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Part No. 060412-10, Rev.

September 2016

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8

Network Configuration Guide
This user guide documents AOS Release 8.3.1 for the
OmniSwitch 10K, OmniSwitch 9900, OmniSwitch 6900, OmniSwitch 6860, and OmniSwitch 6865.
The functionality described in this guide is subject to change without notice. Alcatel-Lucent and the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise logo are trademarks of

Alcatel-Lucent. To view other trademarks used by affiliated companies of ALE Holding, visit: All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The information presented is subject to change without notice. Neither ALE Holding nor any of its
affiliates assumes any responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein. (2016)

26801 West Agoura Road

Calabasas, CA 91301
(818) 880-3500 FAX (818) 880-3505

Service & Support Contact Information

North America: 800-995-2696
Latin America : 877-919-9526
EMEA : +800 00200100 (Toll Free) or +1(650)385-2193
Asia Pacific: +65 6240 8484
Email: [email protected]

About This Guide ........................................................................................................ xxi

Supported Platforms ........................................................................................................ xxi
Who Should Read this Manual? ...................................................................................... xxi
When Should I Read this Manual? .................................................................................. xxi
What is in this Manual? .................................................................................................. xxii
What is Not in this Manual? ........................................................................................... xxii
How is the Information Organized? ............................................................................... xxii
Documentation Roadmap ..............................................................................................xxiii
Related Documentation .................................................................................................. xxv
Technical Support ......................................................................................................... xxvi

Chapter 1 Configuring Ethernet Ports ...................................................................................... 1-1

In This Chapter ................................................................................................................1-1
Ethernet Port Defaults .....................................................................................................1-2
Ethernet Ports Overview .................................................................................................1-3
Configuring Ethernet Port Parameters ............................................................................1-3
Enabling and Disabling Autonegotiation .................................................................1-3
Configuring Crossover Settings ...............................................................................1-3
Setting Interface Line Speed ....................................................................................1-3
Configuring Duplex Mode .......................................................................................1-4
Setting Trap Port Link Messages .............................................................................1-4
Resetting Statistics Counters ....................................................................................1-4
Enabling and Disabling Interfaces ...........................................................................1-4
Configuring a Port Alias ..........................................................................................1-5
Configuring Maximum Frame Sizes ........................................................................1-5
Configuring Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM) ................................................1-5
Configuring Flood Rate Limiting .............................................................................1-6
Configuring Flood Rate Limiting .............................................................................1-6
Configuring Flood Rate Limit Action ......................................................................1-7
Configuring Flow Control ........................................................................................1-7
Enabling and Disabling Enhanced Port Performance (EPP) ....................................1-9
Configuring Energy Efficient Ethernet (802.3az) ..................................................1-11
Configuring Split-Mode .........................................................................................1-11
Configuring Beacon LED .......................................................................................1-11
Clearing Ethernet Port Violations .................................................................................1-13
Link Monitoring ............................................................................................................1-14
Monitoring Interface Errors ...................................................................................1-14

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 iii


Monitoring Interface Flapping ...............................................................................1-14

Monitoring Window ...............................................................................................1-15
Configuring the Wait-to-Restore Timer .................................................................1-15
Configuring the Wait-to-Shutdown Timer .............................................................1-16
Displaying Link Monitoring Information ..............................................................1-17
Link Fault Propagation ..................................................................................................1-18
Interaction With Interfaces Violation Recovery ....................................................1-18
Configuring Link Fault Propagation ......................................................................1-19
LFP Application Example ......................................................................................1-20

Chapter 2 Configuring UDLD ...................................................................................................... 2-1

In This Chapter ................................................................................................................2-1
UDLD Defaults ..............................................................................................................2-2
Quick Steps for Configuring UDLD ...............................................................................2-3
UDLD Overview .............................................................................................................2-4
UDLD Operational Mode .........................................................................................2-4
Mechanisms to Detect Unidirectional Links ............................................................2-5
Configuring UDLD .........................................................................................................2-6
Enabling and Disabling UDLD ................................................................................2-6
Configuring the Operational Mode ..........................................................................2-7
Configuring the Probe-Timer ...................................................................................2-7
Configuring the Echo-Wait-Timer ...........................................................................2-7
Clearing UDLD Statistics .........................................................................................2-8
Verifying the UDLD Configuration ................................................................................2-8

Chapter 3 Managing Source Learning ................................................................................... 3-1

In This Chapter ................................................................................................................3-1
Source Learning Defaults ...............................................................................................3-2
MAC Address Table Overview .......................................................................................3-3
Using Static MAC Addresses ..........................................................................................3-3
Configuring Static MAC Addresses .........................................................................3-4
Using Static Multicast MAC Addresses .........................................................................3-5
Configuring Static Multicast MAC Addresses .........................................................3-5
Configuring MAC Address Table Aging Time ..............................................................3-7
Configuring the Source Learning Status .........................................................................3-8
Increasing the MAC Address Table Size ........................................................................3-9
Displaying Source Learning Information ......................................................................3-10

Chapter 4 Configuring VLANs .................................................................................................... 4-1

In This Chapter ................................................................................................................4-1
VLAN Defaults ..............................................................................................................4-2
Sample VLAN Configuration .........................................................................................4-3

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 iv


VLAN Management Overview .......................................................................................4-4

Creating/Modifying VLANs ...........................................................................................4-4
Adding/Removing a VLAN .....................................................................................4-5
Enabling/Disabling the VLAN Administrative Status .............................................4-5
Modifying the VLAN Description ...........................................................................4-5
Assigning Ports to VLANs ..............................................................................................4-6
Changing the Default VLAN Assignment for a Port ...............................................4-6
Using 802.1Q Tagging .............................................................................................4-7
Enabling/Disabling Spanning Tree for a VLAN .............................................................4-9
Enabling/Disabling Source Learning ..............................................................................4-9
Configuring VLAN IP Interfaces ..................................................................................4-10
Bridging VLANs Across Multiple Switches .................................................................4-11
Verifying the VLAN Configuration ..............................................................................4-13
Understanding Port Output Display .......................................................................4-13
Using Private VLANs ...................................................................................................4-15
Private VLAN Ports ...............................................................................................4-16
Quick Steps for Configuring PVLANs ..................................................................4-16
PVLAN Management Overview ............................................................................4-17
Creating PVLANs ..................................................................................................4-18
Creating Secondary VLANs ...................................................................................4-19
Assigning Ports to PVLANs ..................................................................................4-20
Protocol Configuration Requirements for PVLAN ................................................4-22
Sample PVLAN Use Case ......................................................................................4-24
Verifying the PVLAN Configuration .....................................................................4-25

Chapter 5 Configuring High Availability VLANs ................................................................... 5-1

In This Chapter ................................................................................................................5-1
High Availability Default Values ....................................................................................5-2
Quick Steps for Creating High Availability VLANs ......................................................5-3
High Availability VLAN Overview ................................................................................5-4
High Availability VLAN Operational Mode ...........................................................5-4
Traffic Flows in High Availability VLAN ...............................................................5-5
Configuring High Availability VLANs on a Switch .......................................................5-6
Creating and Deleting VLANs .................................................................................5-6
Adding and Removing Server Cluster Ports ............................................................5-7
Assigning and Modifying Server Cluster Mode ......................................................5-7
Assigning and Removing MAC Addresses ..............................................................5-8
Application Examples .....................................................................................................5-9
Example 1: Layer 2 Server Cluster ..........................................................................5-9
Example 2: Layer 3 Server Cluster ........................................................................5-11
Example 3: Layer 3 Server Cluster with IP Multicast Address to Cluster
(IGMP) ..................................................................................................................5-13
Displaying High Availability VLAN Status .................................................................5-16

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 v


Chapter 6 Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters ............................................................. 6-1

In This Chapter ................................................................................................................6-2
Spanning Tree Bridge Parameter Defaults .....................................................................6-3
Spanning Tree Port Parameter Defaults ..........................................................................6-3
Multiple Spanning Tree (MST) Region Defaults ............................................................6-4
Spanning Tree Overview .................................................................................................6-5
How the Spanning Tree Topology is Calculated .....................................................6-5
MST General Overview ................................................................................................6-12
How MSTP Works .................................................................................................6-12
Comparing MSTP with STP and RSTP .................................................................6-15
What is a Multiple Spanning Tree Instance (MSTI) ..............................................6-15
What is a Multiple Spanning Tree Region .............................................................6-16
What is the Common Spanning Tree .....................................................................6-17
What is the Internal Spanning Tree (IST) Instance ................................................6-17
What is the Common and Internal Spanning Tree Instance ...................................6-17
MST Configuration Overview ...............................................................................6-17
MST Interoperability and Migration ......................................................................6-18
Spanning Tree Operating Modes ..................................................................................6-20
Using Flat Spanning Tree Mode ............................................................................6-20
Using Per-VLAN Spanning Tree Mode .................................................................6-21
Using Per-VLAN Spanning Tree Mode with PVST+ ............................................6-22
OmniSwitch PVST+ Interoperability .....................................................................6-23
Using Spanning Tree Configuration Commands ..........................................................6-26
Configuring STP Bridge Parameters .............................................................................6-26
Selecting the Spantree Protocol ..............................................................................6-27
Configuring the Bridge Priority .............................................................................6-28
Configuring the Bridge Hello Time .......................................................................6-29
Configuring the Bridge Max-Age Time .................................................................6-29
Configuring the Forward Delay Time for the Switch ............................................6-30
Enabling/Disabling the VLAN BPDU Switching Status .......................................6-30
Configuring the Path Cost Mode ............................................................................6-31
Using Automatic VLAN Containment ...................................................................6-31
Configuring STP Port Parameters .................................................................................6-33
Enabling/Disabling Spanning Tree on a Port .........................................................6-34
Enabling/Disabling Loop-guard .............................................................................6-35
Configuring Port Priority .......................................................................................6-35
Configuring Port Path Cost ....................................................................................6-36
Configuring Port Mode ..........................................................................................6-40
Configuring Port Connection Type ........................................................................6-41
Configuring the Edge Port Status ...........................................................................6-42
Restricting Port Roles (Root Guard) ......................................................................6-43
Restricting TCN Propagation .................................................................................6-43
Limiting BPDU Transmission ................................................................................6-43
Sample Spanning Tree Configuration ...........................................................................6-44
Example Network Overview ..................................................................................6-44
Example Network Configuration Steps ..................................................................6-45

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 vi


Sample MST Region Configuration ..............................................................................6-47

Sample MSTI Configuration .........................................................................................6-49
Verifying the Spanning Tree Configuration .................................................................6-52

Chapter 7 Configuring Loopback Detection ........................................................................... 7-1

In This Chapter ................................................................................................................7-1
LBD Defaults ..................................................................................................................7-2
Quick Steps for Configuring LBD ..................................................................................7-3
LBD Overview ................................................................................................................7-4
Transmission Timer ..................................................................................................7-4
Interaction With Other Features ......................................................................................7-4
Spanning Tree Protocol ............................................................................................7-4
Link Aggregation .....................................................................................................7-4
Configuring LBD ............................................................................................................7-5
Enabling LBD ..........................................................................................................7-5
Configuring the LBD Transmission Timer ..............................................................7-5
Viewing LBD Statistics ............................................................................................7-5
Recovering a Port from LBD Shutdown ..................................................................7-5
Configuring Autorecovery-timer for LBD shutdown ports .....................................7-6
LBD for Service Access Interface ...................................................................................7-6
Enabling LBD on Service-access Interface ..............................................................7-6
LBD Packet Processing Mechanism for LBD Service Access Ports .......................7-7
Sample Scenarios .....................................................................................................7-8
Verifying the LBD Configuration .................................................................................7-10

Chapter 8 Configuring Static Link Aggregation .................................................................... 8-1

In This Chapter ................................................................................................................8-1
Static Link Aggregation Default Values .........................................................................8-2
Quick Steps for Configuring Static Link Aggregation ...................................................8-3
Static Link Aggregation Overview .................................................................................8-5
Static Link Aggregation Operation ..........................................................................8-5
Relationship to Other Features .................................................................................8-6
Configuring Static Link Aggregation Groups .................................................................8-6
Configuring Mandatory Static Link Aggregate Parameters .....................................8-6
Creating and Deleting a Static Link Aggregate Group ............................................8-7
Adding and Deleting Ports in a Static Aggregate Group .........................................8-7
Modifying Static Aggregation Group Parameters ...........................................................8-9
Modifying the Static Aggregate Group Name .........................................................8-9
Modifying the Static Aggregate Group Administrative State ..................................8-9
Application Example .....................................................................................................8-10
Displaying Static Link Aggregation Configuration and Statistics ................................8-11

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 vii


Chapter 9 Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation .............................................................. 9-1

In This Chapter ................................................................................................................9-1
Dynamic Link Aggregation Default Values ...................................................................9-2
Quick Steps for Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation ..............................................9-3
Dynamic Link Aggregation Overview ............................................................................9-5
Dynamic Link Aggregation Operation .....................................................................9-5
Relationship to Other Features .................................................................................9-7
Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregate Groups ...............................................................9-7
Configuring Mandatory Dynamic Link Aggregate Parameters ...............................9-8
Creating and Deleting a Dynamic Aggregate Group ...............................................9-8
Configuring Ports to Join and Removing Ports in a Dynamic Aggregate
Group .......................................................................................................................9-9
Modifying Dynamic Link Aggregate Group Parameters ..............................................9-11
Modifying Dynamic Aggregate Group Parameters ...............................................9-11
Modifying Dynamic Link Aggregate Actor Port Parameters ................................9-16
Modifying Dynamic Aggregate Partner Port Parameters ......................................9-20
Application Examples ...................................................................................................9-25
Sample Network Overview ....................................................................................9-25
Link Aggregation and Spanning Tree Example .....................................................9-26
Link Aggregation and QoS Example .....................................................................9-27
Displaying Dynamic Link Aggregation Configuration and Statistics ..........................9-28

Chapter 10 Configuring Dual-Home Links .............................................................................. 10-1

In This Chapter ..............................................................................................................10-1
Dual-Home Link Active-Active Defaults .....................................................................10-2
Dual-Home Link Active-Active ....................................................................................10-3
DHL Active-Active Operation ...............................................................................10-3
DHL Configuration Guidelines ..............................................................................10-6
Configuring DHL Active-Active ...........................................................................10-6
Dual-Home Link Active-Active Example ..............................................................10-8
Recommended DHL Active-Active Topology ....................................................10-10
Unsupported DHL Active-Active Topology (Network Loops) ...........................10-11
Displaying the Dual-Home Link Configuration .........................................................10-12

Chapter 11 Configuring ERP ....................................................................................................... 11-1

In This Chapter ..............................................................................................................11-1
ERP Defaults .................................................................................................................11-2
ERP Overview ...............................................................................................................11-3
ERP Basic Operation ..............................................................................................11-5
ERPv2 Basic Operation ..........................................................................................11-7
Interaction With Other Features ....................................................................................11-9
Quick Steps for Configuring ERP with Standard VLANs ..........................................11-10
Quick Steps for Configuring ERP with VLAN Stacking ............................................11-11

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 viii


ERP Configuration Overview and Guidelines ............................................................11-12

Configuring an ERP Ring ...........................................................................................11-13
Adding VLANs to Ring Ports ..............................................................................11-13
Configuring an RPL Port ......................................................................................11-14
Setting the Wait-to-Restore Timer .......................................................................11-14
Setting the Guard Timer .......................................................................................11-14
Configuring ERP with VLAN Stacking NNIs .....................................................11-15
Clearing ERP Statistics ........................................................................................11-16
ERPv2 Configuration Overview and Guidelines ........................................................11-17
Major and Sub Ring Management .......................................................................11-17
Sample Switch Configuration ..............................................................................11-18
Sample Ethernet Ring Protection Configuration .........................................................11-21
Example ERP Overview .......................................................................................11-21
Example ERP Configuration Steps ......................................................................11-22
Sample ERPv2 Ring Configuration ............................................................................11-23
Example ERPv2 Overview ...................................................................................11-23
Configuring Shared Link ......................................................................................11-24
Configuring Switches in Main Ring .....................................................................11-25
Configuring Secondary RPL Node ......................................................................11-25
Configuring Switch in Sub Ring ..........................................................................11-25
Verifying the ERP Configuration ................................................................................11-26

Chapter 12 Configuring MVRP .................................................................................................... 12-1

In This Chapter ..............................................................................................................12-1
MVRP Defaults .............................................................................................................12-2
Quick Steps for Configuring MVRP .............................................................................12-3
MRP Overview ..............................................................................................................12-4
MVRP Overview ...........................................................................................................12-4
How MVRP Works ................................................................................................12-4
Interaction With Other Features .............................................................................12-6
Configuring MVRP .......................................................................................................12-7
Enabling MVRP .....................................................................................................12-7
Configuring the Maximum Number of VLANs .....................................................12-7
Configuring MVRP Registration ...........................................................................12-8
Configuring the MVRP Applicant Mode ...............................................................12-9
Modifying MVRP Timers ....................................................................................12-10
Restricting VLAN Registration ............................................................................12-11
Restricting Static VLAN Registration ..................................................................12-11
Restricting VLAN Advertisement ........................................................................12-12
Verifying the MVRP Configuration ............................................................................12-13

Chapter 13 Configuring 802.1AB ............................................................................................... 13-1

In This Chapter ..............................................................................................................13-1
802.1AB Defaults Table ................................................................................................13-2

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 ix


Quick Steps for Configuring 802.1AB ..........................................................................13-3

802.1AB Overview .......................................................................................................13-4
Mandatory TLVs ....................................................................................................13-4
Optional TLVs ........................................................................................................13-4
LLDP-Media Endpoint Devices .............................................................................13-5
LLDP Agent Operation ..........................................................................................13-6
LLDPDU Transmission and Reception ..................................................................13-6
Aging Time ............................................................................................................13-6
LLDP Agent Security Mechanism .........................................................................13-7
Configuring 802.1AB ....................................................................................................13-8
Configuring LLDPDU Flow ..................................................................................13-8
Enabling and Disabling Notification ......................................................................13-8
Enabling and Disabling Management TLV ...........................................................13-9
Enabling and Disabling 802.1 TLV .......................................................................13-9
Enabling and Disabling 802.3 TLV .......................................................................13-9
Enabling and Disabling MED TLV .....................................................................13-10
Enabling and Disabling Application Priority TLV ..............................................13-10
Setting the Transmit Interval ................................................................................13-11
Setting the Transmit Hold Multiplier Value ........................................................13-11
Setting the Reinit Delay .......................................................................................13-11
Setting the Notification Interval ...........................................................................13-11
Verifying 802.1AB Configuration ..............................................................................13-12

Chapter 14 Configuring SIP Snooping ...................................................................................... 14-1

In This Chapter ..............................................................................................................14-1
SIP Snooping Defaults ..................................................................................................14-2
Parameter Description and Values ................................................................................14-3
Quick Steps for Configuring SIP Snooping ..................................................................14-4
SIP Snooping Overview ................................................................................................14-5
Using SIP Snooping ......................................................................................................14-6
Interoperability .......................................................................................................14-7
SIP Snooping Configuration Guidelines .......................................................................14-8
Configuring Edge Port ...........................................................................................14-8
Configuring Trusted SIP Server .............................................................................14-8
Configuring SIP Snooping TCP Ports ....................................................................14-9
Configuring SIP Snooping UDP Ports ...................................................................14-9
Configuring the SIP Control DSCP .......................................................................14-9
Configuring SOS Calls ...........................................................................................14-9
Configuring SOS Call DSCP .................................................................................14-9
Configuring RTCP Thresholds .............................................................................14-10
Configuring the Logging Threshold for the Number of Calls .............................14-10
Configuring Policy Rules for SIP Snooping ........................................................14-10
Unsupported Topologies ......................................................................................14-11
SIP Snooping Use Case ...............................................................................................14-12
SIP Snooping Limitations ...........................................................................................14-15

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 x


Verifying the SIP Snooping Configuration .................................................................14-16

Chapter 15 Configuring IP ........................................................................................................... 15-1

In This Chapter ..............................................................................................................15-1
IP Defaults .....................................................................................................................15-3
Quick Steps for Configuring IP Forwarding .................................................................15-3
IP Overview ..................................................................................................................15-4
IP Protocols ............................................................................................................15-4
IP Forwarding ................................................................................................................15-6
Configuring an IP Interface ....................................................................................15-7
Configuring a Loopback0 Interface .......................................................................15-9
Configuring an IP Managed Interface ..................................................................15-10
Creating a Static Route or Recursive Static Route ...............................................15-11
Creating a Default Route ......................................................................................15-12
Configuring an IP Routed Port .............................................................................15-12
Configuring Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) ................................................15-13
Distributed ARP ..........................................................................................................15-16
Designated-NI and Distributed ARP Management ..............................................15-16
Enabling/Disabling Distributed ARP ...................................................................15-16
Verifying the Distributed ARP .............................................................................15-17
Distributed ARP Management Example ..............................................................15-18
IP Configuration ..........................................................................................................15-19
Configuring the Router Primary Address .............................................................15-19
Configuring the Router ID ...................................................................................15-19
Configuring the Route Preference of a Router .....................................................15-19
Configuring the Time-to-Live (TTL) Value ........................................................15-20
Configuring Route Map Redistribution ................................................................15-20
IP-Directed Broadcasts .........................................................................................15-26
Denial of Service (DoS) Filtering ........................................................................15-26
Enabling/Disabling IP Services ............................................................................15-31
Managing IP ................................................................................................................15-32
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) .........................................................15-32
Using the Ping Command ....................................................................................15-34
Tracing an IP Route ..............................................................................................15-35
Displaying TCP Information ................................................................................15-35
Displaying UDP Information ...............................................................................15-36
Tunneling ....................................................................................................................15-36
Generic Routing Encapsulation ............................................................................15-36
IP Encapsulation within IP ...................................................................................15-36
Tunneling Operation ............................................................................................15-37
Configuring a Tunnel Interface ............................................................................15-38
Verifying the IP Configuration ...................................................................................15-39
VRF Route Leak .........................................................................................................15-40
Quick Steps for Configuring VRF Route Leak ....................................................15-40
Configuring VRF Route Leak ..............................................................................15-41
Verifying VRF Route Leak Configuration ...........................................................15-42

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 xi


Chapter 16 Configuring Multiple VRF ....................................................................................... 16-1

In This Chapter ..............................................................................................................16-1
VRF Defaults ................................................................................................................16-2
Quick Steps for Configuring Multiple VRF ..................................................................16-3
Multiple VRF Overview ...............................................................................................16-6
VRF Profiles ...........................................................................................................16-8
Using the VRF Command Line Interface ..............................................................16-8
ASCII-File-Only Syntax ........................................................................................16-9
Management VRF ..................................................................................................16-9
VRF Interaction With Other Features .........................................................................16-11
AAA RADIUS/TACACS+/LDAP Servers ..........................................................16-11
BGPv4 ..................................................................................................................16-12
IP-IP and GRE Tunnels ........................................................................................16-12
Management Applications (Telnet and SSH) .......................................................16-12
FTP .......................................................................................................................16-12
NTP ......................................................................................................................16-12
WebView ..............................................................................................................16-12
Syslog Server ........................................................................................................16-12
Quality of Service (QoS) ......................................................................................16-13
SNMP ...................................................................................................................16-13
VLANs .................................................................................................................16-13
UDP/DHCP Relay ................................................................................................16-13
Configuring VRF Instances .........................................................................................16-15
Configuring the VRF Profile ................................................................................16-15
Selecting a VRF Instance .....................................................................................16-16
Assigning IP Interfaces to a VRF Instance ..........................................................16-17
Configuring Routing Protocols for a Specific VRF Instance ...............................16-17
Removing a VRF Instance ...................................................................................16-17
Verifying the VRF Configuration ...............................................................................16-18

Chapter 17 Configuring IPv6 ....................................................................................................... 17-1

In This Chapter ..............................................................................................................17-1
IPv6 Defaults ................................................................................................................. 17-2
Quick Steps for Configuring IPv6 Routing ...................................................................17-3
IPv6 Overview ..............................................................................................................17-4
IPv6 Addressing .....................................................................................................17-5
Tunneling IPv6 over IPv4 ......................................................................................17-9
Configuring an IPv6 Interface .....................................................................................17-12
Configuring a Unique Local IPv6 Unicast Address .............................................17-13
Modifying an IPv6 Interface ................................................................................17-13
Removing an IPv6 Interface .................................................................................17-13
Assigning IPv6 Addresses ...........................................................................................17-14
Removing an IPv6 Address ..................................................................................17-15
Configuring IPv6 Tunnel Interfaces ............................................................................17-16

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 xii


Creating an IPv6 Static Route .....................................................................................17-17

Configuring the Route Preference of a Router ............................................................17-18
Configuring Route Map Redistribution ......................................................................17-19
Verifying the IPv6 Configuration ...............................................................................17-25

Chapter 18 Configuring IPsec ..................................................................................................... 18-1

In This Chapter ..............................................................................................................18-1
IPsec Defaults ................................................................................................................18-2
Quick Steps for Configuring an IPsec AH Policy .........................................................18-3
Quick Steps for Configuring an IPsec Discard Policy ..................................................18-4
IPsec Overview .............................................................................................................18-5
Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) ..................................................................18-5
Authentication Header (AH) ..................................................................................18-6
IPsec on the OmniSwtich .......................................................................................18-7
Securing Traffic Using IPsec .................................................................................18-8
Discarding Traffic using IPsec ...............................................................................18-9
Configuring IPsec on the OmniSwitch .......................................................................18-10
Configuring an IPsec Master Key ........................................................................18-10
Configuring an IPsec Policy .................................................................................18-11
Configuring an IPsec SA ......................................................................................18-15
Additional Examples ...................................................................................................18-19
Configuring ESP ..................................................................................................18-19
Discarding RIPng Packets ....................................................................................18-21
Verifying IPsec Configuration ....................................................................................18-22

Chapter 19 Configuring RIP ......................................................................................................... 19-1

In This Chapter ..............................................................................................................19-1
RIP Defaults .................................................................................................................. 19-2
Quick Steps for Configuring RIP Routing ....................................................................19-3
RIP Overview ................................................................................................................19-4
RIP Version 2 .........................................................................................................19-5
RIP Routing ...................................................................................................................19-6
Loading RIP ...........................................................................................................19-6
Enabling RIP ..........................................................................................................19-7
Creating a RIP Interface .........................................................................................19-7
Enabling a RIP Interface ........................................................................................19-7
RIP Options ...................................................................................................................19-9
Configuring the RIP Forced Hold-Down Interval ..................................................19-9
Configuring the RIP Update Interval .....................................................................19-9
Configuring the RIP Invalid Timer ......................................................................19-10
Configuring the RIP Garbage Timer ....................................................................19-10
Configuring the RIP Hold-Down Timer ..............................................................19-10
Reducing the Frequency of RIP Routing Updates ...............................................19-10

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 xiii


Enabling a RIP Host Route ..................................................................................19-11

Configuring Redistribution .........................................................................................19-12
RIP Security ................................................................................................................19-18
Configuring Authentication Type ........................................................................19-18
Configuring Passwords ........................................................................................19-18
Verifying the RIP Configuration .................................................................................19-19

Chapter 20 Configuring BFD ....................................................................................................... 20-1

In This Chapter ..............................................................................................................20-1
BFD Defaults ................................................................................................................20-2
Quick Steps for Configuring BFD ................................................................................20-3
Quick Steps for Configuring BFD Support for Layer 3 Protocols .........................20-5
BFD Overview ..............................................................................................................20-8
Benefits of Using BFD For Failure Detection .......................................................20-8
How the BFD Protocol Works ...............................................................................20-8
Operational Mode and Echo Function ...................................................................20-9
BFD Packet Formats ..............................................................................................20-9
BFD Session Establishment .................................................................................20-10
Configuring BFD ........................................................................................................20-12
Configuring BFD Session Parameters ..................................................................20-12
Configuring BFD Support for Layer 3 Protocols .................................................20-15
BFD Application Example ..........................................................................................20-24
Example Network Overview ................................................................................20-24
Verifying the BFD Configuration ...............................................................................20-29

Chapter 21 Configuring DHCP Relay ......................................................................................... 21-1

In This Chapter ..............................................................................................................21-1
DHCP Relay Defaults ...................................................................................................21-2
Quick Steps for Setting Up DHCP Relay .....................................................................21-3
DHCP Relay Overview .................................................................................................21-4
DHCP .....................................................................................................................21-5
DHCP and the OmniSwitch ...................................................................................21-5
External DHCP Relay Application ........................................................................21-6
Internal DHCP Relay .............................................................................................21-7
DHCP Relay Implementation .......................................................................................21-8
Global DHCP .........................................................................................................21-8
Per-VLAN DHCP ..................................................................................................21-8
Configuring BOOTP/DHCP Relay Parameters .....................................................21-9
Setting the Forward Delay ......................................................................................21-9
Setting Maximum Hops .......................................................................................21-10
Setting the Relay Forwarding Option ...................................................................21-10
Using Automatic IP Configuration .............................................................................21-11
Enabling Automatic IP Configuration ..................................................................21-11

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 xiv


Configuring UDP Port Relay ......................................................................................21-12

Enabling/Disabling UDP Port Relay ....................................................................21-13
Specifying a Forwarding VLAN ..........................................................................21-13
How the Relay Agent Processes DHCP Packets from the Client ........................21-14
Using DHCP Snooping ........................................................................................21-16
Quick Steps for Configuring DHCPv6 Relay .............................................................21-23
DHCPv6 Relay Overview ...........................................................................................21-23
DHCPv6 Relay Interface ......................................................................................21-23
DHCPv6 Relay Messages ....................................................................................21-24
DHCPv6 Relay Configuration Overview ....................................................................21-24
Enabling the DHCPv6 Relay Per-VRF ................................................................21-24
Configuring the DHCPv6 Relay Interface ...........................................................21-24
Configuring the DHCPv6 Relay Destination .......................................................21-25
Viewing the DHCPv6 Relay configuration ..........................................................21-25
Verifying the DHCP Relay Configuration ..................................................................21-26

Chapter 22 Configuring an Internal DHCP Server ................................................................ 22-1

In This Chapter ..............................................................................................................22-1
DHCP Server Default Values ........................................................................................22-2
Quick Steps to Configure Internal DHCP Server .........................................................22-2
DHCP Server Overview ................................................................................................22-4
The DHCP process .................................................................................................22-4
Internal DHCP Server on OmniSwitch ..................................................................22-4
VitalQIP Server ......................................................................................................22-4
Interaction With Other Features ....................................................................................22-5
Virtual Router Forwarding (VRF) ..........................................................................22-5
BootP/UDP Relay ..................................................................................................22-5
DHCP Snooping .....................................................................................................22-5
IP Interfaces ............................................................................................................22-5
VitalQIP Server ......................................................................................................22-5
Configuring DHCP Server on OmniSwitch ..................................................................22-6
DHCP Template files .............................................................................................22-6
Policy file ...............................................................................................................22-6
DHCP Configuration Files .....................................................................................22-7
DHCP Server Database file ..................................................................................22-10
DHCP Server Application Example ............................................................................22-11
Verifying the DHCP Server Configuration .................................................................22-13
Configuration File Parameters and Syntax .................................................................22-14
Policy File Parameters and Syntax ..............................................................................22-30

Chapter 23 Configuring VRRP ..................................................................................................... 23-1

In This Chapter ..............................................................................................................23-1
VRRP Defaults ..............................................................................................................23-2

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 xv


Quick Steps for Creating a Virtual Router ....................................................................23-4

VRRP Overview ............................................................................................................23-5
Why Use VRRP? ....................................................................................................23-6
Definition of a Virtual Router ................................................................................23-6
VRRP MAC Addresses ..........................................................................................23-7
VRRP Startup Delay ..............................................................................................23-7
VRRP Tracking ......................................................................................................23-8
Configuring Collective Management Functionality ...............................................23-8
Interaction With Other Features ....................................................................................23-8
VRRP Tracking with BFD .....................................................................................23-8
VRRP Configuration Overview ....................................................................................23-9
Basic Virtual Router Configuration .......................................................................23-9
Creating/Deleting a Virtual Router ........................................................................23-9
Specifying an IP Address for a Virtual Router ....................................................23-10
Configuring the Advertisement Interval ..............................................................23-11
Configuring Virtual Router Priority .....................................................................23-11
Setting Preemption for Virtual Routers ................................................................23-12
Enabling/Disabling a Virtual Router ....................................................................23-12
Setting VRRP Traps .............................................................................................23-13
Setting VRRP Startup Delay ................................................................................23-13
Configuring Collective Management Functionality .............................................23-13
Verifying the VRRP Configuration ............................................................................23-17
VRRPv3 Configuration Overview ..............................................................................23-18
Basic VRRPv3 Virtual Router Configuration ......................................................23-18
Creating/Deleting a VRRPv3 Virtual Router .......................................................23-18
Specifying an IPv6 Address for a VRRPv3 Virtual Router .................................23-19
Configuring the VRRPv3 Advertisement Interval ...............................................23-20
Configuring the VRRPv3 Virtual Router Priority ................................................23-20
Setting Preemption for VRRPv3 Virtual Routers ................................................23-21
Enabling/Disabling a VRRPv3 Virtual Router ....................................................23-22
Setting VRRPv3 Traps .........................................................................................23-22
Verifying the VRRPv3 Configuration ........................................................................23-23
Creating Tracking Policies ..........................................................................................23-24
Associating a Tracking Policy with a VRRPv2/VRRPv3 Virtual Router ...........23-24
VRRP Application Example .......................................................................................23-25
VRRP Tracking Example .....................................................................................23-27
VRRPv3 Application Example ...................................................................................23-29
VRRPv3 Tracking Example .................................................................................23-30

Chapter 24 Configuring Server Load Balancing .................................................................... 24-1

In This Chapter ..............................................................................................................24-1
Server Load Balancing Default Values .........................................................................24-2
Quick Steps for Configuring Server Load Balancing ...................................................24-3
Quick Steps for Configuring a QoS Policy Condition Cluster ...............................24-4

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 xvi


Server Load Balancing Overview .................................................................................24-6

Server Load Balancing Cluster Identification ........................................................24-6
Server Load Balancing Example ............................................................................24-7
Weighted Round Robin Distribution Algorithm ....................................................24-8
Server Health Monitoring .......................................................................................24-9
Configuring Server Load Balancing on a Switch .......................................................24-10
Enabling and Disabling Server Load Balancing ..................................................24-10
Configuring and Deleting SLB Clusters ..............................................................24-11
Assigning Servers to and Removing Servers from a Cluster ...............................24-13
Modifying Optional Parameters ..................................................................................24-14
Modifying the Ping Period ...................................................................................24-14
Modifying the Ping Timeout ................................................................................24-14
Modifying the Ping Retries ..................................................................................24-15
Modifying the Relative Weight of a Physical Server ...........................................24-15
Taking Clusters and Servers On/Off Line ...................................................................24-16
Taking a Cluster On/Off Line ..............................................................................24-16
Taking a Server On/Off Line ...............................................................................24-16
Configuring SLB Probes .............................................................................................24-17
Creating SLB Probes ............................................................................................24-17
Deleting SLB Probes ............................................................................................24-17
Associating a Probe with a Cluster ......................................................................24-18
Associating a Probe with a Server ........................................................................24-18
Modifying SLB Probes .........................................................................................24-18
Displaying Server Load Balancing Status and Statistics ............................................24-21

Chapter 25 Configuring IP Multicast Switching ..................................................................... 25-1

In This Chapter ..............................................................................................................25-1
IPMS Default Values ....................................................................................................25-2
IPMSv6 Default Values ................................................................................................25-3
IPMS Overview .............................................................................................................25-4
IPMS Example .......................................................................................................25-4
Reserved IP Multicast Addresses ...........................................................................25-5
IP Multicast Routing ..............................................................................................25-5
Configuring IPMS on a Switch .....................................................................................25-7
Enabling and Disabling IP Multicast Status ...........................................................25-7
Enabling and Disabling Flooding of Unknown Multicast Traffic .........................25-8
Enabling and Disabling IGMP Querier-forwarding ...............................................25-8
Configuring and Restoring the IGMP Version ......................................................25-9
Configuring and Removing an IGMP Static Neighbor ........................................25-10
Configuring and Removing an IGMP Static Querier ...........................................25-11
Configuring and Removing an IGMP Static Group .............................................25-11
Modifying IPMS Parameters .......................................................................................25-13
Modifying the IGMP Query Interval ...................................................................25-13
Modifying the IGMP Last Member Query Interval .............................................25-13
Modifying the IGMP Query Response Interval ...................................................25-14
Enabling and Disabling Zero-based IGMP Query ...............................................25-15

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 xvii


Modifying the IGMP Router Timeout .................................................................25-16

Modifying the Source Timeout ............................................................................25-16
Enabling and Disabling IGMP Querying .............................................................25-17
Modifying the IGMP Robustness Variable ..........................................................25-18
Enabling and Disabling the IGMP Spoofing ........................................................25-19
Enabling and Disabling the IGMP Zapping .........................................................25-19
Limiting IGMP Multicast Groups ........................................................................25-20
IPMSv6 Overview .......................................................................................................25-21
IPMSv6 Example .................................................................................................25-21
Reserved IPv6 Multicast Addresses .....................................................................25-22
MLD Version 2 ....................................................................................................25-22
Configuring IPMSv6 on a Switch ...............................................................................25-23
Enabling and Disabling IPv6 Multicast Status .....................................................25-23
Enabling and Disabling Flooding of Unknown Multicast Traffic .......................25-24
Enabling and Disabling MLD Querier-forwarding ..............................................25-24
Configuring and Restoring the MLD Version ......................................................25-25
Configuring and Removing an MLD Static Neighbor .........................................25-26
Configuring and Removing an MLD Static Querier ............................................25-26
Configuring and Removing an MLD Static Group ..............................................25-27
Modifying IPMSv6 Parameters ...................................................................................25-28
Modifying the MLD Query Interval .....................................................................25-28
Modifying the MLD Last Member Query Interval ..............................................25-28
Modifying the MLD Query Response Interval ....................................................25-29
Enabling and Disabling Zero-based MLD Query ................................................25-30
Modifying the MLD Router Timeout ...................................................................25-31
Modifying the Source Timeout ............................................................................25-31
Enabling and Disabling the MLD Querying ........................................................25-32
Modifying the MLD Robustness Variable ...........................................................25-33
Enabling and Disabling the MLD Spoofing .........................................................25-33
Enabling and Disabling the MLD Zapping ..........................................................25-34
Limiting MLD Multicast Groups .........................................................................25-35
IPMS Application Example ........................................................................................25-36
IPMSv6 Application Example ....................................................................................25-38
Displaying IPMS Configurations and Statistics ..........................................................25-40
Displaying IPMSv6 Configurations and Statistics ......................................................25-41

Chapter 26 Configuring QoS ....................................................................................................... 26-1

In This Chapter ..............................................................................................................26-2
QoS General Overview .................................................................................................26-3
Classification .................................................................................................................26-5
How Traffic is Classified and Marked ...................................................................26-5
Configuring Trusted Ports ......................................................................................26-7
Congestion Management ...............................................................................................26-9
Queue Sets ..............................................................................................................26-9
QSet Profiles ........................................................................................................26-11
Multicast and Unicast Traffic Distribution ..........................................................26-14

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 xviii


Multicast Source PFC on the OmniSwitch 6900 .................................................26-17

OmniSwitch 10K Queue Management ................................................................26-18
Congestion Avoidance ................................................................................................26-21
WRED Profiles .....................................................................................................26-21
Traffic Policing and Shaping ......................................................................................26-24
Policing .................................................................................................................26-24
Shaping .................................................................................................................26-24
Tri-Color Marking ................................................................................................26-24
Configuring Policy Bandwidth Policing ..............................................................26-28
Configuring Port Bandwidth Shaping ..................................................................26-29
QoS Policy Overview ..................................................................................................26-30
How Policies Are Used ........................................................................................26-30
Policy Lists ...........................................................................................................26-31
Interaction With Other Features ...........................................................................26-31
Valid Policies .......................................................................................................26-31
Policy Conditions .................................................................................................26-32
Policy Actions ......................................................................................................26-33
QoS Defaults ...............................................................................................................26-35
Global QoS Defaults ............................................................................................26-35
QoS Port Defaults .................................................................................................26-35
Queue Management Defaults ...............................................................................26-36
Policy Rule Defaults .............................................................................................26-37
Policy Action Defaults .........................................................................................26-37
Default (Built-in) Policies ....................................................................................26-38
Configuring QoS .........................................................................................................26-39
Configuring Global QoS Parameters ..........................................................................26-40
Enabling/Disabling QoS .......................................................................................26-40
Using the QoS Log ...............................................................................................26-40
Setting the Statistics Interval ................................................................................26-43
Returning the Global Configuration to Defaults ..................................................26-43
Verifying Global Settings .....................................................................................26-43
Creating Policies .........................................................................................................26-44
Quick Steps for Creating Policies ........................................................................26-44
ASCII-File-Only Syntax ......................................................................................26-45
Creating Policy Conditions ..................................................................................26-46
Creating Policy Actions .......................................................................................26-47
Creating Policy Rules ...........................................................................................26-48
Creating Policy Lists ............................................................................................26-51
Verifying Policy Configuration ............................................................................26-53
Using Condition Groups in Policies ............................................................................26-54
Sample Group Configuration ...............................................................................26-54
Creating Network Groups ....................................................................................26-55
Creating Services ..................................................................................................26-56
Creating Service Groups ......................................................................................26-57
Creating MAC Groups .........................................................................................26-58
Creating Port Groups ............................................................................................26-59
Verifying Condition Group Configuration ...........................................................26-60

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 xix


Using Map Groups ......................................................................................................26-61

Sample Map Group Configuration .......................................................................26-61
How Map Groups Work .......................................................................................26-62
Creating Map Groups ...........................................................................................26-62
Verifying Map Group Configuration ...................................................................26-63
Using Access Control Lists .........................................................................................26-64
Layer 2 ACLs .......................................................................................................26-64
Layer 3 ACLs .......................................................................................................26-66
IPv6 ACLs ............................................................................................................26-67
Multicast Filtering ACLs .....................................................................................26-67
Using ACL Security Features ..............................................................................26-68
Applying the Configuration ........................................................................................26-72
Interaction With LDAP Policies ..........................................................................26-73
Verifying the Applied Policy Configuration ........................................................26-74
Policy Applications .....................................................................................................26-75
Basic QoS Policies ...............................................................................................26-75
Redirection Policies ..............................................................................................26-77
Policy Based Mirroring ........................................................................................26-77
ICMP Policy Example ..........................................................................................26-78
802.1p and ToS/DSCP Marking and Mapping ....................................................26-78
Policy Based Routing ...........................................................................................26-80

Chapter 27 Managing Policy Servers ....................................................................................... 27-1

In This Chapter ..............................................................................................................27-1
Policy Server Defaults ...................................................................................................27-2
Policy Server Overview ................................................................................................27-3
Installing the LDAP Policy Server ................................................................................27-3
Modifying Policy Servers .............................................................................................27-4
Modifying LDAP Policy Server Parameters ..........................................................27-4
Disabling the Policy Server From Downloading Policies ......................................27-4
Modifying the Port Number ...................................................................................27-5
Modifying the Policy Server Username and Password ..........................................27-5
Modifying the Searchbase ......................................................................................27-5
Configuring a Secure Socket Layer for a Policy Server ........................................27-6
Loading Policies From an LDAP Server ................................................................27-6
Removing LDAP Policies From the Switch ..........................................................27-6
Interaction With CLI Policies ................................................................................27-7
Verifying the Policy Server Configuration ...................................................................27-7

Chapter 28 Configuring Access Guardian ............................................................................... 28-1

In This Chapter ..............................................................................................................28-2
Access Guardian Defaults .............................................................................................28-3
Access Guardian Global Configuration Defaults ...................................................28-3
Access Guardian Profile Defaults ..........................................................................28-3
Access Guardian UNP Port Defaults .....................................................................28-5
Access Guardian Global AAA Parameter Defaults ...............................................28-6

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 xx


Access Guardian AAA Profile Defaults .................................................................28-7

Access Guardian Captive Portal Defaults ..............................................................28-7
Access Guardian Captive Portal Profile Defaults ..................................................28-8
Access Guardian QMR Defaults ............................................................................28-9
Quick Steps for Configuring Access Guardian ...........................................................28-10
Access Guardian Overview .........................................................................................28-12
Device Authentication ..........................................................................................28-13
Device Classification ............................................................................................28-14
Role-based Access ................................................................................................28-15
UNP Profiles ........................................................................................................28-16
UNP Ports .............................................................................................................28-20
UNP Classification Rules .....................................................................................28-22
How it Works .......................................................................................................28-25
Interaction With Other Features ..................................................................................28-26
Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) ......................................28-26
Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) ......................................................................28-26
Learned Port Security ...........................................................................................28-26
Multiple VLAN Registration Protocol (MVRP) ..................................................28-27
Quality of Service (QoS) ......................................................................................28-27
Service Assurance Agent .....................................................................................28-28
Service Manager ...................................................................................................28-28
Source Learning ...................................................................................................28-28
Universal Network Profile (UNP) ........................................................................28-28
Configuring Port-Based Network Access Control ......................................................28-31
Setting Authentication Parameters for the Switch ...............................................28-32
Configuring UNP Port-Based Functionality ........................................................28-38
Configuring UNP Profiles ....................................................................................28-48
Configuring the UNP Profile Mapping ................................................................28-51
Configuring QoS Policy Lists ..............................................................................28-58
Configuring UNP Classification Rules ................................................................28-61
Using Captive Portal Authentication ..........................................................................28-65
Configuration Tasks and Guidelines ....................................................................28-66
Quick Steps for Configuring Captive Portal Authentication ...............................28-67
Using Captive Portal Configuration Profiles .......................................................28-68
Replacing the Captive Portal Certificate ..............................................................28-69
Authenticating with Captive Portal ......................................................................28-69
Using Quarantine Manager and Remediation .............................................................28-72
Access Guardian Application Examples .....................................................................28-74
Application Example 1: Classification (Port Mobility) .......................................28-75
Application Example 2: 802.1X Authentication ..................................................28-76
Application Example 3: Internal Captive Portal Authentication .........................28-78
Application Example 4: Supplicant/Non-supplicant with Captive Portal
Authentication .....................................................................................................28-80
Application Example 5: IP Phone (LLDP Network Policy TLV/Mobile
Tag) .....................................................................................................................28-83
Application Example 6: Restricted Role (Policy List) Assignment .....................28-85
Verifying Access Guardian Users ...............................................................................28-88
Logging Users Out of the Network ......................................................................28-91

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 xxi


Verifying the Access Guardian Configuration ............................................................28-93

Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) Overview ............................................................28-94
Key Components of a BYOD Solution ................................................................28-95
Configuring OmniSwitch Interaction with the CPPM .......................................28-102
BYOD Authentication Process Overview ..........................................................28-105
Using the Multicast Domain Name System .......................................................28-106
Using the Simple Service Discovery Protocol ...................................................28-108
BYOD Application Examples ...................................................................................28-112
Application Example 1: 802.1X — OmniSwitch Configuration .......................28-113
Application Example 1: 802.1X — ClearPass Configuration ............................28-114
Application Example 2: IP Phone — OmniSwitch Configuration ....................28-119
Application Example 2: IP Phone — ClearPass Configuration .........................28-120
Application Example 3: Guest — OmniSwitch Configuration ..........................28-123
Application Example 3: Guest — ClearPass Configuration ..............................28-124
Verifying the BYOD Configuration ...................................................................28-129

Chapter 29 Configuring Application Monitoring and Enforcement ................................. 29-1

In This Chapter ..............................................................................................................29-2
AppMon Defaults ..........................................................................................................29-3
Application Monitoring and Enforcement Overview ...................................................29-4
Application Monitoring ..........................................................................................29-4
Application Enforcement .......................................................................................29-5
Quick Steps for Configuring AppMon ...................................................................29-7
Application Signature File/Kit ......................................................................................29-8
Signature File Update .............................................................................................29-8
Application Flow Database ....................................................................................29-9
Configuring AppMon ..................................................................................................29-10
Configuration Guidelines .....................................................................................29-11
Enabling/Disabling AppMon ...............................................................................29-13
Enabling/Disabling AppMon Per Port or Slot ......................................................29-13
Create Auto-Groups .............................................................................................29-14
Configuring Application Group ...........................................................................29-14
Configuring Application List ...............................................................................29-15
Activate Applications for AppMon ......................................................................29-15
Configuring L3 Mode of Operation .....................................................................29-16
Configuring L4 Mode of Operation .....................................................................29-16
Clearing Flow Table Entries ................................................................................29-17
Configuring Flow Table Statistics Update ...........................................................29-17
Configuring Aging Interval ..................................................................................29-17
Configuring Logging Threshold ...........................................................................29-18
Configuring Sync Interval ....................................................................................29-18
Configuring Force Flow Sync ..............................................................................29-18
Clearing Application List .....................................................................................29-19
Configuring AppMon Enforcement QoS Policy Rules ........................................29-19
Verifying AppMon Configuration ..............................................................................29-20

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 xxii


Chapter 30 Configuring Application Fingerprinting ............................................................ 30-1

In This Chapter ..............................................................................................................30-1
AFP Defaults .................................................................................................................30-2
Default REGEX Application Signatures ................................................................30-2
Quick Steps for Configuring AFP .................................................................................30-4
AFP Overview ...............................................................................................................30-5
Application Fingerprinting Modes .........................................................................30-6
Using the Application REGEX Signature File .......................................................30-7
Application Fingerprinting Database .....................................................................30-8
Interaction With Other Features ....................................................................................30-9
General ...................................................................................................................30-9
QoS .........................................................................................................................30-9
sFLOW ...................................................................................................................30-9
Configuring AFP .........................................................................................................30-10
Configuration Guidelines .....................................................................................30-10
Enabling/Disabling AFP ......................................................................................30-11
Enabling/Disabling Trap Generation ...................................................................30-11
Changing the REGEX Signature Filename ..........................................................30-12
Reloading the REGEX Signature File ..................................................................30-12
Defining Application REGEX Signatures and Groups ........................................30-13
Configuring AFP Port Modes ..............................................................................30-16
Verifying the AFP Configuration ................................................................................30-18

Chapter 31 Managing Authentication Servers ...................................................................... 31-1

In This Chapter ..............................................................................................................31-1
Server Defaults ..............................................................................................................31-2
RADIUS Authentication Servers ...........................................................................31-2
TACACS+ Authentication Servers ........................................................................31-2
LDAP Authentication Servers ................................................................................31-2
Quick Steps For Configuring Authentication Servers ..................................................31-3
Server Overview ............................................................................................................31-4
Backup Authentication Servers ..............................................................................31-4
Authenticated Switch Access .................................................................................31-4
RADIUS Servers ...........................................................................................................31-6
RADIUS Server Attributes .....................................................................................31-6
Configuring the RADIUS Client ..........................................................................31-10
TACACS+ Server .......................................................................................................31-12
TACACS+ Client Limitations ..............................................................................31-12
Configuring the TACACS+ Client .......................................................................31-13
LDAP Servers .............................................................................................................31-14
Setting Up the LDAP Authentication Server .......................................................31-14
LDAP Server Details ............................................................................................31-15
Directory Server Schema for LDAP Authentication ............................................31-20
Configuring the LDAP Authentication Client .....................................................31-24

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 xxiii


Verifying the Authentication Server Configuration ....................................................31-26

Chapter 32 Configuring Port Mapping ..................................................................................... 32-1

In This Chapter ..............................................................................................................32-1
Port Mapping Defaults ..................................................................................................32-2
Quick Steps for Configuring Port Mapping ..................................................................32-3
Creating/Deleting a Port Mapping Session ...................................................................32-4
Creating a Port Mapping Session ...........................................................................32-4
Deleting a Port Mapping Session ...........................................................................32-4
Enabling/Disabling a Port Mapping Session .................................................................32-5
Enabling a Port Mapping Session ..........................................................................32-5
Disabling a Port Mapping Session .........................................................................32-5
Disabling the Flooding of Unknown Unicast Traffic .............................................32-5
Configuring a Port Mapping Direction .........................................................................32-5
Configuring Unidirectional Port Mapping .............................................................32-5
Restoring Bidirectional Port Mapping ...................................................................32-5
Sample Port Mapping Configuration ............................................................................32-6
Example Port Mapping Overview ..........................................................................32-6
Example Port Mapping Configuration Steps .........................................................32-7
Verifying the Port Mapping Configuration ...................................................................32-7

Chapter 33 Configuring Learned Port Security ...................................................................... 33-1

In This Chapter ..............................................................................................................33-1
Learned Port Security Defaults ....................................................................................33-2
Sample Learned Port Security Configuration ...............................................................33-3
Learned Port Security Overview ...................................................................................33-5
LPS Learning Window ...........................................................................................33-5
MAC Address Types ..............................................................................................33-6
How LPS Authorizes Source MAC Addresses ......................................................33-6
Dynamic Configuration of Authorized MAC Addresses .......................................33-8
Static Configuration of Authorized MAC Addresses ............................................33-8
Understanding the LPS Table ................................................................................33-8
Interaction With Other Features ....................................................................................33-9
Access Guardian .....................................................................................................33-9
Universal Network Profile (UNP) ..........................................................................33-9
Configuring Learned Port Security .............................................................................33-10
Configuring the LPS Port Administrative Status .................................................33-10
Configuring the LPS Learning Window ..............................................................33-12
Configuring Learning Window Parameters .........................................................33-12
Configuring the Number of Bridged MAC Addresses Allowed ..........................33-15
Configuring the Number of Filtered MAC Addresses Allowed ..........................33-16
Configuring an Authorized MAC Address Range ...............................................33-16
Selecting the Security Violation Mode ................................................................33-17
Displaying Learned Port Security Information ...........................................................33-19

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 xxiv


Chapter 34 Diagnosing Switch Problems ................................................................................34-1

In This Chapter ..............................................................................................................34-1
Port Mirroring Overview ...............................................................................................34-3
Port Mirroring Defaults ..........................................................................................34-3
Quick Steps for Configuring Port Mirroring ..........................................................34-3
Port Monitoring Overview ............................................................................................34-4
Port Monitoring Defaults .......................................................................................34-4
Quick Steps for Configuring Port Monitoring .......................................................34-4
sFlow Overview ............................................................................................................34-5
sFlow Defaults ........................................................................................................34-5
Quick Steps for Configuring sFlow .......................................................................34-5
Remote Monitoring (RMON) Overview .......................................................................34-7
RMON Probe Defaults ...........................................................................................34-7
Quick Steps for Enabling/Disabling RMON Probes ..............................................34-7
Switch Health Overview ...............................................................................................34-8
Switch Health Defaults ...........................................................................................34-8
Quick Steps for Configuring Switch Health ..........................................................34-8
Port Mirroring ...............................................................................................................34-9
What Ports Can Be Mirrored? ................................................................................34-9
How Port Mirroring Works ....................................................................................34-9
What Happens to the Mirroring Port ....................................................................34-10
Mirroring on Multiple Ports .................................................................................34-10
Using Port Mirroring with External RMON Probes ............................................34-10
Remote Port Mirroring .........................................................................................34-12
Creating a Mirroring Session ...............................................................................34-13
Unblocking Ports (Protection from Spanning Tree) ............................................34-14
Enabling or Disabling Mirroring Status ...............................................................34-14
Disabling a Mirroring Session (Disabling Mirroring Status) ...............................34-14
Configuring Port Mirroring Direction ..................................................................34-15
Enabling or Disabling a Port Mirroring Session (Shorthand) ..............................34-15
Displaying Port Mirroring Status .........................................................................34-16
Deleting A Mirroring Session ..............................................................................34-16
Configuring Remote Port Mirroring ....................................................................34-17
Port Monitoring ...........................................................................................................34-18
Configuring a Port Monitoring Session ...............................................................34-19
Enabling a Port Monitoring Session .....................................................................34-19
Disabling a Port Monitoring Session ...................................................................34-19
Deleting a Port Monitoring Session .....................................................................34-19
Pausing a Port Monitoring Session ......................................................................34-20
Configuring Port Monitoring Session Persistence ...............................................34-20
Configuring a Port Monitoring Data File .............................................................34-20
Configuring Port Monitoring Direction ...............................................................34-21
Configuring the Capture Type ..............................................................................34-22
Displaying Port Monitoring Status and Data .......................................................34-22
sFlow ...........................................................................................................................34-23
sFlow Manager .....................................................................................................34-23
Receiver ................................................................................................................34-23

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 xxv


Sampler .................................................................................................................34-24
Poller ....................................................................................................................34-24
Configuring a sFlow Session ................................................................................34-24
Configuring a Fixed Primary Address .................................................................34-25
Displaying a sFlow Receiver ................................................................................34-25
Displaying a sFlow Sampler ................................................................................34-26
Displaying a sFlow Poller ....................................................................................34-26
Displaying a sFlow Agent ....................................................................................34-27
Deleting a sFlow Session .....................................................................................34-27
Remote Monitoring (RMON) .....................................................................................34-28
Enabling or Disabling RMON Probes ..................................................................34-30
Displaying RMON Tables ....................................................................................34-31
Monitoring Switch Health ...........................................................................................34-35
Configuring Resource Thresholds ........................................................................34-36
Displaying Health Threshold Limits ....................................................................34-37
Configuring Sampling Intervals ...........................................................................34-38
Viewing Sampling Intervals .................................................................................34-38
Viewing Health Statistics for the Switch .............................................................34-39
Viewing Health Statistics for a Specific Interface ...............................................34-40

Chapter 35 Configuring VLAN Stacking ................................................................................... 35-1

In This Chapter ..............................................................................................................35-1
VLAN Stacking Defaults ..............................................................................................35-2
VLAN Stacking Overview ............................................................................................35-3
How VLAN Stacking Works .................................................................................35-5
VLAN Stacking Services .......................................................................................35-6
Interaction With Other Features ....................................................................................35-7
Quick Steps for Configuring VLAN Stacking ..............................................................35-8
Configuring VLAN Stacking Services ........................................................................35-10
Configuring SVLANs ..........................................................................................35-11
Configuring a VLAN Stacking Service ...............................................................35-12
Configuring VLAN Stacking Network Ports .......................................................35-13
Configuring a VLAN Stacking Service Access Point ..........................................35-15
Configuring VLAN Stacking User Ports .............................................................35-16
Configuring the Type of Customer Traffic to Tunnel ..........................................35-16
Configuring a Service Access Point Profile .........................................................35-18
Configuring a UNI Profile ....................................................................................35-19
VLAN Stacking Application Example ........................................................................35-22
VLAN Stacking Configuration Example .............................................................35-23
Verifying the VLAN Stacking Configuration .............................................................35-26

Chapter 36 Using Switch Logging .............................................................................................. 36-1

In This Chapter ..............................................................................................................36-1
Switch Logging Defaults ...............................................................................................36-2
Quick Steps for Configuring Switch Logging ..............................................................36-2

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 xxvi


Switch Logging Overview ............................................................................................36-3

Switch Logging Commands Overview .........................................................................36-4
Enabling Switch Logging .......................................................................................36-4
Setting the Switch Logging Severity Level ............................................................36-4
Specifying the Switch Logging Output Device ......................................................36-5
Configuring the Switch Logging File Size .............................................................36-6
Clearing the Switch Logging Files .........................................................................36-6
Displaying Switch Logging Records ......................................................................36-7

Chapter 37 Configuring Ethernet OAM .................................................................................... 37-1

In This Chapter ..............................................................................................................37-1
Ethernet OAM Defaults ................................................................................................37-2
Ethernet OAM Overview ..............................................................................................37-3
Ethernet Service OAM ...........................................................................................37-3
Quick Steps for Configuring Ethernet OAM ................................................................37-8
Configuring Ethernet OAM ..........................................................................................37-9
Configuring a Maintenance Domain ......................................................................37-9
Configuring a Maintenance Association ..............................................................37-10
Configuring a Maintenance End Point .................................................................37-11
Configuring a Virtual Maintenance End Point .....................................................37-11
Configuring Loopback .........................................................................................37-12
Configuring Linktrace ..........................................................................................37-12
Configuring the Fault Alarm Time .......................................................................37-12
Configuring the Fault Reset Time ........................................................................37-12
Configuring Ethernet Frame Delay Measurement ...............................................37-12
Verifying the Ethernet OAM Configuration ...............................................................37-14

Chapter 38 Configuring Service Assurance Agent ................................................................ 38-1

In This Chapter ..............................................................................................................38-1
SAA Defaults ................................................................................................................38-2
Quick Steps for Configuring SAA ................................................................................38-3
Service Assurance Agent Overview ..............................................................................38-4
Configuring Service Assurance Agent ..........................................................................38-4
Configuring an SAA ID .........................................................................................38-5
Configuring SAA SPB Session Parameters ...........................................................38-6
Generating an SAA XML History File ..................................................................38-7
Verifying the SAA Configuration .................................................................................38-9

Appendix A Software License and Copyright Statements ..................................................... A-1

Alcatel-Lucent License Agreement ................................................................................ A-1
Third Party Licenses and Notices .................................................................................. A-4

Index ...................................................................................................................... Index-1

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 xxvii

About This Guide

This OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide describes basic attributes of your switch
and basic switch administration tasks. The software features described in this manual are shipped standard
with your switches. These features are used when readying a switch for integration into a live network

Supported Platforms
The information in this guide applies only to the following products:
• OmniSwitch 10K Series

• OmniSwitch 9900 Series

• OmniSwitch 6900 Series

• OmniSwitch 6860 Series

• OmniSwitch 6865 Series

Who Should Read this Manual?

The audience for this user guide are network administrators and IT support personnel who need to config-
ure, maintain, and monitor switches and routers in a live network. However, anyone wishing to gain
knowledge on how fundamental software features are implemented in the OmniSwitch Series switches
will benefit from the material in this configuration guide.

When Should I Read this Manual?

Read this guide as soon as your switch is up and running and you are ready to familiarize yourself with
basic software functions. You should have already stepped through the first login procedures and read the
brief software overviews in the appropriate Hardware Users Guide.
You should have already set up a switch password and be familiar with the very basics of the switch soft-
ware. This manual will help you understand the switch’s directory structure, the Command Line Interface
(CLI), configuration files, basic security features, and basic administrative functions. The features and
procedures in this guide will help form a foundation that will allow you to configure more advanced
switching features later.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 xxi

What is in this Manual? About This Guide

What is in this Manual?

This configuration guide includes information about the following features:
• Basic switch administrative features, such as file editing utilities, procedures for loading new software,
and setting up system information (name of switch, date, time).
• Configurations files, including snapshots, off-line configuration, time-activated file download.

• The CLI, including on-line configuration, command-building help, syntax error checking, and line edit-
• Basic security features, such as switch access control and customized user accounts.


• Web-based management (WebView)

What is Not in this Manual?

The configuration procedures in this manual primarily use Command Line Interface (CLI) commands in
examples. CLI commands are text-based commands used to manage the switch through serial (console
port) connections or via Telnet sessions. This guide does include introductory chapters for alternative
methods of managing the switch, such as web-based (WebView) and SNMP management. However the
primary focus of this guide is managing the switch through the CLI.
Further information on WebView can be found in the context-sensitive on-line help available with that
This guide does not include documentation for the OmniVista network management system. However,
OmniVista includes a complete context-sensitive on-line help system.
This guide provides overview material on software features, how-to procedures, and tutorials that will
enable you to begin configuring your OmniSwitch. However, it is not intended as a comprehensive refer-
ence to all CLI commands available in the OmniSwitch. For such a reference to all CLI commands,
consult the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

How is the Information Organized?

Each chapter in this guide includes sections that will satisfy the information requirements of casual read-
ers, rushed readers, serious detail-oriented readers, advanced users, and beginning users.
Quick Information. Most chapters include a specifications table that lists RFCs and IEEE specifications
supported by the software feature. In addition, this table includes other pertinent information such as mini-
mum and maximum values and sub-feature support. Some chapters include a defaults table that lists the
default values for important parameters along with the CLI command used to configure the parameter.
Many chapters include Quick Steps sections, which are procedures covering the basic steps required to get
a software feature up and running.
In-Depth Information. All chapters include overview sections on software features as well as on selected
topics of that software feature. Topical sections may often lead into procedure sections that describe how
to configure the feature just described. Many chapters include tutorials or application examples that help
convey how CLI commands can be used together to set up a particular feature.

xxii OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016

About This Guide Documentation Roadmap

Documentation Roadmap
The OmniSwitch user documentation suite was designed to supply you with information at several critical
junctures of the configuration process.The following section outlines a roadmap of the manuals that will
help you at each stage of the configuration process. Under each stage, we point you to the manual or
manuals that will be most helpful to you.

Stage 1: Using the Switch for the First Time

Pertinent Documentation: OmniSwitch Hardware Users Guide
Release Notes
This guide provides all the information you need to get your switch up and running the first time. It
provides information on unpacking the switch, rack mounting the switch, installing NI modules, unlocking
access control, setting the switch’s IP address, and setting up a password. It also includes succinct
overview information on fundamental aspects of the switch, such as hardware LEDs, the software
directory structure, CLI conventions, and web-based management.
At this time you should also familiarize yourself with the Release Notes that accompanied your switch.
This document includes important information on feature limitations that are not included in other user

Stage 2: Gaining Familiarity with Basic Switch Functions

Pertinent Documentation: OmniSwitch Hardware Users Guide
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Switch Management Guide
Once you have your switch up and running, you will want to begin investigating basic aspects of its
hardware and software. Information about switch hardware is provided in the Hardware Guide. This guide
provide specifications, illustrations, and descriptions of all hardware components, such as chassis, power
supplies, Chassis Management Modules (CMMs), Network Interface (NI) modules, and cooling fans. It
also includes steps for common procedures, such as removing and installing switch components.
The OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Switch Management Guide is the primary users guide for the basic
software features on a single switch. This guide contains information on the switch directory structure,
basic file and directory utilities, switch access security, SNMP, and web-based management. It is
recommended that you read this guide before connecting your switch to the network.

Stage 3: Integrating the Switch Into a Network

Pertinent Documentation: OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Advanced Routing Configuration Guide
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Data Center Switching Guide
When you are ready to connect your switch to the network, you will need to learn how the OmniSwitch
implements fundamental software features, such as 802.1Q, VLANs, Spanning Tree, and network routing
protocols. The OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide contains overview information,
procedures, and examples on how standard networking technologies are configured on the OmniSwitch.
The OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Advanced Routing Configuration Guide includes configuration
information for networks using advanced routing technologies (OSPF and BGP) and multicast routing
protocols (DVMRP and PIM-SM).
The OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Data Center Switching Guide includes configuration information for data
center networks using virtualization technologies (SPBM and UNP), Data Center Bridging protocols
(PFC, ETC, and DCBX), and FCoE/FC gateway functionality.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 xxiii

Documentation Roadmap About This Guide

The OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide contains comprehensive information on all CLI
commands supported by the switch. This guide includes syntax, default, usage, example, related CLI
command, and CLI-to-MIB variable mapping information for all CLI commands supported by the switch.
This guide can be consulted anytime during the configuration process to find detailed and specific
information on each CLI command.

xxiv OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016

About This Guide Related Documentation

Related Documentation
The following are the titles and descriptions of all the related OmniSwitch user manuals:
• OmniSwitch 10K, 9900, 6900, 6860, 6865 Hardware Users Guides

Describes the hardware and software procedures for getting an OmniSwitch up and running as well as
complete technical specifications and procedures for all OmniSwitch chassis, power supplies, fans, and
Network Interface (NI) modules.
• OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide

Complete reference to all CLI commands supported on the OmniSwitch. Includes syntax definitions,
default values, examples, usage guidelines and CLI-to-MIB variable mappings.
• OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Switch Management Guide

Includes procedures for readying an individual switch for integration into a network. Topics include
the software directory architecture, image rollback protections, authenticated switch access, managing
switch files, system configuration, using SNMP, and using web management software (WebView).
• OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide

Includes network configuration procedures and descriptive information on all the major software
features and protocols included in the base software package. Chapters cover Layer 2 information
(Ethernet and VLAN configuration), Layer 3 information (routing protocols, such as RIP and IPX),
security options (authenticated VLANs), Quality of Service (QoS), link aggregation, and server load
• OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Advanced Routing Configuration Guide

Includes network configuration procedures and descriptive information on all the software features and
protocols included in the advanced routing software package. Chapters cover multicast routing
(DVMRP and PIM-SM), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), and Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).
• OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Data Center Switching Guide

Includes an introduction to the OmniSwitch data center switching architecture as well as network
configuration procedures and descriptive information on all the software features and protocols that
support this architecture. Chapters cover Shortest Path Bridging MAC (SPBM), Data Center Bridging
(DCB) protocols, Virtual Network Profile (vNP), and FCoE/FC gateway functionality.
• OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Transceivers Guide

Includes SFP and XFP transceiver specifications and product compatibility information.
• OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Specifications Guide

Includes Specifications table information for the features documented in the Switch Management
Guide, Network Configuration Guide, Advanced Routing Guide, and Data Center Switching Guide.
• Technical Tips, Field Notices

Includes information published by Alcatel-Lucent’s Customer Support group.

• Release Notes

Includes critical Open Problem Reports, feature exceptions, and other important information on the
features supported in the current release and any limitations to their support.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 xxv

Technical Support About This Guide

Technical Support
An Alcatel-Lucent service agreement brings your company the assurance of 7x24 no-excuses technical
support. You’ll also receive regular software updates to maintain and maximize your Alcatel-Lucent
product’s features and functionality and on-site hardware replacement through our global network of
highly qualified service delivery partners.
With 24-hour access to Alcatel-Lucent’s Service and Support web page, you’ll be able to view and update
any case (open or closed) that you have reported to Alcatel-Lucent’s technical support, open a new case or
access helpful release notes, technical bulletins, and manuals.
Access additional information on Alcatel-Lucent’s Service Programs:
Phone: 1-800-995-2696
Email: [email protected]

xxvi OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016

1 Configuring Ethernet Ports

The Ethernet software is responsible for a variety of functions that support Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, and
10/40 Gigabit Ethernet ports on OmniSwitch Series switches. These functions include diagnostics,
software loading, initialization, configuration of line parameters, gathering statistics, and responding to
administrative requests from SNMP or CLI.

In This Chapter
This chapter describes the Ethernet port parameters of the switch and how to configure them through the
Command Line Interface (CLI). CLI Commands are used in the configuration examples.
Configuration procedures described in this chapter include:
• “Configuring Ethernet Port Parameters” on page 1-3

• “Clearing Ethernet Port Violations” on page 1-13

• “Link Monitoring” on page 1-14

• “Link Fault Propagation” on page 1-18

For more information about using CLI commands to view Ethernet port parameters, see the OmniSwitch
AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 1-1
Configuring Ethernet Ports Ethernet Port Defaults

Ethernet Port Defaults

The following table shows Ethernet port default values:

Parameter Description Command Default Value/Comments

Interface Line Speed interfaces speed AutoNeg
Interface Duplex Mode interfaces duplex AutoNeg
Trap Port Link Messages interfaces link-trap Disabled
Interface Configuration interfaces Enabled
Peak Flood Rate Configuration interfaces flood-limit 4 Mbps (10 Ethernet)
49 Mbps (100 Fast Ethernet)
496 Mbps (1 Gigabit Ethernet)
997 Mbps (10 Gigabit Ethernet)
997 Mbps (40 Gigabit Ethernet)
Interface Alias interfaces alias None configured
Maximum Frame Size interfaces max-frame- 1553 (untagged) Ethernet packets
size 1553 (tagged) Ethernet packets
9216 Gigabit Ethernet packets
Digital Diagnostics Monitoring interfaces ddm Disabled
Enhanced Port Performance interfaces Disabled
Beacon LED interfaces beacon Disabled

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 1-2
Configuring Ethernet Ports Ethernet Ports Overview

Ethernet Ports Overview

This chapter describes the Ethernet software CLI commands used for configuring and monitoring the
Ethernet port parameters of your switch.

Configuring Ethernet Port Parameters

The following sections describe how to use CLI commands to configure ethernet ports.

Enabling and Disabling Autonegotiation

To enable or disable autonegotiation on a single port, a range of ports, or an entire slot, use the interfaces
command. For example:
-> interfaces 2/3 autoneg enable
-> interfaces 2/1-3 autoneg enable
-> interfaces 2 autoneg enable

Configuring Crossover Settings

To configure crossover settings on a single port, a range of ports, or an entire slot, use the interfaces
crossover command. If autonegotiation is disabled, auto MDIX, auto speed, and auto duplex are not
Setting the crossover configuration to auto configures the interface or interfaces to automatically detect
crossover settings. Setting crossover configuration to mdix configures the interface or interfaces for
MDIX (Media Dependent Interface with Crossover), which is the standard for hubs and switches. Setting
crossover to mdi configures the interface or interfaces for MDI (Media Dependent Interface), which is the
standard for end stations.
For example:
-> interfaces 2/1 crossover auto
-> interfaces 2/2-5 crossover mdi
-> interfaces 3 crossover mdix

Setting Interface Line Speed

The interfaces speed command is used to set the line speed on a specific port, a range of ports, or all ports
on an entire slot.
For example:
-> interfaces 2/1 speed 100
-> interfaces 2/2-5 speed 1000
-> interfaces 3 speed auto

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 1-3
Configuring Ethernet Ports Configuring Ethernet Port Parameters

Configuring Duplex Mode

The interfaces duplex command is used to configure the duplex mode on a specific port, a range of ports,
or all ports on a slot to full, half, or auto. (The auto option causes the switch to advertise all available
duplex modes (half/full/both) for the port during autonegotiation.) In full duplex mode, the interface
transmits and receives data simultaneously. In half duplex mode, the interface can only transmit or receive
data at a given time.
For example:
-> interfaces 2/1 duplex half
-> interfaces 2/2-5 duplex auto
-> interfaces 3 duplex full

Setting Trap Port Link Messages

The interfaces link-trap command can be used to enable or disable trap port link messages on a specific
port, a range of ports, or all ports on a slot. When enabled, a trap message is sent to a Network
Management Station (NMS) whenever the port state has changed.
For example:
-> interfaces 2/3 link-trap enable
-> interfaces 2/3-5 link-trap enable
-> interfaces 2 link-trap enable

Resetting Statistics Counters

The clear interfaces command is used to reset all Layer 2 statistics counters on a specific port, a range of
ports, or all ports on a slot. For example:
-> clear interfaces 2/3 l2-statistics
-> clear interfaces 2/1-3 l2-statistics
-> clear interfaces 2 l2-statistics

This command also includes an optional cli parameter. When this parameter is specified, only those
statistics that are maintained by the switch CLI are cleared; SNMP values are not cleared and continue to
maintain cumulative totals. For example:
-> clear interfaces 2/1-3 l2-statistics cli

Note that when the cli parameter is not specified both CLI and SNMP statistics are cleared.

Enabling and Disabling Interfaces

The interfaces command is used to enable or disable a specific port, a range of ports, or all ports on an
entire slot.
-> interfaces 2/3 admin-state disable
-> interfaces 2/1-3 admin-state disable
-> interfaces 2 admin-state disable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 1-4
Configuring Ethernet Ports Configuring Ethernet Port Parameters

Configuring a Port Alias

The interfaces alias command is used to configure an alias (i.e., description) for a single port. (You
cannot configure an entire switch or a range of ports.) For example:
-> interfaces 2/3 alias ip_phone1
-> interfaces 2/3 alias “ip phones 1”

Note. Spaces must be contained within quotes.

Configuring Maximum Frame Sizes

The interfaces max-frame-size command can be used to configure the maximum frame size (in bytes) on
a specific port, a range of ports, or all ports on a switch.
For example:
-> interfaces 2/3 max frame 9216
-> interfaces 2/1-3 max frame 9216
-> interfaces 2 max frame 9216

Configuring Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM)

Digital Diagnostics Monitoring allows the switch to monitor the status of a transceiver by reading the
information contained on the transceiver's EEPROM. The transceiver can display Actual, Warning-Low,
Warning-High, Alarm-Low and Alarm-High for the following:
• Temperature

• Supply Voltage

• Current

• Output Power

• Input Power

To enable the DDM capability on the switch use the interfaces ddm command. For example, enter:
-> interfaces ddm enable

Traps can be enabled using the interfaces ddm-trap if any of the above values crosses the pre-defined
low or high thresholds of the transceiver. For example:
-> interfaces ddm-trap enable

Note. In order to take advantage of the DDM capability, the transceiver must support the DDM
functionality. Not all transceivers support DDM; refer to the Transceivers Guide for additional DDM

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 1-5
Configuring Ethernet Ports Configuring Ethernet Port Parameters

Configuring Flood Rate Limiting

The OmniSwitch implementation of storm control supports flood rate limiting for broadcast, unknown
unicast, and multicast traffic. A high threshold rate is configured in megabits-per-second (mbps), packets-
per-second (pps), or as a percentage of the port speed. When the threshold value is reached, packets are
To configure the flood rate limit threshold, use the interfaces flood-limit command For example:
-> interfaces 2/1/1 flood-limit bcast rate mbps 100
-> interfaces 2/1/2-5 flood-limit uucast rate pps 500
-> interfaces slot 3/1 flood-limit mcast rate cap% 50

Configuring a Flood Rate Limit Action

Configuring a port shutdown or trap action to occur when the rate limit threshold is reached provides a
method for monitoring storm traffic.
• Port shutdown action—port is moved to a STORM violated state and a violation trap is sent.

• Trap action—the storm is controlled through flood rate limiting and a trap is sent. The port is not
moved into a STORM violated state.
To configure the flood rate limit action, use the interfaces flood-limit action command with either the
shutdown or trap option. For example:
-> interfaces 1/1/1 flood-limit bcast action shutdown
-> interfaces 1/1/4 flood-limit uucast action trap

Use the all option with the interfaces flood-limit action command to specify all types of traffic. For
-> interfaces 1/1/11 flood-limit all action shutdown

To set the flood rate limit action back to the default value (no action is taken) use the interfaces flood-
limit action command with the default option. For example:
-> interfaces 1/1/14 flood-limit mcast action default

Configuring Auto-Recovery for Port Shutdown Action

When a port is shutdown because of a STORM violated state, an administrator will have to clear the
violation. However, configuring a low threshold value for flood rate limiting can help to automate this
process. When the rate of violating traffic received on the port goes below the low threshold value, the
port is removed from the violating state.
To configure the low threshold value, use the interfaces flood-limit command with the low-threshold
option. For example:
-> interfaces 1/1/1 flood-limit bcast rate mbps 60 low-threshold 40
-> interfaces 1/1/4 flood-limit uucast rate mbps 100 low-threshold 40
-> interfaces 1/1/5 flood-limit mcast rate pps 2000 low-threshold 1000

Configuring Flood Rate Limiting

The following section describes how to apply a flood limit value to broadcast, unicast flooded, or
multicast traffic for a slot, port, or a range of ports. The interfaces flood-limit command can be used to
set limits based on pps, mbps, or a percentage of the port bandwidth.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 1-6
Configuring Ethernet Ports Configuring Ethernet Port Parameters

For example:
-> interfaces 2/1/1 flood-limit bcast rate mbps 100
-> interfaces 2/1/2-5 flood-limit uucast rate pps 500
-> interfaces slot 3/1 flood-limit mcast rate cap% 50

The auto recovery has to enabled by configuring the low threshold. The high and low threshold when
configured, will have same type [mbps, pps, and percentage].
For example:
-> interfaces 1/1/1 flood-limit bcast rate mbps 60 low-threshold 40
-> interfaces 1/1/4 flood-limit uucast rate mbps 100 low-threshold 40
-> interfaces 1/1/5 flood-limit mcast rate pps 2000 low-threshold 1000

Configuring Flood Rate Limit Action

The following section describes how to apply action, when a port reaches storm violated state. You can set
an “action” for a singe port or a range of ports.
For example:
-> interfaces 1/1/1 flood-limit bcast action shutdown
-> interfaces 1/1/4 flood uucast action trap
-> interfaces 1/1/11 flood-limit all action shutdown
-> interfaces 1/1/14 flood mcast action default
When the action is set as “shutdown”, it specifies that when high threshold is violated, the port needs
to be put in blocked state. When the action is set as “trap”, it specifies that when high threshold is
crossed, the trap will be sent with the violation reason. Similarly, when the action is set as “default”, it
specifies that when traffic reaches high threshold, packets above that rate will be dropped.

Configuring Flow Control

The interfaces pause command is used to configure flow control (pause) settings for ports that run in full
duplex mode. Configuring flow control is done to specify whether or not an interface transmits, honors, or
both transmits and honors PAUSE frames. PAUSE frames are used to temporarily pause the flow of traffic
between two connected devices to help prevent packet loss when traffic congestion occurs between
Note that if autonegotiation and flow control are both enabled for an interface, then autonegotiation
determines how the interface processes PAUSE frames. If autonegotiation is disabled but flow control is
enabled, then the configured flow control settings apply.
By default, flow control is disabled. To configure flow control for one or more ports, use the interfaces
pause command with one of the following parameters to specify how PAUSE frames are processed:
• tx—Transmit PAUSE frames to peer switches when traffic congestion occurs on the local interface. Do
not honor PAUSE frames from peer switches.
• rx—Allow the interface to honor PAUSE frames from peer switches and temporarily stop sending
traffic to the peer. Do not transmit PAUSE frames to peer switches.
• tx-and-rx—Transmit and honor PAUSE frames when traffic congestion occurs between peer switches.

For example, the following command configures ports 1/1 through 1/10 to transmit and honor PAUSE

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 1-7
Configuring Ethernet Ports Configuring Ethernet Port Parameters

-> interfaces 1/1-10 pause tx-and-rx

To disable flow control for one or more ports, specify the disable parameter with the interfaces pause
command. For example:
-> interfaces 1/10 pause disable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 1-8
Configuring Ethernet Ports Configuring Ethernet Port Parameters

Enabling and Disabling Enhanced Port Performance (EPP)

EPP can assist in connecting with SFF-8431 non-compliant or electrically deficient devices. EPP can be
used on some links to enhance the receive signal sampling resolution management and help to improve the
link integrity to the link partner. The following steps should be followed to determine if EPP should be
1 Check the current link quality - Check the current link quality of the interface.

2 Diagnose any link quality issues - If the Link Quality is not ‘Good’. Perform a few basic
troubleshooting steps to determine if the issue is with the link partner and whether enabling EPP can help
improve the quality.
3 Enable EPP - If it’s determined that the issue is with the link parter, enable EPP.

EPP - Product and Transceiver Support

Only certain transceivers support enabling EPP. Additionally, depending on the revision of the
OmniSwitch, there are port restrictions due to the power requirements of enabling EPP as shown in the
table below.

Product Rev EPP Support

OS6900-X20 B11 No restriction

B10 or less Only 5 ports can have EPP enabled

OS6900-X40 B11 No restriction

B10 or less Only 5 ports in 1st group of 20 and 5 ports in 2nd group of 20
Expansion Board Any No restrictions
10-Gigabit Transceivers N/A Supported
1/40-Gigabit Transceivers N/A Not Supported

Product/Transceiver Support

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 1-9
Configuring Ethernet Ports Configuring Ethernet Port Parameters

EPP - Check the Current Link Quality

A Link-Quality parameter has been added to help support EPP functionality. If connectivity issues are
being observed check the current link quality using the interfaces command and observe the EPP output.
For example:
-> show interfaces 2/1
(output truncated)

EPP : Disabled, Link-Quality:Fair

Link-Quality Description
Good Link is good
Fair Link may exhibit errors
Poor Link will exhibit errors and may lose connectivity
N/A Link does not support EPP

EPP - Diagnose
For ports diagnosed as Fair or Poor, simple steps can be performed to identify the faulty component.
Since the issue could be with the transceiver, cable, fiber, or the link partner, see the table below to help
determine if the issue is with the link partner and if enabling EPP may help.

Media Type Diagnostic Action

Direct Attached Copper • Disconnect cable from link partner
Cable • Connect free cable end to unused port of OS6900
• View the Link-Quality
Good - The link partner should be diagnosed and enabling EPP may help.
Fair or Poor - The direct-attached copper cable should be replaced.
SFP+ optical • Replace SFP+ transceiver on OS6900 port
transceiver • View the Link-Quality
Good - The original SFP+ transceiver is faulty.
Fair or Poor - The fiber cable or link partner should be diagnosed and
enabling EPP may help.

EPP - Enabling
If after diagnosing the problem it is determined that the issue is with the link partner and the Link-Quality
has been diagnosed to be Fair or Poor, EPP can be enabled allowing the system to operate with the
deficient receive channels. For example:
-> interfaces 2/1 epp enable

After enabling EPP continue to monitor the Link-Quality.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 1-10
Configuring Ethernet Ports Configuring Ethernet Port Parameters

Configuring Energy Efficient Ethernet (802.3az)

Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) is a protocol to allow ports to operate in idle or low power mode when
there is no traffic to send. When EEE is enabled on a port it will advertise its EEE capability to its link
partner. If the partner supports EEE they will operate in EEE mode. If the partner does not support EEE
the ports will operate in legacy mode. This allows EEE capable switches to be deployed in existing
networks avoiding backward compatibility issues.
• EEE is only applicable to 10GBase-T ports.

• The LLDP option in IEEE 802.3az standard is not currently supported.

To enable the EEE capability on the switch use the interfaces eee command. For example, enter:
-> interfaces 1/1 eee enable

Configuring Split-Mode
Some OmniSwitch models support 4X10G splitter cables to allow a 40G port to be configured as four 10G
ports. The interfaces split-mode command is used to configure the mode (auto, 40G, 4X10G).
When a splitter cable is used the port numbering scheme changes to accommodate the four 10G ports by
using letters a, b, c, d to refer to the 10G sub-ports. When referring to a single sub-port the port letter
should be used to differentiate between all the sub-ports. If no letter is given the command assumes port
'a', for example.
-> show interfaces 1/1/1 - refers to interface 1/1/1a
-> show interfaces 1/1/1a - refers to interface 1/1/1a
-> show interfaces 1/1/1d - refers to interface 1/1/1d

When referring to a range of ports the lettered sub-ports are implied, for example:
-> show interfaces 1/1/1-2 - refers to interfaces 1/1/1a, 1b, 1c, 1d and 1/1/2a,
2b, 2c, 2d
-> show interfaces 1/1/1a-1c - refers to interfaces 1/1/1a, 1b, 1c
-> show interfaces 1/1/1-2a - refers to interfaces 1/1/1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, and 1/1/

Configuring Beacon LED

The Beacon LED feature provides a mechanism to allow an administrator to configure the color and the
mode of a port LED using the interfaces beacon command. This can useful in the following scenarios:
• Port identification: Can help to identify a particular port(s) needing attention or where a cable may
need to be swapped. Manually changing the color or mode of the port LED can help to guide a
technician to a particular port. This can also be helpful in a highly dense mesh of cabling.
• Power Savings: Large Data Centers are looking for ways to reduce power consumption. One way could
be to power off every LED on every node if operating properly and only use the LEDs for indicating
ports that need attention.
• Tracking link activity: Servers are often configured in clusters for certain functions or applications.
Ports could be color coded to differentiate between clusters.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 1-11
Configuring Ethernet Ports Configuring Ethernet Port Parameters

Note. The beacon LED feature does not affect the normal behavior of switch ports or traffic flow. It only
sets LED colors and behaviors for the uses listed above. If an actual alarm or issue is detected on the switch,
important LED status information related to the issue takes precedence and overrides beacon settings.
Note. The beacon LED feature is not supported on sub-ports 'b', 'c', or 'd' when an interface is operating in
4X10G mode. Additionally, only Solid mode is supported on sub-port 'a' for 4X10G interfaces.

LED Color and Mode Settings

• LED Color - The color of the LED can be changed to yellow, white, red, magenta, green, blue, aqua, or
• Activity Mode - The LED will blink normally based on the port activity but the color of the LED can
be changed.
• Solid Mode - The LED will not blink based on the port activity, it will always be solid. The color of
the LED can be changed.
-> interfaces 1/1/30 beacon admin-status enable

-> interfaces 1/1/30 beacon led-color magenta

-> interfaces 1/1/30 beacon led-mode solid

Beacon settings are saved and can be administratively enabled or disabled as needed at a later time. This
allows administrators to reuse previously configured LED settings without having to start over. Use the
show interfaces beacon command to view the beacon settings.
-> show interfaces beacon
Ch/Slot/Port Admin-Stat LED-Color LED-Mode
1/1/1A Disable Magenta Solid
1/1/2A Disable Blue Activity
1/1/30A Enable Magenta Solid
1/1/31A Enable Off Solid

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 1-12
Configuring Ethernet Ports Clearing Ethernet Port Violations

Clearing Ethernet Port Violations

The following switch applications may trigger a violation condition on one or more ports:
• Learned Port Security (LPS)

• Quality of Service (QoS)

• Network Security

• UniDirectional Link Detection (UDLD)

• Fabric stability related violations

Depending on the application and type of violation, specific actions are taken when a violation is detected
on the port. For example, an application may take one of the following actions when the violation triggers
a port shut down:
• Admin Down—deactivates the physical port.

• Simulated Down—the physical port shows as active but the applications are not allowed to access the
port link. The port is put in a blocking state.
A security violation may occur under the following conditions:
• A port is configured as a secure port and the number of secure MAC addresses learned on the port has
exceeded the maximum value.
• A device with a secure MAC address that is configured or learned on one of the secure ports attempts
to access another secure port.
Consider the following regarding link aggregate security violations:
• When a violation occurs on a physical port that is a member of a link aggregate, the violation affects
the entire link aggregate group. All ports on that link aggregate are either restricted or shut down.
• When the violations are cleared for the entire link aggregate group, the whole link aggregate group is
• When a simulated down violation occurs, toggling the link clears the violation for both the link
aggregates and physical ports.
To view the violation conditions that exist on individual ports or link aggregates, use the show violation
command. For example:
-> show violation

Port Source Action Reason Timer

1/1 src lrn simulated down lps shutdown 0
1/2 src lrn simulated down lps restrict 0
‘ ‘2 ‘‘qos‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ admin down policy 0

To clear all the MAC address violation logs and activate the port or link aggregate, use the clear violation
command. For example:
-> clear violation port 1/10
-> clear violation linkagg 10-20

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 1-13
Configuring Ethernet Ports Link Monitoring

Link Monitoring
The Link Monitoring feature is used to monitor interface status to minimize the network protocol re-
convergence that can occur when an interface becomes unstable. To track the stability of an interface, this
feature monitors link errors and link flaps during a configured timeframe. If the number of errors or link
flaps exceeds configured thresholds during this time frame, the interface is shut down.

Note. Link Monitoring can be enabled on individual ports that make up a virtual port such as a link
aggregate or VFL, but not on the entire link aggregate or VFL virtual port.

There are no explicit Link Monitoring commands to recover a port from a Link Monitoring shutdown. See
“Clearing Ethernet Port Violations” on page 1-13 for information of clearing port violations.

Monitoring Interface Errors

When physical errors occur on an interface, control and data traffic is dropped causing unnecessary re-
convergence for the network protocol running on the interface. The Link Monitoring feature monitors the
physical errors such as CRC, lost frames, error frames and alignment errors. When a configurable number
of errors is detected within the duration of a link monitoring window, the interface is shut down.
To configure the number of errors allowed before the port is shut down, use the interfaces link-
monitoring link-error-threshold command. For example:
-> interfaces 1/1 link-monitoring link-error-threshold 50

In this example, the port is shutdown if the number of link errors exceeds the threshold value of 50 during
the link monitoring window timeframe.

Monitoring Interface Flapping

When physical connectivity errors occur on an interface, the interface becomes unstable and causes
unnecessary re-convergence for the network protocols running on the interface. The Link Monitoring
feature monitors these interface flaps and shuts down the interface when excessive flapping is detected.
• The shutdown action is a physical port shutdown (the PHY and LED are down).

• Whenever an interface comes up and it is not an administrative action (admin-up), the link flap counter
is incremented.
The interfaces link-monitoring link-flap-threshold command is used to configure the number of flaps
allowed before the interface is shutdown. For example:
-> interfaces 1/1 link-monitoring link-flap-threshold 5

In this example, the port is shutdown if the number of link flaps exceeds the threshold value of five during
the link monitoring window timeframe.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 1-14
Configuring Ethernet Ports Link Monitoring

Monitoring Window
The Link Monitoring window is a per-port configurable timer that is started whenever link-monitoring is
enabled on a port. During this time frame interface receive errors and interface flaps are counted. If either
of the values exceeds the configured thresholds the interface is shut down.
• The timer value can be modified even when the Link Monitoring timer is running and the new value of
timer will take effect after the current running timer expires.
• The threshold values for link errors and link flaps can also be modified when link-monitoring timer is
running; if the new threshold value is less than the current link-flap or link-error counter value, then the
interface will be shutdown immediately.
The interfaces link-monitoring time-window command is used to configure the monitoring window
timer. For example:
-> interfaces 1/1 link-monitoring time-window 500

In this example, link monitoring will monitor port 1/1 for 500 seconds.

Starting a Link Monitoring Session

The Link Monitoring window timer is started when the feature is enabled on an interface using the
interfaces link-monitoring admin-status command. For example:
-> interfaces 1/1 link-monitoring admin-status enable

All the statistics (link errors and link flaps) for a port are reset to zero when Link Monitoring is enabled on
that port.

Stopping a Link Monitoring Session

The Link Monitoring window timer is stopped when one of the following occurs:
• The interfaces link-monitoring admin-status command is used to disable the feature on the port. For
-> interfaces 1/1 link-monitoring admin-status enable

• The port is shutdown by any feature, such as Link Monitoring, UDLD, or Link Fault Propagation.

Configuring the Wait-to-Restore Timer

The wait-to-restore (WTR) timer is used to implement a delay before an interface is made operational for
other features. Only after the timer has expired will the interface become active allowing network
protocols to converge more gracefully. The timer value is configured on a per-port basis and is started
whenever one of the following link-up events occurs:
• An interface is administratively downed followed by administratively up.

• The interfaces split-mode command is used.

• An interface recovers from a violation due to the automatic recovery timer mechanism.

• An interface is made operationally up when the cable is plugged in.

Consider the following when configuring the wait-to-restore timer:

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 1-15
Configuring Ethernet Ports Link Monitoring

• If the interface goes down again while the WTR timer is still running, the WTR timer is stopped.
Otherwise, the interface is recovered after the time expires.
• The WTR timer functionality has no impact on link-error or link-flap detection; these features are
configurable even when the WTR timer is disabled.
• The timer value can be modified when the WTR timer is running; however, the new timer value does
not take effect until after the current running timer expires.
• The WTR timer is reset on every link up event that is detected.

• The WTR timer is stopped on detection of every link down event.

• When the WTR timer is running, the interface is physically up but the link status is down.

The interfaces wait-to-restore command is used to configure the WTR timer value, in multiples of 5. For
example, the following commands set the WTR timer value to 300 seconds:
-> interfaces 1/1 wait-to-restore 300

To disable the WTR timer mechanism, set the timer value to zero. For example:
-> interfaces 1/1 wait-to-restore 0

By default, the WTR time is disabled.

Configuring the Wait-to-Shutdown Timer

The wait-to-shutdown (WTS) timer is used to implement a delay before an interface is made non-
operational for other applications such as data, control and management. Only after the timer has expired
will the interface become disabled allowing network protocols to converge more gracefully. The timer
value is configured on a per-port basis and is started whenever one of the following link-up events occurs:
• An interface is administratively brought down.

• An interface is shutdown from a violation.

• An interface is made operationally down when the cable is unplugged in.

When the interface goes down, the WTS timer will be started. If the interface comes back up while the
WTS timer is running, then WTS timer will be stopped and no link down event will be sent. Otherwise,
after the WTS timer expiries a link-down event will be sent to all the relevant applications.
Consider the following when configuring the wait-to-shutdown timer:
• If the interface comes back up while the WTS timer is still running, the WTS timer is stopped and no
link down event is sent to other switch applications.
• The WTR timer functionality has no impact on link-error or link-flap detection; these features are
configurable even when the WTS timer is disabled.
• The timer value can be modified when the WTS timer is running; however, the new timer value does
not take effect until after the current running timer expires.
• When the wait-to-shutdown timer is running there would be packet loss on that interface. This is
because the port is physical down and only the link-down event is not being communicated to the
switch applications which will continue to send packets to the interface.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 1-16
Configuring Ethernet Ports Link Monitoring

• The link-status of the remote connected port will be down when the WTS timer is running since the
port is physically down.
The interfaces wait-to-shutdown command is used to configure the WTS timer value, in multiples of 10
milliseconds. For example, the following commands set the WTR timer value to 30 seconds:
-> interfaces 1/1 wait-to-shutdown 30000

To disable the WTR timer mechanism, set the timer value to zero. For example:
-> interfaces 1/1 wait-to-shutdown 0

By default, the WTS time is disabled.

Displaying Link Monitoring Information

Use the following show commands to display Link Monitoring statistics and configuration information:

show interfaces link- Displays Link Monitoring statistics, such as the link flap and error
monitoring statistics counts and the port state (shutdown, down, up).
show interfaces link- Displays the Link Monitoring configuration, such as the monitoring
monitoring config status, monitoring window time, and the link flap and error thresholds.
show interfaces Displays the administrative status, link status, violations, recovery
time, maximum recovery attempts and the value of the wait-to-restore

For more information about the resulting displays from these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 1-17
Configuring Ethernet Ports Link Fault Propagation

Link Fault Propagation

The Link Fault Propagation (LFP) feature provides a mechanism to propagate a local interface failure into
another local interface. In many scenarios, a set of ports provide connectivity to the network. If all these
ports go down, the connectivity to the network is lost. However, the remote end remains unaware of this
loss of connectivity and continues to send traffic that is unable to reach the network. To solve this
problem, LFP does the following:
• Monitors a group of interfaces (configured as source ports).

• If all the source ports in the group go down, LFP waits a configured amount of time then shuts down
another set of interfaces (configured as destination ports) that are associated with the same group.
• When any one of the source ports comes back up, all of the destination ports are brought back up and
network connectivity is restored.
The LFP source and destination ports can be physical or link aggregation ports. If the destination port is a
link aggregation port the shutdown consists of shutting down all members of the link aggregation group
(physically down). However, the link aggregation group remains administratively enabled.

Interaction With Interfaces Violation Recovery

• The clear violation command will clear the LFP violations and mark the interfaces as up even if the
violation condition still exists.
• An admin down followed by an admin up will clear the LFP violation and mark the interfaces as up
even if the violation condition still exists.
• When the destination port is a link aggregate, the shutdown action does not shutdown the link
aggregation. Instead, all the ports that are members of the link aggregation at the time of the violation
are shutdown.
• A link aggregate port remains in a violation state even if the port leaves the link aggregate.

• If a port that is not a member of a link aggregate at the time a violation occurred is added to a link
aggregate, the switch will not shut down the port.
• SNMP traps cannot be configured for LFP. The interface violation recovery mechanism will be
responsible for sending traps when a port is shutdown or recovered by LFP.
• If the wait-to-restore (WTR) timer is configured on the source ports of a LFP group with link
monitoring enabled, the state of the destination ports of the group will be determined by the link state
of the ports after the WTR timer has expired.
See “Clearing Ethernet Port Violations” on page 1-13 for information of clearing port violations.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 1-18
Configuring Ethernet Ports Link Fault Propagation

Configuring Link Fault Propagation

Configuring LFP requires the following steps:

1 Create an LFP group. This type of group identifies the source ports to monitor and the destination
ports to bring down when all of the source ports go down. To create an LFP group, use the link-fault-
propagation group command. For example:
-> link-fault-propagation group 1

2 Associate source ports with the LFP group. To associate source ports to an LFP group, use the link-
fault-propagation group source command. For example:
-> link-fault-propagation group 1 source port 1/2-5 2/3

3 Associate destination ports with the LFP group. To associate destination ports with an LFP group,
use the link-fault-propagation group destination command. For example:
-> link-fault-propagation group 1 destination port 1/5-8 2/3

4 Configure the LFP wait-to-shutdown timer. This timer specifies the amount of time that LFP will
wait before shutting down all the destination ports. To configure this timer value, use the link-fault-
propagation group wait-to-shutdown command. For example:
-> link-fault-propagation group 1 wait-to-shutdown 70

Note. Optional. To verify the LFP configuration, use the show link-fault-propagation group command.
For example:

-> show link-fault-propagation group

Group Id : 2
Source Port(s) : 0/1-2 1/1-5 1/7,
Destination Port(s) : 0/3 1/10-13,
Group-Src-Ports Status : up,
Admin Status : enable,
Wait To Shutdown : 10

Group Id : 6
Source Port(s) : 1/2 1/6 1/9,
Destination Port(s) : 1/10-11 1/13,
Group-Src-Ports Status : down,
Admin Status : disable,
Wait To Shutdown : 5

-> show link-fault-propagation group 2

Group Id : 2
Source Port(s) : 0/1-2 1/1-5 1/7,
Destination Port(s) : 0/3 1/10-13,
Group-Src-Ports Status : up,
Admin Status : enable,
Wait To Shutdown : 10

See the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide for more information about LFP commands.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 1-19
Configuring Ethernet Ports Link Fault Propagation

LFP Application Example

This section provides an example of using LFP in a layer 2 network configuration, as shown in the
following sample topology:



1/1 3/1
DHL L2 Network
Access LACP 1

Stby 1

Link Fault Propagation - Application Example

In this example:
• When interfaces 2/1 and 3/1 on OS-1 are down, the access switch will keep interface 1/1 as active and
traffic will still be forwarded to OS-1 even though it has no network connectivity.
• To allow the switch to use the standby interface the link on OS-1 would need to be disabled so that
interface 1/1 on the access switch leaves the LACP group.
-> link-fault-propagation group 1 source port 2/1 3/1 destination linkagg 1

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 1-20
2 Configuring UDLD

UniDirectional Link Detection (UDLD) is a protocol for detecting and disabling unidirectional Ethernet
fiber or copper links caused by mis-wiring of fiber strands, interface malfunctions, media converter faults,
and so on. The UDLD protocol operates at Layer 2 in conjunction with the IEEE 802.3 - Layer 1 fault
detection mechanisms.
UDLD is a lightweight protocol that can be used to detect and disable one-way connections before they
create dangerous situations such as Spanning Tree loops or other protocol malfunctions. The protocol is
mainly used to advertise the identities of all the UDLD-capable devices attached to the same LAN
segment and to collect the information received on the ports of each device to determine whether or not
the Layer 2 communication is functioning properly. All connected devices must support UDLD for the
protocol to successfully identify and disable unidirectional links. When UDLD detects a unidirectional
link, the protocol administratively shuts down the affected port and generates a trap to alert the user.

In This Chapter
This chapter describes how to configure UDLD parameters through the Command Line Interface (CLI).
CLI commands are used in the configuration examples; for more details about the syntax of commands,
see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.
Configuration procedures described in this chapter include the following:
• “Configuring UDLD” on page 2-6.

• “Configuring the Operational Mode” on page 2-7.

• “Configuring the Probe-Timer” on page 2-7.

• “Configuring the Echo-Wait-Timer” on page 2-7.

• “Clearing UDLD Statistics” on page 2-8.

• “Verifying the UDLD Configuration” on page 2-8.

• “Verifying the UDLD Configuration” on page 2-8.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 2-1
Configuring UDLD UDLD Defaults

UDLD Defaults
Parameter Description Command Default
UDLD administrative state udld Disabled
UDLD status of a port udld port Disabled
UDLD operational mode udld mode Normal
Probe-message advertisement timer udld probe-timer 15 seconds
Echo-based detection timer udld echo-wait-timer 8 seconds

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 2-2
Configuring UDLD Quick Steps for Configuring UDLD

Quick Steps for Configuring UDLD

1 To enable the UDLD protocol on a switch, use the udld command. For example:

-> udld enable

2 To enable the UDLD protocol on a port, use the udld port command by entering udld port, followed
by the slot and port number, and enable. For example:
-> udld port 1/6 enable

3 Configure the operational mode of UDLD by entering udld port, followed by the slot and port
number, mode, and the operational mode. For example:
-> udld port 1/6 mode aggressive

4 Configure the probe-message advertisement timer on port 6 of slot 1 as 17 seconds using the following
-> udld port 1/6 probe-timer 17

Note. Optional. Verify the UDLD global configuration by entering the show udld configuration command
or verify the UDLD configuration on a port by entering the show udld configuration port command. For

-> show udld configuration

Global UDLD Status : Disabled

-> show udld configuration port 1/6

Global UDLD Status: enabled
Port UDLD Status: enabled
Port UDLD State: bidirectional
UDLD Op-Mode: normal
Probe Timer (Sec): 20,
Echo-Wait Timer (Sec): 10

To verify the UDLD statistics of a port, use the show udld statistics port command. For example:

-> show udld statistics port 1/42

UDLD Port Statistics

Hello Packet Send :8,
Echo Packet Send :8,
Flush Packet Recvd :0
UDLD Neighbor Statistics
Neighbor ID Hello Pkts Recv Echo Pkts Recv
1 8 15
2 8 15
3 8 21
4 8 14
5 8 15
6 8 20

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 2-3
Configuring UDLD UDLD Overview

UDLD Overview
UDLD is a Layer 2 protocol used to examine the physical configuration connected through fiber-optic or
twisted-pair Ethernet cables. When a port is affected and only a unidirectional link is working, UDLD
detects and administratively shuts down the affected port, and alerts the user. Unidirectional links can
create hazardous situations such as Spanning-Tree topology loops caused, for instance, by unwiring of
fiber strands, interface malfunctions, faults of the media converter, and so on.
The UDLD feature is supported on the following port types:
• Copper ports

• Fiber ports

UDLD Operational Mode

UDLD supports two modes of operation:
• Normal mode

• Aggressive mode

UDLD works with the Layer 1 mechanisms to determine the physical status of a link. A unidirectional link
occurs whenever the traffic sent from a local device is received by its neighbor; but the traffic from the
neighbor is not received by the local device.

Normal Mode
In this mode, the protocol depends on explicit information instead of implicit information. If the protocol
is unable to retrieve any explicit information, the port is not put in the shutdown state; instead, it is marked
as Undetermined. The port is put in the shutdown state only when:
• It is explicitly determined that the link is defective

• When it is determined on the basis of UDLD-PDU processing that link has become unidirectional.

In any such state transition, a trap is raised.

Aggressive Mode
In this mode, UDLD checks whether the connections are correct and the traffic is flowing bidirectionally
between the respective neighbors. The loss of communication with the neighbor is considered an event to
put the port in shutdown state. Thus, if the UDLD PDUs are not received before the expiry of a timer, the
port is put in the UDLD-shutdown state. Since the lack of information is not always due to a defective
link, this mode is optional and is recommended only for point-to-point links.
UDLD shuts down the affected interface when one of these problems occurs:
• On fiber-optic or twisted-pair links, one of the interfaces cannot send or receive traffic.

• On fiber-optic or twisted-pair links, one of the interfaces is down while the other is up.

• One of the fiber strands in the cable is disconnected.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 2-4
Configuring UDLD UDLD Overview

Mechanisms to Detect Unidirectional Links

The UDLD protocol is implemented to correct certain assumptions made by other protocols and to help
the Spanning Tree Protocol to function properly to avoid dangerous Layer 2 loops.
UDLD uses two basic mechanisms:
• It advertises the identity of a port and learns about its neighbors. This information about the neighbors
is maintained in a cache table.
• It sends continuous echo messages in certain circumstances that require fast notifications or fast re-
synchronization of the cached information.

Neighbor database maintenance

UDLD learns about other UDLD neighbors by periodically sending a Hello packet (also called an
advertisement or probe) on every active interface to inform each device about its neighbors.
When the switch receives a Hello message, the switch caches the information until the age time expires. If
the switch receives a new Hello message before the aging of an older cache entry, the switch replaces the
older entry with the new one.
Whenever an interface is disabled and UDLD is running, or UDLD is disabled on an interface, or the
switch is reset, UDLD clears all the existing cache entries for the interfaces that are affected by the
configuration change. UDLD sends a message to the neighbors to flush the part of their caches affected by
the status change. This UDLD message is intended to synchronize the caches.

Echo detection
UDLD depends on an echo-detection mechanism. UDLD restarts the detection window on its side of the
connection and sends echo messages in response to the request, whenever a UDLD device learns about a
new neighbor or receives a re-synchronization request from an out-of-sync neighbor. This behavior is the
same on all UDLD neighbors because the sender of the echoes expects to receive an echo as a response.
If the detection window ends and no valid response is received, the link is shut down, depending on the
UDLD mode. When UDLD is in normal mode, the link is considered to be undetermined and is not shut
down. When UDLD is in aggressive mode, the link is considered to be unidirectional, and the interface is
shut down.
In normal mode, if UDLD is in the advertisement or in the detection phase and all the neighbor cache
entries are aged out, UDLD restarts the link-up sequence to re-synchronize with potentially out-of-sync
In aggressive mode, if UDLD is in the advertisement or in the detection phase and all the neighbors of a
port are aged out, UDLD restarts the link-up sequence to re-synchronize with potentially out-of-sync
neighbors. UDLD shuts down the port, after the continuous messages, if the link state is undetermined.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 2-5
Configuring UDLD Configuring UDLD

Configuring UDLD
This section describes how to use Command Line Interface (CLI) commands to do the following:
• “Enabling and Disabling UDLD” on page 2-6.

• “Configuring the Operational Mode” on page 2-7.

• “Configuring the Probe-Timer” on page 2-7.

• “Configuring the Echo-Wait-Timer” on page 2-7.

• “Clearing UDLD Statistics” on page 2-8.

• “Verifying the UDLD Configuration” on page 2-8.

Note. See the “UDLD Commands” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide for
complete documentation of UDLD CLI commands.

Enabling and Disabling UDLD

By default, UDLD is disabled on all switch ports. To enable UDLD on a switch, use the udld command.
For example, the following command enables UDLD on a switch:
-> udld enable

To disable UDLD on a switch, use the udld command with the disable parameter. For example, the
following command disables UDLD on a switch:
-> udld disable

Enabling UDLD on a Port

By default, UDLD is disabled on all switch ports. To enable UDLD on a port, use the udld port
command. For example, the following command enables UDLD on port 3 of slot 1:
-> udld port 1/3 enable

To enable UDLD on multiple ports, specify a range of ports. For example:

-> udld port 1/6-10 enable

To disable UDLD on a port, use the udld port command with the disable parameter. For example, the
following command disables UDLD on a range of ports:
-> udld port 5/21-24 disable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 2-6
Configuring UDLD Configuring UDLD

Configuring the Operational Mode

To configure the operational mode, use the udld mode command as shown:
-> udld mode aggressive

For example, to configure the mode for port 4 on slot 2, enter:

-> udld port 2/4 mode aggressive

To configure the mode for multiple ports, specify a range of ports. For example:
-> udld port 2/7-18 mode normal

Configuring the Probe-Timer

To configure the probe-message advertisement timer, use the udld probe-timer command as shown:
-> udld probe-timer 20

For example, to configure the probe-timer for port 3 on slot 6, enter:

-> udld port 6/3 probe-timer 18

To configure the probe-timer for multiple ports, specify a range of ports. For example:
-> udld port 1/8-21 probe-timer 18

Use the no form of this command to reset the timer. For example, the following command resets the timer
for port 4 of slot 6:
-> no udld port 6/4 probe-timer

The following command resets the timer for multiple ports:

-> no udld port 1/8-21 probe-timer

Configuring the Echo-Wait-Timer

To configure the echo-based detection timer, use the udld echo-wait-timer command as shown:
-> udld echo-wait-timer 9

For example, to configure the echo-wait-timer for port 5 on slot 6, enter:

-> udld port 6/5 echo-wait-timer 12

To configure the echo-wait-timer for multiple ports, specify a range of ports. For example:
-> udld port 1/8-21 echo-wait-timer 9

Use the no form of this command to reset the timer. For example, the following command resets the timer
for port 6 of slot 4:
-> no udld port 4/6 echo-wait-timer

The following command resets the timer for multiple ports:

-> no udld port 1/8-21 echo-wait-timer

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 2-7
Configuring UDLD Verifying the UDLD Configuration

Clearing UDLD Statistics

To clear the UDLD statistics, use the clear udld statistics port command. For example, to clear the
statistics for port 4 on slot 1, enter:
-> clear udld statistics port 1/4

To clear the UDLD statistics on all the ports, enter:

-> clear udld statistics

Verifying the UDLD Configuration

To display UDLD configuration and statistics information, use the show commands listed below:

show udld configuration Displays the global status of UDLD configuration.

show udld configuration port Displays the configuration information for all UDLD ports or for
a particular UDLD port on the switch.
show udld statistics port Displays the UDLD statistics for a specific port.
show udld neighbor port Displays the UDLD neighbor ports.
show udld status port Displays the UDLD status for all ports or for a specific port.

For more information about the resulting display from these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release
8 CLI Reference Guide. An example of the output for the show udld configuration port and show udld
statistics port commands is also given in “Quick Steps for Configuring UDLD” on page 2-3.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 2-8
3 Managing Source

Transparent bridging relies on a process referred to as source learning to handle traffic flow. Network
devices communicate by sending and receiving data packets that each contain a source MAC address and a
destination MAC address. When packets are received on switch network interface (NI) module ports,
source learning examines each packet and compares the source MAC address to entries in a MAC address
database table. If the table does not contain an entry for the source address, then a new record is created
associating the address with the port it was learned on. If an entry for the source address already exists in
the table, a new one is not created.
Packets are also filtered to determine if the source and destination address are on the same LAN segment.
If the destination address is not found in the MAC address table, then the packet is forwarded to all other
switches that are connected to the same LAN. If the MAC address table does contain a matching entry for
the destination address, then there is no need to forward the packet to the rest of the network.

In This Chapter
This chapter describes how to manage source learning entries in the switch MAC address table (often
referred to as the forwarding or filtering database) through the Command Line Interface (CLI). CLI
commands are used in the configuration examples; for more details about the syntax of commands, see the
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.
Configuration procedures described in this chapter include:
• “Using Static MAC Addresses” on page 3-3.

• “Using Static Multicast MAC Addresses” on page 3-5.

• “Configuring MAC Address Table Aging Time” on page 3-7.

• “Configuring the Source Learning Status” on page 3-8.

• “Increasing the MAC Address Table Size” on page 3-9.

• “Displaying Source Learning Information” on page 3-10.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 3-1
Managing Source Learning Source Learning Defaults

Source Learning Defaults

Parameter Description Command Default
Static MAC address operating mode mac-learning static mac-address bridging
MAC address aging timer mac-learning aging-time 300 seconds
MAC source learning status per port mac-learning enabled
MAC source learning mode mac-learning mode centralized

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 3-2
Managing Source Learning MAC Address Table Overview

MAC Address Table Overview

Source learning builds and maintains the MAC address table on each switch. New MAC address table
entries are created in one of two ways: they are dynamically learned or statically assigned. Dynamically
learned MAC addresses are those that are obtained by the switch when source learning examines data
packets and records the source address and the port and VLAN it was learned on. Static MAC addresses
are user defined addresses that are statically assigned to a port and VLAN using the mac-learning static
mac-address command.
Accessing MAC Address Table entries is useful for managing traffic flow and troubleshooting network
device connectivity problems. For example, if a workstation connected to the switch is unable to
communicate with another workstation connected to the same switch, the MAC address table might show
that one of these devices was learned on a port that belonged to a different VLAN or the source MAC
address of one of the devices do not appear at all in the address table.

Using Static MAC Addresses

Static MAC addresses are configured using the mac-learning static mac-address command. These
addresses direct network traffic to a specific port and VLAN. They are particularly useful when dealing
with silent network devices. These types of devices do not send packets, so their source MAC address is
never learned and recorded in the MAC address table. Assigning a MAC address to the silent device’s port
creates a record in the MAC address table and ensures that packets destined for the silent device are
forwarded out that port.
When defining a static MAC address for a particular slot/port and VLAN, consider the following:
• Configuring static MAC addresses is only supported on fixed ports.

• The specified slot/port must already belong to the specified VLAN. Use the vlan members untagged
command to assign a port to a VLAN before you configure the static MAC address.
• Only traffic from other ports associated with the same VLAN is directed to the static MAC address
• Static MAC addresses are permanent addresses. This means that a static MAC address remains in use
even if the MAC ages out or the switch is rebooted.
• There are two types of static MAC address behavior supported: bridging (default) or filtering. Enter
filtering to set up a denial of service to block potential hostile attacks. Traffic sent to or from a filtered
MAC address is dropped. Enter bridging for regular traffic flow to or from the MAC address.
• If a packet received on a port associated with the same VLAN contains a source address that matches a
static MAC address, the packet is discarded. The same source address on different ports within the
same VLAN is not supported.
• If a static MAC address is configured on a port link that is down or disabled, an asterisk appears to the
right of the MAC address in the display output. The asterisk indicates that this is an invalid MAC
address. When the port link comes up, however, the MAC address is then considered valid and the
asterisk no longer appears next to the address in the display.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 3-3
Managing Source Learning Using Static MAC Addresses

Configuring Static MAC Addresses

To configure a permanent, bridging static MAC address, see the example below:
-> mac-learning vlan 1 port 1/1 static mac-address 00:00:02:CE:10:37 bridging

Use the no form of this command to clear MAC address entries from the table:
-> no mac-learning vlan 1 port 1/1 static mac-address 00:00:02:CE:10:37 bridging

To verify static MAC address configuration and other table entries, use the show mac-learning command.
For more information about this command, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

Static MAC Addresses on Link Aggregate Ports

Static MAC Addresses are not assigned to physical ports that belong to a link aggregate. Instead, they are
assigned to a link aggregate ID that represents a collection of physical ports. This ID is specified at the
time the link aggregate of ports is created.
To configure a static MAC address on a link aggregate ID 1 belong to VLAN 1 see the example below:
-> mac-learning vlan 1 linkagg 1 static mac-address 00:00:02:CE:10:37 bridging

For more information about configuring a link aggregate of ports, see Chapter 8, “Configuring Static Link
Aggregation” and Chapter 9, “Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation.”

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 3-4
Managing Source Learning Using Static Multicast MAC Addresses

Using Static Multicast MAC Addresses

Using static multicast MAC addresses allows you to send traffic intended for a single destination multicast
MAC address to selected switch ports within a given VLAN. To specify which ports receive the multicast
traffic, a static multicast address is assigned to each selected port for a given VLAN. The ports associated
with the multicast address are then identified as egress ports. When traffic received on ports within the
same VLAN is destined for the multicast address, the traffic is forwarded only on the egress ports that are
associated with the multicast address.
The mac-learning multicast mac-address command is used to configure a static multicast MAC address.
When defining this type of static MAC address for a particular port and VLAN, consider the following:
• A MAC address is considered a multicast MAC address if the least significant bit of the most
significant octet of the address is enabled. For example, MAC addresses with a prefix of 01, 03, 05, 13,
etc., are multicast MAC addresses.
• If a multicast prefix value is not present, then the address is treated as a regular MAC address and not
allowed with the mac-learning vlan multicast mac-address command.
• The multicast addresses within the following ranges are not supported:

01:00:5E:00:00:00 to 01:00:5E:7F:FF:FF
• In addition to configuring the same static multicast address for multiple ports within a given VLAN, it
is also possible to use the same multicast address across multiple VLANs.
• The specified port or link aggregate ID must already belong to the specified VLAN.

Configuring Static Multicast MAC Addresses

The mac-learning multicast mac-address command is used to define a destination multicast MAC
address and assign the address to one or more egress ports within a specified VLAN. For example, the
following command assigns the multicast address 01:25:9a:5c:2f:10 to port 1/24 in VLAN 20:
-> mac-learning vlan 20 port 1/1 multicast mac-address 01:25:9a:5c:2f:10

Use the no form of the mac-learning multicast mac-address command to delete static multicast MAC
address entries:
-> no mac-learning vlan 20 port 1/1 multicast mac-address 01:25:9a:5c:2f:10

If a MAC address, slot/port and VLAN ID are not specified with this form of the command, then all static
multicast addresses are deleted. For example, the following command deletes all static MAC addresses,
regardless of their slot/port or VLAN assignments:
-> no mac-learning multicast

To verify the static MAC address configuration and other table entries, use the show mac-learning and
show mac-learning commands. For more information about these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 3-5
Managing Source Learning Using Static Multicast MAC Addresses

Static Multicast MAC Addresses on Link Aggregate Ports

Static multicast MAC addresses are not assigned to physical ports that belong to a link aggregate. Instead,
they are assigned to a link aggregate ID that represents a collection of physical ports. This ID is specified
at the time the link aggregate of ports is created and when using the mac-address-table static-multicast
To configure a static multicast MAC address on a link aggregate ID, use the mac-learning multicast
mac-address command with the linkagg keyword to specify the link aggregate ID. For example, the
following command assigns a static multicast MAC address to link aggregate ID 2 associated with VLAN
-> mac-learning vlan 455 linkagg 2 multicast mac-address 01:95:2A:00:3E:4c

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 3-6
Managing Source Learning Configuring MAC Address Table Aging Time

Configuring MAC Address Table Aging Time

Source learning also tracks MAC address age and removes addresses from the MAC address table that
have aged beyond the aging timer value. When a device stops sending packets, source learning keeps track
of how much time has passed since the last packet was received on the switch port of the device. When
this amount of time exceeds the aging time value, the MAC is aged out of the MAC address table. Source
learning always starts tracking MAC address age from the time since the last packet was received.
For example, the following sets the aging time for all VLANs to 1200 seconds (20 minutes):
-> mac-learning aging-time 1200

A MAC address learned on any VLAN port ages out when the time since a packet with the particular
address was last seen on the port exceeds 1200 seconds.

Note. An inactive MAC address can take up to twice as long as the aging time value specified to age out of
the MAC address table. For example, if an aging time of 60 seconds is specified, the MAC ages out any
time between 60 and 120 seconds of inactivity.

To set the aging time back to the default value, use the default parameter. For example, the following sets
the aging time for all VLANs back to the default value:
-> mac-learning aging-time default

To display the aging time value use the show mac-learning aging-time command. For more information
about this command, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 3-7
Managing Source Learning Configuring the Source Learning Status

Configuring the Source Learning Status

The source learning status for a port or link aggregate of ports is configurable using the mac-learning
command. For example:
-> mac-learning port 1/10 disable
-> mac-learning port 1/15-20 disable
-> mac-learning linkagg 10 disable

To enable the source learning status for a port or link aggregate, use the source-learning command with
the enable option. For example:
-> mac-learning port 1/10 enable
-> mac-learning port 1/15-20 enable
-> mac-learning linkagg 10 enable

Disabling source learning on a port or link aggregate is useful on a ring configuration, where a switch
within the ring does not need to learn the MAC addresses that the same switch is forwarding to another
switch within the ring,. This functionality is also useful in Transparent LAN Service configurations, where
the service provider device does not need to learn the MAC addresses of the customer network.
Configuring the source learning status is not allowed on the following types of switch ports:
• Ports enabled with Learned Port Security (LPS).

• Ports enabled with Universal Network Profile (UNP) functionality.

• Member ports of a link aggregate.

Consider the following guidelines when changing the source learning status for a port or link aggregate:
• Disabling source learning on a link aggregate disables MAC address learning on all member ports of
the link aggregate.
• MAC addresses dynamically learned on a port or aggregate are cleared when source learning is
• Statically configured MAC addresses are not cleared when source learning is disabled for the port or
aggregate. In addition, configuring a new static MAC address is allowed even when source learning is

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 3-8
Managing Source Learning Increasing the MAC Address Table Size

Increasing the MAC Address Table Size

There are two source learning modes available for the OmniSwitch: centralized and distributed. Enabling
the distributed mode for the switch increases the table size for the switch.
To enable the distributed MAC source learning mode for the chassis, use the mac-learning mode
command. When this mode is disabled, the switch operates in the centralized MAC source learning mode
(the default).
Enabling or disabling the distributed MAC source learning mode requires the following three steps:
1 Set the mode.

2 Enter the write memory command to save the switch configuration.

3 Reboot the switch.

For example:
-> mac-learning mode distributed

WARNING: Source Learning mode has changed - must do write memory and reload

-> write memory

-> reload

Note. All three of the above configuration steps are required to enable or disable the MAC mode. If any of
the above steps are skipped, the status of the mode is not changed.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 3-9
Managing Source Learning Displaying Source Learning Information

Displaying Source Learning Information

To display MAC Address Table entries, statistics, and aging time values, use the show commands listed

show mac-learning Displays a list of all MAC addresses known to the MAC address
table, including static and multicast MAC addresses.
show mac-learning aging-time Displays the current MAC address aging timer value by switch or
show mac-learning mode Displays the current status of the distributed MAC source learning

For more information about the resulting displays from these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 3-10
4 Configuring VLANs

In a flat bridged network, a broadcast domain is confined to a single LAN segment or even a specific
physical location, such as a department or building floor. In a switch-based network, such as one
comprised of OmniSwitch systems, a broadcast domain, or VLAN can span multiple physical switches
and can include ports from a variety of media types. For example, a single VLAN could span three
different switches located in different buildings and include a variety of Ethernet port configurations, such
as 802.1q tagged VLAN member ports and/or a link aggregate of ports.

In This Chapter
This chapter describes how to define and manage VLAN configurations through the Command Line
Interface (CLI). CLI commands are used in the configuration examples; for more details about the syntax
of commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.
Configuration procedures described in this chapter include:
• “Creating/Modifying VLANs” on page 4-4.

• “Assigning Ports to VLANs” on page 4-6.

• “Enabling/Disabling Spanning Tree for a VLAN” on page 4-9.

• “Enabling/Disabling Source Learning” on page 4-9.

• “Configuring VLAN IP Interfaces” on page 4-10.

• “Bridging VLANs Across Multiple Switches” on page 4-11.

• “Verifying the VLAN Configuration” on page 4-13.

• “Using Private VLANs” on page 4-15.

For information about Spanning Tree, see Chapter 6, “Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters.”
For information about routing, see Chapter 15, “Configuring IP.”

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 4-1
Configuring VLANs VLAN Defaults

VLAN Defaults
Parameter Description Command Default
VLAN identifier (VLAN ID) vlan VLAN 1 predefined on each
VLAN administrative state vlan Enabled
VLAN description vlan name VLAN ID
VLAN Spanning Tree state spantree vlan admin-state Enabled
VLAN IP router interface ip interface None
VLAN port associations vlan members untagged All ports are initially associated
with default VLAN 1.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 4-2
Configuring VLANs Sample VLAN Configuration

Sample VLAN Configuration

The following steps provide a quick tutorial to create VLAN 100. Also included are steps to define a
VLAN description, IP router interface, and static switch port assignments.

Note. Optional. Creating a new VLAN involves specifying a VLAN ID that is not already assigned to an
existing VLAN. To determine if a VLAN already exists in the switch configuration, enter show vlan. If
VLAN 100 does not appear in the show vlan output, then it does not exist on the switch. For example:
-> show vlan
vlan type admin oper ip mtu name
1 std Ena Dis Dis 1500 VLAN 1

1 Create VLAN 100 with a description (for example, Finance IP Network) using the following
-> vlan 100 name “Finance IP Network”

2 Define an IP interface using the following command to assign an IP host address of to VLAN
100 that enables forwarding of VLAN traffic to other subnets:
-> ip interface vlan_100_ip address vlan 100

3 Assign switch ports 2 through 4 on slot 3 to VLAN 100 using the following command:

-> vlan 100 members port 3/2-4 untagged

Note. Optional. To verify the VLAN 100 configuration, use the show vlan command. For example:
-> show vlan 100
Name : Finance IP Network,
Type : Static Vlan,
Administrative State : Enabled,
Operational State : Disabled,
IP Router Port : forward e2,
IP MTU : 1500

To verify that ports 3/2-4 were assigned to VLAN 100, use the show vlan members command. For
-> show vlan 100 members
port type status
3/2 default inactive
3/3 default inactive
3/4 default inactive

To verify the details about the specific VLAN port 3/2, use the show vlan members command with the
port keyword and port number. For example:
-> show vlan 100 members port 3/2
type : default,
status : inactive,
vlan admin : disabled,
vlan oper : disabled,

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 4-3
Configuring VLANs VLAN Management Overview

VLAN Management Overview

One of the main benefits of using VLANs to segment network traffic, is that VLAN configuration and port
assignment is handled through switch software. This eliminates the need to physically change a network
device connection or location when adding or removing devices from the VLAN broadcast domain. The
OmniSwitch VLAN management software handles the following VLAN configuration tasks:
• Creating or modifying VLANs.

• Assigning or changing default VLAN port associations (VPAs).

• Enabling or disabling VLAN participation in the current Spanning Tree algorithm.

• Displaying VLAN configuration information.

In addition to the above tasks, VLAN management software tracks and reports the following information
to other switch software applications:
• VLAN configuration changes, such as adding or deleting VLANs, modifying the status of VLAN
properties (for example, administrative, Spanning Tree, and authentication status), changing the VLAN
description, or configuring VLAN router interfaces.
• VLAN port associations triggered by VLAN management and other switch software applications, such
as 802.1Q VLAN tagging.
• The VLAN operational state, which is inactive until at least one active switch port is associated with
the VLAN.

Creating/Modifying VLANs
The initial configuration for all OmniSwitch consists of a default VLAN 1 and all switch ports are initially
assigned to this VLAN. When a switching module is added to the switch, the physical ports are also
assigned to VLAN 1. If additional VLANs are not configured on the switch, then the entire switch is
treated as one large broadcast domain. All ports receive traffic from all other ports.
In compliance with the IEEE 802.1Q standard, each VLAN is identified by a unique number, referred to
as the “VLAN ID”. The user specifies a VLAN ID to create, modify or remove a VLAN and to assign
switch ports to a VLAN. When a packet is received on a port, the VLAN ID of the port is inserted into the
packet. The packet is then bridged to other ports that are assigned to the same VLAN ID. In essence, the
VLAN broadcast domain is defined by a collection of ports and packets assigned to its VLAN ID.
The operational status of a VLAN remains inactive until at least one active switch port is assigned to the
VLAN. This means that VLAN properties, such as Spanning Tree or router interfaces, also remain
inactive. Ports are considered active if they are connected to an active network device. Non-active port
assignments are allowed, but do not change the operational state of the VLAN.
Ports can be statically assigned to VLANs. When a port is assigned to a VLAN, a VLAN port association
(VPA) is created and tracked by VLAN management switch software. For more information about VPAs,
see “Assigning Ports to VLANs” on page 4-6.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 4-4
Configuring VLANs Creating/Modifying VLANs

Adding/Removing a VLAN
To add a VLAN to the switch configuration, enter vlan followed by a unique VLAN ID, an optional
administrative status, and an optional description. For example, the following command creates VLAN
755 with a description:
-> vlan 755 name “IP Finance Network”

By default, administrative status and Spanning Tree are enabled when the VLAN is created. The name
parameter for a VLAN is optional.

Note. Quotation marks are required if the description contains multiple words separated by spaces. If the
description consists of only one word or multiple words separated by another character, such as a hyphen,
then quotes are not required.

You can also specify a contiguous range of VLAN IDs by using a hyphen with the vlan command. For
example, the following commands create VLANs 10 through 15 and 100 through 105 on the switch:
-> vlan 10-15 name “Marketing Network”
-> vlan 100-105 name “Marketing Network”

To remove a VLAN from the switch configuration, use the no form of the vlan command.
-> no vlan 200
-> no vlan 100-105
-> no vlan 10-15

When a VLAN is deleted, any router interfaces defined for the VLAN are removed and all VLAN port
associations are dropped. If the VLAN deleted is the default VLAN for a port, the port returns to default
VLAN 1. If the VLAN deleted is not a default VLAN, then the ports are directly detached from the
VLAN. For more information about VLAN router interfaces, see “Configuring VLAN IP Interfaces” on
page 4-10.
To view a list of VLANs already configured on the switch, use the show vlan command. See “Verifying
the VLAN Configuration” on page 4-13 for more information.

Enabling/Disabling the VLAN Administrative Status

To enable or disable the administrative status for an existing VLAN, enter vlan followed by an existing
VLAN ID and either enable or disable.
-> vlan 7 admin-state disable
-> vlan 1 admin-state enable

When the administrative status for a VLAN is disabled, VLAN port assignments are retained but traffic is
not forwarded on these ports.

Modifying the VLAN Description

To change the description for a VLAN, enter vlan followed by an existing VLAN ID and the keyword
name followed by the new description. For example, the following command changes the description for
VLAN 455 to “Marketing IP Network”:
-> vlan 455 name “Marketing IP Network”

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 4-5
Configuring VLANs Assigning Ports to VLANs

Assigning Ports to VLANs

The OmniSwitch supports static assignment of physical switch ports to a VLAN. Once the assignment
occurs, a VLAN port association (VPA) is created and tracked by VLAN management software on each
switch. To view current VLAN port assignments in the switch configuration, use the show vlan members
Methods for statically assigning ports to VLANs include the following:
• Using the vlan members untagged command to define a new configured default VLAN for fixed
ports. See “Changing the Default VLAN Assignment for a Port” on page 4-6.
• Using the vlan members tagged command to define 802.1Q-tagged VLANs for fixed ports. This
method allows the switch to bridge traffic for multiple VLANs over one physical port connection. See
“Using 802.1Q Tagging” on page 4-7.
• Configuring ports as members of a link aggregate that is assigned to a configured default VLAN. (See
Chapter 8, “Configuring Static Link Aggregation,” for more information.)

Changing the Default VLAN Assignment for a Port

Initially all switch ports are assigned to VLAN 1, which is also their configured default VLAN. When
additional VLANs are created on the switch, ports are assigned to the VLANs so that traffic from devices
connected to these ports is bridged within the VLAN domain.
To assign a switch port to a new default VLAN, use the vlan members untagged command. For example,
the following command assigns port 5 on slot 2 to VLAN 955:
-> vlan 955 members port 2/5 untagged

When the vlan members command is used, the port’s default VLAN assignment is changed to the
specified VLAN. The previous default VLAN assignment for the port (for example, VLAN 1, VLAN 10
or VLAN 200) is dropped.
The vlan members command is also used to change the default VLAN assignment for an aggregate of
ports. The link aggregate control number is specified instead of a slot and port. For example, the following
command assigns link aggregate 10 to VLAN 755:
-> vlan 755 members linkagg 10 untagged

For more information about configuring an aggregate of ports, see Chapter 8, “Configuring Static Link
Use the no form of the vlan members command to remove a default VPA. When this is done, VLAN 1 is
restored as the default VLAN for the port.
-> no vlan 955 members port 2/5

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 4-6
Configuring VLANs Assigning Ports to VLANs

Using 802.1Q Tagging

Another method for assigning ports to VLANs involves configuring a switch port or link aggregate to
process 802.1Q-tagged frames that contain a specific VLAN ID designation. This method, referred to as
802.1Q tagging (or trunking), allows a single network link to carry traffic for multiple VLANs.
The OmniSwitch implements the IEEE 802.1Q standard for sending frames through the network tagged
with VLAN identification. This section details procedures for configuring and monitoring 802.1Q tagging
on a single switch port or link aggregate group.
“Tagged” refers to four bytes of reserved space in the header of the packet. The four bytes of “tagging” are
broken down as follows: the first two bytes indicate whether the packet is an 802.1Q packet, and the next
two bytes carry the VLAN identification (VID) and priority.
When packets ingress the switch, they are classified into a VLAN based on their 802.1Q tag information.
• If the packet contains an 802.1Q tag, the VLAN ID in the tag must match either the default VLAN ID
for the port or a VLAN ID for which the port is tagged. If there is no match, the packet is dropped.
• If the packet is not tagged at all, the packet is placed into the default VLAN to which the port that
received the packet is assigned.
The following diagram illustrates a simple network by using tagged and untagged traffic:

untagged untagged
Switch 1 Switch 2
port 4/3
tagged port 2/1 tagged

tagged tagged

Tagged and Untagged Traffic Network

Switch 1 and 2 have three VLANs, one for untagged traffic and two for tagged traffic. The ports
connecting Switch 1 and 2 are configured in such a manner that the ports accept both tagged traffic for
VLANS 2 and 3 and untagged traffic for VLAN 1.
A port can only be assigned to one untagged VLAN (in every case, this is the default VLAN
configuration). In this example the default VLAN for port 2/1 and port 4/3 is VLAN 1. The port can be
assigned to as many 802.1Q-tagged VLANs as necessary.

Configuring 802.1Q Tagging

To set a port to be a tagged port, use the vlan members tagged command and specify a VLAN
identification (VID) number and a port number. For example, to configure port 3/4 to carry traffic for
VLAN 5, enter the following command at the CLI prompt:
-> vlan 5 members port 4/3 tagged

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 4-7
Configuring VLANs Assigning Ports to VLANs

Port 4/3 is now configured to carry packets tagged with VLAN 5, even though VLAN 5 is not the default
VLAN for the port.
To enable tagging on link aggregation groups, enter the link aggregation group identification number in
place of the slot and port number, as shown:
-> vlan 5 members linkagg 8 tagged

(For further information on creating link aggregation groups, see Chapter 8, “Configuring Static Link
Aggregation,” or Chapter 9, “Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation.”)
To remove 802.1Q tagging from a selected port or link aggregate, use the untagged parameter.
-> vlan 5 members linkagg 8 untagged

To display all VLANs, enter the following command:

-> show vlan port

Note. The link aggregation group must be created first before it can be set to use 802.1Q tagging.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 4-8
Configuring VLANs Enabling/Disabling Spanning Tree for a VLAN

Enabling/Disabling Spanning Tree for a VLAN

The Spanning Tree operating mode for the switch determines how VLAN ports are evaluated to identify
redundant data paths. If the Spanning Tree switch operating mode is set to flat, then VLAN port
connections are checked against other VLAN port connections for redundant data paths.

Note. The single flat mode STP instance is referred to as the CIST (Common and Internal Spanning Tree)

In the flat mode, if the CIST instance is disabled, then it is disabled for all configured VLANs. However,
disabling STP on an individual VLAN excludes only those VLAN ports from the flat STP algorithm.
If the Spanning Tree operating mode is set to per-vlan mode, there is a single Spanning Tree instance for
each VLAN broadcast domain. Enabling or disabling STP on a VLAN in this mode includes or excludes
the VLAN from the per-vlan STP algorithm.
The spantree vlan admin-state command is used to enable or disable a Spanning Tree instance for an
existing VLAN. In the following examples, Spanning Tree is disabled on VLAN 255 and enabled on
VLAN 755:
-> spantree vlan 255 admin-state disable
-> spantree vlan 755 admin-state enable

STP does not become operationally active on a VLAN unless the VLAN is operationally active, which
occurs when at least one active port is assigned to the VLAN. Also, STP is enabled/disabled on individual
ports. So even if STP is enabled for the VLAN, a port assigned to that VLAN must also have STP
enabled. See Chapter 6, “Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters.”

Enabling/Disabling Source Learning

Source learning can be disabled on a VLAN. Disabling source learning can be beneficial in a ring
topology. There is no limit on the number of ports that can belong to a VLAN that has source learning
disabled, but it is recommended to include only the two ports connecting the switch to a ring.
To enable or disable source learning on a VLAN, use the mac-learning static mac-address command.
For example, the following commands disable and enabled source learning on VLAN 10:
-> mac-learning vlan 10 disable
-> mac-learning vlan 10 enable

Disabling source learning on a VLAN causes the VLAN to be flooded with unknown unicast traffic.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 4-9
Configuring VLANs Configuring VLAN IP Interfaces

Configuring VLAN IP Interfaces

Network device traffic is bridged (switched) at the Layer 2 level between ports that are assigned to the
same VLAN. However, if a device needs to communicate with another device that belongs to a different
VLAN, then Layer 3 routing is necessary to transmit traffic between the VLANs. Bridging makes the
decision on where to forward packets based on the destination MAC address of the packet; routing makes
the decision on where to forward packets based on the IP network address assigned to the packet (for
The OmniSwitch supports the routing of IP traffic. A VLAN is available for routing when at least one IP
interface is defined for that VLAN and at least one active port is associated with the VLAN. Up to eight IP
interfaces can be configured for each VLAN.
If a VLAN does not have an IP interface, the ports associated with that VLAN are in essence firewalled
from other VLANs. For information about configuring IP interfaces, see Chapter 15, “Configuring IP.”

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 4-10
Configuring VLANs Bridging VLANs Across Multiple Switches

Bridging VLANs Across Multiple Switches

To create a VLAN bridging domain that extends across multiple switches:

1 Create a VLAN on each switch with the same VLAN ID number (for example, VLAN 10).

2 On each switch, assign the ports that provide connections to other switches to the VLAN created in
Step 1.
3 On each switch, assign the ports that provide connections to end user devices (for example,
workstations) to the VLAN created in Step 1.
4 Connect switches and end user devices to the assigned ports.

The following diagram shows the physical configuration of an example VLAN bridging domain:

Switch B Switch C
2/2 3/10


VLAN 10 2/1 3/7


2/3 3/9

2/10 3/2


2/9 3/1

3/8 3/3

Switch A Switch D

VLAN Bridging Domain: Physical Configuration

In the above diagram, VLAN 10 exists on all four switches and the connection ports between these
switches are assigned to VLAN 10. The workstations can communicate with each other because the ports
to which they are connected are also assigned to VLAN 10. It is important to note that connection cables
do not have to connect to the same port on each switch. The key is that the port must belong to the same
VLAN on each switch. To carry multiple VLANs between switches across a single physical connection
cable, use the 802.1Q tagging feature (see “Using 802.1Q Tagging” on page 4-7).
The connection between Switch C and D is shown with a broken line because the ports that provide this
connection are in a blocking state. Spanning Tree is active by default on all switches, VLANs and ports.
The Spanning Tree algorithm determined that if all connections between switches were active, a network
loop would exist that could cause unnecessary broadcast traffic on the network. The path between Switch
C and D was shut down to avoid such a loop. See Chapter 6, “Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters,” for

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 4-11
Configuring VLANs Bridging VLANs Across Multiple Switches

information about how Spanning Tree configures network topologies that are loop free.
The following diagram shows the same bridging domain example as seen by the end user workstations.
Because traffic between these workstations is bridged across physical switch connections within the
VLAN 10 domain, the workstations are basically unaware that the switches even exist. Each workstation
believes that the others are all part of the same VLAN, even though they are physically connected to
different switches.


VLAN Bridging Domain: Logical View

Creating a VLAN bridging domain across multiple switches allows VLAN members to communicate with
each other, even if they are not connected to the same physical switch. This is how a logical grouping of
users can traverse a physical network setup without routing and is one of the many benefits of using

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 4-12
Configuring VLANs Verifying the VLAN Configuration

Verifying the VLAN Configuration

To display information about the VLAN configuration for a single switch use the show commands listed

show vlan Displays a list of all VLANs configured on the switch and the status of
related VLAN properties (for example, admin and Spanning Tree status
and router port definitions).
show vlan members Displays a list of VLAN port assignments.
show ip interface Displays VLAN IP router interface information.

Understanding Port Output Display

Each line of the show vlan members output display corresponds to a single VLAN port association
(VPA). In addition to showing the VLAN ID and slot/port number, the VPA type and current status of
each association are also provided.
The VPA type indicates that one of the following methods was used to create the VPA:

Type Description
default The port was statically assigned to the VLAN using the vlan members
untagged command. The VLAN is now the configured default VLAN for
the port.
qtagged The port was statically assigned to the VLAN using the vlan members
tagged command. The VLAN is a static secondary VLAN for the 802.1Q
tagged port.
mirror The port is assigned to the VLAN because it is configured to mirror another
port that is assigned to the same VLAN. For more information about the
Port Mirroring feature, see Chapter 34, “Diagnosing Switch Problems.”

The VPA status indicates one of the following:

Status Description
inactive Port is not active (administratively disabled, down, or nothing connected to
the port) for the VPA.
blocking Port is active, but not forwarding traffic for the VPA.
forwarding Port is forwarding all traffic for the VPA.
filtering Mobile port traffic is filtered for the VPA; only traffic received on the port
that matches VLAN rules is forwarded. Occurs when a mobile port’s
VLAN is administratively disabled or the port’s default VLAN status is
disabled. Does not apply to fixed ports.

The following example displays the VPA information for all ports in VLAN 200:

-> show vlan 200 members

port type status
3/24 default inactive
5/12 qtagged blocking

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 4-13
Configuring VLANs Verifying the VLAN Configuration

The above example output provides the following information:

• VLAN 200 is the configured default VLAN for port 3/24, which is currently not active.

• VLAN 200 is an 802.1Q-tagged VLAN for port 5/12, which is an active port but currently blocked
from forwarding traffic.
For more information about the resulting displays from these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 4-14
Configuring VLANs Using Private VLANs

Using Private VLANs

The Private VLAN (PVLAN) feature provides the ability to isolate Layer 2 data between devices that are
on the same VLAN. This type of data isolation improves security and simplifies system configuration.
A standard VLAN usually represents a single broadcast domain, but a PVLAN divides a VLAN (Primary)
into sub-VLANs (Secondary). The single broadcast domain is partitioned into smaller broadcast sub-
domains while keeping the existing Layer 3 configuration. When a VLAN is configured as a PVLAN, the
PVLAN is referred to as the Primary VLAN, and any subsequent VLANs that are associated with the
Primary VLAN are referred to as Secondary VLANs.
For example, consider an example where a single switch is used by different work groups. The users from
different work groups are all connected to the same VLAN. Having all the users operating in the same
VLAN domain can lead to compromise in data security and complexity in managing them.
To isolate the users from each other, Secondary VLANs can be created for each work group under the
Primary VLAN. The following diagram represents the scenario where W1, W2, and W3 are three different
work groups sharing the same PVLAN. To isolate them from communicating with each other, they are
assigned to individual Secondary VLANs. These Secondary VLANs cannot communicate with each other,
except the PVLAN port. The PVLAN communicates with the promiscuous port and exchanges data with
the respective Secondary VLANs.


Promiscuous Port



W1:A W1:B W2:A W2:B W3:A W3:B W3:C

Community VLAN Isolated VL.AN Community VLAN

There are two types of Secondary VLANs:

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 4-15
Configuring VLANs Using Private VLANs

• Isolated VLAN—In an Isolated VLAN, all hosts connected to a member port are Isolated at Layer 2.
They can communicate only with the promiscuous port of the Primary VLAN. There can be only one
Isolated VLAN within one Primary VLAN.
• Community VLAN—A Community VLAN is associated to a group of ports that connect to a certain
“community” of end devices with mutual trust relationships. Any switch port associated with a
common Community VLAN can communicate with each other and with the promiscuous ports of the
Primary VLAN but not with any other Secondary VLAN. There can be multiple distinct Community
VLANs within one Primary VLAN.

Private VLAN Ports

The ports with respect to PVLANs have different characteristics. The PVLAN port types are:
• PVLAN Isolated Port—An isolated port cannot communicate with any other port in the PVLAN
except for promiscuous ports. This is a physical port or link aggregation port that is associated with an
Isolated Secondary VLAN at the port level.
• PVLAN Community Port—A community port can only communicate with a promiscuous port and
other ports that are part of the same Community VLAN in the same Primary VLAN. This is a physical
port or link aggregation port that is associated with only one Community Secondary VLAN at the port
• PVLAN Promiscuous Port—The promiscuous port can communicate with all the isolated ports and
community ports in the Primary VLAN. This is a physical port or link aggregation that is associated
with only one Primary VLAN at the port level.
• PVLAN ISL Port—An inter-switch link port that extends a PVLAN domain across different switches
by connecting Primary VLANs that belong to the same PVLAN domain. The ISL port carries both
non-PVLAN traffic and Primary VLAN traffic between switches.

Quick Steps for Configuring PVLANs

The following steps provide a quick tutorial that creates a PVLAN. Also included are steps to define a
Secondary VLAN for the PVLAN and assign ports to the PVLAN.
1 Create a PVLAN. Creating a PVLAN involves specifying a VLAN ID that is not already assigned to
an existing VLAN. The specified VLAN ID will become the Primary VLAN for the PVLAN. For
example, to create PVLAN 200 with the name “Corporate PVLAN” enter:
-> pvlan 200 name “Corporate PVLAN”

2 Enable the administrative state of PVLAN 200 by entering:

-> pvlan 200 admin-state enable

3 Create a Secondary VLAN and associate it to the Primary VLAN. Creating a Secondary VLAN
involves specifying a VLAN ID that is not already assigned to an existing VLAN. The Secondary VLAN
can be an Isolated VLAN or a Community VLAN depending on network requirements. For example, to
create Isolated VLAN 250 and Community VLAN 251 and associate them to Primary VLAN 200, enter:
-> pvlan 200 secondary 250 type isolated
-> pvlan 200 secondary 251 type community

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 4-16
Configuring VLANs Using Private VLANs

4 Associate the ports that will be part of the PVLAN. For example, to tag ports with Primary VLAN 200
and Secondary VLANs 250 and 251, enter:
-> pvlan 200 members port 1/1/1-3 tagged
-> pvlan 250 members port 1/1/10-12 tagged
-> pvlan 251 members port 1/1/20-22 tagged

Note. Optional. To verify the PVLAN configuration, use the show pvlan command. For example:
-> show pvlan
pvlan type admin oper mtu name
200 Primary Ena Dis 1500 PVLAN 200
250 Isolated Ena Dis 1500 PVLAN 250
251 Community Ena Dis 1500 PVLAN 251

To verify the mapping of Secondary VLANs to a Primary VLAN, use the show pvlan mapping command.
For example:
-> show pvlan mapping
Primary Secondary
200 250 Isolated
200 251 Community

To verify the port assignments for the PVLAN, use the show pvlan members command. For example:
-> show pvlan members
pvlan port type status port-type
200 1/1 qtagged inactive promiscuous
200 1/2 qtagged inactive promiscuous
200 1/3 qtagged inactive promiscuous
250 1/10 qtagged inactive isolated
250 1/11 qtagged inactive isolated
250 1/12 qtagged inactive isolated
251 1/20 qtagged inactive community
251 1/21 qtagged inactive community
251 1/22 qtagged inactive community

PVLAN Management Overview

The PVLAN feature provides the ability to create Secondary VLANs within a Primary VLAN. A regular
VLAN usually represents a single broadcast domain. However, a PVLAN divides a VLAN (Primary) into
sub-VLANs (Secondary) to partition the single broadcast domain into smaller broadcast sub-domains
while keeping the existing Layer 3 configuration.
The ports can be isolated from each other at the data link layer to improve security and performance and
also simplify IP address assignment. The following PVLAN configuration tasks can be performed on the
• Create a Primary VLAN, see page 4-18.

• Create Secondary VLANs (Community or Isolated) to associate with a Primary VLAN, see page 4-19.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 4-17
Configuring VLANs Using Private VLANs

• Configure a user port or a link aggregate as a promiscuous port or ISL port for a Primary VLAN, see
page 4-20.
• Associate the Secondary VLANs to user ports or link aggregates, see page 4-21.

• Verify the PVLAN configuration, see page 4-25.

Creating PVLANs
Before creating a PVLAN, consider the following points:
• A Primary VLAN ID is created first and represents the PVLAN domain. When any Secondary VLANs
are created, the Primary VLAN ID must be specified to identify the PVLAN to which the Secondary
VLAN is assigned.
• The VLAN ID that is specified to create a Primary VLAN must not already exist in the system.

• The following values are configurable only on the Primary VLAN but are also applied to all the
Secondary VLANs that are associated with the Primary VLAN:
– The administrative status for the PVLAN (enabled by default). When the status is changed for the
Primary VLAN ID, the change is automatically applied to the Secondary VLANs.
– The Spanning Tree status for the PVLAN (enabled by default). When the status is changed for the
Primary VLAN ID, the change is automatically applied to the Secondary VLANs.
– IP configuration for the PVLAN. An IP interface is configured on the Primary VLAN but is not
configurable on Secondary VLANs.
• Specifying a description for Primary and Secondary VLANs is optional. If one is not specified, then
the VLAN ID is used as the description.
• MVRP cannot be enabled on the PVLAN.

To create a Primary VLAN for the PVLAN, enter pvlan followed by a unique VLAN ID, an optional
administrative status, and an optional description. For example, the following command creates Primary
VLAN 200 with a description:
-> pvlan 200 admin-state enable name “Corporate PVLAN”

When configuring a description that contains multiple words that are separated by spaces, quotations
marks are required. If the description consists of only one word or multiple words separated by another
character (such as a hyphen), then quotation marks are not required.
You can also specify a range of VLAN IDs with the pvlan command. Use a hyphen to indicate a
contiguous range. For example, the following commands create Primary VLANs 10 through 15 and 100
through 105 on the switch:
-> pvlan 10-15 100-105 name “Corporate PVLAN”
-> pvlan 100-105 name “Corporate PVLAN”

The maximum transfer unit (MTU) size can also be configured for the PVLAN when the PVLAN is
created. For example, to set an MTU size of 64 KB for PVLAN 200, enter the following:
-> pvlan 200 mtu-ip 64

To remove a PVLAN from the switch configuration, use the no form of the pvlan command. For example,
to remove PVLANs 10-15, 100-105, and 200, enter:
-> no pvlan 10-15
-> no pvlan 100-105

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 4-18
Configuring VLANs Using Private VLANs

-> no pvlan 200

When the Primary VLAN for a PVLAN is deleted, any router interfaces defined for the PVLAN are
removed and all VLAN port associations are dropped.
To view a list of PVLANs already configured on the switch, use the show pvlan command. See
“Verifying the PVLAN Configuration” on page 4-25 for more information.

Enabling/Disabling the PVLAN Administrative Status

The administrative state of a PVLAN is enabled by default. To enable or disable the administrative status
for an existing PVLAN, enter pvlan followed by an existing Primary VLAN ID and either admin-state
enable or admin-state disable. For example:
-> pvlan 200 admin-state enable
-> pvlan 200 admin-state disable

When the administrative status for the Primary VLAN of a PVLAN is changed, the following occurs:
• The change is automatically made to any Secondary VLANs associated with the Primary VLAN.

• PVLAN port assignments are retained but traffic is not forwarded on these ports if the administrative
status is disabled.

Modifying the PVLAN Description

To change the description for the Primary VLAN of a PVLAN, enter pvlan followed by an existing
VLAN ID and the keyword name followed by the new description (up to 32 characters). For example, the
following command changes the description for Primary VLAN 200 to “Corporate IP Network”:
-> pvlan 455 name “Corporate IP Network”

Creating Secondary VLANs

Before creating Secondary VLANs for a PVLAN, consider the following points:
• The VLAN ID used to configure the Secondary VLAN must not already exist in the system.

• The Secondary VLAN can be created only after the Primary VLAN for the PVLAN is created.

• There are two types of Secondary VLANs: Isolated and Community. Only one Isolated VLAN can be
associated with a Primary VLAN, but multiple Community VLANs can be associated with the same
Primary VLAN.
• The administrative state of Secondary VLANs is derived from the administrative state of the Primary
• The Spanning Tree state of Secondary VLANs is derived from the Spanning Tree state of the
associated Primary VLAN.
• MVRP cannot be enabled on a Secondary VLAN.

To create and associate a Secondary VLAN to a Primary VLAN, use the pvlan secondary command. For
example, the following commands create Isolated and Community VLANs for Primary VLAN 200:
-> pvlan 200 secondary 250 type isolated
-> pvlan 200 secondary 251 type community

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 4-19
Configuring VLANs Using Private VLANs

By default, the administrative status and the Spanning Tree status of the associated Primary VLAN is
applied to both of the configured Secondary VLANs.
You can also specify a range of Secondary VLAN IDs when creating Community VLANs. Use a hyphen
to indicate a contiguous range and a space to separate multiple VLAN ID entries. For example, the
following command creates and associates Community VLANs 20 through 25 to Primary VLAN 200 on
the switch:

-> pvlan 200 secondary 20-25 type community

Specifying a range of Secondary VLAN IDs is not allowed when creating Isolated VLANs. There is only
one Isolated VLAN allowed for each Primary PVLAN.
To remove a Secondary VLAN from the PVLAN, use the no form of the pvlan secondary command. For
-> no pvlan 200 secondary 251

When a Secondary VLAN is deleted, the VLAN ID is removed and all VLAN port associations for that
VLAN are dropped.
To view the PVLAN mapping of Secondary VLANs configured on the switch, use the show pvlan
mapping command. See “Verifying the PVLAN Configuration” on page 4-25 for more information.

Assigning Ports to PVLANs

PVLAN offers Layer 2 data isolation between the devices on the same VLAN. For a PVLAN to operate,
ports or link aggregates must be assigned to the PVLAN. The following port types are configurable for
• Promiscuous Port

• ISL Port

• Isolated Port

• Community Port

An ISL port can only be assigned to a Primary VLAN. The other port types are determined based on the
type of VLAN associated with the PVLAN to which the port is assigned. For example:
• Ports assigned to a Primary PVLAN are designated as promiscuous ports.

• Ports assigned to a Secondary VLAN configured as a Community VLAN are designated as community
• Ports assigned to a Secondary VLAN configured as an Isolated VLAN are designated as isolated ports.

The following table defines the communication criteria between the PVLAN port types:

Port Types Isolated Promiscuous Community ISL

Isolated Deny Permit Deny Permit
Promiscuous Permit Permit Permit Permit

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 4-20
Configuring VLANs Using Private VLANs

Community Deny Permit Deny, except for Permit

ports that belong
to the same
ISL Only PVLAN Permit Only PVLAN Permit
packets packets and the
same Community
VLAN packets

Configuring Promiscuous Ports

A PVLAN must have one promiscuous port associated with the Primary VLAN to communicate with all
the community ports, isolated ports, and ISL ports.
A promiscuous port can be tagged or untagged based on the network requirements.
To configure a promiscuous port, use the pvlan members command to assign a port or link aggregate as a
tagged or untagged member of the Primary VLAN. For example:
-> pvlan 200 members port 1/1/1 tagged

In this example, the port 1/1/1 is assigned to Primary PVLAN 200, so the port is designated as a
promiscuous port. When only a tagged VLAN-port association (VPA) is configured, then all untagged
traffic is dropped on the port.
To remove a promiscuous port from the Primary VLAN, use the no form of the pvlan members
command. For example:
-> no pvlan 200 members port 1/1/1

Configuring ISL Ports

An Inter-Switch-Link (ISL) port connects a Primary VLAN on one switch to a Primary VLAN on another
switch to extend the PVLAN domain across multiple switches. The ISL port carries Primary and
Secondary VLAN traffic between switches throughout the PVLAN domain. Make sure that the Primary
and Secondary VLAN configuration is the same across all the switches to ensure the traffic is forwarded
correctly over the ISL connections.
To configure an ISL port, use the pvlan members command with the isl parameter option. For example,
the following command configures port 1/1/2 as an ISL port for Primary VLAN 200:
-> pvlan 200 members port 1/1/2 isl

Note. An ISL port can be configured only on the Primary VLAN, but the ISL port carries traffic for all
VLANs associated with the PVLAN (Primary and Secondary).

To remove an ISL port from the Primary VLAN, use the no form of the pvlan members command. For
-> no pvlan 200 members port 1/1/2

Configuring Secondary VLAN Ports

The Secondary VLAN ports are defined as isolated or community ports based on the type of Secondary
VLAN ID to which the ports are assigned.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 4-21
Configuring VLANs Using Private VLANs

• If a port is assigned to an Isolated Secondary VLAN, the port is designated as an isolated port.

• If a port is assigned to a Community Secondary VLAN, the port is designated as a community port.

To configure an isolated port, use the pvlan members command to assign a port or link aggregate as a
tagged or untagged member of an Isolated Secondary VLAN. For example, the following commands
create Isolated VLAN 250 as a Secondary VLAN to Primary VLAN 200 and then assign port 1/2/2 and
link aggregate 10 to VLAN 250:
-> pvlan 200 secondary 250 type isolated
-> pvlan 250 members port 1/2/2 tagged
-> pvlan 250 members linkagg 10 untagged

To configure a community port, use the pvlan members command to assign a port or link aggregate as a
tagged or untagged member of a Community Secondary VLAN. For example, the following commands
create Community VLAN 251 as a Secondary VLAN to Primary VLAN 200 and then assign port 1/2/5
and link aggregate 15 to VLAN 251:
-> pvlan 200 secondary 251 type isolated
-> pvlan 251 members port 1/2/5 tagged
-> pvlan 251 members linkagg 15 untagged

To remove a port from a Secondary VLAN, use the no form of the pvlan members command. For
example, the following commands remove a port and link aggregate from Secondary VLAN 250 and 251:
-> no pvlan 250 members port 1/2/2
-> no pvlan 251 members linkagg 15

Assigning UNP Ports to Secondary VLANs

Universal Network Profile (UNP) ports can also be assigned to Secondary VLANs (isolated or community
ports). The UNP ports are designated as isolated or community ports during runtime based on the first
MAC address learned on the port.
• If the first MAC address is learned on a UNP port is classified into an Isolated VLAN, the port is
designated as an isolated port.
• If the first MAC address is learned on a UNP port is classified into a Community VLAN, the port is
designated as a community port.
• If the first MAC address learned on the a UNP port is classified into any standard VLAN (non-
PVLAN), then the UNP port cannot be designated as an isolated or community port.

Protocol Configuration Requirements for PVLAN

This section contains important information about configuring other protocols to interact with PVLANs.
For more information about each protocol, refer the related chapters in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8
CLI Reference Guide and the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide.

Enabling DHCP Snooping for PVLANs

DHCP Snooping can be enabled only on the Primary VLAN of a PVLAN configuration. When enabled on
the Primary VLAN, the configuration will be applied to the Secondary VLANs associated with the
Primary VLAN.
If the DHCP Snooping server is on another chassis, then the ISL port configured for communication must
be configured as a trusted port.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 4-22
Configuring VLANs Using Private VLANs

Enabling Ingress Source Filtering (ISF) for PVLANs

ISF can be enabled only on the Primary VLAN of a PVLAN configuration. When enabled on the Primary
VLAN, the configuration will be applied to the Secondary VLANs associated with the Primary VLAN.

Enabling IPMS for PVLANs

IPMS can be enabled only on the Primary VLAN of a PVLAN configuration.

Enabling STP for PVLANs

STP can be enabled only on the Primary VLAN of a PVLAN configuration. When enabled on the Primary
VLAN, the configuration will be applied to the Secondary VLANs associated to the Primary VLAN.

Note. The PVLAN feature is supported only when the switch is running in the flat (MSTP) Spanning Tree
mode; it is not supported in the per-VLAN mode.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 4-23
Configuring VLANs Using Private VLANs

Sample PVLAN Use Case

PVLAN Spanning across Multiple Systems
The following diagram shows how using a PVLAN configuration allows the traffic to be segmented at the
Layer 2 level, thus limiting the broadcast domain and extending it across multiple switches.

Community VLAN
115, 100 VLAN 50

Isolated VLAN VLAN 100 VLAN 50
55, 50 OmniSwitch-1 L
VLAN 50 VLAN 100

Isolated VLAN
120, 100
L OmniSwitch-3

1 L
Community VLAN
2 VLAN 100
115, 100
3 OmniSwitch-2

Isolated VLAN L Inter-Switch Link Port

120, 100
P Promiscuous Port

1 2 Community VLAN Ports

3 4 Isolated VLAN Ports

The individual switches are separately configured with the PVLAN setup. IP interfaces are configured on
the Primary VLAN, and the hosts in both the Isolated and Community VLAN can share the IP addresses
from the same subnet but still remain isolated.
In this use case example, there are two Primary VLANs (100, 50) spanning across multiple OmniSwitch
Primary VLAN: 100 (IP subnet: 10.10.100.x)
• Community VLAN: 115

• Isolated VLAN: 120

Primary VLAN: 50 (IP subnet: 10.10.50.x)

• Isolated VLAN: 55

All the isolated, community, and promiscuous ports can be untagged or tagged. Since the PVLAN domain
spans across multiple switches, an Inter-Switch Link (ISL) port is configured for each Primary VLAN on
each switch to connect and carry traffic forwarded on the Primary VLANs.
The PVLAN traffic flow in this scenario is as follows:

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 4-24
Configuring VLANs Using Private VLANs

• Untagged traffic is passed into an untagged Secondary (community) port 1 on OmniSwitch-1.

– The traffic will be tagged with the PVID of the port which is Secondary VLAN.
– The ISL port will then carry the tagged traffic into the community port on the other switch
(OmniSwitch-2:1, OmniSwitch-2:2).
– Traffic outgoing through the promiscuous port (OmniSwitch-3: P: 100) will modify the tag to
Primary VLAN.
• Tagged traffic is passed into an untagged Secondary (community) port
– If the tag matches the PVID of the port, it will be allowed.
– The ISL port will then carry the tagged traffic into the community port on the other switch
(OmniSwitch-2:1, OmniSwitch-2:2).
– Traffic outgoing through promiscuous port (OmniSwitch-3: P: 100) will modify the tag to Primary
• Untagged traffic passed into a tagged Secondary (community) port is dropped.

• Tagged traffic passed into a tagged Secondary (community) port is dropped if the VLAN tag of the
traffic does not match the VLAN tag of the port.

Verifying the PVLAN Configuration

To display information about the PVLAN configuration, use the show commands listed below:

show pvlan Displays a list of PVLANs configured on the switch.

show pvlan mapping Displays Primary PVLAN and Secondary PVLAN mapping.
show pvlan members Displays port associations (VPAs) for all or specific PVLANs.

Use the show configuration snapshot command with the pvlan option to display the PVLAN
configuration. For example:
-> show configuration snapshot pvlan
pvlan 300 admin-state enable
pvlan 300 secondary 20-25 type community
pvlan 300 members port 1/3/10 tagged
pvlan 300 members linkagg 10 tagged

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 4-25
5 Configuring High
Availability VLANs

High availability (HA) VLANs, unlike standard VLANs, allow you to send traffic intended for a single
destination MAC address to multiple switch ports. These high availability VLANs can be used to manage
server clusters.

In This Chapter
This chapter describes the basic components of high availability VLANs and how to configure them
through the Command Line Interface (CLI). CLI commands are used in the configuration examples; for
more details about the syntax of commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.
Configuration procedures described in this chapter include:
• Creating a VLAN on page 5-6.

• Adding and Removing Server Cluster Ports to a HA VLAN on page 5-7.

• Assigning and Modifying Server Cluster Mode on page 5-7.

• Assigning and Removing MAC addresses to a HA VLAN on page 5-8.

Note. You can also configure and monitor high availability VLANs with WebView, Alcatel-Lucent’s
embedded web-based device management application. WebView is an interactive and easy-to-use GUI that
can be launched from OmniVista or a web browser. Please refer to WebView’s online documentation for
more information on configuring and monitoring high availability VLANs with WebView.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 5-1
Configuring High Availability VLANs High Availability Default Values

High Availability Default Values

The table below lists default values for high availability VLAN software.

Parameter Description Command Default Value/Comments

Server cluster admin state of the server-cluster admin-state - enable
server cluster
Server cluster id and mode server-cluster mode - L2
Mac address of the server cluster server-cluster mac-address None
IP address of the server cluster server-cluster ip IP address is configurable only
for L3 clusters.
Configure the port/linkagg of a server-cluster port None
server cluster server-cluster linkagg

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 5-2
Configuring High Availability VLANs Quick Steps for Creating High Availability VLANs

Quick Steps for Creating High Availability VLANs

Follow the steps below for a quick tutorial on configuring high availability (HA) VLANs. Additional
information on how to configure each command is given in the sections that follow.
1 Create a server cluster that will become the HA VLAN by using the command server-cluster and
configure the mode. For example:
-> server-cluster 1 name l2_cluster mode l2

2 Create a default VLAN for the HA VLAN ports with the vlan command as shown below:

-> vlan 10

3 Assign member ports to the new default VLAN with the vlan members untagged command as shown
-> vlan 10 members port 1/3 untagged
-> vlan 10 members port 1/4 untagged
-> vlan 10 members port 1/5 untagged

4 Assign mac-address for the new server cluster by using the command server-cluster mac-address. For
-> server-cluster 1 vlan 10 port 1/3-5 mac-address 01:00:11:22:33:44

Note. Optional. You can display the configuration of high availability VLANs with the show server-
cluster command. For example:

-> show server-cluster 1

Cluster Id : 1,
Cluster Name : L2-cluster,
Cluster Mode : L2,
Cluster Mac-address : 01:10:11:22:33:44,
Cluster Vlan : 12,
Administrative State: Enabled,
Operational State : Disabled,
Operational Flag : VPA is not forwarding

An example of what these commands look like entered sequentially on the command line:
-> server-cluster 1 mode L2
-> vlan 10
-> vlan 10 members port 1/3 untagged
-> vlan 10 members port 1/4 untagged
-> vlan 10 members port 1/5 untagged
-> server-cluster 1 vlan 10 port 1/3-5 mac-address 01:00:11:22:33:44

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 5-3
Configuring High Availability VLANs High Availability VLAN Overview

High Availability VLAN Overview

High availability (HA) VLANs send traffic intended for a single destination MAC address to multiple
switch ports. An HA VLAN is configured by creating a standard VLAN and then assigning ports to the
VLAN. Once these types of ports are assigned, the standard VLAN automatically becomes an HA VLAN.
When this occurs, standard VLAN commands no longer apply.
Destination MAC addresses (unicast and multicast) are also assigned to high availability VLANs. These
addresses identify ingress port traffic that the switch will send out on all egress ports that belong to the
same VLAN
In addition to assigning ingress and egress ports, tagging inter-switch link ports with an HA VLAN ID is
allowed. Ingress port traffic destined for an HA VLAN MAC address is sent out on all egress and inter-
switch link ports that belong to the same VLAN. Traffic forwarded on inter-switch link ports is done so in
accordance with the Spanning Tree state of the port.
A high availability VLAN hosts multiple instances of applications like e-commerce applications, critical
databases, business applications etc and supports redundancy. Each instance may get all the service
requests and based on a shared algorithm, HA VLAN decides on which requests a particular node has to
handle. Apart from service request paths, the nodes are internally connected to share information related to
the service load information, service request data and service availability on other nodes.
The HA VLAN feature on the OmniSwitch provides an elegant and flexible way to connect the server
cluster nodes directly to the ingress network. This involves multicasting the service requests on the
configured ports. The multicast criteria is configurable based on destination MAC and destination IP
address. Egress ports can be statically configured on a server cluster or they can be registered by IGMP
reports. The server cluster feature on the OmniSwitch multicast the incoming packets based on the server
cluster configuration on the ports associated with the server cluster.

High Availability VLAN Operational Mode

There are typically two modes of implementation of server clusters in HA VLAN.
• Layer 2 - The server cluster is attached to a L2 switch on which the frames destined to the cluster MAC
address are to be flooded on all interfaces. For more information see “Example 1: Layer 2 Server
Cluster” on page 5-9
• Layer 3 - The server cluster is attached to a L3 switch on which the frames destined to the server
cluster IP address are to be routed to the server cluster IP and then flooded on all interfaces. For more
information see “Example 2: Layer 3 Server Cluster” on page 5-11.

Note. The L2 mode is currently supported in AOS using the static mac-address command and L3 mode by
the static ARP command.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 5-4
Configuring High Availability VLANs High Availability VLAN Overview

Traffic Flows in High Availability VLAN

The figure below shows how ingress traffic is handled by high availability VLANs.


OmniSwitch 7800

MAC Address:

MAC Address:
MAC Address:

Ingress Egress
Ports Ports

Example of an L2 server cluster - Ingress to Egress Port Flow

In the above example, packets received on the ingress ports that are destined for the high availability
VLAN MAC address are sent out the egress ports that are members of the same VLAN. The MAC address
is virtual to the server cluster, individual servers may have different physical MAC address.Since all three
servers are connected to egress ports, they all receive the ingress port traffic. This provides a high level of
availability in that if one of the server connections goes down, the other connections still forward traffic to
one of the redundant servers.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 5-5
Configuring High Availability VLANs Configuring High Availability VLANs on a Switch

Configuring High Availability VLANs on a Switch

This section describes how to use the Command Line Interface (CLI) commands to configure high
availability (HA) VLANs on a switch. For a brief tutorial on configuring HA VLANs, see “Quick Steps
for Creating High Availability VLANs” on page 5-3.
When configuring HA VLANs, you must perform the following steps:
1 Create a VLAN. To create a VLAN use the vlan command, which is described in “Creating and
Deleting VLANs” on page 5-6.
2 Assign VLAN member ports. To assign member ports to the VLAN, use the vlan members
untagged command which is described in “Changing the Default VLAN Assignment for a Port” on
page 4-6.
3 Create a server cluster and configure the mode. To create a server cluster and configure the cluster
mode, use the server-cluster command which is described in “Adding and Removing Server Cluster
Ports” on page 5-7.
4 Assign MAC Addresses. To assign MAC addresses to the HA VLAN server cluster, use the server-
cluster mac-address command, which is described in “Assigning and Removing MAC Addresses” on
page 5-8.

Note. Use the show server-cluster command to verify the HA VLAN configuration on the switch. See
“Displaying High Availability VLAN Status” on page 5-16 for more information.

Creating and Deleting VLANs

The following subsections describe how to create and delete a VLAN with the vlan command.

Note. This section provides only a basic description of creating and deleting VLANs. For a complete
description of configuring and monitoring VLANs on a switch, please refer to Chapter 4, “Configuring

Creating a VLAN
To create a new VLAN use the vlan command by entering vlan followed by the VLAN ID number. For
example, to create a VLAN with a VLAN ID number of 10 enter:
-> vlan 10

You can also specify the administrative status and a name for the VLAN with the vlan command. For
example, to administratively enable (the default) a VLAN when you configure it enter vlan followed by
the VLAN ID number and enable.
For example, to create VLAN 10 and administratively enable it enter:
-> vlan 10 enable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 5-6
Configuring High Availability VLANs Configuring High Availability VLANs on a Switch

Deleting a VLAN
To delete a VLAN use the no form of the vlan command by entering no vlan followed by the VLAN’s ID
number. For example, to delete high availability VLAN 10 enter:
-> no vlan 10

Adding and Removing Server Cluster Ports

The following subsections describe how to assign to and remove ingress ports from a high availability
VLAN with the server-cluster port command.

Assigning Ports to a Server Cluster

To assign server cluster ports to a high availability VLAN use the server-cluster port/linkagg command.
For example, to assign port 1/21 to server cluster “1”, enter the commands as:
-> server-cluster 1 port 1/21

To assign linkagg “1” to server cluster “3’, enter the commands as:
-> server-cluster 3 linkagg 1

Removing Ports from a Server Cluster

To remove server cluster ports from a high availability VLAN use the no form of server-cluster port/
linkagg command. For example,
-> no server-cluster 1 port 1/21
-> no server-cluster 3 linkagg 1

Assigning and Modifying Server Cluster Mode

The following subsections describe how to assign to and remove egress ports from a high availability
VLAN with the server-cluster command.

Assigning L2 Mode to a Server Cluster

To assign L2 mode to a high availability VLAN use the server-cluster id command. For example, to
assign “L2” mode to the server cluster “1”, enter the command as:
-> server-cluster 1 mode l2

If you want a name to be assigned along with the cluster mode, enter the commands as:
-> server-cluster 1 name l2_cluster mode l2

Assigning L3 Mode to a Server Cluster

A cluster can be assigned an IP address and an ARP entry mac-address. Each cluster should have a unique
IP-address. IP address is configurable only for L3 clusters.
To assign L3 mode to a high availability VLAN use the server-cluster id command. For example, to
assign “L3” mode to the server cluster “2”, enter the command as:
-> server-cluster 2 mode l3
-> server-cluster 5 port all

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 5-7
Configuring High Availability VLANs Configuring High Availability VLANs on a Switch

To assign L3 mode to linkaggs, enter the commands as:

-> server-cluster 3 linkagg 1
-> server-cluster 4 linkagg 1-3

To remove server cluster from a high availability VLAN, use the no form of the command. For example,
-> no server-cluster 1
-> no server-cluster 2

Assigning and Removing MAC Addresses

The following subsections describe how to assign and remove MAC addresses from a high availability
VLAN with the server-cluster mac-address command. Traffic that is received on ingress ports that
contains a destination MAC address that matches the high availability VLAN address is sent out all egress
ports that belong to the high availability VLAN.

Assigning MAC Addresses

To assign a MAC address to a high availability VLAN, use the server-cluster mac-address command by
entering server-cluster mac-address, followed by the VLAN’s ID number, mac, and the MAC address.
Note that both unicast and multicast addresses are supported.
For example, to assign the MAC address 00:25:9a:5c:2f:10 to high availability VLAN 20, enter the
command as:
-> server-cluster mac-address vlan 20 mac 00:25:9a:5c:2f:10

To add more than one MAC address to a high availability VLAN, enter each address on the same
command line separated by a space. For example, to assign MAC addresses 00:25:9a:5c:2f:11,
00:25:9a:5c:12, and 01:00:00:3f:4c:10, to high availability VLAN 30, enter the command as:
-> server-cluster mac-address vlan 30 mac 00:25:9a:5c:2f:11 00:25:9a:5c:12

Removing MAC Addresses

To remove a MAC address associated with a high availability VLAN, use the no form of the server-
cluster mac-address command. For example, the following command removes MAC address
00:25:9a:5c:2f:10 from VLAN 20:
-> no server-cluster mac-address vlan 20 no mac 00:25:9a:5c:2f:10

To remove more than one MAC address from a high availability VLAN using a single command, enter
each address on the same command line separated by a space. For example, to remove MAC addresses
00:25:9a:5c:2f:11, 00:25:9a:5c:12, and 01:00:00:3f:4c:10, from high availability VLAN 30, enter the
command as:
-> server-cluster mac-address vlan 30 no mac 00:25:9a:5c:2f:11 00:25:9a:5c:12

Note. Removing the last MAC address from an HA VLAN is not allowed. Deleting the VLAN is required
when there is only one MAC address left.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 5-8
Configuring High Availability VLANs Application Examples

Application Examples
This section contains the following HAVLAN application examples:
• “Example 1: Layer 2 Server Cluster” on page 5-9.

• “Example 2: Layer 3 Server Cluster” on page 5-11.

• “Example 3: Layer 3 Server Cluster with IP Multicast Address to Cluster (IGMP)” on page 5-13.

Example 1: Layer 2 Server Cluster

In the following example, the MAC address can be unicast or L2 multicast or IP multicast.

Switch connected to an L2 server cluster through 3 ports (1/3, 1/4, 1/5)

• A server cluster can be configured with a unique MAC address and a VLAN with a port list

• The traffic which ingresses on 1/1 or 1/2 destined to the server cluster MAC address and the VLAN is
forwarded to all the egress ports configured.(1/3,1/4,1/5).
• Here the ingress ports must be in the same VLAN as the server cluster VLAN and egress ports and
other traffic must be switched according to the normal switching logic.

Configuration Example
In this example, a packet can be an L2 or IP switched packet and Egress port can also be a linkagg port.

1 Create a server cluster that will become the HA VLAN by using the command server-cluster and
configure the mode. For example:
-> server-cluster 1 mode l2 admin-state enable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 5-9
Configuring High Availability VLANs Application Examples

2 Create a default VLAN for the HA VLAN ports with the vlan command as shown below:

-> vlan 10

3 Assign member ports to the new default VLAN with the vlan members untagged and server-cluster
commands as shown below:
-> vlan 10 members port 1/3 untagged
-> vlan 10 members port 1/4 untagged
-> vlan 10 members port 1/5 untagged
-> server-cluster 1 port 1/3
-> server-cluster 1 port 1/4
-> server-cluster 1 port 1/5

4 Assign mac-address for the new server cluster by using the command server-cluster mac-address. For
-> server-cluster 1 vlan 10 port mac-address 01:00:11:22:33:44

Note. Optional. You can display the configuration of high availability VLANs with the show server-
cluster command. For example:

-> show server-cluster 1

Cluster Id : 1,
Cluster Name : L2-cluster,
Cluster Mode : L2,
Cluster Mac-address : 01:10:11:22:33:44,
Cluster Vlan : 12,
Administrative State: Enabled,
Operational State : Disabled,
Operational Flag : VPA is not forwarding

An example of what these commands look like entered sequentially on the command line:
-> server-cluster 1 mode L2 admin-state enable
-> vlan 10
-> vlan 10 members port 1/3 untagged
-> vlan 10 members port 1/4 untagged
-> vlan 10 members port 1/5 untagged
-> server-cluster 1 port 1/3
-> server-cluster 1 port 1/4
-> server-cluster 1 port 1/5
-> server-cluster 1 vlan 10 port 1/3-5 mac-address 01:00:11:22:33:44

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 5-10
Configuring High Availability VLANs Application Examples

Example 2: Layer 3 Server Cluster

In this example, A server cluster is configured with a unique IP address and a static ARP entry (cluster
MAC) and a port list. Here, the server cluster IP address must be a unicast address.

Switch connected to an L3 server cluster through 3 ports (1/3,1/4,1/5)

• The traffic which ingresses on 1/1 or 1/2 destined to the server cluster IP is routed to all the egress
ports configured (1/3,1/4,1/5). The ingress ports are on a different VLAN as the server cluster IP
• However, all the egress ports need to be in the same VLAN as the IP interface of server cluster. The
other traffic must be switched according to the normal switching/routing logic.
• Egress port can be a linkagg port as well.

Configuration Example
In this example, a packet is an L3 or IP switched packet.

1 Create a server cluster that will become the HA VLAN by using the command server-cluster and
configure the mode. For example:
-> server-cluster 2 mode L3 admin-state enable

2 Create a default VLAN for the HA VLAN ports with the vlan command as shown below:

-> vlan 12

3 Assign member ports to the new default VLAN with the vlan members untagged and server-cluster
commands as shown below:
-> vlan 12 members port 1/3 untagged
-> vlan 12 members port 1/4 untagged
-> vlan 12 members port 1/5 untagged

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 5-11
Configuring High Availability VLANs Application Examples

-> server-cluster 2 port 1/3

-> server-cluster 2 port 1/4
-> server-cluster 2 port 1/5

4 Assign an IP address for the by using the ip interface command. For example:

-> ip interface "vlan 12"

-> ip interface "vlan 12" address vlan 12

5 Assign mac-address for the new server cluster by using the command server-cluster mac-address. For
-> server-cluster 2 ip mac-address static 01:00:5e:22:33:44

Note. Optional. You can display the configuration of high availability VLANs with the show server-
cluster command. For example:

-> show server-cluster 2

Cluster Id : 2,
Cluster Name : L3-cluster,
Cluster Mode : L3,
Cluster Mac-address : 01:10:11:22:33:44,
Cluster Vlan : 12,
Administrative State: Enabled,
Operational State : Enabled,
Operational Flag : -

An example of what these commands look like entered sequentially on the command line:
-> server-cluster 2 mode L3 admin-state enable
-> vlan 12
-> vlan 12 members port 1/3 tagged
-> vlan 12 members port 1/4 tagged
-> vlan 12 members port 1/5 tagged
-> server-cluster 2 port 1/3
-> server-cluster 2 port 1/4
-> server-cluster 2 port 1/5
-> ip interface "vlan 12"
-> ip interface "vlan 12" address vlan 12
-> server-cluster 2 ip mac-address static 01:00:5e:22:33:44

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 5-12
Configuring High Availability VLANs Application Examples

Example 3: Layer 3 Server Cluster with IP Multicast Address to

Cluster (IGMP)
This example shows that a server cluster can be configured with a unique IP address and a IP multicast
address. For this scenario, the server cluster IP address needs to be a unicast address and the MAC address
(ARP entry) can be unicast or L2 multicast or IP multicast. The MAC address must be configured through
CLI ARP resolution to a server cluster MAC, and must be configured before actual routing

Switch connected to an L3 server cluster (IGMP) through 3 ports (1/3,1/4,1/5)

• There is no provision for port list configuration and Ports are derived dynamically using the IGMP
snooping of the reports from the server cluster (IGMP v2 reports).
• The traffic which ingresses on 1/1 or 1/2 destined to the server cluster IP is routed to all the ports
which are members of the IP multicast group of the server cluster.
• The ingress ports is on a different VLAN as the server cluster IP interface. Join and Leave messaged
keep updating the egress port list. However all the egress ports need to be in the same VLAN as the IP
interface of server cluster.
• The other traffic is switched according to the normal switching/routing logic.

• Egress port can be a linkagg port as well.

Note. When a server cluster tries to send a bridged or routed packet to itself, a copy of the packet goes back
to the sender’s (server cluster) port.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 5-13
Configuring High Availability VLANs Application Examples

Configuration Example
In this example, a packet is an L3 IP switched packet and Egress port can also be a linkagg port.

1 Create a server cluster that will become the HA VLAN by using the command server-cluster and
configure the mode. For example:
-> server-cluster 3 mode L3 admin-state enable

2 Create a default VLAN for the HA VLAN ports with the vlan command as shown below:

-> vlan 12

3 Assign member ports to the new default VLAN with the vlan members untagged and server-cluster
commands as shown below:
-> vlan 12 members port 1/3 untagged
-> vlan 12 members port 1/4 untagged
-> vlan 12 members port 1/5 untagged
-> server-cluster 3 port 1/3
-> server-cluster 3 port 1/4
-> server-cluster 3 port 1/5

4 Assign mac-address for the new server cluster by using the command server-cluster mac-address. For
-> server-cluster 3 ip mac-address static 01:00:11:22:33:44

5 If you want to assign a dynamic mac-address for the server cluster, enter the command as follows:

-> server-cluster 3 ip mac-address dynamic

6 Enable the admin state of the IP multicast by using the ip multicast admin-state enable command. IP
multicast admin state should be enabled for the IGMP reports to be processed., else the cluster will be
operationally down.
-> ip multicast admin-state enable
-> server-cluster 3 igmp-mode enable
-> server-cluster 3 ip-multicast

When IGMP mode is enabled for the server cluster, all static ports will be reset in igmp mode.

Note. Optional. You can display the configuration of high availability VLANs with the show server-
cluster command. For example:

-> show server-cluster 3

Cluster Id : 3,
Cluster Name : -,
Cluster Mode : L3,
Cluster IP :,
Cluster Mac-Address : 01:00:11:22:33:44,
Cluster Mac Type : Static,
IGMP-Mode : Enabled,
Cluster Multicast IP :,
Administrative State : Enabled,
Operational State : Disabled,
Operational Flag : No IGMP members

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 5-14
Configuring High Availability VLANs Application Examples

An example of what these commands look like entered sequentially on the command line:
-> server-cluster 3 mode L3 admin-state enable
-> vlan 12
-> vlan 12 members port 1/3 untagged
-> vlan 12 members port 1/4 untagged
-> vlan 12 members port 1/5 untagged
-> server-cluster 3 port 1/3
-> server-cluster 3 port 1/4
-> server-cluster 3 port 1/5
-> server-cluster 3 ip mac-address static 01:00:11:22:33:44
-> ip multicast admin-state enable
-> server-cluster 3 igmp-mode enable
-> server-cluster 3 ip-multicast

Note. In order to process IGMP reports, it is required to enable IP mulitcast by using the ip multicast
admin-state enable command.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 5-15
Configuring High Availability VLANs Displaying High Availability VLAN Status

Displaying High Availability VLAN Status

You can use CLI show commands to display the current configuration and statistics of high availability
VLANs on a switch. These commands include the following:

show server-cluster Displays the server clusters configured in the system.

show vlan Displays a list of all VLANs configured on the switch and the status of
related VLAN properties (e.g., admin and Spanning Tree status and
router port definitions).
show vlan members Displays a list of VLAN port assignments.

To display the status and configuration of high availability VLANs you use the show server-cluster
command. To display the status and configuration of all high availability VLANs on a switch, enter the
following command:
-> show server-cluster

A screen similar to the following will be displayed:

-> show server-cluster
Legend: * = not valid

Cluster Mode Vlan Mac Address Ip Address IGMP Address Name

* 10 L2 100 01:10:11:22:33:44 - - cluster1
11 L2 100 01:10:11:22:33:44 - - cluster2
12 L2 100 01:10:11:22:33:44 - - -
13 L3 - 01:12:11:22:33:44 - -
* 14 L3 - 01:12:11:22:33:45 --
15 L3 - 01:00:5e:00:00:44 cluster-igmp

To display the status and configuration of a single high availability VLAN cluster enter show server-
cluster followed by the server cluster ID number. For example, to display the status and configuration of
high availability server cluster id “1”, enter the following command:
-> show server-cluster 1

A screen similar to the following will be displayed:

-> show server-cluster 1
Cluster Id : 1,
Cluster Name : L2-cluster,
Cluster Mode : L2,
Cluster Mac-address : 01:10:11:22:33:44,
Cluster Vlan : 12,
Administrative State: Enabled,
Operational State : Disabled,
Operational Flag : VPA is not forwarding

Note. For more information on the CLI commands, See the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 5-16
6 Configuring Spanning Tree

The Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol (STP) is a self-configuring algorithm that maintains a loop-
free topology on a network. STP helps to provide data path redundancy and network scalability. The
Alcatel-Lucent STP implementation, based on the IEEE 802.1D standard, distributes the Spanning Tree
load between the primary management module and the network interface modules. This functionality
improves network robustness by providing a Spanning Tree that continues to respond to BPDUs (Bridge
Protocol Data Unit) and port link up and down states in the event of a fail over to a backup management
module or switch.
Alcatel-Lucent’s distributed implementation also incorporates the following Spanning Tree features:
• Configures a physical topology into a single Spanning Tree to ensure that there is only one data path
between any two switches.
• Supports fault tolerance within the network topology. The Spanning Tree is reconfigured in the event
of a data path or bridge failure or when a new switch is added to the topology.
• Supports two Spanning Tree operating modes: flat (single STP instance per switch) and per-VLAN
(single STP instance per VLAN). The per-VLAN mode can be configured to interoperate with the
proprietary Per-Vlan Spanning Tree (PVST+) feature of Cisco.
• Supports three Spanning Tree Algorithms; 802.1D (STP), 802.1w (RSTP), and 802.1Q 2005 (MSTP).

• Allows 802.1Q tagged ports and link aggregate logical ports to participate in the calculation of the STP
• Provides loop-guard security to prevent network loops caused due to inconsistencies in data traffic.

The Distributed Spanning Tree software is active on all switches by default. As a result, a loop-free
network topology is automatically calculated based on default Spanning Tree bridge, VLAN, and port
parameter values. It is only necessary to configure the Spanning Tree parameters to change how the
topology is calculated and maintained.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-1
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters In This Chapter

In This Chapter
This chapter provides an overview about how Spanning Tree works and how to configure Spanning Tree
parameters through the Command Line Interface (CLI). CLI commands are used in the configuration
examples; for more details about the syntax of commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI
Reference Guide.
Configuration procedures described in this chapter include:
• Selecting the Spanning Tree operating mode (flat or per-VLAN) on page 6-20.

• Configuring Spanning Tree bridge parameters on page 6-26.

• Configuring Spanning Tree port parameters on page 6-33.

• Configuring an example Spanning Tree topology on page 6-44.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-2
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Spanning Tree Bridge Parameter Defaults

Spanning Tree Bridge Parameter Defaults

Parameter Description Command Default
Spanning Tree operating mode spantree mode Per-VLAN (a separate Spanning
Tree instance for each VLAN)
PVST+ status spantree pvst+compatibility Disabled
Spanning Tree status for a spantree vlan admin-state Enabled
VLAN instance
Spanning Tree protocol spantree protocol RSTP (802.1w)
BPDU switching status spantree bpdu-switching Disabled
Priority value for the Spanning spantree priority 32768
Tree instance
Hello time interval between each spantree hello-time 2 seconds
BPDU transmission
Maximum aging time allowed spantree max-age 20 seconds
for Spanning Tree information
learned from the network
Spanning Tree port state spantree forward-delay 15 seconds
transition time
Path cost mode spantree path-cost-mode Auto (16-bit in per-VLAN mode
and STP or RSTP flat mode, 32-
bit in MSTP flat mode)
Automatic VLAN Containment spantree auto-vlan-containment Disabled
Spanning Tree loop-guard spantree loop-guard Disabled

Spanning Tree Port Parameter Defaults

Parameter Description Command Default
Status for a specific VLAN instance spantree vlan Enabled
Path cost for a specific VLAN instance spantree vlan path-cost 0
Port state management mode spantree cist mode Dynamic (Spanning Tree
spantree loop-guard Algorithm determines port
Port priority value spantree priority 7
Port connection type for a specific spantree vlan connection auto point to point
VLAN instance
Type of BPDU to be used on a port when spantree auto (IEEE BPDUs are used
per vlan PVST+ mode is enabled pvst+compatibility until a PVST+ BPDU is

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-3
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Multiple Spanning Tree (MST) Region Defaults

Multiple Spanning Tree (MST) Region Defaults

Although the following parameter values are specific to MSTP, they are configurable regardless of which
mode (flat or per-VLAN) or protocol is active on the switch.

Parameter Description Command Default

The MST region name spantree mst region name blank
The revision level for the MST region spantree mst region 0
The maximum number of hops spantree mst region max- 20
authorized for the region hops
The number of Multiple Spanning Tree spantree msti 0 (flat mode instance)
Instances (MSTI)
The VLAN to MSTI mapping spantree msti vlan All VLANs are mapped to the
Common Internal Spanning
Tree (CIST) instance

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-4
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Spanning Tree Overview

Spanning Tree Overview

Alcatel-Lucent switches support the use of the 802.1D Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol (STP), the
802.1w Rapid Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol (RSTP), and the 802.1Q 2005 Multiple Spanning
Tree Protocol (MSTP).
RSTP expedites topology changes by allowing blocked ports to transition directly into a forwarding state,
bypassing listening and learning states. This provides rapid reconfiguration of the Spanning Tree in the
event of a network path or device failure.
The 802.1w standard is an amendment to the 802.1D document, thus RSTP is based on STP. Regardless
of which one of these two protocols a switch or VLAN is running, it can successfully interoperate with
other switches or VLANs.
802.1Q 2005 is a new version of MSTP that combines the 802.1D 2004 and 802.1S protocols. This
implementation of 802.1Q 2005 also includes improvements to edge port configuration and provides
administrative control to restrict port role assignment and the propagation of topology change information
through bridge ports.
MSTP is an enhancement to the 802.1Q Common Spanning Tree (CST), which is provided when an
Alcatel-Lucent switch is running in the flat Spanning Tree operating mode. The flat mode applies a single
spanning tree instance across all VLAN port connections on a switch. MSTP allows the configuration of
Multiple Spanning Tree Instances (MSTIs) in addition to the CST instance. Each MSTI is mapped to a set
of VLANs. As a result, the flat mode can now support the forwarding of VLAN traffic over separate data
This section provides a Spanning Tree overview based on RSTP operation and terminology. Although
MSTP is based on RSTP, see “MST General Overview” on page 6-12 for specific information about
configuring MSTP.

How the Spanning Tree Topology is Calculated

The tree consists of links and bridges that provide a single data path that spans the bridged network. At the
base of the tree is a root bridge. One bridge is elected by all the bridges participating in the network to
serve as the root of the tree. After the root bridge is identified, STP calculates the best path that leads from
each bridge back to the root and blocks any connections that would cause a network loop.
To determine the best path to the root, STP uses the path cost value, which is associated with every port
on each bridge in the network. This value is a configurable weighted measure that indicates the
contribution of the port connection to the entire path leading from the bridge to the root.
In addition, a root path cost value is associated with every bridge. This value is the sum of the path costs
for the port that receives frames on the best path to the root (this value is zero for the root bridge). The
bridge with the lowest root path cost becomes the designated bridge for the LAN, as it provides the
shortest path to the root for all bridges connected to the LAN.
During the process of calculating the Spanning Tree topology, each port on every bridge is assigned a port
role based on how the port and/or its bridge participates in the active Spanning Tree topology.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-5
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Spanning Tree Overview

The following table provides a list of port role types and the port and/or bridge properties that the
Spanning Tree Algorithm examines to determine which role to assign to the port.

Role Port/Bridge Properties

Root Port Port connection that provides the shortest path (lowest path cost value) to the
root. The root bridge does not have a root port.
Designated Port The designated bridge provides the LAN with the shortest path to the root. The
designated port connects the LAN to this bridge.
Backup Port Any operational port on the designated bridge that is not a root or designated
port. Provides a backup connection for the designated port. A backup port can
only exist when there are redundant designated port connections to the LAN.
Alternate Port Any operational port that is not the root port for its bridge and its bridge is not
the designated bridge for the LAN. An alternate port offers an alternate path to
the root bridge if the root port on its own bridge goes down.
Disabled Port Port is not operational. If an active connection does come up on the port, it is
assigned an appropriate role.

Note. The distinction between a backup port and an alternate port was introduced with the IEEE 802.1w
standard to help define rapid transition of an alternate port to a root port.

The role a port plays or can potentially play in the active Spanning Tree topology determines the port
operating state; discarding, learning, or forwarding. The port state is also configurable and it is possible
to enable or disable the administrative status of port and/or specify a forwarding or blocking state that is
only changed through user intervention.
The Spanning Tree Algorithm only includes ports in its calculations that are operational (link is up) and
have an enabled administrative status. The following table compares and defines 802.1D and 802.1w port
states and their associated port roles:

STP Port State RSTP Port State Port State Definition Port Role
Disabled Discarding Port is down or administratively disabled Disabled
and is not included in the topology.
Blocking Discarding Frames are dropped, nothing is learned or Alternate, Backup
forwarded on the port. Port is temporarily
excluded from topology.
Learning Learning Port is learning MAC addresses that are seen Root, Designated
on the port and adding them to the bridge
forwarding table, but not transmitting any
data. Port is included in the active topology.
Forwarding Forwarding Port is transmitting and receiving data and is Root, Designated
included in the active topology.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-6
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Spanning Tree Overview

Once the Spanning Tree is calculated, there is only one root bridge, one designated bridge for each LAN,
and one root port on each bridge (except for the root bridge). Data travels back and forth between bridges
over forwarding port connections that form the best, non-redundant path to the root. The active topology
ensures that network loops do not exist.

Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDU)

Switches send layer 2 frames, referred to as Configuration Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDU), to relay
information to other switches. The information in these BPDU is used to calculate and reconfigure the
Spanning Tree topology. A Configuration BPDU contains the following information that pertains to the
bridge transmitting the BPDU:

Root ID The Bridge ID for the bridge that this bridge believes is the root.
Root Path Cost The sum of the Path Costs that lead from the root bridge to this bridge port.

The Path Cost is a configurable parameter value. The IEEE 802.1D standard specifies a
default value that is based on port speed. See “Configuring Port Path Cost” on
page 6-36 for more information.
Bridge ID An eight-byte hex value that identifies this bridge within the Spanning Tree. The first
two bytes contain a configurable priority value and the remaining six bytes contain a
bridge MAC address. See “Configuring the Bridge Priority” on page 6-28 for more

Each switch chassis is assigned a dedicated base MAC address. This is the MAC
address that is combined with the priority value to provide a unique Bridge ID for the
switch. For more information about the base MAC address, see the appropriate
Hardware Users Guide for the switch.
Port ID A 16-bit hex value that identifies the bridge port that transmitted this BPDU. The first 4
bits contain a configurable priority value and the remaining 12 bits contain the physical
switch port number. See “Configuring Port Priority” on page 6-35 for more

The sending and receiving of Configuration BPDU between switches participating in the bridged network
constitute the root bridge election; the best path to the root is determined and then advertised to the rest of
the network. BPDU provide enough information for the STP software running on each switch to determine
the following:
• Which bridge serves as the root bridge.

• The shortest path between each bridge and the root bridge.

• Which bridge serves as the designated bridge for the LAN.

• Which port on each bridge serves as the root port.

• The port state (forwarding or discarding) for each bridge port based on the role the port plays in the
active Spanning Tree topology.
The following events trigger the transmitting and/or processing of BPDU in order to discover and
maintain the Spanning Tree topology:
• When a bridge first comes up, it assumes it is the root and starts transmitting Configuration BPDU on
all its active ports advertising its own bridge ID as the root bridge ID.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-7
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Spanning Tree Overview

• When a bridge receives BPDU on its root port that contains more attractive information (higher
priority parameters and/or lower path costs), it forwards this information on to other LANs to which it
is connected for consideration.
• When a bridge receives BPDU on its designated port that contains information that is less attractive
(lower priority values and/or higher path costs), it forwards its own information to other LANs to
which it is connected for consideration.
STP evaluates BPDU parameter values to select the best BPDU based on the following order of
1 The lowest root bridge ID (lowest priority value, then lowest MAC address).

2 The best root path cost.

3 If root path costs are equal, the bridge ID of the bridge sending the BPDU.

4 If the previous three values tie, then the port ID (lowest priority value, then lowest port number).

When a topology change occurs, such as when a link goes down or a switch is added to the network, the
affected bridge sends Topology Change Notification (TCN) BPDU to the designated bridge for its LAN.
The designated bridge then forwards the TCN to the root bridge. The root then sends out a Configuration
BPDU and sets a Topology Change (TC) flag within the BPDU to notify other bridges that there is a
change in the configuration information. Once this change is propagated throughout the Spanning Tree
network, the root stops sending BPDU with the TC flag set and the Spanning Tree returns to an active,
stable topology.

Note. You can restrict the propagation of TCNs on a port. To restrict TCN propagation on a port, see
“Configuring STP Port Parameters” on page 6-33.

Loop-guard on OmniSwitch
STP relies on continuous reception or transmission of BPDUs based on the port role. The designated port
or primary port transmits BPDUs, and the non-designated ports receive BPDUs. When one of the non-
designated ports in a spanning tree network stop receiving BPDUs, then the STP conceives that the
network is loop free. However, when a non-designated (Alternate, Root, or Backup) port becomes desig-
nated and moves to a forwarding state, a loop is created in the network.
With Loop Guard, if a switch stops receiving BPDUs on a non-designated port, the switch places the port
into the STP loop-inconsistent blocking state thus preventing the occurrence of loop in the network.
Loop-guard can be configured on individual ports on per-port or per-VLAN basis. A port can have both
• Designated

• Non-designated for mutually exclusive set of VLANs or MSTP-instances (in MSTP mode)

If loop-guard is enabled on the port, it does not affect the forward or blocking state for a designated port.
In case of BPDU timeout, if a loop-guard enabled port fails to receive three consecutive BPDUs, STP
converts the port explicitly to a blocked port.
When loop-guard is enabled, if a switch stops receiving BPDUs on a non-designated port, the switch
places the port into the STP loop-inconsistent blocking state.
By default, loop-guard is disabled on all the switch ports. User can configure loop-guard on any port

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-8
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Spanning Tree Overview

irrespective of its STP state or role. However, the feature functions only on non-designated (Alternate,
Root, or Backup) STP ports.

• In the flat mode, as there is a single STP instance on all the VLANs, the loop-guard state of the ports is
same across all the VLANs on the switch.
• In MSTP mode, there is a single STP instance for each MSTI instance. In this case, loop-guard state of
port is same across all the VLANs of a given MSTP instance. Hence if a loop-guard error occurs on
any single port, it affects all the other ports related to the MSTI.
• In 1X1 mode, there is a single STP instance assigned for each VLAN. Hence if a loop-guard error
occurs on any single VLAN, it does not affect the other VLANs.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-9
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Spanning Tree Overview

Topology Examples
The following diagram shows an example of a physical network topology that incorporates data path
redundancy to ensure fault tolerance. These redundant paths, however, create loops in the network
configuration. If a device connected to Switch A sends broadcast packets, Switch A floods the packets out
all of its active ports. The switches connected to Switch A in turn floods the broadcast packets out their
active ports, and Switch A eventually receives the same packets back and the cycle starts over again. This
causes severe congestion on the network, often referred to as a broadcast storm.
Switch D Switch C

Switch A
Switch B

Physical Topology Example

The Spanning Tree Algorithm prevents network loops by ensuring that there is always only one active link
between any two switches. This is done by transitioning one of the redundant links into a blocking state,
leaving only one link actively forwarding traffic. If the active link goes down, then the Spanning Tree will
transition one of the blocked links to the forwarding state to take over for the downed link. If a new switch
is added to the network, the Spanning Tree topology is automatically recalculated to include the
monitoring of links to the new switch.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-10
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Spanning Tree Overview

The following diagram shows the logical connectivity of the same physical topology as determined by the
Spanning Tree Algorithm:

Switch D Switch C
(Root Bridge)
2/3 PC=4 3/8
Bridge ID Bridge ID
10, 00:00:00:00:00:01 13, 00:00:00:00:00:04
2/2 PC=19 3/9

PC=19 PC=100

2/10 3/2

Bridge ID Bridge ID
11, 00:00:00:00:00:02 PC=19 12, 00:00:00:00:00:03
2/9 3/1

Switch A
(Designated Bridge) Switch B

Forwarding Root Port

Blocking Designated Port
Path Cost PC

Active Spanning Tree Topology Example

In the above active Spanning Tree topology example, the following configuration decisions were made as
a result of calculations performed by the Spanning Tree Algorithm:
• Switch D is the root bridge because its bridge ID has a priority value of 10 (the lower the priority
value, the higher the priority the bridge has in the Spanning Tree). If all four switches had the same
priority, then the switch with the lowest MAC address in its bridge ID would become the root.
• Switch A is the designated bridge for Switch B, because it provides the best path for Switch B to the
root bridge.
• Port 2/9 on Switch A is a designated port, because it connects the LAN from Switch B to Switch A.

• All ports on Switch D are designated ports, because Switch D is the root and each port connects to a
• Ports 2/10, 3/1, and 3/8 are the root ports for Switches A, B, and C, respectively, because they offer the
shortest path towards the root bridge.
• The port 3/9 connection on Switch C to port 2/2 on Switch D is in a discarding (blocking) state, as the
connection these ports provides is redundant (backup) and has a higher path cost value than the 2/3 to
3/8 connection between the same two switches. As a result, a network loop is avoided.
• The port 3/2 connection on Switch B to port 3/10 on Switch C is also in a discarding (blocking) state,
as the connection these ports provides has a higher path cost to root Switch D than the path between
Switch B and Switch A. As a result, a network loop is avoided.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-11
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters MST General Overview

MST General Overview

The Multiple Spanning Tree (MST) feature allows for the mapping of one or more VLANs to a single
Spanning Tree instance, referred to as a Multiple Spanning Tree Instance (MSTI), when the switch is
running in the flat Spanning Tree mode. MST uses the Multiple Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol
(MSTP) to define the Spanning Tree path for each MSTI. In addition, MSTP provides the ability to group
switches into MST Regions. An MST Region appears as a single, flat Spanning Tree instance to switches
outside the region.
This section provides an overview of the MST feature that includes the following topics:
• “How MSTP Works” on page 6-12.

• “Comparing MSTP with STP and RSTP” on page 6-15.

• “What is a Multiple Spanning Tree Instance (MSTI)” on page 6-15.

• “What is a Multiple Spanning Tree Region” on page 6-16.

• “What is the Internal Spanning Tree (IST) Instance” on page 6-17.

• “What is the Common and Internal Spanning Tree Instance” on page 6-17.

• “MST Configuration Overview” on page 6-17.

How MSTP Works

MSTP, as defined in the IEEE 802.1Q 2005 standard, is an enhancement to the IEEE 802.1Q Common
Spanning Tree (CST). The CST is a single spanning tree that uses 802.1D (STP) or 802.1w (RSTP) to
provide a loop-free network topology.
The Alcatel-Lucent flat spanning tree mode applies a single CST instance on a per switch basis. The per-
VLAN mode is an Alcatel-Lucent proprietary implementation that applies a single spanning tree instance
on a per VLAN basis. MSTP is only supported in the flat mode and allows for the configuration of
additional Spanning Tree instances instead of just the one CST.
On Alcatel-Lucent MSTP flat mode switches, the CST is represented by the Common and Internal
Spanning Tree (CIST) instance 0 and exists on all switches. Up to 17 instances, including the CIST, are
supported. Each additional instance created is referred to as a Multiple Spanning Tree Instance (MSTI).
An MSTI represents a configurable association between a single Spanning Tree instance and a set of

Note. Although MSTP provides the ability to define MSTIs while running in the flat mode, port state and
role computations are automatically calculated by the CST algorithm across all MSTIs. However, it is
possible to configure the priority and/or path cost of a port for a particular MSTI so that a port remains in a
forwarding state for an MSTI instance, even if it is blocked as a result of automatic CST computations for
other instances.

The following diagrams help to further explain how MSTP works by comparing how port states are
determined on per-VLAN STP/RSTP mode, flat mode STP/RSTP, and flat mode MSTP switches.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-12
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters MST General Overview

3/1 2/1
VLAN 100 VLAN 100

4/2 5/1
VLAN 200 VLAN 200
|| 5/2


In the above per-VLAN mode example:

• Both switches are running in the per-VLAN mode (one Spanning Tree instance per VLAN).

• VLAN 100 and VLAN 200 are each associated with their own Spanning Tree instance.

• The connection between 3/1 and 2/1 is left in a forwarding state because it is part of the VLAN 100
Spanning Tree instance and is the only connection for that instance.

Note. If additional switches containing a VLAN 100 are connected to the switches in this diagram, then the
3/1 to 2/1 port connection gets into blocking state. The port connection is converted to blocking state, only
if the VLAN 100 Spanning Tree instance determines it is required, to avoid a network loop.

• The connections between 4/8 and 5/2 and 4/2 and 5/1 are seen as redundant because they are both
controlled by the VLAN 200 Spanning Tree instance and connect to the same switches. The VLAN
200 Spanning Tree instance determines which connection provides the best data path and transitions
the other connection to a blocking state.

3/1 2/1
VLAN 100 VLAN 100

4/2 5/1
VLAN 200 VLAN 200
|| 5/2

Flat Mode STP/RSTP (802.1D/802.1w)

In the above flat mode STP/RSTP example:

• Both switches are running in the flat mode. As a result, a single flat mode Spanning Tree instance
applies to the entire switch and compares port connections across VLANs to determine which
connection provides the best data path.
• The connection between 3/1 and 2/1 is left forwarding because the flat mode instance determined that
this connection provides the best data path between the two switches.
• The 4/8 to 5/2 connection and the 4/2 to 5/1 connection are considered redundant connections so they
are both blocked in favor of the 3/1 to 2/1 connection.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-13
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters MST General Overview

3/1 2/1
VLAN 100 VLAN 100
4/2 5/1
VLAN 150 || VLAN 150

4/8 5/2
VLAN 200 || VLAN 200
2/12 3/6
VLAN 250 || VLAN 250

Flat Mode MSTP

In the above flat mode MSTP example:

• Both switches are running in the flat mode and using MSTP.

• VLANs 100 and 150 are not associated with an MSTI. They are controlled by the default CIST
instance 0 that exists on every switch.
• VLANs 200 and 250 are associated with MSTI 2 so their traffic can traverse a path different from that
determined by the CIST.
• Ports are blocked the same way they were blocked in the flat mode STP/RSTP example; all port
connections are compared to each other across VLANs to determine which connection provides the
best path.
However, because VLANs 200 and 250 are associated to MSTI 2, it is possible to change the port path
cost for ports 2/12, 3/6, 4/8 and/or 5/2 so that they provide the best path for MSTI 2 VLANs, but do not
carry CIST VLAN traffic or cause CIST ports to transition to a blocking state.
Another alternative is to assign all VLANs to an MSTI, leaving no VLANs controlled by the CIST. As
a result, the CIST BPDU contains only MSTI information.
See “Sample MSTI Configuration” on page 6-49 for more information about how to direct VLAN traffic
over separate data paths using MSTP.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-14
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters MST General Overview

Comparing MSTP with STP and RSTP

Using MSTP has the following items in common with STP (802.1D) and RSTP (802.1w) protocols:
• Each protocol ensures one data path between any two switches within the network topology. This
prevents network loops from occurring while at the same time allowing for redundant path
• Each protocol provides automatic reconfiguration of the network Spanning Tree topology in the event
of a connection failure and/or when a switch is added to or removed from the network.
• All three protocols are supported in the flat Spanning Tree operating mode.

• The flat mode CST instance automatically determines port states and roles across VLAN port and
MSTI associations. This is because the CST instance is active on all ports and only one BPDU is used
to forward information for all MSTIs.
• MSTP is based on RSTP.

Using MSTP differs from STP and RSTP as follows:

• MSTP is only supported when the switch is running in the flat Spanning Tree mode. STP and RSTP
are supported in both the per-VLAN and flat modes.
• MSTP allows for the configuration of up to 16 Multiple Spanning Tree Instances (MSTI) in addition to
the CST instance. Flat mode STP and RSTP protocols only use the single CST instance for the entire
switch. See “What is a Multiple Spanning Tree Instance (MSTI)” on page 6-15 for more information.
• MSTP applies a single Spanning Tree instance to an MSTI ID number that represents a set of VLANs;
a one to many association. STP and RSTP in the flat mode apply one Spanning Tree instance to all
VLANs; a one to all association. STP and RSTP in the per-VLAN mode apply a single Spanning Tree
instance to each existing VLAN; a one to one association.
• The port priority and path cost parameters are configurable for an individual MSTI that represents the
VLAN associated with the port.
• The flat mode 802.1D or 802.1w CST is identified as instance 1. When using MSTP, the CST is
identified as CIST (Common and Internal Spanning Tree) instance 0. See “What is the Common and
Internal Spanning Tree Instance” on page 6-17 for more information.
• MSTP allows the segmentation of switches within the network into MST regions. Each region is seen
as a single virtual bridge to the rest of the network, even though multiple switches can belong to the
one region. See “What is a Multiple Spanning Tree Region” on page 6-16 for more information.
• MSTP has lower overhead than a per-VLAN configuration. In per-VLAN mode, because each VLAN
is assigned a separate Spanning Tree instance, BPDUs are forwarded on the network for each VLAN.
MSTP only forwards one BPDU for the CST that contains information for all configured MSTI on the

What is a Multiple Spanning Tree Instance (MSTI)

An MSTI is a single Spanning Tree instance that represents a group of VLANs. Alcatel-Lucent switches
support up to 16 MSTIs on one switch. This number is in addition to the Common and Internal Spanning
Tree (CIST) instance 0, which is also known as MSTI 0. The CIST instance exists on every switch. By
default, all VLANs not mapped to an MSTI are associated with the CIST instance. See “What is the
Common and Internal Spanning Tree Instance” on page 6-17 for more information.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-15
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters MST General Overview

What is a Multiple Spanning Tree Region

A Multiple Spanning Tree region represents a group of MSTP switches. An MST region appears as a
single, flat mode instance to switches outside the region. A switch can belong to only one region at a time.
The region a switch belongs to is identified by the following configurable attributes, as defined by MSTP.
• Region name – An alphanumeric string up to 32 characters.

• Region revision level – A numerical value between 0 and 65535.

• VLAN to MSTI table – Generated when VLANs are associated with MSTIs. Identifies the VLAN to
MSTI mapping for the switch.
Switches that share the same values for the configuration attributes described above belong to the same
region. For example, in the diagram below:
• Switches A, B, and C all belong to the same region because they all are configured with the same
region name, revision level, and have the same VLANs mapped to the same MSTI.
• The CST for the entire network sees Switches A, B, and C as one virtual bridge that is running a single
Spanning Tree instance. As a result, CST blocks the path between Switch C and Switch E instead of
blocking a path between the MST region switches to avoid a network loop.
• The paths between Switch A and Switch C and the redundant path between Switch B and Switch C
were blocked as a result of the Internal Spanning Tree (IST) computations for the MST Region. See
“What is the Internal Spanning Tree (IST) Instance” on page 6-17 for more information.

Switch D
Switch A




Switch B Switch C
Switch E

MST Region
SST Switches (STP or RSTP)

In addition to the attributes described above, the MST maximum hops parameter defines the number of
bridges authorized to propagate MST BPDU information. In essence, this value defines the size of the
region in that once the maximum number of hops is reached, the BPDU is discarded.
The maximum number of hops for the region is not one of the attributes that defines membership in the
region. See “Sample MST Region Configuration” on page 6-47 for a tutorial on how to configure MST
region parameters.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-16
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters MST General Overview

What is the Common Spanning Tree

The Common Spanning Tree (CST) is the overall network Spanning Tree topology resulting from STP,
RSTP, and/or MSTP calculations to provide a single data path through the network. The CST provides
connectivity between MST regions and other MST regions and/or Single Spanning Tree (SST) switches.
For example, in the above diagram, CST calculations detected a network loop created by the connections
between Switch D, Switch E, and the MST Region. As a result, one of the paths was blocked.

What is the Internal Spanning Tree (IST) Instance

The IST instance determines and maintains the CST topology between MST switches that belong to the
same MST region. In other words, the IST is simply a CST that only applies to MST Region switches
while at the same time representing the region as a single Spanning Tree bridge to the network CST.
As shown in the above diagram, the redundant path between Switch B and Switch C is blocked and the
path between Switch A and Switch C is blocked. These blocking decisions were based on the IST
computations within the MST region. IST sends and receives BPDU to/from the network CST. MSTI
within the region do not communicate with the network CST. As a result, the CST only sees the IST
BPDU and treats the MST region as a single Spanning Tree bridge.

What is the Common and Internal Spanning Tree Instance

The Common and Internal Spanning Tree (CIST) instance is the Spanning Tree calculated by the MST
region IST and the network CST. The CIST is represented by the single Spanning Tree flat mode instance
that is available on all switches. By default, all VLANs are associated to the CIST until they are mapped
to an MSTI.
When using STP (802.1D) or RSTP (802.1w). When using MSTP, the CIST is also known as instance 0 or

Note. When MSTP is the active flat mode protocol, explicit Spanning Tree bridge commands are required
to configure parameter values. Implicit commands are for configuring parameters when the STP or RSTP
protocols are in use. See “Using Spanning Tree Configuration Commands” on page 6-26 for more

MST Configuration Overview

The following general steps are required to set up a Multiple Spanning Tree (MST) configuration:
• Select the flat Spanning Tree mode – Each switch runs in the default mode. MSTP is only supported
on a flat mode switch. See “Spanning Tree Operating Modes” on page 6-20 for more information.
• Select the MSTP protocol – Each switch uses the default protocol. Selecting MSTP activates the
Multiple Spanning Tree. See “How MSTP Works” on page 6-12 for more information.
• Configure an MST region name and revision level – Switches that share the same MST region
name, revision level, and VLAN to Multiple Spanning Tree Instance (MSTI) mapping belong to the
same MST region. See “What is a Multiple Spanning Tree Region” on page 6-16 for more information.
• Configure MSTIs – Every switch has a default Common and Internal Spanning Tree (CIST) instance
0, which is also referred to as MSTI 0. Configuration of additional MSTI is required to segment switch
VLANs into separate instances. See “What is a Multiple Spanning Tree Instance (MSTI)” on page 6-15
for more information.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-17
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters MST General Overview

• Map VLANs to MSTI – All existing VLANs are mapped to the default CIST instance 0. Associating
a VLAN to an MSTI specifies which Spanning Tree instance determines the best data path for traffic
carried on the VLAN. In addition, the VLAN-to-MSTI mapping is also one of three MST
configuration attributes used to determine that the switch belongs to a particular MST region.
For a tutorial on setting up an example MST configuration, see “Sample MST Region Configuration” on
page 6-47 and “Sample MSTI Configuration” on page 6-49.

MST Interoperability and Migration

Connecting an MSTP switch to a non-MSTP flat mode switch is supported. Since the Common and
Internal Spanning Tree (CIST) controls the flat mode instance on both switches, STP or RSTP can remain
active on the non-MSTP switch within the network topology.
An MSTP switch is part of a Multiple Spanning Tree (MST) Region, which appears as a single, flat mode
instance to the non-MSTP switch. The port that connects the MSTP switch to the non-MSTP switch is
referred to as a boundary port. When a boundary port detects an STP (802.1D) or RSTP (802.1w) BPDU,
it responds with the appropriate protocol BPDU to provide interoperability between the two switches. This
interoperability also serves to indicate the edge of the MST region.
Interoperability between MSTP switches and per-VLAN mode switches is not recommended. The per-
VLAN mode is a proprietary implementation that creates a separate Spanning Tree instance for each
VLAN configured on the switch. The MSTP implementation is in compliance with the IEEE standard and
is only supported on flat mode switches.
Tagged BPDUs transmitted from a per-VLAN switch are ignored by a flat mode switch. This can cause a
network loop to go undetected. Although it is not recommended, you can also connect a per-VLAN switch
to a flat mode switch temporarily until migration to MSTP is complete. When a per-VLAN switch is
connected to a flat mode switch, configure only a fixed, untagged connection between VLAN 1 on both

Migrating from Flat Mode STP/RSTP to Flat Mode MSTP

Migrating an STP/RSTP flat mode switch to MSTP is relatively transparent. When STP or RSTP is the
active protocol, the Common and Internal Spanning Tree (CIST) controls the flat mode instance. If on the
same switch the protocol is changed to MSTP, the CIST still controls the flat mode instance.
Note the following when converting a flat mode STP/RSTP switch to MSTP:
• Making a backup copy of the switch boot.cfg file before changing the protocol to MSTP is highly
recommended. Having a backup copy makes it easier to revert to the non-MSTP configuration. Once
MSTP is active, commands are written in their explicit form and not compatible with previous releases
of Spanning Tree.
• When converting multiple switches, change the protocol to MSTP first on every switch before starting
to configure Multiple Spanning Tree Instances (MSTI).
• Once the protocol is changed, MSTP features are available for configuration. Multiple Spanning Tree
Instances (MSTI) are now configurable for defining data paths for VLAN traffic. See “How MSTP
Works” on page 6-12 for more information.
• Using explicit Spanning Tree commands to define the MSTP configuration is required. Implicit
commands are for configuring STP and RSTP. See “Using Spanning Tree Configuration Commands”
on page 6-26 for more information.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-18
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters MST General Overview

• STP and RSTP use a 16-bit port path cost (PPC) and MSTP uses a 32-bit PPC. When the protocol is
changed to MSTP, the bridge priority and PPC values for the flat mode CIST instance are reset to their
default values.
• It is possible to configure the switch to use 32-bit PPC value for all protocols (see the spantree path-
cost-mode command page for more information). If this is the case, then the PPC for the CIST is not
reset when the protocol is changed to/from MSTP.
• This implementation of MSTP is compliant with the IEEE 802.1Q 2005 standard and thus provides
interconnectivity with MSTP compliant systems.

Migrating from Per-VLAN Mode to Flat Mode MSTP

As previously described, the per-VLAN mode is an Alcatel-Lucent proprietary implementation that
applies one Spanning Tree instance to each VLAN. For example, if five VLANs exist on the switch, then
their are five Spanning Tree instances active on the switch, unless Spanning Tree is disabled on one of the
Note the following when converting a per-VLAN mode STP/RSTP switch to flat mode MSTP:
• Making a backup copy of the switch boot.cfg file before changing the protocol to MSTP is highly
recommended. Having a backup copy makes it easier to revert to the non-MSTP configuration. Once
MSTP is active, commands are written in their explicit form and not compatible with previous releases
of Spanning Tree.
• Using MSTP requires changing the switch mode from per-VLAN to flat. When the mode is changed
from per-VLAN to flat, ports still retain their VLAN associations but are now part of a single, flat
mode Spanning Tree instance that spans across all VLANs. As a result, a path that was forwarding
traffic in the per-VLAN mode transitions to a blocking state after the mode is changed to flat.
• Once the protocol is changed, MSTP features are available for configuration. Multiple Spanning Tree
Instances (MSTI) are now configurable for defining data paths for VLAN traffic. See “How MSTP
Works” on page 6-12 for more information.
• Note that STP/RSTP use a 16-bit port path cost (PPC) and MSTP uses a 32-bit PPC. When the
protocol is changed to MSTP, the bridge priority and PPC values for the flat mode CIST instance are
reset to their default values.
• It is possible to configure the switch to use 32-bit PPC value for all protocols (see the spantree path-
cost-mode command page for more information). If this is the case, then the PPC for the CIST is not
reset when the protocol is changed to/from MSTP.
• This implementation of MSTP is compliant with the IEEE 802.1Q 2005 standard and thus provides
interconnectivity with MSTP compliant systems.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-19
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Spanning Tree Operating Modes

Spanning Tree Operating Modes

The switch can operate in one of two Spanning Tree modes: flat and per-VLAN. Both modes apply to the
entire switch and determine whether a single Spanning Tree instance is applied across multiple VLANs
(flat mode) or a single instance is applied to each VLAN (per-VLAN mode). A switch runs on the default
mode when it is first turned on.
Use the spantree mode command to select the Flat or Per-VLAN Spanning Tree mode.The switch
operates in one mode or the other, however, it is not necessary to reboot the switch when changing modes.

Using Flat Spanning Tree Mode

Before selecting the flat Spanning Tree mode, consider the following:
• If STP (802.1D) is the active protocol, then there is one Spanning Tree instance for the entire switch;
port states are determined across VLANs. If MSTP (802.1s) is the active protocol, then multiple
instances up to a total of 17 are allowed. Port states, however, are still determined across VLANs.
• Multiple connections between switches are considered redundant paths even if they are associated with
different VLANs.
• Spanning Tree parameters are configured for the single flat mode instance. For example, if Spanning
Tree is disabled on VLAN 1, then it is disabled for all VLANs. Disabling STP on any other VLAN,
however, only exclude ports associated with that VLAN from the Spanning Tree Algorithm.
• Fixed (untagged) and 802.1Q tagged ports are supported in each VLAN. BPDU, however, are always
• When the Spanning Tree mode is changed from per-VLAN to flat, ports still retain their VLAN
associations but are now part of a single Spanning Tree instance that spans across all VLANs. As a
result, a path that was forwarding traffic in the per-VLAN mode can transition to a blocking state after
the mode is changed to flat.
To change the Spanning Tree operating mode to flat, enter the following command:
-> spantree mode flat

The following diagram shows a flat mode switch with STP (802.1D) as the active protocol. All ports,
regardless of their default VLAN configuration or tagged VLAN assignments, are considered part of one
Spanning Tree instance. To see an example of a flat mode switch with MSTP (802.1s) as the active
protocol, see Chapter 6, “Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters.”

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-20
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Spanning Tree Operating Modes

Flat STP

Switch Port 1/2

Default VLAN 5
VLAN 10 (tagged)

Port 8/3 Port 10/5 Port 2/5

Default VLAN 2 Default VLAN 20 Default VLAN 5
VLAN 6 (tagged)

Flat Spanning Tree Example

In the above example, if port 8/3 connects to another switch and port 10/5 connects to that same switch,
the Spanning Tree Algorithm would detect a redundant path and transition one of the ports into a blocking
state. The same holds true for the tagged ports.

Using Per-VLAN Spanning Tree Mode

Before selecting the Per-VLAN Spanning Tree operating mode, consider the following:
• A single Spanning Tree instance is enabled for each VLAN configured on the switch. For example, if
there are five VLANs configured on the switch, then there are five separate Spanning Tree instances,
each with its own root VLAN. In essence, a VLAN is a virtual bridge. The VLAN has its own bridge
ID and configurable STP parameters, such as protocol, priority, hello time, max age, and forward
• Port state is determined on a per VLAN basis. For example, port connections in VLAN 10 are only
examined for redundancy within VLAN 10 across all switches. If a port in VLAN 10 and a port in
VLAN 20 both connect to the same switch within their respective VLANs, they are not considered
redundant data paths and STP does not block them. However, if two ports within VLAN 10 both
connect to the same switch, then the STP transition one of these ports to a blocking state.
• Fixed (untagged) ports participate in the single Spanning Tree instance that applies to their configured
default VLAN.
• 802.1Q tagged ports participate in an 802.1Q Spanning Tree instance that allows the Spanning Tree to
extend across tagged VLANs. As a result, a tagged port can participate in more than one Spanning Tree
instance; one for each VLAN that the port carries.
• If a VLAN contains both fixed and tagged ports, then a hybrid of the two Spanning Tree instances
(single and 802.1Q) is applied. If a VLAN appears as a tag on a port, then the BPDU for that VLAN
are also tagged. However, if a VLAN appears as the configured default VLAN for the port, then BPDU
are not tagged and the single Spanning Tree instance applies.
To change the Spanning Tree operating mode to per-VLAN, enter the following command:
-> spantree mode per-vlan

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-21
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Spanning Tree Operating Modes

The following diagram shows a switch running in the per-VLAN Spanning Tree mode and shows
Spanning Tree participation for both fixed and tagged ports.


Port 1/3 Port 1/5
Default VLAN 5 Default VLAN 10
VLAN 2 (tagged)

Port 2/5
Port 2/3
Default VLAN 2
Default VLAN 5
VLAN 10 (tagged)

Port 1/4 Port 2/4

Default VLAN 2 Default VLAN 2

Per VLAN (single and 802.1Q) Spanning Tree Example

In the above example, STP2 is a single Spanning Tree instance since VLAN 5 contains only fixed ports.
STP 3 and STP 4 are a combination of single and 802.1Q Spanning Tree instances because VLAN 2
contains both fixed and tagged ports. On ports where VLAN 2 is the default VLAN, BPDU are not tagged.
on ports where VLAN 2 is a tagged VLAN, BPDU are also tagged.

Using Per-VLAN Spanning Tree Mode with PVST+

In order to interoperate with Cisco's proprietary Per Vlan Spanning Tree (PVST+) mode, the Alcatel-
Lucent per-VLAN Spanning Tree mode allows OmniSwitch ports to transmit and receive either the
standard IEEE BPDUs or Cisco's proprietary PVST+ BPDUs. When the PVST+ mode is enabled, a user
port operates in the default mode initially until it detects a PVST+ BPDU, which automatically enables the
port to operate in the Cisco PVST+ compatible mode.
The PVST+ compatibility mode allows OmniSwitch ports to operate in the per-VLAN mode when
connected to another OmniSwitch or in the Cisco PVST+ mode when connected to a Cisco switch. As a
result, both the Alcatel-Lucent per-VLAN and Cisco PVST+ modes can co-exist on the same OmniSwitch
and interoperate correctly with a Cisco switch using the standard Spanning Tree protocols (STP or RSTP).

Note. In the flat Spanning Tree mode, both the OmniSwitch and Cisco switches can interoperate seamlessly
using the standard MSTP protocol.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-22
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Spanning Tree Operating Modes

OmniSwitch PVST+ Interoperability

Native VLAN and OmniSwitch Default VLAN
Cisco uses the standard IEEE BPDU format for the native VLAN (VLAN 1) over an 802.1Q trunk. Thus,
by default the Common Spanning Tree (CST) instance of the native VLAN 1 for all Cisco switches and
the STP instance for the default VLAN of a port on an OmniSwitch interoperates and successfully creates
a loop-free topology.

802.1Q Tagged VLANs

For 802.1Q tagged VLANs, Cisco uses a proprietary frame format which differs from the standard IEEE
BPDU format used by Alcatel-Lucent per-VLAN mode, thus preventing Spanning Tree topologies for
tagged VLANs from interoperating over the 802.1Q trunk.
In order to interoperate with Cisco PVST+ mode, the current Alcatel-Lucent per-VLAN mode has an
option to recognize Cisco's proprietary PVST+ BPDUs. This allows any user port on an OmniSwitch to
send and receive PVST+ BPDUs, so that loop-free topologies for the tagged VLANs can be created
between OmniSwitch and Cisco switches.

Configuration Overview
The spantree pvst+compatibility command is used to enable or disable the PVST+ interoperability mode
globally for all switch ports and link aggregates or on a per-port/link aggregate basis. By default, PVST+
compatibility is disabled.
To globally enable or disable PVST+ interoperability, enter the following commands:
-> spantree pvst+compatibility enable
-> spantree pvst+compatibility disable

To enable or disable PVST+ interoperability for a specific port or link aggregate, use the spantree
pvst+compatibility command with the port or linkagg parameter. For example:
-> spantree pvst+compatibility port 1/3 enable
-> spantree pvst+compatibility port 2/24 disable
-> spantree pvst+compatibility linkagg 3 enable
-> spantree pvst+compatibility linkagg 10 disable

The following causes a port to exit from the enabled state:

• The link status of the port changes.

• The administrative status of the port changes.

• The PVST+ status of the port is disabled or set to auto.

To configure a port or link aggregate to automatically detect

The spantree pvst+compatibility command also provides an auto option to configure the port to handle
IEEE BPDUs initially (i.e., disable state). Once a PVST+ BPDU is received, it handles the PVST+
BPDUs and IEEE BPDUs for a Cisco native VLAN. For example:
-> spantree pvst+compatibility port 1/3 auto
-> spantree pvst+compatibility linkagg 3 auto

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-23
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Spanning Tree Operating Modes

The following show command displays the PVST+ status.

-> show spantree mode
Spanning Tree Global Parameters
Current Running Mode : per-vlan,
Current Protocol : N/A (Per VLAN),
Path Cost Mode : 32 BIT,
Auto Vlan Containment : N/A
Cisco PVST+ mode : Enabled
Vlan Consistency check: Disabled

BPDU Processing in PVST+ Mode

An OmniSwitch port operating in PVST+ mode processes BPDUs as follows:
If the default VLAN of a port is VLAN 1 then:
• Send and receive IEEE untagged BPDUs for VLAN 1

• Don't send and receive PVST+ tagged BPDUs for VLAN 1

• Send and receive tagged PVST+ BPDUs for other tagged VLANs.

If the default VLAN of a port is not VLAN 1 then:

• Send and receive IEEE untagged BPDUs for VLAN 1

• Don't send and receive PVST+ tagged BPDUs for VLAN 1

• Send and receive untagged PVST+ BPDUs for the port's default VLAN

• Send and receive tagged PVST+ BPDUs for other tagged VLANs

Recommendations and Requirements for PVST+ Configurations

• It is mandatory that all the Cisco switches have the MAC Reduction Mode feature enabled in order to
interoperate with an OmniSwitch in PVST+ mode. This avoids any unexpected election of a root
• You can assign the priority value only in the multiples of 4096 to be compatible with the Cisco MAC
Reduction mode; any other values result in an error message. Also, the existing per vlan priority values
are restored when changing from PVST+ mode back to per-VLAN mode. For more information on
priority, refer “Configuring the Bridge Priority” on page 6-28.
• In a mixed OmniSwitch and Cisco environment, it is highly recommended to enable PVST+ mode on
all OmniSwitches in order to maintain the same root bridge for the topology. It is possible that the new
root bridge might be elected as a result of inconsistencies of MAC reduction mode when connecting an
OmniSwitch that does not support Cisco PVST+ mode to an OmniSwitch with the PVST+ mode
enabled. In this case, the root bridge priority must be changed manually to maintain the same root
bridge. For more information on priority, refer “Configuring the Bridge Priority” on page 6-28.
• A Cisco switch running in PVST mode (another Cisco proprietary mode prior to 802.1q standard) is
not compatible with an OmniSwitch running in per-VLAN PVST+ mode.
• Both Cisco and OmniSwitch support two default path cost modes; long or short. It is recommended
that the same default path cost mode be configured in the same way on all switches so that the path
costs for similar interface types are consistent when connecting ports between OmniSwitch and Cisco
Switches. For more information on path cost mode, refer “Configuring the Path Cost Mode” on
page 6-31.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-24
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Spanning Tree Operating Modes

• Dynamic aggregate link (LACP) functions properly between OmniSwitch and Cisco switches. The
Cisco switches send the BPDUs only on one physical link of the aggregate, similar to the OmniSwitch
Primary port functionality. The path cost assigned to the aggregate link is not the same between
OmniSwitch and Cisco switches since vendor-specific formulas are used to derive the path cost.
Manual configuration is recommended to match the Cisco path cost assignment for an aggregate link.
For more information on the configuration of path cost for aggregate links, refer “Path Cost for Link
Aggregate Ports” on page 6-38.
The table below shows the default Spanning Tree values.

Parameters OmniSwitch Cisco

Mac Reduction Mode Enabled Disabled
Bridge Priority 32768 32768
Port Priority 128 32 (catOS) / 128 (IOS)
Port Path Cost IEEE Port Speed Table IEEE Port Speed Table
Aggregate Path Cost Proprietary Table Avg Path Cost / NumPorts
Default Path Cost Mode Short (16-bit) Short (16-bit)
Max Age 20 20
Hello Time 2 2
Forward Delay Time 15 15
Default Protocol RSTP (1w) Per Vlan PVST+ (1d) Per Switch

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-25
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Using Spanning Tree Configuration Commands

Using Spanning Tree Configuration Commands

The Alcatel-Lucent Spanning Tree implementation uses commands that contain one of the following
keywords to specify the type of Spanning Tree instance to modify:
• cist – command applies to the Common and Internal Spanning Tree instance. The CIST is the single
Spanning Tree flat mode instance that is available on all switches. When using STP or RSTP, the CIST
is also known as instance 1 or bridge 1.
• msti – command applies to the specified Multiple Spanning Tree Instance. When using MSTP
(802.1s), the CIST instance is also known as MSTI 0.
• vlan – command applies to the specified VLAN instance.

These commands (referred to as explicit commands) allow the configuration of a particular Spanning Tree
instance independent of which mode and/or protocol is currently active on the switch. The configuration,
however, does not go active until the switch is changed to the appropriate mode. For example, if the
switch is running in the per-VLAN mode, the following explicit command changes the MSTI 3 priority to
-> spantree msti 3 priority 12288

Even though the above command is accepted in the per-VLAN mode, the new priority value does not take
effect until the switch mode is changed to flat mode.

Note. When a snapshot is taken of the switch configuration, the explicit form of all Spanning Tree
commands is captured. For example, if the priority of MSTI 2 was changed from the default value to a
priority of 16384, then spantree msti 2 priority 16384 is the command captured to reflect this in the
snapshot file. In addition, explicit commands are captured for both flat and per-VLAN mode

Configuring STP Bridge Parameters

The Spanning Tree software is active on all switches by default and uses default bridge and port parameter
values to calculate a loop free topology. It is only necessary to configure these parameter values if it is
necessary to change how the topology is calculated and maintained.
Note the following when configuring Spanning Tree bridge parameters:
• When a switch is running in the per-VLAN Spanning Tree mode, each VLAN is in essence a virtual
bridge with its own Spanning Tree instance and configurable bridge parameters.
• When the switch is running in the flat mode and STP (802.1D) or RSTP (802.1w) is the active
protocol, bridge parameter values are only configured for the flat mode instance.
• If MSTP (802.1s) is the active protocol, then the priority value is configurable for each Multiple
Spanning Tree Instance (MSTI). All other parameters, however, are still only configured for the flat
mode instance and are applied across all MSTIs.
• Bridge parameter values for a VLAN instance are not active unless Spanning Tree is enabled on the
VLAN and at least one active port is assigned to the VLAN. Use the spantree vlan admin-state
command to enable or disable a VLAN Spanning Tree instance.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-26
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Configuring STP Bridge Parameters

• If Spanning Tree is disabled on a VLAN, active ports associated with that VLAN are excluded from
Spanning Tree calculations and remain in a forwarding state.
• Note that when a switch is running in the flat mode, disabling Spanning Tree on VLAN 1 disables the
instance for all VLANs and all active ports are then excluded from any Spanning Tree calculations and
remain in a forwarding state.
The following is a summary of Spanning Tree bridge configuration commands. For more information
about these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

Commands Used for ...

spantree protocol Configuring the protocol for the flat mode CIST instance or a per-
VLAN mode VLAN instance.
spantree priority Configuring the priority value for the flat mode CIST instance, a
Multiple Spanning Tree Instance (MSTI), or a per-VLAN mode
VLAN instance.
spantree hello-time Configuring the hello time value for the flat mode CIST instance or
a per-VLAN mode VLAN instance.
spantree max-age Configuring the maximum age time value for the flat mode CIST
instance or a per-VLAN mode VLAN instance.
spantree forward-delay Configuring the forward delay time value for the flat mode CIST
instance or a per-VLAN mode VLAN instance.
spantree bpdu-switching Configuring the BPDU switching status for a VLAN.
spantree path-cost-mode Configuring the automatic selection of a 16-bit path cost for STP/
RSTP ports and a 32-bit path cost for MSTP ports or sets all path
costs to use a 32-bit value.
spantree auto-vlan- Enables or disables Auto VLAN Containment (AVC) for 802.1s
containment instances.
spantree pvst+compatibility Enables or disables PVST+ mode on the switch.

The following sections provide information and procedures for using the bridge configuration commands
and also includes command examples.

Selecting the Spantree Protocol

The switch supports three Spanning Tree protocols: STP, RSTP (the default), MSTP. To configure the
Spanning Tree protocol for a VLAN instance regardless of which mode (per-VLAN or flat) is active for
the switch, use the spantree protocol command with the vlan parameter. For example, the following
command changes the protocol to RSTP for VLAN 455:
-> spantree vlan 455 protocol rstp

Note. When configuring the protocol value for a VLAN instance, MSTP is not an available option. This
protocol is only supported on the flat mode instance.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-27
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Configuring STP Bridge Parameters

To configure the protocol for the flat mode CIST instance, use either the spantree protocol command or
the spantree protocol command with the cist parameter. Note that both commands are available when the
switch is running in either mode (per-VLAN or flat). For example, the following commands configure the
protocol for the flat mode instance to MSTP:
-> spantree cist protocol mstp
-> spantree protocol mstp

Configuring the Bridge Priority

A bridge is identified within the Spanning Tree by its bridge ID (an eight byte hex number). The first two
bytes of the bridge ID contain a priority value and the remaining six bytes contain a bridge MAC address.
The bridge priority is used to determine which bridge serves as the root of the Spanning Tree. The lower
the priority value, the higher the priority. If more than one bridge have the same priority, then the bridge
with the lowest MAC address becomes the root.

Note. Configuring a Spanning Tree bridge instance with a priority value that causes the instance to become
the root is recommended, instead of relying on the comparison of switch base MAC addresses to determine
the root.

If the switch is running in the per-VLAN Spanning Tree mode, then a priority value is assigned to each
VLAN instance. If the switch is running in the flat Spanning Tree mode, the priority is assigned to the flat
mode instance or a Multiple Spanning Tree Instance (MSTI). In both cases, the default priority value is
assigned. Note that priority value for an MSTI must be a multiple of 4096.
To change the bridge priority value for a VLAN instance regardless of which mode (per-VLAN or flat) is
active for the switch, use the spantree priority command with the vlan parameter. For example, the
following command changes the priority for VLAN 455 to 25590:
-> spantree vlan 455 priority 25590

Note. If PVST+ mode is enabled on the switch, then the priority values can be assigned only in the
multiples of 4096 to be compatible with the Cisco MAC Reduction mode; any other values result in an
error message.

To change the bridge priority value for the flat mode CIST instance, use either the spantree priority
command or the spantree priority command with the cist parameter. Note that both commands are
available when the switch is running in either mode (per-VLAN or flat). For example, the following
commands change the bridge priority value for the flat mode instance to 12288:
-> spantree cist priority 12288
-> spantree priority 12288

The bridge priority value is also configurable for a Multiple Spanning Tree Instance (MSTI). To configure
this value for an MSTI, use the spantree priority command with the msti parameter and specify a priority
value that is a multiple of 4096. For example, the following command configures the priority value for
MSTI 10 to 61440:
-> spantree msti 10 priority 61440

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-28
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Configuring STP Bridge Parameters

Configuring the Bridge Hello Time

The bridge hello time interval is the number of seconds a bridge waits between transmissions of
Configuration BPDU. When a bridge is attempting to become the root or if it has become the root or a
designated bridge, it sends Configuration BPDU out all forwarding ports once every hello time value.
The hello time propagated in a root bridge Configuration BPDU is the value used by all other bridges in
the tree for their own hello time. Therefore, if this value is changed for the root bridge, all other bridges
associated with the same STP instance adopt this value as well.

Note. Lowering the hello time interval improves the robustness of the Spanning Tree algorithm. Increasing
the hello time interval lowers the overhead of Spanning Tree processing.

If the switch is running in the per-VLAN Spanning Tree mode, then a hello time value is defined for each
VLAN instance. If the switch is running in the flat Spanning Tree mode, then a hello time value is defined
for the single flat mode instance. In both cases, the default hello time value is used.
To change the bridge hello time value for a VLAN instance regardless of which mode (per-VLAN or flat)
is active for the switch, use the spantree hello-time command with the vlan parameter. For example, the
following command changes the hello time for VLAN 455 to 5 seconds:
-> spantree vlan 455 hello-time 5

To change the bridge hello time value for the flat mode CIST instance, use either the spantree hello-time
command or the spantree hello-time command with the cist parameter. Note that both commands are
available when the switch is running in either mode (per-VLAN or flat). For example, the following
commands change the hello time value for the flat mode instance to 10:
-> spantree hello-time 10
-> spantree cist hello-time 10

Note that the bridge hello time is not configurable for Multiple Spanning Tree Instances (MSTI). These
instances inherit the hello time from the flat mode instance (CIST).

Configuring the Bridge Max-Age Time

The bridge max-age time specifies how long, in seconds, the bridge retains Spanning Tree information it
receives from Configuration BPDU. When a bridge receives a BPDU, it updates its configuration
information and the max age timer is reset. If the max age timer expires before the next BPDU is received,
the bridge attempts to become the root, designated bridge, or change its root port.
The max-age time propagated in a root bridge Configuration BPDU is the value used by all other bridges
in the tree for their own max-age time. Therefore, if this value is changed for the root bridge, all other
VLANs associated with the same instance adopt this value as well.
If the switch is running in the per-VLAN Spanning Tree mode, then a max-age time value is defined for
each VLAN instance. If the switch is running in the flat Spanning Tree mode, then the max-age value is
defined for the flat mode instance. In both cases, the default max-age time is used.

Note. Configuring a low max-age time can cause Spanning Tree to reconfigure the topology more often.

To change the bridge max-age time value for a VLAN instance regardless of which mode (per-VLAN or
flat) is active for the switch, use the spantree max-age command with the vlan parameter. For example,
the following command changes the max-age time for VLAN 455 to 10 seconds:
-> spantree vlan 455 max-age 10

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-29
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Configuring STP Bridge Parameters

To change the max-age time value for the flat mode CIST instance, use either the spantree max-age
command or the spantree max-age command with the cist parameter. Note that both commands are
available when the switch is running in either mode (per-VLAN or flat). For example, the following
commands change the max-age time value for the flat mode instance to 10:
-> spantree max-age 10
-> spantree cist max-age 10

Note. The max-age time is not configurable for Multiple Spanning Tree Instances (MSTI). These instances
inherit the max-age time from the flat mode instance (CIST).

Configuring the Forward Delay Time for the Switch

The bridge forward delay time specifies how long, in seconds, a port remains in the learning state while it
is transitioning to a forwarding state. In addition, when a topology change occurs, the forward delay time
value is used to age out all dynamically learned addresses in the MAC address forwarding table. For more
information about the MAC address table, see Chapter 3, “Managing Source Learning.”
The forward delay time propagated in a root bridge Configuration BPDU is the value used by all other
bridges in the tree for their own forward delay time. Therefore, if this value is changed for the root bridge,
all other bridges associated with the same instance adopt this value as well.
If the switch is running in the per-VLAN Spanning Tree mode, then a forward delay time value is defined
for each VLAN instance. If the switch is running in the flat Spanning Tree mode, then the forward delay
time value is defined for the flat mode instance. In both cases, the default forward delay time is used.

Note. Specifying a low forward delay time can cause temporary network loops, because packets can get
forwarded before Spanning Tree configuration or change notices have reached all nodes in the network.

To change the bridge forward delay time value for a VLAN instance regardless of which mode (per-
VLAN or flat) is active for the switch, use the spantree forward-delay command with the vlan
parameter. For example, the following command changes the forward delay time for VLAN 455 to 10
-> spantree vlan 455 forward-delay 10

To change the forward-delay time value for the flat mode CIST instance, use either the spantree forward-
delay command or the spantree forward-delay command with the cist parameter. Note that both
commands are available when the switch is running in either mode (per-VLAN or flat). For example, the
following commands change the forward-delay time value for the flat mode instance to 10:
-> spantree forward-delay 10
-> spantree cist forward-delay 10

Note. The forward delay time is not configurable for Multiple Spanning Tree Instances (MSTI). These
instances inherit the forward delay time from the flat mode instance (CIST).

Enabling/Disabling the VLAN BPDU Switching Status

BPDU are not switched on ports associated with VLANs that have Spanning Tree disabled. This can result
in a network loop if the VLAN has redundant paths to one or more other switches. Allowing VLANs that
have Spanning Tree disabled to forward BPDU to all ports in the VLAN, can help to avoid this problem.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-30
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Configuring STP Bridge Parameters

To enable or disable the switching of Spanning Tree BPDU for all VLAN and CIST instances when the
switch is running in the per-VLAN mode, use the spantree bpdu-switching command:
-> spantree bpdu-switching enable
-> spantree bpdu-switching disable

To enable or disable the switching of Spanning Tree BPDU for only the CIST instance when the switch is
running in the flat mode, use the spantree bpdu-switching command:
-> spantree cist bpdu-switching enable
-> spantree cist bpdu-switching disable

To enable or disable BPDU switching on a VLAN, use the vlan parameter along with spantree bpdu-
switching command.For example, the following commands enable BPDU switching on VLAN 10 and
disable it on VLAN 20:
-> spantree vlan 10 bpdu-switching enable
-> spantree vlan 20 bpdu-switching disable

Note. Disabling BPDU switching on a Spanning Tree disabled VLAN must not cause network loops to go

Configuring the Path Cost Mode

The path cost mode controls whether the switch uses a 16-bit port path cost (PPC) or a 32-bit PPC. When
a 32-bit PPC switch connects to a 16-bit PPC switch, the 32-bit switch has a higher PPC value that
advertises an inferior path cost to the 16-bit switch. In this case, it is desirable to set the 32-bit switch to
use STP or RSTP with a 16-bit PPC value.
The path cost mode is automatically set to use a 16-bit value for all ports that are associated with an STP
instance or an RSTP instance and a 32-bit value for all ports associated with an MSTP value. It is also
possible to set the path cost mode to always use a 32-bit regardless of which protocol is active.
To change the path cost mode, use the spantree path-cost-mode command and specify either auto (uses
PPC value based on protocol) or 32bit (always use a 32-bit PPC value). For example, the following
command changes the default path cost mode from auto to 32-bit:
-> spantree path-cost-mode 32bit

Note. Cisco supports two default path cost modes: long or short just like in OmniSwitch per-VLAN
implementation. If you have configured PVST+ mode in the OmniSwitch, it is recommended that the same
default path cost mode must be configured in the same way in all the switches, so that, the path costs for
similar interface types are consistent when connecting ports between OmniSwitch and Cisco switches.

Using Automatic VLAN Containment

In a Multiple Spanning Tree (MST) configuration, it is possible for a port that belongs to a VLAN that is
not a member of an instance to become the root port for that instance. This can cause a topology change
that could lead to a loss of connectivity between VLANs/switches. Enabling Automatic VLAN
Containment (AVC) helps to prevent this from happening by making such a port an undesirable choice for
the root.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-31
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Configuring STP Bridge Parameters

When AVC is enabled, it identifies undesirable ports and automatically configures them with an infinite
path cost value. For example, in the following diagram a link exists between VLAN 2 on two different
switches. The ports that provide this link belong to default VLAN 1 but are tagged with VLAN 2. In
addition, VLAN 2 is mapped to MSTI 1 on both switches.

4/2 5/1
802.1q tag

In the above diagram, port 4/2 is the Root port and port 5/1 is a Designated port for MSTI 1. AVC is not
enabled. If another link with the same speed and lower port numbers is added to default VLAN 1 on both
switches, the new link becomes the root for MSTI 1 and the tagged link between VLAN 2 is blocked, as
shown below:

3/1 2/1
4/2 802.1q tag 5/1

If AVC was enabled in the above example, AVC would have assigned the new link an infinite path cost
value that would make this link undesirable as the root for MSTI 1.
Balancing VLANs across links according to their Multiple Spanning Tree Instance (MSTI) grouping is
highly recommended to ensure that there is not a loss of connectivity during any possible topology
changes. Enabling AVC on the switch is another way to prevent undesirable ports from becoming the root
for an MSTI.
To change the default status of the AVC on the switch and to globally enable this feature for all MSTIs,
use the spantree auto-vlan-containment command. Once AVC is globally enabled, then it is possible to
disable AVC for individual MSTIs using the same command. For example, the following commands
globally enable AVC and then disable it for MSTI 10:
-> spantree auto-vlan-containment enable
-> spantree msti 10 auto-vlan-containment disable

Note. An administratively set port path cost takes precedence and prevents AVC configuration of the path
cost. The exception to this is if the port path cost is administratively set to zero, which resets the path cost to
the default value. In addition, AVC does not have any effect on root bridges.

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Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Configuring STP Port Parameters

Configuring STP Port Parameters

The following sections provide information and procedures for using CLI commands to configure STP
port parameters. These parameters determine the behavior of a port for a specific Spanning Tree instance.
When a switch is running in the per-VLAN STP mode, each VLAN is in essence a virtual STP bridge with
its own STP instance and configurable parameters. To change STP port parameters while running in this
mode, a VLAN ID is specified to identify the VLAN STP instance associated with the specified port.
When a switch is running in the flat Spanning Tree mode, VLAN 1 is specified for the VLAN ID.
Only bridged ports participate in the Spanning Tree Algorithm. A port is considered bridged if it meets all
the following criteria:
• Port is either a fixed (non-mobile) port, an 802.1Q tagged port, or a link aggregate logical port.

• Spanning tree is enabled on the port.

• Port is assigned to a VLAN that has Spanning Tree enabled.

• Port state (forwarding or blocking) is dynamically determined by the Spanning Tree Algorithm, not
manually set.
The following is a summary of Spanning Tree port configuration commands. For more information about
these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

Commands Used for ...

spantree cist Configuring the port Spanning Tree status for the single flat mode
spantree vlan Configuring the port Spanning Tree status for a VLAN instance.
spantree priority Configuring the priority value for the flat mode CIST instance, a
Multiple Spanning Tree Instance (MSTI), or a per-VLAN mode
VLAN instance.
spantree loop-guard Enables or disables the STP loop-guard on a port or link aggregate.
spantree cist path-cost Configuring the port path cost value for the single flat mode
spantree msti path-cost Configuring the port path cost value for a Multiple Spanning Tree
Instance (MSTI).
spantree vlan path-cost Configuring the port path cost value for a VLAN instance.
spantree cist mode Configuring the port Spanning Tree mode (dynamic or manual) for
the single flat mode instance.
spantree loop-guard Configuring the port Spanning Tree mode (dynamic or manual) for
a VLAN instance.
spantree cist connection Configuring the port connection type for the single flat mode
spantree vlan connection Configuring the port connection type for a VLAN instance.
spantree cist admin-edge Configures the connection type for a port or an aggregate of ports
for the flat mode Common and Internal Spanning Tree (CIST).
spantree vlan admin-edge Configures the connection type for a port or an aggregate of ports
for a per-VLAN mode VLAN instance.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-33
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Configuring STP Port Parameters

Commands Used for ...

spantree cist auto-edge Configures a port or an aggregate of ports for the flat mode
Common and Internal Spanning Tree (CIST) as an edge port,
spantree vlan auto-edge Configures a port or an aggregate of ports for the per-VLAN mode
VLAN instance as an edge port, automatically.
spantree cist restricted-role Configures the restricted role status for a port or an aggregate of
ports for the flat mode Common and Internal Spanning Tree
(CIST) as a restricted role port.
spantree vlan restricted-role Configures a port or an aggregate of ports for the per-VLAN mode
VLAN instance as a restricted role port.
spantree cist restricted-tcn Configures a port or an aggregate of ports for the flat mode
Common and Internal Spanning Tree (CIST) to support the
restricted TCN capability.
spantree vlan restricted-tcn Configures a port or an aggregate of ports for the per-VLAN mode
VLAN instance to support the restricted TCN capability.
spantree cist txholdcount Limits the transmission of BPDU through a given port for the flat
mode Common and Internal Spanning Tree (CIST).
spantree vlan txholdcount Limits the transmission of BPDU through a given port for the per-
VLAN mode VLAN instance.
spantree pvst+compatibility Configures the type of BPDU to be used on a port when PVST+
mode is enabled.

The following sections provide information and procedures for using Spanning Tree port configuration
commands and also includes command examples.

Enabling/Disabling Spanning Tree on a Port

Spanning Tree is automatically enabled on all eligible ports. When Spanning Tree is disabled on a port,
the port is put in a forwarding state for the specified instance. For example, if a port is associated with
both VLAN 10 and VLAN 20 and Spanning Tree is disabled on the port for VLAN 20, the port state is set
to forwarding for VLAN 20. However, the VLAN 10 instance still controls the port state as it relates to
VLAN 10. This example assumes the switch is running in the per-VLAN Spanning Tree mode.
If the switch is running in the flat Spanning Tree mode, then disabling the port Spanning Tree status
applies across all VLANs associated with the port. The flat mode instance is specified as the instance
associated with the port, even if the port is associated with multiple VLANs.
To change the port Spanning Tree status for a VLAN instance regardless of which mode (per-VLAN or
flat) is active for the switch, use the spantree vlan command. For example, the following commands
enable Spanning Tree on port 8/1 for VLAN 10 and disable STP on port 6/2 for VLAN 20:
-> spantree vlan 10 port 8/1 enable
-> spantree vlan 20 port 6/2 disable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-34
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Configuring STP Port Parameters

To change the port Spanning Tree status for the flat mode instance, use the spantree cist command. Note
that this command is available when the switch is running in either mode (per-VLAN or flat). For
example, the following command disables the Spanning Tree status on port 1/24 for the flat mode
-> spantree cist port 1/24 disable

Spanning Tree on Link Aggregate Ports

Physical ports that belong to a link aggregate do not participate in the Spanning Tree Algorithm. Instead,
the algorithm is applied to the aggregate logical link (virtual port) that represents a collection of physical
To enable or disable the Spanning Tree status for a link aggregate, use the spantree vlan or spantree cist
commands described above but specify a link aggregate control (ID) number instead of a slot and port. For
example, the following command disables Spanning Tree for the link aggregate 10 association with
VLAN 755:
-> spantree vlan 755 linkagg 10 disable

For more information about configuring an aggregate of ports, see Chapter 8, “Configuring Static Link
Aggregation,” and Chapter 9, “Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation.”

Enabling/Disabling Loop-guard
By default, loop-guard is disabled on ports associated with VLANs that have Spanning Tree enabled. This
feature, when enabled prevents inconsistencies that cause network loops.
Use the spantree loop-guard command to enable or disable loop-guard on a port or link aggregate. For
example, the following commands enable and disable loop-guard on port 1/2 of chassis 1:

-> spantree port 1/1/2 loop-guard enable

-> spantree port 1/1/2 loop-guard disable

To enable or disable loop-guard on a link aggregate:

-> spantree linkagg 1 loop-guard enable

-> spantree linkagg 1 loop-guard disable

Note. Use the show spantree and related commands to view the loop-guard related information for per-
port, per-VLAN, CIST or MSTI instances.

Configuring Port Priority

A bridge port is identified within the Spanning Tree by its Port ID (a 16-bit or 32-bit hex number). The
first 4 bits of the Port ID contain a priority value and the remaining 12 bits contain the physical switch port
number. The port priority is used to determine which port offers the best path to the root when multiple
paths have the same path cost. The port with the highest priority (lowest numerical priority value) is
selected and the others are put into a blocking state. If the priority values are the same for all ports in the
path, then the port with the lowest physical switch port number is selected.
Spanning Tree is automatically enabled on a port and the default port priority value is set. If the switch is
running in the per-VLAN Spanning Tree mode, then the port priority applies to the specified VLAN

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-35
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Configuring STP Port Parameters

instance associated with the port. If the switch is running in the flat Spanning Tree mode, then the port
priority applies across all VLANs associated with the port. The flat mode instance is specified as the port
instance, even if the port is associated with multiple VLANs.
To change the port priority value for a VLAN regardless of which mode (per-VLAN or flat) is active for
the switch, use the spantree priority command with the vlan and port parameters. For example, the
following command sets the priority value as 3 for the port 10/1 association with VLAN ID 10:
-> spantree vlan 10 port 10/1 priority 3

To change the port priority value for the flat mode instance, use the spantree priority command with the
cist and port parameters. Note that this command is available when the switch is running in either per-
VLAN or flat mode. An instance number is not required. For example, the following command changes
the priority value for port 1/24 for the flat mode instance to 15:
-> spantree cist port 1/24 priority 15

The port priority value is also configurable for a Multiple Spanning Tree Instance (MSTI). To configure
this value for an MSTI, use the spantree priority command with the msti and port parameters. For
example, the following command configures the priority value for port 1/12 for MSTI 10 to 5:
-> spantree msti 10 port 1/12 priority 5

Note that configuring the port priority value for a MSTI is allowed in both modes (per-VLAN and flat)
only when the Spanning Tree protocol is set to MSTP.

Port Priority on Link Aggregate Ports

Physical ports that belong to a link aggregate do not participate in the Spanning Tree Algorithm. Instead,
the algorithm is applied to the aggregate logical link (virtual port) that represents a collection of physical
To change the priority for a link aggregate, use the spantree priority command with the cist, msti, or
vlan parameters, as described above but specify a link aggregate control number instead of a slot and port
number. For example, the following command sets the priority for the link aggregate 10 association with
VLAN 755 to 9:
-> spantree vlan 755 linkagg 10 priority 9

For more information about configuring an aggregate of ports, see Chapter 8, “Configuring Static Link
Aggregation,” and Chapter 9, “Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation.”

Configuring Port Path Cost

The path cost value specifies the contribution of a port to the path cost towards the root bridge that
includes the port. The root path cost is the sum of all path costs along this same path and is the value
advertised in Configuration BPDU transmitted from active Spanning Tree ports. The lower the cost value,
the closer the switch is to the root.
The type of path cost value used depends on which path cost mode is active (automatic or 32-bit). If the
path cost mode is set to automatic, a 16-bit value is used when STP or RSTP is the active protocol and a
32-bit value is used when MSTP is the active protocol. If the mode is set to 32-bit, then a 32-bit path cost
value is used regardless of which protocol is active. See “Configuring the Path Cost Mode” on page 6-31
for more information.

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Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Configuring STP Port Parameters

If a 32-bit path cost value is in use and the path_cost is set to zero, the following IEEE 802.1Q 2005
recommended default path cost values based on link speed are used:

IEEE 802.1D
Link Speed
Recommended Value
10 MB 2,000,000
100 MB 200,000
1 GB 20,000
10 Gbps 2,000

Is a 16-bit path cost value is in use and the path_cost is set to zero, the following IEEE 802.1D
recommended default path cost values based on link speed are used:

IEEE 802.1D
Link Speed
Recommended Value
4 Mbps 250
10 Mbps 100
16 Mbps 62
100 Mbps 19
1 Gbps 4
10 Gbps 2

Spanning Tree is automatically enabled on a port and the path cost is set to the default value. If the switch
is running in the per-VLAN Spanning Tree mode, then the port path cost applies to the specified VLAN
instance associated with the port. If the switch is running in the flat Spanning Tree mode, then the port
path cost applies across all VLANs associated with the port. The flat mode instance is specified as the port
instance, even if the port is associated with other VLANs.
The spantree vlan path-cost command configures the port path cost value for a VLAN instance when the
switch is running in either mode (per-VLAN or flat). For example, the following command configures a
16-bit path cost value for port 8/1 for VLAN 10 to 19 (the port speed is 100 MB, 19 is the recommended
-> spantree vlan 10 port 8/1 path-cost 19

To change the port path cost value for the flat mode instance regardless of which mode (per-VLAN or flat)
is active for the switch, use the spantree cist path-cost command. For example, the following command
configures a 32-bit path cost value for port 1/24 for the flat mode instance to 20,000 (the port speed is 1
GB, 20,000 is the recommended value):
-> spantree cist port 1/24 path-cost 20000

The port path cost value is also configurable for a Multiple Spanning Tree Instance (MSTI). To configure
this value for an MSTI, use the spantree msti path-cost command and specify the MSTI ID for the
instance number. For example, the following command configures the path cost value for port 1/12 for
MSTI 10 to 19:
-> spantree msti 10 port 1/12 path-cost 19

Note that configuring the port path cost value for a MSTI is allowed in both modes (per-VLAN and flat)
only when the Spanning Tree protocol is set to MSTP.

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Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Configuring STP Port Parameters

Path Cost for Link Aggregate Ports

Physical ports that belong to a link aggregate do not participate in the Spanning Tree Algorithm. Instead,
the algorithm is applied to the aggregate logical link (virtual port) that represents a collection of physical
ports. Spanning Tree is automatically enabled on the aggregate logical link and the path cost value is set to
the default value.
If a 32-bit path cost value is in use and the path_cost for a link aggregate is set to zero, the following
default values based on link speed and link aggregate size are used:

Aggregate Size Default Path

Link Speed
(number of links) Cost Value
10 MB 2 1,200,000
4 800,000
8 600,000
100 MB 2 120,000
4 80,000
8 60,000
1 GB 2 12,000
4 8,000
8 6,000
10 GB 2 1,200
4 800
8 600

If a 16-bit path cost value is in use and the path_cost for a link aggregate is set to zero, the following
default values based on link speed and link aggregate size are used. Note that for Gigabit ports the
aggregate size is not applicable in this case:

Aggregate Size Default Path

Link Speed
(number of links) Cost Value
10 MB 2 60
4 40
8 30
100 MB 2 12
4 9
8 7
1 GB N/A 3
10 GB N/A 1

To change the path cost value for a link aggregate, use the spantree cist path cost, spantree msti path
cost, or spantree vlan path cost command with the linkagg parameter and a link aggregate control (ID)
number. For example, the following command sets the path cost for link aggregate 10 associated with
VLAN 755 to 19:

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-38
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Configuring STP Port Parameters

-> spantree vlan 755 linkagg 10 path-cost 19

For more information about configuring an aggregate of ports, see Chapter 8, “Configuring Static Link
Aggregation,” and Chapter 9, “Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation.”

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-39
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Configuring STP Port Parameters

Configuring Port Mode

There are two port modes supported: manual and dynamic. Manual mode indicates that the port was set by
the user to a forwarding or blocking state. The port operates in the state selected until the state is manually
changed again or the port mode is changed to dynamic. Ports operating in a manual mode state do not
participate in the Spanning Tree Algorithm. Dynamic mode indicates that the active Spanning Tree
Algorithm determines port state.
Spanning Tree is automatically enabled on the port and the port operates in the default mode. If the switch
is running in the per-VLAN Spanning Tree mode, then the port mode applies to the specified VLAN
instance associated with the port. If the switch is running in the flat Spanning Tree mode, then the port
mode applies across all VLANs associated with the port. The flat mode instance is specified as the port
instance, even if the port is associated with other VLANs.
To change the port Spanning Tree mode for a VLAN instance regardless of which mode (per-VLAN or
flat) is active for the switch, use the spantree loop-guard command. For example, the following
command sets the mode for port 8/1 for VLAN 10 to forwarding.
-> spantree vlan 10 port 8/1 mode forwarding

To change the port Spanning Tree mode for the flat mode instance, use the spantree cist mode command.
Note that the command is available when the switch is running in either mode (per-VLAN or flat) and an
instance number is not required. For example, the following command configures the Spanning Tree mode
on port 1/24 for the flat mode instance:
-> spantree cist port 1/24 mode blocking

Mode for Link Aggregate Ports

Physical ports that belong to a link aggregate do not participate in the Spanning Tree Algorithm. Instead,
the algorithm is applied to the aggregate logical link (virtual port) that represents a collection of physical
To change the port mode for a link aggregate, use the spantree vlan mode or the spantree cist mode
command described above, but specify a link aggregate control (ID) number instead of a slot and port. For
example, the following command sets the port mode for link aggregate 10 associated with VLAN 755 to
-> spantree vlan 755 linkagg 10 mode blocking

For more information about configuring an aggregate of ports, see Chapter 8, “Configuring Static Link
Aggregation,” and Chapter 9, “Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation.”

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-40
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Configuring STP Port Parameters

Configuring Port Connection Type

Specifying a port connection type is done when using the Rapid Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol
(RSTP), as defined in the IEEE 802.1w standard. RSTP transitions a port from a blocking state directly to
forwarding, bypassing the listening and learning states, to provide a rapid reconfiguration of the Spanning
Tree in the event of a path or root bridge failure. Rapid transition of a port state depends on the
configurable connection type of the port. These types are defined as follows:
• Point-to-point LAN segment (port connects directly to another switch).

• No point-to-point shared media LAN segment (port connects to multiple switches).

• Edge port (port is at the edge of a bridged LAN, does not receive BPDU and has only one MAC
address learned). Edge ports, however, will operationally revert to a point to point or a no point to
point connection type if a BPDU is received on the port.
A port is considered connected to a point-to-point LAN segment if the port belongs to a link aggregate of
ports, or if auto negotiation determines if the port must run in full duplex mode, or if full duplex mode was
administratively set. Otherwise, that port is considered connected to a no point-to-point LAN segment.
Rapid transition of a designated port to forwarding can only occur if the port connection type is defined as
a point to point or an edge port. Defining a port connection type as a point to point or as an edge port
makes the port eligible for rapid transition, regardless of what actually connects to the port. However, an
alternate port is always allowed to transition to the role of root port regardless of the alternate port
connection type.

Note. Configure ports that will connect to a host (PC, workstation, server, etc.) as edge ports so that these
ports will transition directly to a forwarding state and not trigger an unwanted topology change when a
device is connected to the port. If a port is configured as a point to point or no point to point connection
type, the switch will assume a topology change when this port goes active and will flush and relearn all
learned MAC addresses for the port’s assigned VLAN.

If the switch is running in the per-VLAN Spanning Tree mode, then the connection type applies to the
specified VLAN instance associated with the port. If the switch is running in the flat Spanning Tree mode,
then the connection type applies across all VLANs associated with the port. The flat mode instance is
referenced as the port instance, even if the port is associated with other VLANs.
By default, Spanning Tree is automatically enabled on the port, the connection type is set to auto point-to-
point, and auto edge port detection is enabled. The auto point-to-point setting determines the connection
type based on the operational status of the port. The auto edge port setting determines the operational edge
port status for the port.
The spantree vlan connection and spantree cist connection commands are used to configure the port
connection type for a VLAN instance or the CIST instance. See “Configuring the Edge Port Status” on
page 6-42 for information about configuring the auto edge port status for a port.
To change the port connection type for a VLAN instance regardless of which mode (per-VLAN or flat) is
active for the switch, use the spantree vlan connection command. For example, the following command
defines the connection type for port 8/1 associated with VLAN 10.
-> spantree vlan 10 port 8/1 connection autoptp

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-41
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Configuring STP Port Parameters

To change the port Spanning Tree mode for the flat mode instance regardless of which mode (per-VLAN
or flat) is active for the switch, use the spantree cist connection command. For example, the following
command configures the connection type for port 1/24 for the flat mode instance:
-> spantree cist port 1/24 connection ptp

Note. The spantree vlan connection and spantree cist connection commands only configure one port at a

Connection Type on Link Aggregate Ports

Physical ports that belong to a link aggregate do not participate in the Spanning Tree Algorithm. Instead,
the algorithm is applied to the aggregate logical link (virtual port) that represents a collection of physical
ports. To change the port connection type for a link aggregate, use the spantree vlan connection or the
spantree cist connection command described above, but specify a link aggregate control (ID) number
instead of a slot and port. For example, the following command defines the connection type for the link
aggregate 10 association with VLAN 755:
-> spantree vlan 755 linkagg 10 connection autoptp

For more information about configuring an aggregate of ports, see Chapter 8, “Configuring Static Link
Aggregation,” and Chapter 9, “Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation.”

Configuring the Edge Port Status

There are two methods for determining the edge port status for a port or link aggregate:
• Configuring the automatic edge (auto edge) port status. The status (enabled or disabled) of this
Spanning Tree port parameter specifies whether or not the Spanning Tree automatically determines the
operational edge port status for a port. This method is enabled by default.
• Configuring the administrative edge (admin edge) port status. The status (enabled or disabled) of this
Spanning Tree port parameter is used to determine the edge port status when the auto edge port status
is disabled. This method is disabled by default.
To configure the edge port status for the flat mode instance regardless of which mode (per-VLAN or flat)
is active for the switch, use the spantree cist auto-edge command or the spantree cist admin-edge
command. For example:
-> spantree cist port 8/23 auto-edge enable
-> spantree cist port 8/23 admin-edge disable

To configure the edge port status for a VLAN instance regardless of which mode (per-VLAN or flat) is
active for the switch, use the spantree vlan auto-edge command or the spantree vlan admin-edge
command. For example:
-> spantree vlan 10 port 8/23 auto-edge enable
-> spantree vlan 10 port 8/23 admin-edge disable

Note. If auto-edge is enabled on a port, then the admin-edge value is overridden.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-42
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Configuring STP Port Parameters

Restricting Port Roles (Root Guard)

All ports are automatically eligible for root port selection. A port in a CIST/MSTI instance or per-VLAN
instance can be prevented from becoming the root port by restricting the role of the port (also referred to
as enabling root guard). This is done using the spantree cist restricted-role command or the spantree
vlan restricted-role command regardless of which mode (per-VLAN or flat) is active for the switch. For
-> spantree cist port 1/2 restricted-role enable
-> spantree cist linkagg 10 restricted-role enable
-> spantree vlan 100 port 8/1 restricted-role enable
-> spantree vlan 20 linkagg 1 restricted-role enable

Note that the above commands also provide optional syntax; restricted-role or root-guard. For example,
the following two commands perform the same function:
-> spantree vlan port 2/1 restricted-role enable
-> spantree vlan port 2/1 root-guard enable

When root guard is enabled for a port, it cannot become the root port, even if it is the most likely
candidate for becoming the root port. However, this same port is designated as the alternate port when the
root port is selected.
Enabling the restricted role status is used by network administrators to prevent bridges external to the core
region of the network from influencing the Spanning Tree topology. However, note that enabling the
restricted role status for a port may impact connectivity within the network.

Restricting TCN Propagation

All ports automatically propagate Topology Change Notifications (TCN) or Topology Changes (TC) to
other ports. To restrict a port from propagating topology changes and notifications, use the spantree cist
restricted-tcn command or the spantree vlan restricted-tcn command regardless of which mode (per-
VLAN or flat) is active for the switch. For example:
-> spantree cist port 2/2 restricted-tcn enable
-> spantree cist linkagg 5 restricted-tcn enable
-> spantree vlan 10 port 1/5 restricted-tcn enable
-> spantree vlan 20 linkagg 1 restricted-tcn enable

Enabling the restricted TCN status is used by network administrators to prevent bridges external to the
core region of the network from causing unnecessary MAC address flushing in that region. However, note
that enabling the restricted TCN status for a port may impact Spanning Tree connectivity.

Limiting BPDU Transmission

The number of BPDUs to be transmitted per port per second can be limited using the spantree cist
txholdcount command for a CIST instance or the spantree vlan txholdcount command for a per-VLAN
instance. Both of these commands apply to all ports and link aggregates and are supported when the
switch is running in either the per-VLAN mode or the flat mode. For example:
-> spantree cist txholdcount 5
-> spantree vlan 10 txholdcount 5

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-43
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Sample Spanning Tree Configuration

Sample Spanning Tree Configuration

This section provides an example network configuration in which the Spanning Tree Algorithm and
Protocol has calculated a loop-free topology. In addition, a tutorial is also included that provides steps on
how to configure the example network topology using the Command Line Interface (CLI).
Note that the following example network configuration illustrates using switches operating in the per-
VLAN Spanning Tree mode and using RSTP (802.1w) to calculate a single data path between VLANs.
See “MST General Overview” on page 6-12 for an overview and examples of using MSTP (802.1s).

Example Network Overview

The following diagram shows a four-switch network configuration with an active Spanning Tree topology,
which was calculated based on both configured and default Spanning Tree parameter values:

Switch D Switch C
(Root Bridge)
VLAN 255 Bridge ID 2/3 PC=4 3/8 VLAN 255 Bridge ID
10, 00:d0:95:00:00:01 32768, 00:d0:95:00:00:04

2/2 PC=19 3/9



PC=4 PC=19

2/8 PC=4 3/3
VLAN 255 Bridge ID VLAN 255 Bridge ID
32768, 00:d0:95:00:00:02 32768, 00:d0:95:00:00:03
2/9 PC=4 3/1
Switch A
(Designated Bridge)
Switch B
Forwarding Root Port
Blocking Designated Port
Path Cost PC

Example Active Spanning Tree Topology

In the above example topology:

• Each switch is operating in the per-VLAN Spanning Tree mode by default.

• Each switch configuration has a VLAN 255 defined. The Spanning Tree administrative status for this
VLAN was enabled by default when the VLAN was created.
• VLAN 255 on each switch is configured to use the 802.1w (rapid reconfiguration) Spanning Tree
Algorithm and Protocol.
• Ports 2/1-3, 2/8-10, 3/1-3, and 3/8-10 provide connections to other switches and are all assigned to
VLAN 255 on their respective switches. The Spanning Tree administrative status for each port is
enabled by default.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-44
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Sample Spanning Tree Configuration

• The path cost for each port connection defaults to a value based on the link speed. For example, the
connection between Switch B and Switch C is a 100 Mbps link, which defaults to a path cost of 19.
• VLAN 255 on Switch D is configured with a Bridge ID priority value of 10, which is less than the
same value for VLAN 255 configured on the other switches. As a result, VLAN 255 was elected the
Spanning Tree root bridge for the VLAN 255 broadcast domain.
• A root port is identified for VLAN 255 on each switch, except the root VLAN 255 switch. The root
port identifies the port that provides the best path to the root VLAN.
• VLAN 255 on Switch A was elected the designated bridge because it offers the best path cost for
Switch B to the root VLAN 255 on Switch D.
• Port 2/9 on Switch A is the designated port for the Switch A to Switch B connection because Switch A
is the designated bridge for Switch B.
• Redundant connections exist between Switch D and Switch C. Ports 2/2 and 3/9 are in a discarding
(blocking) state because this connection has a higher path cost than the connection provided through
ports 2/3 and 3/8. As a result, a network loop condition is avoided.
• Redundant connections also exist between Switch A and Switch B. Although the path cost value for
both of these connections is the same, ports 2/8 and 3/3 are in a discarding state because their port
priority values (not shown) are higher than the same values for ports 2/10 and 3/1.
• The ports that provide the connection between Switch B and Switch C are in a discarding (blocking)
state, because this connection has a higher path cost than the other connections leading to the root
VLAN 255 on Switch D. As a result, a network loop is avoided.

Example Network Configuration Steps

The following steps provide a quick tutorial that configures the active Spanning Tree network topology
shown in the diagram on page 6-44.
1 Create VLAN 255 on Switches A, B, C, and D with “Marketing IP Network” for the VLAN
description on each switch using the following command:
-> vlan 255 name "Marketing IP Network"

2 Assign the switch ports that provide connections between each switch to VLAN 255. For example, the
following commands entered on Switches A, B, C, and D, respectively, assign the ports shown in the
example network diagram on page 6-44 to VLAN 255:
-> vlan 255 members port 2/8-10 untagged
-> vlan 255 members port 3/1-3 untagged
-> vlan 255 members port 3/8-10 untagged
-> vlan 255 members port 2/1-3 untagged

3 Change the Spanning Tree protocol for VLAN 255 to RSTP (Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol) on each
switch using the following command:
-> spantree vlan 255 protocol rstp

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-45
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Sample Spanning Tree Configuration

4 Change the bridge priority value for VLAN 255 on Switch D to 10 using the following command
(leave the priority for VLAN 255 on the other three switches set to the default value):
-> spantree vlan 255 priority 10

VLAN 255 on Switch D has the lowest Bridge ID priority value of all four switches, which qualifies it as
the Spanning Tree root VLAN for the VLAN 255 broadcast domain.

Note. To verify the VLAN 255 Spanning Tree configuration on each switch use the following show
commands. The following outputs are for example purposes only and not match values shown in the sample
network configuration:

-> show spantree vlan 255

Spanning Tree Parameters for Vlan 255
Spanning Tree Status : ON,
Protocol : IEEE RAPID STP,
mode : per vlan (1 STP per Vlan),
Priority : 32768(0x0FA0),
Bridge ID : 8000-00:d0:95:00:00:04,
Designated Root : 000A-00:d0:95:00:00:01,
Cost to Root Bridge : 4,
Root Port : Slot 3 Interface 8,
Next Best Root Cost : 0,
Next Best Root Port : None,
Tx Hold Count : 6,
Topology Changes : 3,
Topology age : 0:4:37
Current Parameters (seconds)
Max Age = 30,
Forward Delay = 15,
Hello Time = 2
Parameters system uses when attempting to become root
System Max Age = 30,
System Forward Delay = 15,
System Hello Time = 2

-> show spantree vlan 255 ports

Spanning Tree Port Summary for Vlan 255
Adm Oper Man. Path Desig Prim. Op Op
Port Pri St St mode Cost Cost Role Port Cnx Edg Desig Bridge ID
3/8 7 ENA FORW No 4 29 ROOT 3/8 NPT Edg 000A-00:d0:95:00:00:01
3/9 7 ENA BLOCK No 19 48 BACK 3/9 NPT No 8000-00:d0:95:00:00:04
3/10 7 ENA BLOCK No 19 48 ALTN 3/10 NPT No 8000-00:d0:95:00:00:03

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-46
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Sample MST Region Configuration

Sample MST Region Configuration

An MST region identifies a group of MSTP switches that is seen as a single, flat mode instance by other
regions and/or non-MSTP switches. A region is defined by three attributes: name, revision level, and a
VLAN-to-MSTI mapping. Switches configured with the same value for all three of these attributes belong
to the same MST region.

Note. An additional configurable MST region parameter defines the maximum number of hops authorized
for the region but is not considered when determining regional membership.The maximum hops value is
the value used by all bridges within the region when the bridge is acting as the root of the MST region.

This section provides a tutorial for defining a sample MST region configuration, as shown in the diagram

Switch D
Switch A




Switch B Switch C
Switch E

MST Region
SST Switches (STP or RSTP)

In order for switches A, B, and C in the above diagram to belong to the same MST region, they must all
share the same values for region name, revision level, and configuration digest (VLAN-to-MSTI
The following steps are performed on each switch to define Alcatel-Lucent Marketing as the MST
region name, 2000 as the MST region revision level, map exiting VLANs to existing MSTIs, and 3 as the
maximum hops value for the region:
1 Configure an MST Region name using the spantree mst region name command. For example:

-> spantree mst region name “Alcatel Marketing”

2 Configure the MST Region revision level using the spantree mst region revision-level command. For
-> spantree mst region revision-level 2000

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-47
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Sample MST Region Configuration

3 Map VLANs 100 and 200 to MSTI 2 and VLANs 300 and 400 to MSTI 4 using the spantree msti
vlan command to define the configuration digest. For example:
-> spantree msti 2 vlan 100 200
-> spantree msti 4 vlan 300 400

See the “Sample MSTI Configuration” on page 6-49 for a tutorial on how to create and map MSTIs to
4 Configure 3 as the maximum number of hops for the region using the spantree mst region max-hops
command. For example:
-> spantree mst region max-hops 3

Note. (Optional) Verify the MST region configuration on each switch with the show spantree mst
command. For example:

-> show spantree mst region

Configuration Name = Alcatel Marketing,
Revision Level = 2000,
Configuration Digest = 0x922fb3f 31752d68 67fe1155 d0ce8380,
Revision Max hops = 3,
Cist Instance Number = 0

All switches configured with the exact same values as shown in the above example are considered members
of the Alcatel-Lucent Marketing MST region.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-48
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Sample MSTI Configuration

Sample MSTI Configuration

By default, the Spanning Tree software is active on all switches and operating in the per-VLAN mode
using 802.1w RSTP. A loop-free network topology is automatically calculated based on default 802.1w
RSTP switch, bridge, and port parameter values.
Using Multiple Spanning Tree (MST) requires configuration changes to the default Spanning Tree values
(mode and protocol) as well as defining specific MSTP parameters and instances.
The following steps provide a tutorial for setting up a sample MSTP configuration, as shown in the
diagram below:

3/1 2/1
VLAN 100 VLAN 100
4/2 5/1
VLAN 150 || VLAN 150

4/8 5/2
VLAN 200 || VLAN 200
2/12 3/6
VLAN 250 || VLAN 250

Switch A Switch B
Flat Mode MSTP Quick Steps Example

1 Change the Spanning Tree operating mode, if necessary, on Switch A and Switch B from per-VLAN to
flat mode using the spantree mode command. For example:
-> spantree mode flat

Note that defining an MSTP configuration requires the use of explicit Spanning Tree commands,
which are available in both the flat and per-VLAN mode. As a result, this step is optional. See “Using
Spanning Tree Configuration Commands” on page 6-26 for more information.
2 Change the Spanning Tree protocol to MSTP using the spantree protocol command. For example:

-> spantree protocol mstp

3 Create VLANs 100, 200, 300, and 400 using the vlan command. For example:

-> vlan 100

-> vlan 150
-> vlan 200
-> vlan 250

4 Assign switch ports to VLANs, as shown in the above diagram, using the vlan members untagged
command. For example, the following commands assign ports 3/1, 4/2, 4/8, and 2/12 to VLANs 100, 150,
200, and 250 on Switch A:
-> vlan 100 members port 3/1 untagged
-> vlan 150 members port 4/2 untagged
-> vlan 200 members port 4/8 untagged
-> vlan 250 members port 2/12 untagged

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-49
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Sample MSTI Configuration

The following commands assign ports 2/1, 5/1, 5/2, and 3/6 to VLANs 100, 150, 200, and 250 on
Switch B:
-> vlan 100 members port 2/1 untagged
-> vlan 150 members port 5/1 untagged
-> vlan 200 members port 5/2 untagged
-> vlan 250 members port 3/6 untagged

5 Create one MSTI using the spantree msti command. For example:

-> spantree msti 1

6 Assign VLANs 200 and 250 to MSTI 1. For example:

-> spantree msti 1 vlan 100 200

All VLANs are associated with the CIST instance. As a result, VLANs 100 and 150 do not require any
configuration to map them to the CIST instance.
7 Configure the port path cost (PPC) for all ports on both switches associated with MSTI 1 to a PPC
value that is lower than the PPC value for the ports associated with the CIST instance using the spantree
msti path-cost command. For example, the PPC for ports associated with the CIST instance is set to the
default of 200,000 for 100 MB connections. The following commands change the PPC value for ports
associated with the MSTI 1 to 20,000:
-> spantree msti 1 port 4/8 path-cost 20000
-> spantree msti 1 port 2/12 path-cost 20000
-> spantree msti 1 port 5/2 path-cost 20000
-> spantree msti 1 port 3/6 path-cost 20000

Note. In this example, port connections between VLANs 150, 200, and 250 are blocked on each switch
initially, as shown in the diagram on page 6-49. This is because in flat mode MSTP, each instance is active
on all ports resulting in a comparison of connections independent of VLAN and MSTI associations.

To avoid this and allow VLAN traffic to flow over separate data paths based on MSTI association, Step 7
of this tutorial configures a superior port path cost value for ports associated with MSTI 1. As a result,
MSTI 1 selects one of the data paths between its VLANs as the best path, rather than the CIST data paths,
as shown in the diagram on page 6-51.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-50
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Sample MSTI Configuration

3/1 2/1
VLAN 100 VLAN 100
4/2 5/1
VLAN 150 || VLAN 150

4/8 5/2
VLAN 200 VLAN 200
2/12 3/6
VLAN 250 || VLAN 250

Switch A Switch B

Flat Mode MSTP with Superior MSTI 1 PPC Values

Note. Of the two data paths available to MSTI 1 VLANs, one is blocked because it is seen as redundant for
that instance. In addition, the CIST data path remains available for CIST VLAN traffic.

Another solution to this scenario is to assign all VLANs to an MSTI, leaving no VLANs controlled by the
CIST. As a result, the CIST BPDU contains only MSTI information. See “How MSTP Works” on
page 6-12 for more information.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-51
Configuring Spanning Tree Parameters Verifying the Spanning Tree Configuration

Verifying the Spanning Tree Configuration

To display information about the Spanning Tree configuration on the switch, use the show commands
listed below:

show spantree cist Displays the Spanning Tree bridge configuration for the flat mode
Common and Internal Spanning Tree (CIST) instance.
show spantree msti Displays Spanning Tree bridge information for a Multiple Spanning
Tree Instance (MSTI).
show spantree vlan Displays the Spanning Tree bridge information for a VLAN instance.
show spantree cist ports Displays Spanning Tree port information for the flat mode Common and
Internal Spanning Tree (CIST) instance.
show spantree msti ports Displays Spanning Tree port information for a flat mode Multiple
Spanning Tree Instance (MSTI).
show spantree vlan ports Displays Spanning Tree port information for a VLAN instance.
show spantree mst Displays the Multiple Spanning Tree (MST) information for a MST
region or the specified port or link aggregate on the switch.
show spantree cist vlan-map Displays the range of VLANs associated with the flat mode Common
and Internal Spanning Tree (CIST) instance.
show spantree msti vlan-map Displays the range of VLANs associated with the specified Multiple
Spanning Tree Instance (MSTI).
show spantree map-msti Displays the Multiple Spanning Tree Instance (MSTI) that is associated
to the specified VLAN.
show spantree mode Displays the current global Spanning Tree mode parameter values for
the switch, such as the current running mode (per-VLAN or flat) for the

For more information about the resulting displays from these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 CLI Reference Guide. An example of the output for the show spantree vlan and show spantree
vlan ports commands is also given in “Example Network Configuration Steps” on page 6-45.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 6-52
7 Configuring Loopback

Loopback Detection (LBD) automatically detects the loop and shutdown the port involved in the loop.
This prevents forwarding loops on ports that have forwarded network traffic which has looped back to the
originating switch. LBD detects and prevents Layer 2 forwarding loops on a port either in the absence of
other loop detection mechanisms such as STP/RSTP/MSTP, or when these mechanisms cannot detect it
(for example, a client's equipment may drop BPDUs, or the STP protocol may be restricted to the network
A provider network with a set of multiple switches interconnected together can be logically viewed as a
large single switch. The large single switch provides service access points to customers' networks.
Configuration faults in customer networks can result in loops spanning both provider and customer
networks. This can result in broadcast storms. In order to protect provider's network from broadcast
storms, loops that involve SAP ports need to be detected and broken.
The LBD can detect and break loops created on the service-access interface.
For a service-access interface, LBD can be enabled for a specific port or linkagg. LBD for service-access
points allows shutting down only the specific interface of the link involved in the loop.
When loopback occurs, a trap is sent and the event is logged. The port which is shutdown due to LBD is
automatically recovered if autorecovery-timer is set or the port can manually be enabled again when the
problem is resolved.

In This Chapter
This chapter describes the LBD feature and how to configure it through the Command Line Interface
(CLI). CLI commands are used in the configuration examples; for more details about the syntax of
commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide. This chapter provides an overview
of LBD and includes the following information:
• “Quick Steps for Configuring LBD” on page 7-3

• “LBD Overview” on page 7-4

• “Configuring LBD” on page 7-5

• “LBD for Service Access Interface” on page 7-6

• “Verifying the LBD Configuration” on page 7-10

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 7-1
Configuring Loopback Detection LBD Defaults

LBD Defaults
The following table shows LBD default values.

Parameter Description Command Default Value/Comments

LBD administrative state loopback-detection Disabled
LBD status of a port loopback-detection port Disabled
LBD service-access state loopback-detection service- Disabled
Transmission time is the time loopback-detection service- 30 seconds
period between LBD packet access
Autorecovery time is the time loopback-detection 300 seconds
period in which the switch is autorecovery-timer
recovered from the shutdown

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 7-2
Configuring Loopback Detection Quick Steps for Configuring LBD

Quick Steps for Configuring LBD

The following steps provide a quick tutorial on how to configure LBD. Each step describes a specific
operation and provides the CLI command syntax for performing that operation.
1 To enable the LBD protocol on a switch, use the loopback-detection command. For example:

-> loopback-detection enable

2 To enable the LBD protocol on a port, use the loopback-detection port command. For example:

-> loopback-detection port 1/1/1 enable

3 Configure the LBD transmission timer by using the loopback-detection service-access command. For
-> loopback-detection transmission-timer 200

4 To change the auto-recovery timer for Loopback detection, use the command loopback-detection
autorecovery-timer. By default, the violation recovery time is 300 seconds.
-> loopback-detection autorecovery-timer 600

Note. Optional. Verify the LBD global configuration by entering the loopback-detection autorecovery-
timer configuration command or verify the LBD configuration on a port by entering the show loopback-
detection port command. For example:

-> show loopback-detection

Global LBD Status : Enabled

Global LBD Transmission Timer : 200 sec
Global LBD Auto-recovery Timer : 300 sec

-> show loopback-detection port 1/1/1

Global LBD Status : Enabled,
Global LBD Transmission Timer : 200 sec,
Global LBD Auto-recovery Timer : 300 sec,
Port LBD Status : Enabled,
Port LBD State : Normal,
Port loopback-detection Port-Type : service-edge

To verify the LBD statistics of a port, use the show loopback-detection statistics port command. For

-> show loopback-detection statistics port 1/1/1

LBD Port Statistics

LBD Packet Send : 1
Invalid LBD Packet Received : 0
Member of Link Aggregation : -

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 7-3
Configuring Loopback Detection LBD Overview

LBD Overview
Loopback Detection (LBD) automatically detects and prevents L2 forwarding loops on a port. LBD
operates in addition to STP which detects forwarding loops. When a loopback is detected, the port is
disabled and goes into a shutdown state. A trap is sent and the event is logged.
When enabling and configuring Loopback Detection:
• Enable Loopback Detection globally on the switch.

• Enable Loopback Detection on edge port.

The switch periodically sends out LBD frame from loopback detection enabled port and concludes that the
port is looped back if it receives the frame on any of the loop-back detection enabled ports.
For service-access ports, LBD detects the loop for all the LBD edge ports involved.

Transmission Timer
Transmission timer is the time duration in seconds at which the port sends LBD frame on the link. When
any port is getting blocked due to loopback detection, there will be no further transmission and receiving
of any traffic on the blocked port. The port will be go to shutdown state.
By default, the transmission timer for loopback detection is 30 seconds.

Interaction With Other Features

This section contains important information about how other OmniSwitch features interact with LBD.
Refer to the specific chapter for each feature to get more detailed information about how to configure and
use the feature.

Spanning Tree Protocol

• If the STP mode is set to Multiple Spanning Tree, Loopback Detection can only be enabled on
interfaces where STP is disabled.
• LBD frame are sent untagged regardless of the spanning tree state on the port.

Link Aggregation
When loopback is detected on any one of the Linkagg port, all the ports of the linkagg will be shutdown
due to loopback detection.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 7-4
Configuring Loopback Detection Configuring LBD

Configuring LBD
This section describes how to use the OmniSwitch Command Line Interface (CLI) commands to configure
LBD on a switch.
• Enable LBD on a switch or port (see “Enabling LBD” on page 7-5)

• Configure the LBD transmission timer (see “Configuring the LBD Transmission Timer” on page 7-5)

• View the LBD statistics on a port (see “Viewing LBD Statistics” on page 7-5)

• Recover a port from LBD shutdown (see “Recovering a Port from LBD Shutdown” on page 7-5)

• Configuring Autorecovery-timer (see “Configuring Autorecovery-timer for LBD shutdown ports” on

page 7-6)
• Enable LBD on Service Access Interface (see “Enabling LBD on Service-access Interface” on
page 7-6)

Enabling LBD
By default, LBD is disabled on the switch. To enable LBD on a switch, use the loopback-detection
command. For example, the following command enables LBD on a switch:
-> loopback-detection enable

Enabling LBD on a Port

By default, LBD is disabled on all switch ports. To enable LBD on a port, use the loopback-detection
port command. For example, the following command enables LBD in chassis 1 on port 1 of slot 1:
-> loopback-detection port 1/1/1 enable

To enable LBD on multiple ports, specify a range of ports. For example:

-> loopback-detection port 1/1/1-8 enable

Configuring the LBD Transmission Timer

To configure the transmission time period between LBD packet transmissions, use the loopback-
detection service-access command. For example:
-> loopback-detection transmission-timer 200

Viewing LBD Statistics

To view the LBD statistics on a specific port, use the show loopback-detection statistics port command.
For example, to view the statistics for port 1 on slot 1 of chassis 1, enter:
-> show loopback-detection statistics port 1/1/1

Recovering a Port from LBD Shutdown

To bring a port out of the shutdown state, use the clear violation command. For example, to bring the
chassis 1, port 5 on slot 1 out of the shutdown state, enter:

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 7-5
Configuring Loopback Detection LBD for Service Access Interface

-> clear-violation port 1/1/5

To bring multiple ports out of the shutdown state, enter:

-> clear-violation port 1/5/5-10

Configuring Autorecovery-timer for LBD shutdown ports

The port which is shutdown due to LBD can be automatically recovered if autorecovery-timer is set for
the switch. To set the autorecovery-timer, use the loopback-detection autorecovery-timer command. For
example, to set a autorecovery-timer of 200 sec for the switch, enter:
-> loopback-detection autorecovery-timer 200

LBD for Service Access Interface

A provider network with a set of multiple switches interconnected together can be logically viewed as a
large single switch. The large single switch provides service access points to customers' networks.
Configuration faults in customer networks can result in loops spanning both provider and customer
networks. This can result in broadcast storms. In order to protect provider's network from broadcast
storms, loops that involve SAP ports need to be detected and broken.
The LBD can detect and break loops created on the service-access interface.
For a service-access interface, LBD can be enabled for a specific port or linkagg. LBD for service-access
points allows shutting down only the specific interface of the link involved in the loop.

Enabling LBD on Service-access Interface

By default, LBD is disabled for the switch and on all service-access ports. To globally enable LBD for the
switch, use the loopback-detection command. For example:
-> loopback-detection enable

To enable LBD on a service-access port, use the loopback-detection service-access command. For
-> loopback-detection service-access port 1/1/1 enable

LBD can also be enabled on link aggregates that are configured as service-access aggregates. For example,
the following command enables LBD on link aggregate1:
-> loopback-detection service-access linkagg 1 enable

Few things to be considered while configuring LBD on linkagg:

• The link aggregate must be formed by ports with same path cost.

• LBD cannot be configured on linkagg which has member ports running LBD configuration and vice
• When a linkagg is in violation or shutdown state, the member ports cannot be deleted from the linkagg.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 7-6
Configuring Loopback Detection LBD for Service Access Interface

Note. Before configuring the LBD using the “service-access” option, the port or link aggregate must be
configured for service access. Use the service access command, to configure the port or link aggregate for
service access. When LBD is enabled on ports without the 'service-access' keyword, the LBD behaves as
normal LBD feature.

LBD Packet Processing Mechanism for LBD Service Access Ports

The LBD packets on the service access ports are processed as follows:

1 If Virtual Private (VP) or Virtual Forwarding Instance (VFI) information is present in the packet
driver, then the LBD packet is processed else the packet is dropped.
2 The initiator session identifier (ISID) of the packet is extracted from the VP or VFI information and
compared with the LBD packet TLV ISID. If the ISID does not match, the packet is dropped.
3 If ISID matches, then the LBD packet TLV path cost is compared with the receiving LBD service
access port path cost. If the LBD path cost is lesser, the receiving access port is shut down. If LBD path
cost is higher, then the packet is dropped.
4 If path costs are equal, then LBD packet bridge MAC and receiving access port bridge MAC is
compared. If LBD packet bridge MAC is lesser, then the receiving access port is shutdown. If LBD Bridge
MAC is higher, then the packet is dropped.
5 If LBD packet bridge MAC and receiving access port bridge MAC are same (that is, same switch),
then LBD packet port ID and access port ID is compared. If LBD packet port ID is lesser, then the
receiving access port is shutdown. If LBD packet port ID is higher, then the packet is dropped.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 7-7
Configuring Loopback Detection LBD for Service Access Interface

Sample Scenarios
Scenario 1

• Switch A and B are AOS switches running loopback-detection.

• Switch C is a legacy switch or a non AOS switch or a hub.

• 1/2 and 2/2 are SAP ports having same ISID and path cost.

• Loopback-detection is enabled with the service-access option on ports 1/2 and 2/2; traffic loops
through 1/2 and 2/2.
• Port 2/2 is shutdown in case B has higher bridge identifier, since 1/2 and 2/2 has equal path costs.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 7-8
Configuring Loopback Detection LBD for Service Access Interface

Scenario 2

• Switch A and B are AOS switches running loopback-detection.

• Switch C is a legacy switch or a non AOS switch or a hub.

• 1/2 and 1/3 are SAP ports having same ISID and path cost.

• Loopback-detection is enabled with the service-access option on ports 1/2 and 1/3; traffic loops
through 1/2 and 1/3.
• Port 1/3 is shutdown as the interface has higher port identifier, since 1/2 and 1/3 has equal path costs.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 7-9
Configuring Loopback Detection Verifying the LBD Configuration

Verifying the LBD Configuration

To display LBD configuration and statistics information, use the show commands listed below:

loopback-detection autorecovery- Displays the global LBD configuration information for the switch.
show loopback-detection port Displays LBD configuration information for all ports on the switch.
show loopback-detection statistics Displays LBD statistics information for a specific port on the switch.

For more information about the resulting display from these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release
8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 7-10
8 Configuring Static Link

The OmniSwitch static link aggregation software allows you to combine several physical links into one
large virtual link known as a link aggregation group. Using link aggregation provides the following
• Scalability. It is possible to configure a maximum number of link aggregation groups as mentioned in
the “Network Configuration Specifications” chapter of the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Specifications
• Reliability. A link aggregate can operate even if one of the physical links, that is part of the link
aggregate group, gets disabled.
• Ease of Migration. Link aggregation can ease the transition to higher bandwidth backbones.

In This Chapter
This chapter describes the basic components of static link aggregation and how to configure them through
the Command Line Interface (CLI). CLI commands are used in the configuration examples; for more
details about the syntax of commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.
Configuration procedures described in this chapter include:
• “Configuring Static Link Aggregation Groups” .

• “Adding and Deleting Ports in a Static Aggregate Group”.

• “Modifying Static Aggregation Group Parameters”.

Note. You can also configure and monitor static link aggregation with WebView, Alcatel-Lucent’s
embedded web-based device management application. WebView is an interactive and easy-to-use GUI that
can be launched from OmniVista or a web browser. Please refer to the WebView online documentation for
more information on configuring and monitoring static link aggregation with WebView.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 8-1
Configuring Static Link Aggregation Static Link Aggregation Default Values

Static Link Aggregation Default Values

The table below lists default values and the commands to modify them for static aggregate groups.

Parameter Description Command Default Value/Comments

Administrative State linkagg static agg admin-state enabled
Group Name linkagg static agg name No name configured

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 8-2
Configuring Static Link Aggregation Quick Steps for Configuring Static Link Aggregation

Quick Steps for Configuring Static Link

Follow the steps below for a quick tutorial on configuring a static aggregate link between two switches.
Additional information on how to configure each command is given in the subsections that follow.

1 Create the static aggregate link on the local switch with the linkagg static agg size command. For
-> linkagg static agg 1 size 4

2 Assign all the necessary ports with the linkagg static port agg command. For example:

-> linkagg static port 1/1-4 agg 1

3 Create a VLAN for this static link aggregate group with the vlan members command. For example:

-> vlan 10 members port 1

4 Create the equivalent static aggregate link on the remote switch with the linkagg static agg size
command. For example:
-> linkagg static agg 1 size 4

5 Assign all the necessary ports with the linkagg static port agg command. For example:

-> linkagg static port 1/9-12 agg 1

6 Create a VLAN for this static link aggregate group with the vlan members command. For example:

-> vlan 10 members default 1

Note. Optional. You can verify your static link aggregation settings with the linkagg range command
along with the agg keyword and aggregate group ID. For example:
-> show linkagg agg 1

Static Aggregate
SNMP Id : 40000001,
Aggregate Number : 1,
SNMP Descriptor : Omnichannel Aggregate Number 1 ref 40000001 size 4,
Name : ,
Admin State : ENABLED,
Operational State : UP,
Aggregate Size : 4,
Number of Selected Ports : 4,
Number of Reserved Ports : 4,
Number of Attached Ports : 4,
Primary Port : 1/1
You can also use the show linkagg port port command to display information on specific ports. See
“Displaying Static Link Aggregation Configuration and Statistics” on page 8-11 for more information on
the show commands.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 8-3
Configuring Static Link Aggregation Quick Steps for Configuring Static Link Aggregation

An example of what these commands look like entered sequentially on the command line on the local
-> linkagg static agg 1 size 4
-> linkagg static port 1/1-4 agg 1
-> vlan 10 port default 1

And an example of what these commands look like entered sequentially on the command line on the
remote switch:
-> linkagg static agg 1 size 4
-> linkagg static port 1/9-12 agg 1
-> vlan 10 port default 1

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 8-4
Configuring Static Link Aggregation Static Link Aggregation Overview

Static Link Aggregation Overview

Link aggregation allows you to combine physical connections into large virtual connections known as link
aggregation groups.
You can create Virtual LANs (VLANs), 802.1Q framing, configure Quality of Service (QoS) conditions,
and other networking features on link aggregation groups because the OmnniSwitch AOS software treats
these virtual links just like physical links. (See “Relationship to Other Features” on page 8-6 for more
information on how link aggregation interacts with other software features.)
Load balancing for Layer 2 non-IP packets is on a MAC address basis. However when IP packets are
transmitted, the balancing algorithm uses the IP address. Ports must be of the same speed within the same
link aggregate group.
Alcatel-Lucent’s link aggregation software allows you to configure the following two different types of
link aggregation groups:
• Static link aggregate groups

• Dynamic link aggregate groups

This chapter describes static link aggregation. For information on dynamic link aggregation, please refer
to Chapter 9, “Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation.”

Static Link Aggregation Operation

Static link aggregate groups are virtual links between two nodes consisting multiple physical links.
Static aggregate groups can be created between each of the following OmniSwitch products:
• two OS10K switches.

• an OS10K switch and an early-generation Alcatel-Lucent switch.

Note. Static aggregate groups cannot be created between an OmniSwitch and some switches from other

The figure below shows a static aggregate group that has been configured between Switch A and Switch
B. The static aggregate group links four ports on a single NI on Switch A to two ports each on separate
NIs on Switch B. The network administrator has created a separate VLAN for this group so users can use
this high speed link.
Switch A Switch B

Switch software treats the

static aggregate groups as
one large virtual link.

Static Group
Example of a Static Link Aggregate Group Network

See “Configuring Static Link Aggregation Groups” on page 8-6 for information on using Command Line
Interface (CLI) commands to configure static aggregate groups and see “Displaying Static Link
Aggregation Configuration and Statistics” on page 8-11 for information on using CLI to monitor static
aggregate groups.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 8-5
Configuring Static Link Aggregation Configuring Static Link Aggregation Groups

Relationship to Other Features

Link aggregation groups are supported by other switch software features. The following features have CLI
commands or command parameters that support link aggregation:
• VLANs. For more information on VLANs see Chapter 4, “Configuring VLANs.”

• 802.1Q. For more information on configuring and monitoring 802.1Q see Chapter 4, “Configuring
• Spanning Tree. For more information on Spanning Tree see Chapter 8, “Configuring Static Link

Note. See “Application Example” on page 8-10 for tutorials on using link aggregation with other features.

Configuring Static Link Aggregation Groups

This section describes how to use OmniSwitch Command Line Interface (CLI) commands to configure
static link aggregate groups. See “Configuring Mandatory Static Link Aggregate Parameters” on page 8-6
for more information.

Note. See “Quick Steps for Configuring Static Link Aggregation” on page 8-3 for a brief tutorial on
configuring these mandatory parameters.

Alcatel-Lucent’s link aggregation software is preconfigured with the default values for static aggregate
groups as shown in the table in “Static Link Aggregation Default Values” on page 8-2. If you need to
modify any of these parameters, please see “Modifying Static Aggregation Group Parameters” on
page 8-9 for more information.

Note. See the “Link Aggregation Commands” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference
Guide for complete documentation of CLI commands for link aggregation.

Configuring Mandatory Static Link Aggregate Parameters

When configuring static link aggregates on a switch you must perform the following steps:
1 Create the Static Aggregate Group on the Local and Remote Switches. To create a static aggregate
group use the linkagg static agg size command, which is described in “Creating and Deleting a Static
Link Aggregate Group” on page 8-7.
2 Assign Ports on the Local and Remote Switches to the Static Aggregate Group. To assign ports to
the static aggregate group you use the linkagg static port agg command, which is described in “Adding
and Deleting Ports in a Static Aggregate Group” on page 8-7.

Note. Depending on the needs of your network you need to configure additional parameters. Commands to
configure optional static aggregate parameters are described in “Modifying Static Aggregation Group
Parameters” on page 8-9.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 8-6
Configuring Static Link Aggregation Configuring Static Link Aggregation Groups

Creating and Deleting a Static Link Aggregate Group

The following subsections describe how to create and delete static link aggregate groups with the linkagg
static agg size command.

Creating a Static Aggregate Group

To create a static aggregate group on a switch, enter linkagg static agg followed by the user-specified
aggregate number, size, and the number of links in the static aggregate group:
For example, to create static aggregate group 5 that consists of eight links, on a switch, enter:
-> linkagg static agg 5 size 8

Note. The number of links assigned to a static aggregate group must always be close to the number of
physical links that you plan to use. For example, if you are planning to use 2 physical links you should
create a group with a size of 2 and not 4 or 8.

As an option you can also specify a name and/or the administrative status of the group by entering linkagg
static agg followed by the user-specified aggregate number, size, the number of links in the static
aggregate group, name, the optional name, admin-state, and either enable or disable (the default is
For example, to create static aggregate group 5 called “static1” consisting of eight links that is
administratively disabled enter:
-> linkagg static agg 5 size 8 name static1 admin-state disable

Note. If you want to specify spaces within a name for a static aggregate group the name must be specified
within quotes (for example, “Static Aggregate Group 5”).

Deleting a Static Aggregate Group

To delete a static aggregation group from a switch use the no form of the linkagg static agg size
command by entering no linkagg static agg followed by the number that identifies the group. For
example, to remove static aggregate group 5 from the switch configuration, enter:
-> no linkagg static agg 5

Note. You must delete any attached ports with the linkagg static port agg command before you can delete
a static link aggregate group.

Adding and Deleting Ports in a Static Aggregate Group

The following subsections describe how to add and delete ports in a static aggregate group with the
linkagg static port agg command.

Adding Ports to a Static Aggregate Group

The number of ports assigned in a static aggregate group can be less than or equal to the maximum size
you specified in the linkagg static agg size command. To assign a port to a static aggregate group you use
the linkagg static port agg command by entering linkagg static port followed by the slot number, a slash

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 8-7
Configuring Static Link Aggregation Configuring Static Link Aggregation Groups

(/), the port number, agg, and the number or ID of the static aggregate group.
For example, to assign ports 1, 2, and 3 in slot 1 to static aggregate group 10 (which has a size of 4), enter:
-> linkagg static port 1/1-3 agg 10
-> linkagg static port 1/2 agg 10
-> linkagg static port 1/3 agg 10

Note. A port belongs to only one aggregate group.

For example, to assign port 1 in slot 1 to static aggregate group 10, enter:
-> linkagg static port 1/1 agg 10

Removing Ports from a Static Aggregate Group

To remove a port from a static aggregate group you use the no form of the linkagg static port agg
command by entering no linkagg static port followed by the slot number, a slash (/), and the port
number. For example, to remove port 4 in slot 1 from a static aggregate group, enter:
-> no linkagg static port 1/4

Ports must be deleted in the reverse order in which they were assigned. For example, if port 9 through 16
were assigned to static aggregate group 2 you must first delete port 16, then port 15, and so forth. The
following is an example of how to delete ports in the proper sequence from the console:
-> no linkagg static port 1/24
-> no linkagg static port 1/23
-> no linkagg static port 1/22

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 8-8
Configuring Static Link Aggregation Modifying Static Aggregation Group Parameters

Modifying Static Aggregation Group Parameters

This section describes how to modify the following static aggregate group parameters:
• Static aggregate group name (see “Modifying the Static Aggregate Group Name” on page 8-9)

• Static aggregate group administrative state (see “Modifying the Static Aggregate Group Administrative
State” on page 8-9)

Modifying the Static Aggregate Group Name

The following subsections describe how to modify the name of the static aggregate group with the linkagg
static agg name command.

Creating a Static Aggregate Group Name

To create a name for a static aggregate group by entering linkagg static agg followed by the number of
the static aggregate group, name, and the user-specified name of the group. For example, to configure
static aggregate group 4 with the name “Finance”, enter:
-> linkagg static agg 4 name Finance

Note. If you want to specify spaces within a name for a static aggregate group the name must be specified
within quotes (for example, “Static Aggregate Group 4”).

Deleting a Static Aggregate Group Name

To remove a name from a static aggregate group, use the no form of the linkagg static agg name
command by entering no linkagg static agg followed by the number of the static aggregate group and
name. For example, to remove any user-specified name from static aggregate group 4, enter:
-> no linkagg static agg 4 name

Modifying the Static Aggregate Group Administrative State

By default, the administrative state for a static aggregate group is enabled. The following subsections
describe how to enable and disable the administrative state with the linkagg static agg admin-state

Enabling the Static Aggregate Group Administrative State

To enable a static aggregate group, enter linkagg static agg followed by the number of the group and
admin-state enable. For example, to enable static aggregate group 1, enter:
-> linkagg static agg 1 admin-state enable

Disabling the Static Aggregate Group Administrative State

To disable a static aggregate group by entering linkagg static agg followed by the number of the group
and admin-state disable. For example, to disable static aggregate group 1, enter:
-> linkagg static agg 1 admin-state disable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 8-9
Configuring Static Link Aggregation Application Example

Application Example
Static link aggregation groups are treated by the switch software the same way it treats individual physical
ports. This section demonstrates this by providing a sample network configuration that uses static link
aggregation along with other software features. In addition, a tutorial is provided that shows how to
configure this sample network using Command Line Interface (CLI) commands.
The figure below shows VLAN 8, which has been configured on static aggregate 1 and uses 802.1Q
tagging. The actual physical links connect ports 4/1, 4/2, 4/3, and 4/4 on Switch A to port 2/41, 2/42, 2/43,
and 2/44 on Switch B.
Switch A Switch B

Static Aggregate Group 1

VLAN 8 with 802.1Q tagging has
been configured to use this group.

Sample Network Using Static Link Aggregation

Follow the steps below to configure this network:

Note. Only the steps to configure the local (i.e., Switch A) switch are provided here since the steps to
configure the remote (i.e., Switch B) switch are similar.

1 Configure static aggregate group 1 by entering linkagg static agg 1 size 4 as shown below:

-> linkagg static agg 1 size 4

2 Assign ports 4/1, 4/2, 4/3, and 4/4 to static aggregate group 1 by entering:

-> linkagg static port 4/1-4 agg 1

3 Create VLAN 8 by entering:

-> vlan 8

4 Configure 802.1Q tagging with a tagging ID of 8 on static aggregate group 1 (on VLAN 8) by
-> vlan 8 members linkagg 1 tagged

5 Repeat steps 1 through 4 on Switch B. Substitute the port numbers of the commands with the
appropriate port numbers of Switch B.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 8-10
Configuring Static Link Aggregation Displaying Static Link Aggregation Configuration and Statistics

Displaying Static Link Aggregation Configuration

and Statistics
You can use Command Line Interface (CLI) show commands to display the current configuration and
statistics of link aggregation. These commands include the following:

linkagg range Displays information on link aggregation groups.

show linkagg port Displays information on link aggregation ports.

When you use the show linkagg command without specifying the link aggregation group number and
when you use the show linkagg port command without specifying the slot and port number these
commands provide a “global” view of switch-wide link aggregate group and link aggregate port
information, respectively.
For example, to display global statistics on all link aggregate groups (both static and dynamic), enter:

-> show linkagg

Number Aggregate SNMP Id Size Admin State Oper State Att/Sel Ports
1 Static 40000001 4 ENABLED DOWN 0 0
2 Static 40000002 8 ENABLED DOWN 0 0
10 Dynamic 40000010 8 ENABLED DOWN 0 0

For example, to display global statistics on all ports associated with link aggregate groups (both static and
dynamic), enter:

-> show linkagg port

Slot/Port Aggregate SNMP Id Status Agg Oper Link Prim

2/1 Static 2001 ATTACHED 1 UP UP YES

When you use the show linkagg agg command with the link aggregation group number and when you use
the show linkagg port command with the slot and port number these commands provide detailed views of
link aggregate group and link aggregate port information, respectively. These detailed views provide
excellent tools for diagnosing and troubleshooting problems.
For example, to display detailed statistics for port 1 in slot 2 that is attached to static link aggregate group
1, enter:

-> show linkagg port 4/1

Static Aggregable Port

SNMP Id : 2001,
Slot/Port : 4/1,
Administrative State : ENABLED,
Operational State : UP,
Port State : ATTACHED,
Link State : UP,
Selected Agg Number : 1,
Port position in the aggregate: 0,
Primary port : YES

See the “Link Aggregation Commands” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide
for complete documentation of show commands for link aggregation.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 8-11
9 Configuring Dynamic Link

Alcatel-Lucent’s dynamic link aggregation software allows you to combine several physical links into one
large virtual link known as a link aggregation group. Using link aggregation provides the following
• Scalability. It is possible to configure a maximum number of link aggregation groups as mentioned in
the “Network Configuration Specifications” chapter of the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Specifications
• Reliability. If one of the physical links in a link aggregate group goes down (unless it is the last one)
the link aggregate group can still operate.
• Ease of Migration. Link aggregation can ease the transition to higher bandwidth backbones.

In This Chapter
This chapter describes the basic components of dynamic link aggregation and how to configure them
through the Command Line Interface (CLI). CLI commands are used in the configuration examples; for
more details about the syntax of commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.
Configuration procedures described in this chapter include:
• Configuring dynamic link aggregation groups on “Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregate Groups” on
page 9-7.
• Configuring ports so they can be aggregated in dynamic link aggregation groups on “Configuring Ports
to Join and Removing Ports in a Dynamic Aggregate Group” on page 9-9.
• Modifying dynamic link aggregation parameters on “Modifying Dynamic Link Aggregate Group
Parameters” on page 9-11.

Note. You can also configure and monitor dynamic link aggregation with WebView, Alcatel-Lucent’s
embedded Web-based device management application. WebView is an interactive and easy-to-use GUI that
can be launched from OmniVista or a Web browser. Please refer to the WebView online documentation for
more information on configuring and monitoring dynamic link aggregation with WebView.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 9-1
Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Dynamic Link Aggregation Default Values

Dynamic Link Aggregation Default Values

The table below lists default values for dynamic aggregate groups.

Parameter Description Command Default Value/Comments

Group Administrative State linkagg lacp agg admin-state enabled
Group Name linkagg lacp agg name No name configured
Group Actor Administrative Key linkagg lacp agg actor admin-key 0
Group Actor System Priority linkagg lacp agg actor system- 0
Group Actor System ID linkagg lacp agg actor system-id 00:00:00:00:00:00
Group Partner System ID linkagg lacp agg partner system-id 00:00:00:00:00:00
Group Partner System Priority linkagg lacp agg partner system- 0
Group Partner Administrative Key linkagg lacp agg partner admin-key 0
Actor Port Administrative State linkagg lacp agg admin-state active timeout aggregate
Actor Port System ID linkagg lacp agg actor system-id 00:00:00:00:00:00
Partner Port System Administrative linkagg lacp agg partner admin- active timeout aggregate
State state
Partner Port Admin System ID linkagg lacp port partner admin 00:00:00:00:00:00
Partner Port Administrative Key linkagg lacp agg partner admin-key 0
Partner Port Admin System Priority linkagg lacp agg partner system- 0
Actor Port Priority linkagg lacp port actor port priority 0
Partner Port Administrative Port linkagg lacp port partner admin- 0
Partner Port Priority linkagg lacp port partner admin 0

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 9-2
Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Quick Steps for Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation

Quick Steps for Configuring Dynamic Link

Follow the steps below for a quick tutorial on configuring a dynamic aggregate link between two switches.
Additional information on how to configure each command is given in the subsections that follow.

1 Create the dynamic aggregate group on the local (actor) switch with the linkagg lacp agg size
command as shown below:
-> linkagg lacp agg 2 size 8 actor admin-key 5

2 Configure ports (the number of ports must be less than or equal to the size value set in step 1) with the
same actor administrative key (which allows them to be aggregated) with the linkagg lacp agg actor
admin-key command. For example:
-> linkagg lacp port 1/1 actor admin-key 5
-> linkagg lacp port 1/4 actor admin-key 5
-> linkagg lacp port 3/3 actor admin-key 5
-> linkagg lacp port 5/4 actor admin-key 5
-> linkagg lacp port 6/1-2 actor admin-key 5
-> linkagg lacp port 7/3 actor admin-key 5
-> linkagg lacp port 8/1 actor admin-key 5

3 Create a VLAN for this dynamic link aggregate group with the vlan command. For example:

-> vlan 2 members port 2/3 untagged

4 Create the equivalent dynamic aggregate group on the remote (partner) switch with the linkagg lacp
agg size command as shown below:
-> linkagg lacp agg 2 size 8 actor admin-key 5

5 Configure ports (the number of ports must be less than or equal to the size value set in step 4) with the
same actor administrative key (which allows them to be aggregated) with the linkagg lacp agg actor
admin-key command. For example:
-> linkagg lacp port 2/1 actor admin-key 5
-> linkagg lacp port 3/1 actor admin-key 5
-> linkagg lacp port 3/3 actor admin-key 5
-> linkagg lacp port 3/6 actor admin-key 5
-> linkagg lacp port 5/1 actor admin-key 5
-> linkagg lacp port 5/6 actor admin-key 5
-> linkagg lacp port 8/1 actor admin-key 5
-> linkagg lacp port 8/3 actor admin-key 5

6 Create a VLAN for this dynamic link aggregate group with the vlan command. For example:

-> vlan 2 members linkagg 2

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 9-3
Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Quick Steps for Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation

Note. As an option, you can verify your dynamic aggregation group settings with the linkagg range
command on either the actor or the partner switch. For example:
-> show linkagg agg 2
Dynamic Aggregate
SNMP Id : 40000002,
Aggregate Number : 2,
SNMP Descriptor : Dynamic Aggregate Number 2 ref 40000002 size 8,
Name : ,
Admin State : ENABLED,
Operational State : UP,
Aggregate Size : 8,
Number of Selected Ports : 8,
Number of Reserved Ports : 8,
Number of Attached Ports : 8,
Primary Port : 1/1,
MACAddress : [00:1f:cc:00:00:00],
Actor System Id : [00:20:da:81:d5:b0],
Actor System Priority : 0,
Actor Admin Key : 5,
Actor Oper Key : 0,
Partner System Id : [00:20:da:81:d5:b1],
Partner System Priority : 0,
Partner Admin Key : 5,
Partner Oper Key : 0

When multi-chassis link aggregation feature is activated on the switch, the show linkagg agg command
displays the output as MC-Dynamic aggregate.
You can also use the show linkagg port port command to display information on specific ports. See
“Displaying Dynamic Link Aggregation Configuration and Statistics” on page 9-28 for more information
on show commands.

An example of what these commands look like entered sequentially on the command line on the actor
-> linkagg lacp agg 2 size 8 actor admin-key 5
-> linkagg lacp port 1/1 actor admin-key 5
-> linkagg lacp port 1/4 actor admin-key 5
-> linkagg lacp port 3/3 actor admin-key 5
-> linkagg lacp port 5/4 actor admin-key 5
-> linkagg lacp port 6/1-2 actor admin-key 5
-> linkagg lacp port 7/3 actor admin-key 5
-> linkagg lacp port 8/1 actor admin-key 5
-> vlan 2 port default 2

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 9-4
Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Dynamic Link Aggregation Overview

An example of what these commands look like entered sequentially on the command line on the partner
-> linkagg lacp agg 2 size 8 actor admin-key 5
-> linkagg lacp port 2/1 actor admin-key 5
-> linkagg lacp port 3/1 actor admin-key 5
-> linkagg lacp port 3/3 actor admin-key 5
-> linkagg lacp port 3/6 actor admin-key 5
-> linkagg lacp port 5/1 actor admin-key 5
-> linkagg lacp port 5/6 actor admin-key 5
-> linkagg lacp port 8/1 actor admin-key 5
-> linkagg lacp port 8/3 actor admin-key 5
-> vlan 2 port default 2

Dynamic Link Aggregation Overview

Link aggregation allows you to combine physical connections into large virtual connections known as link
aggregation groups.
You can create Virtual LANs (VLANs), 802.1Q framing, configure Quality of Service (QoS) conditions,
and other networking features on link aggregation groups because switch software treats these virtual links
just like physical links. (See “Relationship to Other Features” on page 9-7 for more information on how
link aggregation interacts with other software features.)
Link aggregation groups are identified by unique MAC addresses, which are created by the switch but can
be modified by the user at any time. Load balancing for Layer 2 non-IP packets is on a MAC address basis
and for IP packets the balancing algorithm uses the IP address as well. Ports must be of the same speed
within the same aggregate group.
Alcatel-Lucent’s link aggregation software allows you to configure the following two different types of
link aggregation groups:
• Static link aggregate groups

• Dynamic link aggregate groups

This chapter describes dynamic link aggregation. For information on static link aggregation, please refer
to Chapter 8, “Configuring Static Link Aggregation.”

Dynamic Link Aggregation Operation

Dynamic aggregate groups are virtual links between two nodes consisting of physical links. Dynamic
aggregate groups use the standard IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) to
dynamically establish the best possible configuration for the group. This task is accomplished by special
Link Aggregation Control Protocol Data Unit (LACPDU) frames that are sent and received by switches on
both sides of the link to monitor and maintain the dynamic aggregate group.
The figure on the following page shows a dynamic aggregate group that has been configured between
Switch A and Switch B. The dynamic aggregate group links four ports on Switch A to four ports on
Switch B.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 9-5
Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Dynamic Link Aggregation Overview

Local (Actor) Switch Remote (Partner) Switch

1. Local (actor) switch sends
requests to establish a
dynamic aggregate group link
to the remote (partner)

2. Partner switch acknowl-

edges that it can accept this
dynamic group.

3. Actor and partner switches

negotiate parameters for the
dynamic group, producing
optimal settings.

Dynamic Group

4. Actor and partner switches

establish the dynamic aggre-
gate group. LACPDU mes-
sages are sent back and forth
to monitor and maintain the

Example of a Dynamic Aggregate Group Network

See “Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregate Groups” on page 9-7 for information on using Command Line
Interface (CLI) commands to configure dynamic aggregate groups and see “Displaying Dynamic Link
Aggregation Configuration and Statistics” on page 9-28 for information on using the CLI to monitor
dynamic aggregate groups.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 9-6
Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregate Groups

Relationship to Other Features

Link aggregation groups are supported by other switch software features. For example, you can configure
802.1Q tagging on link aggregation groups in addition to configuring it on individual ports. The following
features have CLI commands or command parameters that support link aggregation:
• VLANs. For more information on VLANs, see Chapter 4, “Configuring VLANs.”

• 802.1Q. For more information on configuring and monitoring 802.1Q, see Chapter 4, “Configuring
• Spanning Tree. For more information on Spanning Tree, see Chapter 6, “Configuring Spanning Tree

Note. See “Application Examples” on page 9-25 for tutorials on using link aggregation with other features.

Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregate Groups

This section describes how to use Alcatel-Lucent’s Command Line Interface (CLI) commands to create,
modify, and delete dynamic aggregate groups. See “Configuring Mandatory Dynamic Link Aggregate
Parameters” on page 9-8 for more information.

Note. See “Quick Steps for Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation” on page 9-3 for a brief tutorial on
configuring these mandatory parameters.

Alcatel-Lucent’s link aggregation software is preconfigured with the default values for dynamic aggregate
groups and ports shown in the table in “Dynamic Link Aggregation Default Values” on page 9-2. For most
configurations, using only the steps described in “Creating and Deleting a Dynamic Aggregate Group” on
page 9-8 is necessary to configure a dynamic link aggregate group. However, if you need to modify any of
the parameters listed in the table on page 9-2, please see “Modifying Dynamic Link Aggregate Group
Parameters” on page 9-11 for more information.

Note. See the “Link Aggregation Commands” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference
Guide for complete documentation of show commands for link aggregation.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 9-7
Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregate Groups

Configuring Mandatory Dynamic Link Aggregate Parameters

When configuring LACP link aggregates on a switch you must perform the following steps:

1 Create the Dynamic Aggregate Groups on the Local (Actor) and Remote (Partner) Switches. To
create a dynamic aggregate group use the linkagg lacp agg size command, which is described in “Creat-
ing and Deleting a Dynamic Aggregate Group” on page 9-8.

2 Configure the Same Administrative Key on the Ports You Want to Join the Dynamic Aggregate
Group. To configure ports with the same administrative key (which allows them to be aggregated), use
the linkagg lacp agg actor admin-key command, which is described in “Configuring Ports to Join and
Removing Ports in a Dynamic Aggregate Group” on page 9-9.

Note. Depending on the needs of your network you need to configure additional parameters. Commands to
configure optional dynamic link aggregate parameters are described in “Modifying Dynamic Link
Aggregate Group Parameters” on page 9-11.These commands must be executed after you create a dynamic
aggregate group.

Creating and Deleting a Dynamic Aggregate Group

The following subsections describe how to create and delete dynamic aggregate groups with the linkagg
lacp agg size command.

Creating a Dynamic Aggregate Group

To configure a dynamic aggregate group, enter linkagg lacp agg followed by the user-configured
dynamic aggregate number, size, and the maximum number of links that belong to this dynamic aggregate
group. For example, to configure the dynamic aggregate group 2 consisting of eight links enter:
-> linkagg lacp agg 2 size 8

You can create link aggregation (both static and dynamic) groups for a standalone or a chassis-based
switch. In addition, you can also specify optional parameters shown in the table below. These parameters
must be entered after size and the user-specified number of links.

linkagg lacp agg size keywords

name admin state enable partner admin-key
actor system-priority admin state disable actor admin-key
partner system-priority actor system-id partner system-id

For example, Alcatel-Lucent recommends assigning the actor admin key when you create the dynamic
aggregate group to help ensure that ports are assigned to the correct group. To create a dynamic aggregate
group with aggregate number 3 consisting of two ports with an admin actor key of 10, for example, enter:
-> linkagg lacp agg 3 size 2 actor admin-key 10

Note. The optional keywords for this command can be entered in any order as long as they are entered after
size and the user-specified number of links.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 9-8
Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregate Groups

Deleting a Dynamic Aggregate Group

To remove a dynamic aggregation group configuration from a switch use the no form of the linkagg lacp
agg size command by entering no linkagg lacp agg followed by its dynamic aggregate group number.
For example, to delete dynamic aggregate group 2 from the switch configuration, enter:
-> no linkagg lacp agg 2

Note. You cannot delete a dynamic aggregate group if it has any attached ports. To remove attached ports
you must disable the dynamic aggregate group with the linkagg lacp agg admin-state command, which is
described in “Disabling a Dynamic Aggregate Group” on page 9-12.

Configuring Ports to Join and Removing Ports in a Dynamic

Aggregate Group
The following subsections describe how to configure ports with the same administrative key (which
allows them to be aggregated) or to remove them from a dynamic aggregate group with the linkagg lacp
agg actor admin-key command.

Configuring Ports To Join a Dynamic Aggregate Group

To configure ports with the same administrative key (which allows them to be aggregated) enter lacp port
followed by the slot number, a slash (/), the port number, actor admin-key, and the user-specified actor
administrative key. Ports must be of the same speed.
For example, to configure ports 1, 2, and 3 in slot 4 with an administrative key of 10, enter:
-> linkagg lacp port 4/1-3 actor admin-key 10

Note. A port can belong to only one aggregate group.

You must execute the linkagg lacp port actor admin-key command on all ports in a dynamic aggregate
group. If not, the ports are unable to join the group.
In addition, you can also specify optional parameters shown in the table below. These keywords must be
entered after the actor admin-key and the user-specified actor administrative key value.

lacp agg actor admin-key

actor admin-state partner admin-state actor system-id
actor system-priority partner admin system-id partner admin-key
partner admin-system-priority actor port-priority partner admin-port
partner admin port-priority

Note. The actor admin-state and partner admin-state keywords have additional parameters, which are
described in “Modifying the Actor Port System Administrative State” on page 9-16 and “Modifying the
Partner Port System Administrative State” on page 9-20, respectively.

All of the optional keywords listed above for this command can be entered in any order as long as they
appear after the actor admin-key keywords and their user-specified value.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 9-9
Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregate Groups

For example, to configure actor administrative key of 10, a local system ID (MAC address) of
00:20:da:06:ba:d3, and a local priority of 65535 to slot 4 port 1, enter:
-> linkagg lacp port 4/1 actor admin-key 10 actor system-id 00:20:da:06:ba:d3
actor system-priority 65535

For example, to configure an actor administrative key of 10 to slot 4 port 1, enter:

-> linkagg lacp port 4/1 actor admin-key 10

Removing Ports from a Dynamic Aggregate Group

To remove a port from a dynamic aggregate group, use the no form of the linkagg lacp agg actor admin-
key command by entering linkagg lacp port followed by the slot number, a slash (/), and the port number.
For example, to remove port 4 in slot 4 from any dynamic aggregate group, enter:
-> no linkagg lacp port 4/4

Ports must be deleted in the reverse order in which they were configured. For example, if port 4/4 through
4/6 were configured to join dynamic aggregate group 2 you must first delete port 4/6, then port 4/5, and so
forth. The following is an example of how to delete ports in the proper sequence from the console:
-> no linkagg lacp port 4/6
-> no linkagg lacp port 4/5
-> no linkagg lacp port 4/4

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 9-10
Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Modifying Dynamic Link Aggregate Group Parameters

Modifying Dynamic Link Aggregate Group

The table on page 9-2 lists default group and port settings for Alcatel-Lucent Dynamic Link Aggregation
software. These parameters ensure compliance with the IEEE 802.3ad specification. For most networks,
these default values need not be modified or can be modified automatically by the switch software.
However, if you need to modify any of these default settings, see the following sections to modify the
parameters for:
• Dynamic aggregate groups on page 9-11

• Dynamic aggregate actor ports on page 9-16

• Dynamic aggregate partner ports on page 9-20

Note. You must create a dynamic aggregate group before you can modify group or port parameters. See
“Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregate Groups” on page 9-7 for more information.

Modifying Dynamic Aggregate Group Parameters

This section describes how to modify the following dynamic aggregate group parameters:
• Group name (see “Modifying the Dynamic Aggregate Group Name” on page 9-12)

• Group administrative state (see “Modifying the Dynamic Aggregate Group Administrative State” on
page 9-12)
• Group local (actor) switch actor administrative key (see “Configuring and Deleting the Dynamic
Aggregate Group Actor Administrative Key” on page 9-13)
• Group local (actor) switch system priority (see “Modifying the Dynamic Aggregate Group Actor
System Priority” on page 9-13)
• Group local (actor) switch system ID (see “Modifying the Dynamic Aggregate Group Actor System
ID” on page 9-14)
• Group remote (partner) administrative key (see “Modifying the Dynamic Aggregate Group Partner
Administrative Key” on page 9-14)
• Group remote (partner) system priority (see “Modifying the Dynamic Aggregate Group Partner System
Priority” on page 9-15)
• Group remote (partner) switch system ID (see “Modifying the Dynamic Aggregate Group Partner
System ID” on page 9-15)

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 9-11
Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Modifying Dynamic Link Aggregate Group Parameters

Modifying the Dynamic Aggregate Group Name

The following subsections describe how to configure and remove a dynamic aggregate group name with
the linkagg lacp agg name command.

Configuring a Dynamic Aggregate Group name

To configure a dynamic aggregate group name, enter linkagg lacp agg followed by the dynamic aggregate
group number, name, and the user-specified name.
For example, to name dynamic aggregate group 4 “Engineering”, enter:
-> linkagg lacp agg 4 name Engineering

Note. If you want to specify spaces within a name, the name must be enclosed in quotes. For example:
-> linkagg lacp agg 4 name "Engineering Lab"

Deleting a Dynamic Aggregate Group Name

To remove a dynamic aggregate group name from the configuration of a switch, use the no form of the
linkagg lacp agg name command by entering linkagg lacp agg followed by the dynamic aggregate group
number and no name.
For example, to remove any user-configured name from dynamic aggregate group 4, enter:
-> no linkagg lacp agg 4 name

Modifying the Dynamic Aggregate Group Administrative State

By default, the dynamic aggregate group administrative state is enabled. The following subsections
describe how to enable and disable the administrative state of a dynamic aggregate group with the linkagg
lacp agg admin-state command.

Enabling a Dynamic Aggregate Group

To enable the dynamic aggregate group administrative state, enter linkagg lacp agg followed by the
dynamic aggregate group number and admin-state enable. For example, to enable dynamic aggregate
group 4, enter:
-> linkagg lacp agg 4 admin-state enable

Disabling a Dynamic Aggregate Group

To disable the administrative state of a dynamic aggregate group, use the linkagg lacp agg admin-state
command by entering linkagg lacp agg followed by the dynamic aggregate group number and admin-
state disable.
For example, to disable dynamic aggregate group 4, enter:
-> linkagg lacp agg 4 admin-state disable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 9-12
Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Modifying Dynamic Link Aggregate Group Parameters

Configuring and Deleting the Dynamic Aggregate Group Actor

Administrative Key
The following subsections describe how to configure and delete a dynamic aggregate group actor
administrative key with the linkagg lacp agg actor admin-key command.

Configuring a Dynamic Aggregate Actor Administrative Key

To configure the dynamic aggregate group actor switch administrative key, enter linkagg lacp agg
followed by the dynamic aggregate group number, actor admin-key, and the value for the administrative
For example, to configure dynamic aggregate group 4 with an administrative key of 10, enter:
-> linkagg lacp agg 4 actor admin-key 10

Deleting a Dynamic Aggregate Actor Administrative Key

To remove an actor switch administrative key from the configuration of a dynamic aggregate group, use
the no form of the linkagg lacp agg actor admin-key command by entering linkagg lacp agg followed
by the dynamic aggregate group number and the actor admin-key parameter.
For example, to remove an administrative key from dynamic aggregate group 4, enter:
-> no linkagg lacp agg 4 actor admin-key

Modifying the Dynamic Aggregate Group Actor System Priority

By default, the dynamic aggregate group actor system priority is 0. The following subsections describe
how to configure a user-specified value and how to restore the value to its default value with the linkagg
lacp agg actor system-priority command.

Configuring a Dynamic Aggregate Group Actor System Priority

You can configure a user-specified dynamic aggregate group actor system priority value by entering
linkagg lacp agg followed by the dynamic aggregate group number, actor system-priority, and the new
priority value.
For example, to change the actor system priority of dynamic aggregate group 4 to 2000, enter:
-> linkagg lacp agg 4 actor system-priority 2000

Restoring the Dynamic Aggregate Group Actor System Priority

To restore the dynamic aggregate group actor system priority to its default (0) value use the no form of the
linkagg lacp agg actor system-priority command by entering no linkagg lacp agg followed by the
dynamic aggregate group number and no actor system priority.
For example, to restore the actor system priority to its default value on dynamic aggregate group 4, enter:
-> no linkagg lacp agg 4 actor system-priority

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 9-13
Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Modifying Dynamic Link Aggregate Group Parameters

Modifying the Dynamic Aggregate Group Actor System ID

By default, the dynamic aggregate group actor system ID (MAC address) is 00:00:00:00:00:00. The
following subsections describe how to configure a user-specified value and how to restore the value to its
default value with the linkagg lacp agg actor system-id command.

Configuring a Dynamic Aggregate Group Actor System ID

You can configure a user-specified dynamic aggregate group actor system ID by entering linkagg lacp
agg followed by the dynamic aggregate group number, actor system-id, and the user-specified MAC
address (in the hexadecimal format of xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx), which is used as the system ID.
For example, to configure the system ID on dynamic aggregate group 4 as 00:20:da:81:d5:b0, enter:
-> linkagg lacp agg 4 actor system-id 00:20:da:81:d5:b0

Restoring the Dynamic Aggregate Group Actor System ID

To remove the user-configured actor switch system ID from the configuration of a dynamic aggregate
group, use the no form of the linkagg lacp agg actor system-id command by entering linkagg lacp agg
followed by the dynamic aggregate group number and actor system-id.
For example, to remove the user-configured system ID from dynamic aggregate group 4, enter:
-> no linkagg lacp agg 4 actor system-id

Modifying the Dynamic Aggregate Group Partner Administrative Key

By default, the dynamic aggregate group partner administrative key (the administrative key of the partner
switch) is 0. The following subsections describe how to configure a user-specified value and how to
restore the value to its default value with the linkagg lacp agg partner admin-key command.

Configuring a Dynamic Aggregate Group Partner Administrative Key

You can modify the dynamic aggregate group partner administrative key to a value ranging from 0 to
65535 by entering linkagg lacp agg followed by the dynamic aggregate group number, partner admin-
key parameter, and the value for the administrative key.
For example, to set the partner administrative key to 4 on dynamic aggregate group 4, enter:
-> linkagg lacp agg 4 partner admin-key 10

Restoring the Dynamic Aggregate Group Partner Administrative Key

To remove a partner administrative key from the configuration of a dynamic aggregate group, use the no
form of the linkagg lacp agg partner admin-key command by entering no linkagg lacp agg followed by
the dynamic aggregate group number and the partner admin-key parameter.
For example, to remove the user-configured partner administrative key from dynamic aggregate group 4,
-> no linkagg lacp agg 4 partner admin-key

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 9-14
Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Modifying Dynamic Link Aggregate Group Parameters

Modifying the Dynamic Aggregate Group Partner System Priority

By default, the dynamic aggregate group partner system priority is 0. The following subsections describe
how to configure a user-specified value and how to restore the value to its default value with the linkagg
lacp agg partner system-priority command.

Configuring a Dynamic Aggregate Group Partner System Priority

You can modify the dynamic aggregate group partner system priority to a value by entering linkagg lacp
agg followed by the dynamic aggregate group number, partner system-priority, and the new priority
For example, to set the partner system priority on dynamic aggregate group 4 to 2000, enter:
-> linkagg lacp agg 4 partner system-priority 2000

Restoring the Dynamic Aggregate Group Partner System Priority

To restore the dynamic aggregate group partner system priority to its default (0) value use the no form of
the linkagg lacp agg partner system-priority command by entering no linkagg lacp agg followed by the
dynamic aggregate group number and partner system-priority.
For example, to reset the partner system priority of dynamic aggregate group 4 to its default value, enter:
-> no linkagg lacp agg 4 partner system-priority

Modifying the Dynamic Aggregate Group Partner System ID

By default, the dynamic aggregate group partner system ID is 00:00:00:00:00:00. The following
subsections describe how to configure a user-specified value and how to restore it to its default value with
the linkagg lacp agg partner system-id command.

Configuring a Dynamic Aggregate Group Partner System ID

You can configure the dynamic aggregate group partner system ID by entering linkagg lacp agg followed
by the dynamic aggregate group number, partner system-id, and the user-specified MAC address (in the
hexadecimal format of xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx), which is used as the system ID.
For example, to configure the partner system ID as 00:20:da:81:d5:b0 on dynamic aggregate group 4,
-> linkagg lacp agg 4 partner system-id 00:20:da:81:d5:b0

Restoring the Dynamic Aggregate Group Partner System ID

To remove the user-configured partner switch system ID from the configuration of a dynamic aggregate
group, use the no form of the linkagg lacp agg partner system-id command by entering no linkagg lacp
agg followed by the dynamic aggregate group number and the partner system-id parameter.
For example, to remove the user-configured partner system ID from dynamic aggregate group 4, enter:
-> no linkagg lacp agg 4 partner system-id

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 9-15
Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Modifying Dynamic Link Aggregate Group Parameters

Modifying Dynamic Link Aggregate Actor Port Parameters

This section describes how to modify the following dynamic aggregate actor port parameters:
• Actor port administrative state (see “Modifying the Actor Port System Administrative State” on
page 9-16)
• Actor port system ID (see “Modifying the Actor Port System ID” on page 9-17)

• Actor port system priority (see “Modifying the Actor Port System Priority” on page 9-18)

• Actor port priority (see “Modifying the Actor Port Priority” on page 9-19)

• See “Configuring Ports to Join and Removing Ports in a Dynamic Aggregate Group” on page 9-9 for
information on modifying a dynamic aggregate group administrative key.
• A port can belong to only one aggregate group.

Modifying the Actor Port System Administrative State

The system administrative state of a dynamic aggregate group actor port is indicated by bit settings in
Link Aggregation Control Protocol Data Unit (LACPDU) frames sent by the port. By default, bits 0
(indicate that the port is active), 1 (indicate that short timeouts are used for LACPDU frames), and 2
(indicate that this port is available for aggregation) are set in LACPDU frames.
The following subsections describe how to configure user-specified values and how to restore them to
their default values with the linkagg lacp agg admin-state command.

Configuring Actor Port Administrative State Values

To configure the system administrative state values of the LACP actor port, enter linkagg lacp port, the
slot number, a slash (/), the port number, actor admin-state, and one or more of the keywords shown in
the table below or use the none keyword:

linkagg lacp agg actor

admin-state Keyword
active Specifies that bit 0 in LACPDU frames is set, which indicates that the
link is able to exchange LACPDU frames. By default, this bit is set.
timeout Specifies that bit 1 in LACPDU frames is set, which indicates that a
short time-out is used for LACPDU frames. When this bit is disabled, a
long time-out is used for LACPDU frames. By default, this bit is set.
aggregate Specifies that bit 2 in LACPDU frames is set, which indicates that the
system considers this link to be a potential candidate for aggregation. If
this bit is not set, the system considers the link to be individual (it can
only operate as a single link). By default, this bit is set.
synchronize Specifying this keyword has no effect because the system always
determines its value. When this bit (bit 3) is set by the system, the port
is allocated to the correct dynamic aggregation group. If this bit is not
set by the system, the port is not allocated to the correct dynamic
aggregation group.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 9-16
Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Modifying Dynamic Link Aggregate Group Parameters

linkagg lacp agg actor

admin-state Keyword
collect Specifying this keyword has no effect because the system always
determines its value. When this bit (bit 4) is set by the system,
incoming LACPDU frames are collected from the individual ports that
make up the dynamic aggregate group.
distribute Specifying this keyword has no effect because the system always
determines its value. When this bit (bit 5) is set by the system,
distributing outgoing frames on the port is disabled.
default Specifying this keyword has no effect because the system always
determines its value. When this bit (bit 6) is set by the system, it
indicates that the actor is using defaulted partner information
administratively configured for the partner.
expire Specifying this keyword has no effect because the system always
determines its value. When this bit (bit 7) is set by the system, the actor
cannot receive LACPDU frames.

Note. Specifying none removes all administrative states from the LACPDU configuration. For example:
-> linkagg lacp port 5/49 actor admin-state none

For example, to set bits 0 (active) and 2 (aggregate) on dynamic aggregate actor port 49 in slot 5 you
would enter:
-> linkagg lacp port 5/49 actor admin-state active aggregate

For example, to set bits 0 (active) and 2 (aggregate) on dynamic aggregate actor port 49 in slot 5, enter:
-> linkagg lacp port 5/49 actor admin-state active aggregate

Restoring Actor Port Administrative State Values

To restore LACPDU bit settings to their default values, use the no form of the linkagg lacp port actor
admin-state command by entering the active, timeout, and aggregate keywords.
For example, to restore bits 0 (active) and 2 (aggregate) to their default settings on dynamic aggregate
actor port 2 in slot 5, enter:
-> no linkagg lacp port 5/2 actor admin-state active aggregate

Note. Since individual bits with the LACPDU frame are set with the linkagg lacp agg actor admin-state
command you can set some bits on and restore other bits within the same command. For example, if you
wanted to restore bit 2 (aggregate) to its default settings and set bit 0 (active) on dynamic aggregate actor
port 49 in slot 5 you would enter:
-> no linkagg lacp agg 5/49 actor admin-state active aggregate

Modifying the Actor Port System ID

By default, the actor port system ID ( the MAC address used as the system ID on dynamic aggregate actor
ports) is 00:00:00:00:00:00. The following subsections describe how to configure a user-specified value

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 9-17
Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Modifying Dynamic Link Aggregate Group Parameters

and how to restore the value to its default value with the linkagg lacp port actor system-id command.

Configuring an Actor Port System ID

You can configure the actor port system ID by entering linkagg lacp port, the slot number, a slash (/), the
port number, actor system-id, and the user specified actor port system ID ( MAC address) in the
hexadecimal format of xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx.
For example, to modify the system ID of the dynamic aggregate actor port 3 in slot 7 to
00:20:da:06:ba:d3, enter:
-> linkagg lacp port 7/3 actor system-id 00:20:da:06:ba:d3

For example, to modify the system ID of the dynamic aggregate actor port 3 in slot 7 to
00:20:da:06:ba:d3 and document that the port is 10 Mbps Ethernet you would enter:
-> linkagg lacp port 7/3 actor system-id 00:20:da:06:ba:d3

Restoring the Actor Port System ID

To remove a user-configured system ID from a dynamic aggregate group actor port configuration, use the
no form of the linkagg lacp port actor system-id command by entering no linkagg lacp agg, the slot
number, a slash (/), the port number, and actor system-id keyword.
For example, to remove a user-configured system ID from dynamic aggregate actor port 3 in slot 7, enter:
-> linkagg lacp port 7/3 actor system-id

Modifying the Actor Port System Priority

By default, the actor system priority is 0. The following subsections describe how to configure a user-
specified value and how to restore the value to its default value with the linkagg lacp port actor system-
priority command.

Configuring an Actor Port System Priority

You can configure the actor system priority to a value by entering lacp agg, the slot number, a slash (/),
the port number, actor system priority, and the user-specified actor port system priority.
For example, to modify the system priority of dynamic aggregate actor port 5 in slot 2 to 200 you would
-> linkagg lacp port 2/5 actor system-priority 200

For example, to modify the system priority of dynamic aggregate actor port 5 in slot 2 to 200, enter:
-> linkagg lacp port 2/5 actor system-priority 200

Restoring the Actor Port System Priority

To remove a user-configured actor port system priority from a dynamic aggregate group actor port
configuration use the no form of the linkagg lacp port actor system-priority command by entering no
linkagg lacp agg, the slot number, a slash (/), the port number, and actor system priority.
For example, to remove a user-configured system priority from dynamic aggregate actor port 5 in slot 2
you would enter:
-> no linkagg lacp port 2/5 actor system-priority

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 9-18
Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Modifying Dynamic Link Aggregate Group Parameters

Modifying the Actor Port Priority

By default, the actor port priority (used to converge dynamic key changes) is 0. The following subsections
describe how to configure a user-specified value and how to restore the value to its default value with the
linkagg lacp port actor port priority command.

Configuring the Actor Port Priority

You can configure the actor port priority to a value by entering linkagg lacp agg, the slot number, a slash
(/), the port number, actor port-priority, and the user-specified actor port priority.
For example, to modify the actor port priority of dynamic aggregate actor port 1 in slot 2 to 100 you
would enter:
-> linkagg lacp port 2/1 actor port-priority 100

For example, to modify the actor port priority of dynamic aggregate actor port 1 in slot 2 to 100, enter:
-> linkagg lacp port 2/1 actor port-priority 100

Restoring the Actor Port Priority

To remove a user configured actor port priority from a dynamic aggregate group actor port configuration
use the no form of the linkagg lacp port actor port priority command by entering no linkagg lacp agg,
the slot number, a slash (/), the port number, and no actor port priority.
For example, to remove a user-configured actor priority from dynamic aggregate actor port 1 in slot 2 you
would enter:
-> no linkagg lacp port 2/1 actor port-priority

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 9-19
Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Modifying Dynamic Link Aggregate Group Parameters

Modifying Dynamic Aggregate Partner Port Parameters

This section describes how to modify the following dynamic aggregate partner port parameters:
• Partner port system administrative state (see “Modifying the Partner Port System Administrative State”
on page 9-20)
• Partner port administrative key (see “Modifying the Partner Port Administrative Key” on page 9-21)

• Partner port system ID (see “Modifying the Partner Port System ID” on page 9-22)

• Partner port system priority (see “Modifying the Partner Port System Priority” on page 9-23)

• Partner port administrative state (see “Modifying the Partner Port Administrative Status” on page 9-23)

• Partner port priority (see “Modifying the Partner Port Priority” on page 9-24)

See Chapter 1, “Configuring Ethernet Ports,” for information on configuring Ethernet ports.

Note. A port can belong to only one aggregate group.

Modifying the Partner Port System Administrative State

The system administrative state of a dynamic aggregate group partner ( remote switch) port is indicated by
bit settings in Link Aggregation Control Protocol Data Unit (LACPDU) frames sent by this port. By
default, bits 0 (indicating that the port is active), 1 (indicating that short timeouts are used for LACPDU
frames), and 2 (indicating that this port is available for aggregation) are set in LACPDU frames.
The following subsections describe how to configure user-specified values and how to restore them to
their default values with the linkagg lacp agg partner admin-state command.

Configuring Partner Port System Administrative State Values

To configure the system administrative state values for the port on the dynamic aggregate partner, enter
linkagg lacp port, the slot number, a slash (/), the port number, partner admin-state, and one or more of
the keywords shown in the table below or none:

Keyword Definition
active Specifies that bit 0 in LACPDU frames is set, which indicates that the
link is able to exchange LACPDU frames. By default, this bit is set.
timeout Specifies that bit 1 in LACPDU frames is set, which indicates that a
short time-out is used for LACPDU frames. When this bit is disabled, a
long time-out is used for LACPDU frames. By default, this bit is set.
aggregate Specifies that bit 2 in LACPDU frames is set, which indicates that the
system considers this link to be a potential candidate for aggregation. If
this bit is not set, the system considers the link to be individual (it can
only operate as a single link). By default, this bit is set.
synchronize Specifies that bit 3 in the partner state octet is enabled. When this bit is
set, the port is allocated to the correct dynamic aggregation group. If
this bit is not enabled, the port is not allocated to the correct
aggregation group. By default, this value is disabled.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 9-20
Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Modifying Dynamic Link Aggregate Group Parameters

Keyword Definition
collect Specifying this keyword has no effect because the system always
determines its value. When this bit (bit 4) is set by the system,
incoming LACPDU frames are collected from the individual ports that
make up the dynamic aggregate group.
distribute Specifying this keyword has no effect because the system always
determines its value. When this bit (bit 5) is set by the system,
distributing outgoing frames on the port is disabled.
default Specifying this keyword has no effect because the system always
determines its value. When this bit (bit 6) is set by the system, it
indicates that the partner is using defaulted actor information
administratively configured for the partner.
expire Specifying this keyword has no effect because the system always
determines its value. When this bit (bit 7) is set by the system, the actor
cannot receive LACPDU frames.

Note. Specifying none removes all administrative states from the LACPDU configuration. For example:
-> linkagg lacp port 7/49 partner admin-state none

For example, to set bits 0 (active) and 2 (aggregate) on dynamic aggregate partner port 49 in slot 7, enter:
-> linkagg lacp port 7/49 partner admin-state active aggregate

For example, to set bits 0 (active) and 2 (aggregate) on dynamic aggregate partner port 49 in slot 7 and
document that the port is a Gigabit Ethernet port, enter:
-> linkagg lacp port 7/49 partner admin-state active aggregate

Restoring Partner Port System Administrative State Values

To restore LACPDU bit settings to their default values use the no form of the linkagg lacp agg partner
admin-state command and enter the active, timeout, aggregate, or synchronize keywords.
For example, to restore bits 0 (active) and 2 (aggregate) to their default settings on dynamic aggregate
partner port 1 in slot 7, enter:
-> no linkagg lacp port 7/1 partner admin-state active aggregate

Note. Since individual bits with the LACPDU frame are set with the linkagg lacp port partner admin
state command you can set some bits on and restore other bits to default values within the same command.
For example, if you wanted to restore bit 2 (aggregate) to its default settings and set bit 0 (active) on
dynamic aggregate partner port 1 in slot 7, enter:
-> no linkagg lacp port 7/1 partner admin-state active aggregate

Modifying the Partner Port Administrative Key

By default, the “administrative key” of the dynamic aggregate partner port is 0. The following subsections
describe how to configure a user-specified value and how to restore the value to its default value with the
linkagg lacp agg partner admin-key command.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 9-21
Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Modifying Dynamic Link Aggregate Group Parameters

Configuring the Partner Port Administrative Key

You can configure the administrative key for the dynamic aggregate partner port to a value ranging from 0
to 65535 enter linkagg lacp port, the slot number, a slash (/), the port number, partner admin-key, and
the user-specified partner port administrative key.
For example, to modify the administrative key of a dynamic aggregate group partner port 1 in slot 6 to
1000 enter:
-> linkagg lacp port 6/1 partner admin-key 1000

For example, to modify the administrative key of a dynamic aggregate group partner port 1 in slot 6, enter:
-> linkagg lacp port 6/1 partner admin-key 1000

Restoring the Partner Port Administrative Key

To remove a user-configured administrative key from the configuration set on a dynamic aggregate group
partner port, use the no form of the linkagg lacp agg partner admin-key command by entering no
linkagg lacp agg, the slot number, a slash (/), the port number, and partner admin-key keyword.
For example, to remove the user-configured administrative key from dynamic aggregate partner port 1 in
slot 6, enter:
-> no linkagg lacp port 6/1 partner admin-key

Modifying the Partner Port System ID

By default, the partner port system ID ( the MAC address used as the system ID on dynamic aggregate
partner ports) is 00:00:00:00:00:00. The following subsections describe how to configure a user-specified
value and how to restore the value to its default value with the linkagg lacp port partner admin system-
id command.

Configuring the Partner Port System ID

You can configure the partner port system ID by entering linkagg lacp port, the slot number, a slash (/),
the port number, partner admin system-id, and the user-specified partner administrative system ID (the
MAC address in hexadecimal format).
For example, to modify the system ID of dynamic aggregate partner port 49 in slot 6 to
00:20:da:06:ba:d3, enter:
-> linkagg lacp port 6/49 partner admin system-id 00:20:da:06:ba:d3

For example, to modify the system ID of dynamic aggregate partner port 49 in slot 6 to
00:20:da:06:ba:d3, enter:
-> linkagg lacp port 6/49 partner admin system-id 00:20:da:06:ba:d3

Restoring the Partner Port System ID

To remove a user-configured system ID from a dynamic aggregate group partner port configuration use
the no form of the linkagg lacp port partner admin system-id command by entering linkagg lacp agg,
the slot number, a slash (/), the port number, and the partner admin system-id parameters.
For example, to remove a user-configured system ID from dynamic aggregate partner port 2 in slot 6,
-> no linkagg lacp port 6/2 partner admin system-id

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 9-22
Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Modifying Dynamic Link Aggregate Group Parameters

Modifying the Partner Port System Priority

By default, the administrative priority of a dynamic aggregate group partner port is 0. The following
subsections describe how to configure a user-specified value and how to restore the value to its default
value with the linkagg lacp agg partner system-priority command.

Configuring the Partner Port System Priority

You can configure the administrative priority of a dynamic aggregate group partner port to a value ranging
from 0 to 255 by entering linkagg lacp port, the slot number, a slash (/), the port number, partner
admin-system-priority, and the user-specified administrative system priority.
For example, to modify the administrative priority of a dynamic aggregate partner port 49 in slot 4 to 100,
-> linkagg lacp port 4/49 partner admin-system-priority 100

For example, to modify the administrative priority of dynamic aggregate partner port 49 in slot 4 to 100
and specify that the port is a Gigabit Ethernet port, enter:
-> linkagg lacp port 4/49 partner admin-system-priority 100

Restoring the Partner Port System Priority

To remove a user-configured system priority from a dynamic aggregate group partner port configuration
use the no form of the linkagg lacp agg partner system-priority command by entering lacp port, the
slot number, a slash (/), the port number, and partner admin-system-priority.
For example, to remove a user-configured system ID from dynamic aggregate partner port 3 in slot 4,
-> no linkagg lacp port 4/3 partner admin-system-priority

Modifying the Partner Port Administrative Status

By default, the administrative status of a dynamic aggregate group partner port is 0. The following
subsections describe how to configure a user-specified value and how to restore the value to its default
value with the linkagg lacp port partner admin-port command.

Configuring the Partner Port Administrative Status

You can configure the administrative status of a dynamic aggregate group partner port by entering linkagg
lacp port, the slot number, a slash (/), the port number, partner admin-port, and the user-specified
partner port administrative status.
For example, to modify the administrative status of dynamic aggregate partner port 1 in slot 7 to 200 you
would enter:
-> linkagg lacp port 7/1 partner admin-port 200

For example, to modify the administrative status of dynamic aggregate partner port 1 in slot 7 to 200,
-> linkagg lacp port 7/1 partner admin-port 200

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 9-23
Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Modifying Dynamic Link Aggregate Group Parameters

Restoring the Partner Port Administrative Status

To remove a user-configured administrative status from a dynamic aggregate group partner port
configuration use the no form of the linkagg lacp port partner admin-port command by entering no
linkagg lacp agg, the slot number, a slash (/), the port number, and partner admin-port.
For example, to remove a user-configured administrative status from dynamic aggregate partner port 1 in
slot 7 you would enter:
-> no linkagg lacp port 7/1 partner admin-port

Modifying the Partner Port Priority

The default partner port priority is 0. The following subsections describe how to configure a user-specified
value and how to restore the value to its default value with the linkagg lacp port partner admin port-
priority command.

Configuring the Partner Port Priority

To configure the partner port priority, enter lacp agg, the slot number, a slash (/), the port number,
partner admin-port priority, and the user-specified partner port priority.
For example, to modify the port priority of dynamic aggregate partner port 3 in slot 4 to 100 you would
-> linkagg lacp port 4/3 partner admin-port priority 100

For example, to modify the port priority of dynamic aggregate partner port 3 in slot 4 to 100, enter:
-> linkagg lacp port 4/3 partner admin-port priority 100

Restoring the Partner Port Priority

To remove a user-configured partner port priority from a dynamic aggregate group partner port
configuration use the no form of the linkagg lacp port partner admin port-priority command by
entering no linkagg lacp port, the slot number, a slash (/), the port number, partner admin-port
For example, to remove a user-configured partner port priority from dynamic aggregate partner port 3 in
slot 4 you would enter:
-> no linkagg lacp port 4/3 partner admin-port priority

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 9-24
Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Application Examples

Application Examples
Dynamic link aggregation groups are treated by the software on the switch as similar to individual
physical ports. This section demonstrates the dynamic link aggregation feature by providing sample
network configurations that use dynamic aggregation along with other software features. In addition,
tutorials are provided that show how to configure these sample networks by using Command Line
Interface (CLI) commands.

Sample Network Overview

The figure below shows two VLANs on Switch A that use two different link aggregation groups. VLAN
10 has been configured on dynamic aggregate group 5 with Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) with the highest
priority (15) possible. And VLAN 12 has been configured on dynamic aggregate group 7 with 802.1Q
tagging and 802.1p priority bit settings.
Switch B

Switch A
Dynamic Aggregate
Group 5
VLAN 10 has been configured to
use this group with Spanning
Tree with a priority of 15.

Switch C

Dynamic Aggregate
Group 7
VLAN 12 with 802.1Q tagging
using 802.1p priority has been
configured to use this group.

Sample Network Using Dynamic Link Aggregation

The steps to configure VLAN 10 (Spanning Tree example) are described in “Link Aggregation and
Spanning Tree Example” on page 9-26. The steps to configure VLAN 12 (802.1Q and 802.1p example)
are described in “Link Aggregation and QoS Example” on page 9-27.

Note. Although you need to configure both the local ( Switch A) and remote ( Switches B and C) switches,
only the steps to configure the local switch are provided since the steps to configure the remote switches are

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 9-25
Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Application Examples

Link Aggregation and Spanning Tree Example

As shown in the figure on page 9-25, VLAN 10, which uses the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) with a
priority of 15, has been configured to use dynamic aggregate group 7. The actual physical links connect
ports 3/9 and 3/10 on Switch A to ports 1/1 and 1/2 on Switch B. Follow the steps below to configure this

Note. Only the steps to configure the local (Switch A) are provided here since the steps to configure the
remote (Switch B) are similar.

1 Configure dynamic aggregate group 5 by entering:

-> linkagg lacp agg 5 size 2

2 Configure ports 5/5 and 5/6 with the same actor administrative key (5) by entering:

-> linkagg lacp port 5/5-6 actor admin-key 5

3 Create VLAN 10 by entering:

-> vlan 10

4 If the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) has been disabled on this VLAN (STP is enabled by default),
enable it on VLAN 10 by entering:
-> vlan 10 stp enable

Note. Optional. Use the show spantree ports command to determine if the STP is enabled or disabled and
to display other STP parameters. For example:
-> show spantree vlan 10 ports

Spanning Tree Port Summary for Vlan 10 AdmOper Man. Path Desig FwPrim.AdmOp
Port Pri St St mode Cost Cost Role Tx Port Cnx Cnx Desig Bridge ID
3/13 7 ENA FORW No 100 0 DESG 1 3/13EDG NPT 000A-00:d0:95:6b:0a:c0
2/10 7 ENA FORW No 19 0 DESG 1 2/10PTP PTP 000A-00:d0:95:6b:0a:c0
5/2 7 ENA DIS No 0 0 DIS 0 5/2 EDG NPT 0000-00:00:00:00:00:00
0/5 7 ENA FORW No 4 0 DESG 1 0/10PTP PTP 000A-00:d0:95:6b:0a:c0

In the example above the link aggregation group is indicated by the “0” for the slot number.

5 Configure VLAN 10 (which uses dynamic aggregate group 5) to the highest (15) priority possible by
-> spantree vlan 10 linkagg 5 priority 15

6 Repeat steps 1 through 5 on Switch B. Substitute the port numbers of the commands with the
appropriate port numbers of Switch B.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 9-26
Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Application Examples

Link Aggregation and QoS Example

As shown in the figure on page 9-25, VLAN 12, which uses 802.1Q frame tagging and 802.1p
prioritization, has been configured to use dynamic aggregate group 7. The actual physical links connect
ports 4/1, 4/2, 4/3, and 4/4 on Switch A to ports 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4 on Switch C. Follow the steps below
to configure this network:

Note. Only the steps to configure the local ( Switch A) switch are provided here since the steps to configure
the remote (Switch C) switch would not be significantly different.

1 Configure dynamic aggregate group 7 by entering:

-> linkagg lacp agg 7 size 4

2 Configure ports 4/1, 4/2, 4/3, and 4/4 the same actor administrative key (7) by entering:

-> lacp agg 4/1-4 actor admin-key 7

3 Create VLAN 12 by entering:

-> vlan 12

4 Configure 802.1Q tagging with a tagging ID ( VLAN ID) of 12 on dynamic aggregate group 7 by
-> vlan 12 members 7

5 If the QoS Manager has been disabled (it is enabled by default) enable it by entering:

-> qos enable

Note. Optional. Use the show qos config command to determine if the QoS Manager is enabled or

6 Configure a policy condition for VLAN 12 called “vlan12_condition” by entering:

-> policy condition vlan12_condition destination vlan 12

7 Configure an 802.1p policy action with the highest priority possible ( 7) for VLAN 12 called
“vlan12_action” by entering:
-> policy action vlan12_action 802.1P 7

8 Configure a QoS rule called “vlan12_rule” by using the policy condition and policy rules you
configured in steps 8 and 9 above by entering:
-> policy rule vlan12_rule enable condition vlan12_condition action

9 Enable your 802.1p QoS settings by entering qos apply as shown below:

-> qos apply

10 Repeat steps 1 through 9 on Switch C. Use the same commands as mentioned in the previous steps.
Substitute the port numbers of the commands with the appropriate port numbers of Switch C.

Note. If you do not use the qos apply command any QoS policies previously configured, are lost on the
next switch reboot.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 9-27
Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Displaying Dynamic Link Aggregation Configuration and Statistics

Displaying Dynamic Link Aggregation

Configuration and Statistics
You can use Command Line Interface (CLI) show commands to display the current configuration and
statistics of link aggregation. These commands include the following:

linkagg range Displays information on link aggregation groups.

show linkagg port Displays information on link aggregation ports.

When you use the show linkagg command without specifying the link aggregation group number and
when you use the show linkagg port command without specifying the slot and port number, these
commands provide a “global” view of switch-wide link aggregate group and link aggregate port
information, respectively.
For example, to display global statistics on all link aggregate groups (both dynamic and static), enter:
-> show linkagg agg

A screen similar to the following would be displayed:

Number Aggregate SNMP Id Size Admin State Oper State Att/Sel Ports
1 Static 40000001 8 ENABLED UP 2 2
2 Dynamic 40000002 4 ENABLED DOWN 0 0
3 Dynamic 40000003 8 ENABLED DOWN 0 2
4 Static 40000005 2 DISABLED DOWN 0 0

When you use the show linkagg command with the agg keyword and the link aggregation group number
and when you use the show linkagg port command with the slot and port number, these commands
provide detailed views of the link aggregate group and port information, respectively. These detailed
views provide excellent tools for diagnosing and troubleshooting problems.
For example, to display detailed statistics for port 1 in slot 2 that is attached to dynamic link aggregate
group 1, enter:
-> show linkagg port 2/1

A screen similar to the following would be displayed:

Dynamic Aggregable Port
SNMP Id : 2001,
Slot/Port : 2/1,
Administrative State : ENABLED,
Operational State : DOWN,
Port State : CONFIGURED,
Link State : DOWN,
Selected Agg Number : NONE,
Primary port : UNKNOWN,
Actor System Priority : 10,
Actor System Id : [00:d0:95:6a:78:3a],
Actor Admin Key : 8,
Actor Oper Key : 8,
Partner Admin System Priority : 20,
Partner Oper System Priority : 20,
Partner Admin System Id : [00:00:00:00:00:00],
Partner Oper System Id : [00:00:00:00:00:00],

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 9-28
Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation Displaying Dynamic Link Aggregation Configuration and Statistics

Partner Admin Key : 8,

Partner Oper Key : 0,
Attached Agg Id : 0,
Actor Port : 7,
Actor Port Priority : 15,
Partner Admin Port : 0,
Partner Oper Port : 0,
Partner Admin Port Priority : 0,
Partner Oper Port Priority : 0,
Actor Admin State : act1.tim1.agg1.syn0.col0.dis0.def1.exp0,
Actor Oper State : act1.tim1.agg1.syn0.col0.dis0.def1.exp0,
Partner Admin State : act0.tim0.agg1.syn1.col1.dis1.def1.exp0,
Partner Oper State : act0.tim0.agg1.syn0.col1.dis1.def1.exp0

See the “Link Aggregation Commands” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide
for complete documentation of show commands for link aggregation.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 9-29
10 Configuring Dual-Home

Dual-Home Link (DHL) is a high availability feature that provides fast failover between core and edge
switches without implementing Spanning Tree. The OmniSwitch provides the following method for
implementing a DHL solution:
DHL Active-Active—an edge technology that splits a number of VLANs between two active links. The
forwarding status of each VLAN is modified by DHL to prevent network loops and maintain connectivity
to the core when one of the links fails. This solution does not require link aggregation.

In This Chapter
This chapter describes the basic components of DHL solutions and how to configure them through the
Command Line Interface (CLI). CLI commands are used in the configuration examples; for more details
about the syntax of commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.
Information and procedures described in this chapter include:
• “Dual-Home Link Active-Active Defaults” on page 10-2

• “Dual-Home Link Active-Active” on page 10-3.

• “Configuring DHL Active-Active” on page 10-6.

• “Dual-Home Link Active-Active Example” on page 10-8.

• “Displaying the Dual-Home Link Configuration” on page 10-12

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 10-1
Configuring Dual-Home Links Dual-Home Link Active-Active Defaults

Dual-Home Link Active-Active Defaults

The table below lists default values for dual-home link aggregate groups.

Parameter Description Command Default Value/Comments

DHL session ID dhl name If a name is not assigned to a
DHL session, the session is
configured as DHL-1
Admin state of DHL session dhl num admin-state disable
Configure a port/link agg as DHL dhl num linka linkb NA
Configure a VLAN-MAP dhl num vlan-map linkb NA
Pre-emption timer for the DHL dhl num pre-emption-time 30 seconds

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 10-2
Configuring Dual-Home Links Dual-Home Link Active-Active

Dual-Home Link Active-Active

Dual-Home Link (DHL) Active-Active is a high availability feature that provides fast failover between
core and edge switches without using Spanning Tree. To provide this functionality, DHL Active-Active
splits a number of VLANs between two active links. The forwarding status of each VLAN is modified by
DHL to prevent network loops and maintain connectivity to the core when one of the links fails.
The DHL Active-Active feature, however, is configurable on regular switch ports and on logical link
aggregate ports (linkagg ID) instead of just LACP aggregated ports. In addition, the two DHL links are
both active, as opposed to the active and standby mode used with LACP.

DHL Active-Active Operation

A DHL Active-Active configuration consists of the following components:
• A DHL session. Only one session per switch is allowed.

• Two DHL links associated with the session (link A and link B). A physical switch port or a logical link
aggregate (linkagg) ID are configurable as a DHL link.
• A group of VLANs (or pool of common VLANs) in which each VLAN is associated (802.1q tagged)
with both link A and link B.
• A VLAN-to-link mapping that specifies which of the common VLANs each DHL link services. This
mapping prevents network loops by designating only one active link for each VLAN, even though both
links remain active and are associated with each of the common VLANs.
When one of the two active DHL links fails or is brought down, the VLANs mapped to that link are then
forwarded on the remaining active link to maintain connectivity to the core. When the failed link comes
back up, DHL waits a configurable amount of time before the link resumes forwarding of its assigned
VLAN traffic.
The following diagram shows how DHL works when operating in a normal state (both links up) and when
operating in a failed state (one link is down):

Core 1 Core 2 Core 1 Core 2

LinkB VLANs Link Down LinkA and LinkB

VLANs on LinkB

Edge Edge

DHL Normal State DHL Failover State

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 10-3
Configuring Dual-Home Links Dual-Home Link Active-Active

Protected VLANs
A protected VLAN is one that is assigned to both links in a DHL session. This means that if the link to
which the VLAN is mapped fails, the VLAN is moved to the other active DHL link to maintain
connectivity with the core switches.
Any VLAN that is only assigned to one of the DHL links is considered an unprotected VLAN. This type
of VLAN is not eligible for DHL support if the link to which the VLAN is assigned fails.

DHL Port Types

DHL is supported on the following port types:
• Physical switch ports.

• Logical link aggregate ports (linkagg ID).

• LPS ports

• NNI ports

• IPM VLAN ports

• DHCP Snooping ports

• IP Source filtering ports.

DHL is not supported on the following port types:

• Any port that is a member of a link aggregate.

• Mobile ports

• 802.1x ports

• GVRP ports.

• UNI ports

• Ports that are enabled for transparent bridging.

Note. No CLI error message is displayed when DHL is configured using a port type that is not supported.

DHL Pre-Emption Timer

The DHL pre-emption timer specifies the amount of time to wait before a failed link that has recovered
can resume servicing VLANs that are mapped to that link. This time value is configured on a per-DHL
session basis.

MAC Address Flushing

Spanning Tree flushes the MAC address table when a topology change occurs that also changes the
forwarding topology. The MAC addresses are then relearned according to the new forwarding topology.
This prevents MAC address entries from becoming stale (entries contain old forwarding information).
When a port is configured as a DHL Active-Active link, Spanning Tree is automatically disabled on the
port. Since Spanning Tree is not used, a changeover from one DHL link to the other does not trigger a

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 10-4
Configuring Dual-Home Links Dual-Home Link Active-Active

topology change event and the MAC address table is not automatically flushed. This can create stale MAC
address entries that are looking for end devices over the wrong link.
To avoid stale MAC address entries in the forwarding tables of the core switches, some type of
communication needs to occur between the edge uplink switch and the core switches. The DHL Active-
Active feature provides two methods for clearing stale MAC address entries: MVRP Enhanced Operation
or Raw Flooding. Selecting which one of these methods to use is done on a per-DHL session basis.

MVRP Enhanced Operation

The switch uses an enhanced Multiple VLAN Registration Protocol (MVRP) operation to refresh core
MAC address tables as follows:
• For each uplink port, the switch issues joins for each VLAN that is active on that port. This causes the
core switch to only register those VLANs that are active on each link based on the DHL configuration.
• When one of the DHL links fails, the other link issues joins to establish connectivity for the VLANs
that were serviced by the failed link. These new joins contain the “new” flag set, which are forwarded
by the core devices and trigger a flush of the MAC addresses on the core network for the joined
• When a failed DHL link recovers, the link issues new joins to re-establish connectivity for the VLANs
the link was servicing before the link went down. These new joins also trigger a flush of the MAC
addresses on the core network for the joined VLANs.
The switch interacts normally with the core and other devices for MVRP, treating the DHL VLANs on
each uplink port as a fixed registration. This approach requires core devices that support MVRP.

Raw Flooding
When a DHL link fails or recovers and Raw Flooding is enabled for the DHL session, the switch performs
the following tasks to trigger MAC movement:
• Identify a list of MAC addresses within the effected VLANs that were learned on non-DHL ports
(MAC addresses that were reachable through the effected VLANs).
• Create a tagged packet for each of these addresses. The SA for the packet is one of the MAC addresses
from the previously-generated list; the VLAN tag is the resident VLAN for the MAC address; the DA
is set for broadcast (all Fs); the body is just filler.
• Transmit the generated packet once for each VLAN-MAC address combination. These packets are sent
on the link that takes over for the failed link or on a link that has recovered from a failure.
The MAC movement triggered by the Raw Flooding method clears any stale MAC entries. However,
flooded packets are often assigned a low priority and the switch may filter such packets in a highly utilized

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 10-5
Configuring Dual-Home Links Dual-Home Link Active-Active

DHL Configuration Guidelines

Review the following guidelines before attempting to configure a DHL setup:
• Make sure that DHL linkA and linkB are associated with each VLAN protected by the DHL session.
Any VLAN not associated with either link or only associated with one of the links is unprotected.
• DHL linkA and linkB must belong to the same default VLAN. In addition, select a default VLAN that
is one of the VLANs protected by the DHL session. For example, if the session is going to protect
VLANs 10-20, then assign one of those VLANs as the default VLAN for linkA and linkB.
• Only one DHL session per switch is allowed. Each session can have only two links (linkA and linkB).
Specify a physical switch port or a link aggregate (linkagg) ID as a DHL link. The same port or link
aggregate is not configurable as both linkA or linkB.
• The administrative state of a DHL session is not configurable until a linkA port and a linkB port are
associated with the specified DHL session ID number.
• Spanning Tree is automatically disabled on each link when the DHL session is enabled.

• Do not change the link assignments for the DHL session while the session is enabled.

• Configuring a MAC address flush method (MVRP or Raw Flooding) is recommended if the DHL
session ports span across switch modules. This configuration improves convergence time.
• Enabling the registrar mode as “forbidden” is recommended before MVRP is enabled on DHL links.

Configuring DHL Active-Active

Configuring a DHL Active-Active setup requires the following tasks.

1 Configure a set of VLANs that the two DHL session links service.

-> vlan 100-110

2 Identify two ports or link aggregates that serve as the links for the DHL session then assign both links
to the same default VLAN. Make sure the default VLAN is one of the VLANs created in Step 1. For
example, the following commands assign VLAN 100 as the default VLAN for port 1/1/10 and linkagg 5:
-> vlan 100 members port 1/1/10 untagged
-> vlan 100 members linkagg 5 untagged

3 Associate (802.1q tag) the ports identified in Step 2 to each one of the VLANs created in Step 1,
except for the default VLAN already associated with each port. For example, the following commands
associate port 1/1/10 and linkagg 5 with VLANs 101-110:
-> vlan 101-110 members port 1/1/10 tagged
-> vlan 101-110 members linkagg 5 tagged

In the above command example, port 1/1/10 and linkagg 5 are only tagged with VLANs 101-110 because
VLAN 100 is already the default VLAN for both ports.

4 Create a DHL session using the dhl name command. For example:

-> dhl 10

5 Configure the pre-emption (recovery) timer for the DHL session using the dhl num pre-emption-time
command. By default, the timer is set to 30 seconds, so it is only necessary to change this parameter if the
default value is not sufficient. For example, the following command changes the timer value 500 seconds:

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 10-6
Configuring Dual-Home Links Dual-Home Link Active-Active

-> dhl 10 pre-emption-time 500

6 Configure the MAC address flushing method for the DHL session using the dhl num mac-flushing
command and specify either the raw or mvrp parameter option. By default, the MAC flushing method is
set to none. For example, the following command selects the MVRP method:
-> dhl 10 mac-flushing mvrp

7 Configure two links (linkA and linkB) for the DHL session using the dhl num linka linkb command.
Specify the ports identified in Step 1 as linkA and linkB. For example:
-> dhl 10 linka linkagg 5 linkb port 1/1/10

8 Select VLANs from the set of VLANs created in Step 2 and map those VLANs to linkB using the dhl
num vlan-map linkb command. Any VLAN not mapped to linkB is automatically mapped to linkA. By
default, all VLANs are mapped to linkA. For example, the following command maps VLANs 11-20 to
-> dhl 10 vlan-map linkb 11-20

9 Administratively enable the DHL session using the dhl num admin-state command. For example:

-> dhl 10 admin-state enable

See “Dual-Home Link Active-Active Example” on page 10-8 for a DHL application example.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 10-7
Configuring Dual-Home Links Dual-Home Link Active-Active

Dual-Home Link Active-Active Example

The figure below shows two ports (1/1/10 and 1/1/12) that serve as link A and link B for a DHL session
configured on the Edge switch. Both ports are associated with VLANs 1-10, where VLAN 1 is the default
VLAN for both ports. The odd numbered VLANs (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) are mapped to link A and the even
numbered VLANs (2, 4, 6, 8, 10) are mapped to link B. Spanning Tree is disabled on both ports.
Both DHL links are active and provide connectivity to the Core switches for the VLANs to which each
link is mapped. If one link fails or is brought down, the VLANs mapped to the failed link are switched
over to the remaining active link to maintain connectivity for those VLANs. For example, if link A goes
down, VLANs 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 are switch over and carried on link B.

Dual-Home Link Active-Active Example

Follow the steps below to configure this example DHL configuration.

Edge Switch:
1 Create VLANs 2-10.

-> vlan 2-10

2 Configure 802.1q tagging on VLANs 2-10 for port 1/1/10. Because VLAN 1 is the default VLAN for
port 1/1/10, there is no need to tag VLAN 1.
-> vlan 2-10 members port 1/1/10 tagged

3 Configure 802.1q tagging on the VLANs 2-10 for port 1/1/12. Because VLAN 1 is the default VLAN
for port 1/1/12, there is no need to tag VLAN 1.
-> vlan 2-10 members port 1/1/12 tagged

4 Configure a session ID and an optional name for the DHL session.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 10-8
Configuring Dual-Home Links Dual-Home Link Active-Active

-> dhl 1 name dhl_session1

5 Configure port 1/1/10 and port 1/1/12 as the dual-home links (linkA, linkB) for the DHL session.

-> dhl 1 linkA port 1/1/10 linkB port 1/1/12

6 Map VLANs 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 to DHL linkB.

-> dhl 1 vlan-map linkb 2

-> dhl 1 vlan-map linkb 4
-> dhl 1 vlan-map linkb 6
-> dhl 1 vlan-map linkb 8
-> dhl 1 vlan-map linkb 10

7 Specify Raw Flooding as the MAC flushing technique to use for this DHL session.

-> dhl 1 mac-flushing raw

8 Enable the administrative state of the DHL session using the following command:

-> dhl 1 admin-state enable

Core Switches:

1 Create VLANs 2-10.

-> vlan 2-10

2 Configure 802.1q tagging on VLANs 2-10 for port 1/10 on the Core 1 switch. VLAN 1 is the default
VLAN for port 1/10, so there is no need to tag VLAN 1.
-> vlan 2-10 members port 1/1/10 tagged

CLI Command Sequence Example

The following is an example of what the example DHL configuration commands look like entered
sequentially on the command line:
Edge Switch:
-> vlan 2-10
-> vlan 2-10 members port 1/1/10 tagged
-> vlan 2-10 members port 1/1/12 tagged
-> dhl 1 name dhl_session1
-> dhl 1 linkA port 1/1/10 linkB port 1/1/12
-> dhl 1 vlan-map linkb 2
-> dhl 1 vlan-map linkb 4
-> dhl 1 vlan-map linkb 6
-> dhl 1 vlan-map linkb 8
-> dhl 1 vlan-map linkb 10
-> dhl 1 mac-flushing raw
-> dhl 1 admin-state enable

Core 1 Switch:
-> vlan 2-10

Core 2 Switch:
-> vlan 2-10

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 10-9
Configuring Dual-Home Links Dual-Home Link Active-Active

Recommended DHL Active-Active Topology

The following is an example of a recommended topology for Dual-Home Link Active-Active.

In the above topology, all uplinked switches are connected to the core network through redundant links,
and the links are configured to use DHL Active-Active. Spanning Tree is disabled on all the DHL enabled
ports of the uplinked devices.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 10-10
Configuring Dual-Home Links Dual-Home Link Active-Active

Unsupported DHL Active-Active Topology (Network Loops)

The following is an example of an unsupported topology for Dual-Homed Link Active-Active.

In the above topology, the link between the uplink device other than core network is not recommended as
it creates a loop in the network. This topology violates the principle that uplink switches can only be
connected to the network cloud through the core network.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 10-11
Configuring Dual-Home Links Displaying the Dual-Home Link Configuration

Displaying the Dual-Home Link Configuration

You can use Command Line Interface (CLI) show commands to display the current configuration and
statistics of link aggregation. These commands include the following:

show linkagg Displays information on link aggregation groups.

show linkagg port Displays information on link aggregation ports.
show dhl Displays the global status of the DHL configuration.
show dhl num Displays information about a specific DHL session.
show dhl num link Displays information about a specific DHL link, for example linkA or
linkB and the VLAN details of the specified link.

Note. See the “Link Aggregation Commands” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference
Guide for complete documentation of show commands for link aggregation.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 10-12
11 Configuring ERP

The ITU-T G.8032/Y.1344 Ethernet Ring Protection (ERP) switching mechanism is a self-configuring
algorithm that maintains a loop-free topology while providing data path redundancy and network
scalability. ERP provides fast recovery times for Ethernet ring topologies by utilizing traditional Ethernet
MAC and bridge functions.
Loop prevention is achieved by allowing traffic to flow on all except one of the links within the protected
Ethernet ring. This link is blocked and is referred to as the Ring Protection Link (RPL). When a ring
failure condition occurs, the RPL is unblocked to allow the flow of traffic to continue through the ring.
Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch also supports ERPv2 according to the ITU-T recommendation G.8032 03/
2010. ERPv2 implementation helps maintain a loop-free topology in multi-ring and ladder networks that
contain interconnection nodes, interconnected shared links, master rings and sub-rings.
The following chapter details the different functionalities and configuration settings required for ERP and

In This Chapter
This chapter provides an overview about how Ethernet Ring Protection (ERP) works and how to configure
its parameters through the Command Line Interface (CLI). CLI commands are used in the configuration
examples; for more details about the syntax of commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI
Reference Guide.
The following information and configuration procedures are included in this chapter:
• “ERP Overview” on page 11-3.

• “Interaction With Other Features” on page 11-9

• “Quick Steps for Configuring ERP with Standard VLANs” on page 11-10.

• “Quick Steps for Configuring ERP with VLAN Stacking” on page 11-11

• “ERP Configuration Overview and Guidelines” on page 11-12

• “ERPv2 Configuration Overview and Guidelines” on page 11-17.

• “Sample Ethernet Ring Protection Configuration” on page 11-21.

• “Switch B -> erp-ring 2 enable” on page 11-24.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 11-1
Configuring ERP ERP Defaults

ERP Defaults
ERP default settings:

Parameter Description Command Default

ERP ring status erp-ring Disabled
RPL status for the node erp-ring rpl-node Disabled
The wait-to-restore timer value for erp-ring wait-to-restore 5 minutes
the RPL node
The guard-timer value for the ring erp-ring guard-timer 50 centi-seconds
The NNI-SVLAN association type ethernet-service svlan nni STP

ERPv2 default settings:

The Ethernet Ring Protection (ERP) erp-ring virtual-channel Enabled

Ring Virtual Channel.
Revertive mode on a specified node. erp-ring revertive Enabled

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 11-2
Configuring ERP ERP Overview

ERP Overview
Ethernet Ring Protection (ERP) is a protection switching mechanism for Ethernet ring topologies, such as
multi-ring and ladder networks. This implementation of ERP is based on the Recommendation ITU-T
G.8032/Y.1344 and uses the ring Automatic Protection Switching (APS) protocol to coordinate the
prevention of network loops within a bridged Ethernet ring.
Loop prevention is achieved by allowing the traffic to flow on all but one of the links within the protected
Ethernet ring. This link is blocked and is referred to as the Ring Protection Link (RPL). When a ring
failure condition occurs, the RPL is unblocked to allow the flow of traffic to continue through the ring.
One designated node within the ring serves as the RPL owner and is responsible for blocking the traffic
over the RPL. When a ring failure condition occurs, the RPL owner is responsible for unblocking the RPL
so that the link can forward traffic to maintain ring connectivity.
The ERPv2 capability supports multi-ring and ladder networks with interconnection nodes, interconnected
shared links, master rings and sub-rings. The following features are also supported:
• R-APS Virtual Channel

• Revertive/Non-Revertive modes

A shared link can be a part of one master ring. The sub-rings connected to the interconnection nodes are
open. The sub-rings cannot use shared links.

ERP and ERPv2 Terms

Ring Protection Link (RPL) and RB—A designated link between two ring nodes that is blocked to
prevent a loop on the ring. RB specifies a blocked RPL.
RPL Owner—A node connected to an RPL. This node blocks traffic on the RPL during normal ring
operations and activates the link to forward traffic when a failure condition occurs on another link in the
RMEPID—Remote Maintenance End Point identifier.
Link Monitoring—Ring links are monitored using standard ETH (Ethernet Layer Network) CC OAM
messages (CFM). Note that for improved convergence times, this implementation also uses Ethernet link
up and link down events.
Signal Fail (SF)—Signal Fail is declared when a failed link or node is detected.
No Request (NR)—No Request is declared when there are no outstanding conditions (for example, SF)
on the node.
Ring APS (Automatic Protection Switching) Messages—Protocol messages defined in Y.1731 and
G.8032 that determine the status of the ring.
ERP Service VLAN—Ring-wide VLAN used exclusively for transmission of messages, including R-APS
messages for Ethernet Ring Protection.
ERP Protected VLAN—A VLAN that is added to the ERP ring. ERP determines the forwarding state of
protected VLANs.
FDB—The Filtering Database that stores filtered data according to the R-APS messages recieved. This
database also maintains an association table that identifies the master rings for a given sub-ring.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 11-3
Configuring ERP ERP Overview

BPR—The Blocked Port Reference that identifies the ring port (0 for interconnection node or sub-ring, 1
for master ring) that is blocked. The BPR status is used in all R-APS messages.
CCM—When an Ethernet ring contains no ERP capable nodes, CCM (Continuity Check Messages) are
required to monitor the ring-port connectivity across the L2 network.
MEG and MEL—The switches in the Management Entity Group with given priority as MEG level
NR and SF—Not Reachable and Signal Failure specify the status messages that can be sent as part of the
R-APS messages.

ERP Timers
Wait To Restore (WTR) Timer. This timer is used by the RPL to verify stability of the Etherenet ring.
WTR Timer determines the number of minutes the RPL switch waits before returning the RPL ports to a
blocked state after the ring has recovered from a link failure.
Some important points about the WTR Timer are as follows:
• The timer is started when the RPL node receives an R-APS (NR) message that indicates ring protection
is no longer required.
• The timer is stopped when the RPL owner receives an R-APS (SF) message while WTR is running,
which indicates that an error still exists in the ring.
• When the time runs out, the RPL port is blocked and an R-APS (NR, RB) message is transmitted from
both the ring ports to indicate that the RPL is blocked.
• Refer to the “Ethernet Ring Protection Commands” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI
Reference Guide for timer defaults and valid ranges.
Guard Timer. When the failed link recovers, a ring node starts the Guard Timer. The Guard Timer is
used to prevent the ring nodes from receiving outdated R-APS messages that are no longer relevant.
Some important points about the Guard Timer are as follows:
• When the Guard Timer is running, any R-APS messages received are not forwarded.

• The Guard Timer value must be greater than the maximum expected forwarding delay time for which it
takes one R-APS message to circulate around the ring. This calculated value is required to prevent any
looping scenarios within the ring.
• Refer to the “Ethernet Ring Protection Commands” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI
Reference Guide for timer defaults and valid ranges.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 11-4
Configuring ERP ERP Overview

ERP Basic Operation

ERP operates over standard Ethernet interfaces that are physically connected in a ring topology. It uses an
Automatic Protection Switching (APS) protocol to coordinate protection and recovery switching
mechanisms over the Ethernet ring.
In an Ethernet ring, each node is connected to two adjacent nodes using two independent links called ring
links. A ring link is bound by two adjacent nodes on ports called ring ports. The ring nodes support
standard FDB (Filtering database) MAC learning, forwarding, flush behavior, and port blocking and
unblocking mechanisms.
The Ethernet ring has a designated Ring Protection Link (RPL), which is blocked under normal conditions
in order to avoid forming a loop in the ring. When a link or port failure is detected, a Signal Failure (SF)
message is sent on the ring to inform other ring nodes of the failure condition. At this point the ring is
operating in protection mode. When this mode is invoked, the RPL is unblocked forming a new traffic
pattern on the ring, (for example, traffic is accommodated on the RPL but blocked on the failed link). The
node responsible for blocking and unblocking the RPL is called the RPL Owner.

ERP Ring Modes

A ring operates in one of two modes: idle (normal operation; all links up and RPL is blocked) and
protection (protection switching activated; a ring failure has triggered the RPL into a forwarding state).
The following illustration shows an example of an ERP ring operating in the idle mode; all ring nodes are
up and the RPL is blocked:

Normal Mode

If a link or node failure occurs in the ring shown in the above illustration, the ring transitions as follows
into the protection mode:
• Nodes adjacent to the failure detect and report the failure using the R-APS (SF) message.

• The R-APS (SF) message triggers the RPL owner to unblock the RPL.

• All nodes in the ring flush all the dynamic MAC addresses learned on their ring ports.

The ring is now operating in the protection mode, as shown below:

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 11-5
Configuring ERP ERP Overview

Protection Mode

When the failed link shown in the above illustration recovers, the ring transitions as follows back to the
idle mode:
• Nodes adjacent to the recovered link initiate an R-APS (NR) message and start the Guard Timer.

• When the RPL owner receives the R-APS (NR) message, it starts the Wait-To-Restore timer (WTR),
which is the set period of time that must elapse before the RPL owner blocks the RPL.
• Once the WTR timer expires, the RPL owner blocks the RPL and transmits an R-APS (NR, RB)
message indicating that RPL is blocked (RB).
• On receiving the R-APS (NR, RB) message, ring nodes flush all the dynamic MAC addresses learned
on their ring ports and unblock any previously blocked ports.
• The ring is now operating in the idle mode. The RPL is blocked and all other ring links are operational.

Overlapping Protected VLANs Between ERP Rings on same Node

In a network where all connected nodes cannot belong to a single ERP ring, the OmniSwitch supports
multiple ERP rings with a single shared node. The network example below shows two ERP rings
connected with a shared node.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 11-6
Configuring ERP ERP Overview

ERPv2 Basic Operation

The enhanced ERPv2 functionality supports multi-ring and ladder networks that contain interconnection
nodes, interconnected shared links, master rings and sub-rings. Multiple sub-tending rings are supported
over the same physical ring.
A shared link can only be part of the master ring. The sub-rings connected to the interconnection nodes are
not closed and cannot use the shared links.
Consider the following OmniSwitch multi-ring and ladder network with the Master or Major Ring with
five ring nodes. The Sub-ring, ladder networks, RPLs and Shared Links are also depicted as part of the

Illustration of ERPv2 on Multi Ring and Ladder Network with RPLs and Shared Links

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 11-7
Configuring ERP ERP Overview

R-APS Virtual Channel

ERPv2 supports two implementation options for R-APS control channel of the sub-ring.
• Virtual Channel Enabled - R-APS messages are encapsulated and transmitted over an R-APS Virtual
channel configured on the major ring.
• Virtual Channel Disabled - R-APS messages are terminated at the interconnection nodes but not
blocked at RPL of the sub-ring. RPL ports are unblocked when all nodes are active (there is no failed
For details on how to enable and disable R-APS virtual channel, see the section - “Enabling and Disabling
R-APS Virtual Channel” on page 11-19
The R-APS channels are not shared across rings. Each ring must have its own R-APS Channel.
• The R-APS virtual channels of the sub rings are automatically closed using the master ring. R-APS
messages from the sub ring on the interconnection node are forwarded as normal data to and only to
the master ring ports.
• The R-APS messages use a static destination mac-address of 01-19-A7-00-00-00. R-APS messages
must be tagged in order to identify the ring ID.

Note. The Service VLAN must be tagged, no support of "untagged" service VLAN. The sub ring and
master ring cannot use the same service VLAN.

Revertive / Non-Revertive Mode

Revertive mode is configured for compatibility between ERPv1 and ERPv2 nodes in the same ring. When
the ERPv2 node is operating with ERP v1 node in the same ring, it operates in revertive mode regardless
of user configuration.
Non-Revertive mode: Under non-revertive mode, when the failure condition recovers, the port that has
been blocked stays blocked and the unblocked RPL stays unblocked.
An exclusive clear operation can also be performed for non-revertive mode and revertive mode using the
ERPv2 CLI to clear any pending state.

Untagged Service VLAN

R-APS channel can be untagged by removing VLAN type configuration check on the Service VLAN
When specifying a SVLAN, the configuration must check that the ring port(s) are members of this VLAN,
tagged or untagged.
The VLAN and VPAs must be created first.

Note. All the nodes and ring ports must be configured with the same default or untagged VLAN.

Example: To configure an untagged R-APS channel for ring 1

On all nodes, a default or untagged VLAN must be configured on the ring ports:
-> vlan 4000
-> vlan 4000 members port 1/1-2 untagged
-> erp-ring 1 port1 1/1 port2 1/2 service-vlan 4000 level 2

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 11-8
Configuring ERP Interaction With Other Features

Interaction With Other Features

This section contains important information about interaction of ERP with other OmniSwitch features.
Refer to the specific chapter for each feature to get more detailed information about how to configure and
use the feature.

• IP multicast switching (IPMS) treats the ERP Service VLAN the same as any other configured VLAN
on the switch. The ERP Service VLAN may carry data traffic, and if enabled and configured to do so,
IPMS will perform regular multicast snooping on that VLAN.
• Disabling IPMS on the ERP Service VLAN is recommended if IP multicast routing or multicast
snooping is enabled for the switch.

Spanning Tree
STP is automatically disabled when ERP is enabled on any port.

VLAN Stacking
ERP has the following interactions with VLAN Stacking:
• ERP is supported on Network Network Interface (NNI) ports; it is not supported on UNI ports.

• Tunneling of STP BPDUs across UNI ports is supported in a VLAN stacking configuration.

See “Configuring ERP with VLAN Stacking NNIs” on page 11-15 for more information.

Source Learning
The ERP protocol determines and performs the MAC address flushing per port.

QoS Interface
The interaction between ERP and QoS is for the purpose so that R-APS PDUs can be handled
appropriately by the switch.

ERP NI must provide blocking or forwarding state of ERP ports to MVRP.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 11-9
Configuring ERP Quick Steps for Configuring ERP with Standard VLANs

Quick Steps for Configuring ERP with Standard

The following steps provide a quick tutorial for configuring ERP.

1 Create a VLAN using the vlan command and add the ring ports.

-> vlan 1001

-> vlan 1001 members port 1/1-2 tagged

2 Create ERP ring ID 1, ERP Service VLAN and MEG Level and associate two ports to the ring using
the erp-ring command.
-> erp-ring 1 port1 1/1 port2 1/2 service-vlan 1001 level 1

3 Configure the RPL on one node using the erp-ring rpl-node command.

-> erp-ring 1 rpl-node port 1/1

4 Create additional VLANs and add to the ring ports using the vlan command.

-> vlan 11-20

-> vlan 11-20 members port 1/1-2 tagged

5 Enable the ERP ring configuration using the erp-ring enable command.

-> erp-ring 1 enable

6 Display the ERP configuration using the show erp command.

-> show erp

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 11-10
Configuring ERP Quick Steps for Configuring ERP with VLAN Stacking

Quick Steps for Configuring ERP with VLAN

The following steps provide a quick tutorial for configuring ERP with VLAN Stacking:

1 Create a VLAN Stacking SVLAN 1001 using the command.

-> ethernet-service svlan 1001

2 Create a VLAN Stacking service and associate the service with SVLAN 1001 using the ethernet-
service service-name command.
-> ethernet-service service-name CustomerA svlan 1001

3 Configure ports 1/1 and 1/2 as VLAN Stacking Network Network Interface (NNI) ports, associate the
ports with SVLAN 1001, and configure them for use with ERP using the ethernet-service svlan nni
-> ethernet-service nni port 1/1
-> ethernet-service nni port 1/2
-> ethernet-service svlan 1001 nni port 1/1
-> ethernet-service svlan 1001 nni port 1/2

4 Create ERP ring ID 1 and associate the two NNI ports to the ring using the erp-ring command.

-> erp-ring 1 port1 1/1 port2 1/2 service-vlan 1001 level 5

5 Configure the RPL on one node using the erp-ring rpl-node command.

-> erp-ring 1 rpl-node port 1/1

6 Create additional SVLANs and add to the ring ports using the command.

-> ethernet-service svlan 1002

-> ethernet-service svlan 1003
-> ethernet-service svlan 1002 nni port 1/1-2
-> ethernet-service svlan 1002 nni port 1/2-2

7 Enable the ERP ring configuration using the erp-ring enable command.

-> erp-ring 1 enable

8 Display the ERP configuration using the show erp command.

-> show erp

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 11-11
Configuring ERP ERP Configuration Overview and Guidelines

ERP Configuration Overview and Guidelines

Configuring ERP requires several steps. These steps are outlined here and further described throughout
this section. For a brief tutorial on configuring ERP, see ““Quick Steps for Configuring ERP with
Standard VLANs” on page 11-10.
By default, ERP is disabled on a switch. Configuring ERP consists of these main tasks:
1 Configure the basic components of an ERP ring (ring ports, service VLAN, and MEG level). See
“Configuring an ERP Ring” on page 11-13.
2 Tag VLANs for ring protection. See “Adding VLANs to Ring Ports” on page 11-13.

3 Configure an RPL port. When a ring port is configured as an RPL port, the node to which the port
belongs becomes the RPL owner. The RPL owner is responsible for blocking and unblocking the RPL.
See “Configuring an RPL Port” on page 11-14.
4 Change the Wait-To-Restore timer value. This timer value determines how long the RPL owner waits
before restoring the RPL to a forwarding state. See “Setting the Wait-to-Restore Timer” on page 11-14.
5 Change the Guard timer value. This timer value determines an amount of time during which ring nodes
ignore R-APS messages. See “Setting the Guard Timer” on page 11-14.
6 Configure the ring port to receive the loss of connectivity event for a Remote Ethernet OAM endpoint.
See “Configuring ERP with VLAN Stacking NNIs” on page 11-15.
7 Configure a VLAN Stacking NNI-to-SVLAN association for ERP control. This is done to include an
SVLAN in a ring configuration. See “Configuring ERP with VLAN Stacking NNIs” on page 11-15.
8 Clear ERP statistics. Commands to clear ERP statistics for a single ring or multiple rings are described
in “Clearing ERP Statistics” on page 11-16.

Configuration Guidelines
Use the following guidelines when configuring ERP for the switch:
• Physical switch ports and logical link aggregate ports can be configured as ERP ring ports. This also
includes VLAN Stacking Network Network Interface (NNI) ports.
• ERP is not supported on mobile ports, mirroring ports, link aggregate member ports, multicast VLAN
receiver ports (ERP is supported on Multicast VLAN sender ports only), or VLAN Stacking User
Network Interface (UNI) ports.
• An ERP ring port can belong to only one ERP ring at a time.

• STP is automatically disabled when ERP is enabled on any port.

• If the ERP switch participates in an Ethernet OAM Maintenance Domain (MD), configure the
Management Entity Group (MEG) level of the ERP service VLAN with the number that is used for the
Ethernet OAM MD.
• The Service VLAN can belong to only one ERP ring at a time and must be a static VLAN. Note that
the service VLAN is also a protected VLAN.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 11-12
Configuring ERP Configuring an ERP Ring

Configuring an ERP Ring

The following configuration steps are required to create an ERP ring:

1 Determine which two ports on the switch are the ring ports. For example, ports 1/1 and 1/2.

2 Determine which VLAN on the switch is the ERP service VLAN for the ring. If the VLAN does not
exist, create the VLAN. For example:
-> vlan 500

3 Create the ERP ring configuration on each switch using the erp-ring command. For example the
following command configures an ERP ring with ring ID 1 on ports 1/2 and 1/2 along with service VLAN
500 and MEG level 1.
-> erp-ring 1 port1 1/1 port2 1/2 service-vlan 500 level 1
-> erp-ring 1 enable

To configure link aggregate logical ports as ring ports, use the erp-ring command with the linkagg
parameter. For example:
-> erp-ring 1 port1 linkagg 1 port2 linkagg 2 service-vlan 500 level 1
-> erp-ring 1 enable

4 Repeat Steps 1 through 6 for each switch that participates in the ERP ring. Make sure to use the same
VLAN ID and MEG level for the service VLAN on each switch.
Use the show erp command to verify the ERP ring configuration. For more information about this
command, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

Removing an ERP Ring

To delete an ERP ring from the switch configuration, use the no form of the erp-ring command. For
-> no erp-ring 1

Note. Administratively disable ring ports before deleting the ring to avoid creating any network loops.
Once a ring is deleted, then administratively enable the ports under Spanning Tree protocol.

Adding VLANs to Ring Ports

ERP allows a single VLAN or a number of VLANs to participate in a single ERP ring. The vlan members
tagged command is used to tag the ring ports of the ERP ring with a VLAN ID.
To add a VLAN or range of VLANs to ring ports use the vlan members tagged command.
-> vlan 12-20
-> vlan 12-20 members port 1/1 tagged
-> vlan 12-20 members port 1/2 tagged

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 11-13
Configuring ERP Configuring an ERP Ring

Configuring an RPL Port

A ring protection link (RPL) port can be a physical or logical port. The port must be a ring port before it is
configured as an RPL port, and out of the two ring ports on the node, only one can be configured as a RPL
port. The RPL remains blocked to prevent loops within the ERP ring.
To configure an RPL port, first disable the ring and then use the erp-ring rpl-node command to specify
which ring port serves as the RPL. For example:
-> erp-ring 1 disable
-> erp-ring 1 rpl-node port 1/1
-> erp-ring 1 enable

Note. RPL node can be configured only when the ring is disabled; RPL configuration applied to the ring
while it is enabled is rejected.

To remove the RPL node configuration for the specified ring, use the no form of the erp-ring rpl-node
command. For example:
-> no erp-ring 1 rpl-node

To verify the RPL node configuration for the switch, use the show erp command. For more information
about this command, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

Setting the Wait-to-Restore Timer

The wait-to-restore (WTR) timer determines the number of minutes the RPL owner waits before blocking
the RPL port after the ERP ring has recovered from a link failure.
By default, the WTR time is set to five minutes. To change the value of the WTR timer, use the erp-ring
wait-to-restore command. For example:
-> erp-ring 1 wait-to-restore 6

The above command is only used on a switch that serves as the RPL node for the ERP ring. The specified
ERP ring ID must already exist in the switch configuration.
To restore the timer back to the default setting, use the no form of the erp-ring wait-to-restore command.
For example:
-> no erp-ring 1 wait-to-restore

To verify the WTR configuration, use the show erp command. For more information about this command,
see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

Setting the Guard Timer

The guard timer is used to prevent the ring nodes from receiving outdated R-APS messages, which are no
longer relevant. Receiving outdated R-APS messages could result in incorrect switching decisions. During
the amount of time determined by this timer, all received R-APS messages are ignored by the ring
protection control process.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 11-14
Configuring ERP Configuring an ERP Ring

By default, the guard timer value is set to 50 centi-seconds. To change the value of this timer, use the erp-
ring guard-timer command. For example:
-> erp-ring 1 guard-timer 100

To restore the Guard Timer back to the default value, use the no form of the erp-ring guard-timer
command. For example:
-> no erp-ring 1 guard-timer

To verify the configured Guard Timer, use the show erp command. For more information about this
command, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

Configuring ERP with VLAN Stacking NNIs

A VLAN Stacking Network Network Interface (NNI) can participate in an ERP ring. However, an NNI is
created through an association of a port with an SVLAN. Both STP and ERP cannot control the same
VLAN-port association (VPA). By default, the NNI to SVLAN association is controlled by STP.
To include an NNI in an ERP ring, specify ERP control at the time the NNI association is configured. This
is done using the erp parameter of the ethernet-service svlan nni command. For example:
-> ethernet-service svlan 1001 nni port 1/1
-> ethernet-service svlan 1001 nni port 1/2

The above commands configure ports 1/1 and 1/2 as NNI ports for SVLAN 1001. Note that the SVLAN
specified must already exist in the switch configuration.
To configure an ERP ring with NNI-SVLAN associations, use the erp-ring command but specify an
SVLAN ID for the service VLAN and the associated NNI ports as the ring ports. For example:
-> erp-ring 1 port1 1/1 port2 1/2 service-vlan 1001 level 2
-> erp-ring 1 enable

Note the following when configuring an ERP ring with VLAN Stacking NNI-SVLAN associations:
• Only two ERP type NNI associations are allowed per SVLAN.

• Configuring an ERP ring on 802.1q tagged port associations with SVLANs is not allowed.

• Configuring an ERP Ring on an STP type NNI association with an SVLAN is not allowed.

• Configuring an IMPVLAN as an ERP service VLAN is not allowed.

• If an SVLAN that is not associated with any NNI ports is configured as the service VLAN for an ERP
ring, the NNI ring ports are automatically associated with that SVLAN at the time the ring is created.
• SVLAN User Network Interface (UNI) associations are not eligible for ERP ring protection.

• If the ERP type NNI ports are connected to the STP path through UNI ports, then STP BPDUs can be
tunneled with the help of VLAN-stacking mechanism.
• Deleting an ERP service VLAN and it is associated NNI ports is only allowed when the ERP ring itself
is deleted using the no for of the erp-ring command. None of the VLAN Stacking CLI commands can
remove a service VLAN consisting of an NNI-SVLAN association.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 11-15
Configuring ERP Configuring an ERP Ring

Configuring ERP Protected SVLANs

An SVLAN becomes an ERP protected SVLAN when the SVLAN is associated with two NNI ports that
also serve as ring ports. In this case, the SVLAN is automatically protected as part of the association with
NNI ring ports.
The following sequence of configuration commands provides an example of how SVLANs are
automatically added as protected SVLANs to an ERP ring:
-> ethernet-service svlan 100
-> ethernet-service svlan 200
-> ethernet-service svlan 300
-> ethernet-service svlan 400
-> ethernet-service svlan 100 nni port 1/1-2
-> ethernet-service svlan 200 nni port 1/1-2
-> ethernet-service svlan 300 nni port 1/1-2
-> erp-ring 10 port1 1/1 port 2 1/2 service-vlan 400 level 1

In the above example:

• SVLANs 100, 200, and 300 are automatically added as protected VLANs when the ring is created.
This is due to the NNI ports being part of ERP ring 10.
• SVLAN 400 is also automatically added as a protected VLAN when it is configured as the service
VLAN for the ring.
Use the show erp command to verify the configured VLAN Stacking ERP ring configuration. For more
information about these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

Clearing ERP Statistics

To clear ERP statistics for all rings in the switch, use the clear erp statistics command. For example:
-> clear erp statistics

To clear ERP statistics for a specific ring in the switch, use the clear erp statistics command with the ring
parameter to specify a ring ID. For example:
-> clear erp statistics ring 5

To clear ERP statistics for a specific ring port, use the clear erp statistics command with the ring and
port parameters. For example:
-> clear erp statistics ring 5 port 1/2

To clear ERP statistics for a specific link aggregate ring port, use clear erp statistics command with the
ring and linkagg parameters. For example:
-> clear erp statistics ring 5 linkagg 2

Use the show erp statistics command to verify ERP statistics. For more information about this command,
see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 11-16
Configuring ERP ERPv2 Configuration Overview and Guidelines

ERPv2 Configuration Overview and Guidelines

The following section details the guidelines and prerequisites for configuring ERPv2 and details on how to
configure the ERPv2 related parameters using OmniSwitch CLI. Configuring the sample ERPv2 ring
network involves the following tasks:

1 Optional: Configure tagged ports or link aggregate ports before configuring ERP.

2 Configure an ERP ring with same ERP ring ID on all switches in the network.

3 Define same ERP Service VLAN on all switches.

4 Set the same Management Entity Group (MEG) (for example, level 2) for all switches.

5 Assign one switch to be the RPL owner. Configure the port connected to the Ring Protection Link as
an RPL port.
6 Enable the configured ERPv2 ring.

7 Assign separate VLANs as protected VLANs to the ERP ring.

8 Use the default settings for the guard timer and WTR timer values. These values can be adjusted as
The following sub-sections provide the details on prerequisites and different configurations for switches to
set up an ERPv2 ring network, using Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch CLI commands.

Major and Sub Ring Management

A shared link must be configured only on the major ring.
The following conditions must be considered for configuring an ERPv2 port for a shared link:
• Sub-rings can not be closed using a shared link.

• An SVLAN must exist before an ERP ring is created and must be unique per ring.

• A given port can only be configured on one ring.

• Each ring must have its own RPL.

• The RPL can be placed anywhere on the major ring including the shared links.

• The RPL can be placed anywhere on the sub-rings, including the sub-ring-port. Since the sub-ring is
not closed using the shared link, the RPL cannot be placed on the shared link.

Configuration Parameters
The following conditions must be considered before configuring an ERPv2 port:
• A given port can only be configured on one ring.

• The shared links are only configurable on the Master Ring.

• The Sub Rings cannot be closed using the shared links.

• Each ring must have its own RPL.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 11-17
Configuring ERP ERPv2 Configuration Overview and Guidelines

• The RPL can be placed anywhere on the Master Ring, including the shared links.

• The RPL can be placed anywhere on the Sub Rings, including the only ring port of the interconnection
nodes. Since the sub-ring is not closed using the shared link, the RPL cannot be placed on the shared

ERPv2 Ring Sample Configuration

A master ring can be configured using the following command:
Switch 1-> erp-ring 1 port1 1/1 port2 1/2 service-vlan 10 level 2

A sub-ring on the non-interconnection node can be configured using the following command:
Switch 2-> erp-ring 2 port1 1/1 port2 1/3 service-vlan 10 level 2

A sub ring on the interconnection node can be configured using the following command:
Switch 3-> erp-ring 3 sub-ring-port 1/3 service-vlan 10 level 2

Sample Switch Configuration

The following configurations must be performed on each switch in the ERPv2 Ring network:
Step 1 : Create the Service VLAN and add to ring ports.
-> vlan 10
-> vlan 200
-> vlan 10 members port 1/3 tagged
-> vlan 10 members port 1/5 tagged
-> vlan 200 members port 1/6 tagged

Step 2 : Create the rings.

-> erp-ring 1 port1 1/5 port2 1/3 service-vlan 10 level 1
-> erp-ring 2 sub-ring-port 1/6 service-vlan 200 level 1

Step 3 : Create traffic VLANs and add to ring ports as necessary using VM commands
-> vlan 100-400
-> vlan 100-300 members port 1/5 tagged
-> vlan 100-300 members port 1/3 tagged
-> vlan 201-400 members port 1/6 tagged

Step 4 : Enable the rings.

-> erp-ring 1 enable
-> erp-ring 2 enable

Note. The traffic VLANs could be added or deleted as needed at any time during the configuration.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 11-18
Configuring ERP ERPv2 Configuration Overview and Guidelines

Enabling and Disabling R-APS Virtual Channel

User can enable and disable virtual channel. By default, R-APS virtual channel is enabled.

Enabling R-APS Virtual Channel

Enable R-APS virtual channel using the following command:
-> erp-ring 2 virtual-channel enable

R-APS messages from the sub-ring on the interconnection node are forwarded as normal data to the major
ring ports.A node is identified as interconnection node when atleast one ring is configured with a sub-ring-
R-APS messages from the sub-ring are tagged with the sub-ring SVLAN, are forwarded to the major ring
member ports of this SVLAN.

Note. All the ring ports in major ring must be member of the sub-ring SVLAN to support R-APS virtual

Interconnection Node of the Sub-Ring

When R-APS virtual channel is enabled, on the interconnection node of a sub-ring, all the R-APS
messages received from sub-ring port are processed and flooded to major ring ports that are the member of
the VLAN used by R-APS message. For example,
-> erp-ring 3 virtual-channel enable

Other nodes of the Sub-Ring

When enabled, R-APS messages received on blocked port are processed but not forwarded to the other
ring port.

Disabling R-APS Virtual Channel

Disable R-APS virtual channel using the following command:
-> erp-ring 2 virtual-channel disable

Now, R-APS messages from the sub-ring on the interconnection node are not forwarded to any other
ports. R-APS messages are forwarded even on the blocked ports in the sub-ring. A configuration object is
required for the sub-ring to disable the R-APS virtual channel.

Interconnection Node of the Sub-Ring

When virtual channel is disabled, R-APS message received from sub-ring ports are processed but not
flooded to major ring. For example,
-> erp-ring 3 virtual-channel disable

Other nodes of the Sub-Ring

When virtual channel is disabled, R-APS messages received on blocked port are processed and forwarded
to other ring port.

Note. Virtual channel configuration must be consistent among all nodes of the sub-ring.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 11-19
Configuring ERP ERPv2 Configuration Overview and Guidelines

Enabling or Disabling Revertive Mode

Revertive mode is enabled by default. You can disable revertive mode by setting the following command:
-> erp-ring 2 revertive enable

You can enable revertive mode by setting following command:

-> erp-ring 2 revertive disable

Non-revertive Mode
Under non-revertive mode, when the failure recovers, the blocked port stays blocked and the unblocked
RPL stays unblocked. Revertive mode is enabled by default. Operator can enable non-revertive mode by
setting following command.
When the ERPv2 node is operating with ERPv1 node in the same ring, it operates in different way for
compatibility. In this mode, revertive mode is always assumed, it operates in revertive mode regardless of
user configuration.
-> erp-ring 2 revertive disable

Clear Non-revertive and Revertive Mode

When the ring is in the No Request (NR) state and the blocked port is not the RPL port, the operator must
be allowed to trigger the reversion to the initial state of the ring (make the RPL port blocked).
This situation happens in 2 cases:
• The ring is set in a non-revertive mode.

• The ring is set in a revertive mode but the WTR timer has not expired.

The CLI command is as follows:

-> erp-ring 2 clear

The command can only be issued on the RPL owner node and when the ring is in the NR state and WTR
timer not expired or no WTR (non-revertive mode)
When the command is accepted, the RPL owner node blocks its RPL port, and transmits an R-APS (NR,
RB) message in both directions. Upon receiving the R-APS (NR, RB), each node unblocks its blocking
ports and performs a flush operation when applicable.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 11-20
Configuring ERP Sample Ethernet Ring Protection Configuration

Sample Ethernet Ring Protection Configuration

This section provides an example network configuration in which ERP is configured on network switches
to maintain a loop-free topology. In addition, a tutorial is also included that provides steps on how to
configure the example network topology using the Command Line Interface (CLI).

Example ERP Overview

The following diagram shows a five-switch ERP ring configuration:
Switch D

2/1 Fa NG
Fa ] 1/2 Pr
17 ot
6.1. [17
2.1 ec
.1 tio
72 6.1
[1 .14
] IN
NG )
RI [17
6.1 Fa
8] RPL ] 2/1
2/2 6.1.1 Switch C
Switch E a
F 2.1





RPL Owner











Fa 2/2 Fa 1/1
[] []
Switch A Switch B

Configuring the sample ERP ring network shown in the above diagram involves the following tasks:
1 Configure an ERP ring with ERP ring ID 1 on all switches in the network.

2 Define an ERP Service VLAN as VLAN 10 on all switches.

3 Set the Management Entity Group (MEG) level to 2 for all switches.

4 Switch C is the RPL owner; configure the port connected to the Ring Protection Link as a RPL port.

5 Enable the configured ERP ring.

6 Assign VLANs 11-20 as a protected VLANs to ERP ring 1.

7 Use the default settings for the guard timer and WTR timer values. These values can be adjusted as

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 11-21
Configuring ERP Sample Ethernet Ring Protection Configuration

Example ERP Configuration Steps

The following steps provide a quick tutorial for configuring the ERP ring network shown in the diagram
on page 11-21:
1 Configure ERP ring 1 and add protected VLANs 11 through 20 on Switch A, B, C, D, and E using the
following commands:
-> vlan 10
-> vlan 10 members port 2/1-2 tagged
-> erp-ring 1 port1 2/1 port2 2/2 service-vlan 10 level 2
-> erp-ring 1 enable
-> vlan 11-20 members port 2/1-2 tagged

2 Configure Switch C as the RPL owner for the ring using the following commands to designate port 2/1
as the RPL port:
-> erp-ring 1 disable
-> erp-ring 1 rpl-node port 2/1
-> erp-ring 1 enable

3 Verify the ERP ring configuration on any switch using the following command:

-> show erp ring 1

Legend: * - Inactive Configuration

Ring Id : 1,
Ring Port1 : 2/1,
Ring Port2 : 1/2,
Ring Status : enabled,
Service VLAN : 10,
WTR Timer (min) : 5,
Guard Timer (centi-sec) : 50,
MEG Level : 2,
Ring State : idle,
Ring Node Type : rpl,
RPL Port : 2/1,
Last State Change : SUN DEC 25 06:50:17 2016 (sysUpTime 00h:01m:31s)

The above output example shows that ERP ring 1 is created on ring ports 2/1 and 1/2 with service VLAN
10, WTR timer of 5 mins, Guard timer of 50 centi-seconds, MEG level 2, and port 2/1 is the RPL port.
4 Verify the status of an ERP ring port on any switch using the following command:

-> show erp port 1/2

Legend: * - Inactive Configuration

Ring-Id : 1
Ring Port Status : forwarding,
Ring Port Type : non-rpl,
Ethoam Event : disabled

The above command shows the forwarding status of the port, the type of ring port (RPL or non-RPL), and
ETHOAM event status.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 11-22
Configuring ERP Sample ERPv2 Ring Configuration

Sample ERPv2 Ring Configuration

This section provides an example network configuration in which ERPv2 is configured on network
switches to maintain a loop-free topology. In addition, a tutorial is also included that provides steps on
how to configure the example network topology using the Command Line Interface (CLI).

Example ERPv2 Overview

The following diagram shows a seven-switch ERPv2 ring configuration when R-APS virtual channel is
The topology of the network is as follows:
• Switches A, B, C, D, and E for the Major Ring.

• Switch A and B form a shared link.

• Switch C is configured to be the main RPL node.

• Switches A, B, F, and G form the Sub Ring.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 11-23
Configuring ERP Sample ERPv2 Ring Configuration

The following sub-sections provide the details on prerequisites and different configurations for switches to
set up an ERPv2 ring network, using Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch CLI commands.

Configuring Shared Link

The following configurations must be performed on Switch A and Switch B.
Step 1 : Create the Service VLAN and add to ring ports on Switch A and B that are part of a shared link:
Switch A -> vlan 10
Switch A -> vlan 200
Switch A -> vlan 10 members port 2/1 tagged
Switch A -> vlan 10 members port 2/2 tagged
Switch A -> vlan 200 members port 1/6 tagged

Switch B -> vlan 10

Switch B -> vlan 200
Switch B -> vlan 10 members port 1/1 tagged
Switch B -> vlan 10 members port 2/2 tagged
Switch B -> vlan 200 members port 1/6 tagged

Step 2 : Create the ERP rings 1 and 2 on Switch A.

Switch A -> erp-ring 1 port1 2/1 port2 2/2 service-vlan 10 level 1
Switch A -> erp-ring 2 sub-ring-port 1/6 service-vlan 200 level 1

Step 3 : Create traffic VLANs and add to ring ports as necessary using VM commands on Switch A.
Switch A -> vlan 100-400
Switch A -> vlan 100-300 members port 2/1 tagged
Switch A -> vlan 100-300 members port 2/2 tagged
Switch A -> vlan 201-400 members port 1/6 tagged

Step 4 : Enable the rings on Switch A.

Switch A -> erp-ring 1 enable
Switch A -> erp-ring 2 enable

Configuring Main RPL Node

Main RPL is configured on the Switch B. The following configurations must be performed on Switch B.
Step 1 : Create the ERP rings 1 and 2 on Switch B.
Switch B -> erp-ring 1 port1 1/1 port2 2/2 service-vlan 10 level 1
Switch B -> erp-ring 2 sub-ring-port 1/6 service-vlan 2000 level 1

Step 2 : Configure Switch B as RPL Node using the erp-ring rpl-node command:
Switch B -> erp-ring 1 rpl-node 2/2

Step 3 : Enable the rings on Switch B.

Switch B -> erp-ring 1 enable
Switch B -> erp-ring 2 enable

Step 4 : Create traffic VLANs and add to ring ports as necessary Switch B.
Switch B -> vlan 100-400
Switch B -> vlan 100-300 members port 1/1 tagged

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 11-24
Configuring ERP Sample ERPv2 Ring Configuration

Switch B -> vlan 100-300 members port 2/2 tagged

Switch B -> vlan 201-400 members port 1/6 tagged

Configuring Switches in Main Ring

The following configurations must be performed on Switch C, D, and E
-> vlan 10
-> vlan 10 members port 1/2 tagged
-> vlan 10 members port 2/1 tagged
-> erp-ring 1 port1 1/2 port2 2/1 service-vlan 10 level 1
-> vlan 100-300
-> erp-ring 1 enable
-> vlan 100-300 members port 1/2 tagged
-> vlan 100-300 members port 2/1 tagged

Configuring Secondary RPL Node

The following configurations must be performed on Switch F in the ERPv2 Ring network:
-> vlan 200-400
-> vlan 200-400 members port 1/6 tagged
-> vlan 200-400 members port 2/2 tagged
-> erp-ring 2 port1 1/6 port2 2/2 service-vlan 200 level 1
-> erp-ring 2 rpl-node 1/6
-> erp-ring 2 enable

Configuring Switch in Sub Ring

The following configurations must be performed on Switch G in the ERPv2 Ring network:
-> vlan 200-400
-> vlan 200-400 members port 1/1 tagged
-> vlan 200-400 members port 1/6 tagged
-> erp-ring 2 port1 1/1 port2 1/6 service-vlan 200 level 1
-> erp-ring 2 enable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 11-25
Configuring ERP Verifying the ERP Configuration

Verifying the ERP Configuration

A summary of the show commands used for verifying the ERP configuration is given here:

show erp Displays the ERP configuration information for all rings, a specific ring,
or for a specific ring port.
show erp statistics Displays the ERP statistics for all rings, a specific ring, or a specific ring
show ethernet-service Displays configuration information for VLAN Stacking Ethernet
services, which includes SVLANs and NNI port associations.
show ethernet-service nni Displays the VLAN Stacking NNI configuration.
ethernet-service transparent- Displays a list of SVLANs configured for the switch.

For more information about the displays that result from these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 11-26
12 Configuring MVRP

Multiple VLAN Registration Protocol (MVRP) is standards-based Layer 2 network protocol for automatic
configuration of VLAN information on switches. It was defined in the 802.1ak amendment to 802.1Q-
MVRP provides a method to share VLAN information and configure the needed VLANs within a layer 2
network. For example, in order to add a switch port to a VLAN, only the end port, or the VLAN-
supporting network device connected to the switch port, has to be reconfigured, and all necessary VLAN
trunks are dynamically created on the other MVRP-enabled switches. MVRP helps to maintain VLAN
configuration dynamically based on current network configurations.

In This Chapter
This chapter describes the MVRP feature and how to configure it through the Command Line Interface
(CLI). CLI commands are used in the configuration examples; for more details about the syntax of
commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide. This chapter provides an overview
of MVRP and includes the following information:
• “Enabling MVRP” on page 12-7

• “Configuring the Maximum Number of VLANs” on page 12-7

• “Configuring MVRP Registration” on page 12-8

• “Configuring the MVRP Applicant Mode” on page 12-9

• “Modifying MVRP Timers” on page 12-10

• “Restricting VLAN Registration” on page 12-11

• “Restricting Static VLAN Registration” on page 12-11

• “Restricting VLAN Advertisement” on page 12-12

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 12-1
Configuring MVRP MVRP Defaults

MVRP Defaults
The following table lists the defaults for MVRP configuration.

Parameter Description Command Default Value/Comments

Enables or disables MVRP globally mvrp disabled
on a switch.
Enables or disables MVRP on mvrp port disabled
specific ports
Maximum number of VLANs mvrp maximum-vlan 256
Registration mode of the port mvrp registration normal
Applicant mode of the port mvrp applicant active
Timer value for join timer. mvrp timer join 600 milliseconds
Timer value for leave timer. mvrp timer leave 1800 milliseconds
Timer value for leaveall timer. mvrp timer leaveall 30000 milliseconds
Timer value for periodic timer. mvrp timer periodic-timer 1 second
Restrict dynamic VLAN registration mvrp restrict-vlan-registration not restricted
Restrict VLAN advertisement mvrp restrict-vlan- not restricted
Restrict static VLAN registration mvrp static-vlan-restrict By default, ports are assigned
to the static VLAN based on
MVRP PDU processing.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 12-2
Configuring MVRP Quick Steps for Configuring MVRP

Quick Steps for Configuring MVRP

The following steps provide a quick tutorial on how to configure MVRP. Each step describes a specific
operation and provides the CLI command syntax for performing that operation.
1 Create a VLAN using the vlan command. For example:

-> vlan 5 name "vlan-5"

2 Assign a port to the VLAN using the vlan members command. For example:

-> vlan 5 members port 1/2

3 Tag the port with one or more VLANs using the vlan members command. For example:

-> vlan 5 members port 1/2 tagged

4 Enable MVRP globally on the switch by using the mvrp command.

-> mvrp enable

5 Enable MVRP on the port by using the mvrp port command. For example, the following command
enables MVRP on port 1/2 of the switch:
-> mvrp port 1/2 enable

6 Optional: Restrict a port from becoming a member of the statically created VLAN by using the mvrp
static-vlan-restrict command. For example, the following command restricts port 1/5 from becoming a
member of static VLAN 10:
-> mvrp port 1/5 static-vlan-restrict vlan 10

Note. To view the global configuration details of the router, enter the show mvrp configuration command.
The globally configured details are displayed as shown:

> show mvrp configuration

MVRP Enabled : yes,

Maximum VLAN Limit : 256

To view the MVRP configuration for a specific port, enter the show mvrp port command. The
configuration data of the particular port is displayed as shown:

> show mvrp port 1/2

MVRP Enabled : no,

Registrar Mode : normal,
Applicant Mode : participant,
Join Timer (msec) : 600,
Leave Timer (msec) : 1800,
LeaveAll Timer (msec) : 30000,
Periodic Timer (sec) : 1,
Periodic Tx Status : disabled

See the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide for information about the fields in this display.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 12-3
Configuring MVRP MRP Overview

MRP Overview
Multiple Registration Protocol (MRP) was introduced as a replacement for GARP with the IEEE 802.1ak-
2007 amendment. The Multiple VLAN Registration Protocol (MVRP) defines a MRP Application that
provides the VLAN registration service.
MVRP provides a mechanism for dynamic maintenance of the contents of dynamic VLAN registration
Entries for each VLAN, and for propagating the information they contain to other bridges. This
information allows MVRP-aware devices to dynamically establish and update their knowledge of the set
of VLANs that currently have active members, and through which ports those members can be reached.
The main purpose of MVRP is to allow switches to automatically discover some of the VLAN information
that would otherwise have to be manually configured.

MVRP Overview
MVRP acts as an MRP application, sending and receiving MVRP information encapsulated in an Ethernet
frame on a specific MAC address. MVRP allows both end stations and bridges in a bridged local area
network to issue and revoke declarations relating to membership of VLANs. Each MVRP device that
receives the declaration in the network creates or updates a dynamic VLAN registration entry in the
filtering database to indicate that the VLAN is registered on the reception port.
In this way, MVRP provides a method to share VLAN information within a layer 2 network dynamically,
and configure the required VLANs. For example, in order to add a switch port to a VLAN, only the end
port, or the VLAN-supporting network device connected to the switch port, must be reconfigured, and all
necessary VLAN trunks are dynamically created on the other MVRP-enabled switches. Without using
MVRP, either a manual configuration of VLAN trunks or use of a manufacturer specific proprietary
method is necessary. MVRP helps to maintain VLAN configuration dynamically based on current network

How MVRP Works

An MVRP enabled port sends MRPDUs advertising the VLAN enabling another MVRP aware port
receiving advertisements over a link to join the advertised VLAN dynamically. All ports of a dynamic
VLAN operate as tagged ports for that VLAN.
An MVRP enabled port can forward an advertisement for a VLAN it learned about from other ports on the
same switch. However, the forwarding port does not join that VLAN on its own until an advertisement for
that VLAN is received on that same port.
The following example illustrates the VLAN advertisements.

1 2 3 4 5

Switch A Switch B Switch C

Static VLAN: 10, 20, 30 Static VLAN Static VLAN End Station
Dynamic VLAN Dynamic VLAN Dynamic VLAN
Static VLAN 50

Initial Configuration of MVRP

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 12-4
Configuring MVRP MVRP Overview

Switch A has 3 VLANs configured as static VLANs (10, 20, and 30). Other switches on the same network
learn these 3 VLANs as dynamic VLANs. Also, the end station connected on port 5 is statically
configured for VLAN 50. Port 1 on Switch A is manually configured for VLANs 10, 20, and 30. All the
ports are in the same Spanning tree instance and are in forwarding state. Hence, as the Initial Configuration
of MVRP diagram shows,

1 Port 1 on Switch A advertises VLAN IDs (VIDs) 10, 20, and 30.

2 Port 2 on Switch B receives the advertisements. VLANs 10, 20, and 30 are created as VLANs on this
Switch B and Port 2 become a member of VLANs 10, 20, and 30.
3 Port 3 on Switch B is triggered to advertise VLANs 10, 20, and 30, but does not become a member of
these VLANs.
4 Port 4 on Switch C receives the advertisements. VLANs 10, 20, and 30 are created as VLANs on
Switch C and Port 4 become a member of VLANs 10, 20, and 30.
5 Port 5 advertises VLANs 10, 20, and 30, but this port is not a member of these VLANs.

Note. Default VLAN (VLAN 1) exists on all switches, but it is not considered here.

The configuration sequence of advertisements and registration of VLANs results in the following

1 2 3 4 5

Switch A Switch B Switch C

Static VLAN End Station
Static VLAN: 10, 20, 30 Static VLAN
Dynamic VLAN Dynamic VLAN: 10, 20, 30 Dynamic VLAN: 10, 20, 30
Static VLAN 50

Dynamic Learning of VLANs 10, 20, and 30

Here, the end station advertises itself as a member of VLAN 50. As the Dynamic Learning of VLANs 10,
20, and 30 diagram shows,

1 Port 5 receives the advertisement and Switch C creates VLAN 50 as a dynamic VLAN. Port 5 of
Switch C becomes a member of VLAN 50.
2 Port 4 advertises VLAN 50, but is not a member of VLAN 50.

3 Port 3 of Switch B receives the advertisement, Switch B creates the dynamic VLAN 50, and Port 3
becomes a member of VLAN 50.
4 Port 2 advertises VLAN 50, but is not a member of this VLAN.

5 Port 1 on Switch A receives the advertisement, creates dynamic VLAN 50. Port 1 becomes a member
of VLAN 50.
The resulting configuration is depicted as follows:

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 12-5
Configuring MVRP MVRP Overview

1 2 3 4 5

Switch A Switch B Switch C

Static VLAN: 10, 20, 30 Static VLAN Static VLAN End Station
Dynamic VLAN: 50 Dynamic VLAN: 10, 20, 30, 50 Dynamic VLAN: 10, 20, 30, 50
Static VLAN 50

Dynamic Learning of VLAN 50

Note. Every port on a switch is not a member of all the VLANs. Only those ports that receive the
advertisement become members of the VLAN being advertised.

Interaction With Other Features

This section contains important information about how other OmniSwitch features interact with MVRP.
Refer to the specific chapter for each feature to get more detailed information about how to configure and
use the feature.

MVRP feature is supported only in STP flat mode. If MVRP is configured in the system with STP flat
mode, then STP mode cannot be changed to per-VLAN mode. When a topology change is detected by
STP, MAC addresses for the dynamic VPAs learned by MVRP is also deleted.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 12-6
Configuring MVRP Configuring MVRP

Configuring MVRP
This section describes how to configure MVRP using the Command Line Interface (CLI) commands.

Enabling MVRP
MVRP is used primarily to prune unnecessary broadcast and unknown unicast traffic, and to create and
manage VLANs. MVRP has to be globally enabled on a switch before it can start forwarding MVRP
frames. When a port is enabled for MVRP, it cannot be converted as an aggregate or a VLAN stacking
User port.
To enable MVRP globally on the switch, enter the mvrp command at the CLI prompt as shown:
-> mvrp enable

To disable MVRP globally on the switch, use disable option of the mvrp command as shown:
-> mvrp disable

Note. Disabling MVRP globally leads to the deletion of all learned VLANs.

MVRP can be enabled on ports regardless of whether it is globally enabled or not. However, for the port
to become an active participant, MVRP must be globally enabled on the switch. By default, MVRP is
disabled on the ports. To enable MVRP on a specified port, use the mvrp port command.
For example, to enable MVRP on port 2 of slot 1, enter:
-> mvrp port 1/2 enable

Similarly, to enable MVRP on aggregate group 10, enter:

-> mvrp linkagg 10 enable

To disable MVRP on a specific port, use disable option of the mvrp port command as shown:
-> mvrp port 1/2 enable

Note. MVRP can be configured only on fixed, 802.1 Q and aggregate ports. It cannot be configured on
aggregate and VLAN Stacking User ports.

Configuring the Maximum Number of VLANs

A switch can create dynamic VLANs using MVRP. If the VLAN limit to be set is less than the current
number of dynamically learned VLANs, then the new configuration takes effect only after the MVRP is
disabled and enabled again on the switch. If this operation is not done, the VLANs learned earlier are
To modify the maximum number of dynamic VLANs the switch is allowed to create, use the mvrp
maximum-vlan command as shown:
-> mvrp maximum-vlan 150

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 12-7
Configuring MVRP Configuring MVRP

Configuring MVRP Registration

MVRP allows a port to register and de-register static VLANs. Every device has a list of all the switches
and end stations that can be reached at any given time. When an attribute for a device is registered or de-
registered, the set of reachable switches and end stations, also called participants, is modified. Data frames
are propagated only to registered devices, thereby preventing attempts to send data to devices that are not
The following sections describe MVRP registration on switches:

Setting MVRP Normal Registration

The normal registration mode allows dynamic creation, registration, and de-registration of VLANs on a
device. The normal mode is the default registration mode.
To configure a port in normal mode, use the mvrp registration command. For example, to configure port
2 of slot 1 in normal mode, enter the following:
-> mvrp port 1/2 registration normal

To view the registration mode of the port, use the show mvrp port command. For example:
-> show mvrp port 1/2

MVRP Enabled : no,

Registrar Mode : normal,
Applicant Mode : participant,
Join Timer (msec) : 600,
Leave Timer (msec) : 1800,

LeaveAll Timer (msec) : 30000,

Periodic Timer (sec) : 1,
Periodic Tx status : disabled

Setting MVRP Fixed Registration

The fixed registration mode allows only manual registration of the VLANs and prevents dynamic or static
de-registration of VLANs on the port.
To configure a port to fixed mode, use the mvrp registration command. For example, to configure port 2
of slot 1 to fixed mode, enter the following:
-> mvrp port 1/2 registration fixed

To view the registration mode of the port, use the show mvrp port command. For example,
-> show mvrp port 1/2

MVRP Enabled : no,

Registrar Mode : fixed,
Applicant Mode : participant,
Join Timer (msec) : 600,
Leave Timer (msec) : 1800,
LeaveAll Timer (msec) : 30000,
Periodic Timer (sec) : 1,
Periodic Tx status : disabled

Note. The registration mode for the default VLANs of all the ports in the switch is set to normal.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 12-8
Configuring MVRP Configuring MVRP

Setting MVRP Forbidden Registration

The forbidden registration mode prevents any VLAN registration or de-registration. If dynamic VLANs
previously created are present, they are de-registered.
To configure a port to forbidden mode, use the mvrp registration command. For example, to configure
port 2 of slot 1 to forbidden mode, enter the following:
-> mvrp port 1/2 registration forbidden

To view the registration mode of the port, use the show mvrp port command. For example,
-> show mvrp port 1/2

MVRP Enabled : no,

Registrar Mode : forbidden,
Applicant Mode : participant,
Join Timer (msec) : 600,
Leave Timer (msec) : 1800,
LeaveAll Timer (msec) : 30000,
Periodic Timer (sec) : 1,
Periodic Tx status : disabled

To view the MVRP configurations for all the ports, including timer values, registration and applicant
modes, enter the following:

-> show mvrp port enable

Port Join Leave LeaveAll Periodic Registration Applicant Periodic
Timer Timer Timer Timer Mode Mode TxStatus
(msec) (msec) (msec) (sec)
1/1 600 1800 30000 2 fixed active enabled
1/2 600 1800 30000 2 fixed active enabled
1/7 600 1800 30000 2 fixed active enabled
1/8 600 1800 30000 2 fixed active enabled
2/24 600 1800 30000 2 fixed active enabled

Configuring the MVRP Applicant Mode

The MVRP applicant mode determines whether MVRP PDU exchanges are allowed on a port, depending
on the Spanning Tree state of the port. This mode can be configured to be participant, non-participant,
or active. By default, the port is in the active mode.
To prevent undesirable Spanning Tree Protocol topology reconfiguration on a port, configure the MVRP
applicant mode as active. Ports in the MVRP active applicant state send MVRP VLAN declarations even
when they are in the STP blocking state, thereby preventing the STP bridge protocol data units (BPDUs)
from being pruned from the other ports.
To set the applicant mode of a port to active, use the mvrp applicant command. For example, to set the
applicant mode of port 1/2 to active, enter the following:
-> mvrp port 1/2 applicant active

When a port is set to participant mode, MVRP protocol exchanges are allowed only if the port is set to the
STP forwarding state.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 12-9
Configuring MVRP Configuring MVRP

To set the applicant mode of port 1/2 to participant mode, enter the following:
-> mvrp port 1/2 applicant participant

When a port is set to non-participant mode, MVRP PDUs are not sent through the STP forwarding and
blocking ports.
To set the applicant mode of port 1/2 to non-participant mode, enter the following:
-> mvrp port 1/2 applicant non-participant

The applicant mode of the port can be set to the default value by using the mvrp applicant command. To
set the MVRP applicant mode of port 1/2 to the default mode (active mode), enter the following
-> mvrp port 1/2 applicant active

Modifying MVRP Timers

MVRP timers control the timing of dynamic VLAN membership updates to connected devices. The
following are the various timers in MVRP:
• Join timer—The maximum time an MVRP instance waits before making declaration for VLANs.

• Leave timer—The wait time taken to remove the port from the VLAN after receiving a Leave message
on that port.
• LeaveAll timer—The time an MVRP instance takes to generate LeaveAll messages. The LeaveAll
message instructs the port to modify the MVRP state of all its VLANs to Leave.
• Periodic timer—The time frequency with which the messages are transmitted again and again.

When you set the timer values, the value for the Leave timer must be greater than or equal to twice the
Join timer value plus 100 milliseconds.(Leave>=Join * 2 +100). The LeaveAll timer value must be
greater than or equal to the Leave timer value (LeaveAll >= Leave). If you attempt to set a timer value
that does not adhere to these rules, an error message is displayed.
For example, if you set the Leave timer to 1200 ms and attempt to configure the Join timer to 600 ms, an
error is returned. Set the Leave timer to at least 1300 ms and then set the Join timer to 600 ms.
To modify the Join timer value, use the mvrp timer join command. For example, to modify the Join timer
value of port 1/2, enter the following:
-> mvrp port 1/2 timer join 600

The Join timer value of port 1/2 is now set to 600 ms.
To set the Leave timer value of port 1/2 to 1800 ms, enter the command as shown:
-> mvrp port 1/2 timer leave 1800

To set the LeaveAll timer of port 1/2 to 30000 ms, enter the command as shown:
-> mvrp port 1/2 timer leaveall 30000

To set the Periodic timer of port 1/2 to 1 second, enter the command as shown:
-> mvrp port 1/2 timer periodic-timer 1

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 12-10
Configuring MVRP Configuring MVRP

To view the timer value assigned to a particular port, use the show mvrp timer command.

-> show mvrp port 1/2 timer

Join Timer (msec) : 600,
Leave Timer (msec) : 1800,
LeaveAll Timer (msec) : 30000,
Periodic-Timer (sec) : 1

Note. Set the same MVRP timer value on all the connected devices.

Restricting VLAN Registration

Restricted VLAN registration restricts MVRP from dynamically registering specific VLAN or VLANs on
a switch. It decides whether VLANs can be dynamically created on a device or only be mapped to the
ports (if the VLANs are already statically created on the device).
By default, the dynamic VLAN registrations are not restricted and the VLAN can either be created on the
device or mapped to another port.
To restrict a VLAN from being dynamically learned on the device, you can configure the dynamic VLAN
registrations by using the mvrp restrict-vlan-registration command as shown:
-> mvrp port 1/1 restrict-vlan-registration vlan 4

Here, VLAN 4 cannot be learned by the device dynamically. However, if the VLAN exists on the device
as a static VLAN, it can be mapped to the receiving port.
To allow dynamic VLAN registrations on the port, use the no form of the mvrp restrict-vlan-
registration command as shown:
-> no mvrp port 1/1 restrict-vlan-registration vlan 4

Restricting Static VLAN Registration

Ports can be exempted from becoming members of statically created VLANs. To restrict a port from
becoming a member of a statically configured VLAN, use the mvrp static-vlan-restrict command as
-> mvrp port 1/9 static-vlan-restrict vlan 5

Note. This command does not apply to dynamic VLANs.

Here, the port 1/9 is restricted from becoming a MVRP member of VLAN 5.
To restrict a port from becoming a member of a range of statically created VLANs, enter the mvrp static-
vlan-restrict command as shown:
-> mvrp port 1/9 static-vlan-restrict vlan 5-9

Here, port 1/9 is restricted from becoming a MVRP member of VLANs 5 to 9.

A port can be allowed to become a member of statically created VLANs using the no form of the mvrp
static-vlan-restrict command. To allow port 1/2 to become a member of a statically created VLAN, enter
the command as shown:
-> no mvrp port 1/2 static-vlan-restrict vlan 5-9

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 12-11
Configuring MVRP Configuring MVRP

Restricting VLAN Advertisement

VLANs learned by a switch through MVRP can either be propagated to other switches or be blocked. This
helps prune VLANs that have no members on a switch. If the applicant mode is set to participant or active,
you can use the mvrp restrict-vlan-advertisement command to restrict the propagation of VLAN
information on a specified port as shown:
-> mvrp port 1/1 restrict-vlan-advertisement vlan 5

Here, VLAN 5 is not allowed to propagate on port 1 of slot 1.

To enable the propagation of dynamic VLANs on the specified port, use the no form of the command. To
restrict VLAN 5 from being propagated to port 1/1, enter the command as shown:
-> no mvrp port 1/1 restrict-vlan-advertisement vlan 5

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 12-12
Configuring MVRP Verifying the MVRP Configuration

Verifying the MVRP Configuration

A summary of the commands used for verifying the MVRP configuration is given here:

show mvrp last-pdu-origin Displays the source MAC address of the last MVRP message
received on specific ports or aggregates.
show mvrp configuration Displays the global configuration for MVRP.
show mvrp linkagg Displays the MVRP configuration for a specific port or an aggregate
of ports.
show mvrp port Displays the MVRP configurations for all the ports, including timer
values, registration and applicant modes.
show mvrp vlan-restrictions Displays the list of VLANS learned through MVRP and their details.
show mvrp timer Displays the timer values configured for all the ports or a specific
show mvrp statistics Displays the MVRP statistics for all the ports, aggregates, or specific
clear mvrp statistics Clears MVRP statistics for all the ports, an aggregate of ports, or a
specific port.

For more information about the output details that result from these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 12-13
13 Configuring 802.1AB

Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) is an emerging standard that provides a solution for the
configuration issues caused by expanding networks. LLDP supports the network management software
used for complete network management. LLDP is implemented as per the IEEE 802.1AB standard. LLDP
specifically defines a standard method for Ethernet network devices and Media Endpoint Devices (MED)
to exchange information with its neighboring devices and maintain a database of the information. The
exchanged information, passed as LLDPDU, is in TLV (Type, Length, Value) format. The information
available to the network management software must be as new as possible; hence, remote device
information is periodically updated.

In This Chapter
This chapter describes the basic components of 802.1AB and how to configure them through the
Command Line Interface (CLI). The CLI commands are used in the configuration examples; for more
details about the syntax of commands, see Chapter 16, “802.1AB Commands,” in the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.
Configuration procedures described in this chapter include the following:
• “Quick Steps for Configuring 802.1AB” on page 13-3

• “802.1AB Overview” on page 13-4.

• “Configuring LLDPDU Flow” on page 13-8.

• “Enabling and Disabling Notification” on page 13-8.

• “Enabling and Disabling Management TLV” on page 13-9.

• “Enabling and Disabling 802.1 TLV” on page 13-9.

• “Enabling and Disabling 802.3 TLV” on page 13-9.

• “Enabling and Disabling MED TLV” on page 13-10.

• “Enabling and Disabling Application Priority TLV” on page 13-10.

• “Setting the Transmit Interval” on page 13-11.

• “Setting the Transmit Hold Multiplier Value” on page 13-11.

• “Setting the Reinit Delay” on page 13-11.

• “Setting the Notification Interval” on page 13-11.

• “Verifying 802.1AB Configuration” on page 13-12.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 13-1
Configuring 802.1AB 802.1AB Defaults Table

802.1AB Defaults Table

The following table shows the default settings of the configurable 802.1AB parameters.

Parameter Description Command Default Value/Comments

Transmit time interval for LLDPDUs lldp transmit interval 30 seconds
Transmit hold multiplier value lldp transmit hold-multiplier 4
Reinit delay lldp reinit delay 2 seconds
Notification interval lldp notification interval 5 seconds
LLDPDUs transmission lldp lldpdu Transmission and Reception
Per port notification lldp notification Disable
Management TLV lldp tlv management Disable
802.1 TLV lldp tlv dot1 Disable
802.3 TLV lldp tlv dot3 Disable
LLDP Media Endpoint Device lldp tlv med Disable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 13-2
Configuring 802.1AB Quick Steps for Configuring 802.1AB

Quick Steps for Configuring 802.1AB

1 To enable the transmission and the reception of LLDPDUs on a port, use the lldp lldpdu command.
For example:
-> lldp port 2/47 lldpdu tx-and-rx

2 To control per port notification status about a change in a remote device associated to a port, use the
lldp notification command. For example:
-> lldp port 2/47 notification enable

3 To control per port management TLV to be incorporated in the LLDPDUs, use the lldp tlv
management command. For example:
-> lldp port 2/47 tlv management port-description enable

4 Set the transmit time interval for LLDPDUs. To set the timer for a 50 second delay, use the lldp
transmit interval command. For example:
-> lldp transmit interval 50

5 Set the LLDPDUs transmit fast start count required for LLDP Fast Restart mechanism to be activated.

Note. Optional. Verify the LLDP per port statistics by entering the show lldp statistics command. For

-> show lldp statistics

Slot/Port Tx TxLenErr Rx Errors Discards Unknown Discards
1/1 453 0 452 0 0 0 0 0
1/2 452 0 453 0 0 0 0 0
1/5 452 0 473 0 0 476 476 0
1/8 455 0 464 0 0 0 0 0
1/9 456 0 464 0 0 0 0 0

To verify the remote system information, use the show lldp remote-system command. For example:

-> show lldp remote-system

Remote LLDP Agents on Local Slot/Port: 2/47,
Chassis ID Subtype = 4 (MAC Address),
Chassis ID = 00:d0:95:e9:c9:2e,
Port ID Subtype = 7 (Locally assigned),
Port ID = 2048,
Port Description = (null),
System Name = (null),
System Description = (null),
Capabilites Supported = none supported,
Capabilites Enabled = none enabled,

For more information about this display, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 13-3
Configuring 802.1AB 802.1AB Overview

802.1AB Overview
LLDP is a Layer 2 protocol used to detect adjacent devices in a network. Each device in a network sends
and receives LLDPDUs through all ports on which the protocol is enabled. If the protocol is disabled on a
port, then LLDPDUs received on that port are dropped.
The LLDPDUs are transmitted at a certain interval. This transmission interval can be configured. When an
LLDPDU is received from a neighboring device, the LLDPDU software validates the frame and stores the
information in the remote device Management Information Base (MIB). This information ages
periodically. If an LLDPDU is not received from the same device within the time specified in the TTL
TLV of the LLDPDU, the information is updated in the related MIB. By exchanging information with all
the neighbors, each device gets to know its neighbor on each port. The information contained in the
LLDPDU is transmitted in the TLV (Type, Length, Value) format and falls under two categories:
• Mandatory

• Optional

Each LLDPDU contains all the five mandatory TLVs and optional TLVs.

Mandatory TLVs
The mandatory TLV information contains the following information with regard to the LAN device:
• MSAP (MAC service access point) identifier.

• Time period for the validity of the information

The mandatory TLVs contained in an LLDPDU are listed below:

– Chassis ID TLV
– Port ID TLV
– Time to live TLV

Optional TLVs
The optional TLVs defined as part of LLDP are grouped into the following sets listed below:

Basic Management TLV Set

• Port Description TLV

• System Name TLV

• System Description TLV

• System capabilities TLV

• Management address TLV

Note. This optional TLV set is required for all LLDP implementation.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 13-4
Configuring 802.1AB 802.1AB Overview

IEEE 802.1 Organizationally Specific TLV Set


• Port and Protocol VLAN ID TLV

• VLAN name TLV

• Protocol identity TLV

Note. If one TLV from this set is included in the LLDPDU, then all the other TLVs need to be included.

IEEE 802.3 Organizationally Specific TLV Set

• MAC/PHY configuration/status TLV

• Power through MDI TLV (in network connectivity TLV set, Extended Power-through-MDI TLV is
• Link Aggregation TLV

• Maximum frame size TLV


• Network connectivity TLV set

• LLDP-MED capabilities TLV

• Inventory Management TLV

• Location Identification TLV

• Extended Power-through-MDI TLV

When an 802.1AB supporting system receives an LLDPDU containing MED capability TLV, then the
remote device is identified as an edge device , for example, IP phone and IP PBX, among others. In such a
case, the switch stops sending LLDPDU and starts sending MED LLDPDU on the port connected to the
edge device.

LLDP-Media Endpoint Devices

LLDP-MED is an extension to 802.1ab (Link Layer Discovery Protocol - LLDP), a link-layer protocol
that defines a method for network access devices using Ethernet connectivity to advertise device
information, device capabilities and media specific configuration information periodically to peer devices
attached to the same network.
The LLDP-MED feature facilitates the information sharing between Media Endpoint Devices and
Network Infrastructure Devices. It is designed to allow the following functionalities:
• Auto-discovery of LAN policies (such as VLAN, Layer 2 Priority and Diffserv settings) leading to
"plug and play" networking. This is achieved by advertising the VLAN information.
• Device location discovery to allow creation of location databases for VoIP, E911 services.

• Extended and automated power management of Power-over-Ethernet endpoints.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 13-5
Configuring 802.1AB 802.1AB Overview

• Inventory management, allowing network administrators to track their network devices, and determine
their characteristics (manufacturer, software and hardware versions, and serial / asset number).
• Support for receiving, storing and advertising of VLAN information from and to remote Network
Connectivity Devices and Media Endpoint Devices (MEDs).
• Support for receiving and storing of Inventory Management TLVs from remote Media Endpoint

LLDP Agent Operation

A network device that implements LLDP, supports an LLDP agent. An LLDP agent operates in any one of
the following three modes:
Transmit-only mode: The agent can only transmit the information about the capabilities and the current
status of the local system at regular intervals.
Receive-only mode: The agent can only receive information about the capabilities and the current status
of the remote systems.
Transmit and receive mode: The agent can transmit the capabilities and status information of the local
system and receive the capabilities and the status information of the remote system.

LLDPDU Transmission and Reception

LLDP operates in a one-way direction, so that the information in the LLDPDUs flows from one device to
another. LLDPDUs are not exchanged as an information request by one device and a response sent by
another device. The other devices do not acknowledge LLDP information received from a device.
The transmission of LLDPDU is based on two factors:
• Transmit countdown timing counter. For example, whenever the counter expires, it goes through the
entire database of ports that have links and sends the LLDPDU when the current time has exceeded the
re-transmission time interval.
• If there is change in status of any of the ports. For example, a new port is attached or a new link has
come up.
Reception of LLDPDU is a two-phase process:
• LLDPDU and TLV error handling as per the 802.1AB standard

• LLDP remote system MIB update

Aging Time
The LLDP specific information of the remote system is stored in the LLDP MIB. The TTL TLV carries a
positive value in seconds, and conveys to the other device the duration for which this information is valid.
Once a remote device is learned on a local port, if the receiving device does not receive an LLDPDU from
the same remote device and on the same local port within the TTL mentioned in the previous LLDPDU,
then the local device discards the related entry from its database. This is called the aging time and can be
set by the user.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 13-6
Configuring 802.1AB 802.1AB Overview

LLDP Agent Security Mechanism

The OmniSwitch LLDP Agent Security mechanism provides a solution for secure access to the network
by detecting rogue devices and preventing them from accessing the internal network. LLDP agent secu-
rity can be achieved by allowing only one trusted LLDP remote agent on a network port.
User is provided an option to configure the Chassis ID subtype that can be used in validating the Chassis
ID type in the incoming LLDP PDU. If the Chassis ID is not configured, by default, the first LLDP remote
agent is learnt with the received Chassis ID. When more than one LLDP agent is learned on a port, the
port is moved to a violation state.
For example, when someone tries to take control over the network by connecting non-registered devices to
an NNI port, the LLDP Security mechanism is activated. One or both of the following actions are
performed according to the security configuration:
• When the rogue device is detected, a violation is reported on the port.

• The NNI port that is connected to the rogue device is blocked. Thus the rogue device is prevented from
accessing the internal network.
LLDP security mechanism can be enabled or disabled globally at chassis level, at slot level, or at
individual port level. When the LLDP agent security is enabled, the configured ports are monitored for
reception of any LLDPDU. When an LLDPDU is received, the remote agent ID is learned and the port is
considered as a trusted port if the port does not have any other LLDP remote agent assigned. If the remote
agent chassis ID and port IDs received are already present in the trusted remote agent database on the
same port, then the port remains in a trusted state.
However, a port is moved to violation state under the following conditions:
• When a link up is received on a LLDP security enabled port, if no LLDPDU is received even after
three times the LLDP timer interval period (30 seconds), the port is moved to a violation state.
• If a trusted remote agent exists, and if no LLDP remote agent is learned even after three times the
LLDP timer interval period (30 seconds), the port is moved to a violation state.
• If a new LLDP remote agent is learned after the link up and down, then the port is moved to a
violation state.
• If the same chassis ID and port ID exist in the trusted remote agent database but on a different port,
then the port remote agent is learned and the port is moved to a violation state.
• If a new LLDP remote agent is learned on a port that has a trusted LLDP remote agent, then the port is
moved to a violation state.
Three actions can be configured when an LLDP security violation occurs. The different violation actions
that can be configured are:
• trap - Generate a trap

• shutdown - Shutdown the port

• trap-and-shutdown - A trap is generated upon shutdown of the port due to violation.

When a shutdown occurs on a port, it can be cleared manually through the CLI interface using the clear
violations command.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 13-7
Configuring 802.1AB Configuring 802.1AB

Configuring 802.1AB
The following sections list detail procedures to enable 802.1AB and assign ports to 802.1AB.

Configuring LLDPDU Flow

The lldp lldpdu command can be used to enable or disable the LLDPDU flow on a specific port, a slot, or
all ports on a switch. When enabled, the port can be set to receive, transmit, or to transmit and receive
To set the LLDPDU flow on a switch as transmit and receive, enter the lldp lldpdu command:
-> lldp chassis lldpdu tx-and-rx

To set the LLDPDU flow on port 4 of slot 3 as receive, enter the following command at the CLI prompt:
-> lldp 3/4 lldpdu rx

To disable the flow of LLDPDU on a switch, enter the lldp lldpdu command:
-> lldp chassis lldpdu disable

To disable the flow of LLDPDU on port 5 of slot 1, enter the following command at the CLI prompt:
-> lldp 1/5 lldpdu disable

Enabling and Disabling Notification

The lldp notification command is used to control per port notification status about the remote device
change on a specific port, a slot, or all ports on a switch. When enabled, the LLDPDU administrative
status must be in the receive state.
To enable notification of local system MIB changes on a switch, enter the lldp notification command:
-> lldp chassis notification enable

To enable notification on port 2 of slot 1, enter the following command at the CLI prompt:
-> lldp port 1/2 notification enable

To disable notification on a switch, enter the lldp notification command:

-> lldp chassis notification disable

To disable notification on port 4 of slot 1, enter the following command at the CLI prompt:
-> lldp port 1/4 notification disable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 13-8
Configuring 802.1AB Configuring 802.1AB

Enabling and Disabling Management TLV

The lldp tlv management command is used to control per port management TLVs transmission in the
LLDPDUs on a specific port, a slot, or all ports on a switch. When enabled, the LLDPDU administrative
status must be in the transmit state.
To enable the management TLV LLDPDU transmission on a switch, enter the lldp tlv management
-> lldp chassis tlv management port-description enable

To enable the management TLV on port 3 of slot 2, enter the following command at the CLI prompt:
-> lldp port 2/3 tlv management system-capabilities enable

To disable the management TLV on a switch, enter the lldp tlv management command:
-> lldp chassis tlv management port-description disable

To disable management TLV on port 3 of slot 2, enter the following command at the CLI prompt:
-> lldp port 2/3 tlv management system-capabilities disable

Enabling and Disabling 802.1 TLV

The lldp tlv dot1 command is used to control per port 802.1 TLVs transmission in the LLDPDUs on a
specific port, a slot, or all ports on a switch. When enabled, the LLDPDU administrative status must be in
the transmit state.
To enable the 802.1 TLV LLDPDU transmission on a switch, enter the lldp tlv dot1 command:
-> lldp chassis tlv dot1 port-vlan enable

To enable the 802.1 TLV on port 1 of slot 5, enter the following command at the CLI prompt:
-> lldp port 5/1 tlv dot1 vlan-name enable

To disable the 802.1 TLV on a switch, enter the lldp tlv dot1 command:
-> lldp chassis tlv dot1 port-vlan disable

To disable 802.1 TLV on port 2 of slot 5, enter the following command at the CLI prompt:
-> lldp port 5/2 tlv dot1 vlan-name disable

Enabling and Disabling 802.3 TLV

The lldp tlv dot3 command is used to control per port 802.3 TLVs transmission in the LLDPDUs on a
specific port, a slot, or all ports on a switch. When enabled, the LLDPDU administrative status must be in
the transmit state.
To enable the 802.3 TLV LLDPDU transmission on a switch, enter the lldp tlv dot3 command, as shown:
-> lldp chassis tlv dot3 mac-phy enable

To enable the 802.3 TLV on port 4 of slot 2, enter the following command at the CLI prompt:
-> lldp port 2/4 tlv dot3 mac-phy enable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 13-9
Configuring 802.1AB Configuring 802.1AB

To disable the 802.3 TLV on a switch, enter the lldp tlv dot3 command, as shown:
-> lldp chassis tlv dot3 mac-phy disable

To disable 802.3 TLV on port 5 of slot 3, enter the following command at the CLI prompt:
-> lldp port 3/5 tlv dot3 mac-phy disable

Enabling and Disabling MED TLV

The lldp tlv med command is used to control per port LLDP Media End Device (MED) TLVs
transmission in the LLDPDUs on a specific port, a slot, or all ports on a switch. When enabled, the
LLDPDU administrative status must be in the transmit state.
To enable the LLDP-MED TLV LLDPDU transmission on a switch, enter the lldp tlv med command, as
-> lldp chassis tlv med power enable

To enable the MED TLV on port 4 of slot 4, enter the following command at the CLI prompt:
-> lldp port 4/4 tlv med capability enable

To disable the MED TLV on a switch, enter the lldp tlv med command, as shown:
-> lldp chassis tlv med power disable

To disable MED TLV on port 3 of slot 4, enter the following command at the CLI prompt:
-> lldp port 4/3 tlv med capability disable

Enabling and Disabling Application Priority TLV

The lldp tlv application command is used to include the LLDP-DCBx Application Priority TLV in the
LLDPDUs transmitted on a specific port, a slot, or all ports on a switch. When enabled, the LLDPDU
administrative status must be in the transmit state.
To enable the Application Priority TLV LLDPDU transmission on a switch, enter the lldp tlv application
command, as shown:
-> lldp chassis tlv application enable

To enable the Application Priority TLV on port 4 of slot 4, enter the following command at the CLI
-> lldp port 4/4 tlv application enable

To disable the Application Priority TLV on a switch, enter the lldp tlv application command, as shown:
-> lldp chassis tlv application disable

To disable the Application Priority TLV on port 3 of slot 4, enter the following command at the CLI
-> lldp port 4/3 tlv application disable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 13-10
Configuring 802.1AB Configuring 802.1AB

Configuring Application Priority TLV Parameters

The lldp tlv application priority command is used to configure the the LLDP-DCBx Application Priority
TLV to advertise an 802.1p priority value for specific protocols on a specific port, a slot, or all ports on a
switch. The LLDPDU administrative status must be enabled and set to transmit and receive before using
this command. In addition, the Application Priority TLV must be enabled for transmission in the
To configure Application Priority TLV parameters, enter the lldp tlv application command, as shown:
-> lldp port 1/1/3 tlv application fcoe priority 3
-> lldp port 1/1/3 tlv application tcp-sctp-port 3192 priority 5

To remove Application Priority TLV parameters, use the no form of the lldp tlv application command, as
-> lldp chassis tlv application no fcoe
-> lldp chassis tlv application no tcp-sctp-port

Setting the Transmit Interval

To set the transmit time interval for LLDPDUs, enter the lldp transmit interval command. For example,
to set the transmit time interval as 40 seconds, enter:
-> lldp transmit interval 40

Setting the Transmit Hold Multiplier Value

To set the transmit hold multiplier value, enter the lldp transmit hold-multiplier command. For example,
to set the transmit hold multiplier value to 2, enter:
-> lldp transmit hold-multiplier 2

Note. The Time To Live is a multiple of the transmit interval and transmit hold-multiplier.

Setting the Reinit Delay

To set the time interval that must elapse before the current status of a port is reinitialized after a status
change, enter the lldp reinit delay command. For example, to set the reinit delay to 7 seconds, enter:
-> lldp reinit delay 7

Setting the Notification Interval

To set the time interval that must elapse before a notification about the local system Management
Information Base (MIB) change is generated, enter the lldp notification interval command. For example,
to set the notification value to 130 seconds, enter:
-> lldp notification interval 130

Note. In a specified interval, generating more than one notification-event is not possible.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 13-11
Configuring 802.1AB Verifying 802.1AB Configuration

Verifying 802.1AB Configuration

To display information about the ports configured to handle 802.1AB, use the following show command:

show lldp system-statistics Displays system-wide statistics.

show lldp statistics Displays port statistics.
show lldp local-system Displays local system information.
show lldp local-port Displays port information.
show lldp local-management-address Displays the local management address information.
show lldp config Displays the general LLDP configuration information for
LLDP ports.
show lldp remote-system Displays local port information of remote system.
show lldp remote-system med Displays MED local port information of remote system.
show lldp remote-system application-tlv Displays Application Priority TLV information of the
remote system.

For more information about the resulting display, see Chapter 16, “802.1AB Commands,” in the
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 13-12
14 Configuring SIP Snooping

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) address the key challenge of real time delivery and monitoring
requirements for media streams from SIP devices.
SIP Snooping prioritizes voice and video traffic over non-voice traffic.
• Identifies and marks the SIP and its corresponding media streams. Each media stream contains Real
Time Protocol (RTP) and Real Time Control Protocol (RTCP) flows. Marking is done using the DSCP
field in the IP header.
• Provides user configured QOS treatment for SIP/RTP/RTCP traffic flows based on its marking.

• Also snoops voice quality metrics of media streams from their RTCP packets and displays them to the
user with knowledge of media reception quality in real time and helps to diagnose the problems on
their quality. Also in addition, trap will be generated when voice quality parameters like Jitter, Round
trip time, Packet-lost, R-factor and MOS values of media streams crosses user configured threshold.

In This Chapter
This chapter describes the SIP Snooping feature, and how to configure it through the Command Line Inter-
face (CLI). For more details about the syntax of commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Refer-
ence Guide.
The following information and procedures are included in this chapter:
• “Quick Steps for Configuring SIP Snooping” on page 14-4.

• “SIP Snooping Overview” on page 14-5

• “SIP Snooping Configuration Guidelines” on page 14-8

• “SIP Snooping Limitations” on page 14-15

• “Verifying the SIP Snooping Configuration” on page 14-16.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 14-1
Configuring SIP Snooping SIP Snooping Defaults

SIP Snooping Defaults

The following table shows SIP Snooping default values.

Parameter Description Command Default Value/Comments

The administrative status of SIP sip-snooping admin-state disable
Configure the status of SIP snooping sip-snooping port admin-state disable
SIP Snooping mode sip-snooping mode automatic
Configure IP address of the trusted sip-snooping trusted server none
Configure SIP PDU DSCP marking sip-snooping sip-control By default, DSCP is not
configuration. marked on the switch.
Configure the SOS call strings sip-snooping sos-call number none
Configure the SOS-Call RTP/RTCP sip-snooping sos-call dscp EF/46
DSCP Marking
Configure the UDP port of the sip-snooping udp port none
Configure the TCP port of the switch sip-snooping tcp port port 5260

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 14-2
Configuring SIP Snooping Parameter Description and Values

Parameter Description and Values

No PARAMETER Description Default value Configurable Min Max
1 Global SIP snooping Disable YES NA NA
2 SIP snooping per port Enable YES NA NA
3 SIP Snooping mode Automatic YES NA NA
4 Number of SIP UDP Ports NO YES 0 8
5 Number of SIP TCP Ports 5260 YES 0 8
6 Number of Trusted Call server NO YES 8
7 Number of SOS-Call NO YES 0 4
8 SOS-Call RTP/RTCP Bandwidth 128 kbps NO NA NA
10 SIP control DSCP NO YES NA NA
11 SIP rate limit 1 mbps NO 1 4
12 Media Idle timeout 5 min NO NA NA
13 RTCP monitoring Enable YES NA NA
14 Jitter Threshold (audio/video/other) 50/100/100 ms YES 0 300
15 Packet-lost Threshold (audio/video/other) 10 /20/20 % YES 0 99
16 RTT Threshold (audio/video/other) 180 /250/250 YES 0 500
17 R-factor Threshold (audio/video/other) 70/80/80 YES 0 100
18 MOS Threshold (audio/video/other) 3.6/3.0/3.0 YES 0 5
19 TCAM slice reserved 1 NO 1 4
20 Number of Media streams per NI (64*TCAM NO NA NA
Slice value) – 4
21 Number of Media streams per system in case MAXNI_SLOT NO NA NA
of stack. (VC with MAX_NI_SLOTS = 8) S*
((64 * TCAM
Slice Value) –
22 Number of Media streams per system in case (64 * TCAM NO NA NA
link aggregation as edge port. Slice value) - 4
23 Logging Number of calls 200 YES 50 500
a. Subtracted value of 4 is due to the 15 UDF entries required for SIP method based trapping.

Note. When the Jitter, Packet Lost, and RTT crosses the configured threshold traps are raised. And when
the R-factor and MOS goes below the configured threshold traps are raised.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 14-3
Configuring SIP Snooping Quick Steps for Configuring SIP Snooping

Quick Steps for Configuring SIP Snooping

The following steps provide a quick tutorial on how to configure SIP Snooping. Each step describes a
specific operation and provides the CLI command syntax for performing that operation.
1 Create a global SIP policy to classify incoming flows. Use the policy condition command to create a
QOS condition. For example,
-> policy condition Voice sip audio
-> policy condition Video sip video

2 Create a policy action for the SIP condition using the policy action command. For example,

-> policy action DSCP46 dscp 46

-> policy action DSCP32 dscp 32

3 Configure the policy rule for the SIP policy to classify inbound and outbound media streams. Use the
policy rule command. For example,
-> policy rule Voice_46 condition Voice action DSCP46
-> policy rule Video_32 condition Video action DSCP32
-> qos apply

Note. For more information on policy condition, policy action, and policy rule, see “Configuring QOS”
chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide.

4 Enable SIP Snooping using the sip-snooping admin-state command. For example:

-> sip-snooping admin-state enable

This command will enable SIP snooping globally.

Note. When SIP snooping is enabled globally the SIP snooping is enabled on all ports and linkagg. The
user can disable SIP snooping on specific port or linkagg (see Step 5).

5 Configure port/linkagg level SIP Snooping for the switch. Use the sip-snooping admin-state
command with the port or linkagg parameter. For example,
-> sip-snooping port 1/1/5-6 admin-state enable
-> sip-snooping linkagg 1/1/10 admin-state enable

6 Configure the port/linkagg mode to force-edge for the port to which the SIP phone is connected. Use
the sip-snooping mode command. For example,
-> sip-snooping port 1/1/5-6 mode force-edge
-> sip-snooping linkagg 1/1/10 mode force-edge

7 Configure the port/linkagg mode to force-non-edge for uplink port connecting to the call server. Use
the sip-snooping mode command. For example,
-> sip-snooping port 1/5-6 mode force-non-edge
-> sip-snooping linkagg 1/1/10 mode force-non-edge

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 14-4
Configuring SIP Snooping SIP Snooping Overview

SIP Snooping Overview

The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is an IETF-defined signaling protocol widely used for controlling
communication sessions such as voice and video calls over Internet Protocol (IP). The protocol can be
used for creating, modifying and terminating media sessions. Sessions may consist of one or several media
Other SIP applications include video conferencing, streaming multimedia distribution, instant messaging,
presence information, file transfer and online games.
The SIP protocol is an Application Layer protocol designed to be independent of the underlying Transport
Layer. SIP can run on the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP), or
Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP). It is a text-based protocol, incorporating many elements of
the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
The SIP Snooping feature is provided to address the key challenge of real time delivery and monitoring
requirements for media streams from SIP devices. The feature allows automatic detection of SIP and its
corresponding media streams.
The network is the most critical part of the enterprise infrastructure in delivering diverse applications.
Ever increasing applications and their need for network resources keep demand on networks high.
• Critical applications like real-time voice, video, and mission critical data applications continue to grow.

• Bandwidth needs are growing at a faster pace than the network technologies that need to address them.

• Elastic traffic, such as TCP-based non-real time traffic, tends to use any additional bandwidth
It is essential to differentiate the various types of traffic, based on application, user, and context, and
provide applicable service levels for each.
• Voice and video traffic should be prioritized over non-voice traffic.

• Mission critical data traffic should be provided a bandwidth guarantee for better performance.

The network should be able to monitor the quality of this traffic and inform the user if it is not within the
required expectation. SIP Snooping addresses this issue for media streams managed by SIP.
The SIP snooping feature snoops voice quality metrics of media streams from their corresponding control
packets and displays them to the user with knowledge of media reception quality in real time and helps to
diagnose the problems on their quality. In addition, a trap is generated when the voice quality parameters
crosses a user configured threshold.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 14-5
Configuring SIP Snooping Using SIP Snooping

Using SIP Snooping

A SIP network consists of the following network elements:
• Edge switches, aggregation switches, and core switches

• SIP user agents (e.g., SIP phones). SIP user agents are directly connected to edge switches

One SIP Server is connected to the Core switch within the campus infrastructure The server is responsible
for all the SIP functions such as registrar, proxy, redirect, gateway.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 14-6
Configuring SIP Snooping Using SIP Snooping

In the above network, SIP-snooping is enabled on the edge switches.

• For an internal call, QOS treatment is enforced on both edge switches on which the SIP user agent
endpoints are connected. On each edge switch, the QOS treatment is enforced for both ingress and
egress media streams.
• For an external call, QOS treatment is only enforced on the edge switch on which the internal SIP user
agent endpoint is connected. The media streams traversing the aggregation and core switches will not
be subject to the SIP QOS treatment. On the edge switch, the QOS treatment is enforced for both
ingress and egress media streams.

SIP Snooping can interact with the following equipment:

No Equipment Description
1 OpenTouch Business Edition 1.1 Server SIP based server from Alcatel Lucent
500 Users (OTBE)
2 Alcatel Lucent OXE IP Media Gateway MR3 Part of OTBE
3 Alcatel Lucent PCX Enterprise RM3 Part of OTBE
4 Open Touch soft-phone - My Instant Communicator Part of OTBE
5 8082 My IC Phone OpenTouch SIP Phone
6 LifeSize Passport(Model: LFZ014) SIP endpoint

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 14-7
Configuring SIP Snooping SIP Snooping Configuration Guidelines

SIP Snooping Configuration Guidelines

This section describes how to use Alcatel-Lucent’s Command Line Interface (CLI) commands to
configure SIP Snooping on a switch. Consider the following guidelines when configuring SIP Snooping

Configuring Edge Port

SIP snooping requires that the uplink ports are configured as non-edge port. An edge port is a port on
which the SIP user agent is connected. A non-edge port is the uplink port on which no SIP user agent is
connected but requires SIP snooping. All AOS features available for an edge port are supported with SIP
By default, the edge and non-edge port modes are implicitly based on LLDP.
• A port that learns a LLDP remote agent advertising the “switch/router” capability is considered a non-
edge port.
• A port that does not learn a LLDP remote agent advertising the “switch/router” capability is considered
an edge port. A port can be forced to the edge or non-edge mode.
To configure the force-edge/force-non-edge, use the command as follows.
-> sip-snooping port 1/1/5-6 mode force-edge
-> sip-snooping port 1/1/10 mode force-non-edge

On the edge switch, it is recommended to disable auto phone with the qos no phones command. For
-> qos no phones

Set all edge ports, including network edge ports to the un-trusted mode. Also ensure uplink port and all the
traversing ports to other SIP endpoint are in trust mode.

Configuring Trusted SIP Server

By default, any SIP server is trusted. The SIP messages are trusted regardless of the origin (e.g., source IP
address) or destination (e.g., destination IP address) of the SIP message.
The SIP snooping feature allows the configuration of trusted SIP servers. This restricts the SIP snooping
functions to only a list of trusted server IP address.
Up to 8 trusted addresses can be configured as trusted SIP server. For configuring the trusted SIP server,
use the command
-> sip-snooping trusted-server

All SIP based calls using other than configured trusted call server will not be subject to the configured SIP
QOS treatment

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 14-8
Configuring SIP Snooping SIP Snooping Configuration Guidelines

Configuring SIP Snooping TCP Ports

The SIP snooping feature allows the configuration of TCP ports. This allows the SIP snooping functions
to a list of TCP ports, SIP packets sent/received on the TCP ports will be snooped. A maximum of 8 TCP
ports can be configured on a switch.
To configure the Server listening TCP ports, use the sip-snooping TCP port as follows
-> sip-snooping tcp-port 5678 5051

The SIP Snooping TCP port configuration is used to snoop the SIP packets, when the SIP endpoints
switches from UDP to TCP to send SIP packets of more than 1300 bytes in size.

Configuring SIP Snooping UDP Ports

The SIP snooping feature allows the configuration of UDP ports. This allows the SIP snooping functions
to a list of UDP ports, SIP packets sent/received on the UDP ports will be snooped. A maximum of 8 UDP
ports can be configured on a switch.
To configure the Server listening UDP port, use the sip-snooping UDP port as follows
-> sip-snooping udp-port 5260 5060

This allows the SIP snooping functionality for the configured UDP ports only.

Configuring the SIP Control DSCP

To configure SIP control DSCP marking, use the sip-snooping sip-control command
-> sip-snooping sip-control dscp 40

This marks the SIP messages with the configured SIP control DSCP.

Configuring SOS Calls

The SIP snooping features allow the detection of emergency calls based on the “to” URI in the INVITE
message. Configuration allows up to 4 SOS call strings to be configured. The string must be the exact URI
to be matched in the ‘to” URI.
When a call is deemed to be a SOS call, a default DSCP of 46 (EF) is assigned for both RTP and RTCP
flows of that call. SOS-Call DSCP can be configured to any value.A non-configurable rate limiter of
128kbps is imposed for SOS-Call.
-> sip-snooping sos-call number “911” “2233”

By default, no SOS number is configured for SIP Snooping

Configuring SOS Call DSCP

To configure the SOS-Call RTP/RTCP DSCP Marking, use the sip-snooping sos-call command.
-> sip-snooping sos-call dscp 56

This marks the SOS-Call RTP/RTCP packets with the configured SOS call dscp.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 14-9
Configuring SIP Snooping SIP Snooping Configuration Guidelines

Configuring RTCP Thresholds

When RTCP monitoring is enabled, the SIP snooping feature also inspects the RTCP packet that carries
performance metric for the RTP flow.
Depending on the RTCP capabilities of the SIP user agent endpoints, the following metrics can be
determined by software:
• Packet loss

• Round Trip Time

• R Factor Only supported with RTCP-XR

• MOS factor – Only supported with RTCP-XR

The SIP snooping feature offers configurable thresholds for each performance metric and each media
-> sip-snooping threshold audio jitter 30
-> sip-snooping threshold video jitter 50
-> sip-snooping threshold audio packet-lost 40
-> sip-snooping threshold video packet-lost 30
-> sip-snooping threshold audio round-trip-delay 180
-> sip-snooping threshold video round-trip-delay 180
-> sip-snooping threshold audio R-factor 30
-> sip-snooping threshold video R-factor 30
-> sip-snooping threshold audio MOS 1
-> sip-snooping threshold video MOS 2

Configuring the Logging Threshold for the Number of Calls

To configure the threshold for the number of call records to be logged on to the flash file, use the sip-
snooping logging-threshold num-of-calls command as follows
-> sip-snooping logging-threshold num-of-calls 300

Configuring Policy Rules for SIP Snooping

Unlike regular policy rule, a SIP policy rule is not programmed in the hardware when it is configured. The
ACL is only programmed when the SIP snooping module detects a new RTP flow and parses the SIP
policy rules to determine the QOS policy actions required for this RTP flow.

Policy Condition
All other policy conditions are still supported for the SIP policy rules. This allows specific QOS
treatments (policy actions) for media streams based on the origin of the call. For instance, a SIP policy
condition can be combined with:
• Source port

• Source IP address/subnet

To configure the policy condition, use the commands as follows.

-> policy condition <condition_name> sip {audio | video | other}
-> policy condition <condition_name> sip {audio | video | other}source port 1/2

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 14-10
Configuring SIP Snooping SIP Snooping Configuration Guidelines

Other source conditions are also supported but are not foreseen to provide real benefits.
The policy condition is not used as such in the hardware filtering entry, but is used by the SIP snooping
module to determine the policy rule that the new RTP flow is matching. Also, SIP policy rules are
supported in ingress and UNP policy lists.

Policy Action
All other policy actions are still supported for SIP policy rules. For instance:
• DSCP—marks the DSCP value for the RTP/RTCP packets and maps the internal priority to this DSCP

• Priority—forces the internal priority of the RTP/RTCP packets.

• Rate Limiter

To configure the policy action, use the commands as follows.

-> policy action <action_name> dscp 32 rtcp-monitoring {enable | disable}
-> policy action <action_name> dscp 46 rtcp-monitoring enable rtcp-dscp <num>
-> policy action <action_name> rtcp-monitoring disable trust-dscp

Policy Rule
A SIP policy rule is a rule that has the keyword SIP (audio/video/other) in the policy condition and a
corresponding policy action.
The SIP policy rule is configured as follows.
-> policy condition Voice_srcip_SIP1 source ip mask sip
-> policy condition Video_srcip_SIP1 source ip mask sip
-> policy action DSCP56 dscp 56
-> policy action DSCP32 dscp 32
-> policy rule Voice_srcip_SIP1_rule condition Voice_srcip_SIP1 action DSCP56
-> policy rule Video_srcip_SIP1_rule condition Video_srcip_SIP1 action DSCP32
-> qos apply

Note that a SIP policy rule does not apply for the SIP signaling messages. A SIP policy rule can however
apply for a SOS call since a SOS call is a audio media. However, the DSCP marking and rate limiter for
an SOS call cannot be overwritten by a SIP policy rule.

Unsupported Topologies
The SIP snooping functions and the QOS actions require that the network paths used by the SIP signaling
messages and the RTP/RTCP flows are the same and are “symmetric”. For this reason, the following
topologies are not supported:
• ECMP Routing


In such topologies, it would be possible that one switch/router sees the SIP signaling messages and creates
the dialog with the appropriate QOS actions (i.e. ACLs), but the RTP/RTCP traffic will not be seen by this
switch/router. It would also be possible that the SIP signaling messages and/or RTP/RTCP packets are
load balanced between 2 switch/routers.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 14-11
Configuring SIP Snooping SIP Snooping Use Case

SIP Snooping Use Case

In this section, advanced SIP configuration use cases are illustrated. Instead of having all voice audio/
video media streams treated the same way, more granular SIP policies can be configured.

• Voice media streams from SIP1 to SIP2 will be marked with DSCP 56

• Video media streams from Video SIP1 to Video SIP2 will be marked with DSCP 32

• Voice media streams from SIP2 to SIP1 will be marked with DSCP 46

• Voice media streams from Video SIP2 to Video SIP1 will be marked with DSCP 48

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 14-12
Configuring SIP Snooping SIP Snooping Use Case

SIP Condition
In this example, specific QOS treatments are configured based on the source IP subnet.
• Voice source IP subnet = DSCP 56

• Video source IP subnet 32

• Voice source IP subnet = DSCP 46

• Video source IP subnet 48

The SIP conditions is configured as follows:

-> policy condition Voice_srcip_SIP1 source ip mask sip
-> policy condition Video_srcip_SIP1 source ip mask sip
-> policy condition Voice_srcip_SIP2 source ip mask sip
-> policy condition Video_srcip_SIP2 source ip mask sip
-> policy action DSCP56 dscp 56
-> policy action DSCP32 dscp 32
-> policy action DSCP46 dscp 46
-> policy action DSCP48 dscp 48
-> policy rule Voice_srcip_SIP1_rule condition Voice_srcip_SIP1 action DSCP56
-> policy rule Video_srcip_SIP1_rule condition Video_srcip_SIP1 action DSCP32
-> policy rule Voice_srcip_SIP2_rule condition Voice_srcip_SIP2 action DSCP46
-> policy rule Video_srcip_SIP2_rule condition Video_srcip_SIP2 action DSCP48
-> qos apply

The active call records can be viewed by using the following command:
-> show sip-snooping call-records active-calls full
Legend: start date time duration media-type end-reason
call-id / from-tag / to-tag
IP address port DSCP (forward/reverse)
policy-rule (F/R)

statistics min / max / avg %samples exceeding threshold (F/R)

2013-11-21 18:39:17(PST) 0d 16h 13m 41s Audio -
6dddf3236f2d564c / d1fc26f8da / 0061D0A0-7C50-1200-83AF-F1A3FE87AA77-1439499
IP/DSCP 6000 NA/NA 6000 NA/NA
Policy-Rule r6 r1
Pkt-Count 2920807 2920807
Pkt-Loss 0 0 0.00 0% 0 0 0.00 0%
Jitter 1 198714 17.34 0% 1 49 0.32 0%
Delay 9 29 16.44 0% 9 29 16.44 0%
R-factor 35 96 35.42 99% 30 96 32.00 99%
MOS 1.00 4.00 1.80 99% 1.00 4.00 1.60 99%


Number of Call Records: 1

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 14-13
Configuring SIP Snooping SIP Snooping Use Case

-> show sip-snooping call-records ended-calls full

Legend: start date time duration media-type end-reason
call-id / from-tag / to-tag
IP address port DSCP (forward/reverse)
policy-rule (F/R)
Pkt count (F/R)

statistics min / max / avg %samples exceeding threshold (F/R)

2002-04-06 01:06:10 UTC 0d 0h 4m 15s Audio -
[email protected] / 0010CFE8-4A05-10DA-B960-
F1A3FE87AA77-258649 / 1668946822
IP/DSCP 6000 56/56 6000 46/46
Policy-Rule Voice_srcip_SIP1_rule Voice_srcip_SIP2_rule
Pkt-Count 12272 61385
Pkt-Loss 0 0 0.00 0% 0 0 0.00
Jitter 0 0 0.00 0% 0 0 0.00
Delay 0 0 0.00 0% 0 0 0.00
R-factor 0 0 0.00 0% 96 96 96.00
MOS 0 0 0.00 0% 44 44 44.00

Number of Call Records: 1

Similar to the above example, more conditions can be combined in a single SIP rule.

Advanced RTCP Control

For each RTP flow, RTCP monitoring can be enabled or disabled. When enabled, the DSCP marking can
also be controlled. Also Trap will be generated if RTCP parameters exceed the Threshold values
configured in SIP configuration.
In this example, specific QOS treatments are configured based on the Source IP subnet.
• Voice source IP subnet = DSCP 56— RTCP packets for these RTP flows are trapped to CPU
and assigned with DSCP 56.
-> policy action DSCP56 dscp 56

• Video source IP subnet RTCP—packets for these RTP flows are trapped to CPU and have
their DSCP unchanged.
-> policy action DSCP32 rtcp-monitoring enable trust-DSCP

• Voice source IP subnet = DSCP 46 + No RTCP monitoring—RTCP packets for these RTP
flows are not trapped to CPU and assigned with DSCP 46.
-> policy action DSCP46 dscp 46 rtcp-monitoring disable

• Video source IP subnet = DSCP 48 + RTCP monitoring and explicit DSCP 46—RTCP
packets for these RTP flows are trapped to CPU and assigned with DSCP 46.
-> policy action DSCP48 dscp 48 rtcp-monitoring enable rtcp-dscp 46

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 14-14
Configuring SIP Snooping SIP Snooping Limitations

SIP Snooping Limitations

• Media types other than audio and video as application, image media types etc. are not supported.

• Solution only supports SIP, no support of NOE (New Office Environment).

• SIP Registrar, outbound proxy, proxy, redirect functions should be provided by the same server called
the SIP Server.
• All initial SIP messages between User Agents must go through the SIP Server. Direct SIP session
establishment between end users will be not supported.
• Outbound proxy configured on phone and trusted call server configured on switch must be the same.

• Only SIP over UDP and SIP over UDP/TCP is supported. Solution does not support SIP over SCTP or
MPLS and SIP over TLS.
• Encrypted RTCP or SDP is not supported.

• Only SIP over IPv4 is supported, no support for IPV6.

• Multicast Media Sessions by SIP is not supported

• Only RTP or RTP profile AVP is supported to carry media. SAVP, AVPF, SAVPF are not supported.

• Only IP address is supported. DNS resolution and FQDN name are not supported in SDP

• Only audio and video application in "m" line of SDP is supported.

• No network performance reporting other than RTCP reports.

• RTCP port assignment is taken as one higher than corresponding RTP. Other methods for RTCP port
assignment is not supported
• Media quality metrics displayed to the user only convey the presence of problem in voice and video
transmission quality. Exact location and device responsible for it will not be known and it is expected
that the user will find it by other means and take corrective action.
• QOS SIP policy modifications should be applied for the new calls only and not for existing ones.

• DSCP marking will be done for only [(64 * TCAM Slice Value)-4] SIP audio calls, if a call is through
linkagg on a stack.
• No VRF awareness. Similarly, NAT transversal (ICE, TURN, STUN solution) is not supported.

• Emergency call identification is based on user configured string. Usage of priority or resource-priority
header is not considered.
• SIP IP address and RTP IP address of end point at edge port must be same, otherwise TCAM entries
will not be created.
• Media that flows before TCAM entries are installed does not get configured QOS treatment.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 14-15
Configuring SIP Snooping Verifying the SIP Snooping Configuration

Verifying the SIP Snooping Configuration

To display information about Sip Snooping on the switch, use the show commands listed below:

show sip-snooping config Shows the SIP snooping configuration.

show sip-snooping ports Displays the SIP snooping port level data.
show sip-snooping call-records Displays the SIP-snooping active/ended call records.
show sip-snooping statistics Displays the SIP snooping statistics.
show qos dscp-table Displays the QoS DSCP table configured.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 14-16
15 Configuring IP

Internet Protocol (IP) is primarily a network-layer (Layer 3) protocol that contains addressing and control
information that enables packets to be forwarded. Along with Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), IP
represents the heart of the Internet protocols. IP has two primary responsibilities, providing
connectionless, best-effort delivery of datagrams through an internetwork; and providing fragmentation
and reassembly of datagrams to support data links with different Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)

Note. IP routing (Layer 3) can be accomplished using static routes or by using one of the IP routing
protocols, Routing Information Protocol (RIP) and Open Shortest Path First (OSPF). For more information
on these protocols see Chapter 19, “Configuring RIP,” in this manual; or “Configuring OSPF” in the
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Advanced Routing Configuration Guide.

Two versions of Internet Protocol are supported - IPv4 and IPv6. For more information about using IPv6,
see Chapter 17, “Configuring IPv6.”

In This Chapter
This chapter describes IP and how to configure it through the Command Line Interface (CLI). It includes
instructions for enabling IP forwarding, configuring IP route maps, as well as basic IP configuration
commands (for example, ip default-ttl). CLI commands are used in the configuration examples; for more
details about the syntax of commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide. This
chapter provides an overview of IP and includes information about the following procedures:
• IP Forwarding
– Configuring an IP Interface (see page 15-7)
– Configuring an IP Managed Interface (see page 15-10)
– Creating a Static Route or Recursive Static Route (see page 15-11)
– Creating a Default Route (see page 15-12)
– Configuring an IP Routed Port (see page 15-12)
– Configuring Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) (see page 15-13)
– Distributed ARP (see page 15-16)
• IP Configuration
– Configuring the Router Primary Address (see page 15-19)
– Configuring the Router ID (see page 15-19)
– Configuring the Time-to-Live (TTL) Value (see page 15-20)
– Configuring Route Map Redistribution (see page 15-20)
– IP-Directed Broadcasts (see page 15-26)
– Protecting the Switch from Denial of Service (DoS) attacks (see page 15-26)

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-1
Configuring IP In This Chapter

• Managing IP
– Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) (see page 15-32)
– Using the Ping Command (see page 15-34)
– Tracing an IP Route (see page 15-35)
– Displaying TCP Information (see page 15-35)
– Displaying User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Information (see page 15-36)
– Service Assurance Agent (SAA) (see page 15-36)
• Tunneling
– Generic Routing Encapsulation (page 15-36)
– IP Encapsulation within IP (page 15-36)
– Tunneling operation (page 15-37)
– Configuring a Tunnel Interface (page 15-38)
• VRF Route Leak
– Quick Steps for Configuring VRF Route Leak (page 15-40)
– Configuring VRF Route Leak (page 15-41)
– Verifying VRF Route Leak Configuration (page 15-42)

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-2
Configuring IP IP Defaults

IP Defaults
The following table lists the defaults for IP configuration through the ip command.

Description Command Default

IP-Directed Broadcasts ip directed-broadcast disable
Time-to-Live Value ip default-ttl 64 (hops)
IP interfaces ip interface VLAN 1 interface.
ARP filters arp filter 0

Quick Steps for Configuring IP Forwarding

Using only IP, which is always enabled on the switch, devices connected to ports on the same VLAN are
able to communicate at Layer 2. The initial configuration for all Alcatel-Lucent switches consists of a
default VLAN 1. All switch ports are initially assigned to this VLAN. If additional VLANs are not
configured on the switch, the entire switch is treated as one large broadcast domain, and all ports receive
all traffic from all other ports.

Note. The operational status of a VLAN remains inactive until at least one active switch port is assigned to
the VLAN. If the ports are connected to an active network device, they are considered active. Non-active
port assignments are allowed, but do not change the operational state of the VLAN.

To forward packets to a different VLAN on a switch, create an IP interface on each VLAN. The following
steps provide a quick tutorial of how to enable IP forwarding between VLANs “from scratch”. If active
VLANs have already been created on the switch, you only need to create IP interfaces on each VLAN
(Steps 5 and 6).
1 Create VLAN 10 with a description (for example, VLAN 10) using the vlan command. For example:

-> vlan 10 name “VLAN 10”

2 Create VLAN 20 with a description (for example, VLAN 20) using the vlan command. For example:

-> vlan 20 name “VLAN 20”

3 Assign an active port to VLAN 10 using the vlan members untagged command. For example, the
following command assigns port 1 on slot 1 to VLAN 10:
-> vlan 10 members port 1/1 untagged

4 Assign an active port to VLAN 20 using the vlan members command. For example, the following
command assigns port 2 on slot 1 to VLAN 20:
-> vlan 20 members port 1/2 untagged

5 Create an IP interface on VLAN 10 using the ip interface command. For example:

-> ip interface vlan-10 address vlan 10

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-3
Configuring IP IP Overview

6 Create an IP interface on VLAN 20 using the ip interface command. For example:

-> ip interface vlan-20 address vlan 20

Note. See Chapter 4, “Configuring VLANs,” for more information about how to create VLANs.

IP Overview
IP is a network-layer (Layer 3) protocol that contains addressing and control information that enables
packets to be forwarded on a network. IP is the primary network-layer protocol in the Internet protocol
suite. Along with TCP, IP represents the heart of the Internet protocols.

IP Protocols
IP is associated with Layer 3 and Layer 4 protocols. These protocols are built into the base code loaded on
the switch. A brief overview of the supported IP protocols is described in the following sections.

Transport Protocols
IP is both connectionless (it forwards each datagram separately) and unreliable (it does not guarantee
delivery of datagrams). This means that a datagram can be damaged in transit, thrown away by a busy
switch, or never make it to its destination. The resolution of these transit problems is to use a Layer 4
transport protocol, such as:
• TCP—A major data transport mechanism that provides reliable, connection-oriented, full-duplex data
streams. While the role of TCP is to add reliability to IP, TCP relies upon IP to do the actual delivering
of datagrams.
• UDP—A secondary transport-layer protocol that uses IP for delivery. UDP is not connection-oriented
and does not provide reliable end-to-end delivery of datagrams. Few applications can safely use UDP
to send datagrams that do not require the extra overhead added by TCP. For more information on UDP,
see Chapter 21, “Configuring DHCP Relay.”

Application-Layer Protocols
Application-layer protocols are used for switch configuration and management:
• Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP)/Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)—can be used by an end
station to obtain an IP address. The switch provides a DHCP Relay that allows BOOTP requests/replies
to cross different networks.
• Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)—Allows communication between SNMP managers
and SNMP agents on an IP network. Network administrators use SNMP to monitor network
performance and manage network resources. For more information, see the “Using SNMP” chapter in
the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Switch Management Guide.
• Telnet—Used for remote connections to a device. You can telnet to a switch and configure the switch
and the network by using the CLI.
• SSH—Used for remote connections to a device. You can SSH to a switch and configure the switch and
the network by using the CLI.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-4
Configuring IP IP Overview

• File Transfer Protocol (FTP)—Enables the transfer of files between hosts. This protocol is used to load
new images onto the switch.

Additional IP Protocols
Many additional IP-related protocols can be used with IP forwarding. These protocols are included as part
of the base code.
• Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)—Used to match the IP address of a device with its physical
(MAC) address. For more information, see “Configuring Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)” on
page 15-13.
• Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)—Used to back up routers. For more information, see
Chapter 23, “Configuring VRRP.”
• Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)—Specifies the generation of error messages, test packets,
and informational messages related to IP. ICMP supports the ping command used to determine if hosts
are online. For more information, see “Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)” on page 15-32.
• Multicast Services—Includes IP multicast switching (IPMS). For more information, see Chapter 25,
“Configuring IP Multicast Switching.”

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-5
Configuring IP IP Forwarding

IP Forwarding
Network device traffic is bridged (switched) at the Layer 2 level between ports that are assigned to the
same VLAN. However, if a device needs to communicate with another device that belongs to a different
VLAN, then Layer 3 routing is necessary to transmit traffic between the VLANs. Bridging decides to
forward the packets based on the destination MAC address of the packet. Routing decides on where to
forward packets based on the IP network address of the packet (for example, IP -
Alcatel-Lucent switches support routing of IP traffic. A VLAN is available for routing when at least one-
router interface is defined for that VLAN and at least one active port is associated with the VLAN. If a
VLAN does not have a router interface, the ports associated with that VLAN are in essence firewalled
from other VLANs.
IP multi-netting is also supported. A network is said to be multi-netted when multiple IP subnets are
brought together within a single broadcast domain. Each interface is configured with a different subnet. As
a result, traffic from each configured subnet can coexist on the same VLAN.
In the illustration below, an IP router interface has been configured on each VLAN. Therefore,
workstations connected to ports on VLAN 1 on Switch 1 can communicate with VLAN 2; and
workstations connected to ports on VLAN 3 on Switch 2 can communicate with VLAN 2. Also, ports
from both switches have been assigned to VLAN 2, and a physical connection has been made between the
switches. Therefore, workstations connected to VLAN 1 on Switch 1 can communicate with workstations
connected to VLAN 3 on Switch 2.

Switch 1 Switch 2

= IP Router Interface

VLAN 2 Connection VLAN 2

IP Forwarding

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-6
Configuring IP IP Forwarding

Configuring an IP Interface
IP is enabled by default. Using IP, devices connected to ports on the same VLAN are able to
communicate. However, to forward packets to a different VLAN, create at least one IP interface on each
Use the ip interface command to define IP interfaces for an existing VLAN. The following parameter
values are configured with this command:
• A unique interface name (text string up to 16 characters) is used to identify the IP interface. Specifying
this parameter is required to create or modify an IP interface.
• The VLAN ID of an existing VLAN.

• An IP address to assign to the interface (for example, Router interface IP addresses
must be unique. You cannot have two-router interfaces with the same IP address.
• A subnet mask (defaults to the IP address class). It is possible to specify the mask in dotted decimal
notation (for example, or with a slash (/) after the IP address followed by the number of
bits to specify the mask length (for example,
• The forwarding status for the interface (defaults to forwarding). A forwarding router interface sends IP
frames to other subnets. A router interface that is not forwarding can receive frames from other hosts
on the same subnet.
• An Ethernet-II or SNAP encapsulation for the interface (defaults to Ethernet-II). The encapsulation
determines the framing type the interface uses when generating frames that are forwarded out of
VLAN ports. Select an encapsulation that matches the encapsulation of the majority of VLAN traffic.
• The Local Proxy ARP status for the VLAN. If enabled, traffic within the VLAN is routed instead of
bridged. ARP requests return the MAC address of the IP router interface defined for the VLAN. For
more information about Local Proxy ARP, see “Local Proxy ARP” on page 15-15.
• The primary interface status. Designates the specified IP interface as the primary interface for the
VLAN. By default, the first interface bound to a VLAN becomes the primary interface for that VLAN.
The following ip interface command example creates an IP interface named Marketing with an IP
network address of and binds the interface to VLAN 455:
-> ip interface Marketing address vlan 455

The name parameter is the only parameter required with this command. Specifying additional parameters
is only necessary to configure a value other than the default value for that parameter. For example, all of
the following commands create an IP router interface for VLAN 955 with a class A subnet mask, an
enabled forwarding status, Ethernet-II encapsulation, and a disabled Local Proxy ARP and primary
interface status:
-> ip interface Accounting address mask vlan 955 forward e2
no local-proxy-arp no primary
-> ip interface Accounting address vlan 955
-> ip interface Accounting address vlan 955

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-7
Configuring IP IP Forwarding

Modifying an IP Router Interface

The ip interface command is also used to modify existing IP interface parameter values. It is not
necessary to remove the IP interface and then create it again with the new values. The changes specified
overwrite existing parameter values. For example, the following command changes the subnet mask to, the forwarding status to no forwarding and the encapsulation to snap by overwriting
existing parameter values defined for the interface. The interface name, Accounting, is specified as part of
the command syntax to identify which interface to change.
-> ip interface Accounting mask no forward snap

When changing the IP address for the interface, the subnet mask reverts to the default mask value if it was
previously set to a non-default value and it is not specified when changing the IP address. For example,
the following command changes the IP address for the Accounting interface:
-> ip interface Accounting address

The subnet mask for the Accounting interface was previously set to The above example
resets the mask to the default value of because is a Class A address and no other mask
was specified with the command. This only occurs when the IP address is modified; all other parameter
values remain unchanged unless otherwise specified.
To avoid the problem in the above example, enter the non-default mask value whenever the IP address is
changed for the interface. For example:
-> ip interface Accounting address mask
-> ip interface Accounting address

Use the show ip interface command to verify IP router interface changes. For more information about
these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

Removing an IP Router Interface

To remove an IP router interface, use the no form of the ip interface command. It is only necessary to
specify the name of the IP interface, as shown in the following example:
-> no ip interface Marketing

To view a list of IP interfaces configured on the switch, use the show ip interface command. For more
information about this command, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-8
Configuring IP IP Forwarding

Configuring a Loopback0 Interface

Loopback0 is the name assigned to an IP interface to identify a consistent address for network
management purposes. The Loopback0 interface is not bound to any VLAN, so it always remains
operationally active. If there are no active ports in the VLAN, all IP interface associated with that VLAN
are not active. In addition, the Loopback0 interface provides a unique IP address for the switch that is
easily identifiable to network management applications.
This type of interface is created in the same manner as all other IP interfaces, using the ip interface
command. To identify a Loopback0 interface, enter Loopback0 for the interface name. For example, the
following command creates the Loopback0 interface with an IP address of
-> ip interface Loopback0 address

Note the following when configuring the Loopback0 interface:

• The interface name, “Loopback0”, is case sensitive.

• The Loopback0 interface is always active and available.

• Only one Loopback0 interface per switch is allowed.

• Loopback0 address cannot be modified once it is configured.

• Creating this interface does not deduct from the total number of IP interfaces allowed per VLAN or
• To change the address, remove the interface using the no ip interface Loopback0 command and add it
again with the new address.

Loopback0 Address Advertisement

The Loopback0 IP interface address is automatically advertised by the IGP protocols RIP and OSPF when
the interface is created. There is no additional configuration necessary to trigger advertisement with these
Note the following regarding Loopback0 advertisement:
• RIP advertises the host route to the Loopback0 IP interface as a redistributed (directhost) route.

• OSPF advertises the host route to the Loopback0 IP interface in its Router-LSAs (as a Stub link) as an
internal route into all its configured areas.

Configuring a BGP Peer Session with Loopback0

It is possible to create BGP peers using the Loopback0 IP interface address of the peering router and
binding the source (that is, outgoing IP interface for the TCP connection) to its own configured
Loopback0 interface. The Loopback0 IP interface address can be used for both Internal and External BGP
peer sessions. For EBGP sessions, if the external peer router is multiple hops away, the ebgp-multihop
parameter can be used.
The following example command configures a BGP peering session using a Loopback0 IP interface
-> ip bgp neighbor update-source Loopback0

See the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Advanced Routing Configuration Guide for more information.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-9
Configuring IP IP Forwarding

Configuring an IP Managed Interface

By default, most applications that run on IP use the egress IP interface address as the source IP, while
using a socket to communicate with a peer/server. However, it may be desirable to have some applications
use a specific source IP for the packets that are sent out using the socket.
The ip service source-ip command provides the ability to configure a permanent source IP interface to
send packets. The source IP interface can be the Loopback0 address or user defined IP interface. For
The following commands create a Loopback0 interface and configures that interface as a source IP
interface for the NTP application:
-> ip interface Loopback0 address
-> ip service source-ip loopback0 ntp

The following command configures user-defined source IP interface for the FTP application:
-> ip service source-ip ipVlan100 ftp

• Use “all” option in the command to configure a common source IP address for the applications. If for a
particular application, specific source IP address is configured and the “all” option is also set, the
configured source IP address for the application is used as the outgoing interface.
• If a source IP interface is not defined for an application, the application uses the outgoing interface
address as the source IP.

A source IP address is configurable for the following applications within the VRF context:

Application Default Source Interface VRF Support

ASA Authentication Server
LDAP Server Outgoing interface Supported with any VRF
(Configuration available only in the default
TACACS+ Outgoing interface Supported with any VRF
(Configuration available only in the default
AAA Authentication Server
RADIUS Outgoing interface Supported with any VRF
(Configuration available only in the default
Switch Management Applications
SNMP Outgoing interface Supported with any VRF
(includes traps) (Configuration available only in the default
SFLOW Outgoing interface Supported with only default VRF
NTP Outgoing interface Supported with any VRF
(Configuration available only in the default

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-10
Configuring IP IP Forwarding

Application Default Source Interface VRF Support

SWLOG Outgoing interface Supported with any VRF
(Configuration available only in the default
DNS Outgoing interface Servers can only be set in the default VRF
Switch Access and Utilities
(ping and traceroute command can specify a source address as an optional parameter)
Telenet Outgoing interface Supported with any VRF
FTP Outgoing interface Supported with any VRF
SSH Outgoing interface Supported with any VRF
(includes scp, sftp)
TFTP Outgoing interface Supported with any VRF

Creating a Static Route or Recursive Static Route

Static routes are user-defined and carry a higher priority than routes created by dynamic routing protocols.
That is, if two routes have the same metric value, the static route has the higher priority. Static routes
allow you to define, or customize, an explicit path to an IP network segment, which is then added to the IP
Forwarding table. Static routes can be created between VLANs to enable devices on these VLANs to
Use the ip static-route command to create a static route. Specify the destination IP address of the route as
well as the IP address of the first hop (gateway/interface) used to reach the destination. For example, to
create a static route to IP address through gateway with a tag of 3, you would enter:
-> ip static-route gateway tag 3

For example, to create a proxy ARP static route to IP address through interface Int1you would
-> ip static-route interface Int1

If you want to use the natural subnet mask, the subnet mask is not required. By default, the switch imposes
a natural mask on the IP address. In the above example, the Class B mask of is implied. If you
do not want to use the natural mask, enter a subnet mask. For example, to create a static route to IP
address, enter the Class C mask of
-> ip static-route mask gateway

Specifying the length of the mask in bits is also supported. For example, the above static route is also
configurable using the following command:
-> ip static-route gateway

When you create a static route, the default metric value of 1 is used. However, you can change the priority
of the route by increasing its metric value. The lower the metric value, the higher the priority. This metric
is added to the metric cost of the route. The metric range is 1 to 15. For example:
-> ip static-route gateway metric 5

Static routes do not age out of the IP Forwarding table; delete them from the table. Use the no ip static
route command to delete a static route. Specify the destination IP address of the route as well as the IP

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-11
Configuring IP IP Forwarding

address of the first hop (gateway). For example, to delete a static route to IP address through
gateway, you would enter:
-> no ip static-route gateway

The IP Forwarding table includes routes learned through one of the routing protocols (RIP, OSPF, BGP)
as well as any static routes that are configured. Use the show ip routes command to display the IP
Forwarding table.

Creating a Recursive Static Route

Recursive static routes are similar to the static routes described above. However, with a recursive static
route the route to reach the gateway is learned through a dynamic routing protocol such as RIP or OSPF. If
a better route to the gateway is learned, the path to a recursive route can be changed dynamically. This
feature can be used to configure a uniformed static route for all routers on a network, but the path to reach
the gateway can differ for each router. To create a recursive static route use the follows parameter:
-> ip static-route follows

A route to the address must be learned by a dynamic routing protocol for the recursive static
route to be active.

Creating a Default Route

A default route can be configured for packets destined for networks that are unknown to the switch. Use
the ip static-route command to create a default route. Specify a default route of with a subnet
mask of and the IP address of the next hop (gateway). For example, to create a default route
through gateway you would enter:
-> ip static-route mask gateway

Specifying the length of the mask in bits is also supported. For example, the above default route is also
configurable using the following command:
-> ip static-route gateway

Note. You cannot create a default route by using the EMP port as a gateway.

Configuring an IP Routed Port

An IP interface can be configured on a VLAN and a port or linkagg can be added to this VLAN as tagged
or untagged, in a single CLI command. Use the ip interface rtr-port to create a VLAN, configure an IP
interface on that VLAN and assign a single port as tagged or untagged to that VLAN.
For example.
• To create VLAN interface and assign port 1/1 as tagged port to that VLAN use the below command:

-> ip interface test address vlan 30 rtr-port port 1/1 tagged

• To create VLAN interface and assign port 1/2 as untagged port to that VLAN use the below command:

-> ip interface test1 address vlan 40 rtr-port port 1/2 untagged

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-12
Configuring IP IP Forwarding

Create a linkagg and then create a VLAN interface and assign the created linkagg as tagged or untagged to
that VLAN.
For example.
• To create VLAN interface and assign linkagg 6 as tagged to that VLAN use the below command:

-> ip interface test address vlan 30 rtr-port linkagg 6 tagged

• To create VLAN interface and assign linkagg 7 as untagged to that VLAN use the below command:

-> ip interface test1 address vlan 40 rtr-port linkagg 7 untagged

The VLAN associated with the router-port must be a new, unused VLAN. This VLAN is a routing-only
VLAN with a single port or trunk. Configuration to add additional members to this VLAN, or to delete
this VLAN directly using no vlan command is rejected. This vlan can only be deleted by deleting the
associated IP interface using the no form of the ip interface command.
If the IP interface is modified such that it's no longer bound to this VLAN, the corresponding VLAN is

Configuring Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)

To send packets on a locally connected network, the switch uses ARP to match the IP address of a device
with its physical (MAC) address. To send a data packet to a device with which it has not previously
communicated, the switch first broadcasts an ARP request packet. The ARP request packet requests the
Ethernet hardware address corresponding to an Internet address. All hosts on the receiving Ethernet
receive the ARP request, but only the host with the specified IP address responds. If present and
functioning, the host with the specified IP address responds with an ARP reply packet containing its
hardware address. The switch receives the ARP reply packet, stores the hardware address in its ARP cache
for future use, and begins exchanging packets with the receiving device.
The switch stores the hardware address in its ARP cache (ARP table). The table contains a listing of IP
addresses and their corresponding translations to MAC addresses. Entries in the table are used to translate
32-bit IP addresses into 48-bit Ethernet or IEEE 802.3 hardware addresses. Dynamic addresses remain in
the table until they time out. You can set this time-out value and you can also manually add or delete
permanent addresses to/from the table.

Adding a Permanent Entry to the ARP Table

As described above, dynamic entries remain in the ARP table for a specified time period before they are
automatically removed. However, you can create a permanent entry in the table.
Use the arp command to add a permanent entry to the ARP table. Enter the IP address of the entry
followed by its physical (MAC) address. For example, to create an entry for IP address with a
corresponding physical address of 00:05:02:c0:7f:11, you would enter:
-> arp 00:05:02:c0:7f:11

Configuring a permanent ARP entry with a multicast address is also supported. For example, the
following command creates a permanent multicast ARP entry:
-> arp 01:4a:22:03:44:5c

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-13
Configuring IP IP Forwarding

When configuring a static multicast ARP entry, do not use any of the following multicast addresses:
01:00:5E:00:00:00 to 01:00:5E:7F:FF:FF

The IP address and hardware address (MAC address) are required when you add an entry to the ARP
table. Optionally, you can also specify:
• Alias. Use the alias keyword to specify that the switch acts as an alias (proxy) for this IP address.
When the alias option is used, the switch responds to all ARP requests for the specified IP address with
its own MAC address. This option is not related to Proxy ARP as defined in RFC 925.
For example:
-> arp 00:05:02:c0:7f:11 alias

• ARP Name. Use the arp-name parameter to specify a name for the permanent ARP entry.

For example:
-> arp 00:2a:90:d1:8e:10 arp-name server1

• Interface. Use the interface parameter to set the interface for the permanent ARP entry.

For example:
-> arp 00:2a:90:d1:8e:10 arp-name server1 interface Int1

Use the show arp command to display the ARP table.

Note. As most hosts support the use of address resolution protocols to determine and cache address
information (called dynamic address resolution), it is not required to specify permanent ARP entries.

Deleting a Permanent Entry from the ARP Table

Permanent entries do not age out of the ARP table. Use the no arp command to delete a permanent entry
from the ARP table. When deleting an ARP entry, you only need to enter the IP address. For example, to
delete an entry for IP address, you would enter:
-> no arp

Use the show arp command to display the ARP table and verify that the entry was deleted.

Note. You can also use the no arp command to delete a dynamic entry from the table.

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Configuring IP IP Forwarding

Clearing a Dynamic Entry from the ARP Table

Dynamic entries can be cleared using the ip distributed-arp admin-state command. This command
clears all dynamic entries. Clear the permanent entries using the no arp command.
Use the show arp command to display the table and verify that the table was cleared.

Note. Dynamic entries remain in the ARP table until they time out. If the switch does not receive data from
a host for this user-specified time, the entry is removed from the table. If another packet is received from
this host, the switch goes through the discovery process again to add the entry to the table. The switch uses
the MAC Address table time-out value as the ARP time-out value. Use the mac-learning aging-time
command to set the time-out value.

Local Proxy ARP

The Local Proxy ARP feature is an extension of the Proxy ARP feature, but is enabled on an IP interface
and applies to the VLAN bound to that interface. When Local Proxy ARP is enabled, all ARP requests
received on VLAN member ports are answered with the MAC address of the IP interface that has Local
Proxy ARP enabled. In essence, all VLAN traffic is now routed within the VLAN instead of bridged.
This feature is intended for use with port mapping applications where VLANs are one-port associations.
This allows hosts on the port mapping device to communicate through the router. ARP packets are still
bridged across multiple ports.
Local Proxy ARP takes precedence over any switch-wide Proxy ARP or ARP function. In addition, it is
not necessary to configure Proxy ARP to use Local Proxy ARP. The two features are independent of each
By default, Local Proxy ARP is disabled when an IP interface is created. To enable this feature, use the ip
interface command. For example:
-> ip interface Accounting local-proxy-arp

When Local Proxy ARP is enabled for any one IP router interface associated with a VLAN, the feature is
applied to the entire VLAN. It is not necessary to enable it for each interface. However, if the IP interface
that has the Local Proxy ARP feature enabled is moved to another VLAN, Local Proxy ARP is enabled
for the new VLAN and must be enabled on another interface for the old VLAN.

ARP Filtering
ARP filtering is used to determine whether the switch responds to ARP requests that contain a specific IP
address. ARP filtering is used in conjunction with the Local Proxy ARP application; however, it is
available for use on its own or with other applications.
By default, no ARP filters exist in the switch configuration. When there are no filters present, all ARP
packets are processed, unless they are blocked or redirected by some other feature.
Use the arp filter command to specify the following parameter values required to create an ARP filter:
• An IP address (for example, used to determine whether an ARP packet is filtered.

• An IP mask (for example, used to identify which part of the ARP packet IP address is
compared to the filter IP address.
• An optional VLAN ID to specify that the filter is only applied to ARP packets from that VLAN.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-15
Configuring IP Distributed ARP

• Which ARP packet IP address to use for filtering (sender or target). If the target IP address in the ARP
packet matches a target IP specified in a filter, then the disposition for that filter applies to the ARP
packet. If the sender IP address in the ARP packet matches a sender IP specified in a filter, then the
disposition for that filter applies to the ARP packet.
• The filter disposition (block or allow). If an ARP packet meets filter criteria, the switch is either
blocked from responding to the packet or allowed to respond to the packet depending on the filter
disposition. Packets that do not meet any filter criteria are responded to by the switch.
The following arp filter command example creates an ARP filter, which blocks the switch from
responding to ARP packets that contain a sender IP address that starts with 198:
-> arp filter mask sender block

Up to 200 ARP filters can be defined on a single switch. To remove an individual filter, use the no form of
the arp filter command. For example:
-> no arp filter

To clear all ARP filters from the switch configuration, use the clear arp filter command. For example:
-> clear arp filter

Use the show arp filter command to verify the ARP filter configuration. For more information on ARP
Filtering and other ARP filter commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

Distributed ARP
The distributed ARP enables effective ARP response. The feature dynamically designates a specific
Network Interface (NI) as the designated-NI for all ARP entries, per IP interface.

Designated-NI and Distributed ARP Management

The designated-NI is dynamically assigned for the interface. By default the NI with the most number of
active ports in the VLAN is set as the designated-NI.
When the number of ARPs learned on the designated-NI exceed a fixed percentage of capacity (e.g. 95%),
a new designated-NI is chosen for the IP interface. The NI with the second highest active ports in the
VLAN is selected depending on the space available to learn the ARPs. For example if the NI with the
second highest active ports has less space to learn the ARPs, then the next available NI with highest active
port is selected if space is available.
The designated-NI performs the ARP lookup, and forwards the traffic. If the designated-NI does not have
a matching ARP entry, the traffic is sent to the CPU of that NI, which will then resolve the ARP.

Note. The ARPs learned on the IP tunnel interfaces are synchronized on all NIs.

Enabling/Disabling Distributed ARP

To enable or disable the distributed ARP feature, use the ip distributed-arp admin-state command.
To enable the feature, use the command as shown in the example:
-> ip distributed-arp admin-state enable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-16
Configuring IP Distributed ARP

To disable the feature, use the command as shown in the example:

-> ip distributed-arp admin-state disable

Note. To reset or update the designated-NI, the feature must be disabled and then enabled.

Verifying the Distributed ARP

The ARP utilization can be monitored and checked at any time using the show ip arp utilization
command. For example:
-> show ip arp utilization
Distributed ARPs: Enabled
NI Max Count Usage %
1/1 16384 8 11 0%
2/1 16384 12 15 0%

To view the ARP utilization for all of the configured interfaces, use the interfaces parameter with the
command. For example:
-> show ip arp utilization interfaces
Distributed ARPs: Enabled
NI Max Count ARPS % VRF Interface
1/1 16384 1 0 0% 0 vlan-1001
1/1 16384 5 4 0% 0 vlan-1002
1/1 16384 5 0 0% 0 vlan-1003
1/1 16384 5 4 0% 0 vlan-1004
1/1 16384 5 0 0% 0 vlan-1005
1/1 16384 5 0 0% 0 vlan-1006
2/1 16384 1 0 0% 0 vlan-1001
2/1 16384 5 0 0% 0 vlan-1002
2/1 16384 5 4 0% 0 vlan-1003
2/1 16384 5 0 0% 0 vlan-1004
2/1 16384 5 4 0% 0 vlan-1005
2/1 16384 5 4 0% 0 vlan-1006

To view the utilization for all the interfaces on a specific chassis and slot, use the interfaces slot
parameter with the command. For example:
-> show ip arp utilization interfaces slot 2/1
Distributed ARPs: Enabled
NI Max Count ARPS % VRF Interface
2/1 16384 1 0 0% 0 vlan-1001
2/1 16384 5 0 0% 0 vlan-1002
2/1 16384 5 4 0% 0 vlan-1003
2/1 16384 5 0 0% 0 vlan-1004
2/1 16384 5 4 0% 0 vlan-1005
2/1 16384 5 4 0% 0 vlan-1006

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-17
Configuring IP Distributed ARP

To view the designated-NI for the interface, use the show ip interface command. For example:
-> show ip interface 15

Interface Name = 15
SNMP Interface Index = 13600001,
IP Address =,
Subnet Mask =,
Broadcast Address =,
Device = vlan 215,
Encapsulation = eth2,
Forwarding = enabled,
Administrative State = enabled,
Operational State = up,
Maximum Transfer Unit = 1500,
Designated ARP NI = 3/1,
ARP Count = 1,
Router MAC = e8:e7:32:8d:9b:b1,
Local Proxy ARP = disabled,
Primary (config/actual) = no/yes

For more information about the displays that result from these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

Distributed ARP Management Example

Due to the hashing algorithm used for Distributed ARP, the more VLANs, IP interfaces, and physical
ports configured will result in less hashing collisions and a higher total number of ARPs that can be
Below are some example distributed ARP configurations resulting in the maximum number of ARPs
learned. Please refer to the “Network Configuration Specifications” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 Specifications Guide for the ARP specifications for each chassis.

VC Configuration VLANs ARPs per Total ARPs ARPs per chassis

Configured VLAN learned learned

VC of 6 (Mix of Q32 24 8K 192K 32K

and X72 (maximum 192K
ARPs reached)
VC of 2 (Q32/X72) 36 1K through 5K 96K 48K
VC of 2 (X72/X40) 36 1K through 5K 56K 48K - X72
8K - X40
VC of 6 (Q32, Q32, 20 19 VLANs- 8K 168K 48K - Q32
Q32, X40, X20, X20) 1 VLAN - 16K 8K - X20/40

Distributed ARP Example Configurations

• Attempt to keep VLANs with a large amount of routed traffic between them consolidated on the same
designated NI to help reduce traffic flow over the VFL.
• To make a specific NI the designated NI put active ports and VLANs on that NI only.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-18
Configuring IP IP Configuration

• When the threshold of 95% is met on a particular NI, the IP interface/VLAN with the lowest amount of
ARPs will be moved first. The entire set of ARPs from a particular IP interface/VLAN is moved in
case of NI overload.

IP Configuration
IP is enabled on the switch by default and a few options that can, or need to be, configured. This section
provides instructions for basic IP configuration options.

Configuring the Router Primary Address

By default, the router primary address is derived from the first IP interface that becomes operational on the
router. if the router ID is not a valid IP unicast address, the router primary IP address is used by BGP to
derive its unique BGP Identifier.
Use the ip router primary-address command to configure the router primary address. Enter the
command, followed by the IP address. For example, to configure a router primary address of, you must enter:
-> ip router primary-address

Configuring the Router ID

By default, the router primary address of the router is used as the router ID. However, if a primary address
has not been explicitly configured, the router ID defaults to the address of the first IP interface that
becomes operational.
Use the ip router router-id command to configure the router ID. Enter the command, followed by the IP
address. For example, to configure a router ID of, you would enter:
-> ip router router-id

Configuring the Route Preference of a Router

By default, the route preference of a router is in this order: local, static, OSPF, RIP, EBGP, and IBGP
(highest to lowest).
Use the ip route-pref command to change the route preference value of a router. For example, to
configure the route preference of an OSPF route, you must enter:
-> ip route-pref ospf 15

To display the current route preference configuration, use the show ip route-pref command:
-> show ip route-pref
Protocol Route Preference Value
Local 1
Static 2
OSPF 110
RIP 120
EBGP 190
IBGP 200

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-19
Configuring IP IP Configuration

Configuring the Time-to-Live (TTL) Value

The TTL value is the default value inserted into the TTL field of the IP header of datagrams originating
from the switch whenever a TTL value is not supplied by the transport layer protocol. The value is
measured in hops.
Use the ip default-ttl command to set the TTL value. Enter the command, followed by the TTL value. For
example, to set a TTL value of 75, you would enter:
-> ip default-ttl 75

The default hop count is 64. The valid range is 1 to 255. Use the show ip config command to display the
default TTL value.

Configuring Route Map Redistribution

You can learn and advertise IPv4 routes between different protocols. Such a process is referred to as route
redistribution and is configured using the ip redist command.
Redistribution uses route maps to control how external routes are learned and distributed. A route map
consists of one or more user-defined statements that can determine which routes are allowed or denied
access to the receiving network. In addition, a route map can also contain statements that modify route
parameters before they are redistributed.
When a route map is created, a name is given to identify the group of statements that it represents. This
name is required by the ip redist command. Therefore, configuring route redistribution involves the
following steps:
1 Create a route map, as described in “Using Route Maps” on page 15-20.

2 Configure redistribution to apply a route map, as described in “Configuring Route Map Redistribution”
on page 15-24.

Using Route Maps

A route map specifies the criteria that are used to control redistribution of routes between protocols. Such
criteria is defined by configuring route map statements. There are three different types of statements:
• Action. An action statement configures the route map name, sequence number, and whether
redistribution is permitted or denied based on route map criteria.
• Match. A match statement specifies criteria that a route must match. When a match occurs, then the
action statement is applied to the route.
• Set. A set statement is used to modify route information before the route is redistributed into the
receiving protocol. This statement is only applied if all the criteria of the route map is met and the
action permits redistribution.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-20
Configuring IP IP Configuration

The ip route-map command is used to configure route map statements and provides the following action,
match, and set parameters:

ip route-map action ... ip route-map match ... ip route-map set ...

permit ip-address metric
deny ip-nexthop metric-type
ipv6-address tag
ipv6-nexthop community
tag local-preference
ipv4-interface level
ipv6-interface ip-nexthop
metric ipv6-nexthop

Refer to the “IP Commands” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide for more
information about the ip route-map command parameters and usage guidelines.
Once a route map is created, it is then applied using the ip redist command. See “Configuring Route Map
Redistribution” on page 15-24 for more information.
Route Maps are also used for VRF route leaking and RIP route filtering. See “VRF Route Leak” on
page 15-40 section for more information.

Creating a Route Map

When a route map is created, a name (up to 20 characters), a sequence number, and an action (permit or
deny) is specified. Specifying a sequence number is optional. If a value is not configured, then the number
50 is used by default.
To create a route map, use the ip route-map command with the action parameter. For example,
-> ip route-map ospf-to-bgp sequence-number 10 action permit

The above command creates the ospf-to-bgp route map, assigns a sequence number of 10 to the route
map, and specifies a permit action.
To optionally filter routes before redistribution, use the ip route-map command with a match parameter
to configure match criteria for incoming routes. For example,
-> ip route-map ospf-to-bgp sequence-number 10 match tag 8

The above command configures a match statement for the ospf-to-bgp route map to filter routes based on
their tag value. When this route map is applied, only OSPF routes with a tag value of eight are
redistributed into the BGP network. All other routes with a different tag value are dropped.

Note. Configuring match statements is not required. However, if a route map does not contain any match
statements and the route map is applied using the ip redist command, the router redistributes all routes into
the network of the receiving protocol.

Use the ip route-map command with a set parameter to modify route information before redistribution.
For example,
-> ip route-map ospf-to-bgp sequence-number 10 set tag 5

The above command configures a set statement for the ospf-to-bgp route map that changes the route tag
value to five. As this statement is part of the ospf-to-bgp route map, it is only applied to routes that have
an existing tag value equal to eight.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-21
Configuring IP IP Configuration

The following is a summary of the commands used in the above examples:

-> ip route-map ospf-to-bgp sequence-number 10 action permit
-> ip route-map ospf-to-bgp sequence-number 10 match tag 8
-> ip route-map ospf-to-bgp sequence-number 10 set tag 5

To verify a route map configuration, use the show ip route-map command:

-> show ip route-map
Route Maps: configured: 1 max: 200
Route Map: ospf-to-bgp Sequence Number: 10 Action permit
match tag 8
set tag 5

Deleting a Route Map

Use the no form of the ip route-map command to delete an entire route map, a route map sequence, or a
specific statement within a sequence.
To delete an entire route map, enter no ip route-map followed by the route map name. For example, the
following command deletes the entire route map named redistipv4:
-> no ip route-map redistipv4

To delete a specific sequence number within a route map, enter no ip route-map followed by the route
map name, then sequence-number followed by the actual number. For example, the following command
deletes sequence 10 from the redistipv4 route map:
-> no ip route-map redistipv4 sequence-number 10

In the above example, the redistripv4 route map is not deleted. Only those statements associated with
sequence 10 are removed from the route map.
To delete a specific statement within a route map, enter no ip route-map followed by the route map name,
then sequence-number followed by the sequence number for the statement, then either match or set and
the match or set parameter and value. For example, the following command deletes only the match tag 8
statement from route map redistipv4 sequence 10:
-> no ip route-map redistipv4 sequence-number 10 match tag 8

Configuring Route Map Sequences

A route map can consist of one or more sequences of statements. The sequence number determines which
statements belong to which sequence and the order in which sequences for the same route map are
To add match and set statements to an existing route map sequence, specify the same route map name and
sequence number for each statement. For example, the following series of commands creates route map
rm_1 and configures match and set statements for the rm_1 sequence 10:
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 action permit
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 match tag 8
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 set metric 1

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-22
Configuring IP IP Configuration

To configure a new sequence of statements for an existing route map, specify the same route map name
but use a different sequence number. For example, the following commands create a sequence 20 for the
rm_1 route map:
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 20 action permit
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 20 match ipv4-interface to-finance
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 20 set metric 5

The resulting route map appears as follows:

-> show ip route-map rm_1
Route Map: rm_1 Sequence Number: 10 Action permit
match tag 8
set metric 1
Route Map: rm_1 Sequence Number: 20 Action permit
match ip4 interface to-finance
set metric 5

Sequence 10 and sequence 20 are both linked to route map rm_1 and are processed in ascending order
according to their sequence number value. There is an implied logical OR between sequences. As a result,
if there is no match for the tag value in sequence 10, then the match interface statement in sequence 20 is
processed. However, if a route matches the tag 8 value, then sequence 20 is not used. The set statement for
whichever sequence was matched is applied.
A route map sequence can contain multiple match statements. If these statements are of the same kind (for
example, match tag 5, match tag 8, and so on) then a logical OR is implied between each like statement. If
the match statements specify different types of matches (for example, match tag 5, match ip4 interface to-
finance, and so on), then a logical AND is implied between each statement. For example, the following
route map sequence redistributes a route if its tag is either 8 or 5:
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 action permit
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 match tag 5
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 match tag 8

If the route has a tag of 8 or 5 and the route was learned on the IPv4 interface to-finance, the following
route map sequence redistributes a route:
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 action permit
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 match tag 5
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 match tag 8
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 match ipv4-interface to-finance

Configuring Access Lists

An IP access list provides a convenient way to add multiple IPv4 or IPv6 addresses to a route map. Using
an access list avoids having to enter a separate route map statement for each individual IP address. Instead,
a single statement is used that specifies the access list name. The route map is then applied to all the
addresses contained within the access list.
Configuring an IP access list involves two steps: creating the access list and adding IP addresses to the list.
To create an IP access list, use the ip access-list command (IPv4) or the ipv6 access-list command (IPv6)
and specify a name to associate with the list. For example,
-> ip access-list ipaddr
-> ipv6 access-list ip6addr

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-23
Configuring IP IP Configuration

To add addresses to an access list, use the ip access-list address (IPv4) or the ipv6 access-list address
(IPv6) command. For example, the following commands add addresses to an existing access list:
-> ip access-list ipaddr address
-> ipv6 access-list ip6addr address 2001::/64

Use the same access list name each time the above commands are used to add additional addresses to the
same access list. In addition, both commands provide the ability to configure if an address and/or its
matching subnet routes are permitted (the default) or denied redistribution. For example:
-> ip access-list ipaddr address action deny redist-control all-
-> ipv6 access-list ip6addr address 2001::1/64 action permit redist-control no-

For more information about configuring access list commands, see the “IP Commands” chapter in the
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

Configuring Route Map Redistribution

The ip redist command is used to configure the redistribution of routes from a source protocol into the
destination protocol. This command is used on the IPv4 router that performs the redistribution.
A source protocol is a protocol from which the routes are learned. A destination protocol is the one into
which the routes are redistributed. Ensure that both protocols are loaded and enabled before configuring
Redistribution applies criteria specified in a route map to routes received from the source protocol.
Therefore, configuring redistribution requires an existing route map. For example, the following command
configures the redistribution of OSPF routes into a BGP network using the ospf-to-bgp route map:
-> ip redist ospf into bgp route-map ospf-to-bgp

OSPF routes received by the router interface are processed based on the contents of the ospf-to-bgp route
map. Routes that match criteria specified in this route map are either allowed or denied redistribution into
the BGP network. The route map can also specify the modification of route information before the route is
redistributed. See “Using Route Maps” on page 15-20 for more information.
To remove a route map redistribution configuration, use the no form of the ip redist command. For
-> no ip redist ospf into bgp route-map ospf-to-bgp

Use the show ip redist command to verify the redistribution configuration:

-> show ip redist

Source Destination
Protocol Protocol Status Route Map
LOCAL4 RIP Enabled rip_1
LOCAL4 OSPF Enabled ospf_2
LOCAL4 BGP Enabled bgp_3
RIP OSPF Enabled ospf-to-bgp

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-24
Configuring IP IP Configuration

Configuring the Administrative Status of the Route Map Redistribution

The administrative status of a route map redistribution configuration is enabled by default. To change the
administrative status, use the status parameter with the ip redist command. For example, the following
command disables the redistribution administrative status for the specified route map:
-> ip redist ospf into bgp route-map ospf-to-bgp status disable

The following command example enables the administrative status:

-> ip redist ospf into bgp route-map ospf-to-bgp status enable

Route Map Redistribution Example

The following example configures the redistribution of OSPF routes into a BGP network using a route
map (ospf-to-bgp) to filter specific routes:
-> ip route-map ospf-to-bgp sequence-number 10 action deny
-> ip route-map ospf-to-bgp sequence-number 10 match tag 5
-> ip route-map ospf-to-bgp sequence-number 10 match route-type external type2

-> ip route-map ospf-to-bgp sequence-number 20 action permit

-> ip route-map ospf-to-bgp sequence-number 20 match ipv4-interface intf_ospf
-> ip route-map ospf-to-bgp sequence-number 20 set metric 255

-> ip route-map ospf-to-bgp sequence-number 30 action permit

-> ip route-map ospf-to-bgp sequence-number 30 set tag 8

-> ip redist ospf into bgp route-map ospf-to-bgp

The resulting ospf-to-bgp route map redistribution configuration does the following
• Denies the redistribution of Type 2 external OSPF routes with a tag set to five.

• Redistributes into BGP all routes learned on the intf_ospf interface and sets the metric for such routes
to 255.
• Redistributes into BGP all other routes that are not processed by sequence 10 or 20, and sets the tag for
such routes to eight.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-25
Configuring IP IP Configuration

IP-Directed Broadcasts
An IP directed broadcast is an IP datagram that has all zeros or all 1 in the host portion of the destination
IP address. The packet is sent to the broadcast address of a subnet to which the sender is not directly
attached. Directed broadcasts are used in denial-of-service attacks. In a denial-of-service attack, a
continuous stream of ping requests is sent from a falsified source address to a directed broadcast address,
resulting in a large stream of replies, which can overload the host of the source address. By default, the
switch drops directed broadcasts. Directed broadcasts must not be enabled.
Use the ip directed-broadcast command to enable or disable IP-directed broadcasts. For example:
-> ip directed-broadcast enable

Use the show ip config command to display the IP-directed broadcast state.

Denial of Service (DoS) Filtering

By default, the switch filters denial of service (DoS) attacks, which are security attacks aimed at devices
that are available on a private network or the Internet. Some attacks aim at system bugs or vulnerability,
while other types of attacks involve generating large volumes of traffic so that network service is denied to
legitimate network users. These attacks include the following:
• ICMP Ping of Death—Ping packets that exceed the largest IP datagram size (65535 bytes) are sent to a
host and crash the system.
• Land Attack—Spoofed packets are sent with the SYN flag set to a host on any open port that is
listening. The machine can crash or reboot in an attempt to respond.
• ARP Flood Attack—Floods a switch with a large number of ARP requests, resulting in the switch
using a large amount of the CPU time to respond to these requests. If the number of ARP requests
exceeds the preset value of 500 per second, an attack is detected.
• Invalid IP Attack—Packets with invalid source or destination IP addresses are received by the switch.
When such an Invalid-IP attack is detected, the packets are dropped, and SNMP traps are generated.
Following are few examples of invalid source and destination IP addresses:

Invalid Source IP address • 0.x.x.x.


• subnet broadcast, that is,, for an

existing IP interface
• in the range 224.x.x.x -

• Source IP address equals one of Switch IP

Interface addresses.
Invalid Destination IP • 127.x.x.x.
• in the range 240.x.x.x -

• (valid exceptions- certain DHCP packets).

• for a router network

• 0.x.x.x.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-26
Configuring IP IP Configuration

• Multicast IP and MAC Address Mismatch—This attack is detected when:

– the source MAC address of a packet received by a switch is a Multicast MAC address.
– the destination IP and MAC addresses of a packet received by a switch is same as the Multicast IP
and MAC addresses, but the Multicast IP and the Multicast MAC addresses do not match.

Note. In both the conditions described above in “Multicast IP and MAC Address Mismatch”, packets are
dropped and SNMP traps are generated.

– the destination IP is a unicast IP and the destination MAC address is either a Broadcast or Multicast
address. In such a condition, an event is recorded in the DoS statistics. No SNMP traps are
generated as valid packets can also fall under this category.
• Ping overload—Floods a switch with a large number of ICMP packets, resulting in the switch using a
large amount of CPU time to respond to these packets. If the number of ICMP packets exceed 100 per
second, a DoS attack is detected. By default, the detection of attack is disabled.
• Packets with loopback source IP address—Packets with an invalid source address of
(loopack network) are received by the switch. When such packets are detected, they are dropped, and
SNMP traps are generated.
The switch can be set to detect various types of port scans by monitoring for TCP or UDP packets sent to
open or closed ports. Monitoring is done in the following manner:
• Packet penalty values set. TCP and UDP packets destined for open or closed ports are assigned a
penalty value. Each time a packet of this type is received, its assigned penalty value is added to a
running total. This total is cumulative and includes all TCP and UDP packets destined for open or
closed ports.
• Port scan penalty value threshold. The switch is given a port scan penalty value threshold. This
number is the maximum value the running penalty total can achieve before triggering an SNMP trap.
• Decay value. A decay value is set. The running penalty total is divided by the decay value every
• Trap generation. If the total penalty value exceeds the set port scan penalty value threshold, a trap is
generated to alert the administrator that a port scan can be in progress.
For example, imagine that a switch is set so that TCP and UDP packets destined for closed ports are given
a penalty of 10, TCP packets destined for open ports are given a penalty of 5, and UDP packets destined
for open ports are given a penalty of 20. The decay is set to 2, and the switch port scan penalty value
threshold is set to 2000:

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-27
Configuring IP IP Configuration

DoS Settings
UDP/TCP closed = 10
UDP open = 20
TCP open = 5
Threshold = 2000
Decay = 2

Penalty Total = 0

In 1 minute, 10 TCP closed port packets and 10 UDP closed port packets are received. This brings the
total penalty value to 200, as shown using the following equation:
(10 TCP X 10 penalty) + (10 UDP X 10 penalty) = 200

This value would be divided by 2 (due to the decay) and decreased to 100. The switch would not record a
port scan:

DoS Settings
UDP/TCP closed = 10
UDP open = 20
TCP open = 5
Threshold = 2000
Decay = 2

10 TCP closed port packets Do Not

Generate DoS
10 UDP closed port packets Attack Warning

Minute 1 Penalty Total = 100

In the next minute, 10 more TCP and UDP closed port packets are received, along with 200 UDP open
port packets. This would bring the total penalty value to 4300, as shown using the following equation:
(100 previous minute value) + (10 TCP X 10 penalty) + (10 UDP X 10 penalty) +
(200 UDP X 20 penalty) = 4300

This value would be divided by 2 (due to decay) and decreased to 2150. The switch would record a port
scan and generate a trap to warn the administrator:

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-28
Configuring IP IP Configuration

DoS Settings
UDP/TCP closed = 10
UDP open =20
TCP open = 5
Threshold = 2000
Decay = 2
10 TCP closed port packets

10 UDP closed port packets Generate DoS

Attack Warning
100 UDP open port packets Trap

Minute 2 Penalty Total = 2150

The above functions and how to set their values are covered in the sections that follow.

Setting Penalty Values

You can set a penalty value for the following types of traffic:
• TCP/UDP packets bound for closed ports.

• TCP traffic bound for open ports.

• UDP traffic bound for open ports.

Each type has its own command to assign a penalty value. Penalty values can be any non-negative integer.
Each time a packet is received that matches an assigned penalty, the total penalty value for the switch is
increased by the penalty value of the packet in question.
To assign a penalty value to TCP/UDP packets bound for a closed port, use the ip dos scan close-port-
penalty command with a penalty value. For example, to assign a penalty value of 10 to TCP/UDP packets
destined for closed ports, enter the following:
-> ip dos scan close-port-penalty 10

To assign a penalty value to TCP packets bound for an open port, use the ip dos scan tcp open-port-
penalty command with a penalty value. For example, to assign a penalty value of 10 to TCP packets
destined for opened ports, enter the following:
-> ip dos scan tcp open-port-penalty 10

To assign a penalty value to UDP packets bound for an open port, use the ip dos scan udp open-port-
penalty command with a penalty value. For example, to assign a penalty value of 10 to TCP/UDP packets
destined for closed ports, enter the following:
-> ip dos scan udp open-port-penalty 10

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-29
Configuring IP IP Configuration

Setting the Port Scan Penalty Value Threshold

The port scan penalty value threshold is the highest point the total penalty value for the switch can reach
before a trap is generated informing the administrator that a port scan is in progress.
To set the port scan penalty value threshold, enter the threshold value with the ip dos scan threshold
command. For example, to set the port scan penalty value threshold to 2000, enter the following:
-> ip dos scan threshold 2000

Setting the Decay Value

The decay value is the amount the total penalty value is divided by every minute. As the switch records
incoming UDP and TCP packets, it adds their assigned penalty values together to create the total penalty
value for the switch. To prevent the switch from registering a port scan from normal traffic, the decay
value is set to lower the total penalty value every minute to compensate from normal traffic flow.
To set the decay value, enter the decay value with the ip dos scan decay command. For example, to set
the decay value to 2, enter the following:
-> ip dos scan decay 2

Enabling DoS Traps

Enable the DoS traps for the switch to warn the administrator that a port scan can be in progress when the
total penalty value of the switch crosses the port scan penalty value threshold.
To enable SNMP trap generation, enter the ip dos trap command, as shown:
-> ip dos trap enable

To disable DoS traps, enter the same ip dos trap command, as shown:
-> ip dos trap disable

ARP Poisoning
ARP Poisoning allows an attacker to sniff and tamper the data frames on a network. It also modifies or
halts the traffic. The principle of ARP Poisoning is to send false or spoofed ARP messages to an Ethernet
Alcatel-Lucent introduces the functionality that detects the presence of an ARP poisoning host on a
network. This functionality uses a configured restricted IP addresses, so that the switch does not get ARP
response on sending an ARP request. If an ARP response is received, then an event is logged and the user
is alerted using an SNMP trap.
Use the ip dos arp-poison restricted-address command to add an ARP Poison restricted address. Enter
the command, followed by the IP address. For example, to add an ARP Poison restricted address as, you would enter:
-> ip dos arp-poison restricted-address

To delete an ARP Poison restricted address, enter no ip dos arp-poison restricted-address followed by
the IP address. For example:
-> no ip dos arp-poison restricted-address

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-30
Configuring IP IP Configuration

To verify the number of attacks detected for configured ARP poison restricted addresses, use the show ip
dos arp-poison command. For more information about this command, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8
CLI Reference Guide.

Enabling/Disabling IP Services
When a switch initially boots up, all supported TCP/UDP well-known service ports are enabled (open).
Although these ports provide access for essential switch management services, such as telnet, FTP,
SNMP, they also are vulnerable to DoS attacks. It is possible to scan open service ports and launch such
attacks based on well-known port information.
The ip service command allows you to disable (close) TCP/UDP well-known service ports selectively and
enable them when necessary. This command only operates on TCP/UDP ports that are opened by default.
It has no impact on ports that are opened by loading applications, such as RIP and BGP.
In addition, the ip service command allows you to designate which service to enable or disable by
specifying the name of a service as well as changing the well-known port number associated with that
service. For example, the following commands disable the telnet service, change the port and re-enable the
-> ip service telnet admin-state disable
-> ip service telnet port 20999
-> ip service telnet admin-state enable

Use default parameter to revert the port number of a service to the default port number.
-> ip service telnet port default

The following table lists ip service command options for specifying TCP/UDP services and also includes
the well-known port number associated with each service:

service port
ftp 21
ssh 22
telnet 23
http 80
https 443
network-time 123
snmp 161

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-31
Configuring IP Managing IP

Managing IP
The following sections describe IP commands that can be used to monitor and troubleshoot IP forwarding
on the switch.

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is a network layer protocol within the IP protocol suite that
provides message packets to report errors and other IP packet processing information back to the source.
ICMP generates various kinds of useful messages, including Destination Unreachable, Echo Request and
Reply, Redirect, Time Exceeded, and Router Advertisement and Solicitation. If an ICMP message cannot
be delivered, a second one is not generated thus preventing an endless flood of ICMP messages.
When an ICMP destination-unreachable message is sent by a switch, it means that the switch is unable to
send the package to its final destination. The switch then discards the original packet. There are two
reasons why a destination is not reachable. Most commonly, the source host has specified a non-existent
address. Less frequently, the switch does not have a route to the destination. The destination-unreachable
messages include four basic types:
• Network-Unreachable Message—Usually means that a failure has occurred in the route lookup of the
destination IP in the packet.
• Host-Unreachable Message—Usually indicates delivery failure, such as an unresolved client's
hardware address or an incorrect subnet mask.
• Protocol-Unreachable Message—Usually means that the destination does not support the upper-layer
protocol specified in the packet.
• Port-Unreachable Message—Implies that the TCP/UDP socket or port is not available.

Additional ICMP messages include:

• Echo-Request Message—Generated by the ping command, the message is sent by any host to test node
reachability across an internetwork. The ICMP echo-reply message indicates that the node can be
successfully reached.
• Redirect Message—Sent by the switch to the source host to stimulate more efficient routing. The
switch still forwards the original packet to the destination. ICMP redirect messages allow host routing
tables to remain small because it is necessary to know the address of only one switch, even if that
switch does not provide the best path. Even after receiving an ICMP redirect message, few devices
continue using the less-efficient route.
• Time-Exceeded Message—Sent by the switch if an IP packet’s TTL field reaches zero. If the
internetwork contains a routing loop, the TTL field prevents packets from continuously circulating the
internetwork. Once a packet TTL field reaches 0, the switch discards the packet.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-32
Configuring IP Managing IP

Activating ICMP Control Messages

ICMP messages are identified by a type and a code. This number pair specifies an ICMP message. For
example, ICMP type 4, code 0, specifies the source quench ICMP message.
To enable or disable an ICMP message, use the icmp type command with the type and code. For example,
to enable the source quench the ICMP message (type 4, code 0) enter the following:
-> icmp type 4 code 0 enable

To list the ICMP message information use the show icmp control command.
In addition to the icmp type command, many commonly used ICMP messages have separate CLI
commands for convenience. The following table lists the ICMP message name, type, and code:

ICMP Message Command

Network unreachable (type 0, code 3) icmp unreachable
Host unreachable (type 3, code 1) icmp unreachable
Protocol unreachable (type 3, code 2) icmp unreachable
Port unreachable (type 3, code 3) icmp unreachable
Echo reply (type 0, code 0) icmp echo
Echo request (type 8, code 0) icmp echo
Timestamp request (type 13, code 0) icmp timestamp
Timestamp reply (type 14, code 0) icmp timestamp
Address Mask request (type 17, code 0) icmp addr-mask
Address Mask reply (type 18, code 0) icmp addr-mask

These commands are entered as the icmp type command, only without specifying a type or code. The
echo, timestamp, and address mask commands have options for distinguishing between a request or a
reply, and the unreachable command has options distinguishing between a network, host, protocol, or port.
For example, to enable an echo request message, enter the following:
-> icmp echo request enable

To enable a network unreachable message, enter the following:

-> icmp unreachable net-unreachable enable

Note. Enabling host-unreachable and net-unreachable messages are not recommended as it can cause the
switch instability due to high-CPU conditions depending upon the volume of traffic required by these

See Chapter 19, “IP Commands,” for specifics on the ICMP message commands.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-33
Configuring IP Managing IP

Enabling All ICMP Types

To enable all ICMP message types, use the icmp messages command with the enable keyword. For
-> icmp messages enable

To disable all ICMP messages, enter the same command with the disable keyword. For example:
-> icmp messages enable

Setting the Minimum Packet Gap

The minimum packet gap is the time required between sending messages of a like type. For instance, if the
minimum packet gap for Address Mask request messages is 40 microseconds, and an Address Mask
message is sent, at least 40 microseconds must pass before another one could be sent.
To set the minimum packet gap, use the min-pkt-gap keyword with any of the ICMP control commands.
For example, to set the Source Quench minimum packet gap to 100 microseconds, enter the following:
-> icmp type 4 code 0 min-pkt-gap 100

Likewise, to set the Timestamp Reply minimum packet gap to 100 microseconds, enter the following:
-> icmp timestamp reply min-pkt-gap 100

ICMP Control Table

The ICMP Control Table displays the ICMP control messages, whether they are enabled or disabled, and
the minimum packet gap times. Use the show icmp control command to display the table.

ICMP Statistics Table

The ICMP Statistics Table displays the ICMP statistics and errors. This data can be used to monitor and
troubleshoot IP on the switch. Use the show icmp statistics command to display the table.

Using the Ping Command

The ping command is used to test whether an IP destination can be reached from the local switch. This
command sends an ICMP echo request to a destination and then waits for a reply. To ping a destination,
enter the ping command and enter either the IP address of the destination or the host name. The switch
pings the destination by using the default frame count, packet size, interval, and time-out parameters (6
frames, 64 bytes, 1 second, and 5 seconds, respectively). For example:
-> ping

When you ping a device, the device IP address or host name is required. Optionally, you can also specify:
• Count. Use the count keyword to set the number of frames to be transmitted.

• Size. Use the size keyword to set the size, in bytes, of the data portion of the packet sent for this ping.
You can specify a size or a range of sizes up to 60000.
• Interval. Use the interval keyword to set the frequency, in seconds, that the switch polls the host.

• Time-out. Use the time-out keyword to set the number of seconds the program waits for a response
before timing out.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-34
Configuring IP Managing IP

• source-interface. Use the source-interface keyword to set the IP address to be used as source IP for
the ping packets.
• data-pattern. Use the data-pattern keyword to set the data pattern to be used in the data field of the
ping packets.
• dont-fragment. Use the dont-fragment keyword to set the don't-fragment bit in the IP packet.

• tos. Use the tos keyword to set the type of service field in the IP header.

For example, to send a ping with a count of 2, a size of 32 bytes, an interval of 2 seconds, time-out of 10
seconds, a source-interface using mgmt, tos of 1, data-pattern of AB and dont-fragment you would enter:
-> ping count 2 size 32 interval 2 timeout 10 source-interface mgmt
tos 1 data-pattern AB dont-fragment

Note. If you change the default values, they only apply to the current ping. The next time you use the ping
command, the default values are used unless you enter different values again.

Tracing an IP Route
The traceroute command is used to find the path taken by an IP packet from the local switch to a
specified destination. This command displays the individual hops to the destination as well as timing
information. When using this command, enter the name of the destination as part of the command line
(either the IP address or host name). Use the optional max-hop parameter to set a maximum hop count to
the destination. If the trace reaches this maximum hop count without reaching the destination, the trace
For example, to perform a traceroute to a device with an IP address of with a maximum hop
count of 10 you would enter:
-> traceroute max-hop 10

Optionally, you can also specify:

• min-hop. Use the min-hop keyword to set the minimum number of hops for the first packet.

• source-interface. Use the source-interface keyword to set the source IP interface to be used in the
traceroute packets.
• probes. Use the probes keyword to set the number of packets (retry) to be sent for each hop-count.

• timeout. Use the timeout keyword to set the time to wait for the response of each probe packet.

• port. Use the port keyword to set the destination port number to be used in the probing packets.

Displaying TCP Information

Use the show tcp statistics command to display TCP statistics. Use the show tcp ports command to
display TCP port information.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-35
Configuring IP Tunneling

Displaying UDP Information

UDP is a secondary transport-layer protocol that uses IP for delivery. UDP is not connection-oriented and
does not provide reliable end-to-end delivery of datagrams. Few applications can safely use UDP to send
datagrams that do not require the extra overhead added by TCP. Use the show udp statistics command to
display UDP statistics. Use the show udp ports command to display UDP port information.

Tunneling is a mechanism that can encapsulate a wide variety of protocol packet types and route them
through the configured tunnels. Tunneling is used to create a virtual point-to-point link between routers at
remote points in a network. This feature supports the creation, administration, and deletion of IP interfaces
whose underlying virtual device is a tunnel. The Alcatel-Lucent implementation provides support for two
tunneling protocols: Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) and IP encapsulation within IP(IPIP).

Generic Routing Encapsulation

GRE encapsulates a packet to be carried over the GRE tunnel with a GRE header. The resulting packet is
then encapsulated with an outer header by the delivery protocol and forwarded to the other end of the GRE
tunnel. The destination IP address field in the outer header of the GRE packet contains the IP address of
the router at the remote end of the tunnel. The router at the receiving end of the GRE tunnel extracts the
original payload and routes it to the destination address specified in the IP header of the payload.

Note. A switch can support up to 127 GRE tunnel interfaces.

IP Encapsulation within IP
IPIP tunneling is a method by which an IP packet is encapsulated within another IP packet. The Source
Address and Destination Address of the outer IP header identifies the endpoints of tunnel. Whereas Source
Address and Destination Address of the inner IP header identifies the original sender and recipient of the
packet, respectively.
Consider the following when configuring the IPIP tunnel interfaces:
• A switch can support up to 127 IPIP tunnel interfaces.

• IPIP tunnel interfaces are included in the maximum number of IP interfaces that are supported on the

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-36
Configuring IP Tunneling

Tunneling Operation
The following diagram illustrates how packets are forwarded over the tunnel.

Private IP Network Private IP Network

IP Host IP Host Switch A Switch B

Tunnel Endpoint Tunnel Endpoint

IP Host IP Host

Outer IP Header :,

Inner IP Header :,

In the given diagram, IP packets flowing from the private IP network to the private IP network are encapsulated by the tunneling protocol at switch A and forwarded to switch B. Intermediate
switches route the packets using addresses in the delivery protocol header. Switch B extracts the original
payload and routes it to the appropriate destination in the network.
The tunnel interface is identified as being up when all of the following are satisfied:
• Both source and destination addresses are assigned.

• The source address of the tunnel is one of the switch's IP interface addresses that is either a VLAN or
Loopback0 interface.
• A route is available to reach the destination IP address. A route whose egress interface is a VLAN-
based interface is available for its destination IP address. The switch supports assigning an IP address
as well as routes to a tunnel interface.
This section describes how to configure a tunnel interface using GRE and IPIP, using Command Line
Interface (CLI) commands.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-37
Configuring IP Tunneling

Configuring a Tunnel Interface

To configure a GRE tunnel, use the ip interface tunnel command as shown:
-> ip interface "gre" tunnel source destination protocol gre

In this example, the GRE tunnel named “gre” is created and assigned a source IP address of
and a destination IP address of
You can configure an IP address for the GRE tunnel interface using the ip interface command as shown:
-> ip interface "gre" address mask

To configure an IPIP tunnel, use the ip interface tunnel command as shown:

-> ip interface "ipip" tunnel source destination protocol

In this example, the IPIP tunnel named “ipip” is created and assigned a source IP address of
and a destination IP address of
You can configure an IP address for the IPIP tunnel interface using the ip interface command as shown:
-> ip interface "ipip" address mask

• An interface can be configured only as a VLAN or a Tunnel interface.
• To display information about the configured tunnels on the switch, use the show ip interface

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-38
Configuring IP Verifying the IP Configuration

Verifying the IP Configuration

A summary of the show commands used for verifying the IP configuration is given here:

show ip interface Displays the usability status of interfaces configured for IP.
show ip routes Displays the IP Forwarding table.
show ip route-pref Displays the configured route preference of a router.
show ip router database Displays a list of all routes (static and dynamic) that exist in the IP
router database.
show ip config Displays IP configuration parameters.
show ip protocols Displays switch routing protocol information and status.
show ip router-id Displays the status of TCP/UDP service ports. Includes service name
and well-known port number.
show arp Displays the ARP table.
show ip arp utilization Displays the ARP filter configuration for the switch.
show icmp control This command allows the viewing of the ICMP control settings.
show ip dos config Displays the configuration parameters of the DoS scan for the switch.
show ip dos statistics Displays the statistics on detected port scans for the switch.
show ip dos arp-poison Displays the number of attacks detected for a restricted address.

For more information about the displays that result from these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-39
Configuring IP VRF Route Leak

VRF Route Leak

VRF provides isolation of routing instances from each other. The basic principle of VRF is to exclude two
or more routing domains mutually by containing the exchange of routing information and forwarding
packets within the same routing instance. VRF provides independent routing instances logically separating
Layer3 topology of unrelated entities sharing a single physical infrastructure.
However, network devices in one VRF might need to access selected network devices in another VRF,
such as in the following scenarios:
• In an enterprise, various departments can be isolated within individual VRFs but users in all the VRFs
need access to the Mail Server/common enterprise portal.
• Users in other VRFs need Internet access that is available in only one VRF.

• Buildings where multiple companies sharing the same router reside within individual VRFs have to
access common services like logistics, common network equipment that is a part of an independent
VRF Route Leak feature can be used to forward routes from one VRF routing table to another VRF
routing table, allowing routing from one VRF to a gateway in another VRF.

Quick Steps for Configuring VRF Route Leak

The following steps provide a quick tutorial on how to configure VRF Route Leak. Each step describes a
specific operation and provides the CLI command syntax for performing that operation.
1 Create a route map to use as a filter for exporting or importing routes.

-> ip route-map R1 action permit

2 Define protocol preference for export policy route map using the ip route-map match protocol
command. This route map controls the export of routes from the VRF FDB (Forwarding Routing
Database) to the GRT (Global Routing Table). A route map with no specific match clause matches all
FDB routes. For example,
-> ip route-map R1 match protocol static

3 Export routes from the source VRF to the GRT using the ip export command. For example,

-> ip export route-map R1

4 Define protocol preference for import policy route map using the ip route-map match protocol
command. This route map controls the import of routes from the GRT. For example,
-> ip route-map R2 action permit

5 Import the leaked routes from the GRT using the ip import command. For example,

-> ip import vrf V1 import route-map R2

6 Configure route preference for imported routes using the ip route-pref command with the import
parameter. For example,
-> ip route-pref import 100

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-40
Configuring IP VRF Route Leak

7 Redistribute imported routes to other routing protocols that are imported and added to the RDB from
other VRFs using the ip redist command. For example,
-> ip redist import into ospf route-map R3 status enable

Configuring VRF Route Leak

This section describes how to configure VRF Route Leak using the CLI commands.

Export Routes to the GRT

Export routes from the source VRF to the Global Routing Table (GRT). Use route map to filter routes.
Only those FDB (Forwarding Routing Database) routes that match the conditions of the route map are
exported to GRT.
If VRF is not configured, the routes are exported from the default VRF to GRT. Only one-route map can
be configured as export policy in a VRF. Route leaking between VRFs only supports IPv4 routes.
To export routes from the default VRF, enter the ip export command at the CLI prompt as shown:
-> ip export route-map R1

To export routes from a specific VRF, specify the VRF globally or enter into the specific VRF instance
and enter ip export command:
-> vrf vrf2 ip export route-map R1

-> vrf vrf1

vrf1::-> ip export route-map R1

Note. As a pre-requisite to export routes, create a route map and define protocol preference for the route
map by using the ip route-map commands. A route map configured for an export policy can contain any of
the following filter and set options:
• Filter options: ip-address, ip-next-hop, tag, protocol, ipv4-interface, metric, route-type
• Set option: tag, metric
If the tag or metric set option is not used in the export route map, the existing tag or metric value associated
with the route is passed through unchanged. For example, a route tag is passed to the GRT unchanged
unless the value is reset by a tag set clause in the export route map.
For route map configuration and match extensions, see “Using Route Maps” on page 15-20.

To disable exporting of routes from the VRF to the GRT, use the no form of this command as shown:
-> no ip export R1

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-41
Configuring IP VRF Route Leak

Import Routes from the GRT

Import routes from GRT to the destination VRF. Use route map to filter imported routes. Only one route
map can be configured for an import policy for each export VRF.

Note. As a pre-requisite to import routes, create a route map and define protocol preference for the route
map by using ip route-map commands. A route map configured for the import policy can contain any of
the following filter and set options:
• Filter options: ip-address, ip-next-hop, tag, metric
• Set option: tag, metric
For route map configuration and match extensions, “Using Route Maps” on page 15-20.

To import routes from the GRT to the destination VRF, enter the ip import command at the CLI prompt
as shown:
-> ip import vrf V1 route-map R2

To disable importing of routes from the GRT, use the no form of this command as shown:
-> no ip import VRF V1

Configure Route Preference for Imported Routes

To configure the route preference for the routes that are imported and added to the RDB from other VRFs,
use the ip route-pref command with the import parameter. For example,
-> ip route-pref import 100

Leaked routes are only for forwarding. If a local route is leaked, that interface is not accessible in the
importing VRF. Another switch will not be able to ping the interface in the import VRF.

Redistribute Imported Routes

To enable redistribution of imported routes that are imported and added to the RDB from other VRFs into
routing protocols in the routing instance, use the ip redist command. For example,
-> ip redist import into ospf route-map R3 status enable

Verifying VRF Route Leak Configuration

A summary of the commands used for verifying the VRF Route Leak configuration is given here:

show ip export Displays the export route configuration details.

show ip import Displays the import route configuration details.
show ip global-route-table Displays the GRT for all the routes that are exported from the VRFs.

The imported routes are also displayed under the protocol field as IMPORT in the show ip routes, show
ip route-pref, show ip redist, and show ip router database commands.
For more information about the output details that result from the show commands, see the OmniSwitch
AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 15-42
16 Configuring Multiple VRF

Multiple Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) provides a mechanism for segmenting Layer 3 traffic into
virtual routing domains (instances) on the same switch. Each routing instance independently maintains its
own routing and forwarding table, peer, and interface information.

In This Chapter
This chapter describes the Multiple VRF feature and how to configure it through the Command Line
Interface (CLI). CLI commands are used in the configuration examples; for more details about the syntax
of commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide. This chapter provides an
overview of Multiple VRF and includes the following information:
• “VRF Defaults” on page 16-2.

• “Quick Steps for Configuring Multiple VRF” on page 16-3.

• “Multiple VRF Overview” on page 16-6.

• “VRF Interaction With Other Features” on page 16-11.

• “Configuring VRF Instances” on page 16-15.

• “Verifying the VRF Configuration” on page 16-18.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 16-1
Configuring Multiple VRF VRF Defaults

VRF Defaults
Parameter Description Command Default Value/Comments
Active VRF instance vrf Default VRF instance with
max profile capabilities

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 16-2
Configuring Multiple VRF Quick Steps for Configuring Multiple VRF

Quick Steps for Configuring Multiple VRF

The initial configuration for an OmniSwitch consists of a default VRF instance. This instance is always
available and is not removable. The following procedure provides a quick tutorial for creating two
additional VRF instances and configuring IPv4 protocols to run in each instance:

Note. Configuring a VRF instance name is case sensitive. In addition, if the name specified does not exist,
a VRF instance is automatically created. As a result, it is possible to accidentally create or delete instances.
Use the show vrf command to verify the VRF instance configuration before selecting, adding, or removing

1 Create VRF instance, IpOne, using the vrf command. For example:

-> vrf IpOne


In this example, the change in the command prompt from “->” to “IpOne: ->” indicates that the
instance was created and is now the active VRF CLI context. Any commands entered at this point
apply to this instance, unless the commands entered are not supported in multiple VRF instances.
2 Create a second VRF instance, IpTwo, using the vrf command. For example:

IpOne::-> vrf IpTwo


In this example, IpOne was the active instance until IpTwo was created and replaced IpOne as the
active VRF CLI context.
3 Select IpOne for the active VRF instance and create an IP router interface on VLAN 100 and VLAN
101 using the ip interface command. For example:
IpTwo::-> vrf IpOne
IpOne::-> ip interface intf100 address vlan 100
IpOne::-> ip interface intf101 address vlan 101

4 Configure as the primary router ID address for the IpOne VRF instance using the ip router
router-id command. For example:
IpOne::-> ip router router-id

5 Create an IP static route for the IpOne VRF instance using the ip static-route command. For example:

IpOne::-> ip static-route gateway


6 Load and enable the RIP protocol for the IpOne VRF instance using the ip load rip and ip rip admin-
state commands. For example:
IpOne::-> ip load rip
IpOne::-> ip rip admin-state enable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 16-3
Configuring Multiple VRF Quick Steps for Configuring Multiple VRF

7 Enable RIP on IP interface “intf100” in the IpOne VRF instance using the ip rip interface admin-
state command. For example:
IpOne::-> ip rip interface intf100 admin-state enable

8 Select IpTwo for the active VRF instance and create an IP router interface on VLAN 102 using the ip
interface command. For example:
IpOne::-> vrf IpTwo
IpTwo::-> ip interface intf102 address vlan 102

9 Configure as the primary router ID address for the IpTwo VRF instance using the ip router
router-id command. For example:
IpTwo::-> ip router router-id

10 Load and enable the BGP protocol for the IpTwo VRF instance using the ip load bgp command. For
IpTwo::-> ip load bgp

11 Configure a BGP neighbor for the IpTwo VRF instance using the ip bgp neighbor, ip bgp neighbor
remote-as, and ip bgp neighbor admin-state commands. For example:
IpTwo::-> ip bgp neighbor
IpTwo::-> ip bgp neighbor remote-as 1000
IpTwo::-> ip bgp neighbor status enable

12 Optional. To configure a VRF instance as a low profile VRF (restricted routing protocols and
capabilities) use the vrf command with the profile low parameter option. For example:
IpTwo::-> vrf IpThree profile low

By default, a VRF instance is created using max profile capabilities. Low profile VRFs use less switch
resources, which allows more VRF instances to operate on the switch.

Note. Verify the Multiple VRF configuration using the show vrf command:
IpOne::-> show vrf
Virtual Routers Profile Protocols
default default BGP PIM VRRP
IpOne max RIP
IpTwo max BGP
IpThree low

Total Number of Virtual Routers: 4

To verify the configuration of a protocol within a VRF instance, use the show commands related to that
protocol. For example, the show ip interface command displays the IP interfaces associated with the
current CLI VRF context:

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 16-4
Configuring Multiple VRF Quick Steps for Configuring Multiple VRF

-> vrf IpOne

IpOne: -> show ip interface
Total 1 interfaces
Name IP Address Subnet Mask Status Forward Device
intfone DOWN NO vlan 200

See the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide for information about the fields in the above

An example of what the Quick Steps configuration commands look like when entered sequentially on the
-> vlan 100
-> vlan 101
-> vlan 102
-> vrf IpOne
IpOne::-> vrf IpTwo
IpTwo::-> vrf IpOne
IpOne::-> ip interface intf100 address vlan 100
IpOne::-> ip interface intf101 address vlan 101
IpOne::-> ip router router-id
IpOne::-> ip static-route gateway
IpOne::-> ip load rip
IpOne::-> ip rip admin-state enable
IpOne::-> ip rip interface intf100 admin-state enable
IpOne::-> vrf IpTwo
IpTwo::-> ip interface intf102 address vlan 102
IpTwo::-> ip router router-id
IpTwo::-> ip load bgp
IpTwo::-> ip bgp neighbor
IpTwo::-> ip bgp neighbor remote-as 1000
IpTwo::-> ip bgp neighbor admin-state enable
IpTwo::-> vrf IpThree profile low

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 16-5
Configuring Multiple VRF Multiple VRF Overview

Multiple VRF Overview

The Multiple Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) feature provides the ability to configure separate
routing instances on the same switch. Similar to using VLANs to segment Layer 2 traffic, VRF instances
are used to segment Layer 3 traffic.
Some of the benefits of using the Multiple VRF feature include the following:
• Multiple routing instances within the same physical switch. Each VRF instance is associated with a set
of IP interfaces and creates and maintains independent routing tables. Traffic between IP interfaces is
only routed and forwarded to those interfaces that belong to the same VRF instance.
• Multiple instances of IP routing protocols, such as static, RIP, IPv4, BGPv4, and OSPFv2 on the same
physical switch. An instance of each type of protocol operates within its own VRF instance.
• The ability to use duplicate IP addresses across VRF instances. Each VRF instance maintains its own
IP address space to avoid any conflict with the service provider network or other customer networks.
• Separate IP routing domains for customer networks. VRF instances configured on the Provider Edge
(PE) are used to isolate and carry customer traffic through the shared provider network.
This implementation of VRF functionality does not require a BGP/MPLS configuration in the provider
network. Instead, VRF instances can route and forward IP traffic between customer sites using point-to-
point Layer 3 protocols, such as IP-IP or GRE tunneling.
The illustration on page 16-7 shows an example of how the Multiple VRF feature is used to provide
independent routing domains that isolate and carry customer traffic through the provider network. In this
• Each PE switch maintains more than one routing and forwarding table, in addition to the default VRF
instance table.
• One VRF instance is configured on the PE switch for each customer network to which the PE is
• Each interface on the PE that is connected to a customer edge (CE) switch is associated with the VRF
instance configured for that customer.
• When an IP packet for Customer A is received on a PE 1 or PE 2 interface associated with VRF A, the
VRF A instance determines how to route the packet through the provider backbone so that it reaches
the intended Customer A destination.
• When an IP packet for Customer B is received on a PE 1, PE 2, or PE 3 interface associated with VRF
B, the VRF B instance determines how to route the packet through the provider backbone so that it
reaches the intended Customer B destination.
• When an IP packet for Customer C is received on a PE 1 or PE 3 interface associated with VRF C, the
VRF C instance determines how to route the packet through the provider backbone so that it reaches
the intended Customer C destination.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 16-6
Configuring Multiple VRF Multiple VRF Overview

Customer A
Site 2

PE 2
Customer A
Site 1

Customer B
Site 2
Customer B
Site 1


VRF B Service Provider

IP Network
Customer C
Site 1
PE 1 Customer B
Site 3



VRF C Customer C
Site 2

PE 3

Example Multiple VRF Configuration

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 16-7
Configuring Multiple VRF Multiple VRF Overview

VRF Profiles
The VRF feature supports two types of VRF instances: a low profile instance and a max profile instance.
The type of profile assigned to a VRF instance determines the routing protocols and capabilities supported
within that instance.
• Low profile VRFs only support IPv4 and VRRP, with routing capabilities restricted to static and
imported routes. In addition, limiting low profiles to 9 routes and 3 IP interfaces is highly
• Max profile VRFs support full VRF routing capabilities and limits.

The type of profile applied is determined at the time the VRF instance is created. The default VRF
instance uses the max profile capabilities; configuring the default VRF profile is not allowed.
Using low profile VRFs gives an administrator the ability to create VRFs with minor routing capabilities
and complexity. Low profiles take up less switch resources than max profiles, which allows for creating
more VRFs on the switch.
The ability to create many low profile VRFs is particularly useful in cases where all traffic only flows
through a handful of individual routes to reach specific destinations; the administrator can separate many
network access points into VRFs. For example: in a building there may be many tenants that need to reach
several end stations and one or two WAN access points through a shared core network. Each private
network needs its own address space, but does not need a routing protocol to share many routes (may only
need a default route).
A combination of low and max profiles is allowed on the switch. However, the total number of VRFs
allowed on the switch may differ depending on the availability of switch resources and the number of low
and max profile VRFs configured.

Using the VRF Command Line Interface

The Multiple VRF feature uses a context-based command line interface (CLI). When the switch boots up,
the default VRF instance is automatically created and active. Any commands subsequently entered apply
to this default instance. If a different VRF instance is selected, then all subsequent commands apply to that

Note. Only those commands for features that are VRF aware are accepted within the context of a VRF
instance. Default VRF applications are supported only in the default VRF instance. For more information
about VRF supported applications, see “VRF Interaction With Other Features” on page 16-11.

The CLI command prompt indicates which instance is the active VRF context; the instance name is added
as a prefix to the command prompt. For example, if VRF instance IpOne is the current context, then IpOne
appears in the CLI command prompt. For example:
IpOne: ->

When the default VRF instance is the active context, no VRF name appears in the command prompt. For
example, the following prompt indicates that the default VRF instance is the current context:

It is also possible to enter configuration commands for other non-default instances from within the default
VRF CLI context. For more information about how to do this and additional examples of using the VRF
context-based CLI, see “Configuring VRF Instances” on page 16-15 and “Verifying the VRF

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 16-8
Configuring Multiple VRF Multiple VRF Overview

Configuration” on page 16-18.

Note. All VRF instances are active in terms of routing and forwarding tasks whether or not the instance is
the current CLI context. Selecting a VRF instance as the CLI context simply indicates the instance to which
any configuration or show commands apply.

ASCII-File-Only Syntax
When configuration commands for VRF-aware applications are configured and saved in an ASCII file
(typically through the snapshot command) or the switch boot.cfg file, a prefix is added to these
commands to indicate the name of the VRF instance to which the commands apply. For example:
vrf vrfOne
! IP
vrf vrfOne ip interface intf100 address vlan 100
vrf vrfOne ip interface intf101 address vlan 101
vrf vrfOne ip router router-id
vrf vrfOne ip static route gateway
vrf vrfOne ip load rip
vrf vrfOne ip rip status enable
vrf vrfOne ip rip interface intf100 status enable

In this example, vrfOne is added to the beginning of the IP and RIP configuration command lines. This
indicates that these commands apply to the vrfOne instance. If a command line does not contain an
instance name, then that command is for an application that applies only to the default VRF instance or the
application is not VRF-aware.
Default VRF commands appear first in an ASCII or boot.cfg file, followed by commands for VRF-aware
applications configured in non-default instances.

Management VRF
The Management VRF feature gives the user the ability to control which VRF is used for the various
switch management protocols (Telnet, RADIUS, and so on.)
The following level of support is provided:
• Level 0 - The management service may only appear in the Default VRF.

• Level 1 - User may specify a single VRF that all management services can be configured in. For
example, both RADIUS and LDAP can use vrf-1.
• Level 2 - Each management service or multiple management services can be configured for a different
VRF. For example, RADIUS in vrf-1, LDAP in vrf-2, SNMP in vrf-3.
• Level 3 - A management service may appear in multiple VRFs. For example, SSH and Telnet in vrf-1
and vrf-2.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 16-9
Configuring Multiple VRF Multiple VRF Overview

Level Description Telnet/SSH/SFTP/ Radius/SNMP/HTTP/HTTPS/

0 Default VRF Only Yes Yes
1 Single VRF for all services Yes Yes
2 Single VRF per service, Yes Yes
each service can be on a
different VRF
3 Multiple VRFs per service, Yes No
any service on any VRF

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 16-10
Configuring Multiple VRF VRF Interaction With Other Features

VRF Interaction With Other Features

This section contains important information about how other OmniSwitch features interact with VRF
instances. Refer to the specific chapter for each feature to get more detailed information about how to
configure and use the feature.
All OmniSwitch AOS applications fall into one of the following three categories in relation to the Multiple
VRF feature:
• VRF Aware. Switch applications that are configurable independently and separately within one or
more VRF instances. All VRF aware applications can be enabled or disabled on each VRF instance.
• Default VRF. Switch applications that are VRF aware but only use the default VRF instance when IP
connectivity is needed; these applications are not supported across multiple VRF instances.
• Non-VRF Aware. Switch applications that have no association with any VRF instance, even the
default instance. Note that configuration of this type of application is only allowed when the default
instance is the active CLI context.
Refer to the following table to determine the VRF association for a specific switch application.
Applications that do not appear in this table are non-VRF aware.

VRF-Aware Applications Default VRF Applications

AAA RADIUS Server Ping AAA Router Discovery Protocol
BFD QoS VRF Policies BGPv6 RIPng
DVMRP Route Map Redistribution EMP access SSH Client
FTP Server SSH Server (SSH, SFTP, FTP Client Telnet Client
GRE Tunnels SCP) IPv6 (NDP/Tunnel) Trap Manager
HTTP Server SNMP (Agent) IS-ISv6 VXLAN
IPv4/ARP Static routes OSPFv3 VRRPv3
IP-IP Tunnels TACACS+ Server Policy Based Routing
IS-ISv4 Telnet Server
LDAP Server Traceroute
OSPFv2 DHCP Client
PIM-SM (IPv4) Webview

The following subsections provide additional information related to Multiple VRF interaction with
specific applications.


• AAA RADIUS or TACACS+ or LDAP server can be configured on any VRF instance including the
default VRF instance. However, all of the servers (for example, all the RADIUS servers) must reside
on the same VRF instance.
• The VRF instance that the server is configured on becomes the “management” VRF instance and can
perform authentication for any of the following services:

Console HTTP
Telnet SNMP
SSH (ssh, sftp, and scp)

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 16-11
Configuring Multiple VRF VRF Interaction With Other Features

• If the VRF instance that the servers (RADIUS / TACACS+ / LDAP) reside on is deleted or disabled,
access to the servers is disabled as well.
• More than one management service can use the same VRF instance. For example, both RADIUS and
and LDAP can use the same VRF instance “VrfA”.

• Each BGPv4 routing instance requires configuration of an Autonomous System number, router ID
number, and primary IP address that is explicit to the associated VRF instance.
• BGP neighbors defined for a specific VRF instance and address family (IPv4 and IPv6) peer with
neighbors accessible through interfaces associated with the same VRF instance.

IP-IP and GRE Tunnels

Tunnel endpoint addresses always exist in the default VRF instance regardless of the instance in which the
tunnel interface is configured.

Management Applications (Telnet and SSH)

• Telnet and SSH (SSH, SFTP, and SCP) sessions “to” the switch are VRF aware. Client support for
these utilities is supported only in the default VRF instance.
• A maximum of four combined Telnet sessions are allowed simultaneously across all VRFs on the
• A maximum of eight combined SSH sessions are allowed simultaneously across all VRFs on the
• More than one VRF including the default VRF can be used for Telnet / SSH sessions.

• FTP session “to” the switch is VRF aware.

• A maximum of four combined FTP sessions are allowed simultaneously across all VRFs on the switch.

Supports VRF configuration for all NTP operations (both client and server).

Supports VRF configuration for "WebView Server" and "WebView Access".

Syslog Server
Supports VRF configuration for forwarding swlog output to the syslog daemon of the switch (or host).

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 16-12
Configuring Multiple VRF VRF Interaction With Other Features

Quality of Service (QoS)

• The Auto-NMS feature (non-VRF aware) recognizes all of the IP interfaces configured in the default
VRF instance. The first eight of these interfaces are prioritized by Auto-NMS to ensure switch
manageability in the event of a DoS attack.
• Policy Based Routing, as indicated in the table above, is a default VRF application. The functionality
of this feature remains the same as in releases prior to the implementation of Multiple VRF instances.

VRF Policies
• A VRF policy condition parameter is available to specify a VRF name to which the policy condition
applies. This parameter can also specify the default VRF, and a no form of the command exists to
remove a VRF condition parameter. For example:
-> qos policy condition c1 vrf engr_vrf
-> qos policy condition c2 vrf default
-> qos policy condition c1 no vrf

• VRF policies are configured in the default VRF, similar to how all other QoS policies are configured.
If the VRF name specified does not exist, the policy is not allocated any system resources.
• Policies that do not specify a VRF name are considered global policies and are applied across all VRF
instances and VLANs.
• Policies that specify the default VRF apply only to traffic in the default VRF instance.

• Policies that specify a VRF name apply only to traffic in the VRF instance associated with that name.

• The switch network group is supported only in VRF policies that specify the default VRF instance. If
this group is specified in a global policy (no VRF specified) then the policy is applied across all VRF

• SNMPv3 is required to manage VRF instances; SNMPv1 and v2 are not supported.

• Configuring the management station to use SNMPv3 is required to receive traps from VRF-aware

Configuring an interface for a VLAN also associates that VLAN with the active VRF context. A VLAN,
however, can only belong to one VRF instance at a time. As a result, all interfaces configured for a VLAN
must belong to the same VRF instance. See “Assigning IP Interfaces to a VRF Instance” on page 16-17
for more information.

VRF support for UDP/DHCP Relay allows for the configuration and management of relay agents and
servers within the context of a VRF instance.
The following guidelines apply when configuring UDP/DHCP Relay within the context of VRF instances:

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 16-13
Configuring Multiple VRF VRF Interaction With Other Features

• A separate DHCP server is required for each VRF instance to which DHCP packets are relayed to and
from the server. The server should reside in the same VRF as the originating requests. For example, the
following command configures the DHCP server address for the vrfOne instance:
-> vrf vrfOne
vrfOne:> ip helper address

The above configuration relays all DHCP packets within the vrfOne instance to the specified server
which also resides in the vrfOne instance.
• A separate UDP relay setting for port/service to VLAN is required per VRF instance. For example, the
following command configures the forwarding of specific UDP packets to VLAN 100 within the
context of the vrfTwo instance:
-> ip udp dns vlan 100

• When a VRF instance is deleted, all UDP/DHCP Relay configuration associated with that instance is
also deleted. However, if the VRF instance is created again with the same name, the relay
configuration previously associated with that name is not restored.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 16-14
Configuring Multiple VRF Configuring VRF Instances

Configuring VRF Instances

Configuring the Multiple VRF feature consists of the following:
• Creating a VRF instance with a low profile or the default max profile.

• Assigning one or more IP interfaces to the instance.

• Configuring routing protocols to operate within a specific instance.

The initial configuration of an Alcatel-Lucent switch consists of a default VRF instance, which is always
active when the switch starts up and is not removable from the switch configuration. Any subsequent
configuration of switch applications applies only to the default instance. To provide multiple, independent
IP routing domains on the same switch, configuring additional VRF instances is required.
The VRF CLI is context-based in that commands used to configure VRF-aware applications are applied to
the active VRF instance. A VRF instance becomes active when the instance is either created or selected
using the vrf command.
A VRF instance is identified by a name, which is specified at the time the instance is configured. For
example, the following command creates the IpOne instance:
-> vrf IpOne
IpOne: ->

In this example, instance IpOne is created and made the active VRF context at the same time. Note that
the CLI command prompt indicates the active context by displaying the name of the VRF instance as part
of the actual prompt. Any subsequent commands entered on this command line are applied to the IpOne
Within the context of the default VRF instance, it is also possible to enter configuration commands for
another instance. For example, to configure an IP interface for instance IpOne from within the CLI context
of the default instance, prefix the ip interface command with vrf command followed by the name of the
instance. For example:
-> vrf IpOne ip interface intf100 address vlan 100

The above command creates the IP interface for VRF IpOne but does not change the CLI context in which
the command was entered. The default VRF instance remains the active context.

Note. The default VRF instance is the only VRF CLI context within which configuration of another
instance is allowed.

Configuring the VRF Profile

By default, the max profile capabilities are applied when a VRF instance is created. A max profile VRF
supports dynamic routing protocols and other supported VRF limits. To create a VRF instance with low
profile capabilities, use the vrf command with the profile low parameter. For example:
-> vrf IpTwo profile low

Changing the profile for an existing VRF instance is not allowed. To change the profile, first delete the
VRF then create it again with a different profile. For example, to change profile IpTwo to a max profile
VRF, use the following commands:

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 16-15
Configuring Multiple VRF Configuring VRF Instances

-> no vrf IpTwo

-> vrf IpTwo profile max

In this example, the profile max parameter option is not needed, since the max profile is applied by
default. However, this parameter was used here to demonstrate the command syntax.
The total number of VRFs allowed depends on the available switch memory. At 80% memory usage, a
low memory warning is displayed when a new VRF is created. When 90% usage is reached, creating a
new VRF is stopped. For example:
-> vrf LowProfVrf400 profile low
+++ WARNING: Memory usage over 80%, creating VRF

->vrf LowProfVrf412 profile low

ERROR: resource allocation failure
+++ ERROR: Memory usage over 90%, VRF creation failed

Selecting a VRF Instance

Moving between VRF instances is done by selecting an existing instance to become the active VRF CLI
context. The vrf command is also used to select an existing instance. For example, the following
command selects the IpTwo instance:
IpOne: -> vrf IpTwo
IpTwo: ->

In the above example, selecting the IpTwo instance changed the VRF CLI context from IpOne to IpTwo.
Any subsequent commands entered apply to the IpTwo instance.

Note. If the instance name specified with the vrf command does not exist, a VRF instance is automatically
created. In addition, configuring a VRF instance name is case sensitive. As a result, it is possible to
accidentally create or delete instances. Use the show vrf command to verify the VRF instance
configuration before selecting, adding, or removing instances.

To return to the default VRF instance from within the context of another instance, enter the vrf command
with or without the optional default parameter. For example, both of the following commands return the
CLI context to the default VRF instance:
IpOne: -> vrf
IpOne: -> vrf default

Note that the command prompt for the default VRF instance does not display the instance name.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 16-16
Configuring Multiple VRF Configuring VRF Instances

Assigning IP Interfaces to a VRF Instance

When a VRF instance is created or an existing instance is selected, any IP interface subsequently
configured is associated with that instance. For example, the following commands select the IpOne VRF
instance and configure an IP interface for that instance:
-> vrf IpOne
IpOne: -> ip interface intf100 address vlan 100
IpOne: ->

Once an IP interface is associated with a VRF instance, Layer 3 traffic on that interface is routed within
the domain of the VRF instance. In other words, such traffic is only routed between other IP interfaces that
are associated with the same VRF instance. Any additional routing protocol traffic configured for that
same interface is also routed within the associated VRF domain.
Use the following guidelines when configuring IP interfaces for a VRF instance:
• A single IP interface as well as the VLAN associated with the interface, can only belong to one VRF
instance at a time.
• Once a VLAN is associated with a specific VRF instance, configuring an interface for that VLAN
within the context of any other instance, is not allowed. For example, if the first IP interface configured
for VLAN 100 was associated with the VRF IpOne instance, then any subsequent IP interface
configuration for VLAN 100 is only allowed within the context of the IpOne instance.
• A VRF instance can have multiple VLAN associations, even though a VLAN can only have one VRF

Configuring Routing Protocols for a Specific VRF Instance

There are no additional CLI commands or parameters required to associate a routing protocol
configuration (for example, RIP, BGP, OSPF) with a specific VRF instance. Instead, the VRF CLI context
is used to determine the association between a specific routing configuration and a VRF instance. For
example, if a BGP routing instance is configured when VRF instance IpOne is the active CLI context, then
the BGP routing instance is associated with IpOne. All traffic for the BGP instance is routed and
forwarded on the interfaces associated with VRF IpOne.
For more information about the interaction of switch applications with VRF instances, see “VRF
Interaction With Other Features” on page 16-11. To see examples of configuring routing protocol
instances within the context of a VRF instance, refer to “Quick Steps for Configuring Multiple VRF” on
page 16-3.

Removing a VRF Instance

To remove a VRF instance from the switch configuration, use the no form of the vrf command. For
-> no vrf IpTwo

To view a list of VRF instances configured on the switch, use the show vrf command. For more
information about this command, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 16-17
Configuring Multiple VRF Verifying the VRF Configuration

Verifying the VRF Configuration

To display a list of VRF instances configured for the switch, use the show vrf command. For example:
-> show vrf
Virtual Routers Profile Protocols
default default BGP PIM VRRP
IpOne max RIP
IpTwo max BGP
IpThree low

The VRF CLI context determines which information is displayed using application-specific show
commands. For example, if IpOne is the active VRF context, then only IP interfaces associated with
IpOne are displayed.
-> vrf IpOne
IpOne: -> show ip interface
Total 1 interfaces
Name IP Address Subnet Mask Status Forward Device
Loopback UP NO Loopback
intfone DOWN NO vlan 200

IpOne: -> vrf default

-> show ip interface
Total 6 interfaces
Name IP Address Subnet Mask Status Forward Device
Loopback UP NO Loopback
vlan 130 DOWN NO vlan 130
vlan 2 UP YES vlan 2
vlan-2000 UP YES vlan 2000
vlan-2100 UP YES vlan 2100

Note that when the default VRF CLI context is active, the show commands can display specific
information for another instance. This is done by first entering the vrf command followed by the instance
name and then the show command. For example, the following command displays the IP interfaces
configured for IpOne from within the context of the default VRF CLI:
-> vrf IpOne show ip interface

For more information about the displays that result from these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 16-18
17 Configuring IPv6

Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is the next generation of Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4). Both
versions are supported along with the ability to tunnel IPv6 traffic over IPv4. Implementing IPv6 solves
the limited address problem currently facing IPv4, which provides a 32-bit address space. IPv6 increases
the address space available to 128 bits.

In This Chapter
This chapter describes IPv6 and how to configure it through Command Line Interface (CLI). The CLI
commands are used in the configuration examples; for more details about the syntax of commands, see the
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.
This chapter provides an overview of IPv6 and includes information about the following procedures:
• Configuring an IPv6 interface (see page 17-12)

• Configuring a Unique Local Ipv6 Interface (see page 17-12)

• Assigning IPv6 Addresses (see page 17-14)

• Configuring IPv6 Tunnel Interfaces (see page 17-16)

• Creating a Static Route (see page 17-17)

• Configuring the Route Preference of a Router (see page 17-18)

• Configuring Route Map Redistribution (see page 17-19)

• Verifying the IPv6 Configuration (see page 17-25)

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 17-1
Configuring IPv6 IPv6 Defaults

IPv6 Defaults
The following table lists the defaults for IPv6 configuration through the ip command.

Description Command Default

Global status of IPv6 on the N/A Enabled
Interfaces ipv6 interface loopback
6to4 tunnels ipv6 interface tunnel_6to4
Prefixes ipv6 prefix None
Hop Limit ipv6 hop-limit 64
Path MTU entry minimum ipv6 pmtu-lifetime 10 minutes
Neighbor stale lifetime ipv6 neighbor stale-lifetime 10 minutes
Local Unicast Global ID ipv6 address global-id None

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 17-2
Configuring IPv6 Quick Steps for Configuring IPv6 Routing

Quick Steps for Configuring IPv6 Routing

The following tutorial assumes that VLAN 200 and VLAN 300 already exist in the switch configuration.
For information about how to configure VLANs, see Chapter 4, “Configuring VLANs.”
1 Configure an IPv6 interface for VLAN 200 by using the ipv6 interface command. For example:

-> ipv6 interface v6if-v200 vlan 200

Note that when the IPv6 interface is configured, the switch automatically generates a link-local address
for the interface. This allows for communication with other interfaces and/or devices on the same link,
but does not provide routing between interfaces.
2 Assign a unicast address to the v6if-v200 interface by using the ipv6 address command. For example:

-> ipv6 address 2001:db8:4100:1::/64 eui-64 v6if-v200

3 Configure an IPv6 interface for VLAN 300 by using the ipv6 interface command. For example:

-> ipv6 interface v6if-v300 vlan 300

4 Assign a unicast address to the v6if-v300 interface by using the ipv6 address command. For example:

-> ipv6 address 2001:db8:4100:2::/64 eui-64 v6if-v300

Note. Optional. To verify the IPv6 interface configuration, enter show ipv6 interface For example:

-> show ipv6 interface

Name IPv6 Address/Prefix Length Status Device
v6if-v200 fe80::2d0:95ff:fe12:fab5/64 Down VLAN 200
v6if-v300 fe80::2d0:95ff:fe12:fab6/64 Down VLAN 300
loopback ::1/128 Active Loopback

Note that the link-local addresses for the two new interfaces and the loopback interface were automatically
created and included in the show ipv6 interface display output. In addition, the subnet router anycast
address that corresponds to the unicast address is also automatically generated for the interface.

5 Enable RIPng for the switch by using the ipv6 load rip command. For example:

-> ipv6 load rip

6 Create a RIPng interface for each of the IPv6 VLAN interfaces by using the ipv6 rip interface
command. For example:
-> ipv6 rip interface v6if-v200
-> ipv6 rip interface v6if-v300

IPv6 routing is now configured for VLAN 200 and VLAN 300 interfaces, but it is not active until at least
one port in each VLAN goes active.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 17-3
Configuring IPv6 IPv6 Overview

IPv6 Overview
IPv6 provides the basic functionality that is offered with IPv4 but includes the following enhancements
and features not available with IPv4:
• Increased IP address size—IPv6 uses a 128-bit address, a substantial increase over the 32-bit IPv4
address size. Providing a larger address size also significantly increases the address space available,
thus eliminating the concern over running out of IP addresses. See “IPv6 Addressing” on page 17-5 for
more information.
• Autoconfiguration of addresses—When an IPv6 interface is created or a device is connected to the
switch, an IPv6 link-local address is automatically assigned for the interface and/or device. See
“Autoconfiguration of IPv6 Addresses” on page 17-7 for more information.
• Anycast addresses—A new type of address. Packets sent to an anycast address are delivered to one
member of the anycast group.
• Simplified header format—A simpler IPv6 header format is used to keep the processing and
bandwidth cost of IPv6 packets as low as possible. As a result, the IPv6 header is only twice the size of
the IPv4 header despite the significant increase in address size.
• Improved support for header options—Improved header option encoding allows more efficient
forwarding, fewer restrictions on the length of options, and greater flexibility to introduce new options.
• Security improvements—Extension definitions provide support for authentication, data integrity, and
• Neighbor Discovery protocol—A protocol defined for IPv6 that detects neighboring devices on the
same link and the availability of those devices. Additional information that is useful for facilitating the
interaction between devices on the same link is also detected (e.g., neighboring address prefixes,
address resolution, duplicate address detection, link MTU, and hop limit values, etc.).
This implementation of IPv6 also provides the following mechanisms to maintain compatibility between
IPv4 and IPv6:
• Dual-stack support for both IPv4 and IPv6 on the same switch.

• Configuration of IPv6 and IPv4 interfaces on the same VLAN.

• Tunneling of IPv6 traffic over an IPv4 network infrastructure.

• Embedded IPv4 addresses in the four lower-order bytes of the IPv6 address.

The remainder of this section provides a brief overview of the new IPv6 address notation,
autoconfiguration of addresses, and tunneling of IPv6 over IPv4.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 17-4
Configuring IPv6 IPv6 Overview

IPv6 Addressing
One of the main differences between IPv6 and IPv4 is that the address size has increased from 32 bits to
128 bits. Going to a 128-bit address also increases the size of the address space to the point where running
out of IPv6 addresses is not a concern.
The following types of IPv6 addresses are supported:
Link-local—A link-local address is a private unicast address that identifies an interface or device on the
local network. This type of address allows communication with devices and/or neighboring nodes that are
attached to the same physical link. Note that when the communication is between two nodes that are not
attached to the same link, both nodes must have a configured global unicast address. Routing between
link-local addresses is not available because link-local addresses are not known or advertised to the
general network. Link-local addresses are unique only for a link and the same link-local address may be
used on multiple interfaces.
Unicast—Standard unicast addresses, similar to IPv4.
Unique Local IPv6 Unicast—IPv6 unicast address format that is globally unique and intended for local
communications, usually inside of a site. These addresses are not expected to be routable on the global
Multicast—Addresses that represent a group of devices. Traffic sent to a multicast address is delivered to
all members of the multicast group.
Anycast—Traffic that is sent to this type of address is delivered to one member of the anycast group. The
device that receives the traffic is usually the one that is easiest to reach as determined by the active routing

Note. IPv6 does not support the use of broadcast addresses. This functionality is replaced using improved
multicast addressing capabilities.

IPv6 address types are identified by the high-order bits of the address, as shown in the following table:

Address Type Binary Prefix IPv6 Notation

Unspecified 00...0 (128 bits) ::/128
Loopback 00...1 (128 bits) ::1/128
Multicast 11111111 FF00::/8
Link-local unicast 1111111010 FE80::/10
Unique Local IPv6 11111100 FC00::/7
Global unicast everything else

Note that anycast addresses are unicast addresses that are not identifiable by a known prefix.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 17-5
Configuring IPv6 IPv6 Overview

IPv6 Address Notation

IPv4 addresses are expressed using dotted decimal notation and consist of four eight-bit octets. If this
same method was used for IPv6 addresses, the address would contain 16 such octets, thus making it
difficult to manage. IPv6 addresses are expressed using colon hexadecimal notation and consist of eight
16-bit words, as shown in the following example:
Note that any field may contain all zeros or all ones. In addition, it is possible to shorten IPv6 addresses by
suppressing leading zeros. For example:
Another method for shortening IPv6 addresses is known as zero compression. When an address contains
contiguous words that consist of all zeros, a double colon (::) is used to identify these words. For example,
using zero compression the address 0:0:0:0:1234:531F:BCD2:F34A is expressed as follows:
Because the last four words of the above address are uncompressed values, the double colon indicates that
the first four words of the address all contain zeros. Note that using the double colon is only allowed once
within a single address. So if the address was1234:531F:0:0:BCD2:F34A:0:0, a double colon could not
replace both sets of zeros. For example, the first two versions of this address shown below are valid, but
the last version is not valid:
1 1234:531F::BCD2:F34A:0:0

2 1234:531F:0:0:BCD2:F34A::

3 1234:531F::BCD2:F34A:: (not valid)

With IPv6 addresses that have long strings of zeros, the benefit of zero compression is more dramatic. For
example, address FF00:0:0:0:0:0:4501:32 becomes FF00::4501:32.
Note that hexadecimal notation used for IPv6 addresses resembles the notation which is used for MAC
addresses. However, it is important to remember that IPv6 addresses still identify a device at the Layer 3
level and MAC addresses identify a device at the Layer 2 level.
Another supported IPv6 address notation includes embedding an IPv4 address as the four lower-order
bytes of the IPv6 address. This is especially useful when dealing with a mixed IPv4/IPv6 network. For

IPv6 Address Prefix Notation

The Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation is used to express IPv6 address prefixes. This
notation consists of the 128-bit IPv6 address followed by a slash (/) and a number representing the prefix
length (IPv6-address/prefix-length). For example, the following IPv6 address has a prefix length of 64

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 17-6
Configuring IPv6 IPv6 Overview

Autoconfiguration of IPv6 Addresses

This implementation of IPv6 supports the stateless autoconfiguration of link-local addresses for IPv6
VLAN and tunnel interfaces and for devices when they are connected to the switch. Stateless refers to the
fact that little or no configuration is required to generate such addresses and there is no dependency on an
address configuration server, such as a DHCP server, to provide the addresses.
A link-local address is a private unicast address that identifies an interface or device on the local network.
This type of address allows communication with devices and/or neighboring nodes that are attached to the
same physical link. Note that when the communication is between two nodes that are not attached to the
same link, both nodes must have a configured global unicast address. Routing between link-local
addresses is not available because link-local addresses are not known or advertised to the general network.
When an IPv6 VLAN or a tunnel interface is created or a device is connected to the switch, a link-local
address is automatically generated for the interface or device. This type of address consists of the well-
known IPv6 prefix FE80::/64 combined with an interface ID. The interface ID is derived from the router
MAC address associated with the IPv6 interface or the source MAC address if the address is for a device.
The resulting link-local address resembles the following example:
Note that when this example address was created, the MAC address was modified by complementing the
second bit of the leftmost byte and by inserting the hex values 0xFF and 0xFE between the third and
fourth octets of the address. These modifications were made because IPv6 requires an interface ID that is
derived using Modified EUI-64 format.
Stateless autoconfiguration is not available for assigning a global unicast or anycast address to an IPv6
interface. In other words, manual configuration is required to assign a non-link-local address to an
interface. See “Assigning IPv6 Addresses” on page 17-14 for more information.
Both stateless and stateful autoconfiguration is supported for devices, such as a workstation, when they are
connected to the switch. When the stateless method is used in this instance, the device listens for router
advertisements in order to obtain a subnet prefix. The unicast address for the device is then formed by
combining the subnet prefix with the interface ID for that device.
Stateful autoconfiguration refers to the use of an independent server, such as a DHCP server, to obtain an
IPv6 unicast address and other related information. Of course, manual configuration of an IPv6 address is
always available for devices as well.
Regardless of how an IPv6 address is obtained, duplicate address detection (DAD) is performed before the
address is assigned to an interface or device. If a duplicate is found, the address is not assigned. Note that
DAD is not performed for anycast addresses, 6to4 tunnels, or VRRP virtual router addresses.
Please refer to RFCs 2462, 2464, and 3513 for more technical information about autoconfiguration and
IPv6 address notation.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 17-7
Configuring IPv6 IPv6 Overview

Globally Unique Local IPv6 Unicast Addresses

These addresses are intended to be routable within a limited area such as a site but not on the global
Internet. Unique Local IPv6 Unicast Addresses are used in conjunction with BGP (IBGP) speakers as well
as exterior BGP (EBGP) neighbors based on configured policies. See the BGP chapter of the Advanced
Routing Guide for details.
Local IPv6 unicast addresses have the following characteristics:
• Globally unique ID (with high probability of uniqueness).

• Use the well-known prefix FC00::/7 to to allow for easy filtering at site boundaries.

• Allow sites to be combined or privately interconnected without creating any address conflicts or
requiring renumbering of interfaces that use these prefixes.
• Internet Service Provider independent and can be used for communications inside of a site without
having any permanent or intermittent Internet connectivity.
• If accidentally leaked outside of a site via routing or DNS, there is no conflict with any other addresses.

• In practice, applications may treat these addresses like global scoped addresses.

A 40-bit global identifier is used to make the local IPv6 address prefixes globally unique. This global ID
can either be explicitly configured, or created using the pseudo-algorithm recommended in RFC 4193.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 17-8
Configuring IPv6 IPv6 Overview

Tunneling IPv6 over IPv4

It is likely that IPv6 and IPv4 network infrastructures will coexist for some time, if not indefinitely.
Tunneling provides a mechanism for transitioning an IPv4 network to IPv6 and/or maintaining
interoperability between IPv4 and IPv6 networks. This implementation of IPv6 supports tunneling of IPv6
traffic over IPv4. There are two types of tunnels supported, 6to4 and configured.

Note. Dynamic routing protocols are not supported over 6to4 tunnels. However, it is possible to configure
dynamic routing for a configured tunnel. See “Configuring IPv6 Tunnel Interfaces” on page 17-16 for more

6to4 Tunnels
6to4 tunneling provides a mechanism for transporting IPv6 host traffic over an IPv4 network infrastructure
to other IPv6 hosts and/or domains without having to configure explicit tunnel endpoints. Instead, an IPv6
6to4 tunnel interface is created at points in the network where IPv6 packets are encapsulated (IPv4 header
added) prior to transmission over the IPv4 network or decapsulated (IPv4 header stripped) for
transmission to an IPv6 destination.
An IPv6 6to4 tunnel interface is identified by its assigned address, which is derived by combining a 6to4
well-known prefix (2002) with a globally unique IPv4 address and embedded as the first 48 bits of an IPv6
address. For example, 2002:d467:8a89::137/64, where d467:8a89 is the hex equivalent of the IPv4 address
6to4 tunnel interfaces are configured on routers and identify a 6to4 site. Because 6to4 tunnels are point-to-
multi-point in nature, any one 6to4 router can communicate with one or more other 6to4 routers across the
IPv4 cloud. Additionally, IPv6 multicast traffic cannot be forwarded over a 6to4 tunnel. Two common
scenarios for using 6to4 tunnels are described below.

6to4 Site to 6to4 Site over IPv4 Domain

In this scenario, isolated IPv6 sites have connectivity over an IPv4 network through 6to4 border routers.
An IPv6 6to4 tunnel interface is configured on each border router and assigned an IPv6 address with the
6to4 well-known prefix, as described above. IPv6 hosts serviced by the 6to4 border router have at least
one IPv6 router interface configured with a 6to4 address. Note that additional IPv6 interfaces or external
IPv6 routing protocols are not required on the 6to4 border router.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 17-9
Configuring IPv6 IPv6 Overview

The following diagram illustrates the basic traffic flow between IPv6 hosts communicating over an IPv4

IPv6 6to4 IPv6 6to4

Border Router Border Router

IPv4 Domain

6to4 Site 6to4 Site

6to4 Host 6to4 Host

In the above diagram:

1 The 6to4 hosts receive 6to4 prefix from Router Advertisement.

2 The 6to4 host sends IPv6 packets to 6to4 border router.

3 The 6to4 border router encapsulates IPv6 packets with IPv4 headers and sends to the destination 6to4
border router over the IPv4 domain.
4 The destination 6to4 border router strips IPv4 header and forwards to 6to4 destination host.

6to4 Site to IPv6 Site over IPv4/IPv6 Domains

In this scenario, 6to4 sites have connectivity to native IPv6 domains through a relay router, which is
connected to both the IPv4 and IPv6 domains. The 6to4 border routers are still used by 6to4 sites for
encapsulating/decapsulating host traffic and providing connectivity across the IPv4 domain. In addition,
each border router has a default IPv6 route pointing to the relay router.
In essence, a relay router is a 6to4 border router on which a 6to4 tunnel interface is configured. However,
a native IPv6 router interface is also required on the relay router to transmit 6to4 traffic to/from IPv6 hosts
connected to an IPv6 domain. Therefore, the relay router participates in both the IPv4 and IPv6 routing

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 17-10
Configuring IPv6 IPv6 Overview

The following diagram illustrates the basic traffic flow between native IPv6 hosts and 6to4 sites:

IPv6 6to4 IPv6/IPv4 6to4

Border Router Relay Router

IPv4 Domain

6to4 Site IPv6 Domain


6to4 Host

IPv6 Site

IPv6 Host

In the above diagram:

1 The 6to4 relay router advertises a route to 2002::/16 on its IPv6 router interface.

2 The IPv6 host traffic received by the relay router that has a next hop address that matches 2002::/16 is
routed to the 6to4 tunnel interface configured on the relay router.
3 The traffic routed to the 6to4 tunnel interface is then encapsulated into IPv4 headers and sent to the
destination 6to4 router over the IPv4 domain.
4 The destination 6to4 router strips the IPv4 header and forwards it to the IPv6 destination host.

For more information about configuring an IPv6 6to4 tunnel interface, see “Configuring an IPv6
Interface” on page 17-12 and “Configuring IPv6 Tunnel Interfaces” on page 17-16. For more detailed
information and scenarios by using 6to4 tunnels, refer to RFC 3056.

Configured Tunnels
A configured tunnel is where the endpoint addresses are manually configured to create a point-to-point
tunnel. This type of tunnel is similar to the 6to4 tunnel on which IPv6 packets are encapsulated in IPv4
headers to facilitate communication over an IPv4 network. The difference between the two types of
tunnels is that configured tunnel endpoints require manual configuration, whereas 6to4 tunneling relies on
an embedded IPv4 destination address to identify tunnel endpoints. Additionally, IPv6 multicast traffic
can be sent over configured tunnels allows RIPng and OSPFv3 to run over a configured tunnel.
For more information about IPv6 configured tunnels, see “Configuring IPv6 Tunnel Interfaces” on
page 17-16. For more detailed information about configured tunnels, refer to RFC 4213.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 17-11
Configuring IPv6 Configuring an IPv6 Interface

Configuring an IPv6 Interface

The ipv6 interface command is used to create an IPv6 interface for a VLAN or a tunnel. Note the
following when configuring an IPv6 interface:
• A unique interface name is required for both a VLAN and tunnel interface.

• If creating a VLAN interface, the VLAN must already exist. See Chapter 4, “Configuring VLANs,” for
more information.
• If creating a tunnel interface, a tunnel ID or 6to4 is specified. Only one 6to4 tunnel is allowed per
switch, so it is not necessary to specify an ID when creating this type of tunnel.
• If a tunnel ID is specified, then a configured tunnel interface is created. This type of tunnel requires
additional configuration by using the ipv6 address global-id command. See “Configuring IPv6 Tunnel
Interfaces” on page 17-16 for more information.
• Each VLAN can have one IPv6 interface. Configuring both an IPv4 and IPv6 interface on the same
VLAN is allowed. Note that the VLAN interfaces of both types are not active until at least one port
associated with the VLAN goes active.
• A link-local address is automatically configured for an IPv6 interface, except for 6to4 tunnels, when
the interface is configured. For more information regarding how this address is formed, see
“Autoconfiguration of IPv6 Addresses” on page 17-7.
• Assigning more than one IPv6 address to a single IPv6 interface is allowed.

• Assigning the same link-local address to multiple interfaces is allowed. Each global unicast prefix,
subset of, or superset of a prefix can only exist on one interface. For example, if an interface for VLAN
100 is configured with an address 2001:db8:4100:1000::1/64, an interface for VLAN 200 cannot have
an address 2001:db8:4100:1000::2/64.
• Each IPv6 interface anycast address must also have a unique prefix. However, multiple devices may
share the same anycast address prefix to identify themselves as members of the anycast group.
To create an IPv6 interface for a VLAN or configured tunnel, enter ipv6 interface followed by an
interface name, then vlan (or tunnel) followed by a VLAN ID (or tunnel ID). For example, the following
two commands create an IPv6 interface for VLAN 200 and an interface for tunnel 35:
-> ipv6 interface v6if-v200 vlan 200
-> ipv6 interface v6if-tunnel-35 tunnel 35

To create an IPv6 interface for a 6to4 tunnel, use the following command:
-> ipv6 interface v6if-6to4 tunnel 6to4

Note. A 6to4 tunnel is automatically created at startup.

Use the show ipv6 interface command to verify the interface configuration for the switch. For more
information about this command, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 17-12
Configuring IPv6 Configuring an IPv6 Interface

Configuring a Unique Local IPv6 Unicast Address

The ipv6 address global-id command is used to create a new value for the global ID. A 5-byte global ID
value can be manually specified or automatically generated:
-> ipv6 address global-id generate
-> ipv6 address global-id 32:57a3:8fed

Note. If the global-id has not previously been specified with the commands above it will automatically be
generated when the first IPv6 local-unicast address command is issued.

Once the global ID is generated the ipv6 address local-unicast command can be used to generate a
unique local address using the configured global-id.

Modifying an IPv6 Interface

The ipv6 interface command is also used to modify existing IPv6 interface parameter values. It is not
necessary to first remove the interface and then create it again with the new values. The changes specified
will overwrite existing parameter values. For example, the following command changes the router
advertisement (RA) reachable time and the RA retransmit timer values for interface v6if-v200:
-> ipv6 interface v6if-v200 ra-reachable-time 60000 ra-retrans-time 2000

When an existing interface name is specified with the ipv6 interface command, the command modifies
specified parameters for that interface. If an unknown interface name is entered along with an existing
VLAN or tunnel parameter, a new interface is created with the name specified.

Removing an IPv6 Interface

To remove an IPv6 interface from the switch configuration, use the no form of the ipv6 interface
command. Note that it is only necessary to specify the name of the interface, as shown in the following
-> no ipv6 interface v6if-v200

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 17-13
Configuring IPv6 Assigning IPv6 Addresses

Assigning IPv6 Addresses

As was previously mentioned, when an IPv6 interface is created for a VLAN or a configured tunnel, an
IPv6 link-local address is automatically created for that interface. This is also true when a device, such as
a workstation, is connected to the switch.
Link-local addresses, although private and non-routable, enable interfaces and workstations to
communicate with other interfaces and workstations that are connected to the same link. This simplifies
getting devices up and running on the local network. If this level of communication is sufficient, assigning
additional addresses is not required.
If it is necessary to identify an interface or device to the entire network, or as a member of a particular
group, or enable an interface to perform routing functions, then configuring additional addresses (e.g.,
global unicast or anycast) is required.
Use the ipv6 address command to manually assign addresses to an existing interface (VLAN or tunnel) or
device. For example, the following command assigns a global unicast address to the VLAN interface v6if-
-> ipv6 address 2001:db8:4100:1000::20/64 v6if-v200

In the above example, 2001:db8:4100:1000:: is specified as the subnet prefix and 20 is the interface
identifier. Note that the IPv6 address is expressed using CIDR notation to specify the prefix length. In the
above example, /64 indicates a subnet prefix length of 64 bits.
To use the MAC address of an interface or device as the interface ID, specify the eui-64 option with this
command. For example:
-> ipv6 address 2001:db8:4100:1000::/64 eui-64 v6if-v200

The above command example creates address 2001:db8:4100:1000::2d0:95ff:fe12:fab2/64 for interface

Note the following when configuring IPv6 addresses:
• It is possible to assign more than one address to a single interface.

• Any field of an address may contain all zeros or all ones. The exception to this is the interface
identifier portion of the address, which cannot be all zeros. If the eui-64 option is specified with the
ipv6 address command, this is not an issue.
• The EUI-64 interface identifier takes up the last 64 bits of the 128-bit IPv6 address. If the subnet prefix
combined with the EUI-64 interface ID is longer than 128 bits, an error occurs and the address is not
A subnet router anycast address is automatically created when a global unicast address is assigned to an
interface. The anycast address is derived from the global address by adding an interface ID of all zeros to
the prefix of the global address. For example, the global address 2001:db8:4100:1000::20/64 generates the
anycast address 2001:db8:4100:1000::/64.
• Devices, such as a PC, are eligible for stateless autoconfiguration of unicast addresses in addition to the
link-local address. If this type of configuration is in use on the network, manual configuration of
addresses on the PC is not required.
• IPv6 VLAN or tunnel interfaces are only eligible for stateless autoconfiguration of their link-local
addresses. Manual configuration of addresses is required for all additional addresses.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 17-14
Configuring IPv6 Assigning IPv6 Addresses

See “IPv6 Addressing” on page 17-5 for an overview of IPv6 address notation. Refer to RFC 4291 for
more technical address information.

Removing an IPv6 Address

To remove an IPv6 address from an interface, use the no form of the ipv6 address command as shown:
-> no ipv6 address 2001:db8:4100:1000::20 v6if-v200

Note that the subnet router anycast address is automatically deleted when the last unicast address of the
same subnet is removed from the interface.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 17-15
Configuring IPv6 Configuring IPv6 Tunnel Interfaces

Configuring IPv6 Tunnel Interfaces

There are two types of tunnels supported, 6to4 and configured. Both types facilitate the interaction of IPv6
networks with IPv4 networks by providing a mechanism for carrying IPv6 traffic over an IPv4 network
infrastructure. This is an important function since it is more than likely that both protocols will need to
coexist within the same network for some time.
A 6to4 tunnel is configured by creating an IPv6 6to4 tunnel interface on a router. This interface is then
assigned an IPv6 address with an embedded well-known 6to4 prefix (e.g., 2002) combined with an IPv4
local address. This is all done using the ipv6 interface and ipv6 address commands. Since a 6to4
interface named “tunnel_6to4” is automatically created, enter the following commands to create a 6to4
tunnel interface:
-> ipv6 address 2002:c633:6489::254/16 tunnel_6to4
-> ipv6 interface tunnel_6to4 admin-state enable

In the above example, 2002 is the well-known prefix that identifies a 6to4 tunnel. The C633:6489 part of
the address that follows 2002 is the hex equivalent of the IPv4 address Note that an IPv4
interface configured with the embedded IPv4 address is required on the switch. In addition, do not
configure a private (e.g.,, broadcast, or unspecified address as the embedded IPv4 address.
One of the main benefits of 6to4 tunneling is that no other configuration is required to identify tunnel
endpoints. The router that the 6to4 tunnel interface is configured on will encapsulate IPv6 packets in IPv4
headers and send them to the IPv4 destination address where they will be processed. This is particularly
useful in situations where the IPv6 host is isolated.
The second type of tunnel supported is referred to as a configured tunnel. With this type of tunnel it is
necessary to specify an IPv4 address for the source and destination tunnel endpoints. Note that if
bidirectional communication is desired, then it is also necessary to create the tunnel interface at each end
of the tunnel.
Creating an IPv6 configured tunnel involves the following general steps:
• Create an IPv6 tunnel interface using the ipv6 interface command.

• Associate an IPv4 source and destination address with the tunnel interface by using the ipv6 interface
command. These addresses identify the tunnel endpoints.
• Associate an IPv6 address with the tunnel interface by using the ipv6 address command.

• Configure a tunnel interface and associated addresses at the other end of tunnel.

The following example commands create the v6if-tunnel-137 configured tunnel:

-> ipv6 interface v6if-tunnel-137 tunnel 1
-> ipv6 interface v6if-tunnel-137 tunnel source destination
-> ipv6 address 2100:db8:4132:4000::/64 eui-64 v6if-tunnel-137
-> ipv6 interface v6if-tunnel-137 admin-state enable

Note that dynamic routing protocols are not supported over 6to4 tunnels, but are allowed over configured
tunnels. To use this protocol on a configured tunnel, a dynamic routing protocol interface is created for the
tunnel interface. For example, the following command creates a RIPng interface for tunnel v6if-tunnel-
-> ipv6 rip interface v6if-tunnel-137

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 17-16
Configuring IPv6 Creating an IPv6 Static Route

Creating an IPv6 Static Route

Static routes are user-defined and carry a higher priority than routes created by dynamic routing protocols.
That is, if two routes have the same metric value, the static route has the higher priority. Static routes
allow you to define, or customize, an explicit path to an IPv6 network segment, which is then added to the
IPv6 Forwarding table. Static routes can be created between VLANs to enable devices on these VLANs to
Use the ipv6 static-route command to create a static route. You must specify the destination IPv6 address
of the route as well as the IPv6 address of the first hop (gateway) used to reach the destination. For
example, to create a static route to IPv6 address 212:95:5::/64 through gateway
fe80::2d0:95ff:fe6a:f458 on interface v6if-137, you would enter:

-> ipv6 static-route 2001:db8:212:95::/64 gateway fe80::2d0:95ff:fe6a:f458 v6if-137

Note that in the example above the IPv6 interface name for the gateway was included. This parameter is
required only when a link local address is specified as the gateway.
When you create a static route, the default metric value of 1 is used. However, you can change the priority
of the route by increasing its metric value. The lower the metric value, the higher the priority. This metric
is added to the metric cost of the route. The metric range is 1 to 15. For example:
-> ipv6 static-route 2001:db8:212:95::/64 gateway fe80::2d0:95ff:fe6a:f458 v6if-137
metric 3

Static routes do not age out of the IPv6 Forwarding table; you must delete them from the table. Use the no
ipv6 static-route command to delete a static route. You must specify the destination IPv6 address of the
route as well as the IPv6 address of the first hop (gateway). For example, to delete the static you would
-> no ip static-route 2001:db8:212:95::/64 gateway fe80::2d0:95ff:fe6a:f458 v6if-137

The IPv6 Forwarding table includes routes learned through one of the routing protocols (RIP, OSPF,
BGP) as well as any static routes that are configured. Use the show ipv6 routes command to display the
IPv6 Forwarding table.

Note. A static route is not active unless the gateway it is using is active.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 17-17
Configuring IPv6 Configuring the Route Preference of a Router

Configuring the Route Preference of a Router

By default, the route preference of a router is in this order: local, static, OSPFv3, RIPng, EBGP, and IBGP
(highest to lowest).
Use the ipv6 route-pref command to change the route preference value of a router. For example, to
configure the route preference of an OSPF route, you would enter:
-> ipv6 route-pref ospf 15

To display the current route preference configuration, use the show ipv6 route-pref command:
-> show ipv6 route-pref
Protocol Route Preference Value
Local 1
Static 2
OSPF 110
RIP 120
EBGP 190
IBGP 200

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 17-18
Configuring IPv6 Configuring Route Map Redistribution

Configuring Route Map Redistribution

It is possible to learn and advertise IPv6 routes between different protocols. Such a process is referred to
as route redistribution and is configured using the ipv6 redist command.
Redistribution uses route maps to control how external routes are learned and distributed. A route map
consists of one or more user-defined statements that can determine which routes are allowed or denied
access to the receiving network. In addition a route map may also contain statements that modify route
parameters before they are redistributed.
When a route map is created, it is given a name to identify the group of statements that it represents. This
name is required by the ipv6 redist command. Therefore, configuring route redistribution involves the
following steps:
1 Create a route map, as described in “Using Route Maps” on page 17-19.

2 Configure redistribution to apply a route map, as described in “Configuring Route Map Redistribution”
on page 17-23.

Using Route Maps

A route map specifies the criteria that are used to control redistribution of routes between protocols. Such
criteria is defined by configuring route map statements. There are three different types of statements:
• Action. An action statement configures the route map name, sequence number, and whether or not
redistribution is permitted or denied based on route map criteria.
• Match. A match statement specifies criteria that a route must match. When a match occurs, then the
action statement is applied to the route.
• Set. A set statement is used to modify route information before the route is redistributed into the
receiving protocol. This statement is only applied if all the criteria of the route map is met and the
action permits redistribution.
The ip route-map command is used to configure route map statements and provides the following action,
match, and set parameters:

ip route-map action ... ip route-map match ... ip route-map set ...

permit ip-address metric
deny ip-nexthop metric-type
ipv6-address tag
ipv6-nexthop community
tag local-preference
ipv4-interface level
ipv6-interface ip-nexthop
metric ipv6-nexthop

Refer to the “IP Commands” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide for more
information about the ip route-map command parameters and usage guidelines.
Once a route map is created, it is then applied using the ipv6 redist command. See “Configuring Route
Map Redistribution” on page 17-23 for more information.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 17-19
Configuring IPv6 Configuring Route Map Redistribution

Creating a Route Map

When a route map is created, it is given a name (up to 20 characters), a sequence number, and an action
(permit or deny). Specifying a sequence number is optional. If a value is not configured, then the number
50 is used by default.
To create a route map, use the ip route-map command with the action parameter. For example,
-> ip route-map ospf-to-rip sequence-number 10 action permit

The above command creates the ospf-to-rip route map, assigns a sequence number of 10 to the route
map, and specifies a permit action.
To optionally filter routes before redistribution, use the ip route-map command with a match parameter
to configure match criteria for incoming routes. For example,
-> ip route-map ospf-to-rip sequence-number 10 match tag 8

The above command configures a match statement for the ospf-to-rip route map to filter routes based on
their tag value. When this route map is applied, only OSPF routes with a tag value of eight are
redistributed into the RIP network. All other routes with a different tag value are dropped.

Note. Configuring match statements is not required. However, if a route map does not contain any match
statements and the route map is applied using the ipv6 redist command, the router redistributes all routes
into the network of the receiving protocol.

To modify route information before it is redistributed, use the ip route-map command with a set
parameter. For example,
-> ip route-map ospf-to-rip sequence-number 10 set tag 5

The above command configures a set statement for the ospf-to-rip route map that changes the route tag
value to five. Because this statement is part of the ospf-to-rip route map, it is only applied to routes that
have an existing tag value equal to eight.
The following is a summary of the commands used in the above examples:
-> ip route-map ospf-to-rip sequence-number 10 action permit
-> ip route-map ospf-to-rip sequence-number 10 match tag 8
-> ip route-map ospf-to-rip sequence-number 10 set tag 5

To verify a route map configuration, use the show ip route-map command:

-> show ip route-map
Route Maps: configured: 1 max: 200
Route Map: ospf-to-rip Sequence Number: 10 Action permit
match tag 8
set tag 5

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 17-20
Configuring IPv6 Configuring Route Map Redistribution

Deleting a Route Map

Use the no form of the ip route-map command to delete an entire route map, a route map sequence, or a
specific statement within a sequence.
To delete an entire route map, enter no ip route-map followed by the route map name. For example, the
following command deletes the entire route map named redistipv4:
-> no ip route-map redistipv4

To delete a specific sequence number within a route map, enter no ip route-map followed by the route
map name, then sequence-number followed by the actual number. For example, the following command
deletes sequence 10 from the redistipv4 route map:
-> no ip route-map redistipv4 sequence-number 10

Note that in the above example, the redistripv4 route map is not deleted. Only those statements associated
with sequence 10 are removed from the route map.
To delete a specific statement within a route map, enter no ip route-map followed by the route map name,
then sequence-number followed by the sequence number for the statement, then either match or set and
the match or set parameter and value. For example, the following command deletes only the match tag 8
statement from route map redistipv4 sequence 10:
-> no ip route-map redistipv4 sequence-number 10 match tag 8

Configuring Route Map Sequences

A route map may consist of one or more sequences of statements. The sequence number determines which
statements belong to which sequence and the order in which sequences for the same route map are
To add match and set statements to an existing route map sequence, specify the same route map name and
sequence number for each statement. For example, the following series of commands creates route map
rm_1 and configures match and set statements for the rm_1 sequence 10:
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 action permit
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 match tag 8
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 set metric 1

To configure a new sequence of statements for an existing route map, specify the same route map name
but use a different sequence number. For example, the following command creates a new sequence 20 for
the rm_1 route map:
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 20 action permit
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 20 match ipv4-interface to-finance
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 20 set metric 5

The resulting route map appears as follows:

-> show ip route-map rm_1
Route Map: rm_1 Sequence Number: 10 Action permit
match tag 8
set metric 1
Route Map: rm_1 Sequence Number: 20 Action permit
match ip4 interface to-finance
set metric 5

Sequence 10 and sequence 20 are both linked to route map rm_1 and are processed in ascending order
according to their sequence number value. Note that there is an implied logical OR between sequences. As

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 17-21
Configuring IPv6 Configuring Route Map Redistribution

a result, if there is no match for the tag value in sequence 10, then the match interface statement in
sequence 20 is processed. However, if a route matches the tag 8 value, then sequence 20 is not used. The
set statement for whichever sequence was matched is applied.
A route map sequence may contain multiple match statements. If these statements are of the same kind
(e.g., match tag 5, match tag 8, etc.) then a logical OR is implied between each like statement. If the match
statements specify different types of matches (e.g. match tag 5, match ip4 interface to-finance, etc.), then a
logical AND is implied between each statement. For example, the following route map sequence will
redistribute a route if its tag is either 8 or 5:
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 action permit
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 match tag 5
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 match tag 8

The following route map sequence will redistribute a route if the route has a tag of 8 or 5 and the route
was learned on the IPv6 interface to-finance:
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 action permit
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 match tag 5
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 match tag 8
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 match ipv6-interface to-finance

Configuring Access Lists

An IP access list provides a convenient way to add multiple IPv4 or IPv6 addresses to a route map. Using
an access list avoids having to enter a separate route map statement for each individual IP address. Instead,
a single statement is used that specifies the access list name. The route map is then applied to all the
addresses contained within the access list.
Configuring an IP access list involves two steps: creating the access list and adding IP addresses to the list.
To create an IP access list, use the ip access-list command (IPv4) or the ipv6 access-list command (IPv6)
and specify a name to associate with the list. For example,
-> ip access-list ipaddr
-> ipv6 access-list ip6addr

To add addresses to an access list, use the ip access-list address (IPv4) or the ipv6 access-list address
(IPv6) command. For example, the following commands add addresses to an existing access list:
-> ip access-list ipaddr address
-> ipv6 access-list ip6addr address 2001::/64

Use the same access list name each time the above commands are used to add additional addresses to the
same access list. In addition, both commands provide the ability to configure if an address and/or its
matching subnet routes are permitted (the default) or denied redistribution. For example:
-> ip access-list ipaddr address action deny redist-control all-
-> ipv6 access-list ip6addr address 2001::1/64 action permit redist-control no-

For more information about configuring access list commands, see the “IP Commands” chapter in the
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 17-22
Configuring IPv6 Configuring Route Map Redistribution

Configuring Route Map Redistribution

The ipv6 redist command is used to configure the redistribution of routes from a source protocol into the
destination protocol. This command is used on the IPv6 router that will perform the redistribution.

Note. A router automatically becomes an Autonomous System Border Router (ASBR) when redistribution
is configured on the router.

A source protocol is a protocol from which the routes are learned. A destination protocol is the one into
which the routes are redistributed. Make sure that both protocols are loaded and enabled before
configuring redistribution.
Redistribution applies criteria specified in a route map to routes received from the source protocol.
Therefore, configuring redistribution requires an existing route map. For example, the following command
configures the redistribution of OSPFv3 routes into the RIPng network using the ospf-to-rip route map:
-> ipv6 redist ospf into rip route-map ospf-to-rip

OSPFv3 routes received by the router interface are processed based on the contents of the ospf-to-rip route
map. Routes that match criteria specified in this route map are either allowed or denied redistribution into
the RIPng network. The route map may also specify the modification of route information before the route
is redistributed. See “Using Route Maps” on page 17-19 for more information.
To remove a route map redistribution configuration, use the no form of the ipv6 redist command. For
-> no ipv6 redist ospf into rip route-map ospf-to-rip

Use the show ipv6 redist command to verify the redistribution configuration:
-> show ipv6 redist

Source Destination
Protocol Protocol Status Route Map
localIPv6 RIPng Enabled ipv6rm
OSPFv3 RIPng Enabled ospf-to-rip

Configuring the Administrative Status of the Route Map Redistribution

The administrative status of a route map redistribution configuration is enabled by default. To change the
administrative status, use the admin-state parameter with the ipv6 redist command. For example, the
following command disables the redistribution administrative status for the specified route map:
-> ipv6 redist ospf into rip route-map ospf-to-rip admin-state disable

The following command example enables the administrative status:

-> ipv6 redist ospf into rip route-map ospf-to-rip admin-state enable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 17-23
Configuring IPv6 Configuring Route Map Redistribution

Route Map Redistribution Example

The following example configures the redistribution of OSPFv3 routes into a RIPng network using a route
map (ospf-to-rip) to filter specific routes:
-> ip route-map ospf-to-rip sequence-number 10 action deny
-> ip route-map ospf-to-rip sequence-number 10 match tag 5
-> ip route-map ospf-to-rip sequence-number 10 match route-type external type2
-> ip route-map ospf-to-rip sequence-number 20 action permit
-> ip route-map ospf-to-rip sequence-number 20 match ipv6-interface intf_ospf
-> ip route-map ospf-to-rip sequence-number 20 set metric 255

-> ip route-map ospf-to-rip sequence-number 30 action permit

-> ip route-map ospf-to-rip sequence-number 30 set tag 8

-> ip redist ospf into rip route-map ospf-to-rip

The resulting ospf-to-rip route map redistribution configuration does the following:
• Denies the redistribution of Type 2 external OSPFv3 routes with a tag set to five.

• Redistributes into RIPng all routes learned on the intf_ospf interface and sets the metric for such routes
to 255.
• Redistributes into RIPng all other routes (those not processed by sequence 10 or 20) and sets the tag for
such routes to eight.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 17-24
Configuring IPv6 Verifying the IPv6 Configuration

Verifying the IPv6 Configuration

A summary of the show commands used for verifying the IPv6 configuration is given here:

show ipv6 rip Displays the RIPng status and general configuration parameters.
show ipv6 redist Displays the route map redistribution configuration.
show ipv6 interface Displays the status and configuration of IPv6 interfaces.
show ipv6 tunnel configured Displays IPv6 configured tunnel information.
show ipv6 tunnel 6to4 Displays IPv6 6to4 tunnel information.
show ipv6 routes Displays the IPv6 Forwarding Table.
show ipv6 route-pref Displays the configured route preference of a router.
show ipv6 router database Displays a list of all routes (static and dynamic) that exist in the IPv6
router database.
show ipv6 prefixes Displays IPv6 subnet prefixes used in router advertisements.
show ipv6 neighbors Displays the IPv6 Neighbor Table.
show ipv6 tcp listeners Displays statistics for IPv6 listener traffic.
show ipv6 tcp connections Displays statistics for IPv6 connection traffic.
show ipv6 icmp statistics Displays ICMP6 statistics.
show ipv6 pmtu table Displays the IPv6 Path MTU Table.
show ipv6 tcp connections Displays TCP Over IPv6 Connection Table. Contains information
about existing TCP connections between IPv6 endpoints.
show ipv6 tunnel 6to4 Displays the UDP Over IPv6 Listener Table. Contains information
about UDP/IPv6 endpoints.

For more information about the displays that result from these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 17-25
18 Configuring IPsec

Internet Protocol security (IPsec) is a suite of protocols for securing IPv6 communications by
authenticating and/or encrypting each IPv6 packet in a data stream. IPsec is a framework of open standards
designed to provide interoperable, high quality, cryptographically-based security for IPv6 networks
through the use of appropriate security protocols, cryptographic algorithms, and cryptographic keys. The
set of security services offered includes access control, connectionless integrity, data origin authentication,
detection and rejection of replays (a form of partial sequence integrity), and confidentiality (via
These security services are provided through use of two security protocols, the Authentication Header
(AH) and the Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP), and through the use of cryptographic key
management procedures and protocols.

Note. The OmniSwitch currently supports IPsec for IPv6 only.

In This Chapter
This chapter describes the basic components of IPsec and how to configure them through the Command
Line Interface (CLI). CLI commands are used in the configuration examples; for more details about the
syntax of commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.
Configuration procedures described in this chapter include:
• Master Key Configuration (see “Configuring an IPsec Master Key” on page 18-10).

• Security Policy Configuration (see “Configuring an IPsec Policy” on page 18-11).

• Security Policy Rule Configuration (see “Configuring an IPsec Rule” on page 18-14).

• SA Configuration (see “Configuring an IPsec SA” on page 18-15).

• Security Association Key Configuration (see “Configuring IPsec SA Keys” on page 18-16).

• Discard Policy Configuration (see “Assigning an Action to a Policy” on page 18-13)

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 18-1
Configuring IPsec IPsec Defaults

IPsec Defaults
The following table shows the default settings of the configurable IPsec parameters.

Parameter Description Command Default Value/Comments

IPsec global status (A license file Disabled
must be present on the switch)
Master security key for the switch ipsec security-key No master security key set
IPsec policy priority ipsec policy 100
IPsec security policy status ipsec policy Disabled
IPsec discard policy status ipsec policy Enabled
IPsec SA status ipsec sa Disabled
Key length AES-CBC ipsec sa 128 bits

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 18-2
Configuring IPsec Quick Steps for Configuring an IPsec AH Policy

Quick Steps for Configuring an IPsec AH Policy

IP Authentication Header (AH) provides data origin authentication, data integrity, and replay protection.
Data integrity verifies that the contents of the datagram were not changed in transit, either deliberately or
due to random errors, however, AH does not provide data encryption.

1 Configure the master security key. The master security key must be set if keys are to be encrypted
when saved in the boot.cfg and snapshot files.
-> ipsec security-key master-key-12345

2 Define the policy. A policy defines the traffic that requires IPsec protection. The commands below
define a bi-directional policy for any protocol and the associated IPv6 address ranges. For example:
-> ipsec policy ALLoutMD5 source 664:1:1:1::199/64 destination 664:1:1:1::1/64
protocol any out ipsec admin-state disable

-> ipsec policy ALLinMD5 source 664:1:1:1::1/64 destination 664:1:1:1::199/64

protocol any in ipsec admin-state disable

3 Define the rule. A rule defines the security services for the traffic defined by its associated policy. For
example the commands below add an AH rule to the polices defined above:
-> ipsec policy ALLoutMD5 rule 1 ah
-> ipsec policy ALLinMD5 rule 1 ah

4 Enable the policies. A policy cannot be enabled until the rules are defined. Now that rules have been
defined, enable the policy using the commands below:
-> ipsec policy ALLoutMD5 admin-state enable
-> ipsec policy ALLinMD5 admin-state enable

5 Define the Security Keys. Each SA has its own unique set of security keys. The key name is the SA
name that is going to use the key and the length must match the authentication algorithm key size. Keys
must be defined before the SA can be enabled.
-> ipsec key ALLoutMD5_SA sa-authentication 0x11112222333344445555666677778888
-> ipsec key ALLinMD5_SA sa-authentication 0x11112222333344445555666677778888

6 Define the SA. An SA specifies the actual actions to be performed. The security parameters index
(SPI) helps identify the source/destination pair. The security parameters index (SPI) in combination with
the source and destination addresses uniquely identifies an SA. An identical SA (same SPI, source, and
destination) must be configured on both systems exchanging IPsec protected traffic.
-> ipsec sa ALLoutMD5_SA ah source 664:1:1:1::199 destination 664:1:1:1::1 spi
2000 authentication HMAC-MD5 admin-state enable

-> ipsec sa ALLinMD5_SA ah source 664:1:1:1::1 destination 664:1:1:1::199 spi

2001 authentication HMAC-MD5 admin-state enable

7 Use the following show commands to verify the IPsec configuration:

-> show ipsec policy

-> show ipsec sa
-> show ipsec key sa-authentication

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 18-3
Configuring IPsec Quick Steps for Configuring an IPsec Discard Policy

Quick Steps for Configuring an IPsec Discard

IPsec can be used for discarding IPv6 traffic as well as configuring encryption and authentication. For
discard policies, no rules, SAs or keys need to be defined.

1 Define the policy. The commands below use similar policy information as in the previous example but
the action has been changed to discard:
-> ipsec policy Discard_ALLoutMD5 source 664:1:1:1::199/64 destination
664:1:1:1::1/64 protocol any out discard admin-state enable

-> ipsec policy Discard_ALLinMD5 source 664:1:1:1::1/64 destination

664:1:1:1::199/64 protocol any in discard admin-state enable

2 Use the following show commands to verify the IPsec configuration:

-> show ipsec policy

-> show ipsec ipv6 statistics

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 18-4
Configuring IPsec IPsec Overview

IPsec Overview
IPsec provides protection to IPv6 traffic. To achieve this, IPsec provides security services for IPv6 packets
at the network layer. These services include access control, data integrity, authentication, protection
against replay, and data confidentiality. IPsec enables a system to select the security protocols, encryption
and authentication algorithms, and use any cryptographic keys as required. IPsec uses the following two
protocols to provide security for an IPv6 datagram:
• Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) to provide confidentiality, data origin authentication and
connectionless integrity.
• Authentication Header (AH) to provide connectionless integrity and data origin authentication for IPv6
datagrams and to provide optional protection against replay attacks. Unlike ESP, AH does not provide
IPsec on an OmniSwitch operates in Transport mode. In transport mode only the payload of the IPv6
packet is encapsulated, and an IPsec header (AH or ESP) is inserted between the original IPv6 header and
the upper-layer protocol header. The figure below shows an IPv6 packet protected by IPsec in transport

IP Packet in IPsec Transport Mode

Note. The OmniSwitch currently supports the Transport Mode of operation.

Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)

The ESP protocol provides a means to ensure privacy (encryption), source authentication, and content
integrity (authentication). It helps provide enhanced security of the data packet and protects it against
eavesdropping during transit.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 18-5
Configuring IPsec IPsec Overview

Unlike AH which only authenticates the data, ESP encrypts data and also optionally authenticates it. It
provides these services by encrypting the original payload and encapsulating the packet between a header
and a trailer, as shown in the figure below.

16 24 32-bit

Security association identifier (SPI)

Sequence Number

Payload data (variable length)

Padding (0-255 bytes)

Pad Length Next Header

Authentication Data (variable)

IP Packet protected by ESP

ESP is identified by a value of 50 in the IPv6 header. The ESP header is inserted after the IPv6 header and
before the upper layer protocol header. The Security Parameter Index (SPI) in the ESP header is a 32-bit
value that, combined with the destination address and protocol in the preceding IPv6 header, identifies the
security association (SA) to be used to process the packet. SPI helps distinguish multiple SA’s configured
for the same source and destination combination. The payload data field carries the data that is being
encrypted by ESP. The Authentication digest in the ESP header is used to verify data integrity.
Authentication is always applied after encryption, so a check for validity of the data is done upon receipt
of the packet and before decryption.

Encryption Algorithms
There are several different encryption algorithms that can be used in IPsec. However, the most commonly
used algorithms are “AES” and “3DES”. These algorithms are used for encrypting IPv6 packets.
• Advanced Encryption Standard - Cipher Block Chaining - (AES-CBC)

The AES-CBC mode comprises three different key lengths; AES-128, AES-192 and AES-256. Each block
of plaintext is XOR'd with the previous encrypted block before being encrypted again.
• Triple DES (3DES)

A mode of the DES encryption algorithm that encrypts data three times. Three 64-bit keys are used,
instead of one, for an overall key length of 192 bits (the first encryption is encrypted with second key, and
the resulting cipher text is again encrypted with a third key). 3DES is a more powerful version of DES.

Authentication Header (AH)

An Authentication Header (AH) provides connectionless integrity and data origin authentication. This
protocol permits communicating parties to verify that data was not modified in transit and that it was
genuinely transmitted from the apparent source. AH helps verify the authenticity/integrity of the content
and origin of a packet. It can optionally protect against replay attacks by using the sliding window
technique and discarding old packets. It authenticates the packet by calculating the checksum via hash-
based message authentication code (HMAC) using a secret key and either HMAC-MD-5 or HMAC-SHA1
hash functions.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 18-6
Configuring IPsec IPsec Overview

Authentication Algorithms
• HMAC-MD5 - An algorithm that produces a 128-bit hash (also called a digital signature or message
digest) from a message of arbitrary length and a 16-byte key. The resulting hash is used, like a
fingerprint of the input, to verify content and source authenticity and integrity.
• HMAC-SHA1 - An algorithm that produces a 160-bit hash from a message of arbitrary length and a
20-byte key. It is generally regarded as more secure than MD5 because of the larger hashes it produces.
• AES-XCBC-MAC-96 - An algorithm that uses AES [AES] in CBC mode [MODES] with a set of
extensions [XCBC-MAC-1] to overcome the limitations of the classic CBC-MAC algorithm. It uses
the AES block cipher with an increased block size and key length (128 bits) which enables it to
withstand continuing advances in crypto-analytic techniques and computational capability. Its goal is
to ensure that the datagram is authentic and cannot be modified in transit.
Unlike ESP, AH does not encrypt the data. Therefore, it has a much simpler header than ESP. The figure
below shows an AH-protected IPv6 packet.

Next Header(8 bits) Payload Length(8 bits) Reserved (16 bits)

Security association identifier (SPI) (32 bits)

Sequence Number (32 bits)

Authentication Data (Variable)

(Integrity Check Value)

IP Packet protected by AH

AH is identified by a value of 51 in the IPv6 header. The Next header field indicates the value of the upper
layer protocol being protected (for example, UDP or TCP) in the transport mode. The payload length field
in the AH header indicates the length of the header. The SPI, in combination with the source and
destination addresses, helps distinguish multiple SAs configured for the same source and destination
combination. The AH header provides a means to verify data integrity. It is similar to the integrity check
provided by the ESP header with one key difference. The ESP integrity check only verifies the contents of
the ESP payload. AH's integrity check also includes portions of the packet header as well.

IPsec on the OmniSwtich

IPsec allows the following 3 types of actions to be performed on an IPv6 datagram that matches the filters
defined in the security policy:
• The IPv6 datagram can be subjected to IPsec processing, i.e. encrypted, and/or authenticated via ESP
and AH protocols.
• The IPv6 datagram can be discarded.

• The IPv6 datagram can be permitted to pass without being subjected to any IPsec processing.

The system decides which packets are processed and how they are processed by using the combination of
the policy and the SA. The policy is used to specificy which IPsec protocols are used such as AH or ESP
while the SA specifies the algorithms such as AES and HMAC-MD5.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 18-7
Configuring IPsec IPsec Overview

Securing Traffic Using IPsec

Securing traffic using IPsec requires the following main procedures below:
• Master Security Key—Used to encrypt SA keys when stored on the switch.

• Policies—Determines which traffic should be processed using IPsec.

• Policy Rules—Determines whether AH, ESP, or a combination of both should be used.

• Security Associations (SAs)—Determines which algorithms should be used to secure the traffic.

• SA Keys—Determines the keys to be used with the SA to secure the traffic.

Master Security Key

The master security key is used to encrypt and decrypt the configured SA keys that are saved to permanent
storage (e.g., boot.cfg file). If no master security key is configured, SA keys are stored unencrypted.
Therefore, configuring a master key is VITALLY IMPORTANT and STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. A
warning message will be logged if the config is saved witout a Master Security Key being set.

IPsec Policy
IPsec Policies define which traffic requires IPsec processing. The policy requires the source and
destination of the traffic to be specified as IPv6 addresses. The policy may cover all traffic from source to
destination or may further restrict it by specifying an upper-layer protocol, source, and/or destination
ports. Each policy is unidirectional, applying either to inbound or outbound traffic. Therefore, to cover all
traffic between a source and destination, two policies would need to be defined.

IPsec Policy Rules

Rules are created and applied to policies. Rules determine what type of encryption or authentication
should be used for the associated policy. For example, for a security policy where an IPv6 payload should
be protected by an ESP header, which should then be protected by an AH header, two rules would be
applied to the policy, one for ESP and one for AH.

Security Association (SA)

A Security Association, more commonly referred to as an SA, is a basic building block of IPsec. It
specifies the actual IPsec algorithms to be employed. SA is a unidirectional agreement between the
participants regarding the methods and parameters to use in securing a communication channel. A
Security Association is a management tool used to enforce a security policy in the IPsec environment. SA
actually specifies encryption and authentication between communicating peers.
Manually configured SAs are unidirectional; bi-directional communication requires at least two SAs, one
for each direction. Manually-configured SAs are specified by a combination of their SPI, source and
destination addresses. However, multiple SAs can be configured for the same source and destination
combination. Such SAs are distinguished by a unique Security Parameter Index (SPI).

SA Keys
Keys are used for encrypting and authenticating the traffic. Key lengths must match what is required by
the encryption or authentication algorithm specified in the SA. Key values may be specified either in
hexadecimal format or as a string.

Note. The OmniSwitch currently supports manually configured SAs only.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 18-8
Configuring IPsec IPsec Overview

Discarding Traffic using IPsec

In order to discard IPv6 datagrams, a policy is configured in the same manner as an IPsec security policy,
the difference being that the action is set to ‘discard’ instead of ‘ipsec’. A discard policy can prevent IPv6
traffic from traversing the network.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 18-9
Configuring IPsec Configuring IPsec on the OmniSwitch

Configuring IPsec on the OmniSwitch

Before configuring IPsec the following security best practices should be followed:
• Set the Master Security Key—This is used to encrypt SA keys when stored.

• Use SSH, HTTPS, or SNMPv3 to prevent sensitive information such as SA keys from being sent in the
• Restrict IPsec commands to authorized users only. This is described in Chapter 6, “Managing Switch
User Accounts.” in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Switch Management Guide.
Configuring IPsec for securing IPv6 traffic on a switch requires several steps which are explained below
• Configure the master security key for the switch which is used to encrypt and decrypt the configured
SA keys. This is described in “Configuring an IPsec Master Key” on page 18-10.
• Configure an IPsec Security Policy on the switch. This is described in “Configuring an IPsec Policy”
on page 18-11.
• Set an IPsec rule for the configured IPsec Security Policy on the switch. This is described in
“Configuring an IPsec Rule” on page 18-14.
• Enable the Security Policy. This is described in “Enabling and Disabling a Policy” on page 18-12.

• Configure the authentication and encryption keys required for manually configured IPsec Security
associations (SA). This is described in “Configuring IPsec SA Keys” on page 18-16
• Configure an IPsec Security Association on the switch by setting parameters such as Security
Association type, encryption and authentication for SA. This is described in “Configuring an IPsec
SA” on page 18-15.
Configuring IPsec for discarding IPv6 traffic on a switch requires a single step:
• Configure the IPsec Discard policy on the switch which is used to discard or filter the IPv6 packets.
This is described in “Discarding Traffic using IPsec” on page 18-9.

Configuring an IPsec Master Key

The master security key is used to encrypt and decrypt the configured SA keys that are saved to permanent
storage (e.g., boot.cfg file). To set a master security key the first time, simply enter the ipsec security-key
command along with a new key value. For example:

-> ipsec security-key new_master_key_1


-> ipsec security-key 0x12345678123456781234567812345678

Note. The key value can be specified either in hexadecimal format (16 bytes in length) or as a string (16
characters in length). A warning message is logged if SA keys are set without the Master Key being set.

To change the master security key specify the old and new key values.
-> ipsec security-key new_master_key_1 new_master_key_2

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 18-10
Configuring IPsec Configuring IPsec on the OmniSwitch

The above command replaces the old security key with the new key value. The old key value must be
entered to modify an existing key. If an incorrect old key value is entered, then setting the new key will
When the master security key is set or changed, its value is immediately propagated to the secondary
CMM. When the master security key is changed, save and synchronize the current configuration to ensure
the proper operation of IPsec in the event of a switch reboot or takeover.

Note. By default, no master security key is set for the switch. When no master security key is configured for
the switch, the SA key values are written unencrypted to permanent storage (boot.cfg or other
configuration file).

Configuring an IPsec Policy

A policy determines how traffic is going to be processed. For example, policies are used to decide if a
particular IPv6 packet needs to be processed by IPsec or not. If security is required, the security policy
provides general guidelines as to how it should be provided, and if necessary, links to more specific detail.
Each IPsec security policy is unidirectional and can be applied to IPv6 inbound or outbound traffic
depending upon the security level required for the network. Therefore, in order to cover all traffic between
source and destination, a minimum of two policies need to be defined; one policy for inbound traffic and
another policy for outbound traffic.
To configure an IPsec policy, use the ipsec policy command along with the policy name, source IPv6
address, destination IPv6 address and optional parameters such as IPv6 port number, and protocol to
which the security policy gets applied. For example:
Local System
-> ipsec policy tcp_in source 3ffe:1:1:1::99 destination 3ffe:1:1:1::1 protocol
tcp in ipsec description “IPsec on all inbound TCP” admin-state enable

-> ipsec policy tcp_out source 3ffe:1:1:1::1 destination 3ffe:1:1:1:99 protocol

tcp out ipsec description “IPsec on all outbound TCP” admin-state enable

Remote System
-> ipsec policy tcp_out source 3ffe:1:1:1::99 destination 3ffe:1:1:1::1 protocol
tcp out ipsec description “IPsec on all outbound TCP” admin-state enable

-> ipsec policy tcp_in source 3ffe:1:1:1::1 destination 3ffe:1:1:1:99 protocol

tcp in ipsec description “IPsec on all inbound TCP” admin-state enable

The above commands configure a bi-directional IPsec policy for IPv6 traffic destined to or from the
specified IPv6 addresses and indicates the traffic should be processed using IPsec.
Prefixes can also be used when configuring a policy to match a range of addresses as shown below:
-> ipsec policy tcp_in source 3ffe::/16 destination 4ffe::/16 protocol tcp in ipsec
description “Any 3ffe to any 4ffe” admin-state enable

Use the no form of the command to remove the configured IPsec policy. For example:
-> no ipsec policy tcp_in

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 18-11
Configuring IPsec Configuring IPsec on the OmniSwitch

Enabling and Disabling a Policy

You can administratively enable or disable the configured security policy by using the keywords admin-
state enable/disable after the command as shown below:
-> ipsec policy tcp_in admin-state disable

The above command disables the configured IPsec security policy.

Note. Policies cannot be enabled until at least one rule is configured. See “Configuring an IPsec Rule” on
page 18-14.

Assigning a Priority to a Policy

You can use the optional priority parameter to assign a priority to the configured IPsec policy so that if
IPv6 traffic matches more than one configured policy, the policy with the highest priority is applied to the
traffic. The policy with the lower value has the higher priority. For example:
-> ipsec policy tcp_in priority 500

Note. If two security policies have the same priority then the one configured first will be processed first.

Policy Priority Example

-> ipsec policy telnet_deny priority 1000 source ::/0 destination ::/0 port 23
protocol tcp in discard

-> ipsec policy telnet_ipsec priority 200 source 3ffe:1200::/32 destination ::/0
port 23 protocol tcp in ipsec admin-state disable

-> ipsec policy telnet_ipsec rule 1 esp

-> ipsec policy telnet_ipsec admin-state enable

-> ipsec policy telnet_clear priority 100 source 3ffe:1200::1 destination ::/0
port 23 protocol tcp in none

-> ipsec policy telnet_malicious priority 1 source 3ffe:1200::35 destination ::/

0 port 23 protocol tcp in discard

1 Policy telnet_deny is the lowest priority policy. It will discard any incoming telnet connection
2 Policy telnet_ipsec covers a subset of the source addresses of telnet_deny. With its greater priority, it
overrides telnet_deny and allows incoming telnet connections from addresses starting with the prefix
3ffe:1200::/32 as long as they are protected by ESP.
3 The policy telnet_clear overrides telnet_ipsec, allowing telnet connection attempts from the host to be
accepted without any IPsec protection.
4 Policy telnet_malicious can be configured to handle a known malicious system that otherwise would
fall under the telnet_ipsec policy. Its priority of 1 ensures that it always takes precedence and discards any
incoming telnet connection attempts from the known malicious system.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 18-12
Configuring IPsec Configuring IPsec on the OmniSwitch

Assigning an Action to a Policy

To define what action will be performed on the traffic specified in the security policy, you can use the
following parameters:
• discard - Discards the IPv6 packets.

• ipsec - Allows IPsec processing of the traffic to which this policy is applied.

If the action is ipsec, then a rule must be defined before the policy can be enabled. Additionally, SAs and
SA keys must also be configured to support the rule.
• none - No action is performed.

The above commands could be modified to discard the traffic instead of processing using IPsec.
-> ipsec policy tcp_in discard
-> ipsec policy tcp_out discard

Configuring the Protocol for a Policy

You can define the type of protocol to which the security policy can be applied by using the protocol
parameter. For example:
-> ipsec policy udp_in source ::/0 destination 3ffe:200:200:4001::99 protocol
udp in ipsec description "IPsec on all inbound UDP" admin-state enable

The following table lists the various protocols that can be specified, refer to the ipsec policy command for
additional details.

any icmp6[type type] tcp udp
ospf vrrp number protocol

Verifying a Policy
To verify the configured IPsec policy, use the show ipsec policy command. For example:
-> show ipsec policy
Name Priority Source-> Destination Protocol Direction Action State
tcp_in 500 3ffe:1:1:1::99->3ffe:1:1:1::1 TCP in ipsec esp active
tcp_out 500 3ffe:1:1:1::1->3ffe:1:1:1::99 TCP out ipsec esp active
ftp-in-drop 100 ::/0->::/0 TCP in discard disabled
telnet-in-1 100 2000::/48->::/0 TCP in ipsec disabled

The above command provides examples of various configured policies.

Note. The presence of a ‘+’ sign in the ‘Source->Destination’ or ‘Action’ indicates the values has been
truncated to fit. View a specific security policy to view additional details.

You can also verify the configuration of a specific security policy by using the show ipsec policy
command followed by the name of the security policy. For example:

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 18-13
Configuring IPsec Configuring IPsec on the OmniSwitch

-> show ipsec policy tcp_in

Name = tcp_in
Priority = 500
Source = 3ffe:1:1:1::99
Destination = 3ffe:1:1:1::1
Protocol = TCP
Direction = in
Action = ipsec
State = active
1 : esp
IPsec on all inbound TCP

Configuring an IPsec Rule

To configure an IPsec rule for a configured IPsec security policy, use the ipsec policy rule command
along with the policy name, index value for the IPsec policy rule, and IPsec protocol type (AH or ESP).
For example:
-> ipsec policy tcp_in rule 1 esp

The above command applies the configured IPsec security policy with rule 1 to ESP. The index value
specified determines the order in which a rule should get applied to the payload. The policy name
configured for the IPsec policy rule should be the same as the policy name configured for the IPsec
security policy. It’s possible to first encrypt the original content of an IPv6 packet using ESP and then
authenticate the packet using AH by configuring an ESP rule with an index of one and then configuring
the AH rule with an index of two. For example:
-> ipsec policy tcp_in rule 1 esp
-> ipsec policy tcp_in rule 2 ah

Use the no form of this command to remove the configured IPsec rule for an IPsec security policy. For

-> no ipsec policy tcp_in rule 2

Verifying IPsec rule for IPsec Policy

To verify the IPsec policy, use the show ipsec policy command. For example:

-> show ipsec policy tcp_in

Name = tcp_in
Priority = 500
Source = 3ffe:1:1:1::99
Destination = 3ffe:1:1:1::1
Protocol = TCP
Direction = in
Action = ipsec
State = active
1 : esp,
2 : ah
IPsec on all inbound TCP

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 18-14
Configuring IPsec Configuring IPsec on the OmniSwitch

Configuring an IPsec SA
IPsec Security Association (SA) is a set of security information that describes a particular kind of secure
connection between two devices. An SA specifies the actual IPsec algorithms applied to the IPv6 traffic
(e.g. encryption using 3DES, HMAC-SHA1 for authentication).
To configure an IPsec Security Association, use the ipsec sa command along with the type of security
association, IPv6 source address, IPv6 destination address, encryption and authentication algorithms used
for SA. For example:
Local System
-> ipsec sa tcp_in_ah ah source 3ffe:1:1:1::99 destination 3ffe:1:1:1::1 spi
9901 authentication hmac-sha1 description "HMAC SHA1 on traffic from 99 to 1"

-> ipsec sa tcp_out_ah ah source 3ffe:1:1:1::1 destination 3ffe:1:1:1::99 spi

9902 authentication hmac-sha1 description "HMAC SHA1 on traffic from 1 to 99"

Remote System
-> ipsec sa tcp_out_ah ah source 3ffe:1:1:1::99 destination 3ffe:1:1:1::1 spi
9901 authentication hmac-sha1 description "HMAC SHA1 on traffic from 99 to 1"

-> ipsec sa tcp_in_ah ah source 3ffe:1:1:1::1 destination 3ffe:1:1:1::99 spi

9902 authentication hmac-sha1 description "HMAC SHA1 on traffic from 1 to 99"

The above commands configure bi-directional IPsec SAs of AH type for data traffic to and from source
IPv6 addresses 3ffe:1:1:1::99 and 3ffe:1:1:1::1 with security parameter indexes (SPI) of 9901 and 9902.
The combination of SPI, source, and destination addresses uniquely identify an SA. The above commands
also configure hmac-shal as the type of authentication algorithm which is to be used for the IPv6 traffic
covered by the configured SA.

Note. The IPsec endpoints must have identical SAs (SPI, source address, destination addresses) configured.

Use the admin-state enable/disable parameters to enable or disable the SA.

-> ipsec sa tcp_in_ah admin-state enable

Use the no form of the command to disable the SA.

-> no ipsec sa tcp_in_ah

Configuring ESP or AH
The IPsec SA can be configured as ESP or AH. In the above example, the IPsec SA is configured as AH.
You can also configure the SA as ESP, as shown below:
-> ipsec sa tcp_in_ah esp source 3ffe:1:1:1::99 destination 3ffe:1:1:1::1 spi
9901 encryption 3DES-CBC description "3DES on traffic from 99 to 1"

You can use the encryption parameter to specify the encryption algorithm to be used for the traffic
covered by the SA. This parameter can only be used when the SA type is ESP.

Configuring the ESP Key Size

Some types of encryption algorithms allow the key size to specified; specifying the key lengths overrides
their default values. To do so, use the key-size option after the specified encryption algorithm. For

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 18-15
Configuring IPsec Configuring IPsec on the OmniSwitch

-> ipsec sa tcp_in_ah esp source 3ffe:1:1:1::99 destination 3ffe:1:1:1::1 spi

9901 encryption aes-cbc key-size 192

The above command configures an IPsec SA of ESP using aes-cbs and a key length of 192 bits. You can
allow an IPsec SA to operate as an ESP confidentiality-only SA by using the none option with the
authentication parameter or by simply omitting the authentication parameter from the command.
Refer to “Configuring IPsec SA Keys” on page 18-16 or the ipsec sa command for supported encryption
types and key lengths.

Verifying IPsec SA
To display the configured IPsec SA, use the show ipsec sa command. For example:

-> show ipsec sa

Name Type Source-> Destination[SPI] Encryption Authentication State
tcp_in_ah ah 3ffe:1:1:1::99 -> 3ffe:1:1:1::1 [9901] none hmac-sha1 active
tcp_out_ah ah 3ffe:1:1:1::1 -> 3ffe:1:1:1::99 [9902] none hmac-sha1 active

To display the configuration of a specific IPsec SA, use the show ipsec sa command followed by the
name of the configured IPsec SA. For example:

-> show ipsec sa tcp_in_ah

Name = tcp_in_ah
Type = AH
Source = 3ffe:1:1:1::99,
Destination = 3ffe:1:1:1::1,
SPI = 9901
Encryption = none
Authentication = hmac-sha1
State = active
"HMAC SHA1 on traffic from 99 to 1

Configuring IPsec SA Keys

To configure the authentication and encryption keys for a manually configured SA, use the ipsec key
command along with the SA name and key value which will be used for AH or ESP. For example:
-> ipsec key tcp_in_ah sa-authentication 0x11223344556677889900112233445566

The above command configures an IPsec SA key named tcp_in_ah. This IPsec SA key will be used for the
AH authentication protocol and has a value of 0x11223344556677889900112233445566.
The length of the key value must match the value that is required by the encryption or authentication
algorithm that will use the key. The table shown below displays the key lengths for the supported algorithms:

Algorithm Key Length

3DES-CBC 192 Bits
AES-CBC 128,192, or 256
HMAC-MD5 128 Bits

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 18-16
Configuring IPsec Configuring IPsec on the OmniSwitch

Algorithm Key Length

HMAC-SHA1 160 Bits

Use the following information to determine how to create the proper key size:
• Number of Characters = Key Size (in bits) / 8; Ex. A 160-bit key would require 20 characters for the
• Number of Hexidecimal = Key Size (in bits) / 4; Ex. A 160-bit key would require 40 hexidecimal

Note. The name parameter must be the same as the name of the manually configured IPsec SA. Also, the
combination of the key name and type must be unique.

Use the no form of this command to delete the configured IPsec SA key. For example:
-> no ipsec key tcp_in_ah

Verifying IPsec SA Key

To display the encryption key values which are configured for manually configured IPsec SAs, use the
show ipsec key command For example:

-> show ipsec key sa-encryption

Encryption Keys
Name Length (bits)
sa_1 192
sa_2 160
sa_3 64

The above command shows the number of manually configured SAs along with their encryption key
lengths in bits respectively. To display the IPsec SA keys used for authentication, use the show ipsec key
command, as shown below:

-> show ipsec key sa-authentication

Authentication Keys
Name Length (bits)
tcp_in_ah 160
sa_1 128
sa_5 160

The above command shows the number of manually configured SAs along with their authentication key
lengths in bits respectively.

Note. Due to security reasons, key values will not be displayed; only key names and key lengths will be

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 18-17
Configuring IPsec Configuring IPsec on the OmniSwitch

Once IPsec is configured for IPv6 on the switch, you can monitor the incoming and outgoing packets for
the configured parameters by using the show ipsec ipv6 statistics command.

-> show ipsec ipv6 statistics

Successful = 2787
Policy violation = 0
No SA found = 0
Unknown SPI = 0
AH replay check failed = 0
ESP replay check failed = 0
AH authentication success = 93
AH authentication failure = 0
ESP authentication success = 25
ESP authentication failure = 0
Packet not valid = 0
No memory available = 0
Successful = 5135
Policy violation = 0
No SA found = 19
Packet not valid = 0
No memory available = 0

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 18-18
Configuring IPsec Additional Examples

Additional Examples
Configuring ESP
The example below shows the commands for configuring ESP between two OmniSwitches for all TCP

Switch A Switch B


IPv6 address: 3ffe::100 IPv6 address: 3ffe::200

ESP Between Two OmniSwitches

Switch A
-> ipsec security-key master-key-12345

-> ipsec policy tcp_out source 3ffe::100 destination 3ffe::200 protocol tcp out
ipsec description “IPsec on TCP to 200”

-> ipsec policy tcp_in source 3ffe::200 destination 3ffe::100 protocol tcp in
ipsec description “IPsec on TCP from 200”

-> ipsec policy tcp_out rule 1 esp

-> ipsec policy tcp_in rule 1 esp

-> ipsec policy tcp_out admin-state enable

-> ipsec policy tcp_in admin-state enable

-> ipsec sa tcp_out_esp esp source 3ffe::100 destination 3ffe::200 spi 1000
encryption des-cbc authentication hmac-sha1 description “ESP to 200” admin-state

-> ipsec sa tcp_in_esp esp source 3ffe::200 destination 3ffe::100 spi 1001
encryption des-cbc authentication hmac-sha1 description “ESP from 200” admin-
state enable

-> ipsec key tcp_out_esp sa-encryption 12345678

-> ipsec key tcp_out_esp sa-authentication 12345678901234567890

-> ipsec key tcp_in_esp sa-encryption 12345678

-> ipsec key tcp_in_esp sa-authentication 12345678901234567890

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 18-19
Configuring IPsec Additional Examples

Switch B
-> ipsec security-key master-key-12345

-> ipsec policy tcp_out source 3ffe::200 destination 3ffe::100 protocol tcp out
ipsec description “IPsec on TCP to 100”

-> ipsec policy tcp_in source 3ffe::100 destination 3ffe::200 protocol tcp in
ipsec description “IPsec on TCP from 100”

-> ipsec policy tcp_out rule 1 esp

-> ipsec policy tcp_in rule 1 esp

-> ipsec policy tcp_out admin-state enable

-> ipsec policy tcp_in admin-state enable

-> ipsec sa tcp_out_esp esp source 3ffe::200 destination 3ffe::100 spi 1001
encryption des-cbc authentication hmac-sha1 description “ESP to 100” admin-state

-> ipsec sa tcp_in_esp esp source 3ffe::100 destination 3ffe::200 spi 1000
encryption des-cbc authentication hmac-sha1 description “ESP from 100” admin-
state enable

-> ipsec key tcp_out_esp sa-encryption 12345678

-> ipsec key tcp_out_esp sa-authentication 12345678901234567890

-> ipsec key tcp_in_esp sa-encryption 12345678

-> ipsec key tcp_in_esp sa-authentication 12345678901234567890

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 18-20
Configuring IPsec Additional Examples

Discarding RIPng Packets

RIPng uses the well known address of ff02::9 to advertise routes. The following example shows how
IPsec can be configured to drop all RIPng packets.

Switch A Switch B

Link Local: fe80::100 Link Local: fe80::200

Discarding RIPng Packets

Switch A
-> ipsec policy DISCARD_UDPout source fe80::100 destination ff02::9 protocol udp
out discard

-> ipsec policy DISCARD_UDPin source fe80::200 destination ff02::9 protocol udp
in discard

Switch B
-> ipsec policy DISCARD_UDPout source fe80::200 destination ff02::9 protocol udp
out discard

-> ipsec policy DISCARD_UDPin source fe80::100 destination ff02::9 protocol udp
in discard

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 18-21
Configuring IPsec Verifying IPsec Configuration

Verifying IPsec Configuration

To display information such as details about manually configured IPsec Security Associations and other
IPsec parameters configured on the switch, use the show commands listed in the following table::

show ipsec sa Displays information about manually configured IPsec SAs.

show ipsec key Displays encryption and authentication key values for the manually
configured IPsec SA.
show ipsec policy Displays information about IPsec Security Policies configured for the
show ipsec ipv6 statistics Displays IPsec statistics for IPv6 traffic.

For more information about the resulting displays form these commands, see the “IPsec Commands”
chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.
Examples of the above commands and their outputs are given in the section “Configuring IPsec on the
OmniSwitch” on page 18-10.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 18-22
19 Configuring RIP

Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is a widely used Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) that uses hop count
as its routing metric. RIP-enabled routers update neighboring routers by transmitting a copy of their own
routing table. The RIP routing table uses the most efficient route to a destination, that is, the route with the
fewest hops and longest matching prefix.
The switch supports RIP version 1 (RIPv1), RIP version 2 (RIPv2), and RIPv2 that is compatible with
RIPv1. It also supports text key and MD5 authentication, on an interface basis, for RIPv2.

In This Chapter
This chapter describes RIP and how to configure it through the Command Line Interface (CLI). It includes
instructions for configuring basic RIP routing and fine-tuning RIP by using optional RIP configuration
parameters (e.g., RIP send/receive option and RIP interface metric). It also details RIP redistribution,
which allows a RIP network to exchange routing information with networks running different protocols
(e.g., OSPF and BGP). CLI commands are used in the configuration examples; for more details about the
syntax of commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.
This chapter provides an overview of RIP and includes information about the following procedures:
• RIP Routing
– Loading RIP (see page 19-6)
– Enabling RIP (see page 19-7)
– Creating a RIP Interface (see page 19-7)
– Enabling a RIP Interface (see page 19-7)
• RIP Options
– Configuring the RIP Forced Hold-Down Interval (see page 19-9)
– Configuring the RIP Update Interval (see page 19-9)
– Configuring the RIP Invalid Timer (see page 19-10)
– Configuring the RIP Garbage Timer (see page 19-10)
– Configuring the RIP Hold-Down Timer (see page 19-10)
– Enabling a RIP Host Route (see page 19-11)
• RIP Redistribution
– Configuring Route Redistribution (see page page 19-12)
• RIP Security
– Configuring Authentication Type (see page 19-18)
– Configuring Passwords (see page 19-18)

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 19-1
Configuring RIP RIP Defaults

RIP Defaults
The following table lists the defaults for RIP configuration through the ip rip command.

Description Command Default

RIP Status ip rip admin-state disable
RIP Forced Hold-Down Interval ip rip force-holddowntimer 0
RIP Update Interval ip rip update-interval 30 seconds
RIP Invalid Timer ip rip invalid-timer 180 seconds
RIP Garbage Timer ip rip garbage-timer 120 seconds
RIP Hold-Down Timer ip rip holddown-timer 0
RIP Interface Metric ip rip interface metric 1
RIP Interface Send Version ip rip interface send-version v2
RIP Interface Receive Version ip rip interface recv-version both
RIP Host Route ip rip host-route enable
RIP Route Tag ip rip host-route 0

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 19-2
Configuring RIP Quick Steps for Configuring RIP Routing

Quick Steps for Configuring RIP Routing

To forward packets to a device on a different VLAN, you must create a router interface on each VLAN.
To route packets by using RIP, you must enable RIP and create a RIP interface on the router interface. The
following steps show you how to enable RIP routing between VLANs “from scratch”. If active VLANs
and router ports have already been created on the switch, go to Step 7.

1 Create VLAN 1 with a description (e.g., VLAN 1) by using the vlan command. For example:

-> vlan 1 name “VLAN 1”

2 Create VLAN 2 with a description (e.g., VLAN 2) by using the vlan command. For example:

-> vlan 2 name “VLAN 2”

3 Assign an active port to VLAN 1 by using the vlan members untagged command. For example, the
following command assigns port 1 on slot 1 to VLAN 1:
-> vlan 1 members port 1/1 untagged

4 Assign an active port to VLAN 2 by using the vlan members command. For example, the following
command assigns port 2 on slot 1 to VLAN 2:
-> vlan 2 members port 1/2 untagged

5 Configure an IP interface to enable IP routing on a VLAN by using the ip interface command. For
-> ip interface vlan-1 address vlan 1

6 Configure an IP interface to enable IP routing on a VLAN by using the ip interface command. For
-> ip interface vlan-2 address vlan 2

7 Load RIP into the switch memory by using the ip load rip command. For example:

-> ip load rip

8 Enable RIP on the switch by using the ip rip admin-state command. For example:

-> ip rip admin-state enable

9 Create a RIP interface on VLAN 1 by using the ip rip interface command. For example:

-> ip rip interface vlan-1

10 Enable the RIP interface by using the ip rip interface admin-state command. For example:

-> ip rip interface vlan-1 admin-state enable

11 Create an RIP interface on VLAN 2 by using the ip rip interface command. For example:

-> ip rip interface vlan-2

Note. For more information on VLANs and router ports, see Chapter 4, “Configuring VLANs.”

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 19-3
Configuring RIP RIP Overview

RIP Overview
In switching, traffic can be transmitted from one media type to another within the same VLAN. Switching
happens at Layer 2, the link layer; routing happens at Layer 3, the network layer. In IP routing, traffic can
be transmitted across VLANs. When IP routing is enabled, the switch uses routing protocols to build
routing tables that keep track of stations in the network and decide the best path for forwarding data.
When the switch receives a packet to be routed, it strips off the MAC header and examines the IP header.
It looks up the source/destination address in the routing table, and then adds the appropriate MAC address
to the packet. Calculating routing tables and stripping/adding MAC headers to packets is performed by
switch software.
IP is associated with several Layer 3 routing protocols. RIP is built into the base code loaded onto the
switch. Others are part of Alcatel-Lucent’s optional Advanced Routing Software. IP supports the
following IP routing protocols:
• RIP—An IGP that defines how routers exchange information. RIP makes routing decisions by using a
“least-cost path” method. RIPv1 and RIPv2 services allow the switch to learn routing information from
neighboring RIP routers. For more information and instructions for configuring RIP, see “RIP
Routing” on page 19-6.
• Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)—An IGP that provides a routing function similar to RIP but uses
different techniques to determine the best route for a datagram. OSPF is part of Alcatel-Lucent’s
optional Advanced Routing Software. For more information see the “Configuring OSPF” chapter in the
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Advanced Routing Configuration Guide.
When RIP is initially enabled on a switch, it issues a request for routing information, and listens for
responses to the request. If a switch configured to supply RIP hears the request, it responds with a
response packet based on information in its routing database. The response packet contains destination
network addresses and the routing metric for each destination. When a RIP response packet is received,
RIP takes the information and rebuilds the switch’s routing database, adding new routes and “better”
(lower metric) routes to destinations already listed in the database.
RIP uses a hop count metric to measure the distance to a destination. In the RIP metric, a switch advertises
directly connected networks at a metric of 1. Networks that are reachable through one other gateway are 2
hops, networks that are reachable through two gateways are 3 hops, etc. Thus, the number of hops (or hop
count) along a path from a given source to a given destination refers to the number of networks that are
traversed by a datagram along that path. When a switch receives a routing update that contains a new or
changed destination network entry, the switch adds one to the metric value indicated in the update and
enters the network in the routing table. After updating its routing table, the switch immediately begins
transmitting routing updates to inform other network switches of the change. These updates are sent
independently of the regularly scheduled updates. By default, RIP packets are broadcast every 30 seconds,
even if no change has occurred anywhere in a route or service.
RIP deletes routes from the database if the next switch to that destination says the route contains more
than 15 hops. In addition, all routes through a gateway are deleted by RIP if no updates are received from
that gateway for a specified time period. If a gateway is not heard from for 120 seconds, all routes from
that gateway are placed in a hold-down state. If the hold-down timer value is exceeded, the routes are
deleted from the routing database. These intervals also apply to deletion of specific routes.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 19-4
Configuring RIP RIP Overview

RIP Version 2
RIP version 2 (RIPv2) adds additional capabilities to RIP. Not all RIPv2 enhancements are compatible
with RIPv1. To avoid supplying information to RIPv1 routes that could be misinterpreted, RIPv2 can only
use non-compatible features when its packets are multicast. Multicast is not supported by RIPv1. On
interfaces that are not compatible with IP multicast, the RIPv1-compatible packets used do not contain
potentially confusing information. RIPv2 enhancements are listed below.
• Next Hop—RIPv2 can advertise a next hop other than the switch supplying the routing update. This
capability is useful when advertising a static route to a silent switch not using RIP, since packets
passing through the silent switch do not have to cross the network twice.
• Network Mask—RIPv1 assumes that all subnetworks of a given network have the same network mask.
It uses this assumption to calculate the network masks for all routes received. This assumption prevents
subnets with different netmasks from being included in RIP packets. RIPv2 adds the ability to specify
the network mask with each network in a packet. Because RIPv1 switches ignore the network mask in
RIPv2 packets, their calculation of the network mask could possibly be wrong. For this reason, RIPv1-
compatible RIPv2 packets cannot contain networks that would be misinterpreted by RIPv1. These
networks must only be provided in native RIPv2 packets that are multicast.
• Authentication—RIPv2 packets can contain an authentication key that can be used to verify the
validity of the supplied routing data. Authentication can be used in RIPv1-compatible RIPv2 packets,
but RIPv1 switches ignore authentication information. Authentication is a simple password in which an
authentication key of up to 16 characters is included in the packet. If this key does not match the
configured authentication key, the packet is discarded. For more information on RIP authentication, see
“RIP Security” on page 19-18.
• IP Multicast—IP Multicast Switching (IPMS) is a one-to-many communication technique employed by
emerging applications such as video distribution, news feeds, netcasting, and resource discovery.
Unlike unicast, which sends one packet per destination, multicast sends one packet to all devices in any
subnetwork that has at least one device requesting the multicast traffic. For more information on IPMS,
see Chapter 25, “Configuring IP Multicast Switching.”

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 19-5
Configuring RIP RIP Routing

RIP Routing
IP routing requires IP router interfaces to be configured on VLANs and a routing protocol to be enabled
and configured on the switch. RIP also requires a RIP interface to be created and enabled on the routing
interface. In the illustration below, a router interface and RIP interface have been configured on each
VLAN. Therefore, workstations connected to ports on VLAN 1 on Switch 1 can communicate with
VLAN 2; workstations connected to ports on VLAN 3 on Switch 2 can communicate with VLAN 2. Also,
ports from both switches have been assigned to VLAN 2, and a physical connection has been made
between the switches. Therefore, workstations connected to VLAN 1 on Switch 1 can communicate with
workstations connected to VLAN 3 on Switch 2.

Switch 1 Switch 2

Router interface/
= RIP Interface

RIP Routing Table RIP Routing Table

VLAN 1 VLAN 2 Connection VLAN 3

RIP Routing

Loading RIP
When the switch is initially configured, RIP must be loaded into the switch memory. Use the ip load rip
command to load RIP.
To remove RIP from the switch memory, you must manually edit the boot.cfg file. The boot.cfg file is an
ASCII text-based file that controls many of the switch parameters. Open the file and delete all references
to RIP. You must reboot the switch when this is complete.

Note. In simple networks where only IP forwarding is required, you need not use RIP. If you are not using
RIP, it is best not to load it to save switch resources.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 19-6
Configuring RIP RIP Routing

Enabling RIP
RIP is disabled by default. Use the ip rip admin-state command to enable RIP routing on the switch. For
-> ip rip admin-state enable

Use the ip rip admin-state disable command to disable RIP routing on the switch. Use the show ip rip
command to display the current RIP status.

Creating a RIP Interface

You must create a RIP interface on a VLAN’s IP router interface to enable RIP routing. Enter the ip rip
interface command followed by the name of the VLAN router port. For example, to create a RIP interface
on a router port with a name of rip-1 you would enter:
-> ip rip interface rip-1

Use the no ip rip interface command to delete a RIP interface. Use the show ip rip interface command
to display configuration and error information for a RIP interface.

Note. You can create a RIP interface even if an IP router interface has not been configured. However, RIP
does not function unless a RIP interface is created and enabled on an IP router interface. See Chapter 4,
“Configuring VLANs,” and Chapter 15, “Configuring IP,” for more information.

Enabling a RIP Interface

Once you have created a RIP interface, you must enable it to enable RIP routing. Use the ip rip interface
admin-state command followed by the interface IP address to enable a RIP interface. For example, to
enable RIP routing on a RIP interface rip-1 you would enter:
-> ip rip interface rip-1 admin-state enable

To disable an RIP interface, use the disable keyword with the ip rip interface admin-state command. For
example to disable RIP routing on a RIP interface rip-1 you would enter:
-> ip rip interface rip-1 admin-state disable

Configuring the RIP Interface Send Option

The RIP Send option defines the type(s) of RIP packets that the interface sends. Using this command
overrides RIP default behavior. Other devices must be able to interpret the information provided by this
command or routing information is not properly exchanged between the switch and other devices on the
Use the ip rip interface send-version command to configure an individual RIP interface Send option.
Enter the IP address of the RIP interface, and then enter a Send option. For example, to configure a RIP
interface rip-1 to send only RIPv1 packets you would enter:
-> ip rip interface rip-1 send-version v1

The Send options are:

• v1. Only RIPv1 packets is sent by the switch.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 19-7
Configuring RIP RIP Routing

• v2. Only RIPv2 packets is sent by the switch.

• v1compatible. Only RIPv2 broadcast packets (not multicast) is sent by the switch.

• none. Interface does not forward RIP packets.

To set the default RIP send option use the ip rip interface send-version command.
Use the show ip rip interface command to display the current interface send option.

Configuring the RIP Interface Receive Option

The RIP Receive option defines the type(s) of RIP packets that the interface accepts. Using this command
overrides RIP default behavior. Other devices must be able to interpret the information provided by this
command or routing information is not properly exchanged between the switch and other devices on the
Use the ip rip interface recv-version command to configure an individual RIP interface Receive option.
Enter the IP address of the RIP interface, and then enter a Receive option. For example, to configure RIP
interface rip-1 to receive only RIPv1 packets you would enter:
-> ip rip interface rip-1 recv-version v1

The Receive options are:

• v1. Only RIPv1 packets is received by the switch.

• v2. Only RIPv2 packets is received by the switch.

• both. Both RIPv1 and RIPv2 packets is received by the switch.

• none. Interface ignores any RIP packets received.

To set the default RIP receive option use the ip rip interface recv-version command.

Configuring the RIP Interface Metric

You can set priorities for routes generated by a switch by assigning a metric value to routes generated by
that switch’s RIP interface. For example, routes generated by a neighboring switch can have a hop count
of 1. However, you can lower the priority of routes generated by that switch by increasing the metric value
for routes generated by the RIP interface.

Note. When you configure a metric for a RIP interface, this metric cost is added to the metric of the
incoming route.

Use the ip rip interface metric command to configure the RIP metric or cost for routes generated by a
RIP interface. Enter the IP address of the RIP interface as well as a metric value. For example, to set a
metric value of 2 for the RIP interface rip-1 you would enter:
-> ip rip interface rip-1 metric 2

The valid metric range is 1 to 15. To change the default value use the ip rip interface metric command.
Use the show ip rip interface command to display the current interface metric.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 19-8
Configuring RIP RIP Options

Configuring the RIP Interface Route Tag

Use the ip rip route-tag command to configure a route tag value for routes generated by the RIP
interface. This value is used to set priorities for RIP routing. Enter the command and the route tag value.
For example, to set a route tag value of 1 you would enter:
-> ip rip route-tag 1

The valid route tag value range is 1 to 2147483647.

Use the show ip rip command to display the current route tag value.

RIP Options
The following sections detail procedures for configuring RIP options. RIP must be loaded and enabled on
the switch before you can configure any of the RIP configuration options.

Configuring the RIP Forced Hold-Down Interval

The RIP forced hold-down timer value defines an amount of time, in seconds, during which routing
information regarding better paths is suppressed. A route enters into a forced hold-down state when an
update packet is received that indicates the route is unreachable and when this timer is set to a non-zero
value. After this timer has expired and if the value is less that 120 seconds, the route enters a hold-down
state for the rest of the period until the remainder of the 120 seconds has also expired. During this time the
switch accepts any advertisements for better paths that are received.
Note that the RIP forced hold-down timer is not the same as the RIP hold-down timer. The forced hold-
down timer defines a separate interval that overlaps the hold-down state. During the forced hold-down
timer interval, the switch does not accept better routes from other gateways. For more information on RIP
hold-down timer, see “Configuring the RIP Hold-Down Timer” on page 19-10.
Use the ip rip force-holddowntimer command to configure the interval during which a RIP route
remains in a forced hold-down state. Enter the command and the forced hold-down interval value, in
seconds. For example, to set a forced hold-down interval value of 10 seconds you would enter:
-> ip rip force-holddowntimer 10

The valid forced hold-down timer range is 0 to 120.

Use the show ip rip command to display the current forced hold-down timer value.

Configuring the RIP Update Interval

The RIP update interval defines the time interval, in seconds, when routing updates are sent out. This
interval value must be less than or equal to one-third the value of the invalid timer.
Use the ip rip update-interval command to configure the interval during which a RIP route remains in an
update state. Enter the command and the update interval value, in seconds. For example, to set an update
interval value of 45 seconds, you would enter:
-> ip rip update-interval 45

The valid update interval range is 1 to 120.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 19-9
Configuring RIP RIP Options

Configuring the RIP Invalid Timer

The RIP invalid timer value defines the time interval, in seconds, during which a route remains active in
the Routing Information Base (RIB) before it is moved to the invalid state. This timer value must be at
least three times the update interval value.
Use the ip rip invalid-timer command to configure the time interval that must elapse before an active
route becomes invalid. Enter the command and the invalid timer value, in seconds. For example, to set an
invalid interval value of 270 seconds you would enter:
-> ip rip invalid-timer 270

The invalid timer range is 3 to 360.

Configuring the RIP Garbage Timer

The RIP garbage timer defines the time interval, in seconds, that must elapse before an expired route is
removed from the RIB.
Note that during the garbage interval, the router advertises the route with a metric of INFINITY.
Use the ip rip garbage-timer command to configure the time interval after which an expired route is
removed from the RIB. Enter the command and the garbage timer value, in seconds. For example, to set a
garbage timer value of 180 seconds you would enter:
-> ip rip garbage-timer 180

The garbage timer range is 0 to 180.

Configuring the RIP Hold-Down Timer

The RIP hold-down timer defines the time interval, in seconds, during which a route remains in the
holddown state.
Whenever RIP detects a route with a higher metric than the route in the RIB, the route with the higher
metric goes into the hold-down state. The route updates with a metric of INFINITY are excluded.
Use the ip rip holddown-timer command to configure the interval during which a RIP route remains in
the hold-down state. Enter the command and the hold-down timer value, in seconds. For example, to set a
hold-down timer value of 10 seconds you would enter:
-> ip rip holddown-timer 10

The hold-down timer range is 0 to 120.

Reducing the Frequency of RIP Routing Updates

To optimize system performance, you can reduce the frequency of the RIP routing updates by increasing
the length of the update, invalid, and garbage timers by about 50% above their default values. For
-> ip rip update-interval 45
-> ip rip invalid-timer 270
-> ip rip garbage-timer 180

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 19-10
Configuring RIP RIP Options

Enabling a RIP Host Route

A host route differs from a network route, which is a route to a specific network. This command allows a
direct connection to the host without using the RIP table. If a switch is directly attached to a host on a
network, use the ip rip host-route command to enable a default route to the host. For example:
-> ip rip host-route

The default is to enable a default host route.

Use the no ip rip host-route command to disable the host route. Use the show ip rip command to display
the current host route status.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 19-11
Configuring RIP Configuring Redistribution

Configuring Redistribution
It is possible to configure the RIP protocol to advertise routes learned from other routing protocols into the
RIP network. Such a process is referred to as route redistribution and is configured using the ip redist
Redistribution uses route maps to control how external routes are learned and distributed. A route map
consists of one or more user-defined statements that can determine which routes are allowed or denied
access to the RIP network. In addition a route map can also contain statements that modify route
parameters before they are redistributed.
When a route map is created, it is given a name to identify the group of statements that it represents. This
name is required by the ip redist command. Therefore, configuring route redistribution involves the
following steps:
1 Create a route map, as described in “Using Route Maps” on page 19-12.

2 Configure redistribution to apply a route map, as described in “Configuring Route Map Redistribution”
on page 19-15.

Using Route Maps

A route map specifies the criteria that are used to control redistribution of routes between protocols. Such
criteria is defined by configuring route map statements. There are three different types of statements:
• Action. An action statement configures the route map name, sequence number, and whether or not
redistribution is permitted or denied based on route map criteria.
• Match. A match statement specifies criteria that a route must match. When a match occurs, then the
action statement is applied to the route.
• Set. A set statement is used to modify route information before the route is redistributed into the
receiving protocol. This statement is only applied if all the criteria of the route map is met and the
action permits redistribution.
The ip route-map command is used to configure route map statements and provides the following action,
match, and set parameters:

ip route-map action ... ip route-map match ... ip route-map set ...

permit ip-address metric
deny ip-nexthop metric-type
ipv6-address tag
ipv6-nexthop community
tag local-preference
ipv4-interface level
ipv6-interface ip-nexthop
metric ipv6-nexthop

Refer to the “IP Commands” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide for more
information about the ip route-map command parameters and usage guidelines.
Once a route map is created, it is then applied using the ip redist command. See “Configuring Route Map
Redistribution” on page 19-15 for more information.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 19-12
Configuring RIP Configuring Redistribution

Creating a Route Map

When a route map is created, it is given a name (up to 20 characters), a sequence number, and an action
(permit or deny). Specifying a sequence number is optional. If a value is not configured, then the number
50 is used by default.
To create a route map, use the ip route-map command with the action parameter. For example,
-> ip route-map ospf-to-rip sequence-number 10 action permit

The above command creates the ospf-to-rip route map, assigns a sequence number of 10 to the route
map, and specifies a permit action.
To optionally filter routes before redistribution, use the ip route-map command with a match parameter
to configure match criteria for incoming routes. For example,
-> ip route-map ospf-to-rip sequence-number 10 match tag 8

The above command configures a match statement for the ospf-to-rip route map to filter routes based on
their tag value. When this route map is applied, only OSPF routes with a tag value of eight are
redistributed into the RIP network. All other routes with a different tag value are dropped.

Note. Configuring match statements is not required. However, if a route map does not contain any match
statements and the route map is applied using the ip redist command, the router redistributes all routes into
the network of the receiving protocol.

To modify route information before it is redistributed, use the ip route-map command with a set
parameter. For example,
-> ip route-map ospf-to-rip sequence-number 10 set tag 5

The above command configures a set statement for the ospf-to-rip route map that changes the route tag
value to five. Because this statement is part of the ospf-to-rip route map, it is only applied to routes that
have an existing tag value equal to eight.
The following is a summary of the commands used in the above examples:
-> ip route-map ospf-to-rip sequence-number 10 action permit
-> ip route-map ospf-to-rip sequence-number 10 match tag 8
-> ip route-map ospf-to-rip sequence-number 10 set tag 5

To verify a route map configuration, use the show ip route-map command:

-> show ip route-map
Route Maps: configured: 1 max: 200
Route Map: ospf-to-rip Sequence Number: 10 Action permit
match tag 8
set tag 5

Deleting a Route Map

Use the no form of the ip route-map command to delete an entire route map, a route map sequence, or a
specific statement within a sequence.
To delete an entire route map, enter no ip route-map followed by the route map name. For example, the
following command deletes the entire route map named redistipv4:
-> no ip route-map redistipv4

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 19-13
Configuring RIP Configuring Redistribution

To delete a specific sequence number within a route map, enter no ip route-map followed by the route
map name, then sequence-number followed by the actual number. For example, the following command
deletes sequence 10 from the redistipv4 route map:
-> no ip route-map redistipv4 sequence-number 10

Note that in the above example, the redistripv4 route map is not deleted. Only those statements associated
with sequence 10 are removed from the route map.
To delete a specific statement within a route map, enter no ip route-map followed by the route map name,
then sequence-number followed by the sequence number for the statement, then either match or set and
the match or set parameter and value. For example, the following command deletes only the match tag 8
statement from route map redistipv4 sequence 10:
-> no ip route-map redistipv4 sequence-number 10 match tag 8

Configuring Route Map Sequences

A route map consists of one or more sequences of statements. The sequence number determines which
statements belong to which sequence and the order in which sequences for the same route map are
To add match and set statements to an existing route map sequence, specify the same route map name and
sequence number for each statement. For example, the following series of commands creates route map
rm_1 and configures match and set statements for the rm_1 sequence 10:
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 action permit
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 match tag 8
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 set metric 1

To configure a new sequence of statements for an existing route map, specify the same route map name
but use a different sequence number. For example, the following command creates a new sequence 20 for
the rm_1 route map:
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 20 action permit
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 20 match ipv4-interface to-finance
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 20 set metric 5

The resulting route map appears as follows:

-> show ip route-map rm_1
Route Map: rm_1 Sequence Number: 10 Action permit
match tag 8
set metric 1
Route Map: rm_1 Sequence Number: 20 Action permit
match ipv4 interface to-finance
set metric 5

Sequence 10 and sequence 20 are both linked to route map rm_1 and are processed in ascending order
according to their sequence number value. Note that there is an implied logical OR between sequences. As
a result, if there is no match for the tag value in sequence 10, then the match interface statement in
sequence 20 is processed. However, if a route matches the tag 8 value, then sequence 20 is not used. The
set statement for whichever sequence was matched is applied.
A route map sequence contains multiple match statements. If these statements are of the same kind (e.g.,
match tag 5, match tag 8, etc.) then a logical OR is implied between each like statement. If the match
statements specify different types of matches (e.g. match tag 5, match ip4 interface to-finance, etc.), then a
logical AND is implied between each statement. For example, the following route map sequence
redistributes a route if its tag is either 8 or 5:

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 19-14
Configuring RIP Configuring Redistribution

-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 action permit

-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 match tag 5
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 match tag 8

The following route map sequence redistributes a route if the route has a tag of 8 or 5 and the route was
learned on the IPv4 interface to-finance:
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 action permit
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 match tag 5
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 match tag 8
-> ip route-map rm_1 sequence-number 10 match ipv4-interface to-finance

Configuring Access Lists

An IP access list provides a convenient way to add multiple IPv4 or IPv6 addresses to a route map. Using
an access list avoids having to enter a separate route map statement for each individual IP address. Instead,
a single statement is used that specifies the access list name. The route map is then applied to all the
addresses contained within the access list.
Configuring an IP access list involves two steps: creating the access list and adding IP addresses to the list.
To create an IP access list, use the ip access-list command (IPv4) or the ipv6 access-list command (IPv6)
and specify a name to associate with the list. For example,
-> ip access-list ipaddr
-> ipv6 access-list ip6addr

To add addresses to an access list, use the ip access-list address (IPv4) or the ipv6 access-list address
(IPv6) command. For example, the following commands add addresses to an existing access list:
-> ip access-list ipaddr address
-> ipv6 access-list ip6addr address 2001::1/64

Use the same access list name each time the above commands are used to add additional addresses to the
same access list. In addition, both commands provide the ability to configure if an address and/or its
matching subnet routes are permitted (the default) or denied redistribution. For example:
-> ip access-list ipaddr address action deny redist-control all-
-> ipv6 access-list ip6addr address 2001::1/64 action permit redist-control no-

For more information about configuring access list commands, see the “IP Commands” chapter in the
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

Configuring Route Map Redistribution

The ip redist command is used to configure the redistribution of routes from a source protocol into the
RIP destination protocol. This command is used on the RIP router that performs the redistribution.
A source protocol is a protocol from which the routes are learned. A destination protocol is the one into
which the routes are redistributed. Make sure that both protocols are loaded and enabled before
configuring redistribution.
Redistribution applies criteria specified in a route map to routes received from the source protocol.
Therefore, configuring redistribution requires an existing route map. For example, the following command
configures the redistribution of OSPF routes into the RIP network using the ospf-to-rip route map:
-> ip redist ospf into rip route-map ospf-to-rip

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 19-15
Configuring RIP Configuring Redistribution

RIP routes received by the router interface are processed based on the contents of the ospf-to-rip route
map. Routes that match criteria specified in this route map are either allowed or denied redistribution into
the RIP network. The route map can also specify the modification of route information before the route is
redistributed. See “Using Route Maps” on page 19-12 for more information.
To remove a route map redistribution configuration, use the no form of the ip redist command. For
-> no ipv6 redist ospf into rip route-map ospf-to-rip

Use the show ip redist command to verify the redistribution configuration:

-> show ip redist

Source Destination
Protocol Protocol Status Route Map
LOCAL4 RIP Enabled rip_1
LOCAL4 OSPF Enabled ospf_2
LOCAL4 BGP Enabled bgp_3
RIP OSPF Enabled ospf-to-rip

Configuring the Administrative Status of the Route Map Redistribution

The administrative status of a route map redistribution configuration is enabled by default. To change the
administrative status, use the status parameter with the ip redist command. For example, the following
command disables the redistribution administrative status for the specified route map:
-> ip redist ospf into rip route-map ospf-to-rip admin-state disable

The following command example enables the administrative status:

-> ip redist ospf into rip route-map ospf-to-rip admin-state enable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 19-16
Configuring RIP Configuring Redistribution

Route Map Redistribution Example

The following example configures the redistribution of OSPF routes into a RIP network using a route map
(ospf-to-rip) to filter specific routes:
-> ip route-map ospf-to-rip sequence-number 10 action deny
-> ip route-map ospf-to-rip sequence-number 10 match tag 5
-> ip route-map ospf-to-rip sequence-number 10 match route-type external type2

-> ip route-map ospf-to-rip sequence-number 20 action permit

-> ip route-map ospf-to-rip sequence-number 20 match ipv4-interface intf_ospf
-> ip route-map ospf-to-rip sequence-number 20 set metric 255

-> ip route-map ospf-to-rip sequence-number 30 action permit

-> ip route-map ospf-to-rip sequence-number 30 set tag 8

-> ipv6 redist ospf into rip route-map ospf-to-rip

The resulting ospf-to-rip route map redistribution configuration does the following:
• Denies the redistribution of Type 2 external OSPF routes with a tag set to five.

• Redistributes into RIP all routes learned on the intf_ospf interface and sets the metric for such routes to
• Redistributes into RIP all other routes (those not processed by sequence 10 or 20) and sets the tag for
such routes to eight.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 19-17
Configuring RIP RIP Security

RIP Security
By default, there is no authentication used for a RIP. However, you can configure a password for a RIP
interface. To configure a password, you must first select the authentication type (simple or MD5), and
then configure a password.

Configuring Authentication Type

If simple or MD5 password authentication is used, both switches on either end of a link must share the
same password. Use the ip rip interface auth-type command to configure the authentication type. Enter
the name of the RIP interface, and then enter an authentication type:
• none. No authentication is used.

• simple. Simple password authentication is used.

• md5. MD5 authentication is used.

For example, to configure the RIP interface rip-1 for simple authentication you would enter:
-> ip rip interface rip-1 auth-type simple

To configure the RIP interface rip-1 for MD5 authentication you would enter:
-> ip rip interface rip-1 md5 auth-type md5

Configuring Passwords
If you configure simple or MD5 authentication you must configure a text string that is used as the
password for the RIP interface. If a password is used, all switches that are intended to communicate with
each other must share the same password.
After configuring the interface for simple authentication as described above, configure the password for
the interface by using the ip rip interface auth-key command. Enter the IP address of the RIP interface,
and then enter a 16-byte text string. For example to configure a password “nms” you would enter:
-> ip rip interface rip-1 auth-key nms

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 19-18
Configuring RIP Verifying the RIP Configuration

Verifying the RIP Configuration

A summary of the show commands used for verifying the RIP configuration is given here:

show ip rip Displays the RIP status and general configuration parameters (e.g.,
forced hold-down timer).
show ip rip routes Displays the RIP routing database. The routing database contains all
the routes learned through RIP.
show ip rip interface Displays the RIP interface status and configuration.
show ip rip peer Displays active RIP neighbors (peers).
show ip redist Displays the currently configured RIP redistribution filters.

For more information about the displays that result from these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 19-19
20 Configuring BFD

An increasingly important requirement of networking equipment is to rapidly detect communication

failures between network systems to quickly establish alternative paths and reduce network convergence
time. Data link hardware such as SONET alarms make failure detection fairly easy and quick. However,
some media, such as Ethernet, do not support such kind of signaling, and some media can not detect
certain kinds of failures in the path, such as failing interfaces or forwarding engine components.
In the absence of such signaling hardware, networks resort to using simple “Hello” mechanisms to detect
failures in the communication pathways between adjacent systems. One such mechanism is the
Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) protocol.
BFD protocol is a fairly simple and quick Hello protocol; it can be configured on the interfaces with
routing protocols to rapidly detect faults in the bidirectional paths between adjacent forwarding engines,
including data link(s) and forwarding engines. BFD is not intended to directly control liveliness
information; instead, the application provides parameters and BFD supplies the state of the session. It acts
in an advisory role to the control protocols. It provides a low overhead alternative to detect faults for all
media types and routing protocols in a variety of network environments and topologies. BFD protocol
sessions can be initiated for any remote IP address reachable through outgoing IP interface ports.

In This Chapter
This chapter describes the basic components of BFD and how to configure them through the Command
Line Interface (CLI). CLI commands are used in the configuration examples; for more details about the
syntax of commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.
Configuration procedures described in this chapter include:
• Global Configuration (see page 20-12).

• Interface Level Configuration (see page 20-12).

• OSPF level configuration (see page 20-16).

• BGP Level Configuration (see page 20-19).

• VRRP Level Configuration (see page 20-20).

• Static Routing Level Configuration (see page 20-22).

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 20-1
Configuring BFD BFD Defaults

BFD Defaults
The following table shows the default settings of the configurable BFD parameters.

Parameter Description Command Default Value/Comments

BFD global status for the switch ip bfd admin-state Disabled
Global transmit time interval for BFD ip bfd transmit 300 milliseconds
control packets
Global receive time interval for BFD ip bfd receive 300 milliseconds
control packets.
Global BFD detection time multiplier ip bfd multiplier 3
Global BFD echo packet time interval ip bfd echo-interval 300 milliseconds
Administrative status of a BFD ip bfd interface admin-state Disabled
Transmit time interval for a BFD ip bfd interface transmit 300 milliseconds
Receive time interval for the BFD ip bfd interface receive 300 milliseconds
BFD interface detection time ip bfd interface multiplier 3
Echo time interval for the BFD ip bfd interface echo-interval 300 milliseconds
BFD status for the OSPF protocol ip ospf bfd-state Disabled
BFD status for an OSPF interface ip ospf interface bfd-state Disabled
BFD session status with all BGP ip bgp bfd-state all-neighbors Disabled
BFD session status with all neighbors ip ospf interface bfd-state all- Enabled
of the corresponding interface which neighbors
are greater than or equal to “2-way”
BFD status for the BGP protocol ip bgp bfd-state Disabled
BFD status for BGP neighbors ip bgp neighbor bfd-state Disabled
BFD status for VRRP protocol vrrp bfd-state Disabled
BFD status for a VRRP tracking vrrp track address bfd-state Enabled
BFD status for a static route. ip static-route bfd-state Enabled

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 20-2
Configuring BFD Quick Steps for Configuring BFD

Quick Steps for Configuring BFD

Configuring BFD involves:
• Optional: Configuring BFD explicitly on the IP interfaces.

• Configuring Layer 3 protocols to use BFD (see “Quick Steps for Configuring BFD Support for Layer 3
Protocols” on page 20-5).

Note. Configuring a BFD session explicitly with an IP interface name is optional, and must be used if user-
defined BFD session parameters need to be applied. All the steps for explicit configuration are mentioned
as optional.

If BFD is not explicitly configured, the default BFD global session parameters (transmit, receive and echo
intervals) are applied to the BFD sessions.
The following steps provide a brief tutorial for configuring a BFD session and related parameters:
1 Configure a BFD session on IP interface using the ip bfd interface command. For example:

-> ip bfd interface

Optional: Configure the BFD session explicitly with an IP interface name if non-default BFD session
parameters are required for BFD sessions that must be run separate from the IP interface.
-> ip bfd interface bfd_int_1

2 Optional: Configure a global transmit time interval for all BFD sessions using the ip bfd transmit
command. This command defines a default transmit value that is automatically applied when a BFD
session is created. For example:
-> ip bfd transmit 500

3 Optional: Configure the transmit time interval for a specific BFD session using the ip bfd interface
transmit command. The value set with this command overrides the global transmit value configured for
the routing instance. For example:
-> ip bfd interface bfd-vlan-101 transmit 500

4 Optional: Configure a global receive time interval for all BFD sessions using the ip bfd receive
command. This command defines a default receive time value that is automatically applied when a BFD
session is created. For example:
-> ip bfd receive 500

5 Optional: Configure the receive time interval for a specific BFD session using the ip bfd interface
receive command. The value set with this command overrides the global receive time value configured for
the routing instance:
-> ip bfd interface bfd-vlan-101 receive 500

6 Optional: Configure a global detection time multiplier value for all BFD sessions using the ip bfd
multiplier command. For example:
-> ip bfd multiplier 5

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 20-3
Configuring BFD Quick Steps for Configuring BFD

7 Optional: Configure the BFD session detection time multiplier value using the ip bfd interface
multiplier command. For example:
-> ip bfd interface bfd-vlan-101 multiplier 5

Note. Demand mode is not supported. The default operational mode is Asynchronous with the echo
function enabled. However, Static Routing and VRRP protocol support BFD in the echo-only operational

8 Optional: Configure the global BFD echo packet time interval using the ip bfd echo-interval
command. This command defines a default echo packet time value that is automatically applied when a
BFD session is created. For example:
-> ip bfd echo-interval 500

9 Optional: Configure the echo time interval for a specific BFD session using the ip bfd interface
echo-interval command. The echo time interval value set with this command overrides the global echo
time interval configured for the routing instance. For example:
-> ip bfd interface bfd-vlan-101 echo-interval 500

10 Optional: Enable the administrative status of a BFD interface using the ip bfd interface admin-state
command. For example:
-> ip bfd interface bfd-vlan-101 admin-state enable

Note. BFD parameters are not configurable once the BFD administrative status is enabled on the interface.

11 Enable the BFD protocol for the routing instance globally using the ip bfd admin-state command. For
-> ip bfd admin-state enable

Note. Optional. Verify the BFD interface session status and configuration using the show ip bfd interfaces
command. For example:

-> show ip bfd interfaces one

Interface Name = one,
Interface IP Address =,
Admin Status = Enabled,
Desired Transmit Interval = 300,
Minimum Receive Interval = 300,
Detection Time Multiplier = 3,
Minimum Echo Receive Interval = 300,
Authentication Present = No,
Oper Status = UP

To verify the global BFD configuration for the switch, use the show ip bfd command. For example:

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 20-4
Configuring BFD Quick Steps for Configuring BFD

-> show ip bfd

BFD Version Number = 1,
Admin Status = Enabled,
Desired Tranmit Interval = 300,
Minimum Receive Interval = 300,
Detection Time Multiplier = 3,
Minimum Echo Receive Interval = 300,
Applications Registered = STATIC-ROUTING OSPF

See the “BFD Commands” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide for information
about the fields in this display.

Quick Steps for Configuring BFD Support for Layer 3 Protocols

BFD runs on top of Layer 3 protocol traffic that is forwarded between two systems. This implementation
of BFD supports the following protocols:


• VRRP Tracking

• Static routes

Once the BFD configuration is in place (see “Quick Steps for Configuring BFD” on page 20-3), the steps
described in the following sections are used to configure BFD interaction with the supported Layer 3

Configuring BFD Support for OSPF

1 Register OSPF with the BFD protocol using the ip ospf bfd-state command. For example:

-> ip ospf bfd-state enable

2 Enable BFD session on specific OSPF interface using the ip ospf interface bfd-state command or on
all OSPF interfaces using the ip ospf bfd-state all-interfaces command. For example:
-> ip ospf interface int1 bfd-state enable
-> ip ospf bfd-state all-interfaces

3 Establish BFD sessions with all OSPF DR neighbors in full states only or with all neighbors greater
than or equal to the “2-way” state using the ip ospf interface bfd-state drs-only command or the ip ospf
interface bfd-state all-neighbors command. For example:
-> ip ospf interface int1 bfd-state drs-only
-> ip ospf interface int1 bfd-state all-neighbors enable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 20-5
Configuring BFD Quick Steps for Configuring BFD

Configuring BFD Support for BGP

1 Register BGP with the BFD protocol using the ip bgp bfd-state command. For example:

-> ip bgp bfd-state enable

2 Enable BFD for specific BGP neighbors using the ip bgp neighbor bfd-state command or for all BGP
neighbors using the ip bgp bfd-state all-neighbors command. For example:
-> ip bgp neighbor bfd-state enable
-> ip bgp bfd-state all-neighbors enable

Configuring BFD Support for VRRP Track Policies

1 Register VRRP with the BFD protocol using the vrrp bfd-state command. For example:

-> vrrp bfd-state enable

2 Enable BFD for a specific track policy using the vrrp track address bfd-state command. For
-> vrrp track 2 address bfd-state enable

Make sure that the track policy is associated with at least one of the virtual routers. In addition, note that
the value of the address parameter should be a remote interface address. BFD cannot be configured for a
local interface address.

Note. To display the VRRP tracking policies on which BFD is enabled, use the show vrrp track command.

-> show vrrp track

Track Admin Oper BFD

ID Policy State State Pri Status
1 Enabled Down 50 Enabled
2 Enabled Down 25 Enabled

See the “VRRP Commands” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide for
information about the fields in this display.

Configuring BFD Support for Static Routes

Enable BFD support for a specific static route using the ip static-route bfd-state command or for all
static routes using the ip static-route all bfd-state command. For example:
-> ip static-route gateway bfd-state enable
-> ip static-route all bfd-state enable

To create a BFD session for a static route, make sure that:

• the gateway address does not match any of the local interface addresses on the switch

• BFD is enabled on the interface on which the gateway address exists.

• If multiple routes are configured with the same gateway address, only one BFD session is run.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 20-6
Configuring BFD Quick Steps for Configuring BFD

Note. To display the static routes on which BFD is enabled use the show ip router database command
along with the protocol static option as shown below:

-> ip static-route gateway bfd-state enable

-> show ip router database protocol static

Legend: + indicates routes in-use

b indicates BFD-enabled static route
r indicates recursive static route, with following address in brackets

Total IPRM IPv4 routes: 7

Destination Gateway Interface Protocol Metric Tag Misc-Info

+b v1001 STATIC 1 0

Inactive Static Routes

Destination Gateway Metric

See the “IP Commands” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide for information
about the fields in this display.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 20-7
Configuring BFD BFD Overview

BFD Overview
Detecting communication failures as soon as possible is the first step in any network recovery process;
until a failure is detected, network convergence can’t begin. By rapidly detecting failures, BFD enables
faster convergence of routing protocols particularly on shared media such as Ethernet.
The BFD protocol is very similar to the widely-used Hello mechanisms prevalent in a majority of routing
protocols, with the exception that BFD tests bidirectional communication links, has smaller packets, and is
focused exclusively on path-failure detection. BFD can also be less CPU-intensive in routers with
distributed architecture because unlike routing protocol Hello packets, BFD packets can be processed on
the interface modules rather than the control plane.
BFD protocol is a fairly simple Hello protocol designed to provide fast forwarding path failure detection
that can be enabled at the interface and routing protocol levels. It helps in the verification of forwarding
plane-to-forwarding plane connectivity (including links, interfaces, tunnels). It allows semantic separation
of forwarding plane connectivity and control plane connectivity. BFD is a single mechanism that works
independently of underlying media, data, and network protocols. It can be associated with any routing
protocol running between two systems. Moreover, it requires no changes to the existing protocols.
This implementation of BFD can be associated with tracking of next hops with the BGP, OSPF, VRRP
and other static route protocols.

Benefits of Using BFD For Failure Detection

It is more advantageous to implement BFD rather than reduce timer mechanisms for routing protocols due
to the following reasons:
• BFD can detect failures in milliseconds without having to fine-tune routing protocol Hello timers.

• BFD is not tied to any particular routing protocol. As a result, BFD provides a generic and consistent
failure detection mechanism for OSPF, BGP, VRRP Remote Tracking, and static routes.
• BFD is less CPU-intensive than reduced timer mechanisms for routing protocols.

How the BFD Protocol Works

A BFD session must be explicitly configured between two adjacent systems. Once BFD has been enabled
on the interfaces and at the appropriate Layer 3 routing protocol level, a BFD session is created for the
adjacent systems and BFD timers are negotiated between these systems.
The BFD protocol does not have a neighbor discovery mechanism to detect neighboring systems;
protocols that BFD services notify BFD of devices to which it needs to establish sessions. For example, an
OSPF implementation can request BFD to establish a session with a neighbor discovered using the OSPF
Hello protocol.
Once a session is established, BFD peers - neighboring systems sharing a BFD interface - begin sending
BFD control packets to each other over the bidirectional forwarding path. The packets are transmitted
periodically at the negotiated rate. The BFD control packets function in a similar manner to that of an IGP
Hello protocol, except at a more accelerated rate.
Each time a BFD control packet is successfully received through a BFD interface, the detect-timer for that
session is reset to zero. As long as the BFD peer systems receive the control packets from each other
within the negotiated time interval [(Detect Time Multiplier) * (Required Minimum Rx Interval)], the
BFD session remains up. Any routing protocol that associates the BFD maintains its adjacencies and
continues its periodic transmission of BFD control packets at the negotiated rate.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 20-8
Configuring BFD BFD Overview

In case a system stops receiving the packets within the predetermined time frame, some component in the
bidirectional path to that particular system is assumed to have failed, and the BFD system simply informs
its client protocol that a failure has occurred. It does this by sending rapid failure detection notices to
respective registered routing protocols in the local router to initiate the router table recalculation process in
order to accelerate routing convergence and network uptime.
In order to agree with its peers about how rapidly failure detection takes place, each system estimates the
rate at which it can send and receive BFD control packets. This design also enables fast systems on shared
medium with a slow system to detect failures more rapidly between fast systems while allowing the slow
system to participate to the best of its ability.

Operational Mode and Echo Function

The BFD protocol offers two different modes of operation:
• Asynchronous mode

• Demand mode (not supported)

This implementation of BFD supports the Asynchronous mode. In this mode, BFD neighbors periodically
send BFD control packets to each other. A time interval for transmitting and receiving such packets is
negotiated between the two BFD systems. If a neighboring system fails to receive a number of control
packets continuously over a specific period of time, the session is considered down and BFD informs the
appropriate routing protocol.
In addition to the operational mode, an Echo function is available to verify the forwarding path between
neighboring BFD systems. When enabled, a BFD system transmits Echo packets to a BFD neighbor,
which then sends the packets back to the originating system along the forwarding path. If no Echo packets
are received back from the BFD neighbor within a configured Echo time interval, the session is considered
The Echo function is a configurable option and can work on its own or simultaneously with the
Asynchronous mode. Note that using the Echo function with the Asynchronous mode lowers the rate at
which control packets are sent because Echo packets are then used to detect session liveliness. In addition,
transmitting Echo packets is only allowed over a single hop; transmitting BFD control packets is allowed
over multiple hops.
Once a BFD session is started, the BFD peers can decide whether or not Echo packets are actually
transmitted. A session is considered down when the peers receive no BFD control packets from each other
or if sufficient Echo packets are missed within a specific period of time.

BFD Packet Formats

The detection packets BFD sends are UDP packets which are of two types: BFD control packets and Echo

BFD Control Packets

There is no specific encapsulation type for BFD control packets; instead, the BFD IETF RFC-5880
recommends an encapsulation type that is “appropriate to the medium and network” used. This
implementation of BFD for IPv4 routing protocols (BGP, OSPF, VRRP Remote Tracking, and static
routes), associates BFD control packets in UDP packets using destination port 3784 and a source port in
the range of 49152 to 65535.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 20-9
Configuring BFD BFD Overview

Note. The BFD control packet has a mandatory section and an optional authentication section.
Authentication is not supported in this implementation of the BFD protocol.

BFD Echo Packets

There is no specific definition for Echo packet format. The only requirement is that the transmitting
system is able to use the packet contents to distinguish between the various BFD sessions so that packets
are correctly processed for the appropriate session.
This implementation of BFD associates Echo packets in UDP packets using port 3785 and the IP address
of the transmitting interface. The contents of the Echo packet is defined as follows:

Field Description
Version The version number of the BFD
My Discriminator An identifier for the BFD session
connecting to the local side.
Sequence Number The sequence number for this
packet. This value is incremented
for each successive packet
transmitted for a session.

BFD Session Establishment

There are three states through which a BFD session normally proceeds: two for establishing a session (Up
and Init state) and one for tearing down a session (Down state). In addition, an AdminDown state exists to
administratively take down a session.
BFD uses a three-way handshake to establish sessions and guarantee that each BFD peer is aware of all
the state changes. The transmitting system fills the state field in the transmitted BFD control packet with
its current session state. To establish a session, the receiving peer system changes its session state based
on the state field value in the received BFD control packet and its own session status.
A Down state means that a session is down or has been recently created. A session remains down until the
remote system sends a packet with any state other than an up state. If a BFD packet with the state field set
to down is received by the local system that is also in a down state, the session advances to Init state; if
that packet signals Init state, the session advances to Up state.
Init signals that there is communication between the systems and that the local system wishes to start a
session but the remote system has not yet acknowledged it. The session stays at Init until the local system
receives a control packet with Init or Up in its state field (in which case the session state moves to Up) or
until the detection time limit is reached.(in which case the remote system is then considered unreachable
and the state moves to Down)
An Up state indicates that a BFD session has been created and both BFD peers are communicating with
each other. The BFD session continues to remain in this state until connectivity fails and the state moves
to Down or until the BFD session is taken down administratively.

Each BFD session must be able to uniquely identify itself and received BFD packets among the myriad of
BFD sessions that are running. Each BFD peer must choose an identifying and unique discriminator value.
This value is sent in the “My Discriminator” field of the BFD control packet, and is reflected back in the

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 20-10
Configuring BFD BFD Overview

“Your Discriminator” field of the control packet sent from the remote peer. Once the system has echoed
the respective “Your Discriminator” value back to its peer, the packets are demultiplexed (converted back
into their original separate signals).

BFD Timer Negotiation

The BFD control packet contains information about how quickly a system would like to send packets to its
peer, as well as how rapidly it is willing to receive packets from the peer. The BFD detection time is not
carried explicitly in the protocol, but rather, it is determined by the receiving system independently based
on the transmission interval (TX) and Detection Time Multiplier that have been negotiated.
The Detection Time Multiplier field value is approximately the number of packets that must be missed in
order to declare a session down. In Asynchronous mode, detection times can be different in each direction.
The local system detection time in this mode equals the value of Detection Time Multiplier received from
the remote system multiplied by the negotiated transmission interval (TX). Because the time values for
BFD control packet transmissions and session detection are being constantly negotiated by the
participating BFD peers, they can be changed at any time. They are also independent in each direction for
each session.
To change the rate at which BFD control packets are received, you can change the Required Min RX
Interval at any time to any value. This new value is sent in the next outgoing packet so that the remote
system can accommodate the changes made. Similarly, to change the rate at which BFD control packets
are transmitted, you can change the Desired Min TX Interval at any time to any value.
With some exceptions, a system cannot transmit control packets with an interval shorter than the larger
value of the TX interval and RX interval fields. This means that the system with the slower rate
determines the BFD control packet transmission speed.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 20-11
Configuring BFD Configuring BFD

Configuring BFD
Configuring BFD for your network requires the following approach:

1 Optional: Configure a BFD session and related session parameter values. Once configured, enable all
participating BFD sessions before configuring BFD interoperability with the supported Layer 3 protocols.
See “Configuring BFD Session Parameters” on page 20-12 for more information.
2 Configure BFD support for the Layer 3 protocols for which BFD establishes sessions. This
implementation of BFD supports the IPv4 versions of BGP, OSPF, VRRP remote tracking, and static
routes. See “Configuring BFD Support for Layer 3 Protocols” on page 20-15 for more information.
At the end of the chapter is a simple BFD network diagram with instructions on how it can be created on a
router-by-router basis. See “BFD Application Example” on page 20-24 for more information.

Configuring BFD Session Parameters

When a BFD session is created, default values are automatically set for these parameters. However, it is
possible to change these parameter values globally or for a specific BFD session. The following BFD
session parameter values are used to create, monitor, and negotiate BFD sessions between peers.
• BFD session status (see “Configuring a BFD Session” on page 20-12).

• Transmit time interval (see “Configuring the BFD Transmit Time interval” on page 20-13).

• Receive time interval (see “Configuring the BFD Receive Time Interval” on page 20-13).

• Multiplier (see “Configuring the BFD Multiplier” on page 20-14).

• Echo interval (see “Configuring the BFD Echo interval” on page 20-13).

Note. Once the default state of the BFD session is changed and the session is enabled, parameter values are
no longer configurable. To subsequently change parameter values, disable the BFD session. See “Enabling
or Disabling BFD Status” on page 20-14 for more information.

Configuring a BFD Session

To configure a BFD session, use the ip bfd interface command and specify an existing IP interface name.
For example:
-> ip bfd interface bfd-vlan-101

The above command configures BFD with the name bfd-vlan-101. See “Enabling or Disabling BFD
Status” on page 20-14 for more information.
To delete the BFD session, use the no form of the above command. For example:
-> no ip bfd interface bfd-vlan-101

The above command deletes the BFD session on bfd-vlan-101.

Note. The BFD interface session must be associated to an existing IP interface that is configured with an IP

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 20-12
Configuring BFD Configuring BFD

Configuring the BFD Transmit Time interval

Transit Time Interval is the minimum amount of time that BFD waits between each successive
transmission of control packets. BFD allows you to change the default value and set the transmit time
interval from the valid range.
To change the global transmit time interval for BFD control packets, use the ip bfd transmit command.
For example:
-> ip bfd transmit 500

The above command changes the global transmit time interval to 500 msecs.
To change the transmit time interval for a specific BFD interface session, use the ip bfd interface
transmit command along with the name and transmit time interval in milliseconds. For example:
-> ip bfd interface bfd-vlan-101 transmit 500

The above command changes the transmit time interval value to 500 msecs on bfd-vlan-101.
The global transmit time interval serves as the default interval value for transmitting BFD control packets.
This default value is overridden when a specific transmit value is configured.

Configuring the BFD Receive Time Interval

Receive Time Interval is the minimum amount of time that BFD waits to receive control packets before
determining if there is a problem. BFD allows you to change the default value and set the receive time
interval from the valid range.
To change the global receive time interval for BFD control packets, use the ip bfd receive command. For
-> ip bfd receive 500

The above command configures the global receive time interval of 500 msecs.
To change the receive time interval for BFD control packets, use the ip bfd interface receive command.
For example:
-> ip bfd interface bfd-vlan-101 receive 500

The above command changes the receive time interval value to 500 msecs on bfd-vlan-101.
The global receive time interval serves as the default interval value for receiving BFD control packets.
The default interval value is overridden when a specific receive value is configured.

Configuring the BFD Echo interval

The time interval between received BFD echo packets is configurable and applies when the echo function
is enabled. When this function is active, a stream of Echo packets is sent to a peer, which then loops these
back to the sender without processing them through its forwarding path. If the sender does not receive
several continuous echo packets from its peer, the BFD session is declared down.
To change the default value of the global BFD echo packet time interval, use the ip bfd echo-interval
command. For example:
-> ip bfd echo-interval 500

The above command sets the echo interval to 500 milliseconds globally on all BFD sessions.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 20-13
Configuring BFD Configuring BFD

To change the BFD echo time interval for a particular BFD session, use the ip bfd interface echo-
interval command. For example:
-> ip bfd interface bfd-vlan-101 echo-interval 500

The above command configures the echo time interval value to 500 milliseconds on bfd-vlan-101.
The global echo packet time interval serves as the default interval value. The default interval value is
overridden when a specific value is configured.

Configuring the BFD Multiplier

The BFD multiplier value is used to calculate the BFD detection time in asynchronous mode. The
detection time between neighbors is calculated by multiplying the negotiated transmit time interval by the
dead interval multiplier. When an interface stops receiving packets from a neighbor, the interface uses the
detection time value to determine how long to wait before declaring that the BFD session is down.
The BFD multiplier parameter can be configured globally for all BFD configured interfaces as well as for
a specific interface.
To set or change the default global detection time multiplier value for all BFD sessions, use the ip bfd
multiplier command. For example:
-> ip bfd multiplier 5

The above command assigns a multiplier value of 5 to all BFD sessions.

To change the BFD multiplier for a specific session, use the ip bfd interface multiplier command. For
-> ip bfd interface bfd-vlan-101 multiplier 5

The above command assigns a multiplier value of 5 to bfd-vlan-101.

Enabling or Disabling BFD Status

As BFD is globally disabled for the routing instance, to enable the global BFD status, use the ip bfd
admin-state command. For example:
-> ip bfd admin-state enable

To disable the global BFD status for the routing instance, use the ip bfd admin-state command with the
disable keyword. For example:
-> ip bfd admin-state disable

The above command disables BFD globally on the routing instance. Note that disabling BFD does not
remove the existing BFD configuration from the routing instance. Also, when BFD is globally disabled,
all BFD functionality is disabled for the routing instance, but configuring BFD is still allowed.
To enable a BFD session, use the ip bfd interface admin-state command. For example:
-> ip bfd interface bfd-vlan-101 admin-state enable

The above command enables the administrative status of bfd-vlan-101.

Note that a BFD session must be disabled before any of its parameters can be changed. To disable a BFD
session, use the ip bfd interface status command with the disable keyword. For example:
-> ip bfd interface bfd-vlan-101 admin-state disable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 20-14
Configuring BFD Configuring BFD

To verify the BFD status and configuration for the switch, use the show ip bfd command,. For example:

-> show ip bfd

BFD Version Number = 1,
Admin Status = Enabled,
Desired Tranmit Interval = 300,
Minimum Receive Interval = 300,
Detection Time Multiplier = 3,
Minimum Echo Receive Interval = 300,
Applications Registered = STATIC-ROUTING OSPF

The above command shows that BFD is registered with the OSPF protocol and has a transmit interval of
300 msecs, receive interval of 300 msecs, multiplier 3, and echo interval of 300 msecs.
To verify the BFD status and configuration, use the show ip bfd interfaces command. For example:

-> show ip bfd interfaces

Interface Admin Tx Min Rx Min EchoRx Detect OperStatus

Name Status Interval Interval Interval Multiplier
one enabled 300 300 300 3 UP
two enabled 300 300 300 3 UP

The output above displays the interfaces participating in the BFD sessions, along with their IP interface
names and respective BFD session parameters. To see additional detail for a specific interface, use the
show ip bfd interfaces command and specify an interface name. For example:

-> show ip bfd interfaces one

Interface Name = one,
Interface IP Address =,
Admin Status = Enabled,
Desired Transmit Interval = 300,
Minimum Receive Interval = 300,
Detection Time Multiplier = 3,
Minimum Echo Receive Interval = 300,
Authentication Present = No,
Oper Status = UP

Configuring BFD Support for Layer 3 Protocols

After a BFD session is configured on all interfaces or on a specific set of individual interfaces, the next
step is to configure BFD interoperability with the supported Layer 3 protocols (BGP, OSPF, VRRP
Tracking, Static Routes). BFD interoperability with Layer 3 protocols is configurable at the router level to
enable BFD session globally, or at the interface level for specific interfaces only.
The following sections provide information about how to configure BFD support for BGP, OSPF, VRRP
Tracking, and Static Routes:
“Configuring BFD Support for OSPF” on page 20-16.
“Configuring BFD Support for BGP” on page 20-19.
“Configuring BFD Support for VRRP Tracking” on page 20-20.
“Configuring BFD Support for Static Routes” on page 20-22.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 20-15
Configuring BFD Configuring BFD

Configuring BFD Support for OSPF

The steps below show how to configure and verify BFD support for OSPF, so that OSPF is a registered
protocol with BFD and receives forwarding path detection failure messages from BFD.

Note. OSPF must be running on all participating routers, and BFD must be configured and enabled on the
participating OSPF interfaces. See “Configuring BFD Session Parameters” on page 20-12 for more

1 To associate BFD with the OSPF protocol and to change the default BFD status for the OSPF protocol,
register OSPF with BFD at the protocol level using the ip ospf bfd-state command. For example:
-> ip ospf bfd-state enable

The BFD status for the OSPF protocol is now enabled, which means that communication between OSPF
and BFD is enabled. To de-register OSPF with BFD, enter the following command:
-> ip ospf bfd-state disable

2 To verify the BFD status for OSPF protocol, use the show ip ospf command. For example:

->show ip ospf
Router Id =,
OSPF Version Number = 2,
Admin Status = Enabled,
Area Border Router ? = No,
AS Border Router Status = Disabled,
Route Tag = 0,
SPF Hold Time (in seconds) = 10,
SPF Delay Time (in seconds) = 5,
MTU Checking = Disabled,
# of Routes = 9,
# of AS-External LSAs = 0,
# of self-originated LSAs = 1,
# of LSAs received = 0,
External LSDB Limit = -1,
Exit Overflow Interval = 0,
# of SPF calculations done = 4,
# of Incr SPF calculations done = 0,
# of Init State Nbrs = 0,
# of 2-Way State Nbrs = 0,
# of Exchange State Nbrs = 0,
# of Full State Nbrs = 0,
# of attached areas = 1,
# of Active areas = 1,
# of Transit areas = 0,
# of attached NSSAs = 0,
Default Route Origination = none,
Default Route Metric-Type/Metric = type2 / 1
BFD Status = Disabled

3 Once OSPF is registered with BFD at the protocol level, enable the OSPF interface(s) that participate
in BFD using the ip ospf interface bfd-state command. For example:
-> ip ospf interface vlan-10 bfd-state enable

The above command enables BFD on the interface named vlan-10. To enable BFD on all configured
OSPF interfaces, use the ip ospf bfd-state all-interfaces command. For example:

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 20-16
Configuring BFD Configuring BFD

-> ip ospf bfd-state all-interfaces enable

To disable BFD for all configured OSPF interfaces, use the ip ospf bfd-state all-interfaces command
with the disable keyword. For example:
-> ip ospf bfd-state all-interfaces disable

4 To display the BFD status on an OSPF interface, use the show ip ospf interface command. For
-> show ip ospf interface
Interface DR Backup DR Admin Oper BFD
Name Address Address Status Status State Status
vlan-10 enabled up DR enabled
vlan-20 enabled up BDR disabled

5 Once OSPF is registered with BFD at the protocol level and BFD is enabled on the desired OSPF
interface(s), use the show ip bfd interfaces command to display BFD-enabled interfaces. For example:
-> show ip bfd interfaces

Interface Admin Tx Min Rx Min EchoRx Detect OperStatus

Name Status Interval Interval Interval Multiplier
one enabled 300 300 300 3 UP
two enabled 300 300 300 3 UP

6 To establish BFD sessions with neighbors that are in full state only, enter the ip ospf interface bfd-
state drs-only command as shown below:
-> ip ospf interface int1 bfd-state drs-only

The above command establishes a BFD session on interface named int1 with OSPF DR neighbors in full
state only.
To establish a BFD session on an interface with all neighbors which are greater than or equal to “2-way”
state, use the ip ospf interface bfd-state all-neighbors command as shown below:
-> ip ospf interface int2 bfd-state all-neighbors enable

The above command establishes a BFD session on interface named int2 with all OSPF neighbors that are
greater than or equal to “2-way” state.
When any neighbors are added to this interface, OSPF informs BFD about the newly added neighbor(s);
BFD then establishes a session with them. Use the show ip bfd sessions command to view BFD sessions
with all BFD neighbors, as shown below:

-> show ip bfd sessions

Legends: Neg. = Negotiated

Discr = Discriminator
Intvl = Interval (in milliseconds)

Local Interface Neighbor State Remote Neg. Rx Neg. Tx EchoRx

Discr Name Address Discr Intvl Intvl Intvl
1 v1001 UP 1 300 300 300
2 v2000 UP 0 0 0 300

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 20-17
Configuring BFD Configuring BFD

To view a BFD session with a particular neighbor, use the show ip bfd sessions command followed by the
session number. For example:

-> show ip bfd sessions 1

Local discriminator = 1,
Neighbor IP Address =,
Requested Session Type = ASYNC ,
Interface IfIndex = 2,
Source UDP Port = 49153,
State = UP,
Session Operating Mode = None,
Remote discriminator = 1,
Negotiated Tx interval = 300,
Negotiated Rx interval = 300,
Echo Rx interval = 300,
Multiplier = 3,
Applications Registered: = OSPF

Whenever there is any change to the interface/neighbor list or interface/neighbor state, OSPF immediately
informs BFD about the changes. Additionally, whenever BFD detects any changes to the other end, BFD
updates its database accordingly and informs OSPF for its fastest convergence.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 20-18
Configuring BFD Configuring BFD

Configuring BFD Support for BGP

The steps below show how to configure and verify BFD support for the BGP protocol, so that BGP is a
registered protocol with BFD and receives forwarding path detection failure messages from BFD.

Note. BFD must be configured and enabled on the participating BGP interfaces. See “Configuring BFD
Session Parameters” on page 20-12 for more information.

1 To associate BGP protocol with BFD liveliness detection, register BGP with BFD at the protocol level
using the ip bgp bfd-state command as shown below:
-> ip bgp bfd-state enable

The BFD status for the BGP protocol is now enabled, which means that communication between BGP and
BFD is enabled. To de-register BGP with BFD, enter the following command:
-> ip bgp bfd-state disable

To verify the BFD status for BGP protocol, you can use the show ip bgp command as shown below:

-> show ip bgp

Admin Status = disabled,

Operational Status = down,
Autonomous System Number = 1,
BGP Router Id =,
Confederation Identifier = 0,
IGP Synchronization Status = disabled,
Minimum AS Origin Interval (seconds) = 15,
Default Local Preference = 100,
Route Reflection = disabled,
Cluster Id =,
Missing MED Status = Best,
Aspath Comparison = enabled,
Always Compare MED = disabled,
Fast External FailOver = disabled,
Log Neighbor Changes = disabled,
Multiple Paths = disabled,
Graceful Restart = enabled,
Graceful Restart Status = Not Restarting,
Configured Graceful Restart Interval = 90s,
IPv4 Unicast = enabled,
IPv6 Unicast = disabled,
BFD Status = disabled

2 Once BGP is registered with BFD at the protocol level, you need to enable BFD for particular BGP
neighbors using the ip bgp neighbor bfd-state command as shown below:
-> ip bgp neighbor bfd-state enable

The above command enables BFD for neighbor with IP address To enable BFD for all
BGP neighbors, use the ip bgp bfd-state all-neighbors command as shown below:
-> ip bgp bfd-state all-neighbors enable

To disable BFD for all configured BGP neighbors, use the ip bgp bfd-state all-neighbors with the
disable keyword, as shown below:
-> ip bgp bfd-state all-neighbors disable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 20-19
Configuring BFD Configuring BFD

To display the BFD status of BGP neighbors, use the show ip bgp neighbors command. For example:

-> show ip bgp neighbors

Legends: Nbr = Neighbor

As = Autonomous System

Nbr address As Admin state Oper state BGP Id Up/Down BFD Status
---------------+-----+-----------+------------+-----------+------------+--------- 2 enabled established 00h:02m:19s enabled

Use the show ip bfd sessions command to view BFD sessions with all BFD neighbors. For example:

-> show ip bfd sessions

Legends: Neg. = Negotiated

Discr = Discriminator
Intvl = Interval (in milliseconds)

Local Interface Neighbor State Remote Neg. Rx Neg. Tx EchoRx

Discr Name Address Discr Intvl Intvl Intvl
1 v1001 UP 1 300 300 300
2 v2000 UP 0 0 0 300

-> show ip bfd sessions 1

Local discriminator = 1,
Neighbor IP Address =,
Requested Session Type = ASYNC ,
Interface IfIndex = 2,
Source UDP Port = 49152,
State = UP,
Session Operating Mode = None,
Remote discriminator = 1,
Negotiated Tx interval = 300,
Negotiated Rx interval = 300,
Echo Rx interval = 300,
Multiplier = 3,
Applications Registered: = BGP

Configuring BFD Support for VRRP Tracking

The steps below show you how to configure and verify BFD support for VRRP protocol, so that VRRP is
a registered protocol with BFD and receives forwarding path detection failure messages from BFD.
1 To associate VRRP protocol with BFD liveliness detection, register VRRP with BFD at the protocol
level using the vrrp bfd-state command as shown below:
-> vrrp bfd-state enable

Note. VRRP protocol supports BFD in the echo-only operational mode.

BFD status for VRRP protocol is now enabled which means that socket communication between VRRP
and BFD is enabled.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 20-20
Configuring BFD Configuring BFD

To de-register VRRP with BFD, enter the following command at the system prompt:
-> vrrp bfd-state disable

To verify the BFD status for VRRP protocol, you can use the show vrrp command as shown below:

-> show vrrp

VRRP default advertisement interval: 1 second

VRRP default priority: 100
VRRP default preempt: Yes
VRRP trap generation: Enabled
VRRP startup delay: 45 (expired)


IP Admin Adv.
VRID VLAN Address(es) Status Priority Preempt Interval
----+ ----+ -------------+----------+----------+----------+---------
1 1 Enabled 255 Yes 1
2 15 Disabled 100 No 1

2 Once VRRP is registered with BFD at the protocol level, enable BFD for a particular VRRP track
policy using the vrrp track address bfd-state command. Ensure that the track policy is associated with at
least one of the virtual routers. For example:
-> vrrp track 2 address bfd-state enable

The above command enables BFD for a track policy with VRRP track number 2 and a remote interface
address of

Note. The value of the address parameter should be a remote interface address. BFD cannot be configured
for a local interface address.

Use the show vrrp track command to verify whether BFD is enabled for a particular track policy. For

-> show vrrp track

Track Admin Oper BFD

ID Policy State State Pri Status
1 Enabled Down 100 Disabled
2 Enabled Up 25 Enabled

Use the show ip bfd interfaces command to verify the BFD interface/session configuration and operation
Once the track policy is configured, the BFD session is established with the remote IP address. BFD
session is also established with the BFD neighbors.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 20-21
Configuring BFD Configuring BFD

Use the show ip bfd sessions command to view BFD sessions with all BFD neighbors. For example:

-> show ip bfd sessions

Legends: Neg. = Negotiated

Discr = Discriminator
Intvl = Interval (in milliseconds)

Local Interface Neighbor State Remote Neg. Rx Neg. Tx EchoRx

Discr Name Address Discr Intvl Intvl Intvl
1 v1001 UP 1 300 300 300
2 v2000 UP 0 0 0 300

-> show ip bfd sessions 2

Local discriminator = 2,
Neighbor IP Address =,
Requested Session Type = ECHO,
Interface IfIndex = 4,
Source UDP Port = 49153,
State = UP,
Session Operating Mode = None,
Remote discriminator = 0,
Negotiated Tx interval = 0,
Negotiated Rx interval = 0,
Echo Rx interval = 300,
Multiplier = 3,
Applications Registered: = VRRP

Configuring BFD Support for Static Routes

This section provides information about how to configure and verify BFD support for static routing.
To change the default BFD status for a particular static route and to enable BFD support, use the ip static-
route bfd-state command. For example:
-> ip static-route mask gateway bfd-state enable

Note. Static Routes support BFD in the echo-only operational mode.

The above command enables BFD support for a static route with destination ip address as,
destination network mask as, and gateway address as
In order to create a BFD session for a static route, the gateway address should not match with any local
interface address of the switch. If multiple routes are configured with the same gateway address, only one
BFD session is run. You can verify the BFD session list which shows the gateway address using the show
ip bfd sessions command.
To enable BFD support for all static routes, use the ip static-route all bfd-state command:
-> ip static-route all bfd-state enable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 20-22
Configuring BFD Configuring BFD

To verify the static routes on which BFD is enabled, use the show ip router database command with the
protocol static option. For example:

-> show ip router database protocol static

Legend: + indicates routes in-use

b indicates BFD-enabled static route
r indicates recursive static route, with following address in brackets

Total IPRM IPv4 routes: 7

Destination Gateway Interface Protocol Metric Tag Misc-Info

+b v1001 STATIC 1 0

Inactive Static Routes

Destination Gateway Metric

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 20-23
Configuring BFD BFD Application Example

BFD Application Example

This section provides an example network configuration in which BFD is associated with the OSPF
protocol running on the network. In addition, a tutorial is also included that provides steps on how to
configure the example network topology using the Command Line Interface (CLI).

Example Network Overview

The diagram below represents a simple OSPF network consisting of three routers. On all three routers,
OSPF is associated with BFD for faster failure detection of any router on the network.

Router 1
Router ID

Interface 12.x.x.x Interface 31.x.x.x

OSPF Area with BFD

Interface 23.x.x.x
Router 2 Router 3
Router ID Router ID

Example OSPF Network using the BFD Protocol

The following steps are used to configure the example BFD-enabled OSPF network as shown in the
diagram above.

Note. Configuring a BFD session explicitly with an IP interface name on individual routers is optional, and
must be used if user defined BFD session parameters need to be applied. All the steps for explicit
configuration are mentioned as optional.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 20-24
Configuring BFD BFD Application Example

Step 1: Prepare the Routers

The first step is to create the VLANs on each router, add an IP interface to the VLAN, assign a port to the
VLAN, and assign a router identification number to the routers. For the backbone connection, the network
design in this case uses slot 2, port 1 as the egress port and slot 2, port 2 as ingress port on each router.
Router 1 connects to Router 2, Router 2 connects to Router 3, and Router 3 connects to Router 1.

Note. The ports isstatically assigned to the router VLANs, as a VLAN must have a physical port assigned
to it in order for the IP router interface to function.

The commands to set up the VLAN configuration are shown below:

Router 1 (using ports 2/1 and 2/2 for the backbone and ports 2/3-5 for end devices):
-> vlan 31
-> ip interface vlan-31 vlan 31 address mask
-> vlan 31 members port 2/1

-> vlan 12
-> ip interface vlan-12 vlan 12 address mask
-> vlan 12 members port 2/2

-> vlan 10
-> ip interface vlan-10 vlan 10 address mask
-> vlan 10 members port 2/3-5

-> ip router router-id

These commands created VLANs 31, 12, and 10.

• VLAN 31 handles the backbone connection from Router 1 to Router 3, using the IP router port and physical port 2/1.
• VLAN 12 handles the backbone connection from Router 1 to Router 2, using the IP router port and physical port 2/2.
• VLAN 10 handles the device connections to Router 1, using the IP router port and physical
ports 2/3-5. More ports could be added at a later time if necessary.
The router was assigned the Router ID of
Router 2 (using ports 2/1 and 2/2 for the backbone and ports 2/3-5 for end devices):
-> vlan 12
-> ip interface vlan-12 vlan 12 address mask
-> vlan 12 members port 2/1

-> vlan 23
-> ip interface vlan-23 vlan 23 address mask
-> vlan 23 members port 2/2

-> vlan 20
-> ip interface vlan-20 vlan 20 address mask
-> vlan 20 members port 2/3-5

-> ip router router-id

These commands created VLANs 12, 23, and 20.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 20-25
Configuring BFD BFD Application Example

• VLAN 12 handles the backbone connection from Router 1 to Router 2, using the IP router port and physical port 2/1.
• VLAN 23 handles the backbone connection from Router 2 to Router 3, using the IP router port and physical port 2/2.
• VLAN 20 handles the device connections to Router 2, using the IP router port and physical
ports 2/3-5. More ports could be added at a later time if necessary.
The router was assigned the Router ID of
Router 3 (using ports 2/1 and 2/2 for the backbone, and ports 2/3-5 for end devices):
-> vlan 23
-> ip interface vlan-23 vlan 23 address mask
-> vlan 23 members port 2/1

-> vlan 31
-> ip interface vlan-31 vlan 31 address mask
-> vlan 31 members port 2/2

-> vlan 30
-> ip interface vlan-30 vlan 30 address mask
-> vlan 30 members port 2/3-5

-> ip router router-id

These commands created VLANs 23, 31, and 30.

• VLAN 23 handles the backbone connection from Router 2 to Router 3, using the IP router port and physical port 2/1.
• VLAN 31 handles the backbone connection from Router 3 to Router 1, using the IP router port and physical port 2/2.
• VLAN 30 handles the device connections to Router 3, using the IP router port and physical
ports 2/3-5. More ports could be added at a later time if necessary.
The router was assigned the Router ID of

Step 2: Enable OSPF

The next step is to load and enable OSPF on each router. The commands for this step are below (the
commands are the same on each router):
-> ip load ospf
-> ip ospf admin-state enable

Step 3: Create the OSPF Area

Now the area should be created. In this case, we create area The command for this step is below
(the command is the same on each router):
-> ip ospf area

Area is created and enabled.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 20-26
Configuring BFD BFD Application Example

Step 4: Configure OSPF Interfaces

Next, OSPF interfaces must be created, enabled, and assigned to area The OSPF interfaces should
have the same interface name as the IP router interfaces created above in “Step 1: Prepare the Routers” on
page 20-25.
Router 1
-> ip ospf interface vlan-31
-> ip ospf interface vlan-31 area
-> ip ospf interface vlan-31 admin-state enable

-> ip ospf interface vlan-12

-> ip ospf interface vlan-12 area
-> ip ospf interface vlan-12 admin-state enable

-> ip ospf interface vlan-10

-> ip ospf interface vlan-10 area
-> ip ospf interface vlan-10 admin-state enable

Router 2
-> ip ospf interface vlan-12
-> ip ospf interface vlan-12 area
-> ip ospf interface vlan-12 admin-state enable

-> ip ospf interface vlan-23

-> ip ospf interface vlan-23 area
-> ip ospf interface vlan-23 admin-state enable

-> ip ospf interface vlan-20

-> ip ospf interface vlan-20 area
-> ip ospf interface vlan-20 admin-state enable

Router 3
-> ip ospf interface vlan-23
-> ip ospf interface vlan-23 area
-> ip ospf interface vlan-23 admin-state enable

-> ip ospf interface vlan-31

-> ip ospf interface vlan-31 area
-> ip ospf interface vlan-31 admin-state enable

-> ip ospf interface vlan-30

-> ip ospf interface vlan-30 area
-> ip ospf interface vlan-30 admin-state enable

Step 5: (Optional) Configure BFD Interfaces

Next, BFD interfaces must be created and enabled. The BFD interfaces should have the same interface
name as the IP router interfaces created above in “Step 1: Prepare the Routers” on page 20-25.
Router 1
-> ip bfd interface vlan-31
-> ip bfd interface vlan-31 admin-state enable

-> ip bfd interface vlan-12

-> ip bfd interface vlan-12 admin-state enable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 20-27
Configuring BFD BFD Application Example

-> ip bfd interface vlan-10

-> ip bfd interface vlan-10 admin-state enable

Router 2
-> ip bfd interface vlan-12
-> ip bfd interface vlan-12 admin-state enable

-> ip bfd interface vlan-23

-> ip bfd interface vlan-23 admin-state enable

-> ip bfd interface vlan-20

-> ip bfd interface vlan-20 admin-state enable

Router 3
-> ip bfd interface vlan-23
-> ip bfd interface vlan-23 admin-state enable

-> ip bfd interface vlan-31

-> ip bfd interface vlan-31 admin-state enable

-> ip bfd interface vlan-30

-> ip bfd interface vlan-30 admin-state enable

Step 6: (Optional) Configure Global BFD Parameters

Global BFD parameter settings for timer values and operational mode are applied to all BFD interfaces
configured on the routing instance. When a BFD interface is created, the global settings are also applied as
the default parameter values for the interface.
The following steps change the default global BFD parameter values for the example network; the
commands used are the same on each router.
• Set the minimum amount of time BFD waits between each transmission of control packets to 200.

-> ip bfd transmit 200 milliseconds

• Set the minimum amount of time BFD waits to receive control packets to 200 milliseconds.

-> ip bfd receive 200

• Set the global BFD Echo packet time interval to 200 milliseconds.

-> ip bfd echo-interval 200

Step 7: Enable BFD and register OSPF with BFD

Once all the global BFD parameters are configured, enable BFD on all interfaces, register BFD with
OSPF, and then enable BFD on all OSPF interfaces. The following steps are the same on each router:
'In this example, global BFD parameters will be used for the BFD sessions. Enable BFD admin status and
register OSPF with BFD and then enable BFD on all OSPF interfaces. Repeat the following steps on each
-> ip bfd admin-state enable
-> ip ospf bfd-state enable
-> ip ospf bfd-state all-interfaces enable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 20-28
Configuring BFD Verifying the BFD Configuration

Step 8: Examine the Network

After the network has been created, use the following show commands to check various aspects of the
example network:
• To verify the configured BFD status on routers, use the show ip bfd command. This command shows
the protocols registered for BFD (OSPF in example network) and the parameter values for the transmit,
receive, and echo intervals, the multiplier number, and the operational mode.
• To display information about BFD sessions, use the show ip bfd sessions command.

• To check the BFD status at the OSPF protocol level, use the show ip ospf command. This command is
also used to check the general OSPF configuration. For OSPF interfaces, use the show ip ospf
interface command.

Verifying the BFD Configuration

To display information such as the BFD status for different session parameters and Layer 3 protocols, use
the show commands listed in the following table:

show ip bfd Displays the global BFD configuration for the routing instance.
show ip bfd interfaces Displays the BFD interface configuration for the switch.
show ip bfd sessions Displays the BFD neighbors and session states.
show ip ospf Displays the BFD status for the OSPF protocol.
show ip ospf interface Displays the BFD status for OSPF interfaces.
show ip bgp Displays the BFD status for the BGP protocol.
show ip bgp neighbors Displays the BFD status for BGP neighbors.
show vrrp Displays the BFD status for the VRRP protocol.
show vrrp track Displays the BFD status for a track policy.
show ip router database Displays the BFD status for static routes.
protocol static

For more information about the resulting displays form these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 CLI Reference Guide. Examples of the above commands and their outputs are given in the
section “Configuring BFD” on page 20-12.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 20-29
21 Configuring DHCP Relay

The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a connectionless transport protocol that runs on top of IP networks.
The DHCP Relay allows you to use nonroutable protocols (such as UDP) in a routing environment. UDP
is used for applications that do not require the establishment of a session and end-to-end error checking.
Email and file transfer are two applications that could use UDP. UDP offers a direct way to send and
receive datagrams over an IP network and is primarily used for broadcasting messages. This chapter
describes the DHCP Relay feature. This feature allows UDP broadcast packets to be forwarded across
VLANs that have IP routing enabled.

In This Chapter
This chapter describes the basic components of DHCP Relay and how to configure them. CLI commands
are used in the configuration examples. For more details about the syntax of commands, see the
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.
Configuration procedures described in this chapter include:
• Quick steps for configuring DHCP Relay on page 21-3.

• Setting the IP address for Global DHCP on page 21-8.

• Identifying the VLAN for Per-VLAN DHCP on page 21-8.

• Enabling DHCP Relay on page 21-9.

• Setting the Forward Delay time on page 21-9.

• Setting the Maximum Hops value on page 21-10.

• Setting the Relay Forwarding Option to Standard and Per-VLAN on page 21-10.

• Using automatic IP configuration to obtain an IP address for the switch on page 21-11.

• Configuring relay for generic UDP service ports on page 21-12.

• Using DHCP Snooping on page 21-16.

• Quick steps for configuring DHCPv6 Relay on page 21-23.

• DHCPv6 Relay Overview on page 21-23.

• DHCPv6 Relay Configuration Overview on page 21-24.

• Verifying the DHCP Configuration on page 21-26.

For information about the IP protocol, see Chapter 15, “Configuring IP.”

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 21-1
Configuring DHCP Relay DHCP Relay Defaults

DHCP Relay Defaults

The following table describes the default values of the DHCP Relay parameters:

Parameter Description Command Default Value/Comments

Default UDP service ip udp relay service BOOTP/DHCP
Forward delay time value for DHCP Relay ip helper forward-delay 3 seconds
Maximum number of hops ip helper maximum-hops 4 hops
Packet forwarding option ip helper standard Standard
ip helper per-vlan-only
Automatic switch IP configuration for ip helper boot-up Disabled
default VLAN 1
Automatic switch IP configuration packet ip helper boot-up enable BootP
type (BootP or DHCP)
Relay Agent Information Option ip helper agent- Disabled

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 21-2
Configuring DHCP Relay Quick Steps for Setting Up DHCP Relay

Quick Steps for Setting Up DHCP Relay

You must configure DHCP Relay on switches where packets are routed between IP networks.
There is no separate command for enabling or disabling the relay service. DHCP Relay is automatically
enabled on the switch whenever a DHCP server IP address is defined. To set up DHCP Relay, proceed as
1 Identify the IP address of the DHCP server. Where the DHCP server has IP address, use
the following command:
-> ip helper address

2 Set the forward delay timer for the DHCP relay. To set the timer for a 15 second delay, use the
following command:
-> ip helper forward-delay 15

3 Set the maximum hop count value. To set a hop count of 3, use the following command:

-> ip helper maximum-hops 3

Note. Optional. To verify the DHCP Relay configuration, enter the show ip helper command. The display
shown for the DHCP Relay configured in the above Quick Steps is shown here:

-> show ip helper

Ip helper :
Forward Delay (seconds) = 15,
Max number of hops = 3,
Relay Agent Information = Disabled,
PXE support = Disabled,
Forward option = standard mode,
Bootup Option = Disable
Forwarding address list (Standard mode):

For more information about this display, see the “DHCP Relay” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8
CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 21-3
Configuring DHCP Relay DHCP Relay Overview

DHCP Relay Overview

The DHCP Relay service, its corresponding port numbers, and configurable options are as follows:
• DHCP Relay Service: BOOTP/DHCP

• UDP Port Numbers 67/68 for Request/Response

• Configurable options: DHCP server IP address, Forward Delay, Maximum Hops, Forwarding Option,
automatic switch IP configuration
The port numbers indicate the destination port numbers in the UDP header. The DHCP Relay verifies
whether the forward delay time (specified by the user) has elapsed before sending the packet down to
UDP with the destination IP address replaced by the address (also specified by the user).
If the relay is configured with multiple IP addresses, then the packet is sent to all IP address destinations.
The DHCP Relay also verifies that the maximum hop count has not been exceeded. If the forward delay
time is not met or the maximum hop count is exceeded, the BOOTP/DHCP packet is discarded by the
DHCP Relay.
The forwarding option allows you to specify if the relay must operate in the standard and per-VLAN-only
mode. The standard mode forwards all DHCP packets on a global relay service. The per-VLAN-only
mode forwards DHCP packets that originate from a specific VLAN. See “Setting the Relay Forwarding
Option” on page 21-10 for more information.
An additional function provided by the DHCP Relay service enables automatic IP address configuration
for default VLAN 1 when an unconfigured switch boots up. If this function is enabled, the switch
broadcasts a BootP or a DHCP request packet at boot time. When the switch receives an IP address from a
BootP/DHCP server, the address is assigned to default VLAN 1. See “Enabling Automatic IP
Configuration” on page 21-11 for more information.
Alternately, the relay function can be provided by an external router connected to the switch; in this case,
the relay is configured on the external router.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 21-4
Configuring DHCP Relay DHCP Relay Overview

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) provides a framework for passing configuration
information to Internet hosts on a TCP/IP network. It is based on the Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP), adding
the ability to automatically allocate reusable network addresses and additional configuration options.
DHCP consists of the following two components:
• A protocol for delivering host-specific configuration parameters from a DHCP server to a host.

• A mechanism for allocating network addresses to hosts.

DHCP is built on a client-server model in which a designated DHCP server allocates network addresses
and delivers configuration parameters to dynamically configured hosts. It supports the following three
mechanisms for IP address allocation.
Automatic—DHCP assigns a permanent IP address to a host.
Dynamic—DHCP assigns an IP address to a host for a limited period of time (or until the host explic-
itly relinquishes the address).
Manual—The network administrator assigns a host IP address and DHCP simply conveys the assigned
address to the host.

DHCP and the OmniSwitch

The unique characteristics of the DHCP protocol require a good plan before setting up the switch in a
DHCP environment. Since DHCP clients initially have no IP address, placement of these clients in a
VLAN is hard to determine.
The DHCP feature on OmniSwitch provides two services to the network users:
• DHCP Relay Agent

• Generic UDP Relay

The DHCP Relay Agent provides the network interfaces dynamic IP addresses from the DHCP server
present on a different VLAN. This feature can be configured using the ip helper and related commands.
The Generic UDP Relay forwards the broadcast packets with pre-configured destination UDP port
information to destination VLAN or VLANs. This feature can be configured using the ip udp relay and
related commands.
For more information on the CLI commands related to DHCP Relay, see the “DHCP Relay Commands”
chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 21-5
Configuring DHCP Relay DHCP Relay Overview

External DHCP Relay Application

The DHCP Relay can be configured on a router that is external to the switch. In this application example
the switched network has a single VLAN configured with multiple segments. All of the network hosts are
DHCP-ready, meaning they obtain their network address from the DHCP server. The DHCP server resides
behind an external network router that supports the DHCP Relay functionality.
The router must support DHCP Relay functionality to be able to forward DHCP frames. In this example,
DHCP Relay is supported within an external router that forwards request frames from the incoming router
port to the outgoing router port attached to the OmniSwitch.


External Router
DHCP Relay
DHCP Clients VLAN 1

DHCP Server

DHCP Clients
DHCP Clients
DHCP Clients

DHCP Clients are Members of the Same VLAN

The external router inserts the subnet address of the first hop segment into the DHCP request frames from
the DHCP clients. This subnet address allows the DHCP server to locate the segment on which the
requesting client resides. In this example, all clients attached to the OmniSwitch are DHCP-ready and
have the same subnet address ( inserted into each of the requests by the DHCP Relay function of
the router. The DHCP server assigns a different IP address to each of the clients. The switch does not need
an IP address assigned to it. All DHCP clients are members of either a default VLAN or an IP protocol

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 21-6
Configuring DHCP Relay DHCP Relay Overview

Internal DHCP Relay

The internal DHCP Relay is configured using the UDP forwarding feature in the switch, available through
the ip helper address command. For more information, see “DHCP Relay Implementation” on page 21-8.
This application example shows a network with two VLANs, each with multiple segments. All network
clients are DHCP-ready and the DHCP server resides on just one of the VLANs. This example is much
like the first application example, except that the DHCP Relay function is configured inside the switch.

DHCP Relay
(Router Port IP Address) (Router Port IP Address)
DHCP Clients
DHCP Client DHCP Server
DHCP Client
DHCP Clients in Two VLANs

During initialization, each network client forwards a DHCP request frame to the DHCP server using the
local broadcast address. For these locally attached stations, the frame is simply switched from one station
to another.
In this case, the DHCP server and clients must be members of the same VLAN (they can also be members
of the default VLAN).
Since the clients in the application example are not members of the same VLAN as the DHCP server, they
must request an IP address through the DHCP Relay routing entity in the switch. When a DHCP request
frame is received by the DHCP Relay entity, it is forwarded from VLAN 3 to VLAN 2. All the DHCP-
ready clients in VLAN 3 must be members of the same VLAN, and the switch must have the DHCP Relay
function configured.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 21-7
Configuring DHCP Relay DHCP Relay Implementation

DHCP Relay Implementation

The OmniSwitch allows you to configure the DHCP Relay feature in one of two ways. You can set up a
global DHCP Relay or you can set up the DHCP Relay based on the DHCP packet from the client. Both of
these choices provide the same configuration options and capabilities. However, they are mutually
exclusive. The following matrix summarizes the options.

Per-VLAN DHCP Relay Global DHCP Relay Effect

Disabled Disabled DHCP Request is flooded within its VLAN
Disabled Enabled DHCP Request is relayed to the Global Relay
Enabled Disabled DHCP Request is relayed to the Per-VLAN Relay
Enabled Enabled N/A

Global DHCP
For the global DHCP service, you must identify an IP address for the DHCP server.

Setting the IP Address

The DHCP Relay is enabled on a switch whenever a DHCP server IP address is defined by using the ip
helper address command. There is no separate command for enabling or disabling the relay service. You
must configure DHCP Relay on switches where packets are routed between IP networks. The following
command defines a DHCP server address:
-> ip helper address

The DHCP Relay forwards BOOTP/DHCP broadcasts to and from the specified address. If multiple
DHCP servers are used, one IP address must be configured for each server.
To delete an IP address, use the no form of the ip helper address command. The IP address specified
with this syntax is deleted. If an IP address is not specified with this syntax, then all IP helper addresses
are deleted. The following command deletes an IP helper address:
-> no ip helper address

For the Per-VLAN DHCP service, you must identify the number of the VLAN that makes the relay

Identifying the VLAN

You can enter one or more server IP addresses to which packets are sent from a specified VLAN. Do this
by using the ip helper vlan address command. The following syntax identifies the IP address as the DHCP server for VLAN 3:
-> ip helper address vlan 3

The following syntax identifies two DHCP servers for VLAN 4 at two different IP addresses:
-> ip helper address vlan 4

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 21-8
Configuring DHCP Relay DHCP Relay Implementation

To delete an IP address, use the no form of the ip helper address command. The IP address specified
with this syntax is deleted. If an IP address is not specified with this syntax, then all IP helper addresses
are deleted. The following command deletes a helper address for IP address
-> no ip helper address

The following command deletes all IP helper addresses:

-> no ip helper address

Configuring BOOTP/DHCP Relay Parameters

Once the IP address of the DHCP server(s) is defined and the DHCP Relay is configured for either Global
DHCP request or Per-VLAN DHCP request, you can set the following optional parameter values to
configure BOOTP relay.
• The forward delay time.

• The hop count.

• The relay forwarding option.

The only parameter that is required for DHCP relay is the IP address to the DHCP server or to the next
hop to the DHCP server. The default values can be accepted for forward delay, hop count, and relay
forwarding option.
Alternately the relay function can be provided by an external router connected to the switch; in this case,
the relay must be configured on the external router.

Setting the Forward Delay

Forward Delay is a time period that gives the local server a chance to respond to a client before the relay
forwards it further out in the network.
The UDP packet sent by the client contains the elapsed boot time value. This is the amount of time,
measured in seconds, since the client last booted. DHCP Relay does not process the packet unless the
elapsed boot time value of the client is equal to or greater than the configured value of the forward delay
time. If a packet contains an elapsed boot time value that is less than the specified forward delay time
value, DHCP Relay discards the packet.
The forward delay time value applies to all defined IP helper addresses. The following command sets the
forward delay value of 10 seconds:
-> ip helper forward-delay 10

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 21-9
Configuring DHCP Relay DHCP Relay Implementation

Setting Maximum Hops

This value specifies the maximum number of relays the BOOTP/DHCP packet can go through until it
reaches its server destination. This limit keeps packets from “looping” through the network. If a UDP
packet contains a hop count equal to the hops value, DHCP Relay discards the packet. The following
syntax is used to set a maximum of four hops:
-> ip helper maximum-hops 4

The hops value represents the maximum number of relays. The default maximum hops value is set to four.
This maximum hops value applies only to DHCP Relay. All other switch services ignore this value.

Setting the Relay Forwarding Option

This value specifies if DHCP Relay must operate in a Standard or Per VLAN only forwarding mode. By
default, the forwarding option is set to standard. To change the forwarding option value, enter ip helper
followed by standard or per-vlan-only. For example:
-> ip helper standard
-> ip helper per-vlan-only

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 21-10
Configuring DHCP Relay Using Automatic IP Configuration

Using Automatic IP Configuration

An additional function of the DHCP Relay feature enables a switch to broadcast a BootP or DHCP request
packet at boot time to obtain an IP address for default VLAN 1. This function is separate from the
previously described functions (such as Global DHCP, per-VLAN DHCP, and related configurable
options) in that enabling or disabling automatic IP configuration does not exclude or prevent other DHCP
Relay functionality.

Note. Automatic IP address configuration only supports the assignment of a permanent IP address to the
switch. Make sure that the DHCP server is configured with such an address before using this feature.

Using automatic IP configuration also allows the switch to specify the type of request packet to send;
BootP or DHCP. When the BootP/DHCP server receives the request packet from the switch, it processes
the request and sends an appropriate reply packet. When the switch receives a reply packet from the
BootP/DHCP server, one or more of the following occurs:
• The router port for VLAN 1 is assigned the IP address provided by the server.

• If the reply packet contains a subnet mask for the IP address, the mask is applied to the VLAN 1 router
port address. Otherwise, a default mask is determined based upon the class of the IP address. For
example, if the IP address is a Class A, B, or C address, then,, or
is used for the subnet mask.
• If the reply packet from the server contains a gateway IP address, then a static route entry of is
created on the switch with the gateway address provided by the server.

Note. If the VLAN 1 router port is already configured with an IP address, the switch does not broadcast a
request packet at boot time even if automatic IP configuration is enabled.

To verify IP router port configuration for VLAN 1, use the show ip interface and show ip routes
commands. For more information about these commands, refer to the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI
Reference Guide.

Enabling Automatic IP Configuration

By default, this function is disabled on the switch. To enable automatic IP configuration and specify the
type of request packet, use the ip helper boot-up command. For example:
-> ip helper boot-up enable DHCP
-> ip helper boot-up enable BOOTP

The next time the switch boots up, DHCP Relay broadcasts a BootP request packet as the default or
DHCP request packet if DHCP is enabled to obtain an IP address for default VLAN 1.
To disable automatic IP configuration for the switch, use the ip helper boot-up command with the
disable option, as shown below:
-> ip helper boot-up disable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 21-11
Configuring DHCP Relay Configuring UDP Port Relay

Configuring UDP Port Relay

In addition to configuring a relay operation for BOOTP/DHCP traffic on the switch, it is also possible to
configure relay for generic UDP service ports (NBNS/NBDD, other well-known UDP service ports, and
service ports that are not well-known). This is done using UDP Port Relay commands to enable relay on
these types of ports.
The UDP Port Relay function is separate from the previously described functions such as global DHCP,
per-VLAN DHCP, and automatic IP configuration. Using UDP Port Relay does not exclude or prevent the
other DHCP Relay functions from working. However, the following information is important to remember
when configuring BOOTP/DHCP relay and UDP port relay:
• You can configure either the ip helper or ip udp relay service but not both at the same time.

• The ip udp relay service command can also be used to enable or disable relay for DHCP well known
ports 67 and 68.
• If the BOOTP/DHCP relay service is disabled, the ip helper configuration is not retained and all
dependant functionalities, like automatic IP configuration for VLAN 1 and telnet, is disrupted.
• The DHCP Relay Agent Service must support the BOOTP/DHCP protocol, specifically UDP port 67
and 68.
• Use port 67 and/or port 68 with the ip udp relay service command to assign the well-known service
• Relaying DHCP traffic is available on a global and per-VLAN basis. Using this function on a per-
VLAN basis requires setting the DHCP relay forwarding mode to per-vlan-only. UDP port relay for
generic services is only available on a per-VLAN basis, however it does not require enabling the per-
vlan-only forwarding option.
Configuring UDP Port Relay for generic UDP services is a two-step process. The first step involves
enabling UDP Port Relay on the generic service port. The second step involves specifying a VLAN that
relays and forwards the traffic destined for the generic service port. Both steps are required and are
described below.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 21-12
Configuring DHCP Relay Configuring UDP Port Relay

Enabling/Disabling UDP Port Relay

By default, a global relay operation is enabled for BOOTP/DHCP relay well-known ports 67 and 68 that
becomes active when an IP network host address for a DHCP server is specified. To enable or disable a
relay operation for a UDP service port, use the ip udp relay service command. For example, the
following command enables relay on the DNS well-known service port:
-> ip udp relay service DNS

To enable relay on a user-defined UDP service port, enter the service port number using the ip udp relay
port command. For example, the following command enables relay on service port 3047:
-> ip udp relay port 3047

To disable a relay operation for a UDP service port, use the no form of the ip udp relay service
command. For example, the following command disables relay on the DNS well-known service port:
-> ip udp relay no service DNS

To disable a relay operation for a UDP service port, use the no form of the ip udp relay port command.
For example, the following command disables relay on the DNS well-known service port:
-> ip udp relay no port 3047

For more information about using the ip udp relay service and ip udp relay port command, see the
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

Specifying a Forwarding VLAN

To specify which VLAN(s) UDP Port Relay forwards traffic destined for a generic UDP service port, use
the ip udp relay service vlan command. For example, the following command assigns VLAN 5 as a
forwarding VLAN for the DNS well-known service port:
-> ip udp relay service dns vlan 5

Note. The ip udp relay service vlan command works only if UDP Port Relay is already enabled on the
specified service port. In addition, when assigning a VLAN to the BOOTP/DHCP service ports, set the
DHCP relay forwarding mode to per-vlan-only first before trying to assign the VLAN.

To specify more than one VLAN with a single command, enter a range of VLANs. For example, the
following command assigns VLANs 6 through 8 as forwarding VLANs for the NBNS/NBDD well-known
service ports:
-> ip udp relay service nbns vlan 6-8

If UDP Port Relay was enabled on a not well-known service port, then enter the service port number
instead of the service name along with the port keyword. For example, the following command assigns
VLAN 100 as a forwarding VLAN for UDP service port 3047:
-> ip udp relay port 3047 vlan 100

To remove a VLAN association with a UDP service port, use the no form of the ip udp relay service vlan
command. For example, the following command removes the VLAN 6 association with the NBNS well-
known service port:
-> no ip udp relay service nbns vlan 6

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 21-13
Configuring DHCP Relay Configuring UDP Port Relay

For more information about using the ip udp relay service vlan command, see the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

How the Relay Agent Processes DHCP Packets from the Client
The following table describes how the relay agent processes DHCP packets received from clients when
the Option-82 feature is enabled for the switch:

If the DHCP packet from the client ... The relay agent ...
Contains a zero gateway IP address ( and Inserts Option-82 with unique information to
no Option-82 data. identify the client source.
Contains a zero gateway IP address ( and Drops the packet, keeps the Option-82 data and
Option-82 data. forwards the packet, or replaces the Option-82
data with its own Option-82 data and forwards the

The action performed by the relay agent in this

case is determined by the agent information
policy that is configured through the ip helper
agent-information policy command.

By default, this type of DHCP packet is dropped

by the agent.
Contains a non-zero gateway IP address and no Drops the packet without any further processing.
Option-82 data.
Contains a non-zero gateway IP address and Drops the packet if the gateway IP address
Option-82 data. matches a local subnet, otherwise the packet is
forwarded without inserting Option-82 data.

How the Relay Agent Processes DHCP Packets from the Server
When the relay agent receives a DHCP packet from the DHCP server, the agent:
1 Extracts the VLAN ID from the Circuit ID suboption field in the packet and compares the MAC
address of the IP router interface for that VLAN to the MAC address contained in the Remote ID
suboption field in the same packet.
2 Drops the DHCP packet if the IP router interface MAC address and the Remote ID MAC address are
not the same.
3 If the two MAC addresses match, then a check is made to see if the slot/port value in the Circuit ID
suboption field in the packet matches a port that is associated with the VLAN also identified in the Circuit
ID suboption field.
4 If the slot/port information does not identify an actual port associated with the Circuit ID VLAN, then
the agent tries to deliever the packet back to the port where the device is located.
5 If the slot/port information does identify an actual port associated with the Circuit ID VLAN, then the
agent strips the Option-82 data from the packet and unicasts the packet to the port identified in the Circuit
ID suboption.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 21-14
Configuring DHCP Relay Configuring UDP Port Relay

Configuring a Relay Agent Information Option-82 Policy

As previously mentioned, when the relay agent receives a DHCP packet from a client that already contains
Option-82 data, the packet is dropped by default. However, it is possible to configure a DHCP Option-82
policy that directs the relay agent to drop, keep, or replace the existing Option-82 data and then forward
the packet to the server.
To configure a DHCP Option-82 policy, use the ip helper agent-information policy command. The
following parameters are available with this command to specify the policy action:
• drop—The DHCP Option-82 data is dropped (the default).

• keep—The existing Option-82 field information in the DHCP packet is retained and the packet is
relayed to the DHCP server.
• replace—The existing Option-82 data in the DHCP packet is replaced with the VLAN ID and the
MAC address of the DHCP Relay switch.
For example, the following commands configure DHCP Option-82 policies:
-> ip helper agent-information policy drop
-> ip helper agent-information policy keep
-> ip helper agent-information policy replace

Note. These policies apply to all DHCP packets received on all switch ports. In addition, if a packet that
contains existing Option-82 data also contains a gateway IP address that matches a local subnet address, the
relay agent drops the packet.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 21-15
Configuring DHCP Relay Configuring UDP Port Relay

Using DHCP Snooping

Using DHCP Snooping improves network security by filtering DHCP messages received from devices
outside the network and building and maintaining a binding table (database) to track access information
for such devices.
In order to identify DHCP traffic that originates from outside the network, DHCP Snooping categorizes
ports as either trusted or untrusted. A port is trusted if it is connected to a device inside the network, such
as a DHCP server. A port is untrusted if it is connected to a device outside the network, such as a customer
switch or workstation.
Additional DHCP Snooping functionality provided includes the following:
• Layer 2 DHCP Snooping—Applies DHCP Snooping functionality to bridged DHCP client/server
broadcasts without using the relay agent or requiring an IP interface on the client/server VLAN. See
“Layer 2 DHCP Snooping” on page 21-22 for more information.
• IP Source Filtering—Restricts DHCP Snooping port traffic to only packets that contain the proper
client source information. The DHCP Snooping binding table is used to verify the client information
for the port that is enabled for IP source filtering. See “Using DHCP Snooping” on page 21-16 for
more information.
• Rate Limiting—Limits the rate of DHCP packets on the port. This functionality is achieved using the
QoS application to configure ACLs for the port. See Chapter 26, “Configuring QoS,” in the
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide for more information.
When DHCP Snooping is first enabled, all ports are considered untrusted. It is important to then configure
ports connected to a DHCP server inside the network as trusted ports. See “Configuring the Port Trust
Mode” on page 21-19 for more information.
If a DHCP packet is received on an untrusted port, then it is considered an untrusted packet. If a DHCP
packet is received on a trusted port, then it is considered a trusted packet. DHCP Snooping only filters
untrusted packets and will drop such packets if one or more of the following conditions are true:
• The packet received is a DHCP server packet, such as a DHCPOFFER, DHCPACK, or DHCPNAK
packet. When a server packet is received on an untrusted port, DHCP Snooping knows that it is not
from a trusted server and discards the packet.
• The source MAC address of the packet and the DHCP client hardware address contained in the packet
are not the same address.
• The packet is a DHCPRELEASE or DHCPDECLINE broadcast message that contains a source MAC
address found in the DHCP Snooping binding table, but the interface information in the binding table
does not match the interface on which the message was received.
• The packet includes a relay agent IP address that is a non-zero value.

• The packet already contains Option-82 data in the options field and the Option-82 check function is
enabled. See “Bypassing the Option-82 Check on Untrusted Ports” on page 21-19 for more
If none of the above are true, then DHCP Snooping accepts and forwards the packet. When a DHCPACK
packet is received from a server, the following information is extracted from the packet to create an entry
in the DHCP Snooping binding table:
• MAC address of the DHCP client.

• IP address for the client that was assigned by the DHCP server.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 21-16
Configuring DHCP Relay Configuring UDP Port Relay

• The port from where the DHCP packet originated.

• The VLAN associated with the port from where the DHCP packet originated.

• The lease time for the assigned IP address.

• The binding entry type; dynamic or static (user-configured).

After extracting the above information and populating the binding table, the packet is then forwarded to
the port from where the packet originated. Basically, the DHCP Snooping feature prevents the normal
flooding of DHCP traffic. Instead, packets are delivered only to the appropriate client and server ports.

DHCP Snooping Configuration Guidelines

Consider the following when configuring the DHCP Snooping feature:
• Layer 3 DHCP Snooping requires the use of the relay agent to process DHCP packets. As a result,
DHCP clients and servers must reside in different VLANs so that the relay agent is engaged to forward
packets between the VLAN domains. See “Configuring BOOTP/DHCP Relay Parameters” on
page 21-9 for information about how to configure the relay agent on the switch.
• Layer 2 DHCP Snooping does not require the use of the relay agent to process DHCP packets. As a
result, an IP interface is not needed for the client/server VLAN. See “Layer 2 DHCP Snooping” on
page 21-22 for more information.
• Both Layer 2 and Layer 3 DHCP Snooping are active when DHCP Snooping is globally enabled for
the switch or enabled on a one or more VLANs. See “Enabling DHCP Snooping” on page 21-17 for
more information.
• Configure ports connected to DHCP servers within the network as trusted ports. See “Configuring the
Port Trust Mode” on page 21-19 for more information.
• Make sure that Option-82 data insertion is always enabled at the switch or VLAN level. See “Enabling
DHCP Snooping” on page 21-17 for more information.
• DHCP packets received on untrusted ports that already contain the Option-82 data field are discarded
by default. To accept such packets, configure DHCP Snooping to bypass the Option-82 check. See
“Bypassing the Option-82 Check on Untrusted Ports” on page 21-19 for more information.
• By default, rate limiting of DHCP traffic is done at a rate of 512 DHCP messages per second per
switching ASIC. Each switching ASIC controls 24 ports (e.g. ports 1–24, 25–48, etc.).

Enabling DHCP Snooping

There are two levels of operation available for the DHCP Snooping feature: switch level or VLAN level.
These two levels are exclusive of each other in that they both cannot operate on the switch at the same
time. In addition, if the global DHCP relay agent information option (Option-82) is enabled for the switch,
then DHCP Snooping at any level is not available. See “How the Relay Agent Processes DHCP Packets
from the Client” on page 21-14 for more information.

Note. DHCP Snooping drops server packets received on untrusted ports (ports that connect to devices
outside the network or firewall). It is important to configure ports connected to DHCP servers as trusted
ports so that traffic to/from the server is not dropped.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 21-17
Configuring DHCP Relay Configuring UDP Port Relay

Switch-level DHCP Snooping

By default, DHCP Snooping is disabled for the switch. To enable this feature at the switch level, use the
dhcp-snooping admin-state command. For example:
-> dhcp-snooping admin-state enable

When DHCP Snooping is enabled at the switch level, all DHCP packets received on all switch ports are
screened/filtered by DHCP Snooping. By default, only client DHCP traffic is allowed on the ports, unless
the trust mode for a port is configured to block or allow all DHCP traffic. See “Configuring the Port Trust
Mode” on page 21-19 for more information.
In addition, the following functionality is also activated by default when switch-level DHCP Snooping is
• The DHCP Snooping binding table is created and maintained. To configure the status or add a static
entry to this table, use the dhcp-snooping binding command.
• MAC address verification is performed to compare the source MAC address of the DHCP packet with
the client hardware address contained in the packet. To configure the status of MAC address
verification, use the dhcp-snooping mac-address-verification command.
• Option-82 data is inserted into the packet and then DHCP reply packets are only sent to the port from
where the DHCP request originated, instead of flooding these packets to all ports. To configure the
status of Option-82 data insertion, use the dhcp-snooping option-82-data-insertion command.
• The base MAC address of the switch is inserted into the Circuit ID and Remote ID suboptions of the
Option-82 field. To configure the type of data (base MAC address, system name, or user-defined) that
is inserted into the Option-82 suboptions, use the dhcp-snooping option-82 format command. The
system name and user-defined text are reported in ASCII text format, but the MAC address is still
reported in hex-based format.

Note. On disabling DHCP Snooping functionality:

• Disabling Option-82 is not allowed if the binding table is enabled.
• Enabling the binding table is not allowed if Option-82 data insertion is not enabled at either the switch
or VLAN level.

VLAN-Level DHCP Snooping

To enable DHCP Snooping at the VLAN level, use the show dhcp-snooping vlan command. For
example, the following command enables DHCP Snooping for VLAN 200:
-> dhcp-snooping vlan 200 admin-state enable

When this feature is enabled at the VLAN level, DHCP Snooping functionality is only applied to ports
that are associated with a VLAN that has this feature enabled. Up to 64 VLANs can have DHCP Snooping

Note. Enabling DHCP Snooping at the switch level is not allowed if it is enabled for one or more VLANs.

By default, when DHCP Snooping is enabled for a specific VLAN, MAC address verification and Option-
82 data insertion is also enabled for the VLAN by default. To disable or enable either of these two
features, use the show dhcp-snooping vlan command with either the mac-address-verification or
option-82-data-insertion parameters. For example:

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 21-18
Configuring DHCP Relay Configuring UDP Port Relay

-> dhcp-snooping vlan 200 mac-address-verification disable

-> dhcp-snooping vlan 200 option-82-data-insertion disable

• If the binding table functionality is enabled, disabling Option-82 data insertion for the VLAN is not
allowed. See “Configuring the DHCP Snooping Binding Table” on page 21-20 for more information.
• If DHCP Snooping is not enabled for a VLAN, then all ports associated with the VLAN are considered
trusted ports. VLAN-level DHCP Snooping does not filter DHCP traffic on ports associated with a
VLAN that does not have this feature enabled.

Configuring the Port Trust Mode

The DHCP Snooping trust mode for a port determines whether or not the port accepts all DHCP traffic,
client-only DHCP traffic, or blocks all DHCP traffic. The following trust modes for a port are
configurable using the dhcp-snooping port command:
• client-only—The default mode applied to ports when DHCP Snooping is enabled. This mode restricts
DHCP traffic on the port to only DHCP client-related traffic. When this mode is active for the port, the
port is considered an untrusted interface.
• trust—This mode does not restrict DHCP traffic on the port. When this mode is active on a port, the
port is considered a trusted interface. In this mode the port behaves as if DHCP Snooping is not
• block—This mode blocks all DHCP traffic on the port. When this mode is active for the port, the port
is considered an untrusted interface.
To configure the trust mode for one or more ports, use the show dhcp-snooping port command. For
example, the following command changes the trust mode for port 1/12 on chassis 1 to blocked:
-> dhcp-snooping port 1/1/12 block

It is also possible to specify a range of ports. For example, the following command changes the trust mode
for ports 2/1 through 2/10 on chassis 1 to trusted:
-> dhcp-snooping port 1/2/1-10 trust

Note. It is necessary to configure ports connected to DHCP servers within the network and/or firewall as
trusted ports so that necessary DHCP traffic to/from the server is not blocked. Configuring the port mode as
trusted also identifies the device connected to that port as a trusted device within the network.

Bypassing the Option-82 Check on Untrusted Ports

By default, DHCP Snooping checks packets received on untrusted ports (DHCP Snooping client-only or
blocked ports) to see if the packets contain the Option-82 data field. If a packet does contain this field, the
packet is dropped.
To allow untrusted ports to receive and process DHCP packets that already contain the Option-82 data
field, use the dhcp-snooping bypass option-82-check command to disable the Option-82 check. For
-> dhcp-snooping bypass option-82-check enable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 21-19
Configuring DHCP Relay Configuring UDP Port Relay

Configuring IP Source Filtering

IP source filtering applies to DHCP Snooping ports and restricts port traffic to only packets that contain
the proper client source information in the packet. The DHCP Snooping binding table is used to verify the
client information for the port that is enabled for IP source filtering.
Port Source Filtering -Filters based on source mac-address and source IP address.
VLAN Source Filtering - Filters based on VLAN ID, interface number, source mac-address and source
IP address.
By default IP source filtering is disabled for a DHCP Snooping port. Use the dhcp-snooping ip-source-
filter command to enable or disable this function.
For example, to enable source filtering on individual port 1/1 on chassis 1, enter:
-> dhcp-snooping ip-source-filter port 1/1/1 enable

To enable source filtering on link aggregate 2, enter:

-> dhcp-snooping ip-source-filter linkagg 2 enable

To enable source filtering on VLAN 10, enter:

-> dhcp-snooping ip-source-filter vlan 10 enable

Configuring the DHCP Snooping Binding Table

The DHCP Snooping binding table is automatically enabled by default when DHCP Snooping is enabled
at either the switch or VLAN level. This table is used by DHCP Snooping to filter DHCP traffic that is
received on untrusted ports.
Entries are made in this table when the relay agent receives a DHCPACK packet from a trusted DHCP
server. The agent extracts the client information, populates the binding table with the information and then
forwards the DHCPACK packet to the port where the client request originated.
To enable or disable the DHCP Snooping binding table, use the dhcp-snooping admin-state command.
For example:
-> dhcp-snooping binding admin-state enable
-> dhcp-snooping binding admin-state disable

Note that enabling the binding table functionality is not allowed if Option-82 data insertion is not enabled
at either the switch or VLAN level.
In addition, it is also possible to configure static binding table entries. This type of entry is created using
available dhcp-snooping binding command parameters to define the static entry. For example, the
following command creates a static DHCP client entry:
-> dhcp-snooping binding 00:2a:95:51:6c:10 port 1/1/15 address lease-
time 3 vlan 200

To remove a static binding table entry, use the no form of the dhcp-snooping binding command. For
-> no dhcp-snooping binding 00:2a:95:51:6c:10 port 1/1/15 address
lease-time 3 vlan 200

To view the DHCP Snooping binding table contents, use the dhcp-snooping binding command. See the
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide for example outputs of this command.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 21-20
Configuring DHCP Relay Configuring UDP Port Relay

Configuring the Binding Table Timeout

The contents of the DHCP Snooping binding table resides in the switch memory. In order to preserve table
entries across switch reboots, the table contents is automatically saved to the dhcpBinding.db file located
in the /flash/switch directory.

Note. Do not manually change the dhcpBinding.db file. This file is used by DHCP Snooping to preserve
and maintain binding table entries. Changing the file name or contents can cause problems with this
functionality or with the DHCP Snooping application itself.

The amount of time, in seconds, between each automatic save is referred to as the binding table timeout
value. By default, the timeout value is 300 seconds. To configure this value, use the dhcp-snooping
binding timeout command. For example, the following command sets the timeout value to 1500 seconds:
-> dhcp-snooping binding timeout 1500

Each time an automatic save is performed, the dhcpBinding.db file is time stamped.

Synchronizing the Binding Table

To synchronize the contents of the dhcpBinding.db file with the binding table contents that resides in
memory, use the dhcp-snooping binding action command. This command provides two parameters:
purge and renew. Use the purge parameter to clear binding table entries in memory and the renew
parameter to populate the binding table with the contents of the dhcpBinding.db file. For example:
-> dhcp-snooping binding action purge
-> dhcp-snooping binding action renew

Synchronizing the binding table is only done when this command is used. There is no automatic triggering
of this function. In addition, it is important to note that synchronizing the binding table loads
dhcpBinding.db file contents into memory. This is the reverse of saving the binding table contents in
memory to the dhcpBinding.db file, which is done at automatic time intervals as defined by the binding
table timeout value. See “Configuring the Binding Table Timeout” on page 21-21 for more information.

Binding Table Retention

When the binding table is synchronized with the contents of the dhcpBinding.db file, any table entries
with a MAC address that no longer appears in the MAC address table are cleared from the binding table.
To retain these entries regardless of their MAC address table status, use the dhcp-snooping binding
persistency command. For example:
-> dhcp-snooping binding persistency enable

When binding table retention is enabled, entries remain in the table for the term of their DHCP lease and
are not removed even when the MAC address for the entry is cleared from the MAC address table.
To disable binding table retention, use the following command:
-> dhcp-snooping binding persistency disable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 21-21
Configuring DHCP Relay Configuring UDP Port Relay

Layer 2 DHCP Snooping

By default, DHCP broadcasts are flooded on the default VLAN of the client/server port. If the DHCP
client and server are both members of the same VLAN domain, the broadcast packets from these sources
are bridged as Layer 2 traffic and not processed by the relay agent.
When DHCP Snooping is enabled at the switch level or for an individual VLAN, DHCP Snooping
functionality is also applied to Layer 2 traffic. When DHCP Snooping is disabled at the switch level or
disabled on the last VLAN to have snooping enabled on the switch, DHCP Snooping functionality is no
longer applied to Layer 2 or Layer 3 traffic.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 21-22
Configuring DHCP Relay Quick Steps for Configuring DHCPv6 Relay

Quick Steps for Configuring DHCPv6 Relay

To configure the DHCPv6 relay feature, proceed as follows:

1 Enable the DHCPv6 relay service on the switch using the ipv6 dhcp relay admin-state command. For
-> ipv6 dhcp relay admin-state enable

Note. Though the DHCPv6 relay is enabled on the switch, DHCPv6 relay has to be explicitly enabled on
the interface for the DHCPv6 client messages to be relayed.

2 Configure the interface for the DHCPv6 relay using the ipv6 dhcp relay interface admin-state
command. For example:
-> ipv6 dhcp relay int1 admin-state enable

Note. At least one relay destination should be configured before enabling the DHCPv6 relay on an

3 Configure the DHCPv6 relay destination using the ipv6 dhcp relay destination command. For
-> ipv6 dhcp relay int1 destination 3001::3

This configures the DHCPv6 relay destination for the interface.

Note. Maximum five relay destinations can be configured for an interface. If the relay destination is a local-
link, then the interface name for the local-link should be specified. For example:

-> ipv6 dhcp relay int1 destination fe80::64 int1

DHCPv6 Relay Overview

A DHCPv6 relay agent is required in situations where DHCPv6 clients do not reside on the same link as
the DHCP server. The DHCPv6 Relay on OmniSwitch processes and forwards all DHCPv6 messages
triggered by DHCPv6 client to the configured DHCPv6 relay agent as a unicast packet.
DHCPv6 Relay is a per-interface option that can be enabled on any IPv6 interface.
For details on how DHCPv6 Relay and configuration is implemented on OmniSwitch, see the following

DHCPv6 Relay Interface

The DHCPv6 relay can operate in multiple VRFs (IPv6 multi-VRF). It supports multicast-capable IPv6
interfaces (VLAN and configured tunnel interfaces) and non-multicast-capable IPv6 interfaces (6to4

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 21-23
Configuring DHCP Relay DHCPv6 Relay Configuration Overview

The DHCPv6 Relay agent shall be part of the link-scoped multicast group (FF02::1:2) on the interface.
Any messages sent by a client to that address will then be handled by DHCPv6 Relay agent.
A maximum of five unicast or link-scoped multicast relay destinations can be configured for each
interface on which DHCPv6 Relay is enabled. The DHCPv6 relay for the interface will be automatically
disabled when all the relay destinations configured for that interface is removed.

DHCPv6 Relay Messages

Relay-Forward Messages
When the DHCPv6 relay agent receives the relay-forward message, it will verify the hop-count of the
message. If the hop-count value is greater or equal to the hop-count limit (32), the message will be
discarded and a new relay-forward message is created else the message is forwarded to the relay

Relay-Reply Messages
When the DHCPv6 relay agent connected to the client receives the relay-reply message, it verifies if the
DHCPv6 relay is enabled or disabled on the interface identified by the address in the link-address field. If
the DHCPv6 relay is disabled, the message is discarded. If the DHCPv6 relay is enabled, then the
DHCPv6 message is extracted and sent to the address contained in the relay-reply message.

DHCPv6 Relay Configuration Overview

Following sections provide the details about the DHCPv6 Relay configuration.

Enabling the DHCPv6 Relay Per-VRF

The DHCPv6 relay can operate in multiple VRFs (IPv6 multi-VRF). To enable the DHCPv6 relay on the
VRF, use the ipv6 dhcp relay admin-state command. For example:
-> ipv6 dhcp relay admin-state enable

Note. Though the DHCPv6 relay is enabled on the switch, it has to be explicitly enabled on the interface,
for the DHCPv6 client messages to be relayed.

Configuring the DHCPv6 Relay Interface

An interface should be configured to relay the DHCPv6 messages received from the client. To configure
the interface, use the ipv6 dhcp relay interface admin-state command. For example:
-> ipv6 dhcp relay int1 admin-state enable

Note. At least one relay destination should be configured before enabling the DHCPv6 relay on an

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 21-24
Configuring DHCP Relay DHCPv6 Relay Configuration Overview

Configuring the DHCPv6 Relay Destination

TheDHCPv6 relay enabled interface should be configured with the relay destination (DHCP server) to
which the DHCPv6 client messages is to be relayed. To configure the relay destination, use the ipv6 dhcp
relay destination command. For example:
-> ipv6 dhcp relay int1 destination 3001::3

Note. If the relay destination is a local-link, then the interface-ID of the local-link should be specified.

Maximum five relay destinations can be configured for an interface. The DHCPv6 relay for the interface
will be automatically disabled when all the relay destinations configured for that interface is removed.

Viewing the DHCPv6 Relay configuration

The interface for which the DHCPv6 relay is configured, the relay destinations, and the status of the
DHCPv6 relay can be viewed. To view the DHCPv6 relay configuration, use the show ipv6 dhcp relay
command. For example:

-> show ipv6 dhcp relay

DHCPv6 Relay: Enabled

Interface Relay Destination(s) Status

vlan-41 ff02::1:2 Enabled
vlan-103 2001:dbc8:8003::17 Disabled
vlan-200 fe80::cd0:deff:fe28:1ca5 vlan-201 Enabled
tunnel-2 2001:dbc8:a23::ea77 Enabled

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 21-25
Configuring DHCP Relay Verifying the DHCP Relay Configuration

Verifying the DHCP Relay Configuration

To display information about the DHCP Relay and BOOTP/DHCP, use the show commands listed below.
For more information about the resulting displays from these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 CLI Reference Guide. An example of the output for the show ip helper command is also given
in “Quick Steps for Setting Up DHCP Relay” on page 21-3.

show ip helper Displays the current forward delay time, the maximum number of hops,
the forwarding option (standard), and each of the DHCP server IP
addresses configured.
show ip helper statistics Displays the number of packets the DHCP Relay service has received
and transmitted, the number of packets dropped due to forward delay
and maximum hops violations, and the number of packets processed
since the last time these statistics were displayed.
show ip udp relay Displays the VLAN assignments to which the traffic received on the
UDP service ports is forwarded. Displays the current configuration for
UDP services by service name or by service port number.
show ip udp relay statistics Displays the current statistics for each UDP port relay service. These
statistics include the name of the service, the forwarding VLAN(s)
configured for that service, and the number of packets the service has
sent and received.
show dhcp-snooping vlan Displays a list of VLANs that have DHCP Snooping enabled and
whether or not MAC address verification and Option-82 data insertion
is enabled for each VLAN.
show dhcp-snooping port Displays the DHCP Snooping trust mode for the port and the number of
packets destined for the port that were dropped due to a DHCP
Snooping violation.
show dhcp-snooping binding Displays the contents of the DHCP Snooping binding table (database).
show ipv6 dhcp relay Displays all the interface on which the DHCPv6 relay is configured, the
relay destinations, and the status of the DHCPv6 relay.

• Use the no ip helper statistics command to reset the IP helper statistics for VRF instances.
• Use the ip udp relay no statistics command to reset the generic UDP Relay Service related statistics.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 21-26
22 Configuring an Internal
DHCP Server

The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) offers a framework to provide configuration
information to client interfaces on an IPv4 or IPv6 IP network. DHCP is based on the Bootstrap Protocol
(BOOTP) and provides additional capabilities, such as dynamic allocation of reusable network addresses
and configuration options.
A DHCP server provides dynamic IP addresses on lease for client interfaces on a network. It manages a
pool of IP addresses and information about client configuration parameters. The DHCP server obtains an
IP address request from the client interfaces. After obtaining the requests, the DHCP server assigns an IP
address, a lease period, and other IP configuration parameters, such as the subnet mask and the default
This chapter describes how to configure the internal DHCP server on the OmniSwitch.

In This Chapter
This chapter describes configuration of the DHCP server and how to modify the configuration through the
Command Line Interface (CLI). CLI commands are used in the configuration examples; for more details
on the syntax of commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.
Configuration procedures described in this chapter include:
• “DHCP Server Default Values” on page 22-2.

• “Quick Steps to Configure Internal DHCP Server” on page 22-2.

• “DHCP Server Overview” on page 22-4

• “Interaction With Other Features” on page 22-5

• “Configuring DHCP Server on OmniSwitch” on page 22-6

• “DHCP Server Application Example” on page 22-11

• “Configuration File Parameters and Syntax” on page 22-14

• “Policy File Parameters and Syntax” on page 22-30

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-1
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server DHCP Server Default Values

DHCP Server Default Values

Parameter Description Command Default Value/Comments
DHCP Server operation dhcp-server status disabled

Quick Steps to Configure Internal DHCP Server

DHCP server software is installed on the OmniSwitch to centrally manage IP addresses and other TCP/IP
configuration settings for clients present on a network.
Follow the steps in this section for a quick tutorial on how to configure an internal DHCP server on the

Note. For detailed information on how to configure the DHCP server on OmniSwitch, see the Configuring
DHCP Server on OmniSwitch section. The *.conf and *.pcy files can be created using VitalQIP, refer to the
VitalQIP documentation for additional information.

1 Navigate to /flash/switch directory.

-> cd /flash/switch

2 Copy the dhcpd.conf.template file and save it as dhcpd.conf. The dhcpd.conf file can then be
customized as necessary.
-> cp dhcpd.conf.template dhcpd.conf

3 Copy the dhcpd.pcy.template file and save it as dhcpd.pcy. The dhcpd.pcy file can then be
customized as necessary.
4 Customize the dhcp.conf and dhcpd.pcy files according to your requirements. Use the vi command to
modify the existing configuration file.
-> vi dhcpd.conf

Declare dynamic DHCP options, global options, and server configuration parameters for client interfaces
in the dhcpd.conf file. Add DHCP related information for a particular subnet.
For example, for the subnet, define the dynamic DHCP range, router option, domain name and
other details using the following code:


subnet netmask

dynamic-dhcp range
option subnet-mask;
option routers;
option domain-name-servers;
option domain-name "";
option dhcp-lease-time 30000;

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-2
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server Quick Steps to Configure Internal DHCP Server

Note. See “Configuration File Parameters and Syntax” on page 22-14 for details on what each of the
optional keywords specify.

5 After entering the required information in the dhcpd.conf file. Type :wq to save the changes made to
the dhcpd.conf file.

• If the dhcpd.conf file is corrupted, the dhcpd.conf.lastgood file is used as a backup file.
• If the dhcpd.conf file is updated successfully, then the dhcpd.conf.lastgood file is over written with
the configurations present in the dhcpd.conf file.
• Properly configured dhcpd.conf and dhcpd.pcy files can be transferred to the switch remotely instead
of using the vi editor.

6 Restart the DHCP server using the dhcp-server restart command. The changes made in the
dhcpd.conf file are applied to the OmniSwitch.
-> dhcp-server restart

Note. The dhcp-server restart command automatically updates the dhcpd.conf, dhcpd.conf.lastgood and
dhcpd.pcy files.

7 Enable the DHCP server using the dhcp-server command.

-> dhcp-server enable

8 Check the IP address leases by entering the following command:

-> show dhcp-server leases

IP address MAC address Lease Granted Lease Expiry Type

-------------+----------------+---------------------+--------------------+--------- 10:fe:a2:e4:32:08 2010-01-16 11:38:47 2010-01-17 11:38:47 Dynamic 20:fe:a2:e4:32:08 2010-01-16 10:30:00 2010-01-18 10:30:00 Static 20:fe:a2:e4:33:08 2010-01-16 10:30:00 2010-01-18 10:30:00 Dynamic 20:fe:a2:e4:34:08 2010-01-16 10:30:00 2010-01-18 10:30:00 Dynamic

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-3
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server DHCP Server Overview

DHCP Server Overview

DHCP consists of two components:
• A protocol to supply client-specific configuration parameters from a DHCP server to a client.

• A mechanism to allocate network addresses to clients.

A DHCP server uses the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol to provide initialization parameters to the
clients in the network.

The DHCP process

DHCP is built on a client-server model, where a designated DHCP server allocates network addresses and
delivers configuration parameters to dynamically configured client addresses.The process for a client to
obtain its IP address through a DHCP server is as follows:
1 The client generates a DHCP request message via UDP broadcast.

2 The server listens for this request message.

3 The server responds with a DHCP reply and a valid IP address.

4 The server responds with a dynamic address in a defined range or one based on a MAC address.

5 The server leases the address for a specific time period.

Internal DHCP Server on OmniSwitch

The OmniSwitch internal DHCP server provides the abilities to:
• Enable or disable the DHCP server.

• Dynamically modify the DHCP configuration, using the vi editor, or through an accurately configured
text file transferred to the switch.
• Restart the DHCP server.

• View the DHCP leases offered by the internal DHCP server.

• View the DHCP server statistics through the command line interface.

VitalQIP Server
The VitalQIP framework provides a complete solution for IP Address Management. The OmniSwitch runs
the relevant components for a remote server such as Message Service and Active Lease that interact with
the QIP server. The QIP server can be used to generate the required conf and pcy files which can used on
the OmniSwitch to allow it to act as a remote server.

OmniSwitch DHCP Server Management

The DHCP Server on the OmniSwitch is managed from VitalQIP by specifying the IP address of the
OmniSwitch through which the VitalQIP server can manage the OmniSwitch. This can be the Loopback0
or other IP interface that is reachable by the VitalQIP server.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-4
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server Interaction With Other Features

VitalQIP Message Service

This is the VitalQIP component that is present on the OmniSwitch acting as a remote server. This
component allows the OmniSwitch to interact with other VitalQIP components. Also other services such
as Active Lease Service register with the Message Server.

VitalQIP Active Lease Service

This component interacts with the VitalQIP server and provides the following capabilities:
• Viewing DHCP leases in VitalQIP

• Deleting Leases from VitalQIP.

Interaction With Other Features

This section contains important information about the internal DHCP server and its interaction with other
OmniSwitch features. Refer to the specific chapter for each feature to get more detailed information about
how to configure and use the feature.

Virtual Router Forwarding (VRF)

The same subnet cannot be shared across different VRFs since there is a single internal DHCP server

BootP/UDP Relay
The BootP/UDP relay is automatically disabled on the default VRF when the internal DHCP server is
enabled on the switch.

DHCP Snooping
Internal DHCP server and DHCP snooping are mutually exclusive and cannot function together in the
default VRF. DHCP snooping security is disabled when the DHCP server feature is enabled on the switch
since the DHCP server is internal and secure.

IP Interfaces
The DHCP client gets a lease only if the switch has an IP interface and the DHCP server is configured for
that particular subnet. If there are no IP address ranges defined for the incoming client interface, then the
client is not assigned a lease.
In case of IP multinetting, the primary interface address is used to calculate the subnet of the interface. If
there are no IP interfaces configured in the system, then the packet sent from the client is dropped.

VitalQIP Server
The VitalQIP framework provides a complete solution for IP Address Management. The OmniSwitch runs
the relevant components for a remote server such as Message Service and Active Lease that interact with
the VitalQIP server.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-5
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server Configuring DHCP Server on OmniSwitch

Configuring DHCP Server on OmniSwitch

The DHCP server implementation on OmniSwitch makes use of the policy, configuration, and server
database files stored in the /flash/switch directory. The functions of the DHCP server related files are as
• DHCP Template files: The dhcpd(v6).conf.template and dhcpd(v6).pcy.template files contain the
default configuration parameters and policy parameters respectively.
• DHCP Policy file: The dhcpd(v6).pcy file initializes the global attributes for the DHCP server.

• DHCP Configuration files: The dhcpd(v6).conf file is used to configure specific DHCP server
settings on the switch such as IP address ranges and options. The dhcpd(v6).conf.lastgood file is a
backup for the dhcpd(v6).conf file.
• DHCP Server Database file: The dhcpd(v6)Srv.db file is activated only during takeover and server
restart of the DHCP server. It contains lease details of the client IP addresses.

DHCP Template files

The dhcpd(v6).conf.template and dhcpd(v6).pcy.template files are provided as part of the AOS
package. The template files are present in the flash/switch directory.
The dhcpd(v6).conf.template (configuration template) file contains the default configuration parameters
required to setup the internal DHCP server. The dhcpd(v6).conf.template file provides a basic template
to create a configuration file. Create a copy of the configuration template file and save it as
dhcpd(v6).conf in the flash/switch directory. Modify the dhcpd(v6).conf file according to the network
The dhcpd(v6).pcy.template (policy template) file contains the default policy parameters for the internal
DHCP server. The dhcpd(v6).pcy.template file provides a basic template to create a policy file. Create a
copy of the policy template file and save it as dhcpd(v6).pcy file in the flash/switch directory. Modify the
dhcpd.pcy file according to the network requirements.

Policy file
The policy file is used to configure the DHCP related policies according to user requirements. The
dhcpd(v6).pcy.template file provides a basic template to create a policy file. The DHCP server policy
parameters can be defined using the policy file. Ideally, most of the server parameters are kept static.

Example of a dhcpd.pcy File

PingDelay = 200
PingAttempts = 3
PingSendDelay = 1000
DefaultLease = 86400

Example of a dhcpdv6.pcy File

; QIP DHCPv6 Policy File

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-6
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server Configuring DHCP Server on OmniSwitch



The updated dhcpd(v6).pcy file is effective only after the dhcp-server restart command is performed.
See the “Policy File Parameters and Syntax” on page 22-30 table for additional information on individual
policy parameters and how to apply the policies for internal DHCP server on the OmniSwitch.

DHCP Configuration Files

The configuration files store the network information for the DHCP clients. There are two main DHCP
configuration files that can be used to configure the DHCP server on OmniSwitch. They are:
• dhcpd(v6).conf

• dhcpd(v6).conf.lastgood

The following sections provide detailed information on the dhcpd(v6).conf and dhcpd(v6).conf.lastgood

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-7
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server Configuring DHCP Server on OmniSwitch

dhcpd(v6).conf File
The dhcpd(v6).conf file is used to declare DHCP options and global options for the DHCP clients. The
dhcpd(v6).conf.template file contains the default configuration parameters to setup the internal DHCP
server. The template file can be copied to the dhcpd(v6).conf file for editing.
The dhcpd(v6).conf can be used to define the following:
• IP subnets

• Dynamic scopes and static bindings

• Subnet masks, DNS and default routers, and lease times

• User class or vendor class configurations

There are three types of statements in the configuration file:

• Parameters: Declare how, when, or what to provide to a client.

• Declarations: Describe the topology of the network and provide addresses for the clients. Parameters
can be listed under declarations that override the global parameters.
• Comments: Provide a description for the parameters and declarations. Lines beginning with a hash
mark (#) are considered comments and they are optional.

Example dhcpd.conf File

#Global parameters that specify addresses and lease time.
option domain-name-servers;
option domain-name "";
option dhcp-lease-time 20000;

#IP subnet
subnet netmask
#Dynamic scope and parameters that apply to this scope overriding global params.

dynamic-dhcp range

option routers;
option subnet-mask;
option domain-name “";
option domain-name-servers;
option dhcp-lease-time 30000;

#Static binding based on MAC address

manual-dhcp 00-01-02-03-04-05
option subnet-mask;

Note. A subnet declaration must be included for every subnet in the network related to the DHCP server.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-8
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server Configuring DHCP Server on OmniSwitch

Details about valid parameters and declarations are listed in the table found in “Configuration File
Parameters and Syntax” on page 22-14.

Example dhcpdv6.conf File


duid-pool { <- DUID pool for which we allocate IP across sunbets

x-duid-pool { <- Excluded DUID pool for which we do not allocate IP

v6-subnet 2620:0000:0060:1480:0000:0000/97 { <- IPV6 subnet

x-duid-pool { <- Excluded DUID pool for this subnet
policy send-unicast-option-enabled false; <- policy options applicable
policy subnet-unavailable-threshold 90;
policy subnet-unavailable-descent-threshold 85;
policy minimum-requested-lifetime 800;
option renewal-time 700000; <- Options applicable
option rebinding-time 1000000;
option preferred-lifetime 2000000;
option valid-lifetime 3000000;
option dns-recursive-name-server 2001:468:603:c0e0::12001:468:603:c0e0::2;

v6-manual-dhcp duid 00-02-00-00-00-09-0c-c0-84-d3-03-00-0a-11

2620:0000:0060:1480::1f01 { <- Manual DUID mapping
option posix-timezone "MST7MDT6,116/02:00:00,298/02:00:00";

v6-dynamic-dhcp range 2620:0000:0060:1480::2000 2620:0000:0060:1480::2500

{ <- Dynamic range of IPs
policy minimum-requested-lifetime 650;
policy rapid-commit-enabled true;
policy excluded-user-classes "bronze" "gold" "silver";
policy excluded-vendor-classes enterprise 311 "MSFT 5.0" enterprise 546
"SIP Phone";
option dns-recursive-name-server 2620:0000:0060:1480::3
option domain-search-list;
option posix-timezone "CST6CDT5,116/02:00:00,298/02:00:00";
option sntp-servers 2620:0000:0060:1480::5 2620:0000:0060:1480::6;

v6-subnet 2620:0000:0060:1481/64 {
policy minimum-requested-lifetime 800;
v6-manual-dhcp duid 00-02-00-00-00-09-0c-cd-84-d3-03-00-0a-14
2620:0000:0060:1481::1f01 {
option posix-timezone "MST7MDT6,116/02:00:00,298/02:00:00";

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-9
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server Configuring DHCP Server on OmniSwitch

v6-manual-dhcp duid 00-02-00-00-00-09-0c-cd-84-d3-03-00-0a-13 iaid 1001

2620:0000:0060:1481::1f02 {
option posix-timezone "MST7MDT6,116/02:00:00,298/02:00:00";
v6-manual-dhcp duid 00-02-00-00-00-09-0c-cd-84-d3-03-00-0a-13 iaid 1002
2620:0000:0060:1481::1f03 {
option posix-timezone "MST7MDT6,116/02:00:00,298/02:00:00";

dhcpd(v6).conf.lastgood File
The dhcpd(v6).conf.lastgood file is used as a backup file when the dhcpd(v6).conf file is corrupted. If
the dhcpd(v6).conf file is affected, then the DHCP server generates an error. In such an instance, the
DHCP server configuration is updated according to the dhcpd(v6).conf.lastgood file. The
dhcpd(v6).conf.lastgood file is now used to configure the internal DHCP server, provide IP addresses on
lease, and maintain DHCP related information.
The dhcpd(v6).conf.lastgood file is overwritten with the configurations in the dhcpd(v6).conf file when
the DHCP configurations are setup or updated and the internal DHCP server is restarted successfully. At
this point, the dhcpd(v6).conf and dhcpd(v6).conf.lastgood files are identical.
If any modifications are made in the dhcpd(v6).conf file, the DHCP server must be restarted so that the
configuration is updated on the OmniSwitch. The dhcp-server restart command automatically updates
the dhcpd(v6).conf and dhcpd(v6).conf.lastgood files.

DHCP Server Database file

The dhcp(v6)Srv.db or the DHCP server database or lease file is initialized when the DHCP server
function takes over or is restarted. The DHCP server database file contains the mappings between a client
IP address and MAC address, referred to as a binding.
There are two types of bindings:
Static bindings - Map a single MAC address to a single IP address.
Dynamic bindings - Dynamically map a MAC address to an IP address from a pool of IP addresses.
Details of both the dynamic and static bindings, are stored in the dhcp(v6)Srv.db file.
The dhcp(v6)Srv.db file is read when the switch reloads or the DHCP service restarts. The server
database file is read-only and must not be opened or edited by the user. This file provides an account of all
the subnets configured and helps in detecting all the unmanaged leases. The lease file is synchronized with
the DHCP server periodically based on a timer for smooth operation during takeover and restart. The
default value of this timer is 1 minute. The timer ping mechanism is used to prevent duplicate IP address
allocations to clients in the same subnet. The lease file synchronization is applicable for both chassis and
stack based OmniSwitch products.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-10
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server DHCP Server Application Example

DHCP Server Application Example

In this application example the clients or hosts obtain their IP addresses from the internal DHCP server
configured on the OmniSwitch. DHCP clients initially have no IP address and are provided IP addresses
by the DHCP server.
The external router supports the DHCP relay functionality so that it can forward DHCP frames sent to and
from the DHCP clients and server on the OmniSwitch.
In the following diagram, the OmniSwitch is acting as a DHCP server and the external router is acting as
the DHCP relay agent. The DHCP requests from the clients (eg: 200.0.0.X) are relayed from the external
router to the OmniSwitch acting as a DHCP server. The internal DHCP server on OmniSwitch processes
the requests and leases IP addresses based on the DHCP server configuration.
1 The DHCP clients are present in the 200.0.0.X network connected to the external router and also in the
220.0.0.X network directly attached to the OmniSwitch.
2 The default dhcpd.pcy file can be used to configure the DHCP server global parameters.

3 The dhcpd.conf file defines the 200.0.0.X network and 220.0.0.X network.

4 The subnet mask and DNS server address are global declarations since they are the same for each
5 The default router address and lease times are declared as a part of the scope since they are different for
each subnet.
6 The resulting sample code for the dhcpd.conf file is as follows:

#Global parameters
option subnet-mask;
option domain-name-servers;
subnet netmask
dynamic-dhcp range
option routers;
option dhcp-lease-time 20000;

subnet netmask

dynamic-dhcp range
option routers;
option dhcp-lease-time 30000;

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-11
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server DHCP Server Application Example

DHCP Relay
11 13

DHCP Clients DNS Server

DHCP Clients DHCP Clients
DHCP Clients
Illustration of Internal DHCP Server Application Example

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-12
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server Verifying the DHCP Server Configuration

Verifying the DHCP Server Configuration

To display information about the DHCP Server configuration and statistics use the show commands listed

show dhcp-server leases Displays the leases offered by the DHCP server.
show dhcp-server statistics Displays the statistics of the DHCP server.

For more information about the resulting displays from these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-13
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server Configuration File Parameters and Syntax

Configuration File Parameters and Syntax

The following table provides detailed information about the configuration file options and syntax

Option dhcpd.conf dhcpd.conf Default

Data type Description
Code Key-word example Value
1 subnet-mask option N/A Same as in Specifies the client’s subnet mask. If
subnet-mask Subnet both the subnet mask and the router;
Profile option are specified in a DHCP reply,
the subnet mask option must be
specified before the router option.
2 time-offset option numeric_ N/A Specifies the offset of the client's
time-offset signed subnet (in seconds) from
Coordinated Universal Time (also
referred to as UTC). A positive offset
indicates a location east of the zero
meridian and a negative offset
indicates allocation west of the zero
meridian. For example, to enter a
time offset for a client subnet located
in the Eastern Standard Timezone (5
hours west of the UTC zero
meridian), enter -18000.
3 routers option N/A Same as in Lists the IP addresses for the routers
routers Subnet for each client subnet defined.;
Profile Routers should be listed in order of
4 time-server option time- N/A Same as in Specifies IP address of the RFC 868
server Subnet time server available to the client.;
5 name-servers option name- ip_address_ N/A Specifies IP address of the IEN-116
servers list name server available to the client.;
6 domain-name- option domain- N/A Same as in Lists the DNS (STD 13, RFC 1035)
servers name-servers Subnet name server IP address(es) available; Profile to the client. Servers should be listed
in order of preference.
7 log-servers option ip_address_ N/A Specifies the IP address of the MIT-
log-servers list LCS UDP log server available to the;
8 cookie-servers option cookie- ip_address_ N/A Specifies the IP address of the RFC
servers list 865 cookie server available to the;
9 lpr-servers option lpr- ip_address_ N/A Specifies IP address of the line
servers list printer server available to the client.;
10 impress-servers option impress- ip_address_ N/A Specifies IP address of the Imagen
servers list Impress server available to the client.;

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-14
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server Configuration File Parameters and Syntax

Option dhcpd.conf dhcpd.conf Default

Data type Description
Code Key-word example Value
11 resource- option ip_address_ N/A Specifies the IP address of the
location-servers resource- list Resource Location server available to
the client.;
12 host-name option host- N/A Same as in Specifies the name of the client. If
name "bgp00001 Object the host name is defined in an option
Profile template, it overrides any definition
in the Object Profile.
13 boot-size option numeric N/A Specifies the length of the default
boot-size 30; boot image of the client. The
maximum file length is 65,535 bytes.
14 merit-dump option merit- text N/A Specifies the pathname of the file
dump "m_dump"; where the core image is to be
dumped in the occurrence of a crash.
The path is formatted as a character
string consisting of characters from
the Network Virtual Terminal (NVT)
ASCII character set.
15 domain-name option domain- N/A Same as in Specifies the domain name to resolve
name Subnet hostnames via the Domain Name
Profile Service (DNS).

16 swap-server option ip address N/A Specifies the IP address of the client's

swap-server swap server.;
17 root-path option text N/A Specifies the pathname that contains
root-path the client's root directory or partition.
The path is formatted as an NVT
ASCII character string.
18 extensions-path option text N/A Specifies a text string to denote a file,
extensions-path retrievable via Trivial File Transfer
Protocol (TFTP). The file contains
information that can be interpreted in
the same way as the 64-octet vendor-
extension field within the BOOTP
response. The length of the file is
unconstrained. All references to
instances of the BOOTP Extensions
Path field within the file are ignored.
19 ip-forwarding option ip- boolean False Select True to configure the IP layer
forwarding to enable packet forwarding.
Select False to disable packet
20 non-local- option non- boolean False Select True to configure the IP layer
source-routing local-source- to forward datagrams with non-local
routing false;
source routes.
Select False to disable forwarding of
the datagrams.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-15
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server Configuration File Parameters and Syntax

Option dhcpd.conf dhcpd.conf Default

Data type Description
Code Key-word example Value
21 policy-filter option ip_ N/A Specifies policy filters for nonlocal
policy-filter address_ source routing. The filters consist of;
mask_list the IP address list and masks. This
data specifies destination and mask
pairs with which to filter incoming
source routes. The client should
discard any source-routed datagram
whose next hop address does not
match one of the filters.
22 max-dgram- option max- numeric N/A Specifies the maximum reassembly
reassembly dgram- size of the datagram. Enter a value
reassembly 576;
between 576 and 65,535.
23 default-ip-ttl option default- numeric N/A Specifies the default time-to-live (in
ip-ttl 1; seconds) to use on outgoing
datagrams as an octet between 1 and
24 path-mtu- option path- numeric N/A Specifies the maximum time to be
aging-timeout mtu-aging- allotted for Path Maximum Transmit
timeout 10;
Unit (MTU) values to be discovered.
The timeout is in seconds, from 0 to
25 path-mtu- option path- numeric_list N/A Identifies a table of MTU sizes to use
plateau-table mtu-plateau- when performing Path MTU
table 68;
discovery as defined in RFC 1191.
The table is formatted as a list.
Minimum value is 68.
Maximum value is 65,535.
26 interface-mtu option numeric N/A Specifies the Maximum Transmit
interface-mtu Unit (MTU) to be used on the related
interface. MTU is the frame size in a
TCP/IP network. Valid range from
68 to 65,535.
27 all-subnets- option all- boolean False True indicates that all subnets share
local subnets-local the same MTU as of the subnet to
which the client user is directly
False indicates that some of the
subnets connected may have smaller
28 broadcast- option N/A Same as in Specifies the broadcast address used
address broadcast- Subnet on the client's subnet.

29 perform-mask- option perform- boolean False True indicates that the client should
discovery mask-discovery perform subnet mask discovery.
False indicates that no mask
discovery must be performed.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-16
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server Configuration File Parameters and Syntax

Option dhcpd.conf dhcpd.conf Default

Data type Description
Code Key-word example Value
30 mask-supplier option mask- boolean False True indicates that response to the
supplier false; subnet mask request should use
Internet Control Message Protocol
False indicates the subnet mask
should not respond using ICMP.
31 router- option router- boolean False True allows router discovery to be
discovery discovery performed as defined in RFC 1256.
False indicates that router discovery
need not be performed.
32 router- option router- ip_address N/A Specifies the IP address where router
solicitation- solicitation- solicitation requests should be

33 static-routes option static- ip_address_ N/A Specifies the list of static routes that
routes pair_list the client should install in its routing;
cache. If multiple routes to the same
destination are specified, they are
listed in descending order of priority.
The routes consist of a list of IP
address pairs. The first address is the
router for the destination. The default
route ( is an illegal
destination for a static route.
34 "trailer- option trailer- boolean False Select True to identify whether the
encapsulation encapsulation client should negotiate the use of
trailers (RFC 893) when using the
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) .
Select False to prevent the use of
35 arp-cache- option arp- numeric N/A Specifies the time-out in seconds for
timeout cache-timeout ARP cache entries, from 0 to
36 ieee802-3- option ieee boolean False Use this option to identify the use of
encapsulation 802-3- Ethernet Version 2 (RFC 894) or
IEEE 802.3 (RFC 1042)
encapsulation for Ethernet interface.
Select True to use RFC 1042
Select False to use RFC 894
37 default-tcp-ttl option default- numeric N/A Defines the default time-to-live (in
tcp-ttl 1; seconds) to use when sending TCP
segments. Enter a value from 1 to

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-17
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server Configuration File Parameters and Syntax

Option dhcpd.conf dhcpd.conf Default

Data type Description
Code Key-word example Value
38 tcp-keepalive- option tcp- numeric N/A Specifies the amount of time, in
interval keepalive- seconds, to wait before sending a
interval 10;
keep alive message on a TCP
connection. A value of 0 indicates
keep alive messages on connections
should not be generated unless
specifically requested to do so by an
application. Valid range from 0 to
39 tcp-keepalive- option tcp- boolean False Specifies if the TCP keep alive
garbage keepalive- messages should be sent with a
garbage false;
garbage octet for compatibility with
older implementations.
Select True to enable a garbage octet
to be sent.
Select False to prevent a garbage
octet being sent.
40 nis-domain option nis- text Same as in Network Information Service (NIS)
domain Subnet support is provided on SunOS 4.1x,
Profile Solaris 2.x and HP_UX10 only.
Specify the NIS domain name. The
domain is formatted as a character
string from the NVT ASCII character
41 nis-servers option nis- ip_address_ Same as in Lists the IP addresses (in order of
servers list Subnet preference) identifying the NIS;
Profile (Network Information Service)
servers available to the client
42 ntp-servers option ntp- ip_address_ Same as in Lists the IP addresses (in order of
servers list Subnet preference) indicating NTP (RFC
Profile 868) servers available to the client.
43 vendor-specific option vendor- hexadecima N/A Used by clients and servers to
specific l_text exchange vendor-specific
information. The value for this option
is defined in the hexadecimal
format. The definition of this
information is vendor specific. The
vendor is indicated in the vendor
class identifier option. Servers not
equipped to interpret the vendor
specific information sent by a client
must ignore the related data. Clients
that do not receive desired vendor-
specific information should attempt
to operate without the related data.
The clients must announce that they
are working in a degraded mode.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-18
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server Configuration File Parameters and Syntax

Option dhcpd.conf dhcpd.conf Default

Data type Description
Code Key-word example Value
44 netbios-name- option netbios- ip_address_ N/A Specifies a list of RFC 1001/1002
servers name-servers list NBNS name servers listed in order of;
preference. This is a NetBIOS name
server (NBNS) or WINS server
45 netbios-dd- option netbios- ip_address_ N/A Specifies a list of RFC 1001/1002
servers dd-servers list NBDD servers listed in order of;
preference. This is a NetBIOS
datagram distribution server (NBDD)
46 netbios-node- option netbios- N/A Allows NetBIOS over TCP/IP
type node-type 1; clients, which are configurable as
described in RFC 1001/1002. The
value is specified as a single octet,
which identifies the client type, as
follows:-ValueNode type
0x1B-node 0x2P-node 0x4M-node
47 netbios-scope option netbios- text N/A This NetBIOS scope option specifies
scope "xyz"; the NetBIOS over TCP/IP scope
parameter for the client, as specified
in RFC 1001/1002.
48 font-servers option font- ip_address_ N/A Specifies a list of X Window System
servers list Font servers available to the client.;
Servers should be listed in order of
49 x-display- option x- ip_address_ N/A Specifies a IP address list of systems
manager display-manager list that are running the X Window;
System Display Manager and are
available to the client.
51 dhcp-lease-time option dhcp- time_ Unlimited Used in a client request
lease-time interval (DHCPDISCOVER or
DHCPREQUEST) to allow the client
to request a lease time for the IP
address. In a server reply
(DHCPOFFER), a DHCP server uses
this option to specify the lease time
offered. Selecting the Limited option
allows you to set a lease time of up to
999 days, 999 hours, and 999

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-19
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server Configuration File Parameters and Syntax

Option dhcpd.conf dhcpd.conf Default

Data type Description
Code Key-word example Value
52 dhcp-option- option dhcp- 1, 2 or 3 N/A Used to indicate that the DHCP
overload option-overload server name or file fields are being
overloaded by using them to carry
DHCP options. A DHCP server
inserts this option if the returned
parameters exceed the usual space
allotted for options. If this option is
present, the client interprets the
specified additional fields after it
concludes the interpretation of the
standard option fields. Legal values
for this option are as follows:

1 - The “file” field is used to hold

2 - The “sname” field is used to hold
3 - Both fields are used to hold
58 dhcp-renewal- option dhcp- numeric N/A Specifies the time interval from
time renewal-time address assignment until the client
transitions to the renewing state. You
can enter any value from 0 to
999,999,999 seconds.
59 dhcp- option dhcp- numeric N/A Specifies the time interval from
rebinding-time rebinding-time address assignment until the client
transitions to the rebinding state. You
can enter any value from 0 to
999,999,999 seconds.
61 dhcp-client- option dhcp- text N/A Used by DHCP clients to specify
identifier client- their unique identifier. DHCP servers
identifier xyz;
use this value to index their database
of address bindings. It is unique for
all clients in an administrative
domain.The client identifier consists
of type-value pairs.
Ex: A hardware type and hardware
address. In this case, the type field
should be one of the Address
Resolution Protocol (ARP) hardware
types defined in RFC 1700. A
hardware type - 0 indicates a domain
name. Vendors and system
administrators are responsible for
choosing the unique client-

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-20
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server Configuration File Parameters and Syntax

Option dhcpd.conf dhcpd.conf Default

Data type Description
Code Key-word example Value
62 novell-netware- option novell- text N/A Used to convey the NetWare/IP
domain-name netware-domain- domain name used by the NetWare/
name "xyz";
IP product. The NetWare/IP Domain
in the option is a Network Virtual
Terminal (NVT) ASCII text string.
You can enter up to 255 characters.
63 novell-netware- option novell- sub-option N/A This NetWare/IP option code is used
info netware-info to convey all the NetWare/IP related
information except for the NetWare/
IP domain name. If
_AREA sub-option is set, one or
more of the other suboptions may be
64 dhcp-nis+- option dhcp- text Same as in Specifies the NIS domain name. The
domain nis+-domain Subnet domain is formatted as a character
profile string from the NVT ASCII character
set Network Information Service
(NIS) support is provided on SunOS
4.1x, Solaris 2.x and HP_UX10 only.
65 dhcp-nis+- option dhcp- ip_address_ Same as in Lists the IP addresses identifying the
servers nis+-servers list Subnet NIS servers available to the client in;
profile order of preference
66 dhcp-tftp- option dhcp- text N/A Used to identify a Trivial File
server tftp-server Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server
when the server name field in the
DHCP header has been used for
DHCP options.
67 dhcp-bootfile- option dhcp- text N/A This option is used to identify a
name bootfile-name bootfile when the file field in the
DHCP header has been used for
DHCP options.
68 dhcp-mobile- option dhcp- ip_address_ N/A This option specifies an IP address
ip-home-agent mobile-ip-home- list list indicating mobile IP home agents
available to the client. Agents should
be listed in order of preference.
69 dhcp-smtp- option dhcp- ip_address_ N/A Specifies a list of SMTP servers
server smtp-server list available to the client. Servers should;
be listed in order of preference.
70 dhcp-pop3- option dhcp- ip_address_ N/A Specifies a list of POP3 servers
server pop3-server list available to the client. Servers should;
be listed in order of preference.
71 dhcp-nntp- option dhcp- ip_address_ N/A This Network News Transport
server nntp-server list Protocol (NNTP) server option;
specifies a list of NNTP servers
available to the client. Servers should
be listed in order of preference.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-21
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server Configuration File Parameters and Syntax

Option dhcpd.conf dhcpd.conf Default

Data type Description
Code Key-word example Value
72 dhcp-www- option dhcp- ip_address_ N/A Specifies a list of WWW servers
server www-server list available to the client. Servers should;
be listed in order of preference.
73 dhcp-finger- option dhcp- ip_address_ N/A Specifies a list of Finger servers
server finger-server list available to the client. Servers should;
be listed in order of preference.
74 dhcp-irc-server option dhcp- ip_address_ N/A Specifies a list of IRC servers
irc-server list available to the client. Servers should;
be listed in order of preference.
75 dhcp-streettalk- option dhcp- ip_address_ N/A Specifies a list of StreetTalk servers
server streetalk- list available to the client. Servers should
be listed in order of preference.

76 dhcp-stda- option dhcp- ip_address_ N/A Specifies a list of STDA (StreetTalk

server stda-server list Directory Assistance) servers;
available to the client. Servers should
be listed in order of preference.
78 slp-directory- option slp- sub-option Specifies the location of one or more
agent directory-agent SLP Directory Agents. The SLP
Directory Agent option contains the
following suboptions:
Mandatory boolean False This sub-option may be set to either
True or False. If it is set to True, the
SLP UserAgent or Service Agent so
configured must not employ either
active or passive multicast discovery
of Directory Agents.
Directory ip_address_ N/A This sub-option allows a IP address
Agent Address list list to be specified. The list must be
in order of preference, if an order of
preference is desired.
79 slp-service- option slp- sub-option Specifies the scopes that a SLP
scope service-scope Agent is configured to use. It
contains the following suboptions:
If set to False, static configuration
takes precedence over the DHCP
provided scope list.
If set to True, the entries in the
Scope List must be used by the SLP
Scope Listtext N/A This sub-option is a comma-
delimited list of scopes. The list is
case insensitive.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-22
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server Configuration File Parameters and Syntax

Option dhcpd.conf dhcpd.conf Default

Data type Description
Code Key-word example Value
Mandatory boolean FALSE This sub-option determines whether
SLP Agents override their static
configuration for scopes in the Scope
List. This allows DHCP
administrators to implement a policy
of assigning a set of scopes to Agents
for service provision.
85 novell-nds- option novell- ip_address_ N/A Specifies one or more NDS servers
servers nds-servers list for the client to contact for access to;
the NDS database. Servers should be
listed in order of preference.
86 novell-nds-tree- option novell- text N/A Specifies the name of the NDS tree
name nds-tree-name which the client can contact.
Maximum 255 characters.
87 novell-nds- option novell- text N/A Specifies the initial NDS context the
context nds-context client should use. Maximum 255
88 broadcast- option name_list N/A Lists server names that host the
multicast- broadcast- Broadcast and Multicast services that
service-domain service-domain
are specified as domain names.
89 broadcast- option ip_address_ N/A Lists server names that host the
multicast- broadcast- list Broadcast and Multicast services that
service-address service-address
are specified as IPV4 addresses.;
98 user- option user- text_list N/A Specifies a list of Uniform Resource
authentication- authentication- Locators (URLs), each pointing to a
protocol [78797a];
user authentication service that is
capable of processing authentication
requests encapsulated in the UAP.
UAP servers can accept either HTTP
1.1 or SSLv3 connections.If the list
includes a URL that does not contain
a port component, the normal default
port is assumed (port 80 for http
andport 443 for https). If the list
includes a URL that does not contain
a path component, the path /uap is
100 timezone-posix option text 255 Specifies a DHCP client's timezone
timezone-posix specified as a POSIX 1003.1
timezone string.
101 timezone- option text 255 Specifies a DHCP client's timezone
database timezone- specified as a TZ database string.
database "xyz";

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-23
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server Configuration File Parameters and Syntax

Option dhcpd.conf dhcpd.conf Default

Data type Description
Code Key-word example Value
116 ipv4-auto- option ipv4- boolean False This option is used to check whether,
configuration auto- and be notified if, autoconfiguration
should be disabled on the local
subnet. When a server responds with
the value “AutoConfigure” (True),
the client may generate a linklocal IP
address if appropriate. However, if
the server responds with
“DoNotAutoConfigure” (False), the
client must not generate a link-local
IP address, possibly leaving it with
no IP address.
119 domain-search option domain- text_list N/A Passes the domains in the search list
search from the DHCP Server to the DHCP
Client to use when resolving
hostnames using DNS.
120 sip-server option sip- ip_address_ N/A Lists the SIP servers specified as
server list IPV4
121 classless-static- option ip_mask_ip N/A Specifies one or more static routes,
route classless- _list each of which consists of a
destination descriptor (the subnet; address and subnet mask) and the IP
address of the router that should be
used to reach that destination.
122 cablelabs- option sub_option The following table describes the
client-config cablelabs- CableLabs Client Configuration 122
sub-options, specified in RFC 3495:

option 177
123 TSP Primary ip_address N/A Specifies the IP address of the TSP’s
DHCP Server primary DHCP server from which an
Address MTA is permitted to accept a DHCP
124 TSP Secondary ip_address N/A Specifies the IP address of the TSP’s
DHCP Server secondary DHCP server from which
Address an MTA is permitted to accept a

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-24
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server Configuration File Parameters and Syntax

Option dhcpd.conf dhcpd.conf Default

Data type Description
Code Key-word example Value
125 TSP IP_address MTAs communicate with the
Provisioning Provisioning server at various stages
Server Address in their provisioning process. Enter
either the IP address or the FQDN of
the TSP's Provisioning server.
126 TSP ASREQ/ sub-option N/A Configures an MTA’s Kerberos
AS-REP ASREQ/AS-REP timeout, backoff,
Backoff and and retry mechanism. Enter a
Retry Nominal Timeout value in
milliseconds, a Maximum Timeout
value in seconds and a Maximum
Retry value. All these values are
127 TSP Kerberos text N/A The Packet Cable architecture
Realm Name requires an MTA to authenticate
itself to the TSP’s network through
the Kerberos protocol. A Kerberos
Realm name is required at the MTA
to permit a DNS lookup for the
address of the TSP’s Kerberos Key
Distribution Center (KDC) entity.
Note: The realm name must be all
capital letters and conform to domain
name syntax
128 TSP Ticket boolean False Determines whether an MTA should
Granting Server use a Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT)
Utilization when obtaining a service ticket for
one of the PacketCable application
servers. Select True to indicate that
the MTA should get its TGT.
129 TSP numeric 0 Defines the maximum time allowed
Provisioning for the MTA provisioning process to
Timer complete. If this timer expires before
the MTA has completed the
provisioning process, the MTA
should reset the timer and re-start its
provisioning process from the
beginning. Enter a value from 0 to
255, where 0 means the timer is
130 ActiveLeaseEx ActiveLeaseExpi On Determines how expired leases are
piration ration=On handled. The following values are
Off - causes expired leases to not be
actively deleted at expiration.
Full_delete - causes the lease from
DHCP database to be deleted.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-25
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server Configuration File Parameters and Syntax

Option dhcpd.conf dhcpd.conf Default

Data type Description
Code Key-word example Value
131 CheckTransacti CheckTransactio False This policy is used to configure the
onID nID=True service to ignore multiple discover,
request, and Bootp messages that
have the same XID. Default lease
duration in secs.
132 DefaultLease DefaultLease= 7776000 Default lease duration in secs.
86400 (90 days
133 DropAllDhcpIn DropAllDhcpInfo False If you set this policy to True, the
formPackets rmPackets=True DHCP server precludes the
processing of any DHCPINFORM
packet, beyond the parsing of the
incoming packet. This policy allows
administrators to configure the
DHCP server to ignore inform
packets, when the processing of the
same is not required.
134 DropZeroMac DropZeroMacAddr True When set to True, the server checks
AddressPackets essPackets=
all incoming packets for a zero MAC
address and drops the packet if
Note: DHCPINFORM messages are
processed regardless.
Note: This option is not supported in
AOS because Source Learning does
not learn ZeroMac Address and
packets will not reach the DHCP
server at all as it will be dropped.
135 ForceClass ForceClass=Vend None Determines if the service verifies a
or client's request for a lease before
issuing a lease.
The values are as follows:
None - allows the server to issue
leases from any scope to any
incoming client request.
Both - forces the service to require a
match for both user and vendor class
against those defined for a particular
Vendor - causes the service to require
a match on vendor class only.
User - causes the service to require a
match on user class only.
136 HonorRequeste HonorRequestedL True If this policy is True, the service
dLeaseTime easeTime=False honors requested lease times from
the client. If set to False, the server
offers the configured lease time.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-26
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server Configuration File Parameters and Syntax

Option dhcpd.conf dhcpd.conf Default

Data type Description
Code Key-word example Value
137 LeaseExpiratio LeaseExpiration 60000 A specified time interval in msecs at
nSleepTime SleepTime= msecs which lease expiration processing
Note: This value cannot be less than
1 minute.
138 MaxPendingSe MaxPendingSecon 10 The number of seconds that an
conds ds=20 offered lease remains in a pending
state. When the server responds to a
client's DHCP Discover request with
a DHCP Offer, the address is marked
as pending. By default, the server
waits 10 seconds for a DHCP
Request for this address from the
client before unmarking the address,
and then making it available to offer
to another client.
139 MaxUnavailabl MaxUnavailableT 86400 This policy determines the period of
eTime ime=14000 time that an IP address is considered
unavailable following a DHCP
DECLINE or ping before assign
offer response. Beyond this time, the
server considers this address as
140 NakUnknownC NakUnknownClien True This policy causes the server to NAK
lients ts=False clients who request addresses that are
not in the service's defined subnets.
This policy should be set to False in
environments where multiple DHCP
services are servicing the same
subnet(s) (not failover). When set to
True, the service returns a NAK to
these client requests, which causes
the client to revert to INIT state. The
client then obtains a lease from one
of the configured scopes for the
client's current subnet.
141 NackDhcpRequ NackDhcpRequest True When set to True, sends a NAK if a
estsForDuplicat sForDuplicates=
RENEW/REBIND request or
es SELECTING request is received for
an IP already owned by another
hardware address. When set to False,
the invalid request is merely dropped.
142 PingDelay PingDelay=200 500 This value determines the amount of
time in msecs the DHCP Service
waits for a response regarding the
availability of an IP address. The
positive response determines
existence of IP address in the
network already.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-27
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server Configuration File Parameters and Syntax

Option dhcpd.conf dhcpd.conf Default

Data type Description
Code Key-word example Value
143 PingAttempts PingAttempts=3 1 Number of attempts for ping before
which DHCP Server determines the
IP address is already in use or not.
144 PingSendDelay PingSendDelay= 0 The amount of msecs between
100 subsequent pings. Applicable only if
the PingAttempts is greater than 1.
When PingAttempts is greater than 1,
the PingSendDelay will override the
PingDelay policy.
145 PingRetention PingRetention= 0 This specifies amount of seconds a
20 ping is "good for". If a ping is
attempted and no response is
returned, then the address is assumed
available. If another request comes
into the service that would cause it to
attempt a ping on a previously pinged
address, this ping does not take place
if it is within defined seconds of the
previous ping.
146 PingBeforeMan PingBeforeManua True Perform a ping before assigning a
ualDhcp lDhcp=False Static DHCP address. If an
ICMP_REPLY is received from the
ping, no offer is sent to the client and
the address is marked as unavailable.
147 PingBeforeMan PingBeforeManua False Perform a ping before assigning a
ualBootp lDhcp=True Static Bootp address. If an
ICMP_REPLY is received from the
ping, no Bootp reply is sent to the
client, and the address is marked as
148 RegisteredClie RegisteredClien False This option is only used when MAC
ntsOnly tsOnly=True pool addresses are defined at either
the global or the subnet level. If this
value is set to False, the DHCP
Service responds to clients with a
MAC address that is unknown to the
If this option is set to True when no
MAC pool addresses are defined at
either the global or the subnet level,
no device will be given a DHCP

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-28
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server Configuration File Parameters and Syntax

Option dhcpd.conf dhcpd.conf Default

Data type Description
Code Key-word example Value
149 SendRequested SendRequestedPa False If set to True, this policy instructs the
ParamsOnly ramsOnly=True DHCP Service to send only the
options requested by the client. If the
client sends a DHCP parameter
request list Option (55) in the
Discover packet, then the service
sends only the Options that are both
configured and requested by the
client. However, Options subnet-
mask (1) and lease-time (51) are
always sent to the client, in addition
to the IP address. When False, the
service sends all configured Options
to the client.
150 SupportRelayA SupportRelayAge False When set to True, the server supports
gentDeviceClas ntDeviceClass=T
the assignment of DHCP options
s specifically by DOCSIS device class.
Options are configured using the
device class client class in VitalQIP,
and will be assigned if the device
class suboption of the relay agent
option (option 82) matches the
device class value specified in the
client class.
Set to True to enable the device class
and make the Device Class Client
Class useful.
151 ZeroCiAddr ZeroCiAddr=True False This policy only affects the contents
of the "ciaddr" field in outgoing
packets. If this policy is set to True,
the service fills in "ciaddr" with on reply (ACK) packets.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-29
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server Policy File Parameters and Syntax

Policy File Parameters and Syntax

Num Policy Usage Description
1 ActiveLease ActiveLease Off Determines how the expired leases are handled.
Expiration Expiration The following values are available:
= On
Off - prevents expired leases from being
automatically deleted after lease period is over.

Full_delete - causes the lease from DHCP

database to be deleted, and the Message Service to be
notified of expired leases.
2 Check Check False Configures the service to ignore multiple discover,
TransactionID Transaction request, and BootP messages that have the same XID.
3 DefaultLease Default 7776000 Specifies the default lease period provided for the
Lease=86400 (90 days) clients in seconds.
4 DropAll DropAll False Allows administrators to configure the DHCP server
DhcpInform Dhcp to ignore inform packets.
Packets Packets = True
If this policy is set to True, the DHCP server
prevents the processing of DHCPINFORM packets.
However, the incoming packets are parsed.
4 DropZero DropZero True If this policy is set to True, the DHCP server checks
MacAddress MacAddress all incoming packets for a zero MAC address and
Packets =
Packets False
drops the packet if it is found.

Note: DHCPINFORM messages are processed even

if this process is set to true.
5 ForceClass ForceClass True Determines if the service verifies the lease request
=VendorNone from the client before issuing a lease.

The values associated with this policy are as follows:

• None - Allows the server to issue leases from any
IP address range to an incoming client request.
• Both - Forces the service to match for both user
and vendor class with the values defined for a
particular IP address range.
• Vendor - The service must match only on the
vendor class.
• User - The service must match only on user class.
6 Honor Honor True If this policy is set to True, the DHCP server
Requested Requested provides the requested lease time to the client.
LeaseTime Time = False
If this policy is set to False, the server offers the
configured lease time.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-30
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server Policy File Parameters and Syntax

Num Policy Usage Description
7 Lease Lease 60000 Specifies the time interval in milli seconds after
Expiration Expiration msecs which the lease expiration processing occurs.
SleepTime =
SleepTime 120000
Note: This value must not be less than 1 minute.
8 MaxPending MaxPending 10 Specifies the number of seconds that an offered lease
Seconds Seconds = 20 remains in a pending state.

When a client sends a DHCPDISCOVER request, the

DHCP server responds with a DHCPOFFER and
offers an IP address. The address is marked as
pending for the specified period of time.
9 Max Max 86400 Determines the period of time that an IP address is
Unavailable Unavailable not available after a DHCPDECLINE or ping packet
Time = 14000
Time is sent as response. After this time period, the server
considers this address as available.
10 Nak NakUnknown True Prevents the DHCP server from providing DHCP
Unknown Clients = addresses to clients which are not in the defined
Clients subnets of the DHCP server.
This policy must be set to False in environments
where multiple DHCP services are active in the same
subnet or subnets.
11 NackDhcp NackDhcp True If this value is set to True, the DHCP server sends a
RequestsFor RequestsFor NAK if a RENEW/REBIND request or SELECTING
Duplicates = False
request is received for an IP address already owned
by another hardware interface.

If this value is set to False, the invalid request is

12 PingAttempts Ping 1 Specifies the number of attempts to ping through
Attempts = 3 which DHCP server determines if the IP address is
already in use.
13 PingDelay PingDelay = N/A Specifies the delay in milliseconds between two
200 consecutive pings to check the IP address usage in the
14 PingSendDelay PingSend 500 Specifies the number of milliseconds between
Delay = 1000 subsequent pings. This is applicable only if the ping
attempts are greater than 1. If the value of
PingAttempts is greater than 1, then the
PingSendDelay overrides the PingDelay policy.
15 PingRetention Ping 0 Specifies the number of seconds for which a ping is
Retention valid. If a ping is attempted and no response is
= 200
returned, then the address is considered to be
available. During the ping retention period, other ping
requests are ignored.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-31
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server Policy File Parameters and Syntax

Num Policy Usage Description
18 PingBefore PingBefore True If this value is set to True, the DHCP server performs
ManualDhcp ManualDhcp a ping before assigning a static DHCP address. If an
= False
ICMP_REPLY is received from the ping, then the
DHCP offer is not sent to the client and the address is
marked as unavailable.
19 PingBefore PingBefore False If this value is set to True, the DHCP server performs
ManualBootp ManualBootp a ping before assigning a static BootP address. If an
= True
ICMP_REPLY is received, the BootP reply is not
sent to the client, and the BootP address is marked as
20 Registered Registered False This poilcy is used when the MAC pool addresses are
ClientsOnly Clients defined at either the global or the subnet level.
Only = True
If this value is set to True, the DHCP information is
provided to the clients that have a known MAC
address (configured in a MAC pool). If MAC pool
addresses are not defined at either the global or the
subnet level, the none of the devices are provided a
DHCP lease.

If this value is set to False, the DHCP information is

provided to all clients.
21 SendRequested Send False If this value is set to True, the DHCP server sends
ParamsOnly Requested only the options requested by the client.
Only = True
For example, if the client sends a DHCP parameter
request list - option (55) in the Discover packet, then
the server sends only the options that are both
configured and requested by the client.
The subnet-mask (1) and lease-time (51) options are
always sent to the client, in addition to the IP address.

If this value is set to False, the service sends all the

configured options to the client.
22 SupportRelay SupportRelay False If this policy is set to True, the server supports the
AgentDevice AgentDevice assignment of DHCP options by the DOCSIS device
Class = True
Class class.
23 ZeroCiAddr ZeroCiAddr False This policy affects the contents of the “ciaddr” field
= True in outgoing packets.

If this policy is set to True, the service fills in

“ciaddr” with on reply (ACK) packets.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-32
Configuring an Internal DHCP Server Policy File Parameters and Syntax

Num Policy Usage Description
24 Deny DenyConnectio None This policy does not allow connections from listed IP
ConnectionList nList=IP addresses and networks. An example of listed IP
addresses would be:
In this example, connections from the loopback
address and the Class A 10 network are not allowed.
If this policy is set to All, connections from all IP
addresses and networks are not allowed.
If AllowConnectionList and DenyConnectionList are
set at the same time, AllowConnectionList takes
precedence over the DenyConnectionList.
25 AllowConnectio AllowConnecti All This policy allows connections from all listed IP
nList onList=IP addresses and networks. An example of listed IP
addresses would be:
In this example, connections from the loopback
address and the Class A 10 network are allowed.
If this policy is set to All, connections from all IP
addresses and networks are allowed.
If AllowConnectionList and DenyConnectionList are
set at the same time.
AllowConnectionList takes precedence over the
26 ListenPort Any valid port Ephemeral This policy specifies which port the service listens for
number messages. Ephemeral indicates that the service will
use a port that is dynamically allocated by the
operating system. It will register this port with the
local message service. To accept messages from
previous releases of VitalQIP, set this policy to the
service name qip_ctl, or the port number 1096. Ports
are usually less than 32,000.
27 ACKPeriod Numeric 0 This policy specifies how often an ACK will be
expected when leases are transmitted to the GUI. By
default, only the last packet is ACKed.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 22-33
23 Configuring VRRP

The Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRPv2/VRRPv3) is a standard router redundancy protocol
supported in IPv4/IPv6, based on RFC 3768 and RFC 2787. It provides redundancy by eliminating the
single point of failure inherent in a default route environment. The VRRPv2/VRRPv3 router, which
controls the IPv4/IPv6 address associated with a virtual router is called the master router, and is
responsible for forwarding virtual router advertisements. If the master router becomes unavailable, the
highest priority backup router will transition to the master state. The Alcatel-Lucent implementation of
VRRP also supports the collective management of virtual routers on a switch.

• This VRRPv3 implementation is based on the latest Internet Draft, Virtual Router Redundancy Proto-
col for IPv6, September 2004.
• RFC 3768, which obsoletes RFC 2338, does not include support for authentication types. As a result,
configuring VRRP authentication is no longer supported in this release.

In This Chapter
This chapter describes VRRPv2/VRRPv3 and how to configure it through the Command Line Interface
(CLI). CLI commands are used in the configuration examples; for more details about the syntax of
commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.
This chapter provides an overview of VRRP and includes information about the following:
• Virtual routers—see “Creating/Deleting a Virtual Router” on page 23-9.

• IP addresses for virtual routers—see “Specifying an IP Address for a Virtual Router” on page 23-10.

• VRRP advertisement interval—see “Configuring the Advertisement Interval” on page 23-11.

• Virtual router priority—see “Configuring Virtual Router Priority” on page 23-11.

• Preempting virtual routers—see “Setting Preemption for Virtual Routers” on page 23-12.

• VRRP traps—see “Setting VRRP Traps” on page 23-13.

• Configuring Collective Management Functionality—“Configuring Collective Management

Functionality” on page 23-13
• Verifying the VRRP configuration—see “Verifying the VRRP Configuration” on page 23-17.

• VRRPv3 Virtual routers—see “VRRPv3 Configuration Overview” on page 23-18.

• IPv6 addresses for VRRPv3 virtual routers—see “Specifying an IPv6 Address for a VRRPv3 Virtual
Router” on page 23-19.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-1
Configuring VRRP VRRP Defaults

• Accept mode for master router—see “Configuring the VRRPv3 Advertisement Interval” on
page 23-20.
• VRRPv3 advertisement interval—see “Configuring the VRRPv3 Advertisement Interval” on
page 23-20.
• VRRPv3 Virtual router priority—see “Configuring the VRRPv3 Virtual Router Priority” on
page 23-20.
• Preempting VRRPv3 virtual routers—see “Setting Preemption for VRRPv3 Virtual Routers” on
page 23-21.
• VRRPv3 traps—see “Setting VRRPv3 Traps” on page 23-22.

• VRRP tracking—see “Creating Tracking Policies” on page 23-24.

• VRRPv3 tracking—see “Creating Tracking Policies” on page 23-24.

• Verifying the VRRP configuration—see “Verifying the VRRPv3 Configuration” on page 23-23.

VRRP Defaults
The following table lists the defaults for VRRP configuration through the vrrp command and the relevant
command keywords:

Description Keyword Default

Virtual router enabled or enable | disable Virtual routers are disabled
Priority priority 100
Preempt mode preempt | no preempt Preempt mode is enabled
Advertising interval advertising interval 1 second (100 centiseconds)

The following table lists the defaults for VRRP configuration using the VRRP collective management
features and the relevant command:

Default advertising interval for vrrp interval 1 second (100 centiseconds)

all the virtual routers on the
Default priority value for all the vrrp priority 100
virtual routers on the switch.
Default preempt mode for all the vrrp preempt preempt
virtual routers on the switch.
Parameter value that is to be set vrrp set all
and/or override with the new
default value in all the virtual
routers on the switch.
Default advertising interval for vrrp group 1
all the virtual routers in the

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-2
Configuring VRRP VRRP Defaults

Default priority value for all the vrrp group 100

virtual routers in the group.
Default preempt mode for all the vrrp group preempt
virtual routers in the group.
Parameter value that is to be set vrrp group set all
and/or override with the new
default value in all the virtual
routers in the group.

In addition, other defaults for VRRP include:

Description Command Default

VRRP traps vrrp trap Enabled
VRRP delay vrrp delay 45 seconds

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-3
Configuring VRRP Quick Steps for Creating a Virtual Router

Quick Steps for Creating a Virtual Router

1 Create a virtual router. Specify a virtual router ID (VRID) and a VLAN ID. For example:

-> vrrp 6 4

The VLAN must already be created on the switch. For information about creating VLANs, see
Chapter 4, “Configuring VLANs.”
2 Configure an IP address for the virtual router.

-> vrrp 6 4 address

Note. IP can be used as an optional parameter instead of Address in the above example.

3 Repeat steps 1 through 2 on all of the physical switches that will participate in backing up the
address(es) associated with the virtual router.
4 Enable VRRP on each switch.

-> vrrp 6 4 admin-state enable

Note. Optional. To verify the VRRP configuration, enter the show vrrp command.The display is similar to
the one shown here:

VRRP trap generation: Enabled

VRRP startup delay: 45 (expired)
IP Admin Adv
VRID VLAN Address(es) Status Priority Preempt Interval
6 4 Enabled 100 yes 1

For more information about this display, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-4
Configuring VRRP VRRP Overview

VRRP Overview
VRRP allows the routers on a LAN to backup a default route. VRRP dynamically assigns responsibility
for a virtual router to a physical router (VRRP router) on the LAN. The virtual router is associated with an
IP address (or set of IP addresses) on the LAN. A virtual router master is elected to forward packets for
the virtual router’s IP address. If the master router becomes unavailable, the highest priority backup router
will transition to the master state.

Note. The IP address that is backed up may be the IP address of a physical router, or it may be a virtual IP

The example provided here is intended for understanding VRRP and does not show a configuration that
would be used in an actual network.

VRRP Routers

OmniSwitch A OmniSwitch B

Master 1 Backup 1 Virtual Router


default gateway to IP A

client station

VRRP Redundancy Example

In this example, each physical router is configured with a virtual router, VRID 1 which is associated with
IP address A. OmniSwitch A is the master router because it contains the physical interface to which IP
address A is assigned. OmniSwitch B is the backup router. The client is configured with a gateway
address of IP A.
When VRRP is configured on these switches, and both the switches are available, OmniSwitch A will
respond to ARP requests for IP address A using the virtual router’s MAC address (00:00:5E:00:01:01)
instead of the physical MAC address assigned to the interface. OmniSwitch A will accept packets sent to
the virtual MAC address and forward them as appropriate; it will also accept packets addressed to IP
address A (such as ping requests).
Note: A ping request to the VRRP IP will not be replied to if the request is from the local CMM which is
also acting as the VRRP Master. Only ping requests which originate from external routers will be replied
OmniSwitch B will respond to ARP requests for IP address B using the interface’s physical MAC address.
It will not respond to ARP requests for IP address A or to the virtual router MAC address.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-5
Configuring VRRP VRRP Overview

If OmniSwitch A becomes unavailable, OmniSwitch B becomes the master router. OmniSwitch B will
then respond to ARP requests for IP address A using the virtual router’s MAC address
(00:00:5E:00:01:01). It will also forward packets for IP address B and respond to ARP requests for IP
address B using the OmniSwitch’s physical MAC address.
OmniSwitch B uses IP address B to access the LAN. However, IP address B is not backed up. Therefore,
when OmniSwitch B becomes unavailable, IP address B also becomes unavailable.

Why Use VRRP?

An end host may use dynamic routing or router discovery protocols to determine its first hop toward a
particular IP destination. With dynamic routing, large timer values are required and may cause significant
delay in the detection of a dead neighbor.
If an end host uses a static route to its default gateway, this creates a single point of failure if the route
becomes unavailable. End hosts will not be able to detect alternate paths.
In either case, VRRP ensures that an alternate path is always available.

Definition of a Virtual Router

To backup an IP address or addresses using VRRP, a virtual router must be configured on VRRP routers
on a common LAN. A VRRP router is a physical router running VRRP. A virtual router is defined by a
virtual router identifier (VRID) and a set of associated IP addresses on the LAN.

Note. A single VRID may be associated with a VLAN.

Each VRRP router may backup one or more virtual routers. The VRRP router containing the physical
interfaces to which the virtual router IP addresses are assigned is called the IP address owner. If it is
available, the IP address owner will function as the master router. The master router assumes the
responsibility of forwarding packets sent to the IP addresses associated with the virtual router and
answering ARP requests for these addresses.
To minimize network traffic, only the master router sends VRRP advertisements on the LAN. The IP
address assigned to the physical interface on the current master router is used as the source address in
VRRP advertisements. The advertisements communicate the priority and state of the master router
associated with the VRID to all VRRP routers. The advertisements are IP multicast datagrams sent to the
VRRP multicast address (as determined by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority).
If a master router becomes unavailable, it stops sending VRRP advertisements on the LAN. The backup
routers know that the master is unavailable based on the following algorithm:
Master Down Interval = (3 * Advertisement Interval) + Skew Time
where Advertisement Interval is the time interval between VRRP advertisements, and Skew Time is
calculated based on the VRRP router’s priority value as follows:
Skew Time = (256 - Priority) / 256
If the backup routers are configured with priority values that are close in value, there may be a timing
conflict, and the first backup to take over may not be the one with the highest priority; and a backup with a
higher priority will then preempt the new master. The virtual router may be configured to prohibit any
preemption attempts, except by the IP address owner. An IP address owner, if it is available, will always
become master of any virtual router associated with its IP addresses.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-6
Configuring VRRP VRRP Overview

Note. Duplicate IP address/MAC address messages may display when a backup takes over for a master,
depending on the timing of the takeover and the configured advertisement interval. This is particularly true
if more than one backup is configured.

VRRP MAC Addresses

Each virtual router has a single well-known MAC address, which is used as the source in all periodic
VRRP advertisements sent by the master router, as the MAC address in ARP replies sent by VRRPv2, and
as the MAC address in neighbor advertisements sent by VRRPv3 (instead of the MAC address for the
physical VRRP router).
The VRRPv2 (IPv4) address has the following format:

00-00-5E-00-01-[virtual router ID]

The VRRPv3 (IPv6) address has the following format:

00-00-5E-00-01-[virtual router ID]

ARP Requests
Each virtual router has a single well-known MAC address, which is used as the MAC address in ARP
instead of a VRRP router's physical MAC address. When an end host sends an ARP request to the master
router’s IP address, the master router responds to the ARP request using the virtual router MAC address. If
a backup router takes over for the master, and an end host sends an ARP request, the backup will reply to
the request using the virtual router MAC address.
Gratuitous ARP requests for the virtual router IP address or MAC address are broadcast when the
OmniSwitch becomes the master router. For VRRP interfaces, gratuitous ARP requests are delayed at
system boot until both the IP address and the virtual router MAC address are configured.
If an interface IP address is shared by a virtual router, the routing mechanism does not send a gratuitous
ARP for the IP address (since the virtual router will send a gratuitous ARP). This prevents traffic from
being forwarded to the router before the routing tables are stabilized.

ICMP Redirects
ICMP redirects are not sent out over VRRP interfaces.

VRRP Startup Delay

When a virtual router reboots and becomes master, it may become master before its routing tables are
populated. This could result in loss of connectivity to the router. To prevent the loss in connectivity, a
delay is used to prevent the router from becoming master before the routing tables are stabilized.
The default startup delay value can be modified to allow more or less time for the router to stabilize its
routing tables.
In addition to the startup delay, the switch has an ARP delay (which is not configurable).

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-7
Configuring VRRP Interaction With Other Features

VRRP Tracking
A virtual router’s priority may be conditionally modified to prevent another router from taking over as
master. Tracking policies are used to conditionally modify the priority setting whenever a slot/port, IP
address and or IP interface associated with a virtual router goes down.
A tracking policy consists of a tracking ID, the value used to decrease the priority value, and the slot/port
number, IP address, or IP interface name to be monitored by the policy. The policy is then associated with
one or more virtual routers.

Configuring Collective Management Functionality

This feature provides user with the flexibility to manage the virtual routers on the switch collectively and
also the capability to group the virtual routers to a virtual router group which simplifies the configuration
and management tasks.
You can change the default values of the parameters like advertising interval, priority, preempt mode and
the administrative status of all the virtual routers on a switch or in a virtual router group using this
collective management functionality feature. For more information about configuring collective
management functionality, see page 23-13.

Note. VRRP3 does not support the collective management functionality in this release.

Interaction With Other Features

• IP routing—IP routing must be enabled for the VRRP configuration to take effect.

• Router Discovery Protocol (RDP)—If RDP is enabled on the switch, and VRRP is enabled, RDP will
advertise VLAN IP addresses of virtual routers depending on whether there are virtual routers active on
the LAN, and whether those routers are backups or masters. When there are no virtual routers active on
the VLAN (either acting as master or backup), RDP will advertise all VLAN IP addresses. However, if
virtual routers are active, RDP will advertise IP addresses for any master routers; RDP will not
advertise IP addresses for backup routers.

VRRP Tracking with BFD

When VRRP tracking is used to monitor a remote IP address, the virtual router’s priority adjusts based on
the reachability of the remote address. If the virtual router doing the tracking (the master) cannot reach the
remote address, the master gives up control and lets a router that can reach the remote address takeover.
Adding Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) into this scenario facilitates a quicker takeover by the
slave router than what would normally occur without BFD.
This interaction with BFD requires the slave router to have BFD enabled and a tracking policy for the
virtual router IP address with the priority value set to zero (so that the slave can become master). If the
priority value is set to non-zero, the tracking policy is treated normally and the priority of the slave is
reduced when the remote address becomes unreachable.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-8
Configuring VRRP VRRP Configuration Overview

VRRP Configuration Overview

During startup, VRRP is loaded onto the switch and is enabled. Virtual routers must be configured and
enabled as described in the following sections. Since VRRP is implemented on multiple switches in the
network, some VRRP parameters must be identical across switches:
• VRRP and ACLs

If QoS filtering rules (Access Control Lists) are configured for Layer 3 traffic on a VRRP router, all of
the VRRP routers on the LAN must be configured with the same filtering rules; otherwise the security
of the network will be compromised. For more information about filtering, see Chapter 26, “Configur-
ing QoS.”
• Conflicting VRRP Parameters Across Switches

All virtual routers with the same VRID on the LAN should be configured with the same advertisement
interval and IP addresses. If the virtual routers are configured differently, it may result in more than
one virtual router acting as the master router. This in turn would result in duplicate IP and MAC
address messages as well as multiple routers forwarding duplicate packets to the virtual router MAC
address. Use the show vrrp statistics command to check for conflicting parameters. For information
about configuring VRRP parameters, see the remaining sections of this chapter.

Basic Virtual Router Configuration

At least two virtual routers must be configured on the LAN—a master router and a backup router. The
virtual router is identified by a number called the Virtual Router ID (VRID), the VLAN on which the
virtual router is configured, and the IP address or addresses associated with the router. Multiple virtual
routers may be configured on a single physical VRRP router.
Basic commands for setting up virtual routers include:
vrrp address
The next sections describe how to use these commands.

Creating/Deleting a Virtual Router

To create a virtual router, enter the vrrp command with the desired VRID and the relevant VLAN ID. The
VRID must be a unique number in the range from 1 to 255. The VLAN must already be created on the
switch through the vlan command. For information about creating VLANs, see Chapter 4, “Configuring
VLANs.” For example:
-> vrrp 6 4

This command creates VRID 6 on VLAN 4.

When you create a new virtual router, the VRID ID and a VLAN ID are required. Optionally, you may
also specify:
• Priority (vrrp priority): use the priority keyword to change the default priority value and set a desired
value. Note that the IP address owner is automatically assigned a value of 255, which overrides any
value that you may have already configured. See “Configuring Virtual Router Priority” on page 23-11
for more information about how priority is used.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-9
Configuring VRRP VRRP Configuration Overview

• Preempt mode (vrrp preempt): To change from the default preempt mode and to turn it off, use no
preempt. Use preempt to turn it back on. For more information about the preempt mode, see “Setting
Preemption for Virtual Routers” on page 23-12.
• Advertising interval (vrrp interval): Measured in seconds. Use the interval keyword with the desired
number of seconds for the delay in sending VRRP advertisement packets. You can change the default
interval value and set a desired value. See “Configuring the Advertisement Interval” on page 23-11.
The following example creates a virtual router (with VRID 7) on VLAN 2 with a priority of 75. The
preempt mode of the router is enabled and VRRP advertisements will be sent at intervals of 2 seconds:
-> vrrp 7 2 priority 75 preempt interval 2

Note. All virtual routers with the same VRID on the same LAN should be configured with the same
advertising interval; otherwise the network may produce duplicate IP or MAC address messages.

The vrrp command may also be used to specify whether the virtual router is enabled or disabled.
However, the virtual router must have an IP address assigned to it before it can be enabled. Use the vrrp
address command as described in the next section to specify an IP address or addresses.
To delete a virtual router, use the no form of the vrrp command with the relevant VRID and VLAN ID.
For example:
-> no vrrp 7 3

Virtual router 7 on VLAN 3 is deleted from the configuration. (The virtual router does not have to be
disabled before you delete it.)
For more information about the vrrp command syntax, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference

Specifying an IP Address for a Virtual Router

An IP address must be specified before a virtual router may be enabled. To specify an IP address for a
virtual router, use the vrrp address command and the relevant IP address. For example:
-> vrrp 6 4 address
-> vrrp 6 4 admin-state enable

In this example, the vrrp address command specifies that virtual router 6 on VLAN 4 will be used to
backup IP address The virtual router is then enabled with the vrrp command.
Note that if a virtual router is to be the IP address owner, then all addresses on the virtual router must
match an address on the switch interface.
To remove an IP address from a virtual router, use the no form of the vrrp address command. For
-> vrrp 6 4 admin-state disable
-> vrrp 6 4 no address

In this example, virtual router 6 is disabled. (A virtual router must be disabled before IP addresses may be
added/removed from the router.) IP address is then removed from the virtual router with the no
form of the vrrp address command.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-10
Configuring VRRP VRRP Configuration Overview

Configuring the Advertisement Interval

The advertisement interval is configurable, but all virtual routers with the same VRID must be configured
with the same value. If the advertisement interval is set differently for a master router and a backup router,
VRRP packets may be dropped because the newly configured interval does not match the interval
indicated in the packet. The backup router will then take over and send a gratuitous ARP, which includes
the virtual router IP address and the virtual router MAC address. In addition to creating duplicate IP/MAC
address messages, both routers will begin forwarding packets sent to the virtual router MAC address. This
will result in forwarding duplicate packets.
To avoid duplicate addresses and packets, make sure the advertisement interval is configured the same on
both the master and the backup router.
For more information about VRRP and ARP requests, see “ARP Requests” on page 23-7.
To configure the advertisement interval, use the vrrp command with the interval keyword (vrrp
interval). For example:
-> vrrp 6 4 admin-state disable
-> vrrp 6 4 interval 5

In this example, virtual router 6 is disabled. (If you are modifying an existing virtual router, the virtual
router must be disabled before it may be modified.) The vrrp command is then used to set the advertising
interval for virtual router 6 to 5 seconds. Optionally, you can also preface the advertising keyword before

Configuring Virtual Router Priority

VRRP functions with one master virtual router and at least one backup virtual router. A priority value
determines the role each router plays. It also decides the selection of backup routers for taking over as the
master router, if the master router is unavailable.
Priority values range from 1 to 255. If a VRRP router owns the IP address of the virtual router and the IP
address of the physical interface, this router will function as a virtual router master and its priority value
will be 255. The value cannot be set to 255 if the router is not the IP address owner.
If there is more than one backup router, it is necessary to configure their priorities with different values.
This is done so to elect the backup router with the highest value as the master. If the priority values are the
same, the backup virtual router with the highest physical interface IP address is chosen as the master.
To set the priority, use the vrrp command with the priority keyword and the desired value (vrrp
priority). For example:
-> vrrp 6 4 admin-state disable
-> vrrp 6 4 priority 50

In this example, virtual router 6 is disabled. (If you are modifying an existing virtual router, it must be
disabled before it is modified.) The virtual router priority is then set to 50. Setting the value to 50 provides
the router with a lower priority in the VRRP network.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-11
Configuring VRRP VRRP Configuration Overview

Setting Preemption for Virtual Routers

When a master virtual router becomes unavailable (goes down for whatever reason), a backup router will
take over. When there is more than one backup router and if their priority values are very nearly equal, the
skew time may not be sufficient to overcome delays caused by network traffic loads. This may cause a
lower priority backup to assume control before a higher priority backup. But when the preempt mode is
enabled, the higher priority backup router will detect this and assume control.

Note. In certain cases, this may not be a desirable behavior, as when the original master comes back and
immediately causes all the traffic to switch back to it.

If all virtual routers have the preempt mode enabled, the virtual router with the highest priority will
become the master. If the master router goes down, the highest priority backup router will become the
master. If the previous master or any other virtual router comes up with the preempt mode enabled and has
a higher priority value, this router will become the new master.
To prevent a router with a higher priority value from automatically taking control from a master router
with a lower priority value, disable the preempt mode for the higher priority router. This is done by using
the no preempt keywords with the vrrp command (vrrp preempt). For example:
-> vrrp 6 4 admin-state disable
-> vrrp 6 4 no preempt

Note. The virtual router that owns the IP address(es) associated with the physical router always becomes
the master router if it is available, regardless of the preempt mode setting and the priority values of the
backup routers.

In the above example, the first command administratively disables virtual router 6. (If you are modifying
an existing virtual router, it must be disabled before it is modified.). The second command disables the
preempt mode for the same router. Henceforth, router 6 will not preempt another virtual router with a
lower priority. For more information about priority, see “Configuring Virtual Router Priority” on
page 23-11.

Enabling/Disabling a Virtual Router

To enable a virtual router, use the vrrp command with the enable keyword. Note that at least one IP
address must be configured for the virtual router through the vrrp address command. For example:
-> vrrp 7 3 priority 150
-> vrrp 7 3 address
-> vrrp 7 3 admin-state enable

In this example, a virtual router is created on VLAN 3 with a VRID of 7. An IP address is then assigned to
the virtual router. The virtual router is then enabled on the switch.
To disable a virtual router, use the disable keyword.
-> vrrp 7 3 admin-state disable

A virtual router must be disabled before it may be modified. Use the vrrp command to disable the virtual
router first; then use the command again to modify the parameters. For example:
-> vrrp 7 3 admin-state disable
-> vrrp 7 3 priority 200
-> vrrp 7 3 admin-state enable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-12
Configuring VRRP VRRP Configuration Overview

In this example, virtual router 7 on VLAN 3 is disabled. The virtual router is then modified to change its
priority setting. (For information about configuring the priority setting, see “Configuring Virtual Router
Priority” on page 23-11.) The virtual router is then re-enabled and will be active on the switch.

Setting VRRP Traps

A VRRP router has the capability to generate VRRP SNMP traps for events defined in the VRRP SNMP
In order for VRRP traps to be generated correctly, traps in general must be enabled on the switch through
the SNMP CLI. See the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Switch Management Guide for more information
about enabling SNMP traps globally.
To disable VRRP traps, use the no form of the vrrp trap command.
-> no vrrp trap

To re-enable traps, enter the vrrp trap command.

-> vrrp trap

Setting VRRP Startup Delay

After a switch reboot, the delay which is a global value takes effect and all virtual routers remain in the
initialize state. They will remain in this state until the timer expires, at which point they will negotiate to
determine whether to become the master or a backup.
To set a delay to all the virtual routers from going active before their routing tables are set up, use the vrrp
delay command. This command applies only when the switch reboots.
-> vrrp delay 75

The switch now waits 75 seconds after its reboot before it becomes available to take over as master for
another router.

Note. This command applies only when the switch reboots.

Configuring Collective Management Functionality

Collective management simplifies the management and configuration tasks of either all the virtual routers
on the switch or only the virtual routers in a particular virtual router group.
The following section describes the above mentioned collective management functionality in detail:

Changing Default Parameter Values for all Virtual Routers

You can change the default advertising interval value of all the virtual routers on a switch using the vrrp
interval command. For example:
-> vrrp interval 50

You can change the default priority value of all the virtual routers on a switch using the vrrp priority
command. For example:
-> vrrp priority 50

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-13
Configuring VRRP VRRP Configuration Overview

You can change the default preempt mode of all the virtual routers on a switch using the vrrp preempt
command. For example:
-> vrrp no preempt

These commands will set the new default values only for the virtual routers that are newly created.
However, you can apply the new default value to the existing virtual routers. To apply the new default
value to the existing virtual routers; you must first disable the virtual routers, then apply the new default
value using the vrrp set command and enable the virtual routers again.
For example, to change the default priority value to 50 on all the existing virtual routers on a switch, enter
the following:
-> vrrp priority 50
-> vrrp admin-state disable
-> vrrp set priority
-> vrrp admin-state enable

The first command configures the default priority value as 50 for all the virtual routers on the switch. The
next command disables all the virtual routers on the switch. The vrrp set command in this sequence
applies the new default priority value to the existing virtual routers. This value will be applied only to the
virtual routers that already have the default value and not the values configured either individually or via
group. This is because the configured values take priority over the default values.
For the modified default values to effect the virtual routers which are configured with a value either
individually or via group, you can use the vrrp set command along with the override option. For
-> vrrp set priority override

Note. You can specify a parameter such as interval, priority, preempt or all in the vrrp set command to set
and/or override the existing value with the new default values. The all option resets and/or overrides the
existing advertising interval value, priority value and preempt mode with the modified default values.

The next command enables all the virtual routers on the switch except the virtual routers that are disabled
individually or via group. To enable all the virtual routers on the switch including those which are disabled
individually or via group, you can use the vrrp command along with the enable-all option as follows:
-> vrrp admin-state enable-all

Note. This collective virtual routers management functionality will not affect the ability to change the
administrative status and parameter values of an individual virtual router.

Changing Default Parameter Values for a Virtual Router Group

The virtual routers can also be grouped under a virtual router group as another way of simplifying the
configuration and management tasks.
A virtual router group can be created using the vrrp group command as follows:
-> vrrp group 25

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-14
Configuring VRRP VRRP Configuration Overview

This command creates a virtual router group 25. Use the no form of the same command to delete a virtual
router group. For example:
-> no vrrp group 25

Note. When a virtual router group is deleted, the virtual routers assigned to the group become unassigned.
However, this does not have any impact on the virtual routers.

After creating a virtual router group, you have to add virtual routers to the group using the vrrp group-
association command, as follows:
-> vrrp 10 1 group-association 25

The above command adds the virtual router 10 on VLAN 1 to the virtual router group 25. A virtual router
need not be disabled in order to be added to a virtual router group. However, the virtual router will not
adopt the group’s default parameter values until those values are applied by reenabling the virtual router.
To remove a virtual router from a virtual router group, use the no form of the same command as follows:
-> vrrp 10 1 no group-association 25

Note that a virtual router need not to be disabled to be removed from a group.
You can change the default values of the parameters like advertising interval, priority and preempt of all
the virtual routers in a virtual router group using the vrrp group command, as follows:
-> vrrp group 25 advertising interval 50 priority 50 no preempt

The above command configures the default value for advertising interval as 50 seconds, priority as 150
and preempting mode as no preempt. These parameters can be modified at any time but will not have any
effect on the virtual routers in the group until you disable, then apply the group default value using the
vrrp group set command and enable the virtual router group again.
For the modified default values to be applied to the virtual routers in a group, you must disable the virtual
router group, then apply the group default value using the vrrp group set command and enable the virtual
router group again. For example:
-> vrrp group 25 interval 50
-> vrrp group 25 admin-state disable
-> vrrp group 25 set interval
-> vrrp group 25 admin-state enable

The first command configures the default interval value as 50 for all the virtual routers in the virtual router
group 25. The next command disables all the virtual routers in the group. The vrrp group set command in
this sequence applies the new default interval value to all the virtual routers in the group. This value will
be applied only to the virtual routers in the group that already have the default value and not the values
configured individually. This is because the configured values take priority over the default values.
For the modified default values to affect the virtual routers in the group, including the virtual routers that
are configured with a value individually, you can use the vrrp group set command along with the
override option. For example:
-> vrrp group set interval override

Note. You can specify a parameter such as interval, priority, preempt or all in the vrrp group set command
to set and/or override the existing value with the new default values. The all option resets and/or overrides
the existing advertising interval value, priority value and preempt mode with the modified default values.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-15
Configuring VRRP VRRP Configuration Overview

The next command enables all the virtual routers in the group except the virtual routers that are disabled
individually. To enable all the virtual routers in the group including those which are disabled individually,
you can use the vrrp group command with the enable-all option as follows:
-> vrrp group 25 admin-state enable-all

Note. Even though a virtual router may be assigned to a group, its parameter values and administrative
status can still be modified individually.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-16
Configuring VRRP Verifying the VRRP Configuration

Verifying the VRRP Configuration

A summary of the show commands used for verifying the VRRP configuration is given here:

show vrrp Displays the virtual router configuration for all virtual routers or for a
particular virtual router.
show vrrp statistics Displays statistics about VRRP packets for all virtual routers configured
on the switch or for a particular virtual router.
show vrrp track Displays information about tracking policies on the switch.
show vrrp track-association Displays the tracking policies associated with virtual routers.
show vrrp group Displays the default parameter values for all the virtual router groups or
for a specific virtual router group.
show vrrp group-association Displays the virtual routers that are associated with a group.

For more information about the displays that result from these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-17
Configuring VRRP VRRPv3 Configuration Overview

VRRPv3 Configuration Overview

During startup, VRRPv3 is loaded onto the switch and is enabled. Virtual routers must be configured first
and enabled as described in the sections. Since VRRPv3 is implemented on multiple switches in the
network, some VRRPv3 parameters must be identical across switches:
• VRRPv3 and ACLs

If QoS filtering rules (Access Control Lists) are configured for Layer 3 traffic on a VRRP router, all of
the VRRP routers on the LAN must be configured with the same filtering rules; otherwise the security
of the network will be compromised. For more information about filtering, see Chapter 26, “Configur-
ing QoS.”
• Conflicting VRRPv3 Parameters Across Switches

All virtual routers with the same VRID on the LAN should be configured with the same advertisement
interval and IP addresses. If the virtual routers are configured differently, it may result in more than
one virtual router acting as the master router. This in turn would result in duplicate IP and MAC
address messages as well as multiple routers forwarding duplicate packets to the virtual router MAC
address. Use the show vrrp statistics command to check for conflicting parameters. For information
about configuring VRRPv3 parameters, see the remaining sections of this chapter.

Basic VRRPv3 Virtual Router Configuration

At least two VRRPv3 virtual routers must be configured on the LAN—a master router and a backup
router. The VRRPv3 virtual router is identified by a number called the Virtual Router ID (VRID), the
VLAN on which the VRRPv3 virtual router is configured, and the IPv6 address or addresses associated
with the router. Multiple VRRPv3 virtual routers may be configured on a single physical VRRP router.
Basic commands for setting up VRRPv3 virtual routers include:
vrrp3 address
The next sections describe how to use these commands.

Creating/Deleting a VRRPv3 Virtual Router

To create a VRRPv3 virtual router, enter the vrrp3 command with the desired VRID and the relevant
VLAN ID. The VRID must be a unique number in the range from 1 to 255. The VLAN must already be
created on the switch through the vlan command. For information about creating VLANs, see Chapter 4,
“Configuring VLANs.” For example:
-> vrrp3 6 4

This command creates VRID 6 on VLAN 4.

When you create a new VRRPv3 virtual router, the VRID ID and a VLAN ID are required. Optionally,
you may also specify:
• Priority (vrrp priority): use the priority keyword to change the default priority value and set a desired
value. Note that the IP address owner is automatically assigned a value of 255, which overrides any
value that you may have already configured. See “Configuring the VRRPv3 Virtual Router Priority”
on page 23-20 for more information about how priority is used.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-18
Configuring VRRP VRRPv3 Configuration Overview

• Preempt mode (vrrp preempt): To change from the default preempt mode and to turn it off, use no
preempt. Use preempt to turn it back on.For more information about the preempt mode, see “Setting
Preemption for VRRPv3 Virtual Routers” on page 23-21.
• Accept mode: The accept mode allows the master router to accept packets addressed to the IPv6
address owner as its own. Use the no accept mode to prevent the master router from accepting packets
addressed to the IPv6 address owner.
• Advertising interval (vrrp interval): Measured in seconds. Use the interval keyword with the desired
number of centiseconds for the delay in sending VRRPv3 advertisement packets. You can change the
default interval value and set a desired value. See “Configuring the VRRPv3 Advertisement Interval”
on page 23-20.

• The maximum number of virtual routers supported is based on the 100 centisecond interval. A smaller
interval will result in a relatively lesser number of virtual routers.
• The centisecond interval cannot be less than 10 centiseconds.

The following example creates a VRRPv3 virtual router (with VRID 7) on VLAN 2 with a priority of 75,
and no preempt. VRRPv3 advertisements will be sent at intervals of 200 centiseconds:
-> vrrp3 7 2 priority 75 no preempt interval 200

Note. All VRRPv3 virtual routers with the same VRID on the same LAN should be configured with the
same advertisement interval; otherwise the network may produce duplicate IPv6 or MAC address

The vrrp3 command may also be used to specify whether the VRRPv3 virtual router is enabled or
disabled. For more information about the vrrp3 command syntax, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI
Reference Guide.
To delete a VRRPv3 virtual router, use the no form of the vrrp3 command with the relevant VRID and
VLAN ID. For example:
-> no vrrp3 7 3

VRRPv3 virtual router 7 on VLAN 3 is deleted from the configuration. (The virtual router does not have
to be disabled before you delete it.)

Specifying an IPv6 Address for a VRRPv3 Virtual Router

A VRRPv3 virtual router must have a link local address. By default, the virtual router link local address is
created based on the virtual router MAC address and it does not need to be configured. Additional IPv6
addresses can be configured for a virtual router and these addresses must be within the subnet of an
address configured on the interface. To specify an IPv6 address for a VRRPv3 virtual router, use the
vrrp3 address command and the relevant IPv6 address. For example:
-> vrrp3 6 4 address fe80::200:5eff:fe00:20a
-> vrrp3 6 4 admin-state enable

In the above example, the vrrp3 address command specifies that VRRPv3 virtual router 6 on VLAN 4
will be used to backup IPv6 address fe80::200:5eff:fe00:20a. The virtual router is then enabled with
the vrrp3 command.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-19
Configuring VRRP VRRPv3 Configuration Overview

If a virtual router is to be the IP address owner, then all addresses on the virtual router must match an
address on the switch interface. This includes the virtual router's link local address. In other words, a
virtual router can not be the IP address owner if its link local address does not match the interface link
local address.
To remove an IPv6 address from a virtual router, use the no form of the vrrp3 address command. For
-> vrrp3 6 4 admin-state disable
-> vrrp3 6 4 no address fe80::200:5eff:fe00:20a

In this example, VRRPv3 virtual router 6 is disabled. (A VRRPv3 virtual router must be disabled before
IPv6 addresses may be added/removed from the router.) IP address fe80::200:5eff:fe00:20a is then
removed from the virtual router with the no form of the vrrp3 address command.

Configuring the VRRPv3 Advertisement Interval

The advertisement interval is configurable, but all virtual routers with the same VRID must be configured
with the same value. If the advertisement interval is set differently for a master router and a backup router,
VRRPv3 packets may be dropped because the newly configured interval does not match the interval
indicated in the packet. The backup router will then take over and send a neighbor advertisement, which
includes the virtual router IP address and the virtual router MAC address. In addition to creating duplicate
IP/MAC address messages, both routers will begin forwarding packets sent to the virtual router MAC
address. This will result in forwarding duplicate packets.
To avoid duplicate addresses and packets, make sure the advertisement interval is configured the same on
both the master and the backup router.
To configure the advertisement interval, use the vrrp3 command with the interval keyword. For example:
-> vrrp3 6 4 admin-state disable
-> vrrp3 6 4 interval 500

In this example, VRRPv3 virtual router 6 is disabled. (If you are modifying an existing virtual router, the
virtual router must be disabled before it may be modified.) The vrrp3 command is then used to set the
advertising interval for virtual router 6 to 500 centiseconds.

Configuring the VRRPv3 Virtual Router Priority

VRRPv3 functions with one master virtual router and at least one backup virtual router. A priority value
determines the role each router plays. It also decides the selection of backup routers for taking over as the
master router, if the master router is unavailable.
Priority values range from 1 to 255. A value of 255 indicates that the virtual router owns the IPv6 address;
that is, the router contains the real physical interface to which the IPv6 address is assigned. The switch can
change the default value and set it to 255 if it detects that the router is the IPv6 address owner. The value
cannot be set to 255 if the router is not the IPv6 address owner.
The IPv6 address owner will always be the master router if it is available. If more than one backup router
is configured, their priority values should be configured with different values, so that the backup with the
higher value will take over for the master. The priority parameter may be used to control the order in
which backup routers will take over for the master. If priority values are the same, any backup will take
over for master.
Note that the switch sets the priority value to zero in the last VRRPv3 advertisement packet before a
master router is disabled (see “Enabling/Disabling a VRRPv3 Virtual Router” on page 23-22).

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-20
Configuring VRRP VRRPv3 Configuration Overview

Also, if a router is the IPv6 address owner and the priority value is not set to 255, the switch will set its
priority to 255 when the router is enabled.
To set the priority, use the vrrp3 command with the priority keyword and the desired value. For example:
-> vrrp3 6 4 admin-state disable
-> vrrp3 6 4 priority 50

In this example, VRRPv3 virtual router 6 is disabled. (If you are modifying an existing virtual router, the
virtual router must be disabled before it may be modified.) The virtual router priority is then set to 50. The
priority value is relative to the priority value configured for other virtual routers backing up the same IPv6
address. Changing the default priority value and setting it to 50 would typically provide a router with
lower priority in the VRRPv3 network.

Setting Preemption for VRRPv3 Virtual Routers

When a VRRPv3 master virtual router becomes unavailable (goes down for whatever reason), a backup
router will take over. When there is more than one backup router and if the backup routers have priority
values that are very nearly equal, the skew time may not be sufficient to overcome delays caused by
network traffic loads and a lower priority backup may assume control before a higher priority backup. But
when the preempt mode is enabled the higher priority backup router will detect this and assume control.
By default VRRPv3 virtual routers are allowed to preempt each other; that is, if the virtual router with the
highest priority will take over if the master router becomes unavailable. The preempt mode may be
disabled so that any backup router that takes over when the master is unavailable will not then be
preempted by a backup with a higher priority.

Note. The VRRPv3 virtual router that owns the IPv6 address(es) associated with the physical router always
becomes the master router if is available, regardless of the preempt mode setting and the priority values of
the backup routers.

To disable preemption for a VRRPv3 virtual router, use the vrrp3 command with the no preempt
keywords. For example:
-> vrrp3 6 4 admin-state disable
-> vrrp3 6 4 no preempt

In this example, virtual router 6 is disabled. (If you are modifying an existing virtual router, the virtual
router must be disabled before it may be modified.) The virtual router is then configured to disable
preemption. If this virtual router takes over for an unavailable router, a router with a higher priority will
not be able to preempt it. For more information about priority, see “Configuring the VRRPv3 Virtual
Router Priority” on page 23-20.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-21
Configuring VRRP VRRPv3 Configuration Overview

Enabling/Disabling a VRRPv3 Virtual Router

To change the default status of the VRRPv3 virtual router and to enable it, use the vrrp3 command with
the enable keyword. For example:
-> vrrp3 7 3
-> vrrp3 7 3 admin-state enable

In this example, a VRRPv3 virtual router is created on VLAN 3 with a VRID of 7. An IPv6 address is
then assigned to the virtual router. The virtual router is then enabled on the switch.
To disable a VRRPv3 virtual router, use the disable keyword.
-> vrrp 7 3 admin-state disable

A VRRPv3 virtual router must be disabled before it may be modified. Use the vrrp3 command to disable
the virtual router first; then use the command again to modify the parameters. For example:
-> vrrp3 7 3 admin-state disable
-> vrrp3 7 3 priority 200
-> vrrp3 7 3 admin-state enable

In this example, VRRPv3 virtual router 7 on VLAN 3 is disabled. The VRRPv3 virtual router is then
modified to change its priority setting. (For information about configuring the priority setting, see
“Configuring the VRRPv3 Virtual Router Priority” on page 23-20.) The virtual router is then re-enabled
and will be active on the switch.

Setting VRRPv3 Traps

A VRRPv3 router has the capability to generate VRRPv3 SNMP traps for events defined in the VRRPv3
In order for VRRPv3 traps to be generated correctly, traps in general must be enabled on the switch
through the SNMP CLI. See the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Switch Management Guide for more
information about enabling SNMP traps globally.
To disable VRRPv3 traps, use the no form of the vrrp3 trap command.
-> no vrrp3 trap

To re-enable traps, enter the vrrp3 trap command:

-> vrrp3 trap

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-22
Configuring VRRP Verifying the VRRPv3 Configuration

Verifying the VRRPv3 Configuration

A summary of the show commands used for verifying the VRRPv3 configuration is given here:

show vrrp3 Displays the VRRPv3 virtual router configuration for all virtual routers
or for a particular virtual router.
show vrrp3 statistics Displays statistics about VRRPv3 packets for all VRRPv3 virtual
routers configured on the switch or for a particular virtual router.
show vrrp3 track-association Displays the tracking policies associated with VRRPv3 virtual routers.

For more information about the displays that result from these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-23
Configuring VRRP Creating Tracking Policies

Creating Tracking Policies

To create a tracking policy, use the vrrp track command and specify the amount to decrease a virtual
router’s priority and the slot/port, IP address, or IP interface name to be tracked. For example:
-> vrrp track 3 admin-state enable priority 50 address

In this example, a tracking policy ID (3) is created and enabled for IP address If this address
becomes unreachable, a virtual router associated with this track ID will have its priority decremented by
50. Note that the enable keyword administratively activates the tracking policy, but the policy does not
take effect until it is associated with one or more virtual routers (see the next section).
Similarly, to create a tracking policy ID (3) for IPv6 address 213:100:1::56, use the following command:
-> vrrp track 3 admin-state enable priority 50 address 213:100:1::56

If this address becomes unreachable, a virtual router associated with this track ID will have its priority
decremented by 50.
Note the following:
• A virtual router must be administratively disabled before a tracking policy for the virtual router can be
• VRRP tracking does not override IP address ownership (the IP address owner will always have priority
to become master, if it is available).

Associating a Tracking Policy with a VRRPv2/VRRPv3 Virtual

To associate a tracking policy with a virtual router, use the vrrp track-association command with the
tracking policy ID number. In this example, virtual router 6 on VLAN 4 is disabled first so that tracking
policy 3 may be associated with it:
-> vrrp 6 4 admin-state disable
-> vrrp 6 4 track-association 3

When the virtual router is re-enabled, tracking policy 3 will be used for that virtual router.
A tracking policy should not be associated with a virtual router on the same port or interface. For example:
-> ip interface vlan-4 address vlan 4
-> vrrp track 2 ipv4-interface vlan-4
-> vrrp 5 4 track-association 2

This configuration is allowed but will not really have an effect. If the associated interface goes down, this
virtual router goes down as well and the tracking policy is not applied.

Note. A master and a backup virtual router should not be tracking the same IP address; otherwise, when the
IP address becomes unreachable, both virtual routers will have their priorities decremented, and the backup
may temporarily take over if the master discovers that the IP address is unreachable before the backup.

Typically you should not configure the same IP address tracking policies on physical VRRP routers that
backup each other; otherwise, the priority will be decremented for both master and backup when the entity
being tracked goes down.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-24
Configuring VRRP VRRP Application Example

VRRP Application Example

In addition to providing redundancy, VRRP can assist in load balancing outgoing traffic. The figure below
shows two virtual routers with their hosts splitting traffic between them. Half of the hosts are configured
with a default route to virtual router 1’s IP address (, and the other half are configured with a
default route to virtual router 2’s IP address (

VRRP Router VRRP Router

OmniSwitch A OmniSwitch B

Master 1 Backup 1

Virtual Routers

Backup 2 Master 2


clients 1 and 2 clients 3 and 4

default gateway default gateway

VRRP Redundancy and Load Balancing

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-25
Configuring VRRP VRRP Application Example

The CLI commands used to configure this setup are as follows:

1 First, create two virtual routers for VLAN 5. (Note that VLAN 5 must already be created and available
on the switch.)
-> vrrp 1 5
-> vrrp 2 5

2 Configure the IP addresses for each virtual router.

-> vrrp 1 5 ip

-> vrrp 2 5 ip

3 Enable the virtual routers.

-> vrrp 1 5 admin-state enable

-> vrrp 2 5 admin-state enable

Note. The same VRRP configuration must be set up on each switch. The VRRP router that contains, or
owns, the IP address will automatically become the master for that virtual router. If the IP address is a
virtual address, the virtual router with the highest priority will become the master router.

In this scenario, the master of VRID 1 will respond to ARP requests for IP address A using the virtual
router MAC address for VRID 1 (00:00:5E:00:01:01). OmniSwitch 1 is the master for VRID 1 since it
contains the physical interface to which is assigned. If OmniSwitch A should become
unavailable, OmniSwitch B will become master for VRID 1.
In the same way, the master of VRID 2 will respond to ARP requests for IP address B using the virtual
router MAC address for VRID 2 (00:00:5E:00:01:02). OmniSwitch B is the master for VRID 2 since it
contains the physical interface to which is assigned. If OmniSwitch B should become
unavailable, OmniSwitch A will become master for This configuration provides
uninterrupted service for the end hosts.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-26
Configuring VRRP VRRP Application Example

VRRP Tracking Example

The figure below shows two VRRP routers with two virtual routers backing up one IP address on each
VRRP router respectively. Virtual router 1 serves as the default gateway on OmniSwitch A for clients 1
and 2 through IP address and virtual router 2 serves as default gateway on OmniSwitch B for
clients 3 and 4 through IP address For example, if the port that provides access to the Internet
on OmniSwitch A fails, virtual router 1 will continue to be the default router for clients 1 and 2, but clients
1 and 2 will not be able to access the Internet.

VRRP Router VRRP Router

port 3/1 OmniSwitch A OmniSwitch B port 3/1

Master 1 Backup 1

Virtual Routers

Backup 2 Master 2


clients 1 and 2 clients 3 and 4

default gateway default gateway

VRRP Tracking Example

In this example, the master for virtual router 1 has a priority of 100 and the backup for virtual router 1 has
a priority of 75. The virtual router configuration for VRID 1 and 2 on VRRP router A is as follows:
-> vrrp 1 5 priority 100 preempt
-> vrrp 2 5 priority 75

The virtual router configuration for VRID 1 and 2 on VRRP router B is as follows:
-> vrrp 1 5 priority 75
-> vrrp 2 5 priority 100 preempt

To ensure workstation clients 1 and 2 have connectivity to the Internet, configure a tracking policy on
VRRP router A to monitor port 3/1 and associate the policy with VRID 1.
-> vrrp track 1 admin-state enable priority 50 port 3/1
-> vrrp 1 5 track-association 1

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-27
Configuring VRRP VRRP Application Example

If port 3/1 on VRRP router A goes down, the master for virtual router A is still functioning but
workstation clients 1 and 2 will not be able to get to the Internet. With this tracking policy enabled,
however, master router 1’s priority will be temporarily decremented to 50, allowing backup router 1 to
take over and provide connectivity for those workstations. When port 3/1 on VRRP router A comes
backup, master 1 will take over again.

Note. Preempt must be set on switch A virtual router 1, and switch B virtual router 2, in order for the
correct master to assume control once their respective ports 3/1 return to viability. In our example, once
port 3/1 on switch A is functioning again we want switch A to reestablish itself as the master. See “Setting
Preemption for Virtual Routers” on page 23-12 for more information about enabling preemption.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-28
Configuring VRRP VRRPv3 Application Example

VRRPv3 Application Example

In addition to providing redundancy, VRRPv3 can assist in load balancing outgoing traffic. The figure
below shows two virtual routers with their hosts splitting traffic between them. Half of the hosts are
configured with a default route to virtual router 1’s IPv6 address (213:100:1::56), and the other half are
configured with a default route to virtual router 2’s IPv6 address (213:100:1::57).

VRRP Router VRRP Router

OmniSwitch A OmniSwitch B

Master 1 Backup 1

Virtual Routers

Backup 2 Master 2

213:100:1::56 213:100:1::57


clients 1 and 2 clients 3 and 4

default gateway default gateway

VRRPv3 Redundancy and Load Balancing

The CLI commands used to configure this setup are as follows:

1 First, create two VRRPv3 virtual routers for VLAN 5. (Note that VLAN 5 must already be created and
available on the switch.)
-> vrrp3 1 5
-> vrrp3 2 5

2 Configure the IPv6 addresses for each VRRPv3 virtual router.

-> vrrp3 1 5 address 213:100:1::56

-> vrrp3 2 5 address 213:100:1::57

3 Enable the VRRPv3 virtual routers.

-> vrrp3 1 5 admin-state enable

-> vrrp3 2 5 admin-state enable

Note. The same VRRPv3 configuration must be set up on each switch. The VRRPv3 router that contains, or
owns, the IPv6 address will automatically become the master for that virtual router. If the IPv6 address is a
virtual address, the virtual router with the highest priority will become the master router.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-29
Configuring VRRP VRRPv3 Application Example

In this scenario, the master of VRID 1 will respond to neighbor solicitation with a neighbor advertisement
for IPv6 address A using the virtual router MAC address for VRID 1 (00:00:5E:00:02:01). OmniSwitch 1
is the master for VRID 1 since it contains the physical interface to which 213:100:1::56s assigned. If
OmniSwitch A should become unavailable, OmniSwitch B will become master for VRID 1.
In the same way, the master of VRID 2 will respond to neighbor solicitation for IPv6 address B using the
virtual router MAC address for VRID 2 (00:00:5E:00:02:02). OmniSwitch B is the master for VRID 2
since it contains the physical interface to which 213:100:1::57 is assigned. If OmniSwitch B should
become unavailable, OmniSwitch A will become master for 213:100:1::57. This configuration provides
uninterrupted service for the end hosts.

VRRPv3 Tracking Example

The figure below shows two VRRPv3 routers with two virtual routers backing up one IPv6 address on
each VRRPv3 router respectively. Virtual router 1 serves as the default gateway on OmniSwitch A for
clients 1 and 2 through IPv6 address 213:100:1::56. For example, if the port that provides access to the
Internet on OmniSwitch A fails, virtual router 1 will continue to be the default router for clients 1 and 2,
but clients 1 and 2 will not be able to access the Internet.

VRRPv3 Router VRRPv3 Router

port 3/1 OmniSwitch A OmniSwitch B port 3/1

Master 1 Backup 1

Virtual Routers

Backup 2 Master 2

213:100:1::56 213:100:1::57


clients 1 and 2 clients 3 and 4

default gateway 213:100:1::56 default gateway 213:100:1::57

VRRPv3 Tracking Example

In this example, the master for virtual router 1 has a priority of 100 and the backup for virtual router 1 has
a priority of 75. The virtual router configuration for VRID 1 and 2 on VRRPv3 router A is as follows:
-> vrrp3 1 5 priority 100 preempt
-> vrrp3 2 5 priority 75

The virtual router configuration for VRID 1 and 2 on VRRPv3 router B is as follows:
-> vrrp3 1 5 priority 75
-> vrrp3 2 5 priority 100 preempt

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-30
Configuring VRRP VRRPv3 Application Example

To ensure workstation clients 1 and 2 have connectivity to the internet, configure a tracking policy on
VRRPv3 router A to monitor port 3/1 and associate the policy with VRID 1.
-> vrrp3 track 1 admin-state enable priority 50 port 3/1
-> vrrp3 1 5 track-association 1

If port 3/1 on VRR3 router A goes down, the master for virtual router A is still functioning, but
workstation clients 1 and 2 will not be able to get to the Internet. With this tracking policy enabled,
however, master router 1’s priority will be temporarily decremented to 50, allowing backup router 1 to
take over and provide connectivity for those workstations. When port 3/1 on VRRPv3 router A comes
backup, master 1 will take over again.

Note. Preempt must be set on switch A virtual router 1, and switch B virtual router 2, in order for the
correct master to assume control once their respective ports 3/1 return to viability. In our example, once
port 3/1 on switch A is functioning again we want switch A to reestablish itself as the master. See “Setting
Preemption for Virtual Routers” on page 23-12 for more information about enabling preemption.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 23-31
24 Configuring Server Load

Alcatel-Lucent’s Server Load Balancing (SLB) software provides a method to logically manage a group of
physical servers sharing the same content (known as a server farm) as one large virtual server (known as
an SLB cluster). SLB clusters are identified and accessed using either a Virtual IP (VIP) address or a QoS
policy condition. Traffic is always routed to VIP clusters and either bridged or routed to policy condition
clusters. The OmniSwitch operates at wire speed to process client requests and then forward them to the
physical servers within the cluster.
Using SLB clusters can provide cost savings (costly hardware upgrades can be delayed or avoided),
scalability (as the demands on your server farm grow you can add additional physical servers), reliability
(if one physical server goes down the remaining servers can handle the remaining workload), and
flexibility (you can tailor workload requirements individually to servers within a cluster).

In This Chapter
This chapter describes the basic components of Server Load Balancing and how to configure them through
the Command Line Interface (CLI). CLI commands are used in the configuration examples; for more
details about the syntax of commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.
Configuration procedures described in this chapter include:
• Procedures to configure SLB on a switch on page 24-10.

• Procedures to configure logical SLB clusters on page 24-11.

• Procedures to configure physical servers in SLB clusters on page 24-13.

• Procedures to configure SLB probes on page 24-17.

• Procedures for troubleshooting and maintenance on page 24-16 and page 24-21.

Note. You can also configure and monitor Server Load Balancing with WebView, Alcatel-Lucent’s
embedded web-based device management application. WebView is an interactive and easy-to-use GUI that
can be launched from OmniVista or a web browser. Please refer to WebView’s online documentation for
more information on configuring and monitoring Server Load Balancing with WebView.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 24-1
Configuring Server Load Balancing Server Load Balancing Default Values

Server Load Balancing Default Values

The following table lists default values for the SLB software:.

Parameter Description Command Default Value/Comments

Global SLB administrative status ip slb admin-state Disabled
Ping period ip slb cluster ping period 60 seconds
Ping timeout ip slb cluster ping timeout 3000 milliseconds
Ping retries ip slb cluster ping retries 3
Administrative status of an SLB ip slb cluster admin-state Enabled
Administrative status of physical ip slb server ip cluster Enabled
servers in an SLB cluster
Relative weight of a physical server ip slb server ip cluster 1
in an SLB cluster
SLB probes configured ip slb probe None configured
SLB probe timeout ip slb probe timeout 3000 seconds
SLB probe period ip slb probe period 60 seconds
SLB probe port number ip slb probe port 0
SLB probe retries ip slb probe retries 3
SLB probe user name ip slb probe username None configured
SLB probe password ip slb probe password None configured
SLB probe URL ip slb probe url None configured
SLB probe expected status ip slb probe status 200
SLB probe send string ip slb probe send None configured
SLB probe expect string ip slb probe expect None configured

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 24-2
Configuring Server Load Balancing Quick Steps for Configuring Server Load Balancing

Quick Steps for Configuring Server Load

Follow the steps below for a quick tutorial on configuring parameters for SLB. Additional information on
how to configure each command is given in the subsections that follow. Note that this example configures
a VIP cluster. See the tutorial on page 24-4 for quick steps on configuring a QoS policy condition cluster.
1 Enable SLB globally with the ip slb admin-state command as shown below:

-> ip slb admin-state enable

2 Configure the SLB VIP cluster using the ip slb cluster command with the vip parameter. For example:

-> ip slb cluster WorldWideWeb vip

3 Assign physical servers to the SLB cluster and specify a relative weight for each server (default value
for weight is 1) with the ip slb server ip cluster command. For example:
-> ip slb server ip cluster WorldWideWeb
-> ip slb server ip cluster WorldWideWeb weight 4
-> ip slb server ip cluster WorldWideWeb weight 6
-> ip slb server ip cluster WorldWideWeb admin-state disable
weight 8

As an option, you can verify your SLB settings by entering show ip slb cluster followed by the name of
the SLB cluster. For example:
-> show ip slb cluster WorldWideWeb

Cluster WorldWideWeb
VIP :,
Type : L3,
Admin status : Enabled,
Operational status : In Service,
Ping period (seconds) : 60,
Ping timeout (milliseconds) : 3000,
Ping retries : 3,
Probe : None,
Number of packets : 3800,
Number of servers : 4
Admin status = Enabled, Operational Status = In Service,
Weight = 4, Availability (%) = 100
Admin status = Enabled, Operational Status = In Service,
Weight = 6, Availability (%) = 98
Admin status = Enabled, Operational Status = Discovery,
Weight = 1, Availability (%) = 0
Admin status = Disabled, Operational Status = Disabled,
Weight = 8, Availability (%) = 0

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 24-3
Configuring Server Load Balancing Quick Steps for Configuring Server Load Balancing

An example of what these configuration commands look like entered sequentially on the command line:
-> ip slb admin-state enable
-> ip slb cluster WorldWideWeb vip
-> ip slb server ip cluster WorldWideWeb
-> ip slb server ip cluster WorldWideWeb weight 4
-> ip slb server ip cluster WorldWideWeb weight 6
-> ip slb server ip cluster WorldWideWeb admin-state disable
weight 8

Quick Steps for Configuring a QoS Policy Condition Cluster

Follow the steps below for a quick tutorial on how to configure a QoS policy condition cluster:

1 Create the QoS policy condition that classifies traffic for the SLB cluster. For example:

-> policy network group SOURCE

-> policy condition c1 source network group SOURCE destination tcp-port 80
-> qos apply

2 Configure the SLB cluster using the ip slb cluster command with the condition parameter. For
-> ip slb cluster Intranet condition c1

3 Assign physical servers to the SLB condition cluster and specify a relative weight for each server
(default value for weight is 1) with the ip slb server ip cluster command. For example:
-> ip slb server ip cluster Intranet
-> ip slb server ip cluster Intranet weight 4
-> ip slb server ip cluster Intranet admin-state disable weight 2

Note. As an option, you can configure an SLB server as a backup server. See “Configuring a Server in an
SLB Cluster as a Backup Server” on page 24-15 for more information.

As an option, you can verify your SLB settings by entering show ip slb cluster followed by the name of
the SLB cluster. For example:
-> show ip slb cluster Intranet

Cluster Intranet
VIP :,
Type : L3
Admin status : Enabled,
Operational status : In Service,
Ping period (seconds) = 60,
Ping timeout (milliseconds) = 3000,
Ping retries = 3,
Probe = None,
Number of packets = 10000,
Number of servers = 2
Admin status = Enabled, Operational status = In Service,
Weight = 1, Availability (%) = 100
Admin status = Enabled, Operational status = In Service,
Weight = 4, Availability (%) = 99

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 24-4
Configuring Server Load Balancing Quick Steps for Configuring Server Load Balancing

Admin status = Disabled, Operational status = Disabled,
Weight = 2, Availability (%) = 0

As an option, you can also display traffic statistics for an SLB condition cluster by entering show ip slb
cluster followed by the cluster name and the statistics parameter. For example, the following command
displays the packet count for traffic that is classified for the “Intranet” cluster:
-> show ip slb cluster Intranet statistics

Admin Operational
Cluster Name Status Status Count
Intranet Enabled In Service 2 Servers
Src IP 2500
IP Dst TCP Port 80
Src IP 2500
IP Dst TCP Port 80
Src IP 2500
IP Dst TCP Port 80
Src IP 2500
IP Dst TCP Port 80

An example of what the configuration commands look like entered sequentially on the command line:
-> policy network group SOURCE
-> policy condition c1 source network group SOURCE destination tcp-port 80
-> qos apply
-> ip slb cluster Intranet condition cl
-> ip slb server ip cluster Intranet
-> ip slb server ip cluster Intranet weight 4
-> ip slb server ip cluster Intranet admin-state disable weight 2

You can verify your SLB settings by entering show ip slb cluster server followed by the name of the
SLB cluster. For example:
-> show ip slb cluster Intranet server

Cluster Intranet
Admin status : Disabled,
Oper status : In Service,
Probe = None,
Admin weight = 2,
Availability time (%) = 98,
Ping failures = 0,
Last ping round trip time (milliseconds) = 1,
Probe status = OK,

Note. Once a cluster is created, the Virtual IP or condition cannot be modified. To modify these values,
delete the cluster and re-create the cluster with the different VIP and conditions.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 24-5
Configuring Server Load Balancing Server Load Balancing Overview

Server Load Balancing Overview

The following sections describe SLB operational theory (see “Server Load Balancing Cluster
Identification” on page 24-6), an SLB example (“Server Load Balancing Example” on page 24-7), and
server health monitoring (see “Server Health Monitoring” on page 24-9).

Note. Alcatel-Lucent also offers link aggregation, which combines multiple Ethernet links into one virtual
channel. Please refer to Chapter 9, “Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation,”for more information on link
aggregation and dynamic link aggregation, and to Chapter 8, “Configuring Static Link Aggregation,” for
information on static (OmniChannel) link aggregation.

Server Load Balancing Cluster Identification

An SLB cluster consists of a group of physical servers, also known as a server farm. The SLB cluster
appears as one large virtual server, which is identified using one of the following methods:
• Virtual IP (VIP)—An IP address is assigned to the cluster (virtual server). Client requests destined for
this VIP are routed (Layer-3 mode) to the servers that are members of the VIP cluster. Note that it is
necessary to configure cluster servers with a loopback interface.
• Condition—A QoS policy condition name is assigned to the cluster (virtual server). Client requests that
meet the criteria of the policy condition are bridged (Layer-2 mode) or routed (Layer-3 mode) to the
servers that are members of the condition cluster. Note that it is not necessary to configure cluster
servers with a loopback interface.

Note. See “Configuring and Deleting SLB Clusters” on page 24-11 for more information on configuring
VIP and condition clusters.

Server Load Balancing Cluster Modes

The cluster mode refers to whether client requests are bridged (Layer-2 mode) or routed (Layer-3 mode)
by the switch to the appropriate SLB cluster. A VIP cluster only supports Layer-3 mode, so request
packets are always routed to the cluster. A condition cluster supports both Layer-2 and Layer-3 modes.
When the Layer-3 mode is active (VIP or condition clusters), routed packets are modified as follows:
• The source IP address is changed to the IP address for the switch router interface.

• The destination IP address is changed to the IP address of the destined server.

• The TTL value is decremented.

When the Layer-2 mode is active (condition clusters only), request packets are not modified and are only
switched within the same VLAN domain. The Layer-2 or Layer-3 mode is selected when the condition
cluster is configured on the switch. See “Configuring an SLB Cluster with a QoS Policy Condition” on
page 24-11 for more information.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 24-6
Configuring Server Load Balancing Server Load Balancing Overview

Server Load Balancing Example

In the figure on the following page, an SLB cluster consisting of four (4) physical servers has been
configured with a VIP of and an SLB cluster name of “WorldWideWeb.” The switch
processes requests sent by clients to the VIP of and sends to the appropriate physical
server, depending on configuration and the operational states of the physical servers. The switch then
transmits the requested data from the physical server back to the client.

SLB CLuster “WorldWideWeb”


Server A Server B Server C Server D

Loopback Address: Loopback Address: Loopback Address: Loopback Address:

OmniSwitch 7800


Client A Client B

Example of a Server Load Balancing (SLB) Cluster

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 24-7
Configuring Server Load Balancing Server Load Balancing Overview

Weighted Round Robin Distribution Algorithm

In order to distribute traffic among operating servers, the SLB cluster must have a method of selecting a
server among a pool (cluster) of operating servers (“in service” mode) depending on some criteria. This
method is commonly called the SLB cluster distribution algorithm.
The distribution algorithm on an Alcatel-Lucent switch is weighted round robin, where the SLB cluster
distributes traffic according to the relative “weight” a server has within an SLB cluster. In the figure
below, for example, Server A has been assigned by the network administrator a relative weight of 30,
which is the largest weight in the SLB cluster called “WorldWideWeb.” Server A handles twice as much
traffic as Server C (which has a weight of 15), three times the traffic of Server D (which has a weight of
10), and six times the traffic of Server B (which has a weight of 5).

SLB CLuster “WorldWideWeb”


Server A Server B Server C Server D

Loopback Address: Loopback Address: Loopback Address: Loopback Address:

OmniSwitch 7800

Server A handles twice the traffic of Server C,

three times the traffic of Server D, and six
times the traffic of Server B.


Weighted Round Robin Algorithm

Note. See “Modifying the Relative Weight of a Physical Server” on page 24-15 for information on
modifying the relative weights of servers in an SLB cluster.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 24-8
Configuring Server Load Balancing Server Load Balancing Overview

Server Health Monitoring

Alcatel-Lucent’s Server Load Balancing (SLB) software on the switch performs checks on the links from
the switch to the servers. In addition, the SLB software also sends ICMP echo requests (ping packets) to
the physical servers to determine their availability.

Note. You can use the show ip slb cluster server command, which is described in “Displaying Server
Load Balancing Status and Statistics” on page 24-21, to display link and ping status of physical servers.

These health checks performed by the switch are used by the SLB software to determine the operational
states of servers. The possible operational states are described in the table below:

Operational States
Disabled The server has been administratively disabled by the user.
No Answer The server has not responded to ping requests from the switch.
Link Down There is a bad connection to the server.
Discovery The switch is pinging a physical server.
In Service The server can be used for client connections.
Retrying The switch is making another attempt to bring up the server.

In Release 5.1.6 and later you can configure probes to monitor the health of clusters and servers. See
“Configuring SLB Probes” on page 24-17 for more information.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 24-9
Configuring Server Load Balancing Configuring Server Load Balancing on a Switch

Configuring Server Load Balancing on a Switch

This section describes how to use Alcatel-Lucent’s Command Line Interface (CLI) commands to
configure Server Load Balancing (SLB) on a switch.

Note. See “Quick Steps for Configuring Server Load Balancing” on page 24-3 for a brief tutorial on
configuring these mandatory parameters.

When configuring SLB parameters for an SLB cluster, you must perform the following steps:
1 Enable Server Load Balancing on Your Switch. To enable Server Load Balancing (SLB) on a
switch, use the ip slb admin-state command, which is described in “Enabling and Disabling Server Load
Balancing” on page 24-10.
2 Configure the Logical Server Load Balancing Cluster. To configure a logical SLB cluster, use the
ip slb cluster command, which is described in “Configuring and Deleting SLB Clusters” on page 24-11.
3 Assign Physical Servers to the Logical Server Load Balancing Cluster. To add physical servers to a
logical SLB cluster, use the ip slb server ip cluster command, which is described in “Assigning Servers
to and Removing Servers from a Cluster” on page 24-13.

Note. Routing (which is enabled by default) must be enabled on a switch or Server Load Balancing will not

Alcatel-Lucent’s SLB software is preconfigured with the default values shown in the table in “Server
Load Balancing Default Values” on page 24-2. Depending on the requirements of your network and server
farm, you may need to configure more parameters than the mandatory ones described in this section. See
“Modifying Optional Parameters” on page 24-14 for information on configuring additional SLB

Enabling and Disabling Server Load Balancing

By default, Server Load Balancing (SLB) is disabled on a switch. The following subsections describe how
to enable and disable SLB on a switch with the ip slb admin-state command.

Note. You must enable or disable Server Load Balancing on an entire switch. You cannot enable SLB on a
per port or per slot basis.

Enabling SLB
To enable SLB switch wide, use the ip slb admin-state command by entering:
-> ip slb admin-state enable

Disabling SLB
To disable SLB switch wide, use the ip slb admin-state command by entering:
-> ip slb admin-state disable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 24-10
Configuring Server Load Balancing Configuring Server Load Balancing on a Switch

Configuring and Deleting SLB Clusters

The following subsections describe how to configure and delete SLB clusters with the ip slb cluster

Configuring an SLB Cluster with a VIP Address

Consider the following when configuring a VIP cluster:
• Specify a cluster name that is at least 1 character and less than or equal to 23 characters long.

• To use spaces in an SLB cluster name, enclose the entire name within quotation marks (for example,
“web server”).
• The VIP address of the SLB cluster must be an address in the same subnet as the servers.

• VIP only supports the Layer-3 SLB mode, which is enabled by default.

• The VIP method for directing traffic to the cluster servers is supported on an MCLAG configuration.

Note. Even though they use the same name, the SLB VIP address and the Multi-Chassis Link Aggregation
(MCLAG) VLAN Virtual IP (VIP) address must be different on the MC-LAG setup. The MCLAG VIP
provides a common IP address for the multi-chassis peer switches; the SLB VIP provides a common IP
address for the SLB cluster.

To configure an SLB cluster that uses VIP classification to bridge or route client requests to the cluster
servers, use the ip slb cluster command with the vip parameter. For example, to configure an SLB cluster
called “Web_Server” with a VIP address of, you would enter:
-> ip slb cluster Web_Server vip

Configuring an SLB Cluster with a QoS Policy Condition

Consider the following when configuring a QoS policy condition cluster:
• Specify a cluster name that is at least 1 character and less than or equal to 23 characters long.

• To use spaces in an SLB cluster name, enclose the entire name within quotation marks (for example,
“web server2”).
• The QoS policy condition name specified must the switch configuration.

• The QoS policy condition method for directing traffic to the cluster servers is not supported on an
MCLAG configuration.
To configure an SLB cluster that uses a QoS policy condition to qualify client requests for bridging or
routing to the cluster servers, use the ip slb cluster command with the condition parameter and either the
l2 or l3 parameter. For example, to configure an SLB cluster called “Web_Server2” with the “cond1”
policy condition and using the L2 mode, you would enter:
-> ip slb cluster Web_Server2 condition cond1 l2

How to Create a QoS Policy Condition

Use the policy condition command to create a QoS policy condition. For example, the following
command creates a source port condition named “cond1”:
-> policy condition cond1 source port 1/24

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 24-11
Configuring Server Load Balancing Configuring Server Load Balancing on a Switch

The condition created in the above example, “cond1”, uses the source port value to classify traffic. When
this same condition is associated with an SLB cluster, client requests received on the specified source port
are then sent to a server that is a member of the associated cluster.
The following QoS policy conditions are supported individually and in combination with each other when
used to configure SLB condition clusters:

QoS Policy Condition Keywords

source vlan tos ethertype
source port dscp protocol
destination port 802.1p source tcp-port
source port group source ip address destination tcp-port
destination port group destination ip address source udp-port
source mac source network group destination udp-port
destination mac destination network group icmp type
source mac group service icmp code
destination mac group service group tcp flags

See Chapter 26, “Configuring QoS,” for more information about configuring and displaying QoS policy

Automatic Configuration of SLB Policy Rules

When you configure an SLB cluster, a Quality of Service (QoS) policy condition, action, and rule are
automatically configured for it. In addition, the switch software automatically names the condition, action,
and rule by adding the prefix SLB-cond-, SLB-act-, and SLB-rule-, respectively, to the name of the SLB
cluster for each name.
For example, if you configured an SLB cluster called “Web_Server” a policy condition called “SLB-cond-
Web_Server,” a policy action called “SLB-act-Web_Server,” and a policy rule called “SLB-rule-
Web_Server” would be created.
Note that the user-configured policy condition associated with an SLB cluster is the condition used for the
automatically configured SLB policy rule. For example, if you configured an SLB cluster called
“Web_Server2” and associated it with the “cond1” condition, a policy rule called “SLB-rul-Web-Server2”
would be created with the “cond1” condition and the “SLB-act-Web_Server2” action.
You can display QoS policy rules with the show policy rule command. To use this command, enter show
policy rule followed by the name of the rule. For example, the following commands display the policy
rule called “SLB-rul-Web_Server” and the policy rule called “SLB-rul-Web_Server2”:
-> show policy rule SLB-rul-Web-Server
Rule name = SLB-rul-Web-Server,
From = api,
Precedence = 65000,
Condition name = SLB-cnd-Web-Server,
Action name = SLB-act-Web-Server

You can also use the show policy condition command to display policy conditions and the show policy
action command to display policy actions. See Chapter 26, “Configuring QoS,” for more information on
configuring and displaying QoS policies.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 24-12
Configuring Server Load Balancing Configuring Server Load Balancing on a Switch

Deleting an SLB Cluster

To delete an SLB cluster, use the no form of the ip slb reset statistics command by entering no ip slb
cluster followed by the name of the cluster.
For example, to delete an SLB called “Web_Server”, you would enter:
-> no ip slb cluster Web_Server

Note. When you delete an SLB cluster you also delete the QoS policy, condition, and rule associated with
the cluster.

Assigning Servers to and Removing Servers from a Cluster

The following subsections describe how to assign servers to an SLB cluster and how to remove servers
from an SLB cluster with the ip slb server ip cluster command.

Note. You can also use the ip slb server ip cluster command to administratively disable or enable a server
(see “Taking a Server On/Off Line” on page 24-16).

Assigning a Server to an SLB Cluster

You assign physical servers to an existing logical SLB cluster with the ip slb server ip cluster command
by entering ip slb server ip, the IP address of the server in dotted decimal format, cluster, and the name
of the SLB cluster.
For example, to assign a server with an IP address of to an SLB cluster called
“Web_Server”, you would enter:
-> ip slb server ip cluster Web_Server

For example, to assign three physical servers with IP addresses of,, and, respectively, to an SLB cluster called “Web_Server”, enter the following CLI commands:
-> ip slb server ip cluster Web_Server
-> ip slb server ip cluster Web_Server
-> ip slb server ip cluster Web_Server

Removing a Server from an SLB Cluster

To remove a physical server from an SLB cluster, use the no form of the ip slb server ip cluster
command by entering no ip slb server ip, the IP address of the server you want to remove in dotted
decimal format, cluster, and the name of the SLB cluster.
For example, to remove a server with an IP address of from an SLB cluster called
“Web_Server” you would enter:
-> no ip slb server ip cluster Web_Server

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 24-13
Configuring Server Load Balancing Modifying Optional Parameters

Modifying Optional Parameters

As shown in the table on page 24-2, Alcatel-Lucent’s SLB software is preconfigured with default values
for the SLB cluster’s “sticky” time, ping timeout, ping period, ping retries, and relative weight
(preference). The following subsections describe how to modify these parameters.
• Modifying the Ping Period. You can modify the ping period with the ip slb cluster ping period
command, which is described in “Modifying the Ping Period” on page 24-14.
• Modifying the Ping Timeout. You can modify the ping timeout with the ip slb cluster ping timeout
command, which is described in “Modifying the Ping Timeout” on page 24-14.
• Modifying the Number of Ping Retries. You can modify the number of ping retries with the ip slb
cluster ping retries command, which is described in “Modifying the Ping Retries” on page 24-15.
• Modifying the Relative Weight of an SLB Cluster Server. You can configure server preferences
within a cluster by modifying the relative weight of each server with the ip slb server ip cluster
command, which is described in “Modifying the Relative Weight of a Physical Server” on page 24-15.

Modifying the Ping Period

You can modify this value with the ip slb cluster ping period command by entering ip slb cluster, the
name of the SLB cluster, ping period, and the user-specified number of seconds. For default and range of
values for the parameters, check the “Server Load Balancing Default Values” on page 24-2 and the
“Server Load Balancing Commands” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.
For example, to set the ping period on an SLB cluster called “Web_Server” to 1200 seconds enter:
-> ip slb cluster Web_Server ping period 120

Note. If you set the ping period to any value other than 0, then the ping period must be greater than or equal
to the ping timeout value divided by 1000. For example, if the ping timeout is 5000 milliseconds, the ping
period must be at least 5 seconds. The ping timeout value can be modified with the ip slb cluster ping
timeout command, which is described in “Modifying the Ping Timeout” on page 24-14.

Modifying the Ping Timeout

You can modify the value of the ping period with the ip slb cluster ping timeout command by entering ip
slb cluster, the name of the SLB cluster, ping timeout, and the user-specified number of milliseconds.
For example to set the ping timeout on an SLB cluster called “Web_Server” to 1000 milliseconds enter:
-> ip slb cluster Web_Server ping timeout 1000

Note. You can modify the ping period with the ip slb cluster ping period command, which is described in
“Modifying the Ping Period” on page 24-14.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 24-14
Configuring Server Load Balancing Modifying Optional Parameters

Modifying the Ping Retries

You can modify the ping retry value with the ip slb cluster ping retries command by entering ip slb
cluster, the name of the SLB cluster, ping retries, and the user-specified number of ping retries. For
-> ip slb cluster Web_Server ping retries 5

Modifying the Relative Weight of a Physical Server

To modify the relative weight of a server, use the ip slb server ip cluster command by entering ip slb
server, the IP address of the physical server you want to modify, cluster, the name of the SLB cluster to
which this server belongs, weight, and the value for the relative weight, (the switch prevents the physical
server from being assigned any new connections), with 32 having the greatest relative weight.
For example, to set the relative weight of a server with an IP address of that belongs to an
SLB cluster called “Web_Server” to 5 enter:
-> ip slb server ip cluster Web_Server weight 5

Server weights are relative. For example, if Servers A and B have respective weights of 5 and 10 within a
cluster, Server A would get half the traffic of server B. Since weights are relative, assigning Servers A and
B respective weights of 1 and 2, or 5 and 10, etc., would produce identical results.

Note. The ip slb server ip cluster command is also used to add or remove servers from an SLB cluster (see
“Assigning Servers to and Removing Servers from a Cluster” on page 24-13) and for administratively
enabling and disabling a server in an SLB cluster (see “Taking a Server On/Off Line” on page 24-16).

Configuring a Server in an SLB Cluster as a Backup Server

You can configure a server in a cluster as a backup server with the ip slb server ip cluster weight
command by entering ip slb server ip, the IP address of the server, cluster, the name of the SLB cluster,
weight and weight value as zero.
For example, to configure a server with an IP address of in an SLB cluster called
“Web_Server” as a backup server, enter:
-> ip slb server ip cluster Web_Server weight 0

Assigning a weight of 0 (zero) to a server prevents this server from being assigned any new
connections.This server becomes a backup server.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 24-15
Configuring Server Load Balancing Taking Clusters and Servers On/Off Line

Taking Clusters and Servers On/Off Line

Alcatel-Lucent’s Server Load Balancing (SLB) show commands provide tools to monitor traffic and
troubleshoot problems. These commands are described in “Displaying Server Load Balancing Status and
Statistics” on page 24-21. If problems are identified, you can use the ip slb cluster admin-state command
to administratively disable an entire SLB cluster or the ip slb server ip cluster command to
administratively disable individual servers within an SLB cluster. These commands are described in the
following sections.

Taking a Cluster On/Off Line

The following subsections describe how to bring an SLB cluster on line and how to take it off line with the
ip slb cluster admin-state command.

Bringing an SLB Cluster On Line

You can bring an administratively disabled SLB cluster on line with the ip slb cluster admin-state
command by entering ip slb cluster, the name of the SLB cluster, and admin-state enable.
For example, to bring an SLB cluster called “WorldWideWeb” on line, you would enter:
-> ip slb cluster WorldWideWeb admin-state enable

Taking an SLB Cluster Off Line

You can take a Server Load Balancing (SLB) cluster off line with the ip slb cluster admin-state
command by entering ip slb cluster, the name of the SLB cluster, and admin-state disable.
For example, to take an SLB cluster called “WorldWideWeb” off line, you would enter:
-> ip slb cluster WorldWideWeb admin-state disable

Taking a Server On/Off Line

The following subsections describe how to bring a physical server on line and how to take it off line with
the ip slb server ip cluster command.

Note. The ip slb server ip cluster command is also used to add or remove physical servers from an SLB
cluster (see “Assigning Servers to and Removing Servers from a Cluster” on page 24-13).

Bringing a Server On Line

You bring an administratively disabled server in an SLB cluster on line with the ip slb server ip cluster
command by entering ip slb server, the IP address of the server you want to enable in dotted decimal
format, cluster, the name of the SLB cluster to which the server belongs, and admin-state enable.
For example, to administratively enable a server with an IP address of that belongs to an
SLB cluster called “Web_Server”, you would enter:
-> ip slb server ip cluster Web_Server admin-state enable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 24-16
Configuring Server Load Balancing Configuring SLB Probes

Taking a Server Off Line

You can administratively disable a server in an SLB cluster and take it off line with the ip slb server ip
cluster command by entering ip slb server, the IP address of the server you want to disable in dotted
decimal format, cluster, the name of the SLB cluster to which the server belongs, and admin-state
For example, to administratively disable a server with an IP address of that belongs to an
SLB cluster called “Web_Server”, you would enter:
-> ip slb server ip cluster Web_Server admin-state disable

Configuring SLB Probes

Server Load Balancing (SLB) probes allow you to check the health of logical clusters and physical
servers. Supported features include:
• Support for server health monitoring using Ethernet link state detection

• Support for server health monitoring using IPv4 ICMP ping

• Support for server health monitoring using a Content Verification Probe

Creating SLB Probes

To create an SLB probe use the ip slb probe command by entering the command followed by the user-
configured probe name and the probe type, which can be any one of the following listed in the table

ip slb probe keywords

ftp http https
imap imaps nntp
ping pop pops
smtp tcp udp

For example, to create an HTTP SLB probe called “server_probe1”, enter:

-> ip slb probe server_probe1 http

You can configure up to 20 probes on a switch.

Deleting SLB Probes

To delete an SLB use the no form of the ip slb probe command by entering no ip slb probe followed by
the probe name. For example, to delete an SLB probe called “server_probe1”, enter:
-> no ip slb probe server_probe1

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 24-17
Configuring Server Load Balancing Configuring SLB Probes

Associating a Probe with a Cluster

To associate an existing SLB probe with a cluster use the ip slb cluster probe command by entering ip
slb cluster followed by the user-configured cluster name, probe, and the user-configured probe name.
For example, to associate a probe called “cluster_probe1” with a cluster called “WorldWideWeb”, enter:
-> ip slb cluster WorldWideWeb probe cluster_probe1

Associating a Probe with a Server

To associate an existing SLB probe with a server use the ip slb server ip cluster probe command by
entering ip slb server ip followed by IP address of the server, cluster, the user-configured cluster name,
probe, and the user-configured probe name.
For example, to associate a probe called “server_probe1” with a server with an IP address of that belongs to a cluster called “WorldWideWeb”, enter:
-> ip slb server ip cluster WorldWideWeb probe server_probe1

Modifying SLB Probes

The following subsections describe how to modify existing SLB probes.

Modifying the Probe Timeout

To modify this value, use the ip slb probe timeout command by entering ip slb probe followed by the
user-configured probe name, the probe type, timeout, and the user-specified timeout value.

Note. See “Creating SLB Probes” on page 24-17 for a list of valid probe types.

For example, to set the timeout for an HTTP SLB probe called “server_probe1” to 12000 seconds, enter:
-> ip slb probe server_probe1 http timeout 12000

Modifying the Probe Period

To modify this value, use the ip slb probe period command by entering ip slb probe followed by the
user-configured probe name, the probe type, period, and the user-specified period value.

Note. See “Creating SLB Probes” on page 24-17 for a list of valid probe types.

For example, to set the period for an HTTP SLB probe called “server_probe1” to 120 seconds, enter:
-> ip slb probe server_probe1 http period 120

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 24-18
Configuring Server Load Balancing Configuring SLB Probes

Modifying the Probe TCP/UDP Port

To modify this value, use the ip slb probe port command by entering ip slb probe followed by the user-
configured probe name, the probe type, port, and the user-specified port number.

Note. See “Creating SLB Probes” on page 24-17 for a list of valid probe types.

For example, to set the TCP/UDP port for an HTTP SLB probe called “server_probe1” to 200 enter:
-> ip slb probe server_probe1 http port 200

Modifying the Probe Retries

By default, the number of SLB probe retries before deciding that a server is out of service is 3. To modify
this value from 0 to 255 use the ip slb probe retries command by entering ip slb probe followed by the
user-configured probe name, the probe type, retries, and the user-specified number of retries.

Note. See “Creating SLB Probes” on page 24-17 for a list of valid probe types.

For example, to set the number of retries for an HTTP SLB probe called “server_probe1” to 10, enter:
-> ip slb probe server_probe1 http retries 10

Configuring a Probe User Name

To configure a user name sent to a server as credentials for an HTTP GET operation to verify the health of
the server use the ip slb probe username command by entering ip slb probe followed by the user-
configured probe name, either http or https, username, and the user-specified user name.
For example, to set the user name for an HTTP SLB probe called “server_probe1” to “subnet1”, enter:
-> ip slb probe server_probe1 http username subnet1

Configuring a Probe Password

To configure a password sent to a server as credentials for an HTTP GET to verify the health of the server
use the ip slb probe password command by entering ip slb probe followed by the user-configured probe
name, either http or https, password, and the user-specified password.
For example, to set the password for an HTTP SLB probe called “server_probe1” to “h1f45xc” enter:
-> ip slb probe server_probe1 http password h1f45xc

Configuring a Probe URL

To configure a URL sent to a server for an HTTP GET to verify the health of the server use the ip slb
probe url command by entering ip slb probe followed by the user-configured probe name, either http or
https, url, and the user-specified URL.

Note. The URL should be the relative web page name to be retrieved.

For example, to set the URL for an HTTP SLB probe called “server_probe1” to “pub/index.html”, enter:
-> ip slb probe server_probe1 http url pub/index.html

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 24-19
Configuring Server Load Balancing Configuring SLB Probes

Modifying the Probe Status

To modify this value, use the ip slb probe status command by entering ip slb probe followed by the user-
configured probe name, either http or https, status, and the user-specified expected status.
For example, to set the expected status for an HTTP SLB probe called “server_probe1” to 404, enter:
-> ip slb probe server_probe1 http status 404

Configuring a Probe Send

To configure an ASCII string sent to a server to invoke a response from it and to verify its health use the
ip slb probe send command by entering ip slb probe followed by the user-configured probe name, the
valid probe type (udp or tcp), send, and the user-specified ASCII string.
For example, to set the TCP/UDP port for an TCP SLB probe called “server_probe1” to “test”, enter:
-> ip slb probe server_probe1 tcp send test

Configuring a Probe Expect

To configure an ASCII string used to compare a response from a server to verify the health of the server
use the ip slb probe expect command by entering ip slb probe followed by the user-configured probe
name, the valid probe type (http, https, udp, or tcp), expect, and the user-specified ASCII string.
For example, to set the TCP/UDP port for an HTTP SLB probe called “server_probe1” to “test”, enter:
-> ip slb probe server_probe1 http expect test

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 24-20
Configuring Server Load Balancing Displaying Server Load Balancing Status and Statistics

Displaying Server Load Balancing Status and

You can use CLI show commands to display the current configuration and statistics of Server Load
Balancing on a switch. These commands include the following:

show ip slb Displays the status of server load balancing on a switch.

show ip slb servers Displays the status of all the physical servers belonging to server load
balancing clusters on a switch.
show ip slb clusters Displays the status and configuration of all server load balancing
clusters on a switch. Also displays traffic statistics for all condition
show ip slb cluster Displays detailed status and configuration information for a single
server load balancing cluster on a switch. Also displays traffic statistics
for a single condition cluster.
show ip slb cluster server Displays detailed status and configuration information for a single
physical server in a server load balancing cluster.
show ip slb probes Display the configuration of Server Load Balancing (SLB) probes.

The show ip slb, show ip slb servers, and show ip slb clusters commands provide a “global” view of
switch-wide SLB parameters. These commands are particularly helpful in fine-tuning configurations. For
example, if you wanted to get a quick look at the status of all SLB clusters you would use the show ip slb
clusters command as shown below:
-> show ip slb clusters
Admin Operational # %
Cluster Name VIP/COND Status Status Srv Avail
WorldWideWeb Enabled In Service 3 95
Intranet Enabled In Service 2 100
FileTransfer Enabled Out of Service 2 50

In the example above, two SLB clusters (“WorldWideWeb” and “Intranet”) are administratively enabled
and are “in service” (at least one physical server is operational in the cluster). The third SLB cluster
(“FileTransfer”) is administratively enabled but is “out of service” (no physical servers are operational in
the cluster).
The show ip slb cluster command provides detailed configuration information and statistics for individual
SLB clusters. To use the show ip slb cluster command, enter the command followed by the name of the
SLB cluster, as shown below:
-> show ip slb cluster WorldWideWeb

A statistics parameter is available with both the show ip slb clusters and show ip slb cluster commands
to provide a packet count of traffic that was qualified and sent to a QoS policy condition cluster. To use
this parameter, enter either of these commands with their required parameters and optionally specify the
statistics parameter, as shown below:
-> show ip slb clusters statistics
-> show ip slb cluster Intranet statistics

Note. See page 24-3 and page 24-5 for samples of the show ip slb cluster command output.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 24-21
Configuring Server Load Balancing Displaying Server Load Balancing Status and Statistics

The show ip slb cluster server command provides detailed configuration information and statistics for
individual SLB servers. To use the show ip slb cluster server command, enter the command, the name of
the SLB cluster that the server belongs to, server, and the IP address of the server. For example, to display
statistics and parameters for a server with an IP address of that belongs to an SLB cluster
called “Web_Server” you would enter:
-> show ip slb cluster Web_Server server

A screen similar to the following is displayed:

Cluster Web_Server
Admin weight = 3,
Admin status: Enabled,
Oper status: In Service,
Availability time (%)= 95,
Ping failures = 0,
Last ping round trip time (milliseconds)= 20,
Probe status = OK

In the example above, the server with an IP address of is shown to be administratively
enabled and “in service” (this means that, this server is being used for SLB cluster client connections) with
the administrative weight assigned as 3.
The show ip slb probes command provides both a global view of SLB probes and a detailed configuration
information and statistics for individual probes. For example, to view the status of all probes enter show ip
slb probes as shown below:
-> show ip slb probes

Probe Name Period Retries Timeout Method

web_server 60000 3 12000 HTTP
ail_server 60000 3 3000 SMTP
is_servers 3600000 5 24000 Ping

In the example above there are three probes configured on the switch.
To view detailed information on a single probe enter show ip slb probes followed by the probe name as
shown in the example below:
-> show ip slb probes phttp
Probe phttp
Type = HTTP,
Period (seconds) = 60,
Timeout (milliseconds) = 3000,
Retries = 3,
Port = 0,
Username = ,
Password = ,
Expect = ,
Status = 200,
URL = /,

Note. See the “Server Load Balancing Commands” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI
Reference Guide for complete syntax information on SLB show commands.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 24-22
25 Configuring IP Multicast

IP Multicast Switching is a one-to-many communication technique employed by emerging applications,

such as video distribution, news feeds, conferencing, netcasting, and resource discovery (OSPF, RIP2, and
BOOTP). Unlike unicast, which sends one packet per destination, multicast sends one packet to all devices
in any subnetwork that has at least one device requesting the multicast traffic. Multicast switching also
requires much less bandwidth than unicast techniques and broadcast techniques, since the source hosts
only send one data stream to the ports on which destination hosts that request it are attached.
Destination hosts signal their intent to receive a specific IP multicast stream by sending a request to do so
to a nearby switch by using Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP). This is referred to as IGMP
Snooping. Destination hosts signal their intent to receive a specific IPv6 multicast stream by sending a
request to do so to a nearby switch by using Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) protocol. This is referred
to as MLD Snooping. The switch then learns on which ports multicast group subscribers are attached and
can intelligently deliver traffic only to the respective ports. The OmniSwitch implementation of IGMP
Snooping is called IP Multicast Switching (IPMS) and MLD snooping is called IP Multicast Switching
version 6 (IPMSv6). IPMS/IPMSv6 allows switches to efficiently deliver multicast traffic in hardware at
wire speed.

In This Chapter
This chapter describes the basic components of IPMS and how to configure them through the Command
Line Interface (CLI). CLI commands are used in the configuration examples; for more details about the
syntax of commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.
Configuration procedures described in this chapter include:
• Enabling and disabling IP Multicast Switching and Routing on page 25-7.

• Configuring and removing an IGMP static neighbor on page 25-10.

• Configuring and removing an IGMP static querier on page 25-11.

• Configuring and removing an IGMP static group on page 25-11.

• Modifying IPMS parameters beginning on page 25-13.

• Enabling and disabling IPv6 Multicast Switching and Routing on page 25-23.

• Configuring and removing an MLD static neighbor on page 25-26.

• Configuring and removing an MLD static querier on page 25-26.

• Configuring and removing an MLD static group on page 25-27.

• Modifying IPMSv6 parameters beginning on page 25-28.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-1
Configuring IP Multicast Switching IPMS Default Values

Note. You can also configure and monitor IPMS with WebView, an embedded Web-based device
management application. WebView is an interactive and easy-to-use GUI that can be launched from
OmniVista or a Web browser. Please refer to WebView’s online documentation for more information on
configuring and monitoring IPMS/IPMSv6 with WebView.

IPMS Default Values

The table below lists default values for the OmniSwitch IPMS implementation.

Parameter Description Command Default Value/Comments

Administrative Status ip multicast admin-state disabled
Flood initial unknown multicast ip multicast flood-unknown disabled
IGMP Querier Forwarding ip multicast querier- disabled
IGMP Version ip multicast version version 2
IGMP Query Interval ip multicast query-interval 125 seconds
IGMP Last Member Query Interval ip multicast last-member- 10 tenths-of-seconds
IGMP Query Response Interval ip multicast query-response- 100 tenths-of-seconds
IGMP Router Timeout ip multicast router-timeout 90 seconds
Source Timeout ip multicast source-timeout 30 seconds
IGMP Querying ip multicast querying disabled
IGMP Robustness ip multicast robustness 2
IGMP Spoofing ip multicast spoofing disabled
IGMP Zapping ip multicast zapping disabled
Use an all-zero source IPv4 address ip multicast zero-based-query enabled
for IGMP query packets

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-2
Configuring IP Multicast Switching IPMSv6 Default Values

IPMSv6 Default Values

The table below lists default values for Alcatel-Lucent’s IPMSv6 software.

Parameter Description Command Default Value/Comments

Administrative Status ipv6 multicast admin-state disabled
Flood initial unknown multicast ipv6 multicast flood-unknown disabled
MLD Querier Forwarding ipv6 multicast querier- disabled
MLD Version ipv6 multicast version version 1
MLD Query Interval ipv6 multicast query-interval 125 seconds
MLD Last Member Query Interval ipv6 multicast last-member- 1000 milliseconds
MLD Query Response Interval ipv6 multicast query-response- 10000 milliseconds
MLD Router Timeout ipv6 multicast router-timeout 90 seconds
Source Timeout ipv6 multicast source-timeout 30 seconds
MLD Querying ipv6 multicast querying disabled
MLD Robustness ipv6 multicast robustness 2
MLD Spoofing ipv6 multicast spoofing disabled
MLD Zapping ipv6 multicast zapping disabled
Use an all-zero source IPv6 address ipv6 multicast zero-based- enabled
for MLD query packets query

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-3
Configuring IP Multicast Switching IPMS Overview

IPMS Overview
A multicast group is defined by a multicast group address, which is a Class D IP address in the range to (Addresses in the range to are reserved for
boundaries.) The multicast group address is indicated in the destination address field of the IP header. (See
“Reserved IP Multicast Addresses” on page 25-5 for more information.)
IPMS tracks the source VLAN on which the Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) requests are
received. The network interfaces verify that a multicast packet is received by the switch on the source (or
expected) port.

IPMS Example
The figure on the following page shows an IPMS network where video content can be provided to clients
that request it. A server is attached to the switch that provides the source (i.e, multicast) IP addresses.
Clients from two different attached networks send IGMP reports to the switch to receive the video content.



Source Port

Multicast Group
(dynamically built)
Multicast Stream
(destination IP address)

Multicast Server
Ports on end stations send (source IP address)
IGMP requests to receive
multicast traffic.

Network A

Network B

Example of an IPMS Network

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-4
Configuring IP Multicast Switching IPMS Overview

Reserved IP Multicast Addresses

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) created the range for multicast addresses, which is to However, as the table below shows, certain addresses are reserved and
cannot be used.

Address or Address Range Description through Routing protocols (e.g., OSPF, RIP2) through Internetwork Control Block (e.g., RSVP, DHCP,
commercial servers) through AD-HOC Block (e.g., commercial servers) through ST Multicast Groups through SDP/SAP Block through DIS Transient Groups through Reserved through Source Specific Multicast through GLOP Block through Reserved through Administratively Scoped

IP Multicast Routing
IP multicast routing can be used for IP Multicast Switching and Routing (IPMSR). IP multicast routing is
a way of controlling multicast traffic across networks. The IP multicast router discovers which networks
want to receive multicast traffic by sending out Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) queries and
receiving IGMP reports from attached networks. The IGMP reports signal that users want to join a
multicast group.
If there is more than one IP multicast router in the network, the router with the lowest IP address is elected
as the querier router, which is responsible for querying the subnetwork for group members.
The IP multicast routing package provides the following two separate protocols:
• Protocol Independent Multicast — Sparse Mode (PIM-SM) and Dense Mode (PIM-DM), which is
described in “PIM” on page 25-6.
• Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP), which is described in “DVMRP” on
page 25-6.
The multicast routing protocols build and maintain a multicast routing database. The multicast routing
protocols forward multicast traffic to networks that have requested group membership to a specific
multicast group. IPMS uses decisions made by the routing protocols and forwards multicast traffic to ports
that request group membership. See the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Advanced Routing Configuration
Guide for more information on IP multicast routing protocols.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-5
Configuring IP Multicast Switching IPMS Overview

Protocol-Independent Multicast (PIM) is an IP multicast routing protocol that uses routing information
provided by unicast routing protocols, such as RIP and OSPF. Sparse Mode PIM (PIM-SM) contrasts with
flood-and-prune dense mode multicast protocols, such as DVMRP and PIM Dense Mode (PIM-DM), in
that multicast forwarding in PIM-SM is initiated only through specific requests. Downstream routers must
explicitly join PIM-SM distribution trees in order to receive multicast streams on behalf of directly-
connected receivers or other downstream PIM-SM routers. This paradigm of receiver-initiated forwarding
makes PIM-SM ideal for network environments where receiver groups are thinly populated and bandwidth
conservation is a concern, such as in Wide Area Networks (WANs). PIM-DM packets are transmitted on
the same socket as PIM-SM packets as both use the same protocol and message format. Unlike PIM-SM,
in PIM-DM there are no periodic joins transmitted; only explicitly triggered prunes and grafts. In PIM-
DM, unlike PIM-SM, there is no Rendezvous Point (RP).

Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP) is a distributed multicast routing protocol that
dynamically generates per-source delivery trees based upon routing exchanges. When a multicast source
begins to transmit, the multicast data is flooded down the delivery tree to all points in the network.
DVMRP then prunes (i.e., removes branches from) the delivery tree where the traffic is unwanted. This is
in contrast to PIM-SM, which uses receiver-initiated (i.e., forward path) multicasting.

IGMP Version 3
IGMP is used by IPv4 systems (hosts and routers) to report their IP multicast group memberships to any
neighboring multicast routers. IGMP Version 2 (IGMPv2) handles forwarding by IP multicast destination
address only. IGMP Version 3 (IGMPv3) handles forwarding by source IP address and IP multicast
destination address. All three versions (IGMPv1, IGMPv2, and IGMPv3) are supported.

Note. See “Configuring the IGMP Version” on page 25-9 for information on configuring the IGMP

In IGMPv2, each membership report contains only one multicast group. In IGMPv3, membership reports
contain many multicast groups up to the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size of the interface.
IGMPv3 uses source filtering and reports multicast memberships to neighboring routers by sending
membership reports. IGMPv3 also supports Source Specific Multicast (SSM) by allowing hosts to report
interest in receiving packets only from specific source addresses or from all but specific source addresses.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-6
Configuring IP Multicast Switching Configuring IPMS on a Switch

Configuring IPMS on a Switch

This section describes how to use Command Line Interface (CLI) commands to enable and disable IP
Multicast Switching and Routing (IPMSR) switch wide (see “Enabling and Disabling IP Multicast Status”
on page 25-7), configure a port as a IGMP static neighbor (see “Configuring and Removing an IGMP
Static Neighbor” on page 25-10), configure a port as a IGMP static querier (see “Configuring and
Removing an IGMP Static Querier” on page 25-11), and configure a port as a IGMP static group (see
“Configuring and Removing an IGMP Static Group” on page 25-11).
In addition, a tutorial is provided in “IPMS Application Example” on page 25-36 that shows how to use
CLI commands to configure a sample network.

Note. See the “IP Multicast Switching Commands” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI
Reference Guide for complete documentation of IPMS CLI commands.

Enabling and Disabling IP Multicast Status

IP Multicast Switching and Routing is disabled by default on a switch. The following subsections describe
how to enable and disable IP Multicast Switching and Routing with the ip multicast admin-state

Note. If IP Multicast switching and routing is enabled on the system, the VLAN configuration overrides the
configuration of the system.

Enabling IP Multicast Status

To enable IP Multicast switching and routing on the system if no VLAN is specified, use the ip multicast
admin-state command as shown below:
-> ip multicast admin-state enable

You can also enable IP Multicast switching and routing on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ip multicast vlan 2 admin-state enable

Disabling IP Multicast Status

To disable IP Multicast switching and routing on the system if no VLAN is specified, use the ip multicast
admin-state command as shown below:
-> ip multicast admin-state disable

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ip multicast admin-state

To restore the IP Multicast status to its default setting.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-7
Configuring IP Multicast Switching Configuring IPMS on a Switch

You can also disable IP Multicast switching and routing on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ip multicast vlan 2 admin-state disable

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ip multicast vlan 2 admin-state

To restore the IP Multicast status to its default setting.

Enabling and Disabling Flooding of Unknown Multicast Traffic

When a traffic flow is first seen on a port. there is a brief period of time where traffic may get dropped
before the forwarding information is calculated. When flooding unknown multicast traffic is enabled, no
packets are dropped before the forwarding information is available.
By default, the flooding of unknown multicast traffic is disabled.The following subsections describe how
to enable and disable this function by using the ip multicast flood-unknown command.

Enabling Flooding of Unknown Multicast Traffic

You can enable the flooding of unknown multicast traffic on the system by entering ip multicast flood-
unknown followed by the enable keyword. For example:
-> ip multicast flood-unknown enable

You can also enable the flooding of unknown multicast traffic on a specific VLAN by entering:
-> ip multicast vlan 2 flood-unknown enable

Disabling Flooding of Unknown Multicast Traffic

You can disable the flooding of unknown multicast traffic on the system by entering ip multicast flood-
unknown followed by the disable keyword. For example:
-> ip multicast flood-unknown disable

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ip multicast flood-unknown

To restore the flooding of unknown multicast traffic to its default setting.

You can also disable the flooding of unknown multicast traffic on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ip multicast vlan 2 flood-unknown disable

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ip multicast vlan 2 flood-unknown

To restore the flooding of unknown multicast traffic to its default setting.

Enabling and Disabling IGMP Querier-forwarding

By default, IGMP querier-forwarding is disabled.The following subsections describe how to enable and
disable IGMP querier-forwarding by using the ip multicast querier-forwarding command.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-8
Configuring IP Multicast Switching Configuring IPMS on a Switch

Enabling the IGMP Querier-forwarding

You can enable the IGMP querier-forwarding by entering ip multicast querier-forwarding followed by
the enable keyword. For example, to enable the IGMP querier-forwarding on the system if no VLAN is
specified, you would enter:
-> ip multicast querier-forwarding enable

You can also enable the IGMP querier-forwarding on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ip multicast vlan 2 querier-forwarding enable

Disabling the IGMP Querier-forwarding

You can disable the IGMP querier-forwarding by entering ip multicast querier-forwarding followed by
the disable keyword. For example, to disable the IGMP querier-forwarding on the system if no VLAN is
specified, you would enter:
-> ip multicast querier-forwarding disable

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ip multicast querier-forwarding

To restore the IGMP querier-forwarding to its default setting.

You can also disable the IGMP querier-forwarding on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ip multicast vlan 2 querier-forwarding disable

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ip multicast vlan 2 querier-forwarding

To restore the IGMP querier-forwarding to its default setting.

You can remove an IGMP querier-forwarding entry on the specified VLAN and return to its default
behavior by entering:
-> no ip multicast vlan 2 querier-forwarding

Configuring and Restoring the IGMP Version

By default, the version of Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) membership is Version 2. The
following subsections describe how to configure IGMP protocol version ranging from 1 to 3 with the ip
multicast version command.

Configuring the IGMP Version

To change the IGMP protocol version on the system if no VLAN is specified, use the ip multicast
version command as shown below:
-> ip multicast version 3

You can also change the IGMP protocol version on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ip multicast vlan 5 version 1

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Configuring IP Multicast Switching Configuring IPMS on a Switch

Restoring the IGMP Version

To restore the IGMP protocol version to its default version on the system if no VLAN is specified, use the
ip multicast version command as shown below:
-> ip multicast version 0

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ip multicast version

To restore the IGMP version to its default version.

You can also restore the IGMP protocol version to version 2 on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ip multicast vlan 2 version 0

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ip multicast vlan 2 version

To restore the IGMP version to its default version.

Configuring and Removing an IGMP Static Neighbor

IGMP static neighbor ports receive all multicast streams on the designated VLAN and also receive IGMP
reports for the VLAN. The following subsections describe how to configure and remove a IGMP static
neighbor port by using the ip multicast static-neighbor command.

Configuring an IGMP Static Neighbor

You can configure a port as an IGMP static neighbor port by entering ip multicast static-neighbor
followed by vlan, a space, VLAN number (which must be between 0 and 4095), a space, followed by
port, a space, the slot number of the port, a slash (/), and the port number.
For example, to configure port 10 in slot 4 with designated VLAN 2 as an IGMP static neighbor you
would enter:
-> ip multicast static-neighbor vlan 2 port 4/10

You can also configure a link aggregation group as an IGMP static neighbor port by entering ip multicast
static-neighbor followed by vlan, a space, VLAN number (which must be between 0 and 4095), a space,
followed by port, a space, and the link aggregation group number.
For example, to configure link aggregation group 7 with designated VLAN 2 as a static neighbor you
would enter:
-> ip multicast static-neighbor vlan 2 port 7

Removing an IGMP Static Neighbor

To reset the port so that it is no longer an IGMP static neighbor port, use the no form of the ip multicast
static-neighbor command by entering no ip multicast static-neighbor followed by vlan, a space, VLAN
number, a space, followed by port, a space, the slot number of the port, a slash (/), and the port number.
For example, to remove port 10 in slot 4 with designated VLAN 2 as an IGMP static neighbor you would
-> no ip multicast static-neighbor vlan 2 port 4/10

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-10
Configuring IP Multicast Switching Configuring IPMS on a Switch

Configuring and Removing an IGMP Static Querier

IGMP static querier ports receive IGMP reports generated on the designated VLAN. Unlike IPMS
neighbor ports, they do not receive all multicast streams. The following subsections describe how to
configure and remove a static querier by using the ip multicast static-querier command.

Configuring an IGMP Static Querier

You can configure a port as an IGMP static querier port by entering ip multicast static-querier, followed
by vlan, a space, the VLAN number (which must be between 0 and 4095), a space, followed by port, a
space, the slot number of the port, a slash (/), and the port number.
For example, to configure port 10 in slot 4 with designated VLAN 2 as an IGMP static querier you would
-> ip multicast static-querier vlan 2 port 4/10

You can also configure a link aggregation group as an IGMP static querier port by entering ip multicast
static-querier followed by vlan, a space, VLAN number (which must be between 0 and 4095), a space,
followed by port, a space, and the link aggregation group number.
For example, to configure link aggregation group 7 with designated VLAN 2 as a static querier you would
-> ip multicast static-querier vlan 2 port 7

Removing an IGMP Static Querier

To reset the port so that it is no longer an IGMP static querier port, use the no form of the ip multicast
static-querier command by entering no ip multicast static-querier, followed by vlan, a space, the
VLAN number, a space, followed by port, a space, the slot number of the port, a slash (/), and the port
For example, to remove port 10 in slot 4 with designated VLAN 2 as an IPMS static querier you would
-> no ip multicast static-querier vlan 2 port 4/10

Configuring and Removing an IGMP Static Group

IGMP static group ports receive the multicast streams generated for the specified IP Multicast group
address. The following subsections describe how to configure and remove a static group with the ip
multicast static-group command.

Configuring an IGMP Static Group

You can configure a port as an IGMP static group by entering ip multicast static-group, followed by the
IP address of the static group in dotted decimal notation, a space, followed by vlan, a space, VLAN
number (which must be between 0 and 4095), a space, followed by port, a space, the slot number of the
port, a slash (/), and the port number.
For example, to configure an IGMP static member with an IP address of on port 10 in slot 3 with
designated VLAN 3 you would enter:
-> ip multicast static-group vlan 3 port 3/10

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-11
Configuring IP Multicast Switching Configuring IPMS on a Switch

You can also configure a link aggregation group as an IPMS static group by entering ip multicast static-
group followed by vlan, a space, VLAN number (which must be between 0 and 4095), a space, followed
by port, a space, and the link aggregation group number.
For example, to configure link aggregation group 7 with designated VLAN 2 as a static group you would
-> ip multicast static-group vlan 2 port 7

Removing an IGMP Static Group

To reset the port so that it is no longer an IGMP static group port, use the no form of the ip multicast
static-group command by entering no ip multicast static-group, followed by the IP address of the static
group, a space, followed by vlan, a space, the VLAN number, a space, followed by port, the slot number
of the port, a slash (/), and the port number.
For example, to remove an IGMP static member with an IP address of on port 10 in slot 3 with
designated VLAN 3 you would enter:
-> no ip multicast static-group vlan 3 port 3/10

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-12
Configuring IP Multicast Switching Modifying IPMS Parameters

Modifying IPMS Parameters

The table in “IPMS Default Values” on page 25-2 lists default values for IPMS parameters. The following
sections describe how to use CLI commands to modify these parameters.

Modifying the IGMP Query Interval

The default IGMP query interval (i.e., the time between IGMP queries) is 125 seconds. The following
subsections describe how to configure a user-specified query interval value and restore it with the ip
multicast query-interval command.

Configuring the IGMP Query Interval

You can modify the IGMP query interval from 1 to 65535 seconds by entering ip multicast query-
interval followed by the new value. For example, to set the query interval to 60 seconds on the system if
no VLAN is specified, you would enter:
-> ip multicast query-interval 60

You can also modify the IGMP query interval on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ip multicast vlan 2 query-interval 60

Restoring the IGMP Query Interval

To restore the IGMP query interval to its default value on the system if no VLAN is specified, use the ip
multicast query-interval command by entering:
-> ip multicast query-interval 0

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ip multicast query-interval

To restore the IGMP query interval to its default value.

You can also restore the IGMP query interval to its default value on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ip multicast vlan 2 query-interval 0

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ip multicast vlan 2 query-interval

To restore the IGMP query interval to its default value.

Modifying the IGMP Last Member Query Interval

The default IGMP last member query interval (i.e., the time period to reply to an IGMP query message
sent in response to a leave group message) is 10 tenths of seconds. The following subsections describe
how to configure the IGMP last member query interval and restore it by using the ip multicast last-
member-query-interval command.

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Configuring IP Multicast Switching Modifying IPMS Parameters

Configuring the IGMP Last Member Query Interval

You can modify the IGMP last member query interval from 1 to 65535 tenths of seconds by entering ip
multicast last-member-query-interval followed by the new value. For example, to set the IGMP last
member query interval to 60 tenths-of-seconds on the system if no VLAN is specified, you would enter:
-> ip multicast last-member-query-interval 60

You can also modify the IGMP last member query interval on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ip multicast vlan 3 last-member-query-interval 60

Restoring the IGMP Last Member Query Interval

To restore the IGMP last member query interval to its default value on the system if no VLAN is
specified, use the ip multicast last-member-query-interval command by entering:
-> ip multicast last-member-query-interval 0

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ip multicast last-member-query-interval

To restore the IGMP last member query interval to its default value.
You can also restore the IGMP last member query interval on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ip multicast vlan 2 last-member-query-interval 0

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ip multicast vlan 2 last-member-query-interval

To restore the IGMP last member query interval to its default value.

Modifying the IGMP Query Response Interval

The default IGMP query response interval (i.e., the time period to reply to an IGMP query message) is 100
in tenths of seconds. The following subsections describe how to configure the query response interval and
how to restore it with the ip multicast query-response-interval command.

Configuring the IGMP Query Response Interval

You can modify the IGMP query response interval from 1 to 65535 tenths of seconds by entering ip
multicast query-response-interval followed by the new value. For example, to set the IGMP query
response interval to 6000 tenths-of-seconds on the system if no VLAN is specified, you would enter:
-> ip multicast query-response-interval 6000

You can also modify the IGMP query response interval on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ip multicast vlan 3 query-response-interval 6000

Restoring the IGMP Query Response Interval

To restore the IGMP query response interval to its default value on the system if no VLAN is specified,
use the ip multicast query-response-interval command by entering:
-> ip multicast query-response-interval 0

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-14
Configuring IP Multicast Switching Modifying IPMS Parameters

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ip multicast query-response-interval

To restore the IGMP query response interval to its default value.

You can also restore the IGMP query response interval on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ip multicast vlan 2 query-response-interval 0

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ip multicast vlan 2 query-response-interval

To restore the IGMP query response interval to its default value.

Enabling and Disabling Zero-based IGMP Query

By default, an all-zero source IPv4 address is used for IGMP query packets when a non-querier is
querying the membership of a port. The following subsections describe how to enable and disable using a
zero-based IGMP query by using the ip multicast zero-based-query command.

Enabling Zero-based IGMP Query

You can enable the use of a zero-based IGMP query on the system by entering ip multicast zero-based-
query followed by the enable keyword. For example:
-> ip multicast zero-based-query enable

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ip multicast zero-based-query

To restore the zero-based IGMP query to its default setting (enabled).

You can also enable the use of a zero-based IGMP query on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ip multicast vlan 2 zero-based-query enable

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ip multicast vlan 2 zero-based-query

To restore the zero-based IGMP query to its default setting (enabled) for the specified VLAN.

Disabling Zero-based IGMP Query

You can disable the use of a zero-based IGMP query on the system by entering ip multicast zero-based-
query followed by the disable keyword. For example:
-> ip multicast zero-based-query disable

You can also disable the use of a zero-based IGMP query on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ip multicast vlan 2 zero-based-query enable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-15
Configuring IP Multicast Switching Modifying IPMS Parameters

Modifying the IGMP Router Timeout

The default IGMP router timeout (i.e., expiry time of IP multicast routers) is 90 seconds. The following
subsections describe how to configure a user-specified router timeout value and how to restore it with the
ip multicast router-timeout command.

Configuring the IGMP Router Timeout

You can modify the IGMP router timeout from 1 to 65535 seconds by entering ip multicast router-
timeout followed by the new value. For example, to set the IGMP router timeout to 360 seconds on the
system if no VLAN is specified, you would enter:
-> ip multicast router-timeout 360

You can also modify the IGMP router timeout on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ip multicast vlan 2 router-timeout 360

Restoring the IGMP Router Timeout

To restore the IGMP router timeout to its default value on the system if no VLAN is specified, use the ip
multicast router-timeout command by entering:
-> ip multicast router-timeout 0

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ip multicast router-timeout

To restore the IGMP router timeout to its default value.

You can also restore the IGMP router timeout on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ip multicast vlan 2 router-timeout 0

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ip multicast vlan 2 router-timeout

To restore the IGMP router timeout to its default value.

Modifying the Source Timeout

The default source timeout (i.e., the expiry time of IP multicast sources) is 30 seconds. The following
subsections describe how to configure a user-specified source timeout value and restore it by using the ip
multicast router-timeout command.

Configuring the Source Timeout

You can modify the source timeout from 1 to 65535 seconds by entering ip multicast source-timeout
followed by the new value. For example, to set the source timeout to 360 seconds on the system if no
VLAN is specified, you would enter:
-> ip multicast source-timeout 360

You can also modify the source timeout on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ip multicast vlan 2 source-timeout 360

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-16
Configuring IP Multicast Switching Modifying IPMS Parameters

Restoring the Source Timeout

To restore the source timeout to its default value on the system if no VLAN is specified, use the ip
multicast source-timeout command by entering:
-> ip multicast source-timeout 0

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ip multicast source-timeout

To restore the source timeout to its default value.

You can also restore the source timeout on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ip multicast vlan 2 source-timeout 0

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ip multicast vlan 2 source-timeout

To restore the source timeout to its default value.

Enabling and Disabling IGMP Querying

By default, IGMP querying is disabled.The following subsections describe how to enable and disable
IGMP querying by using the ip multicast querying command.

Enabling the IGMP Querying

You can enable the IGMP querying by entering ip multicast querying followed by the enable keyword.
For example, to enable the IGMP querying on the system if no VLAN is specified, you would enter:
-> ip multicast querying enable

You can also enable the IGMP querying on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ip multicast vlan 2 querying enable

Disabling the IGMP Querying

You can disable the IGMP querying by entering ip multicast querying followed by the disable keyword.
For example, to disable the IGMP querying on the system if no VLAN is specified, you would enter:
-> ip multicast querying disable

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ip multicast querying

To restore the IGMP querying to its default setting.

You can also disable the IGMP querying on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ip multicast vlan 2 querying disable

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ip multicast vlan 2 querying

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-17
Configuring IP Multicast Switching Modifying IPMS Parameters

To restore the IGMP querying to its default setting.

You can remove an IGMP querying entry on the specified VLAN and return to its default behavior by
-> no ip multicast vlan 2 querying

Modifying the IGMP Robustness Variable

The default value of the IGMP robustness variable (i.e., the variable that allows fine-tuning on a network,
where the expected packet loss is higher) is 2. The following subsections describe how to set the value of
the robustness variable and restore it with the ip multicast robustness command.

Configuring the IGMP Robustness variable

You can modify the IGMP robustness variable from 1 to 7 on the system if no VLAN is specified, by
entering ip multicast robustness followed by the new value. For example, to set the value of IGMP
robustness to 3 you would enter:
-> ip multicast robustness 3

Note. If the links are known to be lossy, then the robustness variable can be set to a higher value (7).

You can also modify the IGMP robustness variable from 1 to 7 on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ip multicast vlan 2 robustness 3

Restoring the IGMP Robustness Variable

You can restore the IGMP robustness variable to its default value on the system if no VLAN is specified,
by entering ip multicast robustness followed by the value 0 as shown below:
-> ip multicast robustness 0

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ip multicast robustness

To restore the IGMP robustness to its default value.

You can also restore the IGMP robustness variable to its default value on the specified VLAN by entering
ip multicast robustness followed by the value 0 as shown below:
-> ip multicast vlan 2 robustness 0

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ip multicast vlan 2 robustness

To restore the IGMP robustness to its default value.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-18
Configuring IP Multicast Switching Modifying IPMS Parameters

Enabling and Disabling the IGMP Spoofing

By default, IGMP spoofing (i.e., replacing a client's MAC and IP address with the system's MAC and IP
address, when proxying aggregated IGMP group membership information) is disabled on the switch. The
following subsections describe how to enable and disable spoofing by using the ip multicast spoofing

Enabling the IGMP Spoofing

To enable IGMP spoofing on the system if no VLAN is specified, use the ip multicast spoofing command
as shown below:
-> ip multicast spoofing enable

You can also enable IGMP spoofing on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ip multicast vlan 2 spoofing enable

Disabling the IGMP Spoofing

To disable IGMP spoofing on the system if no VLAN is specified, use the ip multicast spoofing
command as shown below:
-> ip multicast spoofing disable

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ip multicast spoofing

To restore the IGMP spoofing to its default setting.

You can also disable IGMP spoofing on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ip multicast vlan 2 spoofing disable

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ip multicast vlan 2 spoofing

To restore the IGMP spoofing to its default setting.

You can remove an IGMP spoofing entry on the specified VLAN and return to its default behavior by
-> no ip multicast vlan 2 spoofing

Enabling and Disabling the IGMP Zapping

By default, IGMP zapping (i.e., processing membership and source filter removals immediately without
waiting for the specified time period for the protocol – this mode facilitates IP TV applications looking for
quick changes between IP multicast groups) is disabled on a switch. The following subsections describe
how to enable and disable IGMP zapping by using the ip multicast zapping command.

Enabling the IGMP Zapping

To enable IGMP zapping on the system if no VLAN is specified, use the ip multicast zapping command
as shown below:

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-19
Configuring IP Multicast Switching Modifying IPMS Parameters

-> ip multicast zapping enable

You can also enable IGMP zapping on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ip multicast vlan 2 zapping enable

Disabling the IGMP Zapping

To disable IGMP zapping on the system if no VLAN is specified, use the ip multicast zapping command
as shown below:
-> ip multicast zapping disable

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ip multicast zapping

To restore the IGMP zapping to its default setting.

You can also disable IGMP zapping on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ip multicast vlan 2 zapping disable

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ip multicast vlan 2 zapping

To restore the IGMP zapping to its default setting.

Limiting IGMP Multicast Groups

By default there is no limit on the number of IGMP groups that can be learned on a port/VLAN instance.
A maximum group limit can be set on a port, VLAN, or on a global level to limit the number of IGMP
groups that can be learned. Once the configured limit is reached, a configurable action decides whether the
new IGMP report is dropped or replaces an existing IGMP membership.
The maximum group limit can be applied globally, per VLAN, or per port. Port settings override VLAN
settings, which override global settings.
If the maximum number of groups is reached an action can be configured to either drop the new
membership request or replace an existing group membership as shown below.

Setting the IGMP Group Limit

To set the IGMP global group limit and drop any requests above the limit, use the ip multicast max-
group command as shown below:
-> ip multicast max-group 25 action drop

To set the IGMP group limit for a VLAN and replace an existing session, use the ip multicast max-group
command as shown below:
-> ip multicast vlan 10 max-group 25 action replace

To set the IGMP group limit for a port and drop any requests above the limit, use the ip multicast port
max-group command as shown below:
-> ip multicast port 1/1 max-group 25 action drop

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-20
Configuring IP Multicast Switching IPMSv6 Overview

IPMSv6 Overview
An IPv6 multicast address identifies a group of nodes. A node can belong to any number of multicast
groups. IPv6 multicast addresses are classified as fixed scope multicast addresses and variable scope
multicast addresses.(See the “Reserved IPv6 Multicast Addresses” on page 25-22.)
IPMSv6 tracks the source VLAN on which the Multicast Listener Discovery Protocol (MLD) requests are
received. The network interfaces verify that a multicast packet is received by the switch on the source (or
expected) port.

IPMSv6 Example
The figure on the following page shows an IPMSv6 network where video content can be provided to
clients that request it. A server is attached to the switch that provides the source (i.e, multicast) IPv6
addresses. Clients from two different attached networks send MLD reports to the switch to receive the
video content.



Source Port

Multicast Group
(dynamically built)
Multicast Stream
(destination IPv6 address)

Multicast Server
Ports on end stations send (source IPv6 address)
MLD requests to receive
multicast traffic.

Network A

Network B

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-21
Configuring IP Multicast Switching IPMSv6 Overview

Reserved IPv6 Multicast Addresses

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) classified the scope for IPv6 multicast addresses as
fixed scope multicast addresses and variable scope multicast addresses. However, as the table below
shows only well-known addresses, which are reserved and cannot be assigned to any multicast group.

Address Description
FF00:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 reserved
FF01:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 node-local scope address
FF02:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 link-local scope
FF03:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 unassigned
FF04:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 unassigned
FF05:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 site-local scope
FF06:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 unassigned
FF07:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 unassigned
FF08:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 organization-local scope
FF09:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 unassigned
FF0A:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 unassigned
FF0B:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 unassigned
FF0C:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 unassigned
FF0D:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 unassigned
FF0E:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 global scope
FF0F:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 reserved

MLD Version 2
MLD is used by IPv6 systems (hosts and routers) to report their IPv6 multicast group memberships to any
neighboring multicast routers. MLD Version 1 (MLDv1) handles forwarding by IPv6 multicast destination
addresses only. MLD Version 2 (MLDv2) handles forwarding by source IPv6 addresses and IPv6
multicast destination addresses. Both MLDv1 and MLDv2 are supported.

Note. See “Configuring the MLD Version 2” on page 25-25 for information on configuring the IGMP

MLDv2 uses source filtering and reports multicast memberships to neighboring routers by sending
membership reports. MLDv2 also supports Source Specific Multicast (SSM) by allowing hosts to report
interest in receiving packets only from specific source addresses or from all but specific source addresses.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-22
Configuring IP Multicast Switching Configuring IPMSv6 on a Switch

Configuring IPMSv6 on a Switch

This section describes how to use Command Line Interface (CLI) commands to enable and disable IPv6
Multicast Switching (IPMSv6) switch wide (see “Enabling and Disabling IPv6 Multicast Status” on
page 25-23), configure a port as an MLD static neighbor (see “Configuring and Removing an MLD Static
Neighbor” on page 25-26), configure a port as an MLD static querier (see “Configuring and Removing an
MLD Static Querier” on page 25-26), and configure a port as an MLD static group (see “Configuring and
Removing an MLD Static Group” on page 25-27)

Note. See the “IP Multicast Switching Commands” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI
Reference Guide for complete documentation of IPMSv6 CLI commands.

Enabling and Disabling IPv6 Multicast Status

IPv6 Multicast is disabled by default on a switch. The following subsections describe how to enable and
disable IPv6 Multicast by using the ipv6 multicast admin-state command.

Note. If IPv6 Multicast switching and routing is enabled on the system, the VLAN configuration overrides
the configuration of the system.

Enabling IPv6 Multicast Status

To enable IPv6 Multicast switching and routing on the system if no VLAN is specified, use the ipv6
multicast admin-state command as shown below:
-> ipv6 multicast admin-state enable

You can also enable IPv6 Multicast switching and routing on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 admin-state enable

Disabling IPv6 Multicast Status

To disable IPv6 Multicast switching and routing on the system if no VLAN is specified, use the ipv6
multicast admin-state command as shown below:
-> ipv6 multicast admin-state disable

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ipv6 multicast admin-state

To restore the IPv6 Multicast status to its default setting.

You can also disable IPv6 Multicast on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 admin-state disable

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 admin-state

To restore the IPv6 Multicast status to its default setting.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-23
Configuring IP Multicast Switching Configuring IPMSv6 on a Switch

Enabling and Disabling Flooding of Unknown Multicast Traffic

When a traffic flow is first seen on a port. there is a brief period of time where traffic may get dropped
before the forwarding information is calculated. When flooding unknown multicast traffic is enabled, no
packets are dropped before the forwarding information is available.
By default, the flooding of unknown multicast traffic is disabled.The following subsections describe how
to enable and disable this function by using the ipv6 multicast flood-unknown command.

Enabling Flooding of Unknown Multicast Traffic

You can enable the flooding of unknown multicast traffic on the system by entering ipv6 multicast flood-
unknown followed by the enable keyword. For example:
-> ipv6 multicast flood-unknown enable

Disabling Flooding of Unknown Multicast Traffic

You can disable the flooding of unknown multicast traffic on the system by entering ipv6 multicast flood-
unknown followed by the disable keyword. For example:
-> ipv6 multicast flood-unknown disable

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ipv6 multicast flood-unknown

To restore the flooding of unknown multicast traffic to its default setting.

Enabling and Disabling MLD Querier-forwarding

By default, MLD querier-forwarding is disabled.The following subsections describe how to enable and
disable MLD querier-forwarding by using the ipv6 multicast querier-forwarding command.

Enabling the MLD Querier-forwarding

You can enable the MLD querier-forwarding by entering ipv6 multicast querier-forwarding followed by
the enable keyword. For example, to enable the MLD querier-forwarding on the system if no VLAN is
specified, you would enter:
-> ipv6 multicast querier-forwarding enable

You can also enable the MLD querier-forwarding on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 querier-forwarding enable

Disabling the MLD Querier-forwarding

You can disable the MLD querier-forwarding by entering ipv6 multicast querier-forwarding followed
by the disable keyword. For example, to disable the MLD querier-forwarding on the system if no VLAN
is specified, you would enter:
-> ipv6 multicast querier-forwarding disable

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ipv6 multicast querier-forwarding

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-24
Configuring IP Multicast Switching Configuring IPMSv6 on a Switch

To restore the MLD querier-forwarding to its default setting.

You can also disable the MLD querier-forwarding on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 querier-forwarding disable

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 querier-forwarding

To restore the MLD querier-forwarding to its default setting.

You can remove an MLD querier-forwarding entry on the specified VLAN and return to its default
behavior by entering:
-> no ipv6 multicast vlan 2 querier-forwarding

Configuring and Restoring the MLD Version

By default, the version of Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Protocol is Version 1. The following
subsections describe how to configure the MLD version as Version 1 or Version 2 by using the ipv6
multicast version command.

Configuring the MLD Version 2

To change the MLD version to Version 2 (MLDv2) on the system if no VLAN is specified, use the ipv6
multicast version command as shown below:
-> ipv6 multicast version 2

Restoring the MLD Version 1

To restore the MLD version to Version 1 (MLDv1) on the system if no VLAN is specified, use the ipv6
multicast version command by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast version 0

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ipv6 multicast version

To restore the MLD version to Version 1.

You can also restore the MLD version to Version 1 (MLDv1) on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 version 0

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 version

To restore the MLD version to Version 1.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-25
Configuring IP Multicast Switching Configuring IPMSv6 on a Switch

Configuring and Removing an MLD Static Neighbor

MLD static neighbor ports receive all multicast streams on the designated VLAN and also receive MLD
reports for the VLAN. The following subsections describe how to configure and remove a static neighbor
port by using the ipv6 multicast static-neighbor command.

Configuring an MLD Static Neighbor

You can configure a port as an MLD static neighbor port by entering ipv6 multicast static-neighbor
followed by vlan, a space, VLAN number (which must be between 0 and 4095), a space, followed by
port, a space, the slot number of the port, a slash (/), and the port number.
For example, to configure port 10 in slot 4 with designated VLAN 2 as an MLD static neighbor you would
-> ipv6 multicast static-neighbor vlan 2 port 4/10

You can also configure a link aggregation group as an MLD static neighbor port by entering ipv6
multicast static-neighbor followed by vlan, a space, VLAN number (which must be between 0 and
4095), a space, followed by port, a space, and the link aggregation group number.
For example, to configure link aggregation group 7 with designated VLAN 2 as a static neighbor you
would enter:
-> ipv6 multicast static-neighbor vlan 2 port 7

Removing an MLD Static Neighbor

To reset the port so that it is no longer an MLD static neighbor port, use the no form of the ipv6 multicast
static-neighbor command by entering no ipv6 multicast static-neighbor, followed by vlan, a space, the
VLAN number, a space, followed by port, a space, slot number of the port, a slash (/), and the port
For example, to remove port 10 in slot 4 with designated VLAN 2 as an MLD static neighbor you would
-> no ipv6 multicast static-neighbor vlan 2 port 4/10

Configuring and Removing an MLD Static Querier

MLD static querier ports receive MLD reports generated on the designated VLAN. Unlike MLD neighbor
ports, they do not receive all multicast streams. The following subsections describe how to configure and
remove a static querier by using the ipv6 multicast static-querier command.

Configuring an MLD Static Querier

You can configure a port as an MLD static querier port by entering ipv6 multicast static-querier,
followed by vlan, a space, the VLAN number (which must be between 0 and 4095), a space, followed by
port, a space, the slot number of the port, a slash (/), and the port number.
For example, to configure port 10 in slot 4 with designated VLAN 2 as an MLD static querier you would
-> ipv6 multicast static-querier vlan 2 port 4/10

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-26
Configuring IP Multicast Switching Configuring IPMSv6 on a Switch

You can also configure a link aggregation group as an MLD static querier port by entering ipv6 multicast
static-querier, followed by vlan, a space, VLAN number (which must be between 0 and 4095), a space,
followed by port, a space, and the link aggregation group number.
For example, to configure link aggregation group 7 with designated VLAN 2 as a static querier you would
-> ipv6 multicast static-querier vlan 2 port 7

Removing an MLD Static Querier

To reset the port, so that it is no longer an MLD static querier port, use the no form of the ipv6 multicast
static-querier command by entering no ipv6 multicast static-querier, followed by vlan, a space, the
VLAN number, a space, followed by port, a space, the slot number of the port, a slash (/), and the port
For example, to remove port 10 in slot 4 with designated VLAN 2 as a static querier you would enter:
-> no ipv6 multicast static-querier vlan 2 port 4/10

Configuring and Removing an MLD Static Group

MLD static group ports receive MLD reports generated on the specified IPv6 Multicast group address.
The following subsections describe how to configure and remove an MLD static group by using the ipv6
multicast static-group command.

Configuring an MLD Static Group

You can configure a port as an MLD static group by entering ipv6 multicast static-group, followed by
the IPv6 address of the MLD static group in hexadecimal notation separated by colons, a space, followed
by vlan, a space, VLAN number (which must be between 0 and 4095), a space, followed by port, the slot
number of the port, a slash (/), and the port number.
For example, to configure an MLD static group with an IPv6 address of ff05::5 enter:
-> ipv6 multicast static-group ff05::5 vlan 3 port 3/10

You can also configure a link aggregation group as an MLD static group by entering ipv6 multicast
static-group, followed by vlan, a space, VLAN number (which must be between 0 and 4095), a space,
followed by port, a space, and the link aggregation group number.
For example, to configure link aggregation group 7 with designated VLAN 2 as a static group you would
-> ipv6 multicast static-group ff05::6 vlan 2 port 7

Removing an MLD Static Group

To reset the port so that it is no longer an MLD static group port, use the no form of the ipv6 multicast
static-group command by entering no ipv6 multicast static-group, followed by the IPv6 address of the
static group in hexadecimal notation separated by colons, a space, followed by vlan, a space, VLAN
number, a space, followed by port, a space, the slot number of the port, a slash (/), and the port number.
For example, to remove an MLD static member with an IPv6 address of ff05::5 on port 10 in slot 3 with
designated VLAN 3 you would enter:
-> no ipv6 multicast static-group ff05::5 vlan 3 port 3/10

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-27
Configuring IP Multicast Switching Modifying IPMSv6 Parameters

Modifying IPMSv6 Parameters

The table in “IPMSv6 Default Values” on page 25-3 lists default values for IPMSv6 parameters. The
following sections describe how to use CLI commands to modify these parameters.

Modifying the MLD Query Interval

The default IPMSv6 query interval (i.e., the time between MLD queries) is 125 in seconds. The following
subsections describe how to configure a user-specified query interval value and restore it by using the ipv6
multicast query-interval command.

Configuring the MLD Query Interval

You can modify the MLD query interval from 1 to 65535 seconds by entering ipv6 multicast query-
interval followed by the new value. For example, to set the MLD query interval to 60 seconds on the
system if no VLAN is specified, you would enter:
-> ipv6 multicast query-interval 160

You can also modify the MLD query interval on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 query-interval 160

Restoring the MLD Query Interval

To restore the MLD query interval to its default value on the system if no VLAN is specified, use the ipv6
multicast query-interval command by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast query-interval 0

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ipv6 multicast query-interval

To restore the MLD query interval to its default value.

You can also restore the MLD query interval to its default value on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 query-interval 0

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 query-interval

To restore the MLD query interval to its default value.

Modifying the MLD Last Member Query Interval

The default MLD last member query interval (i.e., the time period to reply to an MLD query message sent
in response to a leave group message) is 1000 milliseconds. The following subsections describe how to
configure the MLD last member query interval and restore it by using the ipv6 multicast last-member-
query-interval command.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-28
Configuring IP Multicast Switching Modifying IPMSv6 Parameters

Configuring the MLD Last Member Query Interval

You can modify the MLD last member query interval from 1 to 65535 milliseconds by entering ipv6
multicast last-member-query-interval followed by the new value. For example, to set the MLD last
member query interval to 600 milliseconds on the system if no VLAN is specified, you would enter:
-> ipv6 multicast last-member-query-interval 2200

You can also modify the MLD last member query interval on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast vlan 3 last-member-query-interval 2200

Restoring the MLD Last Member Query Interval

To restore the MLD last member query interval to its default value on the system if no VLAN is specified,
use the ipv6 multicast last-member-query-interval command by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast last-member-query-interval 0

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ipv6 multicast last-member-query-interval

To restore the MLD last member query interval to its default value.
You can also restore the MLD last member query interval on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 last-member-query-interval 0

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 last-member-query-interval

To restore the MLD last member query interval to its default value.

Modifying the MLD Query Response Interval

The default MLD query response interval (i.e., the time period to reply to an MLD query message) is
10000 milliseconds. The following subsections describe how to configure the MLD query response
interval and restore it by using the ipv6 multicast query-response-interval command.

Configuring the MLD Query Response Interval

You can modify the MLD query response interval from 1 to 65535 milliseconds by entering ipv6
multicast last-member-query-interval followed by the new value. For example, to set the MLD query
response interval to 6000 milliseconds you would enter:
-> ipv6 multicast query-response-interval 20000

You can also modify the MLD query response interval on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast vlan 3 query-response-interval 20000

Restoring the MLD Query Response Interval

To restore the MLD query response interval to its default value on the system if no VLAN is specified, use
the ipv6 multicast query-response-interval command by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast query-response-interval 0

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-29
Configuring IP Multicast Switching Modifying IPMSv6 Parameters

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ipv6 multicast query-response-interval

To restore the MLD query response interval to its default value.

You can also restore the MLD query response interval on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 query-response-interval 0

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 query-response-interval

To restore the MLD query response interval to its default value.

Enabling and Disabling Zero-based MLD Query

By default, an all-zero source IPv6 address is used for MLD query packets when a non-querier is querying
the membership of a port. The following subsections describe how to enable and disable using a zero-
based MLD query by using the ipv6 multicast zero-based-query command.

Enabling Zero-based MLD Query

You can enable the use of a zero-based MLD query on the system by entering ipv6 multicast zero-based-
query followed by the enable keyword. For example:
-> ipv6 multicast zero-based-query enable

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ipv6 multicast zero-based-query

To restore the zero-based MLD query to its default setting (enabled).

You can also enable the use of a zero-based MLD query on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 zero-based-query enable

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 zero-based-query

To restore the zero-based MLD query to its default setting (enabled) for the specified VLAN.

Disabling Zero-based MLD Query

You can disable the use of a zero-based MLD query on the system by entering ipv6 multicast zero-
based-query followed by the disable keyword. For example:
-> ipv6 multicast zero-based-query disable

You can also disable the use of a zero-based MLD query on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 zero-based-query enable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-30
Configuring IP Multicast Switching Modifying IPMSv6 Parameters

Modifying the MLD Router Timeout

The default MLD router timeout (i.e., expiry time of IPv6 multicast routers) is 90 seconds. The following
subsections describe how to configure a user-specified router timeout value and restore it by using the
ipv6 multicast router-timeout command.

Configuring the MLD Router Timeout

You can modify the MLD router timeout from 1 to 65535 seconds by entering ipv6 multicast router-
timeout followed by the new value. For example, to set the MLD router timeout to 360 seconds on the
system if no VLAN is specified, you would enter:
-> ipv6 multicast router-timeout 360

You can also modify the MLD router timeout on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 router-timeout 360

Restoring the MLD Router Timeout

To restore the MLD router timeout to its default value on the system if no VLAN is specified, use the ipv6
multicast router-timeout command by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast router-timeout 0

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ipv6 multicast router-timeout

To restore the MLD router timeout to its default value.

You can also restore the MLD router timeout on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 router-timeout 0

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 router-timeout

To restore the MLD router timeout to its default value.

Modifying the Source Timeout

The default source timeout (i.e., expiry time of IPv6 multicast sources) is 30 seconds. The following
subsections describe how to configure a user-specified source timeout value and restore it by using the
ipv6 multicast source-timeout command.

Configuring the Source Timeout

You can modify the source timeout from 1 to 65535 seconds by entering ipv6 multicast source-timeout
followed by the new value. For example, to set the source timeout to 360 seconds on the system if no
VLAN is specified, you would enter:
-> ipv6 multicast source-timeout 60

You can also modify the source timeout on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 source-timeout 60

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-31
Configuring IP Multicast Switching Modifying IPMSv6 Parameters

Restoring the Source Timeout

To restore the source timeout to its default value on the system if no VLAN is specified, use the ipv6
multicast source-timeout command by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast source-timeout 0

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ipv6 multicast source-timeout

To restore the source timeout to its default value.

You can also restore the source timeout on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 source-timeout 0

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 source-timeout

To restore the source timeout to its default value.

Enabling and Disabling the MLD Querying

By default MLD querying is disabled.The following subsections describe how to enable and disable MLD
querying by using the ipv6 multicast querying command.

Enabling the MLD Querying

You can enable the MLD querying by entering ipv6 multicast querying followed by the enable keyword.
For example, to enable the MLD querying you would enter:
-> ipv6 multicast querying enable

You can also enable the MLD querying on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 querying enable

Disabling the MLD Querying

You can disable the MLD querying by entering ipv6 multicast querying followed by the disable
keyword. For example, to disable the MLD querying you would enter:
-> ipv6 multicast querying disable

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ipv6 multicast querying

To restore the MLD querying to its default setting.

You can also disable the MLD querying on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 querying disable

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 querying

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-32
Configuring IP Multicast Switching Modifying IPMSv6 Parameters

To restore the MLD querying to its default setting.

You can remove an MLD querying entry on the specified VLAN and return to its default behavior by
-> no ipv6 multicast vlan 2 querying

Modifying the MLD Robustness Variable

The default value of the robustness variable (i.e., the variable that allows fine-tuning on the network,
where the expected packet loss is greater) is 2. The following subsections describe how to set the value of
the MLD robustness variable and restore it by using the ipv6 multicast robustness command.

Configuring the MLD Robustness Variable

You can modify the MLD robustness variable from 1 to 7 on the system if no VLAN is specified, by
entering ipv6 multicast robustness, followed by the new value. For example, to set the value of
robustness to 3 you would enter:
-> ipv6 multicast robustness 3

Note. If the links are known to be lossy, then robustness can be set to a higher value (7).

You can also modify the MLD robustness variable from 1 to 7 on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 robustness 3

Restoring the MLD Robustness Variable

You can restore the MLD robustness variable to its default value on the system if no VLAN is specified
by entering ipv6 multicast robustness followed by the value 0, as shown below:
-> ipv6 multicast robustness 0

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ipv6 multicast robustness

To restore the MLD robustness to its default value.

You can also modify the MLD robustness variable from 1 to 7 on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 robustness 0

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 robustness

To restore the MLD robustness to its default value.

Enabling and Disabling the MLD Spoofing

By default, MLD spoofing (i.e., replacing a client's MAC and IPv6 address with the system's MAC and
IPv6 address, when proxying aggregated MLD group membership information) is disabled on the switch.
The following subsections describe how to enable and disable spoofing by using the ipv6 multicast
spoofing command.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-33
Configuring IP Multicast Switching Modifying IPMSv6 Parameters

Enabling the MLD Spoofing

To enable MLD spoofing on the system if no VLAN is specified, you use the ipv6 multicast spoofing
command as shown below:
-> ipv6 multicast spoofing enable

You can also enable MLD spoofing on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 spoofing enable

Disabling the MLD Spoofing

To disable MLD spoofing on the system if no VLAN is specified, you use the ipv6 multicast spoofing
command as shown below:
-> ipv6 multicast spoofing disable

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ipv6 multicast spoofing

To restore the MLD spoofing to its default setting.

You can also disable MLD spoofing on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 spoofing disable

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 spoofing

To restore the MLD spoofing to its default setting.

You can remove an MLD spoofing entry on the specified VLAN and return to its default behavior by
-> no ipv6 multicast vlan 2 spoofing

Enabling and Disabling the MLD Zapping

By default MLD (i.e., processing membership and source filter removals immediately without waiting for
the specified time period for the protocol– this mode facilitates IP TV applications looking for quick
changes between IP multicast groups.) is disabled on a switch. The following subsections describe how to
enable and disable zapping by using the ipv6 multicast zapping command.

Enabling the MLD Zapping

To enable MLD zapping on the system if no VLAN is specified, use the ipv6 multicast zapping
command as shown below:
-> ipv6 multicast zapping enable

You can also enable MLD zapping on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 zapping enable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-34
Configuring IP Multicast Switching Modifying IPMSv6 Parameters

Disabling the MLD Zapping

To disable MLD zapping on the system if no VLAN is specified, use the ipv6 multicast zapping
command as shown below:
-> ipv6 multicast zapping disable

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ipv6 multicast zapping

To restore the MLD zapping to its default setting.

You can also disable MLD zapping on the specified VLAN by entering:
-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 zapping disable

Or, as an alternative, enter:

-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 zapping

To restore the MLD zapping to its default setting.

Limiting MLD Multicast Groups

By default there is no limit on the number of MLD groups that can be learned on a port/VLAN instance. A
maximum group limit can be set on a port, VLAN, SPB service, or on a global level to limit the number of
MLD groups that can be learned. Once the configured limit is reached, a configurable action decides
whether the new MLD report is dropped or replaced an existing MLD membership.
The maximum group limit can be applied globally, per VLAN, or per port. Port settings override VLAN
settings, which override global settings.
If the maximum number of groups is reached an action can be configured to either drop the new
membership request or replace an existing group membership as show below.

Setting the MLD Group Limit

To set the MLD global group limit and drop any requests above the limit, use the ipv6 multicast max-
group command as shown below:
-> ipv6 multicast max-group 25 action drop

To set the MLD group limit for a VLAN and replace any requests above the limit, use the ip multicast
max-group command as shown below:
-> ipv6 multicast vlan 2 max-group 25 action replace

To set the MLD group limit for a port and drop any requests above the limit, use the ip multicast port
max-group command as shown below:
-> ipv6 multicast port 1/1 max-group 25 action drop

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-35
Configuring IP Multicast Switching IPMS Application Example

IPMS Application Example

The figure below shows a sample network with the switch sending multicast video. A client attached to
Port 5 needs to be configured as a static IGMP neighbor and another client attached to Port 2 needs to be
configured as a static IGMP querier.

Video OmniSwitch

Multicast Server
(source IP address)

Static Neighbor
Attached to Slot 1, Port 5.

Static Querier
Attached to Slot 1, Port 2.
Network Clients
Network clients send IGMP
requests to receive multicast

Example of IMPS Network

The network administrator has determined that the network is too lossy and therefore the robustness
variable needs to be set to a higher (i.e., 7) value.
Follow the steps below to configure this network:

Note. All the steps following Step 1 (which must be executed first) can be entered in any order.

1 Enable IP Multicast Switching and Routing switch-wide, by entering:

-> ip multicast admin-state enable

2 Configure the client attached to Port 5 as a static neighbor belonging to VLAN 5 by entering:

-> ip multicast static-neighbor vlan 5 port 1/5

3 Configure the client attached to Port 2 as a static querier belonging to VLAN 5 by entering:

-> ip multicast static-querier vlan 5 port 1/2

4 Modify the robustness variable from its default value of 2 to 7 by entering:

-> ip multicast robustness 7

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-36
Configuring IP Multicast Switching IPMS Application Example

An example of what these commands look like entered sequentially on the command line:
-> ip multicast admin-state enable
-> ip multicast static-neighbor vlan 5 port 1/5
-> ip multicast static-querier vlan 5 port 1/2
-> ip multicast robustness 7

As an option, you can use the show ip multicast, show ip multicast neighbor, and show ip multicast
querier commands to confirm your settings as shown below:
-> show ip multicast

Status: = Enabled
Querying: = Disabled
Proxying: = Disabled
Spoofing: = Disabled
Zapping: = Disabled
Querier Forwarding: = Disabled
Version: = 1
Robustness: = 2
Query Interval (seconds): = 125
Query Response Interval (milliseconds): = 10000
Last Member Query Interval(milliseconds): = 1000
Unsolicited Report Interval (seconds) = 1,
Router Timeout (seconds): = 90
Source Timeout (seconds): = 30

-> show ip multicast neighbor

Total 1 Neighbors
Host Address VLAN Port Static Count Life
---------------+-----+-----+-------+------+----- 5 1/5 no 1 86

-> show ip multicast querier

Total 1 Queriers
Host Address VLAN Port Static Count Life
---------------+-----+-----+-------+------+----- 5 1/2 no 1 250

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-37
Configuring IP Multicast Switching IPMSv6 Application Example

IPMSv6 Application Example

The figure below shows a sample network with the switch sending multicast video. A client attached to
Port 5 needs to be configured as a static MLD neighbor and another client attached to Port 2 needs to be
configured as a static MLD querier.


Multicast Server
(source IPv6 address)

Static Neighbor
Attached to Slot 1, Port 5.

Static Querier
Attached to Slot 1, Port 2.
Network Clients
Network clients send MLD
requests to receive multicast

Example of IMPS Network

The network administrator has determined that the network is too lossy and therefore the robustness
variable needs to be set to a higher (i.e., 7) value.
Follow the steps below to configure this network:

Note. All the steps following Step 1 (which must be executed first) can be entered in any order.

1 Enable IP Multicast Switching and Routing switch-wide, by entering:

-> ipv6 multicast admin-state enable

2 Configure the client attached to Port 5 as a static MLD neighbor belonging to VLAN 5 by entering:

-> ipv6 multicast static-neighbor vlan 5 port 1/5

3 Configure the client attached to Port 2 as a static MLD querier belonging to VLAN 5 by entering:

-> ipv6 multicast static-querier vlan 5 port 1/2

4 Modify the robustness variable from its default value of 2 to 7 by entering:

-> ipv6 multicast robustness 7

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-38
Configuring IP Multicast Switching IPMSv6 Application Example

An example of what these commands look like entered sequentially on the command line:
-> ipv6 multicast admin-state enable
-> ipv6 multicast static-neighbor vlan 5 port 1/5
-> ipv6 multicast static-querier vlan 5 port 1/2
-> ipv6 multicast robustness 7

As an option, you can use the show ipv6 multicast, show ipv6 multicast neighbor, and
show ipv6 multicast querier commands to confirm your settings as shown below:
-> show ipv6 multicast

Status: = Enabled
Querying: = Disabled
Proxying: = Disabled
Spoofing: = Disabled
Zapping: = Disabled
Querier Forwarding: = Disabled
Version: = 1
Robustness: = 2
Query Interval (seconds): = 125
Query Response Interval (milliseconds): = 10000
Last Member Query Interval(milliseconds): = 1000
Unsolicited Report Interval (seconds) = 1,
Router Timeout (seconds): = 90
Source Timeout (seconds): = 30

-> show ipv6 multicast neighbor

Total 1 Neighbors
Host Address VLAN Port Static Count Life
fe80::2a0:ccff:fed3:2853 5 1/5 no 1 6

-> show ipv6 multicast querier

Total 1 Queriers
Host Address VLAN Port Static Count Life
fe80::2a0:ccff:fed3:2854 5 1/2 no 1 6

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-39
Configuring IP Multicast Switching Displaying IPMS Configurations and Statistics

Displaying IPMS Configurations and Statistics

Alcatel-Lucent’s IP Multicast Switching (IPMS) show commands provide tools to monitor IPMS traffic
and settings and to troubleshoot problems. These commands are described below:

show ip multicast Displays the general IP Multicast switching and routing configuration
parameters on a switch.
show ip multicast group Displays all detected multicast groups that have members. If you do not
specify an IP address then all multicast groups on the switch is
show ip multicast neighbor Displays all neighboring multicast routers.
show ip multicast querier Displays all multicast queriers.
show ip multicast port Displays the IPMS multicast forwarding table. If you do not specify a
multicast group IP address, then the forwarding table for all multicast
groups are displayed.
show ip multicast source Displays the IPMS multicast source table. If you do not specify a
multicast group IP address, then the source table for all multicast groups
are displayed.
show ip multicast tunnel Displays the IP multicast switch and routing tunneling table entries
matching the specified IP multicast group address, or all the entries if no
IP multicast address is specified.

If you are interested in a quick look at IPMS groups on your switch you could use the show ip multicast
group command. For example:
-> show ip multicast group

Total 3 Groups
Group Address Source Address VLAN Port Mode Static Count Life
---------------+---------------+-----+-----+--------+-------+------+----- 1 2/1 exclude no 1 257 1 2/1 exclude no 1 218 1 2/13 exclude yes 0 0

Note. See the “IP Multicast Switching Commands” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI
Reference Guide for complete documentation on IPMS show commands.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-40
Configuring IP Multicast Switching Displaying IPMSv6 Configurations and Statistics

Displaying IPMSv6 Configurations and Statistics

Alcatel-Lucent’s IPv6 Multicast Switching (IPMSv6) show commands provide tools to monitor IPMSv6
traffic and settings and to troubleshoot problems. These commands are described below:

show ipv6 multicast Displays the general IPv6 Multicast switching and routing configuration
parameters on a switch.
show ipv6 multicast group Displays all detected multicast groups that have members. If you do not
specify an IPv6 address, then all multicast groups on the switch are
show ipv6 multicast neighbor Displays all neighboring IPv6 multicast routers.
show ipv6 multicast querier Displays all IPv6 multicast queriers.
show ipv6 multicast port Displays the IPMSv6 multicast forwarding table. If you do not specify a
multicast group IPv6 address, then the forwarding table for all multicast
groups are displayed.
show ipv6 multicast source Displays the IPMSv6 multicast source table. If you do not specify a
multicast group IPv6 address, then the source table for all multicast
groups are displayed.
show ipv6 multicast tunnel Display the IPv6 multicast switch and routing tunneling table entries
matching the specified IPv6 multicast group address, or all the entries if
no IPv6 multicast address is specified.

If you are interested in a quick look at IPMSv6 groups on your switch you could use the show ipv6
multicast group command. For example:
-> show ipv6 multicast group

Total 3 Groups
Group Address Source Address VLAN Port Mode Static Count Life
ff05::5 :: 1 2/1 exclude no 1 145
ff05::6 3333::1 1 2/1 exclude no 1 242

ff05::9 :: 1 2/13 exclude yes 0 0

Note. See the “IP Multicast Switching Commands” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI
Reference Guide for complete documentation on IPMS show commands.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 25-41
26 Configuring QoS

The OmniSwitch software and queue management architecture provide a way to identify traffic entering
the network and manipulate flows coming through the switch. The flow manipulation (generally referred
to as Quality of Service or QoS) can be as simple as configuring QoS policies to allow/deny traffic or as
complicated as remapping 802.1p bits from a Layer 2 network to ToS values in a Layer 3 network.
The types of policies typically used include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Basic QoS—includes traffic prioritization and bandwidth shaping.

• ICMP policies—includes filtering, prioritizing, and/or rate limiting ICMP traffic for security.

• 802.1p/ToS/DSCP—includes policies for marking and mapping.

• Policy Based Routing (PBR)—includes policies for redirecting routed traffic.

• Policy Based Mirroring—includes mirror-to-port (MTP) policies for mirroring ingress, egress, or both
ingress and egress traffic.
• Access Control Lists (ACLs)—ACLs are a specific type of QoS policy that is used for Layer 2 and
Layer 3/4 filtering. See “Using Access Control Lists” on page 26-64.
This implementation of QoS integrates traffic management with QoS scheduling. Embedded profiles apply
the QoS admission control and bandwidth management configurations to traffic flows.
Data Center Bridging (DCB) protocols are also supported and implemented using embedded profiles in the
same manner that QoS profiles are applied. DCB and QoS profiles are mutually exclusive in that if the
OmniSwitch Data Center software license is installed, only DCB profiles are applied. For more
information, see the “Configuring Data Center Bridging” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI
Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-1
Configuring QoS In This Chapter

In This Chapter
This chapter describes QoS in general and how policies, port-based QoS configuration, and queue
management are used on the switch. It provides information about configuring QoS through the Command
Line Interface (CLI). CLI commands are used in the configuration examples; for more details about the
syntax of commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.
The following topics and procedures are included in this chapter:
• “QoS General Overview” on page 26-3.

• “Classification” on page 26-5.

• “Congestion Management” on page 26-9.

• “Congestion Avoidance” on page 26-21.

• “Traffic Policing and Shaping” on page 26-24.

• “QoS Defaults” on page 26-35.

• “Configuring QoS” on page 26-39.

• “Policy Applications” on page 26-75.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-2
Configuring QoS QoS General Overview

QoS General Overview

Quality of Service (QoS) refers to transmission quality and available service that is measured and
sometimes guaranteed in advance for a particular type of traffic in a network. QoS lends itself to circuit-
switched networks like ATM, which bundle traffic into cells of the same length and transmit the traffic
over predefined virtual paths. In contrast, IP and other packet-switched networks operate on the concept of
shared resources and best effort routing, using bandwidth as needed and reassembling packets at their
destinations. Applying QoS to packet-switched networks requires different mechanisms than those used in
circuit-switched networks.
QoS is often defined as a way to manage bandwidth. Another way to handle different types of flows and
increased bandwidth requirements is to add more bandwidth. But bandwidth can be expensive, particularly
at the WAN connection. If LAN links that connect to the WAN are not given more bandwidth, bottlenecks
can still occur. Also, adding enough bandwidth to compensate for peak load periods mean that at times
some bandwidth is unused. In addition, adding bandwidth does not guarantee any kind of control over
network resources.
Using QoS, a network administrator can gain more control over networks where different types of traffic
(or flows) are in use or where network congestion is high. Preferential treatment can be given to individual
flows as required. Voice over IP (VoIP) traffic or mission-critical data can be marked as priority traffic
and/or given more bandwidth on the link. QoS can also prevent large flows, such as a video stream, from
consuming all the bandwidth on a link. Using QoS, a network administrator can decide which traffic needs
preferential treatment and which traffic can be adequately served with best effort.
QoS is implemented on the switch through the use of user-defined policies, port-based QoS configuration,
and integration with virtual output queuing to manage egress congestion. The following simplified
illustration shows an example of how video traffic can receive priority over email traffic.


Prioritization The Internet

video feed
Best Effort

email server

Sample QoS Setup

QoS sits in the ingress and egress software path. IP calls QoS to validate packets destined for the switch.
IP also calls QoS to validate and/or prioritize packets originating from the switch.
The general order of events with respect to the OmniSwitch implementation of QoS are as follows:
1 Classification—Packets are classified and marked according to policies and traffic behavior. This is
accomplished on the ingress using technologies such as 802.1p, IP precedence and Diffserv Code Point
(DSCP). See “Classification” on page 26-5 for more information.
2 Congestion Management—Classified packets are prioritized and placed into queues based on Class of
Service (CoS) markings to ensure preferential treatment to high priority traffic. See “Congestion
Management” on page 26-9.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-3
Configuring QoS QoS General Overview

3 Congestion Avoidance—Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED) is used for admission control
and bandwidth management. Packets that are not high priority are randomly dropped to help avoid “tail
drop” on the queues. See “Congestion Avoidance” on page 26-21.
4 Traffic Policing and Shaping—Packet flows are policed or shaped to limit the rate of traffic received
or sent by the switch. See “Traffic Policing and Shaping” on page 26-24.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-4
Configuring QoS Classification

Classification is the process of identifying certain types of network traffic (flows) and then, if necessary,
marking a specific flow or group of flows with a priority (class of service) value. The class of service
(CoS) value assigned is then used by other QoS features to determine how the flow is treated throughout
the network.
The CoS value assigned to a specific flow is based on one of the following technologies:
• IP Precedence—Type of Service (ToS) or Differentiated Services (DiffServ).

ToS refers to using the three precedence bits of the ToS field in an IP packet to specify a priority value
ranging from 0 (lowest) to 7 (highest).
DiffServ uses the DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) value specified in the first 6 bits of the ToS field. The
DSCP determines the CoS by specifying a per-hop behavior (PHB) for a specific flow or group of
flows. The PHB indicates the forwarding behavior of a flow by specifying bandwidth, queueing
schemes, and criteria for dropping packets.
• Layer 2 802.1p Priority

The 802.1p priority value is specified in the Tag Control Info (TCI) field of an Ethernet frame. This
value also ranges from 0 (lowest) to 7 (highest) and maps to the ToS precedence values.
The OmniSwitch output queuing capability uses these CoS values to determine the forwarding treatment
by prioritizing flows based on application and network requirements. For more information about output
queue (congestion) management, see “Congestion Management” on page 26-9.

How Traffic is Classified and Marked

The OmniSwitch provides the following tools and techniques for classifying network traffic:
• QoS Policy Rules

A policy (or a policy rule) is made up of a condition and an action. The condition specifies parameters
that the switch examines in incoming flows, such as destination address or Type of Service (ToS) bits.
The action specifies what the switch does with a flow that matches the condition; for example, it can
queue the flow with a higher priority, or reset the ToS bits. See “QoS Policy Overview” on page 26-30
for more information.
• Access Control Lists (ACLs)

ACLs are QoS policies used to control whether or not packets are allowed or denied at the switch or
router interface. ACLs are sometimes referred to as filtering lists and may also specify priority-setting
actions. See “Using Access Control Lists” on page 26-64 for more information.
• Port-based QoS

Individual ports are configured to either trust (recognize) or not trust (do not recognize) existing 802.1p
or ToS/DSCP values within a packet or to apply a user-defined default classification value. Port-based
QoS often works in conjunction with QoS policy rules to prioritize packet flows. By default, all switch
ports are untrusted. See “Configuring Trusted Ports” on page 26-7 for more information.
When packets ingress on a switch port, the packets are classified and marked as follows:
• If a packet matches a QoS policy rule that sets a new priority value (802.1p or ToS/DSCP), the egress
priority for the packet is set using the value specified in the rule.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-5
Configuring QoS Classification

• If a packet ingresses on a trusted port and does not match any QoS policy that sets priority, then the
existing 802.1p value (non-IP packets) or the ToS/DSCP value (IP packets) or the default classification
priority configured for the port is used to determine priority for the packet.
• If a packet ingresses on an untrusted port and does not match any QoS policy that sets priority, then the
the default 802.1p value configured for the port (tagged/untagged non-IP packets) or the default ToS/
DSCP value configured for the port (IP packets) is used to determine priority for the packet.
• If the default classification value for the port is set to DSCP, the DSCP value of a tagged IP packet is
mapped to the 802.1p value for that same packet. In other words, the 802.1p priority is overwritten
with the precedence bits of the DSCP value. This does not apply to Layer 2 packets. See “Maintaining
the 802.1p Priority for IP Packets” on page 26-65 for more information.
• The egress priority for a packet ingressing on a VLAN Stacking port (a trusted port) is set using the
existing 802.1p value or configured through an associated VLAN Stacking service.
• IP phone traffic is automatically trusted by default. See “Automatic QoS Prioritization for IP Phone
Traffic” on page 26-6 for more information.

Classifying Bridged Traffic as Layer 3

In some network configurations it is required to force the switch to classify bridged traffic as routed
(Layer 3) traffic. Typically this option is used for QoS filtering. See “Using Access Control Lists” on
page 26-64 for more information about filtering.
The Layer 3 classification of bridged traffic is no different from the classification of normal Layer 3
routed traffic. Note that this implementation of QoS always performs Layer 3 classification of bridged
traffic; it is not an option. As a result,
• Layer 3 ACLs are always effected on bridged traffic.

• The switch can bridge and route traffic to the same destination.

• All IP packets are prioritized based on ToS if the default classification on the port is set to DSCP. If
DSCP is not the default classification, then the IP packets are prioritized based on 802.1p.
Note that Layer 3 ACLs are effected on bridged IP traffic and Layer 2 ACLs are effected on routed traffic.

Automatic QoS Prioritization for IP Phone Traffic

Automatic QoS prioritization refers to prioritizing certain subsets of switch traffic without having to
configure a specific QoS policy to do the same for each type of traffic. This functionality is currently
available for IP phone traffic.
The switch automatically trusts the priority of IP phone traffic by default. This means that the priority
value contained in packets originating from IP phones is used for the ingress priority. The default priority
value configured for the QoS port receiving such traffic is used for the egress priority of the packet.
IP phone traffic is detected by examining the source MAC address of the packet to determine if the
address falls within the following ranges of IP phone MAC addresses:
00:80:9f:00:00:00 – 00:80:9f:ff:ff:ff
00:13:fa:00:00:00 – 00:13:fa:ff:ff:ff
In addition to prioritizing IP phone traffic, it is also possible to automatically prioritize non-IP phone
traffic. This is done by adding up to four MAC addresses or four ranges of MAC addresses to the
predefined QoS “alaPhone” MAC address group. See “Creating MAC Groups” on page 26-58 for more

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-6
Configuring QoS Classification

Configuring Automatic Prioritization for IP Phone Traffic

The qos phones command is used to enable or disable automatic prioritization of IP phone traffic. In
addition, this command also specifies whether to trust the IP phone traffic (the default) or apply a
specified priority value to the traffic. For example, the following command specifies a priority value to
apply for ingress IP phone traffic:
-> qos phones priority 1

To trust IP phone traffic, enter the following command:

-> qos phones trusted

To disable automatic IP phone traffic prioritization for the switch, enter the following command:
-> qos no phones

Note that When automatic prioritization of IP phone traffic is enabled, QoS policies that specify priority
are not applied to the IP phone traffic. Other QoS policies, however, are applied to this type of traffic as
usual. If a policy specifies rate limiting, then the policy with the lowest rate limiting value is applied.

Prioritizing CPU Packets

In addition to physical switch ports, each NI has an internal CPU interface that handles traffic sent to or
from the CPU (for example, BPDU and LAG PDUs). Such packets go directly to the CPU via a set of
queues without traversing the switch fabric. In addition, packets from the CPU go directly to local ports
without going through the fabric.
The QoS CPU priority policy action is used in a policy to assign a priority value to traffic destined for the
CPU. See the policy action cpu priority command page in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference
Guide for more information.

Configuring Trusted Ports

By default switch ports are untrusted; that is, they do not recognize 802.1p or ToS/DSCP settings in
packets of incoming traffic. When a port is untrusted, the switch sets the 802.1p or ToS/DSCP bits in
incoming packets to the default 802.1p or DSCP values configured for that port.
The qos port default 802.1p and qos port default dscp commands are used to specify the default 802.1p
and ToS/DSCP values. If no default is specified, then these values are set to zero.
Ports must be both trusted and configured for 802.1Q traffic in order to accept 802.1p traffic.
The following applies to ports that are trusted:
• The 802.1p or ToS/DSCP value is preserved.

• If the incoming 802.1p or ToS/DSCP flow does not match a policy, the switch places the flow into a
default queue and prioritizes the flow based on the 802.1p or ToS/DSCP value in the flow.
• If the incoming 802.1p or ToS/DSCP flow matches a policy, the switch queues the flow based on the
policy action.
The port trust setting can be configured globally or on a per-port basis to override the global setting.
To configure the global setting on the switch, use the qos trust-ports command. For example:
-> qos trust ports

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-7
Configuring QoS Classification

To configure individual ports as trusted, use the qos port trusted command with the desired slot/port
number. For example:
-> qos port 3/2 trusted

The global setting is active immediately; however, the port setting requires qos apply to activate the
change. See “Applying the Configuration” on page 26-72 for more information.
To display information about QoS ports, such as whether or not the port is trusted, use the show qos port
command. For example:
-> show qos port
Slot/ Default Default Bandwidth DEI
Port Active Trust P/DSCP Classification Physical Ingress Egress Map/Mark Type
1/1 No No 0/ 0 DSCP 0K - - No / No ethernet
1/2 Yes No 0/ 0 DSCP 1.00G - - No / No ethernet-1G
1/3 No No 0/ 0 DSCP 0K - - No / No ethernet
1/4 No No 0/ 0 DSCP 0K - - No / No ethernet
1/5 No No 0/ 0 DSCP 0K - - No / No ethernet
1/6 No No 0/ 0 DSCP 0K - - No / No ethernet
1/7 No No 0/ 0 DSCP 0K - - No / No ethernet
1/8 No No 0/ 0 DSCP 0K - - No / No ethernet
1/9 No No 0/ 0 DSCP 0K - - No / No ethernet
1/10 No No 0/ 0 DSCP 0K 50K - No / No ethernet
1/11 No *Yes 0/ 0 *802.1P 0K - - No / No ethernet
1/12 No *Yes 0/ 0 *802.1P 0K - - No / No ethernet

Using Trusted Ports With Policies

Whether or not the port is trusted is important if you want to classify traffic with 802.1p bits. If the policy
condition specifies 802.1p, the switch must be able to recognize 802.1p bits. (Note that the trusted port
must also be 802.1Q-tagged). The 802.1p bits can be set or mapped to a single value using the policy
action 802.1p command.
In the following example, the qos port command specifies that port 2 on slot 3 are able to recognize
802.1p bits. A policy condition (Traffic) is then created to classify traffic containing 802.1p bits set to 4
and destined for port 2 on slot 3. The policy action (SetBits) specifies that the bits are reset to 7 when the
traffic egresses the switch. A policy rule called Rule2 puts the condition and the action together.
-> qos port 3/2 trusted
-> policy condition Traffic destination port 3/2 802.1p 4
-> policy action SetBits 802.1p 7
-> policy rule Rule2 condition Traffic action SetBits

To activate the configuration, enter the qos apply command. See “Applying the Configuration” on
page 26-72 for more information.
For actions that set 802.1p bits, note that a limited set of policy conditions are supported. See “Condition
and Action Combinations” on page 26-34 for more information.

Note. 802.1p mapping can also be set for Layer 3 traffic, which typically has the 802.1p bits set to zero.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-8
Configuring QoS Congestion Management

Congestion Management
Queuing mechanisms are used to manage congestion on egress ports. When congestion occurs, packets are
prioritized and placed into queues based on the CoS markings assigned to the packets during
classification. If there is no congestion on the egress port, packets are sent out as soon as they are received.
There are eight egress queues are allocated for each port on an OmniSwitch.
• The OmniSwitch 10K egress queues are virtual output queues (VOQ) that are located and managed on
the ingress. See “OmniSwitch 10K Queue Management” on page 26-18,
• On all other OmniSwitch platforms, egress queues are located and managed on the egress.

Although the egress queue management architecture is different on the OmniSwitch 10K, all the
OmniSwitch platforms incorporate the use of Queue Set Profiles (QSPs) or Data Center Bridging (DCB)
profiles to provide traffic management and QoS scheduling for the egress queues. For more information,
see “Queue Sets” on page 26-9 and “QSet Profiles” on page 26-11.

Queue Sets
The queue management and related QoS functions are implemented using a framework based on Queue
Sets (QSets). A QSet is a set of eight aggregate VOQs (OmniSwitch 10K) or a set of eight egress port
queues (other OmniSwitch platforms) that are associated with each switch port.
The QSET framework involves the following elements:
• QSet instance (QSI)—A QSI is a logical entity that refers to a set of eight queues. Each port in the
switch is automatically associated with a QSI. On the OmniSwitch 10K, the QSI represents all the
ingress Traffic Manager (TM) physical VOQs (pVOQs) associated with the port to which the QSI is
attached (see “OmniSwitch 10K Queue Management” on page 26-18).
• QSet profile (QSP)—a profile associated with each QSI that defines the output scheduling behavior
for the queues associated with the QSet instance. There are four pre-defined QSPs, with QSP 1 serving
as the default profile that is automatically assigned to each QSI. See “QSet Profiles” on page 26-11.
Note that the OmniSwitch 9900 supports only the QSP 1 profile.
• Data Center Bridging profile (DCP)—a profile associated with each QSI that defines the output
scheduling behavior for the queues associated with the QSet instance. Note that the OmniSwitch 9900
does not support Data Center Bridging.
There are eleven pre-defined DCPs, with DCP 8 serving as the default profile that is automatically
assigned to each QSI. Note that only DCB profiles are applied when the switch is using the OmniS-
witch Data Center license. See the “Configuring Data Center Bridging” chapter in the OmniSwitch
AOS Release 8 Data Center Switching Guide.

Note. QSet profiles and DCB profiles are mutually exclusive. If the OmniSwitch Data Center software
license is installed, then DCB profiles are used. If this license is not installed, then QSet profiles are used.

• Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED) profile—a WRED profile (WRP) is associated with
each QSet profile to provide admission control for each QSet. One WRP is supported on the
OmniSwitch 6900 (WRP 1), which is the default profile automatically assigned to each QSP. See
“WRED Profiles” on page 26-14 Note that WRED is supported only on the OmniSwitch 6900.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-9
Configuring QoS Congestion Management

How it Works
When a physical switch port comes up, a QSet instance (a set of eight queues) is automatically associated
with the port for unicast traffic. In addition, the default QSet profile (QSP 1) or the default DCB profile
(DCP 8) is automatically assigned to the QSI. In the case where QSP 1 is assigned, the default WRED
profile (WRP 1) is automatically imported as part of QSP 1.
If a port attaches to a link aggregate (LAG), a QSI and default QSP 1 or default DCP 8 are automatically
associated with the LAG ID. Each time a port joins the LAG, the QSI for the port is imported into the
LAG. When this occurs, the LAG QSI becomes the parent and the member port QSI is the child. Note that
when a member port leaves a LAG, the QSI and profile for the port reverts back to the default values.
The following example diagram is specific to the OmniSwitch 10K architecture and QSet profiles, but the
relationship shown between switch ports, QSet instances, and profiles as they apply to unicast traffic is the
same for both the OmniSwitch 10K and other OmniSwitch platforms. See “QSet Profiles” on page 26-11
for more information.

Physical VOQs
Dst port 1/1
Slot 1 5 QSI for 1/1
3 VOQs QSet Profile 1
2 7 Q1 = SP7, 100% BW
Ingress Packet Ingress Traffic 1 6 Q2 = SP6, 100% BW
Processor Manager 0 5 Q3 = SP5, 100% BW
(PP) 4 Q4 = SP4, 100% BW
(TM) Dst port 2/1 Q5 = SP3, 100% BW
7 2 Q6 = SP2, 100% BW
6 1 Q7 = SP1, 100% BW
5 Q8 = SP0, 100% BW
3 WRED Profile 1
2 Queue thresholds and
drop probability for
1 green, yellow, and red
0 packets.

Dst port 1/1 QSI for 2/1

Slot 2 7
6 VOQs QSet Profile 4
5 7 Q1 = EF, 20% BW
4 6 Q2 = SP7+6, 100% BW
Ingress Packet Ingress Traffic 3 5 Q3 = SP5, 100% BW
2 4 Q4 = AF4, 40% BW
Processor Manager 1 3 Q5 = AF2, 30% BW
(PP) (TM) 0 2 Q6 = AF1, 20% BW
1 Q7 = AF0, 10% BW
Dst port 2/1 Q8 = BE, 0% BW
6 WRED Profile 1
Queue thresholds and
5 drop probability for
4 green, yellow, and red
3 packets.
1 Switch Fabric

Queue Set (QSet) Framework (Unicast Traffic)

In this example illustration:

• Ingress packets destined for port 1/1 and port 2/1 are queued into CoS/VOQs allocated by the ingress
TM. These are the physical VOQs (pVOQs), that reside on each NI for every port in the switch.
• The centralized scheduler within the switch fabric maintains a QSI for port 1/1 and port 2/1.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-10
Configuring QoS Congestion Management

• The QSP assigned to the QSI for port 1/1 and port 2/1 is applied by the scheduler to all pVOQ flows
destined for port 1/1 or port 2/1.
• There are four pre-defined QSPs (only QSP 1 is supported on the OmniSwitch 9900). In this example,
the default QSP 1 is associated with the QSI for port 1/1. However, QSP 4 was assigned to the QSI for
port 2/1.
• QSP 1 and QSP 4 apply the default WRED profile 1 (WRP 1) to the QSI for port 1/1 and port 2/1.
(WRED is supported only on the OmniSwitch 6900).
• The QSet framework shown in this example applies to unicast traffic. Selecting QSPs only applies to
unicast VOQ queue management.
Note that the VOQs that reside in the switch fabric, as represented by QSet instances, is just a state space
where configured and dynamic parameters for each VOQ is specified. There is no physical buffer memory
associated with these VOQs in the fabric. Packets are not buffered in fabric

Multicast Queues
Unicast and multicast traffic are both queued and funneled separately through the switch. The QSet
framework described in previous sections applies only to unicast traffic. Multicast traffic is queued based
on the destination multicast group ID (MGID) for the packets. Pre-set queues and profiles associated with
the MGID handle the multicast traffic.
The multicast queue framework is not user-configurable in that there are no user-configurable profiles.
However, the type of profile assigned to a port can determine the class of service for multicast traffic. For
more information, see “Multicast and Unicast Traffic Distribution” on page 26-14.

QSet Profiles
There are four pre-defined QSet profiles (QSP 1 - 4) Note that only QSP 1 is supported on the OmniSwitch
9900. Each profile defines the following bandwidth management attributes that are applied to traffic
destined for the port or LAG QSet instance associated with the profile:
• The percentage of bandwidth allocated for and shared by all of the QSet queues. This value is taken
from the port to which the QSet profile is applied (either port speed or the user-defined bandwidth for
the port is used).
• The name and ID and administrative status of the WRED profile (WRP) that is applied to all of the
QSet queues. By default, WRP 1 is associated with each QSet profile.
• The administrative status of statistics collection for the QSet queues.

• The queue specific (QSpec) priority used for output scheduling on each of the eight QSet queues.

The following four pre-defined QSet profiles are supported:

QSP Default WRP Bandwidth Queue Specific Priority

QSP 1 WRP 1 100% 8 SP
QSP 2 WRP 1 100% 1 EF, 7 SP
QSP 3 WRP 1 100% 1 EF, 7 WFQ
QSP 4 WRP 1 100% 1 EF, 2 SP, 4 AF, 1 BE

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-11
Configuring QoS Congestion Management

To determine how flows are mapped to the egress queues based on ingress priority markings, see the
“QSet Profile Mapping (Unicast)” on page 26-13. This section contains CoS priority mapping tables for
each QSet profile.

Configuring QSet Profiles

The default QSet profile (QSP 1) is automatically assigned to each QSet instance when a port goes active
or a port joins a LAG. It is only necessary to assign a different profile if QSP 1 attributes are not
Consider the following when configuring a QSet profile:
• QSP 1, 2, 3, and 4 are predefined profiles that are not modifiable and cannot be deleted from the switch
• Creating a new profile is not supported; only the four pre-defined profiles are available at this time.

• There is only one QSP assigned to each QSet instance and only one QSet instance per port or link
aggregate (LAG). However, a LAG may show multiple QSet instances, one for each port that is a
member of the LAG.
• When a port leaves a LAG, the default QSP 1 profile is associated with the QSet instance for that port.
In other words, if the QSet instance for a port was associated with QSP 4 when the port joined the
LAG, the port is associated with QSP 1 when it leaves the LAG.
The qos qsi qsp command is used to change the QSP for a specific QSet instance (QSI). For example:
-> qos qsi port 1/2 qsp 2
-> qos qsi port 2/1-10 qsp 3
-> qos qsi linkagg 5 qsp 3

To view the QSet profile configuration for the switch, use the show qos qsp command.
See the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide for more information about the qos qsi qsp and
related show commands.

Changing the Default QSet Profile

Consider the following when changing the default QSet profile for the switch:
• Only the OmniSwitch 6860 and OmniSwitch 6865 support changing the default system profile.

• The new default profile is applied to all switch ports and link aggregates.

• A QSP assigned through the qos qsi qsp command overrides the system default QSP assignment. For
example, if the system default QSP is set to 1 and the qos qsi qsp command is used to change the QSP
to 2 on port 1/1/20, the QSP 2 settings are applied to port 1/1/20.
To change the default QSet profile (QSP 1) to one of the other supported profiles (QSP 2, 3, or 4), use the
qos qsp system-default command. For example, the following command changes the default profile to
QSP 2:
-> qos qsp system-default 2

To view the current default QSet profile setting for the switch, use the show qos qsp system-default

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-12
Configuring QoS Congestion Management

QSet Profile Mapping (Unicast)

This sections contains a unicast queue mapping table for each of the four pre-defined QSet profiles
(QSPs). By default, each QSet port instance is associated with QSP 1. Note that only QSP 1 is supported
on the OmniSwitch 9900.
Default QSet Profile 1 (8 SP)

Queue Queue
Scheduling Weight 802.1p ToS DSCP Notes
ID Type
1 SP7 SP 100% 7 7 7.x Straight SP7
2 SP6 SP 100% 6 6 6.x Straight SP6 with starvation
3 SP5 SP 100% 5 5 5.x, 5.6 Straight SP5 with starvation
(“unprotected” EF)
4 SP4 SP 100% 4 4 4.x Straight SP4 with starvation
5 SP3 SP 100% 3 3 3.x Straight SP3 with starvation
6 SP2 SP 100% 2 2 2.x Straight SP2 with starvation
7 SP1 SP 100% 1 1 1.x Straight SP1 with starvation
8 SP0 SP 100% 0 0 0 Straight SP0 with starvation

QSet Profile 2 (1 EF + 7 SP)

Queue Queue
Scheduling Weight 802.1p ToS DSCP Notes
ID Type
1 EF SP 20% X(5) X(5) 5.6 Protected EF
2 SP7+SP6 SP 100% 7, 6 7, 6 7.x, 6.x Straight SP 7 and 6 max (effective
CIR = PR minus EF PIR)
3 SP5 SP 100% 5 5 5.x Straight SP5 with starvation
4 SP4 SP 100% 4 4 4.x Straight SP4 with starvation
5 SP3 SP 100% 3 3 3.x Straight SP3 with starvation
6 SP2 SP 100% 2 2 2.x Straight SP2 with starvation
7 SP1 SP 100% 1 1 1.x Straight SP1 with starvation
8 SP0 SP 100% 0 0 0 Straight SP0 with starvation

QSet Profile 3 (1 EF + 7 WFQ)

Queue Queue
Scheduling Weight 802.1p ToS DSCP Notes
ID Type
1 EF SP 20% X(5) X(5) 5.6 Protected EF
2 WFQ7+6 WFQ 20% 7, 6 7, 6 7.x, 6.x WFQ
3 WFQ5 WFQ 12% 5 5 5.x WFQ
4 WFQ4 WFQ 12% 4 4 4.x WFQ
5 WFQ3 WFQ 12% 3 3 3.x WFQ
6 WFQ2 WFQ 38% 2 2 2.x WFQ
7 WFQ1 WFQ 4% 1 1 1.x WFQ

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Configuring QoS Congestion Management

Queue Queue
Scheduling Weight 802.1p ToS DSCP Notes
ID Type
8 WFQ0 WFQ 2% 0 0 0 WFQ

QSet Profile 4 (1 EF + 2 SP + 4 AF + 1 BE)

Queue Queue
Scheduling Weight 802.1p ToS DSCP Notes
ID Type
1 EF SP 20% X(5) X(5) 5.6 Protected EF
2 SP7+6 SP 100% 7, 6 7, 6 7.x, 6.x SP 7 with effective CIR = PR
minus EF PIR
3 SP5 SP 100% 5 5 5.x SP 6 with effective CIR = PR
minus EF PIR (starvable)
"Mission Critical" data/video
4 AF4 WFQ 40% x x 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 AF4 WFQ (starvable)
5 AF3 WFQ 30% x x 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 AF3 WFQ (starvable)
6 AF2 WFQ 20% x x 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 AF2 WFQ (starvable)
7 AF1 WFQ 10% x x 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 AF1 WFQ (starvable)
8 BE WFQ 0% 4, 3, 2, 4, 3, 2, 4.0, 3.0, BE not guaranteed
1, 0 1, 0 2.0, 1.0, 0.0

WRED Profiles
Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED) is a queue management function that monitors the virtual
output queues of the switch to provide early detection and notification of queue congestion. Note that
WRED is only supported on the OmniSwitch 6900. For more information about WRED and configuring
WRED profiles, see “Congestion Avoidance” on page 26-21.

Multicast and Unicast Traffic Distribution

The following Class of Service (CoS) model for unicast and multicast traffic is applied when either the
default QSet profile (QSP 1) or the default Data Center Bridging (DCB) profile 8 is the active profile for
the port.
Cos 0 - Lower Priority MC (0-3) = 10
Cos 1 - Higher Priority MC (4-7) = 52
Cos 3 - All Other Unicast UC(0-7) = 108
Cos 7 - CPU Generated Packets = 127 (maximum weight)
For example:
• When sending two streams of 100% MC Lower Priority and 100% MC Higher Priority, the distribution
should be 10 and 50 packets, which is approximately 17% of Lower Priority MC and 83% of Higher
• When sending Lower Priority MC 100% and UC 100%, the distribution is 9% of MC and 91% of UC.

• When sending Higher Priority MC 100% and UC 100%, the distribution is 32% of MC and 68% of

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-14
Configuring QoS Congestion Management

For information about multicast and unicast traffic distribution on specific OmniSwitch 6900 models, see
“Multicast/Unicast Traffic Distribution for the OmniSwitch 6900-Q32 and OmniSwitch 6900-X72” on
page 26-17.

Non-Default Profile
The CoS model implemented also applies for non-default QSet profiles (QSP 2, 3, and 4), except on the
OmniSwitch 6900 and the following OmniSwitch 10K modules:
• OS10K-QNI-U8 (8 x 40G)

• OS10K-QNI-U4 (4 x 40G)

• OS10K-XNI-U32E (32 x 10G)

• OS10K-XNI-U16E (16 x 10G)

• OS10K-XNI-U16L (8 x 10G, 8 x 1G)

However, for non-default QSet profiles (QSP 2–4) and non-default DCB profiles (DCP 1–7, 9–128) on the
OmniSwitch 6900 and the OmniSwitch 10K modules listed above, the multicast and unicast queue
mapping is as follows:

Strict Priority Profiles (for example, DCP 7)

Queues Priority Precedence

UC7 7 Highest
MC3 7, 6
UC6 6
UC5 5
MC2 5, 4
UC4 4
UC3 3
MC1 3, 2
UC2 2
UC1 1
MC0 1, 0
UC0 0 Lowest

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-15
Configuring QoS Congestion Management

Weighted Round Robin (WRR) Profiles

Queues Priority Weight

UC7 7 W7
MC3 7, 6 Avg(W7,W6)
UC6 6 W6
UC5 5 W5
MC2 5, 4 Avg(W5,W4)
UC4 4 W4
UC3 3 W3
MC1 3, 2 Avg(W3,W2)
UC2 2 W2
UC1 1 W1
MC0 1, 0 Avg(W1,W0)
UC0 0 W0

Note: Wn = Weight of UCn

Avg(Wn,Wm) = Average of Weights of UCn & UCm

Profile with a Mix of Strict Priority and WRR

Unicast queues configured as Strict Priority will inherit behavior from the Strict Priority model, and
unicast queues configured as WRR will inherit behavior from the WRR model. Multicast queues will
always follow the behavior that the corresponding unicast queues are following. For example:
• If UC7 and UC6 are Strict Priority, then the MC3 (priority 6 and 7) will also use Strict Priority.

• If UC7 and UC6 are Weighted Round Robin, then MC3 (priority 6 and 7) will also use Weighted
Round Robin. The weight of MC3 will be the average of the weights for UC6 and UC7.
For DCB profile ETS behavior, where a Traffic Class (TC) can have more than one priority, multicast
queues will follow the corresponding unicast queue behavior. For example:
DCB Profile 1:
TC 0 Priority 0 -3)
TC 1 Priority 4 -5)
TC 2 Priority 6 -7)
TC 0 has UC0 through UC3 in Round Robin, so MC0 (priority 0 and 1) and MC1 (priority 2 and 3) will
also participate in the Round Robin behavior of TC 0.

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Configuring QoS Congestion Management

Multicast/Unicast Traffic Distribution for the OmniSwitch 6900-Q32 and

OmniSwitch 6900-X72
The multicast and unicast queue mapping for the OmniSwitch 6900-Q32 and OmniSwitch 6900-X72 is as

Queues Priority Precedence

UC7, MC7 7 Highest
UC6, MC6 6
UC5, MC5 5
UC4, MC4 4
UC3, MC3 3
UC2, MC2 2
UC1, MC1 1
UC0, MC0 0 Lowest

There are additional multicast queues in both switches. As a result, traffic distribution is based on the
priority value regardless of whether the traffic is multicast or unicast. In other words, multicast traffic with
priority 1 and unicast with priority 1 are given equal distribution.

Multicast Source PFC on the OmniSwitch 6900

Ingress admission control on the OmniSwitch 6900 does not distinguish between unicast and multicast
traffic. Therefore, a multicast source connected to a port which is PFC aware will react to congestion
thereby pausing transmission. This will affect multicast hosts not in the congestion path.
When a multicast source is attached to a port on a OmniSwitch 6900, make sure that PFC is not enabled
for that particular priority on the ingress. This can be done by configuring the port to use DCP 8 (all
priorities are lossless) or for instance, DCP 1 (priority 4 and 5 are lossless, so multicast may be sent at any
other priority other than priority 4 or 5).
If multicast sources are configured to react to PFC, it will affect subscribers not in the congestion path.

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Configuring QoS Congestion Management

OmniSwitch 10K Queue Management

The OmniSwitch 10K is an input-queue switch. Queue management is done on the ingress based on a
virtual output queue (VOQ) architecture that is inherent to the switch.
• The ingress queue management function on each switch NI allocates a set of eight physical VOQs for
every port in the system, including ports that belong to the NI. These VOQs are “virtual” in that they
serve as egress queues for a port but are located and managed on the ingress.
• Extended memory on the ingress provides deep packet buffering to absorb short periods of congestion
without dropping traffic.
• An advanced feedback mechanism from egress to the ingress buffers traffic on ingress to prevent head-
of-line (HOL) blocking.
• A centralized scheduler schedules traffic to every port based on inputs from all the ingress VOQs
destined to the egress port.
• Traffic is scheduled through the switch fabric based on the egress port speed, thus providing efficient
use of the fabric bandwidth.
The following diagram shows the components within the system that provide the QoS features and input-
based queuing using VOQs:

3. Schedules ingress TM data flow through switch fabric to egress TM, where data is
then stored in per-port/CoS FIFO queues. The Scheduler monitors the availability of
buffer space on the egress port to determine if ingress TM can send data. Applies
queue scheduling profiles to VOQs for admission control and bandwidth management.

2. Selects VOQs associated with Feedback Path to ingress TM per Port, CoS
packet destination. Queues data
based on pre-defined scheduling/
bandwidth parameters. Centralized 4. FIFO queues send the data to
Scheduler the egress PP.

Ingress NI Egress NI

Ingress Packet Fabric Egress Packet
Processor Ingress Traffic Egress Traffic Processor
(PP) Manager Manager (PP)
(TM) (TM)

Data Flow
1. Classifies, routes, and switches packets received
on the NI. Applies QoS policies. Determines 5. Performs normal PP egress packet
packet destination port for unicast traffic or multi- modification, such as VLAN tag process-
cast group ID (MGID). ing, multicast routing updates, etc.
Generic VOQ Data Flow Example

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Configuring QoS Congestion Management

The centralized scheduler in the switch fabric arbitrates flows between ingress and egress ports based on
feedback from the egress port. Deep ingress buffers facilitate holding ingress traffic when congestion
occurs on the egress, helping to provide delivery with little or no packet loss.
The OmniSwitch 10K implementation of VOQ means that packets only cross the switch shortly before
they exit the system. And, because egress bandwidth capacity is checked before packets are sent across the
switch, adverse traffic patterns do not disrupt rate guarantees.

OmniSwitch 10K Queue Size

The queue size is an aggregate of all the ingress Traffic Manager queues that are allocated for a specific
port. For example, if the maximum queue size for a port is 1.5MB for each of its queues per ingress
Traffic Manager (also referred to as a node) and there are 8 48-port NIs in the system, each port with a
maximum queue size of 1.5MB, the maximum aggregated queue size is calculated as 1.5MB * 8 = 12MB.
If any NI is removed or inserted, this causes the addition or removal of Traffic Manager queues, which in
turn changes the aggregate maximum queue size.

OmniSwitch 10K Queue Management on the OS10K-GNI Module

As shown in the “Generic VOQ Data Flow Example” on page 26-18, the ingress Traffic Manager queues
the packets on the ingress, the egress Traffic Manager takes the packets from the queues and places them
into the egress First In, First Out (FIFO) queues. However, the mapping of ingress queues to FIFO queues
is handled differently on the OS10K-GNI modules.
• The OS10K-GNI-C48 and OS10K-GNI-U48 modules have four FIFO queues. Ingress queues are
mapped to two unicast FIFO queues and two multicast FIFO queues.
• All the other OmniSwitch 10K modules have eight FIFO queues. Ingress queues are mapped to eight
FIFO queues for unicast and multicast.
The number of FIFO queues and how the ingress queues are mapped to the FIFO queues is a key
difference between the OS10K-GNI modules and all the other OS10K modules. Make sure to take this
into consideration when planning where to use the OS10K-GNI modules in the network.
The following diagram shows how traffic priority maps to VOQs and how the VOQs map to FIFO queues
on the OS10K-GNI modules. This example uses the default QSet profile (QSP 1, Strict Priority).

P7 Queue 7

P6 Queue 6

P5 Queue 5

P4 Queue 4 FIFO 1

P3 Queue 3 FIFO 0

P2 Queue 2

P1 Queue 1

P0 Queue 0

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-19
Configuring QoS Congestion Management

In comparison, the following diagram shows how traffic priority maps to VOQs and how VOQs map to
FIFO queues for all other OmniSwitch 10K modules. This example also uses the default QSet profile
(QSP 1, Strict Priority).

P7 Queue 7 FIFO 7

P6 Queue 6 FIFO 6

P5 Queue 5 FIFO 5

P4 Queue 4 FIFO 4

P3 Queue 3 FIFO 3

P2 Queue 2 FIFO 2

P1 Queue 1 FIFO 1

P0 Queue 0 FIFO 0

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-20
Configuring QoS Congestion Avoidance

Congestion Avoidance
Congestion avoidance mechanisms monitor queues to provide early detection and notification of potential
queue congestion. If necessary, such mechanisms may even strategically drop low priority (non-
conforming) packets to prevent congestion. Dropping packets signals the packet source to decrease the
transmission rate, thus preventing the queue from overflowing.
The OmniSwitch uses Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED) for admission control and congestion
avoidance. WRED continuously monitors the average queue length over time. When the average length
exceeds specific queue thresholds, WRED begins to randomly drop packets with a specific probability.
WRED uses the drop precedence (color) of the packet to determine which packets to drop. A packet is
color marked during the QoS classification process to indicate a drop precedence for the packet.
• Green = Committed

• Yellow = Conformed

• Red = Exceeded

Color marking techniques supported include Single-Rate Tri-Color Marking (srTCM) and Two-Rate Tri-
Color Marking (trTCM). TCM is applied to ingress traffic using a QoS policy rule (see “Configuring Tri-
Color Marking” on page 26-26 for more information). Note that all packets that are not marked with a
specific color are treated as green (committed) packets.

Note. The OmniSwitch 6900 supports WRED only on TCP traffic.WRED is not supported on any other
OmniSwitch platforms.

WRED Profiles
This implementation of WRED uses a drop profile to apply active queue management to the output
queues. The profile specifies queue thresholds (as a percentage of maximum queue size) and drop
probability values for green, yellow, and red traffic. The thresholds specify a linear relationship between
average queue length and drop probability.
The WRED profile (WRP) defines the following drop precedence parameters for packets marked green,
yellow, and red:
• The minimum queue length threshold (percentage of queue size).

• The maximum queue length threshold (percentage of queue size).

• The drop probability (percentage of packets to be dropped).

• The queue gain (a numeric value used to determine the instantaneous average queue length).

The OmniSwitch 6900 supports the use of one WRED profile (WRP 1), which is applied to TCP traffic
when the profile is enabled for the QSet instance. By default, WRP 1 is associated with each QSet profile
and applied to each unicast queue within the QSet instance associated with the QSet profile.

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Configuring QoS Congestion Avoidance

When enabled, WRP 1 applies the following color threshold values only to TCP traffic:

Min Max Drop

Color Gain
Threshold Threshold Probability
Red 10% 50% 36% 9
Yellow 50% 90% 30% 9
Green 90% 100% 24% 9

The minimum and maximum threshold values are a percentage of the maximum average queue length.
The OmniSwitch 6900 average queue length is calculated as follows:
1 Total Number of Cells : 46080

2 Total Number of Ports : 64

3 Number of Queuss : 8

4 Total Number of Queues: 64 * 8 = 512

5 Maximum Queue length calculated at full load : 46080 /512 = 90

When congestion of green, yellow and red traffic occurs without WRED, green has the highest precedence
and red and yellow are dropped. When congestion of yellow and red traffic occurs without WRED, yellow
and red have the same precedence.
The following is a many-to-one example, where one egress port is congested with multiple color TCP
traffic of the same priority.

WRED Enabled WRED Disabled

Input Output
100% Green
100% Yellow 100% Green 100% Green
100% Red

100% Yellow 90-95% Yellow 50% Yellow

100% Red 0-5% Red 50% Red

80% Yellow 70-75% Yellow 55% Yellow

60% Red 25-30% Red 45% Red

90% Yellow 80-85% Yellow 60% Yellow

70% Red 15-20% Red 40% Red

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-22
Configuring QoS Congestion Avoidance

Configuring the WRED Profile

Configuring the WRED profile consists of enabling or disabling the administrative status of the profile for
a specific QSet instance. Consider the following when configuring the WRED profile status:
• WRED is supported only on the OmniSwitch 6900 and WRP 1 is the only profile supported.
Configuring additional profiles is not supported at this time
• The default WRP 1 profile parameters are not configurable and the profile cannot be deleted from the
switch configuration.
• The WRED profile status is applied to all the unicast queues associated with the QSet instance for the
port. Enabling or disabling WRED at the queue level is not supported.
• The queue threshold values applied are similar to configuring and applying bandwidth shaping rates to
limit bandwidth.
• The maximum queue threshold value applied determines the delay a packet may experience while
waiting for the queue to clear out other packets that arrived first.
By default, WRP 1 is disabled for each QSet instance. To enable the profile for the instance, use the qos
qsi wred command. For example:
-> qos qsi port 1/10 wred admin-state enable
-> qos qsi port 1/20-22 wred admin-state enable
-> qos qsi linkagg 5 wred admin-state enable

To verify the WRED profile configuration, use the show qos wrp command. For example:
-> show qos wrp
WRP 1 (wrp-1)
#Ports: 368, MTU: 1540
Min-Th: 10, Max-Th: 50, Max-Pb: 36, Gain: 9
Min-Th: 50, Max-Th: 90, Max-Pb: 30, Gain: 9
Min-Th: 90, Max-Th: 100, Max-Pb: 24, Gain: 9

See the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide for more information about the qos qsi wred
and show qos wrp commands.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-23
Configuring QoS Traffic Policing and Shaping

Traffic Policing and Shaping

Traffic policing and shaping mechanisms are used to limit the rate of traffic. The main difference between
the two is how they handle traffic that violates the specified rate. Policing either drops or remarks traffic
that exceeds a configured maximum rate. Shaping delays the transmission of packets that exceed
configured rates by placing the packets in a queue and scheduling them to be sent at a later time.
The OmniSwitch provides the following techniques for policing and shaping traffic flows.

• QoS Tri-Color Marking (TCM) policy. A TCM policy consists of a policy action that specifies
packet rates and burst sizes. The policy condition defines the type of traffic for TCM to meter and then
color mark (green, yellow, or red) based on conformance with the rate limits defined in the policy
action. See “Tri-Color Marking” on page 26-24.
• QoS bandwidth policy actions. Maximum bandwidth and depth policy actions are used in QoS policy
rules to specify a maximum ingress bandwidth rate and bucket size. See “Configuring Policy
Bandwidth Policing” on page 26-28 for more information.
• E-Services bandwidth parameters. The VLAN Stacking Service Access Point (SAP) profile defines
an ingress and egress bandwidth rate limiting configuration for an Ethernet Service. See Chapter 35,
“Configuring VLAN Stacking,” for more information.

• Port-based QoS bandwidth shaping. The QoS CLI provides two commands for setting the maximum
ingress and egress bandwidth for a specific port. These QoS port parameters define the rate at which
traffic is received and sent on the specified port. See “Configuring Policy Bandwidth Policing” on
page 26-28.
• Queue bandwidth shaping. This type of shaping is implemented through the virtual output queue
architecture of the switch. A set of VOQs for each port (QSet) is associated with a profile that defines
and applies the shaping and scheduling configuration for each VOQ in the QSet. See “Congestion
Management” on page 26-9 for more information.

Tri-Color Marking
This implementation of a Tri-Color Marking (TCM) provides a mechanism for policing network traffic by
limiting the rate at which traffic is sent or received on a switch interface. The TCM policier meters traffic
based on user-configured packet rates and burst sizes and then marks the metered packets as green,
yellow, or red based on the metering results.
The following diagram illustrates the basic operation of TCM:

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-24
Configuring QoS Traffic Policing and Shaping

The TCM policier meters each packet and passes the metering result along with the packet to the Marker.
Depending upon the result sent by the Meter, the packet is then marked with either the green, yellow, or
red color. The marked packet stream is then transmitted on the egress based on the color-coded priority
The TCM Meter operates in Color-Blind mode (the Color-Aware mode is not supported). In the Color-
Blind mode, the Meter assumes that the incoming packet stream is uncolored.
There are two types of TCM marking supported:
• Single-Rate TCM (srTCM)—Packets are marked based on a Committed Information Rate (CIR) value
and two associated burst size values: Committed Burst Size (CBS) and Peak Burst Size (PBS).
• Two-Rate TCM (trTCM)—Packets are marked based on a CIR value and a Peak Information Rate
(PIR) value and two associated burst size values: CBS and PBS.
Both srTCM and trTCM operate in the same basic manner, as shown in the above diagram. The main
difference between the two types is that srTCM uses one rate limiting value (CIR) and trTCM uses two
rate limiting values (CIR and PIR) to determine packet marking.
The type of TCM used is determined when the policier is configured; depending on which rates and burst
size values are configured, TCM functions in ether single-rate or two-rate mode. There is no explicit
command to select the type of TCM. See “Configuring Tri-Color Marking” on page 26-26 for more
Based on the TCM type used, packets are marked as follows:

TCM Type Meter Compliance Marker Color Result

Single-Rate Packet is CIR/CBS compliant. GREEN Packet is transmitted with the Drop
(srTCM) Precedence set to LOW.
Packet is not CIR/CBS YELLOW Packet is transmitted with the Drop
compliant but is CIR/PBS Precedence set to HIGH (packet is
compliant. dropped first when congestion
occurs on the egress queue.
Packet is neither CIR/CBS nor RED Packet is dropped at the ingress.
CIR/PBS compliant.
Two-Rate Packet is CIR/CBS compliant. GREEN Packet is transmitted with the Drop
(trTCM) Precedence set to LOW.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-25
Configuring QoS Traffic Policing and Shaping

TCM Type Meter Compliance Marker Color Result

Packet is not CIR/CBS YELLOW Packet is transmitted with the Drop
compliant but is PIR/PBS Precedence set to HIGH (packet is
compliant. dropped first when congestion
occurs on the egress queue.
Packet is neither CIR/CBS nor RED Packet is dropped at the ingress.
PIR/PBS compliant.

Configuring Tri-Color Marking

Tri-Color Marking (TCM) is a supported technique for policing traffic. See “Tri-Color Marking” on
page 26-24 for an overview of how this implementation of TCM works.
Configuring TCM is done by creating a TCM policy action using the following QoS policy action
command parameters:
• cir (Committed Information Rate, in bits per second)

• cbs (Committed Burst Size, in bytes)

• pir (Peak Information Rate, in bits per second)

• pbs (Peak Burst Size, in bytes)

• color-only (mark packet color only)

Consider the following when configuring TCM policy actions:

• There is no explicit CLI command to specify the mode in which the TCM meter operates. This mode is
determined by whether or not the PIR is configured for the policy action and if the value of the PIR is
greater than the value of the specified CIR. In this case, the trTCM mode is triggered; otherwise, the
srTCM mode is used.
• This implementation of TCM is in addition to the basic rate limiting capabilities provided through the
maximum bandwidth and maximum depth parameters used in QoS policy actions and the ingress and
egress bandwidth parameters used in VLAN Stacking Service Access Point (SAP) profiles. When these
parameters are used, the TCM meter operates in the Single-Rate TCM mode by default.
• A srTCM policy action specifies both a CBS and PBS value. Default values for these burst sizes are
used if one is not specified using the optional cbs and pbs parameters.
• Configure the PBS and CBS with a value that is greater than or equal to the size of the largest IP
packet in the metered stream.
To configure a TCM QoS policy action, use the policy action cir command with one or more of the above
parameters. Configuring the cbs and pbs parameters is optional. If a value is not specified for either one,
the default value is used for both parameters. For example:
-> policy action A1 cir 10M

To specify one or both of the burst size values, use the cbs and pbs parameters. For example:
-> policy action A2 cir 10m cbs 4k
-> policy action A3 cir 10m cbs 4k pbs 10m

All of these command examples configure the TCM meter to operate in the Single-Rate TCM (srTCM)
mode. To configure the meter to operate in the Two-Rate TCM (trTCM) mode, use the pir parameter and

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-26
Configuring QoS Traffic Policing and Shaping

specify a peak information rate value that is greater than the committed information rate value. For
example, the following commands configure the meter to use the trTCM mode:
-> policy action A4 cir 10m cbs 4k pir 20m
-> policy action A5 cir 10m cbs 4k pir 20m pbs 40m

Once a TCM policy action is configured, the action can be used in a policy rule to rate limit traffic
according to the specified rates and burst sizes. Traffic that matches a TCM policy is marked green, red, or
yellow based on the rate limiting results.
To remove the TCM configuration from a QoS policy action, use the no form of the policy action cir
command. For example:
-> policy action A6 no cir

TCM Policy Example

Once configured, a TCM policy action is then available to use in a QoS policy rule to apply color marking
to a specified traffic stream.
First, create a condition for the traffic. In this example, the condition is called ip_traffic. A policy action
(tcm1) is then created to enforce ingress rate limiting using TCM.
-> policy condition ip_traffic source ip
-> policy action tcm1 cir 5m cbs 4k pir 10m pbs 20m counter-color green-nongreen
-> policy rule rule1 condition ip_traffic action tcm1

Note that the rates and burst sizes can be specified in abbreviated units, in this case, 10m.
The rule is not active on the switch until the qos apply command is entered. When the rule is activated,
any flows coming into the switch from source IP address is metered and marked according to the
TCM policier parameters specified in the tcm1 policy action.

Setting the DEI Bit

The Drop Eligible Indicator (DEI) bit setting is applied to packets marked yellow (non-conforming) as the
result of Tri-Color Marking (TCM) rate limiting. The TCM policier meters traffic based on user-
configured packet rates and burst sizes and then marks the metered packets as green, yellow, or red based
on the metering results. See “Configuring Tri-Color Marking” on page 26-26 for more information.
Yellow packets are assigned a high drop precedence, which means they are dropped first when the egress
port queues become congested. If there is no congestion on the queues, however, yellow packets are
retained and forwarded along to the next switch. When this occurs, the receiving switch does not know
that the packet was marked yellow by the transmitting switch.
Setting the DEI bit for yellow egress packets ensures that the upstream switch is made aware that the
packet was marked yellow. The upstream switch can then decide to drop the DEI marked packets first
when the network is congested. When a switch receives a yellow packet with the DEI bit set and DEI
mapping is enabled, the packet is mapped to an internal drop precedence or yellow color marking for the
The switch can be set globally so that DEI bit marking and mapping is enabled for all ports. Individual
ports can be configured to override the global setting

Configuring the DEI Bit Setting

By default, DEI bit marking (egress) and mapping (ingress) is disabled on all switch ports. The DEI bit
setting operation can be configured globally on the switch, or on a per-port basis.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-27
Configuring QoS Traffic Policing and Shaping

To configure the global DEI bit setting operation to mark traffic egressing on QoS destination ports, use
the qos dei command with the egress parameter option. For example:
-> qos dei egress

To configure the switch to map ingress traffic marked with the DEI bit, use the qos dei command with the
ingress parameter option. For example:
-> qos dei ingress

To configure the DEI bit operation for an individual port, use the qos port dei with the ingress or egress
parameter option. For example:
-> qos port 1/10 dei egress
-> qos port 1/11 dei ingress

See the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide for more information about these commands.

Configuring Policy Bandwidth Policing

The policy action maximum bandwidth and policy action maximum depth commands are used to
configure QoS policy actions. Both actions are typically used in combination; the bucket size (depth)
determines how much over the maximum bandwidth the traffic can burst.
The maximum bandwidth and maximum depth actions are configured as part of a QoS policy in which the
condition specifies the type of traffic to rate limit. Maximum bandwidth policies are applied to source
(ingress) ports and/or flows. See the “Bandwidth Policing Example” on page 26-76.

Port Groups and Maximum Bandwidth

If a port group condition (see “Creating Port Groups” on page 26-59) is used in a maximum bandwidth
policy, the bandwidth value specified is shared across all ports in the group.This also applies to flows that
involve more than one port. For example, if a policy specifies a maximum bandwidth value of 10M for a
port group containing 4 ports, the total bandwidth limit enforced is 10M for all 4 ports.
Note the following when configuring ingress maximum bandwidth policies:
• If a policy condition applies to ports that are located on different slots, the maximum bandwidth limit
specified is multiplied by the number of slots involved. For example, if a rule is configured to apply a
maximum bandwidth limit of 10M to ports 1/1, 3/10, and 4/5, then the actual bandwidth limit enforced
for all three ports is 30M.
• The maximum traffic received by a destination port is also dependent on how many slots are sending
traffic to the destination port. However, each slot is restricted to sending only 10k.
• If a policy condition applies to ports that are all on the same slot, then the maximum bandwidth value
specified in the rule is not increased.
• Ingress bandwidth limiting is done using a granularity of 64K bps.

• The show active policy rule command displays the number of packets that were dropped because they
exceeded the ingress bandwidth limit applied by a maximum bandwidth policy.
• Although bandwidth policies are applied to ingress ports, it is possible to specify a destination port or
destination port group in a bandwidth policy as well. Doing so, effects egress rate limiting/egress
policing on the ingress port itself. The limitation of bridged port traffic only on OmniSwitch 10K
destination ports applies in this case as well.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-28
Configuring QoS Traffic Policing and Shaping

The following subsections provide examples of ingress maximum bandwidth policies using both source
and destination port groups.

Example 1: Source Port Group

In the following example, a port group (pgroup) is created with two ports and attached to a policy
condition (Ports). A policy action with maximum bandwidth is created (MaxBw). The policy condition
and policy action are combined in a policy rule called PortRule.
-> policy port group pgroup 1/1-2
-> policy condition Ports source port group pgroup
-> policy action MaxBw maximum bandwidth 10k
-> policy rule PortRule condition Ports action MaxBw

In this example, if both ports 1 and 2 are active ports, the 10000 bps maximum bandwidth is shared by
both ports. In other words, maximum bandwidth policies for port groups define a maximum bandwidth
value that is a total bandwidth amount for all ports, not an amount for each port.

Example 2: Destination Port Group

In the following example, a port group (pgroup2) is created with several ports and attached to a policy
condition (Ports2). A policy action with maximum bandwidth is created (MaxBw). The policy condition
and policy action are combined in a policy rule called PortRule2.
-> policy port group pgroup2 1/1 1/25 2/1
-> policy condition Ports2 destination port group pgroup2
-> policy action MaxBw maximum bandwidth 10k
-> policy rule PortRule2 condition Ports2 action MaxBw

In this example, the specified ports for pgroup2 span across two slots. As a result, the maximum
bandwidth limit specified by the policy action is increased to 20K for all of the ports. The bandwidth limit
is increased by multiplying the number of slots by the specified bandwidth value.

Configuring Port Bandwidth Shaping

QoS supports configuring maximum bandwidth on ingress and egress ports through the qos port
maximum egress-bandwidth and qos port maximum ingress-bandwidth CLI commands. For more
information about these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.
Note the following when configuring the ingress or egress bandwidth limit for a port:
• Maximum bandwidth limiting is done using a granularity of 64K bps. Any value specified that is not a
multiple of 64K is rounded up to the next highest multiple of 64K.
• The maximum bandwidth value cannot exceed the maximum bandwidth of the interface type
associated with the port.
• Modifying the maximum bandwidth is most useful for low-bandwidth links.

• The configured port-based egress bandwidth limit takes precedence over an egress queue limit
configured on the same port.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-29
Configuring QoS QoS Policy Overview

QoS Policy Overview

A policy (or a policy rule) is made up of a condition and an action. The condition specifies parameters that
the switch examines in incoming flows, such as destination address or Type of Service (ToS) bits. The
action specifies what the switch does with a flow that matches the condition; for example, it can queue the
flow with a higher priority, or reset the ToS bits.
Policies can be created directly on the switch through the CLI or WebView or policies can be created on
an external LDAP server through the PolicyView application. The switch makes a distinction between
policies created on the switch and policies created on an LDAP server.

Note. Polices can only be modified using the same source used to create them. Policies configured through
PolicyView can only be edited through PolicyView. Policies created directly on the switch through the CLI
or WebView can only be edited on the switch. Policies are created through the CLI or WebView, however,
to override policies created in PolicyView. And vice versa.

This section discusses policy configuration using the CLI. For information about using WebView to
configure the switch, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Switch Management Guide. For information
about configuring policies through PolicyView, see the PolicyView online help.

How Policies Are Used

When a flow comes into the switch, the QoS software in the switch checks to see if there are any policies
with conditions that match the flow.
• If there are no policies that match the flow, the flow is accepted and the default QoS port settings for
priority are used to classify and mark the flow.
• If there is more than one policy that matches the flow, the policy with the highest precedence is
applied to the flow. For more information about policy precedence, see “Rule Precedence” on
page 26-50.
• Flows must also match all parameters configured in a policy condition. A policy condition must have
at least one classification parameter.
Once the flow is classified and matched to a policy, the switch enforces the policy by mapping each
packet of the flow to the appropriate queue and scheduling it on the output port. There are a total of eight
queues per port. Traffic is mapped to a queue based on policies, the ToS/802.1p value of the packet, and
whether the port is trusted or untrusted. For more information about queues, see “Congestion
Management” on page 26-9.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-30
Configuring QoS QoS Policy Overview

Policy Lists
A QoS policy list provides a method for grouping multiple policy rules together and applying the group of
rules to specific types of traffic.The type of traffic to which a policy list is applied is determined by the
type of list that is configured. There are two types of policy lists:
• Default—All rules are associated with a default policy list when the rules are created. This list is not
configurable, but it is possible to direct QoS to not assign a rule to this list.
• User Network Profile (UNP)—This type of policy list is associated with the Universal Network
Profile (UNP) that is supported on the OmniSwitch 6900. The rules in this list are applied to device
traffic that was classified into the profile.
For more information, see “Creating Policy Lists” on page 26-51.

Interaction With Other Features

QoS policies are an integral part of configuring other switch features, such as Link Aggregation. In
addition, QoS settings can affect other features in the switch; or QoS settings can require that other switch
features be configured in a particular way.
A summary of related features is given here:
• Dynamic Link Aggregates—Policies can be used to prioritize dynamic link aggregation groups. For
details, see Chapter 9, “Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation.”
• 802.1Q—Tagged ports are always untrusted by default. For information about configuring ports with
802.1Q, see Chapter 4, “Configuring VLANs.”
• LDAP Policy Management—Policies can also be configured through the PolicyView application and
stored on an attached LDAP server. LDAP policies can only be modified through PolicyView. For
information about setting up a policy server and managing LDAP policies, see Chapter 27, “Managing
Policy Servers.”
• VLAN Stacking Ethernet Service—VLAN Stacking ports are always trusted and default
classification is set to 802.1p. QoS policy conditions to match the inner VLAN tag and inner 802.1p
tag are available for classifying customer information contained in VLAN Stacking frames. For
information about VLAN Stacking see Chapter 35, “Configuring VLAN Stacking.”
• User Network Profiles—The Universal Network Profile (UNP) feature provides the ability to assign a
list of QoS policy rules to a profile. The rules contained in the list are applied to any device that is
assigned to the UNP. For more information about policy lists, see “Policy Lists” on page 26-31 and
Chapter 28, “Configuring Access Guardian.”

Valid Policies
The switch does not allow you to create invalid condition/action combinations; if you enter an invalid
combination, an error message is displayed. A list of valid condition and actions is given in “Policy
Conditions” on page 26-32 and “Policy Actions” on page 26-33.
It is possible to configure a valid QoS rule that is active on the switch, however the switch is not able to
enforce the rule because some other switch function (for example, routing) is disabled.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-31
Configuring QoS QoS Policy Overview

Policy Conditions
The following conditions are supported and can be combined with other conditions and/or actions:

Supported Policy Conditions Table

Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3

destination port source MAC IP protocol
destination port group source MAC group source IP
source port destination MAC multicast IP
source port group destination MAC group destination IP
802.1p source network group
inner 802.1p destination network group
ethertype multicast network group
source VLAN ToS, DSCP
source VLAN group ICMP type, ICMP code
inner source VLAN source IPv6
inner source VLAN group destination IPv6
destination VLAN (multicast rules only) IPv6 traffic
destination VLAN group (multicast rules only) IPv6 next header (NH)
IPv6 flow label (FL)
Layer 4 IP Multicast (IGMP)
source TCP/UDP port destination only
destination TCP/UDP port
service, service group
TCP flags
(ECN/CWR are not supported)

The CLI prevents you from configuring invalid condition combinations that are never allowed; however, it
does allow you to create combinations that are supported in some scenarios. For example, you might
configure source ip and a destination ip for the same condition.
Consider the following guidelines when configuring policy conditions:
• IPv4 and IPv6 conditions cannot be combined.

• Source and destination MAC address conditions cannot be used in IPv6 policy rules.

• The destination VLAN condition is only supported in multicast policy rules.

• IP multicast traffic (not IGMP) is treated as regular traffic; QoS functionality works the same way with
this type of traffic, with the exception that the destination port condition does not apply.
• The IP multicast condition works in combination with Layer 1, Layer 2, and Layer 3 destination
conditions only if these conditions specify the device that sends the IGMP report packet.
• Source and destination parameters can be combined in Layer 2, Layer 3, and Layer 4 conditions.

• In a given rule, ToS or DSCP can be specified for a condition with priority specified for the action.

• Individual items and their corresponding groups cannot be combined in the same condition. For
example, a source IP address cannot be included in a condition with a source IP network group.
• The Layer 1 destination port condition only applies to bridged traffic, not routed traffic. In addition, the
destination port condition only applies to unicast bridged traffic, not multicast or broadcast traffic.
• Layer 2 and Layer 3 rules are always effected on bridged and routed traffic. As a result, combining
source or destination TCP/UDP port and IP protocol in a condition is allowed.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-32
Configuring QoS QoS Policy Overview

For specific information about how to configure policy conditions and actions to create a policy rule, see
“Creating Policies” on page 26-44.

Policy Actions
The following actions are supported and can be combined with other actions.

Supported Policy Actions Table

• ACL (disposition accept, drop, deny)

• Priority/CoS
• 802.1p ToS/DCSP Stamping and Mapping (only
applies to the outer 802.1p value; cannot modify the
inner value)
• Maximum Bandwidth
• Maximum Depth
• Tri-Color Marking (TCM) Rate Limiting
• Shared (shares the bandwidth rate between rules that
specify the same maximum bandwidth action)
• Port Redirection
• Link Aggregate Redirection
• No Cache (disables the logging of rule entries to the
• hardware cache)
• Port Disable
• Permanent Gateway IPv4/IPv6
• Mirror

The CLI prevents you from configuring invalid action combinations that are never allowed; however, it
does allow you to create combinations that are supported in some scenarios. For example, an action
specifying maximum bandwidth can be combined with an action specifying priority.
Use the following “Policy Action Combinations Table” together with the “Supported Policy Actions
Table” as a guide when creating policy actions.

Policy Action Combinations Table

Stamp/ Redirect Redirect Port Permanent

Drop Priority Map Max BW Port Linkagg Disable Gateway IP Mirror

Drop N/A No No No No No No No Yes

Priority No N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes

Stamp/Map No Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes

Max BW No Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes No Yes Yes

Redirect No Yes Yes Yes N/A No No Yes Yes


Redirect No Yes Yes Yes No N/A No Yes Yes


Port Disable No No No No No No N/A No No

Permanent No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No N/A Yes

Gateway IP

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-33
Configuring QoS QoS Policy Overview

Policy Action Combinations Table (continued)

Stamp/ Redirect Redirect Port Permanent

Drop Priority Map Max BW Port Linkagg Disable Gateway IP Mirror

Mirroring Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes N/A

For specific information about how to configure policy conditions and actions to create a policy rule, see
“Creating Policies” on page 26-44.

Condition and Action Combinations

Conditions and actions are combined in policy rules. The CLI prevents you from configuring invalid
condition/action combinations that are never allowed; however, the following table provides a quick
reference for determining which condition/action combinations are not valid. Each row represents a policy
condition or conditions combined with the policy action or actions in the same row.

Policy Condition/Action Combinations

Conditions Actions Supported When?

multicast IP address or network group all actions never, except with disposition action
multicast IPv6 address all actions never, except with disposition and
mirror actions
destination VLAN all actions never, except with disposition action
in a multicast rule (a rule that uses
the “multicast” keyword and only
applies to IGMP traffic)
destination slot/port or port group all actions bridging only

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-34
Configuring QoS QoS Defaults

QoS Defaults
The following tables list the defaults for global QoS parameters, individual port settings, policy rules,
default policy rules, and queue management profiles.

Global QoS Defaults

Use the qos reset command is to reset global values to their defaults.

Description Command Default

QoS enabled or disabled qos enabled
Whether ports are globally qos trust-ports VLAN Stacking ports are
trusted or untrusted always trusted; all other port
types are untrusted
Statistics interval qos stats interval 60 seconds
Level of log detail qos log level 5
Number of lines in QoS log qos log lines 10000
Whether log messages are sent qos log console no
to the console
Whether log messages are qos forward log no
available to OmniVista
Whether IP anti-spoofing is qos user-port filter yes
enabled on UserPorts.
Whether a UserPorts port is qos user-port shutdown no
administratively disabled when
unwanted traffic is received.
Global default DEI bit setting qos dei disabled
for ports
Priority for IP Phone qos phones trusted

QoS Port Defaults

Use the qos port reset command to reset port settings to the defaults.

Description Command/keyword Default

Whether the port is trusted or qos port trusted VLAN Stacking ports are
untrusted always trusted; all other
port types are untrusted.
The maximum egress bandwidth qos port maximum egress-bandwidth port bandwidth
The maximum ingress bandwidth qos port maximum ingress-bandwidth port bandwidth

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-35
Configuring QoS QoS Defaults

Description Command/keyword Default

The default 802.1p value inserted qos port default 802.1p 0
into packets received on
untrusted ports.
The default DSCP value inserted qos port default dscp 0
into packets received on
untrusted ports.
The default egress classification qos port default classification DSCP (802.1p for VLAN
value inserted into packets Stacking ports).
received on trusted ports.
The Drop Eligible Indicator qos port dei disabled
(DEI) bit setting.

Queue Management Defaults

The queue management and related QoS functions are implemented using a Queue Set (QSet) framework.
Each port and link aggregate is associated with a set of eight egress queues, referred to as a Queue Set
Instance (QSI). Each QSI is associated with QSet profile 1 (QSP 1) by default. The default QSP 1 imports
a default Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED) profile (WRP 1). Note that WRED is only supported
on the OmniSwitch 6900.
A QSP defines both global parameters for the profile and individual queue profile parameters that are
applied to the eight queues associated with the QSet instance. See “Congestion Management” on
page 26-9 for more information.
The following are the default QSet Instance (QSI) settings applied to each port or link aggregate:

Port QSI Default

QSet Profile QSP 1
Statistics Admin Status Disabled
Statistics Interval 60 seconds
Bandwidth 100%

The following are the default QSet Profile (QSP 1) settings applied to each QSI:

QSP 1 Default
Bandwidth 100%
QP1–QP8 Queue Type Strict Priority
QP1–QP8 CIR PIR 0%, 100%
WFQ Weight 0

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-36
Configuring QoS QoS Defaults

Policy Rule Defaults

The following are defaults for the policy rule command:

Description Keyword Default

Policy rule enabled or disabled enable | disable enabled
Determines the order in which precedence 0
rules are searched
Whether the rule is saved to save yes
flash immediately
Whether messages about flows log no
that match the rule are logged
How often to check for matching log interval 60 seconds
flow messages
Whether to count bytes or count packets
packets that match the rule.
Whether to send a trap for the trap yes (trap sent only on port disable
rule. action or UserPort shutdown
Whether the rule is saved to the default-list yes (all policy rules belong to the
default list default list unless otherwise
specified at the time the rule is

Policy Action Defaults

The following are defaults for the policy action command:

Description Keyword Default

Whether the flow matching the disposition accept
rule must be accepted or denied
Tri-Color Marking (TCM) mode Single-rate TCM (srTCM) mode
- committed rate and burst size cir cbs CIR=0, CBS=10K
- peak rate and burst size pir pbs PIR=0, PBS=10K

Note that in the current software release, the deny and drop options produce the same effect that is, the
traffic is silently dropped.

Note. There are no defaults for the policy condition command.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-37
Configuring QoS QoS Defaults

Default (Built-in) Policies

The switch includes some built-in policies, or default policies, for particular traffic types or situations
where traffic does not match any policies. In all cases, the switch accepts the traffic and places it into
default queues.
• Other traffic—Any traffic that does not match a policy is accepted.

• The switch network group—The switch has a default network group, called switch, that includes all IP
addresses configured for the switch itself. This default network group can be used in policies. See
“Creating Network Groups” on page 26-55 for more information about network groups.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-38
Configuring QoS Configuring QoS

Configuring QoS
QoS configuration involves the following general steps:

1 Configuring Global Parameters. In addition to enabling/disabling QoS, global configuration includes

settings such as global port parameters and various timeouts. The type of parameters you might want to
configure globally depends on the types of policies you can configure. For example, if you want to set up
policies for 802.1p or ToS/DSCP traffic, you can configure all ports as trusted ports.
Typically, you need not change any of the global defaults. See “Global QoS Defaults” on page 26-35 for a
list of the global defaults. See “Configuring Global QoS Parameters” on page 26-40 for information about
configuring global parameters.
2 Configuring QoS Port Parameters. This configuration includes setting up QoS parameters on a per
port basis. Typically you do not need to change the port defaults. See “QoS Port Defaults” on page 26-35
for a list of port defaults. See “Classification” on page 26-5 and “Traffic Policing and Shaping” on
page 26-24 for information about configuring port parameters.
3 Configuring Queue Set (QSet) Profiles. The queue management configuration is applied using
embedded QSet profiles. A default profile configuration is applied when the switch comes up. Selecting
different profiles is only necessary if the default profile settings are not sufficient. See “Queue
Management Defaults” on page 26-36 for a list of default profile settings. See “Congestion Management”
on page 26-9 for information about configuring QSet profiles.
4 Setting Up Policies. Most QoS configuration involves setting up policies. In addition, policy lists are
configurable for use with the Universal Network Profile (UNP) feature. See “Creating Policies” on
page 26-44.
5 Applying the Configuration. All policy rule configuration and some global parameters must be
specifically applied through the qos apply command before they are active on the switch. See “Applying
the Configuration” on page 26-72.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-39
Configuring QoS Configuring Global QoS Parameters

Configuring Global QoS Parameters

This section describes the global QoS configuration, which includes enabling and disabling QoS, applying
and activating the configuration, controlling the QoS log display, and configuring QoS port and queue

Enabling/Disabling QoS
By default QoS is enabled on the switch. If QoS policies are configured and applied, the switch attempts
to classify traffic and apply relevant policy actions.
To disable the QoS, use the qos command. For example:
-> qos disable

QoS is immediately disabled. When QoS is disabled globally, any flows coming into the switch are not
classified (matched to policies).
To re-enable QoS, enter the qos command with the enable option:
-> qos enable

QoS is immediately re-enabled. Any policies that are active on the switch are used to classify traffic
coming into the switch.
Note that individual policy rules can be enabled or disabled with the policy rule command.

Using the QoS Log

The QoS software in the switch creates its own log for QoS-specific events. You can modify the number
of lines in the log or change the level of detail given in the log. The PolicyView application, which is used
to create QoS policies stored on an LDAP server, query the switch for log events; or log events can be
immediately available to the PolicyView application through a CLI command. Log events can also be
forwarded to the console in real time.

What Kind of Information Is Logged

The debug qos command controls what kind of information is displayed in the log. The qos log level
command determines how specific the log messages are. See “Log Detail Level” on page 26-41.
By default, only the most basic QoS information is logged. The types of information that can be logged
includes rules, Layer 2 and Layer 3 information, etc. For a detailed explanation about the types of
information that can be logged, see the debug qos command page in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI
Reference Guide. A brief summary of the available keywords is given here:

debug qos keywords

info sl classifier
config mem sem
rule mapper pm
main slot ingress
port l2 egress
msg l3

To display information about any QoS rules on the switch, enter debug qos rule:
-> debug qos rule

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-40
Configuring QoS Configuring Global QoS Parameters

To change the type of debugging, use no with the relevant type of information that you want to remove.
For example:
-> debug qos no rule

To turn off debugging (which effectively turns off logging), enter the following:
-> no debug qos

Enter the qos apply command to activate the setting.

Number of Lines in the QoS Log

By default the QoS log displays a maximum of 10000 lines. To change the maximum number of lines that
can display, use the qos log lines command and enter the number of lines. For example:
-> qos log lines 30

The number of lines in the log is changed. To activate the change, enter the qos apply command.

Note. If you change the number of log lines, the QoS log can be completely cleared. To change the log lines
without clearing the log, set the log lines in the boot.cfg file; the log is set to the specified number of lines
at the next reboot.

Log Detail Level

To change the level of detail in the QoS log, use the qos log level command. The log level determines the
amount of detail that is given in the QoS log. The qos log level command is associated with the qos debug
command, which determines what kind of information is included in the log.
The default log level is 5. The range of values is 1 (lowest level of detail) to 8 (highest level of detail). For
-> qos log level 7

The log level is changed immediately but the setting is not saved in flash. To activate the change, enter the
qos apply command. For more information about the qos apply command, see “Applying the
Configuration” on page 26-72.

Note. A high log level value impacts the performance of the switch.

Forwarding Log Events

NMS applications query the switch for logged QoS events. Use the qos forward log command to make
QoS log events available to these applications in real time. For example:
-> qos forward log

To disable log forwarding, enter the following command:

-> qos no forward log

To activate the change, enter the qos apply command. For more information about the qos apply
command, see “Applying the Configuration” on page 26-72.
If event forwarding is disabled, NMS applications can still query the QoS software for events, but the
events are not sent in real time.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-41
Configuring QoS Configuring Global QoS Parameters

Forwarding Log Events to the Console

QoS log messages can be sent to the switch logging utility, which is an event logging application available
on the OmniSwitch. The configuration of the switch logging utility then determines if QoS messages are
sent to a log file in the switch’s flash file system, displayed on the switch console, and/or sent to a remote
syslog server.
To send log events to the switch logging utility, enter the following command:
-> qos log console

To disable immediate forwarding of events to switch logging, enter the following command:
-> qos no log console

To activate the change, enter the qos apply command. For more information about the qos apply
command, see “Applying the Configuration” on page 26-72.
Use the swlog output command to configure switch logging to output logging events to the console. Note
that this is in addition to sending log events to a file in the flash file system of the switch. See the “Using
Switch Logging” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide for more

Displaying the QoS Log

To view the QoS log, use the show qos log command. The display is similar to the following:
**QOS Log**

Insert rule 0
Rule index at 0
Insert rule 1
Rule index at 1
Insert rule 2
Rule index at 2
Enable rule r1 (1) 1,1
Enable rule r2 (0) 1,1
Enable rule yuba1 (2) 1,1
Verify rule r1(1)
Enable rule r1 (1) 1,1
Really enable r1
Update condition c1 for rule 1 (1)
Verify rule r2(1)
Enable rule r2 (0) 1,1
Really enable r2
Update condition c2 for rule 0 (1)
Verify rule yuba1(1)
Enable rule yuba1 (2) 1,1
Really enable yuba1
Update condition yubamac for rule 2 (1)
QoS Manager started TUE MAR 10 13:46:50 2002

Match rule 2 to 1
Match rule 2 to 2
Match rule 2 to 3

The log display can be modified through the qos log lines, qos log level, and debug qos commands. The
log display can also be output to the console through the qos log console command or sent to the policy

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-42
Configuring QoS Configuring Global QoS Parameters

software in the switch (which manages policies downloaded from an LDAP server) through the qos
forward log command.

Clearing the QoS Log

The QoS log can get large if invalid rules are configured on the switch, or if a lot of QoS events have
taken place. Clearing the log makes the file easier to manage.
To clear the QoS log, use the clear qos log command. For example:
-> clear qos log

All the current lines in the QoS log are deleted.

Setting the Statistics Interval

To change how often the switch polls the network interfaces for QoS statistics, use the qos stats interval
command with the desired interval time in seconds. The default is 60 seconds. For example:
-> qos stats interval 30

Statistics are displayed through the show qos statistics command. For more information about this
command, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

Returning the Global Configuration to Defaults

To return the global QoS configuration to its default settings, use the qos reset command. The defaults
then become active on the switch. For a list of global defaults, see “QoS Defaults” on page 26-35.

Note. The qos reset command only affects the global configuration. It does not affect any policy

Verifying Global Settings

To display information about the global configuration, use the following show commands:

show qos config Displays global information about the QoS configuration.
show qos statistics Displays statistics about QoS events.

For more information about the syntax and displays of these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release
8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-43
Configuring QoS Creating Policies

Creating Policies
This section describes how to create policies in general. For information about configuring specific types
of policies, see “Policy Applications” on page 26-75.
Basic commands for creating policies are as follows:
policy condition
policy action
policy rule
This section describes generally how to use these commands. For additional details about command
syntax, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

Note. A policy rule can include a policy condition or a policy action that was created through PolicyView
rather than the CLI. But a policy rule, policy action, or policy condition can only be modified through the
source that created it. For example, if an action was created in PolicyView, it can be included in a policy
rule configured through the CLI, but it cannot be modified through the CLI.

Policies are not used to classify traffic until the qos apply command is entered. See “Applying the
Configuration” on page 26-72.

Quick Steps for Creating Policies

Follow the steps below for a quick tutorial on creating policies. More information about how to configure
each command is given in later sections of this chapter.
1 Create a policy condition with the policy condition command. For example:
-> policy condition cond3 source ip

2 Create a policy action with the policy action command. For example:
-> policy action action2 priority 7

3 Create a policy rule with the policy rule command. For example:
-> policy rule my_rule condition cond3 action action2

4 Use the qos apply command to apply the policy to the configuration. For example:
-> qos apply

Note. (Optional) To verify that the rule has been configured, use the show policy rule command. The
display is similar to the following:
-> show policy rule
Rule name : my_rule
Condition name = cond3,
Action name = action2,

An example of how the example configuration commands might display when entered sequentially on the
command line is given here:
-> policy condition cond3 source ip
-> policy action action2 priority 7
-> policy rule my_rule condition cond3 action action2
-> qos apply

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-44
Configuring QoS Creating Policies

ASCII-File-Only Syntax
When the policy rule, policy condition, and policy action commands as well as any of the condition
group commands are configured and saved in an ASCII file (typically through the snapshot command),
the commands included in the file include syntax indicating the origin of the command. The origin
specifies where the rule, condition, condition group, or action was created, either an LDAP server or the
CLI (from ldap or from cli). For built-in QoS objects, the syntax displays as from blt. For example:
-> policy action A2 from ldap disposition accept

The from option is configurable (for LDAP or CLI only) on the command line; however, it is not
recommended that a QoS object’s origin be modified. The blt keyword indicates built-in; this keyword
cannot be used on the command line. For information about built-in policies and QoS groups, see “How
Policies Are Used” on page 26-30.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-45
Configuring QoS Creating Policies

Creating Policy Conditions

This section describes how to create policy conditions in general. Creating policy conditions for particular
types of network situations is described later in this chapter.

Note. Policy condition configuration is not active until the qos apply command is entered. See “Applying
the Configuration” on page 26-72.

To create or modify a policy condition, use the policy condition command with the keyword for the type
of traffic you want to classify, for example, an IP address or group of IP addresses. In this example, a
condition (c3) is created for classifying traffic from source IP address
-> policy condition c3 source ip

There are many options for configuring a condition, depending on how you want the switch to classify
traffic for this policy. An overview of the options is given here. Later sections of this chapter describe how
to use the options in particular network situations.

Note. The group options in this command refer to groups of addresses, services, or ports that you configure
separately through policy group commands. Rather than create a separate condition for each address,
service, or port, use groups and attach the group to a single condition. See “Using Condition Groups in
Policies” on page 26-54 for more information about setting up groups.

More than one condition parameter can be specified. Some condition parameters are mutually exclusive.
For supported combinations of condition parameters, see “Policy Conditions” on page 26-32.

policy condition keywords

source ip service source port
source ipv6 service group source port group
destination ip ip protocol destination port
destination ipv6 icmptype destination port group
source network group icmpcode
destination network group 802.1p ipv6
source ip port inner 802.1p nh
destination ip port tos flow-label
source tcp port dscp
destination tcp port
source udp port source mac
destination udp port destination mac
established source mac group
tcpflags destination mac group
source vlan
source vlan group
inner source vlan
inner source vlan group
destination vlan (multicast only)

The condition is not activated on the switch until you enter the qos apply command.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-46
Configuring QoS Creating Policies

Removing Condition Parameters

To remove a classification parameter from the condition, use no with the relevant keyword. For example:
-> policy condition c3 no source ip

The specified parameter (in this case, a source IP address) is removed from the condition (c3) at the next
qos apply.

Note. You cannot remove all parameters from a policy condition. A condition must be configured with at
least one parameter.

Deleting Policy Conditions

To remove a policy condition, use the no form of the command. For example:
-> no policy condition c3

The condition (c3) cannot be deleted if it is currently being used by a policy rule. If a rule is using the
condition, the switch displays an error message. For example:
ERROR: c3 is being used by rule ‘my_rule’

In this case, the condition is not deleted. The condition (c3) must first be removed from the policy rule
(my_rule). See “Creating Policy Rules” on page 26-48 for more information about setting up rules.
If c3 is not used by a policy rule, it is deleted after the next qos apply.

Creating Policy Actions

This section describes how to configure policy actions in general. Creating policy actions for particular
types of network situations is described later in this chapter.
To create or modify a policy action, use the policy action command with the desired action parameter. A
policy action must specify the way traffic must be treated. For example, it might specify a priority for the
flow, a source address to rewrite in the IP header, or it can specify that the flow is dropped. For example:
-> policy action Block disposition drop

In this example, the action (Block) has a disposition of drop (disposition determines whether a flow is
allowed or dropped on the switch). This action can be used in a policy rule to deny a particular type of
traffic specified by a policy condition.

Note. Policy action configuration is not active until the qos apply command is entered. See “Applying the
Configuration” on page 26-72.

More than one action parameter can be specified. Some parameters are mutually exclusive. In addition,
some action parameters are only supported with particular condition parameters. For information about
supported combinations of condition and action parameters, see “Policy Conditions” on page 26-32 and
“Policy Actions” on page 26-33. See the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide for details
about command syntax.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-47
Configuring QoS Creating Policies

policy action keywords

disposition dcsp
shared map
priority port-disable
maximum bandwidth redirect port
maximum depth redirect linkagg
cir cbs pir pbs no-cache
tos mirror

Note. If you combine priority with 802.1p, dscp, tos, or map, in an action, the priority value is used to
prioritize the flow.

Removing Action Parameters

To remove an action parameter or return the parameter to its default, use no with the relevant keyword.
-> policy action a6 no priority

This example removes the configured priority value from action a6. If any policy rule is using action a6,
the default action is to allow the flow classified by the policy condition.
The specified parameter (in this case, priority) is removed from the action at the next qos apply.

Deleting a Policy Action

To remove a policy action, use the no form of the command.
-> no policy action a6

The action cannot be deleted if it is currently being used by a policy rule. If a rule is using the action, the
switch displays an error message. For example:
ERROR: a6 is being used by rule ‘my_rule’

In this case, the action is not deleted. The action (a6) must first be removed from the policy rule
(my_rule). See “Creating Policy Rules” on page 26-48 for more information about setting up rules.
If a6 is not used by a policy rule, it is deleted after the next qos apply.

Creating Policy Rules

This section describes in general how to create or delete policy rules and rule parameters. See later
sections of this chapter for more information about creating particular types of policy rules.
To create a policy rule, use the policy rule command and specify the name of the rule, the desired
condition, and the desired action.
In this example, condition c3 is created for traffic coming from IP address, and action a7 is
created to prioritize the flow. Policy rule rule5 combines the condition and the action, so that traffic
arriving on the switch from is placed into the highest priority queue.
-> policy condition c3 source ip
-> policy action a7 priority 7
-> policy rule rule5 condition c3 action a7

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-48
Configuring QoS Creating Policies

The rule (rule5) only takes effect after the qos apply command is entered. For more information about the
qos apply command, see “Applying the Configuration” on page 26-72.
The policy rule command can specify the following keywords:

policy rule keywords

validity period
log interval

In addition, a policy rule can be administratively disabled or re-enabled using the policy rule command.
By default rules are enabled. For a list of rule defaults, see “Policy Rule Defaults” on page 26-37.
Information about using the policy rule command options is given in the next sections.

Configuring a Rule Validity Period

A validity period specifies the days and times during which a rule is in effect. By default there is no
validity period associated with a rule, which means the rule is always active.
To configure the days, months, times, and/or time intervals during which a rule is active, use the policy
validity-period command. Once the validity period is defined, it is then associated with a rule using the
policy rule command. For example, the following commands create a validity period named vp01 and
associate it with rule r01:
-> policy validity period vp01 hours 13:00 to 19:00 days monday friday
-> policy rule r01 validity period vp01

Note the following when using validity periods to restrict the times when a rule is active:
• Only one validity period is associated with a policy rule. Each time this command is entered with a
validity period name specified, the existing period name is overwritten with the new one.
• A rule is only in effect when all the parameters of its validity period are true. In the above example,
rule r01 is only applied between 13:00 and 19:00 on Mondays and Fridays. During all other times and
days, the rule is not applied.
• Software and hardware resources are allocated for rules associated with a validity period even if the
validity period is not active. Pre-allocating the resources makes sure the rule can be enforced when the
validity period becomes active.

Disabling Rules
By default, rules are enabled. Rules are disabled or re-enabled through the policy rule command using the
disable and enable options. For example:
-> policy rule rule5 disable

This command prevents rule5 from being used to classify traffic.

Note. If qos disable is entered, the rule is not used to classify traffic even if the rule is enabled. For more
information about enabling/disabling QoS globally, see “Enabling/Disabling QoS” on page 26-40.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-49
Configuring QoS Creating Policies

Rule Precedence
The switch attempts to classify flows coming into the switch according to policy precedence. Only the rule
with the highest precedence is applied to the flow. This is true even if the flow matches more than one
Precedence is particularly important for Access Control Lists (ACLs). For more details about precedence
and examples for using precedence, see Chapter 26, “Configuring QoS.”

How Precedence is Determined

When there is a conflict between rules, precedence is determined using one of the following methods:
• Precedence value—Each policy has a precedence value. The value is user-configured through the
policy rule command in the range from 0 (lowest) to 65535 (highest). (The range 30000 to 65535 is
typically reserved for PolicyView.) By default, a policy rule has a precedence of 0.
• Configured rule order—If a flow matches more than one rule and both rules have the same
precedence value, the rule that was configured first in the list takes precedence.

Specifying Precedence for a Particular Rule

To specify a precedence value for a particular rule, use the policy rule command with the precedence
keyword. For example:
-> policy rule r1 precedence 200 condition c1 action a1

Saving Rules
The save option marks the policy rule so that the rule is captured in an ASCII text file (using the
configuration snapshot command) and saved to the working directory (using the write memory
command). By default, rules are saved.
If the save option is removed from a rule, the qos apply command activates the rule for the current
session, but the rule is not saved over a reboot. Typically, the no save option is used for temporary
policies that you do not want saved in the switch configuration file.
To remove the save option from a policy rule, use no with the save keyword. For example:
-> policy rule rule5 no save

To reconfigure the rule as saved, use the policy rule command with the save option. For example:
-> policy rule rule5 save

For more information about the configuration snapshot, write memory, and copy running-config
working commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Switch Management Guide and the OmniSwitch
AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.
For more information about applying rules, see “Applying the Configuration” on page 26-72.

Logging Rules
Logging a rule is useful for determining the source of firewall attacks. To specify that the switch must log
information about flows that match the specified policy rule, use the policy rule command with the log
option. For example:
-> policy rule rule5 log

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-50
Configuring QoS Creating Policies

To stop the switch from logging information about flows that match a particular rule, use no with the log
keyword. For example:
-> policy rule rule5 no log

When logging is active for a policy rule, a logging interval is applied to specify how often to look for
flows that match the policy rule. By default, the interval time is set to 30 seconds. To change the log
interval time, use the optional interval keyword with the log option. For example:
-> policy rule rule5 log interval 1500

Note that setting the log interval time to 0 specifies to log as often as possible.

Deleting Rules
To remove a policy rule, use the no form of the command.
-> no policy rule rule1

The rule is deleted after the next qos apply.

Creating Policy Lists

A QoS policy list provides a method for grouping multiple policy rules together and applying the group of
rules to specific types of traffic.The type of traffic to which a policy list is applied is determined by the
type of list that is configured. There are two types of policy lists:
• Default—This list is always available on every switch and is not configurable. By default, a policy rule
is associated with this list when the rule is created. All default list rules are applied to ingress traffic.
• Universal Network Profile (UNP)—This type of configurable policy list is associated with a
Universal Network Profile (UNP). The rules in this list are applied to ingress traffic that is classified by
the UNP. See Chapter 28, “Configuring Access Guardian,”for more information.
To create a UNP policy list, use the policy list command to specify a list name and then use the policy list
rules command to specify the names of one or more existing QoS policy rules to add to the list. For
example, the following commands create two policy rules and associates these rules with the unp1_rules
-> policy condition c1 802.1p 5
-> policy action a1 disposition drop
-> policy rule r1 condition c1 action a1 no default-list
-> policy condition c2 source ip
-> policy action a2 disposition accept
-> policy rule r2 condition c2 action a2 no default-list
-> policy list unp1_rules type unp enable
-> policy list unp1_rules rules r1 r2
-> qos apply

Note that the no default-list option was used to create the rules. Using this option is recommended when
creating a policy list for a UNP. See “Guidelines for Configuring Policy Lists” on page 26-52.
The following example creates a policy rule (rule1) that is automatically assigned to the default policy
-> policy condition cond1 source mac 00:11:22:33:44:55 source vlan 100
-> policy action act1 disposition drop
-> policy rule rule1 condition cond1 action act1
-> qos apply

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-51
Configuring QoS Creating Policies

In this example, the no default-list parameter is not used with the policy rule command, so the rule is
automatically assigned to the default policy list. The default list always exists and is not configurable. As a
result, the policy list command is not required to assign the rule to the default list.
By default, a policy list is enabled at the time the list is created. To disable or enable a policy list, use the
following commands:
-> policy list unp1_rules disable
-> policy list unp1_rules enable

To remove an individual rule from a UNP policy list, use the following command:
-> policy list unp1_rules no rules r2

To remove an entire UNP policy list from the switch configuration, use the following command:
-> no policy list unp1_rules

Use the show policy list command to display the QoS policy rule configuration for the switch.

Guidelines for Configuring Policy Lists

Consider the following guidelines when configuring QoS policy rules and lists:
• Create policy rules first before attempting to create a list. The policy list rules command requires that
the specified policy rules must already exist in the switch configuration. See “Creating Policies” on
page 26-44.
• A rule can belong to the default list and a Universal Network Profile (UNP) list at the same time. In
addition, a rule can also belong to multiple UNP lists. Each time a rule is assigned to a policy list,
however, an instance of that rule is created. Each instance is allocated system resources.
• By default, QoS assigns rules to the default policy list. To exclude a rule from this list, use the no
default-list option of the policy rule command when the rule is created. See “Using the Default Policy
List” on page 26-52 for more information.
• If the rule is going to belong to a QoS policy list for a UNP, use the no default-list option when
creating the rule. Doing so will give the rule precedence over default list rules when the policy list is
applied to UNP device traffic.
• Only one policy list per UNP is allowed, but a single policy list can be associated with multiple
profiles. See Chapter 28, “Configuring Access Guardian,” for more information.
• Up to 32 policy lists (including the default list) are supported per switch.

• If a rule is a member of multiple policy lists but one or more of these lists are disabled, the rule is still
active for those lists that are enabled.
• If the QoS status of an individual rule is disabled, then the rule is disabled for all policy lists, even if a
list to which the policy belongs is enabled.
• Policy lists are not active on the switch until the qos apply command is issued.

Using the Default Policy List

A default policy list always exists in the switch configuration. By default, a policy rule is added to this list
at the time the rule is created. A rule remains a member a of the default list even when it is subsequently
assigned to additional lists.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-52
Configuring QoS Creating Policies

Each time a rule is assigned to a list, an instance of that rule is created and allocated system resources. As
a result, rules that belong to multiple lists create multiple instances of the same rule. One way to conserve
resources is to remove a rule from the default policy list.
To exclude a rule from the default policy list, use the no default-list option of the policy rule command
when the rule is created. For example:
-> policy rule r1 condition c1 action a1 no default-list

The no default-list option can also remove an existing rule from the default list. For example, the r2 rule
already exists in the switch configuration but was not excluded from the default list at the time the rule
was created. The following command removes the rule from the default list:
-> policy rule r2 condition c1 action a1 no default-list

To add an existing rule to the default list, use the default-list parameter option of the policy rule
command. For example:
-> policy rule r2 condition c1 action a1 default-list

Rules associated with the default policy list are applied only to ingress traffic, unless the rule is also
assigned to an egress policy list.

Verifying Policy Configuration

To view information about policy rules, conditions, and actions configured on the switch, use the
following commands:

show policy condition Displays information about all pending and applied policy conditions or
a particular policy condition configured on the switch. Use the applied
keyword to display information about applied conditions only.
show policy action Displays information about all pending and applied policy actions or a
particular policy action configured on the switch. Use the applied
keyword to display information about applied actions only.
show policy rule Displays information about all pending and applied policy rules or a
particular policy rule. Use the applied keyword to display information
about applied rules only.
show active policy rule Displays applied policy rules that are active (enabled) on the switch.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-53
Configuring QoS Using Condition Groups in Policies

Using Condition Groups in Policies

Condition groups are made up of multiple IPv4 addresses, MAC addresses, services, ports, or VLANs to
which you want to apply the same action or policy rule. Instead of creating a separate condition for each
address, etc., create a condition group and associate the group with a condition. Groups are especially
useful when configuring filters, or Access Control Lists (ACLs); they reduce the number of conditions and
rules that must be entered. For information about setting up ACLs, see Chapter 26, “Configuring QoS.”
Commands used for configuring condition groups include the following:
policy network group
policy service group
policy mac group
policy port group
Access Control Lists (ACLs) typically use condition groups in policy conditions to reduce the number of
rules required to filter particular types of traffic. For more information about ACLs, see “Using Access
Control Lists” on page 26-64.

Sample Group Configuration

1 Create the group and group entries. In this example, a network group is created:

-> policy network group netgroup1

2 Attach the group to a policy condition. For more information about configuring conditions, see
“Creating Policy Conditions” on page 26-46.
-> policy condition cond3 source network group netgroup1

Note. (Optional) Use the show policy network group command to display information about the network
group. Each type of condition group has a corresponding show command. For example:

-> show policy network group

Group Name: From Entries
Switch blt

+netgroup1 cli

See the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide for more information about the output of this
display. See “Verifying Condition Group Configuration” on page 26-60 for more information about using
show commands to display information about condition groups.

3 Attach the condition to a policy rule. (For more information about configuring rules, see “Creating
Policy Rules” on page 26-48.) In this example, action act4 has already been configured. For example:
-> policy rule my_rule condition cond3 action act4

4 Apply the configuration. See “Applying the Configuration” on page 26-72 for more information about
this command.
-> qos apply

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-54
Configuring QoS Using Condition Groups in Policies

Creating Network Groups

Use network policy groups for policies based on IPv4 source or destination addresses. Note that IPv6
addresses are not supported with network groups at this time. The policy condition specifies whether the
network group is a source network group, destination network group, or multicast network group.
• Default switch group—Note that by default the switch contains a network group called switch that
includes all IPv4 addresses configured for the switch itself. This network group can also be used in
policy conditions.
• ACLs—Typically network groups are used for Access Control Lists. For more information about
ACLs, see “Using Access Control Lists” on page 26-64.
To create a network policy group, use the policy network group command. Specify the name of the
group and the IPv4 address(es) to be included in the group. Each IPv4 address must be separated by a
space. A mask can also be specified for an address. If a mask is not specified, the address is assumed to be
a host address.

Note. Network group configuration is not active until the qos apply command is entered.

In this example, a policy network group called netgroup2 is created with two IPv4 addresses. No mask is
specified, so the IPv4 addresses are assumed to be host addresses.
-> policy network group netgroup2

In the next example, a policy network group called netgroup3 is created with two IPv4 addresses. The
first address also specifies a mask.
-> policy network group netgroup3 mask

In this example, the address is subnetted, so that any address in the subnet is included in the
network group. For the second address,, a mask is not specified; the address is assumed to be a
host address.
The network group can then be associated with a condition through the policy condition command. The
network group must be specified as a source network group or destination network group. In this
example, netgroup3 is configured for condition c4 as source network group:
-> policy condition c4 source network group netgroup3

To remove addresses from a network group, use no and the relevant address(es). For example:
-> policy network group netgroup3 no

This command deletes the address from netgroup3 after the next qos apply.
To remove a network group from the configuration, use the no form of the policy network group
command with the relevant network group name. The network group must not be associated with any
policy condition or action. For example:
-> no policy network group netgroup3

If the network group is not currently associated with any condition or action, the network group
netgroup3 is deleted from the configuration after the next qos apply.
If a condition or an action is using netgroup3, the switch displays an error message similar to the
ERROR: netgroup3 is being used by condition 'c4'

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-55
Configuring QoS Using Condition Groups in Policies

In this case, remove the network group from the condition first, then enter the no form of the policy
network group command. For example:
-> policy condition c4 no source network group
-> no policy network group netgroup3

The policy condition command removes the network group from the condition. (See “Creating Policy
Conditions” on page 26-46 for more information about configuring policy conditions.) The network group
is deleted at the next qos apply.

Creating Services
Policy services are made up of TCP or UDP ports or port ranges. They include source or destination ports,
or both, but the ports must be the same type (TCP or UDP). Mixed port types cannot be included in the
same service.
Policy services can be associated with policy service groups, which are then associated with policy
conditions; or they can be directly associated with policy conditions.
To create a service, use the policy service command. With this command, there are two different methods
for configuring a service. You can specify the protocol and the IP port; or you can use shortcut keywords.
The following table lists the keyword combinations:

Procedure Keywords Notes

Basic procedure for either TCP or protocol The protocol must be specified with
UDP service source ip port at least one source or destination
destination ip port port.
Shortcut for TCP service source tcp port Keywords can be used in
destination tcp port combination.
Shortcut for UDP service source udp port Keywords can be used in
destination udp port combination.

An IP protocol (TCP or UDP), source IP port and/or destination IP port (or port range) must be associated
with a service. IP port numbers are well-known port numbers defined by the IANA. For example, port
numbers for FTP are 20 and 21; Telnet is 23.
In this example, a policy service called telnet1 is created with the TCP protocol number (6) and the well-
known Telnet destination port number (23).
-> policy service telnet1 protocol 6 destination ip port 23

A shortcut for this command replaces the protocol and destination ip port keywords with destination
tcp port:
-> policy service telnet1 destination tcp port 23

In the next example, a policy service called ftp2 is created with port numbers for FTP (20 and 21):
-> policy service ftp2 protocol 6 source ip port 20-21 destination ip port 20

A shortcut for this command replaces the protocol, source ip port, and destination ip port keywords
with source tcp port and destination tcp port:
-> policy service ftp2 source tcp port 20-21 destination tcp port 20

Multiple services created through the policy service command can be associated with a policy service
group; or, individual services can be configured for a policy condition. If you have multiple services to

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-56
Configuring QoS Using Condition Groups in Policies

associate with a condition, configure a service group and attach it to a condition. Service groups are
described in “Creating Service Groups” on page 26-57.

Note. Service configuration is not active until the qos apply command is entered.

To remove a policy service, enter the no form of the command.

-> no policy service ftp2

The ftp2 service is deleted from the configuration at the next qos apply if the service is not currently
associated with a policy condition or a service group.

Creating Service Groups

Service groups are made up of policy services. First configure the policy service, then create the service
group which includes the policy service(s).
Use the policy service group command. For example:
-> policy service group serv_group telnet1 ftp2

In this example, a policy service group called serv_group is created with two policy services (telnet1 and
ftp2). The policy services were created with the policy service command. (See “Creating Services” on
page 26-56 for information about configuring policy services.)

Note. The policy service group can include only services with all source ports, all destination ports, or all
source and destination ports. For example, the group cannot include a service that specifies a source port
and another service that specifies a destination port.

The service group can then be associated with a condition through the policy condition command. For
-> policy condition c6 service group serv_group

This command configures a condition called c6 with service group serv_group. All of the services
specified in the service group are included in the condition. (For more information about configuring
conditions, see “Creating Policy Conditions” on page 26-46.)

Note. Service group configuration must be specifically applied to the configuration with the qos apply

To delete a service from the service group, use no with the relevant service name. For example:
-> policy service group serv_group no telnet1

In this example, the service telnet1 is removed from policy service group serv_group.
To delete a service group from the configuration, use the no form of the policy service group command.
The service group must not be associated with any condition. For example:
-> no policy service group serv_group

Service group serv_group is deleted at the next qos apply. If serv_group is associated with a policy
condition, an error message displays instead. For example:
ERROR: serv_group is being used by condition 'c6'

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-57
Configuring QoS Using Condition Groups in Policies

In this case, remove the service group from the condition first; then enter the no policy service group
command. For example:
-> policy condition c6 no service group
-> no policy service group serv_group

The policy condition command removes the service group from the policy condition. (See “Creating
Policy Conditions” on page 26-46 for more information about configuring policy conditions.) The service
group is deleted at the next qos apply.

Creating MAC Groups

MAC groups are made up of multiple MAC addresses that you want to attach to a condition.
To create a MAC group, use the policy mac group command.
For example:
-> policy mac group macgrp2 08:00:20:00:00:00 mask ff:ff:ff:00:00:00

This command creates MAC group macgrp2 with two MAC addresses. The first address includes a MAC
address mask, so that any MAC address starting with 08:00:20 is included in macgrp2.
The MAC group can then be associated with a condition through the policy condition command. Note
that the policy condition specifies whether the group must be used for source or destination. For example:
-> policy condition cond3 source mac group macgrp2

This command creates a condition called cond3 that can be used in a policy rule to classify traffic by
source MAC addresses. The MAC addresses are specified in the MAC group. For more information about
configuring conditions, see “Creating Policy Conditions” on page 26-46.

Note. MAC group configuration is not active until the qos apply command is entered.

To delete addresses from a MAC group, use no and the relevant address(es):
-> policy mac group macgrp2 no 08:00:20:00:00:00

This command specifies that MAC address 08:00:20:00:00:00 is deleted from macgrp2 at the next qos
To delete a MAC group, use the no form of the policy mac group command with the relevant MAC
group name. The group must not be associated with any policy condition. For example:
-> no policy mac group macgrp2

MAC group macgrp2 is deleted at the next qos apply. If macgrp2 is associated with a policy condition,
an error message displays instead:
ERROR: macgrp2 is being used by condition 'cond3'

In this case, remove the MAC group from the condition first; then enter the no policy mac group
command. For example:
-> policy condition cond3 no source mac group
-> no policy mac group macgrp2

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-58
Configuring QoS Using Condition Groups in Policies

The policy condition command removes the MAC group from the condition. See “Creating Policy
Conditions” on page 26-46 for more information about configuring policy conditions. The MAC group is
deleted at the next qos apply.

Creating Port Groups

Port groups are made up of slot and port number combinations. Note that there are many built-in port
groups, one for each slot on the switch. Built-in port groups are subdivided by slice. The built in groups
are named by slot (Slot01, Slot02, etc.). To view the built-in groups, use the show policy port group
To create a port group, use the policy port group command. For example:
-> policy port group techpubs 2/1 3/1 3/2 3/3

The port group can then be associated with a condition through the policy condition command. Note that
the policy condition specifies whether the group must be used for source or destination. For example:
-> policy condition cond4 source port group techpubs

This command creates a condition called cond4 that can be used in a policy rule to classify traffic by
source port number. The port numbers are specified in the port group. For more information about
configuring conditions, see “Creating Policy Conditions” on page 26-46.

Note. Port group configuration is not active until the qos apply command is entered.

To delete ports from a port group, use no and the relevant port number(s).
-> policy port group techpubs no 2/1

This command specifies that port 2/1 is deleted from the techpubs port group at the next qos apply.
To delete a port group, use the no form of the policy port group command with the relevant port group
name. The port group must not be associated with any policy condition. For example:
-> no policy port group techpubs

The port group techpubs are deleted at the next qos apply. If techpubs is associated with a policy
condition, an error message displays instead:
ERROR: techpubs is being used by condition 'cond4'

In this case, remove the port group from the condition first; then enter the no policy port group
command. For example:
-> policy condition cond4 no source port group
-> no policy port group techpubs

The policy condition command removes the port group from the policy condition. (See “Creating Policy
Conditions” on page 26-46 for more information about configuring policy conditions.) The port group is
deleted at the next qos apply.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-59
Configuring QoS Using Condition Groups in Policies

Verifying Condition Group Configuration

To display information about condition groups, use the following show commands:

show policy network group Displays information about all pending and applied policy network
groups or a particular network group. Use the applied keyword to
display information about applied groups only.
show policy service Displays information about all pending and applied policy services or a
particular policy service configured on the switch. Use the applied
keyword to display information about applied services only.
show policy service group Displays information about all pending and applied policy service
groups or a particular service group. Use the applied keyword to display
information about applied groups only.
show policy mac group Displays information about all pending and applied MAC groups or a
particular policy MAC group configured on the switch. Use the applied
keyword to display information about applied groups only.
show policy port group Displays information about all pending and applied policy port groups
or a particular port group. Use the applied keyword to display
information about applied groups only.

See the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide for more information about the syntax and
output for these commands.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-60
Configuring QoS Using Map Groups

Using Map Groups

Map groups are used to map 802.1p, ToS, or DSCP values to different values. The following mapping
scenarios are supported:
• 802.1p to 802.1p, based on Layer 2, Layer 3, and Layer 4 parameters and source/destination slot/port.
In addition, 802.1p classification can trigger this action.
• ToS or DSCP to 802.1p, based on Layer 3 and Layer 4 parameters and source/destination slot/port. In
addition ToS or DSCP classification can trigger this action.

Note. Map groups are associated with a policy action.

Commands used for creating map groups include the following:

policy map group
policy action map

Sample Map Group Configuration

1 Create the map group with mapping values. For detailed information about map groups and how to set
them up, see “How Map Groups Work” on page 26-62 and “Creating Map Groups” on page 26-62.
-> policy map group tosGroup 1-2:5 4:5 5-6:7

2 Attach the map group to a policy action. See “Creating Policy Actions” on page 26-47 for more
information about creating policy actions.
-> policy action tosMap map tos to 802.1p using tosGroup

Note. (Optional) Use the show policy map group command to verify the map group.

-> show policy map group

Group Name From Entries
+tosGroup cli 1-2:5
For more information about this command, see “Verifying Map Group Configuration” on page 26-63 and
the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

3 Attach the action to a policy rule. In this example, the condition Traffic is already configured. For
more information about configuring rules, see “Creating Policy Rules” on page 26-48.
-> policy rule r3 condition Traffic action tosMap

4 Apply the configuration. For more information about this command, see “Applying the Configuration”
on page 26-72.
-> qos apply

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-61
Configuring QoS Using Map Groups

How Map Groups Work

When mapping from 802.1p to 802.1p, the action results in remapping the specified values. Any values
that are not specified in the map group are preserved. In this example, a map group is created for 802.1p
-> policy map group Group2 1-2:5 4:5 5-6:7
-> policy action Map1 map 802.1p to 802.1p using Group2

The to and from values are separated by a colon (:). If traffic with 802.1p bits comes into the switch and
matches a policy that specifies the Map1 action, the bits are remapped according to Group2. If the
incoming 802.1p value is 1 or 2, the value is mapped to 5. If the incoming 802.1p value is 3, the outgoing
value is 3 (the map group does not specify any mapping for a value of 3). If the incoming 802.1p value is
4, the value is mapped to 5. If the incoming 802.1p value is 5 or 6, the value is mapped to 7.
When mapping to a different type of value, however (ToS/DSCP to 802.1p), any values in the incoming
flow that matches the rule but that are not included in the map group is zeroed out. For example, the
following action specifies the same map group but instead specifies mapping 802.1p to ToS:
-> policy action Map2 map tos to 802.1p using Group2

In this case, if ToS traffic comes into the switch and matches a policy that specifies the Map2 action, the
ToS value is mapped according to Group2 if the value is specified in Group2. If the incoming ToS value
is 2, the value is mapped to 5; however, if the incoming value is 3, the switch maps the value to zero
because there is no mapping in Group2 for a value of 3.

Note. Ports on which the flow is mapped must be a trusted port; otherwise the flow is dropped.

Creating Map Groups

To create a map group, use the policy action map command. For example, to create a map group called
tosGroup, enter:
-> policy map group tosGroup 1-2:5 4:5 5-6:7

The to and from values are separated by a colon (:). For example, a value of 2 is mapped to 5.

Note. Map group configuration is not active until the qos apply command is entered.

The remapping group can then be associated with a rule through the policy action command. In this
example, a policy condition called Traffic has already been configured.
-> policy action tosMap map tos to 802.1p using tosGroup
-> policy rule r3 condition Traffic action tosMap

To delete mapping values from a group, use no and the relevant values:
-> policy map group tosGroup no 1-2:4

The specified values are deleted from the map group at the next qos apply.
To delete a map group, use the no form of the policy map group command. The map group must not be
associated with a policy action. For example:
-> no policy map group tosGroup

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-62
Configuring QoS Using Map Groups

If tosGroup is currently associated with an action, an error message similar to the following displays:
ERROR: tosGroup is being used by action 'tosMap'

In this case, remove the map group from the action, then enter the no policy map group command:
-> policy action tosMap no map group
-> no policy map group tosGroup

The map group is deleted at the next qos apply.

Note. For Layer 2 flows, you cannot have more than one action that maps DSCP.

Verifying Map Group Configuration

To display information about all map groups, including all pending and applied map groups, use the show
policy map group command. To display only information about applied map groups, use the applied
keyword with the command. For more information about the output of this command, see the OmniSwitch
AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-63
Configuring QoS Using Access Control Lists

Using Access Control Lists

Access Control Lists (ACLs) are QoS policies used to control whether or not packet flows are allowed or
denied at the switch or router interface. ACLs are sometimes referred to as filtering lists.
ACLs are distinguished by the kind of traffic they filter. In a QoS policy rule, the type of traffic is
specified in the policy condition. The policy action determines whether the traffic is allowed or denied.
For detailed descriptions about configuring policy rules, see “QoS Policy Overview” on page 26-30 and
“Creating Policies” on page 26-44.
In general, the types of ACLs include:
• Layer 2 ACLs—for filtering traffic at the MAC layer. Usually uses MAC addresses or MAC groups for
• Layer 3/4 ACLs—for filtering traffic at the network layer. Typically uses IP addresses or IP ports for
filtering; note that IPX filtering is not supported.
• Multicast ACLs—for filtering IGMP traffic.

• Security ACLs—for improving network security. These ACLs utilize specific security features, such as
UserPorts groups to prevent source IP address spoofing, ICMP drop rules, and TCP connection rules.

Layer 2 ACLs
Layer 2 filtering filters traffic at the MAC layer. Layer 2 filtering can be done for both bridged and routed
packets. As MAC addresses are learned on the switch, QoS classifies the traffic based on:
• MAC address or MAC group

• Source VLAN

• Physical slot/port or port group

The switch classifies the MAC address as both source and destination.

Layer 2 ACL: Example 1

In this example, the default bridged disposition is accept (the default). Since the default is accept, the qos
default bridged disposition command would only need to be entered if the disposition had previously
been set to deny. The command is shown here for completeness.
-> qos default bridged disposition accept
-> policy condition Address1 source mac 080020:112233 source vlan 5
-> policy action BlockTraffic disposition deny
-> policy rule FilterA condition Address1 action BlockTraffic

In this scenario, traffic with a source MAC address of 08:00:20:11:22:33 coming in on VLAN 5 would
match condition Address1, which is a condition for a policy rule called FilterA. FilterA is then applied to
the flow. Since FilterA has an action (BlockTraffic) that is set to deny traffic, the flow would be denied
on the switch.
Note that although this example contains only Layer 2 conditions, it is possible to combine Layer 2 and
Layer 3 conditions in the same policy.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-64
Configuring QoS Using Access Control Lists

Layer 2 ACL: Example 2

Maintaining the 802.1p Priority for IP Packets
When a tagged IP packet ingresses on a trusted port and the default classification priority for that port is
set to DSCP (using the default DSCP value of 0), the DSCP value of the packet is mapped to the 802.1p
value of the same packet. To avoid overwriting the 802.1p value in this scenario, configure an ACL as
1 Create a port group to include all of the ports that QoS must trust.

2 Define policy conditions for the port group; one condition for each L2 priority (802.1p) value.

3 Define policy actions that stamp the IP traffic with the L2 priority value.

4 Define policy rules using the conditions and actions created in Steps 2 and 3.

5 Do not globally trust all switch ports.

For example:
-> policy port group VoIP 1/4-6 1/8 2/3-5
-> policy condition p0 destination port group VoIP
-> policy condition p1 destination port group VoIP
-> policy condition p2 destination port group VoIP
-> policy condition p3 destination port group VoIP
-> policy condition p4 destination port group VoIP
-> policy condition p5 destination port group VoIP
-> policy condition p6 destination port group VoIP
-> policy condition p7 destination port group VoIP
-> policy action p0 802.1p 0
-> policy action p1 802.1p 1
-> policy action p2 802.1p 2
-> policy action p3 802.1p 3
-> policy action p4 802.1p 4
-> policy action p5 802.1p 5
-> policy action p6 802.1p 6
-> policy action p7 802.1p 7
-> policy rule p0 condition p0 action p0
-> policy rule p1 condition p1 action p1
-> policy rule p2 condition p2 action p2
-> policy rule p3 condition p3 action p3
-> policy rule p4 condition p4 action p4
-> policy rule p5 condition p5 action p5
-> policy rule p6 condition p6 action p6
-> policy rule p7 condition p7 action p7
-> qos apply

Note. For pure Layer 2 packets, trusted ports retain the 802.1p value of the packet and queue the packets
according to that priority value.

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Configuring QoS Using Access Control Lists

Layer 3 ACLs
The QoS software in the switch filters routed and bridged traffic at Layer 3.
For Layer 3 filtering, the QoS software in the switch classifies traffic based on:
• Source IP address or source network group

• Destination IP address or destination network group

• IP protocol

• ICMP code

• ICMP type

• Source TCP/UDP port

• Destination TCP/UDP port or service or service group

Layer 3 ACL: Example 1

In this example, the default routed disposition is accept (the default). Since the default is accept, the qos
default routed disposition command would only need to be entered if the disposition had previously been
set to deny. The command is shown here for completeness.
-> qos default routed disposition accept
-> policy condition addr2 source ip source ip port 23 ip protocol 6
-> policy action Block disposition deny
-> policy rule FilterL31 condition addr2 action Block

Traffic with a source IP address of, a source IP port of 23, using protocol 6, matches condition
addr2, which is part of FilterL31. The action for the filter (Block) is set to deny traffic. The flow is
dropped on the switch.
Note that although this example contains only Layer 2 conditions, it is possible to combine Layer 2 and
Layer 3 conditions in the same policy.

Layer 3 ACL: Example 2

This example uses condition groups to combine multiple IP addresses in a single condition. The default
disposition is set to deny.
-> qos default routed disposition deny
-> policy network group GroupA
-> policy condition cond7 destination network group GroupA
-> policy action Ok disposition accept
-> policy rule FilterL32 condition cond7 action Ok

In this example, a network group, GroupA, is configured with three IP addresses. Condition cond7
includes GroupA as a destination group. Flows coming into the switch destined for any of the specified IP
addresses in the group matches rule FilterL32. FilterL32 is configured with an action (Ok) to allow the
traffic on the switch.
Note that although this example contains only Layer 2 conditions, it is possible to combine Layer 2 and
Layer 3 conditions in the same policy.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-66
Configuring QoS Using Access Control Lists

An ACL is considered an IPv6 ACL if the ipv6 keyword and/or any of the following specific policy
condition keywords are used in the ACL to classify/filter IPv6 traffic:

IPv6 ACL Keywords

source ipv6 destination udp port
destination ipv6 ipv6
source tcp port nh (next header)
destination port flow-label
source udp port

Note that IPv6 ACLs are effected only on IPv6 traffic. All other ACLs/policies with IP conditions that do
not use the IPv6 keyword are effected only on IPv4 traffic. For example:
-> policy condition c1 tos 7
-> policy condition c2 tos 7 ipv6

In the above example, c1 is an IPv4 condition and c2 is an IPv6 condition. ACLs that use c1 are
considered IPv4 policies; ACLs that use c2 are considered IPv6 policies. In addition, consider the
following examples:
-> policy condition c3 source port 1/10
-> policy condition c4 source port 1/10 ipv6

Condition c3 applies to all traffic ingressing on port 1/10. However, condition c4 applies only to IPv6
traffic ingressing on port 1/10.
Note the following when configuring IPv6 ACLs:
• Trusted/untrusted behavior is the same for IPv6 traffic as it is for IPv4 traffic.

• IPv6 policies do not support the use of network groups, service groups, map groups, or MAC groups.

• IPv6 multicast policies are not supported.

• Anti-spoofing and other UserPorts profiles/filters do not support IPv6.

• The default (built-in) network group, “Switch”, only applies to IPv4 interfaces. There is no such group
for IPv6 interfaces.

Multicast Filtering ACLs

Multicast filtering can be set up to filter clients requesting group membership through the Internet Group
Management Protocol (IGMP). IGMP is used to track multicast group membership. The IP Multicast
Switching (IPMS) function in the switch optimizes the delivery of IP multicast traffic by sending packets
only to those stations that request it. Potential multicast group members can be filtered out so that IPMS
does not send multicast packets to those stations.
For more information about IPMS, see Chapter 25, “Configuring IP Multicast Switching.”
Multicast traffic has its own global disposition. By default, the global disposition is accept. To change the
default, use the qos default multicast disposition command.
For multicast filtering, the switch classifies traffic based on the multicast IP address or multicast network
group and any destination parameters. Note that the destination parameters are used for the client from
which the switch receives the IGMP request.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-67
Configuring QoS Using Access Control Lists

The multicast ip or multicast network group keyword is required in the condition configured for a
multicast ACL.
The following keywords can be used in the condition to indicate the client parameters:

Multicast ACL Keywords

destination ip
destination vlan
destination port
destination port group
destination mac
destination mac group

If a destination group is specified, the corresponding single value keyword cannot be combined in the
same condition. For example, if a destination port is specified, a destination port group cannot be specified
in the same condition.
To filter multicast clients, specify the multicast IP address, which is the address of the multicast group or
stream, and specify the client IP address, VLAN, MAC address, or slot/port. For example:
-> qos default multicast disposition deny
-> policy condition Mclient1 multicast ip destination vlan 5
-> policy action ok disposition accept
-> policy rule Mrule condition Mclient1 action ok

In this example, any traffic coming in on VLAN 5 requesting membership to the multicast group
is allowed to pass through.

Using ACL Security Features

The following additional ACL features are available for improving network security and preventing
malicious activity on the network:
• UserPorts—A port group that identifies its members as user ports to prevent source address spoofing
of IP and ARP traffic (per RFC 2267). When a port is configured as a member of this group, packets
received on the port are dropped if they contain a source IP address that does not match the IP subnet
for the port. It is also possible to configure a UserPorts profile to specify other types of traffic to
monitor on user ports. See “Configuring a UserPorts Group” on page 26-69.
• ICMP drop rules—Allows condition combinations in policies that prevent user pings, thus reducing
DoS exposure from pings. Two condition parameters are also available to provide more granular
filtering of ICMP packets: icmptype and icmpcode. See “Configuring ICMP Drop Rules” on
page 26-70.
• TCP connection rules—Allows the determination of an established TCP connection by examining
TCP flags found in the TCP header of the packet. Two condition parameters are available for defining
a TCP connection ACL: established and tcpflags. See “Configuring TCP Connection Rules” on
page 26-70.
• Early ARP discard—ARP packets destined for other hosts are discarded to reduce processing
overhead and exposure to ARP DoS attacks. No configuration is required to use this feature, it is
always available and active on the switch. Note that ARPs intended for use by a local subnet, AVLAN,
VRRP, and Local Proxy ARP are not discarded.
• ARP ACLs—It is also possible to create an ACL that examines the source IP address in the header of
ARP packets. This is done by specifying the ARP ethertype (0x0806) and source IP address.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-68
Configuring QoS Using Access Control Lists

Configuring a UserPorts Group

To prevent IP address spoofing and/or other types of traffic on specific ports, create a port group called
UserPorts and add the ports to that group. For example, the following policy port group command adds
ports 1/1-24, 2/1-24, 3/1, and 4/1 to the UserPorts group:
-> policy port group UserPorts 1/1-24 2/1-24 3/1 4/1
-> qos apply

Note that the UserPorts group applies to both bridged and routed traffic, and it is not necessary to include
the UserPorts group in a condition and/or rule for the group to take effect. Once ports are designated as
members of this group, IP spoofed traffic is blocked while normal traffic is still allowed on the port.

Configuring UserPort Traffic Types and Port Behavior

In addition to spoofed traffic, it is also possible to configure QoS to look for BPDU, RIP, OSPF, BGP,
VRRP, and/or DHCP server packets on user ports. When the specified type of traffic is encountered, the
user port can either filter the traffic or administratively shutdown to block all traffic.
By default spoofed traffic is filtered on user ports. To specify additional types of traffic to look for on
these ports and select how the port deals with such traffic, use the qos user-port command to configure a
UserPorts profile. For example, the following command specifies that user ports must filter BPDU
-> qos user-port filter spoof

To specify multiple types of traffic on the same command line, enter each type separated by a space. For
-> qos user-port filter ospf bgp rip

Note that a slot and port is not required with the qos user-port command. This is because the command
applies to all ports that are members of the UserPorts group.
The following qos user-port command example uses the shutdown option to administratively disable the
user port if the specified type of traffic is received on that port:
-> qos user-port shutdown bpdu

Note that an SNMP trap is sent whenever a user port shutdown occurs. To enable a port disabled by a user
port shutdown operation, use the interfaces command to administratively enable the port or disconnect
and reconnect the port cable.
To disable the filter or shutdown function, use the no form of the qos user-port command. For example,
the following command disables the filtering operation for all user ports:
-> qos no user-port filter

Note that any changes to the UserPorts profile (e.g., adding or removing a traffic type) are not made until
the qos apply command is performed.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-69
Configuring QoS Using Access Control Lists

Configuring ICMP Drop Rules

Combining a Layer 2 condition for source VLAN with a Layer 3 condition for IP protocol is supported. In
addition, two new condition parameters are available to provide more granular filtering of ICMP packets:
icmptype and icmpcode. Use these two conditions together in a policy to block ICMP echo request and
reply packets without impacting switch performance.
The following example defines an ACL policy that prevents users from pinging by dropping echo request
ICMP packets at the source port:
-> policy condition pingEchoRequest source vlan 10 icmptype 8
-> policy action drop disposition drop
-> policy rule noping10 condition pingEchoRequest action drop
-> qos apply

Note that the above policy only blocks ICMP echo traffic, all other ICMP traffic is still allowed.

Configuring TCP Connection Rules

Two condition parameters are available for defining a TCP connection ACL policy: established and
tcpflags. An ACL can be defined using the established parameter to identify packets that are part of an
established TCP connection and allow forwarding of the packets to continue. When this parameter is
invoked, TCP header information is examined to determine if the ack or rst flag bit is set. If this condition
is true, then the connection is considered established.
The following is an example ACL policy using the established condition parameter:
policy condition c destination ip mask established
policy condition c1 destination ip mask
policy action drop disposition drop
policy action allow

policy rule r condition c action allow

policy rule r1 condition c1 action drop
qos apply

This example ACL policy prevents any TCP connection from being initiated to the network
and all other IP traffic to the network. Only TCP connections initiated from the
network are allowed.
Note that the above example ACL would prevent FTP sessions. See the policy condition established
command page in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide for more information.
An ACL can also be defined using the tcpflags parameter to examine and qualify specific TCP flags
individually or in combination with other flags. This parameter can be used to prevent specific DOS
attacks, such as the christmas tree.
The following example use the tcpflags condition parameter to determine if the F (fin) and S (syn) TCP
flag bits are set to one and the A (ack) bit is set to zero:
-> policy condition c1 tcpflags all f s mask f s a

In this example, a match must occur on all the flags or the packet is not allowed. If the optional command
keyword any was used, then a match need only occur on any one of the flags. For example, the following
condition specifies that either the A (ack) bit or the R (rst) bit must equal one:
-> policy condition c1 tcpflags any a r mask a r

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-70
Configuring QoS Using Access Control Lists

Note that if a flag is specified on the command line after the any or all keyword, then the match value is
one. If the flag only appears as part of the mask, then the match value is zero. See the policy condition
tcpflags command page in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide for more information.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-71
Configuring QoS Applying the Configuration

Applying the Configuration

Configuration for policy rules and many global QoS parameters must specifically be applied to the
configuration with the qos apply command. Any parameters configured without this command are
maintained for the current session but are not yet activated. For example, if you configure a new policy
rule through the policy rule command, the switch cannot use it to classify traffic and enforce the policy
action until the qos apply command is entered. For example:
-> policy rule my_rule condition c4 action a5
-> qos apply

The qos apply command must be included in an ASCII text configuration file when QoS commands are
included. The command must be included after the last QoS command.
When the configuration is not yet applied, it is referred to as the pending configuration.
Global Commands. Many global QoS commands are active immediately on the switch without qos
apply. The settings configured by these commands become active immediately. Other global commands
must specifically be applied. The commands are listed in the following table:

Global Commands That Take Effect Immediately

qos qos trust ports
qos forward log qos stats interval
qos log console qos revert
qos log lines qos flush
qos log level qos reset
debug qos

Port and Policy Commands. All port parameters and policy parameters must be applied with the qos
apply command.

Port and Policy Commands

qos port policy service
policy condition policy service group
policy action policy mac group
policy rule policy port group
policy network group policy map group

The pending configuration is useful for reviewing policy rules before actually applying them to the switch.
Applied policy rules can also be administratively disabled (inactive). If a rule is administratively disabled,
the rule exists in the applied configuration but does not be used to classify flows. For more information
about disabling/re-enabling a policy rule, see “Creating Policy Rules” on page 26-48.

Deleting the Pending Configuration

Policy settings that have been configured but not applied through the qos apply command can be returned
to the last applied settings through the qos revert command. For example:
-> qos revert

This command ignores any pending policies (any additions, modifications, or deletions to the policy
configuration since the last qos apply) and writes the last applied policies to the pending configuration. At
this point, the pending policies are the same as the last applied policies.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-72
Configuring QoS Applying the Configuration

In this example, there are two new pending policies and three applied policies:

Pending Policies Applied Policies

rule5 rule1
rule6 rule2

If you enter qos revert, the configuration then looks like:

Pending Policies Applied Policies

rule1 rule1
rule2 rule2
rule3 rule3

Flushing the Configuration

In some cases, when you need to remove all of your rules and start over again, erase the pending policies
completely from the configuration, use the qos flush command. For example:
-> qos flush

If you then enter qos apply, all policy information is deleted.

In this example, there are two new pending policies and three applied policies:

Pending Policies Applied Policies

rule5 rule1
rule6 rule2

If you enter qos flush, the configuration then looks like:

Pending Policies Applied Policies


In this scenario, you can do one of two things. To write the applied policies back to the pending
configuration, use qos revert. Or, to delete all policy rule configuration, enter qos apply. If qos apply is
entered, the empty set of pending policies are written to the applied policies and all policy rule
configuration is deleted.

Interaction With LDAP Policies

The qos apply, qos revert, and qos flush commands do not affect policies created through the
PolicyView application. Separate commands are used for loading and flushing LDAP policies on the
switch. See Chapter 31, “Managing Authentication Servers,” for information about managing LDAP

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-73
Configuring QoS Applying the Configuration

Verifying the Applied Policy Configuration

The policy show commands have an optional keyword (applied) to display only applied policy objects.
These commands include:

show policy condition Displays information about all pending and applied policy conditions or
a particular policy condition configured on the switch. Use the applied
keyword to display information about applied conditions only.
show policy action Displays information about all pending and applied policy actions or a
particular policy action configured on the switch. Use the applied
keyword to display information about applied actions only.
show policy rule Displays information about all pending and applied policy rules or a
particular policy rule. Use the applied keyword to display information
about applied rules only.
show policy network group Displays information about all pending and applied policy network
groups or a particular network group. Use the applied keyword to
display information about applied groups only.
show policy service Displays information about all pending and applied policy services or a
particular policy service configured on the switch. Use the applied
keyword to display information about applied services only.
show policy service group Displays information about all pending and applied policy service
groups or a particular service group. Use the applied keyword to display
information about applied groups only.
show policy mac group Displays information about all pending and applied MAC groups or a
particular policy MAC group configured on the switch. Use the applied
keyword to display information about applied groups only.
show policy port group Displays information about all pending and applied policy port groups
or a particular port group. Use the applied keyword to display
information about applied groups only.
show policy map group Displays information about all pending and applied policy map groups
or a particular map group. Use the applied keyword to display
information about applied groups only.

For more information about these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-74
Configuring QoS Policy Applications

Policy Applications
Policies are used to classify incoming flows and treat the relevant outgoing flows. There are many ways to
classify the traffic and many ways to apply QoS parameters to the traffic.
Classifying traffic can be as simple as identifying a Layer 2 or Layer 3 address of an incoming flow.
Treating the traffic might involve prioritizing the traffic or rewriting an IP address. How the traffic is
treated (the action in the policy rule) typically defines the type of policy:

Type of Policy Description Action Parameters Used

Basic QoS policies Prioritizes and polices particular maximum bandwidth
flows. maximum depth
cir cbs pir pbs
Redirection policies Redirects flows to a specific port redirect port
or link aggregate ID. redirect linkagg
Policy Based Mirroring Mirrors ingress and egress ingress mirror
packets to a specific port. egress mirror
ingress egress mirror
ICMP policies Filters, prioritizes, and/or rate disposition
limits ICMP traffic priority
maximum bandwidth
802.1p, ToS, and DSCP tagging or Sets or resets the egress 802.1p, 802.1p
mapping policies ToS, or DSCP values tos
map group
Policy Based Routing (PBR) Redirects routed traffic. permanent gateway-ip
permanent gateway-ipv6
Access Control Lists (ACLs) Groups of policies rules used for disposition
filtering traffic (allow/deny)

This section describes how to configure basic QoS policies and 802.1p/ToS/DSCP marking and mapping
policies. Policies used for Layer 2 and Layer 3/4 filters, are commonly referred to as Access Control Lists
(ACLs). Filtering is discussed in Chapter 26, “Configuring QoS.”
Policies can also be used for prioritizing traffic in dynamic link aggregation groups. For more information
about dynamic link aggregates, see Chapter 9, “Configuring Dynamic Link Aggregation.”

Basic QoS Policies

Traffic prioritization and bandwidth policing can be the most common types of QoS policies. For these
policies, any condition can be created; the policy action indicates how the traffic must be prioritized or
how the bandwidth must be shaped.

Note. If multiple addresses, services, or ports must be given the same priority, use a policy condition group
to specify the group and associate the group with the condition. See “Using Condition Groups in Policies”
on page 26-54 for more information about groups.

Note that some condition parameters can be used in combination only under particular circumstances;
also, there are restrictions on condition/action parameter combinations. See “Policy Conditions” on

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-75
Configuring QoS Policy Applications

page 26-32 and “Policy Actions” on page 26-33.

Basic Commands
The following policy action commands are used for traffic prioritization or policing (rate limiting):
policy action priority
policy action maximum bandwidth
policy action maximum depth
To set up traffic prioritization and/or bandwidth policing, follow the steps in the next section. For more
information about command syntax and options, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.
Note that QoS ports can also be configured for bandwidth shaping through the qos port maximum
ingress-bandwidth and qos port maximum egress-bandwidth commands.

Traffic Prioritization Example

In this example, IP traffic is routed from the network through the OmniSwitch.


Network 1 Any Network

priority applied

To create a policy rule to prioritize the traffic from Network 1, first create a condition for the traffic that
you want to prioritize. In this example, the condition is called ip_traffic. Then create an action to
prioritize the traffic as highest priority. In this example, the action is called high. Combine the condition
and the action into a policy rule called rule1.
-> policy condition ip_traffic source ip mask
-> policy action high priority 7
-> policy rule rule1 condition ip_traffic action high

The rule is not active on the switch until the qos apply command is entered on the command line. When
the rule is activated, any flows coming into the switch from is given the highest priority.

Bandwidth Policing Example

In this example, a maximum bandwidth rate is effected on flows from a specific source IP address.
First, create a condition for the traffic. In this example, the condition is called ip_traffic2. A policy action
(flowShape) is then created to enforce a maximum bandwidth requirement for the flow.
-> policy condition ip_traffic2 source ip
-> policy action flowShape maximum bandwidth 10m
-> policy action burst maximum depth 1m
-> policy rule rule2 condition traffic2 action flowShape action burst

Note that the bandwidth can be specified in abbreviated units, in this case, 1k. The rule is not active on the
switch until the qos apply command is entered.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-76
Configuring QoS Policy Applications

Redirection Policies
A redirection policy sends traffic that matches the policy to a specific port or link aggregate instead of the
originally intended destination. This type of policy can use any condition; the policy action determines
which port or link aggregate to which the traffic is sent.
The following policy action commands are used for port and link aggregate redirection:
policy action redirect port
policy action redirect linkagg
Note the following regarding the use and configuration of redirection policies:
• Redirection policies apply to both bridged and routed traffic.

• When redirecting routed traffic from VLAN A to VLAN B, the redirect port or link aggregate ID must
belong to VLAN B (tagged or default VLAN).
• Routed packets (from VLAN A to VLAN B) are not modified after they are redirected; the source and
MAC address remain the same. In addition, if the redirect port or link aggregate ID is tagged, the
redirected packets have a tag from the ingress VLAN A.
• If a route exists for the redirected flow, then redirected packets are the final post-routing packets.

• If a route does not exist for the redirected flow, the flow is not redirected to the specified port or link
aggregate ID and is “blackholed”. As soon as a route is available, the flow is then redirected as
specified in the policy.
• In most cases, a redirected flow does not trigger an update to the routing and ARP tables. When the
ARP table is cleared or timed out, port/link aggregate redirection cease until the ARP table is
refreshed. If necessary, create a static route for the flow or assign the redirect port or link aggregate ID
to the ingress VLAN (VLAN A) to send packets to the redirect port until a route is available.
• When redirecting bridged traffic on VLAN A, the redirect port or link aggregate ID must belong to
VLAN A (tagged or default VLAN).
In the following example, flows destined for UDP port 80 is redirected to switch port 3/2:
-> policy condition L4PORTCOND destination udp port 80
-> policy action REDIRECTPORT redirect port 3/2
-> policy rule L4PORTRULE condition L4PORTCOND action REDIRECTPORT

In the following example, flows destined for IP address are redirected to link aggregate 10:
-> policy condition L4LACOND destination IP
-> policy action REDIRECTLA redirect linkagg 10
-> policy rule L4LARULE condition L4LACOND action REDIRECTLA

Note that in both examples above, the rules are not active on the switch until the qos apply command is
entered on the command line.

Policy Based Mirroring

A mirroring policy sends a copy of ingress, egress, or both ingress and egress packets that match the
policy condition to a specific port. This type of policy can use any condition; the mirror policy action
determines the type of traffic to mirror and the port on which the mirrored traffic is received.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-77
Configuring QoS Policy Applications

The policy action mirror command is used to configure mirror-to-port (MTP) action for the policy. For
example, the following policy mirrors ingress packets to port 1/10:
-> policy condition c1 source ip
-> policy action a1 mirror ingress 1/10
-> policy rule r1 condition c1 action a1
-> qos apply

When the above rule is activated, any flows coming into the switch from source IP address
are mirrored to port 1/10. It is also possible to combine the MTP action with other actions. For example:
-> policy condition c1 source ip
-> policy action a1 mirror ingress 1/10 disposition drop
-> policy rule r1 condition c1 action a1
-> qos apply

This policy rule example combines the MTP action with the drop action. As a result, this rule drops
ingress traffic with a source IP of, but the mirrored traffic from this source is not dropped
and is forwarded to port 1/10.
Note the following regarding the use and configuration of mirroring policies:
• Only one policy-based MTP session is supported at any given time. As a result, all mirroring policies
must specify the same destination port.
• In addition to one policy-based MTP session, the switch can support one port-based mirroring session,
one remote port mirroring session, and one port monitoring session all running at the same time.
• Policy based mirroring and the port-based mirroring feature can run simultaneously on the same port.

• Rule precedence is applied to all mirroring policies that are configured for the same switch ASIC. If
traffic matches a mirror rule on one ASIC with a lower precedence than a non-mirroring rule on a
different ASIC, the traffic is mirrored in addition to the actions specified by the higher precedence rule.

ICMP Policy Example

Policies can be configured for ICMP on a global basis on the switch. ICMP policies can be used for
security (for example, to drop traffic from the ICMP blaster virus).
In the following example, a condition called icmpCondition is created with no other condition
-> policy condition icmpCondition ip protocol 1
-> policy action icmpAction disposition deny
-> policy rule icmpRule condition icmpCondition action icmpAction

This policy (icmpRule) drops all ICMP traffic. To limit the dropped traffic to ICMP echo requests (pings)
and/or replies, use the policy condition icmptype to specify the appropriate condition. For example,
-> policy condition echo icmptype 8
-> policy condition reply icmptype 0

802.1p and ToS/DSCP Marking and Mapping

802.1p values can be mapped to different 802.lp values on an individual basis or by using a map group. In
addition, ToS or DSCP values can be mapped to 802.1p on a case-by-case basis or via a map group. (Note
that any other mapping combination is not supported.)

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-78
Configuring QoS Policy Applications

Marking is accomplished with the following commands:

policy action 802.1p
policy action tos
policy action dscp
Mapping is accomplished through the following commands:
policy map group
policy action map
Note the following:
• Priority for the flow is based on the policy action. The value specified for 802.1p, ToS, DSCP, or the
map group determines how the flow is queued.
• The port on which the flow arrives (the ingress port) must be a trusted port. For more information
about trusted ports, see “Configuring Trusted Ports” on page 26-7.
In this example, a policy rule (marking) is set up to mark flows from with an 802.1p value of 5:
-> policy condition my_condition source ip mask
-> policy action my_action 802.1p 5
-> policy rule marking condition my_condition action my_action

In the next example, the policy map group command specifies a group of values that must be mapped;
the policy action map command specifies what must be mapped (802.1p to 802.1p, ToS/DSCP to 802.1p)
and the mapping group that must be used. For more details about creating map groups, see “Creating Map
Groups” on page 26-62.
Here, traffic from two different subnets must be mapped to 802.1p values in a network called Network C.
A map group (tosGroup) is created with mapping values.
-> policy map group tos_group 1-4:4 5-7:7
-> policy condition SubnetA source ip mask
-> policy condition SubnetB source ip mask
-> policy action map_action map tos to 802.1p using tos_group

The map_action specifies that ToS values is mapped to 802.1p with the values specified in tos_group.
With these conditions and action set up, two policy rules can be configured for mapping Subnet A and
Subnet B to the ToS network:
-> policy rule RuleA condition SubnetA action map_action
-> policy rule RuleB condition SubnetB action map_action

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-79
Configuring QoS Policy Applications

Subnet A

Network C
Subnet B policy

Mapping Application

Policy Based Routing

Policy Based Routing (PBR) allows a network administrator to define QoS policies that override the
normal routing mechanism for traffic matching the policy condition.

Note. When a PBR QoS rule is applied to the configuration, it is applied to the entire switch, unless you
specify a built-in port group in the policy condition.

Policy Based Routing can be used to redirect traffic to a particular gateway based on source or destination
IP address, source or destination network group, source or destination TCP/UDP port, a service or service
group, IP protocol, or built-in source port group.
Traffic can be redirected to a particular gateway regardless of what routes are listed in the routing table.
Note that the gateway address does not have to be on a directly connected VLAN; the address can be on
any network that is learned by the switch.

Note. If the routing table has a default route of, traffic matching a PBR policy is redirected to the
route specified in the policy. For information about viewing the routing table, see Chapter 15, “Configuring

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-80
Configuring QoS Policy Applications

Policy Based Routing can be used to redirect untrusted traffic to a firewall. In this case, note that reply
packets are not allowed back through the firewall.


Routing all IP source traffic through a firewall

In this example, all traffic originating in the 10.3 network is routed through the firewall, regardless of
whether or not a route exists.
-> policy condition Traffic3 source ip mask
-> policy action Firewall permanent gateway ip
-> policy rule Redirect_All condition Traffic3 action Firewall

Note that the functionality of the firewall is important. In the example, the firewall is sending the traffic to
be routed remotely. If you instead set up a firewall to send the traffic back to the switch to be routed, you
must set up the policy condition with a built-in source port group so that traffic coming back from the
firewall does not get looped and sent back out to the firewall.
For example:


Using a Built-In Port Group

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-81
Configuring QoS Policy Applications

In this scenario, traffic from the firewall is sent back to the switch to be re-routed. But because the traffic
re-enters the switch through a port that is not in the Slot01 port group, the traffic does not match the
Redirect_All policy and is routed normally through the switch.
-> policy condition Traffic3 source ip mask source port
group Slot01
-> policy action Firewall permanent gateway ip
-> policy rule Redirect_All condition Traffic3 action Firewall

Make sure to enter the qos apply command to activate the policy rule on the switch. Otherwise the rule is
saved as part of the pending configuration, but is not active.

Non-Contiguous Masks
Non-contiguous masks expand the accepted inputs for the Access Control List (ACL) netmask to facilitate
load distribution through Policy Based Routing (PBR). The feature allows masks consisting of any
combination of zeros (0) and ones (1). Previously only traditional netmasks were supported and only
allowed up to eight bits of zeros to be sparsely distributed in the mask. Traditional netmasks begin with
ones followed by a contiguous sequence of zeros (for example, The non-contiguous mask
feature supports IPv4 and IPv6 address masks in policy condition statements that contain any sequence of
zeros and ones.
The following example illustrates how ACLs can be used to select a subset of the source IP address to be
matched and then routed to various gateway-IP addresses using conditions, actions, and rules. The next-
hop gateway-IP address should be on a subnet that the router has a directly connected interface for.

Non-contiguous mask examples

A network administrator wishes to distribute IPv4 traffic from the network to a group of servers.
In this example there are eight servers that can perform the requested service and the traffic can be
distributed depending on the source IP address. These servers reside at addresses,,,,,, and
The policy condition commands define a condition that will match one of eight large sets of source IPv4
addresses. The zeros in the mask define don't care or any value matches. The ones in the mask define the
care bits that must match the portion of the address defined by the source IP portion of the command. The
first condition command matches the source IP address set described as follows:
• 12.any.any.0

• 12.any.any.8

• 12.any.any.16

• 12.any.any.(0+(n*8))

The policy action commands direct the set of source addresses to a specific IP address. The policy rule
commands combine the condition and action to form the specific behavior.
-> policy condition c1 source ip mask
-> policy action a1 permanent gateway-ip
-> policy rule r1 condition c1 action a1

! route 1,9,17,33,(1+(n*8))
-> policy condition c2 source ip mask
-> policy action a2 permanent gateway-ip
-> policy rule r2 condition c2 action a2

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-82
Configuring QoS Policy Applications

! route 2,10,18,34,(2+(n*8))
-> policy condition c3 source ip mask
-> policy action a3 permanent gateway-ip
-> policy rule r3 condition c3 action a3

! route 3,11,19,35,(3+(n*8))
-> policy condition c4 source ip mask
-> policy action a4 permanent gateway-ip
-> policy rule r4 condition c4 action a4

! route 4,12,20,36,(4+(n*8))
-> policy condition c5 source ip mask
-> policy action a5 permanent gateway-ip
-> policy rule r5 condition c5 action a5

! route 5,13,21,37,(5+(n*8))
-> policy condition c6 source ip mask
-> policy action a6 permanent gateway-ip
-> policy rule r6 condition c6 action a6

! route 6,14,22,38,(6+(n*8))
-> policy condition c7 source ip mask
-> policy action a7 permanent gateway-ip
-> policy rule r7 condition c7 action a7

! route 7,15,23,39,(7+(n*8))
-> policy condition c8 source ip mask
-> policy action a8 permanent gateway-ip
-> policy rule r8 condition c8 action a8
-> qos apply

Note the following regarding the use and configuration of IPv4 non-contiguous masks.
• Automatic resolution via Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) for next-hop (permanent gateway-IP)
addresses is not supported if a mask contains more than 8-bits of non-contiguous zeros. As a result,
other mechanisms have to be used to resolve the MAC addresses such as server load balancing ping
probing or static ARP entries.
• A Server Load Balancing (SLB) configuration can be used to probe IPv4 addresses. This allows for
dynamic resolution of the IPv4 next hop policy based route. For example:
-> vlan 14 admin-state enable
-> vlan 14 members port 1/14 untagged
-> ip interface "v4_v14" vlan 14 admin-state enable
-> ip address
-> ip slb cluster pbr_servers vip
-> ip slb server ip cluster pbr_servers
-> ip slb server ip cluster pbr_servers
-> ip slb server ip cluster pbr_servers
-> ip slb server ip cluster pbr_servers
-> ip slb server ip cluster pbr_servers
-> ip slb server ip cluster pbr_servers
-> ip slb server ip cluster pbr_servers
-> ip slb server ip cluster pbr_servers

-> ip slb cluster pbr_servers ping period 1

-> ip slb cluster pbr_servers ping timeout 1000

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-83
Configuring QoS Policy Applications

IPv6 example using an IPv6 gateway address

-> policy condition c9 source ipv6 2000::1 mask e000::7

-> policy action a9 permanent gateway-ipv6 2607:f0d0:2001:000a:0000:0000:0010
-> policy rule r9 condition c9 action a9
-> qos apply

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 26-84
27 Managing Policy

Quality of Service (QoS) policies that are configured through Alcatel-Lucent’s PolicyView network
management application are stored on a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server.
PolicyView is an OmniVista application that runs on an attached workstation.

In This Chapter
This chapter describes how LDAP directory servers are used with the switch for policy management.
There is no required configuration on the switch. When policies are created on the directory server through
PolicyView, the PolicyView application automatically configures the switch to communicate with the
server. This chapter includes information about modifying configuration parameters through the
Command Line Interface (CLI) if manual reconfiguration is necessary. For more details about the syntax
of commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.
Throughout this chapter the term policy server is used to refer to LDAP directory servers used to store
policies. Procedures described in this chapter include:
• “Installing the LDAP Policy Server” on page 27-3

• “Modifying Policy Servers” on page 27-4

• “Verifying the Policy Server Configuration” on page 27-7

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 27-1
Managing Policy Servers Policy Server Defaults

Policy Server Defaults

Defaults for the policy server command are as follows:

Description Keyword Default

The port number for the server port 389 (SSL disabled)
636 (SSL enabled)
Priority value assigned to a server, used to preference 0 (lowest)
determine search order
Whether a Secure Socket Layer is configured ssl | no ssl no ssl
for the server

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 27-2
Managing Policy Servers Policy Server Overview

Policy Server Overview

The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a standard directory server protocol. The LDAP
policy server client in the switch is based on RFC 2251. Currently, only LDAP servers are supported for
policy management.
When the policy server is connected to the switch, the switch is automatically configured to communicate
with the server to download and manage policies created by the PolicyView application. There is no
required user configuration. (Note that the LDAP policy server is automatically installed when the
PolicyView application is installed.)

Note. The switch has separate mechanisms for managing QoS policies stored on an LDAP server and QoS
policies configured directly on the switch. For more information about creating policies directly on the
switch, see Chapter 26, “Configuring QoS.”

Information about installing the LDAP policy server is included in this chapter. Consult the server
manufacturer’s documentation for detailed information about configuring the server.


PolicyView workstation
IP traffic;
voice and video
LDAP server

Policy Server Setup

Installing the LDAP Policy Server

Currently Netscape Directory Server 4.15 is supported. The server software is bundled with the
PolicyView NMS application.
1 Install the directory server software on the server.

2 Install the Java Runtime Environment on the server.

See your server documentation for additional details on setting up the server.
See the next sections of this chapter for information about modifying policy server parameters or viewing
information about policy servers.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 27-3
Managing Policy Servers Modifying Policy Servers

Modifying Policy Servers

Policy servers are automatically configured when the server is installed; however, policy server
parameters can be modified if necessary.

Note. SSL configuration must be done manually through the policy server command.

Modifying LDAP Policy Server Parameters

Use the policy server command to modify parameters for an LDAP policy server.
Keywords for the command are listed here:

Policy server keywords

port password
admin searchbase
preference ssl

For information about policy server parameter defaults, see “Policy Server Defaults” on page 27-2.

Disabling the Policy Server From Downloading Policies

Policy servers can be prevented from downloading policies to the switch. By default, policy servers are
enabled to download policies.
To disable a server, use the policy server command with the admin-state keyword and disable option.
-> policy server admin-state disable

In this example, an LDAP server with an IP address of is not used to download policies. Any
policies already downloaded to the switch are not affected by disabling the server.
To re-enable the server, specify enable.
-> policy server admin-state enable

The server is now available for downloading policies.

To delete a policy server from the configuration, use the no form of the command with the relevant IP
-> no policy server

If the policy server is not created on the default port, the no form of the command must include the port
number. For example:
-> no policy server 5000

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 27-4
Managing Policy Servers Modifying Policy Servers

Modifying the Port Number

To modify the port, enter the policy server command with the port keyword and the relevant port
-> policy server port 5000

Note that the port number must match the port number configured on the policy server.
If the port number is modified, any existing entry for that policy server is not removed. Another entry is
simply added to the policy server table.

Note. If you enable SSL, the port number is automatically set to 636. (This does not create another entry in
the port table.)

For example, if you configure a policy server with port 389 (the default), and then configure another
policy server with the same IP address but port number 5000, two entries display on the show policy
server screen.
-> policy server
-> policy server port number 5000
-> show policy server

Server IP Address port enabled status primary

1 389 Yes Up X
2 5000 No Down -

To remove an entry, use the no form of the policy server command. For example:
-> no policy server port number 389

The first entry is removed from the policy server table.

Modifying the Policy Server Username and Password

A user name and password can be specified so that only specific users can access the policy server.
-> policy server user kandinsky password blue

If this command is entered, a user with a username of kandinsky and a password of blue is able to access
the LDAP server to modify parameters on the server itself.

Modifying the Searchbase

The searchbase name is “” by default. To modify the searchbase name, enter the policy
server command with the searchbase keyword. For example:
-> policy server searchbase "ou=qo,o=company,c=us"

Note that the searchbase path must be a valid path in the server directory structure.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 27-5
Managing Policy Servers Modifying Policy Servers

Configuring a Secure Socket Layer for a Policy Server

A Secure Socket Layer (SSL) can be configured between the policy server and the switch. If SSL is
enabled, the PolicyView application can no longer write policies to the LDAP directory server.
By default, SSL is disabled. To enable SSL, use the policy server command with the ssl option. For
-> policy server ssl

SSL is now enabled between the specified server and the switch. The port number in the switch
configuration is automatically set to 636, which is the port number typically used for SSL; however, the
port number must be configured with whatever port number is set on the server. For information about
configuring the port number, see “Modifying the Port Number” on page 27-5.
To disable SSL, use no ssl with the command:
-> policy server no ssl

SSL is disabled for the policy server. No additional policies can be saved to the directory server
from the PolicyView application.

Loading Policies From an LDAP Server

To download policies (or rules) from an LDAP server to the switch, use the policy server load command.
Before a server can download policies, it must also be set up and operational (able to bind).
To download policies from the server, enter the following:
-> policy server load

Use the show policy server long command to display the last load time. For example:
-> show policy server long
LDAP server 0
IP address:,
TCP port: 16652,
Enabled: Yes,
Operational Status: Down,
Preference: 99,
Authentication: password,
SSL: Disabled,
login DN: cn=DirMgr
searchbase: o=company
Last load time: 02/14/02 16:38:18

Removing LDAP Policies From the Switch

To flush LDAP policies from the switch, use the policy server flush command. Note that any policies
configured directly on the switch through the CLI are not affected by this command.
-> policy server flush

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 27-6
Managing Policy Servers Verifying the Policy Server Configuration

Interaction With CLI Policies

Policies configured via PolicyView can only be modified through PolicyView. They cannot be modified
through the CLI. Any policy management done through the CLI only affects policies configured through
the CLI. For example, the qos flush command only removes CLI policies; LDAP policies are not affected.
Also, the policy server flush command removes only LDAP policies; CLI policies are not affected.

Note. If polices are applied from PolicyView or vice versa, it activates all current configuration.

For more information about configuring policies through the CLI, see Chapter 26, “Configuring QoS.”

Verifying the Policy Server Configuration

To display information about authentication and policy servers, use the following commands:

show policy server Displays information about servers from which policies can be
downloaded to the switch.
show policy server long Displays detailed information about an LDAP policy server.
show policy server statistics Displays statistics about policy directory servers.
show policy server rules Displays the names of policies originating on a directory server that
have been downloaded to the switch.
show policy server events Displays any events related to a directory server.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 27-7
28 Configuring Access

Access Guardian refers to the following OmniSwitch security functions that work together to provide a
dynamic, proactive network security solution:
• Universal Network Profile (UNP)—Access Guardian is configured and applied through the
framework of the UNP feature. UNP is enabled on switch ports to activate Access Guardian
functionality that is used to authenticate and classify users into UNP profiles. Each profile is mapped to
a VLAN ID or Service Access Point (SAP) to which the user is dynamically assigned. Specific UNP
port configurations help to simplify and easily replicate the same configuration across multiple ports.
• Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA)—Provides the switch-based authentication
and accounting configuration that defines the RADIUS-capable servers to use for each type of Access
Guardian authentication (802.1X, MAC, and Captive Portal). AAA profiles define a specific AAA
configuration that can be applied at the port level (overrides the global AAA configuration).
• Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) - OmniSwitch / ClearPass Integration: The OmniSwitch
leverages Access Guardian functionality along with the ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) to provide
the overall BYOD solution. BYOD allows a wired guest, device, or authenticated user to connect to the
network through an OmniSwitch edge device using the CPPM for unified authentication. CPPM
provides the framework for device onboarding, guest registration and authentication, as well as device
posture checking and profiling.
• Captive Portal—Internal and external Captive Portal Web-based authentication. Internal Captive
Portal authentication is provided through an internal Web server on the OmniSwitch that presents
default or customized Web pages to the user. A post-authentication and/or post-classification process to
validate user credentials and dynamically assign a new role (policy list) to enforce user access to the
network. External, guest Captive Portal authentication is provided through the OmniSwitch Access
Guardian interaction with the ClearPass Policy Manager.
• Quarantine Manager and Remediation (QMR)—QMR is a switch-based application that restricts
the network access of known quarantined users and provides a remediation path to allow quarantined
users to regain their network access.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-1
Configuring Access Guardian In This Chapter

In This Chapter
This chapter provides an overview of Access Guardian security features and describes how to configure
these features through the Command Line Interface (CLI). CLI commands are used in the configuration
examples; for more details about the syntax of commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI
Reference Guide.
The following information and procedures are included in this chapter:
• “Access Guardian Defaults” on page 28-3.

• “Quick Steps for Configuring Access Guardian” on page 28-10

• “Access Guardian Overview” on page 28-12.

• “Interaction With Other Features” on page 28-26.

• “Configuring Port-Based Network Access Control” on page 28-31.

• “Configuring UNP Profiles” on page 28-48.

• “Configuring UNP Classification Rules” on page 28-61.

• “Using Captive Portal Authentication” on page 28-65.

• “Using Quarantine Manager and Remediation” on page 28-72.

• “Access Guardian Application Examples” on page 28-74.

• “Verifying Access Guardian Users” on page 28-88.

• “Verifying the Access Guardian Configuration” on page 28-93.

• “Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) Overview” on page 28-94.

• “Using the Multicast Domain Name System” on page 28-106.

• “Using the Simple Service Discovery Protocol” on page 28-108.

• “BYOD Application Examples” on page 28-112.

For more information about configuring the UNP feature, see Chapter 28, “Configuring Access

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-2
Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Defaults

Access Guardian Defaults

This sections contains the default configuration settings for the Access Guardian security functions that
are implemented through the Universal Network Profile (UNP), Captive Portal, Quarantine Manager and
Remediation (QMR) features.

Access Guardian Global Configuration Defaults

The following global default values are applied to traffic received on all UNP ports or link aggregates.

Description Keyword Default

Authentication server down UNP unp auth-server-down None
Authentication server down timer unp auth-server-down-timeout 60 seconds
Port bounce for MAC authenticated unp redirect port-bounce Disabled
(non-supplicant) devices.
The amount of time to filter MAC unp redirect pause-timer 0 (timer disabled)
addresses to trigger authentication
HTTP proxy port number unp redirect proxy-server-port 80, 8080, and 443
IP address to which HTTP traffic is unp redirect-server None
Additional IP addresses to which a unp redirect allowed-name None
user can be redirected, other than
the redirect server.
Dynamic VLAN configuration for unp dynamic-vlan-configuration Disabled
VLAN profiles.
Dynamic VLAN profile unp dynamic-profile-configuration Disabled
UNP Customer Domain ID unp domain description All bridge and access
ports belong to
domain 0.

Access Guardian Profile Defaults

Access Guardian profile-based functionality is implemented through the configuration of Universal
Network Profiles (UNP). When a UNP profile is created with the unp profile command, the following
default configuration is defined for the profile:

Description Command Default

QoS policy list. unp profile qos-policy-list No list assigned
Location-based policy unp profile location-policy No policy assigned
Time-based policy. unp profile period-policy No policy assigned
Internal Captive Portal unp profile captive-portal-authentication Disabled

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-3
Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Defaults

Description Command Default

Captive Portal configuration unp profile captive-portal-profile No Captive Portal
profile. profile assigned
The authentication flag status for unp profile authentication-flag Disabled
successful authentication.
Create a tagged association unp profile mobile-tag Disabled
between a UNP port and the
VLAN or service that is mapped
to the profile.
OmniSwitch BYOD redirect. unp profile redirect Disabled
Maximum bandwidth value for unp profile maximum-ingress-bandwidth No limit set
traffic received on UNP ports
assigned to the profile.
Maximum bandwidth value for unp profile maximum-egress-bandwidth No limit set
traffic sent on UNP ports assigned
to the profile.
How much the traffic can burst unp profile maximum-ingress-depth Ingress bandwidth
over the maximum ingress value divided by 25
bandwidth rate. or 2K (if calculation
equals 0 or 1)
How much the traffic can burst unp profile maximum-egress-depth Egress bandwidth
over the maximum egress value divided by 25
bandwidth rate. or 2K (if calculation
equals 0 or 1)
The amount of time an unp profile inactivity-interval 10 seconds
authenticated device can remain
logged after the MAC address for
the device has aged out.
Service Assurance Agent (SAA) unp profile saa-profile No SAA profile
profile. assigned
Profile mapping. unp profile map vlan None
unp profile map service-type spb
unp profile map service-type vxlan
unp profile map service-type static

See “UNP Profiles” on page 28-16 for more information.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-4
Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Defaults

Access Guardian UNP Port Defaults

Access Guardian port-based functionality is implemented through the UNP feature. When UNP is enabled
on a switch port or link aggregate with the unp port-type command, the following default configuration
for UNP ports is applied:

Description Command Default

Port bounce for MAC unp redirect port-bounce Disabled
authenticated (non-supplicant)
802.1X authentication unp 802.1x-authentication Disabled
Alternate UNP profile for unp 802.1x-authentication pass-alternate None
802.1X authenticated traffic.
Bypass 802.1X authentication unp 802.1x-authentication bypass-8021x Disabled
for supplicants
Attempt MAC authentication or unp 802.1x-authentication failure-policy Classification
classification when 802.1X
authentication fails.
Attempt 802.1X authentication unp mac-authentication allow-eap None
after MAC authentication when
802.1X bypass is enabled.
MAC authentication unp mac-authentication Disabled
Alternate UNP for MAC unp mac-authentication pass-alternate None
authenticated traffic.
Rule-based classification unp classification Disabled
Trust the VLAN ID of a tagged unp trust-tag Disabled
packet to determine how the
packet is classified.
Default UNP profile unp default-profile None
Domain ID assignment. unp domain 0
AAA configuration profile unp aaa-profile None
Port template assignment. unp port port-template UNP bridge ports:

UNP access ports:

Allow flooding of egress unp direction Both (blocked)
broadcast, unknown unicast, or
multicast traffic (applies only to
UNP bridge ports).
The administrative status of the unp admin-state Enabled
UNP configuration on the port.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-5
Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Defaults

Description Command Default

The type of service (SPB or unp dynamic-service No service is dynamically
VXLAN) automatically created created.
based on traffic received on the
UNP access port.
The amount of time before an unp 802.1x-authentication tx-period 30 seconds
EAP Request Identity is
The amount of time before the unp 802.1x-authentication supp-timeout 30 seconds
switch times out an 802.1X user
attempting to authenticate.
The maximum number of unp 802.1x-authentication max-req 2
requests retransmitted before
the session times out.

See “UNP Ports” on page 28-20 for more information.

Access Guardian Global AAA Parameter Defaults

The following default AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting) parameter settings are applied
to Access Guardian device authentication and accounting sessions:

Description Command Default

The RADIUS server aaa device-authentication None
configuration for device
The RADIUS server or switch aaa accounting None
logging configuration for
accounting sessions.
The RADIUS Calling-Station- aaa accounting radius calling-station-id User MAC address
Id attribute value
The status of automatic 802.1X aaa 802.1x re-authentication Disabled
The amount of time between aaa interim-interval 600 seconds
interim accounting updates per
user session.
User session time limit. aaa session-timeout Timer is disabled
The amount of time before an aaa inactivity-logout Timer is disabled
inactive user is logged out of a
The RADIUS NAS-Port aaa radius nas-port-id User port
attribute value (chassis/slot/port)
The RADIUS NAS-Identifier aaa radius nas-identifier System name
attribute value

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-6
Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Defaults

Description Command Default

The MAC address format to use aaa radius mac-format No delimiter
when RADIUS client attributes Uppercase characters
specify a MAC address value.

Access Guardian AAA Profile Defaults

An AAA profile defines and applies specific settings to UNP ports, link aggregates, or an Access
Guardian Captive Portal profile. The following table lists the default profile settings that are defined when
an AAA profile is created through the aaa profile command:

Description Keyword Default

The RADIUS server device-authentication None
configuration for device
The RADIUS server or switch accounting None
logging configuration for
accounting sessions.
The RADIUS Calling-Station- accounting radius calling-station-id User MAC address
Id attribute value
The status of automatic 802.1X 802.1x re-authentication Disabled
The amount of time between interim-interval 600 seconds
interim accounting updates per
user session.
User session time limit. session-timeout Timer is disabled
The amount of time before an inactivity-logout Timer is disabled
inactive user is logged out of a
The RADIUS NAS-Port radius nas-port-id User port
attribute value (chassis/slot/port)
The RADIUS NAS-Identifier radius nas-identifier System name
attribute value
The MAC address format to use radius mac-format No delimiter
when RADIUS client attributes Uppercase characters
specify a MAC address value.

Access Guardian Captive Portal Defaults

The following global default configuration settings apply to the OmniSwitch internal implementation of
the Captive Portal feature:

Description Command Default

Redirect URL name captive-portal name “”
Redirect IP address captive-portal ip-address

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-7
Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Defaults

Description Command Default

Redirect user after successful captive-portal success-redirect-url No redirect
Captive Portal login.
Proxy server port number captive-portal proxy-server-port 8080
Number of login attempts captive-portal retry-count 3
allowed per Captive Portal
QoS policy list or UNP profile captive-portal authentication-pass None
to apply to a user device after a
successful Captive Portal login.
The amount of time between aaa interim-interval 600 seconds
interim accounting updates for
Captive Portal sessions.
Captive Portal session time aaa session-timeout Timer is disabled
The amount of time before an aaa inactivity-logout Timer is disabled
inactive user is logged out of a
Captive Portal session.

Access Guardian Captive Portal Profile Defaults

A Captive Portal profile defines and applies specific settings to devices classified into a UNP profile to
which the Captive Portal profile is assigned. The following table lists the default profile settings that are
defined when a Captive Portal profile is created through the captive-portal-profile command:

Description Keyword Default

AAA configuration profile aaa-profile No profile assigned
assigned to the Captive Portal (Global AAA settings
profile. apply)
Redirect user after successful success-redirect-url No redirect
Number of login attempts retry-count 3
QoS policy list to apply after authentication-pass policy-list No list assigned
successful Captive Portal login.
UNP profile to apply after authentication-pass profile No profile assigned
successful Captive Portal login.
Change profile assignment after authentication-pass profile-change Disabled
successful Captive Portal login.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-8
Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Defaults

Access Guardian QMR Defaults

The following global default configuration settings apply for the OmniSwitch implementation of the
Quarantine Manage and Remediation (QMR) feature:

Description Command Default

The URL for a remediation server qmr quarantine path None
Whether a “Quarantined” page is qmr quarantine page No page is sent
sent to the user when a remediation
server URL is not configured
The IP network addresses that a qmr quarantine allowed-name None
restricted quarantined user is
allowed to access
Proxy server port number qmr quarantine custom- 8080
The name of the Quarantine MAC qos quarantine mac-group No name is configured
address group on the switch.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-9
Configuring Access Guardian Quick Steps for Configuring Access Guardian

Quick Steps for Configuring Access Guardian

The following procedure provides a brief tutorial for setting up the OmniSwitch implementation of Access
Guardian network access control. For additional configuration tutorials, see “Access Guardian
Application Examples” on page 28-74 and “Quick Steps for Configuring Captive Portal Authentication”
on page 28-67.

1 Configure the RADIUS server to use for device authentication (802.1X, MAC, or Captive Portal). For
example, the following commands define the RADIUS server for MAC device authentication:
-> aaa radius-server rad1_mac host hash-key secret retransmit 3
timeout 2 auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813
-> aaa device-authentication mac rad1_mac

2 Configure the RADIUS server with the IP address of the OmniSwitch and the same shared secret that
was assigned through the AAA RADIUS server configuration in Step 1.
3 Add the user name and password details in the RADIUS server.

4 Enable the MAC authentication session timer to determine the amount of time the user session remains
active after a successful login (the default time is set to 12 hours). For example:
-> aaa mac session-timeout enable

5 Configure a UNP profile to which user devices will be assigned. Profile attribute values are applied to
devices that are associated with the profile. For example, the following commands create the
“na_employee” profile and assign the QoS policy list “naEmpList” to the profile. QoS policy rules
contained in the “naEmpList” list are applied to traffic assigned to the “na_employee” profile.
-> unp profile na_employee
-> unp profile na_employee qos-policy-list naEmpList

The QoS policy list name specified in the above example must already exist in the switch
configuration. See “UNP Profile Attributes” on page 28-18 for more information about assigning a
QoS policy list and other configurable options for a UNP profile.
6 Configure an additional UNP profile that will serve as a default profile for UNP port configuration. For
example, the following command creates the “def_unp” profile that is configured as a default profile for
UNP ports configured in Step 10:
-> unp profile def_unp

7 Configure a VLAN or service mapping for the profiles created in Step 5 and Step 6. Devices that are
assigned to a profile will automatically become members of the VLAN or service that is mapped to the
profile. For example, the following commands map VLAN 100 to the “na_employee” profile and VLAN
200 to the “def_unp” profile:
-> unp profile map na_employee vlan 100
-> unp profile map def_unp vlan 200

See “UNP Profile Mapping” on page 28-17 for more information about assigning a VLAN or service
parameters to a UNP profile.
8 Configure UNP classification rules that will identify the device traffic to assign to a specific profile.
For example, the following command creates a MAC address range rule for profile “na_employee”. Any
user device with a source MAC address that falls within the specified range is assigned to the profile.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-10
Configuring Access Guardian Quick Steps for Configuring Access Guardian

-> unp classification mac-range 08-00-27-00-98-0A 08-00-27-00-98-FF profile1


There are additional types of classification rules that can also be configured to determine UNP profile
assignment. See “UNP Classification Rules” on page 28-22 for more information.
9 Configure UNP functionality and port type (bridge or access) on the ports that will connect user
devices to the OmniSwitch. Traffic received on bridge ports can be assigned to profiles mapped to a
VLAN (VLAN profiles); traffic received on access ports can be assigned to profiles mapped to a service
(service profiles). For example, the following command enables UNP bridge port type functionality:
-> unp port 1/1/20 port-type bridge

10 Enable authentication (802.1X or MAC) for the UNP port to trigger the authentication process for
traffic received on the port. For example, the following command enables MAC authentication on UNP
port 1/1/20. Traffic received on port 1/1/20 is authenticated through the RADIUS server defined in Step 1:
-> unp port 1/1/1 mac-authentication

11 Enable the classification status for the UNP port to trigger the use of classification rules to determine
the profile assignment for traffic received on the port. Classification rules are only applied when
authentication is not enabled or fails to provide a profile assignment for the traffic. For example, the
following command enables classification on port 1/1/20:
-> unp port 1/1/1 classification

12 Assign a default profile to the UNP port. If traffic from a user device that is connected to a UNP port
is not classified into any other UNP profile (authentication and classification rules fail), the device is
assigned to the default profile configured for the port. For example, the following command configures
“def_unp” as the default profile for UNP bridge port 1/1/20:
-> unp port 1/1/20 default-profile def_unp

For more information about the configurable UNP port options, see “UNP Profiles” on page 28-16 for
more information.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-11
Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Overview

Access Guardian Overview

Access Guardian is a combination of authentication, device compliance, and access control functions that
provide a proactive solution for network security. Implemented through the switch hardware and software,
Access Guardian helps administrators:
• Determine who is on the network.

• Check if end users are compliant.

• Direct what end users can access within the network.

As shown in the following diagram, the Access Guardian features work together to provide a dynamic,
integrated security framework:

802.1X, MAC, Captive Portal

(RADIUS server, BYOD ClearPass)
1. Authentication

UNP profile rules, UNP port

default profiles, BYOD ClearPass

2. Classification

UNP profiles, QoS policy lists,

Captive Portal, BYOD ClearPass

3. Role-Based

Restricted roles, Re-authentication,

Quarantine, Remediation, filter MAC

3. Restrict or
Block Access

1 Authentication—Device authentication is attempted through OmniSwitch interaction with a RADIUS

server or with a ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) server. If device authentication fails to return a profile
assignment for a device, then device classification is attempted. See “Device Authentication” on
page 28-13 for more information.
2 Classification—Device classification into a profile is attempted through the local OmniSwitch
configuration or through interaction with a CPPM server. See “Device Classification” on page 28-14 for
more information.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-12
Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Overview

3 Role-Based Access—Once a profile assignment is determined for a device through authentication or

classification, then the role of the device in the network is determined. The role assigned to a device
determines the network resources to which the device is entitled to access. See “Role-based Access” on
page 28-15 for more information.
4 Restrict or Block—Steps 1, 2, and 3 of the Access Guardian process may result in a restricted role or
even blocking network access for a specific device. Re-authentication and remediation methods are
available for such devices.
The Access Guardian feature is implemented through the following switch-based functionality:
• MAC-based and 802.1X-based authentication using a RADIUS-capable server.

• Internal Captive Portal for Web-based authentication. Provides dynamic role change for the user
• The Universal Network Profile (UNP) framework to provide network access control and Quality of
Service (QoS) on a per-user basis.
• Switch-wide UNP classification rules to classify users based on port and device attributes (for
example, source MAC, domain ID, IP address). No authentication required.
• Default UNP classification for traffic not classified through other methods.

• Integration with ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) as part of the OmniSwitch Bring Your Own
Device (BYOD) network access solution.
This chapter documents the functionality of the Access Guardian feature and how it is configured on the

Device Authentication
Physical devices attached to a LAN port on the switch through a point-to-point LAN connection can be
authenticated through the switch using port-based network access control. This control is available
through the Universal Network Profile (UNP) feature implemented on the switch.
Access Guardian uses the UNP feature to provide configurable authentication and classification
mechanisms for both 802.1X clients (supplicants) and non-802.1X clients (non-supplicants). The
following options for authentication are available:
• 802.1X authentication for supplicants.

Uses Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) between an end device and a network device (NAS) to
authenticate the supplicant through a RADIUS server. If authentication returns a UNP, the supplicant is
assigned to that UNP. If a UNP name is not returned or authentication fails, then the UNP port and
classification rule configuration provides the network access control for the supplicant.
• MAC-based authentication for non-supplicants.

MAC-based authentication does not require any agent or special protocol on the non-supplicant device;
the source MAC address of the device is verified through a RADIUS server. The switch sends
RADIUS frames to the server with the source MAC address embedded in the username and password
attributes. If authentication returns a UNP name, the non-supplicant is assigned to that profile. If a
UNP name is not returned or authentication fails, then the UNP port and classification rule
configuration provides the network access control for the non-supplicant.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-13
Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Overview

For non-supplicant authentication, the client MAC address is sent as the username and password. The
administrator can configure the password and username on the authentication server as the MAC
address of the client. The calling-station-ID, accounting-session-ID are also sent for authentication. All
of these IDs can be in uppercase or lowercase.
• Internal Captive Portal authentication.

Internal Captive Portal authentication is a configurable option for a UNP profile that is applied after a
user is initially assigned to that profile (after the initial 802.1X or MAC authentication or classification
process). Captive Portal provides a secondary level of authentication that is used to apply a new role
(QoS policy list) to the user. This type of authentication may change the profile assignment for the user
When a user is classified into a profile that has the Captive Portal option enabled, a Web page is
presented to the user device to prompt the user to enter login credentials. The credentials are then
authenticated through a RADIUS server. If the authentication process results in a new policy list or
new profile, that policy list or profile is applied to the user device. If a policy list or profile is not
assigned or authentication fails, the policy list associated with the initial profile is used to define the
network access role for the user.
• External Captive Portal authentication.

External Captive Portal authentication is provided through the OmniSwitch Bring Your Own Device
(BYOD) solution. Access Guardian, through the UNP port and profile framework, redirects user device
traffic to the ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) server for Guest Access using the CPPM Guest
802.1X and MAC authentication are Layer 2 mechanisms that are configured and invoked at the port
level. A UNP port is enabled with either 802.1X, MAC, or both types of authentication. Devices
connected to UNP ports undergo the type of authentication configured on the port.
Internal and external Captive Portal authentication are Layer 3 mechanisms that are invoked through the
UNP profile configuration. Devices connected to UNP ports initially undergo Layer 2 authentication and/
or classification at the port level to determine an initial UNP profile assignment. Then, based on the
profile settings, the user may be redirected for Layer 3 authentication.
The authentication functionality provided allows the administrator to assign the appropriate method of
authentication. Multiple authentication methods for multiple users (many users or different types of users,
such as IP phones) are supported on the same port.

Device Classification
Successful device authentication can result in a UNP profile assignment for the user device. However, if
authentication is not available or does not return a profile name for whatever reason, the following
additional UNP device classification methods are available to determine the profile assignment for the
user device:
• UNP classification rules. Switch-wide classification rules to classify users based on port and device
attributes (for example, source MAC, domain ID, IP address). Classification rules are associated with
profiles and are applied to traffic received on UNP-enabled ports. When any of the traffic matches one
of the classification rules, the user device is dynamically assigned to the matching profile.
• Alternate pass UNP. A UNP associated with a UNP port to which traffic is assigned when successful
802.1X or MAC authentication does not return a UNP name.

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Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Overview

• Default UNP. A UNP associated with a UNP port to which traffic is assigned when other
authentication or classification attempts fail to provide a profile name.
• Trust VLAN tag. Configured on a UNP port to specify whether or not to trust the VLAN tag of the
packets received on the port. If this option is enabled and the VLAN tag matches an existing VLAN in
the switch configuration, the traffic is assigned to that VLAN when other authentication or
classification attempts fail to provide a profile name.
• Authentication server down UNP. A global UNP that provides a temporary profile for devices unable
to authenticate because the RADIUS server is unreachable. This profile is associated with a timer that
determines how long the device remains in the temporary profile before authentication is attempted
Enabling 802.1X and/or MAC authentication on UNP ports is optional; an administrator may decide to use
UNP classification rules instead. When enabled, however, the authentication method takes precedence
over classification methods.

Role-based Access
When a user is authenticated and/or classified into a UNP profile, the initial role of that user is determined
by whether or not there is a QoS policy list associated with the profile.
• If there is no policy list available, then the user has full access to the switch and network resources as
provided through the profile VLAN or service domain to which the user was assigned.
• If a policy list is available, then the QoS policy rules associated with that list are applied to the port and
traffic of the user device.
Access Guardian provides the following post-authentication and post-classification mechanisms for
dynamically changing the role (QoS policy list) applied to a user device.
• Internal Captive Portal. User undergoes a secondary authentication process through Captive Portal
Web-based authentication. Successful Captive Portal authentication applies the QoS policy list
returned from the RADIUS server or specified in the Captive Portal authentication pass configuration.
The newly obtained policy list overrides the policy list associated with the profile to which the device
was initially assigned. The outcome of this process may also change the profile assignment for the user
device. See “Using Captive Portal Authentication” on page 28-65 for more information.
• Location and Time Policies. When a user classified into a UNP profile violates a location-based or
time-based policy that is associated with the profile, a built-in unauthorized restricted role is applied to
that user. The restricted role overrides the policy list associated with the profile.
• Built-in Restricted Roles. When one of the built-in restricted roles is applied to a user device, an
implicit QoS policy list associated with that role is applied to that device instead of the UNP profile
policy list. A custom policy list can be associated with a restricted role to override the built-in role.
• User-defined Roles. When the state of a device matches specific conditions configured for a user-
defined role, an explicit QoS policy list that is associated with this type of role is applied to the device
instead of the UNP profile policy list.

Built-in Restricted Roles

The following types of built-in roles are applied to the user device based on the state of the Access
Guardian user:

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Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Overview

• Internal Captive Portal pre-login role—applied when a user is classified into a UNP profile that has
the Captive Portal flag enabled. While in this pre-login state, only DHCP, DNS, ARP, and ICMP
traffic from the user device is allowed. In addition, HTTP/HTTPS traffic is trapped and redirected to
the internal Captive Portal server.
• Unauthorized role—applied when a user classified into a UNP profile violates the location or time
policies configured for that profile. Traffic from “unauthorized” users is blocked.
• QMR role—applied to quarantined MAC addresses. Traffic from quarantined devices is blocked and
HTTP traffic is trapped. When the user opens a browser, HTTP/HTTPS traffic is redirected to a
remediation server, if one is configured for QMR on the switch.

Explicit QoS Policy Lists for Built-in Roles

When an Access Guardian user is placed into one of the built-in restricted roles (unauthorized, Captive
Portal pre-login, or QMR), the QoS policy list associated with that role is applied to the user. However, it
is possible to define and apply an explicit (custom) policy list to a built-in restricted role. When this is
done, the explicit policy list will determine how traffic from the user is controlled.

User-Defined Roles
A user-defined role applies an explicit QoS policy list to an Access Guardian user based on the following
• The user was classified into a specific UNP profile.

• The type of authentication applied to the user device (802.1X, MAC, or none). Can also define this
condition based on whether or not the user failed 802.1X or MAC authentication.
• The user is in a Captive Portal post-login state.

The explicit policy list is not applied to a user unless all of the conditions configured for the user-defined
role are met.
In addition to these conditions, a precedence value is configured for user-defined roles. This value is used
to determine precedence among other user-defined roles. Every time the user context changes for a device,
all the user-defined roles are checked to see if there is a role that matches the current user context.

UNP Profiles
Access Guardian role-based network access is achieved through the OmniSwitch Universal Network
Profile (UNP) feature. A UNP profile defines network access for one or more user devices. Each device
that is assigned to a specific profile is granted network access based on the profile criteria, instead of on an
individual MAC address, IP address, or port basis.
Assigning users to a profile provides greater flexibility and scalability across the network. Administrators
can use profiles to group users according to function. All users assigned to the same UNP become
members of that profile group. The UNP then determines what network resources are available to a group
of users, regardless of source subnet, VLAN, or other characteristics.
Dynamic assignment of devices to UNP profiles is achieved through UNP port-based functionality that
provides the ability to authenticate and classify device traffic. Device authentication verifies the device
identity and provides a UNP name. In the event authentication is not available or is unsuccessful, the
following steps are triggered to determine the profile assignment:

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Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Overview

1 UNP classification rules are examined to determine if any of the rules match the device traffic. If so,
the device is assigned to the profile associated with the matching rule.
2 If there are no matching UNP classification rules, the UNP port-level configuration is used to
determine a profile assignment for the device. For example, is there a default UNP profile assigned to the
port. If so, the device is assigned to that profile.

UNP Profile Mapping

The mapping of a VLAN ID or service-based parameters determines whether a VLAN-port association
(VPA) or a service virtual port association is dynamically created for UNP port traffic that is assigned to
the profile. UNP profiles that are mapped to a VLAN ID are referred to as VLAN profiles; UNP profiles
that are mapped to service-based parameters are referred to as service profiles.
• VLAN profile mapping. This type of profile mapping dynamically creates a VLAN-port association
(VPA) for device traffic that is classified into the profile. The VPA represents an association between
the UNP bridge port on which the device traffic is received and the VLAN ID mapped to the profile.
Once classified into a specific VLAN profile, device traffic is tagged to forward on the UNP VLAN.
• Service profile mapping. This type of profile mapping specifies service-based parameter values that
are used to dynamically create a Service Access Point (SAP). The SAP becomes a virtual port that is
associated with the profile. Once classified into a specific service profile, device traffic is mapped to
the SAP and forwarded on the service associated with the SAP. There are two types of service-
mappings supported: Shortest Path Bridging (SPB) and Virtual eXtensible LAN (VXLAN).
The OmniSwitch supports two separate traffic domains: VLAN and service. The availability of two types
of profile mapping (VLAN and service) provides an efficient method for network access control and
dynamic assignment of device traffic into one of these domains.
• An administrator can use VLAN profiles to implement the same UNP name across the entire network
infrastructure. Each UNP name can have a different VLAN ID mapping on each switch, as the VLAN
mapping configuration applies only to the local switch. For example, the administrator can deploy a
UNP named “Engineering” in one building using VLAN 10, while the same UNP deployed in another
building can use VLAN 20. The same UNP access controls are applied to all profile devices in each
building even though the devices belong to different VLANs.
• A service profile is particularly useful in the OmniSwitch Data Center solution to facilitate virtual
machine (VM) discovery and movement. UNP service profiles used for such purposes are also referred
to as Virtual Network Profiles (vNPs).

When a VLAN is mapped to a UNP profile, specifying a VLAN ID is required. Traffic that is classified
with the UNP is assigned to the associated VLAN. There are two methods for creating this type of VLAN:
• Using standard VLAN management commands, create the VLAN then assign the VLAN to the UNP at
the time the profile mapping is configured.
• Enabling the UNP dynamic VLAN configuration option to automatically create the VLAN, if it does
not exist, at the time the UNP profile mapping is configured.
VLANs that are automatically created at the time the profile mapping is configured are referred to as UNP
dynamic VLANs. These VLANs carry many of the same attributes as standard VLANs, such as:
• The VLAN status (enabled or disabled) is configurable.

• Additional ports (tagged and untagged) can be assigned to dynamic VLANs.

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Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Overview

• The STP status is configurable and is enabled by default for dynamic VLANs. This STP instance is
included in the maximum number of 1x1 STP instances allowed when the switch is running in the 1x1
STP mode.
However, UNP dynamic VLANs differ from standard VLANs as follows:
• A dynamic VLAN cannot be deleted using standard VLAN commands. The VLAN is only removed
when the UNP to which the VLAN is mapped is deleted.
• UNP dynamic VLANs are identified as a separate type of VLAN. The vlan show commands will
display this type with the default name of “UNP-DYN-VLAN” and the designated type as “UNP
Dynamic Vlan”.
• Dynamic VLANs are not saved in the “! VLAN:” section of the switch configuration file (boot.cfg).
However, the unp commands to enable dynamic VLAN configuration and create the UNP are saved in
the “! DA-UNP:” section of the boot.cfg file. As a result, the VLAN is created again on the next switch
For more information, see “Enabling Dynamic VLAN Configuration” on page 28-52.

UNP Profile Attributes

In addition to profile mapping, there are configurable UNP profile attributes that are applied to device
traffic once the device is moved into the profile. These attributes determine the following:
• If a list of QoS policy rules is applied to the traffic.

• If a location or time period policy restricts access to a specific location or during a specific date and
• Whether device traffic is redirected for internal Captive Portal authentication (the OmniSwitch serves
up the login page to the user).
• Whether devices that did not pass authentication are allowed into the profile.

• Whether the UNP port to which a device is connected is tagged with the VLAN mapped to the profile
when the first device is classified into that profile.
• Whether profile devices are redirected to a ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) server for Bring Your
Own Devices (BYOD) authentication and classification.
• The bandwidth parameter values that are used to rate limit traffic on profile ports.

• The amount of time an authenticated user device remains logged into the network after the source
MAC address for the device has aged out.
For more information about configuring a UNP, see “Configuring UNP Profiles” on page 28-48.

Dynamic VLAN Profiles

UNP functionality provides the ability to dynamically create VLAN profiles based on very specific traffic
conditions. A UNP profile is dynamically created when the trust VLAN tag option is enabled on the UNP
port or link aggregate and one of the following conditions occurs:
• A tagged packet received on the UNP port contains a VLAN tag that matches an existing MVRP
VLAN in the switch configuration that is not assigned to a profile.
• There is no matching VLAN in the switch configuration.

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Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Overview

Dynamic profiles are saved in the switch configuration, and profile attributes are configurable in the same
manner as manually created profiles.

Dynamic SAP Configuration

When device traffic is assigned to a service profile, UNP first checks the switch configuration to see if a
Service Access Point (SAP) already exists for the VLAN tag and other service profile attribute values that
are specific to the type of service profile (SPB or VXLAN). If a SAP already exists with these values, the
device traffic is classified into that SAP. If a SAP does not exist, the switch dynamically creates one based
on the following SPB or VXLAN service profile attributes:
• A VLAN tag—This value determines the encapsulation value for the SAP (when set to zero, the
VLAN ID tag of the traffic is used).
• An SPB Service Instance ID (I-SID)—This value is specified when configuring an SPB service
mapping for a UNP profile. An I-SID is associated with an SPB service ID that is assigned to a UNP
access port to form a SAP. If the I-SID value specified does not exist, the switch will dynamically
create the I-SID and associated SPB service ID. After that, the SAP is dynamically configured using
the dynamically created service ID.
• An SPB Backbone VLAN (BVLAN) ID—This value is specified when configuring an SPB service
mapping for a UNP profile. A BVLAN serves as a transport VLAN for an SPB service instance
associated with the SAP. If the BVLAN ID specified does not exist, the dynamic SAP is not created.
• A VXLAN Network ID (VNID)—This value is specified when configuring a VXLAN service
mapping for a UNP profile. A VNID is associated with a VXLAN service ID that is assigned to a UNP
access port to form a SAP. If the VNID value specified does not exist, the switch will dynamically
create the VNID and associated VXLAN service ID. After that, the SAP is dynamically configured
using the dynamically created service ID.
• A multicast group address and/or a far-end IP address list—These values are specified when
configuring a VXLAN service mapping for a UNP profile. It is possible to configure one or both of
these values for the same service mapping.
– A multicast group address identifies the IP address of the multicast group in which the VXLAN
service will participate.
– A far-end IP address list contains a list of IP addresses that are used to dynamically create service
distribution points (SDPs) for the VXLAN service. Each address represents a VXLAN tunnel
endpoint (VTEP).
Allowing incoming traffic to trigger the switch to dynamically create a SAP reduces the amount of manual
configuration required. This capability is similar to configuring UNP to dynamically create a VLAN based
on the 802.1Q-tag of the device traffic.

• Dynamically creating services and related SAPs is subject to available switch resources. If an attempt
to dynamically create a service or SAP fails for any reason, the MAC addresses classified for the
service profile are learned as filtering.
• Dynamically created SAPs are not saved to the switch configuration file.

System Default Profiles

To further automate SAP configuration, UNP also supports dynamically creating a “System Default”
service profile for traffic received on UNP access ports that is not classified into a user-defined UNP
service profile. A System Default profile specifies the attributes used to dynamically create an SPB SAP
or a VXLAN SAP for the traffic.

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Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Overview

The type of SAP that the switch will dynamically create for the System Default profile is based on the
dynamic service setting for the UNP access port on which the SAP is created. For example:
• If the dynamic service port parameter is set to SPB, then the SPB control BVLAN, a calculated default
I-SID number, and an incremental reserved service ID number are used to dynamically create a SAP
for SPB service traffic received on the UNP access port.
• If the dynamic service port parameter is set to VXLAN, then a calculated VNI number, a default
multicast group IP address, and an incremental reserved service ID number are used to dynamically
create a SAP for VXLAN service traffic received on the UNP access port.
For information about how to configure the dynamic service port parameter, see “Configuring UNP
Port Parameters” on page 28-38.
The attributes specified through the System Default profile are derived using the system parameter values
and calculations described in the following sections.

SPB System Default Profile

UNP derives the System Default profile attributes as follows to dynamically create a SAP for SBP traffic:
• BVLAN—The SPB control BVLAN configured for the switch serves as the BVLAN for the dynamic
• I-SID number—The system default I-SID number (10,000,000) plus the customer domain ID number
(zero by default) multiplied by 10,000. For example, if the UNP access port on which traffic is
received belongs to customer domain 200, then the calculation to determine the I-SID is as follows:
10,000,000 + (200 * 10,000) = 12,000,000

• SPB Service ID number—A reserved service ID (32768) that represents the association between the
default system I-SID and the control BVLAN. This value increments by 1 for each additional dynamic
service (SPB or VXLAN) that is created and only has local significance.

VXLAN System Default Profile

UNP derives the System Default profile attributes as follows to dynamically create a SAP for VXLAN
• VNID —The system default VNID number (10,000,000) plus the customer domain ID number (zero
by default) multiplied by 10,000. For example, if the UNP access port on which traffic is received
belongs to customer domain 200, then the calculation to determine the VNID is as follows:
10,000,000 + (200 * 10,000) = 12,000,000

• Multicast Group Address—The system default multicast group IP address is This is used
to dynamically create the Service Distribution Point (SDP) tunnel for the VXLAN traffic.
• VXLAN Service ID number—A reserved service ID (32768) that represents the default system
VNID. This value increments by 1 for each additional dynamic service (SPB or VXLAN) that is
created and only has local significance.

UNP Ports
Access Guardian functionality is supported only on UNP-enabled ports or link aggregates. Traffic from a
device connected to a UNP port triggers an authentication and classification process that is used to
determine the UNP profile assignment for the device.

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Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Overview

By default, all switch ports are non-UNP (fixed) ports that are statically assigned to a specific VLAN.
Once UNP is enabled on a port, traffic from each device connected to that port is classified using the UNP
port and profile configuration to determine the VLAN or service assignment for the device.
There are two types of UNP ports: bridge and access. The port type is specified when UNP functionality is
enabled on the port.
• If a port is configured as a UNP bridge port, then traffic received on that port is only classified using
VLAN profiles.
• If a port is configured as a UNP access port, then traffic received on that port is only classified using
service profiles.
The port type basically determines if device traffic received on that port is classified into the VLAN
domain or the service domain.
When a UNP bridge port is dynamically assigned to a VLAN, a VLAN port association (VPA) is created
and tracked by VLAN management software on each switch. Because the UNP configuration is applied to
each device connected or forwarded through a UNP port, the UNP port can associate with more than one
UNP access ports are not dynamically assigned to VLANs. Instead, traffic received on the port is
classified to a Service Access Point (SAP). A SAP is a virtual port that maps classified device traffic to a

UNP Port Attributes

In addition to the UNP port type, there are configurable UNP port-level attributes that determine the
following for devices connected to a UNP port or link aggregate:
• The type of device authentication (802.1X and/or MAC) attempted, if any.

• Whether device classification is enabled to move devices into profiles based on the outcome of the
device authentication process. For example, authentication is not enabled or fails to determine the
profile assignment for the device.
• Whether devices that do not receive a UNP profile assignment through the authentication or
classification process are assigned to a default profile associated with the UNP port.
• If device traffic is segregated into logical groups based on the domain ID assigned to the UNP port.

• If a port bounce is performed on a UNP bridge port that interacts with the ClearPass Policy Manager
(CPPM) as part of the OmniSwitch Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) solution.
UNP port-level attributes are different from UNP profile-level attributes as follows:
• Port-level attributes define the UNP functionality that is applied to device traffic to help determine the
UNP profile assignment for the device.
• Profile-level attributes define the UNP functionality that is applied once a device is assigned to a
profile. Profile attributes determine the level of access to network resources for devices assigned to the
profile and whether devices are redirected to a CPPM server for authentication and classification.
For more information about UNP port attributes, see “Configuring UNP Port-Based Functionality” on
page 28-38.

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Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Overview

UNP Port Domains

A UNP port domain is a configurable port-level attribute that provides an additional method for
segregating device traffic. A domain is identified by a numerical ID, which can be assigned to UNP ports
and profile classification rules. By default, all UNP ports (bridge and access) and profile rules are assigned
to domain 0.
The main benefit of UNP port domains is that they provide the ability to group physical UNP ports or link
aggregates into one logical domain. Once a UNP port is assigned to a specific domain ID, only
classification rules associated with the same domain ID are applied to that port.
An example of using port domains would be to group all UNP ports carrying traffic for a specific
customer into the same domain (all Customer A ports assigned to domain 2). Then, assign UNP
classification rules associated with VLAN and/or service profiles tailored for that customer to the same
domain ID (all profile classification rules for Customer A are assigned to domain 2).
For more information about UNP port domains, see “Configuring UNP Port Domains” on page 28-46 and
“Configuring the Domain Classification Rule” on page 28-62.

UNP Classification Rules

Classifying devices with UNP rules allows the administrator to assign users to a profile group based on
port and device attributes, such as source IP address, source MAC address, port, or domain ID. For
• Classification is enabled on UNP port 1/1/10.

• A MAC address range classification rule is associated with a UNP profile named “Engineering”. This
rule defines a MAC address range of “00:11:22:33:44:55 through 00:11:22:33:44:66”.
• A device connecting to port 1/1/10 with a source MAC address that falls within the specified MAC
address range is dynamically assigned to the “Engineering” profile. The device and the port on which
the device was learned are also dynamically assigned to the VLAN or service that is associated with
the profile.
Enabling classification and defining classification rules is optional with UNP. When enabled, however,
classification rules are only applied to UNP port traffic when one of the following occurs:
• 802.1X and MAC authentication are disabled on the port.

• 802.1X and/or MAC authentication is enabled but the RADIUS server is not configured.

• 802.1X and/or MAC authentication is enabled but the RADIUS authentication process did not return a
UNP name or failed.
If classification is disabled on a UNP port, classification rules are not applied to traffic received on that
port. If both authentication and classification are disabled on a UNP port, traffic received on that port is
blocked, unless a default UNP is configured for that port.

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Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Overview

UNP Rule Types

A classification rule specifies the criteria that a device must match and the name of a UNP profile that is
applied to the device when the match occurs. The following table lists all the UNP classification rules in
the order of precedence (highest to lowest).

Precedence Step/Rule Matching Condition

1. Port + VLAN tag Packet is learned on a matching port or link aggregate and the packet
contains a matching VLAN ID tag.
2. Port Packet is learned on a matching port or link aggregate.
3. Domain ID + VLAN Packet is learned on a port or link aggregate that is assigned to a matching
tag domain ID and the packet contains a matching VLAN ID tag.
4. Domain ID Packet is learned on a port or link aggregate that is assigned to a matching
domain ID.
5. MAC address + VLAN Packet contains a matching source MAC address and a matching VLAN ID
tag tag.
6. MAC address Packet contains a matching source MAC address.
7. MAC OUI + VLAN tag Packet contains a source MAC address with a matching OUI and a matching
VLAN ID tag.
8. MAC OUI Packet contains a source MAC address with a matching OUI.
9. MAC address range + Packet contains a source MAC address that falls within a specified range of
VLAN tag MAC addresses and a matching VLAN ID tag.
10. MAC address range Packet contains a source MAC address that falls within a specified range of
MAC addresses.
11. LLDP for IP Phones LLDP TLVs from an IP phone are detected.
12. Authentication Type + Packet received from a device authenticated through the matching
VLAN tag authentication type and the packet contains a matching VLAN ID tag.
13. Authentication Type Packet received from a device authenticated through the matching
authentication type.
14. IP address + VLAN Packet contains a matching source IP address and a matching VLAN ID tag.
15. IP address Packet contains a matching source IP address.
16. VLAN tag Packet contains a matching VLAN ID tag.

Binding Classification Rules for UNP Profiles

The port and domain ID classification rules can be combined with other classification rules to create a
binding rule. The following binding rule combinations are supported and are listed in the order of
1 Port + MAC address + IP address
2 Port + MAC address
3 Port + IP address
4 Domain ID + MAC address + IP address
5 Domain ID + MAC address
6 Domain ID + IP address

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-23
Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Overview

A device must match all the rules specified in the binding rule combination. For example, if a binding rule
specifies a port, MAC address, and IP address, then the device must have a matching port, source MAC
address, and source IP address.

Note. Binding classification rules take precedence over individual classification rules.

Extended Classification Rules for UNP Profiles

An Extended classification rule defines a list of individual rules and assigns the list a name and a
precedence value. A device must match all of the rules specified in the extended rule list.
The precedence value assigned to the extended rule’s name is used to determine precedence among other
extended classification rules configured on the switch. If a device matches all the criteria in two different
extended rules, the rule with the highest precedence is applied to the device.
Although some individual classification rules can be combined to for m a binding rule, a binding rule is
not assigned a rule name and does not have a configurable precedence value. In addition, extended
classification rules offer more rule combinations than binding rules.

Note. Extended classification rules take precedence over all other UNP classification rule types (individual
rules and binding rules).

For more information see “Configuring UNP Classification Rules” on page 28-61.

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Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Overview

How it Works
There is no global switch setting to invoke the Access Guardian UNP functionality. Instead, UNP is
enabled on individual switch ports and profiles are defined to determine the dynamic VLAN or service
assignment for devices connected through the UNP ports. When UNP is enabled on a switch port, the
following device authentication and classification process is triggered when the port receives traffic.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-25
Configuring Access Guardian Interaction With Other Features

Interaction With Other Features

This section contains important information about how other OmniSwitch features interact with Access
Guardian. Refer to the specific chapter for each feature to get more detailed information about how to
configure and use the feature.

Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA)

The AAA configuration for the switch determines the following for Access Guardian functionality:
• Which RADIUS servers or ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) servers to use for Access Guardian
authentication and accounting sessions.
• Authentication parameter values, such as the session timeout, inactivity timeout, interim accounting
update interval, and 802.1X re-authentication interval for authentication and accounting sessions.
• AAA profiles to define a custom, pre-defined AAA configuration that can be applied to a specific set
of UNP ports or through a Captive Portal profile.

Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD)

Access Guardian interacts with the ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) platform to provide support for the
OmniSwitch BYOD unified access solution.
• Configurable switch parameters to redirect traffic to the CPPM server.

• A configurable redirect parameter for UNP profiles to allow devices assigned to the profile to honor
CoA and DM messages from the CPPM.
• A port bounce operation is configurable on UNP ports to trigger re-authentication of non-supplicants
upon receipt of CoA and DM messages.
• A global pause timer is available to determine the amount of time the switch filters traffic from non-
supplicant (non-802.1X) devices on all UNP ports. This is done to clear the context of the user and is
triggered upon receipt of a CoA message that requires a VLAN change for the device.
For more information about the OmniSwitch BYOD solution, see “Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD)
Overview” on page 28-94.

Learned Port Security

UNP and Learned Port Security (LPS) are supported on the same port with the following conditions:
• LPS is not supported on link aggregates.

• The LPS learning window is not set on a per-port basis, which means that the window applies globally
across all UNP ports on which LPS is enabled.
• When LPS is enabled or disabled on a UNP bridge port (LPS is not supported on UNP access ports),
MAC addresses already learned on that port are flushed.
• Configuring a static MAC address is not allowed on a UNP port unless LPS is also enabled on the
same port.

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Configuring Access Guardian Interaction With Other Features

• When both LPS and UNP are enabled on the same port,
– UNP first authenticates and classifies any MAC addresses received, then LPS rules are applied.
– If a MAC address violates any of the LPS rules for the port, the address may get filtered or the port
violated even if UNP initially determined the address was valid. In other words, LPS rules take
precedence over UNP to determine if a MAC address is bridged or filtered on the port.
• If UNP classifies a MAC address as learning but LPS learns the address as filtering, an untagged
packet will show as filtering in the default VLAN for the port and a tagged packet MAC will show as
filtering in the specific tagged VLAN.
• When a MAC address is filtered by LPS, the show unp user status command will display “LPS-
Blocked” as the classification source for that MAC address.
There are some LPS commands and command options that are not supported on UNP ports. For more
information about these exceptions and other conditions for using UNP and LPS on the same port, see
Chapter 47, “Learned Port Security Commands,” in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

Multiple VLAN Registration Protocol (MVRP)

MVRP is not supported on UNP ports, however, both features can co-exist on the same switch. The
recommended configuration is to have UNP dynamically create VLAN-port-associations on UNP bridge
ports while MVRP propagates the dynamic VLANs down and up stream.
UNP supports a dynamic VLAN profile configuration option. When this option is enabled, tagged packets
received on UNP ports that are enabled to trust the VLAN tag, are classified based on the VLAN tag of
the packet. If the VLAN tag matches a MVRP VLAN on the switch and the MVRP VLAN is not already
assigned to a profile, the following occurs:
• A new profile is automatically created and associated with the MVRP VLAN.

• The MVRP VLAN is converted to a UNP dynamic VLAN if the UNP dynamic VLAN configuration
option is also enabled for the switch.

Quality of Service (QoS)

The Access Guardian feature provides the ability to assign a list of QoS policy rules to a UNP. The rules
contained in the list are applied to any device that is assigned to the UNP. Consider the following
guidelines when configuring policy lists for user profiles:
• QoS policy rules and policy lists are configured using the OmniSwitch QoS feature. Configuration of
these items is required before the list is assigned to a UNP.
• Configuring QoS policy lists is not allowed if VLAN Stacking Services or if QoS inner VLAN or inner
802.1Q tag policies are configured for the switch.
• Only one QoS policy list per UNP is allowed, but multiple profiles can use the same UNP. Up to 32
policy lists (including the default list) are allowed per switch.
• A default QoS policy list always exists in the switch configuration. Any QoS policies that are not
assigned to a user profile belong to the default list, unless specified otherwise when the policy is
• If a QoS policy list is configured for a UNP profile, only the policy rules in the list are applied to traffic
from devices classified into the profile. Any default list policy rules are not applied in this case.

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Configuring Access Guardian Interaction With Other Features

• If a QoS policy list is not specified for a user profile, then any policies from the default list are applied
to profile devices.
• If a policy rule is enabled, it is active for all policy lists to which it belongs. If one of the policy lists is
disabled, the rule is still active for all the other lists.
• If a policy rule is disabled, it is no longer active in any policy list to which it belongs, even if the list is
still enabled.

Service Assurance Agent

The Service Assurance Agent (SAA) profile is particularly useful for monitoring VM connectivity across
the data center. This profile type specifies jitter and latency threshold values and is assigned to UNP
VLAN profiles (service profiles not supported) to associate these performance monitoring thresholds with
a specific UNP.
The OmniVista network management tool will extract profile information from UNP on the switch and
will create SAA sessions based on the UNP profile SAA threshold values. These SAA sessions will
operate as regular sessions. When a threshold is reached, a trap is sent to OmniVista, and OmniVista will
make the necessary notifications and network modifications.

Service Manager
The OmniSwitch supports both a VLAN and a service domain for traffic classification. The VLAN
domain is identified by a VLAN ID. The service domain is identified by a Shortest Path Bridging (SPB)
service instance identifier (I-SID) or a Virtual eXtensible LAN (VXLAN) Network ID, both of which are
translated into a Service Manger service ID to represent a virtual forwarding instance (VFI).
• In the VLAN domain, each VLAN is accessed through a physical port. Each physical port can have
more than one VLAN attached. UNP VLAN classification associates a MAC address to a specific
VLAN on a physical UNP bridge port.
• In the service domain, each VFI is accessed through a virtual port, referred to as a Service Access Point
(SAP). UNP service classification associates a MAC address to a SAP.

Source Learning
Do not disable source learning on a port or VLAN when using UNP to classify devices connected to UNP-
enabled ports.

Universal Network Profile (UNP)

The UNP feature provides network administrators with the ability to define and apply network access
control to specific types of devices by grouping such devices according to specific matching profile
criteria. This allows network administrators to create virtual machine network profiles (vNPs) and user
network profiles from a unified framework of operation and administration.
UNP is not limited to creating profiles for only certain types of devices. However, the following
classification methods implemented through UNP functionality and profile criteria provide the ability to
tailor profiles for specific devices (physical or virtual):
• MAC-based and 802.1X-based authentication using a RADIUS-capable server.

• Redirection for Captive Portal authentication.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-28
Configuring Access Guardian Interaction With Other Features

• Redirection to ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) for Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) user device
registration, integrity check, UNP assignment, and policy list assignment.
• Switch-wide classification rules to classify users based on port and device attributes (for example,
source MAC, Group ID, IP address). No authentication required.
• VLAN tag classification to create VLAN port or Service Access Point (SAP) associations based on the
VLAN ID contained in device packets.
• Default UNP classification for traffic not classified through other methods.

Basically, UNP functionality is used to define profile-based VLANs or services to which network devices
are assigned. The profile can allow, deny, or require actions by users or machines on the network. Because
membership to a VLAN or service is based on UNP profile criteria, devices assigned to the VLAN or
service are not tied to a specific port or switch. This flexibility allows device mobility within the network
while maintaining network security.

Virtual Network Profiles

A Virtual Network Profile (vNP) refers to a UNP that is configured for machine classification, in
particular virtual machines. This type of UNP will classify virtual machines in the same manner as any
other device connected to a UNP port.
Once a virtual machine is assigned to a vNP, the VM traffic is bound to the VLAN or service as defined
by the profile. In addition, any QoS policies associated with the profile are also applied to the VM traffic.
See “Device Authentication” on page 28-13 for more information.
For more information about virtual machine classification, see the “Virtual Machine Classification”
chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Data Center Switching Guide.

UNP Port Interaction with Other Features

The following tables provides a summary list of switch features and whether or not each feature is
supported on UNP-enabled ports:

Feature UNP Port

802.1q Not supported.
Supported on untagged ports.
Application Fingerprinting (AFP) Supported (UNP is applied first then AFP if the
UNP mode UNP applies a QoS policy list rule that specifies
an AFP group name).
Application Monitoring and
Enforcement (AppMon)
Edge Virtual Bridging (EVB) Not supported.
Ethernet OAM port Not supported.
Ethernet Ring Protection (ERP) Not supported.
Ethernet Services (VLAN Stacking) Not supported.
IPv6 Not supported.
Learned Port Security (LPS) Supported (UNP is applied first then LPS if UNP
classifies the MAC address in a forwarding state).

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-29
Configuring Access Guardian Interaction With Other Features

Feature UNP Port

Link Aggregation Supported (not supported on ports that are
members of a link aggregate).
Multiple VLAN Registration Not supported.
Protocol (MVRP)
OpenFlow enabled port Not supported.
Port Mirroring Not supported on destination ports (MTP).
Supported on source ports.
Port Monitoring Supported
Port Mapping Not supported on network ports.
Supported on user ports.
Service Manager access ports Not supported.
Service Manager network ports Not supported.
Source Learning Not supported on ports on which dynamic source
learning is disabled. In addition, disabling
VLAN-level source learning is not recommended.
STP port enable or disable Not supported.
Static MAC addresses Supported only when LPS is also enabled on the
UNP port.

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Configuring Access Guardian Configuring Port-Based Network Access Control

Configuring Port-Based Network Access Control

For port-based network access control, the switch must know which servers to use for authenticating
supplicant (802.1X) and non-supplicant (non-802.1X) user devices. In addition, the Universal Network
Profile (UNP) feature must be active to perform authentication and classification functions for a supplicant
and non-supplicate device.
Configuring the UNP feature consists of both profile-based and port-based configuration tasks. The
profile-based tasks define profile attributes that enforce network access control for devices classified into
the profile. The port-based tasks enable UNP functionality on individual ports.
The following sections describe configuring Access Guardian features to provide port-based network
access control:
• “Setting Authentication Parameters for the Switch” on page 28-32.

• “Configuring UNP Port-Based Functionality” on page 28-38.

• “Configuring UNP Profiles” on page 28-48.

• “Configuring the UNP Profile Mapping” on page 28-51

• “Configuring QoS Policy Lists” on page 28-58.

• “Configuring UNP Classification Rules” on page 28-61.

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Configuring Access Guardian Configuring Port-Based Network Access Control

Setting Authentication Parameters for the Switch

Use the aaa device-authentication command to specify which RADIUS servers the switch will use for
802.1X, MAC, and Captive Portal authentication. The server information must already be configured on
the switch through the aaa radius-server command. An example of setting the switch to use specific
servers for 802.1X authentication:
-> aaa radius-server rad1 host key rad1_secret
-> aaa radius-server rad2 host key rad2_secret
-> aaa device-authentication 802.1x rad1 rad2

In this example, the rad1 server is used for authenticating user devices connected to UNP ports on which
802.1X authentication is enabled. If rad1 becomes unavailable, the switch then uses rad2 for 802.1X
To set the switch to use specific servers for MAC authentication, use the aaa device-authentication
command with the mac parameter. For example:
-> aaa device-authentication mac rad1 rad2

In this example, the rad1 server is used for authenticating user devices connected to UNP ports on which
MAC authentication is enabled. As in the 802.1X authentication example, if rad1 becomes unavailable,
the switch will then use rad2 for MAC authentication.
To set the switch to use specific servers for internal Captive Portal authentication, use the aaa device-
authentication command with the captive-portal parameter. For example:
-> aaa device-authentication captive-portal rad1 rad2

In this example, the rad1 server is used for authenticating user devices connected to UNP ports that are
classified into a UNP profile that has Captive Portal authentication enabled. As in the 802.1X and MAC
authentication example, if rad1 becomes unavailable, the switch will then use rad2 for internal Captive
Portal authentication.

Note. The same RADIUS servers can be used for 802.1X, MAC, and Captive Portal authentication. Using
different servers for each type of authentication is allowed but not required. For more information about
configuring authentication servers, see Chapter 38, “AAA Commands.”

Use the show aaa server command to display the RADIUS server configuration. For example:
-> show aaa server
Server name = rad1
Server type = RADIUS,
IP Address 1 =,
Retry number = 3,
Time out (sec) = 2,
Authentication port = 1812,
Accounting port = 1813,
VRF = default
Server name = rad2
Server type = RADIUS,
IP Address 1 =,
Retry number = 3,
Time out (sec) = 2,
Authentication port = 1812,
Accounting port = 1813,
VRF = default

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Configuring Access Guardian Configuring Port-Based Network Access Control

Use the show aaa device-authentication command to display a list of RADIUS servers assigned to
provide 802.1X, MAC, or Captive Portal authentication. For example:
-> show aaa device-authentication
Authentication type = mac
Authentication Server:
1st authentication server = rad1,
2nd authentication server = rad2

Authentication type = 802.1x

Authentication Server:
1st authentication server = rad1,
2nd authentication server = rad2

Authentication type = captive-portal

Authentication Server:
1st authentication server = rad1,
2nd authentication server = rad2

For more information about the authentication methods for supplicant and non-supplicant devices, see
“Device Authentication” on page 28-13.

Accounting Servers
Use the aaa accounting command to create an accounting server entry for 802.1X, MAC, and Captive
Portal authentication. For example, the following commands specify accounting servers for each type of
-> aaa accounting mac rad1 rad2 rad3
-> aaa accounting 802.1x rad1 rad2 rad3 rad4
-> aaa accounting captive-portal rad1 rad2 rad3

Optionally, the Switch Logging (syslog) facility can be used for the accounting function. For example, the
following commands specify syslog as the accounting server for each type of authentication:
-> aaa accounting 802.1x syslog port 8000
-> aaa accounting mac syslog port 8000
-> aaa accounting captive-portal syslog port 8000

Accounting with the local syslog facility is not allowed if RADIUS server accounting is already
configured. In other words, configure either RADIUS or syslog accounting.
Use the show aaa accounting command to display the accounting server configuration for a specific type
of device authentication. For example:
-> show aaa accounting mac
Accounting type = mac
Accounting Server:
1st Accnt Server = rad1,
2nd Accnt Server = rad2

Configuring Authentication Session Parameters

The following table provides a list of configurable authentication session parameters, the default value for
each parameter, and the authentication type (802.1X, MAC, or Captive Portal) to which the parameter

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-33
Configuring Access Guardian Configuring Port-Based Network Access Control

Description Command Default Authentication Type

The amount of time a aaa session-timeout Timer = disabled MAC, Captive Portal
session remains active Time limit = 43200
after a successful login seconds (12 hours)
The amount of time an aaa inactivity-logout Timer = disabled MAC, Captive Portal
inactive user can remain Time limit = 600 seconds
logged on
Accounting update aaa interim-interval Timer = disabled 802.1X, MAC,
interval 600 seconds Captive Portal
Number of login attempts captive-portal retry-count 3 Captive Portal
allowed per session
The re-authentication aaa 802.1x re-authentication Timer = disabled 802.1X
time interval Time limit = 3600 seconds
The port identifier for the aaa radius nas-port-id User port 802.1X, MAC,
NAS-Port attribute Captive Portal
The system identifier for aaa radius nas-identifier System name of the 802.1X, MAC,
the NAS-Identifier switch. Captive Portal
The MAC address format aaa radius mac-format No delimiter, uppercase 802.1X, MAC,
for the Calling-Station-Id Captive Portal
and the Called-Station-ID

The aaa session-timeout, aaa interim-interval, and aaa 802.1x re-authentication include a trust-radius
option that is disabled by default. When enabled, the value for the time is taken from the following
RADIUS attribute values returned from the RADIUS server. For example:
• The Session-Timeout attribute value received in an Access-Accept messages is used for the session
timeout and 802.1X re-authentication parameter values.
• The Acct-Interim-Interval attribute value received in an Access-Accept message is used for the
accounting interim update interval parameter.
Use the show aaa config command to display the current authentication session parameters values for
each type of authentication. For example:
-> show aaa mac config
Authentication type = mac
Session Timeout:
Status = disable,
Interval (sec) = 43200,
Trust Radius = disable

Inactivity Timeout:
Status = disable,
Interval (sec) = 600

Accounting Interim:
Interval (sec) = 600,
Trust Radius = disable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-34
Configuring Access Guardian Configuring Port-Based Network Access Control

Use the show aaa radius config command to display RADIUS client attribute values and the MAC
address format. For example:
-> show aaa radius config
RADIUS client attributes:
NAS port id = default,
NAS identifier = default
MAC format delimiter:
Username = none, UserNameCase = uppercase,
Password = none, PasswordCase = uppercase,
calling station id = none, ClgStaIdCase = uppercase,
called station id = none, CldStaIdCase = uppercase

For more information about the commands described in this section, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8
CLI Reference Guide.

Using AAA Configuration Profiles

An AAA profile is a configuration entity that provides flexible assignment of switch-based authentication
parameters to specific UNP ports. When an AAA profile is assigned to a UNP port, the parameter values
defined in the profile are applied to the sessions on that port. The profile configuration overrides the global
AAA configuration for users authenticating on the assigned port.
Use an AAA profile to define and apply the following AAA configuration settings:
• The authentication server to use for 802.1X, MAC, and Captive Portal authentication.

• The accounting server to use for 802.1X, MAC, and Captive Portal authentication.

• Authentication session parameter values, such as the session timeout, inactivity timeout, interim
accounting interval, or 802.1X re-authentication interval.
• RADIUS attribute values for NAS-Port and NAS-Identifier attributes.

• MAC address format used when a MAC address is specified in the Calling-Station-ID and Called-
Station-ID attributes.
AAA profiles can be used to apply different sets of AAA configuration parameters to different sets of
ports. For example, different AAA profiles could be created to point to different RADIUS servers for each
authentication method. This would allow the switch to interact with a specific server on one set of ports
and interact with a different server on another set of ports.
In addition, an AAA profile can be assigned to a Captive Portal profile to define specific AAA
configuration options for Captive Portal authentication. A Captive Portal profile is assigned to a UNP
profile and applied when Captive Portal authentication is enabled for the profile.

Configuring AAA Profiles

Use the aaa profile command to create a profile name and configure parameter values for that profile. For
-> aaa profile ap-1
-> aaa profile ap-1 device-authentication mac rad1 rad2
-> aaa profile ap-1 device-authentication 802.1x rad1 rad2
-> aaa profile ap-1 device-authentication captive-portal rad1 rad2

-> aaa profile ap-1 accounting 802.1x rad1 rad2

-> aaa profile ap-1 accounting mac rad1 rad2
-> aaa profile ap-1 accounting captive-portal syslog port 8000

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-35
Configuring Access Guardian Configuring Port-Based Network Access Control

-> aaa profile ap-1 mac inactivity-logout enable

-> aaa profile ap-1 captive-portal inactivity-logout enable interval 600

Use the unp aaa-profile command to assign an AAA profile to a UNP port or UNP link aggregate. For
-> unp port 1/1/5 aaa-profile ap-1
-> unp port 1/2/1-5 aaa-profile ap-1
-> unp linkagg 10 aaa-profile ap-1
-> unp linkagg 2-5 aaa-profile ap-1

Use the captive-portal-profile command to assign an AAA configuration profile to a Captive Portal
Profile. For example:
-> captive-portal-profile cp_p1 aaa-profile ap-1

Use the show aaa profile command to display the AAA profile configuration. For example,
-> show aaa profile ap2

AAA profile name = ap2

Authentication type = mac
Authentication Server:
1st Auth Server = rad1,
2nd Auth Server = rad2

Accounting Server:
1st Accnt Server = rad1,
2nd Accnt Server = rad2

Session Timeout:
Status = disable,
Interval (sec) = 43200,
Trust Radius = disable

Inactivity Timeout:
Status = disable,
Interval (sec) = 600

Accounting Interim:
Interval (sec) = 600,
Trust Radius = disable

Authentication type = 802.1x

Re-Authentication Timeout:
Status = disable,
Interval (sec) = 3600,
Trust Radius = disable

Accounting Interim:
Interval (sec) = 600,
Trust Radius = disable

Authentication type = captive-portal

Session Timeout:
Status = disable,
Interval (sec) = 43200,
Trust Radius = disable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-36
Configuring Access Guardian Configuring Port-Based Network Access Control

Inactivity Timeout:
Status = disable,
Interval (sec) = 600

Accounting Interim:
Interval (sec) = 600,
Trust Radius = disable

RADIUS client attributes:

NAS port id = default,
NAS identifier = default,
MAC format delimiter:
Username = none, UserNameCase = uppercase,
Password = none, PasswordCase = uppercase,
calling station id = none, ClgStaIdCase = uppercase,
called station id = none, CldStaIdCase = uppercase

For more information about the commands described in this section, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8
CLI Reference Guide.

Configuring an Authentication Server Down UNP

An authentication server down UNP is used to classify devices attempting to authenticate through UNP
ports when the RADIUS server is unreachable. By default, there is no such profile configured for the
switch. To create this type of UNP, use the unp auth-server-down command.
-> unp auth-server-down profile1 down_unp

After a device is classified into the VLAN for this UNP, an attempt to re-authenticate the device is made
after a specific period of time (60 seconds by default). To change this time value, use the unp auth-
server-down-timeout command.
-> unp auth-server-down-timeout 120

Configuring an authentication server down UNP is highly recommended when MAC or 802.1X
authentication is enabled on any UNP port or link aggregate. This is because after a switch reload, the
traffic from devices connected to UNP ports and link aggregates reaches the switch and triggers the
authentication process before route convergence has completed and the server can be reached.
• If an authentication server down UNP is configured, devices are temporarily learned in that profile and
authentication is automatically attempted again after the timeout period expires. This allows time for
the server to become reachable from the switch after a reload.
• If an authentication server down UNP is not configured, devices are learned as filtering and will remain
in that state. There is no further attempt to authenticate these devices again.
The authentication down UNP and related timer value are applied to all traffic received on all UNP ports
in the event the RADIUS server becomes unreachable. To verify if this setting is enabled or disabled, use
the show unp global configuration command. For example:
-> show unp global configuration
Dynamic Vlan Configuration = Disabled,
Dynamic Profile Configuration = Disabled,
Auth Server Down Profile1 = down_unp,
Auth Server Down Profile2 = -,
Auth Server Down Profile3 = -,
Auth Server Down Timeout = 120,
Redirect Port Bounce = Enabled,
Redirect Pause Timer = -

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-37
Configuring Access Guardian Configuring Port-Based Network Access Control

Redirect http proxy-port = 8080

Redirect Server IP =
Allowed IP = -

Note. When device authentication fails due to an unreachable RADIUS server, an event message is sent to
the switch logging utility (swlog). See Chapter 36, “Using Switch Logging,” for more information.

Configuring UNP Port-Based Functionality

Access Guardian provides network access and QoS on a per-user basis through the framework of the
Universal Network Profile (UNP) feature. UNP functionality is enabled and applied on switch ports or
link aggregates. Devices connected to a UNP-enabled port or link aggregate are subject to authentication
and classification as determined by the UNP port and switch configuration.
By default, UNP functionality is disabled on all switch ports and link aggregates. There are two UNP port
types supported: bridge and access. To enable UNP functionality and specify a port type, use the unp
port-type command. For example:
-> unp port 1/1/12 port-type bridge
-> unp linkagg 5 port-type bridge
-> unp port 1/1/13 port-type access
-> unp linkagg 6 port-type access

To remove the UNP configuration from a port or link aggregate, use the no unp port or no unp linkagg
command. For example:
-> no unp port 1/1/3
-> no unp linkagg 10

To change the port type of an existing UNP port, remove the current UNP configuration using the no unp
port or no unp linkagg command then use the unp port-type command to set the new port type. For
-> no unp port 1/12
-> unp port 1/12 port-type access
-> no unp linkagg 5
-> unp linkagg 5 port-type access

Configuring UNP Port Parameters

The UNP port parameter values listed in “Access Guardian UNP Port Defaults” on page 28-5 are applied
when UNP functionality is enabled on a port or link aggregate. To change the default UNP port parameter
values, use the commands listed in the following table:

Command Description
unp redirect port-bounce Configures the redirect port bounce status for the port. When
enabled, a port bounce is triggered upon receipt of Change of
Authorization (CoA) or Disconnect request (DM) messages. This
command applies only to UNP bridge ports.
unp 802.1x-authentication Configures the status of 802.1X authentication for the UNP port.
unp 802.1x-authentication pass- Assigns the name of an existing UNP as an alternate profile. If
alternate successful 802.1X authentication does not return a UNP, the device
can be classified into this alternate profile.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-38
Configuring Access Guardian Configuring Port-Based Network Access Control

unp 802.1x-authentication bypass- Configures whether to bypass 802.1X authentication on the port.
8021x See “Configuring 802.1X Authentication Bypass” on page 28-43.
unp 802.1x-authentication failure- Configures whether to attempt MAC authentication if 802.1X
policy authentication fails or let the port configuration classify the device.
unp 802.1x-authentication tx- Configures the re-transmission time interval for UNP ports on
period which 802.1X authentication is enabled.
unp 802.1x-authentication supp- Configures the amount of time the switch will wait before timing
timeout out an 802.1X user attempting to authenticate through the port.
unp 802.1x-authentication max- Configures the maximum number of times the switch will transmit a
req request for authentication information to an 802.1X user on the port.
unp mac-authentication allow-eap Configures whether to attempt 802.1X authentication after MAC
authentication passes or fails on a UNP port that has 802.1X bypass
unp mac-authentication Configures the status of MAC authentication for the UNP port.
unp mac-authentication pass- Assigns the name of an existing UNP as an alternate profile. If
alternate successful MAC authentication does not return a UNP, the device
can be classified into this alternate profile.
unp classification Configures the status of rule-based classification for the UNP port.
When enabled, UNP classification rules are applied if device
authentication does not provide a UNP name for a device connected
to the port.
unp trust-tag Configures the option of whether to trust the VLAN ID of a tagged
packet to determine how the packet is classified. When enabled,
packets carrying a VLAN ID tag that matches a VLAN configured
on the switch are dynamically assigned to that VLAN.
unp default-profile Assigns the name of an existing UNP as the default profile for the
UNP port. If device authentication or classification does not provide
a UNP name for a user device, the device can be classified into the
default profile.
unp domain Assigns a UNP port to a numerical domain ID. All UNP ports
assigned to the same domain ID are considered members of a
logical domain group. See “Configuring UNP Port Domains” on
page 28-46.
unp aaa-profile Assigns the name of an existing AAA configuration profile to a
UNP port. The port-level AAA profile configuration overrides the
global AAA configuration for the switch. See “Using AAA
Configuration Profiles” on page 28-35.
unp port port-template Assigns the name of a custom port template to a UNP port. The
“bridgeDefaultPortTemplate” template is assigned to UNP bridge
ports and the “accessDefaultPortTemplate” template is assigned to
UNP access ports by default. Use this command to assign a custom
port template that will override the default port template values. See
“Using UNP Port Templates” on page 28-41.
unp direction Configures whether egress broadcast, unknown unicast, or multicast
traffic is allowed on the UNP port.

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Configuring Access Guardian Configuring Port-Based Network Access Control

unp admin-state Configures the administrative status of the UNP configuration for
the port. By default, the status is enabled. When disabled, the UNP
configuration is retained but not active for port traffic.
unp dynamic-service Configures whether the System Default service profile dynamically
creates an SPB Service Access Point (SAP) or a VXLAN SAP
based on the traffic received on the UNP access port. This command
applies only to UNP access ports. See “System Default Profiles” on
page 28-19.
unp vlan Configures an untagged VLAN-port association between the
specified UNP bridge port and VLAN ID. This command applies
only to UNP bridge ports.

Consider the following guidelines when configuring UNP port parameters:

• Any configuration change to a UNP-enabled port will flush all MAC addresses learned on that port.
This applies only to CLI commands used to configure UNP port parameters.
• The UNP name specified with the unp default-profile, unp 802.1x-authentication pass-alternate,
and unp mac-authentication pass-alternate commands must already exist in the switch
configuration. See “UNP Profiles” on page 28-16 for more information.
• The default UNP for a port is basically a “last resort” UNP for traffic that was not successfully
classified through other methods. If all other methods fail and a default UNP is not configured for the
port, device traffic is blocked on that port.
• Parameter values defined in a custom UNP port template override the existing UNP port configuration.
Any attempt to explicitly configure a UNP port parameter for a port that is associated with a template
is not allowed. See “Using UNP Port Templates” on page 28-41 for more information.
• Enabling both 802.1X and MAC authentication is allowed on the same port, but 802.1X authentication
is attempted first unless 802.1X authentication bypass is also enabled for the port. See “Configuring
802.1X Authentication Bypass” on page 28-43 for more information.
• There are two methods for configuring and applying port bandwidth parameter values to UNP ports
that are assigned to a profile: QoS policy list rules and UNP profile bandwidth parameters. See
“Configuring UNP Port Bandwidth” on page 28-44 for more information.
• If there is no authentication type enabled for the UNP port, then the source MAC address of a device
connected to the port is not sent to the designated RADIUS server for identification and authentication.
Instead, other classification parameters configured for the port are applied to the device.
Use the show unp port config command to display the UNP port configuration. For example:
-> show unp port 1/1/10 config
Port 1/1/10
Port-Type = BRIDGE,
Redirect Port Bounce = Disabled,
802.1x authentication = Enabled,
802.1x Pass Alternate Profile = -,
802.1x Bypass = Disabled,
802.1x failure-policy = default,
Mac-auth allow-eap = -,
Mac authentication = Enabled,
Mac Pass Alternate Profile = -,
Classification = Enabled,
Trust-tag = Enabled,

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Default Profile = -,
Port Domain Num = 0,
AAA Profile = -,
Port Template = bridgeDefaultPortTemplate,
Port Control Direction = Both,
Egress Flooding = Not Allowed,
Admin State = Enabled,
Dynamic Service = -,
PVLAN Port Type = -,
802.1x Parameters:
Tx-Period = 30,
Supp-Timeout = 30,
Max-req = 2

For more information about the commands described in this section, see the “Access Guardian
Commands” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

Using UNP Port Templates

A UNP port template is a configuration entity that provides flexible assignment of a pre-defined UNP port
configuration to specific ports. Using a port template to configure UNP functionality on a port or link
aggregate avoids having to configure each parameter with a separate CLI command. Applying a port
template also provides an easy way to replicate a specific configuration on multiple UNP ports.
A UNP port template is used to define and apply the UNP port configuration settings that are described in
“Configuring UNP Port Parameters” on page 28-38.

Note. When a custom port template is assigned to a UNP port, the parameter values defined in the template
will override any existing UNP port configuration. In addition, any attempt to explicitly configure a UNP
port parameter for a port that is associated with a custom template is not allowed.

Default Port Templates

There are two default UNP port templates: “bridgeDefaultPortTemplate” (applied to UNP bridge ports)
and “accessDefaultPortTemplate” (applied to UNP access ports). These templates define a default set of
port parameter values that are applied at the time a port or link aggregate is configured as a UNP bridge or
access port. The default templates cannot be deleted, but the template parameter values are configurable.

Configuring Port Templates

Configuring a custom UNP port template is supported. This is particularly useful when different parameter
values are required for one or more UNP ports. To create a custom port template, use the unp port-
template command. For example, the following commands create the “portTemplate-1” template and
configure parameter values for that template:
-> unp port-template portTemplate-1
-> unp port-template portTemplate-1 mac-authentication enable
-> unp port-template portTemplate-1 mac-authentication pass-alternate AltUNP
-> unp port-template portTemplate-1 classification enable
-> no unp port-template portTemplate-1

-> unp port-template portTemplate-2 802.1x-authentication enable

-> unp port-template portTemplate-2 classification enable
-> unp port-template domain 10
-> no unp port-template portTemplate-2

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Use the unp port port-template command to assign a port template to a UNP port or UNP link aggregate.
For example:
-> unp port 1/1/5 port-template portTemplate-1
-> unp port 1/2/1-5 port-template portTemplate-2
-> unp linkagg 10 port-template portTemplate-1
-> unp linkagg 10-50 port-template portTemplate-2

Use the show unp port-template command to display the UNP port template configuration. For example:
-> show unp port-template port-2 config

Port Template: portTemplate-1

802.1x Authentication = Disabled,
802.1x Pass Alternate Profile = -,
Mac Authentication = Enabled,
Mac-Auth Pass Alternate Profile = AltUNP,
Classification = Enabled,
Trust-tag = Enabled,
Default Profile = -,
Port Domain Number = 0,
AAA-Profile = ,
Redirect Port Bounce = Disabled,
Port Control Direction = Both,
802.1x Tx-Period = 0,
802.1x Supp-Timeout = 0,
802.1x Max-Req = 2,
802.1x Bypass = Disabled,
802.1x failure-policy = default,
Mac-auth allow-eap = -,
Admin State = Enabled,
Dynamic Service = -,

To see the name of the template that is assigned to a port, use the show unp port config command. For
-> show unp port 1/1/5 config
Port 1/1/5
Port-Type = BRIDGE,
Redirect Port Bounce = Disabled,
802.1x authentication = Enabled,
802.1x Pass Alternate Profile = -,
802.1x Bypass = Disabled,
802.1x failure-policy = default,
Mac-auth allow-eap = -,
Mac authentication = Enabled,
Mac Pass Alternate Profile = -,
Classification = Enabled,
Trust-tag = Enabled,
Default Profile = -,
Port Domain Num = 0,
AAA Profile = -,
Port Template = portTemplate-1,
Port Control Direction = Both,
Egress Flooding = Not Allowed,
Admin State = Enabled,
Dynamic Service = -,
PVLAN Port Type = -,
802.1x Parameters:

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Tx-Period = 30,
Supp-Timeout = 30,
Max-req = 2

For more information about the commands described in this section, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8
CLI Reference Guide.

Configuring 802.1X Authentication Bypass

When a device is connected to a UNP port that has both 802.1X authentication and MAC authentication
enabled, the switch first attempts to identify and authenticate the device using 802.1X EAP frames. If the
device does not respond to EAP frames sent by the switch after a configurable number of attempts, then
the device is identified as a non-supplicant and undergoes MAC authentication.
In some cases, however, the network administrator may want to apply MAC authentication first to all
devices (supplicant or non-supplicant) connected to the UNP port. In other words, the switch does not
initiate 802.1X authentication; EAP frames are not sent and any EAP frames received are ignored.
The advantage to applying MAC authentication first is that the MAC address of the device is initially
verified (for example, checked against a RADIUS black list). Based on the outcome of the MAC
authentication, the user device is then classified accordingly or can undergo subsequent 802.1X
To enforce MAC authentication as the initial authentication method for all devices connected to a UNP
port, an 802.1X bypass operation is provided. In addition, the bypass operation provides configurable
options that are used to specify if subsequent 802.1X authentication is performed on the device based on
the results of MAC authentication.
Configuring 802.1X authentication bypass is done using the unp 802.1x-authentication bypass-8021x
and unp mac-authentication allow-eap commands. The unp 802.1x-authentication bypass-8021x
command enables or disables the bypass operation. The following unp mac-authentication allow-eap
command parameters determine if subsequent 802.1X authentication is attempted on the device after
MAC authentication:
• pass—802.1X authentication is attempted if the device passes the initial MAC authentication. If the
device fails MAC authentication, 802.1X authentication is bypassed (EAP frames are ignored) and the
device is classified as a non-supplicant.
• fail—802.1X authentication is attempted if the device fails the initial MAC authentication. If the
device passes MAC authentication, 802.1X authentication is bypassed (EAP frames are ignored) and
the device is classified as a non-supplicant.
• noauth—802.1X authentication is automatically attempted if there is no MAC authentication available
for the port.

Configuration Guidelines
Consider the following guidelines before configuring 802.1X authentication bypass:
• The 802.1X bypass operation is only supported on UNP ports with 802.1X authentication enabled. See
“Configuring UNP Port-Based Functionality” on page 28-38 for more information about configuring
the access control mode.
• If a port has supplicants connected and 802.1X bypass is enabled for that port, the supplicants are
automatically logged off to undergo authentication according to the enabled bypass configuration.

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• When the 802.1X bypass configuration is modified or disabled, any non-supplicant devices are
automatically logged off the port. This will free up those devices to undergo the authentication
specified by the new bypass configuration.
• If re-authentication is configured for the UNP port and 802.1X bypass is enabled, the MAC
authentication followed by 802.1X authentication is initially performed as configured. However, only
802.1X authentication is performed during the re-authentication process, so there is no recheck to see if
the MAC address of the user device is restricted.
• Enabling 802.1X bypass is not allowed on UNP ports that are configured with an 8021X failure policy.

• When successful MAC authentication returns a UNP and the 802.1X bypass operation is configured to
initiate 802.1X authentication when a device passes MAC authentication, the device is not moved into
that UNP. Instead, the device is moved into the UNP returned by 802.1X authentication. If 802.1X
authentication does not provide such information, the device is moved based on the UNP port-based
• When 802.1X bypass is enabled and after MAC authentication, the port will be in a waiting state until
the 802.1X authentication process complete.
• When 802.1X bypass is enabled but the allow EAP option is not configured, then subsequent 802.1X
authentication is not performed. Only the initial MAC authentication is performed and the device is
classified as a non-supplicant.

Configuration Example: 802.1X Bypass with MAC Authentication Fail Policy

The following CLI configuration example enables 802.1X authentication bypass on port 2/1 and triggers
subsequent 802.1X authentication if the initial MAC authentication process fails:
-> unp port 2/1 802.1x-authentication bypass-802.1x
-> unp port 2/1 mac-authentication allow-eap fail

In this example, the Access Guardian authentication process for a device connected to UNP port 2/1 is as
• MAC authentication is triggered when the first frame from the new user is received, whether it is an
EAP frame or not.
• EAP frames for this user are ignored until MAC authentication completes (RADIUS returns an Access-
Accept or a Access-Reject response).
• If the initial MAC authentication passes (Access-Accept), 802.1X authentication is bypassed for this
user and all EAP frames are ignored.
• If the initial MAC authentication fails (Access-Reject), 802.1X authentication is attempted for the user.
During this transition, the EAP frames are allowed and the switch must force the supplicant to restart a
fresh EAP session by sending a multicast Request Identity EAPOL on the port. This is because the
supplicant may have already sent an EAPOL Start.

Configuring UNP Port Bandwidth

The following two methods are available to configure and apply port bandwidth parameter values to UNP
ports that are assigned to a profile:
• QoS policy list rules. A QoS policy list assigned to a UNP profile applies policy rules to all traffic that
is classified into that profile. For example, the following commands create a QoS policy list with rules
to apply rate limiting parameters to all device ports assigned to the “UNP-1” profile:

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Configuring Access Guardian Configuring Port-Based Network Access Control

-> policy condition ip_traffic2 source ip

-> policy action flowShape maximum bandwidth 10m
-> policy action burst maximum depth 1m
-> policy rule rule2 condition traffic2 action flowShape action burst
-> policy list rate-limit type unp
-> policy list rate-limit rules rule2
-> unp profile UNP-1
-> unp profile UNP-1 qos-policy-list rate-limit
-> unp profile UNP-1 map vlan 50

See “Configuring QoS Policy Lists” on page 28-58 for more information.
• Profile bandwidth parameters. Configurable bandwidth parameter values associated with a UNP
profile are applied to traffic that is classified into the profile. For example, the following commands
define profile bandwidth parameters to rate limit traffic on all device ports assigned to the “UNP-1”
-> unp profile UNP-1 maximum-ingress-bandwidth 10M
-> unp profile UNP-1 maximum-egress-bandwidth 10M
-> unp profile unp-1 maximum-ingress-depth 1
-> unp profile unp-1 maximum-egress-depth 1

See “Configuring UNP Profiles” on page 28-48 for more information.

Consider the following guidelines when configuring UNP port bandwidth:
• The maximum ingress and egress bandwidth values are configured in Kbps or Mbps.

• The maximum ingress and egress depth values are configured in Kbps.

• The default value for the maximum ingress and egress depth settings is calculated by dividing the
maximum ingress or egress bandwidth value by 25. For example, if the ingress bandwidth value is set
to 500K, then the ingress depth value defaults to 20K (500K/25=20K). However, if this calculation
results in a value of 0 or 1, then the default value is set to 2K.
• “Per user" bandwidth profiling is not supported. If multiple user devices are classified into different
profiles but learned on the same UNP port, the bandwidth parameter values obtained for the last user
learned are applied on the port. Parameter values applied through previously learned users are
• Runtime modification of UNP ingress or egress bandwidth is allowed; the modified values are then
applied to both new and already authenticated user devices learned on the profile. The new runtime
values become the latest bandwidth values for the profile, so they are applied to all user devices
associated with the profile.
• The bandwidth limitation applied on a port through UNP classification is not removed when a user logs
out or ages out. An administrator can override the bandwidth limitation through the qos port command
or by removing the UNP configuration on the port.
• If any port bandwidth parameter value defined for a UNP profile is modified, then the other parameters
need to be configured again, otherwise they will be set to their default values. For example, consider a
UNP profile with maximum egress bandwidth set to 100M and egress depth set to 10K and the
maximum bandwidth is changed to 200M. In this scenario, only the modified maximum bandwidth is
considered, but the egress depth is reset to the default value unless the required value is specifically
configured again.
• If port bandwidth values are applied through a UNP profile and through a QoS policy list associated
with the same profile, then the minimum of these two values is applied to the UNP port. For example,

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consider a UNP profile with the maximum ingress bandwidth parameter set to 200M but the QoS
policy list associated with the same profile sets the maximum ingress bandwidth to 100M, then the
bandwidth value of 100M is applied.

Multiple User Authentication on the Same Port

If multiple users are authenticated through the same UNP port and are classified with either RADIUS
returned attributes or through locally configured classification methods, then the bandwidth associated to
the latest authenticated user will override the previous bandwidth settings. If there is no bandwidth
associated with the new user, then no rate limitations are enforced and the previously set bandwidth is
applied to the new authenticated user.
There is no priority between bandwidth limits that are applied through the qos port command or applied
through UNP parameters. The latest change will over write the previous bandwidth limitation applied on
the port. For example:

Bandwidth Profile Action

If a user authenticates into a UNP with no UNP The port bandwidth setting is applied.
bandwidth profile (no bandwidth parameters or
QoS policy list to apply rate limitations).
If a user authenticates into a UNP with a The UNP bandwidth setting overrides the port
bandwidth profile (bandwidth parameters or QoS bandwidth setting.
policy list applies rate limitations).

Note. The same bandwidth behavior applies when the user is authenticated with QoS port bandwidth: the
QoS port configuration is the latest configuration.

Configuring UNP Port Domains

UNP port domains provide an additional method for segregating device traffic. A domain is identified by a
numerical ID that can be assigned to UNP ports and profile classification rules. By default, all UNP ports
and profile rules are assigned to domain 0.
The main benefit of UNP port domains is that they provide the ability to group physical UNP ports or link
aggregates into one logical domain. Once a UNP port is assigned to a specific domain ID, only
classification rules associated with the same domain ID are applied to that port.
By default, all UNP ports are assigned to domain 0. To add additional domain IDs, use the unp domain
description command. For example, the following command creates domain 2 with an optional
-> unp domain 2 description “Customer A Domain”

If the optional description parameter is not specified, the description defaults to “UNP Domain x”, where
x is the domain ID number. In the above example, if the “Customer A Domain” description was not
specified with the command, the description text would default to “UNP Domain 2”.
To assign UNP ports to a customer domain ID, use the unp domain command. For example:
-> unp port 1/1-3 domain 2
-> unp linkagg 5 domain 2

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Use the show unp domain command to display the UNP domain ID configuration. For example:

-> show unp domain

Domain Description
0 Default-Domain
1 UNP Domain 1
2 Customer A Domain

Use the show unp port command to display the domain ID assignment for a UNP port. For example:

-> show unp port

Port Port Type 802.1x Mac Class. Default 802.1X MAC Trust-Tag
Domain Auth Auth Pass-Alt Pass-Alt
1/15 2 Bridge Disabled Disabled Enabled unp-1001 - - Disabled
1/16 2 Bridge Disabled Disabled Disabled unp-1001 - - Disabled
1/17 2 Access Disabled Enabled Enabled spb1001 - - Enabled
1/18 2 Access Disabled Enabled Disabled - - - Disabled
1/19 2 Bridge Enabled Enabled Disabled DefUnp 1XProf1 MacPAS Enabled
1/20 2 Access Enabled Disabled Enabled - 1XProf2 - Enabled

Configuration Example
The following CLI configuration example groups ports assigned to Customer A into UNP domain 2 and
creates a MAC address range classification rule that is also associated with domain 2:
-> unp domain 2 description "Customer A Domain"
-> unp port 1/15-20 port-type bridge
-> unp port 1/15-20 domain 2
-> unp profile CustA
-> unp classification mac-range 00:11:22:33:44:66 00:11:22:33:44:77 domain 2
profile1 CustA

In this example:
• UNP domain 2 is created with a description and UNP ports 1/15-20 are assigned to domain 2.

• A UNP MAC address range classification rule is defined and associated with domain 2 and the
“CustA” profile.
• When traffic is received from devices connected to ports 1/15-20, the switch determines if there are
any classification rules associated with domain 2 and applies that rule to the traffic. Because UNP ports
1/15-20 belong to domain 2, the MAC address range rule is applied to traffic received on those ports.
• The source MAC address of device traffic received on ports 1/15-20 is examined to see if it falls within
the range of addresses defined in the MAC address range rule. If the source MAC address of the device
does fall within the specified range, the device is then assigned to the “CustA” profile.
• Network access control attributes configured for the “CustA” profile are then applied to device traffic
assigned to that profile.

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Configuring Access Guardian Configuring Port-Based Network Access Control

Configuring UNP Profiles

A Universal Network Profile (UNP) is assigned to a host device through one of the following Access
Guardian methods:
1 The device authentication process via a remote RADIUS-capable server or a ClearPass Policy Manager
(CPPM) server.

2 Application of profile classification rules, when authentication is not available or fails.

3 The UNP port configuration defines a default UNP profile for traffic that was not assigned to a profile
through other Access Guardian methods.
To create a UNP profile, use the unp profile command. For example:
-> unp profile guest
-> unp profile employee

After a profile is created, configure the profile mapping to determine if a device is forwarded on the
Access Guardian VLAN or service domain. Device traffic received on UNP bridge ports is eligible for
assignment to VLAN-mapped profiles; device traffic received on UNP access ports is eligible for
assignment to service-mapped profiles. For example, the following commands map a VLAN to the
“guest” profile and map a service to the “employee” profile:
-> unp profile guest map vlan 200
-> unp profile vNP1 map service-type spb tag-value 10 isid 1500 bvlan 500

Until a UNP profile is created and the VLAN or service mapping is configured, the profile is not available
for Access Guardian assignment of devices connected to UNP ports. See “Configuring the UNP Profile
Mapping” on page 28-51 for more information.

Configuring UNP Profile Attributes

When a profile is created with no other optional parameter values, the UNP profile attribute values listed
in “Access Guardian Profile Defaults” on page 28-3 are applied to the new profile. To change the default
UNP profile attribute values, use the commands listed in the following table:

Command Description
unp profile qos-policy-list Assigns a QoS policy list to a profile. If there is no list assigned to a
profile, users classified into that profile are granted full access
within the profile VLAN or service domain. See “Configuring QoS
Policy Lists” on page 28-58.
unp profile location-policy Assigns the name of a location-based policy to the profile. This type
of policy defines criteria (such as the slot/port, system name, and
location) to determine if a device is accessing the network from a
valid location.
unp profile period-policy Assigns the name of a time-based policy to the profile. This type of
policy specifies the days and times during which a device can access
the network.
unp profile captive-portal- Configures the status of internal Captive Portal authentication for
authentication the profile. When enabled, triggers the OmniSwitch Captive Portal
authentication process for users classified into the profile.

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Configuring Access Guardian Configuring Port-Based Network Access Control

unp profile captive-portal-profile Assigns the name of a Captive Portal profile that applies a specific
Captive Portal configuration to devices assigned to the UNP profile.
This type of profile is applied when Captive Portal is enabled for the
UNP profile and overrides the global Captive Portal configuration.
unp profile authentication-flag Configures the status of the authentication flag for the profile. When
enabled, only devices that were successfully authenticated are
allowed into the profile.
unp profile mobile-tag Configures the mobile tagging status for the profile. When enabled,
the first user that is learned on a UNP port and classified into the
UNP profile will cause the UNP port to be added as a tagged
member of the VLAN associated with the profile. If the profile is
mapped to a service, a tagged virtual port association is created.
unp profile redirect Configures the redirect status for the profile. When enabled, the
profile will interact with the ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) as
part of the OmniSwitch Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) solution.
This attribute applies only to VLAN profiles.
unp profile maximum-ingress- Configures the maximum amount of bandwidth allocated for ingress
bandwidth traffic on UNP ports assigned to the profile.
unp profile maximum-egress- Configures the maximum amount of bandwidth allocated for egress
bandwidth traffic on UNP ports assigned to the profile.
unp profile maximum-ingress- Configures how much traffic is allowed to burst over the maximum
depth ingress bandwidth limits on UNP ports assigned to the profile.
unp profile maximum-egress-depth Configures how much traffic is allowed to burst over the maximum
egress bandwidth limits on UNP ports assigned to the profile.
unp profile inactivity-interval Configures whether or not an authenticated device assigned to the
profile is automatically logged out of the network after a specific
period of inactivity (MAC address for the device has aged out).
unp profile saa-profile Assigns the name of a Service Assurance Agent (SAA) profile to
the specified UNP profile. An SAA profile is mainly used by the
OmniVista network management application to monitor
connections between virtual machines (VMs) in a data center
network. See “Configuring a Service Assurance Agent Profile” on
page 28-54.

Consider the following guidelines when configuring UNP profile attributes:

• Any profile names that will be assigned through RADIUS authentication and/or the CPPM BYOD
process must be defined on both the OmniSwitch and the RADIUS and/or CPPM server.
• UNP profile attributes are only applied to device traffic that is received on UNP-enabled ports or link
aggregates. See “Configuring UNP Port-Based Functionality” on page 28-38 for more information.
• The QoS rules within a policy list are applied to all members of the UNP profile group to enforce
access to network resources. Only one policy list is allowed per profile, but multiple profiles may use
the same policy list. See “Configuring QoS Policy Lists” on page 28-58 for more information.
• Specifying a QoS policy list name that is inactive or does not already exist in the switch configuration
is allowed. However, the list will remain inactive for the UNP until the list is enabled or configured
using the QoS policy list commands. See “Configuring QoS Policy Lists” on page 28-58 for more

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Configuring Access Guardian Configuring Port-Based Network Access Control

• If a device violates a location or time period policy, the device is placed into an unauthorized state,
even though it is still assigned to the UNP profile. In this state, a built in QoS policy list is applied to
the device to restrict the role of the device in the network. See “Built-in Restricted Roles” on
page 28-15 for more information.
• Captive Portal authentication is applied as a post-authentication and/or post-classification mechanism
to devices assigned to the UNP profile. Captive Portal provides a Web-based authentication
mechanism to dynamically change the role-based access (policy list) for a user. See “Using Captive
Portal Authentication” on page 28-65 for more information.
• Enabling internal Captive Portal authentication is not allowed on profiles that have the redirect flag
enabled. When the redirect flag is enabled, external Captive Portal authentication is triggered for the
device. See “Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) Overview” on page 28-94 for more information.
• To ensure proper redirection for devices classified into a UNP redirect profile (redirect flag is enabled),
configure the redirection server as the preferred server through AAA commands for MAC and 802.1X
authentication. See “Setting Authentication Parameters for the Switch” on page 28-32 for more
• UNP classification rules can be defined for a UNP profile to provide an additional method for
assigning a device into a profile. If authentication is not available or does not return a profile name,
classification rules are applied to determine the profile assignment. See “Configuring UNP
Classification Rules” on page 28-61 for more information.
• A UNP profile can be configured as a default profile for a UNP port. If authentication and
classification do not return a profile name, the device is then assigned to the default profile associated
with the UNP port on which the device was learned. See “Configuring UNP Port Parameters” on
page 28-38. for more information.
UNP profile attributes are configurable at the time a profile is created or for a profile that already exists.
For example, the following command creates a new “guest” profile with a QoS policy list and enables the
authentication flag and internal Captive Portal authentication:
-> unp profile guest qos-policy-list qlist1 authentication-flag captive-portal-

The next command example modifies the “guest” profile to disable the authentication flag:
-> unp profile guest no authentication-flag

The above command only changes the authentication flag status; the QoS policy list assignment and the
internal Captive Portal status remain unchanged for the “guest” profile.
To verify the UNP profile configuration for the switch, use the show unp profile command. For example:
-> show unp profile
Profile QoS Location Period CP Redirect CP Authen Mobile SAA Ing Egr Ingrs Egrs Inact
Name Policy Policy Policy Profile State State Flag Tag BW BW Depth Depth Intvl
VlanP-1 qlist1 llist1 plist1 CP1 Dis Ena Dis Dis 20 30 10 15 10
guest qlist2 llist2 plist2 CP2 Ena Dis Dis Dis 10 -1 5 -1 10
SpbP-2 qlist2 llist2 plist2 CP2 Ena Dis Dis Dis -1 -1 -1 -1 10

Total Profile Count: 3

For more information about the commands described in this section, see the “Access Guardian
Commands” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

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Configuring Access Guardian Configuring Port-Based Network Access Control

Configuring the UNP Profile Mapping

In addition to profile attributes, each profile is mapped to either a VLAN ID or to service-based
parameters. The following types of services can be mapped to a UNP profile:
• Shortest Path Bridging (SPB)

• Virtual eXtensible LAN (VXLAN)

• A static service (the ID for an existing service is specified).

Only one type of profile mapping (VLAN, SPB, VXLAN, or static) is associated with a profile at any
given time. The type of mapping configured for a profile determines whether traffic received on UNP
bridge ports or on UNP access ports is eligible for assignment to that profile. For example:
• Traffic received on UNP bridge ports is eligible for assignment to a VLAN profile.

• Traffic received on UNP access ports is eligible for assignment to a service profile.

This section describes how to configure the following different types of mappings for a UNP profile:
• “Mapping a VLAN to a UNP Profile” on page 28-51.

• “Mapping Service Parameters to a UNP Profile” on page 28-54

• “Mapping a Static Service to a UNP Profile” on page 28-57

For more information about profiles, see “UNP Profiles” on page 28-16.

Mapping a VLAN to a UNP Profile

The unp profile map vlan command is used to map a VLAN ID to a UNP profile. For example, the
following command maps VLAN 400 to the “employee” profile:
-> unp profile employee map vlan 400

Devices classified into the “employee” profile are dynamically assigned to VLAN 400.
Consider the following when configuring a VLAN mapping for a UNP profile:
• The VLAN associated with a profile must already exist in the switch configuration, unless the dynamic
VLAN configuration functionality is enabled (see “Enabling Dynamic VLAN Configuration” on
page 28-52.
• Configuring a new VLAN mapping for a profile will overwrite the existing VLAN mapping for that
profile. Any change to the mapping configuration of the profile will flush all MAC addresses learned
on that profile.
• Removing a VLAN mapping configuration requires deleting the entire profile from the switch
configuration (no unp profile profile_name).
• If a standard VLAN ID associated with a VLAN profile is deleted, the profile association with that
VLAN ID is still maintained. Any traffic subsequently classified with this profile is filtered unless the
UNP port on which the traffic is received is configured with alternate classification methods (see
“Configuring UNP Port Parameters” on page 28-38).
To verify the VLAN profile configuration for the switch, use the show unp profile map command with
the vlan parameter. For example:

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Configuring Access Guardian Configuring Port-Based Network Access Control

-> show unp profile employee map vlan

Profile Name Vlan-Id
employee 400

Enabling Dynamic VLAN Configuration

When creating a UNP VLAN profile, it is possible to specify the VLAN ID of a VLAN that does not exist
in the switch configuration. The UNP feature provides the ability to enable dynamic VLAN configuration,
which allows “on the fly” configuration of VLANs as they are needed.
When dynamic VLAN configuration is enabled and a profile is mapped to a VLAN that does not exist,
UNP will create that VLAN at the time the profile mapping is created.
Dynamic VLAN configuration is a global UNP setting that applies to all VLAN profiles. By default, this
setting is disabled for the switch. To enable this functionality, use the unp dynamic-vlan-configuration
-> unp dynamic-vlan-configuration

Use the no form of the dynamic-vlan-configuration command to disable dynamic VLAN configuration.
-> no unp dynamic-vlan-configuration

Consider the following when enabling dynamic VLAN configuration:

• The VLAN status and other port (non-UNP port) assignments are configurable using standard VLAN
commands. In addition, the STP status of the VLAN is configurable and enabled by default when the
dynamic VLAN is created.
• A dynamic VLAN cannot be deleted using standard VLAN commands (no vlan vlan_id).

• UNP dynamic VLANs are identified as a separate type of VLAN. The show vlan command will
display this type with the default name of “UNP-DYN-VLAN” and the designated type as “UNP
Dynamic Vlan”. For example:

-> show vlan 450

Type : UNP Dynamic Vlan,
Administrative State : enabled,
Operational State : disabled,
IP Router Port : disabled,
IP MTU : 1500

• Dynamic VLANs are not saved in the “! VLAN:” section of the switch configuration file (boot.cfg).
However, the unp commands to enable dynamic VLAN configuration and create the UNP are saved in
the “! DA-UNP:” section of boot.cfg (see the following sample boot.cfg file). As a result, the VLAN is
created again on the next switch bootup.

-> show configuration snapshot vlan

vlan 1 admin-state enable
vlan 451 admin-state enable
vlan 777 admin-state enable
vlan 887-888 admin-state enable

-> show configuration snapshot da

unp dynamic-vlan-configuration enable

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unp profile “temp1”

unp profile “unpTemp”
unp profile “unpTemp2”
unp profile “temp1” map vlan 450
unp profile “unpTemp” map vlan 10
unp profile “unpTemp2” map vlan 10
unp classification mac-address 00:00:00:00:00:01 profile1 unpTemp2
unp classification mac-address 10:22:33:44:55:66 profile1 unpTemp2
unp classification ip-address mask profile1 unpTemp2
unp port 1/1/11 port-type bridge
unp port 1/1/11 802.1x-authentication
unp port 1/1/11 classification
unp port 1/1/12 port-type bridge
unp port 1/1/12 mac-authentication
unp port 1/1/12 classification

To verify the status of dynamic VLAN configuration for the switch, use the show unp global
configuration command. For example:

-> show unp global configuration

Dynamic Vlan Configuration = Enabled,
Dynamic Profile Configuration = Disabled,
Auth Server Down Profile1 = -,
Auth Server Down Profile2 = -,
Auth Server Down Profile3 = -,
Auth Server Down Timeout = 60,
Redirect Port Bounce = Enabled,
Redirect Pause Timer = -
Redirect http proxy-port = 8080
Redirect Server IP =
Allowed IP = -

Enabling Dynamic Profile Configuration

The UNP feature provides the ability to enable dynamic VLAN profile configuration, which allows “on
the fly” configuration of profiles when specific traffic conditions occur. By default, dynamic profile
configuration is disabled for the switch. To enable this functionality, use the unp dynamic-profile-
configuration command.
-> unp dynamic-profile-configuration

Use the no form of the dynamic-profile-configuration command to disable this functionality.

-> no unp dynamic-profile-configuration

Dynamic profile configuration is a global UNP setting that is applied to traffic on any UNP bridge port
that is configured to trust the VLAN tag of the incoming packets.
Consider the following when enabling dynamic profile configuration:
• A profile is only dynamically created if the trust VLAN tag is enabled for the UNP bridge port and the
packet VLAN tag matches an MVRP VLAN ID that is not assigned to a UNP or there is no matching
VLAN ID in the switch configuration.
• Dynamically created profiles are saved in the boot.cfg file for the switch.

• By default, dynamically created VLAN profiles are automatically named dynamic_profile_vlan_id,

where the VLAN ID is the ID of the VLAN contained in the packet tag.

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• After the dynamic profile is created, changing the VLAN profile name, associated VLAN ID, or the
QoS policy list is allowed. To avoid any confusion, change the profile name if the VLAN ID
associated with the profile has changed.
• When the dynamic profile configuration option is enabled along with the dynamic VLAN
configuration option and the dynamically created profile refers to a VLAN that is an MVRP VLAN,
then the MVRP VLAN is automatically converted to a dynamic UNP VLAN (UNP-DYN-VLAN).
To verify the status of dynamic profile configuration for the switch, use the show unp global
configuration command. For example:

-> show unp global configuration

Dynamic Vlan Configuration = Enabled,
Dynamic Profile Configuration = Enabled,
Auth Server Down Profile1 = -,
Auth Server Down Profile2 = -,
Auth Server Down Profile3 = -,
Auth Server Down Timeout = 60,
Redirect Port Bounce = Enabled,
Redirect Pause Timer = -
Redirect http proxy-port = 8080
Redirect Server IP =
Allowed IP = -

Configuring a Service Assurance Agent Profile

A Service Assurance Agent (SAA) profile defines jitter and latency threshold values that are applied by
SAA sessions to monitor the performance of network traffic associated with a UNP VLAN profile. An
SAA profile is first created and then assigned to a UNP VLAN-based profile; UNP service-based profiles
do not support this functionality.

Note. Although SAA profiles can be configured and assigned to a UNP through the CLI, these profiles are
mainly used by the OmniVista network management application to monitor connections between virtual
machines (VMs) in a data center network.

To configure an SAA profile, use the unp saa-profile command. For example, the following command
creates an SAA profile named “unp_saa1” and defines both jitter and latency threshold values for the
-> unp saa-profile unp_saa1 jitter-threshold 100 latency-threshold 500

To assign an SAA profile to a UNP VLAN profile, use the unp profile saa-profile command with the
saa-profile parameter. For example, the following command assigns SAA profile “unp_saa1” to VLAN
profile “unp1”:
-> unp profile unp1 saa-profile unp_saa1

Mapping Service Parameters to a UNP Profile

There are two types of service-based mappings supported: Shortest Path Bridging (SPB) and Virtual
eXtensible LAN (VXLAN). The required elements of an SPB service mapping are as follows:
• The name of an existing UNP profile

• VLAN tag value

• Service instance ID (I-SID)

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• Backbone VLAN (BVLAN) ID.

The required elements of a VXLAN service mapping are as follows:

• The name of an existing UNP profile

• VLAN tag value

• VXLAN Network ID (VNID)

• A list of far-end IP addresses and/or a multicast group IP address to identify the VXLAN Tunnel End
Points (VTEPs) for traffic classified into this profile.
When a device is dynamically assigned to an SPB or VXLAN service profile, a dynamic process is
triggered to create an SPB or VXLAN Service Access Point (SAP) based on the service parameters
specified in the profile mapping. Traffic from the device is then forwarded on the dynamically created
A SAP is comprised of the UNP access port on which device traffic is received, a VLAN tag value for the
SAP encapsulation, and a service instance (SPB I-SID or VXLAN Network ID). The encapsulation
identifies the traffic received on the UNP access port that the SAP will forward on the service instance that
is associated with the SAP.
Consider the following when configuring an SPB or VXLAN service mapping for a UNP profile:
• Configuring a new service mapping for a profile will overwrite the existing service mapping for that
profile. Any change to the mapping configuration of the profile will flush all MAC addresses learned
on that profile.
• Removing a service mapping configuration requires deleting the entire profile from the switch
configuration (no unp profile profile_name).
• The VLAN tag value indicates whether the VLAN tag information from the classified packets is used
to assign the traffic to a SAP or if specific single or double-tagged values are used to assign the traffic
to a SAP. Specify one of the following VLAN tag values for the profile:

0 (zero) The VLAN tag of the packet is used to determine the SAP
encapsulation value. For example, a SAP with an encapsulation
value set to 1/12:5 is created when classified traffic received on
UNP access port 1/12 is single-tagged with VLAN ID 5.

Setting the profile tag value to zero has the same result as enabling
trust VLAN tag for a UNP access port.
Outer VLAN tag The outer VLAN tag value to use for the SAP encapsulation value.
Inner and outer VLAN tags The inner and outer VLAN tag values to use for the SAP
encapsulation value.

• If classified traffic is untagged, then zero is used for the SAP encapsulation value (for example, 1/2:0).

• The BVLAN associated with an SPB service profile mapping must already exist in the switch
• If the VLAN tag value of the classified traffic does not match the tag value specified in the profile,
UNP will check to see if the trust VLAN tag option is enabled for the UNP access port. If so, a SAP is
assigned using the VLAN tag values of the traffic. If not, the traffic is learned as filtering on the UNP

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• The default setting for the SPB multicast mode is the head-end mode.
– When the head-end multicast mode is used, a non-unicast packet received on an SPB access port is
replicated once for each receiver in the provider backbone bridge (PBB) network using its unicast
base MAC (BMAC) address.
– When the tandem multicast mode is used, a non-unicast packet received on an SPB access port is
replicated once at each node using the multicast group address.
• The default setting for the VXLAN multicast mode is the hybrid mode.
– When the tandem mode is used, PIM multicast routing is required to discover the neighbor nodes
and assign membership to VTEP nodes that desire to be in the same multicast group. This requires
the manual configuration of a multicast SDP object to tunnel traffic to the other VTEP nodes that
belong to the same multicast group.
– When the head-end mode is used, unicast SDP objects are also manually configured to tunnel traffic
to the far-end nodes. In this case, however, PIM multicast routing is not required. Any broadcast,
unknown unicast, and multicast (BUM) traffic is replicated and one copy is sent to each VTEP node
as specified by the unicast SDP object.
– When the hybrid mode is used, traffic is tunneled from the service instance to both a group of
VTEPs that belong to the same multicast group address and to the VTEP nodes that are not
associated with the same multicast group address.
• The egress VLAN translation status for the SPB service or the VXLAN service mapping associated
with the profile is also configurable. By default, VLAN translation is disabled.
– When enabled, the VLAN tags for profile traffic are processed according to the settings for the SAP
on which the frames will egress, not according to the settings for the SAP on which the frames were
– Enabling VLAN translation at the service level is only applicable if the corresponding access ports
for the SAPs also have VLAN translation enabled.

Configuring an SPB Service Mapping

To configure the mapping of SPB service parameters to an existing UNP profile, use the unp profile map
service-type spb command. For example, the following command configures a service mapping for the
“vNP1” profile that will dynamically create an SPB SAP to carry traffic tagged with VLAN 10 on SPB
service instance 1500 and will bind the service instance to SPB backbone VLAN (BVLAN) 500:
-> unp profile vNP1 map service-type spb tag-value 10 isid 1500 bvlan 500

By default, the multicast replication mode is set to head-end and VLAN translation is disabled for the SPB
service mapping. To change these settings, use the unp profile-map service-type spb command with the
optional multicast-mode or vlan-xlation parameters. For example, the following command changes the
multicast replication mode to tandem and enables egress VLAN translation for the service profile:
-> unp profile vNP1 map service-type spb tag-value 10 isid 1500 bvlan 500
multicast-mode tandem vlan-xlation

To verify the SPB service profile configuration for the switch, use the show unp profile map command
with the service-type spb parameter. For example:
-> show unp profile vNP1 map service-type spb
Profile Tag Vlan Mcast
Name Isid Value BVlan Xlation Mode
vNP1 1500 10 500 Ena Tandem

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Configuring a VXLAN Service Mapping

To configure the mapping of VXLAN service parameters to an existing UNP profile, use the unp profile
map service-type vxlan command.For example, the following command creates the “vmCluster1” profile
to assign device traffic tagged with VLAN 12 to VXLAN segment 100 which will participate in the multicast group to tunnel traffic:
-> unp profile vmCluster1 map service-type vxlan tag-value 12 vnid 2300

The following command example creates the “vmCluster2” profile to assign device traffic tagged with
VLAN 15 to VXLAN segment 150 which will participate in tunneling traffic to the VTEP IP addresses
contained in the “vteps” far-end IP list:
-> unp profile vmCluster2 map service-type vxlan tag-value 15 vnid 2301 far-end-
ip-list vteps

The far-end-ip-list parameter that is specified when creating a VXLAN service profile is the name of a
list of IP addresses that was previously configured. These IP addresses identify the VTEPs to which
VXLAN traffic classified into the VXLAN service is tunneled.
To create a list of VTEP IP addresses, use the unp vxlan far-end-ip-list command. For example, the
following command creates the “vteps” list and adds IP addresses to that list:
-> unp vxlan far-end-ip-list vteps

To verify the VXLAN far-end IP address list configuration, use the show unp vxlan far-end-ip-list
command. For example:
-> show unp vxlan far-end-ip-list toDataCenter2
Far-End-Ip-List Name: vteps, IP-Count: 4,

To verify the VXLAN service profile configuration for the switch, use the show unp profile map
command with the service-type vxlan parameter. For example:
-> show unp profile map service-type vxlan
Profile Tag Far-End-List Vlan Mcast Mcast
Name Vnid Value Xlation Mode Group
vmCluster1 2300 12 - Ena Tandem
vmCluster2 2301 15 vteps Ena Headend -

Mapping a Static Service to a UNP Profile

To configure the mapping of an existing SPB or VXLAN service to an existing UNP profile, use the unp
profile map service-type static command. For example, the following command configures a static
service mapping for the “vNP2” profile that will carry traffic tagged with VLAN 5 on the existing SAP
that is associated with service ID 10:
-> unp profile unp1-staticSPB map service-type static tag-value 20 service-id 10

To verify the static service profile configuration for the switch, use the show unp profile map command
with the service-type static parameter. For example:
-> show unp profile map service-type static

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Profile Tag
Name SvcId Value
unp1-staticSPB 10 20
unp2-staticVXLAN 20 40:50

Total Profile Static-Service-Map Count: 2

Configuring QoS Policy Lists

One of the attributes for UNP profiles specifies the name of a list of QoS policy rules. This list is applied
to a user device when the device is initially assigned to the profile. Using policy lists allows the
administrator to associate a group of users to a set of QoS policy rules. The policy rules applied determine
the initial role (network access) for a user device classified into the profile.
To create a QoS policy list to assign to a UNP profile, use the policy list command to specify a list name
and then use the policy list rules command to specify the names of one or more existing QoS/ACL policy
rules to add to the list. For example, the following commands create two policy rules and associates these
rules with the “temp-rules” list:
-> policy condition c1 802.1p 5
-> policy action a1 disposition drop
-> policy rule r1 condition c1 action a1
-> policy condition c2 source ip
-> policy action a2 disposition accept
-> policy rule r2 condition c2 action a2
-> policy list temp_rules type unp
-> policy list temp_rules rules r1 r2
-> qos apply

The following command example uses the unp profile qos-policy-list command to assign the
“temp_rules” list to the “guest_user” UNP profile:
-> unp profile guest_user qos-policy-list temp_rules

Note the following guidelines when configuring QoS policy rules and lists:
• A default policy list exists in the switch configuration. Rules are added to this list when the rule is
created. A rule can belong to multiple policy lists. As a result, the rule remains a member a of the
default list even when it is subsequently assigned to additional lists.
• Each time a rule is assigned to a policy list, an instance of that rule is created. Each instance is
allocated system resources. To exclude a rule from the default policy list, use the no default-list option
of the policy rule command when the rule is created. For example:
-> policy rule r1 condition c1 action a1 no default-list

• Up to 32 policy lists (including the default list) are supported per switch. Only one policy list per UNP
is allowed, but a policy list can be associated with multiple profiles.
• If a rule is a member of multiple policy lists but one or more of these lists are disabled, the rule is still
active for those lists that are enabled.
• If the QoS status of an individual rule is disabled, then the rule is disabled for all policy lists, even if a
list to which the policy belongs is enabled.
• Policy lists are not active on the switch until the qos apply command is issued.

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Use the show policy list command to display the QoS policy rule configuration. For example:
-> show policy list temp_rules
Group Name From Type Enabled Entries
temp_rules cli unp Yes r1

Dynamically Changing the Policy List Assignment (User Role)

The QoS policy list assigned to a UNP profile determines the initial role (network access) for a user device
classified into the profile. This role can be dynamically changed for the user through the Captive Portal
authentication mechanism, when a different policy list is returned for the user from a RADIUS or
ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) server, or when the user is placed into a Captive Portal pre-login,
unauthorized, or quarantined state.

Configuring an Explicit Policy List

When the switch assigns a user device to one of the restricted role states (unauthorized, Quarantine
Manager, or Captive Portal pre-login), a built-in policy list associated with the restricted role is applied to
the user. To override the built-in policy list with an explicitly configured policy list, use the unp
restricted-role policy-list command. For example:
-> unp restricted-role unauthorized policy-list unauth1
-> unp restricted-role qmr policy-list quarantined1
-> unp restricted-role cp-prelogin policy-list cplogin1

When an explicit policy list assignment is removed, the switch reverts back to using the built-in policy list
that is associated with the restricted role state.
Use the show unp restricted-role command to display the explicit policy list configuration for restricted
roles. For example:
-> show unp restricted-role
Role name Qos Policy List Name
QMR qlist-qmr
CP PRE-LOGIN qlist-cp

Total Restricted Role Count: 3

Configuring a User-defined Role

A user-defined role is used to define a list of conditions that a device must match and a QoS policy list
name that is applied to devices matching the specified conditions. When the current context of a user
device matches all of the role conditions, then the policy list associated with the role is applied to the
Only one user-defined role per user is allowed because only one QoS policy list per user is allowed.
However, every time the user context changes for a device, all the user-defined roles are checked to see if
there is a role that matches the current user context.

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A user-defined role consists of the following components:

• A role name.

• A precedence value used to determine precedence among other user-defined rules. The valid
precedence range is 1 (lowest) through 255 (highest).
• One or more of the following conditions:
– The name of a UNP profile to which the user must belong.
– The device is not authenticated.
– The type of authentication (802.1X or MAC) the device successfully passed or failed.
– The device is in a Captive Portal post-login state.
• The name of an existing QoS policy list.

To configure a user-defined role, use the unp user-role command. For example:
-> unp user-role role1 precedence 10
-> unp user-role role1 policy-list role1-list
-> unp user-role role1 profile1 unp1-vlan profile2 unp2-spb
-> unp user-role role1 authentication-type 8021x
-> unp user-role role1 cp-status-post-login

Use the show unp user-role command to display the user-defined role configuration. For example:
-> show unp user-role
Role Name: role1
Qos Policy List : role1-list
Priority : 10
Profile1 : unp1-vlan
Profile2 : unp2-spb
Profile3 : -
Authentication-Type : 802.1x
CP Status : Enabled

Role Name: role2

Qos Policy List : qlist-allow
Priority : 1
Profile1 : -
Profile2 : -
Profile3 : -
Authentication-Type : 802.1x Fail
CP Status : Disabled

Total User Role Derivation Rule Count: 2

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Configuring UNP Classification Rules

UNP classification rules are defined and associated with UNP profiles to provide an additional method for
classifying a device into a profile. If authentication is not available or does not return a profile name for
whatever reason, classification rules are applied to determine the profile assignment.
The following table lists the classification rules that are supported and the unp classification command
that is used to configure each rule:

Precedence Step/Rule Command

1. Port unp classification port
2. Domain ID unp classification domain
3. MAC address unp classification mac-address
4. MAC OUI unp classification mac-oui
5. MAC address range unp classification mac-range
6. LLDP for IP Phones unp classification lldp med-endpoint ip-phone
7. Authentication Type unp classification authentication-type
8. IP address unp classification ip-address
9. VLAN tag unp classification vlan-tag

For example, the following command is used to configure a MAC address range rule and assign that rule
to an existing UNP profile named “Engineering”:
-> unp classification mac-address-range 00:11:22:33:44:55 00:11:22:33:44:66
profile1 Engineering

If the source MAC address of a device falls within the specified range of the example rule, then the device
is classified into the “Engineering” profile and assigned to the VLAN or service associated with that
Use the show unp classification command to verify the UNP classification rule configuration for the
switch. For example, the following command displays the MAC address range rule configuration:
-> show unp classification mac-range-rule

Low MAC Address High MAC Address VLAN Tag Profile1 Name Profile2 Name Profile3 Name
00:11:22:33:44:66 00:11:22:33:44:77 - Engineering - -
00:11:22:33:44:88 00:11:22:33:44:99 10 CustB VNP-B -

Total Mac Range Rule Count: 2

For more information about UNP rules, see “UNP Classification Rules” on page 28-22.

Configuring the VLAN Tag Classification Rule

There are two methods for configuring classification rules that UNP will apply to device traffic that is
tagged with a specific VLAN ID:
• Use the unp classification vlan-tag command to configure a VLAN ID tag rule that is applied only to
traffic that is tagged with the specified VLAN ID. For example, the following command creates a
VLAN tag rule that will assign traffic tagged with VLAN 10 to the “serverA” profile:

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-> unp classification vlan-tag 10 profile1 serverA

• Combine the VLAN ID tag rule with other rules to include the tag as a required parameter to match for
the rule. For example, to include the VLAN tag with a MAC address rule, use the unp classification
mac-address rule command with the vlan-tag option:
-> unp classification mac-address 00:00:2a:33:44:01 vlan-tag 10 profile1 serverA

In this example, a device is classified into UNP “serverA” profile if the source MAC address of the
device is “00:00:2a:33:44:01” and device packets are tagged with VLAN 10.
When a VLAN tag rule is combined with another rule, the combined rule takes precedence over the rule
that does not specify a VLAN tag. For example, a rule that specifies a MAC address and a VLAN tag
takes precedence over a rule that specifies only a MAC address.

Configuring the Domain Classification Rule

An optional UNP domain ID is assigned to UNP ports to form a logical group of ports to which
classification rules are applied. There are two methods for configuring classification rules to apply to
traffic received on ports in a specific domain ID:
• Use the unp classification domain command to configure a domain ID rule that is applied only to
ports that belong to the specified domain ID. For example, the following command configures a
domain rule that will classify device traffic into the “serverB” profile if the device is connected to a
UNP port that is assigned to domain 2:
-> unp classification domain 2 profile1 serverB

• Combine the domain classification rule with other rules to include the domain ID as a required
parameter to match for the rule. For example, to include the domain ID with a MAC address rule, use
the unp classification mac-address rule command with the domain option:
-> unp classification mac-address 00:00:2a:33:44:01 domain 2 profile1 serverB

In this example, device traffic is classified into the “serverB” profile if the source MAC address of the
device is “00:00:2a:33:44:01” and the device is connected to a UNP port that is assigned to UNP
domain 2.
The domain ID specified in a classification rule must already exist in the switch configuration. See
“Configuring UNP Port Domains” on page 28-46 for more information.

Configuring Binding Rules for UNP Profiles

A binding rule defines a combination of one or more individual rules, all of which a device has to match.
The following binding rule combinations are configurable and are listed in the order of precedence:
1 Port + MAC address + IP address
2 Port + MAC address
3 Port + IP address
4 Domain ID + MAC address + IP address
The precedence order of binding rules is used to determine precedence among only binding classification
rules. However, all binding rules take precedence over all individual rules. So if a device matches both an
individual rule and a binding rule, the device is classified into the profile associated with the binding rule.
The same commands used to configure individual classification rules are also used to configure binding
rule combinations. For example, the unp classification mac-address command is used in the following
example to configure a binding rule that combines a MAC address rule, an IP address rule, and a port rule:

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-> unp classification mac-address 00:11:22:33:44:55 ip-address mask port 1/1/1 profile1 serverA

If the source MAC address, source IP address, and port of a device matches the MAC address, IP address,
and port defined in the example binding rule, then the device is classified into the “serverA” profile and
assigned to the VLAN associated with that profile.

Configuring Extended Classification Rules for UNP Profiles

An Extended classification rule defines a list of individual rules and assigns the list a name and a
precedence value. A device must match all of the rules specified in the extended rule list.
The unp classification-rule command is used to create an extended rule and set the precedence value for
the rule. The following commands are used to define classification rules and assign the rules to the
extended rule name:

Precedence Step/Rule Command

1. Port unp classification-rule port
2. Domain ID unp classification-rule domain
3. MAC address unp classification-rule mac-address
4. MAC OUI unp classification-rule mac-oui
5. MAC address range unp classification-rule mac-range
6. LLDP for IP Phones unp classification-rule lldp med-endpoint ip-phone
7. Authentication Type unp classification-rule authentication-type
8. IP address unp classification-rule ip-address
9. VLAN tag unp classification-rule vlan-tag

For example, the following commands create an extended classification rule named “ext-r1” with the
precedence value set to 255 and assign the rule to a the “corporate” UNP profile:
-> unp classification-rule ext-r1 precedence 255
-> unp classification-rule ext-r1 profile1 corporate

Next, the following commands define a port rule and an authentication type rule and assign the rules to the
“ext-r1” extended rule:
-> unp classification-rule ext-r1 port 1/1/10
-> unp classification-rule ext-r1 authentication-type 8021x

Note that the “ext-1” rule combines a port rule and an authentication type rule. This combination of rules
is not allowed in a binding rule configuration.
The precedence value assigned to an extended classification rule is used to determine precedence only
among extended classification rules. However, all extended rules take precedence over all individual and
all binding rules. So if a device matches a binding rule (or an individual rule) and an extended rule, the
device is classified into the profile associated with the extended rule.
Use the show unp classification-rule command to verify the UNP extended classification rule
configuration for the switch. For example:

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Configuring Access Guardian Configuring Port-Based Network Access Control

-> show unp classification-rule

Rule Name: "r1"
Precedence = 255,
Profile1 = corporate,
Domain = 0,
Port = 1/1/10,
Authentication-Type = 802.1x,
Rule Name: "ext_r2"
Precedence = 1,
Profile1 = unp1-vlan,
Profile2 = unp2-vxlan,
Domain = 20,
Mac-Address = 00:2a:94:11:22:01,
Port = 1/1/9,
LLDP MED Endpoint = IP-Phone,
Authentication-Type = None,

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-64
Configuring Access Guardian Using Captive Portal Authentication

Using Captive Portal Authentication

Captive Portal authentication is mechanism by which user credentials are obtained through Web pages and
authenticated through a RADIUS server. If the authentication is successful, the RADIUS server may
return a role (policy list) that is applied to traffic from the user device. The OmniSwitch implementation
supports an internal Captive Portal mechanism. An internal Web server on the local switch presents
Captive Portal Web pages to obtain user credentials.
Internal Captive Portal authentication is a configurable option for a UNP profile that is applied after a user
is assigned to the profile (after the initial 802.1X or MAC authentication or classification process).
Captive Portal provides a secondary level of authentication that is used to apply a new role (QoS policy
list) to the user.
• The RADIUS server returns the name of a QoS policy list or the name of a UNP profile that specifies a
policy list name.
• If the RADIUS server does not return a QoS policy list or UNP profile name, a locally configured
Captive Portal authentication pass policy specifies a QoS policy list or UNP profile name to assign to
the user device.
The method for determining which QoS policy list is applied to a user device is based on the following
precedence in descending order:
1 A policy list returned from the RADIUS server.

2 A domain specific policy list specified in the Captive Portal authentication pass configuration of a
Captive Portal profile.
3 A policy list specified in the Captive Portal authentication pass configuration of a Captive Portal
4 A domain specific policy list specified in the global Captive Portal authentication pass setting for the
5 A policy list specified in the global Captive Portal authentication pass setting for the switch.

6 A policy list associated with a UNP profile returned from the RADIUS server.

7 A policy list associated with a domain specific UNP profile that is specified in the global Captive
Portal authentication pass setting for the switch.
8 A policy list associated with a UNP profile that is specified in the global Captive Portal authentication
pass setting for the switch.
An external, guest Captive Portal authentication mechanism is provided through the Access Guardian
OmniSwitch integration with the ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM). See “Bring Your Own Devices
(BYOD) Overview” on page 28-94 for more information.
This section provides the following information regarding configuring and using the OmniSwitch internal
Captive Portal mechanism:
• “Configuration Tasks and Guidelines” on page 28-66

• “Quick Steps for Configuring Captive Portal Authentication” on page 28-67

• “Using Captive Portal Configuration Profiles” on page 28-68

• “Authenticating with Captive Portal” on page 28-69.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-65
Configuring Access Guardian Using Captive Portal Authentication

Configuration Tasks and Guidelines

Consider the following tasks and guidelines when configuring the internal Captive Portal feature:
• Define and map the RADIUS server to use for internal Captive Portal authentication. The switch
needs to know which RADIUS server to access to validate user credentials received through the
Captive Portal Web pages. This is done through the authentication, authorization, and accounting
(AAA) feature on the switch. See “Setting Authentication Parameters for the Switch” on page 28-32
for more information
• Enable the AAA session timer for Captive Portal. The session timer determines the amount of time
a Captive Portal login session can remain active. By default, this timer is disabled and must be enabled
for Captive Portal sessions. When enabled, the session timeout value defaults to 12 hours. To enable
the session timer and change the timer value, if necessary, use the aaa session-timeout command.
• Configure additional Captive Portal session parameters. Default parameter values are in place to
determine specific settings that apply to Captive Portal sessions, such as the number of login attempts
allowed and an inactivity time limit. It is only necessary to change these global settings if the default
values are not sufficient. See “Configuring Authentication Session Parameters” on page 28-33 for more
• Configure a Captive Portal redirect URL. The switch responds to initial HTTP/HTTPS requests
from the user with a redirect URL. By default, this URL is set to “”. To change the
redirect URL, use the captive-portal name command. To replace the default certificate with a well-
known CA certificate, see “Replacing the Captive Portal Certificate” on page 28-69.
• Configure a Captive Portal IP address. A user device contacts the DNS server to resolve the Captive
Portal redirect URL and receives the Captive Portal IP address. This address must be configured on the
switch and match the address returned from the DNS server. Use the captive-portal ip-address
command to configure this address for the switch.

Note. Make sure the DNS server configuration reflects the same Captive Portal redirect URL name and
IP address that is configured for the OmniSwitch.

• Configure a custom proxy port number for Captive Portal sessions. Optionally, use the captive-
portal proxy-server-port command to specify a proxy port number other than 8080 (the default).
• Configure a UNP profile with Captive Portal authentication enabled. The OmniSwitch Captive
Portal process is triggered when a user device is classified into a profile on which Captive Portal
authentication is enabled. For more information, see “Configuring UNP Profiles” on page 28-48.
• Assign the QoS policy list to change the user role. Captive Portal is a post-authentication and/or
classification process that is used to dynamically change the user role (QoS policy list applied to the
user). After the user successfully logs in, the RADIUS server returns a new policy list or UNP profile
to apply to the user device. If the RADIUS server does not return a policy list or profile name, then the
QoS policy list or profile name specified through the captive-portal authentication-pass command is
used instead. This command can also be used to specify a domain-specific policy (the policy list or
UNP profile is only applied to user devices from a specific domain).
• Configure a redirect URL for successful Captive Portal login. Optionally, use the captive-portal
success-redirect-url command to redirect a user to a specific site after the user successfully logs in
through the Captive Portal session. By default, no Captive Portal success redirect URL is configured.
• Make sure that a standard browser is available on the client device. No specialized client software
is required. When a device is classified into a UNP profile that has Captive Portal enabled, the user
device is placed into a pre-login role. In this role the user is allowed to contact a DHCP server to obtain

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-66
Configuring Access Guardian Using Captive Portal Authentication

an IP address and contact a DNS server to resolve the Captive Portal URL to get the Captive Portal IP
address, which is associated with the internal Web server on the switch. See “Authenticating with
Captive Portal” on page 28-69 for more information.

Quick Steps for Configuring Captive Portal Authentication

The following procedure provides a brief tutorial for setting up the OmniSwitch implementation of
Captive Portal authentication. For additional configuration tutorials, see the Captive Portal application
examples on page 28-78 and page 28-80 in the “Access Guardian Application Examples” section.
1 Configure the RADIUS server to use for internal Captive Portal authentication. For example:

-> aaa radius-server cp-auth host hash-key secret retransmit 3

timeout 2 auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813
-> aaa device-authentication captive-portal cp-auth

2 Configure the RADIUS server with the IP address of the OmniSwitch and the same shared secret that
was assigned through the AAA RADIUS server configuration in Step 1.
3 Add the user name and password details in the RADIUS server.

4 Enable the Captive Portal session timer to determine the amount of time the user session remains active
after a successful login (the default time is set to 12 hours). For example:
-> aaa captive-portal session-timeout enable

5 Configure a UNP profile and enable Captive Portal authentication on the profile. For example:

-> unp profile Captive-Portal

-> unp profile Captive-Portal captive-portal-authentication
-> unp profile Captive-Portal map vlan 111

6 Enable UNP functionality on the port that will connect the user device to the OmniSwitch and assign
the profile created in Step 5 as the default profile for the port. For example:
-> unp port 1/1/20 port-type bridge
-> unp port 1/1/20 default-profile Captive-Portal

7 Configure the Captive Portal redirect URL and Captive Portal IP address. For example:

-> captive-portal name

-> captive-portal ip-address

8 Configure the DNS servers with a mapping between “” and the10.123.0.1 IP
address. The user device resolves this URL through access to the DNS server to get the Captive Portal IP
address, which is mapped to the internal Web server on the OmniSwitch.

Verifying the Captive Portal Setup

1 Make sure the client has received an IP address from the DHCP server.

2 When the client opens a Web browser and attempts to access any URL, the client is prompted with the
Captive Portal login page. This is the Web page presented by the internal server on the OmniSwitch.
3 When the client enters the appropriate login credentials and clicks on the “Submit” button on the login
page, the client is presented with the Captive Portal status page. This page indicates that the login was
successful and the remaining session time.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-67
Configuring Access Guardian Using Captive Portal Authentication

4 Use the show unp user status command on the OmniSwitch to display the status of the Access
Guardian classification and Captive Portal authentication process for the MAC address of the client.

Using Captive Portal Configuration Profiles

A Captive Portal profile is a configuration entity that provides flexible assignment of Captive Portal
configuration parameters to devices classified into specific UNP profiles. However, this type of profile is
only valid when assigned to profiles on which Captive Portal authentication is enabled.
When a Captive Portal profile is applied to a UNP profile, the parameter values defined in the Captive
Portal profile override the global Captive Portal parameter values configured for the switch. If there is no
Captive Portal profile associated with a profile, then the global Captive Portal configuration is applied.
Use a Captive Portal profile to define and apply the following Captive Portal configuration settings for
user sessions associated with a specific UNP profile:
• The name of an AAA profile to define specific device authentication configuration options, such as
which servers to use for Captive Portal authentication and parameter values for session timers and
RADIUS attributes. If there is no AAA profile assigned, the global AAA configuration for the switch
is used.
• A URL to which user devices are redirected when Captive Portal authentication is successful.

• The number of login attempts allowed for the Captive Portal session.

• The name of the QoS policy list or UNP profile to apply when Captive Portal authentication is
successful but the RADIUS server did not return a policy list or profile name.
Captive Portal profiles can be used to apply a custom Captive Portal configuration to different sets of user
devices based on the UNP profile assignment for the device.

Configuring Captive Portal Profiles

Use the captive-portal-profile command to create a profile name and configure parameter values for that
profile. For example:
-> captive-portal-profile cp_p1
-> captive-portal-profile cp_p1 aaa-profile aaa_p1
-> captive-portal-profile cp_p1 authentication-pass realm prefix domain asia-
pacific policy-list list1

-> captive-portal-profile cp_p2 retry-count 5

-> captive-portal-profile cp_p2 authentication-pass profile cp-pass
-> captive-portal-profile cp_p2 authentication-pass profile-change enable
-> captive-portal-profile cp_p2 success-redirect-url

Captive Portal profiles are only valid for UNP profiles on which Captive Portal authentication is enabled.
Use the unp profile captive-portal-authentication command to enable Captive Portal authentication for
a UNP profile. For example:
-> unp profile cp_unp captive-portal-authentication

Use the unp profile captive-portal-profile command to assign a Captive Portal configuration profile to a
UNP profile. For example:
-> unp profile cp_unp captive-portal-profile cp_p1

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-68
Configuring Access Guardian Using Captive Portal Authentication

Use the show captive-portal profile-names command to display the Captive Portal profile configuration.
For more information about the commands described in this section, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8
CLI Reference Guide.

Replacing the Captive Portal Certificate

By default, the OmniSwitch uses a built-in, self-signed certificate for Captive Portal. The certificate is
named “default_cportalCert.pem” and is stored in the “/flash/switch” directory on the switch. To replace
the default certificate with a well known CA certificate, use the following steps:
1 Backup the existing default certificate.

-> cp default_cportalCert.pem default_cportalCert.pem.old

2 Rename the new well known CA certificate file to “default_cportalCert.pem”.

3 Copy the certificate file to the “/flash/switch” directory.

4 Use the captive-portal name command to reload the Web configuration (use the CN name as
specified in the new certificate):
-> captive-portal name CN_name

5 Attempt a captive portal log in to verify the change.

Note. The certificate must be in the x509 format. To generate an x509 formatted certificate (.pem), perform
the following on a Linux or Unix machine:
1 Have the private key and the CA signed certificate available.
2 Issue the "cat privateKey ca_certificate | tee switch_cert_file”(i.e default_cportalCert.pem) command.

Authenticating with Captive Portal

Access Guardian determines that a client device is a candidate for Web-based authentication if the
following conditions are true:
• The device is connected to a UNP-enabled port.

• The device is assigned to a UNP profile on which Captive Portal authentication is enabled.

When these authentication conditions are met, Access Guardian places the device MAC address into a
Captive Portal pre-login state. In this state, the device is allowed to directly contact a DHCP server to get
an IP address and get the DNS server address.
Next, the user opens a Web browser and the initial HTTP/HTTPS requests are responded to with the
Captive Portal redirect name. The user device contacts the DNS server to resolve the redirect name and
receives the configured Captive Portal IP address. Requests are then sent to the Captive Portal IP address
that is mapped to the internal OmniSwitch Web server. The internal server responds to the HTTP/HTTPS
requests by presenting a Captive Portal login page to the user device.

Logging Into the Network with Captive Portal

Once a user device is in the Captive Portal state, the following steps are required to complete the
authentication process:

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-69
Configuring Access Guardian Using Captive Portal Authentication

1 Open a Web browser window on the client device. If there is a default home page, the browser
attempts to connect to that URL. If a default home page is not available, enter a URL for any website and
attempt to connect to that site.
A certificate warning message may appear when the Web browser window opens. If so, select the option
to continue on to the website.
When the browser window opens and after the certificate warning message, if any, is cleared, Captive
Portal displays a login screen similar to the one shown in the following example

2 Enter the user name in the “User ID” field.

3 Enter the user password in the “Password” field.

4 Click on the “Acceptable Use Policy” box to activate the “Submit” button.

5 Click the “Submit” button to login to the network. When the “Submit” button is clicked, Captive Portal
sends the user information provided in the login window to the RADIUS server for authentication.
6 If user authentication is successful, the following status and logout messages are displayed:

The user is now logged into the network and has access to all network resources as determined by the
Captive Portal role (QoS policy list) assigned to the user. The original profile and associated VLAN
membership for the user was not changed; only the QoS policy list returned from the RADIUS server
is applied to the user.

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Configuring Access Guardian Using Captive Portal Authentication

7 Before leaving the Captive Portal status page (shown in Step 6) or closing the browser window, make
note of the URL presented on the status page.

Logging Off the Network with Captive Portal

Click on the “Log out” button on the Captive Portal login status page. If this page is not displayed, go to
the bookmarked URL provided in Step 6 of the login procedure on page 28-69. When the URL is entered
in the location bar of the browser or the URL bookmark is selected, the Captive Portal login status page is
When the “Log out” button is selected, the user is logged off the network and the user device returns to a
Captive Portal pre-login state. The user is then presented with the Captive Portal login page.

Note. A user is automatically logged out of the network if the Captive Portal session time limit is reached.
For more information, see “Configuring Authentication Session Parameters” on page 28-33.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-71
Configuring Access Guardian Using Quarantine Manager and Remediation

Using Quarantine Manager and Remediation

A client MAC address is determined to be in a quarantined state when one of the following occurs:
• The OmniVista Quarantine Manager (OVQM) application receives a TRAP indicating that the MAC
address has to be quarantined. The TRAP may come from a network anomaly detection application or
from an IDS running in the same subnet as the client.
• A list containing the quarantined MAC address is manually configured on OVQM.

• A list containing the quarantined MAC address is manually configured on every switch in the network.

After the list of quarantined MAC addresses is known, OVQM can add these addresses to the Quarantine
MAC group and push the configuration to the switches in a logical group or to all switches.
The Access Guardian Quarantine Manager and Remediation (QMR) feature moves the users associated
with the quarantined MAC addresses to a QMR restricted role. A built-in policy list is associated with the
QMR role that restricts quarantined users to communicating with a designated remediation server until
their quarantined status is corrected.
The following QMR components are configured through Access Guardian CLI commands:
• Quarantined MAC address group. The Access Guardian configures the name of the Quarantine
MAC group on the OmniSwitch. This MAC address group contains the MAC addresses of users that
are quarantined and are candidates for remediation.
The default name of the MAC group is "Quarantined”, but the name can be changed using the qos
quarantine mac-group command. For example:
-> qos quarantine mac-group badMacs

• Remediation server and exception subnets. When a client is quarantined, all the traffic from the
client is blocked by default. However, the administrator can configure access to some exception
subnets to which the quarantined client can be redirected, such as the IP address of a remediation
server to obtain updates and correct its quarantined state.
The qmr quarantine allowed-name command is used to designate IP addresses that a quarantined
client can access. For example:
-> qmr quarantine allowed-name it-helpdesk ip-mask

Configuring a maximum of three IP subnets is allowed. Make sure the IP address for the remediation
server is included in the allowed list of subnets.

• Remediation server URL. The Access Guardian qmr quarantine path command is used to specify a
URL to which users are redirected for remediation. For example:
-> qmr quarantine path

• Quarantined Page. When a client is quarantined and a remediation server URL is not configured,
QMR can send a Quarantine Page to notify the client of its quarantined state. To enable or disable the
sending of a Quarantine Page, use the qmr quarantine page command. For example:
-> qmr quarantine page enable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-72
Configuring Access Guardian Using Quarantine Manager and Remediation

• QMR custom proxy port. This specifies the HTTP proxy port number to which quarantined client
traffic is redirected for remediation. The default HTTP port used is TCP 80 and TCP 8080.
The qmr quarantine custom-proxy-port command is used to configure a different proxy port number
to use. For example:
-> qmr quarantine custom-proxy 8888

QMR works on UNP and non-UNP ports. On non-UNP ports, L2 source learning receives the quarantined
MAC addresses from QMR and changes the MAC status to 'quarantined'. However, on UNP ports, L2
source learning will not show the quarantined MAC addresses as 'quarantined'. In this case, the
appropriate status of the MAC address is displayed through UNP commands.
Use the show qmr command to verify the QMR configuration on the switch and use the show quarantine
mac group command to display a list of the quarantined MAC addresses known to the switch.
For an example of configuring a custom QMR role (policy list) to apply to quarantined users, see the
“Application Example 6: Restricted Role (Policy List) Assignment” on page 28-85.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-73
Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Application Examples

Access Guardian Application Examples

This section provides some typical application examples in which Access Guardian is used to implement
network access control in a sample network configuration. The following diagram depicts an Access
Guardian network implementation that applies to all of the application examples in this section.
For application examples of the OmniSwitch Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) solution provided
through Access Guardian with ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM), see the “BYOD Application
Examples” on page 28-112.


OmniSwitch 6860 OmniSwitch 6860 OmniSwitch 6860

Employee1 - Employee2 - 802.1X IP Phone Guest - Guest -

Classification Authentication Supplicant Non-Supplicant

Access Guardian Network Configuration Example

The following application examples are provided in this section:

• “Application Example 1: Classification (Port Mobility)” on page 28-75

• “Application Example 2: 802.1X Authentication” on page 28-76

• “Application Example 3: Internal Captive Portal Authentication” on page 28-78

• “Application Example 4: Supplicant/Non-supplicant with Captive Portal Authentication” on

page 28-80
• “Application Example 5: IP Phone (LLDP Network Policy TLV/Mobile Tag)” on page 28-83

• “Application Example 6: Restricted Role (Policy List) Assignment” on page 28-85

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-74
Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Application Examples

Application Example 1: Classification (Port Mobility)

In this configuration example, network access control for Employee1 is provided through the Access
Guardian classification mechanism; no authentication is necessary. Classification is a function of the UNP
feature and is enabled or disabled on UNP ports. Once enabled, the port and devices connected to the port
are eligible for dynamic assignment to a VLAN that is associated with a UNP profile.
To determine which UNP profile a device is assigned to, the administrator configures UNP classification
rules and assigns those rules to the appropriate profile. When traffic received on a UNP port that has
classification enabled matches the criteria of a specific classification rule, the user device is moved into
the profile associated with the rule and assigned to the VLAN associated with the profile.
This application example uses a MAC address range classification rule to dynamically assign Employee1
into VLAN 20. The following steps provide a brief tutorial for how to configure this example:
1 Create the required VLANs.

-> vlan 10 admin-state disable name vlan10-block

-> vlan 20 admin-state enable name vlan20-corporate

2 Create the required UNP profile and map the profile to VLAN 20.

-> unp profile corporate

-> unp profile corporate map vlan 20

3 Create another UNP profile that will serve as a default profile; map the profile to VLAN 10.

-> unp profile def_unp

-> unp profile def_unp map vlan 10

4 Create a MAC range classification rule and associate the rule to the “corporate” UNP profile.

-> unp classification-rule rule1 mac-address-range 08:00:27:00:98:0A

08:00:27:00:98:FF profile1 corporate

5 Enable UNP on ports that will connect to user devices.

-> unp port 1/1/1 port-type bridge

6 Set the default UNP profile on the port.

-> unp port 1/1/1 default-profile def_unp

7 Enable classification on the UNP port.

-> unp port 1/1/1 classification

How it Works
In this example, traffic received on the UNP port triggers the following classification process:
• Device traffic is examined and matched against all UNP classification rules.

• If the MAC address of a user device is within the range of MAC addresses specified in the MAC
address range rule, the user is classified into the “corporate” profile and assigned to VLAN 20.
• If the MAC address of a user is not within the MAC address range and does not match any other UNP
classification rules on the switch, then the user is classified into the “def_unp” profile and assigned to
VLAN 10.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-75
Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Application Examples

• The MAC addresses are learned in the assigned VLANs and the device port is now an untagged
member of the assigned VLANs.

UNP Port Template Example

In Application Example 1 (Classification), individual CLI commands are used in Steps 6 and 7 to
configure UNP port parameters. However, it is possible to create a UNP port template that defines port
configuration parameters and assigns these parameters to a template name.
1 Create a port template.

-> unp port-template classify-template

2 Configure the template to enable classification on the associated UNP port.

-> unp port-template classify-template classification

3 Configure the template to assign a default UNP profile to the UNP port.

-> unp port-template classify-template default-profile def_unp

4 Assign the template to the UNP port to apply the template configuration.

-> unp port 1/1/1 port-template classify-template

Using a port template to configure UNP ports helps to simplify and expedite the configuration process.
Templates allow the administrator to easily replicate a specific configuration across multiple UNP ports.

Application Example 2: 802.1X Authentication

In this example, network access control for Employee2 is provided through the Access Guardian 802.1X
authentication mechanism. Authentication is a function of the UNP feature and is enabled or disabled on
UNP ports. There are two types of authentication supported at the port (Layer 2) level: 802.1X and MAC
This application example demonstrates the 802.1X authentication capability for a supplicant (802.1X)
device. The following steps provide a brief tutorial for how to configure this example:
1 Configure a server as a RADIUS server on the switch.

-> aaa radius-server alu-authserver host hash-key secret

retransmit 3 timeout 2 auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813

2 Configure the switch to use “alu-authserver” (identified in Step 1) for 802.1X device authentication.

-> aaa device-authentication 802.1x alu-authserver

3 Configure the switch to use “alu-authserver” for RADIUS server accounting.

-> aaa accounting 802.1x alu-authserver

4 Create the required VLANs.

-> vlan 10 admin-state disable name vlan10-block

-> vlan 20 admin-state enable name vlan20-corporate

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-76
Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Application Examples

5 Create the required UNP profile and map the profile to VLAN 20.

-> unp profile corporate

-> unp profile corporate map vlan 20

6 Create another UNP profile that will serve as a default profile; map the profile to VLAN 10.

-> unp profile def_unp

-> unp profile def_unp map vlan 10

7 Create an edge template to apply UNP port configuration parameters.

-> unp port-template 802.1X-template

8 Configure the template to enable 802.1X authentication and define an alternate UNP profile to use if
the RADIUS server does not return a UNP profile name upon successful authentication.
-> unp port-template 802.1x-template 802.1x-authentication
-> unp port-template 802.1x-template 802.1x-authentication pass-alternate

9 Assign the port template to a UNP port.

-> unp port 2/1/1 port-template 802.1x-template

How it Works
In this example, traffic received on the UNP port will trigger the following device authentication process
on the switch:
• Supplicant device traffic will trigger 802.1 x authentications first.

• If 802.1X authentication passes, the client is classified into to the “corporate” UNP profile and
assigned to VLAN 20 or classified into the UNP profile returned from RADIUS server.
• If 802.1X authentication fails and classification is not enabled and a default profile is not assigned, the
MAC address of the user device is filtered (blocked).
• In this example, MAC authentication and classification are not enabled on the UNP port, so neither
MAC authentication or classification will be triggered for a non-supplicant device. However, a default
UNP profile is configured for the port, so a non-supplicant device will get classified into that profile.

AAA Profile Example

In Application Example 2 (802.1X Authentication), individual CLI commands are used in Steps 1–3 to
configure AAA parameters. However, it is possible to create an AAA profile that defines the AAA server
configuration parameters and assigns these parameters to a profile name. The profile is then assigned to a
UNP port or a UNP port template.
1 Configure the AAA profile name.

-> aaa profile ag-aaa-profile

2 Configure the profile to specify the “alu-authserver” for 802.1X device authentication.

-> aaa profile ag-aaa-profile device-authentication 802.1x “alu-authserver”

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-77
Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Application Examples

3 Configure the profile to specify the “alu-authserver” for RADIUS server accounting.

-> aaa profile ag-aaa-profile accounting 802.1x alu-authserver

4 Assign the AAA profile to a UNP port or to a UNP port template.

-> unp port 2/1/1 aaa-profile ag-aaa-profile

-> unp port-template 802.1x-template aaa-profile ag-aaa-profile

Application Example 3: Internal Captive Portal Authentication

In this example, network access control is provided for different types of users through Access Guardian
internal Captive Portal authentication. For example, university students, teachers, and visitors
authenticating through Captive Portal to receive different QoS policy lists based on the their role in the
Internal Captive Portal authentication is initiated only through a UNP profile. As a result, the user must
initially be classified into a profile through Layer 2 authentication (802.1X or MAC), rule classification, or
assigned to a default UNP profile.
The UNP profile assigned must have Captive Portal authentication enabled. The Captive Portal
authentication process is used to assign a network access role (QoS policy list) to the user. Different policy
lists may be assigned to different users.
This application example demonstrates the internal Captive Portal authentication capability to dynamically
assign a network access role for a user device. The following steps provide a brief tutorial for how to
configure this example.

Network Configuration for Captive Portal Support

1 Configure the network DHCP server to give out the IP addresses in the subnet of the VLAN associated
with the UNP profile that will be used for Captive Portal authentication.
2 Configure the DNS with a DNS entry to map the Captive Portal name to the Captive Portal IP address
that is configured on the switches in the network.

OmniSwitch Configuration for Captive Portal Support

1 Configure a RADIUS server.

-> aaa radius-server alu-authserver host hash-key secret

retransmit 3 timeout 2 auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813

2 Create an AAA profile to pre-define and apply a specific AAA configuration for this example.

-> aaa profile ag-aaa-profile

-> aaa profile ag-aaa-profile device-authentication captive-portal alu-
-> aaa profile ag-aaa-profile accounting captive-portal alu-authserver

3 Create the required VLANs.

-> vlan 10 admin-state disable name vlan-block

-> vlan 30 admin-state enable name vlan-guest

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Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Application Examples

4 Create the QoS policy list to apply to the user upon successful Captive Portal authentication.

-> policy condition cp-default-C1 source ip Any destination ip Any

-> policy action cp-default-A1
-> policy rule cp-default-R1 condition cp-default-C1 action cp-default-A1
-> policy list cp-default-list type unp
-> policy list cp-default-list rules cp-default-R1
-> qos apply

5 Create a UNP profile named “guest”.

-> unp profile guest

6 Map the UNP profile to an appropriate VLAN.

-> unp profile guest map vlan 30

7 Create another UNP profile to use as a default profile for a UNP port.

-> unp profile def_unp

8 Map the UNP profile to VLAN 10.

-> unp profile def_unp map vlan 10

9 Create a UNP port template to pre-define and apply configuration parameters to the UNP port.

-> unp port-template cp-only-template

10 Set the default profile parameter for the port template to “guest”.

-> unp port-template cp-only-template default-profile guest

Setting the default UNP profile to “guest” will move the clients into VLAN 30 first. Then a policy list
received through Captive Portal authentication is applied to the user (overriding the policy list, if any,
that was previous applied through the “guest” profile).
11 Assign the UNP port template to a UNP port.

-> unp port 1/1/2 port-template cp-only-template

12 Create a Captive Portal profile to pre-define and apply Captive Portal configuration parameters.

-> captive-portal-profile cp-profile

-> captive-portal-profile cp-profile aaa-profile ag-aaa-profile

13 Set the Captive Portal profile parameters for the authentication pass policy list and the success URL.
The Captive Portal IP address is set to by default.
-> captive-portal-profile cp-profile authentication-pass policy-list cp-default
-> captive-portal-profile cp-profile success-redirect-url

The authentication pass parameter specifies the policy list to apply to the device if Captive Portal
authentication is successful but the RADIUS server does not return a policy list. The success URL
specifies where to redirect the user device after a successful Captive Portal authentication attempt.

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14 Enable Captive Portal for the UNP profile and assign the Captive Portal profile to the same UNP
-> unp profile guest captive-portal-authentication
-> unp profile guest captive-portal-profile cp-profile

How it Works
In this example, traffic arriving on the UNP port triggers the following process on the switch:
• Authentication and classification are disabled on the UNP port, so the client is assigned to the default
UNP profile and associated VLAN.
• Because the default UNP profile (associated with the port template assigned to the UNP port) is
enabled for Captive Portal authentication, the Captive Portal authentication process is triggered.
• The client is placed into a built-in Captive Portal pre-login role which does the following:
– Allows the client network access only for DHCP, DNS, ARP, and ICMP traffic.
– Traps and redirects client HTTP/HTTPS traffic to the internal Captive Portal Web server on the
switch. The Captive Portal server name and IP address was resolved by the client through DNS.
– Client is presented with an internal Captive Portal login page.
– Client enters user credentials which are then authenticated through the RADIUS server designated
for Captive Portal authentication.
• Successful Captive Portal authentication results in the assignment of a policy list that was returned
from the RADIUS server or specified through the Captive Portal authentication pass configuration.
• The client remains in the “guest” UNP profile assigned to VLAN 30 and is presented with a Captive
Portal login status page.
• If Captive Portal authentication fails, the client remains in the built-in Captive Portal pre-login role.

Application Example 4: Supplicant/Non-supplicant with Captive

Portal Authentication
In this example, network access control is provided for corporate devices and guest devices trying to
access the network on the same port. The scenarios covered in this example are as follows:
• Corporate supplicant device.
– Passes 802.1X authentication.
– Is assigned a UNP corporate profile with an associated VLAN.
• Corporate user with non-supplicant, non-corporate device.
– Does not trigger 802.1X authentication.
– Fails MAC authentication.
– When MAC authentication fails and classification is not enabled, a default UNP profile associated
with the UNP port will be assigned. Captive Portal authentication is enabled for the default profile.
– The Captive Portal authentication pass condition may apply a new access policy list or the access
policy list associated with the default profile is applied.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-80
Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Application Examples

• Guest supplicant device.

– Fails 802.1X authentication.
– If an 802.1X failure policy is not set and classification is not enabled, a default UNP profile
associated with the UNP port will be assigned. Captive Portal authentication is enabled for the
default profile.
– The Captive Portal authentication pass condition may apply a new access policy list or the access
policy list associated with the default profile is applied.
• Guest non-supplicant device.
– Fails 802.1X authentication.
– MAC authentication is not automatically triggered, unless explicitly enabled on the UNP port.
– If MAC authentication fails and classification is not enabled, a default UNP profile associated with
the UNP port will be assigned. Captive Portal authentication is enabled for the default profile.
– The Captive Portal authentication pass condition may apply a new access policy list or the access
policy list associated with the default profile is applied.
The following steps provide a brief tutorial for how to configure this application example:
1 Configure a RADIUS server.

-> aaa radius-server alu-authserver host hash-key secret

retransmit 3 timeout 2 auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813

2 Create an AAA profile to pre-define and apply a specific AAA configuration for this example.

-> aaa profile ag-aaa-profile device-authentication 802.1x alu-authserver

-> aaa profile ag-aaa-profile accounting 802.1x alu-authserver
-> aaa profile ag-aaa-profile device-authentication mac alu-authserver
-> aaa profile ag-aaa-profile accounting mac alu-authserver
-> aaa profile ag-aaa-profile device-authentication captive-portal alu-
-> aaa profile ag-aaa-profile accounting captive-portal alu-authserver

3 Create the required VLANs.

-> vlan 10 admin-state disable name vlan-block

-> vlan 20 admin-state enable name vlan-corporate
-> vlan 30 admin-state enable name vlan-guest

4 Create the required UNP profiles.

-> unp profile corporate

-> unp profile guest

5 Map the UNP profiles to the appropriate VLANs.

-> unp profile corporate map vlan 20

-> unp profile guest map vlan 30

6 Create a default UNP profile.

-> unp profile def_unp

7 Map the default UNP profile to VLAN 10.

-> unp profile def_unp map vlan 10

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Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Application Examples

8 Create a port template to pre-define and apply configuration parameters to the UNP port.

-> unp port-template auth-template

9 Set the default UNP profile parameter for the port template to “guest”.

-> unp port-template auth-template default-profile guest

10 Set the MAC and 802.1X authentication parameters to “enable” for the port template. Can also define a
pass alternate UNP profile for the template in case the RADIUS server does not return a UNP profile
name when 802.1X or MAC authentication passes.
-> unp port-template auth-template mac-authentication
-> unp port-template auth-template 802.1x-authentication
-> unp port-template auth-template mac-authentication pass-alternate corporate
-> unp port-template auth-template 802.1x-authentication pass-alternate

11 Assign the port template to a UNP port.

-> unp port 2/1/1 port-template auth-template

12 Create a Captive Portal profile.

-> captive-portal-profile cp-profile

-> captive-portal-profile cp-profile aaa-profile ag-aaa-profile

13 Add a Captive Portal authentication pass policy list to the Captive Portal profile.

-> captive-portal-profile cp-profile authentication-pass policy-list cp-default-


14 Enable Captive Portal authentication for the UNP profile and assign the Captive Portal profile to that
UNP profile.
-> unp profile guest captive-portal-authentication
-> unp profile guest captive-portal-profile cp-profile

How it Works
In this application example, traffic received on the UNP port triggers the following actions on the switch:
• Traffic from a supplicant device triggers the 802.1X authentication process.

• If 802.1X authentication passes, the client is classified into the UNP profile name returned from the
RADIUS server or classified into the “corporate” UNP profile.
• If 802.1X authentication fails, the client is classified into the default UNP profile associated with the
UNP port. This happens because rule classification is disabled on the UNP port. Captive Portal
authentication is enabled for the default UNP profile.
• Traffic from a non-supplicant device triggers the MAC authentication process.

• If MAC authentication passes, the client is classified into the UNP profile name returned from the
RADIUS server or classified into the “corporate” UNP profile.
• IF MAC authentication fails, the client is classified into the default UNP profile associated with the
UNP port. This happens because rule classification is disabled on the port. Captive Portal
authentication is enabled for the default UNP profile.

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Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Application Examples

• The Captive Portal authentication pass condition applies a new access policy list to the client.

• If Captive Portal authentication fails, the client remains in a built-in Captive Portal pre-login state.

Application Example 5: IP Phone (LLDP Network Policy TLV/

Mobile Tag)
In this example, network access control is provided for the following IP phone devices:
• An IP phone enabled for LLDP Network Policy TLV and connected to a switch that is configured to
send a Network Policy TLV with tagged VLAN.
• An IP phone that is statically configured to tag traffic with a specific VLAN.

The VLAN associated with the UNP profile to which the IP phone is assigned, must be tagged on the port
after authentication. The following configuration steps provide a brief tutorial for how to achieve this:
1 Configure a RADIUS server.

-> aaa radius-server alu-authserver host hash-key secret

retransmit 3 timeout 2 auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813

2 Create an AAA profile to pre-define and apply a specific AAA configuration for this example.

-> aaa profile ag-aaa-profile device-authentication 802.1x alu-authserver

-> aaa profile ag-aaa-profile accounting 802.1x alu-authserver
-> aaa profile ag-aaa-profile device-authentication mac alu-authserver
-> aaa profile ag-aaa-profile accounting mac alu-authserver
-> aaa profile ag-aaa-profile device-authentication captive-portal alu-
-> aaa profile ag-aaa-profile accounting captive-portal alu-authserver

3 Create the required VLANs.

-> vlan 10 admin-state disable name vlan-block

-> vlan 20 admin-state enable name vlan-corporate
-> vlan 30 admin-state enable name vlan-guest
-> vlan 40 admin-state enable name vlan-voice

4 Create the required UNP profiles.

-> unp profile corporate

-> unp profile guest
-> unp profile corporate-voice

5 Map each of the UNP profiles to an appropriate VLAN.

-> unp profile corporate map vlan 20

-> unp profile guest map vlan 30
-> unp profile corporate-voice map vlan 40

6 Enable mobile tagging on the UNP profile.

-> unp profile corporate-voice mobile-tag

7 Create a default UNP profile to assign to the UNP port.

-> unp profile def_unp

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8 Map the default UNP profile to VLAN 10

-> unp profile def_unp map vlan 10

9 Create a UNP port template to pre-define and apply configuration parameters to the UNP port.

-> unp port-template voice-template

10 Set the default profile parameter for the port template to “def_unp”.

-> unp port-template voice-template default-profile def_unp

11 Set the MAC and 802.1X authentication parameters to “enable” for the port template. Can also define a
pass alternate UNP profile for the template in case the RADIUS server does not return a UNP profile
name when 802.1X or MAC authentication passes.
-> unp port-template voice-template mac-authentication
-> unp port-template voice-template 802.1x-authentication
-> unp port-template voice-template mac-authentication pass-alternate corporate
-> unp port-template voice-template 802.1x-authentication pass-alternate profile

12 Assign the port template to a UNP port.

-> unp port 3/1/1-2 port-template voice-template

13 Enable LLDP IP Phone classification.

-> unp classification lldp med-endpoint ip-phone profile1 corporate-voice

14 Configure LLDP on the port.

-> lldp port 3/1/1-2 lldpdu tx-and-RX

-> lldp network-policy 1 application voice vlan 40 l2-priority 6
-> lldp port 3/1/1-2 med network-policy 1

How it Works
The expected traffic flow for this application example is as follows:
• EAP frames are the first frames sent by the IP phone on link up. The EAP frames are untagged.

• If the IP phone is a supplicant, 802.1X authentication is initiated. If the phone is a non-supplicant,

MAC authentication is initiated.
• If the RADIUS server is configured to return the correct UNP profile name for the voice device, then
that profile is applied when the device passes authentication.
• If the RAIDUS server is not configured to return the UNP profile name, then the 802.1X or MAC
authentication pass alternate UNP profile is applied. Mobile tagging is enabled for the authentication
pass alternate UNP profile.
• If 802.1X authentication fails, the device is blocked. If MAC authentication fails, the device must be
enabled for LLDP IP phone classification.
• The VLAN assigned after the authentication and classification pass should be the same VLAN referred
to in the configuration steps for this application example—the VLAN in the LLDP Network TLV
advertisement and the VLAN associated with the UNP profile assigned to the IP phone. This VLAN
should also be tagged on the UNP port, so that the traffic to or from the IP phone can be tagged.

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Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Application Examples

• LLDP frames are exchanged between the IP phone and the switch. This traffic will be untagged but
will be accepted by the switch since these are control frames.
• Subsequent data traffic will be tagged with the right VLAN after the LLDP exchange; this traffic will
be accepted because the VLAN is a tagged member of the port.

Application Example 6: Restricted Role (Policy List) Assignment

This application example demonstrates post-authentication role assignment through the QMR feature, a
location-based policy, and a time-based policy.

Quarantine Manager and Remediation (QMR)

A client MAC address is determined to be in a quarantined state when one of the following occurs:
• The OmniVista Quarantine Manager (OVQM) application receives a TRAP indicating that the MAC
address has to be quarantined. The TRAP may come from a network anomaly detection application or
from an intrusion detection system (IDS) running in the same subnet as the client.
• A list containing the quarantined MAC address is manually configured on OVQM.

• A list containing the quarantined MAC is manually configured on every switch in the network.

After the list of quarantined MAC addresses is known, OVQM can add these addresses to the Quarantine
MAC group and push the configuration to the switches in a logical group or to all switches. Access
Guardian then moves the users associated with the quarantined MAC addresses to a QMR restricted role.
There is a built-in policy list associated with the QMR restricted role that can be replaced with a user-
defined policy list. For example, the administrator may want to use the following explicit policy list for
QMR redirection instead of the built-in policy list:
-> policy service http80 destination tcp-port 80
-> policy service http443 destination tcp-port 443
-> policy service http8080 destination tcp-port 8080
-> policy service http8081 destination tcp-port 8081
-> policy service group alaRestrictedHttpSG http80 http443 http8080 http8081
-> policy condition qmr_traffic service group alaRestrictedHttpSG
-> policy action qmr_action redirect module qmr
-> policy rule qmr_rule condition qmr_traffic action qmr_action no default-list
-> policy list qmr_list type unp
-> policy list qmr_list rules qmr_rule
-> qos apply

With minor changes (such as changing the redirect module option to “captive-portal” or “byod”), this
example policy list may also be useful for internal Captive Portal and OmniSwitch BYOD redirection.
The following OmniSwitch configuration demonstrates assigning a different role (explicit policy list) to a
quarantine user as well as an example of configuring QMR on the switch:
1 Use the unp restricted-role policy-list command to assign a new policy list to replace the built-in
QMR policy list. This is an optional command.
-> unp restricted-role qmr policy-list qmr_list

2 Configure the name of the Quarantine MAC Group. The default name of this group is “Quarantined”,
so changing the name is optional. To change the name of this group, use the qos quarantine mac-group

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-85
Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Application Examples

-> qos quarantine mac-group bad-macs

Make sure the name of this group on the OmniSwitch matches the group name used by OVQM

3 The Quarantine MAC address group is populated from the same group located on an LDAP server.
However, it is also possible to manually add MAC addresses to the MAC address group on the switch.
-> policy mac group Quarantined 00:9a:2d:00:00:10

4 Apply the QoS configuration for the MAC group name change (Step 2) and the manual MAC address
changes (Step 3) to take effect on the switch.
-> qos apply

5 Add the IP address and subnet of the remediation server to a list of allowed IP addresses using the qmr
quarantine allowed-name command. The allowed IP list specifies IP network addresses that a device is
allowed to communicate with while in a quarantined state.
-> qmr quarantine allowed-name it-helpdesk ip-mask

6 Create the path to the remediation server using the qmr quarantine path command.

-> qmr quarantine path

7 If there is no quarantine path to redirect to, use the qmr quarantine page command to direct the
switch to send a quarantine page to inform the user of the quarantined state.
-> qmr quarantine page enable

For more information about the QMR feature, see “Using Quarantine Manager and Remediation” on
page 28-72.

UNP Profile - Time Policy

A time-based policy is associated with a UNP profile to define a validity period during which the profile
applies a role (policy list) to the user. When a user classified into the UNP profile violates the validity
period, the user is moved into an Unauthorized role.
There is a built-in policy-list associated with the Unauthorized role that can be replaced with a user-
defined policy list. The following OmniSwitch configuration demonstrates assigning a different role to a
user in an Unauthorized state as well as an example of configuring time based policies:
1 Create different validity periods as required. Different validity periods can be defined and assigned to
different UNP profiles.
-> unp policy validity-period employee-shift-time days monday tuesday wednesday
thursday friday timezone PST hours 6:00 TO 18:00

-> unp policy validity-period guest-time days Monday tuesday wednesday thursday
friday saturday sunday timezone PST hours 9:00 TO 18:00

2 Assign the time policies created in Step 1 to an existing UNP profile.

-> unp profile UNP-employee period-policy employee-shift-time

-> unp profile UNP-guest period-policy guest-time

3 Assign a new policy list to replace the built-in policy list for the Unauthorized role.

-> unp restricted-role unauthorized policy-list unauthorized-time

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-86
Configuring Access Guardian Access Guardian Application Examples

UNP Profile - Location Policy

A location-based policy is associated with a UNP profile to define a specific location from which a device
can access the network. When a user classified into the UNP profile violates the location policy, the user is
moved into an Unauthorized role.
There is a built-in policy-list associated with the Unauthorized role that can be replaced with a user-
defined policy list. The following OmniSwitch configuration demonstrates assigning a different role to a
user in an Unauthorized state as well as an example of configuring time based policies:
1 Create different location policies as required. Different location policies can be defined and assigned to
different UNP profiles.
-> unp policy validity-location employee-location port 1/1/1-24
-> unp policy validity-location guest-location port 1/1/15-24

2 Assign the location policies created in Step 1 to an existing UNP Edge profile.

-> unp profile UNP-employee location-policy employee-location

-> unp profile UNP-guest period-policy guest-location

3 Assign a new policy list to replace the built-in policy list for the Unauthorized role.

-> unp restricted-role unauthorized policy-list unauthorized-location.

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Configuring Access Guardian Verifying Access Guardian Users

Verifying Access Guardian Users

The following UNP show commands provide a centralized way to verify the status of users authenticated
and classified through Access Guardian security mechanisms:
show unp user
show unp user status
show unp user details
This section provides sample display outputs from the show unp user commands. For more information
about the display outputs for the other show unp commands, see “Verifying the Access Guardian
Configuration” on page 28-93.
1 The show unp user command displays information about the MAC addresses learned on UNP ports
and link aggregates:

-> show unp user

Port Username Mac address IP Vlan Profile Type Status
1/1/1 00:00:00:00:00:01 00:00:00:00:00:01 10 unp-1 Access Active
1/1/2 00:00:00:00:00:02 00:00:00:00:00:02 11 unp-2 Bridge Active
1/1/3 guest_user 00:00:00:00:00:04 20 unp-guest Access Active
1/1/7 00:00:00:00:00:07 00:00:00:00:00:07 11 unp-emp Bridge Active
0/10 Employee-001 00:00:00:00:00:03 12 unp-emp Bridge Active
0/12 00:00:00:00:00:14 00:00:00:00:00:14 20 unp-7 Bridge Active

Total users : 6

-> show unp user port 1/1/3

Port Username Mac address IP Vlan Profile Auth Role
1/1/3 guest_user 00:00:00:00:00:04 20 unp-guest 8021X Guest

Total users : 1

-> show unp user linkagg 10

Port Username Mac address IP Vlan Profile Auth Role
0/10 Employee-001 00:00:00:00:00:03 12 unp-emp 8021X Employee

Total users : 1

-> show unp user profile unp-emp

Port Username Mac address IP Vlan Profile Auth Role
1/1/7 00:00:00:00:00:07 00:00:00:00:00:07 11 unp-emp MAC Employee
0/10 Employee-001 00:00:00:00:00:03 12 unp-emp 8021X Employee

Total users : 2

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Configuring Access Guardian Verifying Access Guardian Users

-> show unp user authentication-type mac

Port Username Mac address IP Vlan Profile Auth Role
1/1/7 00:00:00:00:00:07 00:00:00:00:00:07 11 unp-emp MAC Employee
0/12 00:00:00:00:00:14 00:00:00:00:00:14 20 unp-7 MAC Employee

Total users : 2

2 The show unp user status command displays the status of the authentication and validation process
for MAC addresses learned on a UNP port or link aggregate:

-> show unp user status port 1/1/1

Profile Profile Authentication Role Role Restricted
Port Mac address Name Source Type Status Name Source CP Redirect Access
1/1/1 00:00:00:00:00:05 Prf1 Radius 8021x Passed emp1 Profile Y - -

Total users : 1

-> show unp user status linkagg 100

Profile Profile Authentication Role Role Restricted
Port Mac address Name Source Type Status Name Source CP Redirect Access
0/100 00:00:00:00:00:06 Prf3 Radius 8021x Passed emp1 Profile Y - -

Total users : 1

-> show unp user status authentication type MAC

Profile Profile Authentication Role Role Restricted
Port Mac address Name Source Type Status Name Source CP Redirect Access
1/1/2 00:00:00:00:00:15 Prf2 Alt MAC Passed emp2 Profile Y - -

Total users : 1

3 The show unp user details command displays additional details about MAC addresses learned on a
UNP port or link aggregate:

-> show unp user details port 1/1/10

Port: 1/1/10
MAC-Address: 00:00:00:00:00:01
Sap : -,
Service ID : -,
VNID : -,
ISID : -,
Access Timestamp : 04/01/1970 18:45:26,
User Name : guest1,
IP-address :,
Vlan : 10,
Authentication Type : 802.1X,
Authentication Status : Authenticated,
Authentication Failure Reason : -,
Authentication Retry Count : -,
Authentication Server IP Used =,
Authentication Server Used = rad1,
Server Reply-Message = -,
Profile : Employee,

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-89
Configuring Access Guardian Verifying Access Guardian Users

Profile Source : RADIUS Server Profile,

Profile From Auth Server : Employee,
Classification profile rule : -,
Role : Employee,
Role Source : Profile,
User role rule : -,
Restricted Access : No,
Location Policy Status : Passed,
Time Policy Status : Passed,
Captive-Portal Status : -,
QMR Status : Passed,
Redirect Url : -,
SIP Call Type = Not in a call,
SIP Media Type = None,
Applications = None

MAC-Address: 00:00:00:00:00:02
Sap : -,
Service ID : -,
VNID : -,
ISID : -,
Access Timestamp : 06/01/1989 20:45:26,
User Name : guest2,
IP-address :,
Vlan : 20,
Authentication Type : MAC,
Authentication Status : Authenticated,
Authentication Failure Reason : -,
Authentication Retry Count : -,
Authentication Server IP Used =,
Authentication Server Used = rad1,
Server Reply-Message = -,
Profile : Contractor,
Profile Source : RADIUS Server Profile,
Profile From Auth Server : Contractor,
Classification profile rule : -,
Role : Contractor,
Role Source : Profile,
User role rule : -,
Restricted Access : No,
Location Policy Status : Passed,
Time Policy Status : Passed,
Captive-Portal Status : Passed,
QMR Status : -,
Redirect Url : -,
SIP Call Type = Normal Call,
SIP Media Type = Video,
Applications = None

-> show unp user details linkagg 100

Port: 0/100
MAC-Address: 00:00:00:00:00:03
Sap : -,
Service ID : -,
VNID : -,
ISID : -,
Access Timestamp : 02/01/2013 20:45:26,
User Name : guest3,
IP-address :,

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-90
Configuring Access Guardian Verifying Access Guardian Users

Vlan : 30,
Authentication Type : MAC,
Authentication Status : Authenticated,
Authentication Failure Reason : -,
Authentication Retry Count : -,
Authentication Server IP Used =,
Authentication Server Used = rad1,
Server Reply-Message = -,
Profile : Contractor,
Profile Source : Auth - Pass - Default UNP,
Profile From Auth Server : Employee [Not Configured],
Classification profile rule : -,
Role : Contractor,
Role Source : Profile,
User role rule : -,
Restricted Access : No,
Location Policy Status : Passed,
Time Policy Status : Passed,
Captive-Portal Status : Passed,
QMR Status : -,
Redirect Url : -,
SIP Call Type = Not in a call,
SIP Media Type = None,
Applications = ;Facebook;rediff;

For more information about the displays that result from these commands, see the “Access Guardian
Commands” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

Logging Users Out of the Network

In the event that it becomes necessary to manually log a user out of the network, the unp user flush
command is available to the switch admin user. The following parameters are available with this
command to specify which user MAC addresses are flushed:
• mac-address—Flushes the user device with the specified source MAC address. For example:

-> unp user flush mac-address 00:2a:95:00:3a:10

• port chassis/slot/port1[-port2]—Flushes the MAC addresses of all users connected to the specified
switch port. For example:
-> unp user flush port 1/9

• linkagg agg_id[-agg_id2]—Flushes the MAC addresses of all users connected to the specified link
aggregate. For example:
-> unp user flush linkagg 10

• sap-id [linkagg] sap_id—Flushes the MAC addresses of all users learned on a specific Service Access
Point (SAP). A SAP ID is comprised of a device-facing port or link aggregate (referred to as a service
access port) and an encapsulation value that is used to identify the type of device traffic to map to the
service that is associated with the SAP. Use the optional linkagg parameter if the SAP ID is for a link
aggregate. For example:
-> unp user flush sap-id 1/1/2:50

• service-id service_id—Flushes the MAC addresses of all users learned on a specific service ID. For

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-91
Configuring Access Guardian Verifying Access Guardian Users

-> unp user flush service-id 10

• authentication-type {802.1x, mac, none}—Flushes the MAC addresses of all users authenticated with
the specified authentication type or users that have not been authenticated. For example:
-> unp user flush authentication-type 802.1x
-> unp user flush authentication-type mac
-> unp user flush authentication-type none

• profile profile_name—Flushes the MAC addresses of all users associated with the specified UNP
profile name. Combine this parameter with the mac-address parameter to flush a specific user
associated with the specified profile name. For example:
-> unp user flush profile EP-1
-> unp user flush profile EP-1 mac-address 00:da:95:11:22:01

Logging a group of users out of the network is particularly useful if configuration changes are required to
any Access Guardian features. The unp user flush command is only available to the switch admin user.
The admin account, however, is protected from any attempts to log out the admin user.

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Configuring Access Guardian Verifying the Access Guardian Configuration

Verifying the Access Guardian Configuration

A summary of the show commands used for verifying the Access Guardian configuration is given here:

show unp global configuration Displays the global UNP parameter settings for the switch
show unp port Displays the UNP configuration for a port or link aggregate.
show unp port 802.1x statistics Displays 802.1X statistics for a UNP port or link aggregate on which
802.1X authentication is enabled.
show unp port configured- Displays the VLANs assigned to UNP bridge ports or link aggregates.
show unp port-template Displays the UNP port template configuration.
show unp domain Displays the UNP domain ID configuration. This type of ID is used to
group UNP ports into a logical domain.
show unp profile Displays the UNP profile configuration.
show unp profile map Displays the VLAN ID or service mapping configuration assigned to a
UNP profile.
show unp classification Displays the UNP classification rule configuration for individual and
binding rules.
show unp classification-rule Displays the UNP extended classification rule configuration.
show unp user-role Displays the UNP user-defined role configuration.
show unp restricted-role Displays the explicit policy list configuration for built-in restricted
show aaa device-authentication Displays a list of RADIUS servers assigned to provide 802.1X, MAC,
or Captive Portal authentication.
show aaa accounting Displays a list of RADIUS servers assigned to provide 802.1X, MAC,
or Captive Portal accounting.
show aaa config Displays the AAA parameter configuration for 802.1X, MAC, and
Captive Portal sessions
show aaa profile Displays the AAA profile configuration.
show captive-portal Displays the global Captive Portal settings for the switch.
show captive-portal profile- Displays the Captive Portal configuration for the switch.
show qmr Displays the global QMR settings for the switch.
show quarantine mac group Displays the contents of the Quarantined MAC address group.

For more information about the displays that result from these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

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Configuring Access Guardian Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) Overview

Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) Overview

The OmniSwitch implementation of Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) leverages the ClearPass Policy
Manager (CPPM) and Access Guardian features on the OmniSwitch. BYOD can be implemented on a
campus, branch offices, Internet edge, and converged access networks. It allows a wired guest, device, or
authenticated user to connect to the network through an OmniSwitch edge device using the CPPM for
unified authentication.
The BYOD support on the OmniSwitch provides the following:
• Unified access policy management solution for Wireline networks using CPPM.

• Integration with Access Guardian UNPs, 802.1X authentication, and MAC authentication.

Note. See “UNP Profiles” on page 28-16 for additional information about UNPs and authentication

• RADIUS Change of Authorization (CoA):

– Provides a mechanism to change AAA attributes of a session after authentication.
– Sends the New Profile as an attribute in the message.
– Sends a Disconnect Message to terminate a user session and discard all user context.
• A validated BYOD solution using CPPM with CoA and the OmniSwitch.

• Restricted access to the network and validation for end user devices, including employees with IT
supplied devices, IP phones, employees personal devices, guest devices, access points, cameras, and
silent devices (such as printers).
• CPPM can act as a RADIUS server for new deployments or RADIUS proxy for existing networks.

• Captive Portal redirect using a new dynamic redirect URL Vendor Specific Attribute (VSA).

The remainder of this section focuses on the OmniSwitch integration with the CPPM. Refer to the
following for more information:
• OmniAccess WLAN documentation.

• ClearPass Policy Manager documentation for in-depth server configuration and licensing requirements.

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Configuring Access Guardian Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) Overview

Key Components of a BYOD Solution

The OmniSwitch BYOD solution comprises of the following main components:
• The network infrastructure consisting of both wireless and wireline networks. The OmniSwitch
leverages the Access Guardian features, such as 802.1X (supplicant) and MAC (non-supplicant)
authentication and classification through the Universal Network Profile (UNP) framework to support
the BYOD solution.
• The CPPM interacts with both wireless and wireline networks acting as a RADIUS server or RADIUS
server proxy. The CPPM provides policy management, guest access, onboarding, and posture checking

RADIUS/Active Directory

Active Directory/DHCP ClearPass Policy


Edge OmniSwitch Controller/Authenticator

Access Points

(guest) Non-Supplicant

non-supplicant supplicant - 802.1X

Smart Phone

BYOD Network Illustration

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-95
Configuring Access Guardian Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) Overview

ClearPass Policy Manager

ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) association and configuration is required for the OmniSwitch BYOD
solution. This section describes the various services, features, and settings provided by ClearPass and
interaction with the OmniSwitch.

ClearPass Guest
The OmniSwitch BYOD solution supports guest self registration, sponsored guest access, and pre-
registration of guest devices using MAC and Captive Portal authentication.
• Self Registration
– An integrated external Captive Portal for guest or visitor registration.
– Redirection to a customizable guest registration Captive Portal
• Sponsored Access
– SMS and text email notification

ClearPass Policy Manager

ClearPass provides a user and device-independent framework that supports any BYOD initiative, large or
small, by providing:
• Self-service onboarding, provisioning, and revocation of access for all major mobile devices.

• Device profiling as a basis for grooming traffic and improving network security based on device
category, such as:
– Device Category - Computer, Printer, AP
– OS Family - MAC, Android, Windows, Linux
– Device name and OS version
– Useful for wired devices such as printers, access points, IP Phones, and cameras
• Controlled access and remediation for compromised devices

• Device disconnect if device signature changes

– Secure guest network access with simplified workflows.

ClearPass Onboard
The BYOD solution supports the following services for device on-boarding and device management for
guest and registered devices:
• Automatic configuration of Wireless, Wired 802.1X, VPN settings of personal and corporate devices
that are connecting to the network for the first time.
• Management of digital certificates.

• Device on-boarding system is integrated with the external Captive Portal, which is separate from the
internal OmniSwitch Captive Portal.
• Integration with the Enterprise Active Directory for authentication of employee credentials before
device credentials are issued.
• Device provisioning supported through Aruba Quick Connect or Apple OTA API.

• Quick Connect supports native supplicants on Windows Vista, XP, 7, Apple, and Android devices.

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Configuring Access Guardian Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) Overview

ClearPass OnGuard
ClearPass OnGuard agents perform advanced endpoint posture checking to ensure compliance is met
before the devices connect. OnGuard has the following functionalities:
• Enhanced capabilities for endpoint compliance and control.

• Supports Microsoft, Apple, and Linux operating systems.

• Anti-virus, anti-spyware, firewall checks and more using the persistent or dissolvable agent.

• Optional auto-remediation and quarantine capabilities.

• System-wide endpoint messaging, notifications and session control.

• Centrally view the online status of all devices from the ClearPass Policy Manager platform.

OmniSwitch and ClearPass Integration

Consider the following key points regarding OmniSwitch and ClearPass integration for BYOD support:
• The same UNPs and access lists must be configured on both the OmniSwitch and CPPM for proper
• The RADIUS server configuration on the OmniSwitch must point to the CPPM in both proxy and
server cases.
• A redirection server must be configured on the OmniSwitch that points to the CPPM.

• Support for the Dynamic Vendor Specific Attribute (VSA) URL redirect is implemented using the
OmniSwitch VSAs. The VSAs must be downloaded and installed on the ClearPass server.
• A port bounce capability is configurable on the OmniSwitch to ensure a clean re-authentication process
for non-supplicant devices.
• A PAUSE timer is configurable to flush out a user context (that is used for a welcome page or other
user context information) on timer expiry.

RFC-3576 Attributes
ClearPass RADIUS servers and the OmniSwitch can be configured with particular attributes defined in
RFC 3576. These attributes carry specific authentication, authorization, and configuration details about
RADIUS requests to and replies from the server. This section describes the attributes specific to an
OmniSwitch BYOD solution.

Num. CoA Attribute Notes

40 Disconnect-Request Disconnect Request sent by RADIUS/ClearPass server.
• The Disconnect-Request RADIUS message contains the
User-Name or the Calling-Station-ID attribute.
• When the message contains both the User-Name and
Calling-Station-ID, the MAC address is
identified based on the Calling-Station-ID only.
41 DM-ACK On reception of Disconnect request message (DM), all device
authentication is removed from the switch.
Disconnect request message (DM) Acknowledgment for
RADIUS/ClearPass authentication
42 DM-NACK Disconnect request message (DM) Not Acknowledged

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Configuring Access Guardian Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) Overview

43 CoA-Request CoA message is sent from ClearPass Server. CoA-Request

packets contain information for dynamically changing session
authorizations.The following attributes are used:
• The User-Name: AOS retrieves the MAC address associated
to this user
• The Calling-Station-ID: This explicitly specify the user
MAC address
When the message contains both the User-Name and Calling-
Station-ID, the MAC address is identified based on the Calling-
Station-ID only.
44 CoA-ACK Supports a Change of Authorization-Request (CoA) message for
RADIUS authentication.COA-ACK is sent by OmniSwitch to
ClearPass that has attributes MD5 hash value and Identifier.
45 CoA-NACK COA-NACK message is sent from OmniSwitch. For NAK
message, the Error-Cause attribute must be supported and filled
Error-Cause Supported as part of CoA-NAK and DM-NAK message. Error-
Cause Scenarios:
Missing Attribute - If User name and Calling station ID Filter
ID not present
Invalid Request - If Client context does not exist
Unsupported Attribute - Request contains an unsupported
Vendor-Specific attribute
Unsupported Service - Request contains an unsupported or
invalid service in Service-Type attribute
Nas Identification Mismatch - Request contains one or more
NAS identification attributes that does not match the identity of
the NAS receiving the request
Administratively Prohibited - NAS prohibiting the Request
messages for the specified session
Session Context Not Found - Session context identified in the
request does not exist on the NAS
Resources Unavailable - Request could not be honored due to
lack of available NAS resources

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-98
Configuring Access Guardian Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) Overview

Vendor-Specific Attributes for ClearPass

The OmniSwitch RADIUS client supports attribute 26, which includes a vendor ID and some additional
sub-attributes called subtypes. The vendor ID and the subtypes collectively are called Vendor Specific
Attributes (VSAs).
For ClearPass integration, the VSA dictionary must be updated with the "Alcatel-Redirect-URL" and the
“Alcatel-Access-Policy-List” VSA that can be imported into the ClearPass server. The following VSAs
can be imported to the ClearPass server:

Num. ClearPass/RADIUS VSA Type Description

6 Alcatel-Lucent-Port-Desc string Description of the port. This attribute is currently
defined in the Alcatel dictionary as:

RADIUS attribute type = 26 (VSA)

VSA Vendor ID = 800
VSA Type = 26
VSA format = string

This attribute is included in all RADIUS messages

sent by the OmniSwitch (Access-Request,
Accounting-Request Start, Accounting-Request
Interim and Accounting-Request Stop).The attribute
is set with the alias configured for the port. When
the alias is not set, VSA will be an empty string.
100 Alcatel-Access-Policy-List string Configures ClearPass to the policy list associated
with the UNP.
101 Alcatel-Redirect-URL string Configures ClearPass to send redirection URL as
part of RADIUS response redirecting the user Web

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Configuring Access Guardian Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) Overview

Importing the Alcatel-Lucent Dictionary into CPPM

Perform the following to import the VSA dictionary into the CPPM server:

1 Download the Alcatel-Lucent-Enterprise.xml file from the Service & Support website.

2 Click on Dictionary->Import Dictionary and browse for the Alcatel-Lucent-Enterprise.xml file.

3 Click on Server Configuration->Reboot to reboot the server.

Importing the Alcatel-Lucent dictionary into CPPM

Import Dictionary:

Reboot CPPM
Server Configuration-

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Configuring Access Guardian Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) Overview

Port Bounce
A port bounce is used to terminate a user session and discard all associated session context for non-
supplicants. This is done by disabling and re-enabling the port and clearing any authentication state for the
devices on the port. A port bounce action is configurable through the unp redirect port-bounce
• Port bounce is used for MAC authenticated non-supplicant users.

• On receipt of a Disconnect Request (DM) or Change of Authorization (CoA) message, the

OmniSwitch determines if the user needs to move or change VLANs.
• If the new UNP specifies a different VLAN ID, the port bouncing feature is enforced as per
configuration for non-supplicants.
• When a device changes VLANs and it is the only device on the port, the switch port is bounced to
ensure a clean reconnection and get the correct IP address through DHCP.
• Port bouncing is enforced only if the non-supplicant user is the only user on the port. Also if a CoA
message is received for a non-supplicant user and port bouncing is disabled globally but is enabled on
the port on which the non-supplicant user has been classified, then the port is bounced.

Pause Timer
The switch clears all authentication states of the device by pausing for a period of time. The value for this
period of time is configurable through the unp redirect pause-timer command.
When non-supplicant devices are detected, the switch must pause for some period of time before
redirection to the specified URLs. The pause mechanism is enforced when the following conditions are
• COA message received by the switch indicates VLAN movement for the non-supplicant user, and

• Port bouncing is disabled for the user port or disabled globally for the switch.

The pause mechanism ensures that all traffic from the user is dropped until the global pause timer expires
and the corresponding user context is removed.

Note. The Port Bounce and Pause Timer functions apply only to non-supplicant devices. For supplicant
devices, there is no difference whether Port Bounce is enabled or Pause Timer is enabled. The user context
for supplicant devices is removed by triggering the re-authentication of the supplicant user and the device
moves into a new UNP profile and VLAN after re-authentication.

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Configuring Access Guardian Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) Overview

Configuring OmniSwitch Interaction with the CPPM

BYOD is supported on UNP ports for supplicant and non-supplicant registered and guest users and
devices.The BYOD solution leverages the existing Access Guardian UNP capability and is applicable only
on UNP ports. The following general configuration tasks are required to ensure the necessary interaction
between an OmniSwitch and the CPPM server:
• Configure the CPPM server as an AAA RADIUS server.

• Set the switch to use the CPPM server for 802.1X and MAC authentication. The authentication process
will determine the UNP profile to which BYOD users are classified.
• Configure the UNP profiles that will be returned from the CPPM server. Enable the redirect flag on
each of these profiles.
• Configure the CPPM server as the redirect server for the switch.

• Configure UNP port-based functionality on the switch ports that will connect to the user devices.

• Configure the OmniSwitch to relay DHCP traffic to the CPPM server as well as the DHCP server,
which assigns the IP addresses to the clients connected to the switch. CPPM uses this information to
assist with device profiling.
• Configure the CPPM server with the IP address of the OmniSwitch. In addition, configure the CPPM
with the same shared secret that was assigned through the AAA RADIUS server configuration on the
• Configure the CPPM server with the required services (for example, MAC authentication, 802.1X, and
any generic RADIUS enforcement service) to support the following features.
– Device profiling
– Device Onboarding
– Guest Registration
– Posture check
– Captive portal
The following generic configuration examples apply only to the OmniSwitch components for interaction
with a CPPM server. For more detailed application examples, refer to “BYOD Application Examples” on
page 28-112.

Configuring the CPPM server as an AAA RADIUS Server

The CPPM server must be configured on the OmniSwitch as an AAA RADIUS server that will handle
802.1X and MAC authentication requests from the switch. Optionally, the OmniSwitch can also be set to
use the CPPM server for 802.1X and MAC accounting sessions as well. For example:
-> aaa radius-server cppm host key e47ac0f11e9fa869 retransmit 3
timeout 2 auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813
-> aaa device-authentication 802.1x cppm
-> aaa device-authentication mac cppm
-> aaa accounting 802.1x cppm
-> aaa accounting mac cppm

Configuring UNP Profiles

Users connected to UNP-enabled ports are moved into a specific UNP profile based on the outcome of the
authentication process. This type of profile is created using the unp profile command. For example:

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Configuring Access Guardian Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) Overview

-> unp profile UNP-guest

-> unp profile UNP-restricted

To support interaction with the CPPM server, the same UNP profile name must be configured on both the
OmniSwitch and the CPPM server. In addition, the redirect flag for the OmniSwitch profile must be
enabled. For example:
-> unp profile UNP-guest redirect
-> unp profile UNP-restricted redirect

Once a UNP profile is created with the redirect flag enabled, then the profile must be mapped to a VLAN
ID. Users classified into the profile are dynamically assigned to the associated VLAN ID. To assign a
VLAN ID to a profile, use the unp profile map vlan command. For example:
-> unp profile UNP-guest map vlan 100
-> unp profile UNP-restricted map vlan 455

Configuring Redirection with Dynamic URLs

The redirect server and the URL returned by the server are used to present guest users with different web
pages depending on what state of authentication they are in. HTTP traffic from the user is redirected
towards the URL returned by the server. Use the unp redirect-server command to specify the IP address
of the redirect server, which should match the IP address in the returned URL. For example:
-> unp redirect-server ip-address

If the OmniSwitch redirect server IP address does not match the redirect IP address in the CPPM server
configuration, HTTP traffic is not redirected to the URL.
To allow the user device to access other servers (such as a remediation server), use the unp redirect
allowed-name command. For example:
-> unp redirect allowed-name server2 ip-address ip-mask

Configuring a Custom Redirect Policy

When CPPM returns a UNP with a redirect URL VSA but without an Alcatel-Access-Policy-List VSA,
the OmniSwitch applies a built-in QoS policy list to the user. The built-in list allows DNS, ICMP, ARP,
DHCP, and redirects Web traffic to the configured redirect CPPM server. However, the administrator may
want to apply a custom QoS redirect policy list that will override the built-in policy.
To override the built-in list policy list with a custom policy list for BYOD redirection:
• Create a custom redirect policy list on the OmniSwitch. Make sure the list rules contain the following
required items:
– A QoS service group named “alaRestrictedHttpSG”.
– A redirect module policy action with the byod option.
• Configure CPPM to return the OmniSwitch list name in the Alcatel-Access-Policy-List VSA. The
policy list name in the VSA must match the name of the custom redirect policy list.
The following is an example of a custom QoS redirect policy list:
-> policy service http80 destination tcp-port 80
-> policy service http8080 destination tcp-port 8080
-> policy service https443 destination tcp-port 443
-> policy service group alaRestrictedHttpSG http80 http8080 https443
-> policy port group pg1 1/1/1-20

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Configuring Access Guardian Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) Overview

-> policy condition byod service group alaRestrictedHttpSG

-> policy condition cppm source port group pg1 destination ip
-> policy action byod_action redirect module BYOD
-> policy action cppm
-> policy rule byod_rule condition byod action byod_action no default-list
-> policy rule cppm condition cppm action cppm no default-list
-> policy list reg_policy_list type unp
-> policy list reg_policy_list rules byod_rule cppm
-> qos apply

In this example, the custom QoS redirect policy list named “req_policy_list” is created with the required
items (highlighted in blue). To allow this custom policy list to override the built-in policy, the CPPM is
configured to return the “req_policy_list” list name in the Alcatel-Access-Policy-List VSA.

Configuring UNP Port Authentication

UNP functionality and authentication settings must be enabled on the switch ports for the authentication
process to begin. Use the unp configuration commands to enable UNP functionality on a port and specify
the type of authentication to apply to traffic received on that port. For example:
-> unp port 1/1/4 port-type bridge
-> unp port 1/1/4 802.1x-authentication
-> unp port 1/1/4 mac-authentication
-> unp port 1/1/4 802.1x-authentication failure-policy mac

In this example, both 802.1X and MAC authentication is enabled on UNP port 1/1/4. In addition, an
802.1X authentication failure policy is configured for the port to direct the switch to attempt MAC
authentication after a device on port 1/1/4 fails 802.1X authentication. This is particularly helpful when
a guest device with built-in 802.1X credentials fails the initial 802.1X authentication process.

Configuring Port Bounce

Port bouncing is used to force a re-authentication for non-supplicant devices. By default, the port bounce
action is enabled on all ports. Use the unp redirect port-bounce command to change the port bounce
status. For example:
-> unp port 1/1/4 redirect port-bounce
-> unp port 1/1/4 redirect port-bounce

If a port is not specified with the unp redirect port-bounce command, the status is changed on a global
basis for all UNP ports. For example:
-> unp redirect port-bounce enable

The port-level setting overrides the global setting for the port bounce operation.

Configuring the Pause Timer

The pause timer specifies an amount of time during which traffic from non-supplicant devices is filtered.
By default, the pause time is set to zero. Use the unp redirect pause-timer command to set the pause
timer value, in seconds. For example:
-> unp redirect pause-timer 120

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Configuring Access Guardian Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) Overview

BYOD Authentication Process Overview

This section describes the basic BYOD process with respect to the OmniSwitch interaction with the
ClearPass server.

Authentication for Registered Devices (802.1X)

The BYOD solution provides the following authentication process for registered devices (for example, IT
issued employee devices):
1 When 802.1X authentication is enabled on a UNP port and the OmniSwitch detects a user device on
that port, the authentication process is triggered to classify the user.
2 The OmniSwitch sends a request to the ClearPass server that authenticates the user based on user
credentials and the profiles and policies configured on the ClearPass server.
3 ClearPass classifies the user to a registered UNP and returns the UNP information to the OmniSwitch.

4 The OmniSwitch assigns the user to the UNP obtained from the ClearPass server.

Authentication for Network Devices (MAC Authentication)

The BYOD solution provides the following MAC authentication process for network devices such as IP
phones, printers, or access points.
1 When MAC authentication is enabled on a UNP port and the OmniSwitch detects a device on that port,
the MAC authentication process is triggered to classify the device.
2 The OmniSwitch sends a request to the ClearPass server that authenticates the device based on the
devices MAC address and the profiles and policies configured on the ClearPass server.
3 ClearPass classifies the device to a UNP and returns the UNP information to the OmniSwitch.

4 The OmniSwitch assigns the device to the UNP obtained from the ClearPass server.

Authentication for Guest Devices and Employee Onboarding

The BYOD solution provides the following authentication process for guest devices and employee
personal devices:
1 When MAC authentication is enabled on a UNP port and the OmniSwitch detects a device on that port,
the MAC authentication process is triggered to classify the device.
2 ClearPass initially classifies the device into a temporary UNP and returns a redirection URL that
allows for guest registration or employee onboarding.
3 The OmniSwitch assigns the user to the temporary UNP name returned from CPPM. Since redirection
is also set, all DHCP or DNS traffic is allowed but HTTP traffic from the user is redirected towards the
URL returned with the UNP.
4 The user is presented with a guest login page or an onboarding page to enter user credentials.

5 ClearPass determines the appropriate role of the user after performing registration and sends the final
UNP to the OmniSwitch through a RADIUS CoA request or through a RADIUS Access-Accept packet for

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-105
Configuring Access Guardian Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) Overview

Using the Multicast Domain Name System

The Multicast Domain Name System (mDNS) is a resolution service that is used to discover services on a
LAN. Using mDNS allows the resolution of host names to IP addresses within small networks without the
need for a conventional DNS server. The mDNS protocol uses IP multicast User Datagram Protocol
(UDP) packets and is implemented by Apple Bonjour, Avahi (LGPL), and Linux NSS-mDNS. In a BYOD
network, mDNS is leveraged by providing wireless guests and visitors access to network devices, such as
To resolve a host name, the mDNS client broadcasts a query message asking the host having that name to
identify itself. The target machine then multicasts a message that includes its IP address. All machines in
that subnet will use that information to update their mDNS caches.
For example, the Apple's Bonjour architecture implements the following three fundamental operations to
support zero configuration networking service:
• Publication (Advertising a service)

• Discovery (Browsing for available services)

• Resolution (Translating service instance names to address and port numbers for use)

Quick Steps for Configuring mDNS

The mDNS feature is enabled on the OmniSwitch edge switch to support the mDNS service and the
Bonjour capable device connected to the OmniSwitch.
To set up the mDNS service on the OmniSwitch, proceed as follows:
1 Create a GRE tunnel interface on the OmniSwitch. For example:

-> ip interface byod_dev address tunnel source destination protocol gre

2 Associate the interface created in Step 1 with the mDNS tunnel relay using the mdns-relay tunnel
command. For example, the following command associates the “byod_dev” interface with the mDNS
tunnel relay:
-> mdns-relay tunnel byod_dev

3 Enable the mDNS feature on the switch using the mdns-relay command. For example:

-> mdns-relay enable

• Configure the GRE tunnel interface before attempting to associate the interface with the mDNS tunnel
relay. An IP address is required to bring the interface up; if necessary, specify a dummy IP address
when configuring the interface.
• Only a Layer 2 GRE tunnel is supported.
• The GRE tunnel must also be configured on the WLAN controller. Refer to the OmniAccess WLAN
user guide for additional information on configuring a WLAN controller.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-106
Configuring Access Guardian Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) Overview

mDNS Work Flow

The following diagram represents an mDNS work flow setup. The wireless clients connected to Access
point 1 (AP1) or Access Point 2 (AP2) request for the mDNS service offered.

The mDNS feature is enabled on the OmniSwitch to support the mDNS service. A Layer 2 GRE tunnel
interface is configured from the WLAN controller to the OmniSwitch to relay the mDNS messages.
The mDNS message from the Bonjour capable wired service device is encapsulated and relayed from the
OmniSwitch to the configured WLAN controller over the GRE tunnel. The WLAN controller then relays
the mDNS messages received via the OmniSwitch GRE tunnel to the APs over the AP GRE tunnels.

Note. The WLAN controller uses a multicast optimization algorithm and forwards Bonjour response
messages to targeted user devices, instead of all devices on all APs. This limits the unnecessary flooding of
the Bonjour/mDNS traffic to improve the Wi-Fi performance.

Disabling mDNS on the Switch

To disable the mDNS relay feature on the switch use the mdns-relay command. For example:
-> mdns-relay disable

When the mDNS relay is disabled on the switch, the mDNS packets are handled in the conventional way.

Verifying the mDNS Configuration

To verify the mDNS configuration on the switch, use the show mdns-relay config command. The show
command output displays the current administrative status of the mDNS relay feature and the GRE tunnel
interface used for mDNS relay. For example:
-> show mdns-relay config
mdns-relay admin status : disabled
mdns-relay tunnel interface : byod_dev
mdns-relay operational status : down

For more information about the mDNS configuration and show commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

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Configuring Access Guardian Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) Overview

Using the Simple Service Discovery Protocol

The Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) is a standards organization that defines the guidelines for
multimedia devices. It also certifies communication between devices allowing them to discover and
recognize each other and share digital content. DLNA uses Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) for media
management, discovery, and control. DLNA/UPNP uses the Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP) to
discover services, similar to Bonjour using mDNS for the same purpose. In the AirGroup solution, the
WLAN controller acts as Bonjour and DLNA gateways allowing Layer 2 discovery protocols, such as
mDNS and SSDP, to extend across Layer 3 boundaries through the gateway.
Along the lines of zero network configuration already supported by the OmniSwitch with mDNS, support
of SSDP Relay for DLNA/UPnP enables the OmniSwitch to allow non-Apple devices to also discover
services with minimal configuration by the administrator.
• DLNA/UPnP uses SSDP for dynamic discovery of services.

• The WLAN controller AirGroup feature has support for DLNA and acts as a DLNA controller, in
addition to the support for mDNS.
• Similar to the OmniSwitch implementation of mDNS, the OmniSwitch relays SSDP packets to the
WLAN controller through a Layer 2 GRE tunnel.

How SSDP Relay Works

All the SSDP packets coming in on an OmniSwitch are intercepted and tunneled through a GRE tunnel to
the WLAN controller (acting as a gateway). The GRE tunnel is setup between the switch and the WLAN
controller to tunnel both mDNS and SSDP frames. Similarly, traffic towards the SSDP clients/servers are
sent back from the WLAN controller to the switch through the GRE tunnel. The reverse traffic is also
intercepted and then sent unicast or multicast from the switch to the respective ports.

Messages Received by the OmniSwitch from Wired SSDP Devices

SSDP messages coming from wired SSDP service devices are relayed from the OmniSwitch to the WLAN
controller using the associated GRE tunnel interface. The WLAN controller only supports Layer 2 GRE
for SSDP, so frames sent from the OmniSwitch are encapsulated as follows:

DA-MAC SA - MAC IP Header Payload

Gateway MAC to reach OmniSwitch MAC Src IP: OmniSwitch IP SSDP frame from the
WLAN controller/ Dst IP: WLAN controller IP wired service/client
WLAN controller MAC IP protocol: GRE(47) (appended with 802.1q
GRE VER 00 00 tag)
GRE TYPE 00 00 (indicating L2
frame in the payload)

Messages Received by the OmniSwitch from the WLAN Controller

SSDP messages coming from the WLAN controller through the Layer 2 GRE tunnel interface are relayed
towards the client device. When the OmniSwitch receives the encapsulated packets:
• The original SSDP frame is extracted from the GRE packet with the Layer 2 header.

• The switch obtains the VLAN ID from inside the 802.1Q header of the SSDP frame and floods the
frame on that VLAN (untagged or tagged based on the egress port frame) towards the client.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-108
Configuring Access Guardian Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) Overview

SSDP frames received from the WLAN controller are encapsulated as follows:

DA-MAC SA - MAC IP Header Payload

OmniSwitch MAC WLAN controller Src IP: WLAN controller IP SSDP frame destined to
MAC/intermediate Dst IP: OmniSwitch IP the wired service/ client
router MAC IP protocol: GRE (appended with 802.1Q
GRE VER 00 00 tag)
GRE TYPE 00 00 (indicating L2
frame in the payload)

Configuring SSDP Tunnel Relay

The SSDP relay feature is enabled on the OmniSwitch edge switch to support the relay of SSDP packets
between DNLA-capable devices and the WLAN controller. The following steps provide a quick tutorial
for configuring SSDP Relay on the OmniSwitch:
1 Create a GRE tunnel interface on the OmniSwitch. Use the WLAN controller IP address as the
destination address for the GRE tunnel interface. For example:
-> ip interface byod_dev address tunnel source destination protocol gre

2 Associate the interface created in Step 1 with SSDP relay using the ssdp-relay tunnel command. For
example, the following command configures the “byod_dev” tunnel interface to relay SSDP packets:
-> ssdp-relay tunnel byod_dev

3 Enable the SSDP relay feature on the switch using the ssdp-relay command. For example:

-> ssdp-relay enable

4 To verify the SSDP relay configuration on the switch, use the show ssdp-relay config command. For
-> show ssdp-relay config
ssdp-relay admin status : disabled,
ssdp-relay tunnel interface : byod_dev,
ssdp-relay operational status : down

Configuration Guidelines
Consider the following guidelines when configuring SSDP Relay functionality for the switch:
• Configure the GRE tunnel interface before attempting to associate the interface with the SSDP tunnel
relay. An IP address is required to bring the interface up; if necessary, specify a dummy IP address
when configuring the interface.
• The GRE tunnel must also be configured on the WLAN controller. Refer to the OmniAccess WLAN
user guide for additional information on configuring a WLAN controller.
• The SSDP and mDNS relay features both require an association with a GRE tunnel IP interface. If both
of these features are required on the switch, configure both to use the same tunnel interface. There is
only one Layer 2 GRE tunnel established between the switch and the WLAN controller, so both
features need to use the same GRE tunnel.

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Configuring Access Guardian Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) Overview

• Only a Layer 2 IPv4 GRE tunnel is supported. However, IPv6 SSDP frames from the client are also
relayed through the IPv4 GRE tunnel, as the payload includes the Layer 2 headers (only Layer 2 GRE
mode is supported by the WLAN controller) regardless of the inner IPv6 header.

Application Example 1: Wired DNLA-Capable Client

In this application example, an active wired DLNA-capable client is attempting to print to a DNLA printer
and stream to a DNLA TV. All the devices are connected to the OS6860, but the SSDP discovery phase
has to flow through the WLAN controller. As a result, the Layer 2 GRE tunnel is required to handle the
initial contact between the devices. Once communication is established, subsequent traffic flows directly
between the devices without going through the controller.

DNLA-Capable TV

OS6860 SSDP Relay WLAN Controller



DNLA-Capable Printer

Wired Client Device

In this example:
• The WLAN controller handles the SSDP discovery process between the wired client and end service
devices. Encapsulated SSDP packets are sent between the controller and the OS6860 through the Layer
2 GRE tunnel until discovery is complete.
• The OS6800 relays SSDP packets from the DNLA-capable printer and TV to the WLAN controller
through the Layer 2 GRE tunnel. See “Messages Received by the OmniSwitch from Wired SSDP
Devices” on page 28-108.
• The OmniSwitch 6860 receives encapsulated SSDP packets through the GRE tunnel from the WLAN
controller. The switch then extracts the SSDP frames from the encapsulated packets and forwards them
to the destined end service device (DNLA-capable printer or TV). See “Messages Received by the
OmniSwitch from the WLAN Controller” on page 28-108.

Application Example 2: Wireless DNLA-Capable Clients

In this application example, wireless DLNA-capable clients are accessing DLNA-capable devices with
ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) integration for role and location information. All traffic between the
wireless clients and the wired devices flows through the WLAN controller.
The CPPM integration is only available for wireless devices. If there are both wired and wireless DLNA-
capable clients, the CPPM integration mode cannot be enabled on the WLAN controller. CPPM
integration is enabled at the global level; there is no independent control to apply this function only to
wireless devices.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-110
Configuring Access Guardian Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) Overview

RADIUS/Active Directory

Active Directory/DHCP CPPM Server

OS6860 SSDP Relay WLAN Controller



Wireless Employee Wireless Guest

DNLA-Capable Printer

In this example:
• The OS6800 relays SSDP packets from the DNLA-capable printer and TV to the WLAN controller
through the Layer 2 GRE tunnel. See “Messages Received by the OmniSwitch from Wired SSDP
Devices” on page 28-108.
• The WLAN controller sends a RADIUS request to the CPPM to request the policies needed to
determine the end service devices that are available to the wireless clients. The following policies are
the type of policies that may be returned:
– Identity based policies.
– Role based policies.
– Location based policies.
– Time based policies.
• The WLAN controller applies the service policies and sends encapsulated SSDP packets through the
Layer 2 GRE tunnel to the end service devices connected to the OS6800.
• The OmniSwitch 6860 receives encapsulated SSDP packets through the GRE tunnel from the WLAN
controller. The switch then extracts the SSDP frames from the encapsulated packets and forwards them
to the destined end service device (DNLA-capable printer or TV). See “Messages Received by the
OmniSwitch from the WLAN Controller” on page 28-108.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-111
Configuring Access Guardian BYOD Application Examples

BYOD Application Examples

The application scenarios provide various examples of how the ClearPass server and the OmniSwitch can
be leveraged to provide different network access levels and Universal Network Profiles (UNPs) for
employees, guests, and other network-based devices.
In the following contexts the main parameters (such as a UNP name, VLAN ID, and other parameters
specified in the application examples), are as follows:

Employee Registered Device — 802.1X Authentication

– UNP = UNP-employee
– VLAN = 96

IP Phone — MAC Authentication

– UNP = UNP-phone
– VLAN = 1002

Guest Device —MAC Authentication with Guest Login

– Registration UNP = UNP-restricted
– Registration VLAN = 96
– Redirect Server =
– Guest UNP = UNP-guest
– Guest VLAN = 96

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-112
Configuring Access Guardian BYOD Application Examples


request authorization

OmniSwitch (

IP Phone - MAC Guest - MAC

Employee - 802.1X
Authentication Authentication

BYOD Network with Employee and Guest Devices

Application Example 1: 802.1X — OmniSwitch Configuration

The OmniSwitch configuration for an 802.1X supplicant:

1 Enable UNP port-based functionality as follows:

-> unp port 1/1/11 port-type bridge

-> unp port 1/1/11 802.1x-authentication

2 Configure 802.1X authentication for ClearPass RADIUS on the OmniSwitch as follows:

-> aaa radius-server alu-cppm host key alcatel

-> aaa device-authentication 802.1x alu-cppm

3 Configure the UNP profile as follows:

-> unp profile UNP-employee

-> unp profile UNP-employee map vlan 96

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-113
Configuring Access Guardian BYOD Application Examples

Application Example 1: 802.1X — ClearPass Configuration

Step 1. ClearPass (802.1X) - Creating employee users and roles

Create user role:

Roles->Add Roles

Create users and assign

Local Users ->
Add Users

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-114
Configuring Access Guardian BYOD Application Examples

Step 2. ClearPass (802.1X) - Create Profiles and Policies

Create Profile:
Attributes (tab)

- Type: Radius:IETF
- Filter-ID (11)
- Value = UNP-employee
(Note: must match UNP
Profile on OmniSwitch)

Create Enforcement
Rules (tab)

View Policies Summary


OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-115
Configuring Access Guardian BYOD Application Examples

Step 3. ClearPass (802.1X) - Create 802.1X services

Add OmniSwitch to
ClearPass Database

Devices (tab)

Add 802.1X Wired


Service (tab)

Configure 802.1X

Authentication (tab)

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-116
Configuring Access Guardian BYOD Application Examples

Configure Enforcement

Enforcement (tab)

Reorder Authentication


OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-117
Configuring Access Guardian BYOD Application Examples

Step 4. ClearPass (802.1X) - Configure PC

Configure PC


Configure PC

Advanced Settings

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-118
Configuring Access Guardian BYOD Application Examples

Step 5. ClearPass (802.1X) - Confirm Device Authentication

Confirm device


Confirm Device


Application Example 2: IP Phone — OmniSwitch Configuration

The OmniSwitch configuration for a non-supplicant IP phone:

1 Configure UNP port-based functionality as follows:

-> unp port 1/1/13 port-type bridge

-> unp port 1/1/13 mac-authentication

2 Configure MAC authentication for ClearPass RADIUS on an OmniSwitch as follows:

-> aaa radius-server alu-cppm host key alcatel

-> aaa device-authentication mac alu-cppm

3 Configure the UNP profile as follows:

-> unp profile UNP-phone

-> unp profile UNP-phone map vlan 1002

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-119
Configuring Access Guardian BYOD Application Examples

Application Example 2: IP Phone — ClearPass Configuration

Step 1. ClearPass (IP Phone) - Creating static host list

Create static host list:

Identity->Static Host

Create Authentication
Add Authentication

Type: Static Host List

Host List: IP Phone
MAC List

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-120
Configuring Access Guardian BYOD Application Examples

Step 2. ClearPass (IP Phone) - Create Profiles and Policies

Create Profile:
Profile (tab)
- Name: ALU IP Phone
- Template: Aruba
RADIUS Enforcement

Attributes (tab)
- Type: Radius:IETF
- Filter-ID (11)
- Value = UNP-phone
(Note: must match UNP
Profile on OmniSwitch)

Create Enforcement
Rules (tab)
- Type: Authentication
- Name: Source
- Operator: EQUALS
- Value: Static Mac
- Profile Name: ALU IP
Phone Profile

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-121
Configuring Access Guardian BYOD Application Examples

Step 3. ClearPass (IP Phone) - Create MAC Authentication Service

Authentication Service

Service (tab)
-Type: MAC

Authentication (tab)
- Authentication
Sources: Static MAC

Enforcement (tab)
- Enforcement Policy:
ALU IP Phone
Enforcement Policy

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-122
Configuring Access Guardian BYOD Application Examples

Application Example 3: Guest — OmniSwitch Configuration

The OmniSwitch configuration for guest UNP, VLANs, and redirection:

1 Configure UNP port-based functionality as follows:

-> unp port 1/1/13 port-type bridge

-> unp port 1/1/13 802.1x-authentication
-> unp port 1/1/13 mac-authentication

2 Configure MAC-authentication for ClearPass RADIUS on an OmniSwitch as follows:

-> aaa radius-server alu-cppm host key alcatel

-> aaa device-authentication 802.1x alu-cppm
-> aaa device-authentication mac alu-cppm
-> aaa accounting 802.1x alu-cppm
-> aaa accounting mac alu-cppm

3 Configure UNPs and redirect server as follows:

-> unp profile UNP-guest

-> unp profile UNP-guest map vlan 96

-> unp profile UNP-restricted

-> unp profile UNP-restricted map vlan 96

-> unp redirect-server ip-address

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-123
Configuring Access Guardian BYOD Application Examples

Application Example 3: Guest — ClearPass Configuration

Step 1: ClearPass (Guest) - Create Guest Account and Web login page

Create guest account

Guest->List Accounts

Create web login page


Name- Alcatel-Lucent
Secure Access
Page name: secure-
Vendor Settings:
Login Method: Server-
Pre-Auth Check:None
Terms: checked
Default URL:
Override Destination:

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-124
Configuring Access Guardian BYOD Application Examples

Create custom skin if


OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-125
Configuring Access Guardian BYOD Application Examples

Step 2: ClearPass (Guest) - Create Profiles

Create Restricted

Template: RADIUS
Based Enforcement
Name: ALU Restricted
Action: Accept
Attribute Type:
Radius:IETF, Alcatel-
Attribute Name: Filter-
ID, Alcatel-Redirection-
Attribute Value: UNP-
restricted, (redirect URL)

Create Guest Profile:


Template: RADIUS
Change of Authorization
Name: ALU Guest CoA
RADIUS CoA Template:
Attributes Type:
Attribute Name: Filter-
Attribute Value: UNP-

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-126
Configuring Access Guardian BYOD Application Examples

Step 3: ClearPass (Guest) - Create MAC and Web Authentication Services

Authentication Service

Type: MAC
Name: ALU Wired
MAC Authentication
Monitor Mode:
Service Rule Type:
Service Rule Name:
Service Rule
Service Rule Value:
Ethernet (15)
Methods: Allow All
Enforcement Policy:
Enforcement Policy

Add Web
Authentication Service

Type: Web-based
Name: ALU Wired
Captive Portal
Authentication Service
Sources: [Guest user
Repository] [Local SQL
Enforcement Policy:
ALU Wired Captive
Portal Enforcement

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Configuring Access Guardian BYOD Application Examples

Step 4: ClearPass (Guest) - Login Example

Example Redirect

Example login

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Configuring Access Guardian BYOD Application Examples

Verifying the BYOD Configuration

A summary of the commands used for verifying the BYOD configuration is given here:

show unp global configuration Displays global BYOD parameter values, such as the redirection
server name, the port bounce status, and pause timer value.
show unp user Displays the status of the new BYOD clients that access the network.

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Configuring Access Guardian BYOD Application Examples

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 28-130
29 Configuring Application
Monitoring and Enforcement

Application usage patterns in the enterprise network is changing with the increase in use of the social
networking, browser based file sharing, and peer to peer applications. The use of these applications result
in the new traffic patterns in the network that are not straightforward to distinguish.
OmniSwitch Application Monitoring and Enforcement (AppMon) feature addresses the key challenges of
real time classification of flows at application level by providing differential QoS treatment in the form of
higher priority marking and security policies at application level. AppMon feature improves the quality of
user experience through application aware network optimization and control.
Application Enforcement feature allows the switch to differentiate between different traffic flows and
assign the proper QoS and Security policies. The feature also provides appropriate QoS marking to
applications flows as per the Application-aware user configuration QoS policies.
Application Monitoring feature collects and reports the application specific flow information over a
period. Based on this data, application specific enforcement policies can be designed.

Note. AppMon is supported in a virtual chassis of OmniSwitch 6860 and OmniSwitch 6860E platforms
where at least one OmniSwitch 6860E is mandatory for the feature to work.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 29-1
Configuring Application Monitoring and Enforcement In This Chapter

In This Chapter
This chapter provides an overview of the AppMon feature and describes how to configure this feature
through the Command Line Interface (CLI). CLI commands are used in the configuration examples; for
more details about the syntax of commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.
The following information and procedures are included in this chapter:
• “AppMon Defaults” on page 29-3.

• “Application Monitoring and Enforcement Overview” on page 29-4

• “Application Signature File/Kit” on page 29-8

• “Quick Steps for Configuring AppMon” on page 29-7.

• “Configuring AppMon” on page 29-10

• “Configuration Guidelines” on page 29-11

• “Verifying AppMon Configuration” on page 29-20.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 29-2
Configuring Application Monitoring and Enforcement AppMon Defaults

AppMon Defaults
Description Keyword Default
AppMon default global status app-mon admin-state Disabled
AppMon default status on the app-mon port admin-state Disabled
physical port
AppMon L3 mode app-mon l3-mode Enabled for both
monitoring and
enforcement (both
Ipv4, Ipv6)
AppMon L4 mode app-mon l4-mode Enabled (both TCP
and UDP)
AppMon flow-table enforcement app-mon flow-table enforcement stats Disabled
Flow table aging interval (only app-mon aging enforcement Application specific
Logging threshold app-mon logging-threshold 20000 flows
AppMon flow sync collection app-mon flow-sync enforcement interval 60 seconds
interval (only Enforcement)

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 29-3
Configuring Application Monitoring and Enforcement Application Monitoring and Enforcement Overview

Application Monitoring and Enforcement

Application Monitoring and Enforcement (AppMon) feature is provided to address the key challenges of
real time classification of flows at application level. It provides differential QoS treatment in the form of
higher priority marking and security policies at application level. AppMon feature improves the quality of
user experience through application aware network optimization and control.
The following are the key components for AppMon:
• Application Signature Kit File - the file containing application signatures.

• Application Pool - pool of supported applications.

• Application List - list of applications supported for monitoring or enforcement. Applications can be
added to this list using the application name or application group.
• Application Group - a group of applications. The group can be added to the application list.

• QoS policy: QoS policy configuration at application level or application group level.

Application Monitoring
The following diagram provides a high-level example of Application Monitoring process:


flow database
records Apply
Signatures Matched


Packet Sampling


OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 29-4
Configuring Application Monitoring and Enforcement Application Monitoring and Enforcement Overview

Application monitoring functionality includes:

• Identify traffic flows from attached networks at Layer 3.

• Application recognition of these traffic flows.

• Signature toolkit upgrade from OmniVista.

• Report the identified application flow information.

• Report application specific flow details including 5-tuple flow credentials, total number of flows,
number of flows per application, and so on.

Application Enforcement
The following diagram provides a high-level example of Application Enforcement process:

Signatures UNP
Policy List

Enforcement QoS
flow database; Policy
policy rule, Process
flow counters,
flow aging Apply
Signatures Matched


Packet Sampling


Application enforcement functionality includes:

• Identify traffic flows from attached networks at Layer 3.

• Application recognition of these traffic flows.

• Signature toolkit upgrade from OmniVista.

• Report the identified application flow information to CPU for UNP/VNP association.

• Policy enforcement that provides user configured application specific QoS treatment for application
traffic flows including higher DSCP/802.1p or internal priority marking that translates to higher egress
queue for traffic scheduling. QoS treatment can also include security policies that can perform policy
action such as dropping or rate limiting the flows.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 29-5
Configuring Application Monitoring and Enforcement Application Monitoring and Enforcement Overview

• Report application specific flow details including 5-tuple flow credentials, total number of flows,
number of flows per application, and so on.
• Associate QoS policies with UNP profile and provide user level policy treatment. Main QoS policy
action includes DSCP/802.1p/Priority Marking, Disposition drop/accept, and rate-limiter. Application
flows may come with DSCP marking as found appropriate by the end device. Application enforcement
feature overrides these values if QoS is configured, and marks them with values customized for
network as per configuration.
• Display application information as part of per UNP user level.

• Existing QoS policy configuration framework is used for the enforcement policy configuration where
application name/group can be specified. QoS policies provides treatment to bi-direction flow basis
and not per uni-direction flow.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 29-6
Configuring Application Monitoring and Enforcement Application Monitoring and Enforcement Overview

Quick Steps for Configuring AppMon

The following quick steps provide a brief tutorial for configuring AppMon on OmniSwitch.

1 Use the app-mon admin-state command to globally enable AppMon functionality on the switch.

-> app-mon admin-state enable

2 Use the app-mon port admin-state command to enable AppMon functionality on one or more switch
ports. For example, the following command enables AppMon on ports 1/1/2 through 1/1/5:
-> app-mon port 1/1/2-5 admin-state enable

3 Add or remove applications or application groups to an application list for enforcement or monitoring
using the app-mon app-list command. Separate application list is maintained for both enforcement and
monitor features. For example:
-> app-mon app-list enforcement add app-name whatsapp
-> app-mon app-list monitor add app-group apg2

4 To enable the set of application signatures configured for AppMon, use the app-mon apply command.
This activates both enforcement and monitoring application lists for flow classification.
-> app-mon apply

Note. Verify the AppMon configuration using the show app-mon config and show app-mon port
commands. For example:
-> show app-mon config
Admin State : Enable,
Operational State : Enable,
L3-IPv4 : Enable,
L3-IPv6 : Enable,
Enforcement Flow-Table Stats : Enable,
Enforcement Flow-Sync Interval : 10 seconds,
Monitor Logging Threshold : 20000,
Enforcement Logging Threshold : 20000,
App-Pool Applications : 10,
Monitor Applied Applications : 10,
Enforcement Applied Applications : 10,
Upgraded Signature File Type : Factory,
AOS Compatible Signature Kit Version : 1,
Signature Kit version : 1.1.1

-> show app-mon port

Port Admin-Status Oper-Status L4-mode
1/1/1 Enable Up TCP-UDP
1/1/2 Enable Up TCP-UDP
1/1/3 Enable Up TCP-UDP
1/1/4 Enable Up TCP-UDP
1/1/5 Enable Up TCP-UDP
1/1/6 Enable Up TCP-UDP
1/1/7 Enable Up TCP-UDP
See the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide for information about the fields in this display.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 29-7
Configuring Application Monitoring and Enforcement Application Signature File/Kit

Application Signature File/Kit

Signatures are pattern recipes that are chosen for uniquely identifying an associated application (or
protocol). When a new application or protocol is encountered, it is analyzed and an appropriate signature
is developed and added to a database (referred to as a signature library).

Signature File Update

OmniSwitch boots up with the Factory Default Signature file. The application pool is created with the
factory default kit. Other supported AppMon functionality, such as configuring application groups,
configuring auto-application groups, adding to the application list, and so on, are user configurable.
• If there is any new default signature file present in the new AOS image, then AOS replaces the
installed old default signature file with the new factory default signature file.
• OmniSwitch boots up with the factory default signature file. When the next signature file update is
done through OmniVista (for more information, refer to OmniVista documentation), the new signature
file is installed on top of the factory default file provided the required license is available. In case of
license expiry or unavailability of license, switch continues to work with the existing signature file
installed with valid license.
• On successful installation of the new signature file, the following actions take effect:
– On every signature update, application pool will be recreated. The newly added applications are
seen in the application pool.
– If the 'auto-group create' option is used, 'category' based application groups will be created.
– If the application group already exists, then all the auto-application groups will be updated with
applications available in the newly updated application pool.
– In case of application name missing in the new signature file: This will be treated as deleted
application from the new application pool. Such applications are removed from the application
pool, application group, application list, and active application list.
• Once the production signature file is installed, AOS does not roll back to the factory default signature
• AOS compatible signature file version determines the compatibility between AOS software and the
Signature file. AOS maintains its own compatibility version and new signature file must have the same
compatibility version to successfully update on AOS. This must remain same for both. Switch allows
the signature file upgrade only when the compatibility version between AOS and the signature file
• In case of application added application name missing in the new signature file: This will be treated as
deleted application from the new application pool. Such applications are removed form application
pool, application groups, application list, and active application list. The newly added applications are
seen in the application pool.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 29-8
Configuring Application Monitoring and Enforcement Application Signature File/Kit

Application Flow Database

When a match occurs between IP traffic and the application signature, a flow entry is created based on the
following 5-tuple:
• Source IP Address (IPv4 or IPv6)

• Destination IP Address (IPv4 or IPv6)

• Source L4 port

• Destination L4 port

• IP Protocol (TCP or UDP)

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 29-9
Configuring Application Monitoring and Enforcement Configuring AppMon

Configuring AppMon
This section provides the following information about how to configure AppMon on the OmniSwitch:
• “Configuration Guidelines” on page 29-11.

• “Enabling/Disabling AppMon” on page 29-13.

• “Enabling/Disabling AppMon Per Port or Slot” on page 29-13

• “Create Auto-Groups” on page 29-14

• “Configuring Application Group” on page 29-14.

• “Configuring Application List” on page 29-15.

• “Activate Applications for AppMon” on page 29-15

• “Configuring L3 Mode of Operation” on page 29-16

• “Configuring L4 Mode of Operation” on page 29-16

• “Clearing Flow Table Entries” on page 29-17

• “Configuring Flow Table Statistics Update” on page 29-17

• “Configuring Aging Interval” on page 29-17

• “Configuring Logging Threshold” on page 29-18

• “Configuring Sync Interval” on page 29-18

• “Configuring Force Flow Sync” on page 29-18

• “Clearing Application List” on page 29-19

• “Configuring AppMon Enforcement QoS Policy Rules” on page 29-19

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 29-10
Configuring Application Monitoring and Enforcement Configuring AppMon

Configuration Guidelines
Review the guidelines in this section before configuring AppMon on the OmniSwitch.
• AppMon works on an application level and not on individual application events/operations. On
configuring an application, all associated events are considered for application monitoring and
• Supports only IP traffic (TCP or UDP).

• AppMon must not be configured on user ports and uplink ports at the same time.

• AppMon does not support link aggregate interface. AppMon is supported at individual port level only.
Also, port will not be allowed to be configured in the link aggregate if AppMon is enabled on the port.
• Does not support tunneled traffic, encrypted traffic, and fragmented traffic (supported only if initial
fragmented packet contains the signature).
• Software policy lookup considers AppMon enforcement specific policies for a given application name
only when it is part of an active application list. In case of policy configured both for application and
application group where same application is part, policy will be selected based on what is configured in
the active application list. Active application list allows only one application at a time, either directly
added in the application list or added through an application group.
• Application enforcement cannot be provided to IP flows which moves between NIs (due to link
aggregate, STP block scenario, or L3 ECMP group configuration).
• If an AppMon flow is detected on a UNP port, then AppMon UNP policy list is applied to the flow. If
UNP policy list is not configured, then default QoS policy list is applied. For non-UNP ports, default
QoS policy list is applied. The show unp user details command displays the list of enforcement
applications used by the UNP user. For example:
-> show unp user details
Port: 4/1/6
MAC-Address: 00:80:9f:a0:65:94
Access Timestamp = 02/18/2014 04:42:33,
User Name = 00:80:9f:a0:65:94,
IP-Address =,
Vlan = 25,
Authentication Type = Mac,
Authentication Status = Authenticated,
Authentication Failure Reason = -,
Authentication Retry Count = 0,
Authentication Server IP Used =,
Authentication Server Used = cppm,
Server Reply-Message = -,
Profile = UNP-device,
Profile Source = Auth - Pass - Server UNP,
Profile From Auth Server = UNP-device,
Classification Profile Rule = -,
Role = pl3,
Role Source = L2-Profile,
User Role Rule = -,
Restricted Access = No,
Location Policy Status = -,
Time Policy Status = -,
Captive-Portal Status = -,
QMR Status = Passed,
Redirect Url = -,

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 29-11
Configuring Application Monitoring and Enforcement Configuring AppMon

SIP Call Type = Not in a call,

SIP Media Type = None,
Applications = whatsapp
Total users : 1

• For QoS policies, AppMon can be enabled on any OmniSwitch 6860 or OmniSwitch 6860E element of
the network for enforcing policy actions such as drop, 802.1p/DSCP priority marking, and rate
limiting. Only the edge switches need to enable AppMon enforcement functionality for higher priority
QoS treatment. Intermediate switches in the network must only provide consistent QoS treatment based
on the earlier marking done by edge switches, whereas core switches only provide QoS treatment.
• AppMon enforcement configures both ingress/egress flow tracking configuration on each port when
enabled. If both ports are disabled for a given flow, flow is not tracked and QoS treatment is not given.
• To upgrade an OmniSwitch from an 8.1.1 image to an 8.2.1 image, remove the existing AppMon
configuration and use the write memory command. After a successful upload of an 8.2.1 image,
configure the required AppMon settings.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 29-12
Configuring Application Monitoring and Enforcement Configuring AppMon

Enabling/Disabling AppMon
To enable AppMon feature globally on the switch, use the app-mon admin-state command with the
enable option. By default, AppMon is disabled on the switch.
-> app-mon admin-state enable

To disable AppMon functionality, use the app-mon admin-state command with the disable option.
-> app-mon admin-state disable

Note. AppMon cannot be enabled globally when,

• all the mirroring sessions are used by port mirroring or monitoring features.
• mirroring session is used by policy manager.

Enabling/Disabling AppMon Per Port or Slot

To enable AppMon on one or more switch ports, use the app-mon port admin-state command with
enable option as shown. It is mandatory to enable AppMon globally for the port level AppMon to
function.By default, AppMon is disabled on all the switch ports.
For example, the following command enables AppMon on ports 1/1/2 through 1/1/5:
-> app-mon port 1/1/2-5 admin-state enable

For example, the following command enables AppMon on slot 1.

-> app-mon slot 1/1 admin-state enable

When slot option is used, then AppMon configuration is applied on all physical ports of that particular
To disable AppMon functionality on a port or slot, use the app-mon port admin-state command with
disable option. For example:
-> app-mon port 1/1/2-5 admin-state disable
-> app-mon slot 1/1 admin-state disable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 29-13
Configuring Application Monitoring and Enforcement Configuring AppMon

Create Auto-Groups
Auto-Group functionality automatically creates application-groups based on the classification of supported
applications in the signature file. The ‘Category’ field is used for classification (for example, Youtube will
be part of Web category, and Webex will be part of Audio/Video category).
To create application groups automatically on the switch, use the app-mon auto-group create command.
-> app-mon auto-group create

On using the app-mon auto-group create command, the following action will be taken:
• Category-based application groups are created. If the application group already exist with category
names, those groups are updated from the existing application pool. Application group update includes
addition of all the applications of a given category from the application pool to the corresponding auto-
application group. The auto-application group retains any additional applications added by the user.
• Modifications are allowed in auto-application groups with addition of applications using the app-mon
app-group command. Deletion of applications is also allowed for any application in the group.
Modifications to the auto-application groups are retained on reboot, if saved by using the appapp-mon
apply and write memory commands.
• On signature file update, if the “auto-group create” option is given, category-based application groups
are created or updated if they already exist.
• It is mandatory to enter appapp-mon apply to save the auto-group configuration on the switch.

Configuring Application Group

Applications can be added to an application group. To create an application group, use the app-mon app-
group command. You can add individual applications or a range of applications to an application group.
Only those applications that are part of an application pool are allowed to be added to an application
group. This group can be used for enforcement or to monitor features.
To add a specific application to an application group, use the following command:
-> app-mon app-group apg2 add app-name whatsapp

To add a range of applications or multiple applications to an application group, use the from and to
-> app-mon app-group apg1 add from sip to viber

To remove an application from an application group, use the following command:

-> app-mon app-group apg2 remove app-name whatsapp

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 29-14
Configuring Application Monitoring and Enforcement Configuring AppMon

Configuring Application List

Configure an application list for enforcement or monitoring. The list can be formed with individual
applications or with application groups. A separate application list is maintained for both enforcement and
monitor features.
To add or remove application or application group to an application list, use the app-mon app-list
command. You can add individual application or an application group to an application list. The
application group can be user created or generated automatically (see “Create Auto-Groups” on
page 29-14 and “Configuring Application Group” on page 29-14).
For example, the following command adds an individual application to the application list.
-> app-mon app-list add app-name whatsapp

For example, the following example adds an application group to the application list. Application group
enables addition of multiple applications to the application list.
-> app-mon app-list add app-group apg1

To remove an application from an application list, use the following command. For example:
-> app-mon app-list remove app-name whatsapp

Activate Applications for AppMon

To enable the set of application signatures configured for both enforcement and monitoring application
lists for flow classification, use the app-mon apply command. This command activates the application list
configuration. This command saves the current application-list, application-group, and auto-groups
configuration to flash when the write memory command is used.
-> app-mon apply

When app-mon apply command is used, any application configured more than once in an application list
(individually or as a part of application group) is checked. The app-mon apply command will not be
successful until the conflict is resolved. Use the show app-mon app-list command with the monitor
conflict or the enforcement conflict parameter option to display the available conflicts in an application
list. The duplicate application names must be removed for successful app-mon apply.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 29-15
Configuring Application Monitoring and Enforcement Configuring AppMon

Configuring L3 Mode of Operation

To enable or disable monitoring and enforcement for IPv4 flows, IPv6 flows, or both, use the app-mon l3-
mode command. By default, monitoring and enforcement is enabled for both IPv4 and IPv6 flows.
For example, the following command enables monitoring and enforcement for IPv4 packets:
-> app-mon l3-mode ipv4 admin-state enable

The following command disables monitoring and enforcement for IPv4 packets:
-> app-mon l3-mode ipv4 admin-state disable

Configuring L4 Mode of Operation

To enable or disable monitoring and enforcement for TCP or UDP flows, use the app-mon l4-mode
command. By default, both TCP and UDP flows are processed. For example:
The following command enables monitoring and enforcement for UDP flows:
-> app-mon port 1/1/2 l4-mode udp admin-state enable

The following command disables monitoring and enforcement for UDP flows:
-> app-mon port 1/1/2 l4-mode udp admin-state disable

A specific L4 port range can be excluded from the AppMon operation using the app-mon l4port-exclude
command. The valid Exclude ID range is 1–8. The valid port range is 1–65535.
For example, to exclude TCP port 20 to port 30 from the AppMon operation, use the following command:
-> app-mon l4port-exclude range-id 5 tcp-service-port start 20 end 30

Use the no form of the app-mon l4port-exclude command to delete the range. For example,
-> no app-mon l4port-exclude range-id 6

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 29-16
Configuring Application Monitoring and Enforcement Configuring AppMon

Clearing Flow Table Entries

To clear all the learned flow-table entries from the monitor or enforcement application list, use the app-
mon flow-table flush command. For example:
-> app-mon flow-table enforcement flush
-> app-mon flow-table monitor flush

Configuring Flow Table Statistics Update

To enable or disable flow table statistics update for enforcement applications, use the app-mon flow-table
enforcement stats command. This command is applicable only for enforcement applications.
The statistics collection capability is shared with the Service Manager feature, which means that either
Service Manager or AppMon can use this capability at any given time. Hence, disabling the counter usage
by Service manager using the service stats command is required to view the flow table statistics update
for enforcement applications. For more information about this command, see the “Service Manager
Commands” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.
The following command enables flow-table statistics update for enforcement applications:
-> app-mon flow-table enforcement stats admin-state enable

The following command disables flow-table statistics update for enforcement applications:
-> app-mon flow-table enforcement stats admin-state disable

Configuring Aging Interval

Configures aging time for dynamically learned TCP/UDP flows for each application for Enforcement
Flow aging is supported for the applications that are part of the enforcement application list. Flows related
with enforcement application list are made active for QoS treatment as well statistics collection. Flow
aging is not supported for applications that are part of Monitor application list. Monitor flow tables log
these flows when they are detected until logging threshold is reached.
The aging interval time can be specified in the range of 3–120 minutes. By default, the aging interval is set
per application and TCP or UDP flow type basis. TCP and UDP flows generated by a given application
age out based on the TCP/UDP configured value.
To configure the aging interval, use the app-mon aging enforcement command. For example:
-> app-mon aging enforcement app-name sip interval 60m

To configure the default aging interval, use the default keyword. For example:
-> app-mon aging enforcement app-name tftp default

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 29-17
Configuring Application Monitoring and Enforcement Configuring AppMon

Configuring Logging Threshold

To configure the threshold value for the number of matched flows for enforcement and monitor
applications, use the app-mon logging-threshold command.
The maximum number of flows to be logged is in the range of 1000–60000 flows. When the logging
threshold value is set to ‘0’, flows are not logged to the log file.
When used with the monitor option, the threshold is configured for the number of matched flows to be
displayed in the monitor flow table commands. For example, the following command configures a
threshold value of 10000 for monitor applications.
-> app-mon logging-threshold monitor num-of-flows 10000

When used with the enforcement option, the threshold is configured for the number of matched flows to
be saved on to the log file for enforcement applications. For example, the following command configures
a threshold value of 30000 for enforcement applications.
-> app-mon logging-threshold enforcement num-of-flows 30000

To configure the default logging threshold, 20000, use the default keyword as shown.
-> app-mon logging-threshold monitor num-of-flows default

Configuring Sync Interval

Configures the interval at which the enforcement flows information is refreshed. The range for the interval
is 10–3600 seconds. The interval can be configured only for the enforcement feature.
Use the app-mon flow-sync enforcement interval command to force the flow sync. For example:
-> app-mon flow-sync enforcement interval 10

To configure the default interval value, 60 seconds, use the default keyword as shown.
-> app-mon flow-sync enforcement interval default

Default flow-sync interval is 300 seconds for monitoring. This is not user configurable.

Configuring Force Flow Sync

To synchronize the flows learned in the data path in real time, use the app-mon force-flow-sync
command. By default, flow synchronization occurs every 5 minutes for monitor flows and 60 seconds for
enforcement flows.
For example:
-> app-mon force-flow-sync enforcement
-> app-mon force-flow-sync monitor

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 29-18
Configuring Application Monitoring and Enforcement Configuring AppMon

Clearing Application List

To remove all the applications from the enforcement or monitor application list, use the clear app-mon
app-list command. This command does not clear the active application list, until ‘app-mon apply’ is used.
For example:
-> clear app-mon app-list enforcement
-> clear app-mon app-list monitor

Configuring AppMon Enforcement QoS Policy Rules

AppMon enforcement allows the switch to differentiate between different traffic flows and assign the
proper QoS and Security policies. The following set of policy actions are supported: Disposition Drop/
Accept, Rate limiting, DSCP Marking, 802.1p Marking, Internal Priority Marking, Redirection, and
• QoS policy rules can be configured for a given application as well as an application group where the
same application also exists. The QoS policy applied is based on what is configured in the application
list at the time of app-mon apply.
• QoS policy lookup considers AppMon specific policies for a given application name only when it is
part of enforcement active application list. In case the policy is configured both for application name
and application group where same application is part, policy will be selected based on what is
configured in the enforcement active application list.
• QoS policy lookup is performed for the flow when AppMon signature matched packet is received. If
there is any change to existing QoS policies, modified policies are effective only for the new flows.
However, the following scenarios are supported:
– If there is a change in policy action, existing matched flows are updated for new policy action.
– If AppMon specific policy rules are removed, flows to which the rules were applied are moved to
the default policy.
– On QoS disable, existing flows are moved to the default policy.
– On QoS flush or apply, existing flows are moved to the default policy.
– Default policy refers to disposition accept policy action.
• While configuring an AppMon policy rule, multiple condition parameters (for example, source IP,
destination IP, source VLAN and so on) cannot be defined in a single policy condition along with
AppMon application name or group.
• The application group needs to be created before adding the application group in QoS policies.

• While configuring the QoS policies, the application name or the application group must exist in
• Destination port or port group based policy condition is not supported for AppMon.

Configure AppMon enforcement QoS policy rules using the policy condition command. An application
name or application-group name can be specified in the policy condition as shown below.
-> policy condition c1 app-mon-application-group appgroup1
-> policy condition c2 app-mon-application-name watsapp

For more information about configuring QoS policy rules for AppMon, see the “QoS Policy Commands”
chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide and the Chapter 26, “Configuring QoS.”
chapter in this guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 29-19
Configuring Application Monitoring and Enforcement Verifying AppMon Configuration

Verifying AppMon Configuration

A summary of the show commands used for verifying the AppMon configuration is given here.

show app-mon config Displays global AppMon configuration, which includes information
about admin-state, running mode, IP mode, aging-timer, and total
show app-mon port Displays AppMon status per physical port or per slot for the switch.
show app-mon app-pool Displays all the applications that are part of an application pool.
show app-mon app-list Displays a list of applications and application groups added to an
application list.
show app-mon app-group Displays the details of all the applications in an application group.
show app-mon app-record Displays current-hour application-record information as well the
historic application-records on the hourly or 24-hours basis for
monitored applications.
show app-mon ipv4-flow-table Displays the flow table for IPv4 flows entries for enforcement and
monitor flows.
show app-mon ipv6-flow-table Displays the flow table for IPv6 flows entries for enforcement and
monitor flows.
show app-mon l4port-exclude Displays the port range excluded from AppMon operation.
show app-mon stats Displays the number of flow statistics.
show app-mon aging Displays the aging interval for each application for enforcement feature.
show app-mon vc-topology Displays the AppMon VC topology.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 29-20
30 Configuring Application

The OmniSwitch Application Fingerprinting (AFP) feature attempts to detect and identify remote
applications by scanning IP packets and comparing the packets to pre-defined bit patterns (application
signatures). Once an application is identified, AFP collects and stores information about the application
flow in a database on the local switch. Additional configurable options for this feature include the ability
to apply QoS policy list rules to the identified flow and generating SNMP traps when a signature match
Using this implementation of AFP, an administrator can obtain more detailed information about protocols
running on a specific device or make sure that certain QoS actions are automatically applied wherever an
application might be running.

In This Chapter
This chapter provides an overview of the Application Fingerprinting feature and describes how to
configure the port-based functionality and profile attributes through the Command Line Interface (CLI).
CLI commands are used in the configuration examples; for more details about the syntax of commands,
see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.
The following information and procedures are included in this chapter:
• “AFP Defaults” on page 30-2.

• “Quick Steps for Configuring AFP” on page 30-4

• “AFP Overview” on page 30-5.

• “Interaction With Other Features” on page 30-9.

• “Configuring AFP” on page 30-10.

• “Verifying the AFP Configuration” on page 30-18.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 30-1
Configuring Application Fingerprinting AFP Defaults

AFP Defaults
Description Keyword Default
The status of AFP functionality on app-fingerprint admin-state Enabled
the switch.
The status of AFP activation on app-fingerprint port Disabled
switch ports and link aggregates.
ASCII text file containing REGEX app-fingerprint signature-file flash/app-signature/
application signatures. app-regex.txt
Trap generation when IP traffic app-fingerprint trap Disabled
flow matches an application

Default REGEX Application Signatures

The default “app-signature.txt” file provided in the “/flash/app-signature/” directory on the switch contains
the following sample REGEX application signatures and groups (see “Using the Application REGEX
Signature File” on page 30-7 for more information):

Application REGEX Signatures

App Name: bgp
Description: Border Gateway Protocol
App Name: ciscovpn
Description: VPN client software to a Cisco VPN server
App Name: citrix
Description: Citrix ICA - proprietary remote desktop application
App Name: dhcp
Description: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
[\x01\x02][\x01- ]\x06.*c\x82sc
App Name: hotline
Description: Hotline - P2P filesharing protocol,
App Name: jabber
Description: open instant messenger protocol
<stream:stream[\x09-\x0d ][ -~]*[\x09-\x0d ]xmlns=['"]jabber
App Name: rdp
Description: Remote Desktop Protocol,
App Name: rtsp
Description: Real Time Streaming Protocol,
rtsp/1.0 200 ok
App Name: sip
Description: Session Initiation Protocol,
(invite|register|cancel|message|subscribe|notify) sip[\x09-\x0d -~]*sip/[0-2]\.
App Name: smb
Description: Samba - Server Message Block,

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 30-2
Configuring Application Fingerprinting AFP Defaults

App Name: smtp

Description: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol,
220[\x09-\x0d -~]* (e?smtp|simple mail)
App Name: ssh
Description: Secure Shell,
App Name: vnc
Description: Virtual Network Computing,
rfb 00[1-9]\.00[0-9]\x0a$
Application Groups
App Group: chatting = jabber
App Group: mail = smtp
App Group: network = bgp dhcp rtsp smb
App Group: p2p = hotline
App Group: remote_access = ciscovpn citrix rdp ssh vnc
App Group: voip = sip

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 30-3
Configuring Application Fingerprinting Quick Steps for Configuring AFP

Quick Steps for Configuring AFP

The following quick steps provide a brief tutorial for configuring Application Fingerprinting to monitor
and profile host applications on the network:
1 Use the app-fingerprint admin-state command to globally enable Application Fingerprinting func-
tionality on the switch:
-> app-fingerprint admin-state enable

2 Use the app-fingerprint port command to enable AFP functionality on one or more switch ports or
link aggregates. Once enabled, IP traffic received on the port is sampled and compared to application
REGEX signatures that reside in an ASCII text file on the local switch. For example, the following
command enables AFP on ports 1/10 through 1/25 to monitor and identify IP packets that match the
REGEX signatures in the “my-p2p” application group:
-> app-fingerprint port 1/10-25 monitor-app-group my-p2p

Monitoring is one of three operational modes supported on AFP ports. See “Application Fingerprint-
ing Modes” on page 30-6 for more information.
3 Optional. By default, the “app-regex.txt” file located in the “/flash/app-signature/” directory on the
switch contains the REGEX signatures to which IP flows are compared. To specify a different filename
for the signatures, use the app-fingerprint signature-file command. For example:
-> app-fingerprint signature-file app2_regex.txt

4 Optional. Use the app-fingerprint reload-signature-file command to load the contents of a new or
updated application signature file into switch memory. For example:
-> app-fingerprint reload-signature-file

5 Optional. Use the app-fingerprint trap command to enable trap generation when an IP flow matches
an application signature. For example:
-> app-fingerprint trap enable

Note. Optional. Verify the Application Fingerprinting configuration using the show app-fingerprint
configuration and show app-fingerprint port commands. For example:

-> show app-fingerprint configuration

Admin-state: Enabled,
SNMP Trap: Enabled,
Signature File: app-regex.txt

-> show app-fingerprint port

Legend: * = Port or App-Group is invalid

Port Operation Mode App-group/Policy-list

1/2/1 Monitoring Testing13
1/2/1 QoS list1
1/2/1 QoS list2
See the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide for information about the fields in this display.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 30-4
Configuring Application Fingerprinting AFP Overview

AFP Overview
The OmniSwitch Application Fingerprinting (AFP) feature attempts to detect and identify remote
applications by scanning IP packets received on an AFP port and comparing the packet contents against
predefined bit patterns or signatures. Once the application is identified, the switch can collect the source
and destination information, apply QoS, or generate an SNMP Trap.
This feature is best utilized on server-facing ports where an administrator needs more detailed information
on the protocols running inside a device, or to make sure that certain QoS actions are automatically
applied wherever an application might run. By default, Application Fingerprinting is globally enabled for
the switch, but disabled on all switch ports and link aggregates.
Enabling Application Fingerprinting on a port or link aggregate triggers the sampling of IP packets on that
port or aggregate.
• The sampled IP packets are compared against REGEX application signatures stored in the default
“app-regex.txt” file located in the “/flash/app-signature/” directory on the local switch.
• When an application REGEX match occurs, the switch generates a multi-tuple classifier based on
information obtained from the matching application packets. This classifier is then stored into a local
database on the switch and is used to identify the application for further monitoring or action.
• After the application is identified on a specific port, Application Fingerprinting monitors the
application traffic flow on that port. In addition, the switch may also apply QoS policy rules to the
application traffic flow, depending on the Application Fingerprint port configuration.
The following diagram provides a high-level example of the Application Fingerprinting process:

Signatures UNP
Policy Lists

Update Application QoS

Database Fingerprinting
Process Policy Lists
with Aging

Update Signatures

Packet Sampling
Pattern Matching


OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 30-5
Configuring Application Fingerprinting AFP Overview

Application Fingerprinting Modes

The Application Fingerprinting process is enabled on a per-port basis. When configuring a port or link
aggregate as an AFP port, the user must also specify one of three operational modes for the port:
monitoring, QoS, or UNP.
All three of these modes will monitor ingress traffic on the AFP port to detect any IP packets that match
REGEX signatures. When a match occurs identifying information is scanned from the packets and logged
into a local database on the switch. However, the three modes differ when it comes to determining which
group of REGEX signatures to monitor and if any QoS actions are applied to the matching traffic.
REGEX signatures can be grouped into an application group; the selected AFP mode specifies which
application group to monitor (see “Using the Application REGEX Signature File” on page 30-7). QoS
policies are applied through policy lists associated with the AFP port or through lists associated with a
Universal Network Profile (UNP).

Note. Configuring more than one operating mode type for the same port is allowed, but using a different
application group for each mode configured on the port is highly recommended. One advantage to using
different groups for different modes on the same port is that you can have one group of applications that are
just monitored and another group of applications to which QoS is applied.

Using the Monitoring Mode

When a port is configured to operate in AFP monitoring mode, the name of an application group of
signatures is specified. This triggers the switch to sample ingress IP packets on that port and compare the
packets to the signatures in the specified application group. After an application is identified and logged
into the local database, no further action is taken and monitoring of the matching traffic continues.
The monitoring mode is particularly useful to initially identify and monitor remote applications entering
the network. The administrator can use the information gathered during monitoring to determine if any
subsequent QoS actions are needed.

Using the QoS Mode

Using the QoS mode is similar to using the monitoring mode in that both modes trigger the sampling of IP
packets on the port. The difference is that configuring QoS mode specifies a QoS policy list name instead
of an application group name. The policy list specifies the application group to monitor.
The policy list assigned to the AFP port must contain a policy rule with a policy condition that specifies
the name of an application group to monitor. The rule can also contain policy actions to apply to the
matching application traffic.
The appfp-group policy condition and appfp policy list type are used to configure QoS policies for
matching application traffic.The following is an example QoS policy rule and policy list configuration that
is associated with an AFP port that is configured to run in the QoS mode:
-> policy condition c1 appfp-group my-p2p
-> policy action a1 disposition drop
-> policy rule r1 condition c1 action a1 no default-list
-> policy list drop_my-p2p type appfp
-> policy list afp-p2p rule r1

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 30-6
Configuring Application Fingerprinting AFP Overview

Using the UNP Mode

Using the Universal Network Profile (UNP) mode also triggers IP packet sampling on the port but first
attempts to see if the ingress traffic is classified into a UNP.
• If the traffic is assigned to a UNP, the switch then checks if the UNP is associated with an AFP QoS
policy list that contains the AFP policy condition.
• If the UNP is associated with an AFP QoS policy list, the application group specified in the AFP policy
condition of a rule within that list is used to monitor ingress traffic on the AFP port. Policy actions
associated with the same AFP policy condition rule are applied to matching IP traffic.
• If there is no matching UNP or the UNP does not use an AFP policy list or condition, then AFP ignores
the traffic; no packet sampling or monitoring is performed.
The UNP QoS policy list for AFP is created in the same manner as how the list used by the QoS mode is
created. The main difference between the UNP and QoS mode is the check for UNP classification before
packet sampling and monitoring is started. In addition the policy list type is set to UNP instead of
Application Fingerprinting and UNP is enabled on the AFP port. For example, the following QoS policy
rule and policy list configuration is associated with a UNP that is applied to AFP port traffic associated
with the UNP:
-> policy condition c1 appfp-group p2p
-> policy action a1 disposition drop
-> policy rule r1 condition c1 action a1 no default-list
-> policy list list1 type unp
-> policy list list1 rules r1
-> qos apply

-> unp vlan-profile V10_1 vlan 10 qos_policy-list list1

-> unp classification mac-address 00:00:00:00:03:01 vlan-tag 10 vlan-profile
-> unp port 1/2/1

-> app-fingerprint port 1/2/1 unp-profile

Using the Application REGEX Signature File

The REGEX signatures that AFP uses to detect and monitor remote applications are stored in an ASCII
text file named “app-regex.txt”. This file is located in the “/flash/app-signature/” directory on the local
switch, and the contents of the file is user-configurable.
The application REGEX signature file contains two sections: one section to define application signatures
and the other section to define application groups.
• The application signatures section defines a name, optional description, and a REGEX signature for
each application.
• The application group section is used to group application signatures together. Each group is identified
by a name and consists of the names of each application signature that is a member of the group.
An application group name is required when configuring an AFP port to run in monitoring mode and
when creating QoS policy lists that are used when the port is running in the QoS or UNP mode (see
“Application Fingerprinting Modes” on page 30-6). Combining multiple application signatures into one
group eases configuration; specifying a single group name when configuring the AFP operation requires
less steps than having to configure AFP for each individual application.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 30-7
Configuring Application Fingerprinting AFP Overview

The “app-regex.txt” file contains a sample configuration to use as a guide for defining AFP application
signatures and groups (see “AFP Defaults” on page 30-2).

Application Fingerprinting Database

When a match occurs between an IP traffic flow and a REGEX application signature, the following multi-
tuple classifier is generated and stored in a local switch database to identify and track the application
associated with the flow:
• Ingress Port
• Dest MAC
• Src MAC
• Dest IP
• Src IP
• Dest Port
• Src Port
Each database entry is subject to a 15 minute aging period. If the database fills up, older entries are aged
out before the 15 minute limit (fast aging). However, fast aging is not applied to database entries
associated with QoS. In this case, the QoS is removed after the regular 15 minute aging time period
expires. When a database entry is removed due to regular aging or fast aging conditions, any
corresponding QoS is also removed for that flow.
In addition, a packet counter for each application on the ingress Application Fingerprinting port is kept for
statistics generation. The database classification entries and statistics are displayed using Application
Fingerprinting show commands (see “Verifying the AFP Configuration” on page 30-18).

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 30-8
Configuring Application Fingerprinting Interaction With Other Features

Interaction With Other Features

This section contains important information about how Application Fingerprinting (AFP) functionality
interacts with other OmniSwitch features. Refer to the specific chapter for each feature to get more
detailed information about how to configure and use the feature.

• IPv4 and IPv6 packets are sampled on AFP ports. The entire packet is scanned, not just the payload.

• Fragmented, encrypted, control or protocol packets (for example, ICMP, LLDP, BPDU) are not
• AFP is applied after other OmniSwitch features, such as Universal Network Profile (UNP), Edge
Virtual Bridging (EVB), Learned Port Security (LPS), QoS, DHCP, and other protocols.

• AFP shares QoS system resources with other OmniSwitch applications. As a result, AFP functionality
is subject to available QoS system resources, especially when the QoS and/or UNP modes are running
on AFP ports.
• A QoS policy list is used by the AFP QoS and UNP modes to specify the name of an application group
of signatures to apply to AFP port traffic.
– When using the QoS mode, the policy list must be configured as an AFP list (appfp) when the list is
created. With UNP mode the policy list is not configured as an AFP list, since it associated with a
– The QoS appfp-group policy condition is used to specify the name of the AFP application group to
apply. If this condition is not used in a policy list rule, then no QoS is applied to the AFP port

AFP uses the OmniSwitch SFLOW mechanism to sample the IPv4 and IPv6 packets.
• The packet sampling rate is approximately 50K packets per second per NI module. This rate may
change based on the level of use of switch resources by other applications.
• The sFLOW mechanism runs two seconds for each port (one port at a time), so if there are two AFP
ports in an NI, each port is serviced for half of its testing duration, whether or not the port receives any
number of packets.
• Do not run AFP and other sFLOW-based services on the same port.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 30-9
Configuring Application Fingerprinting Configuring AFP

Configuring AFP
This section provides the following information about how to configure and activate the OmniSwitch
implementation of Application Fingerprinting:
• “Configuration Guidelines” on page 30-10.

• “Enabling/Disabling AFP” on page 30-11.

• “Enabling/Disabling Trap Generation” on page 30-11

• “Changing the REGEX Signature Filename” on page 30-12.

• “Defining Application REGEX Signatures and Groups” on page 30-13.

• “Configuring AFP Port Modes” on page 30-16.

Configuration Guidelines
Review the guidelines in this section before attempting to configure and activate OmniSwitch Application
Fingerprinting (AFP).
• The AFP pattern matching function compares IP packets to REGEX signatures. These signatures are
defined in a user-configurable ASCII text file located on the switch. This file also defines groups of
application signatures and associates each group with a specific name. A group name is required when
configuring AFP functionality (operational modes) on a switch port or link aggregate. Make sure the
appropriate application groups are defined in the text file.
• Configuring different operational modes (monitoring, QoS, or UNP) on the same AFP port is allowed,
but use different application groups for each mode to avoid conflicts or inconsistencies in how traffic is
processed. For example, if monitoring mode is set to use application group named “appgroup1”, then
configure QoS mode on that same port to use a policy list that specifies application group name
• QoS, UNP, and AFP QoS use shared switch resources. So configuring an AFP port to run in the QoS
mode, UNP mode, or both modes, will require additional QoS resources that may be limited depending
on what else is running on the switch.
• Make sure a QoS policy list assigned directly to an AFP port running in the QoS mode is configured as
an Application Fingerprinting policy list type (appfp). In addition, the policy list rules must contain the
appfp-group policy condition that specifies the name of an application signature group that AFP uses
for packet pattern matching. For example:
-> policy condition c1 appfp-group myp2p
-> policy action a1 disposition drop
-> policy rule drop-p2p condition c1 action a1 no default list
-> policy list afp-p2p type appfp
-> policy list afp-p2p rules drop-p2p
-> app-fingerprint port 1/1 policy-list-name afp-p2p

• A QoS policy list assigned to a UNP that is associated with an AFP port running in the UNP mode
must also contain policy list rules that use the appfp-group policy condition to specify the application
group used for packet pattern matching. However, configuring the policy list as an AFP list type is not
required when the list is associated with a UNP.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 30-10
Configuring Application Fingerprinting Configuring AFP

• If a policy list assigned to an AFP port or assigned to a UNP associated with an AFP port does not
contain a rule with the appfp-group condition, sampled IP traffic on the port is not matched against
any REGEX signatures to determine if any QoS actions in the rule are applied to that traffic.
• The following list of QoS policy actions are supported in policy rules that use the Application
Fingerprinting policy conditions:
– maximum bandwidth
– disposition drop/accept
– priority
– tos
– 802.1p
– dscp

Enabling/Disabling AFP
By default, the AFP feature is globally enabled for the switch. To disable this feature, use the app-
fingerprint admin-state command with the disable option. For example:
-> app-fingerprint admin-state disable

Disabling this feature stops the AFP process but does not remove any AFP port settings or the REGEX
signature text file from the switch.
To enable AFP functionality, use the app-fingerprint admin-state command with the enable option. For
-> app-fingerprint admin-state enable

When globally enabled, the AFP process is triggered only on AFP ports and link aggregates. See
“Configuring AFP Port Modes” on page 30-16 for information about how to configure AFP ports.

Verifying the Global AFP Status

Use the show app-fingerprint configuration command to verify the global AFP status for the switch. For
-> show app-fingerprint configuration
Admin-state: Enabled,
SNMP Trap: Disabled,
Signature File: app-regex.txt

Enabling/Disabling Trap Generation

Trap generation can occur whenever AFP detects a match between IP packets and application group
signatures. Use the app-fingerprint trap command to globally enable or disable trap generation for the
switch. For example:
-> app-fingerprint trap enable
-> app-fingerprint trap disable

By default, AFP trap generation is disabled for the switch.

Verifying the Trap Generation Status

Use the show app-fingerprint configuration command to verify the trap generation status. For example:

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 30-11
Configuring Application Fingerprinting Configuring AFP

-> show app-fingerprint configuration

Admin-state: Enabled,
SNMP Trap: Disabled,
Signature File: app-regex.txt

Changing the REGEX Signature Filename

A default REGEX signature file, named “app-regex.txt” is provided in the “/flash/app-signature/”
directory on the OmniSwitch. This file is a user-configurable ASCII text file. Adding, removing, or
changing application signatures and groups defined in this file is allowed. It is also possible to use a
completely different signature file instead of the default “app-regex.txt” file.
To direct AFP to use a different REGEX signature file for pattern matching, make sure the file is uploaded
to the “/flash/app-signature/” directory on the switch, then use the app-fingerprint signature-file
command to point AFP to the new filename. For example, the following command configures AFP to use
the “net-regex.txt” file:
-> app-fingerprint signature-file net-regex.txt

Verifying the REGEX Signature Filename

The show app-fingerprint configuration command displays the name of the REGEX signature filename
that AFP is using for pattern matching. For example:
-> show app-fingerprint configuration
Admin-state: Enabled,
SNMP Trap: Disabled,
Signature File: app-regex.txt

Reloading the REGEX Signature File

The REGEX signature file is loaded into switch memory where the contents of the file is accessed by the
AFP pattern matching function. If a new filename is designated for the REGEX signature file or if the
contents of the current signature file is changed, a reload of that file into the switch memory is required.
Changes to the signature file contents or filename are applied when the signature file is reloaded into
memory. A switch reboot is not required.
The app-fingerprint reload-signature-file command is used to reload the current signature file. For
-> app-fingerprint reload-file

Note that the current signature file reloaded is either the “app-regex.txt” file, unless a different signature
filename was designated as the current signature file using the app-fingerprint signature-file command.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 30-12
Configuring Application Fingerprinting Configuring AFP

Defining Application REGEX Signatures and Groups

To define a new application signature entry in the REGEX signature file, use the following formatting
App-name: application-name
Description: application-description

Application signature formatting guidelines:

• The application signature “Description:” field is optional, but the “App-name:” field and REGEX
signature are required.
• Maximum characters allowed for the “App-name:” field is 24.

• Maximum characters allowed for “Description:” field is 64.

• REGEX signature guidelines:

– Signature should be more than 6 characters but less than 256 characters.
– Do not start the signature with the “^” character (because scanning starts at the beginning of the
packet not from the beginning of the packet payload).
– The “.”, “*”, “?”, or any combination of the three characters may not work properly on hex value
data in the packet payload (for example, the .* may not work properly).
– The . * ? represents any single character except carriage return (0xD) and tabs (0x9, 0xB) and may
not work with other non-character hex values.
– Use /x hex notation when possible (for example, instead of "" use "yahoo/x2Ecom" in
the signature - ASCII value for . is 0x2E).
– Be careful about using a space (white space) in the signature.
– Do not use very complex set of REGEX notation, instead, break it down to multiple simple REGEX
To define a new signature group in the REGEX signature file, use the following formatting conventions:
App-group: app-group-name = application-name-1 application-name-2 application-name-3 ...

Application signature formatting guidelines:

• Maximum characters allowed for the “App-group:” field is 24.

• Enter a list of application signature names (already defined in the signature file) after the “=” with a
space between each name

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 30-13
Configuring Application Fingerprinting Configuring AFP

Verifying the Application Signature and Group Definitions

Use the show app-fingerprint app-name and show app-fingerprint app-group commands to display
the application signature and group configuration defined in the REGEX signature file. For example:
-> show app-fingerprint app-name

App Name: hotline

Description: Hotline - P2P filesharing protocol,
REGEX signature: TRTPHOTL\x01\x02

App Name: jabber

Description: open instant messenger protocol,
REGEX signature: <stream:stream[\x09-\x0d ][ -~]*[\x09-\x0d ]xmlns=['"]jabber

App Name: sip

Description: Session Initiation Protocol,
REGEX signature: (invite|register|cancel|message|subscribe|notify) sip[\x09-
\x0d -~]*sip/[0-2]\.[0-9]

App Name: smtp

Description: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol,
REGEX signature: 220[\x09-\x0d -~]* (e?smtp|simple mail)

-> show app-fingerprint app-group

App Group: chatting

App names: jabber

App Group: mail

App names: smtp

App-group: network
App names: bgp dhcp rtsp smb

App Group: p2p

App names: hotline

App-group: remote_access
App names: ciscovpn citrix rdp ssh vnc

App Group: voip

App names: sip

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 30-14
Configuring Application Fingerprinting Configuring AFP

Example REGEX Signature File

This section contains an example “app-regex.txt” file. Note that application signatures and groups are
defined using the formatting conventions described in “Defining Application REGEX Signatures and
Groups” on page 30-13.

App-name: TCP-Syn-BDos
Description: TCP-Syn-BDos

App-name: UDP-Flood
Description: UDP-Flood

App-name: DNS-Attack
Description: DNS-Attack

App-name: Apache-mod_cache-DoS
Description: Apache-Headers-mod_cache-DoS
Cache\x2dControl: +(max\x2dage\x3d|s\x2dmax-

App-name: BO-Multicast
Description: BO-Borland-StarTe-Multicast

App-name: HTTP-Hp-OpVw-OvAccep
Description: HTTP-Misc-Hp-OpVw-OvAccep-BO

App-name: HTTP-null-byte
Description: HTTP-Misc-asp-null-byte-dis-3

App-group: Static = Apache-mod_cache-DoS BO-Multicast HTTP-null-byte HTTP-Hp-OpVw-OvAccep

App-group: AttackMon = TCP-Syn-BDos

App-group: AttackBlock = UDP-Flood

App-group: AttackRateLmt = DNS-Attack

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 30-15
Configuring Application Fingerprinting Configuring AFP

Configuring AFP Port Modes

Configuring a port or link aggregate as an AFP port also applies an operational mode to the port. The
operational mode (monitoring, QoS, or Universal Network Profile) applied determines the following:
• The application signature group to use for monitoring ingress IP traffic on the port (monitoring mode).

• The QoS policy list that specifies the application signature group to monitor and any QoS actions to
apply to the matching IP traffic (QoS mode).
• Whether or not to check for a Universal Network Profile (UNP) associated with ingress port traffic. If
port traffic is associated with a UNP, the QoS policy list associated with the UNP is used to determine
the application signature group to monitor (UNP mode).
It is possible to configure more than one operational mode per AFP port. However, using a different
application signature group for each mode is highly recommended to avoid conflicts that might cause
undesired dropping of traffic, especially when the QoS or UNP modes are both used on the same port.

Configuring the AFP Monitoring Mode

To configure a port or link aggregate as an AFP port operating in the monitoring mode, use the app-
fingerprint port command with the monitor-app-group parameter. For example:
-> app-fingerprint port 2/1-5 monitor-app-group my-p2p
-> app-fingerprint linkagg 10 monitor-app-group my-p2p

In this example, ports 2/1 through 2/5 and aggregate 10 are configured as AFP ports that will pattern
match and monitor ingress IP packets using the REGEX signatures defined in the “my-p2p” application
group. When a match is found, no further action is taken on the matching packets other than logging and
monitoring the application traffic.

Configuring the AFP QoS Mode

To configure a port or link aggregate as an AFP port operating in the QoS mode, use the app-fingerprint
port command with the policy-list-name parameter. For example:
-> app-fingerprint port 2/5 policy-list-name drop-p2p
-> app-fingerprint linkagg 2 policy-list-name drop-p2p

In this example, port 2/5 and aggregate 2 are configured as AFP ports that will pattern match ingress IP
packets using REGEX signatures defined in an application group that is specified by an AFP policy
condition in the “drop-p2p” policy list. When a match is found, QoS actions associated with the AFP
condition rule are applied to the matching traffic.

Configuring the AFP UNP Mode

To configure a port or link aggregate as an AFP port operating in the UNP mode, configure the port as a
UNP port then use the app-fingerprint port command with the unp parameter. For example:
-> unp port 1/11
-> app-fingerprint port 1/11 unp-profile
-> unp linkagg 5
-> app-fingerprint linkagg 5 unp-profile

In this example, port 1/11 and aggregate 5 are configured as UNP and AFP ports. AFP will determine if
traffic received on this port and aggregate is associated with a UNP. If so, the QoS policy list associated
with the UNP is applied to the ingress IP traffic. If the policy list does not specify an application group
condition, then the AFP port traffic is ignored.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 30-16
Configuring Application Fingerprinting Configuring AFP

Verifying the AFP Mode Configuration

The QoS and UNP modes both specify application groups for AFP processing. This difference is that the
QoS mode directly associates a policy list name with the AFP port, but the UNP mode uses a policy list
assigned to a UNP associated with traffic received on the AFP port. The monitoring mode does just that,
monitors application group traffic, but does not apply any QoS.
To verify the AFP port configuration for the switch, use the show app-fingerprint port command. For
-> show app-fingerprint port
Legend: * = Port or App-Group is invalid

Port Operation Mode App-group/Policy-list

1/2/1 Monitoring Testing13
1/2/1 QoS list1
1/2/1 QoS list2

-> show app-fingerprint linkagg

Legend: * = Port or App-Group is invalid

Port Operation Mode App-group/Policy-list

0/100 Monitoring Testing16
0/100 QoS list3
0/100 QoS list4

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 30-17
Configuring Application Fingerprinting Verifying the AFP Configuration

Verifying the AFP Configuration

A summary of the show commands used for verifying the AFP configuration is given here. For some
examples of these commands, see “Quick Steps for Configuring AFP” on page 30-4 and “Configuring
AFP” on page 30-10.

show app-fingerprint Displays the global AFP configuration for the switch. This includes the
configuration global status of the feature and trap generation and the name of the
REGEX signature file currently in use.
show app-fingerprint port Displays the AFP port configuration for the switch, including the
operational mode and application group applied to the port.
show app-fingerprint app- The application signatures defined in the REGEX signature file.
show app-fingerprint app- Displays the application groups defined in the REGEX signature file.
show app-fingerprint database Displays the database entries generated by AFP to identify applications
detected on AFP ports.
show app-fingerprint statistics Displays packet count statistics for the number of packets sampled and
packets matched. Also includes the application signature name for the
matched packet counts.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 30-18
31 Managing Authentication

This chapter describes authentication servers and how they are used with the switch. The types of servers
described include Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS), Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol (LDAP), Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS+), and SecurID ACE/

In This Chapter
The chapter includes some information about attributes that must be configured on the servers, but it
primarily addresses configuring the switch through the Command Line Interface (CLI) to communicate
with the servers to retrieve authentication information about users.
Configuration procedures described include:
• Configuring a RADIUS Server. This procedure is described in “RADIUS Servers” on page 31-6.

• Configuring a TACACS+ Server. This procedure is described in “TACACS+ Server” on page 31-12.

• Configuring an LDAP Server. This procedure is described in “LDAP Servers” on page 31-14.

For information about using servers for authenticating users to manage the switch, see the “Switch
Security” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Switch Management Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 31-1
Managing Authentication Servers Server Defaults

Server Defaults
The defaults for authentication server configuration on the switch are listed in the tables in the next

RADIUS Authentication Servers

Defaults for the aaa radius-server command are as follows:

Description Keyword Default

Number of retries on the server before the retransmit 3
switch tries a backup server
Timeout for server replies to authentication timeout 2
UDP destination port for authentication auth-port 1645*
UDP destination port for accounting acct-port 1646*

* The port defaults are based on the older RADIUS standards; some servers are set up with port numbers
based on the newer standards (ports 1812 and 1813, respectively).

TACACS+ Authentication Servers

Defaults for the aaa tacacs+-server command are as follows:

Description Keyword Default

Timeout for server replies to authentication timeout 2
The port number for the server port 49

LDAP Authentication Servers

Defaults for the aaa ldap-server command are as follows:

Description Keyword Default

The port number for the server port 389 (SSL disabled)
636 (SSL enabled)
Number of retries on the server before the retransmit 3
switch tries a backup server
Timeout for server replies to authentication timeout 2
Whether a Secure Socket Layer is configured ssl | no ssl no ssl
for the server

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 31-2
Managing Authentication Servers Quick Steps For Configuring Authentication Servers

Quick Steps For Configuring Authentication

1 For RADIUS, TACACS+, or LDAP servers, configure user attribute information on the servers. See
“RADIUS Servers” on page 31-6, “TACACS+ Server” on page 31-12, and “LDAP Servers” on
page 31-14.
2 Use the aaa radius-server, aaa tacacs+-server, and/or the aaa ldap-server command to configure the
authentication server(s). For example:
-> aaa radius-server rad1 host key amadeus
-> aaa tacacs+-server tac3 host key otna timeout 10
-> aaa ldap-server ldap2 host dn cn=manager password tpub base c=us

Note. (Optional) Verify the server configuration by entering the show aaa server command. For example:

-> show aaa server

Server name = rad1
Server type = RADIUS,
IP Address 1 =,
IP Address 2 =
Retry number = 3,
Timeout (in sec) = 2,
Authentication port = 1645,
Accounting port = 1646
Server name = ldap2
Server type = LDAP,
IP Address 1 =,
Port = 389,
Domain name = cn=manager,
Search base = c=us,
Retry number = 3,
Timeout (in sec) = 2,
Server name = Tacacs1
ServerIp =
ServerPort = 49
Encryption = MD5
Timeout = 5 seconds
Status = UP

See the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide for information about the fields in this display.

3 If you are using ACE/Server, there is no required switch configuration; however, you must FTP the
sdconf.rec file from the server to the /network directory of the switch.
4 Configure authentication on the switch. This step is described in other chapters. For a quick overview
of using the configured authentication servers with Authenticated Switch Access, see the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 Switch Management Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 31-3
Managing Authentication Servers Server Overview

Server Overview
Authentication servers are sometimes referred to as AAA servers (authentication, authorization, and
accounting). These servers are used for storing information about users who want to manage the switch
(Authenticated Switch Access) and users who need access to a particular VLAN or VLANs
(Authenticated VLANs).
RADIUS, TACACS +, or LDAP servers can be used for Authenticated Switch Access and/or
Authenticated VLANs. Another type of server, SecurID ACE/Server, can be used for authenticated switch
access only; the ACE/Server is an authentication-only server (no authorization or accounting). Only
RADIUS servers are supported for 802.1X Port-based Network Access Control.
The following table describes how each type of server can be used with the switch:

Authenticated Switch 802.1X Port-Based

Server Type Authenticated VLANs
Access Network Access Control
ACE/Server yes (except SNMP) no no
RADIUS yes (except SNMP) yes yes
TACACS+ yes (including SNMP) yes no
LDAP yes (including SNMP) yes no

Backup Authentication Servers

Each RADIUS, TACACS+, and LDAP server can have one backup host (of the same type) configured
through the aaa radius-server, aaa tacacs+-server, and aaa ldap-server commands, respectively. In
addition, each authentication method (Authenticated Switch Access, Authenticated VLANs, or 802.1X)
can specify a list of backup authentication servers that includes servers of different types (if supported on
the feature).
The switch uses the first available authentication server to attempt to authenticate users. If user
information is not found on the first available server, the authentication attempts fails.

Authenticated Switch Access

When RADIUS, TACACS+, and/or LDAP servers are set up for Authenticated Switch Access, the switch
polls the server for user login information. The switch also polls the server for privilege information
(authorization) if it has been configured on the server; otherwise, the local user database is polled for the
For RADIUS, TACACS+, and LDAP, additional servers can be configured as backups.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 31-4
Managing Authentication Servers Server Overview

A RADIUS server supporting the challenge and response mechanism as defined in RADIUS RFC 2865
can access an ACE/Server for authentication purposes. The ACE/Server is then used for user
authentication, and the RADIUS server is used for user authorization.

End Station End Station

login request login request

OmniSwitch 6648

The switch polls the server The switch polls the server OmniSwitch 6648

and receives login and privi- for login information, and
lege information about the OmniSwitch checks the switch for privi- OmniSwitch
user. lege information.

Servers Used for Authenticated Switch Access

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 31-5
Managing Authentication Servers RADIUS Servers

RADIUS Servers
RADIUS is a standard authentication and accounting protocol defined in RFC 2865 and RFC 2866. A
built-in RADIUS client is available in the switch. A RADIUS server that supports Vendor Specific
Attributes (VSAs) is required. The Alcatel-Lucent attributes can include VLAN information, time-of-day,
or slot/port restrictions.

RADIUS Server Attributes

RADIUS servers and RADIUS accounting servers are configured with particular attributes defined in RFC
2138 and RFC 2139, respectively. These attributes carry specific authentication, authorization, and
configuration details about RADIUS requests to and replies from the server. This section describes the
attributes and how to configure them on the server.

Standard Attributes
The following tables list RADIUS server attributes 1–39 and 60–63, their descriptions, and whether the
Alcatel-Lucent RADIUS client in the switch supports them. Attribute 26 is for vendor-specific
information and is discussed in “Vendor-Specific Attributes for RADIUS” on page 31-8. Attributes 40–59
are used for RADIUS accounting servers and are listed in “RADIUS Accounting Server Attributes” on
page 31-9.

Num. Standard Attribute Notes

1 User-Name Used in access-request and account-request packets.
2 User-Password —
3 CHAP-Password Not supported.
4 NAS-IP-Address Sent with every access-request. Specifies which switches a
user can have access to. More than one of these attributes is
allowed per user.
5 NAS-Port Virtual port number sent with access-request and account-
request packets. Slot/port information is supplied in attribute
26 (vendor-specific).
6 Service-Type Framed-User (2) if authentication request type is:
- supplicant/802.1x authentication
- captive-portal authentication
- ASA authentication

Call-Check (10) if authentication request type is:

- MAC based authentication
7 Framed-Protocol Not supported. These attributes are used for dial-up sessions;
8 Framed-IP-Address not applicable to the RADIUS client in the switch.
9 Framed-IP-Netmask
10 Framed-Routing
11 Filter-Id
12 Framed-MTU
13 Framed-Compression
14 Login-IP-Host
15 Login-Service
16 Login-TCP-Port

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 31-6
Managing Authentication Servers RADIUS Servers

Num. Standard Attribute Notes

17 Unassigned —
18 Reply-Message Multiple reply messages are supported, but the length of all
the reply messages returned in one access-accept or access-
reject packet cannot exceed 256 characters.
19 Callback-Number Not supported. These attributes are used for dial-up sessions;
20 Callback-Id not applicable to the RADIUS client in the switch.
21 Unassigned
22 Frame-Route
23 Framed-IPX-Network
24 State Sent in challenge/response packets.
25 Class Used to pass information from the server to the client and
passed unchanged to the accounting server as part of the
accounting-request packet.
26 Vendor-Specific See “Vendor-Specific Attributes for RADIUS” on page 31-8.
27 Session-Timeout Not supported.
28 Idle-Timeout Not supported.
29 Termination-Action Not supported. These attributes are used for dial-up sessions;
30 Called-Station-Id not applicable to the RADIUS client in the switch.
31 Calling-Station-Id
32 NAS-Identifier
33 Proxy-State
34 Login-LAT-Service
35 Login-LAT-Node
36 Login-LAT-Group
37 Framed-AppleTalk-Link
38 Framed-AppleTalk-Network
39 Framed-AppleTalk-Zone
60 CHAP-Challenge
61 NAS-Port-Type
62 Port-Limit
63 Login-LAT-Port

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 31-7
Managing Authentication Servers RADIUS Servers

Vendor-Specific Attributes for RADIUS

The Alcatel-Lucent RADIUS client supports attribute 26, which includes a vendor ID and some additional
sub-attributes called subtypes. The vendor ID and the subtypes collectively are called Vendor Specific
Attributes (VSAs). Alcatel-Lucent, through partnering arrangements, has included these VSAs in some
vendors’ RADIUS server configurations.
The attribute subtypes are defined in the dictionary file of the server. If you are using single authority
mode, the first VSA subtype, Alcatel-Lucent-Auth-Vlan, must be defined on the server for each
authenticated VLAN. Alcatel-Lucent’s vendor ID is 800 (SMI Network Management Private Enterprise
The following are VSAs for RADIUS servers:

Num. RADIUS VSA Type Description

1 Alcatel-Lucent-Auth-Group integer The authenticated VLAN number. The only
protocol associated with this attribute is
Ethernet II. If other protocols are required, use
the protocol attribute instead.
2 Alcatel-Lucent-Slot-Port string Slot(s)/port(s) valid for the user.
3 Alcatel-Lucent-Time-of-Day string The time of day valid for the user to
4 Alcatel-Lucent-Client-IP-Addr address The IP address used for Telnet only.
5 Alcatel-Lucent-Group-Desc string Description of the authenticated VLAN.
6 Alcatel-Lucent-Port-Desc string Description of the port.
8 Alcatel-Lucent-Auth-Group- string The protocol associated with the VLAN. Must
Protocol be configured for access to other protocols.
Values include: IP_E2, IP_SNAP, IPX_E2,
9 Alcatel-Lucent-Asa-Access string Specifies that the user has access to the switch.
The only valid value is all.
39 Alcatel-Lucent-Acce-Priv-F-R1 hex Configures functional read privileges for the
40 Alcatel-Lucent-Acce-Priv-F-R2 hex Configures functional read privileges for the
41 Alcatel-Lucent-Acce-Priv-F-W1 hex Configures functional write privileges for the
42 Alcatel-Lucent-Acce-Priv-F-W2 hex Configures functional write privileges for the
43 Alcatel-Lucent-Acce-Priv-F-R3 hex Configures functional read privileges for the
44 Alcatel-Lucent-Acce-Priv-F-R4 hex Configures functional read privileges for the
45 Alcatel-Lucent-Acce-Priv-F-W3 hex Configures functional write privileges for the
46 Alcatel-Lucent-Acce-Priv-F-W4 hex Configures functional write privileges for the

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 31-8
Managing Authentication Servers RADIUS Servers

The Alcatel-Lucent-Auth-Group attribute is used for Ethernet II only. If a different protocol, or more than
one protocol is required, use the Alcatel-Lucent-Auth-Group-Protocol attribute instead. For example:
Alcatel-Lucent-Auth-Group-Protocol 23: IP_E2 IP_SNAP
Alcatel-Lucent-Auth-Group-Protocol 24: IPX_E2
In this example, authenticated users on VLAN 23 can use Ethernet II or SNAP encapsulation.
Authenticated users on VLAN 24 can use IPX with Ethernet II.

RADIUS Accounting Server Attributes

The following table lists the standard attributes supported for RADIUS accounting servers. The attributes
in the radius.ini file can be modified if necessary.

Num. Standard Attribute Description

1 User-Name Used in access-request and account-request packets.
4 NAS-IP-Address Sent with every access-request. Specifies which switches a
user can have access to. More than one of these attributes is
allowed per user.
5 NAS-Port Virtual port number sent with access-request and account-
request packets. Slot/port information is supplied in attribute
26 (vendor-specific).
25 Class Used to pass information from the server to the client and
passed unchanged to the accounting server as part of the
accounting-request packet.
40 Acct-Status-Type Four values must be included in the dictionary file: 1 (acct-
start), 2 (acct-stop), 6 (failure), and 7 (acct-on). Start and stop
correspond to login/logout. The accounting-on message is sent
when the RADIUS client is started. This attribute also includes
an accounting-off value, which is not supported.
42 Acct-Input-Octets (Authenticated VLANs only) Tracked per port.
43 Acct-Output-Octets (Authenticated VLANs only) Tracked per port.
44 Acct-Session Unique accounting ID. (For authenticated VLAN users,
Alcatel-Lucent uses the MAC address of the client.)
45 Acct-Authentic Indicates how the client is authenticated; standard values (1–3)
are not used. Vendor specific values must be used instead:
46 Acct-Session The start and stop time for a user session can be determined
from the accounting log.
47 Acct-Input-Packets (Authenticated VLANs only) Tracked per port.
48 Acct-Output-Packets (Authenticated VLANs only) Tracked per port.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 31-9
Managing Authentication Servers RADIUS Servers

Num. Standard Attribute Description

49 Acct-Terminal-Cause Indicates how the session was terminated:

The following table lists the VSAs supported for RADIUS accounting servers. The attributes in the
radius.ini file can be modified if necessary.

Num. Accounting VSA Type Description

1 Alcatel-Lucent-Auth-Group integer The authenticated VLAN number. The only protocol
associated with this attribute is Ethernet II. If other
protocols are required, use the protocol attribute
2 Alcatel-Lucent-Slot-Port string Slot(s)/port(s) valid for the user.
4 Alcatel-Lucent-Client-IP- dotted The IP address used for Telnet only.
Addr decimal
5 Alcatel-Lucent-Group-Desc string Description of the authenticated VLAN.

Configuring the RADIUS Client

Use the aaa radius-server command to configure RADIUS parameters on the switch.

RADIUS server keywords

key timeout
host auth-port
retransmit acct-port

When creating a new server, at least one host name or IP address (specified by the host keyword) is
required as well as the shared secret (specified by the key keyword).
In this example, the server name is rad1, the host address is, the backup address is,
and the shared secret is amadeus. Note that the shared secret must be configured exactly the same as on
the server.
-> aaa radius-server rad1 host key amadeus

An option prompt-key is provided, which can be used to enter the secret key in a obscured format rather
than as clear text. When this option is selected, press the Enter key. A prompt appears prompting to enter
the secret key. Secret key needs to be re-entered, and only if both the entries match, command is accepted.
Key provided in this mode is not displayed on the CLI as text.
For example,
-> aaa radius-server rad1 prompt-key host
Enter Key: *******
Confirm Key: *******

To modify a RADIUS server, enter the server name and the desired parameter to be modified.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 31-10
Managing Authentication Servers RADIUS Servers

-> aaa radius-server rad1 key mozart

If you are modifying the server and have just entered the aaa radius-server command to create or modify
the server, you can use command prefix recognition. For example:
-> aaa radius-server rad1 retransmit 5
-> timeout 5

For information about server defaults, see “Server Defaults” on page 31-2.
To remove a RADIUS server, use the no form of the command:
-> no aaa radius-server rad1

Note that only one server can be deleted at a time.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 31-11
Managing Authentication Servers TACACS+ Server

TACACS+ Server
Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS+) is a standard authentication and
accounting protocol defined in RFC 1321 that employs TCP for reliable transport. A built-in TACACS+
client is available in the switch. A TACACS+ server allows access control for routers, network access
servers, and other networked devices through one or more centralized servers. The protocol also allows
separate authentication, authorization, and accounting services. By allowing arbitrary length and content
authentication exchanges, it allows clients to use any authentication mechanism.
The TACACS+ client offers the ability to configure multiple TACACS+ servers. This can be done by the
user. When the primary server fails, the client tries the subsequent servers. Multiple server configurations
are applicable only for backup and not for server chaining.
In the TACACS+ protocol, the client queries the TACACS+ server by sending TACACS+ requests. The
server responds with reply packets indicating the status of the request.
• Authentication. TACACS+ protocol provides authentication between the client and the server. It also
ensures confidentiality because all the exchanges are encrypted. The protocol supports fixed
passwords, one-time passwords, and challenge-response queries. Authentication is not a mandatory
feature, and it can be enabled without authorization and accounting. During authentication if a user is
not found on the primary TACACS+ server, the authentication fails. The client does not try to
authenticate with the other servers in a multiple server configuration. If the authentication succeeds,
then Authorization is performed.
• Authorization. Enabling authorization determines if the user has the authority to execute a specified
command. TACACS+ authorization cannot be enabled independently. The TACACS+ authorization is
enabled automatically when the TACACS+ authentication is enabled.
• Accounting. The process of recording what the user is attempting to do or what the user has done is
Accounting. The TACACS+ accounting must be enabled on the switches for accounting to succeed.
Accounting can be enabled irrespective of authentication and authorization. TACACS+ supports three
types of accounting:
Start Records—Indicate the service is about to begin.
Stop Records—Indicates the services has just terminated.
Update Records—Indicates the services are still being performed.

TACACS+ Client Limitations

The following limitation apply to this implementation of the TACACS+ client application:
• TACACS+ supports Authenticated Switch Access and cannot be used for user authentication.

• Authentication and Authorization are combined together and cannot be performed independently.

• On the fly, command authorization is not supported. Authorization is similar to the AOS partition
management families.
• Only inbound ASCII logins are supported.

• A maximum of 50 simultaneous TACACS+ sessions can be supported when no other authentication

mechanism is activated.
• Accounting of commands performed by the user on the remote TACACS+ process is not supported in
the boot.cfg file at boot up time.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 31-12
Managing Authentication Servers TACACS+ Server

Configuring the TACACS+ Client

Use the aaa tacacs+-server command to configure TACACS+ parameters on the switch.

TACACS+ server keywords

key timeout
host port

When creating a new server, at least one host name or IP address (specified by the host keyword) is
required as well as the shared secret (specified by the key keyword).
In this example, the server name is tac1, the host address is, the backup address is, and
the shared secret is otna. Note that the shared secret must be configured exactly the same as on the server.
-> aaa tacacs+-server tac1 host key otna

An option prompt-key is provided, which can be used to enter the secret key in a obscured format rather
than as clear text. When this option is selected, press the Enter key. A password prompt appears prompt-
ing to enter the secret key. Secret key needs to be re-entered, and only if both the entries match, command
is accepted. Key provided in this mode is not displayed on the CLI as text.
For example,
-> aaa tacacs+-server tac1 prompt-key host
Enter Key: *******
Confirm Key: *******

To modify a TACACS+ server, enter the server name and the desired parameter to be modified.
-> aaa tacacs+-server tac1 key tnemelc

If you are modifying the server and have just entered the aaa tacacs+-server command to create or
modify the server, you can use command prefix recognition. For example:
-> aaa tacacs+-server tac1 timeout 5

For information about server defaults, see “Server Defaults” on page 31-2.
To remove a TACACS+ server, use the no form of the command:
-> no aaa tacacs+-server tac1

Note that only one server can be deleted at a time.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 31-13
Managing Authentication Servers LDAP Servers

LDAP Servers
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a standard directory server protocol. The LDAP client
in the switch is based on several RFCs: 1798, 2247, 2251, 2252, 2253, 2254, 2255, and 2256. The protocol
was developed as a way to use directory services over TCP/IP and to simplify the directory access
protocol (DAP) defined as part of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) effort. Originally it was a
front-end for X.500 DAP.
The protocol synchronizes and governs the communications between the LDAP client and the LDAP
server. The protocol also dictates how its databases of information, which are normally stored in
hierarchical form, are searched, from the root directory down to distinct entries.
In addition, LDAP has its own format that permits LDAP-enabled Web browsers to perform directory
searches over TCP/IP.

Setting Up the LDAP Authentication Server

1 Install the directory server software on the server.

2 Copy the relevant schema LDIF files from the Alcatel-Lucent software CD to the configuration
directory on the server. (Each server type has a command line tool or a GUI tool for importing LDIF
files.) Database LDIF files can also be copied and used as templates. The schema files and the database
files are specific to the server type. The files available on the Alcatel-Lucent software CD include the
3 After the server files have been imported, restart the server.

Note. Schema checking must be enabled on the server.

Information in the server files must match information configured on the switch through the aaa ldap-
server command. For example, the port number configured on the server must be the same as the port
number configured on the switch. See “Configuring the LDAP Authentication Client” on page 31-24 for
information about using this command.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 31-14
Managing Authentication Servers LDAP Servers

LDAP Server Details

LDAP servers must be configured with the properly defined LDAP schema and correct database suffix,
including well-populated data. LDAP schema is extensible, permitting entry of user-defined schema as
LDAP servers are also able to import and export directory databases using LDIF (LDAP Data Interchange

LDIF File Structure

LDIF is used to transfer data to LDAP servers in order to build directories or modify LDAP databases.
LDIF files specify multiple directory entries or changes to multiple entries, but not both. The file is in
simple text format and can be created or modified in any text editor. In addition, LDIF files import and
export binary data encoded according to the base 64 convention used with MIME (Multipurpose Internet
Mail Extensions) to send various media file types, such as JPEG graphics, through electronic mail.
An LDIF file entry used to define an organizational unit would look like this:
dn: <distinguished name>
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: <organizational unit name>
<list of optional attributes>
Below are definitions of some LDIF file entries:

entries definition
dn: <distinguished name> Defines the DN (required).
objectClass: top Defines top object class (at least one is required). Object
class defines the list of attributes required and allowed in
directory server entries.
objectClass: organizationalUnit Specifies that organizational unit must be part of the object
ou: <organizationalUnit name> Defines the name of the organizational unit.
<list of attritbutes> Defines the list of optional entry attributes.

Common Entries
The most common LDIF entries describe people in companies and organizations. The structure for such an
entry might look like the following:
dn: <distinguished name>
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizational Person
cn: <common name>
sn: <surname>
<list of optional attributes>

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 31-15
Managing Authentication Servers LDAP Servers

This is how the entry would appear with actual data in it.
dn: uid=yname, ou=people, o=yourcompany
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizational Person
cn: your name
sn: last name
givenname: first name
uid: yname
ou: people
<list of optional attributes>

Directory Entries
Directory entries are used to store data in directory servers. LDAP–enabled directory entries contain
information about an object (person, place, or thing) in the form of a Distinguished Name (DN) that must
be created in compliance with the LDAP protocol naming conventions.
Distinguished names are constructed from Relative Distinguished Names (RDNs), related entries that
share no more than one attribute value with a DN. RDNs are the components of DNs, and DNs are string
representations of entry names in directory servers.
Distinguished names typically consist of descriptive information about the entries they name, and
frequently include the full names of individuals in a network, their email addresses, TCP/IP addresses,
with related attributes such as a department name, used to further distinguish the DN. Entries include one
or more object classes, and often a number of attributes that are defined by values.
Object classes define all required and optional attributes (a set of object classes is referred to as a
“schema”). As a minimum, every entry must include the DN and one defined object class, like the name of
an organization. Attributes required by a particular object class must also be defined. Some commonly
used attributes that comprise a DN include the following:
Country (c), State or Province (st), Locality (l),
Organization (o), Organization Unit (ou),
and Common Name (cn)
Although each attribute would necessarily have its own values, the attribute syntax determines what kind
of values are allowed for a particular attribute, e.g., (c=US), where country is the attribute and US is the
value. Extra consideration for attribute language codes is required if entries are made in more than one
Entries are usually based on physical locations and established policies in a Directory Information Tree
(DIT); the DN locates an entry in the hierarchy of the tree. Alias entries pointing to other entries can also
be used to circumvent the hierarchy during searches for entries.
Once a directory is set up, DN attributes must thereafter be specified in the same order to keep the
directory paths consistent. DN attributes are separated by commas as shown in this example:
cn=your name, ou=your function, o= your company, c=US
As there are other conventions used, please refer to the appropriate RFC specification for further details.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 31-16
Managing Authentication Servers LDAP Servers

In addition to managing attributes in directory entries, LDAP makes the descriptive information stored in
the entries accessible to other applications. The general structure of entries in a directory tree is shown in
the following illustration. It also includes example entries at various branches in the tree.


c=Canada c=US
dn=o=your company,c=US

st=Arizona st=California o=your company

ou=department ou=function ou=section

cn=your full name cn=co-worker full name

cn=your full name, ou=your function, o=your company, c=US

Directory Information Tree

Directory Searches
DNs are always the starting point for searches unless indicated otherwise in the directory schema.
Searches involve the use of various criteria including scopes and filters which must be predefined, and
utility routines, such as Sort. Searches must be limited in scope to specific durations and areas of the
directory. Some other parameters used to control LDAP searches include the size of the search and
whether to include attributes associated with name searches.
Base objects and scopes are specified in the searches, and indicate where to search in the directory. Filters
are used to specify entries to select in a given scope. The filters are used to test the existence of object
class attributes, and enable LDAP to emulate a “read” of entry listings during the searches. All search
preferences are implemented by means of a filter in the search. Filtered searches are based on some
component of the DN.

Retrieving Directory Search Results

Results of directory searches are individually delivered to the LDAP client. LDAP referrals to other
servers are not returned to the LDAP client, only results or errors. If referrals are issued, the server is
responsible for them, although the LDAP client retrieves results of asynchronous operations.

Directory Modifications
Modifications to directory entries contain changes to DN entry attribute values, and are submitted to the
server by an LDAP client application. The LDAP-enabled directory server uses the DNs to find the entries
to either add or modify their attribute values.
Attributes are automatically created for requests to add values if the attributes are not already contained in
the entries.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 31-17
Managing Authentication Servers LDAP Servers

All attributes are automatically deleted when requests to delete the last value of an attribute are submitted.
Attributes can also be deleted by specifying delete value operations without attaching any values.
Modified attribute values are replaced with other given values by submitting replace requests to the server,
which then translates and performs the requests.

Directory Compare and Sort

LDAP compares directory entries with given attribute values to find the information it needs. The
Compare function in LDAP uses a DN as the identity of an entry, and searches the directory with the type
and value of an attribute. Compare is similar to the Search function, but simpler.
LDAP also sorts entries by their types and attributes. For the Sort function, there are essentially two
methods of sorting through directory entries. One is to sort by entries where the DN (Distinguished Name)
is the sort key. The other is to sort by attributes with multiple values.


LDAP URLs are used to send search requests to directory servers over TCP/IP on the internet, using the
protocol prefix: ldap://. (Searches over SSL would use the same prefix with an “s” at the
end, i.e., ldaps://.)
LDAP URLs are entered in the command line of any web browser, just as HTTP or FTP URLs are
entered. When LDAP searches are initiated LDAP checks the validity of the LDAP URLs, parsing the
various components contained within the URLs to process the searches. LDAP URLs can specify and
implement complex or simple searches of a directory depending on what is submitted in the URLs.
Searches performed directly with LDAP URLs are affected by the LDAP session parameters described
In the case of multiple directory servers, LDAP URLS are also used for referrals to other directory servers
when a particular directory server does not contain any portion of requested IP address information.
Search requests generated through LDAP URLs are not authenticated.
Searches are based on entries for attribute data pairs.
The syntax for TCP/IP LDAP URLs is as follows:
An example might be:
ldap:// name%inc./,c=US>
(base search including all attributes/object classes in scope).
LDAP URLs use the percent symbol to represent commas in the DN. The following table shows the basic
components of LDAP URLs.

components description
<ldap> Specifies TCP/IP connection for LDAP protocol. (The <ldaps>
prefix specifies SSL connection for LDAP protocol.)
<hostname> Host name of directory server or computer, or its IP address (in
dotted decimal format).
<port> TCP/IP port number for directory server. If using TCP/IP and
default port number (389), port need not be specified in the URL.
SSL port number for directory server (default is 636).

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 31-18
Managing Authentication Servers LDAP Servers

components description
<base_dn> DN of directory entry where search is initiated.
<attributes> Attributes to be returned for entry search results. All attributes are
returned if search attributes are not specified.
<scope> Different results are retrieved depending on the scopes associated
with entry searches.

“base” search: retrieves information about distinguished name as

specified in URL. This is a <base_dn> search. Base searches are
assumed when the scope is not designated.

“one” (one-level) search: retrieves information about entries one

level under distinguished name (<base_dn> as specified in the
URL, excluding the base entry.

“sub” (subtree) search: retrieves information about entries from all

levels under the distinguished name (<base_dn>) as specified in
the URL, including the base entry.
<filter> Search filters are applied to entries within specified search scopes.
Default filter objectClass=* is used when filters are not designated.
(Automatic search filtering not yet available.)

Password Policies and Directory Servers

Password policies applied to user accounts vary slightly from one directory server to another. Normally,
only the password changing policies can be set by users through the directory server graphical user
interface (GUI). Other policies accessible only to Network Administrators through the directory server
GUI can include one or more of the following operational parameters.
• Log-in Restrictions

• Change Password

• Check Password Syntax

• Password Minimum Length

• Send Expiration Warnings

• Password History

• Account Lockout

• Reset Password Failure Count

• LDAP Error Messages (e.g., Invalid Username/Password, Server Data Error, etc.)

For instructions on installing LDAP-enabled directory servers, refer to the vendor-specific instructions.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 31-19
Managing Authentication Servers LDAP Servers

Directory Server Schema for LDAP Authentication

Object classes and attributes need to be modified accordingly to include LDAP authentication in the
network (object classes and attributes are used specifically here to map user account information contained
in the directory servers).
• All LDAP-enabled directory servers require entry of an auxiliary objectClass:passwordObject for user
password policy information.
• Another auxiliary objectClass: password policy is used by the directory server to apply the password
policy for the entire server. There is only one entry of this object for the database server.

Note. Server schema extensions must be configured before the aaa ldap-server command is configured.

Vendor-Specific Attributes for LDAP Servers

The following are Vendor Specific Attributes (VSAs) for Authenticated Switch Access and/or Layer 2

attribute description
bop-asa-func-priv-read-1 Read privileges for the user.
bop-asa-func-priv-read-2 Read privileges for the user.
bop-asa-func-priv-write-1 Write privileges for the user.
bop-asa-func-priv-write-2 Write privileges for the user.
bop-asa-allowed-access Whether the user has access to configure the switch.
bop-asa-snmp-level-security Whether the user can have SNMP access, and the
type of SNMP protocol used.
bop-shakey A key computed from the user password with the
alp2key tool.
bop-md5key A key computed from the user password with the
alp2key tool.
allowedtime The periods of time the user is allowed to log into the
switchgroups The VLAN ID and protocol (IP_E2, IP_SNAP,

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 31-20
Managing Authentication Servers LDAP Servers

Setting the SNMP Security Level

Use the table below to set the appropriate bop-asa-snmp-level-security attribute.

LDAP snmp-
Level Definition
no 1 No SNMP access allowed
no auth 2 SNMP access allowed without any SNMP authentication and
sha 3 SHA authentication algorithm needed for authenticating SNMP
md5 4 MD5 authentication algorithm needed for authenticating SNMP
sha+des 5 SHA authentication algorithm and DES encryption needed for
authentication SNMP
md5+des 6 MD5 authentication algorithm and DES encryption needed for
authentication SNMP

Configuring Functional Privileges on the Server

Configuring the functional privileges attributes (bop-asa-func-priv-read-1, bop-asa-func-priv-read-2,
bop-asa-func-priv-write-1, bop-asa-func-priv-write-2) requires using read and write bitmasks for
command families on the switch.
1 To display the functional bitmasks of the desired command families, use the show aaa priv hexa
2 On the LDAP server, configure the functional privilege attributes with the bitmask values.

For more information about configuring users on the switch, see the Switch Security chapter of the
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Switch Management Guide.

Configuring Authentication Key Attributes

The alp2key tool is provided on the Alcatel-Lucent software CD for computing SNMP authentication
keys.The alp2key application is supplied in two versions, one for Unix (Solaris 2.5.1 or higher) and one
for Windows (NT 4.0 and higher).
To configure the bop-shakey or bop-md5key attributes on the server:
1 Use the alp2key application to calculate the authentication key from the password of the user. The
switch automatically computes the authentication key, but for security reasons the key is never displayed
in the CLI.
2 Cut and paste the key to the relevant attribute on the server.

An example using the alp2key tool to compute the SHA and MD5 keys for mypassword:
ors40595{}128: alp2key mypassword
bop-shakey: 0xb1112e3472ae836ec2b4d3f453023b9853d9d07c
bop-md5key: 0xeb3ad6ba929441a0ff64083d021c07f1

Note. The bop-shakey and bop-md5key values must be recomputed and copied to the server any time a user
password is changed.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 31-21
Managing Authentication Servers LDAP Servers

LDAP Accounting Attributes

Logging and accounting features include Account Start, Stop and Fail Times, and Dynamic Log.
Typically, the Login and Logout logs can be accessed from the directory server software. Additional third-
party software is required to retrieve and reset the log information to the directory servers for billing
The following sections describe accounting server attributes.

User account start times are tracked in the AccountStartTime attribute of the directory entry of the user
that keeps the time stamp and accounting information of user log-ins. The following fields (separated by
carriage returns “|”) are contained in the Login log. Some fields are only used for Layer 2 Authentication.
Fields Included For Any Type of Authentication
• User account ID or username client entered to log-in: variable length digits.

• Time Stamp (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS (YYYY:year, MM:month, DD:day, HH:hour, MM:minute,

• Switch serial number: Alcatel-Lucent.BOP.<switch name>.<MAC address>

• Client IP address: variable length digits.

Fields Included for Layer 2 Authentication Only

• Client MAC address: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (alphanumeric).

• Switch VLAN number client joins in multiple authority mode (0=single authority; 2=multiple
authority); variable-length digits.
• Switch slot number to which client connects: nn

• Switch port number to which client connects: nn

• Switch virtual interface to which client connects: nn

User account stop times are tracked in the AccountStopTime attribute that keeps the time stamp and
accounting information of successful user log-outs. The same fields as above (separated by carriage
returns “|”) are contained in the Logout log. A different carriage return such as the # sign can be used in
some situations. Additionally, these fields are included but apply only to the Logout log:
Fields For Any Type of Authentication
• Log-out reason code, for example LOGOFF(18) or DISCONNECTED BY ADMIN(19)

• User account ID or username client entered to log-in: variable length digits.

Fields For Layer 2 Authentication Only

• Number of bytes received on the port during the client session from log-in to log-out: variable length
• Number of bytes sent on the port during the client session from log-in to log-out: variable length digits.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 31-22
Managing Authentication Servers LDAP Servers

• Number of frames received on the port during the client session from log-in to log-out: variable length
• Number of frames sent on the port during the client session from log-in to log-out: variable length

The AccountFailTime attribute log records the time stamp and accounting information of unsuccessful
user log-ins. The same fields in the Login Log—which are also part of the Logout log (separated by
carriage returns “|”)—are contained in the Login Fail log. A different carriage return such as the # sign can
be used in some situations. Additionally, these fields are included but apply only to the Login Fail log.
• User account ID or username client entered to log-in: variable length digits.

• Log-in fail error code: nn. For error code descriptions refer to the vendor-specific listing for the
specific directory server in use.
• Log-out reason code, for example PASSWORD EXPIRED(7) or AUTHENTICATION FAILURE(21).

Dynamic Logging
Dynamic logging can be performed by an LDAP-enabled directory server if an LDAP server is configured
first in the list of authentication servers configured through the aaa accounting session command. Any
other servers configured are used for accounting (storing history records) only. For example:
-> aaa accounting session ldap2 rad1 rad2

In this example, server ldap2 is used for dynamic logging, and servers rad1 and rad2 is used for
If you specify a RADIUS server first, all of the servers specified is used for recording history records (not
logging). For example:
-> aaa accounting session rad1 ldap2

In this example, both the rad1 and ldap2 servers is used for history only. Dynamic logging does not take
place on the LDAP server.
Dynamic entries are stored in the LDAP-enabled directory server database from the time the user
successfully logs in until the user logs out. The entries are removed when the user logs out.
• Entries are associated with the switch the user is logged into.

• Each dynamic entry contains information about the user connection. The related attribute in the server
is bop-loggedusers.
A specific object class called alcatelBopSwitchLogging contains three attributes as follows:

Attribute Description
bop-basemac MAC range, which uniquely identifies the switch.
bop-switchname Host name of the switch.
bop-loggedusers Current activity records for every user logged
onto the switch identified by bop-basemac.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 31-23
Managing Authentication Servers LDAP Servers

Each switch that is connected to the LDAP-enabled directory server has a DN starting with bop-basemac-
xxxxx, ou=bop-logging. If the organizational unit ou=bop.logging exists somewhere in the tree under
searchbase, logging records are written on the server. See the documentation of the server manufacturer
for more information about setting up the server.
The bop-loggedusers attribute is a formatted string with the following syntax:
loggingMode : accessType ipAddress port macAddress vlanList userName
The fields are defined here:

Field Possible Values

loggingMode ASA x—for an authenticated user session, where x is the
number of the session
AVLAN—for Authenticated VLAN session in single authority
AVLAN y—for Authenticated VLAN session in multiple
authority mode, where y is relevant VLAN
accessType Any one of the following: CONSOLE, MODEM, TELNET,
ipAddress The string IP followed by the IP address of the user.
port (For Authenticated VLAN users only.) The string PORT
followed by the slot/port number.
macAddress (For Authenticated VLAN users only.) The string MAC
followed by the MAC address of the user.
vlanList (For Authenticated VLAN users only.) The string VLAN
followed by the list of VLANs the user is authorized (for
single-mode authority).
userName The login name of the user.

For example:
“ASA 0 : CONSOLE IP Jones”

Configuring the LDAP Authentication Client

Use the aaa tacacs+-server command to configure LDAP authentication parameters on the switch. The
server name, host name or IP address, distinguished name, password, and the search base name are
required for setting up the server. Optionally, a backup host name or IP address can be configured, as well
as the number of retransmit tries, the timeout for authentication requests, and whether or not a secure
Socket Layer (SSL) is enabled between the switch and the server.

Note. The server must be configured with the appropriate schema before the aaa ldap-server command is

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 31-24
Managing Authentication Servers LDAP Servers

The keywords for the aaa ldap-server command are listed here:

Required for creating: optional:

host type
dn retransmit
password timeout
base port

Creating an LDAP Authentication Server

An example of creating an LDAP server:
-> aaa ldap-server ldap2 host dn cn=manager password tpub base c=us

In this example, the switch can communicate with an LDAP server (called ldap2) that has an IP address of, a domain name of cn=manager, a password of tpub, and a searchbase of c=us. These parameters
must match the same parameters configured on the server itself.

Note. The distinguished name must be different from the searchbase name.

An option prompt-password is provided, which can be used to enter the super-user password in a
obscured format rather than as clear text. When this option is selected, press the Enter key. A password
prompt appears prompting to enter the super-user password. Password needs to be re-entered, and only if
both the passwords match, command is accepted. Password provided in this mode is not displayed on the
CLI as text.
For example,
-> aaa ldap-server topanga5 host dn cn=manager prompt-password base c=us
retransmit 4
Enter Password: *******
Confirm Password: *******

Modifying an LDAP Authentication Server

To modify an LDAP authentication server, use the aaa ldap-server command with the server name; or, if
you have just entered the aaa ldap-server command to create or modify the server, you can use command
prefix recognition. For example:
-> aaa ldap-server ldap2 password my_pass
-> timeout 4

In this example, an existing LDAP server is modified with a different password, and then the timeout is
modified on a separate line. These two command lines are equivalent to:
-> aaa ldap-server ldap2 password my_pass timeout 4

Setting Up SSL for an LDAP Authentication Server

A Secure Socket Layer (SSL) can be set up on the server for additional security. When SSL is enabled, the
server identity is authenticated. The authentication requires a certificate from a Certification Authority
(CA). If the CA providing the certificate is well-known, the certificate is automatically extracted from the
Kbase.img file on the switch (certs.pem). If the CA is not well-known, the CA certificate must be
transferred to the switch through FTP to the /flash/certified or /flash/working directory and must be named
optcerts.pem. The switch merges either or both of these files into a file called ldapcerts.pem.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 31-25
Managing Authentication Servers Verifying the Authentication Server Configuration

To set up SSL on the server, specify ssl with the aaa ldap-server command:
-> aaa ldap-server ldap2 ssl

The switch automatically sets the port number to 636 when SSL is enabled. The 636 port number is
typically used on LDAP servers for SSL. The port number on the switch must match the port number
configured on the server. If the port number on the server is different from the default, use the aaa ldap-
server command with the port keyword to configure the port number. For example, if the server port
number is 635, enter the following:
-> aaa ldap-server ldap2 port 635

The switch can now communicate with the server on port 635.
To remove SSL from the server, use no with the ssl keyword. For example:
-> aaa ldap-server ldap2 no ssl

SSL is now disabled for the server.

Removing an LDAP Authentication Server

To delete an LDAP server from the switch configuration, use the no form of the command with the
relevant server name.
-> no aaa ldap-server topanga5

The topanga5 server is removed from the configuration.

Verifying the Authentication Server Configuration

To display information about authentication servers, use the following command:

show aaa server Displays information about a particular AAA server or AAA servers.

An example of the output for this command is given in “Quick Steps For Configuring Authentication
Servers” on page 31-3. For more information about the output of this command, see the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 31-26
32 Configuring Port

Port Mapping is a security feature that controls communication between peer users. Each session
comprises of a session ID, a set of user ports, and/or a set of network ports. The user ports within a session
cannot communicate with each other and can only communicate through network ports. In a port mapping
session with user port set A and network port set B, the ports in set A can only communicate with the ports
in set B. If set B is empty, the ports in set A can communicate with rest of the ports in the system.
A port mapping session can be configured in the unidirectional or bidirectional mode. In the unidirectional
mode, the network ports can communicate with each other within the session. In the bidirectional mode,
the network ports cannot communicate with each other. Network ports of a unidirectional port mapping
session can be shared with other unidirectional sessions, but cannot be shared with any sessions configured
in the bidirectional mode. Network ports of different sessions can communicate with each other.

In This Chapter
This chapter describes the port mapping security feature and explains how to configure the same through
the Command Line Interface (CLI).
Configuration procedures described in this chapter include:
• Creating/Deleting a Port Mapping Session—see “Creating a Port Mapping Session” on page 32-4 or
“Deleting a Port Mapping Session” on page 32-4.
• Enabling/Disabling a Port Mapping Session—see “Enabling a Port Mapping Session” on page 32-5 or
“Disabling a Port Mapping Session” on page 32-5.
• Configuring a Port Mapping Direction—see “Configuring Unidirectional Port Mapping” on page 32-5
and “Restoring Bidirectional Port Mapping” on page 32-5.
• Configuring an example Port Mapping Session—see “Sample Port Mapping Configuration” on
page 32-6.
• Verifying a Port Mapping Session—see “Verifying the Port Mapping Configuration” on page 32-7.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 32-1
Configuring Port Mapping Port Mapping Defaults

Port Mapping Defaults

The following table shows port mapping default values.

Parameter Description CLI Command Default Value/Comments

Mapping Session port-mapping user-port network-port No mapping sessions
Mapping Status port-mapping Disabled
Port Mapping Direction port-mapping unidirectional Bidirectional
Port Mapping Unknown port-mapping unknown-unicast- Enabled
Unicast Flooding flooding

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 32-2
Configuring Port Mapping Quick Steps for Configuring Port Mapping

Quick Steps for Configuring Port Mapping

Follow the steps below for a quick tutorial on configuring port mapping sessions. Additional information
on how to configure each command is given in the subsections that follow.
1 Create a port mapping session with the user ports, network ports, or both user ports and network ports
with the port-mapping user-port network-port command. For example:
-> port-mapping 8 user-port 1/2 network-port 1/3

2 Enable the port mapping session with the port-mapping command. For example:

-> port-mapping 8 enable

Note. You can verify the configuration of the port mapping session by entering show port-mapping
followed by the session ID.

-> show port-mapping 8

8 1/2 1/3
You can also verify the status of a port mapping session by using the show port-mapping status

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 32-3
Configuring Port Mapping Creating/Deleting a Port Mapping Session

Creating/Deleting a Port Mapping Session

Before port mapping can be used, it is necessary to create a port mapping session. The following
subsections describe how to create and delete a port mapping session with the port-mapping user-port
network-port and port-mapping command, respectively.

Creating a Port Mapping Session

To create a port mapping session either with the user ports, network ports, or both the user ports and
network ports, use the port-mapping user-port network-port command. For example, to create a port
mapping session 8 with a user port on slot 1 port 2 to port 5 and a network port on slot 2 port 3, enter:
-> port-mapping 8 user-port 1/2-5 network-port 2/3

You can create a port mapping session with link aggregate network ports. For example, to create a port
mapping session 3 with network ports of link aggregation group 7 to 9, enter:
-> port-mapping 3 network-port linkagg 7
-> port-mapping 3 network-port linkagg 8
-> port-mapping 3 network-port linkagg 9

You can specify all the ports of a slot to be assigned to a mapping session. For example, to create a port
mapping session 3 with all the ports of slot 1 as network ports, enter:
-> port-mapping 3 network-port slot 1

You can specify a range of ports to be assigned to a mapping session. For example, to create a port
mapping session 4 with ports 5 through 8 on slot 2 as user ports, enter:
-> port-mapping 4 user-port 2/5-8

Deleting a User/Network Port of a Session

To delete a user/network port of a port mapping session, use the no form of the port-mapping user-port
network-port command. For example, to delete a user port on slot 1 port 3 of a mapping session 8, enter:
-> no port-mapping 8 user-port 1/3

Similarly, to delete the network ports of link aggregation group 7 of a mapping session 4, enter:
-> no port-mapping 4 network-port linkagg 7

Deleting a Port Mapping Session

To delete a previously created mapping session, use the no form of the port-mapping command. For
example, to delete the port mapping session 6, enter:
-> no port-mapping 6

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 32-4
Configuring Port Mapping Enabling/Disabling a Port Mapping Session

Enabling/Disabling a Port Mapping Session

By default, the port mapping session is disabled. The following subsections describe how to enable and
disable the port mapping session with the port-mapping command.

Enabling a Port Mapping Session

To enable a port mapping session, enter port-mapping followed by the session ID and enable. For
example, to enable the port mapping session 5, enter:
-> port-mapping 5 enable

Disabling a Port Mapping Session

To disable a port mapping session, enter port-mapping followed by the session ID and disable. For
example, to disable the port mapping session 5, enter:
-> port-mapping 5 disable

Disabling the Flooding of Unknown Unicast Traffic

By default, unknown unicast traffic is flooded to the user ports of a port mapping session from all the
switch ports. To disable this flooding and to receive traffic from only the network ports, enter:
-> port-mapping 5 unknown-unicast-flooding disable

Configuring a Port Mapping Direction

By default, port mapping sessions are bidirectional. The following subsections describe how to configure
and restore the directional mode of a port mapping session with the port-mapping unidirectional
bidirectional command.

Configuring Unidirectional Port Mapping

To configure a unidirectional port mapping session, enter port-mapping followed by the session ID and
unidirectional keyword. For example, to configure the direction of a port mapping session 6 as
unidirectional, enter:
-> port-mapping 6 unidirectional

Restoring Bidirectional Port Mapping

To restore the direction of a port mapping session to its default (bidirectional), enter port-mapping
followed by the session ID and bidirectional keyword. For example, to restore the direction
(bidirectional) of the port mapping session 5, enter:
-> port-mapping 5 bidirectional

Note. To change the direction of an active session with network ports, delete the network ports of the
session, change the direction, and recreate the network ports.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 32-5
Configuring Port Mapping Sample Port Mapping Configuration

Sample Port Mapping Configuration

This section provides an example port mapping network configuration. In addition, a tutorial is also
included that provides steps on how to configure the example port mapping session using the Command
Line Interface (CLI).

Example Port Mapping Overview

The following diagram shows a four-switch network configuration with active port mapping sessions. In
the network diagram, the Switch A is configured as follows:
• Port mapping session 1 is created with user ports 2/1, 2/2 and network ports 1/1, 1/2 and is configured
in the unidirectional mode.
• Port mapping session 2 is created with user ports 3/1, 3/2, and 3/3 and network port 1/3.

The Switch D is configured by creating a port mapping session 1 with user ports 2/1, 2/2 and network
ports 1/1.
3/1 3/2 3/3 2/1

Switch A Switch C
1/1 1/1 3/1

1/2 3/2
1/3 Switch B Switch D
1/1 2/1


3/1 3/1

Port mapping session 1

Port mapping session 2

Example Port Mapping Topology

In the above example topology:

• Ports 2/1 and 2/2 on Switch A do not interact with each other and do not interact with the ports on
Switch B.
• Ports 2/1, 2/2, and 3/1 on Switch B interact with all the ports of the network except with ports 2/1 and
2/2 on Switch A.
• Ports 2/1 and 2/2 on Switch D do not interact with each other but they interact with all the user ports on
Switch A except 3/1, 3/2, and 3/3. They also interact with all the ports on Switch B and Switch C.
• Ports 3/1, 3/2, and 2/1 on Switch C can interact with all the user ports on the network except 3/1, 3/2,
and 3/3 on Switch A.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 32-6
Configuring Port Mapping Verifying the Port Mapping Configuration

Example Port Mapping Configuration Steps

The following steps provide a quick tutorial to configure the port mapping session shown in the diagram
on page 32-6.
1 Configure session 1 on Switch A in the unidirectional mode using the following command:

-> port-mapping 1 unidirectional

2 Create two port mapping sessions on Switch A using the following commands:

-> port-mapping 1 user-port 2/1-2 network-port 1/1-2

-> port-mapping 2 user-port 3/1-3 network-port 1/3

3 Enable both the sessions on Switch A using the following commands:

-> port-mapping 1 enable

-> port-mapping 2 enable

4 Similarly, create and enable a port mapping session 1 on Switch D using the following commands:

-> port-mapping 1 user-port 2/1-2 network-port 1/1

-> port-mapping 1 enable

Verifying the Port Mapping Configuration

To display information about the port mapping configuration on the switch, use the show commands listed

show port-mapping status Displays the status of one or more port mapping sessions.
show port-mapping Displays the configuration of one or more port mapping sessions.

For more information about the displays that result from these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 32-7
33 Configuring Learned
Port Security

Learned Port Security (LPS) provides a mechanism for authorizing source learning of MAC addresses on
Ethernet ports. The only types of Ethernet ports that LPS does not support are link aggregate and 802.1Q
trunked link aggregate ports. Using LPS to control source MAC address learning provides the following
• A configurable source learning time limit that applies to all LPS ports.

• A configurable limit on the number of MAC addresses (bridged and filtered) allowed on an LPS port.

• Dynamic configuration of a list of authorized source MAC addresses.

• Static configuration of a list of authorized source MAC addresses.

• Three methods for handling unauthorized traffic: administratively disable the LPS port, stop all traffic
on the port (port remains up), or only block traffic that violates LPS criteria.

In This Chapter
This chapter provides an over of the LPS feature and describes how to configure LPS parameters through
the Command Line Interface (CLI). CLI commands are used in the configuration examples; for more
details about the syntax of commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.
The following information and procedures are included in this chapter:
• “Learned Port Security Defaults” on page 33-2.

• “Sample Learned Port Security Configuration” on page 33-3.

• “Learned Port Security Overview” on page 33-5.

• “Interaction With Other Features” on page 33-9.

• “Configuring Learned Port Security” on page 33-10.

• “Displaying Learned Port Security Information” on page 33-19.

For more information about source MAC address learning, see Chapter 3, “Managing Source Learning.”

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 33-1
Configuring Learned Port Security Learned Port Security Defaults

Learned Port Security Defaults

Parameter Description Command Default
LPS status for a port. port-security disabled
Number of learned MAC addresses port-security maximum 1
allowed on an LPS port.
Maximum number of filtered MAC port-security port max- 5
addresses that the LPS port can filtering
Source learning time limit. port-security learning-window infinity
MAC address range per LPS port. port-security mac-range 00:00:00:00:00:00–
LPS port violation mode. port-security port violation restrict
Number of bridged MAC addresses port-security learn-trap- 5
learned before a trap is sent. threshold

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 33-2
Configuring Learned Port Security Sample Learned Port Security Configuration

Sample Learned Port Security Configuration

This section provides a quick tutorial to perform the following tasks:
• Enabling LPS on a set of switch ports.

• Defining the maximum number of learned MAC addresses allowed on an LPS port.

• Defining the time limit for which source learning is allowed on all LPS ports.

• Selecting a method for handling unauthorized traffic received on an LPS port.

Quick Steps
1 Enable LPS on ports 1/6 through 1/8 using the following commands:

-> port-security port 1/6-8 admin-state enable

2 Set the total number of learned MAC addresses allowed on the same ports to 25 using the following
-> port-security port 1/6-8 maximum 25

3 Configure the amount of time in which source learning is allowed on all LPS ports to 30 minutes using
the following command:
-> port-security learning-window 30

4 Select shutdown for the LPS violation mode using the following command:

-> port-security port 1/6-8 violation shutdown

Note. Optional. To verify LPS port configurations, use the command show port-security. For example:

-> show port-security port 1/1

Port: 1/1
Admin-State : ENABLED,
Operation Mode : ENABLED,
Max MAC bridged : 3,
Trap Threshold : 1,
Violation : RESTRICT
Max MAC filtered : 5,
Low MAC Range : 00:00:00:00:00:00,
High MAC Range : ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff,
Violating MAC : NULL


00:11:22:22:22:22 1 STATIC bridging
00:11:22:22:22:21 1 STATIC bridging
00:11:22:22:22:21 1 PSEUDO-STATIC bridging

To verify the new source learning time limit value, use the show port-security learning-window
command. For example:

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 33-3
Configuring Learned Port Security Sample Learned Port Security Configuration

-> show port-security learning-window

Learning-Window = 30 min,
Convert-to-static = DISABLE,
No Aging = DISABLE,
Boot Up = ENABLE,
Learn As Static = DISABLE,
Mac Move = DISABLE,
Remaining Learning Window = 1796 sec,

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 33-4
Configuring Learned Port Security Learned Port Security Overview

Learned Port Security Overview

Learned Port Security (LPS) provides a mechanism for controlling network device access on one or more
switch ports. Configurable LPS parameters allow the user to restrict the source learning of host MAC
addresses to:
• A specific amount of time in during which source learning is allowed to occur on all LPS ports.

• A maximum number of learned MAC addresses allowed on the port.

• A maximum number of filtered MAC addresses allowed on the port.

• A range of authorized source MAC addresses allowed on the port.

Additional LPS functionality allows the user to specify how the LPS port handles unauthorized traffic.
The following options are available for this purpose:
• Block traffic that violates LPS port restrictions; authorized traffic is forwarded on the port.

• Disable learning on the LPS port when unauthorized traffic is received.

• Administratively down the LPS port when unauthorized traffic is received; all traffic is stopped.

LPS functionality is supported on the following port types:

• Fixed

• 802.1Q tagged

• Universal Network Profile (UNP).

The following port types are not supported:

• Link aggregate

• Tagged (trunked) link aggregate

• Link aggregate members

LPS Learning Window

The LPS learning window is a configurable amount of time during which source learning of MAC
addresses is allowed on LPS ports. This time limit is a global switch value that applies to all LPS-enabled
ports; it is not configurable on an individual port basis.
In addition to the source learning time limit, the following learning window options are configurable:
• Convert dynamically learned MAC addresses to static MAC addresses. When this option is
enabled, all dynamic MAC addresses learned during the learning window time period are converted to
static MAC addresses when the learning window closes.
• Start the learning window when the switch boots up. When this option is enabled, the learning
window time period automatically starts each time the switch restarts.
• Stop dynamically learned MAC address aging. When this option is enabled, MAC addresses learned
during the learning window time period are learned as pseudo-static MAC addresses. This type of
address does not age out or get flushed even after the learning window closes.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 33-5
Configuring Learned Port Security Learned Port Security Overview

• Allow MAC movement. When this option is enabled, a pseudo-static MAC address learned on one
port can move to another port in the same VLAN without getting dropped.
• Automatically learn MAC addresses as static MAC addresses. When this option is enabled, learned
MAC addresses are automatically converted to static MAC addresses during the learning window time.

MAC Address Types

There are four types of MAC addresses that are the result of or involved with the LPS port configuration
and operation:
• Static. A user-configured MAC address on the LPS port.

• Pseudo Static. A dynamically learned MAC address that is treated the same as a regular static address
(will not age out). However, pseudo-static MAC addresses are not saved in the running configuration
of the switch.
• Dynamic Brdiged. MAC address that are dynamically learned as bridged addresses up to the
maximum number of brdiged addresses allowed on the LPS port. When this maximum is reached,
subsequent addresses are dynamically learned as filtered MAC addresses.
• Dynamic Filtered. MAC addresses that are dynamically learned as filtered address up to the
maximum number of filtered addresses allowed on the LPS port.

How LPS Authorizes Source MAC Addresses

When a packet is received on a port that has LPS enabled, switch software checks specific criteria to
determine if the source MAC address contained in the packet is allowed on the port. The following chart
depicts the flow of the MAC address as various LPS rules are applied to determine whether or not the
address is learned on the port and the state of the address on that port (bridged or filtered):

Is the learning YES Bridged MAC NO Is MAC address YES

window open? address count within authorized
reached? range?

YES Filtered MAC

address count


NO Is the no aging
Drop packet, send trap, MAC address learned as option enabled?
disable port or restrict a dynamic filtered address
unlearned packet

MAC address learned as MAC address learned as

a dynamic bridged address a pseudo-static address

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 33-6
Configuring Learned Port Security Learned Port Security Overview

MAC Address Behavior on LPS Ports

The following table shows how LPS MAC addresses are treated when specific switch or LPS actions are

Action Static Pseudo-Static Dynamic Bridged Dynamic Filtered

LPS port removed Flushed Flushed Flushed Flushed
Write memory Written Not written Not written Not written
Convert to static MAC No change Converted Converted No change
LPS admin disable No change No change Flushed Flushed
Enable after disable No change No change Flushed Flushed
LPS admin locked No change No change No change No change
Enable after locked No change No change No change No change
Aging bridged MAC None None Aged entry removed Flushed
Aging filtered MAC None None No change Aged entry removed
Remove static MAC Entry removed No change Can learn one Flushed
Remove pseudo-static MAC No change Entry removed Can learn one Flushed
Remove dynamic bridged No change No change Can learn one Flushed
Remove dynamic filtered No change No change No change Can learn one
Modify trap threshold No change No change No change No change
Modify violation No change No change No change No change
Increase bridged maximum No change No change Can learn more Flushed
Decrease bridged maximum No change No change Flushed Flushed
Increase filtered maximum No change No change No change Can learn more
Decrease filtered maximum No change No change No change Flushed
Change MAC range No change No change Flushed Flushed

Changes During the Learning Window Time Period

Disable boot up No change None None Can learn
Enable boot up No change None Can learn Can learn
Enable no aging No change Can learn Don’t learn Can learn
Disable no aging No change Don’t learn Can learn Can learn
Enable convert to static No change Convert at timeout Convert at timeout No change
Disable convert to static No change No change No change No change
Enable learn as static No change Convert to static Convert to static No change
Disable learn as static No change No change No change No change
Enable MAC movement No change MAC move allowed No change No change
Disable MAC movement No change No change No change No change

Note. If the LPS learning window time period is set to infinity, enabling the convert to static function is not
allowed. If convert to static is already enabled and the learning window time is changed to infinity, convert
to static is automatically disabled.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 33-7
Configuring Learned Port Security Learned Port Security Overview

Dynamic Configuration of Authorized MAC Addresses

When LPS is configured on a switch port, the learning of source MAC addresses is initiated. An entry
containing the address and the port that learns the MAC address is made in an LPS database table. This
entry is used as a criteria for authorizing future traffic from the source MAC address on that same port. In
other words, the learned MAC addresses are authorized to send traffic through the LPS port.
For example, if the source MAC address 00:da:95:00:59:0c is received on port 2/10 and meets the LPS
restrictions defined for that port, then this address and its port are recorded in the LPS table. All traffic that
is received on port 2/10 is compared to the 00:da:95:00:59:0c entry. If any traffic received on this port
consists of packets that do not contain a matching source address, the packets are then subject to the LPS
source learning time limit window and the criteria for maximum number of addresses allowed.

Static Configuration of Authorized MAC Addresses

It is also possible to statically configure authorized source MAC address entries into the LPS table. This
type of entry behaves the same way as dynamically configured entries providing authorized port access to
traffic that contains a matching source MAC address.
Static source MAC address entries, however, take precedence over dynamically learned entries. For
example, if there are 2 static MAC address entries configured for port 2/1 and the maximum number
allowed on port 2/1 is 10, then only 8 dynamically learned MAC addresses are allowed on this port.
There are three ways to configure a static source MAC address entry in the LPS table:
• Use the source learning command, mac-learning static mac-address, to manually configure a static
MAC address for one or more LPS ports.
• Use the LPS learning window no-aging and convert-to-static options (see “Configuring the LPS
Learning Window” on page 33-12 for more information).
• Use the LPS port-security convert-to-static command to manually convert all dynamic addresses on
a specific port to static MAC addresses.

Note. Statically configured authorized MAC addresses are displayed permanently in the MAC address
table for the specified LPS port; they are not learned on any other port in the same VLAN.

Understanding the LPS Table

The LPS database table is separate from the source learning MAC address table. However, when a MAC
is authorized for learning on an LPS port, an entry is made in the MAC address table in the same manner
as if it was learned on a non-LPS port (see Chapter 3, “Managing Source Learning,” for more
In addition to dynamic and configured source MAC address entries, the LPS table also provides the
following information for each eligible LPS port:
• The LPS status for the port; enabled or disabled.

• The maximum number of MAC addresses allowed on the port.

• The maximum number of MAC addresses that can be filtered on the port.

• The violation mode selected for the port; restrict, discard, or shutdown.

• Statically configured MAC addresses and MAC address ranges.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 33-8
Configuring Learned Port Security Interaction With Other Features

• All MAC addresses learned on the port.

• The management status for the MAC address entry; configured or dynamic.

If the LPS port is shut down or the network device is disconnected from the port, the LPS table entries and
the source learning MAC address table entries for the port are automatically cleared.
To view the contents of the LPS table, use the show port-security command. Refer to the OmniSwitch
AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide for more information about this command.

Interaction With Other Features

This section contains important information about how the Learned Port Security (LPS) functionality
interacts with other OmniSwitch features. Refer to the specific chapter for each feature to get more
detailed information about how to configure and use the feature.

Access Guardian
LPS is one of the Access Guardian security functions that helps to ensure that only certain devices are
allowed to connect to the switch. The LPS functionality is used to control which MAC addresses are
allowed on a switch port.

Universal Network Profile (UNP)

Access Guardian is configured and applied through the framework of the UNP feature. UNP is enabled on
switch ports to activate Access Guardian functionality that is used to authenticate and classify users into
UNP profiles. LPS is supported on UNP-enabled ports.
• When both of these features are enabled on the same port, UNP first authenticates and classifies any
MAC addresses received, then LPS rules are applied. If a MAC address violates any of the LPS rules
for the port, the address may get filtered or the port violated even if UNP initially determined the
address was valid. In other words, LPS rules take precedence over UNP to determine if a MAC address
is bridged or filtered on the port.
• When UNP is enabled on any one LPS port, the LPS learning window parameter options are not
supported on all LPS-enabled ports. This is because the learning window configuration is global and
applies to all LPS ports.
For more information about LPS on UNP ports, see Chapter 47, “Learned Port Security Commands.”

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 33-9
Configuring Learned Port Security Configuring Learned Port Security

Configuring Learned Port Security

This section describes how to use Command Line Interface (CLI) command to configure Learned Port
Security (LPS) on a switch. See the “Sample Learned Port Security Configuration” on page 33-3 for a
brief tutorial on configuring LPS.
Configuring LPS involes the following procedures:
• Enabling LPS for one or more switch ports. This procedure is described in “Configuring the LPS Port
Administrative Status” on page 33-10.
• Configuring the source learning time window during which MAC addresses are learned. This
procedure is described in “Configuring the LPS Learning Window” on page 33-12.
• Configuring the maximum number of bridged MAC addresses allowed on an LPS port. This procedure
is described in “Configuring the Number of Bridged MAC Addresses Allowed” on page 33-15.
• Configuring the maximum number of filtered MAC addresses allowed on an LPS port. This procedure
is describe in “Configuring the Number of Filtered MAC Addresses Allowed” on page 33-16
• Configuring a range of authorized MAC addresses allowed on an LPS port. This procedure is described
in “Configuring an Authorized MAC Address Range” on page 33-16.
• Specifying whether or not an LPS port shuts down all traffic or only restricts traffic when an
unauthorized MAC address is received on the port. This procedure is described in “Selecting the
Security Violation Mode” on page 33-17.

Configuring the LPS Port Administrative Status

The port-security command is used to configure the administrative status of LPS on a port using one of
the following three parameter options:

enable Enables LPS functionality on the port. When LPS is enabled:

• All MAC addresses are cleared.
• The LPS configuration is applied to source learning on the port.
• The port can go into a shutdown, restricted, or discard state (based on
the configured violation mode) when unauthorized addesses are
received on the port.
disable Disables LPS functionality on the port. When LPS is disabled:
• All filtered and bridged MAC addresses are cleared.
• Pseudo-static and static addresses remain in a forwarding state.
• The static MAC configuration is retained.
• The LPS configuration is retained but not applied.
• Learning on the port is wide open; not restricted by LPS.
locked Disables all learning on the port. When LPS is locked:
• Existing MAC addresses are retained.
• No additional learning is allowed.
• Static MAC addresses are still allowed.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 33-10
Configuring Learned Port Security Configuring Learned Port Security

Enabling LPS Functionality on a Port

By default, LPS is disabled on all switch ports. To enable LPS on a port, use the port-security command.
with the admin-state enable parameter. For example, the following command enables LPS on port 1/4:
-> port-security port 4/1 admin-state enable

To enable LPS on multiple ports, specify a range of ports. For example:

-> port-security port 4/1-5 admin-state enable
-> port-security port 5/12-20 admin-state enable

Note. When LPS is enabled on an active port, all MAC addresses learned on that port prior to the time LPS
was enabled are cleared from the source learning MAC address table.

Disabling LPS Functionality on a Port

To disable LPS on a port, use the port-security command with the admin-state disable parameter. For
example, the following command disables LPS on a range of ports:
-> port-security 5/21-24 admin-state disable

To disable all the LPS ports on a chassis, use the port-security chassis admin-state command, as shown:
-> port-security chassis admin-state disable

When LPS is disabled on a port, the MAC address entries for that port are retained in the LPS table. The
next time LPS is enabled on the port, the same LPS table entries become active again. If there is a switch
reboot before the switch configuration is saved, however, dynamic MAC address entries are discarded
from the table.

Locking the LPS Port

To lock the LPS port, use the port-security command with the admin-state locked parameter. For
example, the following command locks port 5/21:
-> port-security 5/21 admin-state locked

When the LPS port is locked, all learning on the port is stopped.

Removing the LPS Configuration from the Port

Use the no form of the port-security command to remove the LPS configuration and clear all entries
(configured and dynamic) in the LPS table for the specified port. For example:
-> no port-security port 5/10

After LPS is removed, all the dynamic and static MAC addresses are flushed and unrestricted learning of
new MAC addresses is enabled.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 33-11
Configuring Learned Port Security Configuring Learned Port Security

Configuring the LPS Learning Window

By default, the LPS source learning window time limit is set to infinity. This means that there is no limit
on the amount of time during which MAC addresses are learned on all LPS ports. To limit the amount of
time that source learning is allowed on LPS ports, use the port-security learning-window command.
During the time the learning window is open, source MAC addresses that comply with LPS port
restrictions are authorized for source learning on the related LPS port. The following actions trigger the
start of the learning window timer:
• Using the port-security learning-window command. Each time this command is issued, the timer
restarts even if a current window is still open.
• A switch reboot with the port-security learning-window command entry saved in the vcboot.cfg file.
When this command is used to configure the learning window time and related options for the switch,
use the write memory command to ensure the command is saved in the vcboot.cfg file.
The LPS learning window time limit is a switch-wide parameter that applies to all LPS-enabled ports, not
just one or a group of LPS ports. The following command example sets the time limit value to 30 minutes:
-> port-security learning-window 30

Note. When the time limit value expires, source learning of any new dynamic bridged MAC addresses is
stopped on all LPS ports, even if the number of bridged addresses learned does not exceed the maximum
allowed. However, after the window has closed, the switch will continue to learn dynamic filtered MAC
addresses until the maximum number of filtered addresses allowed is reached.

Setting the LPS learning window time value to zero (the default) configures an infinite learning window
for LPS ports. For example:
-> port-security learning-window 0

Use the show port-security learning-window command to determine the current settings for the LPS
learning window.

Configuring Learning Window Parameters

In addition to specifying the duration of the LPS learning window, the port-security learning-window
command provides the following parameters for configuring additional learning window options:

no-aging Specifies whether or not learned dynamic MAC addresses can age
out. See “Configuring the MAC Address Aging Status” on
page 33-13.
convert-to-static Specifies whether or not learned dynamic bridged MAC addresses
are converted to static MAC addresses when the learning window
closes. See “Converting Dynamic MAC Addresses to Static MAC
Addresses” on page 33-13.
learn-as-static Specifies whether or not learned dynamic bridged MAC addresses
are automatically converted to static MAC addresses during the
learning window time frame. See “Learning MAC Addresses as
Static MAC Addresses” on page 33-14.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 33-12
Configuring Learned Port Security Configuring Learned Port Security

mac-move Specifies whether or not a pseudo-static MAC address learned on

one LPS port can move to another LPS port in the same VLAN
without getting dropped. See “Configuring the MAC Movement
Status” on page 33-14.
boot-up Specifies whether or not the learning window timer will
automatically start each time the switch restarts. See “Starting the
Learning Window at Boot Up” on page 33-15.

Configuring the MAC Address Aging Status

During the learning window time period, dynamically learned MAC addresses may age out before the
learning window time is up. To prevent this from happening, use the no-aging enable parameter option
with the port-security learning-window command.
When this option is enabled, all dynamic bridged MAC addresses are learned as pseudo-static MAC
addresses. This type of address is treated as a regular statically configured address and will not age out,
even after the learning window closes. However, pseudo-static MAC addresses are not saved in the switch
The no MAC address aging option is best used in combination with the option that converts dynamic
addresses to static address. Enabling both of these options ensures that no learned MAC addresses will age
out before or after the learning window closes.
By default, the no MAC address aging status is disabled. To enable this option for the learning window,
use the following command:
-> port-security learning-window no-aging enable

To disable this option for the learning window, use the following command:
-> port-security learning-window no-aging disable

Converting Dynamic MAC Addresses to Static MAC Addresses

When the learning window time expires, all the dynamic MAC addresses learned on the LPS ports start to
age out. The convert-to-static parameter option of the port-security learning-window command is used
to specify whether or not these MAC addresses are converted to static addresses when the learning
window time period ends.

The number of converted static MAC addresses cannot exceed the maximum number of MAC addresses
allowed on the LPS ports.

By default, converting dynamic MAC addresses to static MAC addresses is disabled. To enable this option
for the learning window, use the following command:
-> port-security learning-window 30 convert-to-static enable

If the LPS learning window time is set to zero (infinity), enabling the convert-to-static option is not
allowed. For example:
-> port-security learning-window 0 convert-to-static enable
ERROR: Convert-to-static cannot be configured along with infinite learning-

The following command disables this option for the learning window:
-> port-security learning-window 30 convert-to-static disable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 33-13
Configuring Learned Port Security Configuring Learned Port Security

If the LPS learning window is set to a specific time and the convert-to-static option is enabled, the
convert-to-static option is automatically disabled when the learning window time is set to zero. For
-> port-security learning-window 10 convert-to-static enable

-> show port-security learning-window

Learning-Window = 10 min,
Convert-to-static = ENABLE,
No Aging = DISABLE,
Boot Up = ENABLE,
Learn As Static = DISABLE,
Mac Move = DISABLE,
Remaining Learning Window = 594 sec,

-> port-security learning-window 0

-> show port-security learning-window

Learning-Window = INFINITY,
Convert-to-static = DISABLE,
No Aging = DISABLE,
Boot Up = ENABLE,
Learn As Static = DISABLE,
Mac Move = DISABLE

Learning MAC Addresses as Static MAC Addresses

If a switch reboots during an active LPS learning window, MAC addresses learned up to that point are
lost. To prevent this from happening, use the learn-as-static enable parameter option with the port-
security learning-window command.
When this option is enabled, all MAC addresses are automatically learned as static MAC addresses during
the learning window time period. These static MAC addresses are saved to the switch configuration.
By default, the option to learn MAC addresses as static MAC addresses is disabled. To enable this option
for the learning window, use the following command:
-> port-security learning-window 30 learn-as-static enable

The following command disables this option for the learning window:
-> port-security learning-window 30 learn-as-static disable

Configuring the MAC Movement Status

MAC addresses are learned as pseudo-static MAC addresses when the no-aging option is enabled for the
LPS learning window. If a duplicate pseudo-static MAC address is seen on another port in the same
VLAN, the MAC address is dropped. To prevent this from happening, use the mac-move enable
parameter option with the port-security learning-window command.
When MAC movement is enabled, a pseudo-static MAC address can move to another port within the same
VLAN without getting dropped. After the move has occurred, the switch configuration is updated to
reflect the new port association for the pseudo-static MAC address. No information about the original port
association is retained.
By default, the MAC movement option is disabled. To enable this option for the learning window, use the
following command:
-> port-security learning-window 30 mac-move enable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 33-14
Configuring Learned Port Security Configuring Learned Port Security

The following command disables this option for the learning window:
-> port-security learning-window 30 mac-move disable

Starting the Learning Window at Boot Up

By default, the boot-up option is enabled when the learning window time is configured. This option
specifies that whenever the switch reboots, the learning window time period will automatically restart at
the time the reboot occurs.
To disable this functionality, use the boot-up disable parameter with the port-security learning-window
command. For example:
-> port-security learning-window boot-up disable

To enable this functionality, use the boot-up enable parameter with the port-security learning-window
command. For example:
-> port-security learning-window boot-up disable

Note. After the boot-up option is enabled (either by default or explicitly configured), perform the write
memory command to save the port-security learning-window command to the switch configuration file.
This will ensure that the learning window will automatically start when the switch reboots.

Configuring the Number of Bridged MAC Addresses Allowed

To configure the number of bridged MAC addresses allowed on an LPS port, use the port-security
maximum command. For example, the following command sets the maximum number of MAC addresses
learned on port 10 of slot 6 to 75:
-> port-security port 6/10 maximum 75

To specify a maximum number of MAC addresses allowed for multiple ports, specify a range of ports. For
-> port-security port 1/10-15 maximum 10
-> port-security port 2/1-5 maximum 25

If there are 10 configured authorized MAC addresses for an LPS port and the maximum number of
addresses allowed is set to 15, then only 5 dynamically learned MAC address are allowed on this port.
If the maximum number of MAC addresses allowed is reached before the switch LPS time limit expires,
then all source learning of dynamic and configured bridged MAC addresses is stopped on the LPS port.
However, the switch will continue to learn subsequent addresses as filtered until the maximum number of
filtered MAC addresses allowed on the port is reached.

Configuring the Trap Threshold for Bridged MAC Addresses

The LPS trap threshold value determines how many bridged MAC addresses the port must learn before a
trap is sent. Once this value is reached, a trap is sent for every MAC learned thereafter.
By default, when one bridged MAC addresses is learned on an LPS port, the switch sends a trap. To
change the trap threshold value, use the port-security learn-trap-threshold command. For example:
-> port-security port learn-trap-threshold 10

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 33-15
Configuring Learned Port Security Configuring Learned Port Security

Sending a trap when this threshold is reached provides notification of newly learned bridged MAC
addresses. Trap contents includes identifying information about the MAC, such as the address itself, the
corresponding IP address, switch identification, and the slot/port number on which the MAC was learned.

Configuring the Number of Filtered MAC Addresses Allowed

To configure the number of filtered MAC addresses allowed on an LPS port, use the port-security port
max-filtering command. For example, the following command sets the maximum number of filtered
MAC addresses learned on port 9 of slot 5 to 18:
-> port-security port 5/9 max-filtering 18

To specify a maximum number of filtered MAC addresses learned on multiple ports, specify a range of
ports or multiple slots. For example:
-> port-security port 5/9-15 max-filtering 10
-> port-security port 1/1-5 max-filtering 25

If the maximum number of filtered MAC addresses allowed is reached:

• The violation mode configured for the LPS port is applied (see “Selecting the Security Violation
Mode” on page 33-17 for more information).
• An SNMP trap is generated.

• An event is entered into the switch log.

Configuring an Authorized MAC Address Range

By default, each LPS port is set to a range of 00:00:00:00:00:00–ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, which includes all MAC
addresses. If this default is not changed, then addresses received on LPS ports are subject only to the
learning window time and restrictions on the maximum number of MAC addresses allowed for the port.
All MAC addresses that fall within the default or a specific configured range of addresses are dynamically
learned as bridged MAC addresses (up to the maximum of bridged addresses allowed). If a MAC address
falls outside of the specified range, the address is dynamically learned as a filtered MAC address (up to
the maximum of filtered addresses allowed).
To configure a source MAC address range for an LPS port, use the port-security mac-range command.
For example, the following command configures a MAC address range for port 1 on slot 4:
-> port-security port 4/1 mac-range low 00:20:da:00:00:10 high 00:20:da:00:00:50

The following command examples configure a MAC address range for a range of ports:
-> port-security port 4/1-5 mac-range low 00:20:da:00:00:10 high
-> port-security port 2/1-4 mac-range low 00:20:d0:59:0c:9a high

To restore the range to the default values, use the port-security parameter followed by the port keyword
and slot/port designation of the port and the mac-range. The MAC address range is restored to
00:00:00:00:00:00 and ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff when the low and high MAC addresses are excluded. For example,
the following command sets the authorized MAC address range to the default values for port 12 of slot 4:
-> port-security port 4/12 mac-range

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 33-16
Configuring Learned Port Security Configuring Learned Port Security

In addition, specifying a low end MAC and a high end MAC is optional. If either one is not specified, the
default value is used. For example, the following commands set the authorized MAC address range on the
specified ports to 00:da:25:59:0c:10–ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff and 00:00:00:00:00:00–00:da:25:00:00:9a:
-> port-security port 2/8 mac-range low pp:da:25:59:0c
-> port-security port 2/10 mac-range high 00:da:25:00:00:9a

Refer to the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide for more information about this command.

Selecting the Security Violation Mode

The port-security port violation command configures the violation mode (restrict, discard, or shutdown)
that is applied to an LPS port when the maximum number of bridged and filtered addresses allowed on the
port is reached. Use the following table to determine how each violation mode is applied and which
actions or events will clear the violation state and return the port to normal operation:

Mode (Parameter) Violation Mode Description Violation Recovery

restrict Port remains up but unauthorized MAC • Bridge and filtered MAC
addresses are blocked. All other packets that addresses age out.
contain an authorized source MAC address are • MAC addresses are flushed.
allowed to continue forwarding on the port. • Use clear violation command.
• Link down/up event.
• LPS port is removed.
discard Port remains up but all traffic received on the • Use clear violation command.
port is discarded. Dynamically learned MAC • Link down/up event.
addresses are flushed. • LPS port is removed.
shutdown Port is administratively disabled. All traffic is • Use clear violation command.
stopped at the port; no traffic is forwarded. • Link down/up event.
• LPS port is removed.

Note. Unauthorized source MAC addresses are not learned in the LPS table but are still recorded in the
source learning MAC address table with a filtered operational status. This allows the user to view MAC
addresses that were attempting unauthorized access to the LPS port.

By default, the security violation mode for an LPS port is set to restrict. To configure the security
violation mode for an LPS port, enter port-security followed by the slot/port designation of the port, then
violation followed by restrict, discard, or shutdown. For example, the following command selects the
shutdown mode for port 1/4:
-> port-security port 4/1 violation shutdown

To configure the security violation mode for multiple LPS ports, specify a range of ports or multiple slots.
For example:
-> port-security port 4/1-10 violation shutdown
-> port-security port 1/10-15 violation restrict

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 33-17
Configuring Learned Port Security Configuring Learned Port Security

Note. To verify the details about LPS violations, use the show violation command.

-> show violation

Port Source Action Reason Timer

1/1 src lrn simulated down lps shutdown 0
1/2 qos simulated down policy 0
2 udld admin down udld 0

To clear all the LPS violation information use the clear violation command.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 33-18
Configuring Learned Port Security Displaying Learned Port Security Information

Displaying Learned Port Security Information

To display Learned Port Security (LPS) port and table information, use the show commands listed below:

show port-security Displays the LPS configuration and table entries.

show port-security learning-window Displays the amount of time during which source learning can
occur on all LPS ports.
show violation Displays the address violations that occur on ports with LPS

For more information about the resulting display from these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release
8 CLI Reference Guide. An example of the output for the show port-security, show port-security
learning-window, and show violation commands is also given in “Sample Learned Port Security
Configuration” on page 33-3.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 33-19
34 Diagnosing Switch

Several tools are available for diagnosing problems that occur with the switch. These tools include:
• Port Mirroring

• Port Monitoring

• sFlow

• Remote Monitoring (RMON) probes

• Switch Health Monitoring

Port mirroring copies all incoming and outgoing traffic from configured mirror ports to a second mirroring
Ethernet port, where it can be monitored with a Remote Network Monitoring (RMON) probe or network
analysis device without disrupting traffic flow on the mirrored port. The port monitoring feature allows
you to examine packets to and from a specific Ethernet port. sFlow is used for measuring high speed
switched network traffic. It is also used for collecting, storing, and analyzing the traffic data. Switch
Health monitoring software checks previously configured threshold levels for the switch’s consumable
resources, and notifies the Network Monitoring Station (NMS) if those limits are violated.

In This Chapter
This chapter describes port mirroring, port monitoring, remote monitoring (RMON) probes, sFlow, and
switch health features and explains how to configure the same through the Command Line Interface (CLI).
Configuration procedures described in this chapter include:
• Creating or Deleting a Port Mirroring Session—see “Creating a Mirroring Session” on page 34-13 or
“Deleting A Mirroring Session” on page 34-16.
• Protection from Spanning Tree changes (Port Mirroring)—see “Unblocking Ports (Protection from
Spanning Tree)” on page 34-14.
• Enabling or Disabling Port Mirroring Status—see “Enabling or Disabling Mirroring Status” on
page 34-14 or “Disabling a Mirroring Session (Disabling Mirroring Status)” on page 34-14.
• Configuring Port Mirroring Direction—see “Configuring Port Mirroring Direction” on page 34-15.

• Enabling or Disabling a Port Mirroring Session—see “Enabling or Disabling a Port Mirroring Session
(Shorthand)” on page 34-15.
• Configuring a Port Monitoring Session—see “Configuring a Port Monitoring Session” on page 34-19.

• Enabling a Port Monitoring Session—see “Enabling a Port Monitoring Session” on page 34-19.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-1
Diagnosing Switch Problems In This Chapter

• Disabling a Port Monitoring Session—see “Disabling a Port Monitoring Session” on page 34-19.

• Deleting a Port Monitoring Session—see “Deleting a Port Monitoring Session” on page 34-19.

• Pausing a Port Monitoring Session—see “Pausing a Port Monitoring Session” on page 34-20.

• Configuring the persistence of a Port Monitoring Session—see “Configuring Port Monitoring Session
Persistence” on page 34-20.
• Configuring a Port Monitoring data file—see “Configuring a Port Monitoring Data File” on
page 34-20.
• Configuring a Port Monitoring direction—see “Configuring Port Monitoring Direction” on page 34-21.

• Configuring capture-type—see “Configuring the Capture Type” on page 34-22.

• Displaying Port Monitoring Status and Data—see “Displaying Port Monitoring Status and Data” on
page 34-22.
• Configuring a sFlow Session—see “Configuring a sFlow Session” on page 34-24.

• Configuring a Fixed Primary Address—see “Configuring a Fixed Primary Address” on page 34-25.

• Displaying a sFlow Receiver—see “Displaying a sFlow Receiver” on page 34-25.

• Displaying a sFlow Sampler—see “Displaying a sFlow Sampler” on page 34-26.

• Displaying a sFlow Poller—see “Displaying a sFlow Poller” on page 34-26.

• Displaying a sFlow Agent—see “Displaying a sFlow Agent” on page 34-27.

• Deleting a sFlow Session—see “Deleting a sFlow Session” on page 34-27.

• Enabling or Disabling RMON Probes—see “Enabling or Disabling RMON Probes” on page 34-30.

• Configuring Resource Threshold Limits (Switch Health)—see “Configuring Resource Thresholds” on

page 34-36.
• Configuring Sampling Intervals—see “Configuring Sampling Intervals” on page 34-38.

For information about additional Diagnostics features such as Switch Logging and System Debugging/
Memory Management commands, see Chapter 36, “Using Switch Logging.”

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-2
Diagnosing Switch Problems Port Mirroring Overview

Port Mirroring Overview

The following sections detail the specifications, defaults, and quick set up steps for the port mirroring
feature. Detailed procedures are found in “Port Mirroring” on page 34-9.

Port Mirroring Defaults

The following table shows port mirroring default values.

Parameter Description CLI Command Default Value/Comments

Mirroring Session Creation port-mirroring source destination No Mirroring Sessions
Protection from Spanning Tree port-mirroring source destination Spanning Tree Enabled
(Spanning Tree Disable)
Mirroring Status Configuration port-mirroring source destination Enabled
Mirroring Session Configuration port-mirroring Enabled
Mirroring Session Deletion port-mirroring No Mirroring Sessions

Quick Steps for Configuring Port Mirroring

1 Create a port mirroring session. Be sure to specify the port mirroring session ID, source (mirrored) and
destination (mirroring) slot/ports, and unblocked VLAN ID (optional—protects the mirroring session
from changes in Spanning Tree if the mirroring port monitors mirrored traffic on an RMON probe
belonging to a different VLAN). For example:
-> port-mirroring 6 source 2/3-9 destination 2/10 unblocked-vlan 7

Note. Optional. To verify the port mirroring configuration, enter show port-mirroring status followed by
the port mirroring session ID number. The display is similar to the one shown below:
-> show port-mirroring status 6
Session Mirror Mirror Unblocked Config Oper
Destination Direction Vlan Status Status
6. 2/10 - NONE Enable On
6. 2/3 bidirectional - Enable On
6. 2/4 bidirectional - Enable On
6. 2/5 bidirectional - Enable On
6. 2/6 bidirectional - Enable On
6. 2/7 bidirectional - Enable On
6. 2/8 bidirectional - Enable On
6. 2/9 bidirectional - Enable On
For more information about this command, see “Displaying Port Mirroring Status” on page 34-16 or the
“Port Mirroring and Monitoring Commands” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-3
Diagnosing Switch Problems Port Monitoring Overview

Port Monitoring Overview

The following sections detail the specifications, defaults, and quick set up steps for the port mirroring
feature. Detailed procedures are found in “Port Monitoring” on page 34-18.

Port Monitoring Defaults

The following table shows port mirroring default values.

Parameter Description CLI Command Default Value/Comments

Monitoring Session Creation port-monitoring source No Monitoring Sessions
Monitoring Status port-monitoring source Disabled
Monitoring Session Configuration port-monitoring source Disabled
Port Monitoring Direction port-monitoring source Bidirectional
Data File Creation port-monitoring source Enabled
Data File Size port-monitoring source 64K
File Overwriting port-monitoring source Enabled
Time before session is deleted port-monitoring source 0 seconds
Capture-type port-monitoring source brief

Quick Steps for Configuring Port Monitoring

1 To create a port monitoring session, use the port-monitoring source command by entering port
monitoring, followed by the port monitoring session ID, source, and the slot and port number of the
port to be monitored. For example:
-> port-monitoring 6 source 2/3

2 Enable the port monitoring session by entering port-monitoring, followed by the port monitoring
session ID, source, the slot and port number of the port to be monitored, and enable. For example:
-> port-monitoring 6 source 2/3 enable

3 Optional. Configure optional parameters. For example, to create a file called “monitor1” for port
monitoring session 6 on port 2/3, enter:
-> port-monitoring 6 source 2/3 file monitor1

Note. Optional. To verify the port monitoring configuration, enter show port-monitoring status, followed
by the port monitoring session ID number. The display is similar to the one shown below:

-> show port-monitoring status

Sess Mon. Mon Over Oper. Admin Capt. Max. File
Src Dir write Stat Stat Type Size Name
6. 2/ 3 Bidirectional ON ON ON brief
For more information about this command, see “Port Monitoring” on page 34-18 or the “Port Mirroring and
Monitoring Commands” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-4
Diagnosing Switch Problems sFlow Overview

sFlow Overview
The following sections detail the specifications, defaults, and quick set up steps for the sFlow feature.
Detailed procedures are found in “sFlow” on page 34-23.

sFlow Defaults
The following table shows sFlow default values:

Parameter Description CLI Command Default Value/Comments

Receiver Name sflow receiver Empty
Receiver Timeout Value sflow receiver No Timeout
Receiver IP Address sflow receiver
Receiver Data File Size sflow receiver 1400 Bytes
Receiver Version Number sflow receiver 5
Receiver Destination Port sflow receiver 6343
Sampler Rate sflow sampler 0
Sample Header Size sflow sampler 128 Bytes
Poller Interval Value sflow poller 5 seconds

Quick Steps for Configuring sFlow

Follow the steps below to create an sFlow receiver session.

1 To create a sFlow receiver session, use the sflow receiver command by entering sflow receiver,
followed by the receiver index, name, and the IP address. For example:
-> sflow receiver 1 name Golden address

2 Optional. Configure optional parameters. For example, to specify the timeout value “65535” for sFlow
receiver session on address, enter:
-> sflow receiver 1 name Golden address timeout 65535

Note. Optional. To verify the sFlow receiver configuration, enter show sflow receiver, followed by the
sFlow receiver index. The display is similar to the one shown below:
-> show sflow receiver

Receiver 1
Name = Golden
Address = IP_V4
UDP Port = 6343
Timeout = 65535
Packet Size= 1400
DatagramVer= 5
For more information about this command, see “sFlow” on page 34-23 or the “sFlow Commands” chapter
in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-5
Diagnosing Switch Problems sFlow Overview

Follow the steps below to create a sFlow sampler session.

1 To create a sFlow sampler session, use the sflow sampler command by entering sflow sampler,
followed by the instance ID, port list, receiver, and the rate. For example:
-> sflow sampler 1 2/1-5 receiver 1 rate 2048

2 Optional. Configure optional parameters. For example, to specify the sample-hdr-size value “128” for
sFlow sampler instance 1 on ports 2/1-5, enter:
-> sflow sampler 1 2/1-5 receiver 1 rate 2048 sample-hdr-size 128

Note. Optional. To verify the sFlow sampler configuration, enter show sflow sampler, followed by the
sFlow sampler instance ID. The display is similar to the one shown below:
-> show sflow sampler 1

Instance Interface Receiver Rate Sample-Header-Size

1 2/ 1 1 2048 128
1 2/ 2 1 2048 128
1 2/ 3 1 2048 128
1 2/ 4 1 2048 128
1 2/ 5 1 2048 128
For more information about this command, see “sFlow” on page 34-23 or the “sFlow Commands” chapter
in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

Follow the steps below to create a sFlow poller session.

1 To create a sFlow poller session, use the sflow poller command by entering sflow poller, followed by
the instance ID, port list, receiver, and the interval. For example:
-> sflow poller 1 2/6-10 receiver 1 interval 30

Note. Optional. To verify the sFlow poller configuration, enter show sflow poller, followed by the sFlow
poller instance ID. The display is similar to the one shown below:
-> show sflow poller
Instance Interface Receiver Interval
1 2/ 6 1 30
1 2/ 7 1 30
1 2/ 8 1 30
1 2/ 9 1 30
1 2/10 1 30
For more information about this command, see “sFlow” on page 34-23 or the “sFlow Commands” chapter
in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-6
Diagnosing Switch Problems Remote Monitoring (RMON) Overview

Remote Monitoring (RMON) Overview

The following sections detail the specifications, defaults, and quick set up steps for the RMON feature.
Detailed procedures are found in “Remote Monitoring (RMON)” on page 34-28.

RMON Probe Defaults

The following table shows Remote Network Monitoring default values.

Parameter Description CLI Command Default Value/Comments

RMON Probe Configuration rmon probes No RMON probes configured.

Quick Steps for Enabling/Disabling RMON Probes

1 Enable an inactive (or disable an active) RMON probe, where necessary. You can also enable or
disable all probes of a particular flavor, if desired. For example:
-> rmon probes stats 1011 enable
-> rmon probes history disable

2 To verify the RMON probe configuration, enter the show rmon probes command, with the keyword
for the type of probe. For example, to display the statistics probes, enter the following:
-> show rmon probes stats

The display is similar to the one shown below:

Entry Slot/Port Flavor Status Duration System Resources
1011 1/11 Ethernet Active 11930:27:05 272 bytes

3 To view statistics for a particular RMON probe, enter the show rmon probes command, with the
keyword for the type of probe, followed by the entry number for the desired RMON probe. For example:
-> show rmon probes 1011

The display appears similar to the one shown below:

Probe's Owner: Switch Auto Probe on Slot 1, Port 11
Entry 1011
Flavor = Ethernet, Status = Active,
Time = 11930 hrs 26 mins,
System Resources (bytes) = 272

For more information about these commands, see “Displaying a List of RMON Probes” on page 34-31,
“Displaying Statistics for a Particular RMON Probe” on page 34-32, or the “RMON Commands” chapter
in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-7
Diagnosing Switch Problems Switch Health Overview

Switch Health Overview

The following sections detail the specifications, defaults, and quick set up steps for the switch health
feature. Detailed procedures are found in “Monitoring Switch Health” on page 34-35.

Switch Health Defaults

The following table shows Switch Health default values.

Parameter Description CLI Command Default Value/Comments

Resource Threshold Limit Configuration health threshold 80 percent
Sampling Interval Configuration health interval 5 seconds
Switch Temperature health threshold 60 degrees Celsius

Quick Steps for Configuring Switch Health

1 Display the health threshold limits, health sampling interval settings, and/or health statistics for the
switch, depending on the parameters you wish to modify. (For best results, note the default settings for
future reference.) For example:
-> show health configuration

The default settings for the command you entered is displayed. For example:
Rx Threshold = 80
TxRx Threshold = 80
Memory Threshold = 80
CPU Threshold = 80
Sampling Interval (Secs) = 10

2 Enter the appropriate command to change the required health threshold or health sampling interval
parameter settings or reset all health statistics for the switch. For example:
-> health threshold memory 85

Note. Optional. To verify the Switch Health configuration, enter show health configuration, followed by
the parameter you modified (like the memory percent). The display is similar to the one shown below:

Memory Threshold = 85

For more information about this command, see “Displaying Health Threshold Limits” on page 34-37 or the
“Health Monitoring Commands” chapter in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-8
Diagnosing Switch Problems Port Mirroring

Port Mirroring
On chassis-based or standalone switches, you can set up port mirroring sessions between Ethernet ports
within the same switch.
All Ethernet ports support port mirroring. When port mirroring is enabled, the active “mirrored” port
transmits and receives network traffic normally, and the “mirroring” port receives a copy of all transmit
and receive traffic to the active port. You can connect an RMON probe or network analysis device to the
mirroring port to see an exact duplication of traffic on the mirrored port without disrupting network traffic
to and from the mirrored port.
Port mirroring runs in the Chassis Management software and is supported for Ethernet ports. In addition,
the switch supports “N-to-1” port mirroring, where up to 128 source ports can be mirrored to a single
destination port.
Refer to the Port Mirroring Specifications Table in the “Port Mirroring Overview” on page 34-3 for the
number of mirroring sessions supported.

What Ports Can Be Mirrored?

Mirroring between any similar ports and between any SFP to any other SFP port is supported.

How Port Mirroring Works

When a frame is received on a mirrored port, it is copied and sent to the mirroring port. The received
frame is actually transmitted twice across the switch backplane–once for normal bridging and then again
to the mirroring port.
When a frame is transmitted by the mirrored port, a copy of the frame is made, tagged with the mirroring
port as the destination, and sent back over the switch backplane to the mirroring port. The diagram below
illustrates the data flow between the mirrored and mirroring ports.

Note. When port mirroring is enabled, there may be some performance degradation, since all frames
received and transmitted by the mirrored port need to be copied and sent to the mirroring port.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-9
Diagnosing Switch Problems Port Mirroring


(Active) Port
(w/ Incoming &
Outgoing Frames)
(Monitoring) Port
(w/ Copied Incoming
& Outgoing Frames)
Relationship Between Mirrored and Mirroring Ports

What Happens to the Mirroring Port

Mirroring Port (MTP), can not be assigned to a port with Tagged VLAN configured on it. Once the
Mirroring Port (MTP) is configured the port does not belong to any VLAN. Inbound traffic into the MTP
is dropped, since it does not belong to any VLAN. When unblocked VLAN is configured , the VLAN ID
specified is assigned to the MTP port as the default VLAN. Hence allowing inbound traffic and handling
traffic for that VLAN ID. Spanning tree remains disabled on MTP port.

Mirroring on Multiple Ports

If mirroring is enabled on multiple ports and the same traffic is passing through these ports, then only one
copy of each packet is sent to the mirroring destination. When the packet is mirrored for the first time, the
switching ASIC flags the packet as “already mirrored” If the packet goes through one more port where
mirroring is enabled, that packet is not mirrored again. If both mirroring and monitoring are enabled then
the packet is either mirrored or monitored (that is sent to CPU), whichever comes first.

Using Port Mirroring with External RMON Probes

Port mirroring is a helpful monitoring tool when used in conjunction with an external RMON probe. Once
you set up port mirroring, the probe can collect all relevant RMON statistics for traffic on the mirrored
port. You can also move the mirrored port so that the mirroring port receives data from different ports. In
this way, you can roam the switch and monitor traffic at various ports.

Note. If the mirroring port monitors mirrored traffic on an RMON probe belonging to a different VLAN
than the mirrored port, it must be protected from blocking due to Spanning Tree updates. See “Unblocking
Ports (Protection from Spanning Tree)” on page 34-14 for details.

The diagram on the following page illustrates how port mirroring can be used with an external RMON
probe to copy RMON probe frames and Management frames to and from the mirroring and mirrored
ports. Frames received from an RMON probe attached to the mirroring port can be seen as being received
by the mirrored port. These frames from the mirroring port are marked as if they are received on the

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-10
Diagnosing Switch Problems Port Mirroring

mirrored port before being sent over the switch backplane to an NMS station. Therefore, management
frames destined for the RMON probe are first forwarded out of the mirrored port. After being received on
the mirrored port, copies of the frames are mirrored out of the mirroring port—the probe attached to the
mirroring port receives the management frames.
NMS Workstation
A. RMON probe frames sent from the mirroring port

Mirroring Port

B. ...appear to come from the mirrored port RMON Probe

when the NMS Workstation receives them.

C. Management frames from the NMS Workstation are sent to the mirrored port....
D. ...and port mirroring sends copies of the
Management frames to the mirroring port.
NMS Workstation

Mirroring Port
Mirrored Port

RMON Probe


Port Mirroring Using External RMON Probe

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-11
Diagnosing Switch Problems Port Mirroring

Remote Port Mirroring

Remote Port Mirroring expands the port mirroring functionality by allowing mirrored traffic to be carried
over the network to a remote switch. With Remote Port Mirroring the traffic is carried over the network
using a dedicated Remote Port Mirroring VLAN, no other traffic is allowed on this VLAN. The mirrored
traffic from the source switch is tagged with the VLAN ID of the Remote Port Mirroring VLAN and
forwarded over the intermediate switch ports to the destination switch where an analyzer is attached.
Since Remote Port Mirroring requires traffic to be carried over the network, the following exceptions to
regular port mirroring exist:
• Spanning Tree must be disabled for the Remote Port Mirroring VLAN on all switches.

• There must not be any physical loop present in the Remote Port Mirroring VLAN.

• Remote port mirroring (RPMIR) MTP port can have tagged VLAN and untagged default VLAN on it.

• The VLAN ID used for RPMIR cannot be assigned to the MTP port.

• The VLAN ID used for RPMIR cannot be assigned to the unblocked VLAN.

• On the intermediate and destination switches, source learning must be disabled or overridden on the
ports belonging to the Remote Port Mirroring VLAN.
• The mac-learning vlan disable command can be used to override source learning on an OmniSwitch.

The following types of traffic are not mirrored:

• Link Aggregation Control Packets (LACP)

• 802.1AB (LLDP)

• 802.1x port authentication

• 802.3ag (OAM)

• Layer 3 control packets

• Generic Attribute Registration Protocol (GARP)

• BPDUs are not mirrored on OS10K switches.

For more information and an example of a Remote Port Mirroring configuration, see “Remote Port
Mirroring” on page 34-12.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-12
Diagnosing Switch Problems Port Mirroring

Creating a Mirroring Session

Before port mirroring can be used, it is necessary to create a port mirroring session. The port-mirroring
source destination CLI command can be used to create a mirroring session between a mirrored (active)
port and a mirroring port. Two (2) port mirroring sessions are supported in a standalone switch. In
addition, “N-to-1” port mirroring is supported, where up to 128 source ports can be mirrored to a single
destination port.
To create a mirroring session, enter the port-mirroring source destination command and include the port
mirroring session ID number and the source and destination slot/ports, as shown in the following example:
-> port-mirroring 6 source 2/3 destination 2/4

This command line specifies mirroring session 6, with the source (mirrored) port located in slot 2/port 3,
and the destination (mirroring) port located in slot 3/port 4.
To create a remote port mirroring session, enter the port-mirroring source destination command and
include the port mirroring session ID number, the source and destination slot/ports, and the remote port
mirroring VLAN ID as shown in the following example:
-> port-mirroring 8 source 1/1 destination 1/2 rpmir-vlan 1000

This command line specifies remote port mirroring session 8, with the source (mirrored) port located on
slot 1/port 1, the destination (mirroring) port on slot 1/port 2, and the remote port mirroring VLAN 1000.
Creating an “N-to-1” port mirroring session is supported, where up to 128 source ports can be mirrored to
a single destination port. In the following example, port 1/2, 2/1, and 2/3 are mirrored on destination port
2/4 in session 1:
-> port-mirroring 1 source 1/2 destination 2/4
-> port-mirroring 1 source 2/1 destination 2/4
-> port-mirroring 1 source 2/3 destination 2/4

As an option, you can specify a range of source ports and/or multiple source ports. In the following
example, ports 1/2 through 1/6 are mirrored on destination port 2/4 in session 1:
-> port-mirroring 1 source 1/2-6 destination 2/4

In the following example, ports 1/9, 2/7, and 3/5 are mirrored on destination port 2/4 in session 1:
-> port-mirroring 1 source 1/9 2/7 3/5 destination 2/4

In the following example, 1/2 through 1/6 and 1/9, 2/7, and 3/5 are mirrored on destination port 2/4 in
session 1:
-> port-mirroring 1 source 1/2-6 1/9 2/7 3/5 destination 2/4

Note. Ports can be added after a port mirroring session has been configured.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-13
Diagnosing Switch Problems Port Mirroring

Unblocking Ports (Protection from Spanning Tree)

Spanning tree is disabled by default on an MTP port. When unblocked VLAN is configured , the VLAN
ID specified is assigned to the MTP port as the default VLAN. Hence allowing inbound traffic and
handling traffic for that VLAN ID. Spanning tree remains disabled. To create a mirroring session that
protects the mirroring port from being blocked (default), enter the port-mirroring source destination
CLI command and include the port mirroring session ID number, source and destination slot/ports, and
unblocked VLAN ID number, as shown in the following example:
-> port-mirroring 6 source 2/3 destination 2/4 unblocked-vlan 750

This command line specifies mirroring session 6, with the source (mirrored) port located in slot 2/port 3,
and the destination (mirroring) port located in slot 2/port 4. The mirroring port on VLAN 750 is protected
from Spanning Tree updates.

Enabling or Disabling Mirroring Status

Mirroring Status is the parameter using which you can enable or disable a mirroring session (i.e., turn port
mirroring on or off). There are two ways to do this:
• Creating a Mirroring Session and Enabling Mirroring Status or Disabling a Mirroring Session
(Disabling Mirroring Status). These procedures are described below and on the following page.
• Enabling or Disabling a Port Mirroring Session—“shorthand” versions of the above commands that
require fewer keystrokes. Only the port mirroring session ID number needs to be specified, rather than
the entire original command line syntax (e.g., source and destination slot/ports and optional unblocked
VLAN ID number). See “Enabling or Disabling a Port Mirroring Session (Shorthand)” on page 34-15
for details.

Disabling a Mirroring Session (Disabling Mirroring Status)

To disable the mirroring status of the configured session between a mirrored port and a mirroring port
(turning port mirroring off), use the port-mirroring source destination CLI command. Be sure to include
the port mirroring session ID number and the keyword disable.
In this example, the command specifies port mirroring session 6, with the mirrored (active) port located in
slot 2/port 3, and the mirroring port located in slot 6/port 4. The mirroring status is disabled (i.e., port
mirroring is turned off):
-> port-mirroring 6 source disable

Note. You can modify the parameters of a port mirroring session that has been disabled.

Keep in mind that the port mirroring session configuration remains valid, even though port mirroring has
been turned off.

Note. The port mirroring session identifier and slot/port locations of the designated interfaces must always
be specified.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-14
Diagnosing Switch Problems Port Mirroring

Configuring Port Mirroring Direction

By default, port mirroring sessions are bidirectional. To configure the direction of a port mirroring session
between a mirrored port and a mirroring port, use the port-mirroring source destination CLI command
by entering port mirroring, followed by the port mirroring session ID number, the source and destination
slot/ports, and bidirectional, inport, or outport.

Note. Optionally, you can also specify the optional unblocked VLAN ID number and either enable or
disable on the same command line.

In this example, the command specifies port mirroring session 6, with the mirrored (active) port located in
slot 2/port 3 and the mirroring port located in slot 6/port 4. The mirroring direction is unidirectional and
inward bound:
-> port-mirroring 6 source 2/3 destination 6/4 inport

In this example, the command specifies port mirroring session 6, with the mirrored (active) port located in
slot 2/port 3, and the mirroring port located in slot 6/port 4. The mirroring direction is unidirectional and
outward bound:
-> port-mirroring 6 source 2/3 destination 6/4 outport

You can use the bidirectional keyword to restore a mirroring session to its default bidirectional
configuration. For example:
-> port-mirroring 6 source 2/3 destination 6/4 bidirectional

Note. The port mirroring session identifier and slot/port locations of the designated interfaces must always
be specified.

Enabling or Disabling a Port Mirroring Session (Shorthand)

Once a port mirroring session configuration has been created, this command is useful for enabling or
disabling it (turning port mirroring on or off) without having to re-enter the source and destination ports
and unblocked VLAN ID command line parameters.
To enable a port mirroring session, enter the port-mirroring command, followed by the port mirroring
session ID number and the keyword enable. The following command enables port mirroring session 6
(turning port mirroring on):
-> port-mirroring 6 enable

Note. Port mirroring session parameters cannot be modified when a mirroring session is enabled. Before
you can modify parameters, the mirroring session must be disabled.

To disable a port mirroring session, enter the port-mirroring command, followed by the port mirroring
session ID number and the keyword disable. The following command disables port mirroring session 6
(turning port mirroring off):
-> port-mirroring 6 disable

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-15
Diagnosing Switch Problems Port Mirroring

Displaying Port Mirroring Status

To display port mirroring status, use the show port-mirroring status command. To display all port
mirroring sessions, enter:
-> show port-mirroring status 6

Session Mirror Mirror Unblocked Config Oper

Destination Direction Vlan Status Status
1. 2/1 - NONE Enable On
1. 1/1 bidirectional - Enable On
1. 1/2 bidirectional - Enable On
1. 1/3 bidirectional - Enable On
1. 1/4 bidirectional - Enable On
1. 1/5 bidirectional - Enable On

Deleting A Mirroring Session

The no form of the port-mirroring command can be used to delete a previously created mirroring session
configuration between a mirrored port and a mirroring port.
To delete a mirroring session, enter the no port-mirroring command, followed by the port mirroring
session ID number. For example:
-> no port-mirroring 6

In this example, port mirroring session 6 is deleted.

Note. The port mirroring session identifier must always be specified.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-16
Diagnosing Switch Problems Port Mirroring

Configuring Remote Port Mirroring

This section describes the steps required to configure Remote Port Mirroring between Source,
Intermediate, and Destination switches.
The following diagram shows an example of a Remote Port Mirroring configuration:

Destination switch



Local MTP
Source switch 1/2 2/2 3/2
Destination Port

Source VLAN - 1000

Remote Port Mirroring Example

Configuring Source Switch

Follow the steps given below to configure the Source Switch:
-> port-mirroring 8 source 1/1
-> port-mirroring 8 destination 1/2 rpmir-vlan 1000

Configuring Intermediate Switch

Follow the steps given below to configure all the Intermediate Switches:
-> vlan 1000
-> spantree vlan 1000 admin-state disable
-> vlan 1000 members port 2/1-2 tagged

Enter the following QoS commands to override source learning:

-> policy condition c_is1 source vlan 1000
-> mac-learning vlan 1000 disable
-> policy rule r_is1 condition c_is1 action a_is1
-> qos apply

Note. If the intermediate switches are not OmniSwitches, refer to the vendor documentation for instructions
on disabling or overriding source learning.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-17
Diagnosing Switch Problems Port Monitoring

Configuring Destination Switch

Follow the steps given below to configure the Destination Switch:
-> vlan 1000
-> spantree vlan 1000 admin-state disable
-> vlan 1000 members port 3/1-2 tagged

Enter the following QoS commands to override source learning:

-> policy condition c_ds1 source vlan 1000
-> mac-learning vlan 1000 disable
-> policy rule r_ds1 condition c_ds1 action a_ds1
-> qos apply

Port Monitoring
An essential tool of the network engineer is a network packet capture device. A packet capture device is
usually a PC-based computer, such as the Sniffer®, that provides a means for understanding and
measuring data traffic of a network. Understanding data flow in a VLAN-based switch presents unique
challenges, primarily because traffic moves inside the switch, especially on dedicated devices.
The port monitoring feature allows you to examine packets to and from a specific Ethernet port. Port
monitoring has the following features:
• Software commands to enable and display captured port data.

• Captures data in Network General® file format.

• A file called pmonitor.enc is created in the /flash memory when you configure and enable a port
monitoring session.
• Data packets time stamped.

• One port monitored at a time.

• RAM-based file system.

• Statistics gathering and display.

The port monitoring feature also has the following restrictions:

• All packets cannot be captured. (Estimated packet capture rate is around 500 packets/second.)

• The maximum number of monitoring sessions is limited to one per chassis.

• Only the first 64 bytes of the traffic is captured in ‘brief’ mode. If the monitoring capture-type is set to
‘full’ the entire packet is captured.
• Link Aggregation ports can be monitored.

• If both mirroring and monitoring are enabled, then packets is either mirrored or monitored (i.e., sent to
CPU), whichever comes first. See “Mirroring on Multiple Ports” on page 34-10 for more information.
You can select to dump real-time packets to a file. Once a file is captured, you can FTP it to a Sniffer or
PC for viewing.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-18
Diagnosing Switch Problems Port Monitoring

Configuring a Port Monitoring Session

To configure a port monitoring session, use the port-monitoring source command by entering port -
monitoring, followed by the user-specified session ID number, source, the slot number of the port to be
monitored, a slash (/), and the port number of the port.
For example, to configure port monitoring session 6 on port 2/3 enter:
-> port-monitoring 6 source 2/3

Note. One port monitoring session can be configured per chassis.

In addition, you can also specify optional parameters shown in the table below. These parameters must be
entered after the slot and port number.

file no file size
no overwrite inport outport
bidirectional timeout enable
disable capture-type full

For example, to configure port monitoring session 6 on port 2/3 and administratively enable it, enter:
-> port-monitoring 6 source 2/3 enable

These keywords can be used when creating the port monitoring session or afterwards. See the sections
below for more information on using these keywords.

Enabling a Port Monitoring Session

To disable a port monitoring session, use the port-monitoring source command by entering port -
monitoring, followed by the user-specified session ID number, source, the slot number of the port to be
monitored, a slash (/), the port number of the port, and enable. For example, to enable port monitoring
session 6 on port 2/3, enter:
-> port-monitoring 6 source 2/3 enable

Disabling a Port Monitoring Session

To disable a port monitoring session, use the port-monitoring command by entering port-monitoring,
followed by the port monitoring session ID and pause. For example, to disable port monitoring session 6,
-> port-monitoring 6 disable

Deleting a Port Monitoring Session

To delete a port monitoring session, use the no form of the port-monitoring command by entering no
port-monitoring, followed by the port monitoring session ID. For example, to delete port monitoring
session 6, enter:
-> no port-monitoring 6

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-19
Diagnosing Switch Problems Port Monitoring

Pausing a Port Monitoring Session

To pause a port monitoring session, use the port-monitoring command by entering port-monitoring,
followed by the port monitoring session ID and pause. For example, to pause port monitoring session 6,
-> port-monitoring 6 pause

To resume a paused port monitoring session, use the port-monitoring command by entering port -
monitoring, followed by the port monitoring session ID and resume. For example, to resume port
monitoring session 6, enter:
-> port-monitoring 6 resume

Configuring Port Monitoring Session Persistence

By default, a port monitoring session is enabled. To modify the length of time before a port monitoring
session is disabled from 0 (the default, where the session is permanent) to 2147483647 seconds, use the
port-monitoring source CLI command by entering port-monitoring, followed by the user-specified
session ID number, source, the slot number of the port to be monitored, a slash (/), the port number of the
port, timeout, and the number of seconds before it is disabled.
For example, to configure port monitoring session 6 on port 2/3 that lasts 12000 seconds before it is
disabled, enter:
-> port-monitoring 6 source 2/3 timeout 12000

Configuring a Port Monitoring Data File

By default, a file called pmonitor.enc is created in the /flash directory when you configure and enable a
port monitoring session. This file can be FTPed for later analysis. To configure a user-specified file, use
the port-monitoring source CLI command by entering port-monitoring, followed by the user-specified
session ID number, source, the slot number of the port to be monitored, a slash (/), the port number of the
port, file, and the name of the file. The port monitoring sniffer file can be viewed using software such as
wireShark or ethereal.
For example, to configure port monitoring session 6 on port 2/3 with a data file called “user_port” in the
/flash directory, enter:
-> port-monitoring 6 source 2/3 file /flash/user_port

Optionally, you can also configure the size of the file and/or you can configure the data file so that more
recent packets do not overwrite older packets in the data file if the file size is exceeded.
To create a file and configure its size, use the port-monitoring source CLI command by entering port-
monitoring, followed by the user-specified session ID number, source, the slot number of the port to be
monitored, a slash (/), the port number of the port, file, the name of the file, size, and the size of the file in
16K byte increments.
For example, to configure port monitoring session 6 on port 2/3 with a data file called “user_port” in the
/flash directory with a size of 49152 (3 * 16K), enter:
-> port-monitoring 6 source 2/3 file /flash/user_port size 3

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-20
Diagnosing Switch Problems Port Monitoring

To select the type of port monitoring information captured, use the port-monitoring source CLI
command by entering port-monitoring, followed by the user-specified session ID number, source, the
slot number of the port to be monitored, a slash (/), the port number of the port, file, the name of the file,
and the capture-type keyword followed by the keywords, full or brief.
For example, to configure port monitoring session 6 on port 2/3 with a data file called “user_port” in the
/flash directory with a size of 49152 (3 * 16K), and port monitoring capture-type full, enter:
-> port-monitoring 6 source 2/3 file /flash/user_port capture-type full

To prevent more recent packets from overwriting older packets in the data file, if the file size is exceeded,
use the port-monitoring source CLI command by entering port-monitoring, followed by the user-
specified session ID number, source, the slot number of the port to be monitored, a slash (/), the port
number of the port, file, the name of the file, and overwrite off.
For example, to configure port monitoring session 6 on port 2/3 with a data file called “user_port” in the
/flash directory that does not overwrite older packets if the file size is exceeded, enter:
-> port-monitoring 6 source 2/3 file user_port overwrite off

To allow more recent packets from overwriting older packets in the data file if the file size is exceeded
(the default), use the port-monitoring source CLI command by entering port-monitoring, followed by
the user-specified session ID number, source, the slot number of the port to be monitored, a slash (/), the
port number of the port, file, the name of the file, and overwrite on.
For example, to configure port monitoring session 6 on port 2/3 with a data file called “user_port” in the
/flash directory that does not overwrite older packets if the file size is exceeded, enter:
-> port-monitoring 6 source 2/3 file /flash/user_port overwrite on

Note. The size and no overwrite options can be entered on the same command line.

Configuring Port Monitoring Direction

By default, port monitoring sessions are bidirectional. To configure the direction of a port mirroring
session between a mirrored port and a mirroring port, use the port-monitoring source CLI command by
entering port-monitoring, followed by the user-specified session ID number, source, the slot number of
the port to be monitored, a slash (/), the port number of the port, and inport, outport, or bidirectional.
For example, to configure port monitoring session 6 on port 2/3 as unidirectional and inward bound, enter:
-> port-monitoring 6 source 2/3 inport

To configure port monitoring session 6 on port 2/3 as unidirectional and outward bound, for example,
-> port-monitoring 6 source 2/3 outport

For example, to restore port monitoring session 6 on port 2/3 to its bidirectional direction, enter:
-> port-monitoring 6 source 2/3 bidirectional

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-21
Diagnosing Switch Problems Port Monitoring

Configuring the Capture Type

To configure the amount of data to be captured, use the port-monitoring source capture-type command.
If the capture type mode is set to ‘brief’, only the first 64 bytes of packets will be captured. If the capture
type mode is set to ‘full’, then the full packet is captured regardless of the packet size.
For example, to configure port monitoring session 6 on port 2/3 to capture only the first 64 bytes of the
packet, enter
-> port-monitoring 6 source 2/3 capture-type brief

To configure port monitoring session 6 on port 2/3 to capture full packet, enter
-> port-monitoring 6 source 2/3 capture-type full

Displaying Port Monitoring Status and Data

A summary of the show commands used for displaying port monitoring status and port monitoring data is
given here:

show port-monitoring status Displays port monitoring status.

show port-monitoring file Displays port monitoring data.

For example, to display port monitoring data, use the show port-monitoring file command as shown
-> show port-monitoring file

Destination | Source | Type | Data

01:80:C2:00:00:00 | 00:20:DA:8F:92:C6 | BPDU | 00:26:42:42:03:00:00:00:00:00
00:20:DA:C7:2D:D6 | 08:00:20:95:F3:89 | UDP | 08:00:45:00:00:6B:FE:4A:40:00
00:20:DA:A3:89:F6 | 08:00:20:95:F3:89 | UDP | 08:00:45:00:00:6B:CF:89:40:00
00:20:DA:BF:5B:76 | 08:00:20:95:F3:89 | UDP | 08:00:45:00:00:6B:CF:85:40:00
00:20:DA:A3:89:F6 | 08:00:20:95:F3:89 | UDP | 08:00:45:00:00:6B:CF:8A:40:00
00:20:DA:BF:5B:76 | 08:00:20:95:F3:89 | UDP | 08:00:45:00:00:6B:CF:86:40:00
00:20:DA:A3:89:F6 | 08:00:20:95:F3:89 | UDP | 08:00:45:00:00:6B:CF:8B:40:00
01:80:C2:00:00:00 | 00:20:DA:8F:92:C6 | BPDU | 00:26:42:42:03:00:00:00:00:00
00:20:DA:BF:5B:76 | 08:00:20:95:F3:89 | UDP | 08:00:45:00:00:6B:CF:87:40:00

Note. For more information about the displays that result from these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 CLI Reference Guide. The show port-monitoring command displays only 170 packets from the
port monitor file.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-22
Diagnosing Switch Problems sFlow

sFlow is a network monitoring technology that gives visibility in to the activity of the network, by
providing network usage information. It provides the data required to effectively control and manage the
network usage. sFlow is a sampling technology that meets the requirements for a network traffic
monitoring solution.
sFlow is an industry standard with many vendors delivering products with this support. Some of the
applications of the sFlow data include:
• Detecting, diagnosing, and fixing network problems

• Real-time congestion management

• Detecting unauthorized network activity

• Usage accounting and billing

• Understanding application mix

• Route profiling and peer optimization

• Capacity planning

sFlow is a sampling technology embedded within switches/routers. It provides the ability to monitor the
traffic flows. It requires a sFlow agent software process running as part of the switch software and a sFlow
collector which receives and analyses the monitored data. The sFlow collector makes use of SNMP to
communicate with a sFlow agent in order to configure sFlow monitoring on the device (switch).
sFlow agent running on the switch/router, combines interface counters and traffic flow (packet) samples
preferably on all the interfaces into sFlow datagrams that are sent across the network to an sFlow
Packet sampling on the switch/router is typically performed by the switching/routing ASICs, providing
wire-speed performance. In this case, sFlow agent does very little processing, by packaging data into
sFlow datagrams that are immediately sent on network. This minimizes the memory and CPU utilization
by sFlow agent.

sFlow Manager
The sFlow manager is the controller for all the modules. It initializes all other modules. It interfaces with
the Ethernet driver to get the counter samples periodically and reads sampled packets. The counter
samples are given to the poller and sampled packets are given to the sampler to format a UDP packet.
Each sFlow manager instance has multiples of receiver, sampler, and poller instances. Each user
programmed port has an individual sampler and poller. The sampler and poller could be potentially
pointing to multiple receivers if the user has configured multiple destination hosts.

The receiver module has the details about the destination hosts where the sFlow datagrams are sent out. If
there are multiple destinations then each destination has an instance of the receiver. All these receivers are
attached to the sFlow manager instance and to an associated sample/poller.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-23
Diagnosing Switch Problems sFlow

The sampler is the module which gathers samples and fills up the sampler part of the UDP datagram.

The poller is the module which gets counter samples from Ethernet driver and fills up the counter part of
the UDP datagram.

Configuring a sFlow Session

To configure a sFlow receiver session, use the sflow receiver command by entering sflow receiver,
followed by the receiver_index, name, the name of the session and address, and the IP address of the
For example, to configure receiver session 6 on switch, enter:
-> sflow receiver 6 name sflowtrend address

In addition, you can also specify optional parameters shown in the table below. These parameters can be
entered after the IP address.

timeout packet-size
forever version

For example, to configure sFlow receiver session 6 on switch and to specify the packet-size
and timeout value, enter:
-> sflow receiver 6 name sflowtrend address packet-size 1400
timeout 600

To configure a sFlow sampler session, use the sflow sampler command by entering sflow sampler,
followed by the instance ID number, the slot number of the port to be monitored, a slash (/), and the port
number and receiver, the receiver_index.
For example, to configure sampler session 1 on port 2/3, enter:
-> sflow sampler 1 port 2/3 receiver 6

In addition, you can also specify optional parameters shown in the table below. These parameters can be
entered after the receiver index.


For example, to configure sFlow sampler session 1 on port 2/3 and to specify the rate and sample-hdr-size,
-> sflow sampler 1 port 2/3 receiver 6 rate 512 sample-hdr-size 128

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-24
Diagnosing Switch Problems sFlow

To configure a sFlow poller session, use the sflow poller command by entering sflow poller, followed by
the instance ID number, the slot number of the port to be monitored, a slash (/), and the port number of the
port and receiver, then receiver_index.
For example, to configure poller session 3 on port 1/1, enter:
-> sflow poller 3 port 1/1 receiver 6

In addition, you can also specify the optional interval parameter after the receiver index value. For
example, to configure sFlow poller session 3 on port 1/1 with an interval of 5, enter:
-> sflow poller 3 port 1/1 receiver 6 interval 5

Configuring a Fixed Primary Address

In order to generate the IP packtes and sent the sFlow data-grams out into the network, sFlow agent
requires an IP address configured to it. The agents IP address can be configured using the sflow agent
command. If there is no IP address configured, then the sFlow data-grams will not be sent to the receiver.
For example, to configure the agent IP address, enter:
-> sflow agent ip

Displaying a sFlow Receiver

The show sflow receiver command is used to display the receiver table.
For example, to view the sFlow receiver table, enter the show sflow receiver command without
specifying any additional parameters. A screen similar to the following example is displayed, as shown
-> show sflow receiver

Receiver 1
Name = Golden
Address = IP_V4
UDP Port = 6343
Timeout = 65535
Packet Size= 1400
DatagramVer= 5

Note. For more information about the displays that result from these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-25
Diagnosing Switch Problems sFlow

Displaying a sFlow Sampler

The show sflow sampler command is used to display the sampler table.
For example, to view the sFlow sampler table, enter the show sflow sampler command without specifying
any additional parameters. A screen similar to the following example is displayed, as shown below:
-> show sflow sampler

Instance Interface Receiver Sample-rate Sample-hdr-size

1 2/ 1 1 2048 128
1 2/ 2 1 2048 128
1 2/ 3 1 2048 128
1 2/ 4 1 2048 128
1 2/ 5 1 2048 128

Note. For more information about the displays that result from these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

Displaying a sFlow Poller

The show sflow poller command is used to display the poller table.
For example, to view the sFlow poller table, enter the show sflow poller command without specifying any
additional parameters. A screen similar to the following example is displayed, as shown below:
-> show sflow poller

Instance Interface Receiver Interval

1 2/ 6 1 30
1 2/ 7 1 30
1 2/ 8 1 30
1 2/ 9 1 30
1 2/10 1 30

Note. For more information about the displays that result from these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-26
Diagnosing Switch Problems sFlow

Displaying a sFlow Agent

The show sflow agent command is used to display the receiver table.
For example, to view the sFlow agent table, enter the show sflow agent command without specifying any
additional parameters. A screen similar to the following example is displayed, as shown below:
-> show sflow agent

Agent Version = 1.3; Alcatel-Lucent; 6.1.1

Agent IP =

Note. For more information about the displays that result from these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

Deleting a sFlow Session

To delete a sFlow receiver session, use the release form at the end of the sflow agent command by
entering sflow receiver, followed by the receiver index and release. For example, to delete sFlow receiver
session 6, enter:
-> sflow receiver 6 release

To delete a sFlow sampler session, use the no form of the sflow sampler command by entering no sflow
sampler, followed by the instance ID number, the slot number of the port to delete, a slash (/), and the
port number of the port, enter:
-> no sflow sampler 1 port 2/3

To delete a sFlow poller session, use the no form of the sflow poller command by entering no sflow
poller, followed by the instance ID number, the slot number of the port to delete, a slash (/), and the port
number of the port, enter:
-> no sflow poller 3 port 1/1

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-27
Diagnosing Switch Problems Remote Monitoring (RMON)

Remote Monitoring (RMON)

Remote Network Monitoring (RMON) is an SNMP protocol used to manage networks remotely. RMON
probes can be used to collect, interpret, and forward statistical data about network traffic from designated
active ports in a LAN segment to an NMS (Network Management System) application for monitoring and
analysis without negatively impacting network performance. RMON software is fully integrated in the
Chassis Management software and works with the Ethernet software to acquire statistical information.
However, it does not monitor the CMM module’s onboard Ethernet Management port on OmniSwitch
chassis-based switches (which is reserved for management purposes).
The following diagram illustrates how an External RMON probe can be used with port mirroring to copy
RMON probe frames and Management frames to and from the mirroring and mirrored ports. Frames
received from an RMON probe attached to the mirroring port can be seen as being received by the
mirrored port. These frames from the mirroring port are marked as if they are received on the mirrored
port before being sent over the switch backplane to an NMS station. Therefore, management frames that
are destined for the RMON probe are first forwarded out of the mirrored port. After being received on the
mirrored port, copies of the frames are mirrored out of the mirroring port—the probe attached to the
mirroring port receives the management frames.

A. RMON probe frames sent from the mirroring port...

NMS Workstation

Mirrored Port Mirroring Port

B. ...appear to come from the mirrored port RMON Probe

when the NMS Workstation receives them.

C. Management frames from the NMS Workstation are sent to the mirrored port....

NMS Workstation

Mirrored Port Mirroring Port

RMON Probe


D. ...and port mirroring sends copies of the

Management frames to the mirroring port.

Port Mirroring Using External RMON Probe

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-28
Diagnosing Switch Problems Remote Monitoring (RMON)

RMON probes can be enabled or disabled through CLI commands. Configuration of Alarm threshold
values for RMON traps is a function reserved for RMON-monitoring NMS stations.
This feature supports basic RMON 4 group implementation in compliance with RFC 2819, including the
Ethernet Statistics, History (Control & Statistics), Alarms and Events groups (described below).

Note. RMON 10 group and RMON2 are not implemented in the current release. An external RMON probe
that includes RMON 10 group and RMON2 be used where full RMON probe functionality is required.

Ethernet Statistics
Ethernet statistics probes are created whenever new ports are inserted and activated in the chassis. When a
port is removed from the chassis or deactivated, the Ethernet statistics group entry associated with the
physical port is invalidated and the probe is deleted.
The Ethernet statistics group includes port utilization and error statistics measured by the RMON probe
for each monitored Ethernet interface on the switch. Examples of these statistics include CRC (Cyclic
Redundancy Check)/alignment, undersized/oversized packets, fragments, broadcast/multicast/unicast, and
bandwidth utilization statistics.

History (Control & Statistics)

The History (Control & Statistics) group controls and stores periodic statistical samplings of data from
various types of networks. Examples include Utilization, Error Count, and Frame Count statistics.

The Alarm group collects periodic statistical samples from variables in the probe and compares them to
previously configured thresholds. If a sample crosses a previously configured threshold value, an Event is
generated. Examples include Absolute or Relative Values, Rising or Falling Thresholds on the Utilization
Frame Count and CRC Errors.

The Event group controls generation and notification of events from the switch to NMS stations. For
example, customized reports based on the type of Alarm can be generated, printed and/or logged.

Note. The following RMON groups are not implemented: Host, HostTopN, Matrix, Filter, and Packet

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-29
Diagnosing Switch Problems Remote Monitoring (RMON)

Enabling or Disabling RMON Probes

To enable or disable an individual RMON probe, enter the rmon probes CLI command. Be sure to
specify the type of probe (stats/history/alarm), followed by the entry number (optional), as shown in the
following examples.
The following command enables RMON Ethernet Statistics probe number 4012:
-> rmon probes stats 4012 enable

The following command disables RMON History probe number 10240:

-> rmon probes history 10240 disable

The following command enables RMON Alarm probe number 11235:

-> rmon probes alarm 11235 enable

To enable or disable an entire group of RMON probes of a particular flavor type (such as Ethernet
Statistics, History, or Alarm), enter the command without specifying an entry-number, as shown in the
following examples.
The following command disables all currently defined (disabled) RMON Ethernet Statistics probes:
-> rmon probes stats disable

The following command enables all currently defined (disabled) RMON History probes:
-> rmon probes history enable

The following command enables all currently defined (disabled) RMON Alarm probes:
-> rmon probes alarm enable

Note. Network activity on subnetworks attached to an RMON probe can be monitored by Network
Management Software (NMS) applications.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-30
Diagnosing Switch Problems Remote Monitoring (RMON)

Displaying RMON Tables

Two separate commands can be used to retrieve and view Remote Monitoring data: show rmon probes
and show rmon events. The retrieved statistics appear in a table format (a collection of related data that
meets the criteria specified in the command you entered). These RMON tables can display the following
kinds of data (depending on the criteria you’ve specified):
• The show rmon probes command can display a list of current RMON probes or statistics for a
particular RMON probe.
• The show rmon events command can display a list of RMON events (actions that occur in response to
Alarm conditions detected by an RMON probe) or statistics for a particular RMON event.

Displaying a List of RMON Probes

To view a list of current RMON probes, enter the show rmon probes command with the probe type,
without specifying an entry number for a particular probe.
For example, to show a list of the statistics probes, enter:
-> show rmon probes stats

A display showing all current statistics RMON probes must appear, as shown in the following example:
Entry Slot/Port Flavor Status Duration System Resources
4001 4/1 Ethernet Active 00:25:00 275 bytes
4008 4/8 Ethernet Active 00:25:00 275 bytes
4005 4/5 Ethernet Active 00:25:00 275 bytes

This table entry displays probe statistics for all probes on the switch. The probes are active, utilize 275
bytes of memory, and 25 minutes have elapsed since the last change in status occurred.
To show a list of the history probes, enter:
-> show rmon probes history

A display showing all current history RMON probes must appear, as shown in the following example:
Entry Slot/Port Flavor Status Duration System Resources
1 1/1 History Active 92:52:20 5464 bytes
30562 1/35 History Active 00:31:22 312236 bytes
30817 1/47 History Active 00:07:31 5200236 bytes

The table entry displays statistics for RMON History probes on the switch.
To show a list of the alarm probes, enter:
-> show rmon probes alarm

A display showing all current alarm RMON probes must appear, as shown in the following example:
Entry Slot/Port Flavor Status Duration System Resources
31927 1/35 Alarm Active 00:25:51 608 bytes

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-31
Diagnosing Switch Problems Remote Monitoring (RMON)

Displaying Statistics for a Particular RMON Probe

To view statistics for a particular current RMON probe, enter the show rmon probes command,
specifying an entry number for a particular probe, such as:
-> show rmon probes 4005

A display showing statistics for the specified RMON probe appears, as shown in the following sections.

Sample Display for Ethernet Statistics Probe

The display shown here identifies RMON Probe 4005’s Owner description and interface location
(OmniSwitch Auto Probe on slot 4, port 5), Entry number (4005), probe Flavor (Ethernet statistics), and
Status (Active). Additionally, the display indicates the amount of time that has elapsed since the last
change in status (48 hours, 54 minutes), and the amount of memory allocated to the probe, measured in
bytes (275).
-> show rmon probes 4005

Probe’s Owner: Switch Auto Probe on Slot 4, Port 5

Entry 4005
Flavor = Ethernet, Status = Active
Time = 48 hrs 54 mins,

System Resources (bytes) = 275

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-32
Diagnosing Switch Problems Remote Monitoring (RMON)

Sample Display for History Probe

The display shown here identifies RMON Probe 10325’s Owner description and interface location
(Analyzer-p: on slot 1, port 35), the total number of History Control Buckets (samples)
requested and granted (2), along with the time interval for each sample (30 seconds) and system-generated
Sample Index ID number (5859). The probe Entry number identifier (10325), probe Flavor (History), and
Status (Active), the amount of time that has elapsed since the last change in status (48 hours, 53 minutes),
and the amount of memory allocated to the probe, measured in bytes (601) are also displayed.
-> show rmon probes history 30562

Probe’s Owner: Analyzer-p: on Slot 1, Port 35

History Control Buckets Requested = 2
History Control Buckets Granted = 2
History Control Interval = 30 seconds
History Sample Index = 5859
Entry 10325
Flavor = History, Status = Active
Time = 48 hrs 53 mins,
System Resources (bytes) = 601

Sample Display for Alarm Probe

The display shown here identifies RMON Probe 11235’s Owner description and interface location
(Analyzer-t: on slot 1, port 35), as well as the Alarm Rising Threshold of the probe and
Alarm Falling Threshold, maximum allowable values beyond which an alarm is generated and sent to the
Event group (5 and 0, respectively).
Additionally, the corresponding Alarm Rising Event Index number (26020) and Alarm Falling Event
Index number (0), which link the Rising Threshold Alarm and Falling Threshold Alarm to events in the
Event table, are identified. The Alarm Interval, a time period during which data is sampled (10 seconds)
and Alarm Sample Type (delta value—variable) are also shown, as is the Alarm Variable ID number
( The probe Entry number identifier (11235), probe Flavor (Alarm), Status
(Active), the amount of time that has elapsed since the last change in status (48 hours, 48 minutes), and the
amount of memory allocated to the probe, measured in bytes (1677) are also displayed.
-> show rmon probes alarm 31927

Probe’s Owner: Analyzer-t: on Slot 1, Port 35

Alarm Rising Threshold = 5
Alarm Falling Threshold = 0
Alarm Rising Event Index = 26020
Alarm Falling Event Index = 0
Alarm Interval = 10 seconds
Alarm Sample Type = delta value
Alarm Startup Alarm = rising alarm
Alarm Variable =
Entry 11235
Flavor = Alarm, Status = Active
Time = 48 hrs 48 mins,
System Resources (bytes) = 1677

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-33
Diagnosing Switch Problems Remote Monitoring (RMON)

Displaying a List of RMON Events

RMON Events are actions that occur based on Alarm conditions detected by an RMON probe. To view a
list of logged RMON Events, enter the show rmon events command without specifying an entry number
for a particular probe, such as:
-> show rmon events

A display showing all logged RMON Events must appear, as shown in the following example:
Entry Time Description
1 00:08:00 etherStatsPkts.4008: [Falling trap] “Falling Event”
2 00:26:00 etherStatsCollisions.2008: “Rising Event”
3 00:39:00 etherStatsCollisions.2008: “Rising Event”

The display shown above identifies the Entry number of the specified Event, along with the elapsed time
since the last change in status (measured in hours/minutes/seconds) and a description of the Alarm
condition detected by the probe for all RMON Logged Events. For example, Entry number 3 is linked to
etherStatsCollisions.2008: [Rising trap] “Rising Event,” an Alarm condition detected by the RMON probe
in which a trap was generated based on a Rising Threshold Alarm, with an elapsed time of 39 minutes
since the last change in status.

Displaying a Specific RMON Event

To view information for a specific logged RMON Event, enter the show rmon events command,
specifying an entry number (event number) for a particular probe, such as:
-> show rmon events 3

A display showing the specific logged RMON Event must appear, as shown in the following example:
Entry Time Description
3 00:39:00 etherStatsCollisions.2008: “Rising Event”

The display shown above identifies the Entry number of the specified Event, along with the elapsed time
since the last change in status (measured in hours/minutes/seconds) and a description of the Alarm
condition detected by the probe for the specific RMON Logged Event. For example, Entry number 3 is
linked to etherStatsCollisions.2008: [Rising trap] “Rising Event,” an Alarm condition detected by the
RMON probe in which a trap was generated based on a Rising Threshold Alarm, with an elapsed time of
39 minutes since the last change in status.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-34
Diagnosing Switch Problems Monitoring Switch Health

Monitoring Switch Health

To monitor resource availability, the NMS (Network Management System) needs to collect significant
amounts of data from each switch. As the number of ports per switch (and the number of switches)
increases, the volume of data can become overwhelming. The Health Monitoring feature can identify and
monitor a switch’s resource utilization levels and thresholds, improving efficiency in data collection.

NMS Workstation

Monitoring Resource Availability from Multiple Ports and Switches

Health Monitoring provides the following data to the NMS:

• Switch-level Input/Output, Memory and CPU Utilization Levels

• Module-level and Port-level Input/Output Utilization Levels

For each monitored resource, the following variables are defined:

• Most recent utilization level (percentage)

• Average utilization level over the last minute (percentage)

• Average utilization level over the last hour (percentage)

• Maximum utilization level over the last hour (percentage)

• Threshold level

Additionally, Health Monitoring provides the capacity to specify thresholds for the resource utilization
levels it monitors and generates traps based on the specified threshold criteria.
The following sections include a discussion of CLI commands that can be used to configure resource
parameters and monitor or reset statistics for switch resources. These commands include:
• health threshold—Configures threshold limits for input traffic (RX), output/input traffic (TX/RX),
memory usage, CPU usage, and chassis temperature. See page 34-36 for more information.
• show health configuration—Displays current health threshold settings. See page 34-37 for details.

• health interval—Configures sampling interval between health statistics checks. See page 34-38 for
more information..
• show health —Displays health statistics for the switch, as percentages of total resource capacity. See
page 34-39 for more information.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-35
Diagnosing Switch Problems Monitoring Switch Health

Configuring Resource Thresholds

Health Monitoring software monitors threshold levels for the switch’s consumable resources—bandwidth,
RAM memory, and CPU capacity. When a threshold is exceeded, the Health Monitoring feature sends a
trap to the Network Management Station (NMS). A trap is an alarm alerting the user to specific network
events. In the case of health-related traps, a specific indication is given to determine which threshold has
been crossed.

Note. When a resource falls back below the configured threshold, an addition trap is sent to the user. This
indicates that the resource is no longer operating beyond its configured threshold limit.

The health threshold command is used to configure threshold limits for input traffic (RX), output/input
traffic (TX/RX), memory usage and CPU usage.
To configure thresholds for these resources, enter the health threshold command, followed by the input
traffic, output/input traffic, memory usage, or CPU usage where:

rx Specifies an input traffic (RX) threshold, in percentage. This value

defines the maximum percentage of total bandwidth allowed for
incoming traffic only. The total bandwidth is the Ethernet port capacity
of all NI modules currently operating in the switch, in Mbps. For
example, a chassis with 48 100Base-T Ethernet ports installed has a
total bandwidth of 4800 Mbps. Since the default RX threshold is 80
percent, the threshold is exceeded if the input traffic on all ports
reaches 3840 Mbps or higher.
txrx Specifies a value for the output/input traffic (TX/RX) threshold. This
value defines the maximum percentage of total bandwidth allowed for
all incoming and outgoing traffic. As with the RX threshold described
above, the total bandwidth is defined as the Ethernet port capacity for
all NI modules currently operating in the switch, in Mbps. The default
TX/RX threshold is 80 percent.
memory Specifies a value for the memory usage threshold. Memory usage
refers to the total amount of RAM memory currently used by switch
applications. The default memory usage threshold is 80 percent.
cpu Specifies a value for the CPU usage threshold. CPU usage refers to the
total amount of CPU processor capacity currently used by switch
applications. The default CPU usage threshold is 80 percent.

For example, to specify a CPU usage threshold of 85 percent, enter the following command:
-> health threshold cpu 85

For more information on the health threshold command, refer to Chapter 52, “Health Monitoring
Commands,” in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.

Note. When you specify a new value for a threshold limit, the value is automatically applied across all
levels of the switch (switch, module, and port). You cannot select differing values for each level.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-36
Diagnosing Switch Problems Monitoring Switch Health

Displaying Health Threshold Limits

The show health configuration command is used to view all current health thresholds on the switch, as
well as individual thresholds for input traffic (RX), output/input traffic (TX/RX), memory usage and CPU
To view all health thresholds, enter the following command:
-> show health configuration
Rx Threshold = 80,
TxRx Threshold = 80,
Memory Threshold = 80,
CPU Threshold = 80,
Sampling Interval (Secs)= 10

Note. For detailed definitions of each of the threshold types, refer to “Configuring Resource Thresholds”
on page 34-36, as well as Chapter 52, “Health Monitoring Commands,” in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8
CLI Reference Guide.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-37
Diagnosing Switch Problems Monitoring Switch Health

Configuring Sampling Intervals

The sampling interval is the period of time between polls of the switch’s consumable resources to
monitor performance vis-a-vis previously specified thresholds. The health interval command can be used
to configure the sampling interval between health statistics checks.
To configure the sampling interval, enter the health interval command, followed by the number of
For example, to specify a sampling interval value of 6 seconds, enter the following command:
-> health interval 6

Valid values for the seconds parameter include 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, or 30.

Note. If the sampling interval is decreased, switch performance be affected.

Viewing Sampling Intervals

The show health command can be used to display the current health sampling interval (period of time
between health statistics checks), measured in seconds.
To view the sampling interval, enter the show health configuration command. The currently configured
health sampling interval (measured in seconds) is displayed, as shown below:
-> show health configuration

Rx Threshold = 80,
TxRx Threshold = 80,
Memory Threshold = 80,
CPU Threshold = 80,
Sampling Interval (Secs) = 10

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-38
Diagnosing Switch Problems Monitoring Switch Health

Viewing Health Statistics for the Switch

The show health command can be used to display health statistics for the switch.
To display health statistics, enter the show health command, followed by the slot/port location.
For example, to view health statistics for the entire switch, enter the show health command without
specifying any additional parameters. A screen similar to the following example is displayed, as shown
-> show health
* - current value exceeds threshold

Device 1 Min 1 Hr 1 Hr
Resources Limit Curr Avg Avg Max
Receive 80 00 00 00 00
Transmit/Receive 80 00 00 00 00
Memory 80 87* 87 86 87
Cpu 80 08 05 04 08
Temperature Cmm 60 34 34 33 34
Temperature Cmm Cpu 60 28 28 27 28

In the screen sample shown above, the Device Resources field displays the device resources that are being
measured (for example, Receive displays statistics for traffic received by the switch; Transmit/Receive
displays statistics for traffic transmitted and received by the switch; Memory displays statistics for switch
memory; and CPU displays statistics for the switch CPU). The Limit field displays currently configured
device threshold levels as percentages of available bandwidth. The Curr field displays current bandwidth
usage for the specified device resource. 1 Min. Avg. refers to the average device bandwidth used over a 1
minute period. 1 Hr. Avg. refers to the average device bandwidth used over a 1 hour period, and 1 Hr.
Max. refers to the maximum device bandwidth used over a 1 hour period.

Note. If the Current value appears with an asterisk displayed next to it, the Current value exceeds the
Threshold limit. For example, if the Current value for Memory is displayed as 85* and the Threshold Limit
is displayed as 80, the asterisk indicates that the Current value has exceeded the Threshold Limit value.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-39
Diagnosing Switch Problems Monitoring Switch Health

Viewing Health Statistics for a Specific Interface

To view health statistics for slot 4/port 3, enter the show health command, followed by the appropriate
slot and port numbers. A screen similar to the following example is displayed, as shown below:
-> show health port 4/3
* - current value exceeds threshold

Port 04/03 1 Min 1 Hr 1 Hr

Resources Limit Curr Avg Avg Max
Receive 80 01 01 01 01
Transmit/Receive 80 01 01 01 01

In the screen sample shown above, the port 04/03 Resources field displays the port resources that are
being measured (for example, Receive displays statistics for traffic received by the switch, while
Transmit/Receive displays statistics for traffic transmitted and received by the switch). The Limit field
displays currently configured resource threshold levels as percentages of available bandwidth. The Curr
field displays current bandwidth usage for the specified resource. 1 Min. Avg. refers to the average
resource bandwidth used over a 1 minute period. 1 Hr. Avg. refers to the average resource bandwidth used
over a 1 hour period, and 1 Hr. Max. refers to the maximum resource bandwidth used over a 1 hour

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 34-40
35 Configuring VLAN

VLAN Stacking provides a mechanism to tunnel multiple customer VLANs (CVLAN) through a service
provider network using one or more service provider VLANs (SVLAN) by way of 802.1Q double-tagging
or VLAN Translation. This feature enables service providers to offer their customers Transparent LAN
Services (TLS). This service is multipoint in nature so as to support multiple customer sites or networks
distributed over the edges of a service provider network.
This implementation of VLAN Stacking offers the following functionality:
• Ingress bandwidth sharing across User Network Interface (UNI) ports.

• Ingress bandwidth rate limiting on a per UNI port, per CVLAN, or CVLAN per UNI port basis.

• CVLAN (inner) tag 802.1p-bit mapping to SVLAN (outer) tag 802.1p bit.

• CVLAN (inner) tag DSCP mapping to SVLAN (outer) tag 802.1p bit.

• Profiles for saving and applying traffic engineering parameter values.

In This Chapter
This chapter describes the basic components of VLAN Stacking and how to define a service-based or port-
based configuration through the Command Line Interface (CLI). CLI commands are used in the
configuration examples; for more details about the syntax of commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release
8 CLI Reference Guide.
This chapter provides an overview of VLAN Stacking and includes the following topics:
• “VLAN Stacking Defaults” on page 35-2.

• “VLAN Stacking Overview” on page 35-3.

• “Interaction With Other Features” on page 35-7.

• “Configuring VLAN Stacking Services” on page 35-10

• “VLAN Stacking Application Example” on page 35-22..

• “Verifying the VLAN Stacking Configuration” on page 35-26

• “Verifying the VLAN Stacking Configuration” on page 35-26.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 35-1
Configuring VLAN Stacking VLAN Stacking Defaults

VLAN Stacking Defaults

Parameter Description Command Default Value/Comments
SVLAN administrative and spantree vlan admin-state Enabled
Spanning Tree status.
Vendor TPID and legacy BPDU ethernet-service nni TPID = 0x8100
support for STP on a VLAN legacy STP BPDU = dropped.
Stacking network port.
Acceptable frame types on a VLAN ethernet-service sap cvlan None.
Stacking user port.
Traffic engineering profile attributes ethernet-service sap-profile ingress bandwidth = shared
for a VLAN Stacking Service Access ingress bandwidth mbps = 0
Point (SAP). CVLAN tag is preserved.
SVLAN priority mapping = 0
Treatment of customer protocol ethernet-service uni-profile Processed Frames:
control frames ingressing on a UDLD, OAM, LACPMarker
VLAN Stacking user port.
Tunneled Frames:
802.1ab, 802.3ad, STP, MVRP,

Discarded Frames:
VTP, VLAN, Uplink Fast,

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 35-2
Configuring VLAN Stacking VLAN Stacking Overview

VLAN Stacking Overview

VLAN Stacking provides a mechanism for defining a transparent bridging configuration through a service
provider network. The major components of VLAN Stacking that provide this type of functionality are
described as follows:
• Provider Edge (PE) Bridge—An ethernet switch that resides on the edge of the service provider
network. The PE Bridge interconnects customer network space with service provider network space. A
switch is considered a PE bridge if it transports packets between a customer-facing port and a network
port or between two customer-facing ports.
• Transit Bridge—An ethernet switch that resides inside the service provider network and provides a
connection between multiple provider networks. It employs the same SVLAN on two or more network
ports. This SVLAN does not terminate on the switch itself; traffic ingressing on a network port is
switched to other network ports. It is also possible for the same switch to function as a both a PE
Bridge and a Transit Bridge.
• Tunnel (SVLAN)—A tunnel, also referred to as an SVLAN, is a logical entity that connects customer
networks by transparently bridging customer traffic through a service provider network. The tunnel is
defined by an SVLAN tag that is appended to all customer traffic. This implementation provides an
SVLAN that is defined by the type of traffic that it carries - an SVLAN that carries customer traffic.
• Network Network Interface (NNI)—An NNI is a port that resides on either a PE Bridge or a Transit
Bridge and connects to a service provider network. Traffic ingressing on a network port is considered
SVLAN traffic and is switched to a customer-facing port or to another network port.
• User Network Interface (UNI)—A UNI is a port that resides on a PE bridge that connects to a
customer network and carries customer traffic. The UNI may consist of a single port or an aggregate of
ports and can accept tagged or untagged traffic.
The following illustration shows how VLAN Stacking uses the above components to tunnel customer
traffic through a service provider network:

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 35-3
Configuring VLAN Stacking VLAN Stacking Overview

Customer A
Site 2

Provider Edge 2

Customer A
Site 1

Transit Bridge

Customer B
EMAN Site 2
Provider Edge 1

Provider Edge 3

Customer B
Site 1

NNI Port

UNI Port

NNI Port

VLAN Stacking Elements

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 35-4
Configuring VLAN Stacking VLAN Stacking Overview

How VLAN Stacking Works

On the Provider Edge bridge (PE), a unique tunnel (SVLAN) ID is assigned to each customer. The tunnel
ID corresponds to a VLAN ID, which is created on the switch when the tunnel is configured. For example,
when tunnel 100 is created, VLAN Stacking software interacts with VLAN Manager software to configure
a VLAN 100 on the switch. VLAN 100 is the provider bridge VLAN that will tunnel customer VLAN
traffic associated with tunnel 100. So, there is a one to one correspondence between a tunnel and its
provider bridge VLAN ID. In fact, tunnel and VLAN are interchangeable terms when referring to the
provider bridge configuration.
VLAN Stacking refers to the tunnel encapsulation process of appending to customer packets an 802.1Q
tag that contains the tunnel ID associated to that customer’s provider bridge port and/or VLANs. The
encapsulated traffic is then transmitted through the Ethernet metro area network (EMAN) cloud and
received on another PE bridge that contains the same tunnel ID, where the packet is then stripped of the
tunnel tag and forwarded to the traffic destination.
The following provides an example of how a packet ingressing on a VLAN Stacking UNI port that is
tagged with the customer VLAN (CVLAN) ID transitions through the VLAN Stacking encapsulation
1 Packet with CVLAN tag ingressing on a user port.


(6) (6) (4) 0x0800

2 Double Tagging inserts the SVLAN tag in the packet. The packet is sent out the network port with
double tags (SVLAN+CVLAN).
(6) (6) (4) (4) 0x0800

3 VLAN Translation replaces the CVLAN Tag with SVLAN Tag. The packet is sent out the network
port with a single tag (SVLAN).
(6) (6) (4) 0x0800

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 35-5
Configuring VLAN Stacking VLAN Stacking Overview

VLAN Stacking Services

The VLAN Stacking application uses an Ethernet service based approach for tunneling customer traffic
through a provider network. This approach requires the configuration of the following components to
define a tunneling service:
• VLAN Stacking Service—A service name that is associated with an SVLAN, NNI ports, and one or
more VLAN Stacking service access points. The service identifies the customer traffic that the SVLAN
will carry through the provider traffic.
• Service Access Point (SAP)—A SAP is associated with a VLAN Stacking service name and a SAP
profile. The SAP binds UNI ports and customer traffic received on those ports to the service. The
profile specifies traffic engineering attribute values that are applied to the customer traffic received on
the SAP UNI ports.
• Service Access Point (SAP) Profile—A SAP profile is associated with a SAP ID. Profile attributes
define values for ingress bandwidth sharing, rate limiting, CVLAN tag processing (translate or
preserve), and priority mapping (inner to outer tag or fixed value).
• UNI Port Profile—This type of profile is associated with each UNI port and configures how Spanning
Tree, and other control packets are processed on the UNI port.
See the “Configuring VLAN Stacking Services” on page 35-10 for more information.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 35-6
Configuring VLAN Stacking Interaction With Other Features

Interaction With Other Features

This section contains important information about VLAN Stacking interaction with other OmniSwitch
features. Refer to the specific chapter for each feature to get more detailed information about how to
configure and use the feature.

Link Aggregation
• Both static and dynamic link aggregation are supported with VLAN Stacking.

• Note that a link aggregate must consist of all UNI or all NNI ports. VLAN Stacking functionality is not
supported on link aggregates that consist of a mixture of VLAN Stacking ports and conventional
switch ports.

Quality of Service (QoS)

The QoS application has the following interactions with VLAN Stacking:
• By default, QoS allocates switch resources for VLAN Stacking Service attributes, even though such
attributes are not configurable via the QoS CLI.
• The ethernet-service sap-profile command is used to create a VLAN Stacking service access point
(SAP) profile. When the bandwidth not-assigned and priority not-assigned parameters are used with
this command, QoS is prevented from allocating switch resources for the SAP profile.
• VLAN Stacking ports are trusted and use 802.1p classification.

• If there is a conflict between VLAN Stacking Service attributes and the QoS configuration, the VLAN
Stacking attributes are given precedence over QoS policies.
• QoS applies the inner source vlan and inner 802.1p policy conditions to the CVLAN (inner) tag of
VLAN Stacking packets.
• QoS applies the source vlan and 802.1p policy conditions to the SVLAN (outer) tag of VLAN
Stacking packets.

Spanning Tree
• Spanning Tree is automatically enabled for VLAN Stacking SVLANs. The Spanning Tree status for an
SVLAN is configurable through VLAN Stacking commands. Note that the SVLAN Spanning Tree
status applies only to the service provider network topology.
• BPDU frames are tunneled by default. See “Configuring a UNI Profile” on page 35-19 for information
about configuring VLAN Stacking to tunnel or discard Spanning Tree BPDU.
• See “Configuring VLAN Stacking Network Ports” on page 35-13 for information about configuring
VLAN Stacking interoperability with legacy Spanning Tree BPDU systems.
• A back door link configuration is not supported. This occurs when there is a link between two
customer sites that are both connected to a VLAN Stacking provider edge switch.
• A dual home configuration is not supported. This type of configuration consists of a single customer
site connected to two different VLAN Stacking switches or two switches at a customer site connect to
two different VLAN Stacking switches.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 35-7
Configuring VLAN Stacking Quick Steps for Configuring VLAN Stacking

Quick Steps for Configuring VLAN Stacking

The following steps provide a quick tutorial for configuring a VLAN Stacking service:

1 Create a VLAN Stacking VLAN (SVLAN) 1001 using the ethernet-service svlan command.

-> ethernet-service svlan 1001

2 Create a VLAN Stacking service and associate the service with SVLAN 1001 using the ethernet-
service service-name command.
-> ethernet-service service-name CustomerA svlan 1001

3 Configure port 3/1 as a VLAN Stacking Network Network Interface (NNI) port and associate the port
with SVLAN 1001 using the ethernet-service svlan nni command.
-> ethernet-service svlan 10 nni port 1/3

4 Create a VLAN Stacking Service Access Point (SAP) and associate it to the “CustomerA” service
using the ethernet-service sap command.
-> ethernet-service sap 10 service-name CustomerA

5 Configure port 1/49 as a VLAN Stacking User Network Interface (UNI) port and associate the port
with SAP ID 10 using the ethernet-service sap uni command.
-> ethernet-service sap 10 uni port 1/49

6 Associate traffic from customer VLANs (CVLAN) 10 and 20 with SAP 10 using the ethernet-service
sap cvlan command.
-> ethernet-service sap 10 cvlan 10
-> ethernet-service sap 10 cvlan 20

7 (Optional) Create a SAP profile that applies an ingress bandwidth of 10, translates the CVLAN tag,
and maps the CVLAN priority to the SVLAN priority using the ethernet-service sap-profile command.
-> ethernet-service sap-profile sap-video1 ingress-bandwidth 10 cvlan translate
priority map-inner-to-outer-p

8 (Optional) Associate the “sap-video1” profile with SAP 10 using the ethernet-service sap sap-profile
-> ethernet-service sap 10 sap-profile sap-video1

9 (Optional) Create a UNI port profile to block STP control frames received on UNI ports using the
ethernet-service uni-profile command.
-> ethernet-service uni-profile uni_1 l2-protocol stp discard

10 (Optional) Associate the “uni_1” profile with port 1/49 using the ethernet-service uni uni-profile
-> ethernet-service uni port 1/49 uni-profile uni_1

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 35-8
Configuring VLAN Stacking Quick Steps for Configuring VLAN Stacking

Note. Verify the VLAN Stacking Ethernet service configuration using the show ethernet-service

-> show ethernet-service

Service Name : VideoOne

SVLAN : 300
NNI(s) : 2/1, 3/2
SAP Id : 20
UNIs : 1/1, 1/2
CVLAN(s) : 10, 20
sap-profile : sap-video1
SAP Id : 30
UNIs : 1/3
CVLAN(s) : untagged, 40
sap-profile : sap-video2

Service Name : CustomerABC

SVLAN : 255
NNI(s) : 1/22
SAP Id : 10
UNIs : 2/10, 2/11
CVLAN(s) : 500, 600
sap-profile : default-sap-profile

-> show ethernet-service service-name CustomerABC

Service Name : CustomerABC

SVLAN : 255
NNI(s) : 1/22
SAP Id : 10
UNIs : 2/10, 2/11
CVLAN(s) : 500, 600
sap-profile : default-sap-profile

-> show ethernet-service svlan 300

Service Name : VideoOne

SVLAN : 300
NNI(s) : 2/1, 3/2
SAP Id : 20
UNIs : 1/1, 1/2
CVLAN(s) : 10, 20
sap-profile : sap-video1
SAP Id : 30
UNIs : 1/3
CVLAN(s) : 30, 40
sap-profile : sap-video2

See the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide for information about the fields in this display.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 35-9
Configuring VLAN Stacking Configuring VLAN Stacking Services

Configuring VLAN Stacking Services

Configuring a VLAN Stacking Ethernet service requires several steps. These steps are outlined here and
further described throughout this section. For a brief tutorial on configuring a VLAN Stacking service, see
“Quick Steps for Configuring VLAN Stacking” on page 35-8.

1 Create an SVLAN. An SVLAN is associated to a VLAN Stacking service to carry customer or

provider traffic. See “Configuring SVLANs” on page 35-11.
2 Create a VLAN Stacking service. A service name is associated with an SVLAN to identify the
customer traffic that the SVLAN will carry through the provider network. See “Configuring a VLAN
Stacking Service” on page 35-12.
3 Configure Network Network Interface (NNI) ports. An NNI port is associated with an SVLAN and
carries the encapsulated SVLAN traffic through the provider network. See “Configuring VLAN Stacking
Network Ports” on page 35-13.
4 Configure a VLAN Stacking service access point (SAP). A SAP binds UNI ports, the type of
customer traffic, and traffic engineering parameter attributes to the VLAN Stacking service. Each SAP is
associated to one service name, but a single service can have multiple SAPs to which it is associated. See
“Configuring a VLAN Stacking Service Access Point” on page 35-15.
5 Configure User Network Interface (UNI) ports. One or more UNI ports are associated with a SAP to
identify to the service which ports will receive customer traffic that the service will process for tunneling
through the provider network. When a UNI port is associated with a SAP, the SAP parameter attributes
are applied to traffic received on the UNI port. See “Configuring VLAN Stacking User Ports” on
page 35-16.
6 Associate CVLAN traffic with a SAP. This step specifies the type of traffic customer traffic that is
allowed on UNI ports and then tunneled through the SVLAN. The type of customer traffic is associated
with a SAP and applies to all UNI ports associated with the same SAP. See “Configuring the Type of
Customer Traffic to Tunnel” on page 35-16.
7 Define SAP profile attributes. A SAP profile contains traffic engineering attributes for specifying
bandwidth sharing, rate limiting, CVLAN translation or double-tagging, and priority bit mapping. A
default profile is automatically associated with a SAP at the time the SAP is created. As a result, it is only
necessary to configure a SAP profile if the default attribute values are not sufficient. See “Configuring a
Service Access Point Profile” on page 35-18.
8 Define UNI profile attributes. A default UNI profile is automatically assigned to a UNI port at the
time a port is configured as a VLAN Stacking UNI. This profile determines how control frames received
on the port are processed. It is only necessary to configure a UNI profile if the default attribute values are
not sufficient. See “Configuring a UNI Profile” on page 35-19.
The following table provides a summary of commands used in these procedures:

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 35-10
Configuring VLAN Stacking Configuring VLAN Stacking Services

Commands Used for ...

ethernet-service svlan Creating SVLANs to tunnel customer traffic.
ethernet-service service-name Creating a VLAN Stacking service and
associating the service with an SVLAN.
ethernet-service svlan nni Configuring a switch port as a VLAN Stacking
NNI port and associating the NNI port with an
ethernet-service nni Configuring a vendor TPID and legacy Spanning
Tree support for an NNI port.
ethernet-service sap Creating a VLAN Stacking SAP and associates
the SAP with a VLAN Stacking service name.
ethernet-service sap uni Configuring a switch port as a VLAN Stacking
UNI port and associating the UNI port with a
VLAN Stacking SAP.
ethernet-service sap cvlan Specifying the type of customer traffic that is
accepted on SAP UNI ports.
ethernet-service sap-profile Configures traffic engineering attributes for
customer traffic that is accepted on SAP UNI
ethernet-service sap sap-profile Associates a VLAN Stacking SAP with a profile.
ethernet-service uni-profile Configures how protocol control frames are
processed on VLAN Stacking UNI ports.
ethernet-service uni uni-profile Associates a VLAN Stacking UNI port with a

Configuring SVLANs
SVLANs carry customer traffic and are not configurable or modifiable using standard VLAN commands.
The ethernet-service svlan command is used to create an SVLAN. This command provides parameters to
specify the type of SVLAN: svlan for customer traffic.For example, the following command creates a
customer SVLAN:
-> ethernet-service svlan 300

Similar to standard VLANs, the administrative and Spanning Tree status for the SVLAN is enabled by
default and the SVLAN ID is used as the default name. The ethernet-service svlan command also
provides parameters for changing any of these status values and the name. These are the same parameters
that are used to change these values for standard VLANs. For example, the following commands change
the administrative and Spanning Tree status and name for SVLAN 300:
-> ethernet-service svlan 300 disable
-> ethernet-service svlan 300 stp disable
-> ethernet-service svlan 300 name “Customer A”

To delete an SVLAN from the switch configuration, use the no form of the ethernet-service svlan
command. For example, to delete SVLAN 300 enter:
-> no ethernet-service svlan 300

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 35-11
Configuring VLAN Stacking Configuring VLAN Stacking Services

Note that when an SVLAN is deleted, all port associations with the SVLAN are also removed.
Use the ethernet-service transparent-bridging command to display a list of VLAN Stacking VLANs
configured for the switch.

Configuring a VLAN Stacking Service

A VLAN Stacking service is identified by a name. The ethernet-service service-name command is used
to create a service and assign the service to an SVLAN ID, depending on the type of traffic the service
will process. The ID specified with this command identifies the SVLAN that will carry traffic for the
service. Each service is associated with only one SVLAN, but an SVLAN may belong to multiple
To create a VLAN Stacking service, use the ethernet-service service-name command and specify a name
and SVLAN ID. For example, the following command creates a service named “Video-Service” and
associates the service with SVLAN 300:
-> ethernet-service service-name Video-Service svlan 300

The SVLAN ID specified with this command must already exist in the switch configuration; entering a
standard VLAN ID is not allowed. See “Configuring SVLANs” on page 35-11 for more information.
Once the VLAN Stacking service is created, the name is used to configure and display all components
associated with that service. The service name provides a single point of reference for a specific VLAN
Stacking configuration. For example, the following show ethernet-service command display shows how
the service name identifies a VLAN Stacking service and components related to that service:

-> show ethernet-service

Service Name : VideoOne

SVLAN : 300
NNI(s) : 2/1, 3/2
SAP Id : 20
UNIs : 1/1, 1/2
CVLAN(s) : 10, 20
sap-profile : sap-video1
SAP Id : 30
UNIs : 1/3
CVLAN(s) : untagged, 40
sap-profile : sap-video2

Service Name : CustomerABC

SVLAN : 255
NNI(s) : 1/22
SAP Id : 10
UNIs : 2/10, 2/11
CVLAN(s) : 500, 600
sap-profile : default-sap-profile

-> show ethernet-service service-name CustomerABC

Service Name : CustomerABC

SVLAN : 255
NNI(s) : 1/22
SAP Id : 10
UNIs : 2/10, 2/11
CVLAN(s) : 500, 600

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 35-12
Configuring VLAN Stacking Configuring VLAN Stacking Services

sap-profile : default-sap-profile
-> show ethernet-service svlan 300

Service Name : VideoOne

SVLAN : 300
NNI(s) : 2/1, 3/2
SAP Id : 20
UNIs : 1/1, 1/2
CVLAN(s) : 10, 20
sap-profile : sap-video1
SAP Id : 30
UNIs : 1/3
CVLAN(s) : 30, 40
sap-profile : sap-video2

To delete a service from the switch configuration, use the no form of the ethernet-service service-name
command. For example, the following command deletes the “Video-Service” service:
-> no ethernet-service service-name Video-Service

Note that when a VLAN Stacking service is deleted, the SVLAN ID association with the service is
automatically deleted. However, if one or more VLAN Stacking service access point (SAP) are associated
with the service, remove the SAPs first before attempting to delete the service.

Configuring VLAN Stacking Network Ports

The ethernet-service nni command is used to configure a switch port or link aggregate of ports as a
VLAN Stacking Network Network Interface (NNI). For example, the following command configures port
2/1 as an NNI port:
-> ethernet-service nni port 2/1

When a port is converted to a NNI port, the default VLAN for the port is changed to a VLAN that is
reserved for the VLAN Stacking application. At this point, the port is no longer configurable using
standard VLAN port commands.
The ethernet-service nni command is also used to optionally specify the following parameter values that
are applied to traffic proessed by the NNI port:
• tpid—Configures the vendor TPID value for the SVLAN tag. This value is set to the default and is
applied to traffic egressing on the NNI port and is compared to the SVLAN tag of packets ingressing
on the NNI port. If the configured NNI TPID value and the ingress packet value match, then the packet
is considered an SVLAN tagged packet. If these values do not match, then the packet is classified as a
non-SVLAN tagged packet.
• stp legacy-bpdu—Specifies whether or not legacy Spanning Tree BPDU are tunneled on the NNI port.

The following command example configures the vendor TPID for NNI port 2/1 to 0x88a8 and enables
support for Spanning Tree legacy BPDU:
-> ethernet-service nni port 2/1 tpid 88a8 stp legacy-bpdu enable

Consider the following when configuring NNI port parameter values:

• A mismatch of TPID values on NNI ports that are connected together is not supported; VLAN
Stacking will not work between switches using different NNI TPID values.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 35-13
Configuring VLAN Stacking Configuring VLAN Stacking Services

• Enable legacy BPDU support only on VLAN Stacking network ports that are connected to legacy
BPDU switches. Enabling legacy BPDU between AOS switches may cause flooding or an unstable
• If legacy BPDU is enabled on a network port while at same time BPDU flooding is enabled on user
ports, make sure that tagged customer BPDUs are not interpreted by intermediate switches in the
provider network.
• If the peer switch connected to the VLAN Stacking network port supports the Provider MAC address
(i.e., STP, 802.1ad/D6.0 MAC), then enabling legacy BPDU support is not required on the network
port. Refer to the following table to determine the type of STP MAC used:

Customer MAC {0x01, 0x80, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}
Provider MAC address (802.1ad/D6.0) {0x01, 0x80, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08}
Provider MAC address (Legacy MAC) {0x01, 0x80, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}
Provider MAC address {0x01, 0x80, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0D}

• STP legacy BPDU are supported only when the flat Spanning Tree mode is active on the switch.

• NNI ports can be 802.1q tagged with normal VLANs. The TPID of the packets tagged with the normal
VLAN is 0x8100 (regardless of the TPID of the NNI port). This allows the NNI port to carry both
802.1q tagged traffic and SVLAN tagged traffic.

Configuring a NNI Association with an SVLAN

The ethernet-service svlan nni command is used to associate the NNI with an SVLAN. For example, the
following command associates NNI 2/1 with SVLAN 300:
-> ethernet-service svlan 300 nni port 2/1

When a port is associated with an SVLAN using this command, the port is automatically defined as an
NNI to carry traffic for the specified SVLAN.
To delete an NNI port association with an SVLAN, use the no form of the ethernet-service svlan nni
command. For example, the following command deletes the NNI 2/1 and SVLAN 300 association:
-> no ethernet-service svlan 300 nni port 2/1

Use the show ethernet-service nni command to display the NNI port configuration for the switch.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 35-14
Configuring VLAN Stacking Configuring VLAN Stacking Services

Configuring a VLAN Stacking Service Access Point

The ethernet-service sap command is used to configure a VLAN Stacking service access point (SAP). A
SAP is assigned an ID number at the time it is configured. This ID number is then associated with the
following VLAN Stacking components:
• User Network Interface (UNI) ports. See “Configuring VLAN Stacking User Ports” on page 35-16.

• Customer VLANs (CVLANs). See “Configuring the Type of Customer Traffic to Tunnel” on
page 35-16.
• SAP profile. Each SAP is associated with a single profile. This profile contains attributes that are used
to define traffic engineering parameters applied to traffic ingressing on UNI ports that are associated
with the SAP. See “Configuring a Service Access Point Profile” on page 35-18.
The above components are all configured separately using different VLAN Stacking commands. The
ethernet-service sap command is for creating a SAP ID and associating the ID with a VLAN Stacking
service. For example, the following command creates SAP 20 and associates it with Video-Service:
-> ethernet-service sap 20 service-name Video-Service

To delete a VLAN Stacking SAP from the switch configuration, use the no form of the ethernet-service
sap command. For example, the following command deletes SAP 20:
-> no ethernet-service sap 20

Note that when the SAP is deleted, all UNI port, CVLAN, and profile associations are automatically
dropped. It is not necessary to remove these items before deleting the SAP.
A VLAN Stacking SAP basically identifies the location where customer traffic enters the provider
network edge, the type of customer traffic to service, parameters to apply to the traffic, and the service that
will process the traffic for tunneling through the provider network.
Consider the following when configuring a VLAN Stacking SAP:
• A SAP is assigned to only one service, but a service can have multiple SAPs. So, a single service can
process and tunnel traffic for multiple UNI ports and customers.
• Associating multiple UNI ports to one SAP is allowed.

• A default SAP profile is associated with the SAP at the time the SAP is created. This profile contains
the following default attribute values:

Ingress bandwidth sharing shared

Ingress bandwidth maximum 0
Egress bandwidth maximum 0
CLAN tag preserve (double-tag)
Priority mapping fixed 0

The above default attribute values are applied to customer traffic associated with the SAP. Only one
profile is assigned to each SAP; however, it is possible to use the same profile for multiple SAPs.
• To use different profile attribute values, create a new profile and associate it with the SAP. See
“Configuring a Service Access Point Profile” on page 35-18. Each time a profile is assigned to a SAP,
the existing profile is overwritten with the new one.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 35-15
Configuring VLAN Stacking Configuring VLAN Stacking Services

Use the show ethernet-service sap command to display the SAPs configured for the switch. Use the
show ethernet-service command to display a list of VLAN Stacking services and the SAPs associated
with each service.

Configuring VLAN Stacking User Ports

The ethernet-service sap uni command is used to configure a switch port or a link aggregate as a VLAN
Stacking User Network Interface (UNI) and associate the UNI with a VLAN Stacking service access point
(SAP). For example, the following command configures port 1/1 as an UNI port and associates 1/1 with
SAP 20:
-> ethernet-service sap 20 uni port 1/1

A UNI port is a customer-facing port on which traffic enters the VLAN Stacking service. When the port is
associated with a service access point, the port is automatically defined as a UNI port and the default
VLAN for the port is changed to a VLAN that is reserved for the VLAN Stacking application.
To delete a UNI port association with a VLAN Stacking SAP, use the no form of the ethernet-service sap
uni command. For example, the following command deletes the association between UNI 1/1 and SAP
-> no ethernet-service sap 20 uni port 1/1

Note that when the last SAP association for the port is deleted, the port automatically reverts back to a
conventional switch port and is no longer VLAN Stacking capable.
Consider the following when configuring VLAN Stacking UNI ports:
• All customer traffic received on the UNI port is dropped until customer VLANs (CVLAN) are
associated with the port. See “Configuring the Type of Customer Traffic to Tunnel” on page 35-16.
• A default UNI profile is assigned to the port at the time the port is configured. This profile defines how
control frames received on the UNI ports are processed.
• To use different profile attribute values, create a new profile and associate it with the UNI port. See
“Configuring a UNI Profile” on page 35-19. Each time a profile is assigned to a UNI, the existing
profile is overwritten with the new one.
• Only fixed ports can be converted to UNI ports.

Use the show ethernet-service uni command to display a list of UNI ports and the profile association for
each port.

Configuring the Type of Customer Traffic to Tunnel

The ethernet-service sap cvlan command is used to associate customer traffic with a VLAN Stacking
service access point (SAP). This identifies the type of customer traffic received on the SAP UNI ports that
the service will process and tunnel through the SVLAN configured for the service. For example, the
following command specifies that traffic tagged with customer VLAN (CVLAN) 500 is allowed on UNI
ports associated with SAP 20:
-> ethernet-service sap 20 cvlan 500

In this example, customer frames tagged with VLAN ID 500 that are received on SAP 20 UNI ports are
processed by the service to which SAP 20 is associated. This includes applying profile attributes

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 35-16
Configuring VLAN Stacking Configuring VLAN Stacking Services

associated with SAP 20 to the qualifying customer frames. If no other customer traffic is specified for
SAP 20, all other frames received on SAP 20 UNI ports are dropped.
In addition to specifying one or more CVLANs, it is also possible to specify the following parameters
when using the ethernet-service sap cvlan command:
• all—Specifies that all untagged and tagged frames are accepted on the UNI ports. This mapping
denotes that all customer frames that do not map to any other SAP, will be mapped into this service.
• untagged—Specifies that only untagged frames are accepted on the UNI ports. This mapping denotes
that only untagged frames will be mapped into this service.
For example, the following command specifies that all untagged frames are accepted on UNI ports
associated with SAP 20:
-> ethernet-service sap 20 cvlan untagged

Use the no form of the ethernet-service sap cvlan command to delete an association between customer
traffic and a VLAN Stacking SAP. For example, the following command deletes the association between
CVLAN 500 and SAP 20:
-> no ethernet-service sap 20 cvlan 500

Note that when the last customer traffic association is deleted from a SAP, the SAP itself is not
automatically deleted. No traffic is accepted or processed by a SAP in this state, but the SAP ID is still
known to the switch.
Consider the following when configuring the type of customer traffic to tunnel:
• If no customer traffic is associated with a VLAN Stacking SAP, then the SAP does not process any
traffic for the service.
• Only one all or untagged designation is allowed for any given SAP; specifying both for the same SAP
is not allowed.
• Only one untagged designation is allowed per UNI port, even if the UNI port is associated with
multiple SAPs.
• Only one all designation is allowed per UNI port, even if the UNI port is associated with multiple
Use the show ethernet-service command to display the type of customer traffic associated with each SAP
configured for the switch

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 35-17
Configuring VLAN Stacking Configuring VLAN Stacking Services

Configuring a Service Access Point Profile

The ethernet-service sap-profile command is used to create a VLAN Stacking service access point (SAP)
profile. The following command parameters define the traffic engineering attributes that are applied to
customer traffic that is accepted on UNI ports associated with the SAP profile:

Profile Attribute Command Parameters Description

Ingress bandwidth shared | not shared Whether or not ingress bandwidth is shared
sharing across UNI ports and CVLANs.
Ingress rate limiting ingress-bandwidth The rate at which customer frames ingress on
UNI ports.
Egress rate limiting egress-bandwidth The rate at which customer frames egress on UNI
Bandwidth assignment bandwidth not-assigned Allows QoS policy rules to override profile
attribute values for bandwidth. By default, the
profile bandwidth values take precedence and are
allocated additional QoS system resources.
Double-tag or translate cvlan | preserve | Determines if a customer frame is tagged with
translate the SVLAN ID (double-tag) or the CVLAN ID is
changed to the SVLAN ID (translate) when the
frame is encapsulated for tunneling. Double-tag
is used by default.
Priority mapping map-inner-to-outer-p | Determines if the CVLAN (inner tag) 802.1p or
map-dscp-to-outer-p | DSCP value is mapped to the SVLAN (outer tag)
fixed 802.1p value or if a fixed priority value is used
for the SVLAN 802.1p value. Priority mapping is
set to a fixed rate of zero by default.
Priority assignment priority not-assigned Allows QoS policy rules to override profile
attribute values for priority. By default, profile
priority values take precedence and are allocated
additional QoS system resources.

A default profile, named “default-sap-profile”, is automatically assigned to the SAP at the time the SAP is
created (see “Configuring a VLAN Stacking Service Access Point” on page 35-15). It is only necessary to
create a new profile to specify different attribute values if the default profile values (see above) are not
The following command provides an example of creating a new SAP profile to specify a different method
for mapping the SVLAN priority value:
-> ethernet-service sap-profile map_pbit priority map-inner-to-outer-p

In this example the map_pbit profile specifies priority mapping of the CVLAN inner tag 802.1p value to
the SVLAN outer tag value. The other attributes in this profile are set to their default values.
To delete a SAP profile, use the no form of the ethernet-service sap-profile command. For example, the
following command deletes the map_pbit profile:
-> no ethernet-service sap-profile map_pbit

Consider the following when configuring a SAP profile:

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 35-18
Configuring VLAN Stacking Configuring VLAN Stacking Services

• When a profile is created, bandwidth not-assigned and priority not-assigned parameters are not
specified. This means that even if no bandwidth value is specified or the priority is set to fixed, QoS
still allocates switch resources to enforce bandwidth and priority settings for the profile. In addition,
QoS policy rules cannot override the profile bandwidth or priority settings.
• Use the bandwidth not-assigned and priority not-assigned parameters to prevent the profile from
triggering QoS allocation of switch resources. When a profile is created using these parameters, QoS
policy rules/ACLs are then available to define more custom bandwidth and priority settings for profile
traffic. For example, mapping several inner DSCP/ToS values to the same outer 802.1p value.
• Egress bandwidth can be configured only for SVLANs.

• A CVLAN-UNI combination associated with a SAP having egress bandwidth configuration is unique
and it cannot be configured on any other SAP with egress bandwidth configuration.
Use the show ethernet-service sap-profile command to view a list of profiles that are already configured
for the switch. This command also displays the attribute values for each profile.

Associating a Profile with a Service Access Point

After a profile is created, it is then necessary to associate the profile with a VLAN Stacking SAP. When
this is done, the current profile associated with a SAP is replaced with the new profile.
The ethernet-service sap sap-profile command is used to associate a new profile with a VLAN Stacking
SAP. For example, the following command associates the map_pbit profile to SAP 20:
-> ethernet-service sap 20 sap-profile map_pbit

To change the profile associated with the SAP back to the default profile, specify “default-sap-profile” for
the profile name. For example:
-> ethernet-service sap 20 sap-profile default-sap-profile

Use the show ethernet-service sap command to display the SAP configuration, which includes the profile
association for each SAP.

Configuring a UNI Profile

A UNI port profile determines how control frames ingressing on a VLAN Stacking UNI port are
processed. When a port is configured as a UNI port, a default Layer 2 profile (def-uni-profile) is applied
to the port with the following default values for processing Layer 2 control frames:

Protocol Default
STP tunnel
802.1x tunnel
802.1ab tunnel
802.3ad tunnel
GVRP tunnel
MVRP tunnel
AMAP tunnel

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 35-19
Configuring VLAN Stacking Configuring VLAN Stacking Services

If the default profile values are not sufficient, use the ethernet-service uni-profile command to create a
new UNI port profile. For example, the following command creates a UNI profile named “uni_1” to
specify that VLAN Stacking should discard MVRP frames:
-> ethernet-service uni-profile uni_1 l2-protocol mvrp discard

Consider the following when configuring Layer 2 profiles:

• Not all of the protocol parameters are currently supported with the peer, tunnel, and discard
parameters. Use the following table to determine the parameter combinations that are supported:

Protocol Reserved MAC peer discard tunnel

stp 01:80:c2:00:00:00 no yes yes
802.1x 01:80:c2:00:00:03 yes yes yes
802.3ad 01:80:c2:00:00:02 yes yes yes
802.1ab 01:80:c2:00:00:0e yes yes yes
mvrp 01:80:c2:00:00:21 no yes yes
amap 00:20:da:00:70:04 no yes yes

• When a profile is created, the new profile inherits the default profile settings for processing control
frames. The default settings are then applied with the new profile unless they are explicitly changed.
For example, the profile “uni_1” was configured to discard MVRP frames. No other protocol settings
were changed, so the default settings still apply for the other protocols.
• A UNI profile cannot be modified or deleted if it is associated with a UNI port. Delete all associations
with any UNI ports before attempting to modify or delete a UNI profile.
To delete a UNI profile, use the no form of the ethernet-service uni-profile command. For example, the
following command deletes the “uni_1” profile:
-> no ethernet-service uni-profile uni_1

Use the show ethernet-service uni-profile command to display a list of profiles (including the default
profile) that are configured for the switch. For example:
-> show ethernet-service uni-profile default-uni-profile
Profile Name Stp 802.1x 802.3ad 802.1ab MVRP AMAP
default-uni-profile tunnel tunnel tunnel tunnel tunnel tunnel
uprofile-video1 tunnel drop peer drop tunnel drop

Associating UNI Profiles with UNI Ports

After a UNI profile is created, it is then necessary to associate the profile with a UNI port or a UNI link
aggregate. When this is done, the current profile associated with the port is replaced with the new profile.
The ethernet-service uni uni-profile command is used to associate a new profile with a UNI port. For
example, the following command associates the uni_1 profile to UNI port 1/1:
-> ethernet-service uni port 1/1 uni-profile uni_1

To change the profile associated with the UNI port back to the default profile, specify “default-uni-
profile” for the profile name. For example:
-> ethernet-service uni port 1/1 uni-profile default-uni-profile

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 35-20
Configuring VLAN Stacking Configuring VLAN Stacking Services

Use the show ethernet-service uni command to display the profile associations for each UNI port.

Transparent Bridging
Transparent bridging associates NNI ports with all possible VLANs even if they are not created on the
switch. The OmniSwitch can support this by having the administrator create all possible VLANs and
associate them to NNI ports. However, transparent bridging has an advantage over the conventional
configuration approach by reducing the administrative effort of configuring all VLANs and their
associated VPAs.

Note. Transparent bridging is supported only when the switch is running in the flat (RSTP) Spanning Tree
mode; it is not supported in the per-VLAN mode.

Transparent bridging associates all VLANs to the specified NNI port and Spanning Tree group 1. This
feature is typically limited to a ring topology where there are only 2 NNI ports/LAGs per switch.
Transparent bridging must be enabled both globally and per port or linkagg using the ethernet-service
transparent-bridging command, for example:
-> ethernet-service transparent-bridging enable
-> ethernet-service nni port 1/1/5 transparent-bridging enable
-> ethernet-service nni linkagg 5 transparent-bridging enable

Use the show ethernet-service command to display transparent bridging configuration.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 35-21
Configuring VLAN Stacking VLAN Stacking Application Example

VLAN Stacking Application Example

The VLAN Stacking feature provides the ability to transparently connect multiple customer sites over a
single shared service provider network. This section demonstrates this ability by providing a sample
VLAN Stacking configuration that tunnels customer VLANs (CVLAN) inside a service provider VLAN
(SVLAN} so that customer traffic is transparently bridged through a Metropolitan Area Network (MAN).
The illustration below shows the sample VLAN Stacking configuration described in this section. In this
configuration, the provider edge bridges will encapsulate Customer A traffic (all CVLANs) into SVLAN
100 and Customer B traffic (CVLAN 10 only) into SVLAN 200. In addition, the CVLAN 10 inner tag
priority bit value is mapped to the SVLAN out tag priority value. The customer traffic is then
transparently bridged across the MAN network and sent out to the destined customer site.
Double-tagging is the encapsulation method used in this application example, This method consists of
appending the SVLAN tag to customer packets ingressing on provider edge UNI ports so that the traffic is
bridged though the provider network SVLAN. The SVLAN tag is then stripped off of customer packets
egressing on provider edge UNI ports before the packets are delivered to their destination customer site.

Customer A Customer A
Site 1 Site 2



UNI 1/1 SVLAN 100 UNI 1/1

NNI 3/1 NNI 3/1
UNI 2/1 UNI 2/1


Customer B Customer B
Site 1 Site 2
VLAN Stacking Application

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 35-22
Configuring VLAN Stacking VLAN Stacking Application Example

VLAN Stacking Configuration Example

This section provides a tutorial for configuring the sample application, as illustrated on page 35-22, using
VLAN Stacking Ethernet services. This tutorial assumes that both provider edge switches (PE1 and PE2)
are operating in the VLAN Stacking service mode.
1 Configure SVLAN 100 and SVLAN 200 on PE1 and PE2 switches using the ethernet-service svlan
-> ethernet-service svlan 100
-> ethernet-service svlan 200

2 Configure two VLAN Stacking services on PE1 and PE2 using the ethernet-service service-name
command. Configure one service with the name “CustomerA” and the other service with the name
“Customer B”. Assign “CustomerA” service to SVLAN 100 and “CustomerB” service to SVLAN 200.
-> ethernet-service service-name CustomerA svlan 100
-> ethernet-service service-name CustomerB svlan 200

3 Configure port 3/1 on PE1 and PE2 as VLAN Stacking NNI ports using the ethernet-service svlan
nni command. Associate each port with both SVLAN 100 and SVLAN 200.
-> ethernet-service svlan 100 nni port 3/1
-> ethernet-service svlan 200 nni port 3/1

4 Configure a VLAN Stacking SAP with ID 20 on PE1 and PE2 using the ethernet-service sap.
Associate the SAP with the “CustomerA” service.
-> ethernet-service sap 20 service-name CustomerA

5 Configure a VLAN Stacking SAP with ID 30 on PE1 and PE2 using the ethernet-service sap
command. Associate the SAP with the “CustomerB” service.
-> ethernet-service sap 30 service-name CustomerB

6 Configure port 1/1 on PE1 and PE2 as a VLAN Stacking UNI port and associate 1/1 with SAP 20
using the ethernet-service sap uni command.
-> ethernet-service sap 20 uni port 1/1

7 Configure port 2/1 on PE1 and PE2 as a VLAN Stacking UNI port and associate 2/1 with SAP 30
using the ethernet-service sap uni command.
-> ethernet-service sap 30 uni port 2/1

8 Configure SAP 20 on PE1 and PE2 to accept all customer traffic using the ethernet-service sap cvlan
-> ethernet-service sap 20 cvlan all

9 Configure SAP 30 on PE1 and PE2 to accept only customer traffic that is tagged with CVLAN 10
using the ethernet-service sap cvlan command.
-> ethernet-service sap 30 cvlan 10

10 Create a SAP profile on PE1 and PE2 that will map the inner CVLAN tag 802.1p value to the outer
SVLAN tag using the ethernet-service sap-profile command.
-> ethernet-service sap-profile map_pbit priority map-inner-to-outer-p

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 35-23
Configuring VLAN Stacking VLAN Stacking Application Example

11 Associate the “map_pbit” profile to SAP 30 using the ethernet-service sap sap-profile command.
This profile will only apply to Customer B traffic, so it is not necessary to associate the profile with SAP
-> ethernet-service sap 30 sap-profile map_pbit

12 Verify the VLAN Stacking service configuration using the show ethernet-service command.

-> show ethernet-service

Service Name : CustomerA

SVLAN : 100
NNI(s) : 3/1
SAP Id : 20
UNIs : 1/1
CVLAN(s) : all
sap-profile : default-sap-profile

Service Name : CustomerB

SVLAN : 200
NNI(s) : 3/1
SAP Id : 10
UNIs : 2/1
CVLAN(s) : 10
sap-profile : map_pbit

-> show ethernet-service

Service Name : CustomerABC

SVLAN : 255
NNI(s) : 1/22
SAP Id : 10
UNIs : 2/10, 2/11
CVLAN(s) : 500, 600
sap-profile : default-sap-profile

-> show ethernet-service service-name CustomerABC

Service Name : CustomerABC

SVLAN : 255
NNI(s) : 1/22
SAP Id : 10
UNIs : 2/10, 2/11
CVLAN(s) : 500, 600
sap-profile : default-sap-profile

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 35-24
Configuring VLAN Stacking VLAN Stacking Application Example

The following is an example of what the sample configuration commands look like entered sequentially
on the command line of the provider edge switches:
-> ethernet-service svlan 100
-> ethernet-service service-name CustomerA svlan 100
-> ethernet-service svlan 100 nni port 3/1
-> ethernet-service sap 20 service-name CustomerA
-> ethernet-service sap 20 uni 1/1
-> ethernet-service sap 20 cvlan all

-> ethernet-service svlan 200

-> ethernet-service service-name CustomerB svlan 200
-> ethernet-service svlan 200 nni port 3/1
-> ethernet-service sap 30 service-name CustomerB
-> ethernet-service sap 30 uni 2/1
-> ethernet-service sap 30 cvlan 10
-> ethernet-service sap-profile map_pbit priority map-inner-to-outer-p
-> ethernet-service sap 30 sap-profile map_pbit

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 35-25
Configuring VLAN Stacking Verifying the VLAN Stacking Configuration

Verifying the VLAN Stacking Configuration

You can use CLI show commands to display the current configuration and statistics of service-based
VLAN Stacking on a switch. These commands include the following:

ethernet-service transparent- Displays the SVLAN configuration for the switch.

show ethernet-service Displays the VLAN Stacking service configuration for the switch.
show ethernet-service sap Displays the VLAN Stacking service access point (SAP)
configuration for the switch.
show ethernet-service nni Displays configuration information for NNI port parameters.
show ethernet-service uni Displays profile associations for UNI ports.
show ethernet-service uni-profile Displays UNI profile attribute values.
show ethernet-service sap-profile Displays SAP profile attribute values.

For more information about the resulting displays from these commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS
Release 8 CLI Reference Guide. An example of the output for the show ethernet-service command is also
given in “Quick Steps for Configuring VLAN Stacking” on page 35-8.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 35-26
36 Using Switch Logging

Switch logging is an event logging utility that is useful in maintaining and servicing the switch. Switch
logging uses a formatted string mechanism to either record or discard event data from switch applications.
The log records are copied to the output devices configured for the switch. Log records can be sent to a
text file and written into the flash file system. The log records can also be scrolled to the console of the
switch or to a remote IP address.
Switch logging information can be customized and configured through Command Line Interface (CLI)
commands, WebView, and SNMP. Log information can be helpful in resolving configuration or
authentication issues, as well as general switch errors.
This chapter describes the switch logging feature, how to configure it and display switch logging
information through the Command Line Interface (CLI). CLI commands are used in the configuration
examples. For more details about the syntax of commands, see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI
Reference Guide.

In This Chapter
The following procedures are described:
• “Enabling Switch Logging” on page 36-4

• “Setting the Switch Logging Severity Level” on page 36-4

• “Specifying the Switch Logging Output Device” on page 36-5

• “Displaying Switch Logging Records” on page 36-7

Note. Switch logging commands are not intended for use with low-level hardware and software debugging.
It is strongly recommended that you contact an Alcatel-Lucent Customer Service representative for
assistance with debugging functions.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 36-1
Using Switch Logging Switch Logging Defaults

Switch Logging Defaults

The following table shows switch logging default values.

Global Switch Logging Defaults

Parameter Description CLI Command Default Value/Comments

Enabling/Disabling switch logging swlog Enabled
Switch logging severity level swlog appid Default severity level is info. The numeric
equivalent for info is 6
Enabling/Disabling switch logging swlog output Flash Memory and Console
Switch logging file size swlog output 1250K bytes

Quick Steps for Configuring Switch Logging

1 Enable switch logging by using the following command:

-> swlog

2 Specify the ID of the application to be logged along with the logging severity level.

-> swlog appid bridge level warning

Here, the application ID specifies bridging and the severity is set to the “warning” level.

3 Specify the output device to which the switch logging information must be sent.

-> swlog output console

-> show swlog
-> show swlog
Operational Status : Running,
File Size per file : 100K bytes,
Log Device : console flash,
Syslog FacilityID : local0(16),
Remote command-log : Disabled,
Hash Table entries age limit : 60 seconds,
Switch Log Preamble : Enabled,
Switch Log Debug : Disabled,
Switch Log Duplicate Detection : Enabled,
Console Display Level : debug3,

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 36-2
Using Switch Logging Switch Logging Overview

Switch Logging Overview

Switch logging uses a formatted string mechanism to process log requests from switch applications. When
a log request is received, switch logging compares the severity level included with the request to the
severity level stored for the application ID. If there is a match, a log message is generated using the format
specified by the log request and placed in the switch log queue. Switch logging then returns control back
to the calling application.
You can specify the path to where the log file is printed in the flash file system of the switch. You can also
send the log file to other output devices, such as the console or remote IP address. In this case, the log
records generated are copied to all configured output devices.
Switch logging information can be displayed and configured through CLI commands, WebView, and
SNMP. The information generated by switch logging can be helpful in resolving configuration or
authentication issues, as well as general errors.

Note. Although switch logging provides complementary functionality to switch debugging facilities, the
switch logging commands are not intended for use with low-level hardware and software debugging

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 36-3
Using Switch Logging Switch Logging Commands Overview

Switch Logging Commands Overview

This section describes the switch logging CLI commands, for enabling or disabling switch logging,
displaying the current status of the switch logging feature, and displaying stored log information.

Enabling Switch Logging

The swlog command initializes and enables switch logging, while no swlog disables it.
To enable switch logging, enter the swlog command:
-> swlog

To disable switch logging, enter the no swlog command:

-> no swlog

No confirmation message appears on the screen for either command.

Setting the Switch Logging Severity Level

The switch logging feature can log all switch error-type events for a particular switch application. You can
also assign severity levels to the switch applications that cause some of the events to be filtered out of
your display. The swlog appid command is used to assign the severity levels to the applications.
The syntax for the swlog appid command requires that you identify a switch application and assign it a
severity level. The severity level controls the kinds of error-type events that are recorded by the switch
logging function. If an application experiences an event equal to or greater than the severity level assigned
to the application, the event is recorded and forwarded to the configured output devices. You can specify
the application either by the application ID CLI keyword or by its numeric equivalent.
To obtain a list of application IDs and numeric equivalents, use the show swlog command with the appid
all parameters to display all available registered applications.
The level keyword is used with the swlog appid command to assign the error-type severity level to the
specified application IDs. Values range from 1 (highest severity) to 8 (lowest severity). The values are
defined in the following table:

Severity Level Type Description

0 Off Disabled
1 (highest severity) Alarm A serious, non-recoverable error has occurred
and the system must be rebooted.
2 Error System functionality is reduced.
3 Alert A violation has occurred.
4 Warning An unexpected, non-critical event has occurred.
5 (default) Info Any other non-debug message.
6 Debug 1 A normal event debug message.
7 Debug 2 A debug-specific message.
8 (lowest severity) Debug 3 A maximum verbosity debug message.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 36-4
Using Switch Logging Switch Logging Commands Overview

Specifying the Severity Level

To specify the switch logging severity level, use the swlog appid command. The application ID can be
expressed by using either the ID number or the application ID CLI keyword as listed in the table
beginning on page 36-4. The severity level can be expressed by using either the severity level number or
the severity level type as shown in the table above. The following syntax assigns the “warning” severity
level (or 5) to the “system” application, (ID number 75) by using the severity level and application names.
-> swlog appid system level warning

The following command makes the same assignment by using the severity level and application numbers.
-> swlog appid 75 level 3

No confirmation message appears on the screen for either command.

Removing the Severity Level

To remove the switch logging severity level, enter the no swlog appid command, including the
application ID and severity level values. The following is a typical example:
-> no swlog appid 75 level 5

Or, alternatively, as:

-> no swlog appid system level warning

No confirmation message appears on the screen.

Specifying the Switch Logging Output Device

The swlog output command allows you to send the switch logging information to your console, to the
switch’s flash memory, or to a specified IP or IPv6 address(es).

Enabling/Disabling Switch Logging Output to the Console

To enable the switch logging output to the console, enter the following command:
-> swlog output console

To disable the switch logging output to the console, enter the following command:
-> no swlog output console

No confirmation message appears on the console screen for either command.

Enabling/Disabling Switch Logging Output to Flash Memory

To enable the switch logging output to flash memory, enter the following:
-> swlog output flash

To disable the switch logging output to flash memory, enter the following command:
-> no swlog output flash

No confirmation message appears on the screen for either command.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 36-5
Using Switch Logging Switch Logging Commands Overview

Specifying an IP Address for Switch Logging Output

To specify a particular IP address destination (e.g., a server) for switch logging output, enter the swlog
output command, specifying the target IP address to which output is sent. For example, if the target IP
address is, you would enter:
-> swlog output socket ipaddr

No confirmation message appears on the screen.

Disabling an IP Address from Receiving Switch Logging Output

To disable all configured output IP addresses from receiving switch logging output, enter the following
-> no swlog output socket

No confirmation message appears on the screen.

To disable a specific configured output IP address from receiving switch logging output, use the same
command as above but specify an IPv4 or IPv6 address. For example:
-> no swlog output socket

Configuring the Switch Logging File Size

To configure the size of the switch logging file, use the swlog output flash-file-size command. To use this
command, enter swlog output flash file size followed by the number of bytes. (The maximum size the file
can be is dependent on the amount of free memory available in flash.)
For example, to set the switch logging file to 500000 bytes enter:
-> swlog output flash file-size 500000

Clearing the Switch Logging Files

You can clear the data stored in the switch logging files by executing the following command:
-> swlog clear

This command causes the switch to clear all the switch logging information and begin recording again. As
a result, the switch displays a shorter file when you execute the show log swlog command. You want to
use swlog clear when the switch logging display is too long due to some of the data being old or out of
No confirmation message appears on the screen.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 36-6
Using Switch Logging Switch Logging Commands Overview

Displaying Switch Logging Records

The show log swlog command can produce a display showing all the switch logging information or you
can display information according to session, timestamp, application ID, or severity level. For details,
refer to the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide. The following sample screen output shows
a display of all the switch logging information.

Note. Switch logging frequently records a very large volume of data. It can take several minutes for all the
switch logging information to scroll to the console screen.

-> show log swlog

Displaying file contents for 'swlog2.log'
FILEID: fileName[swlog2.log], endPtr[32]
configSize[64000], currentSize[64000], mode[2]
Displaying file contents for 'swlog1.log'
FILEID: fileName[swlog1.log], endPtr[395]
configSize[64000], currentSize[64000], mode[1]

Time Stamp Application Level Log Message

MON NOV 11 12:42:11 2005 SYSTEM info Switch Logging files cleared by
MON NOV 11 13:07:26 2005 WEB info The HTTP session login successful!
MON NOV 11 13:18:24 2005 WEB info The HTTP session login successful!
MON NOV 11 13:24:03 2005 TELNET info New telnet connection, Address,
MON NOV 11 13:24:03 2005 TELNET info Session 4, Created
MON NOV 11 13:59:04 2005 WEB info The HTTP session user logout

When the switch is in ASA enhanced mode, both user name and password is prompted to view the
SWLOG data using show log swlog command. Only those users who provide the valid ASA credentials
are allowed to view the data. For more information on Authenticated Switch Access - Enhanced Mode
mode, refer chapter Managing Switch Security in OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Switch Management Guide.
For example,
-> show log swlog
Username: test
Password: *****

show log swlog | grep error and show log swlog | grep more commands are not supported in enhanced

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 36-7
37 Configuring Ethernet

The rise in the number of Ethernet service instances has resulted in service providers requiring a powerful
and robust set of management tools to maintain Ethernet service networks. Service provider networks are
large and intricate, often consisting of different operators that work together to provide the customers with
end-to-end services. The challenge for the service providers is to provide a highly available, convergent
network to the customer base. Ethernet OAM (Operations, Administration, and Maintenance) provides the
detection, resiliency, and monitoring capability for end-to-end service guarantee in an Ethernet network.

In This Chapter
This chapter describes the Ethernet OAM feature, how to configure it and display Ethernet OAM
information through the Command Line Interface (CLI). For more details about the syntax of commands,
see the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide.
The following information and procedures are included in this chapter:
• “Ethernet OAM Overview” on page 37-3.

• “Elements of Service OAM” on page 37-3.

• “Fault Management” on page 37-5.

• “Performance Monitoring” on page 37-5.

• “Interoperability with ITU-T Y.1731” on page 37-7.

• “Configuring Ethernet OAM” on page 37-9.

• “Verifying the Ethernet OAM Configuration” on page 37-14.

For information about configuring Ethernet OAM Service Assurance Agent (SAA), see Chapter 38,
“Configuring Service Assurance Agent.”.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 37-1
Configuring Ethernet OAM Ethernet OAM Defaults

Ethernet OAM Defaults

The following table shows Ethernet OAM default values.

Parameter Description Command Default Value/Comments

MHF value assigned to a MD ethoam domain mhf none
ID-permission value for MD entry ethoam domain id-permission none
MHF value assigned to a MA ethoam association mhf defer
Continuity Check Message interval ethoam association ccm- 10 seconds
for the MA interval
Default domain level ethoam default-domain level 0
Default domain MHF value ethoam default-domain mhf none
Default domain ID permission ethoam default-domain id- none
The administrative status of the MEP ethoam endpoint admin-state disable
The priority value for CCMs and ethoam endpoint priority 7
LTMs transmitted by the MEP
The lowest priority fault alarm for ethoam endpoint lowest- mac-rem-err-xcon
the lowest priority defect for a MEP priority-defect
Number of Loopback messages ethoam loopback 1
Fault notification generation reset ethoam fault-reset-time 1000 centiseconds

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 37-2
Configuring Ethernet OAM Ethernet OAM Overview

Ethernet OAM Overview

Ethernet OAM focuses on two main areas that service providers require the most and are rapidly evolving
in the standards bodies:
• Service OAM (IEEE 802.1ag and ITU-T Y.1731)—for monitoring and troubleshooting end-to-end
Ethernet service instances.
• Link OAM (IEEE 802.3ah EFM Link OAM)—for monitoring and troubleshooting individual Ethernet
These two protocols are both unique and complimentary. For example, Service OAM may isolate a fault
down to a specific service, but to determine exactly where the fault occurred within the network
infrastructure might also require the use of Link OAM.

Ethernet Service OAM

Ethernet Service OAM allows service providers to manage customer services end-to-end on a per-service-
instance basis. A customer service instance, or Ethernet Virtual Connection (EVC), is the service that is
sold to a customer and is designated by a VLAN tag on the User-to-Network Interface (UNI).

Elements of Service OAM

• Maintenance End Points (MEPs) and Maintenance Intermediate Points (MIPs)
– MEPs initiate OAM commands. MEPs prevent leakage between domains.
– MIPs passively receive and respond to OAM frames.
• Virtual MEP: creates an UP MEP on a virtual port.

• Maintenance Association (MA) is a logical connection between two or more MEPs.

• Point-to-point MA: logical sub-MA component only between two MEPs MA.

• Maintenance Domain: One or more MAs under the same administrative control.

• Maintenance Domain Levels: There are eight levels defined in 802.1ag:

– levels [5, 6, 7] are for customers
– levels [3, 4] are for service provider
– levels [0, 1, 2] are for operators
Multiple levels are supported for flexibility.
• Mechanisms: continuity check (CC), loopback, link trace

• Remote Fault Propagation (RFP): Propagates connectivity fault events into the interface attached to a

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 37-3
Configuring Ethernet OAM Ethernet OAM Overview

CFM Maintenance Domain

CFM uses a hierarchical Maintenance Domain (MD) infrastructure to manage and administer Ethernet
• Each domain is made up of Maintenance Endpoints (MEPs) and Maintenance Intermediate Points
• The MEPs are configured on edge ports within the domain for each EVC. The MIPs are configured on
relevant ports within the domain itself (interior ports).
• The network administrator selects the relevant points within the network to determine where
maintenance points are needed. The maintenance point configuration defines the MD.
• MDs are assigned an unique level number (between 0 and 7) to help identify and differentiate the MD
within the domain hierarchy. For example, different organizations, such as operators (levels 0, 1, 2),
service providers (levels 3, 4), and customers (levels 5, 6, 7), are involved in a Metro Ethernet Service.
• Each organization can have its own Maintenance Domain, designated by the assigned level number to
specify the scope of management needed for that domain.
The following illustration shows an example of the CFM Maintenance Domain hierarchy:



Operator Operator Operator

Domain Domain Domain

Access Network Core Network Access Network

Customer Customer
Network Network

Maintenance End Point

Maintenance Intermediate Point

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 37-4
Configuring Ethernet OAM Ethernet OAM Overview

Fault Management
Service OAM Connectivity Fault Management consists of three types of messages that are used to help
network administrators detect, verify, and isolate when a problem occurs in the network:
• Continuity Check Messages (CCM)—These are multicast messages exchanged periodically by MEPs
to detect loss of service connectivity between MEPs. These messages are also used by MEPs and MIPs
to discover other MEPs within a domain.
• Linktrace Messages (LTM)—These messages are transmitted by a MEP to trace the path to a
destination maintenance point. The receiving maintenance point responds to LTMs with a linktrace
reply (LTR). This mechanism is similar to the UDP Trace Route function. The transmission of
linktrace messages is requested by an administrator.
• Loopback Messages (LBM)—These messages are transmitted by a MEP to a specified MIP or MEP
to determine whether or not the maintenance point is reachable. The receiving maintenance point
responds to LBMs with a loopback reply (LBR). This mechanism is not used to discover a path to the
destination; it is similar to the Ping function. The transmission of loopback messages is requested by an

Remote Fault Propagation

Remote Fault propagation (RFP) propagates connectivity fault events into the interface that is attached to
a MEP. Once the fault is detected for a MEP, the MEP's interface is shutdown. The feature is configurable
on per MEP basis and is supported only for UP MEPs. It detects only loss of connectivity and remote
MAC defect.

MIP CCM Database Support

Per section 19.4 of the IEEE 802.1ag 5.2 draft standard, an MHF may optionally maintain a MIP CCM
database as it is not required for conformance to this standard. A MIP CCM database, if present, maintains
the information received from the MEPs in the MD and can be used by the Linktrace Protocol.
This implementation of Ethernet OAM does not support the optional MIP CCM database. As per section
19.4.4 of the IEEE 802.1ag 5.2 draft standard, LTM is forwarded on the basis of the source learning
filtering database. Because the MIP CCM database is not supported in this release, MIPs will not forward
LTM on blocked egress ports.

Performance Monitoring
The ITU-T Y.1731 Recommendation addresses the need to monitor performance to help enforce customer
service level agreements (SLAs). Frame delay (latency) and frame delay variation (jitter) are important
performance objectives, especially for those applications (such as voice) that cannot function with a high
level of latency or jitter.
This implementation of Service OAM supports Ethernet frame delay measurement (ETH-DM) and is
compliant with Y.1731. The ETH-DM feature allows for the configuration of on-demand OAM to
measure frame delay and frame delay variation between endpoints.
Frame delay measurement is performed between peer MEPs (measurements to MIPs are not done) within
the same MA. Although the OmniSwitch implementation of ETH-DM is compliant with ITU-T Y.1731,
delay measurement can be performed for both ITU-T Y.1731 and IEEE 802.1ag MEPs.
Any MEP can initiate or reply to an ETH-DM request, depending on the type of delay measurement
requested. There are two types of delay measurements supported: one-way and two-way.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 37-5
Configuring Ethernet OAM Ethernet OAM Overview

One-way ETH-DM
• A MEP sends one-way delay measurement (1DM)) frames to a peer MEP. The sending MEP inserts
the transmission time into the 1DM frame at the time the frame is sent.
• When a MEP receives a 1DM frame, the MEP calculates the one-way delay as the difference between
the time at which the frame was received and the transmission time indicated by the frame timestamp
(receive time minus transmission time).
• One-way delay measurement statistics are gathered and stored on the receiving MEP (the MEP that
receives a 1DM request).
• One-way ETH-DM requires clock synchronization between the sending and receiving MEPs. Using
NTP for clock synchronization is recommended.

Two-way ETH-DM
• A MEP sends delay measurement message (DMM) frames to a peer MEP to request a two-way ETH-
DM. The sending MEP inserts the transmission time into the DMM frame at the time the frame is sent.
• When a MEP receives a DMM frame, the MEP responds to the DMM with a delay message reply
(DMR) frame that contains the following timestamps:
– Timestamp copied from the DMM frame.
– Timestamp indicating when the DMM frame was received.
– Timestamp indicating the time at which the receiving MEP transmitted the DMR frame back to the
sending MEP.
• When a MEP receives a DMR frame, the MEP compares all the DMR timestamps with the time at
which the MEP received the DMR frame to calculate the two-way delay.
• The two-way delay is the difference between the time the originating MEP sent a DMM request and
the time at which the originating MEP received a DMR frame minus the time taken by the responding
MEP to process the DMM request.
• Two-way delay measurement statistics are gathered and stored on the originating MEP (the MEP that
initiates a DMM request).
• This method does not require clock synchronization between the transmitting and receiving MEPs.

• Two-way ETH-DM is an on-demand OAM performance measurement. To set up continuous two-way

delay measurement, see Chapter 38, “Configuring Service Assurance Agent,” for information about
how to configure a SAA for continuous two-way frame delay measurement.

Frame Delay Variation

The delay variation (jitter) for both one-way and two-way ETH-DM is determined by calculating the
difference between the current delay measurement value and the previous delay measurement value. If a
previous delay value is not available, which is the case when a DM request is first made, then jitter is not

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 37-6
Configuring Ethernet OAM Ethernet OAM Overview

Interoperability with ITU-T Y.1731

This implementation of Ethernet Service OAM supports both IEEE 802.1ag and ITU-T Y.1731 for
connectivity fault management (plus performance monitoring provided by ITU-T Y.1731). Although both
standards are supported, the OmniSwitch implementation uses the 802.1ag terminology and hierarchy for
Ethernet CFM configuration.
The following table provides a mapping of 802.1ag terms to the equivalent ITU-T Y.1731 terms:

IEEE 802.1ag v8.1 ITU-T Y.1731

Maintenance Domain (MD) Maintenance Entity (ME)
Maintenance Association (MA) Maintenance Entity Group (MEG)
Maintenance Endpoint (MEP) MEG Endpoint (MEP)
Maintenance Intermediate Point (MIP) MEG Intermediate Point (MIP)
Maintenance Domain Level MEG Level

Support for both the IEEE and ITU-T Ethernet CFM standards allows interoperability between
OmniSwitch 802.1ag and Y.1731 CFM with the following minor configuration requirements:
• The OmniSwitch MD format must be configured as “none”.

• ITU-T Y.1731 uses the “icc-based” format for a MEG, so the OmniSwitch MA format must also be
configured to use the “icc-based” format.
• When the OmniSwitch MA is configured with the “icc-based” format, the MA name is automatically
padded with zeros if the name specified is less than 13 characters.
The OmniSwitch CLI commands to configure an MD and MA include the “none” and “icc-based” format
options. See “Configuring Ethernet OAM” on page 37-9 for more information.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 37-7
Configuring Ethernet OAM Quick Steps for Configuring Ethernet OAM

Quick Steps for Configuring Ethernet OAM

The following steps provide a quick tutorial on how to configure Ethernet OAM. Each step describes a
specific operation and provides the CLI command syntax for performing that operation.
1 Create an Ethernet domain using the ethoam domain command. For example:

-> ethoam domain format dnsName level 1

2 Create an Ethernet OAM Maintenance Association using the ethoam association command. For
-> ethoam association alcatel-sales format string domain
vlan 10

3 Create an Ethernet OAM Maintenance End Point using the ethoam endpoint admin-state command.
For example:
-> ethoam endpoint 100 domain association alcatel-sales
direction up port 1/10

4 Administratively enable the Ethernet OAM Maintenance End Point using the ethoam endpoint
admin-state command. For example:
-> ethoam endpoint 100 domain association alcatel-sales
admin-state enable

5 Enable Continuity Check Messages for the Ethernet OAM Maintenance End Point using the ethoam
endpoint rfp command. For example:
-> ethoam endpoint 100 domain association alcatel-sales
ccm enable

6 Configure the Message Handling Function (MHF) value of an Ethernet OAM Maintenance Domain
using the ethoam domain mhf command. For example:
-> ethoam domain mhf explicit

7 Configure the endpoint list for the Ethernet OAM Maintenance Association using the ethoam
association endpoint-list command. For example:
-> ethoam association alcatel-sales domain endpoint-list

8 Enable the maintenance entity to initiate transmitting loopback messages to obtain loopback replies
using the ethoam loopback command. For example:
-> ethoam loopback target-endpoint 15 source-endpoint 100 domain esd.alcatel- association alcatel-sales

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 37-8
Configuring Ethernet OAM Configuring Ethernet OAM

Configuring Ethernet OAM

This section describes how to use the OmniSwitch Command Line Interface (CLI) to configure Ethernet
Service OAM on a switch. Consider the following guidelines when configuring Service OAM
maintenance entities:
• Ethernet OAM is not supported on mobile, mirrored, or aggregate ports (the physical port members of
an aggregate).
• Ethernet OAM is also not supported on dynamically learned VLANs.

• Implementing Ethernet OAM is supported on any full-duplex point-to-point or emulated point-to-point

Ethernet link. It need not be implemented system wide.
• Management systems are important for configuring Ethernet OAM across the network. They also help
to automate network monitoring and troubleshooting. Ethernet OAM can be configured in two phases:
network configuration phase and service activation phase.
• The network configuration phase enables Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) on the switches. This
is also the phase where Maintenance Intermediate Points (MIP) and Maintenance End Points (MEP)
are identified and set up.
• Any port on a switch is referred to as a Maintenance Point (MP). An MP can be either a MEP or MIP.
A MEP resides at the edge of a Maintenance Domain (MD), while a MIP is located within a MD.
• In the Service Activation phase, a new end point is created on a VLAN as a MEP. This enables the
configuration of continuity-check and cross-check functionality.

Configuring a Maintenance Domain

To create a Maintenance Domain (MD), use the ethoam domain command, by entering ethoam domain,
followed by the domain name, the keyword format, the domain name format type, the keyword level, and
the level of the domain. For example:
-> ethoam domain format dnsName level 5

Here, the MD is created.

Note that the level must be 0-2 at operator level, 3-5 at provider level, and 6-7 at customer level when
creating the level of domain.
To remove an MD, use the no form of this command. For example:
-> no ethoam domain

Note that with this implementation of Ethernet OAM, it is only possible to delete an MD when there is no
Maintenance Association, End Point, or Intermediate Point associated with the MD.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 37-9
Configuring Ethernet OAM Configuring Ethernet OAM

Modifying a Maintenance Domain

To modify the MHF value of an MD, use the ethoam domain mhf command, as shown:
-> ethoam domain mhf explicit

To modify the default Ethernet OAM Maintenance Domain, use the ethoam default-domain level
command, as shown:
-> ethoam default-domain vlan 100 level 4 mhf none

Note. The no form of this command restores the default Ethernet OAM Maintenance Domain value.

Configuring a Maintenance Association

To create an Ethernet OAM Maintenance Association (MA), use the ethoam association command. For
example, to create the MA alcatel-sales in the domain, enter:
-> ethoam association alcatel-sales format string domain
primary-vlan 10

To remove an MA, use the no form of this command. For example:

-> no ethoam association alcatel-sales domain

Note that with this implementation of Ethernet OAM, it is only possible to delete an MA when there is no
Maintenance End Point (MEP) or Maintenance Intermediate Point (MIP) associated with the MA.

Configuring Maintenance Association Attributes

The MIP Half Function (MHF), Continuity Check Message (CCM) interval, and MEP list are configurable
attributes of a Maintenance Association.
By default, the MHF value is set to defer. To modify this value for an MA, use the ethoam association
mhf command. For example:
-> ethoam association alcatel-sales domain mhf default

By default, the CCM interval is set to 10 seconds. To modify this value for an MA, use the ethoam
association ccm-interval command:
-> ethoam association alcatel-sales domain ccm-interval

To modify the MEP list of an MA, use the ethoam association endpoint-list command, as shown:
-> ethoam association alcatel-sales domain endpoint-list

To remove the MEP list from an Ethernet OAM Maintenance Association, enter:
-> no ethoam association alcatel-sales domain endpoint-
list 100-200

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 37-10
Configuring Ethernet OAM Configuring Ethernet OAM

Configuring a Maintenance End Point

To create an Ethernet OAM Maintenance End Point (MEP), use the ethoam endpoint command. For
example, to create UP MEP 100 in domain “” of the “alcatel-sales” Maintenance
Association on port 1/2 of VLAN 400, enter:
-> ethoam end-point 100 domain association alcatel-sales
direction up port 1/2 primary-vlan 400

To remove a MEP, use the no form of this command. For example:

-> no ethoam end-point 100 domain association alcatel-

To configure the administrative state of a MEP, use the ethoam endpoint admin-state command. For
-> ethoam end-point 100 domain association alcatel-sales
admin-state enable

Configuring a Virtual Maintenance End Point

Virtual UP MEP is an UP MEP that is created on a 'virtual' port. This port is neither a physical port nor a
logical port. This port is not connected to any switch interface. The virtual MEP will not transmit port and
interface status TLVs.
The use of Virtual MEP allows to create a MEP on a virtual port thus saving the use of physical port.
To configure a virtual MEP, use the ethoam endpoint command. For example, to create UP MEP 100 in
domain “” of the “alcatel-sales” Maintenance Association on a virtual port of
VLAN 400, enter:
-> ethoam end-point 100 domain association alcatel-sales
direction up port virtual primary-vlan 400

Note the following when configuring the virtual MEP:

• A virtual MEP shall only be configured as an UP-MEP.

• Virtual MEP can be configured in any valid level.

• The virtual MEP is configured on a virtual port and not attached to any switch interface.

• Only one virtual MEP can be configured per switch.

• The behavior of virtual MEP will be the same as that of the MEPs created on physical ports.

• The Remote Fault Propagation feature is not supported for virtual UP MEP.

Configuring MEP Attributes

To configure the MEP to generate Continuity Check Messages (CCM), use the ethoam endpoint ccm
command. For example:
-> ethoam end-point 100 domain association alcatel-sales
ccm enable

To configure the priority values for Continuity Check Messages and Linktrace Messages transmitted by a
MEP, use the ethoam endpoint priority command. For example:

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 37-11
Configuring Ethernet OAM Configuring Ethernet OAM

-> ethoam end-point 100 domain association alcatel-sales

priority 6

To configure the lowest priority fault alarm for the lowest priority defect for a MEP, use the ethoam
endpoint lowest-priority-defect command. For example:
-> ethoam end-point 100 domain association alcatel-sales
lowest-priority-defect all-defect

Configuring Loopback
To initiate transmitting Loopback messages (LBMs) and obtaining Loopback replies (LBRs), use the
ethoam loopback command. For example:
-> ethoam loopback target-endpoint 10 source-endpoint 20 domain MD association
MA number 3
Reply from 00:0E:B1:6B:43:89: bytes=64 seq=0 time=100ms
Reply form 00:0E:B1:6B:43:89: bytes=64 seq=0 time=112ms
Request timed out.
----00:E0:B1:6B:43:89 ETH-LB Statistics----
3 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 33% packet loss
round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 100/106/112

Configuring Linktrace
To initiate transmitting Linktrace messages (LTMs) and detecting Linktrace replies (LTR), use the
ethoam linktrace command. For example:
-> ethoam linktrace 10:aa:ac:12:12:ad end-point 4 domain
association alcatel_sales flag fdbonly hop-count 32

Configuring the Fault Alarm Time

The Fault Alarm time is the period of time during which one or more defects should be detected before the
Fault Alarm is issued. By default, this timer is set to 250 centiseconds. To change the Fault Alarm time,
use the ethoam fault-alarm-time command. For example:
-> ethoam fault-alarm-time 500 end-point 100 domain
association alcatel_sales

Configuring the Fault Reset Time

The Fault Reset time is the time interval in which Fault Alarm is re-enabled to process the faults. By
default, this timer value is set to 1000 centiseconds. To change the Fault Reset time, use the ethoam fault-
reset-time command. For example:
-> ethoam fault-reset-time 250 end-point 100 domain
association alcatel_sales

Configuring Ethernet Frame Delay Measurement

Ethernet frame delay measurement (ETH-DM) is an on-demand OAM function used to measure frame
delay (latency) and delay variation (jitter) between MEPs. There are two types of ETH-DM supported:
one-way and two-way.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 37-12
Configuring Ethernet OAM Configuring Ethernet OAM

One-Way ETH-DM
The ethoam one-way-delay command is used to configure a one-way ETH-DM (1DM) to monitor
performance between two MEPs. For example, the following command is used to initiate the transmission
of 1DM frames to a target MEP:
-> ethoam one-way-delay target-endpoint 10 source-endpoint 12 domain MD1
association MA1 vlan-priority 4

This command initiates the sending of 1DM frames from MEP 12 to MEP 10, which does not reply to
frames received from MEP 12. The latency and jitter statistics are gathered and stored on the receiving
MEP, which is MEP 10 in this example.
An option to specify a target MAC address, instead of a MEP ID, is also supported. For example:
-> ethoam one-way-delay target-macaddress 00:e0:b1:6a:52:4c source-endpoint 12
domain MD association MA vlan-priority 4

One-way delay measurement statistics are gathered and stored on the receiving MEP (the MEP that
receives a 1DM request).

Note. One-way ETH-DM requires clock synchronization between the sending and receiving MEPs. Using
NTP for clock synchronization is recommended.

Two-Way ETH-DM
The ethoam two-way-delay command is used to configure a two-way ETH-DM to monitor roundtrip
performance between two MEPs. For example, the following command is used to initiate the transmission
of delay measurement message (DMM) frames to a target MEP:
-> ethoam two-way-delay target-endpoint 10 source-endpoint 12 domain MD
association MA vlan-priority 4
Reply from 00:0E:B1:6B:43:89 delay=2584us jitter=282us

This command initiates the sending of DMM frames from MEP 12 to MEP 10. However, with two-way
delay measurement, the receiving MEP replies with delay message response (DMR) frames to the sending
MEP. In this example, MEP 10 sends DMR frames back to MEP 12.
An option to specify a target MAC address, instead of a MEP ID, is also supported. For example:
-> ethoam two-way-delay target-macaddress 00:e0:b1:6a:52:4c source-endpoint 12
domain MD association MA vlan-priority 4
Reply form 00:E0:B1:6A:52:4C: delay=2584us jitter=282us

Note the following when configuring two-way ETH-DM:

• Two-way delay measurement statistics are gathered and stored on the originating MEP (the MEP that
initiates a DMM request).
• This method does not require clock synchronization between the transmitting and receiving MEPs.

• Two-way ETH-DM is an on-demand OAM performance measurement. To schedule continuous two-

way delay measurement, see Chapter 38, “Configuring Service Assurance Agent,” for more

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 37-13
Configuring Ethernet OAM Verifying the Ethernet OAM Configuration

Verifying the Ethernet OAM Configuration

To display information about Ethernet OAM on the switch, use the show commands listed below:

show ethoam Displays the information of all the Management Domains configured on
the switch.
show ethoam domain Displays the information of a specific Management Domain configured
on the switch.
show ethoam domain Displays the information of a specific MA in a Management Domain
association configured on the switch.
show ethoam domain Displays the information of a specific MEP in a Management Domain
association end-point configured on the switch.
show ethoam remote-endpoint Displays the information of all remote MEPs learned as a part of the
domain CCM message exchange.
show ethoam default-domain Displays all the default MD information for all the VLANs or a specific
configuration VLAN.
show ethoam default-domain Displays the values of scalar Default-MD objects
show ethoam vlan Displays the vlan association for a specified VLAN-ID
show ethoam cfmstack Displays the contents of CFM Stack Managed Object, which determines
the relationships among MEPs and MIPs on a specific switch port.
show ethoam linktrace-reply Displays the content of the Linktrace reply (LTR) returned by a
previously transmitted LTM. This command displays the LTR based on
the transaction identifier or sequence number of the LTM for which the
LTR is to be displayed
show ethoam linktrace-tran-id Displays the transaction identifiers returned by previously generated
LTMs from a specified MEP.
show ethoam statistics Displays the Ethernet OAM statistics of all the Management Domains
configured on the switch. Also, displays the statistics of all the MAs and
matching MEPs for all the MDs.
show ethoam config-error Displays the configuration error for a specified VLAN, port or linkagg.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 37-14
38 Configuring Service
Assurance Agent

Service Assurance Agent (SAA) enables customers to assure business-critical applications, as well as
services that utilize data, voice, and video. With SAAs, users can verify service guarantees, increase
network reliability by validating network performance and proactively identify network issues. SAA uses
active monitoring to generate traffic in a continuous, reliable, and predictable manner, thus enabling the
measurement of network performance and health.

In This Chapter
This chapter describes the various types of SAAs that can be configured on an OmniSwitch. Configuration
procedures described in this chapter include:
• “Configuring an SAA ID” on page 38-5.

• “Configuring a MAC Address Ping SAA” on page 38-5.

• “Configuring an IP Ping SAA” on page 38-5.

• “Configuring an Ethernet OAM SAA” on page 38-5.

• “Configuring SAA SPB Session Parameters” on page 38-6.

• “Generating an SAA XML History File” on page 38-7.

• “Verifying the SAA Configuration” on page 38-9.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 38-1
Configuring Service Assurance Agent SAA Defaults

SAA Defaults
There are no SAAs created by default. However, when an agent is configured, the following default
parameter values are applied unless otherwise specified:

Parameter Description Command Default Value/Comments

Time interval between test iterations saa interval 150 minutes
SAA description saa descr “DEFAULT”
SAA jitter threshold saa jitter-threshold 0 (disabled)
SAA round-trip-time threshold saa rtt-threshold 0 (disabled)

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 38-2
Configuring Service Assurance Agent Quick Steps for Configuring SAA

Quick Steps for Configuring SAA

The following steps provide a quick tutorial on how to configure SAA. Each step describes a specific
operation and provides the CLI command syntax for performing that operation.
Creating SAA:
1 Create the base SAAs using the saa command. For example:

-> saa saa1 description "saa for ip-ping" interval 120 rtt-threshold 20000
-> saa saa2 description “saa for mac-ping” interval 500 jitter-threshold 10000
-> saa saa3 description "saa for eth-lb" interval 160
-> saa saa4 description "saa for eth-dmm" interval 300

2 Configure SAA “saa1” for IP ping using the saa type ip-ping command. For example:

-> saa saa1 type ip-ping destination-ip source-ip

type-of-service 5 inter-pkt-delay 1500 num-pkts 8 payload-size 1000

3 Configure SAA “saa2” for MAC ping using the saa type mac-ping command. For example:

-> saa saa2 type mac-ping destination-macaddress 00:11:11:11:11:11 vlan 10 vlan-

priority 3

4 Configure SAA saa3 for Ethoam loopback using the saa type ethoam-loopback command. For
-> saa saa3 type ethoam-loopback target-endpoint 10 source endpoint 2 domain md1
association ma1 vlan-priority 5 drop-eligible true inter-pkt-delay 500

5 Configure SAA “saa4” for ETH-DMM using saa type ethoam-two-way-delay command. For
-> saa saa4 type ethoam-two-way-delay target-endpoint 5 source endpoint 1 domain
md2 association ma2 vlan-priority 4 inter-pkt-delay 1000

6 Start the SAA using the saa start command.

-> saa saa1 start

-> saa saa2 start at 2009-10-13,09:00:00.0

7 Stop the SAA using the saa stop command.

-> saa saa1 stop

-> saa saa2 stop at 2009-10-13,10:00:00.0

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 38-3
Configuring Service Assurance Agent Service Assurance Agent Overview

Service Assurance Agent Overview

The Service Assurance Agent (SAA) feature is used to send periodic ping or loopback tests to peers over
the network. This is done using standard IP ping packets, proprietary MAC pings, and Ethernet OAM
tests. It is possible to configure a large number of test sessions on the switch, with each test having the
ability to send notification traps and provide a method for determining network performance.
Each SAA test can specify threshold values for jitter and round-trip-time (RTT). When SAA processes an
iteration of a test session, it will compare the results against the following criteria to see if an SNMP trap
should be sent. A trap with the session name is sent if:
– At least one packet is lost.
– Warning: Average RTT/Jitter within 10% of threshold.
– Critical: Average RTT/Jitter at or above threshold.
When an SAA is created, an owner name is assigned to the agent. This name is based on the Alcatel-
Lucent application that generated the SAA. For example:
– CLI SAA owner name = “USER”
– OmniVista owner name = “OV”
– Shortest Path Bridging owner name = “SPB”
The SAA feature also provides the ability to periodically record the last five iterations of all SAA sessions
to an XML file on the local switch. The name of the XML file and the logging time interval are
configurable SAA XML parameters.

Configuring Service Assurance Agent

This section describes how to use OmniSwitch Command Line Interface (CLI) commands to configure
Service Assurance Agent (SAA) on a switch. Consider the following guidelines when configuring SAA
• Creating an SAA ID is required before the SAA type is configured. This only applies to MAC ping, IP
ping, and Ethernet OAM SAAs. SAA IDs for OmniVista and SPB SAAs are automatically generated
by those applications.
• Any number of SAAs can be configured (MAX 127). It is recommended not to start many aggressive
SAAs (having session interval <= 10). To achieve proper scheduling of all the started SAA (aggressive
and relaxed) it is recommended not to start more than 50 SAAs.
• Once the configurable SAA session timer expires (or immediately when a start is done), the session is
added to the end scheduler linked list and the next session is scheduled. If there are other sessions
waiting for execution, the session is processed after the other sessions have finished (first-come-first-
serve). Only one session can be running a test at a time. An unlimited number of sessions can be
queued up on the list. Large numbers of sessions SAAs may not observe the exact interval time.
• If the destination MAC address is found on a link aggregate, the SAA traverses all paths of the link
aggregate. Each test iteration sends out multiple packets. SAA will send each packet over a different
link of the aggregate. This allows SAA to test all portions of the multi-path. Calculations of the delay
and jitter are available on a multi-link basis. This is only available for MAC pings.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 38-4
Configuring Service Assurance Agent Configuring Service Assurance Agent

Configuring an SAA ID
The first step in configuring an SAA is to create an SAA ID. The saa command is used to create the SAA
ID string (up to 32 characters), along with an optional description and time interval. For example:
-> saa saa2 descr “two-way eth-dm” interval 160

The SAA time interval specifies the amount of time, in minutes, to wait between each iteration of the SAA
test. By default, the SAA time interval is set to 150 minutes and the description is set to “DEFAULT”.
Additional SAA parameters include setting threshold values for jitter and round-trip-time (rtt). By default,
these threshold values are set to zero (disabled). Use the saa command with the jitter-threshold and rtt-
threshold parameters to change (enable) the threshold values. For example:
-> saa saa1 jitter-threshold 100 rtt-threshold 500

Once the SAA ID is created, then the following SAA types are configurable:
• MAC address ping (see “Configuring a MAC Address Ping SAA” on page 38-5)

• IP ping (see “Configuring an IP Ping SAA” on page 38-5)

• Ethernet OAM loopback and two-way pint (see “Configuring an Ethernet OAM SAA” on page 38-5)

Configuring a MAC Address Ping SAA

L2 SAAs enhance the service level monitoring by enabling performance measurement against any L2
address within the provider network.
To configure SAA for MAC, use the saa type mac-ping command. For example, the following command
configures “saa5” as a MAC SAA:
-> saa saa5 type mac-ping destination-macaddress 00:11:11:11:11:11 vlan 10 data
"asdf" drop-eligible true vlan-priority 3 num-pkts 4

Configuring an IP Ping SAA

IP SAAs enhance service level monitoring to become IP application-aware by measuring both end-to-end
and at the IP layer. IP SAA allows performance measurement against any IP addresses in the network (for
example, switch, server, PC).
To configure SAA for IP, use the saa type ip-ping command. For example, the following command
configures “saa1” as an IP SAA:
-> saa “saa1” type ip-ping destination-ip source-ip
type-of-service 4

Configuring an Ethernet OAM SAA

The Ethernet Service OAM implementation supports the ability to perform on-demand Ethernet loopback
and two-way Ethernet frame delay measurement. These mechanisms are initiated using the ethoam
loopback and ethoam two-way-delay commands. When these commands are used, the loopback or delay
measurement is done on a one-time, immediate basis.
An Ethernet OAM loopback (ETH-LB) SAA and two-way frame delay measurement (ETH-DMM) SAA
are supported to generate traffic in a continuous, reliable, and predictable manner to support these

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 38-5
Configuring Service Assurance Agent Configuring Service Assurance Agent

Configuring an ETH-LB SAA

To configure an ETH-LB SAA, use the saa type ethoam-loopback command. For example:
-> saa saa1 type ethoam-loopback target-endpoint 10 source endpoint 1 domain md1
association ma1 vlan-priority 5 drop-eligible false

In this example, “saa1” is an existing SAA ID that is configured to run ETH-LB assurance iterations. The
additional command parameters apply to the specific loopback operation. Note that these parameters are
similar to those specified with the ethoam loopback command.

Configuring a ETH-DMM SAA

To configure a ETH-DMM SAA, use the saa type ethoam-two-way-delay command. For example:
-> saa saa2 type ethoam-two-way-delay target-endpoint 10 source endpoint 1
domain md1 association ma1 vlan-priority 5

In this example, “saa2” is an existing SAA ID that is configured to run two-way ETH-DMM assurance
test iterations. The additional command parameters apply to the specific delay measurement operation.
Note that these parameters are similar to those specified with the ethoam two-way-delay command.

Starting and Stopping SAAs

Once an SAA ID is created and the type of SAA is configured, the SAA start and stop parameters are
defined using the saa start and saa stop commands. For example:
-> saa saa1 start
-> saa saa1 stop

Both commands provide the ability to define a specific start and stop time for the SAA. For example:
-> saa saa2 start at 2010-09-12,09:00:00
-> saa saa2 stop at 2010-09-19,09:00:00

In addition, the saa stop command provides a never parameter to specify that the SAA will not stop
unless a specific date and time is specified with the saa stop command. For example:
1 -> saa saa2 start

2 -> saa saa2 stop never

3 -> saa saa2 stop (SAA does not stop)

4 -> saa saa2 stop at 2010-09-19,09:00:00 (SAA stops)

In this example, the first command starts “saa2”. Note that because a date and time was not specified, the
SAA starts immediately. The second command specifies that “saa2” will never stop unless a date and time
is specified. As a result, the third command will fail because it does not specify a date and time. The
fourth command, however, will successfully stop the SAA at the specified date and time.

Configuring SAA SPB Session Parameters

The Shortest Path Bridging (SPB) feature dynamically discovers SPB-enabled switches. Each discovered
switch is identified by the pairing of an SPB VLAN (BVLAN) and the backbone MAC address (BMAC)
for the switch. SPB advertises these BVLAN-BMAC pairs to the SAA feature, which in turn creates and
starts MAC ping sessions based on the parameters configured with this command.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 38-6
Configuring Service Assurance Agent Configuring Service Assurance Agent

Configuring an SPB SAA differs from configuring other SAA types in that an existing SAA ID is not
required, because this agent is dynamically generated through SAA and SPB interaction. In this case, only
the parameters that apply to dynamically created SPB SAAs are configurable using the saa spb command.
For example:
-> saa spb auto-create auto-start jitter-threshold 100 rtt-threshold 500

In this example, parameters are configured to allow the switch to automatically create and start SPB SAA
sessions with the specified jitter and round-trip-time thresholds. The default values are applied for other
configurable parameters not specified in this command (for example, interval time, VLAN priority). See
the saa saa spb command page in the OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 CLI Reference Guide for more
To reset all SPB SAA session parameters back to their default values, use the saa spb reset command. For
-> saa spb reset

To clear all SPB SAA sessions and let the switch rebuild sessions based on the BVAN-BMAC
information received from SPB, use the saa spb flush command. For example:
-> saa spb flush

Note that the saa spb flush command does not change any of the SPB SAA session parameter values.
Use the show saa spb command to display the current SPB SAA parameter settings. To display session
information for SPB SAA, use the show saa command.

Generating an SAA XML History File

To configure SAA to log session information into an XML file, use the saa xml command with the
admin-state enable option. For example:
-> saa xml interval 60 admin-state enable

When XML file generation is enabled, the default filename for the XML file is “saa.xml” and SAA
session information is logged to the file every 20 minutes. To change the name of the file and/or the log
time interval, use the saa xml command with the interval and file-name parameters. For example:
-> saa xml file-name switch1_saa.xml interval 120
-> saa xml interval 60
-> saa xml file-name edge_saa.xml
-> saa xml file-name edge2_saa.xml interval 120 admin-state enable

The XML file is located in the /flash/network/ directory on the switch. The following information is
logged when SAA XML file generation is enabled:
– SAA name and ID
– Iteration number
– Last run time
– Reason
– Packets sent/Received
– RTT min/avg/max
– Jitter min/avg/max
– Subports

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 38-7
Configuring Service Assurance Agent Configuring Service Assurance Agent

Use the show saa xml command to display the status of XML history file generation, along with the XML
filename and time interval.

Sample XML History File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<SystemDescription> Development, June 20, 2011.</SystemDescription>
<saaId id="68" name="saa7">
<index id="1">
<reason>Iteration successful</reason>
<saaId id="13" name="saa2">
<index id="1">
<reason>Iteration successful</reason>
<index id="2">
<reason>Iteration successful</reason>

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 38-8
Configuring Service Assurance Agent Verifying the SAA Configuration

<index id="3">


Verifying the SAA Configuration

To display information about SAA on the switch, use the show commands listed below:

show saa Displays generic configuration parameters for all the configured SAAs.
show saa type config Displays configured SAAs for the given type.
show saa spb Displays session parameters applies to SPB SAAs.
show saa xml Displays configuration information for the SAA XML history file.
show saa statistics Displays latest record, aggregated record or history.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page 38-9
A Software License and
Copyright Statements

This appendix contains Alcatel-Lucent and third-party software vendor license and copyright statements.

Alcatel-Lucent License Agreement

IMPORTANT. Please read the terms and conditions of this license agreement carefully before opening
this package.

By opening this package, you accept and agree to the terms of this license agreement. If you are not
willing to be bound by the terms of this license agreement, do not open this package. Please
promptly return the product and any materials in unopened form to the place where you obtained it
for a full refund.
1. License Grant. This is a license, not a sales agreement, between you (the “Licensee”) and Alcatel-
Lucent. Alcatel-Lucent hereby grants to Licensee, and Licensee accepts, a non-exclusive license to use
program media and computer software contained therein (the “Licensed Files”) and the accompanying
user documentation (collectively the “Licensed Materials”), only as authorized in this License Agreement.
Licensee, subject to the terms of this License Agreement, may use one copy of the Licensed Files on the
Licensee’s system. Licensee agrees not to assign, sublicense, transfer, pledge, lease, rent, or share their
rights under this License Agreement. Licensee may retain the program media for backup purposes with
retention of the copyright and other proprietary notices. Except as authorized under this paragraph, no
copies of the Licensed Materials or any portions thereof may be made by Licensee and Licensee shall not
modify, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, or otherwise attempt to derive the Source Code.
Licensee is also advised that Alcatel-Lucent products contain embedded software known as firmware
which resides in silicon. Licensee may not copy the firmware or transfer the firmware to another medium.
2. Alcatel-Lucent’s Rights. Licensee acknowledges and agrees that the Licensed Materials are the sole
property of Alcatel-Lucent and its licensors (herein “its licensors”), protected by U.S. copyright law,
trademark law, and are licensed on a right to use basis. Licensee further acknowledges and agrees that all
rights, title, and interest in and to the Licensed Materials are and shall remain with Alcatel-Lucent and its
licensors and that no such right, license, or interest shall be asserted with respect to such copyrights and
trademarks. This License Agreement does not convey to Licensee an interest in or to the Licensed
Materials, but only a limited right to use revocable in accordance with the terms of this License

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page A-1
Software License and Copyright Statements Alcatel-Lucent License Agreement

3. Confidentiality. Alcatel-Lucent considers the Licensed Files to contain valuable trade secrets of
Alcatel-Lucent, the unauthorized disclosure of which could cause irreparable harm to Alcatel-Lucent.
Except as expressly set forth herein, Licensee agrees to use reasonable efforts not to disclose the Licensed
Files to any third party and not to use the Licensed Files other than for the purpose authorized by this
License Agreement. This confidentiality obligation shall continue after any termination of this License
4. Indemnity. Licensee agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Alcatel-Lucent harmless from any claim,
lawsuit, legal proceeding, settlement or judgment (including without limitation Alcatel-Lucent’s
reasonable United States and local attorneys’ and expert witnesses’ fees and costs) arising out of or in
connection with the unauthorized copying, marketing, performance or distribution of the Licensed Files.
5. Limited Warranty. Alcatel-Lucent warrants, for Licensee’s benefit alone, that the program media
shall, for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of commencement of this License Agreement (referred
to as the Warranty Period), be free from defects in material and workmanship. Alcatel-Lucent further
warrants, for Licensee benefit alone, that during the Warranty Period the Licensed Files shall operate
substantially in accordance with the functional specifications in the User Guide. If during the Warranty
Period, a defect in the Licensed Files appears, Licensee may return the Licensed Files to Alcatel-Lucent
for either replacement or, if so elected by Alcatel-Lucent, refund of amounts paid by Licensee under this
6. Limitation of Liability. Alcatel-Lucent’s cumulative liability to Licensee or any other party for any
loss or damages resulting from any claims, demands, or actions arising out of or relating to this License
Agreement shall not exceed the license fee paid to Alcatel-Lucent for the Licensed Materials. IN NO
7. Export Control. This product is subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. Licensee may not
export or reexport the Licensed Files, without complying with all United States export laws and
regulations, including but not limited to (i) obtaining prior authorization from the U.S. Department of
Commerce if a validated export license is required, and (ii) obtaining “written assurances” from licensees,
if required.
8. Support and Maintenance. Except as may be provided in a separate agreement between Alcatel-
Lucent and Licensee, if any, Alcatel-Lucent is under no obligation to maintain or support the copies of the
Licensed Files made and distributed hereunder and Alcatel-Lucent has no obligation to furnish Licensee
with any further assistance, documentation or information of any nature or kind.
9. Term. This License Agreement is effective upon Licensee opening this package and shall continue until
terminated. Licensee may terminate this License Agreement at any time by returning the Licensed
Materials and all copies thereof and extracts therefrom to Alcatel-Lucent and certifying to Alcatel-Lucent
in writing that all Licensed Materials and all copies thereof and extracts therefrom have been returned or
erased by the memory of Licensee’s computer or made non-readable. Alcatel-Lucent may terminate this
License Agreement upon the breach by Licensee of any term hereof. Upon such termination by Alcatel-

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page A-2
Software License and Copyright Statements Alcatel-Lucent License Agreement

Lucent, Licensee agrees to return to Alcatel-Lucent or destroy the Licensed Materials and all copies and
portions thereof.
10. Governing Law. This License Agreement shall be construed and governed in accordance with the
laws of the State of California.
11. Severability. Should any term of this License Agreement be declared void or unenforceable by any
court of competent jurisdiction, such declaration shall have no effect on the remaining terms herein.
12. No Waiver. The failure of either party to enforce any rights granted hereunder or to take action against
the other party in the event of any breach hereunder shall not be deemed a waiver by that party as to
subsequent enforcement of rights or subsequent actions in the event of future breaches.
13. Notes to United States Government Users. Software and documentation are provided with restricted
rights. Use, duplication or disclosure by the government is subject to (i) restrictions set forth in GSA ADP
Schedule Contract with Alcatel-Lucent’s reseller(s), or (ii) restrictions set forth in subparagraph (c) (1)
and (2) of 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable.
14.Third Party Materials. Licensee is notified that the Licensed Files contain third party software and
materials licensed to Alcatel-Lucent by certain third party licensors. Some third party licensors are third
part beneficiaries to this License Agreement with full rights of enforcement. Please refer to the section
entitled “Third Party Licenses and Notices” on page -4 for the third party license and notice terms.

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page A-3
Software License and Copyright Statements Third Party Licenses and Notices

Third Party Licenses and Notices

Legal Notices applicable to any software distributed alone or in connection with the product to which this
document pertains, are contained in files within the software itself located at: /flash/foss.
Also, if needed, we provide all FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) source code used into this release
at the following URL:

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 page A-4
Index IP 15-3
IPMS 25-36, 25-38
IPv6 17-3
Layer 3 ACLs 26-66
policies 26-75
policy map groups 26-61
Port Mapping 32-3, 32-7
port mirroring 34-3
Numerics port monitoring 34-4, 34-5
QoS 26-44, 26-75
10/100/1000 ports
RIP 19-3
defaults 1-3
RMON 34-7
802.1AB 13-1
Server Load Balancing 22-2, 24-3
defaults 13-2
Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol 6-10, 6-44
verify information about 13-12
static link aggregation 8-3, 8-10
switch health 34-8
enabling notification 13-8
switch logging 36-2
trusted ports 26-31
UDLD 2-3
802.1x command 28-7, 28-8
VLANs 4-3, 4-11
VRRP 23-4, 23-25, 23-29
see dynamic link aggregation
VRRP3 23-30
applied configuration 26-72
A how to verify 26-74
aaa ldap-server command ARP
LDAP authentication 31-25 clearing the ARP cache 15-15
aaa radius-server command creating a permanent entry 15-13
RADIUS authentication 31-10, 31-13 deleting a permanent entry 15-14
Access Control Lists dynamic entry 15-13
see ACLs filtering 15-15
access list 19-15 local proxy 15-15
creating 19-15 arp command 15-13
ACLs arp filter command 15-15
interaction with VRRP 23-9, 23-18 assigning ports to VLANs 4-6
Layer 2 26-64 Authenticated Switch Access
Layer 3 26-66 LDAP VSAs 31-20
Layer 3 application examples 26-66 authentication servers
multicast 26-67 application example 31-3
security features 26-68 defaults 31-2
actions how backups work 31-4
combined with conditions 26-33, 26-34 see LDAP authentication servers, RADIUS authentication
creating policy actions 26-47 servers
Address Resolution Protocol automatic IP configuration 21-11
see ARP
Alcatel Mapping Adjacency Protocol 14-1
alerts 36-4
backup router
VRRP 23-6
see Alcatel Mapping Adjacency Protocol
boundary port 6-18
Application example
Learned Port Security Configuration 33-3
see Bridge Protocol Data Units
application example
bridge 1x1 slot/port path cost command 6-37
Ethernet OAM 37-8, 38-3
bridge auto-vlan-containment commmand 6-32
VLAN Stacking 15-2, 15-38
bridge cist hello time command 6-28, 6-29, 6-30
application examples
bridge forward delay command 6-30
authentication servers 31-3
bridge hello time command 6-29
Configuring 802.1AB 13-3
bridge max age command 6-29, 6-31
DHCP Relay 21-3, 21-6, 21-7
bridge mode command 6-20
dynamic link aggregation 9-3, 9-25
bridge msti priority command 6-28
high availability VLANs 5-3
bridge path cost mode command 6-31
ICMP policies 26-78

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 Index-1


bridge priority command 6-28 source learning 3-2

Bridge Protocol Data Units Spanning Tree Bridge 6-3, 11-2
contents 6-7 Spanning Tree Port 6-3
bridge slot/port command 6-31 static link aggregation 8-2
bridge slot/port connection command 6-41 switch health 34-8
bridge slot/port priority command 6-36 switch logging 36-2
built-in port groups UDLD 2-2
used with Policy Based Routing 26-80 VLANs 4-2
VRRP 23-2
Denial of Service
C see DoS
clear arp filter command 15-16
DHCP 21-5
clear arp-cache command 15-15
DHCP Relay 21-1, 21-9
condition groups
application examples 21-3, 21-6, 21-7
for ACLs 26-54
AVLAN forwarding option 21-10
MAC groups 26-58
defaults 21-2
network groups 26-55
DHCP server IP address 21-8
port groups 26-59
forward delay time 21-9
sample configuration 26-54
maximum number of hops 21-10
service groups 26-57
standard forwarding option 21-10
verify information about 26-60
directed broadcast 15-26
DoS 15-26
combined with actions 26-33, 26-34
enabling traps 15-30
configuring 26-46
setting decay value 15-30
how to create 26-46
setting penalty values 15-29
see also condition groups
Setting Port Scan Penalty Value 15-30
valid combinations 26-32
DVMRP 25-6
Configuring 802.1AB
dynamic link aggregation 9-1, 10-1
application examples 13-3
application examples 9-3, 9-25
defaults 9-2, 10-2
D group actor administrative key 9-13
debug messages 36-4 group actor system ID 9-14
debug qos command 26-40 group actor system priority 9-13
default route group administrative state 9-12
IP 15-12 group partner administrative key 9-14
defaults group partner system ID 9-15
10/100/1000 ports 1-3 group partner system priority 9-15
802.1AB 13-2 groups 9-8
authentication servers 31-2 assigning ports 9-9
DHCP Relay 21-2 creating groups 9-8
dynamic link aggregation 9-2, 10-2 deleting groups 9-9
Ethernet OAM 14-2, 37-2, 38-2 group names 9-12
Ethernet ports 1-2, 1-3 removing ports 9-10
high availability VLANs 5-2 LACPDU bit settings 9-16, 9-20
IP 15-3 LACPDU frames 9-16, 9-20
IPMS 25-2, 25-3 Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) 9-5
IPv6 17-2 MAC address 9-14, 9-15, 9-17, 9-22
Learned Port Security 33-2 port actor administrative priority 9-18
Multiple Spanning Tree 6-4 port actor port priority 9-19
OSPF 18-2, 20-2 port actor system administrative states 9-16
policy servers 27-2 port actor system ID 9-17
Port Mapping 32-2 port partner administrative key 9-21
port mirroring 34-3 port partner administrative priority 9-24
port monitoring 34-4, 34-5 port partner administrative state 9-20
QoS 26-35 port partner administrative system ID 9-22
RIP 19-2 port partner administrative system priority 9-23
RMON 34-7 port partner port administrative status 9-23
RRSTP 6-5 ports 9-9
Server Load Balancing 24-2 verify information about 9-28, 10-12

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 Index-2


dynamic log I
LDAP accounting servers 31-23 ICMP 15-32
control 15-34
E QoS policies for 26-78
errors 36-4 statistics 15-34
Ethernet icmp messages command 15-34
defaults 1-2, 1-3 icmp type command 15-33
flood rate 1-6, 1-7 IGMP
frame size 1-5 multicast ACLs 26-64, 26-67
full duplex 1-4 IGMP Spoofing 25-19
half duplex 1-4 interfaces admin command 1-4
Ethernet OAM interfaces alias command 1-5
application example 37-8, 38-3 interfaces autoneg command 1-3
configuration 37-9, 38-4 interfaces crossover command 1-3
Connectivity Fault Management interfaces duplex command 1-4
Continuity Check Messages 37-5 interfaces flood multicast command 1-6
Link Trace Messages 37-5 interfaces max frame command 1-5
Loop-back Messages 37-5 interfaces no l2 statistics command 1-4
defaults 14-2, 37-2, 38-2 interfaces speed command 1-3
overview 37-3 Internet Control Message Protocol
verification 14-16, 37-14 see ICMP
ethoam association ccm-interval command 37-10 IP 15-1, 16-1
ethoam association command 37-8 application examples 15-3, 16-3
ethoam association mhf command 37-10, 37-11, 37-12 ARP 15-13
ethoam association-default command 37-10 defaults 15-3
ethoam domain command 14-4, 37-8 directed broadcast 15-26
ethoam end-point command 37-8 ICMP 15-32
ethoam intermediate-point command 37-8 ping 15-34
ethoam linktrace command 37-12 protocols 15-4, 16-11
ethoam loopback command 37-12 router ID 15-19
router port 15-7
router primary address 15-19
F static route 15-11, 17-17
Fast Spanning Tree 6-5 tracing an IP route 15-35
filtering lists TTL value 15-20
see ACLs tunneling 15-37
flow command 1-7 UDP 15-36
verify information about 15-39, 16-18
H ip access-list address command 19-15
health interval command 34-38, 37-12 ip access-list command 19-15
health threshold command 34-36 ip default-ttl command 15-20
health threshold limits ip directed-broadcast command 15-26
displaying 34-37 ip dos scan close-port-penalty command 15-29
high availability VLANs 5-1 ip dos scan decay command 15-30
adding egress ports 5-7, 5-8 ip dos scan tcp open-port-penalty command 15-29
adding ingress ports 5-7 ip dos scan threshold command 15-30
application examples 5-3 ip dos scan udp open-port-penalty command 15-29
configuration steps 5-6 ip dos trap command 15-30
creating high availability VLANs 5-6 ip helper address command 21-8
defaults 5-2 ip helper boot-up command 21-11
deleting egress ports 5-7 ip helper forward delay command 21-9
deleting high availability VLANs 5-7 ip helper maximum hops command 21-10
displaying 5-16 ip helper per-vlan command 21-10
traffic flow 5-5 ip helper standard command 21-10
ip interface command 19-3
ip load rip command 19-3, 19-6
ip multicast igmp-proxy-version command 25-9, 25-25
ip multicast neighbor-timeout command 25-8, 25-15,

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 Index-3


25-16, 25-17, 25-24, 25-30, 25-32 deleting static neighbors 25-10

ip multicast query-interval command 25-13, 25-14, 25-28 deleting static queriers 25-11, 25-27
ip multicast static-member command 25-11 displaying 25-40, 25-41
ip multicast static-neighbor command 25-26 DVMRP 25-6
ip multicast static-querier command 25-11 enabling 25-7, 25-19, 25-20, 25-34, 25-35
IP Multicast Switching IGMPv2 25-10, 25-25
see IPMS IGMPv3 25-6, 25-9, 25-25
ip multicast switching command 25-7, 25-19, 25-23, 25-33 neighbor timeout 25-16, 25-18, 25-31, 25-33
IP multinetting 15-6 optional multicast routing software 25-5
ip redist command 19-12 overview 25-4
ip rip force-holddowntimer command 19-9 PIM-SM 25-6
ip rip garbage-timer command 19-10 query interval 25-13, 25-14, 25-28, 25-29
ip rip holddown-timer command 19-10 IPv6 17-1
ip rip host-route command 19-11 addressing 17-5
ip rip interface auth-key command 19-18 application examples 17-3
ip rip interface auth-type command 19-18 autoconfiguration of addresses 17-7
ip rip interface command 19-3, 19-7 defaults 17-2
ip rip interface metric command 19-8 tunneling types 17-16
ip rip interface recv-version command 19-8 verify information about 17-25
ip rip interface send-version command 19-7 ipv6 access-list address command 19-15
ip rip interface status command 19-3, 19-7 ipv6 access-list command 19-15
ip rip invalid-timer command 19-10 ipv6 address command 17-3, 17-14
ip rip route-tag command 19-9 ipv6 interface command 17-3, 17-12, 17-13
ip rip status command 19-3, 19-7 ipv6 interface tunnel source destination command 17-12
ip rip update-interval command 19-9 ipv6 load rip command 17-3
ip route-pref command 15-19 ipv6 rip interface command 17-3
IP router ports 15-7 ipv6 route-pref command 17-18
modifying 15-8
removing 15-8, 16-17
ip router primary-address command 15-19
ip router router-id command 15-19
see dynamic link aggregation
ip service command 15-31, 15-41, 15-42
lacp agg actor admin key command 9-3, 9-9
ip slb admin command 24-3, 24-10
lacp agg actor admin state command 9-16
ip slb cluster admin status command 24-16
lacp agg actor port priority command 9-19
ip slb cluster command 24-3, 24-4, 24-11
lacp agg actor system id command 9-18
ip slb cluster ping period command 24-14
lacp agg actor system priority command 9-18
ip slb cluster ping retries command 24-15
lacp agg partner admin key command 9-21
ip slb cluster ping timeout command 24-14
lacp agg partner admin port command 9-23
ip slb probe command 24-17, 24-18
lacp agg partner admin port priority command 9-24
ip slb probe expect command 24-20
lacp agg partner admin state command 9-20
ip slb probe password command 24-19
lacp agg partner admin system id command 9-22
ip slb probe period command 24-18
lacp agg partner admin system priority command 9-23
ip slb probe port command 24-19
lacp linkagg actor admin key command 9-13
ip slb probe retries command 24-19
lacp linkagg actor system id command 9-14
ip slb probe send command 24-20
lacp linkagg actor system priority command 9-13
ip slb probe status command 24-20
lacp linkagg admin state command 9-12
ip slb probe timeout command 24-18
lacp linkagg name command 9-12
ip slb probe url command 24-19
lacp linkagg partner admin key command 9-14
ip slb probe username command 24-19
lacp linkagg partner system id command 9-15
ip slb server ip cluster command 24-3, 24-4, 24-13, 24-15,
lacp linkagg partner system priority command 9-15
lacp linkagg size command 9-3, 9-8
ip static-route command 15-11, 17-17
Layer 2
IPMS 25-1
statistics counters 1-4
adding static members 25-11
LDAP accounting servers
adding static neighbors 25-10
dynamic log 31-23
adding static queriers 25-11
standard attributes 31-22
application examples 25-36, 25-38
LDAP authentication servers
defaults 25-2, 25-3
directory entries 31-16
deleting static members 25-12, 25-27

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 Index-4


functional privileges 31-21 MSTP 6-12

passwords for 31-19 Multiple Spanning Tree Region 6-16
schema extensions 31-16 Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) 25-25
SNMP attributes on authentication servers 31-21 Multiple Spanning Tree
SSL 31-25 defaults 6-4
VSAs for Authenticated Switch Access 31-20
LDAP servers
see policy servers
non combo ports
used for QoS policies 27-3
configuring 1-3
Learned Port Security
database table 33-8
defaults 33-2 O
disabling 33-11 OSPF 19-4
enabling 33-11 defaults 18-2, 20-2
overview 33-5 loading software 20-12
Learned Port Security Configuration OSPF redistribution policies
Application example 33-3 deleting 15-22, 15-24, 17-21, 17-23, 19-16
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
see LDAP servers
line speed 1-3
link aggregation pending configuration 26-72
dynamic link aggregation 9-1, 10-1 pending policies
Spanning Tree parameters 6-35, 6-36, 6-38, 6-40, 6-42 deleting 26-72
static link aggregation 8-1 Per VLAN DHCP 21-8
lldp lldpdu command 13-3 PIM-SM 25-6
lldp notification command 13-3 ping
lldp tlv dot1 command 13-9 IP 15-34
lldp tlv dot3 command 13-9 ping command 15-34
lldp tlv management command 13-3 policies
lldp tlv med command 13-10 application examples 26-75
logged events applied 26-72
detail level 26-41 built-in 26-38
types of events 26-40 conditions 26-46
creating policy actions 26-47
how the switch uses them 26-30
M Policy Based Routing 26-80
MAC address table 3-1, 3-3 precedence 26-50
aging time 3-7 redirect linkagg 26-77
duplicate MAC addresses 3-3 redirect port 26-77
learned MAC addresses 3-3 rules 26-48
static MAC addresses 3-3 verify information about 26-53
MAC addresses policies configured via PolicyView 26-73
aging time 3-7, 6-30 policy action 802.1p command 26-8
dynamic link aggregation 9-14, 9-15, 9-17, 9-22 policy action command 26-44
learned 3-3 policy action map command 26-61
statically assigned 3-3 policy action redirect linkagg command 26-77
mac-address-table command 3-3 policy action redirect port command 26-77, 26-78
map groups 26-61 policy actions
application 26-78 see actions
creating 26-62 Policy Based Routing 26-80
verifying information 26-63 policy condition command 26-44
master router policy conditions
VRRP 23-6 see conditions
MLD Zapping 25-34 policy MAC groups 26-58
MST 6-12 policy map group command 26-61
Internal Spanning Tree (IST) Instance 6-17 policy map groups
Interoperability 6-18 application example 26-61
Migration 6-18, 6-19 policy network group command 26-54
MSTI 6-15 policy network groups 26-55

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 Index-5


switch default group 26-38, 26-55 port monitoring source command 34-19, 34-20, 34-21,
policy port group command 26-54 34-24
policy port groups 26-59 ports
policy rule command 26-44 displaying QoS information about 26-8
policy server command 27-2, 27-4 Spanning Tree parameters 6-33
policy server flush command 27-6 VLAN assignment 4-6
compared to qos flush command 27-7 port-security command 33-11
policy server load command 27-6 port-security learning-window command 33-12
policy servers Precedence
defaults 27-2 Configured rule order 26-50
downloading policies 27-6 Precedence value 26-50
installing 27-3 precedence
SSL 27-6 for policies 26-50
policy service group command 26-54
policy service groups 26-57
policy services 26-56
application examples 26-44, 26-75
LDAP policy servers 27-1
ASCII-file-only syntax 16-9, 26-45
Port Mapping 32-1
configuration overview 26-39
application examples 32-3, 32-7
defaults 26-35
defaults 32-2
enabled/disabled 26-40
port mapping command 32-3
interaction with other features 26-31
Port Mapping Session
overview 26-3
creating and deleting 32-4
quick steps for creating policies 26-44
enabling and disabling 32-5
Server Load Balancing 24-12
port mirroring 34-9
traffic prioritization 26-75
application examples 34-3
qos apply command 26-72
defaults 34-3
global configuration 26-72
direction 34-15
policy and port configuration 26-72
disabling mirroring status 34-14
qos clear log command 26-43
displaying status 34-16
qos command 26-40
enabling or disabling mirroring status 34-14
qos flush command 26-73
N-to-1 port mirroring 34-13
compared to policy server flush command 27-7
unblocking ports 34-14
qos forward log command 26-41
port mirroring command 34-15
QoS log
port mirroring session
cleared 26-43
creating 34-13
displayed 26-42
deleting 34-16
number of display lines 26-41
enabling/disabling 34-15
see also logged events
port mirroring source command 34-4
qos log level command 26-40, 26-41
port mirroring source destination command 34-13, 34-14,
qos log lines command 26-41
qos port default 802.1p command 26-7
port monitoring
qos port default dscp command 26-7
application examples 34-4, 34-5
qos port trusted command 26-8
configuring 34-19, 34-24, 34-25
qos reset command 26-43
creating a data file 34-20
qos revert command 26-72
defaults 34-4, 34-5
qos stats interval command 26-43
deleting a session 34-19, 34-27
qos trust ports command 26-7
direction 34-21
qos user-port command 26-69
disabling a session 34-19
Quality of Service
displaying status and data 34-22, 34-25, 34-27
see QoS
enabling a session 34-19
file overwriting 34-21
file size 34-20 R
overview 34-18, 34-23 RADIUS accounting servers
pausing a session 34-20 standard attributes 31-9
resuming a session 34-20 VSAs 31-10
session persistence 34-20 RADIUS authentication servers 31-6
port monitoring command 34-19, 34-20 standard attributes 31-6

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 Index-6


VSAs 28-99, 31-8 router port

Rapid Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol IP 15-7
see RSTP router primary address 15-19
Redirection Policies 26-77 Routing Information Protocol
Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service see RIP
see RADIUS authentication servers RRSTP 6-44
resource threshold limits defaults 6-5
configuring 34-36 RSTP 6-5
Ring Rapid Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol port connection types 6-41
see RRSTP rules
RIP 19-1 see policies
application examples 19-3
defaults 19-2
enabling 19-7
sampling intervals
forced hold-down timer 19-9
configuring 34-38, 37-12
garbage timer 19-10
viewing 34-38
hold-down timer 19-10
Secure Socket Layer
host route 19-11
see SSL
interface 19-7
Security Violation Mode 33-17
invalid timer 19-10
restrict mode 33-17
IP 19-4
server clusters 24-11, 24-16
loading 19-6
server distribution algorithms 24-8
redistribution 19-12
Server Load Balancing 24-1
security 19-18
adding servers 24-13
unloading 19-6
application examples 22-2, 24-3
update interval 19-9
clusters 24-11, 24-16
verification 19-19
configuration steps 24-10
verify information about 19-19
defaults 24-2
RIP interface
deleting clusters 24-13
creating 19-7
deleting servers 24-13
deleting 19-7
disabling 24-10
enabling 19-7
disabling clusters 24-16
metric 19-8
disabling servers 24-17
password 19-18
displaying 24-21
receive option 19-8
distribution algorithms 24-8
route tag 19-9
enabling 24-10
send option 19-7
enabling clusters 24-16
enabling servers 24-16
application examples 34-7
ping period 24-14
defaults 34-7
ping retries 24-15
RMON events
ping timeout 24-14
displaying list 34-34
QoS 24-12
displaying specific 34-34
relative server weight 24-15
RMON probes
server health monitoring 24-9
displaying list 34-31
servers 24-13, 24-16
displaying statistics 34-32
weighted round robin distribution algorithm 24-8
enabling/disabling 34-30
Server Load Balancing probes 24-17
rmon probes command 34-30
clusters 24-18
RMON tables
configuring 24-17
displaying 34-31
deleting 24-17
round robin distribution algorithm
expected status 24-20
see weighted round robin distribution algorithm
modifying 24-18
route map
password 24-19
creating 19-13
probe expect 24-20
deleting 19-13
probe send 24-20
enabling/disabling administrative status 19-16
retries 24-19
redistribution 19-15
servers 24-18
sequencing 19-14
TCP/UDP port 24-19
router ID 15-19, 17-18

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 Index-7


timeout 24-18 flat operating mode 4-9, 6-20, 6-21

URL 24-19 path cost 6-36, 6-37
user name 24-19 port connection types 6-41
severity level Port ID 6-7
see switch logging port ID 6-35
show arp command 15-14 port path cost 6-5
show arp filter command 15-16, 15-31 port roles 6-5
show health command 34-39 port states 6-6, 6-40
show health interval command 34-38 root bridge 6-5, 6-29, 6-30
show health threshold command 34-8, 34-37 root path cost 6-5
show icmp control command 15-34 topology 6-5, 6-11
show icmp statistics command 15-34 Topology Change Notification 6-8
show ip config command 15-20, 15-26 Spanning Tree Bridge
show ip interface command 15-8 defaults 6-3, 11-2
show ip redist command 19-16 Spanning Tree bridge parameters
show ip rip command 19-7 802.1D standard protocol 6-27
show ip rip interface command 19-7 802.1s multiple spanning tree protocol 6-27
show ip route command 15-12, 17-17 802.1w rapid reconfiguration protocol 6-27
show ip route-map command 19-13 automatic VLAN containment 6-31
show ipv6 interface command 17-12 forward delay time 6-30
show linkagg command 8-11 hello time 6-29
show linkagg port command 8-11 maximum age time 6-29
show lldp remote-system command 13-3 priority 6-28
show lldp statistics command 13-3 Spanning Tree Port
show log swlog command 36-7 defaults 6-3
show mac-address-table port-mac command 5-16 Spanning Tree port parameters 6-33
show policy rule command 24-12 connection type 6-41
show policy server long command 27-6 link aggregate ports 6-35, 6-36, 6-38, 6-40, 6-42
show port mirroring status command 34-16 mode 6-40
show port monitoring file command 34-22 path cost 6-36
show port-security command 33-3 priority 6-35
show port-security shutdown command 33-3 SSL
show qos log command 26-42 for LDAP authentication servers 31-25
show rmon events command 34-31 policy servers 27-6
show rmon probes command 34-7, 34-31 static agg agg num command 8-3, 8-7
show tcp ports command 15-35 static link aggregation 8-1
show tcp statistics command 15-35 adding ports 8-7
show udld configuration command 2-3 application examples 8-3, 8-10
show udld statistics port command 2-3 configuration steps 8-6
show udp ports command 15-36 creating 8-7
show udp statistics command 15-36 defaults 8-2
show vlan svlan command 12-13, 35-26 deleting 8-7
show vlan svlan port-binding command 12-13 deleting ports 8-8
show vlan svlan port-config command 12-13, 35-26 disabling 8-9
SLB enabling 8-9
see Server Load Balancing group names 8-9
SNMP groups 8-5, 9-5
attributes for LDAP authentication servers 31-21 overview 8-5, 9-5
source learning 3-1 verify information about 8-11
defaults 3-2 static linkagg admin state command 8-9
MAC address table 3-1, 3-3 static linkagg name command 8-9
source learning time limit 33-12 static linkagg size command 8-3, 8-7
Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol 6-1, 11-1 static MAC addresses 3-3
1x1 operating mode 4-9, 6-20, 6-22 static route
application examples 6-10, 6-44 IP 15-11, 17-17
bridge ID 6-7, 6-28 metric 15-11, 17-17
Bridge Protocol Data Units 6-7, 6-29, 6-30 subnet mask 15-11
bridged ports 6-33 subnet mask 15-11
designated bridge 6-5 switch health

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 Index-8


application examples 34-8 V

defaults 34-8 Vendor Specific Attributes
monitoring 34-35 see VSAs
switch health statistics Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol
resetting 34-40 see VRRP
viewing 34-39 virtual routers 23-6
switch logging vlan 802.1q command 4-6
application examples 36-2 vlan authentication command 4-9
application ID 36-4 vlan command 5-6, 15-3, 16-3, 19-3
defaults 36-2 vlan port command
output 36-5 and 802.1X ports 28-104
severity level 36-5 vlan port default command 4-6, 15-3, 19-3
swlog appid level command 36-4 vlan port-mac egress-port command 5-7, 5-8
swlog clear command 36-6 vlan port-mac ingress-port command 5-7
swlog command 36-2, 36-4 vlan router ip command 15-3, 16-3, 16-4
swlog output command 26-42 VLAN Stacking
swlog output command 36-5 application example 15-2, 15-38
display list of all or range of configured SVLANs 11-26
T displaying the configuration 35-26
TCN BPDU vlan stp command 4-9
see Topology Change Notification BPDU vlan svlan command 6-26
TCP VLANs 4-1, 4-5, 11-3
statistics 15-35 administrative status 4-5
time-to-live application examples 4-3, 4-11
see TTL default VLAN 4-6
Topology Change Notification BPDU 6-8 defaults 4-2
traceroute command 15-35 description 4-5
tracking high availability VLANs 5-1
VRRP 23-8 IP multinetting 15-6
traffic prioritization 26-75 IP router ports 15-7
trap port link command 1-4 MAC address aging time 3-7
traps operational status 4-4
port link messages 1-4 port assignment 4-6
trusted ports Spanning Tree status 4-9
see also ports VLAN ID 4-4
used with QoS policies 26-8 VRRP 23-1
TTL value 15-20 ACLs 23-9, 23-18
Tunneling 17-9 application example 23-4, 23-25, 23-29
ARP request 23-7
backup router 23-6
U defaults 23-2
UDLD MAC address 23-7
application examples 2-3 master router 23-6
defaults 2-2 tracking 23-8
disabling on port 2-6 virtual routers 23-6
disabling on switch 2-6 vrrp command 23-9, 23-18
enabling on port 2-6 defaults 23-2
overview 2-4 vrrp delay command 23-13
show 2-8 vrrp ip command 23-9, 23-18
udld command 2-3 vrrp track command 23-24
udld port command 2-3 vrrp track-association command 23-24
UDP 15-36 vrrp trap command 23-13, 23-22
statistics 15-36 VRRP3 23-18
User Datagram Protocol Advertisement Interval 23-20
see UDP application examples 23-30
users Preemption 23-21
functional privileges 31-21 Traps 23-22
Virtual Router 23-18

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 Index-9


Virtual Router Priority 23-20

for LDAP servers 31-20
for RADIUS authentication 31-6
RADIUS accounting servers 31-10
setting up for RADIUS servers 28-99, 31-8

warnings 36-4
weighted round robin distribution algorithm 24-8

OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 Network Configuration Guide September 2016 Index-10

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