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Unlocking the Power
ChatGPT and AI in Testing
A Real-World Look
Anand Bagmar
Software Quality Evangelist
Hype in AI
Gartner’s Hype Cycle
for AI, 2021 report
• What is ChatGPT?
• Using ChatGPT in Testing
• Using ChatGPT in Programming
• Limitations of ChatGPT
• Other AI Tools you can use
• Pitfalls of AI
• Summary
• Q&A
ChatGPT – in its own words
ChatGPT is evolving!
ChatGPT – Interesting Stats
• ChatGPT was launched on 30th November 2022.
• The new and improved embedding model of ChatGPT was launched on
15th December 2022.
• ChatGPT has crossed one million users within a week of its launch.
• ChatGPT can only fetch data prior to the year 2021 as its training
stopped in the year 2021.
• Microsoft Azure supports OpenAI and provides them with the
computational power required for running ChatGPT.
ChatGPT in Testing
Example: Testing an eCommerce application – Amazon (USA)
Testing Approach
• Getting started
• Framework
• Design patterns
• Code optimization
• Reporting
• Metrics
• Test scenarios
• Test cases
• Test data
• Risk
• Coverage
• Metrics
Strategy Test Design
Testing - Strategy
• Getting started
• Framework
• Design patterns
• Code optimization
• Reporting
• Metrics
• Test scenarios
• Test cases
• Test data
• Risk
• Coverage
• Metrics
Strategy Test Design
Testing - Strategy
Question asked:
Create a test strategy for
testing and automating
Amazon USA
Testing - Strategy
Question asked:
Create a test strategy for
testing and automating
Amazon USA
Testing - Strategy
Question asked:
Create a test strategy for
testing and automating
Amazon USA This is not useful.
Seems like a template
Testing - Strategy
Follow-up question:
Give a concrete
strategy for the above
use case
Testing - Strategy
Follow-up question:
Give a concrete
strategy for the above
use case
Testing - Strategy
Follow-up question:
Give a concrete
strategy for the above
use case
Testing - Strategy
Follow-up question:
Give a concrete
strategy for the above
use case
Testing - Strategy
Follow-up question:
Give a concrete
strategy for the above
use case This is promising.
A great start!
Testing – Strategy with Risk Mitigation
Next question:
What risks and their
mitigation strategies
should be included in
the above strategy?
Testing – Strategy with Risk Mitigation
Next question:
What risks and their
mitigation strategies
should be included in
the above strategy?
Testing – Strategy with Risk Mitigation
Next question:
What risks and their
mitigation strategies
should be included in
the above strategy?
Testing – Test Design
• Getting started
• The 1st Test
• Design
• Reporting
• Metrics
• Test scenarios
• Test cases
• Test data
• Risk
• Coverage
• Metrics
Strategy Test Design
Test Design – Test Scenarios
Next question:
What are the most
critical test scenarios I
should test for this
Test Design – Test Scenarios
Next question:
What are the most
critical test scenarios I
should test for this
Test Design – Test Scenarios
Next question:
What are the most
critical test scenarios I
should test for this
Great set of regression
Test Design – Test Cases
Next question:
List 10 test cases for
"Product Search and
Filtering" scenario in
order of priority
Test Design – Test Cases
Next question:
List 10 test cases for
"Product Search and
Filtering" scenario in
order of priority
Test Design – Test Cases
Next question:
List 10 test cases for
"Product Search and
Filtering" scenario in
order of priority
Isn’t this amazing?
Test Design – Test Data
Next question:
What test data do I
need to be available
for performing the
above test cases?
Test Design – Test Data
Next question:
What test data do I
need to be available
for performing the
above test cases?
Test Design – Test Data
Next question:
What test data do I
need to be available
for performing the
above test cases?
Well – I was hoping for more
specific, but it’s a start!
Testing - Automation
• Getting started
• The 1st
• Design patterns
• Reporting
• Metrics
• Test scenarios
• Test cases
• Test data
• Risk
• Coverage
• Metrics
Strategy Test Design
Automation – Strategy
Next question:
What is a good way to
automate the above
test cases?
Automation – Strategy
Next question:
What is a good way to
automate the above
test cases?
Automation – Getting Started
Next question:
I don't know Selenium.
How should I learn?
Automation – Getting Started
Next question:
I don't know Selenium.
How should I learn?
Automation – Getting Started
Next question:
I don't know Selenium.
How should I learn? This answer took some time
(TAU) was missed!
Automation – The 1st Test
Next question:
Implement the 1st test
case using Selenium
Java with Junit
Automation – The 1st Test
Next question:
Implement the 1st test
case using Selenium
Java with Junit
Automation – The 1st Test
Next question:
Implement the 1st test
case using Selenium
Java with Junit
Automation – The 1st Test
Next question:
Implement the 1st test
case using Selenium
Java with Junit
Automation – With WebDriverManager
Next question:
WebDriverManager in
the above example
Automation – With WebDriverManager
Next question:
WebDriverManager in
the above example
Automation – With WebDriverManager
Next question:
WebDriverManager in
the above example
Automation – With WebDriverManager
Next question:
WebDriverManager in
the above example
Automation – With WebDriverManager
Next question:
WebDriverManager in
the above example
Automation – Design Patterns
Next question:
Implement the above
test using Page-
Object-Model design
Automation – Design Patterns
Next question:
Implement the above
test using Page-
Object-Model design
Automation – Design Patterns
Next question:
Implement the above
test using Page-
Object-Model design
Automation – Design Patterns
Next question:
Implement the above
test using Page-
Object-Model design
Automation – Design Patterns
Next question:
Implement the above
test using Page-
Object-Model design
Automation – Design Patterns
Next question:
Implement the above
test using Page-
Object-Model design
Testing – Test Execution
• Getting started
• The 1st Test
• Design
• Reporting
• Metrics
• Test scenarios
• Test cases
• Test data
• Risk
• Coverage
• Metrics
Strategy Test Design
Test Execution – Reports
Next question:
How to generate
reports and metrics for
automated tests?
Test Execution – Reports
Next question:
How to generate
reports and metrics for
automated tests?
Test Execution – Reports
Next question:
How to generate
reports and metrics for
automated tests?
Test Execution – Reports
Next question:
How to generate
reports and metrics for
automated tests?
This is not what I was looking for!
Test Execution – Reports
Follow-up question:
Show an example to
generate JunitReports
for the automated
Test Execution – Reports
Follow-up question:
Show an example to
generate JunitReports
for the automated
Test Execution – Reports
Follow-up question:
Show an example to
generate JunitReports
for the automated
ChatGPT in Programming
ChatGPT in Programming
Writing code
Writing code
Question asked:
Implement code for count-
Writing code
Question asked:
Implement code for count-
Writing code
Question asked:
Implement code for count-
Writing code
Question asked:
Implement code for count-
Writing code
Follow-up asked:
Give above solution in Java
Writing code
Follow-up asked:
Give above solution in Java
Writing code
Follow-up asked:
Give above solution in Java
This actually works J
Writing code
Follow-up asked:
Use proper variable names
for above code
Writing code
Follow-up asked:
Use proper variable names
for above code
Writing code
Follow-up asked:
Use proper variable names
in the loops
Writing code
Follow-up asked:
Use proper variable names
in the loops
Writing code Refactoring
Refactor code
Question asked:
Given a link to code in
Github, refactor it
Refactor code
Question asked:
Given a link to code in
Github, refactor it
Refactor code
Question asked:
Given a link to code in
Github, refactor it
I have not verified the
validity of this refactoring
Question asked:
Given a snippet of
code, refactor it
Refactor code
Refactor code
Question asked:
Given a snippet of
code, refactor it
Refactor code
Question asked:
Given a snippet of
code, refactor it
Refactor code
Question asked:
Given a snippet of
code, refactor it
Refactor code
Question asked:
Given a snippet of
code, refactor it
Large output pauses abruptly
”continue” proceeds
Refactor code
Question asked:
Given a snippet of
code, refactor it
Complex code
Question asked:
Given a complex code,
asked ChatGPT to
refactor the code, and
then reduce the
Complex code
Question asked:
Given a complex code,
asked ChatGPT to
refactor the code, and
then reduce the
Complex code
Question asked:
Given a complex code,
asked ChatGPT to
refactor the code, and
then reduce the
Complex code
Follow-up question:
Reduce complexity of
above code
Complex code
Follow-up question:
Reduce complexity of
above code
Question asked:
Given a buggy code, fix it
Question asked:
Given a buggy code, fix it
Question asked:
Given a buggy code, fix it
Question asked:
Given a buggy code, fix it
Not only fixed the code, ChatGPT
also explained the error
Limitations of ChatGPT
Limitations of ChatGPT
Limitations based on my observations
• ChatGPT does not know your context – use this as a starting point
• Will not work on internal sites
• Data privacy could become a huge issue
• Will not work for new features that are being developed
AI tools impacting SDLC
Github Copilot
• Github Copilot is not new
• It is super helpful to write clean code, and rapidly!
• It is helpful to implement product code, as well as automation code
• Refer to these links for more information about it:
• https://applitools.com/blog/using-github-copilot-to-automate-tests/
• https://applitools.com/event/make-testing-easy-github-copilot/
• https://github.com/features/copilot
Applitools Visual AI
Applitools Ultrafast Cloud
Visual AI simplifies functional testing
Visual AI simplifies functional testing
Visual AI handles dynamic content
Visual AI handles dynamic content
Visual AI handles shifting content
Visual AI handles shifting content
Visual AI handles shifting content
Visual AI handles shifting content
Visual AI accelerates
cross browser/device testing
Capture the entire UI with
a single snapshot
DOM & CSS sent to
Ultrafast Test Cloud
Applitools Eyes
Visual AI analysis
Ultrafast Grid
renders DOM
snapshots in parallel
Login to Eyes to
view test results
18.2x faster than traditional cloud execution grids.
Ultrafast Test Cloud
Automation – With Applitools Visual AI
Next question:
Implement the 1st test
case "Verify that the
search results match the
keywords entered by the
user" using Selenium Java
with WebDriverManager,
Junit and Applitools
Ultrafast Grid
Automation – With Applitools Visual AI
Next question:
Implement the 1st test
case "Verify that the
search results match the
keywords entered by the
user" using Selenium Java
with WebDriverManager,
Junit and Applitools
Ultrafast Grid
Automation – With Applitools Visual AI
Next question:
Implement the 1st test
case "Verify that the
search results match the
keywords entered by the
user" using Selenium Java
with WebDriverManager,
Junit and Applitools
Ultrafast Grid
Automation – With Applitools Visual AI
Next question:
Implement the 1st test
case "Verify that the
search results match the
keywords entered by the
user" using Selenium Java
with WebDriverManager,
Junit and Applitools
Ultrafast Grid
Automation – With Applitools Visual AI
Next question:
Implement the 1st test
case "Verify that the
search results match the
keywords entered by the
user" using Selenium Java
with WebDriverManager,
Junit and Applitools
Ultrafast Grid
Automation – With Applitools Visual AI
While this is not the
complete test, it
shows the correct
setup of Applitools
Next question:
Implement the 1st test
case "Verify that the
search results match the
keywords entered by the
user" using Selenium Java
with WebDriverManager,
Junit and Applitools
Ultrafast Grid
Automation – With Applitools Visual AI
Next question:
Implement the 1st test
case "Verify that the
search results match the
keywords entered by the
user" using Selenium Java
with WebDriverManager,
Junit and Applitools
Ultrafast Grid
Advantages of AI in Testing
• Reduce mundane tasks – let the machine handle it!
• Reduce the error prone nature of manual testing
• Easier Scaling
• Learn new tools & technologies
• Make work more interesting
Potential Pitfalls of AI
Potential pitfalls of AI
• Thinking AI will solve all problems!
• Results in superficial knowledge
• Data Privacy
Current Sentiment
Buzz in social media
Are you excited?
Current Sentiments
Are you worried?
• ChatGPT and many other tools in the AI-space are solving very
interesting challenges
• Understand how to use them in your context
• Ask the right question, to get a good answer!
• Tools have limitations – choose them wisely
• Human mind & experience is “still” the essential ingredient in
Some tips for you
Use this opportunity to:
• Upskill yourself in new tools and technologies
• Evolve your thought process
• Be creative and use new information to come with
unique solutions
• Be innovative and learn how to use tools and
technologies for different purposes
And a New Challenge
Have you thought of how will you test these new
AI tools and technologies?
HI + AI = SI
Human Intelligence + Artificial Intelligence = Super Intelligence
Talk with a Testing Specialist
Try the only truly AI-driven
Visual Testing Platform with
a free-forever account
Additional Learning
Coming in March
TAU Conference
March 8-9
Let the Engineers Speak
March 16
• https://applitools.com/blog/ai-the-magical-helping-hand-in-testing/
• https://applitools.com
• https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/
• https://github.com/features/copilot
Thank You!
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