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Svoboda | Graniru | BBC Russia | Golosameriki | Facebook
SlideShare a Scribd company logo
With TFS and Visual Studio
Angela Dugan
ALM Practice Manager
Polaris Solutions
Angela Dugan
Manual testing
User testing
Ad-hoc exploratory testing
Planned manual testing

Testing toolbox
Role tailored tools

Business Processes
Business Rules and Logic
Service integrations
Data access


Automated testing
Keyword testing
UI automation testing
Performance testing
Automated testing
Unit testing
Integration testing
Performance testing
Load testing

Continuous integrations
Build | Deploy | Test

Lab management





Microsoft Testing Tour - Functional and Automated Testing

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Selenium Demo
Selenium DemoSelenium Demo
Selenium Demo

This presentation provides an overview of automation testing and the Selenium tool. It defines automation as a way to overcome manual testing limitations by adding speed and accuracy. The benefits of automation testing are discussed, including time savings, reduced costs, accuracy, and quality assurance. Two main types of automation tools are described: functional testing tools and performance testing tools. Selenium is introduced as an open source tool for automating web applications across browsers. Its components and advantages over commercial tools like QTP are outlined, such as being open source, flexible, and supporting multiple browsers and platforms. Some disadvantages of Selenium are also noted, such as only testing web applications and slower automation compared to proprietary IDEs.

Need for automation testing
Need for automation testingNeed for automation testing
Need for automation testing

Automation testing is crucial for large projects to achieve test coverage and speed. It is best suited when tests are repetitive, such as regression testing of unchanged parts of an application. Automation allows companies to execute repetitive and difficult tests faster to get quick feedback on new builds. However, automation requires significant investment and effort, so it is best to start with critical workflows that are stable and unlikely to change. Leveraging a crowd testing platform can help combat challenges in achieving full test coverage through a strategic combination of in-house and crowd-sourced testing.

automation testingtest automationsoftware development
Why Ranorex
Why RanorexWhy Ranorex
Why Ranorex

Ranorex is a software development company with locations in Florida (Tampa) and Austria (Graz) that provides innovative automated software testing solutions to thousands of companies and education institutions around the world. Ranorex offers a comprehensive range of desktop, web and mobile test automation tools which are used to improve the quality of the companies´ software applications. Get details at http://www.ranorex.com/product/tools.html.

ranorexwhy ranorex
Microsoft Testing Tour - Functional and Automated Testing
Record and automate UI tests
UI regression test needs grow
over time
Manual UI testing impacts the
delivery cycle times
Automated UI tests are brittle,
time-consuming to maintain

Robustly instrument UI tests to
reduce maintenance overhead
Associate UI tests with a
scheduled build

Test more functionality in less
Reduce or eliminate
repetitive manual testing
Reduce cycle time when
delivering new features
Microsoft Testing Tour - Functional and Automated Testing
Convert the test case to code
for enhanced flexibility

Generate your Coded UI test from
an existing recording, or record a
new test case on the fly

Recommended for you

Test Automation
Test AutomationTest Automation
Test Automation

This presentation introduces Test Automation and gives overview of the tasks involved. For more info visit blog.rockoder.com

test automationautomationqa automation
WSO2Con Asia 2014 - Effective Test Automation in an Agile Environment
WSO2Con Asia 2014 - Effective Test Automation in an Agile EnvironmentWSO2Con Asia 2014 - Effective Test Automation in an Agile Environment
WSO2Con Asia 2014 - Effective Test Automation in an Agile Environment

The document discusses effective test automation strategies in an agile environment. It begins by defining automated testing and its goals of reducing manual testing while still providing coverage. Success stories from companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon are provided that demonstrate how extensive automation allows for rapid deployment schedules. The test automation pyramid concept of testing at different levels from units to APIs to interfaces is introduced. The rest of the document covers the WSO2 test automation framework, lessons learned around maintaining automation, and the benefits of continuous integration/delivery.

by WSO2
wso2con asia 2014
bqurious Test Automation & Management Suite
bqurious Test Automation & Management Suitebqurious Test Automation & Management Suite
bqurious Test Automation & Management Suite

bqurious is a Complete Test Automation & Management Suite built on top of Opensource Technologies like Selenium. Its a SaaS based solution that supports "No Programming" automation testing paradigm. bqurious enables simultaneous automation testing on multiple real devices connected on internet/intranet.

automation frameworkhybrid frameworkkeyword driven
Cross-browser testing
support allows automated
testing on multiple browsers

CodedUI tests interact
directly with your app’s UI

Tests can be run and monitored
on the local machine, or further
automated on a virtual machine
Microsoft Testing Tour - Functional and Automated Testing
Microsoft Testing Tour - Functional and Automated Testing
Coded UI tests are part of source
control for maximum visibility
Coded UI tests run as part of your
unit testing suite, enabling
developers to detect defects early

Even if the look & feel changes, the
automated test still executes properly

Recommended for you

Management Issues in Test Automation
Management Issues in Test AutomationManagement Issues in Test Automation
Management Issues in Test Automation

Many organizations never achieve the significant benefits that are promised from automated test execution. Surprisingly often, this is due not to technical factors but to management issues, especially at system testing level. Surprisingly often, this is due not to technical factors but to management issues. Dot Graham describes the most important management concerns the test manager must address for test automation success, and helps you understand and choose the best approaches for your organization—no matter which automation tools you use or your current state of automation. Dot explains how automation affects staffing, who should be responsible for which automation tasks, how managers can best support automation efforts leading to success, and why return on investment can be dangerous and what you can realistically expect. Dot also reviews a few key technical issues that can make or break the automation effort. Come away with an example set of automation objectives and measures, and a draft test automation strategy that you can use to plan or improve your own automation.

software testingtest automationsoftware management
Test Automation - Everything You Need To Know
Test Automation - Everything You Need To KnowTest Automation - Everything You Need To Know
Test Automation - Everything You Need To Know

Businesses face difficulty due to rapidly changing dynamic applications, and here test automation service provider can solves all your woes. Accelerate the release of your product with test automation solutions. Check out the PPT to know more or visit Bugraptors portfolio at www.bugraptors.com

test automationtest automation servicestest automation solutions
It Seemed a Good Idea at the Time: Intelligent Mistakes in Test Automation
It Seemed a Good Idea at the Time: Intelligent Mistakes in Test AutomationIt Seemed a Good Idea at the Time: Intelligent Mistakes in Test Automation
It Seemed a Good Idea at the Time: Intelligent Mistakes in Test Automation

Some test automation ideas seem very sensible at first glance but contain pitfalls and problems that can and should be avoided. Dot Graham describes five of these “intelligent mistakes”—1. Automated tests will find more bugs quicker. (Automation doesn’t find bugs, tests do.) 2. Spending a lot on a tool must guarantee great benefits. (Good automation does not come “out of the box” and is not automatic.) 3. Let’s automate all of our manual tests. (This may not give you better or faster testing, and you will miss out on some benefits.) 4. Tools are expensive so we have to show a return on investment. (This is not only surprisingly difficult but may actually be harmful.) 5. Because they are called “testing tools,” they must be tools for testers to use. (Making testers become test automators may be damaging to both testing and automation.) Join Dot for a rousing discussion of “intelligent mistakes”—so you can be smart enough to avoid them.

Push Squish tests into TFS
Import and run Squish GUI
tests directly in Visual
Studio and view results

Preferred partner
solution : FrogLogic

Associate Squish tests
with MTM Test Cases
Keyword-driven authoring
platform using familiar tools

Preferred partner
solution : LogiGear
Library of preprogrammed
reusable actions

Fully integrated,
multi-platform testing

Incident management tools and
workflows to integrate operations and
development teams in reducing MTTR

Reduction of MTTR
• SCOM and TFS integrated
workflows to manage incidents from
occurrence to resolution
• One click “Assign to Engineering”
from SCOM
• Collection of actionable diagnostics
in production for development
troubleshooting (IntelliTrace)

Recommended for you

Manual Vs Automation Testing
Manual Vs Automation TestingManual Vs Automation Testing
Manual Vs Automation Testing

Presented by, Ms. Anjali K G Quality Assurance Engineer, Livares Technologies Manual Testing: Process of testing an application manually for defects. It requires a tester to play the role of an end user Automation Testing: It is technique by using special software to control the execution of tests and the comparison of actual results with predicted results Testing tools Ex: QTP, Winrunner, Selenium etc

manual testingtest automationadvantages of test automation
Automation testing introduction for FujiNet
Automation testing introduction for FujiNetAutomation testing introduction for FujiNet
Automation testing introduction for FujiNet

This document discusses automation testing and provides an overview of manual vs automation testing. It covers why automation testing is important, including allowing repetitive tests to run across multiple builds and reducing human error. Common automation tools like QTP and Selenium are mentioned. The history of automation from record and playback to modern keyword-driven approaches is summarized. Examples of building automation frameworks for QTP and Selenium are provided. In conclusion, the document promotes automation testing as important for the future.

Developing a test automation strategy by Brian Bayer
Developing a test automation strategy by Brian BayerDeveloping a test automation strategy by Brian Bayer
Developing a test automation strategy by Brian Bayer

The document discusses developing a test automation strategy and considerations for regression testing, automation, and frameworks. It addresses why regression testing is important, factors for the automation strategy like business needs and ROI, and frameworks to consider like Cucumber, Robot Framework, and Spock. The strategy determines test maintenance and fits within the organization, development process, and technology stacks.

software testing
Testing the User Interface with Automated UI Tests:
CodedUI Testing Walkthroughs: http://msdn.microsoft.com/enus/library/dd286726.aspx
CodedUI Best Practices: http://msdn.microsoft.com/enus/library/dd380782.aspx
System Testing with Visual Studio: http://msdn.microsoft.com/enus/library/jj620889.aspx
Microsoft Testing Tour - Functional and Automated Testing
Mark each step as pass/fail when recording manual tests
Carefully consider which test cases make sense for automation, and
Use the Automation Status field of test cases to identify candidates
for automation
Use the Coded UI Test Builder whenever possible
Do not modify UIMap.designer.cs as it may be overwritten
Create your test as a sequence of methods
Create a new test method for each new page, form, or dialog
When you create a method, use a meaningful name
Try to limit each method to fewer than 10 actions
Create each assertion using the Coded UI Test Builder
If the UI changes, re-record the test or assertion methods

Recommended for you

Automation Tools Overview
Automation Tools OverviewAutomation Tools Overview
Automation Tools Overview

In this Quality Assurance Training session, you will learn about Automation Tools Overview. Topic covered in this session are: • SQL Basic Operators and Function • Software Testing Tool – Overview • Advantage- Automation • Disadvantage - Automation • Grouping of Automation Tool • Functional Tool • Source Code Testing Tool • Performance Tool • Test Management Tool • Security Testing Tool For more information, about this quality assurance training, visit this link: https://www.mindsmapped.com/courses/quality-assurance/software-testing-training-with-hands-on-project-on-e-commerce-application/

qa trainingquality assurance trainingsoftware testing training
STARWEST 2010 - 7 Steps To Improving Software Quality using Microsoft Test Ma...
STARWEST 2010 - 7 Steps To Improving Software Quality using Microsoft Test Ma...STARWEST 2010 - 7 Steps To Improving Software Quality using Microsoft Test Ma...
STARWEST 2010 - 7 Steps To Improving Software Quality using Microsoft Test Ma...

Using Visual Studio 2010, teams can improve software quality through 7 steps: 1) work management with hierarchical tasks and improved reporting; 2) defining "done" with dashboards; 3) automated builds with traceability from development to testing; 4) manual and automated testing tools; 5) developer quality tools to find and fix bugs early; 6) test lab management with virtual environments; and 7) continuous improvement through an integrated and productive environment.

Scriptless Automation Testing: A Unique Framework To Accelerate Delivery
Scriptless Automation Testing: A Unique Framework To Accelerate DeliveryScriptless Automation Testing: A Unique Framework To Accelerate Delivery
Scriptless Automation Testing: A Unique Framework To Accelerate Delivery

It is a challenge for every organisation to enhance the response time for completing a testing cycle while maintaining the quality of the end product. This gives way to Automation. The current slideshare will uncover a unique framework that combines two powerful automation testing

marketing automationsoftware testing
Test -> Windows -> Test View ->
Select CSV, XML, or SQL
EditText =

Databinding to test parameters happens
automatically when converting from
manual test cases
used to look for all possible controls

used to narrow that list exactly one match

X, Y
only used to guide where the clicks happen
within a control

new Point(19, 18));

Web Access
Team Explorer

Microsoft Testing Tour - Functional and Automated Testing

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Automation Tool Overview
Automation Tool OverviewAutomation Tool Overview
Automation Tool Overview

In this quality assurance training, you will learn Automation Tools Overview. Topics covered in this session are: • Software Testing Tool – Overview • Advantage- Automation • Disadvantage - Automation • Grouping of Automation Tool • Functional Tool • Source Code Testing Tool • Performance Tool • Test Management Tool • Security Testing Tool For more information, visit this link: https://www.mindsmapped.com/courses/quality-assurance/software-testing-training-beginners-and-intermediate-level/

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Präsentation von Intland Software auf dem ""OBJEKTspektrum information day am 16. Mai in München

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The document provides an overview of the C# programming language. It discusses that C# is an object-oriented language developed by Microsoft for building applications on the .NET platform. Some key points covered include: - C# is derived from C/C++ but simplifies aspects of these languages. It supports features like automatic memory management, events, delegates, and object-oriented programming principles. - The .NET Framework provides the runtime environment for C# and other .NET languages. It includes the Common Language Runtime (CLR) for memory management, security, and other services. - C# code is compiled to an intermediate language (IL) that is executed by the CLR on any .NET-compatible platform.

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Microsoft Testing Tour - Functional and Automated Testing

  • 1. With TFS and Visual Studio Angela Dugan ALM Practice Manager Polaris Solutions
  • 3. Manual testing User testing Ad-hoc exploratory testing Planned manual testing Testing toolbox Role tailored tools User Interface Services Business Processes Business Rules and Logic Service integrations Data access Identity Data Automated testing Keyword testing UI automation testing Performance testing Automated testing Unit testing Integration testing Performance testing Load testing Continuous integrations Build | Deploy | Test Lab management automation Dev SIT UAT Stress Prod
  • 6. Record and automate UI tests UI regression test needs grow over time Manual UI testing impacts the delivery cycle times Automated UI tests are brittle, time-consuming to maintain Robustly instrument UI tests to reduce maintenance overhead Associate UI tests with a scheduled build Test more functionality in less time Reduce or eliminate repetitive manual testing Reduce cycle time when delivering new features
  • 8. Convert the test case to code for enhanced flexibility Generate your Coded UI test from an existing recording, or record a new test case on the fly
  • 9. Cross-browser testing support allows automated testing on multiple browsers CodedUI tests interact directly with your app’s UI Tests can be run and monitored on the local machine, or further automated on a virtual machine
  • 12. Coded UI tests are part of source control for maximum visibility Coded UI tests run as part of your unit testing suite, enabling developers to detect defects early Even if the look & feel changes, the automated test still executes properly
  • 13. Push Squish tests into TFS Import and run Squish GUI tests directly in Visual Studio and view results Preferred partner solution : FrogLogic Associate Squish tests with MTM Test Cases
  • 14. Keyword-driven authoring platform using familiar tools Preferred partner solution : LogiGear Library of preprogrammed reusable actions Fully integrated, multi-platform testing
  • 16. Incident management tools and workflows to integrate operations and development teams in reducing MTTR Reduction of MTTR • SCOM and TFS integrated workflows to manage incidents from occurrence to resolution • One click “Assign to Engineering” from SCOM • Collection of actionable diagnostics in production for development troubleshooting (IntelliTrace)
  • 17. Testing the User Interface with Automated UI Tests: http://msdn.microsoft.com/enus/library/dd286726%28v=vs.100%29.aspx CodedUI Testing Walkthroughs: http://msdn.microsoft.com/enus/library/dd286726.aspx CodedUI Best Practices: http://msdn.microsoft.com/enus/library/dd380782.aspx System Testing with Visual Studio: http://msdn.microsoft.com/enus/library/jj620889.aspx
  • 19. Mark each step as pass/fail when recording manual tests Carefully consider which test cases make sense for automation, and when Use the Automation Status field of test cases to identify candidates for automation
  • 20. Use the Coded UI Test Builder whenever possible Do not modify UIMap.designer.cs as it may be overwritten Create your test as a sequence of methods Create a new test method for each new page, form, or dialog When you create a method, use a meaningful name Try to limit each method to fewer than 10 actions Create each assertion using the Coded UI Test Builder If the UI changes, re-record the test or assertion methods
  • 21. Test -> Windows -> Test View -> Properties Select CSV, XML, or SQL this.UIMap.SimpleTestParams.UIMyTextbox EditText = TestContext.DataRow[“col_name"].ToStrin g(); Databinding to test parameters happens automatically when converting from manual test cases
  • 22. Searching used to look for all possible controls Filtering used to narrow that list exactly one match X, Y only used to guide where the clicks happen within a control Mouse.Click(uIGOButton, new Point(19, 18));