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Research Project Report
Submitted for the partial fulfillment of the Award
Master of Business Administration
(Session :2022- 2023)
Department of Master of Business Administration
GNIOT-MBA Institute, Greater Noida
I “PRINCE KUMAR” hereby declare that the work which is being presented in this report
entitled “STUDY OF DIGITAL MARKETING IN DELHI NCR” is an authentic record of
my own work carried out underthe supervision of Mr. NITIN TRIPATHI
The matter embodied in this report has not been submitted by me for the award
of any otherdegree/ Diploma/ Certificate.
Department of MBA Name of Student:- PRINCE KUMAR
This is to certify that the work which is being presented in this report entitled
of the student carried out under my supervision. The statements made by the
candidate are correct to the best of my knowledge.
Dr. Dr.Raj Kamal Upadhyaya Name of Supervisor:- Mr. NITIN TRIPATHI
Head, Department of MBA Designation:-PROFESSOR
Date: 27-05-2023
(Seal of the Department/ College)
It is my pleasure to be indebted to various people, who directly or indirectlycontributed
in the development of this work and who influenced my thinking,behavior, and acts
during the course of study.
I am thankful to Mr. NITIN TRIPATHI for his support, cooperation, and motivation
provided to me during the training for constant inspiration, presence and blessings.
I also extend my sincere appreciation to Mr. NITIN TRIPATHI who provided his
valuable suggestions and precious time inaccomplishing my project report.
Lastly, I would like to thank the almighty, parents, Director and HOD of the institute
for their moral support and my friends with whom I shared my day- to-day experience
and received lots of suggestions that improved my quality of work.
Marketing is undergoing a period of intense change, and there are several inflection points on the horizon
which will have a transformational effect, so that by the middle of the next decade every facet of marketing
will have been changed radically by the digital revolution. To date, the emergence of digital technology has
caused great debate, and in some sectors has led to revolutionary change. While ‘small advertising’ such as
classifiers and personals has moved online in a wholesale way, brand advertising has been affected in more
marginal way.
Most innovation has been in the form of ‘media firsts’ – finding new places to stick advertising. Until very
recently there has been little progress in targeting. The proliferation of media has in some ways made
demographic targeting easier. But it has done this at precisely the same time that demographics have been
declining in relevance as a predictor of consumer behavior. There are, however, huge changes on the horizon.
Digital marketing is an emerging trend of marketing industry. It’s making marketing industry more
competitive than older period. Digital marketing technology effects marketing industry in very large stage.It
is an industry which is a milestone in marketing field and also making marketing field more collaborative with modern
Digital marketing consider many more stage and step to complete the full marketing strategy with a competitive and
effective action. Digital marketing consider many more effective action which very much useful for marketing field like
as -
 Search Engine Optimization,
 Social Media Optimization,
 Social Media Marketing,
 E- Mail marketing,
 Video Marketing,
 Content Marketing,
 Viral Marketing,
 Article Marketing,
 Link Marketing,
 Digital Promotion,
 Digital Advertising,
 Ad Performance.
 Print Designing,
 Digital Poster.
Chapter:-1……………............... Introduction…………………..10
Chapter:-2……………………... Literature Review……………..31
Chapter:-3……………………………. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY ……44
Chapter:-4……………………… Findings ……………………….55
Chapter:-5……………………… Conclusions and………………..60
 BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………79
Brand Show Digital Solutions is leading Brand Promotion Company in India that knows the importance
of brand for you and your business. Brand Show helps you to establish and build robust brand for your products
and services on Internet and in digital world. Brand Show Digital Solutions has awell experienced team of
experts who always take care of branding and promotion of your products and services and conducts
meticulous research and study of your niche market and prepares highly effective strategy and plan to build
brand awareness among people over on Internet which scale up your sales lead and generate more business
with effectively profit. Brand show Digital solutions will provide you best Internet marketing solution and
services for your niche specified segmented market and also create a unique identity, unique image, awareness
and reputation of your products and services in consumer/customer or in user’s mind with the help of internet
over on several social media channels, networking sites, search engine and groups and maintain your business
at the top spot of your market place.
To provide a best internet marketing solutions for niche market and also create a unique identity, awareness,
and reputation of the product on several social media platform and channels and maintaining a better business
Brand show digital solutions have an experienced team of experts who always take care of branding of product
and se
rvices. And conduct meticulous research and study on niche market. And prepare highly effective strategy to
build brand awareness in people for product and services.
 Web Development
 Print Designing
 Web Hosting
 Digital Marketing
 Software Development
 Brand Promotion
 Web Hosting
 Domain Registrations
 IT Consultancy
 DBM (Data Base Management) and Etc.
 Easy to target and reach more audience at a cheaper price.
 Campaigns can be easily customized and made more targeted as per our business requirements.
 As the world is more dependent on the internet, it helps the business to reach out and connect with the
people on a larger scale.
 Being recognized as a brand has become much easier.
 Achallenge to reach the population which is still not using the internet.
 High chances of failure of digital marketing campaigns because of confusion due to the availability
of many different marketing options.
 Keeping pace with new trends and technology.
 Need of deep understanding of changing human behaviour and requirements.
 Increase the reach of your brand, therefore, leading to direct profit.
 It will help our Indian Government Organizations to become digital.
 All the operation from railways, municipal organization etc. will become faster and smoother.
 Storing of valuable and confidential data of the government organizations will be easy and secured.
 If it doesn’t work perfectly then chances of back fire is higher i.e. it might damage the brand name.
 Storage of data with full security is still a big question mark.
 Analysing the data in a wrong way can lead to damaging results which is found in a lot of companies.
 Due to ever changing trends of different marketingareas and ever changing rules of search engine for
optimizing the content, continuous awareness is required, which is very difficult.
1 To study about to know how is going our technical work in practical life.
2 To study about to know out what another new thing can be happen in technology.
3 To study about to know about what is new technology upcoming in digital marketing world.
4 To study about to find out the effect of our technical work in real world.
In this study we have lot of scope which provides me a lot of opportunity to make a better digital marketing
strategy. Digital marketing is a new trend of marketing and it’s carrying many more opportunity and also we
can make a huge improvement in this field.
Digital marketing is an umbrella term for the marketing of products or services using digital technologies,
mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium.
The way in which digital marketing has developed since the 1990s and 2000s has changed the way brands and
businesses utilize technology and digital marketing for their marketing. Digital marketing campaigns are
becoming mo
re prevalent, as digital platforms are increasingly incorporated into marketing plans, and as people use digital
devices instead of going to physical shops.
Digital marketing activities are search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), content
marketing, influencer marketing, content automation, campaign marketing, and e-
commerce marketing, social media marketing, social media optimization, e-mail direct marketing, display
advertising, e–books, optical disks and games, and any other form of digital media. It also extends to non-
Internet channels that provide digital media, such as mobile phones (SMS and MMS), call back and on-hold
mobile ring tones.
Digital Marketing is a booming career option today in India. With striking features like cost-e activeness,
instant response, flexibility, convenience, e activeness, Digital Marketing is making a strong impact in the
world of Marketing and Advertising. The future scope of the Digital Marketing industry is that there will be
more points of contact.
Growth of Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing Industry is worth $68 billion! Also, according to e-Marketer, Last year, advertising via
mobile phones and tablets rose 200 percent, to $6 billion. This market is estimated to touch $7.8 billion soon.
This rise is leading for high demand for professionals skilled in Digital Marketing.
While all other industries are struggling with a growth rate of 5 to 10 %, digital media industry is booming
high with 40% growth rate. But the most remarkable point is that this growth rate is not going to be stagnant
in the coming years.
If you asking from the career aspect or from the sales aspect, the answer is YES (We are biased, please check
Job’s data or e-consultancy data, it will say the same). Check the ad shows, it is shifting more towards Digital
Marketing Ideas. It is not a replaced for TV or Radio, neither it is replaced for print medium. It is a different
medium available for marketers.
The major shift in Digital Marketing Scope:
1. From anonymity to identity: Now people are on web with full identity, this is enabling businesses to
interact with more data, better targeting.
2. From Information to entertainment
Digital Marketing Major Topics:
1. SEO:
Search Engine Optimization is an organic (unpaid) method of improving the ranking of web pages and their
visibility on various search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. Optimizing webpages is a very vital
aspect of Digital Marketing.
2. SEM:
Another method of increasing the visibility of webpages is through sponsored placements and advertising.
SEM specialists should know how to run PPC campaigns, how to purchase traffic through paid search listing
to maximize visibility of web pages on search engines.
3. SMM:
Social Media Marketing is gaining a lot of popularity with social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,
Pinterest and others. A good digital marketer should know how to harness the power of social media to market
the brand image of the company.
As it is important to engage your customers and leads with your brand, many organizations send periodic
newsletters, email campaigns, autoresponders to its subscribers in order to keep them updated with new
products/services added or anything worth sharing.
More and more people are going mobile. Smartphones have become very trendy among all age groups. Mobile
marketing provides instant updates, promo offers and information of customers’ interests. A person needs to
be a mobile freak to get into mobile marketing.
Web Analytics is a very interesting aspect of digital marketing which involves traffic analysis, business and
market research and enhancing the website traffic. For instance, Google Analytics gives a great insight into
how your website is working.
1. Quick Sales from Digital Marketing
2. Branding for Sales (Need deep pocket, right positioning and messaging). Branding has a new de nation,
it is no more about going big bang, and it can also be about selected branding options.
3. Organic Growth for Sales: Where it goes as an investment first and then the returns are regular.
Indian scenario: Digital marketing is still at its initial phase in India. Most of the companies are still thinking
to adopt the medium while many top brands have already rolled their digital marketing campaign. Seeing the
large number of youth population in India(More than 40% of total population of India, around 460 million
youth is there, in which 333 million are literate) and the rising technology savvy young generation, corporate
will be more than happy to engage the target audience and spread their products & services among them via
digital media. Thus there will be a Big Change in coming future.
About Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is a booming industry. You will have to work with the analytical part of a website. You
need to implement the latest SEO, PPC and CRO strategy. You have to track the visitors and implement the
strategy according to the need of the project. You have to do the entire client handling and the reporting.
This will open a new door for Digital Marketers to not only run display ads online, but also in which the
consumers will be able to interact with using their mobile phones.
Digital is the communication technology used to market a message. It includes computers, smartphones, cell
phones, tables, game consoles. And it uses platforms like websites, email, apps, and social networks.
Marketing is a process. It’s ultimate purpose is to communicate the value of a product or service to people to
such a level that the people want to purchase the product or service – or at least, are interested in learning
more about the product or service.
The basics of marketing will never change because it involves telling the story of a brand to people. Culture,
society, gender, demographics are all environmental and should be a vital part of all marketing e orts – but it
still boils down to getting a message in front of people. The message must appear where the target market/ideal
customer is already looking.
Digital Marketing Market Scenario
However, before we go ahead with anything else let’s have a sneak peek to the market scenario at present.
The world of marketing has seen a great revolution in past few years whether it is advertising, promotion or
sales. Even those who were unsure of the potential of digital marketing in the last decade have now dived into
this ocean of opportunities offered by the internet. Unlike, television marketing when your target audiences
were reached only during the prime time, digital marketing allows you to connect with your customer almost
anytime and the entire credit goes to the internet and mobile devices. The way people are getting smartphones
and tablets for anything and everything, it is apparent that demand for digital marketers will only increase in
the coming the time.
Internet & Mobile– Some Facts and Figures:
As per a recent study, although internet penetration in India is yet to cross 16% of the population, however in
absolute numbers this percentage works out to nearly 10 times the population of Australia.
According to a recent report released by IAMAI and IMRB, internet penetration in India has crossed the 200
million mark by October 2013. Besides, it is estimated that there will around 243 million internet users in the
country by June 2014, leaving behind the US as the world’s second largest internet base after China.
Moreover, India has 110 million mobile internet users of which 25 million are in rural India. Of this 5 million
internet users in rural India 70% access the web via mobile phones.
Not just that India with more than 82 million monthly active Facebook users spots the third position in the
world after the US and Canada and it is expected that that the country will have the world’s largest Facebook
population by 2016.
Digital Marketing will remain as the most powerful way of marketing in the future. Some of my observations
on the changing trend of digital marketing are
1. People have started looking for more interesting and informative things on the internet that can help
them create value rather than fake and made for marketing type things, hence marketing strategies will move
towards creating those kind of assets.
2. Marketing objectives will try to help people get better in their business through one’s own business.
Creating and maintaining a network of people who are interested in one’s business will be given priority.
3. As always, ‘content’ will be the most important aspect of digital marketing and again the nature of the
content is going to be more specific and deeply researched about a topic, moving away from the perspective
of “Selling” to making it more useful for the audience.
4. General techniques like SEO, SEM and Social Media Marketing will be there. However, personalized
marketing activities targeting specific set of audience and will be given higher importance.
5. Automation in marketing will emerge more e actively and will be predominant in future.
Scope for digital marketers in India will only get bigger and better in the years to come. You might feel the
need to know as to why is this so and in fact there is nothing wrong in researching something before you dive
into it. This is why we have done a research and have come up with some facts and
Knowledge that will help you decide the worth of digital marketing before it is too late.
Digital marketing a highly effective medium at present scenario to be stay connected with customer. Digital
marketing have many more branches. Mean Digital marketing have many more way to communicate with
prospective customer. Digital marketing providing a competitive advantage in niche segmented market over
on competitor. If you’re looking for ways to help your small business grows. You might want more customers,
more recognition or maybe you're looking to get ahead of the competition. What you need! We'll help you,
 Search Engine Optimization,
 Pay Per Click,
 Social Media Marketing,
 E- Mail marketing,
 Video Marketing,
 Content Marketing,
 Viral Marketing,
 Article Marketing,
 Link Marketing,
 Digital Promotion,
 Digital Advertising,
 Ad Performance.
 Print Designing,
 Digital Poster, and etc.
Search Engine Optimization is major part of digital marketing and it’s playing a vital role in digital marketing.
It is a technique which enable search engine to find our content according to related keywords. In search
engine optimization a digital a marketer make his website according to search engine technique.
And a digital marketer make website content more relevant with search engine technique. Search engine
optimization is the technique who enable website to search out by any search engine. It is the most general
type of Digital marketing which is used to increase the website’s visibility across the search engines. There
are various techniques involved in this process ranging from on-site technical analysis and improvement, to
blogging, link-building and content creation.
Search advertising, also called pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, is a way to advertise your business or product
directly on search engine results pages, where the advertiser pays only for each click on their advert.
It is better known as Paid Search. In this process paid adverts are typically placed to the right or above of the
‘organic’ search results. The cost will depend on the competitiveness of the keyword you’re bidding on.
Search advertising continues to evolve, and formats available range from simple text adverts through to rich
media banners and even video adverts. PPC advertising revolutionised the online advertising industry, and
today, search advertising industry generates 95% of Google’s revenue (Peterson, 2013).
Adverts on search engines are easy to spot – they’re clearly labelled as advertising and are separated from
organic search results. They can appear on the top of the results page, usually in a box, and also on the right
hand side of the results page.
Search advertising on search engines is keyword based – this means that it is triggered by the search term that
a user enters into a search engine. Advertisers target the keywords for which they want to appear.
For the advertiser, the beauty of search advertising is that adverts are displayed when potential customers are
already expressing intent – they are searching for a product or service. It allows advertisers to present their
offering to a potential customer who is already in the buying cycle.
Google is, by a wide margin, the leader in the search advertising field; because of this, the chapter is very
Google-centric, though the same principle should apply to any other search advertising platforms. Other
platforms to be aware of are Bing, Yahoo and Baidu.
Social media marketing is the step of marketing in social media websites. At present scenario we all are using
many social media website like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Flicker, Banded, Tumbler and Etc.
In social media marketing we are promoting our content on social media website with the effective content
and matter. Mean in social media marketing we are promoting all content on social media.
It is all about managing a brand’s image across multiple social channels including Twitter, Facebook,
Pinterest, LinkedIn and many others. This type has become greatly popular, mature and complex over the last
few years.
Millions of people use Facebook every day to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos,
share links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet.
YouTube is a video-sharing website that hoses user-generated videos. YouTube can be integrated with and
shared amongst a variety of different social media sites including Google+, Facebook, Twitter, and many
LinkedIn is an interconnected network of more than 36 million experienced professionals from around the
world. The site can help you make better use of your professional network and help the people you trust in
Twitter is a real-time short messaging service (SMS) that works over multiple networks and devices.
In countries all around the world, people follow the sources most relevant to them and access
information via Twitter as it happens — from breaking world news to updates from friends
Pinterest is a social media site that is displayed in a vision board-styled photo sharing platform. You can search
for different categories and save pictures to your own “board” as later reference, or share them on other social
media sites like Twitter or Facebook.
Google+ (Google Plus) is a social media site that lets you connect with others who have similar interests and
enables you to post and share content with others.
The service allows users to post multimedia and other content to a short-form blog. Users can follow other
users' blogs. Bloggers can also make their blogs private. For bloggers, many of the website's features are
accessed from a "dashboard" interface.
Instagram is a mobile application that allows you to share pictures with your followers who can “like” and
comment on your posts. Instagram also allows you to share those posts on Facebook and Twitter.
Reddit is a source for what's new and popular on the Web — personalized for you. Your votes train a filter,
so let Reddit know what you liked and disliked, because you'll begin to see recommended links filtered to
your tastes. All of the content on reddit is submitted and voted on by users like you.
An online photo management and sharing application that lets people make their content available to the
people who matter to them.
Vine is a social media platform that allows you to film and share seven second videos that can be integrated
with Facebook and Twitter. Vine is can be used as a mobile application or on your computer.
E- Mail marketing is very older technique of digital marketing. In this marketing technique we are promoting
our content through e-mail. Here we are using email address for promoting the content. In email marketing a
digital marketer using email to address to communicate prospective customer and also they are enhancing him
to be stay connected for longer time. E-Mail marketing also a medium to inform to old customer for new
product. Being one of the earliest forms of digital marketing, it includes delivering personalized or targeted
messages at the correct time. For example, brands like Amazon, Flipkart, etc. deliver emails that are tailored
to meet the user’s requirement.
Email Images: How Many & When
In many marketing departments, the use of images in email newsletters and marketing emails is a hotly debated
topic. Designers and traditional marketers want to include a heavy use of visuals and images for both aesthetic
and brand purposes. Email marketing specialists want to minimize email images for deliverability and display
reasons. What should you consider when designing email templates that use email images? What are the pros
and cons of using email images? What are the best practices for using images in an email template? In this
section, we'll explain the how's, why's, and why-not's of images and email.
The Truth: Email Images Sell Products and Services
Images and visuals are absolutely a critical part of marketing your product or service. To send an email with
no images would be both a branding and conversion error. The trick with email is to find a way to use images
in a way that will benefit your email's performance rather than detract from it. And yes, email images can
absolutely detract from your email's performance in many ways, which we will discuss within this chapter.
However, as you begin to think about using images in your email, remember this: email images are important
and should be included in your email template design
Remember: An Email is Not a Print Mailer or Brochure
One of the most important things to remember when designing your email template, particularly when it comes
to the process of determining how and where to use image files, is that your email template is not a print
mailer. It does not have the same flexibility of design that a print mailer would. Users will not navigate an
email communication in the same way that they would a printed communication, both in how they respond to
it and in how their eyes track through the design. Finally, email has many other usability factors to consider
that a print marketing piece would not. Encouraging clicks, the need to sell subscribers on reading the email
in less than two seconds within a preview pane, and actual inbox deliverability issues all regulate the use of
email images. You cannot approach designing an email as you would approach designing a print marketing
piece. That means that your design team, and even some of your executives, may be frustrated that your email
can't "look as good" as a catalog or print mailer. However, at the end of the day, while your email certainly
does need to look good, it needs to drive results. In fact, driving results is certainly more important. As you
begin designing your email templates, remember that you are not designing a printed piece of marketing
collateral. You are designing an electronic mail that has usability limitations.
Remember: Not All Email Service Providers Will Display Your Email Images
One reason that you do not want to rely too heavily on using email images to convey the message within your
marketing email is that not all email service providers display images by default in your email. Gmail and
Hotmail both default to turning email images off and relying on users to proactively download images in order
to see them. The reality is that many users will not download the images, so if you're relying on a picture or
graphic button to convey an important message within your email template, then more than half of your
subscribers may never see that message or request. You are including images in your email for the fifty percent
or so of subscribers who see the images. Your email template, however, needs to be designed to appeal to your
entire subscriber base, including those who do not see the images.
Remember: Images Can Send Your Email to the Spam Folder
A third important thing to remember about using images in your email template is that the use of images can
result in your email going to the spam folder. It's not the use of images exclusively that can land you in the
spam folder, but overuse, bad use, and certain other triggers when combined with your overall sender
reputation and quality score can mean that emails hit the spam folder instead of the inbox. In fact, if you have
started experiencing an inbox deliverability problem, then one of the first steps that you should take is to
remove some of the images from your email.
With All of Those Concerns About Images, How Can I Possibly Use Images in My Email Newsletter or
Marketing Email?
Did we scare you off from using email images with the above information? If so, that wasn't our intention.
However, one of the most common mistakes in email template design is the overuse of images or treating the
email template as though it is a replica of a printed piece of marketing collateral. But given all of the
information above, how can you use images effectively in your email template? t's actually much easier to
craft an email template with images that work in favor of improving conversion instead of causing email
problems and issues than you think. Below, we've given you the best practices for including images in your
email template. If you simply follow this list, you'll include enough email images that are compelling to
subscribers who see the images while also crafting an email template that appeals to users who don't see the
image files.
Also, remember that, while you may need to minimize your use of image files, there are many things that you
can do with formatted html within an email that will lead to an exciting design that compels opens, reads, and
clicks. We'll discuss those best practices in an upcoming chapter.
Best Practices for Using Images in Emails
We promise that, if you follow this list, you will create the most optimized email template possible that also
uses images! Print this list out and hand it to your designers! If your email sending solution offers premade
email templates, such as Comm100 does, chances are that they meet all of these requirements. If you are
designing your own template or modifying a premade template, you'll want to follow these basic rules.
1. Limit the Use Images in the Top Two Inches of Your Email TemplateActive CustomerIn the majority of
cases, your subscribers will scan your email for less than two seconds before they decide if they want to bother
reading it. Most of that scanning will happen within the email preview pane. The typical email preview pane
is horizontally aligned (Outlook offers an alternative vertical one) and less than two inches in height. That
means that you have approximately two inches of space to convince a subscriber or user to continue reading
your email. There's nothing wrong with using an image within the top two inches of space. In fact, we'd
recommend it because it will have a positive impact and result on users who load email images automatically
in their email browser. However, because so many subscribers and users will not automatically, or possibly
ever, see the email images, you need to be sure to get compelling text into the top two inches of your email
template in order to engage them.
The most common way to address this issue is to use an email template header graphic, typically about 700
pixels across and no more than seventy-five pixels in height. The header graphic can be the same for every
email send or can be different for each send. There are many other design solutions for incorporating a small
but engaging graphic in the top two inches of your email template.
What's the most important thing to remember? You want to be sure that there is enough space in the top two
inches of your email template for engaging and visually formatted text. Don't sacrifice that need for a bigger,
brighter image.
2. Don't Send an Email That Is One Big Image or All Image Files
How many times have you opened an email that a company sent to you, and the entire thing was a blank white
screen asking you to download email images? That single image (or a series of smaller images built together
using an html table to form a larger image), may be visually amazing. It may an exact replica or a piece of
print marketing collateral that your design team spent months developing and that the entire company is proud
of and excited by. It might be an image that promotes and offer that is so incredible that you're expecting to
run out of stock because the offer is unmatched anywhere else. However, it doesn't matter how many of the
previous things are true of your image. The only true fact that you need to worry about is that half (or less) of
the people who you sent the email to never saw the graphic or message. Not only did the image not load when
they opened their email, but also because there was no text in the top two inches of the email to tell them why
it was important that they download the image, they never bothered to explore the email at all.
We've said it before, but an email newsletter or email marketing offer is not a print design piece.Your design
team will need to create an alternate treatment of campaigns that relies more heavily on html and text and less
heavily on a layered image file. If you send an email that is only images, then your email marketing results
will be dramatically reduced.
3. Don't Trap Important Messages or Links in Email Images (ie: The "Click Here"
Graphic Button Does Not Belong in an Email)
Similar to the reasons that you'll want to avoid sending emails that are entirely image files, you'll want to avoid
"trapping" any messages that are critical for your users to get from the email in image files that they may never
see. For example, on a webpage, using a graphic button to indicate that a user should click to "buy" or "read
more" is highly effective. However, in an email template users may not see those buttons and may be confused
about where they should click within the email.Links in email templates should always be formatted text links.
If you really want to use a graphic button to indicate a place to click, you should always include a text link
below it.
Another example is messages about sales or discounts. If your email is promoting a sale or discount, then you
want to ensure that the message is both indicated in a graphic and a text headline. For those who load email
images, the graphic will certainly be the first visual stimulation that gets them excited about the discount.
However, for those who don't load email images, you'll need to be sure that they still know what the offer is.
The only way to ensure that is through a strongly formatted text headline.
What's the basic rule? If it's something that your readers or subscribers absolutely need to know, it needs to
be in text, even if that text is in addition to a graphic.
4. Always Provide Alt and Title Text
Alt text is the html coded text that appears when an image doesn't load (it's short for "alternative text"). Title
text is the "hover" text that appears when a user passes their mouse over an image. However, in some web
browsers, such as Firefox, title text is used in the same way that alt text is. Why are alt text and title text
important to you? As we keep mentioning, at least half of your subscribers and users will not see your image
files. For those for whom email images don't load, seeing an alternative piece of text that describes the image
means that you have not wasted the space in your email template. You've used the space to convey an
important message even if the image didn't load.
Of course, what you write for your title and alt text is equally important. If your email is an email asking
people to donate money to help save the world's tiger population, then it's likely that you've used an image of
a tiger within your email. Don't make the alt or title texts (they can be the same content) say, "Image of a
Tiger." Have it be a call to actionto enhance the message of your email such as "Click the links in this email
to instantly donate to save the tigers." Remember, if the email images don't load, you are losing one of your
most powerful methods for inciting action in your readers. You'll want to try to compensate for that with good,
strong call-to-action alt and title text.
Some email marketing specialists like to use the alt and title text behind an image to ask users to download
the images. That's certainly a valid technique. However, it's our belief that, given the speed with which users
will scan your email, that you'll get better results by using the alt and title text to try to incite direction action.
5. Thirty Percent is a Good Rule
What's a basic, good rule to follow when designing an email template? Only use about thirty percent of your
available space for images. A good design team can use even less than that and still make email images
effective. However thirty percent means that you'll still have enough images to entice users but you won't be
in danger of either creating spam problems for yourself or presenting large, blank emails to people who don't
use email images.
For many designers, only using thirty percent of your available space won't feel like enough. That will mean
that you may need to vary from some of the brand presentation that you use both in print and on your website.
For example, navigation to sections of your website from the email itself should probably not be done using
images, even if the navigation bar on your website is entirely image driven. Again, the important thing to keep
in mind is that email neither operates like a print collateral piece nor like a pure webpage. It has usability and
functionality issues that require design adaptations.
6. Do Not Make Images Files Too Large
Finally, for the email images that you do use in your email template, avoid making the files too large. This is
not only from a space perspective, but large image files can create significant spam and email deliverability
issues. Small, compressed, well-formatted images are the key to successful use of email images.
In summary, remember all of the following key points when designing the use of images in your email
• Do not overuse images in the critical top two inches of your email template
• Do not send emails that are entirely comprised of images
• Important messages and critical calls to action should not be "trapped" within images
• Always provide Alt Text and Title Text for your images
• Do not devote more than thirty percent of your email real estate to images
• Keep image files small, compressed and optimized
Images are an important part of a successful email template. Simply follow the best practices above and you'll
be sure to find the middle ground between images that enhance your email template performance and images
that create email deliverability and performance issues.
Web site is a compulsory part of our life at in present scenario. We all are using many website at present time
for fulfilling our need like marketing need, knowledge need, awareness need, purchase need and also each
kind of services need which we all are using or requiring. So for starting a business which is depend upon
production of product or providing services.
We must require a web site and this is providing us advantage to connect to the people for informing them
about our business. So for this step we require an expert team for website development. And Brand Show
Digital Solutions providing best web development solution with their unique strategies like agile method,
SWOT analysis, and Google Analytics and Etc.Agile methods are used to get a better result in less time. Brand
Show Digital Solutions can provide a great solution for your business. Come to know us!
Print Designing is an effective and attractive medium to interact with the people. A print carrying many more
aspect with them like message, attraction, entertainment, As we all seeing many more photos but some of
them are very unique and attractive and also providing a specific message to viewer. Brand Show Digital
solutions have an expert team for print Designing. At in Brand show Digital Solutions meetings, we seek the
inspiration from each member and getting their idea to our expert team and we use the best ideas that appears.
You'll love!
At present scenario we all have many type of multimedia player like smartphone, computers, smart television,
and television. And these are able to play any media format. Do you want amazing and original video
presentation? So Brand show Digital Solutions have an expert team to create a highly effective video
presentation which will be able to create a unique image and message and able to attract people to be stay
connected with the business. Come here & let me know what you need! We'll help you, sure.
Video marketing is very attractive marketing strategy at present time because this is only medium which
carrying audio and visual content at same time. Mean here a person can see the advertisement in video format.
As we all know video is effecting than other all medium of marketing.
In this marketing a digital marketer using all technique to made video more effective with some effective
software which enhances video effectiveness. In video marketing a digital marketer add some text content in
the video.
Content marketing is the new trend of digital marketing. In content marketing a digital marketer create content
in the text format and add few link and keywords by which search engine find out the related topic. Besides,
the aforementioned online marketing components, it is the widely used Digital marketing type.
Especially, with the exponential rise in usage of smartphones around the world has enhanced the dependency
on them for quick and timely information. Content marketing is an emerging technique because it carrying
many more topics with itself likes Image, Video, Keywords, Link and Etc.
Viral marketing is the strategy which makes popular any topic in digital world in very less time. In viral
marketing a digital marketer create content as sensational topic. Because each person wants to see the
sensational topic and also each person share it with other person by word of mouth.
Viral marketing make a topic very much popular in few time. The digital marketer uses this strategy for
creating an image in public mind in at first time. This uses at the time of new product launching, new opening
and Etc.
It is a perfect blend of various elements of the marketing. Generally, it always involves publicizing an element
of content across multiple channels. It may include videos on YouTube, blogs, email marketing, as well as
some traditional elements, all with goal to assure that the content grabs the attention of the market and spreads
naturally through online communities.
Article marketing is new and emerging technique of digital marketing. In this particular technique digital
marketers are using a specific topic to promote a product or services. Article marketing is the bundle of many
others marketing strategy it involves many other technique with their self. In article marketing a digital
marketer promote and add content marketing, Link marketing, Keywords marketing and many others.
Brand Show Digital solutions provide you with immediate access to a broad range specialized technical skills
and engineers.
This means you get to market faster while maintaining your business advantage. As we all know for working
smoothly, faster and in an easy way we require many app or software by which we can access all essentials
Brand Show Digital Solutions have launched Posters for Movies, Restaurants, Retail Stores, Where houses,
Events, Real Estate Industry, Travel Industry, Educational Institutes etc.
Brand Show digital solutions is leading Brand Promotion Company in India that knows the important of brand
for you and your business and helps you to establish and build robust brand for your products and services in
Information technology consulting is a field that focuses on advising businesses on how best to use information
technology to meet their business objectives.
A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make
their website accessible via the World Wide Web.
A domain name is a unique name that identifies an internet resource such as a website. It is an identification
string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority or control on the Internet.
Media management is seen as a business administration discipline that identifies and describes strategic and
operational phenomena and problems in the leadership of media enterprises.
Graphic design is the art of communication, stylizing, and problem-solving through the use of type, space and
S.No Question and Answer Sites DA PA PR
1 100 91 8
2 97 69 8
3 87 90 7
4 49 57 4
5 90 91 6
S.No Forum Submission Sites DA PA PR
1 98 61 9
2 100 57 8
3 79 64 7
4 88 90 7
5 88 44 4
S.No Article Submission Sites DA PA PR
1 78 82 7
2 54 61 6
3 89 92 6
4 87 89 6
5 68 73 5
S.No Video Submission Sites DA PA PR
1 100 97 9
2 98 97 9
3 94 95 8
4 79 82 7
5 88 90 7
6 82 86 6
7 86 89 6
8 94 77 5
S.No Infographics Submission Sites DA PA PR
1 84 87 7
2 99 55 4
3 44 50 4
4 38 48 4
5 26 38 2
6 40 49 2
S.No Social bookmarking sites DA PA PR
1 98 96 8
2 98 90 8
3 99 96 7
4 94 95 7
5 92 65 7
6 99 95 7
S.No Blog Directory Submission Sites DA PA PR
1 91 89 8
2 99 95 7
3 91 92 7
4 36 42 6
5 49 57 5
S.No Social Networking Sites DA PA PR
1 100 97 10
2 100 97 9
3 100 97 9
4 100 96 9
5 100 96 9
S.No Image Submission Sites DA PA PR
98 97 9
2 97 96 9
3 100 91 8
4 98 96 8
5 92 93 7
6 95 93 6
7 89 91 6
8 84 87 6
9 74 79 6
S.No Document Sharing Websites DA PA PR
1 94 95 9
2 95 95 8
3 92 93 8
4 92 81 7
5 67 71 5
1.J Suresh Reddy26 has published article in Indian Journal of Marketing. Title of article is “Impact of E-
commerce on marketing”.
Marketing is one of the business function most dramatically affected by emerging information technologies.
Internet is providing companies new channels of communication and interaction. It can create closer yet more
cost effective relationships with customers in sales, marketing and customer support. Companies can use web
to provide ongoing information, service and support. It also creates positive interaction with customers that
can serve as the foundation for long term relationships and encourage repeat purchases.
2. Neelika Arora 32has published research article entitled “Trends in Online Advertising” in advertising
Express, Dec2004.
The global online advertising revenues are expected to touch US $10bn by 2006. In India, the revenues at
present are estimated to be Rs. 80 cr. and are expected to increase six times more within the next five years.
In India, Internet as a medium is accepted by a wider industrial segment that includes automobiles, telecom,
education, banking, insurance, credit cards, FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods), apparel/clothing,
durables, media, business services and tourism. Out of these , it is estimated that the banking, FMCG and
insurance sectors together account for 45% of the total advertising spend. In comparison to this, automotive,
travel and retail spend 37% of the total advertising revenue and financial service companies spend 12% only.
Some of the top spenders in India are automobiles, followed by brands like Pepsodent, Kelloggs, Cadbury,
HDFC (Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd.) loans and Sunsilk. In addition to these the early
adopters in the field of finance and IT are also increasing their spending. Globally, the trend is that almost
60% of the revenue goes to five firms- Goggle, Yahoo, Microsoft, AOL(America Online Launchers), and
Overture. Approximately, 90% of the Goggle revenues come from advertising. In India, portals like,,, etc are attracting major online
This article explains demographic profile of Indian users. It also gives the comparison between global trend
and Indian trend, which is useful for my research work.
3.Sumanjeet37 has published article on “On Line Banner Advertising”- in Indian Journal of Marketing.
Online banner advertising has great potential as an advertising medium. It is easy to create, place and use. It
offers companies targeting well educated, innovative, affluent males/females or students with great potential
for success as their segments are highly represented.
4.Nicholas Ind , Maria Chiara Riondino36 have originally published their article inthe Journal of Brand
Management in September 2001. The title of this article is “Branding on the Web: A real Revolution?”
In this paper difference in corporate attitudes to the Web are discussed and conclusions as to the way in which
branding practice and theory are affected by the new technology are drawn. This article explains the Web is
both a distribution and a communications channel that facilitates interaction community building, openness
and comparability.
5.Jaffrey Graham45 has published his article entitled “Web advertising’s future >>> e Marketing strategy”
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter published an equity research report analyzing the Internet marketing and
advertising industry. The report studies research from dozens of companies and calculates the cost and
effectiveness of advertising across various media. Branding on the Internet works. For existing brands, the
Internet is more effective in driving recall than television, magazines, and newspapers and at least as good in
generating product interest.
6.Advertising in social media: How consumers act after seeing social ads. Adapted from Nielsen (2012:
Social media has not only changed how people communicate online, but it has also changed the consumption
of other media too. Online social connections are used to filter, discuss, disseminate, and validate news,
entertainment, and products for consumption. (Ryan 2011: 15) The next chapters will explain more about each
of the world’s current most widely used social medias. There are, of course, many other social networks and
applications (apps) available but considering the study, the focus is on the main medias.
7. Victor Van Valen has published article “Is Your Marketing Smart”
Today advertisers not only need to cater to and directly pinpoint a precise targeted audience, but they need to
customize their advertisements as well. In web media, you have an idea of who will see your ads, and it create
an impact on your audience. For example, you know Femina Magazine would be great to target women so
you can promote your new beauty product in this magazine. But when it comes to online venues, how can you
target the right audience when millions are browsing?
8.Vikas Bondar has published his article on “sales and marketing strategies”
Internet is a really good thing. The Internet gives people a greater amount of information as we need. It is the
best way to get a comparison of the products that we need. If we are interested in buying, it is best for us to
check the Web sites. Also if we would like to make our own Web page we can do this, without paying a lot
of money. From where do we set all this information? The answer is from advertising, which we see,
everywhere: on TV, on the Internet, in the newspapers and more. Year after year we get more and more new,
interesting information and in the future the Internet use will increase more than now.
This article explains how internet is useful tool for advertisement.
Digital marketing:
According to Garder’s survey (2013), the top priority in digital marketing investment will be to improve
commerce experiences through social marketing, content creation and management and mobile marketing.
Key findings also revealed that a companies’ marketing success relies mostly on their website, social
marketing, and digital advertising, which are all parts of digital marketing. In addition, savings made by using
digital marketing can be reinvested elsewhere. Normally, companies spend 10 percent of their revenue on
marketing and 2.4 percent on digital marketing, which will increase to 9 percent in the future.
Content Market:
Brogan(2008) and Ferguson (2009) urge content marketing is not any other thing, but that is“ a marketing
technique of creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly
defined and understood target audience -with the objective of driving profitable customer action”. Going by
that idea Pulizzi defines (2008) content marketing as “the art of understanding exactly what your customers
need to know, and delivering it to them in a relevant and compelling way to grow your business”.
Content marketing is creating rich contents targeting potential audience and sharing via content marketing
platforms to inform, educate them without selling. Thus, content marketing is expanding by answering
customary issues with the right kind of content in front of the right kind of audience.
Content marketing communication strategies
Pulizzi (2008) highlights a good content marketing strategy is ways in which to understand problems and
concerns of customers and offering best solutions and to transferring trusted knowledge.
Marketing communication strategies are very important nowadays than before. An optimized informative
content can connect with customers and enabling them to interact with. Therefore, effective and efficient
content marketing strategies will influence customer’s positive interaction with a product and service even it
will increase investment of return
This research concentrates on collecting and thereby analysing the collected data systems to re solve problems
that are selected by the researcher. In a way, this research has got wider meanings. For some people reading
books or surfing the internet for information is research. As a matter of fact these activities are just some part
of the entire job. Basic research structures are related to the sense of collecting authentic and original data and
in the same way analysing these data thoroughly as well methodically to derive the result that lay underneath.
Here, data does not necessary mean any numerical.
The function of marketing research is to connect the target consumer to the seller or the marketers. The modes
of this connectivity are through information that is specifically used for the purpose of to identifying and
relevantly defining the aspects of marketing. Elements of generating refined modes of marketing action;
dealings with opportunities and problems, monitoring the recent and past marketing performance; and above
all improving marketing as a process are integral to it. Marketing research uses the sources of information to
address selective issues; like those of designs that helps in collection information and thereby implements and
manages entire data collection process. It further analyses the results along with the communication for
deriving the findings and their ways of implication.
Data collection gets broadly followed under two types
Primary data
Secondary data
Primary data is collected for a research on the basis of practical means of questionnaires, interviews and under
the focus of certain group debates. The primary data is inferred through the process of statistical calculation
and analysis. This is a kind of accurate methodology that gets followed to precise end-results. However this
provision of data collection is very cumbersome and needs longer duration. The modes of collecting
information get used even during the phase where precise research systems were not much availed, and it
dates back to 19th century.
The process to collect secondary data is much easier than the primary data collection. It is here that the
information is collected through the way of using sources that are already present. These sources are
represented by various white papers, articles, internet and various kinds of print media; esp. newspaper &
research editorials along with academic journals. This research methodology needs adequate amount of time
for the selection of precise as well as apt and relevant data, as per the demand of the research.
The function of marketing research is to connect the target consumer to the seller or the marketers. The modes
of this connectivity are through information that is specifically used for the purpose of to identifying and
relevantly defining the aspects of marketing. Elements of generating refined modes of marketing action;
dealings with opportunities and problems, monitoring the recent and past marketing performance; and above
all improving marketing as a process are integral to it. Marketing research uses the sources of information to
address selective issues; like those of designs that helps in collection information and thereby implements and
manages entire data collection process. It further analyses the results along with the communication for
deriving the findings and their ways of implication. (Yin, 2003)
The process of study adopted by this research illustrated here. Factors like, research objective, research plan,
methodology of research, compilation of data, assessment of data and quality standards are focused in the
entire process. The figure under the sketch is the approach of the chapter and thereby has been depicted
predominantly. (Allen, 2008)
The four main stages followed in a research are:
Problem-it is the first stage that decides the topic. There are five steps in it. This are- Topic selection, Problem
Definition, Literature Review, Hypothesis Formation and Methodology.
Data Collection-it is the second stage and decides the research methods followed by the techniques for
collecting information. It has got three steps: Definition of Sample, Sampling and Data Collection.
Data Analysis- this is the third stage where the collected data are analysed, in order to find a solution to the
problem. It has got two steps: Organisation of Information and Analysis of results.
Action- it is the final stage and is the stage where the derived result, information and findings are utilized. It
is inclusive of Report writing, Distributing Information and accomplishing result into action.
The research design adopted for this particular study has got systematic formulation. The entire process
comprises of research objective, methodology of research, research plan, data compilation, data assessment
and assessing quality standards.
“Research design is the plan, structure and strategy of investigation conceived so as to obtain answer to
research question and to control variance.” – BY KERLINGER
According to Yin (2003), research has got three distinct classes. These are –
The motive of the research is to make a selection among these three classes. The selection will be done on the
basis of the element of suitability for the study.
Exploratory research is used for comprehending the determined phenomenon initiated by Wiedershim-Paul
and Eriksson (2006). This type of research is appropriate for a situation where significant traits or the apt
associations are hard to derive.
The researcher keeps records and collected to describe means. It is the responsibility of the researcher to keep
records and maintain charts for the collected information (Wiedersheim-Paul & Eriksson, 2006). Under this
process, the researcher considers descriptive research as apt for a state where problem is organized and
emphasis is led over the connections among the relevant source and associations, which is comparatively low.
It is here that the researcher selects levels, viewpoints, requisites, factors, basics, and above all monitors
records; categorizes, organizes and infers. Researcher assesses the relevant sources and the links to keep the
intake explanations. For huge concentration over the connection of some selective aspects followed by the
result oriented phenomena are structured under exploratory research methodology (Wiedersheim-Paul &
Eriksson, 2006).
The basic objective of the research is to comprehend consumer buying behaviour as per the new age marketing
and to follow its impact over business performance.
According to Saunders et al (2003) Positivism, realism and interpretivism are the three specific elements that
serve as the elemental courses for research methodology. For the development of knowledge, the considered
research philosophy is actually the result of individual’s thought process. For Saunders et al (2003) positivistic
view point is identified by the act of citing theoretical stand by the natural scientist. The output of positivistic
research gets validated by means of rules and laws. It is actually an organized approach, where the researchers
share their independent thoughts in terms of the theme of the research.
Activities related to realism and positivism is subject to share similar kinds of theoretical trait; especially those
like the outlook of the outer objective of nature in terms of social structure. Realistic views follow the context
of existence of reality and are independent of human thoughts and relevant faith. This is maintained in an
attempt to gain immunity from the related social forces (Saunders et al., 2003).
Expansion of business world under the form of embedded complexities, followed by subjective
comprehensions of determined patterns turn up to be imperative. This also explains the state of Interpretivism
and thus is antonym to positivism. Interpretivism is very significant in terms of having generalisability added
by the modes of objective reality. It is also subject to stress upon the act of comprehending intention, related
characteristics and identified objectives of the selected participants.
Saunders et al. (2003) declare that positivistic approach is more effective in deductive method against
Interpretivism. This particular research has considered a combination of both positivism and realism. In the
process, the collected information get analysed under statistical investigation. The act of realistic approach
gets identified by the participation of social forces that influence unaware characteristics of people.
Deductive and Inductive Approach
For the research approach the researcher need to make a choice between deductive or inductive methods. This
selection can be done in the way to select research methodology. Decision over deductive method can be
comprehended after considering the theory and the related hypothesis. As the hypothesis is constructed and
later tested, the formulation is called testing theory. On the other hand, as the theory gets created as per
systematic assessment over some assembled information, then the formulation is called inductive method.
This is also termed as building theory (Saunders et al., 2003).
As in this research, the researcher speculates over other literatures and then decides over the theories, the
formulation is identified as the inductive method of study. In the process most apt and appropriate theories are
selected to meet research purposes. Research model is thereby developed from theory further gets utilized in
the process of determining solutions to the research problem.
Qualitative research methodology or quantitative research methodology are two classified form of primary
data. Data collection ion qualitative study is forwarded on the basis of interpretations that are relevantly
expressed to derive inner details followed by the comprehensive analysis and outcome data, which need to get
categorized into groups or classes. Quantitative research methodology speculates data from figures and
statistical derivations. It leads the collected data to numerical and standardized forms. Assessments are forward
on the basis of diagrams and statistical graphs (Saunders et al., 2003).
In this researcher, the researcher uses questionnaire to understand the feelings of selected section. He further
examines the mathematically. Thus it is a quantitative approach. To get the dissimilarities and similarities
among customers and culture groups, statistical tests and graphs are followed.
Data collection gets broadly followed under two types
 Primary data
 Secondary data
Primary data
Primary data is collected for a research on the basis of practical means of questionnaires, interviews and under
the focus of certain group debates. The primary data is inferred through the process of statistical calculation
and analysis. This is a kind of accurate methodology that gets followed to precise end-results. However this
provision of data collection is very cumbersome and needs longer duration. The modes of collecting
information get used even during the phase where precise research systems were not much availed, and it
dates back to 19th century. (Berelson, 2002)
Secondary data
The process to collect secondary data is much easier than the primary data collection. It is here that the
information is collected through the way of using sources that are already present. These sources are
represented by various white papers, articles, internet and various kinds of print media; esp. newspaper &
research editorials along with academic journals. This research methodology needs adequate amount of time
for the selection of precise as well as apt and relevant data, as per the demand of the research. (Berelson, 2002)
Primary data is made applicable to carry out the considered study after the process of observing necessity of
the research for the establishment of solutions to the research goals and queries. Use of selective questionnaire
format is managed to amass the data. (Giles, 2004)
The research approach or the considered study with assembled information from the answers of various
individuals from the questionnaire is used. The questionnaire is made up of a series of questions, added by
some occasional supplementary questions or prompts. It is important to note that questionnaire is not used all
the time for statistical analysis.
Against other methods of survey, advantage of questionnaire is very relevant –
It is less expensive
Against any kind of telephonic or verbal survey, questionnaire survey has got more clarity.
Assembling of data from the questionnaire is easy for collecting similar configuration.
However, there are some disadvantages of the questionnaire in a particular survey. These can be noted on the
basis of the common format of collected answers which may annoy the respondents of the selected survey;
which needs adequate position to read and thereby to answer questions. This act restricts the applicability of
the data collected from the research questionnaire. Thus for specific faction of individuals, the process might
seems to be impractical for the questionnaire survey.
Researcher instruments are actually the tool that the researcher uses to derive solutions for the research on
oriented problems or the selective objectives. Collection of data through “Questionnaire” is the most popular
mode of research investigation. The proceeding can be accomplished through a moiled set of questions that
are presented to the respondents and the answers were sought. With its flexibility, this is a very usual and
common instrument that is considered for the collection of primary data. The phase of pre- testing
questionnaire, offers the reaction of the selected respondents and thereby the determined suggestions can be
made for the change in the process of research instrument. (Bhattacharya, 2002)
In order to cover the large public, questionnaires as well as interviews are considered as common interface
under the research of social science. Most of the structured questionnaires are managed by themselves for
gaining control over large quantitative kind of surveys. These surveys are subject to collect factual data, like
those of census, which are administered efficiently in specific groups; as for instance in terms of entire groups,
classes or teams instead of individuals.
Questionnaire is a traditional and authentic way for the process of collecting data under survey method (Goode
et al., 2002). Questionnaires are inclusive of two types of questions. These are open-ended and close-ended
Open-ended question: These questions are clear formats to understand the exact status of the respondent’s
mind. Through these questions the respondent receives complete freedom. These questions are used, in a state
when the researchers do not want to have any kind of limited answers. By skillful open-ended questions with
higher validity, the researcher can collect comprehensive answers among the respondents. However, by means
of lower non reliable questions, the researchers can have different interviewers with different answers.
Closed-ended question: The closed-ended questions can be pre-determined for the collection of answers. This
proceeding is however, considered as less valid than open-ended questions. In this process the choices can get
restricted, yet are sometimes more reliable as the questions and the determined answers are all set. This makes
the research more replicable.
Market research has long been an essential component of any successful marketing or advertising strategy.
With customers becoming more and more empowered, brands are having to really get to know their markets,
developing an understanding of who they are targeting and how best to go about engaging those members of
the public. This article looks to define market research, discusses both qualitative and quantitative
methodologies, and provides insight into how you can choose the best market research approach for your
brand’s marketing and advertising strategy:
WHAT’S MARKET RESEARCH? defines market research as follows:
“[Market research is] the gathering and studying of data relating to consumer preferences, purchasing power,
etc., especially prior to introducing a product on the market.”
Market research usually comprises a blend of quantitative and qualitative data, looking at things like usage
statistics alongside how customers feel and any improvements they might have in mind.
There are a number of choices in a market researcher’s arsenal, and these are broadly split into two categories:
This involves market research methods that pre-date the age of the Internet. Traditional market research is
conducted in-person (e.g.: at a mall or at the respondent’s residence), through the post, and often via telephonic
With the rapid growth of the Internet came a plethora of capabilities for marketers in general. Digital market
research is conducted through email, website landing pages, SMSs and instant messaging apps. Marketers can
also video call respondents to facilitate ‘face-to-face’ research.
It involves sum total of marketing work that usage of an electric component and internet, -Businesses leverages
various digital-ways-like-search engine, -social medias, -e-mail, website in addition offline marketing such as
SMS and MMS to attach with present and potential customers. Digital marketing is also stated as online-or
internet-marketing. In simple taking business online. DM is the-promotion of-business organization or brand
by means of various channel ls such like the Internet, mobile devices, TV radio in addition to consuming
different online advertising, podcasts, video and other such approaches to communicate message. Internet
promotion in specific plays a vital share in somewhat promotional plan and it is fetching the basis of numerous
establishments complete promotional policies.
1. Global Presence: In digital marketing is not only makes any business to local region but also on global
level. Company website allows the customers to find new markets and trade. The best example is amazon
market place allow to sell our products online and this be can be accessed by anyone from any part of the
2. Cost efficient: Likened to old-style marketing DM is cost effective, it will reach to a greater number of
people with very less amount. For example, display of advertisement on social media is cheaper than print
advertisement with a targeted customer reach. DM is supplementary effective than old-style marketing. small
business organizations or small shop can do digital marketing without spending single rupee.
3. Trackable and measurable result: In digital marketing we can track and measure the result of our
advertisement or website, such as how many people have seen, what are the activities they do in the website,
their behavior in website, how much time they stayed in the online, what are the demographical characteristics
of particular audience these all things we can get from some of the digital marketing tools such as google
4. Data and results can be recorded: Google analytics we can be used to check the reach of campaigns
done and store them for future decisions. It will help to keep in track customers and their activities and the
future expectations. Usually it will help in segmenting and targeting the same particular set of people called
5. Personalization: linking customer data base to website is most important, whenever customer visit the
site, we can greet them with targeted propositions and remarket the product. This makes consumers to feel
special about the particular brand.
 To study the role of digital marketing in BrandShow Digital Solutions.
 To study the different criteria of digital marketing services.
 To analyze the approach which help them to get more business?
 To know how to pitch a client while meeting basically how to talk, what to talk, how to make client
engage in your conversation.
 To know the right way of writing a proper content for the E-mailers.
 To study the growth of Digital marketing.
The research design adopted for this particular study has got systematic formulation. The entire process
comprises of research objective, methodology of research, research plan, data compilation, data assessment
and assessing quality standards.
Research has got three distinct classes. These are -
The motive of the research is to make a selection among these three classes. The selection will be done on the
basis of the element of suitability for the study.
Exploratory research is used for comprehending the determined phenomenon initiated by Wiedershim- and
Eriksson (2006). This type of research is appropriate for a situation where significant traits or the apt
associations are hard to derive.
The researcher keeps records and collected to describe means. It is the responsibility of the researcher to keep
records and maintain charts for the collected information (Wiedersheim-Paul & Eriksson, 2006). Under this
process, the researcher considers descriptive research as apt for a state where problem is organized and
emphasis is led over the connections among the relevant source and associations, which is comparatively low.
It is here that the researcher selects levels, viewpoints, requisites, factors, basics, and above all monitors
records; categorizes, organizes and infers. Researcher assesses the relevant sources and the links to keep the
intake explanations. For huge concentration over the connection of some selective aspects followed by the
result oriented phenomena are structured under exploratory research methodology (Wiedersheim-Paul &
Eriksson, 2006).
There is the need for analysis of the collected data from the sources of sample selection. The analysis
proceedings are selected by the researcher much before the assessment of data collected from the questionnaire
. In this research theoretical plans are emphasized, where the amassing of information is based on the selected
research questions selected from former researches. The act of data analysis follows three consecutive steps.
These are -
Data reduction: This step depends of concentrating, deciding, abstracting, simplifying and converting of the
collected data. This step manages data for the final conclusion.
Data display: This is the step that proceeds with the reduced information and relatively depicts the assessment
in a structured/compacted manner to meet the process of concluding the results.
According to Miles & Huberman (2004) the researchers should structure their viewpoint by means of finding
relationships on the basis of patterns, related explanations, propositions and regularities. This research
encompasses the structure led by Miles and Huberman (2004) for analysing collected data and to conclude as
per the derived result. To receive comprehensiveness and visual compatibility, the researcher collects the data
and organizes and represents it by diagrams, tables, pie-charts and graphs.
Outcomes regarding consumers
 India presently have online users of 214 million, among them 60% are males and remaining are
 There are 112 million mobile handlers amongst them 70% are men and remaining 30% are women
 176 million entire internet populace are share of communal media
 .Brand want to shape azcool attendance over digital podiums becausezthe client will do investigation
aboutzthe creation after sighted an adzor after receiving enthused
 companies are receiving moreztouch opinions to reach targetzgroup in azcost-effective way.
 Meta title and description is displayed by google pixel width but not by the length of characters.
URL structure always has to be mentioned with the primary keywords.
 URL structure has to be with hyphen and include location if it is given with spaces it will take with
 H1 has to be with one focused keyword, google crawels will only crawl h1tag under header tags so it
has to be focused more.
 Google will never crawl images it will crawl the text behind it.
 Image optimization has two tags alt and title tag.
 To display the name of the image when we place the cursor. We use title tag.
Researcher instruments are actually the tool that the researcher uses to derive solutions for the research on
oriented problems or the selective objectives. Collection of data through "Questionnaire" is the most popular
mode of research investigation. The proceeding can be accomplished through a moiled set of questions that
are presented to the respondents and the answers were sought. With its flexibility, this is a very usual and
common instrument that is considered for the collection of primary data. The phase of pre- testing
questionnaire, offers the reaction of the selected respondents and thereby the determined suggestions can be
made for the change in the process of research instrument. (Bhattacharya, 2002)
In order to cover the large public, questionnaires as well as interviews are considered as common interface
under the research of social science. Most of the structured questionnaires are managed by themselves for
gaining control over large quantitative kind of surveys. These surveys are subject to collect factual data, like
those of census, which are administered efficiently in specific groups; as for instance in terms of entire groups,
classes or teams instead of individuals.
Questionnaire is a traditional and authentic way for the process of collecting data under survey method (Goode
et al., 2002). Questionnaires are inclusive of two types of questions. These are open-ended and close-ended
Open-ended question: These questions are clear formats to understand the exact status of the respondent's
mind. Through these questions the respondent receives complete freedom. These questions are used, in a state
when the researchers do not want to have any kind of limited answers. By skilful open-ended questions with
higher validity, the researcher can collect comprehensive answers among the respondents. However, by means
of lower non reliable questions, the researchers can have different interviewers with different answers.
Closed-ended question: The closed-ended questions can be pre-determined for the collection of answers. This
proceeding is however, considered as less valid than open-ended questions. In this process the choices can get
restricted, yet are sometimes more reliable as the questions and the determined answers are all set. This makes
the research more replicable.
Analysis of Data and the finding of those Data
Organic social visitors have 4% higher AOV than average at MADE.COM
Hannah Pilpel, social project manager at MADE.COM, gave us an interview this week.
She let slip some very interesting figures about the value of social to ecommerce.
• People who came to MADE.COM from organic social had an average order value 4% higher than the
site average in Q1 2016.
• Users who visited MADE Unboxed (MADE.COM's own social network / community hub) during their
visit had 3x higher dwell time and an average order value up 16% on the site average in Q1.
• Collections with videos have sold four to nine times more pieces than those without.
Internal competition hindering digital transformation
Forrester and Squiz have a new report on digital transformation that reveals some startling news.
43% of firms with a mature digital strategy see competing departments wanting to own digital as the most
significant barrier to effective digital transformation.
Other findings from the survey of 410 IT and business decision makers include:
• 54% say that fostering a culture of innovation is a critical enabler of digital business.
• 89% are planning to improve partnerships with external startups and accelerators in order to innovate.
51% of UK searchers can't spot a paid ad
Ofcom's annual Media Use and Attitudes report is fascinating as always.
We covered it fairly extensively - here are some highlights.
• 18% of searchers think that if a website has been listed it must be accurate and unbiased.
• 12% say they have not thought about it.
• 8% say they do not know.
Away from search, the continued rise of very successful intermediaries such as Facebook means users are
discovering fewer new websites and apps.
Average product page conversion rate is 7.91%
Receiptfull has conducted a large study of 2,687 online stores and found the average product page conversion
rate is 7.91%.
• For one site studied this was as high as 49.73% of its product page traffic turning into sales.
• The median product conversion rate is 5.97%.
• At the low end, some brands convert only 0.10% of the traffic that hits their product pages.
Of course, although global conversion rates have been estimated in many studies (usually given as 2-3%), the
undertaking is somewhat arbitrary, given that conversion rate is influenced by so many factors (from product
to web design to marketing).
 UK newspapers lose £155m in print advertising
The total UK ad market grew 7.5% to £20.1bn in 2015, the fastest rate of growth since 2010.
However, Warc's Expenditure Report shows it's far from a rosy picture for print.
National newspapers endured an 11% fall in ad revenue to £1.2bn in 2015.
• Cinema advertising was up 21%.
• Internet advertising grew 17.3% in 2015 to £8.6bn.
• Mobile ad spend was up 61% to £2.6bn.
• TV advertising was up 7.3% to £5.2bn.
Bing has 11% of worldwide PC searches
Microsoft's Q1 earnings revealed the current hold that Bing has in the global search market.
• Bing now has 31.1% of the US PC search market,
• 17.3% of the UK market,
• and 11% worldwide.
That equates to 16bn monthly searches globally. What the figures look like across all devices, well, I'm not
Mobile and desktop experiences are on a par in the travel industry
eDigitalResearch conducted a travel benchmark report based on user testing of a variety of travel websites.
For the first time, mobile experiences are now rated on a par with desktop with both touchpoints achieving an
overall average score of 84%. tops the standings for a fifth consecutive time.
39% of telcos display a phone number on their homepage
A further 20% show a phone number after one click.
Now Interact's research looked at 54 leading telecoms companies across the US and Europe and found that:
• Despite 56% of telcos analyzed displaying a phone number within the order flow, only 6% connect
the visitor directly with the right call centre agent.
• 78% of all channels offered to website visitors were offered in a reactive way – visitors have to seek
out a channel in order to use it.
16% of UK adults will never complain in person
Review platform Trustpilot found that two thirds of Brits (66%) will avoid confrontation where possible, and
16% are so shy that they will never complain in person.
50% feel they can express themselves better online than they can in person.
The online poll of 2,000 UK adults was conducted by One Poll in April 2016. Sadly, I don't have a link.
Programmatic display viewability improved 62% year-on-year
Programmatic media trading volume has maintained robust growth rates both globally and across Europe in
Q1 2016.
Accordant Media's Programmatic Media Market Pulse revealed the following:
• Q1 2016 RTB media auction volume jumped 217% year-over-year.
• Viewability is improving by 62% year-over-year and non-human traffic (NHT) decreasing by 81%.
• Smartphones accounted for 71% of all mobile programmatic transactions in Q1, up from 59% in Q4.
• Cross-device marketing can lead to a 19% higher conversion rate.
73% of Brits do not expect to be paying with cash in five years’ time
Starcom's study of 1,500 Brits also suggested that half the nation currently distrusts cashless technology
No link I'm afraid.
Insurance companies answer only 40% of Facebook queries
The sector is delivering excellent service on email (answering 80% of questions), but lags behind on Twitter
(50%) and Facebook (40%).
Eptica reviewed 100 major UK insurance brands (find the methodology in the report).
1. Response times range from eight minutes to over five days and few companies deliver consistent
answers across different channels.
2. Every brand included in the study had a presence on Twitter, but only half responded successfully to
a tweeted query.
3. Email response rate (80%) has improved dramatically from 50% in 2015.
51% of Europeans will check digital sources daily to catch up during Euro 2016
And 88% will check in at least once per week.
RocketFuel's research (no link I'm afraid) also concludes:
• Nearly half of Europeans are planning to use online video to catch up on games (51%).
• Half of fans are planning to use the internet more than they have in previous years, and 57% will access
Euro 2016 content wherever they are.
TV viewing still dominates, but:
• 66% said they’ll watch more TV.
• 41% will increase their desktop use.
• 37% will increase their smartphone use.
• 27% use a tablet more.
Two thirds of fashion traffic is now mobile
Affiliate Window's internal data confirms that:
• More than 50% of multi-device sales occur one week after the cookie is dropped.
• 65% shop across multiple devices.
The best digital marketing statistics sources in 2016 ?
Our recommendations on the top 10 free sources for Global, European, UK, US, Asia and Latin America
digital marketing statistics
Online marketers love statistics about digital marketing. They allow us to review customer adoption of the
latest digital platforms, make business cases for investment in marketing and allow us to benchmark our
performance against competitors.
To help readers of our blog keep 'up-to-speed' with the most significant, best sources of stats we have regular
posts each week in our digital marketing statistics post category and flag them as DigitalInsights on social
media and in our e-newsletter.
For Expert members, we compile a regularly updated set of usage statistics to use in presentations - it's updated
each quarter so all the latest stats are categorised in a single place for including in presentations. Online
marketing statistics compilation
This post is aimed at helping you if you're compiling your own stats by sharing, the best, and most reliable
free and paid sources. Everyone has their favorites, but I thought it would be useful to share the ones that I go
back to most often each week as I research the updates for Smart Insights members and readers of my books.
We have been keeping this post updated for nearly 5 years now since the best sources change. We have a
couple of new additions this year - Global Web Index and Similar Web. I've also tried to make the best sources
for different regions and countries clearer.
Quite a few readers have added to the suggestions in the comments - thank you for adding to this free resource
with your recommendations!
These sites cover global stats including UK, Europe, US, Asia Pacific and Latin America. Thanks for adding
the other suggestions to the comments - well worth checking out for anyone searching for statistics sources
who passes this way. I've added these to the custom search engine too.
1 Global and country Internet usage breakdown - International Telecomm Union
ITU is the source with the biggest sample size for the BIG picture of digital device usage showing top-level
trends by continent and use of fixed and mobile broadband access by country per 100 people. This is their
latest release from the start of 2016.
2 Global uses of social media sites and devices - Global Web Index
Global Web Index is a paid service giving insights on consumer use of social network sites globally and
different countries, but they regularly feature specific stats on their blog (although they stopped releasing
reports onSlide share to encourage purchase of their subscription product).
3 For benchmarking sites within a sector for sources - Similar Web
SimilarWeb is a freemium tool for benchmarking the number of visits to sites and mobile app usage. It shows
traffic sources for individual sites (good for student projects) with categories and keywords in the paid Pro
version. This example shows the ongoing importance of brand strength, search and partnering with other sites
in driving visits.
4 Consumer media use in individual countries - comScore
For detailed insights of consumer Internet usage and ad spend by country, the comScore press releases
summarising their panel data are one of the best sources of the latest stats releases. Their blog can also be
helpful - I have included within the custom search engine. A similar service based on panel data included in
this search engine is Nielsen Insights.
comScore have a Digital Future series of reports covering the UK, US, several European countries, Canada
and Brazil - these are updated through the year and can be accessed in their press releases.
5 European Union Digital Marketing Statistics
The EU statistics site Eurostat is the best source for overall European use of digital technology and in
individual countries. The Information Society page is the best starting point.
6 Best UK source for consumer Internet usage statistics - Ofcom
The Office of Communication Communications Market Report Statistics has in-depth reports on adoption of
digital media including telecommunications and the Internet (including broadband adoption), digital television
and wireless services in the UK. They also have comparisons to other major developed countries in benchmark
7 UK National Statistics and consumer trends
The UK Government Office of National Statistics site is an alternative source - there is no themed area on
Internet use any longer, so search on 'Internet access' or 'Ecommerce'
8 US digital marketing statistics - Marketing Charts and Pew Internet
Marketing Charts is a long standing aggregator of information about consumer and business adoption of
technologies and approaches. Care has to be taken of sample sizes and it tends to focus on US data - its rate
for it to include any of the sources above.
They often feature Pew Internet Statistics which are one of the best sources for the latest statistics on how
Americans use digital media and technology.
2016 US Digital Marketing Budgets: Statistics and Trends
Retail Industry is set to spend a record 15 billion on digital ads this year
The retail industry spends more on digital ads than any other vertical. It outstripped automotive, travel,
financial services, pharma and media this year. It is predicted to smash it's 2015 record of spending $13 billion
on digital ads by $2 billion, racking up an impressive $16 billion in digital ad spend this year.
That's the good news. The even better news is that these trends are only getting started. E-marketers 2016
predictions forecast digital spending increasing still further to a massive 23 billion by 2020, as you can see
from the chart below.
Separate data from CMO survey also confirms this big shift to digital. Their data shows consistent double
digital rises in digital ad spend since 2012. This is showing no sign of slowing down, with a healthy 13.2%
digital budget increase for 2016.
Spend is increasing, but is knowledge?
With big increases in marketing budgets, you'd think it would be reasonable to expect increased levels of skills
among marketers managing the spend. However, data from CMO survey shows no discernible trend in
increased marketing excellence. In fact, things remain pretty much stagnant.
CMOs consistently rate their companies as about average, or just a bit above. This is either because CMOs
are dedicatedly honest, or because they aren't seeing the level of increase in marketing skills they'd like to
within their organisations. To combat this, companies need to invest in skills and training.
Digital gets better ROI
Although there is no evidence that marketing excellence is increasing, digital is still looking like a good bet.
A survey of 200 US retail marketing executives with the power to make budget allocation decisions shows
their views on whether digital or offline channels give greater ROI. Over three quarters reported that digital
channels gave them better ROI in 2016 than offline channels.
Social Media spending to increase
Social media spend is set to increase markedly in the next few years: doubling from 10% of today's marketing
budgets to 20% by 2021. B2C services leads the pack when it comes to % of marketing budget on social, with
over a quarter of budget to be dedicated to the channel in 5 year time.
But is social delivering the goods?
Social may be getting more ad budget, but is it delivering results? The answers seems to be maybe a little, but
they're not impressive. Only 3% of CMOs surveyed reported said social was contributing 'very highly' to the
company’s performance, whilst about a fifth said it wasn't at all important to performance.
Spend follows the eyeballs in shift to mobile
We've seen a seismic shift to mobile over the past few years, with mobile now accounting for over half of all
time spent on the web. US CMO's report that they will more than double mobile budgets over the next 3 years.
Shifting from just under 6% of current marketing spend to 14.6%. This makes sense as it's following where
users actually spend their time, but given that in 3 years’ time over 65% of time spent on the web may be on
mobile devices, it may make sense to increase mobile budgets even more rapidly.
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  • 1. 1 Research Project Report On STUDY OF DIGITAL MARKETING IN DELHI NCR Submitted for the partial fulfillment of the Award Of Master of Business Administration DEGREE (Session :2022- 2023) SUBMITTED BY PRINCE KUMAR 2102720700111 UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF Mr. NITIN TRIPATHI Department of Master of Business Administration GNIOT-MBA Institute, Greater Noida AFFILIATED TO DR. A.P.J. ABDUL KALAM TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY (FORMERLY UTTARPRADESH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY), LUCKNOW
  • 2. 2 STUDENT DECLARATION I “PRINCE KUMAR” hereby declare that the work which is being presented in this report entitled “STUDY OF DIGITAL MARKETING IN DELHI NCR” is an authentic record of my own work carried out underthe supervision of Mr. NITIN TRIPATHI The matter embodied in this report has not been submitted by me for the award of any otherdegree/ Diploma/ Certificate. Department of MBA Name of Student:- PRINCE KUMAR Date:-27-05-2023
  • 3. 3 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the work which is being presented in this report entitled “STUDY OF DIGITAL MARKETING IN DELHI NCR” is an authentic record of the student carried out under my supervision. The statements made by the candidate are correct to the best of my knowledge. Dr. Dr.Raj Kamal Upadhyaya Name of Supervisor:- Mr. NITIN TRIPATHI Head, Department of MBA Designation:-PROFESSOR Date: 27-05-2023 (Seal of the Department/ College)
  • 4. 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is my pleasure to be indebted to various people, who directly or indirectlycontributed in the development of this work and who influenced my thinking,behavior, and acts during the course of study. I am thankful to Mr. NITIN TRIPATHI for his support, cooperation, and motivation provided to me during the training for constant inspiration, presence and blessings. I also extend my sincere appreciation to Mr. NITIN TRIPATHI who provided his valuable suggestions and precious time inaccomplishing my project report. Lastly, I would like to thank the almighty, parents, Director and HOD of the institute for their moral support and my friends with whom I shared my day- to-day experience and received lots of suggestions that improved my quality of work. . PRINCE KUMAR
  • 5. 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Marketing is undergoing a period of intense change, and there are several inflection points on the horizon which will have a transformational effect, so that by the middle of the next decade every facet of marketing will have been changed radically by the digital revolution. To date, the emergence of digital technology has caused great debate, and in some sectors has led to revolutionary change. While ‘small advertising’ such as classifiers and personals has moved online in a wholesale way, brand advertising has been affected in more marginal way. Most innovation has been in the form of ‘media firsts’ – finding new places to stick advertising. Until very recently there has been little progress in targeting. The proliferation of media has in some ways made demographic targeting easier. But it has done this at precisely the same time that demographics have been declining in relevance as a predictor of consumer behavior. There are, however, huge changes on the horizon. Digital marketing is an emerging trend of marketing industry. It’s making marketing industry more competitive than older period. Digital marketing technology effects marketing industry in very large stage.It is an industry which is a milestone in marketing field and also making marketing field more collaborative with modern trend. Digital marketing consider many more stage and step to complete the full marketing strategy with a competitive and effective action. Digital marketing consider many more effective action which very much useful for marketing field like as -  Search Engine Optimization,  Social Media Optimization,  Social Media Marketing,  E- Mail marketing,  Video Marketing,  Content Marketing,  Viral Marketing,  Article Marketing,  Link Marketing,  Digital Promotion,  Digital Advertising,  Ad Performance.  Print Designing,  Digital Poster.
  • 6. 6 CONTENT S.NO TOPICS PAGE NO Chapter:-1……………............... Introduction…………………..10 Chapter:-2……………………... Literature Review……………..31 Chapter:-3……………………………. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY ……44 Chapter:-4……………………… Findings ……………………….55 Chapter:-5……………………… Conclusions and………………..60 Recommendations………………65  BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………79
  • 7. 7 COMPANY PROFILE Brand Show Digital Solutions is leading Brand Promotion Company in India that knows the importance of brand for you and your business. Brand Show helps you to establish and build robust brand for your products and services on Internet and in digital world. Brand Show Digital Solutions has awell experienced team of experts who always take care of branding and promotion of your products and services and conducts meticulous research and study of your niche market and prepares highly effective strategy and plan to build brand awareness among people over on Internet which scale up your sales lead and generate more business with effectively profit. Brand show Digital solutions will provide you best Internet marketing solution and services for your niche specified segmented market and also create a unique identity, unique image, awareness and reputation of your products and services in consumer/customer or in user’s mind with the help of internet over on several social media channels, networking sites, search engine and groups and maintain your business at the top spot of your market place. VISION To provide a best internet marketing solutions for niche market and also create a unique identity, awareness, and reputation of the product on several social media platform and channels and maintaining a better business platform. MISSION Brand show digital solutions have an experienced team of experts who always take care of branding of product and se rvices. And conduct meticulous research and study on niche market. And prepare highly effective strategy to build brand awareness in people for product and services.
  • 8. 8 SERVICES OF COMPANY  Web Development  Print Designing  Web Hosting  Digital Marketing  Software Development  Brand Promotion  Web Hosting  Domain Registrations  IT Consultancy  DBM (Data Base Management) and Etc. SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTH:  Easy to target and reach more audience at a cheaper price.  Campaigns can be easily customized and made more targeted as per our business requirements.  As the world is more dependent on the internet, it helps the business to reach out and connect with the people on a larger scale.  Being recognized as a brand has become much easier. WEAKNESS:  Achallenge to reach the population which is still not using the internet.  High chances of failure of digital marketing campaigns because of confusion due to the availability of many different marketing options.  Keeping pace with new trends and technology.  Need of deep understanding of changing human behaviour and requirements. OPPORTUNITY:  Increase the reach of your brand, therefore, leading to direct profit.  It will help our Indian Government Organizations to become digital.  All the operation from railways, municipal organization etc. will become faster and smoother.  Storing of valuable and confidential data of the government organizations will be easy and secured. THREATS:  If it doesn’t work perfectly then chances of back fire is higher i.e. it might damage the brand name.  Storage of data with full security is still a big question mark.  Analysing the data in a wrong way can lead to damaging results which is found in a lot of companies.
  • 9. 9  Due to ever changing trends of different marketingareas and ever changing rules of search engine for optimizing the content, continuous awareness is required, which is very difficult. OBJECTIVE: 1 To study about to know how is going our technical work in practical life. 2 To study about to know out what another new thing can be happen in technology. 3 To study about to know about what is new technology upcoming in digital marketing world. 4 To study about to find out the effect of our technical work in real world. SCOPE In this study we have lot of scope which provides me a lot of opportunity to make a better digital marketing strategy. Digital marketing is a new trend of marketing and it’s carrying many more opportunity and also we can make a huge improvement in this field. INTRODUCTION TO THE PROJECT
  • 10. 10 INTRODUCTION Digital marketing is an umbrella term for the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium. The way in which digital marketing has developed since the 1990s and 2000s has changed the way brands and businesses utilize technology and digital marketing for their marketing. Digital marketing campaigns are becoming mo re prevalent, as digital platforms are increasingly incorporated into marketing plans, and as people use digital devices instead of going to physical shops. Digital marketing activities are search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), content marketing, influencer marketing, content automation, campaign marketing, and e- commerce marketing, social media marketing, social media optimization, e-mail direct marketing, display advertising, e–books, optical disks and games, and any other form of digital media. It also extends to non- Internet channels that provide digital media, such as mobile phones (SMS and MMS), call back and on-hold mobile ring tones. What’s the future of STUDY OF DIGITAL MARKETING IN DELHI NCR? Future of STUDY OF DIGITAL MARKETING IN DELHI NCR ? – Digital Marketing is a booming career option today in India. With striking features like cost-e activeness, instant response, flexibility, convenience, e activeness, Digital Marketing is making a strong impact in the world of Marketing and Advertising. The future scope of the Digital Marketing industry is that there will be more points of contact. Growth of Digital Marketing Digital Marketing Industry is worth $68 billion! Also, according to e-Marketer, Last year, advertising via mobile phones and tablets rose 200 percent, to $6 billion. This market is estimated to touch $7.8 billion soon. This rise is leading for high demand for professionals skilled in Digital Marketing.
  • 11. 11 While all other industries are struggling with a growth rate of 5 to 10 %, digital media industry is booming high with 40% growth rate. But the most remarkable point is that this growth rate is not going to be stagnant in the coming years. Scope of STUDY OF DIGITAL MARKETING IN DELHI NCR If you asking from the career aspect or from the sales aspect, the answer is YES (We are biased, please check Job’s data or e-consultancy data, it will say the same). Check the ad shows, it is shifting more towards Digital Marketing Ideas. It is not a replaced for TV or Radio, neither it is replaced for print medium. It is a different medium available for marketers. The major shift in Digital Marketing Scope: 1. From anonymity to identity: Now people are on web with full identity, this is enabling businesses to interact with more data, better targeting. 2. From Information to entertainment
  • 12. 12 Digital Marketing Major Topics: 1. SEO: Search Engine Optimization is an organic (unpaid) method of improving the ranking of web pages and their visibility on various search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. Optimizing webpages is a very vital aspect of Digital Marketing. 2. SEM: Another method of increasing the visibility of webpages is through sponsored placements and advertising. SEM specialists should know how to run PPC campaigns, how to purchase traffic through paid search listing to maximize visibility of web pages on search engines. 3. SMM: Social Media Marketing is gaining a lot of popularity with social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and others. A good digital marketer should know how to harness the power of social media to market the brand image of the company. 4. EMAIL MARKETING: As it is important to engage your customers and leads with your brand, many organizations send periodic newsletters, email campaigns, autoresponders to its subscribers in order to keep them updated with new products/services added or anything worth sharing. 5. MOBILE MARKETING: More and more people are going mobile. Smartphones have become very trendy among all age groups. Mobile marketing provides instant updates, promo offers and information of customers’ interests. A person needs to be a mobile freak to get into mobile marketing. 6. WEB ANALYTICS: Web Analytics is a very interesting aspect of digital marketing which involves traffic analysis, business and market research and enhancing the website traffic. For instance, Google Analytics gives a great insight into how your website is working.
  • 13. 13 THE WAY WE LOOK AT DIGITAL MARKETING IS: 1. Quick Sales from Digital Marketing 2. Branding for Sales (Need deep pocket, right positioning and messaging). Branding has a new de nation, it is no more about going big bang, and it can also be about selected branding options. 3. Organic Growth for Sales: Where it goes as an investment first and then the returns are regular. WHAT IS THE FUTURE SCOPE OF THE DIGITAL MARKETING INDUSTRY? Indian scenario: Digital marketing is still at its initial phase in India. Most of the companies are still thinking to adopt the medium while many top brands have already rolled their digital marketing campaign. Seeing the large number of youth population in India(More than 40% of total population of India, around 460 million youth is there, in which 333 million are literate) and the rising technology savvy young generation, corporate will be more than happy to engage the target audience and spread their products & services among them via digital media. Thus there will be a Big Change in coming future. About Digital Marketing Digital marketing is a booming industry. You will have to work with the analytical part of a website. You need to implement the latest SEO, PPC and CRO strategy. You have to track the visitors and implement the strategy according to the need of the project. You have to do the entire client handling and the reporting. This will open a new door for Digital Marketers to not only run display ads online, but also in which the consumers will be able to interact with using their mobile phones. Digital is the communication technology used to market a message. It includes computers, smartphones, cell phones, tables, game consoles. And it uses platforms like websites, email, apps, and social networks. Marketing is a process. It’s ultimate purpose is to communicate the value of a product or service to people to such a level that the people want to purchase the product or service – or at least, are interested in learning more about the product or service. The basics of marketing will never change because it involves telling the story of a brand to people. Culture, society, gender, demographics are all environmental and should be a vital part of all marketing e orts – but it
  • 14. 14 still boils down to getting a message in front of people. The message must appear where the target market/ideal customer is already looking. Digital Marketing Market Scenario However, before we go ahead with anything else let’s have a sneak peek to the market scenario at present. The world of marketing has seen a great revolution in past few years whether it is advertising, promotion or sales. Even those who were unsure of the potential of digital marketing in the last decade have now dived into this ocean of opportunities offered by the internet. Unlike, television marketing when your target audiences were reached only during the prime time, digital marketing allows you to connect with your customer almost anytime and the entire credit goes to the internet and mobile devices. The way people are getting smartphones and tablets for anything and everything, it is apparent that demand for digital marketers will only increase in the coming the time. Internet & Mobile– Some Facts and Figures: As per a recent study, although internet penetration in India is yet to cross 16% of the population, however in absolute numbers this percentage works out to nearly 10 times the population of Australia. According to a recent report released by IAMAI and IMRB, internet penetration in India has crossed the 200 million mark by October 2013. Besides, it is estimated that there will around 243 million internet users in the country by June 2014, leaving behind the US as the world’s second largest internet base after China. Moreover, India has 110 million mobile internet users of which 25 million are in rural India. Of this 5 million internet users in rural India 70% access the web via mobile phones. Not just that India with more than 82 million monthly active Facebook users spots the third position in the world after the US and Canada and it is expected that that the country will have the world’s largest Facebook population by 2016. Digital Marketing will remain as the most powerful way of marketing in the future. Some of my observations on the changing trend of digital marketing are 1. People have started looking for more interesting and informative things on the internet that can help them create value rather than fake and made for marketing type things, hence marketing strategies will move towards creating those kind of assets. 2. Marketing objectives will try to help people get better in their business through one’s own business. Creating and maintaining a network of people who are interested in one’s business will be given priority. 3. As always, ‘content’ will be the most important aspect of digital marketing and again the nature of the content is going to be more specific and deeply researched about a topic, moving away from the perspective of “Selling” to making it more useful for the audience. 4. General techniques like SEO, SEM and Social Media Marketing will be there. However, personalized marketing activities targeting specific set of audience and will be given higher importance. 5. Automation in marketing will emerge more e actively and will be predominant in future.
  • 15. 15 Scope for digital marketers in India will only get bigger and better in the years to come. You might feel the need to know as to why is this so and in fact there is nothing wrong in researching something before you dive into it. This is why we have done a research and have come up with some facts and Knowledge that will help you decide the worth of digital marketing before it is too late. DIGITAL MARKETING Digital marketing a highly effective medium at present scenario to be stay connected with customer. Digital marketing have many more branches. Mean Digital marketing have many more way to communicate with
  • 16. 16 prospective customer. Digital marketing providing a competitive advantage in niche segmented market over on competitor. If you’re looking for ways to help your small business grows. You might want more customers, more recognition or maybe you're looking to get ahead of the competition. What you need! We'll help you, sure.  Search Engine Optimization,  Pay Per Click,  Social Media Marketing,  E- Mail marketing,  Video Marketing,  Content Marketing,  Viral Marketing,  Article Marketing,  Link Marketing,  Digital Promotion,  Digital Advertising,  Ad Performance.  Print Designing,  Digital Poster, and etc. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Search Engine Optimization is major part of digital marketing and it’s playing a vital role in digital marketing. It is a technique which enable search engine to find our content according to related keywords. In search engine optimization a digital a marketer make his website according to search engine technique.
  • 17. 17 And a digital marketer make website content more relevant with search engine technique. Search engine optimization is the technique who enable website to search out by any search engine. It is the most general type of Digital marketing which is used to increase the website’s visibility across the search engines. There are various techniques involved in this process ranging from on-site technical analysis and improvement, to blogging, link-building and content creation. PAY PER CLICK Search advertising, also called pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, is a way to advertise your business or product directly on search engine results pages, where the advertiser pays only for each click on their advert. It is better known as Paid Search. In this process paid adverts are typically placed to the right or above of the ‘organic’ search results. The cost will depend on the competitiveness of the keyword you’re bidding on. Search advertising continues to evolve, and formats available range from simple text adverts through to rich media banners and even video adverts. PPC advertising revolutionised the online advertising industry, and today, search advertising industry generates 95% of Google’s revenue (Peterson, 2013). Adverts on search engines are easy to spot – they’re clearly labelled as advertising and are separated from organic search results. They can appear on the top of the results page, usually in a box, and also on the right hand side of the results page. Search advertising on search engines is keyword based – this means that it is triggered by the search term that a user enters into a search engine. Advertisers target the keywords for which they want to appear.
  • 18. 18 For the advertiser, the beauty of search advertising is that adverts are displayed when potential customers are already expressing intent – they are searching for a product or service. It allows advertisers to present their offering to a potential customer who is already in the buying cycle. Google is, by a wide margin, the leader in the search advertising field; because of this, the chapter is very Google-centric, though the same principle should apply to any other search advertising platforms. Other platforms to be aware of are Bing, Yahoo and Baidu. SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES OF DIGITAL MARKETING SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING Social media marketing is the step of marketing in social media websites. At present scenario we all are using many social media website like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Flicker, Banded, Tumbler and Etc. In social media marketing we are promoting our content on social media website with the effective content and matter. Mean in social media marketing we are promoting all content on social media. It is all about managing a brand’s image across multiple social channels including Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and many others. This type has become greatly popular, mature and complex over the last few years. Millions of people use Facebook every day to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, share links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet. YouTube is a video-sharing website that hoses user-generated videos. YouTube can be integrated with and shared amongst a variety of different social media sites including Google+, Facebook, Twitter, and many more. LinkedIn is an interconnected network of more than 36 million experienced professionals from around the world. The site can help you make better use of your professional network and help the people you trust in return.
  • 19. 19 Twitter is a real-time short messaging service (SMS) that works over multiple networks and devices. In countries all around the world, people follow the sources most relevant to them and access information via Twitter as it happens — from breaking world news to updates from friends Pinterest is a social media site that is displayed in a vision board-styled photo sharing platform. You can search for different categories and save pictures to your own “board” as later reference, or share them on other social media sites like Twitter or Facebook. Google+ (Google Plus) is a social media site that lets you connect with others who have similar interests and enables you to post and share content with others. The service allows users to post multimedia and other content to a short-form blog. Users can follow other users' blogs. Bloggers can also make their blogs private. For bloggers, many of the website's features are accessed from a "dashboard" interface. Instagram is a mobile application that allows you to share pictures with your followers who can “like” and comment on your posts. Instagram also allows you to share those posts on Facebook and Twitter.
  • 20. 20 Reddit is a source for what's new and popular on the Web — personalized for you. Your votes train a filter, so let Reddit know what you liked and disliked, because you'll begin to see recommended links filtered to your tastes. All of the content on reddit is submitted and voted on by users like you. An online photo management and sharing application that lets people make their content available to the people who matter to them. Vine is a social media platform that allows you to film and share seven second videos that can be integrated with Facebook and Twitter. Vine is can be used as a mobile application or on your computer. EMAIL MARKETING E- Mail marketing is very older technique of digital marketing. In this marketing technique we are promoting our content through e-mail. Here we are using email address for promoting the content. In email marketing a digital marketer using email to address to communicate prospective customer and also they are enhancing him to be stay connected for longer time. E-Mail marketing also a medium to inform to old customer for new product. Being one of the earliest forms of digital marketing, it includes delivering personalized or targeted messages at the correct time. For example, brands like Amazon, Flipkart, etc. deliver emails that are tailored to meet the user’s requirement. Email Images: How Many & When
  • 21. 21 In many marketing departments, the use of images in email newsletters and marketing emails is a hotly debated topic. Designers and traditional marketers want to include a heavy use of visuals and images for both aesthetic and brand purposes. Email marketing specialists want to minimize email images for deliverability and display reasons. What should you consider when designing email templates that use email images? What are the pros and cons of using email images? What are the best practices for using images in an email template? In this section, we'll explain the how's, why's, and why-not's of images and email. The Truth: Email Images Sell Products and Services Images and visuals are absolutely a critical part of marketing your product or service. To send an email with no images would be both a branding and conversion error. The trick with email is to find a way to use images in a way that will benefit your email's performance rather than detract from it. And yes, email images can absolutely detract from your email's performance in many ways, which we will discuss within this chapter. However, as you begin to think about using images in your email, remember this: email images are important and should be included in your email template design Remember: An Email is Not a Print Mailer or Brochure One of the most important things to remember when designing your email template, particularly when it comes to the process of determining how and where to use image files, is that your email template is not a print mailer. It does not have the same flexibility of design that a print mailer would. Users will not navigate an email communication in the same way that they would a printed communication, both in how they respond to it and in how their eyes track through the design. Finally, email has many other usability factors to consider that a print marketing piece would not. Encouraging clicks, the need to sell subscribers on reading the email in less than two seconds within a preview pane, and actual inbox deliverability issues all regulate the use of email images. You cannot approach designing an email as you would approach designing a print marketing piece. That means that your design team, and even some of your executives, may be frustrated that your email can't "look as good" as a catalog or print mailer. However, at the end of the day, while your email certainly does need to look good, it needs to drive results. In fact, driving results is certainly more important. As you begin designing your email templates, remember that you are not designing a printed piece of marketing collateral. You are designing an electronic mail that has usability limitations. Remember: Not All Email Service Providers Will Display Your Email Images One reason that you do not want to rely too heavily on using email images to convey the message within your marketing email is that not all email service providers display images by default in your email. Gmail and Hotmail both default to turning email images off and relying on users to proactively download images in order
  • 22. 22 to see them. The reality is that many users will not download the images, so if you're relying on a picture or graphic button to convey an important message within your email template, then more than half of your subscribers may never see that message or request. You are including images in your email for the fifty percent or so of subscribers who see the images. Your email template, however, needs to be designed to appeal to your entire subscriber base, including those who do not see the images. Remember: Images Can Send Your Email to the Spam Folder A third important thing to remember about using images in your email template is that the use of images can result in your email going to the spam folder. It's not the use of images exclusively that can land you in the spam folder, but overuse, bad use, and certain other triggers when combined with your overall sender reputation and quality score can mean that emails hit the spam folder instead of the inbox. In fact, if you have started experiencing an inbox deliverability problem, then one of the first steps that you should take is to remove some of the images from your email. With All of Those Concerns About Images, How Can I Possibly Use Images in My Email Newsletter or Marketing Email? Did we scare you off from using email images with the above information? If so, that wasn't our intention. However, one of the most common mistakes in email template design is the overuse of images or treating the email template as though it is a replica of a printed piece of marketing collateral. But given all of the information above, how can you use images effectively in your email template? t's actually much easier to craft an email template with images that work in favor of improving conversion instead of causing email problems and issues than you think. Below, we've given you the best practices for including images in your email template. If you simply follow this list, you'll include enough email images that are compelling to subscribers who see the images while also crafting an email template that appeals to users who don't see the image files. Also, remember that, while you may need to minimize your use of image files, there are many things that you can do with formatted html within an email that will lead to an exciting design that compels opens, reads, and clicks. We'll discuss those best practices in an upcoming chapter. Best Practices for Using Images in Emails We promise that, if you follow this list, you will create the most optimized email template possible that also uses images! Print this list out and hand it to your designers! If your email sending solution offers premade email templates, such as Comm100 does, chances are that they meet all of these requirements. If you are designing your own template or modifying a premade template, you'll want to follow these basic rules. 1. Limit the Use Images in the Top Two Inches of Your Email TemplateActive CustomerIn the majority of cases, your subscribers will scan your email for less than two seconds before they decide if they want to bother
  • 23. 23 reading it. Most of that scanning will happen within the email preview pane. The typical email preview pane is horizontally aligned (Outlook offers an alternative vertical one) and less than two inches in height. That means that you have approximately two inches of space to convince a subscriber or user to continue reading your email. There's nothing wrong with using an image within the top two inches of space. In fact, we'd recommend it because it will have a positive impact and result on users who load email images automatically in their email browser. However, because so many subscribers and users will not automatically, or possibly ever, see the email images, you need to be sure to get compelling text into the top two inches of your email template in order to engage them. The most common way to address this issue is to use an email template header graphic, typically about 700 pixels across and no more than seventy-five pixels in height. The header graphic can be the same for every email send or can be different for each send. There are many other design solutions for incorporating a small but engaging graphic in the top two inches of your email template. What's the most important thing to remember? You want to be sure that there is enough space in the top two inches of your email template for engaging and visually formatted text. Don't sacrifice that need for a bigger, brighter image. 2. Don't Send an Email That Is One Big Image or All Image Files How many times have you opened an email that a company sent to you, and the entire thing was a blank white screen asking you to download email images? That single image (or a series of smaller images built together using an html table to form a larger image), may be visually amazing. It may an exact replica or a piece of print marketing collateral that your design team spent months developing and that the entire company is proud of and excited by. It might be an image that promotes and offer that is so incredible that you're expecting to run out of stock because the offer is unmatched anywhere else. However, it doesn't matter how many of the previous things are true of your image. The only true fact that you need to worry about is that half (or less) of the people who you sent the email to never saw the graphic or message. Not only did the image not load when they opened their email, but also because there was no text in the top two inches of the email to tell them why it was important that they download the image, they never bothered to explore the email at all. We've said it before, but an email newsletter or email marketing offer is not a print design piece.Your design team will need to create an alternate treatment of campaigns that relies more heavily on html and text and less heavily on a layered image file. If you send an email that is only images, then your email marketing results will be dramatically reduced. 3. Don't Trap Important Messages or Links in Email Images (ie: The "Click Here" Graphic Button Does Not Belong in an Email) Similar to the reasons that you'll want to avoid sending emails that are entirely image files, you'll want to avoid "trapping" any messages that are critical for your users to get from the email in image files that they may never see. For example, on a webpage, using a graphic button to indicate that a user should click to "buy" or "read more" is highly effective. However, in an email template users may not see those buttons and may be confused about where they should click within the email.Links in email templates should always be formatted text links. If you really want to use a graphic button to indicate a place to click, you should always include a text link below it. Another example is messages about sales or discounts. If your email is promoting a sale or discount, then you want to ensure that the message is both indicated in a graphic and a text headline. For those who load email
  • 24. 24 images, the graphic will certainly be the first visual stimulation that gets them excited about the discount. However, for those who don't load email images, you'll need to be sure that they still know what the offer is. The only way to ensure that is through a strongly formatted text headline. What's the basic rule? If it's something that your readers or subscribers absolutely need to know, it needs to be in text, even if that text is in addition to a graphic. 4. Always Provide Alt and Title Text Alt text is the html coded text that appears when an image doesn't load (it's short for "alternative text"). Title text is the "hover" text that appears when a user passes their mouse over an image. However, in some web browsers, such as Firefox, title text is used in the same way that alt text is. Why are alt text and title text important to you? As we keep mentioning, at least half of your subscribers and users will not see your image files. For those for whom email images don't load, seeing an alternative piece of text that describes the image means that you have not wasted the space in your email template. You've used the space to convey an important message even if the image didn't load. Of course, what you write for your title and alt text is equally important. If your email is an email asking people to donate money to help save the world's tiger population, then it's likely that you've used an image of a tiger within your email. Don't make the alt or title texts (they can be the same content) say, "Image of a Tiger." Have it be a call to actionto enhance the message of your email such as "Click the links in this email to instantly donate to save the tigers." Remember, if the email images don't load, you are losing one of your most powerful methods for inciting action in your readers. You'll want to try to compensate for that with good, strong call-to-action alt and title text. Some email marketing specialists like to use the alt and title text behind an image to ask users to download the images. That's certainly a valid technique. However, it's our belief that, given the speed with which users will scan your email, that you'll get better results by using the alt and title text to try to incite direction action. 5. Thirty Percent is a Good Rule What's a basic, good rule to follow when designing an email template? Only use about thirty percent of your available space for images. A good design team can use even less than that and still make email images effective. However thirty percent means that you'll still have enough images to entice users but you won't be in danger of either creating spam problems for yourself or presenting large, blank emails to people who don't use email images. For many designers, only using thirty percent of your available space won't feel like enough. That will mean that you may need to vary from some of the brand presentation that you use both in print and on your website. For example, navigation to sections of your website from the email itself should probably not be done using images, even if the navigation bar on your website is entirely image driven. Again, the important thing to keep in mind is that email neither operates like a print collateral piece nor like a pure webpage. It has usability and functionality issues that require design adaptations.
  • 25. 25 6. Do Not Make Images Files Too Large Finally, for the email images that you do use in your email template, avoid making the files too large. This is not only from a space perspective, but large image files can create significant spam and email deliverability issues. Small, compressed, well-formatted images are the key to successful use of email images. In summary, remember all of the following key points when designing the use of images in your email templates: • Do not overuse images in the critical top two inches of your email template • Do not send emails that are entirely comprised of images • Important messages and critical calls to action should not be "trapped" within images • Always provide Alt Text and Title Text for your images • Do not devote more than thirty percent of your email real estate to images • Keep image files small, compressed and optimized Images are an important part of a successful email template. Simply follow the best practices above and you'll be sure to find the middle ground between images that enhance your email template performance and images that create email deliverability and performance issues. WEB DEVELOPMENT Web site is a compulsory part of our life at in present scenario. We all are using many website at present time for fulfilling our need like marketing need, knowledge need, awareness need, purchase need and also each kind of services need which we all are using or requiring. So for starting a business which is depend upon production of product or providing services. We must require a web site and this is providing us advantage to connect to the people for informing them about our business. So for this step we require an expert team for website development. And Brand Show Digital Solutions providing best web development solution with their unique strategies like agile method, SWOT analysis, and Google Analytics and Etc.Agile methods are used to get a better result in less time. Brand Show Digital Solutions can provide a great solution for your business. Come to know us!
  • 26. 26 PRINT DESIGN Print Designing is an effective and attractive medium to interact with the people. A print carrying many more aspect with them like message, attraction, entertainment, As we all seeing many more photos but some of them are very unique and attractive and also providing a specific message to viewer. Brand Show Digital solutions have an expert team for print Designing. At in Brand show Digital Solutions meetings, we seek the inspiration from each member and getting their idea to our expert team and we use the best ideas that appears. You'll love! VIDEO PROMOTION AND MARKETING At present scenario we all have many type of multimedia player like smartphone, computers, smart television, and television. And these are able to play any media format. Do you want amazing and original video presentation? So Brand show Digital Solutions have an expert team to create a highly effective video presentation which will be able to create a unique image and message and able to attract people to be stay connected with the business. Come here & let me know what you need! We'll help you, sure. Video marketing is very attractive marketing strategy at present time because this is only medium which carrying audio and visual content at same time. Mean here a person can see the advertisement in video format. As we all know video is effecting than other all medium of marketing. In this marketing a digital marketer using all technique to made video more effective with some effective software which enhances video effectiveness. In video marketing a digital marketer add some text content in the video. CONTENT MARKETING Content marketing is the new trend of digital marketing. In content marketing a digital marketer create content in the text format and add few link and keywords by which search engine find out the related topic. Besides, the aforementioned online marketing components, it is the widely used Digital marketing type. Especially, with the exponential rise in usage of smartphones around the world has enhanced the dependency on them for quick and timely information. Content marketing is an emerging technique because it carrying many more topics with itself likes Image, Video, Keywords, Link and Etc.
  • 27. 27 VIRAL MARKETING Viral marketing is the strategy which makes popular any topic in digital world in very less time. In viral marketing a digital marketer create content as sensational topic. Because each person wants to see the sensational topic and also each person share it with other person by word of mouth. Viral marketing make a topic very much popular in few time. The digital marketer uses this strategy for creating an image in public mind in at first time. This uses at the time of new product launching, new opening and Etc. It is a perfect blend of various elements of the marketing. Generally, it always involves publicizing an element of content across multiple channels. It may include videos on YouTube, blogs, email marketing, as well as some traditional elements, all with goal to assure that the content grabs the attention of the market and spreads naturally through online communities. ARTICLE MARKETING Article marketing is new and emerging technique of digital marketing. In this particular technique digital marketers are using a specific topic to promote a product or services. Article marketing is the bundle of many others marketing strategy it involves many other technique with their self. In article marketing a digital marketer promote and add content marketing, Link marketing, Keywords marketing and many others. SOFTWARE OR APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT Brand Show Digital solutions provide you with immediate access to a broad range specialized technical skills and engineers. This means you get to market faster while maintaining your business advantage. As we all know for working smoothly, faster and in an easy way we require many app or software by which we can access all essentials work
  • 28. 28 DIGITAL POSTER Brand Show Digital Solutions have launched Posters for Movies, Restaurants, Retail Stores, Where houses, Events, Real Estate Industry, Travel Industry, Educational Institutes etc. BRAND PROMOTION Brand Show digital solutions is leading Brand Promotion Company in India that knows the important of brand for you and your business and helps you to establish and build robust brand for your products and services in Internet. IT CONSULTANCY Information technology consulting is a field that focuses on advising businesses on how best to use information technology to meet their business objectives. HOSTING A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web. DOMAIN REGESTRATION A domain name is a unique name that identifies an internet resource such as a website. It is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority or control on the Internet. MEDIA MANAGEMENT Media management is seen as a business administration discipline that identifies and describes strategic and operational phenomena and problems in the leadership of media enterprises. GRAPHIC DESIGNING Graphic design is the art of communication, stylizing, and problem-solving through the use of type, space and image.
  • 29. 29 S.No Question and Answer Sites DA PA PR 1 100 91 8 2 97 69 8 3 87 90 7 4 49 57 4 5 90 91 6 S.No Forum Submission Sites DA PA PR 1 98 61 9 2 100 57 8 3 79 64 7 4 88 90 7 5 88 44 4 S.No Article Submission Sites DA PA PR 1 78 82 7 2 54 61 6 3 89 92 6 4 87 89 6 5 68 73 5 S.No Video Submission Sites DA PA PR 1 100 97 9 2 98 97 9 3 94 95 8 4 79 82 7 5 88 90 7 6 82 86 6 7 86 89 6 8 94 77 5 S.No Infographics Submission Sites DA PA PR 1 84 87 7 2 99 55 4 3 44 50 4 4 38 48 4 5 26 38 2 6 40 49 2
  • 30. 30 S.No Social bookmarking sites DA PA PR 1 98 96 8 2 98 90 8 3 99 96 7 4 94 95 7 5 92 65 7 6 99 95 7 S.No Blog Directory Submission Sites DA PA PR 1 91 89 8 2 99 95 7 3 91 92 7 4 36 42 6 5 49 57 5 S.No Social Networking Sites DA PA PR 1 100 97 10 2 100 97 9 3 100 97 9 4 100 96 9 5 100 96 9 S.No Image Submission Sites DA PA PR 1 https://www 98 97 9 2 97 96 9 3 100 91 8 4 98 96 8 5 92 93 7 6 95 93 6 7 89 91 6 8 84 87 6 9 74 79 6 S.No Document Sharing Websites DA PA PR 1 94 95 9 2 95 95 8 3 92 93 8 4 92 81 7 5 67 71 5
  • 31. 31 LITERATURE REVIEW 1.J Suresh Reddy26 has published article in Indian Journal of Marketing. Title of article is “Impact of E- commerce on marketing”. Marketing is one of the business function most dramatically affected by emerging information technologies. Internet is providing companies new channels of communication and interaction. It can create closer yet more cost effective relationships with customers in sales, marketing and customer support. Companies can use web to provide ongoing information, service and support. It also creates positive interaction with customers that can serve as the foundation for long term relationships and encourage repeat purchases. 2. Neelika Arora 32has published research article entitled “Trends in Online Advertising” in advertising Express, Dec2004. The global online advertising revenues are expected to touch US $10bn by 2006. In India, the revenues at present are estimated to be Rs. 80 cr. and are expected to increase six times more within the next five years. In India, Internet as a medium is accepted by a wider industrial segment that includes automobiles, telecom, education, banking, insurance, credit cards, FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods), apparel/clothing, durables, media, business services and tourism. Out of these , it is estimated that the banking, FMCG and insurance sectors together account for 45% of the total advertising spend. In comparison to this, automotive, travel and retail spend 37% of the total advertising revenue and financial service companies spend 12% only. Some of the top spenders in India are automobiles, followed by brands like Pepsodent, Kelloggs, Cadbury, HDFC (Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd.) loans and Sunsilk. In addition to these the early adopters in the field of finance and IT are also increasing their spending. Globally, the trend is that almost 60% of the revenue goes to five firms- Goggle, Yahoo, Microsoft, AOL(America Online Launchers), and Overture. Approximately, 90% of the Goggle revenues come from advertising. In India, portals like,,, etc are attracting major online spender. This article explains demographic profile of Indian users. It also gives the comparison between global trend and Indian trend, which is useful for my research work. 3.Sumanjeet37 has published article on “On Line Banner Advertising”- in Indian Journal of Marketing. Online banner advertising has great potential as an advertising medium. It is easy to create, place and use. It offers companies targeting well educated, innovative, affluent males/females or students with great potential for success as their segments are highly represented.
  • 32. 32 4.Nicholas Ind , Maria Chiara Riondino36 have originally published their article inthe Journal of Brand Management in September 2001. The title of this article is “Branding on the Web: A real Revolution?” In this paper difference in corporate attitudes to the Web are discussed and conclusions as to the way in which branding practice and theory are affected by the new technology are drawn. This article explains the Web is both a distribution and a communications channel that facilitates interaction community building, openness and comparability. 5.Jaffrey Graham45 has published his article entitled “Web advertising’s future >>> e Marketing strategy” Morgan Stanley Dean Witter published an equity research report analyzing the Internet marketing and advertising industry. The report studies research from dozens of companies and calculates the cost and effectiveness of advertising across various media. Branding on the Internet works. For existing brands, the Internet is more effective in driving recall than television, magazines, and newspapers and at least as good in generating product interest. 6.Advertising in social media: How consumers act after seeing social ads. Adapted from Nielsen (2012: 10). Social media has not only changed how people communicate online, but it has also changed the consumption of other media too. Online social connections are used to filter, discuss, disseminate, and validate news, entertainment, and products for consumption. (Ryan 2011: 15) The next chapters will explain more about each of the world’s current most widely used social medias. There are, of course, many other social networks and applications (apps) available but considering the study, the focus is on the main medias. 7. Victor Van Valen has published article “Is Your Marketing Smart” Today advertisers not only need to cater to and directly pinpoint a precise targeted audience, but they need to customize their advertisements as well. In web media, you have an idea of who will see your ads, and it create an impact on your audience. For example, you know Femina Magazine would be great to target women so you can promote your new beauty product in this magazine. But when it comes to online venues, how can you target the right audience when millions are browsing? 8.Vikas Bondar has published his article on “sales and marketing strategies” Internet is a really good thing. The Internet gives people a greater amount of information as we need. It is the best way to get a comparison of the products that we need. If we are interested in buying, it is best for us to check the Web sites. Also if we would like to make our own Web page we can do this, without paying a lot of money. From where do we set all this information? The answer is from advertising, which we see, everywhere: on TV, on the Internet, in the newspapers and more. Year after year we get more and more new, interesting information and in the future the Internet use will increase more than now.
  • 33. 33 This article explains how internet is useful tool for advertisement. Digital marketing: According to Garder’s survey (2013), the top priority in digital marketing investment will be to improve commerce experiences through social marketing, content creation and management and mobile marketing. Key findings also revealed that a companies’ marketing success relies mostly on their website, social marketing, and digital advertising, which are all parts of digital marketing. In addition, savings made by using digital marketing can be reinvested elsewhere. Normally, companies spend 10 percent of their revenue on marketing and 2.4 percent on digital marketing, which will increase to 9 percent in the future. Content Market: Brogan(2008) and Ferguson (2009) urge content marketing is not any other thing, but that is“ a marketing technique of creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience -with the objective of driving profitable customer action”. Going by that idea Pulizzi defines (2008) content marketing as “the art of understanding exactly what your customers need to know, and delivering it to them in a relevant and compelling way to grow your business”. Content marketing is creating rich contents targeting potential audience and sharing via content marketing platforms to inform, educate them without selling. Thus, content marketing is expanding by answering customary issues with the right kind of content in front of the right kind of audience. Content marketing communication strategies Pulizzi (2008) highlights a good content marketing strategy is ways in which to understand problems and concerns of customers and offering best solutions and to transferring trusted knowledge. Marketing communication strategies are very important nowadays than before. An optimized informative content can connect with customers and enabling them to interact with. Therefore, effective and efficient content marketing strategies will influence customer’s positive interaction with a product and service even it will increase investment of return RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This research concentrates on collecting and thereby analysing the collected data systems to re solve problems that are selected by the researcher. In a way, this research has got wider meanings. For some people reading books or surfing the internet for information is research. As a matter of fact these activities are just some part of the entire job. Basic research structures are related to the sense of collecting authentic and original data and
  • 34. 34 in the same way analysing these data thoroughly as well methodically to derive the result that lay underneath. Here, data does not necessary mean any numerical. The function of marketing research is to connect the target consumer to the seller or the marketers. The modes of this connectivity are through information that is specifically used for the purpose of to identifying and relevantly defining the aspects of marketing. Elements of generating refined modes of marketing action; dealings with opportunities and problems, monitoring the recent and past marketing performance; and above all improving marketing as a process are integral to it. Marketing research uses the sources of information to address selective issues; like those of designs that helps in collection information and thereby implements and manages entire data collection process. It further analyses the results along with the communication for deriving the findings and their ways of implication. DATA COLLECTION Data collection gets broadly followed under two types Primary data Secondary data PRIMARY DATA Primary data is collected for a research on the basis of practical means of questionnaires, interviews and under the focus of certain group debates. The primary data is inferred through the process of statistical calculation and analysis. This is a kind of accurate methodology that gets followed to precise end-results. However this provision of data collection is very cumbersome and needs longer duration. The modes of collecting information get used even during the phase where precise research systems were not much availed, and it dates back to 19th century. SECONDARY DATA The process to collect secondary data is much easier than the primary data collection. It is here that the information is collected through the way of using sources that are already present. These sources are represented by various white papers, articles, internet and various kinds of print media; esp. newspaper & research editorials along with academic journals. This research methodology needs adequate amount of time for the selection of precise as well as apt and relevant data, as per the demand of the research. The function of marketing research is to connect the target consumer to the seller or the marketers. The modes of this connectivity are through information that is specifically used for the purpose of to identifying and relevantly defining the aspects of marketing. Elements of generating refined modes of marketing action;
  • 35. 35 dealings with opportunities and problems, monitoring the recent and past marketing performance; and above all improving marketing as a process are integral to it. Marketing research uses the sources of information to address selective issues; like those of designs that helps in collection information and thereby implements and manages entire data collection process. It further analyses the results along with the communication for deriving the findings and their ways of implication. (Yin, 2003) The process of study adopted by this research illustrated here. Factors like, research objective, research plan, methodology of research, compilation of data, assessment of data and quality standards are focused in the entire process. The figure under the sketch is the approach of the chapter and thereby has been depicted predominantly. (Allen, 2008) 2. STAGES OF RESEARCH The four main stages followed in a research are: Problem-it is the first stage that decides the topic. There are five steps in it. This are- Topic selection, Problem Definition, Literature Review, Hypothesis Formation and Methodology. Data Collection-it is the second stage and decides the research methods followed by the techniques for collecting information. It has got three steps: Definition of Sample, Sampling and Data Collection. Data Analysis- this is the third stage where the collected data are analysed, in order to find a solution to the problem. It has got two steps: Organisation of Information and Analysis of results. Action- it is the final stage and is the stage where the derived result, information and findings are utilized. It is inclusive of Report writing, Distributing Information and accomplishing result into action. 3. RESEARCH DESIGN The research design adopted for this particular study has got systematic formulation. The entire process comprises of research objective, methodology of research, research plan, data compilation, data assessment and assessing quality standards. “Research design is the plan, structure and strategy of investigation conceived so as to obtain answer to research question and to control variance.” – BY KERLINGER According to Yin (2003), research has got three distinct classes. These are – Exploratory
  • 36. 36 Descriptive Explanatory The motive of the research is to make a selection among these three classes. The selection will be done on the basis of the element of suitability for the study. Exploratory research is used for comprehending the determined phenomenon initiated by Wiedershim-Paul and Eriksson (2006). This type of research is appropriate for a situation where significant traits or the apt associations are hard to derive. The researcher keeps records and collected to describe means. It is the responsibility of the researcher to keep records and maintain charts for the collected information (Wiedersheim-Paul & Eriksson, 2006). Under this process, the researcher considers descriptive research as apt for a state where problem is organized and emphasis is led over the connections among the relevant source and associations, which is comparatively low. It is here that the researcher selects levels, viewpoints, requisites, factors, basics, and above all monitors records; categorizes, organizes and infers. Researcher assesses the relevant sources and the links to keep the intake explanations. For huge concentration over the connection of some selective aspects followed by the result oriented phenomena are structured under exploratory research methodology (Wiedersheim-Paul & Eriksson, 2006). The basic objective of the research is to comprehend consumer buying behaviour as per the new age marketing and to follow its impact over business performance. 4. RESEARCH PHILOSOPHY According to Saunders et al (2003) Positivism, realism and interpretivism are the three specific elements that serve as the elemental courses for research methodology. For the development of knowledge, the considered research philosophy is actually the result of individual’s thought process. For Saunders et al (2003) positivistic view point is identified by the act of citing theoretical stand by the natural scientist. The output of positivistic research gets validated by means of rules and laws. It is actually an organized approach, where the researchers share their independent thoughts in terms of the theme of the research. Activities related to realism and positivism is subject to share similar kinds of theoretical trait; especially those like the outlook of the outer objective of nature in terms of social structure. Realistic views follow the context of existence of reality and are independent of human thoughts and relevant faith. This is maintained in an attempt to gain immunity from the related social forces (Saunders et al., 2003).
  • 37. 37 Expansion of business world under the form of embedded complexities, followed by subjective comprehensions of determined patterns turn up to be imperative. This also explains the state of Interpretivism and thus is antonym to positivism. Interpretivism is very significant in terms of having generalisability added by the modes of objective reality. It is also subject to stress upon the act of comprehending intention, related characteristics and identified objectives of the selected participants. Saunders et al. (2003) declare that positivistic approach is more effective in deductive method against Interpretivism. This particular research has considered a combination of both positivism and realism. In the process, the collected information get analysed under statistical investigation. The act of realistic approach gets identified by the participation of social forces that influence unaware characteristics of people. 5. RESEARCH APPROACH Deductive and Inductive Approach For the research approach the researcher need to make a choice between deductive or inductive methods. This selection can be done in the way to select research methodology. Decision over deductive method can be comprehended after considering the theory and the related hypothesis. As the hypothesis is constructed and later tested, the formulation is called testing theory. On the other hand, as the theory gets created as per systematic assessment over some assembled information, then the formulation is called inductive method. This is also termed as building theory (Saunders et al., 2003). As in this research, the researcher speculates over other literatures and then decides over the theories, the formulation is identified as the inductive method of study. In the process most apt and appropriate theories are selected to meet research purposes. Research model is thereby developed from theory further gets utilized in the process of determining solutions to the research problem. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE DATA Qualitative research methodology or quantitative research methodology are two classified form of primary data. Data collection ion qualitative study is forwarded on the basis of interpretations that are relevantly expressed to derive inner details followed by the comprehensive analysis and outcome data, which need to get categorized into groups or classes. Quantitative research methodology speculates data from figures and statistical derivations. It leads the collected data to numerical and standardized forms. Assessments are forward on the basis of diagrams and statistical graphs (Saunders et al., 2003). In this researcher, the researcher uses questionnaire to understand the feelings of selected section. He further examines the mathematically. Thus it is a quantitative approach. To get the dissimilarities and similarities among customers and culture groups, statistical tests and graphs are followed.
  • 38. 38 6. DATA COLLECTION Data collection gets broadly followed under two types  Primary data  Secondary data Primary data Primary data is collected for a research on the basis of practical means of questionnaires, interviews and under the focus of certain group debates. The primary data is inferred through the process of statistical calculation and analysis. This is a kind of accurate methodology that gets followed to precise end-results. However this provision of data collection is very cumbersome and needs longer duration. The modes of collecting information get used even during the phase where precise research systems were not much availed, and it dates back to 19th century. (Berelson, 2002) Secondary data The process to collect secondary data is much easier than the primary data collection. It is here that the information is collected through the way of using sources that are already present. These sources are represented by various white papers, articles, internet and various kinds of print media; esp. newspaper & research editorials along with academic journals. This research methodology needs adequate amount of time for the selection of precise as well as apt and relevant data, as per the demand of the research. (Berelson, 2002) Primary data is made applicable to carry out the considered study after the process of observing necessity of the research for the establishment of solutions to the research goals and queries. Use of selective questionnaire format is managed to amass the data. (Giles, 2004) The research approach or the considered study with assembled information from the answers of various individuals from the questionnaire is used. The questionnaire is made up of a series of questions, added by some occasional supplementary questions or prompts. It is important to note that questionnaire is not used all the time for statistical analysis. Against other methods of survey, advantage of questionnaire is very relevant – It is less expensive Against any kind of telephonic or verbal survey, questionnaire survey has got more clarity. Assembling of data from the questionnaire is easy for collecting similar configuration.
  • 39. 39 However, there are some disadvantages of the questionnaire in a particular survey. These can be noted on the basis of the common format of collected answers which may annoy the respondents of the selected survey; which needs adequate position to read and thereby to answer questions. This act restricts the applicability of the data collected from the research questionnaire. Thus for specific faction of individuals, the process might seems to be impractical for the questionnaire survey. 7. DATA COLLECTION METHOD Researcher instruments are actually the tool that the researcher uses to derive solutions for the research on oriented problems or the selective objectives. Collection of data through “Questionnaire” is the most popular mode of research investigation. The proceeding can be accomplished through a moiled set of questions that are presented to the respondents and the answers were sought. With its flexibility, this is a very usual and common instrument that is considered for the collection of primary data. The phase of pre- testing questionnaire, offers the reaction of the selected respondents and thereby the determined suggestions can be made for the change in the process of research instrument. (Bhattacharya, 2002) In order to cover the large public, questionnaires as well as interviews are considered as common interface under the research of social science. Most of the structured questionnaires are managed by themselves for gaining control over large quantitative kind of surveys. These surveys are subject to collect factual data, like those of census, which are administered efficiently in specific groups; as for instance in terms of entire groups, classes or teams instead of individuals. Questionnaire is a traditional and authentic way for the process of collecting data under survey method (Goode et al., 2002). Questionnaires are inclusive of two types of questions. These are open-ended and close-ended questions. Open-ended question: These questions are clear formats to understand the exact status of the respondent’s mind. Through these questions the respondent receives complete freedom. These questions are used, in a state when the researchers do not want to have any kind of limited answers. By skillful open-ended questions with higher validity, the researcher can collect comprehensive answers among the respondents. However, by means of lower non reliable questions, the researchers can have different interviewers with different answers. Closed-ended question: The closed-ended questions can be pre-determined for the collection of answers. This proceeding is however, considered as less valid than open-ended questions. In this process the choices can get restricted, yet are sometimes more reliable as the questions and the determined answers are all set. This makes the research more replicable.
  • 40. 40
  • 41. 41 Market research has long been an essential component of any successful marketing or advertising strategy. With customers becoming more and more empowered, brands are having to really get to know their markets, developing an understanding of who they are targeting and how best to go about engaging those members of the public. This article looks to define market research, discusses both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, and provides insight into how you can choose the best market research approach for your brand’s marketing and advertising strategy: WHAT’S MARKET RESEARCH? defines market research as follows: “[Market research is] the gathering and studying of data relating to consumer preferences, purchasing power, etc., especially prior to introducing a product on the market.” Market research usually comprises a blend of quantitative and qualitative data, looking at things like usage statistics alongside how customers feel and any improvements they might have in mind. There are a number of choices in a market researcher’s arsenal, and these are broadly split into two categories:  TRADITIONAL RESEARCH This involves market research methods that pre-date the age of the Internet. Traditional market research is conducted in-person (e.g.: at a mall or at the respondent’s residence), through the post, and often via telephonic conversations.  DIGITAL RESEARCH With the rapid growth of the Internet came a plethora of capabilities for marketers in general. Digital market research is conducted through email, website landing pages, SMSs and instant messaging apps. Marketers can also video call respondents to facilitate ‘face-to-face’ research.
  • 42. 42 It involves sum total of marketing work that usage of an electric component and internet, -Businesses leverages various digital-ways-like-search engine, -social medias, -e-mail, website in addition offline marketing such as SMS and MMS to attach with present and potential customers. Digital marketing is also stated as online-or internet-marketing. In simple taking business online. DM is the-promotion of-business organization or brand by means of various channel ls such like the Internet, mobile devices, TV radio in addition to consuming different online advertising, podcasts, video and other such approaches to communicate message. Internet promotion in specific plays a vital share in somewhat promotional plan and it is fetching the basis of numerous establishments complete promotional policies. NEED ANALYSIS OF DIGITAL MARKETING 1. Global Presence: In digital marketing is not only makes any business to local region but also on global level. Company website allows the customers to find new markets and trade. The best example is amazon market place allow to sell our products online and this be can be accessed by anyone from any part of the world. 2. Cost efficient: Likened to old-style marketing DM is cost effective, it will reach to a greater number of people with very less amount. For example, display of advertisement on social media is cheaper than print advertisement with a targeted customer reach. DM is supplementary effective than old-style marketing. small business organizations or small shop can do digital marketing without spending single rupee. 3. Trackable and measurable result: In digital marketing we can track and measure the result of our advertisement or website, such as how many people have seen, what are the activities they do in the website, their behavior in website, how much time they stayed in the online, what are the demographical characteristics
  • 43. 43 of particular audience these all things we can get from some of the digital marketing tools such as google analytics. 4. Data and results can be recorded: Google analytics we can be used to check the reach of campaigns done and store them for future decisions. It will help to keep in track customers and their activities and the future expectations. Usually it will help in segmenting and targeting the same particular set of people called remarketing. 5. Personalization: linking customer data base to website is most important, whenever customer visit the site, we can greet them with targeted propositions and remarket the product. This makes consumers to feel special about the particular brand.
  • 44. 44 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY  To study the role of digital marketing in BrandShow Digital Solutions.  To study the different criteria of digital marketing services.  To analyze the approach which help them to get more business?  To know how to pitch a client while meeting basically how to talk, what to talk, how to make client engage in your conversation.  To know the right way of writing a proper content for the E-mailers. .  To study the growth of Digital marketing. RESEARCH DESIGN The research design adopted for this particular study has got systematic formulation. The entire process comprises of research objective, methodology of research, research plan, data compilation, data assessment and assessing quality standards. Research has got three distinct classes. These are - Exploratory Descriptive Explanatory The motive of the research is to make a selection among these three classes. The selection will be done on the basis of the element of suitability for the study. Exploratory research is used for comprehending the determined phenomenon initiated by Wiedershim- and Eriksson (2006). This type of research is appropriate for a situation where significant traits or the apt associations are hard to derive. The researcher keeps records and collected to describe means. It is the responsibility of the researcher to keep records and maintain charts for the collected information (Wiedersheim-Paul & Eriksson, 2006). Under this
  • 45. 45 process, the researcher considers descriptive research as apt for a state where problem is organized and emphasis is led over the connections among the relevant source and associations, which is comparatively low. It is here that the researcher selects levels, viewpoints, requisites, factors, basics, and above all monitors records; categorizes, organizes and infers. Researcher assesses the relevant sources and the links to keep the intake explanations. For huge concentration over the connection of some selective aspects followed by the result oriented phenomena are structured under exploratory research methodology (Wiedersheim-Paul & Eriksson, 2006). ANALYSIS OF DATA There is the need for analysis of the collected data from the sources of sample selection. The analysis proceedings are selected by the researcher much before the assessment of data collected from the questionnaire . In this research theoretical plans are emphasized, where the amassing of information is based on the selected research questions selected from former researches. The act of data analysis follows three consecutive steps. These are - Data reduction: This step depends of concentrating, deciding, abstracting, simplifying and converting of the collected data. This step manages data for the final conclusion. Data display: This is the step that proceeds with the reduced information and relatively depicts the assessment in a structured/compacted manner to meet the process of concluding the results. According to Miles & Huberman (2004) the researchers should structure their viewpoint by means of finding relationships on the basis of patterns, related explanations, propositions and regularities. This research encompasses the structure led by Miles and Huberman (2004) for analysing collected data and to conclude as per the derived result. To receive comprehensiveness and visual compatibility, the researcher collects the data and organizes and represents it by diagrams, tables, pie-charts and graphs. Outcomes regarding consumers  India presently have online users of 214 million, among them 60% are males and remaining are females.  There are 112 million mobile handlers amongst them 70% are men and remaining 30% are women  176 million entire internet populace are share of communal media  .Brand want to shape azcool attendance over digital podiums becausezthe client will do investigation aboutzthe creation after sighted an adzor after receiving enthused  companies are receiving moreztouch opinions to reach targetzgroup in azcost-effective way.
  • 46. 46 OUTCOMES REGARDING ANALYSIS OF DIGITAL MARKETING  Meta title and description is displayed by google pixel width but not by the length of characters. URL structure always has to be mentioned with the primary keywords.  URL structure has to be with hyphen and include location if it is given with spaces it will take with percentage.  H1 has to be with one focused keyword, google crawels will only crawl h1tag under header tags so it has to be focused more.  Google will never crawl images it will crawl the text behind it.  Image optimization has two tags alt and title tag.  To display the name of the image when we place the cursor. We use title tag.
  • 47. 47 DATA COLLECTION METHOD Researcher instruments are actually the tool that the researcher uses to derive solutions for the research on oriented problems or the selective objectives. Collection of data through "Questionnaire" is the most popular mode of research investigation. The proceeding can be accomplished through a moiled set of questions that are presented to the respondents and the answers were sought. With its flexibility, this is a very usual and common instrument that is considered for the collection of primary data. The phase of pre- testing questionnaire, offers the reaction of the selected respondents and thereby the determined suggestions can be made for the change in the process of research instrument. (Bhattacharya, 2002) In order to cover the large public, questionnaires as well as interviews are considered as common interface under the research of social science. Most of the structured questionnaires are managed by themselves for gaining control over large quantitative kind of surveys. These surveys are subject to collect factual data, like those of census, which are administered efficiently in specific groups; as for instance in terms of entire groups, classes or teams instead of individuals. Questionnaire is a traditional and authentic way for the process of collecting data under survey method (Goode et al., 2002). Questionnaires are inclusive of two types of questions. These are open-ended and close-ended questions. Open-ended question: These questions are clear formats to understand the exact status of the respondent's mind. Through these questions the respondent receives complete freedom. These questions are used, in a state when the researchers do not want to have any kind of limited answers. By skilful open-ended questions with higher validity, the researcher can collect comprehensive answers among the respondents. However, by means of lower non reliable questions, the researchers can have different interviewers with different answers. Closed-ended question: The closed-ended questions can be pre-determined for the collection of answers. This proceeding is however, considered as less valid than open-ended questions. In this process the choices can get restricted, yet are sometimes more reliable as the questions and the determined answers are all set. This makes the research more replicable.
  • 48. 48 DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS Analysis of Data and the finding of those Data Organic social visitors have 4% higher AOV than average at MADE.COM Hannah Pilpel, social project manager at MADE.COM, gave us an interview this week. She let slip some very interesting figures about the value of social to ecommerce. • People who came to MADE.COM from organic social had an average order value 4% higher than the site average in Q1 2016. • Users who visited MADE Unboxed (MADE.COM's own social network / community hub) during their visit had 3x higher dwell time and an average order value up 16% on the site average in Q1. • Collections with videos have sold four to nine times more pieces than those without.
  • 49. 49 Internal competition hindering digital transformation Forrester and Squiz have a new report on digital transformation that reveals some startling news. 43% of firms with a mature digital strategy see competing departments wanting to own digital as the most significant barrier to effective digital transformation. Other findings from the survey of 410 IT and business decision makers include: • 54% say that fostering a culture of innovation is a critical enabler of digital business. • 89% are planning to improve partnerships with external startups and accelerators in order to innovate. 51% of UK searchers can't spot a paid ad Ofcom's annual Media Use and Attitudes report is fascinating as always. We covered it fairly extensively - here are some highlights. • 18% of searchers think that if a website has been listed it must be accurate and unbiased. • 12% say they have not thought about it. • 8% say they do not know. Away from search, the continued rise of very successful intermediaries such as Facebook means users are discovering fewer new websites and apps.
  • 50. 50 Average product page conversion rate is 7.91% Receiptfull has conducted a large study of 2,687 online stores and found the average product page conversion rate is 7.91%. • For one site studied this was as high as 49.73% of its product page traffic turning into sales. • The median product conversion rate is 5.97%. • At the low end, some brands convert only 0.10% of the traffic that hits their product pages. Of course, although global conversion rates have been estimated in many studies (usually given as 2-3%), the undertaking is somewhat arbitrary, given that conversion rate is influenced by so many factors (from product to web design to marketing).  UK newspapers lose £155m in print advertising The total UK ad market grew 7.5% to £20.1bn in 2015, the fastest rate of growth since 2010. However, Warc's Expenditure Report shows it's far from a rosy picture for print. National newspapers endured an 11% fall in ad revenue to £1.2bn in 2015.
  • 51. 51 • Cinema advertising was up 21%. • Internet advertising grew 17.3% in 2015 to £8.6bn. • Mobile ad spend was up 61% to £2.6bn. • TV advertising was up 7.3% to £5.2bn. Bing has 11% of worldwide PC searches Microsoft's Q1 earnings revealed the current hold that Bing has in the global search market. • Bing now has 31.1% of the US PC search market, • 17.3% of the UK market, • and 11% worldwide. That equates to 16bn monthly searches globally. What the figures look like across all devices, well, I'm not sure. Mobile and desktop experiences are on a par in the travel industry eDigitalResearch conducted a travel benchmark report based on user testing of a variety of travel websites. For the first time, mobile experiences are now rated on a par with desktop with both touchpoints achieving an overall average score of 84%. tops the standings for a fifth consecutive time.
  • 52. 52 39% of telcos display a phone number on their homepage A further 20% show a phone number after one click. Now Interact's research looked at 54 leading telecoms companies across the US and Europe and found that: • Despite 56% of telcos analyzed displaying a phone number within the order flow, only 6% connect the visitor directly with the right call centre agent. • 78% of all channels offered to website visitors were offered in a reactive way – visitors have to seek out a channel in order to use it. 16% of UK adults will never complain in person Review platform Trustpilot found that two thirds of Brits (66%) will avoid confrontation where possible, and 16% are so shy that they will never complain in person. 50% feel they can express themselves better online than they can in person. The online poll of 2,000 UK adults was conducted by One Poll in April 2016. Sadly, I don't have a link.
  • 53. 53 Programmatic display viewability improved 62% year-on-year Programmatic media trading volume has maintained robust growth rates both globally and across Europe in Q1 2016. Accordant Media's Programmatic Media Market Pulse revealed the following: • Q1 2016 RTB media auction volume jumped 217% year-over-year. • Viewability is improving by 62% year-over-year and non-human traffic (NHT) decreasing by 81%. • Smartphones accounted for 71% of all mobile programmatic transactions in Q1, up from 59% in Q4. • Cross-device marketing can lead to a 19% higher conversion rate.
  • 54. 54 73% of Brits do not expect to be paying with cash in five years’ time Starcom's study of 1,500 Brits also suggested that half the nation currently distrusts cashless technology No link I'm afraid. Insurance companies answer only 40% of Facebook queries The sector is delivering excellent service on email (answering 80% of questions), but lags behind on Twitter (50%) and Facebook (40%). Eptica reviewed 100 major UK insurance brands (find the methodology in the report). 1. Response times range from eight minutes to over five days and few companies deliver consistent answers across different channels. 2. Every brand included in the study had a presence on Twitter, but only half responded successfully to a tweeted query. 3. Email response rate (80%) has improved dramatically from 50% in 2015.
  • 55. 55 51% of Europeans will check digital sources daily to catch up during Euro 2016 And 88% will check in at least once per week. RocketFuel's research (no link I'm afraid) also concludes: • Nearly half of Europeans are planning to use online video to catch up on games (51%). • Half of fans are planning to use the internet more than they have in previous years, and 57% will access Euro 2016 content wherever they are. TV viewing still dominates, but: • 66% said they’ll watch more TV. • 41% will increase their desktop use. • 37% will increase their smartphone use. • 27% use a tablet more. Two thirds of fashion traffic is now mobile Affiliate Window's internal data confirms that: • More than 50% of multi-device sales occur one week after the cookie is dropped. • 65% shop across multiple devices.
  • 56. 56 The best digital marketing statistics sources in 2016 ? Our recommendations on the top 10 free sources for Global, European, UK, US, Asia and Latin America digital marketing statistics Online marketers love statistics about digital marketing. They allow us to review customer adoption of the latest digital platforms, make business cases for investment in marketing and allow us to benchmark our performance against competitors. To help readers of our blog keep 'up-to-speed' with the most significant, best sources of stats we have regular posts each week in our digital marketing statistics post category and flag them as DigitalInsights on social media and in our e-newsletter. For Expert members, we compile a regularly updated set of usage statistics to use in presentations - it's updated each quarter so all the latest stats are categorised in a single place for including in presentations. Online marketing statistics compilation This post is aimed at helping you if you're compiling your own stats by sharing, the best, and most reliable free and paid sources. Everyone has their favorites, but I thought it would be useful to share the ones that I go back to most often each week as I research the updates for Smart Insights members and readers of my books. We have been keeping this post updated for nearly 5 years now since the best sources change. We have a couple of new additions this year - Global Web Index and Similar Web. I've also tried to make the best sources for different regions and countries clearer. Quite a few readers have added to the suggestions in the comments - thank you for adding to this free resource with your recommendations!
  • 57. 57 TOP 10 SITES FOR DIGITAL MARKETING STATISTICS These sites cover global stats including UK, Europe, US, Asia Pacific and Latin America. Thanks for adding the other suggestions to the comments - well worth checking out for anyone searching for statistics sources who passes this way. I've added these to the custom search engine too. 1 Global and country Internet usage breakdown - International Telecomm Union ITU is the source with the biggest sample size for the BIG picture of digital device usage showing top-level trends by continent and use of fixed and mobile broadband access by country per 100 people. This is their latest release from the start of 2016. 2 Global uses of social media sites and devices - Global Web Index Global Web Index is a paid service giving insights on consumer use of social network sites globally and different countries, but they regularly feature specific stats on their blog (although they stopped releasing reports onSlide share to encourage purchase of their subscription product).
  • 58. 58 3 For benchmarking sites within a sector for sources - Similar Web SimilarWeb is a freemium tool for benchmarking the number of visits to sites and mobile app usage. It shows traffic sources for individual sites (good for student projects) with categories and keywords in the paid Pro version. This example shows the ongoing importance of brand strength, search and partnering with other sites in driving visits.
  • 59. 59 4 Consumer media use in individual countries - comScore For detailed insights of consumer Internet usage and ad spend by country, the comScore press releases summarising their panel data are one of the best sources of the latest stats releases. Their blog can also be helpful - I have included within the custom search engine. A similar service based on panel data included in this search engine is Nielsen Insights. comScore have a Digital Future series of reports covering the UK, US, several European countries, Canada and Brazil - these are updated through the year and can be accessed in their press releases. 5 European Union Digital Marketing Statistics The EU statistics site Eurostat is the best source for overall European use of digital technology and in individual countries. The Information Society page is the best starting point. 6 Best UK source for consumer Internet usage statistics - Ofcom The Office of Communication Communications Market Report Statistics has in-depth reports on adoption of digital media including telecommunications and the Internet (including broadband adoption), digital television and wireless services in the UK. They also have comparisons to other major developed countries in benchmark report. 7 UK National Statistics and consumer trends The UK Government Office of National Statistics site is an alternative source - there is no themed area on Internet use any longer, so search on 'Internet access' or 'Ecommerce'
  • 60. 60 8 US digital marketing statistics - Marketing Charts and Pew Internet Marketing Charts is a long standing aggregator of information about consumer and business adoption of technologies and approaches. Care has to be taken of sample sizes and it tends to focus on US data - its rate for it to include any of the sources above. They often feature Pew Internet Statistics which are one of the best sources for the latest statistics on how Americans use digital media and technology. 2016 US Digital Marketing Budgets: Statistics and Trends Retail Industry is set to spend a record 15 billion on digital ads this year The retail industry spends more on digital ads than any other vertical. It outstripped automotive, travel, financial services, pharma and media this year. It is predicted to smash it's 2015 record of spending $13 billion on digital ads by $2 billion, racking up an impressive $16 billion in digital ad spend this year. That's the good news. The even better news is that these trends are only getting started. E-marketers 2016 predictions forecast digital spending increasing still further to a massive 23 billion by 2020, as you can see from the chart below.
  • 61. 61 Separate data from CMO survey also confirms this big shift to digital. Their data shows consistent double digital rises in digital ad spend since 2012. This is showing no sign of slowing down, with a healthy 13.2% digital budget increase for 2016. Spend is increasing, but is knowledge? With big increases in marketing budgets, you'd think it would be reasonable to expect increased levels of skills among marketers managing the spend. However, data from CMO survey shows no discernible trend in increased marketing excellence. In fact, things remain pretty much stagnant. CMOs consistently rate their companies as about average, or just a bit above. This is either because CMOs are dedicatedly honest, or because they aren't seeing the level of increase in marketing skills they'd like to within their organisations. To combat this, companies need to invest in skills and training.
  • 62. 62 Digital gets better ROI Although there is no evidence that marketing excellence is increasing, digital is still looking like a good bet. A survey of 200 US retail marketing executives with the power to make budget allocation decisions shows their views on whether digital or offline channels give greater ROI. Over three quarters reported that digital channels gave them better ROI in 2016 than offline channels. Social Media spending to increase Social media spend is set to increase markedly in the next few years: doubling from 10% of today's marketing budgets to 20% by 2021. B2C services leads the pack when it comes to % of marketing budget on social, with over a quarter of budget to be dedicated to the channel in 5 year time.
  • 63. 63 But is social delivering the goods? Social may be getting more ad budget, but is it delivering results? The answers seems to be maybe a little, but they're not impressive. Only 3% of CMOs surveyed reported said social was contributing 'very highly' to the company’s performance, whilst about a fifth said it wasn't at all important to performance. Spend follows the eyeballs in shift to mobile We've seen a seismic shift to mobile over the past few years, with mobile now accounting for over half of all time spent on the web. US CMO's report that they will more than double mobile budgets over the next 3 years. Shifting from just under 6% of current marketing spend to 14.6%. This makes sense as it's following where users actually spend their time, but given that in 3 years’ time over 65% of time spent on the web may be on mobile devices, it may make sense to increase mobile budgets even more rapidly.