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Organization Design
Back to Basics
3 I
Why Design
Smart Leaders Have 3 Levers to Pull
Talent on the Top
Organization Design

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Utilising Talent Acquisition Technology to Drive Impact in the APAC Region

Cielo is a leading global recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) firm operating in over 100 countries. They provide RPO, talent acquisition, consulting, and executive search services. Cielo uses their proprietary talent cloud platform and technology-enabled solutions to help clients attract, assess, and hire the right talent. The presentation discusses trends in talent acquisition technology, considerations for implementing a global tech platform locally, and how to build a case for change.

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Delivering an effective global benefits strategy

First webinar in our mini-series based on our 2015 Global Employee Benefits Watch. Find out what the latest trends are in global benefits administration and employee engagement.

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Watch the webinar here: https://bit.ly/2Mpq1tv SSO Week Europe Digital 2018 featuring Matthew Weaver, Consultancy Director at Objectivity, talking about Intelligent Automation in Recruitment. Recruiting the right people is the key to prosperity. AI technologies are playing an increasingly important role in recruitment and talent acquisition. The goal is not to replace your workforce, it is to complement their skills and experience. Empowering them to do better things for your organisation and for themselves. We must attract, recruit, develop and retain great people – people who are aligned with our goals, our values and our working culture. Intelligent automation can support each of these steps. In this webinar, Matthew Weaver discusses intelligent sourcing, automated workflow, cognitive selection, real-time interactions and other tools which can leverage the recruitment process.

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Sales Assistant
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This document discusses how IT roles and skills will need to change by 2020 to support digital transformation. It notes that traditional IT mindsets focused on processes, risk avoidance, and working in silos will need to shift to more adaptive, collaborative mindsets. The skills most in demand include relationship building, learning agility, creativity, and business acumen. IT staff will need more versatile technical skills and experience across different areas. Teams will also need to integrate IT and business staff to work more fluidly across functions. To develop these skills, companies should offer experience-based career paths, foster openness to change, and invest in competency development beyond traditional training.


The workforce and HR play a major role in a company’s digital transformation. Learn about new trends and strategies to jump start and fuel your journey.

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The document summarizes a panel discussion on digital brand strategy. It discusses how brands can influence choice, command loyalty, and engender premium. It then evaluates brands across 10 dimensions like commitment, responsiveness, relevance, differentiation, and consistency. Key findings are that 1 in 3 brands say they lack resources for digital efforts, 1 in 4 don't actively solicit customer feedback, and only 13% regularly audit competitors. The panel emphasizes focusing on behaviors over tools, being authentic, including employees, and delivering a comprehensive brand experience.

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Organisational Design: Aligning Your Organisational Structure with Business Goals
Diagnosis Phases
Design Framework Models
• McKenzie 7S
• Star Model
• Burke-Litwin
• Weisberg six box
• Nadler & Tuchman's
Design Framework
Galbraith’s Star Model
Source: 2009 Corporate Executive Board, Corporate Leadership Council’s “Frameworks for Organizational Design”

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The document provides information on building an effective talent sourcing function. It observes that most sourcing functions are outdated, understaffed, or lack qualified staff. This negatively impacts time to fill and talent pipelines. The summary outlines key aspects of an effective strategic sourcing function, including having staff with skills in research, data analytics, marketing, and lead generation. It recommends moving beyond solely using LinkedIn and developing sourcers as equal partners to recruiters. The document then covers sourcing models, developing a sourcing function plan of action, competencies needed, and an example sourcing workflow.

6 Perspectives on Organisational Design
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6 Perspectives on Organisational Design

This document discusses 6 perspectives to consider when designing an organization: 1) stakeholder relationships, 2) decision making, 3) process support, 4) measures, 5) incentives and rewards, and 6) talent management. It emphasizes that organizational design is about more than just reporting structures and must support the organization's purpose, strategy, and processes. It also recommends testing the design from each perspective and refining it by getting input from managers at different levels to ensure it meets the organization's strategic objectives and is understood by all employees.

Ch 9 organizational structure and design
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Ch 9 organizational structure and design

The document discusses organizational structure and design. It covers key elements of organizational design including work specialization, departmentalization, chain of command, span of control, and centralization/decentralization. It also discusses traditional and contemporary organizational designs such as functional, divisional, team, matrix, and boundaryless structures. Additionally, it addresses challenges of designing organizations to keep employees connected, build a learning organization, and manage global structural issues.

Diagnosis Phase
• Talk to the CEO
• Make the CFO your best friend
• Learn the business terms
• Understand the operation
• Stay away from Theory
• Attend management meetings
• Read Audit reports
• Review Customers complaints / feedback
• Listen to the second line too
Unit-to Unit
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Organisational Design: Aligning Your Organisational Structure with Business Goals
Organisational Design: Aligning Your Organisational Structure with Business Goals

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The document discusses how office design can impact innovation and interaction between employees. It describes different theories of learning and approaches to office design over time. Methods for analyzing office space layout and social networks are presented, including space syntax analysis and social network analysis. The effects of space on interaction and flow of information are considered. Recommendations are provided for an organization to improve its office design to better support creativity and innovation through facilitating serendipitous interactions and locating key individuals in high connectivity areas.

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This document discusses organizational structure and design. It presents information on different types of organizational structures including simple, functional, and matrix structures. Various charts are included that provide data on communication methods, performance appraisal processes, training initiatives, and satisfaction metrics for employees and consumers within organizations.

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Organizational structure designOrganizational structure design
Organizational structure design

The document discusses organizational structure and design. It defines organizational structure as the hierarchy of people and departments in an organization and how information flows. Structure is important as it ensures efficient operations and defines roles and responsibilities. There are different types of structures like functional, line, and matrix. Key components of structure include work specification, departmentalization, chain of command, span of control, and centralization vs decentralization. Structure influences behavior, relationships, and goal-oriented work. Proper structure is important for good performance while poor structure makes it impossible.

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Purchase & Procurement
Commercial Manager
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Oman Office Repr.
Sr. Marketing Officer
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Marketing Assistant
Marketing Coordinator
Sales & Marketing
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Sales Officer
Sales Assistant
Sr. Purchase Officer
Purchase Officer
Purchase Assistant
Purchase Coordinator
Director of Operations Division
Lead Planning Engineer
Planning Engineer
Planning Assistant Logistics Officer
Logistics Assistant
Development g
Sales Account
Sales Account
Customer Care
Contact Center
31 I
Proposed Commercial
Specialized TeamCritical Roles
Critical Roles Specialized Roles
Sales Account
Sales Account

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A FTSE 200 construction company with £3.2 billion in turnover and four thousand employees sought to recover two underperforming business units with multiple brands. The commercial department was fragmented and not focused on key markets. The solution was to restructure the commercial teams into a single "go-to-market" structure, realign the brands to focus on specific market categories, and integrate sales and marketing. This approach consolidated the businesses, improved market share and financial results, and balanced relationships with suppliers. The methods were then applied across nine international companies, improving profitability.

The power of being understood by Mike Ward - Shaping your portfolio to realis...
The power of being understood by Mike Ward - Shaping your portfolio to realis...The power of being understood by Mike Ward - Shaping your portfolio to realis...
The power of being understood by Mike Ward - Shaping your portfolio to realis...

The power of being understood presented by Mike Ward RSM and Sellafield Shaping your portfolio to realise Organisational Strategy (design and prioritisation through to implementation and success) APM Portfolio SIG conference Thursday 12th May 2016

#association for project management#realise organisational strategy#portfolio management specific interest group
Ten slides in Ten minutes - A Perspective on Organisational Design
Ten slides in Ten minutes - A Perspective on Organisational DesignTen slides in Ten minutes - A Perspective on Organisational Design
Ten slides in Ten minutes - A Perspective on Organisational Design

The 10-slide presentation provides an overview of organizational design and its importance for business sustainability. It discusses the need to align organizational structure, processes, culture and resources with strategy to maximize productivity and growth. Specifically, it notes that over-resourcing key business units can negatively impact productivity across the entire organization by requiring other business units to also be over-resourced to maintain optimal interaction levels. The presentation advocates analyzing differences in organizational design versus strategic needs to identify gaps and develop action plans for improvement.

structureorganisational designresources
33 I
Customer Care
New Roles
keeper Peter
Purchasing supervisors.
• procurement Manager.
Warehouse &
Head of Supply
Supply Chain
34 I
Proposed Supply Chain
Clarity of Roles
Technical ManagerQA/QC Engineer
General Manager
Technical Supp.
Personal AssistantHSE Officer
QA/QC Officer
Head of Quality
Data Center
QC Inspectors
36 I
Proposed Quality
Meeting the Q

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Organization development (OD) is a deliberately planned, organization-wide effort to increase an organization's effectiveness and/or efficiency and/or to enable the organization to achieve its strategic goals.

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Basic challenge-of-organizational-design meily
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This document discusses key concepts in organizational structure and design. It defines differentiation as the process of allocating people and resources to tasks and establishing relationships to achieve goals. As organizations grow in size and complexity, managers must decide how to control and coordinate activities through differentiation. The challenges are managing differentiation to achieve goals and balancing specialization with integration to promote cooperation. Other concepts covered include centralization versus decentralization of decision-making, standardization versus mutual adjustment of behaviors, and mechanistic versus organic structures.

Managing organisational design
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Managing organisational design

Organisational structure is a framework with a boundary. It must have a top and a bottom. Managers in successful businesses are clear about what they have to do and about the responsibilities of others; they know to whom everyone reports and who in turn reports to them; and these facts are widely communicated. There should be clarity about who has to make decisions and is accountable for outcomes. The structure of an enterprise greatly influences what it costs to run, and the design of that structure will affect everything that a business or institution attempts to do. Making profit is the primary purpose of a business in the private sector. Therefore, how and where profit is to be managed and measured is a principal factor in organisational design. This book is based on the lessons learned by Collinson Grant during more than 40 years of helping organisations become more efficient and profitable. It covers fundamentals, such as how to configure structure in the components of an organisation such as a department; the need to accommodate the staff and managers within a sound structural framework according to how many people there are, how they function and relate to each other to make processes work well; and how accountability is put in place. Particular concerns are layers of hierarchy and spans of control, of controlling costs by restricting the number of managers to what is strictly necessary, and of the relationships between operational and support staff. The book also explains the tools and techniques needed to design mangerial structures, the application of lean techniques, and various models of corporate devolution. To find out more, to go www.collinsongrant.com

contracting outspans of controljob design
The Art of Design
“The Organizational structure is
pretty simple: we do the work –they
take the credit”
My meeting with the CFO !
Built on
projections not
Your structure will deplete the Revenue!
Specialized skills = High

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Starbucks was founded in 1971 in Seattle and has since grown to over 15,000 stores in 50 countries. Starbucks uses organizational culture, communication, and structure to increase its strength, treating employees and customers well while maintaining high quality standards. Starbucks centralized decision-making and six-step model for ethical decisions have helped it become one of the most successful global brands.


This document provides an overview of a university course on management functions. It discusses organizing as a management function and key aspects of organizational design such as structure, departmentalization, and centralization/decentralization. It also covers traditional and contemporary organizational designs and challenges managers face in keeping a dispersed workforce connected. The document emphasizes that organizational structure should support effective and efficient work to accomplish goals.

Overcoming the Organizational Challenge
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Overcoming the Organizational Challenge

Watch this Addressable Customer Experience webinar here: http://bit.ly/1vJ2YvZ Addressable Customer Experience On-Demand Webinar Series For Financial Services and Insurance Marketing Leaders Webinar 4: Overcoming the Organizational Challenge This webinar goes into actionable details on how to put the customer experience at the center of your organization’s goals. You’ll learn how to design customer journeys, integrate channels effectively, assign responsibilities, develop culture, and measure results for incredibly successful customer relationships.

organizationcustomer experiencefinance
Social Influence
41 IYour footnote
A Message to HR Professionals
• Learn to Speak the Business Language
• Challenge the Debate
• Resist The Resistance
• Love what you do !
Thank you
Organisational Design: Aligning Your Organisational Structure with Business Goals

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Fiber optic networks transmit light through optical fibers to communicate over long distances at high bandwidth. An optical fiber consists of a cylindrical glass core surrounded by a cladding layer of glass or plastic with a lower refractive index. This structure allows light to propagate along the core through total internal reflection. Fibers have a small single-mode core or larger multimode core. Single-mode fiber has lower attenuation over long distances while multimode can transmit more data over shorter runs.

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This document summarizes a study that examined how culture, class, and context influence the structure of social networks and the acquisition of social capital. The study found that: 1) Cultural norms around different social classes' use of settings shaped how ties were maintained over time. 2) Material resources impacted one's ability to socialize within settings, with those lacking resources having less geographically dispersed networks. 3) There are "periodic friends" with whom the original context is lost but the relationship endures through low contact but high commitment, challenging assumptions about strong/weak ties being defined by contact frequency.

Corporate Structure
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The document describes the restructuring of a company's corporate structure from an old structure divided by product lines into a new structure organized by business units. The old structure separated the company's products and customers into different divisions for pro audio, lighting, musical instruments, and custom installation. The restructuring process consolidated these divisions by combining related customer groups, sales representatives, and product lines. This led to the creation of three new business units for professional audio/video, musical instruments, and custom installation, with each unit comprising related customers, representatives, products and business activities under one unified division.

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