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Sub-Header Text
About ICS
Established in 1987, Integrated
Computer Solutions, Inc. (ICS)
delivers innovative software
solutions with a full suite of
services to accelerate development
of successful next-gen products.
ICS is headquartered outside
Boston in Waltham, Mass. with
offices in California, Canada and
Europe. Currently 160+ people.
Delivering a Full Suite of
Medtech Services
● IEC 62366-UX/UI Design
● Custom Frontend & Backend Software Development
● Development with IEC 62304-Compliant Platform
● Low-code Tools that Convert UX Prototype to
● Medical Device Cybersecurity
● AWS and Azure Cloud Services and Analytics
● ISO 14971-Compliant Hazard Analysis
● Software Verification Testing
● Digital Twins for Training and Simulation
● Complimentary Software Technology Assessments
Quality and Test in Medical Devices
1. Part 1 - Recap
2. Part 2 - Test Methods, Pros, Cons
3. The complete picture Quality and Test
Page #

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The document discusses predictions for the future of testing and QA. It predicts that test automation will significantly increase from 31% currently to become a major part of the QA process. It also predicts that testing responsibilities will move earlier in the development cycle, with more testing by developers and end users. Requirements testing will also improve with automation and new technologies that provide 100% test coverage and automatically generate test cases.

An Ultimate Guide to Continuous Testing in Agile Projects.pdf
An Ultimate Guide to Continuous Testing in Agile Projects.pdfAn Ultimate Guide to Continuous Testing in Agile Projects.pdf
An Ultimate Guide to Continuous Testing in Agile Projects.pdf

As more businesses apply Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) to release their software faster, Continuous testing becomes the final piece that completes a continuous development process. By automatically testing code right after developers submit it to the repository, testers can locate bugs before another line of code is written.

agileagile software developmentagile testing
Test Automation: Investment Today Pays Back Tomorrow
Test Automation: Investment Today Pays Back TomorrowTest Automation: Investment Today Pays Back Tomorrow
Test Automation: Investment Today Pays Back Tomorrow

Al Wagner from IBM presented on the topic of "Test Automation: Investment today pays back tomorrow". The presentation discussed how test automation is an investment that can reduce testing time and costs. It emphasized that test automation requires planning, resources, and maintenance similar to a software development project. The presentation provided examples of how organizations were able to significantly reduce testing cycles and costs through implementing test automation and service virtualization strategies.

software testing
Part 1 Recap
1. Usability to systematically reduce Use Errors through product design - impacts quality
2. Architecture for quality - maintainable, testable, extensible, reliable, available
a. Tiered layers - visibility / access
b. Error injection - difficult to test sub-systems
c. Dependency inversion - simulators and visibility
3. Code analyzers
a. A quality tool, with tradeoffs
b. Necessary but not sufficient (for complex projects)
Usability and Architecture for Quality
Part 2
➢ Test Canon
● Automated GUI testing
● System testing
● Integration testing
● Unit tests
➢ High-Value testing
○ Key goals
○ Example
➢ Verification vs. test canon
➢ Software “Reliability"
Pros and Cons of Testing
Automated UI
Page #
Using a 3rd party application to automate mouse clicks on a GUI (Graphical User Interface)
Test tools manage scripts and collections and support automation
Good for:
- Stable User Interfaces (not undergoing changes)
- Enduring value - runs ‘for free’
- Functional/system/black-box testing
Automated Graphical
User Interface Testing
Lambda Test
Test Complete

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Nuevosoft Test Manager Overview
Nuevosoft Test Manager OverviewNuevosoft Test Manager Overview
Nuevosoft Test Manager Overview

Nuevosoft Test Manager is a simplest and most effective test management solution in the industry. It helps improve testcase quality using innovative methods.

test managertestcase managementsoftware test manager
Presentation Verification & Validation
Presentation Verification & ValidationPresentation Verification & Validation
Presentation Verification & Validation

This document discusses requirements traceability and testing capabilities in Simulink. It describes how Simulink can trace requirements bidirectionally between models and source code. It also outlines how Simulink Design Verifier can automatically generate tests to achieve high coverage and check designs against requirements. Finally, it positions several MathWorks products in the V&V process and highlights key capabilities of Simulink Test for authoring, managing and executing simulation-based tests.

Ady beleanu automate-theprocessdelivery
Ady beleanu   automate-theprocessdeliveryAdy beleanu   automate-theprocessdelivery
Ady beleanu automate-theprocessdelivery

The document discusses quality assurance and testing in software development. It recommends establishing a quality assurance framework that incorporates source code management, continuous integration, code reviews, and continuous inspection tools like SonarQube. This helps automate the development process, reduce technical debt, and prevent bugs by finding and fixing issues early. Tracking key metrics also allows measuring the costs of quality problems versus prevention activities.

- Brittle - Superficial changes to UI can cause tests to fail
- Test strategy - create modular/reusable tests that can be daisy-chained
- No variability - tests the same thing over and over
- Mostly tells you something changed
- Changes system - additional process running on system with threading considerations
- i.e. a graphic bug example (triangles)
Automated User Interface Testing
Lambda Test
System Testing
Page #
UI vs. System testing → same?
● Depends on architecture and functionality of the UI
● Are all system behaviors available from the UI?
System Testing
● May require additional test software/framework (i.e. LIS, Cloud services)
● Focuses on positive and negative test cases
● Can be harder to automate
Are tested vs. product requirements
System Testing
Integration Testing
Page #

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Rtc2014 automate the_process_deliver_quality_ady_beleanu
Rtc2014 automate the_process_deliver_quality_ady_beleanuRtc2014 automate the_process_deliver_quality_ady_beleanu
Rtc2014 automate the_process_deliver_quality_ady_beleanu

The document discusses quality assurance and testing in software development. It emphasizes the importance of establishing a quality assurance process that incorporates code reviews, continuous integration, and tools like SonarQube to measure code quality and technical debt. Having this framework helps prevent bugs, catch issues early, and ensures code quality throughout the development lifecycle to reduce costs associated with fixing defects later.

DevOps and Build Automation
DevOps and Build AutomationDevOps and Build Automation
DevOps and Build Automation

DevOps aims to bring development and operations teams closer together through automation, shared tools and processes. Automating builds improves consistency, reduces errors and improves productivity. Common issues with builds include them being too long, handling a large volume, or being too complex. Solutions include improving build speed, addressing long/complex builds through techniques like distributed builds, and using build acceleration tools. Automation is a key part of DevOps and enables continuous integration, testing and deployment.

devopsbuild automationcontinuous integration
How to test a Mainframe Application
How to test a Mainframe ApplicationHow to test a Mainframe Application
How to test a Mainframe Application

This document provides an overview of testing methods for mainframe applications. It discusses how testing needs have changed from the past where testing involved examining batch job outputs or online screen outputs, to modern approaches like test automation, virtualization, and DevOps. It covers different levels of testing maturity and factors to consider when planning tests. Black box and white box testing techniques are described, such as model-based testing, use case testing, and debugging. The presentation emphasizes the importance of testing to ensure stability, reliability, and compliance with changing requirements.

Why integration testing is important
- Behavior obscured by system
- FDA language indicating that functional
testing (Black box), is not sufficient as it
does not exercise hidden dependencies
- Rigorously test behavior for each block
and each interface
- Essential for large or complex products
Integration Testing
- Essential, irreplaceable form of test for
a complex system
- Labor intensive
- Time-consuming
Unit Tests
Page #
Unit Tests
- The smallest unit of test
- Software functions that call product functions
- They usually are numerous, multiple test functions for
a single product function. Executed by a framework in
an automated build/test sequence.
- Necessary, but far from adequate
As valuable as we thought?
Unit Tests
- Finds bugs early, at check-in
- Easily automated - Part of Continuous Integration
- Automated coverage metrics
- Enduring value
- Mature tool set (Google Test, xUnit, Mocha)
- Gold standard
- Increases initial development effort
- Finds few bugs
- Static
- Obvious/trivial
- Low value/effort ratio
- Small code changes can take much longer
- False confidence in code quality
Pros / Cons?
Commonly seen:
- Low value unit tests that rarely find
a bug
- Unit test code > product source
code - making changes difficult
- High effort to get the last 10%
coverage - with little apparent
- But,... still essential

Recommended for you

Impetus qLabs Solutions
Impetus qLabs SolutionsImpetus qLabs Solutions
Impetus qLabs Solutions

This presentation tells in brief the solutions provided by Impetus\'s Testing Center of Excellence "qLabs". Please send in your comments at [email protected] http://www.impetus.com/qLabs

Automated Software Testing Framework Training by Quontra Solutions
Automated Software Testing Framework Training by Quontra SolutionsAutomated Software Testing Framework Training by Quontra Solutions
Automated Software Testing Framework Training by Quontra Solutions

Learn through Experience -- We differentiate our training and development program by delivering Role-Based training instead of Product-based training. Ultimately, our goal is to deliver the best IT Training to our clients. In this training, attendees learn: Introduction to Automation • What is automation • Advantages of automation & Disadvantages of automation • Different types of Automation Tools • What to automate in projects • When to start automation. Scope for automation testing in projects • About open-source automation tools Introduction to Selenium • What is selenium • Why selenium • Advantage and Disadvantages of selenium Selenium components • Selenium IDE • Selenium RC • Selenium WebDriver • Selenium Grid Selenium IDE • Introduction to IDE • IDE Installation • Installation and uses of Firepath, Firebug & Debug bar • Property & value of elements • Selenium commands • Assertions & Verification • Running, pausing and debugging script • Disadvantages of selenium IDE • How to convert selenium IDE Scripts into other languages Locators • Tools to identify elements/objects • Firebug • IE Developer tools • Google Chrome Developer tools • Locating elements by ID • Finding elements by name • Finding elements by link text • Finding elements by XPath • Finding Elements by using CSS • Summary Selenium RC • What is selenium RC • Advantages of RC, Architecture • What is Eclipse/IntelliJ, Selenium RC configure with Eclipse/IntelliJ • Creating, running & debugging RC scripts Java Concepts • Introduction to OOPs concepts and Java • Installation: Java, Eclipse/IntelliJ, selenium, TestNg/JUnit • operators in java • Data types in java • Conditional statements in java • Looping statements in java • Output statements in java • Classes & Objects • Collection Framework • Regular Expressions • Exception Handling • Packages, Access Specifiers /Modifiers • String handling • Log4J for logging Selenium Web Driver with Java • Introduction to WebDriver • Advantages • Different between RC and WebDriver • Selenium WebDriver- commands • Generate scripts in Eclipse/IntelliJ. Run Test Scripts. • Debugging Test Script • Database Connections • Assertions, validations • Working with Excel • Pass the data from Excel • Working with multiple browser • Window Handling, Alert/confirm & Popup Handling • Mouse events • Wait mechanism • Rich Web Handling: Calendar handing, Auto suggest, Ajax, browser forward/back navigation, keyboard events, certificate handling, event listeners TestNg/JUnit Framework • What is TestNg/JUnit • Integrate the Selenium Scripts and Run from TestNg/JUnit • Reporting Results and Analysis • Run Scripts from multiple programs • Parallel running using TestNg/JUnit Automation Framework development in Agile testing • Introduction to Frame W

selenium online trainingselenium tutorialsselenium ppts
Agile Engineering Sparker GLASScon 2015
Agile Engineering Sparker GLASScon 2015Agile Engineering Sparker GLASScon 2015
Agile Engineering Sparker GLASScon 2015

This document provides information about an expert in Agile software development practices named Stephen Ritchie. It summarizes his experience, certifications, and areas of focus including Agile coaching. The document recommends practices for implementing Agile such as version control, continuous integration, automated testing, and deployment automation. It lists tools that can be used for each practice and recommends an order for implementation. The document also discusses benefits of practices like reduced defect rates and faster deployments.

governmentagile software development
Unit Tests
Keep it light
Don’t try for 100% everywhere
Differentiate highly critical vs. non-critical
Pin down the corners vs. exhaustive testing
Add high levels of test if product in flux
Add trivial testing to improve code coverage metrics
Best applied to
Stable products
When losing experienced staff
Sophisticated/complex designs
Automation: Continuous Integration, automated emails
Best practices
Page #
Best practice
Non-trivial tests written for stable
products with low staffing levels in an
automated environment
Worst practice
Simple tests written for 100% code
coverage on products undergoing change
High Value Testing
Page #
➢ Analyze software sub-components for criticality
○ Comes from IEC 62304: risk based
analysis for each software
○ Adjust your process according to risk
➢ Allows you to discriminate between critical
sub-systems and non-critical sub-systems
➢ Overall safety class = MAX(each functional
High Value Testing
Key goals
1) Balance test resources around criticality of
component to Intended Use, Safety, Efficacy
2) Minimize development overhead
3) Minimize regulatory burden
- “Offline Data Access” omits unit, integration,
system testing
- Less budget overall
- More budget on critical areas
- Expertise: More complicated to plan and apply
- Hard to keep track of →Test Plan
High Value Testing

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Automating The Process For Building Reliable Software
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Automating The Process For Building Reliable Software

This document discusses automating the software testing process to improve reliability. It notes that manual testing is time-consuming and error-prone, taking up 50% of software budgets. Automating unit testing, integration testing, code coverage analysis, traceability between tests and requirements, and regression testing can help address these issues. Test-driven development is presented as a philosophy that involves writing tests before code, improving quality and reducing costs by finding defects earlier. Automated tools can generate test harnesses, measure coverage, and link tests to requirements and code.

unit testingvectorcast
Lightning Talks by Globant - Automation (This app runs by itself )
Lightning Talks by Globant -  Automation (This app runs by itself ) Lightning Talks by Globant -  Automation (This app runs by itself )
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When you add new features to your application a lot of things can happen. Do you believe that the app is able to test itself by using automation? Just imagine testing everything manually due to that change. Do you know how many people will be needed to complete this process? The power of automated testing in the development lifecycle allows us things such as scheduling, and executing tests at any time with a big scope on thousands of mobile devices, websites and multiple browsers simultaneously making sure everything is working as expected.

automationglobantlightning talks
Agile testing
Agile testingAgile testing
Agile testing

Despite the belief that a shared context and collaboration drives quality, too often, software testers and quality professionals struggle to find their place within today's integrated agile teams. This session is a practitioner’s view of testing and testing practices within an iterative/incremental development environment. We will begin with a discussion of some of the challenges of testing within an agile environment and delve into the guiding principles of Agile Testing and key enabling practices. Agile Testing necessitates a change in mindset, and it is as much, if not more, about behavior, as it is about skills and tooling, all of which will be explored.

➢ Test vs. Verification
➢ Reliability
Page #
Quality Assurance
- Confirm process
- Checking that SDP steps were followed
- Issuing/processing CAPAs
Engineering Test Engineer
- Test automation (scripts, CI integration)
- Ad-hoc testing
- Smoke testing
- Build management
Verification Test Engineer
- Formal test protocol writing
- Formal test protocol execution
- Test coverage
- Requirement focus
Validation Test
- Formal test protocol writing
- Formal test protocol execution
- Clinical focus
- Statistical test treatment
HF/UE Test
- Summative test
HF/UE Test
- Formative test
- Unit tests
- Ad-hoc testing
Quality driven
Plan → Review → Report
Accounts for engineering tests
Determines outcome
Formally documents
Engineering driven
- Development process
- Includes ad-hoc
Engineering Test vs. Verification & Validation
● Software is logical not physical so traditional concepts of failure
don’t apply
○ Mechanical or electrical systems have Bathtub failure curves
● Software Reliability is a nuanced concept different from Software
○ Reliability is Software Quality over time
○ i.e. How long has the software been meeting it’s requirements
● Reliability
○ Considers Total Inputs vs Total Outputs
○ Tests a sample of Total Inputs
○ Probability = Number failing cases / Total cases
○ Testing types: Feature/Load/Regression test
● Takeaway:
○ Reliability is a sample based, predictive metric different from
○ A complete, quantitative, system for assessing software
Software Reliability
Tying it together:
Part 1 & 2
Quality vs. Test
Page #

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Creating a successful continuous testing environment by Eran Kinsbruner
Creating a successful continuous testing environment by Eran KinsbrunerCreating a successful continuous testing environment by Eran Kinsbruner
Creating a successful continuous testing environment by Eran Kinsbruner

This document discusses continuous testing and provides an overview of key concepts. It defines continuous testing as executing automated tests as part of the software delivery pipeline to rapidly obtain feedback on release candidates. The benefits of continuous testing discussed include fast feedback, continuous visibility, and testing that matches different skill levels. It also covers topics like test authoring best practices, key performance indicators for continuous testing, and the potential future role of machine learning. Continuous testing is presented as a way to mature an organization's path toward DevOps practices.

Continuous integration practices to improve the software quality
Continuous integration practices to improve the software qualityContinuous integration practices to improve the software quality
Continuous integration practices to improve the software quality

This document discusses practices for continuous integration to improve software quality. It recommends analyzing workflows to find areas for automation. It also advocates for self-service builds and push-button deployments across environments. The document outlines patterns like committing code daily, enforcing code quality rules, and stopping broken builds quickly. It notes how continuous integration supports agile methods through daily feedback, using reports to continuously improve processes and quality over iterations.

continuous integrationcicontinuous delivery
Secure-by-Design Using Hardware and Software Protection for FDA Compliance
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Secure-by-Design Using Hardware and Software Protection for FDA Compliance

This webinar explores the “secure-by-design” approach to medical device software development. During this important session, we will outline which security measures should be considered for compliance, identify technical solutions available on various hardware platforms, summarize hardware protection methods you should consider when building in security and review security software such as Trusted Execution Environments for secure storage of keys and data, and Intrusion Detection Protection Systems to monitor for threats.

by ICS
Quality → Test
What’s the relationship between quality and test?
Quality as an outcome, Test as a method?
Can you test quality into a product?
Use Errors
Prevent unintended behaviors
Clear responsibilities
Access / Visibility
Prevent unintended functionality
Test canon (unit, integration, system, UI)
Quality/Test relationship
Quality Assurance
Quality Control
Prevent Defects
Correct Defects
Detect Defects
Thank You
Page #

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Enhancing Quality and Test in Medical Device Design - Part 2.pdf

  • 2. About ICS Established in 1987, Integrated Computer Solutions, Inc. (ICS) delivers innovative software solutions with a full suite of services to accelerate development of successful next-gen products. ICS is headquartered outside Boston in Waltham, Mass. with offices in California, Canada and Europe. Currently 160+ people.
  • 3. www.ics.com Delivering a Full Suite of Medtech Services ● IEC 62366-UX/UI Design ● Custom Frontend & Backend Software Development ● Development with IEC 62304-Compliant Platform ● Low-code Tools that Convert UX Prototype to Product ● Medical Device Cybersecurity ● AWS and Azure Cloud Services and Analytics ● ISO 14971-Compliant Hazard Analysis ● Software Verification Testing ● Digital Twins for Training and Simulation ● Complimentary Software Technology Assessments
  • 4. Quality and Test in Medical Devices 1. Part 1 - Recap 2. Part 2 - Test Methods, Pros, Cons 3. The complete picture Quality and Test Page #
  • 5. Part 1 Recap 1. Usability to systematically reduce Use Errors through product design - impacts quality 2. Architecture for quality - maintainable, testable, extensible, reliable, available a. Tiered layers - visibility / access b. Error injection - difficult to test sub-systems c. Dependency inversion - simulators and visibility 3. Code analyzers a. A quality tool, with tradeoffs b. Necessary but not sufficient (for complex projects) Usability and Architecture for Quality 5
  • 6. Part 2 ➢ Test Canon ● Automated GUI testing ● System testing ● Integration testing ● Unit tests ➢ High-Value testing ○ Key goals ○ Example ➢ Verification vs. test canon ➢ Software “Reliability" Pros and Cons of Testing 6
  • 8. Using a 3rd party application to automate mouse clicks on a GUI (Graphical User Interface) Test tools manage scripts and collections and support automation Good for: - Stable User Interfaces (not undergoing changes) - Enduring value - runs ‘for free’ - Functional/system/black-box testing Automated Graphical User Interface Testing 8 Lambda Test Selenium AutoHotKey Squish Test Complete Cypress
  • 9. Challenges - Brittle - Superficial changes to UI can cause tests to fail - Test strategy - create modular/reusable tests that can be daisy-chained - No variability - tests the same thing over and over - Mostly tells you something changed - Changes system - additional process running on system with threading considerations - i.e. a graphic bug example (triangles) Automated User Interface Testing 9 Lambda Test Selenium AutoHotKey Squish
  • 11. UI vs. System testing → same? ● Depends on architecture and functionality of the UI ● Are all system behaviors available from the UI? System Testing ● May require additional test software/framework (i.e. LIS, Cloud services) ● Focuses on positive and negative test cases ● Can be harder to automate Both Are tested vs. product requirements System Testing 11
  • 13. Why integration testing is important - Behavior obscured by system complexity - FDA language indicating that functional testing (Black box), is not sufficient as it does not exercise hidden dependencies - Rigorously test behavior for each block and each interface - Essential for large or complex products Integration Testing 13 Pro - Essential, irreplaceable form of test for a complex system Con - Labor intensive - Time-consuming
  • 15. Unit Tests Background - The smallest unit of test - Software functions that call product functions - They usually are numerous, multiple test functions for a single product function. Executed by a framework in an automated build/test sequence. - Necessary, but far from adequate As valuable as we thought? 15
  • 16. Unit Tests Pros - Finds bugs early, at check-in - Easily automated - Part of Continuous Integration - Automated coverage metrics - Enduring value - Mature tool set (Google Test, xUnit, Mocha) - Gold standard Cons - Increases initial development effort - Finds few bugs - Static - Obvious/trivial - Low value/effort ratio - Small code changes can take much longer - False confidence in code quality Pros / Cons? 16 Commonly seen: - Low value unit tests that rarely find a bug - Unit test code > product source code - making changes difficult - High effort to get the last 10% coverage - with little apparent return - But,... still essential
  • 17. Unit Tests Keep it light Don’t try for 100% everywhere Differentiate highly critical vs. non-critical Pin down the corners vs. exhaustive testing Don’t: Add high levels of test if product in flux Add trivial testing to improve code coverage metrics Best applied to Stable products When losing experienced staff Sophisticated/complex designs Automation: Continuous Integration, automated emails Best practices Page # Best practice Non-trivial tests written for stable products with low staffing levels in an automated environment Worst practice Simple tests written for 100% code coverage on products undergoing change TL;DR
  • 19. ➢ Analyze software sub-components for criticality ○ Comes from IEC 62304: risk based analysis for each software sub-component ○ Adjust your process according to risk ➢ Allows you to discriminate between critical sub-systems and non-critical sub-systems ➢ Overall safety class = MAX(each functional aspect) High Value Testing 19 C B C C B C C A B A C A
  • 20. Key goals 1) Balance test resources around criticality of component to Intended Use, Safety, Efficacy 2) Minimize development overhead 3) Minimize regulatory burden Example - “Offline Data Access” omits unit, integration, system testing Pro - Less budget overall - More budget on critical areas Con - Expertise: More complicated to plan and apply - Hard to keep track of →Test Plan High Value Testing 20 A C B C C B C C A B C A
  • 21. ➢ Test vs. Verification ➢ Reliability Page #
  • 22. Quality team V&V team Engineering Quality Assurance - Confirm process - Checking that SDP steps were followed - Issuing/processing CAPAs Engineering Test Engineer - Test automation (scripts, CI integration) - Ad-hoc testing - Smoke testing - Build management Verification Test Engineer - Formal test protocol writing - Formal test protocol execution - Test coverage - Requirement focus Validation Test - Formal test protocol writing - Formal test protocol execution - Clinical focus - Statistical test treatment HF/UE Test Engineer - Summative test HF/UE Test Engineer - Formative test Engineering Vs Quality Developer - Unit tests - Ad-hoc testing Quality driven Plan → Review → Report Plan Accounts for engineering tests Analyze/Review Determines outcome Report Formally documents Engineering driven - Development process - Includes ad-hoc Engineering Test vs. Verification & Validation
  • 23. ● Software is logical not physical so traditional concepts of failure don’t apply ○ Mechanical or electrical systems have Bathtub failure curves ● Software Reliability is a nuanced concept different from Software Quality ○ Reliability is Software Quality over time ○ i.e. How long has the software been meeting it’s requirements ● Reliability ○ Considers Total Inputs vs Total Outputs ○ Tests a sample of Total Inputs ○ Probability = Number failing cases / Total cases ○ Testing types: Feature/Load/Regression test ○ ● Takeaway: ○ Reliability is a sample based, predictive metric different from QA/QC/Test ○ A complete, quantitative, system for assessing software Software Reliability 23
  • 24. Tying it together: Part 1 & 2 Quality vs. Test Page #
  • 25. Quality → Test What’s the relationship between quality and test? Quality as an outcome, Test as a method? Can you test quality into a product? Usability Use Errors Prevent unintended behaviors Architecture Separation Clear responsibilities Access / Visibility Prevent unintended functionality Test canon (unit, integration, system, UI) Quality/Test relationship 25 Quality Assurance Quality Control Testing Prevent Defects Correct Defects Detect Defects