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SWW2401 Shadow of The Weird Wizard (v1.3) - Nk070u

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Writing, Design, and Art Direction: Robert J.

Foreword: Zeb Cook
Editing and Development: Kim Mohan
Additional Editing: Jennifer Clarke Wilkes, Jay Spight
Aid and Assistance: Daniel K. Heinrich, Danielle Casteel
Proofreading: David Satnik, Jay Spight
Cover Design, Graphic Design, and Layout: Kara Hamilton
Cover Illustrator: Matteo Spirito
Interior Illustrations: Yeysson Bellaiza, Andrew Clark, Biagio d’alessandro, Çağdaş Demiralp,
Nim Dewhirst—Kasgovs Maps, Rick Hershey, Jack Kaiser, Katerina Ladon, Britt Martin,
Victor Moreno, Mitch Mueller, Matthew Myslinski, Eduardo Nunes, Mirco Paganessi,
Claudio Pozas, Phill Simpson, Kim Van Deun, Sergio Villa-Isaza, Cardin Yanis
Character Sheet Design: Daniel K. Heinrich and Kara Hamilton
Playtesters: Daniel Alonso-Soski, Kralizec the Red Hand of Doom, Tokyo Lift, Matěj "Thaumatarge" Novotný,
Andrew "MooseRohDah" Huk, Bruno Gil Massa, Jarred Caldwell, plus all the good folks on Discord
Special Thanks: Sean Anderson, Shawn & Beth Metzler, Nicholas Cassidy, Troy Yost, Fezzwick, Jarred D. Caldwell, Jørgen Sætermo, Raymond Bennett, FSHSchmo's Amazing Tabletop
Podcast & Stream, Montana Bobinski, Lex Draconum, Bryan McCoy, Glenn Selwood, Adam Safwat, Nick Armet, Myles Martin, Will Briggs, Fabian Recht, Alex Bliss, Zeokroe, Ja, Marcel
Siegert, Wolfbane, Joe Castelli, NASSER Al Alawi, Shane Moriarty, Irina & Randall Dorn, Guillaume PERRIO, Matthew Miller, Mars, Marshall Lemon, Zachary Smedley, Jeffrey Binder,
Jeff Robinson, Taras Serdiuk, David DeRocha, Christopher Davis, Jon Britton, Matt Richardson, Nicholas E. Jackson, Patrick P., Lauren & Johnathon Schiveley, James Nielsen, Lucas
Skrdlant, Jacob William Wagner, Daniel Hoffmann, Ardanyans ligbærer, LibbyLuvShanx, Christopher Boyd, Julian C. Steen, Eugene Helm, Alan Brown, hellaRadB, Lahee, Matt Lively,
Lucas Page, Dwayne McDonald, AJay Cain Huffward, Drew “Secondhand“ Scarr, Shaun D. Burton, Thomas Kavanagh, Holly Jencka, Caleb Alexander, Ronny Anderssen @ Ra Press, Jasper
Duskmire (GZ), Aric Wieder, Ethan DeJonge, Matt Roberts, Zakariya Dehlawi, D. W. Story, Darren and Gill Pearce, Chris Griggs, Revenant213, Dylan McInnis, The Sage Experiment,
Luke Russell, David Shank, Benjamin Menard, Lord of the Dance, Kyle Oppy, Balázs 'Glowface' Földes, James Dezomits, Richard “CHEMx“ Royce, Steven Kei Kenobi, Joe Gilman, George
S, Giovanni Ferino, Harold Scissors, Etienne Guerry, Mark Craddock, Zach Chapman, Joseph Sharkey, Matthew Skail, Matthew A Eldred, Ian Harris, Octophobia, Kevin “Dungeon Muser“
Madison, Nicholas Squires, Brian Mays, Treavor Blakney, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Jason Kapalka, Aleksandr Yaneevich, Mike DeVillar, Chris Heath, Gregory “Moses“ Martin, Steven
Gunther, Massimo “WYRD“ Cranchi, Noah McCammon, Caleb Scott, Jeff Jones, Rodney Thompson, A.F. Rizzo, Michael Orwal, Mitchell Grubbs (+1toHit), Nathan Summar, Shane
Harsch (Legendsmiths), Literally Made of Fire, Allen “Rebel“ Davis, McKendry Herrmann, Matthew Truong, Adam Doochin, Morgan K. Sims, Sterling Bates, Dave Weinstein, Daniel
Davis, Kevin Rice, Pellanor, spacht, Adrian Beeler, Andy Prain, Riley John Gibbs, Ward Bros., Jason Cole, Shannon Dickens, Andrew Hurley, Tree of Woe, Kralizec the Red Hand of Doom,
Kyle “AtlasDM” Cook, Jakub Łątkiewicz, Francesco Pippo Polizzi, Christopher “csmithere” Smith, Marco Stricker, Naglfar, Dan Carter, Zak Kendrick, The Wizard of Loneliness, Bradley
Palmer, J W, Chonn, Straybits, Ryan Percy, Ardghal, DM Athos, Nicklaus Martinez, Carson, Michael Long, Codey Paeth, Patrick Healey, Polemides290, Shawn Dry, David A Annable,
OrcishKiwi, The Leislers, Tony Fucina, Franko F, Mark Flory, James Bauer, Sam lane, Luca Lettieri, Louis Puster III, Joe G., Brian Becker, Matthew Foran, Severin Selezny, Arend Goodwin,
Michael R., Charlie LaCavera, Xiedran and Company, Christopher Vaccaro, Benton 'Lord Gadigan' Wilson, Jake Miller, Peter Ryzanych, Marc Schweiger, Bernhard Hedlund, YorkusRex,
Vintoks, Kevin Donachie, J F Winkeler, Alex & die Montagjungs, Jonathas, Jordan Singleton, Stephen Palmer, Ryan Johnson, Adam Fox, Kyle T. Harris, Bevan Anderson, Alex Kammer,
Justin Girardi, Bren Rowe, Alexander Tanierla, William Byland, Chris Robbins, justchris, SpruceGuy, William Buxton, Greg Zimmerman, Hircheos, Matthew “Ogrebeef “ Seagle, Peter HS
Foster, Begl of Chemes, Fel, Megahertz, Ed J, Mantis, CowHunter, Ryan Seguin, Gunnar Holmsteinn at Quest Portal, Liam Watson Day, Imad Ottallah, Patricio Gonzaga, Eliott Aillerie,
Jack Murphy, III, Cody Willson, Andy Insch, Rev. Rory Philstrom, Vin Ahku, Smila, John R Ritenour, Richard Butler, Christina Stiles, Charron Aurélia, Dimitris Zervakis, Max & Rachelle
Leon, Toke Vejlby Frank-Albrechtsen, Brian McCain, Oberon D'Argos, David Kuehl, Manfred Samusch, Michael Hellenbrecht, Vanguard Leonhart, Omer Raviv, Shane Martin, Nick Cote,
DJ Hartel, Michael Kuyku, Mark Nash, The Freelancing Roleplayer Bond Chui, Eleanor Vidal, William iozzino, Steffen Hytrek, Björn Elíeser, Dillon Burke, Rusty Shankilford, Jim and
Dawn Haltom, FlacoAlto, Brennan “Kite“ Norman, Orazio Conforti, Kenneth Wavra, Joe G Kushner, Tom Castelli, Josh Holt, Sean (Mad Dad) McAndrews, C.W. Grygiel, Laramie Wall,
Robert Sexton, Victor M. Cardenas Hernandez, Ciaran Carbery-Shaha, Robert L. Kratz, Chris Gauci, Tobias Becker, Kelly Griffin, William (UncleBilly) Ruemmler, Dominic Cid Jordan,
David A. Nolan, Lottie Ben Randall, Stephanie Reed

Shadow of the Weird Wizard is © 2024 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC. All rights reserved.

Shadow of the Weird Wizard, Shadow of the Demon Lord, Schwalb Entertainment,
and their associated logos are trademarks of Schwalb Entertainment, LLC.

Schwalb Entertainment

PO BOX 12548
Murfreesboro, TN 37129
[email protected]
Table of Contents
FOREWORD.................................4 Agility........................................... 26 Special Senses.............................. 34 Special Movement Traits.......... 44
INTRODUCTION.....................4 Intellect......................................... 26 Searching...................................... 34 Movement Complications........ 45
The Weird Wizard...........................5 Will................................................ 26 Being Hidden............................ 34 Forced Movement.................... 45
Attribute Rolls............................... 26 Knowledge...................................... 34 Moving Out of Reach............. 45
Ten True Things...............................5
Rolls to Attack, Professional Knowledge............ 35 Climbing or Jumping
Familiar but Different..................5
Rolls Against............................... 26 Discoveries................................... 35 onto Creatures..................... 45
Magic is Real...................................6
Boons and Banes......................... 26 Communication............................ 35 Actions in Combat..................... 46
Developing Technology...............6
Success and Failure..................... 27 Disposition.................................. 36 Attack......................................... 46
The Gods Exist...............................6
Critical Success......................... 27 Reading Dispositions.............. 36 Cast a Spell................................ 46
Mortal Reincarnation...................6
Critical Failure.......................... 27 Changing Dispositions........... 36 Defend........................................ 46
The Ancient Ones Sleep...............6
Luck Rolls....................................... 27 Shared Language......................... 36 End a Magical Effect................ 46
The First Peoples............................6
Languages of Find............................................. 46
Fallen Empires................................7 Defense............................................ 27
the Borderlands................... 36 Help............................................ 46
The Weird Wizard’s Shadow.......7 Health.............................................. 27
Hearing Effects......................... 37 Hide............................................ 46
A Time for Heroes........................7 Damage........................................... 28
Obfuscation............................... 37 Hinder........................................ 46
Game Concepts................................8 Injured........................................... 28 Overcome.................................. 46
Translation................................. 37
Dice..................................................8 Incapacitated............................... 28 Run.............................................. 46
Pantomime................................... 38
The Sage...........................................8 Death............................................. 28 Stabilize...................................... 46
Eavesdropping............................. 38
Characters and Groups................8 Harmful Effects............................. 29 Steal............................................. 46
Lip Reading................................. 38
Paths.................................................8 Afflictions..................................... 29 Throw......................................... 47
Reading Script............................. 38
CHAPTER 1: Blinded....................................... 29 Thrown Attacks........................ 47
Deciphering Codes.................. 39
CREATING A Confused................................... 29 Toss.............................................. 47
Social Challenges........................ 39
CHARACTER..........................9 Controlled................................. 29 Typical Social Challenges......... 39 Use a Talent or Trait................ 47
Level................................................. 10 Cursed........................................ 29 Transaction................................ 39 Use an Item................................ 47
Ancestry.......................................... 10 Deafened.................................... 29 Appeal......................................... 39 Do Something Else.................. 47
Professions...................................... 10 Frightened.................................. 29 Argument................................... 39 Reactions........................................ 47
Equipment...................................... 13 Held............................................ 29 Alliance...................................... 40 Catch............................................. 47
Appearance.................................. 13 Impaired..................................... 29 Coercion.................................... 40 Cover Ally.................................... 48
Background.................................. 15 On Fire....................................... 29 Companions................................ 40 Dodge........................................... 48
Identity......................................... 15 Poisoned..................................... 29 Other Activities Free Attack................................... 48
Personality.................................... 15 Prone........................................... 30 and Movement..................... 40 Take the Initiative....................... 48
Dependability........................... 16 Slowed........................................ 30 Harming Companions............ 40 Withstand.................................... 48
Sociability.................................. 16 Stunned...................................... 30 Losing Control......................... 40 Attacking........................................ 48
Outlook...................................... 16 Unconscious.............................. 30 Combat........................................... 41 Weapons....................................... 48
Receptiveness............................ 16 Asleep......................................... 30 Battlefield..................................... 41 Natural Weapons........................ 48
Affability.................................... 16 Vulnerable.................................. 30 Combatants................................. 41 Improvised Weapons................. 48
Religious Beliefs....................... 17 Weakened.................................. 30 Positioning................................. 41 Resolving Attacks....................... 48
Name............................................. 17 Buried............................................ 30 Turns............................................. 41 Combat Circumstances.......... 48
Deprivation.................................. 30 Using Bonus Damage................ 49
Novice Paths................................... 17 End of the Round..................... 41
Sleep Deprivation....................... 30 Multiple Attacks....................... 49
Attributes..................................... 18 Moving in Combat....................... 41
Dismemberment......................... 31 Attacking with
Customizing Scores................. 18 Special Forms of Movement..... 41
Exposure....................................... 31 Two Weapons....................... 49
Path Benefits................................ 18 Climb.......................................... 41
Fire................................................. 31 Disarming.................................. 49
Natural Defense........................ 18 Crawl.......................................... 42
Poisons.......................................... 31 Attack Options......................... 50
Health......................................... 18 Drop Prone................................ 42
Infection....................................... 31 Unarmed Attacks..................... 50
Languages.................................. 18 Fly................................................ 42
Suffocation................................... 31 Unarmed Strike........................ 50
Bonus Damage.......................... 18 Jump and Leap.......................... 42
Transformation........................... 31 Shove........................................... 51
Traditions................................... 18 Mount and Dismount............. 42
Talents........................................ 18 Rest.................................................. 32 Retreat........................................ 42 Trip.............................................. 51
Fighter............................................. 18 Time................................................ 32 Sneak........................................... 42 Grab............................................ 51
Distance........................................ 32 Stand Up.................................... 42 Casting Spells................................. 51
Mage................................................ 20
Size and Reach............................ 32 Swim........................................... 43 Targeting...................................... 51
Priest................................................ 21
Table of Contents

Movement.................................... 32 Teleport...................................... 43 Durations..................................... 52

Rogue.............................................. 23 Other Movement........................ 32 Rolls............................................... 52
Mounts.......................................... 43
Major Gods of Senses............................................... 33 Vehicles......................................... 43 Rituals........................................... 52
the Borderlands........................ 22 Sound and Hearing.................... 33 Obstacles...................................... 44 Chases.............................................. 52
CHAPTER 2: Light and Vision......................... 33 Challenging Terrain................. 44 Pursued Turns............................. 52
GAME RULES....................... 25 Artificial Light.......................... 33 Falling......................................... 44 Pursuers Turn.............................. 52
Attributes........................................ 26 Obscurement............................. 34 Squeezing................................... 44 Chase Complications................ 52
Strength........................................ 26 Wind........................................... 34 Minor Activities....................... 44 Extended Chases......................... 52
Ending the Chase....................... 52 Protection.....................................138 Barbarian....................................193 Destroyer....................................228
CHAPTER 3: Psychomancy...............................140 Battle Master.............................194 Diabolist.....................................228
EQUIPMENT........................ 53 Pyromancy....................................142 Blade............................................195 Diviner........................................229
Commerce...................................... 54 Skullduggery................................148 Cavalier.......................................195 Enchanter...................................230
Item Quality................................ 54 Champion..................................196 Evoker.........................................230
Item Availability......................... 54 Conqueror.................................196 Geomancer.................................231
Symbolism....................................152 Hierophant................................231
Crafting........................................... 54 Death Dealer.............................196
Technomancy...............................155 Dragon Fist................................197 Hydromancer............................232
Carrying Limits............................. 54 Teleportation...............................158 Duelist........................................197 Illusionist....................................232
Armor.............................................. 55 War.................................................160 Invoker........................................233
Light Armor................................ 55 CHAPTER 5: Necromancer.............................233
Giant Killer................................198
Medium Armor........................... 55 Oneiromancer...........................234
EXPERT PATHS................163 Graven.........................................199
Heavy Armor............................... 55 Primal Hunter...........................235
Paths of Battle..............................164 Juggernaut..................................199
Shields........................................... 56 Pyromancer................................235
Berserker.....................................164 Mariner.......................................199
Weapons.......................................... 56 Commander...............................164 Marauder....................................200 Scoundrel...................................236
Melee or Ranged......................... 56 Gladiator....................................165 Outlander...................................200 Shadowmancer..........................236
Grip............................................. 57 Knight Errant............................165 Razor Wind...............................201 Shapechanger.............................237
Requirements............................ 57 Followers..................................166 Ruffian........................................201 Spiritist.......................................237
Damage by Weapon................... 57 Page......................................166 Sharpshooter.............................202 Summoner..................................238
Weapon Traits............................. 57 Squire...................................166 Skald............................................202 Symbolist....................................239
Weapon Descriptions................ 59 Martial Artist.............................166 Slayer...........................................203 Technomancer...........................239
Explosives..................................... 61 Myrmidon..................................167 Twin Striker...............................203 Telepath......................................240
Clothing.......................................... 61 Ranger.........................................167 Warlord.......................................203 Traveler.......................................241
Accessories................................... 62 Swashbuckler.............................168 Zealot..........................................204 Paths of Prowess..........................241
Prosthetics and Veteran........................................169 Paths of the Gods........................204 Academician..............................241
Wheeled Chairs..................... 62 Warden........................................169 Anointed One...........................204 Accursed.....................................242
Gear................................................. 63 Paths of Faith...............................170 Blessed Knave............................205 Avatar..........................................243
Kits and Tools................................ 65 Channeler...................................170 Blighter.......................................206 Avatar Forms...........................244
Animals........................................... 67 Chaplain.....................................170 Catastrophist.............................207 Bearer of the Black Blade........245
Cleric...........................................171 Dragonite...................................207 Chorist........................................245
Vehicles............................................ 68
Friar.............................................172 Fate Weaver................................208 Daredevil....................................246
Hirelings......................................... 69 Darkheart...................................246
Godsworn..................................172 Flagellant of Want....................208
Magical Items................................. 70 Darkslayer..................................247
Holy Avenger.............................173 Herald of the Dawn.................209
Consumables............................... 70 Demonologist...........................247
Inquisitor....................................173 High Priest.................................210
Inscriptions.................................. 71 Executioner................................248
Oracle..........................................174 Horned Apostle........................210
Trinkets......................................... 71 Factotum....................................249
Paladin........................................175 Justiciar.......................................211
CHAPTER 4: Galvanist.....................................249
Templar.......................................176 Kraken Thrall............................211
MAGIC..................................... 74 Gunslinger..................................250
Theurge.......................................176 Legate..........................................212
Aeromancy..................................... 74 Healer..........................................250
Paths of Power.............................177 Maenad.......................................212
Alchemy.......................................... 77 Horologist..................................250
Arcanist......................................177 Magister......................................213
Alteration....................................... 80 Hunter of the Dead..................251
Artificer......................................178 Moon Celebrant.......................213
Animism......................................... 82 Infiltrator....................................252
Druid...........................................179 Reforged.....................................214
Astromancy.................................... 85 Elementalist...............................180 Sacred Reveler...........................215
Mind Blade................................253
Chaos............................................... 88 Psychic........................................180 Saprophyte.................................216
Wild Magic.................................. 88 Sorcerer.......................................181 Soul Taker..................................216
Wild Guardian..........................181 Spirit Caller...............................217
Chronomancy................................ 92 Oblivionist.................................254
Witch..........................................182 Storm Apostle............................218
Conjuration.................................... 95 Rakehell......................................255
Wizard........................................183 Valkyrie.......................................218
Cryomancy..................................... 98 Ravenguard................................255
Paths of Skill.................................184 Wood Watcher..........................218
Dark Arts......................................100 Sanguinist...................................256
Annihilator................................184 Paths of Magic.............................219 Sapper.........................................257
Destruction..................................103 Assassin.......................................185 Abjurer........................................219 Schemer......................................257
Divination....................................105 Bard.............................................185 Aeromancer...............................220 Seeker..........................................257
Eldritch.........................................108 Beastfriend.................................187 Alchemist...................................221 Sentinel.......................................258
Enchantment...............................111 Inheritor.....................................187 Alienist........................................222 Silhouette...................................259
Evocation......................................114 Jester............................................188 Animist.......................................223 Sniper..........................................259
Mountebank..............................189 Archmage...................................223
Table of Contents

Geomancy....................................116 Spellthief....................................260
Physician.....................................190 Astromancer..............................224 Trapsmith...................................260
Scout...........................................190 Authority....................................224 Trickster......................................261
Illusion..........................................122 Spellfighter.................................191 Battle Mage................................225 Uncanny Acrobat.....................261
Invocation.....................................125 Thief............................................191 Binder..........................................225 War Machine.............................262
Necromancy.................................127 Warlock.......................................192 Chaotician..................................226
Oneiromancy...............................130 CHAPTER 6: Chronomancer..........................226
Order.............................................133 MASTER PATHS...............193 Conjurer.....................................227
Primal............................................135 Paths of Arms...............................193 Cryomancer...............................228
A peril of designing, reading, and playing games for forty years of misfits and social outcasts; Robert’s weird exists outside the
is you can fall into believing you have seen everything there is to human realm, that of pagan things and supernatural forces. It is
offer in one form or another—hard-core rules RPGs, rules-lite the old wyrd full of mystery and deadly fates, a richly textured set-
RPGs, and diceless RPGs; high fantasy, historical fantasy, and ting with all shades of coloring.
grimdark settings; sci-fantasy, magical realism, and surrealist fan- It is also the unashamedly heroic fantasy found in old sagas and
tasy mashups; and so much more. As the old lament goes, “…there fairy tales, where weird equals wondrous. It may be heroic fan-
is no new thing under the sun.” So it is always a great wonder when tasy, but it is not all sunshine and happiness. Shadow of the Weird
you discover, to your delight, that you were wrong. Along comes a Wizard is fantasy with a darker edge. Tragic consequences, suf-
game (like maybe the one you hold in your hands?) that plays with fering, disfigurement, and death are always possible heroic fates.
the tropes and expectations to create something fresh and remind People and monsters are not simplistic reductions of good and evil
you that role-playing games are about heroics, wonder, and fun. but beings with often incomprehensible motives who may help
I am told by my SO that calling someone a genius is right out— and hinder according to their own logic. Adventurers who believe
too cliché—and that as a writer I should do better. So instead, I will that the world bows to their will would best tread carefully. Fame
say that Robert Schwalb is a truly creative soul, a designer overflow- and glory come with a cost.
ing with ideas and blessed with the craft to turn those ideas into And so, Shadow of the Weird Wizard continues the traditions
playable games. This is no simple thing. Just the business of making of weird fantasy that began with Weird Tales magazine and its
ideas interesting and clear enough for others to understand is a chal- followers like Unknown, Amazing Stories, and modern day’s New
lenge. Then there is creating rules to let those ideas come through Weird authors, such as China Miéville and Jeff VanderMeer. With
without sucking the life and wonder out of them. A lot of designers Shadow of the Weird Wizard, Robert Schwalb has given us all an
can excel at one or the other, but seldom both. Robert makes it look opportunity to explore lands of exotic peril and be challenged,
effortless. While I suspect he might disagree with the "effortless” thrilled, and sometimes bewildered by the bizarre wonders our
part of that statement, the game he has created achieves that rare heroes find.
balance of creativity and practical application. I look forward to rolling some dice and taking my chances.
Shadow of the Weird Wizard may seem a strange title, but it
is a promise of what you will find. This is not the modern weird —Zeb

In Shadow of the Weird Wizard, you tell stories in a world of high deciding what happens in response to the decisions the other play-
adventure. You explore the borderlands, fight strange monsters, ers make. More information on being the Sage comes in the Secrets
solve mysteries, uncover secrets, and interact with others to gain of the Weird Wizard book.
aid, information, and access, all while portraying the imaginary Whether you’re the Sage or playing a character, you all use the
character you create using the rules in this book. Your character same set of basic rules, which are presented in this book. As a
is a member of a group of individuals who find success through group, you refer to the rules to help you decide what happens in
cooperation. As you complete quests, your character becomes the game as a result of something you do or an event that occurs
more experienced and thus more powerful and capable. In time, in the story. It’s crucial to remember that the rules are designed to
your group of characters might become the most powerful people facilitate game play, but they should never dictate what happens.
in the known world. The Sage can change or ignore a rule if it makes the story better.
All of this takes place under the guidance of the Sage, a role Feel free to skip around the book and come back later when you
sometimes known as the game master. You or one of your friends need to know how something works. Be sure, though, to take a
Foreword & Introduction

gets to be in control of the story, presenting challenges and close look at the Game Concepts section, since those rules are the
foundation on which everything else stands.

The Weird Wizard attention to such distinctions when considering who belongs to a
community and who doesn’t. The same is not always true between
members of different ancestries.
People flee the chaos of the Old Country, seeking refuge wherever For every animal and plant that exists in the real world, there’s a
they might find it. For centuries, the Weird Wizard cast a shadow similar, if not identical, species on Erth; for simplicity’s sake, nam-
from the east, his mere presence deterrent enough to keep explor- ing conventions remain the same. A bear is a bear and an oak tree
ers and settlers from venturing too far beyond the borderlands is an oak tree. Erth’s magical nature enables other species to thrive
that stood between the so-called new lands and those of enlight-
where their existence would otherwise be preposterous. Sharing
enment, culture, law, and order.
the lands with the familiar are talking animals, hybrid beasts that
Some saw him as a mad sorcerer who commanded eldritch
combine the forms of a multitude of creatures, dragons and mon-
powers of staggering might. As proof, one only has to look at all
sters, living statues, and more.
the abominations he set loose in the lands—the hybrid beasts, the
Finally, Erth has a similar method for timekeeping, using
multilegged hulking collectors, floating eyes that hang in the air
months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Each day lasts 24 hours
trailing their nerve endings. And then, far, far beyond the edges of
the new lands rose the walls of the Forbidden City and the clock- and a week has seven days—Sunday, Moonday, Skyday, Midweek,
work peoples who dwelled there in seeming servitude to the dread Highday, Revelday, and Restings, which correspond to the famil-
mage who ruled over all he surveyed. iar days of the week. Each month has four weeks, and a year has
But the Weird Wizard is gone. His shadow remains, but the fig-
ure casting it disappeared and none, not even his closest servants,
know where he went. It might be coincidence that his absence pre-
ceded the bloody civil war that tore the Great Kingdom apart and
that precipitated the violent struggle between the other nations
in the west, or the Weird Wizard might have had some stabilizing
influence that enabled civilization to flourish once more following
a far older, nastier decline. Too, he could have been the source of
the conflict and abandoned the world to its fate.
Either way, the instability sends people by the thousands spill-
ing into the borderlands. As this territory grows more and more
crowded, refugees are looking to the east to make their homes.
The first forays into the strange place have ended with disappear-
ances and death, and the few people who have returned carry
tales of hostile inhabitants, cruel faeries, and hideous, ravenous
monsters. If the new lands would be tamed, there must be peace
with the inhabitants.
Such efforts demand heroes. Luckily, there might just be a few
around. This book shows you how to make a hero who can meet
and triumph over the greatest challenges of exploring a world that
stands in the shadow of the Weird Wizard.

Ten True Things

You might find it helpful to digest the following basic truths about
the world and its inhabitants.

Familiar but Different

Erth has much in common with our own world: forests and moun-
tains, rolling plains, seas, rivers, oceans, and every other type of ter-
rain imaginable. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Erth
has a single moon that moves through four phases each month.
Stars form constellations in the night sky, and among them drift
About the Game

the wandering stars, which some believe are other worlds. There
are important differences, however, which are described in greater
detail below.
Humans share the world with many other sentient peoples—
dwarfs, faeries, clockworks, dragonets, and more. The differences
between ancestries go far beyond minor cosmetic details, such as
skin color, gender, or other physical features, so people don’t pay
thirteen months. The people of the Old Country and borderlands
use the Queen’s Calendar for tracking the years from the time of
Mortal Reincarnation
the Great Kingdom’s founding. The present year is 1342 KE, with According to the priests, Lord Death gave the gift of life to Erth,
the “KE” meaning Kingdom Era. but with that gift came a weighty debt, paid by the fact of death.
All mortals must die so that they can live again. When a mortal
Magic is Real dies, its soul, freighted with memories and emotions, sinks into
the Underworld, where it bides its time until its identity fades
Most have had at least a brush with magic. The traveling magician away. Only then, once cleansed of who the soul once was, can it
might supplement sleight of hand with a cantrip or two to amaze be born again into new flesh. One might think that people would
and astound the audience. Everyone knows about the wizards be a bit more cavalier about dying, since they know they will come
who declare themselves authorities on magic and the druids who back, but people cling strongly to their lives and dread what ter-
pull the strings on which everyone seems to dance, and curious rors oblivion holds.
mechanical people known as clockworks who behave as those of The cycle of birth-death-rebirth had been the natural order of
flesh and blood even though they have bodies of iron, brass, and things, or so Lord Death’s priests claim, but the coming of the
ceramic. Magic is just part of life on Erth. High One changed everything. The High One spares mortals—
Magic might be commonplace, but few understand it. Wise particularly humans—from oblivion by preparing a path for
people approach magic with the caution it deserves. More than a worthy souls to ascend to Paradise, a realm of peace and beauty.
thousand years have passed since the old Empire fell into ruin, and The High One defeated the darkness, called the Adversary, and
everyone knows that magic played a part in that nation’s collapse. flung down the God Whose Name Must Not Be Spoken to lan-
Plus, angering a witch who can turn you into a toad or a wizard guish in the Netherworld, a place deeper, cosmologically speak-
who can call down a mountain to wipe out your town is never a ing, than even the Underworld. The sacred writings of the High
good idea. One claim that people who live in the light and remain pure of
spirit will be chosen to ascend and dwell with the Redeemer for
Developing Technology all time.
It might seem strange to read that technology can create wonders
rivaling those of magic, when magic exists and anyone with the
The Ancient Ones Sleep
time, talent, and inclination can learn how to cast spells. But peo-
Lord Death wrested Erth from the Ancient Ones, proto-deities
ple look for ways to improve their lives, to make easier the work
sometimes called the titans, in a cataclysmic battle that nearly rent
they must do to get by, and thus they turn to their own ingenuity
the world asunder. Victory might have slipped from his grasp had
when magical solutions are out of reach. Swelling populations and
he not won several of these beings to his side, urging them to turn
greater demands for food and resources saw technological innova-
against their fellows and rule creation as equals. The titans who
tions all across the Old Country, birthing harvesters, diggers, and
fell to these gods were cast down into the heart of the world and
other mechanical marvels. Unfortunately, many of these devices
remain in the Old Country, abandoned in the wars, or were repur- wrapped in the chains of their brother titan, the god known as
posed to carry out atrocities. Refugees have had to rely on the old Draconus who coils around the world, holding fast his kin in an
methods for farming, settling, and cultivating their land, but some adamantine grasp.
bright minds have escaped the violence, and in them is the hope The Ancient Ones have come to haunt the mortal imagination
that what was lost can be found once more. as monstrous elder beings of dreadful might and destructive aspect.
Their names and the means for calling on their power have been
The Gods Exist lost thanks to the efforts of both the Cult of the Last Door—Lord
Death’s religion—and the Church of the High One, but some
People worship beings called gods and give their devotion to these people see the fate of the Ancient Ones as the evil of unchecked
entities in return for intervening in the destinies created for them authority and would awaken and release them to usher in a new
by the Fates—gods who decide the outcomes of each living thing age. So deluded are these individuals that they even believe the
the moment they come into this world. The gods can change fate Ancient Ones would somehow make everything better, though it’s
and circumstances, so people believe, and thus mortals court them, far more likely that they would brush off the mortal infestation
offer prayers to them, make sacrifices, and otherwise curry favor to before getting down to the business of revenge.
avoid suffering, want, and delay the inevitable end.
There’s little doubt that gods exist. Many people have seen them The First Peoples
in the world. The Horned Lord and Wild Woman have both been
About the Game

spotted roaming in the woodlands. At dawn, one might see Mother The mortals came into a world already crowded with peoples, a
Sun stretch her arms across the sky, and most people have seen Sky world with a history written in the blood of war, conquest, ruin-
Father’s wrathful face in the storms that spill across the heavens. ation, and tragedy. The eldest peoples are believed to have been
Some, however, doubt the gods’ ability to change fate, the extent the elementals, beings formed by the Ancient Ones presumably
of their powers, their origins, and their purpose in the world. Such to populate the Erth, though some old stories suggest that they
doubt leads some to wonder if these beings deserve the attention were in part responsible for its creation. They were later joined by
they receive. the immortals, souls who formed bodies of creation’s stuff. Some
became the faeries, those capricious folk who now live in the
places between; others became the trolls, once a cunning, brilliant
people whose bitterness turned them to evil; while others became
monstrous things, some of which still trouble the world.
These early peoples fell victim to many of the same conflicts that
have torn apart the mortal realms. At first the faeries and trolls
fought against the elementals for dominion of creation and then
turned against each other, until the trolls were so diminished that
they fled into the wild places, and the faeries, sickened by blood
and death, fashioned the realms of Faerie, where most live unto
this day. The elementals clashed with the mortals time and again,
but have been so reduced that they too have ceded their territory
and bide their time until they can rise up and reclaim Erth.

Fallen Empires
The troubles plaguing the Old Country are in no way new or
unique. The Great Kingdom, the mightiest of the nations in that
realm, grew from the ashes of the Empire, which in turn arose
from the wreckage of earlier nations. Civilizations form, prosper
for a time, become sick with decadence and corruption, and fall. It
has happened so many times, some believe that falling is the inev-
itable fate of every nation, no matter how noble, egalitarian, or
good it might be.
Now is the time when people must set aside petty differences
and work together to protect themselves from the myriad dangers
all around them. It’s possible that the troubles in the west might
resolve themselves and some new order might emerge, but each
wave of fleeing people brings worse news. Entire nations have
fallen victim to the soul sickness that turns ordinary folk into orcs,
necromancers lead armies of undead, and ever present is the threat The Weird Wizard’s absence has opened up the new lands to
from the old Empire: teeming masses of warped, misshapen abom- the rest of the world, a troubling situation for the native beings
inations spawned by the chaos magic that ravages that land. who have long lived under his rule—centaurs, wargs, and others.
Explorers report incredible vistas, features that seem to violate
The Weird Wizard’s Shadow every law of reality, such as a mountain that reaches to the stars, or
a river of rocks that flows like a waterfall into a bottomless abyss.
The Weird Wizard appeared in the east nearly a thousand years ago. There are structures with no means of entry and whose function
Some legends hold that he was a fallen god, cast down from the stars defies definition, odd islands of stone that drift among the clouds,
by Lord Death himself. Others claim he was a traveler from another mushroom forests with growths as tall as the trees, and so much
world, similar to this one but drowned in the darkness of the Void. more. It is a place ripe for exploration, but also one that shifts con-
Whoever he was, he established the east as his dominion and threat- stantly, with no intention of being pinned down. The mysterious
ened to annihilate any nation that would challenge his rule. new lands invite those who would dare to discover their secrets.
Over the last centuries, the Weird Wizard has become something
of a bogeyman, and people laid at his doorstep all the ills in the A Time for Heroes
world. A bad growing season? The Wizard is taking our rain. An
earthquake? The Wizard is going for a walk. Some blamed him for Rebuilding after the collapse occupies most people’s time; they
the comets that streak across the heavens when stars tumble out of have no choice but to clear the land, plant crops, and raise live-
the night sky, the trouble between nations, the monsters that burst stock. Here and there, communities start to take shape, but many
from his shadowed realm, and anything else people resent. farmers perish long before they can harvest their crops: victims of
But then he left. No one knows where he went, not even the brigands, dragged off by monsters, or vanishing after meddling
About the Game

clockworks who maintain his Forbidden City. One day, he was with some buried mystery. These people, the bedrock of every
there. The next, he was gone. community, need help to have a fighting chance. Now is the time
Speculation abounds. Perhaps he went back to wherever he for bold heroes to find their destinies, to shape the future through
came from. Maybe the gods had enough and sealed him away with strength of arms, keen minds, and the will to survive.
the Ancient Ones. He might have died from loneliness or a broken
heart, or been killed by a great hero. No one knows, and he’s left
few clues.
You also roll d6s, sometimes along with the d20 and other times
after you find out the result of the d20 roll. The rules tell you when
to roll these dice and, usually, how many to roll. This game uses the
standard convention of xd6, where x tells you how many d6s to roll.
Gray Fantasy For example, 3d6 means you roll three six-sided dice. Usually, when
Shadow of the Weird Wizard is based on Shadow you see dice expressed this way, you add up the rolls to get a total.
of the Demon Lord but sheds much of the bleakness DOUBLING AND HALVING: Sometimes the rules instruct
and foulness of that game. Here, you play heroes you to double a number or halve it. You multiply the number by
who struggle to help those in need against sickness, 2 or divide it by 2, rounding down to the nearest whole number if
despair, and corruption. You can make the campaign necessary. If more than one effect tells you to double or halve the
more gruesome if you wish, but the intent of this setting
is for you and your friends to do good deeds and feel number, you perform the operation only once.
great about doing them.
The Sage
One person playing the game assumes the role of the Sage, some-
Game Concepts times known as a game master or referee in other games. This per-
son presents the world, story, and situations as your characters go
Shadow of the Weird Wizard is a tabletop roleplaying game, the on adventures. For more information on being the Sage, see Secrets
third in a family of games that include Shadow of the Demon Lord of the Weird Wizard.
and PunkApocalyptic: The RPG. If you’re familiar with Dungeons
& Dragons, Pathfinder, and similar games, you know how this Characters and Groups
works. Playing the game requires the use of your imagination, a
few friends, and a place to play. When you come together, you Everyone playing the game except for the Sage controls a charac-
adopt the personas of the characters you and your friends create, ter—either one created using the rules in this book or one that has
and play through the challenges and victories of quests that take been prepared by the Sage. The characters together form a group,
you from one side of the fantastical world to the other. going on quests to make the world a better place. In these quests,
characters encounter interesting people, explore weird places, and
Dice confront horrible monsters. Each time the group completes a
quest, they “level up” and grow more competent.
In addition to a copy of this book, you need a set of dice, which
include a twenty-sided die (d20) and six six-sided dice (d6s). It’s Paths
also helpful to have a copy of the character sheets presented at the
end of this book. All characters follow their personal paths. Each player chooses a
ROLLING DICE: Often, the game calls for a roll, which might novice path to determine their character’s foundational capabili-
be an attribute roll or a luck roll. When you make such a roll, you ties. Later, they follow an expert path to ground them in the world.
always roll a d20: the higher the number, the better the result. Finally, characters specialize in master paths to focus on what they
do best. Together, these three paths tell the character’s story, deter-
mine their capabilities, and bind them to the setting.
About the Game

Chapter 1:
creating a character
You need a character to play Shadow of the Weird Wizard. You Understand, though, that a character you create has just
decide the kind of character you want to play, choosing from embarked on their grand story. It takes time, experience, and
the options presented in this chapter. Perhaps you will become a adventure to realize their full potential. So unless the Sage decides
fighter, maybe even one trained by a knight until you proved your- to use more powerful characters, be prepared to be challenged as
self ready to strike out on your own. Then again, you could become you undertake your first quest.
The process of character creation involves making a few decisions
a mage, schooled in the secrets of magical power. Other options
about your human character. (Other ancestries might be available,
include the priest, who champions a god in the mortal world, or
so check with the Sage.) This chapter shows you how to create a
the rogue, who relies on wits, cunning, and luck.
human character. Then, determine your professions, identity, and
Whatever you want to play, this chapter helps you create a other details. You choose a path for your character to follow next.
character from scratch. You make a few decisions, recording your
Creating a Character

You complete the process by coming up with a name and filling in

choices on your character sheet or a piece of paper. You can then any remaining gaps. If you need to know how certain rules work,
add as much or as little detail as you want until your character be sure to review Chapter 2. For equipment, see Chapter 3. Finally,
matches the one you envision. traditions and spells are described in Chapter 4.


Your character has a level, which approximates how powerful you 1 Gain the level 1 benefits from your novice path.
are. Normally, you start the game at level 1, but the Sage might
2 Gain the level 2 benefits from your novice path.
start the game at a higher level. Further, the Sage informs you
when you attain a new level, typically when you complete a quest. 3 Choose an expert path and gain the level 3 benefits from
that path.
When your level increases, you gain the benefits from that level as
shown on the advancement table. 4 Gain the level 4 benefits from your expert path.
5 Gain the level 5 benefits from your novice path.

Ancestry 6
Gain the level 6 benefits from your expert path.
Choose a master path and gain the level 7 benefits from
that path.
Most people found in the borderlands belong to the great family
of humanity, which encompasses people much like those found in 8 Gain the level 8 benefits from your master path.
our world, but also exotic people, with unusual physical character- 9 Gain the level 9 benefits from your expert path.
istics that would make such people stand out. Blue skin, upswept, 10 Gain the level 10 benefits from your master path.
pointed ears, scaled skin, and other features reflect the influence of
magic on humans, as well as the fantastical nature of the setting. Profession Categories
As a human, you have Size 1 and Speed 5. You can find more
information about these characteristics in Chapter 2. D20 CATEGORY
1–2 Academic. You received a formal education or specialized

Professions 3–5
Criminal. You learned a trade that operates outside or
against the law.
You are a novice adventurer, but before you started down this path,
6–8 Entertainment. You entertain audiences using a particular
you worked to keep a roof over your head and food in your belly. method.
Your profession describes how you made a living and gives you
an idea about the things you know and can do. You choose from 9–11 Commoner. You come from the ranks of ordinary people.
among eight categories of professions, each with specialties repre- 12–14 Wilderness. You learned how to survive in the wild places of
senting narrower expressions of the larger professional category. the world.
Most specialties provide a piece of equipment, which might be a 15–16 Military. You are trained to fight and survive in battle.
flavorful item (such as a special book) or something that’s described
in Chapter 3. Some might grant knowledge of an additional lan- 17–18 Religious. You were indoctrinated into a particular faith.
guage (see Chapter 2). If you would learn a language that you already 19–20 Aristocratic. You come from money and status.
know, you can choose a different non-secret language instead.
You can choose your profession and specialty or roll dice to Aristocratic Professions
gain a random result. For more information on professions, see
Professional Knowledge in Chapter 2. Alternatively, if you want a
profession that’s not presented here, work with the Sage to create 1–4 Carouser. A lesser scion of a noble house, you spent your
one that’s suitable for your character. days frittering away your inheritance in gambling halls and
taverns. You have a deck of cards or a set of dice.

5–8 Dilettante. You were a patron to artists, poets, and musi-

cians; you gave funds to anyone who impressed you. You
have a work of art created by one of those under your
patronage that could be worth as much as 1 gp.
Other Ancestries
9–12 Influencer. Your opinions determined which trends and
The Sage might allow other ancestries for use in the fads swept through the upper classes. You were renowned
game, such as dwarfs, elves, goblins, and clock- for your impeccable taste and often envied for your life of
works, along with many others. Simple rules for luxury. You have a set of superior clothing.
these ancestries appear in the Secrets of the Weird
Wizard rulebook. If you play a character other than 13–16 Landholder. You owned an extensive plot of land and
human, you gain the traits of that ancestry in place of likely had a noble title to go with your holdings. You have a
the ones granted for being human. sword.
Chapter 1

Weird Ancestries, a supplement for this game,

reveals thirty different peoples, expanding on the 17–20 Merchant. You belonged to the class of the newly rich,
options presented in Secrets. Check with the Sage to having made your money in commerce rather than through
ensure that sourcebook is available for use in mak- inheritance. Your wealth opened doors for you, but you nev-
ing your character. er found acceptance among the elite. You have a cart and
a pack animal to draw it. Add one non-secret language of
your choice to the languages you know.

Academic Professions Commoner Professions
1–2 Apothecary. You learned the medicinal properties of herbs, 1 Baker. You worked in a bakery and learned how to bake
roots, and other useful plants. You have either a dose of breads, cakes, pies, and pastries. You have a set of kitchen
antitoxin or a dose of poison. utensils.
3–4 Apprentice Magician. You studied under a magician to 2 Bartender. You sold drinks to earn your pay. You know all
learn all you could of magic. You understand the principles about beverages, alcoholic and otherwise. You have a
that form the foundation of magic and hope to learn your small cask of beer and two bottles of spirits.
first spell soon. You know Arcane in addition to your other
languages. 3 Carpenter. You know how to cut wood and join pieces of
it to produce anything from small chests to furniture to entire
5–6 Astrologer. You made a study of the stars. You can identify dwellings. You have a tool kit.
the constellations, divine their meaning, and interpret the
movements of heavenly bodies. You have a bundle of star 4 Cook. You might have been a cook in a camp, charged
charts and a writing kit. You know the Old Tongue in addi- with rationing provisions, or you could have been a chef at
tion to your other languages. a restaurant where you created culinary masterpieces. You
7–8 Doctor. Your studies of anatomy, medicine, and treatment have a dagger and a pair of kitchen knives.
methods combine to make you a dependable healer. You 5 Exterminator. You made your living by hunting rats and
have a healer’s kit. other vermin. You have a net and a dog.
9–10 Folklorist. You study the local legends, superstitions, and 6 Farmer. You worked the land to produce crops for your
customs of your community and of neighboring lands. As family and for sale at the market. You might also have raised
part of your research, you also learned a bit about the faer- livestock. You have a pitchfork (treat as an improvised
ies. You know Sylvan in addition to your other languages. weapon).
11–12 Inventor. You build interesting machines in your workshop.
You have a tool kit and one set of spare parts. 7 Fisher. You know how to pilot a small boat and how to
catch fish either in freshwater or on the open seas. You have
13–14 Naturalist. The life sciences dominated your educational a fishing pole, line, lures, and a net.
pursuits, and thus you now know much about animals, the
natural world, and the weather. You have two poultices. 8 Gravedigger. You handled corpses for a living. You could
have been a digger of graves or a collector of corpses for
15–16 Occultist. You looked into the dark places to gain an under- some purpose. You have a shovel (treat as an improvised
standing of things and concepts that others deem forbidden. weapon).
You know about demons, the Void, fiends, the Underworld,
and the Netherworld. You have an occultist’s kit. You know 9 Groom. You cared for horses and perhaps other animals
Archaic in addition to your other languages. and helped train them to perform certain activities. You have
a tool kit.
17–18 Philosopher. You studied the nature of reality, space,
time, and ethics, and the question of what it means to be. 10 Herder. You watched over a flock of sheep, a herd of goats
You know Archaic or Kingdom in addition to your other or cows, or another form of livestock. You have either a sling
languages. or a quarterstaff.
19–20 Politician. You know how to navigate the ins and outs of 11 Jeweler. You made jewelry from precious metals and stones.
bureaucracies. You might have held political office or aided You can ascertain the value of such things by examining
those who did. You have a set of superior clothing. them. You have a tool kit.
12 Laborer. You performed manual labor for whoever paid
you. You could have worked as a porter, a stevedore, or
at some other job that involved moving heavy objects. You
have a club.
13 Mason. You worked with stone, shaping it into blocks and
mortaring those blocks into larger shapes. You have a tool
14 Miner. You dug ore out of the ground. You have a mattock.
15 Sailor. You worked on a ship and helped keep the vessel in
good working order. You have a dagger and a coil of rope.
16 Servant. Maybe you waited tables in a tavern. You could
have been a scullery worker, washing pots and pans for a
noble household. You might also have served as a butler, a
valet, a maid, or in some other similar capacity. You have a
Creating a Character

17 Shopkeeper. You ran a small shop selling minor baubles

and other curios. You have three pieces of cheap jewelry.
18 Smith. You worked at a forge, pounding metal ingots into
different forms. You have a hammer.
19 Tanner. You turned raw animal hides into leather suitable for
making clothing, gear, and armor. You have a quarterstaff.
20 Teamster. You drove a cart, wagon, carriage, or some other
vehicle for commercial purposes. You have a whip.

Criminal Professions Military Professions

1–2 Bandit. You waylaid and robbed travelers to earn enough 1–2 Caravan Guard. You traveled with caravans to protect them
coin to survive. You have a bow and arrows. from bandits and monsters. You have a bow and arrows.

3–4 Burglar. You made ends meet by breaking into buildings 3–4 Herald. You delivered messages and made announcements
and pilfering their contents. You have a set of lock picks. for a person of power. You have a uniform, a trumpet, and
a sword.
5–6 Charlatan. You know how to trick people out of their coins. 5–6 House Guard. You served as a guard for a noble family.
You have a dagger, a deck of cards, and a case holding 10 You have a uniform and a spear.
tiny bottles filled with alcohol in different colors.
7–8 Marine. You helped protect ships sailing the deep waters.
7–8 Constable. You patrolled your community to uphold the law You have a mace.
and protect the citizens from lawbreakers. You have a club
and a badge of office. 9–10 Member of the Watch. You belonged to your community’s
watch and helped keep the peace. You have a spear and
9–10 Detective. You investigated crimes committed in your com- a lantern.
munity. You could have been a member of law enforcement
or a private investigator. You have a magnifying glass. 11–12 Mercenary Soldier. You sold your services to the highest
bidder. You have an axe.
11–12 Forger. You earned a living by making fake copies of offi-
cial documents. You have a writing kit. 13–14 Militia Member. You belonged to your community’s militia.
When your ruler called for it, you took up arms to protect
13–14 Grave Robber. You stole valuables from the dead and sold your people. You have a spear.
them to buy food and shelter. You might also have stolen 15–16 Soldier. Whether conscripted or enlisted, you joined an
corpses for interested buyers. You have a shovel (treat as an army and fought on battlefields. You have a spear and a
improvised weapon). shield.
15–16 Jailer. You watched over prisoners sentenced to spend time 17–18 Squire. You served a knight. You have a short sword and a
in your dungeon. You have a club and a lantern. shield.
17–18 Mugger. You threatened or roughed up people and then 19–20 Sworn Bodyguard. You swore an oath to protect one or
took their money. You have a blackjack (treat as a club). more people. You have a suit of brigandine armor.
19–20 Rake. You fleeced people of their valuables, then squan-
dered your earnings on gambling and carousing. You have Religious Professions
either a deck of cards or a set of dice. D20 PROFESSION

Entertainment Professions 1–2 Acolyte. You studied to become a priest of the High One
and spent your time perusing the holy texts. You have an
D20 PROFESSION acolyte’s uniform. You know Archaic in addition to your
other languages.
1–2 Acrobat. You jumped, tumbled, and performed other feats
of dexterity for the crowds. You have a quarterstaff. 3–4 Aspirant. You studied to become a priest of the Old Faith or
a particular god of the pantheon. You have the uniform of
3–4 Animal Handler. You trained animals to perform tricks. You your faith.
have a harmless pet of your choice. 5–6 Cultist. You belonged to a small religion that operated on
the fringes of your community. Your cult might have had
5–6 Artist. You produced works of art such as sculptures, paint- good intentions or could honor some monstrous power. You
ings, tapestries and more. You have a tool kit. have a symbol or badge of your faith.
7–8 Busker. You performed songs, music, told jokes, and 7–8 Evangelist. You traveled the land, attempting to convert
performed other acts on street corners. You have a musical people to your religion. You have a book containing un-
instrument. common knowledge about your faith.
9–10 Clown/Mime. You painted up your face and acted the 9–10 Fundamentalist. You subscribe to an extremely orthodox
fool. You have a disguise kit. interpretation of your religion. You have a book containing
uncommon knowledge of your faith.
11–12 Dancer. You performed exotic and complex dances. You
have a cosmetics kit. 11–12 Heretic. You held unorthodox beliefs about an extant
religion and were an outsider among the faithful who shared
13–14 Fortune Teller. You used cards, crystal balls, and other your devotion. You have a quarterstaff.
implements of divination to foretell the future for those who
paid. You have a deck of cards. 13–14 Missionary. You traveled into unexplored lands, hoping to
bring the message of your religion to the people you met.
15–16 Juggler. Knives, torches, bottles, balls, or fish—you can You have a symbol of your faith.
juggle just about anything. You have a set of five daggers.
15–16 Minister. You led a congregation of the faithful and taught
17–18 Singer. You have a beautiful voice and can move people them to lead spiritual lives. You have a book containing
Chapter 1

with your songs. You have a book containing several uncommon knowledge about your religion.
common songs. 17–18 Prophet. You believe the gods spoke to you or through you
to pronounce future happenings. You have a quarterstaff.
19–20 Thespian. The stage is your home; you never feel more alive
than when you perform in front of an audience. You have a 19–20 Scribe. You made copies of sacred texts and illuminated the
book that contains scripts for several common plays. manuscripts. You have a writing kit.

Wilderness Professions Appearance
1–2 Beggar. You travel from place to place, living off the charity You start the game as an adult. You decide on your height and
of others. You might suffer some malady, such as leprosy, weight, along with other basic details such as your age, hair, eye
have fallen on hard times, or just prefer the hobo life. You
have a quarterstaff. and skin color, and any other cosmetic traits you want to include.
Although appearance has little direct impact on game play, you’re
3–4 Forester. You worked as a game warden for a noble’s
preserve. You have a bow and arrows. encouraged to come up with a description to help the other play-
5–6 Gatherer. You lived by gathering what you could forage ers visualize your character.
from the land. You have two poultices. The human family is incredibly large and diverse. A human can
7–8 Hunter. You stalked game through the wild places, hunting be tall or short, big and bulky, small and slight. Humans’ skin tones
them for meat and materials. You have a bow and arrows. run the gamut from blue-black to bone white, green, blue, pink, or
9–10 Nomad. You belonged to a traveling people. You might patterned. Typical height and weight ranges from 4 to 7 feet tall
have followed your herds, been performers who traveled and from 80 to 400 pounds, though examples of shorter, taller,
from town to town, or belonged to a people displaced from
your homeland. You have a quarterstaff. lighter, and heavier people abound. Differences in appearance
11–12 Pilgrim. You traveled to sites deemed holy by your faith: have, at times, led to enmity between different groups, and a ten-
places where saints performed miracles or where the gods dency toward xenophobia persists in some isolated communities,
have walked among mortals, and shrines and temples be-
lieved to hold relics of your faith. You have a quarterstaff. but over the passage of time humans have come to appreciate their
common origin and similar nature, looking beyond the physical
13–14 Prospector. You traveled into the wilderness searching for
precious metals. You have a tool kit. qualities that make them individually distinctive.
15–16 Recluse. You retreated from the world to contemplate the The Distinctive Features tables below provide a host of possi-
nature of divinity in isolation. You know how to forage for bilities for physical and behavioral details that set your character
provisions and clean water. You have a quarterstaff. apart from all others. You can use dice to randomly determine
17–18 Spelunker. You explore caves and caverns. You have rope, your character’s distinctive features, or choose any of them that
a lantern, oil, and a tinderbox.
appeal to you. For random generation, roll a d6 to determine how
19–20 Woodcutter. You cut timber from forests. You have an axe. many distinctive features you have. For each one, roll a d6 to deter-
mine the table number and a d20 to produce the result.

Equipment Distinctive Features Table 1

You begin the game with the equipment you need to undertake
your first quest. The following items provide you a mix of stan- 1 Your nose has an unusual shape or size.
dard items, plus items you choose. If you prefer, you can forgo the 2 Your eyes have an unusual color.
starting equipment presented here and instead start the game with 3 You have halitosis.
2 gp. You can use those funds to purchase items from those pre- 4 You walk with a limp.
sented in Chapter 3, to which you should also refer to gain infor-
5 You keep your head shaved.
mation about the items presented below.
6 You fidget all the time.
CLOTHING: You have a set of normal clothes.
7 One of your legs or arms is shorter than the other.
WEAPONS: You have a dagger.
8 You are far smaller than average.
GEAR: You have a backpack, waterskin, provisions, 5 torches, and
9 You have a high-pitched voice.
a tinderbox.
10 You have abundant ear and nose hair.
BONUS EQUIPMENT: Choose one of the following options.
11 You suffer from uncontrollable sweating.
• Brigandine armor, shield, club
• Leather armor, shield, long sword 12 You sometimes spit to punctuate what you say.

• Leather armor, shortbow with a quiver of 20 arrows 13 You have thick, lustrous hair.

• Padded armor, quarterstaff, 2 blank books, writing kit, 14 You appear younger than your actual age.
Creating a Character

3 poultices 15 You scratch at yourself all the time.

• Leather armor, short sword, sling with bag of 20 bullets, 16 You are quite rotund.
lockpicks 17 You have hairy feet.
PERSONAL EFFECTS: You have whatever personal effects that 18 You have a long, pointed nose.
make sense for your character. Examples include a pair of gloves, a
19 You are rather plain or homely.
comb, or an extra pair of underclothes, or a memento. Such items
20 You have a melodious voice.
have little to no game effect.
Distinctive Features Table 2 Distinctive Features Table 4
1 You are quite attractive. 1 You have a beauty mark on your face.
2 A few of your teeth have gone missing. 2 You have all the freckles.
3 You have boils, piles, a goiter, or a nasty skin condition that 3 You have a beetling brow or your eyebrows meet.
never heals.
4 You are double jointed.
4 Your joints pop when you stand up.
5 You have tattoos over most or all of your body.
5 You have a brand somewhere on your body.
6 You stomp when you walk.
6 One of your eyes looks in a different direction.
7 You have a rattling cough.
7 You eat with your mouth open.
8 You have sleepy eyes.
8 You have a facial tic.
9 You are prematurely gray.
9 You have broken veins in your nose.
10 You smell of soup. 10 You can’t seem to stay clean.

11 You have no pigment in your hair or skin. 11 You have a shrill laugh.

12 You are hirsute. 12 Your body has extensive scarring.

13 You have a pleasant smile. 13 You smell of jasmine, flowers, or something else that is
14 You are somewhat short for a human.
14 You are rather portly.
15 You have unusual physical characteristics, such as pointed
ears, furred feet, or a light covering of fur all over your body. 15 You have dark circles under your eyes.
16 You are gaunt to the point of appearing skeletal. 16 You have a stooped, hunched posture.
17 You have a musty smell. 17 You have different colored eyes.
18 You have an extra finger or toe. 18 You carry a considerable amount of extra weight.
19 You are a person of exceptional beauty. 19 You have an odd bulge somewhere on your body.
20 You have a wide and expressive mouth. 20 You have a shapely physique.

Distinctive Features Table 3 Distinctive Features Table 5

1 Your ears have an unusual shape or size. 1 You have one or more patches of different-colored skin.
2 You have an uncommon number of body piercings. 2 You lost an eye, ear, or part of your nose.
3 You have a wart on your nose or chin. 3 You have incredible facial hair.
4 You wear an unusual hair style. 4 You crack your knuckles when idle.
5 You have a peg leg. 5 You walk on the balls of your feet.
6 Nothing about you stands out. Lose all distinguishing fea- 6 When standing, you shift your weight from one foot to the
tures, and do not roll for any more. other.
7 You breathe through your mouth. 7 You have a raspy voice.
8 You slouch all the time. 8 You have small hands or feet.
9 Your pupils have a strange shape. 9 You have a lined and careworn face.
10 You have long fingernails. 10 One eye squints all the time.
11 You snort when you laugh. 11 You smile all the time.
12 You pick at your scabs. 12 You wear dentures.
13 You have an infectious laugh. 13 You have a kind face.
14 You have a slender body. 14 You are tall for a human.
15 You have an attractive body. 15 You have pock marks all over your face.
16 You have long legs. 16 You are shapely, voluptuous, chiseled, or muscular.
Chapter 1

17 You are gap-toothed. 17 You have bad acne.

18 You have polychromatic eyes. 18 You have webbed toes.
19 You have a thick, blocky body. 19 You have prominent teeth.
20 You have a pot belly. 20 You appear awkward and gangly.

Distinctive Features Table 6 Not every detail about your character needs to be determined
by these tables, and any choices you make at this time are not set in
stone; some facts about your character’s personality and priorities
1 You have a nasty scar on your face. might emerge or evolve over time.
2 You have multiple piercings in your ears or wear gauges in

your lobes.
You lost one or more fingertips or fingers on one or both
Your character’s personality combines several attitudes developed
4 You have no hair anywhere on your body. from life experiences, connections to others or lack thereof, the
5 You rock back and forth when sitting. satisfaction of certain needs and the yearning for those unfulfilled.
6 You are pigeon-toed or duck footed. Your character can have any personality you like, ranging from
someone who acts and thinks much like you do to someone vastly
7 You often rub your hands together with glee.
different from you. If you like, you can use the tables in this sec-
8 You have a deep, sonorous voice. tion to randomly generate the facets of your character’s personal-
9 You have an exotic skin color. ity that, when taken together, define an identity you can portray
10 You have a few extra pounds. during the game.
11 You have smooth, babyish features.
12 You have a haggard appearance.
13 You have smooth and supple skin.
14 You are an older adult.
15 You move with grace and poise.
16 You have short arms.
17 Your skin has scaly patches.
18 You frown all the time.
19 You have a heavy jaw.
20 You have a strange birthmark.

Unless the Sage chooses another setting, your first adventure most
likely takes place in the borderlands, a region between the Old
Country of the west and all the troubles there, and the unknown
lands to the east, a region long held by the Weird Wizard, who
forbade trespassing on his dominion. Now that the Weird Wizard
has left, people are free to explore the so-called new lands, but any
journey there typically starts in the borderlands.
As a human, you might have been born and raised in the bor-
derlands or could have traveled here, perhaps as one of the many
troubled refugees fleeing war and disease in their homelands, or
as an exile, cast out from your native land for a crime you did or
did not commit. You can choose your homeland from those made
available to you by the Sage. You and the other characters might
come from the same village or be part of the same band of refu-
gees, or you might hail from different parts of the world, brought
together by fate or circumstance.

Creating a Character

The character you play represents a person in the world of the

game, an individual who has hopes and dreams, fears, ambitions, a
past, and a future. Your character’s identity encompasses all these
aspects and helps to inform you when you decide what they do
in the game and how they respond to situations that come up in
quests. You can use the tables in the following sections to help you
determine aspects of your character’s basic nature.
6–8 Some call you a pessimist. You expect the worst so that you
Your degree of dependability speaks to how reliable you are, will never be disappointed.
whether you follow through on your promises, and if you can 9–12 Life is what it is. Anyone can be calm and collected, or ner-
make decisions that recognize the needs of others. vous to the point of fearful. It all depends on your situation.
13–15 You strive to be a positive, upbeat person. You look for the
Dependability good in all things and hope for the best.
3D6 DEPENDABILITY 16–17 You are calm, serene, and easygoing. Little bothers you.
3 People can’t depend on you for much of anything. You al- 18 If given enough time, you can figure out anything. No task is
most never see things through, and you’re given to impulsive so difficult, so complicated, or so dangerous that you’re not
behavior. at least willing to try it.
4–5 You have a hard time staying organized and putting what’s
important ahead of what’s not.
6–8 Sometimes you get so distracted that you forget what you
are supposed to be doing. Your receptiveness describes your willingness to try new things
9–12 You try to be conscientious, but sometimes fall short. and your ability to adapt to changing circumstances.
13–15 For the most part, you do what you say you will do. You try
to stay organized and to keep your priorities straight. Receptiveness
16–17 You lead an orderly, disciplined life. You almost always do 3D6 RECEPTIVENESS
what you say you will do, and people can rely on you.
3 You are not at all interested in breaking your routine. You
18 You become so focused on a task that you ignore almost need order in your life.
everything else until you finish it. People can depend on you
to do one thing at a time. 4–5 If it’s not broken, why fix it? Be practical.
6–8 New ideas and activities make you uncomfortable.
9–12 You are willing to try new things, just not all the time.
13–15 Often, you think about new ways to do things and new
Your sociability describes how well you get along with others, as activities to pursue. You might not succeed at all of them, but
you’re willing to try.
well as how you regard strangers and acquaintances.
16–17 You’re willing to do something different. You enjoy new
Sociability experiences.

3D6 SOCIABILITY 18 You crave new experiences. You’re eager to see the world,
try new foods and drinks, and gain a better understanding
3 You feel people are the worst. You have few friends and no of all there is to learn, feel, and sense.
close friends.
4–5 You avoid interacting with strangers, and it takes a lot to get
you to open up. Affability
6–8 Some people think you aloof and reserved, but, simply, you How you behave in interpersonal situations is expressed by your
prefer to keep to yourself.
affability. You might be a solitary soul or someone who thrives on
9–12 You believe people can be good or bad. You withhold interaction with others.
judgment about someone until you get to know them.
13–15 You know some people are bad, but believe most aren’t, so Affability
you try to give other folks the benefit of the doubt.
16–17 You like people and almost never think poorly of others who
make your acquaintance. 3 You become quiet around people, preferring your own
company to that of others.
18 You take an interest in everyone you meet, sometimes even
to your detriment. 4–5 You find it hard to pay attention to what other people say
and often lose track of conversations.
6–8 You prefer to let others do the talking. You think about what
Outlook people say and consider every viewpoint before offering
an opinion.
Your outlook reflects your most prevalent state of mind—at one
9–12 You can fend for yourself in social situations, but you’re also
extreme, calm and confident; at the other, nervous and pessimistic. fine when alone.
13–15 You enjoy social situations and the good conversation they
Chapter 1

3D6 OUTLOOK 16–17 You are outgoing and friendly, and enjoy having fun with
3 Doom, doom, everywhere is doom. Nothing good will ever others whenever you can.
happen to you, and the whole world is against you.
18 You are loud and boisterous in the company of others. You
4–5 You have terribly sensitive nerves and struggle with anxiety. love being the center of attention.

Religious Beliefs Harold, Harven, Haven, Hayden, Heather, Henley, Henry, Hubert
Imogen, Isabell, Isen, Isolde, Isyck, Iva, Ivy, Iris
A great many gods and powers have followers in the borderlands, James, Jay, Jeffrey, Jenna, Jennifer, Jenson, Jewel, Johnston, Joline,
and some of the major religions trace their origins back to the Jon, Jordan, Josephine
time of the Old Country and even to the Devastation. Few people
today discount the existence of the gods, but the extent to which Kaiden, Kaisley, Kaizer, Kara, Kavi, Keaton, Kim, Kip, Knox,
any person fears and honors them is an individual decision. The Koraline, Kristin, Kristoff, Ky, Kyler
following table describes your degree of piety for the religion to Lake, Lakelyn, Landon, Lariella, Lauriann, Leeah, Leo, Leslie,
which you subscribe, if you happen to do so. Liam, Lori

Piety Maddox, Mahala, Marc, Marcus, Margaux, Marina, Marla,

Massimo, Max, Meadow, Meldon, Melvin, Merry, Michael,
3D6 PIETY Millicent, Milly, Milo, Mindy, Monte
3 You either don’t believe the gods exist or think they have no
influence over you. Nadine, Nala, Nali, Nathaniel, Neville, Nan, Nicole
4–5 You have strong doubts about religion and worship no Oakley, Odessa, Olaf, Olivia, Olga
Paisley, Palmer, Pamela, Paula, Petal, Prentiss
6–8 You expect the gods exist, but you lack religion.
Quinn, Qon, Queren
9–12 You believe in the gods and might follow a religion.
Ragnar, Reed, Remington, River, Robert, Rodney, Rosemary,
13–15 You follow a religion.
Rowan, Rufus, Ruprecht, Ryker
16–17 You have become a devout follower of your religion, and
your religious views affect your outlook and behavior. Sailor, Samyra, Sander, Shadow, Shaina, Shanna, Sinthea, Skylar,
Slator, Sloane, Stacee, Stanton, Stephen, Storm, Sydney, Sylvester
18 You have become a fanatical follower of your religion. Your
religion dominates your life, and you have few interests Tara, Taren, Tatum, Tawney, Tayden, Taylor, Tegan, Thor, Titus,
outside your faith.
Thomas, Trenton, Troy
Religions Umber, Urf, Ulysses
3D6 RELIGION Vera, Vex, Victor, Vivianna
3 Small cult, likely strange, possibly sinister Wayne, Willam, Willow, Winifred, Winston
4–5 Minor, regional deity X, Xander, Xil, Xyllan
6–8 One of the Old Gods Yolanda, Yael, Yasmeen, Yuri, Yvette
9–12 The Old Gods
Zaina, Zala, Zamora, Zeke, Zoella, Zone, Zypher
13–15 The Church of the High One
Belief in all gods, but follow none
No religion at all Novice Paths
Creating a character involves making one big choice—your novice
Name path—and a few smaller choices related to your path. At the start
you choose one of four novice paths, each of which represent one
Any of the following names are suitable for characters from the of the great archetypes of fantasy heroes. The Novice Paths table
borderlands or elsewhere. offers descriptions for each path.
Your character begins play at level 1, just starting out on your
Abigail, Adym, Adilene, Aiden, Alice, Amelia, Ami, Andrew,
life of adventure. As you complete quests, you learn to unlock
Angelica, Angelo, Annora, Archibald, Arthur, Asher, Ashlyn,
more traits and specialize in certain areas. This advancement is
Autumn, Axton
represented in the game by attaining levels. At each new level,
Baine, Bartholomew, Baylor, Bernard, Bethany, Bill, Binx, Blake, your character gains new abilities. The maximum level for char-
Blair, Bonnie, Bradford, Braxton, Bronson, Bruce acters is 10.
Cannon, Carl, Camilla, Carina, Chandler, Charles, Christi, Novice Paths
Christopher, Cleo, Cole, Colt, Corrine
Creating a Character

Daen, Daisy, Dani, Danita, Daphney, Daria, Darryn, Derrie, Fighter A skilled combatant, trained in the use of all weaponry.
Devan, Devin, Dexter, Dorris, Dory
Mage A dedicated spellcaster with access to a wide range of
Easton, Edgar, Edna, Eleanor, Elisabetta, Elliot, Emerson, Ensley, different spells.
Eugene, Evelyn, Evie
Priest A sworn servant of one or more gods.
Fallon, Finley, Fiona, Florence, Franklin
Rogue A devious adventurer who relies on cunning, skill, and luck.
Gemma, Gianetta, Geoffrey, Gracelyn, Gregory, Guinevere
Attributes know, you can choose a different, non-secret language to learn
in its place. The major available languages appear in Chapter 2.
Your path presents sets of scores (and modifiers) to place in your Other languages might be available at the Sage’s discretion.
four attributes. Choose the set you like most or determine the set
by rolling a d6 and gaining the set indicated by the number rolled. Bonus Damage
At certain levels, your path increases some attribute scores.
A CUT ABOVE (HUMAN ONLY): You have certain advan- You can use bonus damage to deal extra damage with your attacks.
tages that set you apart from other people. These advantages can As you gain levels, the amount of damage increases. See Chapter 2
source from special training, a knack, a destiny, or something that for details on bonus damage.
happened during upbringing. You can increase the scores of two
different attributes by 1 each. (See Other Ancestries, page 10)
Some paths let you discover one or more traditions—thematic
Customizing Scores groupings of talents and spells. When the path indicates you dis-
You can create your own set of scores by starting with following: cover a tradition, you can choose one new tradition or make a dis-
12, 11, 10, and 10. You can increase one score by 1 and reduce a dif- covery from a tradition you have discovered already.
ferent score by 1. You can make this adjustment twice. When you
finish, assign one score to each attribute until you have assigned
all four scores. Discovering a tradition grants you one talent from it. In addition,
Make Strength your high score if you want to be durable and each time you discover a tradition you have discovered, you gain
excel at hand-to-hand combat.
another talent from the tradition. If you have four talents from
Make Agility your high score if you want to be light on your
a tradition already, you instead learn a novice spell from the
feet, nimble, and skilled at fighting with ranged weapons.
Make Intellect your high score if you want to be clever, know
many things, and make use of magic. SPELLS
Make Will your high score if you would be brave and bold,
charismatic, and resolved. Will is also important for casting cer- Each tradition offers three tiers of spells: novice, expert, and mas-
tain spells. ter. If your path instructs you to learn a spell of a particular tier,
choose the spell of the indicated tier or lower from any tradition
Path Benefits you have discovered.
Alternatively, you can choose a spell you have already learned
Your path grants benefits at level 1 and additional benefits for each when you would learn a spell. When you do so, you increase the
level you attain. Sometimes, the path will have you make a choice, castings for this spell by the number of castings the spell normally
such as what tradition to discover or spells to learn. Each time your grants. If the spell has 3 castings and you learn it again, you have 6
group’s level increases, you gain the benefits from that level. castings for this spell.
Each path includes a table of suggested backgrounds for your
path. You can choose one, roll randomly, or come up with some-
thing of your own. Talents
All paths grant at least one talent at level 1 and usually additional
Natural Defense talents at higher levels. Talents represent learned abilities. A tal-
ent can modify certain activities you perform, such as attacking or
Your path determines your natural Defense score. See Chapter 2 casting a spell, or they could let you use actions, reactions, and the
for details on Defense and Chapter 3 for armor and shields that like in different ways. Certain talents produce magical effects, and
raise or replace your natural Defense. this is indicated with (Magical) in their entries.

Your path determines your Health score, which is your ability to
withstand injury. In addition, as your level increases, your path
tells you the amount by which you increase your normal and cur- Fighter
Chapter 1

rent Health scores.

Extensive training prepared you for battle and you demonstrate
your skill at arms in every contest, every engagement. You can
Languages wield any weapon with skill and have the durability to keep fight-
You become fluent and literate in the stated language or the lan- ing when lesser warriors would fall. As a fighter, you rely on weap-
guage you choose. If a path grants you a language you already ons and attack options to overwhelm your foes.
Fighter Starting Attribute Scores
1 12 11 9 11
2 13 9 10 11
3 12 10 10 11
4 11 12 10 10
5 13 10 10 10
6 12 12 9 10

Battle Training

1 You learned everything about fighting from the battlefield.

You’ve seen enough combat to know how to survive.

2 You studied at a military institution where you were

schooled in various fighting techniques.

3 A master combatant oversaw your training and tested

your mettle, day after day, until you finally defeated your

4 You withdrew to a monastery where combat training was a

technique to clear your thoughts of all distractions.

5 You are a skilled hunter. You honed your fighting ability by

tracking down and slaying beasts.

6 You served as a squire to a knight, holy warrior, or someone

else of a similar standing. At level 5, your unarmed strikes deal an extra 1d6 dam-
age when you wield no other weapon.
Level 1 Fighter • Brute: Increase your natural Defense by 2 and your
Health score by 10.
Natural Defense: 10, Health: 16 At level 5, your Health score increases again by 10.
Languages: Common • Close-Combat Fighter: You ignore the Light trait of melee
Combat Training: You ignore the requirements for wearing weapons you wield.
armor and using weapons. You roll to attack with 1 boon. At level 5, you roll to attack with 1 boon when you use
When you get a critical success on a roll to attack, you can a weapon that has the Light trait.
roll the damage an additional time and use the highest total. • Combat Controller: When you successfully attack a
Combat Recovery: You can use an action, or a reaction when creature in reach, you can choose to mark the target. The
you are harmed, to heal half your damage total and impose target remains marked until you use this talent again, you
1 bane on rolls to attack you until the start of your next turn. become stunned or unconscious, or the marked target
You can use this talent once. At level 5, you can use it becomes incapacitated. A creature you have marked rolls
twice. You regain the uses of this talent after you rest. to attack targets other than you with 1 bane.
At level 5, when a creature you have marked makes an
Level 2 Fighter attack that does not include you as a target, you can use a
Health: +6, Bonus Damage: +1d6 reaction to attack that creature.
Fighting Style: You favor a particular fighting style. Choose • Crack Shot: You roll to attack with 1 boon when you
one of the following benefits. attack with a ranged weapon. Also, you can use ranged
weapons to make free attacks.
• Armiger: Choose three weapons. When you attack with At level 5, the number of boons increases to 2.
these weapons, you roll with 1 boon.
At level 5, when you get a success for an attack with a • Dual Wielder: You can use a reaction to attack with a
chosen weapon, you can choose to treat the success as a weapon you wield in your off-hand when you attack.
Creating a Character

critical success. Once you use this aspect of the talent, you At level 5, you impose 1 bane on rolls to attack you
lose access to it (luck ends). while you wield two weapons, one in each hand.
• Battle Savant: When you use an attack option, you roll • Engager: You can use a reaction when an enemy moves
to attack with 1 boon. to within 5 yards of you to move up to your Speed. If you
At level 5, the number of boons increases to 2. can reach the enemy that enabled the use of this talent,
• Brawler: You roll with 1 boon when you make an unarmed you can attack it. If the enemy takes damage from this
attack. You ignore the bane imposed from making unarmed attack, its Speed drops to 0 until the start of its next turn.
strikes. Your unarmed strikes count as natural off-hand At level 5, you roll to attack with 1 boon whenever you
weapons with the Nimble trait that deal 1d6 damage. attack by using a reaction.
• Great Weapon Specialist: When you get a success on
a roll to attack, you can add twice your Strength modifier Mage
(minimum 0) as extra damage for that attack. Once you
use this talent, you lose access to it for 1 minute. You learn real magic—not tricks and misdirection. From your
At level 5, you ignore the effects of the Slow weapon hands, you can release gouts of flame. With a word, you can cross
trait. vast distances in an instant. You can call up monsters to fight on
• Impalement Arts Specialist: Increase the range of your behalf and consult with mind-boggling, diabolical beings.
thrown weapons you wield by 5. You roll to attack with Learning magic requires time and energy, forcing you to neglect
thrown weapons with 1 boon.
At level 5, when you get a critical success with a thrown other areas of potential development, but then, who needs to
weapon, you can use a reaction to make a ranged attack be good with a sword when you can blast your enemies apart by
using another thrown weapon. speaking a few mystical words?
• Shield Basher: You treat shields as off-hand melee Mage Starting Attribute Scores
weapons that deal 1d6 damage instead of as improvised
weapons. In addition, when you attack with a shield, you ROLL STRENGTH AGILITY INTELLECT WILL
retain the shield’s increase to your Defense score. 1 10 10 12 11
At level 5, when you get a critical success with an attack
using your shield, you roll to attack the target with 1 boon 2 10 10 11 12
until the end of your next turn.
3 9 10 13 11

Level 5 Fighter 4 9 10 11 13
5 10 9 13 11
Armored and Natural Defense: +1, Health: +6,
Bonus Damage: +1d6 6 9 10 12 12
Fighting Style: Choose an additional fighting style from the
options presented at level 2. Sources of Magic
Power Strike: When you deal damage with an attack, you D6 SOURCE
can use this talent to deal extra damage to the target equal 1 Something happened that awakened the gift of magic
to your level. within you. You might have been buried alive and received
Once you use this talent, you lose access to it until the start visions from your proximity to an Ancient One, bitten by a
of your next turn. magical striped serpent, or abducted by fox-headed faeries
that you managed to escape by learning a spell.
2 Something you found gave you the gift. Perhaps you
learned the rudiments from a mysterious book or gained
insights after reading aloud an inscription.
3 You apprenticed under a famous wizard or attended a
magical university. Then again, you might have found a
magical trout who whispered terrible truths about the world,
thus opening a door to great magical power.
4 You made a pact with a higher power for your magical
knowledge. Maybe a fiend whispered in your ear, or the
god of magic chose you to be his agent.
5 You broke something magical and got some on you, a spirit
of a dead magician possessed you for a time, or maybe
you gained your ability from some quirk of birth, such as
being the seventh son of a seventh son.
6 You released a spirit from a bottle and made a wish, you
ate or drank something forbidden, or you just woke one day
with the ability to work magic.

Level 1 Mage
Natural Defense: 8, Health: 12
Languages: Arcane and Common
Traditions: Two; Spells: Four novice
Mage Implement: You have a wand, amulet, totem, or crystal
Chapter 1

ball, or some other item that helps you focus your magic. If
you lose this object, you can fashion another one after you
rest. You can have one mage implement at a time.
The implement contains a number of charges equal to
your level. Once per round, you can expend 1 charge from
the implement to produce one of the following effects. You
regain expended charges after you rest.
• Augment Magic: You can produce this effect when you
cast a spell or use a magical talent. You roll with 1 boon Level 5 Mage
and you impose 1 bane on rolls made as result of casting Health +2
the spell or using the talent.
• Mage Sense (Magical): You can use an action to per- Spells: One expert
ceive the presence or absence of magic within 5 yards. Spell Expertise: When you cast a spell and the spell requires
The range increases to 10 at level 3, and 20 at level 7. If a you to make an attribute roll, you roll with 1 boon. When
creature, object, or space is under the effects of or created you cast a spell and the spell enables an affected creature
by magic and is within range, you know it and where to to make an attribute or luck roll, you impose 1 bane on the
find it. The effect lasts 1 minute. creature’s roll.
• Mage Shield (Magical): You can use a reaction when
a creature you can see within 10 yards targets you with
a magical effect. You roll to resist the effect with 1 boon
and you impose 1 bane on the roll made to affect you. In
addition, if the magic deals damage, you take half dam- The gods chose you to represent them in the world, to be their
age from it. champion, agent, and speaker for all their interests. You call upon
magical energies from your divine patrons to cast spells and imbue
Level 2 Mage your strikes with power. You can serve one god, many different
Health: +2 gods, or no god at all, instead representing a spiritual belief or sys-
Traditions: One; Spells: Two novice tem of ethics. See Major Gods of the Borderlands, page 24.
Spell Recovery: You can use an action to heal half your dam- Priest Starting Attribute Scores
age total and regain all the expended castings of your nov-
At level 5, you also regain one expended casting of an 1 9 10 13 11
expert spell.
At level 9, you also regain one expended casting of an 2 13 10 9 11
expert or master spell. 3 11 10 10 12
Once you use this talent, you lose access to it until after
you rest. 4 11 10 12 10
5 12 9 10 12
Random Starting Traditions 6 11 9 10 13
1 Aeromancy or Geomancy
Divine Calling
2 Alchemy or Technomancy
1 A vision of your god, a divine servant, or some other super-
3 Alteration or Protection natural event revealed to you your holy purpose.
4 Animism or Spiritualism 2 You have been ordained in your faith, having completed
your training at a temple, monastery, or some other holy
5 Astromancy or Shadowmancy place.
6 Chaos or Order 3 Personal convictions led you to become an agent for the
7 Chronomancy or Teleportation
4 Some miracle transformed you into a holy servant. You
8 Conjuration or Symbolism spoke to the deity in a pillar of fire or were swept up in a
9 Cryomancy, Hydromancy, or Pyromancy whirlwind that carried you to the divine realms.

10 Dark Arts 5 Some tragedy or horrific experience saw you turn to the
gods for meaning. You might have suffered an attack by
11 Destruction or Protection undead, encountered a spirit, or had someone close to you
fall into the clutches of a diabolical fiend.
12 Divination or Illusion
6 Something unusual in your past explains your powers. You
13 Eldritch or Invocation might have drunk the blood of an angel or been the product
of a virgin birth. Maybe you climbed a mountain and saw
14 Enchantment the face of a god, or an immortal entity has entered your
body and taken control.
Creating a Character

15 Evocation
16 Necromancy Level 1 Priest
17 Oneiromancy Natural Defense: 9, Health: 14
18 Primal or War Languages: Common and one other language
19 Psionic Traditions: Two
Prayer (Magical): You can use a reaction when you or a crea-
20 Skullduggery ture within 5 yards of you makes an attribute roll to speak
You walk a crooked road, one with many twists and turns. As
a result, you have a knack for being able to do a little bit of every-
thing, whether you’re fighting in combat, casting a spell, solving
puzzles, or running for your life.

Rogue Starting Attribute Scores

1 9 12 12 10
2 10 11 12 10
3 10 12 11 10
4 12 11 10 10
5 10 13 11 9
6 12 12 10 9

Crooked Roads
1 You belong to a criminal organization, such as a thieves’ or
assassins’ guild, and your skills come from the training that
group provides.
2 You’re a survivor. You do what you must to get by, even if it
means stealing, cheating, and killing.
3 You study criminal techniques to bring lawbreakers to justice.
aloud a prayer that grants 1 boon to the roll. After you use
this talent, you lose access to it (luck ends). 4 You received special training to become an operative for a
military society, an intelligence organization, or a religious
Holy Symbol (Magical): You have a symbol of your faith, order.
spiritual beliefs, or ethical system. If you lose this symbol, you
can fashion a new one after you rest. The symbol has a num- 5 You have become a bon vivant, and you aim to keep your-
ber of charges equal to your level. You expend charges from self in the manner to which you have become accustomed.
You might be a gambler, a raconteur, or someone comfort-
the symbol to produce the following properties. You replenish able moving through all levels of society.
expended charges after you rest.
• Holy Smite: When your roll to attack results in a success, 6 You failed at whatever you tried to do first, but you learned
enough to help you in your future pursuits.
you can expend 1 charge to deal an extra 3d6 damage.
• Holy Healing: You can use an action and expend 1
charge to enable yourself or one ally within 5 yards to Level 1 Rogue
heal 3d6 damage.
• Holy Denunciation: You can use an action and expend Natural Defense: 11, Starting Health: 14
1 charge to present your holy symbol to one creature that Languages: Common and one other language
can see you, hear you, and is within 10 yards. Make a Cunning Dodge: Whenever you dodge, increase the number
Will roll against the target’s Will. You roll with 1 boon if of boons granted to your Agility roll by 1 or the number of
you know the target is a demon, faerie, fiend, spirit, or banes imposed on the roll made against your Defense or
undead. On a success, the target becomes held (luck Agility by 1.
Trickery: When you make an attribute roll in combat, you
can use this talent to roll with 1 boon. If you make this roll to
Level 2 Priest attack and you get a success and you rolled with at least 1
Health: +4, Bonus Damage: +1d6 boon, the attack deals an extra 1d6 damage. Once you use
this talent, you lose access to it until the start of your next turn.
Spells: Two novice
Shared Recovery: You can use an action to heal half your
damage total and enable one other creature within 5 yards Level 2 Rogue
to heal half their damage total. Once you use this talent, you Health: +4
lose access to it until after you rest.
Rogue Technique: You have developed a special technique.
Chapter 1

Gain one of the following benefits.

Level 5 Priest • Backstab: When you get a success on a roll to attack
Health: +4 using a melee weapon and you are either hidden from the
target or the target is within the reach of one or more allies,
Spells: One expert the attack deals an extra 1d6 damage.
Divine Favor: You make luck rolls with 1 boon. At level 5, the extra damage increases to 2d6.
• Beloved of the Gods: You make luck rolls with 1 boon.
Whenever you roll a 1 on the die for an attribute roll,
you can use this talent to make a luck roll. The result of the
luck roll replaces the result of the attribute roll. Once you
use this aspect of the talent, you lose access to the talent
until after you rest.
At level 5, you regain the use of this talent after 1 minute.
• Fighting Style: You gain one Fighting Style from the
fighter path.
• Magic Use: Add Arcane to your list of languages. You
discover one tradition and learn two novice spells.
At level 5, you learn one expert spell.
• Mockery: While you are not injured, you increase the
number of actions you can use on your turn by one, but
one of these actions must be used to hinder.
When you hinder a creature, the target makes your
choice of an Intellect roll or Will roll. In either case, the
target rolls with 1 bane. On a success, the target becomes
immune to this aspect of your hinder attempts for 24 hours.
On a failed Intellect roll, the target becomes weakened
(luck ends). On a failed Will roll, the target becomes vul-
nerable (luck ends). While vulnerable in this way, the tar-
get rolls to attack targets other than you with 1 bane.
At level 5, you can use a reaction when a creature within
5 yards makes an attribute roll to hinder it. In addition,
your attacks against hindered creatures deal an extra 1d6
• Skirmisher: Your Speed increases by 2. When you use
an action to attack, you gain the Slippery trait until the
end of your turn.
At level 5, when you use an action to run, you can use Level 5 Rogue
this aspect of the talent to gain another action. Once you
use this aspect of the talent, you lose access to this talent Health: +4, Bonus Damage: +1d6
(luck ends). Combat Opportunist: When you get a success on any roll
Swift Recovery: You can use an action, or a reaction when in combat, you can use this talent to either move up to half
you are harmed, to heal half your damage total and move up your Speed or cause one enemy in reach to take 1d6 dam-
to your Speed. You have the Slippery trait for this movement. age. You have the Slippery trait if and while you move from
Once you use this talent, you lose access to it until after you using this talent. Once you use this talent, you lose access
rest. to it (luck ends)

Creating a Character

Numerous religions thrive in the Borderlands, each with a following and supporting religious organization. As a priest, you can serve any
god you like or commit yourself to spirituality or an ethical system. The most important gods and their associated traditions follow. The
Sage has more information on these gods.

HIGH ONE: A newcomer, the High One swept the Adversary GRANDMOTHER SPORE: The goddess of rot, decay, and fungus
from Paradise and then opened the gates of heaven to worthy souls. makes room for new living things. She’s sometimes associated with
Most priests of the High One discover the Invocation tradition. Necromancy.
LORD DEATH: Creator of reality and ruler of the old gods, Lord HORNED LORD: The god of beasts, the Horned Lord reveals the
Death presides over the Underworld, and the fate of most souls Primal tradition.
of the dead. Destruction and Order are his associated traditions.
WILD WOMAN: The two-fold goddess, she both represents the
DAUGHTERS OF DEATH: The violent offspring of Lord Death,
home and hearth, and the utter ruination of such things. Her asso-
they include Hate, the goddess of war, the Pale Lady, the goddess
ciated traditions include Abjuration and Protection.
of plagues, Want, the goddess of famine, and Calamity, the god-
dess of chaos. The Daughters’ associated traditions include Chaos, URBANUS: The god of civilization, he reveals the Symbolism tra-
Destruction, and War. dition to his followers.
MOTHER SUN: The shining goddess who brings light to the REVEL: A wild, untamed deity of excess, joy, and madness, he
world reveals the Astromancy tradition to her priests. favors the Enchantment tradition.
SISTER MOON: The goddess of night and moonlight, she FATES: Three goddesses in one, they decide the destinies of all
descends to the underworld once each month. Her tradition is living things. Their associated traditions include Chronomancy,
Shadowmancy. Destruction, and Divination.
SKY FATHER: A violent, tempestuous sky god with designs on
BLIND: The goddess of justice arms her followers with the
Lord Death’s throne, he’s associated with the Aeromancy tradition.
Protection tradition.
DRACONUS: An enormous serpent whose coils make up the
ABRAXUS: The mysterious god of magic has associations with all
world and who imprisons the dreaded Ancient Ones. He’s associ-
ated with Geomancy and Oneiromancy. forms of magic.

OCEANUS: The dark god of the seas delights in sinking ships and FETCH: An outsider deity, Fetch has the veneration of thieves
flooding the lands. His associated tradition is Hydromancy. and scoundrels. The Skullduggery tradition is associated with him.
GRANDFATHER TREE: The god of life and living things, he’s KAEN: The dead god of the forge, his spirit lives on and inspires
most often associated with the Animism tradition. artisans. He reveals the Pyromancy tradition to his followers.
Chapter 1

Chapter 2:
game rules
You and your friends enter the reeking cave, the light of your important to note that, always, the story comes first. The rules,
torches revealing walls stained with soot, rubbish on the ground, here, offer you and the Sage ways to resolve those complications
bones here and there. As you push forward, you hear a hooting that arise in the telling of your tales when the outcomes might not
noise from the dark, catch the stench of rancid, unwashed flesh, be obvious. In play, you and the Sage can reference these rules as
and then they come: troglodytes! What do you do? needed, using the mechanisms described here to determine what
Shadow of the Weird Wizard relies much on the efforts of the happens next. Once you make this determination, you can set
Sage and the players to determine what happens in the story. You them aside and proceed with the story as normal. Clearly, some
all engage in a conversational approach to advance the plot, make circumstances rely a bit more on rules than do others. When you
discoveries, and gather information you need about the sinis- find yourself fighting for your life or are chasing someone down
ter forces at work in your community. There are times, though, through a corn field or consult alien gods for the secrets of reality,
when the outcome of some described activity stands in question. the rules play a stronger part. But, equally as often, you converse
When you fire your crossbow, does the bolt hit? When you offer with characters you meet, move around locations, and perform
Game Rules

a bribe to the guard to gain access to the tyrant’s inner sanctum, other mundane activities that simply happen without needing to
can you overcome the man’s loyalty? You kick down doors, cast pick up the dice.
spells, and perform a great many other activities that could hap- The Game Rules chapter contains a fair bit of information. You
pen, are revealed to be impossible, or could happen with a bit of need not absorb it all at once. Instead, reference the sections you
luck. That’s where this chapter comes in. need when you need them. As you play the game, you will gain
In the pages that follow, you’ll find tips and guidelines for han- expertise with the system to the point that you will not need to
dling all kinds of circumstances that are bound to arise in play. It’s reference this chapter much, if at all.
Attributes TARGET NUMBER: The reason for making the attribute roll
determines the target number. Normally, the target number is 10
if no one resists the effort that warranted making the roll. If you
All characters, most creatures, and some objects use a set of four make a roll that is opposed by a creature or object, the target num-
attributes to describe their basic capabilities: Strength, Agility, ber is the score of the attribute you are rolling against.
Intellect, and Will. Each attribute has a score, a number from 1 to If an activity is resisted by multiple targets, such as when you
20, that measures how adept the creature or object is at perform- affect more than one enemy at a time, you make one attribute roll
ing activities related to its use. A typical person has a score of 10 in per target.
each attribute. A higher score indicates exceptional ability, while a DETERMINE OUTCOME: You determine the outcome by fol-
lower score describes a diminished capacity. lowing these steps: Roll a d20, add the modifier for the appropri-
The score also determines the attribute modifier, which is ate attribute, and then compare the result to the target number.
always equal to the score minus 10. If you have a Strength score of You get a success if the result equals or exceeds the target number
12, you have a +2 Strength modifier. If you have an Agility score or a failure if it doesn’t.
of 9, you have a –1 Agility modifier.

Strength Rolls to Attack,

Rolls Against
Strength represents muscle power, durability, athletic ability, and
overall fitness. You use Strength to resist effects that force you to Whenever the rules mention a “roll to attack,” that means an attri-
move or that restrain you, as well as when you climb, swim, attack bute roll you make to attack a target in combat. An attack always
with most hand-to-hand weapons, kick down a door, or over- involves either making an unarmed attack or attacking with a
power another creature. Strength also helps you withstand or fight weapon, and the target number is the target’s Defense score unless
otherwise stated.
off the effects of pain, injury, poison, or infection.
When the rules mention a “roll against” for attacks, spells,
or some other effect, the attribute roll is made against a target’s
Agility Defense or specified attribute score.
Agility encompasses poise, dexterity, balance, and reflexes. You
use Agility when you want to keep your footing, perhaps because
Boons and Banes
someone has just shoved you or you are moving across challenging
An activity might be more difficult than normal because of an
terrain. Agility also comes into play when you attempt a task that affliction you suffer, or it might be easier than usual because you’re
requires manual dexterity, such as picking a lock, disarming a trap, getting aid from someone else. When making attribute rolls, the
or performing a feat of legerdemain. influence of other factors that might affect the outcome of an
action is represented by additional modifiers called boons and
Intellect banes.
A boon is an advantageous circumstance that improves your
Intellect measures intelligence, wit, memory, and knowledge. You chance of success. For each boon that applies, you roll a boon die,
rely on Intellect to thwart an effort to deceive you, decipher a which is a d6. You then add the highest number rolled on any one
coded message, or outwit another creature. Intellect also governs of the boons to your attribute roll.
your ability to use some forms of magic. A bane is a disadvantage that reduces your chance of success.
For each bane that applies, you roll a bane die, which is a d6. You
Will then subtract the highest number rolled on any one of the banes
from your attribute roll.
Will describes courage, willpower, resolve, and mental fortitude. Boons and banes cancel each other out on a one-for-one basis
You use Will to resist efforts to erode your confidence, manipulate before any boon or bane dice are rolled. If you have 2 boons and 1
your emotions, or terrify you. As with Intellect, Will is also needed bane for the activity you attempt, you roll with 1 boon. If you have
to use some forms of magic. 1 boon and 3 banes, you roll with 2 banes.
You count boons and banes separately only if they come from
Attribute Rolls different sources. If one of your abilities grants you 1 boon and a
different one grants you 1 boon, you roll with 2 boons. But if you
have 1 boon from a specific spell and the same spell is cast on you
When an attribute is important for something that you are doing
a second time before the first one ends, you still have only 1 boon.
or that is happening to you, the Sage decides or the rules instruct
Chapter 2

Similarly, you might become poisoned from an arrow that struck

you to make an attribute roll. The result of the roll determines if an you and then become Strength impaired by a diabolical spell. You
effort to do something succeeds or fails. would therefore make Strength rolls with 2 banes, one from the
ATTRIBUTE MODIFIER: The rules or the Sage will tell you poisoned affliction, and the other from the impaired affliction.
which attribute (and thus which modifier) to use for a roll. The See Afflictions on page 29 for more information about how these
attribute modifier is added to your roll to determine the result. states work.
Luck Rolls
Sometimes, the rules or the Sage might call for a luck roll to see
Making Rolls what happens. A luck roll uses no attribute, so it’s just a roll of a
The rules often refer to you or others making rolls. d20. Since you never make a luck roll against a creature or object,
When you see this instruction, whoever controls the the target is always 10.
acting individual makes the roll. (Obviously, charac-
(LUCK ENDS): If you are subject to an effect that has the (luck
ters and creatures controlled by the Sage aren’t rolling
dice themselves.) This expression is shorthand for who ends) notation, you make a luck roll at the end of the round. If you
rolls the dice and when. have multiple (luck ends) effects affecting you, you make a sepa-
rate luck roll for each effect, in any order you choose. If you have
a (luck ends both) or (luck ends all) effect, you make a single roll.
On a success, the effect ends. On a failure, the effect persists until
the end of the next round, at which point you repeat the luck roll
Success and Failure to end the effect.
You can end a (luck ends) effect with a successful use of the
If you get a success with an attribute roll, the rules or the Sage will Overcome action (see page 46).
tell you what happens as a result. If you succeed on a roll to attack
a foe, your attack deals damage. If you succeed on a roll to cast a JEFF TAKES A DART IN THE FACE
spell on an enemy, you might deal damage, apply an affliction, or Jeff, a mage, walks down a passageway in a tomb he and
cause something else to happen. his friends are exploring in hopes of finding treasure. Because
If you fail a roll, there might also be a result. You might take neither Jeff nor any of the other characters inspected the corri-
dor before strolling down it, the Sage determines Jeff stepped
damage, gain an affliction, or find that the activity you attempted on a pressure plate, sending a dart flying toward the hapless
is, for now at least, beyond your ability. mage’s face. The Sage calls for a luck roll from Jeff’s player to
see if he can avoid the dart. The player rolls a d20, needing a
FRITZ SWINGS A SWORD 10 or higher, but he rolls a 4. Jeff gets hit with the dart and must
also contend with the poison smeared on its tip!
Fritz, a fighter, faces a bandit in combat. Fritz swings his
sword against his foe. Fritz has Strength 12. The player rolls a
d20 and gets a 14 on the die. Adding the +2 modifier from
Strength brings the total to 16. The bandit has Defense 11, so
Fritz hits and deals damage to the bandit.
Defense represents how reflexes, combat training, instinct, and
protective equipment contribute to a creature or object’s ability to
PHOEBE PICKS A LOCK escape harm from attacks. All creatures and objects have a Defense
Phoebe comes to a locked door. Her player decides she will score, which is the target number for attackers’ attribute rolls.
use her lockpicks to open it. The Sage imposes 1 bane on the Defense scores range from 0 to 25. A creature or object with no
roll due to the quality of the lock. Phoebe has Agility 11. The way to protect itself from an attack has a Defense score of 0.
player rolls a 12 on a d20, adds 1 from the Agility modifier,
and subtracts 3 from the roll of the bane die. Her total is 10, NATURAL DEFENSE: All creatures and objects capable of
and since she’s not rolling against anything, she unlocks the defending themselves have a natural Defense score. Your novice
door. path determines your natural Defense. Wearing armor, as well as
some magical effects, can increase or replace your natural Defense.
See Chapter 3 for more information on armor.
Critical Success
Some game effects take effect when you get a critical success. A
critical success occurs when the result of your roll is 20 or higher
and exceeds the target number by at least 5. Normally, a critical
All creatures and objects have Health scores, which represents the
success produces no additional effect without a trait or talent, but
maximum amount of damage they take before becoming incapac-
the Sage can offer an improved outcome with such a result.
itated or destroyed. Since other effects can increase or decrease
one’s Health score, keep track of your normal Health score sepa-
Critical Failure rately from your current Health score.
When the rules refer to Health, they refer to the creature or
Game Rules

Some game effects take effect when you get a critical object’s current Health unless they say otherwise.
failure. A critical failure occurs when the result Changing your Health score can affect your damage total. If
of your roll is 0 or less. Many talents and spells your Health score drops below your damage total, you reduce your
cause targets to suffer additional effects when damage total so it equals your current Health score, which causes
they get critical failures. The Sage might also you to become incapacitated. If you are incapacitated, and your
impose negative consequences when you get a Health score increases, your damage total also increases to match
critical failure. the new score, so you remain incapacitated until you heal damage.
Enemies take damage just as characters do, but when an en-
emy’s damage total equals its Health, the Sage decides the
enemy’s fate. Typically the enemy dies, but the Sage might
decide the damage just knocks it unconscious for a time. You
can also try to knock out a creature instead of killing it. This is
possible only if the source of the damage would permit it. For
example, clubbing someone might knock them out, but stab-
bing them with a knife would just kill them.

You are injured if your damage total equals or exceeds half your
Health score. Typically, you suffer no effects from being injured,
but certain talents, spells, and other effects used against you might
put you at a disadvantage because you’re injured.

When your damage total equals your Health score, you fall prone
and become incapacitated. Any damage taken in excess of that
causing you to become incapacitated is lost. You are unconscious
for as long as you are incapacitated.
damage while incapacitated, you instead lose Health equal to the
amount of damage you would take.
ENDING INCAPACITATED: You stop being incapacitated
when your damage total is less than your Health score. Thus any
amount of healing can end being incapacitated.
If you are incapacitated at the end of the round in combat or

Damage in a situation using rounds, you lose 1d6 Health and make a luck
roll. On a success, you heal 1 damage. On a failure, you remain
Damage describes injury from a harmful effect. You keep a run-
If you become incapacitated when not using rounds, the Sage
ning total of damage accumulated. Your damage total can be as tracks time with rounds until you are no longer incapacitated.
low as 0 or as high as your Health score. (Damage in excess of your
Health score is ignored. Also, see page 8 for details on halving BENFORD’S BAD DAY
damage.) When you take damage, you add the amount to your Benford, a priest, is having a bad day. He has Health 14,
damage total. When you heal damage, subtract the amount from but his damage total just increased to 14, which causes poor
Benford to become incapacitated. At the end of the round,
your damage total. he rolls a d6 to see how much Health he loses. He gets a
4, which adjusts his current Health score to 10. His damage
SOURCES OF DAMAGE total also drops to 10 since he can’t have more damage than
Health. Benford then makes a luck roll. He gets an 11, which
Most times, the source of damage has little effect on game is a success, enabling him to heal 1 damage. His Health is
play. Damage from lightning hurts just as much as being struck now 10 and his damage total is 9. Since his damage total is
by a mace or trampled by a giant. Sometimes, though, crea- less than his Health score, Benford is no longer incapacitated.
tures and objects have special traits that reduce or increase
the amount of damage taken from a specific source. A spell
might protect a creature from fire, halving damage taken from Death
such sources, while a creature made from ice might take dou-
ble damage from fire. The players and the Sage should exer- You die when your Health score drops to 0. Provided the cause of
cise common sense when determining if a source of damage death does not destroy your body, your remains become an object
Chapter 2

would have a special effect on a target. with a normal Health score equal to its Size × 20. Remains of
organic material decay, lose 1d6 Health (or more in warm, moist
GILDA TAKES DAMAGE conditions) each day until they completely rot away. If an effect
Gilda has Health 14 and 0 damage. A barbarian whacks her, restores you to life, any loss of Health by your corpse is a perma-
and she takes 6 damage as a result. Gilda’s damage total is nent reduction to your normal Health score, reflecting the ravages
now 6, but her Health score stays the same. of decay, lost body parts, and so on.
Harmful Effects Cursed
You make luck rolls with 1 bane.
In addition to damage, you can suffer all kinds of harmful effects,
some of which are described here.
Afflictions You cannot hear. You cannot make use of reactions that rely on
hearing and are not subject to effects that depend on hearing.
Harmful effects bestow afflictions, which limit what you can do
on your turn, make certain rolls more difficult, or both. You can Frightened
gain the same affliction multiple times, provided each instance
comes from a different source, and you must remove each instance You fear the source of this affliction—a creature, an object, a space,
of the affliction separately. Sometimes gaining an affliction or something else. While you have line of sight to the source of
imposes additional effects. Those additional effects persist until your fear, you make attribute rolls with 1 bane, and you grant 1
you remove that instance of the affliction. boon on attribute rolls against you.
If you have an affliction as a result of some other ongoing effect
and you remove the affliction, you automatically regain the afflic- Held
tion at the start of your next turn unless the ongoing effect ends.
For example, if you are unconscious because you are incapaci- Your Speed drops to 0 and you cannot benefit from increases to
tated, and something ends the unconscious affliction, you would your Speed until this affliction ends. In addition, creatures rolling
become unconscious again at the start of your next turn unless you against your Agility get an automatic success.
stop being incapacitated.
The impaired affliction affects the attribute specified by the harm-
Maegan, a mage of no little skill, runs afoul of an adhesive ful effect, so you might be Strength impaired or Intellect impaired,
trap on the floor that causes her to become held until she for instance. You roll with 1 bane when using the specified attri-
overcomes the affliction. Before she has a chance to do so, a
hideous giant spider sprays her with webbing, which causes bute, and you grant 1 boon on rolls against the specified attribute.
her to become held as well. She suffers no additional effect
for being held twice, but she must both remove the spider’s On Fire
webs and overcome the glue on the floor to remove the held
affliction from herself. An effect might make you catch fire. You take 1d6 damage at the
end of each round until the fire is extinguished, normally with
Blinded a successful luck roll. You can douse the flames with water, or
smother them with a blanket or similar object. A creature that
You cannot see and thus have line of sight to nothing. You treat drops prone before trying to overcome the flames makes the roll
all creatures and objects as being invisible (see page 49.) If you with 1 boon.
want to attack or interact with anything, you must guess the tar-
get’s location or locate the target using other senses, which usually Poisoned
means you make the roll with 3 banes. You cannot make use of
reactions that rely on sight. Finally, your Speed is halved. You have been exposed to venom, poison, or some other toxin.
You make attribute rolls with 1 bane, and you grant 1 boon on
Confused rolls against you. In addition, at the end of each round, you lose
1d6 Health.
You become unable to make sense of what is happening around
you. You cannot use reactions and you make Intellect and Will
rolls with 1 bane.

Controlled Harm
You fall under the control of the source of this affliction. You take The game uses “harm” as shorthand for any effect
Game Rules

your turn when your controller does and it decides what you do, that would deal damage, cause you to lose Health,
bestow an affliction, or subject you to any other harm-
using your traits, talents, and spells. If you have already taken a ful effect, such as forced movement or loss of material
turn when you gain this affliction, you take a turn as described possessions.
during the next round. While controlled, you regard the source of
the affliction as an ally.

You are lying on the ground. You cannot use reactions. You grant 1
boon on rolls made to attack you with melee weapons, but impose
1 bane on rolls made to attack you with ranged weapons. You can
Stacking Effects
use your move only to crawl or stand up. You can be subject to an effect from a particular
source just once at a time. The effect persists until it
Slowed ends. If you are subjected to the same effect again, the
original effect ends and the new instance of the effect
Your Speed drops to 2 if your Speed was higher than 2 and you begins. For example, if someone casts a spell on you
cannot benefit from increases to Speed. to increase your Strength for 1 hour, and, 30 minutes
later, someone else casts the same spell on you, the
Stunned first instance of the spell ends and the new one begins,
resetting the duration to 1 hour.
You cannot use actions or reactions. Your Speed drops to 0 and
you cannot benefit from increases to Speed until this affliction
ends. You grant 2 boons on rolls against you, and you make attri- The debris blocks line of sight to anything beyond it, and you
bute rolls with 2 banes.
have total cover from effects originating from beyond your space.
Normally, the debris counts as a single obstacle for the purpose
Unconscious of hearing and making yourself heard, but might count as more if
You cannot use actions or reactions. Your Speed drops to 0 and you’re deeply buried. Furthermore, you might become subject to
you cannot benefit from increases to Speed. You receive no infor- the effects of suffocation, and if under a heavy mass, also lose 1d6
mation from your senses. You grant 3 boons on rolls against you, Health at the end of each round until you are crushed.
and you automatically fail all attribute rolls. Whether or not you can dig yourself free depends on the debris
covering you. You can dig through dirt, sand, snow, and loose
material, but heavy rocks, large chunks of ice, or metal slabs make
Asleep escaping impossible without help or magic. You can use an action
If you are unconscious because you are sleeping naturally, you to dig through 1 foot of soft material. Other creatures might be
stop being unconscious when a creature uses an action to shake able to free you by using heavy tools to clear away the debris.
you, kick you, or do something else to waken you. A loud noise
might remove the affliction if you succeed on a luck roll. Time
spent sleeping counts as resting for the purpose of healing damage Depri vation
(see Rest on page 32). If your sleep is uninterrupted, you wake up
naturally whenever you choose. If you are a living being, you need food and water to survive. If
you go without either, you suffer deprivation until you expire.
Vulnerable Normally, provisions and waterskins can keep these effects at bay,
but if you run out of water or someone makes off with your food,
You grant 1 boon on rolls to attack you and on rolls made against you might be in trouble. You need to spend at least 1 hour each
your attributes. day eating at least two meals and drinking at least half a gallon
of water. A small creature (Size 1/2 or lower) requires half these
Weakened quantities, while a large creature (Size 2 or higher) requires four
You make Strength and Agility rolls with 1 bane, and you grant 1 times these amounts or more.
boon on rolls against your Strength and Agility. In addition, your Each day you go without drinking sufficient water, you lose 1d6
Speed is halved and you cannot benefit from increases to your Health. For every two days you go without eating, you lose 1d6
Speed. Health. If such deprivation drops your Health to 5 or lower, you
fall prone and become weakened until your Health score increases

Buried above 5. While weakened in this way, you cannot stand up and can
move only by crawling.
When you become buried, you fall prone and debris covers your
Sleep Deprivation
Chapter 2

body completely or nearly so. This might happen when someone

tosses you into a pit and covers you with dirt, or when the ceiling
gives way to rain rubble down on your head. You need sleep to refresh yourself. Unless your ancestry says oth-
Being buried limits your ability to move, as solid obstacles sur- erwise, you need at least 6 hours of sleep every day. If you go a day
round you on all sides. If you can clear away space, you can move without sleep, you become weakened until you do sleep. For every
into that space by crawling. day you go without sleep thereafter, you lose 1d6 Health.
Dismemberment Infection
The sudden loss of a limb makes certain activities and forms of Infection results from exposure to something that can sicken you,
movement difficult, if not impossible. The effects are obvious: such as drinking contaminated water, eating spoiled food, or being
losing a leg makes it difficult to stand up, and a missing hand or close to someone suffering from a disease. If you’ve been exposed
arm prevents the use of two-handed weapons. Using prosthetics, to infection, note the exposure on your character sheet. After your
such as those described in Chapter 3, can mitigate the effects of next rest, make a Strength roll. On a success, you shake off the
dismemberment. infection. On a failure, you become infected and lose 1d6 Health.
While you are infected, you are weakened; at the end of each
Ex posure rest, make a Strength roll, losing 1d6 Health on a failure. If your
Health drops to 10 or lower while you are infected, you fall prone
Exposure occurs when you lack adequate clothing and protection and cannot stand up and can move only by crawling. If your
against the elements. You can suffer from exposure to extreme heat, Health drops to 5 or lower, you become unconscious and cannot
extreme cold, or hostile conditions such as storms or extremely dry be woken until your Health increases above 5. If you succeed on
or damp climates. At the end of each hour spent in a hostile envi- a total of three Strength rolls, you fight off the infection and can
ronment without adequate protection, make a Strength roll. On a regain lost Health by normal means.
failure, you lose 1d6 Health. If such exposure drops your Health to
5 or lower, you fall prone and become weakened until your Health
rises above 5. While weakened in this way, you cannot stand up
and can move only by crawling. You are subject to suffocation when you go without breathing for
Exposure can also have additional effects. Frostbite, for exam- 1 minute or longer. While subject to this effect, you make attri-
ple, might eat away at your ears, nose, and fingers, while damp cli-
bute rolls with 1 bane and you grant 1 boon on attribute rolls
mates might expose you to infections.
against you. In addition, you cannot talk or perform activities that
require speech, such as casting spells. Last, you take 1d6 damage at
Fire the end of each round, or double this damage if you used an action
during your turn.
Fire deals 1d6 damage to any creature or object that touches it. A
creature or object takes this damage just once per round, regard-
less of how many times it touches the fire during the same round. Transformation
Extended contact with fire can cause a creature or object to catch
You transform when an effect alters your body so that you become
fire. Extinguishing a fire requires smothering it with water, sand,
someone or something else. Unless the effect responsible for the
or a rug or tapestry.
transformation says otherwise, the following rules apply.
Starting a fire takes 1 minute of work using a tinderbox or simi-
lar ignition method, such as a candle or flame-maker. ATTRIBUTES: You use the Strength and Agility scores of the
new form, but you keep your original Intellect and Will scores.

Poisons DEFENSE AND HEALTH: You use the Defense and Health
scores of the new form. You ignore any losses to Health from your
Any toxic substance counts as poison. Poison affects creatures previous form, but your damage total carries over to your new
when introduced to their bodies and persists until it runs its form.
course, is neutralized, or is otherwise overcome. POSSESSIONS: If you were holding one or more objects in your
A manufactured poison is produced by mixing certain ingre- hands, and the new form lacks hands or similar appendages, you
dients or harvesting them from biological sources, rather than a drop the items to the ground in your space (or beneath your space
toxin a creature naturally produces. You can apply a dose of man- if you are not on the ground). The Sage might also rule certain
ufactured poison to food, drink, an edged or pointed weapon or items fall off your body when you assume the new form.
piece of ammunition, or some other object that can introduce the SPEECH: If the new form is that of an ordinary creature not nor-
poison to a victim’s system. You might even soak a book’s pages in mally capable of speech, you lose the ability to speak.
a toxic substance to poison anyone who turns them and then licks
TRAITS: You lose all traits of your original form and gain the
their finger. Some special poisons require only physical contact to
Game Rules

have an effect. traits of your new form.

Once applied to a surface or mixed into a substance, the poison TALENTS: You retain all talents you have gained, regardless of
remains harmful for 8 hours. If a living creature of flesh and blood your new form. However, certain activities might be impossible in
takes the poison into its body—eats poisoned food, drinks poi- your new form. If you become a harmless mouse, you would not
soned liquid, takes damage from a poisoned weapon or piece of be able to attack and thus would not benefit from any talents that
ammunition—the creature becomes poisoned (luck ends). would affect your attacks.
Characters have many ways to heal damage and regain Health.
They might avail themselves of poultices, elixirs, spells, talents, Travel
and other game effects. But the most reliable way to recover from You travel when you move toward a distant destina-
injuries is resting. tion. Usually the Sage summarizes the journey, describ-
Resting allows you to heal damage and regain expended ing the hazards encountered, challenges faced, and
resources. If you have uninterrupted rest for 6 consecutive hours, foes defeated on the way. The Sage might, however,
you heal all damage and regain Health equal to one-tenth your use more elaborate rules for quests where travel and
its mishaps can affect the plot. Rules for travel appear
normal Health score. Some of your other resources, such as spells in the Secrets of the Weird Wizard book.
or talents, might also be replenished after a rest. If you stop resting
to use an action or reaction, the time you spent resting up to that
point is wasted and you must start resting again to gain any benefit
from doing so. LINE OF EFFECT: Sometimes you must have line of effect to
something in order to affect it. To have line of effect, you must

Time have an unobstructed path to the thing you would affect that is at
least as large as the thing you would use to affect it—a hole the size
of an arrow or an opening the size of a thrown grenade.
Time in the game passes at whatever rate is reasonable for the cur-
rent activity, or as the Sage deems appropriate. A scene dominated
by roleplaying could play out at more or less the same speed that it Size and Reach
does in reality. A combat scene might move faster or slower than
it would in real life, while the Sage might summarize a month of Creatures and objects have a Size score to represent the space they
travel in a few minutes of description. The Secrets of the Weird take up in play. Size 1 is equivalent in height and width to a typical
Wizard book has more information about handling scenes. adult human, and the creature occupies a space 1 yard on each side.
The rules often reference durations of rounds, minutes, and lon- A higher score means the creature or object is that many times
larger than a typical person. For example, Size 3 would indicate
ger, as explained further here.
something three times as tall and wide as a human, while Size 1/2
ROUNDS: Combat tracks time in rounds, each lasting 3 to 6 sec- indicates something half as tall and wide. Some effects target or
onds. A typical combat scene lasts about 1 minute. For more infor- create a space with a Size score, which works the same as creature
mation on how rounds work, see Combat, starting on page 41. and object spaces.
MINUTES: Some effects last 1 minute. Since combat lasts about 1 Any object that can normally be gripped with two hands counts
minute, any effect with a duration of 1 minute lasts until the combat as size 1/2, with one hand as size 1/4, and with the off hand, size 1/8.
ends unless some other effect causes the effect to end early. A creature or object with appendages can reach out of its space
HOURS: More powerful and important effects last 1 hour or lon- a number of yards equal to its Size (minimum 1 yard), unless it has
ger. An hour is long enough to play through about three scenes. a trait that says otherwise.
The Sage might allow an effect to extend longer than that or
reduce the number of scenes if a substantial amount of time passes
between them.
Mov ement
Movement encompasses all kinds of locomotion: walking, slith-
Distance ering, hopping, and so on. Generally, you can walk a number of
yards equal to your Speed score, twenty times this number per
The game uses inches, feet, yards, and miles to measure distance; minute, or 3 to 4 miles per hour without exerting yourself.
most game effects related to combat use yards. You can use any Running lets you move faster, but at the expense of doing any-
thing else. You can move three times as far as you can walk when
system of measurement that you like—substitute meter for yard,
running, or six times as far if you are a quadruped. The Sage might
for example, and don’t sweat the difference. Often exact distances
rule that some creatures are faster or slower according to their
matter little to the story; the Sage can describe a room as being
nature. In addition, at the end of each hour you spend running,
large or small and dispense with exact dimensions unless you
you make a Strength roll and, on a failure, take 1d6 damage.
choose to measure the space.
MEASURING DISTANCE: You measure the distance from any
Other Movement
Chapter 2

two gridlines on the space you occupy that is closest to the target.
A gridline is the line between two adjacent spaces. Other methods of moving—crawling, climbing, swimming, and
LINE OF SIGHT: Sometimes range is expressed as being within the like—reduce your rate of progress. For example, you can climb
your line of sight, which means you need only see the target, about 2 yards per round, 40 yards per minute, or a bit more than
regardless of distance. Line of effect is similar, but it can be blocked 1 mile per hour. Again, the Sage can increase or decrease the dis-
by transparent objects or magical effects. tances as the circumstances warrant.
The Sage might call for an attribute or luck roll to move under
challenging circumstances. Examples include moving across a
slippery surface, traversing the deck of a storm-tossed ship, or
climbing a wall with unreliable hand- and footholds. The degree
of difficulty might also impose 1 or more banes. On a success, you
move across the surface. On a failure, you make no progress or lose
progress, as the Sage decides. A critical failure might indicate some
calamity has befallen you, again as the Sage decides. You could
fall prone on a slippery surface, lose your grip on the wall you are
climbing, or be swept away by water.
Moving in combat affects positioning, attacking, defending,
and other situations. More rules for such movement appear in the
Movement in Combat section, presented later in this chapter.

The Sage reveals pertinent information about your surroundings.
If you want to learn more, you need to explore by looking around,
listening, sniffing the air, touching things, and so on. The more
you examine your surroundings, the more information you can
gain until there is nothing more of interest to find or you stop

open door, you’d be able to hear what they say provided they are
Some creatures suffer harmful effects when in direct within 10 yards of you. If there is a closed door between you and
sunlight or sunlight cast by a reflective surface. For a
creature to be affected by direct sunlight, light from the them, you would have to be within 1 yard of the closed door to
sun must have an unobstructed path to its space. The catch what they are saying. If there were a second door between
intensity of the light does not matter. Some magical you and the speakers, the conversation would not be audible at all.
effects create light that counts as sunlight for the pur-
pose of resolving such effects.
Light and V ision
You need light to see. On a bright, clear day, with no obstructions,
you can see about 3 miles. Obstacles, haze, rain, fog, and the like
Sound and Hearing reduce this distance. The light of a full moon lets you see out to
about 1 mile, though again, clouds, atmospheric conditions, and
When you listen, the Sage tells you if you hear anything of interest. obstacles similarly reduce this distance. You can see a source of light
The Sage might ask for a luck roll to see if you happen to be listen- at almost any distance from you provided you have line of sight to it.
ing at the right time to catch the sound. The louder the noise, the
farther it travels. Sounds have four intensities: soft, normal, loud, Artificial Light
and louder.
• You can hear a soft noise, such as a whisper or the opening of Candles, torches, spells, and the like all produce artificial light out
a well-oiled door, from 1 yard away. to a range based on the intensity of the light. Artificial light has
three intensities: bright, dim, and faint.
• You can hear a normal noise such as conversation from 10
yards away. • Bright light, such as that from a lantern, lights the area
around it out to a range of 30 yards.
• You can hear loud noises such as shouting from 30 yards
away. • Dim light, such as that cast by a torch, lights the area around
Game Rules

it out to a range of 10 yards.

• Any louder noises specify the distance they travel.
• Faint light, such as that cast by candles, lights the area
Obstacles mute noises, reducing the distance from which they around it out to a range of 1 yard.
can be heard. Each obstacle reduces the intensity of the sound by
one step: a normal noise sounds like a soft noise, while a loud noise
sounds like a normal noise. An obstacle blocks quiet noises from
being heard. For example, if two people talk in a room beyond an
Obscurement Awareness #: The creature always perceives everything
around it within the listed number in yards. This perception
Fog, rain, snow, mist, and lack of light limit how far you can see. ignores the effects of obscurement and lighting.
Obscurement can be light, moderate, heavy, or total, affecting the Dark Vision: The creature can see out to a range of 3 yards
area as follows. when in no light at all.
• Light obscurement, such as mist or light rain, reduces the
Keen Hearing: The creature hears out to double the normal
range of vision inside and into the area to 10 yards.
• Moderate obscurement, such as fog, light snow, or heavy
rain, reduces the range of vision inside and into the area to Keen Scent: The creature knows the location of each living or
5 yards. dead creature within 10 yards.
• Heavy obscurement, such as heavy snow, reduces the range Keen Vision: The creature can see twice as far as other crea-
of vision inside and into the area to 1 yard. tures in natural light and doubles the normal range of artifi-
• Total obscurement, such as the absence of any light, reduces cial light sources. Finally, the creature reduces the degree of
the range of vision inside and into the area to 0 yards. obscurement by one step, to a minimum of no obscurement.
If two instances of obscurement affect an area, increase the True Vision: The creature needs no light to see and treats
degree of the greater obscurement by one step. Thus, in an area everything within its line of sight as being illuminated. It per-
with both light rain (light obscurement) and fog (moderate ceives outlines around invisible creatures and objects in its
obscurement), the obscurement becomes heavy. If there were line of sight. It also sees through mundane and magical dis-
two sources of light obscurement, such as light rain and mist, the guises, perceives transformed creatures in their normal forms,
obscurement would become moderate. and recognizes visual illusions for what they are.
Ordinary darkness resulting from lack of light counts as total
obscurement as mentioned above, however, you can still see into
spaces that lack obscurement. For instance, if you are in a dark Searching
cave, and someone lights a torch, you can see into the area illumi-
nated by the light cast by the torch. A creature or object might be hidden, requiring you to search for
it. When you want to find something hidden, you must be specific
Wind about where you look. Merely passing in front of a door hidden
behind a tapestry will not reveal the door; you must pull aside
Wind is either light, strong, or deadly. A light wind causes flames the tapestry. A door disguised to look like a section of wall might
to flicker and lightweight loose objects to flutter, and clears away require extensive searching of the area and a successful Intellect
light smoke and foul odors, but generally has no other game effect. roll or luck roll.
Strong winds move at 20 miles per hour or faster and produce
the following effects at the end of each round the wind blows Being Hidden
through an area.
• Protected flames, such as those inside lanterns or behind A creature or object is hidden from all creatures that do not know
some sort of cover, flicker and dance. its exact location, whether they suspect its presence or not. A hid-
den creature or object cannot be targeted by effects originating
• The wind extinguishes small unprotected flames and spreads
Size 2 or larger unprotected flames to nearby flammable from any source from which it is hidden, but it might be subject
objects. to other effects that do not specify targets. For example, a creature
hidden from the caster of a spell, but inside a chamber filled with
• Smoke, vapor, mist, gas, and similar atmospheric effects
dissipate. fire from an exploding Fireball spell, takes damage from the spell
since the fire spreads through the area and does not specifically
• Dust and small, lightweight objects blow off surfaces.
target any creature or object.
• The wind imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack targets more Once hidden, the creature or object remains hidden until found
than 1 yard away. or something happens to end the state. A hidden creature stops
• Creatures flying against the wind count as moving through being hidden after it attacks, shouts, casts a spell, or does anything
challenging terrain (see Movement in Combat). else to draw attention to itself.
• The wind counts as an obstacle for the purpose of hearing. See Hide on page 46 for details on hiding in combat.
• A creature of Size 1/2 or smaller makes a Strength roll. On a
failure, the creature falls prone.
• Deadly winds, such as those produced by hurricanes and
tornadoes, have additional effects as the Sage decides.
Chapter 2

All people know how to do certain things and can agree on some
facts. As a person living in the world of Erth, you know the follow-
Special Senses ing things. This list isn’t meant to be exhaustive but gives an idea of
a typical person’s understanding.
Many creatures possess special senses. The most common sensory • How to build and maintain a fire.
traits appear here: • How to forage for food in lands with abundant forage.
• How to dress and prepare meat from animals you kill.
• How to identify water that’s safe to drink.
• How to use common and uncommon equipment.
• How to maintain your equipment.
• The basic features of the land you inhabit and what’s around
these lands.
• Magic exists. You have heard that gods sometimes walk the
lands and bestow powers on their servants.
• A bit about the major religions, their doctrines, and their
• How to care for and feed an animal.
• How to conduct commerce.
• How to feed, clothe, and bathe yourself, and tend to your
other physical needs.
• How to read and write.
• The seasons and their passage, weather, the major constella-
tions, and other phenomena related to living in the world.
• Identify common creatures you see.
• Anything else that a person would know who lives in a
pre-industrial society.

Professional Know ledge

In addition to what you know in common with other people, you
also have knowledge related to your profession, as well as to the
paths you have chosen. Discov eries
STORIES AND LEGENDS: You can recall details about legend-
You can know something, not know something, or think you
ary members of your profession, as well as famous and infamous
know something. If you think you might know something, you
members of your profession in and around the lands in which you
can ask the Sage to make an Intellect roll on your behalf. If the roll
live. If you are a blacksmith who has worked in a particular town,
results in a success, the Sage tells you if you know about the topic
you know if there’s a famous blacksmith in the next town over.
or not, and what about it that you can recall. If the roll results in a
TASKS AND ACTIVITIES: You know how to perform tasks and failure, the Sage can tell you anything and leave it to you to decide
activities directly related to your profession. If you’re a scribe, you if what you learn is true or not. Further rolls to chase down the
know how to illuminate a manuscript. If you’re a poet, you can same information fail until you have access to new details.
produce poetry. If you are a criminal, you can probably open a lock If you’re confronted with a topic that you can’t learn much
using lockpicks. about, gaining this information represents a significant advance-
For difficult tasks directly related to your profession, you and ment of the plot and ought to take a bit more effort than a single
you alone can perform the task. A person who is not a forger could roll. Rather than pester the Sage with questions, look for ways in
not produce a believable forgery, for example. In addition, when the story that your character can discover the information, such
performing such tasks, the Sage might grant an automatic success as by searching through a library, consulting an expert, eavesdrop-
or 1 boon or more to your attribute roll. ping on a private conversation, or other reasonable activities that
COMPETENCE: You count as being competent in any work you would grant you this knowledge.
perform related to your profession. Between quests, if you can find
work, you can provide for yourself a quality of life typical for a
member of your profession. Communication
EYE FOR QUALITY: You can identify the quality of any good or Communication describes any in-character interaction between
service produced by a member of your profession. You can identify your character and others, whether they are controlled by other
good writing as a writer, good or bad cooking as a cook, or fine or
Game Rules

players or by the Sage. Out-of-character communication—talk

terrible service as a servant. that does not relate to interacting with characters in the game—is
TANGENTIAL BENEFITS: Your profession might also grant not subject to the following rules.
benefits on tasks not directly related to your work at the Sage’s Most communication counts as conversation, the normal dis-
discretion. An impossible task might be possible, if difficult, for course in which people engage all the time. Conversation might
you, or difficult tasks might be easier. The Sage might also reveal involve gossip, stories, idle talk about the weather, and the free
additional information in descriptions based on your expertise. exchange of information, such as the price of this thing or where
to find that place. Under most circumstances, such conversation talking with them, or become unfriendly if you harm them, some-
needs no rules. You, the Sage, and other players speak in character one they love, their property, or their standing in the community.
or describe what your characters say to each other and then react Old grudges can also soften in time, causing people to overlook
accordingly. Sometimes, though, complications make even simple past slights and conflicts in hopes of starting again.
conversation a challenge.
Shared Language
Communication of basic to complex ideas can happen easily if you
How a person sees you, whether they like you or not, affects and the other creature share a language. In such cases, you both
whether they are willing to help you. A friendly person is more understand the most common ideas. If conversing with someone
likely to do you a favor than an indifferent one. People you meet who speaks a different dialect or uses unfamiliar idioms, the Sage
have a disposition toward you, characters in your group, and other might call for you to make an Intellect roll to determine if you
people: friendly, indifferent, or unfriendly. can get your meaning across and parse what is said back to you.
• Friendly: The person likes you and helps you if they can. Similarly, such rolls might happen if you try to communicate with
someone who has an extremely limited vocabulary or knows only
• Indifferent: The person has no opinion toward you, one way
a pidgin form of the language.
or the other.
• Unfriendly: The person dislikes you and helps you only if
they have no choice. Languages of the Borderlands
Many paths allow you to choose additional languages, which you
can select from the following options.
Reading Dispositions
Unless a person has some reason to hide their disposition, how
they see you should be evident in what they say and how they act The Common tongue originated with a seafaring people and was
around you. If someone is trying to hide their disposition from important for facilitating trade. It became the dominant language
you, the Sage might make Will rolls for the person to see if they in the Great Kingdom and has spread to the new lands from the lips
can keep their true feelings to themselves. A better way to deter- of refugees pouring across the borderlands. A dialect of Common—
mine how someone feels is to spend time with the person, observe Seafarer—comes freighted with nautical jargon and odd digressions
them, and talk to them. The truth will come out eventually. Magic in which the speaker offers mild oaths to the sea god.
might also reveal a person’s true feelings.
The Church of the High One has kept alive the Archaic language
Changing Dispositions long after it should have died out. The tongue belonged to the peo-
You can lose a friendship over an insult but have to move moun- ple of the Empire, whose ruins lie scattered across the Devastation.
tains to win over someone who despises you. Maintaining friendly At the time of the Church’s founding, the imperial tongue was
relationships requires investment of time and energy, but, in considered the language of the intelligentsia, and so authors wrote
return, those people value you and help you when and how they the holy books in this ancient script. Even now, priests of the High
can. Such effort should not be too difficult, but does assume you One conduct religious ceremonies in Archaic, though few people
spend time with people friendly to you between quests and help in their congregations know what they are hearing, and the sacred
them in return for their aid. texts of the High One are all written in the Archaic tongue.
Unfriendly people have decided they don’t like you. You might Anyone who would learn the secrets of the old histories,
have done nothing that you know of to earn their enmity, but no uncover dark magic, or read from proscribed books finds Archaic
matter what gifts you offer or what aid you provide, they remain an indispensable language.
very much outside your friendship circle. Such dispositions usu-
ally have a cause. Someone might be bigoted against members of
your ancestry, could be in love with you but is too afraid to reveal People have been using Hand Signs for thousands of years, usually
their feelings, or you might have insulted, overlooked, or snubbed to communicate without making sounds or when the noise is too
them, or did some thoughtless thing to erode trust and make them great for even shouts to carry. The language also gives the mute
avoid you. It might be possible to win over unfriendly people if and deaf the means to communicate with others, so it has become
you can discern the reason for their animosity. If it’s something widespread. Hand Signs has a robust lexicon, though communi-
you can correct, you might make a friend for life. cating complex, abstract ideas requires more involved gestures,
Indifferent people have yet to form an opinion, so you might signals, and body movements. The language’s written form simply
Chapter 2

make friends of them by doing small favors, expressing interest duplicates these signs.
in their lives, remembering their names, and making them feel
important. It’s just as easy to lose their friendship, though, by
doing the opposite of those things. The Common tongue sounded the death knell for Kingdom,
A change in disposition lasts until something happens to alter it. or Kingdom Speak, years ago. The Great Kingdom had spread
A friendly character might grow indifferent if you go years without through the old country and brought many smaller nations under
its influence, but the complexity of Kingdom made it difficult for DRUIDIC
non-natives to learn or speak with any fluency. Despite the mon-
archs’ desires to make Kingdom the language of the civilized world, Druids are infamous for meddling in historical events, throw-
Common, having come from dozens of other tongues, overtook ing their weight behind both heroes and villains, and sometimes
Kingdom everywhere except in the courts of the Great Kingdom’s betraying allies to aid those people’s enemies, so most folk have lit-
nobility. Still, it survives, especially among the aristocracy, and it tle good to say about them. Most consider them dangerous, deceit-
sees the most use in modern histories and scholarly work. ful villains whose word is as worthless as elf gold. Druids feel no
need to explain their actions; they do what they believe they must,
SYLVAN each effort bringing them closer to achieving some great and last-
The tongue of the fair folk, the faeries know and use this language ing change to the world.
in preference over others. Sylvan, sometimes called Elvish, Fair Druids use a secret language for communicating with each other
Speech, or the Old Tongue, creeps into Common, especially in the and their agents. So guarded is the tongue that people who learn
wild places where common folk bargain with the faeries to keep it without receiving the proper magical preparation go insane,
them appeased. One sings Sylvan; speaking it strips away much of and the language they struggled to master evaporates from their
its meaning. In script form, the language lacks punctuation so that minds. Druid script has runic characters that, like Arcane, wriggle
one thought flows into another. in place, but it foils magical effects that would reveal its meaning.
In its spoken form, it sounds like undifferentiated whispering.
As widespread as Common has become, there remain places
throughout the borderlands and beyond where people communi- Rangers, scouts, and other travelers through the wilderness use a lan-
cate in the language that evolved with their culture. Every com- guage of signs and markings to communicate with others who travel
munity has a tongue, even monstrous peoples. The inhabitants of after them. Such signs indicate danger, aid and comfort, the pres-
Four Towers have their tongue, which differs from that spoken ence of game or the threat of dangerous predators, as well as marking
in Eastport. Some people embrace the ideal of a universal lan- clean water, safe camping sites, and trails.
guage, but there are always those too stubborn and too comfort- THIEVES’ CANT
able with their own speech to bother to learn any other form of
The Thieves’ Guild developed this language to speak freely about
criminal activities without arousing suspicion. It is a form of dou-
ble-speak, speckled with lingo and jargon, so people who under-
Secret Languages stand the base language can recognize the words but not their real
Languages gain the designation of secret when they originate meaning. Either the phrase sounds like nonsense or it seems to say
from organizations and institutions who decide who can learn something other than what the speaker intends.
them. Even so, many people know of such languages and might
recognize script or utterances in them, but without a lexicon, their Hearing Effects
meaning remains out of reach.
Unless its rules say otherwise, when an effect requires that a target
ALCHEMICAL can hear you, the target must also have a language in common with
you to understand what you say.
The alchemists record everything they learn from research and
experimentation in a cipher known as Alchemical. It is known
only to them, and people who break the codes have a habit of turn- Obfuscation
ing up dead, poisoned in some mysterious way. So important is You might find yourself in a situation where you would thwart
this language that novice alchemists do not begin learning it until eavesdroppers but have no other shared language with the other
they complete their apprenticeship. person. In such cases, you can use obfuscation to cover your mean-
Alchemical speech sounds odd. It uses words from other languages, ing. Obfuscation incorporates obscure vocabulary, lingo, jargon,
assembled in nonsensical ways. Its script is even more frustrating, with and double-speak to make it difficult for listeners to parse what
combinations of dots, dashes, letters, numbers, and even symbols you are saying. When you use obfuscation, any creature that
comprising an alphabet with over three thousand characters. knows the language can make an Intellect roll. On a success, the
ARCANE creature understands what you say. On a failure, it loses the thread
of meaning until that conversation ends or you return to a normal
The need for magical script arose when wizards sought to guard style of speaking.
access to the knowledge they had amassed, hoarding power and
Game Rules

wealth for themselves. Only when confronted by angry mobs and Translation
zealous priests did they relent and pull back a bit of the curtain
so that others could see and understand the inner mechanisms of If you converse in a language that others do not know, you can
magic. attempt to translate for them. For each minute of conversation,
Arcane represents one of the few attempts to secure magic make a Will roll. On a success, you communicate the basic ele-
against willy-nilly usage and has become a crucial component in ments of the conversation. On a failure, you might get a few things
casting spells from inscriptions. wrong or become confused for a few minutes.
Divine Speech
Myths claim that gods and other powerful beings can
make themselves understood to all who hear them.
This divine speech, sometimes called the Ur-tongue,
awakens understanding in anyone who can hear even
the faintest whisper, as the speech’s magical nature
reshapes it into sounds that the listener recognizes.
Divine speech has no official written form, but some
suspect that Arcane and other secret and ancient
tongues might represent attempts at transcribing the
language into a universal script.

If you lack a language in common, you can still attempt to com-
municate ideas using drawings, gestures, or some other nonverbal
method. A creature with an Intellect score of 10 or higher can
understand simple concepts transmitted via pantomime, while
more complex and abstract ideas might require a success on an
Intellect roll or simply be impossible.

You can listen in on a nearby conversation without making it seem
that you are paying attention. Doing so requires concentration
and self-control—don’t betray yourself if you hear something
shocking, upsetting, or odd. At one point during the eavesdrop,
the Sage might call for a Will roll. On a success, no one notices you
overhearing their conversation. On a failure, they do, provided
they can see you.
Your ability to eavesdrop on a conversation depends on sur-
rounding noises and the distance between you and the speakers.
See Sound and Hearing on page 33 for details.

Lip Reading
If you can clearly see someone speak and that person speaks in a
language you know, you might be able to make out enough words
to understand what is being said. If the speaker is unaware of your
observation, make an Intellect roll. On a success, the Sage reveals
the gist of what the speaker is saying.

Reading Script
You know how to read any language you know that has a written
form (not all have one). If you can see script of a language you
know and you have at least faint light, you can read the script. You
can read about 250 words a minute.
Chapter 2

You can also translate a script of a language you know into a

different language while you are reading it. You can translate about
50 words a minute. For complex writings that use code, obscure
language, or unfamiliar terminology, the Sage might require an
Intellect roll. A success rewards you with a suitable translation,
while a failure results in you getting some or many details wrong.
Deciphering Codes Transaction
You might encounter coded phrases, ciphers, puzzles, and simi- You offer compensation to someone in exchange for performing
lar challenges. The Sage presents these challenges for you and the a task on your behalf. Compensation might be in the form of
other players to solve, but might give you clues or even outright payment, a task in return, or the promise of some future aid. Any
solutions from successful Intellect rolls. payment offered depends on the difficulty of the request, with
something simple and low risk costing a few copper pieces, while
Social Challenges dangerous, life-threatening tasks might require expending a small
A social challenge happens whenever you try to cause another To resolve the transaction, make a Will roll against the person’s
creature to behave in a certain way by using conversation. The
Will. On a success, the person agrees to undertake the task; they
desired behavior can be almost anything, from the revelation of
refuse on a failure. You might repeat the roll by increasing the
a secret to some action you want the subject to perform. In each
case, the behavior represents something the creature would not offer, at the Sage’s discretion, but you make the new roll with at
normally do, whether from fear of risk or out of disinterest or least 1 bane.
dislike. Examples include convincing a guard to take a bribe and A person’s disposition toward you affects the transaction.
abandon his post at a specific time, persuading the baroness to Someone friendly might do a simple job with little or no compen-
send soldiers to clear the fomorians from the woods, or leaning sation required and without a roll. An indifferent person imposes
on a prisoner to give you the details of a conspiracy. Whereas nor- 1 bane or more on your roll if the compensation isn’t high enough
mal conversation occurs without attribute rolls, social challenges and if the task is dangerous. An unfriendly person imposes 2 or
almost always require them. more banes and, even on a success, might betray you if they can get
RISKS AND OTHER FACTORS: The Sage grants boons and away with it or do slipshod work.
imposes banes on attribute rolls made to resolve social challenges,
as on any other kind of activity. Suitable reasons for granting Appeal
boons involve low risk, a friendly audience, or having someone else
with a good reputation vouch for you. Banes arise from high risk, You make an appeal to sway opinions or convince several people
especially to friends, family, property, and reputation. Unfriendly to perform some desired action. You might explain how their cir-
people might also impose banes or flat out refuse to help you, and cumstances would be improved if they go along with your plan,
rivals and enemies might argue against you or stain your reputa- or highlight the perils if they don’t. When you finish, you make a
tion by spreading rumors about you and the other characters in Will roll and compare the result to the Will scores of each audi-
your group. ence member. If you get successes against half or more of the
group, they attempt to do what you want. Otherwise, they refuse,
Typical Social Challenges and further efforts to sway them without new evidence or argu-
ments might turn them against you.
Example challenges, including the rules for conducting them, As with any social challenge, any risks incurred by the activity
follow. You might make several social challenges, perhaps concur- can impose banes on the roll, while benefits could grant boons.
rently, with new challenges arising from the success or failure of For example, you might appeal to your fellow prisoners, urging
previous ones. However, a successful challenge does not guaran-
them to rise up against the captors. Since an uprising could mean
tee results. Circumstances might prevent a person from following
greater suffering or even death, you might make the roll with 1
through on a promise, while a secret enemy might subvert the
challenge to betray you. bane. Alternatively, you could try to convince villagers to abandon
their homes in light of an approaching army of orcs. Since staying
Social Challenge Summary means slavery or death, you might make the roll with 1 boon.

Transaction You offer something in return for a good or service.

An argument happens when you and someone else compete in
You present your objectives to an audience to sway
Appeal conversation to sway an audience. You work to convince an audi-
their opinion.
ence of your way of thinking, as does your opponent. You must
You debate with another to turn the audience to your make your case and show why your opponent’s plan or idea is
Argument way of thinking.
flawed or flat out wrong.
Game Rules

Alliance You present the benefits of cooperation. You and your opponent each make an Intellect roll and note the
result. The Sage compares the results to the average Will score of
Coercion You use threats and violence to get what you want.
the audience members. The highest success wins the argument. If
neither of you get a success, both arguments fail.
Should both arguments fail, further efforts are ineffectual unless
you have new information or circumstances change.
On a success, the target deems your threat credible enough that it
does what you wish until it can neutralize the threat. On a failure,
the target refuses to do what you demand.
Once a target has refused to do what you wish, you must make
good on your threat or the target becomes immune to your attempts
to coerce it for 24 hours. Generally, coerced people do everything
they can to get out from under your control, but they aren’t likely
to cooperate more than they must. They might do a poor job, lie
through omission, or betray you the first chance they get.

You can acquire companions, additional creatures under your con-
trol, from casting spells, using talents, or hiring people outright.
Although companions count as separate creatures, in play they
function as extensions of your character. They take their turns
when you do, and you decide what they do on their turns. When
you gain a companion from a spell you cast, talent, or item you use,
the companion can take its turn when it appears.

Other Activities and Movement

The companion’s rules explain those activities and manner of
movement a companion can commonly perform; other activities
described in this chapter might be possible with the Sage’s permis-
sion. For example, a peasant in your employ could use an action
to help rather than make an attack, while you could order a mer-
Alliance cenary to climb up a wall to secure a better vantage for shooting
Similar to an appeal, when you attempt an alliance, you try to join at the enemy.
forces with others to achieve a common goal or improve circum- Some tasks might be beyond a companion’s capabilities. A typi-
stances for both sides. You explain what you hope to accomplish, cal horse will have a hard time turning a knob on a door, while that
how all can benefit, the risks entailed by making the alliance, and frail scholar you keep on the payroll is not going to be of much use
how long you expect the alliance to last. When you finish, make dragging the chest of coins out of the dungeon. The Sage has final
a single Intellect roll and compare the result to the Will scores of say when it comes to what a companion can and cannot do.
each audience member. If you get a successful result against half
or more of the audience, the alliance forms. Otherwise, it doesn’t.
On a critical success, you improve the disposition of the audience
Harming Companions
by one step, but a critical failure turns the audience against you, If you harm your companion and the companion is not compelled,
worsening their disposition by one step. roll a d6 for that companion and for each other companion that
An alliance lasts for the duration established but can end at any can see you to determine what happens.
time if you betray your allies or the circumstances change to make
the alliance untenable. Alliances with unfriendly creatures might
unravel with little excuse. 1-2 You lose control of the companion and it becomes your
3-4 You lose control of the companion. The companion makes
Coercion a Will roll. On a failure, it becomes frightened (luck ends).
While frightened in this way, the companion uses an action
When all else fails, you can use force to produce the on each turn to run away from you.
desired behavior. Coercion involves threat- 5 The companion uses a reaction to attack you if it can. If you
ening someone with harm if they fail are an ineligible target, the companion attacks a randomly
to do as you demand. Make a Will determined creature within its reach.
roll against the target’s 6 The companion becomes weakened until the end of its next
Chapter 2

Will. You can make turn.

the roll with 1 boon or
more if you harm the
target or its friends and
Losing Control
loved ones, or damage When you lose control of a companion, the Sage assumes con-
or destroy its property. trol and uses the guidelines here for how it typically behaves.
Combat End of the Round
The round ends when all combatants have taken a turn. Certain
Combat happens when you or others use violence to deal with a
effects occur or are resolved at the end of the round (sometimes
challenge. The combat lasts until one side defeats the other. A side
expressed as “the end of each round”). First, the Sage handles
becomes defeated when they succumb to their injuries, surrender,
all combatants not controlled by the players. Each combatant
or flee.
resolves all harmful effects first, in any order, and then any remain-
Battlefield ing effects, again in any order. Then, the players do the same for
their characters, after which the combat continues with the start
A combat takes place on a battlefield, a place large enough to of another round.
encompass all the combatants. The battlefield might grow and
shrink as the combat unfolds, with combatants moving off in
different directions or coming together to trade blows. The Sage
describes the battlefield before the combat begins and notes any
obvious features and threats present.
An ambush occurs when one side takes the other by
Combatants surprise. The Sage decides when an ambush is pos-
sible and if it occurs by gauging the awareness of the
two sides. If an ambush happens, the ambushed can
A combat features two or more sides opposed to one another. A side take no actions on their first turns.
consists of creatures that work together for a common cause. Any
combatant actively fighting on your side counts as an ally, while any
combatant fighting against your side counts as an enemy. This deter-
mination is independent of the creature’s normal disposition toward
you, and vice versa. One of your allies might be indifferent or even
Mov ing in Combat
unfriendly toward you in everyday life, but when battle is joined During your turn in combat, you can move a number of yards
with a common enemy, you overlook your differences. equal to your Speed score using your primary mode of locomo-
If an effect causes someone else to treat you as an ally, that char- tion—walking, rolling, slithering, or fluttering.
acter or creature will fight on your side for as long as the effect You can also spend yards of movement to move in special ways.
lasts, even if it’s not normally friendly toward you. If your Speed is 5, you could walk 1 yard over to a wall and then
climb 2 yards, advancing 1 yard for every 2 yards of movement
Positioning spent. Similarly, if you are swimming, you could spend 4 yards of
movement to swim 2 yards to the shore, and then move 1 yard
At the start of the combat, the Sage determines the positions of onto solid ground.
all combatants based on what was happening before the combat Some effects let you expend yards of movement or your entire
began. Combatants can then change their positions on their turns. move to do other things. You can perform the activity only if you
have yards of movement to spend. If an activity requires you to
Turns expend or use your move, you do that instead of expending yards
of movement.
On each of its turns, a combatant can move and use an action
before, after, or during its move. Each combatant must complete
Special Forms of Movement
its turn before another can take its turn.
In addition to walking and its equivalent, you might move in any
Each round, all the combatants under the Sage’s control take
of the following ways. Each requires you to expend yards of your
their turns first, acting in any order the Sage chooses. The Sage can
normal movement.
change the order of these combatants’ turns each round.
Once all combatants under the Sage’s control have taken their
turns, the players take their turns. Each round, players can declare Climb
they are taking their turns in any order they like. Once a player
does so, the others must wait until that player finishes their turn. You can climb surfaces that have handholds and footholds, or when
If two players want to act at the same time and cannot decide who you have a rope. For every 2 yards of movement you expend, you can
goes first, the Sage decides for them. climb up, down, or across a distance of 1 yard. If you use a rope, you
Game Rules

Some effects begin or end at the end of a turn. If multiple effects can descend 2 yards for every yard of movement you expend.
begin or end at the end of your turn, you resolve any harmful You grant 1 boon on rolls against your Defense and Agility
effects first, in the order you choose, and then other effects, again while you climb.
in the order you choose.
Some effects and activities allow you to act out of turn. Each
combatant can act out of turn just once each round by using a reac- Climbing might be more difficult if you have to avoid attacks, con-
tion. More on using reactions appears on page 47. tend with a greased surface, or need to make your own handholds.
If you attempt to climb under such conditions, the Sage might the prone affliction and can continue flying. Otherwise, you con-
require you to make a Strength roll. On a failure, you make no tinue falling. Repeat this process until either you succeed on the
progress. On a critical failure, you lose your grip and fall. Agility roll or you hit something and suffer the consequences.
If you can hover, you are at risk of falling when flying only when
you become unconscious. You remain airborne even if you are
Once per round, if you suffer any form of harm while you are held or stunned.
climbing, make a Strength roll. You roll with 1 bane if you are
injured. On a failure, you lose your grip and fall. Jump and Leap
Crawl You can expend 2 yards of movement to jump or leap. You jump
when you try to reach something overhead or drop down to some-
You crawl while prone. For every 2 yards of movement you expend, thing below you. You leap to hop over an obstacle.
you crawl 1 yard across a surface on which you are prone. You can jump up a number of inches equal to your height in
feet, or twice this number if you are running. So if you’re 6 feet
Drop Prone tall, you could jump up six inches, or 12 inches if you get a running
start. You can safely jump down a distance equal to your height.
You can expend 1 yard of movement to drop to the surface on Beyond that, you fall.
which you are standing. You become prone. You can leap a distance equal to half your height, or your full
height if you are running.
You can double your jumping and leaping distances by making
Fly an Agility roll to jump or a Strength roll to leap. If you would jump
A trait, magical talent, or spell can grant you the ability to fly. When or leap even farther, the Sage might impose 1 or more banes on
you fly, you move 2 yards for every yard of movement you expend. your roll.
Once airborne, you remain so until you land, the effect enabling
your ability to fly ends, or something causes you to land. Mount and Dismount
If you become held, prone, stunned, or unconscious while flying
(or are prevented from flying in any other way), you fall. You can expend 3 yards of movement to mount a friendly creature
If you fall because you are knocked prone, you can make an with the Mount trait within reach or dismount one you are riding.
Agility roll at the end of the round if you have not landed yet and When you mount, you move into that creature’s space and share
you are not held, stunned, or unconscious. On a success, you end that space until you are no longer riding the creature. When you
dismount, you move from the creature’s space into an empty space
of your choice within 1 yard of the creature. See Mounts for more

When you are in the reach of an enemy, you can retreat to safely
move out of its reach provided you can move to a space not in the
reach of another enemy. For each yard you would move, expend 1
additional yard of movement, preventing the enemy from making
a free attack against you.

You attempt to move without making much, if any, sound. For
every 2 yards of movement you expend, you sneak 1 yard across
the surface on which you are standing, making no more sound
than a whisper during your movement.
If you wear heavy armor or attempt to sneak across a noisy sur-
face, such as broken glass, gravel, and the like, the Sage might call for
you to make an Agility roll. You make normal sounds from moving
on a failure. A critical success indicates you make no sound at all,
Chapter 2

while a critical failure means you make a particularly loud noise.

Stand Up
If you are prone, you can expend 4 yards of movement to stand up,
thus ending the prone affliction.
Swim Vehicles
You can swim in just about any liquid, though immersing yourself in Vehicles are objects that move when drawn by creatures, pushed by
acid or toxic goo is never a good idea. For every 2 yards of movement wind, or powered by engines. In combat, a vehicle might be immo-
you expend, you swim 1 yard in any direction inside the liquid. bile, granting cover to creatures behind it, or mobile, creating new
While swimming, you make rolls to attack with 1 bane and you complications in the battle.
grant 1 boon on rolls to attack you. CONTROLLING A VEHICLE: The driver or pilot becomes the
In rough conditions, when you wear medium or heavy armor, vehicle’s controller until it stops driving or piloting the vehicle or
have your hands bound, or are hindered in some other way, you the vehicle comes to a stop. The controller must be in a position
might have to make a Strength roll, possibly with 1 or more banes. inside the vehicle that allows control, and must expend 3 yards of
On a failure, you make no progress, and on critical failure, you sink movement to take or maintain control until the end of its next
beneath the surface and risk suffocation. turn. If the controller leaves that position, it stops being the con-
troller and the vehicle becomes uncontrolled.
MOVEMENT: A vehicle moves in the direction and at the veloc-
Teleport ity its controller chooses. A vehicle has a Speed score, the number
Magical effects can teleport you, transporting you with whatever of yards the vehicle moves on the controller’s turn (See Vehicles
you are wearing and carrying from one place to another in an in Chapter 3 for more information). A vehicle moves just once
instant. When you arrive in the new location, you do so in the per round, regardless of how many controllers it has during the
same orientation and posture had when you left the previous posi- round. The controller can maintain the vehicle’s velocity when it
tion. So, if you were prone, you remain prone after teleportation. establishes or maintains control. The controller can increase the
If an effect teleports multiple targets, all of them appear in the vehicle’s velocity (up to its maximum Speed) by 1 or decrease it by
same positions they had relative to each other before they moved. 1 for each yard of movement expended.
Finally, movement by teleportation does not trigger free attacks. A vehicle moves in the direction it is heading, though changes
Some teleportation effects enable you to teleport to empty in terrain might cause the vehicle to drift or turn slightly. The con-
spaces. Any space you deem to be empty is a legitimate target for troller can turn the vehicle up to 45 degrees by expending 1 yard
the spell. However, if there is an invisible creature or object in that of movement.
The Sage might call for Agility rolls from the controller to
space, you make an Intellect roll. On a failure, both you and the
maintain control of the vehicle under challenging circumstances,
creature or object occupying the space lose 1d6 Health and the
such as turning at maximum velocity, moving over an obstacle, or
smaller of the two (if the same Size, the Sage chooses) is pushed
being caught in a powerful blast of wind. A failed roll typically
into the nearest empty space away from the direction you traveled.
results in a loss of velocity, but the Sage can also decide that the
vehicle becomes uncontrolled, moves in an unexpected direction,
Mounts or tips over.
You treat any friendly creature you ride that has the Mount trait as ENTERING AND EXITING: You expend 1 yard of movement to
your mount. You gain control of the mount and maintain it each enter a vehicle you can reach or to exit from a vehicle in which you
round by expending 2 yards of your movement. The mount moves ride. Once on board, you can move around the interior as normal.
as you direct it using its own Speed score. If you cannot control the If you attempt to board a moving vehicle, the Sage might call for
mount and you are not secured in some way, you make a luck roll an attribute roll or even a luck roll to determine if you succeed. If
at the end of the round. You fall prone in a space within 1 yard of you exit a moving vehicle, you lose 1d6 Health per 5 yards of the
the mount on a failure. vehicle’s velocity and fall prone.
COLLISIONS: A collision occurs when a vehicle’s movement
ATTACKS: When a mount under your control uses an action to
brings it into contact with a creature or an object. If the creature
attack, you choose the target of its attack.
or object is smaller than it, the vehicle slows down but continues
PRONE: If an effect knocks you prone while you ride a mount, moving. If the creature or object is the same size as the vehicle or
you fall prone in a space within 1 yard of the mount in a direction larger, the vehicle stops moving.
away from the effect that knocked you prone. Your mount then When a collision occurs, the vehicle, its occupants, and what-
makes a luck roll with 1 boon. On a failure, the mount falls prone ever was hit take damage if the vehicle is moving at velocities
and you make an Agility roll. If the Agility roll is a failure, the of 5 or faster. When the collision occurs, the creature or object
mount falls on you, causing you to lose 1d6 Health per point of struck takes 1d6 damage plus 1d6 damage for every 2 yards of the
the mount’s Size, and you become held until the mount stands up
Game Rules

vehicle’s velocity above 5. The vehicle takes half this damage if it

or is moved off you. You can overcome this affliction with a suc- continues moving after hitting a pedestrian, or twice this damage
cessful Strength or Agility roll with 1 bane. if the collision stops its movement, such as slamming into a wall.
If an effect knocks your mount prone, make an Agility roll. On Any creature inside a vehicle that has stopped due to a collision
a success, you leap clear of the mount and land in an empty space makes a luck roll. On a failure, it takes damage equal to that taken
of your choice within 3 yards of the mount. On a failure, you fall by the vehicle. On a success, it takes half the damage, or no damage
prone and the mount falls on top of you as described above. with a critical success.
The Sage might decide there are other consequences from a col- On landing, you lose 1 Health for every yard you fell. You can
lision—occupants might be thrown from the vehicle, fall off, or make a luck roll, losing half as much Health on a success, or no
become trapped inside. Health with a critical success. On a critical failure, you lose all your
Health and die.
Obstacles If you lose any Health from the fall, you also land prone.
If you fall onto a liquid surface, you halve the amount of Health
Obstacles slow or prevent movement. A pit in the center of a pas- you would lose. If you dive into the liquid, you can make an Agility
sageway, a gigantic boulder on a narrow path, a scattering of cal- roll in place of a luck roll.
trops on the floor, a cramped tunnel, or a steep slope can all make
movement difficult, even perilous. Unless an obstacle poses a risk
of harm, as long as you have plenty of time to bypass it, you can
continue moving. If an obstacle is dangerous or you’re under pres- You can squeeze through tight spaces by crawling. You can typi-
sure, the Sage might call for an attribute roll to keep moving. A cally squeeze through a space of half your Size (minimum 1/2). So,
failed roll indicates no progress and might result in damage or the a typical person can squeeze through a Size 1/2 space, while a Size
loss of Health, depending on the nature of the obstacle. 3 creature could squeeze through a Size 1 space. Certain spaces
might be too small for squeezing, as the Sage decides, or the Sage
might require a successful Agility roll to squeeze.
While you are squeezed in a space, you cannot use reactions, you
grant 1 boon on rolls against your Defense and Agility, and you
Secured and Unsecured make Agility rolls with 1 bane.
A secured object is held fast in some way, such as
being bolted in place, tied down, or otherwise affixed Minor Activities
to a surface. An unsecured object has nothing to keep
it in place and can be picked up and moved. You can perform minor activities chosen from the following
options by expending 2 yards of movement for each.
• Open an unlocked door, a chest, or some other container in
your reach.
Challenging Terrain • Retrieve an item from your backpack or some other con-
tainer you carry.
Any terrain that is difficult to traverse counts as challenging.
• Pick something up off the ground.
Rubble, ice, oil, caltrops, deep water, and other factors make move-
ment perilous. Normally, challenging terrain covers the ground • Pull a lever or flip a switch.
and sometimes walls, but strong winds and turbulent waters count • Draw or stow a weapon.
as challenging terrain to fliers and swimmers, respectively. • Any other physical activity that involves movement and
For each yard you would move across challenging terrain, you does not require an attribute roll to perform or resist it.
must expend 1 extra yard of movement.
If you run across challenging terrain, make an Agility roll, possi- Special Movement Traits
bly with 1 or more banes. On a failure, you fall prone on the chal-
lenging terrain and your Speed drops to 0 until the start of your Many creatures have special movement traits, which are described
next turn. below.
Burrower: The creature burrows 1 yard into a solid surface of
earth or stone for every 2 yards of movement it expends. It
It takes 1 hour using a heavy tool kit to clear a surface of chal- leaves behind a tunnel with a diameter equal to its Size – 1.
lenging terrain within a Size 3 space. If multiple creatures work on Climber: The creature climbs 1 yard for each yard of move-
clearing the terrain and have their own heavy tool kits, divide the ment it expends; it can climb across ceilings and overhangs;
total required time by the number of creatures contributing to the it grants no boons on rolls to attack it due to climbing; and it
effort to see how long the work takes. rolls to climb with 1 boon.
Fly: The creature can fly when it moves.
Falling Hover: The creature ignores any effect other than being
unconscious that would cause it to fall while flying.
Chapter 2

You fall when you drop a distance greater than your height. At the Insubstantial: The creature can move through or end its move-
end of the first round you fall, you descend 50 yards. You descend ment inside a solid object. While it is inside a solid object, the
another 150 yards at the end of the second round, 250 yards at creature cannot be harmed until the object is destroyed. The
the end of the third round, 350 yards at the end of the fourth creature ignores the effects of wind and other kinds of chal-
round, and so on until you land on a solid surface that can bear lenging terrain that can ordinarily affect flying creatures.
your weight. Mount: The creature enables other creatures to ride upon it.
Silent: The creature can sneak 1 yard for each yard of move-
ment it expends and rolls to sneak with 1 boon.
Movement Complications
Slippery: The creature’s moves do not enable other creatures Various complications, coming from effects that target you or from
to make free attacks against it. the nature of your environment, might restrict your movement.
Squeeze (# inches): The creature can squeeze through
openings of the indicated size. Forced Movement
Strider: The creature reduces by 1 the number of yards of
movement it expends to move each yard across challenging An effect that forces you to move propels you in the direction and
terrain. to the distance indicated unless you encounter an obstacle that
Swimmer: The creature swims 1 yard for each yard of move- prevents you from continuing to move. If being moved would
ment it expends; it ignores the effects of swimming on its expose you to peril, such as pushing you over the edge of a cliff or
attribute rolls, on its rolls to attack, and on rolls against its into a fire, you can make a luck roll and, on a success, drop prone
Defense; and it makes rolls to swim with 1 boon. at the edge of the danger. Being moved in this way does not enable
Teleport #: This creature can expend its move to teleport to enemies to make free attacks against you.
an empty space that it can see within the indicated number
of yards.
Moving Out of Reach
Water Walk: The creature can move across liquid surfaces
as if they were solid and treats them as challenging terrain. If you willingly move out of the reach of one or more enemies, you
trigger a free attack from each enemy whose reach you leave. You
can avoid this risk by retreating.
Game Rules

Climbing or Jumping
onto Creatures
You can attempt to climb or jump onto a creature whose Size score
is higher than your own. You must be able to reach the target to
climb onto it, or the target must be somewhere you can jump onto perceiving it, you find it. Otherwise, you don’t. The Sage might
it. Typically, you make a Strength or Agility roll to climb or jump decide that you must also get a success on the Sage’s choice of an
onto the target, though if it resists the effort, you roll against the Intellect roll or luck roll to find the creature or object.
target’s Agility. Once on the target, you move with it when it moves.
If you try to move across its body, you treat it as challenging terrain. Help
At the end of the round, if the Sage deems your situation on the
target to be precarious—the creature ran, or moved in an erratic Choose one creature within 5 yards of you. The target has 1 boon
manner, you make a Strength roll to maintain your hold. On a on its next attribute roll before the start of your next turn.
success, you stay put. On a failure, you fall off, with consequences
determined by the Sage, such as taking damage from a fall. Hide
Actions in Combat You attempt to hide from creatures that lack line of sight to you.
Anything that blocks line of sight enables your attempt—shad-
You use an action to perform an activity that accounts for most ows, darkness, or some sort of cover. Make an Agility roll. On a
of your time and attention in the round. The most common tasks success, you become hidden until you are found or you do some-
that require the use of actions are presented below. Often, the rules thing that would reveal you to other creatures. On a failure, you do
mention these tasks in conversational ways, such as “you hinder”. not become hidden.
When you see or say such expressions, the implication is that you
are using an action to hinder.
Kylee purloined sensitive information from a corrupt merchant
Attack and ran off into the city with guards in close pursuit. She ducks
through an open door and into a warehouse, where she then
moves behind some crates.
You use a weapon or an unarmed strike to attack a target. See The guards arrive soon after. They suspect she’s inside the
Attacking for more details. warehouse but don’t know where exactly, so Kylee is hidden
from them.
Cast a Spell The guards fan out and search the warehouse. Kylee hears
one of the guards approach her, so she sneaks off to some
You cast a spell you have learned, you read from an inscription, or other hiding spot. The Sage calls for her to make an Agility roll
and she gets a success. She manages to reach the new spot
use an object that contains the spell. Some spells have special rules without making a sound and thus remains hidden.
for their casting, such as using a reaction instead of an action. See A few minutes later, a guard comes around the corner and
Casting Spells for details. sees her crouched behind a crate. Kylee is no longer hid-
den from this guard but remains hidden from all other guards
searching for her in the warehouse until the guard who found
her alerts them.

Magical Effects
Choose one creature within 5 yards of you. The target has 1 bane
These rules use “magical effect” as shorthand for any
effect that is created by a spell, a talent with the (mag- on its next attribute roll before the start of your next turn.
ical) notaton, magical object, or the like.
Some ongoing harmful effects enable you to overcome them, typi-
Defend cally by making an attribute roll or a luck roll. If such an effect affects
you, you can perform this activity to attempt to end that effect.
Until the end of your next turn, the first time any creature succeeds
on a roll to attack you, make a luck roll. On a success, you turn the Run
creature’s success into a failure.
Triple your Speed score until the end of your turn.
End a Magical Effect
You end one magical effect you created with a magical talent,
spell, or object, provided you can see the creature, object, or space You tend to one incapacitated creature in your reach. The target
Chapter 2

affected by your magic. heals 1d6 damage.

Find Steal
You search the area within 5 yards of you for a hidden creature, If you have one hand free, you can attempt to take something from
object, or some other feature. If it’s there and you are capable of one creature within your reach that carries on its person one object
you can see, but is not carried in the creature’s hands. Make an
Agility roll against the target’s Agility. If you are hidden from the
target, you roll with 1 boon. On a success, you steal the object. On
a failure, you don’t and if the result is less than the target’s Intellect
score, the target notices the attempt. A target that notices the
attempt also foils being hidden.

You throw something you hold. If you hold the object to be
thrown in one hand, you can throw it up to 10 yards from you. If
you must hold the object in two hands, you can throw it up to 5
yards. Aerodynamic objects intended for throwing, such as balls
or grenades, travel up to twice as far. Generally, the object lands
within 1d6 feet of the intended spot.

Thrown Attacks
When you throw a weapon that has the Thrown trait, you resolve
the effort as a ranged attack. You can also throw objects that are
neither weapons nor have the Thrown trait, in which case the
range is as described above, and you treat the attack as using an
improvised weapon.

You can also toss an object to another creature within the ranges
described above. Make an Agility roll. On a success, the target can
attempt to catch the object (see Catch). On a failure, the object
falls to the ground in a space of the Sage’s choosing within a few Do Something Else
yards of the intended target.
The activities described above represent the most common in
EXTRA EFFORT combat, but they are not exhaustive. You could taunt an enemy
into attacking you, issue a nasty threat to demoralize your foes,
Some tasks require more time or energy than what can be
or yank down a tapestry to cover your opponents. It falls to the
done by using an action. When you try to accomplish such a
task, the rules will tell you how long it takes. For instance, some Sage to interpret how to resolve these activities, but they typically
spells require you to spend 1 minute to complete their casting. involve an attribute roll or enable targets to make an attribute or
The Sage might also decide that something you attempt takes luck roll.
longer than usual.
While you are spending this extra time, you focus entirely
on the task at hand, and thus you cannot use an action or a
reaction to do anything else. If you stop to perform some other
activity, or you are forced to do so, all the progress you have
made toward completing the task is lost unless the rules or the You can use a reaction once each round to perform one of the
Sage says otherwise. following special activities. Each activity describes the event that
must occur to use the reaction. In addition to the options pre-
Use a Talent or Trait sented below, some talents and spells use reactions, as noted in
their descriptions.
You perform an activity granted by one of your talents or traits. Unless the rules say otherwise, you resolve the reaction before
Some talents and traits require the use of a reaction instead of an any dice are rolled.
Game Rules

Use an Item
When a tossed object moves into your reach, you can use a reac-
You use an item that you wield such as a gadget, trinket, or piece tion to make an Agility roll. If the object is a weapon, roll with 1
of gear. The item tells you what happens as a result. Some items bane. On a success, you catch the object. On a failure, you miss it
require the use of a reaction instead of an action. and the object lands somewhere nearby.
Cover Ally Improvised Weapons
When an enemy attacks an ally within your reach, you can use a An improvised weapon is an object constructed for a function
reaction to switch the enemy’s target from that ally to yourself. other than harm but nevertheless can cause injury. Examples
include frying pans and broken bottles. When you use an impro-
Dodge vised weapon to attack, you roll with 1 bane. On a critical success
or critical failure, the improvised weapon breaks. An improvised
When a creature attacks you, something rolls against your Agility, weapon deals 1d6 damage. Reduce any Bonus Damage applied to
or you make an Agility roll to resist a harmful effect, you can use the attack to 0.
a reaction to either impose 1 bane on the roll or roll with 1 boon.
Free Attack The game uses “ordinary” to describe anything that is neither
magical in nature nor affected by magic.
If an enemy willingly moves out of your reach without retreating,
you can use a reaction to attack it using a melee weapon, natural
weapon, improvised weapon, or unarmed attack.
Resolving Attacks
You resolve any attack you make by following these steps:
Take the Initiative Step 1: Choose a Target: Pick a target within reach for
a melee attack or within the range of your weapon for a
If you’re aware of your enemies when a new round starts, you can ranged attack. If you attack a target completely behind a
use a reaction to take the initiative, which lets you take your turn covering object, you target the object instead (see Cover,
immediately before your enemies take theirs. If you and other next page).
allies take the initiative, decide among yourselves who goes first Step 2: Attribute Roll: Make an attribute roll against
as normal, or the Sage does if no one can decide. Wearing heavy the target’s Defense. You use Strength for melee weapons
armor, and some effects, limit when you can take the initiative. and Agility for ranged weapons.
Step 3: Apply Result: If the result of your roll is a success,
Withstand you roll the weapon’s damage dice. The target adds the sum
of the roll to its damage total. If the result of your roll was a
When a creature rolls against your Strength or you make a failure, you miss or fail to land an appreciable blow.
Strength roll to resist a harmful effect, you can use a reaction to
either impose 1 bane on the roll or roll with 1 boon. ECHO SWINGS A SWORD
Echo, a mage, wields a sword. There’s a bandit in reach,
Attacking so Echo decides to attack the bandit. The player makes a
Strength roll against the bandit’s Defense. The player rolls a
13 and adds 1 to the roll from Echo’s 11 Strength for a result of
You attack when you use a weapon, natural weapon, improvised 14. The bandit’s Defense is 11, so Echo succeeds. A successful
weapon, or an unarmed attack to harm a creature or object. Details sword attack deals 2d6 damage, so the player rolls a 2d6
on unarmed attacks appear in their own section. and gets a 4. The bandit takes 4 damage.

W eapons Combat Circumstances

A weapon is an object constructed for the purpose of harming Certain circumstances can make attacking harder or easier. The
others and includes swords, axes, and the like. A weapon is either following situations represent those commonly encountered in a
melee, for use in hand-to-hand combat, or ranged. Many weap- fight.
ons have traits that affect how you use them. Weapon traits are CALLED SHOT
described in Chapter 3.
When you attack, you aim for a specific place on the target’s body.
Doing so imposes 2 banes on your roll. On a success, the target
Natural Weapons becomes impaired in an attribute of your choice until the end of
the next turn. If you aim for an object the target wears or carries
A natural weapon is part of a creature’s body that can harm oth-
Chapter 2

and you get a success, the object takes the damage instead.
ers. It counts as having the Nimble trait (see Chapter 3). Examples
include horns, spiked tails, claws, and teeth. A creature with a nat- SURROUNDED TARGET
ural weapon is always wielding a melee weapon and cannot be dis- When you make a melee attack against a target in the reach of at
armed. When attacking with two weapons, natural weapons count least one ally, you roll with 1 boon. Creatures whose Size is more
as off-hand weapons. than 2 larger than yours ignore this effect.
LONG-RANGE SHOOTING weapon (though not improvised weapons or unarmed attacks), you
can roll some or all of your Bonus Damage along with the weapon’s
When you make a ranged attack, you can target a creature beyond damage. The Bonus Damage rolled counts as extra damage.
your weapon’s range, but no more than twice its range. You roll to For example, a level 3 fighter has +2d6 Bonus Damage. The
attack with 1 bane. fighter succeeds on a roll to attack with a sword, which normally
HIGH GROUND deals 2d6 damage, but, because of the Bonus Damage, the fighter
can deal up to 4d6 damage instead.
When you occupy a space higher than that occupied by the target
of your attack, you roll with 1 boon.
Multiple Attacks
When you attack, you can decide to make multiple attacks. To do
When you attack with a weapon other than a natural weapon
so, reduce the amount of Bonus Damage by 2 dice for each addi-
and you are submerged in a liquid, you roll with 1 bane. The Sage
tional attack you wish to make. If you lack the required number of
might disallow attack with certain weapons, such as bows, slings,
Bonus Damage, you make no additional attacks.
and weapons with the Slow trait.
For each additional attack beyond the first, you choose a differ-
WITHIN REACH OF AN ENEMY ent target. Of the remaining Bonus Damage, you can divide them
between the attacks, making the decision about how much Bonus
If you make a ranged attack while in the reach of at least one
Damage to use after you determine if the attack is a success or a
enemy, you roll with 1 bane.
OBSCUREMENT For example, a player has +3d6 Bonus Damage and uses an
You roll to attack with 1 bane while you or the target are in an area action to attack. The player decides to make two attacks, and thus
affected by obscurement of any kind. expends 2d6 Bonus Damage. The player makes the first attack. If it
results in a success, the player can apply the remaining 1d6 Bonus
INVISIBLE Damage to that attack or hold it in reserve for the second attack.
If you can’t see the target but have a general idea of its location, you UNARMED ATTACKS
roll with 3 banes.
You can substitute an unarmed attack for each additional attack
you make.
A target that is behind an obstacle of its Size or larger (which can TWO WEAPONS
be a creature or an object) has partial cover from enemies that can
see any part of its body, but not all of it. Partial cover imposes 1 If you wield two weapons, you can make additional attacks using
bane on rolls against the covered target’s Defense and Agility, and either weapon.
grants the target 1 boon on Agility rolls made to resist harmful
effects originating from beyond the cover. Attacking with Two Weapons
A target has total cover from enemies if they have no line of
sight to it because the target is completely behind an obstacle. If you wield two weapons—one in each hand, you can attack with
Such a target cannot be directly attacked or targeted by an effect either.
unless the rules say otherwise. Instead, attacks against the target Alternatively, if one weapon can be wielded in an off-hand grip,
strike the obstacle. If the obstacle is destroyed as a result, any addi- you can attack with both weapons at the same time. You resolve
tional damage dealt by that attack or effect is applied to whatever the attack using the weapon you wield in your main hand. If the
was behind the obstacle. roll results in a success, add the off-hand weapon’s damage as extra
These rules apply only in situations when an attacker cannot damage for the attack. Then, apply Bonus Damage, if any.
position itself to get a clear shot against a target. For example, say your rogue wields a sword in one hand and a
dagger in the other. You attack. If you get a success, your attack
BOBBI SHOOTS THE CURTAIN deals 3d6 damage: 2d6 from the sword and 1d6 from the dagger,
Bobbi rightly suspects an enemy hides behind a curtain, and plus any Bonus Damage you have available.
so she shoots at the curtain where she expects the enemy to
be hiding. The shot hits the curtain and deals 10 damage to it.
The Sage decides the curtain has Health 5, so Bobbi shoots Disarming
through the curtain and deals 5 damage to whatever happens
to be behind it. In this case, an assassin had been waiting to When you attack, you can choose to disarm the target rather than
spring out of hiding to kill her. Lucky Bobbi. deal damage to it. The target must be a creature of your Size or
Game Rules

smaller. You roll with 1 bane if you use a melee weapon, 2 banes
if you use an improvised weapon, or 3 banes if you use a ranged
Using Bonus Damage weapon. On a success, the target takes no damage. Instead, the tar-
get makes an Agility roll. For every 2d6 Bonus Damage you have,
From the paths you choose, you might have a supply of Bonus impose 1 bane on the target’s roll. On a failure, the target drops
Damage, which is expressed as +1d6 or more. Once per round, one object it holds in its hands. If you can reach the target, you can
when you get a success on a roll to attack with a weapon or natural use a reaction to catch the object (see Reactions).
exceeds the target’s Intellect + 5, you gain the Slippery trait until
Attack Options the end of your turn.
In combat, sometimes you need to do more than just hit the GUARDED ATTACK
opponent. You might want to shove an enemy back, or distract
an enemy enough to let one of your allies escape danger. Attack If you have a shield equipped and you get a success on the roll to
options enable you to do more. attack, you impose 1 bane on the next roll to attack you before
You can use an attack option when you use an action to attack the start of your next turn. This benefit ends early if you become
if you meet the requirements (if any), but before you roll the dice. confused, held, stunned, or unconscious.
When you successfully use an attack option, the weapon’s dam-
age does not contribute to the damage dealt by the attack—only LUNGING ATTACK
Bonus Damage. If you wield a one-handed or two-handed melee weapon, you can
For example, a player makes a disrupting attack with a sword. choose a target for your attack as if your reach was 1 yard greater.
The player has +1d6 Bonus Damage. The player gets a success, so
the attack deals 1d6 damage from the Bonus Damage alone, in PRESSING ATTACK
addition to possibly disrupting the target.
If you get a success on the roll to attack and the result equals or
DISRUPTING ATTACK exceeds the target’s Agility + 5, you impose 1 bane on the next roll
If you get a success on the roll to attack and your roll equals or the target makes to attack before the start of your next turn.
exceeds the target’s Will + 5, the target grants 1 boon on the next
roll to attack it before the start of your next turn. Unarmed Attacks
There are several ways to make an unarmed attack, each of which is
If you wield a one-handed or two-handed melee weapon or you described below. Unarmed attacks do not benefit from expending
have a shield equipped, and you get a success on the roll to attack Bonus Damage.
a target of your Size + 1 or smaller and the result equals or exceeds
Chapter 2

the target’s Strength + 5, you can push the target up to 5 yards Unarmed Strike
away from you.
You punch, kick, elbow, or headbutt. Making an unarmed attack
FEINTING ATTACK counts as using an improvised weapon. However, if the target is
If you wield a one-handed or off-handed weapon, and you get a larger than you, it takes 1 damage if you get a success rather than
success on the roll to attack and the result of your roll equals or 1d6 damage.

You attempt to shove a creature away from you. Choose one crea- You attempt to wrestle down a creature you have grabbed. Make
ture in your reach whose Size is no more than 2 higher than yours. a Strength or Agility roll against the target’s choice of Strength or
Agility. On a success, you can choose one of the following effects:
Make a Strength roll against the target’s Strength. You roll with 1
boon if you have a shield equipped and 1 boon if you move at least • The target falls prone and the grab ends.
5 yards before you make the attempt. On a success, you push the • You and the target fall prone and you maintain the grab.
target a number of yards away from you equal to your Strength • The target takes 1d6 damage and you maintain the grab.
modifier (minimum 1). If the target is larger than you, it moves • If you and the target are both prone, you pin the target and
half the distance (minimum 0) instead. On a critical success, the maintain the grab. A pinned creature is confused, held,
target falls prone at the end of the movement. weakened, and cannot stand up until the effect ends. The
target remains pinned until you release it, which you can do
at any time, or if you stand up or use an action to do any-
Trip thing other than wrestle the target. Also, you release a target
automatically if you become confused, impaired, stunned,
You attempt to knock a creature to the ground. Choose one crea- or weakened.
ture in your reach whose Size is no more than 2 higher than yours.
Make an Agility roll against the target’s choice of Strength or ESCAPE
Agility. If you have a shield equipped, you roll with 1 boon. On
a success, the target falls prone. On a critical success, the target’s If you are held by being grabbed or pinned, you can attempt to
Speed drops to 0 until the start of your next turn. escape by making a Strength or Agility roll against the Strength
or Agility (your choice) of the creature that has you held. On a
success, you end the held affliction. If you get a critical success, you
can also use a reaction to attempt to grab the creature that grabbed
you, provided that creature is an eligible target.
Unarmed Attacks
against Objects Casting Spells
Some objects might be immune to unarmed attacks at
the Sage’s discretion. Shoving a marble column likely You cast a spell that you have learned from a tradition, is contained
has no effect, and punching an iron wall is not going in an object you are wielding, or you have as an inscription.
to do anything more than hurt yourself. The Sage might Normally, you can cast any spell you have learned once, pro-
disallow unarmed attacks against objects or impose vided you can speak aloud its mystical words at a volume equiva-
1 or more banes on rolls against them. Furthermore,
such attacks could have harmful consequences for the lent to normal conversation or louder. Some spells enable you to
attacker. cast them more often. Once you cast a spell, you regain the ability
to cast it only after you rest.

Grab Unless the spell says otherwise, you must be able to see a target
You try to grab a creature. Choose one creature in your reach and draw a line of effect between yourself and it. Spell effects don’t
whose Size is no more than 1 higher than yours. Make a Strength move around corners and other obstacles unless their rules say
or Agility roll against the target’s Agility. You succeed automati- otherwise. An invisible wall or some other unseen obstacle might
cally against a held creature. On a success, the target becomes held block the path and reveal itself only after you cast the spell.
by you until the end of your next turn. The affliction ends early if CREATURES AND/OR OBJECTS
you release the target, which you can do freely. The effect also ends
if you move away from the target without dragging it (see Drag) or Some spells affect each creature and object within a particular
you become confused, controlled, stunned, or unconscious. range, regardless of whether they are allies, enemies, or bystand-
If you have a target grabbed, you can use an action to extend the ers. Range is counted from you unless otherwise noted in the
duration of the grab until the end of your next turn. spell description. For the purpose of determining cover, the origin
point of any effect that affects everything in an area appears at the
Game Rules

DRAG center of the area. So if you create a blast of flame within 5 yards of
you, you are considered to be at the center of the blast.
You attempt to pull a creature you have grabbed. Make a Strength Some spells target up to a stated number of creatures, objects, or
roll against the Strength of a creature held by your successful grab. both. You can choose fewer targets than the spell allows. Also, if a
On a success, you move as normal and the creature moves with spell would target a creature, you can target yourself with the spell.
you, and you maintain the grab. On a failure, you can move, but if A spell might specify allies or enemies, in which case the spell
you do so the grab ends. can affect only the stated creatures. You count as your own ally.
SPACES pursuers. The chase occurs over a series of rounds, during which
the pursued take their turns and then the pursuers take their turns.
Some spells target a space or cause something to happen inside a After all have taken a turn, the round ends and a new one begins.
specific space. The spell description tells you the maximum Size of When a chase begins, the Sage decides how much of a lead the
the space to be affected, though you can always reduce the space’s pursued have on the pursuers. The lead is an abstract measure of
Size as needed. If a range is specified, the space must be entirely
distance, and each round the pursued spent fleeing without pur-
within the stated range.
suit adds 1 to the lead. For example, if the pursued fled 2 rounds
Sometimes a spell creates a space from a particular point of ori-
before the pursuers follow, the lead becomes 2. The pursued try to
gin. As with targeting creatures and objects, you must have line of
increase the lead, while the pursuers work to lessen it. The pursuers
sight and line of effect to the target point of origin.
can abandon the chase at any time, at which point the chase ends.
If an effect is stated as within a range from a space, always count
from the center of the space unless otherwise specified.
Pursued Turns
Durations Every creature in the group being chased makes an Agility roll. If
Unless the spell says otherwise, it ends as soon as you resolve the half or more succeed, the lead increases by 1. If fewer than half suc-
effect. Many spells last for a specific period of time. In such cases, ceed, the lead is unchanged. A pursued creature can do something
the spell effect persists for the indicated time or until you use an else such as cast a spell or hide, but that creature leaves the group
action to end the effect. of pursued. In addition, creatures in this group might split up into
smaller groups or as individuals. Those not pursued get away.
Some spells require you to make an attribute roll to produce the
Pursuers Turn
desired effect or to improve its effect, while other spells might Each creature in the group chasing the fleeing creature makes an
allow targets to mitigate the spell’s effects with a successful roll. Agility roll. If half or more succeed, the lead decreases by 1 and
If a spell has multiple targets and calls for a roll, you roll for each nothing happens if more than half fail. During the chase, individ-
target separately. ual pursuers might split off to chase creatures that have gone off in
COVER a different direction, in which case the Sage treats these as separate
chases. Finally, the pursuers can also take other actions—attack-
The rule for cover applies when an obstacle partly blocks the path ing, casting a spell, or something else, but this usually means the
between the source of the spell effect and the target and only if you creature falls behind.
are rolling against a target’s Defense or Agility.
Chase Complications
If an effect created by a success or failure lasts for a period of time
and you create the same effect again, use the same rules as for the The chase takes the pursued and the pursuers across a large area,
duration of afflictions. which might introduce complications as the fleeing creatures
scramble over rubble, leap over pits, or lead the pursuers into dan-
Rituals gerous places. Some challenges might require an attribute or a luck
roll to continue pursuit, at the Sage’s discretion.
Some talents and spells require you to perform a ritual to produce
their effects. Performing a ritual takes 10 minutes, during which
time you cannot move from your space. When you finish, the
Extended Chases
effect happens. Many rituals also require the expenditure of other If a chase goes on for 10 rounds or longer, each participant must
resources, which are expended when you finish the ritual. If some- make a Strength roll at the end of each round. On a failure, a par-
thing interrupts the ritual before you can finish, you expend no ticipant becomes Agility impaired until the chase ends.
resources, but you must start over from the beginning to produce
its effects.
Ending the Chase
Chases The chase ends when the lead drops to 0, in which case the pur-
suers catch up with the pursued, or the pursuers lose track of the
You or your enemies might try to run away from the combat. If pursued, give up, or do something else. Combat might also end
Chapter 2

no one follows, the fleeing party escapes. If one or more creatures the chase, in which case the combatants’ starting positions reflect
take off after them, a chase begins between the pursued and their those of the various members of the chase when it ended.

Chapter 3:
In this chapter live all the various items one might need to survive STANDARD PRICING: People charge what they can get for
challenges in the lands under the Weird Wizard’s shadow. Here the items they make. In places where weapons are in high demand,
you’ll find descriptions of and prices for suits of armor, weapons prices might be a bit higher than someplace else where swords
from bludgeons to swords, pistols, or bombs, poisons, coils of seem to grow on trees. As interesting as it might be to track price
rope, and just about anything else of use to people who embrace fluctuations for common goods in a fantasy world, this game errs
the adventurer’s life. You might even find something you didn’t on the side of simplicity and sets prices for goods of typical crafts-
even know you needed! manship. The Sage might raise or lower prices in play, but between
STANDARD QUALITY: Not even the dwarfs have yet come quests you can rely on the prices found in this chapter.
up with mass production, so each item for sale was made by one OTHER ITEMS: It would be tedious and impractical to
or more people using specialized skills. Quality, thus, varies a great account for every item one might purchase. Instead, this chap-
deal. A blacksmith in one town might be far better than the one ter focuses on things adventurers might find useful. There will

working in the village just up the road, while a dodgy alchemist undoubtedly be objects and services beyond those presented here.
could play fast and loose with formulas and palm off colored bot- For ordinary things with no practical game value, the Sage might
tles of alcohol for magical potions. The items described here, how- just let you have them for nothing or assign a price comparing the
ever, represent typical goods available just about anywhere. item to other goods found in this chapter.

Certain items hold their value. Gemstones, jewelry, artwork,
base metals, livestock, trade goods, promissory notes, deeds to
lands, and the like all can be used in place of currency.
The Value of Things
The average worker earns about 200 cp a year, or 16 Item Quality
cp per month. Skilled tradespersons such as masons
and weavers, or educated people such as scholars Items described in this chapter have standard or average quality.
and priests , can earn as much as 600 cp per year, You can also purchase items of inferior and superior quality.
or 50 cp a month. Aristocrats and other members of An inferior item has shoddy construction from poor materials.
the elite have yearly earnings equal to or greater than Unless the description says otherwise, inferior items impose 1 bane
50,000 cp, or more than 4,000 cp a month. on rolls made to use them, and they retain usefulness for about one
The disparity in earnings aside, the copper piece
quest before they break. Inferior items sell for half the normal price.
holds no little purchasing power. A single coin can pur-
chase a gallon of wine, two gallons of beer, a pound Superior items represent the work of masters of their craft. Such
of dried fruits, a pair of chickens or a couple of dozen items have exquisite make, using fine materials to offer superior
eggs, and a half-dozen loaves of bread. Simple cloth- functionality and greater durability. They might also include
ing such as a tunic and trousers might be had for a cou- designs and embellishments, such as a jeweled pommel on a sword
ple of coins each, while an inferior sword is available or intricate patterns etched into armor. Superior items sell for
at a bargain of 5 cp.
Silver and gold see less circulation, due in part to ten times their normal price or 1 gold piece, whichever is higher.
their scarcity, but also for their value. A commoner is Unless the rules say otherwise, superior items grant 1 boon on rolls
unlikely to ever handle gold or even see it. Silver sees made to use them.
use for purchasing valuables. A single silver piece can
buy a good quantity of lumber, wool, and other trade
goods. It can also purchase a sheep or a pound of Item Availability
black peppercorns.
People use gold for the most expensive transac- An item’s availability describes how easy it is to find. Common
tions: buying property, raising armies, building ships, items are available in settlements of any size. Uncommon items
and commissioning exotic magical devices. Merchants require more specialized training to make and are thus found in
and nobles measure wealth in gold since it concen- towns and larger communities. Rare indicates the item is made of
trates purchasing power in smaller quantities of coin. rare materials and requires expert craftsmanship, which limits it to
cities. Exotic items are custom made by masters of their craft using
expensive materials. Finding someone who can create such an item

Commerce might be the object of a quest.

People exchange items of value for the goods or services they

need. Most use coins for this purpose, but any valuable might do.
Between quests, you can craft items described in this chapter if
Merchants accept gems, jewelry, and trade goods in exchange for you have a profession or path that provides you with the necessary
their wares. In large communities, letters of credit might be extended knowledge. If you have the alchemist path, for example, you could
to wealthy and powerful individuals, while elsewhere people barter produce doses of poison. Crafting an item costs materials equal
for goods, trading one commodity away for one they need more. to one-half of the item’s price. The Sage might limit what you can
Coins are the most reliable method for transacting business. craft based on where you spend your time between quests and the
People can agree on their value, provided the coins have a stan- amount of time that passes between them. Some items have special
dard weight as set out by whatever ruler or ruling body governs requirements for crafting them such as Inscriptions.
the area. Communities typically mint their own coins and stamp
them with likenesses of their leaders and heroes, monuments and
geographical features, or symbols representing their chief exports.
Although coins differ in shape and appearance, for simplicity all
Carrying Limits
have the same purchasing power, regardless of their origins. You can carry or wear a number of items equal to your Strength
Coins come in three denominations of increasing value: copper score. You hold such items in your hands or by strapping them to
(cp), silver (sp), and gold (gp). Ten copper pieces equal one silver your body. You can exceed this limit, up to twice your Strength
piece, and ten silver pieces equal one gold piece. Many commu- score, but for every 2 items beyond your limit, your Agility score is
nities also trade in fractional coins, such as the halfpenny—half a reduced by 1 until you are no longer overloaded.
A few exceptions to this rule follow.
Chapter 3

copper piece. Other lands use coins of different metals. The Sage
determines their exchange value. Containers: A container and everything it holds counts as
All the items presented in this chapter have prices listed in 1 item. You could, for example, stuff your backpack with
torches, a coil of rope, a tinderbox, and provisions, and the
coins. Such items are newly made and of typical quality. One can backpack would still count as a single item. However, some
find used goods for about half the listed price and sell used goods heavy containers might count as 2 or more items, especially
for about one-quarter of their price. when filled.
Clothing and Accessories: Wearable items such as cloth-
ing, necklaces, eye patches, rings, and similar items collec-
tively count as 1 item. Heavy, bulky, or awkward apparel
counts as 2 items.
Coins and Gems: Every 30 loose coins or gems you carry
count as 1 item.
Sold in Multiples: Any item that’s sold in multiples—candles
and incense—counts as 1 item.

Armor can be light, medium, or heavy. Armor also includes
shields. Like other items, armor might be inferior or superior. The
effects of wearing inferior or superior armor are covered in their
type descriptions.
RESTING IN ARMOR: Although you can wear armor for long
stretches without much discomfort, you gain no benefit from rest-
ing while you wear any kind of armor.
STRENGTH REQUIREMENT: If you do not meet the listed
requirement for wearing the armor, you make Strength and
Agility rolls with 1 bane and you grant 1 boon on rolls against
your Strength and Agility while you wear it.
ARMORED DEFENSE: Wearing armor replaces your natural
Defense score with an armored one. Some forms of armor grant
you a choice of a fixed Defense score or adding a number to your
natural Defense score.
For example, leather armor grants Defense 12 or +1. If you have
a natural Defense score of 10, wearing the armor would increase MAIL: Made from a mesh of interlocked rings designed to stop
your Defense to 12. If, though, you have a natural Defense of 13, thrusts and cuts, mail is one of the most common types of armor
wearing leather armor would increase your Defense to 14. in the borderlands.
PLATE AND MAIL: This suit of mail armor is reinforced with
Light Armor plating.
The most common form of armor and the easiest to create, a typi-
cal suit includes a sleeved jacket, trousers with greaves, thick boots, Heavy Armor
and a helmet or leather cap. It takes about 1 minute to put on or
take off a suit of light armor. Heavy armor protects the torso, limbs, neck, and joints with metal
PADDED: A suit of padded armor has quilted or felt panels plating typically worn over elements of mail and leather. A suit of
designed to soften blows and protect against minor scrapes. heavy armor also includes a great helmet that fully protects the
LEATHER: The most common form of light armor has soft, flex- wearer’s head.
ible leather clothing reinforced with plates of inflexible, hardened It takes 10 minutes to put on or take off a suit of heavy armor.
leather designed to project the vitals. The noise it makes imposes 1 bane on rolls made to sneak while
wearing it. Finally, its cumbersome nature prevents you from tak-
Medium Armor ing the initiative while you wear it. A suit of heavy armor counts
Medium armor offers greater protection, though it is less comfort- as 3 items.
able than light armor. The components of a suit of medium armor BREASTPLATE: A breastplate is typically worn over a coat of
include many of those for a suit of light armor, with additional mail.
coverage on the torso, arms, and upper legs.
PLATE: A suit of plate includes any
It takes about 5 minutes to put on and remove medium armor.
armor that mostly covers the wearer
The armor’s noise imposes 1 bane on rolls made to sneak while

wearing it. A suit of medium armor counts as 2 items. with plating, while leaving the joints
exposed to improve mobility.
BRIGANDINE: A suit of brigandine armor is made by sand-
wiching metal strips between leather panels to offer superior pro- FULL PLATE: This armor is always
tection without sacrificing mobility. fitted to a particular person since the
RING: An affordable suit of armor, this is a suit of brigandine suit fully encloses the wearer under a
further reinforced by heavy metal rings sewn into the leather. sheath of metal plates.
Inferior Armor Padded 11 or +0 1 sp
Armor components scavenged from the dead on bat- Leather 12 or +1 2 sp
tlefields, old breastplates spotted with rust, and torn
and tattered shirts of mail can all serve when there’s Medium (Requires Strength 11)
nothing better, but such armor is never suitable for
long-term use. Inferior armor is worthless and rarely Brigandine 13 or +1 5 sp
sells in markets except to the most gullible and foolish. Ring 14 or +2 10 sp
A suit of inferior armor holds up until the end of a
quest and then offers no protection at all. The Defense UNCOMMON DEFENSE PRICE
granted by inferior armor of any kind drops by 1 (mini- Medium (Requires Strength 11)
mum 10 or +0). While wearing a suit of inferior medium
or heavy armor, you make Agility rolls with 1 bane and Mail 15 15 sp
you grant 1 boon on rolls made against your Agility.
Inferior shields increase Defense by 1 only Plate and mail 16 3 gp
Heavy (Requires Strength 13)
Superior Armor Breastplate 16 or +3 5 gp
Armor produced by master artisans might be available RARE DEFENSE PRICE
for sale in some large or wealthy communities but is
more likely discovered in treasure chambers or on dis- Heavy (Requires Strength 13)
play as prized heirlooms. Suits of superior medium and
heavy armor are often made from rare materials, such Plate 17 10 gp
as star metal or fey silver. EXOTIC DEFENSE PRICE
A superior suit of light armor increases the bonus
to Defense by 1, though if you replace your Defense Heavy (Requires Strength 13)
with the armor’s score, there is no change. Superior Full plate 18 25 gp
medium armor has no Strength requirement for wear-
ing it. Superior heavy armor has no Strength require-
ment and increases the Defense score by 1. Superior Shields
shields increase Defense by 3 instead of 2. COMMON DEFENSE PRICE
Shield +2 2 sp
Body shield — 4 sp
A shield allows its wielder to deflect attacks. A wielder either grips
a handle on the inside of a shield or straps it to the arm, though
large shields might have to be carried and placed in position.
Shields come in many different sizes and shapes, including tower
shields, heater shields, and round shields.
You have access to a wide range of weapons, as shown on the fol-
You equip and drop shields as if they were weapons. While
you have a shield equipped (held or strapped to your arm), you lowing tables. These tables present the weapons’ prices and their
increase your natural or armored Defense by the amount shown rules for use, which are described in detail below.
on the Shields table. A shield takes the place of the weapon you
can normally wield in your off-hand.
If you wield two shields, you benefit from just one of them at Elves make weapons from fanciful materials such as rune-
a time. scribed bone, wood harvested from ironwood trees, or mag-
SHIELD: A shield is a flat or convex object held in one’s off- ically hardened glass. Other weapons might have special
hand or worn strapped to the arm. The shield might be round, materials for their properties, such as a silvered weapon for
use against certain foes. Weapons with unusual and valuable
square, or have some other shape. materials count as superior weapons. Generally, inferior ma-
You can also use a shield as an off-hand improvised weapon. terials make inferior weapons. Soft metal and wood, for ex-
When you attack with the shield, you lose its increase to your ample, make inferior swords and other blades.
Defense until the start of your next turn.
Melee or Ranged
Chapter 3

BODY SHIELD: A body shield, sometimes called a tower

shield, offers total body protection. Rather than strap it to your
arm, you carry the body shield into position and then use an action You use melee weapons to attack targets you can reach. You use
to place it on the ground to provide partial or total cover to crea- ranged weapons to attack more distant targets chosen from those
tures behind it. A body shield does not, however, increase Defense. within the weapon’s listed range. Some melee weapons have traits
A body shield counts as 4 items. that enable you to make ranged attacks with them.
BRUTAL: When rolling damage for an attack made using this
Grip weapon, you can reroll each die that comes up as 1 once. You must
use the new number rolled, even if it is another 1.
Weapons on the table appear by their grip. The weapon’s grip tells
you how to properly wield the weapon to attack with it. You can DISARMING: You ignore the bane imposed on your roll when
otherwise hold or carry the weapon in any way you choose. For you use this weapon to disarm.
example, you can hold a great sword in one hand, but you need FIREARM: Attacks you make with this weapon create a loud
both hands on the weapon to attack with it. You can use a quarter- noise. If the weapon becomes submerged in water, you must dry
staff held in one hand as a walking stick. and clean it before you can make ranged attacks with it. Cleaning
OFF the weapon takes 1 hour of work using a tool kit and a pint of oil.
It takes 1 minute to load this weapon. If you do something else
You wield this weapon in your primary hand or your secondary during this time, you must start over from the beginning.
(off ) hand.
LARGE: The result of your roll to attack with this weapon
ONE while squeezing or while you are mounted result in an automatic
You wield this weapon in your primary hand. You can attack with
this weapon while wielding it in your off hand, but you roll with LIGHT: When you would add Bonus Damage to an attack
1 bane. made using this weapon, you add one fewer die (minimum +1d6).
LONG: When you attack with this weapon, increase your reach
TWO by 1 for the purpose of choosing targets.
You wield this weapon in both hands. You can attack with this MISFIRE: When you get a critical failure on an attack with this
weapon while you wield it in your main hand only, but you roll weapon, the weapon misfires. Make a luck roll. On a success, you
with 2 banes. need only reload the weapon before you can attack with it again.
On a failure, the weapon is ruined until repaired, which takes 1
hour, a tool kit, and spare parts whose value equals half the selling
Requirements price of the weapon.
Some weapons list attribute score requirements for their use. If NIMBLE: When you attack with this weapon, you can use
you fail to meet or exceed the required score and attack with the Agility in place of Strength for the roll.
weapon, you roll with 1 bane. PIERCING: When you attack with this weapon and get a crit-
If an effect would enable you to use an attribute other than the ical success, the target becomes weakened until the end of your
one required by the weapon to make the attack, you use the score next turn.
of the new attribute for the purpose of determining whether you
RANGE 5, 10, 15, 20, 30: You select the target for your ranged
meet the weapon’s requirements.
attacks with this weapon from those within the listed number of
Damage by Weapon RELOAD: You must load this weapon before you can make
Most times, when you get a success on a roll to attack with a ranged attacks with it. You can use an action to load the weapon
weapon, you deal damage. The table tells you how much damage or, if you are capable of moving and you have a Speed of 2 or
the attack deals on a success. Attacks might deal extra damage higher, you can give up your move to load the weapon.
from Bonus Damage, talents, and magical effects. SLASHING: When you attack with this weapon and get a crit-
ical success, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage.
Weapon Traits SLOW: You can attack with this weapon just once per round.

All weapons have at least one trait that describes the weapon’s basic SPECIAL: This weapon has special rules detailed in its
functionality such as you must hold the weapon to make attacks description.
with it, what sorts of ammunition you need to make the ranged THROWN 5, 10: You can make a ranged attack with this weapon
attack, and any other special rules that apply when you attack with by throwing it. You use Strength for the roll unless the weapon also
the weapon. has the Nimble trait. You choose your target from among those
AMMUNITION (ARROW, BOLT, BALL, DART, STONE): within the listed number of yards. If the attack results in a success,
You must have at least one piece of ammunition of the indicated the weapon either sticks in the target’s body or
kind to attack with this weapon. Ammunition, and a container to falls to its feet. If the attack results in a

hold it (such as a quiver, case, or bag), is included in the weapon’s failure, the weapon lands 1d6 yards
price. You can recover spent ammunition after combat and make behind the target.
replacements while you rest. VERSATILE: When you
BLUDGEONING: When you attack with this weapon and get wield this weapon with both
a critical success, the target becomes vulnerable until the end of hands, the weapon’s damage
your next turn. increases by 1d6.
Melee Weapons—Off Hand
Dagger 5 cp — 1d6 Light, Nimble, Thrown 5
Hammer 5 cp — 1d6 Bludgeoning, Light, Thrown 5
Hatchet 5 cp — 1d6 Brutal, Light, Thrown 5
Knuckledusters 2 cp — 1d6 Special
Short sword 1 sp — 1d6 Nimble, Piercing
Whip 5 cp Agility 11 0 Long, Nimble, Slow, Special
Scourge 5 cp Agility 12 1d6 Light, Nimble, Special

Melee Weapons—One Hand

Club 3 cp — 2d6 —
Javelin 5 cp — 1d6 Thrown 10
Mace 2 sp Strength 11 2d6 Bludgeoning
Saber 3 sp Agility 11 2d6 Disarming, Nimble
Spear 5 cp — 2d6 Thrown 5
Sword 2 sp — 2d6 Slashing
Battle axe 5 sp Strength 12 2d6 Brutal, Slow, Versatile
Bident/trident 5 sp Strength 12 2d6 Nimble, Slow, Versatile
Flail 5 sp Strength 12 2d6 Bludgeoning, Disarming, Slow
Long sword 1 gp Strength 12 2d6 Slashing, Slow, Versatile
Rapier 1 gp Agility 12 2d6 Nimble, Piercing
War hammer 1 gp Strength 12 2d6 Bludgeoning, Slow, Versatile

Melee Weapons—Two Hands

Axe 2 sp Strength 12 3d6 Brutal, Large, Slow
Lance/pike 2 sp Strength 11 2d6 Long, Special
Mattock 2 sp Strength 13 3d6 Large, Piercing, Slow
Maul 2 sp Strength 13 3d6 Bludgeoning, Large, Slow
Quarterstaff 4 cp — 1d6 Light, Nimble
Polearm 1 gp Strength 12 3d6 Long, Slow
Chain knife 1 gp Agility 13 1d6 Disarming, Long, Nimble
Great axe 1 gp Strength 14 4d6 Brutal, Large, Slow
Great hammer 1 gp Strength 14 4d6 Bludgeoning, Large, Slow
Great sword 1 gp Strength 14 4d6 Large, Slashing, Slow

Ranged Weapons—Off Hand

Chapter 3


Crossbow pistol 1 gp Agility 11 1d6 Ammunition (Bolt), Light, Range 10, Reload
Pistol 5 gp Agility 11 3d6 Ammunition (Ball), Brutal,
Firearm, Misfire, Range 5

Ranged Weapons—One Hand
Sling 1 cp — 1d6 Ammunition (Stone), Bludgeoning, Light,
Range 15, Slow, Special

Ranged Weapons—Two Hands

Bow 1 sp — 2d6 Ammunition (Arrow), Large, Light, Range 20
Longbow 1 gp Strength 12 2d6 Ammunition (Arrow), Large, Range 30
Shortbow 5 sp Agility 12 2d6 Ammunition (Arrow), Light, Range 20
Crossbow 1 gp — 2d6 Ammunition (Bolt), Brutal, Range 20, Reload
Musket 10 gp Agility 12 6d6 Ammunition (Ball), Brutal,
Firearm, Misfire, Range 20

BOW: The bow is a flexible length of wood that, when bent, can
be fitted with a cord tied off on both ends to create tension. You
The Sage might decide to track ammunition and use any of can use a bow as a two-handed improvised melee weapon.
the following optional rules. Ammunition sells by the container
for 1 sp each, the price including the quiver, case, or pouch. CHAIN KNIFE: A length of chain with a blade at one end and a
Ammunition Containers: A container has four states: full, ring or weight at the opposite end, you attack with the chain knife
partial, low, and empty. You must have at least one full, partial, by flinging the blade at a foe and then whipping it back to your
or low container to attack with the ranged weapon. If your hand.
container is low and the result of the attack roll with the weap-
on is 5 or less, your container becomes empty. CLUB: A club is a manufactured bludgeon made from wood or
After a combat in which you made at least one ranged metal. Examples include nightsticks, cudgels, and saps.
attack using ammunition, reduce the container’s state by one CROSSBOW: A crossbow has a grooved wooden stock to
step: full becomes partial and partial becomes low. which has been fastened a metal or wooden crossbar that func-
You can spend 1 minute after a combat in which you made
one ranged attack to recover ammunition used with that tions as the bow. Cranking back the bowstring until it cocks read-
weapon. Make a luck roll. On a success, you replenish your ies the weapon for firing a loaded bolt. You can use a crossbow as a
container to its most recent starting state. two-handed improvised melee weapon.
After you rest, you can improve a container’s state by one CROSSBOW PISTOL: This smaller, compact crossbow is made
step from empty to low, low to partial, and partial to full.
from metal.
Ammunition Die: Whenever you make an attack with a
ranged weapon that uses ammunition, roll an ammunition die DAGGER: A dagger has a long blade up to 18 inches in length
for one container of ammunition you have. The ammunition die and serves well as a backup or off-hand weapon. Daggers come in
is a d6. If all the ammunition dice come up as 1, you run out of many different styles, each with their own names, such as dirk,
ammunition in the container. jambiya, jile, misericord, and stiletto. Daggers also include throw-
Pieces of Ammunition: A container holds 20 pieces
ing knives, shuriken, and similar weapons.
of ammunition. Each time you make a roll to attack with the
weapon, you deplete the number of pieces by one. FLAIL: A flail has a weighted rod, ball, metal lozenge, ring, or
spiked ball at the end of a chain that’s attached to a long handle.
Weapon Descriptions Some flails feature multiple weights at the ends of chains.
GREAT AXE: A great axe features a double axe-blade at the end
All the weapons listed on the Weapons tables are described below. of a long wooden or metal haft. It is sometimes called an execu-
Some of them also have special rules associated with their use. tioner’s axe.
AXE: An axe has a wedge-shaped blade fitted to a long wooden GREAT HAMMER: A great hammer has an enormous wood-

handle and is designed for cutting wood. en-and-iron head bisected by a long haft.
BATTLE AXE: A battle axe is a one-handed weapon intended GREAT SWORD: A great sword is a 7-foot-long weapon with
for use in combat. It has a long haft and a wide, crescent-shaped a double-edged blade extending from a wide hilt. The weapon has
blade. an overlong handle to help offset the blade’s weight.
BIDENT OR TRIDENT: A bident is a spear capped with a two- HAMMER: A hammer has a stone or metal sledge atop a sturdy
pronged fork, while a trident has a three-pronged fork. length of wood or metal.
HATCHET: A hatchet is a single-edged blade sitting atop a
shaft of wood or metal.
JAVELIN: A javelin is a short spear designed for throwing.
KNUCKLEDUSTERS: Sometimes called brass knuckles,
knuckledusters are a set of fused rings worn over the fingers.
Wearing knuckledusters prevents you from wielding a weapon or
using an object in that hand.
LANCE OR PIKE: A lance or pike is a long, heavy spear. You
can wield a lance or a pike in one hand without penalty while
you ride a mount. In addition, when you get a success on a roll to
attack while riding a mount and the mount ran before the attack,
the attack deals an extra 2d6 damage.
LONG SWORD: The longsword category includes any sword
that has a blade length greater than a normal sword but less than a
great sword, such as the hand-and-a-half or katana.
LONGBOW: A longbow has a total length of 6 feet. The
increased size improves the weapon’s range, and arrows loosed
from it strike with greater force. You can use a longbow as a two-
handed improvised melee weapon.
MACE: A heavy bludgeon, a mace sports a weight at the end of
a short haft. The weight might be flanged, spheroid, or spiked. A
mace is sometimes called a war club.
MAUL: A maul has a weighted, blunt sledge at the end of a long
wooden haft.
MATTOCK: A mattock is a hafted weapon with a perpendicu-
lar spike at the end for breaking apart stone.
MUSKET: A musket has a long metal barrel attached to a
wooden stock. A wheel lock mechanism throws a spark into the
pan to ignite the powder and propel the ball from the weapon
with force. You can use the musket as a two-handed improvised
melee weapon.
PISTOL: Firearm design has advanced in fits and starts until
gunsmiths devised a superior firing mechanism that enables
quicker loading and firing. The pistol uses the same wheel lock
technology as the musket. You can use the pistol as an off-hand
improvised melee weapon.
POLEARM: The halberd, voulge, and bardiche, polearms all,
are long, hafted weapons fitted with blades, barbs, or tines at
one end.
QUARTERSTAFF: A quarterstaff or staff is a pole of wood
between 4 and 5 feet in length. Higher quality quarterstaffs have
ferrules on either end to prevent splitting.
RAPIER: A rapier has a thin, double-edged blade extending
from an elaborate guard and handle. Similar weapons, such as jians
and side-swords, use the same rules.
SABER: A saber has a curved blade that tapers toward the
tip and usually has a single edge. Similar weapons—the cutlass,
khopesh and scimitar—use the same rules.
Chapter 3

SCOURGE: A scourge has several metal-tipped cords extend-

ing from a handle. When you attack a flesh and blood target with
a scourge and the result of your roll is a critical success, the target
makes a Will roll. On a failure, the target becomes weakened until
the end of your next turn.
SHORT SWORD: A short sword, as it sounds, is a sword with a to everything within 5 yards of it. A creature in the area makes an
shorter blade. Short swords include similar blades such as a gladius Agility roll and takes half the damage on a success.
or sax. The explosion releases smoke that fills the air within 5 yards of
SHORTBOW: A shortbow is a smaller, more compact version the exploded grenade, creating light obscurement in the area that
of the bow, designed for use from the back of a steed. You can use remains for 1 minute. The sound of an exploding grenade carries
a shortbow as a two-handed improvised melee weapon. up to 200 yards.
SLING: A sling consists of several cords attached to a leather SMOKE BOMB: This cylindrical canister contains a fluid that
cup. Spinning the cup at speed, you release the missile with a snap- combusts when exposed to air. You use an action to crack the can-
ping motion. In lieu of using a sling stone, you can load an item ister and either throw it or set it down within reach.
into the sling that can be held in one closed hand, such as a potion Thick, black smoke spews from the canister for 1 minute, cre-
or a grenade. ating heavy obscurement within 10-yards of it. At the end of each
SPEAR: A spear is a pole with a sharp point at one end. The round, each creature in the area makes a Strength roll. On a failure,
point might be whittled down or be a metal spike or blade. the creature takes 1d6 damage from inhaling the smoke.
A smoke bomb has no effect if detonated while submerged in
SWORD: A sword typically features a straight blade with an
a liquid.
edge on both sides, a guard, and a handle.
WILD FIRE BOMB: This canister holds a thick, gelatinous sub-
WAR HAMMER: This oversized hammer with a long haft is
stance that ignites on contact with air. Once it burns, wild fire is
favored by dwarfs.
almost impossible to extinguish, even if submerged in water.
WHIP: A long, braided length of leather cord extending from a You use an action to throw a wild fire bomb. The canister cracks
stout handle, the whip might have a metal cap or a hook at the end open on impact with a solid creature, object, or surface, causing
to tear at the skin. the substance to explode and deal 6d6 damage to each creature
You can use the whip to disarm, grab, drag, and trip. When you and object within 5 yards of it. Flammable objects take double
attack with the whip and get a critical success, the target takes 1d6 damage and catch fire. A creature that would take this damage
damage. Attacks made using a whip derive no benefit from bonus makes a luck roll and takes half the damage on a success, or catches
or extra damage. fire on a failure. Fire started by the wild fire bomb ignores efforts
to douse it for 1 minute.
Ex plosi v es Burning wild fire gives off smoke that fills the air within 10 yards
of the exploded bomb, creating heavy obscurement for as long as
Bombs and grenades found their way into the borderlands and wreak the fire burns and for 1 hour after. At the end of each round, each
havoc when detonated. Typical explosives are described below. For creature in the area makes a Strength roll. On a failure, the creature
rules on throwing explosives, see the Throw action in Chapter 2. takes 1d6 damage from inhaling the smoke. On a critical failure,
BOMB: This iron sphere, about the size of a human head, is the creature also becomes poisoned (luck ends).
filled with explosive powder and fitted with a fuse. It takes 10
rounds to burn a full length of fuse, though you can shorten the
fuse length to burn faster. You use an action to light the fuse and UNCOMMON PRICE
throw the bomb or set it on the ground within your reach. Bomb 5 sp
The bomb detonates when the fuse burns down to deal 4d6 RARE PRICE
damage to everything within 5 yards of it. A creature in the area
Gas bomb 1 gp
makes an Agility roll and takes half the damage on a success.
The explosion releases smoke that fills the air within 20 yards Grenade 5 sp
of the exploded bomb and lingers for 1 minute, creating heavy Smoke bomb 1 gp
obscurement in the area. The sound of an exploding bomb travels Exotic Price
up to 200 yards.
Wild Fire bomb 5 gp
GAS BOMB: A fluid sloshes in this metal canister. You use
an action to crack the canister and either throw it or set it down
within your reach. For 1 minute, the canister releases poison gas UNSTABLE EXPLOSIVES
that fills the air within 10 yards of the exploded bomb, creating If you are carrying one or more explosives when you take 5
moderate obscurement in the area. The gas remains for 1d6 min- damage or more from fire or lightning, make a luck roll for
utes unless dispersed by wind. each explosive you carry. On a failure, that explosive deto-
The gas causes burns and blisters in exposed flesh. At the end nates. Grenades ignore this rule.
of each round, any creature in the gas makes a Strength roll. On

a failure, the creature takes 1d6 damage and becomes poisoned

(luck ends).
A gas bomb has no effect if detonated while submerged in a
Most people wear garments made from linen, wool, and leather.
liquid. Silk, furs, and other fine materials appear in the garb of the
GRENADE: This is a smaller, stabler bomb made for throwing. wealthy. Clothing styles vary from land to land and depend on cus-
At the end of the round, the grenade explodes to deal 2d6 damage toms, available materials, and social expectations. In one place, a
person’s garb might be considered outlandish or scandalous, while precious gemstones. Superior jewelry includes finer materials with
in another the same outfit would be seen as conservative. rubies, diamonds, sapphires, and emeralds, while inferior jew-
In the borderlands, common people favor loose, comfortable elry uses copper, bronze, glass, and so on. Prices for jewelry vary
shirts worn under vests. They don trousers and skirts, and shoes depending on artistry, composition, and materials, ranging from
made from leather with wooden soles. Many wear head coverings a few copper pieces for cheap items to many gold pieces for the
such as hats or scarves. In the warmest part of the year, they shed finest creations. Jewelry retains its full value when sold.
excessive clothing and favor bright colors. MASKS: These can be dominos, mouth coverings, or elaborate
People wear cloaks during the rainy season, which can also serve headgear that covers the whole head to make the wearer resemble
as blankets in a pinch. Cloaks might be hooded or not. In urban a devil or beast.
areas, cloaks have given way to long coats, jackets, and similar
coverings. PERFUME: Sandalwood, jasmine, and other scents conceal the
A purchased set of clothing includes undergarments, the gar- natural odors that arise from a population with odd superstitions
ments themselves, and outerwear such as cloaks, coats, and hats. about regular washing.
Fancy: The most expensive clothing, fancy dress includes elab- POMANDER: People with delicate constitutions find relief
orate costumes of silk, hair, and fur, often colored with expensive from the malodorous streets using these round cloth or linen bun-
dyes. The finery worn by regents and aristocrats at major functions dles of scented herbs.
is fancy clothing. SOAP: A good bar of lye soap is always useful to stay clean and
INFERIOR: Cheaply made, inferior clothing includes the most healthy.
basic apparel and is ill-fitting at that. It consists of a tunic for the TATTOO: The listed price for a tattoo buys you a piece of art
upper body, breeches or skirt for the lower, and rag shoes, if any. with a simple design. Complex tattoos can be had at a greater price.
NORMAL: Any attire commonly found in an area counts as
normal clothing. A set includes underclothes, trousers, a shirt and Accessories
vest, or a dress with a shawl. The outfit also includes a hat or bon-
net and a sturdy pair of shoes.
Mask, cheap 1 cp
SUPERIOR: Fine materials cut in the latest fashion make up
superior clothing. Such garb is suitable for a regent’s court or in Mask, fine 5 sp
any events and circumstances that require fancy dress. Perfume 1 sp
UNIFORM: Many organizations require members to wear uni- Pomander 5 cp
forms, such as military units, priesthoods, magic-societies, centers
Soap, 1 bar 5 cp
of education, and so on. The style and appearance of uniforms
varies with the organization, but all are made of good quality UNCOMMON PRICE
materials. Cosmetics kit 1 sp
Jewelry Varies
Tattoo 5 cp
Inferior 1 cp
Normal 5 cp
Prosthetics and
Wheeled Chairs
Superior 1 gp Developments in technology grant partial or complete restoration
Uniform 1 sp of activity to those who have suffered the loss of or lack a limb or
CLOCKWORK PROSTHETIC: Mechanisms of clockwork
Fancy 10+ gp
allow these expensive limbs a full range of motion for as long as
the gears and cogs keep working. Installing the prosthetic requires
Accessories a magical procedure that binds the machine to the flesh. The cost
of installation is included in the price.
Accessories include everything from cosmetics to jewelry. A creature can use an action to wind the key on a clockwork
COSMETICS KIT: People of higher classes use cosmetics prosthesis. The key turns for 24 hours. However, if the wearer gets
to conceal blemishes and accentuate their looks. A cosmetic kit a critical failure for any roll, the wearer makes a luck roll. On a
Chapter 3

includes grease, powder, brushes, and the like, and lasts for a few failure, the prosthesis suffers damage and loses functionality. A
months of regular use before it needs replacing. creature with a tool kit can repair the damaged limb in an hour by
JEWELRY: Any adornment worn to beautify or enhance once’s expending one set of spare parts.
appearance counts as jewelry. Pieces include rings, necklaces, A creature with at least one clockwork arm makes Strength rolls
torques, tiaras, bracelets, brooches, and more. Normal jewelry with 1 boon. A creature with at least one clockwork leg increases
might be made from silver and gold and have semiprecious or its Speed by the number of such legs it has.
CRUTCHES: A pair of crutches enable a creature that has lost
the use of one or more legs or similar appendages the ability to
stand up and move without having to crawl, as long as it still has
at least one leg. The creature has half its normal Speed while using
crutches and cannot take the run action.
PROSTHETIC: Ordinary prosthetics appear in various designs
and quality.
A creature with a prosthetic hand and arm can carry items with
it, but makes rolls to attack with 1 bane when using weapons with
a two-handed grip.
A creature with a prosthetic leg and foot can stand up and move
but cannot take the run action.
FALSE EYE, NOSE, TEETH: These cosmetic items replace the
missing parts, though most are obviously not real.
WALKING STICK: This stout wooden stick is to aid balance
and walking, and it functions also as an improvised weapon in a
pinch. While using a walking stick, when you make an Agility roll
to maintain your balance, the stick grants 1 boon on your roll.
WEAPON APPENDAGE: If you have a prosthetic arm or clock-
work arm, you can attach a one-handed or off-handed weapon to
it. Add the weapon’s price to the base appendage cost. While it is
attached, you cannot drop the weapon or be disarmed.
WHEELED CHAIR: A wheeled chair allows a creature who
has lost the use of locomotive limbs to move freely by rolling the
wheels attached to either side of the seat. A creature seated in a
wheeled chair has a Speed of 1 + its Strength modifier (mini-
mum 1). When such a creature takes the run action, it merely
doubles its Speed.
ANTITOXIN: You can use an action to drink this substance,
Prosthetics and Wheeled chairs
removing the poisoned affliction from yourself at the end of the
Crutches 1 cp BACKPACK: A leather bag with shoulder straps, a backpack
False eye, nose, teeth 1 sp holds 8 items.
Walking stick 1 cp BEDROLL: This can be anything from a sleeping bag to a bun-
dle of blankets.
BLOWGUN: A blowgun is a long tube with a mouthpiece fit-
Prosthetic 1 sp ted at an end. You can use an action to load the blowgun with a
Weapon appendage 1 gp* dart or needle, take a breath, and blow through the mouthpiece
EXOTIC PRICE to propel the projectile at one creature or object within 10 yards.
Make an Agility roll against the target’s Defense. On a success, the
Clockwork prosthetic 5–10 gp
projectile hits the target. A flesh and blood target takes 1 damage.
Wheeled chair 5 sp Using a blowgun does not count as an attack.
CALTROPS: You can use an action to scatter caltrops on the

Gear ground within 5 yards of you. The caltrops remain until cleared
A creature moving onto a surface covered in caltrops makes an
Torches, lanterns, coils of rope, and more help you overcome Agility roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the creature loses 1 Health
challenges. and takes 1 damage for each yard it moves across the surface. On a
ACID: A small glass bottle contains one of many different kinds critical failure, the creature also falls prone.

of acid. You can use an action to pour out the contents or throw CANDLE: A lit candle burns for 8 hours. One lit candle sheds
the bottle. Anything of an organic material that comes into con- enough light to see something to which it is held close, while five
tact with the acid loses 1d6 Health plus an extra 1 Health at the lit candles shed faint light.
end of each round (luck ends). A creature losing Health in this CANTEEN OR WATERSKIN: A canteen or waterskin holds
way can end the acid’s effect by washing it away with water or neu- liquid. While you have a canteen or waterskin and have ready
tralizing it with lime. access to water, you are immune to deprivation from thirst.
Gear CHAIN: A length of chain counts as 2 objects and has Health
20. A creature with Strength 15 or higher can take an action to
COMMON PRICE make a Strength roll with 1 bane, snapping the chain on a success.
Backpack 1 cp You can use a chain as an improvised weapon.
Bedroll 1 cp CHEST: This large wooden box has a hinged lid and a lock on
Blowgun 1 sp the front. It comes with a pair of keys. A chest can hold 50 items,
but it counts as 6 items for the purpose of carrying limits.
Caltrops 5 cp
COMPASS: A compass’s iron needle points north.
Candle (10) 1 cp
CROWBAR: A crowbar grants 1 boon on Strength rolls to
Canteen or waterskin 1 cp open doors and containers when using it. You can also use a crow-
Chain, 20 feet 1 sp bar as an improvised weapon.
Chest 5 sp DEVIL STICKS: Sold in boxes often printed with colorful
labels and designs, devil sticks are thin lengths of wood that catch
Crowbar 5 cp fire when drawn across a rough surface. Each stick burns for 1 min-
Flask 1/2 cp ute and gives off enough light to see something held close to it.
Grapnel 1 cp FLASK: This is a small metal container with a screw cap. It can
Incense (bundle of 5 sticks) 1 cp
hold one pint of liquid.
GRAPNEL: You attach this heavy pronged device to a rope and
Knife 2 cp
throw it to catch onto a surface and thus enable climbing. To catch
Lantern 5 cp the grapnel on a suitable edge, you must get a success on a Strength
Lime 1 sp roll.
Manacles 1 cp HOURGLASS: A wooden frame holds a pair of glass bulbs con-
nected in the middle by a narrow neck. Sand sits in one bulb and,
Mess kit 1 cp
when it is flipped, fully drains into the empty bulb after about 1
Net 5 cp hour.
Oil, pint 1 cp INCENSE: You can use an action to light a stick or block of
Pitons (10) 5 cp incense, which then burns for 1 hour and fills the air within 5
yards of it with a perfumed smoke strong enough to cover obnox-
Pole, 10-foot 1 cp ious odors.
Pouch 1/2 cp KNIFE: A small bladed tool designed for cutting, trimming,
Provisions 1 cp and the like, a knife can serve as an improvised weapon.
Rope, 20 yards 5 cp LANTERN: A lantern has a square metal frame with glass
panels that fits overtop an oil reservoir with a wick. The reservoir
Sack 1/2 cp
holds one pint of oil. Lighting the wick causes the lantern to cast
Scroll case 5 cp dim light. It takes 8 hours to burn through a pint of oil.
Spike, iron (3) 1 cp LIME: Sold in bags, lime neutralizes acids on contact and can
Tent 5 cp dissolve organic matter in time.
Tinderbox 1 cp LOCK AND KEY: A heavy metal lock that comes with a key.
The lock has Health 20.
Torch (5) 1 cp
MANACLES: A set of metal cuffs attached by a thick chain,
UNCOMMON PRICE manacles have a locking mechanism and a key. A creature with
Acid 5 sp Strength 13 or higher can use an action and make a Strength roll
Antitoxin 1 gp to attempt to break free from manacles.
MESS KIT: A mess kit includes a plate, cup, knife, and fork that
Compass 5 sp
all fold up into a wallet.
Devil sticks (box of 20) 1 cp
MIRROR, SMALL: A small mirror has a polished, reflective
Hourglass 2 sp surface.
Lock and key 1 sp NET: A net is a mesh made from rope that’s used to ensnare tar-
Mirror, small 1 sp gets. You can throw the net (see Chapter 2) at a creature by making
Chapter 3

a Strength roll against the target’s Agility. (If the target is held,
Paper (5 sheets) 5 cp
you get an automatic success.) On a success, the target becomes
Poultice 1 sp entangled in the net. While entangled, the target is weakened and
RARE PRICE its Speed drops to 2 if it’s higher than 2. An entangled target can
overcome the effect with a Strength or Agility roll or by cutting
Poison 5 sp
through the rope.
OIL, PINT: Sold in clay bottles with cork stoppers, oil protects
gear, waterproofs leather, and serves as fuel for lanterns. Anything
covered in oil that takes damage from fire automatically catches
Kits and Tools
fire (luck ends). You use kits and tools to make items and perform specialized
PAPER: Parchment, papyrus, or genuine paper.
ALCHEMIST’S KIT: A leather case containing a burner, alem-
PITONS: You can hammer pitons into rock and thread rope
bics, flasks, and a manual, plus an assortment of magical sub-
through their loops to aid in climbing. Rope secured with pitons
prevents climbers using it from falling. You need to place pitons stances. It counts as 3 items for the purpose of carrying limits.
within 2 yards of each other to gain their benefits. BLOCK AND TACKLE: When used with a rope or chain, a
POISON: One dose of a toxic substance created in a laboratory block and tackle can help lift extremely heavy objects. A block and
or found in nature. See Poison in Chapter 2 for more details. tackle counts as 3 items.
POLE, 10-FOOT: Tapping a floor or prodding doors with this BOOK: A book contains writing on a subject. The listed price
1-inch diameter, 10-foot-long wooden pole might spring traps and is for a book containing common knowledge. Uncommon books
reveal hazards from a distance. sell for 1 gp or more, rare books for 5 gp or more, and exotic books
for 25 gp. The degree of rarity might grant you 1 or more boons on
POUCH: This small cloth bag can hold up to 1 item.
rolls to learn information about a related topic, or the book might
POULTICE: A poultice includes all the ingredients needed to contain the answer you seek.
make a healing compress. It takes 1 minute to prepare a poultice
and apply it to a creature. After wearing a poultice for 1 hour, the Kits and Tools
creature heals 1d6 damage. COMMON PRICE
PROVISIONS: Foodstuffs can be rations of dried meats, nuts, Block and tackle 5 cp
hard bread, and dried fruit, or they might be fully cooked meals.
Dice set 1 cp
While you have provisions, you are immune to deprivation from
hunger. One purchase of provisions lasts one person until the end Garrote 5 cp
of a quest. Healer’s kit 2 sp
ROPE: Hemp, jute, or silk rope sells in 20-yard lengths. Cutting Heavy tool kit 2 gp
the rope requires dealing 5 damage or more to it using an edged Ladder 2 cp
weapon or 10 damage using a pointed weapon. A creature with Tool kit 1 gp
Strength 15 or higher can break the rope by making a successful
Strength roll.
Book 1+ gp
You can spend 1 minute working with a rope of at least 10 yards
in length to turn it into a lasso. You can use the lasso to grab a tar- Book, blank 1 sp
get within 5 yards of you. A target grabbed by the lasso can end the Cards, deck 1 sp
effect as normal, but can also end the effect by cutting the rope. If Crystal ball 1 gp
you have a target grabbed with your lasso and you attempt to drag
Disguise kit 1 sp
it, you also knock the target prone on a critical success.
Holy water 5 sp
SACK: A typical burlap sack can hold 6 items.
Lock picks 1 sp
SCROLL CASE: This wood-and-leather case protects up to ten
sheets of paper or similar objects. Musical instrument 1+ sp
Spare parts 1 sp
SPIKE: A 1-foot-long tapering length of iron. You can hammer
the spike into stone to block doors or prevent them from closing. Writing kit 1 sp
You can also wield a spike as an improvised weapon. RARE PRICE
TENT: It takes 10 minutes to set up a tent and take it down. A Alchemist’s kit 2 gp
tent provides shelter for up to two people. Clock 1 gp
TINDERBOX: This wooden box contains a piece of flint, a Flame-maker 5 sp
small steel bar, and several curls of wood shavings. It takes 1 min- Forger’s kit 1 gp
ute of work using the tinderbox to start a flame. You can replenish
Magnifying glass 5 sp
the wood shavings at no charge.
Navigator’s instruments 1 gp
TORCH: A typical torch is a bundle of twigs or length of wood

wrapped with a naphtha-soaked rag. If you have a ready flame, you Occultist’s kit 5 sp
can use an action to light a torch. Otherwise, it takes 1 minute. A Pocket watch 2 gp
lit torch emits dim light for up to 2 hours. Spyglass 1 gp
You can attack with a torch as an improvised weapon. A lit torch EXOTIC PRICE
deals an extra 1 damage from the flames and can cause flammable
Gas mask 5 sp
creatures or objects it touches to catch fire (luck ends).
BOOK, BLANK: A heavy book with 100 blank pages. The disguise holds up to casual visual inspection, but any kind
CARDS: A typical deck of cards has seventy-eight cards, with of scrutiny enables a creature to make an Intellect roll and recog-
twenty-two major arcana and fifty-six minor arcana cards divided nize the disguise on a success.
into four suits. The suits are usually cups, pentacles, wands, and A creature wearing a disguise can use an action to remove it.
swords. The cards of the minor arcana include those numbered Damage from fire, being submerged in water, or brisk activity such
from 1 to 10, along with a page, knight, queen, and king to com- as combat ruins the disguise unless the wearer succeeds on a luck
plete a set of fourteen. The major arcana cards typically correspond roll.
to those found in a typical tarot deck. Games of chance are played FLAME-MAKER: A small metal cube that can fit in the palm of
using the minor arcana only. your hand, the flame-maker has a hinged lid that opens to reveal
CLOCK: An ornate mechanical device used for keeping time. a wick, wheel, and bit of flint. You can spin the wheel and cause a
When fully wound, the clock operates for 1 week but loses 1d6 tongue of flame to appear that sheds faint light. The flame-maker
minutes every 24 hours. has enough fuel to burn for 4 hours total, with each use counting
as 1 minute of time. You can refill the flame-maker with a quar-
CRYSTAL BALL: A sphere, about 6 inches in diameter, made
ter-pint of oil.
from crystal, glass, or some other material.
FORGER’S KIT: A forger’s kit contains everything one needs
DICE SET: A typical set of dice includes three to five six-sided
to make a copy of a simple document, invitation, and similar items.
dice carved from ivory, bone, or some other material. Each die side It includes enough material to make one forgery.
features a different number of pips, numbered 1 to 6. Other shapes You can make a forgery of a document or similar object you can
of dice might exist with uncommon availability. see. The time it takes to produce the copy varies from just a few
DISGUISE KIT: This kit contains greases, waxes, and other minutes to several days, depending on the nature of the original
cosmetics to make someone appear other than who they are. A item. Usually, creating the forgery requires a successful Intellect
disguise kit has enough material to create five disguises. roll, with 3 or more banes depending on the original’s complex-
You can create a disguise for yourself or for someone within your ity. Some forgeries might not be possible without a profession or
reach by expending a use from the kit. It takes 10 minutes of work materials, at the Sage’s discretion.
to create the disguise. To disguise yourself, you must also have a A forger’s kit counts as 2 items.
reflective surface. When you finish, you or the creature becomes GARROTE: You can use this length of wire with wooden han-
disguised until the disguise is removed, ruined, or thwarted. dles to choke the life out of your foe. If you are wielding a garrote
A disguised creature appears to be someone else. The disguise when you attempt to grab a creature, on a success, the target loses
can replace a person’s coloration, apparent gender, blemishes, and Health equal to your Strength modifier (minimum 1), plus loses
so on with different ones. A disguise can increase apparent height extra Health equal to your Strength modifier each time you main-
by up to 6 inches or apparent weight by 20 percent. tain the grab. The target is affected by suffocation in addition to
the grab’s other effects.
GAS MASK: This heavy mask, made from rubber with two
round filters near the mouth, helps clean the air you breathe. You
can equip the mask as an action. The mask’s filters work for a total
of 4 hours, and you can replace a pair of filters for 1 sp. The filters
make you immune to the effects of breathing in smoke, gas, and
inhaled toxins.
HEALER’S KIT: A set of bandages, ointments, herbs, thread,
and needles all carried in a leather satchel. You can use the kit to
treat injuries. The healer’s kit has 5 uses.
You can spend 1 minute treating a willing or unconscious crea-
ture. When you finish, expend a use from the kit and make an
Intellect roll. On a success, the target heals 2d6 damage.
HEAVY TOOL KIT: A heavy tool kit includes a shovel, pick,
and sledge for breaking up and clearing away dirt and rock. It
counts as 6 items.
HOLY WATER: Sold in glass bottles etched with the symbol
of the religion responsible for its blessing, each bottle contains
one dose. Any demon, faerie, fiend, spirit, or undead splashed
with holy water loses 2d6 Health. Any other kind of creature that
Chapter 3

drinks the liquid heals 2d6 damage.

LADDER: A standard ladder measures 18 feet long and has
twelve rungs. When carried, a ladder counts as 6 items.
LOCK PICKS: A set of implements for opening locks, this kit
includes files, bent wires, needles, screwdrivers, and other small
It takes 1d6 minutes to pick an inferior lock, 2d6 minutes for a
typical lock, and 4d6 minutes or longer for a superior lock. At the
end of this time, make an Agility roll with 1 or more banes depend-
ing on the lock’s complexity. On a success, you open the lock and
can freely unlock and lock it. On a failure, it remains locked and
attempts to try again result in automatic failures until after you rest.
MAGNIFYING GLASS: This glass lens in a metal frame with
handle provides 10 times magnification of any object you examine
through it.
MUSICAL INSTRUMENT: A musical instrument includes
any easily carried device for making music, such as a lute, hand
drum, fiddle, or pan pipes.
NAVIGATOR’S INSTRUMENTS: You can use this set of
maps, sextants, and astrolabes to chart courses and avoid becom-
ing lost. When traveling with these instruments, you can reroll one
result of 1 on a die rolled to determine progress, but you must use
the second result, even if it’s another 1.
Navigator’s instruments count as 2 items.
OCCULTIST’S KIT: An occultist’s kit contains a pair of knives,
a chalice, a pentacle, chalks for inscribing mystic diagrams and cir-
cles, and a set of ten black candles.
POCKET WATCH: A compact version of a clock, it is small
enough to fit in your pocket. The item includes a thin chain.
SPARE PARTS: A set of spare parts includes components used
to build and repair mechanical objects. You can use an action and
expend a set of spare parts to enable one clockwork, automaton, or HUNTING BIRD: These animals are used for hunting game
other mechanical object within your reach to regain 2d6 Health. and to aid owners in battle. You can use their rules for hawks,
SPYGLASS: A collapsible tube of brass and wood fitted with a ravens, and owls.
set of lenses, the spyglass lets you see at a distance with 10 times PACK ANIMAL: Pack animals carry objects such as armor,
magnification. weapons, and supplies needed for travel. Donkeys, ponies, mules,
TOOL KIT: A tool kit includes a hammer, wrench, pliers, screw- oxen, and horses are all common pack animals, while giant ants,
drivers, an awl, and other tools used by crafters. It counts as 2 items. flightless birds, and enormous worms represent more exotic offer-
WRITING KIT: A writing kit includes bottles of ink, pens, a ings. See the dog entry for suitable commands.
knife, and a bag of fine sand.
PET: This is a small, harmless companion animal such as a

Animals mouse, rat, cat, ant farm, songbird, turtle, tapeworm, or fish in a
bowl. Pets can be commanded but cannot attack.
Animals and Animal Gear
Animals carry gear or riders, fight in battle, and might be compan-
ions. An animal you purchase becomes your companion and uses COMMON PRICE
the rules presented below. An animal companion that becomes Bit and bridle 2 cp
incapacitated dies at the end of the round. You can find animal
stats on the next page. Dog 1 sp

BIT AND BRIDLE: You use a bit and bridle to control the steed Harness 2 cp
you ride. Horse 5 gp
DOG: Smart and loyal, dogs make excellent companions and Pack animal 1 gp
can be trained to perform in a variety of different roles. The com-
Pet 1 cp
mands a dog companion understands include such things as sit,
fetch, stay, attack, heel, and the like. Its rules follow: Saddle 1 sp

HARNESS: You use a harness to tether an animal to a cart or Saddle blanket 1 cp

wagon. Saddlebag 1 cp
HORSE: Any large animal trained or otherwise willing to RARE PRICE
bear other creatures as riders uses the rules for a horse. Examples Hunting bird 1 sp
include horses, ponies, mules, camels, oxen, and similar creatures.
Warhorse 15 gp
A horse can learn commands as a dog.
SADDLE: A wood-and-leather seat to make riding steeds more
comfortable. Saddles include stirrups. Vehicles
SADDLE BLANKET: Such blankets are worn by a steed to Vehicles haul gear, make travel easier, and provide shelter from the
cushion the saddle. elements. A vehicle is an object. When it moves, its Defense equals
SADDLEBAG: A heavy leather bag that either straps onto the half the driver’s Agility score. Each 10 items of storage space can
saddle or connects to another bag and placed over the back of a instead hold a passenger.
mount, a saddlebag can hold 8 items. Rules for vehicles and travel appear in Secrets of the Weird
WARHORSE: Beasts trained to serve riders in battle are accus-
CARRIAGE: This ornate conveyance allows passengers to travel
tomed to the noise and scents of conflict and keep their cool while
in comfort and style. A typical carriage has a cabin with cushioned
also lending aid in the struggle. Such steeds include chargers and
seats inside, doors to either side, and a bench in the front with a
destriers, giant breeds of dogs, trained bears, great cats, or more
pair of lanterns to help the driver see at night. It takes two to four
exotic animals. Most can wear armor as well, which can be had for
horses to pull a carriage. The cabin can hold up to six passengers
four times the normal prices.
and the bench can hold two people, one of whom drives. Most
DOG carriages have steps on the outside on which guards might stand.
The cabin’s roof has room enough to store 30 items.
Defense: 10, Health: 5 CART: A two-wheeled conveyance used for hauling materials, a
Attributes: Strength 11 (+1), Agility 10 (+0), Intellect 8 (–2), cart takes one horse or similar animal to draw. It can hold 30 items.
Will 10 (+0) A cart can travel across roads, paths, and relatively obstacle-free
Size: 1, Speed: 6 terrain, but does not improve the rate of progress.
Senses: Keen Scent CYCLE: This two-wheeled conveyance moves when the driver
pedals the gears. A cycle can carry one person.
Melee Attack—Teeth: Strength (+1) (1d6)
GALLEON: A large sailing vessel, a galleon boasts three or four
HORSE masts with square rigging, and two or three decks. It can carry 500
tons of cargo. The ship measures up to 150 feet in length and 30
Defense: 9, Health: 30 feet in width, and rises about 45 feet above the water. To sail a
Attributes: Strength 13 (+3), Agility 10 (+0), Intellect 8 (–2), galleon, you need a crew of at least 200 sailors.
Will 9 (–1) ROWBOAT: This small craft has room enough for six people.
Size: 2, Speed: 6 (Mount) At least one person must move the boat by using the oars.
Melee Attack—Hooves: Strength (+3) (1d6) SAILBOAT: A modest-sized boat with one or more sails to
catch the wind, this vessel can hold eight people and has cargo
HUNTING BIRD space for 20 items. For a sailboat to move, it must have at least one
person tending the sails and one steering.
Defense: 13, Health: 5
WAGON: Larger than a cart, a wagon features an open bed with
Attributes: Strength 8 (–2), Agility 11 (+1), Intellect 9 (–1),
a bench in front situated atop four wheels. It can hold 40 items. A
Will 10 (+0)
wagon can travel across roads, paths, and relatively-obstacle free
Size: 1/4, Speed: 6 (Fly) terrain, but does not improve the rate of progress.
Melee Attack—Talons: Agility (+1) (1d6)

Defense: 7, Health: 10 Cart 2 20 5 gp

Attributes: Strength 12 (+2), Agility 10 (+0), Intellect 8 (–2), Rowboat 4 20 1 sp
Will 9 (–1)
Sailboat 6 80 35 gp
Size: 1, Speed: 5 (Mount)
Wagon 8 60 10 gp
Melee Attack—Hooves: Strength (+2) with 1 bane (1d6)
WARHORSE Carriage 12 120 35 gp
Chapter 3

Defense: 9, Health: 30 Galleon 10 480 125 gp

Attributes: Strength 13 (+3), Agility 10 (+0), Intellect 9 (–1), RARE SPEED HEALTH PRICE
Will 11 (+1)
Cycle 10 10 5 gp
Size: 2, Speed: 5 (Mount)
Melee Attack—Hooves: Strength (+3) (2d6)
Hirelings HEDGE MAGE: Hedge mages hire out spells for a steep price
and cast them as needed. In addition to Common, a hedge mage
also knows Arcane.
Some people have specialized training that makes them valuable
to an expedition. The listed price for a hireling employs the indi- LABORER: Workers, drivers, pilots, stevedores, porters, sailors,
vidual for one quest. Hirelings perform the services for which they butchers, servants, valets, and more fill the ranks of laborers.
are hired but might be convinced to do more if well treated; con- PROFESSIONAL: Any commoner with special training counts
versely, they might do less or even quit if they suffer poor treat- as a professional. These characters include guides, entertainers,
ment. As humans have the largest population in the Borderlands, healers, and scholars.
most hirelings are assumed to be human. All hirelings speak
Common, plus any other languages the Sage decides.
Defense: 17 (mail, shield), Health: 40
Attributes: Strength 12 (+2), Agility 11 (+1), Intellect 10 (+0),
COMMON PRICE Will 11 (+1)
Laborer 5 cp Size: 1, Speed: 5
Professional 1 sp Weapons: A bodyguard typically carries a sword and a dag-
ger. The bodyguard rolls to attack with 1 boon.

Bodyguard 2 gp HEDGE MAGE

RARE PRICE Defense: 10, Health: 10
Hedge mage 5 gp Attributes: Strength 10 (+0), Agility 10 (+0), Intellect 11 (+1),
Will 11 (+1)

BODYGUARD: These trained warriors protect their employers

Size: 1, Speed: 5
and take risks, even sacrificing themselves if need be. Bodyguards
Weapons: A hedge mage typically carries a dagger.
do not throw their lives away for no reason, though; employers
who show no regard for their safety might end up with no protec- Spells: A hedge mage knows three novice spells of the Sage’s
tion at all. choice.

LABORER Consumables
Defense: 10, Health: 5
Attributes: Strength 10 (+0), Agility 10 (+0), Intellect 10 (+0), Elixir of Healing 5 sp
Size: 1, Speed: 5 Elixir of Health 1 gp
Weapons: A laborer typically carries a dagger, hatchet, or Philter of Courage 1 gp
Philter of Good Feeling 1 gp
PROFESSIONAL Philter of Rage 1 gp

Defense: 10, Health: 5 Potion of Clarity 1 gp

Attributes: Strength 10 (+0), Agility 10 (+0), Intellect 11 (+1), Potion of Invisibility 1 gp
Will 10 (+0) Potion of Might 1 gp
Size: 1, Speed: 5
Potion of Speed 1 gp
Weapons: A professional typically carries a dagger.
PHILTER OF GOOD FEELING: At the end of the round, you

Magical Items become friendly to all creatures for 8 hours. If you are harmed, the
effect ends early.
Any object that carries a magical effect, permanent or temporary, PHILTER OF RAGE: At the end of the round, you become
counts as a magical item. Although creating magical items takes an Intellect impaired and unfriendly to all creatures for 1 minute,
investment of time and resources, magic’s abundance makes such but, during this time, you roll to attack with 1 boon and you take
items available anywhere one might find a witch with a cauldron, half damage from one source each round. The effect ends early if
an alchemist with a laboratory, or an artificer with a workshop. you become frightened.
Magical items described here come in three types: consumables, POTION OF CLARITY: At the end of the round, you gain the
inscriptions, and trinkets. In addition, the Sage has access to oddi- Awareness 5 trait for 1 hour.
ties, relics, and artifacts, each of which is a potent item that might
POTION OF INVISIBILITY: At the end of the round, you
be exotic or unique. The items described in the following pages
become invisible for 1 minute. The effect ends early if you harm
represent but a small sample of the kinds of things one might pur-
another creature.
chase in a shop or find in treasure.
POTION OF MIGHT: At the end of the round, you feel
Consumables strength and power flow through your body for 1 hour. You make
Strength rolls with 1 boon, impose 1 bane on rolls made against
Consumables are any substances imbued with magic that’s released your Strength, and have +1d6 Bonus Damage. The effect ends
on its consumption. Consumables have strange flavors, come in early if you become poisoned.
wild colors, and give off odd odors. Consumable names indicate POTION OF SPEED: At the end of the round, your Speed
their effects. Elixirs tend to cure the body, while philters affect the increases by 5. In addition, you make Agility rolls with 1 boon and
mind. Potions transform body or mind. impose 1 bane on rolls made against your Agility. The effect wears
You can perform the use an item action to either consume or off after 1 hour but ends early if you become held.
administer to one willing or unconscious creature one consumable
you hold or carry on your person in a place from which you can
retrieve it easily.
A superior consumable has double efficacy. It lasts twice as long,
heals twice as much damage, and the like. If you consume an infe-
rior consumable, make a luck roll with 1 bane. On a success, the Preparing Consumables
consumable works as described. On a failure, the consumable has You prepare a consumable by distillation, infusion,
no effect. On a critical failure, you lose 1d6 Health and become brewing, cooking, baking, or the like, a process that
poisoned (luck ends). takes time, special ingredients, and a related profession
or path. You can prepare a consumable from ingredients
ELIXIR OF HEALING: At the end of the round, you heal 1d6 with availability one step lower than the consumable’s
damage. (minimum common availability) and that cost one-quar-
ELIXIR OF HEALTH: At the end of the round, you heal 4d6 ter the consumable’s price. With the ingredients assem-
bled, you spend 1 hour working with an alchemist’s kit
Chapter 3

damage and regain 1d6 Health. Then, for 24 hours, you roll with 1
per gp of the consumable’s final price. When you finish,
boon when you would resist infection and being poisoned. you produce a single dose of the consumable.
PHILTER OF COURAGE: At the end of the round, you
become Intellect impaired for 1 hour. While you have this afflic-
tion, you are immune to the frightened affliction, and you make
Strength and Agility rolls with 1 boon.
Inscriptions are spells in written form that have been imbued
with magic enough to cast them one time. An inscription is writ- Write an Inscription
ten in the Arcane script. Inscriptions can appear on scrolls, on tab-
lets, and inside the pages of tomes and books. You can write an inscription of any spell you have
learned provided you have the time and materials. You
An inscription has a number of castings equal to the number
need a writing kit, special inks worth half the inscrip-
of castings that learning a spell once would grant. Once the last tion’s price, something to hold the inscription such as
casting has been expended, the inscription disappears. paper or a tablet, and a period of time determined by
Using Inscriptions: If you can read Arcane, you can use an the spell’s tier: 1 hour for a novice spell, 2 hours for an
action to attempt to cast the spell. If you know the spell, you cast expert spell, or 4 hours for a master spell. When you
it and resolve its effects. finish, you expend a casting of the spell to imbue the
inscription with magic that lasts until expended.
If you don’t know the spell, make an Intellect roll. You make
this roll with 1 boon if the spell is of a tier lower than yours, or
with 1 bane if the spell is of a higher tier. On a success, you cast the Identifying Trinkets
spell. On a failed roll, make a luck roll and find the result on the
Normally, a trinket’s seller can tell you how to use it, but
Inscription Mishaps table. when you find one in treasure, identifying its properties
might take some effort. Spending 1 minute experiment-
Inscription Mishaps ing with the object enables you to make an Intellect
LUCK ROLL EFFECT roll. On a success, you learn its traits. On a failure,
you must use some other method to discover what it
1 or less The script blazes and explodes, throwing magical does. Often the best way is through experimentation—
energy from the surface on which the inscription pushing buttons, shaking it, or using it in a manner that
appeared out in a 5-yard radius. The inscription seems intended.
disappears, the spell has no effect, and each
creature and object in the area of the explosion
takes 2d6 damage for a novice spell, 4d6
damage for an expert spell, or 8d6 damage for
a master spell.

2–5 The script lifts from the page and swirls around
you, the symbols plunging into your body. The in- Trinkets are magical items that produce specific effects or enhance
scription disappears, the spell has no effect, and
you take 1d6 damage for a novice spell, 2d6 for an item’s normal capabilities. Some trinkets bestow traits for as
an expert spell, or 4d6 for a master spell. long as you wear or carry them, while others require you to per-
form the use an item action. In addition to trinkets, you might find
6–9 What seemed a successful casting turns out to be oddities, relics, and artifacts, all of which are detailed in Secrets of
a failure: the inscription fades from the surface on the Weird Wizard. Trinkets count as superior items and benefits
which it was written, and the spell has no effect.
granted are in addition to the normal benefits of being such.
You can have any number of trinkets. Many require you to wear
10 or more You nearly botched the reading, but stopped
yourself before you could ruin the inscription. them, in which case you can wear only one trinket on a particular
Nothing happens and the inscription remains. part of your body and, if the trinkets come in a pair, you must wear
both to gain their benefits. In other words, you have to wear both
gloves in a pair and you cannot benefit from two pairs of gloves at
Inscriptions a time. Let common sense be your guide.
UNCOMMON PRICE AMULET OF PROTECTION: This medallion hanging from
a silver chain has the shape of an open eye. If you are wearing the
Novice 1 gp amulet when you become cursed, make a luck roll with 1 boon.
On a success, you end the cursed affliction.
APOTROPAIC BROOCH: Numerous lines form a com-
Expert 5 gp plex pattern on this faintly glowing brooch. While you wear the

brooch, you take half damage from magical sources, impose 1 bane
on rolls made against you from magical sources, and make rolls to
Master 25 gp resist magical effects with 1 boon.
BELT OF SCALES: A thin length of snakeskin with a coiled
serpent for its buckle, this belt adjusts to fit the wearer. You have
the Slippery trait while you wear it.
Trinkets trait. In addition, when you use it to attack an injured target, you
roll with 1 boon.
BOTTOMLESS BAG: This bag has a 1-foot-diameter opening
Enchanted Armor 5 gp*
and can hold up to 20 objects of the opening’s diameter or smaller.
Enchanted Weapon 5 gp* Objects placed in the bag have no weight. A creature placed inside
Fire Opal Diadem 5 gp the bag vanishes, never to be seen again. Finally, if the bag is dam-
aged, everything it carried falls out through the opening, the
Gloves of Climbing 5 gp
magic dissipates, and the bag becomes an ordinary scrap of fabric.
Glow Sphere 5 gp
CARNAGE AXE: The wide, crescent shaped blade of this axe
Night Eyes 5 gp shows heavy use by its many notches and stains. It uses the rules for
Talisman 5 gp a battle axe but also has the Slashing trait. In addition, whenever
*Add this price to the price of a superior item. your attack with this weapon causes a creature to become injured
or incapacitated, you can use a reaction to make another attack
against a target within reach. This attack deals 3d6 damage and
Amulet of Protection 15 gp does not benefit from expending Bonus Damage. If there is no
Bloodthirsty Blade 15 gp other target in reach, the axe drags you 1d6 yards toward the near-
Bottomless Bag 15 gp
est enemy, if there is one.
CHAMELEON CLOAK: A hooded cloak of some fine gray fab-
Chameleon Cloak 15 gp
ric that moves like water through your hands. If you are hidden
Collapsible Boat 15 gp while you wear this cloak, you are also invisible until you are no
Flaming Sword 15 gp longer hidden.
Ghost Shoes 15 gp CIRCLET OF THOUGHT: Sigils decorate this thin loop of sil-
Icon of Faith 15 gp
very steel, which stretches or shrinks to fit your head. While you
wear the circlet, your Intellect is 15 if it is normally lower than 15.
Kraken Skull 15 gp
COLLAPSIBLE BOAT: What appears to be a small wooden
Mask of Tongues 15 gp cube unfolds when you use an action and speak the command
Serpent Rope 15 gp word to become a rowboat on a surface within reach or folds itself
Shield of Warding 15 gp back up into its cube shape.
ENCHANTED ARMOR: The magic imbued in this armor
Skeleton Key 15 gp
increases your Defense by 1 when you wear it.
ENCHANTED WEAPON: The magic imbued in this weapon
Apotropaic Brooch 50 gp
grants you 1 boon on rolls to attack with it.
Belt of Scales 50 gp FIRE OPAL DIADEM: The bright jewel set in this headpiece
Belt of Strength 50 gp gleams in the shadows and darkness. While you wear the diadem,
Carnage Axe 50 gp you shed faint light and, whenever you would take damage from
fire, roll 2d6 and reduce the damage by the total of the roll (to a
Circlet of Thought 50 gp
minimum of 0).
Flying Carpet 50 gp
FLAMING SWORD: The blade of this sword has a wavy edge
Hammer of Doom 50 gp and feels warm to the touch. It uses the rules for a long sword but
Helm of Leadership 50 gp lacks the Slow trait.
When you attack with this sword, you can choose to have the
Invulnerable Plate 50 gp
blade erupt in flames that burn for 1 minute, shedding dim light.
Mantle of Courage 50 gp Your attacks with this weapon deal an extra 1d6 damage from
Ring of Invisibility 50 gp the flames. In addition, whenever you get a critical success on an
Scoundrel Cloak 50 gp
attack made using this weapon, the target also catches fire (luck
Widdershins 50 gp Once you use this aspect of the weapon’s effects, you lose access
Winged Shoes 50 gp to it for 1 hour.
FLYING CARPET: Unrolling the carpet reveals a distinctive
BELT OF STRENGTH: This wide, thick leather belt has a
Chapter 3

weave showing colorful birds in flight. An unrolled carpet is 9 feet

dinged and dented bronze buckle. It resizes to fit its wearer. While wide and 12 feet long. It can seat up to twelve Size 1 creatures.
you wear this belt, your Strength is 15 if it is normally lower than 15. A creature sitting on the carpet can speak the command word
BLOODTHIRSTY BLADE: This sword features a long blade and become the pilot. The carpet can fly and hover. Performing the
with a fuller down the center to carry blood to its yawning mouth- use an item action allows the pilot to fly the carpet in any direc-
shaped guard. It uses the rules for a sword but also has the Brutal tion, using the pilot’s base Speed.
GHOST SHOES: These soft shoes have padding on the soles
and adjust their size to fit your feet. While you wear the shoes, you
have the Silent trait.
GLOVES OF CLIMBING: These leather gloves fit snug over
your hands, and with a gesture, sprout bristling spines to help
secure your grip. While you wear these gloves, you have the
Climber trait.
GLOW SPHERE: While you hold this fist-sized orb of opaque
white glass, you can use an action to cause the sphere to cast
bright, dim, or faint light until you dismiss the light as a minor
HAMMER OF DOOM: This war hammer’s head has notches
and grooves on either side to rend the flesh even as it shatters bone.
It uses the rules for a war hammer but also has the Brutal trait. In
addition, whenever you deal damage with this weapon, roll one
additional time and use the higher amount.
HELM OF LEADERSHIP: While you wear this helmet forged
from steel and etched with images of battle, you emit an aura that
spreads through a Size 3 space centered on you. Allies in the aura
roll to attack with 1 boon.
ICON OF FAITH: A painting of a martyr’s likeness appears on
this wooden board. While you are not injured and you are car-
rying the icon, you roll to attack with 1 boon, but you are Will
INVULNERABLE PLATE: The components making up this
suit of plate armor have runes of warding etched into them. When
you would take damage while wearing this armor, you can choose than that woven from hemp. You can use an action and speak the
to make a luck roll. On a success, you take no damage. Regardless command word to direct the rope to knot or untie itself, gather
of the result, you lose access to this benefit for 1 minute. itself in a tidy coil, or send one end slithering up or across a surface
KRAKEN SKULL: Constructed from corroded copper and and attach to something at the top or side.
wrought to look like a kraken, this helmet adjusts to fit your head. SHIELD OF WARDING: While you wield this shield with a
While you wear this helmet, you have the Swimmer trait and you heraldic device depicting a stone tower, you impose 1 bane on rolls
can breathe while submerged in water. made to attack allies within your reach.
MANTLE OF COURAGE: You feel braver while you wear this SKELETON KEY: A hand-sized key carved from bone with a
dark blue shirt. The mantle renders you immune to the frightened skull-shaped handle, it fits into any lock. You can use an action
affliction. to place this key into any lock you can reach. The lock unlocks or
MASK OF TONGUES: A delicate porcelain mask that changes locks as you choose. Each time you use the key after the first, make
shape when worn to match the contours of your face. While you a luck roll. On a failure, the key breaks and its magic departs.
wear the mask, whenever you speak, anyone who hears you and TALISMAN: A protective charm is attached to a chain for
knows at least one language understands what you say. wearing around the neck or wrist. If you are wearing a talisman
NIGHT EYES: A pair of spectacles with black lenses that clear when you make a luck roll, you can roll with 1 boon. If the roll
in shadowy conditions. While you wear these lenses in an area of fails, the talisman becomes an ordinary bauble for 24 hours. After
bright light, you cannot see. While wearing them in darkness, you the talisman is used 3 times, it becomes an ordinary object.
have the Dark Vision trait. WIDDERSHINS: This doorknob is made from gold and
RING OF INVISIBILITY: This simple gold band feels heavy wrought into the form of a grinning fey face. As an action, you can
when held. While you wear the ring, you can use an action to place the doorknob on a flat surface and turn it counterclockwise
become invisible to all creatures except demons, fiends, and spirits. while thinking of a place you have visited at least once before. An
You remain invisible until you harm a creature, at which point the outline of a door, up to 7 feet tall and 3 feet wide, forms on the sur-
ring becomes an ordinary ring for 24 hours. face, then opens and connects to a surface of the Sage’s choice in

SCOUNDREL CLOAK: This cloak of many colors shimmers in the place you imagined. The door remains open until you close it
the light. While you wear it, you can expend your move to teleport and turn the knob clockwise, which causes the door to disappear.
to an empty space you can see within 10 yards. Once you do so, the WINGED SHOES: Tiny feathered wings sprout from the sides
cloak becomes an ordinary garment for 1 minute. of these soft leather shoes. While you wear these shoes, you take no
SERPENT ROPE: The slender cord of this 50-foot length of damage from landing after a fall and you ignore challenging terrain
rope looks too thin to bear any weight, but it shows itself stronger on the ground when you move.
Chapter 4:
Some believe magic is made possible by energies that remained
after the fashioning of reality. Others believe it is a gift from the
gods, a quirk of reality’s mutable nature, or arises from some dark
wellspring at the center of all things. Users of magic gain their abil- If you listen, you can hear the wind speak. From the moment you
ities through time and training, from natural talents, in service to first heard the moaning words, the shrieks, and the whispers, you
the gods, or by bargaining with fell powers. committed yourself to learning the language. As your knowledge
Spells are magic’s clearest expression in the world. Each spell grows, so does your command of the air. You can call forth the wind
belongs to a particular tradition, a family of magic with a common to assail your foes or blast them apart with crackling lightning.
theme. A spell could be the only one in a tradition or one of many.
This chapter presents thirty-three traditions, each with many
spells to learn for those who study it. Path Benefits in Chapter 1
JOLT (MAGICAL): You can use an action to fling crackling light-
explains how you discover traditions, the benefits from doing so,
ning from your hand. Target one creature or object within 10
and how to learn spells. Note, all talents in this chapter count as
Chapter 4

magical talents. yards. Make a Will roll with 1 boon against its Agility. On a suc-
cess, the target takes 1d6 damage, and becomes confused until
the end of your next turn. The target takes 2d6 damage at level
3, and 5d6 damage at level 7. If the result of your roll is a critical
success, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage.

Traditions of Magic
Aeromancy Wind and weather Illusion Deception
Alchemy Object creation and transformation Invocation Calling upon the gods for aid
Alteration Transformation and enhancement Necromancy Death and undeath
Animism Nature Oneiromancy Dreams
Astromancy The sun, stars, and moons Order Law, force, and predictability
Chaos Randomness and uncertainty Primal Beasts and violence
Chronomancy Time Protection Defensive effects and healing
Conjuration Bringing forth and sending away Psychomancy Mind, psychic powers
Cryomancy Cold and ice Pyromancy Fire
Dark Arts Cruelty, pain, suffering Shadowmancy Darkness
Destruction Ruin and disaster Skullduggery Subterfuge, tricks, and deceit
Divination Prediction and espionage Spiritualism Spirit World and spirits
Eldritch Strange, alien powers Symbolism Runes and symbols
Enchantment Manipulation and control Technomancy Technology
Evocation Uttering words of power Teleportation Travel
Geomancy Earth and stone War Combat
Hydromancy Water

SOARING LEAP (MAGICAL): You can use this talent when you FORKED LIGHTNING
move at least 1 yard. You gain the Fly trait until the end of your CASTINGS: 1
turn. If you are still flying at the end of your turn, you gently TARGET: One or two creatures or objects within 15 yards
descend until you reach a surface on which you can stand. Once DURATION: Instantaneous
you use this talent, you lose access to it (luck ends). A forked bolt of lightning leaps from your hand. For each target sep-
WIND HAMMER (MAGICAL): You can use an action to send a arately, make a Will roll with 1 boon against its Agility. On a success,
the target takes 5d6 damage. On a critical success, the target takes an
skirling wind out from your hand. Target one Size 5 space within
extra 1d6 damage.
10 yards. Each unsecured object of Size 2 or smaller is pushed 5
yards. Each creature in the target space makes a Strength roll. A STILL THE AIR
creature rolls with 1 boon for each point of Size it is larger than
2. On a failure, you push the creature 5 yards. Once you use this
TARGET: One Size 5 space within 15 yards
talent, you lose access to it (luck ends). DURATION: 1 hour
WORDS ON THE WIND (MAGICAL): You can perform a ritual to Silence descends on the target space. No sound emanates from inside
speak to the wind, during which time you choose a place you it and no sound from outside reaches into it. Any activity that requires
have seen at least once. When you finish, you speak up to 30 vocalizations performed inside the target space, such as the casting of
words and wind carries them away, traveling 1 mile per minute spells, has no effect. Alternatively, you can expend the casting of this
spell to target up to three creatures in reach. Each gains the Silent trait
until it reaches its destination, or the effect ends after 1 hour. If for 1 hour.
the wind reaches the destination, it repeats your words at the
volume you used when you uttered them. WIND BLAST
Nov ice Aeromancy Spells TARGET: One creature or object within 10 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
You gather the wind and release it to go screaming away from you. If
CACOPHONY you target an object and the object is secured, it takes 2d6 damage. An
CASTINGS: 1 unsecured object is pushed 1d6 yards. If you target a creature, make a
TARGET: One Size 5 space within 15 yards Will roll against the target’s Strength. On a success, the target takes 1d6

DURATION: Instantaneous damage, is pushed 1d6 yards, and falls prone. On a critical success,
the target takes an extra 1d6 damage.
Thunder booms. Each creature in the target space takes 1d6 damage,
while each object in it takes 3d6 damage. A creature also makes a
Strength roll. On a failure, the creature takes an extra 2d6 damage and
becomes deafened (luck ends). The noise of this spell carries 1 mile.

You leap into the air and gain the Fly and Hover movement traits. If you
are airborne when the spell ends, you gently descend until you land on
a solid surface that can bear your weight.


TARGET: Up to three contiguous Size 5 spaces, all within 30 yards
DURATION: 1 minute
Powerful winds blow through the target spaces. In addition to the nor-
mal effects created by wind, each creature in a target space takes 2d6
damage when you cast the spell and again at the start of each of your
turns. When an injured, Strength impaired, stunned, unconscious, or
weakened creature starts its turn in one of the target spaces, the wind
pushes it 5 yards. Finally, the wind increases the number of banes
imposed on rolls to attack to 3, if either the attacker or the target of the
attack are in a target space.

TARGET: One creature or object within 30 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
You hurl a crackling bolt of lightning from your hand. The target takes
4d6 damage. Then, make a Will roll with 1 boon against the target’s
Agility. On a success, the target takes an extra 4d6 damage. On a crit-
ical success, the target also catches fire and becomes vulnerable (luck
ends both).

TARGET: One sword or sword-like weapon you hold
DURATION: 1 hour

WIND WALK Elemental air flows into the sword so that it moans whenever you swing
it. When you attack with the weapon, you can choose the target from
CASTINGS: 3 among those within 5 yards of you (the sword leaps from your hand,
TARGET: You strikes, and returns), use any attribute for the roll to attack, and roll with
DURATION: 1 minute 1 boon. The sword’s damage increases by 2d6. Finally, while you hold
the sword you increase your Speed by 3 and you have the Strider
You find purchase for your steps in the air. You can move in any direction movement trait.
and remain there. If you fail to stand on a solid surface that can support
your weight when the spell ends, you fall. UNEXPECTED UPDRAFT
TARGET: One Size 5 space within 15 yards
CASTINGS: 1 DURATION: Instantaneous
TARGET: One line-shaped space, up to 10 yards wide, 10 yards tall,
A sudden gust of wind throws everything inside the target space up into
and 1 yard thick originating from a point within 10 yards. the air. Each Size 3 or smaller creature and unsecured object in the tar-
DURATION: 1 minute get space flies 10 yards straight up and then falls. If an obstacle would
Strong wind blows through the target space. The noise it creates drowns prevent the creature or object from flying the full distance, it slams into
out all sounds quieter than a shout. A creature that would move through the obstacle, taking 1d6 damage for each yard it was prevented from
the space makes a Strength roll, rolling with 1 boon for each point of moving. Creatures suffer the normal effects from landing after a fall.
Size above 3. On a failure, the creature is pushed back to the near-
est empty space and its Speed becomes 0 until the end of the round. WHIRLING WIND
Finally, the wind imposes 3 banes on rolls to attack targets behind the CASTINGS: 1, reaction when you start your turn
target space using ranged attacks. TARGET: You
DURATION: 1 minute

Ex pert Aeromancy Spells A fierce wind blows around you. The wind increases your Speed by 6
Chapter 4

and grants you the Slippery trait. In addition, it imposes 3 banes on rolls
to attack you and grants you 1 boon on Agility rolls. Finally, whenever
FLY you stop moving after you run, you create a thunderous noise that deals
1d6 damage to each creature and object within 1 yard of you. A crea-
CASTINGS: 3 ture makes a Strength roll. On a success, the creature takes no damage.
TARGET: You On a failure, the creature becomes deafened until the end of your next
DURATION: 1 hour turn and is pushed 1 yard.
Master Aeromancy Spells LEAPING LIGHTNING
TARGET: Up to five creatures or objects all within a Size 5 space within
CASTINGS: 3, reaction at the start of your turn DURATION: Instantaneous
TARGET: You A hissing, spitting bolt of lightning leaps from your outstretched hand.
DURATION: 1 minute Choose one of the targets and make a Will roll with 1 boon against its
Agility. On a success, the target takes 20d6 damage. On a critical suc-
You transform into a being formed from semi-solid air. While in this form,
cess, the target catches fire and becomes vulnerable (luck ends both).
you are invisible, have the Fly and Hover traits, and you take half dam-
Then, you repeat the roll against each other target, one at a time. An
age from ordinary sources. Finally, you can move through any opening
individual creature or object can be targeted just once with this spell.
wide enough to permit the passage of air. On a success, the second target takes 15d6 damage, the third takes
10d6 damage, the fourth takes 5d6 damage, and the fifth takes 1d6
CLOUD CHARIOT damage. On a critical success, the target catches fire and becomes vul-
CASTINGS: 1, perform a ritual nerable (luck ends both).
TARGET: One empty Size 3 space on the ground within 10 yards
DURATION: 24 hours
Mist forms in the target space, gradually taking the shape of a chariot
drawn by four steeds. Although they appear to be made from water TARGET: One empty Size 2 space within 5 yards
vapor, they are solid. The chariot is a vehicle that can hold any number DURATION: 1 hour
of creatures whose total Size is 10 or less. It has Speed 8 and has the A moaning sounds from the target space as a vortex of wind, crack-
Fly trait. Anything in the chariot when the spell ends gently floats down ling with lightning, forms into an air elemental. The air elemental
to land on the nearest surface under it that can bear its weight. becomes your controlled companion. The effect ends early if it becomes
CASTINGS: 1, perform a ritual ATTRIBUTES: Strength 15 (+5), Agility 15 (+5), Intellect 8 (–2), Will 15 (+5)
TARGET: A space, 100 miles long and wide, 10 miles high, resting on SIZE: 2, SPEED: 8 (Fly, Slippery, Squeeze 1/2 inch)
the ground with you at the center IMMUNE: asleep, blinded, deafened, held, frightened, impaired, on
DURATION: 24 hours fire, poisoned, prone, weakened, unarmed attacks.
You change the weather in the target space. Typical changes to the PUMMELING GUST: The air elemental targets one creature or object
weather are described below; other effects might be possible, with the within 5 yards and makes a Strength roll with 1 boon against the
Sage’s consent and with effects determined by the Sage. target's Strength. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage. On a
critical success, the target is pushed 5 yards.
• The temperature climbs until unprotected creatures in the area
become affected by exposure. The increase in heat causes snow
and ice to melt after a few minutes, and steam creates moderate
obscurement in all spaces containing the melting snow and ice for 1 CASTINGS: 1
hour. The sudden appearance of liquid water might cause flooding, TARGET: One Size 5 space within 20 yards
as the Sage decides. DURATION: Instantaneous
• The temperature drops until unprotected creatures in the area A cyclone forms in the target space and moves up to 20 yards before
become affected by exposure. The increase in cold causes liquid dissipating. Each object in the cyclone’s space when it appears or whose
water to freeze and precipitation to fall as snow or ice. The sudden space the cyclone enters is caught in its winds. A creature or object can
temperature change could cause containers that hold liquid to burst. be affected just once. Each object takes 13d6 damage, and an unse-
• Heavy clouds gather above you and release precipitation in a form cured object flies 2d6 yards away from the cyclone in a direction you
suitable for the season. You determine the intensity of the precipita- choose. Each creature in the cyclone’s space when it appears or whose
tion, from a gentle mist to a torrential downpour. Falling snow and space the cyclone enters takes 5d6 damage, and makes a Strength
ice might create areas of challenging terrain, and heavy rain can roll. On a failure, the creature takes an extra 5d6 damage, flies 2d6
cause flooding. yards away from the cyclone, and lands prone. If this damage causes
• A storm rages through the area, causing heavy rain, hail, wind, the creature to become injured or the creature was already injured, it
lightning, and thunder. While you can see the storm, you can use an makes a Will roll with 1 bane. On a failure, it becomes stunned until the
action to call down a bolt of lightning to strike a creature or object end of your next turn.
you can see. The target takes 5d6 damage and makes an Agility
roll. On a failure, it takes an extra 5d6 damage.
After you call down the lightning, you can do so again after 1d6
The Alchemy tradition owes its existence to mortal pursuit of
• You cause strong wind to blow through the area. The wind might wonders. The pioneers sought to turn lead into gold, while oth-
uproot trees, flatten wooden structures, and make travel in the area

ers hoped to arrest their aging. All believed the answers could
impossible, as you choose.
be found in the natural world, through combinations of certain
• You can create clouds in the sky or remove them. You can shape
elements. The results of their work established an entire body of
the clouds so that they look like castles, creatures, or even words.
You can change the color of the sky, make it seem as if the stars magic concerned with the nature of things. Spells from the tradi-
have changed position, or dim the light of the sun so that it appears tion enable you to produce weird substances and to reshape the
eclipsed. You can make the moon appear in any phase you choose. world you find around you.
CORROSIVE GLOBULE (MAGICAL): You can use an action to flick TARGET: One Size 5 space within 5 yards
a globule of sticky acid from your hand. Target one creature or DURATION: 1 minute
object within 5 yards. Make an Intellect roll against its Agility. Thick, viscous slime covers all exposed surfaces inside the target space.
On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage, 3d6 damage at level Such surfaces count as challenging terrain. Any creature in the space
3, or 6d6 at level 7. At the end of each round, the target takes when you cast the spell, that enters it, or attempts to move through it
1d6 damage (luck ends). On a critical success, the target takes makes a Strength roll. On a failure, the creature becomes held until
the spell ends. A creature can overcome this effect with a successful
2d6 damage at the end of each round.
Strength roll.
ESOTERIC SUBSTANCE (MAGICAL): You can perform a ritual
using an alchemist’s kit and 5 sp of rare ingredients to produce MINOR ANIMATION
an esoteric substance. When you finish, expend the ingredi- CASTINGS: 1
ents and produce one vial of acid, one dose of antitoxin, or one TARGET: One unsecured Size 1 object within 5 yards
dose of poison. The substance retains potency until used or DURATION: 1 minute
consumed. The target twitches and shakes as the magic transforms it into a creation.
The target becomes your controlled companion. The effect ends early if
RAPID REMEDY (MAGICAL): You can perform a ritual using an
the target becomes incapacitated.
alchemist’s kit and 5 cp of common materials to produce an
elixir. When you finish, expend the materials and fill one bottle DEFENSE: 6, HEALTH: 10
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 11 (+1), Agility 8 (–2), Intellect —, Will —
with an Elixir of Healing. The consumable retains potency until
IMMUNE: asleep, blinded, confused, deafened, impaired, poisoned,
TRANSMUTATION (MAGICAL): You can perform a ritual using an stunned, weakened
alchemist’s kit and 5 sp of exotic materials to make a material MELEE ATTACK—BODY: Strength (+1) with 1 bane (1d6)
alteration. Target one Size 1/2 or smaller ordinary object in
reach. When you finish, expend the exotic materials and apply NEUTRALIZE TOXIN
one of the following effects to the target. CASTINGS: 1
TARGET: One Size 1 creature or object within 5 yards
• The target regains 2d6 Health. DURATION: Instantaneous
• The target loses 4d6 Health.
You dispatch any poisons, venoms, and infectious agents. If you target
• The target becomes as hard as iron. a creature, the creature can make a Strength roll. On a failure, it loses
• The target becomes as soft as clay. any trait that bestows the poisoned affliction or that would expose a
creature to infection for 1 minute. If the creature suffers from the effects
• You change the material of the target from one to another, of infection, the infection ends. Finally, if you target an object, any ordi-
provided the new material is of the same kind as the old. You nary poison, toxin, or infection it contains is destroyed.
could turn an iron bar into one of gold, or the oak of a haft
into something soft as balsa. The change lasts for 1 hour. OIL SLICK
TARGET: One Size 5 space within 5 yards
Nov ice Alchemy Spells DURATION: 1 minute
Slippery oil covers all exposed surfaces inside the target space. Such
BLACK BILE POISON surfaces count as challenging terrain. Any creature in the space when
you cast the spell, that enters it, or attempts to move through it makes an
CASTINGS: 3 Agility roll. On a failure, the creature falls prone. The oil is flammable.
TARGET: One creature within 5 yards Any prone creature or object in the target space that takes damage from
DURATION: Instantaneous fire catches fire (luck ends).
You fling black, noxious fluid from your hand. Make an Intellect roll
against the target’s Agility. On a success, the target loses 3d6 Health,
and becomes poisoned (luck ends).
Ex pert Alchemy Spells
TARGET: One Size 5 space within 5 yards TARGET: One Size 5 space within 5 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous DURATION: 1 minute
Chapter 4

You toss red flakes into the air. Any ordinary metal object in the target You fling a handful of dust that becomes a noxious cloud. The dust
space that is neither worn nor carried drops to Health 0. A creature fills the target space with moderate obscurement. Each creature in the
wearing or carrying such objects makes an Agility roll with 1 boon. space when you cast this spell or that enters it makes a Strength roll with
On a failure, each ordinary metal object the creature wears or carries 1 bane. On a failure, the creature takes 4d6 damage, and becomes
drops to Health 0. blinded, confused, and vulnerable (luck ends all).

Master Alchemy Spells
TARGET: One creature or object within 5 yards
You fling a bottle of red gooey substance that ignites when exposed to CASTINGS: 1, you can expend a casting of this spell to cast Minor
air and becomes difficult to extinguish. Make an Intellect roll against the Animation or Moderate Animation
target’s Agility. On a success, the bottle breaks, covering the target with TARGET: One unsecured Size 3 or 4 object within 5 yards
the substance, such that the target catches fire and becomes vulnerable. DURATION: 1 minute
Whenever the target takes damage from being on fire, it takes an extra Dust falls from the target as it becomes a creation. If you use this spell to
4d6 damage. The afflictions end only if a creature uses an action to cast Minor Animation, the spell’s duration becomes 8 hours. If you use
smother them. this spell to cast Moderate Animation, the spell’s duration becomes 1
hour. In any case, the target becomes your controlled companion. The
MODERATE ANIMATION effect ends early if the target becomes incapacitated.
CASTINGS: 1, you can expend a casting of this spell to cast Minor DEFENSE: 5, HEALTH: 70
Animation ATTRIBUTES: Strength 15 (+5), Agility 10 (+0), Intellect —, Will —
TARGET: One unsecured Size 2 object within 5 yards. SIZE: 1, SPEED: 5
DURATION: 1 minute IMMUNE: asleep, blinded, confused, deafened, impaired, poisoned,
stunned, weakened
The target shudders as the magic gives it the semblance of being alive. If MELEE ATTACK—BODY: Strength (+5) with 1 boon (4d6)
you use this spell to cast Minor Animation, the spell’s duration becomes
1 hour. In any case, the target becomes your controlled companion. The
effect ends early if the target becomes incapacitated.
TARGET: One Size 5 space on the ground within 10 yards
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 11 (+1), Agility 8 (–2), Intellect —, Will — DURATION: Instantaneous
IMMUNE: asleep, blinded, confused, deafened, impaired, poisoned, You flick globules of sticky slime to land in the target space. Each swells
until it becomes a sentient flesh-eating slime. You can produce up to four
stunned, weakened slimes. Each is a creature under the Sage’s control. The slimes regard all
MELEE ATTACK—BODY: Strength (+1) with 1 boon (2d6) creatures, including you, as their enemies.


TARGET: One creature within 5 yards TARGET: One dead creature within reach
DURATION: 1 minute DURATION: Instantaneous
You blow powder into the target’s face. The target can make an Agility
roll with 1 bane. On a success, the target ignores this effect. Otherwise,
the target increases its Health by 10, makes Strength and Agility rolls
with 1 boon, and its attacks deal an extra 2d6 damage. At the end of
the round, the target makes a Will roll. On a failure, the target takes 1d6
damage, and becomes confused until the end of the next round.

TARGET: One creature or object within 5 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
You toss a corrosive fluid from a specially-prepared vessel. The target
loses 4d6 Health. Then, make an Intellect roll against the target’s Agility.
On a success, the target loses 4d6 Health and becomes vulnerable
(luck ends). The target makes the luck roll to end the affliction with 1
bane. Each time the target gets a failure on the luck roll, it loses an
additional 4d6 Health.

TARGET: One creature within 5 yards

DURATION: 1 minute
You blast the target with a special powder that reinvigorates it. The tar-
get increases its Health by 30. When the spell ends, the target makes a
Strength roll. On a failure, the target loses 1d6 Health.

You smear a drop of your blood on the target and breathe into its mouth from you. The effect ends if you move. You can use this talent
to restore it to life. The target regains 3d6 Health, but becomes confused once, twice at level 3, and three times at level 7. You regain
and weakened (luck ends both). Each time the target gets a failure on expended uses after you rest.
the luck roll, the target loses 1d6 Health.
EFFICACIOUS DISGUISE (MAGICAL): You can use an action to
STEAL FORM FROM SUBSTANCE alter a creature’s appearance. Target one creature in reach.
CASTINGS: 1 You touch the target and change as much or as little of the
TARGET: One Size 5 or smaller creature or object within 10 yards target’s physical appearance as you like. You can adjust the
DURATION: Instantaneous target’s height and weight, within limits for its Size, change
You extend your hand toward the target to draw away that which gives coloration, apparent ancestry, and any other detail you decide.
it form and shape. The target loses 10d6 Health. Then, make an Intellect Objects worn and carried by the target are unchanged. The
roll against the target’s Strength. On a success, the target loses an addi- effect lasts 1 hour, but ends early if the target becomes uncon-
tional 20d6 Health, and becomes weakened until it returns to its normal scious or you cross running water. You can use this talent once,
Health. On a critical success, the target loses an additional 4d6 Health.
twice at level 3, and three times at level 7. You regain expended
If the target drops to 0 Health, it collapses into a formless puddle that
evaporates a few hours later. If not, the target makes a luck roll at the uses after you rest.
end of each round. If the target gets a success, it regains 5d6 Health. UNNERVING MASK (MAGICAL): You can use a reaction when a
creature you can see attacks you to make yourself appear hid-
THICKEN AIR eous. The creature makes a Will roll. On a failure, you push the
CASTINGS: 1 creature 1 yard and it becomes frightened of you until the start
TARGET: Up to three Size 5 spaces, all within 15 yards of your next turn. Once you use this talent you lose access to it
DURATION: 1 hour (luck ends).
Thick, gray fog spreads throughout each space and then hangs there,
unmoving. The fog fills each target space with heavy obscurement and
WARP FLESH (MAGICAL): You can use an action to cause a crea-
challenging terrain. Any creature in a target space becomes confused, ture’s body to undergo a brief, but painful transformation.
slowed, vulnerable, and weakened for as long as it remains in the Target one creature within 5 yards. Make a Will roll against its
space. Strength. On a success, the target becomes weakened until the
end of your next turn. On a critical success, the target tales 1d6
TRAP IN AMBER damage and becomes vulnerable (luck ends). At level 3, you can
CASTINGS: 1 target two creatures. At level 7, you can target three creatures.
TARGET: One Size 5 space within 10 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
You toss a pellet into the target space. When the pellet lands, it cracks to Nov ice
release a billowing orange cloud that instantly hardens into an amber-
like substance. Each creature within 1 yard of the edge of the target Alter ation Spells
space can make a luck roll. On a success, the creature falls prone in
the nearest empty space. Otherwise, the creature becomes trapped in
the substance. The entire space becomes a Size 5 object. Each Size 1 BESTOW MIGHT
section of the space has Defense 0 and Health 20. Destroying a section CASTINGS: 3
causes it to crumble and disappear. TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
A creature fully trapped inside has total cover, while a creature
DURATION: 1 minute
larger than the target space has partial cover. A creature trapped inside
becomes subject to suffocation (see Chapter 2). The target grows a bit bigger and stronger. The target increases its
Health by 5, makes Strength rolls with 1 boon, imposes 1 bane on rolls

against its Strength, and its melee attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage.
The spell ends early if the target becomes unconscious.

Alteration magic grants you the means to take charge of your LIGHT HEALING
destiny by enabling you to adapt to just about any circumstance. CASTINGS: 3
Not strong enough? There’s a spell for that. Need to get some- TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
where fast? This tradition has you covered. You can make your- DURATION: Instantaneous
self grow to gigantic proportions or shrink down to the size of The target heals 2d6 damage.
a mouse. And when you need something to deal with a difficult
foe, Alteration magic offers a suite of appalling spells that can MINOR POLYMORPH
make your enemies suffer.
Chapter 4


CAMOUFLAGE (MAGICAL): You can use this talent at the end of You, along with everything you wear and carry, transform into a Size
1/4 harmless animal of your choice such as a bird, cat, or frog. The
your turn if you are within reach of one object of your Size or effect ends early if you are harmed. Your Speed is 4 and you have the
larger. Your appearance changes to match your surroundings. Slippery trait and other movement traits appropriate to your form. You
You become invisible to all creatures more than 2 yards away have no attacks and you lose the ability to speak.
TARGET: Up to five creatures all inside a Size 5 space within 5 yards
DURATION: 8 hours
You change the appearance of each target. Each target is subjected to
the effects of the Efficacious Disguise talent, with you making all deci-
sions about their new appearance. Additionally, the effect ends early
for a target if it enters running water.


TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
A bulge forms on the target’s body and breaks open. The target becomes
vulnerable (luck ends). Each time the target makes a luck roll to end this
effect, the target takes 1d6 damage.


TARGET: Up to five creatures all inside a Size 5 space within 10 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
You cause the targets to grow big and heavy, so that they move more
slowly. Each target becomes slowed and vulnerable (luck ends both).

Ex pert Alteration Spells

TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
DURATION: 1 hour
DURATION: Instantaneous
You alter the target’s body so that it can move more easily. The target’s
Speed increases by 3 and gains one of the following traits: Climber, Energy returns to the target as its wounds heal. The target heals 6d6
Silent, Slippery, Squeeze 6 inches, Strider, or Swimmer. damage.


TARGET: One creature or object within 5 yards
TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
DURATION: 1 minute
DURATION: 1 hour
You agitate the target’s substance and the resulting friction causes the
The target either grows giant-sized or shrinks down to mouse-size.
target to combust. The target catches fire and becomes vulnerable (luck
Everything the target wears or carries adjusts to accommodate the tar-
ends both). The target makes rolls to end the afflictions with 1 bane.
get’s Size until the spell ends. The spell ends early if the target becomes
Each time the target gets a failure on the luck roll, it takes an extra 4d6
unconscious. Choose one of the following effects:
damage. In addition, the target radiates heat. At the end of the round,
ENLARGE: Triple the target’s Size. The target’s weight becomes thirty each creature within 1 yard of the target takes 1d6 damage. A creature
times its normal amount. The target grants 1 boon on rolls against can make a Strength roll. On a success, the creature takes no damage.
its Defense, makes Strength rolls with 1 boon, imposes 1 bane on A target incapacitated by this damage loses all Health and becomes a
rolls against its Strength, and its Health increases by 40. Finally, the pile of ash.
target’s melee attacks deal an extra 2d6 damage.
SHRINK: The target’s Size becomes 1/8. The target imposes 2 banes STRANGE DIVISION
on rolls against its Defense, makes Strength rolls with 1 bane, grants CASTINGS: 1
1 boon on rolls against its Strength, makes Agility rolls with 1 boon, TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
and imposes 1 bane on rolls against its Agility. The target deals half DURATION: Special (see the effect)
damage on all attacks. You reach out to seize the target in the hopes of turning it into two

beings. If the target has not been affected by this spell already, make
MASS HEALING an Intellect roll against the target’s Strength. On a success, the target
CASTINGS: 1 divides into two separate creatures. Each creature has half the Size and
Health score of the original. In addition, halve the damage dealt by
TARGET: Any number of creatures inside a Size 5 space centered on you
the creatures’ attacks. The two creatures retain any afflictions they had
DURATION: Instantaneous
before you cast the spell, but divide their damage total between them
You speed the targets’ healing. Each target heals 5d6 damage. in any way you choose. The creatures consider each other to be their
enemy. When one of them dies, the corpse of one merges with the other, score, it transforms into a toad and everything it wears and carries falls
at which point they add together their damage totals and their normal to the ground around it. As a toad, the target uses the following rules.
rules are restored.
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 1 (–9), Agility 10 (+0), Intellect 8 (–2), Will 5 (–5)
Master Alteration Spells SIZE: 1/8, SPEED: 2 (Slippery, Swimmer)
AMPHIBIOUS: A toad can breathe while submerged in water.
HARMLESS: The toad’s attacks deal no damage to creatures larger than it.
TARGET: One creature within 5 yards. CASTINGS: 1
DURATION: Instantaneous TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
Healing energy flows into the target. The target heals 10d6 damage. DURATION: Instantaneous
The target slowly turns to stone. The target loses 10d6 Health, and
RELEASE THE BRUTE becomes slowed (luck ends). Each time the target gets a failure on the
roll to end the affliction, it becomes held until the end of the next round
and it loses an additional 5d6 Health. A creature reduced to 0 Health
TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
becomes a stone statue.
DURATION: 1 hour
The target becomes bigger, heavier, more brutish. The target makes the POLYMORPH
following adjustments to its rules.
NATURAL DEFENSE: 8, HEALTH: increase to 160 TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 18 (+8), Agility 8 (–2), Intellect 8 (–2) DURATION: 4 hours
WEIGHTY STRIKES: The target’s melee attacks deal an extra 3d6
The target’s body bubbles, bends, and twists as it struggles to find its
new form. You transform the target into one of the following forms. If you
target yourself, you can use an action to switch your form into a different
TOAD SPELL one, but you reduce the duration by 1 hour. Each time you transform in
CASTINGS: 1 this way enables you to heal 3d6 damage.
TARGET: One creature within 5 yards • The target takes the form of a different individual, either a unique
DURATION: Instantaneous person of your own design or a duplicate of another individual.
The person can be no more than a few feet taller or shorter than
The target makes a croaking sound. Roll 15d6. If the sum of the dice, the target. If the new form has a different ancestry, the target gains
plus the target’s damage total, equals or exceeds the target’s Health the ancestry’s traits and loses its own ancestry traits. If the target
duplicates another person, it uses the person’s Strength and Agility
scores in place of its own.
• The target transforms into some kind of animal of your choice, but of
its Size. Everything the target wears or carries transforms with it. In
this form, the target uses its normal rules with the following modifica-
tions. The target has the Keen Scent trait and has a natural weapon
that deals 3d6 damage. The target might gain additional traits, such
as movement traits, based on its form. For example, if you turn the
target into a winged animal, the target gains the Fly trait. Or, if you
turn the target into a fish, it gains the Swimmer trait and can breathe
while submerged in water.

TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
You repair the target’s body. The target regains 5d6 Health.

The Animism tradition opens a dialogue between you and the
spirits found in the natural world, wherever you happen to be.
Engaging these entities enables you to befriend them and recruit
Chapter 4

them to aid you in your endeavors. Since these spirits are bound
to the trees, dunes, the rocks, the combers crashing against
the shore, and nature itself, their aid often comes in the form
of awakening the landscape, calling forth vines to ensnare and
strangle enemies, or uprooting trees to march forth and smash
through the enemy lines.
ANIMISM TALENTS A profusion of animated grasses, vines, and shrubbery spreads across
the target surface turning it into challenging terrain. Each creature
ARMOR OF THE ANCIENT OAK (MAGICAL): You can perform a within 1 yard of the ground when you cast this spell or that moves to
such a position makes an Agility roll. On a failure, the target becomes
ritual to armor yourself with the bark of a tree. When you finish, held (luck ends). A target can overcome this effect with a success on a
brown, woody knobs and patches appear and spread across your Strength roll. If a target gets a failure on the roll to end the affliction, it
entire body until you are covered in bark. The cover increases falls prone and cannot stand up until the affliction ends. If the target is
your natural Defense to 15 and flakes away after you rest. already prone, it takes 2d6 damage.

BEAST TONGUE (MAGICAL): You can make yourself understood PLANT THE SEED
by any ordinary animal that can see and hear you, and you can
understand the gist of what an ordinary animal would convey TARGET: One creature within 10 yards
through the sounds and gestures it makes. If you make the DURATION: Instantaneous
animal friendly, it might perform services for you at the Sage’s
You awaken the spirit of the oak in an acorn you hold. Make a Will roll
discretion. against the target’s Agility. On a success, the acorn disappears inside
CORNUCOPIA (MAGICAL): You can perform a ritual while out- the target’s body and roots grow from it to anchor it in place. The tar-
doors to gain provisions for you and your allies. When you fin- get loses 1d6 Health and becomes held. The target can overcome this
affliction with a success on a Strength roll with 1 bane. At the end of
ish, animals deliver berries, nuts, roots, and other edible food- each round the target is held in this way, the target takes 2d6 damage.
stuffs enough to feed up to five creatures for 1 day. Once you use If the target becomes incapacitated, it dies and an oak tree grows out
this talent, you lose access to it for 24 hours. of its remains.
WHIP VINE (MAGICAL): You can use an action to cause a long vine PROTECTION FROM THE ELEMENTS
to erupt from the ground and lash a creature before the vine
withers away. Target one creature within 5 yards. Make a Will
roll against the target’s Agility. On a success, the target takes
DURATION: 24 hours
1d6 damage and you can move the target up to 5 yards. At level
3, the target takes 3d6 damage. At level 7, the target takes 7d6 You beseech the spirits to protect you. You impose 1 bane on rolls to
attack you, become immune to exposure, hunger, and thirst. You take
damage. On a critical success, the target also becomes held until half damage from cold, fire, and lightning. Finally, you ignore the harm-
the end of your next turn. ful effects of wind.


Nov ice Animism Spells CASTINGS: 1, reaction when you move at least 1 yard
DURATION: 1 minute
You can move from tree to tree, plant to plant. When you move, you can
CASTINGS: 3 enter a space occupied by a plant and gain awareness of each other
TARGET: One space, 3 yards wide and 10 yards long, originating from plant of the same size or larger within 10 yards. You can exit from any
a point you can reach space occupied by one of these plants.
DURATION: Instantaneous
The spirits pull aside all creatures and obstacles to give you a clear
path. Each creature in the target space is pushed to the nearest empty Ex pert Animism Spells
space to the one it leaves. If there are two possible spaces, you choose.
A creature moved in this way makes an Agility roll. On a failure, it falls
prone. Each unsecured object in the target space moves to the nearest
empty space to the one it leaves, with you choosing if there are multiple CASTINGS: 1
eligible destination spaces. Then, you increase your Speed by 3 until TARGET: One Size 5 space within 15 yards
the end of your turn. DURATION: Instantaneous
Brambles with long thorns grow suddenly from the ground in the target
FIRE SEEDS space until they reach a height of 2 yards. Each creature in the space
CASTINGS: 3 when the brambles appear takes 3d6 damage and makes an Agility
TARGET: You roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the creature becomes held. The creature
DURATION: 1 minute can choose to take 1d6 damage to end this affliction or overcome it by
getting a success on an Agility roll with 1 bane.
You kindle the spirit of flame in a handful of seeds, nuts, and pinecones. The brambles grant total cover to anything behind them and cover the
When you cast this spell and when you use an action to do so, you can ground with challenging terrain. When a creature enters the space or
throw a seed at a creature or object within 10 yards. Make a Will roll would move to a different space inside it, the creature makes an Agility
against the target’s Agility. On a success, the target takes 4d6 damage. roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the creature takes 1d6 damage and

On a critical success, the target also catches fire (luck ends). becomes held as described above.


TARGET: The ground inside a Size 5 space within 15 yards TARGET: One Size 5 space within 15 yards
DURATION: 1 minute DURATION: 8 hours

The spirits produce one magical steed for you and up to six of your in the target space takes 3d6 damage and then makes a luck roll. On a
allies. The steeds are friendly to you. They use the rules of horses (see failure, you roll a d6 to see what happens to them.
Chapter 3). If a steed becomes incapacitated, it disappears.
COUNSEL OF THE LAND 1 The enemy takes an extra 1d6 damage from being whipped
by leaves, grass, and branches.
CASTINGS: 1, perform a ritual
TARGET: You 2 The enemy falls prone when a vine or root trips it. The enemy
DURATION: Instantaneous
cannot stand up until it leaves the target space or until it
overcomes the affliction with a successful Strength roll. If the
You call for the spirits of nature to advise you. When you finish, strange, enemy was already prone, it takes an extra 2d6 damage.
translucent figures appear all around you. You can ask these spirits up 3 The enemy becomes held until it overcomes the affliction
to six questions regarding creatures, objects, and places in the lands with a success on a Strength roll. Weeds wrap around the
around you, out to a range of 10 miles. You could ask where to locate enemy’s body. If the enemy is held already, it instead takes
a particular animal, where a temple might be, or the way back to the an extra 3d6 damage.
river, if you happen to be lost. Once you ask the last question, the spir-
4 The enemy takes an extra 4d6 damage when a tree branch
its bestow their blessings on you and up to six of your allies that you catches it.
choose. Each heals 3d6 damage.
5 The enemy takes an extra 4d6 damage and is moved to an
empty space of your choice inside the target space, as a
ON FEATHERY WINGS vine curls around the enemy and drags it off.
CASTINGS: 1, reaction when you are harmed 6 The enemy loses 4d6 Health and becomes poisoned (luck
TARGET: You ends). Toxic spores, deadly pollen, or stinging insects ravage
DURATION: 1 minute the enemy.
A giant eagle or owl swoops down and snatches you up so you can
ride upon its back. The bird grants you a Speed of 7 and the Fly trait. FOLLOW THE LEY LINE
The bird ignores all harm and can harm no creature or object. When the
CASTINGS: 1, perform a ritual
spell ends, the bird descends, deposits you on a surface that can bear
your weight, and then disappears. TARGET: You
DURATION: 24 hours
SLITHERING STICKS When you finish the ritual, name one place you have visited at least
once or that you have seen on a map. You, and you alone, see a path
form. If you follow the path for 24 hours without stopping, you and any-
TARGET: The ground in one Size 5 space with 5 yards one who follows you can see the place you named ahead, no matter
DURATION: 1 minute how distant the destination or severe the intervening obstacles.
You toss a handful of sticks on the ground, where they become serpents. Alternatively, you can expend the casting of this spell to increase
When you cast this spell and again at the start of each of your turns, your Speed by 5 for the duration.
each enemy in the space makes an Agility roll with 1 bane. On a fail-
ure, the enemy takes 3d6 damage and becomes poisoned (luck ends). GARDEN OF DELIGHTS
You can use an action to move the serpents to a different Size 5 space
within 10 yards of you. When the spell ends, the serpents become sticks
once more. TARGET: One Size 5 space within 15 yards
DURATION: 1 minute
TRAMPLE OF HOOVES Flowering plants grow throughout the target space, filling it with riotous
colors and intoxicating perfume. Each creature in the space when the
plants appear or that enters it becomes confused (luck ends). In addi-
TARGET: One space, 5 yards wide and 30 yards long, originating from tion, each such creature makes a Strength roll. On a failure, the creature
you becomes cursed, slowed, and vulnerable for as long as it remains con-
DURATION: Instantaneous fused. A creature cursed in this way will not willingly leave the space. At
You throw wide your arms and between them there appears a shim- the end of round, each creature in the space loses 1d6 Health.
mering portal. Out from this portal come thundering hooves of spectral
steeds that trample everything in their path. Each creature and object in STANDING STONES
the target space takes 3d6 damage. A creature makes a Strength roll.
CASTINGS: 1, perform a ritual
On a failure, the creature takes an extra 3d6 damage and falls prone.
TARGET: A Size 10 space on the ground and centered on you
DURATION: Instantaneous
Master Animism Spells The ground rumbles as eight large stones, each 4 yards tall, 3 yards
wide, and 1 yard thick, rise from the ground to form a circle around you.
Each stone weighs 33 tons. The stones shed dim or faint light in a color
AWAKEN GENIUS LOCI you choose, or shed no light at all. If you cast this spell to produce this
CASTINGS: 1 effect again, the stones sink back into the earth and rise from the ground
Chapter 4

TARGET: One Size 15 space centered on you where you cast the spell.
Any creature other than your enemies that rests inside the circle heals
DURATION: 1 minute
1d6 damage after each hour of resting. If such a creature rests continu-
You awaken the spirit of place who turns its environs against your ene- ously for 8 hours, it also regains 4d6 Health.
mies. The ground in the target space becomes challenging terrain and If you cast an Aeromancy, Animism, Cryomancy, Geomancy,
you and your allies in it have partial cover from all enemies thanks to Hydromancy, Primal, or Pyromancy spell inside the circle, and the spell
the spirit’s efforts to protect you. At the end of each round, each enemy produces an effect that lasts at least 1 minute, that effect lasts twice as
long as normal. You make any roll for casting that spell with 1 boon and has line of sight to the lights. You can use this talent once, twice
impose 1 bane on any roll to resist the casting. at level 3, and three times at level 7. You regain expended uses
Finally, if you are in the same world as the stones, you can use an
after you rest.
action to expend a casting of this spell to teleport yourself, along with
any allies you choose within 5 yards, into the circle. DAZZLING FLASH (MAGICAL): You can use an action to cause
a bright light to flash at a distance. Target one point you can
VORACIOUS SWARM see within 10 yards. Dazzling light flashes at that point. Each
CASTINGS: 1 creature within 1 yard of it makes a luck roll. On a failure, the
TARGET: One Size 5 space within 15 yards creature becomes confused until the end of your next turn. A
DURATION: 1 minute creature immune to the blinded affliction ignores this effect.
A boiling cloud of stinging, biting insects fills the target space with heavy At level 3, the flash affects creatures within 3 yards. At level 7,
obscurement and challenging terrain. At the end of each round, every a creature also takes 4d6 damage on a failure.
creature in the space takes 3d6 damage and makes a Strength roll with
1 bane. On a failure, the creature takes an extra 3d6 damage. When GLITTERING NIMBUS (MAGICAL): When you dodge an attack
a creature in the target space attempts to leave it, the creature makes from an enemy that can see you, you can use this talent to cause
a Will roll. On a failure, the creature is pulled 5 yards into the space your body to emit bright, dazzling light. If the roll to attack
and becomes held until the start of its next turn. Finally, if you are within results in a success, the enemy becomes confused until the end
15 yards of the space, you can use an action to move the insects to a
different space of the same Size within 15 yards of you. of its next turn. You can use this talent once, twice at level 3, and
three times at level 7. You regain expended uses after you rest.
WALKING TREE PRODUCE LIGHT (MAGICAL): You can use an action to cause a
CASTINGS: 1 globe of light to appear in the palm of your hand. The globe
TARGET: One living tree within 5 yards emits bright light in a color you choose. You can touch the globe
DURATION: 1 hour to an object, and the globe becomes attached to it until the effect
The target rocks back and forth and it rips its roots up from the ground ends or you use an action to remove it and touch it to another
to become your controlled companion. If the target becomes incapac- object in reach. The effect lasts 1 hour, but ends early when you
itated, the effect ends early. Otherwise, when the spell ends and if the use this talent again. The effect lasts 4 hours at level 3 or 8 hours
tree is still alive, it sinks its roots into the ground where it stands, becom-
ing an ordinary tree once more.
at level 7. You can use this talent once, twice at level 3, and three
times at level 7. You regain expended uses after you rest.
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 13 (+3), Agility 10 (+0), Intellect —, Will —
IMMUNE: asleep, blinded, deafened, impaired, weakened
Nov ice Astromancy Spells
CRUSHING FALL: When the tree falls prone, each creature in a Size 3
space next to it makes an Agility roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the CAPTIVATING LIGHTS
creature takes 5d6 damage, and falls prone. CASTINGS: 1
FLAMMABLE: The tree takes double damage from fire and rolls with 1 TARGET: One Size 3 space within 10 yards
bane to overcome being on fire. DURATION: 1 minute
MELEE ATTACK—LIMBS AND ROOTS: Strength (+3) with 1 boon (5d6)
Lights appear and dance in the target space. When an enemy starts its
turn with line of sight to the target space, the enemy makes a Will roll.

Astromancy On a success, the enemy becomes immune to this spell for 24 hours.
On a failure, the enemy becomes confused until the spell ends or until
the enemy is harmed. While confused in this way, the enemy must run
Long have mortals looked to the heavens for answers to the mys- toward the target space on each of its turns. Once it enters the space, it
teries on Erth. The Sun drives back the darkness, the Moon plays will not willingly leave it. The enemy is otherwise free to act as it chooses.
tricks on the mind and drives the sane mad, while the stars hang in
the firmament, their falling portending great events. It’s no won- COLORFUL FLARE
der then that an entire tradition of magic formed around the study CASTINGS: 3
of the celestial bodies. Astromancy spells let you draw light and TARGET: One Size 1/2 space within 500 yards
energy from the skies and bring them to bear against your foes. DURATION: 1 minute
You launch from your fingertip a bright bead of light in any color you
ASTROMANCY TALENTS choose. The bead flies toward the target space and hangs there until the
end of your next turn. It then gently falls to a surface below it, where it
BEGUILING LIGHTS (MAGICAL): You can use an action to create remains until the spell ends. The bead emits bright light.
one or more lights. Target one Size 5 space within 30 yards. Up
to five bobbing lights appear in the air of the space and remain FALLING STAR

for 1 minute. You can use an action to move the lights up to CASTINGS: 1
10 yards. The lights shed dim light. From a distance, the lights TARGET: One creature or object within 10 yards
look like lit torches. When an enemy starts its turn with line of DURATION: Instantaneous
sight to the light, the enemy makes a Will roll. On a success, the A miniature star appears and orbits your head, before streaking away.
enemy becomes immune to Beguiling Lights for 24 hours. On The target takes 1d6 damage. Then, make a Will roll against the target’s
a failure, the enemy becomes Intellect impaired for as long as it Agility. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage and makes a luck
roll. On a failure, the target becomes blinded until the end of your next
turn. If your roll results in a critical success, the target takes an extra 1d6

TARGET: One Size 1/2 space within 5 yards
DURATION: 8 hours
A ball of light appears in and fills the target space. It emits bright light.
You can use an action to move the ball of light up to 5 yards in any
direction and it remains there until you move it again or the spell ends.
You can also touch the ball to an object, and the ball becomes attached
to it until the effect ends or you use an action to remove it and touch it to
another object in reach or release it to float in the air once more. While
you are in the light created by this spell, you make rolls as a result of
using Astromancy talents and casting Astromancy spells with 1 boon.

TARGET: One creature or object within 20 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
Your hand glows as you launch from it a burning beam of radiance.
Make a Will roll with 1 boon against the target’s Agility. On a suc-
cess, the target takes 4d6 damage. On a critical success, the target also
catches fire.

TARGET: One Size 10 space within 15 yards
DURATION: 1 hour
Horizontal and vertical light beams form a lattice on one side of the tar-
get space. The lattice emits bright light. Any creature or object passing
through it takes 3d6 damage. A flammable object catches fire. A crea-
ture makes a Strength roll. On a failure, the creature catches fire (luck
ends) and becomes blinded until the end of its next turn.

Ex pert Astromancy Spells

DURATION: 8 hours
If you can see the moon, you can change your visual perspective to a
bird’s eye view above the moonlit lands as if you were the moon. You
perceive nothing from your body except what it is in plain view of the
moon. You can use an action to switch perspectives so you can see from
your body or from the sky as you choose, but each time you switch the
perspective, reduce the remaining duration of the spell by 1 hour.
Alternatively, you can expend 1 yard of movement and the casting of
this spell to teleport to an empty space you can see.


TARGET: One creature or object within 5 yards
Chapter 4

DURATION: 1 hour
Faint light shines around the target and then fades. The target becomes
invisible in spaces lit by faint light or no light at all, as well as spaces lit
by moonlight. While invisible, the target takes half damage from ordi-
nary sources. The spell ends early if the target harms another creature.

TARGET: You TARGET: One Size 5 space you can see under an open sky
DURATION: 1 minute DURATION: Instantaneous
You gather a cloud of tiny stars that swirl around you and cause you A burning rock tumbles out of the sky and strikes the target space. The
to emit dim light. When you cast this spell and, again when you use an rock explodes. Each creature and object in the target space takes 10d6
action to do so, you can launch a star from you. Target one space within damage. Each creature that takes this damage makes an Agility roll
15 yards. When the star arrives at its destination or can travel no farther, with 1 bane. On a failure, it takes an extra 10d6 damage, and falls
it explodes to deal 2d6 damage to each creature or object within 5 prone. The enemy also catches fire and becomes confused (luck ends
yards of it. A creature makes an Agility roll. On a failure, the creature both).
takes an extra 2d6 damage. The explosion sends fire and debris 25 yards out in all directions from
the target space. Each creature and object in this additional area takes
STARRY MANTLE 5d6 damage. Each creature that takes this damage makes an Agility
roll. On a failure, the creature takes an extra 5d6 damage, and falls
CASTINGS: 1 prone.
You pull from behind you a long black cloak dotted with specks of light, CASTINGS: 1
and wrap it around yourself. If you remove the cloak, the spell ends
TARGET: One Size 5 space within 20 yards
early. You gain the Dark Vision and Keen Vision traits. You can use an
DURATION: Instantaneous
action to pluck a light from your cloak and place it in the air where it
emits dim light until the spell ends. Finally, when an enemy gets a critical Moonlight floods the target space. Each creature in the target space
success on a roll to attack you, the enemy makes a luck roll. On a fail- becomes confused and vulnerable (luck ends both), and makes a Will
ure, it becomes blinded until the end of your next turn. roll. On a failure, the creature also becomes Will impaired (luck ends).
Until it ends the Will impaired affliction, the creature considers all other
SUN SPEAR creatures as enemies and must use an action each round to attack the
enemy nearest to it. The creature rolls with 1 boon and deals an extra
CASTINGS: 1 1d6 damage.
A spear formed from solid sunlight appears in your hand. The spell ends CASTINGS: 1, reaction when you are harmed
early if you drop the spear or you become unconscious. You can attack
TARGET: Each creature in one Size 5 space centered on you
with the spear when you cast this spell. The spear emits bright light. It
DURATION: Instantaneous
uses the normal rules for a spear, with the following exceptions. When
you attack with it, you can use Intellect or Will in place of the attribute Light and heat explode from you. Each enemy takes 5d6 damage. A
you would normally use, you roll against the target’s Agility instead of creature makes a Strength roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the creature
its Defense, and if you use it as a thrown weapon, it reforms in your takes an extra 5d6 damage, and becomes blinded (luck ends). On a
hand at the end of the round. Finally, your attacks with the spear deal critical failure, the creature also catches fire (luck ends). You and each
an extra 2d6 damage. ally emits dim light for 1 hour and their attacks deal an extra 1d6 dam-
age from the radiance sheathing their weapons.
TARGET: One Size 5 space within 20 yards CASTINGS: 1
DURATION: Instantaneous TARGET: One line-shaped space, 5 yards wide and 50 yards long,
Intense light flashes in the target space. Each creature in it takes 5d6 originating from you
damage, and becomes Agility impaired (luck ends). A creature dam- DURATION: Instantaneous
aged by this spell makes a luck roll. On a failure, the creature catches You throw back your arms as a beam of sunlight extends through the tar-
fire (luck ends). get space. Each creature in it takes 3d6 damage and makes a Strength
roll with 1 bane. A creature with the Sunlight Weakness trait gets an
automatic failure. On a failure, the creature takes an extra 4d6 damage
Master Astromancy Spells and becomes blinded (luck ends). A creature injured by this damage
also catches fire (luck ends).


DURATION: 1 minute DURATION: 1 hour
Invisible flames dance all over your body. You ignore the flames’ harm-

You heal all damage, as a glowing sphere appears in the sky to blanket
ful effects. At the end of each round until the spell ends, each enemy the land within 100 miles of you with bright light that counts as sunlight.
within 5 yards of you makes a Strength roll. On a failure, the enemy
takes 6d6 damage and becomes vulnerable and weakened (luck
ends). If the enemy is already vulnerable or weakened, it also catches
fire (luck ends).

Chaos you have discovered. You cast it without expending a casting to
do so. On a failure, roll a d20 and find the number rolled on
the Wild Magic table to see what happens instead. You can use
Magic embodies raw potential and in its natural state, it pro-
this talent once, twice at level 3, and three times at level 7. You
duces wild, unpredictable effects. The Chaos tradition forgoes
regain expended uses after you rest.
the rules that normally apply to the casting of spells to seize and
release magic in unconventional ways. Chaos spells can provide SCINTILLATING SHIELD (MAGICAL): You can use this talent
unexpected windfalls that enable casters to triumph over impos- when you use an action to cast a Chaos spell. A warbling shield
sible situations, but are just as likely to make even the simplest appears in front of you for 1 minute. The effect ends early if you
task impossible. Chaos magic appeals most to risk takers and is become controlled, stunned, or unconscious.
ignored, shunned even, by those who prefer to remain in control When you use this talent, and again at the start of each of
of the magic they wield. your turns, make a luck roll. On a success, you impose 3 banes
on rolls to attack you until the start of your next turn. On a crit-
ical success, a creature that attacks you takes 1d6 damage. On a
Wild Magic failure, you become confused until the start of your next turn.
On a critical failure, the effect ends early and you roll a d20,
Often, the casting of Chaos spells produces random and unex-
finding the number rolled on the Wild Magic table. You can use
pected effects. Whenever directed by a spell, talent, or some other
this talent once, twice at level 3, and three times at level 7. You
effect, roll a d20 and find the result on the following table.
regain expended uses after you rest.
CHAOS TALENTS WEIRD ORB (MAGICAL): You can use an action to form an orb in
your hand and release it to fly where it will. Target one Size 5 space
LAST DITCH EFFORT (MAGICAL): You can use an action to make a you can see within 10 yards. Then roll a d6 and find the result on
luck roll. On a success, choose one novice spell from a tradition the list that appears on the next page to see what happens.

Wild Magic Effects

1 You become stunned (luck ends). 11 You disappear from existence (luck ends). The only thing
you can do is make this luck roll at the end of each of your
2 You become confused (luck ends). turns. When the effect ends, you reappear in the space you
3 Inside a Size 5 space centered on you, butterflies appear left and you roll a d6. On a 1–3, you become frightened of
in great numbers to fill the space with light obscurement until yourself until the end of the next round. On a 4–6, you heal
the end of your next turn. all damage.
4 Inside a Size 5 space centered on you, blue-white light 12 You cast the Anarchic Blast spell without expending a
flashes. Each ordinary object in the space turns to glass if it’s casting, even if you don’t know that spell.
not glass already.
13 The Sage targets one of your allies within 15 yards and
5 On the ground inside a Size 5 space centered on you you target one enemy within 5 yards of the ally. The ally
appear a sea of colorful marbles that cover the surface makes an Agility roll. On a success, the enemy takes 3d6
with challenging terrain that lasts until the end of your next damage. On a failure, the ally takes 1d6 damage. If such
turn. The marbles then hatch, and worms bearing your facial an arrangement is not possible, you become confused (luck
features wriggle out and slither off in all directions. Before ends).
the marbles hatch, any creature that starts its turn on this
surface or that moves onto it makes an Agility roll. On a 14 Target any number of creatures within 5 yards. You and
failure, the creature falls prone. each target emit bright light for 24 hours or until you get this
result again, whereupon the lights go out and you can be
6 Target a Size 1/4 space within reach. A large clay pot affected by this result once more.
filled with mayonnaise or some tasty sauce appears on the
ground in that space. The pot holds enough substance to 15 You learn one language of the Sage’s choice. The
provide 5 meals. knowledge is permanent.
7 Thin beams of energy shoot out from you in all directions. 16 You sprout an extra, fully functional arm that remains for 8
Each creature within 5 yards other than you makes an hours, after which time it falls off your body and rots away
Agility roll. On a failure, the creature takes 1d6 damage. within a few minutes.
8 Target one empty Size 1 space on a solid surface within 5 17 The Sage chooses one novice spell you have learned and
yards. A peasant appears in the space. Each time you get replaces it with a different novice spell from any tradition.
this result, the same peasant appears. If the peasant dies,
all future rolls of 8 cause the peasant’s remains to appear in 18 Target up to three enemies within 10 yards. Your first choice
the space instead. This continues until there’s nothing left to becomes frightened of you (luck ends), the second becomes
summon. The Sage has rules for the peasant and it’s under your ally (luck ends), and the third becomes confused (luck
the Sage’s control. ends).
Chapter 4

9 Your skin, hair, and eyes turn blue until you get this result 19 You become weakened (luck ends). While weakened in this
again, whereupon your previous coloration returns and you way, you have the Fly movement trait. If you are flying when
can be affected by this result once more. this effect ends, you fall.
10 Target one creature within 15 yards. An anvil appears over 20 Target one enemy you can see. From under the target
its head and falls. The target makes a luck roll. On a failure, comes a blast of brilliant colors. The target takes 10d6
it takes 1d6 damage and falls prone. damage.

1 The orb flies to the center of the space and pops, sending
multicolored streamers into the air that disappear a few
moments later.
2 The orb flies from you for a few yards and then veers back
toward you. Make an Agility roll. On a failure, the orb strikes
you and you take 1d6 damage.
3 The orb corkscrews into the air and implodes. Roll a d20 and
find the number rolled on the Wild Magic table to see what
happens instead.
4 The orb flies toward a randomly determined creature in the
target space. The creature makes an Agility roll. On a failure,
the creature is struck by the orb and takes 1d6 damage.
5 The orb flies toward a creature you choose in the target space.
Make an Intellect or Will roll against the target’s Agility. On a
success, the target takes 4d6 damage. On a failure, the orb
disappears and you roll a d20. Find the number rolled on the
Wild Magic table to see what happens instead.
6 The orb flies toward and strikes a creature you choose in the
space. The creature takes 8d6 damage.
WILD LEAP (MAGICAL): You can use this talent when you move
at least 1 yard, but only if you lack the confused and controlled
afflictions. Make a luck roll. On a success, you teleport to an
empty space you can see within 2d6 yards. On a failure, you tele-
port to an empty space of the Sage’s choice within 2d6 yards.
You can use this talent once, twice at level 3, and three times at
level 7. You regain expended uses after you rest.

Nov ice Chaos Spells the area takes 1d6 damage and becomes confused until the end of the
next round. If you get a failure, the spell ends early and you roll a d20
and find the result on the Wild Magic Effects table.
TARGET: One creature within 5 yards CASTINGS: 1, reaction when you become injured or incapacitated
DURATION: Instantaneous TARGET: You
From your open hand explodes multicolored light. Make an Intellect DURATION: Instantaneous
roll or Will roll against the target’s Agility. On a success, roll 2d6. The You heal 2d6 damage and make a luck roll. On a success, you teleport
sum of this roll tells you how many dice you roll for damage. If the target to an empty space of your choice within 50 yards. On a failure, you
becomes injured, roll a d6 and find the result on the following list to see teleport to an empty space with a surface that can support you of the
what else happens. Sage’s choice within 1d20 × 5 yards.
1 You take the same amount of damage that the target took
and then roll on the Wild Magic Effects table to determine CASTINGS: 1, reaction when a creature gets a success on a roll to attack
additional effects. you
2-5 Each creature within 1 yard of the target takes 1d6 damage TARGET: You
and makes a Strength roll. On a failure, the creature takes an DURATION: 1 minute
extra 1d6 damage.
You reduce the damage from the attack by 1d6. Then, until the spell
6 Roll 1d6. The number rolled determines the number of dice ends, you have the Slippery trait and when a creature gets a success
you roll to determine the extra damage the target takes. on a roll to attack you, the roll counts as a failure instead if the result is
If you get a failure on your attribute roll, energy spills from you out to an even number.
a distance of 1d6 × 5 yards. You and each creature and object in range
takes 1d6 damage. MAGICAL WELLSPRING
CASTINGS: 1, reaction when you cast a spell
TARGET: One Size 5 space centered on you


TARGET: One Size 1 space within 5 yards
The magic flooding into the target space fills the air with eerie noises,
DURATION: 1 minute flashing colors, and other odd phenomena. When a creature in the tar-
A tumescent, nacreous sphere appears in the target space. At the end get space produces a magical effect, the creature makes the attribute
of each round, make a luck roll. On a success, the energy spreads out roll, if any, with 1 boon, and targets of the effect make the roll to resist the
from the sphere to a range of 1d6 yards. Each creature and object in effect, if any, with 1 bane. Also, any magical effect that deals or heals
damage in the space deals or heals an extra 1d6 damage. However, • At the end of each round until this spell ends, make a Will roll with
at the end of each round, you make a luck roll. On a failure, roll a d20 1 bane. On a success, one enemy of your choice within 10 yards
and find the result on the Wild Magic Effects table. The spell then ends. takes 3d6 damage. On a failure, you become stunned until the end
of the round. On a critical failure, you also lose 2d6 Health.
TARGET: One Size 15 space centered on you CASTINGS: 1
DURATION: 1 minute TARGET: You
Reality warps out of true in the target space. Whenever a creature in DURATION: Instantaneous
it moves, roll a d6 and consult the following list to see what happens. Light in a rainbow of colors erupts from you briefly. Roll a d6. If you roll
a 1, roll a d20 and find the result from the following list. If you roll a 2–5,
roll two d20s; if you rolled a 6, roll three d20s. Make rolls one at a time
1 The creature becomes confused and held until the start of its and resolve the result before making the next roll.
next turn.
2 The creature makes a luck roll. On a success, it teleports to an
empty space of its choice anywhere in the target space. On 1 The sound of a trombone making a sad noise fills the air and
a failure, it teleports to an empty space of your choice in the then quiets. You stop making rolls for this casting and the
target space. effect ends.
3 The creature moves normally. 2-3 Target one enemy within 40 yards. It makes an Agility roll.
On a failure, the target becomes controlled by you for 1
4 A weird orb flies toward a randomly determined creature in the minute. While controlled in this way, you grant the enemy
target space. The creature makes an Agility roll. On a failure, the 1 boon on its attribute rolls.
creature is struck by the orb and takes 1d6 damage.
4 You become removed from reality. At the end of the round,
5 The creature makes a luck roll. On a success, the creature you return to reality, appearing in the space you left or an
doubles its Speed until the end of its next turn. On a failure, it empty space of your choice nearest to that space. Roll a
becomes slowed until the end of its next turn. d20. On a 13, you return possessed by a formless demon.
The Sage has rules for this creature.
6 The creature disappears into the Void until the end of the
round. When the creature returns, it makes a luck roll. On a 5-6 Target one enemy within 40 yards. It makes an Agility roll.
success, it reappears in an empty space of its choice within On a failure, it takes 8d6 damage and catches fire (luck
30 yards of the one it left. On a failure, you choose the space ends).
where the creature reappears. In either cases, the creature rolls
a d20. On a 13, it becomes possessed by a formless demon. 7 You become confused (luck ends). Each time you get this
The Sage has rules for this creature. result after the first, you take 1d6 damage.
8-9 Target one enemy within 40 yards. The target makes a luck
roll. On a failure, it becomes frightened of you (luck ends).
Ex pert Chaos Spells 10 You take 2d6 damage.
11-12 Target one enemy within 40 yards. It makes an Agility roll.
BANG OR WHIMPER On a failure, it transforms into an insensate, inanimate object
of your choice (luck ends).
13 The Sage teleports you to an empty space within 40 yards.
TARGET: One Size 5 space within 15 yards The space must contain a surface that can bear your weight.
DURATION: Instantaneous
14-15 Target one enemy within 40 yards. It makes an Agility roll.
Threads of multicolored light spill through the target space and dissi- On a failure, it and each other creature or object within
pate. Make a luck roll. On a success, each creature and object in the 5 yards of it takes 6d6 damage.
target space takes 36 damage. On a failure, each creature and object
16 You heal all damage.
in the target space takes 6 damage.
17-18 Target one enemy within 40 yards. It makes a Will roll. On
CHAOS SURGE a failure, it becomes stunned (luck ends).

CASTINGS: 1, reaction when you cast a spell or use a magical talent 19 You become stunned (luck ends). Each time you get this
result after the first, you lose 1d6 Health.
DURATION: 1 minute 20 Target one enemy within 40 yards. It makes an Agility roll.
On a failure, it takes 12d6 damage and then teleports to an
Lights dapple your body as streams of colorful smoke spill from your empty space of your choice within 40 yards of the space it
ears, nose and mouth. You gain the following benefits until the spell left. The destination space must have a surface that can bear
ends. The spell ends early if you become unconscious. its weight.
• You impose 1 bane on rolls against you.
• You take half damage from any damage-dealing effect that does RECKLESS RELEASE
not specifically target you. CASTINGS: 1
Chapter 4

• Damage-dealing spells you cast and magical talents you use deal TARGET: 1d6 enemies within 30 yards
an extra 2d6 damage. DURATION: Instantaneous
• You impose 1 bane on luck rolls made to end magical effects that Magic bursts from you taking the form of flailing tentacles that then dis-
you create. appear. If the spell would target more enemies than there are eligible
• Spells and magical effects that last 1 minute or longer now last targets, you become a target of this spell. For each target, roll a d6 and
twice as long. refer to the following list.
D6 RESULT round, each creature inside the target space with a Health score of 20
or less dissolves into vapor that the vortex then absorbs, killing the crea-
1 The target heals 4d6 damage. ture instantly. Each other creature in the space makes a Strength roll. On
2 The target takes 6d6 damage and becomes Intellect a failure, the creature takes 6d6 damage.
impaired (luck ends). Each time a creature within 10 yards of the target space produces a
magical effect, roll a d6 to see what happens.
3 The target heals 8d6 damage and becomes confused until
the end of your next turn. D6 RESULT
4 The target takes 10d6 damage and becomes held until the 1 Destructive energies rush through the target space. Each
end of your next turn. object in the space loses 10d6 Health. Each creature in it
takes 5d6 damage and makes a Strength roll. On a failure,
5 The target heals 10d6 damage and becomes stunned until the creature takes an extra 5d6 damage and becomes
the end of your next turn. vulnerable (luck ends).
6 The target takes 12d6 damage, and you roll on the Wild 2
Magic Effects table to see what else happens. The vortex moves 1d6 yards toward the source of the
magical effect.
A target makes a luck roll. On a success, it halves the amount of dam- 3 The vortex rumbles with menace. Nothing else happens.
age healed or taken from the result and the affliction ends.
4 The vortex moves 1d6 yards away from the source of the

CASTINGS: 1, reaction when you move 1 yard 5 The vortex moves 1d6 yards in a direction the Sage chooses.
TARGET: You 6 Wild, violent energy explodes from the vortex. Each object
DURATION: 1 minute within 10 yards of the target space loses 20d6 Health. Each
You flicker out of existence. Target one empty space within 10 yards. You creature within 10 yards of the space takes 10d6 damage
and makes an Agility roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the
teleport to that space. Then, for the spell’s duration, whenever a creature creature takes an extra 10d6 damage. On a critical failure,
within 5 yards of you makes an attribute roll or a luck roll, it rolls an addi- the creature becomes stunned (luck ends).
tional d20 and you roll a d6. (If the creature rolls any additional d20s for
any other reason, it ignores this effect.) If you roll a 3 or lower on the d6,
the creature uses the lower number it rolled on either d20. If you roll a 4 EYE OF THE CHAOS STORM
or higher, the creature uses the higher number instead. CASTINGS: 1
TARGET: One Size 5 space centered on you
CASTINGS: 3, reaction when you make an attribute roll Boiling orange and green clouds spill out from your mouth to swirl
TARGET: You around you, filling the target space with heavy obscurement for all crea-
DURATION: Instantaneous tures other than you. The storm enhances magic; creatures in the space
An idea comes to you. Make a luck roll. On a success, you make your that produce magical effects make their rolls with 1 boon, while crea-
next attribute roll before the end of your next turn with 1d6 boons. On a tures roll with 1 bane to resist magical effects originating from the space.
failure, you become cursed for 1 minute. If you are cursed already, you At the end of each round, a bolt of chaos lightning leaps from the
become stunned for 1 minute instead. storm. Target one creature within 10 yards and make a Will roll against
its Agility. On a success, the target takes 5d6 damage, and becomes
vulnerable (luck ends). If you get a failure on your Will roll, roll a d6 to
Master Chaos Spells see what happens.

1 Increase the Size of the space by 5.
TARGET: You 2 A bolt of chaos lightning strikes you. Make an Agility roll.
DURATION: Instantaneous
On a failure, you take 5d6 damage and become vulnerable
(luck ends).
Reality buckles around you and rights itself. Make a Will roll with 1
bane. On a success, choose one of the following effects. On a failure, 3 Every creature and object inside the storm’s area takes
you take 10d6 damage, fall prone, and become stunned (luck ends). 10d6 damage.
• Choose one expert spell from a tradition you have discovered. You 4 Each creature in the storm’s area makes a Will roll. On a
cast the spell without having to expend the casting to do so. failure, the creature becomes confused until the end of the
next round.
• Choose one novice spell from any tradition. You cast the spell with-
out having to expend the casting to do so. 5 A bolt of chaos lightning strikes a creature in the storm’s area
• Target one creature you can see. It either takes or heals 20d6 chosen by the Sage, with the same effect as described for a
damage. roll of 2.
6 The storm contracts by 5 yards. If the contraction would leave

CHAOS VORTEX the storm no space to occupy, the spell ends.

TARGET: One Size 5 space within 15 yards PANDEMONIUM EGG
Colorful clouds appear in the target space and form into a vortex. The TARGET: One Size 1 space within 5 yards
vortex fills the space with moderate obscurement. At the end of each DURATION: 24 hours

A mottled egg with a shell that rapidly changes color appears and hov- SPATIAL EXCHANGE
ers inside the target space. A creature can pluck the egg from the air as
CASTINGS: 3, reaction when you move 1 yard
if picking up an object. The egg has Defense 0 and Health 66. The egg
takes damage from magical sources on behalf of its wielder. When the TARGET: Two Size 5 spaces, one centered on you, the other centered
egg is destroyed, it hatches, which ends the spell. Roll a d6 and consult anywhere within 100 yards
the following list to see what happens: DURATION: Instantaneous
You, along with everything else within the target space centered on you,
teleport to swap positions with everything in the other target space.
1 The egg disappears with no other effect. Then, make a Will roll. On a failure, roll a d20 and find the number
rolled on the Wild Magic Effects table to see what happens instead.
2 Magical energy explodes from the broken egg. The egg’s
wielder and each object within 10 yards takes 20d6
damage. Each other creature within 10 yards takes 10d6 UNPREDICTABLE SUMMONS
damage and makes a luck roll. On a failure, the creature
takes an extra 10d6 damage.
TARGET: One Size 5 space on the ground within 5 yards
3 If a creature holds the egg, the creature chooses to either DURATION: Instantaneous
heal all damage or regain all castings of spells that it has
expended. If no creature holds the egg, each creature within A creature of chaos appears on the ground in the target space. The
50 yards that has expended castings of novice spells regains creature combines the forms of many different beings into one heav-
them. The egg then disappears. ing mass. When the creature of chaos appears, make a luck roll. On a
4 Target one empty Size 1 space within 1d20 × 5 yards of success, the creature becomes your controlled companion. On a fail-
the egg. The egg teleports to that space and then explodes. ure, the creature becomes your enemy under the Sage’s control. The
Each object within 15 yards of it takes 30d6 damage. Each creature treats all creatures as enemies. When the creature becomes
creature within 15 yards of it makes a luck roll. On a success, incapacitated, it disappears.
the creature heals 30d6 damage. On a failure, the creature
takes 30d6 damage. DEFENSE: 1d6 + 10, HEALTH: 1d6 × 10
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 1d6 + 10, Agility 1d6 + 10, Intellect 1d6 + 2,
5 Target one Size 5 space you have seen at least once before Will 1d6 + 10
and that is within 500 miles. The egg teleports you and each
creature inside a Size 5 space centered on it to that space. SIZE: 1d6, SPEED: 6
The egg then disappears. SENSES: Keen Vision
IMMUNE: confused, frightened, Will impaired, stunned
6 The egg hatches to release a demon of a random type. Roll MELEE ATTACK–CLAWS AND TEETH: Strength with 1d6 boons
a d6: 1, type I; 2–3, type II; 4–5, type III; 6, type IV. The
demon is under the Sage’s control and regards all other ([1d6]d6)
creatures as enemies.

Students of the Chronomancy tradition learn to meddle with
time. Understanding time’s mutability enables them to speed it up
and slow it down, to steal moments from others, and to cause hic-
coughs in people’s own timelines. Twisting time as they do some-
times produces unfortunate consequences, but to become a master
of moments puts to rest any misgivings these casters might feel.



talent at the start of your turn. Increase the number of actions
you can use during your turn by one. At the end of your turn,
make a Will roll. On a failure, you become confused (luck
ends). You can use this talent once, twice at level 3, and three
times at level 7. You regain expended uses after you rest.
PEER INTO THE PAST (MAGICAL): You can use an action to look
back into the past. Make an Intellect roll. On a success, you, and
you alone, see time in your vicinity flow in reverse for up to 1
hour. If you move more than 5 yards from where you cast this
spell, the effect ends early. Each minute, you see events around
you roll back 1 minute into the past, seeing creatures’ actions and
Chapter 4

events that recently occurred happen in reverse. For example, if

you cast this spell in a room where a murder took place 10 min-
utes before, 10 minutes after you cast this spell, you would see the
murder occur and then you would see the events leading up to
the murder. On a failure, you cannot see more than 5 yards away.
You can use this talent once. You regain the use of it after you rest.
SUDDEN, HORRID AGING (MAGICAL): You can use an action to confused until the end of the next round. If the target gets a failure, it
briefly cause a creature to experience extreme aging. Target one becomes stunned until the end of the next round. The spell ends early if
creature within 5 yards. Make an Intellect roll against the tar- the target is harmed by an effect other than this one.
get’s Strength. On a success, the target becomes weakened until
the end of your next turn. On a critical success, the target also
falls prone. Angels, demons, faeries, fiends, and spirits ignore CASTINGS: 1
this effect. TARGET: One creature within 10 yards
At level 3, you can target two creatures. At level 7, you can DURATION: Instantaneous
target three creatures. You seize the target’s time line and wrap it around the target. The tar-
get becomes confused and held (luck ends both). While confused,
TEMPORAL DISJUNCTION (MAGICAL): You can use a reac- the target must use an action on each of its turns to perform the same
tion immediately after you are harmed to step out of time. You activity it performed during the previous round. If the target would
become removed from existence until the end of the round. be prevented from doing so—no eligible target for its attack, no uses
While so removed, you take no turns and you perceive nothing. remaining for its talent, and so on, the target does nothing on its turn
and takes 2d6 damage.
When the effect ends, make a luck roll. On a success, you return After you cast this spell, make a luck roll. On a failure, you teleport to
to existence in an empty space of your choice within 5 yards of an empty space on a surface that can bear your weight of the Sage’s
the space you left. On a failure, the effect extends until the end choice within 10 yards.
of the next round. You can use this talent once, twice at level 3,
and three times at level 7. You regain expended uses after you rest. FOLD SPACE

Nov ice TARGET: One Size 5 space centered on you and one Size 5 space
within 30 yards
Chronomancy Spells DURATION: 1 round
Time and space warp so that creatures in each space can clearly see
into and hear from the other space. Both spaces count as being adja-
AN EXTRA MOMENT cent to each other, such that when a creature moves out of one space it
CASTINGS: 1, reaction when a creature within 5 yards ends its turn enters the other, and vice versa. When the spell ends, make a luck roll.
TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
On a failure, you become confused (luck ends).
DURATION: Instantaneous
Time speeds up for the target. The target gains one action that it must
use immediately. The target makes any rolls from using this action with CASTINGS: 3
1 boon. Then, the target makes a luck roll. On a failure, the target TARGET: One enemy with 10 yards
becomes confused and slowed (luck ends both). DURATION: 1 minute
Time flows in an erratic fashion for the target. Make a luck roll. On a
DISPLACE FROM TIME failure, you also target yourself for this spell’s effects. The target emits
CASTINGS: 1 dim light and becomes Agility impaired and vulnerable (luck ends).
TARGET: One creature within 10 yards Until the afflictions end, the target can use an action or move on each
of its turns, but not both.
DURATION: Instantaneous
Make a luck roll. On a success, the target winks out of existence. The
target is removed from time (luck ends). While removed from time, the
only thing the target can do is make the luck roll to end this effect. When
Ex pert
the target gets a success on its luck roll, it reappears in the space it
vacated or in an empty space of its choice nearest to that space. You
Chronomancy Spells
then make a luck roll. On a failure, you become held (luck ends). If you
get a failure on the initial luck roll, you become affected by the spell CREATE PARADOX
instead of the target.
TARGET: One Size 10 space within 15 yards
DURATION: 1 minute
A shimmering, undulating tangle of tortured time appears in the center
TARGET: One creature within 10 yards
of the target space. When you cast the spell, and again at the start of
DURATION: 1 minute
each of your turns, choose three different numbers between 1 and 20,
The target sees its future and past unspool around it and becomes sur- so that on the second round, you have chosen six numbers, nine num-
rounded by conflicting images of scenes that might have happened bers on the third, and so on. You can choose a number that was chosen
or not. The target becomes confused and vulnerable for the duration. on a previous turn.
While confused in this way, you trap the target When a creature in the target space makes an attribute roll or luck roll

in a Size 5 space centered on it. If the target and the number rolled on the die matches a number you have chosen,
attempts to move out of the space, it stops discard the number you chose and the target is removed from
and its Speed drops to 0 until the start of its time until the spell ends. A creature so removed
next turn. does nothing.
At the end of each round, you When the spell ends, roll a
and the target make an Intellect roll. d6 for each creature removed
If you get a failure, you become from time by this spell:
D6 RESULT Each target seems to move as if trapped in treacle. The target becomes
confused, slowed, and weakened for the duration, or until it overcomes
1 The creature remains removed from time. The only thing the the affliction with a success on a Will roll. After you cast this spell, make
creature can do is to make a luck roll once every 24 hours. a luck roll. On a failure, you become weakened (luck ends). You make
On a success, the creature returns to an empty space within the luck roll to end the affliction with 1 bane for each creature you
5 yards of the target space. If the creature gets three failures, targeted.
it is never seen again and memories of it eventually fade from
the world.
2 The creature appears in an empty space of its choice within
5 yards of the target space and makes a Will roll. On a CASTINGS: 1
failure, the creature becomes stunned (luck ends). TARGET: Up to three creatures within 5 yards
DURATION: 1 minute
3 The creature reappears in an empty space of its choice
within the target space and takes 6d6 damage. You accelerate each target. The target makes attribute and luck rolls
with 1 boon, imposes 1 bane on rolls made to attack it and rolls against
4 The creature reappears in an empty space of its choice it, and the target’s Speed increases by 5. After you cast this spell, make
inside the target space.
a luck roll. On a failure, you become held (luck ends).
5 The creature reappears in an empty space inside the target
space and heals 6d6 damage.
6 The creature and a duplicate of it appear in empty spaces
inside the target space. The creature’s possessions, if it has
any, appear in a pile on the ground in an empty space of
Chronomancy Spells
your choice. The creature and its duplicate use the same
rules, but regard each other as enemies. When one becomes
incapacitated, it ceases to exist, but, while they both exist, STOP TIME
each loses 1d6 Health at the end of each round. CASTINGS: 1
TARGET: One Size 10 space centered on you
FLING THROUGH TIME DURATION: Special (see the effect)

CASTINGS: 1 You halt time in the target space. Each object in the target space, other
TARGET: One creature within 15 yards than ones you wear or carry, or that enters it becomes secured, even in
the air, and immune to harm. Each creature other than you in the space
DURATION: Instantaneous
or that enters it becomes an object until the spell ends. Ongoing effects
The target disappears. Make an Intellect roll and note the result. At the in the target space are suspended until time resumes. Rounds spent in
end of each round, roll a d6 and subtract the number rolled from your the space of stopped time do not count against durations.
result. When the result drops to 0 or less, the target reappears in the You can freely enter and exit the affected space. You can use an
space it vacated or an empty space nearest to it. When the target reap- action to move creatures and objects in the space, but you must get a
pears, make a luck roll. On a failure, you become stunned until the end success on a Strength roll with 1 bane to do so and, then, you move the
of your next turn. creature or object 1 yard. The Sage might impose 1 or more additional
banes on the roll depending on size and material composition. If you
INESCAPABLE PAST push a creature or object out of the affected space, time resumes for it.
At the end of each round, you can allow the spell to end or make a
CASTINGS: 1, reaction when a creature within 15 yards takes damage
Will roll. On a success, the spell lasts until the end of the next round. On
TARGET: The creature that enabled the casting of this spell a failure, it ends immediately.
DURATION: Instantaneous
The target’s body recalls previous injuries and manifests them. The target SUMMON SELF
takes 3d6 damage. Then, you make a luck roll. On a failure, you take
half the damage taken by the target.
TARGET: One empty space of your Size on the ground within 5 yards
DURATION: 1 minute
In the target space, your future self appears before you. The spell ends
CASTINGS: 1 early if you or your duplicate become unconscious. The spell produces
TARGET: You the following effects:
DURATION: Special (see the effect) • You and the duplicate are identical, using the same attributes and
You attempt to pull yourself out of time. Make an Intellect roll. On a having access to the same traits, talents, and spells. However, you
success, you move yourself out of time and into a dark extradimensional share the same pool of uses and castings. If one casts a spell, the
space. An hour passes in that space, but no time passes in the world. other loses access to the casting.
While in that space you can cast spells and perform other activities, • Your duplicate has a copy of everything you wear and carry. If you
but you cannot target anything other than yourself with spells, talents, drop an object, the copied object disappears from the duplicate.
or other effects. You can end the spell at any time, at which point you If an object you wear or carry is destroyed, it too is destroyed for
return to the space you left. If you get a failure on the Intellect roll, you the duplicate. Similarly, any wear and tear, dirt, or dampness that
become confused (luck ends) and you regain the expended casting of applies to you also applies to your other.
Chapter 4

this spell after 1 minute.

• You each take a turn during the round.
• You count as one creature for the purpose of tracking damage and
SLOW THE CLOCK Health. If one takes damage or loses Health, the damage or loss
CASTINGS: 1 applies to both.
TARGET: Up to three creatures within 5 yards • If either of you becomes incapacitated, the other becomes so as
DURATION: 1 minute well. If you die, your duplicate disappears.
When the spell ends, you and the future version of yourself vanish.
After 1 minute, you reappear in the space you vacated, or an empty
space nearest to that space.

TARGET: You and any number of allies within 5 yards
DURATION: 1 minute
Time speeds up for each target, causing the rest of the world to appear
in slow motion. Each target can take one additional turn per round. At
the end of each round after you cast this spell, make a Will roll. On a
failure, you choose to either lose 2d6 Health or end the spell early.

TARGET: One Size 1/2 space within 15 yards.
DURATION: Special (see the effect)
A warbling sphere appears inside the target space. You decide how
long it remains, up to a maximum of 6 rounds. When you cast the spell,
and on each of your turns until the spell ends, the time bomb gains 1
charge. When the spell ends, the bomb explodes, dealing 5d6 damage
per charge accumulated to each creature and object within 10 yards
of it. A creature makes a luck roll. On a success, the creature takes half
the damage.

DURATION: Special (see the effect)
You step into the future, appearing to all others to have vanished. Choose
an amount of time in rounds, minutes, hours, days, months, or years.
When the chosen amount of time passes, you reappear in the space you CONJURE ARROW (MAGICAL): You can use an action to conjure
left and become weakened (luck ends). If something occupies that space an arrow and send it flying. Target one creature within 10 yards.
when you reappear, you take 5d6 damage, fall prone in the nearest Make an Intellect roll with 1 boon against the target’s Defense.
empty space to that space, and also become stunned (luck ends) On a success, the arrow hits and the target takes 2d6 damage. At
level 3, the target takes 3d6 damage. At level 7, the target takes
TIME’S MARCH TOWARD OBLIVION 7d6 damage. On a critical success, the target takes an extra 1d6
CASTINGS: 3 damage.
TARGET: One creature within 5 yards CONJURE CALTROPS (MAGICAL): You can use an action to cause
DURATION: Instantaneous
numerous sharp, barbed objects to appear. Target the ground in
You accelerate the rate at which the target ages. Angels, demons, faer- one Size 5 space within 10 yards. Caltrops (see Chapter 3) cover
ies, fiends, spirits, and other immortal creatures ignore this effect. The the ground in that space and remain for 1 minute. You can use
target becomes slowed, vulnerable, and weakened (luck ends all).
this talent once, twice at level 3, and three times at level 7. You
Each time the target gets a failure on the roll to end the afflictions, the
target takes 6d6 damage. If the target becomes incapacitated, it dies regain expended uses after you rest.
and turns to dust. Once the target ends the afflictions, it returns to its CONJURE USEFUL ITEM (MAGICAL): You can use an action to
normal age. cause an ordinary piece of gear (see Chapter 3) worth 1 sp or
less to appear in your hand or at your feet if your hands are full.

Conjuration The item remains for 1 hour, but disappears when you use this
talent again. You can use this talent once, twice at level 3, and
three times at level 7. You regain expended uses after you rest.
Whatever you need, whenever you need it can be yours if you
know the proper spell. The Conjuration tradition reveals methods HIDDEN PASSAGE (MAGICAL): You can use an action to cause an
for plucking creatures and objects from the world and bringing opening to appear. Target one surface on a Size 1 or larger object
them to you. Thus, when you produce a blade from thin air, the within reach. A Size 1/2 hole appears in the object centered on

spell plucks the item from somewhere nearby. When the spell the point you touch. The hole extends up to 1 yard through the
ends, the blade returns to the place from which it came. Given object. The object remains unharmed from the presence of the
the widespread knowledge of this tradition, many people have hole. The hole remains open for 1 minute. If anything is in the
become accustomed to the sudden disappearance of their posses- hole when the effect ends, it’s pushed out to the nearest empty
sions and accept that they will find their way home, possibly a bit space. You can use this talent once, twice at level 3, and three
worse for wear. times at level 7. You regain expended uses after you rest.
Nov ice Conjuration Spells PRODUCE FLAME
TARGET: One Size 2 space within reach
CASTINGS: 1 You pluck flames from somewhere else and send them rushing out from
TARGET: One Size 2 space within 5 yards your hands into the target space. The flames deal 3d6 damage to each
DURATION: 24 hours object in the space, and 1d6 damage to each creature in the space. A
creature makes a luck roll. On a failure, the creature takes an extra 2d6
A faint popping noise heralds the sudden appearance of a dog, horse, damage. On a critical failure, the creature catches fire (luck ends).
or pack mule in the target space. (See Chapter 3 for their rules.) The
creature is friendly to you and becomes your controlled companion. If
the creature becomes incapacitated, the spell ends early.
If you have a drop of blood, few hairs, or a bit of nail from a creature, CASTINGS: 1
you can expend the object and cause the creature to which the object TARGET: One Size 5 space within 5 yards
belongs to appear in the target space instead. An unwilling creature DURATION: Instantaneous
can make a Will roll. On a success, the creature ignores the effect, but You snatch knives, daggers, forks, and other sharp things from all
the object is still expended. An unwilling creature summoned in this way around and cause them to appear in the air above the target space.
retains its normal disposition to you and does not become your con- The blades fall and disappear after they land. Each creature and object
trolled companion. in the space and not under hard shelter takes 2d6 damage. A creature
makes a luck roll. On a failure, the creature takes an extra 1d6 damage.
TARGET: One Size 2 space on the ground within 5 yards CASTINGS: 1
Chapter 4

DURATION: 1 hour TARGET: One container that can fit inside a Size 1 space within reach
Rocks, dirt, trees, and detritus fill the space around any creatures and DURATION: Special
objects in it. A creature in the space can make an Agility roll with 1 You touch the target container and leave behind your mark. You can
boon. On a success, the creature moves to the empty space nearest to use an action to cause the target and everything it holds to appear
the target space and becomes vulnerable until the end of your next turn. in an empty space on the ground within reach, which ends this spell.
On a failure, the creature becomes buried (see Chapter 2). Otherwise, the spell lasts until you cast it on a different target.
WEIGHTY CHAINS The strands ignite if touched by fire and burn away at the end of the
round, ending the spell early. Anything in the target space takes 2d6
damage, while creatures held by the strands in that space take an extra
TARGET: One creature within 5 yards 2d6 damage.
DURATION: 1 minute
You reach for and retrieve heavy chains with which you can bind the SURPRISING BOULDER
target. Make an Intellect roll against the target’s Strength. On a success,
the chains wrap around the target and cause it to become held and
weakened for the duration. The target can overcome this effect with a TARGET: One empty Size 3 space within 15 yards
success on a Strength or Agility roll. On a failure, a heap of chains, 50 DURATION: Instantaneous
yards long, appears in an empty space of your choice within 1 yard of You pluck a boulder from somewhere and cause it to fill the target
the target. The chains disappear when the spell ends. space. The boulder has Health 100. If you conjure the boulder in the
air, it falls. The falling boulder deals 12d6 damage to all objects under
it. Each creature under the boulder when it falls makes an Agility roll. A
Expert Conjuration Spells slowed creature makes the roll with 1 bane. On a success, the creature
falls prone in the nearest empty space to the boulder. On a critical suc-
cess, the creature does not fall prone. On a failure, the creature takes
CONVENIENT SHELTER 12d6 damage, falls prone, and becomes held until it overcomes the
affliction with a success on a Strength or Agility roll. A creature held in
this way cannot stand up.
TARGET: One empty Size 10 space on solid ground or a liquid surface
within 20 yards
DURATION: 12 hours Master Conjuration Spells
The air in the target space darkens and returns to normal when a struc-
ture that can fit inside the space appears inside it. If you target a space
on a liquid surface, a boat appears instead of a structure. The shelter CONJURE ABOMINABLE THING
contains whatever items were inside it before you conjured it. CASTINGS: 1
TARGET: One empty Size 1 space on the ground within 5 yards
CASTINGS: 3 A hulking mass of flesh and slobber, claws and teeth, appears on the
TARGET: One Size 10 space within 20 yards ground inside the target space. It becomes your controlled companion.
DURATION: 12 hours The spell ends early if it becomes incapacitated.
Along one side of the space there appears a 1-yard thick wall formed DEFENSE: 10, HEALTH: 60
from stone, iron plates, and timber. Each Size 1 cube of space has ATTRIBUTES: Strength 14 (+4), Agility 10 (+0), Intellect 8 (–2),
Health 40. Will 10 (+0)
EMBED FOREIGN OBJECT FEARSOME: A creature rolls to attack the abominable thing with 1
CASTINGS: 3 bane unless the creature is immune to the frightened affliction.
TARGET: One creature within 20 yards MELEE ATTACK—CLAWS AND TEETH: Strength (+4) with 1 boon (4d6)
DURATION: Instantaneous
The target’s body bulges as it accepts some solid object that you caused
to appear inside it. The target takes 6d6 damage, and becomes slowed CASTINGS: 1, perform a ritual
and weakened (luck ends both). Each time the target gets a failure on TARGET: One empty Size 30 space on the ground that you can see
the roll to end the afflictions, the target loses 1d6 Health. DURATION: 24 hours
You cause a mansion to appear in the target space. It has an appear-
PRODUCE SUPERIOR ITEM ance appropriate to the part of the world in which you cast this spell:
CASTINGS: 1 it could be a manor house, a castle, a fortress, or just a nice cottage.
TARGET: You The place comes with furnishings, and anyone in the mansion when you
conjured it appears inside it. Creatures traveling with the mansion are
DURATION: 1 hour
friendly to you and your allies and try to make you as comfortable as
The air shimmers over your hands until the object you desire appears possible for the duration of your stay.
there. You cause one superior suit of armor, weapon, or piece of gear If you own a structure and that structure is on your continent when you
to appear in your hands and remain for the duration. cast this spell, you can conjure it to appear in the target space instead
of a random structure. In addition, a conjured structure you own can
SPIN A SPIDER’S WEB remain in the space indefinitely.
TARGET: One Size 5 space within 15 yards

TARGET: One Size 5 space on the ground within 20 yards

Sticky strands spread through the space to fill it entirely. The strands turn
DURATION: 1 minute
the space into challenging terrain and grant creatures and objects in it
partial cover. Each creature in the target space when the webs appear You call forth lava from deep in the earth to spread across the ground in
becomes held until the creature overcomes the effect with a successful the target space, covering it with challenging terrain. Each creature and
Strength roll. A creature entering the space or moving in it must first object on the ground in the space when the lava appears or that enters
make an Agility roll. On a failure, it becomes held as described. it takes 10d6 damage and catches fire (luck ends).
During the next round, and each subsequent round, the lava deals yards. All water in that space becomes ice. Any creature in the
damage to any creature or object on the ground in the target space or water can make an Agility roll with 1 boon. On a success, if the
that enters it, but the damage dealt is reduced by 2d6: 8d6 damage on creature has a Speed greater than 0, the creature moves to the
round two, 6d6 on round three, and so on.
In addition to dealing damage, toxic gas rises from the lava and cre- nearest empty space outside the target space. Otherwise, the
ates light obscurement in the target space. Creatures in the space are creature becomes buried in ice and subject to suffocation. The
affected by suffocation until they leave it. ice melts away after 1 hour. You can use this talent once. You
regain the use of it after you rest.
PRODUCE MAGIC ITEM SHAPE ICE (MAGICAL): Your damage-dealing Cryomancy spells
CASTINGS: 1 deal an extra 1d6 damage.
In addition, you can perform a ritual to reshape ice. Target
DURATION: 1 hour
one Size 5 space you can see within 10 yards. When you finish,
You pluck a magical item from somewhere in the world and cause it you change the shape of all ice in the target space. You could cre-
to appear in your hands or at your feet if your hands are full. You can ate an opening through it, steps, fanciful figures, or something
choose any consumable or trinket described in Chapter 3. Alternatively,
you can conjure a random oddity. The Sage has rules for oddities. else. Once you use this talent, you lose access to it for 1 hour.
SLEET STORM (MAGICAL): You can use an action to cause sleet
RIVER OF ROCK to fall and make the ground slippery. Target one Size 5 space
CASTINGS: 1 within 10 yards. Sleet falls through the target space for 1 min-
TARGET: One creature or object within 15 yards ute, creating light obscurement within the space. In addition,
DURATION: Instantaneous the ground in the space becomes challenging terrain. You can
You pull rocks and debris from someplace else and cause them to come use this talent once, twice at level 3, and three times at level 7.
tumbling out from nowhere. A target object takes 20d6 damage and, if You regain expended uses after you rest.
not secured, is pushed 5 yards. A target creature takes 10d6 damage,
and makes an Agility roll. On a failure, the target takes an extra 10d6
damage, is pushed 5 yards, and falls prone. The boulders cover the Nov ice Cryomancy Spells
ground in a 5-yard wide and 5-yard long line extending away from the
target’s space with challenging terrain that remains until cleared away.
TARGET: One creature within 15 yards
CASTINGS: 1, perform a ritual, you can see the sky
DURATION: Instantaneous
TARGET: One Size 5 space centered on you
DURATION: 8 hours Cold sinks its fangs into the target. It takes 1d6 damage. Then, make an
Intellect or Will roll against the target’s Strength. On a success, the target
From the air above you swoop down winged steeds for you and each becomes slowed (luck ends). On a critical success, the target takes an
ally in the space. The steeds are friendly to you and your allies and bear extra 1d6 damage.
you as riders. The steeds use the rules for horses (see Chapter 3) with the
Fly trait. If a steed becomes incapacitated, it disappears. A creature on
a steed falls when the spell ends or when the steed disappears.
CASTINGS: 3, reaction when you attack with a melee weapon

Cryomancy TARGET: One weapon you wield

DURATION: 1 minute
Ice spreads across your weapon and causes it to radiate deadly cold.
In the frozen tundra, on glaciers, and all across the polar regions When you attack with the weapon, you roll with 1 boon and you can
one finds a climate anathema to most living things. Between the use Intellect or Will in place of the attribute you would normally use.
bitter cold, freezing winds, and slippery ice, doom awaits the Your attacks with the weapon deal an extra 1d6 damage from the cold.
unprepared. Armed with Cryomancy, casters can bring these While you carry the weapon, you are immune to damage from cold
inhospitable environments to anywhere in the world. With a and you take half damage from fire. Finally, you can use an action to
touch the weapon to a body of water and freeze solid a Size 1 cube of
word, the temperatures plummet. With a gesture, snow and ice it. You can draw your weapon freely from the ice created.
barrel forward.
TARGET: One Size 10 space within 15 yards
FREEZE RAY (MAGICAL): You can use an action to launch a white-
DURATION: 1 minute
blue beam from your fingertip. Target one creature within 10
yards. Make a Will roll against the target’s Agility. On a success, Along one side of the target space there forms a 1-yard-thick barrier
of ice. Each Size 1 cube of the barrier has Health 20 and takes double
Chapter 4

the target takes 1d6 damage and becomes slowed until the end damage from fire.
of your next turn. At level 3, the target takes 3d6 damage. At
level 7, the target takes 7d6 damage. On a critical success, the ICICLE FALL
target instead becomes slowed (luck ends).
FREEZE WATER (MAGICAL): You can use an action to turn water TARGET: One Size 3 space within 10 yards
into ice. Target one Size 5 space that you can see within 10 DURATION: Instantaneous

Long blades formed from ice appear above the target space and fall. ICE FALL
Each creature and object in the space that is not under a hard surface
takes 1d6 damage. A creature makes an Agility roll with 1 bane. On
a failure, the creature also falls prone. Then, for 1 minute, the broken TARGET: One Size 5 space within 20 yards
icicles cover the ground in the space with challenging terrain. DURATION: Instantaneous
Huge chunks of ice appear in the air above and fall to the ground inside
RIME the target space to cover it with challenging terrain that remains for 1
minute or until the ice melts from fire or extreme heat. The noise of the
CASTINGS: 3 falling ice causes all creatures in the target space to become deafened
TARGET: One creature or object within 15 yards or all exposed surfaces until the end of the round.
inside one Size 5 space within 15 yards Each creature and object in the space that is not under hard cover
DURATION: Special (see the effect) when the ice starts falling or that enters it before the spell ends takes 3d6
damage. A creature makes a Strength roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the
Ice spreads with great rapidity over the target. A target creature takes creature takes an extra 4d6 damage and falls prone.
1d6 damage and makes a Strength roll. On a failure, it becomes held
for 1 minute or until it overcomes the affliction with a successful Strength
roll. At the end of each round the target is held in this way, it takes 1d6
damage. CASTINGS: 1
A target object is covered in ice for 1 minute. If the target can nor- TARGET: One Size 10 space within reach
mally be opened or closed, it cannot be opened or closed until the spell DURATION: Instantaneous
ends. A creature that touches the target takes 1d6 damage, but no more
A super-cold wind tears through the target space and deals 6d6 dam-
than once per round.
age to each creature and object in it. The wind causes liquids in the
Ice covers a target surface with challenging terrain for 1 minute. Any
target space to freeze, and the cold beards all surfaces with ice to
creature that moves across the surface makes an Agility roll. On a fail-
make them challenging terrain for 1 hour. A creature in the target space
ure, the creature takes 1d6 damage and falls prone.
makes a Strength roll, and on a failure, takes an extra 3d6 damage,
falls prone, and becomes Strength impaired (luck ends).
TARGET: One Size 50 space centered on you CASTINGS: 1, reaction when an enemy attacks you
The air temperature plummets in the target space. Thick gray clouds form DURATION: 1 minute
there and release heavy snow that falls throughout it. The falling snow Freezing wind, snow, and ice whip around you. You impose 2 banes
creates light obscurement in the affected space and, after 1 minute, cov- on rolls to attack you, and any creature within 5 yards that attacks you
ers the ground in the space with challenging terrain. takes 3d6 damage and makes a Strength roll. On a failure, the creature
If you cast this spell on an indoor space, the falling snow instead becomes weakened until the end of its next turn.
creates heavy obscurement.
While you are in the affected space, you make rolls from casting your
Cryomancy spells with 1 boon and you impose 1 bane on rolls to resist
your Cryomancy spells.

Ex pert Cryomancy Spells

TARGET: One creature within 15 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
Bands of lethal cold air wrap around the target. It takes 4d6 damage
and becomes Strength impaired (luck ends). While Strength impaired
in this way, whenever the target takes damage, it takes an extra 1d6

TARGET: One Size 10 space within 20 yards
DURATION: Special (see the effect)
Billowing white fog spreads through the target space to cover all

exposed surfaces with ice creating challenging terrain that lasts for 1
hour, or 1 minute in hot climates. The fog lingers in the target space for 1
minute, creating heavy obscurement throughout. Whenever a creature
ends its turn in the space, it makes a Strength roll. On a failure, the crea-
ture takes 2d6 damage. If the creature becomes injured by this dam-
age, it becomes held until it takes any damage from fire or it overcomes
the affliction with a successful Strength roll.
TEETH OF WINTER • Your natural Defense becomes 16 if less than 16.
CASTINGS: 1 • You take no damage from cold and you take half damage from fire.
TARGET: One Size 5 space within 15 yards • You increase your Speed by 3 and you have the Slippery trait.
DURATION: 1 minute • Your Cryomancy spells and talents that deal damage deal an extra
Long, sharp ice blades form throughout the target space and remain 2d6 damage.
there for 1 minute or until melted. Each creature in the target space when • You radiate bitter cold from your body. At the end of your turn, each
the blades appear takes 4d6 damage and makes an Agility roll. On a creature within 1 yard of you takes 1d6 damage.
failure, the creature takes an extra 4d6 damage. Until the blades dis-
appear, they cover the target space with challenging terrain, and any LIQUID ICE
creature that falls prone in it takes 1d6 damage.

Master Cryomancy Spells TARGET: One creature or object within 15 yards

DURATION: Instantaneous
Freezing cold water flows from your hands toward the target. Make
ABSOLUTE ZERO a Will roll with 1 boon against its Agility. On a success, the target
takes 20d6 damage. On a critical success, the target takes an extra
CASTINGS: 1 4d6 damage. If the damage causes the target to become injured, it
TARGET: One Size 5 space within 15 yards also becomes held from the ice that now covers its body. The affliction
DURATION: 1 minute persists until the target overcomes it with a successful Strength roll. At
The air temperature in the target space becomes lethally cold. At the end the end of each round while the target is held in this way, it takes 1d6
of each round, any creature in the space with a Health score of 15 or damage from cold.
lower dies, and each creature with a Health score greater than 15 takes If your roll results in a failure, water spreads out across the ground
4d6 damage and makes a Strength roll. On a failure, the creature takes within 3 yards of the target and then freezes. Any creature on the ground
an extra 6d6 damage and becomes weakened for as long as it remains in the target space makes a Strength roll. On a failure, it becomes held
in the target space and for 1 minute thereafter. Any creature injured by (luck ends). For 1 minute, ice covers the ground in challenging terrain.
this damage becomes held until the spell ends.
The spell freezes all liquids in the target space and causes them to SUMMON ICE ELEMENTAL
burst closed containers. All fire deals half damage to anything in the
target space, and nothing in the space can catch fire. CASTINGS: 1
TARGET: One empty Size 2 space within 5 yards

CASTINGS: 1 Loud popping sounds from the space as ice forms into a hulking human-
TARGET: One Size 5 space within 30 yards oid shape, bristling with spikes. The ice elemental becomes your con-
DURATION: Special (see the effect)
trolled companion. The effect ends early if it becomes incapacitated.
Ice completely fills the target space. The ice crushes secured objects in
the space, dealing 100 damage to each, while unsecured objects take ATTRIBUTES: Strength 15 (+5), Agility 10 (+0), Intellect 10 (+0), Will 15 (+5)
50 damage and are pushed into empty spaces nearest to the target SIZE: 2, SPEED: 5
space. Each creature in the target space takes 6d6 damage; if incapac-
IMMUNE: asleep, blinded, deafened, held, frightened, impaired, on
itated, it dies, its body smeared across the ground under the ice. If not
incapacitated, the ice pushes the creature into the nearest empty space fire, poisoned, prone, weakened, damage from cold.
to the target space and the creature then makes a Strength roll. On a ICY FIST: The ice elemental targets one creature or object within reach
failure, the creature falls prone. and makes a Strength roll with 1 boon against the target's Defense.
The ice lasts for 1 month in a temperate region, a couple of weeks On a success, the target takes 5d6 damage. On a critical success,
in a warm environment, or a few days in a hot environment. In a cold the target becomes held (luck ends).
environment, the ice stays until melted away.

Dark Arts
TARGET: One creature within 10 yards There can be no mistaking the evil inherent in the Dark Arts
DURATION: Instantaneous tradition; each spell makes the world a bit worse. They create suf-
Deep, bone-chilling cold envelops the target. If the target’s Health score fering, sickness, and sorrow. A tradition of last resort for people
is 90 or less, it freezes into a solid statue and dies. Otherwise, the target seeking unlimited power—no matter the consequences, study-
takes 10d6 damage and becomes held (luck ends). The target makes ing the Dark Arts stains the soul and increases the population
the luck roll with 1 bane to end this affliction. Each time the target gets a of the Netherworld by one upon the caster’s death. Efforts to
failure on a roll to end this affliction, it loses 5d6 Health.
stamp out the Dark Arts should make discovering the tradition
HEART OF WINTER a challenge, yet its secrets have a way of surviving the bonfires
and purges to infect more and more with its false promises and
CASTINGS: 1, reaction when you cast a Cryomancy spell or use a
Chapter 4

Cryomancy talent cruel effects.

TARGET: You Fiends in the Netherworld introduced the Dark Arts to mor-
DURATION: 1 hour tals, offering potent and harmful magic in return for souls. It’s
Ice sheathes your body, transforming you into the heart of winter. The believed that the gods despise the Dark Arts and that knowledge
effect ends early if you become incapacitated as a result of taking dam- of even a single spell from this tradition will doom a soul to the
age from magical fire. Netherworld. For this reason, the Dark Arts tradition is a poor
choice for heroes. Sometimes, though, casters find evil a power- EXQUISITE AGONY
ful weapon for use against its authors, and thus these insidious CASTINGS: 1
spells might find their way into a spellcaster’s arsenal. TARGET: One creature within 15 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
DARK ARTS TALENTS Pain grips the target. Make an Intellect roll against the target’s Will. You
can choose to lose 2 Health to make the roll with 1 boon. On a success,
CONSTRUCT POPPET (MAGICAL): If you have a few strands of the target becomes cursed for 1 minute. While cursed in this way, when-
hair, a drop of blood, or a bit of nail all from the same creature, ever the target falls prone, takes damage, or loses Health, it becomes
you can perform a ritual to construct a doll in that creature’s weakened (luck ends). On a failure, you regain the expended casting
of this spell after 1 minute. On a critical success, the effect lasts 1 hour
likeness. When you finish, you expend the required materi- instead of 1 minute.
als. The doll is Size 1/8, has Defense 0, and Health 5. The doll
remains until it’s destroyed. FLESH BLIGHT
When you cast a spell that normally targets one creature, you CASTINGS: 1
can choose to lose 1 Health and target the doll instead. In doing TARGET: One flesh-and-blood creature within 10 yards
so, you transfer the spell’s effects through the doll to the creature DURATION: Instantaneous
it represents provided that creature is within 100 miles of you. Blisters appear all over the target’s body. Make a Will roll against the
In addition, if you deal damage directly to the poppet, the target’s Strength. You can choose to lose 2 Health to make the roll with 1
creature it represents becomes vulnerable (luck ends). If you boon. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage and becomes cursed
destroy the poppet, the creature it represents makes a Will roll. for 1 minute. While cursed in this way, the target is also weakened.
On a failure, it becomes stunned (luck ends). If the target takes damage from an attack by a creature in its reach
and the attacker’s weapon lacks the Long trait, a bubo on the target’s
FORKED TONGUE (MAGICAL): Your tongue bifurcates. Whenever body bursts to spray the attacker. The attacker makes an Agility roll and,
you would pass off a lie as the truth in a social situation, each on a failure, becomes affected as if you had cast this spell on it.
If your Will roll results in a failure, you regain the expended casting
creature that can hear you makes an Intellect roll with 1 bane. of this spell after 1 minute.
On a success, the creature becomes immune to this talent for 24
hours. On a failure, the creature believes what you say to be true, INSIDIOUS VEXATION
even if presented with evidence to the contrary, for 1 hour. On CASTINGS: 1
a critical failure, the creature believes anything you say to be the TARGET: One creature within 10 yards
truth for 24 hours. DURATION: 1 minute
HEX (MAGICAL): You can use an action to draw a fiery red pen- Dark splotches appear all over the target’s body and then fade. You can
tagram with your finger in the air and send it flying from you. target additional creatures with this casting of the spell: lose 4 Health
Target one creature within 5 yards. The target becomes cursed to target two creatures or 8 Health to target three. A target becomes
cursed for the duration. While cursed in this way, each time the target
until the end of your next turn. gets a success on an attribute or luck roll, roll a d6 to see what happens:
At level 3, the target becomes cursed (luck ends). At level 7,
the target becomes cursed and vulnerable (luck ends both). D6 RESULT

PUNGENT STENCH (MAGICAL): You can use this talent when you 1 The target falls prone.
cast a Dark Arts spell. From your body emanates a foul odor 2 The target takes 1d6 damage.
that sickens nearby creatures. For 1 minute, enemies inside a
3 The target becomes weakened until the end of its next turn.
Size 3 space centered on you, and that moves with you, are
Strength impaired. Creatures immune to the poisoned afflic- 4 The target, or your choice of one of its allies within 5 yards of
tion ignore this effect. You can use this talent once, twice at it, takes 2d6 damage.
level 3, and three times at level 7. You regain expended uses 5 The target, or your choice of one of its allies within 5 yards of
after you rest. it, becomes confused (luck ends).
6 The target, or your choice of one of its allies within 5 yards of
it, takes 4d6 damage.
Nov ice Dark Arts Spells ONE TRUE LOVE
TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
CASTINGS: 3 DURATION: Instantaneous
TARGET: One creature within 15 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
The target’s eyes turn black and then return to normal a moment later.
Make an Intellect roll against its Will. On a success, the target sees you

Screams fill the air as the black fires gathered in your hands streak as its one true love for 1 hour. The target is your ally until you harm it,
toward the target. Make an Intellect roll against its Agility. On a suc- its friends or loved ones, or its property. The spell also ends if the target
cess, the target takes 3d6 damage and catches fire (luck ends); it makes learns it is affected by this spell or witnesses you perform an act it would
rolls to end this effect with 1 bane. If your Intellect roll results in a failure, find objectionable. On a failure, the target becomes your enemy if it
either the target takes 1d6 damage or you can choose to lose 2 Health is not already and, henceforth, makes rolls against you with 1 boon.
to turn the failure into a success. On a critical success, you also regain After you cast this spell, you can choose to lose 2 Health and regain the
the expended casting of this spell. expended casting.
CASTINGS: 1, perform a ritual CASTINGS: 3
TARGET: One dead creature within reach TARGET: One creature within 10 yards
DURATION: Special (see the effect) DURATION: 1 minute
The soul belonging to the target returns to its body, causing it to animate For a moment, the target stiffens. You can target additional creatures
and behave in a manner appropriate to someone that knows it has died with this casting of the spell: lose 4 Health to target two creatures or 8
and desperately wants to live. Each creature that can see the target, Health to target three. A target becomes cursed for the duration, or until
other than you, makes a Will roll. On a failure, the creature becomes it overcomes the affliction with a successful luck roll. While cursed in this
frightened of the target until the spell ends or the creature overcomes the way, each time the target takes a turn within 10 yards of you, it chooses
affliction with a successful Will roll. either to become controlled by you until the end of the round or to take
When you cast the spell, and once each round on your turn, you can 4d6 damage.
ask the soul one question. The soul answers truthfully by speaking with
the target’s mouth, gesturing, or writing, and uses the knowledge it had PART BONE FROM FLESH
in life. When not answering queries, it blubbers, complains, and begs
for help. CASTINGS: 1
At the end of each round, roll a d6. On any number other than 6, the TARGET: One Size 1 flesh-and-blood creature within 5 yards
spell ends unless you choose to lose 2 Health. DURATION: Instantaneous
The bones in the target’s body begin moving around. The target takes

Ex pert Dark Arts Spells 6d6 damage. Then, make a Will roll against the target’s Strength. On a
success, the target takes an extra 6d6 damage. On a critical success,
the target takes an extra 12d6 damage instead. If the damage incapac-
itates the target, it dies and, at the end of the round, an animated skele-
APPALLING HEMORRHAGE ton of the target’s Size pulls itself free from the corpse and stands up. The
CASTINGS: 3 animated skeleton is a creature under the Sage’s control and treats all
TARGET: One injured flesh-and-blood creature within 10 yards
other creatures as enemies. The Sage has rules for the animated skele-
DURATION: Instantaneous
ton in Secrets of the Weird Wizard.

Blood suddenly gushes from the target’s wounds. The target takes 4d6 THE CERTAINTY OF FOOLS
damage. Then, make an Intellect roll against the target’s Strength. On a
success, the target loses 4d6 Health, and blood spraying from its body CASTINGS: 1
creates light obscurement within 5 yards of it. On a critical success, TARGET: One creature within 10 yards
the target loses an extra 2d6 Health. After you cast the spell, you can DURATION: Instantaneous
choose to lose 4 Health and regain the expended casting.
A queer expression appears on the target’s visage. You can target addi-
tional creatures with this casting of the spell: lose 4 Health to target two
creatures or 8 Health to target three. For each target separately, make a
Will roll against its Intellect. On a success, the target becomes confused
and Intellect impaired (luck ends both). On a critical success, the target
also becomes stunned until the end of your next turn.
At the end of each round the target is impaired in this way, its Intellect
score is reduced by 1. A target whose Intellect score was reduced in this
way regains 1 point every 24 hours from the last time this spell reduced
its Intellect score.

TARGET: One Size 5 space within 15 yards
DURATION: 1 minute
Unfurling from thin air, three hideous tentacles covered in suckers lash
your enemies. When the tentacles appear, and again at the start of
each of your turns, the tentacles attack up to three creatures in the target
space. For each target separately, make an Intellect roll against the tar-
get’s Agility. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage and becomes
grabbed by the tentacle. If the target is already grabbed by a tentacle, it
takes an extra 3d6 damage instead and remains grabbed until the end
of the tentacle’s next turn.
A tentacle counts as an object with Defense 12 and Health 10. Once
three tentacles have been destroyed, the spell ends early.
Chapter 4

TARGET: Up to three creatures all in one Size 3 space within 10 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
You fling out your hands and lines crisscross the targets’ bodies. Each
target takes 4d6 damage and makes a Strength roll with 1 bane. On
a failure, the target takes an extra 4d6 damage. On a critical failure, PILLARS OF SALT
it takes an extra 8d6 damage instead. If this damage incapacitates the
target, it dies, and its body slides apart into hundreds of ultrathin slices.
TARGET: Any number of creatures inside a Size 5 space within 15 yards
The target’s vitality covers the ground in a Size 3 space centered on it
with challenging terrain. You can choose to lose 4 Health to regain the DURATION: Instantaneous
expended casting of this spell. Salt crystals form on each target’s body. A target with Health 40 or less
freezes in place, turns into salt, and then dies. If you choose to lose 8
Health, you can instead affect targets with Health 60 or less in this way.
Master Dark Arts Spells A target with a Health score greater than this threshold instead takes
10d6 damage.


TARGET: One creature within 10 yards TARGET: One Size 1 space within 10 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous DURATION: Instantaneous
The target’s body moves in an unsettling nature. If the target has Health A black hole opens in the target space and from it clambers forth a type
60 or less, it becomes cursed until you or the target dies. If you choose I demon. The demon is an enemy under the Sage’s control. The Sage
to lose 8 Health, you can instead affect a target with Health 100 or has rules for demons. When it is incapacitated, the demon disappears.
less; such a target becomes cursed (luck ends). When a target cursed If you choose to lose 8 Health, when the demon appears, you can
in this way takes a turn, you can use a reaction to exert your will over make a Will roll against its Will. On a success, the demon becomes
the target if it is within 10 yards of you and in your line of sight. Make controlled by you for 1 minute, after which time it returns to the Void. On
a Will roll against the target’s Will. On a success, the target becomes a failure, you regain the casting of this spell after 1 hour.
controlled by you until the start of its next turn. On a failure, the target
takes 8d6 damage.


Some people just want to watch the world burn. The Destruction
CASTINGS: 1 tradition is for them. Magic with the sole aim of undoing creation,
TARGET: One creature within 10 yards its spells break, burst, splinter, and erode. Students of the tradition
DURATION: Instantaneous
not disgusted by the ruin they create might find themselves revel-
You make the target a prisoner of its own body. Make a Will roll against ing in the sheer devastation wrought.
the target’s Intellect. On a success, if the target has Health 60 or less,
it becomes cursed (luck ends). While cursed in this way, the target is DESTRUCTION TALENTS
stunned, cannot use any of its senses, and takes half damage from all
sources. When the spell ends, the target makes a Will roll, and on a
ENTROPIC POWER (MAGICAL): You can use this talent when you
failure, becomes frightened of you until you become incapacitated.
A target with a Health score greater than 60 is cursed (luck ends). cast a Destruction spell. Entropic power flows into you for 1
While cursed in this way, the target is also held, vulnerable, and minute. The effect ends early if you become unconscious. When
weakened. you deal damage from a spell you cast or a magical talent you
If you get a failure on your roll, you can choose to lose 8 Health to use, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage. At the end of each
regain the expended casting of this spell. round, the ground within 3 yards of you fractures to become
challenging terrain until cleared away. When this effect ends,
LIQUEFY FLESH make a Strength roll. On a failure, you lose 1d6 Health. You can
CASTINGS: 1 use this talent once, twice at level 3, and three times at level 7.
TARGET: One flesh-and-blood creature within 15 yards You regain expended uses after you rest.
DURATION: Instantaneous
REND THE FLESH (MAGICAL): You can use an action to send ten-
The target’s skin turns to liquid and drains away. The target loses 20d6 drils of ruinous energy from your hand. Target one creature
Health. You can choose to lose 8 Health to increase the Health loss to
within 5 yards. Make a Will roll against its Strength. On a suc-
30d6. If the loss reduces the target’s Health score to 0, it melts into a
reeking puddle that dries a few days later. cess, the target takes 1d6 damage and becomes vulnerable until
the end of your next turn. At level 3, the target takes 3d6 dam-
PART SOUL FROM FLESH age. At level 7, the target takes 7d6 damage instead.
CASTINGS: 1 RUINOUS FIELD (MAGICAL): You can use this talent when you cast
TARGET: One Size 1 or smaller creature within 5 yards a Destruction spell. You emanate a ruinous field for 1 minute. The
DURATION: Instantaneous effect ends early if you become confused, controlled, stunned, or
You hook your finger at the target to wrench free its soul. An angel, cre- unconscious. Creatures and objects that are neither worn nor car-
ried within 1 yard of you are vulnerable for as long as they remain

ation, demon, faerie, and fiend ignores this spell. A target with Health
60 or less falls prone and dies. If you choose to lose 8 Health, you can there. You can use this talent once, twice at level 3, and three times
instead affect a target with Health 100 or less in this way. When the at level 7. You regain expended uses after you rest.
target dies, a ghost appears in the air above its body.
The ghost is a creature under the Sage’s control and treats all other SHATTER (MAGICAL): You can use an action to damage or destroy
creatures as enemies. The Sage has rules for the ghost in Secrets of the an object. Target one ordinary object you can see within 10
Weird Wizard. yards. Make an Intellect roll. On a success, the target loses
4d6 Health. On a critical success, the target loses 8d6 Health
instead. If the loss destroys the object, it flies apart and each
Expert Destruction Spells
creature and object within 3 yards of it takes 1d6 damage. A
creature can make a luck roll. On a success, the creature takes no CASCADING DECAY
damage. You can use this talent once, twice at level 3, and three CASTINGS: 3
times at level 7. You regain expended uses after you rest. TARGET: One creature within 15 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous

Nov ice Destruction Spells Dust seems to fall from the target’s body as it experiences rapid and
terrible decay. The target takes 4d6 damage and becomes cursed (luck
ends). At the end of each round that the target is cursed in this way, it
BREAK THE BODY takes 1d6 damage.

TARGET: Up to three creatures within 10 yards
TARGET: One ordinary Size 4 or smaller object within 30 yards
Fractures and fissures appear all over the targets’ bodies. Each becomes
DURATION: Instantaneous
Agility impaired for the duration. At the end of each round, the target
takes 1d6 damage. The target vibrates with growing intensity, which causes cracks to
appear all over it. The target loses 40 Health. If the target’s Health drops
FEED ON LOSS to 0, it explodes, dealing 8d6 damage to each creature and object
within 5 yards of it. A creature can make a luck roll. On a success, the
CASTINGS: 1, reaction when a creature within 5 yards becomes inca- creature takes no damage.
pacitated or a Size 1 or larger object within 5 yards is destroyed
DURATION: 1 minute
The air shimmers around you, your will to ruin made manifest. Whenever TARGET: One Size 5 space within 15 yards
a creature within 5 yards becomes incapacitated or a Size 1 or larger DURATION: Instantaneous
object within 5 yards is destroyed, you make attribute and luck rolls with
1 boon for 1 minute. Threads of dark energy extrude from the center of the target space and
dissipate. Each creature in this space takes 2d6 damage and each
object in the space takes 4d6 damage. A creature makes a Strength
HAMMER DOWN roll. On a failure, the creature takes an extra 2d6 damage and becomes
CASTINGS: 3 vulnerable and weakened (luck ends both); it makes the roll to end these
TARGET: One creature within 10 yards afflictions with 1 bane. A creature or object incapacitated by this dam-
DURATION: Instantaneous age drops to 0 Health and become erased from existence.

You fling out your hand to release a wave of destructive force. The target
takes 1d6 damage, and makes a Strength roll. On a failure, you push
the target 5 yards. On a critical failure, the target also falls prone and CASTINGS: 3
cannot stand up (luck ends). TARGET: Each creature inside one Size 5 space within 15 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
LESSER RUIN A target with Health 20 or less pops as it dies, spraying blood, flesh,
CASTINGS: 3 and bone in all directions. Creatures with Health scores greater than 20
TARGET: One creature or object within 10 yards instead take 3d6 damage.
DURATION: Instantaneous
Minor wounds appear all over the target. It takes 3d6 damage.
PAIN TARGET: The ground in one Size 10 space centered on you
DURATION: Instantaneous
TARGET: One flesh-and-blood creature within 10 yards A shockwave spreads through the target ground, causing it to ripple
and split. The ground in the space becomes challenging terrain. Each
DURATION: Instantaneous
creature on the ground with a Health score of 15 or less tumbles into one
The target lets loose a gasp as you send a jolt of pain through it. The of the cracks that form, vanishing forever. Each creature on the ground
target becomes weakened (luck ends). with a Health score greater than 15 makes an Agility roll. On a failure,
the creature takes 4d6 damage and falls prone. Finally, for 10 years,
RAY OF DISSOLUTION nothing grows from the ground in the target space.
Chapter 4

TARGET: Each creature and object within 5 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous CASTINGS: 1
TARGET: One creature or object within 15 yards
You sweep a lime-colored beam around you. Whatever it touches
DURATION: Instantaneous
begins to decay. The beam deals 3d6 damage to each target object.
Each target creature makes an Agility roll. On a failure, the creature The target buckles under the weight of your ruinous magic and takes
takes 3d6 damage. 9d6 damage.
Master Destruction Spells
DURATION: 1 minute
Darkness bleeds from you to form a perfect sphere with a radius of
one-and-a-half times your height. You can see normally from within the
sphere, but it blocks all light from reaching inside. The sphere reduces
damage from thrown weapons or projectiles used against you to 0 and
destroys them.
The sphere moves with you when you move, carving a groove on
any surface you cross. When the sphere moves to within 1 yard of a
creature or into an object in your path, an object loses 10d6 Health
and a creature makes an Agility roll. On a failure, the creature takes
10d6 damage. Anything whose Health is reduced to 0 by the sphere
disappears, erased from existence.

TARGET: One empty Size 1/4 space within 15 yards
DURATION: 1 minute
A sinister, black stone appears in the space. It throbs. At the end of each
round, the rock pulses and releases energy that deals 8d6 damage to
each object within 5 yards of it. Each creature within 5 yards of it takes
4d6 damage, and makes a Strength roll. On a failure, the creature takes
an extra 4d6 damage. Anything incapacitated or destroyed by this
damage evaporates into mist that disperses at the end of the next round. SINGULARITY
TARGET: One empty Size 1/4 space within 15 yards
TARGET: One creature or object within 30 yards; you need neither line
Light bends around the target space as a 1-foot-radius black sphere
of sight nor line of effect to the target
appears and hovers there. Anything that touches the sphere loses 30
DURATION: Instantaneous
Health and disappears utterly if reduced to 0 Health.
You fling a black beam from your hand. Make an Intellect roll against The sphere gobbles up the air around it, causing strong wind (see
the target’s Agility. On a success, the target takes 30d6 damage. If it Chapter 2) to blow toward it from 10 yards away until the spell ends.
is incapacitated or destroyed by this damage, the target disappears,
The wind is sufficient to carry lightweight unsecured objects in the area
erased from existence. On a failure, the beam misses but sweeps
through a Size 5 space centered on the target, dealing 10d6 damage toward the sphere. Larger, heavier unsecured objects slide toward the
to each other creature and object in the space, also erasing from exis- sphere at the end of each round. Make a luck roll and, on a success, the
tence anything incapacitated or destroyed by this damage. A creature objects fall into the sphere.
makes a luck roll. On a success, the creature takes no damage. The wind makes the affected area challenging terrain. Any creature
in the area that attempts to leave makes a Strength roll and, on a failure,
ENTROPIC DOOM stops at the edge of the area and becomes held until the start of their
next turn.
Each creature in the affected area at the end of each round until the
TARGET: Each creature inside one Size 5 space within 15 yards
spell ends makes a Strength roll. On a failure, it is pulled toward the
DURATION: Instantaneous
sphere and becomes held until it overcomes the affliction with a suc-
For each creature inside the target space, separately make an Intellect cessful Strength roll. If the target was already held, it ends the affliction
roll against its Agility. On a success, the target becomes confused and and falls into the sphere.
vulnerable for 1 minute. On a critical success, it also becomes cursed Any creature that touches the sphere and has Health remaining tele-
for as long as it is vulnerable. Until these afflictions end, it takes 5d6
ports to an empty space of its choice within 15 yards of the sphere.
damage at the end of each of its turns. Any creature incapacitated by
this damage collapses into a puddle of black liquid and dies. For an object that touches the sphere and is not destroyed, you decide
where it appears in range.

TARGET: One creature or object within 30 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous Beyond reading entrails or finding omens in the shapes of the
You level your finger at the target and speak a word of terrible ruin. The clouds, Divination magic reveals possible futures and offers ways
target takes 15d6 damage. for those armed with foreknowledge to avoid or mitigate disaster.
Some spells employ the fortune teller’s craft of card or tea leaf INTERPRET OMEN
reading to focus the mind, but the greater spells merge the caster’s CASTINGS: 3, reaction when a creature within 5 yards makes an attri-
consciousness with all of time and space to gain true and lasting bute roll or a luck roll
insight into what is to come. TARGET: The creature that enabled the casting of this spell
DURATION: Instantaneous
DIVINATION TALENTS You caught a glimpse of the future and you use this knowledge to
change fate. Either add 3 to or subtract 3 from the roll that enabled the
COMBAT PRECOGNITION (MAGICAL): While you are not injured casting of this spell.
and you lack the confused, controlled, stunned, and uncon-
scious afflictions, you roll to attack with 1 boon and you impose LOCATE QUARRY
1 bane on rolls to attack you. CASTINGS: 1, perform a ritual
PREVIEW THE FUTURE (MAGICAL): You can use this talent when
DURATION: 24 hours
you would make an attribute roll. Make a luck roll. On a success,
Name one creature or object you have seen at least once. During the
you add 10 to the result of your attribute roll. On a failure, you ritual, you close your eyes and fix your mind on the subject. When you
make the attribute roll with 1 bane. You can use this talent once, finish, if the creature or object named is within 1 mile of you, you know
twice at level 3, and three times at level 7. You regain expended where it is. If you have handled the object or have something from the
uses after you rest. creature, such as a drop of blood, a lock of hair, or bit of nail, then you
know the location of the creature or object if it is within 100 miles.
PSYCHOMETRY (MAGICAL): You can perform a ritual to divine The spell reveals the location of the creature or object at the time you
secrets from an object. Target one object that you hold in your cast it, and you retain the knowledge of the location indefinitely, though
the information might no longer be accurate if the creature later leaves
hands. When you finish, you learn all of the target’s traits and the space that it occupied or someone later moves the object.
how to make use of them. If the target was a weapon, you make
rolls to attack with it with 1 boon until after you rest. In addi- PRONOUNCE DOOM
tion, you can make an Intellect roll. On a success, you learn the CASTINGS: 1
identity of the last person to handle the target for 1 minute or TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
longer, the amount of time since anyone has handled it, and one DURATION: Instantaneous
or more hints about its origins. You can use this talent once, You reveal some dreadful happening to befall the target. If the target
twice at level 3, and three times at level 7. You regain expended can hear and understand you, it makes a Will roll with 1 bane. On
uses after you rest. a failure, the target becomes frightened of you for 1 minute or until it
overcomes the affliction with a successful Will roll. In addition, while
WARNING SIGN (MAGICAL): You can use a reaction when you frightened in this way, the target subtracts 5 from the result of any attri-
would be harmed to make a luck roll with 1 bane. On a success, bute roll and luck rolls it makes.
you ignore the harm. At level 3, you roll without the bane. At
level 7, you roll with 1 boon. You can use this talent once. You WEAL OR WOE
regain the use after you rest. CASTINGS: 1, perform a ritual, you have dice, cards, tea leaves, or
another implement of divination
Nov ice Di v ination Spells DURATION: 1 hour
You consult your implements of divination to discern the consequences
of your next action. Describe a possible course of activity, such as “I
EAVESDROP open the door on the west wall,” “I pick the lock on the chest,” or “I talk
CASTINGS: 3, you can cast without speaking to that man over there.” When you finish the ritual, make an Intellect roll.
On a success, the Sage tells you truthfully if the activity is likely to have
TARGET: One Size 1/2 space within 30 yards; you need neither line of
a good or bad outcome for you. If the Sage decides the chance for a
effect nor line of sight to the target good or bad outcome is more or less even, you receive an answer of
DURATION: 1 hour “uncertain.” If you fail the roll, the Sage is free to answer truthfully, lie,
Your ears pop as they adjust to the spell’s effects. You hear from the or just give you an answer of uncertainty.
target space as if you were there instead of wherever you happen to be. Regardless of the outcome of your roll, you make attribute rolls with
1 boon for the duration.
CASTINGS: 1, perform a ritual, you have dice, cards, tea leaves, or Ex pert Di v ination Spells
another implement of divination
DURATION: Special (see the effect)
Chapter 4

You consult your implements of divination to gain insights about the
future. When you finish the ritual, roll a d20 three times and note the TARGET: You
number rolled on each die. At any time before you cast this spell again, DURATION: 24 hours
you can expend one roll to replace the number rolled on a d20 with the Seeing a moment ahead into the future grants you advantages in battle.
number you expended. The spell ends when you expend the last roll or In combat, you make attribute rolls with 1 boon and impose 1 bane on
when you cast the spell again. rolls to attack you and on rolls made against you.
Master Di v ination Spells
TARGET: Up to three creatures within 5 yards
To each target, you reveal how it will die; this revelation has the ring CASTINGS: 1
of truth. If the target can hear you and understand what you say, it TARGET: You
becomes frightened of you for 24 hours or until it overcomes the afflic- DURATION: 24 hours
tion with a successful Will roll with 1 bane. While frightened in this way,
whenever the target fails an attribute roll or luck roll, it grants 1 boon on You see how you might die. The first time you would become incapaci-
rolls to attack it until the start of its next turn, and when the target takes tated or die before the spell ends, you ignore the damage or the effect
damage, it takes an extra 1d6 damage. that would have incapacitated or killed you. The spell then ends.


CASTINGS: 1, perform a ritual, you have dice, cards, tea leaves, or
another implement of divination
DURATION: 1 hour
DURATION: Instantaneous
Your eyes cloud until they turn
completely white. You ignore You cast your senses out to the cosmos in hopes of gaining the informa-
the effects of obscurement, and tion you seek. When you finish the ritual, choose one of the following
any effect that would conceal, options.
disguise, or render invisible any • Describe an event that occurred within the last month. You learn the
creature or object in your line of identity of the individual most responsible for it.
sight. You see auras around crea- • Choose one object you have seen, touched, or read about. Provided
tures and objects affected by magic, the object is real, you always know its current location for 1 hour.
you recognize illusions you see and
• Describe one person you have seen at least once. You always know
can ignore them. Your vision can
the person’s current location for 1 hour.
also pierce solid objects. You can see
through 1 yard of wood, 1 foot of stone, or 1 inch of metal as if the • Learn one secret about a topic of your choice.
intervening object were not there. Until the spell ends, though, when • Request a clue or piece of information related to your quest and you
you get a critical failure, you see something awful in your periphery and learn something of the Sage’s choice.
become weakened until you overcome the affliction with a successful
CASTINGS: 1, reaction when you or an ally within 5 yards would make
an attribute roll
CASTINGS: 1, perform a ritual, you have dice, cards, tea leaves, or TARGET: You or the ally that enabled the casting of this spell
another implement of divination DURATION: Instantaneous
You have seen previously this situation unfold and can respond accord-
DURATION: Instantaneous
ingly. Rather than roll the dice, the target gains a critical success as the
Using your implements of divination, you cast out your mind into the result of the roll.
universe in the hopes of gaining an insight about the future. When you
finish the ritual, ask the Sage one question. The Sage answers truthfully PRECOGNITION
in one of the following ways: yes, no, true, false, unknown, or unclear.
The Sage might give a more expansive answer to the question, perhaps CASTINGS: 1
offering it in the form of a riddle, but the essence of the answer is true. TARGET: You
DURATION: 1 hour
REMOTE VIEW You open your mind to anticipate future happenings. You impose 1
CASTINGS: 3 bane on rolls against your attributes, you make attribute rolls and luck
TARGET: One Size 1/2 space within 60 yards; you need neither line of
rolls with 1 boon, and you take half damage from ordinary sources. In
addition, each ally within 5 yards that can hear and understand what
sight nor line of effect to the target
you say makes attribute rolls with 1 boon.
DURATION: 1 hour
Your vision blurs for a moment. When it clears, you see from inside the PROGNOSTICATION
target space as if you were there instead of where you happen to be. If
you cast a spell while under the effects of this spell, you can choose that CASTINGS: 1, perform a ritual, you have dice, cards, tea leaves, or
spell’s targets within range of the target space. another implement of divination

CASTINGS: 1, reaction when you attack You consult your implements of divination to glimpse the future. You
learn of an event to occur at some point within the next 12 hours. At any
time before the spell ends, you can decide you foresaw the moment,
DURATION: Instantaneous
ending the spell and adding 5 to the results of all your attribute rolls and
You see a clear path to strike the target. Add 20 to the result of your luck rolls for 1 minute. Until this effect ends, you subtract 5 from the result
roll to attack. If the attack results in a critical success, the target takes an of any roll against you. If you fail a roll while under this effect, the effect
extra 6d6 damage. ends early and you become confused (luck ends).
SCRY level 7, the target takes 3d6 damage, and becomes confused for
CASTINGS: 1, perform a ritual, you have crystal ball, a decanter of still as long as it remains frightened. On a critical success, the target
water, or a mirror becomes frightened of you (luck ends).
TARGET: One Size 5 space you know to exist somewhere in the world;
you need not have line of effect or line of sight to this space
DURATION: 1 hour
Nov ice Eldritch Spells
You concentrate on the required object and make an Intellect roll. If you
use a crystal ball, you succeed automatically. If you use a mirror, you BETRAYAL OF FLESH
roll with 1 boon. On a success, an image of the space appears on the CASTINGS: 1
surface and remains for as long as you use an action each round to hold
TARGET: One creature within 15 yards
it there, up to 1 hour. The image shows a bird’s eye view of the target
space, and you can swivel the image to see into the space from any DURATION: 1 minute
angle. Also, sounds of normal conversation in the target space reach One of the target’s limbs gains a mind of its own and becomes hostile
you as whispers, while shouts and other loud noises sound at the volume to its owner. At the start of each of the target’s turns, it makes a Will roll
of normal conversation. You cannot make out whispers from the target with 1 bane. On a failure, the target’s own arm (or a similar limb) deals
space, however. 1d6 damage to it and the target becomes weakened until the start of
If you cast a spell while under the effects of this spell, you can choose its next turn. The target can overcome this effect and end the spell early
that spell’s targets within range of this spell’s target space. with a successful Will roll.
On a failed Intellect roll, you become Intellect impaired until after After you cast the spell, make a Will roll. On a failure, you take 1d6
you rest. damage.


Eldritch magic explores the forbidden. It taps into cosmic forces TARGET: One Size 5 space centered on you
best left undisturbed, calling forth monstrosities from other reali- DURATION: 1 minute
ties or contorting reality in such ways that it can never be righted. Gray mist with streaks of green rises from the ground around you and
Studying the tradition offers considerable advantages, and its remains in place. The mist creates light obscurement in the target space.
spells can produce spectacular outcomes, but the cost of using At the end of each round after the first, the mist spreads 5 yards farther
such magic weighs heavily upon the mind until it finally buckles in all directions, and each enemy in the mist makes a Strength roll. On
a failure, the enemy takes 1d6 damage, falls prone, and is dragged 5
and breaks into a million different pieces. yards in a direction you choose.
After you cast the spell, make a Will roll. On a failure, you take 1d6

DEFY GEOMETRY (MAGICAL): You can use this talent when you HIJACK CORPSE
cast a spell that affects a target other than you. You can choose CASTINGS: 1
your target from among any you can see, regardless of the spell’s TARGET: One Size 2 or smaller dead creature within 5 yards
normal range. You can use this talent once, twice at level 3, and DURATION: Special (see the effect)
three times at level 7. You regain expended uses after you rest.
You loosen your soul to find purchase in the target’s body. You fall prone
DISASTROUS REVELATION (MAGICAL): If you lack the confused, and your body becomes insensate for the duration. Your soul migrates
controlled, stunned, or unconscious afflictions, you can use this to and possesses the target until the target becomes destroyed. The tar-
talent at the start of your turn. Make an Intellect roll. On a suc- get becomes a creation under your control. The target retains none of
the talents it had when it was alive, but retains any traits it had, including
cess, you experience a disastrous revelation. You heal 2d6 dam- natural weapons. While in the target body, its Defense and Agility equal
age and, until the end of your next turn, you make attribute rolls your Intellect score and its Strength equals your Will score. The target
with 3 boons, but, after, you become confused (luck ends). On has a Health score of 20. Since the target does not breathe, it cannot
a failure, you make attribute rolls with 3 banes until the end of speak. When the spell ends, your soul returns to your body. If you do
your next turn. You can use this talent once, twice at level 3, and not end the spell early and the target is destroyed, you lose 1d6 Health
three times at level 7. You regain expended uses after you rest. and become stunned (luck ends).

when you are harmed to cause horrible, shrieking noises to fill
the air around you. Each creature inside a Size 5 space centered
TARGET: One Size 5 space on the ground within 15 yards
on you makes a Will roll. On a failure, the creature becomes
DURATION: 1 minute
confused (luck ends). A creature immune to the frightened
affliction is immune to this effect. You can use this talent once, Human-faced rats crawl free from the ground to cover all surfaces in the
target space. Such surfaces are challenging terrain. At the end of each
twice at level 3, and three times at level 7. You regain expended round, each creature in the target space makes a Will roll. On a failure,
Chapter 4

uses after you rest. the creature is frightened of the rats until it overcomes the affliction with
UNHINGED GLARE (MAGICAL): You can use an action to level a successful Will roll. While frightened of the rats, it cannot move from its
space. Then, on each of your turns, the rats either move to another Size
your gaze at your foe. Target one creature within 10 yards. If the
5 space within 5 yards or force each enemy in their midst to make an
creature can see you, make an Intellect roll against its Will. On Agility roll. On a failure, the enemy takes 2d6 damage.
a success, the target becomes frightened of you until the end of After you cast the spell, make a Will roll. On a failure, you take 1d6
your next turn. At level 3, the target also takes 1d6 damage. At damage.
TARGET: One empty Size 1 space on the ground within 5 yards
DURATION: 1 hour
From the fabled city of Sharzak-Ka, visible only in darkness of the new
moon, comes a giant maggot that appears in the target space. The giant
maggot becomes your controlled companion. The spell ends early if
the maggot becomes incapacitated. When the spell ends, the maggot
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 11 (+1), Agility 8 (–2), Intellect 5 (–5), Will 10 (+0)
GLOOM OF SHARZAK-KA: The maggot reduces the intensity of light
within 5 yards of it by one-step. At the end of each round, each fright-
ened creature within 5 yards takes 1d6 damage.
MELEE ATTACK—TEETH: Strength (+1) with 1 boon (1d6).
After you cast the spell, make a Will roll. On a failure, you take 1d6


TARGET: One creature within 15 yards
DURATION: Special (see the effect)
The target’s body shifts and bends. If the target has a Health score of 20 or
less, it transforms into a wild beast of the dark woods, appearing bestial
and strange. Any creature, other than you, that sees this transformation
makes a Will roll. On a failure, the creature becomes frightened of the
target until the creature overcomes the affliction with a successful Will roll.
A target with a Health score greater than 20 takes 2d6 damage and
makes a Will roll. On a failure, the target is frightened of you until it
overcomes the affliction with a successful Will roll.
A transformed target uses its normal rules, but treats all creatures as
At the end of each round, each creature within 5 yards of the tar-
enemies and must attack, if it can, on each of its turns. After 24 hours, the
get space makes an Agility roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the creature
target can make a Will roll. On a success, the spell ends. On a failure,
the spell is permanent. becomes confused (luck ends). While confused in this way, it is also
After you cast the spell, make a Will roll. On a failure, you take 1d6 Strength impaired and Agility impaired, and it treats all creatures it per-
damage. ceives as enemies. At the end of each round, a creature that is confused
in this way takes 2d6 damage.
After you cast the spell, make a Will roll. On a failure, you take 2d6
Ex pert Eldritch Spells damage.

TARGET: One Size 5 space within 15 yards
TARGET: One Size 5 space on the ground centered on you
DURATION: 1 minute DURATION: Instantaneous

The ground in the target space ripples and forms numerous, wet mouths Weird purple mold covers all exposed surfaces inside the target space.
filled with long, sharp teeth. When you cast this spell, and again at The mold causes all living and breathing creatures in the target space to
the start of each of your turns, each enemy on the ground in the target experience disturbing hallucinations, becoming Intellect impaired and
space makes an Agility roll. On a failure, the enemy takes 4d6 damage Will impaired for as long as they remain there. When a creature leaves
and becomes held until the spell ends or until it overcomes the affliction the target space, it becomes Intellect impaired and Will impaired (luck
with a successful Strength roll. If the creature is already prone or held, ends). In addition, any creature that is harmed while in the space treats
it takes an extra 2d6 damage for each of these afflictions that it has. you as an ally for 24 hours or until you harm it. If the creature has a
After you cast the spell, make a Will roll. On a failure, you take 2d6 Health score of 20 or less, it becomes controlled by you for as long as
damage. it is your ally.
The mold remains until destroyed. Each Size 1 surface in the area has
HOSTILE COLOR Health 5 and is immune to all damage except damage from fire.
After you cast the spell, make a Will roll. On a failure, you take 2d6

TARGET: One Size 1 space within 15 yards
DURATION: 1 minute
An undulating smear of color appears in the target space and hangs
there. When the color appears, each creature that can see it makes a CASTINGS: 1
Will roll and, on a failure, becomes frightened of the color until it over- TARGET: One creature within 15 yards
comes the affliction with a successful Will roll. DURATION: 1 minute

A large growth appears somewhere on the target’s body. The target
becomes confused. At the end of each round that the target is confused
in this way, it makes a Will roll and, on a failure, becomes controlled by
you until the end of the next round.
When the spell ends, the growth bursts and drains, causing the target Lost Cities of Sharzak-Ka
to lose 9d6 Health.
If the target dies before the spell ends, at the end of the round on and Nakthrakka
which it died, the growth tears free from the target’s body and becomes
your controlled companion until it’s incapacitated. The Eldritch tradition formed in ancient, now lost city-
states that peaked thousands of years ago somewhere
DEFENSE: 9, HEALTH: 20 in the mysterious west, beyond the Devastation. Not
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 11 (+1), Agility 12 (+2), Intellect 9 (–1), Will 11 (+1) much is known of these places, but manuscripts written
SIZE: 1/4, SPEED: 4 in script that conforms to the reader’s linguistic ability
MELEE ATTACK—FEEDING TENDRILS: Agility (+2) with 1 boon have made their way to the continent and have driven
(2d6). On a critical success, a flesh-and-blood target of the attack to madness the few to have found them. Scholars of
loses 1d6 Health and the growth heals half the amount of Health lost
antiquity believe the peoples of both cities met their
ends through the worship of Ancient Ones.
by the target.
After you cast the spell, make a Will roll. On a failure, you take 2d6

SHADOWS OF NAKTHRAKKA Master Eldritch Spells

TARGET: One Size 5 space centered on you AWAKEN THE DEAD DREAMER
DURATION: 1 minute
Darkness from the accursed city of Nakthrakka spills out from your TARGET: One empty Size 5 space within 5 yards
mouth to fill the target space with total obscurement. You can, however, DURATION: Instantaneous
see normally in the space. The darkness prevents creatures in its area
from leaving it without using magic to do so. The ground in the target space fractures as a dead dreamer pulls itself
Each creature other than you in the area makes a Will roll and, on a up and free, revealing itself in all its nightmarish glory. Chunks of earth
failure, becomes frightened of the darkness until it overcomes the afflic- and stone roll from its back to create challenging terrain on the ground
tion with a successful Will roll with 1 bane. within 5 yards of it. The dead dreamer is an enemy to all creatures,
At the end of each round, each creature other than you in the area is under the Sage’s control, and remains until incapacitated, at which
makes a Will roll and takes 5d6 damage on a failure. If frightened point it disappears.
of the darkness, the creature takes an extra 2d6 damage. Any crea- After you cast this spell, you become stunned (luck ends) and weak-
ture incapacitated by this damage disappears ened until after you rest. Also, you take 3d6 damage and make a Will
along with whatever it was wearing or car- roll with 3 banes. On a failure, you take an extra
rying, never to be seen again. 3d6 damage.
After you cast the spell, make a Will
roll. On a failure, you take 2d6 damage. BEHOLD THE IMPOSSIBLE
TARGET: All creatures, other than you,
CASTINGS: 1 within 15 yards
TARGET: One empty Size 3 space within 5 yards DURATION: Instantaneous
DURATION: 8 hours
You reveal an alien vista, crawling with
An enormous knot of flapping wings horrors beyond imagining. A target makes
covered in gray feathers appears inside a luck roll. On a success, the target averts
the target space. The hoary winged thing its eyes. On a failure, the target becomes
becomes your controlled companion. The blinded until the end of your next turn and
spell ends early if the thing becomes inca- confused, vulnerable, and weakened
pacitated. When the spell ends, the hoary (luck ends all). For 1 minute, whenever the
winged thing vanishes, and gray feath- target fails an attribute roll, it suffers from
ers spread through a Size 10 space this effect again, as the alien vista swims
centered on the space it vacated to across its vision once more.
create moderate obscurement there After you cast this spell, make a Will
for 1 minute.
roll with 3 banes. On a failure, you take
DEFENSE: 10, HEALTH: 60 3d6 damage.
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 15 (+5), Agility
10 (+0), Intellect 5 (–5), Will 15 (+5) BEWARE THE BLACK DOOR
SIZE: 3, SPEED: 5 (Fly, Mount) CASTINGS: 1
Chapter 4

SENSES: Awareness 10 TARGET: One empty Size 1 space within

IMMUNE: blinded, deafened 5 yards
MELEE ATTACK—WINGS: Strength (+5) DURATION: 24 hours
A stone doorframe appears inside the
After you cast the spell, make a Will roll. target space and remains there for
On a failure, you take 2d6 damage. the duration, at which time it vanishes.
Darkness prevails inside the frame. When the frame appears, pale your controlled companion. The spell ends early if the slick becomes
hands reach for one creature within 3 yards of it and drag that creature incapacitated, or if there are no creatures within 10 yards of it at the
into the blackness. end of any round.
A creature that moves through the frame, willingly or otherwise, van-
ishes into the darkness. While inside the darkness, it is trapped between DEFENSE: 9, HEALTH: 40
worlds until it can find its way free and emerges from the door into the ATTRIBUTES: Strength 14 (+4), Agility 10 (+0), Intellect 10 (+0),
nearest empty space. Will 10 (+0)
A creature can attempt to escape the darkness while the door stands SIZE: 2, SPEED: 5 (Fly, Hover, Slippery, Squeeze 1/2 inch)
open. To do so, it must overcome this effect four times, once for each of SENSES: Awareness 10
its attributes. If the creature gets a failure on any of these rolls, 1d6 hours IMMUNE: blinded, deafened, held, impaired, prone
pass for it in the darkness. Any creature still inside the darkness when the NIGHTMARISH PRESENCE: Enemies within 5 yards of the slick
spell ends must wait until another door opens from a casting of this spell, become Will impaired for as long as they remain there. When an
and can then resume trying to find its way free.
enemy impaired in this way attempts to move more than 5 yards
After you cast this spell, make a Will roll with 3 banes. On a failure,
you take 4d6 damage. from the slick, that enemy makes a Will roll. On a failure, the enemy
becomes held until the start of its next turn.
DRONE OF THE INSATIABLE HOST NIGHTMARISH CARESS: The slick targets one creature in reach and
makes a Strength roll with 1 boon against the target’s Strength. On
CASTINGS: 1 a success, the target takes 8d6 damage and makes a Will roll. If the
TARGET: One Size 5 space centered on you target gets a failure, the slick steals its dreams, which causes the target
DURATION: Permanent, until you end it or you die to become cursed and weakened (luck ends both). If the target is
A horrid droning noise fills the air in the space. Each creature in it cursed in this way already, it instead loses 2d6 Health.
becomes Will impaired for as long as it remains there. At the end of After you cast this spell, make a Will roll with 3 banes. On a failure,
each round, the noise grows louder, spreading out another 5 yards in
you take 6d6 damage.
all directions, and produces increasingly more severe effects as shown
below. The effects are cumulative.
• Round 2: Each creature in the space becomes Intellect impaired for
as long as it is Will impaired. Enchantment
• Round 3: Each creature in the space becomes Strength and Agility Why bother fighting when others can take all the risks and put
impaired for as long as it is Will impaired. themselves in danger on your behalf ? The Enchantment tradition
• Round 4: Each creature in the space becomes weakened for as reveals how to magically manipulate others’ emotions, making
long as it is Will impaired.
them feel and experience things you wish. Your control over peo-
• Rounds 5+: Each creature in the space treats all creatures as ene- ple puts you in a dubious position; who can tell if the feelings oth-
mies and must use an action, if it can, on each turn to attack the
nearest creature to it. If there is no eligible target within 5 yards of ers have for you are genuine or not?
it, the creature becomes stunned and loses 10d6 Health. If this loss
reduces its Health to 0, it dies and black, oily fluids spill from all the ENCHANTMENT TALENTS
openings on its head for 1d6 minutes.
The spell lasts indefinitely. You must end the spell and can do so only COMPELLED VIOLENCE (MAGICAL): You can use an action to
if you get a success on an Intellect roll made while in the area of noise. compel a creature to do violence to another. Target one creature
After you cast this spell, make a Will roll with 3 banes. On a failure,
you take 6d6 damage. within 10 yards. Make an Intellect roll against the target’s Will.
On a success, the target or one creature within its reach takes
PALE RIDER 1d6 damage. At level 3, the damage increases to 3d6. At level 7,
the damage increases to 7d6. On a critical success, the target also
TARGET: One creature within 15 yards
becomes vulnerable until the end of your next turn.
DURATION: 1 minute LEAD INTO PERIL (MAGICAL): You can use an action to befuddle
A pale rider—a strange man-like thing—clings to the target’s back and a person. Target one creature within 5 yards. Make an Intellect
cannot be removed in any way. The target becomes confused, fright- roll against the target’s Will. On a success, you move the target
ened of the pale rider, and slowed until the spell ends. In addition, the up to its Speed and the target becomes vulnerable until the start
first time each round when the target fails an attribute roll or a luck roll,
it takes 5d6 damage and the pale rider cackles, forcing each enemy
of your next turn. On a critical success, the target becomes vul-
within 5 yards of the target to make a Will roll and, on a failure, run in a nerable (luck ends). You can use this talent once, twice at level 3,
direction chosen by the Sage. and three times at level 7. You regain expended uses after you rest.
After you cast this spell, make a Will roll with 3 banes. On a failure,
MAJESTIC PRESENCE (MAGICAL): If you are not injured and you
you take 3d6 damage.
lack the confused, controlled, stunned, and unconscious afflic-
FORM SLICK OF UNDIGESTED DREAMS tions, you can use this talent at the start of your turn to seem
majestic and dreadful, growing a bit larger and shining with ter-

TARGET: One empty Size 2 space within 5 yards
rible light. Until the end of your next turn, you impose 1 bane
DURATION: 1 hour on rolls to attack you by creatures that can see you and you make
rolls as a result of casting Enchantment spells with 1 boon. You
A greasy ribbon appears inside the target space, unraveling to become
a floating oily mass in which one can pick out screaming, laughing, can use this talent once, twice at level 3, and three times at level
haunted visages. The slick of undigested dreams becomes 7. You regain expended uses after you rest.
seed of delusion in your foe. Target one creature within 5 yards. CASTINGS: 1
Make an Intellect roll against the target’s Intellect. On a success, TARGET: One creature within 10 yards
the target becomes confused until the end of your next turn. DURATION: 1 minute
While confused in this way, the target rolls an additional d20 The target explodes with laughter and becomes vulnerable for the dura-
for any attribute roll it makes, and uses the lower roll. You can tion. At the start of each of the target’s turns, it makes a Will roll. On a
use this talent once, twice at level 3, and three times at level 7. failure, the target becomes slowed and weakened until the start of its
You regain expended uses after you rest. next turn.

Nov ice CASTINGS: 1
Enchantment Spells TARGET: One creature or object within 10 yards
DURATION: 1 minute
You imbue the target with magic that attracts attention from those around
CHARM it. When an enemy starts its turn within 10 yards of the target and can
CASTINGS: 3 see it, the enemy makes a Will roll. On a success, the enemy becomes
TARGET: One creature within 5 yards immune to this spell for 1 hour. On a failure, the enemy becomes con-
DURATION: Instantaneous fused (luck ends). While confused in this way, the enemy must end each
of its turns within 5 yards of the target or take 4d6 damage.
For a moment, the target sees you in the best possible light. Make an
Intellect roll against the target’s Will. On a success, a target with Health
20 or less becomes your controlled companion for 1 hour. On a crit-
ical success, a target with Health 30 or less becomes your controlled
Ex pert
companion for 1 hour. Otherwise, the target becomes your ally for 1
minute. The effect ends early if you harm the target, its loved ones, or
Enchantment Spells
its property.
CASTINGS: 1 TARGET: Up to five creatures inside a Size 5 space within 10 yards
TARGET: Up to three creatures within 5 yards DURATION: 1 hour
DURATION: Instantaneous
Each target experiences a bolstering of their courage. Each grants 1
A thrill of fear washes through the target, causing them to become boon on rolls to attack it, but rolls to attack with 1 boon and becomes
vulnerable (luck ends). A creature immune to the frightened affliction immune to the confused and frightened afflictions.
ignores this effect. When a target vulnerable in this way ends its turn
within 5 yards of you, it takes 1d6 damage. CAUSE FEAR
TARGET: Up to five creatures inside a Size 5 space within 10 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
TARGET: One creature within 10 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous Each target feels unease that threatens to become terror. For each target
separately, make an Intellect roll against its Will. If you target just one
Anger bubbles up in the target’s mind, threatening to overtake its creature, you roll with 1 boon. On a success, the target becomes fright-
self-control. Make an Intellect roll against the target’s Will. On a suc- ened of you (luck ends).
cess, the target counts all creatures as enemies, makes rolls to attack
with 1 boon, and its attacks deal an extra 2d6 damage. The target must
use an action to attack on each of its turns, if it can. However, when it DISTURBING REVULSION
takes a turn, it makes a luck roll. On a success, it chooses the target of its CASTINGS: 1
attack. On a failure, you do. TARGET: Up to five creatures inside a Size 5 space within 10 yards
If you fail the Intellect roll, you regain the expended casting of this DURATION: Instantaneous
spell after 1 minute.
The target feels sickened. Choose one creature or object you can see.
TEMPER EMOTIONS For each target separately, make an Intellect roll against its Will. On
a success, the target becomes Intellect impaired (luck ends). Until the
CASTINGS: 3 affliction ends, the target is weakened while it can see the creature or
TARGET: One creature within 10 yards object you chose. In addition, at the end of the round, a target that is
DURATION: Instantaneous within 5 yards of the chosen creature or object makes a Will roll and, on
a failure, takes 2d6 damage.
The target experiences a numbness that spreads throughout its body.
Make an Intellect roll against the target’s Will. On a success, the target
Chapter 4

becomes confused and slowed for 1 minute or until it overcomes the INCITE RAMPAGE
afflictions with a successful Will roll. If the target takes damage or loses CASTINGS: 3
Health, the effect ends. While confused in this way, the target is indif- TARGET: One creature within 15 yards
ferent to all creatures, is immune to the controlled, frightened, Intellect
DURATION: Instantaneous
impaired, and Will impaired afflictions, and rolls to attack with 1 bane.
On a failure, you regain the expended casting of this spell after 1 Unreasonable, white-hot anger swells up and drowns out the target’s
minute. self-control. The target moves up to its Speed in a direction you choose.
When it stops moving, you cause its body to attack. Choose one crea-
ture or object within the target’s reach. Then, make an Intellect roll
against the Defense of the creature or object you chose. On a success,
the chosen creature or object takes 8d6 damage. On a critical success,
the chosen creature or object takes an extra 2d6 damage. On a suc-
cess or a failure, the target of this spell makes a Will roll. On a failure, it
becomes confused (luck ends).

TARGET: One creature within 10 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
You attempt to exert control over the target. Make an Intellect roll
against its Will. On a success, the target becomes confused until the end
of the round, during which time you can describe to it one activity that
it should perform and that it can complete in 1 minute or less. Examples
include opening a door, moving something, handing over documents,
attacking a creature, or preventing anyone from entering or leaving an
area. The target then spends each turn attempting to complete the activ-
ity you assigned to it.
If you fail the Intellect roll, you regain the casting of this spell after 1
minute, but the target becomes immune to your casting of this spell for
24 hours.


TARGET: One creature within 10 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
The target experiences conflicting emotions and sensations. Make an
Intellect roll against the target’s Will. On a success, the target becomes
Will impaired for 1 minute or until it overcomes the affliction with a suc- You wrench the attention of others your way. A target with a Health
cessful Will roll. At the start of each of the target’s turns, roll a d6. score of 20 or less becomes stunned. Any other target makes a Will roll.
On a failure, the target becomes confused. A target confused or stunned
D6 RESULT by this spell can see and hear only you. In either case, the affliction
1 persists for as long as you can see the target. If a target is harmed, the
The target becomes stunned until the start of its next turn.
spell ends early for that target.
2-3 The target becomes frightened of a creature or object of
your choice until the end of its next turn. CONFOUND MINDS
4-5 The target becomes confused until the end of its next turn. CASTINGS: 1
TARGET: Up to five creatures inside one Size 5 space within 15 yards
6 The target must use an action to overcome this affliction. DURATION: Instantaneous
A target can’t form clear thoughts and becomes confused (luck ends).
master When the target takes a turn while confused in this way, roll a d6 to see
what it does.
enchantment spells D6 RESULT
1 The target howls, cries, screeches, or mutters; it does nothing
AWAKEN THE HERO on its turn.
CASTINGS: 1 2 The target runs off in a random direction.
TARGET: One creature within 10 yards
DURATION: 1 hour 3 The target attacks the creature nearest to it.
The target experiences feelings of invincibility, believing nothing is 4 The target acts normally.
impossible. The target makes attribute rolls with 1 boon and imposes
1 bane on rolls to attack it and rolls against it. The target takes half 5 The target falls prone but can then act normally.
damage from ordinary sources, and becomes immune to the confused,
frightened, stunned, and vulnerable afflictions. Finally, the target’s 6 The target becomes stunned until the end of its next turn.

attacks deal an extra 2d6 damage.


TARGET: Any number of creatures within 10 yards TARGET: Up to five creatures within 10 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous DURATION: Instantaneous

A target’s emotions sour until it hates everyone and everything. The tar- to do other things on your turn, after you cast any Evocation spell,
get becomes confused, Intellect impaired, Will impaired, and vulner- you must wait until the start of your next turn before you can cast
able (luck ends all). Until these afflictions end, it rolls to attack with 2
boons and its attacks deal an extra 3d6 damage. The target regards another one.
all creatures as enemies and must use an action to attack a randomly A caster is never subject to the effects of an Evocation spell
determined target on each of its turns, if it can. If there are no enemies they cast.
that it can attack, the target runs toward the largest number of creatures
it can see.
COMMAND (MAGICAL): If you can speak and you lack the con-
CASTINGS: 1 fused, controlled, stunned, and unconscious afflictions, you
TARGET: Up to five creatures inside one Size 5 space within 15 yards
can use this talent at the start of your turn. Target one crea-
DURATION: Instantaneous
ture within 5 yards. The target makes a Will roll. On a failure,
The cold grip of terror tightens on the target’s heart, causing cold sweat you can issue one command to the target. Choose one of the
to break out on the skin and a certainty of imminent death to awaken
in the mind. For each target separately, make an Intellect roll against activities that normally require the use of an action from those
its Will. If you target just one creature, you roll with 1 boon. On a suc- described in Chapter 2. On the target’s next turn, it must
cess, the target takes 10d6 damage and becomes frightened of you use an action to perform this activity. If it cannot, the target
until you become incapacitated or the target overcomes the affliction becomes confused (luck ends). You can use this talent once,
with a successful Will roll. On a failure, the target becomes frightened
of you (luck ends).
twice at level 3, and three times at level 7. You regain expended
uses after you rest.
CASTINGS: 1 uncanny has fortified your psyche. You can use a reaction when
TARGET: One creature within 10 yards you would become confused, controlled, or stunned to make a
DURATION: Instantaneous luck roll. On a success, you do not gain the affliction.
Feelings of adoration wash over the target. Make an Intellect roll
POLYGLOT (MAGICAL): You can speak, understand, read, and
against the target’s Will. On a success, the target becomes confused for
24 hours or until you or one of your allies harms it. While confused in write in any language.
this way, the creature is friendly to you and your allies, and aids you in WORD OF BREAKING (MAGICAL): You can use an action to speak
any way that it can short of harming itself, its loved ones, or its property.
At any time before the spell ends, you can cause the target confused the Word of Breaking. Target one creature or object within 5
in this way, that can see and hear you, to become controlled by you yards. The target takes 1d6 damage.
(luck ends). The target makes the luck roll with 1 bane. When this afflic- At level 3, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage. At level 7, the
tion ends, the spell ends for the target. target takes an extra 3d6 damage instead.
If you fail the Intellect roll, you regain the expended casting of this
spell after 1 hour.

Nov ice Evocation Spells

Hidden within every tongue spoken or written lie fragments, BOLSTERING SYLLABLE
syllables, and sounds that survive from the moment of creation, CASTINGS: 1 at level 1, 2 at level 3, or 4 at level 7, on your turn, no
when powers ancient and terrible imposed order on substance. action required when you lack the confused, controlled, stunned, and
The Evocation tradition allows casters to extract the secret words unconscious afflictions
of power and give voice to them. The spells presented here are but TARGET: Each creature in a Size 3 space centered on you if you whisper,
a fraction of those that exist, producing effects useful to those who a Size 10 space if you speak, or a Size 60 space if you shout
explore dangerous places and confront deadly challenges. DURATION: Instantaneous

Novice Evocation spells offer the ability to voice sounds, mere The sound you make uplifts those who hear you. Until the end of your
syllables of words of power. Expert spells give casters the ability to next turn, a target makes attribute rolls with 1 boon if you whispered, 2
boons if you spoke, or 3 boons if you shouted.
speak words, while master spells string words together into phrases
capable of producing devastating outcomes.
EVOCATION SPELLS: You must be able to hear in order to
CASTINGS: 1 at level 1, 2 at level 3, or 4 at level 7, on your turn, no
cast an Evocation spell, and creatures must be able to hear your action required when you lack the confused, controlled, stunned, and
voice. In addition, when you cast a spell, you choose to whisper, unconscious afflictions
Chapter 4

speak, or shout. The volume at which you pronounce the syllable, TARGET: Each creature in a Size 3 space centered on you if you whisper,
utterance, or recitation determines its effects as noted in the spell’s a Size 10 space if you speak, or a Size 60 space yards if you shout
descriptions. DURATION: Instantaneous
Novice Evocation spells, and only such spells, enable you to cast You make a sound that sends painful ripples through those who hear it.
them without having to use an action to do so. In fact, you need A target takes 1d6 damage if you whisper, 2d6 damage if you speak,
do nothing more than speak the syllable. While you remain free or 3d6 damage if you shout.
CASTINGS: 1 at level 1, 2 at level 3, or 4 at level 7, on your turn, no CASTINGS: 2 at level 3, 4 at level 7
action required when you lack the confused, controlled, stunned, and TARGET: Each creature in a Size 3 space centered on you if you whis-
unconscious afflictions per, a Size 10 space if you speak, or a Size 60 space if you shout
TARGET: Each creature in a Size 3 space centered on you if you whisper, DURATION: Instantaneous
a Size 10 space if you speak, or a Size 60 space if you shout The word escaping your lips carries feelings of dread and anxiety. A
DURATION: Instantaneous target makes a Will roll. The target rolls with 1 bane if you whispered,
The sound spilling from your lips awakens intense hatred in your audi- 2 banes if you spoke, or 3 banes if you shouted. On a success, the tar-
ence. A target must use a reaction to attack the creature nearest to it. If get becomes immune to this spell for 24 hours. On a failure, the target
becomes frightened of you for 1 minute or until it overcomes the afflic-
there’s more than one eligible creature, determine the target at random.
tion with a success on a Will roll.
If the creature cannot use a reaction, it instead becomes confused until
the end of your next turn. A target rolls to attack with 3 banes if you
whispered, 2 banes if you spoke, or 1 bane if you shouted. KILLING UTTERANCE
CASTINGS: 2 at level 3, 4 at level 7
HEALING SYLLABLE TARGET: Each creature in a Size 3 space centered on you if you whis-
CASTINGS: 1 at level 1, 2 at level 3, or 4 at level 7, on your turn, no per, a Size 10 space if you speak, or a Size 60 space if you shout
DURATION: Instantaneous
action required when you lack the confused, controlled, stunned, and
unconscious afflictions With but a single word, you can kill. A target takes 3d6 damage if you
TARGET: Each creature in a Size 3 space centered on you if you whisper, whispered, 4d6 damage if you spoke, and 5d6 damage if you shouted.
a Size 10 space if you speak, or a Size 60 space if you shout
Pain washes away from people who hear your vocalization. A target CASTINGS: 2 at level 3, 4 at level 7
heals 1d6 damage if you whisper, 2d6 damage if you speak, and 3d6 TARGET: Each creature in a Size 3 space centered on you if you whis-
damage if you shout. per, a Size 10 space if you speak, or a Size 60 space if you shout
DURATION: Instantaneous
HINDERING SYLLABLE Members of your audience experience shocking pain on hearing the
CASTINGS: 1 at level 1, 2 at level 3, or 4 at level 7, on your turn, no word you speak. A target makes a Will roll. The target rolls with 1 bane
action required when you lack the confused, controlled, stunned, and if you whisper, 2 banes if you speak, or 3 banes if you shout. On a
success, the target becomes immune to this spell for 24 hours. On a
unconscious afflictions failure, the target becomes weakened (luck ends) or until it overcomes
TARGET: Each creature in a Size 3 space centered on you if you whisper, the affliction with a success on a Strength roll.
a Size 10 space if you speak, or a Size 60 space if you shout
Confidence drains out from people who hear the sound you make. Until CASTINGS: 2 at level 3, 4 at level 7
the end of your next turn, a target makes attribute rolls with 1 bane if you TARGET: Each creature in a Size 3 space centered on you if you whis-
whispered, 2 banes if you spoke, or 3 banes if you shouted.
per, a Size 10 space if you speak, or a Size 60 space if you shout
DURATION: Instantaneous
People who hear the word you speak find all rational thought driven
CASTINGS: 1 at level 1, 2 at level 3, or 4 at level 7, on your turn, no from their minds. A target makes a Will roll. The target rolls with 1 boon
action required when you lack the confused, controlled, stunned, and if you whisper, or 1 bane if you shout. On a success, the target becomes
unconscious afflictions immune to this spell for 24 hours. On a failure, the target becomes
TARGET: Each creature in a Size 3 space centered on you if you whisper, stunned until the end of your next turn.
a Size 10 space if you speak, or a Size 60 space if you shout
A sudden urgency drives your audience to move. Until the end of your CASTINGS: 2 at level 3, 4 at level 7
next turn, a target increases its Speed by 2 if you whispered, 4 if you TARGET: Each creature in a Size 3 space centered on you if you whis-
spoke, or 8 if you shouted. per, a Size 10 space if you speak, or a Size 60 space if you shout
DURATION: Instantaneous

Ex pert Evocation Spells Bloodthirsty rage comes boiling

up in response to the word you
utter. A target rolls to attack
with 1 boon and its attacks
deal an extra 1d6 dam-
CASTINGS: 2 at level 3, 4 at level 7 age if you whispered, 2d6
TARGET: Each creature in a Size 3 space centered on you if you whisper, damage if you spoke, and

a Size 10 space if you speak, or a Size 60 space if you shout 3d6 damage if you shouted.
A target regards all other
DURATION: Instantaneous
creatures as enemies. The
You speak a word to freeze others in their tracks. A target makes a Will effect lasts until the end of
roll. The target rolls with 1 bane if you whispered, 2 banes if you spoke, your next turn if you whis-
or 3 banes if you shouted. On a success, the target becomes immune to pered, or 1 minute if you
this spell for 24 hours. On a failure, the target becomes held (luck ends). spoke or shouted.
Master D6

Evocation Spells 2
The creature harms itself and takes 3d6 damage.

The creature moves 3d6 yards in a random direction.

RECITATION OF CREATION’S UNDOING 3 The creature makes a melee attack against a random target
within its reach; if there are no eligible targets, the creature
CASTINGS: 1 falls prone instead.
TARGET: Each creature in a Size 3 space centered on you if you whis-
4 The creature becomes weakened until the start of its next turn.
per, a Size 10 space if you speak, or a Size 60 space if you shout;
the sound ignores obstacles 5 The creature falls prone and becomes stunned until the start
DURATION: Instantaneous of its next turn.
You call to mind and voice in reverse the words spoken during the 6 The creature automatically overcomes being confused. For
creation of all things. Each creature in the target space takes 10d6 24 hours, it rolls to attack you with 3 boons, and its attacks
damage and becomes vulnerable (luck ends). Each time that a crea- against you deal an extra 3d6 damage.
ture fails a luck roll to end the affliction, it takes an extra 10d6 damage.
Then, each ordinary object in the space that is neither worn nor carried RECITATION OF THE VOID’S LAMENT
loses all Health and disappears.
RECITATION OF DIVINE CREATION TARGET: Each creature in a Size 3 space centered on you if you whis-
per, a Size 10 space if you speak, or a Size 60 space if you shout;
CASTINGS: 1 the sound ignores obstacles
TARGET: One Size 3 space centered on you if you whisper, a Size DURATION: Instantaneous
10 space if you speak, or a Size 60 space if you shout; the sound
You vocalize the rage of the One Without, the Dread in the Darkness,
ignores obstacles the Hunger in the Void. Each creature in the target space makes a Will
DURATION: Instantaneous roll. On a failure, the creature becomes blinded and deafened (luck
You give voice to the words spoken that gave form to substance. An ends both). Each time the creature makes a luck roll to end these afflic-
ordinary structure of your own design from stone or a base metal tions, it takes 10d6 damage.
appears in the target space.
TARGET: Each creature in a Size 3 space centered on you if you whis-
TARGET: Each creature in a Size 3 space centered on you if you whis-
per, a Size 10 space if you speak, or a Size 60 space if you shout;
the sound ignores obstacles
per, a Size 10 space if you speak, or a Size 60 space if you shout;
DURATION: Instantaneous
the sound ignores obstacles
DURATION: Instantaneous You speak of new beginnings, new realities, and new possibilities. Each
creature in the target space heals 10d6 damage.
Your words recall the trials of a great hero from the past. Each crea-
ture in the target space gains the following benefits for 1 hour: The
creature imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it, increases its Health by
20, increases its Speed by 2, makes attribute rolls with 1 boon, and
its attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage. Finally,
Look anywhere in the world and you’re bound to find magic. The
when an affected creature would gain an
Geomancy tradition contains all the spells that interact with earth,
affliction, it can make a luck roll. On a
success, the creature ends the affliction. sand, and stone, as well those that draw energy from them. Students
of the tradition swear they can hear whispering from the earth and
RECITATION OF THE many have been spotted, ear to the ground, mumbling. Maybe the
UNRAVELING MIND earth has something to say. Or, it could be that Draconus grumbles
in his sleep. Or, the earth mages might just all be mad.
TARGET: Each creature in a Size 3 TOUCH EARTH AND STONE: You can only produce effects
space centered on you if you whis- from casting these spells if you have physical contact with earth,
per, a Size 10 space if you speak, or sand, or stone. Neither gloves nor boots interfere with this contact.
a Size 60 space if you shout; the sound
ignores obstacles GEOMANCY TALENTS
DURATION: Instantaneous
You give voice to all the doubts and mis- GRASPING HAND (MAGICAL): You can use an action to cause a
Chapter 4

givings experienced by mortal minds. fist made of earth and stone to form on the ground and strike.
Each creature in the target space Target one creature or object on the ground within 10 yards.
becomes confused (luck ends). At Make a Will roll against the target’s Agility. On a success, the
the start of each of the confused target takes 2d6 damage. At level 3, the target takes 3d6 damage.
creature’s turns, it rolls a d6 to see At level 7, the target takes 7d6 damage. On a critical success, the
what it does on its turn.
target falls prone.
SHAPE EARTH (MAGICAL): Your damage-dealing Geomancy MOUNTAIN MIGHT
spells deal an extra 1d6 damage. CASTINGS: 1
In addition, you can perform a ritual to reshape dirt, sand, or TARGET: You
stone. Target one Size 5 or smaller object or surface of an object DURATION: 1 hour
that you can see within 10 yards. When you finish, you change Earth magic flows into you, bolstering your abilities for 1 hour. If you
the target’s shape into any form you choose. You can create an lose contact with an earth or stone surface, the spell ends early. You
opening through it, form it into a weapon, create a statue, or do become slowed for the duration, but you make Strength rolls with 1
something else. Once you use this aspect of the talent, you lose boon and impose 1 bane on rolls against your Strength. Your Health
access to it for 1 hour. increases by 5, and your melee attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage.

STONE STRIDE (MAGICAL): If are not held, slowed, or weakened STONE FISTS
and you are in direct contact with a surface made of dirt, sand,
CASTINGS: 3, reaction when you make an unarmed strike
or stone, you can use this talent at the start of your turn. Target
an empty space of your Size resting on ground made from dirt, DURATION: 1 minute
sand, or stone within 20 yards. You need not see the space; you
Your hands close into stone fists, which become natural weapons that
can sense all eligible spaces when you use this talent. You teleport
deal 4d6 damage and have the Bludgeoning trait. Your attacks with
to that space. You can use this talent once, twice at level 3, and these fists deal an extra 2d6 damage to objects. The spell freezes your
three times at level 7. You regain expended uses after you rest. fingers, preventing their movement. When you end this effect, you can
launch the stone fists from your hands at one creature or object within
TREMORS (MAGICAL): You can use an action to target the ground
10 yards. Make a Will roll against the target’s Agility. On a success, the
in one Size 5 space you can see within 10 yards. The ground in target takes 4d6 damage and falls prone if it is your Size or smaller.
that space shakes. Each creature standing on that ground makes
an Agility roll. On a failure, the creature falls prone. You can use VIOLENT ERUPTION
this talent once, twice at level 3, and three times at level 7. You
regain expended uses after you rest. TARGET: One Size 5 space on the ground within 15 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous

Nov ice Geomancy Spells The ground in the target space bulges and then bursts. Each creature
and object in the space takes 3d6 damage. A creature makes an Agility
roll. On a success, the creature takes no damage. On a failure, it also
BURROWING CLAWS falls prone.
Rubble covers the ground in the target space with challenging terrain
CASTINGS: 1 that lasts until cleared away.
DURATION: 1 hour
Curled claws sprout from your fingers. You gain the Burrower, Climber,
and Strider traits.

TARGET: One Size 1 or smaller ordinary metal object, metal creature, or
suit of medium or heavy armor worn by one creature, any of which is
in contact with the ground and within 5 yards
DURATION: 1 minute
The target sinks into the ground, burdened by added weight. If you tar-
geted a metal object, it sinks into the earthen surface on which it rests.
If a creature could normally pick up or move the target, it must use an
action to do so and make a Strength roll with 3 banes. On a success, the
creature can move the target but drops it at the end of its turn.
If you target a metal creature or a creature wearing medium or heavy
armor, it becomes held until it overcomes the effect with a success on
a Strength roll. A creature also makes a Strength roll when it gains this
affliction. On a failure, the target creature falls prone and can stand up
only if it overcomes the affliction with a successful Strength roll.


TARGET: One creature or object on the ground within 10 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
A rock spike erupts from the ground under the target and deals 3d6
damage to it, and the target becomes slowed until the end of your
next turn.
TARGET: One Size 3 or smaller ordinary metal object within 30 yards
DURATION: 1 hour.
The target exerts a strong magnetic force. Apply the following effects
when you cast the spell and again at the start of each of your turns.
• Each unsecured metal object within 15 yards of the target slides 5
yards toward the target.
• Each creature within 15 yards of the target that’s holding a metal
object makes a Strength roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the object is
wrenched from its hand and flies toward the target until it can move
no closer. All creatures within 5 yards of the target make luck rolls.
On a failure, the creature is struck by the flying object and takes
1d6 damage.
• Each creature within 15 yards of the target that’s wearing medium
armor makes a Strength roll with 1 bane, or 2 banes for heavy armor.
On a failure, the force drags the creature 5 yards closer to the target.
If the creature is prevented from moving the full 5 yards in this way
but contacts the target, the impact deals 2d6 damage to the creature.
• Any metal creature or creature wearing medium or heavy armor
within 5 yards of the target becomes held until the creature over-
comes the affliction with a successful Strength roll with 1 bane.
• A creature within 15 yards of the target makes rolls to attack using
metal weapons or ammunition with 1 bane.
• A metal creature or a creature wearing medium or heavy armor
treats the ground within 15 yards of the target as challenging terrain.
If such a creature falls prone, it slides 5 yards toward the target.
• Ranged attacks using thrown metal weapons and projectiles
against targets within 3 yards of the spell's target deal an extra
1d6 damage.

TARGET: One Size 5 or smaller space or one ordinary object made
from earth, sand, or stone within 20 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
Ex pert Geomancy Spells The target moves like water to an empty space of your choice within 20
yards and assumes whatever shape you choose. You can use this effect
to excavate a hole, seal an opening, create stairs, or a bridge to span
BARE THE TEETH over a crevasse.
TARGET: One Size 5 space on the ground or ceiling within 15 yards SUDDEN SHOCKWAVE
DURATION: Instantaneous CASTINGS: 1
You beard the surface with long, jagged spikes. Each creature and object TARGET: Up to three contiguous Size 5 spaces on the ground, at least
on the target surface or within 2 yards of it takes 4d6 damage. A creature one of which is within reach
makes an Agility roll. On a failure, it takes an extra 2d6 damage and DURATION: Instantaneous
becomes held until it overcomes the affliction with a successful Strength The ground in each target space ripples like water in a pond, becom-
roll. While held in this way, the creature cannot be moved by ordinary ing challenging terrain until cleared away. The shockwave deals 8d6
means. Any magical movement automatically ends the affliction. damage to each object on the affected surfaces. Each creature on an
affected surface takes 4d6 damage and makes an Agility roll. On a
GEOMANTIC PENTACLE failure, the creature takes an extra 4d6 damage and falls prone.


TARGET: One iron medallion worth 1 sp that you hold
DURATION: 1 minute
TARGET: Up to ten Size 5 spaces within 50 yards
Magic imbues the target medallion with earth power. When you cast
Chapter 4

DURATION: Instantaneous
this spell, and once each round when you attack, you can choose any
You form a wall from stone on one side of each target space. The wall
target on a surface of earth, sand, or stone within 15 yards. The medal- can have any height, width, and depth, up to the Size of its spaces.
lion causes a hand or weapon matching the one you wield to rise from You make all decisions about the wall’s appearance, adorning it with
the ground and strike the target. You use Will to make the roll and you images, carvings, columns, and openings as you choose. The wall
roll with 1 boon. On a success, the attack deals 6d6 damage. On a remains indefinitely, though each cube of stone, 2 yards on each side,
critical success, the target also becomes held (luck ends). has Health 40 and crumbles when destroyed.
Master Geomancy Spells Dirt, rocks, and boulders come tumbling into the target space from out
of nowhere. The rushing debris kills all creatures in the space with Health
scores of 30 or less and destroys all objects in the space with Health
scores of 30 or less. All other creatures and objects take 10d6 damage.
BECOME A LIVING STATUE A creature that takes this damage also makes an Agility roll with 1 bane.
CASTINGS: 1 On a failure, the creature falls prone and becomes buried in 1d6 feet of
TARGET: You debris (see Chapter 2 for details on being buried). The debris covers the
DURATION: 1 hour surface to a height of 6 feet and remains until cleared away.
You become a living statue. You gain the following benefits and draw-
backs for the duration.
• Increase your Health score by 100. CASTINGS: 1
• You make Strength rolls with 1 boon and you impose 1 bane on rolls TARGET: Up to three Size 1 spaces within 15 yards
against your Strength. DURATION: 1 minute
• Your unarmed strikes and natural weapons deal an extra 3d6 From the ground in each space forms a tentacle of rock that harasses your
damage. foes. When you cast the spell, and again at the start of each of your turns
• You take half damage from ordinary sources. until the spell ends, choose three creatures or objects within 5 yards of
• You are immune to the effects of deprivation, exposure, and suffoca- each affected space. For each separately, make a Will roll against the
tion. In addition, you are immune to damage from cold. target’s Agility. On a success, the target takes 6d6 damage and becomes
• You have the Strider movement trait. held until the spell ends or it overcomes the affliction with a successful
• You can move through obstacles made of earth, sand, and stone Strength roll. At the end of the round, each creature held in this way takes
that are up to 2 yards thick, but you cannot end your move inside 3d6 damage. For each target held by the spell, reduce by one the num-
such an obstacle. If you stop moving inside an obstacle, you are ber of creatures and objects you choose during your next turn.
pushed back to the empty space nearest to where you entered it.
• You cannot swim. If you enter a liquid, you sink to the bottom. SUMMON EARTH ELEMENTAL
• If you fall prone, you cannot stand up until you overcome the afflic- CASTINGS: 1
tion with a successful Strength roll. TARGET: One empty Size 2 space on the ground within 5 yards
DURATION: 1 hour
A deep rumbling and groaning sounds from the earth as, pushing up
CASTINGS: 1 from the ground in the space, is a brutish humanoid figure made of earth
TARGET: The ground within 5 miles of you and stone, spilling dust everywhere. The earth elemental becomes your
DURATION: Instantaneous controlled companion. The effect ends early if it becomes incapacitated.
The ground shakes and heaves. The quake damages creatures, other DEFENSE: 8, HEALTH: 60
than you, and objects on the ground. Creatures and objects within 15 ATTRIBUTES: Strength 15 (+5), Agility 8 (–2), Intellect 8 (–2), Will 15 (+5)
yards take 12d6 damage; those more than 15 yards but within 30 take SIZE: 2, SPEED: 4 (Strider)
8d6 damage; everything more than 30 yards from you within the spell’s IMMUNE: asleep, blinded, deafened, held, frightened, impaired, on
range takes 2d6 damage. A creature that takes the damage makes an
fire, poisoned, prone, weakened, damage from cold.
Agility roll with 2 banes. On a success, the creature takes half the dam-
age. On a failure, the creature falls prone. PASS THROUGH EARTH AND STONE: The earth elemental can move
Any structure destroyed by this damage collapses, and each creature through objects made from earth, sand, and stone, and if it ends its
inside it takes 4d6 damage and becomes buried under the rubble (see movement in such objects, it gains partial cover or total cover if fully
Chapter 2). inside it.
The earthquake might have additional effects as the Sage decides STONE FIST: The earth elemental targets one creature or object within
depending on where you cast this spell. In a body of water, it might reach and makes a Strength roll with 1 boon against the target’s
produce a tidal wave that floods nearby shores. The quake could cause Defense. On a success, the target takes 4d6 damage. On a critical
dams to break, bridges to fall, and more.
success, the target and each creature within 1 yard of it makes a
An aftershock repeats the spell’s effect in the same area after 1d6
hours, dealing 6d6, 4d6, and 1d6 damage respectively. Strength roll. On a failure, it falls prone.

TARGET: One space on the ground, 5 yards wide, 30 yards long that
From the seas and lakes and rivers of the world comes forth
you can reach magic known as Hydromancy. A tradition concerned solely
DURATION: Instantaneous with the creation and manipulation of water, and other liquids,
A wave rolls through the ground in the space. Each object in the target its spells have numerous applications, from easing one’s thirst to
space and on the ground takes 10d6 damage or 20d6 damage if it’s drowning unwitting sailors. Some believe the magic comes from
secured. An unsecured object moves 1d6 yards away from you. Each
creature in the target space and on the ground takes 5d6 damage and listening to the voice of the waves and divining secrets from the
makes an Agility roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the creature takes an crashing combers.

extra 5d6 damage, is pushed 1d6 yards, and falls prone.

CASTINGS: 1 CREATE WATER (MAGICAL): You can perform a ritual to create
TARGET: One Size 10 space within 30 yards water. Target one Size 5 space within 10 yards. When you finish,
DURATION: Instantaneous you either fill empty containers in that space with fresh water or
you cover the ground in the target space with water. The water Thick clouds form in the air in the sky above you within half a mile and
is sufficient to extinguish ordinary flames in the space or to turn release rain, sleet, or snow, depending on the prevailing temperature,
for the duration. The precipitation extinguishes all ordinary flames, dis-
dirt in one Size 3 space into mud, creating challenging terrain for
perses ordinary vapors, and washes away all tracks and other signs of
1 hour. Once you use this talent, you lose access to it for 1 hour. passage. Any containers left open in the affected area fill with water.
FOG CLOUD (MAGICAL): You can use an action to produce fog. The precipitation creates moderate obscurement in the area.
When the spell would end, if you can see the falling precipitation,
Target one Size 10 space you can see within 30 yards. Fog fills you can use an action to extend the duration by 1 hour, up to a maxi-
the target space with heavy obscurement for 1 hour. You can use mum of 24 hours.
an action to move the fog to a different Size 10 space within 30
yards. You can use this talent once, twice at level 3, and three TIDAL INFLUENCE
times at level 7. You regain expended uses after you rest. CASTINGS: 1, reaction at the start of your turn
PRESSURE JET (MAGICAL): You can use an action to release a jet of TARGET: One Size 10 space centered on you
DURATION: 1 minute
water with incredible force from your hand. Target one creature
or object within 10 yards. Make a Will roll against the target’s An invisible tide rolls in and out through the target space. Whenever
Strength. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage, and you a creature other than you starts its turn in the target space, it makes a
Strength roll. On a failure, the creature is pushed 5 yards away from
push the target up to 5 yards. At level 3, the target takes 3d6 you if it is within 5 yards, or pulled 5 yards toward you if it is more than
damage. At level 7, the target takes 7d6 damage. On a critical 5 yards away. A target moved in this way, in either direction, becomes
success, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage. vulnerable until the start of its next turn.
SEA HEART (MAGICAL): You have the Swimmer trait. If you have
this trait already, increase your Speed by 2. In addition, you can
breathe while submerged in water.
TARGET: One Size 10 space within 15 yards
DURATION: 1 hour

Nov ice Hydromancy Spells Along one side of the target space there appears a 1-yard thick wall
of water. A creature can move through it, but when it does, it makes a
Strength roll. On a failure, the water snatches the creature and carries
BOILING WATER it up toward the top of the wall, and then drops it prone in the space
it attempted to leave. The barrier causes all rolls for ranged attacks
CASTINGS: 1 against targets beyond it to fail.
TARGET: One Size 5 space within 15 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
You form a seething, steaming ball of boiling water and hurl it to the cen-
Ex pert
ter of the target space where it explodes. The water deals 1d6 damage
to each creature in the target space. A creature makes an Agility roll
Hydromancy Spells
with 1 boon. On a failure, it takes an extra 2d6 damage and becomes
Strength impaired until the end of its next turn. Steam then creates mod- CORROSIVE CLOUD
erate obscurement in the affected area until the end of your next turn.
FLUIDITY OF FORM TARGET: One Size 5 space within 15 yards
DURATION: 1 minute
CASTINGS: 1, reaction when you move
Green mist forms in the target space and creates heavy obscurement in
it. Any creature that starts its turn in the target space takes 5d6 damage
DURATION: 1 minute
from the corrosive droplets, plus an extra 1d6 damage at the end of
Your body flows like liquid. You gain the Slippery, Strider, Squeeze (1 each round (luck ends). Organic materials such as leather, wool, cotton,
inch), and Swimmer traits if you don’t have them already. In addition, and the like disintegrate.
whenever you become held or slowed, you can use a reaction to end
the affliction. FILL THE LUNGS
FLYING JELLYFISH TARGET: One air-breathing creature within 10 yards
CASTINGS: 3 DURATION: Instantaneous
TARGET: One creature within 15 yards You fill the target’s lungs with water. The target takes 2d6 damage and
DURATION: Instantaneous becomes affected by suffocation. The target can overcome the suffoca-
A jellyfish appears in the air and flies toward the target. Make a Will roll tion effect with a successful Strength roll with 1 bane. Otherwise, it lasts
against the target’s Agility. On a success, the jellyfish hits the target and until the target dies.
deals 5d6 damage. On a critical success, the target also becomes held
Chapter 4

and poisoned (luck ends both). FORCEFUL GEYSER

PRODUCE CLOUDS TARGET: One Size 5 space on the ground within 30 yards
CASTINGS: 1 DURATION: Instantaneous
TARGET: The sky A geyser of superheated water explodes from the center of the space.
DURATION: 1 hour The steam and scalding water deals 4d6 damage to each creature in the
target space. A creature makes a Strength roll. On a failure, it takes an Any fire-producing effect that targets the sphere or the space it is
extra 4d6 damage, and becomes vulnerable until the end of its next turn. in causes the sphere to release scalding steam that creates moderate
The resulting steam spreads out to fill a Size 10 space centered on obscurement within 10 yards of it for 1 minute. Any creature in the area
the target space and fills it with moderate obscurement that remains for when the steam appears makes a Strength roll and takes 3d6 damage
1 minute. on a failure. The spell then ends.

TARGET: One metal chalice worth 5 sp that you are holding
DURATION: 1 hour
Hydromancy Spells
Magic flows into the target chalice to fill it with water or some other
liquid—wine, beer, juice, or broth. When tipped to drink, the liquid bub- ACID BATH
bles up from the bottom of the chalice to fill it to the brim. If held horizon- CASTINGS: 1
tally or pointing downward, liquid pours out of the chalice in a constant TARGET: One Size 5 space within reach
stream, producing about 6 gallons each round until it runs dry after 1 DURATION: Instantaneous
minute, which ends the spell early.
While you hold the chalice, you can intensify the pressure of the liq- From your hands comes an ocean of corrosive liquid. Each ordinary
uid to release a blast from it. You use an action to point the chalice at object made of organic material such as leather, plant fibers, and
one creature or object within 15 yards and make a Will roll against the the like disintegrates. Each creature in the space takes 5d6 damage,
target’s Agility. On a success, the target takes 9d6 damage, is pushed and becomes vulnerable and weakened (luck ends both). Each time
5 yards away from you, and then falls prone. You can use this aspect of a creature fails a roll to end this effect, it takes an extra 5d6 dam-
the spell three times, and then the spell ends. age. Finally, each Size 3 or smaller creature and unsecured object is
pushed 5 yards.
TARGET: One Size 5 space within 15 yards CASTINGS: 1
DURATION: 1 minute TARGET: One Size 5 space within 15 yards
DURATION: 1 minute
Thick yellow fog fills the target space with total obscurement. Any crea-
ture that starts its turn in the target space takes 6d6 damage and makes Crimson mist fills the target space. Any creature that starts its turn in it
a Strength roll. On a failure, the target becomes Intellect impaired and takes 10d6 damage and makes a Strength roll. On a failure, the crea-
poisoned (luck ends both). Until these afflictions end, the creature can- ture takes an extra 10d6 damage. Until the spell ends, you can use an
not leave the target space. action if you are within 15 yards of the mist to move it up to 5 yards.

TARGET: One Size 3 space within 15 yards
DURATION: 1 minute
A sphere of water—or some other harmless liquid—appears inside
the space. It attempts to engulf one creature within 1 yard of it. Then,
on each of your turns, you can move the sphere up to 5 yards and
attempt to engulf another creature within 1 yard of it. The sphere can
flow around obstacles smaller than it when it moves, but it is blocked by
larger obstacles.
Each time the sphere attempts to engulf a creature, make a Will roll
with 1 boon against the creature’s Agility. On a success, the creature
is pulled into the sphere’s space and remains there, moving with the
sphere, until the spell ends. The creature is affected by suffocation unless
it can breathe while submerged in water. The engulfed creature can only
target creatures inside the sphere for its attacks, spells, talents, and other
effects it would produce. An engulfed creature can overcome the effect
with a successful Strength roll with 1 bane, which causes the creature to
exit prone in an empty space within 1 yard of the sphere.
The sphere has the capacity to hold creatures whose combined Size
equals no more than 3. If it captures a creature that would exceed the
sphere’s capacity, each other engulfed creature makes a luck roll; the
creature with the highest result automatically overcomes the effect.
Any cold-producing effect that targets the sphere or the space it is in
freezes it in place until the end of your next turn. Being frozen in place

prevents the sphere from moving or engulfing creatures, but each crea-
ture it has engulfed takes 3d6 damage from the cold, and attempts it
makes to overcome the engulfed effect fail automatically.
Any lightning-producing effect that targets the sphere or the space
it is in deals 5d6 damage to each creature engulfed by it. In addition,
the engulfed creature makes a Strength roll and, on a failure, becomes
stunned until the end of its next turn.
LEVIATHAN SLAM Water rushes into the target space and assumes a snake-like form. The
water elemental becomes your controlled companion. The effect ends
CASTINGS: 1, you can see the sky
early if it becomes incapacitated.
TARGET: One Size 10 space within 30 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous DEFENSE: 17, HEALTH: 40
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 13 (+3), Agility 13 (+3), Intellect 8 (–2), Will 15 (+5)
A leviathan plucked from the oceans appears in the air above the target
SIZE: 2, SPEED: 5 (Slippery, Squeeze 1/4 inch, Strider, Swimmer,
space and falls to crush everything under it. Each object in the space
takes 20d6 damage. Each creature in the space takes 6d6 damage Water Walk)
and makes a Strength roll. On a failure, the creature takes an extra 7d6 IMMUNE: asleep, blinded, deafened, held, frightened, impaired, on
damage, falls prone, and is pushed 5 yards from the center. The mess fire, poisoned, prone, weakened
created by the now dead leviathan covers the ground in the space with WATERY STRIKE: The water elemental targets one creature or object
challenging terrain that remains until cleared, or rots, away. within reach and makes a Strength roll with 2 boons against the tar-
get’s Defense. On a success, the target takes 4d6 damage. On a
RAISE THE WATERS critical success, the target becomes grabbed until the end of the ele-
mental’s next turn.
TARGET: Up to six contiguous Size 5 spaces on a surface within 100
DURATION: 1 hour Illusion
You either fill the target spaces with water or turn the ground in the Illusion magic fools the senses. The simplest spells affect just one
spaces into a soupy morass. sense—people see things that aren’t there or hear phantom noises.
If you fill the spaces, water rises in each until it becomes completely
Advanced spells can transform the appearance of areas, making
filled. The magic holds the water in these spaces for the duration. When
the effect ends, water rushes out of the target spaces, spreading out 25 what is foul seem a sumptuous, lavish paradise. They can mask
yards from each across the ground in all directions. Each creature and dangers or hide entire areas from view. They can also make victims
unsecured object in a space adjacent to a target space takes 3d6 dam- believe they have been harmed and even create hideous things that
age and makes a Strength roll. On a failure, the creature takes an extra seem so real their claws and teeth open actual wounds. These spells
4d6 damage and is pushed 5 yards in the direction the water moves
trick the mind into believing their false creations until it is almost
and then falls prone. The water douses all exposed flames within 30
yards of the target spaces. impossible to discern reality from fantasy.
If you turn the ground into a morass, earth, sand, and stone in each MINDLESS IMMUNITY: A target lacking an Intellect score is
target space become slippery, wet mud down to a depth of 3 yards for
the duration. Any creature or object on the surface sinks to the bottom.
immune to harm from Illusion talents and spells.
To get out, a creature can swim to the space’s edge.
If there’s an open space within 5 yards under the target spaces, the ILLUSION TALENTS
mud breaks through and drains into the space below until it fills the vol-
ume of that space or is drained completely. The draining mud carries DISTORT APPEARANCE (MAGICAL): When you use a reaction to
with it any creatures and objects on the ground in the target space when dodge, you become blurred. For 1 minute, you impose 1 bane on
you cast this spell.
rolls to attack you and rolls against your Agility by creatures that
If you target spaces on a surface overhead, the mud falls, crashing
down and dealing 7d6 damage to everything underneath it. A creature can see you. Creatures with the True Vision trait are immune to
makes a Strength roll. On a success, it takes half the damage. On a this effect. You can use this talent once, twice at level 3, and three
failure, the creature falls prone. times at level 7. You regain expended uses after you rest.
Depending on where you cast this spell, you might damage struc-
tures, or cause bridges to collapse, walls to topple, and even buildings FALSE HARM (MAGICAL): You can use an action to make a crea-
to slide, as the Sage adjudicates. ture believe it has suffered an injury. Target one creature within
The mud gradually dries until it returns to its normal consistency. 10 yards. Make an Intellect roll against its Intellect. On a suc-
cess, the target reduces its Health by 10 (luck ends). The Health
SHAPE OF WATER reduction increases to 15 at level 3, or 20 at level 7. On a critical
CASTINGS: 1 success, the target reduces its Health by 10 more.
ILLUSORY IMAGE (MAGICAL): You can use an action to create a
DURATION: 1 hour
visual illusion. Target one Size 2 space you can see within 10
You, along with everything you wear and carry, transform into a being yards. An image of a creature, object, or some other visual effect
of water. You cannot speak, though you can cast Hydromancy spells
without needing to speak. You cannot lift, move, or interact with objects.
appears in that space and remains for 1 minute or until a crea-
However, you make Agility rolls with 2 boons, you ignore suffocation ture touches it. The illusion moves in a realistic manner. If the
and attempts to grab you fail. You gain the Squeeze (1/4 inch) and image created is something that would normally produce light,
Swimmer traits. You are invisible while submerged in any liquid. And, it produces dim light. A moving illusion can move about inside
you take half damage from all sources except cold. When you take the target space in any manner you choose. You can use this tal-
10 damage or more from cold, you become held (luck ends), but you
ent once, twice at level 3, and three times at level 7. You regain
Chapter 4

impose 3 banes on rolls against your Defense until the affliction ends.
expended uses after you rest.
SUMMON WATER ELEMENTAL PARACUSIA (MAGICAL): You can use an action to produce illu-
CASTINGS: 1 sory sounds that last for 1 minute. Target one point you can
TARGET: One empty Size 2 space on the ground within 5 yards see within 30 yards. Sound emanates from the point. The sound
DURATION: 1 hour can be noise or speech in a language you know, and its volume
can be as quiet as a whisper or as loud as thunder. Exceptionally ILLUSORY FORCE
loud noise deafens creatures in the target space for as long as CASTINGS: 3
they remain there and makes it impossible to hear whispers. You TARGET: One creature within 10 yards
can freely change the sound to mimic effects such as the clash of DURATION: Instantaneous
blades, a conversation, or the approach or retreat of footsteps. You create an illusion of fire, crackling electricity, or something else
You can use this talent once, twice at level 3, and three times at between your hands and hurl it. Make an Intellect roll against the tar-
level 7. You regain expended uses after you rest. get’s Intellect. On a success, the target takes 4d6 damage. On a crit-
ical success, the target also falls prone. On a failure, you regain the
expended casting of this spell after 1 minute.
Nov ice Illusion Spells THIMBLERIG
CASTINGS: 1 DURATION: Instantaneous
TARGET: One creature within 5 yards Four illusionary copies of yourself appear around you. They move with
DURATION: Instantaneous you when you move and continually change places. The effect lasts until
The target becomes strangely paranoid, seeing danger on all sides. The the last copy is destroyed or after you rest. When a creature that can see
target becomes confused (luck ends). When the target takes a turn, it you gets a success on a roll against your Defense, Strength, or Agility,
makes an Intellect roll. On a success, the spell ends for the target. On a make a luck roll with a number of boons equal to the number of dupli-
failure, the target sees its allies as its enemies and you and your allies as cates you have remaining. On a success, the roll targets a duplicate,
its allies until the end of its turn. which disappears. On a failure, the roll targets you.

Ex pert Illusion Spells
TARGET: One Size 5 space within 15 yards
A loud noise sounds inside the target space and carries for 50 yards. CASTINGS: 3, perform a ritual
Each creature in the target space takes 1d6 damage and makes an TARGET: One Size 5 space within 30 yards
Intellect roll. On a failure, the creature takes an extra 2d6 damage and DURATION: 24 hours
becomes deafened (luck ends).
You change what creatures see, hear, smell, and feel inside the target
space. The illusion can alter a few details or make the target space seem
GLAMER completely different.
CASTINGS: 3 This spell enables you to conceal a trap or make it seem that one
TARGET: One Size 3 space within 5 yards
exists. You can render fire invisible or make it seem to burn somewhere
else in the target space. You can incorporate existing features into the
DURATION: 1 hour
new appearance or hide features of it. You can produce harmless illu-
You create a visual and auditory illusion to make one creature or object sions of creatures that behave in whatever manner you choose, though
in the target space, or the target space itself appear and sound like their behavior does not change once you create them. Finally, you can
whatever you choose. A creature might look like a column, a pit could cause the temperature in the target space to become hot or cold, though
look like a rug, a roaring fire can appear to be a swirling cloud of rose not enough to deal damage or risk exposure. Similarly, you can cause
petals, and a door might appear as a blank stretch of wall. The illusion creatures in the target space to experience hunger and thirst, though not
holds up under visual inspection only; if touched, the spell ends early. to the point of deprivation.
You can make the illusion constant or triggered by the appearance
ILLUSORY ENVOY of one or more creatures, on reaching a particular time, or if something
happens. When you cast the spell, you decide how any images move
CASTINGS: 1 and if they do, as well as what, if any, sounds they make. Any move-
TARGET: One space of your Size in any place you have seen at least ments and sounds created by the spell continue for 1 hour before start-
once ing over at the beginning, as if you had just cast the spell.
DURATION: 8 hours A creature suspicious of the target space can use an action to make
An inert illusion of yourself appears in the target space and remains an Intellect roll. On a success, the creature sees the space for what it is.
for 8 hours. When you cast the spell, and again when you use an
action to do so, you can merge your mind with the illusion, causing CREATE PHANTASM
it to become corporeal until you become unconscious or you use an
action to end the effect. While the illusion is corporeal, you perceive
from it as if it were your body and speak through it in your own voice. TARGET: One Size 1 space within 5 yards
Any illusory equipment created by this spell functions like the real item, DURATION: 1 hour
though any magical effects are not replicated, so long as the object An entity born from your imagination appears on the ground inside the

does not leave your possession. If it does, the object disappears from target space. The created phantasm becomes your controlled compan-
the illusion. ion for 1 hour. The effect ends early when it becomes incapacitated.
Meanwhile, while you are merged with the illusion, your body is
prone and is insensate. DEFENSE: 20, HEALTH: 20
The illusion uses your attribute scores, Defense scores, and other ATTRIBUTES: Strength 12 (+2), Agility 12 (+2), Intellect —, Will —
capabilities, but its Health score equals your Intellect score. If the illusion SIZE: 1, SPEED: 5
is destroyed, the spell ends early. SENSES: Awareness 5
IMMUNE: all afflictions being false and becomes immune to the target’s invisibility from this
PHANTASMAL WEAPON: The phantasm targets one creature in reach spell. If the target harms a creature that cannot see it, that creature
and makes a Strength roll against the target’s Intellect. On a success, makes a Will roll. On a failure, the creature also becomes weakened
the target takes 3d6 damage. until the end of its next turn.


CASTINGS: 1, when you use a reaction to dodge CASTINGS: 1
TARGET: You TARGET: One creature or object within 10 yards
DURATION: 1 minute DURATION: 1 hour

You become invisible while an illusory copy of yourself springs into exis- Creatures other than you cannot perceive the target using a sense you
tence 1 yard away from you, appearing as if it were sidestepping the choose when you cast this spell. For example, you could make an ally
attack. When a creature succeeds on a roll to attack you and is not invisible or mask the taste of poison in a cup. The spell ends if the target
aware of your true position, it strikes and destroys the copy. At the end creature or object is harmed. The spell also ends if the object can be
of the round, a new copy appears. When you perform an activity, the consumed and is.
copy appears to do the same.

FALSE HEALING Master Illusion Spells

TARGET: One creature within 5 yards ALTER REALITY
DURATION: 1 hour
The target becomes convinced it has healed its wounds. The target’s TARGET: You
Health increases by 10. Make an Intellect roll against the target’s Intellect. DURATION: 1 hour
On a success, the target’s Health increases by an additional 15.
You gain the Illusory Image talent if you don’t have it already. You can
use the talent without expending uses. Each round, on your turn, if you are
IMAGINARY DEATH not confused, controlled, stunned, or unconscious, you gain one action in
CASTINGS: 3 addition to your other actions. You can use this additional action only to
TARGET: One creature within 15 yards use the Illusory Image talent. The illusions created by that talent last for this
DURATION: 1 minute spell’s duration instead of 1 minute. Finally, you are immune to the effects
of Illusion spells and automatically recognize them for what they are.
The target becomes invisible for 1 minute and an illusion of its corpse
appears on the ground at its feet, apparently having fallen there. The
illusion remains for as long as the target is invisible, and it looks and
smells real, but any creature that touches the illusion recognizes it as CASTINGS: 1
TARGET: One empty space of your Size within 5 yards
DURATION: 24 hours
An illusion of yourself appears inside the target space. The illusion
becomes your controlled companion. It looks and sounds real. It uses
your Defense, but has only half your Health score. It uses your attri-
butes. It is a magical creation. Whenever you move, you can move
the illusion up to an equal distance. When you cast a spell, you can
choose to have it originate from you or the illusion. Finally, whenever
a creature succeeds on a roll against you, you can make a luck roll.
On a success, you instantly switch places with the illusion so that it is
the target of the roll instead of you. The spell ends early if the illusion
is destroyed.

TARGET: The area within 1 mile of you
DURATION: 24 hours
You mask the target area with illusions to make it look like something
else for 24 hours. You make all decisions about the area’s appearance.
You can incorporate existing elements into the illusion or introduce com-
pletely new ones as you choose. The illusion has visual, auditory, tactile,
and olfactory components, which impose 2 banes on rolls to discern its
illusory nature.
The illusion can suppress harmful features: neither fire nor lava emit
Chapter 4

heat, traps cease to function, and the like. The illusion can replace exist-
ing terrain with new terrain and swap normal terrain features for dif-
ferent ones. You can render features invisible or call attention to them.
You can introduce harmful features to the area that take whatever
form you choose. A harmful feature deals 6d6 damage to a creature
that interacts with it once per round; the creature makes an Intellect roll
and takes no damage on a success.
The spell can alter the appearance of creatures in the area but has no DIVINE FAVOR (MAGICAL): You can use a reaction when you
effect on their rules or general dimensions, though they might behave make a luck roll to make the luck roll with 1 boon. Then, for 1
in a different manner based on their forms. For example, a bear might
look like a bear-sized fluffy stuffed animal but still remains dangerous. minute, you make luck rolls with 1 boon. You can use this tal-
You can also populate the area with harmless illusory creatures that ent once, twice at level 3, and three times at level 7. You regain
otherwise seem fully real. expended uses after you rest.

one creature you can see within 10 yards. For 1 minute, ene-
TARGET: One Size 2 space within 15 yards
mies must choose targets for their attacks and harmful effects
DURATION: 1 hour from anyone other than the target of this talent. The effect ends
An illusory creature of whatever appearance you can imagine appears early if the target harms another creature. You can use this tal-
in that space. The greater phantasm becomes your controlled compan- ent once, twice at level 3, and three times at level 7. You regain
ion. The spell ends early if it becomes incapacitated. expended uses after you rest.
DEFENSE: 20, HEALTH: 40 HOLY FIRE (MAGICAL): You can use this talent to call down a col-
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 13 (+3), Agility 12 (+2), Intellect —, Will — umn of fire to incinerate your foe. Target one creature within 10
yards. The target makes a luck roll. On a failure, the target takes
SENSES: Awareness 5
IMMUNE: all afflictions 1d6 damage and becomes vulnerable (luck ends). At level 3, the
PHANTASMAL WEAPON: The greater phantasm targets one creature target 3d6 damage on a failure or 7d6 damage at level 7.
in reach and makes a Strength roll with 1 boon against the target’s
Intellect. On a success, the target takes 4d6 damage.
Nov ice In vocation Spells
TARGET: Up to three creatures in one Size 5 space within 15 yards
DURATION: 1 minute
TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
Each target hallucinates for the duration. A target can overcome the effect DURATION: Instantaneous
with a successful Intellect roll. A hallucinating target is weakened and can-
not see anything more than 3 yards from itself. When the target takes a Supernatural forces lend aid to the target. It heals 3d6 damage. If the
turn, it makes a Will roll. On a failure, the target uses its action to attack target is weakened, it ends the affliction.
something it perceives but isn’t real. If the target gets three failures on Will
rolls from this spell, the target becomes stunned until the end of its next turn. DIVINE INTERVENTION
HORROR REVEALED CASTINGS: 1, reaction when an ally within 15 yards takes damage
TARGET: The ally that enabled the casting of this spell
DURATION: Instantaneous
TARGET: One Size 2 space within 15 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous An angelic figure briefly appears between the ally and the source of
harm. Reduce the damage the target takes to 0. Then, make a luck roll.
An illusion of something horrific appears inside the target space and
then vanishes. Each creature other than you that can see the illusion On a success, you become slowed until the end of your next turn. On a
makes a Will roll. On a failure, the creature drops whatever it is holding failure, you become stunned until the end of your next turn.
and becomes frightened of the target space (luck ends). While fright-
ened in this way, the creature runs away from the target space on each GENUFLECTION
of its turns and, at the end of each round, takes 6d6 damage.
TARGET: Up to three creatures within 5 yards

Invocation DURATION: Instantaneous

Each target falls prone and makes a Will roll. On a failure, the target
Magic from the Invocation tradition comes from the gods them- takes 3d6 damage. If the target becomes injured by this damage, it
selves. Any god might grant access to it through sworn service, in becomes frightened of you (luck ends).
addition to other traditions of the caster’s choice. Invocation spells
manifest the divine in the world and can call down the fires of holy SANCTIFIED WEAPON
wrath, whisk the faithful to safety, and rouse the dead. CASTINGS: 3
TARGET: One weapon you are holding
You raise your weapon up over your head as divine power flows into

BATTLE BLESSING (MAGICAL): You can use an action, or a reaction

it. The target weapon emits bright light for the duration. You can use
when you get a failure on a roll to attack, to invoke aid from your
Will in place of the attribute you would normally use to attack with the
god. For 1 minute, you and each ally within 5 yards of you rolls to weapon, you roll with 1 boon, and the attack deals an extra 1d6 dam-
attack with 1 boon and becomes immune to the frightened afflic- age. Finally, when you get a critical success on a roll to attack with this
tion. You can use this talent once, twice at level 3, and three times weapon, the target of your attack makes a Will roll. On a failure, the
at level 7. You regain expended uses after you rest. target becomes frightened of you until the end of your next turn.
SACRED LIGHT • When you make an attribute roll, roll with 3 boons.
CASTINGS: 1 • When a creature rolls against you, it rolls with 3 banes.
TARGET: One creature within 15 yards • When you would take damage, take half damage.
DURATION: Instantaneous • When you gain an affliction, the affliction ends.
A beam of holy radiance streaks from you toward the target. Make a • When an ally moves within 5 yards or starts its turn there, you cause
Will roll against the target’s Strength. On a success, the target takes the ally to heal 6d6 damage.
2d6 damage and becomes blinded until the end of your next turn. On
a critical success, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage. On a failure, HOLY LIGHT
regain the casting expended to cast this spell.
DURATION: 1 hour
Bright light shines from you. The light counts as sunlight and causes ene-
TARGET: One Size 5 space centered on you mies inside a Size 10 space centered on you, and that moves with you,
DURATION: 1 minute to become cursed and weakened for as long as they remain there. In
A supernatural presence comes to you and permeates the target space. addition, enemy angels, demons, faeries, fiends, spirits, and undead
The space moves with you to remain centered on you. Each ally in the that start their turns in the light take 3d6 damage.
space imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack them and makes luck rolls with
1 boon. ZEAL
CASTINGS: 1, reaction when you attack

Ex pert In vocation Spells TARGET: You

DURATION: 1 minute
Religious fervor builds inside you. You make Strength rolls with 1 boon.
CALLED TO SERVE Your attacks deal an extra 2d6 damage. You take half damage from
ordinary sources. Finally, at the end of the round, if you are not incapac-
CASTINGS: 1, reaction when an ally within 15 yards shouts your name
itated, you heal 1d6 damage.
DURATION: Instantaneous
Your divine patron whisks you to where you are needed. You teleport
to an empty space within 5 yards of the ally that enabled the casting of
Master In vocation Spells
this spell. When you reach your destination and if there’s an enemy in
reach you can attack it. You can use Will in place of the attribute you APOCALYPSE
would normally use, you roll with 1 boon, and the attack deals an extra CASTINGS: 1
6d6 damage. On a failure, you regain the expended casting of this TARGET: One Size 5 space you can see
spell after 1 minute.
DURATION: Instantaneous

DIVINE VENGEANCE Holy fire washes through the target space, killing and turning to ash
each enemy in it that has a Health score of 50 or less. Each other enemy
CASTINGS: 3, reaction when an enemy within 10 yards harms you or in the target space takes 10d6 damage.
one of your allies
TARGET: The enemy that enabled the casting of this spell BENISON
DURATION: Instantaneous
A bolt of lightning strikes the target. It takes 3d6 damage, and makes a TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
luck roll. On a failure, it takes an extra 3d6 damage. DURATION: Instantaneous
You intercede with your patron deity’s blessing to relieve another’s suf-
GUIDING LIGHT fering. The target heals 10d6 damage, regains 5d6 Health, and ends
CASTINGS: 1 all afflictions affecting it. In addition, if the target suffers the effects of
TARGET: One enemy within 15 yards infection, those effects end.
DURATION: 1 minute
Dim light shines from the target. For the duration, the target is cursed
and vulnerable. You can end this spell early when you get a success CASTINGS: 1
on a roll to attack the target; the target of the attack takes an extra TARGET: One creature within 50 yards
8d6 damage. DURATION: Instantaneous
A column of holy fire strikes the target. The target takes 10d6 damage
HOLY COMMUNION and makes a Strength roll. On a failure, the target takes an extra 3d6
CASTINGS: 1, perform a ritual damage and falls prone. If the target becomes injured by this damage,
Chapter 4

TARGET: You it also becomes stunned and catches fire (luck ends both).
DURATION: Special (see the effect)
You perform the necessary rites to invoke aid. You gain three blessings
and retain them until you spend them or cast this spell again. You can CASTINGS: 1
use a reaction to spend a blessing when any of the following conditions TARGET: Any number of enemies inside a Size 20 space centered on you.
are met to produce the associated effect: DURATION: Instantaneous

You speak with the voice of your god, the sound of which rings out to it overcomes the affliction with a successful Will roll. While frightened in
the rue of your enemies. Each target with a Health score of 40 or less this way, the target cannot stand up. On a success, the target becomes
dies and collapses into a pile of greasy ashes that blow away in an Strength impaired (luck ends).
ethereal wind. Targets with Health scores greater than 40 but no higher

than 80 become stunned (luck ends) and make a Will roll. On a failure,
that enemy becomes blinded and deafened forever. Targets with Health
scores of greater than 80 but no more than 200 become frightened of
you until you become unconscious or it overcomes the affliction with Fear of death, an obsession with attaining immortality, a desire to
a success on a Will roll. Finally, all other targets make Will rolls. On a
failure, they become vulnerable until the end of your next turn. divine the secrets known only to the dead, or some darker motive
could explain why someone would risk awakening Lord Death’s
RESURRECTION wrath by dabbling in these dark arts. Necromancy offends the god
for it dabbles in the domain He claims: chiefly death and dying
TARGET: Any number of dead creatures within 5 yards
things. The spells it offers create abominations, undead that per-
DURATION: Instantaneous vert life, or sap life force from others on which the necromancers
feed. Most students of the tradition deserve the stigma attached
A target that died as a result of violence or mishap returns to life. A
target regains 1d6 Health and becomes weakened for 24 hours. If the to its study, but a few find a way to use the magic for good, if not
target is missing any body parts, they are restored. After you cast this noble, ends.
spell, make a Strength roll. On a success, you become weakened for 24
hours. On a failure, you become weakened until you rest for a full con- NECROMANCY TALENTS
secutive 24 hours and, until this effect ends, your Health score is halved.
DEATH’S DOOR (MAGICAL): You can use an action to target one
incapacitated creature you can see within 5 yards. Either the tar-
CASTINGS: 3 get dies and you heal 1d6 damage or the target heals 1d6 dam-

TARGET: Any number of creatures inside one Size 5 space within 15 age. You can use this talent once, twice at level 3, and three times
yards at level 7. You regain expended uses after you rest.
DURATION: Instantaneous
ENERVATION (MAGICAL): You can use an action to sap life force
Your voice rings out to compel others to bow before the majesty of your
god. A target makes a Will roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the target falls from a creature. Target one creature within 5 yards. If the crea-
prone and becomes frightened of you until you become unconscious or ture has a Health score of 5 or more, make an Intellect roll
against the target’s Strength. On a success, the target takes 1d6 The bones in the target’s body swell and threaten to burst. The target
damage and you heal 1d6 damage. At level 3, the target takes takes 2d6 damage. Then, make an Intellect roll against the target’s
Strength. On a success, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage and
2d6 damage and you heal 2d6 damage. At level 7, the target
becomes weakened until the end of your next turn. A target incapaci-
takes 4d6 damage and you heal 4d6 damage. On a critical suc- tated by this spell dies as the bones in its body burst apart.
cess, the target also becomes weakened until the end of your
next turn. CORPSE SCREAM
PRESERVE CORPSE (MAGICAL): You can perform a ritual to safe- CASTINGS: 1
guard a dead creature or repair an undead creature. Target one TARGET: One dead creature within 10 yards
dead creature or one undead within 5 yards. When you finish, DURATION: Instantaneous
the target becomes immune to decay and emits no odor for The spirit that once inhabited the target returns long enough to cause the
1d6 days. An undead target also heals 4d6 damage. You can use body to let loose a blood-curdling scream and then depart. Each crea-
this talent once, twice at level 3, and three times at level 7. You ture within 5 yards of the target takes 1d6 damage and makes a Will
roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the creature takes an extra 3d6 damage
regain expended uses after you rest. and becomes frightened of you (luck ends).
ROUSE CORPSE (MAGICAL): You can use an action to animate a
dead creature that is not already undead. Target one Size 1 dead GRAVE GRASP
creature. When you finish, the target stands up if it can and CASTINGS: 1
becomes undead for 1 minute. The undead is your controlled TARGET: The ground in one Size 5 space within 10 yards
companion. DURATION: 1 minute
DEFENSE: 8, HEALTH: 10 Pale, rotting hands and skeletal claws reach up from the ground in the
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 9 (–1), Agility 6 (–4), Intellect —, Will — target space to snatch at anyone in their midst. The ground becomes
challenging terrain until the spell ends. Each creature on the ground
SIZE: 1, SPEED: 3 (no running) in the target space when you cast the spell, and at the start of each of
IMMUNE: asleep, poisoned your turns, makes an Agility roll with 1 boon. On a failure, the creature
NATURAL WEAPONS: The undead uses its claws as natural weap- becomes held and frightened (luck ends both). A creature can over-
ons that deal 1d6 damage. The undead rolls to attack with 1 bane. come these afflictions with a success on a Strength roll. If the creature is
held already, it takes 1d6 damage and falls prone.
NATURAL DECAY: The undead loses 1 Health at the end of each
You can use this talent once, twice at level 3, and three times at
CASTINGS: 1, you have a small piece of bone
level 7. You regain expended uses after you rest. TARGET: You
DURATION: 8 hours

Nov ice Necromancy Spells The bit of bone you hold in your hand grows, flowing like water until
it becomes a long, thin blade. The Osseus Blade is a magical one-
handed melee weapon that deals 3d6 damage and has the Slashing
trait. When you attack with the weapon, you can use Intellect in place of
ANIMATE CORPSE the attribute you would normally use. Finally, when your attack with the
CASTINGS: 1, perform a ritual, you have a writing kit weapon causes a living creature to become incapacitated, the creature
TARGET: One dead creature within reach dies and, at the end of the round, stands up as if you had used the Rouse
DURATION: Instantaneous Corpse talent on it.
During the ritual, you paint profane runes on the target’s body. When
you finish, the target becomes an animated corpse until it becomes inca-
pacitated. The target is your controlled undead companion. You can CASTINGS: 1
have a number of animated corpses under your control equal to your TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
level. The spell fails if you attempt to create more. DURATION: Instantaneous
DEFENSE: 8, HEALTH: 15 You fling hands, feet, scraps of skin, and other body parts, infusing them
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 9 (–1), Agility 8 (–2), Intellect 3 (–7), Will 15 (+5) all with dark magic. Make an Intellect roll against the target’s Agility.
SIZE: 1, SPEED: 3 (no running) On a success, the parts hit the target, the target takes 1d6 damage, falls
IMMUNE: asleep, frightened, poisoned prone, and becomes held (luck ends). A target can overcome the afflic-
NATURAL WEAPONS: The animated corpse uses its hands as natu- tion with a success on a Strength roll. Each time the target gets a failure
ral weapons that deal 1d6 damage. The corpse rolls to attack with to end the affliction, the target takes 2d6 damage.
1 bane.
NATURAL DECAY: The animated corpse loses 1 Health at the end of
each of your rests.
Expert Necromancy Spells
You can expend a casting of this spell to target one undead within 15
Chapter 4

yards. The target heals 3d6 damage. BLOOD BLISTER

BONE BURST TARGET: One Size 1 space on a surface within 10 yards
CASTINGS: 3 DURATION: Instantaneous
TARGET: One flesh-and-blood creature within 10 yards A bubble of blood appears in the center of the target space and swells
DURATION: Instantaneous to fill it. The bubble has Health 20. If the bubble is not destroyed before
the end of the round, it bursts. Each creature within 5 yards of it takes
4d6 damage and makes a Strength roll. On a failure, the creature takes
an extra 2d6 damage and becomes vulnerable (luck ends).

CASTINGS: 1, you have a small piece of bone
DURATION: 8 hours
You hold tiny bones in your hand that turn to liquid and spread across
your body, hardening in place. The spell grants you Defense 16, and
renders you immune to damage from cold. The spell ends early if you
become unconscious. If you use an action to end the spell, the bones
covering your body burst from you. Each creature in a Size 5 space
centered on you takes 1d6 damage and makes an Agility roll. On a
failure, the creature takes an extra 4d6 damage.

TARGET: One Size 5 space centered on you
DURATION: 1 minute
Smoke reeking of a crematorium spills out of your mouth to fill the tar-
get space with total obscurement. At the end of each round, the smoke
moves 5 yards in a direction you choose, and each creature in the
smoke takes 3d6 damage. You, creations, spirits, and undead ignore
this damage. A creature that takes this damage also makes a Strength
roll. On a failure, it takes an extra 2d6 damage.


TARGET: One creature within 15 yards
You shake your hands, and from them fall a profusion of flesh-eating CASTINGS: 1
insects that then flow forward to envelop the target’s body for the dura- TARGET: Any number of undead you control inside a Size 5 space
tion. The spell ends early if the target takes 10 damage or more from within 10 yards
cold, fire, or lightning. The target becomes blinded (luck ends). If the DURATION: 1 minute
target is blinded in this way at the end of the round, it makes a Strength
roll. On a failure, it takes 6d6 damage and becomes weakened until the You bolster each target with profane energy that enables it to move
end of the next round. If the target becomes incapacitated, it disappears more quickly. Each target increases its Health by 10, imposes 1 bane on
along with everything it was wearing and carrying that was not made rolls against its Defense, makes attribute rolls with 1 boon, increases its
of bone or metal. Speed by 5, and gains the Slippery trait. The target’s attacks also deal
an extra 1d6 damage.
TARGET: One Size 2 space on the ground within 5 yards
Master Necromancy Spells
DURATION: 1 minute
The ground bulges and breaks apart to release a rot hulk, a 10-foot tall
mass of rotting meat, bones, and bits of fur sprouting here and there. The CASTINGS: 1
rot hulk becomes your controlled undead companion for the duration or TARGET: One empty Size 1 space within 15 yards
until it’s destroyed. When the spell ends, the rot hulk falls to the ground in DURATION: 1 minute
slippery chunks and stinking jelly.
A dreadful apparition, all clotted darkness, appears in the target space.
DEFENSE: 8, HEALTH: 45 Each creature, other than you, that sees it makes a Will roll. On a failure,
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 13 (+3), Agility 8 (–2), Intellect 3 (–7), Will 15 the creature becomes frightened of the apparition and vulnerable until
(+5) the spell ends or the creature overcomes the affliction with a successful
SIZE: 2, SPEED: 4 (no running) Will roll. The apparition is immune to harm.
IMMUNE: asleep, frightened, poisoned When a creature within 5 yards of the target space becomes inca-
STENCH OF THE GRAVE: Each enemy not immune to the poisoned pacitated, the apparition swoops toward the creature to steal its soul,

which prevents it from being restored to life, and each creature that sees
affliction within 1 yard of the rot hulk is weakened for as long as it
the apparition makes a Will roll. On a failure, it becomes frightened of
remains there. it (luck ends). If it’s already frightened of it, it becomes stunned until the
NATURAL WEAPONS: The undead uses its hands and teeth as natural end of its next turn. The apparition then returns to its space.
weapons that deal 3d6 damage. When it gets a critical success for When a creature within 5 yards of the target space becomes injured,
a roll to attack, the target makes an Agility roll. On a failure, it takes that creature makes a luck roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the creature
an extra 2d6 damage. takes 6d6 damage.
ARMY OF THE DEAD Strength. On a success, the target takes an extra 7d6 damage. On a
critical success, the target takes 10d6 damage instead. A creature inca-
pacitated by this spell dies.
TARGET: The ground in one Size 10 space centered on you
DURATION: 1 minute
Mist rises from the target ground to create light obscurement for the
duration. Following the mist come forth a host of skeletal figures, rotting
bodies, and body parts beyond counting that amass in the space until When creatures drift off, enfolded in sleep’s embrace, their minds
the spell ends. enter a fantastic realm of imagination, collectively shared with
When you cast this spell and again at the start of each of your turns, all other creatures. Called the dreamlands, mortals roam this
each enemy in the target space takes 3d6 damage and makes an place, experiencing wonders and terrors in equal measure. The
Agility roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the enemy takes an extra 3d6
damage and becomes held and vulnerable (luck ends both). If the Oneiromancy tradition taps into the magic of dreams and enables
enemy was already held, it takes an extra 3d6 damage. casters to call them forth to manipulate others or subject them to
waking terrors.
TARGET: One Size 2 space on the ground within 5 yards FADING DREAM (MAGICAL): You can use a reaction when you are
DURATION: 1 minute
harmed to become invisible until the start of your next turn.
All plants, if any, on the ground inside the target space wither and die You can use this talent once, twice at level 3, and three times at
as a profound stink rises from the cracks that suddenly appear. Rising level 7. You regain expended uses after you rest.
from the ground, dirt falling from its body, is an undead abomination,
a towering amalgam of many corpses all fused together and bound in INTERPRET DREAMS (MAGICAL): You can perform a ritual to
chains. The undead abomination becomes your controlled companion interpret another’s dreams. Target one creature within reach.
for the duration, but the spell ends early if it becomes incapacitated. The target tells you of their most recent dreams. Make an
When the spell ends, the abomination explodes, throwing broken bits Intellect roll when you finish. On a success, you offer guidance
of metal, chunks of rotten meat, and unspeakable fluid in all directions.
Each creature within 5 yards of it makes a luck roll with 1 bane. On a
the creature can use any time before it finishes another rest. The
failure, the creature takes 3d6 damage. guidance enables the target to discard the result of one attribute
roll or luck roll and roll again. The creature must use the result
of the second roll. Once you use this talent, you lose access to it
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 14 (+4), Agility 8 (–2), Intellect 3 (–7), Will 15 (+5)
until after you rest.
SIZE: 3, SPEED: 5 (no running)
IMMUNE: asleep, frightened, poisoned LETHARGIC WAVE (MAGICAL): You can use an action to afflict
STENCH OF THE GRAVE: Each enemy not immune to the poisoned a creature with intense fatigue. Target one creature within 5
affliction within 5 yards of the undead abomination is weakened for yards. Make an Intellect roll against the target’s Will. On a suc-
as long as it remains there. cess, the target becomes confused and slowed (luck ends both).
MELEE ATTACK—FIST: Strength (+4) with 1 boon (6d6) A creature immune to the asleep affliction ignores this effect.
TWO ATTACKS: The abomination makes two Fist attacks. At level 3, you can target two creatures within the same Size 5
space. At level 7, you can target three creatures within the same
DEATH COMES FOR THEE Size 5 space. On a critical success, the target also falls prone.
LUCID DREAMING (MAGICAL): You can perform a ritual to place
TARGET: One Size 10 space within 30 yards
yourself into a restful sleep. When you finish, you fall prone
DURATION: Instantaneous
and sleep for 1 hour. The effect ends early if you are harmed. If
A spectral figure swoops through the space and then disappears. Roll you sleep the whole time, you heal 4d6 damage and you make
20d6 and note the total. Compare the total to the Health scores of each
Intellect and Will rolls with 1 boon for 24 hours. Once you use
flesh-and-blood creature in the target space. A creature whose Health
score is equal to or less than that sum loses its remaining Health and dies. this talent, you lose access to it until after you rest.

SHRIEKING SKULL Nov ice Oneiromancy Spells

TARGET: One Size 5 space within 10 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
A humanoid skull appears in the center of the target space, shrieks, and CASTINGS: 1
disappears. Each creature in the target space takes 6d6 damage and TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
makes a Will roll. On a failure, the creature takes an extra 6d6 damage DURATION: Instantaneous
and becomes frightened of you (luck ends). The target’s mind wanders into memory and imagination. Make an
Intellect roll against the target’s Will. On a success, the target becomes
Chapter 4

SLAY confused and Will impaired (luck ends both). Until the affliction ends, all
CASTINGS: 3 other creatures are invisible to the target, and the space out to 5 yards
around it appears to be safe and comfortable. If harmed, the target
TARGET: One creature within 15 yards
makes an Intellect roll. On a success, it ends afflictions. If the target fails
DURATION: Instantaneous
this roll, it becomes frightened of a Size 5 space centered on itself, as
You extend your hand, fingers splayed, and then tighten it into a fist. the once safe and comfortable area becomes treacherous and hope-
The target takes 7d6 damage. Make an Intellect roll against the target’s less, until the confused and Will impaired afflictions end.
DREAM VISITATION or start a fire. As part of the activity’s description, you also define the
event that triggers the activity. The event could be the expiration of a
period of time, a signal of some kind, or arriving at a specified place.
TARGET: One sleeping creature from which you have a part such as a The target becomes bound to perform the stated activity when the trig-
bit of its hair or a drop of blood; you need not have line of sight or gering event occurs and does so unless somehow prevented.
line of effect to it; the creature can be any distance from you
DURATION: Instantaneous
Your mind enters the dreamlands to search for the target’s sleeping mind.
Ex pert
Make an Intellect roll against its Will. On a success, you find the target’s
mind and enter its dreams. To the target’s dreaming self, you present
Oneiromancy Spells
yourself as anyone you choose and can communicate with the target
regardless of having any languages in common. In addition, you make DREAM WITHIN A DREAM
the target’s dreams pleasant, so that it regains twice as much Health as
normal when it wakens, or unpleasant, in which case the target derives CASTINGS: 1
no benefit from resting. TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
DURATION: 1 minute
FRIGHTEN You bury the target in a flood of dreams from which it must struggle to
escape. The target becomes confused. At the end of each round, the
target makes a Will roll with 1 bane. On a success, the target ends
TARGET: One creature with 10 yards the confused affliction until the end of the next round. On a failure, the
DURATION: Instantaneous target becomes slowed, vulnerable, and weakened until the end of the
You amplify the target’s misgivings and doubts until it experiences naked next round.
terror. Make an Intellect roll against the target’s Will. On a success, the
target becomes frightened of you (luck ends). On a critical success, the KILLING DREAM
target becomes frightened of you for 1 minute instead. If you fail the roll,
you regain the casting of this spell after 1 minute.
TARGET: One creature within 15 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
You force the target to recall its worst nightmares. Make an Intellect roll
against the target’s Intellect. On a success, the target becomes weak-
TARGET: One empty Size 1 space on the ground within 5 yards ened until it overcomes the affliction with a success on a Will roll. At the
DURATION: 1 hour end of each round while weakened in this way, the target takes 3d6
You see a being formed from your imagination appear inside the target damage. A target that is immune to the frightened affliction is immune
space. The being can have any appearance you choose, but it is invisi- to this effect. If you fail the roll, you regain the expended casting of this
ble to all other creatures. The imaginary friend becomes your controlled spell after 1 minute.
companion for the duration, but the spell ends early if the companion
becomes incapacitated, in which case you make a Will roll. On a fail- NIGHT TERRORS
ure, you become stunned until the end of your next turn.
The friend uses your Intellect score for its Defense, Health, and attri-
TARGET: Up to three creatures inside one Size 5 space within 15 yards
butes. The friend cannot harm other creatures directly and cannot inter-
act with creatures, though it can use actions to carry things for you, help DURATION: Instantaneous
you with tasks, and perform other activities as you choose. Shadows bloom all around the targets, resolving into hideous faces
that leer, grin, shriek, and gibber. For each target separately, make an
LULLABY Intellect roll against its Will. On a success, the target takes 6d6 damage
and becomes frightened of you (luck ends).
TARGET: Any number of creatures in a Size 5 space within 10 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
Waves of lethargy wash over the targets. Each target with a Health
TARGET: One creature within 15 yards
score of 15 or less falls prone and goes to sleep (luck ends). The effect
ends early for a target if it is harmed. Each other target makes a Will roll. DURATION: Instantaneous
On a failure, the target becomes weakened (luck ends). The target’s mind plunges into a previous nightmare. A target with a
Health score of 30 or less dies of fright. A target with a higher Health
MIND BONDAGE score takes 4d6 damage and makes a Will roll. On a failure, the target
becomes frightened of you and weakened (luck ends both). Each time
CASTINGS: 1 the target gets a failure to end these afflictions, the target takes an extra
TARGET: One creature within 5 yards 4d6 damage.
DURATION: Instantaneous
You place the target into a dreamlike state and cause it to become Will SHATTERED DREAMS
impaired until the end of your next turn. CASTINGS: 1

When the affliction ends, provided you are still within 5 yards of the
TARGET: Up to three creatures inside one Size 5 space within 15 yards
target, you can make an Intellect roll against its Will. You make the roll
DURATION: Instantaneous
with 1 bane if the target’s Health score is greater than yours. On a suc-
cess, describe an activity you want the target to perform at some point Each target feels its hope turn to dust. A target becomes cursed and
within the next 24 hours that is within its power to do and does not confused (luck ends both). At the end of each round the target is cursed
directly cause its death or bring harm to its loved ones or property. For in this way, it falls prone and becomes weakened until the end of the
example, you might suggest the target unlock a door, speak a phrase, next round.
TARGET: Any number of creatures inside one Size 5 space within 15 yards TARGET: You and each creature inside one Size 5 space centered on you
DURATION: Instantaneous DURATION: 1 minute
The targets yawn and become lethargic. Each target with a Health score Each target falls prone and asleep for 1 minute. The target sleeps
of 40 or less falls prone and goes to sleep (luck ends). Once the afflic- through harm and all attempts to wake it. You create a dreamscape into
tion ends, the target becomes weakened (luck ends). Each target with a which each creature’s mind travels. You make all decisions about the
Health score greater than 40 makes a Will roll. On a failure, it becomes dreamscape’s appearance, but it cannot be any larger than 30 yards
weakened (luck ends). across in any direction. A creature that would move beyond this dis-
tance enters the physical space on the opposite side of the dreamscape.
Depending on the nature of the dreamscape, the Sage might decide
Master it features hazards and challenging terrain.
Each target believes it remains in the dreamscape for 8 hours and
Oneiromancy Spells benefits from having rested if it remains unconscious for the full minute.
If you cast this spell in combat, you resolve the combat in the dream-
scape as if it were real. Any damage taken by a dreamer applies to its
DREAM PRISON body. Any creature that dies in the dreamscape dies in reality.
A creature affected by this spell can use an action to make a Will roll.
On a success, the creature’s imagination grants it one of the following
TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
benefits of its choice:
DURATION: Instantaneous
• The creature gains the Fly trait until the spell ends.
A target with a Health score of 60 or less becomes cursed. A target with • The creature imposes 1 bane on rolls against it until the spell ends.
a higher Health score becomes cursed (luck ends). While cursed in this • The creature makes attribute rolls with 1 boon until the spell ends.
way, the target’s eyes close and its mind enters the dreamlands. While
• The creature can remove or add a feature of its choice to the dream-
in the dreamlands, the target is not aware of its actual surroundings;
scape. The feature can affect up to a Size 2 space.
instead, it perceives its surroundings in the dreamlands, where it might
think it eats, drinks, loves, fights, and does other things, believing this
realm to be its reality. A target cursed in this way no longer involves DREAM TRAVEL
itself in what goes on around it. Since an affected target consumes only CASTINGS: 1, perform a ritual
dream food and drink, it eventually dies from deprivation. Also, with no TARGET: One place you have seen at least once before and is within
means to identify danger around it, the target might fall victim to any
500 miles; you need not have line of sight or line of effect to this place
number of mishaps.
DURATION: 1 hour
You fix in your mind the target place during the ritual and, when you fin-
ish, you and each ally within 5 yards of you fall prone and go to sleep
for the duration. If any creature sleeping from this spell wakens early, the
spell ends with no additional effect.
When the spell ends and if you and affected allies slept for the dura-
tion, you and your allies wake in spaces of the Sage’s choice inside the
target place.

TARGET: One creature within 15 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
An overwhelming need to sleep overcomes the target, causing it to
become confused and vulnerable until the end of the round. When the
afflictions end, the target makes a Will roll. A creature with a Health
score of 80 or less gets an automatic failure. On a failure, the creature
falls prone and becomes stunned until the end of the next round. A tar-
get stunned in this way makes a Will roll at the end of the next round. On
a failure, the target becomes asleep until it dies, you die, or you—and
only you—use an action to wake it.

TARGET: One creature within 15 yards
DURATION: 1 minute
Chapter 4

A shadowy horror from the dreamlands appears somewhere in the

target’s field of vision and remains there for the duration. The tar-
get becomes frightened of this apparition. The target can overcome
this effect with a success on a Will roll with 2 banes. At the end of
each round, the target makes a Strength roll. On a failure, it takes
10d6 damage

Nov ice Order Spells
TARGET: Any number of creatures inside one Size 5 space within 15 yards
DURATION: 1 minute
CASTINGS: 1, reaction when a creature within 15 yards produces a
Each target perceives nightmarish figures all around them for the dura-
magical effect
tion. A target becomes frightened of the figures and held. A target can
TARGET: The creature that enabled the casting of this spell
overcome the afflictions with a success on a Will roll with 2 banes. At
DURATION: 1 minute
the end of each round while frightened in this way, the target takes
2d6 damage and makes a Will roll. On a failure, it takes an extra You weaken the target’s connection to magic. For the duration, when
3d6 damage. the target would produce a magical effect, it makes a Will roll. On a
failure, the magical effect is lost and any resources expended to use
it are wasted. The target can overcome this effect with a success on

Order a Will roll.

The Order tradition sprang
from early efforts to tame CASTINGS: 3
TARGET: One Size 10 space within 10 yards
magic, to make the spells
DURATION: 1 hour
cast and talents used
Along one side of the target space there forms an invisible field. Nothing
more predictable in their can pass through it. The field has Health 40, but regains 1d6 Health at
effects. The tradition the end of each round. Destroying the field ends the spell early.
enables casters to shape magical
energy into solid forms. Also, the INEVITABLE SWORD
tradition removes chance from the CASTINGS: 3
effects its magic creates. TARGET: You
DURATION: 1 minute

ORDER TALENTS You form a blade from solidified magic. The blade remains for the
duration, but the spell ends early if you become unconscious. The
blade deals 2d6 damage. When you attack with it, you add 10 to
CERTAIN OUTCOME (MAGICAL): You can use a reaction when the result of the roll. On a critical success, the target takes an extra
you make an attribute roll. Rather than roll the dice, you calcu- 1d6 damage.
late the result as if you had rolled a 20 on the die. You can use
this talent once, twice at level 3, and three times at level 7. You LOGIC PRISON
regain expended uses after you rest. CASTINGS: 3
TARGET: One creature within 15 yards
FORCE MISSILE (MAGICAL): You can use an action to form a mis- DURATION: 1 minute
sile of solidified magic and send it to unerringly strike a target. Numbers and mathematical symbols appear and rotate around the tar-
Target one creature or object within 20 yards. The missile hits get’s body, causing it to become held for the duration. The target can
the target, causing it to take 3 damage. overcome this affliction with a success on an Intellect roll. The target rolls
to attack with 1 bane, but imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it.
At level 3, you can create two missiles and send them both
against one target or divide them between two targets. At level MITIGATE RISK
7, you can create four missiles and divide them in any way you
CASTINGS: 1, reaction when you start your turn
choose between up to four targets. TARGET: You
LOGIC ARMOR (MAGICAL): When you use a reaction to dodge or DURATION: 1 minute
withstand, you can use this talent to cause gleaming mathemat- While you lack the confused, controlled, stunned, and unconscious
ical symbols to appear all around you and on your body that affliction, you can add or subtract 5 from the result of one luck roll made
by a creature within 5 yards of you. Once you use this benefit, you lose
last until the end of your next turn. Whenever you would take a access to it until you start your next turn.
variable amount of damage or lose a variable amount of Health,
you take or lose the minimum amount. You can use this talent ORDERED MINDS
once. You regain the use of it after you rest. CASTINGS: 1, reaction when a creature within 5 yards makes an attri-
bute roll against any target’s Intellect or Will
ORDERLY MIND (MAGICAL): You can use this talent when you

TARGET: Any number of creatures inside one Size 5 space centered

become confused, controlled, stunned, Intellect impaired, or on you
Will impaired. The affliction ends. You can use this talent once, DURATION: 1 minute
twice at level 3, and three times at level 7. You regain expended Each target becomes immune to, and ends, the frightened, Intellect
uses after you rest. impaired, Will impaired, confused, and stunned afflictions.

Ex pert Order Spells cannot be an activity that is required to live; you could not, for exam-
ple, prohibit it from eating, though you can forbid eating a particular
kind of food. If the target violates the prohibition, it loses 3d6 Health
COMPEL ACTIVITY and becomes weakened until after it rests 8 hours. After one year
and one day, the target ends the cursed affliction.
TARGET: Each creature, other than you, within 5 yards
Choose one activity from Chapter 2 that normally requires the use of an CASTINGS: 1
action such as attack, cast a spell, help, or hinder. A target makes a Will TARGET: One creature or object or space within 15 yards
roll. On a failure, the creature must use an action to perform that activity DURATION: Instantaneous
during its next turn. If it cannot, the target becomes stunned until the end
of your next turn. Mathematical symbols swirl around the target and rid magic from it. For
each ongoing, non-permanent magical effect affecting the target, make
FORCE BUBBLE a luck roll. On a success, the effect ends.
TARGET: One Size 3 or smaller creature within 15 yards
A bubble of magical force snaps into existence around the target and TARGET: One Size 10 space within 20 yards
holds it for the duration. The bubble has Health 40. If destroyed, the DURATION: 1 minute
spell ends early. When the spell ends, anything inside the bubble falls.
An invisible field spreads across one side of the target space and
The target can move around inside the bubble, but the bubble pre-
vents it from leaving. Nothing from inside the bubble can affect anything remains in place until the spell ends. Any object that makes contact with
outside it and vice versa. A creature that attacks the target targets the the field stops moving. A creature that tries to move through the field
bubble instead. Similarly, if the target attacks, it attacks the bubble. makes a Strength roll. On a failure, it too stops moving. The field even
You can use an action to move the bubble up to 5 yards in any direc- stops fire, cold, and energy effects.
tion. When it stops moving, it remains in place until the spell ends or you Anything the field stops moving is held in stasis until the spell ends.
move it again. The field prevents the creature or object from perceiving, using actions
or reactions, or moving, and renders it immune to damage, Health loss,
FORCE PLATFORM afflictions, and other harmful effects.
When the spell ends, everything caught in the field resumes its move-
TARGET: One Size 3 space within 5 yards
ment as if nothing had happened to it. Resolve ongoing effects starting
DURATION: 8 hours
with the first creature or object held in stasis. Projectiles from ranged
attacks affect randomly determined targets between eligible creatures
Magic weaves together an invisible 1-inch-thick platform that forms and objects in the space. Other moving objects finish their moves and
parallel to the ground inside the target space. The platform has a come to a stop. Creatures finish their moves and, if they had been
Defense equal to half your Intellect score and Health 50. If destroyed,
arrested mid-turn, end their turns immediately.
the spell ends early. When the spell ends, anything on the platform falls.
At the start of each of your turns that you lack the confused, con-
trolled, stunned, and unconscious afflictions, you can move the platform
up to 8 yards horizontally or 2 yards vertically. Master Order Spells
CASTINGS: 1, perform a ritual
TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
DURATION: 24 hours
DURATION: Instantaneous
You reach into and reorder the target’s mind. When you finish the ritual
and if the target is present for the entire time, roll 9d6. If the sum of the You impose your will on the target. The target becomes confused (luck
dice rolled plus the target’s damage total equals or exceeds its Health ends), and you roll 20d6. If the sum of the dice rolled plus the target’s
score, the target becomes controlled by you for 24 hours. damage total equals or exceeds its Health score, the target becomes
You can use an action before the spell ends to bestow an obligation controlled by you for 1 minute. Otherwise, you regain the casting
or prohibition on the target. Doing so ends the spell early. expended to cast this spell 1 minute later.
OBLIGATION: The target becomes cursed. Describe a service within the
target’s power to perform. The service can be anything you choose, FORCE GLOBE
but it cannot be obviously suicidal or bring direct harm to the target’s
loved ones or property. You could, for example, force the target to seek
out a fabled artifact, slay a giant, or travel to some far-flung place. If
DURATION: 1 hour
the service you described is possible, the target works toward fulfilling
Chapter 4

the obligation. If the target does otherwise, it becomes weakened and A globe of magical force springs into existence around you. The globe
gains no benefits from resting until it resumes its efforts to complete the uses your Defense and has Health 60. The globe moves with you, roll-
service. Fulfilling the obligation ends the cursed affliction. ing, to stay around you. If destroyed, the spell ends early. Any time
PROHIBITION: The target becomes cursed, and you can forbid it from a creature would attack you, it attacks the globe instead. Any time a
performing a specific activity while it is cursed in this way. Examples creature would affect you with a spell or harmful effect, it affects the
include casting spells, taking lives, or drinking alcohol. The prohibition globe instead.
TARGET: One Size 1 space within 15 yards
DURATION: 1 hour
Magical energy forms a giant hand in the space. You can expend
movement to move the hand 1 yard in any direction for each yard of
movement expended. When you cast the spell, and again when you
use an action to do so, you can have the hand perform any one of the
following activities.
SLAP: Target up to three creatures within 1 yard of the hand. Make
an Intellect or Will roll against the target’s Agility. On a success, the
target takes 6d6 damage and falls prone.
GRAB: Target one Size 1 or smaller creature within 1 yard of the hand.
Make an Intellect or Will roll against the target’s Agility. On a suc-
cess, the target becomes grabbed by the hand. For the purpose of
escaping the grab, the hand uses the higher of your Intellect or Will
score for its Strength. If the target is already grabbed by the hand, the
target takes 6d6 damage and remains grabbed until the end of your
next turn. If the damage incapacitates the target, it dies, collapsing in
on itself and squirting out the top and bottom of the closed hand. If
you use the hand for any other purpose, the grab ends.
PUNCH: Target one creature within 1 yard of the hand. Make an
Intellect or Will roll with 1 boon against the target’s Agility. On a
success, the target takes 10d6 damage.
OFFEND: The hand makes an offensive gesture. Each enemy that can
see it makes a Will roll. On a failure, the enemy becomes offended
(luck ends). An offended creature rolls with 1 bane, cannot speak in
an articulate manner, and attacks on each of its turns if it can.
consumable tracks the consumable’s duration while in the field; the con-
IMPLOSION sumable produces its effects, if any, when the creature enters a space
CASTINGS: 1 outside the field.
TARGET: One creature within 15 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
Pressure builds on all sides of the target, causing it to take 15d6 dam-
age. If it becomes injured from this damage, it takes an extra 10d6 One of the oldest traditions in the world, predating even the
damage. If it becomes incapacitated by this damage, the target dies systemization of magic, the Primal tradition draws energy from
and compresses into a small hard ball that rolls around the ground and the natural world, specifically wild animals, and manifests their
continues to shrink in on itself until it eventually disappears.
traits and behavior in the casters. Frequent casting of these spells
LAW HAMMER takes a toll on many casters, causing them to become almost feral,
uncouth and unsuited to refined company. Being a little dirty and
a little rude seems a fine price to pay for the ability to tear an ene-
TARGET: One Size 5 space within 30 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
my’s heart from its chest.
An enormous hammer of magical force appears in the air and slams PRIMAL TALENTS
down inside the target space. Each creature and object in the space
takes 10d6 damage, is pushed 5 yards up and away from the space,
and then hangs in the air, held, until the end of your next turn, at which BESTIAL ASPECT (MAGICAL): You can use your teeth and claws as
point the creatures and objects fall prone. natural weapons that deal 2d6 damage and have the Brutal and
Slashing traits. At level 3, you roll to attack with these weapons
QUELL MAGIC with 1 boon. At level 7, you increase their damage to 4d6.
CASTINGS: 1 HUNTER’S SENSES (MAGICAL): You have the Keen Hearing, Keen
TARGET: One Size 10 space centered on you Scent, or Keen Vision trait. At level 3, you gain a second trait
DURATION: 1 hour
from the previous list. At level 7, you have all three. For each
Magic fizzles out in the target space. Spells and magic effects pro- trait you have already, increase your Health by 6.
duced inside the target space have no effect. Creatures and objects

in the space ignore all magical effects from sources that originate from PRIMAL SCREAM (MAGICAL): You can use a reaction when you
outside it. Any magical effect affecting a creature or object that enters harm a creature or are harmed to give voice to a terrible
the target space ceases to function for as long as it is in the field, but scream. Each creature within 5 yards of you makes a Will
time spent in the field counts against the effect’s duration, if any. Any
creature or object created by magic that enters the target space disap- roll. On a failure, the creature becomes frightened of you
pears until this effect ends; time spent while disappeared counts against until the end of your next turn. Then, for 1 minute, you roll
its duration. Finally, any creature in the target space that uses a magical to attack with 1 boon. You can use this talent once, twice at
level 3, and three times at level 7. You regain expended uses NATURAL WEAPONS: You can use your teeth and claws as natu-
after you rest. ral weapons that deal 4d6 damage. You roll to attack with these
weapons with 1 boon.
WOLF IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING (MAGICAL): You can use an action
TONGUE OF BEASTS: You can cast Primal spells without having to
to make yourself appear to be an ordinary animal of a kind suited speak.
to the nearby habitat. While this effect masks your appearance,
you leave prints as you normally do and make noises you normally You can expend a casting of this spell to heal 4d6 damage instead
of producing the spell’s normal effects.
make, either from the gear you carry or what you say. Any creature
that touches you can see through this magical disguise. The effect
lasts 8 hours, but ends early if you harm another creature. You can
use this talent once. You regain the use of it after you rest. CASTINGS: 1
TARGET: One flesh-and-blood creature within 5 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
Nov ice Primal Spells The target senses its imminent demise. Make a Will roll against the
target’s Will. On a success, the target becomes frightened of you until
the start of your next turn. The target then moves its Speed away from
you and you can move up to twice your Speed to follow. You have
CASTINGS: 1 the Slippery trait for this movement. If you end your movement where
TARGET: You you can reach it, you can make a melee attack against it, rolling with
DURATION: 1 hour 1 boon. If you get a failure on your Will roll, you regain the casting of
this spell after 1 minute.
You, along with everything you wear and carry, transform into an enor-
mous beast that looks something like a wolf. You remain in this form for
the duration, but the spell ends early if you become incapacitated. In SPEED OF THE CHEETAH
this form, you lose the ability to speak and make use of your equipment. CASTINGS: 3, reaction when you move 1 yard
Make the following changes to your rules until the spell ends. When it
ends, you heal 2d6 damage.
DURATION: 1 minute
Increase your Speed by 2 and gain the Slippery trait. When you run,
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 14 (+4), Agility 10 (+0)
you quadruple your Speed instead of tripling.
SENSES: Keen Hearing, Keen Scent, and Keen Vision
CASTINGS: 1, reaction when you attack
TARGET: The target of your attack
DURATION: 1 minute
You fill your nostrils with the stink of your enemy. The target rolls to
attack you with 1 bane. You roll to attack the target with 3 boons
and one attack you make against it each round deals an extra 2d6
damage. Finally, whenever the target moves, you can use a reaction
to move up to half your Speed. The spell ends early if you become


TARGET: One creature in reach
DURATION: Instantaneous
You throw yourself at the target, clawing and biting it. Make an
unarmed strike or an attack with your natural weapons. You roll with
1 boon. On a success, the target takes an extra 3d6 damage. On a
critical success, the target makes a Will roll. On a failure, it becomes
frightened of you until the end of your next turn. After the attack, your
melee attacks deal an extra 2d6 damage until the end of your next

Chapter 4

DURATION: 1 hour
Hunger grows inside you and images of predators killing their prey
dance through your mind. Increase your Health by 10, make Strength
rolls with 1 boon, impose 1 bane on rolls against your Strength, and
increase your supply of Bonus Damage dice by 1. The spell ends early
if you become unconscious.
Ex pert Primal Spells and becomes vulnerable (luck ends). On a failure, you increase your
supply of Bonus Damage dice by 4 until the end of your next turn.


DURATION: 1 hour
DURATION: 1 hour
A terrible howl rips free from your throat as you, along with everything You throw your head back and howl. Whenever you make a melee
you wear and carry, transform into a beast that looks something like an attack and the number rolled is 5 or less, you can roll an additional d20
enormous bear. You remain in this form for the duration, but the spell and add it to the result. You increase your supply of Bonus Damage dice
ends early if you become incapacitated. In this form, you lose the ability by 3 and you impose 1 bane on rolls to attack you. The spell ends early
to speak and make use of your equipment. Make the following changes if you become unconscious.
to your rules until the spell ends. When it ends, you heal 6d6 damage.
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 15 (+5), Agility 12 (+2)
Master Primal Spells
SENSES: Keen Hearing, Keen Scent, and Keen Vision PRIMAL AVATAR
NATURAL WEAPONS: You can use your teeth and claws as natural CASTINGS: 1
weapons that deal 5d6 damage and have the Brutal trait. You roll to TARGET: You
attack with these weapons with 1 boon. DURATION: 1 hour
TONGUE OF BEASTS: You can cast Primal spells without having to speak.
You swell in size as primal magic flows into you and make you the
You can expend a casting of this spell to heal 9d6 damage instead champion of beasts. You, along with everything you wear and carry,
of producing the spell’s normal effects. transform into a terrifying beast that looks something like a gigantic
tiger. You remain in this form for the duration, but the spell ends early
PRIMAL RECOVERY if you become incapacitated. In this form, you lose the ability to speak
and make use of your equipment. Make the following changes to your
CASTINGS: 1, reaction when you are harmed rules until the spell ends. When it ends, you heal 10d6 damage.
DURATION: Instantaneous DEFENSE: 18, HEALTH: 120
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 16 (+6), Agility 14 (+4)
Power flows through you, restoring and protective. You gain the SIZE: 2, SPEED: 8 (Strider)
Slippery trait until the start of your next turn, move 10 yards, and heal
SENSES: Keen Hearing, Keen Scent, and Keen Vision
9d6 damage.
NATURAL WEAPONS: You can use your teeth and claws as natural
weapons that deal 6d6 damage and have the Brutal trait. You roll
to attack with these weapons with 1 boon. On a critical success, the
CASTINGS: 1 target also becomes frightened of you (luck ends).
TARGET: One creature in reach TONGUE OF BEASTS: You can cast Primal spells without having to
DURATION: Instantaneous speak.
You sweep your clawed hands at the target, back and forth. Three times, You can expend a casting of this spell to heal 15d6 damage and
make a Strength or Agility roll with 1 boon against the target’s Defense. regain 2d6 Health instead of producing the spell’s normal effects.
On the first success, the target takes 9d6 damage. On the second suc-
cess, the target takes 6d6 damage. On the third success, the target takes TEAR FREE THE STILL-BEATING HEART
3d6 damage. On any critical success, the target takes an extra 1d6
damage. If the target becomes injured from this damage, it falls prone. CASTINGS: 1
TARGET: One creature in reach

CASTINGS: 1 Your clawed hand shoots out and punches through the target’s chest.
The target takes 15d6 damage. If the damage injures the target, it takes
an extra 10d6 damage and becomes weakened (luck ends). If the tar-
DURATION: 1 minute
get becomes incapacitated by this damage, you rip free its heart (or
You snarl as you make a melee attack. You roll with 1 boon and the similar organ) and the target dies. Each creature that sees you kill the
attack deals an extra 4d6 damage. Then, for the duration, whenever target in this way makes a Will roll. On a failure, it becomes frightened
an enemy in reach attacks you, you can use a reaction to attack that of you (luck ends).
CASTINGS: 1 TARGET: One creature in reach

TARGET: One creature within 10 yards DURATION: 1 minute

DURATION: Instantaneous
You throw yourself at the target. The target takes 5d6 damage and you
You crouch and spring forward. Increase your Speed by 10 until the make a Strength or Agility roll with 1 boon against its Defense. On a
end of your next turn. You can move as part of resolving the spell’s success, the target takes an extra 5d6 damage. On a critical success, it
effect. If you can reach the target, make a melee attack against it. You takes an extra 10d6 damage instead. Additionally, for the spell’s dura-
roll with 1 boon. On a success, the target takes an extra 6d6 damage, tion, you add 10 to the result of your rolls to attack the target.
THROAT RIP SECURE DOOR (MAGICAL): You can use an action to seal shut a
CASTINGS: 1, reaction when a flesh-and-blood creature in reach
door. Target one door, gate, window, or similar object you can
becomes injured see within 10 yards. The target shuts and stays shut for 8 hours.
TARGET: The creature that enabled the casting of this spell Attempts to open it by any creature other than you fail, though
DURATION: Instantaneous the target can be destroyed normally. You can use this talent
You lunge for the enemy’s throat. Make a Strength roll with 1 boon once, twice at level 3, and three times at level 7. You regain
against its Agility. On a success, the target takes 8d6 damage, falls expended uses after you rest.
prone, and makes a Will roll. On a failure, the creature becomes
stunned until the end of your next turn. WARD SITE (MAGICAL): You can perform a ritual to make a site
secure. Target one Size 5 space within 10 yards. When you fin-
WICKED THORNS ish, a faint light appears on the edge of the space and winks
CASTINGS: 1, reaction when you are attacked out. For 8 hours, creatures inside the target space are invisible
TARGET: You to creatures outside the space and no sound they make ema-
DURATION: 1 minute nates beyond the target space. Finally, if an enemy enters the
Sharp thorns appear all over your body. Whenever a creature attacks space, you know it and this knowledge wakens you if you are
you with an unarmed attack or a melee weapon and the weapon lacks asleep. You can use this talent once. You regain the use of it
the Long property, the creature takes 3d6 damage and becomes vul- after you rest.
nerable (luck ends).


Nov ice Protection Spells
TARGET: Up to five creatures or objects within 5 yards
Wild fury overtakes you, causing you to become a whirlwind of claws CASTINGS: 1
and teeth. Your Speed increases by 5 until the end of your next turn. TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
Each target takes 7d6 damage. Then, for each target separately, make DURATION: 1 minute
a Strength roll against its Defense. On a success, the target takes an
extra 7d6 damage. On a critical success, the target takes an extra A ring of magical daggers appears in the air around the target. If the
10d6 damage instead. target moves, it takes 3d6 damage and the spell ends early.

Protection CASTINGS: 1
TARGET: One Size 2 space within 5 yards
The ability to blast apart foes with a word and a gesture, to call
DURATION: 1 minute
forth horrible monsters bristling with teeth and tentacles, or travel
anywhere in an instant draws many to studying the secrets of A ward of concealing protects the target space. The ward prevents crea-
tures outside the target space from seeing or hearing any creature inside
magic, yet most recognize that no matter how powerful the spells it. The spell ends early if a creature in the target space harms another
they cast, without some sort of safeguard they are as vulnerable creature.
as the lowliest peasant. The Protection traditions encompasses
the many different efforts to mitigate the worst the world might LIGHTNING WALL
throw at casters. From simple wards to elaborate security systems,
it’s magic can mean the difference between life and death.
TARGET: One Size 5 space within 10 yards
DURATION: Until the end of your next turn
A curtain of lightning appears on one side of the target space. The cur-
tain blocks line of sight. Any creature or object that moves through it
FORCEFUL REMOVAL (MAGICAL): You can use an action to drive
takes 2d6 damage. A creature that takes this damage makes a Strength
back your foes. Each creature in your reach makes a Strength roll. On a failure, it becomes Strength impaired (luck ends). A creature
roll. On a failure, you push the creature 5 yards away from you. can take this damage just once per round.
At level 3, a creature also takes 1d6 damage. At level 7, a creature
also takes 2d6 damage instead. On a critical failure, the creature MAGIC WARD
also falls prone. CASTINGS: 3
MYSTIC AEGIS (MAGICAL): You can use an action to create a TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
protective field. Target one creature within 5 yards. Glittering DURATION: 1 hour
Chapter 4

tracery appears around the target for 1 minute. The effect Gleaming tracery appears on the target and forms into a pattern that
imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack the target. When the target protects it from magic. When the target would be harmed by magic,
takes damage, it can choose to end the effect early to reduce it can end this spell to impose 2 banes on the roll against it and make
the roll to resist it with 2 boons. If the magic deals damage or causes
the damage it takes by 2d6. You can use this talent once, twice a target to lose Health, the target takes half the damage or loses
at level 3, and three times at level 7. You regain expended uses half the amount of Health. This spell ends early if the target becomes
after you rest. unconscious.
RESISTANCE TO DAMAGE Each creature in the extradimensional space when the spell ends
makes a luck roll. On a success, it appears inside the door’s space. On
a failure, it disappears into the Void, where it finds whatever fate that
TARGET: One creature within 5 yards the Sage deems fit.
DURATION: 1 minute
A shimmering field settles over the target’s body and then fades. When WARD AGAINST HARM
the target takes damage, it can choose to reduce the damage taken by
1d6 (2d6 at level 3, or 3d6 at level 7). Once it makes this choice, it CASTINGS: 1
loses access to the spell’s effect until the start of its next turn. TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
DURATION: 1 hour
SHIMMERING SHIELD Tiny glowing shields appear all around the target’s body and settle in
CASTINGS: 3, reaction when you or an ally within 10 yards is attacked place, at which point they disappear. The spell imposes 1 bane on rolls
to harm the target and grants 1 boon on the target’s rolls to avoid harm.
TARGET: You or the ally that enabled the casting of this spell
DURATION: 1 minute
A shimmering shield interposes itself between the source of the attack
and the target. The shield imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack the target. CASTINGS: 1, reaction when a creature you can see becomes injured
or incapacitated
TARGET: The creature that enabled the casting of this spell
Ex pert Protection Spells DURATION: Instantaneous
The target flickers in and out of existence before it teleports to an empty
CORRECTIVE MEASURE space you can see within 5 yards and heals 6d6 damage.

TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
DURATION: 1 minute
Master Protection Spells
Guilt and shame bloom in the target’s mind. The target becomes cursed
for the duration. Each time the target harms a creature, the target takes
3d6 damage and becomes vulnerable until the end of its next turn. CASTINGS: 1
TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
CASTINGS: 1 You render the target invulnerable to damage. The target gains 20d6 of
TARGET: One creature within 5 yards invulnerability. Whenever the target takes damage, it can expend any
DURATION: 1 hour number of dice of invulnerability, roll them, and reduce the amount of
damage taken by the total of the roll (minimum 0). Once the target runs
The dark magic afflicting the target pulls free, forming into a dark knot
out of dice, the spell ends early.
that then breaks apart into nothing. You end the cursed affliction from
the target if it has it and render it immune to the cursed affliction for the
duration. In addition, the target makes luck rolls with 1 boon. COLUMNS AND SHACKLES
REPULSION TARGET: Up to five Size 1 spaces within 20 yards
TARGET: One creature or object within 5 yards A stone column from which hang magical glowing chains appears in
DURATION: 1 minute each space and remains for the duration. A column has Health 20. If
A humming fills the air around the target. Whenever a creature gets a destroyed, the column disappears.
success on a roll to attack the target using a melee weapon or unarmed When an enemy starts its turn within 5 yards of at least one column,
strike, the attacking creature makes a Strength roll. On a failure, the the enemy makes an Agility roll with 1 bane. On a failure, a chain
creature takes 3d6 damage, is pushed 5 yards, and falls prone. snakes out from the column to wrap around the enemy. The enemy takes
3d6 damage and becomes tethered to the column until the spell ends
or the column is destroyed. The chain prevents the enemy from moving
more than 5 yards from the column that holds it. A column can tether
CASTINGS: 1 just one creature, and a creature can be tethered to just one column at
TARGET: One Size 1 space within reach a time.
DURATION: 24 yours
A stationary two-dimensional magical door appears inside the target DISRUPTION FIELD
space. The door has any appearance you choose. When it is closed, CASTINGS: 1
the door is invisible to all creatures other than you. The door serves as TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
the border between your world and an extradimensional space that DURATION: 1 minute

remains in existence for the spell’s duration. The space is empty and
bare, with smooth walls, floor, and ceiling of a color you choose. Dim A sigil appears on the target’s body and remains there for the dura-
or faint light fills the space. The air inside is at a constant, comfortable tion. The target emits a disrupting field that spreads through a Size 10
temperature. space centered on it until the spell ends. The spell ends early if the target
Creatures outside the door can move into the extradimensional space becomes incapacitated. An ally of the target that starts its turn in the
while the door is open. Creatures inside the space can see the door and field takes 5d6 damage and makes a Will roll. On a failure, the ally
open or close it as they choose. becomes confused and slowed until the start of its next turn.
MENTAL ANGUISH (MAGICAL): You can use an action to invade
TARGET: One Size 10 space centered on you
and harm the mind of another creature. Target one creature
DURATION: 1 hour
within 10 yards. Make an Intellect or Will roll against the
A faint field forms along the edges of the target space and remains target’s Will. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage and
in place for the duration. Any enemy that passes through the target becomes Intellect or Will impaired until the end of your next
space, though no more than once per round, takes 3d6 damage and
makes a Will roll. On a failure, the enemy takes an extra 4d6 damage.
turn. At level 3, the target takes 3d6 damage. At level 7, the tar-
If the enemy becomes injured as result of this damage, the enemy also get takes 7d6 damage instead. On a critical success, the target
becomes stunned until the start of its next turn. also becomes both Intellect impaired and Will impaired until
In addition, enemies inside the target space become vulnerable for the end of your next turn.
as long as they remain there.
SHIELDED MIND (MAGICAL): If you are not injured and you lack
the confused, controlled, stunned, and unconscious affliction,
you impose 1 bane on rolls against your Intellect and your Will.
CASTINGS: 1, perform a ritual
TELEKINESIS (MAGICAL): If you are not injured and you lack the
TARGET: One structure you can see
confused, controlled, stunned, and unconscious affliction, you
DURATION: 24 hours
can use your mind as an additional, prehensile limb. Your ability
The structure becomes protected and gains the following benefits for has a range of 5 yards and enables you to pick up, move, open,
the duration:
close, carry, and to do what one can normally do with one or
• You know the location of any enemy inside the structure. You, and two hands. You can even wield weapons and perform unarmed
you alone, hear a chime when a creature enters the structure.
strikes and unarmed attacks. However, whenever you make an
• Objects inside the structure as well as the structure itself take half attribute roll as a result of using this extra limb, you use Will in
damage. place of the attribute you would normally use.
• All doors, windows, and other objects close and lock throughout the
structure. Only you and any creature you choose when you cast this TELEPATHY (MAGICAL): You can mentally communicate with
spell can open these objects. other creatures. Whenever you would speak, you can choose
• Mist creates light obscurement in all interior spaces within the to communicate mind-to-mind so that allies can “hear you”
structure. depending on the mental volume you use, just as if you were
• No creature can enter or exit the structure by magical means. whispering, speaking, or shouting. In other words, your allies
• You can use an action to sound an alarm that persists until the spell
mentally hear you say something, but no one else can hear you.
ends or you end it using an action. The noise of the alarm causes The communication is two-way; your allies can think their
creatures in the structure to become deafened for as long as they responses to what you say provided they do so at a volume you
remain in it. can hear with your mind

Nov ice
TARGET: Up to five creatures within reach Psychomancy Spells
DURATION: 24 hours
You speak a magic word, imprinting the knowledge of it on each DANCING WEAPON
target. At any time before the spell ends, a target that lacks the con-
fused, controlled, stunned, or unconscious affliction can speak the CASTINGS: 3
word on its turn and teleport to an empty space of your choice within TARGET: One weapon within 5 yards that is neither worn nor carried by
your reach. a creature other than you
DURATION: 1 minute

Psychomancy The target weapon leaps into the air and hovers there. When you cast
the spell and at the start of each of your turns if you lack the confused,
controlled, stunned, and unconscious afflictions, you can move the tar-
Psychomancy, sometimes called psionics or psychic powers, get weapon up to 10 yards. If you move the target more than 10 yards
encompasses all the spells that draw power from the caster’s mind away from you, the spell ends early and the weapon falls to the ground.
and focuses that power into useful effects. Many people in the You can attack with the target weapon as if you were holding it, but you
world have the talent for this tradition, evidenced by frequent use Will in place of the attribute you normally use and the attack deals
déjà vu, the ability to sense what others might be thinking or feel- an extra 2d6 damage. Finally, until the spell ends, the target counts as an
off-hand weapon for the purpose of attacking with two weapons.
ing, or the strange occurrence of ordinary
objects suddenly being at hand. Training LEVITATION
builds on these natural gifts and enables
Chapter 4

a caster to unlock the full potential of
TARGET: Up to three creatures or objects inside one Size 5 space within
their mind.
15 yards
SILENT SPELLS: Unlike other DURATION: 1 minute
spells, you can cast Psychomancy Each target rises 2 yards into the air and hangs in place. An unwilling
spells without having to speak. target makes a Strength roll. On a success, the target ignores the effect.
An affected target is Strength impaired, Agility impaired, and vulnera-
ble until the spell ends. The target can move only by crawling and then
only if it can reach a surface. On each of your turns, you can use an
action to raise or lower the target by up to 2 yards.

TARGET: Any number of allies inside a Size 10 space centered on you
DURATION: 1 hour
You hear the targets’ mental chatter as you link your mind to theirs. The
spell ends early if you become confused, controlled, stunned, or uncon-
scious. Each target can communicate telepathically with each other tar-
get provided they know at least one language, but need not have any
languages in common, regardless of the distance between them.
In addition, any target that casts a spell can produce the spell’s effect
from the space occupied by any other target.
Targets within 5 yards of each other are immune to the blinded, deaf-
ened, and confused afflictions unless everyone has the same affliction.
Finally, you can use a reaction to end the spell early when a target
becomes stunned. The target ends the affliction on itself.

TARGET: One creature within 10 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
Your consciousness beats at the door of the target’s mind. If the target
has an Intellect score, you attempt to invade its mind. Make an Intellect
roll against the target’s Will. On a success, you know the target’s exact
location for the next 24 hours.
You can also use an action to perceive from the target’s body instead
of your own until you use an action to switch perspectives. While you
perceive from the target’s body, you see, hear, and otherwise perceive
as if you were in the target’s space and perceive nothing from your own. Visions of death crowd your mind as you wrap the creature in bands
In addition, the target grants you 1 boon on rolls you make against it. of psychic force to crush the life from it. The target becomes held and
If you failed your Intellect roll, you regain the expended casting of Strength impaired for 1 minute but can end the afflictions early by over-
this spell after 1 minute. coming them with a successful Strength roll. At the end of the round, if
the target still has these afflictions, it takes 4d6 damage. In addition,
MINDWRACK while the target is within 15 yards and has these afflictions, you can use
an action to deal 4d6 damage to it.
TARGET: One creature within 15 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
You send your solidified thoughts crashing into the target. The tar-
get takes 1d6 damage and you make a Will roll against the target’s TARGET: Up to three creatures within 15 yards
Strength. On a success, the target also falls prone. On a critical success, DURATION: Instantaneous
the target takes an extra 3d6 damage. You erase yourself from the targets’ minds. Each becomes confused
(luck ends). While a target is confused in this way, you are invisible
PSYCHIC HEALING and silent to it. The target can still detect you using other senses and
observing the effects of your presence on your surroundings, such as a
shadow you cast, an amount of water you displace, or the visible results
of your actions.
DURATION: Instantaneous
You demonstrated the triumph of intellect over body by either healing ERASE MEMORIES
3d6 damage or regaining 1d6 Health.
TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
Ex pert DURATION: Instantaneous

Psychomancy Spells You reach into the creature’s mind to strip away its memories. Make an

Intellect roll against the target’s Will. On a success, the target becomes
confused (luck ends). You erase the most recent of the target’s memories
CRUSHING THOUGHTS so that it knows that time has passed but cannot ever recall what hap-
pened during that interval. You can erase up to 1 hour of memories. On
CASTINGS: 1 a critical success, you can erase up to 24 hours.
TARGET: One creature within 15 yards If you fail the roll, the target becomes confused until the end of your
DURATION: 1 minute next turn.
KINETIC STRIKE You flood the space with hostile psychic energy that has variable effects
on creatures based on their Health scores. Roll 10d6 and note the sum.
Compare the sum to the Health score of each creature in the space.
TARGET: One creature or object within 10 yards If the sum plus its damage total equals or exceeds its Health score,
DURATION: Instantaneous the creature suffers a cranial explosion and dies. If the sum equals or
You concentrate your thoughts into an invisible force that smashes into exceeds half its Health score, the creature takes 5d6 damage and
the target. A target object takes 12d6 damage. A target creature takes becomes stunned (luck ends). All other creatures take 5d6 damage and
4d6 damage and you make a Will roll against its Strength. On a suc- become confused (luck ends).
cess, the target takes an extra 6d6 damage, is pushed 1d6 yards away
from you, and becomes vulnerable until the end of your next turn. On a MIND CONTROL
critical success, the target takes an extra 2d6 damage.
TARGET: One creature within 10 yards
CASTINGS: 3 You reach into the creature’s mind to take control of its body. Roll 15d6
TARGET: One creature within 5 yards and compare the sum to the target’s Health score. If the sum plus the
DURATION: Instantaneous target’s damage total equals or exceeds the target’s Health score,
If the creature has an Intellect score, you reach into its mind and sort the target becomes controlled by you for 1 hour. If the sum equals
through its thoughts. Make an Intellect roll with 1 boon against the or exceeds half the target’s Health score, it becomes controlled (luck
target’s Will. On a success, the target becomes Intellect impaired for ends). Otherwise, the target becomes vulnerable (luck ends).
1 minute. On a critical success, the target also becomes Will impaired
for 1 minute. When you cast the spell, and again on each of your MIND OVER BODY
turns while the target is Intellect impaired, you can ask a question and CASTINGS: 3
the Sage answers based on what the target knows or thinks it knows.
Alternatively, you can just search for any information, in which case
DURATION: Instantaneous
the Sage reveals one thing in the target’s thoughts per round until the
spell ends. You reorder your body through the power of thought alone. You heal
6d6 damage and gain one of the following benefits: regain 2d6
THOUGHT CLOUD Health, cure one infection affecting you, or end one of your afflictions.


TARGET: One Size 5 space centered on you
Your mind scrapes from the ground debris and dust and lifts them up
DURATION: 24 hours
to form a cloud of light obscurement in the target space. You can see
normally in the target space. The cloud moves with you, remaining cen- You impose 2 banes on rolls to attack you. You become immune to the
tered on you. When you cast this spell and when you use an action blinded and deafened afflictions as long as there is at least one creature
to do so, you can sweep the cloud at one creature or object within within 10 yards of you. You can benefit from all sensory traits possessed
the area. A creature takes 3d6 damage, while an object takes 6d6 by any creature within 10 yards of you. Finally, when you cast a spell or
damage. Against a creature, make a Will roll against its Strength. On a produce a magical effect, you can do so from any space occupied by
success, the creature takes an extra 3d6 damage. On a critical success, a creature within 10 yards of you. This spell ends early if you become
the creature also becomes blinded until the end of your next turn. unconscious.

Master CASTINGS: 1
Psychomancy Spells TARGET: One creature within 10 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
With your mind, you lift the creature 6 feet into the air and pin it in place
KINETIC OUTBURST (luck ends). While pinned, the target is held and takes 8d6 damage at
CASTINGS: 3 the end of each round. If the target is incapacitated by this damage, it
TARGET: One Size 10 space centered on you
dies; you tear it to pieces and the chunks of it fall to the ground in a wet
DURATION: Instantaneous
You open your mind and release an expanding wall of telekinetic force
around you to bash anything in its way. Each object in the target space
takes 13d6 damage and an unsecured object is pushed to an empty
space nearest to the outer edge of the target space. Each creature in the
Some swear fire lives, that in the dancing flames one sees patterns,
target space takes 6d6 damage and makes a Strength roll. On a failure, communications almost. Students of Pyromancy learn how to
the creature takes an extra 7d6 damage and is pushed to the empty
coax knowledge from fires and use that knowledge to control it.
Chapter 4

space nearest to the outer edges of the target space.

Often, Pyromancy leaves a mark on those who discover it; they
MIND BLAST feel warm to the touch, feverish, and their eyes flash when angry.
CASTINGS: 3 NO WATER: If you cast a Pyromancy spell or use a Pyromancy
TARGET: One Size 5 space within 15 yards talent while you are submerged in water, the spell has no effect and
DURATION: Instantaneous the use is wasted.
CASTINGS: 3, reaction when you attack with a melee weapon
FINGER OF FIRE (MAGICAL): You can use an action to cause flames TARGET: One weapon you wield
to spill out from your fingertip. Target one creature within 10 DURATION: 1 minute
yards. Make a Will roll against the target’s Agility. On a success, The target weapon erupts in flames. You handle the weapon without
the target takes 2d6 damage, 3d6 damage at level 3, or 7d6 dam- harm. The flames shed bright light. When you attack with the weapon,
age at level 7. On a critical success, the target also catches fire you roll with 1 boon and you can use Intellect or Will in place of the
(luck ends). After you use this talent, a tongue of fire appears attribute you would normally use. Your attacks with the weapon deal
above the tip of your finger and remains for 1 minute. The fire an extra 1d6 damage from the flames. While you carry the weapon,
you are immune to damage from fire and you take half damage from
sheds dim light. cold. Finally, you can use an action to touch the weapon to a flammable
FIRE CLOAK (MAGICAL): You can use a reaction when you are object and cause it to catch fire.
attacked to sheathe your body in wild, dancing flames. You
suffer no harm from these flames. They shed bright light. They FIRE ARROWS
remain for 1 minute, but the effect ends early if you are doused CASTINGS: 1
in water. When a creature in your reach rolls to attack you, the TARGET: Up to three creatures or objects within 15 yards
creature makes a luck roll. On a failure, the creature takes 1d6 DURATION: Instantaneous
damage. You can use this talent once, twice at level 3, and three You fling fiery arrows from your hand. For each target, separately make
times at level 7. You regain expended uses after you rest. a Will roll against its Agility. On a success, the target takes 3d6 dam-
age. On a critical success, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage. On
LIGHT THE CANDLE (MAGICAL): You can use an action to light a failure, you have 1 boon on all rolls you make against the target until
a creature on fire. Target one creature within 5 yards. Make a the end of your next turn.
Will roll against the target’s Strength. On a success, the target
catches fire (luck ends). You can use this talent once, twice at JET OF FLAMES
level 3, and three times at level 7. You regain expended uses after CASTINGS: 3
you rest. TARGET: One creature within 15 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
SHAPE FIRE (MAGICAL): You can use an action to manipulate fires
around you. When you use this talent, choose one of the fol- You fan your hand to release a jet of flames from your palm. The target
takes 2d6 damage. Then, make a Will roll against the target’s Agility.
lowing effects. On a success, the target catches fire (luck ends). On a critical success,
• FAN OR DAMPEN FLAME: Target one ordinary Size 1 or smaller the target takes an extra 2d6 damage.
fire within 10 yards. Either you increase the intensity of the light
the target sheds by one step, but the fire burns twice as fast, or FIRE STRIDE
you reduce the intensity of the light the target sheds by one step,
CASTINGS: 3, reaction when you move 1 yard
but the fire burns twice as long.
• EXTINGUISH FIRE: Target one Size 1 or smaller ordinary fire within DURATION: Instantaneous
10 yards. You extinguish the target fire. Then, either you cause
smoke to billow from it to fill a Size 5 space centered on the fire Sparks fly from your feet. Until the end of your turn, you have the
with light obscurement for 1 minute, or your damage-dealing Fire Slippery and Strider traits. In addition, when you move to within 1 yard
spells deal an extra 1d6 damage for 1 minute. of a creature or object, the object takes 1d6 damage and the creature
makes an Agility roll. On a failure, the creature takes 1d6 damage. A
• MOVE FLAMES: Target one Size 1 or smaller ordinary fire within creature can be affected in this way just once.
10 yards. You move the flames up to 5 yards.
• FORM FIRE: Target one Size 1 or smaller ordinary fire within 10 SPRAY OF CINDERS
yards. You shape the fire into a particular form such as a human-
oid, a monstrous visage, or burning words. The effect lasts 1 minute. CASTINGS: 1, reaction when a creature within 5 yards attacks you
TARGET: The creature that enabled the casting of this spell
• IGNITE FLAME: Target one flammable, ordinary object within 10
yards. It catches fire. DURATION: Instantaneous
Cinders spray from your body and swirl toward the target. The target
takes 2d6 damage and makes an Agility roll. On a failure, it becomes
Nov ice Pyromancy Spells blinded until the start of your next turn.

BRILLIANT DISPLAY Ex pert Pyromancy Spells

TARGET: One point within 1 mile
DURATION: Instantaneous

CASTINGS: 3, reaction when a creature within 5 yards attacks you

A pea-sized ball of flash launches itself from your fingertip. When it
TARGET: Up to three creatures or objects within 5 yards
reaches its destination or can fly no further, the ball explodes in a pyro-
DURATION: Instantaneous
technic display that creates bright light until the end of the round. Any
sighted creature within 5 yards of the explosion makes a luck roll with 1 Flames and debris burst up from the ground under each target. A target
boon. On a failure, the creature becomes blinded until the start of your object takes 3d6 damage. A target creature makes an Agility roll with 1
next turn. bane. On a failure, it takes 3d6 damage.
FIRE WHIP Your melee attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage, while your Pyromancy
spells and talents deal an extra 2d6 damage.
When you move into a Size 1 or larger space filled with fire, you are
TARGET: You aware of each other Size 1 or larger spaces filled with flame within 15
DURATION: 1 hour yards. You can then expend 1 yard of movement to emerge from that
A fiery whip appears in your hand and you can attack with it. The whip other space and then can continue moving as normal.
sheds dim light. It functions as a normal whip, except you can use Will You can use an action to ignite one ordinary flammable object you
in place of the attribute you normally use, it deals 2d6 extra damage, can reach that is neither worn nor carried by a creature other than you.
and it can benefit from bonus and extra damage. On a critical success Finally, each time you cast a Pyromancy spell or use a Pyromancy
for a roll to attack with the whip, you can cause the target to either fall talent, roll a d6 and keep a running total of each roll. When the total
prone or become held until the start of your next turn. The target also reaches or exceeds 15, flames burst from you, dealing 3d6 damage to
catches fire (luck ends). each creature in your reach. Then, reduce the running total to 0.


TARGET: One Size 5 space within 30 yards TARGET: One Size 10 space within 15 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous DURATION: 1 minute

A ball of fire forms in your hands and then flies from you toward the Flames jet up from the ground along one side of the target space and
center of the target space. When the ball reaches its destination or can burn for the duration or until extinguished. Anything passing through
travel no further, it explodes to deal 4d6 damage to each creature and the flames takes 3d6 damage, though no more than once each round.
object inside a Size 5 space. Flammable objects catch fire. A creature At the end of each round, each object within 5 yards of the flames
that takes this damage makes an Agility roll and, on a failure, takes an takes 1d6 damage. Each creature within this range makes a Strength
extra 4d6 damage and catches fire (luck ends). roll. On a failure, it takes 1d6 damage. If the barrier is within a crea-
ture’s reach, the creature makes the roll with 1 bane and instead takes
2d6 damage on a failure.
CASTINGS: 3, reaction when you move 1 yard WAND OF FIRE
DURATION: 1 hour
Flames begin at your feet and climb quickly until you are engulfed. You DURATION: 1 hour
suffer no harm from these flames. You emit bright light, you are immune
to damage from cold and fire, and you ignore the effects of exposure. A red-metal wand appears in your hand. While you carry the wand,
When an enemy touches you, it makes a luck roll. On a failure, it you take no damage from fire and half damage from cold. In addition,
takes 2d6 damage. you can use an action to shoot flames from the tip into a Size 3 space
within reach. The flames deal 4d6 damage to each object in the target
space. Each creature in the target space makes a luck roll. On a failure,
it takes 4d6 damage.

Master Pyromancy Spells

TARGET: One Size 5 space within 15 yards
DURATION: 1 minute
A black cloud shot through with flames fills the target space and remains
for 1 minute. The cloud creates total obscurement in the target space.
Any creature in the target space that attempts to move out of it first
makes an Intellect roll. On a failure, the creature becomes lost in the
cloud and cannot attempt to exit until the start of its next turn.
At the end of each round, the flaming cloud deals 6d6 damage to
objects in the target space and 3d6 damage to creatures in it. A crea-
ture that takes this damage makes a Strength roll. On a failure, it takes
an extra 3d6 damage and becomes weakened until the end of the next

Chapter 4

TARGET: One Size 5 space within 30 yards

DURATION: Instantaneous
An enormous serpent of fire appears and coils around each creature in
the space. A creature takes 6d6 damage and makes a Strength roll. On
a failure, the creature takes an extra 6d6 damage and becomes held
until the end of your next turn.
TARGET: One creature or object within 20 yards DARK SIGHT (MAGICAL): You gain the Dark Vision trait. If you
DURATION: Instantaneous have this trait, you increase its range by 3 yards.
Flames engulf the target. The target takes 15d6 damage and catches MANTLE OF DARKNESS (MAGICAL): You can use this talent at the
fire (luck ends). Each time the target gets a failure on a roll to end being end of your turn, if you are in a space lit by dim light, faint light,
on fire, it takes an extra 2d6 damage.
or no light at all. Until the end of your next turn, you are invis-
INFERNO ible and you take half damage from ordinary sources. Once you
use this talent, you lose access to it for 1 minute.
TARGET: One Size 5 space within 30 yards NIGHTFALL BLADE (MAGICAL): You can use an action to pro-
DURATION: 1 minute duce a blade of solid shadow in your hand and use it to make an
Flames rush through the space for the duration. Each creature and attack, if you choose. The blade remains for 1 hour. The blade
object in the space takes 5d6 damage when the flames appear and uses the rules for a dagger, but attacks with it deal an extra 1d6
again at the start of each of your turns. At the end of each round, the damage (2d6 damage at level 3 or 4d6 damage at level 7) and the
flames spread 5 yards across the ground in all directions, subjecting
each creature and object in the area to the spell’s effect. Flammable weapon lacks the Light trait. When you attack with the blade,
objects in the affected area catch fire, and any creature injured by these you can use Intellect in place of the attribute you would nor-
flames while in the area catches fire (luck ends). A creature can attempt mally use and you roll to attack with 1 boon. Finally, when you
to extinguish the flames only after it is no longer in the area. get a critical success on a roll to attack with the blade, the target
loses 1d6 Health.
WALL OF DARKNESS (MAGICAL): You can use an action to blan-
TARGET: One Size 5 space within 30 yards ket an opening with darkness. Target one opening, no larger
DURATION: Instantaneous than 5 yards wide by 5 yards tall. An opaque wall of darkness
Fiery debris rains down into the target space until the end of your next turn.
spreads across the opening and remains there for 1 minute.
The debris deals 10d6 damage to each creature and object in the target The darkness blocks all ordinary forms of vision, though True
space that is not under hard cover as well as to anything that enters it. Vision can pierce it. You can use this talent once, twice at level
The debris covers the ground in the target space with challenging 3, and three times at level 7. You regain expended uses after
terrain that stays until cleared away. Toxic gas rising from the debris
you rest.
creates moderate obscurement in the target space for 1 minute. Any
creature that takes a turn in the target space makes a Strength roll with
1 bane. On a failure, the creature takes 2d6 damage and becomes
poisoned (luck ends). Nov ice
TARGET: One empty Size 2 space within 5 yards BLACKEST RAZORS
DURATION: 1 hour
Flames appear in the target space and assume a snake-like form. The TARGET: One Size 5 space within 10 yards
fire elemental becomes your controlled companion. The effect ends
DURATION: Instantaneous
early if it becomes incapacitated.
You sweep your arm to let loose blades of solidified darkness that streak
toward the target space. For each creature in it separately, make an
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 13 (+3), Agility 13 (+3), Intellect 8 (–2), Will 15 (+5) Intellect roll against its Agility. You roll with 1 boon if you target three
SIZE: 2, SPEED: 6 (Slippery, Squeeze 1/4 inch, Strider) creatures or more, 2 boons for two targets, or 3 boons against a single
FLAMING BODY: The elemental emits bright light. target. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage. On a critical suc-
IMMUNE: asleep, blinded, deafened, held, frightened, impaired, on cess, the target takes an extra 2d6 damage.
fire, poisoned, prone, weakened, damage from cold and fire
FIERY TOUCH: TThe fire elemental targets one creature or object within BLINDING BLOT
5 yards and, against a target creature, makes a Strength roll with
1 boon against the target's Agility. On a success, the target takes 4d6
TARGET: One sighted creature within 15 yards
damage and catches fire (luck ends). Against a target object, it takes
DURATION: Instantaneous
4d6 damage and catches fire if flammable.
An undulating ball of darkness flies toward the target. Make an Intellect

Shadowmancy roll against its Agility. On a success, the target becomes blinded until the
end of your next turn. On a critical success, the target instead becomes

blinded (luck ends).

Scholars of magic and magical theory believe the stuff of
Shadowmancy bleeds into reality from the Underworld. Truly, it’s CLUTCHING SHADOWS
spells deal in darkness, oblivion, and ennui. Students of the tradi- CASTINGS: 1
tion tend to appear wan, pale, sickly even. Bruises smudge their TARGET: One creature within 15 yards
eyes and lights seem to dim around them. DURATION: Instantaneous

Shadows gather around the target creature, pawing at it. Make an and the Climber and Silent movement traits. The target imposes 1 bane
Intellect roll with 1 boon against the target’s Agility. On a success, the on rolls to attack it and rolls against its Agility by enemies that can see
target takes 4d6 damage and the shadows drag the target into your it. Finally, the target is invisible from enemies more than 5 yards from it
reach. On a critical success, the target also becomes weakened until while the target is in an area lit by dim light, faint light, or no light at all.
the end of your next turn.
TARGET: One creature within 15 yards DURATION: 1 hour
DURATION: Instantaneous
An utterly black razor appears in your hand. The razor uses the rules
A shadowy bolt flies from you toward the target. Make an Intellect roll for a saber. You can use Intellect in place of the attribute you would
with 1 boon against the target’s Agility. On a success, the target takes normally use for the roll to attack, and you roll with 1 boon if the tar-
2d6 damage and is pushed 5 yards away from you. On a critical suc- get is in faint or dim light, or with 3 boons in no light. When you get a
cess, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage. critical success on a roll to attack with the razor, the target also loses
2d6 Health.
TARGET: One Size 5 space within 15 yards CASTINGS: 1
Magical darkness fills the space, creating total obscurement in it for 1 DURATION: 24 hours
hour. You ignore the effects of this obscurement on your vision. A crea- Your eyes turn into yawning black pits. You need no light to see for 24
ture that would move out of the target space first makes an Intellect roll hours, but the spell ends early after you rest. Your vision can even pierce
and, on a failure, becomes lost in the space and cannot attempt to exit magical darkness.
again until the start of its next turn.
CASTINGS: 3, reaction when you move 1 yard
TARGET: A line of three contiguous Size 5 spaces, one of which must
be within reach
DURATION: 1 minute
DURATION: Instantaneous
You can leap from shadow to shadow. You know the location of each
space in faint, dim, or no light within 15 yards. Provided you are in faint, Long spikes emerge from your body and then leap free, speeding away
dim, or no light, you can expend 1 yard of movement to move from your from you. Each creature in a target space takes 2d6 damage and
space to another one in faint, dim, or no light within 15 yards. makes an Agility roll. A creature makes the roll with 1 bane if in faint
or dim light, or with 3 banes in no light at all. On a failure, the creature
becomes weakened (luck ends). On a critical failure, the creature takes
Ex pert an extra 2d6 damage.

Shadow mancy Spells SHAPE SHADOW MONSTER

CHILLING DARKNESS TARGET: One Size 1 space within 5 yards that’s lit by dim light, faint
light, or no light at all
TARGET: One Size 5 space within 15 yards
DURATION: 1 minute A monster forms from the shadows in the target space. It can have any
shape you choose. It becomes your controlled companion. The spell
Magical darkness fills the space, creating total obscurement in it. You ends early if the companion becomes incapacitated. When the spell
ignore the effects of this obscurement on your vision. A creature that ends, the shadow monster disappears and magical darkness spreads
attempts to move out of the target space first makes an Intellect roll. On out 5 yards from the space it occupied, creating total obscurement
a failure, it becomes lost in the space and cannot attempt to exit until in the area that lasts until the end of your next turn.
the start of its next turn.
At the end of each round, each creature in the target DEFENSE: 14, HEALTH: 25
space makes a Strength roll and, on a failure, takes 4d6 ATTRIBUTES: Strength 14 (+4), Agility 14 (+4), Intellect 8 (–2),
damage and becomes Strength impaired until the end Will 12 (+2)
of its next turn. SIZE: 1, SPEED: 6 (Silent, Strider)
SENSES: Awareness 10
IMMUNE: asleep, blinded, deafened, impaired, on
TRANSFORMATION fire, poisoned, prone, weakened
Chapter 4

TARGET: One creature within 5 yards (+4) with 3 boons (1d6). On a critical success, the
DURATION: 1 hour target becomes blinded until the end of your next
Inky shadows gather around the crea- turn.
ture and seep into its skin, transform- SUNLIGHT WEAKNESS: At the end of the round, if
ing it into a darkling for 1 hour. The the shadow monster is in a space lit by sunlight, it
target gains the Keen Vision trait becomes weakened until the end of the next round.
Master SUNLIGHT WEAKNESS: At the end of the round, if the shadow killer
is in a space lit by sunlight, it becomes weakened until the end of the
Shadow mancy Spells next round.

CASTINGS: 1 TARGET: One Size 20 space within 30 yards
TARGET: One creature within 15 yards DURATION: 1 hour
DURATION: Instantaneous Magical darkness fills the space with total obscurement. You ignore the
effects of this obscurement on your vision. A creature that would move
Darkness blooms and swallows the target. The target takes 10d6 dam-
out of the target space first makes an Intellect roll and, on a failure,
age, and you make an Intellect roll against the target’s Strength. On a
becomes lost in the space and cannot attempt to exit until the start of
success, the target takes an extra 8d6 damage and becomes blinded
its next turn.
(luck ends). On a critical success, the target takes an extra 10d6 dam-
From the darkness come sounds of terrible shrieking. Each creature
age and becomes blinded (luck ends) instead. In either case, each time
in the darkness or within 10 yards of it, other than you, makes a Will
the target gets a failure on a luck roll to remove the blinded affliction, it
roll. On a success, the creature becomes immune to this aspect of the
takes 5d6 damage.
spell for 24 hours. On a failure, the creature becomes frightened of the
darkness (luck ends).
OBSIDIAN GATE At the end of each round, each creature in the target space, other
CASTINGS: 1 than you, makes a luck roll. On a failure, the creature takes 4d6 dam-
TARGET: One empty Size 1 space within 5 yards
age and becomes held until the end of its next turn. While held in this
way, the creature is also Will impaired.
DURATION: 1 hour
You punch through reality causing a black hole to open inside the target SLICING SHADOWS
space. When you cast the spell, and again when you use an action to
do so while you are within 5 yards of the target space, you can choose CASTINGS: 1
one empty Size 1 space anywhere in the world that you have seen at TARGET: One Size 5 space within 30 yards
least once before and cause a second hole to open there. Until you DURATION: Instantaneous
choose a different space, anything entering one hole instantly emerges
Blades of solidified darkness crisscross the target space and dissipate.
from the other. The blades deal 5d6 damage to each creature in the target space.
If the hole has no exit, anything that A creature that takes this damage makes an Agility roll with 1 bane.
enters it makes a luck roll. On a suc- On a failure, it takes an extra 5d6 damage. A creature that becomes
cess, it emerges from the other side of injured by this damage takes 2d6 damage at the end of each
the target space. On a failure, it dis- round (luck ends).
appears, never to be seen again.
TARGET: One creature within 10 yards
TARGET: One empty Size 1 space
DURATION: 8 hours
within 10 yards lit by dim light, faint
light, or no light at all A horrible tearing sounds as you rip away the
DURATION: 1 minute target’s shadow. The target no longer casts a
shadow. You always know the target’s loca-
The shadows in that space form into a mon- tion in relation to your own. For your attacks,
strous killer. The shadow killer becomes spells, and talents, you can target the shadow,
your controlled companion for the which squirms somewhere in your reach until
duration, but the spell ends early if it the spell ends, instead of the target crea-
becomes incapacitated. When the ture and the effects apply to that creature
effect ends, the shadow killer disap- regardless of the distance between you.
pears and magical darkness spreads The shadow uses the target’s Defenses
out 5 yards from the space it occupied, and attributes. Each time you harm the
creating total obscurement in the area that target through its stolen shadow, the
lasts until the end of your next turn. target makes a Will roll with 1 bane;
DEFENSE: 13, HEALTH: 40 on a success, the spell ends early.
In addition, until the spell ends,
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 13 (+3), Agility 14 (+4),
you make rolls against the target with
Intellect 9 (–1), Will 15 (+5) 1 boon, you impose 1 bane on rolls
SIZE: 1, SPEED: 8 (Silent, Strider) the target makes against you, and your
SENSES: Awareness 10 attacks against the target deal an extra
IMMUNE: asleep, blinded, deafened, impaired, 5d6 damage.
on fire, poisoned, prone, weakened


Strength (+3) roll with 3 boons (5d6). On a
critical success, the shadow killer and the
target teleport to empty spaces of your
choice inside one Size 2 space within
20 yards of the spaces they left.
Skullduggery FLEE THE SCENE
CASTINGS: 3, reaction when you become injured
People sometimes forget that with magic, almost anything
DURATION: Instantaneous
becomes possible. While a great many spells have big, flashy effects,
magicians profit from the smaller, subtler forms magic takes. The You kick your feet back and forth, and can speed off. You gain the
Slippery trait and increase your Speed by 20 for 1 minute.
Skullduggery tradition offers solutions to a raft of common chal-
lenges spellcasters face on their quests. And when they don’t solve LOCATE TRAPS
the problem, they offer a way out of it.
DURATION: Instantaneous

BEAT A HASTY RETREAT (MAGICAL): You can use this talent if You cast your senses out to detect the presence of any security measures
you lack the confused, controlled, stunned, or unconscious that might be nearby. If there are ordinary or magical traps within 10
yards of you, you are aware of it and know where to find it.
afflictions when you move at least 1 yard. Until the end of your
turn, your Speed increases by 5, and you gain the Slippery trait. READ ANYTHING
You can use this talent once, twice at level 3, and three times at
level 7. You regain expended uses after you rest.
HANDY HOLE (MAGICAL): You can use an action to open two con- DURATION: 1 hour
nected hand-sized portals, one on a point within reach, and the Any text you happen to see gets all swimmy for a second and then
other on a point within 10 yards. Anything entering one portal resolves into something you can read. You can read any script you see.
emerges from the other, such that you could reach through one
portal and pluck a ring of keys from a hook on the wall some SABOTAGE OBJECT
distance away. The portals remain open for 1 minute. When the CASTINGS: 3
effect ends, the portals close and severs anything that’s not mag- TARGET: One ordinary object within 5 yards
ical reaching through them. You can use this talent once, twice DURATION: Instantaneous
at level 3, and three times at level 7. You regain expended uses You flick your finger and the target either stops functioning or takes 10 dam-
after you rest. age. You could force open a lock, disarm a trap, or break a glass bottle.

KEENEST EDGE (MAGICAL): You can use an action to make a STICKY FINGERS
weapon you wield inordinately sharp. Target one edged weapon
such as a dagger or sword. For 1 hour, you get critical successes
with the weapon when your roll is 20 or higher; the roll need DURATION: 1 minute
not exceed the target number by 5. In addition, when you get
Your fingertips become sticky as if you were playing with honey. You
a critical success with a weapon, the attack deals an extra 1d6 roll to steal with 1 boon. In addition, when you move to where you can
damage. At level 3, your attacks with the blade deal an extra 2d6 reach a creature, you can use a reaction to attempt to steal something
damage, or 4d6 damage at level 7. from that creature.
SNEAKY MOVES (MAGICAL): You can use an action to gain one
of the following benefits: Climber, Silent, Slippery, Squeeze Ex pert
(6 inches). The effect lasts 1 hour. You can use this talent once,
twice at level 3, and three times at level 7. You regain expended
Skulldug gery Spells
uses after you rest.
CASTINGS: 3, perform a ritual
Nov ice TARGET: One flat surface you can reach

Skulldug gery Spells DURATION: Instantaneous

You press yourself against the target surface. When you finish, if the
surface thickness is less than 1 yard of wood, 1 foot of stone, or 1 inch
DANGER SENSE of metal, you pop through to an empty space on the other side of it.
Chapter 4

DURATION: 1 minute
TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
It feels almost as if fingers were massaging your head. In times of peril,
DURATION: Instantaneous
the rubbing becomes more insistent. You know the location of each
creature within 15 yards, which prevents such creatures from hiding You send your mind into the target’s mind and withdraw something use-
from you. In addition, when a creature in that range succeeds on a roll ful. The creature gains an impaired affliction of your choice (luck ends).
to attack you, you can use a reaction to make a luck roll. On a success, While the target is impaired in this way, you make attribute rolls using
you turn the success into a failure. the attribute you chose for the affliction with 1 boon.
DURATION: 1 hour
Your appearance washes away until you become invisible. The spell
ends early if you harm another creature.

DURATION: Instantaneous
You whisper the incantation and spring into action. Until the end of your
next turn, you have the Slippery trait and your Speed increases by 10.
If you can reach an enemy before the end of the turn in which you cast
this spell, that enemy takes 6d6 damage.

CASTINGS: 1, you have one or more functioning eyes
DURATION: 1 hour
You reach up and pluck out your eye. You become weakened until the
spell ends and your eye becomes your controlled companion. If you have
an eye remaining, you can choose from which eye you can see no matter
how far away your detached eye is from you. If the separated eye is
destroyed, the ruined organ grows back and intact after a rest. If you want
to end the spell early, you must place the eye back in its socket.

CASTINGS: 1, reaction when you move 1 yard
DURATION: 8 hours
You completely change your appearance to look like someone else of
approximately your age. You can change your ancestry to a different
one, thereby losing your traits and gaining those from the new ancestry.
You can alter your height and weight to fall within the limits of your
ancestry. The spell can also affect any ordinary armor or clothing you
are wearing, such that you can change ordinary clothing into a suit of
mail. The spell lasts 8 hours but ends early if you become fully immersed
in water or incapacitated.

Skulldug gery Spells
DURATION: 1 hour
You hear Calamity’s laughter in your ears as you beseech her for a
blessing. You make luck rolls with 1 boon. In addition, whenever you
make an attribute roll, you also make a luck roll. If either roll succeeds,
the attribute roll is a success. If both rolls result in a success, you regain
the casting you expended to cast this spell.



DURATION: 1 hour
The rules don’t apply to you. On your turn, you can perform one of the
following options. Once you use an option it cannot be used again until
you complete a rest or cast this spell again.
• Turn your failed roll into a successful one.
• Automatically evade any pursuers in a chase (see Chapter 2).
• Grant 3 boons on the next roll a creature within 5 yards makes
The natural word, or the mortal world as some call it, exists within
before the end of your next turn. a supernatural envelope, a realm apart inhabited by the spirits.
• Impose 3 banes on the next roll a creature within 5 yards makes This realm resembles the real world, though misty and sometimes
before the end of your next turn.
indistinct. Discovering this tradition opens channels of commu-
• Heal all damage. nication between the two worlds, enabling casters the ability to
• Regain all Health lost. enlist aid from the spirits of the great beyond.
• Cast an expert or novice spell without expending a casting. You
need not know the spell. SPIRITUALISM TALENTS
• Deal maximum damage for an attack.
• End all afflictions. CALL APPARITION (MAGICAL): You can use an action to cause a
• Ignore one feature within 5 yards of you, such as obscurement, spectral figure to appear. Target one Size 1 empty space within
challenging terrain, or a damaging hazard, until this effect ends. 10 yards. An apparition forms in that space and disappears.
Each time you make use of an option, make a luck roll. On a failure, Each enemy that can see the apparition makes a Will roll. On
you become cursed (luck ends). While you are cursed, you lose access a failure, the enemy becomes frightened of you until the end of
to the spell’s effects. your next turn. You can use this talent once, twice at level 3, and
three times at level 7. You regain expended uses after you rest.
FREEDOM ESSENCE STRIKE (MAGICAL): You can use an action to cause a
CASTINGS: 1 vicious spirit to attack. Target one creature within 10 yards.
TARGET: You Make a Will roll against the target’s Will. On a success, the tar-
DURATION: 8 hours get takes 2d6 damage. At level 3, the target takes 3d6 damage.
Your clothing feels a bit looser, owing to the sudden freedom you gain. At level 7, the target takes 7d6 damage.
Until the spell ends, any lock you touch unlocks. You do not trigger traps.
QUERY CORPSE (MAGICAL): You can perform a ritual to put a
You have the Slippery and Squeeze 1/4 inch traits, and you can leave
any space that would confine you, including magical spaces. question to the recent dead. Target one creature dead no longer
than 24 hours. You touch the target. When you finish, you can
PHASING ask one question that can be answered with a yes, no, or maybe.
The spirit answers the question truthfully. Once you use this tal-
ent, you lose access to it until after you rest.
DURATION: 1 hour SPIRIT SIGHT (MAGICAL): You can see invisible creatures and
You become insubstantial, transparent, and a bit smudged around the objects in line of effect.
edges. You can move through obstacles and can end your movement
inside an obstacle, though you die if the spell ends while you occupy the
same space as an obstacle. You can move on a surface in any direction
as if you were moving across solid ground. You have the Slippery and
Nov ice Spiritualism Spells
Strider traits. You are immune to the held, prone, and slowed afflictions.
You take half damage from ordinary sources, but your attacks deal half ECTOPLASMIC BOLT
damage. CASTINGS: 1
TARGET: One creature within 10 yards
CASTINGS: 1 You gather up a mass of ectoplasm, stretch it into an arrow shape, and
TARGET: You then throw it. Make a Will roll against the target’s Agility. On a success,
DURATION: 1 hour the target takes 4d6 damage and becomes impaired in an attribute of
your choice until the end of your next turn. On a critical success, the tar-
From head to foot, you become invisible and have the Silent trait. If you
get takes an extra 1d6 damage. On a failure, you regain the expended
already have the Silent movement trait, increase your Speed by 3 for casting of this spell after 1 minute.
the duration.
TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
TARGET: You DURATION: Instantaneous
DURATION: 8 hours
The target’s spirit becomes appalled by your awareness of it. The target
Chapter 4

You roll the dice and they come up in your favor. You gain a pool of luck becomes confused and frightened of you (luck ends both).
that lasts for the duration or until you expend the last of it. You generate
this pool by making a luck roll and noting the result. If you roll a 10 or SPIRITUAL AID
less, add 10 to the number you rolled.
Whenever you make an attribute roll or an attribute roll is made CASTINGS: 1
against you, you can spend luck from your pool and either add the TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
amount spent to your roll or subtract it from the roll. DURATION: 1 minute

An invisible friendly spirit lends aid to the target. The target becomes DREADFUL HAUNTING
immune to the frightened affliction, and makes attribute rolls with 1
boon. When the spell ends, the target makes a Will roll. On a failure, CASTINGS: 1
the target becomes frightened of you until it overcomes the affliction with TARGET: One Size 5 space within 15 yards
a successful Will roll. DURATION: 1 minute
Eerie happenings occur in the target space such as blood dripping from
SUMMON FRIENDLY SPIRIT the walls, foul odors hanging in the air, or weird knocking noises. Each
CASTINGS: 3 enemy that starts its turn inside the target space makes a Will roll. On a
TARGET: One empty Size 1 space within 5 yards failure, it becomes frightened of the space until it overcomes the afflic-
DURATION: 8 hours tion with a successful Will roll. A frightened creature must run away from
the target space on each of its turns and cannot attempt to overcome
A friendly spirit appears inside the target space to become your con- the affliction until it can no longer see the space and is at least 15 yards
trolled companion. If the spirit becomes incapacitated, the spell ends away from it.
early. The spirit can have any appearance you choose. While you have
a friendly spirit, you can have the effects of spells you cast originate
from you or the space occupied by the spirit. The spirit understands all GHOST WALK
the languages you speak, though it cannot itself speak. CASTINGS: 1
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 10 (+0), Agility 10 (+0), Intellect 10 (+0), Will 10 (+0) DURATION: 1 hour
SIZE: 1, SPEED: 5 (Fly, Hover, Insubstantial, Silent, Slippery) You physically enter the spirit world. While there, you can see into
SENSES: Awareness 10 the mortal world where the spirit world overlaps it, though everything
IMMUNE: asleep, blinded, deafened, frightened, held, on fire, poi- appears hazy, as if lightly obscured, and sounds seem muted, as if orig-
soned, prone inating 10 yards farther away from you. You are invisible to creatures
GHOST TOUCH: The friendly spirit targets one creature in reach and in the mortal world.
makes an Agility roll with 1 boon against the target's Agility. On a You can move freely in the spirit world. You can cross liquid surfaces
success, the target takes 2d6 damage. as if they were solid ground, ignore the effects of challenging terrain,
and pass through solid objects provided they are 2 yards thick or less.
VEXING SPIRIT You can attempt to interact with features in the mortal world, such as
throwing an object, opening a door, or moving something. Doing so
requires you to use an action to make a successful Will roll.
TARGET: One creature within 15 yards
You can attack creatures in the mortal world and target them with
DURATION: Instantaneous
spells you cast and talents you use. You make rolls to do so with 1 bane
You set a cruel and nasty spirit on the target, causing it to become cursed and the target takes half of any damage, loses half of any Health, and
(luck ends). When a creature cursed in this way would move, it must first makes rolls to resist or end harmful effects from you with 1 boon.
make a Will roll. On a success, it can move as normal. On a failure, the If you are incapacitated while in the spirit world, you make a Will
target becomes slowed until the end of its turn and it takes 2d6 damage. roll. On a failure, you die and your spirit moves on. On a success, the
spell ends.
TARGET: One Size 5 space centered on you CASTINGS: 1
DURATION: 1 minute TARGET: One Size 1 space within 15 yards
All around you, the spirits of evil people who have somehow escaped DURATION: 1 minute
the netherworld appear and cause your enemies in the target space
to become cursed for as long as they remain there. If an enemy tries to An angry, violent spirit haunts the target space and its shrieks and cries
move out of the space, it makes a Will roll. On a success, it can move cause creatures within 10 yards of the target space to become deafened
freely. On a failure, it becomes held until the start of its next turn. for as long as they remain in that range. In addition, at the end of each
round, the spirit throws an object at an enemy of your choice within 10
yards of it. The enemy takes 2d6 damage and makes an Agility roll. On
Ex pert Spiritualism Spells a failure, it takes an extra 2d6 damage and falls prone.


TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
DURATION: 1 minute
DURATION: 1 minute
You bind to you a malicious spirit that appears to you as a hateful, ugly An entity from the spirit world slips into the target’s body, causing it to
humanoid. The spell ends early if you become confused, controlled, be confused for the duration. When the target takes a turn while con-
stunned, or unconscious. When you cast this spell and again on each of fused in this way, it makes a Will roll. On a failure, the target becomes

your turns, target one creature within 5 yards of you. Make a Will roll controlled by you. If the result of the Will roll is a critical success, the
with 1 boon against the target’s Agility. On a success, the target takes spell ends early.
4d6 damage. If the target is frightened, it takes an extra 2d6 damage. When the spell ends, the spirit leaves the target’s body and shrieks.
In addition, the target makes a Will roll. On a failure, the target becomes Each creature other than you within 5 yards of the space the spirit left
frightened of you until the spell ends or the target overcomes the afflic- makes a Will roll. On a failure, the creature becomes frightened of you
tion with a success on a Will roll. If the target overcomes this affliction, it until you become unconscious or it overcomes the affliction with a suc-
becomes immune to this spell for 24 hours. cessful Will roll.
SÉANCE controlled, stunned, or unconscious. You impose 1 bane on rolls to
attack you or allies within 5 yards of you.
CASTINGS: 1, perform a ritual
When you cast this spell and again on each of your turns, target one
TARGET: You creature within 5 yards of you. Make a Will roll with 1 boon against
DURATION: Instantaneous the target’s Agility. On a success, the target takes 8d6 damage and
You place yourself in a trance so you can commune with the spirits. falls prone.
Roll a d6. A number of spirits equal to the number you rolled move into
your body and stay until you rest or release the last spirit. You exhale SPIRIT EATER
ectoplasm, if you breathe, and orbs flicker around your body. As long
as you are not confused, controlled, stunned, or unconscious, you can
release a spirit at any time to produce any of the following effects: TARGET: One empty Size 1 space within 15 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous
• Heal 3d6 damage.
• Make an attribute roll with 2 boons. A hideous spirit appears in the space, shrieks, and then disappears.
Each creature within 5 yards of the target space makes a Will roll with 1
• Each creature that can see you makes a Will roll. On a failure, it bane. On a failure, the creature becomes deafened (luck ends). A crea-
becomes frightened of you for 1 minute, until you become uncon- ture deafened by this effect transforms into a monstrous killer burdened
scious, or until the creature overcomes the affliction with a success with a hunger for raw meat. It treats all creatures of flesh and blood as
on a Will roll. enemies, and runs toward the nearest enemy and attacks it on each of
• Release three spirits to ask the Sage a question that can be answered its turns, making the roll to attack with 1 boon and dealing an extra 2d6
with a yes or no. The Sage truly answers with a yes, no, or unknown. damage on each attack it makes.
When the target succeeds on a luck roll to end this effect, the creature
becomes stunned until the end of its next turn.
Spiritualism Spells CASTINGS: 1
TARGET: One creature within 10 yards

CASTINGS: 1, perform a ritual Your hand twists into a claw as you make a raking motion. The target
TARGET: You takes 8d6 damage, and you make a Will roll against its Will. On a
DURATION: Special (see the effect) success, the target takes an extra 8d6 damage, and becomes confused,
vulnerable, and weakened (luck ends all). On a critical success, the
Your soul leaves your body and your body becomes an object. If your target also becomes frightened of you for 1 minute.
body takes any damage, loses Health, gains an affliction, or suffers
any other harmful effect, you can make a luck roll. On a success, the STORM OF SPIRITS
spell ends early, which restores your soul to your body. If your body
dies, make a Will roll. On a success, the spell lasts until your spirit form CASTINGS: 1
is destroyed. On a failure, the spell ends and your spirit disappears, TARGET: One Size 10 space centered on you
dragged to whatever fate you earned in life. DURATION: 1 minute
• Your spirit is invisible and lacks substance. It has your general shape Spirits spill into the target space and fly around, filling it with moderate
and provides you with the following benefits and drawbacks: obscurement. Each enemy in the target space when the spirits appear
• Your Defense equals your Intellect score + 5. makes a Will roll. On a failure, the enemy takes 5d6 damage, and
• Your Health score equals your Will score + your level. You take half becomes held and frightened of the space until the spell ends or it over-
damage from all sources. If your spirit form is incapacitated, the comes the affliction with a success on a Will roll with 1 bane.
spell ends early, but your Intellect and Will scores drop to 1. At the At the end of each round, each enemy in the affected area makes a
end of each week, make a luck roll. On a success, the scores in each Will roll. A frightened enemy makes the roll with 1 bane. On a failure,
increase by 1 until they reach your original scores. the enemy takes 2d6 damage and falls prone.
• You use Will in place of Strength and Intellect in place of Agility.
SPECIAL MOVEMENT: Fly, Hover, Insubstantial, Silent, Slippery
SENSES: Awareness 15
TARGET: One Size 1 empty space within 30 yards
IMMUNE: asleep, blinded, deafened, held, on fire, poisoned, prone
DURATION: Instantaneous
POSSESSION: You can use an action to target one confused, stunned,
or unconscious creature within 5 yards. Make a Will roll with 1 boon A shadowy figure appears in the target space, keens, and then van-
against the target’s Will. On a success, you enter the target’s body ishes. Each enemy within 30 yards of the target space and that hears
and remain there for as long as you use an action on each of your the sound becomes cursed (luck ends). Spirits and undead are immune
turns to maintain this effect. While you are inside its body, the target to this effect. At the end of each round, an enemy cursed in this way
takes 6d6 damage.
is controlled by you. On a failure, the target becomes immune to your
use of Possession for 24 hours.

Chapter 4


CASTINGS: 1 The practice of imbuing magic into symbols goes back to the fallen
TARGET: You empires of old. One can still find these glyphs and runes inscribed
DURATION: 1 minute in ruins and, sometimes, the magic lingers to ruin anyone’s day who
You bind to you a guardian spirit that appears to you as a gleam- triggers them. The Symbolism tradition lets a caster sketch a symbol,
ing, noble humanoid. The spell ends early if you become confused, imbue it with power that typically lasts until the symbol burns away.
TARGET: The ground in one Size 5 space within 10 yards
DURATION: 24 hours (see the effect)

APOTROPAIC RUNE (MAGICAL): You can perform a ritual using An invisible circle forms on the ground inside the space and remains
there for the duration or until activated, which ends the spell early. Any
a writing kit to draw a protective rune. Target one creature or enemy moving into, within, or out of the target space makes a luck roll.
object in reach. When you finish, the target makes rolls to resist On a failure, the enemy activates the circle, which causes it to radiate
magical effects with 1 boon and imposes 1 bane on rolls made bright golden light up to 10 yards high and forms an impenetrable bar-
against it using magic. The effect lasts 24 hours or until you use rier around the enemy. The barrier remains until it’s destroyed; it has
Health 20. Until then, nothing can pass through the barrier or climb it.
this talent again. Once you use this talent, you lose access to it
until after you rest.
RUNE OF DEFENSE (MAGICAL): You can use an action to place a CASTINGS: 1, perform a ritual, you have a writing kit and rare materials
Rune of Defense. Target one creature in reach. For 1 minute, worth 5 cp
the target’s natural Defense increases by 3. You can use this tal- TARGET: One secured object within reach
ent once, twice at level 3, and three times at level 7. You regain DURATION: 24 hours (see the effect)
expended uses after you rest. A 1-foot-diameter glyph appears on the target’s surface where it remains
RUNE OF TRACKING (MAGICAL): You can use an action to place a
for the duration or until activated. You decide what activates the glyph:
a creature, ally, or enemy, which might be a specific individual or not,
rune on something so you can keep track of it. Target one crea- touches the glyph or moves to within some distance of it.
ture or object you can see. An invisible rune appears on the tar- When activated, the glyph disappears and fire fills a Size 5 space
get and remains there for 24 hours. You always know in which centered on its location. The fire deals 3d6 damage to each object in
direction you can find the target and the approximate distance the space and 1d6 damage to each creature in the space. A creature
makes a luck roll. On a failure, the creature takes an extra 2d6 damage.
between you and the target. Once you use this talent, you lose
access to it until after you rest. If the effect has not ended yet MARK OF THE BEAST
after you finish resting, you can use this talent to extend the
duration by another 24 hours.
TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
RUNE OF WAR (MAGICAL): You can use an action to cause a Rune DURATION: 1 minute
of War to appear on a weapon you can see within 10 yards. The A mark appears on the target’s body and remains there for the dura-
rune remains for 1 minute or until you use this talent again. tion. The target becomes vulnerable, cannot benefit from invisibility, and
The rune grants 1 boon on rolls to attack with the weapon, and cannot hide from you as you always know the target’s exact location.
attacks with the weapon deal an extra 1d6 damage.
At level 3, attacks with the weapon now deal an extra 2d6 RUNE OF UNFLAGGING VIGOR
damage. At level 7, attacks with the weapon deal an extra 4d6 CASTINGS: 1, reaction when a creature starts its turn
damage instead. TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
DURATION: 1 minute

Nov ice Symbolism Spells A complex rune appears on the target’s body, bolstering its endurance
and courage. The target makes Strength and Will rolls with 1 boon and
imposes 1 bane on rolls against its Strength and Will. When the target
becomes injured, it can end the spell early to heal 2d6 damage.
TARGET: One Size 1 space within reach Ex pert Symbolism Spells
DURATION: 1 minute
Using your finger, you sketch in the air a complex pattern that leaves GLYPH OF THE ILLUSTRATED GUARDIAN
a glowing tracery for the duration. Any creature that starts its turn with
line of sight to the target space makes a Will roll. On a success, the CASTINGS: 1, perform a ritual, you have a writing kit and rare materials
creature becomes immune to this spell for 24 hours. On a failure, the worth 1 sp
creature takes 1d6 damage and becomes confused until the start of TARGET: One Size 1 secured object in reach
its next turn. DURATION: 24 hours (see the effect)
A 1-foot-diameter glyph appears on the object’s surface where it
BRAND OF CRUELEST BURNING remains for the duration or until activated. You decide what activates the
CASTINGS: 1, reaction when you get a success on a roll to attack an glyph: a creature, ally, or enemy, which might be a specific individual or
enemy not, touches the glyph or moves to within some distance of it.

Once triggered, the glyph disappears and an illustrated guardian

TARGET: The target of your attack
appears on the ground within 5 yards of its location. The guardian
DURATION: 1 minute
remains for 1 hour, until it is incapacitated, or until it moves or is moved
A burning brand appears on the target’s body. The brand emits dim light more than 5 yards from the space that contained the glyph. The guard-
and the enemy becomes impaired in an attribute of your choice and ian treats all creatures other than you and your allies as enemies. The
takes an extra 1d6 damage the first time it takes damage in each round Sage controls the guardian and uses the rules for it found in Secrets of
until the spell ends. the Weird Wizard.
A 1-yard diameter seal of Aryal appears on the ground in the target
space and remains there for the duration or until activated. The seal
radiates bright light.
A creature can activate the seal by moving onto it, provided the crea-
ture is not already under the effects of another seal. When it does, it
becomes stunned until the start of its next turn, at which point it assumes
an angelic appearance, with metallic skin and feathery wings for 1
hour. The creature imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it and rolls against
its Defense, gains the Fly trait, and makes attribute rolls and luck rolls
with 1 boon.

TARGET: One Size 1 space on the ground within 5 yards
DURATION: 1 minute (see the effect)
A 1-yard diameter seal of Balefrons appears on the ground in the target
space and remains there for the duration or until activated. The seal
radiates dim light.
A creature can activate the seal by moving onto it, provided the crea-
ture is not already under the effects of another seal. When it does, it
becomes stunned until the start of its next turn, at which point the crea-
ture’s head changes into that of a beast with blazing eyes and smoke
spilling from its nostrils for 1 hour. The creature imposes 1 bane on rolls
against its Defense and Agility, increases its Speed by 2, gains the Keen
Vision trait, rolls to attack with 1 boon, and its attacks deal an extra 1d6

TARGET: One secured object within 10 yards

CASTINGS: 1 A 1-foot diameter symbol appears on the surface of the target and
TARGET: One Size 5 space centered on you
remains there for the duration. An enemy that starts its turn with line of
sight to the symbol makes a Will roll with 1 bane. On a success, the
DURATION: 1 hour
enemy becomes immune to this spell for 24 hours. On a failure, the
A magical circle scrawled with writhing runes appears on the ground in enemy becomes frightened of the symbol for as long as it has line of
the target space. The circle hedges out something of your choice, which sight to it and for 1 minute thereafter. On each of its turns, an enemy
you choose when you cast the spell from the following options: frightened of the symbol must use an action, if it can, to run and move as
• A particular kind of magical creature, such as demons, fiends, far from the symbol as possible.
angels, or undead
• Ordinary objects
• Cold, fire, ice, lightning, wind, water, or earth and stone
Master Symbolism Spells
• Allies or enemies
Creatures, objects, or effects of the chosen kind cannot cross the cir-
cle by any means. For example, fire would not reach into the area pro- CASTINGS: 1, reaction when you get a success on a roll to attack a
tected by the circle, or a demon could not make attacks against crea- creature
tures inside it. However, an enemy prevented from entering the circle TARGET: The target of your attack
could make ranged attacks against targets inside it. DURATION: 1 minute
If anything covers any part of the circle, make a luck roll. On a failure,
the spell ends early. A brand appears on the target’s body and emits bright light and the
target becomes confused and weakened for the duration. At the end of
RUNE OF TITANIC MIGHT each round, the target makes a Strength roll. On a failure, it takes 3d6
TARGET: One creature within 5 yards RUNE OF RUIN
DURATION: 4 hours
A large rune appears on the target’s body and emits dim light. The tar- TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
get’s Strength becomes 15 if it is lower than that and the target increases
Chapter 4

DURATION: 1 minute
its supply of Bonus Damage dice by 2.
You point at the target and cause a black rune to appear on its body
SEAL OF ARYAL (luck ends). The target becomes Strength impaired, Agility impaired, and
vulnerable until the effect ends. In addition, at the end of each round,
CASTINGS: 1 the rune pulses to release a wave of destructive energy that spreads
TARGET: One Size 1 space on the ground within 5 yards through a Size 5 space centered on the target. Each creature and object
DURATION: 1 minute (see the effect) in this space takes 3d6 damage.
TARGET: One Size 1 space on the ground within 5 yards ABLATIVE ARMOR (MAGICAL): You can perform a ritual using a
DURATION: 1 minute (see the effect) tool kit to make an upgrade to a suit of armor. Target one suit
of armor in reach. You apply additional plating to enhance the
A 1-yard diameter seal of Tatengol appears on the ground in the target
space and remains there for 1 minute or until activated. The seal radi- wearer’s protection. The plating increases the wearer’s Health
ates dim light. score by 10 (20 at level 3, 30 at level 7) for 8 hours, before it falls
A creature can activate the seal by moving onto it, provided the crea- away. If the wearer takes a single instance of 20 damage or more,
ture is not already under the effects of another seal. When it does, the though, the effect ends early. You can use this talent once. You
creature becomes stunned until the start of its next turn. Then, for 1 hour, regain the use of it after you rest.
the creature becomes a towering humanoid with midnight blue skin and
shaggy white hair. The creature imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it by MARK IV PISTOL (MAGICAL): You construct a magical pistol. The
enemies not immune to the frightened affliction, increases its Strength weapon reloads itself automatically after each time you attack
score to 18, increases its Size by 1, gains the Keen Vision trait, takes with it. You roll to attack with the pistol with 1 boon and the
half damage from ordinary sources, becomes immune to the frightened
affliction and damage from cold. Finally, the creature’s melee attacks weapon lacks the misfire trait. If you lose this pistol, you can
deal an extra 2d6 damage. create another one after you rest. You can have one such pistol
at a time.
SYMBOL OF CHAOS MEND OBJECT (MAGICAL): You can use an action to repair an
CASTINGS: 1 object. Target one object in reach. The target regains all Health.
TARGET: One secured object within 10 yards You can use this talent once, twice at level 3, and three times at
DURATION: 24 hours level 7. You regain expended uses after you rest.
A 1-foot diameter symbol of chaos appears on the surface of the tar- ULTIMATE TOOL (MAGICAL): You have a magical tool, which
get object and remains there for the duration. An enemy that starts its
counts as a tool kit. If you lose it, it returns to you 1 hour later.
turn with line of sight to the symbol makes a Will roll. A creature with
a Health score of 70 or higher rolls with 1 boon. On a success, the You can use an action when you hold the tool to transform
creature becomes immune to this spell for 24 hours. On a failure, the it into a different tool or one-handed or two-handed melee
creature becomes stunned until the start of its next turn. weapon. Thus, if it’s in the form of a hammer, you can transform
it into a screwdriver. The tool grants you 1 boon on rolls to use it
SYMBOL OF DEATH or rolls to attack with it. In addition, when you attack with this
CASTINGS: 1 object while in the form of a weapon, you can use any attribute
TARGET: One secured object within 10 yards in place of the one normally used.
DURATION: 24 hours
A 1-foot diameter symbol of death appears on the surface of the target
and remains there for the duration. An enemy that starts its turn within
5 yards of the symbol loses 5d6 Health and makes a Strength roll. On
a success, the enemy becomes immune to this spell for 24 hours. On a
failure, the enemy loses an extra 5d6 Health.

TARGET: One secured object within 10 yards
DURATION: 24 hours
A 1-foot diameter symbol of pain appears on the surface of the target
and remains there for the duration. When an enemy within 5 yards of
the symbol is harmed, it makes a Will roll. On a success, the enemy
becomes immune to this spell for 24 hours. On a failure, the enemy
becomes vulnerable and weakened (luck ends both). If the creature is
weakened already, it takes 3d6 damage.

Grease and soot, a scattering of tools, and sheaves of blueprints:
these are the trappings of anyone who studies Technomancy. The
tradition’s spells enable casters to construct marvelous devices

from junk, scrap, and other bits of detritus they happen to find
around them. The spells transform the wreckage into useful
TOOL KIT REQUIRED: You must have a tool kit to be able to
cast Technomancy spells.
Nov ice From a metal collar worn around your neck, metal plates climb up over
your head to cover it completely. Lenses set in the face plate grant you the
Technomancy Spells Dark Vision trait. In addition, you become immune to inhaled toxins, suf-
focation, stench effects, and anything that would harm you from inhaling.


TARGET: One empty Size 1/2 space on the ground within 5 yards TARGET: One Size 1 space within 5 yards
DURATION: 1 minute DURATION: Instantaneous

At the end of the round, a self-loading crossbow mounted on a tripod Ball bearings spill from your hand and roll across the ground toward
appears in the target space and remains for the duration. The Bolt Thrower the target space where they form a square on one edge on a surface.
has Health 20. If destroyed, the spell ends early. When the Bolt Thrower At the end of the round, each ball bearing burns away to cause a Size
appears and again at the end of each round, target one creature or 1 opening to appear in the surface. If nothing lays beyond the surface,
object within 20 yards of it. Make an Intellect roll with 1 boon against the the effect creates a hole to the other side. Otherwise, the effect creates
target’s Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage. a pit or depression.


CASTINGS: 1, reaction when you are attacked and have a hand free CASTINGS: 1
DURATION: 1 minute DURATION: 1 hour
Metal plates fan out from your arm to create a sparking shield that Metal plates form on your hand, with an additional plate that runs
remains for the duration or until you drop it. The shield uses the normal across the knuckles with pistons to either side. The gauntlet uses the rules
rules for a shield, and whenever a creature attacks you, the creature for knuckledusters except that they have the Bludgeoning and Brutal
must first make a luck roll. On a failure, the creature takes 1d6 damage, traits and attacks with them deal an extra 1d6 damage. In addition, the
is pushed back 1 yard, and becomes Strength and Agility impaired until gauntlet grants you 1 boon on your Strength rolls.
the end of its next turn.
DURATION: 4 hours
A 3-inch long metal rod appears in your hand. Anyone holding the rod
can use an action to activate the device, choosing one of the following
effects, which last until the device is activated again.
• The rod becomes a metal pole, 5 yards in length.
• The rod becomes a ladder, 5 yards in length.
• The rod becomes a mace, spear, bident/trident, or quarterstaff. The
wielder rolls to attack with the weapon with 1 boon.
• The rod becomes a portable battering ram that grants 1 boon on
rolls to open doors.
• The rod becomes a shovel, crowbar, or sledge.
• The rod returns to its normal form.

Ex pert
Technomancy Spells
DURATION: 1 hour
Chapter 4

You construct in your hands a sword that comes equipped with a toothy
chain. The weapon uses the rules for a sword that has the Brutal trait.
When you attack with it, the chain springs to life, rotating around the
blade so that your attacks with it deal an extra 3d6 damage. On a crit-
ical success, the target of your attack takes an extra 2d6 damage and
becomes vulnerable (luck ends). However, the weapon creates noise
loud enough to drown out speech and whispers within 5 yards of it.
FLITTER BLADE You kick your heels together to ignite the rockets on your feet. You move
30 yards. For this movement, you have the Slippery, Strider, and Water
Walk traits. If you cannot move the full distance, you take 1 damage
TARGET: Up to five creatures inside one Size 5 space within 10 yards for each yard you do not move in this way. In addition, when you finish
DURATION: 1 minute moving, make an Agility roll. On a failure, you fall prone.
For each target, you fling one winged blade that zooms toward its prey.
When you cast this spell and, again, at the start of each of your turns, the
blades swoop down to slice their targets. Each target becomes weak- Master
ened until the start of your next turn and makes an Agility roll. On a
failure, the target takes 2d6 damage. A target can attack a flitter blade: Technomancy Spells
it has Defense 20 and Health 5. Destroying a winged blade ends the
effect for that target.
DURATION: 8 hours (see the effect) A pair of bronze wings unfold from your back to grant you the Fly and
You construct a Size 1/4 device that has a raft of different functions. Hover traits for the duration. If you are in the air when the spell ends,
Choose two novice spells from any tradition. The device becomes you fall.
imbued with these spells and has a full complement of castings for
each. While you hold the device, you can cast the spells it contains by DEATH TURRET
expending castings from it. Finally, while you have at least one casting CASTINGS: 1
left of a spell the device contains, you make attribute rolls with 1 boon. TARGET: One empty Size 1 space within 5 yards
When you expend the last casting from the device, the spell ends early.
DURATION: 1 minute

MECHANICAL LACKEY A Size 1 turret with a Health 20 surmounted with a dome bristling with
nozzles appears in the target space. When you cast the spell and again
CASTINGS: 1, perform a ritual at the start of each of your turns, the dome rotates and releases lethal
TARGET: One empty Size 1 space on the ground in reach energy rays in all directions. Each object within 5 yards of the turret
DURATION: 8 hours takes 7d6 damage. Each creature within 5 yards of the turret takes 3d6
You build a mechanical servant to fight for you. When you finish, you damage and makes a luck roll. On a failure, the creature takes an extra
have a mechanical lackey that becomes your controlled companion for 4d6 damage.
the duration. The spell ends early if the lackey is destroyed.
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 12 (+2), Agility 10 (+0), Intellect —, Will — CASTINGS: 1
SIZE: 1, SPEED: 5 (no running) TARGET: You
IMMUNE: asleep, blinded, deafened, impaired, poisoned, weakened DURATION: 1 minute
MELEE ATTACK—SWORD: Strength (+2) with 1 boon (2d6) You construct a short metal tube capable of releasing gouts of flame.
When you cast this spell, and again when you use an action to use it,
MY SPYING EYE you can target one creature or object within 10 yards. The target takes
4d6 damage. Then, make an Intellect roll against its Agility. On a suc-
cess, the target takes an extra 4d6 damage and catches fire (luck ends).
DURATION: 12 hours
You construct a winged eye that can scout for you. The spying eye
CASTINGS: 1, perform a ritual
becomes your controlled companion. If destroyed, the spell ends early.
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 5 (–5), Agility 12 (+2), Intellect —, Will —
You construct a suit of magical armor on your body that remains on you
SIZE: 1/8, SPEED: 6 (Fly, Hover)
for the duration. The armor counts as light armor, grants Defense 18 and
SENSES: Keen Vision renders you immune to any harmful effect that would affect you when
IMMUNE: asleep, blinded, deafened, impaired, poisoned, weakened you inhale it. You take half damage from ordinary sources. You make
RECONNOITER: The spying eye records images of the places it can see Strength rolls with 1 boon, impose 1 bane on rolls against your Strength,
and can store up to 8 hours of recording. Beyond this limit, for every and you increase your supply of Bonus Damage dice by 3.
minute it adds, it loses the earliest 1 minute of what it has recorded so
far. A creature can use an action to play back the recording, which RADIANT BLADE
it projects on a surface within 5 yards of it, starting with the earliest
thing it recorded and continues playing until a creature switches it off

or it finishes.
DURATION: 8 hours

ROCKET SHOES You construct a sword handle. When you attack with it, a 1-yard long
bar of light snaps out of the handle’s end and remains until you use an
CASTINGS: 3, reaction when you move 1 yard action to retract it. The weapon counts as being off-hand, deals 4d6
TARGET: You damage, and has the Brutal, Nimble, and Slashing traits. You roll to
DURATION: Instantaneous attack with this weapon with 1 boon.
CASTINGS: 1 from your path. Target one enemy or unsecured object within
TARGET: One Size 10 space on the ground within reach 5 yards. Make an Intellect roll against the target’s Agility. On
DURATION: 8 hours a success, the target falls through a portal and reappears in an
You construct a Rolling Fortress inside the target space. It is a vehicle
empty space of your choice within 5 yards of the space it left.
with Defense 5, Health 200, Size 10, Speed 5 (Strider). It takes no On a critical success, the target becomes confused until the start
damage from cold and half damage from ordinary sources. The vehicle of your next turn.
is self-propelled, though it requires a driver to steer it. Creatures can At level 3, on a success, the target also becomes vulnerable
enter and exit the vehicle through one of two hatches. The fortress can until the start of your next turn. At level 7, on a success, you can
hold creatures and objects whose total Size does not exceed 20 and no
cause the target to appear in an empty space within 10 yards
individual creature greater than Size 2.
The fortress also comes equipped with a heavy cannon. instead.
A creature inside the fortress can use an action to fire the cannon,
sending a projectile to a point within 100 yards. When the projectile
reaches that point or can travel no further, the projectile explodes inside Nov ice
a Size 5 space. Each object in the space takes 7d6 damage. Each
creature in it takes 3d6 damage and makes an Agility roll. On a fail- Teleportation Spells
ure, the creature takes an extra 4d6 damage, falls prone, and becomes
confused and vulnerable (luck ends). You must perform a ritual to reload
the cannon.
If the fortress is destroyed, it explodes inside a Size 20 space cen- CASTINGS: 3
tered on it. All creatures and objects inside the fortress take 20d6 dam- TARGET: One creature within 10 yards
age. Each object in the affected space takes 10d6 damage and each DURATION: Instantaneous
unsecured object is pushed 5 yards. Each creature in the affected space
takes 5d6 damage and makes a Strength roll. On a failure, it takes an Light dapples the target. Make an Intellect roll against the target’s
extra 5d6 damage, is pushed 5 yards away, and falls prone. Will. On a success, you teleport the target onto a solid surface that
When the spell ends, the fortress crumbles into challenging terrain can support their weight in an empty space of its Size within 30 yards
that covers the ground in its space until cleared away. of you. On a critical success, the surface can be within 50 yards of
you. On a failure, you regain the expended casting of this spell after
1 minute.

Teleportation QUICK JAUNT

With the spells from the Teleportation tradition, the world CASTINGS: 3
becomes so much smaller. Its spells enable instant transit from one TARGET: You
space to another, so that a caster can cross hundreds of miles with- DURATION: 1 minute
out breaking a sweat. The tradition also finds clever and sometimes You sense the gaps in reality and can exploit them. Gain the Teleport 5
gory ways to harm others. Ultimately, the tradition works by find- trait for the duration.
ing the soft spaces in reality and exploiting them.
TARGET: One Size 3 or smaller unsecured object within 10 yards that is
FAR STEP (MAGICAL): If you lack the confused, controlled, neither worn nor carried by a creature other than you
stunned, or unconscious afflictions, you can use this talent at DURATION: Instantaneous
the start of your turn. You teleport to an empty space you can The target disappears for 1 minute. When the spell ends, the target
see within 5 yards. You can use this talent once, twice at level reappears in the space it left. If there is a creature or object in that space
3, and three times at level 7. You regain expended uses after when the target returns, the returning object, and the creature or object
in its space, each lose 3d6 Health and the smaller of the two is pushed
you rest. to the nearest empty space.
FETCH OBJECT (MAGICAL): You can use an action to retrieve an
object at a distance. Target one object you can see that you can SCATTER
hold in one or two hands. If the target is worn or carried, make CASTINGS: 1
an Intellect roll against the target’s Agility. On a success or if TARGET: Up to five creatures within 5 yards of you
the object is neither worn nor carried, the object teleports to DURATION: Instantaneous
your waiting hand or hands. You can use this talent once, twice The targets flicker in and out of existence. For each target separately,
at level 3, and three times at level 7. You regain expended uses make an Intellect roll against its Will. On a success, you teleport the
after you rest. target onto a solid surface in an empty space of its Size within 10
yards of you. On a critical success, the surface can be within 30 yards
Chapter 4

SWAP SPACES (MAGICAL): If you lack the confused, controlled, of you.

stunned, or unconscious afflictions, you can use this talent at
the start of your turn. Target one ally within 5 yards. You and SEVER
the target teleport to swap positions. You can use this talent CASTINGS: 1
once, twice at level 3, and three times at level 7. You regain TARGET: One creature within 15 yards
expended uses after you rest. DURATION: Instantaneous

A two-dimensional portal opens in the target’s space, threatening to cut REMOVE FROM EXISTENCE
the target in half. Make an Intellect roll against the target’s Strength. On
a success, the target loses 6d6 Health. On a critical success, the target
TARGET: One creature or object within 15 yards
loses an extra 2d6 Health. If this drops the target’s Health by half or
more, it loses one of its limbs of your choice. If it reduces the target’s DURATION: Instantaneous
Health to 0, the target loses its head or an equivalent extremity and dies. The target vanishes, removed from existence (luck ends). While removed
Otherwise, the target becomes weakened (luck ends). If the roll results in this way, the target perceives nothing and can do nothing except
in a failure, you regain the expended casting of this spell after 1 minute. make luck rolls to end this effect. When the spell ends, the target reap-
pears in the space it vacated or in an empty space nearest to that space
SUMMON CREATURE and becomes confused (luck ends).

CASTINGS: 1, reaction when a creature you see within 50 yards starts TELEPORT SELF
its turn
TARGET: The creature that enabled the casting of this spell CASTINGS: 3
DURATION: Instantaneous TARGET: You
DURATION: Instantaneous
The target disappears and reappears where you choose on a solid sur-
face that can support its weight. You teleport the target to an empty Choose one space of your Size within 500 miles that you have seen at
space of its Size you choose within 5 yards of you. least once before. You need not have line of effect or line of sight to this
space. You teleport to the space and make a Will roll. On a failure, you
become confused for 1 minute.
Ex pert
Teleportation Spells Master
Teleportation Spells
TARGET: You and any number of allies inside one Size 5 space centered
on you TARGET: One creature within 15 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous DURATION: 1 minute
You and the targets vanish and reappear elsewhere. Each target tele- Reality folds in around the target, causing it to disappear for the dura-
ports to empty spaces of their Size on solid surfaces of your choice tion. The target perceives nothing and can do nothing. When the spell
within 15 yards. Until the end of your next turn, each ally rolls to attack ends, roll 30d6. If the sum of the dice plus the target’s damage total
with 1 boon. equals or exceeds its Health score, the target is shunted into the Void.
Otherwise, the target reappears in the space it left or the empty space
DISASSEMBLE nearest to it of the Sage’s choice.
TARGET: One creature within 15 yards
DURATION: Instantaneous CASTINGS: 1, perform a ritual
TARGET: One Size 5 space within 5 yards
You attempt to teleport pieces of the target’s body in all directions.
DURATION: 8 hours
Make an Intellect roll against the target’s Strength. On a success, the tar-
get takes 10d6 damage. On a critical success, the target takes an extra You fix your mind on a Size 5 space anywhere in the world. You need
2d6 damage. If the target becomes incapacitated by this damage, it not have seen this space, but it must exist. When you finish the ritual, a
dies and pieces of its body cover the ground all around the space. On a multicolored disk forms a portal on one side of the target space that
failed roll, you can teleport to an empty space within 15 yards. remains open for the duration. A second portal appears on one side
of the space you had in mind. Anything passing through one portal
HIDDEN PASSAGES emerges from the other and vice versa.

CASTINGS: 3, when you move 1 yard PORTAL NETWORK

DURATION: Instantaneous
TARGET: Ten empty Size 1 spaces within 100 yards
You duck through a soft place in reality and teleport to an empty space DURATION: 1 hour
of your Size within 30 yards.
In each space, a portal irises open. Each appears as a glowing white
two-dimensional disk that sheds dim light. Number each portal, from 1
HOSTILE PORTAL to 10. Anything entering one portal instantly emerges from the portal
CASTINGS: 1 of the next higher or lower number (chosen by the user). Depending
TARGET: One creature within 15 yards on how the portals are arranged, it might be possible for something

to pass through multiple portals. If so, it can pass through any given
DURATION: Instantaneous
portal created by this spell just once per round, which might happen
You attempt to open a portal through the target’s body. Roll 12d6 if the portals all appear in a stack or arranged across the ground like
and note the sum. If the sum of the dice plus the target’s damage total trapdoors.
equals or exceeds its Health score, the portal opens through the tar-
get’s body, killing it instantly. Otherwise, the target becomes vulnera-
ble for 1 minute.
SEQUESTER UNCANNY BLOCK (MAGICAL): You can use a reaction when a
CASTINGS: 1 creature you can see attacks you to block the attack. Roll a d20
TARGET: One ally or one object neither worn nor carried by a creature and subtract the number rolled from the result of the attack-
other than you within 15 yards er’s roll. You can use this talent once, twice at level 3, and three
DURATION: 24 hours times at level 7. You regain expended uses after you rest.
A bubble forms around the target, contracts, and disappears, carrying
the target into the Void where it remains for the duration. No time passes
for it. When the spell ends, the target reappears in an empty space of
your choice within 5 yards of you.
Nov ice War Spells
TARGET: One Size 5 space centered on you TARGET: Any number of creatures in one Size 5 space centered on you
DURATION: Instantaneous DURATION: Instantaneous

A ring of numbers and symbols appears in the target space, marking You spring into motion, striking at all foes at once. Each target takes 1d6
the coordinates to one Size 5 space in a place you have seen at least damage and then makes a Strength roll. On a failure, the target takes
once before and that exists somewhere in the world. You need no line an extra 2d6 damage.
of effect or line of sight to this space. You and each ally inside the space
teleports to that space. CELERITOUS MOVES
CASTINGS: 1, reaction when you move at least 1 yard
TARGET: Any number of creatures inside one Size 5 space within 30
You pick up speed until you leave tracers when you move. Increase
yards your Speed by 5, roll to attack with 1 boon, and gain the Slippery trait.
DURATION: Instantaneous
From your outflung hand come several flying disks, each in a variety CONCUSSION STRIKE
of different colors. For each target separately, make an Intellect roll
CASTINGS: 1, reaction when you get a success on a roll to attack
against its Agility. On a success, the disk hits the target, which causes
it to take 7d6 damage and teleport to an empty space of your choice TARGET: Each enemy inside one Size 5 space centered on you other
within 5 yards of the space it leaves. than the target of the attack that enabled the casting of this spell
DURATION: Instantaneous

War A concussive wave erupts from the target of your attack. Each target
makes a Strength roll. On a failure, it takes 2d6 damage and is pushed
5 yards.
Most magicians lack the martial prowess of warriors and their ilk.
While magicians throw fireballs and hurl lightning from their fin- FROM OUT OF NOWHERE
gertips, most would rather be anywhere else than in the thick of
a fight with a bar of sharpened iron standing between them and
TARGET: One enemy within 10 yards
certain death. The War tradition arose from a demand to even the DURATION: Instantaneous
odds, to give magicians a fighting chance when they find them-
As you spring forward, you vanish, only to reappear where you can
selves low on spells and in the middle of a battlefield.
strike. Teleport to an empty space of your Size within 5 yards of the
target and make an attack. If you attack the spell’s target, you roll with
WAR TALENTS 2 boons and the attack deals an extra 3d6 damage. If the roll to attack
results in a failure, you can teleport to an empty space within 10 yards
ARCANE WARRIOR (MAGICAL): You can substitute Intellect or of your new space.
Will for the attribute you would normally use for rolls to attack.
You roll to attack with 1 boon. And your supply of Bonus MARTIAL INSIGHTS
Damage dice becomes 1 if it’s less than 1. At level 3, your supply CASTINGS: 1, reaction when you attack
of Bonus Damage dice becomes 2 if it’s less than 2. At level 7, TARGET: You
your supply of Bonus Damage dice becomes 4 if it’s less than 4. DURATION: 1 minute

OCCULT STRIKE (MAGICAL): You can use a reaction when you get You enhance your fighting instincts. You impose 1 bane on rolls to attack
you and you increase your supply of Bonus Damage dice by 2.
a failure on a roll to attack to harm a different target. Target one
creature or object within 5 yards of the target you attacked. The
new target takes 2d6 damage (or 4d6 at level 3, or 6d6 at level
Chapter 4

7). Once you use this talent, you lose access to it for 1 minute.
TARGET: One enemy in reach or within range of a weapon you are
SWIFT ADVANCE (MAGICAL): If you are not injured and you lack wielding
the confused, controlled, held, slowed, stunned, and uncon- DURATION: Instantaneous
scious afflictions, you can use this talent at the start of your turn. Magic guides your hand to ensure your strike lands true. Roll damage
Until the end of your turn, increase your Speed by 10 and gain as if you had succeeded with a roll to attack, and the attack deals an
the Slippery trait. extra 1d6 damage.
Ex pert War Spells takes 4d6 damage and falls prone. On a failed Will roll, the target
becomes frightened of you (luck ends). If the target fails both rolls, it also
becomes stunned until the end of your next turn.
TARGET: One creature within reach or range of the weapon you wield
TARGET: One creature within reach or range of the weapon you wield
DURATION: Instantaneous
DURATION: Instantaneous
You become large, threatening, like a mountain sliding down into a valley. Your weapon hums with dread energy, almost as if it were eager to
Attack the target. You roll with 1 boon. On a success, the target takes an make the kill. Attack the target. On a success, the target takes an extra
extra 9d6 damage. On a critical success, you push the target 5 yards and 5d6 damage. On a critical success, the target takes an extra 7d6 dam-
it makes a Strength roll. If it gets a failure on the roll, it falls prone. age instead. Then, in either case, you can move up to your Speed with
the Slippery trait. When you finish moving, each enemy in a Size 5
CAST DOWN FROM HEAVEN space centered on you makes a luck roll. On a failure, that enemy takes
3d6 damage.
TARGET: One creature in reach
DURATION: Instantaneous
CASTINGS: 3, reaction when you attack
Magical wings spread out from your back as you attack the target. You
roll with 3 boons. On a success, you deal damage as normal, but you TARGET: You
and the target fly up to 30 yards straight up into the air. When you DURATION: 1 minute
reach that distance or can fly up no further, you cast the target down to You hear the dice rattle in your head, and hope fortune comes down on
the ground, where it suffers the normal effects from a fall. You then land your side. Whenever you roll an even number on the die for a successful
safely in an empty space on a surface that can bear your weight within attack, your attack deals an extra 3d6 damage.
15 yards of the one you left. If you fail the roll to attack, you gain the Fly
trait for 1 minute. PUSH THEM BACK


TARGET: Each enemy in a Size 5 space centered on you
CASTINGS: 1 DURATION: Instantaneous
TARGET: Each enemy inside one Size 5 space centered on you
You pull your arms in and then open with tremendous force. Each target
DURATION: Instantaneous
takes 4d6 damage and makes an Agility roll. On a failure, the target
You spring into motion, hacking and hewing to all sides. Each target takes an extra 4d6 damage, is pushed 5 yards away from you, and
makes a Strength roll and a Will roll. On a failed Strength roll, the target then falls prone.
TARGET: One creature within 5 yards
CASTINGS: 1 You vanish from your space, appear behind the target, strike it, and
TARGET: One creature within reach or range of the weapon you wield then return to the space you left. The target takes 15d6 damage and
DURATION: Instantaneous becomes weakened until the end of your next turn.
You see the path through your foe and line up your strike in answer.
Attack the target. You roll with 1 boon. If you roll a 10 or less on the SURGE OF SLAUGHTER
d20, roll another d20 and add that number to the roll. On a success, CASTINGS: 1
the target takes an extra 10d6 damage. On a failure, you regain the TARGET: You
expended casting of this spell after 1 minute. DURATION: Instantaneous

FROM ALL DIRECTIONS Strange, hateful power rises up in you and creates an appetite for
destruction. Increase your Speed by 20 and gain the Slippery trait
CASTINGS: 1 until the end of your turn. Each enemy you can reach before the end
TARGET: Each enemy within 5 yards of your turn takes 4d6 damage and makes an Agility roll with 1 bane.
DURATION: Instantaneous On a failure, the enemy takes an extra 4d6 damage. An enemy can be
affected by this spell just once per casting.
You teleport rapidly, moving from target to target. Attack each target
separately. You roll with 1 boon plus 1 boon for each target after the
first. On a success, the target takes an extra 10d6 damage. Once you ULTIMATE WEAPON
have attacked the last target, you can teleport to an empty space you CASTINGS: 1
can see within 10 yards. TARGET: One weapon you are wielding
DURATION: 4 hours
Magic flows into the target weapon to enhance its capabilities. Any
CASTINGS: 1 creature wielding the weapon rolls to attack with 2 boons and its attacks
TARGET: You with it deal an extra 4d6 damage.
DURATION: 1 minute
Make an attack. After you resolve the attack, you anchor yourself
into place as you enter a deadly fighting stance. For the duration, you
impose 2 banes on rolls to attack you and rolls against your Strength.
When a creature attacks you, it takes 3d6 damage. You ignore any
effect that would move you. Finally, you can use a reaction when an
enemy starts its turn and can see you to force that enemy to make a
Will roll. On a failure, the enemy must move toward you on its next
turn by the fastest means and the shortest available route before it does
anything else.
Chapter 4

Chapter 5:
Expert Paths
You have come a long way since the days when you toiled in your have a combat focus, while paths of faith grant you magical abili-
profession. Circumstances showed you a path to great adventure, ties drawn from the gods. Paths of power offer routes to grow your
danger, and astonishing rewards, and you followed this path, magical mastery, while paths of skill introduce special techniques
become a mage, a fighter, a priest, or a rogue. The quests you have to overcome challenges, whether obstacles or enemies.
undertaken so far prepared you to follow a new and more difficult You may choose any expert path, though you benefit more from
path, one that sees you confronting frightening foes and putting a selection that reflects what has happened in the game so far. If
your life at risk, but with the promise of fame and glory and riches you began as a rogue and developed a penchant for magic, you
beyond counting. To realize these fortunes, you must choose the might become a wizard or a witch. Similarly, if you were a mage
expert path you will follow. to start but found yourself fighting on the front lines, maybe spell-
Expert paths appear in four broad groupings: paths of battle, fighter would better capture your experiences.
paths of faith, paths of power, and paths of skill. The paths of battle
Expert Paths

Paths of Battle berserk until the end of the next round. If you do not end the
talent’s effect early, you become weakened for 1 minute after
the effects end.
The paths of battle offer different expressions of characters skilled
in combat. They include knights, rangers, berserkers, and more.
Level 4 Berserker
Expert Paths of Battle Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
PATH DESCRIPTION Thick Hide: While you are under the effects of your Berserk tal-
Berserker A wild, ferocious combatant who grows even ent, you increase your Health by 10. At level 9, you increase
mightier when the fury takes hold. your Health by 20 instead.
Commander A natural leader in battle, the commander shows
allies the path to victory.
Level 6 Berserker
Gladiator A combatant who uses tricks and feints to
overcome enemies. Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Knight Errant A honorable warrior who lives by a chivalrous Ferocious Rage: When you go berserk, each enemy within 5
code. yards that can see you makes a Will roll. On a failure, the
Martial Artist One who specializes in unarmed combat, turning enemy becomes frightened of you (luck ends).
their body into a weapon.
Myrmidon A philosopher and warrior, committed to Level 9 Berserker
excellence in all things.
Ranger A wilderness combatant, knowledgeable in Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
woodcraft, herbalism, and overcoming the Will to Live: When you become incapacitated while you are
dangers of the wild.
under the effects of your Berserk talent, you become weak-
Swashbuckler A daring combatant skilled at outwitting and ened instead of unconscious. You still make luck rolls from
outmaneuvering enemies. being incapacitated and you still die if your Health drops to 0.
Veteran A seasoned combatant, reliable in a fight and Wild Counterattack: You can use a reaction when you are
ready for action. harmed and under the effects of your Berserk talent to attack
Warden A wild combatant and protector aided by the with a melee weapon or unarmed attack. Your attack deals an
spirits of the land. extra 1d6 damage.

Berserker Commander
Your vision goes red and a howl tears free from your throat. All In stressful times, it takes a person of rare ability to step forward
your anger, all your hate boils up inside you, and you have no and take command. You are a gifted leader. People believe in you
choice but to fling yourself into the thick of battle. Your arm—and and your ideas, and they want to follow you wherever you go. Your
the weapon it holds—moves almost of its own accord, hacking and brilliance at command reveals itself in the decisive orders you give
hewing through your enemies. And then it ends. Your chest heaves in the battle’s thick and how you lead your followers to victory.
as your vision clears. The blood cools on your skin, and everywhere
you look, you see death.
Level 3 Commander
Level 3 Berserker Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each.
Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each. Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Inspiring Commands: You issue commands to aid your allies in
combat. You can use this talent once per round provided you
Berserk: When you are harmed and not under the effects of this can speak, but you lose access to it while are confused, con-
talent, you can go berserk. The effect lasts until the combat trolled, stunned, or unconscious. The following commands tell
ends or you gain control of yourself. While berserk, you gain you when you can issue them and what happens. The com-
the following benefits and drawbacks:
mand only affects an ally that can hear and understand what
• You are Intellect impaired and vulnerable. you say.
• You are immune to the Strength impaired and frightened • Command to Strike: Issue this command when an ally
afflictions. If you have either affliction when you go ber-
makes a roll to attack. The ally rolls to attack with 1 boon
serk, they end.
and, if the ally gets a critical success on the roll, the attack
• When you become weakened, make a luck roll. On a suc- deals an extra 1d6 damage.
Chapter 5

cess, you end the affliction. • Command to Hustle: Issue this command when an ally
• Increase your Speed by 2. moves. The ally’s Speed increases by 2 until the end of their
• Your melee attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage, or 2d6 turn.
damage at level 9. • Command to Rally: Issue this command when an ally
At the end of the round, you can choose to make a Will roll. makes an attribute roll to resist an effect. The ally rolls with
On a success, the berserk ends. On a failure, you remain 1 boon.
Fight Dirty: You roll to attack with 1 boon for each of the fol-
Level 4 Commander lowing criteria that apply to that target: the target is affected
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 by the hinder action, the target is injured, the target has one
affliction or more.
Attack Command: You can use this talent when you use an
action to attack. You enable one ally within 5 yards to use a
reaction to attack. Once you use this talent, you lose access Level 4 Gladiator
to it (luck ends).
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Level 6 Commander Battle Performance: When you make use of an attack option
that would compare the result of your roll to one of the target’s
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 attribute scores + 5, you merely need to equal or exceed the
target’s attribute score.
Inspire Recovery: When an ally you can see takes damage, you
can use a reaction to inspire that ally. If the ally can hear you,
they make a Will roll. On a success, they heal 1d6 damage Level 6 Gladiator
and they make Will rolls with 1 boon for 1 minute. Once you
use this talent, you lose access to it for 1 minute. At level 9, Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
they heal 2d6 damage instead. Feign Weakness: You can use this talent when you take dam-
age from an attack. Reduce the damage by 2d6 (minimum 0)
Level 9 Commander and then become vulnerable until the start of your next turn. If
an enemy attacks you before this effect ends, you can use a
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 reaction to attack that enemy and this attack deals an extra
Lead the Charge: If you lack the slowed affliction, you can use 2d6 damage. Once you use this talent, you lose access to it
an action to move up to your Speed and make an attack. for 1 minute.
Then, each ally that can see and hear you can use a reaction
to move up to their Speed. Allies that move in this way, make Level 9 Gladiator
rolls to attack with 1 boon and their attacks deal an extra 1d6
damage until the end of your next turn. Once you use this tal- Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
ent, you lose access to it for 1 minute.
Underhanded Strike: When you get a critical success on a roll
Glorious Speech: If you spend 10 minutes talking about cour- to attack and you rolled with at least 1 boon, the target makes
age, puissance in battle, and other virtues of warfare, you an Intellect roll with a number of banes equal to the number of
increase by 10 the Health of each ally within 10 yards that boons you had on your roll. On a failure, the target suffers one
hears your speech. The effect lasts until the ally becomes of the following effects:
Once you use this talent, you lose access to it until after • The target becomes vulnerable (luck ends).
you rest. • The target becomes blinded until the end of your next turn.
• The target falls prone and cannot stand up (luck ends).
Knight Errant
Spectacle fighting has been around for centuries. People love to
watch combatants tear each other apart and pay well to watch Fame and renown granted you a title from a noble as well as the
evenly matched opponents go toe-to-toe. The arenas in large cities right to bear arms in your patron’s name. As a knight errant, you
play to crowds of thousands, but go anywhere and you will find a swear oaths to protect your superior, conduct yourself with honor
fighting pit dug into the ground or a ring sketched in with posts in all things, and bring glory to the noble you serve. Your patron
and ropes somewhere in the community. supplies you with weapons, gives you a mount and your coat of
You cut your teeth fighting for coin. Likely you started along- arms, and provides housing whenever you return to their lands. As
side other inexperienced hopefuls, and you saw in your early bat- you venture into the world, you have the opportunity to not only
tles as many victories as defeats. But whether you won or lost, you do good deeds, but become a hero worthy of the bards’ tales.
learned something and used that experience to develop your skills FAME: Whenever you enter a community of 100 people or more,
and find the tactics that work best for you. and you make no effort to conceal your identity, the Sage makes a
The one crucial thing you learned, though, was that how you won luck roll on your behalf. On a success, people recognize you and
didn’t matter, as long as you walked away from the fight and left your might greet you by name or otherwise be friendly to you.
opponent in the mud. If victory depends on throwing sand in your KNIGHTLY ACCOUTREMENTS: When you take this path,
foe’s eyes, feigning an injury to make your opponent overconfident, you gain the following items: a suit of plate and mail; a shield,
or pulling some other kind of dirty trick, you do it. A win is a win. sword, mace, and lance; a warhorse with mail armor and saddle;
Expert Paths

one horse with saddle; one pack mule with two saddlebags. If
Level 3 Gladiator you lose any of these items, your patron replaces them before
your next quest begins.
Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each. BLACK KNIGHT: If you do anything to sully your reputation or
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 dishonor your patron, you become a black knight until you regain
Dastardly Trick: While you are not injured, you impose 1 bane your patron’s good graces. As a black knight, you must replace
on rolls to attack you. your own knightly accoutrements, and people who recognize you
are hostile to you instead of friendly. Repairing your reputation
entails undertaking a quest that involves great danger for little
Level 3 Knight Errant
reward. The Sage decides what kind of quest you must complete, Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each.
but examples include fighting a giant or a dragon, recovering a reli- Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
gious relic, or bringing a dangerous villain to justice.
Born to the Saddle: When you ride a friendly mount and that
mount takes damage or becomes frightened, you can use a
Followers reaction to either take some or all of the damage on its behalf
or remove the frightened affliction.
You gain the service of two followers, a page at level 3 and a squire Knightly Training: When you use an attack option for an attack
at level 6. If you lose either follower, you can replace them at the you make using a lance, long sword, mace, or sword, you do
start of your next quest. so without losing the weapon’s damage dice.
Your page serves you by maintaining your equipment, running Level 4 Knight Errant
errands, cooking and cleaning, and helping you armor yourself. Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Your page might be a servant or have ambitions to become a Honorable Conduct: At the end of each round that you are
knight one day. A page knows Common. frightened or impaired, you can make a luck roll. On a suc-
cess, you end one of these afflictions.
Defense: 11 (padded), Health: 5
Attributes: Strength 10 (+0), Agility 10 (+0), Intellect 10 (+0), Level 6 Knight Errant
Will 10 (+0)
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Size: 1, Speed: 5
Powerful Charge: If you lack the held and slowed afflictions,
Weapons: The page carries a dagger. you can use an action to move up to your Speed and attack.
The attack deals an extra 1d6 damage or 2d6 damage if
SQUIRE you are mounted. Once you use this talent, you lose access
to it (luck ends).
Once a page, the follower undertakes the training needed to
Battle Presence: When you use a reaction to cover an ally, you
become a knight. A squire performs many of the same functions as impose 1 bane on the enemy’s roll to attack you.
a page, but spends time training and fighting at your side. A squire
knows all the languages you know.
Level 9 Knight Errant
Defense: 15 (brigandine, shield), Health: 10 Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Attributes: Strength 11 (+1), Agility 10 (+0), Intellect 10 (+0), Armored Excellence: If you wear medium or heavy armor
Will 11 (+1) when you take damage, you can use this talent to halve the
Size: 1, Speed: 5 damage you take. Once you use this talent, you lose access
to it (luck ends).
Weapons: The squire carries a sword, dagger, and a bow with
Prowess at Arms: When you attack using a lance, long sword,
arrows. The squire rolls to attack with 1 boon. mace, or sword, you roll with 1 boon.

Martial Artist
The pugilist with scarred hands and cauliflower ears, the wander-
ing monk, the contemplative philosopher who clears the mind by
performing certain moves, and the bloodthirsty pit fighter might
all be described as martial artists, despite coming from wildly dif-
ferent backgrounds and having varied attitudes toward fighting.
What unites them is their effort to turn their bodies into living
weapons. These characters, and others like them, can use their fists
to land blows as if they were wielding clubs. They kick, elbow, claw,
and headbutt, taking their foes apart one strike at a time.

Level 3 Martial Artist

Chapter 5

Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each.

Natural Defense: 15, Health: +12, Bonus Damage +1d6,
Speed: +1
Martial Arts: You gain the Brawler talent from the fighter path.
If you already have this talent, increase your Health by 6. In
addition, when you use an attack option with an unarmed
strike attack, you can do so without forgoing the weapon’s a longbow, and you are accomplished at using them. Joining the
damage dice. society requires you to forswear your holdings and possessions
Tremendous Throw: When you get a critical success on a roll to beyond what you need to fulfill your purpose. You have no master
attack a target of your Size + 1 or smaller with an unarmed other than yourself and the obligation you swore to fulfill when
strike, you can use this talent to force the target to make an you joined.
Agility roll. On a failure, you push the target up to 1d6 yards
and the target falls prone.
Level 3 Myrmidon
Level 4 Martial Artist Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each.
Natural Defense: +2, Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Myrmidon Arms: You gain a long sword, longbow, and a sword.
Fists of Fury: Your unarmed strikes deal an extra 1d6 damage or If you lose these items, you can replace them at no cost at the
2d6 damage to objects. start of your next quest.
Grappler: When you wrestle a target and would deal damage You make rolls to attack with the long sword, longbow,
to it, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage. In addition, you and sword with 1 boon and your attacks with these weapons
impose 1 bane on rolls made to escape your grabs. deal an extra 1d6 damage. In addition, you can make a
guarded attack with these weapons without having to have
a shield equipped.
Level 6 Martial Artist Side-Step Strike: You can use a reaction when you wear no
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 armor and a creature you can see gets a success on a roll
to attack you to make a luck roll. On a success, you turn the
Impromptu Shield: You can use a reaction when you have a success into a failure. Once you use this talent, you lose access
creature grabbed and a creature you can see attacks you to to it (luck ends).
pull the creature you are grabbing into the attack’s path so that
it becomes the target of that attack instead.
Neck Breaker: When you deal damage to a target creature with Level 4 Myrmidon
an unarmed strike and the target becomes injured as a result, Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
the target makes a luck roll with 1 boon. On a failure, it dies
from a blow to the neck. Creatures whose Size is 2 or more Canny Combatant: While you are not injured, you have the
higher than yours as well as those that lack tangible bodies or Slippery trait. In addition, when you wear no armor, you
suitable anatomy are immune to this effect. impose 1 bane on rolls to attack you by creatures you can see.
Size Means Nothing: You treat creatures that are your Size + 3
or less as if they were your Size. Level 6 Myrmidon
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Level 9 Martial Artist Definitive Counterstrike: While you wield a long sword or a
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 sword, enemies within your reach enable you to use a reac-
tion to make free attacks against them when they get failures
One-Thousand Fists and Feet: If you are not held, you can use on their rolls to attack you.
an action to throw yourself into motion. Target any number
of enemies within 5 yards of you. For each target, make a Piercing Shot: When you get a critical success on a roll to attack
Strength or Agility roll against its Agility. On a success, the with a longbow, you can repeat the attack against one creature
target takes 5d6 damage. On a critical success, the target or object of your choice within 5 yards of and behind the target.
also falls prone. Once you use this talent, you lose access to
it (luck ends). Level 9 Myrmidon
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Concluding Strike: You can use this talent when you attack with
a long sword or sword. When you do so, you roll with 2 boons
and the attack deals an extra 3d6 damage. Once you use this
talent, you lose access to it for 1 minute.
Double Shot: You can use this talent when you attack with a
longbow. When you do so, you make a luck roll along with
Myrmidon your attribute roll. If either roll results in a success, you suc-
ceed on the attack. If both rolls result in a success, the attack
An ancient society of warriors formed around the idea that mas- deals an extra 3d6 damage. Once you use this talent, you
tery of arms should result from a desire to do good in the world. lose access to it (luck ends).
Expert Paths

They swore vows to conduct themselves with honor and lend aid
to those in need. Famous myrmidons have lived and died fight- Ranger
ing for noble ends, and their stories inspire others to follow in
their steps. The rangers patrol the borderlands and beyond. An old league of
Myrmidons have no use for fancy armor, preferring simple peas- wilderness warriors founded to safeguard the roads and protect
ant garb, or for weapons outside those they have spent their lives the peoples living on the frontiers from wild animals, monsters,
mastering. All myrmidons limit themselves to a pair of swords and and worse, rangers work alone or in small groups to cover more
territory. In fact, many rangers prefer isolation, emerging from
Level 6 Ranger
the wilderness only to trade news and acquire supplies, but their
expertise in the wild makes them valuable guides and escorts for Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
those making overland journeys. Duty-Bound: When you fail a roll to attack, you make your next
roll to attack the same target before the end of your next turn
with 1 boon and that attack deals an extra 1d6 damage.
Level 3 Ranger
Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each.
Level 9 Ranger
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Languages: Ranger Signs Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6, Speed: +2
First Strike: If you take the initiative during the first round of com- Heroic Resurgence: When you take damage, you can use this
talent to heal all damage and then, for 1 minute, make all
bat, you add 10 to the result of any roll to attack you make attribute and luck rolls with 1 boon. Once you use this talent,
during your turn and your attacks during that turn deal an you lose access to it until after you rest.
extra 1d6 damage. When you end your turn, you gain one
reaction, which you keep until you use it or the combat ends. Swift Traveler: You gain the Strider trait.
Expert Tracker: From any tracks you find, you learn their age,
the number of creatures that left them, the pace at which they
traveled, and their general condition—injured, starving, and
so on. Other warriors might be bigger than you. Some might be stronger
Wilderness Lore: You can identify whether or not water and and others quicker. But you have daring, courage, and panache.
food you can see and smell is safe for consumption. If you can Most of all, you have charm and wit, leaving your foes confounded.
see the sky, you can accurately predict the prevailing weather
over the next 24 hours within 50 miles. In combat, you’re the one who swings on the chandelier. You
yank the curtain down to entangle your foes, or scale the cliff with
a dagger clenched in your teeth to rescue your one true love from
Level 4 Ranger the blackguard’s clutches. You do the things no one else dares and
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 have the pluck to pull off the impossible.
Wild Might: When you succeed on a roll to attack and the num-
ber rolled on the d20 was even, the attack deals an extra 1d6 Level 3 Swashbuckler
Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each.
Wild Instincts: You can use a reaction when a creature within
5 yards makes a roll to attack to help or hinder that creature. Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Bravado: At the start of combat, roll a number of d6s equal to
your level. Note the number rolled on each die. You expend
these results when using talents gained from this path. At the
end of the combat, discard any unexpended results.
Bold Defense: When an enemy you can see attacks you, you
can expend one Bravado result to subtract its number from the
enemy’s result.
Derring-Do: When you make an attribute roll, you can expend
one Bravado result to add its number to the result of your attri-
bute roll.

Level 4 Swashbuckler
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Evasive Maneuvers: Whenever you expend a Bravado result,
you become Slippery until the end of your next turn.
Cutting Quip: You can use a reaction when a creature you can
see gets a failure on an attribute roll to expend one Bravado
result of 3 or more. The creature that enabled the use of this
talent becomes weakened until the end of your next turn.

Level 6 Swashbuckler
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Chapter 5

Courageous Strike: When you get a success on a roll to attack,

you can expend one Bravado result to add twice its number
as extra damage.

You don the mantle of warden and gain
Level 9 Swashbuckler
several powers to aid you in the struggle
Natural Defense: +1, Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6, to safeguard the land. Like the wild
Speed: +2 guardian, you depend on aid
Dashing Recovery: At the end of the round in which you from the supernatural entities
expended your last Bravado result, make a luck roll. On a haunting the wild places, but
success, increase the number of actions you can use during you channel all their gifts into
your next turn by one.
your combat skills to make you
a dangerous foe. You can drag
Veteran your enemies into your reach and
pin them down with the growth
Whether you look for fights or not, they have a way of finding you. that springs up at your command. You can shield your compan-
It’s hard to remember all the battles you have fought, how many ions with upthrust rocks, while nourishing your body and soul
times you were pushed to the limit, and yet you somehow survived with the free-flowing energy that wells up through your feet.
contest after contest. You know how to fight, and the proof is all
the scars, notches, and ravages war has left on you.
Level 3 Warden
Level 3 Veteran Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each.
Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each. Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Nature Blessing: You grow a bit bigger and bulkier, and your
Armored and Natural Defense: +1, Health: +12, Bonus
Damage: +1d6 body displays both animal and plant characteristics such as
vines twisting around your limbs, thick fur forming a mane
Blooded in Battle: You roll to attack with 1 boon and you around your head, elongated teeth, and sharp nails. You
increase the reach of your melee weapons by 1. make Strength rolls with 1 boon and you impose 1 bane on
rolls against your Strength. In addition, you make your luck
rolls to end ongoing effects affecting you at the start of your
Level 4 Veteran turn instead of at the end of the round.
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Near Miss: Once per round when you fail a roll to attack, you Level 4 Warden
can make a luck roll. On a success, you hit the target with a
glancing blow so that it takes half damage instead of none. Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Warded Territory (Magical): You can use this talent when you
get a success on a roll to attack and you stand on ground.
Level 6 Veteran When you do so, green runes spread across the ground inside
a Size 5 space centered on you. The area becomes warded
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 until you leave it or you become unconscious. The warded
Back on My Feet: You can use a reaction when you take dam- area imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack you or your allies that
age to heal 6d6 damage. You can use this talent three times. are in it. If you become incapacitated while in the area, make
You regain expended uses after you rest. a luck roll. On a success, you heal 1d6 damage. Once you
use this talent, you lose access to it for 1 minute.
Level 9 Veteran
Level 6 Warden
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Attack Mastery: While you are not injured, add 5 to the result of Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
the first roll to attack you make during each round. Fury of Nature: When you get a success on a roll to attack and
the target of your attack is in your Warded Territory, the target
becomes held (luck ends).
Alien forces threaten to upset the natural order of things. Fiends Level 9 Warden
plot to corrupt mortals, while demons clamber at the edges of Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
reality, eager to dismantle everything. Even the High One seeks to Wild Summons (Magical): You can use an action, or a reaction
stamp out all other religions so this usurper god can rule over all. when an enemy within 10 yards starts its turn, to cause vines
All those abominations, horrors, and monsters risk upsetting the to explode from the ground and reach toward one enemy
Expert Paths

balance and unraveling the world as it was meant to be. You stand within 15 yards. Make a Will roll against the target’s Agility.
On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage and the vines
on the front lines against these dire foes, emboldened and empow- drag the enemy to an empty space of your choice within 5
ered by the spirits of nature, the Old Gods, and others to take a yards of you. The enemy becomes held until the end of your
stand against any who would pervert or warp reality. next turn.

Paths of Faith • When you get a failure on a luck roll, you can discard the
result and roll again. You must use the result of the second
roll, even if it is another failure.
The gods gift greater powers to their faithful servants. Those seek- • You can use a reaction when you take damage to reduce
ing to strengthen their ties to the deities can perform powerful the damage by 1d6 (to a minimum of 0).
miracles by following the paths of faith. • You can expend 5 yards of movement to fly to an empty
space within 10 yards. If you don’t land in this space, you
Expert Paths of Faith descend to a surface capable of supporting your weight
PATH DESCRIPTION at the end of the round.
• Any damage-dealing spell you cast deals an extra 2d6
Channeler A divine adept who draws magic directly from the
gods. damage.
Chaplain One who draws from faith to encourage those who
fight on their side. Level 4 Channeler
Cleric A devoted servant of the gods who channels Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6
supernatural powers to create miracles.
Spells: One novice
Friar An itinerant devotee of a faith, the friar depends on
the charity of others and has a knack for escaping Holy Radiance (Magical): If you are under the effects of your
danger. Divine Investiture talent, you can use an action to release a
Godsworn A militant member of the faith, the godsworn fights beam of burning radiance at one creature or object within 15
against their gods’ enemies. yards. Make a Will roll against the target’s Agility. On a suc-
cess, the target takes 4d6 damage; this damage increases to
Holy Avenger A sworn champion of the gods who seeks out and
destroys their enemies. 6d6 at level 6 and to 9d6 at level 9. On a critical success,
the target also becomes blinded until the end of your next
Inquisitor Authorized by the gods, these devotees hunt demons, turn.
fiends, undead, and other evil things and destroy
Oracle Host to divine beings who use the oracle's body to Level 6 Channeler
communicate with the mortal world.
Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Paladin A devout combatant aided by faith and divine favor.
Spells: One expert
Templar A protector of holy sites, relics, and the faithful.
Holy Mantle: You make rolls to attack and against angels,
Theurge One who calls forth angels and persuades them to demons, faeries, fiends, spirits, and undead with 1 boon and
give aid. you impose 1 bane on rolls against you and to attack you by
such creatures.
Level 9 Channeler
Whether you worship a god or not, you recognize the vastness of
Health: +8
their power, and you find a way to harness it for your own needs.
With arms raised, you call down sacred light to flow into your Spells: One master
body until you become suffused with the magic of the divine. You Blessed Channeling (Magical): When you cast a spell while
might steal this magic, having found ways to siphon what you under the effects of your Divine Investiture talent, you can also
produce one of the following effects:
need from powers far beyond yourself, but most channelers have
• Each enemy within 5 yards makes a Strength roll and, on
the blessing of their deities and treat the experience as holy. Divine
a failure, is pushed 5 yards away from you.
power burns across your body with a pale flame that eventually
• Move one ally within 10 yards up to 5 yards in a direction
transforms you into something more than you were before. you choose.
• After resolving the spell’s effects, you teleport to an empty
Level 3 Channeler space you can see within 10 yards.
Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each.
Health: +8 Chaplain
Traditions: One Spells: One novice
Your religion has become the cornerstone of your being, and your
Divine Investiture (Magical): At the start of a combat if you lack
the confused, controlled, stunned, and unconscious afflictions, beliefs inform everything you do. From your faith you draw inspi-
you can cause bright light to shine from you. Each enemy ration to help you through the trials you must endure. You use the
Chapter 5

within 10 yards makes a Strength roll. An angel, demon, gifts of your god to aid your companions and protect them from
faerie, fiend, spirit, or undead rolls with 1 bane. On a failure, physical and spiritual harm. Your companions look to you for
the enemy becomes weakened (luck ends); starting at level 6, guidance, and thus you strive to be an exemplar of your faith and
the enemy also catches fire (luck ends).
Then, the light ebbs to become dim light that shines for 1 constancy. You can worship anyone as a chaplain; it matters little.
minute or you become unconscious. Until the light goes out, That you place your trust in a power beyond yourself is enough to
you have the following benefits: inspire the people fighting at your side.
Level 3 Chaplain
Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each.
Health: +8
Traditions: One Spells: One novice
Courageous Presence: While you are not unconscious, you
grant 1 boon on Will rolls made by allies inside a Size 5
space centered on you.
Rush to Aid (Magical): You can use a reaction when you see an
ally within 15 yards become injured or incapacitated to tele-
port to an empty space within reach of the ally that enabled
the use of this talent. The ally heals 2d6 damage; at level 6, the
damage healed increases to 4d6. Once you use this talent,
you lose access to it for 1 minute.

Level 4 Chaplain
Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Spells: One novice
Restorative Strike (Magical): When you make an attack, you
can enable one ally within 5 yards to heal 1d6 damage; the
damage healed increases to 2d6 at level 6 and to 3d6 at
level 9. You can use this talent a number of times equal to half
your level. You regain expended uses of it after you rest.

Level 6 Chaplain
Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Spells: One expert Divine Decree (Magical): You can use an action to target up to
three enemies within 10 yards that can see you and hear you.
Health Transfer (Magical): You can use an action to lose 1d6 Each target makes a Will roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the
Health and enable one ally within 5 yards to regain 5 Health. target becomes cursed (luck ends). While cursed in this way,
the first time in a round that enemy takes damage, it takes an
extra 1d6 damage. At level 9, the extra damage increases
Level 9 Chaplain to 2d6. Once you use this talent, you lose access to it for 1
Health: +8 minute.
Spells: One master Lay on Hands (Magical): You can use an action to touch one
creature within reach. The target heals 4d6 damage or
Clarity of Purpose (Magical): You can use an action to gain regains 1d6 Health. At level 6, the target heals 6d6 damage
perfect clarity, which you can also bestow onto each ally or regains 2d6 Health; at level 9, it heals 8d6 damage or
inside a Size 10 space centered on you. For 24 hours, or until regains 3d6 Health.
you become unconscious, you and each affected ally make You can use this talent a number of times equal to half your
attribute and luck rolls with 1 boon. Once you use this talent, level. You regain expended uses after you rest.
you lose access to it until after you rest.

Level 4 Cleric
Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Any doubts about your purpose in this world fell away once your Spells: One novice
god spoke to you. The High One’s radiant visage seared your mind, Protective Orison (Magical): You can use a reaction when an
or you felt the chill of Lord Death when his shadowy form swam ally within 5 yards would be attacked or subjected to a harmful
up to the surface in your dreams. Whoever contacted you revealed effect to either impose 1 bane on the roll to attack the ally or
grant the ally 1 boon on the roll to resist the harmful effect.
the existential threat facing the world, a crisis brought about by
greed, iniquity, and corruption by vile agents of evil. So you have
taken up your weapon, armored your body, and set out to purge Level 6 Cleric
Expert Paths

the unclean from any land in which you find them. Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Spells: One expert
Level 3 Cleric Holy Revelation (Magical): You can use this talent when you
Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each. make an attribute roll and get a failure to make a luck roll.
If the luck roll results in a success, you turn the attribute roll’s
Health: +8 failure into a success. Once you use this talent, you lose access
Traditions: One, Spells: One novice to it for 1 minute.
Level 9 Cleric Wandering Fellow (Magical): You are immune to the Slowed
affliction. You have the Slippery, Strider, and Water Walk
Health: +8 traits while you are not injured.
Spells: One master
Righteous Fury (Magical): You can use this talent when you Level 6 Friar
either get a success on a roll to attack or you cast a spell to
channel the fury of the divine into your body. For 1 minute or Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6
until you become unconscious, you gain the following benefits: Spells: One expert
• Your Size becomes 3 and everything you wear and carry Good, Clean Living: You are immune to infection and the poi-
grows to accommodate your new stature. soned affliction.
• You radiate bright light.
• You impose 1 bane on rolls to attack you. Level 9 Friar
• Your Health increases by 16.
• You are immune to the confused, controlled, and stunned Health: +8, Speed: +1
afflictions. Spells: One master
• Other creatures cannot move you or knock you prone. Divine Regard (Magical): When an enemy attacks you, you
• You make rolls to attack with 1 boon. can make a luck roll. If the result of your luck roll is a suc-
cess, you reduce the result of the roll to attack you by 10. If
• Your attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage.
the result of your luck roll is a failure, you lose access to this
• You can use this talent three times. You regain expended talent for 1 minute.
uses after you rest.

Friar Godsworn
The chaos sweeping across the world enables evil to root itself and
It’s a great big world, so there are bound to be people who have not
thrive, growing and spreading until its darkness gobbles up all that
yet heard about your god and all the good your patron has done. You
is good and noble. Cultists worship abominations, and restless
become a holy beggar, traveling from place to place, offering wisdom
dead claw free from their graves. You have even heard whispers
to those who would hear it and aid to those who need it, and accept
of some hermit who calls forth demons from the Void. Someone
whatever anyone offers to wet your whistle and feed your belly.
must take a stand against evil—and that someone is you.
Many friars belong to holy orders whose mission is to help people in
You swore sacred vows to purge the lands of the wicked and
need, but you might have chosen this path for other reasons.
burn away the unclean. You hunt down and put to the sword
VOW OF POVERTY: You made a sacred vow to remain humble and flame those who lost themselves to evil. You do so with the
and poor, and to depend on charity. You break this vow if you
blessings of your patron deity, and your faith sustains you through
knowingly carry more than 1 gp, own property, wear anything
other than ordinary clothing, and use a weapon other than a club, every battle and helps you overcome the obstacles in your path to
dagger, quarterstaff, or sling. If you break your vow, you lose all a brighter future. Your holy pledge is a guiding anchor amidst the
talents gained from this path and your deity imposes 1 bane on swirling storm of darkness.
your attribute rolls and luck rolls for 24 hours.
Level 3 Godsworn
Level 3 Friar Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each.
Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each. Health: +8
Health: +8 Traditions: One, Spells: One novice
Traditions: One, Spells: One novice Directed Strike: When you roll to attack while you are not
injured, make a luck roll along with your attribute roll. If both
Holy Aid: You impose 1 bane on rolls against you, you ignore rolls result in a success, the attack deals an extra 1d6 dam-
the effects of exposure, and you ignore the effects of hunger age, 2d6 damage at level 6, or 3d6 at level 9. If both rolls
and thirst—your deity provides enough to sustain you. result in a failure, increase your supply of Bonus Damage by
Holy Strike (Magical): You roll to attack with 1 boon when you 1d6 until the end of the next round.
attack using an unarmed strike or a weapon permitted by your
vow of poverty. If the attack results in a critical success, the
attack deals an extra 1d6 damage and you make attribute Level 4 Godsworn
rolls and luck rolls with 1 boon until the end of your next turn.
Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Spells: One novice
Chapter 5

Level 4 Friar Divine Wrath (Magical): When you get a success on a roll to
Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6 attack, you can make a luck roll. If the target is a demon,
faerie, fiend, spirit, or undead, you roll with 1 boon. On a
Spells: One novice success, the target becomes cursed and catches fire (luck
Beggar’s Arms: You ignore the effects of the Light trait for weap- ends both). Once you use this talent, you lose access to it
ons you wield. (luck ends).
Level 6 Godsworn Level 4 Holy Avenger
Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Spells: One expert Spells: One novice
Holy Resolve: If you are not injured when you dodge or with- Relentless Pursuit (Magical): You can use a reaction when the
stand, increase the number of boons or banes that apply to target of your Vengeful Vow talent ends its turn within 15 yards
the roll by 1. of you to teleport to an empty space you can see from which
you can reach that enemy.
Level 9 Godsworn
Level 6 Holy Avenger
Health: +8
Spells: One master Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Litany of Destruction (Magical): In combat, at the start of your Spells: One expert
turn, you can chant holy proverbs to strengthen your commit- Vengeful Retribution (Magical): If you are not injured, con-
ment to your holy cause. The effect lasts until the start of your fused, controlled, stunned, or unconscious when the target of
next turn, but ends early if you cannot speak, use your voice your Vengeful Vow deals damage to you, you can cause that
for a purpose other than chanting, such as casting spells, or target to take 1d6 damage, and you impose 1 bane on the
you become confused, controlled, stunned, or unconscious. target’s rolls to attack creatures other than you until the end of
The effect grants the following benefits: your next turn.
• You make Will rolls with 1 boon and you impose 1 bane
on rolls against your Will.
Level 9 Holy Avenger
• Once per round, when you take damage, you can reduce
the damage by 5. Health: +8
• Your attacks deal an extra 2d6 damage to demons, faer- Spells: One master
ies, fiends, spirits, and undead. Certain Vengeance (Magical): When you attack the target of
• You can use an action to heal all damage and regain 3d6 your Vengeful Vow talent, you can roll two additional d20s
Health. When you do so, you lose access to this talent until and use your choice of the numbers rolled. For each die that
after you rest. comes up 20, the attack deals an extra 3d6 damage.

Holy Avenger Inquisitor

Time and time again, those with evil in their hearts, who hate Evil infects the world with a darkness that lingers to haunt the
the gods, or who would plunder the riches of temples and shrines lives of the just and innocent. It seeks to corrupt people, turn them
strike out against the faithful. Each temple burned, each priest against their communities, cast down the idols of their gods, and
assaulted, each innocent person in a god-fearing community car- condemn them to the horrors of the Netherworld. Left unchecked,
ried off in chains is an affront to your deity. Such actions cannot such wickedness could throw all that is noble and good into ruin,
stand without divine retribution. Thus, you become your god’s and thus it falls to you and others like you to seek this evil and
sword of vengeance, your ultimate purpose to mete out justice on stamp it out.
those who have wronged your faith. Many religions have sects dedicated to purging their ranks of
The gods all have at least one holy avenger who fights in their apostates and heretics, and many of these expand their purview
name. The Church of the High One has an entire order who scour to include anyone they deem an evildoer. The Sword of the High
the lands to punish their enemies, while Draconus might have One, for example, gained prominence with the fall of the Great
only one or two. Holy avengers wear icons to display their alle- Kingdom, making a public commitment to prevent such an event
giance. Such symbols might appear on surcoats, on banners carried from occurring again in the New Lands. Lord Death’s Cult of the
in battle, or tattooed directly onto the skin. Last Door is utterly intolerant of anyone dabbling in Necromancy.
You donned the mantle of inquisitor and likely belong to one
Level 3 Holy Avenger of the aforementioned organizations, but you can also create a
Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each. different one with the approval of the Sage. You might even be a
lone extremist, seeking the agents of evil without the support or
Health: +8
endorsement of any faith. Your goal, though, is simple: unmask
Traditions: One, Spells: One novice evil wherever you find it and destroy it.
Willful Combatant: You can substitute Will for the attribute you
Expert Paths

normally use when rolling to attack.

Level 3 Inquisitor
Vengeful Vow (Magical): If you are not confused, controlled,
stunned, or unconscious when you see an enemy make Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each.
an attack, you can speak a vow of vengeance against that Health: +8
enemy. The vow lasts for 1 minute or until you use this talent
again. The vow grants you 1 boon on rolls to attack the target Traditions: One, Spells: One novice
of the vow and your attacks against it deal an extra 2d6 dam- Dire Attention (Magical): If you are not confused, controlled,
age, or 3d6 damage at level 9. stunned, or unconscious at the start of your turn, you can target
Level 9 Inquisitor
Health: +8
Spells: One master
Condemn to Perdition (Magical): You can use an action to tar-
get one cursed enemy you can see. The target takes 20d6
damage, falls prone, and becomes weakened for 24 hours. If
the target becomes incapacitated as a result of this damage,
flames engulf the target’s body and its soul plummets into the
Netherworld where it becomes a prisoner of the fiends for-
ever. Once you use this talent, you lose access to it until after
you rest.

The gods incarnated are truly terrible to behold. For this reason,
when they have cause to treat with mortals, they do so through
intermediaries called oracles. A god extends a portion of its essence
into the host and reveals its intentions to the world through the
mortal vessel. In these throes of ecstasy, you experience the joy of
divinity, even if the time is fleeting.
Strange happenings follow you when the god manifests in your
body. The phenomena depend on the god you serve: Mother Sun
brightens nearby flames, while Draconus causes flowers to bloom;
wind blows from the Sky Father, and shadows crawl around you if
you’re in the grip of Lord Death. Such effects cause no harm but
represent the gods’ proximity.

Level 3 Oracle
one enemy you can see within 5 yards. The enemy makes a Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each.
luck roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the enemy is cursed and
vulnerable (luck ends both). You can see through any ordinary Health: +8
or magical disguise that conceals the enemy’s true appear- Traditions: One, Spells: One novice
ance, and you can tell when the enemy knowingly tells a
lie, even a lie of omission. Once you use this talent, you lose Divine Ecstasy (Magical): If you are not confused, controlled,
access to it (luck ends). stunned, or unconscious, and not already under the effects of
this talent at the start of your turn, you can use this talent to
invite your deity to infuse your body for 1 minute. The effect
Level 4 Inquisitor ends early if you become unconscious or are subject to an
effect that would end the controlled affliction. This talent grants
Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6 the following benefits:
Spells: One novice • Your Health increases by 10.
Castigation (Magical): You can use an action to target any num- • You impose 1 bane on rolls against your Defense or attri-
ber of enemies within 10 yards. You deliver a fiery rebuke to butes by enemies not immune to the frightened affliction.
the targets. Each target makes a luck roll. A demon, faerie, • You make attribute rolls with 1 boon.
fiend, spirit, or undead rolls with 1 bane. On a success, the • You are immune to the controlled, confused, frightened,
target becomes immune to this talent for 24 hours. On a fail- held, impaired, stunned, and vulnerable afflictions.
ure, the target takes 1d6 damage and becomes cursed and
weakened (luck ends both). The damage increases to 2d6 at • Your attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage.
level 6 and to 3d6 at level 9. Once you use this talent, you When this effect ends, you heal 4d6 damage, but you
lose access to it for 1 minute. become weakened (luck ends). You can use this talent a num-
ber of times equal to half your level. You regain expended
uses after you rest.
Level 6 Inquisitor
Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Level 4 Oracle
Chapter 5

Spells: One expert

Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Flames of Judgment (Magical): You can use an action to target
any number of cursed creatures within 10 yards. Each target Spells: One novice
makes a luck roll. On a success, the target becomes immune Divine Presence (Magical): At the end of each of your turns
to this talent for 24 hours. On a failure, the target catches fire while under the effects of your Divine Ecstasy talent, you can
until it is no longer cursed. roll a d6 to see what happens.
D6 EFFECT Enemies Revealed (Magical): While you are not injured, you
see faint auras around angels, demons, faeries, fiends, spirits,
1–2 Blessing of Health and Vitality: One ally within 5 yards and undead within 5 yards. Such creatures derive no benefit
heals 1d6 damage; the damage healed increases to
2d6 at level 6 and to 3d6 at level 9. from being invisible to you and you roll to attack such crea-
tures with 1 boon.
3–4 Blessing of Inspiration: Each ally within 5 yards makes
attribute and luck rolls with 1 boon until the start of your Holy Weapon (Magical): When you get a success on a roll to
next turn. attack, you can imbue your weapon with holy power that lasts
for 1 minute. Until this effect ends, the weapon radiates bright
5–6 Wrath of the Divine: Each enemy within 5 yards takes
1d6 damage; the damage increases to 2d6 at level 6 light and your attacks with it deal an extra 1d6 damage. In
and to 3d6 at level 9. addition, your successful attacks with this weapon against
demons, faeries, fiends, spirits, and undead cause the targets
to lose Health instead of taking damage.
Level 6 Oracle
Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Level 4 Paladin
Spells: One expert
Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Prophetic Pronouncement: When you get a 5 or 6 on the die
rolled for your Divine Presence talent, the god uses your mouth Spells: One novice
to make a pronouncement. One ally of your choice who heard In a God’s Hands (Magical): When you would make a Strength,
the entity speak is inspired by the pronouncement and gains Agility, or Intellect roll, you can use this talent to make a Will
their choice of the following benefits: roll instead. You make this roll with 1 boon. Once you use this
• Heal 3d6 damage. talent, you lose access to it for 1 minute.
• Regain an expended casting of an expert or novice spell. Protection from Evil: You are immune to the controlled, fright-
• Make attribute rolls with 2 boons for 1 minute. ened, and poisoned afflictions, as well as to infection.

Level 9 Oracle Level 6 Paladin

Health: +8 Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Spells: One master Spells: One expert
Awesome Manifestation: When you use your Divine Ecstasy Restorative Touch (Magical): You can use an action to target
talent, each enemy within 10 yards that can see you makes a one creature in reach. You touch the target and produce the
Will roll. On a failure, the enemy becomes frightened of you following effects: you remove all infections, end the poisoned
(luck ends). If the result of the roll is 5 or less, the enemy also affliction, enable the target to heal 2d6 damage, and enable
falls prone and becomes held for as long as it is frightened in the target to regain 1d6 Health. You can use this talent three
this way. times. You regain expended uses after you rest.

Paladin Level 9 Paladin

Once, the Order of Paladins included some of the most famous Health: +8
warriors in all the lands. Each member was seen as a paragon of vir- Spells: One master
tue, a true hero. The regents of the Great Kingdom entrusted these Light of Heaven (Magical): When you get a success on a roll to
holy warriors to protect their families, so imagine their surprise attack, you can use this talent to fill a Size 5 space centered
when the paladins turned against them and painted Whitestone’s on you with sunlight that lasts 1 hour. The sunlight moves with
halls red with their blood. None know why the paladins betrayed you, to remain centered on you. It has the following effects:
their rulers’ trust, but their act called into question the order’s leg- • Bright light fills the space.
acy and has left its reputation in tatters. • You impose 1 bane on rolls to attack you and your allies
You, and others like you, seek to restore the paladins’ good name that are in the space.
and have taken on the mantle of these noble warriors, fighting to • Your Health increases by 18.
restore their place of pride in this dark new realm. You resemble • You take half damage from all
the knight errant insofar as you cleave to a chivalric code of con- ordinary sources.
duct and champion honorable conduct, bravery, and, above all, • Enemies in the affected
piety. Your religious beliefs guide you, though, focusing you on space become vulnera-
overcoming temptation so that you always walk in the light. In ble for as long as they
remain there.
return, your divine patron supports your work and bestows on you
Expert Paths

supernatural might. • Allies in the affected

space become immune
to the controlled
Level 3 Paladin and frightened
Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each.
Once you use this
Health: +8 talent, you lose access
Traditions: One, Spells: One novice to it until after you rest.
Templar long as they remain in the space. In addition, the space neu-
tralizes all manufactured poisons in it and destroys all sources
of infection.
Every religious institution has enemies. Schisms in the faith can
cause fighting between the ranks, while rival faiths vying for dom-
inance in a region might solve their theological differences with Level 9 Templar
steel and fire. And then there are the host of beings, people, and
Health: +8
organizations that oppose all religious groups. The Ancient Ones
and the cults that form around them, and many faeries, demons, Spells: One master
fiends, and countless others, consider religions an existential threat Temple Protector (Magical): You have the following additional
and are committed to stamping them out. benefits while you are inside the space affected by your
Sacred Ground talent.
In the face of such hostility, religions invest holy warriors
known as templars with supernatural power to protect the inter- • You impose 1 bane on rolls to attack you and your allies
that are in the affected space.
ests of their faith. They guard temples and shrines or travel with
relics from place to place, keeping watch over these sacred trea- • You take half damage from all ordinary sources.
sures. Some accompany pilgrims on their journeys, while others • You are immune to the confused, controlled, frightened,
bind themselves to places where their gods have revealed them- stunned, and vulnerable afflictions.
selves. A rare few, though, have other ideas about protecting their • If you are not held, when an enemy moves into the
religion’s assets. These errant templars travel the lands to watch affected space, you can use a reaction to move up to 5
yards. If you can reach the enemy before the end of its
over and defend congregations of believers and to guard against turn, you attack it. You add 10 to the result of your roll and
malfeasance by the enemies of their faith. the attack deals an extra 4d6 damage.
You have joined this breakaway group. Your calling draws you
out into the world, undertaking critical missions to safeguard your
faith. You can declare any site a temple of your god and from there Theurge
channel divine power to smite your enemies.
You learn the secret names of angels so you can call them forth
to serve your needs. Rarely do the gods look kindly on the sub-
Level 3 Templar
version of their servants, and thus you risk much by dabbling in
Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each. these techniques. Whether you aim to exploit those immortals or
Health: +8 work along with them, there might one day be consequences for
Traditions: One, Spells: One novice your work.
Righteous Relentlessness (Magical): When you start your turn Being a theurge means walking a path between light and dark-
grabbed, held, or stunned, make a luck roll. On a success, you ness. No matter the good deeds you might attempt, your theft of
end the grab or the affliction. On a failure, you lose access to divine magic makes you a pariah to the gods and their servants.
this talent for 1 minute. Further, many wicked agents would exploit your knowledge for
Sacred Ground (Magical): If you are not confused, controlled, their own ends, so you must guard against fiends, demons, and
stunned, or unconscious at the start of your turn, you can use
this talent to make sacred a Size 5 space centered on you for other dread foes.
1 minute. At level 6, the Size of the space increases to 10.
The effect ends early if you leave the space or you become Level 3 Theurge
stunned or unconscious. While in the space, you roll to attack
with 1 boon and your attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage, Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each.
or 3d6 damage at level 9. Once you use this trait, you lose Health: +8
access to it for 1 minute.
Traditions: One, Spells: One novice
Pilfer Theological Revelation (Magical): You can perform
Level 4 Templar a ritual to gain some advantage at the expense of a divine
Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6 servant. When you finish, you learn one novice spell of your
choice from the Invocation tradition. You learn two spells at
Spells: One novice level 4, three at level 6, and four at level 9; one of these four
Divine Chains (Magical): When an enemy starts its turn inside can be an expert spell. You retain knowledge of these spells
the space affected by your Sacred Ground talent, that enemy until you use this talent again.
makes a Will roll. An angel, demon, faerie, fiend, spirit, or After you use this talent, make a luck roll. On a failure, you
undead rolls with 1 bane. On a success, the enemy becomes become cursed for 24 hours.
immune to this talent for 24 hours. On a failure, the enemy
becomes held and weakened (luck ends both).
Level 4 Theurge
Chapter 5

Level 6 Templar Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6

Spells: One novice
Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Divinely Warded (Magical): When you make an Intellect or Will
Spells: One expert roll, you can use this talent to also make a luck roll. If either
Blessed Temple (Magical): Invisible enemies inside the space result is a success, the attribute roll succeeds. Once you use
affected by your Sacred Ground talent become visible for as this talent, you lose access to it until the start of your next turn.
Level 6 Theurge Expert Paths of Power
Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Arcanist A skilled magician able to shape spells to suit their
Spells: One expert needs.
Angelic Wings (Magical): You acquire wings through exploita-
Artificer A spellcaster who learns to infuse technological
tion of angels. You gain the Fly trait. If you can already fly, creations with magic.
you impose 1 bane on rolls to attack you while you are flying.
Druid A manipulator of people and events to serve the
greater goal of protecting this world.
Level 9 Theurge
Elementalist A wielder of the fundamental forces of reality,
Health: +8 commanding air, earth, fire, and water.
Spells: One master Psychic One who taps into a reservoir of mental energy
and uses that energy to create magical effects.
Burning Feathers (Magical): You can use an action to cause cin-
ders to fall into a Size 5 space centered on you until the end of Sorcerer A conjurer of evil spirits from whom comes magical
your next turn. Each creature other than you that starts its turn knowledge.
in the affected space takes 5d6 damage and makes both an Wild Guardian One who draws magic from nature to protect it
Agility roll and a Will roll. A failure on the Agility roll causes from harm.
the creature to catch fire (luck ends). A failure on the Will roll
causes the creature to become frightened of you (luck ends). Witch A student of the old magical methods, keeper of
secrets, and protector of the innocent.
Each time you use this talent, make a luck roll. On success,
one of your allies of the Sage’s choice that you can see is Wizard A cunning practitioner of magic who keeps arcane
struck by divine lightning and takes 3d6 damage. On a fail- knowledge in grimoires.
ure, you are struck by lightning and take 3d6 damage instead.
Summon Seraph (Magical): You can use an action to pull a unconscious. The field increases your natural Defense to 15
seraph from the High One’s control and force it to appear in if it’s lower than that. Also, it prevents ordinary precipitation
an empty Size 2 space within 5 yards. When it appears, make from dampening you, protects you from the effects of expo-
a Will roll with 1 boon against the seraph’s Will. If you have sure, and keeps wind from disturbing your hair or clothing.
used Burning Feathers since you last rested, you get an auto- Thwart Attack (Magical): You can use a reaction while you
matic success, but the seraph loses the Fly trait. On a success, are under the effects of Arcane Mantle and take damage to
the seraph is controlled by you. On a failure, it regards you as reduce the damage you take by 10 (minimum 0). The effects
an enemy and risks its own existence to kill you. The seraph of your Arcane Mantle then end early.
remains for 1 minute and then disappears. Once you use this
talent, you lose access to it until after you rest.
The Sage has rules for the seraph, which appear in the Level 4 Arcanist
Secrets of the Weird Wizard rulebook.
Health: +4

Paths of Pow er Spells: One expert

Swift Spell (Magical): When you use an action or a reaction to
cast a novice spell you have learned, you can use this talent to
Anyone seeking to grow their magical might profits from follow- immediately regain the use of the action or reaction. At level 9,
ing a path of power. The paths presented here reflect various soci- you can use this talent when you cast an expert or novice spell
eties and institutions associated with advancing magical knowl- you have learned. Once you use this talent, you lose access
edge and preserving its secrets. to it for 1 minute.

Arcanist Level 6 Arcanist

The pursuit of magic consumes you. Into the world you venture Health: +4
to uncover occult secrets. You scour libraries, consult experienced Spells: One expert
magicians, and continually hone your craft to improve on the Spell Shaper: When you cast a spell that would affect an area,
methods and means of casting spells. Your obsession might come you can exclude any number of creatures and objects from
from an appetite for power, a belief that you can one day challenge the spell’s effects.
the gods for dominion over Erth, or some conviction that you Silent Spell: You can cast spells without needing to speak.
might become the Weird Wizard’s heir. Whatever your reasons,
you allow nothing to stand in your way.
Level 9 Arcanist
Level 3 Arcanist Health: +4
Expert Paths

Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each. Spells: One master

Health: +4 Protection from Magic: While you are under the effects of your
Arcane Mantle talent, you impose 1 bane on rolls made
Traditions: One, Spells: Two expert against you from magical effects. You make rolls to resist mag-
Arcane Mantle (Magical): You can perform a ritual to gain mag- ical effects with 1 boon. Finally, when you use your Thwart
ical protections. When you finish, an invisible field springs into Attack talent, you can make a luck roll. On a success, the
existence around your body and remains until you become effects of your Arcane Mantle persist.
Artificer Power Source: You have a special device that generates energy.
The power source has a number of charges equal to half your
level. You can expend charges from the power source to use
Back in the Old Country, technologists made wonders aplenty: talents granted by this path. If you lose your power source,
nearly sapient machines, guns that could blast apart giants, flying you can assemble a new one with a full supply of charges
devices that reached the clouds. The fall of the older great nations after you rest, though you can benefit from just one power
stole these wonders from the survivors. Luckily, you found, stole, source at a time. You replenish your supply of charges gener-
ated by the power source after you rest.
or invented your own takes on those innovations and can now pro-
duce devices of similar capability,
Artificers imbue ordinary objects with magic to create won- Level 4 Artificer
drous items with amazing abilities. To do this, they create power Health: +4
sources, which might be large battery packs, steam engines, or Spells: One expert
even plants that radiate weird energy. Artificers tap into the
Self-Destructing Inventions (Magical): You can use an action
energy from their power sources to assemble what they need, to throw one invention you created with your Invent Wonder
when they need it. talent to a space within 10 yards, where it explodes in a Size
5 space centered on the spot where it landed. Each creature
Level 3 Artificer and object in the space takes 4d6 damage. A creature can
make a luck roll. On a success, it takes half the damage. The
Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each. explosion destroys the invention.
Health: +4
Traditions: One, Spells: Two expert Level 6 Artificer
Invent Wonder (Magical): You can perform a ritual to use a tool Health: +4
kit and 2 sets of spare parts to invent something that produces Spells: One expert
a magical effect. When you finish, expend 1 charge from
your power source to create an invention that retains potency Magical Item (Magical): You can perform a ritual using a tool
until after you rest or it runs out of charges, if it has charges, kit to either imbue magic into an object you can reach or to
construct a magical item.
at which point it breaks and the spare parts are destroyed.
Chapter 5

If you imbue an object with magic, expend 1 charge from

The invention is a Size 1/4 object with any appearance you your power source to transform the target into a superior
decide. The Sage determines the invention’s effect randomly version of itself until after you rest. At level 9, the effect
by rolling dice and finding the result on the Oddities tables is permanent.
found in Secrets of the Weird Wizard. Once you create an If you construct a magical item, you can expend 2 charges
invention that produces a particular effect, you can recreate to create an uncommon trinket (see Chapter 3). The magical
that same invention each time you use this talent. item retains potency and functionality until after you rest.
Level 9 Artificer
Health: +4
Spells: One master
Power Source Blast: You can use an action to release a blast of
energy from your Power Source. Target one creature or object
within 5 yards and make an Intellect roll against the target’s
Agility. On a success, expend any number of charges from
your Power Source. For each charge expended, the target
takes 4d6 damage. On a critical success, the target takes an
extra 4d6 damage.
Superior Inventions: When you use your Invent Wonder talent
to construct an invention, you can expend an additional 2 sets
of spare parts to grant the invention an additional random trait
or a trait you have previously invented.

You belong to a secret council of magic-users who would march
civilization into a future of their choosing for thousands of years.
The druids manipulate events to further their inscrutable goals.
Their efforts sometimes put them in league with great heroes,
and at others, with despicable villains. For what purpose, only the
Grand Druid who rules them all can say with certainty.
You could have looked for a place among the druids, having
heard of their exploits, or maybe you earned a druid’s esteem and
Level 4 Druid
invitation to join. Either way, they ushered you into their secret
society as an aspirant, a position you held until you completed Health: +4
your training. Instruction and long hours spent in study broad- Spells: One expert
ened your horizons, and many secret truths were revealed to you. Emerald Flames (Magical): You can use an action to cause
You gained the ability to see omens in the world around you, signs green flames to erupt from your hands. Target one creature
foreshadowed by your dreams. The more you learned, the more or object within 10 yards. Make an Intellect roll against
certain you became of your place among these wise people and the target’s Agility. On a success, the target takes 4d6 dam-
age. The damage increases to 6d6 at level 6 and to 9d6
convinced that whatever ends they sought would serve the best at level 9. On a critical success, the target takes an extra
interests of the world. When you completed your training, you 1d6 damage.
donned the traditional hooded black robes favored by members
of your order. Level 6 Druid
Level 3 Druid Health: +4
Spells: One expert
Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each.
Walker of Ways (Magical): When you use a reaction to dodge,
Health: +4 you can also teleport to an empty space on a surface that can
Languages: Druidic plus any one hold your weight within 20 yards. If the teleport makes you an
ineligible target for an attack or an effect, the attack or effect
Traditions: One, Spells: Two expert does not affect you. When you arrive at your destination, you
Meddler (Magical): You can use a reaction when a creature you become invisible until the end of your next turn. Once you use
can see within 10 yards makes an attribute roll to either help this talent, you lose access to it for 1 minute.
or hinder that creature.
Sleep of Ages (Magical): At the end of a quest, you can choose Level 9 Druid
to enter a sleep of ages, which persists until the next quest
begins. During this time, you do nothing but sleep, but you Health: +4
are immune to hunger and thirst, grow no older, and suffer Spells: One master
no ill effects from exposure or infection. You experience vivid
Signs and Portents (Magical): You see signs and clues around
Expert Paths

dreams of things to come, and from these visions you receive

you, and if you can read them properly you can anticipate
insights into your near future. the future. Increase the number of reactions you can use each
At the start of the next quest, roll a d20 + your Intellect round by one. You can use this reaction only to help or hin-
modifier. The number rolled becomes your supply of insight. der. Whenever you help or hinder, you increase the number of
Whenever you make an attribute or luck roll, you can expend boons granted or banes imposed by 2.
points from your insight supply to add the number spent to
your result. Once you exhaust your supply, you must finish
another sleep of ages before you can replenish it.
Elementalist • Earth: Your Health increases by 20.
• Fire: You are immune to damage from cold and fire. When
Experiments with elemental magic such as Aeromancy or you roll damage for a spell you cast, you can reroll any
Pyromancy reveal truths about the forces underpinning reality. dice that come up as 1s, but you must take the second
results, even if they are 1s.
Behind or beneath what ordinary people perceive as the world
rages a cosmic storm of unformed substance that boils and seethes • Water: You are immune to the held and prone afflictions.
You have the Slippery trait if you don’t have it already.
in a state of constant flux. The clash of these energies become yours Finally, you can squeeze through any opening wide
to command and enhance the elemental spells you cast. However, enough to permit the passage of water.
the more you tap into these forces, the more their energies linger
in you, changing you in subtle ways: after attuning yourself to fire, Psychic
you feel hot to the touch; to water, damp; or odd callouses form
after drawing on earth’s power. Stress, pain, extensive training, or some other effort shattered
whatever contained the magic of your mind. By breaking this bar-
Level 3 Elementalist rier, you can draw energy from your thoughts and use it to produce
Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each. magical effects and cast spells. Even at the start of developing your
psychic abilities, you enjoy greater versatility than you ever imag-
Health: +4
ined possible.
Languages: Add one
Traditions: One, Spells: Two expert Level 3 Psychic
Elemental Ability: You gain one magical talent from the
Aeromancy, Geomancy, Hydromancy, or Pyromancy tradi- Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each.
tions. Whenever you finish a rest, you can swap out the talent Health: +4
for a different one from any of these traditions. Traditions: One, Spells: Two expert
Hostile Thoughts (Magical): You can use an action to produce
Level 4 Elementalist either of the following effects:
Health: +4 • Telekinetic Slam: Target one creature or object within 10
yards. Make an Intellect or Will roll against the target’s
Spells: One expert Strength. On a success, the target rises into the air and then
Elemental Attunement (Magical): When you cast a spell, you slams to the ground. The target takes 4d6 damage and falls
can use this talent to become attuned to air, earth, fire, or prone. The damage increases to 6d6 at level 6 and to 9d6
water. The effect lasts 1 minute, but ends early if you become at level 9.
unconscious, or if you become attuned to a different element. • Thought Rend: Target one creature within 10 yards. Make
The benefits of attunement depend on the element you choose: an Intellect or Will roll against the target’s Will. On a suc-
• Air: Your Speed increases by 5. cess, the target takes 3d6 damage, and becomes Intellect
impaired and Will impaired (luck ends both). The damage
• Earth: Enemies treat the ground inside a Size 5 space cen- increases to 5d6 at level 6 and to 8d6 at level 9.
tered on you as challenging terrain.
• Fire: At the end of each round, each enemy in your reach
makes a Strength roll. On a failure, the enemy takes 1d6 Level 4 Psychic
damage, or 2d6 damage at level 9. Health: +4
• Water: You impose 1 bane on rolls against your Defense Spells: One expert
and Agility.
Mental Fortress (Magical): You impose 1 bane on rolls against
your Intellect and Will. In addition, whenever you become
Level 6 Elementalist confused, controlled, frightened, Intellect impaired, Will
impaired, or stunned, you can make a luck roll. On a success,
Health: +4 you end the affliction.
Spells: One expert
Dual Attunement: When you use your Elemental Attunement tal- Level 6 Psychic
ent, you can attune yourself to two elements simultaneously
and gain the benefits from each. Health: +4
Spells: One expert
Level 9 Elementalist Speed of Thought (Magical): When you take the initiative,
increase your Speed by 5 until the end of your turn. Then, until
Health: +4 the end of your next turn, you impose 1 bane on rolls made
Chapter 5

Spells: One master against you.

Elemental Mastery: While you are under the effects of your
Elemental Attunement talent, your attacks and damage-deal- Level 9 Psychic
ing spells deal an extra 1d6 damage, and you gain benefits
associated with the element to which you are attuned. Health: +4
• Air: You gain the Fly trait. Spells: One master
Psychic Effort (Magical): You can make an Intellect roll or Will damage increases to 5d6 at level 6 and to 8d6 at level 9. On
roll in place of any Strength or Agility roll you make. In addi- a critical success, one creature or object within 5 yards of the
tion, when you get a result for an Intellect or Will roll, you can target takes the same amount of damage.
use this talent to add 10 to the result, but then lose access to
this talent for 1 minute.
Level 6 Sorcerer
Sorcerer Health: +4
Spells: One expert
Feared and despised, sorcerers conjure up evil spirits from the Evil Sacrifice (Magical): Your trafficking with evil spirits has put
Netherworld and from them learn the secrets of magic. As the you on good terms with wicked entities who can assist you
means for contacting these spirits are guarded and forbidden, in exchange for a taste of your vitality. If you have an edged
would-be sorcerers explore the darkest places, make pacts with weapon and you are neither stunned nor unconscious, you
diabolical beings, or do far worse things. A darkness follows can make an offering of your blood, sacrificing 2, 4, or
these spellcasters, as if their souls are stained, sullied by their foul, 8 Health.
If you sacrifice 2 Health, you impose 1 bane on rolls
contemptible associations. against you. If you sacrifice 4 Health, you also regain one
expended casting of a spell you have learned. If you sacri-
Level 3 Sorcerer fice 8 Health, you also make rolls to cast spells with 1 boon,
and your spells and your Sorcerous Blast talent deal an extra
Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each. 3d6 damage.
Health: +4 The effects of your sacrifice last for 1 hour after you make
Languages: Any one the offering.
Traditions: One, Spells: Two expert
Conjure Evil Spirit (Magical): You can perform a ritual using an Level 9 Sorcerer
occultist’s kit to conjure up an evil spirit from the Netherworld. Health: +4
During the ritual, you draw a summoning circle on a horizon-
tal surface within 5 yards. When you finish, a plume of black Spells: One master
smoke fills the circle and then dissipates to reveal a monstrous Dark Presence (Magical): You impose 1 bane on rolls to attack
entity. The spirit remains until the circle is broken, until it per- you by enemies that can see you and that are not immune to
forms one service for you, or until you use an action to dismiss the frightened affliction.
it. The circle can be broken by placing something over it, eras- In addition, when you cast a spell, you can use this talent
ing the inks and powders used to draw it, or otherwise inter- to force each enemy within 5 yards that can see you to make
fering with its integrity. If the circle is broken, the spirit deals a Will roll. On a success, the enemy rolls to attack you with 1
3d6 damage to you, and then both it and the circle disappear. boon and becomes immune to this talent of yours for 24 hours.
When the spirit appears inside the circle, roll three d6s. For On a failure, the enemy becomes frightened of you for 1 hour
each number rolled, find the result on the following table to or until you become incapacitated.
see what you gain. Once you use this talent, you lose access
to it until after you rest. Unholy Might (Magical): If you have gained knowledge of a
magical talent through your Conjure Evil Spirit talent and you
D6 EFFECT cast a spell, you can choose to lose knowledge of the talent to
1 harness evil power. Dark energies spill from your body to swirl
Increase your Health by 3. around a Size 5 space centered on you before they dissipate.
2–3 Each creature in the area takes 5d6 damage.
The spirit provides you with a weapon, suit of armor, or
piece of gear (see Chapter 3) worth no more than 1 gp. Then, for 1 hour after the effect of the blast is resolved, your
The object has a sinister appearance and has no value to Health increases by 10 and you have the Dark Vision, Fly, and
buyers. It disappears after your next rest. Hover traits.
4–5 The spirit grants you knowledge of one magical talent from
any tradition, that you do not already have. The talent must Wild Guardian
be one you have not gained already. You retain it until
after your next rest. There’s magic everywhere in the world, but the best, purest expres-
6 Name one creature for which you have a drop of blood, sion of magic comes from the wilderness. Your connection to such
bit of skin or nail, or lock of hair. If the creature named is places opens a dialogue between you and the nature spirits. These
within 100 miles, it becomes cursed until after your next rest. spirits could be the small gods of the trees, rocks, and rivers; for-
gotten deities who have all but faded away; faeries who haunt the
Level 4 Sorcerer borders between their fantastical realms and the known world; or
Expert Paths

Health: +4 other powers such as the Wild Woman or the Horned Lord.
By protecting natural places, you receive gifts from the spirits
Spells: One expert
of the land that let you move more freely through the wilderness,
Sorcerous Blast (Magical): You can use an action to release a never need fear hunger or thirst, and find shelter whenever you
seething stream of black energy from your fingertips. Target
one creature or object within 15 yards. Make an Intellect or grow weary. Ley lines reveal themselves to you so you can speed
Will roll against the target’s Agility. On a success, the target your travel from place to place, and animals and plants regard you
takes 3d6 damage and becomes cursed (luck ends). The with friendship rather than fear and hostility.
Level 3 Wild Guardian Level 6 Wild Guardian
Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each. Health: +4
Health: +4 Spells: One expert
Languages: Any one Wild Protection (Magical): The nature spirits guard you. You
become immune to exposure, nature provides you, and you
Traditions: One, Spells: Two expert and alone, with food to eat and water to drink. In addition,
Blackthorn Staff (Magical): You have a magical quarterstaff you take half damage from cold, fire, and lightning. Finally,
made from blackthorn wood. While you carry it, you impose you are invisible for as long as you rest outdoors.
1 bane on rolls to attack you, increase your Speed by 3, and
benefit from the Strider trait. In addition, when you attack with Level 9 Wild Guardian
the staff, you can use your Will in place of the attribute you
would normally use, make the roll to attack with 1 boon, and Health: +4
the attack deals 2d6 damage. The damage increases to 3d6 Spells: One master
at level 6 and 5d6 at level 9.
If you lose the staff, you can create a replacement by per- Shambling Servant (Magical): You can use an action to assem-
forming a ritual. When you finish, the original staff crumbles to ble an ally from plant matter. Target one Size 2 space within 5
ash and a new one rises from the ground in an empty space yards. A shambling servant forms on the ground in that space
within 5 yards. and stands up. The shambling servant remains in your service
for 1 hour, but collapses into a heap of vegetable matter if it
becomes incapacitated. When the effect ends, its body pro-
Level 4 Wild Guardian duces food enough to feed up to 10 people for 1 day. Once
you use this talent, you lose access to it until after you rest.
Health: +4 DEFENSE: 12, HEALTH: 50
Spells: One expert ATTRIBUTES: Strength 14 (+4), Agility 12 (+2), Intellect 8 (–2),
Natural Allies (Magical): You can use an action to call for aid Will 15 (+5)
from nature. The aid comes in the form of an animated vine, SIZE: 2, SPEED: 5 (Strider)
a falling branch, a serpent in the grass, a swooping hawk, IMMUNE: asleep, blinded, deafened, frightened, held,
a mob of cockroaches, or a particularly unfriendly squirrel. impaired, poisoned, prone, weakened
Target one creature or object within 10 yards. Make a Will roll NATURAL WEAPONS: The shambling servant uses its tendrils
against the target’s Agility. On a success, the target takes 4d6
as natural weapons that deal 4d6 damage. The shambling
damage. The damage increases to 6d6 at level 6 and to 9d6
servant makes rolls to attack with 1 boon. On a critical suc-
at level 9. On a critical success, the target also falls prone and
is dragged up to 5 yards into an empty space of your choice. cess, the target also becomes held (luck ends).

True witches belong to the High Secret Order of Witchcraft, an
institution founded before the first cities by the earliest practi-
tioners of magic. In their communities, witches serve as wisdoms,
healers, protectors, and advisors. People seek them out for reme-
dies, charms, and other things to make their lives easier.
Becoming a witch means making a choice about how you intend
to use magic. If you choose to help others, to heal them and pro-
tect them, you follow the right-hand path of white magic. If you
embrace the darkness, pain, and suffering, you take the left-hand
path of black magic. And if you walk the road between, take the
middle path of gray magic.

Level 3 Witch
Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each.
Health: +4
Languages: Any one
Traditions: One, Spells: Two expert
Witchcraft (Magical): You can use an action to produce a
Chapter 5

harmless magical effect of your choice. The effect can be

any you imagine, subject to the following limitations: it repli-
cates no other spell or magical talent, harms no creature or
object, and lasts no longer than 1 minute. Examples include
lighting a candle at a distance, warming up food, creating
a ball of faint light, freshening a room with a pleasant odor,
and so on.
Path of Witchcraft (Magical): Choose one of the following ben- Secrets of Witchcraft (Magical): You gain a benefit depending
efits. The choice affects other talents you gain from this path. on the choice you made for the Path of Witchcraft talent.
• White Magic: You can use an action to target one crea- • Restore Life (White Magic): You can perform a ritual to
ture in reach. You touch the target and it either heals 2d6 restore health to the injured or rouse the dead. Target one
damage or ends one affliction affecting it. The amount of injured creature or one creature dead no longer than 3
damage healed increases to 4d6 at level 6 and to 6d6 at days. If you target an injured creature, the target heals all
level 9. You can use this talent a number of times equal to damage and regains 1d6 Health. If you target a dead
creature, you restore it to life so that it becomes a creature
your level and regain expended uses after you rest.
once more. The target heals all damage and regains 1d6
• Gray Magic: Whenever you make an attribute roll as part Health. In either case, the target imposes 1 bane on rolls
of a magical effect you create, you make the roll with to attack it for 24 hours. Once you use this talent, you lose
1 boon. access to it until after you rest.
• Black Magic: Whenever you deal damage to a single crea- • Seeming Evaporation (Gray Magic): You can use an
ture from a magical effect you create, the creature takes an action to become invisible for 1 minute. The effect ends
extra 1d6 damage. This damage increases to 2d6 damage early if you harm another creature.
at level 6 and to 3d6 at level 9. You can use this talent a • Killing Curse (Black Magic): You can snuff the life from a
number of times equal to your level and regain expended living thing. Choose one creature you can see within 10
uses after you rest. yards. The target becomes cursed (luck ends). Each time the
target makes a luck roll to end this affliction, the target loses
3d6 Health. Once you use this talent, you lose access to it
Level 4 Witch until after you rest.
Health: +4
Spells: One expert
Witch Fire (Magical): You can use an action to shoot flames The Arcane Society of Wizards emerged before the founding of
from your fingertips. Target one creature or object within 10 the Great Kingdom to rein in the excess and danger of uncon-
yards. Make an Intellect or Will roll against the target’s Agility. trolled and ungoverned magic-use. The wizards defined the laws of
On a success, the target takes 4d6 damage. The damage magic and assigned the spells and effects to the various traditions
increases to 6d6 at level 6 and to 9d6 at level 9. On a critical
success, the target also catches fire (luck ends). known today. As important as these magic-users were, scandal,
division, betrayal, and infighting destroyed the order and scattered
its members across the lands. The wizards of today belong to no
Level 6 Witch such organization but model themselves after their namesakes,
Health: +4 being devoted to magical study.
An academic approach to learning magic rewards you with the
Spells: One expert
title of wizard. You might have apprenticed under another wiz-
Ceremonial Casting: You can perform a ritual to cast any spell ard, studied at an academy of magical knowledge, or simply taught
you have learned without having to expend a casting. After
yourself from books and scrolls you found in your adventures.
resolving the spell’s effects, make a Strength roll. On a failure,
you become weakened for 1 hour and you lose access to this You acquire a magical book called a grimoire. The book can have
talent until after you rest. any appearance you choose. Magical protections safeguard the book
so that if it is destroyed or lost, it returns to you after you rest.
Greater Witchcraft (Magical): You gain a talent that corre-
sponds with the choice you made for the Path of Witchcraft
talent. Level 3 Wizard
• Apotropaic Aegis (White Magic): You can use a reaction Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each.
when a creature within 10 yards takes damage. You reduce
Health: +4
the amount of damage by 5. The reduction becomes 10 at
level 6 and 15 at level 9. Traditions: One, Spells: Two expert
• Fade Away (Gray Magic): You can use a reaction when Languages: Any one
you are attacked to become hazy and indistinct. You Wizard Grimoire (Magical): You have a magical book called
impose 1 bane on the roll. The number of banes increases a grimoire. You decide the book’s appearance. If the book is
to 2 at level 6 and 3 at level 9. destroyed or lost, it returns to you after you rest.
• Evil Eye (Black Magic): You can use a reaction when an While you carry the grimoire, you make Intellect rolls with 1
boon and you impose 1 bane on rolls against your Intellect.
enemy you can see starts its turn within 10 yards to cause In addition, you are immune to the Intellect impaired affliction.
that enemy to make a luck roll. On a failure, the enemy Your grimoire holds all the spells you have learned and
becomes cursed (luck ends). Whenever you deal damage additional ones as well. Choose four novice spells from any
Expert Paths

to a target cursed in this way, the target takes an extra 1d6 traditions to add to your grimoire. You add one expert spell at
damage, or 2d6 damage at level 9. levels 4 and 6, and one master spell at level 9.
You can spend 1 hour after you rest to study your grimoire.
When you finish, you can exchange one spell you have
Level 9 Witch learned for a spell of the same tier contained in your grimoire.
Alternatively, you can trade one exert spell you have learned
Health: +4 for two novice spells. The exchange lasts until you use this
Spells: One master aspect of this talent again.
Level 4 Wizard Expert Paths of Skill
Health: +4
Annihilator It’s not enough to kill one’s enemies; the annihilator
Spells: One expert
aims to destroy the world in which they live.
Wizard Sight (Magical): You can use an action, or a reaction
when you see a creature or object, to gain the ability to see Assassin A ruthless killer who employs underhanded
auras around any creature, object, or space under the effects techniques to murder.
of magic. You also see auras around angels, demons, faeries,
fiends, spirits, and undead, as well as any creature created by Bard A wandering performer, keeper of lore, and jack-of-
magic, such as creations and summoned creatures. The aura all-trades.
thwarts the benefits of invisibility, if a creature has it, and pre-
vents the creature from hiding from you. The effect lasts 1 hour Beastfriend A strong magically bonded beast offers a potent ally.
but ends early if you become unconscious.
You can use this talent a number of times equal to half your Inheritor A combatant armed with a magical weapon forged
level. You regain expended uses after you rest. to carry out a great purpose.

Jester One whose antics and jokes demoralize others.

Level 6 Wizard
Mountebank A cunning scoundrel able to outwit almost anyone.
Health: +4
Physician One skilled in medical training and the healing arts.
Spells: One expert
Burn the Page: If you hold your grimoire, you can use an action Spellfighter One who wields magic and martial skill with equal
to cast a spell contained in it as if that spell was an inscription. proficiency.
When you do, however, the spell disappears from your gri-
moire until after you rest. Scout Skill at hiding and sneaking help the scout gain
insights against enemies.
Level 9 Wizard Thief An expert criminal armed with a variety of
techniques to thwart almost any defense.
Health: +4
Spells: One master Warlock A dreadful bargain with the Adversary imbues this
antihero with fiery power.
Magic Savant: After each rest, you can choose one novice spell,
one expert spell, and one master spell you have learned.
Increase the castings you have for each spell by an amount target’s Agility. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage
equal to its normal number of castings. per level. On a critical success, the target takes an extra 2d6
damage and you scour away all harmless living things from a
Size 5 space centered on the target.
After you use this talent, make a Will roll. On a failure,
Paths of Skill energy erupts from you to deal 1d6 damage to yourself and
each creature and object inside a Size 5 space centered on
The paths of skill offer avenues for development of specific exper- you. A creature, other than you, can make a luck roll and takes
tise. They make available entirely new capabilities or unlock spe- half the damage on a success. You then lose access to the
Destructive Blast talent (luck ends).
cial and unique features. Paths of skill also provide diverse options
for people who crave flexibility. Appetite for Destruction: Whenever you get a critical success on
a roll made as a result of using your Destructive Blast talent,
you become cursed (luck ends). While cursed in this way, you
Annihilator regard all creatures as enemies.

To think there is a point to existence exposes a weakness the anni-

hilator can exploit. The endless cycle of life and death makes slaves
Level 4 Annihilator
of mortals to Lord Death or whoever profits from the extinction of Health: +8
mortal life. Rather than serve the needs of some unworthy divin- Split the Blast (Magical): When you use your Destructive Blast
ity, the annihilator harnesses ruinous magic to unravel creation talent, you can divide the blast between any number of targets
and bring sweet, sweet oblivion to everything in it. Tempering that you can see. You divide up the damage between targets
the hate is a constant challenge for these nihilistic adventurers, for before you make the Will roll. For example, if you would deal
4d6 damage, you could target four creatures and objects,
what is to be gained by helping others when the best and surest dealing 1d6 damage to each, three creatures and objects,
solution to their troubles is death? dealing 2d6 damage to one and 1d6 damage to the other
two, and so on.
Level 3 Annihilator
Chapter 5

Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each. Level 6 Annihilator

Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Health: +8
Destructive Blast (Magical): You can use an action to release a Revel in Ruin (Magical): When your Destructive Blast causes a
blast of chaotic energy from your hand. Target one creature or creature to become incapacitated or destroys an object, you
object you can see. Make a Will roll with 1 boon against the make attribute rolls with 1 boon until the end of your next turn.
Level 9 Annihilator
• Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6
• Horrid Annihilation (Magical): When you use your
Destructive Blast talent, you can use this talent to amplify
the effect. You must make this decision before you roll the
dice. On a success, a target takes double the damage.
However, you get an automatic failure on the Will roll you
make as a result and the energies that erupt from you deal
an extra 3d6 damage.

Strengthening your hands helps you maintain your grip when
strangling a victim. Extensive study of poisons and exposure to
them lets you use these toxins without fear. And paying attention
to your movements—how you step, where you stand—as well as
adopting various disguises all help you to get into a position where
you can make the kill.
Being a professional killer makes you few friends and a great
many enemies, but there’s never any shortage of work. You might
have always been a bloodthirsty sort, well-acquainted with the
killing business from the earliest days of your career, so the assassin
path represents a refinement of skills you have already acquired.
Then again, you might be new to the trade. Conversion to the
Cult of the Last Door and a fervent belief that your kills serve as
prayers to your gloomy god might help you sleep at night between
missions. Your techniques could also support a career as a spy, a
saboteur, a guerrilla, or even a warrior who has learned that fair
fighting is for suckers. You might have rules about who you will
kill and who gets to live. The reasons and limits are yours to decide, poisoned by you lose an extra 1d6 Health at the end of
but the clearer they are, the easier you will fit in with the rest of each round.
your group. • You make rolls to grab and overcome grabs with 1 boon.
When you cause a creature to lose Health from a garrote,
Level 3 Assassin the creature loses an extra 1d6 Health.

Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each.

Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Level 6 Assassin
Languages: Any one Health: +8
Assassinate: When you deal damage to a creature that you are Killer’s Eye: When you attack a creature, you roll an additional
hidden from, you can use this talent to cause the target to lose d20 and use either result. If both rolls succeed, the target also
2d6 Health. At level 9, the target loses 4d6 Health instead. loses 2d6 Health.
Stalker: You can use a reaction when you move to a posi-
tion where you can hide to become hidden. You treat areas Level 9 Assassin
in dim light or faint light as hiding places, even if you are
being observed. A creature with special senses, such as the Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Awareness or Keen Vision trait, ignores the effects of this talent. Killing Strike: Your attacks deal maximum damage to targets
from which you are hidden or to which you are invisible.
Level 4 Assassin
Health: +8 Bard
Art of the Kill: You gain the following benefits from your training Bards exist in a loose society of musicians, actors, and storytellers
in advanced assassination techniques:
Expert Paths

united by their shared love of history and their eagerness to bear

• You deal an extra 1d6 damage to creatures from which
you are hidden or to which you are invisible. witness and record the great events that shape the future. Thanks
to the bards, civilization recalls information about nearly all the
• It takes you just 1 minute to create a disguise from a dis-
guise kit, and you can create a disguise for yourself with- eras of history, though the willingness to learn from such events
out needing a reflective surface. varies. And even though the institution that created the bards col-
• Creatures affected by poisons you use make their rolls lapsed long ago and its members have scattered, some remain who
to end the affliction with 1 bane. In addition, creatures carry out the sacred duties of their predecessors.
You have joined the bards. Maybe you became an understudy to
Level 4 Bard
another, or you claimed the mantle for yourself. You might strive
to return the bards to their place of prominence or just join the Health: +8
fight in these dangerous times. Languages: Any one
You proved yourself a worthy candidate to join this esteemed Tradition: One, Spells: One novice
group by your skill at performance, your cleverness, and your Manipulating Music (Magical): You can use an action to per-
form magical music (with or without an instrument). The music
eagerness to learn all that you can. Now, you travel the world, seek- lasts until the end of your next turn, but ends early if you stop
ing new legends to add to those you have discovered. singing or playing, or you become confused, controlled,
stunned, or unconscious. On your turn, you can choose to
extend the effect until the end of your next turn, up to a maxi-
Level 3 Bard mum of 1 minute. While you perform in this way, your attacks
deal an extra 1d6 damage and the music you create has the
Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each. following effects:
Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6 • Each enemy within 5 yards makes a Will roll. On a suc-
cess, the enemy becomes immune to this talent for 24
Languages: Any three hours. On a failure, the enemy becomes vulnerable
Bard Training (Magical): You can play any instrument. You can until the performance ends. The effect ends early for
an enemy that cannot hear this music. An enemy that
sing, dance, act, juggle, and perform in any style you choose. overcomes the effect becomes immune to this effect for
You make rolls related to performing with 1 boon. 24 hours.
If you perform for at least 10 minutes, any creature present • Each ally within 5 yards makes attribute rolls with 1 boon
for the entire performance that is not already friendly to you until the performance ends. The effect ends early for an
makes a Will roll. On a success, the creature becomes immune ally that cannot hear your music.
to this effect for 24 hours. On a failure, the creature becomes You can use this talent a number of times equal to your level.
friendly to you and counts as your ally until you or one of your You regain expended uses after you rest.
Chapter 5

allies harms it.

Legends and Lore: You can ask the Sage one question concern- Level 6 Bard
ing a legend, magic, history, a people, or a place and then
make a luck roll. On a success, the Sage tells you one fact Health: +8
about the subject. On a failure, you lose access to this benefit Languages: Any one
until after you rest. Spells: One expert
Inspiring Note (Magical): When an ally under the effect of your
Bard Music talent gets a success on a roll to attack, you can Level 4 Beastfriend
use this talent to cause the attack to deal an extra 1d6 dam- Health: +8
age. Once you use this talent, you lose access to it until the
start of your next turn. Coordinated Assault: When you or your beast companion
attack, the next one of you to attack the same target, even if
it is you, before the end of the next round makes the roll with
Level 9 Bard 1 boon.
When your companion successfully attacks and you are
Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6 within 5 yards, you can apply some or all of your Bonus
Languages: Any one Damage to the companion’s attack provided you have Bonus
Damage remaining.
Legendary Luck: You make luck rolls with 1 boon.
Evolving Companion: Your beast companion gains one of the
Spellbinding Music (Magical): If you are under the effects of following traits. If the companion becomes incapacitated, you
your Manipulating Music talent, you can use an action to gain the trait until your companion returns.
spellbind your audience. Target any number of creatures
within 5 yards. Each makes a Will roll. An angel, creation, SENSES: Dark Vision or Keen Hearing
demon, faerie, fiend, spirit, and undead gets an automatic MOVEMENT: Climber or Swimmer
success. On a success, the target becomes immune to this tal- SPEED: The companion’s Speed increases by 1.
ent for 24 hours. On a failure, the target becomes controlled Healing Bond (Magical): You can use an action to enable your-
(luck ends). self and your beast companion to heal damage if it is within
You can use this talent a number of times equal to half your 5 yards of you. Divide 4d6 between you to determine how
level. You regain expended uses after you rest. much damage you heal.
You can use this talent a number of times equal to half your
Beastfriend level. You regain expended uses after you rest.

The moment your eyes met you knew that you would be friends Level 6 Beastfriend
forever, partners in everything you do. You might bicker over a
Health: +8
choice bit of meat, but at the end of the day, you would do any-
thing for your beast companion, and you know that your compan- Beast Companion Evolution: Magic flows into your companion,
causing it to grow larger and tougher. Your beast companion
ion would do anything for you. becomes a dire beast companion that uses the following rules.
Performing an ancient ceremony, possibly originating from the
cult of the Horned Lord, you joined your soul to that of a quadru-
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 14 (+4), Agility 10 (+0), Intellect 10 (+0),
pedal beast, such as a timber wolf or black bear, and this connec-
Will 11 (+1)
tion creates a link that lasts for the rest of your life. So strong is the
bond that should the beast fall in battle, its spirit moves into your
SENSES: Keen Scent, Keen Vision
body until it resurrects itself.
NATURAL WEAPONS: The dire beast uses its teeth as natu-
ral weapons that deal 2d6 damage. It rolls to attack with
Level 3 Beastfriend 1 boon.
Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each.
Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Level 9 Beastfriend
Bonded Beast Companion: You gain the service of a magical Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6
quadrupedal beast, one lacking the Fly and Swimmer traits.
The creature is your companion, and you can communicate Beast Companion Apotheosis: Your beast companion becomes
telepathically while you are within 100 miles of each other. greater, stronger, and more dangerous, an exemplar of its
If your beast companion dies, its spirit enters your body, kind. Your companion becomes a legendary beast compan-
where it remains for 24 hours, at which point the companion ion that uses the following rules.
reincarnates into a new body. While your body contains the DEFENSE: 10, HEALTH: 60
companion’s spirit, you have a bonus to Health equal to your ATTRIBUTES: Strength 15 (+5), Agility 10 (+0), Intellect 10 (+0),
level and the Keen Vision trait if you do not have it already. Will 12 (+2)
At level 4, while your companion’s spirit is in your body, your SIZE: 2, SPEED: 7
melee weapon attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage, or 2d6
damage at level 6. SENSES: Keen Scent, Keen Vision
If you die, the companion spends the next hour eating your NATURAL WEAPONS: The legendary beast uses its teeth as
remains and disappears when it finishes. If you are inedible, natural weapons that deal 3d6 damage. It rolls to attack
both you and the companion disappear. with 1 boon.
Expert Paths


ATTRIBUTES: Strength 12 (+2), Agility 10 (+0), Intellect 10 (+0), Inheritor
Will 11 (+1)
SIZE: 1, SPEED: 5 An ancient weapon of untold power made its way into your hands,
SENSES: Keen Scent, Keen Vision most likely for some great deed you performed of a nature the
NATURAL WEAPONS: The beast uses its teeth as natural weap- weapon found compatible with its own aims. Upon taking up the
ons that deal 1d6 damage. weapon, you became an inheritor, one of a few individuals armed
with a relic forged to accomplish some great and lasting end. The • Vorpal: The weapon has a keen edge. Whenever you get a
weapon offers you might, but do you have the courage to finish the critical success on a roll to attack with the weapon, the tar-
work begun so long ago? get takes an extra 1d6 damage and you make a luck roll.
If the result of the luck roll is 18 or higher, the target takes
You either acquired the relic weapon recently or you have always an extra 5d6 damage. If the damage causes the target to
had it with you and only now realize its potential. Nearly all relic become incapacitated, it dies and you sever its head (or an
weapons are swords, but other melee weapons are possible, if you appendage that serves a similar purpose).
prefer. You choose the weapon’s appearance. • Wallbreaker: When you deal damage with the weapon,
the target takes an extra 1d6 damage and grants 1 boon
Level 3 Inheritor on rolls made to attack it until the end of the next round.

Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each.

Level 6 Inheritor
Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Relic Weapon: You acquire a relic weapon, which can be any Health: +8
melee weapon. The weapon is magical and immune to dam- Relic Weapon Strike (Magical): When you succeed on a roll
age. The weapon grants 1 boon on your rolls to attack with it to attack with your relic weapon, you can use this talent to
and its damage increases by 1d6, or 2d6 at level 9. Finally, deal an extra 4d6 damage. Once you use this talent, you lose
while you are wielding the weapon and are not unconscious, access to it (luck ends).
the weapon imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack you.
Call Relic Weapon (Magical): You can use an action to cause
your relic weapon to teleport to your hand from anywhere in Level 9 Inheritor
the world. Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Awakened Weapon (Magical): Your relic weapon has an
Level 4 Inheritor Intellect and Will score of 10 each. The weapon knows three
languages and can speak. The Sage decides the weapon’s
Health: +8 personality and the ultimate purpose for which it was forged.
Magical Quality: You discover your relic weapon’s special Your attacks with the weapon deal an extra 1d6 damage.
quality. Choose one of the following varieties. If you become incapacitated, the weapon rises into the air
and fights on your behalf until you are no longer incapaci-
• Answerer: Once per round, when you take damage from an tated or you die. The weapon uses your rules, and has the Fly
enemy within 5 yards, the weapon wrenches itself free from and Hover traits. Each time the weapon causes a creature to
your hand to strike that enemy and then returns to your hand. become incapacitated and you are within 15 yards of it, you
The enemy that enabled the use of this effect makes an Agility heal 1d6 damage. If you die, this effect ends, and the weapon
roll with 1 bane. On a failure, it takes 2d6 damage. falls to the ground and becomes an ordinary weapon until
• Flame Kiss: When you attack with the weapon, flames erupt another inheritor takes it up.
from it and burn until the combat ends or until you drop the
weapon. A creature that takes damage from an attack you
make with the weapon must succeed on a luck roll or catch Jester
fire (luck ends). If you get a failure on your roll to attack,
one different enemy in reach must make an Agility roll. On Well, you thought the joke was funny. You had no idea that that
a failure, it takes 1d6 damage from the flames. lumbering idiot would become so angry. And you never meant
• Ice Heart: When you attack with the weapon, intense cold to make him look stupid chasing after you. You didn’t want to
radiates from it. A creature that takes damage from an get hurt! It’s a shame he fell and broke his neck. And all over a
attack you make with the weapon must succeed on a luck stupid joke.
roll or become Strength impaired (luck ends).
There’s a difference between an idiot and a fool. Anyone can
• Life-Stealer: The weapon cackles and howls during com- be an idiot; it takes work to be a fool. You’ve spent a lifetime per-
bat. A creature that takes damage from an attack you make
with the weapon must succeed on a luck roll or lose 1d6 fecting your craft. You can juggle just about anything, you prat-
Health. If the target loses Health, you heal damage equal fall with the best, and your jokes and quips bring laughter and
to the amount of Health the target lost. groans in equal measure. You entertain your audiences, but you
• Snake Tongue: When you attack with the weapon, foul poi- also hold a mirror up to their follies and know just what to say
son bleeds from it. A creature of flesh and blood that takes to cut a person down to size. And when you go too far, you can
damage from an attack you make with the weapon must lead the one offended on a merry chase that turns your victim
succeed on a luck roll or become poisoned (luck ends). into the bigger fool.
• Spellbound: The weapon contains three novice spells of
your choice. The spells can come from any traditions. The
weapon holds the castings for these spells, and you can cast
Level 3 Jester
the spells while you wield the weapon as if you knew them. Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each.
Chapter 5

The weapon regains expended castings after you rest.

Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6
• Stormheart: When you attack with the weapon, it throws
off sparks and crackles with electricity. You make rolls to Languages: Any one
attack metal targets or targets that are wearing medium or Cutting Insult: If you can speak and you are not confused, con-
heavy armor with 1 boon. A creature that takes damage trolled, stunned, or unconscious when a creature you can see
from an attack you make with the weapon must succeed on within 10 yards starts its turn, you can use a reaction to insult
a luck roll or become vulnerable (luck ends). that creature. That creature makes rolls to attack you and
against you with 1 boon until the start of your next turn. Each developed your talents to get back at the real criminals, to expose
other creature that can hear you makes a Will roll. On a suc- them for all their venality, cruelty, and wickedness, and then
cess, the creature becomes immune to this talent for 1 minute.
On a failure, the creature becomes confused and vulnerable destroy them.
(luck ends both) from laughing at your joke. Once you use
this talent, you lose access to it (luck ends). Level 3 Mountebank
Pratfall: You can use a reaction when you take damage, are
moved against your will, or fall prone, to make a big show Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each.
of your misfortune. Each creature within 5 yards that can see Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6
you makes a Will roll; allies make this roll with 1 boon. On a
failure, the creature becomes confused until the end of your Languages: Any one
next turn. Inveigle: If you can speak, you can use a reaction when an enemy
within 5 yards chooses you as the target of its attack. If the
enemy can hear you, make an Intellect roll against its Intellect.
Level 4 Jester On a success, the enemy either becomes Intellect impaired
Health: +8 (luck ends) or Will impaired (luck ends), as you choose, and
Who’s the Fool?: You impose 1 bane on rolls to attack you by you switch the target of the enemy’s attack to a different eli-
confused creatures. You make rolls to attack confused crea- gible target. If there are no other eligible targets, the enemy’s
tures with 1 boon and your attacks against such creatures deal attack results in a failure.
an extra 1d6 damage. The extra damage increases to 2d6 at On a critical success, the enemy becomes controlled by you
level 6 and to 3d6 at level 9. until it ends the impaired affliction or it can no longer hear you.
On a failure, the enemy becomes immune to this talent for
24 hours.
Level 6 Jester
Health: +8 Level 4 Mountebank
Astonishing Reflexes: The number of reactions you can use in a
round increases by one. Health: +8
Fast Hands: Once per round, when you use an action to throw Double-Cross: You make rolls to attack Intellect impaired or Will
an object or make an attack with a thrown weapon, you impaired targets with 1 boon, and your attacks against such
regain the use of the action. targets deal an extra 2d6 damage, or 3d6 damage at level 6.
In addition, when you are not injured, you can use a
reaction when a creature you can see gets a success for a
ranged attack it makes against you using a weapon that
lacks the Firearm trait to reduce the damage to 0 and, if you
have at least one hand free, catch the weapon or piece of

Level 9 Jester
Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Great Wit: Whenever a creature within 5 yards that can hear
you gets a failure on an attribute or luck roll and the crea-
ture lacks immunity to the frightened affliction, that creature
becomes confused until the end of your next turn.
Merry Chase: While you are not injured, you impose 1 bane on
rolls to attack you. While you are injured, increase your Speed
by 2 and increase the number of banes you impose on rolls to
attack you to 2.

In the coldest winter ever known, you can always find a buyer for
the ice you happened to collect. No one is so greedy that they
wouldn’t lend you a coin when you ask them. And when you feel
moved to snatch candy from a baby, the infant does not even
Expert Paths

sniffle. You know people. You know what makes them tick. And
your skill at manipulating others makes certain you have friends
wherever you go. By the time they grow wise to what you’re
about, you’re long gone.
You might have an incredible disregard for others and a will-
ingness to use people, but this doesn’t have to be the case. You
could be different from other such scoundrels. Perhaps you
Level 6 Mountebank Level 6 Physician
Health: +8 Health: +8
One Step Ahead: When an Intellect impaired or Will impaired Resident Physician: Allies within 5 yards heal an extra 1d6
creature gets a failure on a roll to attack you and you lack damage when they heal damage and they make rolls to resist
the held and slowed afflictions, you can move up to 2 yards. infection and being poisoned with 1 boon. When you help a
You count as having the Slippery trait for this movement if you creature to overcome an affliction, you grant 1 boon on the
don’t have it already. creature’s roll. In addition, when an ally finishes resting and
you were present the entire time, the ally also regains an addi-
tional 1d6 Health.
Level 9 Mountebank
Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Level 9 Physician
Diabolical Cunning: You make Intellect rolls with 1 boon, and
you impose 1 bane on rolls against your Intellect. Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Enemy Undone: You grant 1 boon on rolls to attack targets that Anatomical Expertise: You have extensive knowledge of anat-
have the Intellect impaired or Will impaired affliction and that omy. Your attacks with weapons benefit from the Brutal trait.
are within 5 yards of you. Quick Intervention: When an ally within 5 yards becomes
injured or incapacitated, you can use a reaction to expend a
use from your healing kit.
Physician Ready for Treatment: You replenish the uses in your healer’s kit,
up to its maximum, after each rest.
Magic can cure infections and close wounds, but access to its
miraculous powers often lies out of reach. Even in places where
such treatment might be at hand, demand for healers’ services Scout
means limited access and, sometimes, high prices. Such limitations
have allowed more traditional methods of healing to develop, and A good scout ranges ahead, studies the ground, searches out hid-
the field of medicine advances at a steady pace to meet the needs den dangers, and then returns to report what waits ahead. When
of patients. any dark passage could harbor a trap, when any cave might hold
You have made an extensive study of anatomy, herbalism, and a troll or a dragon, and when bandits, mutants, and worse lie in
the healing arts, and eventually learned enough to provide excel- wait for the unwary, people cannot afford to be incautious. One
lent care. You know how to fight infection, neutralize poisons, misstep is all it takes to bring a treasure hunter’s career to a sudden
tend injuries, extract teeth, set broken bones, and even provide a end. The scout makes sure the group stays prepared and avoids the
fine haircut. Your talents come from natural training, but you are worst of the pitfalls and foes they might encounter.
the equal of any magic-user armed with a healing spell.
Level 3 Scout
Level 3 Physician Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each.
Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each. Natural Defense: +1, Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6,
Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Speed: +1
Languages: Any one Lone Wolf: While you are at least 5 yards away from any ally,
you have the Slippery and Strider traits, you roll to attack with
Medical Training: You can work miracles with a healer’s kit. You 1 boon and you impose 1 bane on rolls to attack you.
can use an action and expend 1 use from your healer’s kit to
produce any of the following effects:
• Enable one ally within reach to heal 2d6 damage. The Level 4 Scout
damage healed increases to 3d6 at level 9. Health: +8
• Remove the confused, poisoned, vulnerable, or weak-
ened affliction from one ally within reach. At level 9, you Expose Vulnerability: At the start of your turn if you are not con-
can remove any affliction. fused, controlled, stunned, or unconscious, target one enemy
you can see and make an Intellect roll. On a success, the tar-
• End one infection affecting one ally in reach. get becomes vulnerable (luck ends) or until you use this talent
• Enable one ally within reach to regain 1d6 Health. again. A vulnerable enemy takes an extra 1d6 damage each
time a creature gets a critical success against it. On a failure,
you lose access to this talent for 1 minute.
Level 4 Physician
Health: +8 Level 6 Scout
Merciful Intervention: You can use a reaction when an enemy
Chapter 5

within 5 yards attacks an injured target to reduce the result of Health: +8, Speed: +1
the enemy’s attack by 20. The attacks of angels, demons, faer- Exploit Advantage: When you attack a target not within reach
ies, fiends, spirits, and undead are immune to this effect. Once of any creature other than you, you roll to attack with 1 boon
you use this talent, you lose access to it for 1 minute. and your attack deals an extra 1d6 damage.

Level 9 Scout Level 6 Spellfighter
Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Health: +8
Pathfinder: When you move into a room, chamber, or similar Spells: One novice
space, you can make an Intellect roll. On a success, you dis- Battle Casting: When you use an action to attack, you can also
cover each exit from that area, even if those exits would oth- cast a novice spell as part of the attack, provided you can
erwise be hidden from you. On a failure, you lose access to expend a casting to do so. Casting a spell in this way triggers
this talent for 1 hour. additional effects from your Spellstrike talent. Once you use
Ultimate Scout: While you wear light or no armor, you have this talent, you lose access to it (luck ends).
the following traits if you don’t have them already: Keen
Hearing, Keen Vision, Silent, and Strider. In addition, when- Level 9 Spellfighter
ever you enter an area of any obscurement or move behind
an object that can provide you with any cover, you become Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6
invisible until you leave the area of obscurement or abandon
the position. Spells: One expert
Bestow Magic Weakness: When you get a critical success on
a roll to attack, you can use this talent to make the target vul-
Spellfighter nerable to magic (luck ends). While vulnerable to magic, the
target makes rolls to resist magical effects with 1 bane and
Those poor deluded fools. So often you meet people who say that takes double damage from magic. Once you use this talent,
blending magic use with skill at arms is impossible, and to them you lose access to it (luck ends).
you have but one answer: a blast of fire to the face. Not only do you
know what’s possible—you prove it with your magical attacks. You Thief
exult in the wonder your mad skills evoke.
Some say your methods originated from a society of exceptional You picked the lock so your friends didn’t have to kick the door in.
warrior-mages who threw themselves into both magic and skill When the trap killed Fritz, you retrieved his body from the spin-
at arms, all to protect the magicians who recruited them. You’ve ning blades and disarmed the device so no one else would get hurt.
heard tell that those spellfighters not only exceeded expectations You found the secret door that circumvented that scary idol, and
but played a part in their masters’ undoing. Not that you care: you you were the one who scrambled up the ledge and dropped down
encompass the best of two worlds, and you dare anyone to stand in the rope. Really, no one would have found all that treasure if it
your way. hadn’t been for you. Yeah, they need you, so none of them should
complain about you taking the largest share. After all, you did all
Level 3 Spellfighter the work. Right? Right.

Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each. Level 3 Thief

Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each.
Tradition: One, Spells: One novice
Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Languages: Any one
Languages: Any one
Spell-Charged Weapon (Magical): You can perform a ritual
to imbue one weapon you touch for the entire performance Artful Dodger: While you are not injured, confused, controlled,
with magical energy. When you finish, the weapon becomes stunned, unconscious, or vulnerable, you impose 1 bane on
charged until it’s destroyed or you use this talent again. Being rolls to attack you.
charged in this way grants the following benefits: When you use a reaction to dodge an attack and you are
• While you hold the weapon, you impose 1 bane on rolls neither held nor slowed, you can, after the attack's resolution,
against your Defense. move 2 yards. You are Slippery for this movement.
• When you attack with the weapon, you can use the higher Thievery: You can use Intellect in place of Strength or Agility
of your Intellect or Will score in place of the attribute you when you roll to climb, sneak, steal, or perform any activity
normally use to attack with the weapon. that relates to a thief’s professional knowledge. In addition,
whenever you roll to use a tool, kit, or object, none of which
• When you attack with the weapon, you roll to attack with count as weapons, you roll with 1 boon.
1 boon.
• When you get a critical success on an attack using the
weapon, you roll to attack the target with 1 boon until the
end of your next turn.

Level 4 Spellfighter
Expert Paths

Health: +8
Spells: One novice
Spellstrike: When you cast a spell, the next attack you make
before the end of your next turn deals extra damage. You deal
an extra 1d6 damage if you cast a novice spell, 2d6 for an
expert spell, or 3d6 for a master spell.
Level 4 Thief Magical Doom (Magical): When a creature within 5 yards of
you becomes incapacitated and that creature has a Health
Health: +8 score of 10 or higher, you can use a reaction to kill it. You
gain 1 doom token. You retain the token until you expend it.
Steal Advantage: Once per round, when you deal damage You expend these tokens to use talents gained from this path.
with an attack to a target creature, you can cause that tar- Discard any unexpended doom tokens after you rest.
get to become weakened (luck ends). While it is weakened in
this way, you roll to attack that target with 1 boon and your Hellfire Blast (Magical): You can use an action to release blue-
attacks against it deal an extra 1d6 damage. black flames from your hand. Target one creature within 15
yards. Make an Intellect roll against the target’s Agility. On a
success, the target takes 1d6 damage and becomes weak-
Level 6 Thief ened until the end of your next turn. You can expend 1 doom
token to deal an extra 3d6 damage. The extra damage
Health: +8 increases to 4d6 at level 4, 6d6 at level 6, and 9d6 at level 9.
Make it Happen: When you make an attribute roll, you can add
10 to the result. Once you use this talent, you lose access to it
for 1 minute. Level 4 Warlock
Sticky Fingers: On your turn, you can use this talent to gain an Health: +8
action. You can use this action only to steal. Once you use this Spells: One novice
talent, you lose access to it (luck ends).
Hellfire Blade (Magical): You can use an action and expend 1
doom token to create a saber made from fire that remains for
Level 9 Thief 1 hour, until it leaves your hands, or until you become uncon-
scious. The saber uses the normal stats for the weapon, but the
Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6 weapon damage is 3d6, or 4d6 at level 6. In addition, when
Mostly Harmless: Enemies treat you as harmless and do not you get a critical success on an attack using the saber, the
target you for their attacks and harmful effects. If you harm target also catches fire (luck ends).
or steal from an enemy, that enemy becomes immune to this Terrifying Presence (Magical): You can use an action and
talent. expend 1 doom token to force any number of enemies within
5 yards to make a Will roll. On a failure, the target becomes
frightened of you (luck ends), or until you become unconscious.
Rather than study, you turned to a dark entity to gain the power Level 6 Warlock
you crave. You likely followed in the steps of other warlocks by Health: +8
enlisting in service to the Adversary: Prince of the Netherworld, Spells: One expert
Lord of the Fiends, and author of all the evils that have befallen the
Hellfire Shroud (Magical): When you use your Hellfire Blast
world. You might have sought out such a bargain on your own or talent, you can choose to take 1d6 damage to wreathe your
succumbed to temptation when a fiend seduced you and brought body in hellfire for 1 minute. Any creature in reach that attacks
you over to the side of darkness. you takes 1d6 damage and must succeed on an Agility roll or
Making a pact with the Devil takes a special set of circum- catch fire (luck ends).
stances. Desperation, fear, and anger might have led you to take Infernal Might (Magical): You can use an action, or a reaction
the first steps down this dark road. Perhaps you want revenge when you are harmed, to expend 1 doom token and heal
against someone far more powerful than you and you neither 1d6 damage. Then, for 1 minute, you make attribute rolls
with 1 boon.
have the time or luxury to devote yourself to learning magic the
old-fashioned way. It could also be that powerful enemies hunt
you and this pact was the only way to save your neck. Better a fate Level 9 Warlock
worse than death that might come in ten, twenty, or more years Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6
than the agony of the bonfire, the torturer’s tools, hunger, disease,
Spells: One expert
or some other calamity tomorrow.
Brimstone Step (Magical): Each time you spend 1 doom token,
you can teleport to an empty space you can see within 15
Level 3 Warlock yards. Inside a Size 3 space centered on the space you
left, there appears acrid, noxious smoke that creates heavy
Attributes: Increase two attributes by 1 each. obscurement until the end of your next turn.
Health: +8, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Eyes of the Adversary (Magical): You gain the Dark Vision trait.
Tradition: One Spells: One novice In addition, you see through all disguises, recognize illusions
Languages: Any one for what they are, and see clearly into the spirit world in places
where it coexists with your surroundings.
Chapter 5

Adversary’s Mark (Magical): The Adversary’s dread attention

causes you to be cursed. No effect can end this affliction. The
curse manifests as an upside-down star burned into the center
of your forehead. In addition to the effects of being cursed,
the star imposes 1 bane on your rolls in social situations, but
it signifies that your soul belongs to the Adversary, and thus
fiends do not harm you unless you harm them first.
Chapter 6:
Master Paths
Looking back on the journey so far, you helped towns and villages,
saved lives one at a time, and confronted the darkness that bloomed
in bleak places. You wrested treasures from forgotten ruins and
Paths of Arms
These paths enable specialization in fighting styles and weapons.
throughout it all, your talents grew. Eventually, you heard the call to
take a stand against greater evil, foes that threatened not just a few,
but entire regions. Perhaps you bearded a dragon in its lair or van-
quished a demon that had slipped in from the Void, and still your
They call you a butcher, a murderer, a killer of people. You accept
abilities have grown. Now, you stand at the brink of realizing your
these names, as they’re not far from the truth. When someone
destiny and your efforts safeguard all the borderlands and, even,
the lands beyond. You have become a master of your craft and you wrongs you, you make them pay. You’re not interested in talking
decide where your fate will lead you. through your differences. You respond to force with even greater
Upon reaching level 7, each member of the group chooses a force. Only when your enemy lays gasping, blood pumping from
master path. Master paths use similar groupings to those of expert their injuries, will they learn what it means to provoke you.
Master Paths

paths but offer further specialization. The paths of arms let you You can lose control at almost any time, but the battlefield
focus on specific weapons and fighting styles. The paths of the gods breaks whatever chains of self-control you happen to use to keep
reward constant service to a particular deity. The paths of magic let yourself from tearing apart the fools who annoy you. Combat lib-
you master a particular tradition. And the paths of prowess do a erates you as you hack and slash your way through your foes, leav-
little bit of everything. You can choose any master path you like. ing their torn and broken bodies behind you wherever the battle
Again, though, portraying your character can be easier when your happens to take you. You might not have been the one to start the
path choice reflects past events and experiences in the game. fight, but you are damned sure going to be the one who finishes it.
Master Paths of Arms Level 7 Barbarian
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Barbarian A relentless, bloodthirsty combatant who thrives in Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
violent situations.
Bloodthirst: Each time you deal damage or take damage in
Battle master A true master of weapons who becomes a paragon combat, gain 1 bloodthirst token. You retain the token until
of combat. you expend it, you become unconscious, or the combat ends.
Blood Rage Strike: When you get a critical success on a roll
Blade A specialist in blades and knives, able to turn these to attack using a melee weapon that lacks the Light trait, you
modest weapons into lethal tools. can expend any number of bloodthirst tokens to deal extra
damage. For each token you spend, the attack deals an extra
Cavalier The ultimate mounted warrior, the cavalier rides a 1d6 damage.
fearless steed into battle.

Champion A hero and devoted protector, a fighter of great skill Level 8 Barbarian
and determination.
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Conqueror One who crushes enemies through superior command
and physical prowess. Shrug off the Pain: If you become confused, Strength impaired,
Agility impaired, vulnerable, or weakened, you can expend 1
Death dealer A brutal combatant whose savagery in battle makes bloodthirst token. The affliction ends.
mountains of the dead.

Dragon fist A master of the Dragon Fist fighting style, which Level 10 Barbarian
enables the combatant to fight with the fury of a
dragon. Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Overwhelming Strike: Whenever you get a success on a roll to
Duelist An able fighter, adept at singling out and defeating attack and an odd number comes up on the d20, the target
enemies one at a time. takes an extra 3d6 damage.
Fencer A master of the rapier who taxes enemies with Severed Limbs and Blood Fountains: When you get a suc-
deadly, precise strikes. cess on a roll to attack with a melee weapon that lacks the
Light trait, you can expend 3 bloodthirst tokens to break the
Giant killer One who specializes in slaying large foes. weapon you wield. The target takes an extra 6d6 damage.
If the target survives, it makes a Will roll and, on a failure,
Graven One who wears a magical suit of armor that, once becomes frightened of you (luck ends).
donned, cannot be removed.

Juggernaut One with incredible strength, able to smash through Battle Master
A single-minded focus on excellence at arms has seen you surpass
Mariner A master of sailing and veteran of many high seas your rivals. You become a force of nature in combat, an unstoppa-
ble killing machine who hacks and hews through the enemy ranks.
Marauder One who relies on speed and awesome force to Even when confronted with the largest, toughest monsters, you
crush their enemies. have little to fear. You know your strikes land truly and can over-
come almost any defense.
Outlander A grizzled survivalist, grown strong and tough through
enduring the worst dangers of the wilderness.
Level 7 Battle Master
Razor wind A fighter who specializes in fighting with the chain
knife. Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Ruffian One who intimidates and demoralizes enemies.
Certain Strike: When you make a roll to attack and the number
Sharpshooter A master of fighting with ranged weapons. on the d20 is 5 or lower, add your level to the result.
In addition, whenever your roll to attack results in a failure,
Skald A warrior-poet able to inspire allies with chants and the target takes 1d6 damage from a glancing strike. The dam-
stories. age increases to 2d6 at level 8 and to 3d6 at level 10.

Slayer A brutal killer who can take a beating while rending

enemies to pieces. Level 8 Battle Master
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Chapter 6

Twin Striker A master of fighting with two weapons at once.

Storm of Strikes: If you are not held and you wield a melee
Warlord A cunning battlefield leader. weapon or have a natural weapon, you can use an action
to target any number of creatures within 5 yards. Each target
Zealot A religious fanatic who seeks only to fight in the name takes 1d6 damage plus 1d6 damage for every two Bonus
of their god. Damage dice in your supply. A target can make a luck roll and
takes no damage on a success.
escape being trampled leave themselves open to your swings. You
Level 10 Battle Master
and your steed make an effective fighting team, and together you
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6 can take a stand against any foe.
Ultimate Warrior: You impose 1 bane on rolls to attack you. Most cavaliers began their training under the instruction of
When your attack deals 25 damage or more, you add the knights, who often fight while mounted, but this need not be the
number rolled on the d20 as extra damage to the attack. case for you. Perhaps you have an uncommon bond with your
steed and the two of you have adventured together for some time.
Blade Maybe your skills come from your expertise with Animism or
Primal magic.
Being a blade has its advantages. One, you can keep your weapons
concealed in your clothing. Two, you can retrieve them and stab at Level 7 Cavalier
your enemy before they even have a chance to clear their weapon
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
from the scabbard. And three, when all else fails, you can hurl a
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
blade at a distant foe to take them down. Sure, some point out that
against a prepared enemy, daggers aren’t very good, but when you Mounted Advantage: When you ride a friendly mount, you and
the mount both roll to attack with 1 boon, your attacks deal an
get inside your opponent’s reach, your blades have a way of finding extra 1d6 damage, and you impose 1 bane on rolls to attack
gaps in the armor until the enemy sags and falls dead. the mount.

Level 7 Blade Level 8 Cavalier

Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Legendary Equestrian: Increase the Health of any mount you
Dagger Mastery: In your hands, daggers have the following ride by 20, or 40 at level 10, and its Speed by 3, or 6 at level
traits instead of their normal traits: Damage 2d6, Nimble, 10. Finally, while you ride a mount, the mount is immune to the
Slashing, Thrown 10. When you attack with a dagger, you confused, controlled, and frightened afflictions.
roll with 1 boon. Finally, when you wield two daggers, you Trample: While you ride a mount, the mount can move through
impose 1 bane on rolls to attack you. spaces occupied by creatures smaller than it. When it enters
Blade Barrage: You can use an action to fling a barrage of a creature’s space, the creature makes an Agility roll. On a
small blades into a Size 5 space within 10 yards. Each crea- failure, the creature takes 2d6 damage and falls prone. A
ture in the target space and between you and that space creature can be affected by this mount’s Trample just once per
takes 1d6 damage; the damage increases to 2d6 at level round.
8 and 3d6 at level 10. In addition, the creature makes an
Agility roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the creature takes an
extra 2d6 damage. On a critical failure, the creature takes
an extra 4d6 damage instead. Once you use this talent, you
lose access to it for 1 minute.

Level 8 Blade
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Bleeding Edge: When you attack with a dagger and get a
critical success against a flesh-and-blood target, the target
becomes weakened (luck ends). The target loses 1d6 Health
each time it fails a luck roll to end the affliction. The target ends
this effect early if it heals any damage or a creature uses an
action to stanch the wound.

Level 10 Blade
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Carve them Up: When you make a melee attack while you
wield a dagger in each hand, you roll four additional d20s.
If any roll is a success, the attack counts as a success. For
each additional success beyond the first, the attack deals an
Master Paths

extra 1d6 damage.

You kick your heels into your steed’s flanks and the mount leaps
forward, carrying you into the fray. Anyone in your path falls
beneath the hooves of your fine animal, and those who manage to
Level 10 Cavalier Conqueror
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6 The whole world, it seems, has gone mad. People rise up against
Spirited Charge: When your mount moves 6 yards or more on their rulers, nations spend blood and treasure in bids to conquer
your turn, you roll an additional d20 when you roll to attack others, plague rips through town after town, and wherever you go,
and can use the highest result. people have faces pinched from hunger and the wide, staring eyes
of the lost. The lands might have reached this sorry state through
Champion greedy and weak leaders, but no doubt invisible hands are orches-
trating the downfall of civilization.
When the duke locked away his political opponents, when the bar- You aim to restore order, and the surest means to bring unruly
oness was found to bathe in the blood of innocents, when reckless elements under control is through strong leadership. For now, you
magicians destroyed an entire town to settle their scores, or when content yourself with being a source of inspiration to your com-
the Om captured hundreds to appease the inscrutable mind they panions. You guide them through the toughest parts of combat
serve, you were the first to take a stand. Where others quailed before and lend aid where needed so that together you can vanquish your
the enormity of the task, you shook off your misgivings and set out foes. One day, you will take the grand stage and bring light and
to make a change, protect the innocents, and defeat evil wherever hope to a land driven to the brink of despair.
you found it. Your principles prevent you from letting such crimes
go unpunished. The stakes are too high for you to set aside this bur- Level 7 Conqueror
den, and you will keep fighting, even if it means your life.
You are strong, tough, and dependable in a fight. In your mind, Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
you are responsible for the people who quest with Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
you. Others might lack your grit and dura- Combat Leader: While you lack the confused, controlled,
bility, and so you work to protect them from stunned, and unconscious afflictions, you emanate an aura
harm. You become the iron core of your that spreads through a Size 5 space centered on you that
group, and you make sure nothing happens moves with you to remain centered on you. Allies in the space
make rolls to attack with 1 boon. In addition, when you take
to your companions for as long as you can the initiative, you can choose one ally in the affected space
keep your feet under you. to also be able to take the initiative without having to use a
reaction to do so.
Level 7 Champion
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. Level 8 Conqueror
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Dedicated Defender: At the start of your turn, you can target Road to Victory: You can use this talent when you use an action
one ally within 5 yards. You defend the target for 1 minute or to attack and get a success. Roll a d6. Until the start of your
until you use this talent again. So long as the target is within next turn, you add the number rolled to the results of any roll to
5 yards, you impose 1 bane on rolls to attack the target. In attack made by an ally affected by your Combat Leader tal-
addition, whenever the target takes damage, you can use ent. Once you use this talent, you lose access to it (luck ends).
a reaction to move up to your Speed. At level 10, you can
move up to twice your Speed. If you move to within reach of
the target, you take up to half of the damage on its behalf, Level 10 Conqueror
and you can attack that enemy if it is an eligible target for Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
your attack.
March toward Victory: You impose 1 bane on rolls made to
attack allies affected by your Combat Leader talent.
Level 8 Champion In addition, when an ally gets a success on a roll to attack
and that ally is affected by your Combat Leader talent, you
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6 can expend some or all of your Bonus Damage and apply it
Defensive Stance: If you are not confused, controlled, stunned, as extra damage to the ally’s roll.
or unconscious at the start of your turn, you can enter a defen-
sive stance. The effect lasts until you move more than 2 yards Death Dealer
on a turn, or you become confused, controlled, frightened,
stunned, or unconscious. While in this stance, increase your People fear you and for good reason. You thrive in combat. Drawn
Defense by 3 and you ignore any effect that would push or swords and readied axes are invitations to fight that you readily
pull you, knock you prone, or disarm you.
accept, weapon swinging, ropes of blood leaping into the air as
enemy after enemy falls beneath your brutal assault. The screams
Chapter 6

Level 10 Champion of the dying, the crunch of bones, the cries for mercy are music
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6 to your ears as you strew the battlefield with severed limbs and
organs. Woe to any who dare stand in your way. You could hate
Vengeful Champion: When a creature you targeted with your
Dedicated Defender talent is harmed, you make rolls to attack what you have become, feeling remorse for all the suffering you
with 3 boons and your attacks deal an extra 3d6 damage create. Then again, you could see your work as necessary, if messy.
until the end of your next turn. Some monsters just have no place in this world.
Level 7 Death Dealer Level 8 Dragon Fist
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Dragon Talons: Your strikes can tear flesh. Your unarmed strikes
Vicious: You make rolls to attack injured targets with 3 boons. now have the Brutal and Slashing traits if they don’t have them
In addition, each other enemy within a Size 5 space centered already.
on you makes a Will roll with 1 bane. On a success, the enemy Claw, Claw, Bite: You can use this talent when you get a success
becomes immune to this aspect of the talent for 24 hours. On a on an unarmed strike attack. You lunge forward to bite the tar-
failure, the enemy becomes frightened of you (luck ends). get. The target makes an Agility roll with 1 bane. On a failure,
the target takes 3d6 damage. Once you use this talent, you
Level 8 Death Dealer lose access to it (luck ends).

Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Level 10 Dragon Fist

Make Mountains of the Dead: You can use this talent when you
get a success on a roll to attack with a one-handed or two- Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
handed melee weapon. Each enemy in your reach other than Dragon Flame Strike (Magical): You can use an action to
the target of the attack makes an Agility roll. On a failure, the gather flames between your hands. Target one creature or
creature takes half the damage taken by the target of your object within 10 yards. You hurl the flames at the target. Make
attack. You can use this talent four times, or five times at level a Strength roll against the target’s Agility. On a success, the
10. You regain expended uses after you rest. target takes 10d6 damage. On a critical success, the target
also catches fire (luck ends). Once you use this talent, you lose
Level 10 Death Dealer access to it (luck ends).
Dragon Scales: You can use a reaction when an enemy you see
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6 attacks you to impose 3 banes on the enemy’s roll. If the roll
Killing Field: You can use this talent when you get a success on a results in a success, you take half the damage. Once you use
roll to attack a flesh-and-blood target. Blood sprays from the this talent, you lose access to it for 1 minute.
target into a Size 3 space centered on you to create a killing
field that lasts 1 minute. Enemies in the space become vulner- Duelist
able for as long as they remain there and they treat the ground
in the space as challenging terrain. In addition, whenever an You adopt a vexatious fighting style to level the battlefield and
enemy in that space is harmed, it makes an Agility roll. On a
failure, it falls prone. even the odds. You invite foes to duel you and then, once com-
mitted, expose their vulnerabilities. You start your contests with
Dragon Fist a mocking challenge that is hard to ignore. This is the bait in your
trap. If the foe bites, it finds itself ill-prepared. You dance around
Legend holds that the Dragon Fist technique arose from observ- your enemy, dodge its attacks, and land strikes to sap its strength
ing two dragons fighting for their lives. In ancient times, the and leave it open for the killing blow.
Dragon Fists wandered the lands, but the Empire’s collapse took
Level 7 Duelist
with it these mighty warriors, or so many believed. Whispers
about the Dragon Fists still carry along the roads, each seeking Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
to test their mettle against other fighters and, more often than Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
not, emerging victorious. Duelist’s Challenge: You can use this talent at the start of your
Somehow, you discovered the secrets of the Dragon Fist tech- turn. Target one enemy you can see. If the target can hear
nique. You might have found a master willing to teach you or you, it makes a Will roll with 1 bane. On a success, the tar-
ancient scrolls liberated from a destroyed temple beyond the get becomes immune to this talent for 24 hours. On a failure,
the target becomes challenged by you until you use this tal-
Salt Barrens. As you master each move, a dragon appears on your ent again, you become stunned or unconscious, or the target
body as if inked into you flesh and when you fight, they travel becomes unconscious. The effects of being challenged are as
down your arms or writhe across your torso. follows:
• You roll to attack the target with 1 boon.
Level 7 Dragon Fist • You impose 1 bane on rolls the target makes to attack tar-
gets other than you.
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
• Enemies other than the target make rolls to attack you with
Natural Defense: +2, Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6 1 bane while the target is within your reach.
Dragon Defense: While you wear no armor and don’t have a • If the target would move more than 5 yards away from
shield equipped, you impose 1 bane on rolls to attack you. you, it stops moving at 5 yards and its Speed becomes 0
Master Paths

Dragon Fists: You gain the Brawler talent from the Fighter path. until the start of its next turn.
If you already have that talent, you roll with 1 boon when
making an unarmed strike or unarmed attack. Level 8 Duelist
Dragon Wrath: You can use this talent when you attack with an
unarmed strike and get a critical success. You either fly to and Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
land in an empty space within 15 yards or you push the target Imminent Victory: Each time you damage the target of your
of the attack 5 yards and knock it prone. A creature whose Duelist’s Challenge, you increase the number of boons on
Size is equal to yours + 2 or higher ignores this effect. your rolls to attack it by 1.
Level 8 Fencer
Health: +18, Bonus Damage +1d6
Weakening Strike: When you get a critical success for an attack
using your rapier, the target makes a Will roll. On a failure, the
target becomes weakened (luck ends).
Faster than You: You roll to attack injured targets and targets
with impaired or weakened afflictions, with 1 boon.

Level 10 Fencer
Health: +18, Bonus Damage +1d6
Fatal Thrust: You can use this talent when you get a success for
an attack using your rapier against a target that is injured or
that has the impaired or weakened afflictions. The target takes
an extra 5d6 damage. Once you use this talent, you lose
access to it (luck ends).

Giant Killer
Most people, when they see a giant coming, run away as fast and as
far as they can. But you’re not most people. Spotting a giant is an
invitation to test your mettle against the biggest brutes in the world.
You’ve been called courageous. Others have called you mad.
Some think you’d have to be stupid to search out giants. But you
know all the ways to fight these monsters and others, and live to
boast about it. Sure, they hit hard, but they have to hit you first,
and you’re excellent at ducking, bobbing, and weaving to stay out
of range of their attacks. They can stomp around all they like;
Level 10 Duelist you’re just going to roll out of the way.
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Once you exhaust your foe, it’s only a matter of time before you
Demoralizing Defeat: Whenever you cause the target of your land the blow that brings them to their knees. The rest is just cleanup.
Duelist’s Challenge to become incapacitated, each other
enemy within 5 yards makes a Will roll. On a failure, the enemy Level 7 Giant Killer
becomes frightened of you until the end of your next turn.
Unerring Strike: Whenever the result of your roll to attack the Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
target of your Duelist’s Challenge is 5 or less, you add 10 to Health: +18, Bonus Damage +1d6
the result of your roll.
No Pushover: Creatures larger than you roll to attack you with 1
bane. In addition, whenever a creature of your Size + 2 deals
Fencer damage to you, reduce the damage by your Strength score
and lose access to this aspect of the talent (luck ends).
It’s easy to overlook the rapier. A thin blade, its delicate construc-
tion and overall fanciness make the weapon more suited as an Level 8 Giant Killer
accessory for courtiers than for use in real battle. You prove the
foolishness of such attitudes, for the rapier becomes even more Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
dangerous when you wield it. You strike with precision, finding Low Center of Gravity: Your unarmed attacks ignore Size
gaps in your enemies’ fighting techniques, the myriad cuts drain- restrictions.
ing away their vitality. The Bigger They Are: Your attacks against creatures whose Size
is greater than yours deal extra damage equal to twice their
Size score.
Level 7 Fencer
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Level 10 Giant Killer
Health: +18, Bonus Damage +1d6
Parry Riposte: You can use a reaction when an enemy in reach Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Chapter 6

attacks you with a melee weapon. You impose 2 banes on that The Harder They Fall: When your attack causes a creature
enemy’s roll. If the roll results in a failure, you can attack that whose Size is greater than yours to become injured, the crea-
enemy and you roll with 1 boon. At level 10, this attack deals ture makes an Agility roll with 1 bane. On a failure, it falls
an extra 1d6 damage. prone and cannot stand up (luck ends).
Keenest Blade: You make rolls to attack using a rapier with While They’re Down: Your attacks deal an extra 2d6 damage
1 boon and the weapon gains the Slashing trait. to prone targets.
Graven Level 7 Juggernaut
During a previous quest or on some side quest between your Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
major expeditions, you came into possession of a suit of magical Health: +24, Bonus Damage: +1d6
armor. The armor has an odd, uneven style, with great flaring Incredible Strength: You make Strength rolls with 1 boon and
shoulder guards, flanges on the greaves and leggings, and a breast- you impose 1 bane on rolls against your Strength. Your attacks
plate wrought to show the face of a wizened man with wild hair. against objects always deal maximum damage.
Unusual appearance aside, the armor appeared of the finest quality
and fitted you perfectly when you donned it. Level 8 Juggernaut
But as you secured the final piece, the armor bound itself to your
body, forming a second skin. Although you cannot remove it, it Health: +24, Bonus Damage: +1d6
discomfits you not at all. You and the armor have become one. Juggernaut Stride: You can use an action to move up to your
The armor has mysterious origins, though the longer you wear Speed. During this movement, you can enter spaces occupied
by creatures and ordinary objects.
it, the more you learn about its capabilities. It could have come When you enter a space occupied by a creature, the crea-
from Kaen himself, since that god merged with his armor too. The ture can make its choice of a Strength or Agility roll. On a
armor might also have some great purpose that will reveal itself as successful Strength roll, the creature takes 2d6 damage and
you undertake more and more dangerous quests. you return to the last empty space you left and your move-
ment ends. On a successful Agility roll, the creature moves 1
yard into an empty space of its choice and you can continue
Level 7 Graven moving. If either roll fails, the creature takes 4d6 damage, falls
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. prone, and you can continue moving.
When you enter a space occupied by an ordinary object,
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6 it takes 5d6 damage. If the damage destroys the object, you
Graven Armor (Magical): You become encased in a suit of can continue moving. Otherwise, you are pushed back into
graven armor and remain so until you die, at which point the last empty space you left and your movement ends.
the armor disappears. If you are restored to life, the armor A creature or object can be affected just once per round
returns to encase you. If you transform, the armor transforms to by this talent. When you use this talent, you lose access to it
accommodate your new form. (luck ends).
The graven armor counts as light armor that grants Defense
18. The armor sustains you; you become immune to hunger
and thirst. You ignore the consequences for resting in armor Level 10 Juggernaut
and you ignore the effects of exposure. Health: +24, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Finally, you can use a reaction when a creature you can see
attacks you to increase your Defense to 25 for that attack. If Awesome Strike: You can use this talent when you get a critical
the result is a success, a wave of force rushes through a Size success for an attack against a target whose Size is equal to
5 space centered on you. Each creature in this space makes or less than your Size + 3. You push the target up to 2d6 yards
a Strength roll. On a failure, the creature falls prone; at level away from you in a direction you choose, and the target lands
8, the creature also takes 1d6 damage. Once you use this prone. If an obstacle would prevent this forced movement, the
aspect of the talent, you lose access to it for 1 minute. target takes an extra 1d6 damage for every full 2 yards it is
prevented from moving.
Level 8 Graven
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Protection from Magic (Magical): You take half damage from You sailed the high seas, saw strange things, and met people both
magical sources, impose 1 bane on rolls made against you
from magical effects, and make rolls to resist or end magical familiar and not. You visited unknown lands and learned how to
effects with 1 boon. bargain with the sea god for safe voyages. You are a mariner, a mas-
ter of sailing, and can chart a course to almost any destination. You
Level 10 Graven have learned how to fight in close quarters when pirates come over
the rails and stave off the ill luck that can turn a normal voyage
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6 into a cursed one.
Empty Armor (Magical): You can use an action to become ethe-
real for 1 minute. You take half damage from ordinary weap-
ons and gain the Insubstantial and Slippery traits. Once you Level 7 Mariner
use this talent, you lose access to it for 1 hour. Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Juggernaut Natural Defense: +2, Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Master Paths

Able Deckhand: When you make an attribute roll or a luck roll

You are an unstoppable force. You are likely big and powerful, as the result of moving, you roll with 1 boon. Also, you have
the Slippery and Swimmer traits. In addition, while you wear
a hulking brute of a person, but you don’t have to be. Natural no armor and have no shield equipped, you increase your
strength and resilience make you a good fit for this path, but the Speed by 1.
talents you acquire might arise from sheer determination, extensive Superstitions: You can use this talent after you make a luck roll.
body training, or, more weirdly, consuming a strange potion that Roll a d6. If the number rolled on the d20 is greater than
bulked you up and gifted you with near superhuman toughness. the number rolled on the d6, add the d6 to your result. If the
number rolled on the d20 is less than the number rolled on the
d6, you become cursed until after you rest. Once you use this
talent, you lose access to it for 1 minute.
You see the enemy. You charge the enemy. You waste no time, for
the battle calls and you are only too happy to answer. Some folk
Level 8 Mariner think you reckless, foolish even, but you show them the error of
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6 their ways when you get to the front lines first and bring down the
Deft Disarm: You can use a reaction when an enemy in your biggest nastiest enemy in the bunch. Your enthusiasm for brawling
reach gets a failure on a roll to attack you to disarm the enemy does expose you to terrible danger and you can recall a few times
that enabled the use of this talent. At level 10, you make the when your eagerness almost got you killed. But you lived and that’s
roll to disarm with 1 boon. what counts.
Pressgang Strike: You can use this talent when you get a critical
success for an attack you make using a melee weapon against Level 7 Marauder
a creature of your Size or smaller. The target makes a Strength
roll. On a failure, the creature falls prone and becomes vul- Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
nerable (luck ends). If the target fails its luck roll, it becomes
stunned (luck ends) instead of vulnerable. If the target fails its Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6, Speed: +1
luck roll again, it becomes unconscious for 3d6 hours instead Into the Fray: You can use this talent when you take the initia-
of stunned. Once you use this talent, you lose access to it for tive. You become Slippery and your attacks deal extra dam-
1 minute. age equal to your Speed until the end of the round. Once
you use this talent, you lose access to it until after the end of
your next turn.
Level 10 Mariner
Grab and Stab: You can use a reaction when you successfully
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6, Speed: +1 grab a creature to attack that creature. You roll to attack with 1
Close-Quarters Fighting: Enemies in your reach are vulnerable boon and your attack deals an extra 1d6 damage.
for as long as they remain there.
Uncanny Reflexes: Increase the number of reactions you can Level 8 Marauder
use normally during a round by one. When you dodge or
withstand, increase the number of banes imposed or boons Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6, Speed: +1
granted by 1. Kick it Down: While you move, you can expend 1 yard of your
movement to kick down one ordinary door you can reach
during your movement. The door opens, even if it is locked or
otherwise secured.
Shove Away: You can use this talent when you get a critical suc-
cess for a melee attack. You shove the same target.

Level 10 Marauder
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6, Speed: +1
Fast Runner: Whenever you use the run action, you gain the
Strider trait and your attacks deal an extra 3d6 damage until
the end of your next turn.
Break their Spirits: You can use this talent when you grab or
shove a creature. That creature makes a Will roll. On a suc-
cess, it becomes immune to this talent for 1 hour. On a failure,
the creature becomes weakened (luck ends).

Survivalist, explorer, traveler: you’re these and more. You have
spent so much time in the wilderness that towns and villages
make you uncomfortable. You prefer fresh air and wide-open
spaces to the press and stink of urban areas.
Time in the wilderness hardened you. Just as when you first
tried to forage for food and find a safe place to shelter, you put
Chapter 6

the same determination to work in overcoming other challenges.

Self-sufficient, you can tend to your own hurts and push through
the pain when you don’t have the time to bind your wounds.
Your time scaling cliffs, ranging through the woods, and living
rough built your endurance so you can keep going long after oth-
ers would quit.
Level 7 Outlander Level 10 Razor Wind
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6, Speed: +1 Chain and Knife Strike: Increase the chain knife’s damage to 3d6.
Great Effort: When you roll a 5 or less on the die for an attribute Strangling Strike: You can use this talent when you get a criti-
roll, you can roll another d20, adding the number rolled to the cal success for an attack using a chain knife. The chain wraps
result of the initial roll. If the roll still results in a failure, you lose around the target’s neck and the target becomes subject to suf-
access to this talent (luck ends). focation for as long as you use an action to maintain the hold.
Wild Explorer: You gain the Climber, Slippery, Swimmer, and Each time you use an action to do so, the target takes 5d6
Keen Vision traits if you don’t have them already. damage. While held in this way, the target can move toward
you or perpendicular to you, but not away from you. A target
can overcome the effect with a successful Strength or Agility
Level 8 Outlander roll with 1 bane.

Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6, Speed: +1

Mighty Strike: When you make a melee attack and the result of
your roll is 15 or higher and exceeds the target number by at
least 5, your attack deals an extra 1d6 damage. If you get a Everyone fears something, and you know just the thing to say, the
critical success, your attack deals an extra 3d6 damage instead. posture to use, to add yourself to the list of things that keep people
up at night. You might be a powerful brute, but you don’t have to
be. It’s all in the attitude and how you carry yourself. So long as
Level 10 Outlander people believe you will make good on your threats, they’re going
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6, Speed: +1 to think twice before crossing you.
Unbound Explorer: When you become grabbed or gain an
affliction, make a luck roll. On a success, you end the grab or Level 7 Ruffian
the affliction.
In addition, when you become injured or incapacitated, Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
make a luck roll. On a success, you heal 1d6 damage. Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Demoralize: You can use this talent at any point on your turn
Razor Wind when you lack the confused, controlled, stunned, and uncon-
scious afflictions and you can speak. Target one enemy within
The chain knife takes great effort to master but offers great rewards 5 yards of you. At level 10, you can target up to five enemies
within range. For each target that can hear you, make a Will
to those who do so. This length of strong chain has a cutting blade roll against its Will. On a success, the enemy becomes fright-
at one end and a weight at the other, enabling the wielder to strike ened of you (luck ends). On a failure, the enemy becomes
from a distance to either slash or bind a foe. Masters of the weapon immune to this talent for 24 hours.
become lethal whirlwinds, lashing out and ripping through ene- Oppressor: You roll to attack with 1 boon against targets that
mies with ease. have at least one affliction, or 2 boons if the target is frightened.

Level 7 Razor Wind Level 8 Ruffian

Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Exploit Weakness: From your attacks, a target takes an extra
Chain Mastery: When you attack with the chain knife, you roll 1d6 damage for each affliction it has.
to attack with 1 boon. Your reach with the chain knife equals Goading Remark: Any ally within 5 yards that tries to remove
your Size + 4. an affliction from itself can make the roll with 1 boon if it can
When you make a disrupting attack, the result of your roll hear you.
merely has to equal or exceed the target’s Will.
When you get a critical success for an attack using the chain
knife, you can force a target of your Size or smaller to make a Level 10 Ruffian
Strength roll. On a failure, it either falls prone or moves into an
empty space of your choice within 5 yards of you. Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Finally, you can use the chain knife as a lasso, though it Threat Made Good: You can use this talent when you get a suc-
takes 20 damage to destroy rather than 5. cess on a roll to attack a target frightened of you. You double
the number of Bonus Damage dice that apply to the attack.
Once you use this talent, you lose access to it (luck ends).
Level 8 Razor Wind
Master Paths

Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6

Lashing Chain: You can use an action to lash your chain knife
around you. Target up to three creatures or objects within 5
yards. Each target makes an Agility roll with 1 bane. On a
failure, the target takes 4d6 damage and you can move the
target, if it is your Size or smaller, to a different space within
5 yards of you.
Sharpshooter Skald
Sometimes it seems as though you were born with a missile There’s inspiration in the old tales. Each hero who stood up
weapon in your hands. You’re a master of ranged attacks, and it against the tyrants, who vanquished evil, who persevered in the
shows each time you launch a bolt from your crossbow or send a face of hardship should motivate later generations to walk in
barrage of arrows flying into your enemies. When you hurl a stone those steps and do what is right. As a skald, you know these sto-
from a sling, you can shatter bones and punch through armor. ries, poems, and songs. You recite them in battle, drawing from
You’ve been training with these weapons for so long, shooting has your deep well of knowledge to lift your allies’ spirits. You are a
become second nature to you. warrior-poet, and your voice rises above the clash of swords to
As a sharpshooter, you master the use of ranged weapons, from lead your side to victory.
pistols to slings and everything between. If it launches projectiles,
any weapon will serve. You have a steady hand, a keen eye, and a Level 7 Skald
willingness to take down your enemies from afar.
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Level 7 Sharpshooter Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. War Chant: If you are not confused, controlled, stunned, or
unconscious, and you can speak, you can use this talent at the
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 start of your turn. You chant for up to 1 minute, until you use
Ranged Mastery: You gain the Crack Shot talent from the fighter your voice for some other purpose, or you stop chanting. The
path if you don’t have this talent already. If you do, increase sound of your chanting carries through a Size 10 space cen-
the number of boons granted to your rolls to attack with tered on you and moves with you when you move. Each ally
ranged weapons by 1. In addition, you increase the range of can add half your level to the results of their rolls to attack. In
any ranged weapon you wield by 10 and you can use arrows addition, if the target of their attacks has the Intellect impaired
and bolts as if they were daggers. affliction, it takes an extra 1d6 damage. At level 10, allies
Superior Aim: You can use this talent when you use an action affected by this talent also increase their supply of bonus dam-
to make a ranged attack. Roll one additional d20 and use age dice by 1d6.
the highest number rolled. At level 10, you roll two additional Confounding Kenning: If you are not confused, controlled,
d20s instead. Once you use this talent, you lose access to it stunned, or unconscious, and you can speak, you can use this
until after the end of your next turn. talent at the start of your turn. Target any number of creatures.
You tell them a riddle. Each target that can hear you becomes
Level 8 Sharpshooter Intellect impaired until it overcomes the effect with a successful
Intellect roll. A creature that ends the affliction solves the riddle
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 and ends the affliction for each other affected creature within
Dazing Shot: You can use this talent when you use an action to 5 yards of it that can hear it and understand it. Once you use
make a ranged attack with a pistol, musket, or sling. If your roll this talent, you lose access to it for 1 minute.
results in a critical success, the target becomes confused until
the end of your next turn. Level 8 Skald
Pinning Shot: You can use this talent when you use an action to
make a ranged attack with a bow, crossbow, crossbow pis- Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
tol, longbow, or shortbow against a target that can reach a Rallying Tale: If you are not confused, controlled, stunned, or
solid surface. If your roll results in a critical success, the target unconscious, and you can speak, you can use this talent at
becomes held until the end of your next turn or until it over- any point during your turn to end one affliction affecting you.
comes the effect with a successful Strength or Agility roll. Then, each ally other than you within 5 yards that can see
Reactive Shot: You can use a reaction when an enemy you and hear you can use a reaction to overcome one affliction
can see within 10 yards moves and attack that enemy with a or harmful effect. Once you use this talent, you lose access to
ranged weapon you are wielding. it for 1 minute.

Level 10 Sharpshooter Level 10 Skald

Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Health: +18, Bonus Damage +1d6
Sharpshooter’s Barrage: If you are wielding a ranged weapon, Tale of Tales: You can spend 10 minutes telling a tale of a great
you can use an action to launch a barrage of ammunition hero to inspire your allies. If an ally listens to the full perfor-
into the air. Target one Size 5 space within the range of the mance and understands what you say, the ally
weapon. Projectiles arc up and rain down into that space, is emboldened for 8 hours. The ally increases
dealing 3d6 damage to each creature in it that is not under their Health by 10, makes attribute rolls
hard shelter. An enemy that takes this damage makes a luck with 1 boon, and their attacks deal
roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the creature takes an extra 3d6
Chapter 6

an extra 1d6 damage. When an

damage, or 6d6 damage on a critical failure. emboldened ally fails a roll, they
If you track ammunition, use of this talent expends 20 pieces can turn the failure into a success,
of ammunition or empties one container of ammunition. but the emboldened effect ends
Sure Shot: When you attack with a ranged weapon, for each 18 for them. Once you use this tal-
or higher you roll on any of the dice rolled using Superior Aim, ent, you lose access to it until after
the attack deals an extra 2d6 damage. you rest.
The scars on your body tell the story of your life. A row of puck-
ered dimples marks the time when a monster bit a chunk out your
shoulder. You lost an ear to a lamia. The melted part of your face
came from a flock of drakes swarming you. You’re ugly as sin, but
you’re as tough as they come. You’ve seen a lot, fought a lot, and
come through each fight with your life intact. You have yet to find
something that can kill you, and you’re not about to quit looking.

Level 7 Slayer
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Savage Strikes: You treat all melee weapons and unarmed
strikes as having the Brutal trait. If the weapon already has the
Brutal trait, when you roll damage for attacks using it, you treat
any 1 or 2 on a die rolled for damage as if you had rolled a 3.
Overwhelming Force: When you get a critical success with an
attack using a melee weapon, the target takes an extra 1d6
damage and makes a Strength roll. On a failure, the target
falls prone, and becomes weakened (luck ends).

Level 8 Slayer
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Shrug it Off: You can use this talent when you take 20 dam-
age or more, but are not incapacitated. You heal all damage.
You can use this talent once, or twice at level 10. You regain Level 8 Twin Striker
expended uses of it after you rest.
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Off-Hand Parry: You can use this talent when you dodge and
Level 10 Slayer you are wielding two weapons at the same time. If the roll to
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6 attack you results in a failure, you gain a reaction and use it
immediately to attack the creature that enabled the use of your
Kill or Be Killed: Each time you take damage, increase your sup- dodge, if possible.
ply of Bonus Damage dice by 1d6. The increase lasts until the
end of your next turn.
Brutality: When you deal 20 damage or more to a creature, Level 10 Twin Striker
the target makes a Strength roll. On a failure, it takes an extra Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
3d6 damage.
Flurry of Strikes: If you wield two weapons at the same time,
you can use an action to make a flurry of strikes. Target any
Twin Striker number of creatures and objects in reach. You attack each tar-
get separately and you can divide your Bonus Damage dice
Your training pays off when you master the style of fighting with between these attacks in any way you choose.
two weapons at once. You might wield a sword and dagger, or keep
a pistol in your off hand to shoot at foes as they close in on you. Warlord
Your technique lets you parry incoming strikes and create open-
ings for your own. You’ve lost track of how many battles you have fought. The indi-
vidual fights might run together, and the reasons for fighting in
the first place might have disappeared into the hole of your mem-
Level 7 Twin Striker ory, but you remember what went right and what went terribly
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. wrong. Now, you can size up your situation and come up with a
Master Paths

Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6 plan to take your opponents apart. Your assessment comes from
Two-Weapon Mastery: You gain the Dual Wielder talent from not only perceiving weaknesses in your enemies, but also measur-
the fighter path if you don’t have this talent already. If you do, ing the strengths and assets at your disposal. When you put your
you treat one-handed weapons as if they were off-handed plan in motion, your allies can exploit the gaps in your opponents’
weapons. defenses to send them reeling. Things might not work out. You
Twin Strike: When you get a success with an attack made using know better than anyone that no plan survives contact with the
an off-hand weapon, your attack deals an extra 1d6 damage. enemy. You are willing, though, to take any risk to win the day.
Level 7 Warlord Level 7 Zealot
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Battlefield Tactics: At the end of any round in which you used Unwavering Faith: You impose 1 bane on rolls against your
an action, roll 2d6 and consult the following list to see what Intellect and Will.
happens: Zealous Strike: When you attack a target that has not yet taken
a turn in the round, you can roll an additional d20 and use
2D6 EFFECT either result. If both rolls result in successes, your attack deals
an extra 1d6 damage. This extra damage increases to 3d6
You and allies within 5 yards that can hear you gain the at level 10.
4 or Less Slippery trait until the end of the next round.

You or one ally you choose within 5 yards that can hear Level 8 Zealot
5–8 you increases the number of reactions they can use during
the next round by one. Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
To Suffer is To Live: When you are harmed, you make attribute
9 or You impose 1 bane on rolls to attack you and allies within and luck rolls with 1 boon until the end of your next turn.
More 5 yards that can hear you until the end of your next turn.
Level 10 Zealot
If both dice come up with the same number, you gain an
additional action and can move an additional time during Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
your next turn. You can keep the additional action and move, Righteous Wrath: If you are not confused, controlled, stunned,
or give one or both of them away to an ally within 5 yards that or unconscious when you become injured, you can use this
can see and hear you. The additional action and move must talent to embrace your righteous fury for 1 minute. Once per
be used before the end of the next round or they are lost. round, while you are under the effects of this talent, you can
add 10 to the result of any an attribute roll or luck roll you
make. In addition, you count as if you had rolled a critical
Level 8 Warlord success whenever the result of your roll exceeds the target
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6 number by at least 5.
Counter Advantage: When an enemy within 5 yards makes a
roll against you or one of your allies within this range, you
can use a reaction to turn any boons rolled for the attack into
banes. If the enemy’s roll results in a failure, the enemy grants
Paths of the Gods
3 boons on rolls to attack it until the start of its next turn. Once Only the most devout servants of the gods can benefit from follow-
you use this talent, you lose access to it (luck ends). ing these paths, which reward faithful service with uncanny powers.

Level 10 Warlord Anointed One

Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Your exemplary efforts earned you the esteem of the High One’s
Risk It All: Before rolling the dice for your Battlefield Tactics talent, church, and you have been invited to participate in a special cere-
you can choose to gamble. If so, you can produce a special mony that will imbue you with the god’s favor henceforth. In this
result in addition to the normal effects. If both dice rolled show ceremony, a priest prays over you for hours, during which time you
even numbers, you and each ally within 5 yards deal an extra
3d6 damage on the next attack they make before the end of inhale the smoke of burning incense and receive a dab of oil on
the next round. If the dice rolled both come up as odd num- your brow that marks you as the High One’s chosen.
bers, you take 1d6 damage and each of your allies becomes Being anointed in this way shows great favor from both the
vulnerable until the end of the next round. If the dice come up Church and the god you serve, for they reserve the honor for those
as one even and one odd, no additional effect occurs.
with unimpeachable faith, deep knowledge of the sacred writings,
and the holiest of character. Many believe anointment marks the
Zealot first step to becoming an exalted servant of your god.

You believe the gods made you for a special purpose. You feel it Level 7 Anointed One
in your bones, at the very core of your being. You have confidence
that the divine watches over you and aids you in times of need, Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
provided you remain constant and faithful. Health: +12
Chapter 6

Some call you a fanatic, and you’ve heard yourself described as Languages: Any one
deluded, misguided, and insane to boot. But you make no apol- Traditions: Invocation, Spells: One expert
ogies for your zeal. You believe in your gods and they, in turn,
Blessed Action (Magical): You can use a reaction when you
believe in you. You have read the scriptures and have heard the would heal damage or deal damage to heal or deal an extra
voice of the divine thunder in your mind. Your purpose is clear; no 3d6 damage. Once you use this talent, you lose access to it
one will stand in your way. (luck ends).
Master Paths of the Gods Level 8 Anointed One
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Anointed one You become a holy defender of the High One
and his congregation. Spells: One expert
Valiant Strike (Magical): When you get a critical success
Blessed knave A devotee of Fetch, the god of thieves.
with an attack roll, each enemy angel, demon, faerie, fiend,
Blighter One chosen by the Pale Lady to spread sickness spirit, and undead within 5 yards becomes cursed (luck
and death. ends) and each ally that can see you ends the frightened
affliction on itself.
Catastrophist A devoted servant of Calamity who spreads
misfortune to all.
A devoted servant of Draconus who manifests
Level 10 Anointed One
many of their patron’s physical properties. Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Fate weaver A devoted servant of the Fates, enabled with the Spells: One master
ability to manipulate a creature’s destiny.
Sustaining Grace (Magical): If you become incapacitated, you
Flagellant of Want A devotee of Want, one who suffers to expiate can choose to regain all lost Health, heal all damage, and
their crimes. end all afflictions and harmful effects affecting you. Then, for
1 minute, your Defense is 25, you roll to attack with 1 boon,
Herald of the dawn One chosen by Mother Sun to bring light to the and you radiate bright light that counts as sunlight. Once you
use this talent, you lose access to it until after you complete
High priest A leader of the faith who can perform incredible a quest.
Horned apostle A devotee of the Horned Lord, a terrifying
hunter and killer.
Blessed Knave
Justiciar A devoted servant of Blind, the goddess of You found favor with Fetch, the god of thieves, mischief, and free-
justice. dom. Your patron bestows on you many gifts in return for advanc-
Kraken thrall A servant of dread Oceanus, drowner of ing his interests in the world. The god loves humanity above all
nations. other peoples, and the mythology of the Old Faith is full of tales of
Legate An enlightened devotee of Urbanus, the god of him stealing trinkets and treasures from the other gods and gifting
civilization. them to mortals. Some believe it was Fetch who gave knowledge
One of the violent servants of the Wild Woman
to the early humans and thus lifted them up above the other ani-
in her bloodthirsty aspect. mals. Fetch cannot stand tyrants, and he has you work to undo
them and their regimes. If you can enrich yourself and his temples
Magister A mighty servant of Abraxus, the god of magic.
along the way, all the better.
Moon celebrant One who serves Sister Moon, the goddess of
Level 7 Blessed Knave
Reforged A disciple of Kaen, armorer of the gods, imbued
with the ability to shape metal. Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Sacred reveler A debauched hedonist in service to Revel. Health: +12
Languages: Any one
Saprophyte A devotee of Grandmother Spore, transformed
into a walking, talking fungus. Traditions: Skullduggery, Spells: One expert
Soul taker A reaper of souls, chosen by Lord Death. Divine Mischief (Magic): If you are not confused, controlled,
stunned, or unconscious, you can, at the start of your turn, per-
Spirit caller One who speaks to the ancestor spirits and form an act of divine mischief. You can perform each of the
gains their aid. following once. You regain the ability to perform all of these
acts again after you rest.
Storm apostle A wild servant of the Sky Father, who brings
rains and storms to the battlefield. • Cause one creature you can see within 10 yards to fall
Valkyrie A soldier of the war goddess Hate.
• Become invisible to one creature you can see within 5
Wood watcher One chosen by Grandfather Tree to protect yards until the end of your next turn.
green and growing things. • For 1 minute, gain the Slippery trait.
Master Paths

• Cause one locked door you can see to become unlocked

High One’s Favor (Magical): You ignore the effects of exposure and swing open.
and infection. You impose 1 bane on rolls to attack you by • Cause one rope, chain, set of manacles, or other fetters to
angels, demons, faeries, fiends, spirits, and undead. Finally, fall from your body.
whenever you would become confused, controlled, fright- • Automatically overcome being grabbed.
ened, impaired, poisoned, stunned, vulnerable, or weakened,
you can make a luck roll. On a success, you end the affliction. • Take the steal action.
On a failure, you lose access to this talent (luck ends). • For 1 minute, suffer no harm from landing after a fall.
Level 8 Blessed Knave Blighter
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 One day you fell into a fever, gripped by an illness you were cer-
Spells: One expert tain would put an end to your life. Delirious, drenched in sweat,
Fetch’s Blessing (Magical): Whenever you use your Divine with pools of your sick everywhere, you saw the Pale Lady before
Mischief talent or you get a success on a roll made to steal, you and thought the suffering would end at last. But the goddess
you gain the following benefits for 1 minute—impose 1 bane touched your brow, marking you as one of her own. You now
on rolls to attack you and rolls made against you, and you carry in your wrecked body a myriad of plagues that the Pale Lady
increase your Speed by 3. expects you to spread across the lands.

Level 10 Blessed Knave Level 7 Blighter

Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Health: +24
Spells: One master
Languages: Any one
Free Access (Magical): Add the following acts to those listed
under your Divine Mischief talent. Traditions: Destruction, Spells: One expert
• For 1 minute, make attribute rolls with 1 boon. Plague-Bearer (Magical): You are cursed. If an effect would
end this affliction, you lose all other benefits from this talent
• For 1 minute, make luck rolls with 1 boon. and cannot regain them until 1 minute after you regain the
• For 1 minute, you can move through any door without cursed affliction.
opening it. While cursed in this way, you make attribute rolls with 1
bane, but you take half damage from ordinary sources.
• For 1 hour, gain the Strider trait. In addition, you can use an action to cause infectious
• For 1 minute, you can walk and run up walls, and across vapors to spill from your mouth and spread out through a
Chapter 6

ceilings and overhangs. Size 10 space centered on you before dissipating. The vapors
kill harmless creatures in the space. Each other creature in
• You can expend your move to fly to an empty space within the space makes a Strength roll. On a success, the creature
15 yards and land safely. becomes immune to this talent for 24 hours. On a failure, it
• You end all afflictions affecting you. becomes poisoned (luck ends) and is exposed to infection.

Level 8 Blighter Level 8 Catastrophist
Health: +24, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Spells: One expert Spells: One expert
Infectious Strike (Magical): If you are not injured when you Triggered Disaster: You can use a reaction when an enemy
attack, you can make a luck roll along with the roll to attack. If within 5 yards gets a failure on an attribute roll to force that
both rolls result in a success, a flesh-and-blood target becomes enemy to make a luck roll. On a failure, roll a d6 to see what
poisoned (luck ends). happens to it:
Level 10 Blighter 1 One object the target wears or carries that you choose
falls to the ground and gets kicked 1d6 yards away from
Health: +24, Bonus Damage: +1d6 the target.
Spells: One master
2 The target falls prone and cannot stand up until the end of
Pale Lady’s Favor (Magical): You exude a foul odor of decay. your next turn.
You impose 1 bane on rolls to attack you by enemies in your
reach that are not immune to the poisoned affliction. In addi- 3 The target becomes vulnerable until the end of its next turn.
tion, you roll to attack poisoned and weakened targets with 4 The target becomes Agility impaired (luck ends).
1 boon and your attacks against such targets deal an extra
1d6 damage. 5 The target becomes weakened (luck ends).
Vile Spew (Magical): You can use an action when you are 6 The target becomes stunned until the end of its next turn.
cursed to projectile vomit. Target one creature within 5 yards.
Make a Strength roll with 1 boon against the target’s Agility. Level 10 Catastrophist
On a success, the target loses 5d6 Health and becomes weak-
ened (luck ends). Once you use this talent, you lose access to Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
it (luck ends). Spells: One master
Calamitous Presence (Magical): While you lack the unconscious
Catastrophist affliction, you impose 1 bane on luck rolls made by creatures
within 5 yards of you and when a creature other than you gets
a failure on a luck roll, the creature takes 1d6 damage.
You roll the dice and they come up 1s. You think you have drawn a When you make a luck roll, you roll an additional d20 and
winning hand only to find that your opponent has bested you yet can use either result. But, if the number on two of these rolls
again. You walk home and get splashed by a passing carriage, then is 13, you take damage equal to your Health and become
are struck by night soil dumped out through an upper window. incapacitated.
And when you get home, you find the place has burned down,
your partner has run off with a lover, and your child now belongs Dragonite
to a diabolical cult. What else could go wrong? Anything, because
While Draconus sleeps, the Ancient Ones remain in the god’s grip,
you’ve caught Calamity’s eye.
trapped there as they have been for thousands of years. So long has
The goddess of misfortune recruits her followers by subjecting
the Great Dragon slept that the whole world grew on his back,
them to increasingly awful events, all seemingly brought about by
and there’s little to show of the deity’s slumbering form. You know
chance. The worse things get for the mortal, the more desperate
better. You know the mountains grew where the Dragon’s spine
they are to shed the doom that finds them. And Calamity is only thrust up from the depths, and the fire that sometimes vents from
too happy to welcome another mortal into her cult and make the peaks is the Dragon’s blood. You also know what’s at stake if
them vectors of bad luck in the world, for in this way she harvests Draconus wakes. Disaster. You joined the cult of the Dragon to
souls for her dread father, Lord Death. make certain your god never stirs, never shakes off the doom Lord
Death bestowed on it.
Level 7 Catastrophist
Level 7 Dragonite
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Health: +12 Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Languages: Any one Health: +12
Traditions: Chaos, Spells: One expert Languages: Any one
Traditions: Oneiromancy, Spells: One expert
Calamity’s Dread Attention (Magical): You can use an action
to call upon your chaotic goddess. Target one enemy within Chains of the Dragon (Magical): You can use an action to call
Master Paths

10 yards. The target makes a luck roll. On a success, the forth spectral chains to bind your foes. Target up to five crea-
target becomes immune to this talent for 24 hours. On a fail- tures all inside one Size 5 space within 15 yards. Each target
ure, the target becomes cursed and vulnerable (luck ends becomes held (luck ends). Then, the ground inside a Size 10
both). In addition, an affected target cannot benefit from space centered on you cracks open becoming challenging
boons and takes an extra 1d6 damage each time it takes terrain and releases steam that fills the space with moderate
damage. Finally, until the target is no longer cursed, you obscurement that lasts for 1 minute. Once you use this talent,
impose 1 bane on attribute rolls made by enemies within 5 you lose access to it for 1 minute.
yards of you. Dragon Senses: You have the Awareness 10 trait.
• Crone: You appear decrepit and hideous. Each enemy within
Level 8 Dragonite 5 yards becomes vulnerable for as long as it remains there.
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Alter Fate (Magical): If you are under the effects of your Fate
Spells: One expert Aspect talent, you can use a reaction to make a luck roll when
a creature within 10 yards gets a success or a failure on a roll.
Dragon Claws: Your nails become thick claws. Your claws are On a success, you can change the success to a failure or the
natural weapons that deal 2d6 damage, or 3d6 at level 10, failure to a success. Once you use this talent, you lose access
and have the Brutal and Slashing traits. to it for 1 minute.
Dragon’s Slumber (Magical): You can use an action to cause
your foes to become lethargic. Target up to five creatures all
in one Size 5 space within 15 yards. Each target makes a Will Level 8 Fate Weaver
roll with 1 boon. On a success, the target becomes immune to
this talent for 24 hours. On a failure, the target falls prone and Health: +12, Bonus Damage +1d6
goes to sleep (luck ends). If a target gets three failures on the Spells: One expert
luck rolls to end this effect, it sinks into the ground, never to be Gifts of the Threefold Goddess (Magical): While you manifest
seen again. Once you use this talent, you lose access to it for an aspect of the Fates, you can use an action to bestow a gift
1 minute. from the Threefold Goddess, depending on which aspect you
Level 10 Dragonite • Maiden: One or two creatures within 5 yards can use a
reaction to perform an activity that normally requires the
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 use of an action.
Spells: One master • Mother: Each injured ally within 5 yards heals 3d6
Dragon Form: You assume the likeness of your god, becoming damage.
dragon-like. You gain the Fly trait, if you don’t have it already. • Crone: Each injured enemy within 5 yards takes 3d6
If you have the Fly trait, you impose 1 bane on rolls to attack
you while you are flying. In addition, when a creature gets a damage.
success on a roll to attack you using an ordinary weapon and You can use this talent a number of times equal to your level.
the result of the roll is a success, but not a critical success, you You regain expended uses after you rest.
take half damage from the attack.
Level 10 Fate Weaver
Fate Weaver Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
The Fates have a small cult following in the mortal world, largely Spells: One master
those with an interest in divining the future: fortune tellers, seers, Three in One (Magical): When you use your Fate Aspect tal-
prophets, and the like. You became associated with the cult, per- ent, you can manifest all three aspects at the same time. All
haps to join or having done a service for them, gaining the Fates’ three visages appear on your head, with the Mother facing
forward, the Maiden to your right, and the Crone to your left.
attention and earning their favor. Such a gift comes with a terrible You gain all the benefits from each aspect, and you impose
responsibility, for you now act on their behalf, helping them spin, 1 bane on rolls to attack you by creatures not immune to the
measure, and cut lifelines. frightened affliction.
When the Fates move through you, you manifest one of their Loom of the Fates (Magical): Whenever you make a luck roll,
aspects. The Maiden makes you young and vigorous, while you roll an additional d20 and choose either result.
appear regal in the Mother’s grasp. The Crone causes your body
to age rapidly and your hurts to multiply. Your chief concern is to
ensure the destinies of others play out as they should, and you can
Flagellant of Want
manipulate events to match what has been foreseen. The custom of allowing criminals to “go to Want” survived the fall
of the Great Kingdom, and gangs of flagellants wander the wilds
Level 7 Fate Weaver of the borderlands and beyond as they have done for centuries.
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. The flagellants belong to the Cult of Want, a strange religious
sect devoted to the daughter of Death who brings famines and
Health: +12
droughts to the mortal world. The cult aims to take on the bur-
Languages: Any one den of the goddess’s attention and thus spare innocents from the
Traditions: Divination, Spells: One expert ruin she causes. Since membership has little to offer but pain and
Fate Aspect (Magical): You can use an action to manifest an deprivation, it has survived by accepting those people who faced
aspect of the Fates, which alters your appearance and grants justice and who made amends by performing the rites enforced by
you a benefit. Choose one of the following options; the effects
last 1 hour. the goddess’s followers.
Chapter 6

People who join the flagellants do so out of some need to atone

• Maiden: You appear young and beautiful. You impose 3
banes on rolls to attack you and rolls made against you. for the crimes they committed. Membership in the cult lasts till
death, and anyone who wears the hair shirt must commit to suf-
• Mother: You appear strong and powerful, a devoted pro-
tector. Each time an ally within 5 yards takes damage, you fering or die. Some try to flee after discovering how awful life can
reduce the amount of damage it takes by 1d6 (to a mini- be in service to Want, but these cowards are always found and
mum of 0). brought back into the fold.
Level 7 Flagellant of Want
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Natural Defense: +1, Health: +12
Languages: Any one
Traditions: Destruction, Spells: One expert
Expectations of Agony: Your goddess holds certain expecta-
tions in those who serve. You grant 3 boons on rolls to attack
you when you wear armor or use a shield. However, you
master weapons associated with her faith. You roll to attack
with 1 boon when you use a flail, scourge, or whip, and your
attacks with these weapons deal an extra 1d6 damage. In
addition, when you get a critical success for an attack using
a flail, scourge, or whip, the target also becomes cursed and
weakened (luck ends both). Finally, you make attribute rolls
with 1 boon while you are injured.

Level 8 Flagellant of Want

Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Spells: One expert
Want’s Bitter Curse (Magical): You can use an action to target
any number of enemies within 10 yards. Each target makes a
Strength roll. On a success, the target becomes immune to this
talent for 24 hours. On a failure, the target becomes cursed,
Strength impaired, and vulnerable (luck ends all).

Level 10 Flagellant of Want

Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Traditions: Astromancy, Spells: One expert
Spells: One master Radiate Sunlight (Magical): You can use an action to emit bright
Joyful Suffering: You can use this talent when you take dam- light from your body until you become unconscious or until
age. Lose 1d6 Health. Then, for 1 minute, your attacks deal you choose to end the effect. The light counts as sunlight.
an extra 3d6 damage. While under the effects of this talent, you can use your move
to rise a few feet in the air and remain there until you become
unconscious or until you choose to end the effect. While in the
Herald of the Dawn air, your Speed drops to 0 and each creature within 10 yards
of you that lacks immunity to the blinded affliction makes rolls
In the radiance of Mother Sun, you find your future. You could to attack with 1 bane. At the end of each round, each object
have been a longtime devotee of the goddess, having committed within 5 yards takes 2d6 damage, while each enemy within 5
your life to serving. In this role, you stood fast against the shad- yards makes a Strength roll. On a failure, the enemy takes 3d6
ows, drove back the darkness, and spread her healing rays all across damage and catches fire (luck ends).
You can use this talent a number of times equal to half your
the land. Then again, you could be a recent convert. The goddess level. You regain expended uses after you rest.
might have noticed you and your efforts so far and sees in you a
potential servant of value. Or, you might have bargained with her,
forming a pact that benefits you both. Whatever your story, you Level 8 Herald of the Dawn
swore sacred oaths to the sun goddess. You have become her ves- Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
sel and she fills you with the radiant energy for use as you need.
Spells: One expert
Through you, she brings forth light to banish darkness and burn
away all that is unclean. You understand the goddess’s purpose and Blinding Flash (Magical): If you are under the effects of your
loathe those things that plot and connive in shadow, that would Radiate Sunlight talent, you can use a reaction when harmed
by a creature in reach to cause brilliant light to flash from you.
spread their filth across the world and drown its people in evil. For
The creature that enabled the use of this talent makes a luck
this reason, you are a ready servant of the goddess and champion roll. On a failure, the creature becomes blinded until the end
Master Paths

her wherever you go. of its next turn.

Sun Flare (Magical): If you are under the effects of your Radiate
Level 7 Herald of the Dawn Sunlight talent, you can use an action to launch a tongue of fire
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. from your hand. Target one creature or object within 10 yards.
Make a Will roll against the target’s Agility. On a success, the
Health: +12 target takes 6d6 damage and catches fire (luck ends). At level
Languages: Any one 10, the target takes 8d6 damage instead.
Level 10 Herald of the Dawn Traditions: One, Spells: One expert
Divine Authority (Magical): You can use an action to speak
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 with the authority of the god you serve. The sound of your
Spells: One master voice carries 100 miles. Each enemy angel, demon, faerie,
fiend, spirit, and undead within 10 yards becomes cursed and
Divine Light of Mother Sun: While you are under the effects weakened (luck ends both). Each ally within 10 yards heals
of your Radiate Sunlight talent, you have these additional 7d6 damage and makes attribute rolls and luck rolls with 1
benefits: boon for 1 minute.
• You impose 1 bane on rolls against your Defense and Agility You can use this talent once, or three times at level 10. You
by enemies that can see you. regain expended uses after you rest.
• You take half damage from ordinary sources.
• If you are grabbed at the end of the round, the creature grab- Level 8 High Priest
bing you catches fire (luck ends).
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
• You make luck rolls with 2 boons.
Spells: One expert
• You retain your normal Speed score and can move normally.
Divine Protection (Magical): You are immune to deprivation,
exposure, and infection, as well as to the controlled, fright-
High Priest ened, poisoned, and Will impaired afflictions. Enemies that
attack you discard boons for their roll.
Through your great deeds you have won the esteem of the god In addition, you can use a reaction when you would be
you serve, and upon you now rests the mantle of high priest. You harmed to make a luck roll. On a success, you ignore the harm.
You can use this aspect of the talent a number of times equal to
have a direct line to your patron deity and can ask for and receive half your level. You regain expended uses after you rest.
aid. Such are the blessings the god shows you, there is little you
need fear.
Level 10 High Priest
Level 7 High Priest Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. Spells: One master
Health: +12 Chosen by a God: You stop aging physically, and your appear-
ance does not change no matter how much longer you live.
Languages: Any one Short of mishap or violence, you can survive indefinitely. If you
die, your body does not decay and cannot become undead. If
your corpse is laid to rest on ground holy to members of your
faith, you are restored to life seven days later, with no damage
and at full Health.
Miracle (Magical): You can use an action to produce any one
of the following effects:
• Target one creature you can see. The target takes 20d6
• Target one object within 10 yards that was once a creature.
The target returns to life and becomes a creature once more.
In addition, the target and each creature within 10 yards of
you heals all damage and regains all Health.
• Target up to 5 creatures within 5 yards of you. You and each
target teleport to empty spaces inside a Size 5 space found
in a site sacred to your faith and that you have previously
visited or seen on a map.
• You cause enough food and drink to appear around you to
sustain a multitude for 24 hours.
• You change a Size 5 space of your choice within 20 yards
by adding or removing a feature. You might create a bridge
over a chasm, for instance, or cause a door to appear in a
stone wall.
Once you use this talent, you lose access to it until after you
complete a quest.

Horned Apostle
Chapter 6

The Horned Lord snatched you up by the neck and peered deep
into your eyes. After a few moments, he flung you away, but you
carried with you a fragment of his essence. The fragment bound
you to the violent god and began your transformation into a bull-
headed humanoid.
As a horned apostle, you gain nearly a foot in height and 50 or blessing, however, strikes you blind, for you must never let one’s
so pounds of muscle. Your skin assumes a greenish color and green appearance sway you from making a fair judgment. When not
streaks appear in your hair, if you have any. Your eyes shine with questing, you might preside over court cases to decide the fates
emerald light, and a great rack of sharp antlers sprouts from your of those who broke the law.
forehead. You are a wild one of the woods now, protector of wild
animals and foe to tyrants the world over. Level 7 Justiciar
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Level 7 Horned Apostle
Health: +12
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. Languages: Any one
Health: +18 Traditions: Protection, Spells: One expert
Languages: Any one
I Have No Eyes Yet I Can See: You gain the Awareness 15 trait.
Traditions: Primal, Spells: One expert You become immune to the blinded affliction. Finally, you roll
Might of the Horned Lord: You make Strength rolls with 1 boon, to attack cursed targets with 1 boon.
and you impose 1 bane on rolls against your Strength.
In addition, you grow from your head a pair of sharp horns.
The horns are natural weapons that deal 2d6 damage and Level 8 Justiciar
have the Brutal trait. When you get a critical success for an
attack using these horns against a target of your Size + 1 or Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
smaller, you can push the target 1d6 yards away from you Spells: One expert
and knock it prone. Mark of Justice (Magical): You can use this talent when you
Finally, if you are grabbed, held, or wearing chains or rope get a success on a roll to attack. The target becomes cursed
bindings on your turn, you can expend 2 yards of movement and vulnerable until it dies, you become unconscious, or until
to break free of the chains or bindings, end the grabbed effect, you use this talent again. An enemy you cursed rolls to attack
or remove the held affliction. with 1 bane and you always know its exact location, no mat-
ter how far it is from you. Your attacks against this enemy
Level 8 Horned Apostle deal an extra 1d6 damage. At level 10, the extra damage
increases to 2d6.
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Spells: One expert
Level 10 Justiciar
Hunt the Prey (Magical): You can use this talent when you harm
an enemy. The enemy becomes vulnerable until it dies, you Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
become unconscious, or the prey moves across running water. Spells: One master
You always know the exact location of any vulnerable crea-
Blind Blessing (Magical): When an enemy with a cursed afflic-
ture within 20 yards and your attacks against vulnerable tar-
gets deal an extra 1d6 damage. tion gained from you becomes incapacitated, you and each
ally within 5 yards of you heal 4d6 damage.
Dispense Justice (Magical): You can use a reaction when
Level 10 Horned Apostle an enemy within 10 yards and that is cursed by you harms
Health: +18, Bonus Damage: +1d6 another creature to teleport to an empty space within 2 yards
of the enemy that enabled the use of this talent.
Spells: One master
Like Lambs: You roll to attack creatures frightened of you with 2
boons and your attacks against such creatures deal an extra Kraken Thrall
3d6 damage.
Victorious Roar (Magical): When you cause an enemy within So dangerous has the Sea of Fear become that many believe
5 yards to become incapacitated, you can roar. Each enemy Oceanus, the god of the deep, hates land-dwellers. The waters
within 10 yards that can hear you makes a Will roll. On a suc- become rough without warning, storms blow north, wind and
cess, the enemy becomes immune to this talent for 24 hours. rain slap coastal settlements, and countless ships have sunk to the
On a failure, the enemy becomes frightened of you (luck ends). bottom, dragging with them their crews. Luckily, sailors can enlist
people like you to perform the proper ceremonies to appease the
Justiciar Great Kraken. Offerings of wine, animals, and gold can keep this
monstrous deity at bay.
The goddess of justice and order, Blind, incarnates the rule of law You belong to the company of those who have been spared
and balanced systems of government, and encourages concord in by the sea god. You were drowned and your soul doomed to the
civilized lands. Nevertheless, all too often tyrants invoke her name Underworld, but Oceanus saw something in you and brought
Master Paths

to tighten their grip on those living under their rule. Blind despises you back to serve as his representative in the world. The near-
such individuals; she seeks justice and rule by a doctrine of fairness death experience left you shaken, and the memory haunts your
in all societies. dreams, but you are wholly committed to carrying out the will of
The goddess chose you to be her agent and gifts you with the Great Kraken.
divine powers to aid you. She expects you to mete justice to law- Salt now stains your clothing, and your filthy hair clings to your
breakers, to fight those who abuse the laws of the land to enrich head. You reek of fish, bits of seaweed cling to you, and seagulls
themselves, and to enforce order wherever chaos reigns. Her seem to follow you, awaiting the corpse that was promised them.
Level 7 Kraken Thrall Level 7 Legate
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Health: +12 Health: +12
Languages: Any one Languages: Any one
Traditions: Hydromancy, Spells: One expert Traditions: Symbolism, Spells: One expert
Blessing of the Kraken: You can breathe while submerged in Common Ground: If you spend at least 1 minute conversing
water, and you gain the Swimmer trait if you don’t have it with unfriendly creatures, each present for the entire discus-
already. Finally, while you are on board a seafaring vessel, no sion makes a Will roll with 1 bane. On a failure, it becomes
beasts attack you, members of the crew, or other passengers, indifferent to you, or friendly to you on a critical failure.
and the ship enjoys favorable winds and clement weather until Decree of Peace (Magical): You can use an action to issue a
it reaches its destination. The change to the weather extends decree of peace. Each creature within 5 yards that can hear
out to a range of one-half mile in all directions. you makes a Will roll. Angels, demons, faeries, fiends, spir-
The Kraken’s Trident (Magical): You can use an action to cause its, and undead get an automatic success. On a success, the
a trident to appear in your hand and remain until it leaves your creature becomes immune to this talent for 24 hours. On a
hand. The weapon is made from coral. The weapon uses the failure, the target drops any weapons it holds and becomes
normal rules for a trident, except you can substitute Will for Will impaired for 1 minute, then becomes Will impaired (luck
the attribute you normally use when you roll to attack with it. ends). While impaired in this way, the target cannot pick up
The weapon grants you 1 boon on rolls to attack with it and a weapon and makes rolls to attack with 3 banes. The effect
your attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage. At level 10, the extra ends early for a target that is harmed.
damage increases to 2d6. Finally, when you get a critical
success for an attack with this weapon against an air-breath-
ing creature, you fill the target’s lungs with water. The target Level 8 Legate
becomes weakened (luck ends) and subject to suffocation. Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Spells: One expert
Level 8 Kraken Thrall
Virtue of Cooperation (Magical): You can use a reaction when
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 an enemy attacks you to urge that enemy to hold its attack. The
enemy makes a Will roll. On a success, the enemy becomes
Spells: One expert immune to this talent for 24 hours. On a failure, the enemy
Call of the Kraken (Magical): You can use an action to evoke becomes your ally (luck ends) and its attack is wasted.
the essence of your god. Target any number of creatures more Wisdom of Civilization (Magical): You can draw from your
than 5 yards away, but within 10 yards. Each target makes a knowledge of civilization to aid you. Whenever you make an
Strength roll with 1 bane. On a failure, ghostly waters drag attribute roll or a creature rolls against you, you can replace
the target into an empty space of your choice within 5 yards your attribute modifier with +5 or your score with 15. After you
of you, and then the target becomes vulnerable (luck ends). use this talent, make a luck roll. On a failure, you lose access
to this talent until after you rest.
Level 10 Kraken Thrall
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Level 10 Legate
Spells: One master Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Sea God’s Wrath (Magical): You can use an action to cause Spells: One master
water to fill one Size 5 space within 15 yards. The water
remains bound to that space. Creatures can move in the target Aura of Cooperation (Magical): While you are not injured, con-
space by swimming, but they cannot leave it. At the end of the fused, stunned, or unconscious, you emanate an aura through-
round, a whirlpool forms in the center of the target space as out a Size 5 space centered on you that moves with you and
the waters drain away. Each creature in the space takes 4d6 urges others to work together. While you have at least one ally
damage and must make a Strength roll. On a failure, the crea- in your aura, you and each ally in the aura make attribute rolls
ture takes an extra 4d6 damage. Any creature incapacitated with 1 boon.
by this damage disappears, devoured by the Great Kraken. Unexpected Alliance (Magical): When a creature becomes
You can use this talent once. You regain the use of it after your ally because of a spell you cast or a talent you used,
you rest. make a luck roll. On a success, the target becomes controlled
by you until it is no longer your ally.
Urbanus appeared before you and tasked you with becoming a
unifying force in the world, to lift your people from cruelty and The Wild Woman is one half of a primal pair of deities as old as
Chapter 6

tyranny, and to become something better. The god, manifesting Lord Death, if not older. She and the Horned One seeded Erth
as the very bricks of the city held in humanoid form, explained with living things at Lord Death’s behest, according to the priests
how the world stands at the brink of collapse and that the infec- of the Old Faith, but they believe these gods to have been among
tion of the Old Country threatens to spread into the New Lands. the Ancient Ones who surrendered their more bloodthirsty aspects
The time to act is now. You agreed and have become an envoy of to join forces with Death. Most people now worship the Wild
Urbanus, charged with bringing a hopeful message to all. Woman as a goddess of home and hearth, family, childbearing,
and childrearing, with few ever realizing that she was even more
Level 7 Magister
vicious and fierce than the Horned Lord in prehistorical times.
The Wild Woman found you, however, and showed you her true Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
face. Like her, you have become a wild being of spirit and violence, Health: +6
but also one driven to protect family and tribe, with the wisdom Languages: Any one
needed to overcome hardships. The Wild Woman equips you with
Spells: One expert and one master
gifts to aid your companions or destroy your enemies, as you choose.
One minute, you might be a staunch defender and the next, a wild Abraxus’s Insight: You learn spells from any tradition, even ones
you have yet to discover.
killer. You are as much a riddle as the goddess you serve.
Staff of Abraxus: You have a magical staff. It uses the normal
rules for a quarterstaff, except as follows: You can use any
Level 7 Maenad attribute for rolls you make to attack with it and you roll with 1
boon. While you carry the staff, your supply of Bonus Damage
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. increases by +2d6.
Health: +12 Your staff also holds spells. Choose two novice spells and
Languages: Any one one expert spell. (At each level you gain, you can swap out
these spells for different ones of the same tier.) These spells can
Traditions: War, Spells: One expert come from any tradition. You can cast spells imbued in your
Divine Frenzy (Magical): Whenever you are harmed, you can staff as if you had learned them. Spells regain their castings
let the Wild Woman take over your body, awakening in you after you rest.
a divine frenzy that lasts for 1 minute or until you become If you lose your staff, you can perform a ritual to regain it.
stunned or unconscious. The Wild Woman imposes 1 bane on When you finish, the staff reappears in your hand, or at your
rolls made against you, you make attribute rolls with 1 boon, feet if your hands are full.
and increase your supply of Bonus Damage by +2d6. Once
you use this talent, you lose access to it for 1 minute.
Level 8 Magister
Level 8 Maenad Health: +6
Spells: One master
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Blessing of Abraxus: When you cast a spell while you hold your
Spells: One expert staff, you apply all of the following benefits to the spell. If the
Wild Whims (Magical): At the end of the round while you are spell deals damage, it deals an extra 2d6 damage. If the spell
under the effects of your Divine Frenzy talent, roll a d6 to heals damage, it heals an extra 2d6 damage. If the spell lasts
determine what happens until the end of the next round. On a for an amount of time, it now lasts twice as long. If you make
4 or higher, you impose 1 bane on rolls to attack your allies, an attribute roll as a result of casting a spell, you make the roll
while on a 3 or lower, your allies make rolls to attack your with 3 boons and you impose 3 banes on any rolls to resist
enemies with 1 boon. the spell.

Level 10 Maenad Level 10 Magister

Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Health: +6
Spells: One master Spells: One master
Collective Insanity (Magical): When you use your Divine Frenzy Gift of Abraxus: You can use an action to regain all expended
talent, you can target any number of allies within 5 yards. castings of your spells. Once you use this talent, you lose
Each ally gains the benefits of your Divine Frenzy talent for access to it until you complete a quest.
1 minute.
Retributive Staff: YYou can use an action to break your Staff of
Abraxus while you are holding it Destructive energies burst out
Magister through a Size 15 space centered on you. The explosion deals
30d6 damage to each creature and object in the space. A
The god of magic, Abraxus, elevates the most prized and devoted creature makes a Strength roll. On a failure, it takes an extra
30d6 damage. If you survive the explosion, you teleport to an
servants to the title of magister and entrusts them with the great empty space of the Sage’s choice within 1 mile onto a surface
secrets of magic. Membership in this esteemed organization able to bear your weight.
demands magical proficiency, so petitioners must either have some Once you use this talent, you lose access to your Staff
innate ability or some formal training in the magical arts. of Abraxus, as well as talents related to using the staff, for
Upon gaining admittance into this organization, you construct 24 hours.
a magical staff, a weapon that reflects your personality, the magic
Moon Celebrant
Master Paths

you favor, and the work you hope to accomplish. Each staff is a
unique object, typically carved from the heartwood of a haw-
thorn, oak, or some other tree and fitted with a decorative cap at Sister Moon draws most of her followers from the ranks of young
one end. The cap might be a tangle of roots clutching a jewel, an people living on the edges of the wilderness, where they have an
animal head, a metal prong, a lozenge, a disk, or some other kind unobstructed view of the night sky. In addition to the moon, the
of design. The staff becomes more than a weapon for you. It helps goddess also claims darkness, the night, secrets, and rebirth in
you focus and shape magic in whatever ways you wish. her portfolio. It’s said that souls follow her light when they are
reborn into the world. It is also said that Lord Death has a hold • For 1 hour, you are invisible, and you automatically suc-
over her, forcing her to dwell with him in the Underworld once ceed on rolls to sneak.
each month. • Target each creature that can see you. Each becomes
You belong to or recently joined the Sisterhood of Night, where Intellect and Will impaired (luck ends both). If you harm a
creature impaired in this way, the affliction ends. Until the
you hold a position of authority as priest or priestess of Sister affliction ends, the target is friendly to you.
Moon. You have earned the goddess’s affection and wield super-
Once you use this talent, you lose access to it until after
natural powers she grants you. You can enchant mortals, heal the you rest.
injured, and bestow eerie blessings on those who accompany you
on your quests.
Level 7 Moon Celebrant After Kaen was betrayed by and murdered at the hands of the
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. cyclopes, Lord Death took his shade and bound it to a suit of
Health: +12 armor. Thus the god of the forge, craftsmanship, and artistry was
saved from oblivion.
Languages: Any one
Kaen chose you to serve as his agent in the world. You watch
Traditions: Shadowmancy, Spells: One expert over artisans, lending aid in their work and inspiring them to
Moon Dance (Magical): You use this talent when a new combat advance their understanding of their trades. Service calls you to
begins. Roll a d20 to determine your starting phase. At the travel from temple to temple, shrine to shrine, watching over the
end of each round until the combat is over, you shift to the next
phase on the list (or to waning if your current phase is full). small but dedicated cult that honor your master.

D20 EFFECT Level 7 Reforged

1–5 Waning: You shed faint light and make attribute rolls with Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
1 bane. Health: +12
6–10 New: You are invisible and you have the Silent trait. Languages: Any one
11–15 Waxing: You shed dim light, and you make attribute rolls
Traditions: Pyromancy, Spells: One expert
with 2 boons. Armor of Kaen (Magical): You can use an action to cause mag-
ical armor to form a metallic skin over your body. The armor
16–20 Full: You radiate bright light, and your attacks and spells counts as being light. Your Defense increases to 18 if it was
deal an extra 3d6 damage. lower than this. The effect lasts until after you rest.
Tools of the Forge: You roll to attack with great hammers, ham-
Shadowed Beauty: While you are not in direct sunlight, you mers, mauls, and war hammers with 1 boon. Your attacks with
appear beautiful to creatures ordinarily attracted to your kind. these weapons deal an extra 1d6 damage. You need not
You make rolls in social situations involving such creatures with meet any requirements for using these weapons.
1 boon.

Level 8 Reforged
Level 8 Moon Celebrant
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Spells: One expert
Spells: One expert
Shape Metal (Magical): You can use an action to target one
Shadow of the Moon (Magical): You can use an action to evoke metal object in reach. You touch the target and alter its shape.
the moon’s shadow. Target any number of enemies within 5 The effect is permanent.
yards. Each makes a Will roll with 1 bane. On a success, the With this talent, you can turn a small iron door into a shield
target becomes immune to this talent for 24 hours. On a fail- or a mace into a sword, reduce a battle axe to the size of a
ure, the target becomes blinded until the end of your next turn. hatchet by stripping away metal, reshape mail into a breast-
plate, turn a fork into a spoon, convert metal bars into metal
balls, and so on. Provided you have the materials, you could
Level 10 Moon Celebrant combine metal objects to make a larger one—such as two
hammers into a maul—or strip them down to make something
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 smaller. For complex items, such as keys or items that have
Spells: One master moving parts, you must succeed on an Intellect roll or you ruin
Gifts of the Goddess (Magical): You can use an action to receive the object.
a gift from the goddess. Choose one of the following benefits:
• One creature within 5 yards heals 10d6 damage. Level 10 Reforged
Chapter 6

• One creature that you can see makes a Will roll. On a

failure, it falls prone and falls asleep (luck ends). Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
• For 24 hours, magical darkness creates total obscurement Spells: One master
in a Size 5 space centered on you. The darkness moves Builder’s Hammer (Magical): You can use an action to call
with you, remaining centered on you. You can see nor- forth a divine hammer to fight at your side. Target one empty
mally in this darkness. Size 1 space within 5 yards. A giant flying hammer appears
in the target space and remains for 1 minute, at which time it
When the hammer appears, and on each of your turns when
you use an action to do so, the hammer flies up to 5 yards and
attacks a creature or object of your choice. Make a Will roll
with 1 boon against the target’s Defense. On a success, the
target takes 10d6 damage. On a failure, the ground in a Size
1 space within reach of the target becomes challenging ter-
rain that remains until cleared. Once you use this talent three
times, you lose access to it until after you rest.
Forge Strike (Magical): You can use this talent when you get
a critical success for an attack made using a great hammer,
hammer, maul, war hammer, or the giant hammer created by
your Builder’s Hammer talent. Sparks fly from the weapon.
Each enemy within 5 yards of the target makes a luck roll. On
a failure, the enemy takes 2d6 damage.

Sacred Reveler
You’ve put up with obligations your whole life. You had to hold
down a job and look after your family members, friends, and lov-
ers. You had to stay tidy, keep your home clean, and tend to all the
drudgery that goes into living. But one day, you found Revel—
probably at the bottom of a bottle—and the god cut your chains
and set you free.
You haven’t looked back. The old life of roots and connections
and responsibility fades like a bad dream. Now, there is only
drunkenness and debauchery. You understand that Revel uses you
as his vessel to create discord in the world, but you’re having so
much fun, you can’t think of any reason to complain.

Level 7 Sacred Reveler

Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
hours. On a failure, the creature is consumed with laughter.
Health: +12 While in this state, the target is confused and vulnerable (luck
Languages: Any one ends). The effect ends early for a target if it is harmed.
Traditions: Enchantment, Spells: One expert Life of the Party (Magical): If you are under the effects of your
Divine Fool talent, you can use an action to target one Intellect
Divine Fool (Magical): You can perform a ritual during which
time you imbibe alcohol or use some other recreational sub- impaired creature within 5 yards. Make a Will roll with 1 boon
stance. When you finish, you enter the holy state of revelry against the target’s Intellect. On a success, the target becomes
and remain in this state until after you rest. Until this effect ends, controlled by you until the end of your next turn. On a failure, it
you gain the following benefits and drawback: removes the Intellect impaired affliction and becomes immune
to this talent for 24 hours.
• You are Intellect impaired and Will impaired. If either of
these afflictions ends, the effects of this talent end early.
• You make luck rolls with 1 boon. Level 10 Sacred Reveler
• You are immune to the frightened and weakened afflictions. Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
• You can use an action to bring joy. Target one creature Spells: One master
within 5 yards. The target makes a Will roll. On a success,
it becomes immune to this talent for 24 hours. On a fail- This Gang of Mine (Magical): If you are under the effects of
ure, the target gains all the effects of this talent for 1 hour. your Divine Fool talent, you can use an action to cause each
When the effect ends, the target loses 1d6 Health. Intellect impaired creature within 5 yards, other than you, to
• You can use a reaction when you take damage to halve become violent. Each creature that can do so must use a reac-
the damage and fall prone. tion to attack an eligible target of your choice, with 1 boon
on the roll.
Master Paths

Wild and Frenzied Dancing (Magical): If you are under the

Level 8 Sacred Reveler effects of your Divine Fool talent, you can use an action to
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 target one Intellect impaired creature within 5 yards. Make a
Will roll against the target’s Intellect. On a success, the target
Spells: One expert becomes confused and vulnerable (luck ends both), as the tar-
Foolish Antics (Magical): When you fall prone, each Intellect get gyrates in a wild manner. Each time the target gets a failure
impaired creature that can see you makes a Will roll. On a to end this effect, it takes 2d6 damage. If you get a failure, the
success, the creature becomes immune to this talent for 24 target becomes immune to this talent for 24 hours.
Saprophyte action to switch your senses from your body to the space
containing the spores until you use an action to switch your
senses back or you become unconscious. Large fire effects
One day you noticed an odd growth on your body, a strange clear the space of spores and end this effect early. You can
ridge pushing up the skin. Inspecting the wound revealed fibrous use this trait three times per day. You regain expended uses
material underneath that stretched out like feelers. From then after you rest.
on, your body became a breeding ground for all kinds of fungi. Dissolving Touch: You can use an action to target one flesh-
Those growths have overtaken what was your original form, but and-blood creature in reach. Make a roll using an attribute
you remain who you were. The reason? Grandmother Spore saw of your choice against the target’s Agility. On a success, the
something in you and bestowed her strange blessings on you. target takes 3d6 damage and becomes poisoned (luck ends).
At level 10, the target instead takes 5d6 damage.
Level 7 Saprophyte
Level 8 Saprophyte
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Health: +12 Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Languages: Any one Spells: One expert
Traditions: Necromancy, Spells: One expert Calming Spores: You can use an action to release a cloud of
spores from your body into a Size 5 space centered on you.
Ambulatory Fungus: You lose all the traits from your original The spores create moderate obscurement in the space for 1
ancestry and become an ambulatory fungus. You ignore any minute. Each breathing creature in the space when the cloud
effect that would transform you. You have the following traits: appears or that enters it and that is not a fungus makes a
• Senses: Awareness 15 Strength roll. On a success, the creature becomes immune to
• Digestive Enzymes: You can use an action to target one these spores for 24 hours. On a failure, the creature heals 2d6
object that was previously a flesh-and-blood creature. damage and becomes Will impaired (luck ends). Until this
You touch the target and cause it to dissolve. You become affliction wears off, the creature is immune to the frightened
immune to deprivation from hunger and thirst until the end affliction, makes rolls to attack with 1 bane, and its attacks
of the quest. deal half damage. If the creature is harmed while under this
effect, it ends the affliction on itself. Once you use this talent,
• Sensory Spores: You can use an action to release a blast you lose access to it for 1 hour.
of spores from your body into a Size 5 space centered on
you. The spores create moderate obscurement in the space
until the end of the round, at which point they settle on all Level 10 Saprophyte
surfaces within that space. For 24 hours, you can use an
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Spells: One master
Flesh-Eating Spores: You can use an action to release a cloud
of spores from your body into a Size 5 space centered on
you. The spores create heavy obscurement in that space for 1
minute. Each creature that starts its turn in the area or enters it
and is not a fungus takes 1d6 damage and makes a Strength
roll. On a failure, the creature loses 3d6 Health and becomes
weakened (luck ends). Once you use this talent, you lose
access to it for 1 hour.

Soul Taker
When the specter of death appeared before you, you fell to your
knees, certain that your time on Erth had come to its ends. Rather
than be whisked away to the forgetting place, you found the dark-
ness embracing you, merging its essence with your own. Only then
did you realize what was being asked of you. Lord Death had chosen
you to be his herald, his bringer of doom, and ender of lives. The
shadow of death lays upon you. It goads you to hunt down those
who refuse to heed Death’s call and end their existence.
Being chosen in this manner elevates you to the position of soul
taker, a small society of mortals deemed fit for carrying out the
Great End’s wishes. Normally, the divine influence haunts your
Chapter 6

body, offering few clues about your nature to the people around
you. However, when you do Death’s work, shadows gather around
you, transforming you into a wriggling knot of umbral, questing
tentacles that reach forth to caress your foes. You call to your hand
the scythe of finality, and use it to tear the souls from the living as
your master commands.
dwarfs who do not live up to those high ideals are cast out to
Level 7 Soul Taker
languish in the Underworld.
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. Whether or not you are a dwarf, you adopt the beliefs of those
Health: +12 people as your own and feel the weight of your ancestors’ scrutiny.
Languages: Any one Service to these spirits rewards you, and you can call upon them
Traditions: Destruction, Spells: One expert to help you in times of need. The spirits, or their proxies, lend
aid when the causes for which you fight agree with the ancestors’
Reaper’s Scythe (Magical): You can use an action to call for
a magical scythe, which comes flying to your hand from out notions of justice, right action, and nobility.
of nowhere. Each enemy within 5 yards of you makes a Will
roll. Angels, demons, faeries, fiends, spirits, and undead get Level 7 Spirit Caller
an automatic success. On a failure, the enemy becomes fright-
ened of you for 1 minute. Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
The weapon remains until it leaves your hand, at which point Health: +12
it evaporates into black smoke. The scythe is a two-handed Languages: Any one
melee weapon that deals 3d6 damage and has the Brutal,
Nimble, and Slashing traits. Finally, when you attack with this Traditions: Spiritualism, Spells: One expert
weapon, you can use Will in place of the attribute roll you Ancestral Aid (Magical): You can use an action to call upon
would normally use. your ancestors. Inside a Size 5 space centered on you, green
On Death’s Wings (Magical): You can use a reaction when a mist rises from the ground to fill it with moderate obscurement
creature within 20 yards becomes incapacitated to teleport to that lasts for 1 minute. Until the mist clears and while you are in
an empty space of your choice within reach of that creature. that space, you make attribute rolls with 1 boon, you impose 1
The target makes a luck roll as if it were the end of the round. bane on rolls made against your Defense, and whenever you
take damage, you reduce the amount by 1d6 (to a minimum
of 0). You can use this talent three times. You regain the uses
Level 8 Soul Taker after you rest.
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Litany of Grudges (Magical): You can use an action to announce
the wrongs ever done to you and your people. You can chant
Spells: One expert for 1 minute, but the effect ends early if you use your voice
Detect Life: You know the exact position of each living thing for something else, such as casting a spell. On each of your
within 10 yards. turns, each enemy within 5 yards makes a Will roll. On a suc-
cess, the enemy becomes immune to this talent for 24 hours.
Pall of Death (Magical): You can use this talent when you cause On a failure, the enemy becomes frightened of you until the
a creature to become incapacitated. Magical shadows fill a chanting stops or the enemy overcomes the affliction with a
Size 5 space centered on you and remain there for 1 minute. successful Will roll.
The shadows create moderate obscurement for all creatures
other than you.
Level 8 Spirit Caller
Level 10 Soul Taker Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Spells: One expert
Spells: One master Shield Bearer (Magical): You can use this talent when you
become injured or when you are harmed while injured. A
Spared from Death: You can use this talent when you make a shield-bearing spirit appears at your side and remains there
luck roll as a result of being incapacitated. Roll an additional for 1 minute. The spirit moves with you to stay at your side.
d20 and use any result you like. While you are under the effects of this talent, you have the
Time to Die: If you wield the Reaper’s Scythe, you can use an Slippery trait, you impose 1 bane on rolls to attack you, and
action to teleport to an empty space within reach of one flesh- you reduce damage you take from attacks by 2d6 (to a min-
and-blood enemy within 10 yards. When you arrive, make a imum of 0). You can use this talent once. You regain the use
Will roll with 1 boon against that enemy’s Strength. On a suc- after you rest.
cess, the enemy takes 20d6 damage. If the enemy becomes
incapacitated as a result, it dies. Otherwise, the enemy Level 10 Spirit Caller
becomes cursed for 24 hours. If you get a failure, you regain
the use of this talent, but you must wait at least 1 minute before Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
you can use it again. Once you successfully use this talent, you Spells: One master
lose access to it until after you rest.
Judgment of the Ancestors (Magical): You can use an action
Spirit Caller to speak aloud three wrongs done to you, your allies, or your
loved ones committed by one enemy you can see. If these
wrongs are true, a huge, shadowy spirit armed with an axe
Master Paths

Many cultures worship their deified ancestors, but among the appears inside an empty space you choose and brings the
dwarfs, the practice remains strong and informs how individ- weapon crashing down on the enemy’s head. Make a Will
uals conduct themselves. They believe their ancestors observe roll with 3 boons against the enemy’s Defense. On a success,
their actions and judge them, so it behooves dwarfs to act with the enemy takes 30d6 damage. If the enemy becomes inca-
pacitated by this damage, it dies, and the spirit whisks its soul
honor, contribute to the overall health of their community, and to the Netherworld to face justice for its offenses. Once you
show courage in the face of danger. Ancestors pleased with their use this talent, you lose access to it until after you complete
descendants invite them to dwell in the Hall of Plenty, while your quest.
Storm Apostle Valkyrie
The Sky Father pours all his anger into you, and in so doing trans- Hate, the goddess of war, strides across the battlefields, inspiring
forms you into his avatar. When you have need, you can raise your combatants to ever greater acts of violence. Perhaps it was on one
weapon to the sky and catch a lightning bolt. Thunder booms, such killing ground that you spotted the terrible figure of Death’s
wind whips around you, rain and hail falls to all sides. You become most ruinous daughter. Locking eyes with the goddess, you felt
the herald of the storm, and violence follows you wherever you go. your soul torn free, watched as Hate inspected it, and cried out
when she restored it to your flesh, bound to her service. You have
Level 7 Storm Apostle become a valkyrie, one of the choosers of the slain. Battle calls to
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. you wherever you go.
Health: +12
Level 7 Valkyrie
Languages: Any one
Traditions: Aeromancy, Spells: One expert Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Breath of the Sky Father (Magical): You can use this talent when Health: +12
you get a failure on a roll to attack. The Sky Father sends a Languages: Any one
blast of wind from you. Target one enemy within your reach. Traditions: War, Spells: One expert
The target makes a Strength roll. On a failure, you push the
target up to 5 yards away from you. Chooser of the Slain (Magical): You can use a reaction when a
creature within 15 yards becomes incapacitated to teleport to
Tempest Weapon (Magical): Lightning crackles and spits from an empty space of your choice within 5 yards of the creature
any metal weapon you wield. The weapon emits faint light and that enabled the use of this talent. When you arrive, if you
your attacks with this weapon deal an extra 2d6 damage. can reach the target, you can claim its soul. The target dies
and you gain the goddess’s blessing for 1 minute. Each enemy
Level 8 Storm Apostle within 5 yards of you becomes vulnerable for as long as it
remains there and your attacks against vulnerable targets deal
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 an extra 2d6 damage.
Spells: One expert War Ensemble (Magical): If you are not injured and you lack
Sky Father’s Wrath (Magical): You can use an action to call the confused, controlled, stunned, and unconscious afflictions,
down a lightning bolt. Target one enemy within 15 yards. allies within 5 yards of you roll to attack with 1 boon and
Make a Will roll against the target’s Agility. You roll with 1 become immune to the frightened affliction for as long as they
boon if the target wears medium or heavy armor or the target remain there.
is made of metal. On a success, the lightning strikes the target.
The target takes 6d6 damage and catches fire and becomes Level 8 Valkyrie
vulnerable (luck ends both). Once you use this talent, you lose
access to it for 1 minute. Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Spells: One expert
Level 10 Storm Apostle Blessing of Hate (Magical): You can use a reaction when an ally
within 10 yards succeeds on a roll to attack to enable the ally
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
to deal an extra 2d6 damage.
Spells: One master
Sky Father’s Blessing (Magical): You can use this talent when Level 10 Valkyrie
you get a success on a roll to attack. The Sky Father takes an
interest in your endeavors. Roll a d6 to see what happens. Armored and Natural Defense: +2, Health: +12,
Bonus Damage: +1d6
Spells: One master
1 Light wind blows through a Size 5 space centered on you for
1 round. Angel of Battle: Hate rewards your service by transforming
you into one of her dreaded angels. You become immune
2 Strong wind blows through a Size 5 space centered on you. to the asleep, frightened, and poisoned afflictions. You grow
In addition, each creature within that space, other than you, no older and you ignore the effects of deprivation, infection,
makes a Strength roll. On a failure, the target falls prone. and exposure. Great wings covered in black feathers spread
3 Deranged laughter causes each creature within 5 yards, other from your back, granting you the Fly trait. Finally, all creatures
than you, to become deafened until the end of your next turn. within 50 yards roll to attack with 1 boon and their attacks
deal an extra 1d6 damage.
4 You feel a surge of strength. Until the end of your next turn, you
add twice your Strength modifier to rolls to attack with melee
weapons, and your melee attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage. Wood Watcher
Chapter 6

5 One enemy you choose within 10 yards is struck by lightning

and takes 2d6 damage. If the damage causes the enemy to The mighty and ancient Grandfather Tree elevated you to be a
become injured, it also catches fire (luck ends). holy guardian of the forests. The god placed a seed inside your
6 Lightning strikes all enemies within 10 yards, Each enemy takes breast that has since taken root and transformed you until you
2d6 damage and becomes vulnerable (luck ends). An enemy appear in his image. You now draw sustenance from the nutri-
injured from this damage also catches fire (luck ends).
ents in the soil and the light shining down from Mother Sun.
Although you might resemble your former self, you are an ambu-
latory plant. Bark covers your body, and branches grow from
your head instead of hair.

Level 7 Wood Watcher

Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Natural Defense: +1, Health: +12
Languages: Any one
Traditions: Animism, Spells: One expert
Ambulatory Plant: You lose all the traits from your original
ancestry and become an ambulatory plant. You ignore any
effect that would transform you. You have the following traits:
• Plant: You nourish yourself by absorbing sunlight and nutri-
ents from the ground. Rather than consume provisions to
avoid the effects of deprivation, you can plant your feet in
damp earth in a sunlit area. If you spend at least 1 hour in
this area under these conditions, you are immune to depri-
vation from hunger and thirst for 24 hours.
• Flammable: Once per round, when you take damage from
fire, you take double the damage, lose 1d6 Health, and
make a luck roll. On a failure, you catch fire (luck ends).
Ensnaring Strike (Magical): You can use this talent when you
attack an enemy on the ground within 5 yards of you. Make a
luck roll in addition to your roll to attack. If both rolls result in
a success, grasses and vines entangle the target, causing it to
become held until the end of your next turn.

Level 8 Wood Watcher

Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Spells: One expert
Paths of Magic
Grasping Growth (Magical): You can use this talent when you The paths of magic reflect specialization in traditions or casting
cast a spell. Target the ground in one Size 5 space within methods. You might become an alchemist and discover the secrets
10 yards. Sudden plant growth in the space turns the target of immortality, or a pyromancer who becomes living flame.
ground into challenging terrain for 1 minute. Any enemy that
becomes held or falls prone in the space takes 1d6 damage
at the end of each round until it leaves the target space.
You confronted manifold dangers in your career, witnessed terrible
Level 10 Wood Watcher things that had the worst intentions toward you and yours. Wheth-
er you faced hostile magic or ravenous monsters, you triumphed
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
over these challenges by making the protection of your allies and
Spells: One master yourself your highest priority. You learn the intricacies of the
Arboreal Fury (Magical): You can use an action to awaken the tradition and develop useful talents to ward yourself against harm.
ire of Grandfather Tree. You produce all the following effects. Many abjurers, perhaps yourself included, mark up their bodies
• Thorn Walls: Thorny growth rises from the ground at one with protective sigils to make them secure against harm.
edge of a Size 5 space centered on you. The growth is 1
yard thick and up to 10 yards tall. A creature that attempts
to move through the growth makes an Agility roll. On a Level 7 Abjurer
failure, the creature takes 1d6 damage, stops moving, and Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
becomes held until this effect ends or the creature over-
comes the affliction with a successful Strength roll. Health: +6
• Grandfather’s Summons: Vines erupt from the ground and Languages: Any one
snake toward any number of enemies within 10 yards. Traditions: Protection, Spells: One master
Master Paths

Each target makes a Strength roll. On a failure, the vine Defensive Sigil (Magical): You can use an action to place a pro-
drags the target 2d6 yards closer to you. tective sigil on a creature. Target one creature in reach. You
• Ire of the Great Tree: Your Health increases by 50, your touch the target. For 1 hour, a magical sigil appears some-
reach increases to 5 yards, and your attacks deal an extra where on its body. The sigil imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack
2d6 damage. These benefits last 1 hour. When this effect the target. When the target takes damage, it can end the effect
ends, heal 8d6 damage. Once you use this talent, you lose early to halve the damage it takes. You can use this talent five
access to it until after you rest. times. You regain expended uses after you rest.
Level 8 Abjurer Aeromancer
Health: +6
You bargained with a spirit of air, forged a pact with a sylph,
Spells: One master or discovered secret magical knowledge in a windswept place.
Turn Magic (Magical): You can use a reaction when a creature However you discovered Aeromancy, you have chosen to master
within 5 yards would be the target of a magical effect to attempt it. Now, you can take control of the winds, commanding them
to turn away the magic. Make an Intellect roll. On a success, the
magic has no effect on the creature. At level 10, a critical suc- to drag storm clouds to you, or to lift you up into the air, to soar
cess on your roll enables you to have the magical effect target across the heavens. Even more, you can call forth lightning from
one creature or object you choose within 10 yards. your hands or bring it down from the skies to destroy your foes.
You master the elements.
Level 10 Abjurer
Health: +6
Level 7 Aeromancer
Spells: One master Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Disjoin Magic (Magical): You can use an action to render your- Health: +6
self immune to all magical effects for 1 minute. You cannot cast Languages: Any one
spells or make use of magical talents or any other magical
effects, but nothing magical can affect or harm you, including Traditions: Aeromancy, Spells: One master
angels, demons, faeries, fiends, spirits, undead, and creatures Sustaining Wind (Magical): If you normally breathe air, you
created by magic. Any continuous magical effect active on become immune to the effects of suffocation. You suffer no
you is negated until the effect of this talent ends, and the time harm from landing after a fall. And, you have the Strider trait
that elapses until then counts against the duration of the con- if you don’t have it already. In addition, while you are not
tinuous effect. Once you successfully use this talent, you lose injured, you can select targets for your ranged attacks and
access to it until after you rest. Aeromancy spells and talents from any you can see.

Master Paths of Magic

Abjurer One who masters the secrets of Protection magic. Evoker One who speaks words of power learned from
mastery of Evocation magic.
Aeromancer One who masters the secrets of Aeromancy, the
magic of air. Geomancer A master of Geomancy, shaper of earth and stone.
Alchemist One who masters Alchemy to discover the secret of Hierophant A scholar and spellcaster who unlocks the mysteries
the philosopher’s stone. of reality.
Alienist A reckless, possibly unhinged master of Eldritch Hydromancer One who masters Hydromancy, the magic of water.
magic. Illusionist A master of Illusion magic, able to reshape reality
Animist One who allies with nature spirits and masters through false sensations.
Animism magic. Invoker One who masters the magic of the gods.
Archmage Counted among the greatest spellcasters in the Necromancer A master of the dark arts of Necromancy and
world, archmages rival the gods themselves. leader of undead.
Astromancer One who masters the magic of the Astromancy Oneiromancer One who masters the magic of dreams.
Primal hunter A spellcaster who embraces the wild fury of Primal
Authority One who masters Order magic. magic.
Battle mage A master of War magic, capable with weapons Pyromancer A master of fire magic.
and spells.
Scoundrel One who masters the Skullduggery tradition.
Binder One who calls forth and binds a spirit to become a
companion. Shadowmancer A master of the magic of shadows and darkness.
Shapechanger A polymorphic magic-user whose gifts come from
Chaotician A master of Chaos magic with all its unpredictabil- mastering Alteration magic.
Spirit caller One who communes with the beings of the spirit
Chronomancer One who masters the secrets of time through world and master of Spiritualism.
Summoner A spellcaster who can call forth strange creatures to
Conjurer A master of Conjuration magic. serve them.
Cryomancer One who masters Cryomancy, the magic of cold. Symbolist One whose body has been covered with mystical
Destroyer A master of Destruction magic, able to raze markings to unlock the secrets of Symbolism magic.
Chapter 6

everything. Technomancer A master of making magical machines with

Diabolist A corrupted spellcaster who masters the Dark Arts. Technomancy spells.
Diviner A master of Divination magic. Telepath A master of Psychomancy magic.
Enchanter One who manipulates minds through mastery of Traveler A master of Teleportation magic who can go
Enchantment magic. anywhere in the world.

Level 8 Aeromancer Alchemist
Health: +6 The philosopher’s stone can defeat death, transmute base mate-
Spells: One master rials into precious metals, and cure any ailment. Despite the
Breath of the Storm (Magical): You can use an action to send name, many believe the “stone” exists in the mind only or as some
forth a screaming ball of wind. Target one creature or object unformed substance, as indescribable as it is impossible. Peril
within 15 yards. Make a Will roll with 1 boon against the tar- stands on either side of the road to attaining the stone, but the
get’s Strength. On a success, the target takes 6d6 damage and
falls prone. On a critical success, the wind carries the target 1d6 threat of insanity, maiming, and death has so far failed to dissuade
× 5 yards away from you. If something would prevent it from you from your goal. The stone might lie out of reach for now, but
moving the full distance, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage it will be yours. Of that you are certain.
for every full 5 yards it was prevented from moving in this way. Once you discover the secrets of immortality from your phi-
Once you use this talent, you lose access to it (luck ends). losopher’s stone, you immediately arrest the aging process. Upon
completing your last quest, your body henceforth retains the
Level 10 Aeromancer appearance it had when you discovered the stone, and you show
no further sign of aging.
Health: +6
Spells: One master Level 7 Alchemist
Power of Elemental Air (Magical): While you are not injured
and you lack the stunned and unconscious afflictions, you Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
have the following benefits. Health: +6
• Announce the Storm: Whenever you stop moving after run- Languages: Alchemical
Master Paths

ning or flying, you can cause strong wind to blow through a Traditions: Alchemy, Spells: One master
Size 5 space centered on you until the start of your next turn.
Homunculus (Magical): You have the service of a magical
• Ride the Winds: You have the Fly trait. If you can fly already, simulacrum of yourself. The homunculus is a permanent com-
you can also hover. panion. It is a creation made from clay, your blood, and your
• Shielding Winds: You impose 1 bane on rolls to attack you breath. It has a natural Defense of 16, Health equal to half
using melee weapons and 3 banes on rolls to attack you your Health, Strength 6 (–4), Agility 14 (+4), and uses your
using ranged weapons. Intellect and Will scores. It’s Size is 1/4 and its Speed is 5.
The homunculus speaks with your voice and can make use afflictions and the poisoned affliction. You also stop aging and
of your talents and spells, expending uses and castings from your appearance never changes no matter how long you live.
them. The homunculus has no weapons and deals no damage In addition, when you die, you can make a luck roll. On a
on attacks it makes. If the homunculus becomes incapacitated, success, you return to life a number of hours later equal to the
you become stunned (luck ends). After 1 hour, if you are still
alive, the homunculus reforms in a space you can reach, hav- number you rolled. When you do so, you regain all your lost
ing regained all Health and healing all damage. Health and you heal all damage. On a failure, the philoso-
pher’s stone disappears and you lose this talent forever, even
if you are later restored to life by other means.

Homunculus You were right all along. The experiments, the tests, the books—
Many alchemists create copies of themselves to share oh so many books—proved everything you thought was true
their burdens. These copies—homunculi—echo their about your world’s cosmology. You found incontrovertible evi-
creators’ knowledge, personality, and motivations.
They become extensions of their makers’ bodies. dence that other realities, other universes exist beyond your own.
Creating a homunculus begins with forming a tiny With suspicion firming into certainty, you used your magic
body from a single block of clay. The body needs to burrow a hole into a neighboring reality, but you found only
only the proper number of limbs and a head; the act
requires no artistry and thus the product might be ugly, death and darkness. Each universe you discovered was the same,
malformed, obscene even. The alchemist then presses wholly emptied of living things. Just as your hope began to die,
a drop of their blood into the body’s chest and gives it
their breath, mouth to tiny mouth. The homunculus thus you found something—something so awful, so sanity-shatter-
awakens and is its master’s companion, confidant, ingly terrible that you will never again be the same.
helper, and co-conspirator. You have developed unusual mannerisms and tics, and show
signs of a disturbed mind. Your research could have infected you
with a blight that displays the markings of that impossible place.
Level 8 Alchemist A questing tentacle creeps out from
between your ribs; an eye opens
Health: +6
and casts about from the palm
Spells: One master
of your hand; a second mouth,
Alchemical Production (Magical): You can produce a consum-
able. Choose one from those found in Chapter 3. You perform hidden beneath your shirt collar
a ritual using an alchemist kit and expending rare ingredients whispers truths so terrible that
worth half the consumable’s price. When you finish, you have to hear them is certainty you
one dose of the consumable.
will never again be clean.
Transmute any Object (Magical): You can change the substance
from which an object is made. Target one Size 1 or smaller
object within reach. Then perform a ritual with an alchemist’s Level 7 Alienist
kit and expending rare ingredients whose value depends on
the desired substance as described below. Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
• Turning an object into plant material costs 5 cp, and the Health: +6
change lasts for 7 months.
Languages: Any one
• Turning an object into stone, sand, earth, worthless crys-
tal, or a base metal costs 5 sp, and the change lasts for Traditions: Eldritch, Spells: One master
7 weeks. Accustomed to Horror: You make Will rolls with 1 boon and you
• Turning an object into copper or silver costs 1 gp, and the impose 1 bane on rolls made against your Will.
change lasts for 7 days.
Fray Reality (Magical): You can use this talent when you cast a
• Turning an object into gold or another precious metal spell. For any rolls required or enabled by the spell, the roller
costs 5 gp, and the change lasts for 7 hours.
When the effect ends, the object immediately returns to rolls an additional d20 and you decide which result is used.
its original substance. At level 10, you need spend only After you resolve the spell’s effects, each enemy within 5
half the required cost to bring about the effect, and the yards makes a Will roll. On a failure, the enemy takes 1d6
effect lasts 1d6 times as long. damage, and becomes frightened of you (luck ends). This
damage increases to 2d6 at level 8 and to 3d6 at level 10.
Level 10 Alchemist An enemy immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
Chapter 6

this effect.
Health: +6 In return for using this talent, you make a Will roll the next
Spells: One master time you reach the end of your turn. You make the roll with
Philosopher’s Stone (Magical): You discover the secrets of 1 bane if you cast a novice spell, 2 banes for an expert spell,
the philosopher’s stone. You become immune to the harmful and 3 banes for a master spell. If you get a failure, find the
effects of exposure and infection, as well as to all impaired result on the following table to see what happens.
RESULT EFFECT Aid of the Nature Spirits (Magical): Spirits aid you constantly.
Your reach becomes 5 and when you cast a spell that would
8–9 You shriek, gibber, and whine and can use your voice for no originate from you, you can have the spell originate from any
other purpose (luck ends). point you can reach. You gain the Strider trait, and you can
6–7 Appalling images fill your mind, causing you to become pass through ordinary and magical plants unimpeded. You
Intellect impaired and Will impaired (luck ends both). leave tracks only when you choose and can alter your tracks
and those of other creatures to resemble those of different
4–5 An unspeakable revelation leaves you breathless. You creatures. Neither animals nor plants harm you unless you
become confused (luck ends). harm them first.
3 You stagger under the weight of your appalling knowledge
and become confused and vulnerable (luck ends both). Level 8 Animist
2 All rational thought flees your mind. You become stunned Health: +6
(luck ends).
Spells: One master
1 Overwhelmed by horror, you fall prone and become
unconscious (luck ends). Wild Elemental (Magical): You can use an action to invite a
nature spirit into a plant, rock, or some other natural feature
0 or A horror under the Sage’s control slips free from another within 10 yards. The spirit animates the thing it inhabits until the
less reality into empty space of the Sage’s choice within 5 yards. end of your turn, at which point the spirit departs. Target up to
The horror regards all other creatures that are not horrors five creatures or objects inside a Size 5 space centered on the
as enemies and attacks the nearest enemy each round until natural feature you chose. For each target, make a Will roll
destroyed. The Sage has rules for horrors in Secrets of the with 1 boon against its Agility. On a success, the target takes
Weird Wizard.
4d6 damage, falls prone, is moved up to 5 yards across the
ground in a direction you choose, and becomes vulnerable
until the end of your next turn. Once you use this talent, you
Level 8 Alienist lose access to it for 1 minute.
Health: +6
Spells: One master Level 10 Animist
Madness Worms (Magical): You can use an action to infect oth- Health: +6
ers with the worms of madness. Target one creature within 5
yards. Make an Intellect roll against the target’s Will. On a suc- Spells: One master
cess, the target takes 6d6 damage and becomes confused and Nature Merge (Magical): You can use an action to merge your
vulnerable (luck ends both). Each time the target gets a failure soul with those of the nature spirits that follow you. For 1 hour,
on the luck roll to end these afflictions, it loses 1d6 Health. Once you have the following benefits and drawbacks:
you use this talent, you lose access to it (luck ends). • Senses: Awareness 10
• Nature Attacks! You can use an action to cause nature spir-
Level 10 Alienist its to attack. Target one creature or object within 20 yards.
Make a Will roll against the target’s Agility. On a success,
Health: +6 the target takes 10d6 damage. On a critical success, the
Spells: One master target also becomes held (luck ends).
Maddening Revelations (Magical): When you cast a spell, you • Quicken Growth: The ground inside a Size 5 space cen-
can choose to become confused for 1 minute. While confused tered on you becomes covered with challenging terrain
in this way, the first time each round that you cast a spell, make created by plants, rocks, and the like. The space moves with
a luck roll. On a success, you immediately regain the cast- you when you move.
ing and cast the spell again, at which point you expend the • Tear Down the Walls: You can use an action to collapse a
casting. When this effect ends, lose 2d6 Health and become structure. Target one Size 10 space. Any structure or portion
stunned (luck ends). of a structure in that space loses all Health. Challenging ter-
rain covers the ground in the space formerly occupied by
Animist the structure until cleared away. Once you use this talent,
you lose access to it until after you rest.
Whether new to the spirits of the land or a longtime ally, becom-
ing an animist reveals to you the greater mysteries in communing Archmage
with these entities and profiting from them. The spirits awaken
all around as you travel through the wild places, causing stones to The archmages form a loose society of dangerous spellcasters,
shift, plants to sway, and natural creatures to welcome you with each versed in magic’s most ruinous aspect. While other mag-
playfulness and cheerful greetings. ic-users can rival their power, few come close to the zeal with
Master Paths

which they use their spells to blast apart foes and bring enemies
Level 7 Animist to their knees. Many archmages withdraw from the world, lurk-
ing in crooked towers rising from the deep wilderness or burying
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
themselves alive in terrible dungeons where they can work their
Health: +6 art undisturbed. Still, a few take it upon themselves to use their
Languages: Any one dreadful power for good ends, to protect the world from threats
Traditions: Animism, Spells: One master beyond any mortal understanding.
Astromancy tradition without expending a casting, even if you
Level 7 Archmage don’t know this spell. If you do know it, you make the roll with
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. 1 boon and the spell deals an extra 1d6 damage.
Health: +6
Languages: Any one Level 8 Astromancer
Traditions: One, Spells: One master, two novice Health: +6
Signature Spells (Magical): Choose two novice spells you have Spells: One master
learned. These spells become your signature spells. Whenever Race to the Stars (Magical): When you cast an Astromancy
you cast such a spell, you can make a luck roll and, on a suc- spell, you can also cause ten motes to appear anywhere you
cess, you regain the casting of the spell. choose within 100 yards, where they remain for 1 minute or
At level 8, you can add an expert or novice spell to your list until discharged. Each mote sheds dim light. On your turn
of signature spells. At level 10, you can add a spell from any when you have at least one mote remaining, you can expend
tier to your list. 3 yards of movement to teleport to a space within 3 yards of
Spell Readiness (Magical): You can perform a ritual to pre- one of your motes. When you arrive at your destination, one
pare up to three spells you know so you can cast them all mote of your choice created by this spell disappears. Once
at once when you need them. When you finish, the spells you use this talent, you lose access to it for 1 hour.
hover in your mind, causing you to become confused until
you release them. You can use an action to release the three Level 10 Astromancer
prepared spells so that they take effect, one after the other,
in any order you choose. Health: +6
Once you use this talent, you lose access to it until after Spells: One master
you rest. Blinding Presence (Magical): You can use this talent when you
cast an Astromancy spell. A flash of bright sunlight erupts from
Level 8 Archmage you. Each enemy within 5 yards takes 10d6 damage, and
makes a luck roll. On a failure, the enemy becomes blinded
Health: +6 (luck ends). Once you use this talent, you lose access to it for
Spells: One expert and one master 1 minute.
Overcast (Magical): When you cast a spell that takes effect
immediately, you can choose to have the spell’s effect take Authority
place at the end of the round instead. If so, you can roll twice
and use either result for all variable effects created by the spell. Randomness plays no part in the outcomes of Order spells, and
for that reason the tradition appealed to you. Order magic lets you
Level 10 Archmage compel others, strike with certainty of the desired effect, and force
wild magic into useful, physical shapes. You have the right magical
Health: +6 tool for just about any task.
Spells: One master
Impervious Globe (Magical): You can use a reaction when an Level 7 Authority
enemy attacks you or uses a magical effect against you to
surround yourself with an invisible field of magical force that Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
lifts you into the air. The field has Health 100. Whenever an Health: +6
attack or magical effect would cause you to take damage or Languages: Any one
lose Health, the damage or loss instead applies to the field.
While the field is intact, you can fly. Once you use this talent, Traditions: Order Spells: One master
you lose access to it for 1 minute. Force Field (Magical): You can use an action to surround your-
self with a field of magical force. The field remains until it’s
destroyed or you use this talent again. Whenever you would
Astromancer take damage, the field takes damage on your behalf. The field
has Health 10, but increases to 15 at level 8, and 20 at level
The lights in the heavens feed your appetite for magical energy. 10. You can use this talent three times. You regain expended
You reach for the stars and draw their glow into you. You bathe uses after you rest.
yourself in sunlight and shine almost as brightly. You become a
master of radiance and use your powers to drive back the darkness. Level 8 Authority
Health: +6
Level 7 Astromancer
Spells: One master
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. Dismiss Chaos (Magical): You can use this talent when you
Health: +6 use an action to cast a spell. Inside a Size 5 space centered
Chapter 6

Languages: Any one on you, order reigns supreme until the end of your next turn.
When a creature in the space would make an attribute roll or
Traditions: Astromancy, Spells: One master a luck roll, the creature replaces the number rolled on the die
Defense against Darkness (Magical): You gain the Produce with a 10. If the creature rolled a 10, it replaces the number on
Light talent from the Astromancy tradition. If you have this tal- the die with a 20. Once you use this talent, you lose access to
ent already, gain a different one from the same tradition. it for 1 minute. You can use this talent three times. You regain
In addition, you can cast the Scorching Ray spell from the expended uses after you rest.
Level 10 Authority
Health: +6
Spells: One master
Take Twenty (Magical): When you make an attribute roll or a
luck roll, you can replace the number rolled on the die with 20.
You can use this talent five times. You regain expended uses
after you rest.

Battle Mage
It helps to know your way around weapons and armor, but all you
really need to fight well is to keep up your studies of War magic.
Veteran warriors sneer at the tradition, quick to point out that
magic is only good while you still have oil in the lamp, so to speak,
but only a fool would run out of castings before ending the battle.
You’re no fool. You have learned the deeper secrets of the tradi-
tion to enhance your already commendable abilities in hopes of
becoming a truly great warrior.

Level 7 Battle Mage

Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Health: +12
Languages: Any one
Traditions: War, Spells: One master
Magical Prowess (Magical): You can use this talent when you
cast a spell. You increase your supply of Bonus Damage dice
by an amount determined by the spell’s tier and the increase
lasts until the end of your next turn. A novice spell grants +2d6,
an expert +4d6 dice, and a master +8d6 dice. Binder
Magician, Arm Thyself (Magical): You can use this talent at the
start of your turn if you have a hand free and you lack the You acquire a familiar, a spirit bound into the form of an animal.
confused, controlled, stunned, and unconscious afflictions. You gained this ally by performing a special ritual, during which
Target one ordinary weapon you can see within 10 yards. If you burned a mixture of incense, rare herbs, and a few drops of
no creature holds or carries the target, it flies to your hand. your blood. For over an hour you chanted and, though your head
If the target is worn or carried by a creature, that creature swam from the fumes, you could feel a presence taking shape, a
makes an Agility roll. On a success, the creature retains the shadowy figure of monstrous aspect. You bargained with the
weapon and becomes immune to this talent for 24 hours. On
a failure, the weapon tears itself free, dealing 1d6 damage thing, making promises that would bind it to you and compel its
to the creature. service. When you finished, the smoke cleared, the shadow faded,
and in your hands, you held a small creature, the physical form
assumed by your new companion and ally.
Level 8 Battle Mage
Health: +12 Level 7 Binder
Spells: One master Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Face the Magic (Magical): You can use this talent when you Health: +6
would make a melee attack, but before you choose your tar-
get. Any creature or object within 15 yards of you becomes an Languages: Any one
eligible target for the attack. Traditions: One, Spells: One master
Familiar (Magical): You acquire the service of a familiar by
Master Paths

Level 10 Battle Mage binding a spirit to a harmless animal such as a cat, bird,
toad, or something similar. The familiar becomes your con-
Health: +12 stant companion and it remains within 5 yards of you at all
Spells: One master times, moving by whatever means it must to stay within this
distance. The familiar ignores all harm and can do no harm.
Strike and Cast: You can use a reaction to cast a spell imme- Your familiar grants you 1 boon on attribute rolls and luck
diately after you use an action to attack or make an attack rolls and imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack you and rolls
immediately after you cast a spell. made against you.
Level 8 Binder D6 EFFECT
1 Discard 1d6 chaos tokens. If you do not have enough tokens
Health: +6 to discard, you discard what you have and become confused
Spells: One master (luck ends).
Mystic Reserves (Magical): Your familiar gathers magical 2 Gain 1 chaos token.
energy and stores it for your use. The familiar holds a number
of charges equal to half your level. You can expend 1 charge 3 Gain 1 chaos token, and you can immediately make a luck roll
from your familiar to cast a novice spell or 2 charges to cast an to end one (luck ends) effect on you.
expert spell. The spell must be one you have learned or have 4 Gain 2 chaos tokens.
access to as an inscription. The familiar regains all expended
charges after you rest. 5 Gain 2 chaos tokens. You make rolls resulting from your use of
magical effects with 1 boon, and you impose 1 bane on rolls
made to resist your magical effects. This benefit lasts until the
Level 10 Binder end of the round.

Health: +6 6 Gain 1d6 chaos tokens, and then each creature within 5 yards
takes damage equal to the number of chaos tokens you possess.
Spells: One master
Dread Familiar (Magical): You can use this talent when you use Once you use this talent, you lose access to it for 1 minute.
an action. Your familiar transforms into a dreadful, hateful thing Chaos Strike (Magical): Whenever you deal damage to an
called a bogun, ceasing to be your familiar. It remains in that enemy, you can expend 1 chaos token to roll a d6. On a 3 or
form for 1 minute, but the effect ends early if it becomes inca- lower, you impose 1 bane on rolls the enemy makes against
pacitated, at which point your familiar returns to you 1 hour you until the end of your next turn. On a 4 or higher, the enemy
later. Once you use this talent, you lose access to it for 1 hour. takes an extra 3d6 damage.
Chaos Surge (Magical): Whenever you are harmed while you
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 14 (+4), Agility 12 (+2), Intellect 12 (+2), have at least 1 chaos token, make a Will roll. On a failure, you
Will 10 (+0) expend 1 chaos token and produce a random effect from the
SIZE: 2, SPEED: 6 (Silent) Wild Magic table in the Chaos tradition.
IMMUNE: asleep, frightened, held, poisoned
FEARSOME: Creatures not immune to the frightened affliction Level 8 Chaotician
roll to attack the bogun with 1 bane.
Health: +6
NATURAL WEAPONS: The bogun uses claws and teeth as nat-
ural weapons that deal 6d6 damage. The bogun makes Spells: One master
rolls to attack with 1 boon. Bend Chaos (Magical): Whenever you roll a die from the
casting of a Chaos spell, you can expend 1 chaos token to
increase or decrease the number rolled by your Will modifier
Chaotician (minimum 1).
Wild Blast (Magical): You can use an action and expend 1 chaos
The restrictions traditional methods impose on magic are arbi- token to hurl magical energy from your hand. Target one
trary and short-sighted, or so you believe. Magic recognizes no enemy you can see. Make a Will roll against the target’s
restraints; the rules exist only to limit what casters can do. You Agility. On a success, roll 2d6, then roll a number of d6s equal
have no need for such safeguards. Instead, you let magic pass to the total of that roll to determine how much damage the
through you to behave as it chooses. target takes. On a failure, you produce a random result from
the Wild Magic table.
The Chaos tradition offers pure, undiluted access to magic, and
thus you make it your specialty. Your recklessness causes unpre-
dictable occurrences when you cast spells, which can both give you Level 10 Chaotician
great benefits and subject you to surprising setbacks. Others do Health: +6
well to keep clear of you as no one can guess what will happen
Spells: One master
when you call upon your magic.
Explosive Surge (Magical): When you roll on the Wild Magic
table, you can expend any number of chaos tokens to make
Level 7 Chaotician additional rolls and choose one of the results for the effect.
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. Magical energy then explodes from you, dealing 2d6 dam-
age per chaos token expended to everything within 5 yards.
Health: +6 A creature makes a luck roll. On a success, it takes half dam-
Languages: Any one age. On a failure, it is also knocked prone.
Traditions: Chaos, Spells: One master
Chapter 6

Anarchic Magic (Magical): You can use this talent at the start
of your turn. Roll a chaos die, which is a d6, and find the
result on the list below. Many results grant 1 or more chaos To turn back the clock or speed up time so that the moments flow
tokens, which you can expend to use talents from this path.
You retain the chaos tokens until you expend them or until like a stream of rushing water—these desires lured you to special-
after you rest. Some chaotician talents force you to discard ize in Chronomancy. Your efforts to understand the tradition
chaos tokens as well. reward you with unique insights into its magic. You have no fear
of paradoxes, for you have become a weaver on the great skein of
time and you decide how the future shall unfold.

Level 7 Chronomancer
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Health: +6
Languages: Any one
Traditions: Chronomancy, Spells: One master
Go Again (Magical): You can use a reaction at the end of your
turn to gain one action. You use the action immediately or you
lose it. Once you use this talent, you lose access to it for 1 min-
ute. You can use this talent three times. You regain expended
uses after you rest.

Level 8 Chronomancer
Health: +6
Spells: One master
Temporal Flux (Magical): You can use this talent when you
cast a Chronomancy spell. Target one Size 3 space within 10
yards. A temporal flux fills the space until the start of your next have called without need. Whether you produce flames from the
turn. Light and sound in the target space become distorted. The palm of your hand or ferocious monsters to maul your enemies,
space has heavy obscurement, and whispers within the space you can call up whatever you need, whenever you need it.
sound like shouting, while shouting sounds like whispers.
A creature that starts its turn in the target space makes a luck
roll. On a success, the creature disappears until the start of Level 7 Conjurer
its next turn, at which point it returns to the space it left or the
empty space nearest to that space. It makes attribute rolls with Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
1 boon until the end of its next turn. On a failure, the creature Health: +6
becomes slowed and weakened until the end of its next turn. Languages: Any one
Once you use this talent, you lose access to it for 1 minute.
You can use this talent three times. You regain expended uses Traditions: Conjuration, Spells: One master
after you rest. Conjurer’s Mark (Magical): You can use an action to place a
magical mark on someone or something. Target one creature
or ordinary object in reach. The creature must be an ally, or
Level 10 Chronomancer one controlled by you, or that has the stunned or unconscious
Health: +6 afflictions. The object must be one you can hold in both hands
and not worn or carried by anyone else. A mark appears
Spells: One master at the spot you touched and remains for 24 hours or until its
Revise History (Magical): You can use an action to rewrite his- magic has been expended.
tory. Target one creature or object within 5 yards and apply to At level 8, the mark remains until its magic has been
it one of the following effects: expended, no matter how much time has passed since you
• If the target was dead, it is now alive and at 1 Health. used this talent.
At level 10, you can target unsecured objects of up to Size
• The target heals 5d6 damage. 3 within your reach.
• The target takes 5d6 damage. You can use an action to cause one creature or object bear-
• The target regains one casting each of an expert and a ing the mark created by your Conjurer’s Mark talent to appear
novice spell. in an empty space within 5 yards. The mark then disappears.
• The target immediately regains one expended use of a Superior Conjuration: You gain the Conjure Useful Item talent
talent, even if it normally requires a success on a luck roll from the Conjuration tradition. If you have this talent already,
to regain it. gain a different talent from the Conjuration tradition. Using the
You can use this talent three times. You regain expended Conjure Useful Item talent, you can produce items worth 1 gp
uses of it after you rest. or less and items conjured this way remain for 24 hours. At
level 10, you can produce items worth 10 gp or less.
Level 8 Conjurer
Master Paths

As a master of the Conjuration tradition, you begin to see the Health: +6

connectedness of all things, with faint threads reaching from one
Spells: One master
thing to another, one person to yet another, creating a tapestry
that encompasses all. Special Delivery (Magical): You can use an action to bring
something you can see to you. Target one creature or ordinary
Need a sword? You have one, right here. You just need to cast unsecured object you can see. The target teleports to an empty
the spell. How about some extra muscle? At your word a body- space of your choice within 5 yards of you. Once you use this
guard appears, sword drawn, shield raised, knowing you wouldn’t talent, you lose access to it for 1 minute.
Once you use this talent, you lose access to it for 1 minute.
Level 10 Conjurer You can use this talent three times. You regain expended uses
Health: +6 after you rest.
Spells: One master
Summon Ally (Magical): You can use an action to make an Destroyer
ally of another. Target one creature you can see. The tar-
get makes a Will roll. On a failure, the target teleports to an Embracing the catastrophic aspects of magic made mastering the
empty space within 5 yards of you and becomes controlled Destruction tradition an obvious choice for you. Creation offends
by you (luck ends) or until it becomes incapacitated. When you, and you feel a growing need to reduce everything you see to
the effect ends, the creature rolls to attack you with 1 boon
for 24 hours. Once you use this talent, you lose access to it rubble and broken bodies. You struggle to control yourself, but the
for 1 minute. You can use this talent three times. You regain more you delve into this tradition’s secrets, the harder it becomes
expended uses after you rest. to care. Let the whole world burn.

Cryomancer Level 7 Destroyer

You learn the secrets of Cryomancy, discovering more ways to Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
shape ice and create cold with magic. At your command, you Health: +6
can freeze your enemies in place or savage them with serrated ice Languages: Any one
shards. Cold bleeds from your body, though you no longer feel it, Traditions: Destruction, Spells: One master
and the magic gives your skin a bluish cast. Winter is always one Building Catastrophe (Magical): Each time you cast a
snap of a finger away. Destruction spell, you gain 1 charge. You keep the charge until
you expend it, lose it, or after you rest.
Level 7 Cryomancer If you are harmed while you have 1 charge or more, make
a Will roll. If you are injured or confused, roll with 1 bane. On
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. a failure, discard all charges and release a blast of energy
Health: +6 from your body that deals 1d6 damage for each charge dis-
carded to each creature, other than you, and object within a
Languages: Any one number of yards equal to the charges discarded. Any creature
Traditions: Cryomancy, Spells: One master injured by this damage falls prone.
Ice in your Veins (Magical): You take no damage from ordinary When you get a success on a roll to attack, you can expend
cold and fire and half damage from magical cold and fire, 1 charge to deal an extra 1d6 damage.
and you cannot catch on fire. Finally, when you deal damage
from using or creating magical cold or ice, the target takes Level 8 Destroyer
an extra 1d6 damage, and makes a Strength roll. On a fail-
ure, the target becomes Strength impaired until the end of your Health: +6
next turn. Spells: One master
Heightened Destruction: Your damage-dealing Destruction
Level 8 Cryomancer spells deal an extra 4d6 damage.
Health: +6
Spells: One master Level 10 Destroyer
Flash Freeze (Magical): You can use an action to release a burst Health: +6
of cold from your body. Choose a number between 1 and 5,
referred to as X. Each creature within X yards takes 3d6 dam- Spells: One master
age and makes a Strength roll. On a failure, it takes an extra Apocalyptic Outburst (Magical): You can use an action to
Xd6 damage and becomes held until the end of your next turn. release a burst of ruinous energy. The energy spreads through
Once you use this talent, you lose access to it for 1 minute. a Size 100 space centered on you and deals 50d6 damage
to each creature, other than you, and object in the space. A
creature can make a Strength roll. On a success, the crea-
Level 10 Cryomancer ture takes half the damage. On a critical success, the creature
Health: +6 takes no damage.
After you use this talent, make a Strength roll with 1 bane.
Spells: One master On a success, you take 5d6 damage. On a failure, you take
Winter’s Heart (Magical): You can use an action to siphon heat 20d6 damage. If you survive, you become weakened until the
from the air inside a Size 10 space centered on you. Each end of the quest.
creature in the space other than you takes 5d6 damage and
makes a Strength roll. On a failure, it takes an extra 5d6 dam-
Chapter 6

age and becomes held and vulnerable (luck ends both). At the
end of each round the creature is held in this way, it loses 2d6
Health. You can use an action to remove this held affliction Promises of swift and easy power
from one creature you can reach. seduced you to studying the Dark
In addition, you rime all surfaces in the affected area with Arts. Before you knew what was
ice, turning it into challenging terrain, and swirling ice crystals
create moderate obscurement in the space for 1 minute. happening, it had enfolded you
in its corrupting embrace. How did you come to the darkness?
Perhaps you found an old grimoire and became enamored with
what you learned from its pages. A desperate bargain with a fiend
could have opened the door to black magic, but so too could a
cult, an encounter with something demonic, or an evil as ancient
as—or even older than—the world.
The Dark Arts stained you to the point that you fear you are
becoming a monster. You’re not so far gone, however, that you
cannot still do some good in the world. It might just be that using
evil to fight evil could help you escape the fate your research has
earned you.

Level 7 Diabolist
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Health: +6
Languages: Any one
Traditions: Dark Arts, Spells: One master
Dreadful Temptation (Magical): If you fail a d20 roll, you can
use this talent to reroll the d20, but you must use the second
result. If the second roll is a success, you gain 1 corruption (to
a maximum of half your level). If the second roll is also a fail-
ure, you become stunned until the end of your next turn. You
keep corruption tokens until after you rest.
You make luck rolls with a number of banes equal to the
amount of corruption you have accumulated, but your spells
and magical effects deal extra damage or cause additional
loss of Health equal to twice that number.
Once you use this talent, you lose access to it for 1 minute.
At level 10, you can use this talent as often as you like.
are immune to the frightened affliction. In social situations,
strangers are hostile to you. Finally, you cannot benefit from
Level 8 Diabolist effects created by Invocation spells.
Health: +6
Spells: One master
Agonizing Magic (Magical): When you harm a creature using Some believe the future has already been written, that all choices
magic and you have at least 1 corruption, the target also
becomes Strength impaired until the end of your next turn. have been weighed and made before the eyes of the gods. Mortal
existence is one grand drama that plays out in a manner preor-
Weight of Wickedness (Magical): You become vulnerable dained. When you look into future happenings with Divination
while you have at least 1 corruption, but you make Intellect
and Will rolls with 1 boon. magic, you see likely outcomes based on actions chosen in the
present. More often than not, the future you witness comes to
pass, so perhaps there is no such thing as free will after all.
Level 10 Diabolist
Health: +6 Level 7 Diviner
Spells: One master Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Forbidden Magic: Whenever you produce a magical effect to Health: +6
harm one or more creatures while you have 4 corruption or
more, one creature takes an extra 4d6 damage or each crea- Languages: Any one
ture takes an extra 2d6 damage. If the effect causes any tar- Traditions: Divination, Spells: One master
get to lose Health, the target becomes weakened until the end Glimpse of Future Possibilities (Magical): You can use this tal-
of your next turn instead of taking extra damage. ent when you cast a novice Divination spell. Choose high
Finally, if the effect causes a target to become incapaci- or low and then roll a d6. If you chose low and the number
Master Paths

tated, it dies in a messy and disgusting manner. Each crea- rolled is 3 or less, or you chose high and the number rolled is
ture within 5 yards of it makes a Will roll. On a success, a 4 or more, you regain the casting of the spell you expended.
creature becomes immune to this aspect of this talent for 24 Otherwise, you become Intellect impaired until the end of
hours. On a failure, the creature becomes frightened of you your next turn.
(luck ends). Uncanny Readiness (Magical): While you are not injured and
Marked by Darkness (Magical): The burden of your corruption you lack the confused, controlled, stunned, and uncon-
produces additional effects. Enemies that can see you roll scious afflictions, you make attribute rolls and luck rolls with
against your Defense and Agility with 1 bane unless they 1 boon.
Level 8 Diviner Enchanter
Health: +6 What have you to fear from enemies when you can control what
Spells: One master they think and feel? Specializing in the Enchantment tradition
Auspicate (Magical): You can perform a ritual using dice, offers you new and improved ways to seize others’ minds and make
notched sticks, cards, or some other tools of divination to gain them do what you want. Fear, love, hatred, and confusion are your
an insight about the future. When you finish, roll a d6 and con- weapons, and you wield them expertly. Having such control might
sult the following list to determine what information you learn. tempt you toward monstrous behavior, so you must weigh care-
D6 EFFECT fully the decisions you make using your magic.
1 A few glimpses of the future grant you 1 boon on the next
attribute or luck roll you make within the next hour. Level 7 Enchanter
2 The Sage reveals the location of four places within 100 miles. In Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
one of them, you can find something to help you on your quest. Health: +6
3 The Sage reveals the location of four places within 100 miles. In Languages: Any one
one of them is something dangerous that could hinder your quest.
Traditions: Enchantment, Spells: One master
4 The Sage reveals the identity of one person who might help Assume Control (Magical): You can use an action to enter a
you in your quest and who is currently within 100 miles. creature’s mind. Target one creature you can see within 10
5 The Sage reveals the identity of one person who might hinder yards. Make an Intellect roll against the target’s Will. On a
you in your quest and who is currently within 100 miles. success, roll 14d6. If the sum equals or exceeds the target’s
Health score, it becomes controlled (luck ends). On a failure,
6 The Sage reveals a clue to help you in your quest. If the Sage the target becomes immune to this talent for 24 hours. At level
has no clues prepared or if you choose, you can save the 8, you roll 16d6. At level 10, you roll 20d6. Once you use this
clue until you expend it. At any time before you use this talent talent, you lose access to it for 1 minute. You can use this talent
again, you or one of your allies can expend the clue when you three times. You regain expended uses after you rest.
would deal damage to a target. The target takes an extra 4d6
damage. Remote Threat (Magical): While you are within 5 yards of a
creature controlled by you, you impose 1 bane on rolls to
You can use this talent once. You regain the use of it after attack you and rolls made against you.
you rest.
Foresight (Magical): You can use a reaction when a creature Level 8 Enchanter
makes a roll against you or you make an attribute roll or luck
roll to either add 3 to or subtract 3 from that roll. Once you use Health: +6
this talent, you lose access to it for 1 minute. Spells: One master
Bestow Control (Magical): You can use an action to pass con-
Level 10 Diviner trol over a creature to another. Choose one creature within
10 yards. The target takes control of one creature controlled
Health: +6 by you.
Spells: One master Master Manipulator (Magical): You impose 1 bane on rolls
made to end the controlled affliction on creatures under your
True Prediction (Magical): You can use an action to make a pre- control. In addition, a creature under your control makes attri-
diction about the future for people nearby. Target any number bute rolls with 1 boon and is immune to being frightened.
of creatures within 5 yards. The prediction you make is a cryp-
tic statement about some future event. It retains potency until
expended or if 24 hours have elapsed. A target with a predic- Level 10 Enchanter
tion can expend it when it makes an attribute roll to also make
a luck roll and use either result to determine success or failure. Health: +6
If both dice come up with the same number, the target gains Spells: One master
one of the following additional benefits of its choice: Puppet Master (Magical): You can perceive from the body of
• The target heals all its damage and removes all afflictions. any creature you have controlled, and you can speak using
its mouth and voice.
• The target regains an expended casting of one expert or
novice spell. Staggering Charm (Magical): When you fail the Intellect roll for
your use of the Assume Control talent, the target makes a Will
• On the target’s next turn, it increases the number of actions roll. On a failure, the target becomes confused until the end of
and moves it can use by one each. your next turn.
Once you use this talent, you lose access to it until after
you rest.
Chapter 6

In studying the Evocation tradition, you learned that there was

once a single language spoken by the gods, and to this language
all tongues spoken today owe their existence. Now, thousands
upon thousands of years after the first words were shared with
mortals, their potency has been obfuscated by the intentions of
Level 7 Geomancer
the speakers, by vast, tangled lexicons, and by the muddling of
speech from countless different peoples. But hidden within are Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
fragments of those original words, and the Evocation tradition Natural Defense: 15, Health: +6
reveals them to you. Languages: Any one
Traditions: Geomancy, Spells: One master
Level 7 Evoker Strength from Stone (Magical): You can use an action to use this
talent or you can use this talent when you cast a Geomancy
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. spell. For 1 minute, you take half damage from ordinary
Health: +6 sources, and your supply of Bonus Damage increases by
+1d6. You can use this talent a number of times equal to your
Languages: Any two level. You regain expended uses after you rest.
Traditions: Evocation, Spells: One master
Distracting Drone (Magical): You can use this talent when you Level 8 Geomancer
cast an Evocation spell. Your body emits a droning sound
that lasts for 1 minute. The sound of the droning fills a Size Health: +6
5 space centered on you. Each creature in the space, other Spells: One master
than you, becomes Intellect and Will impaired for as long as
it remains there. Earth Wave (Magical): If you have physical contact with earth,
You can use this talent three times. You regain expended sand, or stone, you can use an action to send a wave of dirt,
uses after you rest. sand, and tumbling rocks at your foes. Target one Size 2 space
on the ground within 10 yards. The earth wave rolls through
Focused Evocation (Magical): When you cast an Evocation the ground between you and the target. Each creature on the
spell, you can exclude a number of creatures or objects from ground in the wave’s path makes an Agility roll. On a failure,
the spell’s effect equal to 1 + your Will modifier (minimum 1). the creature falls prone. When the wave reaches the space,
it deals 4d6 damage to each creature and object in it. Also,
each creature makes a Strength roll. On a failure, the creature
Level 8 Evoker falls prone and becomes vulnerable (luck ends). Once you
use this talent, you lose access to it for 1 minute.
Health: +6
Spells: One master
Level 10 Geomancer
Throw Voice (Magical): You can use this talent when you cast
an Evocation spell. Target one point within 10 yards of you. At Health: +6
level 10, you choose a point within 20 yards instead. The spell Spells: One master
originates from the target point. Power of Elemental Earth (Magical): If you are not injured,
stunned, or unconscious, you have the following benefits.
Level 10 Evoker • Disquiet Earth: You can use this talent by expending 3
yards of movement. The ground inside a Size 5 space cen-
Health: +6 tered on you shakes. Each creature on the ground in the
Spells: One master space makes an Agility roll. On a failure, it falls prone.
Profound Evocation (Magical): When a creature is harmed by • Pass through Earth and Stone: You gain the Strider trait. If
an Evocation spell you cast, it becomes vulnerable (luck ends). you have this trait already, increase your Health by 6. In
A creature vulnerable in this way takes an extra 1d6 damage addition, you can move through objects made from ordi-
each time it takes damage. nary earth, sand, or stone by spending an additional yard
of movement for each yard you move. If you stop moving
Swift Utterance (Magical): If you are not injured and lack the while inside an object, you flow backwards to the nearest
confused, controlled, stunned, and unconscious afflictions, empty space that can hold you.
you can cast one Evocation spell you know without using an
• Stone Hide: You impose 1 bane on rolls to attack you.
action to do so. Once you use this talent, you lose access to When you take damage from an ordinary source, roll a d6
it (luck ends). and reduce the damage by the amount you rolled.

Geomancer Hierophant
You felt the energy thrumming through the ground, a vast and The Library of Aman-Keth fell with the Empire of old. Before then,
terrible wellspring that you can tap to fuel your magic. Exploring care of the place and its contents was entrusted to the hierophants.
this energy marked your first step onto the road to becoming a These learned people, anticipating the coming doom, committed as
Master Paths

geomancer, and as you plumb the depths of the world, you gain much lore as they could to memory, and then passed down what
ever greater control over its magic. You can call forth columns of they had learned to their apprentices. You joined the hierophants
stone, hurl boulders at your enemies, and root yourself in place so and have only recently begun to discover the depth and breadth of
that nothing can move you. The magic affects you, though, and their erudition. Each mystery you learn opens your mind to new
your body assumes the appearance of stone. Your hair falls out, possibilities. As you progress, you discover more secrets until you
your eyes become like glittering mica chips, and your skin feels demonstrate your worthiness to acquire the ultimate knowledge of
hard and smooth. your order.
most dynamic of the elemental forces, and its appeal drew you to
Level 7 Hierophant
study and gain control over it.
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. With your focus on Hydromancy come subtle changes to your
Health: +6 body. Your skin feels clammy and there’s a briny smell about you.
Languages: All Your hair and clothes always seem damp, though never mildewed.
Traditions: One, Spells: One master It is always as if you had just stepped out of the rain or walked out
of the sea.
Ancient Mysteries (Magical): You learn one mystery of your
choice from among those described below. You gain a second
mystery at level 8, and a third at level 10. Level 7 Hydromancer
• Mystery of Arcane Lore: You learn three novice spells from Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
any traditions, even ones you have not yet discovered.
Health: +6
• Mystery of Boundless Celerity: Increase your natural
Languages: Any one
Defense by 2 and your Speed by 2. You make Agility rolls
with 1 boon and you impose 1 bane on rolls against your Traditions: Hydromancy, Spells: One master
Defense and Agility. Water is Life (Magical): You can breathe while submerged
• Mystery of Eternal Vitality: Increase your Health score in water. You have the Swimmer trait, if you lack it, and you
by 20. When you become injured or take damage while ignore any detriments from fighting underwater. Finally, while
injured, make a luck roll. On a success, you heal 1d6 you are not injured, you have the Slippery and Squeeze (6
damage. inches) special traits.
• Mystery of Occluded Ways: You gain the Teleport 10 trait.
• Mystery of Puissance in Battle: You ignore the require- Level 8 Hydromancer
ments for using weapons. You roll to attack with 1 boon.
You increase your supply of Bonus Damage by three dice. Health: +6
Spells: One master
Level 8 Hierophant Watery Tentacles (Magical): You can use an action to cause
tentacles made from water to appear inside a Size 3 space
Health: +6 within 10 yards. Each creature in the space makes an Agility
Spells: One master roll. On a failure, the creature takes 3d6 damage and you can
either pull it 5 yards toward you or knock it prone. Once you
Deny Outcome (Magical): You can use a reaction when a crea- use this talent, you lose access to it (luck ends).
ture within 10 yards gets a success or failure on an attribute
roll or a luck roll to turn the success into a failure or a failure
into a success. Once you use this talent, you lose access to it Level 10 Hydromancer
for 1 minute.
Health: +6
Spells: One master
Level 10 Hierophant
Power of Elemental Water (Magical): If you lack the injured,
Health: +6 stunned, or unconscious afflictions, you have the following
Spells: One master benefits.
Mystery of Immortality: You stop aging, and grow no physi- • Like the Crashing Wave: Whenever you stop moving after
cally older no matter how long you live. You are immune to running or swimming, you can cause waters to crash down
exposure, infection, being poisoned, and the harmful effects around you. Each Size 1 and smaller unsecured object
of sleep deprivation. Although your body can survive indef- within 3 yards of you moves 5 yards away from you. Each
initely, a mishap or an act of violence can still do you in, at creature within 3 yards of you makes a Strength roll. On a
which point your body instantly turns to dust. failure, the creature moves 5 yards away from you.
Ultimate Casting (Magical): You can use this talent when you • Misty Evasion: You can use a reaction when you take
cast a spell. If the spell requires you to make an attribute roll, damage to transform yourself and everything you wear
you count as having rolled a 20 on the die; you also count and carry into a cloud of mist and immediately flow to
as having rolled 6s on any boons you roll with it. If the spell an empty space within 5 yards where you return to your
enables a creature to make an attribute roll or luck roll to normal form.
resist the effect, the creature treats its result as if it rolled a 1 on • Flowing Moves: Whenever you would be moved against
the die and rolled 6s on any banes rolled with it. If the spell your will, you choose the direction and distance you move.
deals a variable amount of damage or loss of Health, it deals
the maximum amount. After resolving the spell’s effects, you
become weakened (luck ends). Once you use this talent, you Illusionist
lose access to it until after you finish your quest.
Chapter 6

What is real and what is fantasy? The magic you study blurs the
Hydromancer lines between fact and fiction. You create images, sounds, and
sensations, and as your skill grows, the ability of others to discern
Water extinguishes flames. The seas erode the land. The depths their falsity diminishes until you seemingly alter reality. Your
drown the air-breathers. Water might be a deluge from the skies, magic preys upon the senses, forcing others to perceive things that
a sheet of ice, or scalding steam. Hydromancy deals with this, the aren’t there or overlook features that are.
• Divine Shield: Target one creature within 5 yards. A nimbus
Level 7 Illusionist envelops the target for 1 hour and imposes 1 bane on rolls
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. to attack the target and rolls made against the target.
Health: +6 • Holy Sign: Target one ally within 5 yards. You produce a
sign of the gods that the target can perceive—a rainbow
Languages: Any one in the sky, the sudden appearance of a white dove, or a
Traditions: Illusion, Spells: One master freshening of the air. The target ends one affliction.
Illusion Expertise: Gain one Illusion talent of your choice. • Purge Sickness: Target one creature within 5 yards. You
end one infection affecting it.
There/Not There (Magical): Whenever you dodge an attack,
you increase the number of banes imposed on the roll by 1. If • Succor: Target one creature within 5 yards. The creature
the roll results in a failure, you disappear from the space you heals 3d6 damage.
occupied and appear in an empty space within 5 yards of the You can use this talent a number of times equal to half your
one you left. Once you use this talent, you lose access to it for level. You regain expended uses after you rest.
1 minute.
Level 8 Invoker
Level 8 Illusionist
Health: +6
Health: +6
Spells: One master
Spells: One master
Crown of Light (Magical): You can use an action to cause bright
Potent Illusion (Magical): Illusions you create with spells that light to shine from your head for 8 hours or until you become
normally end when touched persist. When you make an attri- unconscious. While this light shines, you make luck rolls with 1
bute roll as part of casting an Illusion spell, you roll with 1 boon and you take half damage from magical sources. Enemy
boon. When a creature would make an attribute or luck roll to angels, demons, faeries, fiends, spirits, and undead in this light
resist your Illusion spell or to discern that an effect is illusory, are weakened for as long as they remain there. Once you use
you impose 1 bane. this talent, you lose access to it until after you rest.
Swift Illusion (Magical): You can use this talent at the start of your Wrath of the Gods (Magical): You can use a reaction to use
turn. Increase the number of actions you can use by one for this talent when an enemy harms you or one ally you can see.
that turn. You can use this action only to cast a novice Illusion Make a luck roll. On a success, a bolt of lightning strikes that
spell. At level 10, you can cast an expert Illusion spell instead. enemy and deals 2d6 damage to it. On a failure, you lose
Once you use this talent, you lose access to it (luck ends). access to this talent for 1 hour.

Level 10 Illusionist Level 10 Invoker

Health: +6 Health: +6
Spells: One master Spells: One master
Emulate Spells (Magical): You can use this talent immediately Angelic Aspect (Magical): You can use this talent when you
after you finish a rest. Choose one novice spell, one expert are under the effects of your Crown of Light talent and you
spell, and one master spell. These spells can come from any use an action to attack. You assume an angelic appearance
tradition. You can cast each spell once. When you cast the until the Crown of Light effect ends. Your natural Defense
spell, you lose knowledge of it. becomes 16, you become immune to the confused and
frightened afflictions, you gain the Fly trait if you don’t have
Invoker it already, and you increase your supply of Bonus Damage
by +3d6. When this effect ends, you heal all damage and
regain 3d6 Health. You can use this talent once. You regain
The Invocation tradition stands apart from others, for the magic the use of it after you rest.
it offers comes not from the world or from within, but from the
gods themselves. Studying its magic opens a supernatural connec-
tion between yourself and the divine, and you become a doorway Necromancer
through which it works. You attained this connection after con-
You need no reminder of what Lord Death thinks about
tact with one of the gods’ servants or by acquiring a holy relic. You
Necromancy and those who practice this dark art, yet you have
could serve one deity, some, or even all. However, you might wield
firmed your resolve and thrown yourself into the tradition to dis-
divine power without committing yourself to any god.
cover it’s strange and terrible secrets. In exploring the tradition’s
Level 7 Invoker magic, you gain an intimate understanding of dead things and the
natural processes that cause their decay and dissolution. You find
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. ways to arrest the rot, to preserve the specimens so that you can
Master Paths

Health: +6 imbue them with blasphemous magic that gives them the semblance
Languages: Any one of life. These twitching, shuffling things obey your every command,
Traditions: Invocation, Spells: One master heedless of the danger to themselves, almost eager to make new
Minor Miracle (Magical): You can use an action to produce one corpses from the living. You have stepped into darkness and become
of the following effects: its master. The cost for doing so is that you cannot shake off the
• Anoint: Target one creature within 5 yards. The target’s stain of corruption. The stench of the grave follows you, no matter
Health increases by 10 for 1 hour. how hard you scrub, and your pallor becomes sickly, as if you carry
a terrible burden of disease. You have no regrets; the power you gain Query Spirit (Magical): You can perform a ritual to gain infor-
is worth any price. mation from a dead creature’s spirit. Target one creature dead
no longer than 24 hours. When you finish, you learn the crea-
ture’s name, profession, what it was doing at the time of its
Level 7 Necromancer death, and its cause of death.
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Health: +6 Level 10 Necromancer
Languages: Any one Health: +6
Traditions: Necromancy, Spells: One master
Spells: One master Transcend Death (Magical): You defeat death. You gain the
Life Siphon (Magical): You can use an action to drain vitality Dark Vision trait. If you have it already, double its range. You
from another. Target one creature with 5 yards. Make an are immune to the asleep, blinded, deafened, impaired, poi-
Intellect or Will roll against the target’s Strength. On a success, soned, and weakened afflictions. While you are not injured,
the target loses 2d6 Health and becomes weakened (luck you take half damage from all ordinary sources. However,
ends). On a critical success, the target loses an additional 1d6 you make luck rolls with 1 bane. Although your body ages
Health. Then, you and each undead ally within 5 yards of you normally, natural aging cannot end your life. Unless you take
heal damage equal to the amount of Health the target lost and steps to preserve your body, your flesh withers away until
these undead allies roll to attack with 1 boon for 1 minute. nothing but scraps of skin and bones remain.
Once you use this talent, you lose access to it (luck ends). Undead Mastery (Magical): Undead under your control roll to
Corpse Vision: You can use this talent at the start of your turn if attack with 1 boon and their attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage.
you lack the confused, controlled, stunned, and unconscious
afflictions. You switch your perspective from your body to that
of one undead ally within 5 yards or from one undead ally
within 5 yards to another or back to your body. While you
As an oneiromancer, you have ready access to the Dreamland, a place
perceive from another body, talents you use and spells you
cast originate from that creature. formed by dreamers long ago that now persists as a warped mirror of
the mortal world. Dreamers populate the Dreamland, their minds
cast into places of their imagination that might correspond to those
Level 8 Necromancer
in the real world or not. Most dreamers relive memories of past situ-
Health: +6 ations, or experience circumstances they anticipate or scenarios cre-
Spells: One master ated from the darkest parts of their minds.
Control Undead (Magical): You can use an action to take con- Whenever you sleep, your mind enters the Dreamland as nor-
trol of an undead. Target one undead within 10 yards. Make mal, but rather than being shackled to your dreams, you can move
an Intellect roll against the target’s Will. On a success, the tar- about the Dreamland and observe the dreams of people who sleep
get becomes controlled by you (luck ends). On a failure, the near your sleeping body. Ordinarily, you cannot interfere with
target becomes immune to this talent for 24 hours. these dreams, but you might divine interesting information from
them as the Sage decides.

Level 7 Oneiromancer
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Health: +6
Languages: Any one
Traditions: Oneiromancy, Spells: One master
Dream Walker (Magical): You can perform a ritual to cast your
mind into the dreamlands. When you finish, you fall prone and
become asleep, while your dreaming self sits up from your
body, stands up, and can move around freely. The dream-
lands resemble the world in which you used this talent, but
everything appears hazy and indistinct. The dreamlands also
mute sounds, so that shouts and loud noises sound like normal
speech, while normal speech sounds like whispers. Whispers
become inaudible to you. While in the dreamlands, no waking
creature notices you and nothing you do can affect waking
creatures. You might encounter other dreaming creatures at
Chapter 6

the Sage’s discretion, in which case you can interact with them
normally, and such creatures make use of their full capabilities
and any equipment they have in the waking world. For more
information on the dreamlands, see the Oneiromancy tradi-
tion. You can wake yourself at any time (no action required).
Time spent using this talent does not count as resting. Once
you use this talent, you lose access to it for 24 hours.
Dreamless Sleep (Magical): You can use an action to put a Traditions: Primal, Spells: One master
creature to sleep. Target one creature you can see. Roll 5d6. If Primal Might (Magical): You can use this talent at the start of
the sum of the dice rolled equals or exceeds the target’s Health your turn. For 1 minute, you have the Keen Vision and Keen
score, it falls prone and becomes unconscious for 3d6 hours Hearing traits if you don’t have them already. You roll to attack
or until harmed. Otherwise, the target becomes immune to this with 1 boon and your attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage,
talent for 24 hours. or 2d6 damage if you are injured. In addition, you heal 1d6
damage at the end of each round. You can use this talent a
Level 8 Oneiromancer number of times equal to your level. You regain expended
uses after you rest.
Health: +6
Spells: One master Level 8 Primal Hunter
Dream Intruder (Magical): You can use a reaction when you
cast an Oneiromancy spell. Target one creature you can see Health: +6
within 10 yards. Make an Intellect roll against the target’s Will. Spells: One master
On a success, you disappear, having entered the target’s body,
where you become immune to harm except harm suffered from Primal Power (Magical): You can use this talent when you
this talent and are imperceptible by ordinary means. harm a creature in combat to increase your supply of Bonus
The only action you can perform while inside the target’s Damage by +3d6. The increase lasts until the end of your next
body is to exert control over it. Make a Will roll against the turn. Once you use this talent, you lose access to it until the end
target’s Will. On a success, the target becomes controlled of your next turn.
by you until the start of your next turn. On a failure, you lose
1d6 Health. Level 10 Primal Hunter
You can remain inside the target’s body for as long as you
wish. The target can use an action to make a Will roll to over- Health: +6
come this effect. If you end this effect or the target forces you
out, you reappear inside an empty space of your choice near- Spells: One master
est to the target. Lead the Wild Hunt (Magical): You can use this talent when you
Finally, if the target dies while you are inside its body, make use an action to attack or you cast a Primal Spell. Target any
a Will roll. On a success, you reappear in an empty space number of creatures within 10 yards. Spectral, shadowy dupli-
as described above. On a failure, you appear, prone, in an cates of you appear in reach of each target and attack. The
empty space of the Sage’s choice, with a damage total equal target takes 2d6 damage, and makes an Agility roll with 1
to your Health score. bane. On a failure, the target takes an extra 6d6 damage and
You can use this talent three times. You regain expended becomes frightened of you for 1 minute. Once you use this
uses of it after you rest. talent, you lose access to it for 1 minute.

Level 10 Oneiromancer Pyromancer

Health: +6
Pyromancy’s enduring popularity stems from its raw destructive
Spells: One master potential. Casters in search of battle magic need look no further
Nightmarish Recall (Magical): You can use an action to bring than this tradition, for they can call forth fire with a gesture, hurl
a creature’s nightmares to life. Target one creature you can blazing balls of hungry flames at distant foes, where it explodes
see. Make an Intellect roll against the target’s Will. On a suc-
cess, the target loses 4d6 Health and becomes frightened of to burn away everything in its midst. Your focus on Pyromancy
you for 1 minute. The target can overcome the affliction with comes at a price, though. The more you explore what the tradition
a successful Will roll. On a critical success, the target also offers, the more you feel something burning within you. It began
falls prone and drops whatever it is holding. On a failure, or as a spark of creativity, but soon blossomed into a raging inferno,
as soon as the target overcomes its fear of you, it becomes your passion for magic and all it can do threatening to consume
immune to this talent for 24 hours.
you. As well, the magical flames have a physiological effect. You
feel hot to the touch, as if in the grip of fever, and when you cast
Primal Hunter your fire spells, your eyes blaze.
You see wild shapes at the edges of your vision, hear growls and
whimpers, snarls and screams. The longer you spend on the path Level 7 Pyromancer
to mastering Primal magic, the stronger and more frequent these Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
experiences. One day, when you cast a spell, you felt a change come Health: +6, Speed: +2
over you. Reason and restraint fled your mind as a thirst for blood
Languages: Any one
and a need for violence took hold. The magic inside you awakened
Master Paths

a beast that demands to be free. Traditions: Pyromancy, Spells: One master

Burning Inside (Magical): You take no damage from ordinary
cold and fire and half damage from magical cold and fire.
Level 7 Primal Hunter Your attacks and unarmed strikes deal an extra 1d6 dam-
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. age from the heat radiating off your body. In addition, when-
ever a creature gets a success on a roll to attack you with
Health: +6 a melee weapon or an unarmed attack, that creature takes
Languages: Any one 1d6 damage.
Level 8 Pyromancer Level 8 Scoundrel
Health: +6 Health: +6
Spells: One master Spells: One master
Scorching Strike (Magical): You can use an action to fling fire Underhanded Tactics (Magical): Whenever you harm a crea-
from your hand. Target one creature or object within 10 yards. ture, make a luck roll. On a success, the creature becomes
Make a Will roll against the target’s Agility. On a success, the vulnerable until the end of your next turn.
flames hit the target and deal 8d6 damage to it. On a critical
success, the target also catches fire (luck ends).
Shape Fire: You gain the Shape Fire talent from the Pyromancy
Level 10 Scoundrel
tradition. If you have this talent already, gain a different one Health: +6
from the same tradition.
Spells: One master
Cheat the System (Magical): You can use a reaction when a
Level 10 Pyromancer creature within 5 yards of you gets a success on an attribute
roll or luck roll. You turn the success into a failure, and you
Health: +6 gain a cheat. You retain the cheat until you expend it, but
Spells: One master you lose it if you become stunned or unconscious. When you
Power of Elemental Fire (Magical): While you’re not injured get a failure on an attribute roll or luck roll, you can expend
and you lack the stunned and unconscious afflictions, you your cheat to turn the failure into a success. Once you use
have the following benefits. this talent, you lose access to it until you expend the cheat.
You can use this talent five times. You regain expended uses
• Wildfire Moves: Whenever you stop moving after run- after you rest.
ning, flames rush out from you in all directions. Each object
within 3 yards takes 1d6 damage and catches fire if flam-
mable. Each creature in this range makes an Agility roll.
On a failure, the creature takes 2d6 damage.
• Self Immolation: You can use a reaction when you are Your studies of Shadowmancy have left an indelible mark upon
harmed to envelop your body with flames for 1 minute. you. No matter how bright your surroundings, shadows seem to
The flames create bright light. Neither you nor your equip-
ment suffer any harm from the flames. Creatures that take cling to your body, slithering over you like worms. Rather than
damage from your Burning Inside talent take an extra 2d6 repel you, though, their presence reminds you of the magic at
damage. your command. You can spin quasi-real creatures and things from
• Fire Walk: Whenever you move into a space containing shadow and use them as if they were real. Your creations seem
fire, you become aware of each similar space within 50 eager to do your bidding and obey your will with chilling devo-
yards of you, and can exit from any one of those spaces.
tion. They are instruments of your whims, echoes of your soul's
embrace of the unseen.
Level 7 Shadowmancer
The Skullduggery tradition provides all kinds of ways to defraud,
steal, and get the better of others. Since you’re inclined in this direc- Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
tion anyway, putting a bit more time and effort into expanding your Health: +6
knowledge of such magic can only make you more successful in your Languages: Any one
criminal ventures. Along the way, you learn a few more tricks to help
Traditions: Shadowmancy, Spells: One master
you get away from whatever situation you find yourself in.
Shadowbind (Magical): You can use this talent if you are in dim
light, faint light, or no light at all and you have no shadows
Level 7 Scoundrel bound to you. Use an action to bind a number of shadows to
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. you equal to your level. The shadows crawl all over your body
and remain on you until you expend them or after you rest.
Health: +6 You can expend bound shadows while you lack the confused,
Languages: Any one controlled, stunned, and unconscious afflictions to produce the
following effects:
Traditions: Skullduggery, Spells: One master
Far Hand (Magical): Objects within 10 yards are eligible targets • Dim the Lights: You can expend 1 bound shadow at
any time to snuff out all ordinary sources of light within
for your steal attempts. When you would steal an object out of 20 yards.
your normal reach, use Intellect in place of Agility for the roll.
• Shadow Eyes: You can use an action and expend 1 bound
Secret Pocket (Magical): You perform a ritual to create a secret shadow to turn your eyes or the eyes of one creature within
Chapter 6

pocket. Target one article of clothing you wear. An invisible

pocket appears on the target and remains for 24 hours. The 5 yards black, and grant you or the creature the Dark
pocket can hold 20 items without affecting your carrying lim- Vision trait for 24 hours.
its. No one other than you can find the pocket or retrieve the • Shadow Path: You can expend 1 yard of movement and
items it holds. When the effect ends, if the pocket has not been 1 bound shadow on your turn to send a shadow slither-
emptied, everything spills out of it and falls to the ground in or ing to an empty space within 10 yards. You teleport to
under your space. that space.
lasts 1 hour, but ends early if you become unconscious. If you
Level 8 Shadowmancer voluntarily end this effect, you heal 2d6 damage. You can use
Health: +6 this talent a number of times equal to half your level. You regain
expended uses after you rest. While in your beast form, you use
Spells: One master your normal rules, subject to the following modifications:
Shadow Claw (Magical): You can use an action and expend • Attributes: Your Strength and Agility become 13 (+3), if
1 bound shadow to send a shadowy claw flying from you. lower than 13.
Target one creature within 15 yards. Make an Intellect roll
against the target’s Agility. You make the roll with 1 boon if • Natural Defense: Your natural Defense becomes 15 if
you are in faint light, or 2 boons if you are in darkness. On a lower than 15.
success, the target takes 6d6 damage and becomes weak- • Health: Increase by 20.
ened until the end of your next turn. At level 10, the target • Speed: 6
becomes weakened (luck ends) instead.
• Senses: Keen Hearing, Keen Scent, and Keen Vision
Level 10 Shadowmancer • Natural Weapons: You have claws and teeth that deal
4d6 damage. When you attack with them, you roll with
Health: +6 2 boons.
Spells: One master
Shadowspawn (Magical): You are invisible while in spaces lit Level 10 Shapechanger
by faint light, dim light, or no light at all. While you are invisi- Health: +6
ble, you take half damage from ordinary sources.
Spells: One master
Shapechanger Ideal Form (Magical): You become so capable with Alteration
magic that you can instinctively use the magic to compensate
for your shortcomings. While you lack the confused, controlled,
Specialization in Alteration magic makes your form fluid. You stunned, and unconscious afflictions, you make Strength and
free yourself from the limitations that others must endure and can Agility rolls with 2 boons. You impose 1 bane on rolls to attack
change anything about yourself by simply willing it. No longer must you and rolls made against you. If you are not injured at the
you be confined to the circumstances of your birth. Today, you end of the round, you heal 1d6 damage.
appear to be a man in his middle years. Tomorrow, you look like a
young woman. Who knows who you will become on any given day? Spiritist
Level 7 Shapechanger You stand between the worlds of the living and the dead. Through
ancient rituals and ceremonies, and after extensive training, you
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. gain the ability to see the entities haunting the spirit world and use
Health: +6 your magic to compel their aid. You live a haunted existence, with
Languages: Any one strangeness following you wherever you go.
Traditions: Alteration, Spells: One master
Acquire Trait (Magical): You can use an action to gain one of
the following traits of your choice. You retain the trait until you
rest or until you use this talent again.
• Attributes: Increase your Strength and Agility scores by
1 each.
• Health: Increase by 10.
• Senses: Keen Hearing, Keen Scent, or Keen Vision
• Special Movement: Climber or Swimmer; at level 10, you
can choose Fly.
• Fearsome: You impose 1 bane on rolls to attack you by
enemies not immune to the frightened affliction.
• Appearance: You change your physical appearance. You
might gain or hide a distinguishing feature or appear as
someone altogether different. The change in appearance
can alter your height and weight by up to 10 percent.

Level 8 Shapechanger
Master Paths

Health: +6
Spells: One master
Beast Form (Magical): You can use an action to transform yourself
and everything you wear and carry into a beast that might look
like an ordinary beast, such as a wolf or puma, or something
that combines the features of many different beasts. The effect
Most spiritists arise from cultures with strong animistic ten- other than you to make a Will roll. On a success, the creature
dencies in their religion, serving as interlocutors for the dead. becomes immune to this talent for 24 hours. On a failure, the
However, the role of the spiritist has broadened enough to encom- creature becomes frightened of the affected area for 1 minute.
pass any who have connections to spirits, whether that connection
was inborn, inherited, or learned. Level 10 Spiritist
Health: +6
Level 7 Spiritist
Spells: One master
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. Storm of Spirits (Magical): You can use an action to call forth
Health: +6 angry spirits from the Ephemera to vex your foes. Target one
Languages: Any one Size 10 space you can see. Ghostly forms fly around in the
space for 1 minute, filling it with moderate obscurement. When
Traditions: Spiritualism, Spells: One master the spirits appear and again at the start of each of your turns,
Spirit Bind (Magical): You can use this talent when you cast a each enemy in the space loses 1d6 Health and makes a Will
Spiritualism spell. Target one creature within 10 yards and roll. On a failure, the enemy loses an additional 2d6 Health
make a Will roll. You roll with 1 bane if you cast a novice spell and becomes frightened of the space and vulnerable until the
or 1 boon if you cast a master spell. On a success, choose start of your next turn. You can use this talent five times. You
to bind a friendly spirit or a hostile spirit to the target. If you regain expended uses after you rest.
choose a friendly spirit, the target makes attribute rolls and
luck rolls with 1 boon for 1 minute. If you choose a hostile
spirit, the target makes attribute rolls and luck rolls with 1 bane Summoner
for 1 minute.
Spells and other forms of magic allow casters to call forth creatures
from elsewhere in the world and compel them to do their bidding.
Level 8 Spiritist Some magically assemble creatures, others call them from faraway
Health: +6 places, and others still rip them out of alien worlds. You focus on
Spells: One master summoning monstrosities, odd things of tooth, claw, fang, and
Weird Hauntings (Magical): You can use this talent when you tentacle, writhing masses of fur and flesh that lurch toward your
cast a Spiritualism spell. Make a luck roll. On a success, some- enemies to tear them apart.
thing unsettling happens within 5 yards of you—an odd odor, The secret of your craft is the mystic pentacle you discovered.
a chill in the air, weird laughter, or blood spilling down the This bronze disk features a star-shaped design etched onto its sur-
walls. The phenomenon causes each creature within 5 yards face. The disk can be as small as a medallion or as large as a gong,
and summoning might involve spilling your blood on the star or
ringing the gong with a hammer. Whatever method you use, some
horrible thing soon appears in a cloud of smoke and shrieks as it
casts about for something to kill.

Level 7 Summoner
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Health: +6
Languages: Any one
Traditions: One, Spells: One master
Summoner’s Pentacle (Magical): You acquire a magical penta-
cle. If you lose the object, it returns to you after you rest.
While you carry the pentacle, you can use an action to
summon a monster from it. Target one Size 1 space you can
see within 10 yards. A monster forms in that space and has
any appearance you choose. The monster counts you as an
ally, but treats all other creatures as enemies. It takes its turn
when you do and you decide what it does on its turns. The
monster remains in your service for 1 hour, but disappears if it
becomes incapacitated or you use this talent again. You can
use this talent a number of times equal to half your level. You
regain expended uses after you rest.
DEFENSE: 10, HEALTH: 40, 60 at level 10
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 13 (+3), Agility 10 (+0), Intellect 8 (–2),
Chapter 6

Will 10 (+0)
NATURAL WEAPONS: The monster uses claws and teeth as
natural weapons that deal 3d6 damage. At level 10, the
weapons deal 4d6 damage. The monster makes rolls to
attack with 1 boon.
Level 8 Summoner Level 8 Symbolist
Health: +6 Health: +6
Spells: One master Spells: One master
Monstrous Symbiosis (Magical): While you and a monster you Inscribe Spell (Magical): You can perform a ritual to inscribe up
summon using your Summoner’s Pentacle are within 5 yards of to three spells on your body. Choose the spells from any tra-
each other, you impose 1 bane on rolls to attack either of you, ditions. When you finish, the spells and their castings appear
and the monster’s attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage. somewhere on your body. They remain until you expend the
last casting from them or you use this talent again.
Once per round, on your turn if you lack the confused, con-
Level 10 Summoner trolled, stunned, and unconscious afflictions, you can cast one
of these spells without having to expend a casting. When you
Health: +6 do so, make a Strength roll. On a failure, you become vulner-
Spells: One master able until the end of your next turn.
Once you use this talent, you lose access to it until after
Fearsome Monster: Enemies not immune to the frightened afflic- you rest.
tion roll to attack the monster with 1 bane.
Regenerating Monsters: Monsters you summon using your
Summoner’s pentacle heal 1d6 damage at the end of each Level 10 Symbolist
round. Health: +6
Spells: One master
Symbolist Blazing Symbols (Magical): You can use this talent when you
are harmed if you lack the confused, controlled, stunned, and
With brush and ink, with chisel, or even your very own flesh and unconscious afflictions. Bright light shines from the markings on
blood, you practice drawing symbols and imbuing them with your body for 1 minute. You impose 1 bane on rolls to attack
lasting magic. In so doing, you can call upon this magic later, you and rolls made against you, and you take half damage
from ordinary and magical sources. You can use this talent
when you need it the most. But you have gone beyond merely three times. You regain expended uses after you rest.
sketching your markings on objects you find around you. Rather
than illustrating a bit of a surface or marking up a sword with
runes, you turn your own body into a canvas. You have runes,
sigils, and other eldritch markings tattooed on your flesh and A focus on Technomancy grants you greater control over the
body, and perform a special ritual that quickens their power to gadgets and gizmos you make with it. As your understanding of
enhance your already impressive capabilities. the magic grows, so does your command over it until you can
whip up useful machinery to aid you in a raft of challenging
Level 7 Symbolist circumstances.
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Health: +6 Level 7 Technomancer
Languages: Any two Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Traditions: Symbolism, Spells: One master Health: +6
Magical Markings (Magical): You have two magical brands or Languages: Any one
tattoos on your body wherever you choose. You gain an addi- Traditions: Technomancy, Spells: One master
tional marking at level 8 and another at level 10. For each, Deploy Turret (Magical): You can use an action to deploy a tur-
choose one of the following options. You can choose each ret. Target an empty Size 1/4 space on the ground in reach.
option just once. A turret of your choice from the options presented below
• Enhanced Strength: You make Strength rolls with 1 boon, appears in that space. The turret remains for 1 minute or until
and you impose 1 bane on rolls against your Strength. destroyed. The turret has Defense 0 and Health 10.
• Enhanced Agility: You make Agility rolls with 1 boon, and • Healing Turret: At the end of each round, the turret enables
you impose 1 bane on rolls against your Agility. each creature within 3 yards of it to heal 1d6 damage.
• Enhanced Speed: Your Speed increases by 3 and you • Flame Turret: At the end of the round, the turret spews fire.
have the Slippery trait. Target one creature within 5 yards of the turret. The target
makes an Agility roll. On a failure, it takes 2d6 damage.
• Enhanced Health: Your Health increases by 10. • Shielding Turret: The turret emanates an opaque barrier
Master Paths

• Enhanced Self-Preservation: Impose 1 bane on rolls to of blue energy out to either side of it that also covers the
attack you. front of the turret. The barrier conforms to the available
• Enhanced Ferocity: Increase your supply of Bonus Damage space, and can be up to 5 yards tall and extend 5 yards
by +2d6. to either side. The barrier has Defense 0 and Health 20.
Nothing can pass through the barrier until it is destroyed.
• Enhanced Instincts: You can use an additional reaction If the barrier is destroyed, this effect ends early.
each round. You can use this talent a number of times equal to your level.
• Enhanced Prowess: You roll to attack with 1 boon. You regain expended uses after you rest.
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 16 (+6), Agility 8 (–2), Intellect 8 (–2),
Will 15 (+5)
IMMUNE: asleep, blinded, deafened, frightened, held, poi-
soned, prone
NATURAL WEAPONS: The machine uses its sharp ends as nat-
ural weapons that deal 3d6 damage. On a critical success
against a flesh-and-blood target, the target becomes vul-
nerable (luck ends).

It could be that you always had a knack for sensing the feelings
and thoughts of people around you. Then again, you might have
possessed psychic powers all along. In either case, you have found
the key you need to unlock the vault of your mind. And upon
opening that door, the flood of your hidden potential rushes
free, enabling you to cast your thoughts far and wide. Your abil-
ity to communicate with your allies extends to incredible dis-
tances, while your thoughts themselves become weapons you
can use to pierce the minds of your enemies. You can invade the
thoughts of others, compel them, and burn out their brains. You
direct your efforts to mastering your mental powers and open-
ing your mind to new possibilities, until few can withstand your
psionic assaults.

Level 7 Telepath
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Health: +6
Level 8 Technomancer Languages: Any one
Health: +6 Traditions: Psychomancy, Spells: One master
Spells: One master Greater Telepathy: You gain the Telepathy talent from the
Psychomancy tradition. If you have this talent already, gain a
Mega Gun (Magical): You assemble a Mega Gun, an absurdly different one from the same tradition. In either case, you can
large weapon that counts as 4 items for purposes of carrying use an action to telepathically communicate with any creature
limits. The Mega Gun produces and fires magical ammunition. you can see within 1 mile until the end of your next turn.
If you lose this object, you can build another one after you rest
and the one lost disappears. Mindbend (Magical): You can use this talent at the start of your
A creature carrying the Mega Gun can use an action to turn if you are not injured and you lack the confused, con-
fire it. From the barrel comes a barrage of glowing bullets that trolled, stunned, and unconscious afflictions. Target one crea-
spread through a line-shaped area, 5 yards wide and 30 ture within 10 yards. Make an Intellect roll against the target’s
yards long, originating from the creature’s space. Each crea- Will. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage and grants
ture and object in the area that does not have total cover takes 1 boon on rolls you make against it for 1 minute. On a critical
3d6 damage. A creature makes an Agility roll. The creature success, the target also becomes controlled by you until the
rolls with 1 boon if it has partial cover. On a failure, the crea- start of your next turn. On a failure, you become vulnerable
ture takes an extra 3d6 damage. until the start of your next turn. Once you use this talent, you
After each use, make a luck roll. On a failure, the Mega lose access to it (luck ends).
Gun breaks. You can repair it after you rest.
Level 8 Telepath
Level 10 Technomancer Health: +6
Health: +6 Spells: One master
Spells: One master Confusion Field (Magical): You can use this talent when you are
Chapter 6

Abominable Machine (Magical): You can use an action to not injured and you cast a Psychomancy spell, but before you
create an abominable machine. Target one Size 2 space resolve the spell’s effects. Each enemy within 5 yards of you
within reach. A giant, heaving mass of machine parts, spin- becomes Intellect impaired and Will impaired until the end of
ning blades, and crackling sparks appears in that space. The your next turn.
abominable machine remains in your service for 1 hour, until Mind Block (Magical): When you make an attribute roll to
it’s destroyed, or until you use this talent again. You can use dodge or withstand, you can roll Intellect or Will in place of
this talent three times. You regain expended uses after you rest. the attribute roll that enabled the use of that reaction.
Level 10 Telepath Academician
Health: +6
If your circumstances were different, you would have vanished into
Spells: One master an academic environment, passing your time reading, studying,
Psychic Scream (Magical): You can use this talent when you and learning. That life was not to be, though. Too much draws you
become injured or are harmed while you are injured but lack out from the academic environment you enjoy, so that you must
the confused, controlled, stunned, and unconscious afflictions. make yourself content with experiencing the world and all it con-
You release a violent wave of psychic energy that spreads
through a Size 20 space centered on you. Each enemy in the tains first hand. Being in the field in no way diminishes your eru-
space takes 5d6 damage and makes a Will roll. On a fail- dition; rather, you find your travels and experiences add to what
ure, the enemy takes an extra 10d6 damage and becomes you have learned already, growing your knowledge in unexpected
confused and vulnerable (luck ends both). Once you use this ways. You have a keen mind, a vast wellspring of knowledge, and
talent, you lose access to it until after you rest. the wherewithal to put your mental skills to good use.

Traveler Level 7 Academician

You have had your fill of chains and ropes, bindings and obliga- Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
tions. You sought out the secrets of Teleportation to liberate you Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
from all constraints. Now free, there is nowhere in the world that Languages: Any three
you cannot go. No wall is too high, no door too secure, no distance Erudition: You make Intellect rolls with 1 boon and impose 1
too far to thwart you. You are the traveler, and the world is yours bane on rolls against your Intellect. Also, once per round,
to explore. when you make a roll to attack, you can use Intellect in place
of the required attribute. Finally, when you make an attri-
bute roll that uses your Professional Knowledge, you can use
Level 7 Traveler Intellect in place of the normally required attribute.
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Health: +6 Level 8 Academician
Languages: Any one Health: +12
Traditions: Teleportation, Spells: One master Critical Advice: You can use a reaction when you see a creature
Misdirect Missile (Magical): You can use a reaction when an make an attribute roll to help that creature. When you help,
enemy you can see makes a ranged attack against you to the target makes its attribute roll with a number of boons equal
teleport the missile so that it flies toward a different creature to your Intellect modifier. You can use this talent a number of
or object within 15 yards of you. The enemy resolves its attack times equal to half your level. You regain expended uses after
against the new target instead and makes the roll with 1 bane. you rest.
Once you use this talent, you lose access to it (luck ends). Weakness Exposed: Whenever you roll to attack a creature,
Spatial Fluctuations (Magical): Whenever you teleport, you you can also make an Intellect roll. If both rolls succeed, the
impose 1 bane on rolls to attack you until the end of your target takes an extra 2d6 damage, or 3d6 damage at level
next turn. 10. If just the Intellect roll succeeds, the target becomes vulner-
able until the end of your next turn. If neither roll succeeds, you
lose access to this talent (luck ends).
Level 8 Traveler
Health: +6 Level 10 Academician
Spells: One master Health: +12
Constant Traveler (Magical): You gain the Teleport 10 trait. Battle of Wits: You can use an action to challenge a foe to a
battle of wits. Target one enemy within 5 yards. If the target
can see and hear you, it makes a Will roll. On a success, the
Level 10 Traveler enemy becomes immune to this talent for 24 hours. On a fail-
Health: +6 ure, the enemy must engage you in a battle of wits.
The battle of wits lasts until you or the enemy are harmed by
Spells: One master an effect not produced by this talent or until you can no longer
Far Traveler (Magical): You can use an action to teleport peo- hear or see the other. At the end of each round, you and the
ple around you. You and each creature inside a Size 5 space enemy each make an Intellect roll against the other’s Intellect.
centered on you appear in empty spaces inside a Size 5 If you both succeed, nothing happens. If one succeeds, the
space you can see. other takes damage equal to the Intellect score of the one who
Master Paths

succeeded. If both fail, each takes damage equal to half the

Intellect score of the other.

Paths of Prowess Triumph of Intellect: You are immune to the Intellect impaired
affliction, and you impose 1 bane on rolls against your
Intellect and Will.
The paths of prowess offer ways to specialize in specific areas, activ-
In addition, when you make a luck roll, you can use this
ities, and abilities, offering some magical ability or combat capabil- talent to make an Intellect roll in its place. Once you use this
ity, exploring the limits of technology, and more. aspect of the talent, you lose access to it until after you rest.
Master Paths of Prowess
Academician Learned and brilliant, academicians can solve any Mastermind A genius able to plan several steps in advance.
problem through wit alone.
Mind blade A psychic warrior who fashions weapons from
Accursed A god cursed you, but you use your ingenuity to turn thoughts.
this drawback into an advantage.
Mystic One who seeks to transcend the limits of the physical
Avatar One chosen by the gods to assume their form and form and become something greater.
become forces of divine power.
Nightshade A master of poison use.
Bearer of the One who wields the accursed Black Blade.
Black Blade Oblivionist A fanatical killer in service to Lord Death.

Chorist One who invokes the gods’ majesty through the Rakehell A rascal and gambler who risks all for the greatest
hymns they sing. rewards.

Daredevil A consummate adventurer and risk taker, one who Ravenguard One who forms a magical bond with ravens to
defies the odds. become a more dangerous fighter.

Darkheart One who traffics with dark forces to combat those Sanguinist One who amplifies magic use by spilling their own
same forces in the world. blood.

Darkslayer One who hunts down and destroys magical foes. Sapper A master of making and deploying explosive
Demonologist A sworn foe to demons and their kind, who drives Schemer One who always has a plan, an angle to exploit.
them and other evils from the world.
Seeker An agent of the druids, gifted with a magical cloak
Executioner One who snuffs out the life of others with uncannily and boots to carry out missions of espionage.
accurate strikes.
Sentinel The ultimate watcher, one with uncanny perception.
Factotum Versatility and wit enable the factotum to do almost
anything. Silhouette Magic makes this sneak unseen and undetected.
Galvanist One who harnesses magical energy for use as a Sniper One with deadly aim when shooting from hidden
potent weapon. positions.
Gunslinger A deadeye shot with firearms. Spellthief One who plucks spells from out of nowhere.
Healer One who masters the healing arts. Trapsmith A builder of nasty traps, able to take enemies by
Horologist A master clockmaker whose fabulous contraptions
seem to come to life. Trickster A cunning, mischievous person who overcomes
challenges through trickery.
Hunter of A sworn enemy of spirits and the undead.
the dead Uncanny Swift, nimble, and nearly impossible to pin down, the
acrobat acrobat stays one step ahead of enemies.
Infiltrator A master intruder who can slip past almost any
defense. War machine You construct and pilot a bipedal machine.

Accursed roll result is a critical failure, it takes 3d6 damage from some
unlikely occurrence—it cuts itself, trips and hits its head, or a
You made a mistake: you offended one of the gods, angered a pigeon flying overhead drops a coconut on it.
faerie, or affronted a powerful fiend, and earned the being’s enmity. When you become incapacitated, you end all cursed afflic-
tions affecting you and you make luck rolls with 3 boons until
Despite your efforts to appease the power, the curse still remains.
you are no longer incapacitated.
Will you bear this doom until the end of your days?
Maybe. But you refuse to let this drawback stop you. Others
might have buckled under this burden’s weight, but not you—you Level 8 Accursed
found a way to carry it and, more importantly, use it to your advan-
Health: +12
tage. Through a combination of ingenuity and bargaining with
dangerous beings, you have learned how to throw off this curse Bestow Curse (Magical): You can use this talent when you get a
and let it break another. During this respite, you are emboldened critical success on a roll against one creature within 5 yards.
You lose the cursed affliction and the target creature becomes
to act, though mindful that your fate has been sealed and that the
cursed for 1 minute. While the target is cursed in this way, you
curse will always return. make attribute rolls with 1 boon and your supply of Bonus
Damage increases by +2d6.
Level 7 Accursed
Chapter 6

Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. Level 10 Accursed

Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Health: +12
Lasting Curse (Magical): You are cursed. If the affliction ends
for any reason, you regain the cursed affliction 1 minute later. Exploit Misfortune: You make rolls to attack cursed targets with
While cursed in this way, you impose 1 bane on luck rolls 1 boon and your attacks against such targets deal an extra
made by enemies within 5 yards, and when an enemy’s luck 1d6 damage.
Doom Revealed (Magical): You can use a reaction when an
enemy within 5 yards fails an attribute roll or a luck roll to
cause that enemy to become cursed (luck ends). Roll a d6
after resolving the effect of the failed roll to see what else

1 There is no additional effect.

2 The enemy takes 1d6 damage.

3 The enemy becomes vulnerable until it is no longer cursed.

4 The enemy becomes confused and weakened until it is no

longer cursed.

5 One creature of your choice within 5 yards of the enemy can

use a reaction to attack it. If no creature can make this attack,
you instead move the enemy up to 10 yards.

6 The enemy falls prone and becomes stunned until the end of
your next turn.

The gods, using criteria known only to themselves, sometimes sin-
gle out mortals to serve as their agents. Some see such attention
as a great honor; others find the experience maddening. Either
way, when the divine eye falls upon their subjects, they undergo
a profound transformation, becoming giants that resemble com-
mon depictions of the god. While in these forms, avatars become
mighty and terrible forces, heedless of the ruin and chaos they cre-
ate until released from the god’s attention.

Level 7 Avatar
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Divine Manifestation (Magical): You can use this talent at the
end of the round if you are not already subject to its effects
and you lack the unconscious affliction. Make a luck roll. On a
success, you end the confused, controlled, and stunned afflic-
tions if you have them and you become the avatar of your god
and remain in that form for 1 minute. The effect ends early if
you become unconscious. Each enemy within 10 yards that
witnesses your transformation makes a Will roll. On a failure,
the enemy becomes frightened of you (luck ends).
• Your Size doubles, and everything you wear and carry
adjusts to accommodate your new stature. You weigh nine
times your normal weight.
• You take half damage from all sources.
• You impose 1 bane on rolls against you from magical
sources and make rolls to resist magic with 1 boon.
• Your supply of Bonus Damage increases by +2d6. At level
8, your supply increases by +4d6. At level 10, your sup-
ply increases by +6d6.
Master Paths

When this effect ends, you heal damage equal to your level,
and you become weakened until the end of your next turn.
You can use this talent three times. You regain expended uses
after you rest.
While you have no uses remaining, you make attribute rolls
and luck rolls with 1 boon, and at level 10, you take half dam-
age from ordinary sources.
The form you adopt when you use Divine Manifestation depends on the god who chose you to become a divine vessel. The god might
be one you have served for much of your career, or one with whom you had little or no association, the honor taking you by surprise.
Choose from the following options. Each includes a description of what you look like while under the effects of Divine Manifestation.

HIGH ONE: a shining star swallows your form and hovers above KAEN: you become a great, armored thing, leaking fire and steam
the ground where you once stood. with each step.
ABRAXUS: you assume the appearance of a mischievous goblin LORD DEATH: your body appears to lose substance, becoming
with a large, rounded belly, but your fingers and toes turn into shadows. A crown of iron spikes rises from your head, and your
vipers, while another long snake serves as a tail. eyes burn with red flames.
BLIND: great feathery wings spread from your back, while bind- MOTHER SUN: your head becomes a burning ball of radiance,
ings cover your eyes. completely obscuring your features and filling a size 5 space cen-
CALAMITY: your body reshapes itself, assuming many different tered on you with bright sunlight.
forms. You might appear as a giant cat, a young man, a striking OCEANUS: you assume a grotesque form that makes your head
woman, or a shower of gold. mottled and bulbous, a spill of writhing tentacles bearding your
DRACONUS: you transform into a scaly dragon, and your taper- face, while tiny bat wings flutter on your back.
ing tail seems to trail off into infinity. REVEL: you transform into an enormous faun, with devil horns,
FATES: your head divides into three faces, with that of a beauti- black goatish legs, and a long twitching tail.
ful young maiden on the right, a hideous crone on the left, and a SISTER MOON: silvery light dapples your shadowy form, while
kindly matron in the middle. stars twinkle in the night of your eyes. Sources of bright light
FETCH: a gray hooded cloak wraps around your body and con- within 5 yards instead produce dim light.
ceals your features. SKY FATHER: lightning crackles all over your body as your face
GRANDFATHER TREE: you assume the form of an enormous warps into a scowling, bearded mask. Strong wind blows through
walking tree. Your face peers out from the center of the trunk and a size 5 space centered on you.
branches serve as arms. THE PALE LADY: corruption spills from your eyes, ears, nose,
GRANDMOTHER SPORE: you grow pale and fleshy, and fungus and mouth, the leakage forming a river of black filth that flows
of all kinds makes ridges, lines, and flutes all over your prodigious down your body to corrupt your surroundings.
bulk. URBANUS: you retain your general shape, but you appear to be
HATE: your skin loses color until it becomes bone white. Your left assembled from houses, towers, bricks, and stones. You become a
eye burns with blue fire, while your right becomes a bottomless living city.
abyss. WANT: your body bloats, becoming fleshy and corpulent, while
HORNED LORD: green fur spreads across your lower body, while shrieking laughter fills the air around you.
an enormous rack of antlers emerges from your brow. Your emer- WILD WOMAN: you become either an unclad woman covered in
ald eyes glow. blood or a grinning matron wielding a cornucopia.
Chapter 6

Level 8 Avatar and you make attribute rolls with 1 boon for 1 hour. A creature
whose soul has been consumed cannot be restored to life by
Health: +12 any means.
Divine Wrath (Magical): You use this talent at the end of the As the Black Blade’s bearer, you are cursed. In addition to
round if you are under the effects of your Divine Manifestation the affliction’s normal effects, the affliction ensures the weapon
talent. Make a luck roll. On a success, you make attribute finds its way back to your hands 1 minute after you discard or
rolls with 1 boon until the end of your next turn. On a fail- lose it. If an effect would end the cursed affliction, you become
ure, you release a wave of destructive energy from your body cursed once more after 1 minute.
that deals 2d6 damage to each creature and object within 5 Whenever you fail a roll to attack a creature, you gain 1
yards, or 4d6 damage at level 10. A creature makes a luck doom. Each time the blade consumes a soul (as described
roll. The creature takes no damage on a success. above), discard 1 doom. If you accumulate 13 doom, the
In addition to this damage, the Sage might determine that weapon turns in your hands and attacks you. Roll a d20 and
certain cosmetic effects result. If you manifest Lord Death, add 20 to the result. On a success, you take 30d6 damage.
the dead might twitch and bones rattle within 1 mile of you, Assuming this attack does not kill you, you discard all your
while all light sources blaze for a moment if you manifest doom and become stunned (luck ends).
Mother Sun.
Level 8 Bearer of the Black Blade
Level 10 Avatar Health: +12
Health: +12 Accursed Strike (Magical): Any creature that takes damage
Divine Rebirth: Each time you use your Divine Manifestation from an attack you make with the Black Blade becomes cursed
talent, make a luck roll. On a success, you heal all damage. and vulnerable (luck ends both).
If you become incapacitated, you make your luck roll with 1 Hungry Blade (Magical): When you fail a roll to attack with the
boon. On a critical success, you also heal all damage. Black Blade, you can make a luck roll. On a success, you turn
the failure into a success. Once you use this talent, you lose
Bearer of the Black Blade access to it for 1 hour.

Few have encountered this horrid weapon and survived to tell of Level 10 Bearer of the Black Blade
it. Some claim a cyclops named Anor forged the Black Blade and
Health: +12
used it to slay the god Kaen during the cyclopes’ failed uprising,
but some whisper that the blade is a demon called from the Void Ferocious Blade (Magical): When you attack an enemy and
you have at least 1 doom, you make the roll with a number of
and bound in the form of a weapon. The Black Blade devours souls boons equal to your total doom.
and drives the wielder to commit horrific acts of violence to feed
Restless Blade (Magical): At the start of the round in combat, if
its hunger.
there are no enemies within 5 yards, the Black Blade drags
There is just one bearer of the Black Blade at a time. If you take you into reach of the nearest enemy of the Sage’s choice that is
this path, no other player can do so. If you meet another player within 15 yards. You attack that enemy without using an action
whose character has this path, you both must grab a d6 and roll off. to do so.
The first to roll a 6 gets to keep their character. The other character
dies, its body and soul sucked into the Void. Chorist
INHERITOR You feel the presence of the divine move through you whenever
If you have the inheritor expert path, your relic weapon you lift your voice in song. The praises you sing of the gods inspire
reveals itself to be the Black Blade, and you gain all others around, firming their resolve to stand fast in the face of evil.
the traits from this path in addition to those gained from You need only open your spirit to the divine for it to come flood-
the inheritor path. If the weapon you have from your ing through you, and your hymns transform you and your allies
inheritor path is a weapon other than a long sword, the into heroes worthy to serve the gods.
legends about the Black Blade are proven incorrect
and you treat the Black Blade as the weapon gained
from your inheritor path. Level 7 Chorist
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Level 7 Bearer of the Black Blade Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. Languages: Any one
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Joyful Song (Magical): You can use an action to sing a brief, joy-
Master Paths

The Black Blade (Magical): You acquire the Black Blade, which ful song. You end the confused, frightened, Intellect impaired,
is a nasty bladed weapon that uses the rules for a long sword. Will impaired, and stunned affliction from each ally that can
When you attack with this weapon, you add your level to the hear you.
roll in place of your attribute modifier. In addition, when you Voice of Thunder (Magical): When you speak, you can choose
get a critical success for an attack using this weapon, the tar- to raise your voice so that it can be heard anywhere within 10
get loses Health equal to twice your level. If this loss causes miles. Each creature within 5 yards, however, becomes deaf-
the target’s Health to drop to 0, the sword consumes its soul ened (luck ends).

Level 8 Chorist Level 8 Daredevil
Health: +12 Health: +12
Sacred Hymn (Magical): You can use an action to sing a hymn. Defy Death: You can use this talent when you take damage and
The music lasts 1 minute, but ends early if you use your voice you lack the confused, controlled, stunned, and unconscious
for anything else, such as casting a spell. In addition, if you afflictions. You take no damage instead. Once you use this
become deafened, make an Intellect roll. On a failure, the talent, you lose access to it until after you rest.
effects of this talent end at the end of your turn. Risky Strike: You can use this talent when you get a success on
The music increases your Speed by 5, your supply of Bonus a roll to attack. You discard the result of the roll and roll again
Damage increases by +2d6, and enables each ally within 10 but with 1 bane. If the second roll results in a success, your
yards that can hear you to heal 1d6 damage at the end of the attack deals an extra 4d6 damage. Once you use this talent
round. You can use this talent five times. You regain expended you lose access to it (luck ends).
uses of it after you rest.
At level 10, angels join their voices to yours. At the end of
each round, each enemy angel, demon, faerie, fiend, spirit, Level 10 Daredevil
and undead within 5 yards makes a Will roll. On a success,
the enemy becomes immune to this talent for 24 hours. On a Health: +12
failure, the enemy takes 3d6 damage and becomes weak- Adventurous Surge: You can use this talent at the end of your
ened until the end of the next round. turn. Take another turn. Once you use this talent, you lose
access to it for 1 minute.
Level 10 Chorist
Health: +12 Darkheart
Song of the Gods (Magical): You can use an action to sing the
song of the gods. Your song carries 100 yards in all directions. Few people see themselves as villains. For most, acknowledging
Each enemy that can hear the song takes 5d6 damage and their part in making others suffer, deciding on courses of activity
makes a Will roll. An enemy angel, demon, faerie, fiend, spirit, that feed their own selfish desires, or acting in manners that create
and undead rolls with 1 bane. On a failure, the enemy takes hardship and suffering is just too shameful to be endured. People
an extra 10d6 damage, falls prone, and becomes stunned
until the end of its next turn. When an affected creature delude themselves. They justify their actions as serving some
removes the stunned affliction, it becomes cursed, vulnerable, greater good. If the act resulted in someone’s harm, it was divine
and weakened (luck ends all). After you use this talent, you will, bad luck, or the dispensation of justice.
become weakened (luck ends). You can use this talent once. You are different. You know who and what you are. In your heart
You regain the use after you rest. of hearts, you understand you are a rotten person, someone who
puts their own interests above any other consideration. Now, this
Daredevil does not mean that you are grotesque in your evil. You don’t revel
in hurting others or worsening the world. You might even do some
Some might call you reckless, foolish even, but fortune ever favors good to counteract your villainy, but you’re capable of just about
the bold. Without taking risks, what rewards can you expect to
anything. Except when it comes to your companions, naturally.
receive? So when your companions hesitate, when they give pause
The people with whom you go on quests, with whom you face
to their fears, you do what needs doing, leaping headlong into
terrible danger, on whom you depend and who depend on you,
peril, knowing that skill, luck, or a bit of both will see you through
to victory. deserve more than a knife in the back. You might be a monster, but
Becoming a daredevil makes you willing to take risks others you’re not that kind of monster. You need your companions. Keep
would not. You tend toward rash action, being impulsive in tough them safe and never betray them.
situations, as you’re always willing to be a disruption to circum- If you die after taking this path, the ground opens beneath you
stances and see what happens next. Your risk-taking propensities to drag your corpse and shrieking spirit to the Netherworld, where
might put you at odds with allies who prefer a more measured gargoyles feed upon your remains and your soul passes from fiend
approach, so you must ever temper your instincts with consider- to fiend, each heaping on ever greater torments to make sure you
ation for those who fight at your side. spend eternity suffering.

Level 7 Daredevil Level 7 Darkheart

Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
A Bit of Luck: You can use this talent at the start of your turn. Blackest Eyes of a Corrupted Soul: You can see normally with-
Make a luck roll with 1 boon. On a success, you make attri- out light. When you see an angel, demon, faerie, or fiend, you
Chapter 6

bute rolls with 1 boon until the start of your next turn. On a recognize them as such, even if they are disguised.
failure, you make attribute rolls with 1 bane until the start of Unholy Word (Magical): You can use this talent after you use
your next turn. an action. You speak an unholy word. Lose 1d6 Health. Then,
Impulsive Action: You can use a reaction when an enemy you each enemy within 5 yards makes a Will roll with 1 bane.
can see uses an action. You can use an action, but become On a success, the enemy becomes immune to this talent for
vulnerable until the end of the next round. Once you use this 24 hours. On a failure, the enemy takes 1d6 damage and
talent, you lose access to it for 1 minute. becomes deafened and weakened (luck ends both).
Level 8 Darkheart
Health: +12
Corrupted Weapon (Magical): You can perform a ritual to
cause ribbons of corruption to spread across a weapon you
wield, such that foul, black smoke issues from it. Target one
ordinary weapon you hold for the entire performance. When
you finish, the target becomes corrupted until the weapon
leaves your possession, at which point the weapon crumbles
into greasy ash.
When you deal damage with this weapon, the target
becomes poisoned (luck ends). Your attacks with the weapon
deal an extra 1d6 damage at level 8 and an extra 2d6 dam-
age at level 10. Finally, you cannot be disarmed while you
wield this weapon.
In addition, the weapon reduces the intensity of light within
5 yards. Sources of bright light shed dim light, sources of dim
light shed faint light, and sources of faint light produce no light
at all. The change to illumination lasts until you leave the area
or the effects of this talent end.

Level 10 Darkheart
Health: +12
Unholy Suffering (Magical): You can use this talent when you
harm a creature. Each enemy within 5 yards of you becomes
vulnerable until the end of your next turn.
Share the Suffering (Magical): You can use a reaction when
you gain an affliction other than confused, controlled, stunned,
or unconscious to make a luck roll. On a success, target one
creature you can see within 5 yards. The affliction that enabled
the use of this talent ends and the target gains that affliction Level 8 Darkslayer
(luck ends).
Health: +12
Darkslayer Purge the Darkness (Magical): Whenever you cause an angel,
demon, faerie, fiend, spirit, or undead target to become vul-
nerable, the target makes a luck roll. On a failure, it takes 3d6
The air reeks of dark magic; you know your quarry is close. You damage.
have been tracking the demonist for months, and the things
Ravel Magic: You can use this talent when you get a critical suc-
you saw will haunt you for the rest of your days. But this is what
cess on a roll to attack. The target’s magical talents and spells
comes from your necessary work. You face things others never produce no effects until the end of your next turn.
dare because someone has to take a stand against these fiends.
You draw your sword, check your charms, and descend the steps
into darkness. Level 10 Darkslayer
You are a hunter of the dark, a hard-bitten, self-declared enemy Health: +12
of evil. You search out the death masters, the demon lords, and Burning Scourge (Magical): You can use this talent when you
all the vile, selfish people who burn everything down for even a get a success on a roll to attack. The target catches fire (luck
thimbleful more magical power. You guard yourself with numer- ends). Once you use this talent, you lose access to it until the
ous charms, some of which you have even tattooed into your skin, target is no longer on fire.
so that none of your foes’ foul spells can affect you. Defeat Magic (Magical): You can use a reaction when you would
suffer harmful magical effects to ignore those harmful effects.
Once you use this talent, you lose access to it (luck ends).
Level 7 Darkslayer
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Master Paths

Evil Exposed (Magical): You can use this talent when you get a That the Church of the High One makes demons into bogeymen
success on a roll to attack. The target of your attack becomes does a disservice to those who understand the true threat they
vulnerable (luck ends). While vulnerable in this way, the target
pose. Neither monster nor fiend, demons exist apart from the
cannot become hidden or invisible.
world and its magical corners. They seek the utter annihilation
Protective Charms: Your body bears protective charms, which
might be scars, tattoos, or amulets. When a creature rolls of all things, to bring not just Erth but all of reality tumbling
against you for a magical effect, you impose 1 bane on the into the Void to feed the appetite of the one that drives them.
roll. You roll to resist magical effects with 1 boon. This entity, called the Demon Lord for want of a better name, is
something of such vast and terrible power that to even lay eyes
Level 8 Demonologist
upon it is to find torment that only madness can relieve. This is
the real threat, and you have made it your life’s purpose to fight Health: +12
demons at every turn and prevent them from gaining a foothold Spells: One expert
in your reality. Occult Senses (Magical): When you use an action to find, you
Progressing along this path teaches you ways to confront all locate each angel, demon, faerie, fiend, spirit, and undead
kinds of magical foes, from wicked faeries to undead. Your faith within 20 yards of you.
empowers your methods so that the enemies of mortals fall Protective Incantation (Magical): You can use an action to
before you. You are resolute in your work, a stalwart foe of evil. begin speaking aloud mystic words that cause discomfort and
distress to evil beings. You protect a Size 5 space centered
on you. For 1 hour, any enemy angel, demon, faerie, fiend,
Level 7 Demonologist spirit, and undead becomes weakened while in the space.
You can use this talent three times. You regain expended uses
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. after you rest.
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Languages: Any one
Level 10 Demonologist
Traditions: One, Spells: One expert
Exorcism (Magical): You can use an action to free a creature Health: +12
from another’s control. Target one controlled creature within Spells: One master
5 yards. The target’s controller makes a Will roll with 1 bane.
On a success, the target loses 1d6 Health and the controller Bind Demon (Magical): If you do not have a bound demon
becomes immune to this talent for 1 hour. On a failure, the already, you can use a reaction when a demon within 5
controlled affliction ends. yards of you becomes incapacitated to bind it to one ordinary
object you wear or carry. The demon becomes bound until the
Occult Casting (Magical): You can use this talent when you cast object holding it is destroyed. When this happens, a demon
a spell. The spell originates from any point you can see within of a randomly-determined type appears in the nearest empty
15 yards. space to the destroyed object of the Sage’s choice.
Steely Resolve (Magical): You can use this talent when you While the object has the demon bound, you can use its
become frightened, impaired, or weakened. Make a luck roll. essence to power your magic. You can cast any spell you
On a success, the affliction ends. have learned without expending a casting by instead burn-
ing away the demon bound to the object. After you resolve
the spell’s effects, make a luck roll. If you cast a novice spell,
you roll with 1 boon. If you cast a master spell, you roll with
1 bane. On a failure, the demon bound to the item is utterly
destroyed and this effect ends.
Words of Anathema (Magical): You can use an action to speak
words of anathema. Target one creature within 10 yards.
Make a Will roll against the target’s Will. You make this
roll with 1 boon against a demon. On a success, the target
becomes cursed for 24 hours. If the cursed target is within 5
yards of you at the end of any round, it loses 1d6 Health.
If the target was a type I or II demon, you cause it to
become a formless demon. If the target is of a higher type, a
success also causes it to become weakened (luck ends), and
the target loses 6d6 Health at the end of each round until it
is no longer weakened.
On a failure, the target becomes immune to this talent for
24 hours.

The executioner’s trade appeals to few. Killing people, even those
who deserve it, is difficult for most. Yet death never bothered you.
People die all the time, some to disease, others to mishap. You, at
least, can promise a good, clean death. So skilled have you become
at the killing business, your victims hardly feel a thing. Or so you
hope. It’s not like they can complain after the fact.
Chapter 6

As an executioner, you spend your time between quests lopping

the heads off criminals or political prisoners. You could also be a
hired killer, making ends meet by snuffing out the lives of the peo-
ple who angered your employers. Then again, you could belong
to a guild of executioners, an extremist death cult, or some other
fringe organization with a fixation on killing.
Level 7 Executioner Level 10 Factotum
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. Health: +12
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Flexible Asset: When you fail an attribute roll, you can increase
Anatomical Knowledge: You can use this talent when you make the score of that attribute by 1 (maximum 16). The increase
a called shot. You roll with 1 boon. On a critical success, the lasts until after you rest.
target also becomes weakened (luck ends). Mimic Talent: After you rest, choose one of your allies’ talents.
Execution: You can use this talent when your melee attack deals You add this talent to your list of talents until you use mimic
damage to an injured target or causes a target to become talent again. You gain none of the talent’s improvements deter-
injured. The target takes an extra 2d6 damage, or 4d6 dam- mined by level, however.
age at level 10.
Level 8 Executioner
You suspected that the energies magic-users draw on to cast spells
Health: +12
can be stored without having to use any occult methods. In pursuit
One Terrible Cut: You can use this talent when you get a critical of this idea, you experimented in your workshop between quests
success for a roll to attack. Make a luck roll. Add the result of
the luck roll as extra damage to the attack. in hopes of taming this power. You designed and built several pro-
totypes with mixed success, but your recent breakthrough with
the generator you made has validated all your efforts.
Level 10 Executioner The generator doesn’t look like much. It’s a spindle wrapped in
Health: +12 copper wire and mounted on a non-conductive plate. You attached
Exacting Strike: You can use this talent when you attack with loops to the plate so you can strap it onto your back and keep your
a melee weapon and get a success on the roll to attack. The hands free. A lever on the side switches it on and off.
target takes maximum damage. Once you use this talent, you At first, you believed the energies with which you worked were
lose access to it (luck ends). no different from lightning or fire, but you are becoming con-
cerned that you might be tapping into forces from beyond your
Factotum reality. You sometimes see strange things while your generator
runs, as if the barriers between reality were weakening. Still, the
Where your peers specialize, you found it far better to diversify. benefits far outweigh the risks, so you press on.
Doing so makes you ready for just about anything. You can fight,
certainly, and cast a few spells, but you have a keen, adaptable mind
Level 7 Galvanist
that lets you pick up talents wherever you go. You’re nowhere as
good as the real thing, but you can fit in wherever and whenever Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
you’re needed. Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Generator (Magical): You construct a generator that gathers
Level 7 Factotum and stores magical energy. If you leave the generator running
while you rest, it accumulates charges up to your maximum,
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. which equals your level. You, and you alone, expend charges
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 from your generator to use devices and talents gained from
Languages: Any one this path. If you lose the generator, you can spend 1 hour con-
structing a replacement after you finish a rest.
Attention for Detail: You can use this talent when a creature you You can use an action and expend 1 charge from your
can see gets a success on a roll to perform a specific activity generator to cast the Lightning Bolt spell from the Aeromancy
such as cast a spell, steal, or attack. The next time you roll to tradition.
perform the same activity before the end of your next turn, you
roll with 1 boon. Eldritch Horrors (Magical): The energy your generator gathers
comes from alien places. Each time you expend 1 charge,
Beginner’s Luck: You have a pool of luck equal to twice your make a luck roll. On a success, the spot you see, if you can
level. Whenever you make an attribute roll or a luck roll, you see one, disappears. On a failure, you see a black spot some-
can spend points from your pool and add them to the result where in your field of vision that remains until after you rest
of the roll. After you rest, you refresh your pool, up to your or until the black spot becomes a horror
maximum. under the Sage’s control.
The spot becomes a hor-
Level 8 Factotum ror the next time a creature
Master Paths

within 5 yards of you gets

Health: +12 a failure on a luck roll. The
Quick Study (Magical): You can perform a ritual to gain knowl- horror appears in an empty
edge of magic. Choose one novice spell from any tradition. space of the Sage’s choos-
At level 10, you can choose any novice or expert spell. You ing within 5 yards of you
learn this spell and retain knowledge of it until after you rest. and treats all creatures as
You can use this talent three times. You regain expended uses enemies. The horror remains
after you rest. until destroyed.
Level 8 Galvanist Level 10 Gunslinger
Health: +12 Health: +12
Tradition: Eldritch or Technomancy, Spells: Two novice Gun Fighting (Magical): Somehow, you always keep your pis-
Lightning Cage (Magical): You can use an action and expend tols and muskets loaded so that you never have to reload. In
addition, your attacks with pistols and muskets deal an extra
1 charge from your generator to create a cage of lightning
2d6 damage.
around a Size 5 space within 20 yards. The cage remains
for 1 minute. The cage produces bright light. Any creature or
object moving through the cage makes a Strength or Agility Healer
roll. On a failure, it takes 2d6 damage, and catches fire and
becomes vulnerable (luck ends both). Creatures and objects You have seen such pain, such suffering in the world, you were
can take this damage just once per round, regardless of how moved to do something about it. You choose to spend your time
many times they move through it.
aiding others. Such a life might lack the glory of a fighter or the
Occult Energy (Magical): You can use an action and expend majesty of a skilled mage, but you play an invaluable part in the
1 charge to regain all expended castings of one novice spell
lives of people around you. You have yet to find a disease you
you have learned. cannot defeat, a parasite you cannot destroy. Your touch closes
wounds and restores vigor to the exhausted. In time, you even
Level 10 Galvanist learn to keep Lord Death at bay.
Health: +12
Spells: One novice Level 7 Healer
Boost of Energy (Magical): You can use this talent at the start Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
of your turn. Expend 2 charges from your generator. You can Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
increase the number of actions and reactions you can use
during the round by 1. At the end of the round, make a Will Healing Hands (Magical): You can use an action to enable one
roll. On a failure, you become cursed (luck ends). ally in reach to heal 8d6 damage. You can use this talent five
times. You regain expended uses after you rest.

Gunslinger Level 8 Healer

Some say black powder flows through your veins, so deft is your Health: +12
hand with firearms. In truth, a steady hand, an intimate under- Zone of No Harm (Magical): You can use an action to create
standing of how firearms work, and so much practice have made a zone that prevents harm from befalling you and others in
you one of the best shooters the lands have ever seen. You carry a it. The zone covers a Size 5 space centered on you and lasts
until the start of your next turn. No creature in the space can
firearm with you at all times, as well as secret ammunition, powder, suffer any form of harm unless the harm originates from an
and the tools you need to maintain your weapons. angel, demon, faerie, fiend, spirit, or undead. Once you use
this talent, you lose access to it for 1 minute.
Level 7 Gunslinger
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. Level 10 Healer
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Health: +12
Speed Shooter: You roll to attack with firearms with 1 boon. Eternal Health: You are immune to the poisoned affliction.
Speed Loader: You can use an action to reload a pistol or mus- In addition, each time after you rest, you end any infection
ket instead of spending 1 minute to do so. affecting you and you regain all of your lost Health. Finally,
creatures within 5 yards of you that rest with you regain an
Trick Shot: When you use a pistol to disarm a creature, you additional 1d6 Health when they finish the rest.
reduce the number of banes imposed on your roll to 1. When Restore Life (Magical): You can use an action to restore life to
you make a disrupting attack or pressing attack with a pistol the dead. Target one creature dead no longer than 1 hour and
or musket, you roll to attack with 1 boon. within reach. The target returns to life, regains 1d6 Health, and
heals damage equal to the amount of Health regained. Once
Level 8 Gunslinger you use this talent, you lose access to it until after you rest.

Health: +12
Ricochet Shot: You can use this talent when you get a failure on
a roll to attack with a pistol or musket. Make a luck roll. On a You construct marvelous devices from clockwork. Each compo-
success, target one different creature or object within 5 yards
Chapter 6

of the original target. The new target makes an Agility roll. On nent takes painstaking effort to create, and the assembly of these
a failure, the new target takes 2d6 damage. pieces takes time, patience, and dedication. Perhaps the effort
you make explains why each creation holds a special place in your
Fog of War: When you use a pistol or a musket to attack, you
can choose to fill a Size 3 space centered on you with fog heart. The “life” you give them comes from your expert preci-
that lasts for 1 minute. The fog creates heavy obscurement in sion and your mastery of engineering. These are no toys; in some
that space. respects, you see them as your children.
Level 7 Horologist of them. You could have joined one of these groups and undertake
missions on their behalf. You might also go it alone. Perhaps you
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. have a personal grudge against spirits and undead.
Health: +12; Bonus Damage: +1d6
Clockwork Tinker: You have a supply of clockwork parts equal Level 7 Hunter of the Dead
to your level. You can use clockwork parts as spare parts.
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Also, you can perform a ritual using a tool kit to enhance an
object. Target one ordinary object in reach and expend one Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
set of clockwork parts. You either remove the inferior trait from Death Warded: You impose 1 bane on rolls to attack you by
the target or, if not inferior, cause it to become superior. The spirits and undead. When a harmful effect would cause you
change lasts for 24 hours. You replenish your supply of clock- to lose Health, you reduce the amount of Health lost by an
work parts after you rest. amount equal to half your level (minimum 1). Finally, if you
At level 8, if you target a weapon, you can also expend 1 become frightened, you can make a luck roll. On a success,
set of clockwork parts to remove one trait from a weapon or you become immune to the affliction for 1 minute.
grant it one trait from those described in Chapter 3. Grave Stench: You always know the location of each spirit and
undead within 15 yards.
Level 8 Horologist
Health: +12 Level 8 Hunter of the Dead
Chronomancy Dabbler: You gain one talent from the Health: +12
Chronomancy tradition. At level 10, you gain another one. Drawn to Death (Magical): You can use a reaction when a
Force Delay (Magical): You can use this talent at the start of a creature within 10 yards of you is harmed to become as a
new combat. Target any number of enemies within 10 yards. ghost. If you are grabbed, the grabbed effect ends. If you are
Each target makes a luck roll. On a failure, the target loses its held, end the affliction. Then, until the start of your next turn,
turn during the first round. If the target is harmed, however, you can move through creatures and solid obstacles, and you
it can take its turn immediately. You can use this talent three have the Slippery and Strider traits. Once you use this talent,
times. You regain expended uses after you rest. you lose access to it (luck ends).
Living Vengeance: You roll to attack spirits and undead with 1
boon and your attacks against these creatures deal an extra
Level 10 Horologist 2d6 damage.
Health: +12
Marvelous Lackey: You construct a marvelous lackey. The lackey
has a humanoid shape, but can have any appearance
you choose. The lackey becomes your companion until
it’s destroyed. If destroyed, you can construct a new
one by spending 8 hours using a tool kit and 5 gp worth
of rare components.
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 14 (+4), Agility 10 (+0), Intellect —,
Will —
IMMUNE: asleep, blinded, deafened, impaired, poisoned,
NATURAL WEAPONS: The lacky uses a weaponized
appendage as a natural weapon that deals 4d6 damage.

Hunter of the Dead

Each time a corpse rises from death, or a spirit escapes the
Underworld to plague the living, the natural order weakens.
The more this happens, the greater the threat, for reality depends
on the migration of souls so that new life can be born and
thrive. Some claim each soul denied to Lord Death diminishes
Master Paths

the deity; should that happen, what other chaos might result?
Could the chains holding the Ancient Ones slacken? Could the
terrors in the Void break through the boundaries and lay waste to
everything? The defilers must be stopped.
Numerous organizations are committed to stopping the plague
of undead. Lord Death’s cult, the Church of the High One, and
secular companies search out these foul things and rid the lands
not result in combat, anyone present for that social interaction
Level 10 Hunter of the Dead forgets your appearance and what you said a few minutes
Health: +12 later. After an hour, people forget having socially interacted
with you at all.
Death’s Judgment (Magical): You can use this talent when you
get a success on a roll to attack. Make a luck roll. On a suc-
cess, each enemy within 5 yards takes 1d6 damage. Spirits Level 10 Infiltrator
and undead take double damage. On a failure, you lose
access to this talent for 1 minute. Health: +12
Grave Summons (Magical): If you lack the confused controlled, Faceless: Your Forgettable talent applies to a social interaction
stunned, and unconscious afflictions, you can use this talent at of any length that does not result in combat.
the start of your turn. Target one creature you can see within
15 yards. Make a Will roll against the target’s Strength or Will
(Sage’s choice). If the target is a spirit or undead, you make Mastermind
the roll with 1 boon. On a success, you pull the target up to
15 yards toward you and the target becomes vulnerable for Little surprises you. Your razor-sharp intellect lets you see several
1 minute. On a critical success, you can also make an attack steps in advance. You understand how events ought to play out and
against the target. Once you use this talent, you lose access respond appropriately. While your enemies jockey for position on
to it (luck ends).
the battlefield, you have already deduced the most likely outcomes
based on your keen observation. Your genius lets you see patterns
Infiltrator in your surroundings and choose the best course of action.
Something about you makes you hard to notice. Exceptionally
plain features, a soft voice, a furtive manner: these might be natural
Level 7 Mastermind
qualities you have always had or traits you developed through train- Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
ing and body modification. In any event, you know how to avoid Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
attracting attention and slip into places with no one the wiser. Languages: Any one
The opportunities granted by being an infiltrator are obvious.
Genius Intellect: You make Intellect rolls with 1 boon and impose
You can sneak in right under guards’ noses. Once inside, you can 1 bane on rolls against your Intellect. When you make an
move around freely to find whatever you seek: secrets, treasure, a Agility roll or Will roll in combat, you can make an Intellect
prisoner, or something else of value. After laying your hands on roll instead. At level 10, you make Intellect rolls with 3 boons
it, you exit the same way. And when people realize their prize has and impose 3 banes on rolls against your Intellect.
gone missing, they cannot find any witnesses. It was like you were Best Idea Ever: You can use this talent whenever you would
never there. make an attribute roll outside of combat. You can use Intellect
in place of the attribute you would normally use. Once you
use this talent, you lose access to it for 1 minute.
Level 7 Infiltrator
Intimidating Intellect: When a creature makes an attribute roll
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. against your Intellect and gets a failure, the creature becomes
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 frightened of you until it overcomes the affliction with a suc-
cessful Will roll.
Languages: Any one
Low Profile: You can use this talent at the start of each new com-
bat. Each enemy that can see you makes an Intellect roll. At Level 8 Mastermind
level 10, you impose 1 bane on the roll. On a success, the
enemy becomes immune to this talent for 24 hours. On a fail- Health: +12
ure, you become invisible to the enemy for 1 minute. The effect Stratagems: You can make use of each of the following options
ends early if you harm the enemy. once during each combat provided you lack the confused,
Strike from Hiding: You roll to attack enemies from which you controlled, stunned, and unconscious afflictions. When you
are hidden or invisible with 1 boon and such attacks deal an use them all, you regain the ability to use them all again.
extra 1d6 damage. • You can use this option when a creature rolls to attack
At level 10, you add 10 to the result of your rolls to attack you or rolls against your Strength, Agility, or Will. The
such targets, and these attacks now deal an extra 3d6 damage. creature must use your Intellect score for the target num-
ber of the roll.
• You can use this option when you use a reaction. Gain
Level 8 Infiltrator one reaction to be used before the end of the round or
Health: +12 it’s lost.
Disappear: You can use this talent when you are in a space con- • You can use this option when you get a success on a roll to
Chapter 6

taining any degree of obscurement or when you have partial attack. The target takes an extra 3d6 damage. At level 10,
cover. Expend 2 yards of your movement and become invisi- the target takes an extra 6d6 damage instead.
ble until the start of your next turn. The effect ends early if you • You can use this option when you gain an affliction. The
harm another creature. affliction ends.
Forgettable: People have a hard time remembering you. After • You can use this option when you take damage. You take
any social interaction that lasts 1 hour or less and that does no damage instead.
a barrage of psychic blades into a space up to Size 5 within
Level 10 Mastermind 30 yards. The blades deal 5d6 damage to each creature and
Health: +12 object in that space. A creature makes an Agility roll with 1
bane. On a failure, it takes an extra 5d6 damage. Once you
Staggering Intelligence: Your Intellect score increases to 20. use this talent, you lose access to it (luck ends).

Mind Blade Mystic

You discovered within yourself the ability to solidify your Is this all there is to living? Is life the sum of existence? Are you
thoughts, to make of them whatever tool you might need. You bound to the form to which you were born or is there some way
need only open your hand, and there appears a blade. You concen- to transcend the limitations of birth and become something more,
trate, and shimmering armor covers your body. So prepared, you something greater, something eternal? Long have you felt that
stand ready for battle, confident in your focus on victory. some greatness lay hidden within you. You lamented the body’s
fragility, its propensity toward injury and infirmity, until you came
Level 7 Mind Blade to see that your existence had become a prison of sorts.
You refused to accept your fate and sought answers from the
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. world. You consulted with wisdoms, hidden away in high, moun-
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 tain aeries, you closed yourself off from your senses to search for
Psychic Trance (Magical): You can use an action to enter a your true self, and you put your body through extensive training,
trance. You remain in the trance until you end it or you become always pushing yourself harder, farther. You found the path that
unconscious. If you are in the trance and become confused, leads to escape from these limits. Your learning shows in how you
Intellect impaired, or Will impaired, make a luck roll. On a
failure, this effect ends and you lose access to this talent for move, how you seem to never grow ill, feel pain, or suffer. You find
1 minute. yourself divorced from other people, especially those content with
While in the trance, you have the Keen Hearing and Keen what they have, but you find the price you pay worth the limitless
Vision traits, you impose 1 bane on rolls against your Intellect self you hope to attain.
and Will, and you are immune to being controlled.
Psychic Weapon (Magical): You can use this talent if you are Level 7 Mystic
subject to your Psychic Trance talent and you have a hand
free. You use an action to form a magical melee or ranged Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
weapon (including ammunition) from solidified thoughts. The Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
weapon remains for as long as you are in your trance.
You can use Intellect or Will in place of the attribute you Enlightenment: You gain all of the following benefits:
would normally use to attack with this weapon. Attempts to • When you make a Strength roll, you can make a Will
disarm you or steal this weapon from you fail. If you throw the roll instead.
weapon, it disappears after you resolve the attack and a new • When you make an Agility roll, you can make an Intellect
one forms in your hand at the end of the round. roll instead.
At level 8, you roll to attack with this weapon with 1 boon
and your attacks deal an extra 2d6 damage. • Make a luck roll when you become confused, frightened,
Once on each of your turns that you are neither confused, Intellect impaired, Will impaired, stunned, or vulnerable.
controlled, stunned, or unconscious, you can change the On a success, you do not gain the affliction.
weapon’s form into a different one. • You gain the Brawler talent from the fighter path. If you
already have this talent, your unarmed strikes now have
the Bludgeoning and Brutal traits.
Level 8 Mind Blade • You are immune to infection and the poisoned affliction.
Health: +12 • You can hold your breath for 1 hour.
Psychic Armor (Magical): You can use this talent if you are sub- • You need to eat and drink just once every seven days.
ject to your Psychic Trance talent. You use an action to clad • For each hour you rest, you heal 1d6 damage and regain
yourself in a suit of light armor made from your solidified 1 Health.
thoughts. The armor grants you Defense 18 and halves dam-
age you take from cold, fire, and lightning. The armor remains
until the trance ends. Level 8 Mystic
Health: +12
Level 10 Mind Blade Stunning Fist: You can use this talent when you get a success
on a roll to attack using an unarmed strike. The target of your
Health: +12 attack makes a Will roll. Angels, demons, faeries, fiends, spir-
Master Paths

Ascendant Mind (Magical): While you are under the effects of its, and undead get an automatic success. On a success, the
your Psychic Trance talent, you float a foot above the ground, target becomes immune to this talent for 24 hours. On a fail-
which grants you the Strider trait. In addition, whenever you ure, the target becomes stunned (luck ends). Once you use this
make a Strength roll or an Agility roll, you can use Intellect or talent, you lose access to it for 1 minute.
Will in place of that attribute, but you lose access to this aspect Unfettered Movement: You can move across, up, down, and
of the talent (luck ends). stand on any surface, across ceilings and overhangs, over
Mind Blade Storm (Magical): You can use this talent if you are liquid surfaces, and on surfaces that could not normally bear
subject to your Psychic Trance talent. You use an action to hurl your weight. You can squeeze through Size 1/4 openings.
your roll. If you succeed on both rolls, the target automatically
fails the roll to resist the poison.
Brew Poisons: You can perform a ritual using an alchemist’s kit
and 5 sp of uncommon ingredients. When you finish, expend
the ingredients and create one dose of poison. When you get
a success on a roll to attack, you can expend one dose of poi-
son. The target of your attack becomes poisoned (luck ends).

Level 8 Nightshade
Health: +12
Toxic Reprisal: You can use a reaction when a creature in reach
attacks you to expend one dose of poison and blow the sub-
stance into the attacker’s face. The creature that enabled the
use of this makes a Strength roll with 1 bane. On a failure, it
loses 3d6 Health and becomes poisoned (luck ends).
Toxin Immunity: You are immune to the poisoned affliction.

Level 10 Nightshade
Health: +12
Ur-Poisons: Creatures make rolls to resist your poisons and end
the poisoned affliction gained from you with 1 bane, and lose
an additional 1d6 Health whenever they lose Health from
being poisoned. A creature poisoned by you also becomes
vulnerable until the poisoned affliction ends. Finally, when you
use poison against a creature normally immune to poison, the
creature still takes 3d6 damage.

Level 10 Mystic
Health: +12 “Be of joy, for this is the day you make good your debt to Lord Death!”
An extremist cult dedicated to Lord Death formed after coming
Ultimate Strike (Magical): You can use this talent when you get
a critical success on a roll to attack using an unarmed strike. to peculiar conclusions about the nature of their god and his will
The target takes an extra 5d6 damage and makes a Strength in the world. The founders believed that Lord Death wanted the
roll. On a failure, you push the target up to 10 yards away extinction of all living things, and that the duty of his followers
from you, where it lands prone, and becomes stunned until was to exterminate as many people as they could. To this end, the
the end of your next turn. If the damage causes the target to cultists devised killing techniques drawn from the power of their
become incapacitated, it explodes and dies instantly. Once
you use this talent, you lose access to it for 1 minute. faith alone, and their best killers ventured out in the darkest hours
to do the bidding of their grim master.
After a rash of murders swept through the capital of the Great
Nightshade Kingdom, the Church of the High One crushed the cult and
hanged its leadership. The Church believed the cultists were wiped
People who say there’s no honor in using poison have never
out, but their teachings survived, spirited out of the Old Country
been desperate enough or feared enough for their lives that they
to find refuge in the free cities. There, a small but determined
would do anything to escape their predicament. You know this
following maintains those beliefs, but with a more judicious
fear all too well, and so your business is making lethal substances
and using them against targets you are hired to eliminate. It’s an approach—cultists kill only those they have been hired to kill.
underhanded, dirty trade, but you have a real talent. You appre- You have joined the cult and learned their methods. Whether
ciate how poisons do not discriminate, killing commoners or you are a true believer or not, the skills you gained make you a
kings, wizards or monsters. That’s their enduring appeal to the deadly threat.
likes of you who study them, make them, and use them without
thinking twice. Level 7 Oblivionist
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Level 7 Nightshade Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Chapter 6

Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. Penumbral Blade (Magical): You can use an action to cause
one edged weapon you are wielding, such as a sword or
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 dagger, to become a penumbral blade. The effect lasts until
Blowgun Specialization: You roll to use a blowgun with 1 boon you use this talent again. You roll to attack with 1 boon when
and increase the weapon’s range to 15. When you use a poi- you attack with the weapon. Also, the weapon gains the Brutal
soned dart with your blowgun, make a luck roll along with trait if it has it. If it has the Light or Slow traits, it loses them.
Vanishing Death (Magical): You can use this talent when you Double Down: You can use this talent when you get a failure
get a critical success for a roll to attack. You become invisible on an attribute roll. Gain 1 debt token. Roll a d6 and add the
and Slippery until the end of your next turn. number rolled to your result. At level 10, if the use of this talent
turns the failure into a success and the roll was made to attack,
the target of your attack takes an extra 3d6 damage.
Level 8 Oblivionist
Roll the Dice: You can use this talent when you attack, but before
Health: +12 you roll the dice. Make a luck roll along with the attribute roll.
You get a successful result only if both rolls result in a success,
Shadow Stars (Magical): You can use an action to hurl sharp but if you succeed, the attack deals an extra 2d6 damage.
fragments of shadow from your hand. Target one Size 3 space
within 10 yards. Each creature in the space makes an Agility
roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the target takes 4d6 damage Level 8 Rakehell
and becomes Strength impaired (luck ends). Once you use
this talent, you lose access to it (luck ends). Health: +12
In the Hole: While you have at least 1 debt token, your attacks
Level 10 Oblivionist deal an extra 1d6 damage.
Risk-Taker: You can use this talent at the end of a round. Make
Health: +12 a luck roll. On a success, you make all attribute rolls with 1
Shadowshape (Magical): You can use this talent when you boon, while on a failure, you make all attribute rolls with 2
move into a space lit by dim light, faint light, or no light. For 1 banes. In either case, the effect lasts until the end of your next
minute, you gain all of the following benefits. turn.
• You take half damage from ordinary sources.
• Rolls made to grab you fail automatically, and you are Level 10 Rakehell
immune to the held affliction.
Health: +12
• You are invisible.
• You have the Silent and Slippery traits. Uncannily Good Fortune: You can use this talent when a crea-
ture rolls to attack you and you lack the confused, controlled,
• You leave no footprints when you walk or run. stunned, and unconscious afflictions. Gain 1 debt token and
• You can move through solid obstacles, but if you end your make a luck roll. On a success or a failure, subtract the result of
movement in a solid object, you are pushed out of it into your luck roll from the creature’s roll. Once you use this talent,
the nearest empty space and become vulnerable (luck you lose access to it (luck ends).
• You can move across the surface of a liquid as if it were
solid, though you sink if you end your move on such a sur-
face. You can traverse vertical surfaces without needing
to climb. You bonded with a raven spirit from the Ephemera. The spirit has
unfinished business in the mortal world—a debt to pay, a murder
• You roll to attack with 1 boon and your attacks deal an
extra 4d6 damage to avenge, or some other trouble to put to rest—and has offered its
powerful magic to aid you in your quests. The connection attracts
You can use this talent five times. You regain expended uses
after you rest. corvids wherever you go. You spot them in the trees, hear them
through closed doors, and see their shadows pass on the ground as
they wheel overhead.
No matter the odds, no matter how high the stakes, you’re in.
You’ve won fortunes, and squandered them, with this attitude.
Your preoccupation with gambling has undoubtedly created
problems for you, but it has offered opportunities you might
otherwise have never had. The same approach you have at the
gaming table colors the rest of your life, and you are tempted
into risky actions that might put yourself and others in danger
for a chance at glory.

Level 7 Rakehell
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Master Paths

Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6

Gambler’s Burden: Certain talents granted by this path enable
you to gain debt tokens. You can have at most a number of
debt tokens equal to your level. If your debt tokens equal
your level, you lose access to all talents gained from this
path and you make attribute rolls with 1 bane. Whenever
you make a luck roll you can choose to discard 1 debt token,
but you then make the roll with 2 banes.
Level 7 Ravenguard Sanguinist
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. Scars display the brutality of your technique, and where the skin
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 has not yet knitted closed, pus and blood weep from innumerable
Speak with Ravens (Magical): You can understand and be under- gouges and lacerations. You found that magic courses through your
stood by ravens and other corvids, such as crows and jays. veins, and when you spill your blood, you can siphon off its energies
Raven Companion (Magical): You have a cunning raven spirit to enhance your spells. A slash on the leg, a pierced wrist, or a cut
as a companion. If the raven spirit dies, it disappears in a puff across the palm can deliver blasts of flame, warp minds, or transport
of smoke. After 1 minute, it reappears perched on your shoul- you to a distant destination in an instant. Cutting your flesh was but
der, having healed all damage and regained any lost Health.
the first step on the road toward mastering blood magic, and the far-
DEFENSE: 16, HEALTH: 10 ther along it you travel, the greater and more profound the effects.
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 9 (–1), Agility 12 (+2), Intellect 10 (+0), You acquire a magical blade as part of your training in blood
Will 12 (+2) magic. Extensive work with this blade, involving it in your exper-
SIZE: 1/2, SPEED: 5, Fly iments and using it to carve your skin, awakens in the weapon a
NATURAL WEAPONS: The raven companion uses its beak dire thirst for blood from anyone. The blade features a network of
and talons as natural weapons that deal 2d6 damage. The runes that flare with eerie light when it draws blood. The stained
raven companion makes rolls to attack with 2 boons. On a leather wrapping around its handle bears a stamp of some kind.
critical success, the target makes a luck roll. On a failure, the
target becomes blinded until the end of its next turn.
Combat Partners: When your raven companion deals damage Level 7 Sanguinist
to a creature, you make your next roll to attack before the end Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
of your next turn against that creature with 1 boon.
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Languages: Any one
Level 8 Ravenguard
Traditions: One, Spells: One expert
Health: +12 Blade of Bloodletting (Magical): You have a magical dagger
Conspiracy of Ravens (Magical): You can use an action to cause called a Blade of Bloodletting. If you lose this weapon, it returns
your raven spirit to multiply into hundreds of ravens. Target one to your hand 1 hour later. The Blade uses the normal rules for a
Size 5 space within 15 yards. The ravens fly into that space and dagger, except it loses the Light trait. When you attack with the
whirl about. Each enemy in that space takes 1d6 damage and weapon, you can use any attribute in place of the attribute you
makes an Agility roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the enemy takes would normally use and you roll with 1 boon.
an extra 1d6 damage. After resolving the attacks, the flying Finally, when you deal damage to a flesh-and-blood creature
ravens create moderate obscurement in the space until the start with this weapon, the target becomes cursed (luck ends). While
of the next turn, at which point they reduce their numbers until the target is cursed in this way, you can choose it as the target
only one remains inside a space of your choosing. of your magical effects regardless of the distance between you.
Fluttering of Wings (Magical): You can use a reaction when you Blood Magic (Magical): When you cast a spell while you wield
take damage to halve the damage you take. Then, your body your Blade of Bloodletting, you can spill your blood instead
breaks apart into numerous ravens that caw and shriek as they of expending a casting. You lose 1d6 Health to cast a novice
fly apart and move up to 10 yards. When they finish moving, spell, 2d6 Health to cast an expert spell, and 4d6 Health to
you return to your normal form. Once you use this talent, you cast a master spell. If this loss of Health would result in your
lose access to it for 1 minute. death, you resolve the spell’s effect before you die. You can
use this talent a number of times equal to half your level. You
regain expended uses after you rest.
Level 10 Ravenguard
Health: +12 Level 8 Sanguinist
Fight As One (Magical): You can use this talent when your raven
companion would take damage while you are within 10 yards Health: +12
of it. You take some or all of that damage instead. In addition, Spells: One expert
while you and your raven companion are within 5 yards of
each other, you impose 1 bane on rolls made to attack your- Cutting Spell (Magical): Any creature that takes damage from a
self and your raven. spell you cast while you wield the Blade of Bloodletting takes
an extra 2d6 damage. At level 10, the creature takes an extra
Raven Steed (Magical): You can use an action to cause your 4d6 damage instead.
raven companion to grow into a giant version of itself provided
you can see it. It remains in this form until you use an action to
return it to its normal form or it becomes incapacitated. Level 10 Sanguinist
DEFENSE: 14, HEALTH: 30 Health: +12
Chapter 6

ATTRIBUTES: Strength 14 (+4), Agility 10 (+0), Intellect 10 (+0), Spells: One master
Will 12 (+2)
Vampiric Blade (Magical): You can use this talent when you get
SIZE: 2, SPEED: 5, Fly, Mount
a success for an attack made using the Blade of Bloodletting.
NATURAL WEAPONS: The raven steed uses its beak and talons The target loses 2d6 Health, and becomes weakened until the
as natural weapons that deal 4d6 damage. The raven com- end of its next turn. You then make a luck roll. On a success,
panion makes rolls to attack with 2 boons. you regain Health equal to the amount the target lost.
Sapper Schemer
You have a knack for chemistry and can use your extensive knowl- No one should ever trust you. You wouldn’t trust you. Why? You’re
edge to build potent explosives to clear just about any obstacle always scheming, always plotting, always finding the angle to get
from your path. Your ability could stem from trial and error, the an advantage. You do whatever you must to get ahead, even if it
results of which might have claimed a fingertip or two, or might means betraying your friends. It all comes down to you looking
arise from formal training, after being attached to a military outfit after you. If you don’t, no one else will.
and assigned to a group of engineers. Or maybe you just want to
watch the world burn. Whatever your reasons, you have thrown Level 7 Schemer
all your effort into making and mastering the use of bombs. Being
around explosives all the time might have an effect on your nerves. Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
You could be extra twitchy, paranoid, or just anxious all the time. Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Stolen Success: When a creature you can see gets a success on
Level 7 Sapper an attribute roll, you can use a reaction to have the creature
make a luck roll. On a failure, you turn the successful attribute
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. roll into a failed one. In addition, you can use the creature’s
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 die roll in place of the next attribute roll or luck roll you make
before the end of your next turn.
Bomb Builder: You can use this talent after you rest, provided
you have a tool kit. You construct a number of grenades equal Take Cover: You can use a reaction when an enemy you can see
to twice your level. You can sacrifice two grenades to build a targets you for an attack or harmful effect to switch the target
bomb instead. The explosives retain potency until used or until from yourself to a creature you choose within 5 yards of you.
after you rest. Once you use this talent, you lose access to it (luck ends).
Demolitionist: Your bombs and grenades deal an extra 1d6
damage. Also, you make luck rolls with 1 boon to avoid acci- Level 8 Schemer
dental detonation of bombs you carry. Objects that take dam-
age from bombs you set take double damage. Health: +12
Lightning Reflexes: Increase the number of reactions you can
Level 8 Sapper use during a round by one.
Dastardly Strike: You can use a reaction when an enemy within
Health: +12 5 yards takes damage to cause that enemy to take an extra
Bombs Away: When you throw a grenade or bomb, you can 2d6 damage. At level 10, the enemy takes an extra 3d6 dam-
throw a second grenade or bomb as part of the same action. age instead.
Varied Arsenal: When you use your Bomb Builder talent, you
can sacrifice one grenade to build a smoke bomb or two gre- Level 10 Schemer
nades to build a gas bomb. Details on these items appear in
Chapter 3. Health: +12
Always Scheming: When a luck roll is required to regain the use
Level 10 Sapper of a talent, you make the roll with 1 boon.
Health: +12 Guileful Combatant: You can use this talent when you attack an
enemy that has already been attacked during the round. You
Maximum Destruction: When you use your Bomb Builder tal- roll with 3 boons and your attack deals an extra 2d6 damage.
ent, you also construct one high-explosive bomb. This bomb
retains potency until used or after your rest. The high-explo-
sive bomb functions as a normal bomb, but when it detonates, Seeker
it deals 10d6 damage to each creature and object within 5
yards of it, 5d6 damage to each creature and object within A mysterious stranger had been following you for some time, but
6 to 10 yards of it, and 2d6 damage to each creature and
object within 11 to 15 yards of it. A creature that takes this after you finished your last quest, they came forward to make
damage makes a Strength roll, an Agility roll, a Will roll, and introductions. This person was a seeker: an agent of the dru-
a luck roll. ids, a soldier, bodyguard, and spy. Something you have done has
• On a failed Strength roll, the creature is blown 1d6 × 5 earned you a place in the organization if you want it. The stranger
yards away from the bomb and lands prone. explained the significance of the work, but also warned you of the
• On a failed Agility roll, the creature takes an extra 5d6 dangers that come with it. You chose to set aside your reservations
damage. and embrace your role in the fight to safeguard Erth.
• On a failed Will roll, the creature becomes stunned (luck
Master Paths

To become a seeker, you go through a long rite of initiation,

ends). during which you have circles of runes tattooed around one of
• On a failed luck roll, the creature catches fire (luck ends). your eyes and a star burned into the palm of each hand. You swear
All creatures within 25 yards of where the bomb exploded oaths of loyalty to the druids and offer your life in recompense
become deafened for 1 hour and then become deafened
(luck ends). Smoke from the explosion fills a Size 100 space should you fail or betray the order. You acquire a long gray cloak
centered on the point of detonation for 1 minute. The sound of to hide you when in the field and boots to silence your steps. You
the explosion carries 10 miles. stand ready to undertake whatever mission awaits you.
• Your attacks against an enemy you have marked ignore
Level 7 Seeker obscurement and all cover except total cover. If you get a
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. critical success on a roll to attack this enemy, your attack
deals an extra 3d6 damage.
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
• At level 10, when you roll to attack the marked enemy,
Languages: Any one you roll an additional d20. You can use either result. If the
Long Eye (Magical): With the eye around which you have the same number comes up on both dice, add the numbers
tattoo, you can see out to a range of 10 yards without need- together to find the result.
ing light. You also see outlines around creatures, objects, and
spaces affected by magic. Finally, once per round, when you
roll to attack and the number on the d20 is a 3 or less, you can Level 10 Seeker
roll another d20 and add the number to the original number
rolled. Health: +12
Seeker’s Cloak (Magical): You have a magical cloak. If you Ye Shall Find (Magical): You can use an action to name one
lose this item, it returns to you 1 hour later. While you wear the specific creature or object. If the Sage determines that the
cloak, you impose 1 bane on rolls to attack you and on rolls named creature or object is within 100 miles, you learn its
to find you when you are hidden. exact location at the time when you use this talent.
Seeker’s Boots (Magical): You have a pair of magical boots. If
you lose these boots, they return to you 1 hour later. While you Sentinel
wear these boots, you have the Silent trait.
The sentinels formed to watch the west for signs of a resurgent
Level 8 Seeker Empire and to guard against the horrors spawned from its col-
lapse. Time eroded their numbers, and few sent to patrol the
Health: +12
towers and walls were worthy of undergoing the rites of initia-
Seeker’s Mark (Magical): You can use this talent when you get
a success on a roll to attack an enemy. The enemy becomes tion to gain full membership. Now, only a handful of true senti-
marked. The mark appears as a faintly glowing skull visible nels remain, and hopes for the organization’s future have begun
only to you and others that can see invisible creatures and to die.
objects. The mark remains for 24 hours or until you use this You understand the threat the west poses, especially now that
talent again. The mark produces the following benefits: the Great Kingdom and other nations fight over the ruins of civi-
• An enemy you have marked cannot hide from you. lization in the Old Country, and you have pledged your sword to
• Anyone that can see the mark makes rolls to attack the the sentinels. Before you take your place atop the towers with the
enemy with 1 boon. others, you have time to finish your outstanding business and, in
doing so, inspire others to follow your lead.

Level 7 Sentinel
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
Expose the Enemy (Magical): You can use this talent when
you get a success on a roll to attack an enemy. The enemy
becomes cursed (luck ends). While cursed in this way, the
creature cannot hide, become invisible, or benefit from any
effect that would prevent creatures from perceiving it.
Peerless Watcher: You can use this talent when you become
blinded, confused, controlled, or stunned. Make a Will roll.
On a success, the affliction ends.

Level 8 Sentinel
Health: +12
Pierce Disguise (Magical): You can use an action to target one
creature you can see within 5 yards. If that creature wears a
mundane or magical disguise, you know it. If the creature is
under the effects of transformation, you see its true form. The
effect lasts until the end of your turn.
Reveal Weakness: Enemies you can see grant you 1 boon on
Chapter 6

your rolls to attack them. In addition, when you get a critical

success on a roll to attack an enemy, the enemy becomes vul-
nerable until the end of your next turn.
Vanquish the Cursed: Your attacks deal an extra 2d6 damage
to cursed targets. At level 10, such attacks deal an extra 4d6
damage instead.
talent again, you become unconscious, or the target becomes
Level 10 Sentinel incapacitated.
Health: +12 While you have a target’s shadow, the target cannot hide
from you, you make rolls to attack it and steal from it with 1
Penetrating Gaze: You can use an action to gaze at one object boon, your attacks against it deal an extra 2d6 damage, and
within reach. For you, a window opens through the object you can expend your move to teleport to an empty space within
so that you can see whatever lies behind it. The window can 5 yards of the target, regardless of the distance between you.
extend through 1 inch of metal, 1 foot of stone, or 10 feet of You can perceive the area around the target before you teleport.
wood or some other organic material. Your enhanced vision
persists until the end of the round, but you can use an action
to extend the duration until the end of the next round, up to a Sniper
maximum of 1 minute. If you can no longer reach the object of
your scrutiny, the effect ends immediately. You work best on your own. You slip away from your companions,
Uncanny Awareness: You gain the Awareness 20 trait. sneaking to wherever you can get the clearest shot, then let loose
a deadly projectile to take down an unsuspecting target. Using
Silhouette a position of advantage, you keep enemies pinned down long
enough for your allies to close in and take them out.
Maybe you had a knack for shadow magic. Perhaps you stumbled
upon the tradition when burgling a mage’s abode, or you might Level 7 Sniper
have decided that Shadowmancy makes an effective tool for
enriching yourself. Whatever your reasons for using this tradition, Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
you learn its spells to develop your criminal techniques in potent Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
and effective ways. Distance Shot: Add 30 to the range of any ranged weapon you
Level 7 Silhouette Stealth Mode: If you are not injured and not in combat, you can
enter stealth mode. You become removed from play until you
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
choose to end this effect. While removed from play, you are
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 considered to be doing nothing except hiding and sneaking.
Traditions: Shadowmancy, Spells: One expert You can end this effect at any time. When you do, make a
Eyes in the Dark: You gain the Dark Vision trait if you do not luck roll. On a success, you return to play in any empty space
already have it. If you have it already, double its range. within 30 yards of at least one ally. On a failure, you suffered
a setback while in stealth mode. Roll a d6 and consult the fol-
Shadow Strikes Darkly (Magical): Shadows enhance your lowing list to see what happens to you.
strikes while you are in gloomy conditions. If you are in dim light,
you make rolls to attack with 1 boon. If you are in faint light, you D6 EFFECT
make rolls to attack with 1 boon and your attacks deal an extra
1d6 damage. If you are in no light at all, you roll to attack with 1 You encountered an enemy that left you for dead. Your damage
total equals your Health score and you are hidden in a space of
2 boons and your attacks deal an extra 2d6 damage. the Sage’s choice within 30 yards of at least one ally.
2–3 You encountered an enemy and were injured. Your damage
Level 8 Silhouette total equals half your Health score and you are hidden in a
space of the Sage’s choice within 30 yards of at least one ally.
Health: +12
Spells: One expert 4–5 You couldn’t find a good position. You return to play in a
space of the Sage’s choice within 15 yards of at least one ally.
Slither Through (Magical): You can use this talent while you
are in dim light, faint light, or no light at all. You treat solid 6 You got turned around. You return to play hidden in a space of
obstacles as challenging terrain, which enables you to move the Sage’s choice within 15 yards of at least one ally.
through them. If you end this movement inside an object, you Sniper Shot: If you end the effects of your Stealth Mode talent
return to the last empty space you left. and attack with a ranged weapon, add 10 to the result of
Shadow Cloaked (Magical): If you are in bright light, you your roll to attack. If the result of your successful attack is 30
appear to be in dim light. If you are in dim light, you appear or higher, the attack deals an extra 10d6 damage. Once
to be in faint light. If you are in faint light, you appear to be you use this talent, you lose access to it for 1 hour. At level
darkness with your shape. The appearance counts as actual 10, you lose access to it (luck ends).
lighting conditions for determining the effects of your talents.
At level 10, you impose 1 bane on rolls to attack you. If you
are in faint light, you impose 2 banes, and 3 banes when in Level 8 Sniper
no light at all. Health: +12
Sow Chaos: You can use this talent when you make a ranged
Level 10 Silhouette
Master Paths

attack while hidden. Each enemy within 5 yards of the tar-

get of your attack makes a Will roll. On a failure, the target
Health: +12 becomes frightened of you, or a Size 5 space centered on
Spells: One master you if you are still hidden, until you become incapacitated or
Shadow Thief (Magical): You can use this talent when you get the target overcomes the affliction with a successful Will roll.
a critical success for a roll to attack. You steal the target’s Unseen Shooter: You can use this talent when you make a
shadow, which tears free from the target and then gathers itself ranged attack while hidden. Make a luck roll. On a success,
into a small black ball. You retain this shadow until you use this you remain hidden after resolving the attack.
effect. One never knows where you placed your trap, but it’s cer-
Level 10 Sniper
tain that you have one somewhere. Their missteps trigger intricate
Health: +12 ballets of steel and spring, testaments to your morbid ingenuity.
Perfect Aim: You can use a reaction when you attack with a While others fear the unknown, you relish it, for within each
ranged weapon to roll an additional d20 and use the high- shadow lies a canvas for your next masterpiece.
est result.
Level 7 Trapsmith
Spellthief Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
You have a gift for casting spells. Probably you had a little formal Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6
training, but no one teaches what you know how to do. You have a Disable Device: You can use an action if you have a tool kit
gift for plucking spells from somewhere and adding them to your to attempt to disable a device. Target one ordinary object in
repertoire. Not even you know where they come from; they just reach. Make an Intellect roll with 1 boon. On a success, the
pop into your mind when you need them. device no longer functions until you or another creature with a
tool kit spends 1 minute repairing it. At level 10, you can use
A clue into the nature of your abilities is your talent for snatch- this talent to disable magical devices.
ing magic from others. When a magician attempts to cast a spell
Trap Smithing: You can build traps using a tool kit in a Size 5
and you’re nearby, you can steal their magic to add to your own.
space centered on you. It takes 1 minute of work. When you
Perhaps when you use your gifts, someone somewhere has forgot- finish, the space becomes trapped until triggered. At level 10,
ten how to cast a spell they knew, if only for a time. the trap can be triggered three times before losing functionality.
When a creature enters the target space and is not aware of
Level 7 Spellthief the trap, it makes a luck roll. At level 10, you impose 1 bane
on the roll. On a failure, the creature triggers the trap and loses
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. 2d6 Health, or 4d6 Health if the result of the luck roll is a
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 critical failure.
The creature that triggered the trap also either becomes
Languages: Any one your choice of held (luck ends) or weakened (luck ends).
Purloined Spells: You can use this talent after you rest. Choose Alternatively, you can forgo these afflictions to have the trap
two novice spells and one expert spell from any tradition. You make a noise as loud as a shout when triggered.
learn these spells. You retain knowledge of the spells until after A creature in or that can reach the target space can attempt
you rest again. Once you use this talent, you lose access to it to find the trap by making an Intellect roll. On a success, the
until after you rest. creature knows where the trap is. A creature with a tool kit and
At level 8, you add one more expert spell. At level 10, you professional knowledge of disarming traps can, if aware of it,
add one master spell. spend 1 minute working with the kit to disarm it. At the end of
this time, the creature makes an Intellect roll. At level 10, you
impose 1 bane on the roll. On a success, the creature disarms
Level 8 Spellthief the trap. On a critical failure, it triggers the trap.
Health: +12
Steal Magic (Magical): You can use a reaction when a creature Level 8 Trapsmith
within 10 yards produces a magical effect to make an Intellect
roll against the Intellect of the creature that enabled the use Health: +12
of this talent. On a success, the effect disperses without harm, Instinct for Danger: You impose 1 bane on rolls made by traps
and you regain one casting of a spell you have learned. against you, and you make rolls to resist effects created by
At level 10, when you successfully use your Steal Magic traps with 1 boon. At level 10, you also lose half the Health
talent, you cause the target to become confused (luck ends). from being harmed by traps.
While confused in this way, the target is Intellect and Will
impaired. Nasty Surprise: You can use a reaction when a creature within 5
yards attacks you to give the creature a nasty surprise. Make
an Intellect roll against that creature’s Agility. On a success,
Level 10 Spellthief the enemy loses 3d6 Health and becomes vulnerable until the
end of its next turn. Once you use this talent, you lose access
Health: +12 to it (luck ends).
Sudden Spell (Magical): You can use this talent when you move
at least 1 yard and you lack the confused, controlled, stunned,
or unconscious afflictions. Cast a spell you have learned with- Level 10 Trapsmith
out having to use an action to do so. Once you use this talent,
you lose access to it (luck ends). Health: +12
Portable Trap: You can use an action to spring a nasty trap.
Target one creature within 5 yards of you. The target loses
Chapter 6

6d6 Health. Once you use this talent, you lose access to it for
1 minute.
You have the technical knowledge to sort out just about any trap,
Trigger Your Trap: You can use a reaction when you move while
and if you find something you’ve never seen before, odds are you’ll within 5 yards of a space containing a trap created by your
find a way around it. But more than your ability to dismantle traps Trap Smithing talent to trigger the trap against one creature
is your propensity for making such devices and using them to great you choose in that space.
Trickster Uncanny Acrobat
No matter the complication, no matter how tough the challenge, After a career of dodging, tumbling, rolling, and otherwise evad-
you have a knack for coming up with a way around or through ing danger, you have come to master the movements of your
the problem. It’s just a matter of being willing to see the situation body. You have balance and poise, an easiness in your own flesh
as it really is and then have the wits to find the pattern that you that lets you move with speed and grace through the most dan-
can exploit. You are so good at trickery, that it seems you can even gerous and treacherous places. Such skill enables you to do things
break the laws of reality. Maybe the gods favor you, or possibly others find impossible. Flips, rolls, jumps, and leaps: you spring
you have tapped into magic or even become magical. Whatever about the battlefield, always staying out of your enemies’ reach
the reason, you are no longer bound by the constraints that limit until you find the opening you need to strike. You can scurry up
other people. You can do things no one else can and go places oth- walls, maintain your balance on the narrowest surfaces, and con-
ers cannot. You find ways to survive even certain death and have tort your form to squeeze through the tightest spaces. You have
a knack for showing up where people least expect you. You are a become the perfect acrobat.
trickster, and the world is your playground.
Level 7 Uncanny Acrobat
Level 7 Trickster Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each.
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6, Speed: +1
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 Acrobatic Maneuvers: While you are not injured and you lack
the confused, controlled, stunned, and unconscious afflictions,
Tricks Up Your Sleeve: You can use this talent at the start of your you impose 1 bane on rolls to attack you and you have the
turn. Roll a d6 to find out the trick you can play. If you have Slippery trait.
not made use of the trick before the start of your next turn, Bounding Assault: If you move at least 3 yards before you make
discard it. an attack, you roll with 1 boon and your attack deals an extra
1d6 damage. At level 10, the attack deals an extra 2d6 dam-
age instead.
1 You can expend 2 yards of movement to either become invisible Superior Initiative: When you use a reaction to take the initiative,
for 1 minute or alter your physical features so that you look like a you regain the use of the reaction.
different member of your ancestry until you use this talent again,
until you become unconscious, or until after you rest.
Level 8 Uncanny Acrobat
2 When you move 1 yard, you can teleport to an empty space
you can see. At level 10, you can teleport to any empty space Health: +12, Speed: +1
you have seen at least once before.
Escape Artist: You can expend 2 yards of movement to end the
held affliction, shed rope or chain bindings, or slip free from
3 You can use a reaction when you would take damage to manacles and similar ordinary restraints. Also, you can spend
reduce the damage to 0.
1 yard of movement to ignore the consequences of squeezing
until the start of your next turn.
4 You can use a reaction when a creature you can see gets a
success or a failure on an attribute or luck roll to turn either the Leaper and Springer: You can expend 2 yards of movement to
success into a failure or the failure into a success. jump 10 yards horizontally, 5 yards up, or 30 yards down,
landing safely on a surface that can bear your weight within
5 You make attribute rolls with 3 boons until the start of your next turn. range. Double these distances at level 10.

6 Target one creature you can see and bestow one of the
following afflictions (luck ends): confused, Strength impaired, Level 10 Uncanny Acrobat
Agility impaired, Intellect impaired, Will impaired, or
vulnerable. Health: +12, Speed +1
Like a Butterfly: You gain the following benefits:
• You can use a reaction when you fall to make an Agility
Level 8 Trickster roll. On a success, you suffer no harm from landing, and,
on a failure, you lose half as much Health.
Health: +12
• You ignore the negative consequences of running.
Cunning Edge: You make attribute rolls and luck rolls with 1 • If your Speed is greater than 0, you can stand up from
boon and your attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage. prone without having to expend movement.
• You can move through spaces occupied by other crea-
Level 10 Trickster tures. When you do, you can force the creature to make
Master Paths

an Agility roll. On a failure, the creature takes 1d6 dam-

Health: +12 age. A creature can be affected in this way just once per
Rig the System: Whenever you use your Tricks Up Your Sleeve round.
talent, you can roll two dice and use either number rolled to • You gain the Strider trait if you don’t have it already.
determine the effect. Also, you can run up, down, and across vertical surfaces,
though you must end your move on a surface on which
The Devil’s Own Luck: The target number for your luck rolls is 5 you can normally stand.
instead of 10.
War Machine Level 10 War Machine
Where others spend their time training and studying to improve Health: +12
themselves, you opted to make use of your technological know- Armored Battle Suit: You upgrade and incorporate the compo-
how to construct armaments to aid you in your quests. You start nents you have constructed already into an Armored Battle
Suit. It has a humanoid shape, but you decide its appearance.
small, building gloves and boots, but, as you advance along this If the suit is destroyed, it is lost forever.
path, you continue to add components until, by the end, you have When not worn, the suit counts as a Size 3 object with
constructed an armored battle suit. The suit might have compo- Defense 0 and Health 100.
nents made from machinery, though it could also incorporate A creature that has a tool kit can spend 1 minute working
vegetable matter, stone plating, or other pieces in accordance with on the suit and expend a set of spare parts to remove 1d6
damage from it.
your nature. You can power on or off the suit at the start of your turn.
If powered on, the battle suit moves when you move to stay
Level 7 War Machine within 5 yards of you. You can expend 2 yards of movement
to open the suit and step inside it. You pilot the suit from inside.
Attributes: Increase three attributes by 1 each. While inside the device, you use the following rules in place
Health: +12, Bonus Damage: +1d6 of your own.
Battle Gauntlets: You construct a pair of gauntlets. If you lose DEFENSE: 20, HEALTH: 120
them, you can replace them after you rest. Only you can ben- ATTRIBUTES: Strength 18 (+8), Agility 8 (–2)
efit from these items. While you wear the gauntlets, you make SIZE: 3, SPEED: 6
Strength rolls with 1 boon, or 2 boons at level 8. You can use
SENSES: Keen Hearing, Keen Vision
the gauntlets as off-hand melee weapons that deal 2d6 dam-
age. At level 8, they gain the Bludgeoning and Brutal traits. PROTECTION: You are immune to the effects of exposure,
infection, suffocation, and being poisoned.
Battle Boots: You construct a pair of boots. If you lose them, you
can replace them after you rest. Only you can benefit from SUDDEN EXPLOSION: If the suit’s damage total equals its
wearing them. While you wear the boots, you increase your Health while you are inside the suit, make a luck roll. On a
Speed by 3 and you have the Strider trait. However, you fail success, the suit powers down and becomes an ordinary
rolls to sneak. object. On a failure, its power source explodes, destroying
the suit. Each creature and object within 10 yards takes
10d6 damage. A creature makes a luck roll and, on a
Level 8 War Machine failure, takes an extra 10d6 damage. You, however, eject
Health: +12 and land safely in an empty space of your choice within
Mechanized Armor: You construct a mechanical suit of armor, 15 yards.
incorporating your Battle Gauntlets and Boots into the design. NATURAL WEAPON: The suit comes equipped with a blade-
Only you can benefit from wearing the suit. While you wear it, shaped natural weapon. You roll to attack with the blade
your Defense becomes 18 and it counts as light armor. with 1 boon and your attacks with it deal 5d6 damage.
Chapter 6

Abjurer........................................................219 Annihilator.................................................184 Attributes................................................18, 26
Academician...............................................241 Anointed One...........................................204 Authority....................................................224
Accessories.................................................... 61 Appeals.......................................................... 39 Avatar Forms..............................................244
Accursed.....................................................242 Appearance................................................... 13 Avatar...........................................................243
Actions, Combat......................................... 46 Arcanist.......................................................177 Background.................................................. 15
Attack.............................................46 Archmage....................................................223 Barbarian....................................................193
Cast a Spell.................................... 46 Arguments.................................................... 39 Bard..............................................................185
Defend............................................46 Armor............................................................ 55 Battle Mage................................................225
Do Something Else.........................47 Armor, Superior......................................... 56 Battlemaster...............................................194
End a Magical Effect......................46 Armor, Heavy.............................................. 55 Bearer of the Black Blade.........................245
Find................................................46 Armor, Inferior............................................ 56 Beastfriend..................................................187
Help................................................46 Armor, Light................................................ 55 Berserker.....................................................164
Hide................................................46 Armor, Medium.......................................... 55 Binder..........................................................225
Hinder............................................46 Artificer.......................................................178 Blade............................................................195
Overcome........................................46 Asleep............................................................ 30 Blessed Knave............................................205
Run.................................................46 Assassin.......................................................185 Blighter........................................................206
Stabilize..........................................46 Astromancer...............................................224 Blinded.......................................................... 29
Steak...............................................46 Astromancy.................................................. 85 Bonus Damage............................................. 18
Throw.............................................47 Attack (Action)........................................... 46 Bonus Damage, Using................................ 49
Use Talent or Trait.........................47 Attacking...................................................... 48 Boons and Banes......................................... 26
Use an Item.....................................47 Attacks Options.......................................... 50 Buried............................................................ 30
Activities, Minor......................................... 44 Attacks Burrower....................................................... 44
Activities, Other.......................................... 47 Disarming......................................49 Called Shot................................................... 48
Aeromancer................................................220 Disrupting......................................50 Carrying Limits........................................... 54
Aeromancy................................................... 74 Driving...........................................50 Catastrophist.............................................207
Affability....................................................... 16 Extra Effort....................................47 Catch............................................................. 47
Afflictions..................................................... 29 Feinting..........................................50 Cavalier.......................................................195
Agility............................................................ 26 Guarded.........................................50 Champion..................................................196
Alchemist....................................................221 Improvised Weapons.......................48 Channeler...................................................170
Alchemy........................................................ 77 Lunging..........................................50 Chaos............................................................. 88
Alienist........................................................222 Multiple..........................................49 Chaotician..................................................226
Alliances........................................................ 40 Natural Weapons............................48 Chaplain.....................................................170
Alteration..................................................... 80 Pressing...........................................50 Character Level........................................... 10
Ambushes..................................................... 41 Resolving.........................................48 Chase Complications................................. 52
Ammunition Variant Rules....................... 59 Thrown...........................................47 Chases............................................................ 52
Ancestries, Other........................................ 10 Two Weapons..................................49 Chases, Ending............................................ 52

Ancestry........................................................ 10 Unarmed Against Objects..............51 Chases, Extended........................................ 52

Animals......................................................... 67 Unarmed........................................50 Chorist........................................................245
Animism....................................................... 82 Weapons..........................................48 Chronomancer..........................................226
Animist.......................................................223 Attribute Rolls............................................. 26 Chronomancy.............................................. 92
Cleric...........................................................171 Deafened....................................................... 29 Executioner................................................248
Climb............................................................. 41 Death Dealer..............................................196 Expert Paths...............................................163
Climber......................................................... 44 Death............................................................. 28 Annihilator.................................. 184
Climbing Creatures.................................... 45 Deciphering Codes..................................... 39 Arcanist....................................... 177
Clothing & Accessories............................. 55 Defend (Action).......................................... 46 Artificer........................................ 178
Clothing........................................................ 61 Defense.......................................................... 27 Assassin........................................ 185
Coercion....................................................... 40 Demonologist............................................247 Bard............................................. 185
Coins & Gems............................................. 55 Dependability.............................................. 16 Beastfriend................................... 187
Combat......................................................... 41 Deprivation.................................................. 30 Berserker...................................... 164
Combat, Battlefield.................................... 41 Deprivation, Sleep...................................... 30 Channeler.................................... 170
Combat, Circumstances............................ 48 Destroyer....................................................228 Chaplain..................................... 170
Combat, Moving in.................................... 41 Destruction................................................103 Cleric........................................... 171
Combat, Positioning.................................. 41 Diabolist.....................................................228 Commander................................ 164
Combatants.................................................. 41 Dice...................................................................8 Druid........................................... 178
Commander...............................................164 Rolling..............................................8 Elementalist................................ 180
Communication.......................................... 35 Doubling and Halving.....................8 Followers...................................... 166
Companions................................................ 40 Disarming..................................................... 49 Friar............................................ 172
Companions, Harming.............................. 40 Discoveries.................................................... 35 Gladiator..................................... 165
Companions, Losing Control.................. 40 Dismemberment......................................... 31 Godsworn.................................... 172
Companions, Movement.......................... 40 Dismount...................................................... 42 Holy Avenger............................... 173
Companions, Other Activity................... 40 Dispositions................................................. 36 Inheritor...................................... 187
Confused...................................................... 29 Distance........................................................ 32 Inquisitor..................................... 173
Conjuration.................................................. 95 Divination..................................................105 Jester............................................ 188
Conjurer......................................................227 Divine Speech.............................................. 38 Knight Errant............................. 165
Conqueror..................................................196 Diviner........................................................229 Martial Artist.............................. 166
Consumable Items...................................... 70 Dodge............................................................ 48 Mountebank................................ 189
Consumables, Preparing............................ 70 Doubling Dice................................................8 Myrmidon................................... 167
Containers.................................................... 54 Dragon Fist................................................197 Oracle.......................................... 174
Controlled.................................................... 29 Dragonite...................................................207 Page (Knight Errant).................. 166
Cover Ally.................................................... 48 Drop Prone................................................... 42 Paladin........................................ 175
Cover............................................................. 49 Druid...........................................................178 Physician..................................... 190
Crafting......................................................... 54 Duelist.........................................................197 Psychic......................................... 180
Crawl............................................................. 42 Eavesdropping............................................. 38 Ranger......................................... 167
Cryomancer...............................................228 Eldritch.......................................................108 Scout............................................ 190
Cryomancy................................................... 98 Elementalist................................................180 Sorcerer........................................ 181
Cursed........................................................... 29 Enchanter...................................................230 Spellfighter................................... 191
Customizing Scores.................................... 18 Enchantment.............................................111 Squire (Knight Errant)............... 166
Damage......................................................... 27 Equipment Availability.............................. 54 Swashbuckler............................... 168
Damage, Enemies........................................ 28 Equipment Quality.................................... 54 Templar....................................... 176
Damage, Sources......................................... 28 Equipment Value......................................... 54 Theurge........................................ 176
Daredevil....................................................246 Equipment..............................................13, 54 Thief............................................. 191

Dark Arts....................................................100 Equipment, Commerce............................. 55 Veteran......................................... 169

Darkheart...................................................246 Evocation....................................................114 Warden........................................ 169
Darkslayer...................................................247 Evoker..........................................................230 Warlock........................................ 192

Expert Paths Hiding........................................................... 34 Light.............................................................. 33
Wild Guardian........................... 181 Hierophant.................................................231 Light, Artificial............................................ 33
Witch........................................... 182 High Ground............................................... 49 Lip Reading.................................................. 38
Wizard........................................ 183 High Priest.................................................210 Long-Range Shooting................................ 49
Explosives..................................................... 61 Hinder (Action).......................................... 46 Luck Rolls..................................................... 27
Exposure....................................................... 31 Hirelings....................................................... 69 Maenad........................................................212
Factotum.....................................................249 Holy Avenger.............................................173 Mage.............................................................. 20
Failure, Critical............................................ 27 Homunculus..............................................222 Magic............................................................. 74
Falling............................................................ 44 Horned Apostle.........................................210 Magical Effect, Ending (Action).............. 46
Fate Weaver................................................208 Horologist..................................................250 Magical Effects............................................ 46
Fencer..........................................................198 Hover............................................................. 44 Magical Items (Trinkets)........................... 71
Fighter........................................................... 18 Hunter of the Dead..................................251 Magical Items............................................... 70
Find (Action)............................................... 46 Hydromancer.............................................232 Magister......................................................213
Fire................................................................. 31 Hydromancy..............................................119 Map of the Borderlands...........................271
Flagellant of Want.....................................208 Illusion........................................................122 Marauder....................................................200
Fly................................................................... 42 Illusionist....................................................232 Mariner.......................................................199
Followers.....................................................166 Impaired........................................................ 29 Martial Artist.............................................166
Free Attack................................................... 48 Incapacitated................................................ 28 Master Paths...............................................193
Friar..............................................................172 Infection........................................................ 31 Abjurer........................................ 219
Frightened.................................................... 29 Infiltrator....................................................252 Academician................................ 241
Galvanist.....................................................249 Inheritor.............................................187, 245 Accursed....................................... 242
Game Rules.................................................. 25 Initiative, Take............................................. 48 Aeromancer................................. 220
Gear............................................................... 63 Injured........................................................... 28 Alchemist..................................... 221
Geomancer.................................................231 Inquisitor....................................................173 Alienist........................................ 222
Geomancy..................................................116 Inscription, Writing.................................... 71 Animist........................................ 223
Giant Killer................................................198 Inscriptions................................................... 71 Anointed One.............................. 204
Gladiator.....................................................165 Intellect......................................................... 26 Archmage..................................... 223
Gods............................................................... 24 Invisible......................................................... 49 Astromancer................................ 224
Godsworn...................................................172 Invocation...................................................125 Authority..................................... 224
Grab............................................................... 51 Invoker........................................................233 Avatar Forms............................... 244
Grabbed, Escaping...................................... 51 Jester............................................................188 Avatar.......................................... 243
Graven.........................................................199 Juggernaut...................................................199 Barbarian.................................... 193
Gunslinger..................................................250 Jump............................................................... 42 Battle Mage................................. 225
Halving Dice...................................................8 Justiciar........................................................211 Battlemaster................................ 194
Harm............................................................. 29 Kits................................................................. 65 Bearer of the Black Blade............ 245
Healer..........................................................250 Knight Errant............................................165 Binder.......................................... 225
Health, Path Benefits................................. 18 Knowledge.................................................... 34 Blade........................................... 195
Health............................................................ 27 Knowledge, Professional........................... 35 Blessed Knave.............................. 205
Hearing Effects............................................ 37 Kraken Thrall.............................................211 Blighter........................................ 206
Hearing......................................................... 33 Language, Obfuscation.............................. 37 Catastrophist............................... 207

Held............................................................... 29 Language, Translation................................ 37 Cavalier....................................... 195

Help (Action).............................................. 46 Languages...............................................18, 36 Champion.................................... 196
Herald of the Dawn..................................209 Leap............................................................... 42 Chaotician................................... 226
Hide (Action).............................................. 46 Legate..........................................................212 Chorist......................................... 245

Master Paths Master Paths Master Paths
Chronomancer............................. 226 Legate.......................................... 212 Technomancer.............................. 239
Conjurer...................................... 227 Maenad....................................... 212 Telepath....................................... 240
Conqueror................................... 196 Magister...................................... 213 Trapsmith.................................... 260
Cryomancer................................. 228 Marauder.................................... 200 Trickster....................................... 261
Daredevil..................................... 246 Mariner....................................... 199 Twin Striker................................ 203
Darkheart.................................... 246 Mastermind................................. 252 Uncanny Acrobat......................... 261
Darkslayer................................... 247 Mind Blade................................. 253 Valkyrie........................................ 218
Death Dealer............................... 196 Moon Celebrant........................... 213 War Machine............................... 262
Demonologist............................... 247 Mystic.......................................... 253 Warlord....................................... 203
Destroyer..................................... 228 Necromancer................................ 233 Wood Watcher............................. 218
Diabolist...................................... 228 Nightshade.................................. 254 Zealot.......................................... 204
Diviner........................................ 229 Oblivionist................................... 254 Mastermind................................................252
Dragon Fist.................................. 197 Oneiromancer.............................. 234 Mind Blade.................................................253
Dragonite..................................... 207 Outlander.................................... 200 Moon Celebrant........................................213
Duelist......................................... 197 Primal Hunter............................ 235 Mount............................................................ 42
Enchanter.................................... 230 Pyromancer................................. 235 Mountebank..............................................189
Evoker.......................................... 230 Rakehell....................................... 255 Mounts.......................................................... 43
Executioner.................................. 248 Ravenguard................................. 255 Movement Complications........................ 45
Factotum...................................... 249 Razor Wind................................ 201 Movement.................................................... 32
Fate Weaver................................. 208 Reforged....................................... 214 Movement Special Forms.............41, 44, 45
Fencer.......................................... 198 Ruffian........................................ 201 Myrmidon..................................................167
Flagellant of Want....................... 208 Sacred Reveler............................. 215 Mystic..........................................................253
Galvanist..................................... 249 Sanguinist................................... 256 Name Examples........................................... 17
Geomancer................................... 231 Sapper.......................................... 257 Natural Defense.......................................... 18
Giant Killer................................. 198 Saprophyte................................... 216 Necromancer..............................................233
Graven......................................... 199 Schemer....................................... 257 Necromancy...............................................127
Gunslinger................................... 250 Scoundrel..................................... 236 Nightshade.................................................254
Healer.......................................... 250 Seeker........................................... 257 Novce Paths.................................................. 17
Herald of the Dawn..................... 209 Sentinel........................................ 258 Fighter............................................18
Hierophant.................................. 231 Shadowmancer............................ 236 Mage...............................................20
High Priest.................................. 210 Shapechanger............................... 237 Priest...............................................21
Homunculus................................ 222 Sharpshooter................................ 202 Rogue..............................................23
Horned Apostle............................ 210 Silhouette..................................... 259 Oblivionist.................................................254
Horologist.................................... 250 Skald............................................ 202 Obscurement.........................................34, 49
Hunter of the Dead..................... 251 Slayer........................................... 203 Obstacles....................................................... 44
Hydromancer............................... 232 Sniper.......................................... 259 On Fire.......................................................... 29
Illusionist..................................... 232 Soul Taker.................................... 216 Oneiromancer............................................234
Infiltrator..................................... 252 Spellthief...................................... 260 Oneiromancy.............................................130
Inheritor...................................... 245 Spirit Caller................................. 217 Oracle..........................................................174
Invoker......................................... 233 Spiritist........................................ 237 Order...........................................................133

Juggernaut................................... 199 Storm Apostle............................... 218 Outlander...................................................200

Justiciar....................................... 211 Summoner................................... 238 Outlook........................................................ 16
Kraken Thrall.............................. 211 Symbolist..................................... 239 Overcome (Action).................................... 46

Page (Knight Errant)................................166 Religious Beliefs.......................................... 17 Spellfighter.................................................191
Paladin.........................................................175 Rest................................................................ 32 Spells.............................................................. 74
Pantomime................................................... 38 Retreat........................................................... 42 Aeromancy......................................74
Path Benefits................................................ 18 Rituals............................................................ 52 Alchemy..........................................77
Paths of Arms.............................................193 Rogue............................................................ 23 Alteration.......................................80
Paths of Battle............................................164 Rolling Dice....................................................8 Animism.........................................82
Paths of Faith.............................................170 Rolls to Attack, Rolls Against.................. 26 Astromancy.....................................85
Paths of Magic...........................................219 Rolls, Making............................................... 27 Chaos..............................................88
Paths of Power...........................................177 Round, End.................................................. 41 Chronomancy.................................92
Paths of Prowess........................................241 Ruffian.........................................................201 Conjuration....................................95
Paths of Skill...............................................184 Run (Action)................................................ 46 Cryomancy.....................................98
Paths of the Gods......................................204 Sacred Reveler............................................215 Dark Arts.................................... 100
Paths, Expert..............................................163 Sanguinist...................................................256 Destruction.................................. 103
Paths, Master..............................................193 Sapper..........................................................257 Divination................................... 105
Paths, Novice................................................ 17 Saprophyte..................................................216 Eldritch....................................... 108
Personality.................................................... 15 Schemer.......................................................257 Enchantment............................... 111
Physician.....................................................190 Scoundrel....................................................236 Evocation..................................... 114
Poisoned........................................................ 29 Scout............................................................190 Geomancy.................................... 116
Poisons.......................................................... 31 Searching...................................................... 34 Hydromancy................................ 119
Priest.............................................................. 21 Secured & Unsecured Objects................. 44 Illusion......................................... 122
Primal Hunter............................................235 Seeker...........................................................257 Invocation.................................... 125
Primal..........................................................135 Sense.............................................................. 33 Necromancy................................. 127
Professions.................................................... 10 Senses, Special.............................................. 34 Oneiromancy............................... 130
Prone.............................................................. 30 Sentinel.......................................................258 Order........................................... 133
Prosthetics.................................................... 61 Shadowmancer..........................................236 Primal......................................... 135
Protection...................................................138 Shadowmancy............................................145 Protection.................................... 138
Psychic.........................................................180 Shapechanger.............................................237 Psychomancy................................ 140
Psychomancy.............................................140 Sharpshooter..............................................202 Pyromancy................................... 142
Pyromancer................................................235 Shields........................................................... 56 Shadowmancy............................. 145
Pyromancy..................................................142 Shove............................................................. 51 Skullduggery................................ 148
Rakehell......................................................255 Silhouette....................................................259 Spiritualism................................. 150
Ranger.........................................................167 Size and Reach............................................. 32 Symbolism................................... 152
Ravenguard.................................................255 Skald............................................................202 Technomancy............................... 155
Razor Wind...............................................201 Skullduggery..............................................148 Teleportation............................... 158
Reactions...................................................... 47 Slayer............................................................203 War.............................................. 160
Catch..............................................47 Slowed........................................................... 30 Spells (Traditions)...................................... 18
Cover Ally.......................................48 Sneak............................................................. 42 Spells, Casting.............................................. 51
Dodge..............................................48 Sniper..........................................................259 Spells, Cover................................................. 52
Free Attack......................................48 Social Challenges........................................ 39 Spells, Duration........................................... 52
Take the Initiative..........................48 Sociability..................................................... 16 Spells, Nested Duration............................. 52

Withstand......................................48 Sorcerer.......................................................181 Spells, Rolls.................................................. 52

Reading Script............................................. 38 Soul Taker...................................................216 Spells, Targeting.......................................... 51
Receptiveness............................................... 16 Sound............................................................ 33 Spellthief.....................................................260
Reforged.....................................................214 Spell Casting (Action)............................... 46 Spirit Caller................................................217

Spiritist........................................................237 Talents Uncanny Acrobat......................................261
Spiritualism................................................150 Necromancy................................. 127 Unconscious................................................. 30
Squeezing...................................................... 44 Oneiromancy............................... 130 Using Items................................................... 47
Squire (Knight Errant)............................166 Order........................................... 133 Valkyrie........................................................218
Stabilize (Action)........................................ 46 Primal......................................... 135 Vehicles....................................................43, 68
Stacking Effects........................................... 30 Protection.................................... 138 Veteran........................................................169
Stand Up....................................................... 42 Psychomancy................................ 140 Vision............................................................ 33
Steal (Action)............................................... 46 Pyromancy................................... 142 Vulnerable..................................................... 30
Storm Apostle............................................218 Shadowmancy............................. 145 War Machine..............................................262
Strength......................................................... 26 Skullduggery................................ 148 War...............................................................160
Stunned......................................................... 30 Spiritualism................................. 150 Warden........................................................169
Submerged.................................................... 49 Symbolism................................... 153 Warlock.......................................................192
Success and Failure..................................... 27 Technomancy............................... 155 Warlord.......................................................203
Success, Critical........................................... 27 Teleportation............................... 158 Water Walk................................................... 45
Suffocation................................................... 31 War.............................................. 160 Weakened..................................................... 30
Summoner..................................................238 Technomancer...........................................239 Weapon Damage......................................... 57
Sunlight......................................................... 33 Technomancy.............................................155 Weapon Descriptions................................. 59
Surrounded Target...................................... 48 Telepath.......................................................240 Weapon Materials....................................... 56
Swashbuckler.............................................168 Teleport...................................................43, 45 Weapon Traits.............................................. 57
Swim.............................................................. 43 Teleportation.............................................158 Weapon, Grip.............................................. 57
Swimming..................................................... 45 Templar.......................................................176 Weapon, Offhand....................................... 57
Symbolism..................................................152 Terrain, Challenging................................... 44 Weapon, One............................................... 57
Symbolist....................................................239 Theurge.......................................................176 Weapon, Requirements............................. 57
Talent, Using................................................ 47 Thief.............................................................191 Weapon, Two............................................... 57
Talents........................................................... 18 Throw (Action)........................................... 47 Weapons........................................................ 56
Aeromancy......................................75 Time.............................................................. 32 Weapons, Improvised................................. 48
Alchemy..........................................78 Tools.............................................................. 65 Weapons, Melee.......................................... 56
Alteration.......................................80 Tradition Talent.......................................... 18 Weapons, Natural....................................... 48
Animism.........................................83 Traditions..................................................... 18 Weapons, Ranged....................................... 56
Astromancy.....................................85 Trait, Using................................................... 47 Weapons, Two............................................. 49
Chaos..............................................88 Transactions................................................. 39 Wheeled Chairs.......................................... 61
Chronomancy.................................92 Transformation............................................ 31 Wild Guardian..........................................181
Conjuration....................................95 Trapsmith...................................................260 Will................................................................ 26
Cryomancy.....................................98 Travel............................................................. 32 Wind.............................................................. 34
Dark Arts.................................... 101 Trickster......................................................261 Witch..........................................................182
Destruction.................................. 103 Trinkets......................................................... 71 Within Reach of Enemies......................... 49
Divination................................... 106 Trinkets, Identifying................................... 71 Withstand..................................................... 48
Eldritch....................................... 108 Trip................................................................. 51 Wizard.........................................................183
Enchantment............................... 111 Turns.............................................................. 41 Wood Watcher...........................................218
Evocation..................................... 114 Turns, Pursued............................................. 52 Wrestle........................................................... 51
Geomancy.................................... 116 Turns, Pursuer.............................................. 52 Zealot..........................................................204

Hydromancy................................ 119 Twin Striker................................................203

Illusion......................................... 122 Unarmed Attacks........................................ 49
Invocation.................................... 125 Unarmed Strike........................................... 50


Strength Agility
Background, Description,
& professions

intellect size Will

Novice path Health injured

Current Damage


Defense Bonus

Expert path Armor & Shield

Talents Name Defense
natural Defense

Name To Hit Boons & Damage Hands properties

Master path

Tradition Tradition Tradition
Talents & Spells Talents & Spells Talents & Spells

Tradition Tradition Tradition

Talents & Spells Talents & Spells Talents & Spells

Allies, Acquaintances, Enemies & Other Relevant Notes

Shadow of the Weird Wizard is a fantasy roleplaying game in which Schwalb Entertainment
you and your friends assume the roles of characters who explore
the borderlands and make them safe for the refugees escaping the
doom that has befallen the old country. Unsafe are these lands: the
Weird Wizard released monsters to roam the countryside, cruel
faeries haunt the shadows, undead drag themselves free from their PO BOX 12548
tombs, and ancient evils stir once more. If the displaced people Murfreesboro, TN 37129
would rebuild their lives, they need heroes to protect them. [email protected]
Shadow of the Weird Wizard provides everything players need to
make characters and play the game, using an evolved version of
Shadow of the Demon Lord. With this book, you can create a bold
defender, champion of innocents, a cunning mage armed with
eldritch secrets, a traveling bard, seeking knowledge of the world,
and so much more. Shadow of the Weird Wizard, when paired with
Secrets of the Weird Wizard, gives you a complete roleplaying game

Shadow of the Weird Wizard is © 2024 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC. All rights reserved.

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