB 2. Read the email. Which pictures does Tim write
an email written by a boy about his time in Sudan
about? [4 mins]
Writing focus:        write definitions of people, plac-
es and objects Aim: to read and follow an email written by a boy about
his time in Sudan.
Grammar:                (1) question words, (2) relative
pronouns (where, who, that) • Read the first part of the email (To: Ben Duckett,
From: Tim McVicar, Subject: Leaving Sudan). Ask
Function:         (1) identifying location and describing a
place, (2) identifying and referring to people, places questions: Who wrote the email? (Tim) Who is it
and objects for? (Ben) What is it about? (Leaving Sudan).
New language:          state, traditional • Read the email aloud. Pupils follow in their

Pupil’s Book (PB) page 88 / Activity Book (AB) page 88 • Point to the pictures in PB activity 1. Ask pupils
to say which pictures he writes about (Picture
Starter activity [3 mins] C = Omdurman market, Picture D = Pyramids of
PB 1. Look at the pictures. Can you name the places?
Aim: to review places and language from Unit 11.
Homework 2
• Point to each picture and ask questions: What
is the name of this place? Where is it? What can Pupils read the email again at home.
you remember about it? Encourage pupils to use
as much English as possible.
PB 3. Read the text again and answer these questions.
Answers: A = NTC Tower, B = Marra mountains, C = [5 mins]
Omdurman market, D = Pyramids of Meroe, E = Palace of
Sultan Ali Dinar, F = National Theatre, Omdurman Aim: to read and understand the main points of an email
written by a boy about his time in Sudan.

AB A. Label the map. [4 mins] • Explain the activity. Pupils must read the
text again. Then they must read the beginnings
Aim: to understand the location of places in Sudan.
of each sentence and choose the correct endings
Materials: a map / poster of Sudan (if possible) (1, 2, or 3). They can write the correct numbers in
their notebooks.
• Explain the activity. Pupils must write the
names in the box in the correct places on the • In pairs, pupils read the text again together.
map. They read the beginnings of the sentences and
choose the best answer together.
• Pupils work together to write the names on
the map. • Read the beginning of each sentence and
have pupils to say the correct number (1, 2 or 3).
• Elicit the answers. If you have a map, show Answers: A = 2, B = 1, C = 2, D = 2, E = 3, F = 3
the places. Pupils check their answers.
• Say the name of each place in the box. Ask pupils
AB B. Complete the questions with the words from the
to say where it is (e.g. The Marra mountains are box. [5 mins]
in the west of Sudan).
Aim: to use question words correctly.
Homework 1 • Read the first question and explain the activi-
Pupils write sentences to say where the places are in ty. Pupils must write a question word from the
Sudan. box in each gap. They must not use the same
word twice.
Unit 11: Amazing places 205
UNIT 11 Lesson 8: Revision: Wonderful Sudan
• Pupils complete the questions with the • In pairs, pupils work together to write defini-
tions of the places, people, objects / animals. Walk
words from the box. They check their an-
around the room and help.
swers together.
• Choose different pupils to read their sentenc-
• Choose different pupils to read the ques-
es aloud. Pupils may write different answers, but
tions. Pupils check their answers. If you have
check that they use the correct relative pronoun.
time, elicit the answer for each question.
Example answers: 1. A market is a place where you can
Answers: 1. When, 2. Who, 3. How, 4. How often, 5. Why, buy clothes and food. 2. A school is a building where
6. What children learn. 3. A teacher is a person who helps children
1. In one hour. 2. His mum and dad. 3. By plane. 4. We to learn. 4. A tourist is a person who goes to a place on
don’t know. 5. To buy presents / souvenirs for his friends. holiday. 5. A butterfly is an insect that has beautiful wings.
6. North Sudan (to see the pyramids of Meroe). 6. A turban is cloth that you wear on your head.

AB C. Match the two parts of the sentences. [5 mins] PB 4. Your turn. [6 mins]

Aim: to review relative pronouns (where / who) used in Aim: to understand and say definitions of people, places
definitions of places and people. and objects.

• Explain the activity. Pupils must match the • Write these words on the board. Elicit the
beginnings of the sentences in the first column meaning and the pronunciation of each one:
with the endings in the second column. Read the teacher, tourist, sultan, pilot, tour guide, shopkeeper (It’s a
example. person who…)
market, school, museum, pyramid, port, hotel, tomb, pal-
• Pupils draw lines to match the beginnings ace (It’s a place where…)
and endings of the sentences.
butterfly, turban, ring, souvenir, coin, solar panel (It’s
something / an animal that…)
• Choose pupils to read the completed sen-
tences. Elicit the meaning of each sentence in• Say some definitions (e.g. It’s a place where you
Arabic. can see lots of boats / It’s something that you
wear on your head / It’s a person who helps tour-
• Remind pupils that ‘where’ and ‘who’ in these ists). Pupils guess the words (port, turban, tour
sentences are relative pronouns. We use them to guide).
introduce more information about places (where)
or people (who). • In groups of three or four, pupils take turns
Answers: 1 = A, 2 = E, 3 = C, 4 = B, 5 = D to say definitions of the words on the board. The
others guess the word. Walk around the room,
listening and helping.
AB D. Choose three of the words from the box and write
your own definitions. [5 mins]
Aim: to write definitions of people, places and objects. Can do box [3 mins]

• Explain the activity. Pupils must write defini- • Read the sentences aloud. Elicit the
tions of three of the words. meanings in Arabic.
• Write on the board: A market is a place… A teach-
• Pupils read each sentence and decide if
er is a person… A butterfly is an animal…Elicit the
they can do this in English. If they can, they
relative pronouns for each sentence (where, who,
draw a tick [ ]. If they are not sure, they
that). Remind pupils we use ‘where’ with places,
review lessons in Unit 11 again.
‘who’ with people, and ‘that’ with objects (this
includes animals).

206 Unit 11: Amazing places

Lesson 8: Revision: Wonderful Sudan UNIT 11
Homework 3
Pupils look again at lessons they would like to review.

End of Lesson 8 Checkpoints:

• Pupils can name places in Sudan and say where

they are.
• Pupils can read and understand the main points
of an email written by a boy about his time in
• Pupils can use question words correctly.
• Pupils can understand, write and say definitions
of people, places and objects.

Unit 11 Audioscripts

Audio track 11.1

We start our tour in Khartoum where you can see the
NTC Tower. It is one of the newest buildings in Su-
dan. We then travel north by bus to the pyramids of
Meroe. From there we go to Port Sudan and then
down the Red Sea coast to Sawakin. On Day 4 of the
tour we fly to the city of El-Fashir in Darfur. There we
will visit the palace of Sultan Ali Dinar before travel-
ling west into the Marra mountains. We will end our
tour back in Khartoum. You can then cross the river
to visit Omdurman where you can shop for souvenirs,
such as leather shoes and clay pots in the market.

Audio track 11.2

Last week we went to the city of Nyala. We stayed
there for one night in a hotel. Then we went by bus
up into the Marra mountains. The mountains are
beautiful. I saw a lot of birds and some beautiful
butterflies. The people live in huts which are made
from wood and straw. We stopped in a small village
and stayed there for one night. In the evening, we had
dinner. We had meat cooked on a fire with salad. It
was really nice.

Unit 11: Amazing places 207

12 Lesson 1: In Your House
Lesson overview • Tell pupils to say what is happening. (The man
Listening focus:      understand details of a conversa- and woman are talking about the best place to
tion about where to put a washing machine put the washing machine)
Speaking focus:            say where things are in a room
Grammar:                     (1) prepositions of place, (2) AB A. Listen again. Complete the conversation. [6 mins]
imperatives, (3) there is / are
Aim: to understand details of a conversation about
Function:         (1) identifying and expressing location, where to put a washing machine.
(2) identifying and referring to objects
Materials: audio track 12.1
New language:          fill, notice
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 89 / Activity Book (AB) page 89 • Explain that the text is the conversation from
the audio track.

• Pupils read the conversation together. They

Starter activity [3 mins]
try to guess the word in each gap.
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What do you think is happen-
ing? • Play audio track 12.1. Pupils listen and follow
Aim: to prepare for listening. the conversation.

• Tell pupils you will say some sentences about • Pupils complete the gaps together.
the picture. If the sentence is true, they should
wave their hands in the air; if it is false they • Elicit the word for each gap. Pupils check
should put their hands on their heads. their answers.
• Say these sentences. Pupils either wave their Answers: 1. next to, 2. when, 3. Where, 4. under, 5. be-
tween, 6. behind
hands in the air (if true), or put their hands on
their heads (if false).
• This is a picture of a bedroom. (F) Homework 1

• There are some cupboards in the room. (T) Pupils read the completed conversation again at home.

• There is a fridge under the window. (F)

AB B. Label the pictures with the words from the box. [5
• The door is on the left of the picture. (T) mins]
• There are three people in the room. (F) Aim: to review the names of furniture and gadgets in the
• The man has a television. (F)
• Ask pupils to say what is happening. Elicit differ- • Explain the activity. Pupils must find the
ent ideas. Don’t give the answer. word for each picture in the box, and write it
under the picture.

PB 2. Listen. What are the man and woman talking • Pupils find and write the words. They
about? [3 mins]
check their answers together.

Aim: to understand the main points of a conversation • Point to each picture and choose different
about where to put a washing machine.
pupils to say the word. Check pronunciation.
Materials: audio track 12.1
Answers: 1. fridge, 2. cooker, 3. microwave, 4. rug, 5.
• Tell pupils they will listen to the man and woman electric iron, 6. mixer, 7. lamp
in the picture talking.
PB 3. Read the safety notice. What do you think the
• Play audio track 12.1. Pupils listen.

208 Unit 12: Looking back

Lesson 1: In Your House UNIT 12
show their drawing to Pupil 2. Then they swap
gadget is? [4 mins] roles.
Aim: to read and understand a safety notice.
• Write some useful words and phrases on the
board: The room is a …; on the right / left; there
• Explain that you will read the safety notice is / there are; behind, under, next to, between,
for a gadget that people sometimes have in their in front of etc. You can also choose two pupils to
homes. give a short demonstration.
• Read the title ‘safety notice’. Have pupils to guess
the meaning in Arabic. • Pupils take turns to describe and draw the
pictures of the room. Walk around the room,
• Read the notice aloud. Teach / review these listening and helping.
words: leave turned on, in use, turn it off, goes
off, metal, fill. AB D. Quiz: Can you name the gadgets? [3 mins]
Aim: to understand definitions of gadgets you can find in
• Read the notice aloud again. Ask pupils to guess the home.
what the gadget is (a kettle). Write the word ‘ket-
tle’ on the board. • Tell pupils to close their books, and to make
groups of three.

AB C. Draw a picture of a room with furniture. [6 mins] • Explain the activity. You will describe some gad-
gets that you can sometimes find in a home. They
Aim: to prepare for a speaking activity. must listen and discuss the answer, then raise
their hands.
• Elicit the rooms in a house. Write the words
on the board (kitchen, bedroom, living room, • Read sentences 1-4. After each sentence, choose
bathroom). Elicit some of the furniture and a group to answer. If it’s correct, they win a point.
gadgets you can find in each room. Write some Answers: 1. fridge, 2. microwave, 3. radio / mobile phone
examples next to each room (e.g. kitchen: fridge, / headphones, 4. camera
cooker, table etc.; bedroom: mirror, wardrobe,
lamp etc.; living room: sofa, television, rug etc.)
Vocabulary box [2 mins]
• Explain the activity. Pupils must choose a room
• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
and draw a simple picture of it. They may draw
repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
they objects they want in the room.
• Point to each word. Pupils say the word.
• Pupils draw a simple picture of a room. En- Check pronunciation.
courage pupils to draw quickly. Walk around the Homework 3
room to check. After 4 minutes of drawing, end
the activity. Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
Homework 2 review these words.
Pupils write some sentences about the room in their End of Lesson 1 Checkpoints:
notebooks. They say where things are in the room (e.g.
The television is on the table). • Pupils can understand details of a conversation
about where to put a washing machine.
• Pupils can understand, say and write the names
PB 4. Your turn. [8 mins]
of furniture and gadgets in the home.
Aim: to practise saying and understanding where things
are in a room. • Pupils can read and understand a safety notice.
• Pupils can understand and say where things are
• Explain the activity. Pupils must work in a room.
in pairs. Pupil 1 will describe the room that they
drew in AB activity C. Pupil 2 will listen and draw
the room in their notebook. Pupil 1 must NOT
Unit 12: Looking back 209
12 Lesson 2: School Days
Lesson overview S C U E J M G E U
Reading focus:        understand the main points of C O M P U T E R S
an email from a boy to a friend about schools in New E A A I V C O Z C
Speaking focus:        ask and answer questions about
habits and routines at school
Grammar:                    (1) adverbs of frequency, (2)
modal verb + infinitive: must / mustn’t I I E X U I P E C
Function:              (1) talking about habits and rou-
tines, (2) talking about obligation and prohibition H I S T O R Y S Q

New language:          exam PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? [4 mins]

Pupil’s Book (PB) page 90 / Activity Book (AB) page 90 Aim: to review language related to the topic of schools.

• Point to Picture A. Ask questions: Where are the

children? Are the pupils wearing a uniform? Do
Starter activity [4 mins] you wear a uniform?
Aim: to review language from Unit 3. • Point to Picture B. Ask questions: What is the
• Slowly write these letters on the board: s-u-b-j-e- subject? Do you do sports at school? Do you like
c-t. Tell pupils to raise their hands when they can P.E.? What’s your favourite subject?
guess the word. Write the complete word on the • Point to Picture C. Ask questions: What’s the boy
board. doing? Do you have exams? When do you have
• Repeat with more words from the vocabulary exams? How often do you have exams?
boxes of Unit 3 (e.g. experiment, invention, re- • Point to Picture D. Ask questions: What’s the
ligion, shape, email, Internet, language, poetry, time? What time do you start school? Think
caretaker, noticeboard) about your timetable. What is your first lesson on
• Elicit the Arabic for each word. Thursday? What is your last lesson on Monday?

PB 2. Read the email. Which pictures does Tim write

AB A. Find the eight school subjects in the puzzle. [5
mins] about? [3 mins]
Aim: to review the spellings of school subjects. Aim: to read and follow an email from a boy to a friend
about schools in New Zealand.
• Explain the activity. Pupils must find eight
• Explain that the text is an email. It’s from Tim to
words for school subjects. Words can go from top
his friend Amien.
to bottom, or left to right.
• Read the email aloud. Pupils follow in their
• Pupils find the words together and draw a books.
circle around them.
• Tell pupils to say which pictures Tim writes about
(Picture D, Picture B, Picture A).
• Pupils compare their answers in small
groups. • Remind pupils that we use ‘at’ with times (e.g.
at nine o’clock), ‘on’ with days (e.g. on Saturday)
• Tell pupils to say the names of the subjects
and ‘in’ with the morning / afternoon / evening
(Arabic, Computers, English, Geography, History,
(e.g. in the afternoon).
Maths, P.E., Science). Check pronunciation.
Homework 1
[please put red circle around answers – words in bold]

210 Unit 12: Looking back

Lesson 2: School Days UNIT 12
Pupils read the email again at home.
the correct order. They check their answers
PB 3. Read the email again. Ask and answer these ques-
tions. [6 mins] • Choose different pupils to read the questions
Aim: to read and understand the main points of an email aloud. Pupils check their answers.
from a boy to a friend about schools in New Zealand.
• Read the questions aloud. Pupils repeat. Check
• In pairs, pupils read the email again together.
They read the questions and answer them orally. Answers: 1. When do you usually start school? 2. What
time do you usually finish school?
• Read each question and elicit the answers. 3. What subjects do you study at school? 4. What is your
favourite subject?
Answers: A. 9 o’clock. B. No, he sometimes finishes at
about five o’clock. C. He sometimes does sports after 5. Why do you like it? 6. How often do you have English
school. D. He doesn’t go to school on Saturday or Sunday. classes?
E. P.E. F. He has P.E. G. No, he doesn’t play cricket with
the girls.
PB 4. Your turn. [8 mins]

AB B. Complete the sentences with must or mustn’t. [5 Aim: to practise asking and answering questions about
mins] habits and routines at school.

Aim: to review using must and mustn’t correctly.

• Ask the first question from AB activity C
(When do you usually start school?) Choose pu-
• Read the first sentence. Elicit the mean- pils to answer. Continue with the other questions
ing in Arabic. Elicit the meanings of ‘must’ and from activity C.
‘mustn’t’. Explain the activity. Pupils must com-
plete the sentences with ‘must’ or ‘mustn’t’ to
• Pupils take turns to ask and answer the ques-
make school rules.
tions from AB activity C. Walk around the room,
listening and helping.
• Pupils complete the sentences. They
check their answers together.
• Choose pairs to ask and answer the ques-
tions in front of the class.
• Choose different pupils to read the complet-
ed sentences. Homework 3

Answers: 1. must, 2. must, 3. mustn’t, 4. mustn’t, 5. Pupils read the questions in AB C again and write an-
must, 6. mustn’t, 7. must, 8. mustn’t swers in their notebooks.

Homework 2 End of Lesson 2 Checkpoints:

Pupils read the school rules again and decide if they are • Pupils can understand, say and spell the names of
true (T) or false (F) for their school. They write T or F at school subjects.
the end of each school rule.
• Pupils can read and understand the main points
of an email from a boy to a friend about schools
AB C. Make questions. [5 mins] in New Zealand.
Aim: to practise the correct word order for questions. • Pupils can use must and mustn’t correctly to
make school rules.
• Use the example to explain the activity.
Pupils must put the words in the correct order to • Pupils can ask and answer questions about habits
make a question. and routines at school.

• Pupils write the questions with words in

Unit 12: Looking back 211
12 Lesson 3: Fantastic Technology
Lesson overview when we talk about past events. Elicit some ex-
Reading focus:           understand the main points of a amples (e.g. had a car crash, spent six months in
story about a man who has a bionic hand hospital etc.)
Writing focus:        write sentences describing gad- • Remind pupils that could is the past form of the
gets and what they are used for verb can. We use it to talk about things that we
Grammar:                      past simple: regular / irregular could or couldn’t do in the past.
Function:              (1) talking about ability in the Homework 1
past, (2) describing and identifying objects
Pupils read the story again at home.
New language:          bionic, injured, pick up, radio,
successful, wind-up radio
PB 3. Read the text again. Make sentences and tell your
partner. [6 mins]
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 91 / Activity Book (AB) page 91
Aim: to read and understand the main points of a story
about a man who has a bionic hand.

Starter activity [4 mins]

• Explain the activity. Pupils must read the sto-
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? ry again. Then they must match the beginnings
Aim: to prepare for reading. of sentences A-G with the endings 1-7. They can
write the letters and numbers in their notebooks.
• Point to Picture A. Ask: What can you see? (a car
accident). • In pairs, pupils read the story again. They
• Point to Picture B. Ask questions: What can you work together to match the beginnings and end-
see? Why is the man in hospital? What has hap- ings of the sentences.
pened with his arm? Encourage different ideas.
• Read the beginnings of each sentence A-G.
• Point to Picture C. Ask: What can you see? Write Choose different pupils to read the correct end-
‘bionic hand’ on the board. Ask questions: What ings 1-7.
is a bionic hand? What is it made of? How does it
Answers: A = 4, B = 7, C = 6, D = 2, E = 1, F = 5, G = 3
work? Encourage different ideas. Pupils may
use Arabic.
AB A. Complete the text with the correct form of the
words in brackets. [6 mins]
PB 2. Read the text. What is the story about? [5 mins] Aim: to write the correct form of common verbs in the
past simple tense.

Aim: to read and follow a story about a man who has a • Point to the picture, and tell pupils to
bionic hand.
say what the gadget is. They may use Arabic.
• Tell pupils you will read a story about the man in Write ‘wind-up radio’ on the board.
the pictures. Read the text aloud. Pupils follow in
• Read the first sentence of the text. Tell pupils to
their books.
translate it into Arabic. Read the second sentence
• Tell pupils to say what the story is about (a man with the example. Explain the activity. Pupils
had an accident and lost his left hand, now he must complete the text using the verbs in brack-
has a bionic hand). ets. They must write the correct form of the verb.
• Review / teach the meanings of these words: in-
• Pupils work together to write the correct
jured, firemen, cut off his hand, stuck, wires, pick
forms of the verbs in the gaps.
things up, by myself, get dressed, on my own.
• Remind pupils that we use the past simple tense • Elicit the answers. Write the verbs on the

212 Unit 12: Looking back

Lesson 3: Fantastic Technology UNIT 12
• Pupils write sentences about the gadgets /
Answers: 1. was, 2. watched, 3. had, 4. tried, 5. invented, machines.
7. was, 8. won

PB 4. Your turn. [6 mins]

Homework 2
Aim: to describe gadgets and say what they are used for.
Pupils review the past forms of the verbs in the text.
They learn the spellings.
• Choose some pupils to read their sentences
from AB Activity C (e.g. You use this to send text
AB B. Look at the pictures and complete the descrip- messages to your friends). Other pupils guess the
tions. [4 mins] gadget / machine (e.g. mobile phone).
Aim: to review the names of different gadgets and un-
derstand descriptions of each one. • In groups of five or six, pupils take turns
to read their sentences from AB activity C. The
• Point to each picture and elicit the names of other pupils in the group guess the gadgets /
the gadgets. Explain the activity. Pupils must read machines. Walk around the room, listening and
the descriptions, and write the name of a gadget helping.
in each gap.

• Pupils read and complete the descriptions.

Vocabulary box [3 mins]
• Elicit the answers. Write the names of the • Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
gadgets on the board. Pupils check their answers. repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
Answers: 1. camera, 2. headphones, 3. SAT-NAV, 4. radio
• Say one of the words in Arabic. Pupils say
the word in English. Repeat with other
AB C. Write a sentence describing a gadget. [6 mins] words from the box in a different order.

Aim: to write sentences describing gadgets and what Homework 3

they are used for. Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
• Tell pupils to say the names of gadgets / ma- review these words.
chines that they know (e.g. digital radio, watch,
mobile phone, headphones, fridge, electric iron,
End of Lesson 3 Checkpoints:
microwave, mixer, television, washing machine,
cooker, solar cooker, solar panel, webcam, SAT- • Pupils can read and understand the main points
NAV, camera, computer). of a story about a man who has a bionic hand.
• Write the names of some of the gadgets / ma- • Pupils can write the correct form of common
chines on the board. Say the name of each one. verbs in the past simple tense.
Pupils repeat. Check pronunciation.
• Pupils can say and spell the names of different
• Write on the board: You use this to … Say some gadgets.
sentences (e.g. You use this to clean your clothes,
• Pupils can understand, write and give short de-
You use this to know the time, You use this to
scriptions of gadgets and what they are used for.
keep food fresh, You use this to cook food quick-
ly). After each sentence, pupils say the name of
the gadget or machine.
• Explain the activity. Pupils must choose 1-3
gadgets or machines and write a sentence about
each one beginning: You use this to…

Unit 12: Looking back 213

12 Lesson 4: Amazing People
Lesson overview
PB 2. Read the text. What’s it about? [5 mins]
Reading focus:             understand the main points of a
text about role models Aim: to read and follow a text about role models.
Writing focus:        write some sentences about a • Read the text aloud. Pupils follow in their books.
role model
• Ask: What is the text about? Pupils answer
Grammar:                    descriptive adjectives
(different kinds of role models for children). Ask
Function:                       (1) referring to and describing pupils to guess the meaning of these words: dis-
people, (2) talking about ability ability, dreams.
New language:     disability, scientist
• Ask pupils to say the different kinds of role mod-
els that the text talks about (disabled people,
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 92 / Activity Book (AB) page 92 people who have accidents, people who help
others, people who are good at something).
• Tell pupils to look at the pictures in PB Activity 1
Starter activity [4 mins] again. Ask questions:
PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you remember • Who is an example of a role model with a
about these people? disability? (Mohammed Atta)
Aim: to review language to describe amazing people.
• Who is an example of a role model who had
• Point to each picture and elicit the name of the an accident? (Malala Yousafzai)
person. Have pupils to say what they can remem-
• Who is an example of a role model who
ber about one. Encourage them to use as much
helped animals? (Dian Fossey)
English as possible.
• Who is an example of a role model who is
• Write the word ‘role model’ on the board. Elicit
good at something? (Rawda Al-Haj is good
the meaning. Ask pupils to say how each of the
at poetry, Amani Zain is good at painting).
people in the pictures is a role model for chil-
dren. They may use Arabic.
Homework 1
Answers: A = Mohammed Atta, B = Malala Yousafzai, C =
Dian Fossey, D = Rawda Al-Haj, E = Amani Zain Elabden Pupils read the text again at home.

AB B. Match the people in the box to the information. PB 3. Read the text again. Are these sentences true or
[4 mins] false? [6 mins]
Aim: to read and understand sentences about some Aim: to read and understand the main points of a text
amazing people. about role models.

• Explain the activity. Pupils must read each • Pupils read the text again together.
sentence, and write one of the names in the box • In pairs, pupils read the sentences and decide if
in each gap. they are true or false. They write T or F in their
• In pairs, pupils read and complete the infor-
mation. • Elicit the answers. If a sentence is false, have
pupils to give the true answer.
• Elicit the answers.
Answers: A. T, B. T, C. T, D. F (Some role models help
Answers: 1. Mohammed Atta, 2. Malala Yousafzai, 3. people), E. T
Dian Fossey, 4. Rawda Al-Haj, 5. Amani Zain Elabden

AB B. Complete the sentences with the words from the

box. [5 mins]

214 Unit 12: Looking back

Lesson 4: Amazing People UNIT 12
Aim: to review words from Unit 5. Homework 2
Pupils can finish writing the sentences at home.
• Read the words in the box aloud. Elicit the
meanings. Say each word. Pupils repeat. Check
pronunciation. PB 4. Your turn. [6 mins]
• Explain the activity. Pupils must write one of the Aim: to talk about your role model.
words from the box in each sentence.
• In groups of three or four, pupils take turns
• Pupils read and complete the sentences. to ask and answer the question: Who is your role
model? Walk around the room, listening and
• Elicit the answers. helping.
Answers: 1. special, 2. disabled, 3. languages, 4. famous,
5. awards • Choose pupils to talk about their role models
in front of the class.

AB C. Choose a person who you think is a role model

and write five things about them. [8 mins]
Vocabulary box [2 mins]
Aim: to write some sentences about a role model.
• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils
• Elicit from pupils if they can think of any repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
examples of these kinds of people. Encourage
pupils to give examples from their own lives: • Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Say
each word. Tell pupils to spell it. Write the
• A person who has a disability but lives their word on the board.
Homework 3
• A person who had an accident but smiles / Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
does something special the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
review these words.
• A person who helps other people or ani-
End of Lesson 4 Checkpoints:
• A person who is very good at something
(e.g. sports, music, poetry, art) • Pupils can read and understand sentences about
some amazing people.
• Choose a person from the examples and ask:
What does / did person do? How is the person • Pupils can read and understand the main points
special? Encourage pupils to use as much English of a text about role models.
as possible, and write some notes on the board.
• Pupils can write some sentences about a role
• Explain the activity. Pupils must choose a role model.
model, and write five things about them (if pos-
• Pupils can talk about their role models.

• Pupils write five things about the role model.

Remind them to say who the role model is. Walk
around the room and help.

• Pupils read each other’s sentences, and

check spelling and grammar.

Unit 12: Looking back 215

12 Lesson 5: Let’s Celebrate!
Lesson overview Homework 1
Reading focus:       understand details of an email Pupils read the email again at home.
from a girl about Bonfire Night
Speaking focus:        ask and answer questions about
favourite celebrations PB 3. Read the email again. Answer these questions. [6
Grammar:                    (1) present continuous (to talk
about the future), (2) question tags with to be Aim: to read and understand details of an email from a
girl about Bonfire Night.
Function:                      talking about future plans and
• In pairs, pupils read the text again together.
New language:         toffee apple They read the questions and answer them orally.

• Read each question and elicit the answers.

Pupil’s Book (PB) page 93 / Activity Book (AB) page 93
Answers: A. She’s in London. B. She celebrated Bonfire
Night / They had a big bonfire. C. She saw some fire-
works. D. They were fantastic. E. Yes. It was delicious and
Starter activity [4 mins] very sweet.

PB 1. Look at the pictures. What celebration does each

one show?
AB A. Read the diary and complete the sentences. [5
Aim: to review language about celebrations. mins]

• Point to each picture and ask: What celebration Aim: to review using the present continuous to talk
about future plans and arrangements.
does this picture show? (Picture A = a wedding;
Picture B = , Picture C = Chinese New Year; Pic-
• Explain that these are arrangements for a
ture D = Thanksgiving Day; Picture E = Bonfire
wedding day next Saturday. Read the times and
the plans (e.g. 9.30 – have my hair cut). Elicit the
• Point to each picture again and ask questions: meaning of each plan in the diary (e.g. collect the
Where is the celebration? When is it? What do dress etc).
people do? Pupils say what they can remember.
• Read the example. Explain that we can use the
present continuous when we talk about future
PB 2. Read the email. Which of the celebrations is it plans and arrangements. Read the second sen-
about? [4 mins] tence. Ask pupils to complete it using the present
Aim: to read and follow an email from a girl about Bon-
continuous (At eleven o’clock she’s collecting her
fire Night. wedding dress).

• Explain that the text is an email. Ask questions: • Pupils complete the sentences together.
Who wrote the email? (Clare) Who is the email
for? (Fadia) • Choose different pupils to read the sentenc-
• Read the email aloud. Pupils follow in their es. Write the verbs on the board. Pupils check the
books. spellings.
Answers: 1. having, 2. collecting, 3. leaving, 4. getting, 5.
• Tell pupils to say which celebration the email is
celebrating, 6. going
about (Bonfire Night).
• Ask questions about the celebration: Where is it?
(In the United Kingdom) When is it? (November AB B. Complete the sentences with question tags from
the box. [5 mins]
5th) What do people do? (They have bonfires,
they watch fireworks). Explain that people eat Aim: to review using question tags with to be correctly.
‘toffee apples’. These are apples covered in syrup.
• Read the example aloud. Remind pupils how
to make a question tag: the same auxiliary verb

216 Unit 12: Looking back

Lesson 5: Let’s Celebrate! UNIT 12
as the sentence (is / are) + n’t if the sentence is to answer.
positive + pronoun.
• Pupils take turns to ask and answer the ques-
• Explain the activity. Pupils must read each sen-
tions from AB activity C. Walk around the room,
tence, choose the correct question tag from the
listening and helping.
box, and write it at the end.
• Choose pairs to ask and answer the ques-
• Pupils work together to complete the sen-
tions in front of the class.
tences with question tags.

• Choose different pupils to read the complet-

ed sentences. Check pronunciation. Pupils check Vocabulary box [3 mins]
their answers.
• Read the word in the box aloud. Pupils
Answers: 1. isn’t it? 2. aren’t you? 3. isn’t he? 4. aren’t
we? 5. isn’t she? 6. isn’t it? 8. aren’t they? repeat. Elicit the meaning of the word.
• Tell pupils to say and spell more words for
food. Write the words on the board.
AB C. Make questions. [5 mins]
Homework 3
Aim: to practise the correct word order for questions.
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
• Use the example to explain the activity. review these words.
Pupils must put the words in the correct order to
make a question.
End of Lesson 5 Checkpoints:
• Pupils write the questions with words in
• Pupils can read and understand details of an
the correct order. They check their answers email from a girl about Bonfire Night.
• Pupils can use the present continuous to talk
about future plans and arrangements.
• Choose different pupils to read the questions
aloud. Pupils check their answers. • Pupils can use question tags with to be correctly.
• Read the questions aloud. Pupils repeat. Check • Pupils can ask and answer questions about favou-
pronunciation. rite celebrations.
Answers: 1. What is your favourite celebration? 2. When
is the celebration? 3. How do you usually celebrate it?
4. Do you eat any special food? 5. Why do you like this

Homework 2
Pupils read the questions and write answers in their

PB 4. Your turn. [8 mins]

Aim: to practise asking and answering questions about
favourite celebrations.

• Ask the first question from AB activity C

(What is your favourite celebration?) Elicit differ-
ent answers (e.g. My favourite celebration is Eid
El-Fitr). Continue with questions 2-5. Help pupils
Unit 12: Looking back 217
12 Lesson 6: Travel Time
Lesson overview Homework 1
Listening focus:        understand details of a conversa- Pupils read the texts again at home.
tion about a future trip in Sudan
Speaking focus:        act out a dialogue about holiday
plans and intentions AB A. Read the brochure texts again. Complete these
sentences with the places in the box. [4 mins]
Grammar:                    (1) be going to + infinitive, (2)
comparative and superlative adjectives Aim: to read and understand details of three short texts
from a holiday brochure.
Function:                       (1) identifying location and de-
scribing a place, (2) making comparisons
• Read each place in the box, and elicit the
New language:            nature matching text (Dinder National Park = Text 1, Om-
durman market = Text 2, The Red Sea = Text 3).

Pupil’s Book (PB) page 94 / Activity Book (AB) page 94 • Explain the activity. Pupils must read the sentenc-
es and complete each one with one of the places
in the box.
Starter activity [3 mins]
• Pupils read the texts again. They complete
PB 1. Look at the pictures. Do you know where they the sentences.
Aim: to review saying where places are. • Choose different pupils to read the complet-
Materials: a poster / map of Sudan (if possible) ed sentences.
Answers: 1. Dinder National Park, 2. The Red Sea, 3. Om-
• Point to Pictures A-E (A = Dinder National Park, durman market, 4. The Red Sea, 5. Omdurman market, 6.
B = Kassala, C = Omdurman market, D = Mar- Dinder National Park
ra Mountains, E = The Red Sea). Ask questions
about each picture: Where is it? What can you
see / do there? Homework 2

• If you have a map of Sudan, point to the places. Pupils write a sentence saying where they would like to
go in Sudan.

PB 2. Read the three short texts. Point to the pictures. PB 3. Listen. Which picture are they talking about? [4
[4 mins] mins]

Aim: to read and follow three short texts from a holiday Aim: to understand the main points of a conversation
brochure. about a future trip in Sudan.
Materials: audio track 12.2
• Tell pupils you will read three short texts from a
holiday brochure. Each text is about one of the
places in Pictures A-E. Pupils must follow and • Tell pupils they will listen to a conversation
point to the pictures. between Tim and Amien. Tim’s family is coming
back to Sudan next year. Tim is talking about one
• Read the three texts aloud. Pupils point to the of the places that they are going to visit. Pupils
pictures. must listen and decide which place he and Amien
are talking about.
• Elicit the answers (Text 1 = Picture A, Text 2 =
Picture C, Text 3 = Picture E).
• Play audio track 12.2. Pupils listen.
• Tell pupils to say the meanings of these words:
nature, wild animals, environment, antelopes, • Elicit from pupils which place they are talking
busiest, handicrafts, souvenirs, wonders, go div- about (Dinder National Park – Picture A).
ing, coral reefs.
AB B. Listen and complete the paragraph. [5 mins]

218 Unit 12: Looking back

Lesson 6: Travel Time UNIT 12
Aim: to understand details of a conversation about a Aim: to act out a dialogue about holiday plans and inten-
future trip in Sudan. tions.

• Pupils read the paragraph. They discuss the • Write these questions on the board. Remind
information that goes in each gap. pupils that we can use ‘be going to’ + infinitive
(e.g. get, do, eat) when we talk about future
• Play audio track 12.2. Pupils listen. plans or intentions.
• Where are you going?
• Pupils work together to complete the para-
graph. • When are you going there?
• How are you going to get there?
• Elicit answers. Write the missing words on
the board. Pupils check their answers. • What are you going to do there?
Answers: 1. Dinder National Park, 2. car, 3. comfortable, • What are you going to eat there?
4. the / a bus / by bus, 5. mango
• Tell pupils to imagine that they are Tim. Ask the
questions on the board. Help pupils to answer.
AB C. Write sentences comparing different ways of trav-
elling. Use the words in the box. [6 mins]
• Pupils take turns to ask and answer the
Aim: to review comparative and superlative adjectives. questions on the board. Walk around the room,
listening and helping.
• Read these adjectives: cheap, fast, slow. Example dialogue:
Remind pupils that we add the letters ‘er’ or ‘est’
to the end of the words when we compare things Where are you going? I’m going to Dinder National Park.
(e.g. faster, the fastest). When are you going there? I’m going next year.
How are you going to get there? I’m going to go by car /
• Read these adjectives: comfortable, danger- I’m going to drive there.
ous, expensive. Remind pupils that we use the
words ‘more’ or ‘most’ before each word when What are you going to do there? I’m going to visit the
Taka Mountains / see the well of Totil.
we compare things (e.g. more expensive, the
most expensive). What are you going to eat there? I’m going to eat man-
• Read the examples. Elicit the meanings. Explain
the activity. Pupils must write sentences compar-
ing the different types of transport in the pic- AB D. Project work. Find out about two other places in
tures. They must use the adjectives in the box. Sudan and make a holiday brochure. [8 mins]
Aim: to make a holiday brochure about a place in Sudan.
• Pupils work together to write sentences. Materials: chart paper (or notepaper), pens, coloured
Walk around the room and help. pencils (if possible)

• Choose pairs to read a sentence each. • Have pupils to say what they know about
Example answers: Buses are cheaper than planes. Mo- different places to visit in Sudan (e.g. Meroe was
torbikes are the cheapest. Buses are more comfortable the most important city in the Kingdom of Kush,
than motorbikes. Planes are the most comfortable. Buses
are more dangerous than planes. Motorbikes are the the Palace of Ali Dinar is now a museum).
most dangerous. Cars are more expensive than buses. Pupils may use Arabic.
Planes are the most expensive. Cars are faster than bus-
es. Planes are the fastest. Buses are slower than planes.
Motorbikes are the slowest. • In groups of three or four, pupils choose two
places. They write a short text for a holiday bro-
chure about each place. The text should explain
PB 4. Your turn. [6 mins] why the place is good for tourists (pupils can use
the texts in PB Activity 2 as examples). Remind
Unit 12: Looking back 219
UNIT 12 Lesson 6: Travel Time
pupils that they can find information about the
places in Unit 8 or Unit 11.

• Choose groups to show and read their

posters in front of the class. If possible, stick the
posters on the board or around the classroom for
pupils to look at.

Homework 3
If possible, pupils find pictures of the places which they
wrote about in AB Activity D (e.g. in magazines, the
Internet etc.). They bring them to class to stick on their

End of Lesson 6 Checkpoints:

• Pupils can read and understand details of three

short texts from a holiday brochure.
• Pupils can understand details of a conversation
about a future trip in Sudan.
• Pupils can act out a dialogue about holiday plans
and intentions with clear pronunciation.
• Pupils can work together to make a holiday
brochure about places in Sudan.

220 Unit 12: Looking back

Lesson 7: Nature and Life UNIT 12
Lesson overview healthy.
Reading focus:        understand the main points of a
text about the importance of looking after the envi-
ronment Homework 1

Speaking focus:            talk about how we can help the Read the text again at home.
Grammar:                   (1) adverbs of sequence, (2) PB 3. Read the text again. Answer these questions. [6
intensifiers: (not) enough, too (much) mins]
Function:                       describing a sequence or process Aim: to read and understand the main points of a text
New language:           root, shoot (n) about the importance of looking after the environ-

Pupil’s Book (PB) page 95 / Activity Book (AB) page 95 • In pairs, pupils read the text again. They read
the questions and answer them orally together.

Starter activity [4 mins] • Read each question and elicit the answers.

PB 1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? Answers: A. It is about looking after the environment /
planet. B. We only have one planet. C. We can pick up
Aim: to review language related to the environment. litter. D. We can recycle plastic bottles. E. To make the
planet healthy.
• Point to each picture and ask the questions be-
low. Encourage different ideas. Pupils may
AB A. A. Complete the sentences with the words from
use Arabic for some of the answers. the box and put them in the correct order. [6 mins]
• Picture A: What is the person doing? Why Aim: to review adverbs of sequence.
should you pick up litter?
• Tell pupils that the sentences describe the
• Picture B: What is the person doing? Why
life cycle of a plant. Read the example sentence.
are trees important?
(First the seeds grow a shoot and some roots).
• Picture C: What can you see? Why are dirty Elicit the meaning in Arabic. Tell pupils to write
rivers bad? the number ‘1’ next to the sentence.
• Picture D: What is the person doing? Why is • Ask: What happens next? (The plant grows
it important to recycle things? tall and strong). Pupils write number ‘2’
next to the sentence.
• Ask: Then what happens? (The plant makes
PB 2. Read the text. Point to the pictures. [4 mins] seeds). Pupils write number ‘3’ next to the
Aim: to read and follow a text about the importance of sentence.
looking after the environment.
• Say: And finally, what happens? (The seeds
• Tell pupils you will read a text about looking after fall onto the ground and everything starts
the environment. They must follow the text and again). Pupils write number ‘3’ next to the
point to the pictures in PB activity 1 (e.g. when sentence.
they read picking up any litter they point to pic-
ture A). • Explain the activity. Pupils must read the sentenc-
es in the correct order. They must write words
• Read the text aloud. Pupils follow and point to from the box in the gaps.
• Pupils complete the sentences. If they need
• Tell pupils to say the meanings of these words:
help, they can look at the picture in activity B.
protect animals, pick up litter, tidy, recycle,
rubbish, plastic, metal, plant seeds and trees,
• Elicit the missing words. Remind pupils
Unit 12: Looking back 221
UNIT 11 Lesson 7: Nature and Life
that we can use the words in the box when we Aim: to make a poster about keeping our planet green and
describe a sequence or an order. clean.

Answers: 1. Then (next), 2. Finally, 3. Next (then), 4. First Materials: chart paper (or notepaper), pens, coloured
pencils (if possible)

AB B. Draw the pictures. [8 mins] • Explain the activity. Pupils must make a
poster to persuade local people to keep the village
Aim: to understand sentences about the life cycle of a
plant. / town green and clean. They can say:
What are the problems? (e.g. rubbish in the river)
• Explain the activity. Pupils must draw pic- Why is this a problem? (e.g. people use the water to wash,
tures to show the life cycle of a plant. it isn’t healthy)
• Point to the box labelled ‘first’ and elicit the How can we keep our environment clean? (e.g. don’t put
drawing (a seed with a shoot and some roots). rubbish in the river)
Point to the arrow, and then to the box labelled
‘next’. Elicit the drawing (a tall, strong plant). Elic- • In groups of three or four, pupils make a
it the drawings for the box labelled ‘then’ (a tall, poster. If they like, they can draw pictures. Walk
strong plant with seeds); and ‘finally’ (the seeds around the room and help.
falling to the ground).
• Choose groups to show and read their posters
• Pupils draw the pictures. Encourage them to in front of the class. If possible, stick the posters
draw quickly. on the board or around the classroom for pupils to
look at.
• Pupils show each other their pictures and
say what is happening in each box (e.g. First, the
seeds grow a shoot and some roots). PB 4. Your turn. [5 mins]
Aim: to talk about how we can help the environment.

Homework 2 • Ask about the local area: How clean is

Pupils show the picture to their families and tell them the school / the school yard / our village / town /
about the life cycle of a plant. city…? Elicit problems (e.g. there is rubbish in the
school grounds etc.). Pupils may use Arabic, but
write notes on the board in English.
AB C. Complete the sentences with enough or too. [5
• Ask: What can we do to help the environ-
Aim: to review enough / too. ment? Elicit ideas (e.g. we can have a meeting
at school, we can pick up the litter in the school
• Explain the activity. Pupils must complete grounds, we can talk to pupils at the school, we
each sentence with ‘enough’ or ‘too’. Read the can plant some trees etc.) Elicit as many ideas as
example. Elicit the meaning of the sentence in possible. Write notes on the board in English.
• In groups of four or five, pupils take turns to
• Pupils read and complete the sentences. say what we can do to help the environment.
They check their answers together.

• Choose different pupils to read the sentenc-

es. Elicit the meanings in Arabic.
Answers: 1. enough, 2. enough, 3. too, 4. enough, 5. too

AB D. Design a poster about keeping our planet green

and clean. [X mins]
222 Unit 12: Looking back
Lesson 7: Nature and Life UNIT 12
Vocabulary box [2 mins]

• Read each word in the box aloud. Pupils

repeat. Elicit the meaning of each word.
• Point to each word. Pupils say the word.
Check pronunciation.
Homework 3
Pupils learn the meanings and spellings of the words in
the vocabulary box. If you have time next lesson, you can
review these words.

End of Lesson 7 Checkpoints:

• Pupils can read and understand the main points

of a text about the importance of looking after
the environment.
• Pupils can use adverbs of sequence to describe
the life cycle of a plant.
• Pupils can use enough / too correctly.
• Pupils can talk about how we can help the

Unit 12: Looking back 223

12 Lesson 8: Good Health
Lesson overview to read the sentences. Check pronunciation.
Listening focus:        understand details of a conversa- Answers: 1. He’s got a headache. 2. She’s got a stomach
tion between a girl and a doctor ache. 3. 4. She’s got a fever. 5. He’s got a cough.
Reading focus:          understand sentences saying
what you should do to stay healthy
Homework 1
Grammar:                    (1) modal verb + infinitive:
should / shouldn’t, (2) expressions of quantity: many / Pupils write sentences with advice for each health prob-
much lem (e.g. You should go to the doctor).

Function:                       (1) giving advice, (2) saying good-

bye PB 2. Listen. Where is Fadia? What’s wrong with her? [4
New language:            stay in touch mins]
Aim: to understand the main points of a conversation
Pupil’s Book (PB) page 96 / Activity Book (AB) page 96 between a girl and a doctor.
Materials: audio track 12.3
Starter activity [4 mins]
• Tell pupils they will listen to a conversation.
PB 1. Look at these pictures. What can you see?
Aim: to review language related to health. • Play audio track 12.3.
• Point to each picture and ask the questions be- • Ask: Where is the girl? (She’s at the doctor’s)
low. Encourage different ideas.
What’s wrong with her? (She’s got a cough).
• Picture A: What is the boy doing? Why Play the audio track again.
should you wash your hands?
• Picture B: What are they doing? Why? PB 3. Listen again. Are these sentences true or false? [6
What else can you do to stay healthy? (e.g. mins]
get up early)
Aim: to understand details of a conversation between a
• Picture C: What is she doing? Can you give girl and a doctor.
some examples of healthy food and drinks? Materials: audio track 12.3
(e.g. fresh fruit and vegetables)
• Picture D: What is he doing? Can you give • Read each sentence aloud. After each sen-
some examples of unhealthy food and tence, elicit the meaning in Arabic. Then tell
drinks? (e.g. fizzy drinks) pupils to raise their right hands if they think it’s
true; or their left hands if they think it’s false.
• Picture E: What’s the matter with the boy?
Can you give some examples of other health • Play audio track 12.3. Pupils listen to check
problems? (e.g. malaria, nosebleed)
their answers. They read each sentence and
discuss the answers in pairs.
AB A. Look at the pictures. What’s wrong? [5 mins]
• Elicit the answers. If a sentence is false, tell
Aim: to review words related to health problems.
pupils to give the true answer.
• Point to the first picture and read the exam- Answers: A. T, B. F (He wants Fadia to stand up), C. F
ple sentence. Explain the activity. Pupils must (He doesn’t say she’s got a fever), D. T, E. F (She doesn’t
eat very much junk food), F. T, G. F (She should take two
write a sentence to say what’s wrong under each spoons – one in the morning and one at night)

• Pupils work together to write sentences. AB B. Complete the chart. [8 mins]

Aim: to review what you should / shouldn’t do to stay
• Point to each picture. Choose different pupils
224 Unit 12: Looking back
Lesson 8: Good Health UNIT 12
• Pupils read and complete the sentences.
• Read the words in the chart: You should… They check their answers together.
You shouldn’t…Elicit the meanings. Remind pupils
that we can use these verbs to give advice. • Choose different pupils to read the sentenc-
es. Elicit the meanings in Arabic.
• Read the first phrase in the box (drink lots of wa-
Answers: 1. much, 2. many, 3. many, 4. much, 5. much, 6.
ter). Have pupils to say which column it goes in much, 7. many, 8. much
(You should…drink lots of water). Explain the PB 4. Goodbye! [4 mins]
activity. Pupils must read the phrases in the box
and decide if we should or shouldn’t do these Aim: to read and understand a cartoon about two boys
saying goodbye.
things to stay healthy.
• Read the text in the speech bubbles aloud.
• Pupils read the phrases and write them in
Pupils follow in their books.
the chart.
• Elicit from pupils what is happening (Tim is leav-
• Choose pupils to read the phrases in the ‘You ing Sudan, Tim and Amien are saying goodbye).
should…’ column, then choose others to read the
• Read each line. Elicit the meaning in Arabic. Read
phrases in the ’You shouldn’t’ column.
each line again. Pupils repeat. Check pronuncia-
• Tell pupils to close their Activity Books. Read one tion.
of the phrases in the box (e.g. go to bed late).
• Divide the class into two halves. One half reads
Pupils say the complete sentence (You shouldn’t
Tim’s lines, one half reads Amien’s lines.
go to bed late). Continue with all the phrases in
the box. AB D. Your turn. [4 mins]
Aim: to act out a cartoon about two boys saying good-
• Pupil 1 reads phrases from the box (e.g. bye.
drink lots of water); Pupil 2 says the complete
sentence (e.g. You should drink lots of water). Pu- • Pupils act out the cartoon in pairs.
pils swap roles. Walk around the room, listening
and helping. • If there is time, choose different pairs to act
Answers: You should: drink lots of water, do lots of out the cartoon in front of the class.
exercise, eat fresh fruit and vegetables every day, always
wash your hands before you eat.
Homework 3
You shouldn’t: drink fizzy drinks with lots of sugar, watch
too much TV, go to bed late, eat too much junk food. Pupils look again at lessons they would like to review.
Homework 2
Pupils write more advice in each column (e.g. You should End of Lesson 8 Checkpoints:
brush your teeth twice a day. You shouldn’t sleep without
a mosquito net). • Pupils can understand and say words related to
health problems (e.g. a cough).

AB C. Complete with much or many. [5 mins] • Pupils can understand details of a conversation
between a girl and a doctor.
Aim: to review much / many.
• Pupils can understand and say what you should /
• Remind pupils that we use ‘much’ with shouldn’t do to stay healthy.
things that we can’t count (e.g. bread); and that • Pupils can act out a cartoon with clear
we use ‘many’ with things that we can count (e.g. pronunciation.
bananas). Explain the activity. Pupils must com-
plete each sentence with ‘much’ or ‘many’.

Unit 12: Looking back 225

12 Unit 12 : Audioscripts
Unit 12 Audioscripts Fadia: Oh! That’s cold.
Doctor: Could you breathe in? In, out. Right. Open your
Audio track 12.1
Fadia: Aaaah!
Ammar: Where do you want it?
Doctor: Show me your tongue. Mmm, yes, you are ill, but
Woman: Can you put it next to the cupboard? it isn’t too bad.
Man: That’s not a good idea. Fadia: That’s good.
Woman: Why not? Doctor: How often do you exercise?
Man: It will be difficult to open the door when you use it. Fadia: Every day.
Woman: Mmmm. Yes, you’re right. Where do you think it Doctor: That’s good. And how much junk food do you
should go? eat?
Man: Over there, under the window. Fadia: I don’t eat very much junk food.
Woman: You mean between that cupboard and the door. Doctor: Good. It’s important to stay healthy. I’m going to
Man: Yes. What do you think? give you some medicine for your cough.

Woman: Is it safe there? Fadia: How much should I take?

Man: Yes, the wire goes behind the machine so it’s OK Doctor: One spoon in the morning and one at night.
there. Fadia: Thank you, doctor.
Woman: OK, that’s fine.

Audio track 12.2

Tim: Next year we’re coming back to Sudan. My dad says
we’re going to visit Dinder National park
Amien: That’s great. It’s beautiful.
Tim:. Have you ever been there?
Amien: No I haven’t, but I’ve seen pictures. How are you
going to get there?
Tim: We’re going to drive.
Amien: That’s good. Cars are faster than buses.
Tim: Yes, and more comfortable.
Amien: [laughs] Yes, that’s true. What else are you going
to see?
Tim: I’m not sure. What do you suggest?
Amien: You should go to the Taka mountains and visit the
well of Totil. Then you can relax in mango orchards.
Tim: Mango orchards. I love mangoes, they’re delicious.

Audio track 12.3 [same as audio track 10.2]

Doctor: Sit down. Now, what’s the problem?
Fadia: I’ve got a very bad cough.
Doctor: Yes, that does sound bad. Could you stand up,

226 Unit 12: Looking back

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