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Humidity 25%
Cloudy morning, very hot
throughout the day
Crush terrorism in
J&K at all cost: Shah
HM chairs key meet as 4 J&K terror attacks in a week set off alarm
First India Bureau
New Delhi
Union Home Minister
Amit Shah on Sunday di-
rected security forces to
crush growing terrorism
out from Jammu & Kash-
mir and ensure complete
security for the upcoming
annual Amarnath Yatra.
Shah chaired a high-
ing here on Sunday which
was attended by J&K Lt
Governor Manoj Singh,
NSA Ajit Doval, Union
Home Secretary Ajay
Bhalla, Army Chief Gen-
eral Manoj Pande, desig-
nate Army Chief, Lt Gen-
eral Upendra Dwivedi, IB
Director Tapan Deka,
Chief Secretary J&K Atal
Dulloo, DG CRPF Anish
R.Swain, ADGP (Law &
Order) J&K Vijay Kumar
ligence officers.
HM Amit Shah at meeting. Home Secy Ajay Bhalla, NSA Ajit Doval and J&K L-G Manoj Sinha also seen.
The incident occurred around 11 pm on Saturday (local time) at
Old Settlers Park in Round Rock, near Austin.
New Delhi: In a big develop-
ment, mastermind behind
the Reasi terror attack was
neutralized in Pakistan by ‘unknown
men,’ as per to claims made by
Pakistani media and YouTubers. A
viral video shows two men making
statements about the elimination of
mastermind of the horrifying attack.
Confusion over Bhagwat-Yogi meeting in Gorakhpur
First India Bureau
here seems to be
some confusion
over the meeting
between Mohan Bhagwat
and Yogi Adityanath.
Bhagwat has been on
Gorakhpur tour for the last
two days and political ob-
servers were expecting a
least a courtesy meeting
was expected between the
two but according to in-
formed sources, the two
have not met yet.
in an English daily, Bhag-
wat and Yogi met twice.
First time in Campierganj
school and then in Saras-
wati Shishu Mandir in Pa-
kkibagh, the meeting took
place in a closed room for
30 minutes. Now media of
fused about this meeting.
There was no official word on the meeting between Mohan Bhagwat and Yogi Adityanath. FILE
Priests perform ‘Maha Aarti’
at Dashashwamedh Ghat
on the occasion of ‘Ganga
Dussehra’, in Varanasi, on
Sunday. PTI
Bihar: Boat capsizes in
Ganga, six missing
Patna: Six persons went
missing after a boat cap-
sized in Ganga river in
Barh sub-division of Pat-
na district on Sunday, of-
ficials said. On getting in-
formation, officials
reached the spot and start-
ed rescue operations to
trace the missing persons.
Ensure 1% quota for
transgenders in jobs: HC
Kolkata: The Calcutta
High Court directed the WB
govt to ensure a 1% reser-
vation for transgenders in
public employment. Though
the state adopted an equal
employment policy for
transgenders, HC noted that
the reservation hasn’t been
implemented yet.
New Criminal Laws from
July 1, says Meghwal
New Delhi: Union Law
and Justice Minister Ar-
jun Ram Meghwal on
Sunday said the new
criminal laws will be in-
troduced from July 1, dis-
missing opposition alle-
gations of not being con-
sulted before the decision
was made. P5
Lucknow: UP CM
Yogi Adityanath
on Sunday wished
people on the occasion of
Ganga Dussehra. “Heartiest
congratulations and best
wishes to the people of the
state and all the devotees
on the occasion of ‘Ganga
Dussehra’, the descent day
of the national river, Mother
Ganga, which grants salva-
tion and life. I pray that by
the grace of Mother Ganga,
may everyone’s life be filled
with happiness, peace, pros-
perity and good health. Jai
Ma Ganga,” he posted on X.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister
Yogi Adityanath visits his
mother at AIIMS Rishikesh to
enquire about her health, in
Rishikesh, on Sunday. PTI
Aishwary Pradhan & Vikas
To make Rajasthan a lead-
er in energy, CM Bhajan
Lal Sharma is taking deci-
land allocation for four so-
State energy surplus.
The CM said that
through these solar pro-
jects, his govt’s resolve
to make State self-reliant
in the field of energy will
be realised and these will
prove to be a milestone in
the development of the
State. He said that these
projects will not only cre-
ate employment opportu-
nities at the local level
but will also give a new
impetus to economic ac-
tivities in the region.
Notably, the State gov-
ernment has also signed
MoUs worth 1.5 lakh
crores for 3325 MW ther-
mal and 28,500 MW re-
newable energy projects.
A total of 4780 hectares has
been allocated to Rajasthan
Solar Park Development
Company for three solar
parks (2450 MW) in Bikaner,
and 910 hectares to NTPC
Renewable Energy Limited
for a 500 MW project in
Phalodi. Bikaner will have
two 1000 MW parks and
one 450 MW park, with land
approvals in Surasar, Pugal
tehsil, Bhanavatawala, and
Sardarpura, Chhatargarh
tehsil. Phalodi’s project will
be in Bhadla, Bap tehsil.
 4780 hectares of land
has been approved to
Rajasthan Solar Park
Development Company
to set up 3 solar parks
of 2450 MW in Bikaner
 910 hectares of land
approved to NTPC
Renewable Energy Ltd
to set up a solar project
of 500 MW in Phalodi
 Two solar parks of
1000 MW each and one
of 450 MW will be set up
in Bikaner district
 For the first solar park,
about 1881 hectares of
land has been approved
for allocation in vil-
lage Surasar of
Pugal tehsil
These projects will
not only create
opportunities at the local
level but will also give a new
impetus to economic
activities in the region.
Musk, Chandrasekhar in a
“Word War” over EVMs
2 killed, many hurt in
shooting in Texas park
First India Bureau
New Delhi
The debate on whether
EVMs can be hacked fur-
ther heated up between
Elon Musk and Rajeev
Chandrasekhar on X so-
cial media platform on
Sunday, with the former
Union Minister saying
that we both can finally
“agree to disagree”.
When Chandrasekhar
told the tech billionaire
that Indian EVMs are
custom-designed, secure
and isolated from any
network or media, the Te-
sla CEO replied: “Any-
thing can be hacked”.
Chandrasekhar re-
plied, saying anything is
possible with quantum
compute and “I can de-
crypt any level of en-
With lab level tech and plenty of resources, I
can hack any digital hardware/system
including flight controls of a glass cockpit of a
jet etc. But that’s a different type of a conversation from
EVMs being secure and reliable vis a vis paper voting. And
we can agree to disagree.
Elon Musk
Rajeev Chandrasekhar
New Delhi: Jumping into the debate, Opposition
leaders shared Elon Musk’s remarks to stress their
oft-repeated concerns about the EVM method.
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi said EVMs in Indian “are a
‘black box’ and nobody is allowed to scrutinize them”. P5
A shooting at a Texas
park during a Juneteenth
celebration on Saturday
left two dead and several
wounded. The incident
occurred around 11 pm at
Old Settlers Park in
Round Rock, near Aus-
tin. An altercation be-
tween two groups during
a concert led to gunfire,
Round Rock Police Chief
Allen Banks said.
Rochester Hills
(US): Nine people
were injured, includ-
ing two young children and
their mother, after a shooter
opened fire at a splash pad
in a Detroit suburb where
families gathered to escape
the summer heat Saturday.
Law enforcement tracked a
suspect to a home, where
the man died by a self-
inflicted gunshot wound,
authorities said.
Eighty countries called
Sunday for the “territorial
integrity” of Ukraine to
be the basis for any peace
agreement to end Russia’s
two-year war, though
some key developing na-
tions at a Swiss confer-
ence did not join in. The
way forward for diplo-
macy remains unclear.
The joint communique
capped a two-day confer-
ence marked by the ab-
sence of Russia, which
was not invited. Many at-
tendees expressed hope
that Russia might join in
on a road map to peace.
The all-out war since
President Putin’s inva-
sion of Ukraine in Febru-
ary 2022 has killed or
injured hundreds of thou-
sands of people.
80 countries bat
for Ukraine’s
territorial integrity
 Heavy rainfall has
caused flooding in 22
rivers in south China’s
Guangxi Zhuang
Region, the regional
hydrology centre
 A top militant
commander of the
banned TTP was killed
on Sunday in an
encounter with
security forces
 Feasibility study on
land connectivity with
India in final stages,
says SL President
 Authorities
 Committed to work
with India on key
issues, says Canadian
PM Justin Trudeau
after meeting PM Modi
ar recent G7 Summit
Speaker in the 17th Lok Sabha Om
Birla clarified on Sunday that he has
no role in deciding the next Speaker
for the 18th Lok Sabha. P5
Speaking on warter crisis in Delhi,
Lok Sabha MP Bansuri Swaraj al-
leged: “This is not a natural problem,
it has been created by the AAP.”
National Council of Educational Re-
search and Training director Dinesh
Prasad Saklani has denied the saf-
fronisation of education claims. P6
PM Shehbaz Sharif vowed to end
Pakistan’s dependency on foreign &
IMF bailouts and surpass neighbour-
ing nations in economic activity.
Jaipur, Monday | June 17, 2024
RNI NUMBER: RAJENG/2019/77764 | VOL 6 | ISSUE NO. 11 | PAGES 12 | `3.00 Rajasthan’s Own English Newspaper
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Jaipur, Monday | June 17, 2024
First India Bureau
Ayodhya witnessed a re-
as two chariots carrying a
1.5-ton Hanuman mace
and a one-ton bow made
of Panchdhatu (an alloy of
five metals) arrived in the
holy city. These revered
artifacts are destined for
the Shri Ram Mandir.
The Chief Priest of
Shri Ram Mandir, Acha-
rya Satyendra Das, for-
mally accepted them
upon their arrival. The
chariots, guided under
the supervision of Acha-
rya Dr. Saraswati Gaur
from Shivganj, Rajast-
han, were ceremoniously
flagged off by Champat
Rai, Mahamantri of Shri
Ram Janmabhoomi
Teerth Kshetra and Raja-
ram, sangathan mantri of
the Rajasthan Vishwa
Hindu Parishad.
Dr. Saraswati Gaur en-
trusted the mace and bow
to Acharya Satyendra
Das at his residence.
Governor highlights Sanatan nature worship
Vinod Singh chouhan &
Krishan Maruri
overnor Kalraj
Mishra has
called for in-
creased tree planting, em-
phasizing the importance
of preserving India’s cul-
tural heritage of nature
and environment. He ad-
vocated for development
that does not harm the
natural balance, high-
lighting that trees and
vegetation not only enrich
and fertilize the soil but
also sustain all life forms.
Mishra made these re-
marks on Sunday at the
‘Vriksh Mitra Samman
Shri Kalpataru Sansthan.
During the event, he hon-
ored Uma Vyas as the best
volunteer for planting and
nurturing a sapling every
day. Other environmental
activists recognized as
‘Vriksh Mitra’ included
K.P. Kanal,AshokThorat,
Gautamraj Sharma, Mrs.
Renu Rashtradeep, Sand-
eep, Usha, Anju Chaud-
hary, Rishi, and Ritesh
Dubey. Additionally, he
inaugurated the ‘Parinda
Campaign’ for providing
water to birds.
The governor under-
scored the Indian Sana-
tan view of nature wor-
ship, stating that it is
rooted in maintaining
ecological balance. Re-
calling the sacrifice for
the Shami tree ‘Khejri’in
Khejadli, Rajasthan, he
noted that people have
historically risked their
lives to save trees. He
emphasized the impor-
tance of planting and pro-
tecting trees.
First India Bureau
Emergency Response
Team (ERT) Commando
Dinesh Vishnoi breathed
his last at MDM Hospital
in Jodhpur on Sunday
morning at 11 AM. He
had been undergoing
treatment for the past four
days after sustaining a
gunshot wound that
pierced through his head
in Jaisalmer.
Later in the evening, a
post-mortem examina-
tion was conducted on
his body. His remains
were draped in the na-
tional flag before being
dispatched to his village,
Chitlavana, in Isrol vil-
lage, Sanchore.
It is noteworthy that on
June 12, a team of 10
ERT personnel was en
route from Jodhpur to
Jaisalmer in a vehicle to
beef up security arrange-
ments during Vice Presi-
dent Jagdeep Dhankhar’s
two-day visit to Jaisalm-
er. Approximately 10 ki-
lometers before reaching
Jaisalmer, Jawan Dinesh
Kumar, son of Mala Ram
from Isrol village, Chitla-
vana (Sanchore), suf-
fered a fatal gunshot
wound to the head.
First India Bureau
The city gears up for Eid
ul Adha celebrations on
Monday, with the main
prayer scheduled at the
Eidgah located on Delhi
Bypass Road. Chief Qazi
Khalid Usmani will lead
the prayer at 7:45 AM.
In anticipation of Eid,
the Bakra Mandi (goat
market) is bustling with
activity. It is the largest of
its kind stretching from
Eidgah to Transport
Nagar. Livestock farmers
have brought goats from
across the state and other
regions, despite a 15 to
20 percent increase in
prices this year due to in-
flation. Careful consider-
ation is being given to the
feeding and care of these
expensive animals.
Various goats having
names like Pathan, Khal-
ifa, Bahadur, Sheru, and
Salman are among the
most sought-after, fetch-
ing premium prices.
Satyanarayan Sharma
In a shocking incident, a
teenager from Madhya
Pradesh was allegedly
raped and
murdered in
Jaipur. Po-
lice reached
the spot on
getting in-
formation & kept the
body of the deceased in
the mortuary.
DCP West Amit Ku-
mar took immediate ac-
tion in the case & the ac-
cused lover was arrested
after conducting an in-
tensive search operation.
It has come to light that
the accused had lured the
girl into a love affair and
brought her to Jaipur
from Madhya Pradesh.
After allegedly raping
her in Jaipur, he killed
her by hitting her with a
frying pan and fled from
the spot. However, po-
lice eventually arrested
him and are interrogat-
ing the accused.
Governor Kalraj Mishra honored environmental activists at the ‘Vriksh Mitra Samman Samaroh’
organized by the Kalpataru Sansthan in Jaipur oin Sunday.
Deceased Commando Dinesh Vishnoi
Goats at Bakra Mandi, ahead of the Bakri Eid celebration, in
Jaipur on Sunday. NAIM KHAN
A large number of devotees went to Galta early in the morning
to take holy bath.  SANTOSH SHARM
The chariots, guided under the supervision of Dr. Saraswati Gaur,
were ceremoniously flagged off by Champat Rai, Mahamantri of
Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra.
Mohanlal Dhobi  Lalita.
Rising crime cases in the State
Pali: In a swift and
effective opera-
tion, police solved
two highway robbery cas-
es involving two-wheeler
thefts at gunpoint within
just 18 hours. The inci-
dents, which occurred on
the National Highway in a
single day, were resolved
under the direction of DIG
Omprakash Meghwal and
Pali SP Chunaram Jat.
The coordinated efforts
of the police forces from
Pali, Sirohi, Ajmer, GRP,
and RPF led to the ar-
rest of seven individuals
responsible for a major
robbery in Pali. Among the
seven arrested, five are
from the Pali district, with
Daulat Sirvi and Dinesh
Gurjar identified as the
main ringleaders. The
other two suspects are
from Delhi and Haryana.
All the accused have a
history of multiple criminal
cases. During their time in
jail, the primary ringlead-
ers, Daulat Sirvi and
Dinesh Gurjar, concocted
the robbery plan, which
was later executed with
the help of the suspects
from Haryana and Delhi.
The breakthrough came
under the leadership of
ASP Chansingh Mahecha,
DSP Derawar Singh, and
Bhupendra Singh, whose
team, supported by cyber
experts.  Subhash Trivedi
Accused in police custody in Pali.
TN police nabs
scammer behind
`15.26L ‘FedEx’
parcel fraud
Nearly three months after
a Chennai resident lost
Rs 15.26 lakh in a ‘drugs-
in-parcel’ scam, Tamil
Nadu police have arrest-
ed a 23-year old man
from Rajasthan who al-
legedly defrauded the
complainant through im-
On March 17 this year,
a person falsely claiming
to represent the Mumbai
branch of ‘FedEx’ cou-
rier company, deceived
the resident, S Ashok
Ranjit, by conveying to
him over phone that his
‘parcel to Taiwan from
Mumbai’ contained con-
traband items.
The fraudster told
Ranjit who lives in down-
town Kilpauk here that
‘Mumbai police’ would
inquire him and passed
on the phone to another
person who claimed to be
from ‘Mumbai police.’
There have been a
number of other cases of
similar nature in other re-
gions of the country and
Chennai police had ar-
rested five men in April.
Jaipur: In a shocking
incident from Jaipur,
a husband has been
arrested for murdering his
wife. The crime took place
in the Ramnagaria police
station area. The husband,
identified as Krishnagopal,
allegedly killed his wife
Pooja by striking her with a
hammer after she refused to
give him money for alcohol.
Upon receiving the informa-
tion, the Station incharge
Arun Kumar promptly arrived
at the scene and arranged
for Pooja’s body to be sent
to the mortuary.
Pali: The Mumbai Police have registered a new
case in connection with firing outside actor Salman
Khan’s residence here in April and arrested one
person from Rajasthan on charges of criminal intimidation,
an official said on Sunday. The accused has been identified
as Banwarilal Laturlal
Gujar (25), hailing from
Bundi in Rajasthan,
the crime branch of-
ficial said. Gurjar had
allegedly uploaded a
video on his YouTube
channel in which he
said “Lawrence Bishnoi, Goldy Brar and other gang mem-
bers are with me and I am going to kill Salman Khan as he
did not apologise yet”, the official said. The accused made
the video on a highway in Rajasthan and uploaded it on his
channel. Considering the seriousness of the case, a team
was sent to Rajasthan for an investigation.
He had been
treatment for the
past four days
First India Bureau
Fire erupted in a hostel
located in Kota's Land-
mark City area. The inci-
dent occurred while sev-
eral coaching students
were present in the hostel.
Quick action by the
authorities ensured the
safe evacuation of all stu-
dents through emergency
exits. The fire was caused
by a short circuit.
Chief Fire Officer
Rakesh Vyas, along with
the scene and managed to
bring the fire under con-
trol using three fire en-
gines. According to Vyas,
23 students were inside
incident, all of whom
were safely evacuated.
The fire destroyed all
belongings in the affect-
ed room and spread to
adjacent rooms, damag-
ing equipment including
air conditioning units.
Parts of the balcony were
also affected by the blaze.
Fire erupts in Kota hostel, all
students safely evacuated
The fire destroyed all belongings in the affected
room  spread to adjacent rooms, damaging
equipment including air conditioning units.
Parts of the balcony were also affected by blaze
Bakra mandi bustles ahead of
Eid- ul- Adha despite price hike
Offering prayers!
Rajasthan Assembly Speaker Vasudev Devnani offers prayers at
Mahakal Temple, in Ujjain on Sunday.
Devotees mark Ganga
Dussehra with holy baths
Tripti Gautam
The city of Jaipur wit-
nessed vibrant celebra-
tions of Ganga Dussehra
on Sunday, marked by the
distribution of sherbet at
every intersection and
corner. Despite scorching
heat, thousands of people
came forward to volun-
teer and serve the com-
munity, halting vehicles
to offer refreshments to
The refreshing sherbet
provided much-needed
relief in the sweltering
temperatures, believed to
bring blessings and mer-
its for those who contrib-
ute during Ganga
Dussehra. A large num-
ber of devotees went to
Galta early in the morn-
ing to take holy bath.
They performed rituals,
offered prayers at tem-
ples, and paid homage to
Lord Surya by making
Three members of a fam-
ily were killed after being
run over by a train near a
railway station in Nimba-
hera in Rajasthan’s Chit-
torgarh district, police
said on Sunday
Nimbahera Kotwali
Station House Officer
Ramsumer Meena said
the three could not hear
the train approaching due
to loud music emanating
from a nearby temple on
Saturday night.
The bodies have been
sent for postmortem.
Three run over
by train in
Nirmal Tiwari
famed tiger re-
serves are gear-
ing up for a break due to
the upcoming season of
monsoon. From June 20
to June 30, tourists will
flock to Ranthambore
National Park for one last
safari experience before
it shuts down along with
Sariska Tiger Reserve
starting July 1.
The closure, effective
until September 30, aims
to protect wildlife during
the breeding season.
However, buffer zones of
Ranthambore will re-
main open for tourism,
specifically zones 6 to
10, providing a limited
safari experience.
In Sariska, areas like
Tahla, Sadar Route, and
Buffer Route will con-
tinue to operate as usu-
al, offering glimpses of
the reserve’s natural
beauty despite the clo-
sure of core areas od the
Nature parks.
During this period,
Jhalana and Amagarh
which will stay open, are
expected to emerge as
alternative destinations
for wildlife enthusiasts,
expecting a surge in tour-
ist footfall in these par-
ticular nature reserves.
www.firstindia.co.in firstindia.co.in/epapers/jaipur thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia
Jaipur, Monday | June 17, 2024
Tiger reserves prepare for monsoon break
JEE aspirant dies by
suicide in Kota
Heatwave Alerts, Dust Storm warnings
2024’s death tally rises to 11
First India Bureau
In yet another heart-
breaking incident in
Kota, a coaching student
from Bihar, 17-year-old
Ayush Jaiswal, took his
own life by hanging him-
self in his PG accommo-
dation. The deceased,
Ayush, was preparing for
the JEE while staying in
Mahaveer Nagar area.
According to SHO
Mahendra Maru of Ma-
haveer Nagar Police Sta-
tion, the control room
received information
about the suicide at
around 10 PM on Satur-
day night. Upon receiv-
ing the distress call by
the PG caretaker, a po-
lice team immediately
rushed to the scene near
Samrat Chowk in Ma-
haveer Nagar area.
Ayush had locked
himself inside his room
throughout the night, ig-
noring the knocks from
his roommates. Con-
cerned about his well-
being, the PG caretaker
alerted the police when
Ayush did not respond to
repeated attempts to
open the door.
First India Bureau
Rajasthan is experienc-
ing another spell of in-
tense heat, prompting
alerts for heatwave and
heatwave-like conditions
in six districts. Mean-
while, nine districts are
expected to witness
strong winds, accompa-
nied by potential weather
changes, as per the Mete-
orological Department.
A cyclonic circulation
over the southwestern
parts of the state, includ-
ing Udaipur, Kota, and
Ajmer regions, may lead
to dust storms in these
areas. Despite forecasts
indicating cloud cover,
the chances of rainfall
remain minimal.
According to the
weather center in Jaipur,
forecast indicates persis-
tent heatwave conditions
in Alwar, Bharatpur,
Dholpur, Jhunjhunu, Ha-
numangarh, and Sri Gan-
ganagar. However, some
changes were observed in
the weather around Sun-
day noonnearPratapgarh,
Kota, Jhalawar, Chittor-
garh, Bundi, Bhilwara,
Baran, and Banswara.
The rainfall in Nimba-
hera persisted for half-
hour. First pre-monsoon
showers inundated the
streets, bringing tempo-
rary relief from the heat
and humidity.
ACB seeks to
prosecute JMCH
mayor Munesh
JMC aims for
world record with
1500-min Yoga
First India Bureau
Troubles may increase
for Municipal Corpora-
tion Heritage Jaipur
Mayor Munesh Gurjar
and the ACB has proved
corruption charges
against Munesh Gurjar
in investiga-
tion. ACB
has sent the
case file to
the govern-
ment for
prosecution approval in
the case of taking bribe
in exchange for approval
on lease issuance files.
In the case file,
ACB admitted in inves-
tigation that Mayor
Munesh was in collusion
with her husband
and brokers. ACB
will present challan
after getting prosecution
First India Bureau
In a significant initiative
led by the Ministry of
AYUSH, 10th Interna-
tional Yoga Day is being
celebrated. A unique
event was organized on
the initiative of JMC
Greater Mayor Dr.
Soumya. The event aims
to set a world record for
continuous yoga sessions
at Indralok Sabha Ghar
starting at 7 AM, where
uninterrupted yoga will
be practiced continuously
for 1500 minutes, until
17th June. The event
commenced with the in-
auguration by Dy CM
Premchand Bairwa, MoS
UDH Jhabar Singh Kha-
ra, and Jaipur City MP
Manju Sharma. During
the program, yoga in-
structors from various in-
stitutions were felicitated.
First India Bureau
The Civil Services Pre-
nessed a robust turnout in
Jaipur with 26,830 candi-
dates present in the morn-
ing session and 26,516 in
the afternoon session. Out
of the total 46,062 regis-
tered candidates in Jaipur,
57.57% were present,
The examination centers
were set up in Jaipur,
Jodhpur, Ajmer, and
Udaipur, comprising 108
venues across Jaipur
alone. The first session of
exam was conducted
from 9:30 AM to 11:30
AM, followed by the sec-
ond starting at 2:30 PM.
The examination was con-
ducted smoothly under su-
pervision of observers.
First India Bureau
Education and Panchay-
ati Raj Minister Madan
Dilawar visited Pali dis-
trict on Sunday, where he
inaugurated the Bhavari-
bai Gheverchandji Sura-
na Government Senior
Secondary School in Bal-
rai. The school building,
constructed with the gen-
erous contribution of ap-
proximately 7-8 cr ru-
pees by Bhamashahs,
marks a significant addi-
tion to the region’s edu-
cational infrastructure.
During the inaugura-
tion ceremony, Dilawar
emphasized the trans-
formative power of edu-
cation in society.
Minister Dilawar stat-
ed, “Education can bring
about societal change,
and this school will set a
benchmark in the field
of education.”
The conditions of roads in city are deteroriating for quite a while now. First India’s
lensman Santosh Sharma captures various broken/damaged road projects at Ahinsa
circle, Ajmer road and other parts of the city.
Overcast clouds during evening on Sunday at Statue Circle in Jaipur.  NAIM KHAN
Visiting Sariska Tiger Reserve just got more ex-
pensive as the state government has hiked all fees
by up to 10%. This includes entry fees and safari
charges at the wildlife sanctuary among other charges.
Tourists will now need to pay Rs. 154 per person instead of
Rs 140 for guide fees, reflecting a 10% increase. Notably,
the Sariska Tiger Reserve has been seeing flourishing
wildlife and the number of tigers has also been on a steady
rise. The decision aims to bolster conservation efforts with-
in the reserve, generate more revenue for the betterment of
the wildlife in the area while ensuring a better experience
for visitors while supporting wildlife preservation initiative.
Madan Dilawar speaking during the function in Pali on Sunday.
Examinees outside the Tagore Public School centre in Jaipur.
Abhi Na Jaunga
Chhod kar
ki Dil Abhi
Bhara Nahin...
ately, two
benches of
S u p r e m e
Court have
heard arguments about the
powers of the states to levy
tax, on mineral-rich lands
outset, it is apt to mention
thatArticle 246 declares that
Parliament has exclusive
power to make laws with
respect to any of the matters
enumerated in Union List of
the Seventh Schedule. Un-
der Entry 52 of the List I,
Parliament can enact a law
to regulate any industry in
Entries 53 and 54 authorise
mineral development and
oilfields, petroleum prod-
ucts, respectively. Likewise,
Entry 84 empowers Centre
to levy excise duties on me-
dicinal and toilet prepara-
tions containing alcohol and
opium, Indian hemp, nar-
cotic drugs and narcotics.
The Mines  Mineral
(Development  Regula-
tion) Act, 1957, has been
enacted by the Parliament,
to regulate mines and min-
eral. It ousts states’jurisdic-
tion to impose tax, other
than royalty, on mineral
rights. Likewise, in respect
of industrial alcohol, the
conflict has arisen from In-
dustrial (Development 
Regulation) Act, 1951 (as
amended in 2016), which
under its control the indus-
tries specified in the First
Schedule, if it is expedient
in the public interest. Under
heading 26 of this schedule
titled “fermentation indus-
tries,” there are sub-head-
ings a) alcohol and b) other
products of fermentation
industries. This has author-
ised Central Govt to regu-
late industries producing,
supplying, distributing and
indulging in trade and com-
merce of industrial alcohol.
In the backdrop of these dis-
putes is the fact that all states
iture imbalance due to our
constitutional framework,
which has devised allocation
of tax revenue and expendi-
ture between the Union and
the states on the basis of
comparative advantage. The
states incur a bigger share of
expenditure even as they
earn lesser revenue. Hence,
the states are disputing the
powers of the Centre in re-
spect of mines, minerals and
to increase their revenue.
Presently, states are levying
royalty, at the rates fixed by
the Centre, on minerals ex-
tion, in accordance with
MMDR Act, 1957. The
mineral rights are vested in
the states and are leased to
the lessees. But the states
are demanding the right to
ing land by differentiating
between royalty and tax.
Centre’s stand is that roy-
alty is like a tax and there
cannot be a further tax on
the mineral rights under the
federal scheme of the Con-
stitution. Further, Entry 49
(taxes on land  buildings)
of the State List cannot in-
clude any matter relating to
mineral rights. Besides, En-
try 50 (taxes on mineral
rights) of the State List is
subject to any limitations
imposed by the MMDR
Act, 1957, enacted by Par-
liament, as expedient in the
public interest.
States’position is that they
must be fiscally empow-
ered under the federal
scheme of governance
mandated by the Constitu-
tion. Their standpoint is
that imposition of tax on
mineral-bearing lands may
increase price of minerals
but that is not a ground to
deprive the states from le-
gitimately exercising pow-
ers conferred upon them
by the Constitution under
the federal structure. States
claim that MMDR Act
handles development and
regulation of mines and
minerals but does not deal
with taxation. Hence, the
states are free to levy tax
on mineral bearing lands.
The Centre’s position is
that it is immaterial that
royalty is designated as a
tax or not. If taxes on min-
eral rights are imposed, by
whatever name, in relation
to mineral development
under a law made by the
Parliament under Entry 54
of Union List, it will be rel-
evant for the purposes of
Entry 50 of the State List,
which specifically ac-
knowledges that the law to
be made under Entry 50 of
the State List will be sub-
ject to any limitations im-
posed by the central law. It
is logical to conclude that
mineral development nec-
essarily includes mineral
rights. Grant of mineral
rights entails a levy, charge,
impost or demand to be
collected on the exercise of
mineral rights.The framers
of the Constitution did not
contemplate that a law un-
der Entry 54 of the Union
List will not deal with levy
on the exercise of mineral
rights. Besides, supremacy
of the Parliament, in rela-
tion to limiting states’pow-
ers to tax mineral rights, is
proclaimed by Article 246
of the Constitution.
If a state, endowed with key
minerals, imposes a heavy
tax, over and above royalty,
on mineral extracted, it
would result in lop-sided
national assets. Minerals
are required to be regulated
by the Union Government
generational equity and to
ensure uniform economic
benefits to all, irrespective
of where they are concen-
trated. A tax imposed by a
few mineral-rich states
would impede foreign in-
vestment in mining sector,
render minerals costlier and
less competitive in interna-
tional market and result in
skewed economic growth
among the states. The con-
tention that availability of
minerals across the country
at competitive prices is es-
sential to prevent, what
Adam Smith called “beg-
garing the neighbours”
policies, is quite convinc-
ing. Additionally, this will
drive mineral, and conse-
quent economic develop-
ment, across the nation in a
harmonised, streamlined
and equitable manner.
It is notable that a non-
harmonised fiscal regime,
varying from state to state
would force states, not
richly endowed with min-
eral wealth, to procure raw
material at higher prices
from mineral rich states –
the latter category of states
will be at a significant ad-
vantage which would
come at the cost of nation-
al interest in maximising
economic development for
all from the national min-
eral assets. The entries on
levy of taxes are specifi-
cally mentioned in the
Seventh Schedule. In sub-
stance, the taxing power
can be derived only from a
specific taxing Entry in an
appropriate List [State of
Karnataka versus State of
Meghalaya (2022 SCeJ
0419)]. It is settled law that
the taxing entries in the
Seventh Schedule cannot
be enlarged and states’ en-
titlement to impose tax on
land and buildings, in En-
try 49 of the State List,
cannot include any matter
relating to mineral rights. 
 (To be concluded)...
Man is made by his belief.
As he believes, so he is
At the very outset, it is apt
to mention that Article 246
declares that Parliament
has exclusive power to
make laws with respect to
any of the matters enu-
merated in Union List of
the Seventh Schedule.
Under Entry 52 of the List
I, Parliament can enact
a law to regulate any
industry in public interest.
Furthermore, Entries 53
and 54 authorise Centre
to regulate mines and
mineral development and
oilfields, petroleum prod-
ucts, respectively.
Likewise, Entry 84 empow-
ers Centre to levy excise
duties on medicinal and
toilet preparations contain-
ing alcohol and opium,
Indian hemp, narcotic
drugs and narcotics.
he Speaker’s election, scheduled for June 26,
sees the INDIAlliance preparing to challenge
the NDA’s dominance.The party that secures
the Speaker’s post wields significant control over the
House proceedings. In the previous Lok Sabha, Op-
position parties accused the Speaker of suppressing
their voices and suspending Opposition members to
facilitate the smooth passage of certain bills.
The Opposition alliance is consequently cautious
about Om Birla being re-elected as Speaker. They are
urging NDA allies, the Telugu Desam Party (TDP)
and the JD-U, to field their candidates while aiming
for the Deputy Speaker’s position. The TDPholds 17
MPs and the JD-U has 16 in the 292-member NDA.
With 232 MPs, the INDI Alliance is well-positioned
to pose a significant challenge.
The going will not be easy for the Opposition de-
spite its augmented strength. Neither the JD-U nor
the TDP will insist on demanding the Speaker’s post
as the BJP will not concede their demand. Actually,
it’s a lost game for the Opposition.
lon Musk’s recent remarks on ‘X’ about
eliminating electronic voting machines
(EVMs) have reignited a long-standing de-
bate over their reliability. Musk’s assertion highlights
the inherent risks of hacking, although small, associ-
ated with these machines. His comment has found
resonance with critics in India, notably former Con-
gress president Rahul Gandhi, who has likened
EVMs to a “black box” beyond public scrutiny and
from Samajwadi Party leader Akhilesh Yadav.
India’s tryst with EVMs has been contentious. The
Opposition has repeatedly questioned their reliability,
alleging potential manipulation during elections.This
skepticism reached its peak during the parliamentary
elections when Op-
position parties vo-
cally expressed their
distrust in the EVMs
and charged the Elec-
tion Commission of
bias. However, this
chorus of criticism
subsided somewhat
after the BJPsuffered
notable losses, while
the Opposition par-
ties gained, indicat-
ing a nuanced stance
among the critics.
The underlying is-
sue isn’t merely tech-
nological but also in-
be robust and secure,
the perception of vulnerability can erode public confi-
dence. Transparency and accountability in the elec-
toral process are paramount to upholding the demo-
cratic fabric. Musk’s comments underscore a broader
concern about the need for robust systems that can
withstand both technical and perception-based chal-
lenges. India’s Election Commission has consistently
defended EVMs, emphasizing their security features
and the improbability of large-scale tampering. Never-
theless, enhancing the transparency of the EVM pro-
cess could bolster public trust.
Ultimately, the debate over EVMs is as much about
technology as it is about ensuring an electoral process
that is beyond reproach, reflecting the true will of the
people. Ballot boxes do not fall in this category.
ECI has consistently
defended EVMs,
emphasizing their
security features
and improbability of
enhancing the
transparency of the
EVM process could
bolster public trust
Responding to your post here, @Mallikarjun1437,
this matter was taken up, I am given to understand,
your concern was addressed and that the matter
is now, resolved. The loan was eligible for ISS/PRI
as per last year’s circular itself as it was disbursed during
scheme year 2023-24. There was no need to wait for this
year’s circular, which is pertaining to scheme year
2024-25. @NABARDOnline has been directed
to expedite the circular for 24-25.
Nirmala Sitharaman @nsitharaman
Every stone, every pillar of the historic fort
of Gwalior tells the story of history and
displays the rich culture and art of our
city. It is our utmost duty to preserve it for
future generations. In this direction, the lighting
system of the facade of Gwalior Fort, constructed
at a cost of Rs 8 crore, was inaugurated. Many
congratulations to my family members of Gwalior
on the occasion of completion of this project.
Jyotiraditya M. Scindia @JM_Scindia
l Vol 6 l Issue No. 11 l RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764. Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Bhaskar Printing Press, D.B. Corp Limited, Shivdaspura, Tonk Road, Jaipur. Published at 304, 3rd Floor,
City Mall, Bhagwan Das Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001, Rajasthan. Phone 0141-4920504. l Editor-In-Chief: Dr Jagdeesh Chandra l Managing Editor: Pawan Arora l Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act
Jaipur, Monday | June 17, 2024 www.firstindia.co.in firstindia.co.in/epapers/jaipur thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia
The writer is a retired
IAS officer
Jaipur, Monday | June 17, 2024 www.firstindia.co.in firstindia.co.in/epapers/jaipur thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia
Life stories, messages of great leaders will be available to visitors: Birla
New Delhi
ice President of
India and Chair-
man, Rajya
Sabha Jagdeep Dhankhar
inaugurated the newly
constructed Prerna Sthal
in front of Building Gate
No. 7 of the Samvidhan
Sadan, in the presence of
Lok Sabha Speaker Om
Birla, Deputy Chairman,
Rajya Sabha Harivansh
and Parliamentary Af-
fairs Minister Kiren Riji-
ju today. Members of
Rajya Sabha and Lok
Sabha also remained pre-
sent on the occasion.
After the unveiling of
the commemorative
stone slab, the dignitaries
offered floral tributes at
the statues installed at
Prerna Sthal.
Earlier, during an inter-
action with media per-
sons, Birla said that stat-
ues of 15 leaders and
great freedom fighters are
installed inside the Parlia-
ment House Complex
who have made impor-
tant contributions to the
history, culture and free-
dom struggle of the na-
tion. Noting that these
statues were located at
different places within
the Parliament House
Complex, he mentioned
that it was difficult for the
visitors to see all the stat-
ues. Birla said that many
visitors did not even
know where these statues
stood in the Parliament
House Complex.
Birla said that there is
also a plan to use the lat-
est technologies to inform
visitors to Parliament
House Complex of the
life stories of these Great
leaders to ensure that
people are inspired by
their philosophy, and
teachings. Birla ex-
pressed confidence that
Prerna Sthal would prove
to be an inspiring place
for everyone.
Vice President and Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar with Speaker of 17th Lok Sabha Om Birla, Union Minister of Parliamentary Affairs Kiren Rijiju, Union Ministers Ashwini Vaishnaw and
Pralhad Joshi, Union MoS Arjun Ram Meghwal, Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman Harivansh Narayan Singh and others poses near the statue of Mahatma Gandhi during the inauguration of the ‘Prerna
Sthal’ at the Parliament House complex, in New Delhi, Sunday.
Union Minister of State
for Law and Justice (Inde-
pendent Charge) Arjun
will be introduced from
July 1, dismissing opposi-
tion allegations of not be-
ing consulted before the
decision was made.
Meghwal said the In-
dian Penal Code, Code of
Criminal Procedure, and
the Evidence Act will be
replaced by the Bharatiya
Nyaya Sanhita, Bharatiya
Nagarik Suraksha Sanhi-
ta, and Bharatiya Sakshya
Act. He added that neces-
sary training programmes
and infrastructure devel-
opment for implementing
the new laws are already
“The three new laws
will be implemented
from July 1 for providing
timely, speedy, and error-
free justice,” Meghwal
said during the inaugural
session of ‘India’s Pro-
gressive Path in the Ad-
ministration of Criminal
Justice System’held here
on Sunday. Meghwal ad-
dressed allegations of
inadequate consultation,
saying, “Some people
claim they were not con-
sulted. This is untrue.
The demand for change
of colonial laws has been
long-standing, and the
process began long ago.”
The minister explained
that although suggestions
were sought from all
states, only 18 states and
six Union Territories re-
sponded. “Even the Chief
Justice of India, chief
justices of 16 high courts,
five law academies, and
22 law universities pro-
vided their suggestions,”
the Law Minister said.
“We contacted all
MPs, but only 142, in-
cluding members from
both houses, responded.
Suggestions were also
requested from all MLAs
nationwide, with only
270 responding. We con-
sulted widely, but not
everyone provided feed-
back,” Meghwal added.
New Delhi
The BJP postponed a
function to felicitate the
ministers from Madhya
Pradesh on Sunday due to
the demise of former Un-
Jatiya’s wife, a party
functionary said.
Shivraj Singh Chou-
han, Jyotiraditya Scindia,
Virendra Kumar, Savitri
Thakur, Durgadas Uikey
and Rajya Sabha member
to be honoured at the
event here in the evening.
“The function to wel-
come the six ministers
from MP has been post-
poned due to the demise
of the wife of the parlia-
mentary board member,
former state BJP presi-
dent and ex-Union min-
ister Satyanarayan Jatiya.
We received the sad news
at 2 pm,” BJP general
secretary and MLA
Bhagwandas Sabnani
told reporters.
The ministers will gar-
land the statues of
Bharatiya Jana Sangh
(BJS) founder and for-
mer Union minister Sy-
ama Prasad Mookerjee,
and Deendayal Upad-
hyaya, a key BJP ideo-
logue, at the party office
here, he said.
Earlier, Chouhan,
four-time chief minister
and the party’s most pop-
ular leader in the state,
was given a rousing wel-
come after he arrived at
Bhopal station from Del-
hi on a train.
New Delhi
Congress leader Rahul
Gandhi on Sunday said
EVMs in India are a
“black box” which no-
body is allowed to scruti-
nise, and asserted that
“serious concerns” are
being raised about trans-
parency in the country’s
electoral process.
Congress’ ally and Sa-
majwadi Party chiefAkh-
ilesh Yadav also ques-
tioned credibility of elec-
tronic voting machines
(EVMs) and demanded
that all future elections
should be conducted
through ballot papers.
“Democracy ends up
becoming a sham and
prone to fraud when insti-
tutions lack accountabil-
ity,” Gandhi said in a post
on X and tagged a report
which claimed that a rela-
tive of Shiv Sena’s candi-
date, who won the polls
from Mumbai’s North-
West seat, had a phone
that unlocks an EVM.
Yadav said, “Technol-
ogy is meant to solve
problems, if it becomes
the cause of problems
then its use should be
New Delhi
The BJP held a ‘matka
phod’ protest on Sunday
against the Aam Aadmi
Party-led Delhi govern-
ment over the water crisis
in the city. Under the lead-
ership of Delhi BJP chief
Virendra Sachdeva, party
leaders and workers pro-
Accusing the govern-
ment, Sachdeva said, “We
have always maintained
that the water shortage in
Delhi is not due to natural
causes but is a result of
the mismanagement and
negligence of the AAP.”
“CM Kejriwal was re-
sponsible for taking Delhi
Jal Board from a profit of
73,000 crore”, he added.
New Delhi
The Karnataka govern-
ment’s announcement of
hike in petrol and diesel
prices by ‘3 per litre and
‘3.02 per litre respective-
ly has garnered strong
reactions from opposition
leaders and residents.
Amit Malviya, in-
charge of BJP’s national
IT cell, on Sunday, came
down on Karnataka Con-
gress and Rahul Gandhi
over the recent fuel price
hike in the state.
Malviya took to X to
express his discontent,
pointing to Karnataka
Minister for Industries 
Development M. B. Patil,
who justified the hike as
necessary to fund Rahul
Gandhi’s “guarantees.”
The setting up of the Mo-
hali-Rajpura broad-gauge
rail link will be discussed
and the detailed project
report (DPR) will be pre-
pared at the earliest, Un-
ion Minister of State for
Railways Ravneet Singh
Bittu said on Sunday.
The link will join
Chandigarh with Punjab
on the shortest link on the
New Delhi-Amritsar
main line at Sarai Ban-
jara, said Bittu who was
addressing his first press
conference here after be-
coming a Union minister.
Bittu said he would
take up the issue of set-
ting up the rail link with
Union Minister for Rail-
ways Ashwini Vaishnaw.
The first Bharatiya Janata
Party MP in Kerala,
Suresh Gopi, has called
former Prime Minister In-
dira Gandhi the “Mother
gress leader and former
Kerala Chief Minister K
Karunakaran a “coura-
geous administrator.”
Gopi, who was induct-
ed as the Minister of State
for Petroleum and Natural
Gas as well as the Minis-
try of Tourism, made the
remarks after visiting
Karunakaran’s memorial,
‘Murali Mandiram,’ in
Thrissur recently.”
Speaking to reporters,
Suresh Gopi said, “Lead-
er Karunakaran and his
wife, whom I fondly call
‘Amma’, I couldn’t come
to send them off...just as
we see Indira Gandhi as
the mother of India.”
Union Law Minister highlights that BPRD is providing training for it
Union Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal being felicitated by Secretary, Department of Legal Affairs, India
Rajiv Mani, as Calcutta HC Chief Justice TS Sivagnanam looks on at the inauguration of the conference on
‘India’s Progressive Path in Administration of Criminal Justice System’, in Kolkata, on Sunday.  PTI
Kolkata: Union Law
and Justice Minister
Arjun Ram Megh-
wal on Sunday expressed
hope about implementation
of the Uniform Civil Code,
contending that some states
have started to bring it into
force. Meghwal made the
remark while speaking at
a conference on ‘India’s
Progressive Path in the
Administration of Criminal
Justice System’ here. “In
BJP manifesto, we have
mentioned about the UCC.
There are states like Goa
and Uttarakhand that have
started implementing them.
The coalition which has
been formed in the Centre
is a very strong government
and there is nothing to worry
about,” Meghwal said.
BJP puts off felicitation
of 6 Union ministers as
ex-minister’s wife dies
Former AAP MLA Nitin Tyagi joins BJP in the presence of MoS
Harsh Malhotra and Delhi BJP President Virendra Sachdeva, in
New Delhi, on Sunday.  PTI
BJP MP Bansuri Swaraj speaks during a protest against the Delhi Jal
Board over the ongoing water crisis, in New Delhi, Sunday.  PTI
BJP’s national IT cell Amit Malviya
Rahul Gandhi FILE
Union Minister Ravneet Singh
Union Minister and BJP’s first Kerala MP Suresh Gopi with State
President K. Surendran and party leader V. Muraleedharan in a lunch
organised by the party, in Thiruvananthapuram, Sunday.  PTI
Shivraj Singh
Jyotiraditya Scindia,
Virendra Kumar,
Savitri Thakur,
Durgadas Uikey and
Rajya Sabha
member from MP L
Murugan were to
be honoured at
the event here
in the evening
“EVMs are ‘black box’
, nobody allowed to
“Will discuss settingup
Mohali-Rajpura rail link”
BJP MP Suresh Gopi calls
Indira Gandhi ‘Mother of India’
Amit Malviya slams K’taka
Congress over fuel price hike
New Delhi: Accusing the BJP of hatching a con-
spiracy against the people of Delhi, AAP leader Atishi
on Sunday alleged that the BJP’s former South Delhi
MP Ramesh Bidhuri attacked the Delhi Jal Board office in
Chhatarpur along with some goons as the ongoing water cri-
sis in the national capital takes centre stage. The water crisis
in Delhi has sparked widespread protests, vandalism, and
intense political confrontations across the city. The Delhi Jal
Board office was vandalized by some BJP workers on Sun-
day. Atishi said, “Delhi is currently facing severe heat. The
BJP is hatching a conspiracy against the people of Delhi.”
Bengaluru: Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on
Sunday defended the hike in petrol and diesel prices
saying that it will ensure funding essential public ser-
vices and development projects. With the opposi-
tion BJP and its ally JD(S) coming down heavily
on the Congress government for increasing the
petrol and diesel prices by Rs 3 and Rs 3.5 per
litre, Siddaramaiah said even after the hike, taxes
on fuel remains low compared to most southern
states. “The Government of Karnataka has increased VAT on
petrol to 29.84% and on diesel to 18.44%,” the CM said.
Minimal changes in key ministries will keep market momentum strong
fter the forma-
tion of the new
government in
the country and the stock
market reaching its high-
est level till date, it is be-
ing estimated that the
stock market will create
more history in the com-
ing times. According to
the facts believed to be
behind the stock market
gaining momentum, due
to the new government
formed under the leader-
ship of Prime Minister
Narendra Modi and the
ministers of important
departments of the previ-
ous government not
changing, there are
chances of not much
change in the working
and methods of the gov-
ernment and the coun-
try’s economic condition
remaining strong.
After the trading ses-
sion ended on Friday,
however, the BSE index
improved by only 299.41
points (0.39%) last week
and the BSE index closed
at 76992.77 points, while
the NSE Nifty index rose
by 175.45 points (0.75%)
and reached 23465.60
points. The midcap and
smallcap index also kept
pace with the improve-
ment in the market after
the formation of the new
government and showed
improvement, albeit a lit-
tle less than original in-
dex. Talking about the
bullion market, this week
due to the new interna-
tional equations, there
was almost stability in the
prices of gold and silver
and comparatively, while
the price of gold im-
proved by Rs 700 per 10
grams this week, the price
of silver increased by Rs
250 per kg. In Jaipur, the
price of 24 carat gold im-
proved from Rs 73,150
per ten grams to Rs
73,850 per ten grams and
silver increased from Rs
90,650 per kg to Rs
90,900 per kg. Traders
are expecting stability in
the prices of gold and sil-
ver this week as well.
Regarding the market
trend this week, traders
say that there are high
chances of stability in the
market now, but the im-
pact of international rea-
sons will be seen on the
ers, in the current circum-
stances, a small recession
is necessary for further
growth. However, listed
companies of public sec-
tor undertakings like
BHEL, REC, apart from
GMR, Pay-TM, Padamji
Pulp and Papers, Castrol,
Ashok Leyland, HFCL
investments, but investors
should also keep in mind
that if there is a decline,
then even the shares con-
sidered strong are not un-
touched by it. Through
IPO, investors will have
the opportunity to invest
in the IPOs of three com-
panies on the main board
IPOs of 7 companies on
the MSME platform will
try their luck despite a
huge premium.
(This is the personal
opinion of the author.)
Jaipur, Monday | June 17, 2024 www.firstindia.co.in firstindia.co.in/epapers/jaipur thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia
‘Nobody prepared’: Climate expert on unprecedented heat in this summer
New Delhi
India is grappling with
unprecedented heat this
summer  no one is pre-
pared for level of warm-
ing being experienced,
leading environmentalist
Sunita Narain has said,
emphasizing need for a
heat index and a complete
overhaul of way modern
cities are designed.
In an interaction media,
Narain, the Director Gen-
eral of the Centre for Sci-
ence and Environment
(CSE), said the brutal heat
scorching swathes of In-
dia is a result of naturally
occurring El Nino phe-
nomenon – an unusual
warming of ocean surface
in the central and eastern
tropical Pacific Ocean –
and climate change.
“Nobody is prepared.
Let’s be very clear. 2023
was globally the hottest
year on record. We have
broken every record in
the last 45 days with an
unbroken (streak of)
temperatures above 40
degrees. This is climate
change. It is compound-
ed this year by the wan-
ing of the (2023-24) El
Nino. This means we re-
ally need to get our act
together. We need to en-
sure that vulnerable com-
munities are less affect-
ed,” she said.
New Delhi
The Congress on Sunday
said there are “serious
questions” on the integri-
ty of the National Testing
which NEET is designed
and administered.The op-
position party hoped that
when new Standing Com-
mittees of Parliament gets
constituted, it would take
up an in-depth review of
“I was a member of
Parliament’s Standing
Committee on Health and
Family Welfare between
2014 and 2019 and recall
broad support for NEET.
cially from Tamil Nadu,
who had raised concerns
that NEET would privi-
lege CBSE students and
would disadvantage
youth coming from non-
CBSE schools,” Jairam
Ramesh said on X.
2 accused confess their role in NEET paper leak in Bihar
NEET, ‘masquerad-
ing' as a measure of
merit, is a ‘scam' and
the Centre
must stop
the national
test as it went
against the in-
terests of stu-
dents and it is also against
social justice and poor, Tamil
Nadu Chief Minister MK
Stalin said on Sunday.
Ex-HRD min Kapil
Sibal demanded a
probe by Supreme
officials into
NEET exam
and called for
with all states. He criticized
PM Modi for staying silent
on corruption in exams, urg-
ing politicos to raise voice.
Delhi Health Min Saurabh Bharadwaj on Sunday
raised concern over “irregularities” in
NEET-UG examination and appealed
to the public to come in support of the students
demanding re-examination. Questioning the
BJP-led Centre, Bharadwaj said, “This is a
very serious issue concerning our 24 lakh chil-
dren who prepared for year long for MBBS.”
No need to teach about
riots in schools: NCERT
Another deepfake video
of Alia Bhatt goes viral
New Delhi
Rejecting accusations of
saffronisation of school
curriculum, NCERT’s
director has said that ref-
erences to Gujarat riots
and Babri masjid demo-
lition were modified in
school textbooks be-
cause teaching about ri-
ots “can create violent 
depressed citizens.”
In an interaction with
media, NCERT director
Dinesh Prasad Saklani
said the tweaks in text-
books are part of annual
revision and should not be
a subject of hue and cry.
Asked about references to
jid demolition being
tweaked in NCERT text-
should we teach about ri-
ots in school textbooks?
We want to create positive
citizens not violent and
depressed individuals”.
New Delhi
Amid consternation and
outrage over a series of
deepfake videos, actor
Alia Bhatt has fallen prey
to the technology yet
again. Alia Bhatt’s new
deepfake shows her tak-
ing part in the ‘get ready
with me’ trend in a video
shared on Instagram.
The video shows her
getting ready in a black
kurta and putting the
makeup on. This is not the
first time that a deepfake
on social media. Earlier, a
deepfake video of Alia
Bhatt’s face merged with
actor Wamiqa Gabbi’s
had also gone viral. Her
another deepfake showed
a woman with the mor-
phed face of Alia Bhatt
making obscene gestures.
referral guidelines
for hospitals issued
by Health Ministry
New Delhi
Citing significant incon-
sistencies and lack of ac-
countability in the referral
process, the Union Health
Ministry has for the first
time issued interdepart-
mental referral guidelines
for hospitals to facilitate
better communication.
The ‘Guidelines for
Inter-Departmental Re-
ferral’stress that referrals
should be initiated
promptly as and when pa-
tients require specialised
care, diagnostic evalua-
tions beyond scope of ad-
mitting department.
IAF participate in Red
Flag exercise in Alaska
New Delhi
The Indian Air Force’s
Rafale fighter jets carried
out complex missions
along with F-16 and F-15
combat aircraft at a mul-
ti-nation mega military
exercise in Alaska in the
US. The key takeaways
from participating in the
Red Flag exercise for the
IAF included insight on
interoperability with in-
ternational partners and a
collaborative under-
standing of missions in a
multinational environ-
ment, the defence minis-
try said on Sunday.
The IAF contingent
participated in the exer-
cise from June 4 to 14.
Besides the Indian Air
Force (IAF), the exercise
witnessed the participa-
tion of the Republic of
Singapore Air Force
(RSAF), the UK’s Royal
Air Force (RAF), the
Royal Netherlands Air
Force (RNLAF), the Ger-
man Luftwaffe, and the
US Air Force (USAF).
58 child labourers
rescued from
distillery in Raisen
As many as 39 boys and
a distillery in Madhya
Pradesh’s Raisen, an offi-
cial said on Sunday. A
man Priyank Kanoongo
rescued 58 children, 19
Distillery, BBAstated.
Children bore burn
wounds on their hands
from exposure to harsh
chemicals  were trans-
ported by their employer
in school bus daily.
Five killed over 8 injured in separate road
accidents in U’khand’s Pauri and Satpuli
Two cars fell in gorges in
different areas of Uttara-
khand’s Pauri district,
killing five people and
injuring eight on Sunday,
officials said. While one
accident was reported
from the Khirsu Chau-
batta, the other occurred
near Dudhrakhal in the
Satpuli area, a day after
14 tourists were killed
and 12 other injured after
a tempo-traveller fell into
a gorge in Rudraprayag
district. Citing informa-
tion received from the
State Disaster Response
Force (SDRF), the offi-
cials said, in Khirsu
Chaubatta, four people
were killed after their car
veered off the road and
fell into a 200-metre-
deep gorge. It is suspect-
ed that the driver lost
control of the vehicle, the
officials said, citing in-
formation received from
the State Disaster Re-
sponse Force (SDRF).
The civic employees ar-
rested for a game zone fire
in Rajkot allegedly con-
spired to forge documents
by making backdated en-
tries a day after the inci-
dent in a bid to destroy
evidence and evade arrest,
the police probe has sug-
gested.The fire at theTRP
game zone in Gujarat’s
Rajkot city on May 25
claimed 27 lives. The po-
lice have so far arrested 6
employees of Rajkot Mu-
nicipal Corporation in
connection with incident.
A probe has indicated
ees “conspired to approve
impact plan of the TRP
zone where incident took
place” by making back-
dated entries a day after
fire  destroy evidence,
an application before addl
judicial magistrate BP
Thakar on Friday. The
civic officials were in-
volved in making forged
entries in inward register
on May 26, a day after in-
cident, pertaining to im-
pact plan of TRP game
as having been made on
May 4 police said.
Associate Editor, First
India News  Senior
Gangtok: Over 1,200 tourists stranded in Sikkim’s
Mangan district due to disruption in road and
communication network were hoping to be evacu-
ated on Sunday praying if the weather permits, an official
statement said. Sikkim Tourism and Civil Aviation minister
Tshering Thendup Bhutia will coordinate the evacuation
efforts, it said. “The evacuation of tourists from Lachung
would begin tomorrow through airlift and roadways,
depending on weather conditions,” the statement said on
Saturday evening. According to Tourism and Civil Avia-
tion Secretary C S Rao, around 1,215 tourists, including
15 foreigners, have been stranded in Lachung town for
the past one week, as incessant rains wreaked havoc on
the road and communication network in Mangan district.
Congress party aims
to take up an in-depth
review of NEET exam
after new parliament
panel is constituted
Patna: Amid
allegations of a
paper leak in the
National Eligibility-cum-
Entrance Test (NEET)
(UG) 2024, hundreds of
students, who appeared
in the examination, on
Saturday held a protest
demanding re-exami-
nation. The protesters
assembled at the Dinkar
roundabout, blocked the
road and burnt effi-
gies of Union Edu Min
Dharmendra Pradhan.
Patna police resorted to
mild baton charges to
disperse them. Protests
are being held across
the country over the
alleged irregularities in
the NEET (UG) exam.
Meanwhile, the accused
in the NEET exam
rigging case have con-
fessed to a paper leak.
A copy of the confession
by the accused arrested
in Bihar has surfaced.
According to the copy of
the confession in pos-
session of media, the
paper was leaked a day
before the NEET exam.
Indian pilots pose in front of Rafale fighter jet that participated
in the joint exercise in Alaska on Sunday.
The city crime branch on Saturday arrested RMC's
assistant town planning officer Rajesh Makwana
and assistant engineer Jaideep Chaudhary for their
alleged involvement in making changes in an official regis-
ter after the fire incident, Deputy Commissioner of Police,
Crime, Parthrajsinh Gohil said.
Ghaziabad: At least four people died and 18
people sustained injuries when two trucks collid-
ed with each other near
Muradnagar, Uttar Pradesh,
according to a police officer’s
statement on Sunday. The
incident took place around 1:15
am on Sunday when the trucks
were traveling on the Peripheral Expressway within the
jurisdiction of the Muradnagar Police Station. Screengrab from the viral video
Members unanimously decide to hold general meeting on June 23 in Jaipur
First India Bureau
he executive
meeting of the
Rajasthan State
Olympic Association
was held on Sunday at
Hotel Regal under the
chairmanship ofAjit Sin-
gh Rathore. Apart from
the members of the ex-
ecutive, officials of other
state sports associations
were also present in the
meeting. The following
points were discussed in
the meeting.
1) All of them termed
the meeting of Rajasthan
State Olympic Associa-
tion held on 2 June 2024
as unconstitutional and
said that the said meeting
was called by unauthor-
ized persons. All deci-
sions in the executive are
taken on the basis of ma-
jority. The said Rajasthan
State Olympic Associa-
tion does not have any
kind of majority. Out of
the total 24 members of
the executive committee
of the State Olympic As-
sociation formed in 2020,
19 members were not
present in the said meet-
ing (2.06.2024), so no
one can take any decision
without a majority.
2)At present, since the
dispute of Rajasthan
State Olympic Associa-
tion is pending in the
court, it is constitutional
to take every decision on
the basis of majority.
On this basis, deci-
sions have been taken on
the basis of majority in
the executive meeting
today on 16 June 2024,
which are as follows.
(i) The amendment
made in the constitution
of Rajasthan State Olym-
pic Association without
majority as per the consti-
tution of Indian Olympic
Association was not ap-
proved by everyone.
A 5-member commit-
tee was constituted by
taking a majority deci-
sion for amendment as
per the constitution of
Rajasthan State Olympic
Association. This com-
mittee will prepare a draft
of the amendment of the
constitution and present it
in the general meeting on
23 June 2024 in which a
decision will be taken to
amend the constitution of
Rajasthan State Olympic
The voter list issued by
the Election Officer for
the proposed and uncon-
stitutional election to be
held on 23 June 2024 by
unauthorized persons is
completely beyond the
All the members unan-
imously decided to hold a
general meeting of the
Rajasthan State Olympic
Association in Jaipur on
23 June 2024.
Officials during a meeting of Rajasthan State Olympic Association
was held at Hotel Regal on Sunday.
www.firstindia.co.in firstindia.co.in/epapers/jaipur thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia
Jaipur, Monday | June 17, 2024
Castries [Saint Lucia]
Half-centuries from
Travis Head and Marcus
Stoinis helped Australia
end the group stage un-
beaten and defeated
Scotland by five wickets
in their ICC T20 World
Cup match at Saint Lucia
on Sunday.
With this win, Aus-
tralia tops Group B with
four wins in four games
and eight points. Scot-
land failed to qualify for
the Super Eights, finish-
ing third with two wins,
a loss and a no result,
giving them five points.
Defending champions
England have walked
into the Super Eights
with this big assistance
from their arch-rivals, as
they also have the same
win-loss record and
points as Scotland, just
the higher net-run-rate.
In the run chase of 181
runs, Australia did not
have a good start as spin-
ner Brad Wheal bowled
a maiden over in the sec-
ond over, which also in-
cluded the scalp of Da-
vid Warner, who was
gone for just one run in
two balls after he was
caught by skipper Richie
Berrington, who came
running from the covers
region.Australia was 2/1
in 1.2 overs.
Skipper Mitchell
Marsh was next up on
the crease. Head started
a counter-attack, hitting
some fine boundaries.
However, Marsh gave
his wicket to Safyaan
Sharif for eight in nine
balls. Charlie Tear took a
fine catch at deep mid-
wicket. Australia was
34/1 in 5.1 overs at Saint
Lucia on Sunday.
Smriti Mandhana’s reso-
lute hundred and a disci-
plined bowling effort, led
by spinners Deepti Shar-
ma and Asha Shobana,
piloted India to a huge
143-run win over South
Africa in the first wom-
en’s ODI here on Sunday.
India now lead the
three-match series 1-0,
and the second game will
be played here on June
19. Mandhana’s sixth
ODI century (117, 127
balls , 12x4s, 1x6)
formed the fulcrum of
India’s competitive 265
for eight on a sluggish
Chinnaswamy pitch.
Then the Indian bowl-
ers worked their magic
around the SouthAfrican
batters to bowl out the
visitors for 122 as debu-
tante leg-spinner Asha
(4/21) led the show with
a frugal spell and was
well-supported by offie
Deepti (2/10). At five
down for 74, South Af-
rica were always facing
the climb up the hill.
Australia’s Marcus Stoinis bats during the men’s T20 World Cup cricket match between Australia
and Scotland, at Darren Sammy National Cricket Stadium, Gros Islet, St. Lucia, Saturday. PTI
Indian players greet each other after winning the first match against South Africa on Sunday. PTI
Smriti Mandhana celebrates
her century on Sunday. PTI
Bangladesh vs Nepal
Netherlands vs Sri Lanka
New Zealand vs
Papua New Guinea
1st ODI: Ton-up Smriti, spinners
hand India massive win over SA
Land Down Under
beats Scotland by 5
wickets to continue
their unbeaten run
Eight Israeli soldiers
were killed in the south-
ern Gaza Strip on Satur-
day, the military said, as
forces continued to push
in and around the south-
ern city of Rafah and
strikes hit several areas
of Gaza, killing at least
19 Palestinians.
The soldiers, all mem-
bers of a combat engi-
neering unit, were in an
armoured carrier that was
hit by an explosion that
detonated engineering
materials being carried
on the vehicle, apparent-
ly in contravention of
standard practice, the
military said. It said the
early morning incident,
in the Tel al-Sultan area
in the west of Rafah, was
being investigated.
The armed wing of the
Palestinian militant
group Hamas said the ve-
hicle had been trapped in
a prepared minefield that
set off the explosion.
Israeli tanks advanced
in Tel al-Sultan and
shells landed in the
coastal area.
Eight Israeli soldiers killed as
fighting continues in Rafah
India finish 5th, men 6th
in Asian Team squash
z The Israeli military said on Sunday it would hold
daily tactical pauses in military activity along a main
road in southern Gaza to allow more aid to flow into
the enclave, where international aid organisations
have warned of a growing humanitarian crisis.
z Fighting in the city of Rafah, where Israel is target-
ing the remaining brigades of the militant Islamist
Hamas movement, would continue, the military said.
z Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu criticized plans an-
nounced by the military on Sunday to hold daily tactical
pauses in fighting along one of the main roads into Gaza
to facilitate aid delivery into the Palestinian enclave.
z In the issued voter list, 22 state sports associations
have been described as affiliated, in which the names
of the officials of 4 state sports associations are not
shown, which include Rajasthan Boxing Association,
Rajasthan Golf Club, Rajasthan Tennis Association
and Rajasthan Equestrian Association.
z The remaining 18 state sports associations include
netball, handball, table tennis associations in the
controversial list, which has no justification, whereas
as per the Constitution, billiards and snooker are not
Olympic sports. The names of the officials shown
in the voter list of Rajasthan Weightlifting Associa-
tion, Rajasthan Kayaking and Canoeing Association,
Hockey Rajasthan and Cycling Association are wrong.
z NSF does not recognize the unit of the state as-
sociation, while the election of Rajasthan Volleyball
Association did not even get recognition from the
Rajasthan State Sports Council.
Friends and family mourn Israeli soldier, Captain Wassem
Mahmoud who was killed amid the ongoing conflict in Gaza
between Israel and Hamas in northern Israel on Sunday.
A man is detained during a demonstration against PM Benjamin
Netanyahu’s government and a call for the release of hostages in
Gaza, amid the Israel-Hamas conflict, in Tel Aviv, Israel, Sunday.
Ankita Bhakat will face top-seed Mobina Fallah of Iran in quarters.
The Indian women’s side beat Iran 2-0 with Rathika Suthanthira
Seelan and Pooja Arthi Raghu scoring comfortable wins.
Antalya (Turkey)
Ankita Bhakat outplayed
of Philippines to enter the
quarterfinals of the Final
Olympic Qualifier here
on Sunday, and the effort
also helped her seal an in-
dividual quota in wom-
en’s archery for next
month’s Paris Games.
Ninth seed Ankita
cruised to a 6-0 (26-23,
28-22, 28-23) win over
her 40th seeded rival in
the pre-quarterfinals. In-
dia thus have secured in-
dividual quotas in both
men’s and women’s sec-
tions. Ankita will face
top-seed Mobina Fallah
of Iran in the quarters.
Army confirmed
normal operations
would continue
in Rafah: Report
Canadian Prime Minister
Justin Trudeau, fresh
from a meeting with PM
Narendra Modi on the
sidelines of the G7 Sum-
mit, stated that there was
a commitment to collab-
orate with India on some
“very important issues”
amid a chill in relations
between the two nations.
“I’m not going to get
into the details of this im-
portant, sensitive issue
that we need to follow
up, but this was a com-
mitment to work togeth-
er, in the coming times,
to deal with some very
important issues,”
Trudeau said at a press
conference on the final
day of the three-day G7
Summit in Italy.
On Friday, Prime Min-
ister Modi posted an im-
age on social media of
the two leaders shaking
hands, with a caption that
read, “Met Canadian PM
Justin Trudeau at the G7
The meeting, held in
Apulia, southern Italy,
marked the first encoun-
ter between the leaders
since diplomatic tensions
over pro-Khalistani ex-
tremism intensified.
Their last meeting oc-
curred on the sidelines of
the G20 Summit in India
in September.
Following the Friday
evening meeting, the Ca-
nadian Prime Minister’s
Office reported that the
leaders had a “brief dis-
cussion on the bilateral
relationship,” during
which Trudeau congratu-
lated PM Modi on his re-
“Of course, there are
important issues between
our two countries right
now. You can appreciate
that we won’t be making
any further statements at
this time,” a spokesper-
son said.
Justin Trudeau and PM Modi
met on sidelines of G7 summit.
New Delhi
India women finished
fifth and their men coun-
terparts sixth in the Asian
Team Squash Champion-
ships which concluded in
The Indian women’s
side beat Iran 2-0 in the
match to decide the fifth
and sixth positions with
Rathika Suthanthira See-
lan and Pooja Arthi
Raghu scoring comfort-
able wins.
However, the men’s
team lost to South Korea
1-2. Velavan Senthilku-
mar recorded a win be-
fore Suraj Kumar Chand
and Om Semwal went
down by narrow margins.
New Delhi
Tokyo Olympics bronze
medallist boxer Lovlina
Borgohain lost to China’s
Li Qian to settle for a sil-
ver medal in the women’s
75kg contest at the Grand
Prix Usti nad Labem in
the Czech Republic.
The Paris Olympic-
bound Borgohain lost by
a 2-3 split verdict in her
final bout against the
reigning Asian Games
champion on Saturday.
Qian had defeated
Borgohain in the summit
clash of theAsian Games
last year. Lovlina said
this will hold her in good
stead going into the Paris
Grand Prix: Lovlina
loses to Li Qian,
clinches silver
First India Bureau
BJP concluded its com-
prehensive brainstorming
session on Sunday to ana-
lyze recent electoral de-
feats and strategize future
campaigns effectively.
The session was attended
by key leaders including
BJP State President CP
Joshi, Election In-charge
Vinay Sahasrabuddhe,
ish, and Co-Incharge Vi-
Lal Sharma was present
on both the days during
the meeting.
The meeting focused
on assessing the organiza-
tional dynamics and the
factors contributing to the
recent electoral setbacks.
Leaders discussed the
need for a unified ap-
proach and deliberated on
egies for upcoming by-
elections in Rajasthan.
Addressing the gather-
ing, BJP leaders empha-
sized the importance of
introspection and con-
structive feedback from
grassroots workers and
voters. The meeting con-
cluded with plans to form
a cohesive strategy to
counter challenges and
bolster the party’s elec-
toral prospects. Simulta-
neously, discussions also
centered around potential
organizational changes
and the induction of new,
energetic team members.
Meanwhile the BJP
has initiated discussions
on upcoming by-elec-
tions following recent
losses in five parliamen-
tary constituencies. Key
among these constituen-
cies where BJP faced
defeats were Karanpur
and Bagidora. The party
is now gearing up for by-
elections in Churu,
Dausa, Jhunjhunu, Kh-
imsar, and Deoli-Uniara
constituencies. Second-
ly, the elevation of na-
tional issues over local
concerns disrupted the
electoral strategy.
New records made with auction of mineral blocks
Nirmal Tiwari
ajasthan is rap-
idly becoming a
significant hub
for the production of ma-
jor minerals such as gold,
copper, iron ore, base
metals, rare earth ele-
ments, manganese, and
others. Under the guid-
ance of Chief Minister
Bhajan Lal Sharma, with
the diligent efforts of
Mining Secretary Anandi
and Director Bhagwati
Prasad Kalal, Rajasthan
has set a new record in
preparing and auctioning
blocks for major and mi-
nor minerals.
In the last fiscal year, a
total of 31 blocks were
auctioned, including min-
ing licenses for 22 lime-
stone blocks, composite
licenses for 5 base metal
blocks, and 4 iron ore
blocks. During CM
Bhajan Lal Sharma’s ten-
ure, 21 major mineral
blocks have been auc-
tioned so far, comprising
16 limestone, 4 iron ore,
and 1 siliceous earth
block. The auction of
mining licenses is expect-
ed to generate over Rs
50,000 crore in revenue
for the mining department
in the coming years. This
will not only increase
self-reliance in mineral
production and boost ex-
ports but also create thou-
sands of jobs.The auction
process for 48 limestone
blocks is currently under-
way. Successful auctions
of these blocks are ex-
pected to significantly
increase the revenue of
the mining dept, further
enhancingits contribution
to the state treasury.
Since the beginning of
this year, the mining de-
partment has accelerated
the online auction process
for new major mineral
blocks. Director of Min-
ing Bhagwati Prasad
Kalal has been in constant
communication with addl
directors, superintending
mineral engineers, and
mineral engineers, con-
ducting daily monitoring.
This proactive approach
has led to significant suc-
cess in online auctions for
mining dept.
The team’s dedication
 increased efficiency are
anticipated to continue,
ensuring that the mining
department’s contribution
to the state’s economy be-
comes even more robust.
Greetings on the occasion of Eid-Ul-Adha. A day
of hope and joy for all! Eid Mubarak!
Postal Reg No. JPC/004/2022-24
Jaipur, Monday | June 17, 2024 www.firstindia.co.in firstindia.co.in/epapers/jaipur thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia
Shubham Jain
Chief Minister Bhajan
Lal Sharma said that
work being done by
Vishwa Hindu Parishad
for the last 44 years to
strengthen Sanatan cul-
ture and rituals in Magra
region is very commend-
able. “This initiative be-
ing taken by Vishwa
Hindu Parishad is impor-
tant in the reconstruction
of culture and rituals.
This land of Magra re-
gion is fortunate that the
descendants of Prithviraj
Chauhan reside here,”
Sharma was speaking on
the occasion of the clos-
ing ceremony of Samrat
Prithviraj Chauhan Jay-
anti celebrations at
Ashapura Mata Dham in
Beawar on Sunday.
CM Sharma said that he
forgiving Mohd Gauri
even after defeating him
17 times in field of Tarain.
Praising heroic saga of
Chauhan, CM said, “If
Chauhan had not been de-
ceived, then today India’s
identity in world would
have been different.”
During this, CM Shar-
ma explained in detail
about the public welfare
schemes being run by
the central and state gov-
ernments and appealed
to the general public to
take maximum benefit
from them. During the
program, VHP leader
Umankshar Sharma said
that people present here
are descendants of Prith-
viraj Chauhan. Mean-
while in Kishangarh,
Sharma addressed a fe-
licitation ceremony hon-
oring Union Minister
Bhagirath Choudhary.
He highlighted unprec-
edented development
across all sectors under
PM Modi’s leadership
since 2014. Emphasiz-
ing govt’s commitment
to farmer welfare, he
stated that state govt is
working towards holistic
development across all
sections of society. He
further added that govt
has expedited the imple-
mentation of the Eastern
Rajasthan Canal Project
(ERCP) to address the
water needs of Eastern
VHP working since 44
years to strengthen
Sanatan culture in
Magra region: CM
CM Bhajan Lal Sharma reaches Aashapura
Dham and garlanding the statue of Prithviraj
Chauhan in Ajmer on Sunday.
CM Bhajan Lal Sharma addressing the gathering at the Ashapura Mata Dham in Beawar on Sunday.
On this occasion, Minister Avinash Gehlot, Minister Suresh Singh Rawat, MP Mahima Kumari, MLAs
Shankar Singh Rawat, Hari Singh Rawat, along with Virendra Singh Kanawat, Mahant Naresh Puri of
Mehandipur Balaji Dham  RSS regional campaigner Nimbaram were also present.
Union Min Bhagirath Chaudhary felicitating CM
Bhajan Lal Sharma at workers’ meet program in
Kishangarh on Sunday.
CM Bhajan Lal Sharma, CP Joshi, Vinay Sahasrabuddhe, Vijaya Rahatkar during the organisational
review meeting of Bharatpur Lok Sabha Constituency in Jaipur on Sunday.
Aishwary Pradhan and
Vikas Sharma
Bhajan Lal Sharma
govt is continuously
creating history to make
Rajasthan self-suffi-
cient and surplus in
power generation. This
is the first time that
MoUs were signed for
setting up power gen-
eration units and plants
of about 32000 MW ca-
pacity in state and with-
in 2 months, the possi-
ble time limit for their
operation was also
The continuous moni-
toring by CM Bhajan
Lal Sharma had a big
relief effect, when de-
spite scorching heat,
scheduled power cuts
were not allowed. A re-
cord was created by
meeting power demand
of 3536 lakh units in a
day. There was also a
day when the state had
3641 lakh units of power
available, but demand
was less than this.
Whereas, in the previous
Gehlot govt, power cuts
were done every year in
residential, commer-
cial  industrial units.
Bhajan Lal Sharma
govt is allocating land
for solar parks for
cheap power
CM Bhajan Lal Sharma’s big
decisions in power generation
Started the stalled coal mining work in allotted
coal mines of Chhattisgarh. As soon as Bhajan
Lal Sharma took over responsibility of CM, he
held meetings with Union Energy Minister, Coal Minister
and Chhattisgarh Chief Minister in Delhi and succeeded
in resolving the issue. Now Rajasthan is getting regular
coal. Currently, the thermal power plant has a stock of
coal for at least 8 days, whereas in the previous Gehlot
government, the stock in many plants had come down to
one day. At that time, there was a Congress government
in Chhattisgarh as well, but the then CM Ashok Gehlot
kept the issue pending instead of resolving it.
The Chief Minister
himself kept monitoring
continuously so that
there is no scheduled
power cut in the scorch-
ing heat. The entire
focus was on maximum
power generation from
the state power thermal
power plants. As a
result, up to 6000 MW
of power was received
from the thermal units
of the state power
generation, which was
barely 5200 MW in the
previous Gehlot govt.
Succeeded in taking a loan of Rs 20 thousand crores
from Rural Electrification Corporation. Apart from this,
work will be done on the power system as
well as other public interest projects in-
cluding ERCP, Jal Jeevan Mission. For
this, he remained in constant touch
with the Central Government.
To make state surplus
in power genera-
tion, MoUs worth Rs
1.60 lakh crore were
signed. The double en-
gine govt started work-
ing at a rapid pace.
For this, MoUs were
signed with NTPC,
Coal India, NLC India
Ltd Co, NTPC Green
Energy for construc-
tion of 2 new thermal
power plants  setting
up solar plants. Their
time limit has also
been fixed.
First India Bureau
Union Minister of State
forAgriculture and Farm-
ers Welfare Bhagirath
Choudhary celebrated his
birthday on Sunday . He
visited a Gaushala in Kis-
hangarh on this occasion,
where he engaged in cow
service activities along
with his supporters.
During his visit, Bhagi-
rath Choudhary an-
nounced the donation of
an X-ray machine for the
hospitalization of cows,
underscoring his commit-
ment to animal welfare.
Addressing the gather-
ing, Union Minister Bha-
girath Choudhary stated,
“I am committed to work-
ing for the country’s
farmers with honesty and
dedication. Whatever ef-
forts are made for agricul-
ture and livestock, it is
never enough.”
After the cow service
activities, Bhagirath
Choudhary proceeded to
Jain Bhavan, where he
received blessings from
Digambaracharya 108
Sunil Sagar Maharaj of
Dinesh Dangi
Significant changes are
imminent within the Ra-
jasthan Pradesh Congress
Committee (RPCC). A
major reshuffle is on the
cards, with plans to re-
move inactive office-
bearers from the execu-
tive committee.
A comprehensive list
has been prepared based
on the performance re-
ports of these inactive
members. The move
aims to introduce young,
hardworking, and new
faces into the team.
The list for new ap-
pointments and reassign-
ments will soon be sent
to Delhi for approval.
Sources indicate that the
final list could be un-
veiled as early as July.
Meanwhile the execu-
tive bodies of the Pradesh
Mahila Congress and the
National Students’Union
of India (NSUI) will soon
be reconstituted. The
Pradesh Mahila Con-
gress executive commit-
tee has been defunct for
the past six months due
to a lack of approval
from Delhi, leading to
the temporary reinstate-
ment of the old executive
body. Similarly, the
NSUI executive commit-
tee was dissolved last
Min Bhagirath Choudhary
donates X-Ray machine to
Gaushala on his birthday
Cong looking to overhaul
executive committee, may
oust inactive party workers
Union Min Bhagirath Choudhary
being garlanded and lifted on
shoulders by the supporters on
his birthday in Ajmer on Sunday.
First India Bureau
Yadav addressed a gather-
ing in Bhajeda of Rajgarh
and said that many mis-
conceptions were created
in this election. “Our govt
years, will run further too
and your reservation will
ji did the work of building
5 pilgrimages related to
Baba Saheb Ambedkar.
He was given Bharat Rat-
na when there was no
Congress govt. I say that
Modiji has worked for
you,”, he said.
“I want to see tears of
joy in eyes of poor. I want
the sarpanch to sit with
me, put problems of vil-
lage in front of me, com-
plete work after review.
There should be a Kend-
riya Vidyalaya. I am com-
mitted to work on ERCP.
There should be water, li-
campaign. People say you
won from here, you did
not win from here. I say
put everyone in dust, I am
everyone’s MP. I am as
much your MP as I am of
other societies.,” he said.
Union Minister Bhupender Yadav in Alwar on Sunday.
Introspection and strategy: BJP concludes key
meeting, discusses need for unified approach
 The previous Cong govt
did opposite. At that time,
banking was done to get
electricity from other states
and the time for returning
this borrowed electricity was
fixed in the summer months,
whereas at this time there
is demand for electricity in
Rajasthan itself.
 Rajasthan's Electricity
Generation Corporation has
thermal power plants of 7580
MW capacity. In previous
Cong govt, only 5200 MW of
electricity was received from
these plants on an average.
Due to lack of maintenance
of units, state had to face
power shortage.
 Future planning had to
be done to meet increased
demand. This was also
discussed in the year 2019.
But the Gehlot govt did not
do much on the ground.
CM intends that all farmers
of the state should get elec-
tricity during day for irriga-
tion. The compulsion to work
in the field at night should
end. With this, farmers will
also work during day and
reach home on time. For this
purpose, on instructions of
CM, all three companies of
power generation, transmis-
sion and distribution have
started working on planning
of supply in the day.
Glamour | Fashion | Bollywood | Hollywood | Lifestyle
holi Meena, a cultural ambassador
from India, brought the traditional
dance “Ghoomar” to an international stage
at the cultural festival held in Malta’s
historic Fort Pembroke. P11
firstindia.co.in/epapers/jaipur thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia
This summer,
opt for pastels
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touch of soft
elegance and
breezy charm.
City First infuses
these Pastel
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from baby blues
to mint greens,
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bringing a sense
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freshness perfect
for the warmer
his summer,
make pastels
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choice for a
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exudes ele-
gance and light-hearted charm.
Pastel shades, such as baby
blue, mint green, lav-
ender, and blush pink,
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The versatility of pastels is one of
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For a casual daytime look, consider
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der blouse tucked into a beige skirt
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proachable look. Adding accesso-
ries like a blush pink clutch or light
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Pastels are not just limited to
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tegrated into accessories and foot-
wear, allowing you to experiment
with different textures and styles. A
soft pink linen scarf or a pair of mint
green sunglasses can add subtle
pops of colour to your look. Even
pastel nail polish or makeup can
complement your overall style, add-
ing a cohesive touch to your sum-
mer aesthetic.
Furthermore, pastels are univer-
sally flattering, enhancing all
skin tones with their gentle
glow. They bring out the nat-
ural warmth of your com-
plexion, making you ap-
pear radiant and
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  • 1. 42°C 32°C Min Humidity 25% Max Cloudy morning, very hot throughout the day FORECAST Crush terrorism in J&K at all cost: Shah HM chairs key meet as 4 J&K terror attacks in a week set off alarm First India Bureau New Delhi Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Sunday di- rected security forces to crush growing terrorism inJammudivision,wipeit out from Jammu & Kash- mir and ensure complete security for the upcoming annual Amarnath Yatra. Shah chaired a high- levelsecurityreviewmeet- ing here on Sunday which was attended by J&K Lt Governor Manoj Singh, NSA Ajit Doval, Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla, Army Chief Gen- eral Manoj Pande, desig- nate Army Chief, Lt Gen- eral Upendra Dwivedi, IB Director Tapan Deka, Chief Secretary J&K Atal Dulloo, DG CRPF Anish DayalSingh,DGPJ&KR. R.Swain, ADGP (Law & Order) J&K Vijay Kumar andseniorArmyandIntel- ligence officers. HM Amit Shah at meeting. Home Secy Ajay Bhalla, NSA Ajit Doval and J&K L-G Manoj Sinha also seen. The incident occurred around 11 pm on Saturday (local time) at Old Settlers Park in Round Rock, near Austin. REASI ATTACK MASTERMIND NEUTRALISED IN PAKISTAN, CLAIMS YOUTUBER; VIDEO GOES VIRAL New Delhi: In a big develop- ment, mastermind behind the Reasi terror attack was neutralized in Pakistan by ‘unknown men,’ as per to claims made by Pakistani media and YouTubers. A viral video shows two men making statements about the elimination of mastermind of the horrifying attack. RSS CHIEF’S GORAKHPUR VISIT Confusion over Bhagwat-Yogi meeting in Gorakhpur First India Bureau Gorakhpur here seems to be some confusion over the meeting between Mohan Bhagwat and Yogi Adityanath. Bhagwat has been on Gorakhpur tour for the last two days and political ob- servers were expecting a Bhagwat-Yogimeeting.At least a courtesy meeting was expected between the two but according to in- formed sources, the two have not met yet. However,asperareport in an English daily, Bhag- wat and Yogi met twice. First time in Campierganj school and then in Saras- wati Shishu Mandir in Pa- kkibagh, the meeting took place in a closed room for 30 minutes. Now media of LucknowandDelhiiscon- fused about this meeting. There was no official word on the meeting between Mohan Bhagwat and Yogi Adityanath. FILE T Priests perform ‘Maha Aarti’ at Dashashwamedh Ghat on the occasion of ‘Ganga Dussehra’, in Varanasi, on Sunday. PTI IN BRIEF Bihar: Boat capsizes in Ganga, six missing Patna: Six persons went missing after a boat cap- sized in Ganga river in Barh sub-division of Pat- na district on Sunday, of- ficials said. On getting in- formation, officials reached the spot and start- ed rescue operations to trace the missing persons. Ensure 1% quota for transgenders in jobs: HC Kolkata: The Calcutta High Court directed the WB govt to ensure a 1% reser- vation for transgenders in public employment. Though the state adopted an equal employment policy for transgenders, HC noted that the reservation hasn’t been implemented yet. New Criminal Laws from July 1, says Meghwal New Delhi: Union Law and Justice Minister Ar- jun Ram Meghwal on Sunday said the new criminal laws will be in- troduced from July 1, dis- missing opposition alle- gations of not being con- sulted before the decision was made. P5 YOGI GREETS PEOPLE ON GANGA DUSSEHRA Lucknow: UP CM Yogi Adityanath on Sunday wished people on the occasion of Ganga Dussehra. “Heartiest congratulations and best wishes to the people of the state and all the devotees on the occasion of ‘Ganga Dussehra’, the descent day of the national river, Mother Ganga, which grants salva- tion and life. I pray that by the grace of Mother Ganga, may everyone’s life be filled with happiness, peace, pros- perity and good health. Jai Ma Ganga,” he posted on X. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath visits his mother at AIIMS Rishikesh to enquire about her health, in Rishikesh, on Sunday. PTI CM’S NOD TO LAND ALLOCATION FOR 4 SOLAR PROJECTS NEWSOLARPLANTSTOMAKE RAJASTHAN‘POWERFUL’ Aishwary Pradhan & Vikas Sharma Jaipur To make Rajasthan a lead- er in energy, CM Bhajan Lal Sharma is taking deci- sivesteps.Hehasapproved land allocation for four so- larprojectstoswiftlymake State energy surplus. The CM said that through these solar pro- jects, his govt’s resolve to make State self-reliant in the field of energy will be realised and these will prove to be a milestone in the development of the State. He said that these projects will not only cre- ate employment opportu- nities at the local level but will also give a new impetus to economic ac- tivities in the region. Notably, the State gov- ernment has also signed MoUs worth 1.5 lakh crores for 3325 MW ther- mal and 28,500 MW re- newable energy projects. ACCORDING TO THE PROPOSAL LAND ALLOCATIONS A total of 4780 hectares has been allocated to Rajasthan Solar Park Development Company for three solar parks (2450 MW) in Bikaner, and 910 hectares to NTPC Renewable Energy Limited for a 500 MW project in Phalodi. Bikaner will have two 1000 MW parks and one 450 MW park, with land approvals in Surasar, Pugal tehsil, Bhanavatawala, and Sardarpura, Chhatargarh tehsil. Phalodi’s project will be in Bhadla, Bap tehsil.  4780 hectares of land has been approved to Rajasthan Solar Park Development Company to set up 3 solar parks of 2450 MW in Bikaner district  910 hectares of land approved to NTPC Renewable Energy Ltd to set up a solar project of 500 MW in Phalodi district  Two solar parks of 1000 MW each and one of 450 MW will be set up in Bikaner district  For the first solar park, about 1881 hectares of land has been approved for allocation in vil- lage Surasar of Pugal tehsil These projects will not only create employment opportunities at the local level but will also give a new impetus to economic activities in the region. BHAJAN LAL SHARMA, CHIEF MINISTER Musk, Chandrasekhar in a “Word War” over EVMs 2 killed, many hurt in shooting in Texas park First India Bureau New Delhi The debate on whether EVMs can be hacked fur- ther heated up between Elon Musk and Rajeev Chandrasekhar on X so- cial media platform on Sunday, with the former Union Minister saying that we both can finally “agree to disagree”. When Chandrasekhar told the tech billionaire that Indian EVMs are custom-designed, secure and isolated from any network or media, the Te- sla CEO replied: “Any- thing can be hacked”. Chandrasekhar re- plied, saying anything is possible with quantum compute and “I can de- crypt any level of en- cryption”. With lab level tech and plenty of resources, I can hack any digital hardware/system including flight controls of a glass cockpit of a jet etc. But that’s a different type of a conversation from EVMs being secure and reliable vis a vis paper voting. And we can agree to disagree. RAJEEV CHANDRASEKHAR, FORMER UNION MMINISTE Elon Musk Rajeev Chandrasekhar I.N.D.I.A. ALLIES LATCH ON TO MUSK’S REMARKS New Delhi: Jumping into the debate, Opposition leaders shared Elon Musk’s remarks to stress their oft-repeated concerns about the EVM method. Congress leader Rahul Gandhi said EVMs in Indian “are a ‘black box’ and nobody is allowed to scrutinize them”. P5 Agencies Texas A shooting at a Texas park during a Juneteenth celebration on Saturday left two dead and several wounded. The incident occurred around 11 pm at Old Settlers Park in Round Rock, near Aus- tin. An altercation be- tween two groups during a concert led to gunfire, Round Rock Police Chief Allen Banks said. SHOOTING IN DETROIT SUBURB INJURES 9 Rochester Hills (US): Nine people were injured, includ- ing two young children and their mother, after a shooter opened fire at a splash pad in a Detroit suburb where families gathered to escape the summer heat Saturday. Law enforcement tracked a suspect to a home, where the man died by a self- inflicted gunshot wound, authorities said. Agencies Obburgen Eighty countries called Sunday for the “territorial integrity” of Ukraine to be the basis for any peace agreement to end Russia’s two-year war, though some key developing na- tions at a Swiss confer- ence did not join in. The way forward for diplo- macy remains unclear. The joint communique capped a two-day confer- ence marked by the ab- sence of Russia, which was not invited. Many at- tendees expressed hope that Russia might join in on a road map to peace. The all-out war since President Putin’s inva- sion of Ukraine in Febru- ary 2022 has killed or injured hundreds of thou- sands of people. 80 countries bat for Ukraine’s territorial integrity WORLD WINDOW  Heavy rainfall has caused flooding in 22 rivers in south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Region, the regional hydrology centre  A top militant commander of the banned TTP was killed on Sunday in an encounter with security forces  Feasibility study on land connectivity with India in final stages, says SL President  Authorities evacuated1,200people onSaturdayasa wildfireinLosAngeles Countyspreadover thousandsofacres  Committed to work with India on key issues, says Canadian PM Justin Trudeau after meeting PM Modi ar recent G7 Summit APPOINTMENT OF LS SPEAKER DOES NOT LIE WITH ME: BIRLA Speaker in the 17th Lok Sabha Om Birla clarified on Sunday that he has no role in deciding the next Speaker for the 18th Lok Sabha. P5 DELHI WATER CRISIS IS AAP GOVT’S CREATION: BANSURI Speaking on warter crisis in Delhi, Lok Sabha MP Bansuri Swaraj al- leged: “This is not a natural problem, it has been created by the AAP.” NO NEED TO TEACH ABOUT RIOTS IN BOOKS: NCERT CHIEF National Council of Educational Re- search and Training director Dinesh Prasad Saklani has denied the saf- fronisation of education claims. P6 SHARIF VOWS TO END PAK’S DEPENDENCY ON FOREIGN AID PM Shehbaz Sharif vowed to end Pakistan’s dependency on foreign & IMF bailouts and surpass neighbour- ing nations in economic activity. Jaipur, Monday | June 17, 2024 RNI NUMBER: RAJENG/2019/77764 | VOL 6 | ISSUE NO. 11 | PAGES 12 | `3.00 Rajasthan’s Own English Newspaper firstindia.co.in firstindia.co.in/epapers/jaipur thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia Eid ul-Adha
  • 2. RAJASTHAN 02 www.firstindia.co.in firstindia.co.in/epapers/jaipur thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia Jaipur, Monday | June 17, 2024 First India Bureau Jaipur Ayodhya witnessed a re- markableeventonSunday as two chariots carrying a 1.5-ton Hanuman mace and a one-ton bow made of Panchdhatu (an alloy of five metals) arrived in the holy city. These revered artifacts are destined for the Shri Ram Mandir. The Chief Priest of Shri Ram Mandir, Acha- rya Satyendra Das, for- mally accepted them upon their arrival. The chariots, guided under the supervision of Acha- rya Dr. Saraswati Gaur from Shivganj, Rajast- han, were ceremoniously flagged off by Champat Rai, Mahamantri of Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra and Raja- ram, sangathan mantri of the Rajasthan Vishwa Hindu Parishad. Dr. Saraswati Gaur en- trusted the mace and bow to Acharya Satyendra Das at his residence. VRIKSH MITRA SAMMAN SAMAROH Governor highlights Sanatan nature worship Vinod Singh chouhan & Krishan Maruri Jaipur overnor Kalraj Mishra has called for in- creased tree planting, em- phasizing the importance of preserving India’s cul- tural heritage of nature and environment. He ad- vocated for development that does not harm the natural balance, high- lighting that trees and vegetation not only enrich and fertilize the soil but also sustain all life forms. Mishra made these re- marks on Sunday at the ‘Vriksh Mitra Samman Samaroh’organizedbythe Shri Kalpataru Sansthan. During the event, he hon- ored Uma Vyas as the best volunteer for planting and nurturing a sapling every day. Other environmental activists recognized as ‘Vriksh Mitra’ included K.P. Kanal,AshokThorat, Gautamraj Sharma, Mrs. Renu Rashtradeep, Sand- eep, Usha, Anju Chaud- hary, Rishi, and Ritesh Dubey. Additionally, he inaugurated the ‘Parinda Campaign’ for providing water to birds. The governor under- scored the Indian Sana- tan view of nature wor- ship, stating that it is rooted in maintaining ecological balance. Re- calling the sacrifice for the Shami tree ‘Khejri’in Khejadli, Rajasthan, he noted that people have historically risked their lives to save trees. He emphasized the impor- tance of planting and pro- tecting trees. First India Bureau Jodhpur Emergency Response Team (ERT) Commando Dinesh Vishnoi breathed his last at MDM Hospital in Jodhpur on Sunday morning at 11 AM. He had been undergoing treatment for the past four days after sustaining a gunshot wound that pierced through his head in Jaisalmer. Later in the evening, a post-mortem examina- tion was conducted on his body. His remains were draped in the na- tional flag before being dispatched to his village, Chitlavana, in Isrol vil- lage, Sanchore. It is noteworthy that on June 12, a team of 10 ERT personnel was en route from Jodhpur to Jaisalmer in a vehicle to beef up security arrange- ments during Vice Presi- dent Jagdeep Dhankhar’s two-day visit to Jaisalm- er. Approximately 10 ki- lometers before reaching Jaisalmer, Jawan Dinesh Kumar, son of Mala Ram from Isrol village, Chitla- vana (Sanchore), suf- fered a fatal gunshot wound to the head. First India Bureau Jaipur The city gears up for Eid ul Adha celebrations on Monday, with the main prayer scheduled at the Eidgah located on Delhi Bypass Road. Chief Qazi Khalid Usmani will lead the prayer at 7:45 AM. In anticipation of Eid, the Bakra Mandi (goat market) is bustling with activity. It is the largest of its kind stretching from Eidgah to Transport Nagar. Livestock farmers have brought goats from across the state and other regions, despite a 15 to 20 percent increase in prices this year due to in- flation. Careful consider- ation is being given to the feeding and care of these expensive animals. Various goats having names like Pathan, Khal- ifa, Bahadur, Sheru, and Salman are among the most sought-after, fetch- ing premium prices. Satyanarayan Sharma Jaipur In a shocking incident, a teenager from Madhya Pradesh was allegedly raped and murdered in Jaipur. Po- lice reached the spot on getting in- formation & kept the body of the deceased in the mortuary. DCP West Amit Ku- mar took immediate ac- tion in the case & the ac- cused lover was arrested after conducting an in- tensive search operation. It has come to light that the accused had lured the girl into a love affair and brought her to Jaipur from Madhya Pradesh. After allegedly raping her in Jaipur, he killed her by hitting her with a frying pan and fled from the spot. However, po- lice eventually arrested him and are interrogat- ing the accused. Governor Kalraj Mishra honored environmental activists at the ‘Vriksh Mitra Samman Samaroh’ organized by the Kalpataru Sansthan in Jaipur oin Sunday. Deceased Commando Dinesh Vishnoi Goats at Bakra Mandi, ahead of the Bakri Eid celebration, in Jaipur on Sunday. NAIM KHAN A large number of devotees went to Galta early in the morning to take holy bath. SANTOSH SHARM The chariots, guided under the supervision of Dr. Saraswati Gaur, were ceremoniously flagged off by Champat Rai, Mahamantri of Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra. Mohanlal Dhobi Lalita. G Rising crime cases in the State TeenagerfromMadhyaPradesh allegedlyrapedmurderedinJpr CRIME ROUNDUP POLICE CRACK MAJOR HIGHWAY ROBBERY CASE IN PALI, 7 HELD Pali: In a swift and effective opera- tion, police solved two highway robbery cas- es involving two-wheeler thefts at gunpoint within just 18 hours. The inci- dents, which occurred on the National Highway in a single day, were resolved under the direction of DIG Omprakash Meghwal and Pali SP Chunaram Jat. The coordinated efforts of the police forces from Pali, Sirohi, Ajmer, GRP, and RPF led to the ar- rest of seven individuals responsible for a major robbery in Pali. Among the seven arrested, five are from the Pali district, with Daulat Sirvi and Dinesh Gurjar identified as the main ringleaders. The other two suspects are from Delhi and Haryana. All the accused have a history of multiple criminal cases. During their time in jail, the primary ringlead- ers, Daulat Sirvi and Dinesh Gurjar, concocted the robbery plan, which was later executed with the help of the suspects from Haryana and Delhi. The breakthrough came under the leadership of ASP Chansingh Mahecha, DSP Derawar Singh, and Bhupendra Singh, whose team, supported by cyber experts. Subhash Trivedi Accused in police custody in Pali. TN police nabs scammer behind `15.26L ‘FedEx’ parcel fraud PTI Chennai Nearly three months after a Chennai resident lost Rs 15.26 lakh in a ‘drugs- in-parcel’ scam, Tamil Nadu police have arrest- ed a 23-year old man from Rajasthan who al- legedly defrauded the complainant through im- personation. On March 17 this year, a person falsely claiming to represent the Mumbai branch of ‘FedEx’ cou- rier company, deceived the resident, S Ashok Ranjit, by conveying to him over phone that his ‘parcel to Taiwan from Mumbai’ contained con- traband items. The fraudster told Ranjit who lives in down- town Kilpauk here that ‘Mumbai police’ would inquire him and passed on the phone to another person who claimed to be from ‘Mumbai police.’ There have been a number of other cases of similar nature in other re- gions of the country and Chennai police had ar- rested five men in April. MAN KILLED WIFE FOR NOT GIVING MONEY FOR LIQUOR IN JAIPUR Jaipur: In a shocking incident from Jaipur, a husband has been arrested for murdering his wife. The crime took place in the Ramnagaria police station area. The husband, identified as Krishnagopal, allegedly killed his wife Pooja by striking her with a hammer after she refused to give him money for alcohol. Upon receiving the informa- tion, the Station incharge Arun Kumar promptly arrived at the scene and arranged for Pooja’s body to be sent to the mortuary. FIRING AT SALMAN’S HOME: MUMBAI POLICE REGISTERED NEW CASE; 1 HELD FROM THE STATE Pali: The Mumbai Police have registered a new case in connection with firing outside actor Salman Khan’s residence here in April and arrested one person from Rajasthan on charges of criminal intimidation, an official said on Sunday. The accused has been identified as Banwarilal Laturlal Gujar (25), hailing from Bundi in Rajasthan, the crime branch of- ficial said. Gurjar had allegedly uploaded a video on his YouTube channel in which he said “Lawrence Bishnoi, Goldy Brar and other gang mem- bers are with me and I am going to kill Salman Khan as he did not apologise yet”, the official said. The accused made the video on a highway in Rajasthan and uploaded it on his channel. Considering the seriousness of the case, a team was sent to Rajasthan for an investigation. ERTCommandoVishnoi succumbstogunshotwound He had been undergoing treatment for the past four days First India Bureau Kota Fire erupted in a hostel located in Kota's Land- mark City area. The inci- dent occurred while sev- eral coaching students were present in the hostel. Quick action by the authorities ensured the safe evacuation of all stu- dents through emergency exits. The fire was caused by a short circuit. Chief Fire Officer Rakesh Vyas, along with histeam,swiftlyarrivedat the scene and managed to bring the fire under con- trol using three fire en- gines. According to Vyas, 23 students were inside thehostelatthetimeofthe incident, all of whom were safely evacuated. The fire destroyed all belongings in the affect- ed room and spread to adjacent rooms, damag- ing equipment including air conditioning units. Parts of the balcony were also affected by the blaze. Fire erupts in Kota hostel, all students safely evacuated The fire destroyed all belongings in the affected room spread to adjacent rooms, damaging equipment including air conditioning units. Parts of the balcony were also affected by blaze Bakra mandi bustles ahead of Eid- ul- Adha despite price hike Offering prayers! Rajasthan Assembly Speaker Vasudev Devnani offers prayers at Mahakal Temple, in Ujjain on Sunday. Devotees mark Ganga Dussehra with holy baths Ayodhyawelcomes1.5tonmace 1tonbowforRamMandirfromRaj Tripti Gautam Jaipur The city of Jaipur wit- nessed vibrant celebra- tions of Ganga Dussehra on Sunday, marked by the distribution of sherbet at every intersection and corner. Despite scorching heat, thousands of people came forward to volun- teer and serve the com- munity, halting vehicles to offer refreshments to passersby. The refreshing sherbet provided much-needed relief in the sweltering temperatures, believed to bring blessings and mer- its for those who contrib- ute during Ganga Dussehra. A large num- ber of devotees went to Galta early in the morn- ing to take holy bath. They performed rituals, offered prayers at tem- ples, and paid homage to Lord Surya by making offerings. PTI Chittorgarh Three members of a fam- ily were killed after being run over by a train near a railway station in Nimba- hera in Rajasthan’s Chit- torgarh district, police said on Sunday Nimbahera Kotwali Station House Officer Ramsumer Meena said the three could not hear the train approaching due to loud music emanating from a nearby temple on Saturday night. The bodies have been sent for postmortem. Three run over by train in Chittorgarh
  • 3. BUFFER ZONES TO STAY OPEN Nirmal Tiwari Jaipur ajasthan’s famed tiger re- serves are gear- ing up for a break due to the upcoming season of monsoon. From June 20 to June 30, tourists will flock to Ranthambore National Park for one last safari experience before it shuts down along with Sariska Tiger Reserve starting July 1. The closure, effective until September 30, aims to protect wildlife during the breeding season. However, buffer zones of Ranthambore will re- main open for tourism, specifically zones 6 to 10, providing a limited safari experience. In Sariska, areas like Tahla, Sadar Route, and Buffer Route will con- tinue to operate as usu- al, offering glimpses of the reserve’s natural beauty despite the clo- sure of core areas od the Nature parks. During this period, Jhalana and Amagarh which will stay open, are expected to emerge as alternative destinations for wildlife enthusiasts, expecting a surge in tour- ist footfall in these par- ticular nature reserves. FILE R RAJASTHAN 03 www.firstindia.co.in firstindia.co.in/epapers/jaipur thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia Jaipur, Monday | June 17, 2024 Tiger reserves prepare for monsoon break FI TOON SHEKHAR JEE aspirant dies by suicide in Kota JAIPUR’SCRUMBLINGROADS Heatwave Alerts, Dust Storm warnings Minimalrainfallpredicted despitepersistingclouds 2024’s death tally rises to 11 First India Bureau Kota In yet another heart- breaking incident in Kota, a coaching student from Bihar, 17-year-old Ayush Jaiswal, took his own life by hanging him- self in his PG accommo- dation. The deceased, Ayush, was preparing for the JEE while staying in Mahaveer Nagar area. According to SHO Mahendra Maru of Ma- haveer Nagar Police Sta- tion, the control room received information about the suicide at around 10 PM on Satur- day night. Upon receiv- ing the distress call by the PG caretaker, a po- lice team immediately rushed to the scene near Samrat Chowk in Ma- haveer Nagar area. Ayush had locked himself inside his room throughout the night, ig- noring the knocks from his roommates. Con- cerned about his well- being, the PG caretaker alerted the police when Ayush did not respond to repeated attempts to open the door. First India Bureau Jaipur Rajasthan is experienc- ing another spell of in- tense heat, prompting alerts for heatwave and heatwave-like conditions in six districts. Mean- while, nine districts are expected to witness strong winds, accompa- nied by potential weather changes, as per the Mete- orological Department. A cyclonic circulation over the southwestern parts of the state, includ- ing Udaipur, Kota, and Ajmer regions, may lead to dust storms in these areas. Despite forecasts indicating cloud cover, the chances of rainfall remain minimal. According to the weather center in Jaipur, forecast indicates persis- tent heatwave conditions in Alwar, Bharatpur, Dholpur, Jhunjhunu, Ha- numangarh, and Sri Gan- ganagar. However, some changes were observed in the weather around Sun- day noonnearPratapgarh, Kota, Jhalawar, Chittor- garh, Bundi, Bhilwara, Baran, and Banswara. The rainfall in Nimba- hera persisted for half- hour. First pre-monsoon showers inundated the streets, bringing tempo- rary relief from the heat and humidity. ACB seeks to prosecute JMCH mayor Munesh JMC aims for world record with 1500-min Yoga Preliminaryexamof CivilServicesconducted successfullyinState MinDilawaremphasizes transformativepowerof educationinoursociety First India Bureau Jaipur Troubles may increase for Municipal Corpora- tion Heritage Jaipur Mayor Munesh Gurjar and the ACB has proved corruption charges against Munesh Gurjar in investiga- tion. ACB has sent the case file to the govern- ment for prosecution approval in the case of taking bribe in exchange for approval on lease issuance files. In the case file, ACB admitted in inves- tigation that Mayor Munesh was in collusion with her husband and brokers. ACB will present challan after getting prosecution approval. First India Bureau Jaipur In a significant initiative led by the Ministry of AYUSH, 10th Interna- tional Yoga Day is being celebrated. A unique event was organized on the initiative of JMC Greater Mayor Dr. Soumya. The event aims to set a world record for continuous yoga sessions at Indralok Sabha Ghar starting at 7 AM, where uninterrupted yoga will be practiced continuously for 1500 minutes, until 17th June. The event commenced with the in- auguration by Dy CM Premchand Bairwa, MoS UDH Jhabar Singh Kha- ra, and Jaipur City MP Manju Sharma. During the program, yoga in- structors from various in- stitutions were felicitated. First India Bureau Jaipur The Civil Services Pre- liminaryExaminationwit- nessed a robust turnout in Jaipur with 26,830 candi- dates present in the morn- ing session and 26,516 in the afternoon session. Out of the total 46,062 regis- tered candidates in Jaipur, 57.57% were present, while42.43%wereabsent. The examination centers were set up in Jaipur, Jodhpur, Ajmer, and Udaipur, comprising 108 venues across Jaipur alone. The first session of exam was conducted from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM, followed by the sec- ond starting at 2:30 PM. The examination was con- ducted smoothly under su- pervision of observers. First India Bureau Pali Education and Panchay- ati Raj Minister Madan Dilawar visited Pali dis- trict on Sunday, where he inaugurated the Bhavari- bai Gheverchandji Sura- na Government Senior Secondary School in Bal- rai. The school building, constructed with the gen- erous contribution of ap- proximately 7-8 cr ru- pees by Bhamashahs, marks a significant addi- tion to the region’s edu- cational infrastructure. During the inaugura- tion ceremony, Dilawar emphasized the trans- formative power of edu- cation in society. Minister Dilawar stat- ed, “Education can bring about societal change, and this school will set a benchmark in the field of education.” The conditions of roads in city are deteroriating for quite a while now. First India’s lensman Santosh Sharma captures various broken/damaged road projects at Ahinsa circle, Ajmer road and other parts of the city. Overcast clouds during evening on Sunday at Statue Circle in Jaipur. NAIM KHAN Thesuddenchange inweatherhas broughtrespiteto localresidentsin someareaswhile othersarestill grapplingwithsevere heatwaveconditions throughoutRajasthan 10% HIKE IN ALL FACILITIES AT SARISKA RESERVE Visiting Sariska Tiger Reserve just got more ex- pensive as the state government has hiked all fees by up to 10%. This includes entry fees and safari charges at the wildlife sanctuary among other charges. Tourists will now need to pay Rs. 154 per person instead of Rs 140 for guide fees, reflecting a 10% increase. Notably, the Sariska Tiger Reserve has been seeing flourishing wildlife and the number of tigers has also been on a steady rise. The decision aims to bolster conservation efforts with- in the reserve, generate more revenue for the betterment of the wildlife in the area while ensuring a better experience for visitors while supporting wildlife preservation initiative. Madan Dilawar speaking during the function in Pali on Sunday. Examinees outside the Tagore Public School centre in Jaipur. Abhi Na Jaunga Chhod kar ki Dil Abhi Bhara Nahin...
  • 4. ately, two nine-judge benches of S u p r e m e Court have heard arguments about the powers of the states to levy tax, on mineral-rich lands andindustrialalcoholwithin theirjurisdiction.Atthevery outset, it is apt to mention thatArticle 246 declares that Parliament has exclusive power to make laws with respect to any of the matters enumerated in Union List of the Seventh Schedule. Un- der Entry 52 of the List I, Parliament can enact a law to regulate any industry in publicinterest.Furthermore, Entries 53 and 54 authorise Centretoregulateminesand mineral development and oilfields, petroleum prod- ucts, respectively. Likewise, Entry 84 empowers Centre to levy excise duties on me- dicinal and toilet prepara- tions containing alcohol and opium, Indian hemp, nar- cotic drugs and narcotics. The Mines Mineral (Development Regula- tion) Act, 1957, has been enacted by the Parliament, to regulate mines and min- eral. It ousts states’jurisdic- tion to impose tax, other than royalty, on mineral rights. Likewise, in respect of industrial alcohol, the conflict has arisen from In- dustrial (Development Regulation) Act, 1951 (as amended in 2016), which empowerstheCentretotake under its control the indus- tries specified in the First Schedule, if it is expedient in the public interest. Under heading 26 of this schedule titled “fermentation indus- tries,” there are sub-head- ings a) alcohol and b) other products of fermentation industries. This has author- ised Central Govt to regu- late industries producing, supplying, distributing and indulging in trade and com- merce of industrial alcohol. BACKGROUND In the backdrop of these dis- putes is the fact that all states arefacingarevenue-expend- iture imbalance due to our constitutional framework, which has devised allocation of tax revenue and expendi- ture between the Union and the states on the basis of comparative advantage. The states incur a bigger share of expenditure even as they earn lesser revenue. Hence, the states are disputing the powers of the Centre in re- spect of mines, minerals and industrialalcoholastheyaim to increase their revenue. ROYALTY AND MINERAL RIGHTS Presently, states are levying royalty, at the rates fixed by the Centre, on minerals ex- tractedwithintheirjurisdic- tion, in accordance with MMDR Act, 1957. The mineral rights are vested in the states and are leased to the lessees. But the states are demanding the right to imposetaxonmineralbear- ing land by differentiating between royalty and tax. Centre’s stand is that roy- alty is like a tax and there cannot be a further tax on the mineral rights under the federal scheme of the Con- stitution. Further, Entry 49 (taxes on land buildings) of the State List cannot in- clude any matter relating to mineral rights. Besides, En- try 50 (taxes on mineral rights) of the State List is subject to any limitations imposed by the MMDR Act, 1957, enacted by Par- liament, as expedient in the public interest. TAX ON MINERAL BEARING LAND States’position is that they must be fiscally empow- ered under the federal scheme of governance mandated by the Constitu- tion. Their standpoint is that imposition of tax on mineral-bearing lands may increase price of minerals but that is not a ground to deprive the states from le- gitimately exercising pow- ers conferred upon them by the Constitution under the federal structure. States claim that MMDR Act handles development and regulation of mines and minerals but does not deal with taxation. Hence, the states are free to levy tax on mineral bearing lands. CASE AGAINST THE STATES - MINERALS ARE NATIONAL ASSETS The Centre’s position is that it is immaterial that royalty is designated as a tax or not. If taxes on min- eral rights are imposed, by whatever name, in relation to mineral development under a law made by the Parliament under Entry 54 of Union List, it will be rel- evant for the purposes of Entry 50 of the State List, which specifically ac- knowledges that the law to be made under Entry 50 of the State List will be sub- ject to any limitations im- posed by the central law. It is logical to conclude that mineral development nec- essarily includes mineral rights. Grant of mineral rights entails a levy, charge, impost or demand to be collected on the exercise of mineral rights.The framers of the Constitution did not contemplate that a law un- der Entry 54 of the Union List will not deal with levy on the exercise of mineral rights. Besides, supremacy of the Parliament, in rela- tion to limiting states’pow- ers to tax mineral rights, is proclaimed by Article 246 of the Constitution. BEGGARING THE NEIGHBOURS If a state, endowed with key minerals, imposes a heavy tax, over and above royalty, on mineral extracted, it would result in lop-sided distributionofbenefitsfrom national assets. Minerals are required to be regulated by the Union Government throughlawtoprotectinter- generational equity and to ensure uniform economic benefits to all, irrespective of where they are concen- trated. A tax imposed by a few mineral-rich states would impede foreign in- vestment in mining sector, render minerals costlier and less competitive in interna- tional market and result in skewed economic growth among the states. The con- tention that availability of minerals across the country at competitive prices is es- sential to prevent, what Adam Smith called “beg- garing the neighbours” policies, is quite convinc- ing. Additionally, this will drive mineral, and conse- quent economic develop- ment, across the nation in a harmonised, streamlined and equitable manner. TAXING ENTRIES CANNOT BE ENLARGED It is notable that a non- harmonised fiscal regime, varying from state to state would force states, not richly endowed with min- eral wealth, to procure raw material at higher prices from mineral rich states – the latter category of states will be at a significant ad- vantage which would come at the cost of nation- al interest in maximising economic development for all from the national min- eral assets. The entries on levy of taxes are specifi- cally mentioned in the Seventh Schedule. In sub- stance, the taxing power can be derived only from a specific taxing Entry in an appropriate List [State of Karnataka versus State of Meghalaya (2022 SCeJ 0419)]. It is settled law that the taxing entries in the Seventh Schedule cannot be enlarged and states’ en- titlement to impose tax on land and buildings, in En- try 49 of the State List, cannot include any matter relating to mineral rights. (To be concluded)... THE VIEWS EXPRESSED BY THE AUTHOR ARE PERSONAL TOP TWEETS SPIRITUAL SPEAK Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is BHAGAVAD GITA PARLIAMENT’S POWERS At the very outset, it is apt to mention that Article 246 declares that Parliament has exclusive power to make laws with respect to any of the matters enu- merated in Union List of the Seventh Schedule. Under Entry 52 of the List I, Parliament can enact a law to regulate any industry in public interest. Furthermore, Entries 53 and 54 authorise Centre to regulate mines and mineral development and oilfields, petroleum prod- ucts, respectively. Likewise, Entry 84 empow- ers Centre to levy excise duties on medicinal and toilet preparations contain- ing alcohol and opium, Indian hemp, narcotic drugs and narcotics. DYNAMICSOFFISCAL FEDERALISMININDIA Mineralrightsarevestedinthestatesandareleasedto thelessees.Butthestatesaredemandingtherightto imposetaxonmineralbearinglandbydifferentiating betweenroyaltyandtax.Centre’sstandisthatroyalty islikeataxandtherecannotbeafurthertaxonthe mineralrightsunderthefederalschemeofthe Constitution.Centre’sstandisthatroyaltyislikeatax andtherecannotbeafurthertaxonthemineralrights underthefederalschemeoftheConstitution IN-DEPTH TELUGU DESAM MAY NOT OBLIGE THE OPPOSITION MUSK REIGNITES THE DEBATE ON EVMs he Speaker’s election, scheduled for June 26, sees the INDIAlliance preparing to challenge the NDA’s dominance.The party that secures the Speaker’s post wields significant control over the House proceedings. In the previous Lok Sabha, Op- position parties accused the Speaker of suppressing their voices and suspending Opposition members to facilitate the smooth passage of certain bills. The Opposition alliance is consequently cautious about Om Birla being re-elected as Speaker. They are urging NDA allies, the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) and the JD-U, to field their candidates while aiming for the Deputy Speaker’s position. The TDPholds 17 MPs and the JD-U has 16 in the 292-member NDA. With 232 MPs, the INDI Alliance is well-positioned to pose a significant challenge. The going will not be easy for the Opposition de- spite its augmented strength. Neither the JD-U nor the TDP will insist on demanding the Speaker’s post as the BJP will not concede their demand. Actually, it’s a lost game for the Opposition. T lon Musk’s recent remarks on ‘X’ about eliminating electronic voting machines (EVMs) have reignited a long-standing de- bate over their reliability. Musk’s assertion highlights the inherent risks of hacking, although small, associ- ated with these machines. His comment has found resonance with critics in India, notably former Con- gress president Rahul Gandhi, who has likened EVMs to a “black box” beyond public scrutiny and from Samajwadi Party leader Akhilesh Yadav. India’s tryst with EVMs has been contentious. The Opposition has repeatedly questioned their reliability, alleging potential manipulation during elections.This skepticism reached its peak during the parliamentary elections when Op- position parties vo- cally expressed their distrust in the EVMs and charged the Elec- tion Commission of bias. However, this chorus of criticism subsided somewhat after the BJPsuffered notable losses, while the Opposition par- ties gained, indicat- ing a nuanced stance among the critics. The underlying is- sue isn’t merely tech- nological but also in- stitutionaltrust.While EVMsaredesignedto be robust and secure, the perception of vulnerability can erode public confi- dence. Transparency and accountability in the elec- toral process are paramount to upholding the demo- cratic fabric. Musk’s comments underscore a broader concern about the need for robust systems that can withstand both technical and perception-based chal- lenges. India’s Election Commission has consistently defended EVMs, emphasizing their security features and the improbability of large-scale tampering. Never- theless, enhancing the transparency of the EVM pro- cess could bolster public trust. Ultimately, the debate over EVMs is as much about technology as it is about ensuring an electoral process that is beyond reproach, reflecting the true will of the people. Ballot boxes do not fall in this category. E ECI has consistently defended EVMs, emphasizing their security features and improbability of large-scale tampering. Nevertheless, enhancing the transparency of the EVM process could bolster public trust L Responding to your post here, @Mallikarjun1437, this matter was taken up, I am given to understand, your concern was addressed and that the matter is now, resolved. The loan was eligible for ISS/PRI as per last year’s circular itself as it was disbursed during scheme year 2023-24. There was no need to wait for this year’s circular, which is pertaining to scheme year 2024-25. @NABARDOnline has been directed to expedite the circular for 24-25. Nirmala Sitharaman @nsitharaman Every stone, every pillar of the historic fort of Gwalior tells the story of history and displays the rich culture and art of our city. It is our utmost duty to preserve it for future generations. In this direction, the lighting system of the facade of Gwalior Fort, constructed at a cost of Rs 8 crore, was inaugurated. Many congratulations to my family members of Gwalior on the occasion of completion of this project. Jyotiraditya M. Scindia @JM_Scindia l Vol 6 l Issue No. 11 l RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764. Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Bhaskar Printing Press, D.B. Corp Limited, Shivdaspura, Tonk Road, Jaipur. Published at 304, 3rd Floor, City Mall, Bhagwan Das Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001, Rajasthan. Phone 0141-4920504. l Editor-In-Chief: Dr Jagdeesh Chandra l Managing Editor: Pawan Arora l Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act PERSPECT VE 04 Jaipur, Monday | June 17, 2024 www.firstindia.co.in firstindia.co.in/epapers/jaipur thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia Shrawan Sawhney The writer is a retired IAS officer
  • 6. INDIA 05 Jaipur, Monday | June 17, 2024 www.firstindia.co.in firstindia.co.in/epapers/jaipur thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia PRERNA STHAL INAUGURATION IN PARLIAMENT PREMISES Life stories, messages of great leaders will be available to visitors: Birla PTI New Delhi ice President of India and Chair- man, Rajya Sabha Jagdeep Dhankhar inaugurated the newly constructed Prerna Sthal in front of Building Gate No. 7 of the Samvidhan Sadan, in the presence of Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla, Deputy Chairman, Rajya Sabha Harivansh and Parliamentary Af- fairs Minister Kiren Riji- ju today. Members of Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha also remained pre- sent on the occasion. After the unveiling of the commemorative stone slab, the dignitaries offered floral tributes at the statues installed at Prerna Sthal. Earlier, during an inter- action with media per- sons, Birla said that stat- ues of 15 leaders and great freedom fighters are installed inside the Parlia- ment House Complex who have made impor- tant contributions to the history, culture and free- dom struggle of the na- tion. Noting that these statues were located at different places within the Parliament House Complex, he mentioned that it was difficult for the visitors to see all the stat- ues. Birla said that many visitors did not even know where these statues stood in the Parliament House Complex. Birla said that there is also a plan to use the lat- est technologies to inform visitors to Parliament House Complex of the life stories of these Great leaders to ensure that people are inspired by their philosophy, and teachings. Birla ex- pressed confidence that Prerna Sthal would prove to be an inspiring place for everyone. Vice President and Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar with Speaker of 17th Lok Sabha Om Birla, Union Minister of Parliamentary Affairs Kiren Rijiju, Union Ministers Ashwini Vaishnaw and Pralhad Joshi, Union MoS Arjun Ram Meghwal, Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman Harivansh Narayan Singh and others poses near the statue of Mahatma Gandhi during the inauguration of the ‘Prerna Sthal’ at the Parliament House complex, in New Delhi, Sunday. V PTI Kolkata Union Minister of State for Law and Justice (Inde- pendent Charge) Arjun RamMeghwalonSunday saidthenewcriminallaws will be introduced from July 1, dismissing opposi- tion allegations of not be- ing consulted before the decision was made. Meghwal said the In- dian Penal Code, Code of Criminal Procedure, and the Evidence Act will be replaced by the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhi- ta, and Bharatiya Sakshya Act. He added that neces- sary training programmes and infrastructure devel- opment for implementing the new laws are already underway. “The three new laws will be implemented from July 1 for providing timely, speedy, and error- free justice,” Meghwal said during the inaugural session of ‘India’s Pro- gressive Path in the Ad- ministration of Criminal Justice System’held here on Sunday. Meghwal ad- dressed allegations of inadequate consultation, saying, “Some people claim they were not con- sulted. This is untrue. The demand for change of colonial laws has been long-standing, and the process began long ago.” The minister explained that although suggestions were sought from all states, only 18 states and six Union Territories re- sponded. “Even the Chief Justice of India, chief justices of 16 high courts, five law academies, and 22 law universities pro- vided their suggestions,” the Law Minister said. “We contacted all MPs, but only 142, in- cluding members from both houses, responded. Suggestions were also requested from all MLAs nationwide, with only 270 responding. We con- sulted widely, but not everyone provided feed- back,” Meghwal added. PTI New Delhi The BJP postponed a function to felicitate the sixnewlyinductedcentral ministers from Madhya Pradesh on Sunday due to the demise of former Un- ionministerSatyanarayan Jatiya’s wife, a party functionary said. Shivraj Singh Chou- han, Jyotiraditya Scindia, Virendra Kumar, Savitri Thakur, Durgadas Uikey and Rajya Sabha member fromMPLMuruganwere to be honoured at the event here in the evening. “The function to wel- come the six ministers from MP has been post- poned due to the demise of the wife of the parlia- mentary board member, former state BJP presi- dent and ex-Union min- ister Satyanarayan Jatiya. We received the sad news at 2 pm,” BJP general secretary and MLA Bhagwandas Sabnani told reporters. The ministers will gar- land the statues of Bharatiya Jana Sangh (BJS) founder and for- mer Union minister Sy- ama Prasad Mookerjee, and Deendayal Upad- hyaya, a key BJP ideo- logue, at the party office here, he said. Earlier, Chouhan, four-time chief minister and the party’s most pop- ular leader in the state, was given a rousing wel- come after he arrived at Bhopal station from Del- hi on a train. PTI New Delhi Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Sunday said EVMs in India are a “black box” which no- body is allowed to scruti- nise, and asserted that “serious concerns” are being raised about trans- parency in the country’s electoral process. Congress’ ally and Sa- majwadi Party chiefAkh- ilesh Yadav also ques- tioned credibility of elec- tronic voting machines (EVMs) and demanded that all future elections should be conducted through ballot papers. “Democracy ends up becoming a sham and prone to fraud when insti- tutions lack accountabil- ity,” Gandhi said in a post on X and tagged a report which claimed that a rela- tive of Shiv Sena’s candi- date, who won the polls from Mumbai’s North- West seat, had a phone that unlocks an EVM. Yadav said, “Technol- ogy is meant to solve problems, if it becomes the cause of problems then its use should be stopped.” PTI New Delhi The BJP held a ‘matka phod’ protest on Sunday against the Aam Aadmi Party-led Delhi govern- ment over the water crisis in the city. Under the lead- ership of Delhi BJP chief Virendra Sachdeva, party leaders and workers pro- testedoverwatershortage. Accusing the govern- ment, Sachdeva said, “We have always maintained that the water shortage in Delhi is not due to natural causes but is a result of the mismanagement and negligence of the AAP.” “CM Kejriwal was re- sponsible for taking Delhi Jal Board from a profit of Rs600croretoalossofRs 73,000 crore”, he added. Agencies New Delhi The Karnataka govern- ment’s announcement of hike in petrol and diesel prices by ‘3 per litre and ‘3.02 per litre respective- ly has garnered strong reactions from opposition leaders and residents. Amit Malviya, in- charge of BJP’s national IT cell, on Sunday, came down on Karnataka Con- gress and Rahul Gandhi over the recent fuel price hike in the state. Malviya took to X to express his discontent, pointing to Karnataka Minister for Industries Development M. B. Patil, who justified the hike as necessary to fund Rahul Gandhi’s “guarantees.” PTI Ludhiana The setting up of the Mo- hali-Rajpura broad-gauge rail link will be discussed and the detailed project report (DPR) will be pre- pared at the earliest, Un- ion Minister of State for Railways Ravneet Singh Bittu said on Sunday. The link will join Chandigarh with Punjab on the shortest link on the New Delhi-Amritsar main line at Sarai Ban- jara, said Bittu who was addressing his first press conference here after be- coming a Union minister. Bittu said he would take up the issue of set- ting up the rail link with Union Minister for Rail- ways Ashwini Vaishnaw. ANI Thrissur The first Bharatiya Janata Party MP in Kerala, Suresh Gopi, has called former Prime Minister In- dira Gandhi the “Mother ofIndia”andthelateCon- gress leader and former Kerala Chief Minister K Karunakaran a “coura- geous administrator.” Gopi, who was induct- ed as the Minister of State for Petroleum and Natural Gas as well as the Minis- try of Tourism, made the remarks after visiting Karunakaran’s memorial, ‘Murali Mandiram,’ in Thrissur recently.” Speaking to reporters, Suresh Gopi said, “Lead- er Karunakaran and his wife, whom I fondly call ‘Amma’, I couldn’t come to send them off...just as we see Indira Gandhi as the mother of India.” Union Law Minister highlights that BPRD is providing training for it NEWCRIMINALLAWSFROMJULY1:MEGHWAL Union Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal being felicitated by Secretary, Department of Legal Affairs, India Rajiv Mani, as Calcutta HC Chief Justice TS Sivagnanam looks on at the inauguration of the conference on ‘India’s Progressive Path in Administration of Criminal Justice System’, in Kolkata, on Sunday. PTI ARJUN RAM MEGHWAL HOPEFUL ABOUT UCC IMPLEMENTATION Kolkata: Union Law and Justice Minister Arjun Ram Megh- wal on Sunday expressed hope about implementation of the Uniform Civil Code, contending that some states have started to bring it into force. Meghwal made the remark while speaking at a conference on ‘India’s Progressive Path in the Administration of Criminal Justice System’ here. “In BJP manifesto, we have mentioned about the UCC. There are states like Goa and Uttarakhand that have started implementing them. The coalition which has been formed in the Centre is a very strong government and there is nothing to worry about,” Meghwal said. BJP puts off felicitation of 6 Union ministers as ex-minister’s wife dies Former AAP MLA Nitin Tyagi joins BJP in the presence of MoS Harsh Malhotra and Delhi BJP President Virendra Sachdeva, in New Delhi, on Sunday. PTI BJP MP Bansuri Swaraj speaks during a protest against the Delhi Jal Board over the ongoing water crisis, in New Delhi, Sunday. PTI BJP’s national IT cell Amit Malviya Rahul Gandhi FILE Union Minister Ravneet Singh Union Minister and BJP’s first Kerala MP Suresh Gopi with State President K. Surendran and party leader V. Muraleedharan in a lunch organised by the party, in Thiruvananthapuram, Sunday. PTI Shivraj Singh Chouhan, Jyotiraditya Scindia, Virendra Kumar, Savitri Thakur, Durgadas Uikey and Rajya Sabha member from MP L Murugan were to be honoured at the event here in the evening “EVMs are ‘black box’ , nobody allowed to scrutinizethem”:Rahulquestionscredibility “Will discuss settingup Mohali-Rajpura rail link” BJP MP Suresh Gopi calls Indira Gandhi ‘Mother of India’ AMID DELHI WATER CRISIS ROW ERUPTS AS K’TAKA HIKES FUEL PRICE BJPholds‘matkaphod’protest againstAAPgovtinnat’lcapital Amit Malviya slams K’taka Congress over fuel price hike BJP’S CONSPIRACY OF PIPELINE HALT IN DELHI, ALLEGES ATISHI AMID WATER CRISIS IN CITY New Delhi: Accusing the BJP of hatching a con- spiracy against the people of Delhi, AAP leader Atishi on Sunday alleged that the BJP’s former South Delhi MP Ramesh Bidhuri attacked the Delhi Jal Board office in Chhatarpur along with some goons as the ongoing water cri- sis in the national capital takes centre stage. The water crisis in Delhi has sparked widespread protests, vandalism, and intense political confrontations across the city. The Delhi Jal Board office was vandalized by some BJP workers on Sun- day. Atishi said, “Delhi is currently facing severe heat. The BJP is hatching a conspiracy against the people of Delhi.” KARNATAKA CHIEF MINISTER SIDDARAMAIAH DEFENDS HIKE IN PETROL AND DIESEL PRICES Bengaluru: Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Sunday defended the hike in petrol and diesel prices saying that it will ensure funding essential public ser- vices and development projects. With the opposi- tion BJP and its ally JD(S) coming down heavily on the Congress government for increasing the petrol and diesel prices by Rs 3 and Rs 3.5 per litre, Siddaramaiah said even after the hike, taxes on fuel remains low compared to most southern states. “The Government of Karnataka has increased VAT on petrol to 29.84% and on diesel to 18.44%,” the CM said.
  • 7. STOCK MARKET TO GEAR UP Minimal changes in key ministries will keep market momentum strong fter the forma- tion of the new government in the country and the stock market reaching its high- est level till date, it is be- ing estimated that the stock market will create more history in the com- ing times. According to the facts believed to be behind the stock market gaining momentum, due to the new government formed under the leader- ship of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the ministers of important departments of the previ- ous government not changing, there are chances of not much change in the working and methods of the gov- ernment and the coun- try’s economic condition remaining strong. After the trading ses- sion ended on Friday, however, the BSE index improved by only 299.41 points (0.39%) last week and the BSE index closed at 76992.77 points, while the NSE Nifty index rose by 175.45 points (0.75%) and reached 23465.60 points. The midcap and smallcap index also kept pace with the improve- ment in the market after the formation of the new government and showed improvement, albeit a lit- tle less than original in- dex. Talking about the bullion market, this week due to the new interna- tional equations, there was almost stability in the prices of gold and silver and comparatively, while the price of gold im- proved by Rs 700 per 10 grams this week, the price of silver increased by Rs 250 per kg. In Jaipur, the price of 24 carat gold im- proved from Rs 73,150 per ten grams to Rs 73,850 per ten grams and silver increased from Rs 90,650 per kg to Rs 90,900 per kg. Traders are expecting stability in the prices of gold and sil- ver this week as well. Regarding the market trend this week, traders say that there are high chances of stability in the market now, but the im- pact of international rea- sons will be seen on the market.Accordingtotrad- ers, in the current circum- stances, a small recession is necessary for further growth. However, listed companies of public sec- tor undertakings like BHEL, REC, apart from GMR, Pay-TM, Padamji Pulp and Papers, Castrol, Ashok Leyland, HFCL etc.canbeconsideredsafe investments, but investors should also keep in mind that if there is a decline, then even the shares con- sidered strong are not un- touched by it. Through IPO, investors will have the opportunity to invest in the IPOs of three com- panies on the main board thisweek.Apartfromthis, IPOs of 7 companies on the MSME platform will try their luck despite a huge premium. (This is the personal opinion of the author.) A INDIA 06 Jaipur, Monday | June 17, 2024 www.firstindia.co.in firstindia.co.in/epapers/jaipur thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia ‘Nobody prepared’: Climate expert on unprecedented heat in this summer PTI New Delhi India is grappling with unprecedented heat this summer no one is pre- pared for level of warm- ing being experienced, leading environmentalist Sunita Narain has said, emphasizing need for a heat index and a complete overhaul of way modern cities are designed. In an interaction media, Narain, the Director Gen- eral of the Centre for Sci- ence and Environment (CSE), said the brutal heat scorching swathes of In- dia is a result of naturally occurring El Nino phe- nomenon – an unusual warming of ocean surface in the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean – and climate change. “Nobody is prepared. Let’s be very clear. 2023 was globally the hottest year on record. We have broken every record in the last 45 days with an unbroken (streak of) temperatures above 40 degrees. This is climate change. It is compound- ed this year by the wan- ing of the (2023-24) El Nino. This means we re- ally need to get our act together. We need to en- sure that vulnerable com- munities are less affect- ed,” she said. NTA’sintegrityquestionable overNEET:JairamRamesh PTI New Delhi The Congress on Sunday said there are “serious questions” on the integri- ty of the National Testing Agencyandthemannerin which NEET is designed and administered.The op- position party hoped that when new Standing Com- mittees of Parliament gets constituted, it would take up an in-depth review of NEET, NTAand NCERT. “I was a member of Parliament’s Standing Committee on Health and Family Welfare between 2014 and 2019 and recall broad support for NEET. ButtherewereMPs,espe- cially from Tamil Nadu, who had raised concerns that NEET would privi- lege CBSE students and would disadvantage youth coming from non- CBSE schools,” Jairam Ramesh said on X. 2 accused confess their role in NEET paper leak in Bihar A ‘SCAM’, GOES AGAINST STUDENTS: MK STALIN SIBALDEMANDSPROBEBY SC-APPOINTEDOFFICIALS NEET, ‘masquerad- ing' as a measure of merit, is a ‘scam' and the Centre must stop defending the national test as it went against the in- terests of stu- dents and it is also against social justice and poor, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin said on Sunday. Ex-HRD min Kapil Sibal demanded a probe by Supreme Court- appointed officials into NEET exam irregularities and called for consultations with all states. He criticized PM Modi for staying silent on corruption in exams, urg- ing politicos to raise voice. Delhi Health Min Saurabh Bharadwaj on Sunday raised concern over “irregularities” in NEET-UG examination and appealed to the public to come in support of the students demanding re-examination. Questioning the BJP-led Centre, Bharadwaj said, “This is a very serious issue concerning our 24 lakh chil- dren who prepared for year long for MBBS.” DELHI MINISTER BHARADWAJ RAISES CONCERN OVER IRREGULARITIES IN NEET, DEMANDS FOR RE-EXAM No need to teach about riots in schools: NCERT Another deepfake video of Alia Bhatt goes viral PTI New Delhi Rejecting accusations of saffronisation of school curriculum, NCERT’s director has said that ref- erences to Gujarat riots and Babri masjid demo- lition were modified in school textbooks be- cause teaching about ri- ots “can create violent depressed citizens.” In an interaction with media, NCERT director Dinesh Prasad Saklani said the tweaks in text- books are part of annual revision and should not be a subject of hue and cry. Asked about references to GujaratriotsorBabrimas- jid demolition being tweaked in NCERT text- books,Saklanisaid,“Why should we teach about ri- ots in school textbooks? We want to create positive citizens not violent and depressed individuals”. ANI New Delhi Amid consternation and outrage over a series of deepfake videos, actor Alia Bhatt has fallen prey to the technology yet again. Alia Bhatt’s new deepfake shows her tak- ing part in the ‘get ready with me’ trend in a video shared on Instagram. The video shows her getting ready in a black kurta and putting the makeup on. This is not the first time that a deepfake videoofAliahasgoneviral on social media. Earlier, a deepfake video of Alia Bhatt’s face merged with actor Wamiqa Gabbi’s had also gone viral. Her another deepfake showed a woman with the mor- phed face of Alia Bhatt making obscene gestures. Interdepartmental referral guidelines for hospitals issued by Health Ministry ANI New Delhi Citing significant incon- sistencies and lack of ac- countability in the referral process, the Union Health Ministry has for the first time issued interdepart- mental referral guidelines for hospitals to facilitate better communication. The ‘Guidelines for Inter-Departmental Re- ferral’stress that referrals should be initiated promptly as and when pa- tients require specialised care, diagnostic evalua- tions beyond scope of ad- mitting department. IAF participate in Red Flag exercise in Alaska PTI New Delhi The Indian Air Force’s Rafale fighter jets carried out complex missions along with F-16 and F-15 combat aircraft at a mul- ti-nation mega military exercise in Alaska in the US. The key takeaways from participating in the Red Flag exercise for the IAF included insight on interoperability with in- ternational partners and a collaborative under- standing of missions in a multinational environ- ment, the defence minis- try said on Sunday. The IAF contingent participated in the exer- cise from June 4 to 14. Besides the Indian Air Force (IAF), the exercise witnessed the participa- tion of the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF), the UK’s Royal Air Force (RAF), the Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF), the Ger- man Luftwaffe, and the US Air Force (USAF). 58 child labourers rescued from distillery in Raisen ANI Raisen As many as 39 boys and 19girlswererescuedfrom a distillery in Madhya Pradesh’s Raisen, an offi- cial said on Sunday. A teamledbyNCPCRchair- man Priyank Kanoongo rescued 58 children, 19 girls39boys,fromSom Distillery, BBAstated. Children bore burn wounds on their hands from exposure to harsh chemicals were trans- ported by their employer in school bus daily. Five killed over 8 injured in separate road accidents in U’khand’s Pauri and Satpuli PTI Dehradun Two cars fell in gorges in different areas of Uttara- khand’s Pauri district, killing five people and injuring eight on Sunday, officials said. While one accident was reported from the Khirsu Chau- batta, the other occurred near Dudhrakhal in the Satpuli area, a day after 14 tourists were killed and 12 other injured after a tempo-traveller fell into a gorge in Rudraprayag district. Citing informa- tion received from the State Disaster Response Force (SDRF), the offi- cials said, in Khirsu Chaubatta, four people were killed after their car veered off the road and fell into a 200-metre- deep gorge. It is suspect- ed that the driver lost control of the vehicle, the officials said, citing in- formation received from the State Disaster Re- sponse Force (SDRF). Civicstaffersforgeddocsdayaftergamezonefire:Cops PTI Rajkot The civic employees ar- rested for a game zone fire in Rajkot allegedly con- spired to forge documents by making backdated en- tries a day after the inci- dent in a bid to destroy evidence and evade arrest, the police probe has sug- gested.The fire at theTRP game zone in Gujarat’s Rajkot city on May 25 claimed 27 lives. The po- lice have so far arrested 6 employees of Rajkot Mu- nicipal Corporation in connection with incident. A probe has indicated thearrestedRMCemploy- ees “conspired to approve impact plan of the TRP zone where incident took place” by making back- dated entries a day after fire destroy evidence, investigationofficersaidin an application before addl judicial magistrate BP Thakar on Friday. The civic officials were in- volved in making forged entries in inward register on May 26, a day after in- cident, pertaining to im- pact plan of TRP game zone.Theentrywasshown as having been made on May 4 police said. Vimal Kothari Associate Editor, First India News Senior Journalist 1,200 STRANDED TOURISTS HOPE TO BE EVACUATED FROM SIKKIM Gangtok: Over 1,200 tourists stranded in Sikkim’s Mangan district due to disruption in road and communication network were hoping to be evacu- ated on Sunday praying if the weather permits, an official statement said. Sikkim Tourism and Civil Aviation minister Tshering Thendup Bhutia will coordinate the evacuation efforts, it said. “The evacuation of tourists from Lachung would begin tomorrow through airlift and roadways, depending on weather conditions,” the statement said on Saturday evening. According to Tourism and Civil Avia- tion Secretary C S Rao, around 1,215 tourists, including 15 foreigners, have been stranded in Lachung town for the past one week, as incessant rains wreaked havoc on the road and communication network in Mangan district. NEET ROW Congress party aims to take up an in-depth review of NEET exam after new parliament panel is constituted Patna: Amid allegations of a paper leak in the National Eligibility-cum- Entrance Test (NEET) (UG) 2024, hundreds of students, who appeared in the examination, on Saturday held a protest demanding re-exami- nation. The protesters assembled at the Dinkar roundabout, blocked the road and burnt effi- gies of Union Edu Min Dharmendra Pradhan. Patna police resorted to mild baton charges to disperse them. Protests are being held across the country over the alleged irregularities in the NEET (UG) exam. Meanwhile, the accused in the NEET exam rigging case have con- fessed to a paper leak. A copy of the confession by the accused arrested in Bihar has surfaced. According to the copy of the confession in pos- session of media, the paper was leaked a day before the NEET exam. NEET STUDENTS PROTEST IN PATNA AMID PAPER LEAK ALLEGATIONS Indian pilots pose in front of Rafale fighter jet that participated in the joint exercise in Alaska on Sunday. 2 MORE ARRESTED IN RAJKOT GAMING ZONE FIRE The city crime branch on Saturday arrested RMC's assistant town planning officer Rajesh Makwana and assistant engineer Jaideep Chaudhary for their alleged involvement in making changes in an official regis- ter after the fire incident, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Crime, Parthrajsinh Gohil said. 4 LABOURERS KILLED IN TRUCK COLLISION IN UP Ghaziabad: At least four people died and 18 people sustained injuries when two trucks collid- ed with each other near Muradnagar, Uttar Pradesh, according to a police officer’s statement on Sunday. The incident took place around 1:15 am on Sunday when the trucks were traveling on the Peripheral Expressway within the jurisdiction of the Muradnagar Police Station. Screengrab from the viral video
  • 8. RAJASTHAN STATE OLYMPIC ASSOCIATION Members unanimously decide to hold general meeting on June 23 in Jaipur First India Bureau Jaipur he executive meeting of the Rajasthan State Olympic Association was held on Sunday at Hotel Regal under the chairmanship ofAjit Sin- gh Rathore. Apart from the members of the ex- ecutive, officials of other state sports associations were also present in the meeting. The following points were discussed in the meeting. 1) All of them termed the meeting of Rajasthan State Olympic Associa- tion held on 2 June 2024 as unconstitutional and said that the said meeting was called by unauthor- ized persons. All deci- sions in the executive are taken on the basis of ma- jority. The said Rajasthan State Olympic Associa- tion does not have any kind of majority. Out of the total 24 members of the executive committee of the State Olympic As- sociation formed in 2020, 19 members were not present in the said meet- ing (2.06.2024), so no one can take any decision without a majority. 2)At present, since the dispute of Rajasthan State Olympic Associa- tion is pending in the court, it is constitutional to take every decision on the basis of majority. On this basis, deci- sions have been taken on the basis of majority in the executive meeting today on 16 June 2024, which are as follows. (i) The amendment made in the constitution of Rajasthan State Olym- pic Association without majority as per the consti- tution of Indian Olympic Association was not ap- proved by everyone. A 5-member commit- tee was constituted by taking a majority deci- sion for amendment as per the constitution of Rajasthan State Olympic Association. This com- mittee will prepare a draft of the amendment of the constitution and present it in the general meeting on 23 June 2024 in which a decision will be taken to amend the constitution of Rajasthan State Olympic Association. The voter list issued by the Election Officer for the proposed and uncon- stitutional election to be held on 23 June 2024 by unauthorized persons is completely beyond the truth. All the members unan- imously decided to hold a general meeting of the Rajasthan State Olympic Association in Jaipur on 23 June 2024. Officials during a meeting of Rajasthan State Olympic Association was held at Hotel Regal on Sunday. T NEWS 07 www.firstindia.co.in firstindia.co.in/epapers/jaipur thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia Jaipur, Monday | June 17, 2024 ANI Castries [Saint Lucia] Half-centuries from Travis Head and Marcus Stoinis helped Australia end the group stage un- beaten and defeated Scotland by five wickets in their ICC T20 World Cup match at Saint Lucia on Sunday. With this win, Aus- tralia tops Group B with four wins in four games and eight points. Scot- land failed to qualify for the Super Eights, finish- ing third with two wins, a loss and a no result, giving them five points. Defending champions England have walked into the Super Eights with this big assistance from their arch-rivals, as they also have the same win-loss record and points as Scotland, just the higher net-run-rate. In the run chase of 181 runs, Australia did not have a good start as spin- ner Brad Wheal bowled a maiden over in the sec- ond over, which also in- cluded the scalp of Da- vid Warner, who was gone for just one run in two balls after he was caught by skipper Richie Berrington, who came running from the covers region.Australia was 2/1 in 1.2 overs. Skipper Mitchell Marsh was next up on the crease. Head started a counter-attack, hitting some fine boundaries. However, Marsh gave his wicket to Safyaan Sharif for eight in nine balls. Charlie Tear took a fine catch at deep mid- wicket. Australia was 34/1 in 5.1 overs at Saint Lucia on Sunday. PTI Bengaluru Smriti Mandhana’s reso- lute hundred and a disci- plined bowling effort, led by spinners Deepti Shar- ma and Asha Shobana, piloted India to a huge 143-run win over South Africa in the first wom- en’s ODI here on Sunday. India now lead the three-match series 1-0, and the second game will be played here on June 19. Mandhana’s sixth ODI century (117, 127 balls , 12x4s, 1x6) formed the fulcrum of India’s competitive 265 for eight on a sluggish Chinnaswamy pitch. Then the Indian bowl- ers worked their magic around the SouthAfrican batters to bowl out the visitors for 122 as debu- tante leg-spinner Asha (4/21) led the show with a frugal spell and was well-supported by offie Deepti (2/10). At five down for 74, South Af- rica were always facing the climb up the hill. Stoinis,HeadfiftieshelpAus overcomespiritedScotland Australia’s Marcus Stoinis bats during the men’s T20 World Cup cricket match between Australia and Scotland, at Darren Sammy National Cricket Stadium, Gros Islet, St. Lucia, Saturday. PTI Indian players greet each other after winning the first match against South Africa on Sunday. PTI Smriti Mandhana celebrates her century on Sunday. PTI ICC MEN'S T20 WORLD CUP TODAY’S MATCHES Bangladesh vs Nepal Netherlands vs Sri Lanka New Zealand vs Papua New Guinea 1st ODI: Ton-up Smriti, spinners hand India massive win over SA Land Down Under beats Scotland by 5 wickets to continue their unbeaten run Agencies Jerusalem/Cairo Eight Israeli soldiers were killed in the south- ern Gaza Strip on Satur- day, the military said, as forces continued to push in and around the south- ern city of Rafah and strikes hit several areas of Gaza, killing at least 19 Palestinians. The soldiers, all mem- bers of a combat engi- neering unit, were in an armoured carrier that was hit by an explosion that detonated engineering materials being carried on the vehicle, apparent- ly in contravention of standard practice, the military said. It said the early morning incident, in the Tel al-Sultan area in the west of Rafah, was being investigated. The armed wing of the Palestinian militant group Hamas said the ve- hicle had been trapped in a prepared minefield that set off the explosion. Israeli tanks advanced in Tel al-Sultan and shells landed in the coastal area. Eight Israeli soldiers killed as fighting continues in Rafah Archery:AnkitainQF,earns individualOlympicquota India finish 5th, men 6th in Asian Team squash CommittedtoworkwithIndiaonkeyissues:Trudeau z The Israeli military said on Sunday it would hold daily tactical pauses in military activity along a main road in southern Gaza to allow more aid to flow into the enclave, where international aid organisations have warned of a growing humanitarian crisis. z Fighting in the city of Rafah, where Israel is target- ing the remaining brigades of the militant Islamist Hamas movement, would continue, the military said. z Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu criticized plans an- nounced by the military on Sunday to hold daily tactical pauses in fighting along one of the main roads into Gaza to facilitate aid delivery into the Palestinian enclave. z In the issued voter list, 22 state sports associations have been described as affiliated, in which the names of the officials of 4 state sports associations are not shown, which include Rajasthan Boxing Association, Rajasthan Golf Club, Rajasthan Tennis Association and Rajasthan Equestrian Association. z The remaining 18 state sports associations include netball, handball, table tennis associations in the controversial list, which has no justification, whereas as per the Constitution, billiards and snooker are not Olympic sports. The names of the officials shown in the voter list of Rajasthan Weightlifting Associa- tion, Rajasthan Kayaking and Canoeing Association, Hockey Rajasthan and Cycling Association are wrong. z NSF does not recognize the unit of the state as- sociation, while the election of Rajasthan Volleyball Association did not even get recognition from the Rajasthan State Sports Council. Friends and family mourn Israeli soldier, Captain Wassem Mahmoud who was killed amid the ongoing conflict in Gaza between Israel and Hamas in northern Israel on Sunday. A man is detained during a demonstration against PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s government and a call for the release of hostages in Gaza, amid the Israel-Hamas conflict, in Tel Aviv, Israel, Sunday. Ankita Bhakat will face top-seed Mobina Fallah of Iran in quarters. The Indian women’s side beat Iran 2-0 with Rathika Suthanthira Seelan and Pooja Arthi Raghu scoring comfortable wins. MAJOR WAR HIGHLIGHTS MAJOR HIGHLIGHTS OF PREVIOUS MEETING PTI Antalya (Turkey) Ankita Bhakat outplayed GabrielleMonicaBidaure of Philippines to enter the quarterfinals of the Final Olympic Qualifier here on Sunday, and the effort also helped her seal an in- dividual quota in wom- en’s archery for next month’s Paris Games. Ninth seed Ankita cruised to a 6-0 (26-23, 28-22, 28-23) win over her 40th seeded rival in the pre-quarterfinals. In- dia thus have secured in- dividual quotas in both men’s and women’s sec- tions. Ankita will face top-seed Mobina Fallah of Iran in the quarters. Army confirmed normal operations would continue in Rafah: Report Agencies Apulia Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, fresh from a meeting with PM Narendra Modi on the sidelines of the G7 Sum- mit, stated that there was a commitment to collab- orate with India on some “very important issues” amid a chill in relations between the two nations. “I’m not going to get into the details of this im- portant, sensitive issue that we need to follow up, but this was a com- mitment to work togeth- er, in the coming times, to deal with some very important issues,” Trudeau said at a press conference on the final day of the three-day G7 Summit in Italy. On Friday, Prime Min- ister Modi posted an im- age on social media of the two leaders shaking hands, with a caption that read, “Met Canadian PM Justin Trudeau at the G7 Summit.” The meeting, held in Apulia, southern Italy, marked the first encoun- ter between the leaders since diplomatic tensions over pro-Khalistani ex- tremism intensified. Their last meeting oc- curred on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in India in September. Following the Friday evening meeting, the Ca- nadian Prime Minister’s Office reported that the leaders had a “brief dis- cussion on the bilateral relationship,” during which Trudeau congratu- lated PM Modi on his re- election. “Of course, there are important issues between our two countries right now. You can appreciate that we won’t be making any further statements at this time,” a spokesper- son said. Justin Trudeau and PM Modi met on sidelines of G7 summit. PTI New Delhi India women finished fifth and their men coun- terparts sixth in the Asian Team Squash Champion- ships which concluded in Dalian,China,onSunday. The Indian women’s side beat Iran 2-0 in the match to decide the fifth and sixth positions with Rathika Suthanthira See- lan and Pooja Arthi Raghu scoring comfort- able wins. However, the men’s team lost to South Korea 1-2. Velavan Senthilku- mar recorded a win be- fore Suraj Kumar Chand and Om Semwal went down by narrow margins. PTI New Delhi Tokyo Olympics bronze medallist boxer Lovlina Borgohain lost to China’s Li Qian to settle for a sil- ver medal in the women’s 75kg contest at the Grand Prix Usti nad Labem in the Czech Republic. The Paris Olympic- bound Borgohain lost by a 2-3 split verdict in her final bout against the reigning Asian Games champion on Saturday. Qian had defeated Borgohain in the summit clash of theAsian Games last year. Lovlina said this will hold her in good stead going into the Paris Olympics. Grand Prix: Lovlina loses to Li Qian, clinches silver
  • 9. First India Bureau Jaipur BJP concluded its com- prehensive brainstorming session on Sunday to ana- lyze recent electoral de- feats and strategize future campaigns effectively. The session was attended by key leaders including BJP State President CP Joshi, Election In-charge Vinay Sahasrabuddhe, NationalOrganizerV.Sat- ish, and Co-Incharge Vi- jayaRahatkar.CMBhajan Lal Sharma was present on both the days during the meeting. The meeting focused on assessing the organiza- tional dynamics and the factors contributing to the recent electoral setbacks. Leaders discussed the need for a unified ap- proach and deliberated on reshapingtheparty’sstrat- egies for upcoming by- elections in Rajasthan. Addressing the gather- ing, BJP leaders empha- sized the importance of introspection and con- structive feedback from grassroots workers and voters. The meeting con- cluded with plans to form a cohesive strategy to counter challenges and bolster the party’s elec- toral prospects. Simulta- neously, discussions also centered around potential organizational changes and the induction of new, energetic team members. Meanwhile the BJP has initiated discussions on upcoming by-elec- tions following recent losses in five parliamen- tary constituencies. Key among these constituen- cies where BJP faced defeats were Karanpur and Bagidora. The party is now gearing up for by- elections in Churu, Dausa, Jhunjhunu, Kh- imsar, and Deoli-Uniara constituencies. Second- ly, the elevation of na- tional issues over local concerns disrupted the electoral strategy. MINERAL AUCTIONS TO GET REVENUE OF `50,000 CR New records made with auction of mineral blocks Nirmal Tiwari Jaipur ajasthan is rap- idly becoming a significant hub for the production of ma- jor minerals such as gold, copper, iron ore, base metals, rare earth ele- ments, manganese, and others. Under the guid- ance of Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma, with the diligent efforts of Mining Secretary Anandi and Director Bhagwati Prasad Kalal, Rajasthan has set a new record in preparing and auctioning blocks for major and mi- nor minerals. In the last fiscal year, a total of 31 blocks were auctioned, including min- ing licenses for 22 lime- stone blocks, composite licenses for 5 base metal blocks, and 4 iron ore blocks. During CM Bhajan Lal Sharma’s ten- ure, 21 major mineral blocks have been auc- tioned so far, comprising 16 limestone, 4 iron ore, and 1 siliceous earth block. The auction of mining licenses is expect- ed to generate over Rs 50,000 crore in revenue for the mining department in the coming years. This will not only increase self-reliance in mineral production and boost ex- ports but also create thou- sands of jobs.The auction process for 48 limestone blocks is currently under- way. Successful auctions of these blocks are ex- pected to significantly increase the revenue of the mining dept, further enhancingits contribution to the state treasury. Since the beginning of this year, the mining de- partment has accelerated the online auction process for new major mineral blocks. Director of Min- ing Bhagwati Prasad Kalal has been in constant communication with addl directors, superintending mineral engineers, and mineral engineers, con- ducting daily monitoring. This proactive approach has led to significant suc- cess in online auctions for mining dept. The team’s dedication increased efficiency are anticipated to continue, ensuring that the mining department’s contribution to the state’s economy be- comes even more robust. R 08 Greetings on the occasion of Eid-Ul-Adha. A day of hope and joy for all! Eid Mubarak! Dr JAGDEESH CHANDRA, CMD Editor-in-Chief THOUGHT OF THE DAY Postal Reg No. JPC/004/2022-24 Jaipur, Monday | June 17, 2024 www.firstindia.co.in firstindia.co.in/epapers/jaipur thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia Shubham Jain Ajmer Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma said that work being done by Vishwa Hindu Parishad for the last 44 years to strengthen Sanatan cul- ture and rituals in Magra region is very commend- able. “This initiative be- ing taken by Vishwa Hindu Parishad is impor- tant in the reconstruction of culture and rituals. This land of Magra re- gion is fortunate that the descendants of Prithviraj Chauhan reside here,” Sharma was speaking on the occasion of the clos- ing ceremony of Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan Jay- anti celebrations at Ashapura Mata Dham in Beawar on Sunday. CM Sharma said that he hadasenseofcompassion, thiswasreasonthathekept forgiving Mohd Gauri even after defeating him 17 times in field of Tarain. Praising heroic saga of Chauhan, CM said, “If Chauhan had not been de- ceived, then today India’s identity in world would have been different.” During this, CM Shar- ma explained in detail about the public welfare schemes being run by the central and state gov- ernments and appealed to the general public to take maximum benefit from them. During the program, VHP leader Umankshar Sharma said that people present here are descendants of Prith- viraj Chauhan. Mean- while in Kishangarh, Sharma addressed a fe- licitation ceremony hon- oring Union Minister Bhagirath Choudhary. He highlighted unprec- edented development across all sectors under PM Modi’s leadership since 2014. Emphasiz- ing govt’s commitment to farmer welfare, he stated that state govt is working towards holistic development across all sections of society. He further added that govt has expedited the imple- mentation of the Eastern Rajasthan Canal Project (ERCP) to address the water needs of Eastern Rajasthan. PrithvirajChauhan’slegacy honouredbyCMinBeawar VHP working since 44 years to strengthen Sanatan culture in Magra region: CM CM Bhajan Lal Sharma reaches Aashapura Dham and garlanding the statue of Prithviraj Chauhan in Ajmer on Sunday. CM Bhajan Lal Sharma addressing the gathering at the Ashapura Mata Dham in Beawar on Sunday. On this occasion, Minister Avinash Gehlot, Minister Suresh Singh Rawat, MP Mahima Kumari, MLAs Shankar Singh Rawat, Hari Singh Rawat, along with Virendra Singh Kanawat, Mahant Naresh Puri of Mehandipur Balaji Dham RSS regional campaigner Nimbaram were also present. Union Min Bhagirath Chaudhary felicitating CM Bhajan Lal Sharma at workers’ meet program in Kishangarh on Sunday. CM Bhajan Lal Sharma, CP Joshi, Vinay Sahasrabuddhe, Vijaya Rahatkar during the organisational review meeting of Bharatpur Lok Sabha Constituency in Jaipur on Sunday. Aishwary Pradhan and Vikas Sharma Jaipur Bhajan Lal Sharma govt is continuously creating history to make Rajasthan self-suffi- cient and surplus in power generation. This is the first time that MoUs were signed for setting up power gen- eration units and plants of about 32000 MW ca- pacity in state and with- in 2 months, the possi- ble time limit for their operation was also fixed. The continuous moni- toring by CM Bhajan Lal Sharma had a big relief effect, when de- spite scorching heat, scheduled power cuts were not allowed. A re- cord was created by meeting power demand of 3536 lakh units in a day. There was also a day when the state had 3641 lakh units of power available, but demand was less than this. Whereas, in the previous Gehlot govt, power cuts were done every year in residential, commer- cial industrial units. Bhajan Lal Sharma govt is allocating land for solar parks for cheap power generation. CM Bhajan Lal Sharma’s big decisions in power generation UNPRECEDENTED DECISIONS TAKEN BY THE BHAJAN LAL GOVT OVER LAST SIX MONTHS Started the stalled coal mining work in allotted coal mines of Chhattisgarh. As soon as Bhajan Lal Sharma took over responsibility of CM, he held meetings with Union Energy Minister, Coal Minister and Chhattisgarh Chief Minister in Delhi and succeeded in resolving the issue. Now Rajasthan is getting regular coal. Currently, the thermal power plant has a stock of coal for at least 8 days, whereas in the previous Gehlot government, the stock in many plants had come down to one day. At that time, there was a Congress government in Chhattisgarh as well, but the then CM Ashok Gehlot kept the issue pending instead of resolving it. The Chief Minister himself kept monitoring continuously so that there is no scheduled power cut in the scorch- ing heat. The entire focus was on maximum power generation from the state power thermal power plants. As a result, up to 6000 MW of power was received from the thermal units of the state power generation, which was barely 5200 MW in the previous Gehlot govt. Succeeded in taking a loan of Rs 20 thousand crores from Rural Electrification Corporation. Apart from this, work will be done on the power system as well as other public interest projects in- cluding ERCP, Jal Jeevan Mission. For this, he remained in constant touch with the Central Government. To make state surplus in power genera- tion, MoUs worth Rs 1.60 lakh crore were signed. The double en- gine govt started work- ing at a rapid pace. For this, MoUs were signed with NTPC, Coal India, NLC India Ltd Co, NTPC Green Energy for construc- tion of 2 new thermal power plants setting up solar plants. Their time limit has also been fixed. First India Bureau Ajmer Union Minister of State forAgriculture and Farm- ers Welfare Bhagirath Choudhary celebrated his birthday on Sunday . He visited a Gaushala in Kis- hangarh on this occasion, where he engaged in cow service activities along with his supporters. During his visit, Bhagi- rath Choudhary an- nounced the donation of an X-ray machine for the hospitalization of cows, underscoring his commit- ment to animal welfare. Addressing the gather- ing, Union Minister Bha- girath Choudhary stated, “I am committed to work- ing for the country’s farmers with honesty and dedication. Whatever ef- forts are made for agricul- ture and livestock, it is never enough.” After the cow service activities, Bhagirath Choudhary proceeded to Jain Bhavan, where he received blessings from Digambaracharya 108 Sunil Sagar Maharaj of Kishangarh. Dinesh Dangi Jaipur Significant changes are imminent within the Ra- jasthan Pradesh Congress Committee (RPCC). A major reshuffle is on the cards, with plans to re- move inactive office- bearers from the execu- tive committee. A comprehensive list has been prepared based on the performance re- ports of these inactive members. The move aims to introduce young, hardworking, and new faces into the team. The list for new ap- pointments and reassign- ments will soon be sent to Delhi for approval. Sources indicate that the final list could be un- veiled as early as July. Meanwhile the execu- tive bodies of the Pradesh Mahila Congress and the National Students’Union of India (NSUI) will soon be reconstituted. The Pradesh Mahila Con- gress executive commit- tee has been defunct for the past six months due to a lack of approval from Delhi, leading to the temporary reinstate- ment of the old executive body. Similarly, the NSUI executive commit- tee was dissolved last month. Min Bhagirath Choudhary donates X-Ray machine to Gaushala on his birthday Cong looking to overhaul executive committee, may oust inactive party workers Yourreservationwillbecompletely safe,saysUnionMinYadavinAlwar Union Min Bhagirath Choudhary being garlanded and lifted on shoulders by the supporters on his birthday in Ajmer on Sunday. First India Bureau Alwar UnionMinisterBhupender Yadav addressed a gather- ing in Bhajeda of Rajgarh and said that many mis- conceptions were created in this election. “Our govt willrunefficientlyforfive years, will run further too and your reservation will becompletelysafe.Modi- ji did the work of building 5 pilgrimages related to Baba Saheb Ambedkar. He was given Bharat Rat- na when there was no Congress govt. I say that Modiji has worked for you,”, he said. “I want to see tears of joy in eyes of poor. I want the sarpanch to sit with me, put problems of vil- lage in front of me, com- plete work after review. There should be a Kend- riya Vidyalaya. I am com- mitted to work on ERCP. There should be water, li- brary,SHGs,de-addiction campaign. People say you won from here, you did not win from here. I say put everyone in dust, I am everyone’s MP. I am as much your MP as I am of other societies.,” he said. Union Minister Bhupender Yadav in Alwar on Sunday. Introspection and strategy: BJP concludes key meeting, discusses need for unified approach  The previous Cong govt did opposite. At that time, banking was done to get electricity from other states and the time for returning this borrowed electricity was fixed in the summer months, whereas at this time there is demand for electricity in Rajasthan itself.  Rajasthan's Electricity Generation Corporation has thermal power plants of 7580 MW capacity. In previous Cong govt, only 5200 MW of electricity was received from these plants on an average. Due to lack of maintenance of units, state had to face power shortage.  Future planning had to be done to meet increased demand. This was also discussed in the year 2019. But the Gehlot govt did not do much on the ground. CM intends that all farmers of the state should get elec- tricity during day for irriga- tion. The compulsion to work in the field at night should end. With this, farmers will also work during day and reach home on time. For this purpose, on instructions of CM, all three companies of power generation, transmis- sion and distribution have started working on planning of supply in the day. CONCERN FOR FARMERS SHARED BY CM SHARMA A BLOW TO THE PUBLIC IN 5 YEARS OF THE PREVIOUS CONG GOVT
  • 10. JAIPUR, MONDAY | JUNE 17, 2024 Glamour | Fashion | Bollywood | Hollywood | Lifestyle CULTURAL SHOWCASE! holi Meena, a cultural ambassador from India, brought the traditional dance “Ghoomar” to an international stage at the cultural festival held in Malta’s historic Fort Pembroke. P11 D 09 firstindia.co.in firstindia.co.in/epapers/jaipur thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia This summer, opt for pastels to elevate your wardrobe with a touch of soft elegance and breezy charm. City First infuses these Pastel hues, ranging from baby blues to mint greens, lavender lilacs, and blush pinks, bringing a sense of lightness and freshness perfect for the warmer months. his summer, make pastels your go-to choice for a wardrobe that exudes ele- gance and light-hearted charm. Pastel shades, such as baby blue, mint green, lav- ender, and blush pink, offer a refreshing de- parture from the intense hues of other seasons. These colours evoke a sense of tranquillity and ease, perfect for the relaxed vibe of summer. A pastel palette can infuse your outfits with a serene sophistication, making you look effortlessly chic. The versatility of pastels is one of their greatest strengths. These soft hues can be dressed up or down, adapting to a variety of occasions. For a casual daytime look, consider a mint green sundress paired with white sneakers and a straw hat. This combination is both stylish and comfortable, ideal for a stroll in the park or a coffee date. For a more polished evening ensemble, a laven- der blouse tucked into a beige skirt can create a sophisticated yet ap- proachable look. Adding accesso- ries like a blush pink clutch or light blue heels can further enhance your outfit without overwhelming it. Pastels are not just limited to clothing; they can be seamlessly in- tegrated into accessories and foot- wear, allowing you to experiment with different textures and styles. A soft pink linen scarf or a pair of mint green sunglasses can add subtle pops of colour to your look. Even pastel nail polish or makeup can complement your overall style, add- ing a cohesive touch to your sum- mer aesthetic. Furthermore, pastels are univer- sally flattering, enhancing all skin tones with their gentle glow. They bring out the nat- ural warmth of your com- plexion, making you ap- pear radiant and fresh. Whether you’re attending a summer wedding, heading to the beach, or enjoying a garden party, pastel tones can provide a soft, elegant backdrop to your activities. Embrace the gentle beauty of pas- tels this summer. Their soft, soothing shades will not only keep you look- ing stylish but also feel cool and relaxed. With pastels, you can effort- lessly capture the essence of s u m m e r ’s light-hearted spirit, step- ping out in confidence and grace. T Tripti Mahawar [email protected]