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We looked at some of the top performing content on social media, from some of the top publications on the web. From this, we were able to figure out the recipe for crafting a click-worthy title. Here is what we learned...

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10 Engagement Lessons Learned From 1 Million Survey Answers
10 Engagement Lessons Learned From 1 Million Survey Answers10 Engagement Lessons Learned From 1 Million Survey Answers
10 Engagement Lessons Learned From 1 Million Survey Answers

Officevibe released a research report called The State of Employee Engagement based on 1,200,000 survey answers from employees in 157 countries. After analyzing the data, we discovered some truly shocking statistics about the state of engagement across the world. This actionable webinar will show you how you can keep your employees happy and productive. See the recording of the webinar: http://bit.ly/2gjJg3o Get all the free bonuses and extra tips: http://bit.ly/2g7Q3xM Content by Officevibe, the simplest tool for a greater workplace.

by D B
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Prototyping is an attitude
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The document discusses prototyping and provides examples of different types of prototypes including paper prototypes, digital prototypes, storyboards, role plays, and space prototypes. It explains that prototyping is used to make ideas tangible and test reactions from users in order to gain insights. Prototypes should be iterated on and fail early to push ideas further and save time and money. Both low and high fidelity prototypes are mentioned as ways to test ideas at different stages of the design process.

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After trying to figure out whether or not there is a secret formula for getting featured on the SlideShare homepage, we decided to ask 13 pros who have been featured on multiple occasions. We created this deck to share their insights with you! Featuring tips from: Robert Katai Julius Solaris Jen Jones Sandra Jovanovic Ross Simmonds Michael Brenner Joe Gelman Steve Williamson Stephen Jeske Ayesha Ambreen Josh Steimle Eugene Cheng Pamela Pavliscak Read their full and in depth tips here: https://venngage.com/blog/get-featured-slideshare/

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The document discusses an alternative payment service for large industries not served by banks. It provides revenue figures from October to January and details a business model with transaction and payment fees. The leadership team and an engineer are listed, and it notes processing over $1 million per day in payments.

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