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Lesson Two: Self-Defense Firearm
BasicsLesson Two
Firearm Basics
1. The universal safety rules.
2. Clearing handguns.
3. Understanding a handgun’s action.
4. Understanding revolvers.
5. Understanding semi-automatics.
6. Which handgun is right for you?
7. Handgun ammunition.
8. Malfunctions.
9. An introduction to home defense shotguns, and the
AR-15 platform.
10.Other use of force options.
Key Topics Covered in Lesson Two
1. Treat all guns as though they are
always loaded, and always
perform a clearance check every
time you pick it up! Most firearm
“accidents” occur with firearms that
the users had sworn were
unloaded. Never, never, never
grow careless with a firearm.
Every single time you pick it up,
perform the proper clearance
procedure and educate those in
your household how to do the
same. Treat a firearm that you’ve
just unloaded with the exact same
respect as one that you’ve just
Four Universal Safety Rules
2. Never point your gun at anything
that you are not willing to
destroy! While your firearm has to
point somewhere, you should
always ensure that it’s pointed in a
direction that can serve as a
backstop if the firearm were to
discharge. A good method to
practice this rule is to pretend that
a laser extends out from the end of
the barrel. You should NEVER let
that imaginary beam touch
anything that won’t stop a bullet
(that includes any wall, ceiling, or
floor that could not stop a bullet) or
ANYONE (that includes your own
hands, legs, or body) unless you
are in a defensive situation and all
criteria is present for the use of
deadly force.
Four Universal Safety Rules
3. Keep your finger OFF the trigger
and outside the trigger guard
until you are on target and have
made the decision to shoot! Until
these criteria are met, your trigger
finger should be straight and
placed firmly on the frame of the
firearm. In a defensive situation,
do NOT put your finger in the
trigger guard unless all
requirements have been met for
the use of deadly force. Training
consistently with this method will
avoid a negligent discharge in a
stress situation, when your body’s
natural adrenaline dump will cause
the strength of your grip to
Four Universal Safety Rules
4. Always be sure of your target
and beyond! Said another way,
you must POSITIVELY identify
your target before you shoot and
you MUST be convinced that
anything that you shoot at (a
target on the range, or an
attacker in a parking garage)
must have an effective backstop
to stop your bullet, otherwise you
Four Universal Safety Rules
Clearing Semi-Automatics
With the firearm pointed in a
safe direction and the trigger
finger outside the trigger
guard, drop the magazine.
**Clearing Semi-Automatics
Look through the top of the
slide, through the entire
magazine well to confirm the
magazine has been
removed. You should see the
ground below.
Lock the slide back.
Observe the feedramp and chamber of the
barrel to ensure that no round is chambered,
and double-check by sticking your pinky into
the chamber.
**Clearing Semi-Automatics
Clearing Revolvers
Open the cylinder.
Look through each
chamber, and
confirm that they are
completely clear.
▪ Understanding a handgun’s “action”
is one of the first steps toward
understanding their function and in
selecting one that meets your needs.
▪ Firearms in single-action mode will
have a shorter, lighter trigger press,
and firearms in double-action mode
will have a longer, heavier trigger
▪ Mechanically speaking, single-action
means that the trigger performs a
single function, that is, it releases the
hammer (which means that the
hammer already has to be cocked),
while double-action means that the
trigger press does two things—it first
cocks the hammer, then it releases
**Defining a Gun’s “Action”
Interactive 2.1 Explaining Handgun
Tap or click the widget above, to see the differences
between double-action and single-action,
mechanically and functionally.
Trigger press is approximately 3/4 of an
inch, and the weight of the trigger press
is approximately 12 pounds on this
sample P229.
The decocked hammer indicates that the firearm is in
double-action mode, which is considered to be a safer
method for carrying.
Double-Action Mode
Single-Action Mode
In double-action mode the trigger
is set fully forward.
Double-Action Mode
The cocked hammer indicates that the firearm is in
single-action mode, either from the shooter cocking the
hammer in preparation for a first shot, or because the
slide was racked (manually, or automatically during the
firing cycle).
In single-action mode, the trigger
is set farther back, closer to the
break point.
Single-Action Mode
Trigger press is less than 1/2 of an inch,
and the weight of the trigger press is
approximately 4 1/2 pounds on this
sample P229.
Revolvers operate with
rounds loaded into a
revolving cylinder.
Pressing the trigger (in
double-action mode) or
cocking the hammer
rotates the cylinder,
placing a new round in
alignment with the
hammer and barrel.
Movie 2.1 Revolvers in Action
The awesome power of a .357 Magnum is demonstrated in this
high-speed video, filmed at approximately 2400 frames per second.
Understanding Revolvers
Modern revolvers with an exposed hammer are designed to allow the shooter
to fire in either single-action or double-action mode. With the hammer forward
(double-action mode) a longer, heavier trigger press will rotate the cylinder and
cock and release the hammer. Manually cocking the hammer with the thumb
puts the gun in single-action mode, which might have a trigger press as light as
three pounds, and trigger travel as short as 1/16 of an inch.
DA/SA Revolvers
Cylinder Release
Ejector Rod
Front Sight Rear Sight
**DA/SA Revolvers
With its hammer hidden within the frame of the gun, this revolver is double-action
only (DAO), which provides a consistent trigger press that is longer and heavier
than a similar revolver shot in single-action mode. This provides an additional
level of safety, since a longer, heavier trigger press requires more “intent” than a
short, lighter trigger press.
Shrouded Hammer
The lack of an exposed
hammer indicates that this
revolver can be fired in
double-action only (DAO).
Double-Action Only Revolvers
Semi-autos utilize a
moving slide, which
slides back using the
power of the pistol’s
recoil (or the blowback
of the expanding
gases), ejecting the
empty casing and re-
cocking the hammer or
striker. A powerful
spring then reverses
the direction of the
slide, causing it to strip
a new round off the top
of the magazine,
chambering it, and
putting the slide back
into battery.
Movie 2.2 Semi-Automatics in Action.
In this high-speed video, you’ll see the hammer go forward as the
trigger is pressed, and the slide moves to the rear, before reversing
direction, and stripping a new round off of the top of the magazine.
**Understanding Semi-Automatics
Single-Action Only semi-automatics, can only be fired after the hammer has
been cocked, either by racking the slide or with the thumb, which makes it a
single-action only. The light, short trigger press necessitates that the pistol
have a manual safety, which locks the slide and trigger, and allows the gun to
be carried “cocked and locked.”
Single-Action Only Semi-Automatics
Grip Safety
Front Sight Rear Sight
Magazine Release
Single-Action Only Semi-Automatics
Slide-Lock / Take-Down Lever
▪ DA/SA semi-automatics can fire in either mode, and are normally carried
with the hammer forward, so the first shot will be a double-action shot and
all subsequent shots will be in single-action (since the moving slide
automatically cocks the hammer/striker during the firing cycle).
DA/SA Semi-Automatics
DA/SA Semi-Automatics
Take Down Lever Slide Lock
Hidden Hammer Spur
The lack of an exposed hammer
spur indicates that this semi-auto
can be fired in double-action only
Double-Action Only Semi-Automatics
Like a double-action only revolver, DAO semi-automatics have only one firing
mode, which will consistently be a longer, heavier trigger press when
compared to a similar model shot in single-action mode.
▪ The actions described on the
previous pages all have one thing in
common—the firearms are all
hammer operated; that is, regardless
of whether or not the hammer is
exposed or hidden, it’s the hammer
that drives the action.
▪ Hammer operated firearms fit more
neatly into the “single-action only,
double-action only, or DA/SA action”
categories than do many popular
firearms, including the Glock,
Springfield XDs, Smith & Wesson
M&Ps and others.
▪ Instead of using a hammer to drive
the action, striker fired pistols utilize a
striker/firing pin held back under the
tension of a spring designed to mimic
the longer, heavier trigger press of a
double-action only (DAO).
Modern, Striker-Fired Handguns
Interactive 2.2 Semi-Auto Firing Cycle
When the trigger is pressed on a semi-automatic, a
bullet leaves the barrel and the slide cycles,
ejecting the empty casing and loading a new
round, all faster than the eye can see.
Modern, Striker-Fired Handguns
Recoil Spring
Firing Pin Safety
Locking Block
Firing Pin and SpringRifling
Trigger Safety
Magazine Spring
Magazine Follower
**Understanding Magazines
Double-Stack Magazine
Rounds are stored in two staggered
rows, resulting in a wider magazine,
and a larger pistol grip.
Single-Stack Magazine
Rounds are stored one on top of
the other in a single, straight
line, resulting in a thinner
magazine, and a thinner pistol
Magazine Lips
The width of the lips is slightly
smaller than the diameter of the
round, holding the round in place
until it’s stripped off and loaded
into the chamber. When the gap
widens on a worn magazine,
double-feeds can result.
Base Plate and Base Pad
The base plate secures the spring
to the bottom of the magazine,
while the pad gives more area
when slapping the magazine into
the magazine well and also
protects the magazine when it hits
the floor during a speed reload.
Follower and Spring
Rounds sit on top of the follower,
which is pushed up by the spring.
When the last round is fired, the
follower pushes up the slide lock
on the pistol, thereby locking the
slide to the rear.
▪ Before proceeding with the lesson,
we’d suggest spending a few minutes
reviewing a summary of the pros and
cons of each of the action
configurations that we’re reviewed.
▪ It’s important to remember that as you
move up the scale in complexity,
you’ll also have to move up your
commitment to training to remain
Interactive 2.3 Summary of Pros and Cons
Tap or click the widget above, then tap or click on
any handgun type to get a summary of its relative
pros and cons.
Selecting a Handgun
Selecting the Right Firearm for You will
be Based Upon:
▪ The caliber range that you are comfortable
▪ Your size and the way you normally dress.
▪ Holster options that work for you.
▪ When and where you plan to carry.
▪ The weather and time of year.
▪ Lighter, smaller firearms usually mean a
smaller caliber (and less stopping power) or
a more punishing recoil, which might lead to
less time on the range. Larger firearms, on
the other hand, never get any lighter as the
day goes on, which may cause you to leave
it at home.
Other Considerations:
▪ Grip size, shape, angle, and material.
▪ Grip Length.
▪ Proper placement of your finger on the
▪ Balance.
Selecting a Handgun
Interactive 2.4 Sample Handgun Weights
& Sizes
Open the widget above, and tap on any of the
sample handguns to get a detailed description of its
weight, size, and caliber options.
▪ Reason #1: Hollowpoint ammunition is designed to stop in the body of the
attacker, rather than overpenetrating and injuring or killing innocent
bystanders. That risk was documented by the NYPD in 1998 when 46% of
innocent bystanders that were struck by police bullets were hit by rounds
that passed through an attacker’s body, or through another object. Equally
troubling, 39% of police officers struck by “friendly fire” were hit by bullets
that overpenetrated the bodies of attackers the police were battling.
Why Use Hollowpoints?
▪ Reason #2: As discussed in the next lesson, violent encounters are typically
fast and close, meaning that the faster you can stop the violent attack, the
higher your probability of survival. Hollowpoints are designed to the shock
the attacker’s cardiovascular and nervous system more quickly than
jacketed rounds, ultimately leading to fewer rounds fired, and a quicker end
to the attack.
Why Use Hollowpoints?
▪ A longer barrel will result in a higher
velocity bullet, since there is more time
for the bullet to accelerate before the
gases from the burning propellant
dissipate out the end of the barrel.
▪ When it comes to punching holes
through paper, it really doesn’t matter.
When it comes to using a firearm for
self–defense, it does matter. A higher
velocity round is more likely to stop a
violent attacker because of deeper
penetration of the bullet and a higher
probability that hollowpoint bullets will
Why Does Barrel Length Matter?
Interactive 2.6 Barrel Length and Ballistics
Expand the interactive widget above to see how
different barrel lengths will affect muzzle velocity.
▪ Keep ammunition in a cool, dry area and store it separately from your
▪ Keep ammunition in its original factory box or carton.
▪ Do not expose ammunition to water or any gun solvents or oils.
▪ Use only the correct ammunition for your gun, matching up the caliber on
the barrel, the ammunition box, and the stamp on the bottom of the
▪ Inspect ammunition prior to loading. Discard rounds with damaged
cases, corrosion, or loose bullets.
▪ Avoid chambering and un-chambering the same round multiple times,
which can lead to projectile set-back.
Ammunition Care and Storage
▪ Replace personal protection ammunition at least once a year
(ammunition that has been loaded into your firearm, but not fired). That’s
not because the ammunition goes bad , it’s because repeated heating
and cooling of your firearm and ammunition can lead to condensation,
which can lead to corrosion of both.
▪ Understand that not all types of ammunition will feed reliably in your
firearm. In particular, for self defense ammunition, you should practice
with at least 200 to 250 rounds before selecting your personal protection
ammunition of choice.
Ammunition Care and Storage
▪ Occurs when the primer fails to
ignite after being struck by the
firing pin. This causes a “Type
One” failure and must be cleared
with the procedure on the following
Squib Load
▪ Often caused by a round that has
no propellant loaded—the primer’s
small explosion is enough to drive
the bullet from the casing, but not
enough to make it all the way
down the barrel.
**Common Ammunition Malfunctions
Clearing Type One Malfunctions
SLAP the bottom of the magazine.
RACK the slide fully to the rear.
ROLL the gun to the right to dump out the
bad round / empty case. Releasing the
slide (not easing it forward) loads a new
Clearing Semi-Auto Malfunctions
▪ While the AR-15 is
tailored after the light
rifle carried by
American soldiers and
Marines (the M16), that
doesn’t mean that the
AR-15 is a machine
▪ Additionally, the fact
that the AR-15 stock is
made from black
plastic and composite
materials, doesn’t
mean that it’s any more
powerful than the
average hunting rifle
with a wooden stock.
**The AR-15 Platform—semi-automatic rifle
In fact, the AR-15,
chambered in the
Remington .223, is
considered too light a
caliber to be legal in
many states for deer
hunting, with less than
half of the kinetic
energy as the .30-06
(pronounced “thirty-
ought-six”), the most
common deer hunting
round on the market.
Movie 2.3 AR-15 Ballistics
The relative power of the AR-15 and Remington .223 round
compared to a handgun round is apparent in this slow motion video.
However, that doesn’t mean that the AR-15 is a “military grade”
firearm. In reality, the Remington .223 has less than half the kinetic
energy as the .30-06, the most common deer hunting round on the
The AR-15 Platform
▪ As part of our personal protection plans, we may want to consider other “use
of force” options which have a lesser chance of killing an attacker, and a
lesser chance of putting us in legal peril, such Tasers, pepper spray, knives,
and impact weapons.
Other Use of Force Options
▪ When considering these other options, it’s important to remember that while a
firearm can have a disabling or deterrent effect out to dozens of feet, these
other devices will require you to be within 10—15 feet of the attacker for a
Taser or pepper spray, and within arm’s reach for an edged or impact
Other Use of Force Options
How Tasers Work
Gallery 2.1 Taser C2
More properly called an
electronic control device
(Taser® is a brand name),
these devices are
designed to send a high-
voltage, low-amperage
electrical charge through
the body of an attacker.
The charge confuses the
body’s own natural
electrical signals,
incapacitating the
How Tasers Work
Gallery 2.1 Taser
Consumer models, such
as the Taser C2, utilize
cartridges that when
fired, release
compressed air to shoot
two probes connected
to wires in the direction
of the attacker (up to 15
feet), which then embed
themselves in the
attacker’s clothes or
skin. The device is
designed to deliver a 30
second shock, allowing
the victim to drop the
Taser, and retreat to
cover. To avoid misuse,
the C2 showers the
ground with 20 to 30
“confetti like” tags,
containing an
identification number
that can be traced by
▪ The active ingredient in pepper spray is oleoresin capsicum (OC), a
chemical found in cayenne peppers (hence the name “pepper” spray).
▪ OC affects mucous membranes like the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs, and
causes instant capillary dilation, causing the eyelids to shut.
▪ The bronchial tubes may also swell tightly, making it hard for the attacker to
breathe. Sprayed into an attacker’s face, pepper spray may incapacitate an
attacker for as long as 45 minutes.
Kimber Pepperblaster
The PepperBlaster from Kimber, stores OC
and benzyl alcohol in separate tubes, which
are mixed when the trigger is depressed.
The PepperBlaster delivers its spray at 90
miles an hour. The Pepperblaster has a
CRC rating of 2.4%.
How Pepper Spray Works
1. The universal safety rules.
2. Clearing handguns.
3. Understanding a handgun’s action.
4. Understanding revolvers.
5. Understanding semi-automatics.
6. Which handgun is right for you?
7. Handgun ammunition.
8. Malfunctions.
9. An introduction to home defense shotguns, and the
AR-15 platform.
10.Other use of force options.
Key Topics Covered in Lesson Two

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2. uscca classroom presentation lesson two(1)

  • 1. Lesson Two: Self-Defense Firearm BasicsLesson Two Self-Defense Firearm Basics
  • 2. 1. The universal safety rules. 2. Clearing handguns. 3. Understanding a handgun’s action. 4. Understanding revolvers. 5. Understanding semi-automatics. 6. Which handgun is right for you? 7. Handgun ammunition. 8. Malfunctions. 9. An introduction to home defense shotguns, and the AR-15 platform. 10.Other use of force options. Key Topics Covered in Lesson Two
  • 3. 1. Treat all guns as though they are always loaded, and always perform a clearance check every time you pick it up! Most firearm “accidents” occur with firearms that the users had sworn were unloaded. Never, never, never grow careless with a firearm. Every single time you pick it up, perform the proper clearance procedure and educate those in your household how to do the same. Treat a firearm that you’ve just unloaded with the exact same respect as one that you’ve just loaded. Four Universal Safety Rules
  • 4. 2. Never point your gun at anything that you are not willing to destroy! While your firearm has to point somewhere, you should always ensure that it’s pointed in a direction that can serve as a backstop if the firearm were to discharge. A good method to practice this rule is to pretend that a laser extends out from the end of the barrel. You should NEVER let that imaginary beam touch anything that won’t stop a bullet (that includes any wall, ceiling, or floor that could not stop a bullet) or ANYONE (that includes your own hands, legs, or body) unless you are in a defensive situation and all criteria is present for the use of deadly force. Four Universal Safety Rules
  • 5. 3. Keep your finger OFF the trigger and outside the trigger guard until you are on target and have made the decision to shoot! Until these criteria are met, your trigger finger should be straight and placed firmly on the frame of the firearm. In a defensive situation, do NOT put your finger in the trigger guard unless all requirements have been met for the use of deadly force. Training consistently with this method will avoid a negligent discharge in a stress situation, when your body’s natural adrenaline dump will cause the strength of your grip to increase. Four Universal Safety Rules
  • 6. 4. Always be sure of your target and beyond! Said another way, you must POSITIVELY identify your target before you shoot and you MUST be convinced that anything that you shoot at (a target on the range, or an attacker in a parking garage) must have an effective backstop to stop your bullet, otherwise you MUST NOT SHOOT! Four Universal Safety Rules
  • 7. Clearing Semi-Automatics With the firearm pointed in a safe direction and the trigger finger outside the trigger guard, drop the magazine.
  • 8. **Clearing Semi-Automatics Look through the top of the slide, through the entire magazine well to confirm the magazine has been removed. You should see the ground below. Lock the slide back.
  • 9. Observe the feedramp and chamber of the barrel to ensure that no round is chambered, and double-check by sticking your pinky into the chamber. **Clearing Semi-Automatics
  • 10. Clearing Revolvers Open the cylinder. Look through each chamber, and confirm that they are completely clear.
  • 11. ▪ Understanding a handgun’s “action” is one of the first steps toward understanding their function and in selecting one that meets your needs. ▪ Firearms in single-action mode will have a shorter, lighter trigger press, and firearms in double-action mode will have a longer, heavier trigger press. ▪ Mechanically speaking, single-action means that the trigger performs a single function, that is, it releases the hammer (which means that the hammer already has to be cocked), while double-action means that the trigger press does two things—it first cocks the hammer, then it releases it. **Defining a Gun’s “Action” Interactive 2.1 Explaining Handgun Actions Tap or click the widget above, to see the differences between double-action and single-action, mechanically and functionally.
  • 12. EXPLAINING HANDGUN “ACTIONS” Trigger press is approximately 3/4 of an inch, and the weight of the trigger press is approximately 12 pounds on this sample P229. The decocked hammer indicates that the firearm is in double-action mode, which is considered to be a safer method for carrying. Exit Double-Action Mode Single-Action Mode In double-action mode the trigger is set fully forward.
  • 13. **EXPLAINING HANDGUN “ACTIONS” Double-Action Mode Exit The cocked hammer indicates that the firearm is in single-action mode, either from the shooter cocking the hammer in preparation for a first shot, or because the slide was racked (manually, or automatically during the firing cycle). In single-action mode, the trigger is set farther back, closer to the break point. Single-Action Mode Trigger press is less than 1/2 of an inch, and the weight of the trigger press is approximately 4 1/2 pounds on this sample P229.
  • 14. Revolvers operate with rounds loaded into a revolving cylinder. Pressing the trigger (in double-action mode) or cocking the hammer rotates the cylinder, placing a new round in alignment with the hammer and barrel. Movie 2.1 Revolvers in Action The awesome power of a .357 Magnum is demonstrated in this high-speed video, filmed at approximately 2400 frames per second. Understanding Revolvers
  • 15. Modern revolvers with an exposed hammer are designed to allow the shooter to fire in either single-action or double-action mode. With the hammer forward (double-action mode) a longer, heavier trigger press will rotate the cylinder and cock and release the hammer. Manually cocking the hammer with the thumb puts the gun in single-action mode, which might have a trigger press as light as three pounds, and trigger travel as short as 1/16 of an inch. DA/SA Revolvers
  • 17. With its hammer hidden within the frame of the gun, this revolver is double-action only (DAO), which provides a consistent trigger press that is longer and heavier than a similar revolver shot in single-action mode. This provides an additional level of safety, since a longer, heavier trigger press requires more “intent” than a short, lighter trigger press. Shrouded Hammer The lack of an exposed hammer indicates that this revolver can be fired in double-action only (DAO). Double-Action Only Revolvers
  • 18. Semi-autos utilize a moving slide, which slides back using the power of the pistol’s recoil (or the blowback of the expanding gases), ejecting the empty casing and re- cocking the hammer or striker. A powerful spring then reverses the direction of the slide, causing it to strip a new round off the top of the magazine, chambering it, and putting the slide back into battery. Movie 2.2 Semi-Automatics in Action. In this high-speed video, you’ll see the hammer go forward as the trigger is pressed, and the slide moves to the rear, before reversing direction, and stripping a new round off of the top of the magazine. **Understanding Semi-Automatics
  • 19. Single-Action Only semi-automatics, can only be fired after the hammer has been cocked, either by racking the slide or with the thumb, which makes it a single-action only. The light, short trigger press necessitates that the pistol have a manual safety, which locks the slide and trigger, and allows the gun to be carried “cocked and locked.” Single-Action Only Semi-Automatics
  • 20. Safety Grip Safety Front Sight Rear Sight Hammer Slide Magazine Release Single-Action Only Semi-Automatics Slide-Lock / Take-Down Lever
  • 21. ▪ DA/SA semi-automatics can fire in either mode, and are normally carried with the hammer forward, so the first shot will be a double-action shot and all subsequent shots will be in single-action (since the moving slide automatically cocks the hammer/striker during the firing cycle). DA/SA Semi-Automatics
  • 22. DA/SA Semi-Automatics Take Down Lever Slide Lock Decocker
  • 23. Hidden Hammer Spur The lack of an exposed hammer spur indicates that this semi-auto can be fired in double-action only (DAO). Double-Action Only Semi-Automatics Like a double-action only revolver, DAO semi-automatics have only one firing mode, which will consistently be a longer, heavier trigger press when compared to a similar model shot in single-action mode.
  • 24. ▪ The actions described on the previous pages all have one thing in common—the firearms are all hammer operated; that is, regardless of whether or not the hammer is exposed or hidden, it’s the hammer that drives the action. ▪ Hammer operated firearms fit more neatly into the “single-action only, double-action only, or DA/SA action” categories than do many popular firearms, including the Glock, Springfield XDs, Smith & Wesson M&Ps and others. ▪ Instead of using a hammer to drive the action, striker fired pistols utilize a striker/firing pin held back under the tension of a spring designed to mimic the longer, heavier trigger press of a double-action only (DAO). Modern, Striker-Fired Handguns Interactive 2.2 Semi-Auto Firing Cycle When the trigger is pressed on a semi-automatic, a bullet leaves the barrel and the slide cycles, ejecting the empty casing and loading a new round, all faster than the eye can see.
  • 25. Modern, Striker-Fired Handguns Recoil Spring Firing Pin Safety Locking Block Firing Pin and SpringRifling Trigger Safety Magazine Spring Magazine Follower
  • 26. **Understanding Magazines Double-Stack Magazine Rounds are stored in two staggered rows, resulting in a wider magazine, and a larger pistol grip. Single-Stack Magazine Rounds are stored one on top of the other in a single, straight line, resulting in a thinner magazine, and a thinner pistol grip. Magazine Lips The width of the lips is slightly smaller than the diameter of the round, holding the round in place until it’s stripped off and loaded into the chamber. When the gap widens on a worn magazine, double-feeds can result. Base Plate and Base Pad The base plate secures the spring to the bottom of the magazine, while the pad gives more area when slapping the magazine into the magazine well and also protects the magazine when it hits the floor during a speed reload. Follower and Spring Rounds sit on top of the follower, which is pushed up by the spring. When the last round is fired, the follower pushes up the slide lock on the pistol, thereby locking the slide to the rear.
  • 27. ▪ Before proceeding with the lesson, we’d suggest spending a few minutes reviewing a summary of the pros and cons of each of the action configurations that we’re reviewed. ▪ It’s important to remember that as you move up the scale in complexity, you’ll also have to move up your commitment to training to remain proficient. Interactive 2.3 Summary of Pros and Cons Tap or click the widget above, then tap or click on any handgun type to get a summary of its relative pros and cons. Selecting a Handgun
  • 28. Selecting the Right Firearm for You will be Based Upon: ▪ The caliber range that you are comfortable shooting. ▪ Your size and the way you normally dress. ▪ Holster options that work for you. ▪ When and where you plan to carry. ▪ The weather and time of year. Trade-Offs: ▪ Lighter, smaller firearms usually mean a smaller caliber (and less stopping power) or a more punishing recoil, which might lead to less time on the range. Larger firearms, on the other hand, never get any lighter as the day goes on, which may cause you to leave it at home. Other Considerations: ▪ Grip size, shape, angle, and material. ▪ Grip Length. ▪ Proper placement of your finger on the trigger. ▪ Balance. Selecting a Handgun Interactive 2.4 Sample Handgun Weights & Sizes Open the widget above, and tap on any of the sample handguns to get a detailed description of its weight, size, and caliber options.
  • 29. ▪ Reason #1: Hollowpoint ammunition is designed to stop in the body of the attacker, rather than overpenetrating and injuring or killing innocent bystanders. That risk was documented by the NYPD in 1998 when 46% of innocent bystanders that were struck by police bullets were hit by rounds that passed through an attacker’s body, or through another object. Equally troubling, 39% of police officers struck by “friendly fire” were hit by bullets that overpenetrated the bodies of attackers the police were battling. Why Use Hollowpoints?
  • 30. ▪ Reason #2: As discussed in the next lesson, violent encounters are typically fast and close, meaning that the faster you can stop the violent attack, the higher your probability of survival. Hollowpoints are designed to the shock the attacker’s cardiovascular and nervous system more quickly than jacketed rounds, ultimately leading to fewer rounds fired, and a quicker end to the attack. Why Use Hollowpoints?
  • 31. ▪ A longer barrel will result in a higher velocity bullet, since there is more time for the bullet to accelerate before the gases from the burning propellant dissipate out the end of the barrel. ▪ When it comes to punching holes through paper, it really doesn’t matter. When it comes to using a firearm for self–defense, it does matter. A higher velocity round is more likely to stop a violent attacker because of deeper penetration of the bullet and a higher probability that hollowpoint bullets will expand. Why Does Barrel Length Matter? Interactive 2.6 Barrel Length and Ballistics Expand the interactive widget above to see how different barrel lengths will affect muzzle velocity.
  • 32. ▪ Keep ammunition in a cool, dry area and store it separately from your firearm. ▪ Keep ammunition in its original factory box or carton. ▪ Do not expose ammunition to water or any gun solvents or oils. ▪ Use only the correct ammunition for your gun, matching up the caliber on the barrel, the ammunition box, and the stamp on the bottom of the cartridge. ▪ Inspect ammunition prior to loading. Discard rounds with damaged cases, corrosion, or loose bullets. ▪ Avoid chambering and un-chambering the same round multiple times, which can lead to projectile set-back. Ammunition Care and Storage
  • 33. ▪ Replace personal protection ammunition at least once a year (ammunition that has been loaded into your firearm, but not fired). That’s not because the ammunition goes bad , it’s because repeated heating and cooling of your firearm and ammunition can lead to condensation, which can lead to corrosion of both. ▪ Understand that not all types of ammunition will feed reliably in your firearm. In particular, for self defense ammunition, you should practice with at least 200 to 250 rounds before selecting your personal protection ammunition of choice. Ammunition Care and Storage
  • 34. Misfire ▪ Occurs when the primer fails to ignite after being struck by the firing pin. This causes a “Type One” failure and must be cleared with the procedure on the following page. Squib Load ▪ Often caused by a round that has no propellant loaded—the primer’s small explosion is enough to drive the bullet from the casing, but not enough to make it all the way down the barrel. **Common Ammunition Malfunctions
  • 35. Clearing Type One Malfunctions SLAP the bottom of the magazine. RACK the slide fully to the rear. ROLL the gun to the right to dump out the bad round / empty case. Releasing the slide (not easing it forward) loads a new round. Clearing Semi-Auto Malfunctions
  • 36. ▪ While the AR-15 is tailored after the light rifle carried by American soldiers and Marines (the M16), that doesn’t mean that the AR-15 is a machine gun. ▪ Additionally, the fact that the AR-15 stock is made from black plastic and composite materials, doesn’t mean that it’s any more powerful than the average hunting rifle with a wooden stock. **The AR-15 Platform—semi-automatic rifle
  • 37. In fact, the AR-15, chambered in the Remington .223, is considered too light a caliber to be legal in many states for deer hunting, with less than half of the kinetic energy as the .30-06 (pronounced “thirty- ought-six”), the most common deer hunting round on the market. Movie 2.3 AR-15 Ballistics The relative power of the AR-15 and Remington .223 round compared to a handgun round is apparent in this slow motion video. However, that doesn’t mean that the AR-15 is a “military grade” firearm. In reality, the Remington .223 has less than half the kinetic energy as the .30-06, the most common deer hunting round on the market. The AR-15 Platform
  • 38. ▪ As part of our personal protection plans, we may want to consider other “use of force” options which have a lesser chance of killing an attacker, and a lesser chance of putting us in legal peril, such Tasers, pepper spray, knives, and impact weapons. Other Use of Force Options
  • 39. ▪ When considering these other options, it’s important to remember that while a firearm can have a disabling or deterrent effect out to dozens of feet, these other devices will require you to be within 10—15 feet of the attacker for a Taser or pepper spray, and within arm’s reach for an edged or impact weapon. Other Use of Force Options
  • 40. How Tasers Work Gallery 2.1 Taser C2 More properly called an electronic control device (Taser® is a brand name), these devices are designed to send a high- voltage, low-amperage electrical charge through the body of an attacker. The charge confuses the body’s own natural electrical signals, incapacitating the attacker.
  • 41. How Tasers Work Gallery 2.1 Taser C2 Consumer models, such as the Taser C2, utilize cartridges that when fired, release compressed air to shoot two probes connected to wires in the direction of the attacker (up to 15 feet), which then embed themselves in the attacker’s clothes or skin. The device is designed to deliver a 30 second shock, allowing the victim to drop the Taser, and retreat to cover. To avoid misuse, the C2 showers the ground with 20 to 30 “confetti like” tags, containing an identification number that can be traced by police.
  • 42. ▪ The active ingredient in pepper spray is oleoresin capsicum (OC), a chemical found in cayenne peppers (hence the name “pepper” spray). ▪ OC affects mucous membranes like the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs, and causes instant capillary dilation, causing the eyelids to shut. ▪ The bronchial tubes may also swell tightly, making it hard for the attacker to breathe. Sprayed into an attacker’s face, pepper spray may incapacitate an attacker for as long as 45 minutes. Kimber Pepperblaster The PepperBlaster from Kimber, stores OC and benzyl alcohol in separate tubes, which are mixed when the trigger is depressed. The PepperBlaster delivers its spray at 90 miles an hour. The Pepperblaster has a CRC rating of 2.4%. How Pepper Spray Works
  • 43. 1. The universal safety rules. 2. Clearing handguns. 3. Understanding a handgun’s action. 4. Understanding revolvers. 5. Understanding semi-automatics. 6. Which handgun is right for you? 7. Handgun ammunition. 8. Malfunctions. 9. An introduction to home defense shotguns, and the AR-15 platform. 10.Other use of force options. Key Topics Covered in Lesson Two