Classical sandstone building against a blue sky

Give to the Library

Your gift to the State Library helps us to build, protect and share your heritage in many ways. 

Give children access to historic materials that change the way they think about the world. Sponsor an exhibition that breaks new ground. Support scholarship that deepens knowledge of the Library collections. Help us acquire a new treasure, or conserve old ones.  

We rely heavily on your generosity to ensure everyone has the opportunity to read, think, create, explore and challenge ideas. Please consider making a gift today.

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Annual Appeal 2024

The power of the spoken word

This year, our Appeal aims to establish a new endowment to grow and share the Library’s collection of oral histories.

Find out more

Where does your donation go?

Your tax-deductible donation will help us share, build and conserve the collection. You can also support the Library by giving to our annual appeal.

Sharing the collection

Your gift helps us to communicate the riches of the Library to schools, families, scholars and communities all over the world. 

Give to the community
A woman takes a picture of paintings in a gallery.

Building the collection

Your gift helps us to acquire material, from historical to contemporary, that documents our place in the world.

Give to the collection
A woman conserving a hand-written manuscript

Conserving the collection

Your gift helps to protect rare and fragile books, manuscripts, pictures, journals, photographs, maps and other items for future generations.

Give to conservation

About the Foundation

Established in 1989 the Foundation leads the philanthropic work of the Library.

Our donors

The Library thanks our donors for their extraordinary generosity. 

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Annual reports

Explore how much we have already achieved by reading our Annual Reports and financial statements for the past five years.

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History and governance

Learn more about the Foundation's history and governance.

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Contact us

To make a gift, discuss a partnership or learn more about our planned giving program call on (02) 9273 1529 or email [email protected] 

People in an exhibitions space

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