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Business Plan
BurgerIm Atascocita, LLC | Business Plan
Executive Summary 4
Company Description 7
Products and Services 10
Marketing Plan 14
Operational Plan 26
Management and Organization 31
Startup Expenses and Capitalization 34
Financial Plan 36
Annex 44
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Confidentiality Agreement
The undersigned reader acknowledges that any information provided by XYZLLC in this business plan, other than information that is in the public domain, is
confidential in nature, and that any disclosure or use of same by the reader may cause serious harm or damage to XYZLLC . Therefore, the undersigned agrees not to
disclose it without express written permission from XYZLLC.
Upon request, the undersigned reader will immediately return this document to XYZLLC.
Name: ______________
Date: _______________
BurgerIm Atascocita, LLC | Business Plan
Executive Summary
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Executive Summary
XYZLLC is part of one of the world’s fastest-growing burger franchises, with 200 open
locations and 350 currently being built in just three years. The restaurant is fully
owned by Entrepreneur 1.
Products and services
The fast food restaurant industry in Texas has fared well over the five-year period
from 2014 to 2019, primarily due to rising consumer spending, declining
unemployment and faster, on-the-go lifestyles. While certain industry operators have
struggled with changing consumer preferences toward more healthful offerings, fast
food restaurants have been successful due to their low-price points and added
convenience. As a result, a larger share of spending on food has occurred outside of
the home. In order to capitalize on this opportunity, XYZLLC has been established. It
is a part of an international franchise that serves customized hamburger flavors,
toppings, sauces, fries, and more.
Goals for the business
The following are the goals of the company:
▸ Dining Experience: To give a holistic dining experience to all our guests that
encourages, and boosts repeat customers.
▸ Guest Loyalty: To improve customer retention and loyalty by providing a guest
loyalty program.
▸ Customer Service: To maintain a high level of service and have ongoing, high-
quality training that ensures our employees know how to do their jobs and feel
▸ Profitability: To maintain good profitability in line with industry standards,
without compromising on food quality or service.
Industry Analysis
The burger restaurant industry has relished growth in the domestic economy
over the five-year period from 2014 to 2019 as the unemployment rate fell to a
record low and per capita disposable income increased, providing consumers
with more money to eat away from home.
Although the industry experienced increased competition from the broader food
service market, burger restaurants still represent the largest segment of the
market, especially among limited-service restaurants. Therefore, industry
revenue is anticipated to increase at an annualized rate of 2.6% to $129.4 billion
in 2019. A large percentage of this growth occurred during the first half of the
period as growth slowed down in the second half of 2019, when revenue is
estimated to increase a slight 0.2%.
Target Market
Households are the primary consumers of products and services provided by the
burger restaurants industry. Age, income and geographic location are factors
that influence household demand. Per capita disposable income influences
demand, since the higher the income level, the more consumers typically spend
and eat out.
Since this industry comprises fast food establishments as well as dining
restaurants, there are different types of consumers, including budget-conscious.
Usually, fast food restaurants are more popular in the low and middle-income
neighborhoods due to the price range. However, as income rises, consumers are
more quality-focused and health-conscious, meaning that they are willing to pay
more for a premium and healthier burger.
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Executive Summary
The Management
Entrepreneur 1 has her roots in Houston, Texas, adopting the "Go Big" Texas
mindset. She's riding the wave of young entrepreneurs who are opening
restaurants that scream variety. Since 2005, she has been in the field of pediatric
speech disorders and has a strong desire to bring awareness of the disparity of
access to assistance to communities worldwide. Her wish is to provide a quality
source of food since that is the epitome of wellness.
Financial outlook of the business
XYZLLC is now looking to raise capital of $500,000 by way of an SBA loan. The
funds raised will primarily be used for the following purposes:
▸ Working capital
▸ Equipment
▸ Expansion – opening new outlet
The summary of financials is provided below:
Uses of Funds
Kitchen Equipment
Furniture & Fittings
Launch Expenses
Operating Expenses
Financial Summary
Particulars 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Revenue 955,481 1,477,902 1,590,873 1,792,864 2,020,023
Gross Profit 516,990 860,622 872,581 983,391 1,107,985
Net Profit (105,401) 142,942 118,670 170,653 232,307
Cash Balance 14,432 54,108 75,152 163,179 330,850
BurgerIm Atascocita, LLC | Business Plan
Company Description
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Company Description
XYZis part of one of the world’s fastest-growing burger
franchises, with 200 open locations and 350 currently
being built in just three years. The addition of Unbun’s
guilt-free bun aligns perfectly with the restaurant’s
already robust, health conscious menu, featuring
eleven different patty options including wagyu, salmon,
and falafel.
XYZis owned and operated by Entrepreneur 1. The
restaurant will be open 7 days a week with hours as
Mission Statement
Increase customer satisfaction and generate a pool of
repeated loyal customers by providing exuberant
customer service and a fresh product in a welcoming
and comfortable environment. This is accomplished
through communication, team work, fun and honesty,
as we all collectively work together.
Working Hours
▸ Monday: 11:00am - 8:00pm
▸ Tuesday: 11:00am - 7:00pm
▸ Wednesday: 11:00am - 7:00pm
▸ Thursday: 11:00am - 8:00pm
▸ Friday: 11:00am - 9:00pm
▸ Saturday: 11:00am - 9:00pm
▸ Sunday: 12:00pm - 7:00pm
The restaurant is fully owned by Entrepreneur 1.
Entrepreneur 1 has laid roots in Houston, Texas,
adopting the "Go Big" Texas mindset. She's riding the
wave of young entrepreneurs who are opening
restaurants that scream variety. Service is not new to
Entrepreneur 1. Since 2005, she has been in the field
of pediatric speech disorders and has a strong desire
to bring awareness of the disparity of access to
assistance to communities worldwide. Her wish is to
provide a quality source of food, since that is the
epitome of wellness.
Legal Entity
XYZorganized as a Limited Liability Company, wholly
owned and operated by Entrepreneur 1. The Company
is registered in the state of Texas. a community
property state.
Entrepreneur 1
100% Ownership
The primary goals of the restaurant are:
▸ Dining Experience: To give a holistic dining
experience to all our guests that encourages and
boosts repeat customers. We will achieve this by
greeting guests as they enter, providing great
ambience, and serving meals within 10 minutes.
▸ Guest Loyalty: To improve customer retention and
loyalty by providing a guest loyalty program.
Guests can use the loyalty program to get discounts
and free meals in future visits.
▸ Customer Service: To maintain a high level of
service and have ongoing, high-quality training that
ensures that employees know how to do their jobs
and feel confident.
▸ Profitability: To maintain good profitability in line
with industry standards, without compromising on
food quality, and service.
The LLC was formed in May 2017 and entered into a
franchise agreement to operate the BurgerIM
franchise in the State of Texas.
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Company Description
Source: IBISWorld Research – Burger Restaurants in the US December 2019
Industry Overview - Burger Restaurants in the US
The burger restaurant industry has relished growth in the domestic economy
over the five-year period from 2014 to 2019 as the unemployment rate fell to a
record low and per capita disposable income increased, providing consumers
with more money to eat away from home.
Although the industry experienced increased competition from the broader food
service market, burger restaurants still represent the largest segment of the
market, especially among limited-service restaurants. Therefore, industry
revenue is anticipated to increase at an annualized rate of 2.6% to $129.4 billion
in 2019. A large percentage of this growth occurred during the first half of the
period as growth slowed down in the second half of 2019, when revenue is
estimated to increase a slight 0.2%.
Key Statistics Snapshot
Many industry operators have slowly begun to respond to these changing trends
by altering their menus or expanding their offerings beyond the traditional
hamburger. Furthermore, some industry restaurants have had to reduce prices on
products to remain competitive, which has placed pressure on industry profit. As a
result, industry profit, measured as earnings before interest and taxes, has
decreased from 5.8% of revenue in 2014 to 5.1% in 2019.
The industry is forecast to continue growing over the next five years to 2024, albeit
at a slower pace than the previous five-year period. As operators implement menu
changes and expand their product variety, they will be able to prevent further
impact from the changing consumer trends and growing competition. The burger
restaurant industry will also continue to approach market saturation, forcing many
major companies to seek growth through acquisition or international expansion.
As a result, industry revenue is forecast to increase at an annualized rate of 0.6% to
$133.5 billion over the next five years to 2024.
BurgerIm Atascocita, LLC | Business Plan
Products & Services
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Products and Services
Big BurgerIM
These are 1/3 and 1/4 pound options
Angus Beef - $6.99
1/3 Lb. Patty, House Sauce, Leaf Lettuce, Roma Tomato, Pickles, Shaved
Onions, American Cheese
Dry-Aged Beef - $7.99
1/3 Lb. Patty, Barbecue Sauce, Onion Ring, Bacon, Cheddar Cheese
Spanish Beef - $7.99
1/3 Lb. Patty, Habanero Aioli, Grilled Jalapeño, Leaf Lettuce, Pepper Jack Cheese
Grilled Chicken - $7.99
1/4 Lb. Chicken, Chipotle Aioli, Mixed Greens, Roma Tomato, Avocado, Swiss
Crispy Chicken - $6.99
1/4 Lb. Chicken, House Sauce, Caramelized Onions, Mixed Greens, Pickles, Buffalo
Hawaiian Salmon - $7.99
1/4 Lb. Patty, Red Cabbage Slaw, Pineapple, Ginger Vinaigrette, Barbecue Glaze
Falafel - $6.99
1/4 Lb. Patty, Tahini, Baby Greens, Pickles, Shaved Onions, Roma Tomato
Greek Lamb - $7.99
1/3 Lb. Patty, Tzatziki, Mixed Greens, Shaved Onions, Roma Tomato
Chicken Strips
With the customer’s choice of Buffalo, BBQ or Sweet Crunchy Chili Garlic
Chicken Wings
Side - $3.99
Large - $6.99
Caesar Salad
(Green leaf lettuce, croutons, Parmesan
cheese served with Caesar dressing)
House Salad
(Green leaf lettuce, diced tomatoes,
cucumbers and onions served with balsamic
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Products and Services
This option allows customers to experience
variety and customize burgers according
to their taste
BurgerIM™ Bun (90 Cal)
Lettuce Wrap (5 Cal)
Gluten Free Bun (210 Cal)
Angus Beef (241 Cal)
Lamb (225 Cal)
Grilled Chicken Breast (242 Cal)
Turkey (220 Cal)
Crispy Chicken Breast (326 Cal)
B4 Burger (Vegan)
Extra Patty - $1.99 each
All burgers come with:
• Roma Tomato
• Leaf Lettuce
• Shaved Onions
• Pickles
• American Cheese
• House Sauce
Premium toppings:
1st Burger - $0.99 each
2nd Burger / 3rd Burger - $0.79 each
• Bacon
• Avocado
• Fried Egg
• Pineapple
• Jalapeños
• Onion Ring
• Pepper Jack
• Swiss Cheese
• Cheddar Cheese
• Red Cabbage
• Sautéed Onions
• Sautéed Mushrooms
The Duo - $6.99
Customers can choose two (3 oz)
proteins and mix & match their
toppings (1811 Cal)
The Trio - $9.99
Customers can choose three (3 oz)
proteins and mix & match their
toppings (2320 Cal)
Fries and a Drink $3.00
Sweet Potato Fries and a Drink $3.78
Onion Rings and a Drink $3.78
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Products and Services
BurgerIM’s selection of sides include -
BurgerIM Fries
Onion Rings
Sweet Potato Fries
Half & Half
Cajun Fries
Cookies & Cream - $3.79
Vanilla - $3.79
Chocolate - $2.79
Strawberry - $3.79
Coke - $2.79
Diet Coke - $2.79
Sprite - $2.79
Kids Meal - $5.99
The Kids’ Meal consists of –
• Crispy Chicken Strips / 3 oz Burger
• Fries
• Kids’ Freestyle Drink
Family Box - $34.99
The Family Box consists of
• 8 Burgers
• 8 Chicken Wings
• BurgerIM Fries
• Onion Rings
Party Box - $44.99
The Party Box consists of 16
burgers with up to 4
BurgerIm Atascocita, LLC | Business Plan
Marketing Plan
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Marketing Plan
Market Research - Industry Overview
Fast Food Restaurants in Texas
The fast food restaurant industry in Texas has fared well over the five-year period from 2014 to 2019, primarily due to rising
consumer spending, declining unemployment and faster, on-the-go lifestyles. While certain industry operators have struggled
with changing consumer preferences toward more healthful offerings, fast food restaurants have been successful due to their low
price points and added convenience. As a result, a larger share of spending on food has occurred outside of the home.
Despite this, industry operators along the Gulf Coast were negatively affected in 2017, causing a slight decline in that year.
Operators were forced to close down or rebuild in that region, temporarily stunting the industry’s second-largest market. Luckily,
the industry was quick to recover and rebuild, with the number of industry establishments increasing an annualized 2.8% to
25,814 locations. This growth was also caused by increased franchising among major national operators, as it permits lower
barriers to entry into the market. While this caused decreases in market share for these companies, it increases their brands’ reach
through the state. The number of employees also grew moderately, increasing an annualized 3.9% to 479,859 workers during the
current period to cover the growing demand.
Over the next five years from 2020 to 2024, industry revenue is expected to increase at an annualized rate of 3.8% to $26.8 billion.
The industry is expected to continue rebounding from hurricane devastation, increasing 3.0% in 2019 alone. Over the next five
years from 2019 to 2024, industry revenue is expected to continue increasing, albeit at a slightly slower rate. Consumer spending
in Texas is also expected to continue growing as the Gulf region continues to recover. Additionally, the population of Texas is
expected to increase faster than the national rate, suggesting a larger market of potential consumers will be available to both new
and old entrants.
Over the next five years from 2020 to 2024, industry revenue is expected to increase at an annualized rate of 3.0% to $31.1 billion,
which will entice more entrants into the industry. As franchising is forecast to remain popular, the number of industry
establishments is anticipated to grow an annualized 2.8% to 29,660 locations. Franchising will also lead to reduced market share
concentration, however, as franchised establishments are considered independent enterprises. The growth in employment will
slow slightly from the previous period, increasing an annualized 3.1% to 558,983 workers.
• The fast food restaurant industry
in Texas is growing at a rate similar
to the overall economy
• There is heavy price-based
• Operators are concentrating on
international openings
Source: IBISWorld Research – Fast Food Restaurants in Texas March 2019
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Marketing Plan
Market Research - Key External Drivers
Consumer spending in Texas
Factors that influence consumer spending
also affect the fast food restaurant industry
in Texas. During periods of low economic
growth, spikes in unemployment lead to
consumption declines. When consumer
spending is high, however, consumers are
more likely to spend money at industry
establishments. Consumer spending in
Texas is expected to increase in 2019,
providing a potential opportunity for the
Healthy eating index
Despite long-term, aggregate
declines in healthy eating,
consumers are more aware of
health issues associated wit fatty
foods and are increasingly going out
of their way to avoid them. The
healthy eating index is expected to
decrease subtly in 2019.
Domestic trips by US residents
Large numbers of industry establishments are
located next to highways and in airports, making
them convenient for customers who are looking
for a quick and inexpensive meal option while
they travel. As Texas is a large state, many
consumers must travel long distances between
large cities. The more US consumers travel
domestically, the more people will spend at
industry establishments. The number of
domestic trips by US residents is expected to
increase in 2019.
Consumer Confidence Index
The Consumer Confidence Index measures
consumers’ perceptions about their current and
future financial prospects. Changes in consumer
sentiment have a significant effect on spending on
discretionary items, including items from industry
establishments. During periods of low consumer
confidence, consumers tend to forgo higher-margin
items and opt for lower-priced value products. The
Consumer Confidence Index is expected to decrease
in 2019, posing a potential threat to the industry.
Price of red meat
Red meat is one of the main ingredients in a traditional
burger, and therefore the price of red meat directly affects
cost structure and menu pricing for industry operators. As
the price of red meat goes up, operators must internalize
the cost and reduce their profit, or pass the increased costs
to consumers through raising their menu prices.
Conversely, when the price of red meat goes down,
operators are able to increase profit and reduce menu
prices to attract more consumers. Although the price of red
meat has been volatile over the past five years, it is
expected to increase in 2019.
Source: IBISWorld Research – Fast Food Restaurants in Texas March 2019
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Marketing Plan
Market Research - Barriers to Entry
Barriers to Entry in this industry are Low and Steady
Barriers to entry for the burger restaurant industry are typically low, given the
franchised nature of the industry. Industry operators are actively selling their
company-owned restaurants so they can be 90% to 95% franchised.
This cuts down initial capital costs since operators can lease the premise and
necessary equipment from the franchisor.
Overall, franchises have lower operational costs and risks, making it easier for new,
inexperienced entrants. Also, the low market share concentration proves that it is a
highly fragmented industry as major players keep franchising to expand
Barriers to entry might be higher for burger restaurants that are not part of the
franchise, including start-up costs such as equipment and staffing.
Since the industry is highly regulated, it is important for new entrants to comply with
the strict health requirements and alcohol service licenses. However, these
regulations are mandatory for the broader food service sector and are not as costly or
hard to follow.
Source: IBISWorld Research – Burger Restaurants in the US December 2019
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Marketing Plan
Target Market
Households are the primary consumers of products and services provided by the burger restaurant industry. Age, income and geographic location are factors that
influence household demand. Per capita disposable income influences demand, since the higher the income level the more consumers typically spend and eat out.
Since this industry comprises fast food establishments as well as dining restaurants, there are different types of consumers, including budget-conscious. Usually, fast
food restaurants are more popular in the low and middle-income neighborhoods due to the price range. However, as income rises, consumers are more quality-focused
and health-conscious, meaning that they are willing to pay more for a premium and healthier burger.
Target Market Segmentation
▸ Households earning over $70,000 account for 54.7% of revenue for the fast food restaurant industry in
Texas in 2019, which is lower than the national industry. This is due to the reduced average salary in
▸ Households in the $30,000 to $49,999 segment represent the second-largest share of revenue at 16.0%
in 2019, which is above that of the national industry. This income segment is the largest in the state,
increasing the concentration of consumers in this market.
▸ Households earning between $50,000 and $69,999 account for 12.5% of revenue in 2019, which is less
than the national industry. The main cause of this is the reduced concentration of high-income earners in
the state.
▸ Households earning less than $30,000 make up an estimated 16.8% of industry revenue in Texas and
an estimated 14.5% at the national level. The concentration of establishments in low net income areas
causes this discrepancy.
Source: IBISWorld Research – Fast Food Restaurants in Texas March 2019
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Marketing Plan
Market Research – Business Locations
Establishments in the fast food restaurants industry in Texas are largely
distributed according to the population.
Since the industry provides quick meals to consumers, successful operators
need to be located near their customers. As a result, the north region, which
has the highest population concentration, has the highest establishment
concentration at 32.4% of business locations; this trend is exemplified
through the state’s metropolitan statistical areas (MSA).
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington
MSA is home to an estimated 25.3% of industry establishments. The Gulf
region, which includes the Houston area, has the second-highest
concentration of establishments at 24.2% and a higher proportion of
employment and revenue. The Houston-The Woodlands-Sugar Land MSA
accounts for 20.8% of industry establishments, according to the Bureau of
Labor Statistics. This region also has the second-largest population within the
state, which is the main driver for the concentration. There are also large
proportions of establishments in the central region (11.2%), with the smallest
proportion in the west region (2.9%).
Various academic studies have acknowledged that fast food restaurants are
more prevalent in low-middle and middle-income neighborhoods and
become less prevalent in the highest income neighborhoods. This
distribution is reflected in the industry’s major markets, as these
demographics are the industry’s largest consumers. High income areas tend
to have a greater concentration and variety of restaurants as opposed to fast
food establishments.
Source: IBISWorld Research – Fast Food Restaurants in Texas March 2019
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Marketing Plan
Location Analysis
Map 2 - BurgerIM outlets in Houston
Map 1 - Alternative burger stores in the area
The outlet is located at 12230 W Lake Houston Pkwy, Houston, TX 77044. It is a
part of the Generation Park complex.
This location has a relatively affluent demographic. The number of people in
their late 20s to early 40s is quite high, while the number of seniors is small. The
percentage of children under 18 living in the 77044 ZIP code is extremely large
compared to other areas of the country. Hence, there is a ready market available.
While the area has a favorable market, it also has a number of other outlets that serve
burgers and other fast food. A majority of these stores are franchises of major fast
food chains, as seen in Map 1. However, it can be seen that the company’s outlet is
strategically placed to be the only BurgerIM outlet in the area. In Map 2, the black
icons denote other BurgerIM outlets currently operating, while the green icons
denote outlets that will be opened in the near future. It can be seen that the
company’s outlet has a wide range to cater BurgerIM products to. With the right
strategic planning and execution, the XYZcan become the “go-to” burger outlet in the
region and subsequently build a strong customer base.
Photos of the location/outlet
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Marketing Plan
SWOT Analysis
• High degree of food quality
• Wide variety that can accommodate all
individual preferences, including those with
religious/dietary restrictions
• Strategic business location
• Excellent customer service
• Positive customer reviews
• Negative impression left by
previous management
• Requirement of more aggressive
marketing of the BurgerIM brand
• Intense competition
• Rapid changes in consumer taste and
• Food safety risks and regulations
• Recognized brand
• Expansion through the opening of
subsequent BurgerIM outlets
• Favorable market conditions
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Marketing Plan
Competition Analysis – Immediate Competitors
Whataburger is a regional fast food restaurant chain,
headquartered and based in San Antonio, Texas, that
specializes in hamburgers. The chain has 56 outlets in
the Houston area, more than 670 outlets in Texas and
over 150 in New Mexico, Arizona and the southern United
Nearest outlet - 13933 East Sam Houston Pkwy N,
Houston, TX 77044.
ü 24-hour Drive Thru Service
ü Majority of the reviews indicate good quality
✗ The outlet’s facilities often prove inadequate in
managing foot-traffic, leading to a number of
operational issues and customer dissatisfaction
Five Guys
Five Guys Burgers and Fries is a fast casual restaurant
chain focused on hamburgers, hot dogs, and French
fries. It is headquartered in Lorton, Virginia. As of 2016,
Five Guys had over 1,500 locations open worldwide, with
1,500 locations under development. Currently, the chain
has about 19 outlets in Houston.
Nearest outlet - 14303 East Sam Houston Pkwy N,
Houston, TX 77044.
ü This is a well established chain that has been
operating since 1986
ü Good customer service
✗ Frequent instances of customer dissatisfaction
against value for money
✗ Occasional instances of customer dissatisfaction
against food quality
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Marketing Plan
Competition Analysis – Immediate Competitors
McDonald's Corporation is an American fast food
company, founded in 1940. Although McDonald's is best
known for its hamburgers, cheeseburgers and French
fries, they also feature chicken products, breakfast items,
soft drinks, milkshakes, wraps, and desserts. The chain
has about 150 outlets in the Houston area.
Nearest outlet - Lake Houston Pkwy, Houston, TX 77044,
ü Established Brand
ü Relatively new outlet
✗ Customer Service Issues
Wendy's is an international fast food restaurant chain. As
of December 31, 2018, Wendy's was the world's third
largest hamburger fast food chain with 6,711 locations,
following Burger King and McDonald's. The chain has 47
outlets in Houston.
Nearest outlet - 14115 East Sam Houston Pkwy N,
Houston, TX 77044.
ü Instances of highly satisfactory customer service and
food quality
✗ Cleanliness and ambience issues at the facility
✗ Lack of consistency in the standard of customer
service and food quality - Instances of disappointing
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Marketing Plan
Competition Analysis – Other Competitors
Checkers Drive-In Restaurants, Inc. is one of the largest chains of double drive-thru restaurants in the United States. They specialize in
hamburgers, hot dogs, French fries, and milkshakes. The chain has about 10 outlets in Houston. The nearest outlet is located at 11863 N
Sam Houston Pkwy E, Humble, TX 77346.
Jack in the Box
Jack in the Box is an American fast food restaurant chain. The chain has 2,200 locations, primarily serving the West Coast of the United
States. Restaurants are also found in selected large urban areas outside the West Coast. Food items include a variety of chicken tenders
and french fries along with hamburger and cheeseburger sandwiches and selections of internationally themed foods such as tacos and
egg rolls. The nearest outlet is located at 8923 East Sam Houston Pkwy N, Houston, TX 77044.
Burger King
Burger King (BK) is an American multinational chain of hamburger fast food restaurants. Burger King's menu has expanded from a basic
offering of burgers, french fries, sodas, and milkshakes to a larger and more diverse set of products. The chain has about 70 outlets in
Houston. The nearest outlet is located at 9410 N Sam Houston Pkwy E #b, Humble, TX 77396.
Other competitors include national and regional stores like Hopdoddy Burger Bar, Sonic Drive-In, etc. This segment also includes other
fast food chain outlets near the store, such as Papa John’s Pizza, Schlotzsky’s Sandwiches, Subway, etc.
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Marketing Plan
Marketing Strategies
Word of mouth
This is a crucial means of raising awareness about the company. Ensuring client
satisfaction, the company attracts new customers through word of mouth, as
potential customers are more likely to choose the store when they receive first-
hand assurance about the quality and the overall experience.
Social Media
Social media has become an indispensable part of marketing any business. It is
used to connect with the target market, create awareness about products and
services, encourage word of mouth (through favorable reviews) and encourage
BurgerIM has official social media handles on various platforms. They develop
social media network specific content that is designed to engage, inform and
entertain the users and customers. Moreover, the company monitors individual
customer reviews pertaining to the outlet on Google and Facebook. Each review
is directly addressed in order to ensure that customers know that the company
is listening.
Email Marketing
Through strategic use of email marketing, communications can be
automatically triggered to deliver timely offers and content. The company will
build an email database of customers and potential customers and send them
notifications of offers, discounts, coupons, events, introduction of new menu
items, etc. An effective recurring email campaign can evolve to include referral
lead generation and social media audience building.
The company uses a mix of digital and print advertising to increase the outlet visibility.
This includes –
§ Leaflets: These are very effective marketing tools for reaching consumers.
Distributing leaflets through mailbox drops and handouts is a simple, inexpensive and
proven way of reaching customers. Well-designed, attention-grabbing leaflets can work
well for the company and appeal to a broad audience.
§ Social Ad Campaigns: The company posts paid advertisements on social media
platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. These platforms may be used for behavior
& demographic targeting, and generation of new customer leads and referrals.
§ Paid Ads: The company will invest in Google AdWords and Pay-Per-Click advertising to
drive traffic from search engines based on geo-targeting.
§ Print Media: The company will advertise through print media such as newspapers,
magazines, etc. It will also have announcements made on the radio and other
broadcasting platforms.
Coupons and Discounts
BurgerIM extends attractive offers on certain occasions, for example, the recent Black
Friday offer of free “Impossible Burgers.” Apart from this, the company also hands out
coupons at public venues to increase the outlet visibility.
Multiple Distribution Channels
The company offers dine-in, takeout and online orders to enable customer convenience.
The outlet is designed to be an aesthetically appealing and comfortable ambience for
families and friends to meet up and dine in.
BurgerIm Atascocita, LLC | Business Plan
Operational Plan
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Operational Plan
Legal Environment
The burger restaurants industry is subject to a moderate and increasing level of regulation. Regulations cover a wide range of areas, such as food safety and health
standards, labor conditions and compensation, franchising regulations, and more. Most regulations are enforced at the state level; however, there are some
federal regulations as well.
Food safety and standards
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the main agency to provide guidance and regulation, established a mandate for nutrition labeling in chain
restaurants, in addition to complete transparency in the nutritional content of menu items. In general, operators in the food service industry are subject to
different laws concerning the handling and preparation of food and beverages, including health safety standards involving product storage. The FDA’s Model Food
Code is a guide to food handling and preparation, which is updated every four years. The FDA also required the food industry to phase out trans fats from food,
usually found in processed foods, to prevent illness. State and local government also impose a variety of regulations to retail food and food service industries in the
United States. For example, in some cities it is mandatory for restaurants to display their health inspection grade in a visible place at all times. Also, the Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) requires restaurants to disclose calorie information at all times, mostly displayed in the menus, and to provide
additional nutrition information upon request. Industry establishments that are part of a franchise with more than 20 locations are subject to calorie labeling.
Labor relations
This industry’s operators typically employ low-skill labor, which is subject to a minimum wage and employee benefits. As of 2019, employees in the United States
must be paid no less than $7.25 an hour depending on the state they work in. Some states implement a higher minimum wage than the federal rate. Furthermore,
the Affordable Care Act requires industry operators to provide healthcare coverage if they have 50 or more employees that work over 30 hours a week. This will
affect the industry slightly, since most industry establishments have fewer than 50 workers.
Franchising laws
Industry operators that comprise franchise establishments are subject to regulations over franchise agreements. Some franchise regulations vary from state to
state, but they are mostly federal mandates. The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is responsible for regulating federal franchise laws with the United States. The
FTC Franchise Rule states that a franchise must have a trademark under which the franchisee is given the right to distribute goods and services, the franchisor has
the main control over the franchisee’s operation, and the franchisee is required to pay the franchisor at least $500.00 within the first six months of opening.
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Operational Plan
Staffing Plan
Particulars 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Owner 1 1 1 1 1
Chef 1 1 1 1 1
Kitchen Help/Dishwasher 1 1 1 1 1
Food Server 1 1 1 1 1
Annual Salaries per person Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Owner -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Chef 35,307
$ 37,073
$ 38,926
$ 40,873
$ 42,916
Kitchen Help/Dishwasher 28,512
$ 29,938
$ 31,434
$ 33,006
$ 34,657
Food Server 31,622
$ 33,204
$ 34,864
$ 36,607
$ 38,437
The staffing plan for each outlet is given below:
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Operational Plan
Inventory and Suppliers
US Foods® is one of America’s great
food companies and a leading
foodservice distributor, partnering
with approximately 300,000
restaurants and foodservice operators
to help their businesses succeed. With
nearly 28,000 employees and more
than 70 locations, they provide their
customers with a broad and
innovative food offering and a
comprehensive suite of e-commerce,
technology and business solutions.
Restaurant Depot is a wholesale
cash and carry foodservice
supplier where you'll find quality
products at low prices. They sell a
broad selection of products for
independent restaurants, caterers
and non-profits.
Sysco Corporation is an American
multinational corporation involved in
marketing and distributing food
products, smallwares, kitchen
equipment and tabletop items to
restaurants, healthcare and educational
facilities, hospitality businesses like
hotels and inns, and wholesale to other
companies that provide foodservice
(like Aramark and Sodexo). The
company is headquartered in the
Energy Corridor district of Houston,
The Kroger Company, or simply
Kroger, is an American
multinational retailing company
founded by Bernard Kroger in 1883
in Cincinnati, Ohio. It is the United
States' largest supermarket chain
by revenue, the second-largest
general retailer.
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Operational Plan
Roadmap and Milestones
The restaurant’s short-term milestones are as follows:
Milestone Date
Scout for location and sign lease agreement 15 January 2020
Establishment of standard operating procedures 20 January 2020
Complete interior and décor 30 January 2020
Complete kitchen needs 15 February 2020
Hire staff Jan-Feb 2020
Train staff on standard operating procedures 10 February 2020
Soft Launch 15 February 2020
The restaurant’s long-term milestones are as follows:
§ Launch new outlet
§ Aggressive marketing
§ Brand establishment
§ Achieve breakeven
§ Achieve revenues of $1.40 million+
§ Maintain good profitability
§ Achieve revenues of $1.5 million+
§ Achieve profitability of $100k
§ Establish brand equity
§ Have at least 30% income from regular
customers using the loyalty program.
§ Ongoing growth and marketing
BurgerIm Atascocita, LLC | Business Plan
Management and
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Operational Plan
Entrepreneur 1, Owner
Entrepreneur 1 has laid roots in Houston, Texas, adopting the "Go Big" Texas
mindset. She's riding the wave of young entrepreneurs who are opening
restaurants that scream variety. Service is not new to Entrepreneur 1. Since
2005, Clement has been in the field of pediatric speech disorders and has a
strong desire to bring awareness of the disparity of access to assistance to
communities worldwide. Her wish is to provide a quality source of food, since
that is the epitome of wellness.
"My career is ever evolving,
and my life's passion is to help
others achieve their goals in
business ownership as I have.”
- Entrepreneur 1
Management Profiles
• Customer Targeting
• Effective Leader
• Customer Service Oriented
• Hiring, training, and supervision
• Strong work ethic
• Safety procedures knowledge
BurgerIm – Self Employed Aug 2005 to Current
• Own and managed daily operations of retail
• Followed general format and guidelines of corporation while incorporating specific
business strategies and promotions to attract customer base
• Financial management: developed forecast of revenue, expenditure and profit
• Managed performance sales and training of five commissioned employees
• Created sustainable accountability and motivation with employees by setting sales
reward programs, including cash bonuses
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Operational Plan
Organizational Chart
Kitchen Help
Food Server
§ Responsible for the daily operations of a restaurant as well as its overall
direction, profitability, and reputation
§ Extremely hands-on, helping out in the kitchen and interacting with
customers, with focus on strategic planning
§ Implementing strategies, monitoring reports, budgetary controls and
§ Set up the kitchen with cooking utensils and equipment, like
knives, pans and kitchen scales
§ Study each recipe and gather all necessary ingredients
§ Cook food in a timely manner
§ Delegate tasks to kitchen staff
§ Inform wait staff about daily specials
§ Supervise Cooks and assist as needed
Kitchen Help
§ Preparing meal ingredients for the Cook, which includes
washing, peeling, cutting, and slicing ingredients
§ Assisting kitchen staff to unload food supplies from delivery
§ Properly washing and drying all dishes, utensils, cooking
instruments and cutting boards
§ Neatly putting away all utensils, cooking instruments, dishes,
and cutting boards in their respective places
§ Packing take-out orders as needed
§ Removing garbage, replacing garbage bags, and washing
garbage cans
§ Mopping and sweeping the kitchen areas as required
BurgerIm Atascocita, LLC | Business Plan
Start-up Expenses
and Capitalization
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Start-up Expenses and Capitalization
Sources and Uses of Funds
Total start-up costs are estimated to be $500,000. The major costs
are associated with the restaurant equipment and furniture, and the
costs for opening a new outlet. Total costs for these items are
expected to be $260,000. Additional start-up expenses are in the
form of operating expenses and contingencies.
Particulars 2020
Uses of Funds
Kitchen Equipment 165,000
Furniture & Fittings 40,000
Launch Expenses 25,000
Marketing 30,000
Operating Expenses 240,000
Total 500,000
Sources of Funds
Loan 500,000
Total 500,000
Uses of Funds
Kitchen Equipment
Furniture & Fittings
Launch Expenses
Operating Expenses
BurgerIm Atascocita, LLC | Business Plan
Financial Plan
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Financial Plan
Projected Income Statements
Particulars 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Dine-In 725,166
$ 1,183,871
$ 1,304,034
$ 1,472,806
$ 1,659,267
Delivery 175,933
$ 254,583
$ 256,071
$ 288,524
$ 325,091
Total 901,099
$ 1,438,455
$ 1,560,105
$ 1,761,330
$ 1,984,358
Cost of Goods Sold
Food Cost 360,440
$ 521,420
$ 624,042
$ 704,532
$ 793,743
Delivery Partner's Commission 56,299
$ 81,467
$ 81,943
$ 92,328
$ 104,029
Total 416,738
$ 602,886
$ 705,985
$ 796,860
$ 897,772
Gross Margin 484,361
$ 835,568
$ 854,120
$ 964,470
$ 1,086,586
Gross Margin 54% 58% 55% 55% 55%
Manpower 209,972
$ 220,470
$ 231,494
$ 243,069
$ 255,222
Rent 240,000
$ 252,000
$ 264,600
$ 277,830
$ 291,722
Utilities 27,900
$ 30,870
$ 32,414
$ 34,034
$ 35,736
Telephone & Internet 2,300
$ 2,520
$ 2,646
$ 2,778
$ 2,917
Insurance 17,250
$ 18,900
$ 19,845
$ 20,837
$ 21,879
Consumables & Packaging 9,011
$ 14,385
$ 15,601
$ 17,613
$ 19,844
Accountant, Payroll and Taxes 11,500
$ 12,600
$ 13,230
$ 13,892
$ 14,586
Consulting 12,000
$ 12,600
$ 13,230
$ 13,892
$ 14,586
Credit Card/Payment Gateway 27,033
$ 43,154
$ 46,803
$ 52,840
$ 59,531
Marketing 60,400
$ 90,000
$ 94,500
$ 99,225
$ 104,186
Interest 22,950
$ 18,331
$ 13,476
$ 8,372
$ 3,008
Depreciation 60,860
$ 42,582
$ 29,840
$ 20,946
$ 14,731
Total 617,366
$ 697,499
$ 734,363
$ 776,010
$ 820,209
Net Profit before taxes (133,005)
$ 138,070
$ 119,758
$ 188,461
$ 266,377
Taxes -
$ 15,431
$ 15,323
$ 31,828
$ 49,728
Net Profit before taxes (133,005)
$ 122,638
$ 104,435
$ 156,632
$ 216,650
Key Assumptions
§ The restaurant will have two sources of revenue: dine-in and delivery.
§ The revenues for the existing restaurant are estimated to grow at
2.5% per month in 2020, 1.5% in 2021, and 1% from July 2022.
Considering the huge market potential, these number are extremely
§ The new restaurant is expected to be operational from Feb 2020.
Since the restaurant will be located at the airport or colleges, or other
places where there is high foot traffic, the growth rates will be higher
than the current outlet. Accordingly, a 5% monthly growth is assumed
for 2020, 1.5% in 2021, and 1% from 2022.
§ Food cost is assumed at 40% of revenues, which is in line with the
industry norms.
§ All other expenses are assumed to increase at 5% per annum.
§ The revenue shows a healthy compounded annual growth rate of
§ The gross profit also shows a healthy compounded annual growth
rate of 22%, in line with the revenues.
§ The restaurant becomes profitable from 2021 and operates at normal
capacity from 2022.
§ The net profit shows a compounded annual growth rate of 33%
between 2021 and 2024.
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Financial Plan
Projected Working Capital Requirements
Particulars 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Current Assets
Receivables - In Restaurant 12,965
$ 17,357
$ 19,156
$ 21,594
$ 24,325
Receivables - Delivery Partner 8,364
$ 11,198
$ 11,263
$ 12,691
$ 14,297
Inventory 5,041
$ 6,276
$ 7,331
$ 8,264
$ 9,309
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Total 26,370
$ 34,831
$ 37,749
$ 42,548
$ 47,931
Current Liabilities
Payables -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Total -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Net Working Capital 26,370
$ 34,831
$ 37,749
$ 42,548
$ 47,931
Key Assumptions
§ The average inventory holding days will be 4 days.
§ Receivables for dine-in will be 5 days. This will primarily be from the
credit card/debit card swipes.
§ Receivables from delivery partners like Uber eats is assumed to be 15
§ No payables are assumed. All vendors are expected to deal on ‘cash
and carry’ terms.
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Financial Plan
Projected Cash Flow Statements
Particulars 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Operating Activities
Net Profit after taxes (216,814)
$ 77,156
$ 76,442
$ 159,142
$ 248,639
(+) Depreciation 60,860
$ 42,582
$ 29,840
$ 20,946
$ 14,731
(+) Interest 22,950
$ 18,331
$ 13,476
$ 8,372
$ 3,008
(-) Increase in Receivables (21,329)
$ (7,226)
$ (1,863)
$ (3,866)
$ (4,338)
(-) Increase in Inventory (5,041)
$ (1,235)
$ (1,055)
$ (933)
$ (1,045)
(+) Increase in Payables -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Cash flow from operating activities (159,375)
$ 129,608
$ 116,840
$ 183,662
$ 260,994
Investing Activities
Kitchen Equipment (165,000)
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Furniture & Fittings (40,000)
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Marketing (20,000)
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Total (225,000)
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Financing Activities
Loan 500,000
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Repayment (113,227)
$ (113,227)
$ (113,227)
$ (113,227)
$ (113,227)
Total 386,773
$ (113,227)
$ (113,227)
$ (113,227)
$ (113,227)
Opening Balance - 2,398 18,778 22,391 92,825
Surplus 2,398
$ 16,381
$ 3,612
$ 70,434
$ 147,767
Closing Balance 2,398
$ 18,778
$ 22,391
$ 92,825
$ 240,592
§ The cash flow statements show a very healthy cash position.
§ Except for the first year where the business model is yet to stabilize,
all other years show a positive operating cash flow. This shows the
financial health and cash generating ability of the business.
§ The cash balance at the end of five years after meeting all costs is
about $240k, after repayment of all debt and interest thereon.
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Financial Plan
Projected Balance Sheets
Particulars 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Kitchen Equipment 115,182
$ 80,593
$ 56,540
$ 39,783
$ 28,086
Furniture & Fittings 28,958
$ 20,965
$ 15,178
$ 10,988
$ 7,955
Capitalized Expenses -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Inventory 5,041
$ 6,276
$ 7,331
$ 8,264
$ 9,309
Receivables 21,329
$ 28,555
$ 30,418
$ 34,284
$ 38,622
Deposits 20,000
$ 20,000
$ 20,000
$ 20,000
$ 20,000
Cash and Bank Balance 2,398
$ 18,778
$ 22,391
$ 92,825
$ 240,592
Total 192,908
$ 175,168
$ 151,858
$ 206,145
$ 344,564
Liabilities & Equity
Loan 409,722
$ 314,826
$ 215,074
$ 110,220
$ (0)
Retained Earnings (216,814)
$ (139,658)
$ (63,217)
$ 95,925
$ 344,564
Payables -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Total 192,908
$ 175,168
$ 151,858
$ 206,145
$ 344,564
§ The projected balance sheets prove the financial viability and
strength of the business model.
§ At the end of 2024, the cash balance available is $0.24 million, which
shows the cash generating ability of the business.
§ The retained earnings at the end of 2024 is $344,564.
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Financial Plan
Financial Charts
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Profitability Analysis
Revenue EBITDA Net Profit Net Profit %
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Revenue Analysis
Dine-In Delivery
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Financial Plan
Financial Charts
Structure of Expenses
Food Cost
Delivery Partner's
Telephone & Internet
Consumables & Packaging
Accountant, Payroll and
Credit Card/Payment
129,608 116,840
- -
(113,227) (113,227) (113,227) (113,227)
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Cash Flow Analysis
Operating Investing Financing
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Financial Plan
Breakeven Analysis
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Breakeven Analysis
Revenue Variable Costs Contribution Fixed Costs Breakeven Point
Particulars 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Revenue 901,099 1,438,455 1,560,105 1,761,330 1,984,358
Variable Costs 416,738 602,886 705,985 796,860 897,772
Contribution 484,361 835,568 854,120 964,470 1,086,586
Fixed Costs 617,366 712,930 749,685 807,838 869,936
Breakeven Point 127% 85% 88% 84% 80%
Breakeven Revenue 786,894 608,291 658,020 676,643 696,483
BurgerIm Atascocita, LLC | Business Plan
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
12-Month Income Statements
Particulars Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20
Dine-In 19,800
$ 52,105
$ 54,200
$ 56,415
$ 58,705
$ 61,091
$ 63,583
$ 66,184
$ 68,891
$ 71,718
$ 74,685
$ 77,789
Delivery 12,750
$ 13,073
$ 13,396
$ 13,736
$ 14,076
$ 14,433
$ 14,790
$ 15,164
$ 15,538
$ 15,929
$ 16,320
$ 16,728
Total 32,550
$ 65,178
$ 67,596
$ 70,151
$ 72,781
$ 75,524
$ 78,373
$ 81,348
$ 84,429
$ 87,647
$ 91,005
$ 94,517
Cost of Goods Sold
Food Cost 13,020
$ 26,071
$ 27,038
$ 28,060
$ 29,112
$ 30,210
$ 31,349
$ 32,539
$ 33,772
$ 35,059
$ 36,402
$ 37,807
Delivery Partner's Commission 4,080
$ 4,183
$ 4,287
$ 4,396
$ 4,504
$ 4,619
$ 4,733
$ 4,852
$ 4,972
$ 5,097
$ 5,222
$ 5,353
Total 17,100
$ 30,255
$ 31,325
$ 32,456
$ 33,617
$ 34,828
$ 36,082
$ 37,392
$ 38,744
$ 40,156
$ 41,624
$ 43,160
Gross Margin 15,450
$ 34,923
$ 36,271
$ 37,695
$ 39,164
$ 40,696
$ 42,291
$ 43,956
$ 45,685
$ 47,491
$ 49,381
$ 51,357
Gross Margin 47% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54%
Manpower 17,498
$ 17,498
$ 17,498
$ 17,498
$ 17,498
$ 17,498
$ 17,498
$ 17,498
$ 17,498
$ 17,498
$ 17,498
$ 17,498
Rent 20,000
$ 20,000
$ 20,000
$ 20,000
$ 20,000
$ 20,000
$ 20,000
$ 20,000
$ 20,000
$ 20,000
$ 20,000
$ 20,000
Utilities 950
$ 2,450
$ 2,450
$ 2,450
$ 2,450
$ 2,450
$ 2,450
$ 2,450
$ 2,450
$ 2,450
$ 2,450
$ 2,450
Telephone & Internet 100
$ 200
$ 200
$ 200
$ 200
$ 200
$ 200
$ 200
$ 200
$ 200
$ 200
$ 200
Insurance 750
$ 1,500
$ 1,500
$ 1,500
$ 1,500
$ 1,500
$ 1,500
$ 1,500
$ 1,500
$ 1,500
$ 1,500
$ 1,500
Consumables & Packaging 326
$ 652
$ 676
$ 702
$ 728
$ 755
$ 784
$ 813
$ 844
$ 876
$ 910
$ 945
Accountant, Payroll and Taxes 500
$ 1,000
$ 1,000
$ 1,000
$ 1,000
$ 1,000
$ 1,000
$ 1,000
$ 1,000
$ 1,000
$ 1,000
$ 1,000
Consulting 1,000
$ 1,000
$ 1,000
$ 1,000
$ 1,000
$ 1,000
$ 1,000
$ 1,000
$ 1,000
$ 1,000
$ 1,000
$ 1,000
Credit Card/Payment Gateway 977
$ 1,955
$ 2,028
$ 2,105
$ 2,183
$ 2,266
$ 2,351
$ 2,440
$ 2,533
$ 2,629
$ 2,730
$ 2,836
Marketing 27,950
$ 2,950
$ 2,950
$ 2,950
$ 2,950
$ 2,950
$ 2,950
$ 2,950
$ 2,950
$ 2,950
$ 2,950
$ 2,950
Interest 2,083
$ 2,053
$ 2,022
$ 1,991
$ 1,960
$ 1,929
$ 1,898
$ 1,866
$ 1,835
$ 1,803
$ 1,771
$ 1,739
Depreciation 5,944
$ 5,770
$ 5,600
$ 5,435
$ 5,275
$ 5,120
$ 4,970
$ 4,824
$ 4,682
$ 4,545
$ 4,412
$ 4,282
Total 78,077
$ 57,027
$ 56,923
$ 56,830
$ 56,744
$ 56,668
$ 56,600
$ 56,542
$ 56,492
$ 56,451
$ 56,421
$ 56,400
Net Profit before taxes (62,627)
$ (22,104)
$ (20,652)
$ (19,135)
$ (17,580)
$ (15,972)
$ (14,309)
$ (12,585)
$ (10,807)
$ (8,961)
$ (7,040)
$ (5,043)
Taxes -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Net Profit before taxes (62,627)
$ (22,104)
$ (20,652)
$ (19,135)
$ (17,580)
$ (15,972)
$ (14,309)
$ (12,585)
$ (10,807)
$ (8,961)
$ (7,040)
$ (5,043)
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
12-Month Cash Flows
Particulars Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20
Operating Activities
Net Profit after taxes (62,627)
$ (22,104)
$ (20,652)
$ (19,135)
$ (17,580)
$ (15,972)
$ (14,309)
$ (12,585)
$ (10,807)
$ (8,961)
$ (7,040)
$ (5,043)
(+) Depreciation 5,944
$ 5,770
$ 5,600
$ 5,435
$ 5,275
$ 5,120
$ 4,970
$ 4,824
$ 4,682
$ 4,545
$ 4,412
$ 4,282
(+) Interest 2,083
$ 2,053
$ 2,022
$ 1,991
$ 1,960
$ 1,929
$ 1,898
$ 1,866
$ 1,835
$ 1,803
$ 1,771
$ 1,739
(-) Increase in Receivables (9,675)
$ (5,546)
$ (511)
$ (539)
$ (552)
$ (576)
$ (594)
$ (621)
$ (638)
$ (667)
$ (690)
$ (721)
(-) Increase in Inventory (4,500)
$ -
$ 895
$ (136)
$ (140)
$ (146)
$ (152)
$ (159)
$ (164)
$ (172)
$ (179)
$ (187)
(+) Increase in Payables -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Cash flow from operating activities (68,775)
$ (19,827)
$ (12,646)
$ (12,384)
$ (11,037)
$ (9,645)
$ (8,187)
$ (6,674)
$ (5,092)
$ (3,451)
$ (1,726)
$ 70
Investing Activities
Kitchen Equipment (165,000)
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Furniture & Fittings (40,000)
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Marketing (20,000)
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Total (225,000)
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Financing Activities
Loan 500,000
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Repayment (9,436)
$ (9,436)
$ (9,436)
$ (9,436)
$ (9,436)
$ (9,436)
$ (9,436)
$ (9,436)
$ (9,436)
$ (9,436)
$ (9,436)
$ (9,436)
Total 490,564
$ (9,436)
$ (9,436)
$ (9,436)
$ (9,436)
$ (9,436)
$ (9,436)
$ (9,436)
$ (9,436)
$ (9,436)
$ (9,436)
$ (9,436)
Opening Balance -
$ 196,790
$ 167,527
$ 145,445
$ 123,625
$ 103,153
$ 84,072
$ 66,449
$ 50,339
$ 35,812
$ 22,925
$ 11,763
Surplus 196,790
$ (29,263)
$ (22,082)
$ (21,820)
$ (20,472)
$ (19,081)
$ (17,623)
$ (16,110)
$ (14,528)
$ (12,887)
$ (11,162)
$ (9,365)
Closing Balance 196,790
$ 167,527
$ 145,445
$ 123,625
$ 103,153
$ 84,072
$ 66,449
$ 50,339
$ 35,812
$ 22,925
$ 11,763
$ 2,398
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Standalone Income Statement – W Lake (Existing Outlet)
Particulars 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Dine-In 273,378
$ 395,679
$ 470,687
$ 533,787
$ 601,127
Delivery 175,933
$ 254,583
$ 256,071
$ 288,524
$ 325,091
Total 449,311
$ 650,262
$ 726,758
$ 822,311
$ 926,218
Cost of Goods Sold
Food Cost 179,724
$ 233,419
$ 290,703
$ 328,924
$ 370,487
Delivery Partner's Commission 56,299
$ 81,467
$ 81,943
$ 92,328
$ 104,029
Total 236,023
$ 314,886
$ 372,646
$ 421,252
$ 474,516
Gross Margin 213,288
$ 335,376
$ 354,112
$ 401,059
$ 451,701
Gross Margin 47% 52% 49% 49% 49%
Manpower 104,986
$ 110,235
$ 115,747
$ 121,534
$ 127,611
Rent 60,000
$ 63,000
$ 66,150
$ 69,458
$ 72,930
Utilities 11,400
$ 11,970
$ 12,569
$ 13,197
$ 13,857
Telephone & Internet 1,200
$ 1,260
$ 1,323
$ 1,389
$ 1,459
Insurance 9,000
$ 9,450
$ 9,923
$ 10,419
$ 10,940
Consumables & Packaging 4,493
$ 6,503
$ 7,268
$ 8,223
$ 9,262
Accountant, Payroll and Taxes 6,000
$ 6,300
$ 6,615
$ 6,946
$ 7,293
Consulting 12,000
$ 12,600
$ 13,230
$ 13,892
$ 14,586
Credit Card/Payment Gateway 13,479
$ 19,508
$ 21,803
$ 24,669
$ 27,787
Marketing 25,200
$ 45,000
$ 47,250
$ 49,613
$ 52,093
Interest 4,819
$ 3,850
$ 2,830
$ 1,758
$ 632
Depreciation 4,309
$ 3,356
$ 2,620
$ 2,050
$ 1,607
Total 247,758
$ 285,826
$ 301,876
$ 319,339
$ 337,817
Net Profit before taxes (34,470)
$ 49,551
$ 52,236
$ 81,720
$ 113,884
Taxes -
$ 8,469
$ 9,357
$ 15,582
$ 22,329
Net Profit before taxes (34,470)
$ 41,082
$ 42,878
$ 66,138
$ 91,555
EBITDA (25,342)
$ 56,756
$ 57,686
$ 85,528
$ 116,123
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Standalone Cash Flows – W Lake (Existing Outlet)
Particulars 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Operating Activities
Net Profit after taxes (43,598)
$ 42,345
$ 46,786
$ 77,912
$ 111,645
(+) Depreciation 4,309
$ 3,356
$ 2,620
$ 2,050
$ 1,607
(+) Interest 4,819
$ 3,850
$ 2,830
$ 1,758
$ 632
(-) Increase in Receivables (12,697)
$ (4,302)
$ (1,202)
$ (2,317)
$ (2,591)
(-) Increase in Inventory (2,279)
$ (528)
$ (615)
$ (437)
$ (486)
(+) Increase in Payables -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Cash flow from operating activities (49,446)
$ 44,721
$ 50,418
$ 78,967
$ 110,807
Investing Activities
Kitchen Equipment (15,000)
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Furniture & Fittings (5,000)
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Total (20,000)
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Financing Activities
Loan 105,000
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Repayment (23,778)
$ (23,778)
$ (23,778)
$ (23,778)
$ (23,778)
Total 81,222
$ (23,778)
$ (23,778)
$ (23,778)
$ (23,778)
Opening Balance - 11,776 32,719 59,360 114,549
Surplus 11,776
$ 20,943
$ 26,641
$ 55,189
$ 87,029
Closing Balance 11,776
$ 32,719
$ 59,360
$ 114,549
$ 201,578
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Standalone Income Statement – New Outlet
Particulars 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Dine-In 451,788
$ 788,192
$ 833,347
$ 939,019
$ 1,058,141
Delivery -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Total 451,788
$ 788,192
$ 833,347
$ 939,019
$ 1,058,141
Cost of Goods Sold
Food Cost 180,715
$ 288,000
$ 333,339
$ 375,608
$ 423,256
Delivery Partner's Commission -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Total 180,715
$ 288,000
$ 333,339
$ 375,608
$ 423,256
Gross Margin 271,073
$ 500,192
$ 500,008
$ 563,412
$ 634,884
Gross Margin 60% 63% 60% 60% 60%
Manpower 104,986
$ 110,235
$ 115,747
$ 121,534
$ 127,611
Rent 180,000
$ 189,000
$ 198,450
$ 208,373
$ 218,791
Utilities 16,500
$ 18,900
$ 19,845
$ 20,837
$ 21,879
Telephone & Internet 1,100
$ 1,260
$ 1,323
$ 1,389
$ 1,459
Insurance 8,250
$ 9,450
$ 9,923
$ 10,419
$ 10,940
Consumables & Packaging 4,518
$ 7,882
$ 8,333
$ 9,390
$ 10,581
Accountant, Payroll and Taxes 5,500
$ 6,300
$ 6,615
$ 6,946
$ 7,293
Consulting -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Credit Card/Payment Gateway 13,554
$ 23,646
$ 25,000
$ 28,171
$ 31,744
Marketing 35,200
$ 45,000
$ 47,250
$ 49,613
$ 52,093
Interest 18,130
$ 14,481
$ 10,646
$ 6,614
$ 2,376
Depreciation 56,551
$ 39,227
$ 27,220
$ 18,896
$ 13,123
Total 369,607
$ 411,673
$ 432,486
$ 456,671
$ 482,391
Net Profit before taxes (98,535)
$ 88,519
$ 67,522
$ 106,741
$ 152,493
Taxes -
$ 6,962
$ 5,966
$ 16,246
$ 27,399
Net Profit before taxes (98,535)
$ 81,557
$ 61,556
$ 90,495
$ 125,094
EBITDA (23,853)
$ 142,227
$ 105,388
$ 132,251
$ 167,993
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Standalone Cash Flows – New Outlet
Particulars 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Operating Activities
Net Profit after taxes (173,216)
$ 34,811
$ 29,656
$ 81,230
$ 136,994
(+) Depreciation 56,551
$ 39,227
$ 27,220
$ 18,896
$ 13,123
(+) Interest 18,130
$ 14,481
$ 10,646
$ 6,614
$ 2,376
(-) Increase in Receivables (8,632)
$ (2,924)
$ (661)
$ (1,550)
$ (1,747)
(-) Increase in Inventory (2,762)
$ (707)
$ (440)
$ (496)
$ (559)
(+) Increase in Payables -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Cash flow from operating activities (109,928)
$ 84,887
$ 66,421
$ 104,695
$ 150,188
Investing Activities
Kitchen Equipment (150,000)
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Furniture & Fittings (35,000)
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Marketing (20,000)
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Total (205,000)
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Financing Activities
Loan 395,000
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Repayment (89,450)
$ (89,450)
$ (89,450)
$ (89,450)
$ (89,450)
Total 305,550
$ (89,450)
$ (89,450)
$ (89,450)
$ (89,450)
Opening Balance - (9,378) (13,941) (36,969) (21,724)
Surplus (9,378)
$ (4,562)
$ (23,028)
$ 15,245
$ 60,738
Closing Balance (9,378)
$ (13,941)
$ (36,969)
$ (21,724)
$ 39,014
XYZ, LLC | Business Plan
Loan Schedule
Loan Schedule
SBA Loan 60 months 5% Interest
Opening Balance 500,000
$ 409,722
$ 314,826
$ 215,074
$ 110,220
(+) Interest 22,950
$ 18,331
$ 13,476
$ 8,372
$ 3,008
(-) Repayment (113,227)
$ (113,227)
$ (113,227)
$ (113,227)
$ (113,227)
Closing Balance 409,722
$ 314,826
$ 215,074
$ 110,220
$ -

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  • 2. BurgerIm Atascocita, LLC | Business Plan Contents 2 Particulars Executive Summary 4 Company Description 7 Products and Services 10 Marketing Plan 14 Operational Plan 26 Management and Organization 31 Startup Expenses and Capitalization 34 Financial Plan 36 Annex 44
  • 3. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Confidentiality Agreement 3 The undersigned reader acknowledges that any information provided by XYZLLC in this business plan, other than information that is in the public domain, is confidential in nature, and that any disclosure or use of same by the reader may cause serious harm or damage to XYZLLC . Therefore, the undersigned agrees not to disclose it without express written permission from XYZLLC. Upon request, the undersigned reader will immediately return this document to XYZLLC. _________________ Signature Name: ______________ Date: _______________
  • 4. BurgerIm Atascocita, LLC | Business Plan 1 Executive Summary 4
  • 5. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Executive Summary 5 Overview XYZLLC is part of one of the world’s fastest-growing burger franchises, with 200 open locations and 350 currently being built in just three years. The restaurant is fully owned by Entrepreneur 1. Products and services The fast food restaurant industry in Texas has fared well over the five-year period from 2014 to 2019, primarily due to rising consumer spending, declining unemployment and faster, on-the-go lifestyles. While certain industry operators have struggled with changing consumer preferences toward more healthful offerings, fast food restaurants have been successful due to their low-price points and added convenience. As a result, a larger share of spending on food has occurred outside of the home. In order to capitalize on this opportunity, XYZLLC has been established. It is a part of an international franchise that serves customized hamburger flavors, toppings, sauces, fries, and more. Goals for the business The following are the goals of the company: ▸ Dining Experience: To give a holistic dining experience to all our guests that encourages, and boosts repeat customers. ▸ Guest Loyalty: To improve customer retention and loyalty by providing a guest loyalty program. ▸ Customer Service: To maintain a high level of service and have ongoing, high- quality training that ensures our employees know how to do their jobs and feel confident. ▸ Profitability: To maintain good profitability in line with industry standards, without compromising on food quality or service. Industry Analysis The burger restaurant industry has relished growth in the domestic economy over the five-year period from 2014 to 2019 as the unemployment rate fell to a record low and per capita disposable income increased, providing consumers with more money to eat away from home. Although the industry experienced increased competition from the broader food service market, burger restaurants still represent the largest segment of the market, especially among limited-service restaurants. Therefore, industry revenue is anticipated to increase at an annualized rate of 2.6% to $129.4 billion in 2019. A large percentage of this growth occurred during the first half of the period as growth slowed down in the second half of 2019, when revenue is estimated to increase a slight 0.2%. Target Market Households are the primary consumers of products and services provided by the burger restaurants industry. Age, income and geographic location are factors that influence household demand. Per capita disposable income influences demand, since the higher the income level, the more consumers typically spend and eat out. Since this industry comprises fast food establishments as well as dining restaurants, there are different types of consumers, including budget-conscious. Usually, fast food restaurants are more popular in the low and middle-income neighborhoods due to the price range. However, as income rises, consumers are more quality-focused and health-conscious, meaning that they are willing to pay more for a premium and healthier burger.
  • 6. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Executive Summary 6 The Management Entrepreneur 1 has her roots in Houston, Texas, adopting the "Go Big" Texas mindset. She's riding the wave of young entrepreneurs who are opening restaurants that scream variety. Since 2005, she has been in the field of pediatric speech disorders and has a strong desire to bring awareness of the disparity of access to assistance to communities worldwide. Her wish is to provide a quality source of food since that is the epitome of wellness. Financial outlook of the business XYZLLC is now looking to raise capital of $500,000 by way of an SBA loan. The funds raised will primarily be used for the following purposes: ▸ Working capital ▸ Equipment ▸ Expansion – opening new outlet The summary of financials is provided below: 33% 11% 5% 6% 45% Uses of Funds Kitchen Equipment Furniture & Fittings Launch Expenses Marketing Operating Expenses Financial Summary Particulars 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Revenue 955,481 1,477,902 1,590,873 1,792,864 2,020,023 Gross Profit 516,990 860,622 872,581 983,391 1,107,985 Net Profit (105,401) 142,942 118,670 170,653 232,307 Cash Balance 14,432 54,108 75,152 163,179 330,850
  • 7. BurgerIm Atascocita, LLC | Business Plan 2 Company Description 7
  • 8. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Company Description 8 Background XYZis part of one of the world’s fastest-growing burger franchises, with 200 open locations and 350 currently being built in just three years. The addition of Unbun’s guilt-free bun aligns perfectly with the restaurant’s already robust, health conscious menu, featuring eleven different patty options including wagyu, salmon, and falafel. XYZis owned and operated by Entrepreneur 1. The restaurant will be open 7 days a week with hours as follows: Mission Statement Increase customer satisfaction and generate a pool of repeated loyal customers by providing exuberant customer service and a fresh product in a welcoming and comfortable environment. This is accomplished through communication, team work, fun and honesty, as we all collectively work together. Working Hours ▸ Monday: 11:00am - 8:00pm ▸ Tuesday: 11:00am - 7:00pm ▸ Wednesday: 11:00am - 7:00pm ▸ Thursday: 11:00am - 8:00pm ▸ Friday: 11:00am - 9:00pm ▸ Saturday: 11:00am - 9:00pm ▸ Sunday: 12:00pm - 7:00pm Ownership The restaurant is fully owned by Entrepreneur 1. Entrepreneur 1 has laid roots in Houston, Texas, adopting the "Go Big" Texas mindset. She's riding the wave of young entrepreneurs who are opening restaurants that scream variety. Service is not new to Entrepreneur 1. Since 2005, she has been in the field of pediatric speech disorders and has a strong desire to bring awareness of the disparity of access to assistance to communities worldwide. Her wish is to provide a quality source of food, since that is the epitome of wellness. Legal Entity XYZorganized as a Limited Liability Company, wholly owned and operated by Entrepreneur 1. The Company is registered in the state of Texas. a community property state. Entrepreneur 1 XYZLLC 100% Ownership Goals The primary goals of the restaurant are: ▸ Dining Experience: To give a holistic dining experience to all our guests that encourages and boosts repeat customers. We will achieve this by greeting guests as they enter, providing great ambience, and serving meals within 10 minutes. ▸ Guest Loyalty: To improve customer retention and loyalty by providing a guest loyalty program. Guests can use the loyalty program to get discounts and free meals in future visits. ▸ Customer Service: To maintain a high level of service and have ongoing, high-quality training that ensures that employees know how to do their jobs and feel confident. ▸ Profitability: To maintain good profitability in line with industry standards, without compromising on food quality, and service. The LLC was formed in May 2017 and entered into a franchise agreement to operate the BurgerIM franchise in the State of Texas.
  • 9. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Company Description 9 Source: IBISWorld Research – Burger Restaurants in the US December 2019 Industry Overview - Burger Restaurants in the US The burger restaurant industry has relished growth in the domestic economy over the five-year period from 2014 to 2019 as the unemployment rate fell to a record low and per capita disposable income increased, providing consumers with more money to eat away from home. Although the industry experienced increased competition from the broader food service market, burger restaurants still represent the largest segment of the market, especially among limited-service restaurants. Therefore, industry revenue is anticipated to increase at an annualized rate of 2.6% to $129.4 billion in 2019. A large percentage of this growth occurred during the first half of the period as growth slowed down in the second half of 2019, when revenue is estimated to increase a slight 0.2%. Key Statistics Snapshot Many industry operators have slowly begun to respond to these changing trends by altering their menus or expanding their offerings beyond the traditional hamburger. Furthermore, some industry restaurants have had to reduce prices on products to remain competitive, which has placed pressure on industry profit. As a result, industry profit, measured as earnings before interest and taxes, has decreased from 5.8% of revenue in 2014 to 5.1% in 2019. The industry is forecast to continue growing over the next five years to 2024, albeit at a slower pace than the previous five-year period. As operators implement menu changes and expand their product variety, they will be able to prevent further impact from the changing consumer trends and growing competition. The burger restaurant industry will also continue to approach market saturation, forcing many major companies to seek growth through acquisition or international expansion. As a result, industry revenue is forecast to increase at an annualized rate of 0.6% to $133.5 billion over the next five years to 2024.
  • 10. BurgerIm Atascocita, LLC | Business Plan 3 Products & Services 10
  • 11. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Products and Services Products 11 Big BurgerIM These are 1/3 and 1/4 pound options Angus Beef - $6.99 1/3 Lb. Patty, House Sauce, Leaf Lettuce, Roma Tomato, Pickles, Shaved Onions, American Cheese Dry-Aged Beef - $7.99 1/3 Lb. Patty, Barbecue Sauce, Onion Ring, Bacon, Cheddar Cheese Spanish Beef - $7.99 1/3 Lb. Patty, Habanero Aioli, Grilled Jalapeño, Leaf Lettuce, Pepper Jack Cheese Grilled Chicken - $7.99 1/4 Lb. Chicken, Chipotle Aioli, Mixed Greens, Roma Tomato, Avocado, Swiss Cheese Crispy Chicken - $6.99 1/4 Lb. Chicken, House Sauce, Caramelized Onions, Mixed Greens, Pickles, Buffalo Sauce Hawaiian Salmon - $7.99 1/4 Lb. Patty, Red Cabbage Slaw, Pineapple, Ginger Vinaigrette, Barbecue Glaze Falafel - $6.99 1/4 Lb. Patty, Tahini, Baby Greens, Pickles, Shaved Onions, Roma Tomato Greek Lamb - $7.99 1/3 Lb. Patty, Tzatziki, Mixed Greens, Shaved Onions, Roma Tomato Chicken Strips $6.99 Chicken With the customer’s choice of Buffalo, BBQ or Sweet Crunchy Chili Garlic Sauce Chicken Wings $6.99 Salads Side - $3.99 Large - $6.99 Caesar Salad (Green leaf lettuce, croutons, Parmesan cheese served with Caesar dressing) House Salad (Green leaf lettuce, diced tomatoes, cucumbers and onions served with balsamic dressing)
  • 12. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Products and Services Products 12 This option allows customers to experience variety and customize burgers according to their taste Buns BurgerIM™ Bun (90 Cal) Lettuce Wrap (5 Cal) Gluten Free Bun (210 Cal) Patties Angus Beef (241 Cal) Lamb (225 Cal) Grilled Chicken Breast (242 Cal) Turkey (220 Cal) Crispy Chicken Breast (326 Cal) B4 Burger (Vegan) Extra Patty - $1.99 each Add-ons All burgers come with: • Roma Tomato • Leaf Lettuce • Shaved Onions • Pickles • American Cheese • House Sauce Premium toppings: 1st Burger - $0.99 each 2nd Burger / 3rd Burger - $0.79 each • Bacon • Avocado • Fried Egg • Pineapple • Jalapeños • Onion Ring • Pepper Jack • Swiss Cheese • Cheddar Cheese • Red Cabbage • Sautéed Onions • Sautéed Mushrooms The Duo - $6.99 Customers can choose two (3 oz) proteins and mix & match their toppings (1811 Cal) The Trio - $9.99 Customers can choose three (3 oz) proteins and mix & match their toppings (2320 Cal) 3 2 1 Extras Fries and a Drink $3.00 Sweet Potato Fries and a Drink $3.78 Onion Rings and a Drink $3.78 4
  • 13. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Products and Services Products 13 Sides BurgerIM’s selection of sides include - BurgerIM Fries $2.99 Onion Rings $3.79 Sweet Potato Fries $3.79 Half & Half $3.79 Cajun Fries $3.79 Milkshakes Cookies & Cream - $3.79 Vanilla - $3.79 Chocolate - $2.79 Strawberry - $3.79 Drinks Coke - $2.79 Diet Coke - $2.79 Sprite - $2.79 Beverages Kids Meal - $5.99 The Kids’ Meal consists of – • Crispy Chicken Strips / 3 oz Burger • Fries • Kids’ Freestyle Drink Family Box - $34.99 The Family Box consists of • 8 Burgers • 8 Chicken Wings • BurgerIM Fries • Onion Rings Party Box - $44.99 The Party Box consists of 16 burgers with up to 4 customizations Sharing
  • 14. BurgerIm Atascocita, LLC | Business Plan 4 Marketing Plan 14
  • 15. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Marketing Plan Market Research - Industry Overview 15 Fast Food Restaurants in Texas The fast food restaurant industry in Texas has fared well over the five-year period from 2014 to 2019, primarily due to rising consumer spending, declining unemployment and faster, on-the-go lifestyles. While certain industry operators have struggled with changing consumer preferences toward more healthful offerings, fast food restaurants have been successful due to their low price points and added convenience. As a result, a larger share of spending on food has occurred outside of the home. Despite this, industry operators along the Gulf Coast were negatively affected in 2017, causing a slight decline in that year. Operators were forced to close down or rebuild in that region, temporarily stunting the industry’s second-largest market. Luckily, the industry was quick to recover and rebuild, with the number of industry establishments increasing an annualized 2.8% to 25,814 locations. This growth was also caused by increased franchising among major national operators, as it permits lower barriers to entry into the market. While this caused decreases in market share for these companies, it increases their brands’ reach through the state. The number of employees also grew moderately, increasing an annualized 3.9% to 479,859 workers during the current period to cover the growing demand. Over the next five years from 2020 to 2024, industry revenue is expected to increase at an annualized rate of 3.8% to $26.8 billion. The industry is expected to continue rebounding from hurricane devastation, increasing 3.0% in 2019 alone. Over the next five years from 2019 to 2024, industry revenue is expected to continue increasing, albeit at a slightly slower rate. Consumer spending in Texas is also expected to continue growing as the Gulf region continues to recover. Additionally, the population of Texas is expected to increase faster than the national rate, suggesting a larger market of potential consumers will be available to both new and old entrants. Over the next five years from 2020 to 2024, industry revenue is expected to increase at an annualized rate of 3.0% to $31.1 billion, which will entice more entrants into the industry. As franchising is forecast to remain popular, the number of industry establishments is anticipated to grow an annualized 2.8% to 29,660 locations. Franchising will also lead to reduced market share concentration, however, as franchised establishments are considered independent enterprises. The growth in employment will slow slightly from the previous period, increasing an annualized 3.1% to 558,983 workers. Highlights • The fast food restaurant industry in Texas is growing at a rate similar to the overall economy • There is heavy price-based competition • Operators are concentrating on international openings Source: IBISWorld Research – Fast Food Restaurants in Texas March 2019
  • 16. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Marketing Plan Market Research - Key External Drivers 16 Consumer spending in Texas Factors that influence consumer spending also affect the fast food restaurant industry in Texas. During periods of low economic growth, spikes in unemployment lead to consumption declines. When consumer spending is high, however, consumers are more likely to spend money at industry establishments. Consumer spending in Texas is expected to increase in 2019, providing a potential opportunity for the industry. Healthy eating index Despite long-term, aggregate declines in healthy eating, consumers are more aware of health issues associated wit fatty foods and are increasingly going out of their way to avoid them. The healthy eating index is expected to decrease subtly in 2019. Domestic trips by US residents Large numbers of industry establishments are located next to highways and in airports, making them convenient for customers who are looking for a quick and inexpensive meal option while they travel. As Texas is a large state, many consumers must travel long distances between large cities. The more US consumers travel domestically, the more people will spend at industry establishments. The number of domestic trips by US residents is expected to increase in 2019. Consumer Confidence Index The Consumer Confidence Index measures consumers’ perceptions about their current and future financial prospects. Changes in consumer sentiment have a significant effect on spending on discretionary items, including items from industry establishments. During periods of low consumer confidence, consumers tend to forgo higher-margin items and opt for lower-priced value products. The Consumer Confidence Index is expected to decrease in 2019, posing a potential threat to the industry. Price of red meat Red meat is one of the main ingredients in a traditional burger, and therefore the price of red meat directly affects cost structure and menu pricing for industry operators. As the price of red meat goes up, operators must internalize the cost and reduce their profit, or pass the increased costs to consumers through raising their menu prices. Conversely, when the price of red meat goes down, operators are able to increase profit and reduce menu prices to attract more consumers. Although the price of red meat has been volatile over the past five years, it is expected to increase in 2019. Source: IBISWorld Research – Fast Food Restaurants in Texas March 2019
  • 17. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Marketing Plan Market Research - Barriers to Entry 17 Barriers to Entry in this industry are Low and Steady Barriers to entry for the burger restaurant industry are typically low, given the franchised nature of the industry. Industry operators are actively selling their company-owned restaurants so they can be 90% to 95% franchised. This cuts down initial capital costs since operators can lease the premise and necessary equipment from the franchisor. Overall, franchises have lower operational costs and risks, making it easier for new, inexperienced entrants. Also, the low market share concentration proves that it is a highly fragmented industry as major players keep franchising to expand geographically. Barriers to entry might be higher for burger restaurants that are not part of the franchise, including start-up costs such as equipment and staffing. Since the industry is highly regulated, it is important for new entrants to comply with the strict health requirements and alcohol service licenses. However, these regulations are mandatory for the broader food service sector and are not as costly or hard to follow. Source: IBISWorld Research – Burger Restaurants in the US December 2019
  • 18. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Marketing Plan Target Market 18 Households are the primary consumers of products and services provided by the burger restaurant industry. Age, income and geographic location are factors that influence household demand. Per capita disposable income influences demand, since the higher the income level the more consumers typically spend and eat out. Since this industry comprises fast food establishments as well as dining restaurants, there are different types of consumers, including budget-conscious. Usually, fast food restaurants are more popular in the low and middle-income neighborhoods due to the price range. However, as income rises, consumers are more quality-focused and health-conscious, meaning that they are willing to pay more for a premium and healthier burger. Target Market Segmentation ▸ Households earning over $70,000 account for 54.7% of revenue for the fast food restaurant industry in Texas in 2019, which is lower than the national industry. This is due to the reduced average salary in Texas. ▸ Households in the $30,000 to $49,999 segment represent the second-largest share of revenue at 16.0% in 2019, which is above that of the national industry. This income segment is the largest in the state, increasing the concentration of consumers in this market. ▸ Households earning between $50,000 and $69,999 account for 12.5% of revenue in 2019, which is less than the national industry. The main cause of this is the reduced concentration of high-income earners in the state. ▸ Households earning less than $30,000 make up an estimated 16.8% of industry revenue in Texas and an estimated 14.5% at the national level. The concentration of establishments in low net income areas causes this discrepancy. Source: IBISWorld Research – Fast Food Restaurants in Texas March 2019
  • 19. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Marketing Plan Market Research – Business Locations 19 Establishments in the fast food restaurants industry in Texas are largely distributed according to the population. Since the industry provides quick meals to consumers, successful operators need to be located near their customers. As a result, the north region, which has the highest population concentration, has the highest establishment concentration at 32.4% of business locations; this trend is exemplified through the state’s metropolitan statistical areas (MSA). According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington MSA is home to an estimated 25.3% of industry establishments. The Gulf region, which includes the Houston area, has the second-highest concentration of establishments at 24.2% and a higher proportion of employment and revenue. The Houston-The Woodlands-Sugar Land MSA accounts for 20.8% of industry establishments, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This region also has the second-largest population within the state, which is the main driver for the concentration. There are also large proportions of establishments in the central region (11.2%), with the smallest proportion in the west region (2.9%). Various academic studies have acknowledged that fast food restaurants are more prevalent in low-middle and middle-income neighborhoods and become less prevalent in the highest income neighborhoods. This distribution is reflected in the industry’s major markets, as these demographics are the industry’s largest consumers. High income areas tend to have a greater concentration and variety of restaurants as opposed to fast food establishments. Source: IBISWorld Research – Fast Food Restaurants in Texas March 2019
  • 20. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Marketing Plan Location Analysis 20 Map 2 - BurgerIM outlets in Houston Map 1 - Alternative burger stores in the area The outlet is located at 12230 W Lake Houston Pkwy, Houston, TX 77044. It is a part of the Generation Park complex. This location has a relatively affluent demographic. The number of people in their late 20s to early 40s is quite high, while the number of seniors is small. The percentage of children under 18 living in the 77044 ZIP code is extremely large compared to other areas of the country. Hence, there is a ready market available. While the area has a favorable market, it also has a number of other outlets that serve burgers and other fast food. A majority of these stores are franchises of major fast food chains, as seen in Map 1. However, it can be seen that the company’s outlet is strategically placed to be the only BurgerIM outlet in the area. In Map 2, the black icons denote other BurgerIM outlets currently operating, while the green icons denote outlets that will be opened in the near future. It can be seen that the company’s outlet has a wide range to cater BurgerIM products to. With the right strategic planning and execution, the XYZcan become the “go-to” burger outlet in the region and subsequently build a strong customer base. Photos of the location/outlet
  • 21. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Marketing Plan SWOT Analysis 21 Strengths • High degree of food quality • Wide variety that can accommodate all individual preferences, including those with religious/dietary restrictions • Strategic business location • Excellent customer service • Positive customer reviews Weaknesses • Negative impression left by previous management • Requirement of more aggressive marketing of the BurgerIM brand Threats • Intense competition • Rapid changes in consumer taste and preferences • Food safety risks and regulations Opportunities • Recognized brand • Expansion through the opening of subsequent BurgerIM outlets • Favorable market conditions S W O T
  • 22. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Marketing Plan Competition Analysis – Immediate Competitors 22 Whataburger Whataburger is a regional fast food restaurant chain, headquartered and based in San Antonio, Texas, that specializes in hamburgers. The chain has 56 outlets in the Houston area, more than 670 outlets in Texas and over 150 in New Mexico, Arizona and the southern United States. Nearest outlet - 13933 East Sam Houston Pkwy N, Houston, TX 77044. Pros: ü 24-hour Drive Thru Service ü Majority of the reviews indicate good quality Cons: ✗ The outlet’s facilities often prove inadequate in managing foot-traffic, leading to a number of operational issues and customer dissatisfaction Google Review Google Review Five Guys Five Guys Burgers and Fries is a fast casual restaurant chain focused on hamburgers, hot dogs, and French fries. It is headquartered in Lorton, Virginia. As of 2016, Five Guys had over 1,500 locations open worldwide, with 1,500 locations under development. Currently, the chain has about 19 outlets in Houston. Nearest outlet - 14303 East Sam Houston Pkwy N, Houston, TX 77044. Pros: ü This is a well established chain that has been operating since 1986 ü Good customer service Cons: ✗ Frequent instances of customer dissatisfaction against value for money ✗ Occasional instances of customer dissatisfaction against food quality
  • 23. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Marketing Plan Competition Analysis – Immediate Competitors 23 McDonald's McDonald's Corporation is an American fast food company, founded in 1940. Although McDonald's is best known for its hamburgers, cheeseburgers and French fries, they also feature chicken products, breakfast items, soft drinks, milkshakes, wraps, and desserts. The chain has about 150 outlets in the Houston area. Nearest outlet - Lake Houston Pkwy, Houston, TX 77044, Pros: ü Established Brand ü Relatively new outlet Cons: ✗ Customer Service Issues Wendy’s Wendy's is an international fast food restaurant chain. As of December 31, 2018, Wendy's was the world's third largest hamburger fast food chain with 6,711 locations, following Burger King and McDonald's. The chain has 47 outlets in Houston. Nearest outlet - 14115 East Sam Houston Pkwy N, Houston, TX 77044. Pros: ü Instances of highly satisfactory customer service and food quality Cons: ✗ Cleanliness and ambience issues at the facility ✗ Lack of consistency in the standard of customer service and food quality - Instances of disappointing experiences Google Review Google Review
  • 24. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Marketing Plan Competition Analysis – Other Competitors 24 Checkers Checkers Drive-In Restaurants, Inc. is one of the largest chains of double drive-thru restaurants in the United States. They specialize in hamburgers, hot dogs, French fries, and milkshakes. The chain has about 10 outlets in Houston. The nearest outlet is located at 11863 N Sam Houston Pkwy E, Humble, TX 77346. Jack in the Box Jack in the Box is an American fast food restaurant chain. The chain has 2,200 locations, primarily serving the West Coast of the United States. Restaurants are also found in selected large urban areas outside the West Coast. Food items include a variety of chicken tenders and french fries along with hamburger and cheeseburger sandwiches and selections of internationally themed foods such as tacos and egg rolls. The nearest outlet is located at 8923 East Sam Houston Pkwy N, Houston, TX 77044. Burger King Burger King (BK) is an American multinational chain of hamburger fast food restaurants. Burger King's menu has expanded from a basic offering of burgers, french fries, sodas, and milkshakes to a larger and more diverse set of products. The chain has about 70 outlets in Houston. The nearest outlet is located at 9410 N Sam Houston Pkwy E #b, Humble, TX 77396. Others Other competitors include national and regional stores like Hopdoddy Burger Bar, Sonic Drive-In, etc. This segment also includes other fast food chain outlets near the store, such as Papa John’s Pizza, Schlotzsky’s Sandwiches, Subway, etc.
  • 25. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Marketing Plan Marketing Strategies 25 Word of mouth This is a crucial means of raising awareness about the company. Ensuring client satisfaction, the company attracts new customers through word of mouth, as potential customers are more likely to choose the store when they receive first- hand assurance about the quality and the overall experience. Social Media Social media has become an indispensable part of marketing any business. It is used to connect with the target market, create awareness about products and services, encourage word of mouth (through favorable reviews) and encourage demand. BurgerIM has official social media handles on various platforms. They develop social media network specific content that is designed to engage, inform and entertain the users and customers. Moreover, the company monitors individual customer reviews pertaining to the outlet on Google and Facebook. Each review is directly addressed in order to ensure that customers know that the company is listening. Email Marketing Through strategic use of email marketing, communications can be automatically triggered to deliver timely offers and content. The company will build an email database of customers and potential customers and send them notifications of offers, discounts, coupons, events, introduction of new menu items, etc. An effective recurring email campaign can evolve to include referral lead generation and social media audience building. Advertising The company uses a mix of digital and print advertising to increase the outlet visibility. This includes – § Leaflets: These are very effective marketing tools for reaching consumers. Distributing leaflets through mailbox drops and handouts is a simple, inexpensive and proven way of reaching customers. Well-designed, attention-grabbing leaflets can work well for the company and appeal to a broad audience. § Social Ad Campaigns: The company posts paid advertisements on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. These platforms may be used for behavior & demographic targeting, and generation of new customer leads and referrals. § Paid Ads: The company will invest in Google AdWords and Pay-Per-Click advertising to drive traffic from search engines based on geo-targeting. § Print Media: The company will advertise through print media such as newspapers, magazines, etc. It will also have announcements made on the radio and other broadcasting platforms. Coupons and Discounts BurgerIM extends attractive offers on certain occasions, for example, the recent Black Friday offer of free “Impossible Burgers.” Apart from this, the company also hands out coupons at public venues to increase the outlet visibility. Multiple Distribution Channels The company offers dine-in, takeout and online orders to enable customer convenience. The outlet is designed to be an aesthetically appealing and comfortable ambience for families and friends to meet up and dine in.
  • 26. BurgerIm Atascocita, LLC | Business Plan 5 Operational Plan 26
  • 27. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Operational Plan Legal Environment 27 The burger restaurants industry is subject to a moderate and increasing level of regulation. Regulations cover a wide range of areas, such as food safety and health standards, labor conditions and compensation, franchising regulations, and more. Most regulations are enforced at the state level; however, there are some federal regulations as well. Food safety and standards The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the main agency to provide guidance and regulation, established a mandate for nutrition labeling in chain restaurants, in addition to complete transparency in the nutritional content of menu items. In general, operators in the food service industry are subject to different laws concerning the handling and preparation of food and beverages, including health safety standards involving product storage. The FDA’s Model Food Code is a guide to food handling and preparation, which is updated every four years. The FDA also required the food industry to phase out trans fats from food, usually found in processed foods, to prevent illness. State and local government also impose a variety of regulations to retail food and food service industries in the United States. For example, in some cities it is mandatory for restaurants to display their health inspection grade in a visible place at all times. Also, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) requires restaurants to disclose calorie information at all times, mostly displayed in the menus, and to provide additional nutrition information upon request. Industry establishments that are part of a franchise with more than 20 locations are subject to calorie labeling. Labor relations This industry’s operators typically employ low-skill labor, which is subject to a minimum wage and employee benefits. As of 2019, employees in the United States must be paid no less than $7.25 an hour depending on the state they work in. Some states implement a higher minimum wage than the federal rate. Furthermore, the Affordable Care Act requires industry operators to provide healthcare coverage if they have 50 or more employees that work over 30 hours a week. This will affect the industry slightly, since most industry establishments have fewer than 50 workers. Franchising laws Industry operators that comprise franchise establishments are subject to regulations over franchise agreements. Some franchise regulations vary from state to state, but they are mostly federal mandates. The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is responsible for regulating federal franchise laws with the United States. The FTC Franchise Rule states that a franchise must have a trademark under which the franchisee is given the right to distribute goods and services, the franchisor has the main control over the franchisee’s operation, and the franchisee is required to pay the franchisor at least $500.00 within the first six months of opening.
  • 28. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Operational Plan Staffing Plan 28 Particulars 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Designations Owner 1 1 1 1 1 Chef 1 1 1 1 1 Kitchen Help/Dishwasher 1 1 1 1 1 Food Server 1 1 1 1 1 Annual Salaries per person Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Owner - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Chef 35,307 $ 37,073 $ 38,926 $ 40,873 $ 42,916 $ Kitchen Help/Dishwasher 28,512 $ 29,938 $ 31,434 $ 33,006 $ 34,657 $ Food Server 31,622 $ 33,204 $ 34,864 $ 36,607 $ 38,437 $ The staffing plan for each outlet is given below:
  • 29. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Operational Plan Inventory and Suppliers 29 US Foods® is one of America’s great food companies and a leading foodservice distributor, partnering with approximately 300,000 restaurants and foodservice operators to help their businesses succeed. With nearly 28,000 employees and more than 70 locations, they provide their customers with a broad and innovative food offering and a comprehensive suite of e-commerce, technology and business solutions. Restaurant Depot is a wholesale cash and carry foodservice supplier where you'll find quality products at low prices. They sell a broad selection of products for independent restaurants, caterers and non-profits. Sysco Corporation is an American multinational corporation involved in marketing and distributing food products, smallwares, kitchen equipment and tabletop items to restaurants, healthcare and educational facilities, hospitality businesses like hotels and inns, and wholesale to other companies that provide foodservice (like Aramark and Sodexo). The company is headquartered in the Energy Corridor district of Houston, Texas. The Kroger Company, or simply Kroger, is an American multinational retailing company founded by Bernard Kroger in 1883 in Cincinnati, Ohio. It is the United States' largest supermarket chain by revenue, the second-largest general retailer.
  • 30. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Operational Plan Roadmap and Milestones 30 The restaurant’s short-term milestones are as follows: Milestone Date Scout for location and sign lease agreement 15 January 2020 Establishment of standard operating procedures 20 January 2020 Complete interior and décor 30 January 2020 Complete kitchen needs 15 February 2020 Hire staff Jan-Feb 2020 Train staff on standard operating procedures 10 February 2020 Soft Launch 15 February 2020 The restaurant’s long-term milestones are as follows: 2020 § Launch new outlet § Aggressive marketing § Brand establishment 2021 § Achieve breakeven § Achieve revenues of $1.40 million+ § Maintain good profitability 2023 § Achieve revenues of $1.5 million+ § Achieve profitability of $100k § Establish brand equity 2024 § Have at least 30% income from regular customers using the loyalty program. § Ongoing growth and marketing
  • 31. BurgerIm Atascocita, LLC | Business Plan 6 Management and Organization 31
  • 32. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Operational Plan 32 Entrepreneur 1, Owner Entrepreneur 1 has laid roots in Houston, Texas, adopting the "Go Big" Texas mindset. She's riding the wave of young entrepreneurs who are opening restaurants that scream variety. Service is not new to Entrepreneur 1. Since 2005, Clement has been in the field of pediatric speech disorders and has a strong desire to bring awareness of the disparity of access to assistance to communities worldwide. Her wish is to provide a quality source of food, since that is the epitome of wellness. "My career is ever evolving, and my life's passion is to help others achieve their goals in business ownership as I have.” - Entrepreneur 1 “ Management Profiles Skills • Customer Targeting • Effective Leader • Customer Service Oriented • Hiring, training, and supervision • Strong work ethic • Safety procedures knowledge Experience BurgerIm – Self Employed Aug 2005 to Current • Own and managed daily operations of retail • Followed general format and guidelines of corporation while incorporating specific business strategies and promotions to attract customer base • Financial management: developed forecast of revenue, expenditure and profit • Managed performance sales and training of five commissioned employees • Created sustainable accountability and motivation with employees by setting sales reward programs, including cash bonuses
  • 33. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Operational Plan 33 Organizational Chart Owner Chef Kitchen Help Food Server Owner § Responsible for the daily operations of a restaurant as well as its overall direction, profitability, and reputation § Extremely hands-on, helping out in the kitchen and interacting with customers, with focus on strategic planning § Implementing strategies, monitoring reports, budgetary controls and compliance Chef § Set up the kitchen with cooking utensils and equipment, like knives, pans and kitchen scales § Study each recipe and gather all necessary ingredients § Cook food in a timely manner § Delegate tasks to kitchen staff § Inform wait staff about daily specials § Supervise Cooks and assist as needed Kitchen Help § Preparing meal ingredients for the Cook, which includes washing, peeling, cutting, and slicing ingredients § Assisting kitchen staff to unload food supplies from delivery trucks § Properly washing and drying all dishes, utensils, cooking instruments and cutting boards § Neatly putting away all utensils, cooking instruments, dishes, and cutting boards in their respective places § Packing take-out orders as needed § Removing garbage, replacing garbage bags, and washing garbage cans § Mopping and sweeping the kitchen areas as required
  • 34. BurgerIm Atascocita, LLC | Business Plan 7 Start-up Expenses and Capitalization 34
  • 35. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Start-up Expenses and Capitalization 35 Sources and Uses of Funds Total start-up costs are estimated to be $500,000. The major costs are associated with the restaurant equipment and furniture, and the costs for opening a new outlet. Total costs for these items are expected to be $260,000. Additional start-up expenses are in the form of operating expenses and contingencies. Particulars 2020 Uses of Funds Kitchen Equipment 165,000 $ Furniture & Fittings 40,000 $ Launch Expenses 25,000 $ Marketing 30,000 $ Operating Expenses 240,000 $ Total 500,000 $ Sources of Funds Loan 500,000 $ Total 500,000 $ 33% 11% 5% 6% 45% Uses of Funds Kitchen Equipment Furniture & Fittings Launch Expenses Marketing Operating Expenses
  • 36. BurgerIm Atascocita, LLC | Business Plan 8 Financial Plan 36
  • 37. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Financial Plan 37 Projected Income Statements Particulars 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Revenues Dine-In 725,166 $ 1,183,871 $ 1,304,034 $ 1,472,806 $ 1,659,267 $ Delivery 175,933 $ 254,583 $ 256,071 $ 288,524 $ 325,091 $ Total 901,099 $ 1,438,455 $ 1,560,105 $ 1,761,330 $ 1,984,358 $ Cost of Goods Sold Food Cost 360,440 $ 521,420 $ 624,042 $ 704,532 $ 793,743 $ Delivery Partner's Commission 56,299 $ 81,467 $ 81,943 $ 92,328 $ 104,029 $ Total 416,738 $ 602,886 $ 705,985 $ 796,860 $ 897,772 $ Gross Margin 484,361 $ 835,568 $ 854,120 $ 964,470 $ 1,086,586 $ Gross Margin 54% 58% 55% 55% 55% Expenses Manpower 209,972 $ 220,470 $ 231,494 $ 243,069 $ 255,222 $ Rent 240,000 $ 252,000 $ 264,600 $ 277,830 $ 291,722 $ Utilities 27,900 $ 30,870 $ 32,414 $ 34,034 $ 35,736 $ Telephone & Internet 2,300 $ 2,520 $ 2,646 $ 2,778 $ 2,917 $ Insurance 17,250 $ 18,900 $ 19,845 $ 20,837 $ 21,879 $ Consumables & Packaging 9,011 $ 14,385 $ 15,601 $ 17,613 $ 19,844 $ Accountant, Payroll and Taxes 11,500 $ 12,600 $ 13,230 $ 13,892 $ 14,586 $ Consulting 12,000 $ 12,600 $ 13,230 $ 13,892 $ 14,586 $ Credit Card/Payment Gateway 27,033 $ 43,154 $ 46,803 $ 52,840 $ 59,531 $ Marketing 60,400 $ 90,000 $ 94,500 $ 99,225 $ 104,186 $ Interest 22,950 $ 18,331 $ 13,476 $ 8,372 $ 3,008 $ Depreciation 60,860 $ 42,582 $ 29,840 $ 20,946 $ 14,731 $ Total 617,366 $ 697,499 $ 734,363 $ 776,010 $ 820,209 $ Net Profit before taxes (133,005) $ 138,070 $ 119,758 $ 188,461 $ 266,377 $ Taxes - $ 15,431 $ 15,323 $ 31,828 $ 49,728 $ Net Profit before taxes (133,005) $ 122,638 $ 104,435 $ 156,632 $ 216,650 $ Key Assumptions § The restaurant will have two sources of revenue: dine-in and delivery. § The revenues for the existing restaurant are estimated to grow at 2.5% per month in 2020, 1.5% in 2021, and 1% from July 2022. Considering the huge market potential, these number are extremely conservative. § The new restaurant is expected to be operational from Feb 2020. Since the restaurant will be located at the airport or colleges, or other places where there is high foot traffic, the growth rates will be higher than the current outlet. Accordingly, a 5% monthly growth is assumed for 2020, 1.5% in 2021, and 1% from 2022. § Food cost is assumed at 40% of revenues, which is in line with the industry norms. § All other expenses are assumed to increase at 5% per annum. Analysis § The revenue shows a healthy compounded annual growth rate of 22%. § The gross profit also shows a healthy compounded annual growth rate of 22%, in line with the revenues. § The restaurant becomes profitable from 2021 and operates at normal capacity from 2022. § The net profit shows a compounded annual growth rate of 33% between 2021 and 2024.
  • 38. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Financial Plan 38 Projected Working Capital Requirements Particulars 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Current Assets Receivables - In Restaurant 12,965 $ 17,357 $ 19,156 $ 21,594 $ 24,325 $ Receivables - Delivery Partner 8,364 $ 11,198 $ 11,263 $ 12,691 $ 14,297 $ Inventory 5,041 $ 6,276 $ 7,331 $ 8,264 $ 9,309 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Total 26,370 $ 34,831 $ 37,749 $ 42,548 $ 47,931 $ Current Liabilities Payables - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Total - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Net Working Capital 26,370 $ 34,831 $ 37,749 $ 42,548 $ 47,931 $ Key Assumptions § The average inventory holding days will be 4 days. § Receivables for dine-in will be 5 days. This will primarily be from the credit card/debit card swipes. § Receivables from delivery partners like Uber eats is assumed to be 15 days. § No payables are assumed. All vendors are expected to deal on ‘cash and carry’ terms.
  • 39. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Financial Plan 39 Projected Cash Flow Statements Particulars 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Operating Activities Net Profit after taxes (216,814) $ 77,156 $ 76,442 $ 159,142 $ 248,639 $ (+) Depreciation 60,860 $ 42,582 $ 29,840 $ 20,946 $ 14,731 $ (+) Interest 22,950 $ 18,331 $ 13,476 $ 8,372 $ 3,008 $ (-) Increase in Receivables (21,329) $ (7,226) $ (1,863) $ (3,866) $ (4,338) $ (-) Increase in Inventory (5,041) $ (1,235) $ (1,055) $ (933) $ (1,045) $ (+) Increase in Payables - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Cash flow from operating activities (159,375) $ 129,608 $ 116,840 $ 183,662 $ 260,994 $ Investing Activities Kitchen Equipment (165,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Furniture & Fittings (40,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Marketing (20,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Total (225,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Financing Activities Loan 500,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Repayment (113,227) $ (113,227) $ (113,227) $ (113,227) $ (113,227) $ Total 386,773 $ (113,227) $ (113,227) $ (113,227) $ (113,227) $ Opening Balance - 2,398 18,778 22,391 92,825 Surplus 2,398 $ 16,381 $ 3,612 $ 70,434 $ 147,767 $ Closing Balance 2,398 $ 18,778 $ 22,391 $ 92,825 $ 240,592 $ Analysis § The cash flow statements show a very healthy cash position. § Except for the first year where the business model is yet to stabilize, all other years show a positive operating cash flow. This shows the financial health and cash generating ability of the business. § The cash balance at the end of five years after meeting all costs is about $240k, after repayment of all debt and interest thereon.
  • 40. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Financial Plan 40 Projected Balance Sheets Particulars 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Assets Kitchen Equipment 115,182 $ 80,593 $ 56,540 $ 39,783 $ 28,086 $ Furniture & Fittings 28,958 $ 20,965 $ 15,178 $ 10,988 $ 7,955 $ Capitalized Expenses - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Inventory 5,041 $ 6,276 $ 7,331 $ 8,264 $ 9,309 $ Receivables 21,329 $ 28,555 $ 30,418 $ 34,284 $ 38,622 $ Deposits 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ Cash and Bank Balance 2,398 $ 18,778 $ 22,391 $ 92,825 $ 240,592 $ Total 192,908 $ 175,168 $ 151,858 $ 206,145 $ 344,564 $ Liabilities & Equity Loan 409,722 $ 314,826 $ 215,074 $ 110,220 $ (0) $ Retained Earnings (216,814) $ (139,658) $ (63,217) $ 95,925 $ 344,564 $ Payables - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Total 192,908 $ 175,168 $ 151,858 $ 206,145 $ 344,564 $ Analysis § The projected balance sheets prove the financial viability and strength of the business model. § At the end of 2024, the cash balance available is $0.24 million, which shows the cash generating ability of the business. § The retained earnings at the end of 2024 is $344,564.
  • 41. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Financial Plan 41 Financial Charts -15% 9% 7% 9% 11% -20% -15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% $(500,000) $- $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Profitability Analysis Revenue EBITDA Net Profit Net Profit % 725,166 1,183,871 1,304,034 1,472,806 1,659,267 175,933 254,583 256,071 288,524 325,091 - 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Revenue Analysis Dine-In Delivery
  • 42. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Financial Plan 42 Financial Charts 32% 5% 19% 22% 3% 0% 2% 1% 1% 1% 2% 5% 2% 5% Structure of Expenses Food Cost Delivery Partner's Commission Manpower Rent Utilities Telephone & Internet Insurance Consumables & Packaging Accountant, Payroll and Taxes Consulting Credit Card/Payment Gateway (159,375) 129,608 116,840 183,662 260,994 (225,000) - - - - 386,773 (113,227) (113,227) (113,227) (113,227) (500,000) (400,000) (300,000) (200,000) (100,000) - 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Cash Flow Analysis Operating Investing Financing
  • 43. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Financial Plan 43 Breakeven Analysis 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% 140% - 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Breakeven Analysis Revenue Variable Costs Contribution Fixed Costs Breakeven Point Particulars 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Revenue 901,099 1,438,455 1,560,105 1,761,330 1,984,358 Variable Costs 416,738 602,886 705,985 796,860 897,772 Contribution 484,361 835,568 854,120 964,470 1,086,586 Fixed Costs 617,366 712,930 749,685 807,838 869,936 Breakeven Point 127% 85% 88% 84% 80% Breakeven Revenue 786,894 608,291 658,020 676,643 696,483
  • 44. BurgerIm Atascocita, LLC | Business Plan 9 Annex 44
  • 45. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Annex 45 12-Month Income Statements Particulars Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Revenues Dine-In 19,800 $ 52,105 $ 54,200 $ 56,415 $ 58,705 $ 61,091 $ 63,583 $ 66,184 $ 68,891 $ 71,718 $ 74,685 $ 77,789 $ Delivery 12,750 $ 13,073 $ 13,396 $ 13,736 $ 14,076 $ 14,433 $ 14,790 $ 15,164 $ 15,538 $ 15,929 $ 16,320 $ 16,728 $ Total 32,550 $ 65,178 $ 67,596 $ 70,151 $ 72,781 $ 75,524 $ 78,373 $ 81,348 $ 84,429 $ 87,647 $ 91,005 $ 94,517 $ Cost of Goods Sold Food Cost 13,020 $ 26,071 $ 27,038 $ 28,060 $ 29,112 $ 30,210 $ 31,349 $ 32,539 $ 33,772 $ 35,059 $ 36,402 $ 37,807 $ Delivery Partner's Commission 4,080 $ 4,183 $ 4,287 $ 4,396 $ 4,504 $ 4,619 $ 4,733 $ 4,852 $ 4,972 $ 5,097 $ 5,222 $ 5,353 $ Total 17,100 $ 30,255 $ 31,325 $ 32,456 $ 33,617 $ 34,828 $ 36,082 $ 37,392 $ 38,744 $ 40,156 $ 41,624 $ 43,160 $ Gross Margin 15,450 $ 34,923 $ 36,271 $ 37,695 $ 39,164 $ 40,696 $ 42,291 $ 43,956 $ 45,685 $ 47,491 $ 49,381 $ 51,357 $ Gross Margin 47% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% Expenses Manpower 17,498 $ 17,498 $ 17,498 $ 17,498 $ 17,498 $ 17,498 $ 17,498 $ 17,498 $ 17,498 $ 17,498 $ 17,498 $ 17,498 $ Rent 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ Utilities 950 $ 2,450 $ 2,450 $ 2,450 $ 2,450 $ 2,450 $ 2,450 $ 2,450 $ 2,450 $ 2,450 $ 2,450 $ 2,450 $ Telephone & Internet 100 $ 200 $ 200 $ 200 $ 200 $ 200 $ 200 $ 200 $ 200 $ 200 $ 200 $ 200 $ Insurance 750 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ Consumables & Packaging 326 $ 652 $ 676 $ 702 $ 728 $ 755 $ 784 $ 813 $ 844 $ 876 $ 910 $ 945 $ Accountant, Payroll and Taxes 500 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ Consulting 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ Credit Card/Payment Gateway 977 $ 1,955 $ 2,028 $ 2,105 $ 2,183 $ 2,266 $ 2,351 $ 2,440 $ 2,533 $ 2,629 $ 2,730 $ 2,836 $ Marketing 27,950 $ 2,950 $ 2,950 $ 2,950 $ 2,950 $ 2,950 $ 2,950 $ 2,950 $ 2,950 $ 2,950 $ 2,950 $ 2,950 $ Interest 2,083 $ 2,053 $ 2,022 $ 1,991 $ 1,960 $ 1,929 $ 1,898 $ 1,866 $ 1,835 $ 1,803 $ 1,771 $ 1,739 $ Depreciation 5,944 $ 5,770 $ 5,600 $ 5,435 $ 5,275 $ 5,120 $ 4,970 $ 4,824 $ 4,682 $ 4,545 $ 4,412 $ 4,282 $ Total 78,077 $ 57,027 $ 56,923 $ 56,830 $ 56,744 $ 56,668 $ 56,600 $ 56,542 $ 56,492 $ 56,451 $ 56,421 $ 56,400 $ Net Profit before taxes (62,627) $ (22,104) $ (20,652) $ (19,135) $ (17,580) $ (15,972) $ (14,309) $ (12,585) $ (10,807) $ (8,961) $ (7,040) $ (5,043) $ Taxes - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Net Profit before taxes (62,627) $ (22,104) $ (20,652) $ (19,135) $ (17,580) $ (15,972) $ (14,309) $ (12,585) $ (10,807) $ (8,961) $ (7,040) $ (5,043) $
  • 46. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Annex 46 12-Month Cash Flows Particulars Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Operating Activities Net Profit after taxes (62,627) $ (22,104) $ (20,652) $ (19,135) $ (17,580) $ (15,972) $ (14,309) $ (12,585) $ (10,807) $ (8,961) $ (7,040) $ (5,043) $ (+) Depreciation 5,944 $ 5,770 $ 5,600 $ 5,435 $ 5,275 $ 5,120 $ 4,970 $ 4,824 $ 4,682 $ 4,545 $ 4,412 $ 4,282 $ (+) Interest 2,083 $ 2,053 $ 2,022 $ 1,991 $ 1,960 $ 1,929 $ 1,898 $ 1,866 $ 1,835 $ 1,803 $ 1,771 $ 1,739 $ (-) Increase in Receivables (9,675) $ (5,546) $ (511) $ (539) $ (552) $ (576) $ (594) $ (621) $ (638) $ (667) $ (690) $ (721) $ (-) Increase in Inventory (4,500) $ - $ 895 $ (136) $ (140) $ (146) $ (152) $ (159) $ (164) $ (172) $ (179) $ (187) $ (+) Increase in Payables - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Cash flow from operating activities (68,775) $ (19,827) $ (12,646) $ (12,384) $ (11,037) $ (9,645) $ (8,187) $ (6,674) $ (5,092) $ (3,451) $ (1,726) $ 70 $ Investing Activities Kitchen Equipment (165,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Furniture & Fittings (40,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Marketing (20,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Total (225,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Financing Activities Loan 500,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Repayment (9,436) $ (9,436) $ (9,436) $ (9,436) $ (9,436) $ (9,436) $ (9,436) $ (9,436) $ (9,436) $ (9,436) $ (9,436) $ (9,436) $ Total 490,564 $ (9,436) $ (9,436) $ (9,436) $ (9,436) $ (9,436) $ (9,436) $ (9,436) $ (9,436) $ (9,436) $ (9,436) $ (9,436) $ Opening Balance - $ 196,790 $ 167,527 $ 145,445 $ 123,625 $ 103,153 $ 84,072 $ 66,449 $ 50,339 $ 35,812 $ 22,925 $ 11,763 $ Surplus 196,790 $ (29,263) $ (22,082) $ (21,820) $ (20,472) $ (19,081) $ (17,623) $ (16,110) $ (14,528) $ (12,887) $ (11,162) $ (9,365) $ Closing Balance 196,790 $ 167,527 $ 145,445 $ 123,625 $ 103,153 $ 84,072 $ 66,449 $ 50,339 $ 35,812 $ 22,925 $ 11,763 $ 2,398 $
  • 47. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Annex 47 Standalone Income Statement – W Lake (Existing Outlet) Particulars 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Revenues Dine-In 273,378 $ 395,679 $ 470,687 $ 533,787 $ 601,127 $ Delivery 175,933 $ 254,583 $ 256,071 $ 288,524 $ 325,091 $ Total 449,311 $ 650,262 $ 726,758 $ 822,311 $ 926,218 $ Cost of Goods Sold Food Cost 179,724 $ 233,419 $ 290,703 $ 328,924 $ 370,487 $ Delivery Partner's Commission 56,299 $ 81,467 $ 81,943 $ 92,328 $ 104,029 $ Total 236,023 $ 314,886 $ 372,646 $ 421,252 $ 474,516 $ Gross Margin 213,288 $ 335,376 $ 354,112 $ 401,059 $ 451,701 $ Gross Margin 47% 52% 49% 49% 49% Expenses Manpower 104,986 $ 110,235 $ 115,747 $ 121,534 $ 127,611 $ Rent 60,000 $ 63,000 $ 66,150 $ 69,458 $ 72,930 $ Utilities 11,400 $ 11,970 $ 12,569 $ 13,197 $ 13,857 $ Telephone & Internet 1,200 $ 1,260 $ 1,323 $ 1,389 $ 1,459 $ Insurance 9,000 $ 9,450 $ 9,923 $ 10,419 $ 10,940 $ Consumables & Packaging 4,493 $ 6,503 $ 7,268 $ 8,223 $ 9,262 $ Accountant, Payroll and Taxes 6,000 $ 6,300 $ 6,615 $ 6,946 $ 7,293 $ Consulting 12,000 $ 12,600 $ 13,230 $ 13,892 $ 14,586 $ Credit Card/Payment Gateway 13,479 $ 19,508 $ 21,803 $ 24,669 $ 27,787 $ Marketing 25,200 $ 45,000 $ 47,250 $ 49,613 $ 52,093 $ Interest 4,819 $ 3,850 $ 2,830 $ 1,758 $ 632 $ Depreciation 4,309 $ 3,356 $ 2,620 $ 2,050 $ 1,607 $ Total 247,758 $ 285,826 $ 301,876 $ 319,339 $ 337,817 $ Net Profit before taxes (34,470) $ 49,551 $ 52,236 $ 81,720 $ 113,884 $ Taxes - $ 8,469 $ 9,357 $ 15,582 $ 22,329 $ Net Profit before taxes (34,470) $ 41,082 $ 42,878 $ 66,138 $ 91,555 $ EBITDA (25,342) $ 56,756 $ 57,686 $ 85,528 $ 116,123 $
  • 48. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Annex 48 Standalone Cash Flows – W Lake (Existing Outlet) Particulars 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Operating Activities Net Profit after taxes (43,598) $ 42,345 $ 46,786 $ 77,912 $ 111,645 $ (+) Depreciation 4,309 $ 3,356 $ 2,620 $ 2,050 $ 1,607 $ (+) Interest 4,819 $ 3,850 $ 2,830 $ 1,758 $ 632 $ (-) Increase in Receivables (12,697) $ (4,302) $ (1,202) $ (2,317) $ (2,591) $ (-) Increase in Inventory (2,279) $ (528) $ (615) $ (437) $ (486) $ (+) Increase in Payables - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Cash flow from operating activities (49,446) $ 44,721 $ 50,418 $ 78,967 $ 110,807 $ Investing Activities Kitchen Equipment (15,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Furniture & Fittings (5,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Total (20,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Financing Activities Loan 105,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Repayment (23,778) $ (23,778) $ (23,778) $ (23,778) $ (23,778) $ Total 81,222 $ (23,778) $ (23,778) $ (23,778) $ (23,778) $ Opening Balance - 11,776 32,719 59,360 114,549 Surplus 11,776 $ 20,943 $ 26,641 $ 55,189 $ 87,029 $ Closing Balance 11,776 $ 32,719 $ 59,360 $ 114,549 $ 201,578 $
  • 49. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Annex 49 Standalone Income Statement – New Outlet Particulars 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Revenues Dine-In 451,788 $ 788,192 $ 833,347 $ 939,019 $ 1,058,141 $ Delivery - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Total 451,788 $ 788,192 $ 833,347 $ 939,019 $ 1,058,141 $ Cost of Goods Sold Food Cost 180,715 $ 288,000 $ 333,339 $ 375,608 $ 423,256 $ Delivery Partner's Commission - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Total 180,715 $ 288,000 $ 333,339 $ 375,608 $ 423,256 $ Gross Margin 271,073 $ 500,192 $ 500,008 $ 563,412 $ 634,884 $ Gross Margin 60% 63% 60% 60% 60% Expenses Manpower 104,986 $ 110,235 $ 115,747 $ 121,534 $ 127,611 $ Rent 180,000 $ 189,000 $ 198,450 $ 208,373 $ 218,791 $ Utilities 16,500 $ 18,900 $ 19,845 $ 20,837 $ 21,879 $ Telephone & Internet 1,100 $ 1,260 $ 1,323 $ 1,389 $ 1,459 $ Insurance 8,250 $ 9,450 $ 9,923 $ 10,419 $ 10,940 $ Consumables & Packaging 4,518 $ 7,882 $ 8,333 $ 9,390 $ 10,581 $ Accountant, Payroll and Taxes 5,500 $ 6,300 $ 6,615 $ 6,946 $ 7,293 $ Consulting - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Credit Card/Payment Gateway 13,554 $ 23,646 $ 25,000 $ 28,171 $ 31,744 $ Marketing 35,200 $ 45,000 $ 47,250 $ 49,613 $ 52,093 $ Interest 18,130 $ 14,481 $ 10,646 $ 6,614 $ 2,376 $ Depreciation 56,551 $ 39,227 $ 27,220 $ 18,896 $ 13,123 $ Total 369,607 $ 411,673 $ 432,486 $ 456,671 $ 482,391 $ Net Profit before taxes (98,535) $ 88,519 $ 67,522 $ 106,741 $ 152,493 $ Taxes - $ 6,962 $ 5,966 $ 16,246 $ 27,399 $ Net Profit before taxes (98,535) $ 81,557 $ 61,556 $ 90,495 $ 125,094 $ EBITDA (23,853) $ 142,227 $ 105,388 $ 132,251 $ 167,993 $
  • 50. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Annex 50 Standalone Cash Flows – New Outlet Particulars 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Operating Activities Net Profit after taxes (173,216) $ 34,811 $ 29,656 $ 81,230 $ 136,994 $ (+) Depreciation 56,551 $ 39,227 $ 27,220 $ 18,896 $ 13,123 $ (+) Interest 18,130 $ 14,481 $ 10,646 $ 6,614 $ 2,376 $ (-) Increase in Receivables (8,632) $ (2,924) $ (661) $ (1,550) $ (1,747) $ (-) Increase in Inventory (2,762) $ (707) $ (440) $ (496) $ (559) $ (+) Increase in Payables - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Cash flow from operating activities (109,928) $ 84,887 $ 66,421 $ 104,695 $ 150,188 $ Investing Activities Kitchen Equipment (150,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Furniture & Fittings (35,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Marketing (20,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Total (205,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Financing Activities Loan 395,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Repayment (89,450) $ (89,450) $ (89,450) $ (89,450) $ (89,450) $ Total 305,550 $ (89,450) $ (89,450) $ (89,450) $ (89,450) $ Opening Balance - (9,378) (13,941) (36,969) (21,724) Surplus (9,378) $ (4,562) $ (23,028) $ 15,245 $ 60,738 $ Closing Balance (9,378) $ (13,941) $ (36,969) $ (21,724) $ 39,014 $
  • 51. XYZ, LLC | Business Plan Annex 51 Loan Schedule Loan Schedule SBA Loan 60 months 5% Interest Opening Balance 500,000 $ 409,722 $ 314,826 $ 215,074 $ 110,220 $ (+) Interest 22,950 $ 18,331 $ 13,476 $ 8,372 $ 3,008 $ (-) Repayment (113,227) $ (113,227) $ (113,227) $ (113,227) $ (113,227) $ Closing Balance 409,722 $ 314,826 $ 215,074 $ 110,220 $ - $