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Names with 20 or more awards and/or judges credits are in bold. Those with 5 or more award records include additional pages arranged chronologically (-C) and, for book and story titles, by title (-T), as indicated by links.
Shaara, Michael
Shabram, Joel
Shackleton, C. C.
Shadow Clarke Award jurors
Shaffer, Anthony
Shaffer, Cassandra
Shaffer, Catherine
Shaffer, Jeffrey
Shaftoe-Durrant, Adam
Shah, Nick
Shailer, Richard
Shainblum, Mark
Shakespeare, William
Shaldo, Rodion
Shallcross, Leife
Shallit, Joseph
Shamah, Sydelle
Shamel, Lee
Shamir, Moshe
Shammas, Nadia
Shands, Davette
Shaner, Evan "Doc"
Shango, J. R.
Shanks, Edward
Shanks, Jeffrey H.
Shannon, Adam R.
Shannon, Harry
Shannon, Samantha
Shao, Charles
Shapcott, Jo
Shapero, Hannah
Shapiro, Farida S. T.
Shapiro, Neil
Shapter, Zena
Shara, Michael
Sharkey, Jack
Sharma, Priya -C -T
Sharnik, John Seymour
Sharp, Drury D.
Sharp, George
Sharp, Liam
Sharp, Robert
Sharp, Ron
Sharpe, Colin
Sharrah, J. T.
Sharratt, Mary
Sharzer, Jessica
Shaver, Edward
Shaver, Richard S.
Shaw, Ali
Shaw, Barclay -C -T
Shaw, Bob -C -T
Shaw, Bruce
Shaw, Damon
Shaw, Dave
Shaw, George Bernard
Shaw, Heather
Shaw, Irwin
Shaw, Larry T.
Shaw, Melissa Lee
Shaw, Noreen
Shaw, Steve
Shaw, Steve J.
Shawl, Nisi -C -T
Shayne, Maggie
She, Lao
Shea, Michael -C -T
Shea, Robert
Shearin, Lisa
Shearman, Robert -C -T
Shearon, Sam
Sheckley, Robert -C -T
Sheehan, Anna
Sheehan, William -C -T
Sheen, Jonathan Andrew
Sheffield, Charles -C -T
Sheffield, Jarvis
Shefner, Vadim
Shehadeh, Ramsey
Shek, Marianna
Sheldon, Deborah -C -T
Sheldon, Dyan
Sheldon, Raccoona
Sheldon, Walter J.
Sheldon-Dante, Madeline B.
Shelfer, Michael
Shell, Steve
Shellans, Mark H.
Shelley, Mary
Shelley, Rick
Shelton, Dave
Shelton, Jerry
Shepard, Jim
Shepard, Lucius -C -T
Shephard, W. Andrew
Shepherd, Eloise C. C.
Shepherd, Joel
Shepherd, Peng
Shepherd, W. Andrew
Shepherd, William G.
Shepley, John
Sheppard, Cynthia -C -T
Sheppard, Simon
Sher, Ira
Sheriff, Espa�a
Sherman, Alex J.
Sherman, Charlotte Watson
Sherman, Delia -C -T
Sherman, Esther
Sherman, Joan -C
Sherman, Josepha
Sherman, Norm
Shermeyer, Kelli
Sherrard, Cherene
Sherred, T. L.
Sherrer, Robert
Sherriff, R. C.
Sherry, Joe -C
Sherwood, Frances
Sherwood, Jonathan
Sherwood, Kate
Shetterly, Will -C -T
Shetty, Shreya
Sheverdin, Konstantin
Shi, Gu
Shibano, Takumi
Shideler, Mary McDermott
Shiel, M. P.
Shields, Daniel
Shifflett, Jarrod
Shiffman, Stuart -C
Shiflett Bros., The
Shiflett, Brandon
Shillitoe, Tony
Shilston, Peter G.
Shimizu, Yuko -C -T
Shiner, Lewis -C -T
Shinick, Kevin
Shinji, Kajio
Shinn, Sharon -C -T
Shiozu, Shori
Shipley, Jonathan
Shipp, Jeremy
Shippey, Thomas A. -C -T
Shiras, Wilmar H.
Shire, Warsan
Shirley, John -C -T
Shizhen, Ling
Shkipin, Ilya
Shockley, Evie
Shockley, Gary
Shockley, W. M.
Shoemaker, Martin L. -C -T
Shofner, Philip
Shoop, James
Shore, Wilma
Shorrock, Ina
Shortt, Robin
Shoulders, Felicity
Showers, Brian J.
Shriver, Lionel
Shtogryn, David
Shu, Bao
Shull, James -C
Shulman, Polly
Shult, Eric
Shunn, William -C -T
Shurin, Jared -C -T
Shuster, Jo
Shusterman, Neal
Shute, Nevil
Shvartsman, Alex
Shwartz, Susan M. -C -T
Shyamalan, M. Night -C
Sibley, Brian
Sica, Nicolas
Sichevaya, Alina
Sickels, Chris
Siclari, Joe
Sidaway, Kurt
Siddiqui, Sameem
Siddons, Anne Rivers
Sidney, Kathleen M.
Sidorova, J. M.
Siegel, Jan
Siegel, Jerry
Siegel, Mark
Siegel, Nancy Eden
Siegel, Rebecca
Siemens, Kaysha
Siemienowicz, M. L.
Siemienowicz, Miranda
Sienkiewicz, Bill
Siepmann, Dirk
Siewert, Greg
Sifers, Susan
Sigler, Carolyn
Sigler, Scott
Sigrist, Brandon
Silayi, Swabir
Silbar, Margaret L.
Silbersack, John
Sills, Laurel
Silva Roman, Ernesto
Silva, David
Silva, David B. -C -T
Silver, Avi
Silver, Carole G.
Silver, Diane
Silver, Steven H -C
Silverberg, Robert -C -T
Silverman, Hildy
Silvers, Shayne
Silverstein, Janna
Silverstein, Matthew
Silverwolf, Victoria
Simak, Clifford D. -C -T
Simak, Richard S.
Simeone, Salvatore
Simmons, Chris
Simmons, Dan -C -T
Simmons, David
Simmons, Ian
Simmons, Kristen
Simmons, Meredith
Simmons, Wm. Mark
Simms, Paul
Simon, Erik
Simon, J.
Simon, Marge -C -T
Simon, Rachel
Simonds, Bruce
Simone, Donna
Simone, Gail
Simonetti, Marc
Simonetti, Veronica
Simons, Maria
Simons, Walton
Simpson, Alfie
Simpson, Brad
Simpson, M. J.
Simpson, Martin
Simpson, Mhairi
Simpson, Steve
Simpson-Housley, Paul
Sims, Bennett
Sims, Jonathan
Sims, M. P. N.
Sims, Mick
Sims, Pat
Sims, Roger
Sinclair, Alison
Sinclair, Andrew
Sinclair, Clive
Sinclair, Iain
Sinclair, Kelly
Sinclair, Linnea
Sinclair, Mark
Sinclair, Mary
Sinclair, Stephen
Sinclair, Upton
Singer, Bryan
Singer, Glen
Singer, Isaac Bashevis
Singer, Melissa Ann
Singh, Amal
Singh, Nalini -C -T
Singh, Nikhil
Singh, Vandana -C -T
Singleton, Jacqui
Singleton, Sarah
Sinha-Morey, Bobbi
Sinisalo, Johanna -C -T
Sinoff, Meghan
Sinor, Bradley H.
Siodmak, Curt
Siqueira, Paula
Siregar, Moses III
Sirois, Douglas
Sirowy, Alexander
Sis, Peter
Sisko, Jake
Sitwell, Osbert
Siu, Emily
Siudmak, Wojtek -C
Sivilova, Desislava
Sizemore, Jason
Sizemore, Susan
Sjunneson, Elsa -C -T
Sjunneson-Henry, Elsa -C -T
Skal, David J. -C -T
Skat'si, Okasha
Skeet, Michael -C -T
Skeet, Michael Dennis
Skelton, Paul
Skene, Fran
Skene-Melvin, David
Skerry, Cory
Skevington, Paul
Skiba, Aleksandra
Skillingstead, Jack -C -T
Skinner, B. F.
Skinner, Courtney
Skipp, John -C -T
Skolimowski, Jerzy
Skovron, Jon
Slabak, Ben
Slade, Arthur
Sladek, John -C -T
Slade-Robinson, Nikki
Slater, Karsen
Slater, Ken
Slaton, Daryl
Slatter, Angela -C -T
Slattery, Brian Francis
Slay, Jack, Jr.
Slayton, David R.
Sleator, William
Sleight, Graham
Slesar, Henry
Sloan, Robin
Sloane, William
Sloca, Sue Ellen
Sloman, Phil
Slonczewski, Joan -C -T
Slusser, George E.
Copyright 2012 - 2024 by Mark R. Kelly and the Locus Science Fiction Foundation. All rights reserved.
This page last updated Thursday 18 Jul 2024 at 13:35 PT